11 values
Looking for jobs this summer, saw an urgently hiring commercial janitorial company, and was wondering if I should or shouldn’t use my time on applying. Thanks :)
[AK] Can a 17 year old work as a commercial janitor, and if so can a 17 year old work until 2AM?
Alt account because subject matter. So this may be California and it may be Oregon. To simplify matters my brother in law was just arrested for child porn. Multiple counts stretching 2 years (based on arraignment records). Everything I have is second hand so I know nothing directly but from what I can tell he was sending and or recieving images (unsure if video is involved). He is in Oregon and we are in California. My wife on at least two occasions has brought our two kids up to see her sister and there have been times that our kids were alone with him. I want to know if they were involved but I dont know who to ask or how to go about it. My sister in law won't talk about it and seems to be thinking that the system is railroading the guy. Bail has been set high and they can't afford it so he is in at least until pretrial in a few months. I haven't talked to my kids about it because I don't want to plant the issue in their heads. My wife and I are in agreement that we should do something but we don't know what. I have no specific reason to believe anything bad happened, but I also didnt think he traded in CP prior to this past week. So do I call police in Oregon? Do I call RAAIN (sp)?
Potential Child Abuse Issues, Unsure What to Do.
So there's this cool logo that my state(Oregon) uses and I would like to put them on t-shirts and sell them. My question is how legal is this? If it's not legal, then would changing the logo be protected under 'parody' laws? Thanks.
Can I legally sell t-shirts with a logo that is designed and used by my state(Oregon)?
As the title says My roommate had court on Friday afternoon and was told to turn himself in to be booked and released before his next court appearance on Monday morning. When he went to turn himself in they said he needed an appointment to do so and refused to book him. He went in twice and was told no they will only book him by appointment The jail is only open to book appointments on weekdays and he has court at 830am on monday. What can he do to resolve this issue?
Roommate was court ordered to turn himself in and jail refused to book him. He has court again Monday and needs advice
LOCATION: USA, Delaware I am a temporary contractor and was just informed by my agency that someone reported to a manager that I did not cover my mouth when I sneezed two weeks ago and I am now on a final written warning, which means one more “incident” and I will be fired. I have been working from home for the last two and a half weeks, have only gone to the building once in that time and we are required to wear masks when we go. No one approached me about this issue, I was never placed on a verbal or written warning for this or anything else or even made aware that someone had reported me. I only learned about this because I called my agency to update my contact information and my representative said “oh, and remember, you’re on your final warning and will be fired if you get another write up.” What are my rights in this situation?
On final warning for sneezing?!? What are my rights?
Hello I have an EEOC claim that dates back to 2017. They found in my favor for retaliation and discrimination based on sex back in 2018 and the case went to mediation. The employer refused to seriously mediate and was basically only there to see what the case was worth and then refused to mediate. EEOC sent my case to the department of justice to see if they would issue a right to sue or litigate on my behald. Three weeks ago my attorney was contacted by 2 DOJ trial attorneys to set up a zoom interview with me. Neither my lawyer nor the DOJ lawyers have told me what they are going to ask/do in this video meeting... Can anyone assist with advice on what to expect? Are they going to question my story and grill me or are they going to take my case?? My attorney wants to go over our case notes before this meeting but has not said what they will ask/want in this interview. She took my case on contingency back in 2017....
EEOC trial attorney wants to interview me
Ok so I’m a a nail salon and I wanted black nails. The owner asked me what color and I said black. So he gave me black nails and never mentioned if they were gel or not. I never asked for gel and since I haven’t gotten my nails done before I couldn’t tell they were gel. Do I have to pay the extra $10 for gel nails I’d I never asked for it? New Mexico. I think this fits under business law but it may not.
Do I have to pay for gel nails if I didn’t ask for them? NM
My managers have violated their own scheduling policy to hold me responsible for a shift I did not pick up (for which I provided proof). This corresponded with 2 days I called out sick with influenza (I provided video evidence of my temperature being taken & reading high) & they are using it to say I have called out for 3 days & must provide a doctor's note. I can't really do this as I'm almost completely well again & don't have health insurance or a GP I can see before my next shift at 2:30 tomorrow (Saturday; they demanded the note today, Fri at \~5pm). Because I've stood my ground on their policy violation regarding scheduling having worked a very demanding understaffed Christmas week I think they may try to terminate me. Also, sending the request for documentation at close of business the day before my next working day is a red flag to me. I am looking to find out the type of lawyer that's best for a waiter in NYC - I assume there must be restaurant specialists with tipped employees having variable schedules being probably quite different from other employment contracts. My employer is a very large national corporation. Additionally, any tips on how to find a decent lawyer would be greatly appreciated. If they are pulling this on me after 2.5yrs of good work for them I won't want back in but I'll be wanting a severance of some kind, and am worried I might be up a creek due to the corporate arbitration agreement. Thank you for your time & help.
I'm a career waiter at a nice place and I feel a wrongful termination coming, but I don't know what type of lawyer I should seek or good ways to go about it (New York, NY)
Foremost, this takes place in Kansas. My former employer (I voluntarily quit) has stated in an email to me that he is withholding my paycheck until I return the two work shirts (cheap quality polos I have to wear due to it being a country club) that are in my possession. This was said to me through email by replying to my notice of resignation, but it gets better. Within my notice of resignation I offered the reason why I quit (wage not representative of the level of work I do; I made minimum wage) and considerations for management (him) as well as praise for him being a good manager. He did not take this well. In his reply, he states that I never went above the call of duty, which is a completely false statement although subjective. He further boasts that he gave 3 of my coworkers that worked alongside me and truthfully did less than me raises because they did go above the call of duty. After this he states he will be withholding my paycheck until I bring in the two t shirts he gave me. These shirts were given to me by him, did not come out of my paycheck, and there was no verbal agreement that they must be returned. Further, I’m also fairly certain that there is no written policy that they must be returned because within the same email he states, “Due to new company policy, employees must return shirts before the final paycheck will be sent.” The shirts do bear the country club’s logo, but if they were given to me, worn by me, and stored at my personal place of residence, wouldn’t that make them mine? My question is, can an employer withhold a paycheck even if you possess $10-20 worth of their property? My other question would be, are those shirts truly their property if given and worn by me and stored in my personal place of residence?
Former employer is withholding my final paycheck as a result of criticism
Hello, I would like to state that I am a low-income preschool teacher in California. I have been unemployed in the middle of March due to COVID-19. As of today, I have NOT received my working March 2020's wage paycheck. My employer has...a line of problems: 1. My boss altered my previously correct wages on my payroll system (I called my payroll company and they informed me that my administrator had altered my paystubs). So paystubs for two months have been shown up as $0.00 and two other months have been completely erased. Mind you, these were my four HIGHEST earned wages of 2019 (~$2K—2.5K) 2. In doing so, my W-2 was filled with inaccurate earned wages and paid taxes, haha. For one month, we kept bouncing back and forth in text message with me requesting her to fix it. I have pics of the text messages where she: first tells me to fix it myself, then pretends to not know how to correct it, then finally when I low-key threaten to report her to EDD if she doesn't send me the corrected version the next day, she sent me a W-2C (HURRAY first win, but the madness continues) 3. As I said, I am currently unemployed. When I knew my preschool was closing down, I signed up for unemployment insurance right away. When the "Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award" came (details reported wage and calculated benefits) my reported yearly earnings were $13K less than my totaled earned $17K income. SHOCKED. My employer reported that I worked ONLY $4K this year. As a result, the unemployment benefits I receive are very, very low. 4. Since my taxes have been filed (YES! There's still side problems but it's filed) I have been constantly requesting for my boss to fix my payroll. When I log in, my payroll is still missing four working month's wage. I called and provided wage proof to the payroll company, but they insisted that only my employer can fix my paystubs. I told my boss to request for a paystub correction. I found that my boss has still NOT fixed my four missing/zero'd 2019 paystubs. However, an additional $10K was added to this year's gross income stating the pay day was on May 21, 2020, when I have not worked or earned any of that money.... 5. Both my coworker and I have missing months on our 2019 payroll, so we requested in early February 2020 for our boss to correct our W-2. My boss sent me a copy of my W-2C (after a low-key threat) to which I have filed to IRS. My coworker, on the other hand, has NOT yet received a corrected W-2, because our employer said: "I cannot find my accountant to fix your W2". Unfortunately, my coworker isn't in a spot where she can threaten to report our boss. She is in a process of getting a work-visa. 6. In addition, both my coworker (full-time) and I (part-time) do NOT receive paid sick leave, vacation leave, health benefits, overtime, and holidays. Nothing. Please advise. How I can leave without losing my unemployment? *Also side note, my boss called that I will have to go in to work on June 1st. Even though, I still have not gotten March's wage or my UI and payroll fixed. *Not sure how to post/send pictures of the messages if needed
Unpaid wages, boss manipulated W2, payroll AND my unemployment...can I give unpaid wages as a reason to not return to work?
Today, while my car was in the shop, I was waiting in the park across the street. Was video chatting my girlfriend and look up and there is a helicopter circling above me. Then like 10 cop cars are in the streets. I see a cop car posted up by the street in the park so I walk up and asked what's going on.  He said "I'm trying to figure it out".So I just wait by his car for a minute to see if he has any update. Then out of no where he pulls out his gun and points it at this latino guy walking on the street like 15 feet away. The guy did nothing wrong, nor did he look suspicious. He then tells him to get on ground and cuffs him. Didn't really know what to do. So i start walking down the side walk because I felt it was getting dangerous. I am casually walking on the street, video chatting my girlfriend (on instagram video). There is no way I could of looked suspicious. I was holding my phone up in the sky clearly talking to her. About 45 seconds later, cop car going 40 slams on his breaks, gets out of car and puts me in handcuffs. The cop didn't ask my any questions, just said put hands up and cuffed me. Before I know it there are 10 cops 1 ft from my face. None are wearing mask. Funny thing is, I haven't left my house in nearly two months because I get sick easy and was quarantining. First day out, this happens. Anyways, Luckily the mechanic came running over and told them I was a customer and the took the handcuffs off. In my mind, there is no way the police handled this correctly. What type of lawyer should i talk to about this/do I have a case for anything? Thank you. ​ Edit \*\* Location is in San diego county California.
Police handcuffed me without any suspicion or evidence.
Hello, I need to write an NDA and a Deed of Partnership for my business venture. what type of lawyer would be appropriate for this? Can I do this with one lawyer or would I need multiple?
What type of lawyer do I need?
So long story short, before the effects of the pandemic I signed an intent to renew my lease for a third year, but due to the new financial situation I can't afford to pay rent on my own so I told them I would be leaving on my original ending date, at the end of this month (not that it's relevant, but so I could move in with a friend and pay half his mortgage as rent). They finally got back to me today (well over a week after i submitted my move out form) and told me that because they had my signature on the intent that they were considering it an official new lease and I was bound to the terms of it, namely that if I plan on moving out at the end of this month I have to continue paying rent until they are able to turn it over to someone else. The thing is, no where on that paper did it say that it itself was considered a lease nor have I seen an actual new lease, not just this renewal, but ever since my original one back in 2018, let alone signed it. Are they right that the intent paper is legally binding as a new lease or do I have grounds to fight this? If I can't afford to pay rent for just myself I certainly can't afford to pay it both on the apartment I'm leaving and the half rent on the one I'm moving to, so I'd like to see my options here.
[PA, US] Is an intent to renew form the same legally as a lease renewal?
State. Ga. Unmarried and two children together. I left the father over a year ago but we established a verbal contract with visitation. For the most part we adhere to it and with argument when changes need to be made sometimes it happens. As time goes on when it's time to pick the kids up to come home he pushes the meet up time later and later. It's a 45 minute drive to our meet spot which is half way. He refused to legitimize them in court, he has issues with the government. In my state if he's not legitimized the kids then we can't establish an order for custody or visitation. I have tried and tried to keep the kids in contact with their dad. Holidays weekends every other week in the summer. I've exhausted all routes to compromise and not have to withhold them from seeing him. Now it's come to a stressful situation where I can no longer bend over backwards to adhere to what he wants. I know this is a battle of control I just feel awful saying if you want to see the kids then you need to take me to court. But today because pick up time wasn't what he wanted, I'm being forced to drive an hour and half to go directly to his town to pick up my kids. And drive them back the hour and half home. I'm exhausted, we have work and school tomorrow. My emotions are tattered and I'm just tired of trying to make things work when clearly I'm being taken advantage of and no thought for the children involved is even being considered. Can you legally force a Father to legitimize their children without witholding the children from visiting? I.e. take me to court if you want to see them.
Can you force a Father to legitimize their children so an order for custody and visitation can be established?
