Woo woo! Two forty nine! Yeah!
Marge, Marge. Look at me! My clothes are just hanging off me!
Oh, that's wonderful, isn't it kids?
Pass the moo juice.
Kids. Remember what I told you about showing a little support.
Way to go, Dad.
You look mahvelous.
What a family.
Hey, what gives? These donuts are pilin' up!
Yeah, Homer Simpson went on a diet.
Oh my God! And I just bought a boat!
Well, don't people answer the door these days?
Allow me, sir.
Open up!
Mr. Burns. Would you like to come in?
Mr. Burns would like to commission you to do a portrait of him. Have you ever painted the rich and powerful?
Well, no... just Ringo Starr.
He was the drummer for a rock 'n roll combo called the Beatles, sir.
Beatles, eh? Oh, yes. I seem to remember their off-key caterwauling on the old Sullivan show. What was he thinking? Mrs. Simpson, this commission and all its glory can be yours, but first you must look me straight in the eye and answer one simple question.
Can you make me beautiful?
I don't think that will be a problem.
I'm no matinee idol.
Well, maybe not, but I have the gift of being able to see inner beauty.
Hmmm. Mrs. Simpson, you may immortalize me.
Ah, sir, at last the world will see you as I always have.
Yes, yes, yes! Now don't be stingy with the blush, Smithers.
Now you! Paint!
Honey, I'm home!
Oh, there's an original sentiment.
Take it outside, Simpson. I'm male modeling.
I'm painting his portrait, Homer.
Oh, isn't that wonderful. My work and my home life come together in such a nice way. Marge, may I see you in the other room?
Honey, he's nuts. He thinks he's handsome. Please, make him look handsome. Please, please, please, please...
Now, Homer, don't worry. All I need to do is find Mr. Burns' inner beauty.
What were you like as a boy, Mr. Burns? Did you have a dog that you loved.
Well, aieeee! There's something on my leg! Get it off! Get it off!
Mr. Burns, she's just a baby.
All right, all right, who took the funny pages?
So, Ziggy goes to the repair shop and there's a sign on the doorbell reading "Out Of Order."
Ah, Ziggy... will you ever win?
Oh, my.
If you'll excuse me, I'm changing for a board meeting.
I'm so sorry, Mr. Burns.
Hey, Mom. Did he have those spots all over his body?
I heard that.
Would you feel more comfortable if I left, too, sir?
Of course not, Smithers. You're like a doctor.
Smithers, I want my tea!
Doesn't it bother you that he orders you around like that?
Actually, I value every second we're together -- from the moment I squeeze his orange juice in the morning, till I tuck him in at night. He's not just my boss, he's my best friend, too.
Bah! Too hot!
You're right, sir. It's scalding me as we speak.
Dear Sally. In response to your letter of December the twelfth 1966, me favorite color is blue and me real first name is Richard. Thanks for the snapshot. You're a real cute bird. Luv, Ringo. P.S. Forgive the lateness of my reply.
Mr. Starr, tea and crumpets.
Just set it over there.
Sir, if you'll forgive an old Brit his impertinence, your devotion to your fans is nothing short of remarkable.
Well, Wetherby, they took the time to write me and I don't care if it takes me another twenty years... I'm going to answer every one of them.
Hello! What's this?
From Springfield, U.S.A.
Will you cease that infernal tootling!
I was just practicing.
Mr. Burns, it's hard to discover your inner beauty while you're shouting at an eight-year-old girl.
We've only got two days left, so I'd advise you to shut up and paint!
All right, scale. You don't like me and I don't like you, but I've been very good, so you better treat me right.
All right! Woo woo! Woo woo!
Marge! I'm two-thirty-nine and I'm feeling fine! Look! I'm using the original notches that came with my belt.
That's wonderful Homer, I'm so proud of...
Let me get this straight. You're pleased with your current appearance? Ah, why my good man, you're the fattest thing I've ever seen. And I've been on safari.
If you need me, I'll be in the refrigerator.
Mr. Burns, I've had enough of your... posing. I can finish the portrait myself.
Thank goodness. Another day in this suburban nightmare and I would've needed half a white valium. Thank you for your gracious hospitality. See you at the unveiling.
Homer, what are you doing?!
No. Burns is right. What's the use?
Don't you listen to him. He's just a mean little S.O.B.
I thought there was some good in everybody until I met him.
Yeah, well, just so long as you paint a nice picture of him by noon tomorrow.
I don't think I can.
What?! Marge, you have to.
I can't make that man beautiful. I'm just not good enough. I guess I'm no artist.
Hello, what's this?
It's for you, Marge. From merry old England.
From the desk of Ringo Starr!
Dear Marge. Thanks for the fab painting of yours truly. I hung it on me wall. You're quite an artist. In answer to your question, yes, we do have hamburgers and fries in England, but we call french fries chips. Luv, Ringo. P.S. Forgive the lateness of my reply.
Come on, Marge. Paint. I think you can do it.
Okay, Homer. If you think I can.
Friends, art lovers, security personnel. Today is a red letter day for the Springfield Palace of Fine Art. A new wing for our museum and a portrait commemorating the man who ponied up the dough.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I invite you to behold... Montgomery Burns!
I don't care for this at all.
Mrs. Krabappel, he's traumatizing the children.
More asbestos! More asbestos! More asbestos! More asbestos!
Umm... Hello. My name is Marge Simpson and I painted this. Maybe you'd like to know what possessed me to do it. Well, I guess I wanted to show that beneath Mr. Burns' fearsome head with its cruel lips, spiteful tongue and evil brain, there was a frail withered body -- perhaps not long for this world -- as vulnerable and beautiful as any of God's creatures.
Provocative, but powerful.
He's bad, but he'll die. So I like it.
Marge... a word, please.
You know, I'm no art critic, but I know what I hate. And I don't hate this. Your painting is bold but beautiful. And uh, incidentally, thanks for not making fun of my genitalia.
I thought I did.
Did you hear about Miss Hoover? She drank a bottle of drain cleaner by mistake.