11 values
Ugh. So, Hubby and I moved in to a private owned Husband and Wife team townhouse from 80s on May 9th (2 weeks ago) for a 1 year lease in VA. They gave us a half ass lease which is generic for Virginia, and signed the last page and had spots for us and them to initial each page previous to this (we initialed each page and signed last page also). They did not initial any page. The lease term isn't even on there... So, they are already coming with bs and did NOT provide us a 5 day Inspection checklist for move-in inspection. When they showed me the place, I asked the wife if she would provide an inspection checklist and she brushed me off and told me everything is working fine... 1st issue: previous tenant did not do a thorough clean. Landlords blame it on her and don't accept accountability for just having it professionally cleaned. Landlord husband tells me they already gave her back security deposit. 2nd issue: We told them the window screen is torn in master bedroom and needs replaced so we can have both windows open to reduce energy costs. The other screen is fine (2 windows). One window is old and one is new. Their response was they need to wait to pay their taxes to address this. So, we should put air on since the air works great....they said they can replace window screen in July. 3rd issue: Thermostat has not been replaced since 80s. It is a square thermostat and has temperature gauge at top and a control on bottom for heat with a switch to move left for heat and right for air. There is also option for "on / auto/ and fan." The auto heat feature has heat running for days...the temperature never regulates. Even on 70...68....74...etc. when I move the switch to right, actually blows warm air. Nice. Landlords stated in text a tech is gonna come out to check heat pump and if theres no issue we will be charged for services. This was the wife mostly..she said she didn't think we knew how to properly work thermostat (scratches head). She was very brash in texts. I said "No, we aren't paying for the tech as this is not our fault and we asked for inspection check list and did not receive, so any issues now still need to be addressed in a timely/ethical way. " The previous tenant stated it takes a while to get things fixed (regardless of her cleanliness it's landlords responsibility to maintain move in ready property). Also only 1 smoke detector In town house upstairs. They made a fuss about providing them in multiple rooms and said they would provide 1 more with a credit of $5 off rent. WTFf??? Then wife got sassy with us and started saying hogwash. Please see note I was gonna send them below: Is this ok? Any advice in addition??? ------------------ Hey Mr. and Mrs. Look, honestly we just want to stay in a nice safe place only the best for our Son. This is a business transaction. We pay you rent on time and your job is to provide legitimate and helpful real time assistance with complete professionalism, integrity, and flexibility on normal issues, wear and tear, maintenance up keep, concerns we may have, landlord/tenant emergency resolutions, etc. Nothing said to you about the home is made to be offensive or undermine you. Business is Business. I have a learning disability and ptsd, so I need to write things down and to process information I am addressing on paper/email/text. So, please don't mind the long texting/emailing to clarify/ interpret/ so I remember. We are decent people and we went into this agreement believing you, that You as our landlords; would do everything to keep our home as safe as possible even in a home from 1980s. You stated everything was working properly. Doing the bare minimum is not acceptable. We are grateful for your kind response to matters and taking issues seriously and not pushing it aside, or not mentioning you have to wait to fix something because you owe taxes. We have nothing to do with that. That is not our place or business. I need to know that my child and my husband and I are safe in this home and we don't feel safe right now. This home is not completely move in suitable due to issues below: 1) Place was dirty / dusty blinds/ not mopped/ vacuumed appropriately and not professionally cleaned upon move in. 2) The carpets were not professionally cleaned and full of dirt and the carpets smell funny. 3) The doors over water heater area not safely secured to tracks to prevent falling and possibly harming our baby. 4) The downstairs toilet seat needs tightened so when one is sitting on it, it doesn't slide. 5) The bottom pullout drawer in oven had mouse poop all over it as I previously told you, and old cockroach traps found when cleaning kitchen. 6) Dead bees and flys trapped inside dirty windows and dead flies splattered on windows. 7) Screendoor/storm door does work properly, but door jam not level, so you have to wiggle it to lock. 8) light fixture at bottom of steps glass piece fell off when I was attempting to tighten it because someone before us, placed a makeshift rubber band around glass part and lightbulb to secure fixture. This was very loose and fire hazard. 9) Bathroom upstairs toilet has missing caps over screws in bottom of toilet and no shower plug. 10) Screen in master bedroom is torn as previously mentioned. 11) and only 1 smoke detector upstairs which you stated you will provide 1 downstairs. 12) thermostat not working properly to manage energy efficiency. We also don't want to be scared in to staying, here for full lease term if needs can not be met timely or harassed and assuming we are incompetent tenants. Again, we just expect things to be fixed in a timely manner because that's landlord protocol/ethical standards. No place is perfect, but doesn't mean we can't aim high to make that possibility a reality??? We understand you have other things to deal with, life, work, etc. And may not have extra money to fix stuff, but this place needs a LOT of TLC. This place is not too bad and we are making the back look a lot nicer by proper lawn care and making it our own. This Is a business transaction. We don't bring drama and we are paying you rent on time for good living conditions/business practice's/morals/standards. If you can't provide the support that we need for the remainder of lease term and are entitled to as tenants, we will have to move out the end of June once pay our June rent soon. Please allow us to break lease and vacate and get back full security deposit once we vacate since we haven't damaged anything. I'm sure you can find else to move in fairly quickly. Not to get all personal, but... I lost my dad to suicide at 20, my twin sis betrayed me, lost custody of my kid due to us both being abused by my ex...we aren't here to play you or take advantage of you giving us a half decent place either. We can stay one more month to help you and us out so you will get money for June rent as this is short notice and we owe you that. Please can you find new tenants? I can't deal with my safety and concerns being pushed aside as if we are liars and our lives are not just as important as yours. We know our human rights. Thank you --------
Slumlords of Beverly Hills
My parent's haven't gotten along in a long time. They both want a divorce. The only reason they've been together is that my step dad would likely have to sell the house if they got divorced and my mom wouldn't have the health insurance from his pension. My mom has polycystic kidney disease and needs insurance. Not sure how much insurance would cost her after she gets divorced. I believe my step dads pension is $2800 per month. He worked 30 years and was married to my mom during 10 of those years. So I believe her share of the pension would be half of 1/3, which is approximately $466 per month. I believe a lawyer my mom talked to(free consultation) said that it's a marital asset so she would be entitled to get half of it. Neither my mother or I know how much equity is in the house. My step dad thinks my mom doesn't deserve any of his pension. He said he would fight it if she tried to get any of that. He has already said that he's talked with lawyers. What he wants is to refinance the home so that he can afford it on his own after giving my mom half of the equity value. Can't really trust him on that either because we don't know what it is and his main goal is to not lose the house/property. I don't really know if it's possible for him to refinance it again. It seems unlikely that he would be able to afford it on his own after my mom gets half considering he's been yelling about being tight on money for a long time. My mom hasn't had a steady job in a long time. She's just worked prn jobs. She doesn't have any money saved up. She's had to borrow money from me occasionally to afford food/gas. I don't know how she would be able to afford a lawyer. I feel like we're stuck in a cycle. My mom tries to get work near where we live but my step dad just yells at her so much that she doesn't feel safe being home when I'm at school. Then she becomes too stressed that she ends up needing to leave so she can be away from him. She'd usually stay at family members place then come home like once everyone or 2 weeks. Staying with family is hard with her because the ones she can stay with are not in good health and there home is really dirty. Then staying at home doesn't work out either because she just constantly gets yelled at about little things, and when there's nothing for my step dad to yell about he yells about past things that don't really matter. The lawyer from the free consultation told us his retainer is $2000 and that the divorce will likely cost more than that since my step dad plans on fighting it. This is my final semester of college. I've got a near 4.0 GPA and my major is computer science so I imagine I'll be able to afford to help her out after I graduate this December. I'm just afraid he will try to push for the divorce to happen before then. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
[MI] Parents Divorce
If i am being charged with speeding 11-15 miles over the speed limit but the citation says 42 on a 35. ( I got a letter in today that states Speeding over by 11-15) What is the probability I can get this dismissed over the phone. If i set to appear over the phone since i do not live in New Mexico. (New Mexico was where I was pulled over.) Any advice will be appreciated.
Speeding ticket
I have suffered from addiction and depression since my early teenage years. Just over two years ago my now ex wife took my daughters(now 6 and 10) and left. She filed for divorce and I was ordered no contact for a year due to my alcoholism. I went into a substance abuse treatment facility without telling anyone and my divorce proceeded on without me and my ex was awarded everything. After many tries at sobriety I'm happy to be one year clean and sober! I am piecing life back together and gaining more stability every day. I want to and am ready to be in my daughters lives again. The ex has been allowing me 1 supervised phone call a week. I would like more, or to work toward more. Due to covid19 I am having trouble finding out what child support I owe. Ex is very bitter with me, and wont discuss anything more than the one weekly call. Should I get a lawyer? I dont think either of us could afford it right now.
Should I pursue legal action? I'm in CA they're in IL. I just want to see my children.
Good Morning everyone, My employer has recently sent out the following email stating: "This means we will suspend all commissions and bonuses with one caveat. If, as a company, we meet our objective, we will payout the commissions earned the previous month. If not, they will be suspended (not lost) until we actually meet our objective. If we exceed the objective by $100k or more, we can catch-up on commissions from previously suspended months where we did not meet our objective. " Can I get unemployment, even if I am still collecting my hourly pay (albeit so incredibly low its a slap in the face) for the lost commissions or no? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you,
Unemployment for commissions in California?
I applied for an apartment, paid $200 holding fee and was supposed to move in today however I’m in the process of buying a house. I haven’t signed the lease yet and I am unable to move today. In fact I don’t know if I even want the apartment however I need to buy some time to see if the house offer goes through. Am I obligated to move in if all I’ve done is signed the agreement for the holding fee? Again the lease has not been signed. Please help. I’m not sure what to say to the leasing office. I want to see if I can move the date to next week, but also cancel it if I need to. TLDR paid holding fee. Haven’t signed a lease yet. Am I obligated. What to tell the apartment complex as I need to buy some time til next week as I’m putting an offer in on a house and need to see if it gets accepted. If not, I may move forward with the apartment
Am I obligated to the lease if all I’ve paid is a holding fee?
My friend is a Dad and his child lives with the Mom. The child was the product of a one-night-stand and he didn't know he had a kid until they were already several months old and a paternity test confirmed the relationship. She was seeking support which he pays every two weeks from his paycheck. He would occasionally go visit his child (who used to live 2-3 hours away in Calfornia). I don't believe the visitation was negotiated in court but rather, was something that they'd worked out together. A year ago Mom and child moved up to Oregon and my friend wants to go North as well and, if possible, live closer than they did in California so he can have a larger roll in his child's life. For some reason, Mom is now against him having access to his child and since he isn't listed as the father on the birth certificate he has been told that he doesn't have much legal recourse to seek shared custody or visitation order. How accurate is this? Is there anything that can be done? It seems unreasonable to me that he is paying for his child while having zero access to them through no fault of his own. He's gotten very depressed over the whole thing, I want to support his efforts to be a present father in his child's life. Thanks for the help.
