What Is Auto Insurance Comprehensive Coverage?
There are two types of physical damage coverage available for an automobile . The first is collision which covers the damage that is the result of an accident . The second is comprehensive which covers any other damage to the vehicle . Striking an animal is a comprehensive loss not a collision loss .
In Canada when you `` retire '' , whether you need life insurance depends on your objectives . Life Insurance creates cash at death and is arguably to most effective way to do so . Why would you want a tax free death benefit ? There are often additional benefits including tax preferred growth . However , if tax-free cash to create or conserve your legacy is desired , you need life insurance . If you have further questions or you can contact me through this web site or
Why Is Life Insurance Important For Employees?
If the employee is a `` key person '' in the business , it can be very costly for a business to lose him/her . The time spent in finding and training a new employee could put the business under . So providing life insurance that pays the business in the event that a key employee passes , can be extremely important . Some businesses provide group life insurance for all their employees . Rather than the death benefit going to the business , it is paid to employee 's family in the event of his/her death . This is a benefit that might draw good employees to apply or stay at a certain business , which is an important part of running a profitable business . It also can be very meaningful to the employee 's family if death occurs .
The amount of Life Insurance that each unit represents is set by the insurance company , one unit typically equals $ 1,000 of coverage . If you are purchasing life insurance , make sure that you understand the amount of coverage being taken out , the premium amount and frequency , how long your coverage will last , and the insurance companies ability to alter premium amounts .
What Is Renters Insurance Coverage?
Renters Insurance is available from a variety of insurance companies that offer this valuable protection for tenants . It is a form of homeowners insurance for tenants ; the policy contract may provide for personal property and personal liability . The coverage is inexpensive and fluctuates depending on coverage amount requested , deductible requested and geographic area . Most recently , the coverage has become most valued by those who have been accused of negligence thereby causing water damage , fire damage , smoke damage and other possible acts of negligence ; in this case , the liability portion of the policy will defend the insured and pay out up to the maximum limits afforded by the policy . It is important to note that in some States where the courts have been inundated by law suits regarding tenant issues , all lease contracts are required to include an insurance clause thereby requiring the tenant to provide insurance . We do have a short cut link for those that may seek a quote or wish to buy a policy directly online : WEBSITELINK
An auto lease will require you to provide continuous coverage . The lease will require that you name them as an additional insured . They will require evidence of the insurance . The leasing company will be particularly interested in the physical damage coverage that you carry . They want to make sure that their interests are properly covered .
What Is ROP Life Insurance?
ROP life insurance stands for Return of Premium life insurance . ROP life insurance will return the premiums that you paid , if you hang onto the policy to the end of the term . Some policies will return part of the premiums if you keep the policy a certain number of years -LRB- usually at least half the term length -RRB- . If death occurs before the term ends , the policy pays the normal death benefit .
There are two different enrollment penalties . The first being your Part B enrollment penalty . Basically your monthly premium may go up 10 % for every full 12 month period that you could have had Part B , but did not sign up for it . If you or your spouse has group coverage , there would be no need to sign up with Part B until group coverage ends . Part D penalty is a 1 % penalty per month for every month you do n't have a Part D plan and you were eligible to have it . Like above , if you have creditable coverage -LRB- group coverage -RRB- , you can delay your Part D enrollment until you lose your group coverage .
Who Can I Add To My Car Insurance?
Typically insurers will allow you to add licensed individuals such as : children , spouses , domestic partners , other residential drivers etc. . If you fail to add someone who should have been rated on the policy that can pose some significant issues . When in doubt contact your agent and ask him or her about what you have in mind . Insurers typically like to have persons who drive the vehicle added to the policy for two reasons 1 -RRB- it helps establish an adequate pricing level and 2 -RRB- it allows them opportunity to monitor their driving behavior . One other thing to consider is when you hand over the keys to someone else , you are generally creating permissive use . Make sure of two things , 1 -RRB- the person who will drive has a valid drivers license and 2 -RRB- they do not appear to be in any form impaired by drugs -LRB- illicit or prescription -RRB- or by alcohol .
Colonial Penn Life Insurance will pay a death benefit after a waiting period of a couple years , for death due to natural causes . During the first two years , it will pay a death benefit plus a small percent more . It pays 100 % of the death benefit from day one for accidental death that was not caused in any way by the insured person 's health condition -LRB- s -RRB- . If your health is not very poor , you may be able to get a No Exam policy that will pay 100 % from day one for death by any reason . You may also be able to get a larger face amount than you can get through Colonial Penn , and/or at a lower cost . Nonmed policies offered by other companies are also easy to get . So do n't settle for Colonial Penn until you have contacted a broker who can tell you what else you can get , so you can make an informed decision .
Will Medicare Part B Pay For Shingles Vaccine?
Medicare Part B does not cover the shingles vaccine . It ` sgenerally covered under your prescription coverage . Medicare Part D stand-alone prescription drug plans will generally cover vaccine shots needed to prevent illness such as the flu shot or shingles shot . Please feel free to contact me for help . Thanks very much .
When looking for disability insurance , you can find a local agent in your area , or you can find a brokerage company online . Although you can sometimes go straight to the carrier , it 's best if you use a broker so that he or she can shop around and provide you with a few different quotes . If you ca n't find an agent or a brokerage that you like , you can contact a company like ours and we 'll put you in touch with a top broker in your area . That way you can have peace of mind knowing that your agent is experienced and trustworthy .
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Lupus?
Almost all people with lupus are able to get some type of life insurance policy . Mild , well controlled , systemic lupus alone should not keep you from getting any amount for which you are financially qualified . If you have had recent flare ups , are on steroids , or have complications from your lupus , you may need to take a nonmed policy . There are some no exam policies that do not ask about lupus , and that have reasonable rates . Contact a good impaired risk life insurance agent that carries lots of choices for those with health conditions , and you should be able to get affordable life insurance while having lupus .
To file a death claim a death certificate needs to be presented . The term life insurance policy could have exclusions that would result in a denied claim , such as SCUBA diving , sky diving , suicide and bungee jumping . If the death of the insured is not the result of one of these exclusions the policy will probably pay . I said probably because companies have gone to court in strange situations to determine their liability . The best known case is where a well-known gangster took out a policy in his real name and was subsequently murdered .
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Lupus?
Video Transcript : Can I get life insurance if I have lupus ? Well , it depends upon some of the answers to these questions . The first is , I need to know the date it was first diagnosed . And then , what type of lupus was diagnosed ? Was it systemic ? Was it discoid lupus or drug induced SLE ? I 'll also need to know , is it in remission , or is it currently present ? Then I need to go through this checklist . Do I have low blood count , neurological disorders , protein issues , high blood pressure , lung involvement , heart involvement , renal insufficiency or failure altogether ? Is the insured taking any medications ? All these areas will give us an idea of how to price and get an offer from a specific carrier that is really benevolent in their underwriting when it comes to lupus .
One of the elements of most permanent Life Insurance products , whether they are traditional `` Whole Life '' or some form of variable product is the inside build up of cash , yes . The accumulation inside the contract grows and does so , in most cases , on a tax-free or tax-deferred basis .
Who Sells Mortgage Life Insurance?
The lender that provides your home loan is typically the vendor that sells mortgage life insurance to you , as well . When death occurs , the lender is paid the benefit of the policy , so that their portion of your loan is paid off . Life insurance can be used to cover a mortgage , however . It is more competitively priced than mortgage insurance and the death benefit does not decrease as your loan decreases . The beneficiary is the person of your choice . They can use the money to pay off the mortgage , or else spend it on other things if it makes more sense to keep the mortgage .
There are a lot of factors determining the cost of life insurance . First I believe if you stay with all `` A rated '' carriers you will receive `` good '' life insurance . The price is determined by factors such as face amount , term of insurance , age , build , health , occupation , life style just to name a few . I would recommend contacting an independent life insurance broker to help you with professionally shopping numerous carriers for the best price for you and your current situation .
Does Medigap Cover Dialysis?
Medigap plans pay for Medicare approved dialysis . Medigap plans are supplements to Medicare , so any claim approved by Medicare Part A or Part B is a covered expense under your Medigap plan . Medicare covers inpatient and outpatient dialysis when treatment is administered in a Medicare approved facility . A good Medigap plan such as F or G will lighten the financial burden of dialysis .
There are two types of payouts . Death benefits are settled by settlement options . Benefits paid to living policy owners are known as non-forfeiture provisions . There are similar techniques used by both . A beneficiary and a living owner can take the benefit as a lump sum . They can chose to take only the interest on the money , leaving the principle with the insurance company for a later date . They can also elect one of several distribution plans that provide for a limited series of payments to lifetime income for one or more people . Living policyholders can also elect to accept a lower face amount of coverage in a policy that requires no further premiums . They can elect to keep the same death benefit for a prescribed period of time . Companies can have other settlement options .
Does Medigap Cover Dialysis?
Medicare supplements , also known as Medigap policies work in addition to your basic Medicare A and B coverage . Anything that is covered by either of those can then be applied to the Medigap plan to pick up some or all of the remaining costs . Inpatient dialysis is a Medicare A procedure . Outpatient or home dialysis options are covered by Part B . This does not include any costs for home health aides , lost wages , housing or blood supplies not included in the doctors visit . Depending on your Medigap policy , some of these may be covered . Your Medigap policy handbook will tell you if your plan covers these additional costs .
That is a great question ! If your claim is denied , the first thing to do is find out why . If all that is needed is a police report , or something easily fixed , then you can get that accomplished , and resubmit the claim . You can always appeal the decision also , but if you need the car fixed top drive it , be aware that sometimes appealing can be a lengthy process . Get with your agent , and have them help you get the issue resolved . Good luck , and thanks for asking !
Does Medigap Cover Dialysis?
Medicare supplements , also known as Medigap policies work in addition to your basic Medicare A and B coverage . Anything that is covered by either of those can then be applied to the Medigap plan to pick up some or all of the remaining costs . Inpatient dialysis is a Medicare A procedure . Outpatient or home dialysis options are covered by Part B . This does not include any costs for home health aides , lost wages , housing
Automobile insurance covers an automobile . Property is covered by property insurance . If the property is a part of the automobile it is covered under the automobile policy . State law may provide variations of coverage but this is the basic answer . You should know that property coverage outside the residence is normally only a percentage of the coverage listed on the policy and is subject to a deductible .
Does Medigap Cover Dialysis?
Kidney dialysis is a Medicare Part B service . If you have End-Stage Renal Disease -LRB- also known as ESRD -RRB- , Medicare will -LRB- generally -RRB- coverthree dialysis treatments per week . You pay 20 % of the Medicare approved amount , and the Part B deductible applies . This is where your Medigap Plan will help cover some if not all of the remaining costs . Medigap Plan F will pay the remaining 20 % of the Medicare approved amount and the applicable Part B deductible . You pay $ 0 . Medigap Plan G will pay the remaining 20 % of the Medicare approved amount after you have paid/met the applicable Part B deductible . You pay , at most , $ 147 -LRB- Part B deductible in 2014 -RRB- . Medigap Plans A , B , D , M will pay the remaining 20 % of the Medicare approved amount after you have paid/met the applicable Part B deductible . However , you are also responsible for Part B Excess Charges , so you may end up paying more than the Part B deductible -LRB- $ 147 in 2014 -RRB- . Medigap Plan Cwill pay the remaining 20 % of the Medicare approved amount and the applicable Part B deductible ; however , you pay for any Medicare Part B Excess Charges . Medigap Plan Hi-F will pay all Medicare approved amounts after you have met/paid the $ 2,140 deductible -LRB- 2014 -RRB- . Medigap Plan Nwill pay the remaining 20 % of the Medicare approved amount after you have paid/met the applicable Part B deductible -- except for a copay of up to $ 20 for some office visits . You are also responsible for paying Medicare Part B Excess Charges . In regards to Excess Charges , this is what you are charged above the Medicare approved amount if the doctor , provider , or supplier does not accept Assignment . If a provider does not accept Assignment , they are telling Medicare that they do not agree to accept the payment amount Medicare approves for the service -- this is how you can get billed for Part B Excess Charges .
