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Prikazuje vse vrste vozil, od avtobusa, ki je leta 1812 prepeljal Napoleona v Moskvo in nazaj, do čudovitega avtomobila Renault s 4 konjskimi močmi iz leta 1904 in drugih klasik s preloma stoletja. | Razstava prikazuje samo avtomobile iz leta 2000. | contradiction | mnli | It displays all kinds of vehicles, from the coach that carried Napoleon to and from Moscow in 1812 to a splendid 4-horsepower Renault car from 1904 and other turn-of-the-century classics. | The exhibition only displays cars from the 2000s. | 100 |
Po besedah tega izvršnega direktorja so sestanki mestne hiše pomagali izboljšati raven zadovoljstva njegovih strank, ker so veterani prepoznali pomisleke, ki so bili zanje najpomembnejši, pridobili neposreden dostop do zaposlenih v VBA, ki delajo na njihovih zahtevkih za ugodnosti, in so bolje razumeli postopek zahtevkov. | Sestanki v lastni dvorani so mu pomagali izboljšati raven zadovoljstva strank, je dejal izvršni direktor. | entailment | mnli | According to this executive, the town hall meetings helped improve his customer satisfaction levels because veterans identified the concerns that were most important to them, gained direct access to the VBA employees working on their benefit claims, and were better able to understand the claims process. | The own hall meetings helped improve his customer satisfaction levels, said the executive. | 101 |
no, vidiš, da ni tako slabo nekaj ur | Ne maram čakanja, niti 10 minut. | contradiction | mnli | well see that isn't too bad a couple hours | I don't like waiting, not even for 10 minutes. | 102 |
Na vzhodu so se krščanske sile umikale, ko se je začela vzpenjati nova muslimanska sila. | Čeprav so bile krščanske sile močnejše, so se umikale. | neutral | mnli | In the east, Christian forces were in retreat as a new Moslem power began to rise. | Although the Christian forces were stronger, they were in retreat. | 103 |
Razmerno visoka avtoriteta nam je povedala, da prava dobrodelnost ne hvali samega sebe | Rečeno nam je bilo, da se prava dobrodelnost hvali. | contradiction | mnli | We have been told on reasonably high authority that true charity vaunteth not itself | True charity vaunts itself, we have been told. | 104 |
ja in kaj storiti, ko se soočijo s tem | Soočili se bodo s pritiskom vrstnikov in morali bodo reči ne. | neutral | mnli | yeah and what to do when they're faced with it | They'll face peer pressure and will need to say no. | 105 |
Ker so se odvetniki eno leto po končanem podiplomskem študiju soočali s povprečnim dolgom le malo manj kot 90.000 dolarjev in začetnimi plačami v organizacijah za pravno pomoč v povprečju 31.000 dolarjev, si službe niso mogli privoščiti. | Novi odvetniki imajo ogromne dolgove pravne fakultete. | entailment | mnli | The With attorneys one year out of graduate school facing an average debt of just less than $90,000 and starting salaries at legal aid organizations averaging $31,000, they couldn't afford the job. | New attorneys have massive law school debt. | 106 |
Tukaj boste med drugimi zanimivostmi videli skrčeno glavo, dvoglavega kozla in kip Marilyn Monroe iz razrezanega denarja. | Ena od zanimivosti je dvoglava koza. | entailment | mnli | Here you'll see a shrunken head, a two-headed goat, and a statue of Marilyn Monroe made of shredded money, among other curiosities. | One of the curiosities is a two-headed goat. | 107 |
Četrtkov sodnik, cenjeni Charles Adams z višjega sodišča okrožja Coconino, se je strinjal, vendar je zelo odvračal samozastopanje. | Samozastopanje je spodbujal spoštovani Charles Adams. | contradiction | mnli | Thursday's judge, the Honorable Charles Adams of the Coconino County Superior Court, agreed, but highly discouraged self-representation. | Self-representation was encouraged by the Honorable Charles Adams. | 108 |
Večinoma se druži s skupino starejših, južnjaških črncev, ki mu pravijo Skakalec in Črni maček. | Skupina fantov, s katerimi se rad druži, mu je dala vzdevek Skakalec. | entailment | mnli | He mostly hangs out with a group of older, Southern black men, who call him Jumper and Black Cat. | The group of guys he tends to hang out with gave him the nickname Jumper. | 109 |
To elegantno zdraviliško mesto na robu jezera Lac du Bourget že stoletja ponuja zdravila za revmo in druge bolezni. | Mesto je nastalo šele v zadnjih petdesetih letih. | contradiction | mnli | This elegant spa town on the edge of the Lac du Bourget has offered cures for rheumatism and other ailments for centuries. | The town was only established in the past fifty years. | 110 |
