How To Get Medicare To Pay For Assisted Living?
Medicare covers procedures and treatment that are considered medically necessary . Assisted living does not meet the criteria of what is considered medically necessary . If you are in need of skilled nursing care , such as the administration of infusion therapy or other medications , Medicare may cover at least a portion of the cost of nursing care .
Many different variables go into rating your policy so the only way to find out is to request a quote . If you want Geico then give them a call or visit WEBSITELINK . Keep in mind that price is n't everything and you get what you pay for . If something goes wrong you 'll be happy that you got great insurance instead of the cheapest insurance .
What Is Property Insurance Premium?
Property insurance is based upon the concept of shared risk . That means that the chances of experiencing a fire that would destroy your home are really low , however , if that were to occur the loss would be quite high . Others property owners face a similar dilemma . If you could share your risk with others you would pay a small amount to avoid losing a large amount . When risk is shared it is considered a pool . Insurance companies form pools and allow people to share the risk of a large loss in exchange for a small loss , the property insurance premium . The amount of this insurance premium is determined by professionals known as actuaries who compare the loss history of millions of pieces of property to develop statistical probabilities of loss for a certain defined piece of property . Additionally they compute the probabilities of different pieces of property and calculate a premium for those losses as well . If you have a home in the forest and I have exactly the same home but live in a suburb the chances are greater that you would experience a catastrophic loss than that I would . This difference is developed mathematically by reviewing millions of losses over a long period of time . As a result we can both be in the same pool but you would pay more than me because you represent a greater risk to the pool . In order to be permitted to do business in your state the insurance commissioner of your state must approve the premiums charged by your insurance company . The commissioners chief concern is that the insurance company is able to meet the promises that it makes . Comparing the losses sustained over time with the premium income of the company helps the commissioner determine the ability of the company to keep its promises -LRB- even in very trying times . -RRB- This then develops into the premium that the company charges you for coverage . It is based on statistics and the companys experience and represents your share of the cost of insuring a pool of risks so that there is sufficient money to take care of a catastrophic loss or anything in between .
Yes , it does . Check out Peggys reply to identify the subsidiaries through which it markets the product . I have found that with regards to life insurance , this carrier has its strong points and its weak points in underwriting . Every carrier does . This is because each carrier develops a certain amount of sophistication and expertise with certain types of mortality risks . When you think about it , there are dozens of risk factors that are considered in life insurance underwriting . Every carrier can not achieve an advanced level of understanding and comfort with everyone of them . So they tend to specialize . Lets suppose a carrier has a cardiologist as a chief of underwriting . You can bet that they will be very competitive and heart-related cases . Perhaps one of the executives of the company has a private pilot license . You know they will be very confident underwriting people who also fly . This is how the business works . Its really a question of which carrier would be most aggressive in applying underwriting standards to your particular risk . Once that carrier is selected , then it is the brokers job to advocate on your behalf . Every potential available credit should be identified . The more credits you get for both medical and lifestyle factors , the lower your price will be .
What Is Property Insurance Premium?
Property Insurance Premium is the cost of a Homeowners Insurance Policy , Landlords Insurance Policy , Hazard Insurance Policy , Dwelling Fire Insurance Policy or Commercial Property Insurance Policy . The premium is expressed in terms of Annual premium unless the policy is written as a Course Of Construction Policy which may be offer on a 6 Month Term . In order to calculate a property insurance premium , you will need to obtain a quotation for the correct form of insurance sought . There is a link providing an online format to obtain a quote and buy home insurance online in multiple States ; it may be used by Escrow/Closing Professionals , Mortgage Professionals , Real Estate Agents and directly by Consumers . An exemplary online experience for all ! WEBSITELINK
Merrill Lynch Life Insurance Company , and Merrill Lynch Life Insurance Company of New York , were bought by AEGON in Aug , 2007 . Now Merrill Lynch is in a partnership with AEGON to sell their life insurance products under the company , Transamerica Advisors Life Insurance Company , based in Little Rock , Arkansas .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Clothes?
