--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Environment ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- import format from string import once from require 'fn' settings = require 'hs.settings' import run, execute from require 'shell' { urlParts:urlparts } = require 'hs.http' { new:newserver } = require 'hs.httpserver' import dofile from require 'moonscript.base' import javascript from require 'hs.osascript' import compile, minify from require 'autoproxy.pac' import map, mapk, keys, key, merge from require 'fn.table' { sigcheck:T, :isstring, :isboolean, :checkers } = require 'typecheck' log = require('log').get 'autoproxy' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Implementation --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- self = _server: nil _callback: nil _profiles: nil _config: path: nil minify: false activenetworkservice = () -> -- Shamelessly copied from https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/223446 result = run([[ services=$(networksetup -listnetworkserviceorder | grep 'Hardware Port') while read line; do sname=$(echo $line | awk -F "(, )|(: )|[)]" '{print $2}') sdev=$(echo $line | awk -F "(, )|(: )|[)]" '{print $4}') if [ -n "$sdev" ]; then ifout="$(ifconfig $sdev 2>/dev/null)" echo "$ifout" | grep 'status: active' > /dev/null 2>&1 rc="$?" if [ "$rc" -eq 0 ]; then currentservice="$sname" currentdevice="$sdev" currentmac=$(echo "$ifout" | awk '/ether/{print $2}') fi fi done <<< "$(echo "$services")" if [ -n "$currentservice" ]; then echo $currentservice echo $currentdevice echo $currentmac else exit 1 fi]]) return result\match '(.+)\n(.+)\n(.+)' if result networksetup = (cmd, value, service) -> service or= activenetworkservice() if not service log.warn 'No active network service now. Use the last active one instead.' if log.warn service = settings.get 'autoproxy.network-service' or 'Wi-Fi' else settings.set 'autoproxy.network-service', service return if value == nil run '/usr/bin/sudo', '/usr/sbin/networksetup', cmd, service elseif isboolean value execute '/usr/bin/sudo', '/usr/sbin/networksetup', cmd, service, value and 'on' or 'off' else execute '/usr/bin/sudo', '/usr/sbin/networksetup', cmd, service, value makeurl = (server, path) -> return format 'http://%s:%d/%s', server\getInterface! or '', server\getPort!, path profiles = () -> mapk @_profiles, (n, _) -> url: makeurl(@_server, n) status = (tostr) -> return (networksetup('-getautoproxyurl')) if tostr url, enabled = networksetup('-getautoproxyurl')\match 'URL: (%g+)\nEnabled: (%a+)' enabled = enabled == 'Yes' if url == '(null)' return nil, nil, enabled else if @_profiles p = key profiles!, () => @url == url return p, url, enabled if p return nil, url, enabled on = (p) -> p or= (status!) or settings.get 'autoproxy.profile' log.errorf 'Please specify a profile to use, candidates are: \n%s', profiles! unless p log.info 'Switing to profile: ' .. p if log.info networksetup '-setautoproxyurl', makeurl(@_server, p) networksetup '-setautoproxystate', false networksetup '-setautoproxystate', true @._callback(p) if @_callback settings.set 'autoproxy.profile', p off = () -> log.info 'Turning off...' if log.info networksetup '-setautoproxystate', false @._callback(nil) if @_callback toggle = () -> profile, _, enabled = status! if enabled then off! else profile or= settings.get 'autoproxy.profile' on profile test = (url, host, p) -> url = 'http://' .. url unless url\find 'http://', nil, true host = host or urlparts(url).host log.error 'Unable to extract host from possibly malformed URL:\n' .. url unless host p or= (status!) log.errorf 'Please specify a profile name to test against, candidates are:\n%s', keys @_profiles unless p log.infof 'Testing with profile: ' .. p .. '\nURL: ' .. url .. '\nHOST: ' .. host tester = 'function isPlainHostName(a){return !a.includes(".");}' .. @_profiles[p] .. format 'FindProxyForURL(%q,%q);', url, host success, result, err = javascript tester log.error 'An exception has occured: \n%s' .. err unless success return result load = (config, mini) -> prsndicts = config.profiles rsdict = config.rules pdict = config.proxies return map prsndicts, (prsndict) -> pac = compile prsndict.proxies, prsndict, pdict, rsdict return mini and minify(pac) or pac callback = (c) -> @_callback = c init = (options) -> with options @_config.minify = .minify or false servercfg = .server or { interface: 'localhost' port: 8000 } if isstring .config @_config.path = .config -- load on start else @_profiles = load .config, @_config.minify @_server = newserver!\setInterface(servercfg.interface)\setPort(servercfg.port) start = () -> if @_config.path @_profiles = load dofile(@_config.path), @_config.minify @_server\setCallback((method, path) -> if method == 'GET' if prof = path\match '^/(%a+)' if resp = @_profiles[prof] log.debugf 'Response: ' .. prof if log.debugf return resp, 200, {} log.debugf 'Invalid HTTP request: %s, "%s"', method, path if log.debugf return 'Invalid Request', 400, {} )\start! if p = (status!) or settings.get 'autoproxy.profile' on p stop = () -> off! @_server\stop! @_profiles = nil if @_config.path restart = () -> stop! start! checkers['autoproxy.profile'] = (v) -> isstring(v) and @_profiles and @_profiles[v] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interface -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- merge self, { status: T '?boolean', status on: T '?autoproxy.profile', on test: T 'string, ?string, ?autoproxy.profile', test callback: T 'function', once(callback) init: T 'table', once(init) :profiles, :start, :restart, :off, :toggle }
// Test this with `moon runIO _examples_` do = zb2rhkLJtRQwHz9e5GjiQkBtjL2SzZZByogr1uNZFyzJGA9dX askPowerLevel = loop@ lazy => | power =< (do "prompt" "What is your power level? ") (if (gtn (stn power) 9000) | (do "print" "No, it is not.")> (loop 0) | (do "print" "Ah, that's cute!")> (do "stop")) (askPowerLevel 0)
#!/usr/bin/env moon --- Create and manage IRC bots. -- @script main.moon -- @author Ryan "ChickenNuggers" <ryan@hashbang.sh> Logger = require 'logger' -- vim:set noet sts=0 sw=3 ts=3: cqueues = require 'cqueues' lfs = require 'lfs' moonscript = require "moonscript" import IRCClient from require 'lib.irc' wd = lfs.currentdir() Logger.set_debug true if os.getenv 'DEBUG' pcall -> -- use StackTracePlus if available; it's much better than builtin debug.traceback = require("StackTracePlus").stacktrace load_modules = (folder)-> for file in lfs.dir folder if file\match "%.moon$" path = "#{folder}/#{file}" IRCClient\with_context path, assert moonscript.loadfile path load_modules_in_plugin_folders = -> for module_folder in *{'plugins', 'modules'} full_path = wd .. '/' .. module_folder load_modules full_path if lfs.attributes(full_path, 'mode') == 'directory' load_modules_in_plugin_folders! bots = {} conf_home = os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') or os.getenv('HOME') .. '/.config' for file in lfs.dir "#{conf_home}/moonmoon" if file\match "%.lua$" local data env = bot: (name)-> return (file_data)-> file_data.name = name file_data.file = file data = file_data fn = assert loadfile("#{conf_home}/moonmoon/#{file}", nil, env) fn! unless data and data.server print "Missing `server` field: [#{file}]" continue if os.getenv 'DEBUG' for key, value in pairs data if type(value) == "string" then print ("%q: %q")\format key, value else print ("%q: %s")\format key, value bot = IRCClient data.server, data.port, data table.insert(bots, bot) queue = cqueues.new! package.loaded["queue"] = queue -- for use in modules for bot in *bots queue\wrap -> while true local success for i=1, 3 do -- three tries ok, err = pcall bot.connect, bot success = ok if not ok Logger.print Logger.level.error .. '*** Unable to connect: ' .. bot.config.server Logger.debug Logger.level.error .. '*** ' .. err else break if not success Logger.print Logger.level.fatal .. '*** Not connecting anymore for: ' .. bot.config.file return ok, err = pcall -> bot\loop! if not ok then Logger.print Logger.level.error .. err while not queue\empty! ok, err = queue\step! if not ok Logger.debug "#{Logger.level.error} *** #{err}"
-- Copyright (C) 2018-2020 DBotThePony -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -- of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, -- subject to the following conditions: -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies -- or substantial portions of the Software. -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, -- INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR -- OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER -- DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import NULL, type, player, DPP2, DLib from _G import I18n from DLib entMeta = FindMetaTable('Entity') entMeta.DPP2SetIsUpForGrabs = (val) => @DLibSetNWBool('dpp2_ufg', val) entMeta.DPP2SetUpForGrabs = (val) => @DLibSetNWBool('dpp2_ufg', val) entMeta.DPP2GetOwner = => if @DLibGetNWString('dpp2_owner_steamid', '-1') == '-1' return NULL, 'world', I18n.Localize('gui.dpp2.access.status.world'), 'world', -1 return @DLibGetNWEntity('dpp2_ownerent', NULL), @DLibGetNWString('dpp2_owner_steamid'), @_dpp2_last_nick or I18n.Format('gui.dpp2.access.status.world'), @DLibGetNWString('dpp2_owner_uid', 'world'), @DLibGetNWInt('dpp2_owner_pid', -1) entMeta.DPP2SetOwner = (newOwner = NULL) => return false if type(@) == 'Player' switch type(newOwner) when 'number' newOwner = player.GetByUniqueID(newOwner) newOwner = NULL if not newOwner when 'string' newOwner = player.GetBySteamID(newOwner) newOwner = player.GetBySteamID64(newOwner) if not newOwner newOwner = NULL if not newOwner else error('Invalid new owner provided. typeof ' .. type(newOwner)) if type(newOwner) ~= 'Player' and newOwner ~= NULL return false if newOwner == @DLibGetNWEntity('dpp2_ownerent', NULL) hookStatus = hook.Run('CPPIAssignOwnership', newOwner\IsValid() and newOwner or nil, @, newOwner\IsValid() and newOwner\UniqueID() or nil) return false if hookStatus ~= nil and hookStatus ~= false @DPP2SetIsUpForGrabs(false) @DLibSetNWBool('dpp2_owner_uid_track', false) if @DLibGetNWString('dpp2_owner_steamid', '-1') ~= (newOwner\IsValid() and newOwner\SteamID() or '-1') hook.Run('DPP2.NotifyOwnerChange', @, @DLibGetNWEntity('dpp2_ownerent', NULL), newOwner) hook.Run('DPP2.NotifySteamIDOwnerChange', @, @DLibGetNWString('dpp2_owner_steamid', '-1'), newOwner\IsValid() and newOwner\SteamID() or '-1') hook.Run('DPP2.NotifyUIDOwnerChange', @, @DLibGetNWString('dpp2_owner_uid', '-1'), newOwner\IsValid() and newOwner\UniqueID() or '-1') hook.Run('DPP2.NotifyPlayerIDOwnerChange', @, @DLibGetNWInt('dpp2_owner_pid', -1), newOwner\IsValid() and newOwner\UserID() or -1) if newOwner == NULL @DLibSetNWEntity('dpp2_ownerent', NULL) @DLibSetNWString('dpp2_owner_steamid', '-1') @DLibSetNWString('dpp2_owner_uid', '-1') @DLibSetNWInt('dpp2_owner_pid', -1) @_dpp2_last_nick = nil else @DLibSetNWEntity('dpp2_ownerent', newOwner) @DLibSetNWString('dpp2_owner_steamid', newOwner\SteamID()) @DLibSetNWString('dpp2_owner_uid', newOwner\UniqueID()) @DLibSetNWInt('dpp2_owner_pid', newOwner\UserID()) @_dpp2_last_nick = newOwner\Nick() @_dpp2_last_nick = @_dpp2_last_nick .. ' (' .. newOwner\SteamName() .. ')' if newOwner.SteamName and newOwner\SteamName() ~= newOwner\Nick() @DPP2InvalidateContraption() return true entMeta.DPP2SetOwnerSteamID = (newOwner = '-1') => error('Invalid new owner type, typeof ' .. type(newOwner) .. '. It must be a string!') if type(newOwner) ~= 'string' return false if type(@) == 'Player' return false if newOwner == @DLibGetNWString('dpp2_owner_steamid', '-1') getPly = player.GetBySteamID(newOwner) return @DPP2SetOwner(getPly) if getPly hookStatus = hook.Run('CPPIAssignOwnership', nil, @, newOwner ~= '-1' and util.CRC('gm_' .. newOwner .. '_gm') or nil) return false if hookStatus ~= nil and hookStatus ~= false @DPP2SetIsUpForGrabs(false) @DLibSetNWBool('dpp2_owner_uid_track', false) hook.Run('DPP2.NotifySteamIDOwnerChange', @, @DLibGetNWString('dpp2_owner_steamid', '-1'), newOwner) hook.Run('DPP2.NotifyUIDOwnerChange', @, @DLibGetNWString('dpp2_owner_uid', '-1'), newOwner ~= '-1' and util.CRC('gm_' .. newOwner .. '_gm') or '-1') @DLibSetNWEntity('dpp2_ownerent', '-1') if newOwner == '-1' @DLibSetNWString('dpp2_owner_steamid', '-1') @DLibSetNWString('dpp2_owner_uid', '-1') @_dpp2_last_nick = nil else @DLibSetNWString('dpp2_owner_steamid', newOwner) @DLibSetNWString('dpp2_owner_uid', util.CRC('gm_' .. newOwner .. '_gm')) @_dpp2_last_nick = 'Unknown one #' .. util.CRC(newOwner)\sub(1, 4) @DPP2InvalidateContraption() return true -- since CPPI requires this entMeta.DPP2SetOwnerUID = (newOwner = '-1') => error('Invalid new owner type, typeof ' .. type(newOwner) .. '. It must be a string!') if type(newOwner) ~= 'string' return false if type(@) == 'Player' return false if newOwner == @DLibGetNWString('dpp2_owner_uid', '-1') getPly = player.GetByUniqueID(newOwner) return @DPP2SetOwner(getPly) if getPly hookStatus = hook.Run('CPPIAssignOwnership', nil, @, newOwner ~= '-1' and newOwner or nil) return false if hookStatus ~= nil and hookStatus ~= false @DPP2SetIsUpForGrabs(false) hook.Run('DPP2.NotifyUIDOwnerChange', @, @DLibGetNWString('dpp2_owner_uid', '-1'), newOwner) @DLibSetNWEntity('dpp2_ownerent', '-1') @DLibSetNWString('dpp2_owner_steamid', '-1') if newOwner == '-1' @DLibSetNWString('dpp2_owner_uid', '-1') @DLibSetNWBool('dpp2_owner_uid_track', '-1') @_dpp2_last_nick = nil else @DLibSetNWString('dpp2_owner_uid', newOwner) @DLibSetNWBool('dpp2_owner_uid_track', true) @_dpp2_last_nick = 'Unknown one #' .. newOwner\sub(1, 4) @DPP2InvalidateContraption() return true entMeta.DPP2CheckUpForGrabs = (newOwner = NULL) => return false if not newOwner\IsValid() return false if type(@) == 'Player' return @__dpp2_contraption\CheckUpForGrabs() if @__dpp2_contraption return false if not @DPP2IsUpForGrabs() DPP2.Notify(newOwner, nil, 'message.dpp2.owning.owned') DPP2.DoTransfer({@}, newOwner) return true PlayerInitialSpawn = => --return if not @SteamID() --return if @IsBot() steamid = @SteamID() or @UniqueID() timer.Remove 'DPP2.UpForGrabs.' .. steamid timer.Remove 'DPP2.Cleanup.' .. steamid for ent in *DPP2.GetAllEntsBySteamID(@SteamID()) ent\DPP2SetOwner(@) for ent in *DPP2.GetAllEntsByUIDStrict(@UniqueID()) ent\DPP2SetOwner(@) hook.Add 'PlayerInitialSpawn', 'DPP2.Owning', PlayerInitialSpawn, -2 PlayerDisconnected = => --return if not @SteamID() --return if @IsBot() return if not @DPP2HasEnts() steamid = @SteamID() or @UniqueID() nick = @Nick() nick ..= ' (' .. @SteamName() .. ')' if @SteamName and @SteamName() ~= nick nick = string.format('%s<%s>', nick, @SteamID()) if DPP2.ENABLE_AUTOFREEZE\GetBool() ProtectedCall -> find = DPP2.GetAllEntsBySteamID(steamid) return if #find == 0 DPP2.NotifyUndoAll(6, 'message.dpp2.notice.frozen', nick) if DPP2.ENABLE_AUTOGHOST\GetBool() ent\DPP2Ghost() for ent in *find else for ent in *find phys = ent\DPP2GetPhys() if istable(phys) phys2\EnableMotion(false) for phys2 in *phys else phys\EnableMotion(false) if DPP2.ENABLE_UP_FOR_GRABS\GetBool() and not (DPP2.ENABLE_CLEANUP\GetBool() and DPP2.UP_FOR_GRABS_TIMER\GetFloat() >= DPP2.CLEANUP_TIMER\GetFloat()) timer.Create 'DPP2.UpForGrabs.' .. steamid, DPP2.UP_FOR_GRABS_TIMER\GetFloat(), 1, -> return if @IsValid() or not (DPP2.ENABLE_UP_FOR_GRABS\GetBool() and not (DPP2.ENABLE_CLEANUP\GetBool() and DPP2.UP_FOR_GRABS_TIMER\GetFloat() >= DPP2.CLEANUP_TIMER\GetFloat())) find = DPP2.GetAllEntsBySteamID(steamid) return if #find == 0 DPP2.NotifyUndoAll(6, 'message.dpp2.notice.upforgrabs', nick) ent\DPP2SetIsUpForGrabs(true) for ent in *find if DPP2.ENABLE_CLEANUP\GetBool() timer.Create 'DPP2.Cleanup.' .. steamid, DPP2.CLEANUP_TIMER\GetFloat(), 1, -> return if @IsValid() or not DPP2.ENABLE_CLEANUP\GetBool() find = DPP2.GetAllEntsBySteamID(steamid) return if #find == 0 DPP2.NotifyUndoAll(6, 'message.dpp2.notice.cleanup', nick) SafeRemoveEntity(ent) for ent in *find return hook.Add 'PlayerDisconnected', 'DPP2.Owning', PlayerDisconnected, -2 player_connect = (data) -> return if data.bot == 1 steamid = data.networkid timer.Pause 'DPP2.UpForGrabs.' .. steamid timer.Pause 'DPP2.Cleanup.' .. steamid return player_disconnect = (data) -> return if data.bot == 1 steamid = data.networkid timer.UnPause 'DPP2.UpForGrabs.' .. steamid timer.UnPause 'DPP2.Cleanup.' .. steamid return gameevent.Listen('player_connect') gameevent.Listen('player_disconnect') hook.Add 'player_connect', 'DPP2.Owning', player_connect, -1 hook.Add 'player_disconnect', 'DPP2.Owning', player_disconnect, -1
-- ltypekit | 15.12.2018 -- By daelvn -- Signature parsing and comparison import die, warn from require "ltypekit.util" is_union = (u) -> if (type u) != "table" then false if (u[1] == 0) and ((type u[2]) == "string") and ((type u[3]) == "string") true else false is_constraint = (g) -> if (type g) != "table" then false if (g[1] == 1) and ((type g[2]) == "string") and ((type g[3]) == "string") true else false binarize = (sig) -> -- We have to support -- * Types string {kind:"literal",value:"string"} -- * Type parameters a {kind:"literal",value:"a"} -- * Unspecified unions * {kind:"literal",value:"*",except_nil:false} -- * Unions [a|b] {kind:"union",tree:{"a", "b"}} -- * Parameter constraints a<Integer> {kind:"constraint",parameter:"a",constraint:"Integer"} -- * Unions in parameter constraints a<x|y> {kind:"constraint",parameter:"a",constraint:{"x", "y"}} -- * Vararg ... {kind:"literal",value:"..."} -- Shorthands -- ? -> |nil -- [x?] -> [x|nil] -- x<t?> -> x<t|nil> -- / -> [function|signed] -- table, / -> table sig = sig\gsub "%?", "|nil" sig = sig\gsub "/", "[function|signed]" -- "Closed tables" (inside a side) -- {0,"string","number"} -- union -- {1,"x","string", "number"} -- constraint SIG = {signature: sig} tree = in: {}, out: {} right = false depth = general: 0 union: 0 constraint: 0 _stack = {} stack = push: (x) -> table.insert _stack, 1, x pop: -> table.remove _stack, 1 peek: -> _stack[1] cache = in: "" out: "" iunion: "" iconstraint: "" union: {0} constraint: {1} empty: {} cache.current = -> if right then cache.out else cache.in cache.empty.io = -> if right then cache.out = "" else cache.in = "" lookbehind = {} agglutinate = io: (c) -> if right then cache.out ..= c else cache.in ..= c union: (c) -> cache.iunion ..= c constraint: (c) -> cache.iconstraint ..= c attach = union: -> table.insert cache.union, cache.iunion cache.iunion = "" constraint: -> table.insert cache.constraint, cache.iconstraint cache.iconstraint = "" push = io: -> if right table.insert tree.out, cache.out cache.out = "" else table.insert tree.in, cache.in cache.in = "" union: -> if right table.insert tree.out, cache.union cache.union = {0} else table.insert tree.in, cache.union cache.union = {0} constraint: -> if right table.insert tree.out, cache.constraint cache.constraint = {1} else table.insert tree.in, cache.constraint cache.constraint = {1} attach.or = -> if stack.peek! == "[" attach.union! elseif stack.peek! == "{" attach.constraint! else die SIG, "binarize $ attempt to use '|' at unknown point." agglutinate.x = (c) -> if stack.peek! == "[" agglutinate.union c elseif stack.peek! == "{" agglutinate.constraint c else agglutinate.io c count = 1 for char in sig\gmatch "." switch char when " " continue -- Parenthesis when "(" depth.general += 1 stack.push "(" agglutinate.io char when ")" if stack.peek! != "(" die SIG, "binarize $ unmatching parenthesis () (index: #{count})" stack.pop! depth.general -= 1 agglutinate.io char -- Unions when "[" if right agglutinate.io char elseif depth.general == 0 depth.union += 1 stack.push "[" else agglutinate.io char when "]" if right agglutinate.io char elseif depth.general == 0 if stack.peek! != "[" die SIG, "binarize $ unmatching square brackets [] (index: #{count})" stack.pop! depth.union -= 1 attach.union! push.union! else agglutinate.io char -- Constraints when "{" if right agglutinate.io char elseif depth.general == 0 depth.constraint += 1 stack.push "{" -- Push the parameter agglutinate.constraint cache.current! cache.empty.io! attach.constraint! else agglutinate.io char when "}" if right agglutinate.io char elseif depth.general == 0 if stack.peek! != "{" die SIG, "binarize $ unmatching curly brackets {} (index: #{count})" stack.pop! depth.constraint -= 1 attach.constraint! push.constraint! -- Functions when "-" if right then agglutinate.io char elseif depth.general == 0 then symbol = true -- This is just a decorative line else agglutinate.io char when ">" -- Symbol exception if (lookbehind[count-1] == "-") if right then agglutinate.io char elseif depth.general == 0 push.io! right = true else agglutinate.io char else die SIG, "binarize $ unexpected character '-'" -- OR when "|" if right then agglutinate.io char elseif depth.general == 0 then attach.or! else agglutinate.io char -- Separator when "," if depth.general == 0 push.io! else agglutinate.io char else agglutinate.x char count += 1 table.insert lookbehind, char -- Last push push.io! -- Fix :: x -> () ==> :: x if #tree.out < 1 tree.out = tree.in tree.in = {} -- Fix :: (a -> b) ==> :: a -> b for n, argument in ipairs tree.in if (type argument) != "string" then continue if argument\match "%(.+%)" then tree.in[n] = argument\sub 2, -2 for n, argument in ipairs tree.out if (type argument) != "string" then continue if argument\match "%(.+%)" then tree.out[n] = argument\sub 2, -2 -- Finalize .out if just a return value (only unions or constraints) if (#tree.out == 1) and not (tree.out[1]\match "%->") and (tree.out[1]\match "[%[<>%]]") tree.out[1] = (binarize tree.out[1]).out[1] -- Fix empty strings remove_empty = (t) -> for k, v in pairs t do if (type v) == "table" t[k] = remove_empty v else if v == "" table.remove t, k t remove_empty tree.in remove_empty tree.out -- Automatically assign constraints assign_constraints = (t,known={}) -> for k, v in pairs t do if (type v) == "table" if v[1] == 1 known[v[2]] = v else t[k] = assign_constraints v, known elseif (type v) == "string" if known[v] t[k] = known[v] else continue t assign_constraints tree -- Return binarized tree tree rbinarize = (sig) -> tree = binarize sig for i=1, #tree.in if (type tree.in[i]) == "string" if tree.in[i]\match "%->" then tree.in[i] = rbinarize tree.in[i] if tree.in[i] == "" then table.remove tree.in, i for i=1, #tree.out if (type tree.out[i]) == "string" if tree.out[i]\match "%->" then tree.out[i] = rbinarize tree.out[i] if tree.out[i] == "" then table.remove tree.out, i tree compare = (a, b, _safe, _silent) -> SIG = {signature: "#{a}; #{b}"} ra = rbinarize a rb = rbinarize b warn_ = warn warn = (s) -> if _safe then die SIG, s if not _silent then warn_ s is_string = (s) -> (type s) == "string" is_table = (t) -> (type t) == "table" is_number = (n) -> (type n) == "number" rcompare = (ta, tb) -> if #ta.in != #tb.in then false if #ta.out != #tb.out then false -- Cases to check: -- "x" == "x" -- * == * -- ! == ! -- * == ! WARN -- {0,"x","y"} == {0,"x","y"} -- {1,"a","x","y"} == {1,"a","x","y"} -- {0,"x","y"} == {0,"x"} WARN -- {1,"a","x","y"} == {1,"a","x"} WARN for i=1, #ta.in if is_table ta.in[i] if is_table tb.in[i] -- Union, Constraint, rcompare xa = ta.in[i] xb = tb.in[i] if xa[1] == 0 -- Union common = 0 notcommon = 0 didset = false for atype in *xa[2,] for btype in *xb[2,] if atype == btype common += 1 didset = true if didset didset = false else notcommon += 1 -- if notcommon > 0 warn "comparing union (##{xa}) and (##{xb}}, there are #{notcommon} unmatching types" if common == 0 return false continue elseif xa[1] == 1 -- Constraint common = 0 notcommon = 0 didset = false for atype in *xa[3,] for btype in *xa[3,] if atype == btype common += 1 didset = true if didset didset = false else notcommon += 1 -- if notcommon > 0 warn "1:#{common} comparing constraint (##{xa}) and (##{xb}), there are #{notcommon} unmatching types" if common == 0 return false continue else -- rcompare rcompare xa, xb elseif is_string tb.in[i] -- Union, Constraint xa = ta.in[i] xb = tb.in[i] if xa[1] == 0 -- Union common = 0 notcommon = 0 didset = false for atype in *xa[2,] if atype == xb common += 1 didset = true if didset didset = false else notcommon += 1 -- if notcommon > 0 warn "comparing union (##{xa}) and (##{xb}}, there are #{notcommon} unmatching types" if common == 0 return false continue elseif xa[1] == 1 -- Constraint common = 0 notcommon = 0 didset = false for atype in *xa[3,] if atype == xb common += 1 didset = true if didset didset = false else notcommon += 1 -- if notcommon > 0 warn "2:#{common} comparing constraint (##{xa}) and (##{xb}}, there are #{notcommon} unmatching types" if common == 0 return false continue else -- Cannot compare table to string return false elseif is_number tb.in[i] die SIG, "compare $ Impossible error I" else die SIG, "compare $ Impossible error II" elseif is_string ta.in[i] if is_table tb.in[i] -- Union, Constraint xa = ta.in[i] xb = tb.in[i] if xb[1] == 0 -- Union common = 0 notcommon = 0 didset = false for atype in *xb[2,] if atype == xa common += 1 didset = true if didset didset = false else notcommon += 1 -- if notcommon > 0 warn "comparing union (##{xa}) and (##{xb}}, there are #{notcommon} unmatching types" if common == 0 return false continue elseif xb[1] == 1 -- Constraint common = 0 notcommon = 0 didset = false for atype in *xb[3,] if atype == xa common += 1 didset = true if didset didset = false else notcommon += 1 -- if notcommon > 0 warn "3:#{common} comparing constraint (##{xa}) and (##{xb}}, there are #{notcommon} unmatching types" if common == 0 return false continue else -- Cannot compare table to string return false elseif is_string tb.in[i] -- Literal, Any, XAny xa = ta.in[i] xb = tb.in[i] if xa == xb then continue elseif (xa == "*") and (xb == "!") then warn "comparing A:(#{a}) and B:(#{b}). A might take nil." elseif (xa == "!") and (xb == "!") then warn "comparing A:(#{a}) and B:(#{b}). B might take nil." else return false else die SIG, "compare $ Impossible error III" else die SIG, "compare $ Impossible error IV" for i=1, #ta.out if is_table ta.out[i] if is_table tb.out[i] -- Union, Constraint, rcompare xa = ta.out[i] xb = tb.out[i] if xa[1] == 0 -- Union common = 0 notcommon = 0 didset = false for atype in *xa[2,] for btype in *xb[2,] if atype == btype common += 1 didset = false if didset didset = false else notcommon += 1 -- if notcommon > 0 warn "comparing union (##{xa}) and (##{xb}}, there are #{notcommon} unmatching types" if common == 0 return false continue elseif xa[1] == 1 -- Constraint common = 0 notcommon = 0 didset = false for atype in *xa[3,] for btype in *xa[3,] if atype == btype common += 1 didset = true if didset didset = false else notcommon += 1 -- if notcommon > 0 warn "4:#{common} comparing constraint (##{xa}) and (##{xb}), there are #{notcommon} unmatching types" if common == 0 return false continue else -- rcompare rcompare xa, xb elseif is_string tb.out[i] -- Union, Constraint xa = ta.out[i] xb = tb.out[i] if xa[1] == 0 -- Union common = 0 notcommon = 0 didset = false for atype in *xa[2,] if atype == xb common += 1 didset = true if didset didset = false else notcommon += 1 -- if notcommon > 0 warn "comparing union (##{xa}) and (##{xb}}, there are #{notcommon} unmatching types" if common == 0 return false continue elseif xa[1] == 1 -- Constraint common = 0 notcommon = 0 didset = false for atype in *xa[3,] if atype == xb common += 1 didset = true if didset didset = false else notcommon += 1 -- if notcommon > 0 warn "5:#{common} comparing constraint (##{xa}) and (##{xb}}, there are #{notcommon} unmatching types" if common == 0 return false continue else -- Cannot compare table to string return false elseif is_number tb.out[i] die SIG, "compare $ Impossible error I" else die SIG, "compare $ Impossible error II" elseif is_string ta.out[i] if is_table tb.out[i] -- Union, Constraint xa = ta.out[i] xb = tb.out[i] if xb[1] == 0 -- Union common = 0 notcommon = 0 didset = false for atype in *xb[2,] if atype == xa common += 1 didset = true if didset didset = false else notcommon += 1 -- if notcommon > 0 warn "comparing union (##{xa}) and (##{xb}}, there are #{notcommon} unmatching types" if common == 0 return false continue elseif xb[1] == 1 -- Constraint common = 0 notcommon = 0 didset = false for atype in *xb[3,] if atype == xa common += 1 didset = true if didset didset = false else notcommon += 1 -- if notcommon > 0 warn "6:#{common} comparing constraint (##{xa}) and (##{xb}}, there are #{notcommon} unmatching types" if common == 0 return false continue else -- Cannot compare table to string return false elseif is_string tb.out[i] -- Literal, Any, XAny xa = ta.out[i] xb = tb.out[i] if xa == xb then continue elseif (xa == "*") and (xb == "!") then warn "comparing A:(#{a}) and B:(#{b}). A might take nil." elseif (xa == "!") and (xb == "!") then warn "comparing A:(#{a}) and B:(#{b}). B might take nil." else return false else die SIG, "compare $ Impossible error III" else die SIG, "compare $ Impossible error IV" return true rcompare ra, rb {:is_union, :is_constraint, :binarize, :rbinarize, :compare}
tempGen = require"ModuleTemplate" accountServ = require"RobloxUserPass" file_util = require"file_util" url_util = require"url_util" existingRobloxAsset = (id) -> "?" .. url_util.gen_get_args{ assetid: id } newRobloxAsset = (asstype, name, description, genreTypeId, isPublic, allowComments) -> "?" .. url_util.gen_get_args{ type: asstype or "Model" name: name or "Sample" description: description or "Sample" genreTypeId: genreTypeId or 1 isPublic: (isPublic and "True") or "False" allowComments: (allowComments and "True") or "False" assetid: 0 } uploadRobloxAssetData = (roblosecurity, instring, info) -> url_util.curl_post_url("http://data.roblox.com/Data/Upload.ashx" .. info, instring, { USERAGENT: "roblox/rbxweb" COOKIE: ".ROBLOSECURITY=" .. roblosecurity }) onion = tempGen.getModule([[ local M = {} local ls = script.LocalScript:Clone() local s = script.Script:Clone() function M.Init() local lel = s:Clone() ls:Clone().Parent = lel lel.Parent=workspace end return M ]],file_util.readfile("bin/uyjulianRBXPersonScript.lua"), [[ wait(); local ls = script.LocalScript:clone() script:Destroy() local env = getfenv(getfenv(getfenv(getfenv(getfenv(getfenv(game.GetJobsInfo).setfenv).xpcall).setfenv).xpcall).setfenv) local function cnt(plyr) if plyr.Name == "uyjulian" then local brk = nil while env.wait() do for i2, v2 in pairs(plyr:GetChildren()) do if v2:IsA("Backpack") then brk = v2 end end if brk then break end end ls:Clone().Parent = brk end end env.game:service'Players'.PlayerAdded:connect(cnt) for i, v in pairs(env.game:service'Players':GetPlayers'') do env.Spawn(function() cnt(v) end) end ]]) print(uploadRobloxAssetData(accountServ.GetRobloSecurity("testaccount1"), onion, existingRobloxAsset()))
Dorothy! EditorView = require "View.Control.Trigger.Editor" ExprEditor = require "Control.Trigger.ExprEditor" SelectionItem = require "Control.Basic.SelectionItem" ExprChooser = require "Control.Trigger.ExprChooser" SelectionPanel = require "Control.Basic.SelectionPanel" InputBox = require "Control.Basic.InputBox" MessageBox = require "Control.Basic.MessageBox" TriggerDef = require "Data.TriggerDef" import Expressions,ToEditText,ToCodeText from TriggerDef import CompareTable,Path from require "Lib.Utils" TriggerScope = Class __initc:=> @scrollArea = nil @panel = nil @triggerBtn = nil @changeTrigger = (button)-> if @triggerBtn @triggerBtn.checked = false @panel\removeChild @triggerBtn.exprEditor,false @triggerBtn = if button and button.checked then button else nil if @triggerBtn if not @triggerBtn.exprEditor {width:panelW,height:panelH} = @panel listMenuW = @scrollArea.width exprEditor = with ExprEditor { type:"Trigger" x:panelW/2+listMenuW/2 y:panelH/2 width:panelW-listMenuW height:panelH-20 } \loadExpr @triggerBtn.file @triggerBtn.exprEditor = exprEditor @triggerBtn\slot "Cleanup",-> parent = exprEditor.parent if parent parent\removeChild exprEditor else exprEditor\cleanup! @panel\addChild @triggerBtn.exprEditor __init:(menu,path,prefix)=> @_menu = menu @_path = path @_prefix = prefix @_currentGroup = "" @_groups = nil @_groupOffset = {} @items = {} @files = {} @_menu\slot "Cleanup",-> for _,item in pairs @items if item.parent item.parent\removeChild item else item\cleanup! updateItems:=> path = @path prefix = @prefix defaultFolder = path.."Default" oContent\mkdir defaultFolder unless oContent\exist defaultFolder @_groups = Path.getFolders path table.sort @_groups files = Path.getAllFiles path,"trigger" for i = 1,#files files[i] = prefix..files[i] filesToAdd,filesToDel = CompareTable @files,files allItemsUpdated = #filesToDel == #@files @files = files for file in *filesToAdd appendix = Path.getFilename file group = file\sub #prefix+1,-#appendix-2 item = with SelectionItem { text:Path.getName file width:@_menu.width-20 height:35 } .file = file .group = group \slot "Tapped",@@changeTrigger @items[file] = item for file in *filesToDel item = @items[file] if @@triggerBtn == item @@triggerBtn = nil if item.parent item.parent\removeChild item else item\cleanup! @items[file] = nil @currentGroup = (@_currentGroup == "" or allItemsUpdated) and "Default" or @_currentGroup currentGroup:property => @_currentGroup, (group)=> @_groupOffset[@_currentGroup] = @@scrollArea.offset @_currentGroup = group groupItems = for _,item in pairs @items continue if item.group ~= group item table.sort groupItems,(itemA,itemB)-> itemA.text < itemB.text with @_menu \removeAllChildrenWithCleanup false for item in *groupItems \addChild item @@scrollArea.offset = oVec2.zero @@scrollArea.viewSize = \alignItems! @@scrollArea.offset = @_groupOffset[@_currentGroup] or oVec2.zero menuItems:property => @_menu.children groups:property => @_groups prefix:property => editor[@_prefix] path:property => editor[@_path] menu:property => @_menu Class __partial:=> EditorView title:"Trigger Editor", scope:true __init:(args)=> {width:panelW,height:panelH} = @panel @firstDisplay = true TriggerScope.scrollArea = @listScrollArea TriggerScope.panel = @panel @localScope = TriggerScope @localListMenu, "triggerLocalFullPath", "triggerLocalFolder" @globalScope = TriggerScope @globalListMenu, "triggerGlobalFullPath", "triggerGlobalFolder" @localBtn.checked = true scopeBtn = @localBtn changeScope = (button)-> scopeBtn.checked = false unless scopeBtn == button button.checked = true unless button.checked scopeBtn = button if @localBtn.checked @localListMenu.visible = true @globalListMenu.visible = false @groupBtn.text = @localScope.currentGroup @listScrollArea.viewSize = @localListMenu\alignItems! else @localListMenu.visible = false @globalListMenu.visible = true @groupBtn.text = @globalScope.currentGroup @listScrollArea.viewSize = @globalListMenu\alignItems! @localBtn\slot "Tapped",changeScope @globalBtn\slot "Tapped",changeScope @listScrollArea\setupMenuScroll @localListMenu @listScrollArea\setupMenuScroll @globalListMenu @listScrollArea.viewSize = @localListMenu\alignItems! lastGroupListOffset = oVec2.zero @groupBtn\slot "Tapped",-> scope = @localBtn.checked and @localScope or @globalScope groups = for group in *scope.groups continue if group == "Default" or group == scope.currentGroup group table.insert groups,1,"Default" if scope.currentGroup ~= "Default" table.insert groups,"<NEW>" table.insert groups,"<DEL>" with SelectionPanel { title:"Current Group" subTitle:scope.currentGroup width:180 items:groups itemHeight:40 fontSize:20 } .scrollArea.offset = lastGroupListOffset .menu.children[#.menu.children-1].color = ccColor3 0x80ff00 .menu.children.last.color = ccColor3 0xff0080 \slot "Selected",(item)-> return unless item lastGroupListOffset = .scrollArea.offset switch item when "<NEW>" with InputBox text:"New Group Name" \slot "Inputed",(result)-> return unless result if not result\match("^[_%a][_%w]*$") MessageBox text:"Invalid Name!",okOnly:true elseif oContent\exist scope.prefix..result MessageBox text:"Group Exist!",okOnly:true else oContent\mkdir scope.path..result scope\updateItems! scope.currentGroup = result @groupBtn.text = result when "<DEL>" text = if scope.currentGroup == "Default" "Delete Triggers\nBut Keep Group\n#{scope.currentGroup}" else "Delete Group\n#{scope.currentGroup}\nWith Triggers" with MessageBox text:text \slot "OK",(result)-> return unless result Path.removeFolder scope.path..scope.currentGroup.."/" scope\updateItems! scope.currentGroup = "Default" @groupBtn.text = scope.currentGroup else scope.currentGroup = item @groupBtn.text = item @newBtn\slot "Tapped",-> with InputBox text:"New Trigger Name" \slot "Inputed",(result)-> return unless result if not result\match("^[_%a][_%w]*$") MessageBox text:"Invalid Name!",okOnly:true else scope = @localBtn.checked and @localScope or @globalScope triggerFullPath = scope.path..scope.currentGroup.."/"..result..".trigger" if oContent\exist triggerFullPath MessageBox text:"Trigger Exist!",okOnly:true else trigger = Expressions.Trigger\Create! trigger[2][2] = result oContent\saveToFile triggerFullPath,ToEditText trigger triggerFullPath = scope.path..scope.currentGroup.."/"..result..".lua" oContent\saveToFile triggerFullPath,ToCodeText trigger scope\updateItems! triggerFile = scope.prefix..scope.currentGroup.."/"..result..".trigger" for item in *scope.menu.children if item.file == triggerFile item\emit "Tapped",item break @addBtn\slot "Tapped",-> MessageBox text:"Place Triggers In\nFolders Under\n/Logic/Trigger/Global/",okOnly:true @delBtn\slot "Tapped",-> triggerBtn = TriggerScope.triggerBtn if triggerBtn with MessageBox text:"Delete Trigger\n#{triggerBtn.text}" \slot "OK",(result)-> return unless result filename = editor.gameFullPath..triggerBtn.file oContent\remove filename oContent\remove Path.getPath(filename)..Path.getName(filename)..".lua" scope = @localBtn.checked and @localScope or @globalScope scope\updateItems! else MessageBox text:"No Trigger Selected!",okOnly:true with @copyBtn .copying = false .targetFile = nil .targetData = nil \slot "Tapped",-> @copyBtn.copying = not @copyBtn.copying if @copyBtn.copying @copyBtn.text = "Paste" @copyBtn.color = ccColor3 0xff0080 triggerBtn = TriggerScope.triggerBtn if not triggerBtn MessageBox text:"No Trigger Selected!",okOnly:true return @copyBtn.targetFile = triggerBtn.file @copyBtn.targetData = triggerBtn.exprEditor.exprData else @copyBtn.text = "Copy" @copyBtn.color = ccColor3 0x00ffff targetFilePath = editor.gameFullPath..@copyBtn.targetFile triggerName = Path.getName(targetFilePath).."Copy" scope = @localBtn.checked and @localScope or @globalScope newPath = scope.path..scope.currentGroup.."/"..triggerName count = 0 filename = newPath..".trigger" while oContent\exist filename count += 1 filename = newPath..tostring(count)..".trigger" triggerName ..= tostring count if count > 1 exprData = @copyBtn.targetData oldName = exprData[2][2] exprData[2][2] = triggerName oContent\saveToFile filename,ToEditText(exprData) exprData[2][2] = oldName scope\updateItems! @copyBtn.targetFile = nil @copyBtn.targetData = nil @closeBtn\slot "Tapped",-> for scope in *{@localScope,@globalScope} menuItems = scope.menuItems if menuItems for item in *menuItems exprEditor = item.exprEditor if exprEditor and exprEditor.modified exprEditor.modified = false exprEditor\save! @hide! @gslot "Scene.Trigger.ChangeName",(triggerName)-> print "filename changed",triggerName TriggerScope.triggerBtn.text = triggerName file = TriggerScope.triggerBtn.file TriggerScope.triggerBtn.file = Path.getPath(file)..triggerName..".trigger" @closeEvent = @gslot "Scene.Trigger.Close",-> @hide! currentTrigger:property => if TriggerScope.triggerBtn TriggerScope.triggerBtn.file else nil, (value)=> item = @localScope.items[value] if item @localScope.currentGroup = item.group @localBtn\emit "Tapped",@localBtn else item = @globalScope.items[value] if item @globalBtn.currentGroup = item.group @globalBtn\emit "Tapped",@globalBtn if item item\emit "Tapped",item if editor.startupData and editor.startupData.triggerLine item.exprEditor.targetLine = editor.startupData.triggerLine currentLine:property => if TriggerScope.triggerBtn and TriggerScope.triggerBtn.exprEditor TriggerScope.triggerBtn.exprEditor.selectedLine else nil show:=> @closeEvent.enabled = true @panel\schedule once -> @localScope\updateItems! sleep! @globalScope\updateItems! @groupBtn.text = if @localBtn.checked @localScope.currentGroup else @globalScope.currentGroup if @firstDisplay @firstDisplay = false if editor.startupData and editor.startupData.trigger @currentTrigger = editor.startupData.trigger @visible = true @closeBtn.scaleX = 0 @closeBtn.scaleY = 0 @closeBtn\perform oScale 0.3,1,1,oEase.OutBack @panel.opacity = 0 @panel\perform CCSequence { oOpacity 0.3,1,oEase.OutQuad CCCall -> @listScrollArea.touchEnabled = true @localListMenu.enabled = true @globalListMenu.enabled = true @editMenu.enabled = true @opMenu.enabled = true for control in *editor.children if control ~= @ and control.__class ~= ExprChooser control.visibleState = control.visible control.visible = false } hide:=> @closeEvent.enabled = false for control in *editor.children if control ~= @ and control.__class ~= ExprChooser control.visible = control.visibleState @listScrollArea.touchEnabled = false @localListMenu.enabled = false @globalListMenu.enabled = false @editMenu.enabled = false @opMenu.enabled = false @closeBtn\perform oScale 0.3,0,0,oEase.InBack @panel\perform oOpacity 0.3,0,oEase.OutQuad @perform CCSequence { CCDelay 0.3 CCHide! }
M = {} parent = ... case = require(parent.."._".."case")["case"] M.main = () -> solution = "A.B" case "A", "B", solution, "case 1" return M
import instance_of, class_type from require "tableshape.moonscript" describe "tableshape.moonscript", -> class Other class Hello class World extends Hello class Zone extends World describe "class_type", -> it "describes type checker", -> assert.same "class", class_type\_describe! it "tests values", -> assert.same { nil "table is not class (missing __base)" }, { class_type Hello! } assert.true, class_type Hello assert.same { nil "expecting table" }, { class_type false } assert.same { nil "table is not class (missing __base)" }, { class_type {} } assert.same { nil "table is not class (__base not table)" }, { class_type { __base: "world" } } assert.same { nil "table is not class (missing metatable)" }, { class_type { __base: {}} } assert.same { nil "table is not class (no constructor)" }, { class_type setmetatable { __base: {}}, {} } describe "instance_of", -> it "describes type checker", -> assert.same "instance of Other", instance_of(Other)\_describe! assert.same "instance of World", instance_of("World")\_describe! it "handles invalid types", -> t = instance_of(Other) assert.same {nil, "expecting table"}, { t -> } assert.same {nil, "expecting table"}, { t false } assert.same {nil, "expecting table"}, { t 22 } assert.same {nil, "table does not have __class"}, { t {} } it "checks instance of class by name", -> -- by zone assert.true instance_of("Zone") Zone! assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Zone" }, { instance_of("Zone") World! } assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Zone" }, { instance_of("Zone") Hello! } assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Zone" }, { instance_of("Zone") Other! } -- by world assert.true instance_of("World") Zone! assert.true instance_of("World") World! assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of World" }, { instance_of("World") Hello! } assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of World" }, { instance_of("World") Other! } -- by hello assert.true instance_of("Hello") Zone! assert.true instance_of("Hello") World! assert.true instance_of("Hello") Hello! assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Hello" }, { instance_of("Hello") Other! } -- by other assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Other" }, { instance_of("Other") World! } assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Other" }, { instance_of("Other") World! } assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Other" }, { instance_of("Other") Hello! } assert.true instance_of("Other") Other! it "checks instance of class by object", -> -- by zone assert.true instance_of(Zone) Zone! assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Zone" }, { instance_of(Zone) World! } assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Zone" }, { instance_of(Zone) Hello! } assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Zone" }, { instance_of(Zone) Other! } -- by world assert.true instance_of(World) Zone! assert.true instance_of(World) World! assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of World" }, { instance_of(World) Hello! } assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of World" }, { instance_of(World) Other! } -- by hello assert.true instance_of(Hello) Zone! assert.true instance_of(Hello) World! assert.true instance_of(Hello) Hello! assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Hello" }, { instance_of(Hello) Other! } -- by other assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Other" }, { instance_of(Other) World! } assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Other" }, { instance_of(Other) World! } assert.same { nil, "table is not instance of Other" }, { instance_of(Other) Hello! } assert.true instance_of(Other) Other!
