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Ima približno 100 zaposlenih, vključno z odvetniki in podpornim osebjem, v 10 poslovalnicah. | V 10 podružnicah je bilo blizu 100 zaposlenih. | entailment | mnli | It has a staff of about 100 employees, including attorneys and support staff, in 10 branch offices. | The 10 branches had close to 100 employees. | 200 |
Najprej smo uporabili tri alternativne funkcije odziva na koncentracijo (C-R) za oceno pojavnosti prezgodnje umrljivosti. | Za pojavnost niso bile uporabljene nobene funkcije CR. | contradiction | mnli | First we applied three alternative concentrationresponse (C-R) functions to estimate premature mortality incidence. | No CR functions were applied to the incidence. | 201 |
Vse, kar smo naredili, je, da smo preverili, ali sta prva dva upnika ustrezno razdelila svoj skupni delež 125 $ | Prva dva upnika sta si deleže pravilno razdelila. | entailment | mnli | All we've done is checked that the first two creditors divided their collective share of $125 appropriately | The first two creditors divided their shares correctly. | 202 |
Vendar pa je malo dokazov o tem obdobju, nekaj keramike v muzeju, nekaj utrdb, mreža namakalnih jarkov. | O tem obdobju je ostalo malo dokazov. | entailment | mnli | However, little evidence remains of that era some ceramics in the museum, a few fortifications, a network of irrigation ditches. | There is little evidence left of that era. | 203 |
, vodje znanja ali glavni tehnični uradniki), ki razpršijo odgovornost med več vodij na višjih ravneh. | Glavni uradniki pogosto porazdelijo svojo odgovornost med vodje na višjih ravneh. | entailment | mnli | , chief knowledge officers or chief technical officers) that diffuse responsibility across several senior-level managers. | Chief officers often spread their responsibility among senior-level managers. | 204 |
o ne, ne najdem veliko časa za gledanje televizije in veliko časa ga najdem čez dan, ko zibam svojo punčko, da spi, zato gledam veliko ponovitev starih oddaj | Z veseljem gledam stare ponovitve, ker se mi zdijo pomirjujoče. | neutral | mnli | oh no well i don't find a lot of time to watch TV and a lot of the time i find it during the day when i'm rocking my little girl to sleep so i watch a lot of reruns old shows | I enjoy watching the old reruns because I find them calming. | 205 |
tako da bo to zagotovo pomagalo pri davkih in kaj boste dobili nazaj | Verjetno boste dobili veliko več denarja. | neutral | mnli | so that will definitely help in taxes and what you will get back | You'll probably get a lot bigger refund. | 206 |
Pametne Annie ni bilo med dokazi. | Pametna Annie ni bila v dokaz. | entailment | mnli | The smart Annie was not in evidence. | The clever Annie was not in proof. | 207 |
Da, Mistuh Reese, kaj? | Suženj je govoril z gospodom Reeceom. | neutral | mnli | Yes, Mistuh Reese, suh? | THe slave spoke to Mr Reece. | 208 |
V osrčju svetišča je majhno granitno svetišče nekoč hranilo sveto barko samega Horusa. | Horus ima svetišče. | entailment | mnli | At the heart of the sanctuary, a small granite shrine once held the sacred barque of Horus himself. | Horus has a shrine. | 209 |
Domače cene poštnih storitev za prvovrstno in prednostno pošto za distribucijo dohodne pošte, opisano zgoraj. | Domače tarife Usps za prednostno in prvorazredno pošto so opisane zgoraj. | entailment | mnli | Postal Service's domestic rates for First-Class and Priority Mail to the inbound mail distribution described above. | Usps domestic rates for priority and first class mail ate described above. | 210 |
ti je sploh všeč rokenrol? | Torej ne marate rokenrola? | contradiction | mnli | do you like um any rock and roll at all | So you don't like rock and roll? | 211 |
Jedilnica, žar, pivnica. | Ima jedilnico, vendar nima žara. | contradiction | mnli | Dining room, grill, pub. | It has a dining room but no grill. | 212 |
Kaj imaš, prijatelj moj, je zavpil, "da ostaneš tam kot, kako se reče?, ah, ja, zaljubljen prašiček?" Pojasnil sem, da se bojim, da bi izbrisal sledi stopal. | Ko mi je postavil to vprašanje, nisem rekel ničesar. | contradiction | mnli | What have you, my friend, he cried, "that you remain there like, how do you say it?, ah, yes, the stuck pig?" I explained that I was afraid of obliterating any foot-marks. | I didn't say anything when he asked me that question. | 213 |