Your clothing is considered your personal property so if you purchased a renters insurance policy that has property coverage your clothing would be covered if the loss was a covered loss . An example of a covered loss would be fire and theft as an example . Also you would want to make sure your renters policy was reimbursement and not actual cash value so that your clothing or any other items for that matter are replaced new .
In many circumstances , yes . If you just married , contact your HR department or your insurance company and let them know about your change in status within 90 days and they will provide you with the forms to add him . If he just lost coverage , make sure to get a letter with this information and again provide it to the proper people . If you do n't qualify for a special enrollment period though , you will have to wait until the next open enrollment period . If you receive your insurance through work , ask them when this is . If you have individual insurance , the open enrollment period begins November 15
Will Short Term Disability Insurance Cover Maternity Leave?
Some STD plans include coverage for maternity but read your policy and do n't just assume you have coverage . Most will have a waiting period , usually 6 months , before you can apply for a maternity related claim . Some policies may require you to prove your are unable to work while others will simply provide a limited 4 or 6 week benefit .
Some life insurance policies will cover skydivers -LRB- and death caused by skydiving -RRB- with a flat extra . This is an premium added onto the policy to cover the added risk incurred by being a skydiver . If you do not care if your policy covers skydiving -LRB- most people die from illness , anyway -RRB- , you can get an exclusion for skydiving , with some companies . This will bring your rates down to what others with similar health will pay . Some accidental death policies cover death by skydiving . And there are some simplified issue life insurance policies that do not ask about dangerous hobbies at all . A broker who offers all these options can help you find affordable coverage .
Who Should Not Buy Long Term Care Insurance?
One of the planning aspects of retirement is saving enough money for your golden years . Self insuring is always the best way to go , but for most , the most impractical . Life just happens . But if you are very wealthy or have a family history of limited life expectancy or you 're satisfied with government run facilities ... you my not value long term care .
If you have accumulated funds in a Health Savings Account when you reach age 65 and become eligible for Medicare you can use these funds to pay the premiums for Medicare Part B coverage , or to pay for a Medicare Advantage plan -LRB- also known as part C -RRB- , and/or for a Medicare Prescription drug plan -LRB- also known as Part D -RRB- . You can also use the funds to cover medical expenses not covered by Medicare such as copays and co-insurance . My understanding is that HSA funds can not be used to pay for MediGap policies .
Who Should Not Buy Long Term Care Insurance?
Who should not buy long term care ? Technically , everybody should but really comes down to having assets to protect and money to afford a premium that will rise over time . A person of limited assets and limited income is going to struggle to maintain a long term care policy so it may turn out to be something you 're throwing money at that wo n't be there later in life because it will price itself out of the question to a limited income .
Everyone who is healthy enough and can afford to purchase disability insurance should do so . Disability insurance is paycheck protection . The most significant valued asset in every household is human value , the ability to earn money . Protecting your paycheck is one of the highest priorities in defensive planning . Depending upon your gender , age , smoking status , health history and current medical condition , you may pay between 3 and 5 % of your compensation with disability insurance .
How Much Should I Spend On Life Insurance?
You should actually be more focused on the amount needed and not how much you should spend . The amount of life insurance should be first calculated to cover final expense , paying off debt -LRB- credit cards , loans , etc. -RRB- , income replacement , and lastly , providing money for college for the kids -LRB- if desired -RRB- . This can uncover a very large face amount and but will be quite affordable to you through the purchase of low-cost level term protection in the terms of 10 , 15 , 20 , or 30 years . One thing to remember is if budget is a concern it is better to cut the term then to cut the face amount of the policy .
Health insurance costs will probably go up in 2014 . The question is ... how much ? When State Exchanges are operational , most unbiased experts agree that rate increases are inevitable , although federal tax subsidies will help those persons that can qualify . Selecting high-deductible plans and working closely with an experienced broker can help you find the lowest prices from the top-rated carriers .