Hello, So my father passed away a little over a year ago and a few months after his death my uncles started to steal his assets. Both of them forged a Will in my fathers name and had written down that all assets go to my uncle. My other uncle gained unauthorized access to his bank accounts and is doing as he likes with my fathers money and had given a small amount to my stepmom and siblings while I seen 0 of my inheritance. He also opened joint bank accounts in me and my siblings names and has not given us access to them he has purchased stocks and is spending money from these accounts as he likes. My father was partners with his brother in a company and instead of companies “shares” going to the heirs which is my stepmom and my fathers children my uncle who was his partner has taken all of his company shares and put it under his name. The shares are worth millions as well. They’re also intentionally holding my fathers money from us so we won’t seek a lawyer in order to proceed them in court. We do not have the money for lawyers since they’re holding all of it. I’ve filed a police report but that’s about it, I don’t know what else to do. Any suggestions or help would be great. Thanks!
Uncles stealing my family’s
Husband and I have been married for 5 years and have two kids aged 3 and 6 months. Husband had a prior adderall addiction (supposedly since quit), and gambling issues. He became extremely drunk back in Jan of this year, drove home drunk and terrorized me and the kids (no physical abuse, yelling, slamming doors etc) It ended in my calling the police who had an ambulance come and he spent the night in the ER. He stayed at his parents for a few days but I let him come back. He was supposed to go to therapy but only did one session and he got prescribed meds for mood disorder NOS by a psychiatrist. Over the last 6 weeks or so he has just been increasingly difficult to deal with. He smokes marijuana and either he smokes so much that hes in outer space and doesnt help, makes a mess and just generally acts like hes someplace else OR hes a hostile, angry person. He never physically abuses anyone but hes taken to screaming and yelling at me and our 3 year old when he is acting out (hes a toddler...) and the dog. His temper goes from 0 to 1000. I'm getting sick of it. He has no patience at all. I've talked to him about this 100 times and he keeps saying I know I'll change but nothing has changed. I'm not sure if I want a divorce but I'd really like to have the opportunity to have him away from me and the kids for awhile to see how things feel. Can I legally make him leave our home ? (He could go to his parents they live 20 mins away) he could not afford to pay our bills- I am the primary earner in our home. I could afford the house and bills without him.
[MA] can I make my husband leave? (Hostile, mood swings, two kids)
I'm from the United States. I play an MMO and I upload videos of raids regularly to Youtube and stream on Twitch. Without trying to disclose too much information I recently burned bridges with someone who was close to me. They want me to remove all the videos they are in on my Youtube channel or else they will file a copyright claim for "not consenting to be in the video". - They KNEW and agreed when I asked if they were okay with me uploading the videos/streaming raids with them in the party of the game we were playing at the time. - There is no documented chatlog of this from either parties as it was done of voice communications. - There is NO personal information of the person filing a copyright claim in the video. Only a fictional name. - They actively encouraged me to stream/upload videos only to want them taken down when we part ways. Is there anything I can do to protect myself here? Can I even do anything? These videos are the livelihood of my channel and would be heartbroken to see them taken down because of someones anger and spite towards me. So what can I do to protect myself from this false claim?
Youtube Copyright on MMO
Quick backstory. 3 years ago, I was arrested for a felony DUI in California. the prosecution and judge agreed to let me participate in pretrial diversion for the DUI as a misdemeanor. I successfully completed the program which to my understanding dismissed the case entirely. Fast forward to now, I have applied to an apartment complex in new mexico. im very confused on how my criminal record would show this during their background check if at all. does the felony arrest still show up in my criminal record when they conduct their background check? or does it just vanish? can landlords access arrest records? do i still have a good chance at having my application accepted or does that just matter on the disposition of the landlord?
Question about felonies, pretrial diversion and apartment applications.
I work for a city government as an on-call employee. Within the division I’m employed with, I work several positions and upwards of 30-35 hours a week (my on-call threshold is 39 hours maximum a week.) Due to COVID-19, I’ve been furloughed until our facilities can reopen, and am currently claiming unemployment to keep financially stable. Recently, the city sent notification to all employees that a couple of emergency positions had opened, temporary on-call positions within shelters and prisons. My primary duties in my regular employment pertain to child care and customer service, far from what these new positions seem to require or would necessitate. I appreciate that the city reached out to their on-calls to offer these positions, but thought no more on them as I did not feel I would serve either position best. This morning I received a text informing that I should, “Please consider the open opportunity to continue [my] on-call employment with the city.” This immediately struck me as quite ridiculous and forceful, at the same time an obvious indication of desperation to fill the position; I believe it’s the position within the prison, which I feel particularly uncomfortable applying for. I am a dedicated employee, highly regarded not in my own opinion but as evident by my job titles, responsibilities training new employees and leading program engagement, and reliance on by my immediate superiors. My great concern though, if you’ve stuck with me this long, is whether I can actually be removed from employment for not actively engaging with this job offer? There are several things I think I understand about the situation: obviously this is a very unstable and desperate time for all of us, and necessary that we all do our part to support our communities and come through this. And there is reverence for those that continue to work, on the front lines, sacrificing their safety and comfort and health to take care of others, that’s an immense sacrifice. And I certainly am not one who simply doesn’t want to work, would rather be making bank on unemployment - I am itching for the day I can be back at work, in my programs, doing what I do within my community. However, I feel the city that employs me is singling out their on-call employees, without consideration for our skills or work prior to shutdown, and it feels very threatening that should we feel we could not serve those offered positions as best as possible, having considered them and found we can’t operate safely or affectively in them, that’s essentially a resignation letter. Can they do that, can they hold my job hostage if I don’t apply for this other job? It’s really making me question my dedication to my employer, I don’t want to feel like a mule being led by carrot to something I am not prepared to do. Thank you in advance for you advice, I’ll answer any clarifying question if need be, hope anyone that comes across this is safe and healthy. EDIT: I live and work in Colorado, employed with Denver
City Employer Warning if I Don’t Consider Open Position
Hi all, my dad recently passed away (mom is no longer living) and my sister and I are going through the estate process. My dad's assets consist of his * **home** (still owes ~25% of its value to the lender) * **car** (owned outright, minimal value) * **IRA** (we are beneficiaries and have set up Beneficiary IRAs for rollovers) * **life insurance** (this is where it gets tricky) Since we are listed as beneficiaries on his IRA, this overrides the 'estate' and therefore we get that money immediately after some paperwork. We had assumed this would be the case for his life insurance payout but it appears that he had only our mom (deceased) listed as the life insurance beneficiary. This means the death benefit goes to the estate. On top of that, he has a trust in place from several years ago, requiring 1/3 payout to my sister and me at age 25, 1/3 at age 30, and 1/3 at age 35. (our ages are 31 and 27). My question is this: Isn't it a bad thing that the life insurance goes to the estate? It means that unless we pull money from an IRA and take a huge tax hit, we have no immediate funds to pay for the funeral. I also understand that we need to advertise a death notice in the newspaper and that money is now subject to claims brought by creditors (previously we were thinking the estate would likely be 'empty' except for the home when we sell). My father in law suggested we petition the court to change the terms of the will. My sister and I would both be in agreement on this, so he thinks it may be easy to do. Any thoughts?
Should I petition the court to change the terms of a will?
I’m pro se, for now, in a divorce case. I delivered my discovery responses and a motion to ex’s lawyer today. He then showed this information to another lawyer, who appeared to be a GAL who is in no way affiliated with our case, and talked about my documents and how I’m pro se. Is this an ethics violation? I mean, these documents included private financial information, etc. I would like to report him to the bar, if it is a breach. He wasn’t asking for any advice and she isn’t part of his firm. He was just disclosing my private info. Seems unethical to me.
Virginia: Ethics of disclosing information from opposing party?
Now. I'm not saying I want to hack north Korea, or that I would, but I've been thinking about them a lot this year and a thought crossed my mind. High ranking north Korean officials have access to the general internet through China and they manually sort through content to decide what is suitable for North Korean internet, meaning that the general internet is indirectly connected to North Korean internet through China and then the computers they use to manually sort content. So why has nobody attempted to gain access and push propaganda instead of floating bottles across the ocean? And specifically how would you even get in trouble for this in the US? I don't see North Korea cooperating with the US government to provide the necessary evidence to convict you under US law, and I don't see the US extraditing anyone to north Korea, so basically it can't really be prosecuted right? I mean unless you're considered a terrorist, but I'm not sure publishing a website is terrorism, as long as you don't do any actual damage to their systems or infrastructure.
Hacking north Korea
I work at a franchised retail store in Pennsylvania, with paychecks issued from a company that is in Illinois. Over the last few months, I’ve noticed that I am missing about 40 hours of work from my paychecks with most of it being overtime pay. A coworker is missing about 15 hours from his. We also work on commission; as our hours are off, I highly suspect our commission payouts are wrong as well. We receive no breakdown detailing how our (irregularly) paid-out commission was earned. Here’s where it gets weird: * The work is performed in Pennsylvania but HQ is in Illinois * Our current franchise owners are trying to sell the stores to new owners - including staff like myself - with change over in approximately 12 days My current approach is to keep track of all scheduled hours, hours I’ve actually worked, and hours paid out... and wait for changeover to complete (can’t be retaliated against if I’m no longer their employee!). After that, I’m unsure of what to do. Do I send them am e-mail or certified letter detailing the underpayment? Or do I go immediately to the PA Dept of Labor, the IL Dept of Labor, or both? I have everything saved and logged, and everything printed off as well. I just need guidance of what to do once I’m no longer under the threat of being fired for complaining about unpaid wages.
[PA/IL] Not getting paid for hours worked
TL;DR my brother and I thought we planned good enough for our dads passing, turns out the financial advisor wasn’t telling us all the things that needed to happen to split the IRA account and now my brother gets nothing. Our dad passed away in late March this year. My brother and I had a will outlining that we are to split everything 50/50. We thought we had everything taken care of when that day came; we had talked to the bank, had his cremation paid for and set up, power of attorney had been appointed, and we got in touch with the guy handling my dad’s stock in an IRA. My dad was in a nursing home and was not married. We gave a copy of the PoA to the money guy so my brother had access to his funds and let him know that when he passes it needs to be moved into two separate accounts and split equally between both of us and if there was anything we needed to do to make that happen. The guy said no problem, we will make that happen when the time comes. Everything took place as we planned without incident, except when it came to splitting the IRA. We were told about 2 weeks ago that mom was still the beneficiary on his IRA. We thought it was weird that this wasn’t mentioned before when we told him the plan with the stocks and when my brother gave him a copy of the PoA. My mom signed over the money to us, or so we thought. Instead of going to both of us, for some reason I was the only one listed as the beneficiary when my mom signed everything away. We found out that IRA beneficiaries out rank a last will meaning my brother gets nothing. Is there any way to get my brother the portion he’s owed without taking a massive hit on taxes? I feel like this guy and his company should be held somewhat accountable since they didn’t do their due diligence in telling us the road blocks that were in the way when we asked what we needed to do. HELP! edit: this took place in Washington State
Dad passed and my brother is out $60K due to lack of information given by financial advisor
**Background:** When I graduated from High School a family member gave me an old truck as a gift. It was awesome, but the truck had no A/C and wasn't a car I was going to keep for a long time. I eventually purchased a new car for myself but kept this truck on my insurance for the multi-vehicle discount. A family friend had just turned 16 a few months back and was working towards his license. As to pay it forward, I decided to sell him the car at a super reasonable price. **Vehicle Details:** 1998 Ford Ranger, 150k miles, needs bodywork and paint, runs great now that it is fixed **Loan Details:** Since the vehicle was barely driven, I had to spend a good amount in repairs $500+ to get it to pass **California** Smog for the transfer. I decided to sell the vehicle to him for $600 as it was an older truck and that was the KBB value on the lowest end and probably what it was actually worth if needing to be scrapped. **I had a bill of sale drafted for $50/month for 12 months (no interest) to total the $600 payment.** **The dilemma:** The truck was recently hit on the side by another vehicle causing significant damage to the door. Due to the age and condition of the vehicle, the insurance company decided to claim the vehicle as a "total loss." This is what we figured would happen due to the value of the truck. The insurance company has **offered $2400** as a settlement for the truck and a charge of only $700 to keep it as a salvage vehicle (Net $1700 to the family friend). **The Question:** Since the vehicle is now considered a "salvage" vehicle, would I be able to LEGALLY demand the remaining balance of the loan ($450) to be paid in full? Thank you in advance for any assistance that can be provided. **tl;dr** --- Remaining balance on the personal loan is $450, now the vehicle is salvage, insurance offer of $2400 for the total loss, can I request loan to be paid in full?
Gave Personal loan on vehicle, now total loss after accident, CAN I ask for loan to be paid in full?
