11 values
I live in Topeka, KS (Shawnee County), got a ticket in late November for a non moving violation - expired registration. Totally my fault, not gonna appeal, just want to pay the fines. There's a pay online option and I went to go do that and it asks for either a citation number or a case number. There is NOT a citation number on the ticket but there is a case number. Put the case number in perfectly as it requires and it says it is invalid; the amount of characters on my ticket is less than the amount required as well. Since there is no citation number and the case number is invalid - do I have to pay the fines since it's the county's error? I was reading that they may not have processed the ticket yet and that's why it's not appearing online.
can't pay ticket online - no citation number
I got a lawyer and filed a motion. My lawyer gave me their email. I have emailed them with questions and they just don't get back to me. I've asked if I need to set up appointments and nothing. Is this normal? What should I do? I'm nervous about trying to get a different lawyer since it took me almost 6 months to get one to call me back for an appointment originally. But at the same time I have questions that I need answers to. Is there anywhere else I might get legal advice?
Family law in vt
They said it’s “part of the process” so she can’t take the child away to another state. It seems unnecessary and will only cause more problems.
Is it normal to put a restraining order on the mother when getting guardianship of a child?
So I Just found out that I had a Civil Judgement against me AZ I (35 M) used to live with a roommate who went all depressed and decided that he’s not gonna work, I continued to help him with his share of the rent until I decided to move out and asked him to remove my name from the lease, he didn’t because he didn’t have a proof of income (later I found out multiple posts on certain website for funding ) 6months later I got an email from the leasing office saying that there’s a balance and I need to pay it to ensure the judgement is satisfied, me ( an immigrant) who’s building my credit, called them and set up a payment arrangement to pay the balance, thinking that I’m in good terms I applied for another apartment to move from my current one, I discovered that there was a civil judgement against me that I never knew about but agreed to pay. My questions are Am I going to get denied from every where ? Is this ends my hopes to buy a house If I pay this judgement can I request to remove it ? Will this jeopardize my application for naturalization? I appreciate your help and advise in advance.
Just found out that I had a Civil Judgement against me (AZ)
My current lease for my apartment is set to expire on 2/29/2020. On my current lease I am paying $1674.00 a month. On 12/13/2019 I was offered the following options for renewal: ​ 6 MO - $1837.00 7 MO - $1848.00 8 MO - $1816.00 9 MO - $1847.00 10 MO - $1803.00 11 MO - $1751.00 12 MO - $1774.00 ​ My questions is do any of these leases fall under the new California rent control law AB 1482? Unless I'm mistaken my rent can't be increased more than 5% correct? Which would mean $1757.00 would be the max it could be raised and only the 11 month option falls under that. ​ Am I misunderstanding this new law or am I in the right here? If they're in the wrong here should I even bother with the incompetent people in the office or should I take it up with the property management themselves? ​ Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Rent increase in CA
I'm a teacher, I've been put on admin leave due and allegation, I dunno what the allegation is, the protocol for admin leave in my case is shady (not telling me what is, detective apparently working for police instead of employer, a building that belongs to children's advocacy center instead of usual building owner by my school district). Now all this is been hell and a nightmare to me, I face the prospect or losing liberty and my job and being sent back to my county EVEN after things clearing up or so some lawyers say. Not to mention the psychollogical effects of this, I'm scared, fearful, my trust been abused, and I got this feeling that whoever i say, even you Reading this may doubt me and think I may have actually done whatever they may be accusing me of (it's a feeling leaves you feeling lonely and suicidal) Anyway, seems a criminal lawyer may be best here. First I want to investigate who this detective is and why he was called and not the usual one and why in there? Then know what the allegation is of course. At least two of them advised me to not go see the cops/the detective. In theory I'm under investigation and this isn't a formal appointment citation in which I got to go or else... Feels like that anyway.more like an invitation to go.. but I've been thinking these lawyers are probably right.. they can investigate all they want and I will cooperate with, THROUGH my lawyer.. it kind of goes against my instinct of "I got nothing to hide" but they say cops have all sorts of techniques to even incriminate the best teacher on earth you can imagine. So anyway.. nightmare aside: is this what you would advise too? My employer may see it as not cooperating/admission of guilt maybe? But I'm thinking they may not rehire me anyway regardless of me being physically present in there or not. It's even more weird cause this allegation comes in a time when I was teaching online..and everything I wrote to my students can be seen no problem but I know it could be from before that. I'm shattered by this.. and it's also starting to affect my loves ones of course.. seems to me someone is acting in Ill will towards me and I have my suspect. So frustrating to say the least. I wish this upon no one but that suspect if he's indeed the one behind which may turn out to. Anyway: so .assuming this detective is legit and my employer knows of.. to go or not to go? Just send the lawyer? Give him my lawyer's number for cooperation and that's it?;why yes why not. Tho the prospect of losing my job despite the veredict is harming my faith on humanity, The urgent matters at hand is if course not being wrongfully incriminated by whatever allegation turns out to be. And for this I ask if not going may be on my best interest and why. Thank you.
Would not going to see an alleged detective be on my best interest?
Our custody order awarding joint physical care to both parties states that I must live within “20 mile radius” of the kids’ school. Can I take this literally, using a 20 mile *radius* from the school address or am I to assume this insinuates 20 road miles? For context, I’m not trying to be a dick or find loopholes. There’s just very few livable houses in my price range within 20 driving miles, whereas within a 20 mile straight-line radius has many more options.
[Iowa] Radius vs. Driving Miles
My profile has the original issue posted in r/advice but I was directed here as a suggestion from several users. Long story short, I have 2 small daughters (under the age of 5) with a girl I never married. It’s been a long painful relationship but it’s time to move on for the sake of the kids and my health. My problem is that my girlfriend either has a emotional incest or sexually improper relationship with her biological father. I need advice about how I go forward with separating and getting a fair custody arrangement without jeopardizing the well-being of my kids.
I [43M] have two small daughters with a woman [F36] who may or may not be in a inappropriate relationship with her father [65M].
I live on an upper floor of a building. The residents of the unit in the building on the property next to mine (right across the window over the gangway below) blare loud music until as late as 5am 1 or 2 Saturdays a month. Their property is gated and locked. There is no Property management contact listed on or near the building, and I have no way of getting to the door of any of the tenants during daylight hours. Because of how close the buildings are, the bass from their loud music shakes the bedrooms in my house just enough to prevent sleep for my whole family. I have mentioned it to my landlord, but he does not know the owner of the property next door. So, tonight, I called the cops. They showed up, but were unable to access the gate and there is no bell for the unit. So the cops left. As I type this, the music is continuing to rattle my apartment, and I will likely not get sleep until after 5am when they stop. I first tried 311, but they said to call the police. So I called the local police non-emergency line, and they told me to call 911 for dispatch. I have only lived here for 2 months of a 14 month lease. I love the place, but this is not sustainable. Seeing as there is no way to get this to stop (even the cops walk away from it), what recourse do I have to remedy this situation? I would prefer to stay here, but I would be willing to move if that is the only option I have and there is some legal way to do so without breaking the lease. While they are way too lout and (obviously) not self-aware, it is fair to say that they have no idea that I've been trying to get them to stop with the music for weeks now. I thought about posting a sign on the gates to the building asking for the loud music to stop, but with Chicagoans in my neighborhood that will likely result in a passive-aggressive display in which they do this more than just 1-2 Saturday nights a month. And since the police can't/won't do anything about it, I don't want to start that war. Any advice on either getting this addressed or- worst-case scenario- being able to nullify my lease as a result of this would be helpful. I planned on living here for years to come, so getting the noise to stop would be my preference. Thanks in advance.
5am, Noisy Neighbors in Chicago, Cops can't access the property so tell me there's nothing they can do. Need advice.
Sorry if this isn't tagged correctly, I'm not really certain what this falls under, I also apologize for formatting as I'm on mobile. This happened in Kansas, I work at a Kroger franchise. Today my supervisor informed me that the guy who checks the cameras has been taking people that he has pictures of me using my phone on the clock and when asked, he sent her a photo of the camera monitor from his cell phone. He has also insinuated that I was ignoring customers while doing this. My supervisor believes he's just attempting to start drama but I'm personally concerned about this. I'm not denying the phone usage, in fact this same supervisor allows phone usage so long as all the work is done and we're vigilant about customers, two things that I am known for. However, this isn't the company policy, and I'm concerned that this will risk my job, which I absolutely can't lose. I don't know if there's anything illegal going on here but I figured this was the best place to ask. Any help would be appreciated.
[Kansas] coworker distributing photo of me taken during work?
Classmate Thieve
So I live in this guy's (I'll call him R) house, there's 3 rooms in the house and 2 rooms in the basement, me and my roommate who I'll be calling S, lives in the basement rooms. I've lived there a year now, S moved in February this year. I've been living with my parents since March to help with my baby sister since they've kept her out of daycare during the pandemic. I'm still paying my rent and everything since I'm on SSI and can't work due to my disabilities so that's not a problem. S is on SSI too but she also worked, but unfortunately she probably lost her job due to COVID-19. Well we hadn't talked in a few weeks and I am going back home on Saturday so I was going to let her know, so we could hang out possibly. Well, turns out our landlord told her to "pay by tomorrow or get the f*ck out" well she had to leave cause she can't pay. She's living in her car currently and apparently he's not giving her any of her packages or mail! Our governor put a ban on evictions until June 4th I believe, but I'm not sure that applies to landlord's renting out rooms in a house they live in. I know him not giving her any mail or packages she's receiving is very illegal! Do any of you have any suggestions I can give her? I really don't have the full story because she said she doesn't want to talk about it fully, she's really upset.
[Renton, WA] My roommate might've been illegally evicted!
Hey, I found someone with a mutual interest in a patent idea I had and we built it. I'm not American, he wishes for me to stay in the USA so we could continue building patents together. I'm currently on a tourist visa that's running out in the beginning of January. We're considering starting a company, listing my first patent, the one we just built, and then continue from there. What do you recommend? Thanks
Starting A Company in the USA
I have someone who used to be a friend that grew increasingly obsessive but only online (he lives in a different state now). There was a stretch of time where I told him I'm dating someone and I would like him to stop contacting me. At the time I was young and naive, and was scared of what might happen if I actually block him, so I put his messages on "ignore" mode. He proceeded to text almost every day saying something like I miss you, I see myself marrying you, etc. for some years. Recently he says he's gotten therapy and is a lot better, apologized, and wanted to start a normal friendship. I cautiously agreed and realized he had the same obsessive behavior, constantly trying to convince me to date him / have sex with him when I say I'm not interested. This time I blocked him for good everywhere, but recently he found a way to contact me with a fake social media account, which I also immediately blocked and changed my privacy settings (apparently Snapchat's default is that non-friends can message you). I was too shook and forgot to screenshot this (it was Snapchat so it disappeared) -- I should've and I'm beating myself up for this. I'm afraid that this might escalate to him physically stalking me -- it hasn't happened, but I want to prevent it from happening. Looking at MA's definition of harassment, it doesn't include online harassment. Am I unable to file a restraining order until he actually physically stalks me?
(MA) Seems like I can't file a restraining order against someone harassing me online?
Ok, so I moved into my new unit about two months ago. When I went to go initially view the unit I saw bugs in the fridge. Given, it was a nice place and they would clean it up I decided to sign a lease due to the fact of this whole covid19 ordeal. In the lease agreement it says I would be responsible for a new bug problem. Would I be liable for a preexisting bug problem? I have no pictures but my wife and I can attest to seeing bugs ever since we moved here. The groundskeeper even told us that the owners son used to live here and it was trashy when he was occupying the unit. Is there anything I can do to cover my assets?
Bug Problem
I just started renting a condo in California. It is my first time living on my own. I was told before we moved in the place would be cleaned, but from my perspective that never happened, or was done very poorly. I have included this [album to show the lack of cleanliness.]( This condo is two stories, and only has a smoke detector in the upstairs hallway. It has been like that since I moved in just over a week ago. I got in contact with the landlord, and she blew me off saying she was too busy the first week we were there to solve all the problems we were having, including the oven being broken, lack of smoke detectors, and cleanliness issues. She told me we would have to wait until this week. The realtor contacted me yesterday saying he walked through the condo before we moved in, and it was clean to him, so they were not going to do anything about it. I also asked him about my rights when it comes to the place being uninhabitable due to the lack of smoke detectors, and he said "nobody has ever been that technical before". After arguing with him for a bit, he is coming by this evening to add a second smoke detector to the first floor, and I am going to show him how "clean" the place is. I am including this link to the [California Landlord, and Tenant Handbook ]( By California state law, not having the proper smoke detectors made the place "Uninhabitable" is there anything I should do with this? Also what is within my rights as to how clean the place should be before I move in? I was also unsure of where to post this, so if /r/legaladvice is not right, I will gladly move it. All help is much appreciated.