How Much Should I Spend On Life Insurance?
The amount you spend on life insurance should be comfortable enough that you can make the payments each month , even if you run into financial bumps in the road . Life insurance that has been dropped to reshingle the roof will not be there when the insured person falls off the roof and dies . Figure out what it would take your family to regroup without the stress of moving or having to take out a second job that first year , and at least get that amount , if you can afford it . If not , get less . But do get it .
Excellent question . Life insurance can be a great investment if it is used properly . Insurance , unlike stocks , has a guaranteed value . There are even some that will increase with inflation or as the stock market increases . It is very important to consider your current situation and determine if life insurance is the best investment for you . A financial advisor can help you look at all of your options .
How Much Should I Spend On Life Insurance?
This will depend on the type of policy you want / need is and what is the purpose of the life insurance . Getting the right type of policy and face amount is much more important than just a dollar amount . From just a money type of view and taking out the importance of what life insurance covers , it 's a good idea that for every $ 1 you put away in savings / IRAs etc , you should put about $ 0.20 to $ 0.30 of that away in some form of permanent life policy .
Actually , Prudential does NOT sell whole life insurance at this time . They do sell term life insurance , and they sell permanent insurance in the form of universal life , indexed universal life , variable universal life , and survivorship universal life . But they do state on their website that they do not offer whole life .
How Much Should I Spend On Life Insurance?
How much ya got ? ;-RRB- Actually that is a good question as insurance only works is if it is in force when you need it and keeping it in force requires you to spend money on it . While you may have several choices put in front of you by an agent , focus on what you can do and keep doing consistently . Cover your obligations first , then see what you can do . For example a young person without much debt or even a family might want to consider purchasing a Whole Life policy as a starter plan . The reason ? The price will NEVER go up and the policy will build up cash values and death benefit -LRB- mutual company -RRB- over time , and once you have it they -LRB- insurance company -RRB- ca n't take it back , charge you more or change the policy . It 's yours and you own it . While that might not be important at 25 , it sure is at 55 with health issues and a mortgage . Consider the purchase to similar to buying raw land . You purchase it as a young person and let it develop over time . The only difference lately , with a whole life , ya ca n't go backwards .
In technical terms , the sum at risk is the death benefit paid less the reserves held by the insurance company . To explain : Mortality costs increase each year as we get older . If you were to buy a yearly renewable term plan for example the premiums would increase each year until they became cost prohibitive . With a whole life policy actuaries calculate the amount of premium the company needs to charge for it to be level . Essentially the company charges you more in the early years and that excess accumulates with interest inside the policy as a reserve . The difference between the reserve and the death benefit is the Sum at Risk to the insurance company . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
Does Private Health Insurance Cover Dental?
Yes and No . ObamaCare compliant health insurance policies must cover PEDIATRIC dental and vision coverage . This means that dependent children age 18 and under will have some level of coverage for dental & vision care but there is no adult dental coverage in today 's health insurance coverage . In most cases , dental insurance is handled under a separate dental insurance policy even if an individual or group has their health and their dental insurance with the same insurance company .
Ill tell you one way they can : by making them the beneficiary on your policy . Its a common mistake , and it can be costly . When men and women go into business for themselves , they often take out a bank loan to jumpstart the enterprise . Many lending institutions require life insurance to be in force on the borrower . They simply do not want to have to chase the heirs or estate custodians in case their client unfortunately dies before the loan is paid up . The question is , how can you arrange for them to get only the amount that is due on the loan at the time of death ? You may take out $ 1 million loan initially , but seven years down the road you may owe only $ 750,000 . How do you prevent them from getting the entire million dollars of benefit ? One very effective way of accomplishing this is through the use of a collateral assignment . As soon as the policy is put into force , the owner signs an agreement signing over the benefit to the lender . But , the agreement is careful to stipulate that only the outstanding amount of the loan would be payable . This is how it would work : the estate of the insured files a claim . The insurance carrier sees from their file that a collateral assignment has been executed . They then contact the lender for proof of the outstanding amount . Once that proof is provided , they are sent a check . The beneficiary gets the rest . The lender gets only what they are due , as they should . But I think you can see the trouble that could be caused if you made the lender the beneficiary . They would get the entire amount of the benefit even if they are not owed that much ! The collateral assignment is a neat little tool that is not complicated and can be executed in a day . But it goes along way towards securing your life insurance benefit for both your creditors and your beneficiaries .