There are fire policies available that allow you to purchase coverage that is lower than 100 % of the replacement value . They are not very common . They have a provision that applies a co-insurance clause which states that if you insure your house to 50 % of the value of the house and have a claim the company will apply that same percentage to adjust the claim . Your $ 40,000 repair bill will be paid at approximately $ 20,000 .
What Disabilities Qualify For Disability Insurance?
Other than an exclusion of a certain type of disability in the policy , if you have been medically diagnosed with an injury or illness that keeps you from performing the duties of your current occupation then you should become eligible for benefits . Please keep in mind that your policy is still subject to elimination periods before you actually receive payments . Most good policies do pay from day one on the day of eligibility in a lump sum . For example , if you chose a 90 day elimination period for $ 5,000 per month , you will receive $ 15,000 on the 91st day . I wish you a speedy recovery .
Who owns what in the apartment or home you are renting ? YES , each roommate needs to have Renters Insurance . Your insurance will only cover your material possessions . If you own all of it , then you there really is no reason for the roommate to have the insurance . Be sure to get the replacement value v. current value renters insurance . It will cost a little more however which would you rather have , the value your TV is currently worth or what it costs to get a new one ?
What Disabilities Qualify For Disability Insurance?
Determining whether a disability will qualify you for a claim depends upon the policy 's `` definition of disability '' . It 's not something where one type of disability is covered and another may not be just because it 's a different kind . It 's about whether your specific disability is covered under policy 's definition of disability . The definition of disability is the most important factor under any disability insurance policy . A disability insurance policy will have 1 of 3 definition options -LRB- varies by carrier - some may only offer one definition , others may offer more than one as it would then depend upon type of disability policy being set up -LRB- e.g. long-term vs. short-term , group vs. individual , etc. -RRB- -RRB- - 1 -RRB- True Own Occupation , 2 -RRB- Modified Own Occupation , and 3 -RRB- Gainful Occupation . True Own Occupation is the most desirable definition you can have on a disability policy . This says that you are considered completely disabled if -LRB- due to injury or sickness -RRB- you are not able to perform the duties of your job , EVEN IF YOU ARE WORKING AT ANOTHER JOB -LRB- this last part is key ! -RRB- . Modified Own Occupation is the most common definition that policies offer in today 's marketplace . Under this definition , you are completely disabled if -LRB- due to injury or sickness -RRB- you are not able to perform the duties of your job , AND ARE NOT WORKING IN ANY OTHER JOB -LRB- again , this last part is key ! -RRB- . Gainful Occupation is typically seen in group disability policies and policies offered by property and casualty companies that offer disability policies . This definition is the most stringent saying that you ca n't work in your own occupation and unable to work in any gainful occupation for a period of time -LRB- e.g. 12 months , 24 months , etc. - can vary by company -RRB- . Also , whether you want to buy a short-term disability policy or a long-term disability policy is important too . You can have a combination of both . I would recommend reviewing your needs and goals with an independent agent who works with multiple carriers and can help determine the program structure that will best serve your needs because disability policies are very customizable as there are a number of additional options to choose from that affect the rates . It 's not a `` just pick and choose who has the lowest rates '' type of insurance - you really want to make sure you 've got the right coverage for what you 're trying to accomplish . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help with your coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Having a lapse in coverage means that you 're responsible for 100 % of expenses if you have an illness or injury occur during this period because the plan would not be in force , thus not providing any coverage . The most common way people have a lapse in their coverage is because they did n't pay their premiums . The idea of insurance is to protect yourself in the event of a catastrophic financial event by shifting the risk to a third party -LRB- the insurance company -RRB- . If you do not have health insurance in force , then you 're taking on all of the risk yourself instead of passing it off to the insurance company by paying a monthly premium . Please note , under the Affordable Care Act , if you 're without active coverage for more than 90 days , you may be subject to a penalty . In 2014 , the penalty is calculated in one of two ways :1 -RRB- 1 % of your yearly household income featuring a maximum penalty as the national average yearly premium for a bronze plan .2 -RRB- $ 95 per person for the year -LRB- If under age 18 , then $ 47.50 -RRB- featuring a maximum penalty per family of $ 285 under this method . These figures will increase in 2015 and 2016 - penalties will be adjusted for inflation in future years . Please feel free to contact me for help . Thanks very much .
What Disabilities Qualify For Disability Insurance?
Just a quick note as I read another post and need to clarify an incorrect statement regarding elimination periods . YOU are NOT reimbursed for your choice of elimination period . If you choose a 60 day elimination period , your benefits start on the 61st day and payment is usually made on the 91st day and monthly there after . You are not compensated for your choice of elimination period . The elimination period is like choosing your deductible on your health , home or auto insurance . It is the time you are willing to self insure your situation . You are not compensated for your choice of elimination period . Your choice of elimination period effects your premiums .
Tax deferred annuities have three basic crediting methods , one of which is fixed interest rates . Guaranteed fixed interest rates have guaranteed periods such as 5 , 7 or 10 years . The current Short term fixed interest rate for five years is around 2.75 % .
What Disabilities Qualify For Disability Insurance?
When considering a disability policy to purchase , consider everything , but focus on a couple of things . 1st , the easiest way to find out what the policy would n't cover is spelled out on the exceptions page or not covered section . Straight forward it will state directly what the policy wo n't do . 2nd , read their definition of disability . This may sound strange to read , but the best policies for disabilities have the shortest definitions of disability . Basically when you read the definition , anything beyond that first sentence is something that will reduce your benefit . For example , my disability policy defines total disability as `` not being able to do your current job and under a doctors care . '' That 's it , that 's all . Nothing follows it . It does n't care if I can do my job or another , just my current job . End of story . Also , when you consider a DI policy look at residual coverage . Residual is for partial disabilities where you can work , but not as much as before . It will have a similar definition as total disability , but will define by percentage of work you can or ca n't do . So half time would be 50 % loss . A good residual definition will also determine at what point partial becomes fully . I write this as I am on claim on my own disability policies . I contracted an infection that lead to an amputation . Believe me , a good policy does n't present you with too many hoops or requirements to meet .
Cash surrender value life insurance refers to the cash build up in a permanent life insurance plan and not available on term policies . Permanent policies are known by names of whole life , universal life , indexed universal life and variable life . The best way to locate your exact cash value in your policy is to find the illustrations page located about 10 to 12 pages in your policy . Look at the corresponding policy year you are in and the value is out beside . There is no partial value for partial years . Your cash value must be calculated by a full policy year . Most cash value plans have no value for the first 6 or 7 years due to all premiums paying up the death benefit or face amount .
What Disabilities Qualify For Disability Insurance?
The definition of disability is precisely presented in the disability policy and sales material . It varies between companies and contracts . The most liberal definition is any disability that prevents you from engaging in your current occupation . There are much more restrictive definitions even down to , disability is the inability to perform any work . As a general rule the most liberal definitions appeal to highly specialized professionals . Often these individuals could do any number of other occupations but if their job is to do heart catheterizations they want to be reimbursed any time they are unable to do that amazing subspecialty .
Most people qualify for life insurance . There are many different types of polices that range from those with the strictest underwriting -LRB- those have the potential to have the lowest price -RRB- to those that have no medical requirements at all -LRB- those have the potentially highest price per thousand dollars of insurance -RRB- . Due to all these choices , there is a policy out there for nearly everyone .
What Is The Best Affordable Life Insurance?
The best affordable life insurance is the one the fits your age and health best . You can get affordable overweight life insurance , affordable diabetic life insurance , affordable sleep apnea life insurance , affordable tobacco users life insurance , or whatever works for you . You just have to find an agency that specializes in that so that they know how to get you the best price .
Typically you can walk into an agents office and apply for the coverage you need and give them the answers to the questions that they ask.The agent has the capability of accessing your drivers license information and your cliams history and they can write the policy on the spot assuming they have automated quotation systems that are widely used . This assumes you are a citizen and you are of legal age which is 18 .
What Is The Best Affordable Life Insurance?
The best affordable life insurance policy is the one that you currently own . It will never be cheaper ! If you require additional insurance and know when you will die , matching you to the most cost effective policy would be simple . The problem is life expectancy is getting older and older . Since almost half of us will live past 85 we need to think about our permanent needs and temporary needs . Matching policies to those categories is probably the best way to have an affordable program . Remember that if you have inadequate life insurance , someone else pays .
If you do n't have access to a Group/Employer sponsored health insurance plan than you would have to apply for a policy on the Individual market . Based on what you qualify for and what what your budget is will directly reflect the type of policy you will get . The only other option would be government sponsored plans , however , many times these are difficult to qualify for .
Is Homeowners Insurance Expensive?
Expensive is a different definition for everyone ! Credit plays a huge part in homeowners insurance in many states . So if you have a great credit score your insurance will be much lower than if you have bad credit . Here is my best advice . If you are looking for a home get an agent to give you a quote on the average range of home value you are considering . It will give you a ballpark . Bottom line of you can not qualify for the loan due to the monthly insurance premium then you need to lower the value of the home you are considering or do n't buy .
Yes , a minor can be beneficiary for life insurance . However , if the proceeds are received prior to the legal age of becoming an adult -LRB- either age 18 or 21 , depending on the state -RRB- , the court will usually appoint a guardian to handle the child 's life insurance payments for them . Or , relatives may have to spend the time and money to appoint a guardian . If leaving life insurance to a child , it is best to have that set up ahead of time .
Is Homeowners Insurance Expensive?
The expense of a homeowners policy is only a small fraction of the amount that could be recovered in the event of a loss . If you want to know how really expensive homeowners insurance is , try having a claim without it . The premium represents your share of the pool of other insureds and the price is regulated by your state insurance commissioner .
Assuming you mean current addiction or recent addiction that answer is no . The life application specifically asks about prescription drugs and/or illegal drugs . Any misrepresentation can void the contract . In addition : the urine analysis will also test for drugs , a highly effective detection system that will screen for a variety of pharmaceuticals .
How Much Should I Pay For Life Insurance?
It 's very difficult to say what you should be paying for life insurance because it depends on a number of factors and we all have our own needs and budgets . There 's many factors that go into premium pricing to say what an average plan costs . The risk class is the MOST critical factor in determining the cost -LRB- premium -RRB- of a life insurance policy . The risk class depends on a number of items including whether you 're male or female , your medical history , height/weight profile , any tobacco usage , and other factors . Keep in mind , every carrier has their own set of underwriting guidelines and mortality tables , and each may offer a different risk class for a given medical profile - e.g. company A may offer preferred -LRB- featuring lower rates -RRB- and company B may only offer standard -LRB- featuring higher rates -RRB- Also affecting the premium for a policy is the type of policy you 're looking to secure - how much coverage do you want/need and for how long do you want/need it guaranteed for -LRB- term vs. permanent -RRB- . Non-medical policies generally cost more than fully underwritten policies that require an exam because an insurance company is taking on more risk without having a full medical picture of you . Consult with an experienced broker to see what programs are available and what structure would be most suitable to best serve your needs . We have in-depth knowledge of products from many different carriers and can help you through the entire process of securing life insurance from figuring out how much coverage you need and how long to placing the coverage in force and beyond . Please let me know if I can be of further assistance . Thanks very much .
I do n't want to be a smart-alec , but how many years are you going to live ? -LRB- Sorry ... I did it anyway ! -RRB- Term life insurance is typically best suited for temporary risks such as a mortgage or larger credit loan . Term insurance is strictly insurance against dying too soon , so how many years of term you need would depend on who you 're protecting against your dying . Would the insurance be for paying of debts so your family would n't be stuck with them ? Will your children be able to care for themselves financially in 10 years ? Fifteen years ? Twenty ? If you want to be able to take advantage of the tax benefits and guaranteed tax-free wealth growth that life insurance can provide you need to look at Whole Life rather than Term .