California - Renting a condo, was not properly cleaned, and not up to code. What are my rights?
TLDR: I received a message from the Unemployment office stating that I'm a current employee with the company. I had initial talks with a temp agency and filled out paper work allowing them to represent me to their clients is now saying I work for them. I never have worked there, never reported for work and never received a paycheck. EDIT: I told them i'm not interested 05/08/202. I didn't receive unemployment until 05/21/2020. I didn't know if I was eligible until that payment. I was laid off on 03/28/2020. This wasn't a money driven decision. What are my options here? I already filled out stating I never worked at the company and provided a reason why. I can't lose unemployment until I find a new job. I'm looking for something in my field but there isn't a lot out there right now. \--- I was laid off at the end of may. Finally was able to receive unemployment (still on it currently). I interviewed with a temp agency and filled out some initial paper work allowing them to represent me to their clients. I initially told them I'm not interested (I don't do temp agencies, prefer direct hire) but went ahead with their client for an interview. I eventually told them the position they had was not for me and I no longer wanted to work with them. They lied about pay rate and I found their process of how they required me to report to them excessive. I received a message from the Unemployment office stating that I'm a current employee with the company. I never have worked there, never reported for work and never received a paycheck. I have no source of income other than other than unemployment. I have been diligently applying to companies not only in my city but others since I was laid off. I'm not scamming, I just didn't feel comfortable with the job they provided.
Columbus, Ohio Company has registered me as an employee. Never worked there a day in my life
So I signed a contract with a local agency "X". I was deployed as an employee of X agency to this multinational bank on May 1. Since the covid situation, I cannot work on site therefore I am waiting for the bank's email for the access in 3 days now. Upon checking with the X agency, they said the 3 days I spent waiting for the bank's email is unpaid. This was not stated in the contract. Is there something that I can do to be properly compensated for the 3 days Ive waited on my computer for the goddamn email? Per the contract, I am already employed but it did not state that I need to wait for the access from the vendor. Is that legal?
Start of Contract
Okay, so bear with me through this: I live in Canada (province of Manitoba), just turned 18 a week and a half ago - so yes, I am a legal adult now. My friend, who is 17, got kicked out of her house for being gay and her stepdad kept repeatedly harassing her and her girlfriend via landline and has resorted to trying to "visit" (and by visit, I mean STALK) her girlfriend at work. I got very concerned for my friend and got very angry at her stepdad (which I understand I have absolutely no say in any of the situation and should have stayed out of it the first place, I'm an idiot) and proceeded to write a note that said: "HOMOPHOBIC PARENTS DO NOT DESERVE TO BE PARENTS. THEY DESERVE TO ROT IN HELL." and left it on the car in the driveway and drove off. Immediately regretting what I did, I told my sister, my friend and my parents. Last night I got a message from my friend saying that her grandmother called and told her that her stepdad called the police and is getting the letter tested for fingerprints (which they don't even have mine on file lol). I obviously was freaked out and called her and her girlfriend's landline and discussed my options with them. Today, I got a message from my friend again saying that they got a call from the police station and that they're investigating the case, which she then told them that I did it and gave them my cell number. I'm totally freaked out right now and afraid that I'm going to get charged for a mistake that I made in the heat of the moment and this may potentially fuck up my life. I haven't been involved with the law before so I have hopes they'll let me off with a warning and everything will be okay, but since I'm an adult I feel like it's just not going to work out for me at all. I'm supposed to be getting a call from the police tomorrow explaining the situation. TLDR: Left a note on my friend's parents' car calling them homophobes for kicking my friend out. Wondering and worrying if I'll get charged for harassment or threats.
Is leaving a note on someone's car considered harassment?
I’m sorry that this is likely going to be a popular topic in the days to come, but the general manger of the CA based restaurant I work for sent me a form that I’m told I must sign. I’m afraid if I sign I’ll be scheduled a minuscule amount of hours (not just less hours, but as a server a whole heck of a lot less in tips) and then kicked off unemployment, leaving me stranded. If I refuse to sign, I will likely be fired. Is the information in this form correct? Must I sign? “SUPER IMPORTANT. EVERYONE MUST RESPOND TO THIS. Looks like we have some help from the government with payroll. It comes with conditions, though. I need each member of staff to SEND ME AN EMAIL to *************, as follows: 'I, [name], confirm that I [am/am not] available to work 30 hours per week starting Monday 05/25/2020.' The government help requires that anyone we have on staff works a minimum of 30 hours, and I need agreement and confirmation in writing from each employee. The program starts for us this Monday, the 25th, so the posted schedule will be changing. I need your confirmations by noon tomorrow. Sorry for the short notice, but we just got approval.”
Should I sign this form regarding the PPP from my employer?
My 67 year old father in law was dating a woman in her mid 50’s. His children were concerned about financial exploitation from her but he still stayed in a relationship with her. This past Sunday, he ended the relationship after she verbally berated him about a variety of things. She has never paid rent, though claims she did cleaning and other things around the house. We pursued legal counsel and were told to give her a weeks notice to vacate the premises, and she in turn filed a complaint with the Attorney General’s office. The office threatened to sue my father in law if he proceeded to follow through with the vacate notice. Now it seems like an eviction will need to be filed, however, all evictions in Minnesota are suspended through the peacetime emergency with few exceptions. While we are concerned about his well being and her manipulation, I don’t think they are outward enough to warrant one of the exceptions. Is he stuck with her in his home, his own room even, until the peacetime emergency is over and he can evict her? This seems so unprecedented and the legal counsel we pursued is still unsure what options are available. It’s baffling that in this scenario, he could potentially be stuck with her living in his same room for months. If this matters at all, they were out of state since January, they only returned to the residence last week.
Father-In-Law cannot evict ex-girlfriend from the house he owns even though they occupy the same room and she doesn’t financially contribute. (MN)
I know the rules but for privacy purposes I feel the need to leave out my location. If there's something that depend on my specific location, I can talk to someone in PMs. My wife is an elementary school teacher in a charter network in a major city. Urban education in america, as you may know, is a struggle almost anywhere you go. This year the new principal eliminated a teaching position for grades 3 and 4 driving class sizes up to ~30 kids - above the legal limit (I'm pretty sure this is legal as charter schools are not goverened by the school board) - which has generally made life miserable for all the teachers, and the students as well. Coinciding with this, the new principal ordered an expensive new set of curriculum that's not used by any other schools in the charter network. My wife overheard something and decided to do some digging. This is what she learned: * The CEO of the company that sells the curriculum is the principal's wife * The EVP of curriculum and marketting, and the writer of said curriculum is his (their?) daughter * The principal himself is the ex Chief Academic Officer of this company, co author of the curriculum, and may still receive royalties for it. Is there a crime here, or is it just shady dealing? edit: from the responses, and thinking about it a bit, location might be particularly relevant here. This is a charter in Philadelphia, PA.
My wife has compelling evidence of shady business practices/collusion at her charter school. Is there a case here?
Sorry if it’s hard to read on Mobile. So December 23 I was involved in a MVA told on scene I was not at fault and other driver cited or failure to grant right of way at a junction on highway. I have since reported it to her insurance company ( I do not carry collision so my company will not cover me) I have sent her company the police report. She still has not reported to her insurance, will not return calls or emails. Her insurance company claims they will not accept liability until speaking to her, and if she doesn’t report within 30 days they retroactively cancel her to date of accident so they wouldn’t have to cover fixing my car. I don’t know what to do my car is getting worse by the day I can’t not drive it. I work 40 miles for work and have to travel another 20 miles from home to school a day. I drive close to 100 miles a day I can’t afford to Uber that. Is that something her company can legally do even if she had active coverage at the time? Any legal avenues I can take to make her report this to her insurance?
Not at fault. What are my options.
I work at an Italian restaurant in Michigan, and if you read our Pasta menu, it would state that all of our pasta is "imported" from nowhere in particular, by the way. Me and my manager go into a discussion about if it was False Advertising or not, with me saying that it was, and him saying that they technically are "Importing" it.
Is it considered False advertising if my restaurant says all our pasta is "Imported", when it is actually bought from Walmart/Sam's Club?
So some details, my mother lives in a studio apartment with my grandmother. My mom and her friend (we'll call her Dee) were outside of her apartment smoking and chatting about mothers day when their other neighbor (we'll call her crazy lady) came out and started making racist comments towards my mother (she's Filipina and Chamorro) and Dee told her to buzz off. Crazy lady kept claiming my mom stole her lawn chair because she's a dirty ******. Obviously my mom didnt steal the chair and the crazy lady was just being a racist, but when my mom told her to leave her alone, Crazy lady went into her apartment and grabbed a gun and pointed it directly at my mother and then at Dee, laughing that she was just going to kill them. My mom's other neighbors called the cops and took crazy lady into custody and took statements from my mom and Dee along with 3 other neighbors. There are cameras that look directly at where this took place and all of this can be proven. Dee is white and got an automatic restraining order from the court against CL, but my mom didn't and is concerned it's a racial problem within the courts but that's another story. CL is *only* being charged with harrassment and I'm confused and a little upset with this. Is it because it was a pellet gun and not a real gun? My mother and Dee certainly thought it was real. Also, is there any way to press further charges? Thank you in advance!
WASHINGTON STATE- My mothers neighbor pulled a gun on her on mothers day and we later found out it was only a pellet gun, can she still be charged with 2nd degree assault?
For a little bit of background, my mom isn't a good person. In fact she's the complete opposite. She kicked me out when I was 13 and I'm back with her now, and she hasn't changed a bit. She's intentionally making my life hell. I overheard her talking about making a list of things for me to do and she had about 3 and was saying to the lady who owns this house that she's just trying to find more things for me to do. If I say no when she tells me to do that stuff, will I get in trouble? She's called the cops on me 3 times before and the last time she did the cops told me to stop disrespecting my mom and that I could get in trouble for it. Is that true?
Is my mom allowed to force me to do things around the house?
I work at an elementary school. It's a public charter, which might matter. I also live and work in the state of Nevada. I resigned two weeks ago and gave my final date of employment at January 5th. We're on break until January 6th though, so this was my last day in the classroom. I was required to turn in my keys today and was told I would not be allowed access after today, despite my last day being the 5th of January. Every year teachers are given a classroom fund. I used mine last year to buy supplies. I had to check out to show that all materials were present. I got some of my items mixed up though as I had left several hundred dollars of classroom storage since I thought the school reimbursed it, but I had taken home everything else including some math manipulatives. I got called out on three things that I had taken home because the school had reimbursed me. No biggie, I just figured I'd take home the bins and bring back the math stuff. Principal confirmed this was okay, and if I didn't, they'd just withhold it from my last paycheck. I did have to leave some bins since I had to leave the school quickly to get to an appointment. When I asked if I could get them later, the Principal told me that I wouldn't be allowed access to the room. I also needed to turn in a handmade hardcopy of the gradebook which I thought was at home, but then I remembered that I tossed it after I decided to quit since I figured I wouldn't need it anymore. But they said they will need it and that it's considered 'school property' despite it being written by me and handmade - they don't give us anything to make it. It does have students first names and assignments and grades. No identifying info though. The principal emailed me the to-do list and stated "...As discussed at your check-out, please return the following items before 1/6/20 in order for us to process you final paycheck." Which makes it seem like if I don't return those, they won't give me my paycheck. Is that legal?
Can my employer delay processing on my next payment until I return some items?
My construction company employed 10 to 25 employees and declared bankruptcy in 2011. Those final years 2009 to 2011 were tough and I did not pay all quarters of unemployment. Some quarters were not filed. (Many were $0 payroll in 2010 and 2011) I've received a "Judgement by Default" letter for more than $ 300,000 but most of that is for quarters that I can prove had $0 payroll and reduce that amount. What is my personal liability as previous owner? Is this amount negotiable? Thanks in advance for any advice or opinions.
[MA] Judgement by Default - MA Unemployment vs Bankrupt business
\[GA\] A couple months ago my mother was in a minor car accident, she does not speak english fluently so she was not able to explain what happened to the police officer and she was charge for failure to yield the right of way. It was not her fault, the other driver was merging into her lane and hit my mother's car in the back-right side of the car . She went to court and after a couple of court dates they gave her a state court date but today she got this letter in the mail. Can someone explain what does entry of nolle prosequi mean? Thank you. [](
Whats does entry of nolle prosequi mean?