What Is Personal Disability Insurance?
Personal disability insurance is paycheck protection against sickness or injury . While health insurance covers expenses and bills incurred for hospitalization , disability benefits pay you a monthly income generally tax free . Most Americans only have 90 days in cash reserves , so disability insurance is important . Make sure you have income ready to go for the unexpected events that occur in life .
Generally , critical illness insurance is not a taxable benefit . The money that is used to purchase critical illness insurance has already been taxed , since critical illness insurance is not tax exempt as a medical expense . Thus , the benefits paid if the critical illness policy pays out , are not taxable .
What Is Personal Disability Insurance?
Personal Disability Insurance can refer to Private Disability Insurance or Individual Disability Insurance . In other words , it is not Group Disability Insurance . It is a Disability Insurance policy that you buy with your own money to pay for living expenses that would occur if you were to become disabled .
Assuming the monies from life insurance are the death proceeds , it will generally take a week or two from the time a death certificate and claim form have been received by the life insurer . If death occurred in the first two policy years , the policy is within the contestability period . In these cases , the insurer investigates the claim more thoroughly so it might take a little longer .
Who Can Be Covered By Life Insurance?
Examples of who might be covered by life insurance include : children , your spouse , yourself , grandparents , Key employees , business owners , funding a trust -LRB- Estate Planning -RRB- . You do have to have an insurable interest as mentioned meaning you have a covered interest in the person you are wanting to get covered . You would not be able to cover your neighbor for example or strangers down the street .
Some policies allow coverage for Independent Living in some situations . Typically a LTC policy that pays an institution direct will not pay an independent living residence.Some policies will pay the individual that has qualified for a claim -LRB- by meeting certain criteria -RRB- and some policies may provide coverage while living at home or in an independent living residence ...
Who Can Be Covered By Life Insurance?
There are humorous examples where people have insured gold fish ; however , a living person can be insured . The person applying for the insurance must have an insurable interest at the time the policy is issued . That means you can not buy life insurance as a way to gamble . For the company to offer a life insurance policy there are underwriting criteria which must be met involving the insureds health , family history , occupation , avocation , and additional factors .
Yes , homeowners insurance covers the structure , foundation , and roof -LRB- unless excluded in your policy -RRB- for covered perils . Most standard home insurance policies will come with coverage for additional structures as well -LRB- shed , detached garage , guest house , etc. -RRB- . The policy covers the cost to rebuild from ground up , as long as the damage occurred from a covered peril .
How Much Life Insurance Does The Average American Have?
According to a recent study , 41 % of U.S. adults have no life insurance at all . Of those who do , many only have group term life through their employer -LRB- will terminate when they leave their employer -RRB- typically at amounts like 50,000 or one times salary . The average U.S. household with life insurance owns enough to replace only 3.5 years of income -LRB- LIMRA 2010 U.S. Life Ownership Study -RRB- even though insurance companies will insure those in the 30s or 40 's up to 25 times their income or more .
My father passed away this February and my mom got the benefits from his policies a few weeks after submitting the death claims . Getting the certified death certificate to submit with the death claim actually took about as long as getting the life insurance payments did . One of these policies was taken out in 1945 . Life insurance is an amazing thing .
How Much Life Insurance Does The Average American Have?