How Much Should I Pay For Life Insurance?
The simple answer is : you should pay an amount that you can afford . People who buy life insurance with the last dollar in their monthly budget will end up dropping their policy when emergencies arise . Life insurance that is dropped is of no value at all . Setting aside an affordable amount to pay life insurance premiums will help ensure that your policy is active when needed . Also , many people feel that if they ca n't buy a large amount of life insurance , they will buy none at all . Who among us would not welcome an extra $ 10,000 of cash at the traumatic time of losing a loved one and trying to take time off work , arrange for a funeral , house relatives or travel to the location of the funeral ? It does not take a million dollar policy to show love for those who are left behind . Of course , premiums differ for different types of policies and different types of risk . If you are using your life insurance to provide income during retirement , it will take a much larger portion of your budget than if you are just funding your funeral . Also , life insurance for those who are older or of poorer health will cost more than life insurance for young , healthy persons . But there is also a greater chance of the death benefit being paid out sooner when the insured person is older or suffers from poor health . A licensed agent can help you look at your whole financial picture and pick out a policy that will meet your needs at an affordable cost .
No , homeowners and mortgage insurance are two different policies and they cover different events . Homeowners : this covers specified events that cause damage to your home , personal property and surrounding structures . Mortgage Insurance : this covers a default on the payment of a mortgage . What this means , is if you have a mortgage and you fail to pay it , then the mortgagee -LRB- e.g. bank -RRB- will file a claim against the policy to collect on the payment . I hope this helps .
How Much Should I Pay For Life Insurance?
That is a great question ! The price can vary considerably from policy to policy , because the company bases the cost of each policy on several variables that are unique to you . Your age , your gender , and whether or not you smoke can make your cost much different than mine . Your particular health history , and what prescriptions you take are factors . The type of policy itself , and the amount of coverage also help determine the price . If you would like to contact me directly , I can give you a better idea of what your can expect to pay . Thanks for asking !
The type of life insurance you can get with Parkinson 's will most likely be a simplified issue or guaranteed issue policy . There are a number of companies that will allow you to purchase up to $ 25,000 or more while having Parkinson 's , and you can purchase several of those to have more coverage .
Who Has To Buy Health Insurance?
No one has to buy health insurance , but it 's very advantageous to have it . The idea of health insurance is to protect yourself in case of a catastrophic financial event . In the case of health insurance , this can be when you have a visit to the hospital and/or you have to have surgery . While health insurance can be expensive , if you ended up in the hospital one time , you can be subject to thousands of dollars worth of medical bills . Under the affordable care act , if you do not want to purchase health insurance , you can elect topay a penalty instead -LRB- also known as an `` individual shared responsibility payment '' -RRB- . If you choose to pay the penalty instead of securing coverage , you will still be responsible for 100 % of your medical care . The penalty is calculated in one of two ways -LRB- you pay whichever is the higher amount -RRB- . In 2014 , the penalties will be calculated as : 1 -RRB- 1 % of your yearly household income featuring a maximum penalty as the national average yearly premium for a bronze plan . 2 -RRB- $ 95 per person for the year -LRB- If under age 18 , then $ 47.50 -RRB- featuring a maximum penalty per family of $ 285 under this method . The penalty calculations will change each year . In 2015 , method one increases to 2 % of your yearly household income and method two increases to $ 325 per person . In 2016 , it will increase again to 2.5 % for method one and $ 695 per person for method two . The penalty methods will be adjusted for inflation in later years . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
There are many factors to consider when weighing your choice for an auto insurance carrier . Obviously an agent can give you several options along with their opinions but being a former claim manager and having experienced a couple of claims of my own over 50 + years , I do my own checking into the claim service histories of the respective carriers . Ask your agent for some suggested sources for carrier customer service evaluation .
What Is Medigap Plan G?
Medigap Plan G is a standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plan designed to fill in the ` gaps ' that Medicare does n't pay . Medigap Plan G covers 100 % of the following after meeting the Part B deductible $ 147 -LRB- 2014 -RRB- : 1 . Medicare Part A Coinsurance and Medicare approved hospital costs 2 . Medicare Part B Coinsurance or Copayment 3 . Blood -LRB- First 3 Pints -RRB- 4 . Part A Hospice Care Coinsurance or Copayment 5 . Skilled Nursing Facility Care Coinsurance 6 . Medicare Part A Deductible 7 . Medicare Part B Excess Charges 8 . Foreign Travel Emergency -LRB- Up to Plan Limits -RRB- While Medigap Plan G benefits are standardized , it is sold through private health insurance companies . This means any insurance company that offers Medigap Plan G is required by law to provide Medigap Plan G benefits . The only difference is price . ABC insurance company can charge a completely different premium than XYZ insurance company for the same exact Medigap Plan G. It 's best to work with an independent agent specializing in Medicare Supplement insurance . We can shop the market for you . We have contracts with insurance companies that you do not see online . This is how we help our clients find low Medigap Plan G premiums . Afterall , Plan G is Plan G -- you might as well find the the plan with the best rate . Please feel free to contact me if I can assist you with your specific situation . In just a matter of minutes , I can provide you with quotes for Medigap Plan G in your area .
The best company writing homeowners policies is the one that covers you and your home . They are the only company that has promised to repair or replace damage sustained by your residence . They are the only ones that will stand beside you when you are sued . Regardless of price , when you have a claim you will understand the full value of a good insurance company . This type of company is represented by your insurance agent . He will listen to you , provide sound financial advice and communicate clearly with you and your insurance company . By setting appropriate limits the agent can maximize your savings when you have a claim .
What To Look For When Buying Long Term Care Insurance?
Some things to look for when buying long term care insurance are : 1 -RRB- whether it covers all levels of care , including care given at home or in an assisted living setting ; 2 -RRB- how many years the care will last , or what lump sum of money there is to cover care over the lifetime of the insured ; 3 -RRB- the daily benefit ... do you want the policy to cover all or part of what you might be charged for your long term care services ; 4 -RRB- the elimination period , coordinating it with days that might be paid for by Medicare , etc ; 5 -RRB- a home health care rider that allows you to receive those benefits from day one rather than wait for the elimination period to run out ; 6 -RRB- cost of living rider that will allow your benefit to go up as health care costs rise .
There are many reasons why a claim may be denied . If you smoke cigarettes but apply as a non-smoker is a very common one . If you did not disclose your health history properly your claim can be declined . The good news is that if your life insurance policy is over 24-months old , it is non-contestable . So the claims have to be paid . Also many people try to file claims on term life insurance policies that have already ended . Those claims will never be paid .
Does Fmla Apply To Life Insurance?
FMLA -LRB- Family and Medical Leave Act -RRB- appears to be only required for health insurance , and not life insurance . However , employer and employee can work together to ensure that life insurance premiums are paid during the employee 's time off so that their life insurance benefits are not cancelled during family leave .
You should read your policy completely to know what coverages are offered under the policy . Most auto policies will provide coverage for damages that you are deemed liable for . If you do not understand any part ofyour policy after reading it , contact your local your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
What Are The Advantages Of Long Term Care Insurance?
That is a great question ! Recent studies have shown that nearly 70 % of all Seniors will need some form of long term care during their retirement . Unfortunately for many , their retirement savings plan did not include the costs for that long term care . With some facilities costing upward of $ 80,000 per year , far too many Seniors have seen what they thought were adequate retirement savings get gobbled up quickly by those medical care costs . A long term care plan purchased early is a great hedge against those costs , and for the protection of your retirement and insurance funds . I seriously can not recommend strongly enough the value of adding this kind of policy to your portfolio . Thanks for asking !
Why would a person need life insurance ? Well just imagine you had an ATM in your house or business . No fees to withdraw money as long as the ATM was present . Once the ATM is removed the money stops . Now your source of money comes from an outside sources that causes fees , stress or headaches . Your cash flow slow downs drastically due to the difficult nature to find another ATM . With many other people already using their own ATM 's its even more difficult to borrow from them as well . In essence , this ATM represents your spouse , business partner or church . Nonetheless , these people relied on your income to keep them afloat . Its important when you are no longer their `` ATM '' that you keep your family or business protected . Life insurance becomes a virtual ATM and life can still move forward financially even in one 's absent .
What Are The Advantages Of Long Term Care Insurance?
The two main advantages of Long Term Care Insurance are : 1 -RRB- Paying for your long term care needs without having to spend down your assets , and 2 -RRB- Having a say in the care that you get . As Care Plan Coordinator for a nursing home , I saw the advantages of Long Term Care Insurance up close . It can enable you to get a private room , get out into your home more quickly , and other perks that are not possible when on Medicaid . Not everyone can afford Long Term Care Insurance , and Medicaid is a blessing for those who need it . But there definitely are advantages to having Long Term Care Insurance .
I assume you are referring to the annual enrollment that occurs in Oct , Nov and Dec of each year . Open enrollment is a time when those with Medicare Advantage Plans -LRB- MAPD -RRB- and Medicare Part D -LRB- drug plans -RRB- can make a change in their coverage . There are few restrictions and generally no medical underwriting . If you have ESRD you can not enroll in a new MAPD plan . If you have original Medicare and a supplement -LRB- Medigap -RRB- plan , you can change plans at any time provided you are in good health . Some states allow you to change Medigap plans on your birthday or plan anniversary , but most states allow you to make changes only through medical underwriting .
What Are The Advantages Of Long Term Care Insurance?
The # 1 risk to retirement is human longevity . Nothing impacts retirement income like extended mortality risk . And the second consideration is defending retirement income from assisted living or nursing home care costs that can erode the income and other assets . Long term care insurance can covers those costs . It 's part of defensive planning for retirement .
A 401 -LRB- k -RRB- is an account designed to grow monies tax deferred and is part of a retirement plan . A retirement plan will consist of looking at how much you are saving today and where as well as how much you need or should save , taking into account Social Security and other sources of potential income as well . A plan or `` road map '' as I like to call it is something which should get updated regularly as well since `` life '' is always throwing curve balls at us . I recommend talking to someone who is knowledgeable with retirement planning and who you can work with for the years to come .
Does Health Insurance Cover A Tummy Tuck?
A tummy tuck will be covered under your health insurance plan as long as it is considered -LRB- and coded -RRB- as medically necessary by your attending physician . Often times this is considered an elective procedure and wo n't be covered . It 's vital to contact your carrier prior to the procedure to find out how -LRB- if at all -RRB- they will cover the surgery . The best place to start is to call the benefits verification or pre-certification phone number on the back of your insurance cards .
This is a tricky question , but the answer is typically yes . but before you get that far your policy likely contains requirements that before your suit can go forward , you must agree to an arbitration first . All policies are not created equally , but I am both an agent and a purchaser of my own personal insurance and have had my own issues with a couple of carriers . My suggestion to you is that before you hire a lawyer to file a civil action you avail yourself of services that do n't cost you anything . If you have not been treated well an Insurance Department may offer a better way of approaching the issue than an attorney . Typically an attorney for a plaintiff will charge as much as 30 to 40 % of a settlement and they will be unlikely to pursue the small stuff . Insurance departments in the 50 state have jurisdiction over the company 's actions and filing . It often will get a much quicker response from an insurer too .
Can You Cash In Annuities?
Non-qualified tax deferred annuities have to considerations when weighing the surrender or cashing out of the policy . The first is the surrender charge . During the early years annuities can have punitive surrender charges , so know the cost of liquidity before you purchase this product . The second item is taxes . All distributions of gain are taxed as ordinary income . Cashing in large policies can elevate you into one maybe even two higher tax brackets .
There is another way to look at the issue of cost . The cost for not having a whole life policy is that there will not be a death benefit paid by the company to your loved ones . That cost might be significant if it results in displacing your family , forcing them to forgo their plans for education and advancement . The cost could be tremendous . On the flip side , most life insurance policies that end in a death claim pay out much more than they ever collected . Additionally , during the life of the insured , there was a certain amount of peace of mind , knowing that those who are loved are protected by the policy .