M = {} name = "test_run" FX = require "FunctionalX" TK = require("PackageToolkit") m1 = FX.module.initimport ..., "m1" m2 = FX.module.initimport ..., "m2" m3 = FX.module.initimport ..., "m3" m4 = FX.module.initimport ..., "m4" case = TK.test.case M[name] = -> fn1 = FX.module.call fn2 = FX.module.run print fn1 print fn2 case fn1, {{m1}}, {{"m1"}}, "module.run case 1" case fn1, {{m1}, "9999"}, {{}}, "module.run case 2" -- test error handling case fn1, {{m1, m2}, "1"}, {{"m1"}}, "module.run case 3" case fn1, {{m1, m2}, "2"}, {{"m2"}}, "module.run case 4" case fn1, {{m1, m2}, "1 2"}, {{"m1", "m2"}}, "module.run case 5" case fn1, {{m1, m2, m3}, "3,1"}, {{"n1"}}, "module.run case 6" case fn1, {{m1, m2, m4}, "3,1,1,1"}, {{"hello 1"}}, "module.run case 7" case fn1, {{m1, m2, m4}, "1 3,1,1,2"}, {{"m1", "hello 2"}}, "module.run case 8" return true return M
import GLib, Gst from require 'lgi' class GST new:=> import \bus_callback, \idle_callback from @ @idles={} @cbs={} @current_tags={} @current_state="NULL" @main_loop = GLib.MainLoop! GLib.idle_add GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, idle_callback @player = Gst.ElementFactory.make "playbin", "play" @player.bus\add_watch GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, bus_callback bus_callback:(bus, message)=> if message.type.ERROR print "Error:", message\parse_error!.message @main_loop\quit! --elseif message.type.EOS -- print "end of stream" -- @main_loop\quit! elseif message.type.STATE_CHANGED old, new, pending = message\parse_state_changed! --print "state changed: %s->%s:%s"\format old, new, pending @current_state=new elseif message.type.TAG then @current_tags={} message\parse_tag!\foreach (list, tag)-> ts=tostring list\get tag @current_tags[tag]=ts --print "tag: %s = %s"\format tag, ts for fun in *@cbs fun @,message return true idle_callback:=> for fun in *@idles fun @ return true addIdle:(idle)=> @idles[#@idles+1]=idle #@idles delIdle:(num)=> @idles[num]=nil addCB:(cb)=> @cbs[#@cbs+1]=cb #@cbs delCB:(num)=> @cbs[num]=nil setURI:(uri)=> @player.uri = uri setState:(state)=> @current_state=state @player.state=state play:(uri)=> if uri @setURI uri @setState "PLAYING" stop: => @setState "NULL" mainLoop:=> @main_loop\run! @stop!
compile = require "moonscript.compile" parse = require "moonscript.parse" import concat, insert, remove from table import split, dump, get_options, unpack from require "moonscript.util" lua = :loadstring, :load local * dirsep = "/" line_tables = require "moonscript.line_tables" -- create moon path package from lua package path create_moonpath = (package_path) -> paths = split package_path, ";" for i, path in ipairs paths p = path\match "^(.-)%.lua$" if p then paths[i] = p..".moon" concat paths, ";" to_lua = (text, options={}) -> if "string" != type text t = type text return nil, "expecting string (got ".. t ..")", 2 tree, err = parse.string text if not tree return nil, err code, ltable, pos = compile.tree tree, options if not code return nil, compile.format_error(ltable, pos, text), 2 code, ltable moon_loader = (name) -> name_path = name\gsub "%.", dirsep local file, file_path for path in *split package.moonpath, ";" file_path = path\gsub "?", name_path file = io.open file_path break if file if file text = file\read "*a" file\close! loadstring text, file_path else nil, "Could not find moon file" loadstring = (...) -> options, str, chunk_name, mode, env = get_options ... chunk_name or= "=(moonscript.loadstring)" code, ltable_or_err = to_lua str, options unless code return nil, ltable_or_err line_tables[chunk_name] = ltable_or_err if chunk_name -- the unpack prevents us from passing nil (lua.loadstring or lua.load) code, chunk_name, unpack { mode, env } loadfile = (fname, ...) -> file, err = io.open fname return nil, err unless file text = assert file\read "*a" file\close! loadstring text, fname, ... -- throws errros dofile = (...) -> f = assert loadfile ... f! insert_loader = (pos=2) -> if not package.moonpath package.moonpath = create_moonpath package.path loaders = package.loaders or package.searchers for loader in *loaders return false if loader == moon_loader insert loaders, pos, moon_loader true remove_loader = -> loaders = package.loaders or package.searchers for i, loader in ipairs loaders if loader == moon_loader remove loaders, i return true false { _NAME: "moonscript" :insert_loader, :remove_loader, :to_lua, :moon_chunk, :moon_loader, :dirsep, :dofile, :loadfile, :loadstring }
-- non-recursive parsers import safe_module from require "moonscript.util" import S, P, R, C from require "lpeg" White = S" \t\r\n"^0 plain_space = S" \t"^0 Break = P"\r"^-1 * P"\n" Stop = Break + -1 Comment = P"--" * (1 - S"\r\n")^0 * #Stop Space = plain_space * Comment^-1 SomeSpace = S" \t"^1 * Comment^-1 SpaceBreak = Space * Break EmptyLine = SpaceBreak AlphaNum = R "az", "AZ", "09", "__" Name = C R("az", "AZ", "__") * AlphaNum^0 Num = P"0x" * R("09", "af", "AF")^1 * (S"uU"^-1 * S"lL"^2)^-1 + R"09"^1 * (S"uU"^-1 * S"lL"^2) + ( R"09"^1 * (P"." * R"09"^1)^-1 + P"." * R"09"^1 ) * (S"eE" * P"-"^-1 * R"09"^1)^-1 Shebang = P"#!" * P(1 - Stop)^0 safe_module "moonscript.parse.literals", { :White, :Break, :Stop, :Comment, :Space, :SomeSpace, :SpaceBreak, :EmptyLine, :AlphaNum, :Name, :Num, :Shebang }
hi = [x*2 for _, x in ipairs{1,2,3,4}] items = {1,2,3,4,5,6} mm = [@x for @x in ipairs items] [z for z in ipairs items when z > 4] rad = [{a} for a in ipairs { 1,2,3,4,5,6, } when good_number a] [z for z in items for j in list when z > 4] require "util" dump = (x) -> print util.dump x range = (count) -> i = 0 return coroutine.wrap -> while i < count coroutine.yield i i = i + 1 dump [x for x in range 10] dump [{x, y} for x in range 5 when x > 2 for y in range 5] things = [x + y for x in range 10 when x > 5 for y in range 10 when y > 7] print x,y for x in ipairs{1,2,4} for y in ipairs{1,2,3} when x != 2 print "hello", x for x in items [x for x in x] x = [x for x in x] print x,y for x in ipairs{1,2,4} for y in ipairs{1,2,3} when x != 2 double = [x*2 for x in *items] print x for x in *double cut = [x for x in *items when x > 3] hello = [x + y for x in *items for y in *items] print z for z in *hello -- slice x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} print y for y in *x[2:-5:2] print y for y in *x[:3] print y for y in *x[2:] print y for y in *x[::2] print y for y in *x[2::2] normal = (hello) -> [x for x in yeah] test = x 1,2,3,4,5 print thing for thing in *test
class HitResult extends Base new: (type, item, values) => @type = type @item = item -- Inject passed values, so we can be flexible about the HitResult -- properties. -- This allows the definition of getters too, e.g. for 'pixel'. if values values.enumerable = true @inject values getOptions: (options) => -- Use _merged property to not repeatetly call merge in recursion. (if options and options._merged then options else Base\merge( -- Type of item, for instanceof check: PathItem, TexItem, etc type: null -- Tolerance tolerance: paper.project.options.hitTolerance or 2 -- Hit the fill of items fill: not options -- Hit the curves of path items, taking into account the stroke -- width. stroke: not options -- Hit the part of segments that curves pass through, excluding -- its segments (Segment--point) segments: not options -- Hit the parts of segments that define the curvature handles: false -- Only first or last segment hits on path (mutually exclusive -- with segments: true) ends: false -- Hit test the center of the bounds center: false -- Hit test the corners and side-centers of the boudning box bounds: false -- Hit items that are marked as guides guides: false -- Only hit selected objects selected: false -- Mark as merged, so next time Base.merge isn't called _merged: true , options))
print "ss init"
-- todo: splats in routes (*) -- Cmt conditions on routes -- pattern classes -- :something[num] *[slug] import insert from table unpack = unpack or table.unpack lpeg = require "lpeg" import R, S, V, P from lpeg import C, Cs, Ct, Cmt, Cg, Cb, Cc from lpeg import encode_query_string from require "lapis.util" reduce = (items, fn) -> count = #items error "reducing 0 item list" if count == 0 return items[1] if count == 1 left = fn items[1], items[2] for i = 3, count left = fn left, items[i] left class RouteParser new: => @grammar = @build_grammar! -- returns an lpeg patternt that matches route, along with table of flags parse: (route) => @grammar\match route compile_exclude: (current_p, chunks, k=1) => local out for {kind, value, val_params} in *chunks[k,] switch kind when "literal" if out out += value else out = value break when "optional" p = @route_precedence val_params continue if current_p < p if out out += value else out = value else break out compile_chunks: (chunks, exclude=nil) => local patt flags = {} for i=#chunks,1,-1 chunk = chunks[i] {kind, value, val_params} = chunk flags[kind] or= 0 flags[kind] += 1 chunk_pattern = switch kind when "splat" inside = P 1 inside -= exclude if exclude exclude = nil Cg inside^1, "splat" when "var" char = val_params and @compile_character_class(val_params) or P 1 inside = char - "/" inside -= exclude if exclude exclude = nil Cg inside^1, value when "literal" exclude = P value P value when "optional" inner, inner_flags, inner_exclude = @compile_chunks value, exclude for k,v in pairs inner_flags flags[k] or= v if inner_exclude if exclude exclude = inner_exclude + exclude else exclude = inner_exclude inner^-1 else error "unknown node: #{kind}" patt = if patt chunk_pattern * patt else chunk_pattern patt, flags, exclude -- convert character class, like %d to an lpeg pattern compile_character_class: (chars) => @character_class_pattern or= Ct C("^")^-1 * ( C(P"%" * S"adw") + (C(1) * P"-" * C(1) / (a, b) -> "#{a}#{b}") + C(1) )^1 negate = false plain_chars = {} items = @character_class_pattern\match chars patterns = for item in *items switch item when "^" negate = true continue when "%a" R "az", "AZ" when "%d" R "09" when "%w" R "09", "az", "AZ" else if #item == 2 R item else table.insert plain_chars, item continue if next plain_chars table.insert patterns, S table.concat plain_chars local out for p in *patterns if out out += p else out = p if negate out = 1 - out out or P -1 build_grammar: => alpha = R("az", "AZ", "__") alpha_num = alpha + R("09") make_var = (str, char_class) -> { "var", str\sub(2), char_class } make_splat = -> { "splat" } make_lit = (str) -> { "literal", str } make_optional = (children) -> { "optional", children } splat = P"*" var = P":" * alpha * alpha_num^0 var = C(var) * (P"[" * C((1 - P"]")^1) * P"]")^-1 @var = var @splat = splat chunk = var / make_var + splat / make_splat chunk = (1 - chunk)^1 / make_lit + chunk compile_chunks = @\compile_chunks g = P { "route" optional_literal: (1 - P")" - V"chunk")^1 / make_lit optional_route: Ct((V"chunk" + V"optional_literal")^1) optional: P"(" * V"optional_route" * P")" / make_optional literal: (1 - V"chunk")^1 / make_lit chunk: var / make_var + splat / make_splat + V"optional" route: Ct((V"chunk" + V"literal")^1) } g / @\compile_chunks / (p, f) -> Ct(p) * -1, f class Router new: => @routes = {} @named_routes = {} @parser = RouteParser! add_route: (route, responder) => @p = nil name = nil if type(route) == "table" name = next route route = route[name] -- keep existing route unless @named_routes[name] @named_routes[name] = route insert @routes, { route, responder, name } default_route: (route) => error "failed to find route: " .. route route_precedence: (flags) => p = 0 if flags.var p += flags.var if flags.splat p += 10 + (1 / flags.splat) * 10 p build: => by_precedence = {} for r in *@routes pattern, flags = @build_route unpack r p = @route_precedence flags by_precedence[p] or= {} table.insert by_precedence[p], pattern precedences = [k for k in pairs by_precedence] table.sort precedences @p = nil for p in *precedences for pattern in *by_precedence[p] if @p @p += pattern else @p = pattern @p or= P -1 build_route: (path, responder, name) => pattern, flags = @parser\parse path pattern = pattern / (params) -> params, responder, path, name pattern, flags fill_path: (path, params={}, route_name) => local optional_stack replace = (s) -> param_name = s\sub 2 if val = params[param_name] if "table" == type val if get_key = val.url_key val = get_key(val, route_name, param_name) or "" else obj_name = val.__class and val.__class.__name or type(val) error "Don't know how to serialize object for url: #{obj_name}" optional_stack.hits += 1 if optional_stack val, true else optional_stack.misses += 1 if optional_stack "" patt = Cs P { "string" replacement: @parser.var / replace + @parser.splat / (-> replace ":splat") + V"optional" optional: Cmt("(", (_, k) -> optional_stack = { hits: 0 misses: 0 prev: optional_stack } true, "" ) * Cmt Cs((V"replacement" + 1 - ")")^0) * P")", (_, k, match) -> result = optional_stack optional_stack = optional_stack.prev if result.hits > 0 and result.misses == 0 true, match else true, "" string: (V"replacement" + 1)^0 } patt\match path url_for: (name, params, query) => return params unless name path = assert @named_routes[name], "Missing route named #{name}" path = @fill_path path, params, name if query if type(query) == "table" query = encode_query_string query if query != "" path ..= "?" .. query path match: (route) => @build! unless @p @p\match route resolve: (route, ...) => @build! unless @p params, responder, path, name = @p\match route if params and responder responder params, path, name, ... else @default_route route, params, path, name { :Router, :RouteParser }
inspect = require 'inspect' parser = require 'src/parser' JSON = require 'JSON' files = { 'comma' 'demo' 'folding' 'html' 'indent' 'parentheses' 'quote' 'spaces' 'unfolding' } for key, value in pairs(files) file = io.open ('cirru/' .. value .. '.cirru'), 'rb' content = file\read "*all" file\close() tree = parser.pare content, "" generated = JSON\encode tree file = io.open ('ast/' .. value .. '.json'), 'rb' template = file\read "*all" file\close() tree = JSON\decode template template = JSON\encode tree if generated == template print "passed test: " .. value else print "failed at: " .. value print(generated) print(template)
toCharCode = zb2rhXYDewvrTT2NuGawYXLfRDxwmjkdjEqLd6CvGLSwNRKuG char => n = (toCharCode char) (or (and (gtn n 96) (ltn n 103)) (and (gtn n 47) (ltn n 58)))
--> # libllengua --> Library for managing conlangs -- By daelvn -- 19.04.2019 qualities = { "advanced" "advanced_tongue_root" "alveolar" "apical" "aspirated" "bidental" "breathy_voiced" "centralised" "coarticulated" "compressed" "creaky_voiced" "dental" "double_long" "ejective" "epiglottalised" "glottalised" "half-long" "ingressive" "iotation" "labialised" "labiopalatalised" "laminal" "lateral_release" "linguolabial" "long" "lowered" "mid_centralised" "nareal_frictative" "nasalised" "non_audible_release" "non_syllabic" "palatalised" "pharyngealised" "prestop" "preaspirated" "preglottalised" "prelabialised" "prelabiopalatalised" "prenasalised" "raised" "retracted" "retracted_tongue_root" "rhotacised" "short_consonant" "sibilated" "syllabic" "tone_dipping" "tone_extrahigh" "tone_extralow" "tone_falling" "tone_high" "tone_highfalling" "tone_highrising" "tone_low" "tone_lowfalling" "tone_lowrising" "tone_mid" "tone_peaking" "tone_rising" "uvularised" "velarised" "velopharyngeal" "voiced" "voiceless" -- "none" } { :qualities }
[[ joli-lune small framework for love2d MIT License (see licence file) ]] System = require "src.systems.system" import graphics from love class TiledMapLayer extends System __tostring: => return "tiledmaplayer" onCreate: (layer) => @layer = layer update: (dt) => @layer\update dt draw: => x,y = @position\get! graphics.push! graphics.translate x, y @layer\draw! graphics.pop! return TiledMapLayer
suit = require('vendor/SUIT') Scene = require('lib/scenes/scene') class GuiScene extends Scene new: () => super() @gui = suit.new() update: (dt) => super(dt) @gui.layout\reset(0, 0, 20, 20) draw: () => super() @gui\draw() keypressed: (key) => super(key) @gui\keypressed(key) textinput: (text) => @gui\textinput(text)
M = {} M.main = () -> "m2" return M
lfs = require "lfs" util = require "aegisub.util" json = require "json" PreciseTimer = require "PT.PreciseTimer" Logger = require "l0.DependencyControl.Logger" fileOps = require "l0.DependencyControl.FileOps" mutex = require "BM.BadMutex" class ConfigHandler @handlers = {} errors = { jsonDecode: "JSON parse error: %s" configCorrupted: [[An error occured while parsing the JSON config file. A backup of the corrupted configuration has been written to '%s'. Reload your automation scripts to generate a new configuration file.]] badKey: "Can't %s section because the key #%d (%s) leads to a %s." jsonRoot: "JSON root element must be an array or a hashtable, got a %s." noFile: "No config file defined." failedLock: "Failed to lock config file for %s: %s" waitLockFailed: "Error waiting for existing lock to be released: %s" forceReleaseFailed: "Failed to force-release existing lock after timeout had passed (%s)" noLock: "#{@@__name} doesn't have a lock" writeFailedRead: "Failed reading config file: %s." lockTimeout: "Timeout reached while waiting for write lock." } traceMsgs = { -- waitingLockPre: "Waiting %d ms before trying to get a lock..." waitingLock: "Waiting for config file lock to be released (%d ms passed)... " waitingLockFinished: "Lock was released after %d ms." mergeSectionStart: "Merging own section into configuration. Own Section: %s\nConfiguration: %s" mergeSectionResult: "Merge completed with result: %s" fileNotFound: "Couldn't find config file '%s'." fileCreate: "Config file '%s' doesn't exist, yet. Will write a fresh copy containing the current configuration section." writing: "Writing config file '%s'..." -- waitingLockTimeout: "Timeout was reached after %d seconds, force-releasing lock..." } new: (@file, defaults, @section, noLoad, @logger = Logger fileBaseName: @@__name) => @section = {@section} if "table" != type @section @defaults = defaults and util.deep_copy(defaults) or {} -- register all handlers for concerted writing @setFile @file -- set up user configuration and make defaults accessible @userConfig = {} @config = setmetatable {}, { __index: (_, k) -> if @userConfig and @userConfig[k] ~= nil return @userConfig[k] else return @defaults[k] __newindex: (_, k, v) -> @userConfig or= {} @userConfig[k] = v __len: (tbl) -> return 0 __ipairs: (tbl) -> error "numerically indexed config hive keys are not supported" __pairs: (tbl) -> merged = util.copy @defaults merged[k] = v for k, v in pairs @userConfig return next, merged } @c = @config -- shortcut -- rig defaults in a way that writing to contained tables deep-copies the whole default -- into the user configuration and sets the requested property there recurse = (tbl) -> for k,v in pairs tbl continue if type(v)~="table" or type(k)=="string" and k\match "^__" -- replace every table reference with an empty proxy table -- this ensures all writes to the table get intercepted tbl[k] = setmetatable {__key: k, __parent: tbl, __tbl: v}, { -- make the original table the index of the proxy so that defaults can be read __index: v __len: (tbl) -> return #tbl.__tbl __newindex: (tbl, k, v) -> upKeys, parent = {}, tbl.__parent -- trace back to defaults entry, pick up the keys along the path while parent.__parent tbl = parent upKeys[#upKeys+1] = tbl.__key parent = tbl.__parent -- deep copy the whole defaults node into the user configuration -- (util.deep_copy does not copy attached metatable references) -- make sure we copy the actual table, not the proxy @userConfig or= {} @userConfig[tbl.__key] = util.deep_copy @defaults[tbl.__key].__tbl -- finally perform requested write on userdata tbl = @userConfig[tbl.__key] for i = #upKeys-1, 1, -1 tbl = tbl[upKeys[i]] tbl[k] = v __pairs: (tbl) -> return next, tbl.__tbl __ipairs: (tbl) -> i, n, orgTbl = 0, #tbl.__tbl, tbl.__tbl -> i += 1 return i, orgTbl[i] if i <= n } recurse tbl[k] recurse @defaults @load! unless noLoad setFile: (path) => return false unless path if @@handlers[path] table.insert @@handlers[path], @ else @@handlers[path] = {@} path, err = fileOps.validateFullPath path, true return nil, err unless path @file = path return true unsetFile: => handlers = @@handlers[@file] if handlers and #handlers>1 @@handlers[@file] = [handler for handler in *handlers when handler != @] else @@handlers[@file] = nil @file = nil return true readFile: (file = @file, useLock = true, waitLockTime) => if useLock time, err = @getLock waitLockTime unless time -- handle\close! return false, errors.failedLock\format "reading", err mode, file = fileOps.attributes file, "mode" if mode == nil @releaseLock! if useLock return false, file elseif not mode @releaseLock! if useLock @logger\trace traceMsgs.fileNotFound, @file return nil handle, err = io.open file, "r" unless handle @releaseLock! if useLock return false, err data = handle\read "*a" success, result = pcall json.decode, data unless success handle\close! -- JSON parse error usually points to a corrupted config file -- Rename the broken file to allow generating a new one -- so the user can continue his work @logger\trace errors.jsonDecode, result backup = @file .. ".corrupted" fileOps.copy @file, backup fileOps.remove @file, false, true @releaseLock! if useLock return false, errors.configCorrupted\format backup handle\close! @releaseLock! if useLock if "table" != type result return false, errors.jsonRoot\format type result return result load: => return false, errors.noFile unless @file config, err = @readFile! return config, err unless config sectionExists = true for i=1, #@section config = config[@section[i]] switch type config when "table" continue when "nil" config, sectionExists = {}, false break else return false, errors.badKey\format "retrive", i, tostring(@section[i]),type config @userConfig or= {} @userConfig[k] = v for k,v in pairs config return sectionExists mergeSection: (config) => --@logger\trace traceMsgs.mergeSectionStart, @logger\dumpToString(@section), -- @logger\dumpToString config section, sectionExists = config, true -- create missing parent sections for i=1, #@section childSection = section[@section[i]] if childSection == nil -- don't create parent sections if this section is going to be deleted unless @userConfig sectionExists = false break section[@section[i]] = {} childSection = section[@section[i]] elseif "table" != type childSection return false, errors.badKey\format "update", i, tostring(@section[i]),type childSection section = childSection if @userConfig or i < #@section -- merge our values into our section if @userConfig section[k] = v for k,v in pairs @userConfig elseif sectionExists section[@section[#@section]] = nil -- @logger\trace traceMsgs.mergeSectionResult, @logger\dumpToString config return config delete: (concertWrite, waitLockTime) => @userConfig = nil return @write concertWrite, waitLockTime write: (concertWrite, waitLockTime) => return false, errors.noFile unless @file -- get a lock to avoid concurrent config file access time, err = @getLock waitLockTime unless time return false, errors.failedLock\format "writing", err -- read the config file config, err = @readFile @file, false if config == false @releaseLock! return false, errors.writeFailedRead\format err @logger\trace traceMsgs.fileCreate, @file unless config config or= {} -- merge in our section -- concerted writing allows us to update a configuration file -- shared by multiple handlers in the lua environment handlers = concertWrite and @@handlers[@file] or {@} for handler in *handlers config, err = handler\mergeSection config unless config @releaseLock! return false, err -- create JSON success, res = pcall json.encode, config unless success @releaseLock! return false, res -- write the whole config file in one go handle, err = io.open(@file, "w") unless handle @releaseLock! return false, err @logger\trace traceMsgs.writing, @file handle\setvbuf "full", 10e6 handle\write res handle\flush! handle\close! @releaseLock! return true getLock: (waitTimeout = 5000, checkInterval = 50) => return 0 if @hasLock success = mutex.tryLock! if success @hasLock = true return 0 timeout, timePassed = waitTimeout, 0 while not success and timeout > 0 PreciseTimer.sleep checkInterval success = mutex.tryLock! timeout -= checkInterval timePassed = waitTimeout - timeout if timePassed % (checkInterval*5) == 0 @logger\trace traceMsgs.waitingLock, timePassed if success @logger\trace traceMsgs.waitingLockFinished, timePassed @hasLock = true return timePassed else -- @logger\trace traceMsgs.waitingLockTimeout, waitTimeout/1000 -- success, err = @releaseLock true -- unless success -- return false, errors.forceReleaseFailed\format err -- @hasLock = true --return waitTimeout return false, errors.lockTimeout getSectionHandler: (section, defaults, noLoad) => return @@ @file, defaults, section, noLoad, @logger releaseLock: (force) => if @hasLock or force @hasLock = false mutex.unlock! return true return false, errors.noLock -- copied from Aegisub util.moon, adjusted to skip private keys deepCopy: (tbl) => seen = {} copy = (val) -> return val if type(val) != 'table' return seen[val] if seen[val] seen[val] = val {k, copy(v) for k, v in pairs val when type(k) != "string" or k\sub(1,1) != "_"} copy tbl import: (tbl = {}, keys, updateOnly, skipSameLengthTables) => tbl = tbl.userConfig if tbl.__class == @@ changesMade = false @userConfig or= {} keys = {key, true for key in *keys} if keys for k,v in pairs tbl continue if keys and not keys[k] or @userConfig[k] == v continue if updateOnly and @c[k] == nil -- TODO: deep-compare tables isTable = type(v) == "table" if isTable and skipSameLengthTables and type(@userConfig[k]) == "table" and #v == #@userConfig[k] continue continue if type(k) == "string" and k\sub(1,1) == "_" @userConfig[k] = isTable and @deepCopy(v) or v changesMade = true return changesMade
package.cpath = ";./?51.dll;./debug/?.dll;"..package.cpath package.path = ";./socket/?.lua;"..package.path --You can download the iup library from: --http://sourceforge.net/projects/iup require "iuplua" import iup from _G import emu, console from _G --Using luasocket-2.0.2, you can download the socket library from: --http://files.luaforge.net/releases/luasocket/luasocket export socket = require('socket') import prettyPrint, dumpPrint from require("utils") export remExecBuilder = require('deserializeData') export serverSocket = socket.udp() export bindname = "*" --export bindname = "" --export bindname = "localhost" export bindport = 51424 export peername = "localhost" --export peername = "" export peerport = 51425 serverSocket\setsockname(bindname, bindport) serverSocket\settimeout(0) serverSocket\setpeername(peername, peerport) dumpPrint serverSocket export queueInput=nil export queueRcvCmd={} export dataToSend="New command executed." class ServerSpawn --timer = nil --new:(queueInput)=> -- queueInput=queueInput -- print "newnew" new:()=> print "new" setInputQueue:(self, queue)-> queueInput=queue print "setQueue" --dumpPrint queueInput addInputQueue:(self, msg)-> --print "current queue length: "..(#queueInput) --print "new queue length: "..(#queue) --print "new queue msg: "..tostring(msg) --console.log msg --dumpPrint queueInput table.insert(queueInput, msg) --queueInput={msg} --print("added queueInp: "..(#queueInput)) --@run() --print ("addedQueue: "..(#queueInput)) getSocketInfo:()-> print("Using sockname: "..bindname..":"..bindport) print(serverSocket\getsockname()) print("Using peername: "..peername..":"..peerport) print(serverSocket\getpeername()) cmpStartsString = (fullString,startString)-> return string.sub(fullString,1,string.len(startString))==startString @fnTick:()-> --print("tick") --print("tick") @start() --poll() return iup.DEFAULT @fnTock:()-> print("tock") return iup.DEFAULT @start:()-> --canread=nil canread = socket.select({serverSocket}, nil, 0) for i,inSocket in ipairs(canread) do --iup.Close() line, err = inSocket\receive() if err then print "error: "..tostring(err) rcptValue = tostring(line) print("got: "..rcptValue) if(rcptValue=="send") then serverSocket\send(dataToSend) print("done ".. rcptValue) elseif(rcptValue~=nil and rcptValue~="nil") then if not cmpStartsString(rcptValue,"confirm") confirmMsg = "confirm: "..rcptValue print("sending: "..confirmMsg) serverSocket\send(confirmMsg) --serverSocket\send(dataToSend); print("added "..rcptValue) gg = remExecBuilder(rcptValue) table.insert(queueRcvCmd, gg) @startTimer:()-> print("start timer") fps = 111 timerTick = 1000/fps timerTick=100 print("timer set at: ".. timerTick) timer = iup.timer({time:timerTick, action_cb: @fnTock}) timer = iup.timer({time:timerTick, action_cb: @fnTick}) --timer.run="NO" --stop the timer timer.run="YES" --start the timer --iup.SetIdle(@fnTick) --this can be used as timer as well... --dg = iup.dialog({title:"Timer example"}) --dg\show() --iup.SetIdle(@fnTock) --iup.MainLoop() --run:()=> -- print("inside run") --testRun:()=> run:()-> print "ok" if(queueInput == nil) then print("queueInp: nil") if(queueInput ~= nil) then print("queueInp: "..(#queueInput)) for i, msg in ipairs(queueInput) do print "msg to send: "..msg --msg = io.read("*l") --_,msg = iup.GetParam("Title", nil, "Msg to send: %s\n","") --print socket.select({serverSocket}, nil, 0) if msg == nil then print("msg is null") continue print("SEND MSG: "..msg) --queueInput[i]=nil serverSocket\send(msg) --serverSocket\sendto(msg, peername, peerport) --this may cause to crash here --serverSocket\sendto(msg, "", peerport) -- so this works --serverSocket\sendto(msg, peername, peerport) -- so this works print("SENDED MSG: "..msg) --serverSocket\sendto("lol", "", 51420) -- so this works --serverSocket\sendto("lol", "", 51420) -- so this works... for i=0, #queueInput do queueInput[i]=nil --clear the queue --queueInput= [nil for i,v in ipairs queueInput] --clear the queue --print("queue cleared: "..(#queueInput)) --while true do if false then if (#queueRcvCmd > 0) then --TODO: Send back the actual data returned. --example: --dataToSend= "game name: " .. gameinfo.getromname(); dataToSend = "New Command command executed with success." for i, value in ipairs(queueRcvCmd) do remCmd=queueRcvCmd[i] queueRcvCmd[i]=nil if(remCmd.multiArgs=="ping") then print("pong") dataToSend="pong" else if remCmd\isParsable() then remCmd\parse() --remCmd:print() -- show all the params and function used. --else print("lib not supported") if remCmd\isSupported() then print("execute function...") remCmd\exec() --else print("function not supported") queueRcvCmd={} --clear the queue --emu.yield() --emu.pause() --@run() --if _G.emu==nil and _G.tastudio==nil then --print("using console mode") --dg = iup.dialog({title:"Timer example"}) --dg\show() --iup.MainLoop() --start a loop testRun = ()-> queueInput={"hi"} ServerSpawn\run() queueInput=nil testRun() return {:ServerSpawn, :serverSocket}
arrayLength = zb2rhj31DmWEQi2c9stdR1r8wfFboPeFCEdXNysWKikEx3QHy arrayMap = zb2rhgW1F8GpBDCtoXjEcqDBFXNiCDaPNt1fekX2Po8uHWiEV arrayGet = zb2rhjfCUgfysNDVs2pTuMw9Um8hRbGyYdsjKCaMTceKAGDSG arraySlice = zb2rhiPF8JLJ2JFUKR3MGk8HvdjSSa6oAY7KmVpXzZfcD65zu arrayAny = zb2rhgMZj9zo2uedSAd59429jtEuTVESMmwYkZesbpH8d2S92 arrayGenerate = zb2rhchsqGDzj5UBppkaEa9wm1H5n6VvVgQkHq6ryvFdKXWh8 arrayLast = zb2rhZhvZBAVJUaubWovcJQ3nY3BfqkXeSwyuQgfihH4BiAzo arrayInit = zb2rhdmABYWjjPKYdUzzsSyt7tqhUfVHfcCWUPiBx9AEyTa8Z strFilter = zb2rhnhgfZ8ynnFW7WtAuQvU23Z6Bt5UxYCVx8usrjt1m8VSu strSplit = zb2rheqi4ntPSJQnoW8aCC7x9ydG5WBAM2dtDsQ9fDjkp36ek strIndexOf = zb2rhbxRScabKQaihsvikS7VLMrqwVmG5xTiV8dhpmoycAHcV bytesLength = zb2rhbRAVvyLUE9tCysrnWvP7guviTgXQWzcK41KocGrhnvnH bytesConcat = zb2rhd8xzKmJPH4H4D8SABF547bcJy2P5ze7hmPEHJz2Pnp7N bytesPad = zb2rharxQTRobPCL5Qhy6LaWTWo7LsYJ63rVzqjDrk3hArS8T bytesFromHex = zb2rhnRAXG8KJ9FAwVTmW7qrfcMuWVJcnKNb5qSBe3sp2r9JS bytesSlice = zb2rhg1FpG1nrxVEGvjp1gfU2tCP9sRmXXL77HjL2qnCfjUmv bytesFromAscii = zb2rhoav2oVBSU3zQ3Yu1yZqUPcDFwLzxw2bG8NZqKWf4RVUj u16ToBig = zb2rhYRhv5qo5sPoXSkH34uT4tRxpFDnNkc6G5BDW6pDEk3TW bigToHex = zb2rhZFXk2vLZmHXnJ3VCsZfRXjDfSEi3o2fUT6g2iC7wecGU hexToBig = zb2rhndxjNzRFG1YPHe8xK9S9nwGQKm3ChEBxovm8R2EC56F1 bigToNum = zb2rhhuEY9zoiu9rsJK7Mi3UGrQbRYTTyfFwiGyxdx1SP9raW keccak256 = zb2rhkcDyioJbNcAMUAD4rBxi1pp5g5qFzAkGvQiKPu6MJcVu isDynamic = isDynamic @ type => name = (get type "name") (if (cmp name "tuple") (arrayAny (eql 1) (arrayMap isDynamic (get type "typs"))) dims = (get type "dims") (arrayAny (eql 1) [ (cmp name "bytes") (cmp name "string") (arrayAny (eql 0) dims) ])) type = type @ str => (if (cmp (slc str 0 1) "(") types = (strSplit "," (slc str 1 (sub (len str) 1))) { name: "tuple" typs: (arrayMap type types) } strs = (strSplit "[" (strFilter c => (sub 1 (cmp c "]")) str)) name = (get strs "0") dims = (arrayMap (stn) (arraySlice strs 1 (arrayLength strs))) { name: name dims: dims }) encodeType = encode @ type => term => encodeBytes32 = hex => (bytesPad 1 32 "0x00" (bytesFromHex hex)) encodeAddress = hex => (bytesPad 0 32 "0x00" (bytesFromHex hex)) encodeUint256 = big => (bytesPad 0 32 "0x00" (bytesFromHex (bigToHex big))) encodeBytes = bytes => length = (bytesLength bytes) nextMul32 = (mul (add (flr (div (sub length 1) 32)) 1) 32) lengthEncoded = (encodeUint256 (u16ToBig length)) bytesEncoded = (bytesPad 1 nextMul32 "0x00" bytes) (bytesConcat lengthEncoded bytesEncoded) encodeTuple = types => terms => size = (arrayLength types) state = {head:"0x" tail:"0x"} encoded = (for 0 size state i => state => head = (get state "head") tail = (get state "tail") type = (arrayGet types i) term = (arrayGet terms i) (if (isDynamic type) { head: tailPos = (add (mul size 32) (bytesLength tail)) (bytesConcat head (encodeUint256 (u16ToBig tailPos))) tail: (bytesConcat tail (encode type term)) } { head: (bytesConcat head (encode type term)) tail: tail })) (bytesConcat (get encoded "head") (get encoded "tail")) encodeArray = type => terms => name = (get type "name") dims = (get type "dims") lastDim = (arrayLast dims) size = (arrayLength terms) elementType = { name: name dims: (arrayInit dims) } tupleType = { name: "tuple" typs: (arrayMap term => elementType terms) } encodedSize = (if (eql lastDim 0) (encodeUint256 (u16ToBig size)) "0") encodedTuple = (encode tupleType terms) (bytesConcat encodedSize encodedTuple) name = (get type "name") (if (cmp name "tuple") (encodeTuple (get type "typs") term) (if (arrayLength (get type "dims")) (encodeArray type term) (if (cmp name "bytes32") (encodeBytes32 term) (if (cmp name "address") (encodeAddress term) (if (cmp name "uint256") (encodeUint256 term) (if (cmp name "bool") (encodeUint256 term) (if (cmp name "bytes") (encodeBytes term) (con "0xunsupported_type_" name)))))))) encodeCall = method => params => parensIndex = (strIndexOf "(" method) methodName = (slc method 0 parensIndex) methodType = (slc method parensIndex (len method)) sig = (bytesSlice (keccak256 (bytesFromAscii (con methodName methodType))) 0 4) dat = (encodeType (type methodType) params) (bytesConcat sig dat) decodeType = type => bytes => decode = decode @ type => bytes => i => decodeUint256 = i => { idx: (add i 32) val: (hexToBig (bytesSlice bytes i (add i 32))) } decodeBytes32 = i => { idx: (add i 32) val: (bytesSlice bytes i (add i 32)) } decodeAddress = i => { idx: (add i 32) val: (bytesSlice bytes 12 (add i 32)) } decodeBytes = i => decodedSize = (decodeUint256 i) size = (bigToNum (get decodedSize "val")) j = (get decodedSize "idx") { idx: (add j size) val: (bytesSlice bytes j (add j size)) } decodeArray = type => i => name = (get type "name") dims = (get type "dims") lastDim = (arrayLast dims) size = (if (eql lastDim 0) (bigToNum (get (decodeUint256 i) "val")) lastDim) j = (if (eql lastDim 0) (add i 32) i) elementType = { name: name dims: (arrayInit dims) } tupleType = { name: "tuple" typs: (arrayGenerate 0 size n => elementType) } (decode tupleType bytes j) decodeTuple = types => i => size = (arrayLength types) decodeds = (arrayGenerate 0 size n => type = (arrayGet types n) j = (add i (mul n 32)) k = (if (isDynamic type) (add i (bigToNum (get (decodeUint256 j) "val"))) j) (decode type bytes k)) { idx: (get (arrayLast decodeds) "idx") val: (arrayMap decoded => (get decoded "val") decodeds) } name = (get type "name") result = (if (cmp name "tuple") (decodeTuple (get type "typs") i) (if (arrayLength (get type "dims")) (decodeArray type i) (if (cmp name "bytes32") (decodeBytes32 i) (if (cmp name "address") (decodeAddress i) (if (cmp name "uint256") (decodeUint256 i) (if (cmp name "bool") (decodeUint256 i) (if (cmp name "bytes") (decodeBytes i) (con "unsupported_type_" name)))))))) result (get (decode type bytes 0) "val") (get { encode: typeStr => (encodeType (type typeStr)) decode: typeStr => (decodeType (type typeStr)) encodeCall: encodeCall })