Toda takšna razstava bi pomenila, da bi muzej pozorno preučil svoj, pogosto kontroverzen del v svetu umetnosti. | Muzej se ni želel preveč poglobiti v svoj del sveta umetnosti. | neutral | mnli | But such a show would have meant the museum taking a hard look at its own, often controversial part in the art world. | The museum didn't want to look too closely into its part in the art world. | 214 |
Vendar boste našli ribiče, od katerih so mnogi neposredni potomci približno 600 genovskih plačancev, ki jih je kralj Charles III rešil iz ujetništva na tunizijskem otoku Tabarka, od tod tudi ime. | Otok Tabarka je del Turčije. | contradiction | mnli | But you will find fishermen, many of whom are direct descendants of some 600 Genoese mercenaries King Charles III rescued from captivity on Tunisia's Tabarka Island, hence the name. | Tabarka Island is part of Turkey. | 215 |
In medtem ko ljudem dovolimo, da dajo ledvico svojemu otroku, jim ne dovolimo darovati svojega srca. | Otroku ne morete vedno darovati organov. | neutral | mnli | And while we allow people to give a kidney to their child, we do not allow them to donate their heart. | You can't always donate organs to your child. | 216 |
Razveljavi, Francisco! je poklical v španščini. | Po špansko kliče Francisco. | entailment | mnli | Unbar, Francisco! he called in Spanish. | He call Francisco in Spanish. | 217 |
Komisija ni pripravljena priporočiti razlage statuta, ki bi povzročila takšne posledice, če kongres ne izrecno želi naložiti takih bremen. | Razen če kongres izrazi namen, da se naložijo takšna bremena, Komisija ni pripravljena priporočiti razlage statuta, ki bi imela takšne posledice. | entailment | mnli | The Commission is unwilling to recommend an interpretation of the statute that produces such consequences, absent an express congressional intent that such burdens be imposed. | Unless congress expresses an intent that such burdens be imposed, the Commission is unwilling to recommend an interpretation of the statute that produces such consequences. | 218 |
Kdo bi lahko bil?" | Govornik ne ve, kdo je. | neutral | mnli | Who could there be?" | The speaker doesn't know who it is. | 219 |
Moja žena in hči delata Rileyja. | Moja babica in babičina lezbična ljubica delata Riley. | contradiction | mnli | My wife and daughter are the ones doing Riley. | My grandmother and grandmother's lesbian lover are doing Riley. | 220 |
Podajte se na izlet skozi lagune in okoli otoških vasi. | Na tem območju so priljubljene vožnje po zaledju. | neutral | mnli | Take a backwaters trip through the lagoons and around the island villages. | Backwater rides are popular in this area. | 221 |
Uporaba alkohola in travma. | Travma je glavni vzrok zlorabe alkohola. | neutral | mnli | Alcohol use and trauma. | Trauma is the leading cause of alcohol abuse. | 222 |
V kulturi, kjer sta Xena in Hercules nastopila v televizijskih oddajah, si je veliko bolj zabavno predstavljati, da si pogumen bojevnik, ki opravlja posel kot bitko, kot pa priznati, da si debel funkcionar, katerega najbolj drzno dejanje je pripraviti osnutek pogumno ubeseden memo. | Xena in Hercules imata uspešnici na CBS. | neutral | mnli | In a culture where Xena and Hercules have hit TV shows, it's a lot more fun imagining that you are a valiant warrior doing business-as-battle than it is to admit that you're a pudgy functionary whose most daring deed is to draft a boldly worded memo. | Xena and Hercules both have hit shows on CBS. | 223 |
Laibsonovi nepopolni altruisti se soočajo z veliko subtilnejšo težavo – ne tehtajo le stroškov in koristi, temveč se ukvarjajo s strategijo proti sebi v prihodnosti. | Laibson ima sebične ljudi, ki mu sledijo. | contradiction | mnli | Laibson's imperfect altruists face a far subtler problem--they're not just weighing costs and benefits, they're engaged in games of strategy against their future selves. | Laibson has selfish people that follow him. | 224 |
'Ampak če me ujamejo ...' | Ampak če me ubijejo | contradiction | mnli | 'But if they catch me...' | But if they kill me | 225 |
Zmaga ji je seveda privabila solze v oči in poklicala mamo v Indijo. | Po porazu je poklicala očeta in se pri tem nasmejala. | contradiction | mnli | The win brought tears to her eyes, of course, and prompted a phone call to Mom in India. | She called her father after she lost, smiling as she did it. | 226 |