Does Progressive Renters Insurance Cover Storage Units?
I am not aware of any renters policy that would exclude a storage unit . A storage unit is considered your premises so coverage is extended to your items in the unit up to the limit of coverage 's you chose when you purchased the policy . Now if you store items at a friends , neighbors or relatives residence past 30 days coverage will be reduced to 10 % .
Certainly you may have two or even more life insurance policies in force . The main issue with an underwriter would be the total face amount has to be in line with your earnings , debt or net worth . In many cases a consumer should carrier multiple policies . For example , if you need one million in term life over a 30 year span , you should break it down to your exact needs . Lets say you owe $ 300,000 for 20 years on a mortgage and your children will be out of college in 10 years . It may make since to have $ 200,000 in 10 year term for your children `` s college and $ 300,000 in 20 year term for the mortgage and $ 500,000 in 30 year term for income replacement . This is still $ 1,000,000 in term but it expires when no longer needed and keeps premiums down to a minimum . I suggest consulting with an experienced independent broker to shop the right product mix for your unique situation .
Can You Write Off Mutual Fund Fees?
In Canada , in most cases you can not write off mutual funds fees . The fees are deducted directly from the mutual fund assets . There are funds available that are available net of fees . With these versions you negotiate the advisor 's fee separately and pay it out of pocket . This fee is deductible as an investment expense . If you have further questions , please do not hesitate to contact me .
It 's quite simple really , you get MARRIED . This change of life status event makes your new spouse a legally eligible dependent that you can add onto your coverage at your employer or to your individual health insurance policy . You have 60-days after getting married to make this change to your coverage . If you are covered by employer based coverage you can double check on this with your personnel department . While I 've never seen it in my nearly 30 years in the business , there may be some self-insured employer out there that has established an internal personnel policy that allows for the coverage of `` boyfriends '' and `` girlfriends '' . But these more casual relationships do not have the same legal recognition that establishes a true dependent status such as with a husband , wife or children . It is highly unlikely that your state 's insurance regulations and/or your employer 's personnel policies will confer true dependent status on this level of relationship .
How Will Obamacare Affect Medigap Insurance?
ObamaCare currently has no impact on Medigap policies that would be obvious to the senior consumer as being directly attributable to ObamaCare . It does n't phase them out or end them and they are n't subject to the more direct attacks this administration has made on Medicare Advantage plans . The effects of ObamaCare on the Medicare population will be more subtle . Even before ObamaCare was passed , Medicare reimbursement rates were at levels where growing numbers of physicians were making business decisions to limit the number of Medicare patients they would take in their practice , freeze their number of Medicare patients at current levels , or stopping accepting Medicare patients entirely . While going through all the legislative and budgetary gyrations that resulted in the passage of ObamaCare in 2010 the administration deemed it critical that the projected 10-year cost projections of the law come in under 1 trillion dollars . Why ? Because that was approximately what we had spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the argument was that if we could afford to spend that much on wars then surely we could afford to spend that much on providing health insurance . An important aspect of how this was accomplished from a budgetary perspective was that the law transfers future funds from the Medicare trust funds to pay for various aspects of ObamaCare . It was projected that these transfers would reduce the future increases in spending on Medicare over the coming decade by about $ 700 billion . In Washington speak this means that we 'll still be spending more on Medicare -LRB- which with our growing Medicare population is only logical -RRB- but we 'll be reducing reimbursement levels to doctors , hospitals , etc. , by $ 700 billion less than would have otherwise been the case . From studies I have seen , this will begin taking Medicare reimbursement levels below those of Medicaid in the not too distant future . So , if many healthcare providers were barely breaking even or losing money on Medicare patients at the old reimbursement levels it does n't take much imagination to guess what their reaction will be to even lower reimbursement levels in the years to come . So , the main challenge many senior citizens on Medicare will be faced with in coming years that is severely aggravated by ObamaCare will be finding healthcare providers who are willing to accept them .
The history of sub account performance can never be an indication of future returns , but they can sometimes give you appreciation of the performance consistency of the fund manager . Comparing policy expenses is an excellent tool to decipher the cost of using one contract over another . And the last item is the annuitization rate and mortality credits for lifetime income scenarios .
Is Landscaping Covered Under Homeowners Insurance?
In many cases , there is some limited coverage for shrubbery and trees , yes . The coverage may be limited to specific causes of loss or perils , and would be subject to your Homeowners ' Policy Deductible . In addition , coverage may be limited to a specific dollar limit within the terms and conditions of your policy . Fencing , above ground structures such as arches , pergolas , fountains etc , would have coverage , but generally speaking , surface installed patios , walkways etc , may not be included for coverage under the policy .
A universal life policy divides the death benefit from the cash accumulation features of a whole life policy . It places some control in the hand of the policy owner to determine the amount of funding that the policy will receive . Universal life policies traditionally allow the owner to change the rate of deposits or even skip deposits for a time . This provides great flexibility . There isnt any guarantee , however , that the universal life policy will outperform a traditional whole life policy and may cost more in the long run .
What Is A Premium In Auto Insurance?
A premium is the amount that you are expected to pay to keep your insurance coverage in force . Most companies allow you to pay this amount monthly , quarterly , semi-annually , or annually . Each company sets its own requirements when it comes to payment schedules . Contact a local agent to find out what coverage and payment plans that he/she has available .
Critical Illness insurance is a specified disease based coverage meant to provide a tax free , lump sum face amount up diagnosis of a covered illness.There are several insurance carriers who offer this coverage and as you can imagine , each carrier covers different conditions . That said , there are a select few States where the Department of Insurance has not approved Critical Illness insurance for sale within that specific State . Anyway , of all the conditions covered ... the most important are Heart Attack , Cancer and Stroke . Not to downplay the seriousness of other diagnosed conditions but nearly 80 % of all claims that will get paid from these policies are due to those three conditions . Each carrier offers coverage for other conditions . Some carriers offer coverage for 21 different conditions , while other carriers may limit their coverage to 4 or 5 conditions . Please understand that when looking into Critical Illness coverage , the most important thing to look for is not just what conditions are covered but how they are covered . The benefit definitions are a major consideration and it is `` critical '' -LRB- pardon the pun -RRB- to know the benefit definitions prior to purchase . There are carriers who provide a stroke benefit but will not pay a benefit unless the neurological deficit of the stroke persists for 30 days ... whereas there area few carriers who will pay a stroke benefit once the neurological deficit persists 96 hours . I hope this helped answer your question .
Who Covers A Frost Heave In The Driveway To The Road -- The Homeowner Or The City?
It is impportant to remember the two most common exclusions in most Homeowners policies to begin to explore this question . Flood damage is always excluded and such protection is only available through the purchase of a separate Flood Insurance policy . The other common exclusion , which more closely begins to deal with this question , is damage to property caused by earth movement . Any earth movement that you can think of usually falls into this category of exception including earth quake , sink hole , settling , frost heave etc. . So the exclusion alone , if it is found in your policy , would be enough to deny coverage for such a loss . Always talk to your Insurance Professional about the specific terms , conditions and exclusions in your policy .
Depression can affect life insurance , but does not necessarily do so . Mild depression that is well controlled by one medication , where the applicant has not missed work or been hospitalized due to the depression , and has shown stability for over a year , can get Preferred rates from some companies . At the other extreme , if the applicant has had a recent suicide attempt , is on disability for depression , or is in a period of trying out new medications , you may need to take a simplified or guaranteed issue plan until you have had some stability for a while . There are many options for people suffering from depression . You will definitely benefit from using an agency that specializes in impaired risk life insurance to find your best rate .
Who Covers A Frost Heave In The Driveway To The Road -- The Homeowner Or The City?
A HO-3 homeowners policy covers your driveway to an amount not to exceed the Coverage B limit . However , the insurance company generally does not pay for damage to a driveway caused by freezing , thawing or pressure or weight of ice or water whether driven by wind or not . Since the city is not responsible for the weather , I doubt that they would have any liability .
Life insurance is a basic indemnification product for defensive planning in case the family bread winner , business partner and charity donor dies . If there is no potential or real economic loss for these beneficiaries , then life insurance is unnecessary . But in our culture , self-insured scenarios are rare . Most need at least temporary coverage provided by term life insurance and the best time to obtain coverage is when youre healthy .
Does Long Term Disability Cover Health Insurance?
Long term disability can be used for health insurance but the two are completely different policies . Health insurance was designed to pay the medical bills of doctors , hospitals , testing facilities , etc. . Long term care was designed to pay you in case of an illness or injury so severe you are no longer able to work . There is no restrictions on what you spend the disability benefits on once you start drawing them . Many use them to pay their living expenses , but some use them to pay health insurance premiums , deductibles and any other out of pocket expenses .
Tax deferred annuities have three basic crediting methods : interest rate crediting , indice crediting and separate sub account crediting using equity and bond instruments . Single premium immediate annuities have varying payout schedule that can include one or two lives . A popular payout scenario the life only option that generates income you ca n't outlive .
Does Long Term Disability Cover Health Insurance?
The cost of health insurance premiums can be paid using the long term disability benefit payments . Your question helps highlight the importance of having income replacement coverage is the first place . Many employees are shocked to learn the true cost of employer sponsored health insurance . Many employers pay a significant portion of the premium for active employees . However , when an employee leave on a disability , the employee can continue coverage under COBRA . The employee pays the full premium and often needs to continue with coverage because their disability requires medical care . Paying for health insurance without an income can be crippling .
If you currently have auto coverage with a carrier . I would suggest that you speak with them about getting renters insurance coverage . If you are able to purchase both coverages through the same carrier you may receive a discount on both policies . Almost any agent that currently handles homeowners insurance will more than likely have an outlet for renters insurance .
Does Long Term Disability Cover Health Insurance?
That is a great question ! You really want to be careful though , as long term disability and health insurance are two completely different animals . Health insurance can only be applied to your medical expenses , and insures your health . Disability insurance insures your paycheck . As such , the money it provides can be used for whatever need you have , rent , electric bill , medical bills , etc. . Could you use your LTD money to help pay for medical bills ? Absolutely . Would it replace your health insurance ? No , and I really would n't advise that you try , as your LTD payments will not be close to what your health insurance would pay , in most cases . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
Life insurance policies lapse if the premium is not paid on time . There is a one month grace period after the premium is due , and if the premium is not paid during that time , it will lapse . Reinstatement is possible but it will take evidence of health that has not changed since taking out the policy .
Does Long Term Disability Cover Health Insurance?
Long Term Disability Insurance and Health Insurance are completely separate . Long Term Disability Insurance will pay you cash in the event that you are unable to work for an extended period of time due to illness or injury . If you wish to pay for your Health Insurance premiums with that cash , you may do so .
In some divorce proceedings you may be required to maintain Life Insurance Coverage for a specific period of time especially if children are involve.Consult your Agent to prepare a plan that suit your individual needs . If health issues will prevent a policy or new coverage changing Beneficiary may be your answer .
Which Insurance Allows Me To Drive Any Car?
The state of California requires that all licensed drivers have liability insurance . Normally that coverage `` follows '' a vehicle and any licensed driver , other than one specifically excluded , can operate that vehicle with the owner 's permission . Some drivers want to maintain a license even though they no longer own a vehicle in which case they would purchase a liability policy on themselves .
Purchasing life insurance as a stay at home mom makes sense in most cases . Just because there is not an income to replace , there is certainly an expense to replace . Having my wife as a stay at home mom for many years , I would not have considered not insuring the risk of her early death . Having a stay at home mom allows working men the time to earn a good living while not having to worry about other things . A stay at home mom not only cares for the children , but cooks , cleans , runs errands , pays bills , handles household affairs and much more . If the stay at home mom were to die , it would cost an estimated $ 80,000 per year to hire child care , a cook , a housekeeper and someone to run errands just so the household stayed intact and life could continue . I would consider your exact replacement expenses and the number of years before the children are self sufficient . Purchase ten times that amount in life insurance . It is a risk too large to ignore .