I was hired back in 2014 by a major grocery chain. I was fired in 2016 for alcohol consumption on the clock. Granted, I just turned 21 at the time.... so... That is not the reason for this post. I went back about 3 weeks after being fired and found out my coworkers all knew what happened. (Nobody saw me drink. Only the camera did. And that is only accessible to the manager himself.) I asked around and it turned out the manager exposed me. Not to mention he explicitly told me nobody was allowed to know. 2nd issue at the same place. I had an assistant manager in the department I worked at. Every day I came in, he always was talking about his "Anaconda" and the best way to lengthen it. He also always asked me if I had a good "Uncle Jack" (Real quote changed for SFW means) last night. This guy was the Union Representative in my store as well. I did, on several occasions, request to my department manager he be asked to stop. I was told to ignore him and move on. Potentially helpful notes; I am in GA (Hire/Fire at will state) City of store: Roswell Date of events: Start was May 2014. End was November 2016. My question: Am I still able to press charges and with whom do I do so? The grocery store itself? Or the company? Am I still in the Statute of Limitations? Any advice would be great. Before you ask, I was not yet decided until now to do this. I have been pondering this for 4 years now.
Fired from a grocery store (legal firing) but manager told my former coworkers why I was fired
I received a letter in the mail from the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department telling me that there’s a warrant for my arrest, it’s a misdemeanor for revenge porn. If found guilty I’d have to pay a $1,000 fine and/or serve a minimum 6 months in jail. My question is since I live hours away from this jurisdiction, will they come and arrest me? I’m thinking about ignoring it because it’s so minor.
CA, USA - Arrest warrant from a different county (misdemeanor)
Warning: likely a lot of useless information My bf and I are both Canadians. He has a TN visa that allows him to work in the US, California to be specific. We want to move in together in California and start a life together, and I thought I'd like to go to school there. The type of further education I am looking at allows me to only apply for M-1 VISA, which would force me to leave within 30 days after graduation (to my understanding). Our seemingly best option is to get married, this allows me to attend school easily and also allows me to receive spousal benefits from his company. The problem is that 1. I consider ourselves too young to be married, and we've only been together for 3 years 2. We can't say for sure that we would want to stay together forever due to #1, parent issues, and because anything can happen, which leads to #3 3. Our parents both have investments under our names that we don't know about, it can become messy if we want to divorce My question is, is there any way to avoid getting married but to have me still be eligible for schools in California, and to get not too expensive health care? If no, is marriage the best option? What would be things to watch out for? Should we get a prenup? If marriage is the best option, could you give some advice for our situation? We are currently in different provinces of Canada, and the possibility of meeting up is extremely low. If we choose to register in California, would I have to re-enter the country for it to take effect? Or would his company have to apply for visa for me afterwards? Our knowledge in this area is quite lacking (as you can probably already tell), so any info would be very helpful. Please let me know if I am missing any info.
Looking for ways to stay in US with bf on TN visa, while being able to attend school
I was making a right hand turn off a three lane higway at a controlled intersection in a rental car. There wasn't a turn lane at this particular intersection, but the light was green and I signaled and slowed to make the turn. As I was about to turn I was rearended by a car that came up on me as a fast rate of speed. We called the Cops and got a police report as the insurance company requested one. We exchanged info, but he didn't have insurance on his car. He was cited for reckless driving and failure to provide insurance info. We didn't purchase the rental car insurance as our Auto insurance policy covers rentals that we are driving. Today I have received a barrage of texts and phone calls from the guy that hit me claiming the rental was never insured and will be suing me for the damage to his vehicle. He is also fighting the reckless driving offence as he said I "brake checked" him and thats why he hit me. I did not..... My question is can he sue me for the damages that he caused? Also if he does somehow get the reckless driving citation dropped will my insurance have to pay for the damages?
(FL) Threatened by a lawsuit after being rearended in a rental car.
So recently at our school there has romour going around that the school has been calling people down to the office and searching through all personal devices for any forms of cheating. The way they "know" you are cheating is that when you go you have to list 10 people you think are cheating or else you get in school suspension. This is a romour so I have no idea what parts are true or if any of it is true. I live in Texas and I have searched around but am getting mixed results. What could the school legally do in that situation?
Student phone rights
I know there is probably no hope for me, but I figured I would reach out. I met my boyfriend about 1 year ago and he has a dog named Bella. A Siberian husky, who was about 1 year old at the time. I always wondered why he got a husky, especially since he lives in an apartment and he told me he bought it from a puppy store for 3000 dollars, which I thought was crazy, but that’s how much pure breads go for I guess (I have rescues) On top of this. Bella is now two and only ways 30 pounds. The problem is he and his mom sometimes are not the brightest stars in the sky and they make impulsive decisions. Hence a husky in southern Utah. After planning on getting her spayed I was looking at the paperwork and saw the loan agreement of 153% APR. 153% FUCKING APR!!!! Like what the hell. He could have paid for his collage education with the 5000$ in interest on a 3000$ annoying ass dog. I know we’re probably sunk, but it’s worth an ask. Are there any laws in place against charging this much on people that clearly don’t know about financials. Any help is great The dog was bought and we live in Utah. Thanks guys
153% APR for a dog
There is a case that went to trial for fraud and the person was found guilty of a count with sentencing to take place in April. How do I search for it? 15-402 - USA v. Swenson Took place is the US southern district court in Houston.
How to find sentencing info? Houston Texas
I received a speeding ticket in Virginia. 84 in a 70. They got me. I'm not asking how to get out of the ticket because I was speeding and I have already paid my fine. When I signed the waiver and plead guilty and to prepay instead of going to court (I don't live in Virginia. Going back wasn't possible.) I signed a summons (ticket) that said I was in violation of code F-46.2-870. After I paid, my case appeared on the courts website. It states I waived my trial, paid in full and plead guilty to violation to code F-46.2-878. Does this matter? I don't want this creeping back to haunt me later. Also, is it a typo or can they (the courts) change the charge/violation that the Sheriff put on the ticket? Oh and by the way, the amount of letters I am getting from Virginia lawyers is kinda funny.
Questions about a speeding ticket I received in Virginia.
Hello all, so I work as a personal assistant for a local executive and I was recently tasked with finding a caregiver for their aging parent. This parent is ~260lbs. and needs help getting up and down some stairs at their home. Now, I wrote up some job requirements and a description stating that the person will need to be able to assist with this weight and transportation on an on-call basis and so on, but when it was reviewed I was told to specifically seek out "a Christian and a man for strength" with the posting. Their intent is to hire this caregiver on, pay a full-time salary, and basically have them available 24/7. They will be paying them with private funds, so it is not an employer of 15 or more employees. I already voiced some concerns that I might have difficulty posting something with those requirements, but I have done some preliminary research and I am not really sure what is covered in this case and how I should approach it. Any advice would be appreciated. Overall, I am not particularly comfortable with this situation and I am unsure if there is any course of action I can take or if they are technically legal. Also, they have been out of town so all communication regarding this is documented in emails.
[Bellevue, WA] Does this fall under Washington State discrimination laws?
Hi all, I'm in a really frustrating position and am grateful for advice. Long story short, rented a place for 8 years, had a great relationship with landlord up to recently. She was very prompt in having repairs made and making sure I lived in a safe and comfortable place. Then, had a lot of life tragedies this year, went through grief, admittedly had a problem with hoarding objects for reselling (not as bad as that TV show), landlord got concerned. House plumbing system broke down beyond my control, handled it to the best of my ability and the repairman (the landlord's friend) testified to her that I did everything I could. I have ALWAYS paid my rent on time, and many times early. But, recently, received notice from landlord to vacate in 90 days, she claims she's selling the house but I feel that's not the entire story. I appreciated the extra time (beyond 30 days) but then a lot of problems began to creep up. She reminded me about holding me responsible for repairing a glass light which I accidentally broke a few years ago, and I think this is fair since I caused it. I told her about it at the time. I do not mean to be difficult, I asked her questions to clarify. She became increasingly cold-sounding so we stopped talking on the phone and keep it in writing. Then, she sent correspondence containing a long list of things that need to be fixed. Quite frankly, this seemed out of character for her, and I am shocked. She says I need to have the carpets professionally steam cleaned (and send her a copy of the bill), and have the whole house treated for fleas "because I have cats" despite them never showing any signs of fleas and having a recent vet check-up. There are many other fine points for things I need to pay for that seem really overbearing. **EDIT FOR EMPHASIS:** I feel the landlord is being pedantic and troublesome. The house is in good condition save normal wear and tear, the carpets are currently quite clean. It seems like a waste of time and money to have to "call professionals" when it may very well cost an arm and a leg for non-existent problems, regardless of her scrutiny. One of my main questions is whether paying for all of things she want out-of-pocket will end up costing more than simply forfeiting my $1300 security deposit + $250 cleaning deposit, since it may very well go above this? Is there a maximum to how much money she can take from me above and beyond this? She was like the landlord from heaven turned into the landlord from hell. I paid a $250 cleaning deposit in the beginning, nonrefundable. I searched my original rental agreement and cannot find any mention of "professional carpet steam cleaning" specifically being a requirement, just "carpet steam cleaning" which suggests I could do it myself. For the record the carpets look clean too. Nor is there a flea/pest clause, nor other things. What's more, she did send a checklist of move-in conditions but wrote no details, and neither of us ended up signing it. I don't remember why. But to receive this new checklist I did not agree to feels wrong... can she even do that? Can a landlord modify those terms without me agreeing? I have been reviewing sites like: * * and now seek personalized advice here. I do not want to take her to court and I want to be fair, given our history, but I feel tense and disrespected with her treatment. What is the right thing to do so I can keep my security deposit, move out peacefully, leave the property in good shape, and move on with my life?
Washington State. Landlord went sour, came up with long list of cleaning fees upon vacating I never agreed to. Is this illegal, what should I do?
I tried posting this on relationship_advice but it kept getting removed so I’m turning to here. I’ll keep it short. I was 16 and he was 22. At the time I was unaware that he was 22 because he told me he was 17 and even showed me pictures of him in school which I don’t know how he got that. I met him through Snapchat and we talked for only two weeks before he asked to come over one night. I was still a virgin at the time so I said no and that I wasn’t comfortable with it. He begged me over and over for almost an hour before I gave in and he snuck in. I was not ready. I didn’t want it but I wanted him to still like me. I didn’t think it was rape at the time but my friends told me he was bad news. Well after that we started dating things got worse. He was controlling and alway took advantage of me even when I told him no. He wouldn’t let me wear certain clothes or hang with certain people. He always accused me of cheating when I wasn’t. He would yell at me and call me names. He would slap me, choke me , pin me down and would rape me even if I was crying and saying no. He took everything from me; my virginity, my confidence and my self worth. Well about two months in he finally told me he wasn’t 17, but he still lied. He told me he was 20 and when he was younger he was in a coma so his parents lied to him about his age. I knew it was bs but I loved him (or so I thought) and went along with it. If that wasn’t enough I found out he gave me herpes. He denied it and said I was a slut and accused me of cheating. I couldn’t win. A month later he went to jail for the alleged rape of a 15 year old. I found out because he called me from jail and I found the girl and we talked about how we both went through that with him so I called him in jail and broke up with him then and I haven’t heard from him since the day he got out he called me to tell me he was out. He was let out because there wasn’t enough evidence. My question is after two years and finally thinking I’m ready to talk about it, should I press charges and how? I was a minor and he gave me a disease I’ll have for life and that’s my only evidence. I don’t want him to hurt anyone else or lie to young girls and do what he did to me to them. I just need help and advice.
Should I speak up now and press charges?
It's only $15 but still. It's in the middle of a pandemic and my lease. Out of Texas.
Can an apartment complex raise rent in the middle of a lease?
So me and my best friend are no longer friends after fighting him for the third time (fists thrown) I got tired of his shit. Now someone is spreading rumors trying to stir shit up and I'm afraid he might fight me again. If he does what can I do to protect myself from the law. The laws been apathetic the past couple times due to no serious injury. But I'm afraid if he attacks me this time I might lose my temper and hurt him. What would happen to me? I have many character witnesses to vouch for my passive ways. I have witnesses from the first fight who saw him attack me. Basically everyone I know knows I would not hit first or try to start anything. Meanwhile he has a reputation of being a hot head and violent. What would be considered too far in the name of self defense and what would happen if I did go too far trying to defend myself? I have no previous record and I am a college student as far as I know my former friend also doesn't have a record and is also in college. I don't really want to get the law involved to protect both of us this is just an invade things go down.
My former best friend is probably going to try and fight me again and I'm tired of the drama.
This is my first ticket ever/time being pulled over. I got pulled over doing 55 in 35, officer told me he’d let me off with a 110A which I am thankful I didn’t get a big speeding ticket. However, I have no idea how any of this work some friends say fight everything, some internet people say plead guilty and take course, the cop said just pleas guilty etc. I’m considering pleading guilty and just doing the course to remove license points, I’m unsure on how to handle any of this.
Officer let me off with a 110A ticket, what should I do?