prav dobro, to je lepo mesto, a problem je kot v prvem primeru, ko sem bil mlad, so me peljali v Las Vegas in to je bilo najbolj dolgočasno mesto na svetu | Mislim, da je Las Vegas najbolj dolgočasno mesto, kar jih poznam. | entailment | mnli | right right well it's it's a beautiful city and but the problem is like first example when i was young they they took me to Las Vegas and that was the most boring place on earth | I think Las Vegas is the most boring place I know. | 111 |
'Manj glasno. | Prosim bodi tiho. | entailment | mnli | 'Less loud. | Please be quiet. | 112 |
sama si bom lahko izdelala oblačila | Lahko si bom izdelala svoja oblačila. | entailment | mnli | i'm going to be able to make my own clothes | I will be able to make my own clothing. | 113 |
Reka igra osrednjo vlogo pri vseh obiskih Pariza. | Reka je v središču vseh počitnic v Parizu. | entailment | mnli | The river plays a central role in all visits to Paris. | The river is central to all vacations to Paris. | 114 |
naj bi bile dvojezične | Bili naj bi dvojezični | entailment | mnli | they're supposed to be bilingual | They're supposed to be bilingual | 115 |
Oh, Czarek, a se nam bo zgodilo? | Tistega dne Czareku niso zastavili nobenih vprašanj. | contradiction | mnli | Oh, Czarek, but will happen to us? | Czarek was not asked any questions on that day. | 116 |
Izkazalo se je, da se nisem povsem zmotil. | 100-odstotno sem se motil. | contradiction | mnli | Turned out, I wasn't completely wrong. | I was 100 percent wrong. | 117 |
V vsakem primeru - konec je." | Konec je. | entailment | mnli | In any case--it's over." | It is over. | 118 |
Zeliščni izvleček je uspešen pri zdravljenju blage demence in preprečevanju Alzheimerjeve izgube spomina. | Zeliščni izvleček ni zelo dober pri zdravljenju demence. | contradiction | mnli | The herbal extract shows success in treating mild dementia and preventing Alzheimer's memory loss. | The herbal extract is not very good at treating dementia. | 119 |
Po bliskoviti zmagi nad slabo pripravljeno francosko armado so Nemci vkorakali v Pariz in oblegali mesto, ki je januarja 1871 dokončno kapituliralo zaradi vse manjših zalog hrane. | Pariz je bil nezadovoljen, ker se je moral predati Nemcem. | neutral | mnli | After a lightning victory over the ill-prepared French armies, the Germans marched on Paris and laid siege to the city, which finally capitulated in January 1871 in the face of dwindling food supplies. | Paris was unhappy to have to surrender to the Germans. | 120 |
Zato imajo ikone moč, ki jo imajo. | Zato me Bog gane. | contradiction | mnli | That is why icons have the power they have. | That is why God moves me. | 121 |
Ključnega pomena za proces razvoja izdelka so bile dejavnosti, ki so omogočile zajemanje posebnega znanja o oblikovanju in proizvodnji ter preglede odločitev, da bi ugotovili, ali bo zajeto znanje podpiralo povečane naložbe, potrebne za prehod v naslednjo razvojno fazo ali v proizvodnjo. | Zajeto znanje bi odločilo, ali je naslednji korak nadaljnji razvoj ali proizvodnja. | entailment | mnli | Critical to the product development process were activities that enabled the capture of specific design and manufacturing knowledge and decision reviews to determine if the knowledge captured would support the increased investment necessary to move to the next development phase or into production. | The knowledge captured would determine if the next step was further development or production. | 122 |
Rekel je, da sem neumno ponosen. | Moj ponos je bil neumen in ni bil dobro postavljen. | entailment | mnli | Said I was foolishly proud. | My pride was foolish not well placed. | 123 |
Beseda mu je napolnila glavo, kot bi ji dekle zašepetalo naravnost na obe ušesi. | Deklica je govorila zelo tiho. | entailment | mnli | The word had filled his head as though the girl had whispered directly into both ears. | The girl spoke very quietly. | 124 |
in veliko njihovih pravil in predpisov ni čisto jasnih, zato imamo svojega vodjo za okolje, ki pisno pomaga TACB, ki se nahaja v Austinu, in hej, poglejte, kaj smo naredili tukaj pri TI | Pravila niso povsem jasna, zato za pomoč prosimo našega upravitelja. | entailment | mnli | and a lot of their rules and regulations aren't real clear so we have our manager of environmental who assist the TACB which is located in Austin in writing and hey look what we've done here at TI | There rules are not really clear so we ask our manager for help. | 125 |
Med temi sta Kraljeva palača iz rdeče opeke, v kateri je zdaj Muzej Patan (najboljši in najsodobnejši muzej v Nepalu), in osem templjev različnih stilov in velikosti, obrnjenih proti palači na ozkem trgu iz opeke. | Patanski muzej je dol po ulici od kraljeve palače iz rdeče opeke. | contradiction | mnli | Among these are the red brick Royal Palace, which now houses the Patan Museum (Nepal's finest and most modern museum), and, facing the palace across the narrow brick plaza, eight temples of different styles and sizes. | The Patan Museum is down the street from the red brick Royal Palace. | 126 |