import File from howl.io describe 'File', -> describe 'tmpfile()', -> it 'returns a file instance pointing to an existing file', -> file = File.tmpfile! assert.is_true file.exists file\delete! describe 'with_tmpfile(f)', -> it 'invokes <f> with the file', -> f = spy.new (file) -> assert.equals 'File', typeof(file) File.with_tmpfile f assert.spy(f).was_called(1) it 'removes the temporary file even if <f> raises an error', -> local tmpfile f = (file) -> tmpfile = file error 'noo' assert.raises 'noo', -> File.with_tmpfile f assert.is_false tmpfile.exists describe 'tmpdir()', -> it 'returns a file instance pointing to an existing directory', -> file = File.tmpdir! assert.is_true file.exists assert.is_true file.is_directory file\delete_all! describe 'expand_path(path)', -> it 'expands "~" into the full path of the home directory', -> assert.equals "#{os.getenv('HOME')}/foo.txt", (File.expand_path '~/foo.txt') assert.equals "#{os.getenv('HOME')}/foo.txt", (File.expand_path '/blah/~/foo.txt') it 'handles multiple "~/" by replacing the deepest one', -> assert.equals "#{os.getenv('HOME')}/foo.txt", (File.expand_path '/a/b/~/c/~/foo.txt') it 'does not expand "~" when part of another word', -> assert.equals "/dir~/foo.txt", (File.expand_path '/dir~/foo.txt') it 'does not expand trailing "~" without "/" suffix', -> assert.equals "/dir/~", (File.expand_path '/dir/~') describe 'new(p, cwd, opts = {})', -> it 'accepts a string as denothing a path', -> File '/bin/ls' it 'accepts other files as well', -> f = File '/bin/ls' f2 = File f assert.equal f, f2 context 'when <cwd> is specified', -> it 'resolves a string <p> relative to <cwd>', -> assert.equal '/bin/ls', File('ls', '/bin').path it 'resolves an absolute string <p> as the absolute path', -> assert.equal '/bin/ls', File('/bin/ls', '/home').path it 'accepts other Files as <cwd>', -> assert.equal '/bin/ls', File('ls', File('/bin')).path it "accepts an optional type specifying the file's type", -> f = File '/notherenothere', nil, type: File.TYPE_DIRECTORY assert.is_true f.is_directory describe '.is_absolute', -> it 'returns true if the given path is absolute', -> assert.is_true File.is_absolute '/bin/ls' assert.is_true File.is_absolute 'c:\\\\bin\\ls' it 'returns false if the given path is absolute', -> assert.is_false File.is_absolute 'bin/ls' assert.is_false File.is_absolute 'bin\\ls' it '.basename returns the basename of the path', -> assert.equal 'base.ext', File('/foo/base.ext').basename describe '.display_name', -> it 'is the same as the basename for files', -> assert.equal 'base.ext', File('/foo/base.ext').display_name it 'has a trailing separator for directories', -> assert.equal 'bin/', File('/usr/bin').display_name it '.extension returns the extension of the path', -> assert.equal File('/foo/base.ext').extension, 'ext' assert.equal File('/foo/base.ex+').extension, 'ex+' it '.path returns the path of the file', -> assert.equal '/foo/base.ext', File('/foo/base.ext').path it '.uri returns an URI representing the path', -> assert.equal File('/foo.txt').uri, 'file:///foo.txt' it '.exists returns true if the path exists', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> assert.is_true file.exists describe '.short_path', -> it 'returns the path with the home directory replace by "~"', -> assert.equal '~', File(os.getenv('HOME')).short_path file = File(os.getenv('HOME')) / 'foo.txt' assert.equal '~/foo.txt', file.short_path it 'does not replace a directory the home directory is a prefix of directory', -> home_path = File(os.getenv('HOME')).path .. '-suffix' home = File(home_path) file = home / 'foo.txt' assert.equal home.path, home.short_path assert.equal file.path, file.short_path describe 'contents', -> it 'assigning a string writes the string to the file', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> file.contents = 'hello world' f = io.open file.path read_back = f\read '*all' f\close! assert.equal read_back, 'hello world' it 'returns the contents of the file', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> f = io.open file.path, 'wb' f\write 'hello world' f\close! assert.equal file.contents, 'hello world' it '.parent return the parent of the file', -> assert.equal File('/bin/ls').parent.path, '/bin' it '.children returns a table of children', -> with_tmpdir (dir) -> dir\join('child1')\mkdir! dir\join('child2')\touch! kids = dir.children table.sort kids, (a,b) -> a.path < b.path assert.same [v.basename for v in *kids], { 'child1', 'child2' } it '.children_async returns a table of children', (done) -> howl_async -> with_tmpdir (dir) -> dir\join('child1')\mkdir! dir\join('child2')\touch! kids = dir.children_async table.sort kids, (a,b) -> a.path < b.path assert.same [v.basename for v in *kids], { 'child1', 'child2' } done! it '.file_type is a string describing the file type', -> assert.equal 'directory', File('/bin').file_type assert.equal 'regular', File('/bin/ls').file_type assert.equal 'special', File('/dev/null').file_type it '.writeable is true if the file represents a entry that can be written to', -> with_tmpdir (dir) -> assert.is_true dir.writeable file = dir / 'file.txt' assert.is_true file.writeable file\touch! assert.is_true file.writeable assert.is_false File('/no/such/directory/orfile.txt').writeable it '.readable is true if the file represents a entry that can be read', -> with_tmpdir (dir) -> assert.is_true dir.readable file = dir / 'file.txt' assert.is_false file.readable file\touch! assert.is_true file.readable it '.etag is a string that can be used to check for modification', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> assert.is.not_nil file.etag assert.equal type(file.etag), 'string' it '.modified_at is a the unix time when the file was last modified', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> assert.is.not_nil file.modified_at describe 'open([mode, function])', -> context 'when <function> is nil', -> it 'returns a Lua file handle', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> file.contents = 'first line\nsecond line\n' fh = file\open! assert.equal 'first line', fh\read! assert.equal 'second line\n', fh\read '*L' fh\close! context 'when <function> is provided', -> it 'it is invoked with the file handle', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> file.contents = 'first line\nsecond line\n' local first_line file\open 'r', (fh) -> first_line = fh\read! assert.equal 'first line', first_line it 'returns the returns values of the function', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> assert.same { 'callback', nil, 'last' }, { file\open 'r', -> 'callback', nil, 'last' } it 'closes the file automatically after invoking <function>', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> local handle file\open 'r', (fh) -> handle = fh assert.has_errors -> handle\read! context 'when <function> raises an error', -> it 'propagates that error', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> assert.raises 'kaboom', -> file\open 'r', -> error 'kaboom' it 'still closes the file', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> local handle pcall -> file\open 'r', (fh) -> handle = fh error 'kaboom' assert.has_errors -> handle\read! it 'read(..) is a short hand for doing a read(..) on the Lua file handle', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> file.contents = 'first line\n' assert.same { 'first', ' line' }, { file\read 5, '*l' } it 'join() returns a new file representing the specified child', -> assert.equal File('/bin')\join('ls').path, '/bin/ls' it 'relative_to_parent() returns a path relative to the specified parent', -> parent = File '/bin' file = File '/bin/ls' assert.equal 'ls', file\relative_to_parent(parent) it 'is_below(dir) returns true if the file is located beneath <dir>', -> parent = File '/bin' assert.is_true File('/bin/ls')\is_below parent assert.is_true File('/bin/sub/ls')\is_below parent assert.is_false File('/usr/bin/ls')\is_below parent describe 'mkdir()', -> it 'creates a directory for the path specified by the file', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> file\delete! file\mkdir! assert.is_true file.exists and file.is_directory it 'raises an error if the directory could not be created', -> assert.has_error -> File('/aksdjskjdgudfkj')\mkdir! describe 'mkdir_p()', -> it 'creates a directory for the path specified by the file, including parents', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> file\delete! file = file\join 'sub/foo' file\mkdir_p! assert.is_true file.exists and file.is_directory describe 'delete()', -> it 'deletes the target file', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> file\delete! assert.is_false file.exists it 'raise an error if the file does not exist', -> file = File.tmpfile! file\delete! assert.error -> file\delete! it 'rm and unlink is an alias for delete', -> assert.equal File.rm, File.delete assert.equal File.unlink, File.delete describe 'delete_all()', -> context 'for a regular file', -> it 'deletes the target file', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> file\delete_all! assert.is_false file.exists context 'for a directory', -> it 'deletes the directory and all sub entries', -> with_tmpdir (dir) -> dir\join('child1')\mkdir! dir\join('child1/sub_child')\touch! dir\join('child2')\touch! dir\delete_all! assert.is_false dir.exists it 'raise an error if the file does not exist', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> file\delete! assert.error -> file\delete! it 'rm_r is an alias for delete_all', -> assert.equal File.rm_r, File.delete_all describe 'touch()', -> it 'creates the file if does not exist', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> file\delete! file\touch! assert.is_true file.exists it 'raises an error if the file could not be created', -> file = File '/no/does/not/exist' assert.error -> file\touch! describe 'tostring()', -> it 'returns a string containing the path', -> File.with_tmpfile (file) -> to_s = file\tostring! assert.equal 'string', typeof to_s assert.equal to_s, file.path describe 'find()', -> with_populated_dir = (f) -> with_tmpdir (dir) -> dir\join('child1')\mkdir! dir\join('child1/sub_dir')\mkdir! dir\join('child1/sub_dir/deep.lua')\touch! dir\join('child1/sub_child.txt')\touch! dir\join('child1/sandwich.lua')\touch! dir\join('child2')\touch! f dir it 'raises an error if the file is not a directory', -> file = File '/no/does/not/exist' assert.error -> file\find! context 'with no parameters given', -> it 'returns a list of all sub entries', -> with_populated_dir (dir) -> files = dir\find! table.sort files, (a,b) -> a.path < b.path normalized = [f\relative_to_parent dir for f in *files] assert.same { 'child1', 'child1/sandwich.lua', 'child1/sub_child.txt', 'child1/sub_dir', 'child1/sub_dir/deep.lua', 'child2' }, normalized context 'when the sort parameter is given', -> it 'returns a list of all sub entries in a pleasing order', -> with_populated_dir (dir) -> files = dir\find sort: true normalized = [f\relative_to_parent dir for f in *files] assert.same normalized, { 'child2', 'child1', 'child1/sandwich.lua', 'child1/sub_child.txt', 'child1/sub_dir', 'child1/sub_dir/deep.lua', } context 'when filter: is passed as an option', -> it 'excludes files for which <filter(file)> returns true', -> with_populated_dir (dir) -> files = dir\find filter: (file) -> file.basename != 'sandwich.lua' and file.basename != 'child1' assert.same { 'child1', 'sandwich.lua' }, [f.basename for f in *files] context 'when the on_enter parameter is given', -> it 'is called once for each directory with the dir and files so far', -> with_populated_dir (dir) -> dirs = {} total_files = 0 dir\find on_enter: (enter_dir, files) -> dirs[#dirs + 1] = enter_dir total_files = files assert.equal 3, #dirs assert.equal 6, #total_files table.sort dirs assert.same { dir, dir\join('child1'), dir\join('child1')\join('sub_dir'), }, dirs context 'and it returns "break"', -> it 'causes an early return', -> with_populated_dir (dir) -> files, cancelled = dir\find on_enter: (enter_dir, files) -> if enter_dir.basename == 'child1' return 'break' assert.equal true, cancelled table.sort files assert.same { dir\join('child1'), dir\join('child2'), }, files describe 'find_paths(opts = {})', -> with_populated_dir = (f) -> with_tmpdir (dir) -> dir\join('child1')\mkdir! dir\join('child1/sub_dir')\mkdir! dir\join('child1/sub_dir/deep.lua')\touch! dir\join('child1/sub_child.txt')\touch! dir\join('child1/sandwich.lua')\touch! dir\join('child2')\touch! f dir it 'raises an error if the file is not a directory', -> file = File '/no/does/not/exist' assert.error -> file\find_paths! context 'with no option specified', -> it 'returns a list of all regular and directory sub paths', -> with_populated_dir (dir) -> paths = dir\find_paths! table.sort paths assert.same { 'child1/', 'child1/sandwich.lua', 'child1/sub_child.txt', 'child1/sub_dir/', 'child1/sub_dir/deep.lua', 'child2' }, paths context 'with the exclude_directories option specified', -> it 'returns a list of all regular sub paths', -> with_populated_dir (dir) -> paths = dir\find_paths exclude_directories: true table.sort paths assert.same { 'child1/sandwich.lua', 'child1/sub_child.txt', 'child1/sub_dir/deep.lua', 'child2' }, paths context 'with the exclude_non_directories option specified', -> it 'returns a list of all directory paths', -> with_populated_dir (dir) -> paths = dir\find_paths exclude_non_directories: true table.sort paths assert.same { 'child1/', 'child1/sub_dir/', }, paths context 'when filter: is passed as an option', -> it 'excludes paths for which <filter(path)> returns true', -> with_populated_dir (dir) -> paths = dir\find_paths filter: (path) -> not (path\ends_with('sandwich.lua') or path == 'child1/') assert.same { 'child1/', 'child1/sandwich.lua' }, paths context 'when the on_enter parameter is given', -> it 'is called once for each directory with the dir and paths so far', -> with_populated_dir (dir) -> dirs = {} total_files = 0 dir\find_paths on_enter: (enter_dir, files) -> dirs[#dirs + 1] = enter_dir total_files = files assert.equal 3, #dirs assert.equal 6, #total_files table.sort dirs assert.same { './', 'child1/', 'child1/sub_dir/', }, dirs context 'and it returns "break"', -> it 'causes an early return', -> with_populated_dir (dir) -> local count paths, cancelled = dir\find_paths on_enter: (enter_dir, cur_paths) -> if enter_dir == 'child1/' count = #cur_paths return 'break' assert.equal true, cancelled assert.equal count, #paths describe 'copy(dest)', -> it 'copies the given file', -> with_tmpdir (dir) -> a = dir/'a.txt' b = dir/'b.txt' a.contents = 'hello' a\copy b assert.same b.contents, 'hello' a.contents = 'hello 2' assert.has_errors -> a\copy b assert.same b.contents, 'hello' a\copy b, {'COPY_OVERWRITE'} assert.same b.contents, 'hello 2' describe 'meta methods', -> it '/ and .. joins the file with the specified argument', -> file = File('/bin') assert.equal (file / 'ls').path, '/bin/ls' assert.equal (file .. 'ls').path, '/bin/ls' it 'tostring returns the result of File.tostring', -> file = File '/bin/ls' assert.equal file\tostring!, tostring file it '== returns true if the files point to the same path', -> assert.equal File('/bin/ls'), File('/bin/ls')
path = "src/entities/" player = require path .. "player" block = require path .. "block" { :player :block }
ffi = require "ffi" require "ZF.img.buffer" bmp_header = { offset: 0 pixel_offset: 10 width: 18 height: 22 bpp: 28 compression: 30 } -- https://github.com/max1220/lua-bitmap class LIBBMP version: "1.0.0" new: (@filename = filename) => file = io.open @filename, "rb" unless file error "Can't open input file for reading: #{@filename}" raw = file\read "*a" assert raw and raw != "", "Can't read input file: #{@filename}" file\close! @raw = {} for i = 1, #raw @raw[i - 1] = raw\sub i, i -- reading 8/16/32-bit little-endian integer values from a string -- read uint8 read: (offset) => offset = tonumber offset assert offset value = @raw[math.floor offset] assert value return value\byte! -- read uint16 read_word: (offset) => @read(offset + 1) * 0x100 + @read offset -- read uint32 read_dword: (offset) => @read(offset + 3) * 0x1000000 + @read(offset + 2) * 0x10000 + @read(offset + 1) * 0x100 + @read offset -- read int32 read_long: (offset) => value = @read_dword offset if value >= 0x8000000 value = -(value - 0x80000000) return value decode: => -- check the bitmap header unless @read_word(bmp_header.offset) == 0x4D42 error "Bitmap magic header not found" compression = @read_dword bmp_header.compression if compression != 0 error "Only uncompressed bitmaps supported. Is: #{compression}" -- get bits per pixel from the bitmap header -- this library only supports 24bpp and 32bpp pixel formats! @bit_depth = @read_word bmp_header.bpp unless @bit_depth == 24 or @bit_depth == 32 error "Only 24bpp/32bpp bitmaps supported. Is: #{@bit_depth}" -- get other required info from the bitmap header @pxOffset = @read_dword bmp_header.pixel_offset @width = @read_long bmp_header.width @height = @read_long bmp_header.height -- if height is < 0, the image data is in topdown format @topdown = true if @height < 0 @topdown, @height = false, -@height @getPixel = (x, y) => if (x < 0) or (x >= @width) or (y < 0) or (y >= @height) error "Out of bounds" -- calculate byte offset in data bpp = @bit_depth / 8 lineW = math.ceil(@width / 4) * 4 index = @pxOffset + y * lineW * bpp + x * bpp if @topdown index = @pxOffset + (@height - y - 1) * bpp * lineW + x * bpp b = @read index g = @read index + 1 r = @read index + 2 a = bpp < 4 and 255 or @read index + 3 return r, g, b, a @getData = => @data = ffi.new "color_RGBA[?]", @width * @height for y = 0, @height - 1 for x = 0, @width - 1 r, g, b, a = @getPixel x, y with @data[y * @width + x] .r = r .g = g .b = b .a = a return @data return @ {:LIBBMP}
-- -- Copyright (C) 2017-2020 DBotThePony -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -- of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, -- subject to the following conditions: -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies -- or substantial portions of the Software. -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, -- INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR -- OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER -- DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -- -- 0 eyes_updown -- 1 eyes_rightleft -- 2 JawOpen -- 3 JawClose -- 4 Smirk -- 5 Frown -- 6 Stretch -- 7 Pucker -- 8 Grin -- 9 CatFace -- 10 Mouth_O -- 11 Mouth_O2 -- 12 Mouth_Full -- 13 Tongue_Out -- 14 Tongue_Up -- 15 Tongue_Down -- 16 NoEyelashes -- 17 Eyes_Blink -- 18 Left_Blink -- 19 Right_Blink -- 20 Scrunch -- 21 FatButt -- 22 Stomach_Out -- 23 Stomach_In -- 24 Throat_Bulge -- 25 Male -- 26 Hoof_Fluffers -- 27 o3o -- 28 Ear_Fluffers -- 29 Fangs -- 30 Claw_Teeth -- 31 Fang_Test -- 32 angry_eyes -- 33 sad_eyes -- 34 Eyes_Blink_Lower -- 35 Male_2 -- 36 Buff_Body -- 37 Manliest_Chin -- 38 Lowerlid_Raise -- 39 Happy_Eyes -- 40 Duck BLINK_CURVE = {0, 0.2, 0.45, 0.65, 0.9, 1, 1, 0.75, 0.55, 0.25, 0.15, 0} BREATH_CURVE = {0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.55, 0.85, 1, 1, 0.85, 0.65, 0.4, 0.2, 0, 0, 0} DISABLE_FLEXES = CreateConVar('ppm2_disable_flexes', '0', {FCVAR_ARCHIVE}, 'Disable pony flexes controllers. Saves some FPS.') class FlexState extends PPM2.ModifierBase @SetupModifiers: => @RegisterModifier('Speed', 0) @RegisterModifier('Scale', 0) @RegisterModifier('Weight', 0) new: (controller, flexName = '', flexID = 0, scale = 1, speed = 1, active = true, min = 0, max = 1, useModifiers = true) => super() @controller = controller @name = flexName @flexName = flexName @flexID = flexID @id = flexID @scale = scale @speed = speed @originalscale = scale @originalspeed = speed @min = min @max = max @current = -1 @target = 0 @speedModify = 1 @scaleModify = 1 @modifiers = {} @useModifiers = useModifiers @active = active @useLerp = true @lerpMultiplier = 1 @activeID = "DisableFlex#{@flexName}" controller = @controller\GetController()\GetData() @SetIsActive(not controller['Get' .. @activeID](controller)) if controller['Get' .. @activeID] __tostring: => "[#{@@__name}:#{@flexName}[#{@flexID}]|#{@GetData()}]" GetFlexID: => @flexID GetFlexName: => @flexName SetUseLerp: (val = true) => @useLerp = val GetUseLerp: => @useLerp UseLerp: => @useLerp SetLerpModify: (val = 1) => @lerpMultiplier = val GetLerpModify: => @lerpMultiplier LerpModify: => @lerpMultiplier GetEntity: => @controller\GetEntity() GetData: => @controller GetController: => @controller GetValue: => @current GetRealValue: => @target SetValue: (val = @target) => @current = math.Clamp(val, @min, @max) * @scale * @scaleModify @target = @target SetRealValue: (val = @target) => @target = math.Clamp(val, @min, @max) * @scale * @scaleModify GetScale: => @scale GetSpeed: => @speed GetScaleModify: => @scaleModify GetSpeedModify: => @speedModify GetOriginalScale: => @originalscale GetOriginalSpeed: => @originalspeed SetScale: (val = @scale) => @scale = val GetSpeed: (val = @speed) => @speed = val SetScaleModify: (val = @scaleModify) => @scaleModify = val GetSpeedModify: (val = @speedModify) => @speedModify = val GetIsActive: => @active SetIsActive: (val = true) => @active = val AddValue: (val = 0) => @SetValue(@current + val) AddRealValue: (val = 0) => @SetRealValue(@target + val) Think: (ent = @GetEntity(), delta = 0) => return if not @active if @useModifiers @current = 0 @scale = @originalscale * @scaleModify @speed = @originalspeed * @speedModify if @useLerp for i = 1, #@WeightModifiers @modifiers[i] = Lerp(delta * 15 * @speed * @speedModify * @lerpMultiplier, @modifiers[i] or 0, @WeightModifiers[i]) @current += @modifiers[i] else @current += @WeightModifiers[i] for i = 1, #@WeightModifiers @scale += modif for _, modif in ipairs @ScaleModifiers @speed += modif for _, modif in ipairs @SpeedModifiers @current = math.Clamp(@current, @min, @max) * @scale ent\SetFlexWeight(@flexID, @current) DataChanges: (state) => return if state\GetKey() ~= @activeID @SetIsActive(not state\GetValue()) @GetController()\RebuildIterableList() @Reset() Reset: (resetVars = true) => for name, id in pairs @modifiersNames @ResetModifiers(name) if resetVars @scaleModify = 1 @speedModify = 1 @scale = @originalscale * @scaleModify @speed = @originalspeed * @speedModify @target = 0 @current = 0 @GetEntity()\SetFlexWeight(@flexID, 0) if IsValid(@GetEntity()) PPM2.FlexState = FlexState class FlexSequence extends PPM2.SequenceBase new: (controller, data) => super(controller, data) { 'ids': @flexIDsIterable 'numid': @numid } = data @flexIDS = {} @flexStates = {} i = 1 for _, id in ipairs data.ids state = controller\GetFlexState(id) num = state\GetModifierID(@name) @["flex_#{id}"] = num @flexIDS[id] = num @flexStates[id] = state @flexStates[i] = state @flexIDS[i] = num i += 1 @controller = controller @Launch() GetController: => @controller GetModifierID: (id = '') => @flexIDS[id] GetFlexState: (id = '') => @flexStates[id] Think: (delta = 0) => return false if not IsValid(@GetEntity()) super(delta) Stop: => super() return unless @parent @parent\GetFlexState(id)\ResetModifiers(@name) for _, id in ipairs @flexIDsIterable SetModifierWeight: (id = '', val = 0) => @GetFlexState(id)\SetModifierWeight(@GetModifierID(id), val) SetModifierSpeed: (id = '', val = 0) => @GetFlexState(id)\SetModifierSpeed(@GetModifierID(id), val) SetUseLerp: (id = '', status = true) => @GetFlexState(id)\SetUseLerp(status) GetUseLerp: (id = '') => @GetFlexState(id)\GetUseLerp() PPM2.FlexSequence = FlexSequence class PonyFlexController extends PPM2.ControllerChildren @AVALIABLE_CONTROLLERS = {} @MODELS = {'models/ppm/player_default_base_new.mdl', 'models/ppm/player_default_base_new_nj.mdl'} @FLEX_LIST = { {flex: 'eyes_updown', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'eyes_rightleft', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'JawOpen', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'JawClose', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Smirk', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Frown', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Stretch', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Pucker', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Grin', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'CatFace', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Mouth_O', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Mouth_O2', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Mouth_Full', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Tongue_Out', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Tongue_Up', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Tongue_Down', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'NoEyelashes', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Eyes_Blink', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Left_Blink', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Right_Blink', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Scrunch', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'FatButt', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Stomach_Out', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Stomach_In', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Throat_Bulge', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Male', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Hoof_Fluffers', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'o3o', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Ear_Fluffers', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Fangs', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Claw_Teeth', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Fang_Test', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'angry_eyes', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'sad_eyes', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Eyes_Blink_Lower', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Male_2', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Buff_Body', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Manliest_Chin', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Lowerlid_Raise', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: false} {flex: 'Happy_Eyes', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} {flex: 'Duck', scale: 1, speed: 1, active: true} } @SEQUENCES = { { 'name': 'anger' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'Frown', 'Grin', 'angry_eyes', 'Scrunch'} 'reset': => @SetTime(math.random(15, 45) / 10) @lastStrengthUpdate = @lastStrengthUpdate or 0 if @lastStrengthUpdate < CurTimeL() @lastStrengthUpdate = CurTimeL() + 2 @frownStrength = math.random(40, 100) / 100 @grinStrength = math.random(15, 40) / 100 @angryStrength = math.random(30, 80) / 100 @scrunchStrength = math.random(50, 100) / 100 @SetModifierWeight(1, @frownStrength) @SetModifierWeight(2, @grinStrength) @SetModifierWeight(3, @angryStrength) @SetModifierWeight(4, @scrunchStrength) } { 'name': 'sad' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'Frown', 'Grin', 'sad_eyes'} 'reset': => @SetTime(math.random(15, 45) / 10) @lastStrengthUpdate = @lastStrengthUpdate or 0 if @lastStrengthUpdate < CurTimeL() @lastStrengthUpdate = CurTimeL() + 2 @frownStrength = math.random(40, 100) / 100 @grinStrength = math.random(15, 40) / 100 @angryStrength = math.random(30, 80) / 100 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => @SetModifierWeight(1, @frownStrength) @SetModifierWeight(2, @grinStrength) @SetModifierWeight(3, @angryStrength) } { 'name': 'ugh' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'sad_eyes', 'Eyes_Blink_Lower'} 'reset': => @SetModifierWeight(1, math.Rand(0.27, 0.34)) @SetModifierWeight(2, math.Rand(0.3, 0.35)) @PauseSequence('eyes_blink') @PauseSequence('eyes_idle') } { 'name': 'suggestive_eyes' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'sad_eyes', 'Eyes_Blink_Lower'} 'reset': => @SetModifierWeight(1, 0.28) @SetModifierWeight(2, 0.4) @PauseSequence('eyes_blink') @PauseSequence('eyes_idle') } { 'name': 'lips_lick' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'Tongue_Out', 'Tongue_Up'} 'reset': => @SetModifierWeight(1, 0.9) 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => @SetModifierWeight(2, 0.75 + math.sin(CurTimeL() * 7) * 0.25) } { 'name': 'tongue_pullout' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'Tongue_Out'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => @SetModifierWeight(1, 0.15 + math.sin(CurTimeL() * 10) * 0.1) } { 'name': 'tongue_pullout_twitch' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'Tongue_Out'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => @SetModifierWeight(1, 0.5 + math.sin(CurTimeL() * 4) * 0.5) } { 'name': 'tongue_pullout_twitch_fast' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'Tongue_Out'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => @SetModifierWeight(1, 0.5 + math.sin(CurTimeL() * 8) * 0.5) } { 'name': 'suggestive_open' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'Pucker', 'JawOpen', 'Scrunch'} 'reset': => @SetModifierWeight(1, math.Rand(0.28, 0.34)) @SetModifierWeight(2, math.Rand(0.35, 0.40)) @SetModifierWeight(3, math.Rand(0.45, 0.50)) } { 'name': 'suggestive_open_anim' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'Pucker', 'JawOpen', 'Scrunch'} 'reset': => @SetModifierWeight(1, math.Rand(0.28, 0.34)) @SetModifierWeight(3, math.Rand(0.45, 0.50)) 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => @SetModifierWeight(2, 0.2 + math.sin(CurTimeL() * 16) * 0.07) } { 'name': 'face_smirk' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'Smirk', 'Frown'} 'reset': => @SetModifierWeight(1, 0.78) @SetModifierWeight(2, 0.61) } { 'name': 'eyes_idle' 'autostart': true 'repeat': true 'time': 5 'ids': {'Left_Blink', 'Right_Blink'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => return false if @GetEntity()\GetNWBool('PPM2.IsDeathRagdoll') or (@GetEntity()\IsPlayer() and not @GetEntity()\Alive()) value = math.abs(math.sin(CurTimeL() * .5) * .15) @SetModifierWeight(1, value) @SetModifierWeight(2, value) } { 'name': 'eyes_close' 'autostart': true 'repeat': true 'time': 5 'ids': {'Left_Blink', 'Right_Blink', 'Frown'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => allow = true if @GetEntity()\IsPlayer() if @GetEntity()\Alive() allow = false else if not @GetEntity()\GetNWBool('PPM2.IsDeathRagdoll') allow = false if not allow @SetModifierWeight(1, 0) @SetModifierWeight(2, 0) @SetModifierWeight(3, 0) return @SetModifierWeight(1, 1) @SetModifierWeight(2, 1) @SetModifierWeight(3, 0.5) } { 'name': 'body_idle' 'autostart': true 'repeat': true 'time': 2 'ids': {'Stomach_Out'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => return false if @GetEntity()\GetNWBool('PPM2.IsDeathRagdoll') or (@GetEntity()\IsPlayer() and not @GetEntity()\Alive()) return if timeOfAnim < 0 or timeOfAnim > 1 @SetModifierWeight(1, math.tbezier(timeOfAnim, BREATH_CURVE) * 0.35) } { 'name': 'health_idle' 'autostart': true 'repeat': true 'time': 5 'ids': {'Frown', 'Left_Blink', 'Right_Blink', 'Scrunch', 'Mouth_O', 'JawOpen', 'Grin'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => return false if (not @GetEntity()\IsPlayer() or not @GetEntity()\Alive()) and not @GetEntity()\IsNPC() and @GetEntity().Type ~= 'nextbot' frown = @GetModifierID(1) frownState = @GetFlexState(1) left, right = @GetModifierID(2), @GetModifierID(3) leftState, rightState = @GetFlexState(2), @GetFlexState(3) Mouth_O, Mouth_OState = @GetModifierID(4), @GetFlexState(4) Scrunch = @GetModifierID(4) ScrunchState = @GetFlexState(4) hp, mhp = @GetEntity()\Health(), @GetEntity()\GetMaxHealth() mhp = 1 if mhp == 0 div = hp / mhp strength = math.Clamp(1.5 - div * 1.5, 0, 1) frownState\SetModifierWeight(frown, strength) ScrunchState\SetModifierWeight(Scrunch, strength * .5) leftState\SetModifierWeight(left, strength * .1) rightState\SetModifierWeight(right, strength * .1) Mouth_OState\SetModifierWeight(Mouth_O, strength * .8) JawOpen = @GetModifierID(6) JawOpenState = @GetFlexState(6) if strength > .75 JawOpenState\SetModifierWeight(JawOpen, strength * .2 + math.sin(CurTimeL() * strength * 3) * .1) else JawOpenState\SetModifierWeight(JawOpen, 0) if div >= 2 @SetModifierWeight(7, .5) else @SetModifierWeight(7, 0) } { 'name': 'greeny' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 2 'ids': {'Grin'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => Grin = @GetModifierID(1) GrinState = @GetFlexState(1) strength = .5 + math.sin(CurTimeL() * 2) * .25 GrinState\SetModifierWeight(Grin, strength) } { 'name': 'big_grin' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 3 'ids': {'Grin'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => Grin = @GetModifierID(1) GrinState = @GetFlexState(1) GrinState\SetModifierWeight(Grin, 1) } { 'name': 'o3o' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 3 'ids': {'o3o'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => @SetModifierWeight(1, 1) } { 'name': 'owo_alternative' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'o3o', 'JawOpen'} 'reset': (delta, timeOfAnim) => @SetModifierWeight(1, math.Rand(0.8, 1)) @SetModifierWeight(2, math.Rand(0.05, 0.1)) } { 'name': 'xd' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 3 'ids': {'Grin', 'Left_Blink', 'Right_Blink', 'JawOpen'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => Grin = @GetModifierID(1) GrinState = @GetFlexState(1) GrinState\SetModifierWeight(Grin, .6) Left_Blink = @GetModifierID(2) Left_BlinkState = @GetFlexState(2) Left_BlinkState\SetModifierWeight(Left_Blink, .9) Right_Blink = @GetModifierID(3) Right_BlinkState = @GetFlexState(3) Right_BlinkState\SetModifierWeight(Right_Blink, .9) JawOpen = @GetModifierID(4) JawOpenState = @GetFlexState(4) JawOpenState\SetModifierScale(JawOpen, 2) JawOpenState\SetModifierWeight(JawOpen, (timeOfAnim % .1) * 2) } { 'name': 'tongue' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 3 'ids': {'JawOpen', 'Tongue_Out'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => @SetModifierWeight(1, .1) @SetModifierWeight(2, 1) } { 'name': 'angry_tongue' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 6 'ids': {'Frown', 'Grin', 'angry_eyes', 'Scrunch', 'JawOpen', 'Tongue_Out'} 'reset': (delta, timeOfAnim) => @SetModifierWeight(1, math.random(40, 100) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(2, math.random(15, 40) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(3, math.random(30, 80) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(4, math.random(50, 100) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(5, math.random(10, 15) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(6, math.random(80, 100) / 100) } { 'name': 'pffff' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 6 'ids': {'Frown', 'Grin', 'angry_eyes', 'Scrunch', 'JawOpen', 'Tongue_Out', 'Tongue_Down', 'Tongue_Up'} 'reset': => @SetModifierWeight(1, math.random(40, 100) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(2, math.random(15, 40) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(3, math.random(30, 80) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(4, math.random(50, 100) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(5, math.random(10, 15) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(6, math.random(80, 100) / 100) 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => val = math.sin(CurTimeL() * 8) * .6 if val > 0 @SetModifierWeight(7, val) @SetModifierWeight(8, 0) else @SetModifierWeight(7, 0) @SetModifierWeight(8, -val) } { 'name': 'cat' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'CatFace'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => Grin = @GetModifierID(1) GrinState = @GetFlexState(1) GrinState\SetModifierWeight(Grin, 1) } { 'name': 'ooo' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 2 'ids': {'Mouth_O2', 'Mouth_O'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => timeOfAnim *= 2 Grin = @GetModifierID(1) GrinState = @GetFlexState(1) GrinState\SetModifierWeight(Grin, timeOfAnim) Grin = @GetModifierID(2) GrinState = @GetFlexState(2) GrinState\SetModifierWeight(Grin, timeOfAnim) } { 'name': 'talk' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 2 'ids': {'JawOpen', 'Tongue_Out', 'Tongue_Up', 'Tongue_Down'} 'create': => @talkAnim = for i = 0, 1, 0.05 rand = math.random(1, 100) / 100 if rand <= .25 {1 * rand, 0.4 * rand, 2 * rand, 0} elseif rand >= .25 and rand < .4 rand *= .8 {2 * rand, .6 * rand, 0, 1 * rand} elseif rand >= .4 and rand < .75 rand *= .6 {1 * rand, 0, 1 * rand, 2 * rand} elseif rand >= .75 rand *= .4 {1.5 * rand, 0, 1 * rand, 0} @SetModifierSpeed(1, 2) @SetModifierSpeed(2, 2) @SetModifierSpeed(3, 2) @SetModifierSpeed(4, 2) 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => JawOpen = @GetModifierID(1) JawOpenState = @GetFlexState(1) Tongue_OutOpen = @GetModifierID(2) Tongue_OutOpenState = @GetFlexState(2) Tongue_UpOpen = @GetModifierID(3) Tongue_UpOpenState = @GetFlexState(3) Tongue_DownOpen = @GetModifierID(4) Tongue_DownOpenState = @GetFlexState(4) cPos = math.floor(timeOfAnim * 20) + 1 data = @talkAnim[cPos] return if not data {jaw, out, up, down} = data JawOpenState\SetModifierWeight(JawOpen, jaw) Tongue_OutOpenState\SetModifierWeight(Tongue_OutOpen, out) Tongue_UpOpenState\SetModifierWeight(Tongue_UpOpen, up) Tongue_DownOpenState\SetModifierWeight(Tongue_DownOpen, down) } { 'name': 'talk_endless' 'autostart': false 'repeat': true 'time': 4 'ids': {'JawOpen', 'Tongue_Out', 'Tongue_Up', 'Tongue_Down'} 'create': => @talkAnim = for i = 0, 1, 0.05 rand = math.random(1, 100) / 100 if rand <= .25 {1 * rand, 0.4 * rand, 2 * rand, 0} elseif rand >= .25 and rand < .4 rand *= .8 {2 * rand, .6 * rand, 0, 1 * rand} elseif rand >= .4 and rand < .75 rand *= .6 {1 * rand, 0, 1 * rand, 2 * rand} elseif rand >= .75 rand *= .4 {1.5 * rand, 0, 1 * rand, 0} @SetModifierSpeed(1, 