stringlengths 1
Credit accountsS20,925B 17 |
Liab!tities |
100.0096 |
0.00ß-321,155B 10 |
EsRmated nek vORh |
-3229B93 |
\S229.93 |
50.00 |
S20,925B 17 |
S20,925.17 |
Viet'balance sheekv View decaitsCase 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 61 Filed 12/17/21 Page 14 of 17UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT |
T 21 DCra78(EGS) |
l,John Suilivan,underthe penalty of pettury,dO hereby state and |
amrm as fOllows: |
1.I have only reå Wed$6,700.00 in commission fees f_ m my |
father's business in 2021; |
2.I currently have no other sources ofincome; |
3.My monthiy rentis$1,944.32 1 have to rely on my parents to pay |
my rnonthty renti |
4.I have had to sea some of my personal efFects including carnera |
equipmentto pay expensesin 2021; |
5BI have not used rny rTlotorcycie since June 2021; |
6.I cannot pay the insurance on rny autornobile and l expectthat my |
insurance wia be canceled in the corning weeksi |
fCase 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 61 Filed 12/17/21 Page 15 of 176.I have a negative account balance of$229.93 in rny(3hase Bank |
account.Ihave a$236.98 balance in rny First C)redit Union Account.I have |
no other bank accountsi |
7.My health insurance with BIueC,w ossBIueShield was canceled and |
i have a pending application for heaith insurance with Medicaid.l aiso have |
a pending application fbrfood stamps. |
3.My credK card debtis app_ ximately$20,925.17 and my credK |
rating has d_ pped into the poor rating of 559B |
9.My rnonthiy expenses are as fba owsi |
a.Housing:$1,944.32 |
b.Telephone:$251.97 |
c.Prescription medications:$236.58 |
d.LegaI Fees(Pending case in Sait Lake Civ,Utah):$1,000 |
eo Electric,WateL(3as:$247.28 |
i Food:$400.00 |
go Gas:$260.00 |
h.Minimum CredR Card Payments:$1,028.65 |
1.Carinsurance:$121.34 |
J.Renters insurance:$28.30 |
K.Education:$250.00 |
L.Ciothing:S100B 00 |
M.Subscriptions:$250.00 |
TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSES:$6,018.44Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 61 Filed 12/17/21 Page 16 of 1710:l arn not able to pay rny rnonthly expenses withoutfunds from my |
parentsB |
vohn Sua ivan |
12-14-2021 |
DateCase 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 61 Filed 12/17/21 Page 17 of 17 |
1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V. Case No.: 21-cr-78 (EGS) JOHN SULLIVAN MOTION TO ADOPT AND JOIN RELEVANT PORTIONS OF MOTION TO DISMISS COUNT 2 OF THE INDICTMENT IN UNITED STATES v. CALDWELL, 21-cr-28 (APM) AND TO DISMISS COUNT 1 OF THIS SUPERSEDING INDICTMENT (Obstruction of an official proceeding does not apply to the Electoral College certification) Defendant, John Sullivan, by and through undersigned counsel, does hereby respectfully move for dismissal of Count 1 of the superseding indictment, ECF 56. Defendant does hereby additionally move to adopt and join all relevant legal arguments related to the Motion to Dismiss Count 2 of the fourth superseding indictment as forth in United States v. Caldwell, 21-cr-28 (APM), ECF 240 and the Motion for Reconsideration filed on December 24, 2021, 21-cr-28 (APM), ECF 566. In support thereof, defendant represents as follows: 1. Defendant has been indicted as one of many individuals for events at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. Specifically, and relevant Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 62 Filed 12/31/21 Page 1 of 42 to this pleading, is Count 1 of the superseding indictment, United States v. John Sullivan, 21-cr-78 (EGS) ECF 56, charging as follows: On or about January 6, 2021…John Sullivan, attempted, and did, corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding before Congress, specifically, Congress’s certification of the Electoral College vote as set out in the Twelfth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States and 3 U.S.C. §§ 158 Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and Aiding and Abetting, in violation of Title 18, U.S. Code §§ 1512 (c)(2) and 2. 2. Count 1 of this superseding indictment is the same as Count 2 in the fourth superseding indictment in United States v. Caldwell, 21-cr-28 (APM), ECF 196. On June 15, 2021 the defendant in United States v. Caldwell, 21-cr-28 (APM) filed a Motion to Dismiss Indictment, ECF 240. The Motion to Dismiss was denied on December 20, 2021, ECF 558. A Motion for Reconsideration was filed on December 24, 2021 and remains pending, ECF 566. The grounds for the Motion to Dismiss relevant to this proceeding is that the term official proceeding does not relate to the Electoral College certification. 3. A similar argument was raised before the Honorable Randolph D. Moss of this Court in United States v. Patrick Montgomery, 21-cr-46 (RDM). Oral argument was presented before Judge Moss on August 3, 2021. On Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 62 Filed 12/31/21 Page 2 of 43 December 28, 2021 Judge Moss entered an Order denying the Motion to Dismiss the count charging18 U.S.C. § 1512 (c)(2). 4. Defendant submits that the interests of judicial economy will best be served by permitting the joinder and adoption of arguments presented in the Motion to Dismiss Count 2 of the Indictment in United States v. Joseph Caldwell, and by joining and adopting the pending Motion for Reconsideration in 21-cr-28 (APM), ECF 566. 5. Should the Court have any additional questions, Defendant is prepared to submit further briefing on the issue raised in the Motion to Dismiss. WHEREFORE, the foregoing considered, defendant seeks leave to adopt and join the Motion to Dismiss Count 2 of the fourth superseding indictment as filed in United States v. Caldwell, 21-cr-28 (APM). Respectfully submitted, _______/s/_______________ Steven R. Kiersh #323329 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Suite 440 Washington, D.C. 20015 (202) 347-0200 Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 62 Filed 12/31/21 Page 3 of 44 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and accurate copy of the foregoing was served, via the Court’s electronic filing system, on this the ____31st____day of December, 2021 upon Candice Wong, Esquire, Assistant U.S. Attorney. ______/s/____________________ Steven R. Kiersh Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 62 Filed 12/31/21 Page 4 of 4 |
AO 91 (Rev. 11/11) Criminal Complaint |
for the |
__________ District of __________ |
) |
) |
)))))Case No. |
Defendant(s) |
I, the complainant in this case, state that the following is tr ue to the best of my knowledge and belief. |
in the county of in the |
District of , the defendant(s) violated: |
Code Section |
This criminal complaint is based on these facts: |
uContinued on the attached sheet. |
Printed name and title |
Attested to by the applicant in accordance with the requirements of Fed. R. Crim. P. 4.1 by Telephone. |
Date: |
City and state: |
Printed name and title District of Columbia |
United States o f America |
v. |
On or about the date(s) of January 6, 2021 |
Columbia |
18 U.S.C. § 1752(a) |
18 U.S.C. §§ 231(a)(3) & 2 |
40 U.S.C. § 5104(e)(2)Offense Description |
Restricted Building or Grounds |
Civil Disorders |
Violent Entry or Disorderly Conduct |
✔ |
Complainant’s signature |
01/13/2021 |
Washington,D.C.Judge’s signature |
U.S. Magistrate Judge |
Matthew Fouler, Special Agent FBI |
Robin M. Meriweather, Case 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 1 Filed 01/13/21 Page 1 of 1 |
1 |