ja, to je nekako tako kot v Louisiani, kjer je bil tisti tip, ki je kot član Ku Klux Klana, nekaj izvoljen, kar je grozljivo, ko pomisliš na to | V Louisiani je bil izvoljen član Ku Klux Klana. | entailment | mnli | yeah it's kind of like in Louisiana where that uh guy that's like a Ku Klux Klan member something got elected kind of scary when you think about that | A Ku Klux Klan member has been elected in Louisiana. | 127 |
ali pa vsaj najprej poskušajo narediti nekaj glede tega | Morda bodo vsaj najprej poskusili narediti nekaj glede tega. | entailment | mnli | or at least they try and do something about it first | They might at least try and do something about it first. | 128 |
nisem ravno navdušen nad mislim, živel sem v Nemčiji tri leta sem bil zdaj nisem navdušen nad smučanjem všeč mi je všeč so mi drugi zimski športi, ki jih poznate, vendar nad njimi nisem ravno navdušen | Nisem velik ljubitelj zimskih športov. | entailment | mnli | i i'm i'm not really impressed with i mean i lived in Germany for three years i i was i'm not impressed with skiing now i like i like other you know winter sports but i'm not real thrilled about them | I am not a big fan of winter sports. | 129 |
Je zaveza splošnemu izobraževanju – zaporedje tečajev, namenjenih razvoju kritičnega mišljenja v najrazličnejših disciplinah – v nasprotju z zgodnjo specializacijo. | Splošno izobraževanje se osredotoča na razvoj sposobnosti kritičnega mišljenja učencev. | entailment | mnli | It's a commitment to general education--a sequence of courses intended to develop critical thinking in a wide variety of disciplines--in opposition to early specialization. | General education's focus is to develop students' critical thinking skills. | 130 |
Teoretično ekonomije obsega pri dostavi niso specifične za podjetje. | Ekonomija obsega je prilagodljiva. | neutral | mnli | Theoretically scale economies in delivery are not firm specific. | Scale economies are flexible. | 131 |
Nacionalno varčevanje predstavlja sredstva, ki so na voljo za naložbe za zamenjavo starih tovarn in opreme ter za nakup več in boljših investicijskih dobrin. | Starih tovarn in opreme nikoli niso zamenjali, tudi ko je bilo narodno varčevanje. | contradiction | mnli | National saving represents resources available for investment to replace old factories and equipment and to buy more and better capital goods. | Old factories and equipment were never replaces, even when there was national savings. | 132 |
Drugi se pritožujejo, da so superzvezde čez hrib in delajo povprečno delo. | Nihče se ne pritožuje nad zvezdniki. | contradiction | mnli | Others complain that the superstars are over the hill, and are trotting out mediocre work. | Nobody complains about the superstars. | 133 |
Sodelovanje s strogimi metodologi je pomembno, vendar se mora to sodelovanje osredotočiti na to, kaj je mogoče doseči posebej v okolju ED. | Delo s strogimi metodologi je pomembno. | entailment | mnli | Collaboration with rigorous methodologists is important, but those collaborations have to focus on what can be accomplished specifically in the ED setting. | Working with rigorous methodologists is important. | 134 |
poznate njihove demografske študije, ki kažejo, da veste, da je vsem dramatično padel IQ ali kaj podobnega | Študije so pokazale, da se je njihov IQ precej povečal. | contradiction | mnli | you know their demographic studies that they do that show you know that everybody's IQ has dropped dramatically or something | The studies showed their IQ increased quite a lot. | 135 |
Brez podpore zveznih finančnih organizacij vodje programov morda ne bodo mogli določiti ali braniti stroškov, povezanih z vladnimi dejavnostmi, ali koristi, ki izhajajo iz njih. | Zvezne finančne organizacije so najboljši vir informacij za vodje programov. | neutral | mnli | Without the support of federal finance organizations, program managers may not be able to determine or defend the cost associated with or benefits derived from government activities. | Federal finance organizations are the best source of information for program managers. | 136 |
Sindikat ima v Kanadi približno 4000 članov. | V sindikatu je 100 članov, ki živijo v Kanadi. | contradiction | mnli | The union has about 4000 members in Canada. | There are 100 members in the union that live in Canada. | 137 |
potem pa smo ga začeli gledati in kot da so novi zelo kul, ker so postali tako posebni, kot so predvsem stvari, ki se jebejo z umom | Novi imajo stvari, ki te lahko zjebejo. | entailment | mnli | but then we started watching it and and like the new ones are pretty cool because because they got like uh like special like especially things that like fuck with your mind | The new ones have things that can fuck with your mind. | 138 |