Is my friend right about his child visitation case? CA
A few weeks ago, a pipe broke in my upstairs neighbor's kitchen that flooded mine. Maintenance basically just showed up with a shop vac and some paper towels, and said they were done. They only replaced a single ceiling tile when it actually crumbled trying to put it back in. Now, there is mold in my cabinets. Part of my lease says that I am responsible for any charges relating to removing mold, but this damage wasn't caused by any negligence on my part. The water was because of a leak in the apartment above me, and maintenance showed up and refused to do anything beyond wipe up the water. I submitted a service request, but I'm worried they'll try to stick the charges on me. Can they do this?
Can my landlord charge me for mold that wasn't my fault? [PA]
I live in a rent controlled apartment in Los Angeles. During a city inspection last year the city informed her that there is not a certificate of occupancy for my unit. She has been fighting this since then and is currently working on getting a variance from the city.   I am moving out of state in the middle of the month and informed her the other day that I am moving and would only be paying half a months rent. She said this is unacceptable etc. and that I need to pay her the full amount. I said that she should just take it out of my security deposit. I came home to a three day notice to pay or move out. I do not want to pay her and I believe that there is no legal reason for me to do so.   I have researched this issue and have found that the following case has determined that landlords cannot collect rent on an illegal unit.
Landlord is trying to collect rent for invalid unit.
My dad passed away last Friday. I am executor of his will and estate. He had 3 accounts. Two of which we're with one financial institution and the other with another institution. The two accounts at one Bank gave me no problem closing the account. The third account at a credit union will not let me close his account even though I am executor of his will and beneficiary to his estate. They claim that I need to go through probate court because there was no beneficiary paperwork with his account. one of my questions is why did I get hassled from this one Bank instead of both Banks and what documents do I need to request in file with the court? The bank would not give me any details or advice.
Bank accounts in florida
Help. Child bride, he was 27 It’s been 8 years and I’m 24 and I’m tired My divorce is in like 2 days (hell yeah) I kept my kiddo’s dad out of prison and I find his behaviors inappropriate. I’m a preschool teacher and he’s a dick. He ain’t a good dad. Talking shit but it’s healthy in this format. Send help. What do.
Divorce: Child Bride Edition
I hope that I can relay everything I need to in a way that is not confusing. I work as an Independent Contractor doing promotional modeling or experiential specialty work. So essentially I work in marketing. This means that all of my work is W9/1099 work. I usually ONLY do this type of work because the deductions I have tend to come out in my favor at the end of the year AND because I usually have to buy my own flights and hotels (the gross amount of each contract makes it worth doing it this way) and these need to be deducted as well as gas and makeup ( I have to come hair and makeup ready). I started working for a company back in June that was a massive contract for me to land. It was working for a MAJOR toy company. The order of middle men is confusing so I hope that I explain this well. The Toy company hired another company we will call FF, that hired a second agency we will call HH, that hired me. I submitted all of my documentation to HH, which was a contract saying I won’t work outside of them and my W9. I have the emails still that show this is what I sent them, and emails back just stating I also needed to send them my 2 forms of ID. Nothing more. Fast forward to present. I was having trouble getting ahold of HH to get my 1099 form to file my taxes. They stated they were only a W4 company and that’s what they would send me. I told them that this was impossible because I never submitted a W4 with them. I asked them to send me a copy of the W4 I submitted on file and low and behold it’s not my hand writing or my signature. They even claimed 0 for me when I would have claimed 3, head of household, single and I have a 6 year old child. They had falsified my W4. My first question is what can be done about this? Obviously it’s a false document, but I needed this to be a 1099 so I could write off plane tickets and hotel that I bought when I was in San Antonio with them and a plane ticket and hotel for an upcoming trip. Which brings me to my next predicament. I have my 4th contract with them this week. I fly to New York tomorrow to work 6 days for the Major Toy company. However, my boss at FF is in the hospital and is not reachable and he is the one who hired HH so I cannot reach him to discuss any of this with him. A rep from the Major Company has taken his place in handling the models and staff. I called her and explained the situation. She stated that she had cut FF a check which has been paid forward to HH who was supposed to deliver it to me the last day of the event. She said that given the circumstances If I flew out she would still pay me the last day and work on getting the other money refunded from HH. This helps me immensely because that would be 1099 and I can now claim the flight and hotel I already booked and cannot refund. I called HH to confront her about falsifying my documents and she stated that she didn’t (Of course) and that I HAD to work through her as per my contract. I told her I figured her falsifying my documents was enough for her to know I wasn’t going to work through her again. Long story short she said if I go up there and work with them, that it’s a breach of contract and she will seek legal action. My question is, if that does go to court, would a judge see obviously falsified documents on her end as a good reason for me to breach contract? I hope I explained this well and greatly appreciate any advice on how to proceed! Thank you for your time.
My employer falsified my W2
First time poster to this sub. I am in NY if that matters. I understand financing furniture is not the best idea but please spare me the scolding I had little choice. Ok, so I went to a large chain furniture store to buy a living room set and found the set for 1300. I told the salesperson we were looking to buy a home within a year so could not have our credit affected and I was assured by the salesperson that our credit would not be harmed with proof of employment and initial first payment. He stated "0% interest for 4 months or same as cash basically". We advised we would pay within 3 months which we will. When I sat down with the company they have in house for the financing, they said "he (salesman) needs to top saying that because it's 12% for first 4 months then it jumps up higher." I got up to leave and the financier stopped me and said " if you're paying it off in 3 months instead of 12 it will be about $75 because the down payment was principal. In my mind $75 was reasonable to take home the furniture that day. I advised the financier about buying the house and she stated it will have no effect whatsoever on my credit which was a 696 and heading up. We left and received the furniture. 3 weeks later I get a credit alert stating a new account was added. This lowered my overall lenght of credit by nearly half. I went to review my credit and the account was for $2300 and my score lowered 77 points to a 619 due to higher balance and lower credit length. After contacting them, they said they never stated it would not affect my credit but said they wouldn't *run* my credit. This is a outright lie. Additionally, the only real discount on interest is early payoff to principal via a 1 time payment. No change on interest per se. What can I do, or am I just screwed? I feel they materially misrepresented themselves and now my hopes at a house are drastically reduced because it will take **YEARS** to build up my credit history length. Thank you in advance for your insight and consideration.
Financed our furniture and now everything they said was a lie.
My roommate recently had a warrant for a driving on a suspended licence. He paid it off and was told the warrant would be thrown out. Today, the cops showed up over said warrant, and found marijuana in the house. It was a decent amount, and now he is in jail. I also received citations for a small amount of marijuana, and a separate one for paraphernalia. Is there anything we can do about this? Could the case be thrown out considering the warrant was supposed to be null, but wasn't due to a clerical error (i assume). We both have "the cleanest records we've seen in a while" based on the cops own testament, if that has any weight. Thanks! Edit: I appreciate the quick responses. Thanks for letting me know more about the situation and my options.
Outdated Warrant resulting in search and seizure (TN)
I'm asking on behalf of my boyfriend. He's renting a room in an apartment in Cambridge, MA. The lease ends on 9/1 but he found someone to take over his room in June. The property manager just told him there's a $70 lease alteration fee once the new tenant is approved and signed into the lease. Is this a normal charge? And who is supposed to pay this fee, is it my boyfriend or the new tenant?
[MA] Can a landlord charge a lease alteration fee?
So, hello to all you fellow redditors, i am 13 (sorry for any incorrect of bad Grammar as i am on android,) i live in some apartments with my disabled mother in Colorado, a few weeks ago, i started to see some bedbugs, i killed them, i had told the office that we were seeing bedbugs, they later came to check and identified bedbug fecal matter on the wooden frames of my futon, me and my mom had some friends help with getting rid of lots of stuff, days later they came to bomb the place, there were no traces of bedbugs, but today is a few weeks after, i have seen 2 bedbugs within the last week and killed them both, i suspect my upstairs neighbors of bringing them in, as we saw no bedbugs until they moved in, my upstairs neighbors stomp on the floor, have done the bong outside their door and accidentally dropped the bottle on our front door sidewalk and left it for us to clean it, we asked the office to do something, they said we should talk to them, whenever i go to their door to talk to them, they turn off all their things and act as if they are not home, i am just annoyed as me and my mother are going to move this Wednesday for reasons unrelated to this post, and we do not want to bring bedbugs to our new appartment, i feel like asking my office to conduct an inspection on all the apartments in my unit, but i feel like they will deny it, any legal action or things i could do to stop bedbugs from infesting us or coming to our new apartment as we are not the cause of the little bastards being in our apartment? Im just asking for help.
I pretty much know my upstairs neighbors have bedbugs
This is taking place in PA. I’m 22 and this is probably really petty but I am livid. I have a past relationship that ended about 5-6 years ago. We remained on great terms and remained friends. We talk DAILY. We didn’t talk about our love interests or what we were doing with others. But we always remained flirty to some extent. Hell, we’d both make sex jokes constantly. Tonight was like any other night. He was saying he can’t stop buying things. I made a comment I need new bras! Share the wealth. I sent him my bra size and said you know where I live send them or drop them off I’ll repay ya ;). We joked and continued to talk. Out of nowhere I get a Facebook message saying do you know _____ I said yeah why. Here it’s his girlfriend I didn’t know he had. She told me I needed to back off (not in that nice way). I got smart back and said we’ve been friends for years so no I’m fine where I am. She wouldn’t stfu even though I gave her answers to show her I don’t care and she’s really just wasting her time. This guy sent me a HUGE text. Saying fuck you and everything else including a threat “I know where you live so if you even think about continuing to research her and do anything I can make things a whole hell of a lot more fun for you” . I never once called either of them names nor did I send direct threats to them. However I did I tell him if anything happens to me, my family, car, House, current guy (nick). I can and will make his life a living hell. (I’m somewhat in the legal field. I interned in juvie, now probation/parole. Im pretty friendly with the cops, prosecutors and detectives). I don’t think he is 100% stable. He’s done shit to his landlord and has civil suits he’s involved with in that. He also has done criminal stuff towards his landlord which they just haven’t pin pointed it to him yet. He’s made indirect threats (typically regarding property..I don’t recall anything ever being physical) about people to me. Do I just let it blow over or do I file a police report for a “just in case”? You always hear about those psychos who killed their whoever over something that was started previously. I also don’t want to file and they look at me like wtf is wrong with this girl. How stupid is this. NOT NECESSARY TO READ: His Text here if you want to read it all: I didn't even bother reading the screenshot you just sent me because I already know what it's about and fuck you. I tried to be nice to you and put up with all of the ranting and you talking about other guys you've fucked but I really don't care. I knew nothing would ever happen between us (thankfully) so we just kinda kept on texting and it should've stopped a long time ago, but until I met her I was constantly alone trying to figure out what to do and you were always there. I'm not jeopardizing my relationship over anyone, and obviously what I said was poor choice of words, but I would never come near you again, especially after you actually caught something from someone. You're telling her to take a hint from my messages? They meant nothing, and yes I know where you live so if you even think about continuing to research her and do anything I can make things a whole hell of a lot more fun for you. This is the last message I'm ever going to send to you. Leave her the fuck alone. Leave me alone. Go fuck Nick or whoever and have your own little fairytale life because I don't want you in mine and never did. I'm blocking you and deleting you from my contacts so don't bother. My response: Lmao this made my night and probably all of 2018 maybe some of 2019. And fuck me for the choices YOU AND ONLY YOU CONTINUED TO MAKE? That now is absolutely fucking hysterical. What you said was a poor choice of words? Hmmm those “choice of words” came from you for how long? It’s not just an ooops that was my bad I said that wrong or it came out funny. You’ve REPEATEDLY said shit to me joking or not. I don’t care about her nor do I care to know anything about her so no I won’t be researching her I have better things to do with myself. All I know is lmao that she’s staying with you now that my friend is a special type of stupid. You’re only saying this because of the fact your ass got caught so don’t try to act all tough now. Let me tell you one thing. If anything happens to me, my car, my house, family, nick or ANYONE that I know. I have all your messages and then some saved regarding you and that landlord. MONTHS of saved shit. I can and will make your life an absolute living hell. Don’t forget, I know all the right people. Also, don’t even worry about nick and I. We have a great time and have had one since we were no longer fucking around 😉
Do I/Should I file a “just in case” police report against my ex friend and his girlfriend?