Janet Maslin iz New York Timesa pravi, da film deluje natanko zato, ker je izpeljanka – njegova zvezdnika, Matt Dillon in Gary Sinise, posnemata lika iz Običajnih osumljencev, kar jima daje izredne priložnosti za preobrazbo. | V filmu igrata Matt Dillon in Gary Sinise. | entailment | mnli | The New York Times ' Janet Maslin says the film works precisely because it is derivative--its stars, Matt Dillon and Gary Sinise, emulate the characters in The Usual Suspects , which gives them extraordinary opportunities to preen. | The movie stars Matt Dillon and Gary Sinise. | 227 |
Muslimansko kampanjo za delitev je vodil v Londonu izurjeni bombajski odvetnik Muhammad Ali Jinnah. | Muhammad Ali Jinnah je odšel v London na kampanjo za razdelitev. | contradiction | mnli | The Muslim campaign for Partition was led by London-trained Bombay lawyer, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. | Muhammad Ali Jinnah went to London to campaign for Partition. | 228 |
res je, da je neverjetno cenejši kot je | Tako je veliko dražje. | contradiction | mnli | it's um it's it's amazingly less expensive than it is | It's much more expensive that way. | 229 |
Avtomobili vključujejo majhne tovornjake. | Majhni tovornjaki niso dobri avtomobili. | neutral | mnli | Automobile includes small trucks. | Small trucks are not great automobiles. | 230 |
Povsem varna si." Njena sapa je postala bolj normalna in barva se ji je povrnila na lica. | Začela je okrevati po blagem šoku, ki ga je preživela. | neutral | mnli | You're quite safe." Her breath came more normally, and the colour was returning to her cheeks. | She started recovering from the mild shock she had gone through. | 231 |
verjetno tako verjetno tako um-hum | verjetno ja tako uh-huh | entailment | mnli | probably so probably so um-hum | probably yes so uh-huh | 232 |
Po zgodnjem neuspehu Hubble zdaj zagotavlja pomembne namige za vesolje. | Hubble je prej propadel, ker niso naredili dovolj odkritij. | neutral | mnli | After its early failure, Hubble now provides vital clues to the universe. | Hubble failed earlier becuase they weren't making enough discoveries. | 233 |
no, vsi se vrnejo z dna | Odbijejo se od dna. | entailment | mnli | well they all come back from from the bottom | They bounce back from the bottom. | 234 |
Knjižnica z najvišjo dovoljeno subvencijo za e-stopnjo 90 odstotkov bi še vedno plačevala mesečni internetni račun v višini 186 USD. | Knjižnica ima največ 90-odstotno subvencijo za komunalne storitve. | neutral | mnli | A library with the maximum allowable e-rate subsidy of 90 percent would still find itself paying a monthly Internet bill of $186. | A library has a maximum subsidy of 90% for utilities. | 235 |
in nikoli nisem bil v nižjeligaškem mestu, dokler nisem prišel v Dallas, bili smo nižjeligaško mesto, ko sem prišel sem leta devetinpetdeset in sem takoj kupil sezonske vstopnice uh za razred trojni A uh uh Dallas Rangers | Dallas je bil vedno na prvem mestu. | contradiction | mnli | and i was never in a minor league city until i came Dallas we were a minor league city when i came here in fifty nine and i immediately bought season tickets uh to the class triple A uh uh Dallas Rangers | Dallas was always in the majors. | 236 |
Samo slutnja. | To je samo ugibanje | entailment | mnli | Just a hunch. | It is just a guess | 237 |
Vodnik SPAN za načrtovanje pravnih storitev. | Priročnik SPAN A je priročnik, ki se uporablja za načrtovanje pravnih storitev. | entailment | mnli | The SPAN A Guide to Legal Services Planning. | The SPAN A guide is a guide used for legal service planning. | 238 |
ja, mislim, da so opravili precej dobro delo, vendar tega niso natančno upoštevali, vendar so ga dali, veš, delaj pošteno | Naredili so dobro izvedbo. | entailment | mnli | yeah i think they did a pretty good job but they didn't follow it exactly but they did give it you know do it justice | They made a good rendition. | 239 |
Državljani Združenih držav Amerike imajo pravico ploskati sami sebi, ker so človeštvu dali primere razširjene in liberalne politike, vredne posnemanja. | Državljani ZDA naj bi bili ponosni nase. | entailment | mnli | The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal a policy worthy of imitation. | The citizens of the U.S. are supposed to be proud of themselves. | 240 |
Vedno pove pravo stvar, naredi pravo stvar, nosi prava oblačila. | Dela, pravi in nosi vse popolno, dosledno. | entailment | mnli | She always says the right thing, does the right thing, wears the right clothes. | She does, says, and wears everything perfectly, consistently. | 241 |