Leta 2000 je bil BNP manjši od BDP, ker so bili prejemki dohodka iz preostalega sveta manjši od plačil ZDA preostalemu svetu. | ZDA so tujini plačale več, kot je preostali svet prejel dohodka. | entailment | mnli | In 2000, GNP was less than GDP because income receipts from the rest of the world were less than U.S. payments to the rest of the world. | The US paid more to the rest of the world than the rest of the world received in income. | 139 |
Nam lahko daste kakšen nasvet, preden razčistimo?" | Karkoli bi morali vedeti? | entailment | mnli | Have you any tips to give us before we clear out?" | Anything we should know? | 140 |
in od nas vedno jemljejo več denarja, ja, ljudje, in ga dobijo, in nimajo nobene spodbude za delo, če bomo le vzeli petdeset odstotkov tega | Ljudje imajo veliko spodbudo za delo, saj vsak zasluženi cent odnesejo domov. | contradiction | mnli | and they keep taking more money from us yeah people and get and they don't have any incentive to work if we're just gonna take fifty percent of it | People have a lot of incentive to work because they take home every penny earned. | 141 |
Preveč so bili odvisni od drugega velikega načela okužbe in zdelo se je, da je to zavito v nekakšno povezavo prek znamenj in hiš ter potekov planetov. | Znamenja, hiše in tečaji planetov imajo velik vpliv na vsakdanje življenje. | neutral | mnli | They depended too heavily on the second great principle of contagion, and that seemed to be wrapped up with some kind of association through the signs and houses and the courses of the planets. | The signs, houses and the courses of the planets have a great impact on daily life. | 142 |
Predvidevam, da so finančni načrtovalci usposabljanje, ki ga imamo tukaj že približno štiri leta, uskladili naša podjetja in in naše življenje, kako upravljati s kreditnimi karticami, kako jih pospraviti, recimo, saj poznate denarne trge in te stvari | Finančni načrtovalci ne pomagajo ljudem s težavami, povezanimi s kreditnimi karticami. | contradiction | mnli | i guess the financial planners the training now we've had it for about four years here got our businesses and and and our life in line how to manage credit cards how to put away say for you know money markets and this kind of thing | The financial planners do not assist people with issues related to credit cards. | 143 |
Richardsonova potreba, da Picassa spremeni v resnega umetnika in častnega moža (namesto v navdihnjenega poetičnega barabe, kakršen je dejansko bil), deformira predvsem njegovo pripoved o Picassovih odnosih z ženskami, piše. | Picasso je bil gentleman in ne navdahnjen poetični baraba. | contradiction | mnli | Richardson's need to make Picasso into a serious artist and an honorable man (instead of the inspired poetic rascal he actually was) deforms, above all, his account of Picasso's relations with women, he writes. | Picasso was a gentleman and not an inspired poetic rascal. | 144 |
'Uh, živijo fantje,' je ponižno rekel Daniel. | Daniel je vse pozdravil, čeprav je bil sramežljiv. | neutral | mnli | 'Uh, hi guys,' Daniel said meekly. | Daniel greeted everyone even though he was shy. | 145 |
oh, z nekom sem govoril o San Antoniu | Z nekom sem govoril o Dallasu. | contradiction | mnli | oh um i talked to someone about San Antonio | I spoke with someone about Dallas. | 146 |
Zaradi meglenega jutra prizor še bolj spominja na preteklost. | Megleno jutro v Parizu prikliče v spomin stare evokativne podobe preteklih časov. | neutral | mnli | A misty morning makes the scene even more evocative of the past. | A misty morning in Paris brings to mind old evocative imagery of times gone by. | 147 |
Zaradi te racionalizacije stroškov dostave v ZDA je poštna gostota najbolj redko poseljenih območij večja od gostote najbolj redko poseljenih območij Francije. | Poštna gostota se nanaša na količino neželene pošte, dostavljene na določenem območju. | contradiction | mnli | Due to this rationalization of delivery cost in the U.S., the postal densities of the most sparsely populated areas are higher than the densities of the most sparsely populated areas of France. | Postal density refers to the amount of junk mail delivered in a given area. | 148 |
Dirke potekajo med aprilom in decembrom na hipodromu Veliefendi blizu Bakerkyja, 15 km (9 milj) zahodno od Istanbula. | Na hipodromu Veliefendi so dirke od aprila do decembra. | entailment | mnli | Races are held between April and December at the Veliefendi Hippodrome near Bakerky, 15 km (9 miles) west of Istanbul. | There are races from April to December at Veliefendi Hippodrome. | 149 |
Proizvodnja brezvodnega amoniaka v ZDA je leta 2000 znašala približno 17.400.000 ton (ekvivalent brezvodnega) z navidezno porabo 22.000.000 ton in približno 4.600.000 pokritih z neto uvozom, kot je prikazano v izdaji U.S. | ZDA vsako leto ne proizvedejo brezvodnega amoniaka. | contradiction | mnli | The production of anhydrous ammonia in the U.S. in 2000 was approximately 17,400,000 tons (equivalent anhydrous) with apparent consumption of 22,000,000 tons and about 4,600,000 met through net imports, as shown in a 2001 edition of U.S. | The US does not produce any anhydrous ammonia each year. | 150 |