I work at a certain fast food restaurant and they are completely opening up with only one seat per table and making sure the booths are properly distanced. However, the regular employees do not have an actual break room. Only the managers are allowed to be in the office or take their break in there. If you go on break you either eat in the lobby or go to your car. In addition to this we have only two bathrooms shared between customers and employees. It was originally closed to customers when the pandemic but now they are opening it up again for everyone. I've talked to my managers about how I don't feel comfortable with this, especially since I don't have a car and with how hot it is I have to stay really hydrated (Poor AC design and lack of funds to fix said AC). But they've dismissed my concerns stating they can't do anything about it and it is how it is. Am I legally guaranteed to sanitary and safe work conditions concerning the virus?
The place I work at is reopening the lobby including bathrooms and dine in.
Should I accept my first settlement offer? Car was totaled from a rear end accident about 35mph I went to the doctor, got physical and massage therapy for neck/back injuries, all billed to insurance for a couple months. I got a check for the car's value already from my insurance which they billed the other party's insurance for. I just received a settlement offer for $2500 to close the claim and release the at fault party. I have recovered from injuries but still have occasional flare ups for a day. My car was worth a little more to me than what I got but they gave me the full market value. I had to leave work many mornings to go to doctor appointments and leave work early from pain. I'm salary so it didn't affect my pay but I did use my vacation hours to supplement my hours. It also caused a lot of stress, lost interest in martial arts (had to stop for a month and lost momentum), gained weight because I told by my doctor to not work out for a month. Should I write a letter and ask for more or is this fair?
[WA] Insurance settlement for not at fault auto accident
Location: Minnesota USA As stated in the title, my former boss is being sued, and the lawyers of the plaintiff have contacted me to ask me questions. I declined to answer anything at that time, stating that I wanted to think about it before calling them back. I wanted to talk to a former coworker and see if they also got contacted, but was worried that I’d get into trouble for doing so. Am I allowed to do that? While I’m at it, am I allowed to decline cooperating altogether? I don’t really have beef with either my former boss or this investor, and I don’t know that I want to involve myself. Thanks in advance for the advice!
My former boss is being sued by an investor, and said investor’s lawyers contacted me to ask me some questions. Am I allowed to mention this pending litigation to former coworkers?
My kid is 1. Took care of my kid and his mom the past year. Paid rent and all bills. We switch off every 3 days with our son. Physically we've had him 50/50. Financially i've done more. I was served papers a few days ago to go to court over child support. I don't feel that i should have to owe her anything when I do everything plus more already. I am also not the most financially stable so i am looking for low cost or pro bono. I am in ST Paul, MN. Hopefully someone sees this that can help. I've called everywhere to no avail and now i feel helpless. PLease help me..
I need help in Minnesota. Family Law.
I worked for a company that covid-19 financially affected its business. I was laid off a few weeks ago and now I'm realizing I cant afford to pay the rent going forward. I had a roommate that lost their job in end of March, who has been gone for a month now. I was covering their portion of rent with hopes of finding a new roommate soon. With no job and now very little prospects of a roommate in this greatly affected city I need a way out of the apartment. I also realize I can't afford the lease break fee of 1.5 months rent, plus two weeks of prorated rent (if I tell them tomorrow). Is it fair to ask the leasing office to accept payment plan to pay the lease break fee? Do I have any options?
Recently laid off and I now can't afford to break my lease -1.5 months rent.
Me and my roomates are feuding with our landlords a bit. We pay $1800 a month for a 2 bedroom 1 bath subdivided house in California that has a large gated backyard and pool. The property is shared between a studio apt and a 1 bedroom that’s all connected. The landlords show up unannounced with absolutely no notice 4-5 times a week anywhere from 8 Am to 10 pm. This has become a lot especially when we are trying to have social events in the yard. They bring their massive Dog (Akita) that barks at us. Additionally they leave their junk all over the yard. There is a massive striped motorcycle Frame and tires left in the yard right outside my roomates window. They told us they would move it 1 year ago. Is there anything in the law that discusses landlord junk on a property rented by tenants? We have never been late on rent and have no complaints against us from the neighbors just to clarify😊
Landlord leaves junk on rented yard
I can't edit my state, I apologize, I'm in Colorado. I signed up for classes at a local kickboxing club where I paid the first and last month up front. In the process of loving it there, I sprained my ankle. My doctor told me I had a very bad sprain, advised me to quit the boxing class, and gave me a note to cancel my membership with the boxing company with the suggestion I take on activities which would be less stressful to my joints, especially my ankle. He then told me to see a specialist and recommended I get physical therapy. I went into the kickboxing club to cancel and the owner said that would be fine, but suggested I put my account on hold for a couple of months to see if my ankle heals and if I may be able to take up the classes again, since they knew how much I loved it. Today I called the boxing company to cancel my membership as my ankle is still healing (2 months later) and as advised by my doctor to stop. The girl on the phone advised me there would be a $50 cancellation fee. Since I've already paid for a final month that I can't use, I suggested they can take the $50 cancellation fee from the amount from the month I pre-paid for and then refund me the remaining amount. The girl said that they wouldn't be refunding the last month that I've already paid for, as they don't do refunds, and $50 cancellation fee is an extra fee. I asked why they wouldn't take it out of the final month and she said they don't do refunds and that it doesn't say anywhere on my contract that I can transfer the pre-paid amount to another service. It didn't sound right to me, so she suggest I read my contract, which I've now done. My contract says: **Should member(s) permanently move their residence more than 25 miles from [name removed], payment on this agreement will be suspended upon payment of an appropriate cancellation fee of $50.00 and legitimate verification of the move. I hereby specifically acknowledge and agree that I have the right to cancel this Membership Agreement when (i) I die; (ii) I become totally physically disabled as determined by a licensed physician or advanced practice nurse for the duration of the Membership Agreement; (iii) The Club is moved to a location that is more than (5 ) miles from the current location of The Club; or (v)this Membership Agreement is transferred by the Club Owner ceases operation or sells the Club and the sale results in substantial alteration of the quality of health club services or facilities or the nature of benefits so that they no longer conform to the provisions of this Membership Agreement, but there shall be a thirty (30) day "right to cure" during which the fees payable by me under this Membership Agreement shall be suspended and the new owner of the Club may bring the services, facilities and benefits into conformance with the provisions of this Membership Agreement. If cancellation is requested before the initial contract term has expired by a member (s) who does not meet the above criteria, the member(s) is responsible for an early termination fee of 70% of the remaining balance.** This phrasing actually causes me to understand I don't own any cancellation fee and they should refund me the full balance of my pre-paid month. It also doesn't say anywhere on the contract anything about the pre-paid amount, that it can or can't be used for a cancellation fee. Am I being unreasonable to expect to get my pre-paid month back, or since having read this to have an argument to not even owe the club a cancellation fee?
Membership Agreement phrasing advice (US)
I thought I cleared this wall at a business. I checked my car and it has previous damage but looked fine. I called the business and sure enough they had black paint. They said they had no cameras and had no way to tell if it was my car or someone else’s. I offered to give my phone and email and possibly car insurance. Is this a hit and run? Are cops gonna show up this week?
Is this a hit and run?
I haven't needed a lawyer for a very long time, and now find myself needing one for a custody situation. How do you go about finding a good one? I have had experience in the past using the phone book/google and wound up with a laywer that "said" he practiced family law but really the only thing he was good at was cashing my checks. This time around is much more...tricky... and I need someone who can really get the job done right. How do you find such a lawyer? (In northern United States)
How do you go about finding a competent child custody lawyer?
Good afternoon Redditors, I am here seeking advice. Preface: We have lived here 4 years, in this duplex apartment with our 2 kids new born and 5 year old. We haven’t had a lease since year 1. About 3:30 am the dishwasher water line burst somehow. (We haven’t used the dish washer since we moved in) it soaked the living room, dining room and the bedroom closet behind the kitchen and about and inch of water in the Linoleum in the bathroom across from the kitchen and in the kitchen. All the water is now almost gone in the kitchen and bathroom. My questions... 1. Did the water already seep into the walls or tiles? 2. What is the our responsibility? 3. What is the owner/apartment managers responsibility in my state? 5. Do they have to provide us with housing until this is fixed? Should we bypass the manager and go to the owner? Building manager: they brought a shop vac and told us to use it if we need to get it up sooner than waiting for the carpet cleaner, we asked about removal of the tiles and carpet we where told that it’s all dependent on the carpet cleaners coming out and telling her if it’s a lost cause or not. We where told that we can take our deposit and find somewhere to go “a vacancy “ because they do not offer housing for this. We just need to know what to do to protect or family now, and long term.
[USA-CA] Apartment Flooded at 4 am
I know I’m very clearly in the wrong here I just need an idea of what to do. I was in a bar on New Years when I saw a group of guy getting in my brothers face and what not talking to him. Like an idiot I went in and punched the one guy in the face. The police took my intro and I just received a court summons in the mail for harassment. I know I’m guilty but should I get a lawyer? Am I going to end up in jail for this? I’ve never been in trouble before this was just a really dumb incident that shouldn’t have happened
Punched someone in the face at a bar
Neither him nor his dad are answering any calls or texts, he didn't pay the rent or utilities, didn't give me a 30 day notice, and put a deadbolt on his room taking the keys as well as the house keys with him. We had a roommate agreement written out outlining his responsibilities but he was not on the lease only I was. Not sure what else to include in here but I'm really not sure whether I should pursue legal action or not.
[Chicago] Roommate just up and moved out randomly and left me with paying the rent..
Hi! I have almost all the tools required to start this business, except for the fact that I have no clue how to make a contract giving me control over the material produced ( editing, distribution and all ). I am not trying to do anything weird or illegal ( child pornography, bestiality and whatnot ), but I want to protect myself from any bad surprises. Would for example taking pictures of 2 provincial or federal IDs with picture and age be sufficient to protect myself? Is a simple home made contract good enough or do I need to get a lawyer to come up with a contract ? I've been looking around trying to find laws regarding the production of pornographic material but I can't find anything. Please note I have never needed to look for legal advice before, so I might not have the tools required to search properly. Could you please help me and guide me towards the right answers? I live in Quebec, Canada btw (which might also explain some spelling errors). Thank you very much!