Do You Need A Will For Life Insurance?
Having a will is definitely not a requirement for obtaining life insurance . Typically you must name a beneficiary when you apply for life insurance and that is who will receive the death benefit of the policy as long as it is in force when the insured dies . Unless the beneficiary died before the insured does . If there is no named beneficiary when the insured dies then the death benefit will become part of the estate . If then there is no will the estate will go to probate .
Based on my education and experience in the industry so far , having auto insurance will not help you build your credit . I do not behlieve that insurance carriers provide any information to the credit agencies directly . Contact your local agent to ask about their privacy practices to know how they are handling your personal information .
Do You Need A Will For Life Insurance?
No , you do not need a will for life insurance . Some people do make a will at the same time they purchase life insurance , while they are taking care of some future planning , and it is a good idea to have a will . But it is not necessary to have a will in order to take out life insurance . The money in the policy will go to the beneficiary stated in your life insurance policy , regardless of what the will states .
Renters insurance is for renters of homes and apartments as house insurance is for those who own the house . Renters insurance protects YOUR property if there is a loss from say a fire . The biggest issue is what kind of policy you have . Does your insurance give yoy replacement cost or just current value . There is a big difference . Think about what you stuff costs today versus purchasing brand new .
Do You Need A Will For Life Insurance?
A will is not required with Life Insurance as you state who the beneficiary is . This overrides what the will says . If your beneficiary is a Trust or your Estate , then I would recommend having a will along with the Trust & Estate documents . Life Insurance proceeds avoid probate however a Will does not . Probate court will use the will to hear the last wishes but is not guaranteed it will be carried out especially if there are debts that are being pursued .
They are paid a commission from the insurance company . There is no pass on charges to the applicant . You pay the same rate whether you apply through an agent or not . Generally speaking , 100 % of the first years premiums are paid out in commissions . This may all go to the agent or divided up with his upline managers . Insurance companies benefit from this because they do not have to pay salaried people to market their products . It makes for a more effective distribution system .
Why Are So Many People Without Disability Insurance?
Why are so many people without Disability Insurance ? There are multiple reasons that people do n't have disability coverage . It could be they do n't see the value in owning a policy . It could be that their occupation does n't have a disability plan offered by a insurance company . It could be they ca n't get through the very hard underwriting that comes with disability insurance . There are multiple reasons people do n't have this coverage , too many to actually list here .
You can find stripped down Renters Insurance policies for as little as $ 50.00 per year from any local agent if you have good credit . Most people spend about $ 150.00 per year on Renters Insurance as they find value in some of the optional endorsements , such as personal property replacement cost -LRB- which allows you to buy new items without a deduction for depreciation if you have a claim -RRB- . Most of my customers add identity theft insurance to their policies so they can file a claim if they are the victim of identity theft . It will help restore incorrect info and pay attorney fees and some time off of work . In short , a basic policy wo n't cost much , but for a few extra dollars per month you can get much better coverage . What state are you in ? I may be able to help you . Send me an email !
Who Benefits From Universal Life Insurance?
Universal life is generally purchased to cover the beneficiaries of the policy from financial the liabilities of the policy insured . Universal life is a permanent form of cash value life insurance that can also benefit the policy owner during their lifetime with tax advantaged income they can use for retirement .
You can buy private Disability Insurance policies from brokers that offer Disability Insurance . Agencies that sell Life and/or Health Insurance may also offer Disability Insurance . This can be from a local office , or it can be purchased on the internet . Shop where you can compare a few companies to be sure to get your best features and price .
Who Benefits From Universal Life Insurance?
Universal Life Insurance comes in several different types , and who the policy benefits depends on what type of Universal Life policy you get . Guaranteed no lapse UL usually has the lowest premiums of any permanent policy . That type of Universal Life benefits those with low incomes who still want the protection of lifelong coverage . Indexed Universal Life and Variable UL can be designed to provide tax deferred retirement income , or to borrow from for other needs . Universal Life , in general , is very flexible , so is ideal for a family who wants to simply adjust one policy throughout the stages of their life , rather than buy a new term or whole life policy whenever the need arises .
The `` best '' Medigap policy is plan F because it covers all benefits at 100 % from day 1 . Plan G is competitive with plan F because it covers everything just like plan F except for the Medicare Part B deductible -LRB- $ 147 in 2014 -RRB- . The predictability in healthcare expenses these 2 plans have created for people have made these the 2 most desireable plans to have . In general , you would start by looking at the benefits you want to have covered . If you want to just write a check for a premium and not have to worry about big hospitals when you need procedures and surgeries done , you should consider plan F or plan G . If you 're willing to share more of the risk of expenses to lower your premium , you may want to consider a plan N or plan Hi-F . Refer to the Medigap guidebook -LRB- available on the website - you can also email me for a copy and I 'll forward it to you -RRB- . Once you 've determined which of the 11 available Medigap plans you want to purchase , the next factor to look at is price . Every Medigap plan gets paid in the exact same way , regardless of the insurance company you have the insurance through . For example , if company A is charging $ 125 per month for a plan F and company B is charging $ 150 per month for a plan F , you would want to buy the plan F from company A because they 're saving you $ 25 per month and the benefits are the exact same either way . Please remember , if you 're applying outside of your initial open enrollment period when you 're new to Medicare , you may be subject to medical underwriting and have to answer the health questions . This is where an independent Medigap insurance broker really comes in handy as they can shop the case for you among many companies instead of just 1 or 2 to make sure you get the desired Medigap plan at the lowest possible cost . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medigap plan -LRB- I 'm an independent Medigap broker -RRB- and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Which Health Insurance Is Best For My Family?
The best kind of health insurance is the kind that is best for you . There 's a difference between the most comprehensive coverage and what is most suitable -LRB- or `` best '' -RRB- for you . Under the new Affordable Care Act , there are four main benefit levels of coverage - bronze , silver , gold , and platinum . Platinum plans are going to provide the most comprehensive benefits , but will also feature the highest premiums . Not everyone will be able to afford a platinum plan , which is why bronze , silver , and gold are available as well . The idea being to reduce your premium , you take on a little more risk - meaning you 're willing to take on a higher deductible , higher coinsurance/copayment , etc. to keep your premiums down . Group coverage can provide many benefits as well , such as lower premiums -LRB- the employer contributes to a percentage of the premiums for each employees plan -RRB- - the trade-off to keep in mind is that for group plans , if you left the company or were fired , you lose the coverage . An individual plan will stay with you wherever you go . Because everyone 's needs and budgets are different as well as the plan types available to them , you need to talk to an agent about your specific situation so you can review and discuss the available options . If I can be of help , send me a private message using the `` contact me '' button .
The cost of auto insurance on a 23-year-old will vary depending on where you live and the type of vehicle you are buying . Also , your driving record will impact the rate . Of course , if it is a newer vehicle , the rate would tend to be higher than compared to an older vehicle . Also , a married person will pay less than someone who is single . So ... how do you find out the cost ? As brokers , we research and compare rates from top-rated carriers so you get the best deal . Typically , the process only takes a few minutes , and applications can be handled online very easily .
How To Reinstate A Lapsed Life Insurance Policy?
If a policy lapses you must fill out an application for reinstatement and pay all back premiums . As long as your health has n't changed there should be no problem . If the policy is less than a year old you can reinstate by redating with some companies . You have the policy reissued with a new issue date . This way you do not have to pay the back premiums .
One reason Whole Life Insurance is a good idea because you do n't have to worry about it ending before you die . You can purchase it , forget about it , and it will still be there 50 years from now . You do n't have to renew it or check the stock market or interest rates . In a world of financial instability , Whole Life is a stable item in your portfolio .
What Is A Modified Guaranteed Annuities?
A modified guaranteed annuity -LRB- MGA -RRB- is a deferred annuity that guarantees principal and a rate of interest credited to deposits for a fixed time period , some up to up ten years . Any early withdrawals from or surrender of an MGA before the expiration period will more than likely be subject to a market value adjustment , a possible withdrawal charge and exposure to ordinary income taxes . These types of annuities are hold positions and should not be purchased if liquidity is a high priority of the saver .
Some reasons to have Term Life Insurance are as follows . Keep in mind that these reasons are all for if you should die . Unless you buy a term life policy with living benefits , term life will not pay anything unless you die while the policy is in effect . 1 -RRB- To replace your income ; 2 -RRB- to pay off your home ; 3 -RRB- to pay for a nanny for your children ; 4 -RRB- to pay for your children 's college education ; 5 -RRB- to provide your business partner with a way to buy your business ; 6 -RRB- to to pass money to your heirs ; 7 -RRB- to pay back a loan ; 8 -RRB- to to pay for your funeral , 9 -RRB- to ease the pain for your loved ones ; and/or 10 -RRB- to have peace of mind .
How To Qualify For Preferred Plus Life Insurance?
How to qualify for preferred plus life insurance rates varies and only some companies offer them . Examples would be Standard , Preferred or Super Preferred rates . Standard is what the name implies regular rates for a person of that age . Height weight are inline and no health concerns or `` dangerous '' activities . Preferred rate as you might suspect is in a little better health and has good activity habits . Super Preferred or Preferred Plus qualifiers are in excellent health , are very physically active and have a very good family medical history . Should point out , that the best smokers can hope for is that some companies of preferred standard smoker rates . Super Preferred is not available . Since the qualification and product varies by company , an independent insurance broker , should be able to help you find the right policy and the right price . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
For the most part a very common cause of power surge is a lightening strike and this is a covered peril in most standard issue Homeowners ' contracts . Sometimes , if power is lost as a result of a storm , when the service is restored there might be a surge and this too would be covered as it is a result of the storm damage .
How To Qualify For Preferred Plus Life Insurance?
This is a great question . Very few people can qualify for the rate class above Preferred . The criteria differs from carrier to carrier , but in general , to qualify for Super Preferred rates , you must : 1 -RRB- have lab results that all fall in the normal range , with cholesterol being very good ; 2 -RRB- blood pressure and pulse must be very good ; 3 -RRB- you can not have a parent -LRB- some also include siblings -RRB- who had heart disease or cancer -LRB- some also include diabetes and other illnesses -RRB- before age 60 or 65 ; 4 -RRB- you can not use tobacco -LRB- the best tobacco users can get is Preferred Tobacco or Preferred Smoker -RRB- ; 5 -RRB- you can not be overweight ; 6 -RRB- you can not have had any serious health conditions throughout your life -LRB- again , all these vary by carrier , health condition , treatment , etc -RRB- ; 7 -RRB- you do not participate in dangerous hobbies , had excessive traffic tickets , had treatment for substance abuse , etc. . Shopping with a broker can get you the best possible rate because each company has its own standards for how they rate . Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like personal assistance .
To the best of my knowledgein Wisconsin all licensed drivers within the household must be listed on your policy unless they have their own policy . Each state has it 's own regulations about auto insurance coverage and regulations change from time to time . I would recommend that you contact your local agent to find out what the requirements are within your geographic area .
How To Qualify For Preferred Plus Life Insurance?
A bell-shaped curve gives you an idea of the distribution of health conditions for a population . A very few are out on the edge of the curve and as you move to the middle many more qualify . That is what happens with underwriting . The rates are determined for the broad center of the curve . A few are somewhat better and a very few are truly exceptional .
There are two basic types of annuities : single premium immediate annuities -LRB- SPIA -RRB- and tax deferred annuities . If youre financially conservative and looking for immediate income now , SPIAs are a consideration . If youre in a high tax bracket and youre looking at tax deferral feature of annuities , then you have three crediting methods to consider : interest rate crediting , indexed crediting and separate sub account crediting . You need to establish your risk tolerance to determine which crediting method is right for you .
Can I Get Insurance On A Cat D Car?