Za kratek čas zapustite reko, da zavijete proti vzhodu okoli Talcyja z romansko cerkvijo in dvorcem Thizy iz 13. stoletja, preden končate svoje potovanje v Montr??alu. | Priporočljivo je, da reko za kratek čas zapustite, preden končate potovanje v Montréalu. | entailment | mnli | Leave the river briefly to loop east around Talcy, with its Romanesque church and the 13th-century chateau of Thizy, before ending your trip at Montr??al. | It is recommended that you leave river briefly before ending your trip at Montréal. | 242 |
ja in vem, da mislim, da je obramba res tisto, kar zmaga, uh, na dolgi rok imaš lahko najboljšo polovico ali najboljšega branilca, toda če nimajo nobenih blokad, morda ne morejo narediti ničesar | Mislim, da je dobra obramba najpomembnejša stvar, ki jo potrebuješ za zmagovanje. | entailment | mnli | yeah and i you know i think defense really is what wins wins uh in the long run you can have the best half back there is or the best quarterback but if they don't have any blocking maybe they can't do anything | I think a good defense is the most important thing you need to win games. | 243 |
"Ubil si Derryja." | Derry je še vedno živ. | contradiction | mnli | 'You killed Derry.' | Derry is still alive. | 244 |
Dvanajst dni pozneje sem naredil drugo. | Za izdelavo drugega je trajalo dvanajst dni. | entailment | mnli | Twelve days later, I made my second. | It took twelve days to make another. | 245 |
Število Aravakov je že dramatično padlo, zato so Španci začeli uvažati sužnje iz Afrike, da bi obdelovali zemljo; Prvi Afričani so prišli leta 1517. | Španci so imeli veliko Arawak, ki so jih lahko uporabili kot sužnje. | contradiction | mnli | The number of Arawak had already fallen dramatically, so the Spanish began to import slaves from Africa to work the land; the first Africans arrived in 1517. | The Spanish had plenty of Arawak to use as slaves. | 246 |
in uživajte v naravi in uh nekako odpravite stres vsakdanjega življenja, kar bi vedno | Rada grem v naravo in se znebim stresa. | entailment | mnli | and enjoy nature and uh kind of wipe out the stress of everyday life i'd always | I like to get out in nature and de-stress. | 247 |
vendar nikoli ne čutim potrebe, da bi se oblekel tako toplo. Ni mi treba potovati tako daleč v službo, uh, kaj, kaj, kaj je s tvojimi oblačili pozimi tam zgoraj | Ujeti moram letalo, da grem v službo. | contradiction | mnli | but i i don't ever feel the need to dress that warmly i i don't have to travel that far to work uh what what what what about uh your clothes in the winter time up there | I have to catch a plane to go to work. | 248 |
Gospa Vandemeyer je prebrala: "20 dvorcev South Audley. | "20 dvorcev South Audley" je knjiga, ki jo je prebrala gospa Vandemeyer. | entailment | mnli | Mrs. Vandemeyer, she read, "20 South Audley Mansions. | "20 South Audley Mansions" is a book that Mrs. Vandemeyer read. | 249 |
Temu bi rekel slab zmenek. | Zmenek bi se mi zdel slab, ker je bilo dekle nesramno do natakarja. | neutral | mnli | I'd call it a bad date. | I'd consider it a bad date because the girl was rude to the waiter. | 250 |
Tradicionalno revni otok je domorodno prebivalstvo z veseljem sprejelo nov sezonski način življenja, ki jim je prinesel blaginjo, stari običaji pa so skoraj popolnoma izginili. | Stari običaji domorodnega prebivalstva so skoraj popolnoma izginili. | entailment | mnli | Traditionally a poor island, the native population has happily embraced the new seasonal lifestyle that has brought them proserity, and the old ways have almost completely disappeared. | The old ways of the native population has almost completely faded away. | 251 |
Za pustolovske popotnike, ki iščejo uvod v jug, so nagrade bogate. | Za tiste, ki imajo raje večjo varnost, so na voljo druge možnosti. | neutral | mnli | For adventurous travelers looking for an introduction to the South, the rewards are rich. | For those who prefer more safety, other options are available. | 252 |
Zajema večino, a ne vseh tesnih volitev za senat in guvernerja.) | Radijska postaja pokriva najbolj tesne guvernerske tekme | neutral | mnli | It covers most but not all close Senate and gubernatorial races.) | The radio station covers most close gubernatorial races | 253 |
Sestavni del je lahko tudi izvajalec. | Prepovedali so jim biti izvajalci. | contradiction | mnli | The component may also be a contractor. | They were prohibited from being a contractor. | 254 |