Will try to be brief. The divorce was 2 years, with a guardian ad litum for the 1 and 2 year old. I won the right to move to Phoenix, Arizona. The kids are supposed to travel back to Wisconsin for 4 weeks per year. 2 over winter break, 2 during the summer. There are also 3 trips to be made by the father to Phoenix, and another trip by the kids back to WI each year. (Total of 6 times per year seeing dad.) The party purchasing tickets is to be reimbursed within 15 days. Tickets were purchased in May for an August trip. The bill of $280 has not been paid. It is Dec 9th, and the ex sends written notice of the requested placement and travel schedule from Dec. 25-Jan. 11. As I read the decree, he has to give 30 days written notice of all travel, and tickets must be purchased 30 days in advance. The decree says he has Christmas this year, but he had 1/2 of Christmas in 17, all of Christmas and Christmas Eve in 18, and it does say every other year. I have been sticking to my guns that I need to be paid back for the summer tickets, and needed 30 days notice of travel plans, but he is saying he is showing up here with the police, and removing them forcefully. (Don't think he can do this?) I am a single Mom in medical school, with a now 3 and 4 year old, and don't have any money to hire a lawyer. Any thoughts would be helpful.
Ex-husband Custody & Travel
Hello all, I will try to keep this brief but specific. This involves Illinois' Biometric Information Protection Act (BIPA) from 2008, much of the text of which can be read [Here]( (no paywall). ​ I work for a company of approximately 50 employees. a few weeks ago, there had been conjecture about putting in a finger print scanning time clock o facilitate punch in/out. I expressed my concern and told my manager i would not be comfortable submitting to such a thing. When I got to work on 12/11/19, I was asked if I was still uncomfortable about the idea. After saying yes, I was told that the new print scanning clock had already been installed and that the prints of many of my coworkers (30+) had already been collected. After speaking to some of them, I found out that none of them had been provided with any paperwork to view, none of them had signed a release, and many of them did not understand what they were doing while their prints were being collected (several do not speak English well). ​ I explained to my manager that this had violated the law and that I wanted to talk to HR. He requested he speak to HR instead. Upon his return, he told me that he was told that since our machine does not store actual fingerprints, only geometric data derived from prints, no laws were broken. This does not fit with my understanding of what I have read. ​ As of now, I still have my job, my company does not have my finger prints, and i am being paid normally. While I do not fear retaliatory action, I do expect something. My questions are as follows: 1. Am I reading this law wrong, or is my company? Have they violated the law and their employees rights? 2. Assuming yes to #1, should I be reporting them to the Illinois Labor Board or other authority? I don't know if I legally have a horse in this race. 3. Assuming yes to #1, should I be encouraging my coworkers to seek damages or to file a class action suit? ​ Looking forward to hearing from many people much more knowledgeable than me, thank you.
{Chicago, IL] Employer wrongfully taking fingerprints/BIPA violations
My apartment like most in the country have their amenities closed down. No pool, no workout room, no business center so I can’t print important paperwork, no maintenance unless emergency, etc. They tried to deny us USPS package delivery (those go to the office and not our door like UPS/FedEx) but caught a lot of heat and found out that was probably illegal since people order essential stuff right now. I had a longer explanation and some examples here, but realized they are too identifiable. Basically, they are notorious for charging big move out fees. Biggest example is charging former tenant for carpet even though right now they are tearing it all out to replace with wood floors. Anyway, is there any legal recourse since I signed a lease that included a certain amount of amenities in the cost that weren’t available in the last few months of living there?
Sue for amenities being closed?
I'm a per diem non-benefitted employee at a large healthcare organization in the Boston, MA area. Massachusetts law requires that most workplaces must give employees earned sick time, and my organization isn’t exempt from this. At my workplace, benefitted employees accrue benefit time (BT) that is supposed to be used for all time off including vacation and illness. Last spring, I worked at the same organization but was earning benefits because I held a 20 hour per week position. One time I was sick with a one day stomach virus so I had to stay home from work. I was told by occupational health that I couldn't return to work until it had been 72 hours since my symptoms had stopped. Since I was scheduled to work the following day, I ended up having to miss that shift as well even though I felt fine. I was accruing about 2 hours of BT per week, and when I looked at my paycheck I saw that I actually had a negative balance for benefit time. I also saw that I had 20+ hours of earned sick time. I emailed my manager and said that I thought there had been a mistake with my paycheck, and that I wished to use my earned sick time to cover the time that I had missed. She replied that earned sick time could only be used for approved absences for surgery or an extended illness. At the time this incident occurred I was quite busy with school and some other things so I was annoyed but didn't follow up on it. More recently, a friend at work was in a similar situation, and was frustrated that all her BT, which she wanted to use to request time off for vacation, etc. had been used to cover a couple shifts that she had missed due to illness, despite her having a large balance of earned sick time hours. From what I understand, the law states that employees can carry over up to 40 hours of earned sick time from year to year. If benefitted employees at my work are never able to use these hours, then they're going to hit the maximum of 40 hours and miss the opportunity to continue accruing more time. The law also doesn't say anything about not being able to use sick time for short illnesses, etc. (what my boss said), but since there's BT for that maybe this isn't illegal. These policies seem unethical to me, and I'm not sure if they’re legal. What do you think? Thank you in advance for any information you can give me! UPDATE: I actually managed to find a document explaining BT, and at the end it has an addendum about the law. It says: >Employees may use accrued paid sick leave for the following purposes: >a) to care for the employee’s child, spouse, parent, or parent of a spouse, who is suffering from a physical or mental illness, injury, or medical condition that requires home care, professional medical diagnosis or care, or preventative medical care; or >b) to care for the employee’s own physical or mental illness, injury, or medical condition that requires home care, professional medical diagnosis or care, or preventative medical care; or >c) to attend the employee’s routine medical appointment or a routine medical appointment for the employee’s child, spouse, parent, or parent of spouse; or >d) to address the psychological, physical or legal effects of domestic violence. >The first 40 hours taken in a calendar year for any of the aforementioned purposes shall be considered protected time under the Massachusetts Earned Sick Time Law. The calendar year is defined as January 1 – December 31. Additional time will not be provided to employees who use all of their time for other purposes (i.e., vacation or personal time). Employees will be permitted to carry over up to forty (40) hours of unused sick time into the following calendar year, but are not permitted to accrue beyond their maximum sick time and are not permitted to use more than forty (40) hours per calendar year. So does this mean that they should have taken sick time out of my MA sick time balance before going into my BT?
Unsure about earned sick time in MA
So a few weeks ago, I got a letter delivered to my parents from my school, stating that I had been late to class 3-4 times or so and that I was considered truant. Keep in mind no one from the school had said anything to me about this, but they did to my parents, and they also said in the letter that I would be considered a habitual truant if I was late to class two more times. However, I turned 18 on the fifteenth (I’m a high school senior btw) and a friend of mine told me that truancy laws don’t apply to me, and I read somewhere on here stating something similar. Is that true? Do I have anything to worry about here?
[KY] Truancy Concerns
I told my lawyer some details about something I do at times that doesn't hurts anyone and is of nobody's business really, but I get paranoid. There's no way my employer would eventually know this unless he goes and tells them, tho not only do I imagine he's got better things to do than that but even if he wanted he won't because there's a confidentiality oath right? I thought it if not relevant to the investigation something he should know shall he needed to stop an interrogation at a time. They ended up asking nothing of the sorts just as he said. I'm in Texas. Thank you.
There's a confidentiality oath with lawyers, right?
Hi everyone. I received a phone call the other day that every spouse dreads hearing. My wife was in a major accident leaving from work and was rushed to the hospital. After a few surgeries, it appears she’s going to be okay. Now, let’s get into the meat of this and where my problems are. My wife works for a hospital and part of her job is to travel to other clinics owned by this hospital to do her job. When she took her job, this travel section was in her job description. When she does have to travel, she is paid for mileage. On the day of her accident , she was leaving an outreach clinic and returning back to her home base to gather supplies. Before, I forget, she doesn’t always travel as most of her time is spent working at the “home” hospital. Anyways, when filing the paper work for workers compensation, on question was if this accident was job related. While driving is not technically her job (she works with children) she was injured on the clock, so I said yes. The representatives of the workman’s compensation company disagree and state that, while unfortunate, this aspect of her job isn’t actually considered to be part of her job. Should I get a lawyer or are we screwed? If more information is needed, I’ll try to provide as much as I can. We live in PA. Thank you.
My wife was in a car accident leaving her job. Workmen’s compensation is trying to find a way to not pay her. Should I lawyer up?
I'm making a speedpaint of my submission for the sailormoon redraw challenge thing, and thought it'd be really cute to put some songs from the sailormoon ost in the background. I'll put links to each and every song in the description and a "song playing" will be in the corner. Is this fair use?
Is this fair use?
We went on a roadtrip in August and he got a speeding ticket in Montana that he payed on the spot (40$). On his Michigan license he had 11 points, but since it was in a different state he wasn't too worried about it. Yesterday he got a notice in the mail that his license is suspended for 3 months because that ticket put on an additional 3 points, putting him at 14 points. Is there anything he could do to get maybe just restricted license? He needs to get to work and school.
My BF got a ticket in Montana for speeding (90 in an 80) on Aug29, now he gets a notice in the mail saying his Michigan license is suspended because of too many points.
So we're in escrow for a house and so we're trying to compare prices for bundling car and home insurance. I was able to get a quote from State Farm but when I asked for the actual policy that details what is and is not covered, he said that it is illegal to provide that before payment. That just sounds completely backwards. This is in California. Is this true?
State Farm won't allow me to see a policy before paying?
Hi there LA, First time poster blah blah. So my issue is a pretty simple one. My landlord refuses to provide us with a phone number that they can be reached at. I have been trying to get one since we signed our lease but the LL keeps dodging the question saying that email is the best way to contact them. Well, we had a small flood last night and "the best way to contact them" wound up in us waiting 12 hours to even hear from the LL, much less have them on-site to assess the issue. This is not the first time they have been less than prompt in dealing with an urgent issue; for example our apartment was broken in to last summer and the LL took almost 36 hours to respond. This was a major issue as the thief had taken keys to our unit door and the building front door so locks needed to be changed ASAP. I've taken a look over the Residential Tenancies Act and the Landlord Tenant Board website but can't find anything to answer my question. Any chance you of you lovely ladies/gentlemen would be able to help me out? Thanks in advance!
Landlord won't provide emergency contact method - Ontario, Canada
This scammer has screwed with the wrong person. He claimed to have filed a lien against my rental property for HOA dues that were overdue (management company admits they never mailed bill to correct house). The problem is no lien was ever filed and that’s a violation of the fair debt collection act. I’m also about to sell this property and have to pay the trumped up charges (yes, small claims court is in my future along with two separate FDCA violations), but the debt collector told me (on a recorded phone call, disclosed I was recorded) that he had a lien, charged me for it, and I had to pay. All lies to pad the debt collectors bottom line. I want to file criminal charges. Is that possible?
Need to know how to file criminal charges against someone for fraud
Hey guys, So I moved to this building about 3.5 years ago, and at the time also signed up for the gym for $15/month. I set up the gym payment on pre-authorized debit, but have been paying my rent by cheque (I'm not fully comfortable with direct-debit for large amounts). I have never missed or been late on a rent payment. Recently the building management company changed and they launched a residents portal. They have been pushing for everyone to register and set up auto-payment through there. Apparently something happened with February and they were unable to auto-debit my gym payment (they said it's something to do with their system change with the new management company). I dropped off a cheque for the $15 and then earlier this week I registered and set it to auto-pay the $15 each month going forward. Today I logged in to the portal to check that the gym payment was being processed and saw that they had set up auto-payment for my entire rent without my knowledge or consent. It also showed that the cheque I gave them had been deposited, so they are basically charging me rent twice for this month. My question is, if I authorize them to take $15/month, can they legally adjust and take however much they want without my authorization for that amount? Shouldn't they need me to sign an additional authorization form for rent? I am located in BC, Canada. Also if anyone is interested, the funds have not come out yet, so I have called my bank and told them to block any direct debits from the company in the amount of my rent, so ideally I should be covered and will not have to pay double rent... The management company seems unapologetic and said they will just refund me the money, but I'm not okay with loaning them a couple thousand dollars whenever they feel like taking it.
Landlord took rent without my permission
So I’m working as a consultant for a company on a contract, but have no other business agreements with them. However they wanted to put me on their website as a team member, i think to help in getting investors related to my work. I’m currently having some trouble with them concerning details of the contract and misdirecting the work. Basically i think they’ve been dishonest to get more free worth out of me. Therefore, I’m not sure i want to represent the company by being on their website.
What are the legal implications of being listed as a “team member” on a business’s website?