According to LIMRA , Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association , the nations leading expert on life insurance sales , the average person has a face amount of $ 165,000 in life insurance . Other interesting statistics on the subject find that 70 % of American households admit they would have financial difficulties if the primary wage earner were to die . So , 7 out of 10 people admit they do n't have enough life insurance in force . Out of this 70 % , 30 % of Americans have no life insurance at all , even though we are all guaranteed to die someday . Life insurance is just too important and affordable not to have enough for those loved ones left behind to pick up the pieces . For example , a young healthy 25 year old female can purchase $ 500,000 in term life insurance for as low as $ 12.62 per month . It is the most affordable insurance product on the market and yet one of the most under purchased for the level needed .
That is a great question ! The thing to know about any insurance is that the costs are always based in great part on the risk of loss that the company has to shell out for . Any young or new driver will have a greater risk as they gain experience than an established driver , so the company will charge them more than the experienced driver . Young men in particular are a greater risk , and as a result , their rates are higher than most other drivers . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
Why Invest In Whole Life Insurance?
Why invest in whole life insurance ? Well it is one of the few insurance products that you actually control , not the insurance carrier . That is a big reason why whole life insurance is expensive compared to other life products . The insurance company bears the risk of the contract as they can not alter or change the terms of the contract , they can not raise the price of the policy in later years and must receive the policy owners permission to do anything to the policy . What a whole life offers is a decent return for the safety it provides the policy holder . There is very little investment risk to a whole life policy compared to other places where a person can put money . This also is reflected in the return . If you had money invested in 2008 you learned first hand about investment risk . That said , while the rest of my investments were losing 40 % my whole life gained value . You ca n't go backwards with a whole life which makes it a good part of anybody 's planning . I call whole life the most boring investment a person can make . Why ? it does what it says it will do .
I would believe that if a person were to become medically disabled due to the medical diagnosis of Alzheimer 's Disease , that yes the claim would be paid . The challenge will be most disability policies end around age 65 years old and some extend to 67 years old . The average age of Alzheimer 's Disease progressing to a disability is much older .
Why Invest In Whole Life Insurance?
That is a great question ! I think it 's important to be clear about the difference between an investment and the protection that life insurance provides . An investment is something that is designed to hopefully increase in value over time , and provide you with an increase over what was invested . Stocks , money markets , mutual funds , bonds , these are investment vehicles . Life insurance typically does n't provide that same result . Term life has no value unless you die while it is in force , and you would n't be able to use any of those funds either way . Whole life insurance pays out when you pass , and the amount is promised when you purchase the policy . Though there are some companies that will pay dividends , these are rare , and most policies will only pay out what your face value is -LRB- and again , that is of no value to you -RRB- . It is a great way to protect against estate taxes , provide an income to those you love and leave behind , and for covering expenses that might outlive you . Life insurance is a worthy investment in that sense . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
That is a great question ! Yes , Dave Ramsey does like term insurance . In Dave 's world , people actually save money , and keep enough on hand to be able to cover their burial expenses . They also are able to find tax-advantaged ways to transfer wealth to their loved ones . With 55 % of American Elder Citizens living in poverty , 66 % of our children living in poverty , and the majority of Americans living without any savings at all , I 'm not sure how well his world translates into the real one . Dave has a great program , and some solid financial advice , but if you can not save money , term will be the best choice for you only if you are too poor to afford any real coverage . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
Why Invest In Whole Life Insurance?