Bistvo ni v tem, da je vlaganje v tuja podjetja nujno napaka. | Vlaganje denarja v tuja podjetja predstavlja veliko tveganje. | neutral | mnli | The point is not that investing in foreign companies is necessarily a mistake. | Putting money into foreign companies poses a great risk. | 255 |
Trenutno OASI in DI izvajata plačila na ta račun, HI pa prejme plačilo. | Račun je najlažji način za spremljanje plačil OASI in DI na letni ravni. | neutral | mnli | Currently OASI and DI make payments to that Account, and HI receives payment. | The Account is the easiest way to keep track of payments made by OASI and DI on an annual basis. | 256 |
Poleg učinkov na izbire varčevanja gospodinjstev lahko individualni računi vplivajo tudi na razmerje in interakcije med socialno varnostjo in zasebnimi pokojninami. | Individualni računi bi zmanjšali povpraševanje po zasebnih pokojninah. | neutral | mnli | In addition to the effects on household saving choices, individual accounts may also affect the relationship and interactions between Social Security and private pensions. | Individual accounts would reduce demand for private pensions. | 257 |
Washington Post poroča o dveh poskusih zasebnih podjetij, da bi gojila zarodke - praksa, ki je med raziskovalci, ki jih financira zvezna država, prepovedana, v zasebnem sektorju pa dovoljena. | Washington Post je bil prvi, ki je poročal o poskusih zasebnih podjetij, ki gojijo zarodke. | neutral | mnli | Washington Post reports two attempts by private companies to grow embryos--a practice banned among federally funded researchers but allowed in the private sector. | The Washington Post was the first company to report on attempts of private companies growing embryos. | 258 |
verjetno povečanje razširjenosti lastništva računalnikov v gospodinjstvih v enem letu. | Lastništvo računalnikov v gospodinjstvih se običajno poveča v enem letu. | entailment | mnli | a plausible increase in the penetration of computer ownership by households over the course of a single year. | Computer ownership by households usually increases in a year. | 259 |
Toda razlaga je institucionalna, ne ideološka. | Mnogi strokovnjaki so trdili, da je v danih okoliščinah nemogoče ločiti institucionalno od ideološkega. | neutral | mnli | But the explanation is institutional, not ideological. | Many experts have argued that it's impossible to separate the institutional from the ideological in the circumstances. | 260 |
Ti in Tuppence sta držala skupaj kot siamska dvojčka. | Ti in Tuppence sta sodelovala. | entailment | mnli | You and Tuppence have been sticking together like Siamese twins. | You and Tuppence have been hand in glove. | 261 |
Pod Rond-Pointom se razpoloženje spremeni in prijeten park vas pripelje mimo dveh Petit Palais, vsa jeklena in steklena, in Grand Palais. | Razpoloženje se spreminja pod Rond-Pointom in prijeten park vas vodi mimo dveh Petit Palais, vsa jeklena in steklena, in Grand Palais. | entailment | mnli | Below the Rond-Point, the mood changes and a pleasant park leads you past two the Petit Palais, all steel and glass, and the Grand Palais. | The mood changes below the Rond-Point, and a pleasant park leads you past two the Petit Palais, all steel and glass, and the Grand Palais. | 262 |
Udeleženci so se na splošno strinjali, da bodo izboljšave korporativnega upravljanja prinesle izboljšave na področju revizije. | Udeleženci so se strinjali le pri nekaterih temah. | neutral | mnli | Participants generally agreed that improvements in corporate governance will bring about improvements in auditing. | The participants only agreed on a few subjects. | 263 |
ODOBRITEV IN ODOBRITEV | Podelitev dovoljenja. | entailment | mnli | AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING | Granting permission. | 264 |
Ste že kdaj videli kontemplativnega Power Rangerja? | Ste kdaj videli, da Power Ranger razmišlja o posledicah svojih dejanj? | neutral | mnli | Ever see a contemplative Power Ranger? | Ever see a Power Ranger consider the consequences of their actions? | 265 |
Vendar menim, da bodo potrebni dodatni ukrepi upravnega odbora in vodstva AICPA, da se dolgoročno povrne zaupanje v inštitut. | Zaupanje v Inštitut sta za vedno izgubljena. | contradiction | mnli | However, I believe that additional actions by the board and AICPA management will be needed to restore trust and confidence in the Institute over the longer-term. | Trust and confidence in the Institute have been lost forever. | 266 |