I was just wondering because on March 30th I had lost my sense of taste and smell and I was instructed by my doctor and the state heath department to self isolate for 14 days. I currently work at a grocery store, and 2 weeks prior to losing my sense I was working a lot over my spring break. After I was informed to self isolate, I had called my store director and told him the news. He was nice about it and took me off the schedule for 2 weeks. Now that I’m thinking about it wasn’t offer any paid sick leave, or anything along that line. 2 weeks prior I had ZERO protection from customers which makes me think I’m 99% sure I have/had the corona virus. So, would I as a part time grocery store worker be entitled to paid sick leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act? Location: Nebraska
Am I entitled sick paid leave under the FFRCA as a part-time essential worker?
Just as a precursor this is in the state of Missouri, and the position I am being considered for is a government job that requires a security clearance. From what I can tell this info was obtained from my employer by an investigator with the Office of Personnel Management. (Just in case there's a different set of laws for disclosing info to prospective employers when it's federal or requires a security clearance.) Background: I've been with my current employer (large retailer) just shy of 6 years. I have always been a top performer through different locations/departments/positions. I have missed some time due to a toddler with a disability. About 12 months ago my direct supervisor was fired and 3-4 months later they finally hired a new direct supervisor. My new supervisor and I got along fine at first, but a few weeks in we had a disagreement and he started going out of his way to come down on me for anything/everything. Within a month he documented me (twice) for attendance. (The issues were from before he was hired-okayed by my previous supervisor/HR but apparently never entered correctly in the system.) I was hating anything and everything that had to do with work because of my supervisor, my wife's business had grown to a size that could support us, and we were having a rough patch keeping our 2 year old son's seizures under control. I decided to transfer out of my department/position to a position that required less hours and no stress of a target being painted on my back. I explained to my employer that my reason for requesting that transfer was to spend more time/care for my son. That was about 5 months ago and I haven't had any issues since. Now: I was called yesterday by an investigator working on my background check for prospect job (I have already tested/passed all required tests for job, been selected, and received a TOL pending the results of receiving my security clearance. Today I met with the investigator and reviewed all of the info I submitted and I had to clarify a couple of my responses and confirm employment dates but all seemed well. At the very end tells me that during his investigation they contacted my employer to confirm my answers. My employers response was something along the lines of this: "Attendance issues, unreliable, resigned after being disciplined and being told his job was at risk." The guy is sitting across the table from me and is giving me this look like he just busted somebody on law and order. He asked me if I had any explanation or response and why I didn't mention that. I started laughing and was like "Uh, I still work there...?". In the end he said they would look into it further, but I'm still pretty upset with the situation. I can only think of three ways this could have happened. 1.They looked at info from the wrong employee file somehow. 2.They looked at my file and it's incorrect. 3.They called my supervisor listed on my original forms and he gave them this info over the phone. What should my next steps be? I can't tell if my employer did anything wrong legally by giving this information out. I hope to get this sorted out with HR first thing in the morning, but I'd like to have a better grasp on the legal aspect of this before I go in. Unless there is different policy for this type of prospective employer, company policy was definitely broken (per policy HR can only disclose job title/location/dates). Do I settle for them removing the "Resigned...." section? One last thing to note is that per law in Missouri (from what I see)-any requested information must be sent to a prospective employer in writing, as well as a copy sent to the employee at their last known address. I definitely have not received anything of the sort in the mail from my employer, should I request a copy of this from them regardless of outcome?   Update: It's been a bit over a week since my original post so I thought I'd post an update for the folks who requested it. Thursday morning I spoke with our HR manager and to make a long story short she was not aware of any request for info. I explained the situation and made sure to note that the only name I listed on my paperwork was my previous supervisor. She told me she had no idea how OPM would have obtained the review that they did, but really didn't seem worried or concerned that it happened. She offered to verify that I was still working there-but I was getting the vibe that was about the only thing she was willing to do or say to fix the situation. I thanked her for her time and set off to do some homework on our company policy. (Side note-I was able to review my personal file and was able to verify that the information in it was correct.) Sunday morning when I went in my previous supervisor was working as well so I casually asked him if he had received any requests for information about me for a background check. His response was "Yeah actually...a couple of months ago I got a call but it was sort of confusing. They just asked some questions and I answered them, just told them you were a good guy and good to work with, a bunch of yes/no questions and stuff like that. I don't want to get too detailed because I had to sign something."   As   Edit:Spelling and corrected a mistake
My current employer "disclosed" incorrect info to a prospective employer that could potentially result in me losing an amazing career opportunity. What steps should I take from here?
not sure if this is the correct subreddit or even flair but i thought i may as well ask my question here ​ So im a Male,17, living currently in florida with my aunt and uncle, for almost a year now we've been trying to get my mother who lives in new york to give my custody, or legal rights, not sure what the correct term is here, to my aunt and uncle because my uncle said that i can get a ton of benefits from his job but my mom has been too lazy to sign the papers but over text i finally convinced her but my birthday is in 23 days as of posting this, can i still get my custody signed over to my aunt and uncle and get the benefits or is it too late? if i turn 18 before the papers get signed can i maybe have them sign adoption papers and still receive the benefits? any and all help on this situation is appreciated because im not quite sure on how to go about this in the event that its too late to get these papers signed
Need to pass on custody
Hi everyone! Also posted in r/advice. Here’s the story: Before COVID, we had extended our lease from end of April until end of May. After COVID, we no longer needed the extension because my boyfriend and I would not be physically graduated and we also aren’t working as we are non-essential. We asked the landlord to cancel the extension and he said no. That’s fine, we tried to find someone to sublet, but no luck. The landlord was able to find someone that was interested so I sent videos of the apartment and also emailed with the prospective tenant at the request of the landlord. They even came and toured while we waited outside. Now, the prospective tenant has backed out. They were supposed to move in May 15th, and we were told our move our day was to be May 10th and that the rent would be prorated. This is written in an email. Most of our belongings are out and in a storage unit already. We have yet to pay May rent because we were waiting for the prospective tenant to sign the lease but now that they backed out, our landlord is asking for rent for the full month. We don’t have that money. So, what do we do? What is legal for us to do? Do we just pay for the 10 days or will our security deposit be taken? Please help!
Landlord Causing Problems
Hi, I need some advice. I am 34 years old now. I have for the last 18 years been walking around pissed off and feeling guilty. I met "mike" through a friend of mine in High School. I was a junior in HS. Mike was the Director of a local, very reputable, "Safe Place for Teens." He invited a few of us to his house to "hang out." My mom was skeptical but (like an idiot teenager) I asked her to mind her own business. :/ - He would let us drink alcohol and provided us with some weed on a couple occasions. One night we were over at his apartment and he said he had some pills... and due to a combination of trusting him... and being an idiot teenager, I ate the pill. The next thing I know I am waking up on the couch and everyone is gone except Mike. He has my pants down and he's got his face on my private area. :/ I stand up and just about fall over... but get my pants up. Ask him to take me home. I've spent 18 years mad about this shit... now I have a son of my own. I have been really thinking about speaking up about how this went down. I know he did similar shit to 2 of my friends as well. I know he hasn't been punished... part of me thinks it has been 18 years so I should leave it alone. Part of me thinks it's my responsibility to let it be known what that guy is about. Im torn because there are people that I do not want to know. Id rather my dad not know... Id rather my son not know. What I'd really like to do is find him and beat his ass... but I dont want to go to jail. Its really evil what he did as he was in a position to be around "at risk" teens under the guise of helping them... he was the mentor for the kids that needed a "safe place." :( So I was thinking about legally going after him. Do I have ground to stand on? The state this happened in has no statute of limitations on sex crimes. Im not interested in any money... I just dont want him to be able to keep doing that shit to other people... and I'd like to finally exhale this deep breath Ive been holding for all these years. :/ What's the course of action? Should I leave it alone? Thanks for your time.
I was drugged and sexually assaulted when I was 16 years old by the Director of a "safe place for teens" - There were a few of us...
Almost no money. I am currently part of a non-profit student organization which supports mental health. We are looking to register for 501c3 designation in order to make it easier to receive donations and access certain services which provide discounts to non-profits. The issue is that we do not have a large amount of money, so we cannot afford legal counsel to help with the paperwork. Would I be able to file the paperwork myself? If so, what would I have to do to make sure none of us are personally liable for the organization after we leave school? What is the cheapest this can be done for and what would we have to do every year to maintain the status? Thank you all for the help and for supporting all of our causes!
Is it even possible to start a nonprofit??
We renewed our lease (3 people) with a different 3rd person on the lease in December. Instead of the new person just paying the original roommate his share of the security deposit, we asked the landlord to return our original deposit and we would send in a new one. The landlord responded that they would send our deposit back as soon as they get the new one, which makes sense. The new deposit was received in February but the landlord has yet to send us back our old one. It's nearly impossible to get her to return calls/emails. What would the best course of action be to get the money back while avoiding small claims court? We are in New York City
Landlord not returning security deposit
I run a popular game server for minecraft that has kids, teenagers, and adults connecting in. I also run a teamspeak server for general use. Recently, there have been allegations against one of the players saying that they sent highly illegal images to a group of players using a third party IM service. I did not personally witness this with my own eyes but a significant number of players state that it did happen. I was recently made aware of this. The question is do I have any liability if I continue to let this player on my server / teakspeak (voice chat) server given I was made aware of the allegations? I don't personally know that its true so I hesitate to act on it but its certainly possible. I am concerned and want to make sure that I don't have any personal liability given I am aware of the allegations in case this user does end up inappropriately chatting with a younger player on my server. Also, since this would be over the internet, would my state laws apply or would I be impacted by the laws in the states where the kid / teenager was? I'd like to just ignore this issue since I don't have first hand knowledge of it.
Game Server Operator - allegations against a member [California]
So a plain clothes officer came to my door, I know he was a cop because he had a lanyard with a badge on it around his neck. I saw him through my ring door bell. I didn’t answer cuz I don’t know what it’s about and honestly cops scare me especially in my backwoods town. He stayed at my door for 10 minutes. He finally walked away, but I didn’t see anyone drive off. I went to my backyard 25 minutes later and saw he’s parked in front of my neighbors house just sitting in his car. What should I do?
[CA] A plain clothes cop came to my door and won’t leave.
Signed a 2 month sublease with someone in early-March and he paid me a deposit; later that month, he tells me that he does not plan to follow through with the contract because his internship was cancelled due to COVID-19. I proposed a solution with him that we can try to find someone else to take over the sublease and I'd return his deposit. I've posted to multiple Facebook groups, contacted people individually, etc with no luck. It is now a week until his rent is due, and he is saying he will file a small claims case against me because I will not return his deposit and plan to pay out of my pocket for the 1st month and use the deposit for the 2nd month. Any advice?
Sublease Situation
Hi everyone, I’m posting this here to advise a friend who has found himself in some pit of trouble. A few day ago, he was driving with his car when he hit a pedestrian at night (Australia). The man, whose condition was severe, was taken to the hospital and when police came, there was a witness to the accident who was able to provide details of what happened. According to my friend’s account, the pedestrian jumped in front of his car. My friend had not been drinking, nor has he been driving over the speed limit (this has been confirmed by the police). A few days go by and he has no news from the police, apart from them telling him they will contact him later, nor any news from the pedestrian. In the meantime, a lady on Facebook (apparently a friend of the family of the victim) wrote under an article about the accident that the pedestrian was dealing with mental health and that it was a suicide. I tell my friend about it, but he seemed worried nonetheless. The police eventually called him yesterday and told him that the pedestrian passed away, and if he could come by the police station the following day to explain how the accident happened. Keep in mind that before that, the police had yet to ask him about his version of the facts. Following this call with the police, my friend emails them to ask if he can also have a translator present, since his English is not good. (he is Korean). However, and this is when it gets twisty, few moments later, he freaks out and decides to hire a lawyer. Said lawyer emails the police station, stating that his client (my friend) was not ready to give a statement nor was he ready to participate in any recorded interview. Honestly, I told him that it looked kind of bad. I told him that he looks guilty even if he was supposedly not at fault. I also told him he should have waited until the investigation was over, and then get a lawyer IF he needed one, covered by his car insurance (his car is still with the police, as the investigation is ongoing) He said to me that he freaked out last minute, and that he was just very scared and wanted to protect himself. He said he was scared to give a statement to the police because of his broken English. He has an appointment with the lawyer on Friday. Now he is just confused. Should he cancel his appointment with the lawyer and just go to the police station and tell them he freaked out? Or was it a good idea to protect himself with a lawyer from a legal standpoint? Would love to get your opinion on this.
Friend hit a pedestrian with his car which resulted in the death of said pedestrian, possible suicide, does he have to protect himself with a lawyer?