Whole life insurance has many advantages to it . The first being that your premiums are fixed and guaranteed for the rest of your life and as a permanent insurance program , it builds cash value over time . If it 's a participating whole life policy , any dividends that are paid out can be used to either increase the death benefit via paid up additions , reduce your premium , or make a payment to you directly -LRB- options depend on which carriers whole life policy you have -RRB- . If you use the dividends to reduce the premium , the policy can become self-sustaining after a number of years - meaning no more premium payments . Non-participating policies only build cash value - these types of plans do not pay out dividends . If you 're buying whole life coverage when you 're young and its cash value builds for years and years , it can create a nice nest egg for funds that can be used during your retirement years . It 's important to remember that if you borrow from an insurance policy , you 're creating a loan as the monies are expected to be paid back . If you cash out the policy , you lose the life insurance coverage . An alternative for those who are not very concerned about the cash value and want to maximize the death benefit of your life insurance , you may want to consider a guaranteed universal life policy instead of whole life . GULs can offer a larger amount of coverage than whole life policies for the same premium or save you a ton of money on your premiums for a given level of coverage . Make sure to consult with an experienced life insurance broker who can create a structure that will best serve your needs , goals , and budget . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
You can change homeowners insurance whenever you want . If the premium is figured in with your mortgage , the new company can set it up the same way and it is usually a fairly smooth transition . If you are nearing your anniversary date on the policy , try to make the change before the mortgage company pays the old company . It will make the transition easier .
How Do I Know Which Medicare Plan Is Best For Me?
Discuss your options with an independent agent that is familiar with Medicare options in your area . There is no need to allow strangers in your home that hope to pressure you in to making a buying decision before you are ready . I have over 300 Medicare clients and can probably count on one hand the number of people I have met face to face .
That is an excellent question ! Yes , if you can afford to contribute to both accounts , absolutely ! If your employer matches your 401k contribution , you want to keep that company match , it 's free money . If you can keep your contribution level there , and still make your $ 5500 -LRB- $ 6500 if you are 50 + -RRB- contribution to your Roth , great ! If not , you might wantto think about starting off with the 401k account , getting the match , switch to the Roth until it 's maxed , then switch back to the 401k until you reach the max there . Talk to your financial advisor and figure out what will work best for you . If you need help , feel free to contact me , okay ? Thanks for asking !
How Do I Know Which Medicare Plan Is Best For Me?
The best thing to do is to sit down with an independent agent who specializes in Medicare Health Plans and represents most of the major carriers of those plans . A good agent will help you navigate the Medicare.Gov website , help you look up your drugs , doctors and hospitals to find the Medicare Advantage Plans most suited to you or he may , based on your circumstance recommend a Medicare Supplement instead and will help you find a good affordable plan . It is very difficult to do this on your own . A good experienced agent can save you a lot of time and heartache .
Medicare Part B will cover a colonoscopy performed once every 10 years for persons of low risk -LRB- but not within 4 years after a sigmoidoscopy -RRB- . Persons at high risk for colorectal cancer can have a colonoscopy paid for by Medicare every 2 years . A Medicare Advantage Plan may cover colonoscopy more often .
Can You Get Life Insurance With COPD?
The severity of COPD will dictate the cost of coverage or if it is available at all . In applying for insurance you will need certain information from your physician including results of various tests that will help the agent and underwriter help determine what classification is most probable . In addition , you may be able to get standard rates on permanent coverage if you meet certain criteria by age , insurance carrier and severity of the illness .
It can last from 6 months to 1 year depending on which policy to signed up for . If it is short term disability it will last 6 months and long term 1 year . Always ask your agent to explain which plans they are discussing with you at the time of your appointment .
Can You Get Life Insurance With COPD?
COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . It manifests itself in chronic bronchitis , emphysema , or -LRB- most commonly -RRB- a combination of the two . Most COPD is caused by a history of smoking and is progressive in nature . When applying for life insurance , underwriters will look at pulmonary function , whether or not the patient is still smoking , severity and frequency of symptoms , and whether portable oxygen is used . Very mild COPD may qualify for medically underwritten coverage . Generally , simplified issue policies must be used for persons with moderate to severe COPD . If oxygen is used , the applicant will most likely need to purchase guaranteed issue life insurance , if it is available at their age .