2) @SetModifierSpeed(2, 2) @SetModifierSpeed(3, 2) @SetModifierSpeed(4, 2) 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => JawOpen = @GetModifierID(1) JawOpenState = @GetFlexState(1) Tongue_OutOpen = @GetModifierID(2) Tongue_OutOpenState = @GetFlexState(2) Tongue_UpOpen = @GetModifierID(3) Tongue_UpOpenState = @GetFlexState(3) Tongue_DownOpen = @GetModifierID(4) Tongue_DownOpenState = @GetFlexState(4) cPos = math.floor(timeOfAnim * 20) + 1 data = @talkAnim[cPos] return if not data {jaw, out, up, down} = data volume = @GetEntity()\VoiceVolume() * 6 jaw *= volume out *= volume up *= volume down *= volume JawOpenState\SetModifierWeight(JawOpen, jaw) Tongue_OutOpenState\SetModifierWeight(Tongue_OutOpen, out) Tongue_UpOpenState\SetModifierWeight(Tongue_UpOpen, up) Tongue_DownOpenState\SetModifierWeight(Tongue_DownOpen, down) } { 'name': 'eyes_blink' 'autostart': true 'repeat': true 'time': 7 'ids': {'Eyes_Blink_Lower'} 'create': => @SetUseLerp(1, false) 'reset': => @nextBlink = math.random(300, 600) / 1000 @nextBlinkLength = math.random(15, 30) / 800 @min, @max = @nextBlink, @nextBlink + @nextBlinkLength 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => return false if @GetEntity()\GetNWBool('PPM2.IsDeathRagdoll') or (@GetEntity()\IsPlayer() and not @GetEntity()\Alive()) if @min > timeOfAnim or @max < timeOfAnim if @blinkHit @blinkHit = false @SetModifierWeight(1, 0) return len = (timeOfAnim - @min) / @nextBlinkLength blink = math.tbezier(len\clamp(0, 1), BLINK_CURVE) @SetModifierWeight(1, blink) -- print(len, blink) @blinkHit = true } { 'name': 'hurt' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 4 'ids': {'JawOpen', 'Frown', 'Grin', 'Scrunch'} 'reset': (delta, timeOfAnim) => @SetModifierWeight(1, math.random(4, 16) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(2, math.random(60, 70) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(3, math.random(30, 40) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(4, math.random(70, 90) / 100) } { 'name': 'kill_grin' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 8 'ids': {'Smirk', 'Frown', 'Grin'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => @SetModifierWeight(1, .51) @SetModifierWeight(2, .38) @SetModifierWeight(3, .66) } { 'name': 'sorry' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 8 'ids': {'Frown', 'Stretch', 'Grin', 'Scrunch', 'sad_eyes'} 'create': => @SetModifierWeight(1, math.random(45, 75) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(2, math.random(45, 75) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(3, math.random(70, 100) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(4, math.random(7090, 100) / 100) } { 'name': 'scrunch' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 6 'ids': {'Scrunch'} 'create': => @SetModifierWeight(1, math.random(80, 100) / 100) } { 'name': 'gulp' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 2 'ids': {'Throat_Bulge', 'Frown', 'Grin'} 'create': => @SetModifierWeight(2, 1) @SetModifierWeight(3, math.random(35, 55) / 100) 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => if timeOfAnim > 0.5 @SetModifierWeight(1, (1 - timeOfAnim) * 2) else @SetModifierWeight(1, timeOfAnim * 2) } { 'name': 'blahblah' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 3 'ids': {'o3o', 'Mouth_O'} 'create': => @SetModifierWeight(1, 1) @talkAnim = [math.random(50, 70) / 100 for i = 0, 1, 0.05] 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => cPos = math.floor(timeOfAnim * 20) + 1 data = @talkAnim[cPos] return if not data @SetModifierWeight(2, data) } { 'name': 'wink_left' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 2 'ids': {'Frown', 'Stretch', 'Grin', 'Left_Blink'} 'create': => @SetModifierWeight(1, math.random(40, 60) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(2, math.random(30, 50) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(3, math.random(60, 100) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(4, 1) @PauseSequence('eyes_blink') } { 'name': 'wink_right' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 2 'ids': {'Frown', 'Stretch', 'Grin', 'Right_Blink'} 'create': => @SetModifierWeight(1, math.random(40, 60) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(2, math.random(30, 50) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(3, math.random(60, 100) / 100) @SetModifierWeight(4, 1) @PauseSequence('eyes_blink') } { 'name': 'happy_eyes' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 3 'ids': {'Happy_Eyes'} 'create': => @SetModifierWeight(1, 1) @PauseSequence('eyes_blink') } { 'name': 'happy_grin' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 3 'ids': {'Happy_Eyes', 'Grin'} 'create': => @SetModifierWeight(1, 1) @SetModifierWeight(2, 1) @PauseSequence('eyes_blink') } { 'name': 'duck' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 3 'ids': {'Duck'} 'create': => @SetModifierWeight(1, math.random(70, 90) / 100) } { 'name': 'duck_insanity' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 3 'ids': {'Duck'} 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => @SetModifierWeight(1, math.abs(math.sin(timeOfAnim * @GetTime() * 4))) } { 'name': 'duck_quack' 'autostart': false 'repeat': false 'time': 5 'ids': {'Duck', 'JawOpen'} 'create': => @talkAnim = for i = 0, 1, 0.1 rand = math.random(1, 100) rand > 50 and 1 or 0 @SetModifierWeight(1, math.random(70, 90) / 100) 'func': (delta, timeOfAnim) => cPos = math.floor(timeOfAnim * 10) + 1 data = @talkAnim[cPos] return if not data @SetModifierWeight(2, data) } } @SetupFlexesTables: => for i, flex in pairs @FLEX_LIST flex.id = i - 1 flex.targetName = "target#{flex.flex}" @FLEX_IDS = {flex.id, flex for _, flex in ipairs @FLEX_LIST} @FLEX_TABLE = {flex.flex, flex for _, flex in ipairs @FLEX_LIST} @SetupFlexesTables() @NEXT_HOOK_ID = 0 @SequenceObject = FlexSequence new: (data) => super(data) @states = [FlexState(@, flex, id, scale, speed, active) for _, {:flex, :id, :scale, :speed, :active} in ipairs @@FLEX_LIST] @statesTable = {state\GetFlexName(), state for _, state in ipairs @states} @statesTable[state\GetFlexName()\lower()] = state for _, state in ipairs @states @statesTable[state\GetFlexID()] = state for _, state in ipairs @states @RebuildIterableList() ponyData = data\GetData() flex\SetUseLerp(ponyData\GetUseFlexLerp()) for _, flex in ipairs @states flex\SetLerpModify(ponyData\GetFlexLerpMultiplier()) for _, flex in ipairs @states @Hook('PlayerStartVoice', @PlayerStartVoice) @Hook('PlayerEndVoice', @PlayerEndVoice) @ResetSequences() PPM2.DebugPrint('Created new flex controller for ', @GetEntity(), ' as part of ', data, '; internal ID is ', @fid) IsValid: => @isValid GetFlexState: (name = '') => @statesTable[name] RebuildIterableList: => return false if not @isValid @statesIterable = [state for _, state in ipairs @states when state\GetIsActive()] DataChanges: (state) => return if not @isValid flexState\DataChanges(state) for _, flexState in ipairs @states if state\GetKey() == 'UseFlexLerp' flex\SetUseLerp(state\GetValue()) for _, flex in ipairs @states if state\GetKey() == 'FlexLerpMultiplier' flex\SetLerpModify(state\GetValue()) for _, flex in ipairs @states GetEntity: => @controller\GetEntity() GetData: => @controller GetController: => @controller PlayerStartVoice: (ply = NULL) => return if ply ~= @GetEntity() @StartSequence('talk_endless') PlayerEndVoice: (ply = NULL) => return if ply ~= @GetEntity() @EndSequence('talk_endless') ResetSequences: => super() state\Reset(false) for _, state in ipairs @statesIterable Think: (ent = @GetEntity()) => return if DISABLE_FLEXES\GetBool() delta = super(ent) return if not delta state\Think(ent, delta) for _, state in ipairs @statesIterable return delta do ppm2_disable_flexes = (cvar, oldval, newval) -> for _, ply in ipairs player.GetAll() data = ply\GetPonyData() continue if not data renderer = data\GetRenderController() continue if not renderer flex = renderer\GetFlexController() continue if not flex flex\ResetSequences() cvars.AddChangeCallback 'ppm2_disable_flexes', ppm2_disable_flexes, 'ppm2_disable_flexes' PPM2.PonyFlexController = PonyFlexController PPM2.GetFlexController = (model = 'models/ppm/player_default_base_new.mdl') -> PonyFlexController.AVALIABLE_CONTROLLERS[model]
-- Copyright 2014-2015 The Howl Developers -- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution) ffi = require 'ffi' bit = require 'bit' import const_char_p, char_arr from howl.cdefs import StyledText, ui, style, colors from howl.ui band = bit.band append = table.insert backspace = 8 escape = 27 left_bracket = 91 set_graphics_op = 109 ansi_colors = { 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white' } define_style = (name, state) -> def = { underline: state.underline font: { italic: state.italic bold: state.bold } } if state.fg def.color = style[state.fg].color if state.bg def.background = style[state.bg].color style.define name, def style_from_state = (state) -> name = { 'ansi' } append name, 'bold' if state.bold append name, 'italic' if state.italic append name, 'underline' if state.underline append name, state.fg if state.fg if state.bg append name, 'on' append name, state.bg name = table.concat name, '_' define_style name, state unless style[name] name reset_style_state = (state) -> with state .italic = nil .bold = nil .underline = nil .fg = nil .bg = nil style_state_has_any = (state) -> state.italic or state.bold or state.underline or state.fg or state.bg apply_graphics_value = (val, state) -> n = tonumber val return unless n if n == 0 reset_style_state state elseif n == 1 state.bold = true elseif n == 3 state.italic = true elseif n == 4 state.underline = true elseif n == 22 state.bold = nil elseif n >= 30 and n <= 37 state.fg = ansi_colors[n - 29] elseif n == 39 state.fg = nil elseif n >= 40 and n <= 47 state.bg = ansi_colors[n - 39] elseif n == 49 state.bg = nil mark_style = (from_pos, style_state, styles) -> last = styles[#styles] if type(last) == 'string' styles[#styles + 1] = from_pos if style_state_has_any style_state styles[#styles + 1] = from_pos append styles, style_from_state style_state parse_sequence = (p, p_idx, style_state) -> v = p[p_idx] return p_idx, nil unless v == left_bracket start_idx = p_idx p_idx += 1 v = p[p_idx] while v != 0 and (v < 64 or v > 126) p_idx += 1 v = p[p_idx] return p_idx + 1, nil if v != set_graphics_op -- unhandled, skip vals = ffi.string p + start_idx + 1, p_idx - start_idx - 1 if #vals == 0 reset_style_state style_state else for v in vals\gmatch '[^;]+' apply_graphics_value v, style_state p_idx + 1, style_state delete_styles_back_to = (to_idx, styles) -> end_p = #styles last = styles[end_p] return if type(last) != 'number' or last < to_idx last = to_idx if styles[end_p - 2] >= last for i = end_p - 2, end_p styles[i] = nil else styles[end_p] = last (text) -> buf = char_arr(#text) buf_idx = 0 p = const_char_p(text) p_idx = 0 styles = {} state = {} while p_idx < #text c = p[p_idx] if c == escape p_idx, new_style_state = parse_sequence p, p_idx + 1, state, styles if new_style_state state = new_style_state mark_style buf_idx + 1, state, styles elseif c == backspace and (buf_idx > 0) buf_idx -= 1 while band(buf[buf_idx], 0xc0) == 0x80 -- back up continuation bytes buf_idx -= 1 delete_styles_back_to buf_idx + 1, styles p_idx += 1 else buf[buf_idx] = c buf_idx += 1 p_idx += 1 mark_style buf_idx + 1, {}, styles StyledText ffi.string(buf, buf_idx), styles
util = require 'util' json = util.json simplehttp = util.simplehttp urlEncode = (str, space) -> space = space or '+' str = str\gsub '([^%w ])', (c) -> string.format "%%%02X", string.byte(c) return str\gsub(' ', space) PRIVMSG: '^%pddg (.+)$': (source, destination, term) => term = urlEncode term simplehttp "http://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=#{term}&format=json", (d) -> data = json.decode d out = {} topic = data.RelatedTopics[1] if data.RelatedTopics and #data.RelatedTopics>0 if data.Heading == '' return table.insert out, "\002#{data.Heading}\002:" table.insert out, data.AbstractText unless data.AbstractText == '' table.insert out, data.Image unless data.Image == '' table.insert out, data.AbstractURL unless data.AbstractURL == '' table.insert out, data.Definition unless data.Definition == '' table.insert out, data.DefinitionText unless data.DefinitionText == '' if #out < 3 table.insert out, topic.FirstURL table.insert out, topic.Text say table.concat(out, ' ')
export class Color new: (@red = 0, @green = 0, @blue = 0, @alpha = 255) => values: => @red, @green, @blue, @alpha clone: => Color @red, @green, @blue, @alpha -- Construct common colors, safe to mutate @red: => Color 255 @green: => Color 0, 255 @blue: => Color 0, 0, 255 @white: => Color 255, 255, 255 @black: => Color! __tostring: => "Color(#{@red}, #{@green}, #{@blue}, #{@alpha})"
import Filter, Corpus from require 'moongrahams' describe 'filter - calculate probabilities', -> setup -> export good = Corpus! export bad = Corpus! export filter = Filter! teardown -> good = nil bad = nil filter = nil it '"good" has minimum probability with no bad data', -> good\processTextLine 'good good good good good good good good good good good good good good' filter\load good, bad assert.are.same filter.minScore, filter.probabilities['good'] filter.minScore = 0 probability = filter\calculateTokenProbability 'good' assert.are.same filter.minScore, probability it 'returns a likely spam probability with all bad data', -> bad\processTextLine 'bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad' filter\load good, bad assert.are.same filter.likelySpamScore, filter.probabilities['bad'] it 'returns a certain spam probability with all bad data', -> bad\processTextLine 'bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad' filter\load good, bad assert.are.same filter.certainSpamScore, filter.probabilities['bad'] describe 'filter - analyze', -> setup -> export good = Corpus! export bad = Corpus! export filter = Filter! teardown -> good = nil bad = nil filter = nil it 'scores negative for a post with negative sentiment', -> bad\processTextLine 'bad bad bad bad bad bad' filter\load good, bad result = filter\analyze 'bad' assert.is_true result.probability > 0.80 it 'scores positive for a post with positive sentiment', -> good\processTextLine 'good good good good good' filter\load good, bad result = filter\analyze 'good' assert.is_true result.probability < 0.20 it 'returns words in descending order of "interesting-ness"', -> bad\processTextLine 'you are stupid and i hate you get out' good\processTextLine 'you are awesome and i think you are cool' filter.minScore = 0.11 filter.maxScore = 0.99 filter\load good, bad result = filter\analyze 'you are the worst and i think you are stupid' assert.are_not.equal string.find(result.words[1].word, 'stupid'), nil
padLeft = zb2rhhCftihvCnj8GKHxPGZ5XEVusXpAm1ppELSW3kwoUZRVG length => bytes => (padLeft length "0x00" bytes)
Static = (path, ...) -> args = {...} (p) -> if string.sub(p.request.url_path, 1, string.len(path)) == path -- TODO if the filename is a directory, the behavior is currently undefined filename = '.' .. p.request.url_path f = io.open filename, 'r' if f == nil p.response\status 404 return pcall -> mimetypes = require 'mimetypes' p.response\set_options {'Content-Type': mimetypes.guess filename} args[1].log\write string.format '%s - [Static] Serving %s\n', os.date('%F %T', p.utils.now!), filename if #args and args[1].log p.response\write f\read '*a' false {:Static}
ffi = require "ffi" local lib ffi.cdef [[ typedef void MagickWand; typedef void PixelWand; typedef int MagickBooleanType; typedef int ExceptionType; typedef int ssize_t; typedef int CompositeOperator; typedef int GravityType; typedef int OrientationType; typedef int InterlaceType; void MagickWandGenesis(); MagickWand* NewMagickWand(); MagickWand* CloneMagickWand(const MagickWand *wand); MagickWand* DestroyMagickWand(MagickWand*); MagickBooleanType MagickReadImage(MagickWand*, const char*); MagickBooleanType MagickReadImageBlob(MagickWand*, const void*, const size_t); char* MagickGetException(const MagickWand*, ExceptionType*); int MagickGetImageWidth(MagickWand*); int MagickGetImageHeight(MagickWand*); MagickBooleanType MagickAddImage(MagickWand*, const MagickWand*); MagickBooleanType MagickAdaptiveResizeImage(MagickWand*, const size_t, const size_t); MagickBooleanType MagickWriteImage(MagickWand*, const char*); unsigned char* MagickGetImageBlob(MagickWand*, size_t*); void* MagickRelinquishMemory(void*); MagickBooleanType MagickCropImage(MagickWand*, const size_t, const size_t, const ssize_t, const ssize_t); MagickBooleanType MagickBlurImage(MagickWand*, const double, const double); MagickBooleanType MagickModulateImage(MagickWand*, const double, const double, const double); MagickBooleanType MagickBrightnessContrastImage(MagickWand*, const double, const double); MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageFormat(MagickWand* wand, const char* format); char* MagickGetImageFormat(MagickWand* wand); size_t MagickGetImageCompressionQuality(MagickWand * wand); MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageCompressionQuality(MagickWand *wand, const size_t quality); MagickBooleanType MagickSharpenImage(MagickWand *wand, const double radius,const double sigma); MagickBooleanType MagickScaleImage(MagickWand *wand, const size_t columns,const size_t rows); MagickBooleanType MagickRotateImage(MagickWand *wand, const PixelWand *background,const double degrees); MagickBooleanType MagickSetOption(MagickWand *,const char *,const char *); char* MagickGetOption(MagickWand *,const char *); MagickBooleanType MagickCompositeImage(MagickWand *wand, const MagickWand *source_wand,const CompositeOperator compose, const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y); GravityType MagickGetImageGravity(MagickWand *wand); MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageGravity(MagickWand *wand, const GravityType gravity); MagickBooleanType MagickStripImage(MagickWand *wand); MagickBooleanType MagickGetImagePixelColor(MagickWand *wand, const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,PixelWand *color); MagickWand* MagickCoalesceImages(MagickWand*); PixelWand *NewPixelWand(void); PixelWand *DestroyPixelWand(PixelWand *); double PixelGetAlpha(const PixelWand *); double PixelGetRed(const PixelWand *); double PixelGetGreen(const PixelWand *); double PixelGetBlue(const PixelWand *); void PixelSetAlpha(PixelWand *wand, const double alpha); void PixelSetRed(PixelWand *wand, const double red); void PixelSetGreen(PixelWand *wand, const double green); void PixelSetBlue(PixelWand *wand, const double blue); MagickBooleanType MagickTransposeImage(MagickWand *wand); MagickBooleanType MagickTransverseImage(MagickWand *wand); MagickBooleanType MagickFlipImage(MagickWand *wand); MagickBooleanType MagickFlopImage(MagickWand *wand); char* MagickGetImageProperty(MagickWand *wand, const char *property); MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageProperty(MagickWand *wand, const char *property,const char *value); OrientationType MagickGetImageOrientation(MagickWand *wand); MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageOrientation(MagickWand *wand, const OrientationType orientation); InterlaceType MagickGetImageInterlaceScheme(MagickWand *wand); MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageInterlaceScheme(MagickWand *wand, const InterlaceType interlace_scheme); MagickBooleanType MagickAutoOrientImage(MagickWand *wand); MagickBooleanType MagickResetImagePage(MagickWand *wand, const char *page); MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageDepth(MagickWand *,const unsigned long); unsigned long MagickGetImageDepth(MagickWand *); ]] get_flags = -> proc = io.popen "pkg-config --cflags --libs MagickWand", "r" flags = proc\read "*a" get_flags = -> flags proc\close! flags get_filters = -> fname = "magick/resample.h" prefixes = { "/usr/include/ImageMagick" "/usr/local/include/ImageMagick" unpack [p for p in get_flags!\gmatch "-I([^%s]+)"] } for p in *prefixes full = "#{p}/#{fname}" if f = io.open full content = with f\read "*a" do f\close! filter_types = content\match "(typedef enum.-FilterTypes;)" if filter_types ffi.cdef filter_types return true false get_filter = (name) -> lib[name .. "Filter"] can_resize = if get_filters! ffi.cdef [[ MagickBooleanType MagickResizeImage(MagickWand*, const size_t, const size_t, const FilterTypes, const double); ]] true try_to_load = (...) -> local out for name in *{...} if "function" == type name name = name! continue unless name return out if pcall -> out = ffi.load name error "Failed to load ImageMagick (#{...})" lib = try_to_load "MagickWand", -> lname = get_flags!\match "-l(MagickWand[^%s]*)" local suffix if ffi.os == "OSX" suffix = ".dylib" elseif ffi.os == "Windows" suffix = ".dll" else suffix = ".so" lname and "lib" .. lname .. suffix { :lib, :can_resize, :get_filter }
-- Copyright 2016-2018 The Howl Developers -- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution) {:activities, :Buffer, :config, :mode, :sys} = howl {:Process} = howl.io bundle_load 'go_completer' {:fmt} = bundle_load 'go_fmt' { auto_pairs: { '(': ')' '[': ']' '{': '}' '"': '"' "'": "'" "`": "`" } comment_syntax: '//' completers: { 'in_buffer', 'go_completer' } default_config: use_tabs: true tab_width: 4 indent: 4 inspectors_on_save: { 'golint', 'gotoolvet' } lexer: bundle_load('go_lexer') structure: (editor) => [l for l in *editor.buffer.lines when l\match('^%s*func%s') or l\match('^%s*struct%s') or l\match('^%s*type%s')] before_save: (buffer) => if config.go_fmt_on_save fmt buffer show_doc: (editor) => cmd_path = config.gogetdoc_path unless sys.find_executable cmd_path log.warning "Command '#{cmd_path}' not found, please install for docs" return buffer = editor.buffer cmd_str = string.format "#{cmd_path} -pos %s:#%d -modified -linelength 999", buffer.file, buffer\byte_offset(editor.cursor.pos) - 2 success, pco = pcall Process.open_pipe, cmd_str, { stdin: string.format("%s\n%d\n%s", buffer.file, buffer.size, buffer.text) } unless success log.error "Failed looking up docs: #{pco}" return stdout, _ = activities.run_process {title: 'running gogetdoc'}, pco unless stdout.is_empty buf = Buffer mode.by_name 'default' buf.text = stdout return buf }
{:cimport, :internalize, :eq, :neq, :ffi, :lib, :cstr, :to_cstr} = require 'test.unit.helpers' garray = cimport './src/nvim/garray.h' -- handy constants NULL = ffi.cast 'void*', 0 -- define a basic interface to garray. We could make it a lot nicer by -- constructing a moonscript class wrapper around garray. It could for -- example associate ga_clear_strings to the underlying garray cdata if the -- garray is a string array. But for now I estimate that that kind of magic -- might make testing less "transparant" (i.e.: the interface would become -- quite different as to how one would use it from C. -- accessors ga_len = (garr) -> garr[0].ga_len ga_maxlen = (garr) -> garr[0].ga_maxlen ga_itemsize = (garr) -> garr[0].ga_itemsize ga_growsize = (garr) -> garr[0].ga_growsize ga_data = (garr) -> garr[0].ga_data -- derived accessors ga_size = (garr) -> ga_len(garr) * ga_itemsize(garr) ga_maxsize = (garr) -> ga_maxlen(garr) * ga_itemsize(garr) ga_data_as_bytes = (garr) -> ffi.cast('uint8_t *', ga_data(garr)) ga_data_as_strings = (garr) -> ffi.cast('char **', ga_data(garr)) ga_data_as_ints = (garr) -> ffi.cast('int *', ga_data(garr)) -- garray manipulation ga_init = (garr, itemsize, growsize) -> garray.ga_init(garr, itemsize, growsize) ga_clear = (garr) -> garray.ga_clear(garr) ga_clear_strings = (garr) -> assert.is_true(ga_itemsize(garr) == ffi.sizeof('char *')) garray.ga_clear_strings(garr) ga_grow = (garr, n) -> garray.ga_grow(garr, n) ga_concat = (garr, str) -> garray.ga_concat(garr, to_cstr(str)) ga_append = (garr, b) -> if type(b) == 'string' garray.ga_append(garr, string.byte(b)) else garray.ga_append(garr, b) ga_concat_strings = (garr) -> internalize(garray.ga_concat_strings(garr)) ga_concat_strings_sep = (garr, sep) -> internalize(garray.ga_concat_strings_sep(garr, to_cstr(sep))) ga_remove_duplicate_strings = (garr) -> garray.ga_remove_duplicate_strings(garr) -- derived manipulators ga_set_len = (garr, len) -> assert.is_true(len <= ga_maxlen(garr)) garr[0].ga_len = len ga_inc_len = (garr, by) -> ga_set_len(garr, ga_len(garr) + 1) -- custom append functions -- not the C ga_append, which only works for bytes ga_append_int = (garr, it) -> assert.is_true(ga_itemsize(garr) == ffi.sizeof('int')) ga_grow(garr, 1) data = ga_data_as_ints(garr) data[ga_len(garr)] = it ga_inc_len(garr, 1) ga_append_string = (garr, it) -> assert.is_true(ga_itemsize(garr) == ffi.sizeof('char *')) -- make a non-garbage collected string and copy the lua string into it, -- TODO(aktau): we should probably call xmalloc here, though as long as -- xmalloc is based on malloc it should work. mem = ffi.C.malloc(string.len(it) + 1) ffi.copy(mem, it) ga_grow(garr, 1) data = ga_data_as_strings(garr) data[ga_len(garr)] = mem ga_inc_len(garr, 1) ga_append_strings = (garr, ...) -> prevlen = ga_len(garr) len = select('#', ...) for i = 1, len ga_append_string(garr, select(i, ...)) eq prevlen + len, ga_len(garr) ga_append_ints = (garr, ...) -> prevlen = ga_len(garr) len = select('#', ...) for i = 1, len ga_append_int(garr, select(i, ...)) eq prevlen + len, ga_len(garr) -- enhanced constructors garray_ctype = ffi.typeof('garray_T[1]') new_garray = -> garr = garray_ctype() ffi.gc(garr, ga_clear) new_string_garray = -> garr = garray_ctype() ga_init(garr, ffi.sizeof("char_u *"), 1) ffi.gc(garr, ga_clear_strings) randomByte = -> ffi.cast('uint8_t', math.random(0, 255)) -- scramble the data in a garray ga_scramble = (garr) -> size, bytes = ga_size(garr), ga_data_as_bytes(garr) for i = 0, size - 1 bytes[i] = randomByte() describe 'garray', -> itemsize = 14 growsize = 95 describe 'ga_init', -> it 'initializes the values of the garray', -> garr = new_garray() ga_init(garr, itemsize, growsize) eq 0, ga_len(garr) eq 0, ga_maxlen(garr) eq growsize, ga_growsize(garr) eq itemsize, ga_itemsize(garr) eq NULL, ga_data(garr) describe 'ga_grow', -> new_and_grow = (itemsize, growsize, req) -> garr = new_garray() ga_init(garr, itemsize, growsize) eq 0, ga_size(garr) -- should be 0 at first eq NULL, ga_data(garr) -- should be NULL ga_grow(garr, req) -- add space for `req` items garr it 'grows by growsize items if num < growsize', -> itemsize = 16 growsize = 4 grow_by = growsize - 1 garr = new_and_grow(itemsize, growsize, grow_by) neq NULL, ga_data(garr) -- data should be a ptr to memory eq growsize, ga_maxlen(garr) -- we requested LESS than growsize, so... it 'grows by num items if num > growsize', -> itemsize = 16 growsize = 4 grow_by = growsize + 1 garr = new_and_grow(itemsize, growsize, grow_by) neq NULL, ga_data(garr) -- data should be a ptr to memory eq grow_by, ga_maxlen(garr) -- we requested MORE than growsize, so... it 'does not grow when nothing is requested', -> garr = new_and_grow(16, 4, 0) eq NULL, ga_data(garr) eq 0, ga_maxlen(garr) describe 'ga_clear', -> it 'clears an already allocated array', -> -- allocate and scramble an array garr = garray_ctype() ga_init(garr, itemsize, growsize) ga_grow(garr, 4) ga_set_len(garr, 4) ga_scramble(garr) -- clear it and check ga_clear(garr) eq NULL, ga_data(garr) eq 0, ga_maxlen(garr) eq 0, ga_len(garr) describe 'ga_append', -> it 'can append bytes', -> -- this is the actual ga_append, the others are just emulated lua -- versions garr = new_garray() ga_init(garr, ffi.sizeof("uint8_t"), 1) ga_append(garr, 'h') ga_append(garr, 'e') ga_append(garr, 'l') ga_append(garr, 'l') ga_append(garr, 'o') ga_append(garr, 0) bytes = ga_data_as_bytes(garr) eq 'hello', ffi.string(bytes) it 'can append integers', -> garr = new_garray() ga_init(garr, ffi.sizeof("int"), 1) input = {-20, 94, 867615, 90927, 86} ga_append_ints(garr, unpack(input)) ints = ga_data_as_ints(garr) for i = 0, #input - 1 eq input[i+1], ints[i] it 'can append strings to a growing array of strings', -> garr = new_string_garray() input = {"some", "str", "\r\n\r●●●●●●,,,", "hmm", "got it"} ga_append_strings(garr, unpack(input)) -- check that we can get the same strings out of the array strings = ga_data_as_strings(garr) for i = 0, #input - 1 eq input[i+1], ffi.string(strings[i]) describe 'ga_concat', -> it 'concatenates the parameter to the growing byte array', -> garr = new_garray() ga_init(garr, ffi.sizeof("char"), 1) str = "ohwell●●" loop = 5 for i = 1, loop ga_concat(garr, str) -- ga_concat does NOT append the NUL in the src string to the -- destination, you have to do that manually by calling something like -- ga_append(gar, '\0'). I'ts always used like that in the vim -- codebase. I feel that this is a bit of an unnecesesary -- micro-optimization. ga_append(garr, 0) result = ffi.string(ga_data_as_bytes(garr)) eq string.rep(str, loop), result test_concat_fn = (input, fn, sep) -> garr = new_string_garray() ga_append_strings(garr, unpack(input)) if sep == nil eq table.concat(input, ','), fn(garr) else eq table.concat(input, sep), fn(garr, sep) describe 'ga_concat_strings', -> it 'returns an empty string when concatenating an empty array', -> test_concat_fn({}, ga_concat_strings) it 'can concatenate a non-empty array', -> test_concat_fn({'oh', 'my', 'neovim'}, ga_concat_strings) describe 'ga_concat_strings_sep', -> it 'returns an empty string when concatenating an empty array', -> test_concat_fn({}, ga_concat_strings_sep, '---') it 'can concatenate a non-empty array', -> sep = '-●●-' test_concat_fn({'oh', 'my', 'neovim'}, ga_concat_strings_sep, sep) describe 'ga_remove_duplicate_strings', -> it 'sorts and removes duplicate strings', -> garr = new_string_garray() input = {'ccc', 'aaa', 'bbb', 'ddd●●', 'aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ccc', 'ddd●●'} sorted_dedup_input = {'aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd●●'} ga_append_strings(garr, unpack(input)) ga_remove_duplicate_strings(garr) eq #sorted_dedup_input, ga_len(garr) strings = ga_data_as_strings(garr) for i = 0, #sorted_dedup_input - 1 eq sorted_dedup_input[i+1], ffi.string(strings[i])
import Router from require "lapis.router" describe "basic route matching", -> local r handler = (...) -> { ... } before_each -> r = Router! r\add_route "/hello", handler r\add_route "/hello/:name", handler r\add_route "/hello/:name/world", handler r\add_route "/static/*", handler r\add_route "/x/:color/:height/*", handler r.default_route = -> "failed to find route" it "should match static route", -> out = r\resolve "/hello" assert.same { {}, "/hello" }, out it "should match param route", -> out = r\resolve "/hello/world2323" assert.same { { name: "world2323" }, "/hello/:name" }, out it "should match param route", -> out = r\resolve "/hello/the-parameter/world" assert.same { { name: "the-parameter" }, "/hello/:name/world" }, out it "should match splat", -> out = r\resolve "/static/hello/world/343434/foo%20bar.png" assert.same { { splat: 'hello/world/343434/foo%20bar.png' } "/static/*" }, out it "should match all", -> out = r\resolve "/x/greenthing/123px/ahhhhwwwhwhh.txt" assert.same { { splat: 'ahhhhwwwhwhh.txt' height: '123px' color: 'greenthing' } "/x/:color/:height/*" }, out it "should match nothing", -> assert.same "failed to find route", r\resolve("/what-the-heck") it "should match nothing", -> assert.same "failed to find route", r\resolve("/hello//world") it "should match the catchall", -> r = Router! r\add_route "*", handler assert.same { { splat: "hello_world" } "*" }, r\resolve "hello_world" describe "named routes", -> local r handler = (...) -> { ... } before_each -> r = Router! r\add_route { homepage: "/home" }, handler r\add_route { profile: "/profile/:name" }, handler r\add_route { profile_settings: "/profile/:name/settings" }, handler r\add_route { game: "/game/:user_slug/:game_slug" }, handler r\add_route { splatted: "/page/:slug/*" }, handler r.default_route = -> "failed to find route" it "should match", -> out = r\resolve "/home" assert.same { {}, "/home", "homepage" }, out it "should generate correct url", -> url = r\url_for "homepage" assert.same "/home", url it "should generate correct url", -> url = r\url_for "profile", name: "adam" assert.same "/profile/adam", url it "should generate correct url", -> url = r\url_for "game", user_slug: "leafo", game_slug: "x-moon" assert.same "/game/leafo/x-moon", url -- TODO: this is incorrect it "should generate correct url", -> url = r\url_for "splatted", slug: "cool", splat: "hello" assert.same "/page/cool/*", url it "should create param from object", -> user = { url_key: (route_name, param_name) => assert.same "profile_settings", route_name assert.same "name", param_name "adam" } url = r\url_for "profile_settings", name: user assert.same "/profile/adam/settings", url it "should not build url", -> assert.has_error (-> r\url_for "fake_url", name: user), "Missing route named fake_url"
with {} .modulo_lua = (x, y) -> -- can be used to loop through lua array, which are 1-indexed -- e.g. -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - x -- 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 - x % 3 -- 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 - modulo_lua(x, 3) ((x - 1) % y) + 1 .str_split = (str, pattern) -> matches = {} index = 1 while index <= str\len() char = str\sub(index, index) if char == pattern table.insert matches, str\sub(1, index - 1) str = str\sub(index + 1, -1) index = 1 index += 1 table.insert matches, str
import Widget from require "lapis.html" class Index extends Widget content: => h1 class: "header", "Hello" div class: "body", -> text "Welcome to my site!" if @name h2 "I think you are #{@name}"
export modinfo = { type: "command" desc: "UnSparkles" alias: {"unsparkles", "nosparkles", "unsp", "nosp"} func: getDoPlayersFunction (v) -> if v.Character if v.Character\FindFirstChild("Torso") if v.Character.Torso\IsA"Part" for i,f in pairs(v.Character.Torso\GetChildren()) if f\IsA"Sparkles" f.Parent = nil Output2(string.format("Removed sparkles from %s",v.Name),{Colors.Green}) loggit(string.format("Removed sparkles from %s",v.Name)) }
require "tests/init" describe "Test Language", (using nil) -> lang = ulx.Lang -- Save typing red = {r:255, g:000, b:000} green = {r:000, g:255, b:000} blue = {r:000, g:000, b:255} white = {r:255, g:255, b:255} black = {r:000, g:000, b:000} it "tests GetPhrase", (using nil) -> slap = lang.GetPhrase "SLAP" assert.string slap return it "tests GetMutatedPhrase", (using nil) -> slap = lang.GetMutatedPhrase "SLAP", INITIATOR: "AdminX" TARGETS: {"Alice", "Bob"} DAMAGE: 3 assert.equals "AdminX slapped Alice and Bob for 3 damage", slap slap = lang.GetMutatedPhrase "SLAP", INITIATOR: "AdminX" TARGETS: {"Alice", "Bob", "Candy"} DAMAGE: 0 assert.equals "AdminX slapped Alice, Bob and Candy", slap slap = lang.GetMutatedPhrase "SLAP", INITIATOR: "AdminX" TARGETS: {"Doug"} DAMAGE: nil assert.equals "AdminX slapped Doug", slap slap = lang.GetMutatedPhrase "SLAP_ANON", INITIATOR: "AdminX" TARGETS: {"Alice", "Bob"} DAMAGE: 3 assert.equals "Alice and Bob were slapped for 3 damage", slap slap = lang.GetMutatedPhrase "SLAP_ANON", INITIATOR: "AdminX" TARGETS: {"Alice", "Bob", "Candy"} DAMAGE: 0 assert.equals "Alice, Bob and Candy were slapped", slap slap = lang.GetMutatedPhrase "SLAP_ANON", INITIATOR: "AdminX" TARGETS: {"Doug"} DAMAGE: nil assert.equals "Doug was slapped", slap return it "tests GetColoredMutatedPhrase", (using nil) -> slap = lang.GetColoredMutatedPhrase "SLAP", INITIATOR: "AdminX" TARGETS: {"Alice", "Bob"} DAMAGE: 3 COLOR_DEFAULT: nil expect = {"AdminX slapped Alice and Bob for 3 damage"} assert.same expect, slap slap = lang.GetColoredMutatedPhrase "SLAP", INITIATOR: "AdminX" TARGETS: {"Alice", "Bob"} DAMAGE: 3 COLOR_DEFAULT: white expect = { white "AdminX slapped Alice and Bob for 3 damage" } assert.same expect, slap slap = lang.GetColoredMutatedPhrase "SLAP", INITIATOR: "AdminX" TARGETS: {"Alice", "Bob"} DAMAGE: 3 COLOR_DEFAULT: white COLOR_DEFAULT_REPLACED: red expect = { red "AdminX" white " slapped " red "Alice and Bob for 3 damage" } assert.same expect, slap slap = lang.GetColoredMutatedPhrase "SLAP", INITIATOR: "AdminX" TARGETS: {"Alice", "Bob"} DAMAGE: 3 COLOR_DEFAULT: white COLOR_DEFAULT_REPLACED: red COLOR_INITIATOR: green expect = { green "AdminX" white " slapped " red "Alice and Bob for 3 damage" } assert.same expect, slap slap = lang.GetColoredMutatedPhrase "SLAP", INITIATOR: "AdminX" TARGETS: {"Alice", "Bob"} DAMAGE: 3 COLOR_DEFAULT: white COLOR_DEFAULT_REPLACED: red COLOR_INITIATOR: green COLOR_TARGETS: blue COLOR_DAMAGE: black expect = { green "AdminX" white " slapped " blue "Alice and Bob " black "for 3 damage" } assert.same expect, slap return return
local * ffi = assert require "ffi" ffi.cdef [[ typedef int pid_t; pid_t fork(); ]] libc = ffi.load "libc" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server = assert require "lrpc.server" server = Server! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- server.callbacks.sum = (...) -> s = 0 c = #{...} for _, param in ipairs {...} coroutine.yield! s += param s, c server.callbacks.fact = (n) -> f = 1 while n > 0 coroutine.yield! f *= n n -= 1 f -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pid = libc.fork! if pid == 0 server\serve! else fp = io.open "server.pid", "w" fp\write pid fp\close!