Im renewing my lease with my landlord, and they've agreed to keep rent the same. I've never missed a payment and don't plan on it. However this past year my roommate has complained about the noise from the downstairs laundromat in our building (commercial space owned and rented out by landlord). They couldnt figure out how to fix the noise but swapped in some thicker glass for the windows that didn't really fix the issue. At one point my roommate threatened to withhold rent because the whining exhaust noise was 7am-pm every day (roommate subleasing from me, I'm the only one on lease). Now I've assured my landlord I have no intention of withholding rent (over the phone) and talked with my roommate about how I'm not going to go crazy with the landlord over this noise issue. The landlord sent a separate agreement along with lease renewal form stating 'tenants are fully satisfied [with landlord efforts to reduce noise], this [noise] will not be an issue going forward and tenant will not withhold or delay rent' asking me to sign. I'm just worried about the off chance the noise worsens after the laundromat resumes business (closed now due to covid) this would mean the landlord wont have to do anything. Again, I don't plan on fighting it but dont want to end up signing away my rights if the noise somehow comes back worse. Should I negotiate the wording of the agreement? Is the agreement just a shady practice by the landlord? Should I just not sign and only sign the renewal? Brooklyn, NY.
Lease renewal
My ex (21/M) has been harassing me (19/F) online. He can’t harass me irl because he’s in Utah and I’m in Canada. He emails & calls me relentlessly. When I block him, he makes new accounts. He’s gone as far as to contact my family and friends and even people I barely know. He’s called my mothers home phone. He’s made new accounts to get in contact with my friends. He doesn’t threaten me, but he continuously threatens his own life. & threatens to send me videos of himself self-harming. Do I just make all new social media & a new email & change my phone number? (I’ve already tried blocking his phone number but he somehow found a way to still blow up my phone with his contact appearing as “blocked number”). Anything else I can do?? It’s taking a serious toll on my day-to-day life. I’m happily in another relationship now. This has been happening on a near-daily basis for about 3 (4?) months. TL;DR : My ex has been harassing me & my family & my friends online for 3-4 months and I don’t know what to do.
Online harassment
Today I ended up rear ending someone, there was moderate traffic and i was following too closely. What had happened, was that the driver of a black truck in front of me braked very hard (smoke was coming out of his tires) and I didnt have enough distance to brake in time without hitting him. Luckily no one was hurt, and lucky enough for me the driver that i had hit decided he didnt want any kind of compensation because there was very minor damage done to the back of his truck where we collided. On the other hand, there is a hole punched in my car, and my hood is basically popped open. The car is still driveable, but basically I'm upset that I made such a mistake, but also very lucky that it didnt get wven more serious and no one was hurt. But, while I was talking with the driver I hit, I realizied that the man was drunk. His eyes were red, and he was strangely relaxed, so he had to be on the influence of something. When the crash happened, I called my dad (the owner of the car) to come help, as i am a new driver, and was generally just in shock. The driver i had hit also only spoke Spanish, so I had my dad translate. Apparently, the driver had said that he broke so hard because the streetlight had turned red, but when ee collided we weren't at the light. We were still 5 cars away from the light. Regardless, we were still let off. But if I had contacted the police, would the man be held slightly responsible for his drinking? Because the matter is sorted now, I am not planning to go back and try to get compensation, because I do feel this is my fault and I will take responsibility. But I do wonder if I had contacted the police, if the other driver would have been held with some responsibility as well.
I Rear-Ended a Drunk Driver, Hypothetical Question
my ex took 500k home equity loan in Jan in addition to his regular income except the 6 weeks of covid closings. He claims can't pay me for loss of income due to pandemic. Is the 500k cash infusion from a few months ago factored into his ability to pay me? We're in PA.
sources of income for support
Hi! I’m in college and I share an apartment with two other people. Both of my roommates had previously lived in our apartment with someone else for a year and I took over this girls room. The realty company switched for our apartment right after I moved in and we are not allowed to contact the property owner. The original realty company and owner were unaware that my roommates had pets at the time and they would not have allowed that. After I moved in, the owner switched realty companies and we had to go in and sign a new lease with this realty company. Roommate #1 slipped up and told the new realty company that we have pets, so the realty company notified the owner. The owner was apparently pissed because he had turned other people down who had applied for the apartment that also owned pets. Roommate #1 has a dog. Roommate #2 and I each have our own cat. We were all supposed to go in together and sign a lease but our schedules were hectic so roommate #2 and I went and signed the lease first without roommate number #1. When we signed our lease the woman who was working there informed us that the owner would be enforcing a $100 pet fee for each cat and a $300 pet fee for each dog. So this would be totaling $500 in pet fees all together. When roommate number #2 and I signed the lease it stated that we would have to pay $500 in pet fees but it did not specify how much of the total fee each person was responsible for. It also did not specify that cats are $100 and dogs $300. Our realty company doesn’t allow us to pay our total rent individually so we thought the pet fee would have the same concept of no partial payments. (We each pay our own part just at the same time so we have the total). Roommate #1 was unhappy about having to pay the $300 for their dog so they had their mother contact the realty office. I know there was some back and forth conversation between roommate #1, their mother, and the realty office for a few days. When I discussed this with roommate #1 they seemed a little shady and this person always tends to have their best interest at heart (before anyone else’s). Roommate #1 eventually told roommate #2 and I that the realty company had discussed it with the owner and the $500 pet fee was to be split between the three of us because it “wouldn’t be fair” to make her pay the $300 for the dog. At this point I contacted the realty company and they confirmed that the $500 fee would be split between us. I tried to argue with them that when roommate #2 and I signed the lease we were told we would only be paying $100 each. Now roommate #2 and I do not know how to go about handling this situation. I know that legally it probably wouldn’t be worth pursuing, but is there something I can do/say to the realty company that would scare the property owner into abiding by the original pet fees he decided on before roommate #1 intervened?.. I also want to add that a woman who works with the new realty company did an inspection in our apartment and commented that there was no sign of animals and that we were keeping the place in shape. She even took pictures to give the owner a “peace of mind”. She also made a comment to me about how the owner was scared we were going to “vacate” after finding out about the pet fees. Is there something I can do to encourage the owner to abide by the original fees that they decided on?
Trouble with realty company and lease
As the title suggests our (3 tenants) landlord has refused to fix major damages to the unit after nearly 4 months of notice. The damages include multiple holes in attic (heating and cooling the unit is astronomically expensive because of this, so we usually avoid turning on AC or heat), rodent infestation from said holes (presumably squirrels), broken refrigerator (replaced out of pocket by tenants), front door lock corroded beyond use, and a hole in the ceiling of the bedroom from our attempts at solving the rodent issue. We emailed the landlords in January of this year with these problems and never received a response. A repairman was sent weeks after the email was sent to patch the hole in our ceiling with no warning, so none of us were home. He left the drywall on our porch, and it has been sitting there for close to three months now, getting damaged from exposure to rain, cold, humidity, and heat. We haven't heard from the repairman since. There are plenty of other issues that we have faced with this unit as well that were not included with the email such as; backdoor hinges broken leaving the backdoor nearly unusable, a broken shower handle, broken window, leaking pipes beneath kitchen sink, a washing machine that, although it does clean our clothes, is so loud we have had neighbors complain from the noise. We can't afford to "repair and deduct" especially since all of us have lost our jobs from the Covid pandemic. We replaced the refrigerator a few months back but the old one is still in our backyard since we can't transport it anywhere to dispose of it. Essentially, we are looking to withhold our rent until the unit is in full repair. Landlord claims that we are responsible for all maintenance except for small fixes, such as our sink. Our lease mentions "Maintenance of (appliances) is tenants responsibility". Does this include completely non-functioning appliances? We are responsible for pest control in our lease, but because of the major damages to the attic are we responsible still to clear our attic of pests regularly? We signed the lease for the unit "As-is" does this exempt them from repairs, or place the responsibility for repairs on us, or are they still responsible to keep the unit in full repair? Thanks for any and all feedback!
(Atlanta, GA) Landlord refuses to fix major damages to property, claiming it is our responsibility.
I have a knee injury that requires surgery (torn meniscus). The cause is indeterminate but the doc said I’m too young for it to be degenerative. There was just no “aha” moment. It began about a year ago and I’ve been in continuous treatment since then before finally getting surgery. I have short-term disability insurance at work. The insurance has an elimination period of 0 days for an injury, 7 days for a sickness (direct quote from the plan documents). The insurance adjuster told me that I would have a 7 day elimination period for this, which I questioned as this is clearly (to me, anyways) an injury and not a sickness. The plan glossary defines injury as: > a bodily injury that is the direct result of an accident and not related to any other cause. And sickness: > An illness or disease. These are the only two possibilities. It seems to me there is a gap consisting of injuries not caused by an accident OR by an illness or disease. I asked the adjuster to look into it, but I’m not expecting much. Am I boxed in by the confines of this policy or do I have a leg to stand on?
(US, California) Insurer debate between injury and illness
Was watching YouTube with my sister when an ad for a Pixel 4 popped up. I tried looking away, but next thing I realized I am in a hospital. I'm not sure what to make of it. Just a very scary experience seeing your family crying surrounding you. My sister said my lips started to turn blue and I was choking while flailing about. I don't have a history of epilepsy. I wish I could link the ad, but I'm scared to go looking for it, and my sister can't seem to find an upload on YouTube. She said it started by flashing green and red on the screen, and then a Pixel 4, and Santa was there. I live in Virginia, USA.
Had a seizure because of an Ad on YouTube, now in the hospital?
My Fiance works for a crafts store you may have heard of (or it's Supreme Court case). Today, as we were riding our bikes to her work, we happened to find her employee vest on the side of the road. Apparently someone (I assume a co-worker) stole it out of the employee break room and left it in the street. To make things worse, my fiance had left her rescue inhaler in her vest pocket prior to it being stolen! When we found it, I told my fiance to tell her HR ASAP (I already know her managers won't do a thing) so something can be done about this. Apparently, the last few people to go to HR with problems and concerns were fired... by my fiance's managers... Is there anything we can do about this legally? I am outraged that someone would take someone's inhaler and put their life at risk. I am even more outraged by the fact that she can't even talk to anyone about it or she'll be fired!
[Florida, USA] Found fiance's stolen uniform with her rescue inhaler. Is there any action we could take against her employer for letting this happen?
My girlfriends mom works for a dentist as a hygienist. In Kentucky they are looking to open dentists offices soon and they will need increased PPE, since they work in such a high aerosol environment. The dentist received an $80k loan from the government for PPE. Instead of buying PPE for his staff, he is using the money to help his new young wife (for whom he left his wife and she is his daughter’s age) found an area within the dentistry to sell supplements or some crap like that. Aside from this being morally abhorrent, is it illegal? Can he use tax payer money for PPE and not use it for PPE? Family connection aside, I am angry as a tax payer that my taxes are being spent to go towards supporting an MLM. If this is illegal, what actions can someone or the staff take to make sure the money goes elsewhere, without getting the business shut down?
A dentist is using his PPE loan to help his new wife start a MLM in the office instead of buying his staff PPE. Is that illegal?
I'm in Oregon. Salem to be exact. I know that if my employer has more than a certain amount of employees they have to off use paid sick time but I only get PTO. Can they deny my request for sick time if I'm using PTO seeing I don't have a separate vacation and sick pool?
Can an employer deny my sick time request? - Oregon
On mobile, sorry for formatting. I am currently leasing a house from a leasing agency in NC. I am a college student, so leases renew in the summer. I’m planning on living in the exact same house next semester, but my two roommates are moving out. My two roommates are not helpful in my situation at all. They refused to sign a change-of-tenant form because they worried we wouldn’t pay them the security deposit (even after telling them we would pay them before they signed). To accommodate this, the leasing agency drew up an entirely new lease, which treats me as if I am a brand new tenant that has never lived there. As a result, they told me I have to move out for 10 days. Annoying, yes, but I was desperate for housing so I agreed. This was all before COVID-19. I’m now in New Jersey, a hotspot for the virus. They want me to come back to NC, move all my stuff out, and move it back in 10 days later. I’ve contacted them about my situation and this is the response I got: “I hope this email finds you well. I have checked in with our leasing team and property management team to see what options are available for you to remain in the property. The only solution we have would be to complete a change of tenant - and void the new lease. As I remember the outgoing tenants were not amenable to this because of the security deposit exchange. You could pay the security deposit to the outgoing tenants which would hopefully convince them to sign a change of tenant form. The security deposit we have held in escrow would remain, and it would be returned at the end of the lease provided there is no damage. The new tenants would need to feel comfortable with the property being left as is with no turnover. This would be the only way as we cannot complete the inspection with anything remaining in the property. Please let me know if you have questions I can answer.” Are there laws protecting me from this? Any advice would be helpful. TYIA!
Leasing agency making me move out during COVID-19 just to move back in 10 days later. How can I stop this?