o ja, to počnejo, mislim v severnem Teksasu, to počnejo precej, kjer veš, če želiš iti na ta določen film ali koncert ali na znižano stvar, velika stvar tukaj spodaj so rodeji, uh, če | Kadar le lahko, poskušam dobiti znižane cene. | neutral | mnli | oh yeah they do that i mean in in in north Texas they do that quite a bit where you know if you want to go to this particular movie or concert or a discounted thing the big thing down here is rodeos uh if you | I try to get discounted prices when I can. | 151 |
V zadnjih osmih letih je šola pridobila več kot 88 milijonov dolarjev nepremičnin v predelu Allston v Bostonu, ne da bi razkrila svojo identiteto bodočim prodajalcem. | V zadnjih osmih letih je šola pridobila več kot 88 milijonov nepremičnin v predelu Allston v Bostonu, medtem ko je ostala popolnoma anonimna celo za lastne študente. | neutral | mnli | Over the past eight years, the school acquired over $88 million of real estate in the Allston section of Boston without revealing its identity to prospective sellers. | Over the past eight years, the school acquired more than 88 million in real estate in the Allston section of Boston while remaining completely anonymous even to its own students. | 152 |
uh, ampak potem je toliko ljudi, da dobiš toliko različnih mnenj, kot so dobro, ne bi smel imeti dobro, ne bi mi bilo treba storiti tega ali mi ne bi bilo treba narediti tega in vse te druge stvari, ki jih ne želijo sodelovati in | Mnenja so ponavadi različna. | entailment | mnli | uh it's but then there's so many people you get so many different opinions like well you shouldn't have well i shouldn't have to have to do this or i shouldn't have to do that and all this other stuff i don't want to get involved and | Opinions tend to vary. | 153 |
hmmm, tako si misliš, da se boš nekega dne vrnil k poklicu inženirja | Nekega dne se boste vrnili k študiju. | neutral | mnli | um-hum so you figure one of these days you're going to go back to being an engineer is that what you think | One of these days, you will go back to studying. | 154 |
Tik ob obali; ponuja bolj formalno vzdušje in odličen kraj za lovljenje sončnega zahoda. | Ima grozen pogled na sončni zahod. | contradiction | mnli | Right on the waterfront; offers a more formal atmosphere and a great place to catch a sunset. | It has a terrible view of the sunset. | 155 |
Če želite biti prepričani, da je kateri koli ročni izdelek pristen izdelek (v nasprotju z manjvrednim uvoženim ali strojno izdelanim kosom), poiščite svinčeni pečat z M, simbolom IBTAM, kar pomeni, da ga je certificiral Instituto de Bordado, Tapecaras e Arte?sanato da Madeira (Inštitut za Madeiransko vezenje, tapiserije in ročna dela), uradna otoška organizacija, ki ima razstavni prostor/muzej na Rua Visconde de Anadia, 44. | Obstaja pečat, ki dokazuje pristnost. | entailment | mnli | To be sure that any needlework item is the genuine article (as opposed to an inferior import or machine-made piece), look for a lead seal with an M, the emblem of IBTAM meaning it's been certified by the Instituto de Bordado, Tapecaras e Arte?sanato da Madeira (Institute of Madeiran Embroidery, Tapestry, and Handicrafts), an official island organization that has a showroom/museum on Rua Visconde de Anadia, 44. | There is a seal to show authenticity. | 156 |
Vendar je bilo moje zaupanje vanj, ki je nekoč precej upadlo, popolnoma obnovljeno, odkar je bilo njegovo prepričanje v nedolžnost Alfreda Inglethorpa tako zmagoslavno upravičeno. | Čutil sem, da bo pravega morilca zdaj lažje določiti. | neutral | mnli | However, my confidence in him, which at one time had rather waned, was fully restored since his belief in Alfred Inglethorp's innocence had been so triumphantly vindicated. | I felt the real murderer should now be easier to determine. | 157 |
(Kohlerjev slovar za računovodje) NAROČILNIK – Naročnik je podmnožica proračunskega organa. | Naročilo mora dati finančni organ. | neutral | mnli | (Kohler's Dictionary for Accountants) CONTRACT AUTHORITY - Contract authority is a subset of budget authority. | Contract authority must be granted by the financial authority. | 158 |
Ko se je družba zbrala, je Poirot vstal s svojega sedeža z videzom priljubljenega predavatelja in se vljudno priklonil občinstvu. | Poirot je vstal s svojega sedeža, se priklonil in začel nagovarjati občinstvo. | neutral | mnli | The company once assembled, Poirot rose from his seat with the air of a popular lecturer, and bowed politely to his audience. | Poirot rose from his seat, bowed and started addressing the audience. | 159 |