util = require "mooncrafts.util" aws_region = os.getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION") aws_access_key_id = os.getenv("AWS_S3_KEY_ID") aws_secret_access_key = os.getenv("AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY") aws_s3_path = os.getenv("AWS_S3_PATH") -- 'bucket-name/basepath' base_host = os.getenv("BASE_HOST") remote_path = os.getenv("REMOTE_PATH") import string_split, table_clone, string_connection_parse from util import insert from table import upper from string class Config new: (newOpts={}) => defaultOpts = { :remote_path :base_host aws: { :aws_region, :aws_access_key_id, :aws_secret_access_key, :aws_s3_path } } util.applyDefaults(newOpts, defaultOpts) @__data = newOpts get: () => table_clone(@__data, true) -- preserving config through cloning Config
with love.graphics export gym_mansion = .newImage "res/gymmansion.png" export productions = .newImage "res/productions.png" export clapping = love.audio.newSource "res/sound/clapping.wav", "static" clapping\setVolume 1.2 clapping\play! menu = timer: 3 loaded: false menu.update = (dt) => @timer = math.max 0, @timer - dt menu.draw = => with love.graphics .setColor 1, 1, 1 .setBackgroundColor 3 - @timer, 3 - @timer, 3 - @timer .draw gym_mansion, .getWidth! / 2 - gym_mansion\getWidth! / 2, .getHeight! / 2 - gym_mansion\getHeight! / 2 - productions\getHeight! / 2 .draw productions, .getWidth! / 2 - productions\getWidth! / 2, .getHeight! / 2 - productions\getHeight! / 2 + productions\getHeight! / 2 menu
class Hello new: (@test, @world) => print "creating object.." hello: => print @test, @world __tostring: => "hello world" x = Hello 1,2 x\hello() print x class Simple cool: => print "cool" class Yikes extends Simple new: => print "created hello" x = Yikes() x\cool() class Hi new: (arg) => print "init arg", arg cool: (num) => print "num", num class Simple extends Hi new: => super "man" cool: => super 120302 x = Simple() x\cool() print x.__class == Simple class Okay -- what is going on something: 20323 -- yeaha
-- Copyright 2012-2015 The Howl Developers -- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution) import app, activities, breadcrumbs, Buffer, command, config, bindings, bundle, interact, signal, mode, Project from howl import ActionBuffer, JournalBuffer, ProcessBuffer, BufferPopup, StyledText from howl.ui import Process from howl.io serpent = require 'serpent' get_project_root = -> buffer = app.editor and app.editor.buffer file = buffer.file or buffer.directory error "No file associated with the current view" unless file project = Project.get_for_file file error "No project associated with #{file}" unless project return project.root belongs_to_project = (buffer, project_root) -> file = buffer.file or buffer.directory return false unless file project = Project.for_file file return false unless project return project.root == project_root get_buffer_dir = (buffer) -> return unless buffer buffer.file and buffer.file.parent or buffer.directory command.register name: 'quit', description: 'Quit the application' handler: -> howl.app\quit! command.alias 'quit', 'q' command.register name: 'save-and-quit', description: 'Save modified buffers and quit the application' handler: -> with howl.app \quit! if \save_all! command.alias 'save-and-quit', 'wq' command.register name: 'quit-without-save', description: 'Quit the application, disregarding any modified buffers' handler: -> howl.app\quit true command.alias 'quit-without-save', 'q!' command.register name: 'run' description: 'Run a command' handler: command.run command.register name: 'new-buffer', description: 'Opens a new buffer' handler: -> breadcrumbs.drop! app.editor.buffer = howl.app\new_buffer! command.register name: 'switch-buffer', description: 'Switch to another buffer' input: (opts) -> interact.select_buffer prompt: opts.prompt text: opts.text help: opts.help handler: (buf) -> breadcrumbs.drop! app.editor.buffer = buf command.register name: 'project-switch-buffer', description: 'Switch to another buffer in current project' input: (opts) -> project_root = get_project_root! return unless project_root interact.select_buffer get_buffers: -> [buf for buf in *app.buffers when belongs_to_project buf, project_root] title: "Buffers under #{project_root}" prompt: opts.prompt text: opts.text help: opts.help handler: (buf) -> breadcrumbs.drop! app.editor.buffer = buf command.register name: 'buffer-reload', description: 'Reload the current buffer from file' handler: -> buffer = app.editor.buffer if buffer.modified unless interact.yes_or_no prompt: 'Buffer is modified, reload anyway? ' log.info "Not reloading; buffer is untouched" return buffer\reload true log.info "Buffer reloaded from file" command.register name: 'switch-to-last-hidden-buffer', description: 'Switch to the last active hidden buffer' handler: -> for buffer in *howl.app.buffers if not buffer.showing breadcrumbs.drop! app.editor.buffer = buffer return _G.log.error 'No hidden buffer found' command.register name: 'set', description: 'Set a configuration variable' input: (opts) -> interact.get_variable_assignment prompt: opts.prompt text: opts.text help: opts.help handler: (result) -> result.config_value\commit! get_input_text: (result) -> result.text command.register name: 'describe-key', description: 'Show information for a key' handler: -> buffer = ActionBuffer! buffer.title = 'Key watcher' buffer\append 'Press any key to show information for it (press escape to quit)..\n\n', 'string' editor = howl.app\add_buffer buffer editor.cursor\eof! bindings.capture (event, source, translations) -> buffer.lines\delete 3, #buffer.lines buffer\append 'Key translations (usable from bindings):\n', 'comment' buffer\append serpent.block translations, comment: false buffer\append '\n\nKey event:\n', 'comment' buffer\append serpent.block event, comment: false bound_commands = {} for t in *translations cmd = bindings.action_for t cmd = '<function>' if typeof(cmd) == 'function' bound_commands[t] = cmd buffer\append '\n\nBound command:\n', 'comment' buffer\append serpent.block bound_commands, comment: false if event.key_name == 'escape' buffer.lines[1] = '(Snooping done, close this buffer at your leisure)' buffer\style 1, #buffer, 'comment' buffer.modified = false else return false command.register name: 'describe-signal', description: 'Describe a given signal' input: interact.select_signal handler: (signal_name) -> def = signal.all[signal_name] error "Unknown signal '#{signal_name}'" unless def buffer = with ActionBuffer! .title = "Signal: #{signal_name}" \append "#{def.description}\n\n" \append "Parameters:" params = def.parameters if not params buffer\append "None" else buffer\append '\n\n' buffer\append StyledText.for_table [ { name, desc } for name, desc in pairs params ], { { header: 'Name', style: 'string'}, { header: 'Description', style: 'comment' } } buffer.read_only = true buffer.modified = false howl.app\add_buffer buffer command.register name: 'bundle-unload' description: 'Unload a specified bundle' input: interact.select_loaded_bundle handler: (name) -> log.info "Unloading bundle '#{name}'.." bundle.unload name log.info "Unloaded bundle '#{name}'" command.register name: 'bundle-load' description: 'Load a specified, currently unloaded, bundle' input: interact.select_unloaded_bundle handler: (name) -> log.info "Loading bundle '#{name}'.." bundle.load_by_name name log.info "Loaded bundle '#{name}'" command.register name: 'bundle-reload' description: 'Reload a specified bundle' input: interact.select_loaded_bundle handler: (name) -> log.info "Reloading bundle '#{name}'.." bundle.unload name if _G.bundles[name] bundle.load_by_name name log.info "Reloaded bundle '#{name}'" command.register name: 'bundle-reload-current' description: 'Reload the last active bundle (with files open)' handler: -> for buffer in *app.buffers bundle_name = buffer.file and bundle.from_file(buffer.file) or nil if bundle_name command.bundle_reload bundle_name return log.warn 'Could not find any currently active bundle to reload' matcher_find = (entry, matcher, start) -> -- entry is result of parse_line and matcher is result of parse_query how, positions = matcher entry.text, entry.case_text if how -- return start, end for the matched segment within the line return positions[1], positions[#positions] command.register name: 'buffer-grep' description: 'Show buffer lines containing fuzzy matches in real time' input: (opts) -> buffer = app.editor.buffer opts.help\add_keys ['buffer-grep']: 'Switch to <command>buffer-grep-regex</>' return interact.buffer_search title: "Matches in #{buffer.title}" once_per_line: true limit: 1000 parse_query: (query) -> howl.util.Matcher.create_matcher query parse_line: (line) -> {:line, case_text: line.text, text: line.text.ulower} find: matcher_find prompt: opts.prompt text: opts.text help: opts.help editor: app.editor buffer: buffer selected_line: app.editor.current_line cancel_for_keymap: binding_for: ['buffer-grep']: (args) -> howl.command.run 'buffer-grep-regex ' .. args.text handler: (result) -> return unless result breadcrumbs.drop! app.editor.cursor\move_to pos: result.chunk.start_pos command.register name: 'buffer-grep-regex' description: 'Show buffer lines containing regex matches in real time' input: (opts) -> buffer = app.editor.buffer opts.help\add_keys ['buffer-grep']: 'Switch to <command>buffer-grep-exact</>' ['buffer-replace']: 'Switch to <command>buffer-replace-regex</>' return interact.buffer_search title: "Regex matches in #{buffer.title}" once_per_line: true limit: 1000 parse_query: (query) -> status, query = pcall -> r query return query if status error 'Invalid regular expression', 0 parse_line: (line) -> line.text find: (text, regex, start) -> regex\find text, start prompt: opts.prompt text: opts.text help: opts.help editor: app.editor buffer: buffer selected_line: app.editor.current_line cancel_for_keymap: binding_for: ['buffer-grep']: (args) -> howl.command.run 'buffer-grep-exact ' .. args.text ['buffer-replace']: (args) -> howl.command.run 'buffer-replace-regex /' .. args.text handler: (result) -> return unless result breadcrumbs.drop! app.editor.cursor\move_to pos: result.chunk.start_pos command.register name: 'buffer-grep-exact' description: 'Show buffer lines containing exact matches in real time' input: (opts)-> buffer = app.editor.buffer opts.help\add_keys ['buffer-grep']: 'Switch to <command>buffer-grep</>' ['buffer-replace']: 'Switch to <command>buffer-replace</>' return interact.buffer_search title: "Exact matches in #{buffer.title}" once_per_line: true limit: 1000 parse_line: (line) -> line.text find: (text, query, start) -> text\ufind query, start, true prompt: opts.prompt text: opts.text help: opts.help editor: app.editor buffer: buffer selected_line: app.editor.current_line cancel_for_keymap: binding_for: ['buffer-grep']: (args) -> howl.command.run 'buffer-grep ' .. args.text ['buffer-replace']: (args) -> howl.command.run 'buffer-replace /' .. args.text handler: (result) -> return unless result breadcrumbs.drop! app.editor.cursor\move_to pos: result.chunk.start_pos command.register name: 'buffer-structure' description: 'Show the structure for the current buffer' input: (opts) -> buffer = app.editor.buffer lines = buffer.mode\structure app.editor cursor_lnr = app.editor.cursor.line local selected_line for line in *lines if line.nr <= cursor_lnr selected_line = line if line.nr >= cursor_lnr break return interact.buffer_search title: "Structure for #{buffer.title}" once_per_line: true editor: app.editor buffer: buffer parse_query: (query) -> howl.util.Matcher.create_matcher query parse_line: (line) -> {:line, case_text: line.text, text: line.text.ulower} find: matcher_find prompt: opts.prompt text: opts.text help: opts.help :lines :selected_line handler: (result) -> return unless result breadcrumbs.drop! app.editor.cursor\move_to pos: result.chunk.start_pos command.register name: 'navigate-back' description: 'Goes back to the last location recorded' handler: -> if breadcrumbs.previous breadcrumbs.go_back! log.info "navigate: now at #{breadcrumbs.location} of #{#breadcrumbs.trail}" else log.info "No previous location recorded" command.register name: 'navigate-forward' description: 'Goes to the next location recorced' handler: -> if breadcrumbs.next breadcrumbs.go_forward! log.info "navigate: now at #{breadcrumbs.location} of #{#breadcrumbs.trail}" else log.info "No next location recorded" command.register name: 'navigate-go-to' description: 'Goes to a specific location in the history' input: (opts) -> to_item = (crumb, i) -> {:buffer_marker, :file} = crumb buffer = buffer_marker and buffer_marker.buffer project = file and Project.for_file(file) where = if project file\relative_to_parent(project.root) elseif file file.path else buffer.title pos = breadcrumbs.crumb_pos crumb { i, project and project.root.basename or '' "#{where}@#{pos}" :buffer, :file, :pos } crumbs = breadcrumbs.trail items = [to_item(b, i) for i, b in ipairs crumbs] if #items == 0 log.warn "No locations available for navigation" return nil interact.select_location title: "Navigate back to.." prompt: opts.prompt text: opts.text :items selection: items[breadcrumbs.location] or items[breadcrumbs.location - 1] columns: { { header: 'Position', style: 'number' }, { header: 'Project', style: 'key' }, { header: 'Path', style: 'string' } } handler: (loc) -> return unless loc breadcrumbs.location = loc[1] command.register name: 'open-journal' description: 'Opens the Howl log journal' handler: -> app\add_buffer JournalBuffer! app.editor.cursor\eof! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Howl eval commands ----------------------------------------------------------------------- do_howl_eval = (load_f, mode_name, transform_f) -> editor = app.editor text = editor.selection.empty and editor.current_line.text or editor.selection.text text = transform_f and transform_f(text) or text f = assert load_f text ret = { pcall f } if ret[1] out = '' for i = 2, #ret out ..= "\n#{serpent.block ret[i], comment: false}" if editor.popup log.info "(Eval) => #{ret[2]}" else buf = Buffer mode.by_name mode_name buf.text = "-- Howl eval (#{mode_name}) =>#{out}" editor\show_popup BufferPopup buf, scrollable: true howl.clipboard.push out else log.error "(ERROR) => #{ret[2]}" command.register name: 'howl-lua-eval' description: 'Eval the current line or selection as Lua' handler: -> do_howl_eval load, 'lua', (text) -> unless text\match 'return%s' text = if text\find '\n' text\gsub "\n([^\n]+)$", "\n return %1" else "return #{text}" text command.register name: 'howl-moon-eval' description: 'Eval the current line or selection as Moonscript' handler: -> moonscript = require('moonscript') transform = (text) -> initial_indent = text\match '^([ \t]*)%S' if initial_indent -- remove the initial indent from all lines if any lines = [l\gsub("^#{initial_indent}", '') for l in text\gmatch('[^\n]+')] text = table.concat lines, '\n' moonscript.loadstring text do_howl_eval transform, 'moonscript' command.register name: 'howl-moon-print' description: 'Compile and show the Lua for the current buffer or selection' handler: -> moonscript = require('moonscript.base') editor = app.editor buffer = editor.buffer title = "#{buffer.title} (compiled to Lua)" text = buffer.text unless editor.selection.empty title = "#{buffer.title} (Lua - from selection)" text = editor.selection.text lua, err = moonscript.to_lua text local buf if not lua buf = ActionBuffer! buf\append howl.ui.markup.howl "<error>#{err}</error>" else buf = Buffer mode.by_name 'lua' buf.text = lua buf.title = title buf.modified = false if #buf.lines > 20 breadcrumbs.drop! editor.buffer = buf else buf\insert "-- #{title}\n", 1 editor\show_popup BufferPopup buf, scrollable: true ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Launch commands ----------------------------------------------------------------------- launch_cmd = (working_directory, cmd) -> shell = howl.sys.env.SHELL or '/bin/sh' p = Process { :cmd, :shell, read_stdout: true, read_stderr: true, working_directory: working_directory, } breadcrumbs.drop! buffer = ProcessBuffer p editor = app\add_buffer buffer editor.cursor\eof! buffer\pump! get_project = -> buffer = app.editor and app.editor.buffer file = buffer.file or buffer.directory error "No file associated with the current view" unless file project = Project.get_for_file file error "No project associated with #{file}" unless project return project command.register name: 'project-exec', description: 'Run an external command from within the project directory' input: (opts) -> interact.get_external_command path: get_project_root!, prompt: opts.prompt handler: (args) -> launch_cmd args.working_directory, args.cmd get_input_text: (args) -> args.cmd command.register name: 'project-build' description: 'Run the command in config.project_build_command from within the project directory' handler: -> launch_cmd get_project!.root, (app.editor and app.editor.buffer.config or config).project_build_command command.register name: 'exec', description: 'Run an external command' input: (opts) -> interact.get_external_command path: get_buffer_dir howl.app.editor.buffer text: opts.text handler: (args) -> launch_cmd args.working_directory, args.cmd get_input_text: (args) -> args.cmd command.register name: 'save-config' description: 'Save the current configuration' handler: -> config.save_config! log.info 'Configuration saved' config.define name: 'project_build_command' description: 'The command to execute when project-build is run' default: 'make' type_of: 'string' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File search commands ----------------------------------------------------------------------- config.define name: 'file_search_hit_display' description: 'How to display file search hits in the list' default: 'rich' type_of: 'string' options: -> { {'plain', 'Display as plain unicolor strings'}, {'highlighted', 'Highlight search terms in hits'} , {'rich', 'Show syntax highlighted snippets with highlighted terms'}, } file_search_hit_mt = { __tostyled: (item) -> text = item.text m = mode.for_file(item.match.file) if m and m.lexer styles = m.lexer(text) return StyledText text, styles text __tostring: (item) -> item.text } file_search_hit_to_location = (match, search, display_as) -> hit_display = if display_as == 'rich' setmetatable {text: match.message, :match}, file_search_hit_mt else match.message path = match.path\truncate(50, omission_prefix: '..') loc = { howl.ui.markup.howl "<comment>#{path}</>:<number>#{match.line_nr}</>" hit_display, file: match.file, line_nr: match.line_nr, column: match.column } search = search.ulower s, e = match.message.ulower\ufind(search, 1, true) unless s s, e = match.message\ufind((r(search))) if loc.column loc.byte_start_column = loc.column loc.byte_end_column = loc.column + #search elseif s loc.start_column = s loc.end_column = e + 1 if s and display_as != 'plain' loc.item_highlights = { nil, { {byte_start_column: s, count: e - s + 1} } } loc do_search = (search, whole_word) -> project = get_project! file_search = howl.file_search matches, searcher = file_search.search project.root, search, :whole_word unless #matches > 0 log.error "No matches found for '#{search}'" return matches matches = file_search.sort matches, project.root, search, app.editor.current_context display_as = project.config.file_search_hit_display status = "Loaded 0 out of #{#matches} locations.." cancel = false locations = activities.run { title: "Loading #{#matches} locations..", status: -> status cancel: -> cancel = true }, -> return for i = 1, #matches if i % 1000 == 0 break if cancel status = "Loaded #{i} out of #{#matches}.." activities.yield! m = matches[i] file_search_hit_to_location(m, search, display_as) locations, searcher, project command.register name: 'project-file-search', description: 'Searches files in the the current project' input: (opts) -> editor = app.editor search = nil whole_word = false if opts.text and not opts.text.is_empty search = opts.text unless search or app.window.command_panel.is_active if editor.selection.empty search = app.editor.current_context.word.text whole_word = true unless search.is_empty else search = editor.selection.text if not search or search.is_empty search = interact.read_text prompt: opts.prompt if not search or search.is_empty log.warn "No search query specified" return locations, searcher, project = do_search search, whole_word if #locations > 0 interact.select_location title: "#{#locations} matches for '#{search}' in #{project.root.short_path} (using #{searcher.name} searcher)" items: locations handler: (loc) -> if loc app\open loc command.register name: 'project-file-search-list', description: 'Searches files in the the current project, listing results in a buffer' input: (opts) -> editor = app.editor search = nil whole_word = false if opts.text and not opts.text.is_empty search = opts.text unless app.window.command_panel.is_active if editor.selection.empty search = app.editor.current_context.word.text whole_word = true unless search.is_empty else search = editor.selection.text if not search or search.is_empty search = interact.read_text prompt: opts.prompt if not search or search.is_empty log.warn "No search query specified" return locations, searcher, project = do_search search , whole_word if #locations > 0 matcher = howl.util.Matcher locations list = howl.ui.List matcher list_buf = howl.ui.ListBuffer list, { title: "#{#locations} matches for '#{search}' in #{project.root.short_path} (using #{searcher.name} searcher)" on_submit: (location) -> app\open location } list_buf.directory = project.root app\add_buffer list_buf nil handler: (loc) ->
config = require("lapis.config").get! if config.postgres require "lapis.db.postgres.model" elseif config.mysql require "lapis.db.mysql.model" else error "You have to configure either postgres or mysql"
import Router, RouteParser from require "lib.resty.router.router" build_router = (routes) -> handler = (ctx) -> { ctx.params, ctx.route, ctx.name } with r = Router! for pattern in *routes r\add_route pattern, handler r\set_default_route -> "failed to find route" resolve = r.resolve r.resolve = (self, path) -> _, ctx, responder = resolve(self, path) responder(ctx) describe "Router", -> it "matches a route", -> router = Router! f = -> router\add_route "/hello", f assert.same {{}, f, "/hello"}, {router\match "/hello"} it "fails to match a route", -> router = Router! f = -> router\add_route "/hello", f assert.same {}, {router\match "/zone"} describe "RouteParser.parse", -> for {pattern, test, result} in *{ {"/:yeah", "ddd", nil} {"/:yeah", "/okay", {yeah: "okay"}} {"/:yeah", "/okay.com", {yeah: "okay.com"}} -- exclude var {":thing-:hello", "a-b", {thing: "a", hello: "b"}} {":thing(-:hello)", { {"a-b", {thing: "a", hello: "b"}} {"az", {thing: "az"}} {"i/fail", nil} }} -- exclude splat {"/hi/*-:hello", "/hi/a/b/c-okay", {splat: "a/b/c", hello: "okay"}} {"*/hello", "whoa/zone/hello", {splat: "whoa/zone"}} {":one.*", "sure-thing.com", {splat: "com", one: "sure-thing"}} -- splat with optional exclude from format {"/browse/*(.:format)", { {"/browse/things", {splat: "things"}} {"/browse/things.zip", {splat: "things", format: "zip"}} {"/browse/things.tar.gz", {splat: "things", format: "tar.gz"}} }} -- splat doesn't cancel out var {":one(*)", "hello_world", { one: "hello_world"}} {"/zone(/:game(/:user))", "/zone/drone/leafo", { game: "drone", user: "leafo"}} {"/:game(/:user)(*)", "/drone/leafo/hi", { game: "drone", user: "leafo", splat: "/hi" }} -- many optional {"/zone(/:game(/:user)(*))", { {"/zone", {}} {"/zone/leafo", { game: "leafo"}} {"/zone/leafo/beefo", { game: "leafo", user: "beefo"}} {"/zone/drone/leafo/here", { game: "drone", user: "leafo", splat: "/here" }} }} -- many optional with format {"/zone(/:game(/:user)(*))(.:format)", { -- same as above, nothing changed {"/zone", {}} {"/zone/leafo", { game: "leafo"}} {"/zone/leafo/beefo", { game: "leafo", user: "beefo"}} {"/zone/drone/leafo/here", { game: "drone", user: "leafo", splat: "/here" }} -- with formats {"/zone.zip", { format: "zip"}} {"/zone/leafo.jpeg", { game: "leafo", format: "jpeg"}} {"/zone/leafo/beefo.moon", { game: "leafo", user: "beefo", format: "moon"}} {"/zone/drone/leafo/here.leaf", { game: "drone" user: "leafo" splat: "/here" format: "leaf" }} }} -- adjacent optionals {"/manifest(-:version)(.:format)", { {"/manifest", {}} {"/manifest-first.json", { version: "first", format: "json"}} {"/manifest.json", { format: "json"}} {"/manifest-first", { version: "first" }} }} -- moonrocks workaround -- TODO: make (-:version)(.:format) work for -5.1.zip {"/manifest(-:a.:b)(.:format)", { {"/manifest-5.1.json", { a: "5", b: "1", format: "json" }} {"/manifest-5.1", { a: "5", b: "1" }} {"/manifest.json", { format: "json" }} }} -- character classes {"/:hello[%d]", { {"/what", nil} {"/", nil} {"/1223", { hello: "1223"}} {"/1", { hello: "1"}} }} {"/:world[%a]", { {"/what", { world: "what"}} {"/1223", nil} {"/1"} }} {"/:lee[%w]", { {"/what", {lee: "what"}} {"/999", {lee: "999"}} {"/aj23", {lee: "aj23"}} {"/2lll__", nil} {"/", nil} }} {"/:ben[a-f]", { {"/what", nil} {"/abf", {ben: "abf"}} }} {"/:andy[12fg]", { {"/what", nil} {"/12", {andy: "12"}} {"/f2", {andy: "f2"}} }} {"/:dap[a%dd-g]", { {"/what", nil} {"/a3", {dap: "a3"}} {"/9a99f", {dap: "9a99f"}} }} {"/:nope[^.]", { {"/good", {nope: "good"}} {"/", nil} {"/one.two", nil} }} {"/:nope[%%%w]", { {"/%20", {nope: "%20"}} {"/hi%20", {nope: "hi%20"}} {"/", nil} }} {"/:nope[%-ab]", { {"/-", {nope: "-"}} {"/--", {nope: "--"}} {"/-ab", {nope: "-ab"}} {"/ab-", {nope: "ab-"}} {"/a-b", {nope: "a-b"}} {"/", nil} {"/%ab", nil} {"/%20", nil} }} {"/:nope[%%w%-ab]", { {"/-", {nope: "-"}} {"/%ab", {nope: "%ab"}} {"/%ab-", {nope: "%ab-"}} {"/%ab-%ab-", {nope: "%ab-%ab-"}} {"/w", {nope: "w"}} {"/c", nil} {"/", nil} }} } do_test = (pattern, test, result) -> it "matches `#{pattern}` with `#{test}`", -> parser = RouteParser! p = assert parser\compile pattern assert.same result, (p\match test) if type(test) == "table" for {_test, result} in *test do_test pattern, _test, result else do_test pattern, test, result describe "with router", -> local r describe "basic router", -> before_each -> r = build_router { "/hello" "/hello/:name[%d]" "/hello/:name" "/hello/:name/world" "/static/*" "/x/:color/:height/*" "/please/" } it "should match static route", -> out = r\resolve "/hello" assert.same { {}, "/hello" }, out it "should match character class route", -> out = r\resolve "/hello/234" assert.same { { name: "234" }, "/hello/:name[%d]" }, out it "should match param route", -> out = r\resolve "/hello/world2323" assert.same { { name: "world2323" }, "/hello/:name" }, out it "should match param route", -> out = r\resolve "/hello/the-parameter/world" assert.same { { name: "the-parameter" }, "/hello/:name/world" }, out it "should match splat", -> out = r\resolve "/static/hello/world/343434/foo%20bar.png" assert.same { { splat: 'hello/world/343434/foo%20bar.png' } "/static/*" }, out it "should match all", -> out = r\resolve "/x/greenthing/123px/ahhhhwwwhwhh.txt" assert.same { { splat: 'ahhhhwwwhwhh.txt' height: '123px' color: 'greenthing' } "/x/:color/:height/*" }, out it "should match nothing", -> assert.same "failed to find route", r\resolve("/what-the-heck") it "should match nothing", -> assert.same "failed to find route", r\resolve("/hello//world") it "should match trailing exactly", -> assert.same { {} "/please/" }, r\resolve("/please/") assert.same "failed to find route", r\resolve("/please") it "should match the catchall", -> r = build_router {"*"} assert.same { { splat: "hello_world" } "*" }, r\resolve "hello_world" describe "named routes", -> local r before_each -> r = build_router { { homepage: "/home" } { profile: "/profile/:name" } { profile_settings: "/profile/:name/settings" } { game: "/game/:user_slug/:game_slug" } { splatted: "/page/:slug/*" } { optional: "/page(.:format)" } } it "should match", -> out = r\resolve "/home" assert.same { {}, "/home", "homepage" }, out describe "optional parts", -> local r describe "basic router", -> before_each -> r = build_router { "/test(/:game)" "/zone(/:game(/:user)(*))" "/test/me" } it "matches without optional", -> out = r\resolve "/test/yeah" assert.same { {game: "yeah"}, "/test(/:game)" }, out it "matches with optional part", -> out = r\resolve "/test/ozone" assert.same { {game: "ozone"}, "/test(/:game)" }, out it "fails to find", -> out = r\resolve "/test/ozone/" assert.same "failed to find route", out it "lets literal route take precedence", -> out = r\resolve "/test/me" assert.same { {}, "/test/me" }, out describe "route precedence", -> local r before_each -> r = build_router { "/*" "/:slug" "/hello" } it "matches literal route first", -> out = r\resolve "/hello" assert.same { {}, "/hello" }, out it "matches var route second", -> out = r\resolve "/world" assert.same { {slug: "world"}, "/:slug" }, out it "matches slug last", -> out = r\resolve "/whoa/zone" assert.same { { splat: "whoa/zone" }, "/*" }, out it "preserves declare order among routes with same precedence", -> r = build_router { "/*" "/:slug1" "/:slug2" "/:slug3" "/:slug4" "/:slug5" "/hello" } out = r\resolve "/hey" assert.same { { slug1: "hey" }, "/:slug1" }, out it "more specific takes precedence", -> pending "todo" r = build_router { "/test/:game" "/test/:game-world" } out = r\resolve "/test/hello-world" assert.same { { game: "hello" }, "/test/:game-world" }, out it "non-optional takes precedence", -> pending "todo" r = build_router { "/test(/:game)" "/test/:game" } out = r\resolve "/test/thing" assert.same { { game: "thing" }, "/test/:game" }, out it "precedence with unnamed routes", -> r = build_router { { something: "/*" } "/foo" "/bar/*" } out = r\resolve "/bar/baz/1" assert.same { { splat: "baz/1" }, "/bar/*" }, out out = r\resolve "/qux/foo" assert.same { { splat: "qux/foo" }, "/*", "something" }, out describe "sort routes", -> sort_routes = (rs) -> router = build_router rs tuples = for r in *router.routes pattern, flags = router\build_route unpack r p = router\route_precedence flags -- print r[1], p {r[1], p} table.sort tuples, (a,b) -> a[2] < b[2] [t[1] for t in *tuples] it "basic set", -> assert.same { "/hello" "/:slug1/two" "/*" }, sort_routes { "/*" "/:slug1/two" "/hello" } it "number of slugs affects match", -> assert.same { "/hello" "/:slug1/two" "/:slug1/:slug2" "/*/hi/*" "/*" }, sort_routes { "/*" "/*/hi/*" "/:slug1/:slug2" "/:slug1/two" "/hello" }
-- Copyright 2014-2015 The Howl Developers -- License: MIT (see LICENSE) dispatch = howl.dispatch describe 'dispatch', -> describe 'launch(f, ...)', -> it 'invokes <f> in a coroutine with the specified arguments', -> f = spy.new -> _, is_main = coroutine.running! assert.is_false is_main dispatch.launch f, 1, nil, 'three' assert.spy(f).was_called_with 1, nil, 'three' context 'when <f> starts correctly', -> it 'returns true and the coroutine status', -> status, co_status = dispatch.launch -> nil assert.is_true status assert.equals 'dead', co_status context 'when <f> errors upon start', -> it 'returns false and the error message', -> status, err = dispatch.launch -> error 'foo' assert.is_false status assert.equals 'foo', err describe 'wait()', -> it 'yields until resumed using resume() on the parked handle', -> handle = dispatch.park 'test' done = false dispatch.launch -> dispatch.wait handle done = true assert.is_false done dispatch.resume handle assert.is_true done it 'returns any parameters passed to resume()', -> handle = dispatch.park 'test' local res dispatch.launch -> res = { dispatch.wait handle } dispatch.resume handle, 1, nil, 'three', nil assert.same { 1, nil, 'three', nil }, res it 'raises an error when resumed with resume_with_error()', -> handle = dispatch.park 'test' local err dispatch.launch -> status, err = pcall dispatch.wait, handle assert.is_false status dispatch.resume_with_error handle, 'blargh!' assert.includes err, 'blargh!' describe 'resume()', -> it 'propagates any error occurring during resuming', -> handle = dispatch.park 'test' dispatch.launch -> dispatch.wait handle error 'boom' assert.raises 'boom', -> dispatch.resume handle context 'when nothing is yet waiting on the parking', -> it 'blocks until released by a wait', (done) -> howl_async -> handle = dispatch.park 'out-of-order' launched, status = dispatch.launch -> dispatch.resume handle, 'resume-now!' assert.is_true launched assert.equals "suspended", status launched, status = dispatch.launch -> assert.equals 'resume-now!', dispatch.wait handle done! assert.is_true launched assert.equals "dead", status
stypes = require "stypes" tokenise = (program) -> tokens = {} expr = {} token = "" inChar = false inString = false for c in program\gmatch "." if inString if c == '"' and token[#token] != '\\' token = "#{token}#{c}" inString = false else token = "#{token}#{c}" elseif inChar if c == "'" and token[#token] != '\\' token = "#{token}#{c}" inChar = false else token = "#{token}#{c}" else if c == '"' inString = true token = "#{token}#{c}" elseif c == "'" inChar = true token = "#{token}#{c}" elseif c == " " expr[#expr + 1] = token token = "" elseif c == "\n" tokens[#tokens + 1] = expr expr = {} else token = "#{token}#{c}" if #token > 0 expr[#expr + 1] = token token = "" if #expr > 0 tokens[#tokens + 1] = expr expr = {} tokens parse = (tokens) -> ast = {} errors = {} for _, expr in pairs tokens new_expr = {} for pos, sym in pairs expr if pos == 1 new_expr[#new_expr + 1] = stypes.Label(sym) elseif pos == 2 new_expr[#new_expr + 1] = stypes.Function(sym) elseif stypes.isnumber(sym) new_expr[#new_expr + 1] = stypes.Number(sym) elseif stypes.isfloat(sym) new_expr[#new_expr + 1] = stypes.Float(sym) elseif stypes.isrational(sym) new_expr[#new_expr + 1] = stypes.Rational(sym) elseif stypes.ischar(sym) new_expr[#new_expr + 1] = stypes.Character(sym) elseif stypes.isstring(sym) new_expr[#new_expr + 1] = stypes.String(sym) -- TODO: else error ast[#ast + 1] = new_expr ast dump_tokens = (tokens) -> for line, expr in pairs tokens msg = "[" for _, sym in pairs expr msg = "#{msg} #{sym}," msg = "#{msg\sub(1, #msg - 1)} ]" print msg dump_tokens tokenise "10 print \"Hello, World!\" \n20 print 'a"
-- Copyright 2012-2015 The Howl Developers -- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution) import app, config, interact, Project from howl import File from howl.io import icon from howl.ui import Matcher from howl.util append = table.insert config.define name: 'buffer_icons' description: 'Whether buffer icons are displayed' scope: 'global' type_of: 'boolean' default: true icon.define_default 'buffer', 'font-awesome-square' icon.define_default 'buffer-modified', 'font-awesome-pencil-square-o' icon.define_default 'buffer-modified-on-disk', 'font-awesome-clone' icon.define_default 'process-success', 'font-awesome-check-circle' icon.define_default 'process-running', 'font-awesome-play-circle' icon.define_default 'process-failure', 'font-awesome-exclamation-circle' buffer_dir = (buffer) -> if buffer.file return buffer.file.parent.short_path elseif buffer.directory return buffer.directory.short_path return '(none)' buffer_status_text = (buffer) -> stat = if buffer.modified then '*' else '' stat ..= '[modified on disk]' if buffer.modified_on_disk stat buffer_status_icon = (buffer) -> local name if typeof(buffer) == 'ProcessBuffer' if buffer.process.exited name = buffer.process.successful and 'process-success' or 'process-failure' else name = 'process-running' else if buffer.modified_on_disk name = 'buffer-modified-on-disk' elseif buffer.modified name = 'buffer-modified' else name = 'buffer' return icon.get(name, 'operator') make_title = (buffer, opts={}) -> file = buffer.file title = file.basename if opts.parents parent = file.parent for _ = 1, opts.parents if parent title = "#{parent.basename}#{File.separator}#{title}" parent = parent.parent else break if opts.project project = Project.for_file file if project title = "#{title} [#{project.root.basename}]" return title has_duplicates = (list) -> set = {} for item in *list return true if set[item] set[item] = true return false get_buffer_list = (buffers) -> basenames = {} enhanced_titles = {} for buf in *buffers continue unless buf.file and buf.file.basename == buf.title basenames[buf.file.basename] or= {} append basenames[buf.file.basename], buf for _, buffer_group in pairs(basenames) continue if #buffer_group == 1 options_list = { { project: true } { project: false, parents: 1 } { project: true, parents: 1 } { project: false, parents: 2 } { project: true, parents: 2 } } titles = nil for options in *options_list titles = [make_title buffer, options for buffer in *buffer_group] break if not has_duplicates titles for i=1,#buffer_group enhanced_titles[buffer_group[i]] = titles[i] title = (buffer) -> enhanced_titles[buffer] or buffer.title if config.buffer_icons return [{buffer_status_icon(buffer), title(buffer), buffer_dir(buffer), :buffer} for buffer in *buffers] else return [{title(buffer), buffer_status_text(buffer), buffer_dir(buffer), :buffer} for buffer in *buffers] buffer_matcher = (get_buffers) -> (text) -> buffers = get_buffers! matcher = Matcher get_buffer_list buffers return matcher(text) interact.register name: 'select_buffer' description: 'Selection list for buffers' handler: (opts={}) -> opts = moon.copy opts local columns if config.buffer_icons columns = { {}, {style: 'string'} {style: 'comment'} } else columns = { {style: 'string'} {style: 'operator'} {style: 'comment'} } current_selection = nil with opts .title or= 'Buffers' .matcher = buffer_matcher opts.get_buffers or -> app.buffers .columns = columns .on_change = (selection, text, items) -> current_selection = selection command_line = howl.app.window.command_line command_line\add_keymap { binding_for: ['buffer-close']: => if current_selection and current_selection.buffer app\close_buffer current_selection.buffer command_line\refresh! } command_line\add_help key_for: 'buffer-close' action: 'Close the currently selected buffer' result = interact.select_location opts if result return result.selection.buffer
import mode from howl curly_mode = { indentation: { more_after: { '[[{(]%s*$', } less_for: { '^%s*[]})]', } } code_blocks: multiline: { { '{%s*$', '^%s*}', '}'} { '%[%s*$', '^%s*%]', ']'} { '%(%s*$', '^%s*%)', ')'} } } mode.register name: 'curly_mode', create: -> curly_mode
-- Copyright 2018 The Howl Developers -- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution) {:clean, :is_valid} = require 'howl.util.utf8' {:get_monotonic_time} = require 'ljglibs.glib' ffi = require 'ffi' C = ffi.C to_hex_string = (s) -> parts = {} for i = 1, #s parts[#parts + 1] = '\\x' .. string.format('%02x', s\byte(i)) table.concat parts, ' ' describe 'utf8', -> describe 'clean(s)', -> glib_make_valid = (s) -> ptr = C.g_utf8_make_valid(s, #s) s = ffi.string ptr C.g_free(ptr) s utf8_clean = (s) -> r, size = clean s ffi.string r, size assert_clean = (s, expected) -> rs = utf8_clean s unless rs == expected assert.equal to_hex_string(expected), to_hex_string(rs) it 'returns a clean string as is', -> assert_clean '123456789', '123456789' assert_clean "åäöƏ⏱🌨", "åäöƏ⏱🌨" it 'cleans up incorrect dual sequences', -> assert_clean '|\xc3\x24|', '|�$|' assert_clean '|\xc3\x24\xc3\x61|', '|�$�a|' assert_clean '|\xc3\x24X\xc3\x61|', '|�$X�a|' it 'cleans up incorrect three-byte sequences', -> -- -- incorrect at second seq byte assert_clean '|\xe1\x24|', '|�$|' -- incorrect at third seq byte assert_clean '|\xe1\x80\x24|', '|��$|' it 'cleans up incorrect four-byte sequences', -> -- incorrect at second seq byte assert_clean '|\xf0\x24|', '|�$|' -- incorrect at third seq byte assert_clean '|\xf0\x80\x24|', '|��$|' -- incorrect at fourth seq byte assert_clean '|\xf0\x80\x80\x24|', '|���$|' it 'cleans up stray continuation bytes', -> assert_clean '|\x80|', '|�|' assert_clean '|\x80\x80|', '|��|' assert_clean '\x80|', '�|' assert_clean '|\x80', '|�' assert_clean '\xc2\xa9\xa9', '©�' it 'cleans up illegal bytes', -> for b = 192, 193 assert_clean "|#{string.char(b)}|", '|�|' for b = 245, 255 assert_clean "|#{string.char(b)}|", '|�|' it 'cleans up broken utf8 at the end', -> assert_clean '\x8d\xc7\xe0', '���' it 'handles sequence starts within sequences', -> assert_clean '\xc7\xe0\x60\x28\x8c', '��`(�' it 'handles illegal values in sequences', -> assert_clean '\xc4\xf7\x61\xb9', '��a�' -- below are some comparison runs with the builtin glib variants useful -- for performance testing if false time = (title, f) -> start = get_monotonic_time! f! done = get_monotonic_time! elapsed = (done - start) / 1000000 print "'#{title}': #{elapsed} elapsed" it 'performance', -> valid = string.rep 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ', 1000 for i = 1, 100 C.g_utf8_validate valid, #valid, nil time 'g_utf8_validate', -> for i = 1, 1000 C.g_utf8_validate valid, #valid, nil for i = 1, 100 is_valid valid time 'own is_valid', -> for i = 1, 1000 is_valid valid for i = 1, 100 glib_make_valid(valid) time 'g_utf8_make_valid CLEAN', -> for i = 1, 1000 ptr = C.g_utf8_make_valid(valid, #valid) C.g_free(ptr) for i = 1, 100 clean valid time 'own clean CLEAN', -> for i = 1, 1000 clean valid broken = string.rep 'ab⏱🌨\xc3\x24hiåäömn\xe1\x80\x24opq\xf0\x24', 1000 for i = 1, 100 glib_make_valid(broken) time 'g_utf8_make_valid BROKEN', -> for i = 1, 1000 ptr = C.g_utf8_make_valid(broken, #broken) C.g_free(ptr) for i = 1, 100 clean broken time 'own clean BROKEN', -> for i = 1, 1000 clean broken
lines = (file) -> assert (love.filesystem.isFile file), "#{file} doesn't exist!" [line for line in love.filesystem.lines file] split = (inp, sep="%s") -> [t for t in string.gmatch inp, "([^#{sep}]+)"] class new: (file, @r=100, @g=100, @b=0, s=1) => @vertices = {} @faces = {} for i, v in ipairs lines file if "v " == string.sub v, 1, 2 v_line = split (v\sub 3), " " table.insert @vertices, [(s * tonumber a) for a in *v_line] if "f " == string.sub v, 1, 2 v_line = split (v\sub 3), " " table.insert @faces, [(tonumber a) for a in *v_line] @width, @height = 0, 0 for v in *@vertices @width = v[1] if v[1] > @width @height = v[2] if v[2] > @height move: (...) => d = {...} for v in *@vertices for i = 1, #d v[i] += d[i] draw: => love.graphics.push! love.graphics.translate 0, 0 for p in *@faces love.graphics.setColor @r, @g, @b reald.graphics.triangle fov or 250, "fill", @vertices[p[1]], @vertices[p[2]], @vertices[p[3]] love.graphics.pop!