Vsaka cev je vsebovala telo in vsako telo je bila znana osebnost iz zgodovine. | Cevi so držale vsakdanje ljudi. | contradiction | mnli | Every tube contained a body, and every body was a famous figure from history. | The tubes held everyday people. | 267 |
Štiri kupole sikhara se dvigajo nad vhodno verando poleg dvorane mandapa za vernike; večja dvorana za plesalke; in notranje svetišče, obkroženo z ambulatorijem za sprehod okoli podobe božanstva. | Obiskovalci se ne smejo sprehajati okoli podobe božanstva, ampak morajo mirno sedeti pred njo. | contradiction | mnli | Four sikhara domes rise above the entrance-porch in addition the mandapa hall for worshippers; a larger hall for dancing-girls; and the inner sanctuary, surrounded by an ambulatory for walking around the image of the deity. | Visitors are not permitted to walk around the image of the deity, but must sit quietly in front of it. | 268 |
Velik potres v Kantu leta 1923 je uničil približno 60.000 domov v Jokohami in vzel več kot 20.000 življenj. | Jokohama si je po potresu dolgo opomogla. | neutral | mnli | The great Kanto earthquake of 1923 destroyed some 60,000 homes in Yokohama and took over 20,000 lives. | Yokohama took a long time to recover from the earthquake. | 269 |
oh, tako dobro sem slišal oh, v redu | Da, slišal sem, da je bilo res dobro. | entailment | mnli | oh was that good i heard oh okay | Yes, I heard that was really good. | 270 |
Edini odrasli moški, ki so bili dovoljeni v haremu, so bili črni evnuhi, ki so bili zadolženi za varnost in administracijo. | Črni evnuhi so bili odgovorni za varnost in upravljanje harema. | entailment | mnli | The only adult males allowed in the Harem were the Black Eunuchs, who were in charge of security and administration. | The Black Eunuchs were responsible for the security and administration of the Harem. | 271 |
Zaradi količine informacij, ki so zdaj na voljo, se je moč premaknila z zdravnika na bolnika. | Zdravniki imajo zaradi boljše dostopnosti podatkov večjo moč kot kdaj koli prej. | contradiction | mnli | Due to the amount of information now available, power has shifted from the physician to the patient. | Doctors have more power than ever thanks to better data availability. | 272 |
vem, da sem, um, ne poznam nikogar pri zdravi pameti, ki bi rekel, da to počnem, ker si želim | Vem, da obstajajo ljudje, ki mislijo, da to počnem, ker si to želim. | contradiction | mnli | i know i am um i don't know anybody in their right mind that says that that i'm doing it because i want to i | I know there are people who think I'm doing it because I desire to. | 273 |
Ali ni to zadnji ameriški bastion mafijcev, rasistov in hekerjev? | To je prvi ameriški val rasistov. | contradiction | mnli | Isn't that America's last bastion of mobsters, racists, and hacks? | It's America's first wave of racists. | 274 |
Naj poskusim." Začela je tleskati s prsti in vneto izgovarjati besedo, a zgodilo se ni nič. | Postala je razočarana, ko urok ni deloval. | neutral | mnli | Let me try it." She began snapping her fingers and saying the word eagerly, but nothing happened. | She became frustrated when the spell didn't work. | 275 |
Obstaja tudi arheološki muzej, ki prikazuje starejše relikvije, vključno s primeri mikenske keramike. | Muzej je popolnoma prazen in v njem ni ničesar. | contradiction | mnli | There is also an archaeological museum that displays older relics, including examples of Mycenaean pottery. | The museum is completely empty and doesn't have anything in it. | 276 |
Kljub temu obstajajo številne prakse in alternativne strategije, ki jih višji vodstveni delavci v vodilnih organizacijah uporabljajo za pomoč pri opredelitvi in uvedbi svojih položajev CIO za učinkovito izpolnjevanje poslovnih potreb. | Trenutno ni nobenih praks in strategij, ki bi položajem CIO lahko pomagale zadovoljiti poslovne potrebe. | contradiction | mnli | There are nonetheless a number of practices and alternative strategies that senior executives in leading organizations use to help define and institute their CIO positions to effectively meet business needs. | There are no practices and strategies that can help CIO positions to meet business needs at the moment. | 277 |