Starting my own pornographic business, need advice on how to build a contract.
I’m the founder of my own startup. I have already hired people who are legally considered “contractors”, 3 of them to be exact and they are scattered across the US (Online startup). 2 of those 3 contractors are putting in work. The other contractor on the other hand is rarely here and has literally done 0 projects so far. My startup started on the 2nd of this year and based on the agreement that they signed, their initial probation period lasts for 30 days and they get paid every 3 weeks. They are still in probation and today is their first payday. I already paid the first 2 contractors; however, I am iffy about paying the other contractor for the reasons that I have already explained. I just wanna make sure to avoid any legal situations. I have the right to NOT pay them now right?
Is this legal to do? Paying contractors in my startup (USA/South Carolina)
Ill start by saying we live in Australia. Little bit of a back story. My wife worked at one business for a number of years, the workplace became toxic and she had to leave. It was a matter of mental health at this stage. She started temp work for a few months and struggled to land a similar job elsewhere. In these few months she fell pregnant. She finally managed to get a full time job but decided to hide the pregnancy in the interview (we both feel terrible about this believe me). About a month into her new job she decided to break the news and tell everyone. Most were happy but some were obviously and understandably annoyed. Over the next month shes noticed shes being treated differently, people seemed to treat her worse. Everyone seemed to stick their nose up at her. Last week she typed up an email explaining what leave she would like to take once the baby arrives. She explained clearly she has no intention on leaving and only plan on taking a small hiatus. Today they called her into a meeting to discuss said email.. Now I obviously wasnt there and really only heard her story through tears and a panic attack. But basically they said once she starts her leave, she wont be coming back. They couldnt figure out how to make it work. We don't want to play the law card, thatll just make the workplace worse for her. But we dont know what else to do.. Advice on this PLEASE! We're both trying to carry on in life and this is going to stop alot of things we have in motion.
Wife lost her job due to pregnancy
on february 21st i purchased a beanie and a tshirt in a bundle sale. the shirt was 55 dollars and came with a free beanie by purchasing the shirt. The beanie shipped sometime during the last week in march, yet the tshirt is nowhere to be found. I'd be fine if the beanie didnt come since that was a bonus freebie but of course its the tshirt. the most recent update on the t shirt on USPS tracking reads "the originating post is preparing shipment" and that its been "processed through facility [in] Chonqing EMS, China" april 17th. Meanwhile, the company that I ordered from's most recent tracking reads "package is received and is in transit" april 22nd. Their refund policy states "Our policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging" Clearly its been more than 30 days but i also never received my package in the first place. i sent an email using their contact section on their website in the middle of april, in hopes to clear some things up. Never got an email back. Read online that if you email a seller about a refund of an item that has not been delivered yet, and do not get a response within 30 days, your money is to be refunded. Unfortunately because i used their website to send my email, the draft of the email is not showing up under "sent mail" Meaning i have no proof i sent an email the third week of April. I resent a similar email today, this time screen recording the entirety of the email and the date along with me hitting the "submit" button and receiving the message letting me know i should expect to hear back soon as means of proof.
purchased a tshirt and a beanie 3 months ago tshirt never came.
Been working at a restaurant/bar for 2 years. We split all tips evenly across FOH staff per shift, usually pulling credit card tips from the till at the end of the shift. Occasionally, this will leave the drawer underfunded for the next shift. In these cases, we would record the tip pool and collect our tips the next day. However, I (and others) have not received CC tips for multiple shifts worked in December. When we brought this up with management, they assured it would be handled in a day or two. It has now been over a month and I am owed over $500(!). Considering my boss' lack of concern, I have parted ways with this company. Now they are claiming they do not owe me this money. There is full documentation of the tips and the fact that I worked during the shifts for which I am owed. How can/should I proceed from here? Thanks in advance.
(Louisiana) Haven't received credit card tips for over a month
To keep it short: My grandfather passed years ago and left a trust fund for me when I turned 21. I’m now almost 22 and would like to access the funds for school but do not know how to go about it. I do not know where it was opened or when other than it was in the late 90s and the lady everyone told me to call for info has a new phone number. How can I track down the money?
[Louisiana] Trust Fund Was to Be Available at 21, Can’t Contact Person In Charge
they recently contacted me about syndicating some photos, and i was wondering if anyone has experience working with them?
anybody have experience with "Caters News Agency"??
I got this stub from Nevada a month ago, but I recently got the same legal jumbo from a stub in California so im not sure if its the same in every other state. It reads ______________ **This parking ticket is your parking contract. This contract Limits liability of facility owner and parking operator. It licenses you to park one vehicle in a designated area at your sole risk and at posted rates. Any car you park at this facility is parked at your sole risk. No care, custody or control of your vehicle or its contents is assumed by facility owner or parking operator and neither facility owner nor parking operator are responsible for any fire, theft, damage or loss. You alone are responsible for parking and locking your car. This ticket is your contract and for timekeeping purposes only. Only a license to park is granted hereby and no bailment is created. This is not a claim chec. This is your entire contract and no employee may modify or waive any of its terms. By your acceptance of it you agree to all foregoing terms.** ___________ I can understand nearly all of it, but would it hold up in court?
[US] On the park of my Parking Stub there is a bunch of Jumbo, how much of it is/can actually held up in court?
So the landlord and I verbally agreed on $2500/month rent on a property me and my roommate are moving into soon. However when looking through the lease agreement it says the rent will be $1500. If I keep my mouth shut and both the landlord and I sign that document, it makes sense that the landlord has no choice but to accept $1500 as the monthly rent until the lease end agreement, correct? I mean sure the landlord will be pissed but that’s on him for not proofreading.
Landlord has wrong rent amount on lease, but it benefits me
Hi, this is my first post and it’s a bit embarrassing but me and my mother currently are renting a house in WA state. We recently found a mold problem(something my mother is allergic to) and the rental company or property owner have will be raising the rent from 800 a month to 950. The change won’t go into affect until they “come and figure out the mold problem.” They are basically threatening us to pay more because we’ve found a problem with they’re rental. Any help that may help us get them to back off?
My mother and I are being treated like garbage
Please no hate. I’ve never been in a situation like this. I’m very terrified, and trying to find the right answers I need. Yes, I understand I need to talk to lawyer irl, ect. At the moment, I’m very very scared, and can’t sleep because I’m being accused for something I did not do. I just need someone to help me ease my pain on this situation because I’m stressing so much. Mainly because what I’m being accused for i have no film or proof I didn’t do it. The store I worked for has no cameras, and the person who was involved with the thing I’m being accused for I know for a fact is not going to come forward. I’m basically being framed for her actions, and like I said before, I’m very terrified of the out comes especially since I’m trying to attend college and earn myself a good job. I was stopped for the first time in my life by the cops last night, and locked up in jail for the night on Christmas Eve for a warrant I didn’t know I had. I was having extreme anxiety attacks in jail because I’ve never been arrested and put in jail before. I was bailed out by my family. My family and friends say it will be fine since I didn’t do it. But there’s no proof I didn’t. Now I have to deal with all this. I feel so alone and vulnerable about this situation. I honestly don’t know if I have the money to get an attorney, so I agreed to an appointed attorney. I was given a paper to fill out. Not sure if that was the best solution. Again, I’ve never been in a situation like this. Whatever advice will help. I really appreciate it.
Would letters of character help me fight my battle on a class b theft misdemeanor in Texas that I didn’t do?
My soon to be ex-husband and me purchased a house after we got married, But I was not included on the deed. (His father co-signed for it because we had better chances of getting approved for a loan, I believe he left me off the deed for this exact reason that I'm posting about). I live in Colorado, online it says that we are a 50/50 state, So I'm wondering if I'm entitled to my percentage of equity on the property, or if because I'm not on the deed I am not entitled to that compensation? Divorce is expensive and I'm trying to see if this is worth fighting for, thank you!
Am I entitled to this property?
I’m currently interning for a nonprofit organization that requires funding for its executive positions, thus they’ve sent me to scout for eligible grants. Most of not all of the grants I’ve come across do not award money “individuals.” By individual, does this mean single people, or does it refer to the entire body of executives such as those within my organization?
What is considered an “individual” grant?
Can I take someone to trial and press charges against them for something that allegedly took place 10 years ago? There is no evidence or witnesses.
Question about Pressing Charges
I live in Ontario, Canada and the person that I am reporting lives in Delaware, US. About a month ago, I noticed that a person that I am following on twitter is posting unlawful photos of herself on her protected twitter account with OVER 80 followers. She's a 15 year old girl and I was very concerned about people taking advantage of her photos so I decided to download those photos and email them to her mother and father. Once her mother got the email, she scolded her daughter and asked her to reactivate her NSFW account. She then promised her daughter that she wouldn't tell her husband about her photos online. (I know this because the child in question talked about it on twitter.) I was enraged by that so I emailed her father instead, and he forced her to deactivate all her twitter accounts. However, she had returned back on twitter two days after that incident and I'm not even sure if she posts pornographic photos anymore because I don't have access to her 5+ accounts. I was very upset that her parents were very lenient, so I planned to contact CyberTipLine instead. However, now that I think about it, I'm not sure if I could also get in trouble because I guess I did possess those photos when I emailed them to her parents but they were for the purpose of letting her guardians know. Can someone let me know what to do? (Also, I apologize that I didn't contact CyberTipline when I first saw those photos. That was very dumb of me and I now realize that. **I'm under the age of 18** and I'm not very knowledgeable about those types of laws. I don't want to get involved in this issue, and all I really want to do is report her and make sure that she is not going to share those photos again.)
Reporting someone for distributing child pornography.
The title is basically the gist of it. My niece is 21 and the gift was a trendy hair accessory for Christmas. She never gave me anything. She never does. The day before I asked for my gift back, we had a civil disagreement. Then she didn't invite me to her birthday party later on that day. Taken aback, I asked for my gift back. She gave it back willingly. **Now her mother, my sister, wants me evicted. I'm not kidding.** I've lived here for 5 months. 6 months by the end of January. I leave in Spring, so I'm not sure why they are threatening me especially since they have no cause. I pay one sister rent and electricity. The other one gas. I pay on time, which is more than I can say for them. But I just want to confirm some things. * Cook county doesn't evict in winter. * They need Just cause. Even if they get the landlord involved. * It will take months. * It will be costly on their end. * I have nothing to worry about. Even if they send me some 30 day notification. The landlord lives in Texas. So I'm not sure he will care too much, and I don't know if he knows I'm here. What should I do?
After a disagreement, I asked my niece to give me back my gift and she did. Now my sisters want to evict me. I'm NOT on the lease. Do I have anything to fear? Chicago, Illinois
Hello, I'm a high school student in a public school. One of the rooms my class is held in has recently received a security camera overhead that is kind of unnerving. It is the only class with a camera that I have seen in all my four years of being here, and students and teachers seemed kind of annoyed at its existence. I haven't really spoke with anyone other than students and my teacher about it (who now wants to switch rooms) because I don't think there are any legal grounds or rights I have to speak against it. Is it legal to install the camera without contacting anyone beforehand? Bad practice? Kind of destroyed the whole culture of the class, everyone acts different when they know everything they're doing is recorded.