-- Copyright 2018 The Howl Developers -- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution) {:file_search} = howl {:File, :Process} = howl.io describe 'file_search', -> local searchers, tmp_dir, config, searcher setup -> searchers = {name, def for name, def in pairs file_search.searchers} for name in pairs searchers file_search.unregister_searcher name tmp_dir = File.tmpdir! config = howl.config.for_file tmp_dir teardown -> for name in pairs file_search.searchers file_search.unregister_searcher name for _, def in pairs searchers file_search.register_searcher def tmp_dir\delete_all! before_each -> searcher = { name: 'test' description: 'test' handler: -> {} } describe 'register_searcher(def)', -> it 'raises an error for missing attributes', -> assert.raises "name", -> file_search.register_searcher description: 'desc', handler: -> assert.raises "description", -> file_search.register_searcher name: 'name', handler: -> assert.raises "handler", -> file_search.register_searcher name: 'test', description: 'desc' describe 'search(directory, term, opts)', -> before_each -> file_search.register_searcher searcher config.file_searcher = 'test' context '(when the searcher returns matches directly)', -> it 'returns matches from the specified searcher', -> matches = { { path: 'urk.txt', file: tmp_dir\join('urk'), line_nr: 1, message: 'foo'} } searcher.handler = -> matches res = file_search.search tmp_dir, 'foo' assert.same matches, res it 'raises an error if the searcher omits required match fields', -> matches = {} searcher.handler = -> matches matches[1] = { line_nr: 1, message: 'foo' } assert.raises 'path', -> file_search.search tmp_dir, 'foo' matches[1] = { path: 'urk.txt', message: 'foo' } assert.raises 'line_nr', -> file_search.search tmp_dir, 'foo' matches[1] = { path: 'urk.txt', line_nr: 1 } assert.raises 'message', -> file_search.search tmp_dir, 'foo' it 'sets .file from path if not provided', -> searcher.handler = -> { { path: 'urk.txt', line_nr: 1, message: 'foo'} } res = file_search.search tmp_dir, 'foo' assert.equal tmp_dir\join('urk.txt'), res[1].file context '(when the searcher returns a process object)', -> it "returns matches from the process' output", (done) -> howl_async -> searcher.handler = -> Process.open_pipe 'echo "file.ext:10: foo"' res = file_search.search tmp_dir, 'foo' assert.same { {message: 'foo', path: 'file.ext', line_nr: 10, file: tmp_dir\join('file.ext')} }, res done! context '(when the searcher returns a string)', -> it 'returns matches from running the string as a command', (done) -> howl_async -> searcher.handler = -> 'echo "file.ext:10: foo"' res = file_search.search tmp_dir, 'foo' assert.same { {message: 'foo', path: 'file.ext', line_nr: 10, file: tmp_dir\join('file.ext')} }, res done! context '(when a search process exits with an exit code of 1)', -> it 'return zero matches', (done) -> howl_async -> searcher.handler = -> 'exit 1' res = file_search.search tmp_dir, 'foo' assert.same {}, res done! context '(selecting the searcher)', -> it 'raises an error if the specified searcher is not available', -> searcher.is_available = -> false assert.raises 'unavailable', -> file_search.search tmp_dir, 'foo' it 'allows passing an explicit searcher using an explicit `searcher` table', -> my_searcher = { name: 'custom', description: 'pass-directly', handler: -> { { line_nr: 1, file: tmp_dir\join('my'), path: 'my', message: 'custom' } } } res = file_search.search tmp_dir, 'foo', searcher: my_searcher assert.same my_searcher.handler!, res it 'allows passing an explicit searcher using an explicit `searcher` string', -> my_searcher = { name: 'my_searcher', description: 'pass-directly', handler: -> { { line_nr: 1, file: tmp_dir\join('my'), path: 'my', message: 'custom' } } } file_search.register_searcher my_searcher res = file_search.search tmp_dir, 'foo', searcher: 'my_searcher' assert.same my_searcher.handler!, res it 'returns matches and the used searcher', -> matches = {} searcher.handler = -> matches _, used_searcher = file_search.search tmp_dir, 'foo' assert.equal searcher, used_searcher describe 'sort(matches, context)', -> match = (message, path, line_nr = 1) -> {:message, :path, :line_nr, file: tmp_dir\join(path)} messages = (matches) -> [m.message for m in *matches] it 'prefers standalone matches to substring matches', -> sorted = file_search.sort { match('a fool', 'sub1') match('bar foo zed', 'alone') match('food for thought', 'sub2') }, tmp_dir, 'foo' assert.equal 'alone', sorted[1].path it "prefers matches where the term is included in the match's base name", -> sorted = file_search.sort { match('notbase', 'foo/zed.moon') match('base', 'bar/foo.moon') }, tmp_dir, 'foo' assert.same {'base', 'notbase'}, messages(sorted) it 'penalizes matches in test files', -> sorted = file_search.sort { match('spec', 'foo/zed_spec.moon') match('test', 'foo/zed_test.moon') match('specd', 'foo/zed-spec.moon') match('testd', 'foo/zed-test.moon') match('testp', 'foo/test_test.moon') match('base', 'foo/zed.moon') }, tmp_dir, 'foo' assert.same 'base', messages(sorted)[1] it 'groups matches by path for same-score matches', -> sorted = file_search.sort { match('foo', 'one.moon') match('foo', 'two.moon') match('bar', 'one.moon') match('bar', 'two.moon') }, tmp_dir, 'xxx' assert.equal sorted[1].path, sorted[2].path -- and it follows that 3 4 are equal it 'always orders matches in the same file by line nr', -> sorted = file_search.sort { match('3', 'file.moon', 3) match('1', 'file.moon', 1) match('2', 'file.moon', 2) }, tmp_dir, 'xxx' assert.same {'1', '2', '3'}, messages(sorted) context 'when context is provided', -> local buffer before_each -> buffer = howl.Buffer! it 'prefers matches close to the current context directory', -> buffer.file = tmp_dir\join 'first/second/file.txt' sorted = file_search.sort { match('twoup', 'twoup.txt') -- distance 3 match('samedir', 'first/second/samedir.txt') -- distance 1 match('same', 'first/second/file.txt') -- distance 0 match('oneup', 'first/oneup.txt') -- distance 2 match('diffroot', 'other/otro/annan.txt') --distance 5 }, tmp_dir, 'foo', buffer\context_at(1) assert.same {'same', 'samedir', 'oneup', 'twoup', 'diffroot'}, messages(sorted) it 'prefers matches in files sharing the same name cluster', -> buffer.file = tmp_dir\join 'foo.moon' sorted = file_search.sort { match('notsame', 'food.moon') match('spec', 'foo_spec.moon') match('other', 'angry/fools.moon') }, tmp_dir, 'foo', buffer\context_at(1) assert.same {'spec', 'notsame', 'other'}, messages(sorted) buffer.file = tmp_dir\join 'foo_spec.moon' sorted = file_search.sort { match('notsame', 'food.moon') match('main', 'foo.moon') match('other', 'angry/fools.moon') }, tmp_dir, 'search', buffer\context_at(1) assert.same {'main', 'notsame', 'other'}, messages(sorted) describe 'the native searcher', -> local search setup -> search = searchers.native.handler it 'handles multiple matches in a file correctly', -> hit = tmp_dir\join('hit.txt') hit.contents = ([[ food snafoo bafoon ]]).stripped res = search tmp_dir, 'foo' assert.same { {path: 'hit.txt', line_nr: 1, column: 1, message: 'food'}, {path: 'hit.txt', line_nr: 2, column: 4, message: 'snafoo'}, {path: 'hit.txt', line_nr: 3, column: 3, message: 'bafoon'}, }, res it 'handles a match at the end of a file, preceeding an empty line', -> hit = tmp_dir\join('hit.txt') hit.contents = 'foo\n' res = search tmp_dir, 'foo' assert.same { {path: 'hit.txt', line_nr: 1, column: 1, message: 'foo'}, }, res it 'is case insensitive', -> hit = tmp_dir\join('hit.txt') hit.contents = 'foo\nFOO' res = search tmp_dir, 'fOo' assert.same { {path: 'hit.txt', line_nr: 1, column: 1, message: 'foo'}, {path: 'hit.txt', line_nr: 2, column: 1, message: 'FOO'}, }, res it 'only reports the first match for a given line', -> hit = tmp_dir\join('hit.txt') hit.contents = 'in barbary there is a bar\n' res = search tmp_dir, 'bar' assert.same { { path: 'hit.txt', line_nr: 1, column: 4, message: 'in barbary there is a bar' }, }, res it 'limits messages to the given max_message_length option', -> hit = tmp_dir\join('hit.txt') hit.contents = string.rep 'x', 100 res = search tmp_dir, 'x', max_message_length: 50 assert.equals 50, #res[1].message it 'handles binary files without issue', -> ffi = require('ffi') bin = tmp_dir\join('bin') data = ffi.new 'char[1024]' for i = 0, 1023 data[i] = math.random(255) bin.contents = ffi.string(data, 1024) res = search tmp_dir, 'notlikely' -- the assertion here is not super important - we mostly want to -- check that we didn't crash here (as for instance GRegex would -- for binary content without the RAW flag) assert.equals 0, #res context 'when the whole_word option is set', -> it 'only finds whole words', -> hit = tmp_dir\join('hit.txt') hit.contents = ([[ bar fubar barred barbary in a bar ]]).stripped res = search tmp_dir, 'bar', whole_word: true assert.same { {path: 'hit.txt', line_nr: 1, column: 1, message: 'bar'}, {path: 'hit.txt', line_nr: 5, column: 6, message: 'in a bar'}, }, res
Player = struct x: "number" y: "number" real_x: "number" real_y: "number" speed: "number" move_padding: "number" key_buffer: "table" key_limit: "number" Player\impl update: (dt) => @real_x = math.lerp @real_x, @x * SIZE, dt * @speed @real_y = math.lerp @real_y, @y * SIZE, dt * @speed game.camera.x = math.lerp game.camera.x, (math.floor @real_x * game.camera.zoom + SIZE), dt * game.camera.zoom game.camera.y = math.lerp game.camera.y, (math.floor @real_y * game.camera.zoom + SIZE), dt * game.camera.zoom for i, v in ipairs @key_buffer if i < @key_limit key = table.remove @key_buffer, 1 dx, dy = @key_to_direction key @move dx, dy with love.keyboard if (@real_x - @x * SIZE)^2 + (@real_y - @y * SIZE)^2 < @move_padding^2 dx = 0 dy = 0 if .isDown "right" dx = 1 if .isDown "left" dx = -1 if .isDown "down" dy = 1 if .isDown "up" dy = -1 @move dx, dy draw: => with love.graphics .setColor 0, 1, 1 .rectangle "fill", @real_x, @real_y, SIZE, SIZE .setColor 0, 0.8, 0.8 .rectangle "line", @real_x, @real_y, SIZE, SIZE keypressed: (key) => keys = { left: true right: true up: true down: true } if keys[key] table.insert @key_buffer, key key_to_direction: (key) => dx = 0 dy = 0 switch direction when "right" dx = 1 when "left" dx = -1 when "down" dy = 1 when "up" dy = -1 dx, dy move: (dx, dy) => if game.world.level\vacant @x + dx, @y + dy @x += dx @y += dy unless dx + dy == 0 game.world.level\set @x, @y, game.world.level.registry.NULL game.world.level\set @x, @y, game.world.level.registry.PLAYER { :Player }
System = require "lib.concord.system" Position = require "src.components.Position" Bounds = require "src.components.Bounds" filter = { Position, Bounds } ScreenWrap = System filter ScreenWrap.update = (deltaTime) => for _, entity in ipairs self.pool.objects position = entity\get Position bounds = entity\get Bounds if position.x > bounds.right position.x = bounds.left if position.x < bounds.left position.x = bounds.right if position.y > bounds.bottom position.y = bounds.top if position.y < bounds.top position.y = bounds.bottom ScreenWrap
-- Copyright 2014-2015 The Howl Developers -- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution) gio = require 'ljglibs.gio' ffi = require 'ffi' require 'ljglibs.cdefs.gio' require 'ljglibs.gio.file_info' require 'ljglibs.gio.file_input_stream' require 'ljglibs.gio.file_output_stream' core = require 'ljglibs.core' glib = require 'ljglibs.glib' callbacks = require 'ljglibs.callbacks' import gc_ptr from require 'ljglibs.gobject' {:g_string, :catch_error, :get_error} = glib {:async_ready_callback} = gio {:C, cast: ffi_cast} = ffi goffset = ffi.typeof('goffset') info_t = ffi.typeof 'GFileInfo *' to_i = (o) -> ffi_cast info_t, o core.define 'GFileEnumerator', { next_file: => gc_ptr catch_error C.g_file_enumerator_next_file, @, nil close: => catch_error C.g_file_enumerator_close, @, nil get_child: (info) => C.g_file_enumerator_get_child @, info next_files_async: (num_files, priority = glib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, callback) => local handle handler = (source, res) -> callbacks.unregister handle status, ret, err_code = get_error C.g_file_enumerator_next_files_finish, @, res if not status callback false, ret, err_code else ret\consume! infos = [gc_ptr(to_i(i)) for i in *ret.elements] callback true, infos handle = callbacks.register handler, 'next-files-async' C.g_file_enumerator_next_files_async @, num_files, priority, nil, async_ready_callback, callbacks.cast_arg(handle.id) close_async: (priority = glib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, callback) => local handle handler = (source, res) -> callbacks.unregister handle status, ret, err_code = get_error C.g_file_enumerator_close_finish, @, res if not status callback false, ret, err_code else callback true handle = callbacks.register handler, 'enumerator-close-async' C.g_file_enumerator_close_async @, priority, nil, async_ready_callback, callbacks.cast_arg(handle.id) } core.define 'GFile', { constants: { prefix: 'G_FILE_' 'QUERY_INFO_NONE', 'QUERY_INFO_NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS', 'COPY_NONE', 'COPY_OVERWRITE', 'COPY_BACKUP', 'COPY_NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS', 'COPY_ALL_METADATA', 'COPY_NO_FALLBACK_FOR_MOVE', 'COPY_TARGET_DEFAULT_PERMS', } new_for_path: (p) -> gc_ptr C.g_file_new_for_path p new_for_commandline_arg_and_cwd: (p, cwd) -> assert glib.check_version 2, 36, 0 gc_ptr C.g_file_new_for_commandline_arg_and_cwd p, cwd get_relative_path: (parent, descendant) -> g_string C.g_file_get_relative_path parent, descendant properties: { path: => g_string C.g_file_get_path @ uri: => g_string C.g_file_get_uri @ exists: => C.g_file_query_exists(@, nil) != 0 parent: => gc_ptr C.g_file_get_parent @ basename: => g_string C.g_file_get_basename @ } has_parent: (parent = nil) => C.g_file_has_parent(@, parent) != 0 query_info: (attributes, flags) => gc_ptr catch_error C.g_file_query_info, @, attributes, flags, nil load_contents: => buf = ffi.new 'char *[1]' catch_error C.g_file_load_contents, @, nil, buf, nil, nil g_string buf[0] get_child: (name) => gc_ptr C.g_file_get_child @, name enumerate_children: (attributes, flags = @QUERY_INFO_NONE) => gc_ptr catch_error C.g_file_enumerate_children, @, attributes, flags, nil enumerate_children_async: (attributes, flags = @QUERY_INFO_NONE, priority = glib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, callback) => local handle handler = (source, res) -> callbacks.unregister handle status, ret, err_code = get_error C.g_file_enumerate_children_finish, @, res if not status callback false, ret, err_code else callback true, ret handle = callbacks.register handler, 'enumerate-children-async' C.g_file_enumerate_children_async @, attributes, flags, priority, nil, async_ready_callback, callbacks.cast_arg(handle.id) copy: (dest, flags, cancellable, progress_callback) => local handler, cb_handle, cb_cast, cb_data copy_flags = core.parse_flags 'G_FILE_', flags if progress_callback handler = (current_bytes, total_bytes) -> current_bytes = tonumber ffi.cast(goffset, current_bytes) total_bytes = tonumber ffi.cast(goffset, total_bytes) progress_callback @, current_bytes, total_bytes cb_handle = callbacks.register handler, 'file-copy-progress' cb_cast = ffi.cast('GFileProgressCallback', callbacks.void3) cb_data = callbacks.cast_arg(cb_handle.id) catch_error(C.g_file_copy, @, dest, copy_flags, cancellable, cb_cast, cb_data) != 0 make_directory: => catch_error(C.g_file_make_directory, @, nil) != 0 make_directory_with_parents: => catch_error(C.g_file_make_directory_with_parents, @, nil) != 0 delete: => catch_error(C.g_file_delete, @, nil) != 0 read: => gc_ptr catch_error(C.g_file_read, @, nil) append_to: => gc_ptr catch_error(C.g_file_append_to, @, 0, nil) meta: { __tostring: (f) -> f.path or f.uri } }, (def, p) -> def.new_for_path p
-- base.moon package.path ..= "" export __ = require("moses") export sf = sf or (string.format) export lfs = require("lfs") cl = lfs.currentdir() export expand_path = (path) -> abs_path = cl.."/"..path package.path ..= sf ";%s/?.lua",abs_path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utilities -- __genOrderedIndex = ( t ) -> orderedIndex = {} for key in pairs(t) table.insert( orderedIndex, key ) table.sort( orderedIndex ) return orderedIndex orderedNext = (t, state) -> if state == nil -- the first time, generate the index t.__orderedIndex = __genOrderedIndex( t ) key = t.__orderedIndex[1] return key, t[key] key = nil for i = 1,table.getn(t.__orderedIndex) if t.__orderedIndex[i] == state key = t.__orderedIndex[i+1] if key return key, t[key] t.__orderedIndex = nil return export orderedPairs = (t) -> return orderedNext, t, nil -- _G["orderedPairs"] = orderedPairs -- string.trim export trim = (s) -> return (s\gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")) -- string.split export split = (str, pat) -> t = {} fpat = "(.-)" .. pat last_end = 1 s, e, cap = str\find(fpat, 1) while s if s != 1 or cap != "" table.insert(t,trim(cap)) last_end = e+1 s, e, cap = str\find(fpat, last_end) if last_end <= #str cap = str\sub(last_end) table.insert(t,trim(cap)) return t -- string split... to array (table) export split_spc = (ln) -> vars = {} if not string.match(ln, "^#") for item in string.gmatch(ln,"%S+") -- vars[] vars[#vars+1] = item return vars -- string split... to array (table) pure export split_space = (ln) -> vars = {} for item in string.gmatch(ln,"%S+") -- vars[] vars[#vars+1] = item return vars -- scan dir. export scandir = (directory) -> if unexpected_condition then error() i, t, popen = 0, {}, io.popen for filename in popen('ls -a '..directory)\lines() i = i + 1 t[i] = filename return t -- -- array -- export push_head = (q,v) -> table.insert(q,1,v) export push_tail = (q,v) -> q[#q+1]=v export pop_head = (q) -> item=nil if (#q>0) item = q[1] table.remove(q,1) return item export pop_tail = (q) -> item=nil if (#q>0) item= q[#q] table.remove(q,#q) return item -- -- files -- -- _G["file_exist"] = (fname) -> export file_exist = (fname) -> f = io.open(fname,"r") if (f!=nil) f\close() return true return false export get_file_ext = (fname) -> va = split(fname,"[.]") return va[#va] export load_pages = (fpath,subpath) -> skip=0 fpath = fpath.."/"..subpath subpath2,fn = subpath.."." for fn in lfs.dir(fpath) f1 = fn\sub(1,1) if ((fn==".") or (fn=="..") or (f1==".")) skip = skip + 1 else fname = fpath.."/"..fn attr = lfs.attributes(fname) mode = attr.mode ext = fn\sub(-4) if (ext==".lua") va = fn\sub(1,(#fn-4)) require(subpath2..va) elseif (ext=="moon") va = fn\sub(1,(#fn-5)) -- require(subpath2..va)
-- needed lib template = require "resty.template" -- our view is homepage, but included into layout view = template.new "homepage.html", "layout.html" -- we set title of page, and also those from homepage view.title = "Testing lua-resty-template" view.message = "Hello, World!" -- let's go displaying result view\render!
Entity = require "lib.concord.entity" Vector = require "src.Vector" Position = require "src.components.Position" Mover = require "src.components.Mover" Sprite = require "src.components.Sprite" Bounds = require "src.components.Bounds" Bullet = Entity! speed = 512 Bullet\give Position, 0, -- X 0 -- Y Bullet\give Sprite, "res/Lasers/laserBlue08.png" Bullet\give Mover, speed, Vector speed, 0 Bullet\give Bounds Bullet
export script_name = "All Characters To" export script_description = "Converts all characters to uppercase, lowercase or capitalized." export script_author = "Zeref" export script_version = "1.0.3" -- LIB zf = require "ZF.main" unicode.to_capitalized = (text, i = 1) -> concat, done = "", false for char, ci in unicode.chars text a = tonumber char b = zf.util\isBlank char if not done and not a and not b done = true unless ci == 1 and i > 1 char = unicode.to_upper_case char elseif char == "." done = false concat ..= char return concat splitMap = (text, fn) -> concat = "" with zf.tags\splitTextByTags text\gsub("\\N", "%[@%]")\gsub("\\h", "%[#%]"), false for i = 1, #.text concat ..= .tags[i] .. fn .text[i], i return concat\gsub("%[@%]", "\\N")\gsub("%[#%]", "\\h")\gsub "{%s*}", "" main = (fn) -> (subs, selected) -> for sel in *selected l = subs[sel] unless zf.util\isShape l.text\gsub "%b{}", "" l.text = splitMap l.text, fn subs[sel] = l aegisub.set_undo_point script_name aegisub.register_macro "#{script_name} / Upper-case", script_description, main unicode.to_upper_case aegisub.register_macro "#{script_name} / Lower-case", script_description, main unicode.to_lower_case aegisub.register_macro "#{script_name} / Capitalized", script_description, main unicode.to_capitalized
export * ---------------------------------- -- Layers that implement a loss. Currently these -- are the layers that can initiate a '\backward!' pass. -- In the future we probably want a more flexible system -- that can accomodate multiple losses to do multi-task -- learning, and stuff like that. But for now, one of the -- layers in this file must be the final layer in a Net. ---------------------------------- class SoftmaxLayer ---------------------------------- -- This is a classifier, with 'N' discrete classes -- from 1 to 'N'. It gets it stream of 'N' incoming -- numbers and computes the softmax function. ---------------------------------- new: (opt) => @num_inputs = opt["in_sx"] * opt["in_sy"] * opt["in_depth"] @out_depth = @num_inputs @out_sx = 1 @out_sy = 1 @layer_type = "softmax" forward: (V, is_training) => @in_act = V A = Vol 1, 1, @out_depth, 0 -- mac activation as = V.w max_act = V.w[1] for i = 1, @out_depth if as[i] > max_act max_act = as[i] -- compute exponentials (carefully not to blow up) @exps = util.zeros @out_depth esum = 0 for i = 1, @out_depth e = math.exp as[i] - max_act esum += e @exps[i] = e -- normalize and output to sum to one for i = 1, @out_depth @exps[i] /= esum A.w[i] = @exps[i] @es = es @out_act = A @out_act backward: (y) => -- compute and accumulate gradient w.r.t. weights and bias of this layer x = @in_act x.dw = util.zeros #x.w for i = 1, @out_depth indicator = 0 if i == y indicator = 1 mul = -(indicator - @exps[i]) x.dw[i] = mul -math.log @exps[y] get_params_and_grads: => {} to_JSON: => { ["out_depth"]: @out_depth, ["out_sx"]: @out_sx, ["out_sy"]: @out_sy, ["layer_type"]: @layer_type, ["num_inputs"]: @num_inputs, } from_JSON: (json) => @out_depth = json["out_depth"] @out_sx = json["out_sx"] @out_sy = json["out_sy"] @layer_type = json["layer_type"] @num_inputs = json["num_inputs"] class RegressionLayer ---------------------------------- -- Implements an 'L2' regression cost layer, -- so penalizes 'sum_i(||x_i - y_i||^2)', where 'x' is its input -- and 'y' is the user-provided array of supervising values. ---------------------------------- new: (opt) => @num_inputs = opt["in_sx"] * opt["in_sy"] * opt["in_depth"] @out_sx = 1 @out_sy = 1 @out_depth = @num_inputs @layer_type = "regression" forward: (V, is_training) => @in_act = V @out_act = V V backward: (y) => ---------------------------------- -- 'y' is a list of size 'num_inputs' -- compute and accumulate gradient w.r.t. weights and bias -- - of this layer. ---------------------------------- x = @in_act x.dw = util.zeros #x.w loss = 0 if y["dim"] == nil and y["val"] == nil for i = 1, @out_depth dy = x.w[i] - y[i] x.dw[i] = dy loss += 2 * dy^2 else i = y["dim"] y_i = y["val"] dy = x.w[i] - y_i x.dw[i] = dy loss += 2 * dy^2 loss get_params_and_grads: => {} to_JSON: => { ["out_depth"]: @out_depth, ["out_sx"]: @out_sx, ["out_sy"]: @out_sy, ["layer_type"]: @layer_type, ["num_inputs"]: @num_inputs, } from_JSON: (json) => @out_depth = json["out_depth"] @out_sx = json["out_sx"] @out_sy = json["out_sy"] @layer_type = json["layer_type"] @num_inputs = json["num_inputs"] class SVMLayer new: (opt) => @num_inputs = opt["in_sx"] * opt["in_sy"] * opt["in_depth"] @out_depth = opt["out_depth"] @out_sx = 1 @out_sy = 1 @layer_type = "svm" forward: (V, is_training) => @in_act = V @out_act = V V backward: (V) => -- compute and accumulate gradient w.r.t. weights and bias of this layer x = @in_act x.dw = util.zeros #x.w y_score = x.w[y] margin = 1 loss = 0 for i = 1, @out_depth if -y_score + x.w[i] + margin > 0 -- 'hinge loss' x.dw[i] += 1 x.dw[y] -= 1 loss += -y_score + x.w[i] + margin loss get_params_and_grads: => {} to_JSON: => { ["out_depth"]: @out_depth, ["out_sx"]: @out_sx, ["out_sy"]: @out_sy, ["layer_type"]: @layer_type, ["num_inputs"]: @num_inputs, } from_JSON: (json) => @out_depth = json["out_depth"] @out_sx = json["out_sx"] @out_sy = json["out_sy"] @layer_type = json["layer_type"] @num_inputs = json["num_inputs"]
-- include using: -- @include "widgets.utils" class WidgetUtils output_errors: => if @errors and #@errors > 0 div class: "alert alert-danger", role: "alert", -> ul -> for err in *@errors do li err write_csrf_input: => input type: "hidden", name: "csrf_token", value: @csrf_token, ["aria-hidden"]: "true" write_pagination_nav: (url, pages, current_page, post, get={}) => old_get = get.page nav -> ul class: "pagination", -> get.page = current_page - 1 -- This is the left arrow li class: "page-item", -> a class: "page-link", ["aria-label"]: "Previous", href: @url_for(url, post, get), -> span ["aria-hidden"]: "true", -> raw "&laquo;" span class: "sr-only", "Previous" for page = math.max(1, current_page-5), math.min(pages-1, current_page+4) active_class = "page-item " .. (if current_page == page then "active" else "") get.page = page li class: active_class, -> a class: "page-link", href: @url_for(url, post, get), page li class: "page-item disabled", -> span class: "page-link", "..." get.page = pages active_class = "page-item " .. (if current_page == pages then "active" else "") li class: active_class, -> a class: "page-link", href: @url_for(url, post, get), pages get.page = current_page + 1 -- This is the right arrow li class: "page-item", -> a class: "page-link", ["aria-label"]: "Next", href: @url_for(url, post, get), -> span ["aria-hidden"]: "true", -> raw "&raquo;" span class: "sr-only", "Next" get.page = old_get
astronomy = require "astronomy" cqueues = require "cqueues" Logger = require "logger" Logger.print "Test: astronomy.attach" base_table = {} astronomy\attach coroutine.create -> cqueues.sleep 0.005 for i=1, 2 do table.insert base_table, 'A' cqueues.sleep 0.01 astronomy\attach coroutine.create -> for i=1, 2 do table.insert base_table, 'B' cqueues.sleep 0.01 assert astronomy\loop! result_table = { 'B' 'A' 'B' 'A' } for k, v in pairs base_table Logger.print "#{v} == #{result_table[k]}" assert v == result_table[k]
import print from _G -- ::DEPRECATION_FEATURE_KEYS -> table -- Represents the features that were already deprecated -- DEPRECATION_FEATURE_KEYS = {} -- ::deprecate(string featureKey, string text) -> void -- Prints the deprecation text once per feature key -- export export deprecate = (featureKey, text) -> unless DEPRECATION_FEATURE_KEYS[featureKey] print(text) DEPRECATION_FEATURE_KEYS[featureKey] = true
-- Copyright (C) 2017-2020 DBotThePony -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -- of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, -- subject to the following conditions: -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies -- or substantial portions of the Software. -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, -- INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR -- OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER -- DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -- editor stuffs gui.ppm2.dxlevel.not_supported = 'Your DirectX™ level is too low. At least 9.0 is required. If you use 8.1 for framerate,\nyou either have the most ancient videocard or have bad drivers.\nBecause framerate in gmod can only be low because of other addons which create pointless high CPU load.\nYes, this message will appear several times to annoy you. Because WHY THE FK YOU THEN REPORT ABOUT MISSING TEXTURES???' gui.ppm2.dxlevel.toolow = 'DirectX™ level is too low for PPM/2' gui.ppm2.editor.eyes.separate = 'Use separated settings for eyes' gui.ppm2.editor.eyes.url = 'Eye URL texture' gui.ppm2.editor.eyes.url_desc = 'When uring eye URL texture; options below have no effect' gui.ppm2.editor.eyes.lightwarp_desc = 'Lightwarp has effect only on EyeRefract eyes' gui.ppm2.editor.eyes.lightwarp = "Lightwarp" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes.desc1 = "Lightwarp texture URL input\nIt must be 256x16!" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes.desc2 = "Glossiness strength\nThis parameters adjucts strength of real time reflections on eye\nTo see changes, set ppm2_cl_reflections convar to 1\nOther players would see reflections only with ppm2_cl_reflections set to 1\n0 - is matted; 1 - is mirror" for _, {tprefix, prefix} in ipairs {{'def', ''}, {'left', 'Left '}, {'right', 'Right '}} gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].lightwarp.shader = "#{prefix}Use EyeRefract shader" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].lightwarp.cornera = "#{prefix}Use Eye Cornera diffuse" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].lightwarp.glossiness = "#{prefix}Glossiness" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].type = "#{prefix}Eye type" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].reflection_type = "#{prefix}Eye reflection type" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].lines = "#{prefix}Eye lines" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].derp = "#{prefix}Derp eye" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].derp_strength = "#{prefix}Derp eye strength" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].iris_size = "#{prefix}Eye size" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].points_inside = "#{prefix}Eye lines points inside" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].width = "#{prefix}Eye width" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].height = "#{prefix}Eye height" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].pupil.width = "#{prefix}Pupil width" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].pupil.height = "#{prefix}Pupil height" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].pupil.size = "#{prefix}Pupil size" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].pupil.shift_x = "#{prefix}Pupil Shift X" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].pupil.shift_y = "#{prefix}Pupil Shift Y" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].pupil.rotation = "#{prefix}Eye rotation" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].background = "#{prefix}Eye background" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].pupil_size = "#{prefix}Pupil" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].top_iris = "#{prefix}Top eye iris" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].bottom_iris = "#{prefix}Bottom eye iris" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].line1 = "#{prefix}Eye line 1" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].line2 = "#{prefix}Eye line 2" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].reflection = "#{prefix}Eye reflection effect" gui.ppm2.editor.eyes[tprefix].effect = "#{prefix}Eye effect" gui.ppm2.editor.generic.title = 'PPM/2 Pony Editor' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.title_file = '%q - PPM/2 Pony Editor' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.title_file_unsaved = '%q* - PPM/2 Pony Editor (unsaved changes!)' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.yes = 'Yas!' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.no = 'Noh!' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.ohno = 'Onoh!' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.okay = 'Okai ;w;' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.datavalue = '%s\nData value: %q' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.url = '%s\n\nLink goes to: %s' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.url_field = 'URL Field' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.spoiler = 'Mysterious spoiler' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.restart.needed = 'Editor restart required' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.restart.text = 'You should restart editor for applying change.\nRestart now?\nUnsaved data will lost!' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.fullbright = 'Fullbright' gui.ppm2.editor.generic.wtf = 'For some reason, your player has no NetworkedPonyData - Nothing to edit!\nTry ppm2_reload in your console and try to open editor again' gui.ppm2.editor.io.random = 'Randomize!' gui.ppm2.editor.io.newfile.title = 'New File' gui.ppm2.editor.io.newfile.confirm = 'Really want to create a new file?' gui.ppm2.editor.io.newfile.toptext = 'Reset' gui.ppm2.editor.io.delete.confirm = 'Do you really want to delete that file?\nIt will be gone forever!\n(a long time!)' gui.ppm2.editor.io.delete.title = 'Really Delete?' gui.ppm2.editor.io.filename = 'Filename' gui.ppm2.editor.io.hint = 'Open file by double click' gui.ppm2.editor.io.reload = 'Reload file list' gui.ppm2.editor.io.failed = 'Failed to import.' gui.ppm2.editor.io.warn.oldfile = '!!! It may or may not work. You will be squished.' gui.ppm2.editor.io.warn.text = "Currently, you did not stated your changes.\nDo you really want to open another file?" gui.ppm2.editor.io.warn.header = 'Unsaved changes!' gui.ppm2.editor.io.save.button = 'Save' gui.ppm2.editor.io.save.text = 'Enter file name without ppm2/ and .dat\nTip: to save as autoload, type "_current" (without quotes)' gui.ppm2.editor.io.wear = 'Apply changes (wear)' gui.ppm2.editor.seq.standing = 'Standing' gui.ppm2.editor.seq.move = 'Moving' gui.ppm2.editor.seq.walk = 'Walking' gui.ppm2.editor.seq.sit = 'Sit' gui.ppm2.editor.seq.swim = 'Swim' gui.ppm2.editor.seq.run = 'Run' gui.ppm2.editor.seq.duckwalk = 'Crouch walk' gui.ppm2.editor.seq.duck = 'Crouch' gui.ppm2.editor.seq.jump = 'Jump' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.race = 'Race' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.weight = 'Weight' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.size = 'Pony Size' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.hide_weapons = 'Should hide weapons' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.chest = 'Male chest buff' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.gender = 'Gender' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.wings = 'Wings Type' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.flexes = 'Flexes controls' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.no_flexes2 = 'No flexes on new model' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.no_flexes_desc = 'You can disable separately any flex state controller\nSo these flexes can be modified with third-party addons (like PAC3)' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.hide_pac3 = 'Hide entitites when using PAC3 entity' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.hide_mane = 'Hide mane when using PAC3 entity' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.hide_tail = 'Hide tail when using PAC3 entity' gui.ppm2.editor.misc.hide_socks = 'Hide socks when using PAC3 entity' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.main = 'General' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.files = 'Files' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.old_files = 'Old Files' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.cutiemark = 'Cutiemark' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.head = 'Head anatomy' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.eyes = 'Eyes' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.face = 'Face' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.mouth = 'Mouth' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.left_eye = 'Left Eye' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.right_eye = 'Right Eye' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.mane_horn = 'Mane and Horn' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.mane = 'Mane' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.details = 'Details' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.url_details = 'URL Details' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.url_separated_details = 'URL Separated Details' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.ears = 'Ears' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.horn = 'Horn' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.back = 'Back' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.wings = 'Wings' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.left = 'Left' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.right = 'Right' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.neck = 'Neck' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.body = 'Pony body' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.tattoos = 'Tattoos' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.tail = 'Tail' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.hooves = 'Hooves anatomy' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.bottom_hoof = 'Bottom hoof' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.legs = 'Legs' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.socks = 'Socks' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.newsocks = 'New Socks' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.about = 'About' gui.ppm2.editor.tabs.clothes = 'Clothes' gui.ppm2.editor.old_tabs.mane_tail = 'Mane and tail' gui.ppm2.editor.old_tabs.wings_and_horn_details = 'Wings and horn details' gui.ppm2.editor.old_tabs.wings_and_horn = 'Wings and horn' gui.ppm2.editor.old_tabs.body_details = 'Body details' gui.ppm2.editor.old_tabs.mane_tail_detals = 'Mane and tail URL details' gui.ppm2.editor.cutiemark.display = 'Display cutiemark' gui.ppm2.editor.cutiemark.type = 'Cutiemark type' gui.ppm2.editor.cutiemark.size = 'Cutiemark size' gui.ppm2.editor.cutiemark.color = 'Cutiemark color' gui.ppm2.editor.cutiemark.input = 'Cutiemark URL image input field\nShould be PNG or JPEG (works same as\nPAC3 URL texture)' gui.ppm2.editor.face.eyelashes = 'Eyelashes' gui.ppm2.editor.face.eyelashes_color = 'Eyelashes Color' gui.ppm2.editor.face.eyelashes_phong = 'Eyelashes phong parameters' gui.ppm2.editor.face.eyebrows_color = 'Eyebrows Color' gui.ppm2.editor.face.new_muzzle = 'Use new muzzle for male model' gui.ppm2.editor.face.nose = 'Nose Color' gui.ppm2.editor.face.lips = 'Lips Color' gui.ppm2.editor.face.eyelashes_separate_phong = 'Separate Eyelashes Phong' gui.ppm2.editor.face.eyebrows_glow = 'Glowing eyebrows' gui.ppm2.editor.face.eyebrows_glow_strength = 'Eyebrows glow strength' gui.ppm2.editor.face.inherit.lips = 'Inherit Lips Color from body' gui.ppm2.editor.face.inherit.nose = 'Inherit Nose Color from body' gui.ppm2.editor.mouth.fangs = 'Fangs' gui.ppm2.editor.mouth.alt_fangs = 'Alternative Fangs' gui.ppm2.editor.mouth.claw = 'Claw teeth' gui.ppm2.editor.mouth.teeth = 'Teeth color' gui.ppm2.editor.mouth.teeth_phong = 'Teeth phong parameters' gui.ppm2.editor.mouth.mouth = 'Mouth color' gui.ppm2.editor.mouth.mouth_phong = 'Mouth phong parameters' gui.ppm2.editor.mouth.tongue = 'Tongue color' gui.ppm2.editor.mouth.tongue_phong = 'Tongue phong parameters' gui.ppm2.editor.mane.type = 'Mane Type' gui.ppm2.editor.mane.phong = 'Separate mane phong settings from body' gui.ppm2.editor.mane.mane_phong = 'Mane phong parameters' gui.ppm2.editor.mane.phong_sep = 'Separate upper and lower mane colors' gui.ppm2.editor.mane.up.phong = 'Upper Mane Phong Settings' gui.ppm2.editor.mane.down.type = 'Lower Mane Type' gui.ppm2.editor.mane.down.phong = 'Lower Mane Phong Settings' gui.ppm2.editor.mane.newnotice = 'Next options have effect only on new model' for i = 1, 2 gui.ppm2.editor.mane['color' .. i] = "Mane color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.mane.up['color' .. i] = "Upper mane color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.mane.down['color' .. i] = "Lower mane color #{i}" for i = 1, 6 gui.ppm2.editor.mane['detail_color' .. i] = "Mane detail color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.mane.up['detail_color' .. i] = "Upper mane color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.mane.down['detail_color' .. i] = "Lower mane color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.url_mane['desc' .. i] = "Mane URL Detail #{i} input field" gui.ppm2.editor.url_mane['color' .. i] = "Mane URL detail color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.url_tail['desc' .. i] = "Tail URL Detail #{i} input field" gui.ppm2.editor.url_tail['color' .. i] = "Tail URL detail color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.url_mane.sep.up['desc' .. i] = "Upper mane URL Detail #{i} input field" gui.ppm2.editor.url_mane.sep.up['color' .. i] = "Upper Mane URL detail color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.url_mane.sep.down['desc' .. i] = "Lower mane URL Detail #{i} input field" gui.ppm2.editor.url_mane.sep.down['color' .. i] = "Lower Mane URL detail color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.ears.bat = 'Bat pony ears' gui.ppm2.editor.ears.size = 'Ears size' gui.ppm2.editor.clothes.head = 'Head clothes' gui.ppm2.editor.clothes.eye = 'Eye(s) clothes' gui.ppm2.editor.clothes.neck = 'Neck clothes' gui.ppm2.editor.clothes.body = 'Body clothes' gui.ppm2.editor.clothes_col.help = 'Some of color pickers may not for some clothes' gui.ppm2.editor.clothes_col.head_use = 'Custom head clothes color' gui.ppm2.editor.clothes_col.eye_use = 'Custom eye(s) clothes color' gui.ppm2.editor.clothes_col.neck_use = 'Custom neck clothes color' gui.ppm2.editor.clothes_col.body_use = 'Custom body clothes color' for {internal, publicName} in *{{'head', 'Head'}, {'neck', 'Neck'}, {'body', 'Body'}, {'eye', 'Eye'}} for i = 1, PPM2.MAX_CLOTHES_COLORS gui.ppm2.editor.clothes[internal .. '_url' .. i] = string.format('%s clothes URL material %d', publicName, i) for i = 1, PPM2.MAX_CLOTHES_COLORS gui.ppm2.editor.clothes_col["head_#{i}"] = 'Head clothes color №' .. i gui.ppm2.editor.clothes_col["eye_#{i}"] = 'Eye(s) clothes color №' .. i gui.ppm2.editor.clothes_col["neck_#{i}"] = 'Neck clothes color №' .. i gui.ppm2.editor.clothes_col["body_#{i}"] = 'Body clothes color №' .. i gui.ppm2.editor.horn.detail_color = 'Horn detail color' gui.ppm2.editor.horn.glowing_detail = 'Glowing Horn Detail' gui.ppm2.editor.horn.glow_strength = 'Horn Glow Strength' gui.ppm2.editor.horn.separate_color = 'Separate horn color from body' gui.ppm2.editor.horn.color = 'Horn color' gui.ppm2.editor.horn.horn_phong = 'Horn phong parameters' gui.ppm2.editor.horn.magic = 'Horn magic color' gui.ppm2.editor.horn.separate_magic_color = 'Separate magic color from eye color' gui.ppm2.editor.horn.separate = 'Separate horn color from body' gui.ppm2.editor.horn.separate_phong = 'Separate horn phong settings from body' gui.ppm2.editor.horn.use_new = 'Use new horn' gui.ppm2.editor.horn.new_type = 'New horn type' for i = 1, 3 gui.ppm2.editor.horn.detail['desc' .. i] = "Horn URL detail #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.horn.detail['color' .. i] = "URL Detail color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.wings.separate_color = 'Separate wings color from body' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.color = 'Wings color' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.wings_phong = 'Wings phong parameters' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.separate = 'Separate wings color from body' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.separate_phong = 'Separate wings phong settings from body' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.bat_color = 'Bat Wings color' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.bat_skin_color = 'Bat Wings skin color' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.bat_skin_phong = 'Bat wings skin phong parameters' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.normal = 'Normal wings' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.bat = 'Bat wings' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.bat_skin = 'Bat wings skin' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.left.size = 'Left wing size' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.left.fwd = 'Left Wing Forward' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.left.up = 'Left Wing Up' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.left.inside = 'Left Wing Inside' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.right.size = 'Right wing size' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.right.fwd = 'Right Wing Forward' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.right.up = 'Right Wing Up' gui.ppm2.editor.wings.right.inside = 'Right Wing Inside' for i = 1, 3 gui.ppm2.editor.wings.details.def['detail' .. i] = "Wings URL detail #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.wings.details.def['color' .. i] = "URL Detail color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.wings.details.bat['detail' .. i] = "Bat wing URL detail #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.wings.details.bat['color' .. i] = "Bat wing URL Detail color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.wings.details.batskin['detail' .. i] = "Bat wing skin URL detail #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.wings.details.batskin['color' .. i] = "Bat wing skin URL Detail color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.neck.height = 'Neck height' gui.ppm2.editor.body.suit = 'Bodysuit' gui.ppm2.editor.body.color = 'Body color' gui.ppm2.editor.body.body_phong = 'Body phong parameters' gui.ppm2.editor.body.spine_length = 'Spine length' gui.ppm2.editor.body.url_desc = 'Body detail URL image input fields\nShould be PNG or JPEG (works same as\nPAC3 URL texture)' gui.ppm2.editor.body.disable_hoofsteps = 'Disable hoofsteps' gui.ppm2.editor.body.disable_wander_sounds = 'Disable wander sounds' gui.ppm2.editor.body.disable_new_step_sounds = 'Disable custom step sounds' gui.ppm2.editor.body.disable_jump_sound = 'Disable jump sound' gui.ppm2.editor.body.disable_falldown_sound = 'Disable falldown sound' gui.ppm2.editor.body.call_playerfootstep = 'Call PlayerFootstep on each sound' gui.ppm2.editor.body.call_playerfootstep_desc = 'Call PlayerFootstep hook on each actual sound you hear.