Z užitkom bo oblačiti Jane. | Oblačenje Jane bo prijetno. | entailment | mnli | It will be a pleasure dressing Jane. | Dressing Jane will be enjoyable. | 160 |
Engakuji je največji tempeljski kompleks Kamakura; ki sta jo pogosto prizadela požar in potres, je preživelo 17 od prvotnih 46 zgradb. | Nobena od prvotnih zgradb v Engakuji še ni ohranjena. | contradiction | mnli | Engakuji is Kamakura's largest temple complex; often wracked by fire and earthquake, 17 of the original 46 buildings have survived. | None of the original buildings in Engakuji are still remaining. | 161 |
Pri uporabi te zahteve lahko naslednji dejavniki vplivajo na revizorjevo oceno kontrole | Možen je vpliv naslednjih dejavnikov. | entailment | mnli | In applying this requirement, the following factors may influence the auditors' assessment of control | The influence of the following factors is possible. | 162 |
ali živijo blizu | Je njihova hiša tukaj blizu? | entailment | mnli | do they live close by | Is their house near here? | 163 |
Zgodovina nasprotuje zakonom. | Zakoni so šibki, ko govorimo o preteklosti in prihodnosti. | neutral | mnli | History defies laws. | Laws are weak when talking about the past and the future. | 164 |
Zdaj se konservativci borijo nazaj. | Konservativci se zdaj borijo. | entailment | mnli | Now conservatives are fighting back. | Conservatives are battling now. | 165 |
brezkompromisen Vel?¡zquezov portret grde kraljice Marianne Avstrijske; El Grecov močno mistični Kristus na Crose Riberinem grozljivo dobrem duhu The Club Foot. | El Greco je bil izjemno znan španski slikar, čigar delo je bilo pogosto religiozno. | neutral | mnli | the uncompromising Vel?¡zquez portrait of ugly Queen Marianna of Austria; El Greco's powerfully mystic Christ on the Crose Ribera's gruesomely good-humored The Club Foot. | El Greco was a extremely famous Spanish painter whose work was often religious. | 166 |
Obstajajo dobre cestne povezave med Sant Antoni in obema CaleT?¡rida in CaleBadella, zaradi česar sta oba zaliva sedaj razvita. | Z dobrimi cestnimi povezavami sta oba zaliva urejena. | entailment | mnli | There are good road connections between Sant Antoni and both CaleT?¡rida and CaleBadella, with the result that both bays have now been developed. | With the good road connections, both bays have been developed. | 167 |
in če ja, če želite, tako vsaj veste, da ne boste imeli nobenih presenečenj, lahko naročite katero koli storitev, ki jo želite, vendar imate dobre možnosti, da boste morali pobrati vsaj del računa sebe | Morda boste morali plačati račun, če naročite katero koli storitev, ki jo želite. | entailment | mnli | and if you yeah if you want to so at least you you know you wouldn't have any surprises you can order any type of you know service you want but you stand a good chance you know having to pick up at least part of the bill yourself | You may have to foot the bill if you order any service you want. | 168 |
Posamezne obrtne trgovine niso več tukaj, lahko pa obiščete tovarno za tkanje svile, tovarno keramike in Foshan Folk Art Studio, kjer lahko opazujete delavce, ki izdelujejo kitajske luči, rezbarijo skulpture, slikajo zvitke in režejo zapletene modele. v papirju. | Delavci z velikim navdušenjem izrezujejo skulpture in barvajo zvitke. | neutral | mnli | The individual artisans' shops are no longer here, but you can visit a silk-weaving factory, a ceramics plant, and the Foshan Folk Art Studio, where you can observe workers making Chinese lanterns, carving sculptures, painting scrolls, and cutting intricate designs in paper. | Workers carve sculptures and paint scrolls with great enthusiasm. | 169 |
Res, sir Ernest, je protestiral sodnik, "ta vprašanja niso pomembna." Sir Ernest se je priklonil in, ko je izstrelil puščico, je nadaljeval. | Sir Ernest je rahlo sklonil glavo in nadaljeval. | entailment | mnli | Really, Sir Ernest, protested the judge, "these questions are not relevant." Sir Ernest bowed, and having shot his arrow proceeded. | Sir Ernest bent his head slightly, and continued. | 170 |
Hiša je presenetljivo majhna in preprosta, z eno spalnico, majhno kuhinjo in nekaj družabnimi sobami. | Hiša je zelo velika in se ponaša z več kot desetimi spalnicami, ogromno kuhinjo in velikim olimpijskim bazenom. | contradiction | mnli | The house is surprisingly small and simple, with one bedroom, a tiny kitchen, and a couple of social rooms. | The house is very large and boasts over ten bedrooms, a huge kitchen, and a full sized olympic pool. | 171 |
Fikcija ima svojo slavo, toda prikrivanje je le bedno. | Skrivanje stvari je samo umazano, medtem ko je v fikciji slava | entailment | mnli | Fiction has its glories, but concealment is merely squalid. | Hiding things is just dirty, whereas there is glory in fiction | 172 |