[CT, US] Legality of security cameras in classrooms.
An unknown apartment neighbor keeps leaving used cat litter in bags (hefty, grocery, glad, etc) in a corner of the apartment breezeway/outdoor hallway which is near the stairs and next to our front door. It smells disgusting and is unsightly. I’ve emailed the apartment management multiple times about this. I’ve sent numerous photos and videos. They have written back, “since we do not know who is leaving them there we will have to see what we can do.” They’ve done nothing. They sent a general email to all residents stating people are leaving trash outside designated trash pick up times and not in the designated trash areas. The fecal bags are still being dropped in that corner. I’ve emailed them multiple times since the general email. It took 2 months and 4 more emails to get them to respond to my emails in which they sent another email to residents of our building reminding residents of trash guidelines and that someone is leaving bags of litter. They haven’t removed the trash either. This has been going on for about four months. I’ve tried hanging out in the breezeway to catch “the fecal people” to no avail. I don’t want to spend money for a spy camera either. One of the garbage bags has matched a couple residents’ garbage bags outside their doors (we have a trash service), but I don’t think that is a definitive guilty unfortunately. Not a pressing matter, but it’s the principle of the situation. Looking forward to any advice. Should I email the corporation that owns this apartment building community? TLDR: unknown apartment neighbor leaving used cat litter feces urine in hallway. Apartment management not helping.
[Colorado] Apartment neighbors leaving cat litter garbage bags near my door.
So this occurred in Canada. Today I was pulled over for speeding and failure to signal. I was only issued a ticket for failure to signal and verbal warning for speed as the officer’s cruiser did not have radar. I want to ensure that this doesn’t go on my record as I can’t afford an insurance increase. If I take it to court, can the officer bring up the speeding and try to charge me with it if I challenge the ticket. Would the defence tjat there was a semi in front of me (i’m on a motorcycle) and i’m trying to get away from it as it makes me uncomfortable to be around due to being on a motorcycle hence the abrupt lane change without signal to go around it be valid?
Fighting a Traffic Ticket
Just a few minutes ago I had a police officer knock on my door to tell me my neighbor says her son saw my car bump the back of her car last night. Every Thursday and Monday at 6 PM we switch sides for street parking. She said her son witnessed the bump. That makes me wonder, why didn’t anybody ask me then and there about it but instead have a police officer come to my house 24 hours later. I went over to her house and gave her my cell phone number to call me tomorrow. She is going to get a quote for repairs tomorrow. I’m positive that I did not touch her car. The damages are very minimal (2 small superficial scratches.) Am I on the hook for the repairs? This is in New york. Thank you!
Neighbor claims her son saw me hit her car, I didn’t. NY
So I have worked at my job for over 3 years. I put my two weeks notice in, and on the sheet I had to fill in when my last day was. I put down Friday, May 8th. I was scheduled to work yesterday, today and tomorrow. I came into work yesterday for my shift and was unable to clock in. I told HR and she said it looks like someone took me off the schedule completely. I tried to change my password to see if that would work, nope. Said I was an “invalid user”. My manager took me out of the system as an associate, put me as a terminated employee 3 days before my actual leave. She saw me come into work, she saw me working, she glared at me and didn’t say one word to me. Not a “oh I’m sorry for the confusion” NOT A WORD! I ended up having to take my leave 2 days early because I was unable to do anything considering I’m not in the system (very computer based job). I’m wondering if this is completely legal? Side note: we were supposed to get a bonus in the next paycheck, if I didn’t work these 3 days I don’t get the bonus. Maybe that had something to do with it?
Put my two weeks in at my job, they took me out of the system 3 days before my last day
Hello /legaladvice, I am having many problems with a landlord after moving into a new rental property. The most recent issue I just found out about is that after providing a W9 for him to open an account in my name to store a security deposit, he opened a second account in my name, without my knowledge or consent, and has deposited into it his personal money which he states is from rent. I am becoming more and more aware of MA tenant laws and tenant rights after dealing with this man, however his recent actions has left me feeling extremely uncomfortable since I am unaware of the laws regarding banks and escrow account creation. I feel his actions are highly illegal but have not been able to find any information on similar situations. I have an attorney who has been assisting me on several other matters with this landlord (I have informed him of the above but don't believe I will get a reply for a few days) but would like to ask Reddit for any advice on my position or experience with like events. Are his actions as serious as I am leading myself to believe? Or am I overreacting due to having to deal with a near constant stream of issues through the first month of tenancy? Any assistance, advice, or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance, Mr-Mass
[MA] Landlord opened a second bank account in my name to store his assets, without my knowledge or consent, after I provided him with a W9 to open a single account for the security deposit
My car was stolen in California, and it was recovered about 10 hrs later. Inside my car was about 2,000 dollars or more worth of tools and school essentials.(MacBook, iPad). But all of that was gone, also they removed my spare tire and floor mats and. The police found and arrested 2 people in the car which the police said they were going to press charges on. My question though is, can I press charges on them for my valuables that were stolen too? I asked the police but they brushed my question away. What happens to my valuables? What are my options?
Stolen car found but missing valuables
My wife and I were asked to be the legal guardian of our nephew. It was posed to us for the purposes of a will, basically if the parents were to die, we'd be the kids legal guardian. We both live in New England, but in different states. So usually I would say yes in a heart beat. It's sort of "what are the odds" meets "I would want to help if something awful happened." The problem is my sister in law. I do not trust her at all. Her personal debt problems are well documented and basically out in the open to the family. Family members have received phone calls from companies saying they were put down by her as a cosigner on a credit card, with no warning at all. Didn't even ask if it was alright. Maybe cosigner is strong, but as some type of reference? Something like that. It's also not "hard luck" type debt. It's frivolous spending and poor, shortsighted decision making. I know that as a family they are in over their heads with debt and have really over-extended themselves (car loans, mortgages, the kid is a toddler and goes to day care, etc.). If they both were to die of course I will take the kid. Of course. But I am hugely worried about somehow being a party to their enormous debt. If they both die, surely the kid inherits their problems? Then I get them by proxy? It is a difficult conversation to have, as well. How do I tell my brother in law "yes I'd love to help but your insane, untrustworthy wife is making me nervous"? At the very least it seems to me very un-family-like to give a reluctant yes, but that I'll need a lawyer to review it so I can be sure it's on the up and up. So that's my question. I could barely swing the expense of another person joining my family as it is. I could certainly not swing any additional financial burden that comes along with their passing. Would I be opening myself up to that by agreeing to be the guardian?
Question about legal guardianship
As stated in the title, when I was 17 I entered into an agreement with barnes and noble to rent a textbook from them. I understand this was stupid of me, but I returned it past the deadline and decided to ignore any potential consequences. Well the consequences have arrived, years after I have forgotten about this immature decision. I have just recieved a letter from debt collectors for $228, and I suppose I am just wondering if I am legally required to pay this debt if I was underage when I signed the contract. I know that I have brought this situation upon myself, but I am still relatively young and scared that this will harm my credit because I do not have the ability at the moment to throw $200 at this problem to make it go away. If I do have to pay this debt, would it harm me to wait until I can save up the money? I really appreciate any guidance that can be offered in fixing this severe lapse in judgement. And again, I recognize I was (and still am) very dumb for getting myself into this situation in the first place.
Is debt accrued due to a contact signed when underage valid? (FL)
My friend [F19, Ohio] noticed several charges on her card dating back to early April. These charges totaled just over $400 and they were in three installations. Two of which were both identical amounts around 150.49. She called her bank and they advised her to file a police report since the charge was dated roughly a month ago. She filed and the store sent the recording from the charge time to the sheriffs office. After 3 days he got around to viewing them and found nothing. He decided that the transaction may have been an online transaction. He traced the IP and supposedly wound up with no more evidence. He called her in to the department and told her she has to appear at court sometime next week. To my knowledge of the case, she truly has no idea who used her card. Additionally, she is being charged with a potential felony for filing a false report since the sheriff was unable to locate any evidence. Is it a false report just because they didn’t find any additional evidence? My friend filed the report with utmost confidence she would figure out what happened and now she is being charged. Side note: I’m in school for computer technologies and don’t see any reason that a VPN could not have been used if the purchase was online, effectively masking any instance of an accurate IP address.
Going to court over false police report
How legally binding are landing pages for public free internet? AKA hotels, sarbucks. If someone torrents or performs some other form of illegal activity on that network can the company in any way be held liable? Located in Utah USA
Landing Page/Captive Portal legality
Just wondering what my options are or if its even legal for them to do so during this time. If anyone cares to try and help me thatd be great. Ill be contacting the free legal helpline for my state (MI) tomorrow! Thanks for reading!
Need help! Walmart fired me for calling in during the pandemic!?
I’m not sure if this is the right place for this. This morning, my father was rear ended at an intersection by an Uber driver. The Uber driver & passenger are lying saying they were stopped (and yet somehow rear ended someone). Does the Uber app record movement? Or is my father screwed because Uber driver has a witness willing to lie?
Car crash involving Uber.
Not quite two years ago, I was in the process of moving my family out of the country as I was taking a job overseas. I was already in Europe setting up our residence there, but my wife and son were still in California preparing to move. My father-in-law came to town to help her pack up our belongings, and used our (leased) car to go pick up some food. While driving, he made a u-turn and was broadsided by a woman going the opposite direction. We notified our insurance (Progressive) and he was found at fault, but was not ticketed by police at the scene and there were no injuries. Because I was in Europe at the time, I wasn't super involved with the process other than approving a shop where Progressive had the damage appraised - our car was eventually deemed a total loss, and the insurance company paid off our lease. Didn’t hear about the other driver, other than my insurance notifying me that her lawyer was requesting to know my policy’s coverage limits. Now, just under the two-year statute of limitations since the date of the accident, my FIL has informed me he was just served lawsuit papers at his home in Texas, sent by a lawyer here in California representing the woman who was driving the other car. Claims of injury, loss of income, personal suffering, etc. No monetary amount is indicated, other than it being more than the $25,000 threshold. FIL has his own insurance, through USAA, but I’m not sure if they were notified of the original accident or not. My family and I are back in California now and still have insurance through Progressive. I have not been served papers, though my insurance did let me know that the claim the other driver originally filed was still open as of a month ago (I was calling about another matter and my agent informed me). My question is: should I notify Progressive that my FIL has been served a lawsuit related to the accident? Or should my FIL notify USAA? Or both? And should I be expecting a lawsuit as well? Thank you for any guidance you can offer, and happy to answer any other questions.
Father-in-law is being sued for an accident that happened while he drove my car [CA]
I called a parent of a child we (the school) are expelling. The parent has already threatened legal action. I’m not worried about it. When I called she told me to hold and then messed around for a min or two, and then told me to repeat everything I had said. She asked very specific questions and was talking in a way that I am 100% sure I was being recorded. I know it is legal for her to record me in Texas since one party (her) consents to being recorded, but would that tape be admissible in court if she never told me she was recording? I didn’t say anything that I need to be worried about, I’m just curious. Thank you LA!