First of all, I rent a house in the state of Arizona. In our rental agreement, it says that the landlord is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the pool, as well as cleaning. I specifically made sure I didn't have to take care of the pool when I moved in, because I don't know how. We have a pool guy who comes around a few times per month and cleans the pool, checks the motor, etc. When my roommates and I first moved in, he told us the water levels were low and that we needed to fill the pool more frequently. We have been filling the pool very frequently and keeping the levels high enough (or so I thought. I've never had a pool before.) Honestly sometimes they would get low but we always filled it right back up. We live in AZ and the water evaporates FAST. Today my landlord called me and told me the pool motor has stopped working and needs new bearings. The pool guy told him this happens when water levels are left low for too long. It will be a $280-400 repair. He told me I have to pay for it because "I was the one who didn't keep the pool full enough." He also told me I should have notified him when the pool motor was making loud noises so it could have gotten fixed before the bearings completely gave out (I thought that noise was normal for pool motors. I'm not the pool guy. I don't know.) Am I actually responsible for paying the full cost of repairing or replacing this pool part? It was agreed upon that pool maintenance was not the tenant's responsibility. The house and pool are both quite old and the bearings and motor were probably about to give out anyways due to age.
Landlord is claiming I broke the pool and have to pay for new parts?
I've spent most of my career in the finance industry, and while I feel pretty comfortable in terms of compliance and guidelines, I want to make sure I'm doing things completely compliantly as I begin starting my own business. Obviously consulting with a lawyer is going to be the best bet in terms of getting a full understanding of laws/guidelines when it comes to certain things, but I feel like I should reserve that for specifics, and answer most of the "general questions" through my own research to save both the lawyer's and my time. So, how does one go about finding and researching laws and/regulations (along the lines of FDCPA, Dodd-Frank, etc.) prior to starting a business both on a state and federal level?
[CA, US] Planning to start a business (financial services), what's the best way to research laws/guidelines to ensure compliance.
Hello, my name is Richard Zou and i currently live in Ireland. So my current circumstances are that the CRO are asking for annual returns for a company that has not been operational for that last 10 years . My father opened the company and my mother signed in order for the company to be operational and because of that we have a problem. My father deserted the family back in 2011 leaving behind a debt with the company and our home. Our home is under arrears but luckily we are working to get mortgage to rent in place. But the company that was opened by father has been reinstated as the company had an asset the creditor wanted. My mother is on social welfare and we cannot afford to get legal advice on the matter. My mams social welfare adds up to 15000 a year and the required annual returns are quoted at 3000 - 5000 euros. This is not a sum we can get that easily as you are probably aware. So i am trying different measure in order to try get that sum I am trying to start a gofundme but i am not able to post on subreddits due to low karma. My account is over 3 years old and i would appreciate some advice on the matter Thank You Richard Zou
my partner’s parents are detrimental to his mental health, he has regular panic attacks and overwhelming trauma caused by living in the situation he’s in. i am planning to get a job as soon as i graduate high school next week though i don’t turn 18 until september. he does infact have a job and i am looking for places that we could comfortably live in, so i would like to know how to go through the process of being emancipated as minors to get him in a safe living situation? he has told me that cps was no help to him and his parents’ abuse worsened when they learned about him calling to try and get himself out of that situation. i worry for him a lot, even if we weren’t together i would do anything to help him, can someone please walk me through the steps to get him in a safe environment asap?
my partner (16) is in a very distressing emotionally abusive household, how would him and i (17) go about being emancipated to get him in a safe environment?
Language teacher refused to send student to nurse because he didn’t know how to ask to go in the foreign language (only the first semester). He had an injury from the class prior. It was from improper posture when shooting during archery practice. His arm was swollen, purple, and it looked quite painful. She told him to ask around to see if anyone knew. He didn’t figure it out until half an hour later (no one knew due to poor teaching). This teacher has treated students poorly, and ruined GPAs over simple mistakes. I want to know what Tennessee law this violates (because surely it does). Thank you.
Teacher refused trip to nurse (TN)
Sorry if this is the wrong post flair. I applied to a IC job that I found out is a scam. They are sending me a $550 check which I'm supposed to deposit to my bank account and pay it to someone else (which I won't be doing). Should I keep the check, deposit it to my account, or is there someplace I can take it to?
Receiving a scam check soon. What should I do? [SLC, UT]
As the title says, I ordered some wheels from a tire shop right before Christmas and signed to have them order and they told me they would call me once they have been ordered to tell me when they will be arriving, a week and a half passed by and I never got a call back so I gave them a call and they said that they had forgotten but we’re going to order them now, then it turns out the wheels have been discontinued, but they already charged the amount to the in store credit card. I asked for a refund but they told me that they could not issue me a refund because it was a special order and they would have to charge me a restock fee even though the tires were never ordered and they are discontinued which does not make sense to me. They tried to offer me different wheels but I already ordered different ones from a different shop that I liked better. Can they really not issue me a refund? Do I have to file a dispute? What are my options?
(NC) Ordered wheels but they were discontinued and tire shop is refusing to give me a refund
So about 2.5 weeks ago my car got towed in the city of San Francisco. When I went to get my car back, I noticed a ticket slapped onto the windshield. I have to pay my ticket by this Saturday but I also wanted to protest the towing because I truly feel that it was unjust (long story). I sent in my protest for the towing and luckily I didn't think to check the parking ticket for my license plate because if I did, I wouldn't have known that they wrote it wrong on the ticket!!! My question is, should I even bother protesting the ticket since the ticket misspelled the license plate? They wouldn't even be able to track it down right? There is a photo on file though... TL;DR: got a parking ticket, they misspelled my license plate on the ticket, it's due this Saturday, should I even protest/pay it?
Parking ticket/towing
I am 15 years old in GA. My brother has been having violent episodes for years now. Unfortunately, my parents allow him to live with us. Last night he had one and he finally went to jail. But my parents are already saying they’re letting him come back when he gets out. On top of that, both he and my other brother do drugs around us all the time. My parents are careless and won’t do anything about any of this. I’ve tried to talk to them. I really just don’t want to live here anymore. But I don’t want to get anyone else in trouble. What can I do? I MIGHT be able to live with my grandparents but it’s a long shot.
Don’t want to live with parents
I moved in with my aunt in June 2014 to get away from a bad relationship. Two months later my aunt tells me we have to move right away so we did. I now no longer live with her because she kept raising the amount she wanted me to pay her for rent. A week ago I recieved a letter for a lawsuit that was already ruled on saying that my aunt and I owe $6475 for back rent and damages. I've come to find out that my aunt was having trouble with her ex fiance at the time that I first moved in with her and that they were being evicted. She decided to stay and not pay rent for a couple months. Her ex fiance was able to fill in the proper paper work to be released from the lease so he is not named in the lawsuit. I am being told that since I stayed at that apartment with my aunt for more than 15 days that I am just as liable as my aunt for the rent and damages. I wanted this to go away as quickly as possible becuase I didn't want to feel so stressed out. I spoke to the collections and we had an inital figure of $2500 that I would pay in a lump sum to be dropped from the case. Now that I spoke to them again they are saying that I need to pay at least half of the total amount. At this point I am feeling very stressed out because I had to get a loan for the $2500 and now they want more. They are also saying that if my aunt does not take responibilyt for the other half taht they would come after me and garnish my wages for the full amount. Which some how they calculate to be over $9000!! That number is no where on the letter I recieved. What can I do to make this go away?? What options do I have available? Am I really responsible for any of the money owed? Please help me. I live in Santa Clara, California
Got sued for back rent and damages. Was never on the lease. Please help.
Hello, going to try and keep this short. Long story short I started selling on amazon, made $850 in sales in the first month or two. My account got suspended because I had to cancel ordered (coronavirus and life). I tried to get my account unsuspended but they rejected my attempt. I gave up on that and just opened a support case asking how I could get my money and when and stating I had no interest in getting my account reopened I did not want to sell anymore, but they gave me an automatic reply asking for the information required to unsuspend my account. I replied saying something like I dont want to reopen my account I just want information on how I can get the money I earned from my sales out of my account and into my bank account. They gave me the original reply over and over again and now anytime I reopen my case they just mark it as answered without emailing me or replying or anything whatsoever. I started trying to get support back in January and now it is May and I think its kinda crazy that they are just holding my money for months without contact. My last 3 attempts to reopen support cases ended in them just being closed after a few days no word back from them at all. I tried calling the normal support line, but its closed because of coronavirus right now.
Amazon holding $850 from me for months and are closing my support cases without a reply
I found a different place to live (after May 1st) and my lease ends on June 1st. However, I didn't give my landlord 30 days notice so my lease will automatically renew for month to month on June 1st. My question is will I be responsible for the rent for the entire month of June if I give notice in the middle of May?
(NM State) If I give 30 days notice to my landlord on the 13th of May how much of June's rent would I be responsible for?
My husband was working for a company and the boss rented us out a house. Rent & the water bill came out of my husbands paycheck, we never got anything in a contract but have proof we've paid rent and water. A few days ago the boss came by and let my husband go, he said not to worry about some advances my husband took when he first started working and we had a week to get out. Within an hour he called the city and had our water meter taken, thus shutting off the water service. I called him to ask him to put it back on & reminded him we have a 3 month old. When that didn't work out we found out we can take legal action & went to the local judge who contacted him & informed him turning off the water is illegal, he said he still wouldn't turn it back on. Today the landlord called and said if we didn't cause him grief with a lawsuit about turning off the water he wouldn't sue us for the advances my husband took (about 2k) when i reminded him he said to let it go he said he said that before he found out we were playing hard ball. I kept pressing that we needed the water turned back on and legally we had 30 days to stay in the house with a written notice, he said he disagreed. Anyway, he is turning the water back on now but i'm still wondering if I should file a lawsuit. We moved in & didn't have water, electric or sewage. The entire time we've been here there has been no heating or cooling system and the last week before he let my husband go we didn't have any hot water. Would it be worth filing a lawsuit against him as a landlord even if he sues us for the advance?
Texas-Landlord troubles
[NJ] My aunt lives with her daughter, daughters b/f, and 2 grandchildren in a rented rancher. Month to month agreement. No lease. Rent is paid on time with direct deposits into the landlords bank account. The landlord called the daughter and said they have 30 days to move out cause he's going to put the house up for sale. I've seen similar posts but in other states, and there wasn't much of a definitive answer anyway. What rights do my aunt and her family have? Do they have to leave? How much time do they have? Do they have to allow prospective buyers to look inside? If sold, how much notice would the new owners have to give to evict? Etc.....
Landlord called and gave 30 days to move out so he can sell the place
My parents restaurant has been shut due to the neighbours complaining about my parents side job. Which is collecting scrap metal. There home and business is connected. And the backyard is where all the scrap metal is. The health inspector came and forced there way into their house. Obviously knowing that an inspector is coming. They but some of the containers in the other kitchen and living room. But they also went into the backyard. My question is. Are health inspectors allowed to come into my parents home despite it not being connected to the restaurant? This is in Canberra , Australia btw.
Neighbours complained about side job and now my parents business is closed.
I am in San Diego, CA I was recently in a car accident and my car received most of the damage and it was towed at the scene of the accident. The car wa still drivable, the only reason it got towed was because I was too shaken up to drive myself. After getting home I called Nationwide (my insurance provider) and filed my claim. I relaxed a bit knowing that I have full coverage and shouldn't have to worry too much. A few days later I am contacted by an inspector that looked at my car and he informed my that it is a total loss, I then spoke to someone else that gave me my options for a total loss. Either $10,281 if I decide to let the insurance company take it or $7,000 if i decide to retain it. after I asked a few questions I was informed that repairs to my car would cost around $7400 and most of that went to body repair, airbags, impact sensors. no damage was done to the engine and it was still drivable.. I was under the impression that total loss meant that the car could not be repaired. I'm wondering why Nationwide would offer me 10k or offer $7k when my vehicle could be repaired for $7400. Also i should add with either option i wouldn't get this money. since I only bought it a year ago i still owe $13,000 both amounts would go to the leinholder either leaving me with 6k or 3k to pay off a car i do not have. Again, I have full coverage and I thought that with full coverage my insurance would cover the costs for repairs if the car was able to be repaired.
Help with my auto insurance not wanting to repair my car.
Got me with a laser, so bad. I'm basically wondering the risks of going to court (will I definitely get more fees?) or if I put in a little time can I get my fine reduced with no points? I have the option for traffic school, but poor. Happened in Marion county around Ocala.
Contesting a ticket issued from a Florida highway patrolman, do or don't?