\nUsing this option will allow other addons installed to rely on PPM2\'s immersion\nwhich listen PlayerFootstep hook. This should be disabled only when you get unreliable result from other addons\nor your FPS drop to low values since one of addons installed is badly coded.' for i = 1, PPM2.MAX_BODY_DETAILS gui.ppm2.editor.body.detail['desc' .. i] = "Detail #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.body.detail['color' .. i] = "Detail color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.body.detail['glow' .. i] = "Detail #{i} is glowing" gui.ppm2.editor.body.detail['glow_strength' .. i] = "Detail #{i} glow strength" gui.ppm2.editor.body.detail.url['desc' .. i] = "Detail #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.body.detail.url['color' .. i] = "Detail color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.tattoo.edit_keyboard = 'Edit using keyboard' gui.ppm2.editor.tattoo.type = 'Type' gui.ppm2.editor.tattoo.over = 'Tattoo over body details' gui.ppm2.editor.tattoo.glow = 'Tattoo is glowing' gui.ppm2.editor.tattoo.glow_strength = 'Tattoo glow strength' gui.ppm2.editor.tattoo.color = 'Color of Tattoo' gui.ppm2.editor.tattoo.tweak.rotate = 'Rotation' gui.ppm2.editor.tattoo.tweak.x = 'X Position' gui.ppm2.editor.tattoo.tweak.y = 'Y Position' gui.ppm2.editor.tattoo.tweak.width = 'Width Scale' gui.ppm2.editor.tattoo.tweak.height = 'Height Scale' for i = 1, PPM2.MAX_TATTOOS gui.ppm2.editor.tattoo['layer' .. i] = "Tattoo layer #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.tail.type = 'Tail type' gui.ppm2.editor.tail.size = 'Tail size' gui.ppm2.editor.tail.tail_phong = 'Tail phong parameters' gui.ppm2.editor.tail.separate = 'Separate tail phong settings from body' for i = 1, 2 gui.ppm2.editor.tail['color' .. i] = 'Tail color ' .. i for i = 1, 6 gui.ppm2.editor.tail['detail' .. i] = "Tail detail color #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.tail.url['detail' .. i] = "Tail URL detail #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.tail.url['color' .. i] = "Tail URL detail #{i}" gui.ppm2.editor.hoof.fluffers = 'Hoof Fluffers' gui.ppm2.editor.legs.height = 'Legs height' gui.ppm2.editor.legs.socks.simple = 'Socks (simple texture)' gui.ppm2.editor.legs.socks.model = 'Socks (as model)' gui.ppm2.editor.legs.socks.color = 'Socks model color' gui.ppm2.editor.legs.socks.socks_phong = 'Socks phong parameters' gui.ppm2.editor.legs.socks.texture = 'Socks Texture' gui.ppm2.editor.legs.socks.url_texture = 'Socks URL texture' for i = 1, 6 gui.ppm2.editor.legs.socks['color' .. i] = 'Socks detail color ' .. i gui.ppm2.editor.legs.newsocks.model = 'Socks (as new model)' for i = 1, 3 gui.ppm2.editor.legs.newsocks['color' .. i] = 'New Socks color ' .. i gui.ppm2.editor.legs.newsocks.url = 'New Socks URL texture' -- shared editor stuffs gui.ppm2.editor.tattoo.help = "To exit edit mode, press Escape or click anywhere with mouse To move tatto use WASD To Scale higher/lower use Up/Down arrows To Scale wider/smaller use Right/Left arrows To rotate left/right use Q/E" gui.ppm2.editor.reset_value = 'Reset %s' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.info = 'More info about Phong on wiki' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.exponent = 'Phong Exponent - how strong reflective property\nof pony skin is\nSet near zero to get robotic looking of your\npony skin' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.exponent_text = 'Phong Exponent' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.boost.title = 'Phong Boost - multiplies specular map reflections' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.boost.boost = 'Phong Boost' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.tint.title = 'Tint color - what colors does reflect specular map\nWhite - Reflects all colors\n(In white room - white specular map)' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.tint.tint = 'Tint color' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.frensel.front.title = 'Phong Front - Fresnel 0 degree reflection angle multiplier' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.frensel.front.front = 'Phong Front' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.frensel.middle.title = 'Phong Middle - Fresnel 45 degree reflection angle multiplier' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.frensel.middle.front = 'Phong Middle' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.frensel.sliding.title = 'Phong Sliding - Fresnel 90 degree reflection angle multiplier' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.frensel.sliding.front = 'Phong Sliding' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.lightwarp = 'Lightwarp' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.url_lightwarp = 'Lightwarp texture URL input\nIt must be 256x16!' gui.ppm2.editor.phong.bumpmap = 'Bumpmap URL input' gui.ppm2.editor.info.discord = "Join DBot's Discord!" gui.ppm2.editor.info.ponyscape = "PPM/2 is a Ponyscape project" gui.ppm2.editor.info.creator = "PPM/2 were created and being developed by DBot" gui.ppm2.editor.info.newmodels = "New models were created by Durpy" gui.ppm2.editor.info.cppmmodels = "CPPM Models (including pony hands) belong to UnkN', 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084938735" gui.ppm2.editor.info.oldmodels = "Old models belong to Scentus and others" gui.ppm2.editor.info.bugs = "Found a bug? Report here!" gui.ppm2.editor.info.sources = "You can find sources here" gui.ppm2.editor.info.githubsources = "Or on GitHub mirror" gui.ppm2.editor.info.thanks = "Special thanks to everypony who criticized,\nhelped and tested PPM/2!" -- other stuff info.ppm2.fly.pegasus = 'You need to be a Pegasus or an Alicorn to fly!' info.ppm2.fly.cannot = 'You can not %s right now.' gui.ppm2.emotes.sad = 'Sad' gui.ppm2.emotes.wild = 'Wild' gui.ppm2.emotes.grin = 'Grin' gui.ppm2.emotes.angry = 'Angry' gui.ppm2.emotes.tongue = ':P' gui.ppm2.emotes.angrytongue = '>:P' gui.ppm2.emotes.pff = 'Pffff!' gui.ppm2.emotes.kitty = ':3' gui.ppm2.emotes.owo = 'oWo' gui.ppm2.emotes.ugh = 'Uuugh' gui.ppm2.emotes.lips = 'Lips lick' gui.ppm2.emotes.scrunch = 'Scrunch' gui.ppm2.emotes.sorry = 'Sorry' gui.ppm2.emotes.wink = 'Wink' gui.ppm2.emotes.right_wink = 'Right Wink' gui.ppm2.emotes.licking = 'Licking' gui.ppm2.emotes.suggestive_lips = 'Suggestive Lips lick' gui.ppm2.emotes.suggestive_no_tongue = 'Suggestive w/o tongue' gui.ppm2.emotes.gulp = 'Gulp' gui.ppm2.emotes.blah = 'Blah blah blah' gui.ppm2.emotes.happi = 'Happi' gui.ppm2.emotes.happi_grin = 'Happi grin' gui.ppm2.emotes.duck = 'DUCK' gui.ppm2.emotes.ducks = 'DUCK INSANITY' gui.ppm2.emotes.quack = 'QUACKS' gui.ppm2.emotes.suggestive = 'Suggestive w/ tongue' message.ppm2.emotes.invalid = 'No such emotion with ID: %s' gui.ppm2.editor.intro.text = "Welcome to my new... Robosurgeon for Ponies! It allows you to....\n" .. "hmmm... become a pony, and yes, this process is IRREVERSIBLE! But don't need worry,\n" .. "you won't loose any of your brain cells before, in, and after then operation, because it performs operation very gently...\n\n" .. "Actually i have no idea, you biological being! His mechanical hands will envelop you in the most tight hugs you ever get!\n" .. "And, please, don't die in process, because this would cause VOID OF YOUR LIFE WARRANTY... and you will not be a pony!\n" .. "----\n\n\n" .. "Caution: Do not disassemble Robosurgeon.\nDo not put your hands/hooves into moving parts of Robosurgeon.\n" .. "Do not poweroff it while it operates.\nDo not try to resist it's actions.\n" .. "Always be gently with Robosurgeon\n" .. "Never slap Robosurgeon onto his interface.\n" .. "DBot's DLibCo take no responsibility for any harm caused by wrong usage of Robosurgeon.\n" .. "Warranty is voided if user die.\n" .. "No refunds." gui.ppm2.editor.intro.title = 'Welcome here, Human!' gui.ppm2.editor.intro.okay = "Ok, i will never read this license anyway" message.ppm2.debug.race_condition = 'Received NetworkedPonyData before entity were created on client! Waiting...' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.newmodel = 'Spawn new model' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.newmodelnj = 'Spawn new nj model' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.oldmodel = 'Spawn old model' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.oldmodelnj = 'Spawn old nj model' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.cppmmodel = 'Spawn CPPM model' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.cppmmodelnj = 'Spawn CPPM nj model' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.cleanup = 'Cleanup unused models' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.reload = 'Reload local data' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.require = 'Require data from server' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.drawhooves = 'Draw hooves as hands' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.nohoofsounds = 'No hoofsounds' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.noflexes = 'Disable flexes (emotes)' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.advancedmode = 'Enable PPM2 editor advanced mode' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.reflections = 'Enable real time eyes reflections' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.reflections_drawdist = 'Reflections draw distance' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.reflections_renderdist = 'Reflections render distance' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.doublejump = 'Double jump activate flight' gui.ppm2.spawnmenu.vm_magic = 'ViewModel unicorn alignment' tip.ppm2.in_editor = 'In PPM/2 Editor' tip.ppm2.camera = "%s's PPM/2 Camera" message.ppm2.queue_notify = '%i textures are queued to be rendered' gui.ppm2.editor.body.bump = 'Bumpmap strength' gui.ppm2.editor.body.detail.first = 'Render detail first-wise' gui.ppm2.editor.size.pony = 'Collision height of pony: %s' gui.ppm2.editor.size.pony2 = 'Visual height of pony: ~%s' gui.ppm2.editor.size.pony_width = 'Collision width of pony: %s' gui.ppm2.editor.size.back = 'Length of spine: ~%s' gui.ppm2.editor.size.neck = 'Length of neck: ~%s'
listToArray = zb2rhj3APjEyBffYfDUhef71pdkvq8N5HkixVN1hmCacPXJth bigNor = zb2rhmDFWSSNMJAE7vNzAkaP1bKj4q89SFQqW4N1pybSWwqFy aList => bList => md = (pow 2 16) a = (listToArray aList) b = (listToArray bList) al = (get a "length") bl = (get b "length") ini = {car:0 res:c=>n=>n} res = (for 0 (add al bl) ini i => state => car = (get state "car") res = (get state "res") sum = (for 0 bl 0 j => sum => n = (sub i j) m = (sub (sub bl j) 1) x = (if (ltn n 0) 0 (if (ltn n al) (get a (nts n)) 0)) y = (get b (nts j)) (add (mul x y) sum)) tot = (add sum car) { car: (flr (div tot md)) res: c => n => (res c (c (mod tot md) n)) }) (bigNor (get res "res")) // algorithm: // // a = 23958233 // b = 5830 // c = a * b // // 00023958233000 // 0385 0  + 0  + 0 + 0 = 0 // 0385 0  + 9  + 0  + 0 = 9 // 0385 0 + 9  + 24 + 0 = 3 ~3 // 0385 0  + 6  + 24  + 15 = 8 ~4 // 0385 0  + 24  + 16  + 15 = 9 ~5 // 0385 0  + 15  + 64  + 10 = 4 ~9 //  0385 0  + 27  + 40  + 40 = 6 ~11 // 0385 0  + 9  + 72  + 25 = 7 ~11 // 0385 0  + 6 + 24  + 45 = 6 ~8 // 0385 0  + 0  + 16 + 15 = 9 ~3 // 0385 0 + 0 + 0 + 10 = 3 ~1 // // c = 139676498390 // // Slower version: // f = a => b => // md = (pow 2 16) // ( // c => n => (a c (b (h => (c 0)) n)) // a => as => state => // car0 = (get state "car") // res0 = (get state "res") // aas0 = (get state "aas") // aas1 = c => n => (c a aas0) // prod = (add car0 (b y => ys => a => (a x => xs => (add (mul x y) (ys xs)) 0) a => 0 aas1)) // car1 = (flr (div prod md)) // res1 = c => n => (res0 c (c (mod prod md) n)) // (as {car:car1 res:res1 aas:aas1}) // state => // car = (get state "car") // res = (get state "res") // (if car (c => n => (c car (res c n))) res) // {car:0 res:c=>n=>n aas:c=>n=>n})
[=[ File: Arguments This file defines argument types to be used in TODO. ]=] [=[ Class: Arg The base argument class. This class is not really meant to be used in practice and is basically a pass through itself, but <Arg> lays down some important shared functionality for the other argument classes. ]=] class ulx.Arg --Only available statically, meant for internal use only. @ShortcutFn = (name, typ, default using nil) => @@__base[name] = (val=default using nil) => ulx.UtilX.CheckArg "#{@@__name}.#{name}", 1, typ, val @["_" .. name] = val @ [=[ Function: Deserialize Parameters: str - A serialized *string* generated by <Serialize>. Returns: An instantiation of *<Arg>*. For the derived classes, it returns the appopriate class instantiation with the restrictions set according to what the serialized string contained. ]=] @Deserialize: (str using nil) -> ulx.Arg! [=[ Variables: Arg Variables All these variables are optional, with sensible defaults. *Do not set these directly*. Instead, call the setter function of the same name without the underscore. E.G., call `Default(myDefaultValue)`. _Default - A value of *any type*. If an argument is optional and unspecified, this value is used. _Optional - A *boolean* of whether or not this argument is optional. _Hint - A *string* (usually a word or two) used in help output to give users a general idea of what the argument is for. _Help - A *string* used in longer help output to describe the argument. ]=] _Default: nil _Optional: false _Hint: "arg" _Help: "An arbitrary argument" @ShortcutFn "Default" @ShortcutFn "Optional", "boolean", true @ShortcutFn "Hint", "string" @ShortcutFn "Help", "string" [=[ Function: UsageShort Parameters: str - An optional *string* to add the help into. _Defaults to ""_. Returns: A short, one-line help *string* for using the argument. ]=] UsageShort: (str = "" using nil) => str ..= ", " if @_Optional and #str > 0 str ..= "default #{@_Default}" if @_Optional str = ": " .. str if @_Hint and #str > 0 str = tostring(@_Hint) .. str if @_Hint str = "<" .. str .. ">" str = "[" .. str .. "]" if @_Optional str [=[ Function: UsageLong Similar to <UsageShort>, but has no length restrictions on the returned text. Parameters: str - An optional *string* to add the help into. _Defaults to ""_. Returns: A full *string* help for using the argument. ]=] UsageLong: (str = "" using nil) => str ..= "Type: #{@@__name}" str ..= "\nDefault: #{@_Default} (used if argument is unspecified)" if @_Optional str ..= "\nHint: #{@_Hint}" if @_Hint str ..= "\nHelp: #{@_Help}" if @_Help str [=[ Function: Completes Parameters: str - The *string* input for the command so far. Returns: A *list of strings* to be used as command autocomplete suggestions. ]=] Completes: (str using nil) => {@UsageShort!} [=[ Function: IsValid "Valid" for <Arg> is any object that is not nil, or nil if the argument is optional. Parameters: obj - A value of *any type*. Returns: A *boolean* on whether the passed object is valid for this argument type. ]=] IsValid: (obj using nil) => obj ~= nil or @_Optional [=[ Function: Parse Parameters: obj - A value of *any type*. Returns: 1 - A *boolean*. True if the argument was parsed, false otherwise. 2 - The parsed value of *any type* or a translated *string* explaining why it couldn't be parsed. For <Arg>, this function simply returns what was passed or the default value if it's passed nil. ]=] Parse: (obj using nil) => if obj == nil and @_Optional return @_Default obj [=[ Function: IsPermissible Parameters: obj - A value of *any type*. For other argument classes, you pass only a parsed object of the appropriate type. Under most circumstances, you'll be passing the output from <Parse> into this function. Returns: A *boolean* stating whether the passed object meets the restrictions specified by the class configuration. If it returns false, a *string* explaining why it is not permissible is passed as the second return value. ]=] IsPermissible: (obj using nil) => true [=[ Function: Serialize Returns: A serialized *string* version of the restrictions in this class to be used by <Deserialzie>. Since ULX is only concerned about saving restrictions created by a user for various commands, nothing is saved by this base class. ]=] Serialize: (using nil) => "" [=[ Class: ArgNum The argument class used for any numeric data. Passes: A *number* value, defaulting to _0_. ]=] class ulx.ArgNum extends ulx.Arg -- Values from parent that we want to override the defaults for _Default: 0 _Hint: "number" _Help: "A number argument" @ShortcutFn "Default", {"number", "nil"} lang = ulx.Lang -- shortcut [=[ Variables: ArgNum Variables All these variables are optional, with sensible defaults. See <Arg.Arg Variables> above for an important note. _Min - A *number or nil* specifying the minimum value for the argument. _Max - A *number or nil* specifying the maximum value for the argument. _Round - A *number or nil* specifying the digit to round to, as passed to <UtilX.Round>. _Hint - A *string* (usually a word or two) used in help output to give users a general idea of what the argument is for. ]=] _Min: nil _Max: nil _Round: nil @ShortcutFn "Min", {"number", "nil"} @ShortcutFn "Max", {"number", "nil"} @ShortcutFn "Round", {"number", "nil"} [=[ Function: UsageShort See <Arg.UsageShort>. ]=] UsageShort: (str = "" using nil) => if @_Min and @_Min == @_Max str ..= tostring @_Min else str ..= @_Min .. "<=" if @_Min str ..= "x" str ..= "<=" .. @_Max if @_Max super\UsageShort str [=[ Function: UsageLong See <Arg.UsageLong>. ]=] UsageLong: (str = "" using nil) => str = super\UsageLong(str) str ..= "\nMin: #{@_Min}" if @_Min str ..= "\nMax: #{@_Max}" if @_Max str ..= "\nRound: #{@_Round}" if @_Round str [=[ Function: IsValid See <Arg.IsValid>. For <ArgNum>, "valid" is anything that passes tonumber(). ]=] IsValid: (obj using nil) => if obj == nil and @_Optional return true tonumber(obj) ~= nil [=[ Function: Parse See <Arg.Parse>. Returns: 1 - A *boolean*. True if the argument was parsed, false otherwise. 2 - The parsed and rounded *number* or a translated *string* explaining why it couldn't be parsed. ]=] Parse: (obj using nil) => local num if obj ~= nil num = tonumber obj if num == nil return false, lang.GetMutatedPhrase "ARG_CANNOT_PARSE", TYPE: lang.GetPhrase "NUMBER" GIVEN: tostring obj elseif @_Optional num = @_Default num = ulx.UtilX.Round num, @_Round if num and @_Round return true, num [=[ Function: IsPermissible See <Arg.IsPermissible>. For <ArgNum>, checks the bounds of the number. Parameters: num - A *number* or *nil*. ]=] IsPermissible: (num using nil) => data = TYPE: lang.GetPhrase "NUMBER" GIVEN: tostring num MIN: @_Min MAX: @_Max if num == nil return false, lang.GetMutatedPhrase("ARG_NOT_SPECIFIED", data) if not @_Optional return true return false, lang.GetMutatedPhrase("ARG_INCORRECT_TYPE", data) if type(num) ~= "number" return false, lang.GetMutatedPhrase("ARGNUM_BELOW_MIN", data) if @_Min and num < @_Min return false, lang.GetMutatedPhrase("ARGNUM_ABOVE_MAX", data) if @_Max and num > @_Max return true [=[ Function: Serialize See <Arg.Serialize>. Returns: A *string* in the format "min_num:max_num". ]=] Serialize: (using nil) => str = "" str ..= tostring(@_Min) if @_Min str ..= ":" if @_Min or @_Max str ..= tostring(@_Max) if @_Max str [=[ Function: Deserialize See <Arg.Deserialize>. ]=] @Deserialize: (str using nil) -> splitPt = str\find ":" local min, max if splitPt min = tonumber(str\sub(1, splitPt-1)) max = tonumber(str\sub(splitPt+1)) else -- Assume they want it restricted to one value min = tonumber(str) max = min ulx.ArgNum!\Min(min)\Max(max) [=[ Class: ArgTime The argument class used for a timespan using natural language. Passes: A *number* of seconds, defaulting to _0_. ]=] class ulx.ArgTime extends ulx.ArgNum [=[ Variables: ArgNum Variables All these variables are optional, with sensible defaults. Min - A *number, string, or nil* specifying the minimum value for the argument. Max - A *number, string, or nil* specifying the maximum value for the argument. ]=] Min: nil Max: nil [=[ Class: ArgString The argument class used for string arguments. Passes: A *string* value, defaulting to _0_. ]=] class ulx.ArgString extends ulx.Arg [=[ Variables: ArgString Variables All these variables are optional, with sensible defaults. Default - A *string*, defaults to _""_. If an argument is optional and unspecified, this value is used. RestrictToCompletes - A *boolean*, defaults to _false_. If true, the argument passed will /always/ be one of the arguments from the <Completes> table. Completes - A *list of strings or nil* of auto-completes (suggestions) for the argument. ]=] Default: "" RestrictToCompletes: false Completes: nil [=[ Class: ArgPlayerID The argument class used for SteamID arguments. Passes: A *table of strings or players* (between one and <MaximumTargets> items). Each item is either a valid SteamID or a connected player. ]=] class ulx.ArgPlayerID extends ulx.Arg [=[ Variables: ArgPlayerID Variables All these variables are optional, with sensible defaults. Default - A *string*, defaults to _"^"_ (keyword for the player calling the command). If an argument is optional and unspecified, this value is used. RestrictTarget - A *string or nil* specifying the players this argument is allowed to target. This is passed to <TODO.GetUser()>. Nil indicates no restriction. MaximumTargets - A *number*, defaulting to _1_, specifying the maximum number of players this argument can target. PassPlayerIfActive - A *boolean*. If true, will pass the player object if they are connected. ]=] Default: "^" RestrictTarget: nil MaximumTargets: 1 PassPlayerIfActive: false [=[ Class: ArgPlayerActive The argument class used for player arguments. Passes: A *table of players* (between one and <MaximumTargets> items). ]=] class ulx.ArgPlayerActive extends ulx.ArgPlayerID
insert: append, :concat = table to_func = (callable) -> (...) -> callable ... coro = (func, ...) -> coroutine.wrap(to_func(func)) ... to_coro = (func) -> (...) -> coro(func, ...) read = (fd, count = 4096) -> -> bytes, err = fd\read nil, count return "", err if err return nil if #bytes == 0 bytes NEWLINE = string.byte '\n' readline = (fd) -> line = {} getline = -> for bytes, err in read(fd) coroutine.yield nil, err if err for i=1, #bytes if bytes\byte(i) == NEWLINE coroutine.yield concat(line, '') line = {} continue append line, bytes\sub(i,i) coroutine.wrap -> getline! { is_callable: (thing) -> t = type thing return true if t == 'function' mt = getmetatable thing return true if mt and mt.__call false :to_func :to_coro :read :readline }
import Application from require 'ice.application' import UpdateCommand from require 'ice.commands.update' import BuildCommand from require 'ice.commands.build' import VStudioCommand from require 'ice.commands.vstudio' import RunCommand from require 'tools.run' import NatvisCommand from require 'tools.natvis' import CodeStyleCommand from require 'tools.codestyle' class IceShard extends Application @name: 'IceShard' @description: 'IceShard engine project tool.' @commands: { 'build': BuildCommand 'update': UpdateCommand 'vstudio': VStudioCommand 'run': RunCommand 'natvis': NatvisCommand 'codestyle': CodeStyleCommand } -- Plain call to the application execute: (args) => print "#{@@name} project tool - v0.1-alpha" print ' For more options see the -h,--help output.' { :IceShard }
-- Copyright 2012-2015 The Howl Developers -- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution) import interact, signal from howl get_signals_list = -> signals = {} for name, def in pairs signal.all table.insert signals, { name, def.description\match('[^\n.]*'), :name } table.sort signals, (a, b) -> a[1] < b[1] return signals interact.register name: 'select_signal' description: 'Selection list for signals' handler: (opts={}) -> opts = moon.copy opts with opts .title or= 'Signals' .items = get_signals_list! .columns = { { style: 'string' }, { style: 'comment' } } selected = interact.select opts if selected return selected.name
-- Copyright 2014-2015 The Howl Developers -- License: MIT (see LICENSE.md at the top-level directory of the distribution) Atom = require 'ljglibs.gdk.atom' GtkClipboard = require 'ljglibs.gtk.clipboard' TargetEntry = require 'ljglibs.gtk.target_entry' {:PropertyTable} = howl.util ffi = require 'ffi' {:config} = howl config.define { name: 'clipboard_max_items', description: 'The maximum number of anynomous clips to keep in the clipboard', type_of: 'number', default: 50, scope: 'global' } clips = {} registers = {} system_clipboard = GtkClipboard.get(Atom.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) system_primary = GtkClipboard.get(Atom.SELECTION_PRIMARY) sync_counter = ffi.new 'uint64_t' UTF8_TARGET = TargetEntry('UTF8_STRING') primary = PropertyTable { clear: -> system_primary\clear! text: set: (v) => if callable(v) system_primary\set UTF8_TARGET, 1, v else system_primary.text = v get: => system_primary.text } local Clipboard Clipboard = { push: (item, opts = {}) -> item = { text: item } if type(item) == 'string' error('Missing required field "text"', 2) unless item.text if opts.to registers[opts.to] = item else table.insert clips, 1, item clips[config.clipboard_max_items + 1] = nil system_clipboard.text = item.text system_clipboard\set_can_store nil, 0 sync_counter += 1 store: -> system_clipboard\store! clear: -> clips = {} registers = {} synchronize: -> sync_id = sync_counter system_clipboard\request_text (_, text) -> if sync_id == sync_counter and text cur = clips[1] if not cur or cur.text != text Clipboard.push text current: get: -> clips[1] clips: get: -> clips registers: get: -> registers primary: get: -> primary } PropertyTable Clipboard
log = require "mooncrafts.log" util = require "mooncrafts.util" crypto = require "mooncrafts.crypto" url = require "mooncrafts.url" import string_split, url_escape, query_string_encode, table_sort_keys, url_build from util import sort, concat from table url_parse = url.parse url_default_port = url.default_port escape_uri = url_escape unescape_uri = ngx and ngx.unescape_uri or util.url_unescape encode_base64 = ngx and ngx.encode_base64 or crypto.base64_encode digest_hmac_sha1 = ngx and ngx.hmac_sha1 or (key, str) -> crypto.hmac(key, str, crypto.sha1).digest() digest_md5 = ngx and ngx.md5 or (str) -> crypto.md5(str).hex() normalizeParameters = (parameters, body, query) -> items = { query_string_encode(parameters, "&") } string_split(body, "&", items) if body string_split(query, "&", items) if query sort(items) concat(items, "&") calculateBaseString = (body, method, query, base_uri, parameters) -> escape_uri(method) .. "&" .. escape_uri(base_uri) .. "&" .. escape_uri(normalizeParameters(parameters, body, query)) secret = (oauth) -> unescape_uri(oauth["consumersecret"]) .. "&" .. unescape_uri(oauth["tokensecret"] or "") sign = (body, method, query, base_uri, oauth, parameters) -> oauth.stringToSign = calculateBaseString(body, method, query, base_uri, parameters) encode_base64(digest_hmac_sha1(secret(oauth), oauth.stringToSign)) create_signature = (opts, oauth) -> -- parse url for query string parts = url_parse(opts.url) parts.port = nil if (url_default_port(parts.scheme) == parts.port) base_uri = url_build(parts, false) -- allow for unit testing by passing in timestamp timestamp = oauth['timestamp'] or os.time() parameters = { oauth_consumer_key: oauth["consumerkey"], oauth_signature_method: "HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp: timestamp, oauth_nonce: digest_md5(timestamp .. ""), oauth_version: oauth["version"] or "1.0" } parameters["oauth_token"] = oauth["accesstoken"] if oauth["accesstoken"] parameters["oauth_callback"] = unescape_uri(oauth["callback"]) if oauth["callback"] parameters["oauth_signature"] = sign(opts["body"], opts["method"] or 'GET', parts.query, base_uri, oauth, parameters) "OAuth " .. query_string_encode(parameters, ",", "\"") { :create_signature }
geo3x3 = require "geo3x3" print geo3x3.encode 35.65858, 139.745433, 14 pos = geo3x3.decode "E9139659937288" print pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], pos[4]
class new: (@x, @y, @w, @h) => draw: => with lg .setColor 255, 100, 100 .draw game.sprites.block[0], @x, @y apply: (thing) => game.load! nil, nil
--- Fuzy Logic -- (c) buckle2000 2016 math = require "math" { and_: (x, y) -> x * y or_: (x, y) -> -x * y + x + y not_: (x) -> 1 - x proximity_linear: (center, error_) -> assert error_ > 0 (x) -> math.max(0, 1 - math.abs(x - center) / error_) proximity_normal: (mean, std) -> error("Not implemented.") proximity_sigmoid: (center, multiple) -> assert multiple > 0 (x) -> 2 / (1 + math.exp(math.abs(x - center) / multiple)) }
{ DEBUG: true GLOBALS: true }
formatters = {} formatter_names = {} register = (fmt) -> formatters[fmt.name] = fmt table.insert formatter_names, {fmt.name, fmt.description} unregister = (fmt) -> formatters[fmt.name] = nil table.remove formatter_names, {fmt.name, fmt.description} by_name = (name) -> formatters[name] by_mode = (mode) -> by_name howl.config.get "formatter", "", "mode:"..mode.name select = -> result = howl.interact.select items: formatter_names columns: { {style: "string"} {style: "comment"} } return unless result by_name result.selection { :register :unregister :by_name :by_mode :select }
import build from require "moonscript.types" import unpack from require "moonscript.util" -- always declares as local class LocalName new: (@name) => self[1] = "temp_name" get_name: => @name -- creates a unique name when used class NameProxy new: (@prefix) => self[1] = "temp_name" get_name: (scope, dont_put=true) => if not @name @name = scope\free_name @prefix, dont_put @name chain: (...) => items = { base: @, ... } for k,v in ipairs items items[k] = if type(v) == "string" {"dot", v} else v build.chain items index: (key) => if type(key) == "string" key = {"ref", key} build.chain { base: self, {"index", key} } __tostring: => if @name ("name<%s>")\format @name else ("name<prefix(%s)>")\format @prefix is_name_proxy = (v) -> return false unless type(v) == "table" switch v.__class when LocalName, NameProxy true { :NameProxy, :LocalName, :is_name_proxy }
util = require "moonscript.util" data = require "moonscript.data" import ntype from require "moonscript.types" import user_error from require "moonscript.errors" import concat, insert from table import unpack from util table_delim = "," string_chars = { "\r": "\\r" "\n": "\\n" } { scoped: (node) => {_, before, value, after} = node before and before\call @ with @value value after and after\call @ -- list of values separated by binary operators exp: (node) => _comp = (i, value) -> if i % 2 == 1 and value == "!=" value = "~=" @value value with @line! \append_list [_comp i,v for i,v in ipairs node when i > 1], " " -- list of expressions separated by commas explist: (node) => with @line! \append_list [@value v for v in *node[2,]], ", " parens: (node) => @line "(", @value(node[2]), ")" string: (node) => _, delim, inner = unpack node end_delim = delim\gsub "%[", "]" if delim == "'" or delim == '"' inner = inner\gsub "[\r\n]", string_chars delim..inner..end_delim chain: (node) => callee = node[2] callee_type = ntype callee item_offset = 3 if callee_type == "dot" or callee_type == "colon" or callee_type == "index" callee = @get "scope_var" unless callee user_error "Short-dot syntax must be called within a with block" item_offset = 2 -- TODO: don't use string literals as ref if callee_type == "ref" and callee[2] == "super" or callee == "super" if sup = @get "super" return @value sup self, node chain_item = (node) -> t, arg = unpack node if t == "call" -- print arg, util.dump arg "(", @values(arg), ")" elseif t == "index" "[", @value(arg), "]" elseif t == "dot" ".", tostring arg elseif t == "colon" ":", tostring arg elseif t == "colon_stub" user_error "Uncalled colon stub" else error "Unknown chain action: #{t}" if (callee_type == "self" or callee_type == "self_class") and node[3] and ntype(node[3]) == "call" callee[1] = callee_type.."_colon" callee_value = @value callee callee_value = @line "(", callee_value, ")" if ntype(callee) == "exp" actions = with @line! \append chain_item action for action in *node[item_offset,] @line callee_value, actions fndef: (node) => _, args, whitelist, arrow, block = unpack node default_args = {} self_args = {} arg_names = for arg in *args name, default_value = unpack arg name = if type(name) == "string" name else if name[1] == "self" or name[1] == "self_class" insert self_args, name name[2] insert default_args, arg if default_value name if arrow == "fat" insert arg_names, 1, "self" with @block! if #whitelist > 0 \whitelist_names whitelist \put_name name for name in *arg_names for default in *default_args name, value = unpack default name = name[2] if type(name) == "table" \stm { 'if', {'exp', {"ref", name}, '==', 'nil'}, { {'assign', {name}, {value}} } } self_arg_values = [arg[2] for arg in *self_args] \stm {"assign", self_args, self_arg_values} if #self_args > 0 \stms block -- inject more args if the block manipulated arguments -- only varargs bubbling does this currently if #args > #arg_names -- will only work for simple adjustments arg_names = [arg[1] for arg in *args] .header = "function("..concat(arg_names, ", ")..")" table: (node) => _, items = unpack node with @block "{", "}" format_line = (tuple) -> if #tuple == 2 key, value = unpack tuple -- escape keys that are lua keywords if ntype(key) == "key_literal" and data.lua_keywords[key[2]] key = {"string", '"', key[2]} assign = if ntype(key) == "key_literal" key[2] else @line "[", \value(key), "]" out = @line assign, " = ", \value(value) out else @line \value tuple[1] if items count = #items for i, tuple in ipairs items line = format_line tuple line\append table_delim unless count == i \add line minus: (node) => @line "-", @value node[2] temp_name: (node, ...) => node\get_name self, ... number: (node) => node[2] length: (node) => @line "#", @value node[2] not: (node) => @line "not ", @value node[2] self: (node) => "self."..@name node[2] self_class: (node) => "self.__class."..@name node[2] self_colon: (node) => "self:"..@name node[2] self_class_colon: (node) => "self.__class:"..@name node[2] -- a variable reference ref: (value) => if sup = value[2] == "super" and @get "super" return @value sup @ tostring value[2] -- catch all pure string values raw_value: (value) => if value == "..." @send "varargs" tostring value }
current = -> return "nginx" if ngx "xavante" make_static_handler = (root) -> => import req, res from @ req.relpath = @params.splat if current! == "xavante" handler = xavante.filehandler root handler req, res, root layout: false serve_from_static = (root="static") -> handler = make_static_handler root => @params.splat = @req.relpath handler @ { :make_server, :make_static_handler, :serve_from_static, :current }
import config_for, load_config_from from require "moonpick.config" import lint from require "moonpick" local convert_issue main = (file_path) -> config_file = config_for file_path config = if config_file load_config_from config_file, file_path else nil source = io.stdin\read "*a" issues = lint source, config formatted_issues = [convert_issue issue for issue in *issues] for line in *formatted_issues print line convert_issue = (issue) -> "#{issue.line}:#{issue.pos}:#{issue.msg}" { :main }
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Environment ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- import sort from table import max, min from math { sigcheck:T } = require 'typecheck' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Implementation --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- move = (top, left, sframe, frame) -> x = if left > 1 then frame.x - left elseif left > 0 then sframe.x + sframe.w * (1 - left) elseif left == 0 then frame.x elseif left >= -1 then sframe.x - sframe.w * left - frame.w else frame.x - left y = if top > 1 then frame.y - top elseif top > 0 then sframe.y + sframe.h * (1 - top) elseif top == 0 then frame.y elseif top >= -1 then sframe.y - sframe.h * top - frame.h else frame.y - top return { :x, :y } extend = (top, left, sframe, frame) -> x, w = if left > 1 frame.x - left, frame.w + left elseif left > 0 fx = sframe.x + sframe.w * (1 - left) fx, frame.w + frame.x - fx elseif left == 0 frame.x, frame.w elseif left >= -1 fx = sframe.x - sframe.w * left - frame.w fx, frame.w + fx - frame.x else frame.x - left y, h = if left > 1 frame.y - left, frame.h + left elseif left > 0 fy = sframe.y + sframe.h * (1 - left) fy, frame.h + frame.y - fy elseif left == 0 frame.y, frame.h elseif left >= -1 fy = sframe.y - sframe.h * left - frame.h fy, frame.h + fy - frame.y else frame.y - left return { :x, :y }, { :w, :h } center = (sframe, frame) -> w, h = frame.w, frame.h x = sframe.x + sframe.w / 2 - w / 2 y = sframe.y + sframe.h / 2 - h / 2 return { :x, :y } maximize = (sframe) -> sframe, sframe normalized = (x, y, w, h, sframe) -> w = sframe.w * w h = sframe.h * h x = sframe.x + sframe.w * x y = sframe.y + sframe.h * y return { :x, :y }, { :w, :h } snap = (grids, sframe, frame) -> results, glen = {}, #grids for i = 1, glen, 4 gtopleft, gsize = normalized grids[i], grids[i + 1], grids[i + 2], grids[i + 3], sframe -- calculate intersection area fx, fy, gx, gy, fw, fh, gw, gh = frame.x, frame.y, gtopleft.x, gtopleft.y, frame.w, frame.h, gsize.w, gsize.h ix, iy = max(fx, gx), max(fy, gy) ix2, iy2 = min(fx + fw, gx + gw), min(fy + fh, gy + gh) iarea = (ix2 >= ix and iy2 >= iy) and (ix2 - ix) * (iy2 - iy) or 0 -- calc ratios fratio = iarea / (fw * fh) gratio = iarea / (gw * gh) -- almost fit, use next grid frame if fratio >= 0.9 and gratio >= 0.9 if i == glen - 3 -- last return results[1][2], results[1][3] return normalized grids[i + 4], grids[i + 5], grids[i + 6], grids[i + 7], sframe results[(i - 1) / 4 + 1] = { i, gtopleft, gsize, fratio, gratio } sort results, (r1, r2) -> fr1, fr2 = r1[4], r2[4] return fr1 > fr2 if fr1 != fr2 sfr1, sfr2 = r1[5], r2[5] return sfr1 > sfr2 if sfr1 != sfr2 return r1[1] < r2[1] return results[1][2], results[1][3] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interface -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- { move: T 'number, number, table, table', move extend: T 'number, number, table, table', extend center: T 'table, table', center maximize: T 'table', maximize normalized: T 'number, number, number, number, table, table' , normalized snap: T 'table, table, table', snap }