The average cost per person in the country for a health insurance plan is estimated to be about $ 328 per month - however , this is only reflective upon a silver level plan -LRB- not all 2014 state figure averages are available yet -RRB- . While you can try to come up with an `` average '' cost , there 's too many factors that go into premium pricing to say how in relation that compares to an individual as compared to the overall group . In short , an `` average '' premium is a rather useless figure to the individual . It 's only representative to a large group - you could have people paying a small nominal amount -LRB- after factoring in subsidies -RRB- per month to several thousand dollars per month . Even for that there 's a ton of information to sift through to get an accurate representation . Under the Affordable Care Act , you have the options for bronze , silver , gold , and platinum level plans -LRB- as you go up in metal , the price goes up , but provides better benefits -RRB- - some areas also have a catastrophic plan available . In addition , your age is a big factor as well . The younger you are , the cheaper your premium - the older you are , the higher your premium . Also , if you use tobacco products , your premium can be increased up to 50 % as well . This is where an independent insurance agent can really help you . They can work with you to look at a wide range of options from many of the top carriers in the industry and find the plan that 's going to be best suitable for your needs .
Can You Get Life Insurance With COPD?
Can you get life insurance with COPD ? The short answer is no . The longer answer is it will depend on your personal health history provided through a pre-screening process that would tell you what to expect for a classification . It is unlikely a person would be considered a standard risk with COPD , but that person may get a table offer from a carrier at a much higher rate .
There are some life insurance companies that can rate as good as Preferred for mild sleep apnea that is regularly and well controlled by ventilation therapy . Moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnea will incur a higher cost , and generally require a follow up sleep study at least one year after diagnosis to show that sleep apnea symptoms have gone away with consistent use of Cpap , Bipap or other treatment . Central sleep apnea , uncontrolled sleep apnea , or very severe OSA may be declined by traditional policies , but can qualify for some simplified issued policies .
Can You Get Life Insurance With COPD?
There are Life Insurance Companies that issue `` guaranteed issue '' life insurance polcies . What State do you live in ? It may take some time invested on your part to find a company and you may save some time by calling the State Department of Insurance in your State and ask them if they can tell you what companies are licensed in the State that issue `` guaranteed issue '' policies . These polcies are not going to be the usual life insurance policies full of bells and whistles but they will serve your death benefit needs . Another way around this problem is to open a savings account at your local bank and save what you can each week and once you have saved $ 5000 invest this money into an `` annuity '' or a `` mutual fund '' if your risk preference will allow you to do so . In other words the dollars you would spend on a life insurance policy invest into a savings vehicle and provide the death benefit you need by saving it .
Under the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare a child can stay on a parents plan until they become 26 . They can stay on the plan even if they are offer employer sponsored group insurance or are marrierd . The only issue is that if they are on their parents plan and they have a child the child can not go on their plan .
Can You Get Life Insurance With A Felony?
Yes , you can get life insurance with a felony . If you are over age 40 , there are guaranteed issue policies that you can get , even if the felony was committed a short time ago . If your felony was years ago and the probation period is over , you can even get preferred rates with some companies .
Life insurance rates vary for several reasons . One reason is the age and risk of the person being insured . An older person with poor health will most likely die sooner than a younger , healthier person . Life insurance companies need to bring in enough premiums to pay claims , so they try to be fair by charging more to persons with higher risk than to those with lower risk . That way the strength of the company and the security of each policy is ensured . Another reason that life insurance rates vary is because life insurance policies vary . E.g. a 10 year term policy will jump way up in price in 10 years . A permanent policy may keep the same premium for life . Finally , some policy rates vary because life insurance companies specialize in different types of policies and risks . Some are more competitive with some types of policies than others .
Can You Get Life Insurance With A Felony?