Hello there, I'm not sure if this is the proper place to post this, but if anyone has been through a similar situation here in the U.S I'll be all ears (or in this case all eyes) to the advice you have to give. And to all the people telling me to get an attorney, yes I do understand that this is my best option and I am working on that. I just found out I am having a baby with someone who things were broken off with over 6 months ago. She found out she was pregnant and was never going to tell me. However she told me 4 weeks ago and without dragging this into a long dramatic story I'll try to get straight to the point (unless y'all like drama series!). Things are not good between us and she does not want me to ever contact her again for the rest of my life. I want to be in my son's life and when I expressed this to her she told me the due date and told me to go establish paternity then. I said ok I'll do what's easiest for you and cooperate, I asked her to make things as easy as possible and to let the court or whatever agency does these kinds of things to allow the DNA test to happen. For all I know she can just not go. Her reaction was "No I'm done with you I want you to leave me alone and I will not cooperate. I won't go through court with you and you can establish paternity on your own without my help. Goodluck". So I'm really confused. When I asked her if she wanted me to even be in our sons life she didn't exactly say no, but at the same time her not wanting the DNA test to be done shows that she doesn't want me to ever meet him. I'm a fairly responsible guy in his late 20's. I've worked the same job for 3 years so I'm not flakey or it's not like I can't hold down a job. I don't do drugs or smoke pot or drink. I have a clean criminal record. I think I'm an ok citizen on paper! Also, she's due in 4 weeks. I have called my superior court, justice court, all the courts in my area! And I can't seem to get a clear answer on who or what department I go to for this process of filing a petition to establish paternity. I have no idea the costs. I can see why an attorney is the best option. However I'm not there financially and the baby mother also mentioned that she doesn't want this to go to court. Going to court is the last thing I want to do. I would rather us be civil and agree on something. In the meantime I have been clearing out a room and I've bought a bunch of baby stuff and have been making sure i can provide what the baby needs. Diapers, bottles, food, clothes. All of it. (I'm 99% sure this is my baby, however if the DNA test says otherwise, I've saved all my receipts so I'm not all out of luck on what I spent). I have never had a baby before...... and I want to be in my kids life and help give him a good life. That's all I want. Don't care if I pay child support or only be given visitation. It doesn't matter to me I just want to be in his life. TL;DR: Can a mother legally say no to a DNA test if the father is trying to establish paternity? Arizona, USA.
Can mother of my baby deny consent to me establishing paternity through court? Arizona.
So i currently live with my mom in Indiana, but I would like to move with my dad. I have not run it through with them, because i don't even know if it's legal. Does my word have enough weight in law? What do i do? The reason i want to move is because we are moving but i do not want to. Please help!
Living With Mom Now But Want To Live With Dad? 12m IN
I am in greene county ohio. Had an issue on February 11th. Police were called. I was arrested. Misdemeanor 1st degrees. First time ever being arrested. Never even had a speeding ticket. I was released the following morning. Told I had to appear in court February 27th for a scheduled conference or else they’d put out a warrant for my arrest. Was also told to get in contact with my defendant which I have. Have an appointment with them in March. They specifically told me I do not have to show in court tomorrow on the 27th. I called back twice recently to confirm and still stands. For some reason this doesn’t seem right?! Lol I am a total newb with this....i dont really understand how all of this basically i meet with my defendant and that takes place of the “conference?” Please help. ;/ i don’t want to end up waking up to police banging my damn door down with a warrant lol
Question about appearance in court?
Hey guys. It’s an extremely long story to get every detail in here so I’m going to TRY to shorten it but if you need more info please just ask. I lost custody of my child to the state in 2015 due to a mental breakdown and the state had it out for me. You think the state tries for reunification but not in my case and it probably didn’t help that I only had a public defender (lack of funds) they basically made me give up my rights or so I thought I’m not really sure. I’ll admit at the time I was in an unhealthy relationship where I was being gaslighted every day and I just snapped. The other parent stepped in and won custody of our child. I believe they won custody around November 2015. The problem with this is the other parent is a really bad person. He sends me constant threatening and bragging emails, texts, and phone calls. Things like “I’ll make you pay” “Our child hates you and is going to kick your ass when they grow up” “You’re never going to see *childs name* again I’ll make sure of it” I can go on and on. This parent also uses Tumblr to make public posts, mostly with pictures of their deranged artwork, drugs, and psychotic rambling. I was informed he just got of jail a few days ago for malicious vandalism. On top of a one month stay in the mental hospital last year. I honestly have no idea how he slipped by the system and got custody of her. Now, my life is one THOUSAND times better than it ever has been. I am working part time at a great job, I’m doing online classes for medical coding/billing which I’m set to become certified in three months granted I pass the state board tests. I’ve been taking great care of my mental wellbeing, I got on medication, I have biweekly therapy. Basically life is good. The ADVICE I’m seeking right now is - HOW do I file for custody for my child in CA, when I live in FL? I moved here in September of ‘16. I’ve asked lawyers here in FL and none of them can help me. All they told me is that I have to file for custody in the state my child lives in. Unfortunately I don’t have the income to just fly out there without hurting my job/income and school work. I miss my child terribly. It’s the one thing that keeps me up at night. I feel so bad sometimes like I failed my child, you know? I fully admit that I ran away from a problem rather than trying to fight and fix it. I wasn’t in a very good condition at the time. I WANT to be in her life. I WANT to be her parent. I am extremely remorseful of what happened in the past. Help?
[FL, CA] requesting custody when child is in another state
Hi everybody. I'm 18 years old and I live in Holland. A couple of years ago I started a dubstep alias called ''Kadaver''. It means carcass in dutch. Just now, a band also called Kadaver posted a message on my Facebook wall saying: Forget your name and find another. We are KADAVER and our name is registered in the Patent and Trademark Office since 2006. THIS IS AN ADVICE. I never even cared about getting patent on my name, however I did know there was another artist called Kadaver. I couldn't find any of their recent music however, so I disregarded it. Now I'm afraid I'm gonna lose the name I love so much, and my nickname made up by my father. Will I get fucked over for this, or am I good to go?
Legal issues regarding artist name
I'm looking for some advice on probating a near-worthless estate in TX. There was no will. There are two adult children, and no other apparent heirs. Neither ex-husband is interested in getting involved, or has any apparent right to. She died without a will, alone.   Here's what we've done so far:   * Acquired lawyer to assist * Court has refused to open administration estate since, pending verification of heirship. We have a hearing scheduled for that. * We have accepted payouts from multiple life insurance policies that passed outside of probate. Questions:   1. Given the nature of the debts (below) what, if anything could potentially come back on us at a later date if we were to wash our hands of the situation entirely, accept what we've already gotten as all that we will get, and walk away? (quit making the mortgage payments, fire the lawyer (pay what we owe him, but stop further progress), & split out the personal effects (the contents of the storage unit)   2. Once we have the heirship resolved and administration open, what happens, and how fast? We have been sitting on personal effects in a storage unit for months (and paying storage fees out of our pocket). Will everything have to be sold to close this out? How quickly can we make that process move?   3. We've been paying out of pocket for the storage unit, lawyer, and property taxes on the rental house, and are currently out around $20,000. Is there any hope of recouping any of those funds through the probate process?   4. Any advice on finding the 401k? The latest ppwk we could find is from early 2000s (before crash), listing it at about $40,000. We aren't sure if it even still exists, no one at that company (small, family-owned) is very helpful so far.   Assets: 1.Rental House (Market price 170k, however it needs massive renovation (probably 40-50k worth) issues due to bad renters years ago. Current tenant is a contractor doing repairs with the intent to buy the house at some future point.) 2. Checking acct (balance of less than 7k) 3. Personal effects, household stuff. No large appliances. 4. A handful of instruments worth $2-3,000 5. Possible 401k.   Debts: 1. Credit Cards (multiple and large) 2. Mortgage 1 (~$150,000) 3. Mortgage 2 (~10,000?) 4. Remaining lease on car (~1000)   I'm sure I'm forgetting something useful, and the amounts are approximate. Please feel free to ask questions, I would love as much help as we can get. This is driving my anxiety through the roof, and costing all of us a lot of sleep. Thank you in advance.   Edit: Formatting
Advice on Probating an Estate in TX
Hey r/legaladvice, My building was recently broken into. The other tenants and I want the landlord to try to make the building safer and prevent this from happening again. Unfortunately, this guy's M-O is to spend the minimum amount of time and money on us required by law. Seriously, getting him to do ANYTHING is like pulling teeth. The landlord claims that the break-in isn't his responsibility because the tenant who got robbed left his window unlocked. He claims that our building is "one of the safest in the neighborhood", even though there's a very secluded, unlit, unsecured alley on one side that makes it easy to break into without being visible from the street. (That's how the burglar got in -- he climbed in an unlocked window which faces the alley). Also, there are no grilles on the windows, the front gate is broken, and the back door to the building tends to stay ajar unless you pull hard to shut it. We've asked him over and over to do something -- ANYTHING -- to make that alley less of a hazard to the tenants, but he refuses to even buy something as inexpensive as a motion-sensor light. Do I have any legal recourse here? PS - I'm in Berkeley CA if it matters.
Landlord refusing to make building safer after burglary (CA)
My wife and I have been married for 10 years and we have a 14 year old from her previous marriage. My wife has sole legal custody of our son and his father has liberal visitations. I won’t go into the child support aspect because it is a joke and I don’t think it’s relevant to the question at hand. We live in Illinois. Approximately 7 years ago, the company I work for wanted to relocate me to Michigan. My wife asked her husband if we could work something out and he said it would be fine. Just so there would be no funny business down the road, we filed for a court date and my wife, her ex-husband, and me all went in-front of the judge. After telling the judge why we were there, she seemed to be confused as to why we were there if all parties agreed. She signed the ruling that said we would move to Michigan with our son. In the meantime, the company went into the tank and I got laid off. I found another job in Illinois but 1.5 hours away and we moved. That was just over 5 years ago. Since we moved my wife’s ex-husband has attempted to be much more demanding and controlling. He believes he has a right to spend at least every other weekend with his son and even goes as far as to say he can take us to court and demand that we drive our son the 3 hour round trip every weekend so he can see him because we are the ones that moved away. I know he is blowing smoke and this would not happen but it does get to my wife at times. One time when her ex was making his threats, I discussed this with a family attorney (in a social setting not a consultation) and asked what “liberal” visitation mean. He told me that it means whatever my wife decides it means and that there would be nothing to do unless her ex files a suit. He told me that he has no legal authority to do anything the way the custody agreement is written. Now, an opportunity has presented itself that I might have the opportunity to transfer to Missouri. This transfer would be beneficial to both my family and my career. I am wanting to know what we need to do, if anything, legally. Our son is 14 and if he had to go in-front of a judge, there is absolutely zero doubt that he would say he wanted to stay with his mom and I. He does not have the bear relationship with his father and definitely feels like a pawn in some sort of game of control over his mother. Since we have a ruling to move to Michigan, does that mean we have to file for another court date and have a fight on our hands to move to MIssouri? If so, what steps do we need to take?
What steps do we need to take before moving to another state?
We live in Virginia. Now I am aware that non-compete agreements exist but my dad never signed any contract or anything so I assume that it was a bluff but I don't wanna leave anything to chance. My question is does my dad need to be worried? My dad has always been afraid of legal action and has never taken any even when he had a legitimate reason to.
So my dad is being pushed out of his job and he wants to open his own restaurant but his employer just called him today and she threatened legal action if we open a competing business
I'm a little in over my head. I'm a college student living in house that currently has an open room for rent and after posting an ad for it we got a reply from a 17 year old Nigerian girl. She was just accepted to the college we all go to and needs housing, but she won't be able to sign the lease due to her being underage. She says she needs to be on the lease to declare legal residency and wants to send a copy to sign to her mother in Nigeria. She's just showed up on our doorstep with stayed with us the past two nights and we don't know what to do for her. Does this sound like it can be easily taken care of or should we dump her on the school for not securing her housing before she got here?
MO- Need housing advice for 17 year old Nigerian girl
I know a friend who might face a handful of charges for a variety of fraudulent things that may or may not be related to buying gift cards , in the neighborhood of 5,000-7000$ worth. Just curious in the state of Virginia what would that look like for his potential outcome of sentencing. Like what could be some solid general ways it could play out in court.
Possible outcomes for fraud and grand theft in VA.
My employer is saying I haven’t been sufficiently productive for the hours I’ve been paid. My concern is whether they could potentially take me to court to recollect wages paid. I live in NC. Could this happen? If so, how would they prove I haven’t worked?