There are provisions to insure every car that your states department of Motor Vehicles will license . Preferred insurance companies may limit the coverage that they offer . Frequently they will refuse to offer physical damage coverages . However , there will be companies that will insure your car as long as it is deemed roadworthy by the DMV .
The absolute best type of life insurance policy is the policy that accomplishes your unique goals at the lowest premium . For example , if you need a life insurance policy to pay for a debt like a 25 year mortgage , then the best policy is a 25 year term life for the amount of the debt . If you need to create an instant estate to replace your income for your loved ones then perhaps you need a 20 year or 30 term life policy . If you need a set death benefit for your entire life then you should consider a whole life insurance plan . Last if you want a death benefit , critical illness protection and a cash value that can be used for a tax free retirement , you should consider a universal life insurance policy . I recommend sitting down with a trusted advisor to help sort out all of the options that life insurance can be used for throughout your life .
How Much Is Homeowners Insurance With Allstate?
Insurance quotes are very specific to the customer , property being covered , property use , replacement cost of the property , coverage needs , your personal credit and many other factors . There are also discounts that you may qualify for , specific to the company . You should contact a local Allstate agent to receive a free quote .
COBRA coverage can be kept for up to 18 months and is only available to individuals and families covered under a plan with more than 20 employees enrolled . Your premiums under COBRA coverage are 102 % of the total cost of insurance this is important because many employers pay for part of the cost while the employee is still working . COBRA election applies to each person individually that is covered under a given health plan . Since health insurance is guaranteed issue under the affordable care act , you do not want to wait until your COBRA coverage expires to look for a new policy . Doing so can cost you a lot more money unnecessarily . Consult with an experienced health insurance broker to compare your options and see which plan option will best serve your needs . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
When To File Auto Insurance Claim?
As soon as you can . The longer that you wait to file a claim the longer it will take for you to receive restitution . The sooner your carrier receives notice of a claim the faster that they will be able to get you the money that is due to you for your loss .
This is a good Question . With any Company , whether they provide employee health coverage or not will depend on many factors . Whether you are Part time or Full time , if there is a waiting period , etc etc. . It is important to know that even if your employer does not offer health benefits , you can apply for your OWN individual plan that you pay for and manage on your own . This may also be a good option because if you happen to leave that job , you wo n't have to worry about loosing your health coverage .
When To File Auto Insurance Claim?
Your policy probably indicates that it is your responsibiliuty to notify the company immediately in the event of a loss . My suggestion is that you contact your Insurance Professional as soon as it is possible for you to do so safely so that they can guide you through the process . Taking the time to gather as much information as possible is always helpful , but certainly get in touch with them the day of the loss if at all possible . Property and losses may cause damage that can get worse over time so getting the ball rolling as soon as possible is in your very best interest .
Yes , you can . Some carriers provide insurance coverage called `` Non-owned auto '' . This a liability only coverage . Which means that it will not provide coverage for damage to a vehicle that you are driving only damage to the other party 's vehicle if you are responsible for the damages . Contact a local agent to find out about availability and cost of this coverage within your area .
Does It Cost To Get A Medicare Card?
Medicare Part A is typically free for a person age 65 and over . Medicare Part B portion of the card does have a monthly premium which is usually $ 104.90 per month -LRB- For 2013 & 2014 -RRB- . If your income exceeds $ 85,000 per year -LRB- or a married couple 's income exceeds $ 170,000 -RRB- then your Part B premium could be higher . You should also consider a Medigap Plan -LRB- Medicare Supplement Plan -RRB- or a Medicare Advantage Plan .
Medicare does not cover `` dental '' . While `` Medicare Advantage '' covers some `` preventive care procedures it does not cover extensive dental procedures . There are `` dental '' policies available the coverage is usually limited to $ 1000 per year . In most cases dental maintenance is best planned to have preventive cleaning done each year plus any required `` dental filling ' each year but then if you need more extreme procedures you will probably spend a chunk of your vacation funds in the dental office
How To Figure How Much Life Insurance You Need?
How to determine how much life insurance one needs is an exercise that all conscientious insurance agents go through with every client . It is a dereliction of duty not to do so . Of course once the need is determined it still remains up to the client how much to put in place . In determining the amount of insurance needed , of primary importance is to define what the goals are of the insured . If the main goal for the insurance is to provide for dependents then the requirements for that provision will be the main determining factor for the amount needed . If the main goal for the insurance is to provide additional income in retirement then that requirement will be the determining factor . So to answer your question depends on who the insurance is for . If it is for you , you should talk with an Insurance Adviser .
The type of life insurance that is right for you will depend on many factors and should be discussed with an insurance professional . If you only want a death benefit , then a term might suffice , or permanent policy if you want the coverage to last beyond 30 years . If you are looking for a financial vehicle to use for college funding or tax-free retirement income , then you should look into an indexed universal life insurance policy . There are several policy types and uses that would require more information to advise you properly .
How To Figure How Much Life Insurance You Need?
WEBSITELINK This is a link to help you figure out how much life insurance you need . This is a free calculator and website all about insurance . Generally , you need to decide what you would like to cover i.e. final expenses only and/or providing income to help your family with future goals . Expenses like mortgage , credit card debt , loans , etc. . I would also talk with your broker/agent who should help you to figure out what amount makes sense including inflationary increases for the future .
Arkansas does not recognize martial-type rights for domestic partners , who are not allowed to marry in the state , but are allowed to live together as cohabitants of a shared residents . With such a union not being recognized by the state , there is no requirement in Arkansas to compel an insurance company to allow the addition of a domestic partner to a health policy .
When Should I File A Claim For Homeowners Insurance?
If you are sued , call your insurance company immediately . If there is damage to your property that requires immediate attention , file a claim with the company . This is particularly important with water damage or any damage the affects the integrity of the home . If the situation isnt urgent discuss the loss with your agent before filing a claim . If the claim is minor it might be better to forgo the claim and enjoy a further premium discount for being claims free .
For emergency room visits for medially approved conditions , when the patient is treated and released , ER costs are covered by Medicare Part B -LRB- medical insurance -RRB- . The patient is responsible to pay the co-payment of the emergency room charge plus the co-pay for each specific service received -LRB- such as X-Rays or EKG -RRB- .
Why Were Annuities Created?
The first annuities were used in the Roman Empire . The Latin word annau translated is annual , but represented annual stipends and evolved into annual contract payments . In America , annuities were granted special taxfavoredtreatment under the IRS code with tax deferred accumulation .
That is a great question ! Annuities can be a great part of a retirement plan , but they are n't suited for everyone , because of the type of investment that they are . Before an agent can legally sell you an annuity , they have to do a `` suitability analysis '' . In this analysis , we sit down and discuss your current financial status , your cash flow issues , and your tolerance for risk , among other things . If you are financially suited for the purchase of an annuity , it is often the risk tolerance that determines which type of annuity is best for you . If you have a very low tolerance , then a variable annuity would not be a suitable annuity for you , while a fixed annuity probably would be . If you had a moderate risk tolerance , but an aversion to losing money , the variable annuity again might not be suitable for you , but an indexed one might be . If you have a high risk tolerance , and like to play the market , and keep involved in the transactions , then this may be the annuity for you . I hope that answers your question , please feel free to drop me a line if you 'd like more details , ok ? Thanks for asking !
Can Disability Insurance Be A Business Expense?
Disability Insurance will qualify for a business expense if the business pays for the policy and does not receive any of the benefit received . However the employee of the business will need to report any disability income benefits received as taxable income . The same holds true if a professional such as a physician or dentist is incorporated and has a salary or wage continuation plan in the corporate minutes . The corporation may pay for the policy but any benefits received are taxable as income . How premiums for coverage can be changed from year to year . For individual disability policies , in the event of a claim , whether benefits are taxed or not depends on how the premiums were paid during the year of claim . For group disability polices there is a three year look back for premiums . Overhead/practice expense disability policies are always tax deductible and benefits received by the business/practice are not taxable .
You can make good money selling life insurance , or you can make no money selling life insurance . Those who are really good at it tend to attract more and more clients , and do exceptionally well . On the other hand , those who struggle tend to move on fairly quickly , because it can be a brutal industry if you are not doing well . Most people are paid by commission only , and expenses can easily eat up profits . When there is a split in commissions , the pie often seems too small . Most insurance sales people fall somewhere in the middle and make a decent living at selling life insurance . With some good breaks , they have years where they make good money . And if you like what you are doing , that can be a worthwhile career .
Can Disability Insurance Be A Business Expense?
For a business owner it is possible to have the premium become a business expense . However the benefit then becomes taxable should you have to use it . A better way to structure the payment is to use an executive bonus strategy . Please speak with your accountant on how to set that up . Basically you are increasing your salary to cover the premium payment , you then add to your withholding to cover the additional taxes . This way the individual is paying the premium so the benefit will be tax free and the business receives the payroll deductions . For your employees , you can provide long term disability or short term disability as an employee benefit . The same rules apply however , taxes will be paid at some point , either on the premium or on the benefit .
Great question ! You do not need renters insurance if you have a great amount of cash hidden away in a Swiss bank account , or somewhere similar . If your belongings are stolen or damaged somehow , you can just dip into that account and buy all new stuff to replace what was stolen or lost . If that is not you , then maybe renters insurance is a good idea . Most of us do not have the money to replace our things in the event of a fire , or burglary , and that is the purpose for the insurance . It can be a real blessing in the event of some unexpected hardship.If you would like some more information on what you should look for in the policy , please contact me , I 'd be happy to help . Thanks for asking !
Can Disability Insurance Be A Business Expense?
The answer is yes , no and maybe . Yes , it can be tax deductible if the business owner purchases a Business Overhead Expense policy or BOE . This policy is specifically designed to pay bills and payroll not the owner direct . For this reason a BOE policy is tax deductible . On a straight disability income policy yes you can set it up with the help of your accountant to have the business pay the premiums . In most cases you do n't really want to do it that way . If you pay premiums with post tax dollars then benefits are tax free . If you pay premiums through the business then your benefits would be taxed as income . Think of it as do you want to pay taxes on the seeds or the harvest ? The premiums are much smaller in comparison to the benefits received there for a lot less tax will be paid .
If you are unable to live in the unit that you rented because of damage caused by a named peril -LRB- i.e. fire -RRB- your renters policy should provide for additional living expenses . This would be the additional expense of temporarily living somewhere else while the unit is being repaired . If that is a hotel , then the hotel expense would be reimbursed to the extent that it exceeds your regular rent . This would be negotiated with the claims adjuster .
Can Disability Insurance Be A Business Expense?
It depends upon the type and purpose of the disability insurance policy . Insurance premiums for a disability insurance policy taken out to pay for lost earnings due to a illness or injury are not a deductible business expense . However , a disability insurance policy taken out to pay business overhead expenses in the event the business owner is disabled by illness or injury is a deductible business expense . You can refer to IRS Publication 535 , released in 2014 , for the specific details on these matters .
Any resident relative with a valid drivers license . Any non relative residing in your residence should have there own auto insurance policy . Anyone that does not own a vehicle must have named non-owner liability policy . Contact a local licensed agent to find out your liability and coverage needs for your specific situation .
What Is The Average Car Insurance Rate In Kansas?
According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners , the average cost of auto insurance in the state of Kansas is around $ 625 per year .
It may , it depends on the cause of the fallen tree . If the fallen tree was caused by a covered loss then your loss may be covered possibly less your policy deductible . Please remember every policy is different . Read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over it with you .
How Much Is Car Insurance For A 18 Year Old Female In Minnesota?
There are several carriers who would offer an 18 year old in Minnesota car insurance coverage . What 's probably important to you is who will give you the best coverage at the lowest price . To get this , you should seek out the help of an agent who is licensed to sell auto insurance in your state who can show you various auto insurance quotes .
Your renters insurance normally would not provide any coverage for your auto . Auto insurance is the best way to cover your auto . Renters insurance typically works the same way as homeowners insurance in that it extends some coverage for personal property away from your home . Please read your policy completely to understand what coverage is provided and what exclusions there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the poilicy with you .