Po eni oceni bi se ruska gospodarska proizvodnja več kot podvojila, če bi Rusi preprosto razprodali svoje naravne vire, namesto da bi poskušali iz njih nekaj narediti. | Možno je, da želi Putin razviti finančno neodvisnost in delovne sposobnosti Rusov, izguba denarja v manjšem dobičku zaradi zgolj razprodaje materialov pa je vredna proizvodnega strokovnega znanja, ki so ga pridobili njegovi ljudje, ko ustvarjajo dobrine v svoji državi. | neutral | mnli | By one estimate, Russia's economic output would more than double if the Russians simply sold off their natural resources instead of trying to make something out of them. | It is possible that Putin wants to develop the financial independence and work skills of Russians and the loss of money in less profit to merely selling off materials is worth the manufacturing expertise gained by his people as they create goods within their own country. | 278 |
Raziskave v zadnjih 20 letih so spremenile znanstveni pogled na življenje. | Zadnjih 5 let raziskav ima večji vpliv na delež. | neutral | mnli | Research over the last 20 years has changed the scientific view of life. | The last 5 years of research have a higher proportion influence. | 279 |
Morda bi moral oditi še dlje in se odpraviti proti Kaliforniji. | Mogoče bi se moral odpraviti v Kalifornijo, da bi počistil še dlje? | entailment | mnli | Perhaps he should clear out even farther and head for California. | Maybe he should head for California to clear out even farther? | 280 |
ja, uh, nismo res jadralci, ampak želim si kmalu poleti, da najamem jadrnico s kapitanom, ker nismo veš, seznanjeni s tem in uh, da gremo na Karibe | Malo je jadral. | neutral | mnli | yeah well uh we're not uh really sailors but i want some summer soon to um hire a sailboat with a captain since we're not you know versed in that and uh go to the Caribbean | He has sailed a little. | 281 |
Za trenutek je poiskal zatočišče v umiku in naglo zapustil sobo. | Ostal je na mestu in sedel na tla. | contradiction | mnli | For the moment, he sought refuge in retreat, and left the room precipitately. | He stayed put and sat on the floor. | 282 |
Junija lahko opazujete trgovce, ki se barantajo za kupe zapredkov belih sviloprejk. | V poletnih mesecih trgovci menjajo za kupe kokonov sviloprejk. | entailment | mnli | In June you can watch dealers haggling over heaps of white silkworm cocoons. | During the summer months dealers barter for piles of silkworm cocoons. | 283 |
Rezultati so bili videti, kot da bi se Versace združil z Blade Runnerjem, pravi Steven Levy iz Newsweeka. | Steven Levy še nikoli ni videl Blade Runnerja. | contradiction | mnli | The results looked like Versace melded with Blade Runner , says Newsweek 's Steven Levy. | Steven Levy has never seen Blade Runner. | 284 |
uh veste, če imate veliko razlitje kisline, dobro veste, mogoče bi bilo bolje, da preverite to osebo, ki ravna z vsemi temi kislinami, saj veste, da delam s proizvajalcem rezin, zato veliko delamo s kemikalijami in kislinami in | Kislino ravnajo delavci. | entailment | mnli | uh you know if you have a large acid spill you know well gee maybe you better check this person who's handling all these acids you know i work with a wafer fab so we do a lot with chemicals and acids and | Acid is handled by workers. | 285 |
Buržoazija je razkazovala svojo novo blaginjo z ekstravagantnim pohištvom, svilo, sateni in kroglicami, leta 1852 pa je Pariz odprl svojo prvo veleblagovnico Au Bon Marche. | Pariz je odprl prvo veleblagovnico. | entailment | mnli | The bourgeoisie showed off its new prosperity with extravagant furnishings, silks, satins, and baubles, and in 1852 Paris opened its first department store, Au Bon Marche. | Paris opened the first department store. | 286 |
Počakal je, da je skupina na bližnji 18. zelenici končala. | Bil je potrpežljiv, medtem ko je skupina na 18. luknji končala. | entailment | mnli | He waited for the group on the nearby 18 th green to finish. | He was patient while hte group on the 18th hole finished. | 287 |
Mislim, da ne vem, samo uh, nezadovoljen sem s tem, toda no, zdaj sem nekako pol srečen, sem podiplomski študent, zato ne zaslužim toliko, kajne Nisem zelo obdavčen, ker sem še v šoli | Nikoli nisem bil študent. | contradiction | mnli | i think so i don't know i just uh i'm unhappy with it but and well i'm i'm sort of semi fortunate right now i'm a graduate student so i don't make that much what i make isn't taxed very highly because i'm still in school | I have never been a college student. | 288 |