hm, vendar mislim, da boste sčasoma videli, da se to dogaja, videli boste, hm, kjer ljudje z visokim tveganjem plačujejo premijo, vendar morajo najti način, da to dokažejo | Trajalo bi nekaj časa, preden bi ljudje z visokim tveganjem začeli plačevati premijo. | neutral | mnli | um but i think in time come you're going to see that happening you're going to see um where the high risk people pay a premium but they have to find a way to prove it | It would take some time before high-risk people start paying a premium. | 173 |
Ali obstajajo otroci, ki jih je treba zabavati? | Noben otrok si nikoli ne želi zabave. | contradiction | mnli | Are there children who need to be entertained? | No children ever want to be entertained. | 174 |
Upajmo, da bo Wall Street sprejel prostovoljne ukrepe za reševanje teh vprašanj, preden bo prisiljen ukrepati. | Wall Street se sooča s težavami, ki jih je treba obravnavati. | entailment | mnli | Hopefully, Wall Street will take voluntary steps to address these issues before it is forced to act. | Wall Street is facing issues, that need to be addressed. | 175 |
v redu, profesionalni nogomet mi je všeč dve ekipi, ena New York Giants in druga Raiders | New York Giants in Raiders sta moji najljubši ekipi v nogometu. | entailment | mnli | okay pro football i like two teams one the New York Giants and the second is the Raiders | The New York Giants and Raiders are my favorite teams in football. | 176 |
Nehal se je spraševati in je zdaj sprejel; mislil je pobegniti od tod ob prvi priložnosti in bil je nekako prepričan, da lahko. | Zdravniška ordinacija je bila grozen kraj in hotel je ven. | neutral | mnli | He'd stopped wondering and now accepted; he meant to get away from here at the first chance and he was somehow sure he could. | The doctors office was a terrible place and he wanted out. | 177 |
ja, čudno je, ker no, ni čudno, ker sem bil včasih enak in sem še danes, veš, da me neka zelenjava res odbija, a ko prebereš toliko informacij, ki pravijo, da je to bolj zdrava pot, vem in to je tisto, kar tvoje telo hoče, to je tisto, kar tvoje telo res potrebuje, in ko pomisliš, kaj je pravi razlog, da ješ, vem, da vem, da je to za okus, ker sem fant, ali sem oseba z okusi, ampak | Sem oseba z okusi in vsa zelenjava je zelo prijetnega okusa, za razliko od drugih vrst hrane | contradiction | mnli | yeah it's strange because well it it's not strange because i use to be the same way and i'm even to this day you know some vegetables really turn me off but when you read so much information that says this is a healthier way to go you know and this is what your body wants this is what your body really needs and when you think about what is what's the real reason your eating i know i know it's for taste because i'm boy am i a taste person but | i'm a taste person and all vegetables taste very nice unlike other types of food | 178 |
na javnih mestih obstaja ena država, ki to mimogrede počne | na javnih mestih ni prostora, ki bi to delal | contradiction | mnli | in public places there is one state that does that by the way | in public places there are absolutely no place that does that | 179 |
Nekoč so bili saloni v Las Vegasu polni vrhunskih zvezdnikov zabave, komikov, produkcijskih oddaj in plesalk, v katerih je bilo mogoče uživati po zelo nizki ceni. | Zaradi inflacije in vrednosti produkcije so predstave v Las Vegasu zdaj dražje za ogled. | neutral | mnli | Once, Las Vegas showrooms were filled with top entertainment headliners, comedians, production shows, and dancing girls that could be enjoyed at a very low price. | Due to inflation and the production value, Las Vegas shows now cost more to see. | 180 |
uh, ostani pri teh stvareh in lahko bodo naredili vse, to je vse, kar morajo storiti, mislim, da to ne bi stalo veliko denarja in uh | Ne bi jih stalo veliko denarja, če bi se držali teh stvari. | entailment | mnli | uh stick on those things and they can just all that's all they have to do i mean that wouldn't cost a great deal of money and uh | It wouldn't cost them much money to just stick on those things. | 181 |
šli smo na izlete, kopali smo se v potokih | Poleg kopanja v potokih smo hodili tudi v toplice in savne. | neutral | mnli | we have gone on trips we've bathed in streams | In addition to bathing in streams, we've also gone to spas and saunas. | 182 |
Na celini je leta 1580 sledila invazija še večjega pomena, ko se je španski Filip II. razglasil za portugalskega kralja in svojo vojsko odpeljal čez mejo. | Španski Filip II je napadel Portugalsko. | entailment | mnli | On the mainland, an invasion of even greater significance followed in 1580, when Philip II of Spain proclaimed himself king of Portugal and marched his armies across the border. | Philip II of Spain invaded Portugal. | 183 |