Can my employer recollect paid wages due to dissatisfaction with my work?
the deposits say: " [company name] employee I'd #### [my name]" I want to get this in as soon as possible but my job is closed on the weekend so I want to know if this is okay
Can I use a screenshot of my bank deposits as proof of income?
Okay so excuse if this broken I am on mobile. This past week I had a job interview with a prestigious company in my area that was hiring. Interview went well, said they were going to call me previous employers and run a background check. I agree to all. Fast forward to today, I go to work work is fine and finish the day. I get home and I receive a phone call for one of the other employees and it goes like this " (m) wanted me to call you and tell you that you can come in sometime next week and drop off your uniforms and pick up your last check because you were looking for another job." Is there any recourse that I can take? What if this future employer doesn't hire because of my background and I get letgo/fired from my current employer because I'm looking for financial stability and this job isn't providing it. Thanks
(VA) Looking to change employers while employed.
I live in Maryland. The age of consent here is 16 but I know things can get tricky when nude photos are involved so I need to ask about something. While we were dating, my ex (18 years old at the time) sent me (16 at the time) nudes. I was uncomfortable with it but I just accepted it as a part of dating him. He wanted me to send him nudes in return, telling me it was no big deal, but I was afraid of potential legal issues. However I still sent him partially nude photos (like in my underwear). My question is, can I press charges for the nudes he sent me? What about any sexting he'd done if I still have texts from him saved? Would I also get in trouble for the photos I sent him?
Minor/adult nudes & sexting, who would get in trouble
Location Iowa: I partnered with an accountant not long ago in a retail store, things aren't going to well, but we are making it work for now. She is primary with 51% and I am secondary with 49%. Long story short, she was refusing to release the books to me, so I asked the bank for a complete transaction record on our business accounts. I saw several transactions directly from our business account to the Department of Education which is for her daughter's tution. Is it fraud to use business funds like this for personal usage? Additionally, she was intentionally not collecting a check and disbursing her share to a business entity which she owns in order to keep collecting unemployment, this sounds like fraud as well. Lastly, we had agreed that she would not sign checks for herself without my signature and I wouldnt sign checks for myself without her signature. However, there are several instances where she wrote checks for herself without my approval. Want to get an idea of my rights here, I'd like to take ownership of the company myself and have her gone. She doesn't want to walk away to protect her investment in the company. I'm looking for ways to buy her out, and in this case to force her out.
I suspect my business partner of fraud.
Sorry if any of this sounds naive or like a dumb question I don’t know a lot about the law when it comes to this. This is in the US the company is in TN but I’m living in VA now. So back in 2019 I attended a chiropractors because I have some spinal issues but back in August 2019 due to me paying out of pocket and me being a working student I couldn’t afford it anymore so I decided to cancel my care and they audited my account to see what I owed. After they audited it they called me and never gave me the exact number but told me I had roughly three months of payments of $216 left before I was done, I guess it was my fault not asking for an exact number but I loved the company and didn’t think this would happen. So that would’ve meant I’d be paying 216 in September, October, and November. Well I’m December 2019 I received a full charge for 216 and called the company asking if I had made a mistake or what was happening and they profusely apologized saying they made a mistake and I only owed $90 and refunded me around $120 saying my account was closed now and I didn’t owe anything. Well for the past 4 months I’ve being going back and forth with them at the beginning of every month when I get emails and calls saying my payments were declined (I switched banks after I thought I was done with payments) and that I still owed 263 (this month it was 216 though) and in January, February, and March they said it was a billing error and I didn’t owe anything yet last month they said I still owed them money but they were going to see what was going on and keep me updated, never heard from them again. I just got another email and call from their billing company saying I owe 216 And had to go through all this again reexplaining the situation to the billing company for the fourth or fifth time in a row. I want to know if this could effect my credit and if it does if I have any legal standing against it since they’ve told me multiple times I don’t owe them anything but now all the sudden I do because I don’t want to pay since they’ve told me over 4 times I was done making payments yet now apparently I’m not. Sorry if it’s dumb and all I’m just extremely frustrated and due to the virus I don’t have a job atm and can’t pay regardless. I tried to be as detailed as possible I hope it helps.
Company keeps trying to charge me after they told me I didn’t owe anything
In a nutshell, my school didn't handle the transition to online courses for the Covid outbreak well at all. I was advised to contact financial aid about dropping courses to make sure it wouldn't affect me financially. Here is the email I sent. "To whom it may concern, I am writing to confirm something I was just told by a nice lady in the financial aid department. If I drop courses by the end of the day, April 2nd 2020, I will not be charged for those courses. I just wanted to make sure this is the case, and if so I will be dropping both the history class and the political science class." Here is the response I was sent: "This is correct. If you withdraw today or any time after today, you will be past 60% attendance for the spring semester and **will not have any billing to your financial aid.**" I enrolled for some summer classes but was told I was maxed on my financial aid for the year. "That's weird." I thought. I reached out again to the head of the financial aid department and I was told that I am not receiving a refund for the two courses I dropped, and I am still responsible to repay those loans. By all accounts I am absolutely still on the hook for those classes. What are my options here? I've also got a problem where one of my teachers literally stopped teaching the class for the remainder of the semester, and I'm considering taking legal action against them for this as well. I didn't get what I paid for, and I feel like I was lied to. The head of the financial aid department has already told me they would have answered my question the same way and I'm just so frustrated they think me not getting a refund and having to repay the loans is somehow *not* being billed for them. This is in Tennessee, btw.
I was given eroneous information regarding my financial aid by my schools financial aid department that resulted in me dropping two courses I should not have.
Throwaway account. I’m a military vet and have been out of the service for about a year. I’m being charged with misdemeanor battery in California. My household makes too much to qualify for public defender so they judge gave me info on this program. I do not want it to be some sort of plea/bargain program as I want to plead not guilty since the incident was self defense. Sorry to be so broad but any info or input about the military diversion program would be greatly appreciated. I’m not finding out too much about it online and the person from the veterans service office is out of office for a few weeks. Just wanting to know more about military diversion or if I should look into hiring an attorney. Thanks in advance.
Military Diversion Program?
I live at one of my dad's houses rent free and without a lease. He gave us an "eviction notice" on a non notarized grocery list paper. He said we have 30 days to evacuate (hes retaliating against my DH). Does he have to give us a notarized eviction notice? Is his grocery list eviction enough legally? Can we wait that period of time then ask for an official notarized eviction notice. The house is partially abandoned and we are the only ones who live hear most of the year. If we were tenants I dont think the house would be fit to rent. We live in FLORIDA and would like advice asap please.
Eviction with no rent or lease
I got a parking ticket back in 2019 and submitted a written trial by declaration. The officer also submitted their declaration but now it's been stuck at this status since January: 01/2020 Trial By Dec Submitted to Judicial Officer for Review Wondering if there's any further action I should take? Didn't get anything in the mail.
Parking ticket processing has been on hold since January 2020
We live by a very busy highway in NJ. Our baby is stirred awake at all times of the day and night by loud trucks and motorcycles and we have had enough. We have brought our complaint to our town meetings quite a few times but our neighbors who do not live right next to the highway adamantly refuse to allow any barrier to go up, arguing that traffic would increase inside the town. I am trying to get my home ready to sell in the near future as well, but I have been told that my property value has suffered and interested buyers back out when they realize how loud it is. I would like to bring my complaint to the state but I don’t know if I need a lawyer for this process.
How can we get the town to install a highway noise barrier?
My ex-roommate moved out without notice on 12/3 without paying rent for the month. I have held her items and furniture through the month without her coming to get them. I told her on 12/24 that she needs to come get her things when I get back to the apartment on 12/30-12/31 by 6 pm. I told her I am not a storage unit and have been more than accommodating by holding her things, but i need to show her room to other potential roommates. She says she has atleast 30 days to get all of her stuff out of the apartment. 30 days is 1/1, which is one day after my time frame. I’ve given her the past three weeks with free reign to get her things. Including her making me wait until 2-3am on her, in which she still doesn’t show up to collect her things. My question is, I’m the lease holder at the apartment, she left without notice and without paying rent, what legal rights does she have to hold over me if I put her stuff out on the curb since i’ve been holding it for the past 29 days? I did not evict her or force her out in anyway. I just would like to know if I have any legal power to get rid of her stuff earlier than specified because she is attacked me and my family because of it.
Tenant moving out with abandoned items
So I started working for a company in January and they are a great company. However we all got sent to work from home once Illinois has its shelter in place rules set. I have bipolar disorder, PTSD, and severe anxiety. I have been having panic attacks the closer I get to thinking about being back in office. I have anxiety with regular office day to day let alone one where I’m forced to wear a mask and have temperature checks. So I talked to my psychiatrist about it. He said he would write me a note stating for my well being that I remain work from home until the entire state is free to open and some form of normalization has returned. He said it shouldn’t be an issue since for the last three months it’s been proven that not only can my job be done completely from home but that I have been trained to do most of my job duties remotely unlike anyone else at the company that had worked months or years in office I worked 28 days in office and have been remote since. I talked to my boss about it today and she seemed really upset, and told me I would have to talk to her supervisor and HR and have a note and that it would probably not happen but I can try. Do they have an obligation to accommodate me or can they say if I don’t work from the office I won’t be able to work for them?
Mental Health Accommodation
So I’m a counselor that has some on call duties. At the start of my employment, I could subtract my on call hours, from my regular hours. Meaning if I got called out in the middle of the night, I could sleep in. Originally, they said we could flex our time, as long as we worked 5 hours a day.... Then they changed it to 8. So, I have tried to look up the legality of this in MO. Also, I’m not considered except, because I don’t make the $900/wk, as a salaried worker. So I’m mad. What do you guys think?
MO Labor Question
This really irks me to type because of the sensitive nature of the topic but this person deserves to be put behind bars for the intentional harm that he's caused. I stumbled upon a Twitter account that posts recording of themselves engaging in lewds acts with minors on random video chat apps. How do I get them arrested? Their account seems to be Indonesian based on their posts language. I tried reporting to Cybertip Report but nothing has happened, and if I report his Twitter profile, he will just create a new account and reupload the content. And he still has copies of his acts on his mobile and computing devices.
Found a pedophile posting lewd acts with minors on his Twitter profile, how do I get him arrested?
So our receptionist of 2 months would make daily deposits to our bank, rarely would she take out any cash if ever. with any of our other employees (all Hispanic and speak little English) when they would have a check from us they will call us to make sure that this is correct... when it’s written out to them. Our receptionist told my mother (business owner) that my dad said one of our employees needed a check for reimbursement or something, I wasn’t there, but basically a lie. My mom signed the front thinking it would be written to the employee but the receptionist printed it as 5k petty cash to the business. She endorsed the check although she is not an authorized signer and got the cash. The bank said they don’t have to call us or anything to do this. Is that correct? Anyone can come in with any checks signed to anyone and just endorse it and cash it?
Bank gave 5k in cash to an un-authorized signer of our business account. The thief is getting arrested with grand theft, can we win a civil case against the bank? Florida
I was umemployed for awhile, so my car got barely any use. I let the registration and inspection go pretty far overdue. After getting a job, I wanted to buy a new car, so I held off on fixing it and getting it inspected. Basically just drove it to work. Got pulled over, didn't have proof of insurance on me, so got a ticket for both things and was told not to drive that car anymore. I rushed to get the new car (bought from a friend) and had to start driving it to work before it was fully legal. I used the plates from my old car on it, and since it was only going to be for a week or so before I had my paycheck and could register it, I though I would be fine. I had been told by a friend that temp plates weren't given out in maine, and I stupidly let it slide and didn't bother double checking. I figured a few hours in the car would be no big deal. I wasn't able to find someone else to drive me, the bus didn't run early enough in the morning, and I couldn't afford a taxi. Got pulled over again the day before I could cash my paycheck and register it, got a ticket and court day for a misdemeanor, for attaching false plates. Is there anything I can do? And how bad is a misdemeanor on my record?