So I have two young children with a woman that I left several years ago now. She cheated on me multiple times. I tried to stick it out for the kids, but once it became apparent that it would become an unhealthy relationship, I left her. We've had joint custody since. The younger (7 years) one is ADHD and highly impressionable and the other is a few years older (11) and deals with really bad anxiety. I remarried a couple years ago and everything was fine until early this year when my older child found out we would be having another baby. Since then, she's been becoming increasingly aggressive and insubordinate with my new wife. Her mother has been taking her to counselling, but I don't think it's helping. A couple weeks ago, she got in my wife's face, yelling with her fists clenched. The behavior is worst when I'm not home. Friday morning, the 7th, they were released early from school and were supposed to walk home, but my wife called me about 20 minutes after they should have been home to tell me they haven't made it yet. Their mother picks them up by car every other Friday, so I called the school to see if they were waiting in the office. Come to find out, their mother was at the school and all three were being interviewed by DCS. The assistant I spoke to at the school office knows me well because I take care of all my kids' health issues and medication. Police officers and DCS would not speak to her, but she called me back to inform me that they had all left. At this point, I'm worried the kids might have been hurt by their mother or her husband, so I left work for the day knowing I wouldn't be able to get any work done. And since their mother wouldn't answer her phone, I was pretty much in the dark. On my way home, I get a text message from my ex-wife, informing me that she has temporary custody and that I will be served. I also deal with anxiety so my whole world is flipped upside down. I get home to see a police car outside and find my wife inside being interviewed by DCS. As it turns out, she was accused of punching my daughter in the stomach and strangling my son against a wall.Both of us and my stepdaughter (10) are all interviewed. I assume, they found no evidence to prove any of the accusations. No arrests were made and the DCS guy seemed somewhat sympathetic to our plight. So, we're left with trying to make the best of our Friday evening, me seriously considering hitting up an urgent care for an emergency Xanax scrip, and waiting over the weekend to be served. Fuck, I can't even send my children to their rooms for discipline without worrying over whether I'm doing the right thing and my wife rescues animals and has been child care for over 10 years. We don't even spank in our home, we're the least violent people you'd ever meet. We receive the court papers Saturday morning and here's where it starts to get weird. In my ex-wife's emergency custody paperwork, she put down that I punched my son in his stomach until he threw up and exposed them to heat. A completely different story than what DCS told us. It also states that DCS has an open case against us from the previous week and this paperwork was filed on the 3rd. However, DCS didn't interview me, my wife, or my children until the 7th. If they had an open investigation, why would they have waited nearly two weeks to interview any one and why would they have done it Friday while the children were in school? I can think of a few reasons why my ex-wife and my daughter might make these things up. First, my ex-wife really wants to move back to her home state. If she has full custody, she might be able to get away with that. Second, my daughter now seems to abhor my current wife. Thirdly, my ex-wife seems to be making a great effort to receive as many free food programs as she can: she has the children enrolled in a free weekend food program at school, to which my daughter has admitted to me her mother and husband eat; she has enrolled my children in a free lunch program, while our current arrangement is that we split lunch responsibility; and lastly, her husband is unemployed and requires some sort of surgery on his arm before he can return to work. I believe it could entirely be for child support, which would wreck me financially. Now here is my dilemma. I feel like I can't even trust my own children. I want to be there for them, but I feel like nothing I have done has made their lives better just because they're influenced by their mother half the time. I'm sure she fills my daughter's ears with vitriol. My relationship with my daughter is shaky. She once told me her mother said I "have a new family now." And with my son dealing with ADHD, it feels like a relationship is almost nonexistent. He's called me by my ex-wife's husband's name so many times I've lost count. I cannot risk another instance like this. My wife has a 10 year old and an infant to take care of and if I were so much as arrested until things are sorted out, I risk losing my job. I was told by a friend of my wife's that her ex-husband had done this to her a couple times and that the judge has to toss it because there isn't any evidence, so I'm feeling confident this will blow over and custody will go back to normal. But I'm scared to let them back into my house. My ex-wife is a real piece of work, what if she marks the kids up next time and tries this again? Or what if my daughter takes more extreme measures herself? Do I need to take pictures of my kids before they leave the house? Am I going to have to invest in a surveillance system to protect myself? Does any one know what my options are? If my ex-wife put them up to this and I give up custody of just my daughter, I lose my ability to pay for formula and diapers and she gets one step closer to what she wants. Then I feel like it's just a matter of time before they figure out a way to get custody of my son as well. And then what horrific legal action will I face? If I bring my children home, I feel like I'm taking a huge risk. I don't want to force my kids to be with me if they don't want to be here, maybe they're happier with my ex-wife and her husband. But I don't feel like my family should suffer over everything that woman has put me through. I'm really at a loss. Edit: As an after though, would it be possible to counter her request with my own to remove them from the situation with their mother so that I can have temporary custody while I get them the Counceling they need? Of course, this approach still leaves me vulnerable to the concerns I have with them in my home. tl;dr: Ex-wife may have put my kids up to accusing me of child abuse. Relationship with those children is waning. Is there a way out of this to protect my family?
[AZ] Accused of physically abusing my children by ex-wife, children corroborate story.
What rights does my partner have to items bought solely by me? Basically we have been together for nearly 15 years and have aquired a typical household along with a dog, cat, and one young child. Most of the larger items, furniture etc. were bought with pooled money or gifted to us. Other items I bought independently, obviously for the both of us to use, appliances for example and in the more extreme a car which my SO solely uses. All of the items in question were purchased or financed by me without any financial assistance or retribution. We are not married and to my knowledge there is no common law marriage in Virginia. If we were to separate what rights does my SO have to claim to those items? I understand that since my SO has become accustomed to the use of the vehicle that my SO may have some stake in it and I do not wish to create a burden. At the same time the house is rented to us by my SO's family so I am already at a loss as I will need to furnish new living quarters to minimize the disruption to our child's life.
(Virginia) Division of property between unwed couple
I'm out for a walk. Bad guy walks up, pulls a knife, and says 'gimme your wallet.' I draw a firearm, order him to drop the weapon and get on the ground, and dial 911. Robber drops his knife and runs. Am I justified in shooting, assuming nothing behind the target?
Justified use of force during a robbery.
**TL;DR: Ex and I agree to rent a home for me to leave, but now she’s interfering with my parenting role** This is a very complex situation that I will try to explain first; if it’s not clear I’ll be happy to answer questions for clarification. My ex and I separated 6 years ago and share custody of a young boy, who attended school in the same district that we both used to live in. Due to overcrowding and run down infrastructure in the school our kid attended, my ex suggested that I rented a home in a nearby district that has way better schools. I couldn’t do that because I rented a property and still had seven months in my lease agreement; I would had to pay three months of rent as a penalty if I got out of that agreement. My ex (who owns her a condominium) told me “no problem, I’ll give you the penalty money” and she did. She also offered to sign the lease on the new home that I agreed to move into because the deadline to register our kid was about to pass. So she rented the new home (she is the leaseholder) and I show up as co-resident; I’m the one paying the rent and utilities. Problem is that now she comes every night to put in my son to sleep, which is something that I’ve been doing exclusively when he’s with me after we separated. Her reasoning is that she wants to help my son with the transition to the new home; I’ve inquired a couple of times when this “transition” is going to end and she has responded that is her role to tuck in our son to bed and refuses to discuss the matter. In addition her mom has taken it upon herself to “assist” my son with his home-schooling assignment, including a couple of hours of online conversations with my kid that I wasn’t consulted about. She has even showed up at my house a couple of times to complain about supposed classes that my kid has missed while staying with me. I have politely requested that she stays out of my house but that is not working and they are both behaving as if they had the right to be here. Question is: do they? I live officially at this home, my ex lives in her own house but since she’s the lease holder, does she have a right to just come into my house whenever she pleases? We have a parenting agreement that establish who has custody of the child and that only says that we both have a right to speak on the phone with our kid when he’s staying with the other parent. I consulted with the owner of the house-who owns other rental properties in the same area-about me moving out and renting another property in which I’m the only person in the lease, but he said that according to my current contract my ex would have to sign-off on that. I’m already planning to do that at the end of the current lease anyway, but I’m months away from that and in the meantime I’m unable to take care of my son while he is at my primary residency. Also, what recourse do I have regarding my ex MIL? Can I just tell them to stop contacting my son while he is under my care without my authorization? She seems to believe that she has some “rights” as a grandmother to do this, as she had expressed to me.
[MD] My ex refuses to leave my house and today her mom came in as well
I just had to pay $275 to get my car back from the towing company. Here are the facts. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to get my money back. I live in Cherokee county, GA. 1. I recently bought a new car and my old car has been sitting unused at my apartment complex while I try to sell it. It was in the same place for 2 weeks. 2. I have renewed my tag online but I never received a sticker for my license plate. The apartment complex has a rule that my tag must display the current updated registration sticker. This was reasoning for towing my car. 3. They gave me a warning by placing a sticker on my car window. Since I am using my new car and my old car was parked towards the back of the complex I didn’t see it. 4. I’ve sent an email to the manager at the apartment complex. He said that since my tag looking expired they would not help pay for the towing fee.
My car got towed because it looked abandoned at the apartment complex I live at.
Who should I call to get this car towed? I have to leave for work in an hour and I'm blocked in should of included I'm in Anne Arundel County Maryland
Someone is parked in a fire lane, which is blocking my car in between a car parked legally and the fire lane car
I have been living in this property since August 15th 2013. The first contract I signed went from August 15th 2013 to July 16th 2014, and the second contract from July 16th 2014 to July 15th 2015. The contract is set up in this way as I am a University student and the housing contracts last for one year at a time. After being at home for the summer I went back to the property on the 24th September 2014 to find that the Landlord had evicted me without reason or notice and moved in 4 new students. He had also taken all belongings that i had left in my room over the summer period and is holding them in his garage. He is refusing to tell me where the garage is so that I can collect my stuff, until I pay him the rent he claims I owe him from July 16th 2014 until he evicted me and moved new people in on September 22nd 2014. I have an appointment at a solicitors to see if I am liable for the rent he claims, and for advice on whether to go to court over the eviction or not, which I'm told was an illegal eviction. I also went to the police to explain that the landlord has stolen my belongings and is holding them at ransom for the 'debt owed' but they told me it is a civil matter and not a criminal matter, and as such, they have no authority to do anything. Reddit, do you have any advice on how to go about getting my stuff back? And is what he did evicting me and taking/stealing my stuff illegal, and if so, should I go back to the police? Apologies for any mistakes or errors with the layout, this is my first Reddit post. Also I live in England Any and all advice would be appreciated, thanks.
Landlord evicted me and is holding my possessions at ransom - England
Location: Missouri Can a therapist opt out of mandated reporting if their client admits to involvement in child pornography distribution groups by claiming therapist-client privacy priveleges? My ex-husband (whom I have children with) will only ever admit to his involvement in groups that were trading/distributing child porn during therapy sessions. Is his therapist a mandated reporter in this situation?
Are therapists excused from mandated reporting laws for client privacy priveleges?
So, I work at UPS. I’m also really into the sneaker-resell community. And often times, to make the most money reselling sneakers, people will presell shoes before they release. This is where I come into play and scan their UPS label. This is so they buyer of the product things the item is in transit - this allows the seller a buffer period to receive and actually ship the item. Is this illegal? What if the seller doesn’t ship the item, but I scanned it, is it now illegal? I feel like it’s not illegal, but just unethical, any input would be appreciated! Thanks
Is pre scanning UPS labels illegal?
Hey! I rented a house last year with eight friends. We all moved out the end of August, did a major clean but since the management is notorious for being assholes with deposits, we got about 3,000 back of the original 4,000. Not a huge issue since there are so many of us so it wasn't a huge loss. Although one thing they charged for was an unpaid water bill of around $250, yet we paid all the bills and even contacted the water company to verify this. But since we'd received the deposit back and the company is impossible to get ahold of I don't think there's anything we can really do. A lot of their other charges were bullshit too. 'Fridge parts'?? That's not the big issue though, we just got a letter saying we now owe management over $1,000 for plumbing issues they found. Apparently there were 'bones, duct tape, and rags' that were flushed down the toilet. ?!?! They had also tried claiming six months into living there that someone was flushing paper towels down the toilet. I don't know how they came up with that out of the blue, but even as poor college students paper towels cost more than toilet paper so we wouldn't waste it in the toilet! The consensus from the group is that this is ridiculous and we don't plan to pay the additional 1,000. I'm wondering if it's possible some animal could have done this? Maybe that should be a question for 'Ask Plumbers' haha. Anyway, I'm wondering from a legal standpoint what could happen from this. Is it legal for them to ask for more money after we've been moved out over a month, already received our deposit back, and new tenants have been living there? Could it not have been them? The landlord has a reputation for being 'litigious' but would he have any success with this case?
Minnesota Landlord charging $1000 for plumbing repairs after returning security deposit
not really that bad, idk where else to post. but hey. some kid in my lunch is jacking off at lunch, he thinks he’s slick but he isn’t. i’m wondering, will he get in trouble if i tell, because i want this kid to stop because half my lunch knows. he doesn’t whip his junk out, he just rubs it so it’s not nude. so if i tell a teacher will i get in trouble for having the video, and will he be in trouble ?
some kid jacking off at my lunch
It's a boyfriend moves in with girlfriend without paying any rent scenario. When moving in all the boyfriend did was change his postal address. Then 6 years later the boyfriend moved out and changed their postal address but left a few things. A few weeks have passed, and the girlfriend still hasn't issued an eviction notice. Assuming the girlfriend issues a notice today, when does the 30 days for the boyfriend to pick up the rest of his things start counting? A few weeks ago when he changed his postal address? **Or** today when he receives the notice? Lastly are there any extra actions either party should take and or should have taken?
[Montana, USA] When does the time a tenant has to pick up their stuff start counting?