Parent recorded conversation on the phone (Texas)
There is a difference of $1800 that the insurance is refusing to pay, in which the shop has said would be left for me to pay. Their reason is because the parts that the shop bought are from a different vendor of those they normally do business with. The parts vendor of insurance choice do not offer warranty on the parts they sell and my shop doesn’t do business with part companies who do not offer warranty since they’ll be giving me lifetime warranty on the work. I also want to add that the vehicle had all original Honda parts and were not aftermarket before the accident. Does the body shop HAVE to use the insurance vendor of preference? Ive never had to deal with any of this until now so any advice helps. I’m currently at work but plan on calling an attorney when I get a chance. Sorry in advance for any typos, currently on mobile.
Insurance company is refusing to pay for all the damages caused in a vehicle accident. (TX)
KENTUCKY, USA - Drywall construction in my apartment has left it covered in dust. You can smell and taste it with every breath and it is irritating to inhale causing coughing fits, etc. My possessions are covered in the fine gypsum; computers, television, kitchen utensils, clothing, bedding, etc. It is disrupting my roommates sleep and poses a serious impediment to daily activities like cooking and recreation. No effort was made to clean the dust. I have notified the management company, to whom I pay my rent, but based on their response I am afraid nothing of substance will be done while my roommates and I are expected to live in this dust. Our lease agreement, as far as I can comprehend, prohibits lawsuits excepting in the case of gross negligence. Does this represent gross negligence? Would I be overstepping to request a remission of this months rent? Would it be wise to contact an attorney? If yes, should I notify the management company once I have done so?
Landlord's gross negligence has left my apartment and my possessions covered in dust.
My son was born in September 2017 and was put on my insurance from birth. We received bills against my wife's insurance and I called in early 2018 to have it billed correctly. I cannot find a way to prove this and the hospital is saying it never happened. Now they've sent me a bill saying I owe what the incorrect insurance had paid 2 years later. Bother policies were under the same carrier so I did not realize it was still wrong. Now that they've retracted payment I'm finding out I'm outside of the timeframe I'm able to have it claimed correctly. Do I have any recourse or am I stuck with this large bill?
Hospital billed wife's insurance incorrectly for son's birth. Carrier provided payments but retracted after two years, now hospital says we're responsible for $15k
Hi all, in a bit of a tight spot here. My landlord and the person she uses to manage the property have decided to evict. The way they are going about this is questionable, at best. From my own research, landlords are required in the state of Missouri to give a 5 day notice to either pay past due rent, or quit the property. We did not receive this notice. Instead we received a court summons. Prior to this she attempted to raise the rent on us with less than 5 days notice (from what I'm seeing this requires 30 day). I gathered the amount listed on the summons, confirmed with the property manager that it would be enough, and arranged to meet her tomorrow... Only to have her claim that now it was not enough, and increased the dollar amount by $660. I can't get that so quickly - I took money out of my ROTH 401(k) to even get what we have. Again, this is a LARGE amount more than what is listed in the court documents. She is stating that we have to have the full amount, including the added amount that was just last week not required according to her property manager, by Wednesday or she is going forward with the eviction. I don't know what resources I have. Hell, I don't even know if what she is doing is legal. Please help?
[Missouri] Landlord attempting to evict...
I understand that her heart is in the right place but I would devastated to think that my soon to be wife would have literally nothing if I passed. But I’m sure it’s whatever is in my Will that would be passed down and not the estates passed down previously, I’m on the right mark?
My grandma says her Will will pass down blood-to-blood (i.e. skip my partner if something happens to me and go straight my son). Is this something that can be done?
I was planning on leasing an apartment with 2 of my friends from college. A couple of months ago I was supposed to pay a 900 dollar fee which covered my security deposit and last months rent. My out of state father wanted to help help support by paying half the cost but needed time to accumulate the funds so the land lord allowed me to sign the lease once I had the money at a later date. Fast forward to the virus, and both of of us ended up getting temporarily layed off from work. The only reason I was planning on living there was because of school and now classes have gone remote for the summer. I’m also not sure whether or not school will be remote for the fall so I would rather hold onto the money until at the earliest August so I have a better idea of what’s happening. Both of my roommates have already signed their leases and paid their deposit so they’re locked in to their contracts, but the landlord keeps trying to push me to sign and move in even though I’m not currently obligated to pay anything. What kind of negotiating power do I have here? My goal is to wait until I get a better idea of how my college is going to proceed before I make a decision.
Land lord wants me to pay $1300 down payment when I’m not sure if I’m moving in yet.
By the time my former roommate and I moved out of our shared apartment, he owed me $2491 due to him never paying his half of the bills on time or in full. He has since paid back half of it, but is now very delinquent on the last half. I should probably add that he owes our former boss (we used to work at the same place) ~$500, and a former coworker of ours ~$500 as well. He is now completely ignoring all of our phone calls and text messages, obviously with the intention of screwing us over, since it's been months since the last time he spoke to any of us. Every time we've spoken to him, we've been nothing but civil. Before we both moved out however, he made a contract that said he would repay me the $2491 in 4 installments (of which he paid 2), which we both signed. I witnessed him signing it if that matters, as did the former coworker he owes $500 to (but they probably forgot). Afterwards I signed it as well. I should probably note that he only paid me in cash for the first 2 installments, and that I know where he currently works (but I don't know exactly where he lives). [Here is a link to a picture of the contract we signed]( **TL;DR:** * **former roommate owes me $$, we both signed a contract they made that says they'd pay me back, but have only paid half of it.** * **Is the above contract enough evidence for me to win against them in small claims court?** * **Would getting a lawyer be a good idea for this case? Or would it cost too much money?**
[Houston, TX] My former roommate owes me ~$1245 in unpaid rent and utilities.
So about 2 months ago I moved to a new apartment, I had been there over a month when the landlord, who I believe is the owner of the townhouse I had been renting, came to my door with a paper saying that the home owner's association that was in charge(not sure exactly how this works) of the townhouse I was renting wanted us out in 2 weeks. He said to me that my roommate's background, who is staying with me, was not up to their acceptable terms. I fail to see how this is ok after having been here for well over a month before this is an issue. This is in Illinois. We both signed the 1 year lease. Any help/info is appreciated.
Asked to leave my apartment.
Recently the police searched my car and found 5 fake 20 dollar bills, but then they just let me go and took the money. What does this mean? Will I be charged later? What are the charges? - Minnesota
Counterfeit money
My roommate lost their job 2 weeks ago. They have not gone to any interviews but say they have submitted applications. I have lived with them since Jan. 1, 2015. Today, I asked what their plan was to pay April's rent and this is the conversation via text: Me : "What is your plan for paying April's rent?" Them : "To be honest I don't have a set "plan." I may sound crazy but I'm truly trusting God. You've always received rent from me 4-5 days in advanced [advance] or right on time, and you will receive an on time payment for April too :)" Me : "God helps those who help themselves." I am the only one on the lease. She was supposed to fill out a roommate application at the request of my leasing company which she did not submit, per the lease company. She may or may not have filled it out, but she did not pay the application fee. She has paid rent on time for Jan., Feb., and March. Additional Information : Upon moving in she emailed a document that says she leases from me and pays rent that includes internet, electricity, water, trash/sewage from Dec. 31, 2014 to July 31, 2015. She electronically signed and sent me the document via email. What are the my options? What are your recommendations?
FL : Recently unemployed roommate's plan to pay rent is reliant on God
I bought a travel insurance policy through an online company for $120 for a trip this May. I live in GA, it covered a 9 day trip all over Turkey. My trip was obviously cancelled, and the tour company gave me a 110% credit refund (they were not giving real refunds). So I obviously am not using the insurance policy and it was completely useless in helping me recover any costs - nothing was covered! So no claims have been opened, the policy is unused. Their website made it seem simple, saying “Work with your travel provider to see if they can offer you different trip dates, a refund, or a credit. If you haven’t used your travel insurance policy, you can request a refund. You also have the option to change the dates of your policy should you reschedule your trip.” Ok so I email them. They say “From an insurance perspective, there has to be nothing left to protect for us to offer a refund, and getting a credit or voucher means that you’re still going to be traveling and could run into some risks that need to be covered by the plan. While we won’t issue refunds when your trip costs have been returned to you as travel credits or vouchers, we are matching the offer provided by your travel suppliers by giving you a chance to travel – under the protection of our plans – at rescheduled dates.” They won’t let me reschedule the dates because I can’t go on the same 9 day turkey trip, I can’t reuse it. What I DO NOT UNDERSTAND is the “From an insurance perspective, there has to be nothing left to protect for us to offer a refund, and getting a credit or voucher means that you’re still going to be traveling and could run into some risks that need to be covered by the plan”. If they just cancel the plan, there is absolutely nothing left that they have to protect? The policy will be void. It’s not like they’re covering me when I go on the rescheduled trip. There IS nothing left for them to protect? They won’t cover anything when I travel again, so why are they saying that? I feel like they just know lots of people aren’t getting full real refunds and they just don’t want to give refunds. Why should they get to keep my money when I am getting *absolutely nothing* in return and the policy is useless to me? How are they allowed to do this? I know it doesn’t seem like much money but I’ve lost much more than I wanted to for a huge trip that was cancelled and this logic is just pissing me off. TIA
Travel Insurance company refuses to give me a policy refund on cancelled trip because my tour company gave me a credit refund. How does this make any sense?
I've never gotten myself into a potential legal scuffle until now (I cannot afford an attorney, while I know he definitely has legal backing) and seeing the threat greatly scares me, but here goes: I was under the employment of the gentleman for roughly several months, beginning around May 2017 and ending early October that year. During that time, he would obtain contracts from tech companies, i.e. Spencer Technologies, and reassign them to me as an unofficial subcontractor to fulfill on his behalf. As I understood later, this practice is generally frowned upon, but I overlooked this as I had anticipated that he would pay me fairly after some time. Fast forward to the beginning of October. Not only was he erratic with payments (the average I have ever received from him once in a blue moon was $100), but I feared continuing working with him due to his violent and confrontational behavior, sometimes showing itself abruptly whenever I asked him about my pay. I decided to leave him ASAP--and I had, by claiming that I would be leaving for another country. This was a lie, but I feared him and wanted to leave him as quickly as I could. I reached out to him once again around November, asking if I could collect upon the remainder of the back pay that he had never fulfilled. Through that time and all of December, he lead me to believe throughout texts that he would PayPal me the rest of the amount. He went dark mid-December until now, which lead me to calling as many tech companies as I could remember and requesting copies of past work orders to protect myself with. I have a spreadsheet that was compiled before my departure with all of their respective ID numbers. Today, I wake up to find that not only did he reject my repeated requests to pay the remainder of the hours that I've put into those work orders, but that he would be looking towards taking the matter to court, as I have apparently caused his business to lose money from work orders that were refunded or cancelled, which he all claims that I have botched (I cannot prove if any of this is true, and I find this very doubtful). A company that I had also called regarding obtaining old copies of work orders had been tipped off and got into some scuffle with my former employer, which according to him, claims that their relationship has been severely damaged. I never intended to maliciously harm my employer or his company, but in the absence of missing documentation, I sought to protect myself by any means possible. I would like to know if he has legal precedent to not only docking my back pay completely, but also filing suit against me. It especially frightens me knowing that if it were to actually happen that he would have an attorney by his side.