(ME, US) Traffic violation/misdemeanor
Hello everyone; I've recieved a notice for a hearing taking place four days from now and just need to wrap my head around some concepts/have some questions answered. I greatly appreciate it in advance. During the Covid layoffs, I was working as a substitute teacher for two districts, and as a server, all of which I was unable to return to and which kickstarted me on filing for unemployment. As part of the process, it asked me to put in my full employment history, so I stuck in my history roughly as below, noting that my current unemployment status was due to Covid. -Pizza place, part time, Feb 1, 2019 to March 14, 2020 -Asian Restaurant, part time, August 2019 through February, 2020 -Both Substitute places, part time August 2019, through March 14, 2020 -School district where I last worked full time, August 2016-June 5 2019. In none of these do I recall stating that I was let go of anything besides my own open resignation. So, just before I recieved my benefits, the school district I had previously worked for full time appealed the decision that I was eligible for unemployment, without much notice or any type of hearing on my part, and it was determined I was eligible under a rationale and conclusion I don't full understand: Rationale: NO SCHOOL WAGES SINCE 3RD QUARTER 2019 Conclusion: BASE PERIOD WAGES-SCHOOL WAGES-NO REASONABLE ASSURANCE So I've been recieving benefits for a few months now, and just got a pamphlet in the mail that I must attend a hearing, and the school district notes that I left without good cause as grounds for this secondary appeal. So my main questions here are *Why when I put my entire employment history as it stated to did they choose a job three or so jobs back, rather than current? *Is this my fault? Did I do something wrong here that I am misunderstanding? I followed the system to the letter and just assumed the system was working as it should be with the info I provided. *What are the potential ramifications of this appeal and what information should I have ready and presentable? Again, I appreciate you all in advance! This is all very new and confusing to me.
Appeal Launched Against My Unemployment-Should I Be Worried?
I had my vehicle booted in my condominiums parking garage back in late October 2017. It seems they decided to “crack down” on making sure every vehicle had a ticket or proper decal. It was a bit odd since the only way in or out of the parking garage is having security check your decal or to check in with security for a visitors pass or to pay for the pass when exiting and they have the gate lifted so you can exit. The decals were switched over to newer stickers and because we aren’t the owners, (we rent) we did not receive the forms directly. They had placed a boot on my boyfriend’s vehicle for having the WRONG sticker, even though his decal was current and he pays monthly for parking. They then stated they charge a $250 boot fee to remove. We worked our way out of that one. Several days later, the booted mine for having an invalid decal. They had always seen my decal when I come in or out and no one ever said anything. I’m not arguing I was in the wrong. However, to get my car out I had to pay a $250 boot removal fee which is outrageously high. I spoke to someone in the office and complained and question the legality of it due to the New Jersey Predatory Towing Act, which states that they are not allowed to boot or tow vehicles without having properly placed signage which the building did not. The sign requirements in NJ are very specific and must be placed at all entrances. The parking garage did not have the correct signs at any entrance to the parking garage. The law also states they are not allowed to charge a boot removal fee. The law seemed a bit unclear at least to me on whether they could boot vehicles at all. From what I read, they could boot due to unpaid association dues, but not just for a parking violation. They also could request payment of unpaid dues to remove the boot, but not a fee to remove the boot. The same day I spoke to them and questioned legality and said I’d speak with the police and consumer affairs before paying $250, they had my vehicle towed. The notice left on the car with the boot said nothing about the vehicle getting towed if not paid and neither did anyone I spoke with in the office or I would have just paid it. The tow company whom I also advised didn’t have the right to tow the car, told me that the condominium told him I had unpaid bills. He also then told me he would not let me get my car because he didn’t like the way I went about it. The law also states that they must provide reasonable accommodation to get the vehicle back. Tow company was open 7 days a week but according to the tow truck owner, because he didn’t like me, it wasn’t open for me. I ended up paying my tow fee, never paid condominium directly for boot fee and as far as I know my bill was for towing and storage only. I parked months getting a visitors tag without a problem. I rarely leave and the few times I have I’ve taken my boyfriends car. I just had some stuff going on so I was bed ridden for a little while. Today I notice that once again I have a boot on my vehicle. The notice just says, “other- parked over 2 months, see accounting.” After last time, I made sure to photograph every sign in the garage, the rules of the garage, they even have violations you can get a boot on your car on the same paper that was left on my vehicle. Not any of them say anything about a time limit. I’d understand a warning telling me I have to move the car or get another tag, but nothing. The tag itself does not have an expiration date and again I’m not quite sure what is the violation. Again, $250 boot removal fee. They have not added the appropriate signs per New Jersey private towing laws, and I’ve documented serious problems within this building. Such as dryers that have no heat, all washing machines broken in laundry room, water pouring down in parking garage, I’m talking HUGE flood on one of the coldest days, leading to icy conditions in the parking garage never salted, elevators out of service, mall within complex flooded, etc. It infuriates me they have the nerve to require $250 to remove a boot with violations they seem to be making up as they go. How do you hand out a violation and the violations listed for reasons to boot a vehicle doesn’t list that item? It doesn’t say they can boot at their discretion. With all the things falling apart here and the dangerous conditions of the garage, where do they even put this money. None of this has anything to do with the simple fact that they are violating New Jersey laws according to the Predatory Towing act. I submitted back in October to Consumer Affairs and never heard back. The police were sympathetic to my situation and told me they get calls often about what this place does, but their isn’t much they can do. I’m not sure what my options are. I want to hold them accountable. They shouldn’t be allowed to run wild and charge people $250. I mean, they were booting vehicles and charging $250 to people who were PAYING to park. No warning notice, just straight to the boot. How can they continue to do this? I’m aware I’ve had my car here a while, but I had the proper tag, I smoke so I run out to my car and smoke everyday. Never have I ever had any sort of warning or notice telling me to... I don’t know, am I supposed to get a new one every so often? Is there a limit to how long I can park here? Do I have to pay someone else for parking? I’m not even sure what the problem is. The rates are posted and again nothing says a time limit to parking. They also mark what apartment building you’ll be on when you park so the number is clearly listed there for anyone to find out or to contact us regarding the vehicle. I want them to have to do things the right way. The nerve to charge $250 for boot removal against the law is ridiculous. I don’t know about some people, but I know for a lot of people living here $250 is a lot of money. To be blindsided by suddenly seeing a boot on your car sucks. If I complain to them, I know they’ll tow my vehicle again. I’ve got photographs of every entrance, every sign, copies of the rules, copies of the violations, recorded phone call between tow truck company and myself from last time. I’ve made sure to document everything. I never heard back from consumer affairs and I just really want some help in making these people do the right thing and go about it the right way. I admit to looking for a way out of the fee last time, and this time I’m not even sure what I did. But regardless of whether I’m the jerk or not doesn’t change the fact that they have to follow the law. If I had a ticket left on my car to pay them, I’d pay it. But they aren’t charging for violations at all. From last time, all I had to do was pay $250 and get the boot taken off and I was free to go. It seems like a money making scheme. Any help on legal options I’d appreciate it. I’m not sure how to go about getting them to realize they have to follow the law. Then and the tow truck driver last time towed 4 other vehicles days after mine who were guilty of having the old style sticker. Which means, they paid for parking every month, they just didn’t have the new sticker. They were more than likely preparing to fight the boot removal fee and were towed. I gathered as much from my conversation with the tow truck guy. Harassing residents and tenants who live here with no regard to the fact that they are paying you monthly is ridiculous. It’s the exact reason why NJ has the law to prevent Predatory Towing behaviors such as these. Without consumer affairs, I don’t know how to get it through they aren’t following the law and therefore do not have the right to conduct tows or boots or boot removal fees as they are doing. If I’m also somehow interpreting the law wrong I’d be happy to know I’m wrong. Definitely don’t want to look a fool. I consulted a forum a while back who stated I was right. Based solely on the fact they did not have the appropriate signs at every entrance with the listed fees and correct size. Thank you to anyone reading. TLDR Condominium association booting vehicles in private parking garage and charging $250 boot removal fee for parking violations. No charge for violations and not booting for unpaid dues. Violations aren’t listed as reasons to boot and garage does not have correct signs according to NJ Predatory Towing Act. How to enforce they follow the law and take boot off without fee?
Condominium booting vehicles illegally (NJ)
Location: Tennessee I began working for a restaurant four months ago. I've had a slew of problems so I'm currently looking for new employment. However, I've had issues with my paycheck since I started that I would like to resolve before I leave since I know it'll just exacerbate the problem if I leave the company. When I joined the company, I was told I would make 9 dollars an hour. My onboarding paperwork that includes my employment agreement also shows that I am supposed to make 9 an hour. However, since i started, I've only made 8 an hour. My pay stubs show 8 an hour as well. I've repeatedly brought this up to managers and area reps and have constantly gotten the same cookie cutter 'we'll look into it and let you know soon' answer for months now. The money I'm owed is now getting to around 600 dollars which while not a ton of money, is to me. I already live paycheck to paycheck and only have 10 dollars in my account, so getting the money I'm owed would go a long way in my life. Are there any free resources I could use in cases like this? I can't afford a lawyer, nor do I think one would be necessary for 600 in unpaid wages.
Employer is not paying me my proper, agreed upon wage. Asked them to fix it, but have gotten nowhere in the last four months
Hi all, This is my first reddit post so please forgive me for any reddit etiquette errors. My friend has been working a job for 2 years. The owner of the company employs a handful of people and pays him via PayPal. He receives no tax forms and has to file taxes on his own from PayPal statements. Therefore, he is not a W2 employee. His job is office work and normal hours are 8 AM-5 PM. However, he often has to work late with no notice. They don't respect personal time and suddenly demands weekends are required. His boss even made him drop everything on a Sunday afternoon and immediately fly several hours across the country to retrieve a suitcase he left in the airport lobby. If he didn't go, he was fired. They provide 4 days of PTO each year, but his request was denied for a vacation in 2019. His boss said that since he didn't take vacations, my friend doesn't need to either. Since the pandemic started, many of his job duties are not needed at this time (booking flights for boss, etc.). He didn't hear from his manager for weeks and no level of expectation was set for what he should be doing at work now. His boss finally called him today and said they need him to step up or they'll let him go. He has been threatened to be fired several times and he said his boss calls him stupid. The boss has many reviews online for poor business practice, evading taxes, etc. ​ What legal action could my friend take in this situation? Can his boss force him to work a set schedule, come in on weekends and work overtime (unpaid overtime) without classifying him as a W2 employee? Can he be fired for refusing to take a plane to pick up his boss' lost suitcase on a whim? How would he proceed with filing these complaints? Could he get compensation back for wrongfully being forced to pay self-employment taxes? ​ My friend has allowed himself to be walked over and taken advantage of here so long he doesn't know where to start. ​ Thank you in advance!!
My employer pays me on PayPal and doesn't provide benefits even though I work a salaried position
22, TX. About a month ago, I cut my hand open pretty badly. I panicked and was on the verge of passing out and wasn’t thinking straight, and let my boyfriend take me to a random urgent care and didn’t think to check if I was in network. Well come around and I have a $5,900 bill & i can’t pay that. I lost my job in March & haven’t been able to get a job since (pandemic). What do I do? I am freaking out & have never had $6000. I have not made money in months besides unemployment but I only got enough to barely cover my bills. Please someone help me I don’t know what do to
I went to an urgent care out of network. What should I do?
Like what does someone have to do for me to know that i am self defending at all costs? does it need to be a life/death scenario? is it self defense if its a bar fight?
When is the line drawn between murder and self-defense?
So I’m being harassed online. This person knows me and has created a fake account to basically copy/paste what I post and edit his post to slander me. This is the same guy 5 years ago who would photoshop my wedding pictures involving my wife. He’s written on a former employers Facebook page defacing my name. I went to the police once and I honestly think they just threw away my complaint once I left. Now that this is happening again, and word about it is running through town, legally, in Kansas, what can I do? I have no idea who this person is but they know me. TIA
Online Harassment
Can't seem to find an answer anywhere without paying someone $100 (local lawyer consultation, legalzoom, etc) to find out simply if I need business licences or not. For a fictitious example, if my gramma made cross stitch art and sold them here and there, and set up a website, not ebay or etsy, but rather a dedicated grammascrossstitches(dot)com, but only made a handful of sales in a year, would she need one? I make a niche product for a small community. The interest is small, the income is nominal if any, and its really just a hobby that I'd like to share the outcome with others. I bought a website and set up an e-store but do not know exactly what side of the fence I stand on. The project is low volume, small batch, will likely make less than $1000 a year, if even that, and considering that the majority of that is getting eaten up by domain fees, this is not a profit maker. I dont want to have to invest in things I do not need to operate in compliance. just trying to get my ducks in a line and there seems to be no clear answers here. Can anyone shed some light on my situation?