What Is The Tax Rate On Life Insurance Payouts?
Life insurance death benefits paid to a beneficiary are not subject to personal income tax . If the policy is surrendered prior to death , the person receiving the proceeds is liable for income tax on any amount that exceeds the sum of the premiums paid . There are exceptions to these principles .
That is a great question ! Without a current license , it will be very difficult to get your insurance . There are a couple of ways that you can , however . The first is to show proof that you have satisfied the conditions of the suspension , and the date the suspension will be lifted . The company may choose to issue a policy with a start date as of the expiration of the suspension . They may also choose to issue a policy that begins the day tour suspension ends . Bear in mind that this is a rarity , and not common ; and that the reason for your suspension will play a big part in their decision . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
What Is The Tax Rate On Life Insurance Payouts?
When it comes to Estate Planning sometimes people get confused with taxes an estate will have and using Life Insurance to pay for that tax . Life Insurance provides a tax free death benefit to the beneficiaries . One use of Life Insurance is to put into an Estate Plan to pay for any taxes due . This generally will onlybe the case on large estates however .
Even if someone has car insurance , if you choose to sue them you have to file in small claims court unless this is a much larger claim . I would reach out to an attorney to get more details . When someone has insurance , usually that company will give you a settlement however sometimes what they offer is not what you can get or should be awarded which you end up in court anyway . There are some great attorneys that specialize in accidents . I do not know what state you are in so I can not make a recommendation but just do some homework . Get someone that is reputable . Good Luck .
What Is The Tax Rate On Life Insurance Payouts?
Life Insurance benefits are tax free . The death benefit is also available lump sum . There can also be payments arranged for income protection which are monthly for a specified number of years . This form of payment Is beneficial for increased financial protection , for , all financial obligations may be paid like funeral , utility bills , support for family , etc. .
Yes , indeed they do . And the test is pretty reliable . Want to hear an interesting story ? A number of years ago I took an application from a client who disclosed that he did smoke cigarettes on a daily basis . So I quoted him smoker rates . He provided the lab specimens for the insurance exam and we all assumed they would show he was indeed a smoker . When the results came back , he had tested negative for nicotine even though he smoked every day ! Our assumption was he had a huge tolerance and it just didnt register in the lab . So , fair being fair , the underwriter gave him non-smoker rates ! And he paid about half as much as he would have as a smoker . Of course , smokers cant count on that always happening . They should expect to pay smoker rates . And most smokers hate paying that extra premium for that extra mortality risk . -LRB- And by the way - there is a huge amount of data to show that smoking does increase your mortality risk . Sorry . -RRB- So what should a smoker do ? Lie on the application ? I mean , who is really going to know if you say you dont smoke , and just go without cigarettes for a few weeks ? Your lab specimen should then come out clean , right ? Bad idea . Not good . Dont do it . That is insurance fraud , you know . You could jeopardize the claim getting paid . Besides which , this is not a game . Life insurance pricing has to accurately reflect the risk obligations taken on . If everybody scammed the system to get undercharged , then odds are the insurance carriers wouldnt have enough money to pay out benefit . Then everybodys beneficiaries would lose out . Not only that : there is something to be said for acting honorably , dont you think ? Your word should be your bond . What about postponing the purchase of the policy and waiting a year or two , so you can quit in the meantime and then qualify for non-smoker rates ? Well , okay , but who says youll be insurable at that point ? What if you come down with high blood pressure , high cholesterol , or high blood sugar , or any number of things that could throw the rates off ? Or even worse , make you ineligible for coverage at all ? Delaying is not worth the risk . Best thing to do is buy the policy now for the best smoker rates available . Keep it in force . Then , stop smoking . If you qualify for non-smoker rates , go for it . If you are eligible for a better rate , then good for you . But if you are not , then at least you have coverage . Either way , your beneficiaries will get what they need . Good move .
What Is The Tax Rate On Life Insurance Payouts?
What is the tax rate on life insurance payouts ? In most all cases the life insurance payout tax is zero . Usually there is no tax consequence on life insurance proceeds presented upon death . The time that the benefit would have tax ramifications would be when the life insurance premium was taken on a pre tax basis . This would make the death benefit taxable income .
You should consider participating whole life as a long term supplemental retirement alternative if you are a conservative saver . It can deliver tax free distributions of withdrawals to basis and policy loans as long as the contract is kept in force for the life of the insured . Designed correctly it may outperform 10 year Treasuries .
How Do I Get Life Insurance For My Mother?
It is entirely possible for you to obtain Life Insurance on and for your Mother . In many cases there are companies that specialize in such policies , but even in the primary Life Insurance market , so long as she meets age and health underwriting guidelines , such a policy should certainly be available .
There are carriers that sell just one month policies It depends on the state that you live in . I know that Hallmark insurance based out of texas has this type of policy . otherwise you are stuck with a 6 month policy paying month to month . There are advantages to one month policies however they literally are 30 day policies and after 30 day there is no coverage . As to buying a 6 month policy you can still pay monthly and have a grace period on your billing before it cancels your insurance card will say 6 month on it and you do n't have to get a new insurance card every month . I do not know if any other carrier offers this . I would check with hallmark if that is the type of policy you are looking for you can find them at hope that helps
How Do I Get Life Insurance For My Mother?
To get life insurance for your mother , the best place to start would be to sit down with your mother and jot down her health history , medications , and height and weight . You can call or email that information to an agency that carries several final expense products , so they can shop for her best rate . She will probably need to do a phone interview to get the lowest price . If the face amount is under $ 30,000 she will not need to take an exam . The application process will vary depending on which company you go with , but she should have a policy within a couple of weeks .
This is a good question . You can use your Medicare card when it is effective , If you look at your red , white and blue card it will show Part A and Part B effective dates on the card . You can use your card at the doctors office , hospital , etc. if you are on original Medicare , that is , you only have Medicare part A and part B . If you have a Part C plan -LRB- Medicare Advantage -RRB- you will use that card instead .
Can A Homeowners Insurance Company Drop Your Coverage?
An insurance carrier may decide to cancel or non-renew a client if the client no longer meets the carriers standard for providing coverage . A client could also be dropped or non-renewed by a carrier if the coverage provided was approved under false information or fraudulant acts . If you receive a letter of cancellation or non-renewal from your current carrier you should contact your local agent to either contest be dropped or non-renewed or they may be able to help you secure coverage else where .
That is a great question ! The biggest disadvantage to annuities is the lack of liquidity . For the first few years of the annuity , there are hefty surrender fees if something happens , and you need to pull some cash quickly . Most annuities will allow for a small fee free withdrawal , generally up to 10 % , but by taking even that cash , you greatly reduce the earnings potential of the annuity . Another disadvantage would arise if the rate of return on the annuity ended up being lower than what you might have received had the money been invested differently . If you 've got sufficient cash reserves and have done your homework before buying , neither of these should be an issue . Thanks for asking !
What Does No Cost Sharing Mean In Health Insurance?
No cost sharing in health insurance means that either yourself or the insurer is paying the entire amount of either the claim , the policy or both . Typically , you will find that rarely does an insurer or a customer pay 100 % -LRB- initially -RRB- of a claim or premium . In some situations , after a deductible is met , you may see an insurer paying 100 % of a claim .
Life insurance is fundamentally protection for family members , business partners and charities who depend on donors . Life insurance is premised on the economic relationship between the policy insured and the policy beneficiaries . If there is no insurable interest the application for life insurance will be denied . And no one can take out a life insurance policy on you without your written consent on the application .
What Does No Cost Sharing Mean In Health Insurance?
No cost sharing means the treatment you receive is fully covered by your insurance plan . Under Obamacare rules , most preventive procedures must be available at no charge to you . There are about 120 different preventive care procedures listed by the government . You would not be required to pay a copay or other charges if you have a major medical plan .
Whether they work for an agency or work for themselves , most life insurance agents are expected to be pretty self sufficient . One of their biggest jobs is finding clients . This entails marketing , advertising , attending events , building relationships , and possibly contributing to resources for consumers and other professionals , to build up credibility . Once leads are found , the life insurance agents must gain their trust and show that they can do the best job for their leads . Then they gather all the pertinent information and hunt all their options to find their clients the best policies . At this point , they work to get the policies placed , follow it up with record keeping , and do policy reviews from time to time . In the midst of all of this , life insurance agents keep up continuing education , stay abreast of new products and technology and industry practices , and manage staff as needed .
Why Would I Be Denied Life Insurance?
There are many factors to life insurance underwriting that can contribute to a denial or decline . Unfavorable medical information is the leading cause for declination . Also negative behavioral lifestyles like addiction , multiple motor vehicle violations or hazardous recreational activities or dangerous vocations . There are financial items like no insurable interest between the insured and beneficiaries or the inability to financially justify the amount .
That is a great question ! The answer is typically yes , though the amount of that coverage can vary , depending upon your policy , and the incident itself that led to you being sued . Your policy will have a set limit for what the insurance will pay out , check with your agent for your specific amount . They will investigate , give you their findings , and the amount they are willing to pay as a result . you can help yourself out a lot here if you have good documentation of the incident-witness statements , police reports , pictures , etc. . Good luck ! Thanks for asking !
Can You Get Insurance On A Car In Someone Else's Name?
In Montana and in many state the answer is no because you have no insurable interest . But you can get what is called a non-owned policy that covers you driving any car for liability only so long as you do not have a car titled in your name . The policy is very reasonable as far as rates go and protect you if you hurt someone in and accident and also protects you if you are hurt in an accident and have un insured motorist and under insured motorist . The reason you can not insure someone else 's auto is the insurance company in the event of a claim would have to issue the payment for the carthat you were driving wasdamaged the check would have to go to the owner of the car .
The life insurance industry lacks some standardization in titling basic forms of life insurance . The term adjustable may simply refer to flexible universal life like current assumption universal life , indexed universal life and variable universal , life insurance . These types of flexible universal life have a set current company practice rates that can allow the policy owner to modify the death benefit or premiums .
What Does An Immediate Annuity Cost?
The `` cost '' of an immediate annuity is exactly the amount you put into it . Generally , any annuity costs are already figured into the payout you will receive . Insurance companies offer different minimums and maximums and that varies considerably . Some companies allow as little as $ 5000 . With an immediate annuity , you give your retirement savings to an insurance company and they promise to pay out a monthly or annual amount for the rest of your life or for a fixed period . You can choose a joint annuity which would continue the payout to your spouse after your death . The amount of income generated from your immediate annuity will depend on the type of annuity -LRB- such as fixed or variable -RRB- , your age , sex and marital status .
To the best of my knowledge an open claim does not obligate you to remain with your current carrier . I personnally would not recommend cancelling coverage withthe carrier that you are with as you already have a history with them and will more than likely be receiving a lessor rate than with another carrier . Cancelling your coverage will not remove you from any liability that arises from the claim that is not covered by your insurance carrier . If you are concerned that a claim is not be handled properly contact your agent and let them know so that they can attempt to help you find a resolution .
What To Consider When Purchasing Life Insurance?
When purchasing life insurance to cover the life of a bread winner in the family or a business partner at work , it 's important to collect information to properly cover your beneficiaries . You need to include all debt , future obligations and your value to earn a living , i.e. how much will you make between now and the time you retire .
LIfe Insurance pricing is like going to the grocery store ; lots of different choices.It will depend on a variety of factors including ; 1 -RRB- Age - younger is less expensive2 -RRB- Health - good health is less expensive than health issues3 -RRB- Tobacco usage - non smoker is less expensive4 -RRB- Gender - Females tend to be less expensive than males at same age5 -RRB- Type - term insurance is less expensive the younger you are since its pure insurance . Some universal life policies can offer premium options that make it less expensive than whole lifeFind a company that can provide you a quote based on your circumstances and then compare various types of plans offered .
What To Consider When Purchasing Life Insurance?