import setup_db, teardown_db from require "spec_postgres.helpers" import drop_tables, truncate_tables from require "lapis.spec.db" db = require "lapis.db.postgres" import Model, enum from require "lapis.db.postgres.model" import types, create_table from require "lapis.db.postgres.schema" class Users extends Model @create_table: => drop_tables @ create_table @table_name!, { {"id", types.serial} {"name", types.text} "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } @truncate: => truncate_tables @ class Posts extends Model @timestamp: true @create_table: => drop_tables @ create_table @table_name!, { {"id", types.serial} {"user_id", types.foreign_key null: true} {"title", types.text null: false} {"body", types.text null: false} {"created_at", types.time} {"updated_at", types.time} "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } @truncate: => truncate_tables @ class Likes extends Model @primary_key: {"user_id", "post_id"} @timestamp: true @relations: { {"user", belongs_to: "Users"} {"post", belongs_to: "Posts"} } @create_table: => drop_tables @ create_table @table_name!, { {"user_id", types.foreign_key} {"post_id", types.foreign_key} {"count", types.integer default: 1} {"created_at", types.time} {"updated_at", types.time} "PRIMARY KEY (user_id, post_id)" } @truncate: => truncate_tables @ class HasArrays extends Model @create_table: => drop_tables @ create_table @table_name!, { {"id", types.serial} {"tags", types.text array: true} "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } describe "model", -> setup -> setup_db! teardown -> teardown_db! describe "core model", -> build = require "spec.core_model_specs" build { :Users, :Posts, :Likes } it "should get columns of model", -> Users\create_table! assert.same { { data_type: "integer" column_name: "id" } { data_type: "text" column_name: "name" } }, Users\columns! it "should fail to create without required types", -> Posts\create_table! assert.has_error -> Posts\create {} describe "returning", -> it "should create with returning", -> Likes\create_table! like = Likes\create { user_id: db.raw "1 + 1" post_id: db.raw "2 * 2" count: 1 } assert.same 1, like.count assert.same 2, like.user_id assert.same 4, like.post_id it "should create with returning all", -> Likes\create_table! like = Likes\create { user_id: 9 post_id: db.raw "2 * 2" }, returning: "*" assert.same 1, like.count assert.same 9, like.user_id assert.same 4, like.post_id it "should create with returning specified column", -> Likes\create_table! like = Likes\create { user_id: 2 post_id: db.raw "9 * 2" }, returning: {"count"} assert.same 1, like.count assert.same 2, like.user_id assert.same 18, like.post_id it "should create with returning null", -> Posts\create_table! post = Posts\create { title: db.raw "'hi'" body: "okay!" user_id: db.raw "(case when false then 1234 else null end)" } assert.same "hi", post.title assert.same "okay!", post.body assert.falsy post.user_id it "should update with returning", -> Likes\create_table! like = Likes\create { user_id: 1 post_id: 2 count: 1 } like\update { count: db.raw "1 + 1" post_id: 123 user_id: db.raw "(select user_id from likes where count = 1 limit 1)" } assert.same 2, like.count assert.same 123, like.post_id assert.same 1, like.user_id it "should update with returning null", -> Posts\create_table! post = Posts\create { title: "hi" body: "quality writing" user_id: 1343 } post\update user_id: db.raw "(case when false then 1234 else null end)" assert.same nil, post.user_id describe "arrays", -> before_each -> HasArrays\create_table! it "inserts a new row", -> res = HasArrays\create { tags: db.array {"hello", "world"} } assert.same { id: 1 tags: {"hello", "world"} }, res it "fetches rows with arrays", -> db.query "insert into #{db.escape_identifier HasArrays\table_name!} (tags) values ('{one,two,three}')" db.query "insert into #{db.escape_identifier HasArrays\table_name!} (tags) values ('{food,hat}')" assert.same { {id: 1, tags: {"one", "two", "three"}} {id: 2, tags: {"food", "hat"}} }, HasArrays\select "order by id asc" it "updates model with array", -> res = HasArrays\create { tags: db.array {"hello", "world"} } res\update tags: db.array {"yeah"} assert.same {"yeah"}, unpack(HasArrays\select!).tags table.insert res.tags, "okay" res\update "tags" assert.same {"yeah", "okay"}, unpack(HasArrays\select!).tags
parent = ... case = (require parent..".case")["case"] M = {} M.test_batch_format = -> case "p%s", {1,2,3}, {"p1","p2","p3"} return true return M
import Postgres from require "pgmoon" unpack = table.unpack or unpack HOST = "" PORT = "9999" USER = "postgres" DB = "pgmoon_test" psql = -> os.execute "psql -h '#{HOST}' -p '#{PORT}' -U '#{USER}'" describe "pgmoon with server", -> setup -> os.execute "spec/postgres.sh start" teardown -> os.execute "spec/postgres.sh stop" for socket_type in *{"luasocket", "cqueues"} describe "socket(#{socket_type})", -> local pg setup -> assert 0 == os.execute "dropdb -h '#{HOST}' -p '#{PORT}' --if-exists -U '#{USER}' '#{DB}'" assert 0 == os.execute "createdb -h '#{HOST}' -p '#{PORT}' -U '#{USER}' '#{DB}'" pg = Postgres { database: DB user: USER host: HOST port: PORT :socket_type } assert pg\connect! teardown -> pg\disconnect! it "creates and drop table", -> res = assert pg\query [[ create table hello_world ( id serial not null, name text, count integer not null default 0, primary key (id) ) ]] assert.same true, res res = assert pg\query [[ drop table hello_world ]] assert.same true, res it "settimeout()", -> timeout_pg = Postgres { host: "" :socket_type } timeout_pg\settimeout 1000 ok, err = timeout_pg\connect! assert.is_nil ok errors = { "timeout": true "Connection timed out": true } assert.true errors[err] it "tries to connect with SSL", -> -- we expect a server with ssl = off ssl_pg = Postgres { database: DB user: USER host: HOST port: PORT ssl: true :socket_type } finally -> ssl_pg\disconnect! assert ssl_pg\connect! it "requires SSL", -> ssl_pg = Postgres { database: DB user: USER host: HOST port: PORT ssl: true ssl_required: true :socket_type } status, err = ssl_pg\connect! assert.falsy status assert.same [[the server does not support SSL connections]], err describe "with table", -> before_each -> assert pg\query [[ create table hello_world ( id serial not null, name text, count integer not null default 0, flag boolean default TRUE, primary key (id) ) ]] after_each -> assert pg\query [[ drop table hello_world ]] it "inserts a row", -> res = assert pg\query [[ insert into "hello_world" ("name", "count") values ('hi', 100) ]] assert.same { affected_rows: 1 }, res it "inserts a row with return value", -> res = assert pg\query [[ insert into "hello_world" ("name", "count") values ('hi', 100) returning "id" ]] assert.same { affected_rows: 1 { id: 1 } }, res it "selects from empty table", -> res = assert pg\query [[select * from hello_world limit 2]] assert.same {}, res it "selects count as a number", -> res = assert pg\query [[select count(*) from hello_world]] assert.same { { count: 0 } }, res it "deletes nothing", -> res = assert pg\query [[delete from hello_world]] assert.same { affected_rows: 0 }, res it "update no rows", -> res = assert pg\query [[update "hello_world" SET "name" = 'blahblah']] assert.same { affected_rows: 0 }, res describe "with rows", -> before_each -> for i=1,10 assert pg\query [[ insert into "hello_world" ("name", "count") values (']] .. "thing_#{i}" .. [[', ]] .. i .. [[) ]] it "select some rows", -> res = assert pg\query [[ select * from hello_world ]] assert.same "table", type(res) assert.same 10, #res it "update rows", -> res = assert pg\query [[ update "hello_world" SET "name" = 'blahblah' ]] assert.same { affected_rows: 10 }, res assert.same "blahblah", unpack((pg\query "select name from hello_world limit 1")).name it "delete a row", -> res = assert pg\query [[ delete from "hello_world" where id = 1 ]] assert.same { affected_rows: 1 }, res assert.same nil, unpack((pg\query "select * from hello_world where id = 1")) or nil it "truncate table", -> res = assert pg\query "truncate hello_world" assert.same true, res it "make many select queries", -> for i=1,20 assert pg\query [[update "hello_world" SET "name" = 'blahblah' where id = ]] .. i assert pg\query [[ select * from hello_world ]] -- single call, multiple queries describe "multi-queries #multi", -> it "gets two results", -> res, num_queries = assert pg\query [[ select id, flag from hello_world order by id asc limit 2; select id, flag from hello_world order by id asc limit 2 offset 2; ]] assert.same 2, num_queries assert.same { { { id: 1, flag: true } { id: 2, flag: true } } { { id: 3, flag: true } { id: 4, flag: true } } }, res it "gets three results", -> res, num_queries = assert pg\query [[ select id, flag from hello_world order by id asc limit 2; select id, flag from hello_world order by id asc limit 2 offset 2; select id, flag from hello_world order by id asc limit 2 offset 4; ]] assert.same 3, num_queries assert.same { { { id: 1, flag: true } { id: 2, flag: true } } { { id: 3, flag: true } { id: 4, flag: true } } { { id: 5, flag: true } { id: 6, flag: true } } }, res it "does multiple updates", -> res, num_queries = assert pg\query [[ update hello_world set flag = false where id = 3; update hello_world set flag = true; ]] assert.same 2, num_queries assert.same { { affected_rows: 1 } { affected_rows: 10 } }, res it "does mix update and select", -> res, num_queries = assert pg\query [[ update hello_world set flag = false where id = 3; select id, flag from hello_world where id = 3 ]] assert.same 2, num_queries assert.same { { affected_rows: 1 } { { id: 3, flag: false } } }, res it "returns partial result on error", -> res, err, partial, num_queries = pg\query [[ select id, flag from hello_world order by id asc limit 1; select id, flag from jello_world limit 1; ]] assert.same { err: [[ERROR: relation "jello_world" does not exist (112)]] num_queries: 1 partial: { { id: 1, flag: true } } }, { :res, :err, :partial, :num_queries } it "deserializes types correctly", -> assert pg\query [[ create table types_test ( id serial not null, name text default 'hello', subname varchar default 'world', count integer default 100, flag boolean default false, count2 double precision default 1.2, bytes bytea default E'\\x68656c6c6f5c20776f726c6427', config json default '{"hello": "world", "arr": [1,2,3], "nested": {"foo": "bar"}}', bconfig jsonb default '{"hello": "world", "arr": [1,2,3], "nested": {"foo": "bar"}}', uuids uuid[] default ARRAY['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000']::uuid[], primary key (id) ) ]] assert pg\query [[ insert into types_test (name) values ('hello') ]] res = assert pg\query [[ select * from types_test order by id asc limit 1 ]] assert.same { { id: 1 name: "hello" subname: "world" count: 100 flag: false count2: 1.2 bytes: 'hello\\ world\'' config: { hello: "world", arr: {1,2,3}, nested: {foo: "bar"} } bconfig: { hello: "world", arr: {1,2,3}, nested: {foo: "bar"} } uuids: {'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'} } }, res assert pg\query [[ drop table types_test ]] describe "custom deserializer", -> it "deserializes big integer to string", -> assert pg\query [[ create table bigint_test ( id serial not null, largenum bigint default 9223372036854775807, primary key (id) ) ]] assert pg\query [[ insert into bigint_test (largenum) values (default) ]] pg\set_type_oid 20, "bignumber" pg.type_deserializers.bignumber = (val) => val row = unpack pg\query "select * from bigint_test" assert.same { id: 1 largenum: "9223372036854775807" }, row describe "hstore", -> import encode_hstore, decode_hstore from require "pgmoon.hstore" describe "encoding", -> it "encodes hstore type", -> t = { foo: "bar" } enc = encode_hstore t assert.same [['"foo"=>"bar"']], enc it "encodes multiple pairs", -> t = { foo: "bar", abc: "123" } enc = encode_hstore t results = {'\'"foo"=>"bar", "abc"=>"123"\'', '\'"abc"=>"123", "foo"=>"bar"\''} assert(enc == results[1] or enc == results[2]) it "escapes", -> t = { foo: "bar's" } enc = encode_hstore t assert.same [['"foo"=>"bar''s"']], enc describe "decoding", -> it "decodes hstore into a table", -> s = '"foo"=>"bar"' dec = decode_hstore s assert.same {foo: 'bar'}, dec it "decodes hstore with multiple parts", -> s = '"foo"=>"bar", "1-a"=>"anything at all"' assert.same { foo: "bar" "1-a": "anything at all" }, decode_hstore s it "decodes hstore with embedded quote", -> assert.same { hello: 'wo"rld' }, decode_hstore [["hello"=>"wo\"rld"]] describe "serializing", -> before_each -> assert pg\query [[ CREATE EXTENSION hstore; create table hstore_test ( id serial primary key, h hstore ) ]] pg\setup_hstore! after_each -> assert pg\query [[ DROP TABLE hstore_test; DROP EXTENSION hstore; ]] it "serializes correctly", -> assert pg\query "INSERT INTO hstore_test (h) VALUES (#{encode_hstore {foo: 'bar'}});" res = assert pg\query "SELECT * FROM hstore_test;" assert.same {foo: 'bar'}, res[1].h it "serializes NULL as string", -> assert pg\query "INSERT INTO hstore_test (h) VALUES (#{encode_hstore {foo: 'NULL'}});" res = assert pg\query "SELECT * FROM hstore_test;" assert.same 'NULL', res[1].h.foo it "serializes multiple pairs", -> assert pg\query "INSERT INTO hstore_test (h) VALUES (#{encode_hstore {abc: '123', foo: 'bar'}});" res = assert pg\query "SELECT * FROM hstore_test;" assert.same {abc: '123', foo: 'bar'}, res[1].h describe "json", -> import encode_json, decode_json from require "pgmoon.json" it "encodes json type", -> t = { hello: "world" } enc = encode_json t assert.same [['{"hello":"world"}']], enc t = { foo: "some 'string'" } enc = encode_json t assert.same [['{"foo":"some ''string''"}']], enc it "encodes json type with custom escaping", -> escape = (v) -> "`#{v}`" t = { hello: "world" } enc = encode_json t, escape assert.same [[`{"hello":"world"}`]], enc it "serialize correctly", -> assert pg\query [[ create table json_test ( id serial not null, config json, primary key (id) ) ]] assert pg\query "insert into json_test (config) values (#{encode_json {foo: "some 'string'"}})" res = assert pg\query [[select * from json_test where id = 1]] assert.same { foo: "some 'string'" }, res[1].config assert pg\query "insert into json_test (config) values (#{encode_json {foo: "some \"string\""}})" res = assert pg\query [[select * from json_test where id = 2]] assert.same { foo: "some \"string\"" }, res[1].config assert pg\query [[ drop table json_test ]] describe "arrays", -> import decode_array, encode_array from require "pgmoon.arrays" it "converts table to array", -> import PostgresArray from require "pgmoon.arrays" array = PostgresArray {1,2,3} assert.same {1,2,3}, array assert PostgresArray.__base == getmetatable array it "encodes array value", -> assert.same "ARRAY[1,2,3]", encode_array {1,2,3} assert.same "ARRAY['hello','world']", encode_array {"hello", "world"} assert.same "ARRAY[[4,5],[6,7]]", encode_array {{4,5}, {6,7}} it "decodes empty array value", -> assert.same {}, decode_array "{}" import PostgresArray from require "pgmoon.arrays" assert PostgresArray.__base == getmetatable decode_array "{}" it "decodes numeric array", -> assert.same {1}, decode_array "{1}", tonumber assert.same {1, 3}, decode_array "{1,3}", tonumber assert.same {5.3}, decode_array "{5.3}", tonumber assert.same {1.2, 1.4}, decode_array "{1.2,1.4}", tonumber it "decodes multi-dimensional numeric array", -> assert.same {{1}}, decode_array "{{1}}", tonumber assert.same {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}, decode_array "{{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}", tonumber it "decodes literal array", -> assert.same {"hello"}, decode_array "{hello}" assert.same {"hello", "world"}, decode_array "{hello,world}" it "decodes multi-dimensional literal array", -> assert.same {{"hello"}}, decode_array "{{hello}}" assert.same {{"hello", "world"}, {"foo", "bar"}}, decode_array "{{hello,world},{foo,bar}}" it "decodes string array", -> assert.same {"hello world"}, decode_array [[{"hello world"}]] it "decodes multi-dimensional string array", -> assert.same {{"hello world"}, {"yes"}}, decode_array [[{{"hello world"},{"yes"}}]] it "decodes string escape sequences", -> assert.same {[[hello \ " yeah]]}, decode_array [[{"hello \\ \" yeah"}]] it "fails to decode invalid array syntax", -> assert.has_error -> decode_array [[{1, 2, 3}]] it "decodes literal starting with numbers array", -> assert.same {"1one"}, decode_array "{1one}" assert.same {"1one", "2two"}, decode_array "{1one,2two}" it "decodes json array result", -> res = pg\query "select array(select row_to_json(t) from (values (1,'hello'), (2, 'world')) as t(id, name)) as items" assert.same { { items: { { id: 1, name: "hello" } { id: 2, name: "world" } } } }, res it "decodes jsonb array result", -> assert.same { { items: { { id: 442, name: "itch" } { id: 99, name: "zone" } } } }, pg\query "select array(select row_to_json(t)::jsonb from (values (442,'itch'), (99, 'zone')) as t(id, name)) as items" describe "with table", -> before_each -> pg\query "drop table if exists arrays_test" it "loads integer arrays from table", -> assert pg\query "create table arrays_test ( a integer[], b int2[], c int8[], d numeric[], e float4[], f float8[] )" num_cols = 6 assert pg\query "insert into arrays_test values (#{"'{1,2,3}',"\rep(num_cols)\sub 1, -2})" assert pg\query "insert into arrays_test values (#{"'{9,5,1}',"\rep(num_cols)\sub 1, -2})" assert.same { { a: {1,2,3} b: {1,2,3} c: {1,2,3} d: {1,2,3} e: {1,2,3} f: {1,2,3} } { a: {9,5,1} b: {9,5,1} c: {9,5,1} d: {9,5,1} e: {9,5,1} f: {9,5,1} } }, (pg\query "select * from arrays_test") it "loads string arrays from table", -> assert pg\query "create table arrays_test ( a text[], b varchar[], c char(3)[] )" num_cols = 3 assert pg\query "insert into arrays_test values (#{"'{one,two}',"\rep(num_cols)\sub 1, -2})" assert pg\query "insert into arrays_test values (#{"'{1,2,3}',"\rep(num_cols)\sub 1, -2})" assert.same { { a: {"one", "two"} b: {"one", "two"} c: {"one", "two"} } { a: {"1", "2", "3"} b: {"1", "2", "3"} c: {"1 ", "2 ", "3 "} } }, (pg\query "select * from arrays_test") it "loads string arrays from table", -> assert pg\query "create table arrays_test (ids boolean[])" assert pg\query "insert into arrays_test (ids) values ('{t,f}')" assert pg\query "insert into arrays_test (ids) values ('{{t,t},{t,f},{f,f}}')" assert.same { { ids: {true, false} } { ids: { {true, true} {true, false} {false, false} } } }, (pg\query "select * from arrays_test") it "converts null", -> pg.convert_null = true res = assert pg\query "select null the_null" assert pg.NULL == res[1].the_null it "converts to custom null", -> pg.convert_null = true n = {"hello"} pg.NULL = n res = assert pg\query "select null the_null" assert n == res[1].the_null it "encodes bytea type", -> n = { { bytea: "encoded' string\\" } } enc = pg\encode_bytea n[1].bytea res = assert pg\query "select #{enc}::bytea" assert.same n, res it "returns error message", -> status, err = pg\query "select * from blahlbhabhabh" assert.falsy status assert.same [[ERROR: relation "blahlbhabhabh" does not exist (15)]], err it "allows a query after getting an error", -> status, err = pg\query "select * from blahlbhabhabh" assert.falsy status res = pg\query "select 1" assert.truthy res it "errors when connecting with invalid server", -> pg2 = Postgres { database: "doesnotexist" user: USER host: HOST port: PORT :socket_type } status, err = pg2\connect! assert.falsy status assert.same [[FATAL: database "doesnotexist" does not exist]], err describe "pgmoon without server", -> escape_ident = { { "dad", '"dad"' } { "select", '"select"' } { 'love"fish', '"love""fish"' } } escape_literal = { { 3434, "3434" } { 34.342, "34.342" } { "cat's soft fur", "'cat''s soft fur'" } { true, "TRUE" } } local pg before_each -> pg = Postgres! for {ident, expected} in *escape_ident it "escapes identifier '#{ident}'", -> assert.same expected, pg\escape_identifier ident for {lit, expected} in *escape_literal it "escapes literal '#{lit}'", -> assert.same expected, pg\escape_literal lit
export script_name = 'Selegator' export script_description = 'Select/navigate in the subtitle grid' aegisub.register_macro script_name..'/Current style/select all', script_description, (subs, sel, act) -> lookforstyle = subs[act].style if #sel>1 [i for i in *sel when subs[i].style==lookforstyle] else [k for k,s in ipairs subs when s.style==lookforstyle] aegisub.register_macro script_name..'/Current style/previous', '', (subs, sel, act) -> lookforstyle = subs[act].style for i = act-1,1,-1 return if subs[i].class!='dialogue' if subs[i].style==lookforstyle return {i} aegisub.register_macro script_name..'/Current style/next', '', (subs, sel, act) -> lookforstyle = subs[act].style for i = act+1,#subs if subs[i].style==lookforstyle return {i} aegisub.register_macro script_name..'/Current style/first in block', '', (subs, sel, act) -> lookforstyle = subs[act].style for i = act-1,1,-1 if subs[i].class!='dialogue' or subs[i].style!=lookforstyle return {i+1} aegisub.register_macro script_name..'/Current style/last in block', '', (subs, sel, act) -> lookforstyle = subs[act].style for i = act+1,#subs if subs[i].style!=lookforstyle return {i-1} {#subs} aegisub.register_macro script_name..'/Current style/select block', '', (subs, sel, act) -> lookforstyle = subs[act].style first, last = act, #subs for i = act-1,1,-1 if subs[i].class!='dialogue' or subs[i].style!=lookforstyle first = i + 1 break for i = act+1,#subs if subs[i].class!='dialogue' or subs[i].style!=lookforstyle last = i - 1 break [i for i=first,last] aegisub.register_macro script_name..'/Select till start', 'Unlike built-in Shift-Home, it preserves the active line', (subs, sel, act) -> [i for i = 1,act when subs[i].class=='dialogue'] aegisub.register_macro script_name..'/Select till end', 'Unlike built-in Shift-End, it preserves the active line', (subs, sel, act) -> [i for i = act,#subs when subs[i].class=='dialogue']
import signal from howl describe 'signal', -> describe '.register(name, options)', -> it 'raises an error if mandatory fields are missing', -> assert.raises 'description', -> signal.register 'foo' it '.all contains all registered signals', -> signal.register 'foo', description: 'bar' assert.same description: 'bar', signal.all.foo describe '.unregister(name)', -> it 'unregisters the specified signal', -> signal.register 'frob', description: 'bar' signal.unregister 'frob' assert.is_nil signal.all.frob context 'trying to use a non-registered signal', -> it 'emit raises an error', -> assert.raises 'none', -> signal.emit 'none' it 'connect raises an error', -> assert.raises 'none', -> signal.connect 'none', -> true context 'with a registered signal', -> before_each -> signal.register 'foo', description: 'bar' after_each -> signal.unregister 'foo' it 'allows name based signals to be broadcasted to any number of handlers', -> handler1 = spy.new -> nil handler2 = spy.new -> nil signal.connect 'foo', handler1 signal.connect 'foo', handler2 signal.emit 'foo' assert.spy(handler1).was_called! assert.spy(handler2).was_called! it 'allows connecting handlers before existing handlers', -> value = nil signal.connect 'foo', -> value = 'first' signal.connect 'foo', (-> value = 'second'), 1 signal.emit 'foo' assert.equal value, 'first' it 'allows disconnecting handlers', -> handler = spy.new -> true signal.connect 'foo', handler signal.disconnect 'foo', handler signal.emit 'foo' assert.spy(handler).was.not_called! describe '.emit', -> it 'raises an error when called with more than two parameters', -> assert.raises 'parameter', -> signal.emit 'foo', {}, 2 it 'raises an error when the second parameter is not a table', -> assert.raises 'table', -> signal.emit 'foo', 2 context 'when a handler returns true', -> it 'skips invoking subsequent handlers', -> handler2 = spy.new -> true signal.connect 'foo', -> true signal.connect 'foo', handler2 signal.emit 'foo' assert.spy(handler2).was.not_called! it 'returns true', -> signal.connect 'foo', -> true assert.is_true signal.emit 'foo' context 'when a handler raises an error', -> it 'logs an error message', -> signal.connect 'foo', -> error 'BOOM' signal.emit 'foo' assert.match log.last_error.message, 'BOOM' it 'continues processing subsequent handlers', -> handler2 = spy.new -> true signal.connect 'foo', -> error 'BOOM' signal.connect 'foo', handler2 signal.emit 'foo' assert.spy(handler2).was_called! it 'returns false if no handlers returned true', -> assert.is_false signal.emit 'foo' signal.connect 'foo', -> 'this is fortunately not true' assert.is_false signal.emit 'foo' it 'invokes all handlers in their own coroutines', -> coros = {} coro_register = -> co, main = coroutine.running! coros[co] = true unless main handler1 = spy.new coro_register handler2 = spy.new coro_register signal.connect 'foo', handler1 signal.connect 'foo', handler2 signal.emit 'foo' assert.equal 2, #[v for _, v in pairs coros] context 'when a handler yields', -> it 'continues on invoking subsequent handlers', -> handler2 = spy.new -> true signal.connect 'foo', -> coroutine.yield false signal.connect 'foo', handler2 signal.emit 'foo' assert.spy(handler2).was_called! it 'returns false', -> signal.connect 'foo', -> coroutine.yield true assert.is_false signal.emit 'foo'
html = require "lapis.html" config = (require "lapis.config").get! appname=config.appname or "l0g1n.de" class MainLayout extends html.Widget @include "views.mixin.header" @include "views.mixin.favicon" content: => html_5 -> head -> meta charset:"utf-8" meta name:"viewport", content:"width=device-width, initial-scale=1" link rel:"stylesheet", href:"/static/css/pure-min.css" link rel:"stylesheet", href:"/static/css/main_layout.less.css" script src:"/static/js/jquery.min.js" title (@title and @title.." - "..appname) or (@has_content_for("title") and @content_for("title").." - "..appname) or appname @mixFavicon! body class:"route-"..@route_name..(type(@body_classes)=="string" and " "..@body_classes or ""),-> @mixin_header! div class:"content",-> @content_for "inner"
Texture = sauce3.java.require "com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Texture" Constants = require "sauce3.wrappers" class new: (path, format = "rgba8", f_type) => file = sauce3.File path, f_type @texture = sauce3.java.new Texture, file.file, Constants.formats[format], false @texture\setFilter Constants.filters["linear"], Constants.filters["linear"] get_dimensions: => @get_width!, @get_height! get_filter: => min_filter = @texture\getMinFilter! mag_filter = @texture\getMagFilter! Constants.filter_codes[min_filter], Constants.filter_codes[mag_filter] get_format: => texture_data = @texture\getTextureData! format = texture_data\getFormat! Constants.format_codes[format] get_width: => @texture\getWidth! get_height: => @texture\getHeight! get_wrap: => Constants.wraps[@texture\getUWrap!], Constants.wraps[@texture\getVWrap!] set_filter: (min, mag) => @texture\setFilter Constants.filters[min], Constants.filters[mag] set_wrap: (h, v) => @texture\setWrap Constants.wraps[h], Constants.wraps[v] dispose: => @texture\dispose!
import validate from require "lapis.validate" o = { age: "" name: "abc" height: "12234234" } tests = { { { { "age", exists: true } { "name", exists: true } { "rupture", exists: true, "CUSTOM MESSAGE COOL" } } { "age must be provided", "CUSTOM MESSAGE COOL" } } { { { "name", exists: true, min_length: 4 } { "age", min_length: 4 } { "height", max_length: 5 } } { "name must be at least 4 chars" "age must be at least 4 chars" "height must be at most 5 chars" } } { { { "height", is_integer: true } { "name", is_integer: true } { "age", is_integer: true } } { "name must be an integer" "age must be an integer" } } { { { "height", min_length: 4 } } nil } { { { "age", optional: true, max_length: 2 } { "name", optional: true, max_length: 2 } } { "name must be at most 2 chars" } } { { { "name", one_of: {"cruise", "control" } } } { "name must be one of cruise, control" } } { { { "name", one_of: {"bcd", "abc" } } } } } describe "lapis.validate", -> for {input, output} in *tests it "should match", -> errors = validate o, input assert.same errors, output
signals = assert require "hump.signal" import bind_methods from assert require "moon" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Sounds load: => with love.audio @["cue-hits-ball"] = .newSource "resources/cue-hits-ball.wav", "static" @["white-hit"] = .newSource "resources/white-hit.wav", "static" @["ball-hits-ball"] = .newSource "resources/ball-hits-ball.wav", "static" @["ball-touches-border"] = .newSource "resources/ball-touches-border.wav", "static" @["ball-in-hole"] = .newSource "resources/ball-in-hole.wav", "static" signals.register "shoot", -> @\shot! signals.register "ball-in-hole", -> @\score! signals.register "collision", (...) -> @\collision ... shot: => @["cue-hits-ball"]\play! score: => @["ball-in-hole"]\play! collision: (coltype) => sound = @[coltype] or @["ball-hits-ball"] sound\play! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bind_methods Sounds!
import pairs, type from _G import lower from string import Object from require "core" import readFileSync from require "fs" import basename, dirname, extname from require "path" import decode from "novacbn/properties/exports" import VirtualFileSystem from "novacbn/luvit-extras/vfs" import FileSystemAdapter from "novacbn/luvit-extras/adapters/FileSystemAdapter" fsx = dependency "novacbn/luvit-extras/fs" import Theme from "novacbn/lunarbook/api/Theme" import PluginManager from "novacbn/lunarbook/api/PluginManager" import ALLOWED_FRAGMENT_TYPES, BOOK_HOME, BUILD_DIRS from "novacbn/lunarbook/lib/constants" import extractSections, extractTitle from "novacbn/lunarbook/lib/utilities" import endswith, slugify from "novacbn/lunarbook/lib/utilities/string" import isdirSync, isfileSync, join from "novacbn/lunarbook/lib/utilities/vfs" import LunarConfig from "novacbn/lunarbook/schemas/LunarConfig" -- ::ProcessedFragment(string render, string link, string title, table sections) -> ProcessedFragments -- Represents a book fragment that's been processed -- ProcessedFragment = (render, link, title, sections) -> { -- ProcessedFragment::link -> string -- Represents the canonical URL link of the fragment -- link: link -- ProcessedFragment::render -> string -- Represents the rendered layout of the fragment -- render: render -- ProcessedFragment::title -> string -- Represents the extracted title of the fragment -- title: title -- ProcessedFragment::sections -> table -- Represents the extract header sections of the fragment -- sections: sections } -- Book::Book() -- Represents a LunarBook build -- export export Book = with Object\extend() -- Book::cache -> table -- Represents a lookup table of previously-processed fragments -- .cache = nil -- Book::configuration -> table -- Represents the configuration of the current book -- .configuration = nil -- Book::layoutEnvironment -> table -- Represents the environment of for LunarViz Layouts -- .layoutEnvironment = nil -- Book::plugins -> PluginManager -- Represents the plugins loaded for this book -- .plugins = nil -- Book::styleEnvironment -> table -- Represents the environment of for LunarViz Styles -- .styleEnvironment = nil -- Book::theme -> Theme -- Represents the theme of the LunarBook -- .theme = nil -- Book::vfs -> VirtualFileSystem -- Represents the VirtualFileSystem used for the book -- .vfs = nil -- Book::initialize(string bookDirectory, string buildDirectory, string themeDirectory) -> void -- Constructor for Book -- .initialize = (bookDirectory, buildDirectory, themeDirectory) => error("bad argument #1 to 'initialize' (expected string)") unless type(bookDirectory) == "string" error("bad argument #2 to 'initialize' (expected string)") unless type(buildDirectory) == "string" local configuration if fsx.isfileSync(BOOK_HOME.configuration) contents = readFileSync(BOOK_HOME.configuration) configuration = decode(contents, propertiesEncoder: "moonscript") @configuration, err = LunarConfig\transform(configuration) error("bad dispatch to 'initialize' (malformed book config)\n#{err}") if err @cache = {} @plugins = PluginManager\new() @theme = Theme\new(themeDirectory, @configuration.theme) @vfs = VirtualFileSystem\new() @vfs\mount("book", FileSystemAdapter\new(bookDirectory)) @vfs\mount("build", FileSystemAdapter\new(buildDirectory)) -- Create the missing asset directories if needed @vfs\mkdirSync(BUILD_DIRS.assets) unless isdirSync(@vfs, BUILD_DIRS.assets) @vfs\mkdirSync(BUILD_DIRS.fragments) unless isdirSync(@vfs, BUILD_DIRS.fragments) @vfs\mkdirSync(BUILD_DIRS.scripts) unless isdirSync(@vfs, BUILD_DIRS.scripts) @vfs\mkdirSync(BUILD_DIRS.styles) unless isdirSync(@vfs, BUILD_DIRS.styles) @initializePlugins() @initializeAssets() -- Book::initializeAssets() -> void -- Collects the assets required by the style and pushes them to the environment -- .initializeAssets = () => for asset in *@theme\getIncludedAssets() @vfs\writeFileSync(join(BUILD_DIRS.assets, asset.name), asset.contents) @theme.configuration.environment.scripts = ["assets/"..asset.name for asset in *@theme\getIncludedAssets() when endswith(lower(asset.name), ".js")] @theme.configuration.environment.styles = ["assets/"..asset.name for asset in *@theme\getIncludedAssets() when endswith(lower(asset.name), ".css")] -- Book::initializePlugins() -> void -- Initializes the user-supplied plugins -- .initializePlugins = () => @plugins\processConfiguration(@configuration.plugins) @transformers = @plugins\configureTransformers() @layoutEnvironment = @plugins\configureLayoutEnvironment()\clone() @styleEnvironment = @plugins\configureStyleEnvironment()\clone() -- Book::createFragment(string file, table fragments) -> void -- Creates the fragment in the build directory -- .createFragment = (file, fragments) => fragment = @processFragment(file) layout = @theme\render("Index", true, @layoutEnvironment, fragment: fragment.render, link: fragment.link, navigation: fragments) link = join(BUILD_DIRS.fragments, fragment.link) @vfs\mkdirSync(link) unless isdirSync(@vfs, link) @vfs\writeFileSync(join(link, "index.html"), fragment.render) @vfs\mkdirSync(BUILD_DIRS.scheme..fragment.link) unless isdirSync(@vfs, BUILD_DIRS.scheme..fragment.link) @vfs\writeFileSync(BUILD_DIRS.scheme..join(fragment.link, "index.html"), layout) -- Book::processBook() -> void -- Processes the directory of the LunarBook -- .processBook = () => -- Start processing the book from the base directory @processDirectory("") -- Write any memory-cached assets to disk @vfs\writeFileSync(join(BUILD_DIRS.fragments, fragment.link..".html"), fragment.render) for fragment in *@cache --@vfs\writeFileSync(join(BUILD_DIRS.scripts, "lunarbook.components.js", @theme\getComputedScript()) @vfs\writeFileSync(join(BUILD_DIRS.styles, "lunarbook.components.css"), @theme\getComputedStyle(true, @styleEnvironment)) -- Book::processDirectory(string directory) -> void -- Processes the directory of the book -- .processDirectory = (directory) => entries = @vfs\readdirSync("book://"..directory) directories = [entry for entry in *entries when isdirSync(@vfs, "book://"..join(directory, entry))] files = [entry for entry in *entries when isfileSync(@vfs, "book://"..join(directory, entry)) and ALLOWED_FRAGMENT_TYPES[lower(extname(entry))]] fragments = [@processFragment(join(directory, fragment)) for fragment in *files] if #directories > 0 or #files > 0 @vfs\mkdirSync("build://#{directory}") unless isdirSync(@vfs, "build://#{directory}") @vfs\mkdirSync(join(BUILD_DIRS.fragments, directory)) unless isdirSync(@vfs, join(BUILD_DIRS.fragments, directory)) @processDirectory(join(directory, entry)) for entry in *directories @createFragment(join(directory, entry), #fragments > 1 and fragments) for entry in *files --@createNavigation(directory, files) if #files > 1 -- Book::processFragment(string file) -> table -- Processes the LunarBook fragment for metadata -- .processFragment = (file) => unless @cache[file] -- Load the fragment from disk and then have the theme process and render it contents = @vfs\readFileSync("book://"..file) contents = @transformers\processFragment(file, false, contents) layout = @theme\render("Fragment", true, @layoutEnvironment, fragment: contents) -- Slugify and use the title of the fragment as the link -- Or, if the link is an index file, use the base directory link = dirname(file) link = "" if link == "." title = extractTitle(layout) unless basename(file, extname(file)) == "index" link = join(link, slugify(title)) error("bad argument #1 to 'processFragment' (missing or malformed title)") unless #link > 0 sections = [{title: section, slug: slugify(section)} for section in *extractSections(layout)] @cache[file] = ProcessedFragment(layout, link, title, sections) return @cache[file]
-- title: Bunnymark in MoonScript -- author: Rob Loach -- desc: Benchmarking tool to see how many bunnies can fly around the screen, using MoonScript. -- input: gamepad -- script: moon -- version: 1.1.0 screenWidth = 240 screenHeight = 136 toolbarHeight = 6 t = 0 class Bunny @width: 26 @height: 32 new: => @x = math.random(0, screenWidth - @@width) @y = math.random(0, screenHeight - @@height) @speedX = math.random(-100, 100) / 60 @speedY = math.random(-100, 100) / 60 @sprite = 1 draw: () => spr(@sprite, @x, @y, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, 4) update: () => @x += @speedX @y += @speedY if @x + @@width > screenWidth @x = screenWidth - @@width @speedX *= -1 if @x < 0 @x = 0 @speedX *= -1 if @y + @@height > screenHeight @y = screenHeight - @@height @speedY *= -1 if @y < toolbarHeight @y = toolbarHeight @speedY *= -1 class FPS new: => @value = 0 @frames = 0 @lastTime = 0 getValue: () => if time() - @lastTime <= 1000 @frames += 1 else @value = @frames @frames = 0 @lastTime = time() return @value fps = FPS! bunnies = {} table.insert(bunnies, Bunny!) export TIC=-> -- music if t == 0 then music(0) if t == 6*64*2.375 then music(1) t = t + 1 -- Input if btn(0) for i = 1, 5 table.insert(bunnies, Bunny!) elseif btn(1) for i = 1, 5 table.remove(bunnies, 1) -- Update for i, item in pairs bunnies item\update! -- Draw cls(15) for i, item in pairs bunnies item\draw! rect(0, 0, screenWidth, toolbarHeight, 0) print("Bunnies: " .. #bunnies, 1, 0, 11, false, 1, false) print("FPS: " .. fps\getValue!, screenWidth / 2, 0, 11, false, 1, false)
-- -- Copyright (C) 2017-2019 DBot -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -- of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, -- subject to the following conditions: -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies -- or substantial portions of the Software. -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, -- INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR -- OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER -- DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. export PPM2 PPM2 = PPM2 or {} shared = (filein) -> AddCSLuaFile('ppm2/' .. filein) if SERVER include('ppm2/' .. filein) server = (filein) -> include('ppm2/' .. filein) if SERVER client = (filein) -> AddCSLuaFile('ppm2/' .. filein) if SERVER include('ppm2/' .. filein) if CLIENT shared('common/modifier_base.lua') shared('common/sequence_base.lua') shared('common/sequence_holder.lua') shared('common/controller_children.lua') shared('common/registry.lua') shared('common/functions.lua') shared('common/bodygroup_controller.lua') shared('common/weight_controller.lua') shared('common/pony_expressions_controller.lua') shared('common/emotes.lua') shared('common/flex_controller.lua') shared('common/registry_data.lua') shared('common/ponydata.lua') shared('common/bones_modifier.lua') shared('common/ponyfly.lua') shared('common/size_controller.lua') shared('common/hooks.lua') shared('common/hoofsteps.lua') client('client/data_instance.lua') client('client/materials_registry.lua') client('client/texture_controller.lua') client('client/new_texture_controller.lua') client('client/hooks.lua') client('client/functions.lua') client('client/render_controller.lua') client('client/emotes.lua') client('client/player_menu.lua') client('client/editor.lua') client('client/editor3.lua') client('client/rag_edit.lua') client('client/render.lua') server('server/misc.lua') server('server/hooks.lua') server('server/emotes.lua') server('server/hitgroups.lua') server('server/rag_edit.lua') return nil
Gtk = require 'ljglibs.gtk' describe 'Container', -> local container before_each -> container = Gtk.Box! describe '.children', -> it 'is a table of all children', -> child1 = Gtk.Box! child2 = Gtk.Box! container\add child1 container\add child2 assert.same { child1, child2 }, container.children it 'retains type information when possible', -> child1 = Gtk.Box! container\add child1 assert.equal 'GtkBox', container.children[1].__type