Want to sell handmade goods online. Do I need business a license? [USA, MO]
four times i have shown up on my court date to fight what i consider the most idiotic traffic ticket ever. the fine is only $106 and there is no points on my licence but it is such a slam dunk no brainier false ticket that i want to fight it. every time i speak to the prosecutor who wants me to plead guilty and is confused when i refuse. then we go before the judge and he adjourns the case because the prosecutor never told the state trooper to attend because he assumed i would plead guilty. then i am assigned a new court date in the mail. rinse and repeat. coming up will be my fifth time attempting to settle this case in front of a judge and i feel like i am in some sort of never ending groundhog day loop. the last time there i asked that we go forward or dismiss the case. however that annoyed the judge and he ignored me. what can i do to finally have my case heard in court? can i subpoena the state trooper? is there a limit to how many times this can be postponed?
traffic court adjournment in NJ
A certain parent(1) of a person(2) signed for unemployment, and they(2) had only been going to job training through the state. (2) has received her unemployment money and the card, which is retroactive payment, but is uncertain of the legality of this situation. They have not been employed before, and were not employed in any capacity before or during this pandemic. We live in Michigan. My questions are: 1. Is the money that (2) received through unemployment legal? 2. Is there a way for (2) to return the money to unemployment, and not be punished in any way? 3. Will there be any punishment for (1), for filing possibly illegal unemployment information? Thank you all, and I will get (1) to call an unemployment office soon.
Friend's family potentially commited unemployment fraud, need help
Location: **FLORIDA**. Accident happened in **TUSCALOOSA ALABAMA**. I am posting for my Husband who was in Tuscaloosa AL for Thanksgiving visiting his children for the holidays. I wasn't there. Here is his his version: "I was stopped at a red light in traffic on XXXXX in Tuscaloosa. The light turned green and traffic ahead started moving when the vehicle ahead of me suddenly stopped. My reaction was too slow to brake in time to avoid rear ending her vehicle. I immediately got out to check on her. She starting apologizing profusely while I was asking if she was OK. She confirmed she was fine but was so sorry to cause me to hit her. She was on the phone to her father at this time and I asked her to please call the police as I was from out of town and she said she would. After the police arrived we were again asked if anyone was hurt and we both said we were fine and they asked us to move our vehicles . Her parents arrived at about the same time as the police. The young lady walked around for approximately 30 minutes during the police reports and seemed physically fine and mentally fine as she was smiling and talking freely about this being her first accident. We gave our information to the police and departed." (I don't know that it's relevant but he was driving a 2016 Toyota Tundra 1994 Edition so she might have noticed it and thought $$.) He called me later that day and told me about the accident and I said send me the pictures and **he didn't take any. I know!** I said that's the first thing you do when you get in an accident is **TAKE PICTURES!** The damage to his truck looked minor but turned out to be major because once they got into it it involved all kinds of front end work and hood replacement and stuff like that. That's just the way the **USAA certified repair shop works**. They don't just bang it back into place, they completely replace it and when you are talking about a 2016 Toyota Tundra, it gets *expensive* for some reason. Just a headlight is ungodly expensive to replace when they do it. **SO..Fast forward to today and the Certified Letter** **This is not a fly by night Lawyer's Office unfortunately. He has 14 days to respond or judgement to default** She is suing him for the damage to her car, the Rental Car and Pain and Suffering. **Monetary Award Requested** Amount to be determined. **??** I have questioned him over and over tonight trying to make sense of this. He said they were at a green light going forward and she slammed on brakes and he hit her. And then I told him it goes into a he said/she said situation. She apologized "I'm so sorry" "I'm fine" and that was it until today. **Do we turn it over to USAA or hire a Lawyer? tick tock** Forgot to add: The Lawyer's office has him in the document as **2) an individual under the age of 19 and a resident of Tuscaloosa County Alabama.** Uh, my husband is 70+ and we live in Florida. Like he told her when he asked her to call the Police because he didn't have any local phone numbers. I guess he didn't think 911 wouldn't work there.
Auto Accident Thanksgiving just received registered mail today Lawyer suing me
My boyfriend has a 3 year old daughter currently residing in Oklahoma. He is her custodial parent and she visits her mother on weekends. They are 2 years into a custody battle where he is seeking full custody of his daughter. The mother is mentally unstable (threatens suicide with a history of self harm. Previously resided in a mental hospital for a suicide attempt). She was court ordered a psych evaluation which came back with multiple diagnosis including major depressive disorder. Recently, the child tested positive for meth at the hospital after being around her grandmother. He received a job offer in California that could potentially change our lives for the better and provide a great opportunity for our family. (We have a 2 month old daughter together and all of my family is in California where we would be moving to) However, an attorney has advised that the likelihood of us being able to relocate with the child, even with her being able to visit her mother frequently (i.e. school breaks/holidays), would be slim to none. Anyone familiar with these situations and have any advice/recommendations on how we could go about being able to relocate?
Moving A Child Out of State (Oklahoma)
My daughter was in the library she was playing music on her phone. Then the librarian kicked her out. She ran out of the building. A few hours later she walked back in to get her 10 year old brother and the librarian called the police and pressed and is pressing charges for trespassing. Now the cops keep harassing me telling me to bring her down to the station last friday the officer came to my house shining his flash light in all of the windows. He told me over the phone today to bring her to the station tonight by 7:30 or he will go to her school and get her tomorrow. What should i do?
Trespassing at public library
TL;DR - husband's ex-wife refuses to accept child support, refuses to let us see daughter, what do we do? My husband has a 4 year old daughter with his ex-wife. They divorced while he was in prison and from what he tells me he had no say in the custody agreement because of that (not knowing when/if he'd get parole/released), he has no papers from the divorce so I haven't been able to read through any of the legal documents or anything to get a better understanding of the situation. When we got married she started refusing to accept child support payments and started refusing to let us have their daughter on our weekends. She won't answer phone calls and doesn't reply to texts. This has been going on for 4 months now. The last time he drove to her residence she had him trespassed. A couple of weeks ago she finally text him and told him that if he wanted to see their daughter he would have to meet her somewhere she picked and that I was not allowed anywhere near the little girl. My husband is wary of meeting her alone, anywhere, because past behaviors of hers and attempts of getting him arrested which would violate his parole and send him back to prison. What do we do? We just want to see our girl. It's killing my husband. Do we automatically get a lawyer? Do we go to the courthouse and petition her to go to court? We've honestly been dealing with a lot of anonymous drama for the last couple of months and it has reached my workplace. I can't prove it's her behind anything but there's nobody else I can think of that would want to get us to separate or for me to lose my job.
Custody: mother won't accept child support, refuses to let us see daughter.
Hypothetically, if I started a cloud hosting company where I would sell storage space to my customers like Google Drive or Amazon S3. If a bad user decided to upload illegal material (let's go straight for the jugular, something abhorrent, like child pronography or an ISIS video). **The Question:** Would I be liable for legal recourse by the US Gov, since the 1's and 0's of that data are sitting on a hard-drive that I own, even though I didn't but the data there? This must be a real-world legal problem since Amazon, Google and Microsoft are sat on petabytes of data and they don't know exactly what all of that data actually is. I must stress this is entirely hypothetical. I'm just curios how tech law works in this area. If anyone can recommend any books or other resources I can use to brush up on this topic that would be
USA: Cloud Storage/Online File Hosting: Who is liable for the data? Uploader or Host?
Hey I was just fired at my new job for not meeting the probationary period (400 hours). I only got in about 100. Due to me having possible Covid 19 symptoms (I also have epilepsy, I'm medicated but still have frequent seizures) and my grandfather tested positive (was in the ICU, he's out now and MUCH better), as well as 2 other family members. I was quarantined due to doctor's recommendation and also the employers recommendation, due to it being a healthcare facility for individuals with developmental disabilities. I even got 2 tests done (first test was a N/a due to a leak lolok) I was excused from work maybe 5 weeks ago with doctor's orders and went back about 2 weeks ago. Everything was fine at work until today my supervisor brought me a letter that said I was qualified for benefits, and that I had a meeting with him and HR in 30 minutes. I thought okay cool, I'm getting insurance finally. Nope. They said that due to some HR code they have to terminate me because I was absent so much and didn't make it to the average hours during the probationary period. Is this legal? I understand their policy, but due to this Coronavirus situation I would assume there is some sort of legal protction? If i was quarantined, how was I able to get that amount of hours??? They even okayed it when I informed them that my doctor told me what to do. Luckily I have my side job still, but still this hits me hard especially because it was a job I was REALLY interested in and I was actually enjoying it.
Let go due to CV-19
I(29F) have been married to my husband (30M) for 4 years this coming September. We have 2 daughters, a 2 year old and a 6 month old. I feel I am at my wits end and I feel depleted of all my energy. My husband is and always has been an alcoholic. My perception changed on things once I got pregnant with our 2 year old and ever since my 3rd trimester of pregnancy with her life has been nothing but a struggle within my marriage. My husband and I get into horrific arguments and there’s so much verbal and emotional abuse I can’t take it anymore. Mostly on his side, but I’ve said some not so nice things as well. There are closets and doors from him punching or throwing something at them all throughout our house. He has threatened suicide plenty times and the last time I finally called the cops because I was beside myself and when the dispatched police came in to our home they saw the air fryer he’d broken and other stuff strewn on the floor, I felt utterly ashamed with my two children there. To my surprise they did not take a report. I will be 100% honest in that part of me decided to call to make an official record of what happened. He does not want to go to therapy and does not want to seek true help for his drinking. I should mention, he drinks in private it is NEVER in front of me or the kids. Usually if I leave to the grocery store for an house I’ll come back to a completely inebriated husband. We need marriage counseling which he does not continue with as he always finds an issue with whomever is assigned to us. I feel like this is the tip of the iceberg really. So much crap has gone on. We rent a condo from his parents and they have lots of money. He always throws in my face that nothing -none of this- is mine but rather it’s his. Honestly, I don’t even care. I want none of it. Here’s my dilemma. My girls mean the world to me and it’s not okay for them to be exposed to this. I’ve tried to communicate that and he agrees but alas, the cycle continues. He has drank while watching them before and it’s scares the hell out of me. I fear something happening to them or him or him getting in the car while under the influence.. the list goes on. Sadly, our two year old seems to get an attitude with me even though my husband is the aggressor in our fights (not saying I’ve never yelled back) she just seems to favor him even though he yells at her. It breaks my heart. As much as I want them to have a relationship with their father I do not want to split custody and fear I don’t have a choice. I don’t have much money and my in laws have lots of money I’m sure they’d spend on whatever he needed to make his case. I don’t know where to start or what to do. I feel so defeated. Can anyone help? Please. Thank you.
I feel Divorce is my only option.
I'm going to keep this as vague as possible due to certain circumstances involved. My oldest child (18) & I are & have been trying to get in contact with my ex. He has the 2 youngest kids & hasn't let us see them in almost 4 years. He ignored texts & calls, pleas to see them, made numerous excuses as to why we can't visit, cancelled several planned visits at the last minute, & more recently changed his number so we can't reach him anymore. We know his address, he's a few hours away, but we don't dare just show up there, he's been violent towards us in the past & we know he has weapons at his home. The older of the 2 kids started high school this year, we know they have a phone & an Instagram account. My oldest attempted to send them a message on there & got blocked very quickly. We suspect that the other parent intervened before they could see it. Point is, we've tried multiple ways of attempting to contact them without just showing up unannounced for our safety. I'm willing to do just about anything at this point, short of doing what I think might get me killed, we're desperate & heartbroken. There is no formal custody agreement in place, never was. The verbal agreement we had between us in the beginning he obviously didn't hold up his side, in fact, quite the opposite happened. I know that I should seek legal counsel, I fully intend to as soon as I can, I'm searching right now. In the meantime, is there any way I can legally get in touch with my children? Is there anything I'm not thinking of? My oldest suggested writing to the counselor at the high school where one of the kids attends, explaining the situation & asking to pass on a message or a letter to that child. Is that legal? Is that possible? Are they required to keep that in confidence or can they pass that information onto the other parent? Please, help us.
Children being intentionally kept from mom & oldest sibling (TX)
First sorry if this is the wrong place to post this & thank you for reading! I was involved in a minor (cosmetic) accident that led to the bumper and side of my car being replaced. The other persons insurance paid for my repairs and rental while my car was getting fixed. They accepted full responsibility. Now 6 months later I was looking to trade in my car and this issue came up, the dealership I was at said that that due to accident, albeit minor, it devalued the car more than usual. (It’s a sports car) The sales man told me to look into diminished value to recoup some money, before trading it. From my understanding this what an insurance company pays after an accident to make up the difference between good condition and involved in an accident. My question is, how do you request this? And am I still within the time frame to apply for it or is it too late? I’ve search and there is very little info on this. Any who’s done this can I get some guidance? Also, the car was not totaled. Thank you!
Car Accident in Texas
I just moved to Ok with the kids weed is legal here. Got served by un wed baby daddy. He filed legitimation and custody rights. Court is back in Ga, weed is not legal. He has ordered drug tests. My concern: If I test positive will they take into consideration that I've been in a weed legal state? Or will their law be enforced regardless because it's in their jurisdiction? If I fail this will it kill my custody case?