When purchasing life insurance , you need to consider : 1 -RRB- What type of policy you need . This can be Term or Permanent or both . 2 -RRB- Your budget . Life insurance must be affordable or it will be dropped before the time of need . 3 -RRB- Your obligations . What you want to use the insurance to cover . 4 -RRB- The security and integrity of the life insurance company and your agent . 5 -RRB- The features and guarantees in the policy itself .
Term or permanent is not a question of which is better . It 's a question of how long is your financial liability and future obligations . If your age 50 or younger and your mortgage will be paid off within 30 years , term life insurance may be better . If your liabilities are ongoing with future needs well into retirement , then permanent life insurance may be better .
Can I Pay For Health Insurance With A Credit Card?
You can pay for health insurance with a credit card ... sometimes . I 'll clarify . Typically , when you apply for a new policy , there may be a billing option that allows you to make the first payment with a credit card . However , usually , with ongoing and future billing , payment by check or via mail is the preferred method . However , late payments can often be paid by credit card . Each carrier has its own rules .
Cancellations for non payment of premium may be able to be reinstated , provided that there has not been a history of such cancellations . Here in Connecticut , even if reinstated , they may be processed with a lapse in coverage . If that occurs , you will eventually receive a fine from the CT DMV covering that lapsed period as maintaining car insurance is required by law . If your car insurance is cancelled mid term or non renewed as a result of a serious infraction , you will be notified well in advance of that action so you can either remedy the cause , or obtain other , probably more expensive , coverage to avoid an even more costly lapse in coverage .
Does Having Children Increase Car Insurance?
Having children who are not of driving age and licensed does not in and of itself increase car insurance premiums . You may want to talk to your Insurance Professional about increasing the liability coverage in your policy , however , in the event you are volunteering to take your children 's friends to the ball field or anywhere else . Once your child is of driving age and then is issued a license , the insurance company will charge a bit more . Insurance premiums reflect the risk that a company is assuming on your behalf . Younger , inexperienced drivers do tend to be an increased risk . Be sure to ask about available discounts for having taken Drivers Education , being a good student , qualifying for occasional usage rates etc to save money .
No one can speak for you , because every person 's situation is different . Some people are very disciplined in saving and investing money , and are blessed to not have to dip into it for medical bills or long term care needs before they die . Not having life insurance upon their death does not pose a problem , except that the money may be tied up in the estate -LRB- life insurance usually bypasses probate -RRB- . On the other extreme , I have had several clients who had to contribute to the funeral of a family member , one for an uncle she did n't even like ! Not having life insurance when you die can wreak much stress upon already traumatized family members and businesses . You need to look at your situation and determine what your obligation is to those you leave behind , or the message you would like to leave them .
How Does Life Insurance Work In A Divorce?
Unless a change is made by the owner of the life insurance policy or court ordered coverage is imposed , nothing is affected . Generally , if the parties are amiable , cross ownership by the parties for the benefit of their children is the first approach . Remember , policy ownership controls the contract . Any change in ownership could trigger a taxable event with permanent cash values .
Life insurance agents typically make between $ 50,000 and $ 75,000 year . high end agents can make six figure income . The top and court of the table , an industry benchmark based on production , can make over $ 250,000 a year . Having a network of prospects can really jump start your career and there are career agencies that can help you accomplish it .
How Does Life Insurance Work In A Divorce?
When a couple has existing life insurance , they need to work out on their own , or with their attorneys , or by court order , what to do with those policies . They may want to simply adjust owners and/or beneficiaries . Or they may choose to terminate the coverage and buy new . It is almost always a good idea to have separate policies for an ex-spouse and new spouse .
The law of large numbers is a principle of insurance . When there are many like units , a company can provide insurance , so `` common makes and models '' are risks most insurance companies offering auto insurance are willing to accept . There are some vehicles that are so rare , expensive or inherently dangerous that most insurers will not provide coverage . However , coverage can normally be secured for even the most exotic cars in the specialty auto insurance market .
How to best prepare for a life insurance medical exam?
In addition to Neil 's excellent advice , I would add : >> Pick a place for the exam where you will be most relaxed . If you have `` white coat syndome '' -LRB- your blood pressure goes up when you are nervous -RRB- , have your examiner take a reading at a time of the exam when you feel most relaxed -LRB- like maybe after your blood sample has been drawn , if also have a fear of needles -RRB- . >> Be prepared to answer lots of health questions , even if you have answered them before . Double checking is the way they flush out things that may have accidentally been omitted , and that is what ensures that your policy will pay out for your loved ones if tragedy would occur . >> Have the names , addresses and phone numbers of your doctors on hand , as well a list -LRB- or the bottles -RRB- of your medications .
Life insurance imputed income is the cost of offering someone life insurance coverage beyond $ 50,000 whenever there is a benefit provided by an employer to and employee . E.g. if you 're employer group life plan offers you $ 500,000 of term life insurance , than the cost of that insurance for $ 450,000 will be recognized by you as the covered insured as imputed income . It 's income that is reported to the IRS and income on which you must pay income taxes .
How to best prepare for a life insurance medical exam?
Here is the list that I keep on file for my clients : >> Fast for a minimum of 8 Hours Prior to Exam unless you are diabetic or have another health condition . If you do have a health condition we will discuss specific instructions for your case . >> Insist on Morning appointments only ! Blood pressure and exam results tend to be better in the morning . Many examiners are available on Saturdays as well . >> If you are sick on the day of your exam , cancel . We can always reschedule the exam when you are better . >> Take your medications as you normally would . >> Avoid alcohol for a minimum of 24 hours prior to your exam . Blood pressure , liver enzymes and more may be elevated otherwise . >> If you smoke , do not smoke prior to your exam . Smoking raises blood pressure . For cigar smokers and other tobacco users Some of the companies will give you a non-smoker rate but your urine sample needs to be negative for nicotine . Please call to discuss your case >> Your weight Check your weight in the days leading up to your exam . On the day of your exam , take your shoes off , dont wear belts , empty your pockets , wear light clothing . IMORTANT Make sure you ask the examiner what your weight is . If you think it is wrong , ask them to weigh you again . >> Your height Stand up straight just like Mom told you to . IMPORTANT Ask the examiner what your height is . If you think it is wrong , ask them to check again . >> Avoid Caffeine on Exam day Caffeine elevates your blood pressure . Avoid it for at least a few hours prior to exam . >> Cholesterol TIP Eat plenty of oatmeal and bananas in the week leading up to your exam and lay off the sweets and other cholesterol elevating foods . >> Exercise TIP If you exercise , do NOT exercise on the morning of your exam . Exercise may artificially raise your blood pressure . >> Water Drink lots of water to flush out your system leading up to the exam .
The short answer is that unless the car is stolen , or parts of the car are stolen , theft of items from a car are not covered . You 'll seek this coverage from your homeowner insurance . If your car is stolen there is a small amount of coverage that comes from the auto after 48 hours . As usually , check with your local agent or insurance company to see how they have written your policy but what I have described in the common policy construction . Auto policies are not designed to coverage your personal property .
When Are You Medicare Eligible?
Most will become eligible for Medicare at age 65 . If you have enough Social Security wage quarters , are a US citizen or here legally and have lived in the US for 5 years you will be automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A and B at age 65 . Disabled individuals may qualify for Medicare at an earlier age .
The best place to buy life insurance is from a trusted licensed life insurance agent . If you dont have an agent , get a recommendation from your friends , colleagues or neighbors . A competent agent will listen to you , provide sound financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company . Matching your needs with your budget is the agents primary job .
Where To Find Health Insurance?
It is going to be interesting to see how the insurance companies are able to cope with the fact their industry has spent millions only to now be told they must keep `` those policies in force '' for another year . I am thinking the practical way to proceed for an insurance agent is to stick with the main line companies like Humana and Golden Rule which is owned by United Health Care
Most people with Multiple Sclerosis can get life insurance . If your MS is the relapsing remitting type with few effects and no recent exacerbations , you can usually get a medically underwritten policy for any amount you wish . If having one of the progressive types of multiple sclerosis , recent exacerbations , treatment that is being changed due to being in effective , or unable to walk or do ADL 's unassisted , you will need to take simplified or guaranteed issue coverage . But life insurance is still available for you if you fit the age requirements . To get life insurance while having MS , contact an agency that will ask these type of questions and know which company covers each scenario . It is easy to be quoted too strict -LRB- `` you have MS so no one will cover you '' -RRB- or too lenient -LRB- `` go ahead and take your chance on applying for this $ 1,000,000 policy even though you are taking Aricept '' -RRB- . Your policy will go much smoother and you will get the best possible price using agents who specialize in affordable MS life insurance .
Where To Find Health Insurance?
Health Insurance is usually purchased through Health Insurance Agents . Keep in mind that the agent does n't charge the client -LRB- you -RRB- any money . We offer Health Insurance throughout California . If your in another state , make sure to look up a Health Insurance Agent that has contracts with multiple carriers so that they can give you the most options and the best rates possible .
You can get health insurance if you have Lupus . Under the Affordable Care Act legislation , pre-existing conditions are covered under new Marketplace plans during Open Enrollment . Our job , as experienced health insurance brokers , is to find the plans that best meet customer needs , and compare the most affordable options . Treatment of Lupus is complex and it 's important to minimize your out of pocket expenses . Broker websites will provide you the lowest available rates and unbiased and accurate information . The . gov website has a history of glitches and security concerns .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Dog Damage?
If your dog damages your apartment , you might have coverage under the liability section . Sometimes a company will put a form into your policy that would restrict the amount paid , or even deny coverage depending on the breed of the dog . If the dog that damages your rented property isnt your dog you can sue the owner of the dog .
Unfortunately not . There may be companies out there that provide coverage for tenant damage but your homeowners coverage in almost all instances will not coverage the damage caused by tenants . To know what coverage your homeowners policy provides read your policy completely or call your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Dog Damage?
If your dog damages property , such as a door , there might be coverage . Many companies specifically exclude or restrict recovery if certain breeds or types of dogs are concerned with personal injury . This principle might also apply to physical damage . Most landlords require a damage deposit before renting property to someone who had an animal .
The Mortgage Company or lender have certain rights if you fail to do what you have promised to do in your contract -LRB- mortgage or loan agreement . -RRB- Placing coverage is a right retained by most lenders . When you apply for a mortgage or loan you promise to insure the home or car and name the mortgagee or lender as a loss payee or additional insured . If you dont do that , they havent any coverage on their collateral and so they will issue a policy . These are frequently short term policies because they are so expensive . This is not a subject you want to find out about through experience .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Dog Damage?
If there is any coverage at all it would fall under liability . This means your landlord is going to sue you for the damages of which your insurance provider will have to step up and defend at the very least . The insurance carrier will then make a determination if there is coverage . My question is , did the landlord allow you to have the dog ?
Medicare will pay for gastric sleeve , gastric bypass , lap band , or duodenal switch for weight loss , under certain conditions . There must be a health problem associated with being obese , such as sleep apnea or type 2 diabetes . The condition of being overweight must have existed for at least 5 years . You must pass a psychological evaluation , have tried at least one other weight loss program that has failed , and other illnesses as the cause of your obesity must be ruled out . You also need a BMI of over 35 to be approved for Medicare gastric sleeve surgery .
Can A Person With MS Get Health Insurance?
Yes , a person with MS can get health insurance . Effective January 1 , 2014 all individual health insurance plans will no longer have preexisting condition issues . You should speak with an independent health insurance agent to discuss your needs and they will be able to show you plans from all the major carriers .
Damages to your home that are caused by a covered peril listed in your policy document will be covered subject to your policy deductible . Now , if the pipe just bursts from wear and tear , then the repair or replacement of the pipe itself would not be covered , but the damage caused by the sudden discharge of water would be . If on the other hand , the pipe preaks due to freezing or sudden impact to use just two examples , then not only wou , d the water damage be covered , but so to would the cost to replace or repair that length of pipe .