At the end of December I moved out of a small 610 sq ft 1br apartment I had been renting in preparation for moving into a new home I had purchased. When I moved out of the apartment I cleaned the floor boards, mirrors, sinks, counter tops, toilet, bathtub, and vacuumed the carpet before leaving. I did not leave behind any damage to walls, carpet, or otherwise. A few days prior to moving out, the refrigerator handle broke off (plastic cracked where it screwed into the door) and I notified the complex of in the form of a maintenance request to replace the handle. I left the apartment clean and in the same shape that it had been when I moved in, with the exception of the broken refrigerator handle which had not been fixed prior to be moving out. After I had moved out, I was not contacted by the apartment complex to do a final walkthrough at any point. I received a letter from the complex stating they were not returning my deposit and requesting approximately $300 in damages to the carpet and to replace the fridge handle. When I reached out to the property manager, they notified me that it was due to excessive animal urine which had ruined the carpet and needed to be completely replaced. I own a 7 year old dog which was included on my lease, however I know that my dog NEVER urinated or defecated in the house. When I explained to the property manager that my dog never peed in the apartment, they indicated that was simply not the case as the apartment reeked so bad of urine that they couldn’t rent the apartment. They stated the smell was so intense they had to leave the windows open for a whole month to try and get the smell out. I requested photos of the damage, which they stated they had, and they invited me to come down and smell the apartment for myself as they claimed it still smelled of urine. After the phone call I emailed the manager to send me the pictures of the damage. The manager stated they had been mixed up and did not actually have pictures. That same day I dropped by the complex with my girlfriend (who regularly stayed at my apartment and knew it did not smell of urine and that there was no carpet damage) and viewed the unit. There was a fresh coat of paint and brand new carpet in the unit and absolutely zero smell of pet urine. The only smell in the unit was the fresh paint and carpet glue smell. While in the unit, the manager continued to state that all they could smell was urine and nothing else. They could not point out any areas where there was damage and kept repeating that all they could smell is animal urine. I know without a doubt that my girlfriend and I are not crazy people and that I did not leave the unit in the condition they are claiming. I have contacted the regional manager of the property management company (located in a neighboring state and a few hours away from the property) and they stated they were personally in the unit and smelled the urine. They are not willing to eliminate the charges. I have to remit payment for the damages by end of tomorrow or else I am sent to collections which will damage my credit (I know this is last minute). I am considering paying the amount and taking the property management company to small claims court to return the money they claimed I had to pay along with the rest of my deposit. Should I not do this or is there a better action to pursue? Some additional points of note: * The carpet was not new when I moved in. * I always paid rent on time and paid a considerable amount extra to lease month-to-month during my last few months while I was getting affairs in order for my new home. * I never had any complaints issued against me. * The property management company does not have a ‘no smoking’ policy and allows tenants to smoke in their apartments. I do not smoke, however the smell of cigarette smoke would enter my unit when my neighbors would smoke in their apartments. * The property management company changed during the course of my lease (about halfway through) with numerous amounts of staff turnover during my time at the complex. * I never complained during inconveniences that were imposed during my time with the complex such as hot water going out on multiple occasions, typically for 2 days or more. **TLDR:** My old apartment is claiming my dog peed on and ruined the carpet and is not returning my security deposit and charging me a few hundred dollars to replace all of the carpet. I know that my dog absolutely did not do this. They did not contact me for a final walkthrough, have no photo evidence of the damage, and claim the smell has been so bad that they couldn’t rent the unit for an entire month and still continues to smell of urine. When I stopped by to smell the apartment, all that could be smelled was fresh paint and new carpet. The property manager and regional manager refuse to eliminate the charges. What should I do?
(MO) Renter Being Charged For Non-Existent Damages
It started when my supervisor misplaced an envelope of money, but the owners of a small juice restaurant I work have been neurotic, controlling, and demanding for a long while. They accused my supervisor, who has worked with them for 8 years with no incident of this kind, of stealing. She is not allowed to touch the cash register anymore. One owner will have a talk with her Monday to decide her fate. They checked the cameras and there is no proof of her taking the money, but they insist that she stole it. Now we are no longer allowed to park in the restaurant's parking lot in the back. Apparently, if we were to steal something, it would be easy to lug it in our car and drive off. We're all Mexican btw. We work in a rich area of Beverly Hills. Hard to think this is not prejudiced thinking. None of us have ever stolen from them. There's other small stuff: we only get our schedules a week in advance, not two weeks, bc the owner gets anxiety over two week schedules. We are not allowed to switch if we are busy or change our shifts at all. There are only 8 of us, and three got sick these past 2 weeks. It is flu season. One owner said she is done with our excuses and no one can call in sick anymore. Furthermore, she will change our schedules last minute and we have to show up to our shifts. The other day they made me come in 3 hours earlier that same day. This happens a lot. I am going on vacation for two weeks. The owner told my supervisor to tell me that my hours are not guaranteed upon return, since she will need to hire someone else if it gets busy. BUT she also says that winter hours are slow, and our hours have been cut as a result. I think it is classism—she does not like the fact that I am going on vacation. They are just not nice paper. They have accused me of stealing too bc I accidentally gave someone a 50% discount instead of a 10% discount—but I am new and I was never fully trained on the discount rules, as I was supposed to be per OSHA rules. The other owner also said that he has plenty of pending applications, basically saying that we are very disposable. We want to strike. We can't be fired, right? We have a good cause to? We will take action if they fire my supervisor. My other supervisor wants to look into this legally, but the owners know she is undocumented so she is scared they will blackmail or try to deport her. What options do we have? We're sick of it.
My co-workers and I want to strike/protest/boycott.
I have been a part time employee in Alberta at a Canadian retail chain for the past three years with a salesperson position. A few months ago, I made a request for three weeks off over Christmas to see my family for the first time in a while in a different province. My department manager did not have a problem with it and said that we would have more than enough staff to cover my absence during that period. I was told, however, that I would have to speak to my store manager to confirm things. The store manager told me that there was no way they could usually allow that and that I would have to quit or, as they said, terminate my employment, in order to get the time off. They then said that though they cannot make any promises, I could come back in January and get my position reinstated. They said that they cannot guarantee it but that it was likely I would get my position back if they still need me. The store manager also admitted that there was no company policy that stated anything along these lines, about having to quit in order to get time off at this time of the year, and there was nothing in the policy that said I was not allowed time off at this period of the year or for this reason. I was told, however, that it was just an understanding within this part of the company and that if I were given the time off, it would set a precedent and everyone would be asking for time off at Christmas, and I was told that they could not play favourites with me and that this was already a favour. I don't know what my rights are here, if any, or if this is even something wrong. However, it feels like I am being punished for needing to see my family and having to take some time off for that. I am also concerned about whether I'll actually be able to get the job back as well as my benefits and so on from being with the company for a while. Thank you very much for your help. I am being pressured to sign documents about this now and hope that I can get some response soon.
I am being forced to quit or terminate employment in order to take time off to visit family over Christmas [Alberta, Canada]
Is it still considered sexual assault even if the victim says that it wasn't?
Sexual Assault Laws...
Part-time worker at a university (not federal work study). Called in sick on Saturday and now I’m in trouble with the boss for not giving enough advance notice that I was sick (keep in mind that he doesn’t answer emails or his phone on the weekends). I have a meeting today with my boss to discuss this “serious matter” and I’d like to know if I am required to show him a doctor’s note. I only had food poisoning, so I didn’t go to the doctor’s for that. I have not ever heard any policy requiring that we show one. However, he often will punish us for alleged policies we have not been informed of. Due to this, I would like to know my rights before I meet with him tonight. Do I need to show him a note or proof I was sick?
[CA] Do I have to provide a doctor’s note for when I called in sick?
Hello, I previously posted a (deleted) inquiry about whether or not I should seek legal counsel. Yet now am requesting specifics about what type of lawyer to seek counsel from (education, defamation, or civil rights, or ???). (WA state). Tldr at bottom. The inquiry is in regards to of being removed from an educational internship. As a teaching masters student last year, I interned at a high school. I co-taught with a mentor teacher in the mentor’s classroom. The mentor teacher and high school made false claims about my professionalism as an instructor which led to the high school terminating the internship about mid-way through the second semester. The internship was widely going smoothly. Growth in my abilities as an instructor was documented by period evaluation forms from weekly/bi-weekly meetings between my mentor teacher, field supervisor from the university, and myself. On a (mostly) weekly basis, my mentor teacher would provide me feedback on what to improve, things to aim for the next week, and any questions/comments. None of the weekly feedback forms ever mentioned anything negative about my professionalism or abilities as an instructor. On bi-weekly basis, field supervisor(s) from the university would observe me instruct a lesson, then provide feedback, discuss observations, etc. during meetings after the lesson. The only “critical” meeting was during the first semester, when the mentor teacher stated a concern that the majority of the courses were AP courses. During the meeting, an action plan was devised to address the concern - which was done so successfully throughout the internship. My professionalism was exemplified in the meeting notes, and proof of growth as an instructor to such a concern was demonstrated when the mentor teacher recommended I compound my internship by teaching with additional mentors to gain even more experience - as I was teaching effectively, etc. The remainder of the feedback forms from the meetings also do not state anything negative about my professionalism/instructional practice. In short, any concerns were addressed, my abilities and growth as an instructor and professional were well-documented by numerous feedback forms, observations, and meetings. A couple months into the second semester, a student made inappropriate comments/misconduct to me. Not going to type out the entire conversation transcript of the discipline again after doing so the former post, but can assure the discipline was done professionally and appropriately. The first incident the student made an inappropriate comment and I ignored it. The second incident the student made an inappropriate comment, the student was withdrawn from the class, discussed to not repeat such behavior to which the student agreed and understood why comment was inappropriate, then the mentor teacher was informed on what occurred/how it was addressed/etc. The final incident, the student acted inappropriately, the mentor teacher was also involved in the discussions with the student. The next day, multiple students were “snapchatting” me during class. When addressed to not do so, during a conversation with a student removed from the class, the mentor teacher told me “admin is handling it.” The mentor teacher did not tell me what was being “handled,” why, or how. The next day, I left the high school early to attend a college meeting which is when I was informed that the internship was terminated. The high school is like a prep-school with a widely affluent demographic. It seemed like the student disciplined for misconduct may have threatened to sue the school, as the mentor teacher was meeting with administration throughout the last two days of the internship, would not include me on conversations, and the student disciplined was not in the classroom during the period enrolled. Just speculation, though. After various meetings with the university, the university advised me to cancelled my enrollment and told me I would be forced to complete another year of interning, but also enroll into classes that would fulfill credits that I had already passed. The internship termination was shocking. When asked why, the university said “lesson planning, class management” (regarding the “critical” meeting during the first semester, which were both addressed successfully from the action plan, and subsequent meeting feedback forms), but also “that I lacked boundaries.” The university seemed to be falsely implying that the student’s misconduct was my fault and did not provide any proof of such “lack of boundaries.” The university then refused to provide copies of what the high school administration/mentor teacher stated about me. The university also denied my request for access to my own academic records (violating FERPA). Eventually, the university provided a copy of a feedback form from the mentor teacher- which was done AFTER the internship ended. The form is the document I would use as reason to pursue suing for libel, as the mentor teacher falsely stated things about my instructional abilities, professionalism, collaboration efforts, respect, attendance, and more! All of which are counter-intuitive to the numerous feedback forms throughout the year which prove otherwise! The university stated that there were additional documents of the false claims but refused to provide me copies. Throughout the year, the documents about my internship prove otherwise of what was claimed about me by the end of the internship. The claims have now prevented me from interning at that high school, that school district, and has affected my reputation as an instructor and student. The high school and university want to “keep me in the dark” about what really made the internship be terminated. Not to mention, expecting additional tuition payments for another year of college. I would be working as a teacher for a year by the time I am now expected to graduate from the masters program. Even just the fraction of claims that I was included on would be slanderous to any prospective teacher. I am also concerned about future employment opportunities. In regards to such a circumstance, would I seek legal counsel from an education lawyer, a defamation lawyer, civil rights lawyer, or another type of lawyer? Would the false claims on the (later) evaluation form and forms being withheld from me count as libel? TLDR: former mentor/internship placement made false claims about me which led to a termination of the internship. The false claims POSSIBLY stem from a student threatening to sue the school about how I disciplined his misconduct (even though discipline was done so appropriately/professionally/with mentor teacher, etc.), and perhaps falsely blamed the student’s misconduct on me as an intern teacher (speculation since the schools refuse to allow me access to my own academic records/event descriptions/etc). Expected to redo previously passed courses, conduct another year of interning, graduate a year later, enter the workforce a year later, may affect employment opportunities and prevented future internship even at the school district. Various evaluation and feedback forms about my instruction and professionalism acquired throughout the internship widely disprove the false claims. High school and university refusing to allow me access to my own academic records/copies of documents explaining why the internship was terminated.
Defamation, Education or ???