I recently moved to California from Minnesota, and brought my car with me. Technically, my parents own the car, they pay the insurance as well. I would like to get a California driver's license, but my parents would prefer to keep the car insured through a Minnesota agency (insurance is cheaper there) We're afraid if I change my license it will force me to get new insurance as well. I believe the law says I must change my license within 10 days of moving, and must change my insurance within 20 days (from CA DMV website). However, If my parents are technically the owners of the car and are the insurance holders, I feel that they are independent of my license status. To summarize, I would like to receive a California driver's license while keeping my car (technically owned by my parents back in MN) registered with my parent's insurance. Is this possible/legal? Any assistance on this issue is greatly appreciated, Thank you
Can my car remain insured in my home state (MN) if I move to California? Please Help
I am in on probation and attending outpatient. At outpatient my counselor gives me some time to take a urine and I am able to do it everytime but at probation they don’t give me much time to take a urine and my probation officer is trying to violate me. I work full time go to a dr andpsychologist and meetings. My counselor will do anything he can to help me stay out of jail. Should I be worried? My p.o is transferring to another part of the county I am in mee York is there any reason to be nervous of going to jail or do you guys think I will be ok. Iam 10 months clean and my life is a million times better probabtion is ruining my life even though I did nothing wrong it’s not my fault my body isn’t letting me pee idk what to do.
First let me set the backstory, I’ve been talking to a girl from a small town near me for about a week we met on tinder and one day she texts me to come over(we are both 18) well on the way to this small town like 15 mins away I get pulled over on a dark AF and empty road going 10 over the speed limit the officer gives me my ticket I apologize and said it wouldn’t happen again well behold the second I go into this small town a new cop is tailing me so I turn down a different street to kinda lose him (I know it’s stupid but his brights being on the entire time was ticking me off) so for about 10 mins for me to find this girls house I park in the back alley, and sneak into her room (she lives separated from the house of her parents) NOT EVEN 20 mins go by we hear a pounding on her door so I dip and hide in the closet well turns out a officer saw my truck in the alley and saw me go into the separated building and thought it seemed suspicious so he goes and knocks on the main house door and tells the parents so long story short I get kicked out I’m ticked off I have a ticket and just got yelled at by the parents I see the cop leaving he says nothing to me while he pulls out so I just say fuck it and go home but on my way out of the town I was tailed yet again until I left the town but not even a couple miles a new car appears behind me I’m going 60 in a 70 just Because I knew the other cop was going be ahead in this dark ass road and that’s when his lights get flashed and I get pulled over again for to dim of a license plate light and I told the cop sir I’ve already been stop given a ticket can I pls go home he then said can I see your license and insurance so we go through the whole ordeal again and he gave me a warning about the license plate light so anyway there’s the story on how I got a ticket,yelled at parents, and stopped again honestly this feels like police harassment and I was wondering is it?
Does this constitute police harassment?
Landlord gouging me for damages (arizona) TL;DR from last post: landlord gave a 5 day notice. We moved out and returned possession of property before the five days. Now landlord emailed us a bill for $8k including all of the eviction months rent and late fees and no certified mail. Can i fight it? What are my rights? Update: i sent a letter via certified mail about the bill they sent me and have not received anything in response. I went to the residence in question and used the self touring app to look at the inside. Non of the repairs they are trying to charge me for have been done. The carpets are still the same with the same stains on them. The fridge the same. Non of the walls have been painted. And they sent me to collections for what i “owe” them along with a 30% increase sense it was sent to collections. What do i do. I am living off va disability i cant afford $10k they want from me.
Landlord demanding year worth of rent after moving out.
I live in Florida which has a law that you cannot record a phone call unless you tell the other person they are being recorded. Recently this topic came up in a family discussion. So we often use speaker phone when we are talking to someone on the other line. Also my home has several CCTV/security cameras in the "public" rooms such as the dining, living and pet rooms. Not bedroom and bathrooms. This means we are recording phone calls, even inadvertently. Now 99.9% of those calls are harmless and just family, bills etc. But I have an ExHusband who calls and my daughter has picked the habit of speaker phone. Which means his calls are recorded too. I didn't realize or think about it till recently and knowing how abrasive he is, if he found out, I wouldn't be shocked if he tried to press charges. I mean we can shut off the cameras at any time but we aren't always going to remember or realize he's on the phone with my daughter. When the recorded call law was made, it was well before the new technologies we have now. Many smart devices record/listen too so how in this smart tech world would this law work now? If he found out his calls have been recorded up till now, could he press charges for it against us?
Recording phone calls
So I have been chatting with this older guy in Snapchat I met in Omegle. I have done a few video calls with him, and received multiple dick pics, though he did ask beforehand if he could send them. I have not kept any pics, or send any explicit pictures myself. Could I be in some kind of trouble? Is it illegal if I haven't sent anything?
I (16) have been chatting with an older guy (22) on Snapchat, and I have received explicit pics and videos. Could I be in trouble?
I live in an apartment with a lease which states that we cannot have any washers, dryers, or dishwashers in the apartment. However, my mom is extremely allergic to cats which made it impossible for her to have her clothes in the building's washers or at a laundromat. My landlord found out and gave me an 10 day eviction notice. We found another place to live at. But moving out in 10 days is simply impossible and it would be unethical if she by any means forced us to. Do they really have the power to kick me out in such a short amount of days? Fyi, we live in Philadelphia, PA. Thank you in advance. Edit: I had a portable washer inside my apartment.
Can they kick me out in 10 days?
So I live in Florida and last year (March 22nd) when I just turned 17 I got my first job at Burger King that I quit 2 weeks afterwards... reason being my shifts were Monday-Thursday from 3 pm (school got out at 2:40 and it was a 15 mile drive in heavy south Florida traffic every day) to 11 pm (but it wasn’t really 11 because they made me clock out and clean the restaurant most days depending on the manager on duty) without any lunch breaks and when I asked the manager she gave me attitude and was finally like “it’s 30 minutes unpaid” and I took only one during my time working there so finally my actual question is can I sue or do something about all of this or is it past the statute of limitations since it’s almost been a full year if there even is a statute of limitations for what I said Edit: I would usually get home around 11:30pm to 12am with school the next day
I have a quick legal question about child labor
Thanks to anyone in advance for their help. For quick background my dad lives in Colorado and I live in California. My dad recently had a brush with death and is now attempting to get his affairs in order. Mainly he wants me to be a co-signer on his personal and business accounts. I’m worried that this could result in me being liable for any debts that he has. My mom and dad divorced almost 20 years ago, I’m an only child, and my dad doesn’t have anyone else really close in his life. He has told me that when he passes everything will go to me but I’m not sure if that is a good thing. My dad has owned his own business for about 35 years. It is fairly outdated and, from what my mom has told me, he never made much money. Luckily it has a fairly low cost of overhead and no employees other than my father. He owns a dead restricted apartment that I doubt he has paid off. I would not be willing to co-sign on his loan without my name being added to the deed but I do not qualify to be added due to the terms of the deed restriction. If I elect to co-sign on his accounts will I be responsible for any loans (business or personal) that he has taken out?
Should I co-sign on my dad’s personal and business bank accounts?
Hello all! I've lurked around on Reddit for a while, but only just made an account, mostly for this. I apologize in advance if it gets a bit long, with that in mind. I have to keep things as vague as possible, just due to concerns. Just as a bit of backstory: I work in a state government, in a relatively lower-tier position--think scanning, clocking things in, answering the phone--but some of the things I take care of impact the lives of people in civil situations. I moved to this position after working a couple years in the basement--this position was literally a scanning position, nothing more--where I performed rather well. I was doing well enough that they had me come upstairs to the department I'm in now, in order to help with some quality checking and be a backup in case the previous worker was out of the office. I got rather decent reviews when that season came, as well. Once I moved to my current position, I started to notice some things: firstly, I don't get paid any more than before; secondly, I have a *lot* more to do than before; and thirdly...the place seems a little unhealthy. I should preface this by saying I have several mental health issues, such as major depression, anxiety, and a couple others I don't feel comfortable mentioning. I have my papers in order stating that I have trouble with memory and concentration, and there is a decent amount of fatigue; and while I'm allowed up to two days a week, I haven't touched it aside from two days. I try my best to be accurate and efficient, same as when I worked in my previous position; however, I've noticed that the small mistakes I make are being counted more heavily against me. Despite my having worked barely half a year at the time, they had begun compiling these wrongs into a formal admonishment, come early this year. What I did not realize is that they were apparently speaking about me to not only my previous employer, who is in the same building, but to HR, as well. My previous employer, upon my asking to take back my position in the basement, brought up the wrongs in the admonishment to affirm why they are hesitant, if not reluctant, to allow me to do so. One of my supervisors hinted that I may just not be stable enough to work in either department, let alone the building. A few of the people in HR have already told me that the department I work for now isn't exactly the most trustworthy, and that they may have done this in the past. To try and shorten this all: despite my having the paperwork to cover me, I fear that my current employers are spreading word about me in an attempt to keep me out of at least two divisions. I fear that if I were to get another position in the building, they will try and contact that potential employer, as well. I also fear that they will try and fire me for the mistakes made, despite my paperwork stating that I will have trouble. I'm not really sure where to go from here, and would greatly appreciate advice. If you've made it this far, I again apologize for rambling.
I'm at a loss as to where to go from here
To try to keep it short and to the point: I went on maternity leave beginning 10/09. Employer is eligible for FMLA protection, I believe. Correct me if I’m wrong: I’ve been there for 3 years in December I worked over 1,250 hours in the last year and they have well over 50 employees over a 75 mile radius. (home health care employer) I worked in the main office working on their finances/payroll and other special projects. I was also the highest paid employee (not sure if that matters). I emailed them about returning to work and asking about the conditions they expected upon my return as both the owners kept bringing up different possible changes before I left but nothing was agreed upon or definite so I wanted to know what they were planning still, if anything. The email I got back was not expected. Before I left, my position was “temporarily” filled with someone but he was compensated about $4 less an hour than me and was only scheduled for 24 hours a week. I worked 40+ because I was also working on projects other than what he was hired for. I interviewed this person and recommended him myself. When they got back to me they essentially told me I would be returning with these changes: - PT (24 hours a week) so they’re cutting my salary by about 40% - because they’re keeping the replacement. - With an entirely different position - they were keeping my replacement and told me to think “outside of the box” to “create my own position”. However, anything else is nothing remotely close to what I was doing as they said it had to “positively affect the bottom line” which reads sales/referrals to me— neither of which I’ve ever done for them nor am I interested in doing. I know, very odd scenario. If there’s any other information needed please let me know. I’ve left some info out so it wasn’t more of a wall than it already is. Is this a violation of FMLA since they’re not reinstating me anywhere near my old position or salary? What could I do? ETA: I went out on leave 10/09, due date was 10/25 and gave birth 10/29. Leave was medically certified by my OBGYN and my leave was paid by temporary disability with NJ - not a private plan.
(NJ) Not being reinstated in original position with original salary after maternity leave. Offer isn’t even close.
My Dad is gonna lose his job over bullshit. He used to work for a company in Hickory, North Carolina called TSG Finishing. They cut his pay, then made him along with most other management employees sign a non compete contract. They told him that if he signed his pay would be raised back to what is was. He signed, and never saw this pay raise. Eventually he was tired of their shit and decided to quit and look for different employment opportunities. He turned in his 2 week notice but was terminated on the spot and escorted off of the premises. He was offered a job at a competitor ACF Finishing. Of course, he took it. He got better pay and an awesome boss at ACF. Then customers of TSG noticed my Dad wasn't working for them. In fact TSG told their customers about firing my dad (fucking idiots). Those customers like my dad more then they like TSG. Soon many of my dad's old customers found out where he worked and started doing business with ACF. TSG started loosing a lot of business and struggling. That and TSG didn't have anyone that knew how to run things so they messed up orders all the time and pissed off their customers. Well TSG then used that non compete contract I mentioned earlier to try to get my dad to not be able to work for ACF. In fact they may succeed in making him not able to work in the textiles industry in all of North America. They filed a lawsuit against him and the first court basically said that TSG is full of shit and ruled against them. Then TSG appealed to the NC court of appeals and now all three judges concurred to reverse the original ruling. I read their decision and it contains multiple HUGE details that are plainly false. The judges claim that my dad had to material changes at TSG (bullshit, cut in pay? really?). It also claims that my dad knows trade secrets and is using them at ACF to put TSG out of business. My mother is crying now, we don't know what to do. Any help with this would be appreciated.