(NY) Former employer denying back pay, threatening instead to sue for "damages" caused to business
Hi Redditors, Please help! I'm a single female renter at a condo for a year in Maryland. I'm moving across country for a new job. Over the weekend, the movers came. When they arrived, security told me no moving on weekends, because the loading dock is closed. I DIDN'T KNOW THAT. I said I have to work during the weekdays; plus, I don't have much stuff. Two big suitcases, and some boxes. No furniture. Nothing big. Even myself can move the boxes out of the front door one by one. And I don't need to use the loading dock. The security said okay and let the movers up. When we actually started moving, it was very quick since I don't have much stuff. We weren't making any noise or chaos or blocking anyone's way, as it was a very spacious/ partially empty condo, and I only have clothes, shoes, small appliances like the blender. Another security came up and told me that the movers are blocking traffic. I didn't know where they parked at the time, so I said sorry I'll go down and check, and tell them to get out of the way if they blocked anything. I went to basement floor (parking lot) where the movers went, saw no one in sight. All doors, including garage doors, were closed. They were outside on one side of the side-street, putting my boxes inside the van. The entire side street was empty. Just to be clear, they parked on the dead-end side street where the loading dock was. But like the condo said the loading dock isn't even open on the weekends, so there was no traffic at all. A week later I received a letter from the condo management, claiming that I blocked traffic, and I damaged one of the doors on the basement level. (without presenting any evidence). The condo showed me a rule issued in 2009 which says no move on weekends. --- That's 4 years before I moved in, and I've never seen that rule. The condo asked me to pay a fine for violating the rule I've never seen before, and the fine for the damaged door. What do you think I should do?? I feel this comes out of nowhere. If I was moving an entire bed or something big, then it might be possible to damage the door, but seriously, I only moved some boxes and suitcases. Some people's Thanksgiving shopping haul is going to be bigger than mine! Please help. Thank you!
Condo asks me to pay fines without any evidence
I already tried doing some research online and found a list of "minimum living standards" for the SUNY system. My roommates and I have a apartment in a state school that's part of the SUNY system. It's here: ( Sorry for not linking. I'm on mobile. Last semester, around October, when I moved in my roommates (who were already here) said we didn't have cable in the living room. Whatever, wasn't a big deal because they said they told CTS (the department that deals with these things). A couple months passed and they did nothing. The outlet itself is sticking out of the wall. The cables are out and the outlet where everything is supposed to plug in (phone and ethernet jack as well as the cable) is dangling there. CTS said they "won't fix it unless it's smoking" and even then they'll check it to see if we tampered with it to make it do that. They told my roommate that verbally so I don't even know if that's verbatim or what. The RA came for a inspection and asked if everything was working. I mentioned the cable and he said he'd tell them. Again, nothing happened. Now, I don't care if the TV works or not. I don't need a TV. Don't know how my roommates feel but that's where I stand on this. We moved back in yesterday for the spring semester. Cable still isn't fixed. We went to rent our router from CTS so we could get WiFi. We're not allowed to bring our own routers so we have to use theirs. It wasn't working and so today my roommates went in to have it inspected. CTS said they fixed it and sent them back to the apartment. We get here and it's still not working. We called back to tell them and they basically shrugged us off. I don't know what was explicitly said as my roommate spoke to them on the phone. I don't need TV. Don't care about that. I know that's a luxury. But I DO need the internet. I stay up countless nights because my assignments are given online and then I typically have to somehow utilize the internet into my work (usually for tutorials, stock images, readings, etc). Not to mention we have wireless printing for all of our work. The library has closing times and I'm in class all day so that means I'd have to somehow squeeze in time to do everything. The document I found for minimum living standards said the university has to fix or replace any items/appliances/etc in the dorms and apartments. That a report has to be made when anything malfunctions or doesn't work and it should be fixed that semester and shouldn't typically extend into the next semester. At least that's my understanding of it. I may have interpreted it incorrectly. My thing is that I'm paying the same amount of money as everyone else who lives in my building. The difference is that they have those two things that work and we don't. And our heater in the living room is broken. It only blows out cold air (yes it has a fan and a heater option). We raised it all the way to 90 and waited a half hour and it only let out cold air. The apartment is freezing at night and we're "advised" not to buy personal heaters. We end up putting the oven on and leaving it open to heat up the common area. My thing is this: I have the impression that we have to tough this out and just deal with it. I know if this were to happen in a "real" apartment that this wouldn't be happening. But do we have any ground to stand on to say something if we're living on campus? And if so what can we do, if anything? Although honestly I feel like we just have to handle it all till May when we leave and get reassigned. Do we have the same rights as tenants living in a "normal" apartment off campus?
(New York) College isn't "fixing" technological issues in our campus apartment. Can we do anything?
My daughter’s ex boss used to schedule their daily morning meetings at 8:30 am. All employees were required to clock in at 8:23 so by 8:30 they were ready to meet. They could not log in at 8:22 because then they would have to be paid from 8:15. And when you clock in at 8:23 you are paid from 8:30. Something does not seem right about this. Is this even legal?
Time clock scam
My claim begins on 4/5. I received a letter a week later stating they couldn't verify my I.D. so I had to send in a copy of my I.D. and my last pay stub. I sent all that in on the same day I received the letter and have yet to hear back from the unemployment office. Around here, the city is tentatively set to partially open up again on May 15th. If it does, and I go back to work, am I still going to get the unemployment I should've received? Assuming they approved my claim? What if they end up denying my claim, can I re-file for the same time period? There's no reason I should be denied, as I had a full-time job prior to the business closing, but I moved to CA from another state last year and I believe the reason they wanted a copy of my I.D. is because I hadn't gotten a CA I.D. yet, just had my old state's I.D.
I filed for unemployment almost 5wks ago and have not been told if I'm verified/approved yet. If my job starts back up before I hear from the unemployment office, am I still legally owed the money I should've been paid during this time?
Hi Reddit, I have made a few post about this company before (will link), and I know I should have cut my loses earlier but due to not very solid reasons I have not. So some back ground first, after the guy who was pushing us to serve bad shrimp fired me after throwing them away (insubordination) he left about 2 months later. I came back, was promoted to management and the GM at the time stopped showing up so they replaced him. That makes 3 GMs in under a year. New GM has no experience in full service restaurants, and goes back to selling bad food. This time serving steak that had been cooked up to over 48 hours prior and reheated twice. Main point: At this point, he brings in some one from a pizza chain he worked with. They already don't pay us enough, $9.50 as management. For comparison, Chipotle, our competitor starts at that wage. He brings her on as management and plans on giving her our store when he gets another. I found her raise form in the copy machine, approved for a higher pay than the rest of all of us. The best part, not one of us has gotten so much as an evaluation, much less a raise and I've been here for 2+ years. I was working a 14 hour straight shift, so I closed like normal and left my letter of resignation on the desk. on the 30th, a few days later, I go in after not hearing anything from anyone to check for the schedule and to drop off some sushi I got for an early b-day present for my self to a buddy who also works with me. I'm then confronted by the new girl and she tells me that all the pilots were blown out and the GM and another manager say I was trying to sabotage her because she is paid more. This job is one hell of a hostile work environment an on many nights it's made me think how easy it would be to put my car in a tree or post, but I would never harm some one. She has a kid, and to think I could do that to some one is insane. (at this point I realize I am ranting, but have typed enough that I don't want to go back and edit) Every one now believes I tried to basically kill someone by leaving gas to fill the store. Is there any way I can build a case, or should I just cut my loses and report to the health dept.? I have a few gigs worth of pictures of rat shit covered things I think would interest them. TLDR; people think I tried to kill some one, is there any thing I can do?
Employer Falsely Spreads That I Tried To Sabotage Another Employee Louisiana
Hi, I live in Alberta, Canada. I started up a small consulting business. I went to my registry, got my Nuans search done, and was accepted to name my company. Got a website, logo, Email done... 10 Months later, I've received a letter from a company from the USA that claims I am violating "US Laws" with my company name being unauthorized to use that trademarked name... Why would this not come up at the registry that I can't use that name if I actually am violating anything? Can they do anything within Canada if I'm violating US law?? Should I actually be worried, or are they just trying to squash the little guy?
Unauthorized use of trademark - Canada/USA
I have been living here for 2 months on a month to month lease. The lease states: "Space rented: The house except laundry and utility space for landlord access". This is the only thing in the lease that mentions my landlord having access. He comes to the house about 4 times a week and harrasses me and my roommate. I get texts from him constantly about different problems like him telling me that I need to clean the apartment only a day after the cleaning guy comes. It's my word against his but the apartment is next to spotless 99% of the time. Last week he evicted my roommate (gave him 30 days) because he didn't like the smell of the food that my roommate was cooking. I could go on and on but you probably get the idea. Is there anything I can do? If I complain, he'll evict me. I want to file a police report but I don't know if that's the best thing to do. I do plan on moving out but I not for 3 months.
[MA] Can my landlord come into my apartment at any time with no warning if I'm on a month to month lease?
Hi Everyone. I live in Toronto with my girlfriend. Her first cousin [who lives in Florida] visited and stayed with my GF's family a year and a half ago for a few months. When he left, she told me that he fed her shots with her sister, and she woke up and he told her they had sex. She was scared to tell anyone for a while because of the strain it would put on her financially struggling, divorced parents. When she opened up about it, she said that he's done this before, the first time being when she was 11 years old [he is five years older]. She went to the police after she opened up about it, and has had trouble with prosecution [he said, she said]. He now lives in Florida again and has since [very quickly] impregnated and married a girl. GF and I want to message his new wife\her friends to tell her what he did, how far can we go without being libelous?
GF [living in Ontario] was raped by her visiting cousin [lives in Florida], and after returning to florida impregnated and married a girl. How can I let new wife\child services type authorities know without being libelous if prosecution in Ontario doesn't work?
I was recently terminated from my position in which I had around 80 hours of vacation accrued. I just received a letter agreement from HR in the mail and it states that it will only payout up to 40 hours of vacation. Is this allowed? I'm in Missouri.
Company not paying out full vacation hours after termination
[California] I was assaulted and had my property destroyed (>$1000) by a stranger yesterday. I was more shaken up than hurt, and pissed that my stuff was destroyed. I filed a police report and pressed charges but I'm starting to fear retaliation after thinking about how crazed this person was. I don't want my family being hurt while I'm not home to defend them, and I'm sure that my address will come out in court proceedings. 1) Am I able to call the office assigned to the case and drop the charges? 2) Could I still file a civil claim for the damage of my property?
Dropping assault charges and still filing a civil claim?