To vključuje dopoldansko ali popoldansko teorijo in delo v plitvi vodi, kar vam daje priložnost, da preizkusite osnovne tehnike, preden se lotite celotnega tečaja v odprtih vodah. | Ne boste imeli priložnosti preizkusiti osnovnih tehnik s teorijo ali čim drugim. | contradiction | mnli | This involves a morning or afternoon of theory and shallow-water work, giving you an opportunity to try out the basic techniques before committing yourself a full open-water course. | You won't get a chance to try out basic techniques with theory or anything. | 184 |
Pobude, zaključene v okviru I. faze načrta, vključujejo | Ni prve faze načrta, saj bo vse izvedeno v enem koraku. | contradiction | mnli | Initiatives completed under Phase I of the Plan include the | There is no Phase 1 of the plan as it will all be conducted in one step. | 185 |
ja, dobro sem, definitivno sem za | Vsekakor se s tem strinjam. | entailment | mnli | yeah well i'm well i'm definitely for it | I am certainly in agreement with it. | 186 |
ja, ja, vesel sem, da je za vas dobro poskrbljeno. Mislim, da je vse spremenilo in uh je, uh, ste bili edini, ki ste v zadnjih dveh letih zaslužili denar za TI tukaj | V zadnjih nekaj letih nihče ni zaslužil denarja za TI. | contradiction | mnli | yeah yeah glad to see y'all taken care of well the i think what changed everything and uh is uh y'all were y'all the only ones that make any money for TI here in the last two years | In the past few years, no one has made any money for TI. | 187 |
Toda kaj misli s tem, kar kaže, lahko ugibamo. | Njegova predstavitev je bila izjemno jasna. | contradiction | mnli | But what he means by what he shows is anybody's guess. | His presentation was extremely clear. | 188 |
veste in zadržani na sojenju | Izpuščen in brez sojenja. | contradiction | mnli | you know and held over for trial | Released and no trial. | 189 |
Nagnil sem ga na glavo. | Obrnil sem ga. | entailment | mnli | I tipped it upside down. | I turned it over. | 190 |
Nadaljujte po tej cesti, da dosežete lepo obalno mesto Molyvos (znano tudi po starodavnem imenu Mithymna), priljubljeno točko za turiste. | Molyvos je zapuščeno mesto v središču regije, med turisti sploh ni priljubljeno. | contradiction | mnli | Continue along this road to reach the pretty coastal town of Molyvos (also known by its ancient name, Mithymna), a popular spot for tourists. | Molyvos is a run down town in the center of the region, not popular at all with tourists. | 191 |
Za presejalni test je najbolj zaželen parameter visoka občutljivost. | Želeli so imeti nizko občutljivost. | contradiction | mnli | For a screening test, high sensitivity is the most desirable parameter. | They wanted to have low sensitivity. | 192 |
Kako so bili drugi ključni akterji vpleteni v te neuspešne odgovornosti? | Nihče ni bil zaskrbljen zaradi neuspehov. | contradiction | mnli | What involvement did other key players have in connection with these accountability failures? | Nobody was concerned about the failures. | 193 |
V vijoličnem jutranjem odtenku je Ca'daan videl Adrina, kako stoji na sipinah in vadi meč. | Adrin se je izgubil v noči, ko je za njim lovil mečevalec, ki so ga mnogi poznali kot "Ca'daan". | contradiction | mnli | In the violet shade of morning, Ca'daan saw Adrin standing on the dunes in sword practice. | Adrin was lost in the night as a swordsman chased after him that many knew as "Ca'daan". | 194 |
Stavim, da bi to zmogle tudi moje mačke | Moje mačke bi to verjetno lahko storile, ker so briljantne. | neutral | mnli | i bet even my cats could do that | My cats could probably do that because they are brilliant. | 195 |
Jugovzhodno od Saint-Jean-de-Luza je Ascain z vaškim trgom, obdanim z očarljivimi hišami iz 17. stoletja in tipično cerkvijo z lesenimi galerijami. | Cerkev je bila zgrajena v 20. stoletju. | contradiction | mnli | Southeast of Saint-Jean-de-Luz is Ascain, with a village square surrounded by enchanting 17th-century houses and a typical wooden-galleried church. | The church was built in the 20th century. | 196 |
Jasno je rekel, da boš popravil nebo. | Zamrmral je le nekaj o razcepu neba. | contradiction | mnli | He distinctly said you were to repair the sky. | He only muttered something about splitting the sky. | 197 |
Lorenzo Veličastni in brat Giuliano ležita v preprostih grobnicah pod kiparjevo Madono z otrokom, ki ju obdajata kipa družinskih zavetnikov Kozma in Damijana manjših umetnikov. | Lorenzo in Giuliano sta bila v sorodu. | entailment | mnli | Lorenzo the Magnificent and brother Giuliano lie in simple tombs beneath the sculptor's Madonna and Child, flanked by lesser artists' statues of the family patron saints Cosmas and Damian. | Lorenzo and Giuliano were related to one another. | 198 |
Tedne so me nenehno opazovali. | Tedne so me pustili samega. | contradiction | mnli | They watched me constantly for weeks. | They left me on my own for weeks. | 199 |