O načinih za dosego tega življenjskega cilja je razmišljal dolgo časa, torej dokler se ni naučil osnov urejanja besedil, kar se je zgodilo ob njegovi prvi zaposlitvi v podjetju za trgovanje z dovoljenji za odlaganje plastičnih vrečk na odlagališčih. | Dolgo je razmišljal o načinih, kako doseči svoje življenjske cilje. | entailment | mnli | He thought about ways to achieve this life goal for a long time, which means until he learned the basics of text editing, which happened at his first job at a firm trading in plastic bags landfill disposal permits. | He thought about ways to achieve his life goals for a long time. | 289 |
Številne ohranjene umetnine in artefakti Kofukujija so shranjeni v njegovi najnovejši stavbi, Muzeju narodnih zakladov, ognjevarnem skladišču, zgrajenem leta 1958 v čast izjemnemu kulturnemu in zgodovinskemu pomenu Kofukujija. | Ognjevarno skladišče, zgrajeno leta 1958, velja za zadostno za zaščito artefaktov. | entailment | mnli | Kofukuji's many surviving artworks and artifacts are housed in its newest building, the Museum of National Treasures, a fireproof repository built in 1958 to honor Kofukuji's immense cultural and historic importance. | The fireproof repository built in 1958 is considered to be enough to protect the artifacts. | 290 |
ne niti približno tako, kot bi si želel, mislim, da sem ponavadi precej zaposlen pri svojem delu in uh | Če moje delo ne bi bilo tako obremenjeno, bi to delal veliko več. | neutral | mnli | no not near as much as i'd like to i mean i've i tend to stay pretty busy at my job and uh | If my job wasn't so busy, I do that a lot more. | 291 |
Imamo problem glede bontona daril. | Problem, ki ga imamo pri bontonu daril, je, da ljudje ne vedo, kako izbrati primerna darila. | neutral | mnli | We have a problem concerning gift etiquette. | The problem we have with gift etiquette is people not knowing how to choose appropriate gifts. | 292 |
Inglethorpovi se niso pojavili. | Inglethorpovi so bili prvi, ki so se oglasili. | contradiction | mnli | The Inglethorps did not appear. | The Inglethorps were the first ones to turn up. | 293 |
enako povečanju nacionalnega varčevanja na 19. | Nacionalni prihranki so zdaj 18. | neutral | mnli | equivalent to increasing national saving to 19. | National savings are 18 now. | 294 |
Poteka nekakšna licitacijska vojna, pri čemer pravne fakultete ponujajo vedno večje finančne pakete -- večinoma posojila, je dejal Dean Glen. | Nikomur ni prav mar za nove študente, ki prihajajo na njihove ustanove. | contradiction | mnli | There's a sort of bidding war going on, with law schools offering ever-increasing financial packages -- most of it loans, said Dean Glen. | No one really cares about the new students coming to their institutions. | 295 |
Danes, kot vedno, cenjeni poklici ribištva in kmetovanja podpirajo krhek obstoj Martinika, pomaga tudi slasten rum. | Martinik zasluži več z ribolovom kot s kmetijstvom. | neutral | mnli | Today, as always, the time-honored occupations of fishing and farming support Martinique's fragile existence the delicious rum also helps. | Martinique makes more money from fishing than from farming. | 296 |
EPA je obravnavala pripombe v zvezi z vprašanji izvrševanja in vprašanji, ki jih postavlja regulirana industrija, v štirih dokumentih z vprašanji in odgovori na pravila o detergentih. | EPA je obravnavala vsa vprašanja in vprašanja, ki jih postavlja regulirana industrija. | neutral | mnli | Comments regarding enforcement issues and questions raised by the regulated industry were addressed by EPA in four Detergent Rule Question and Answer Documents. | All the issues and questions raised by the regulated industry were addressed by the EPA. | 297 |
Otomansko cesarstvo se je vdalo, ko se je prva svetovna vojna naslednje leto končala, in po izjavi Društva narodov (predhodnika Združenih narodov) je Britanija z mandatom postala vladar Palestine. | Če se Otomansko cesarstvo nikoli ne bi predalo, Palestini ne bi vladali Britanci. | neutral | mnli | The Ottoman Empire surrendered when World War I ended the following year, and, following a declaration by the League of Nations (the forerunner to the United Nations), Britain became rulers of Palestine by mandate. | If the Ottoman Empire never surrendered, Palestine wouldn't have been ruled by the British. | 298 |
Ti si jezen. | Še vedno si pri zdravi pameti. | contradiction | mnli | You're mad. | You are still sane. | 299 |