Hi, Last month while visiting Las Vegas (we're from the Netherlands), we rented a car and drove to the Grand Canyon Skywalk. I was speeding and got a ticket, here: We were a bit stressed and after we drove off, we realised we didnt get a copy of the ticket. He toldme to make sure i call and pay with creditcard before february 20. Since i dont have a copy, i Googled and found the Kingman Justice Court. Called them twice, but they say they cant find my ticket and i have to call back later. I'm a little worried they still won't have my ticket next week and my case goes to court. What can i expect then? I don't wantto get arrested next time i go to the States. Also, should i do more? Call other people/courts? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, since i know virtually nothing about the US legal system.
Speeding ticket during holiday in Nevada. How do i pay? Didn't get a copy of the ticket.
maybe wrong flair but whatever. any help appreciated trying to build an online store and start a crowd funding page as im working on a line of dry herb vaporizers that i will be putting up for sale on the website. so my question is, how should i approach the advertisement and mentioning of the product. would it be illegal or again guidelines to openly talk about the use of the product with marijuana, and should i be bluffing with the same story most paraphernalia stores say, "for tobacco use only". and if i were to create a video presentation for the crowd funding page would it be counter productive to include mention of marijuana and the community/culture built around it. ps i live in massachusetts where marijuana is still a touchy subject. i intend on moving to colorado but that would be after the start up of this business. if it is illegal or at least not smart of me to advertise or sell products related to marijuana out of massachusetts. would matters be different if the manufacturing and shipping comes out of a place where it is legal. i.e. colorado
legality question
Friend is visiting from SC to Ohio and I plan to buy his car as he buys another one in OH and I've personally never have done a title transfer and am a little curious of the fully process and how switching insurances is going to be. He's also not sure about the temp tags from going from OH back to SC and how that process is like. I generally get the process of the title transfer it's more so the insurance and the OH to SC process for him. Also, for some details, the car I'm buying from my fiend is fully paid off and the car he's planning to buy will be bought with a loan. Unsure if that has any correlation with the process for him.
Car title transfer help/ advice?
Basically the title. I have 2 occurences on my MVR within a 3 year period and if I get a third then I can no longer perform my job. I was doing 62 in a 40 and told the officer that I will be in court to fight it because it's only chance. What are my options? Is there anyway to not get this ticket on my MVR (motor vehicle record) [EDIT]: I will talk to an attorney on Monday. I'm just currently very sad and feel completely hopeless and I was really hoping that this post could shine a light at the end of this very bleak tunnel I'm heading down.
[SC] I got a speeding ticket and if it shows on my MVR I lose my job. What are my options?
NC, USA My husband and I did IVF last year that resulted in 8 embryos that are currently on ice using our genetic material. The clinic had us sign a few documents before starting on what to do which the embryos in the case of divorce or if one/both of us die. However we would like to give the embryos to a family member in the case that both of us die, which was not an option on the original documents we signed. My question is what kind of lawyer do we need? Just one who does wills? Fertility lawyer?
What kind of lawyer do we need?
Have a friend who is 30. She and her ex have split custody of their one 8 year old child. Friends mother is a drunk but wont admit it and is also mentally and verbally abusive and constantly puts her daughter on blast on facebook. Her daughter who we will call M when she doesnt have her child goes out and does party with family and friends when covid isnt a thing. M's mom we will call B, constantly harassed M and threatens to take her child away and says if she leaves for her trip to oregon she is taking the child and getting CPS involved. This has been planned for months that M would be going to Oregon to get a real break away from the drama as its a constant in her life. B constantly goes to Ms house during the quarantine and causes drama with her threatening to kick her out of her own apartment that has Ms name on the lease and threatening to move in.l because ms brother is a mental wreck (also because of the mothers abuse) Ive constantly told her to keep a paper trail of whats going on so if she ever needs to build a case she has that and she refuses. Is there anything that can be done to protect not only herself but her child from her mother? Ive said restraining order but she refuses. Or is she just doing this all for attention? I dont know anymore. Im pregnant and at the end of my ropes
Friends mom is abusive
I attended community college just over four years ago and was charged $2000 in out with of state fees even though I was a resident of the state the college was in. I was unable to prove I was a resident to them because they said the only way I could would be to show them last year's tax returns, but I wasn't claimed by my parents and I wasn't working at the time. I reluctantly paid the $2000 because I was joining the military and they wouldn't allow me to join with outstanding fees. How could I go about proving to the college my residency at the time and get my money back?
Out of state college fees
My mom didn’t let me know in enough time for me to try and fix the issue, and this was so unexpected. I just need to know what my options are. Edit: I understand there’s not much for me to do. An eviction lasts for how long on your record? Is it seven years like bankruptcy or until the debt is paid off?
[AZ] My mom gambled away our rent money, and now I have an eviction on my record at 20. Is there any way to lessen the amount of time on my record?
My grandfather (AZ) died over a year ago and my mother (CA, USA) who is mentally compromised was the executor of his estate. Myself and the siblings (KS) were not notified that he had land in AZ. My mother's boyfriend convinced her to sign everything including land over to him. I just found out about this. He took advantage of a woman who has severe mental illness and brain damage. He claims he paid over $30000 in back taxes to keep the property from the IRS. That would amount to about 12 years of unpaid property tax. Wouldn't the IRS have seized the assets years ago? Is there any recourse for us? Any info would be helpful.
(deceased grandfather) Real estate/Estate laws across 3 states. I think.
I run equipment at a lumber yard and am completely isolated for other employees. So the other day my girlfriend (works in the medical field) had a rise in temperature below what the CDC ranges as a fever her along with several coworkers were sent for precautionary covid-19 tests. I was having a general conversation with my supervisor and mentioned this just in case something that we won’t expecting did come back in the test results well he told me I was allowed to stay at work but that I couldn’t go to the bathrooms or break room. The following day a coworker calls me and says that he has been told to cover my shift for the next couple days I called my supervisor to find out what is going on he states that I’m not allowed to be at work until the test results come back then tells me that I will not be paid for being out of work. So the test results come back negative I go back to work a couple days later I had to use vacation days to cover The lost hours which caused me to lose the overtime that I already had then I find out that my supervisor has told everybody in the facility that my girlfriend tested positive for the virus. And I know of two employees who had to be out for two weeks because a family member had the virus and they were paid but they are under a different department So I guess my question is is there anything I can do legally about the time lost since neither one of us were showing signs or symptoms and it was just a precautionary test and is there any thing I can do about him throwing her false personal information around at work
Guess this could be hipaa too
Seriously, not being cheap or a wise ass and please spare me the math jokes. But for a relatively simple divorce do I need the $400-500 per hour Boston lawyer?
What is the difference between a $400 & $200 per hour lawyer in Ma.
So I purchased something from hsn and the package had a shipping label with my name on it but in the box was not what I ordered but a much more expensive item. Aside from it being super shitty to keep the much more expensive item, which I will return the argument between family is legally do I have to return the much more expensive item?
Wrong item delivered legally do I need to return?
I’m on mobile so the formatting may be off. Minneapolis, Minnesota My roommate told me at the end of November that she had found a subleaser for her room since her job was moving her. She had me sign a roommate dissolution form so that the new roommate could be added to the lease. I was told that the new roommate would be moving in at the beginning of January and my old roommate paid her half of December’s rent. On Friday I texted my new roommate to make sure she knew that rent was due that day and she told me that her application had been denied. She said that she had told my old roommate this at the beginning of December. Neither the leasing office or my old roommate had informed me of this. The application was denied because the new roommate has a dog and our lease doesn’t allow dogs. My old roommate never mentioned to me that the new roommate had a dog, but admitted to me last night that she knew long before asking me to sign the roommate dissolution form. My old roommate has blocked my number sometime between last night and this morning. This morning I called the leasing office and they confirmed that I am now the only person on the lease. I had to pay the second half of this month’s rent and utilities this afternoon. They are currently considering waiving the late fees due to the situation. I’m wondering if I would be able to take legal action against my old roommate for not disclosing that the subleaser’s application was certainly going to be denied due to the dog issue when I signed the roommate dissolution. The internet bill is also still in my old roommate’s name and I have no idea how to change that since she blocked my number. I’m also wondering if the leasing office had a legal obligation to tell me that they had denied the subleaser’s application. Any and all advice would be appreciated, thanks you!
My roommate lied to her subleaser and me and now I’m in the lease alone
I currently work at a lab where we were deemed essential because of the testing we do (not healthcare related). At the beginning of the shut downs we were given an extra 10 days of sick time. However work has continued at a slower than normal pace than in previous years but we have been at a 32 hour cap for three weeks now. With them using the sick time to fill the gap to 40 hours per week. I’m supposed to be salaried but apparently if you go under an amount of hours you are paid hourly. There is no overtime regardless. Can someone educate or point me in the right direction of the legality of this?
Questions about short schedules and forced sick time (MA)
I went to visit my family abroad. Left my car in front of my townhouse. When I was checking security camera few days ago. I found that the car is missing. I could see there is curbside construction happening now. I guess that’s the reason why my car was towed. At the time when I was leaving, there was no sign announcing such construction. I contacted towing company and they said they will put car to auction after 21-28days. The fee is already $380 and counting everyday. What are my options here? I can interrupt my vacation and go back obviously, but I’m interested more in fact that I was abroad and there was no way me knowing about the construction
Seattle: My car got towed in front of my townhouse while I’m abroad. There were no signs no parking. Towing company wants to sell car in auction
Hi to all, this did not happen to me but to my friend on 20 Dec. My friend was rear-ended onto her by the car behind her. Her insurance just expired a few days prior and yet to renew, the opposite party claims not to have insurance as well. My friend has taken photo of their licence plate and driver license as per protocol. After a few days of negotiation, the opposite party seems not wanting to pay for the repair fee claiming its too expensive and they don't have the money. Police were contacted but officers claim they can't do anything as well. We are trying to talk to lawyers but are there other legal ways to get that compensation ? This happened in Australia, Victoria State. Thanks for any response. Happy holidays.
Car accident in Australia, Melbourne
I cut contact with my father over three years ago because of a lot of ongoing issues that I won’t get into, however I’m restricted from doing things that require his approval now such as getting a passport or getting my ears pierced. They seem like small trivial things, but it bothers me and represents a shadow he still has over my life. Officially, I’m supposed to be still visiting him and he’s supposed to be paying child support but he has not payed in about 4 years (unsure of the exact time but I know he stopped paying for a while before I stopped seeing him). We don’t have much money for lawyers or any legal battle but I crave that freedom. Unrelated, but in case state laws are important for this, I’m in Louisiana but he moved to Texas during the time contact has been cut. Obviously the court agreement has been broken but legally he still has split custody of me, what are my options? How can I fix this?
I (16M) have not seen my father in over 3 years and cut contact with him, is it possible to make my mother my sole guardian?
Our roommate has been acting completely insane (writing cryptic notes about "eyes in the skies", growling at our cats, not eating or going to work for days on end) and owns a gun. We've left the house at this point and called her telling her to leave the house permanently within the next 24 hours. She insists that she has until the 5th which I'm willing to let her do, but what should I do if the 5th comes around and she hasn't left. I can call the police and have them remove her right? We never had her sign a lease with us. The last check for rent money she gave us was a month ago. We're located in Connecticut.
Roommate went crazy. Acting completely insane, owns a gun. We want her to leave and she never signed a lease.