Yes , you can . And you do not have to settle for simplified issue policies with small face amounts . If you need several hundred thousand or several million dollars worth of coverage for your family or business , it could be done . I have done it . I have three cases for my files to share with you . One was a gentleman who was arrested for assaulting a police officer . It had to do with the officer breaking up a fight and accidentally getting hurt . The police department really went after my guy and forced him to serve time even though he did not cause the injury . I actually got the approval for coverage the day before he started his sentence . Another was a client who worked as a pharmacist . He unfortunately started taking some of the narcotic drugs he was distributing . He then became addicted to them and stole them . He was caught , served time , and then put on probation . The day after probation ended , he submitted his application . Approved as quoted . In another case , my client served time due to wire fraud . He was actually still on probation when he applied for coverage . Of course , I had prequalified him before submitting a formal application , so I had confirmed he was eligible for coverage . He was also approved as quoted . The fact of the matter is that criminal record is factored into underwriting , but an answer of yes on the application doesnt have to be a dealbreaker . There are companies that will work with you under certain circumstances . The broker has to know how to work with them . There is hope .
Under the Affordble Care Act , all Americans should be eligible for health insurance . There are some exemptioms , such as Indian Tribal communitiesand Religious Sects . When an individual does not qualify under an exemption in a Qualified Health Plan , penalties will be accessed on their Federal Tax Return when filing their Income Taxes . These fees may increase over the yearsif you do not obtain the minimum health insurance requirement . Most states should have low income programs availible . Medicare and Medicaid are availible in some states . Know your options . California has a Marketplace availible to residents . Some Americans will receive Tax Credits or Cost Sharing opportunities to help offset premiums . It is important that you know your options . There are agents and Brokers affiliated with the Marketplaces to assist you in obtaining the appropriate coverage availible to individuals and families .
Can You Get Life Insurance With A Felony?
There are companies that specialize and underwrite life insurance for what is documented as high risk also termed as impaired risk . If you been denied by one company because you are not able to obtain insurance by another company then a company that issues these policies are available . The rates may be a little more but will write you a policy at what is called guaranteed issue . The amount is at a set benefit that will satisfy the applicant . I am partnered with impaired risk companies .
The short and direct answer is no , a Homeowners ' Insurance policy does noit cover for a flood . Flood Insurance must be obtained separately . FEMA administers the plans and they can be written through a number of different insurance companies . Check their website and look for Flood Certified Agents who would be happy to answer your questions and help you through the process .
Can You Get Life Insurance With A Felony?
Depending on any other risk factors that you may have you may be able to purchase a life insurance policy with a felony . You will more than likely be rated if you have a felony , which means that you will typically pay more than someone that has not had a felony . Contact a local agent to find out more about coverage availability and pricing in your area .
A homeowners policy pays for damage caused by specified perils . The damage caused by a burst pipe would be covered and should be dealt with swiftly . The repair of the pipe would not be covered unless it was caused by one of the specified perils , for example explosion . Water damage is a very sensitive matter and should be handled with greatest speed .
How Much Disability Insurance You Need?
Regulations will only allow between 50 and 80 % of your income in most cases . Disability insurance is designed to help pay the bills if you become disabled for a period of time . Look at the maximum you are allowed based on your income . If you feel you can get by with less then adjust it accordingly .
Dual entitlement for Medicare is when someone qualifies for Medicare based on more than one criteria . E.g. . They have been receiving Medicare due to being disabled over 24 months , then develop qualified End Stage Renal Disease -LRB- ESRD -RRB- . This becomes an issue when there is a Group Health Plan -LRB- GHP -RRB- involved , and they must decide whether Medicare is the primary or secondary payor .
How Much Disability Insurance You Need?
If you have already taken out the max coverage with a private disability insurance , look into other forms of coverage that will give you even more protection . Critical illness insurance would offer a lump sum payout that could help get your through the elimination period of your DI policy . Also , if you 're a business owner , you can get additional coverage to help keep your business running .
The term fixed has to do with the cash accumulation of the annuity . It means that the money is invested in the fixed assets administered by the insurance company issuing the annuity . This is almost always guaranteed interest . Current interest can be credited , market permitting but there is always that guaranteed rate of interest .
What Is A Life Insurance Rider?
That is a great question ! A `` rider '' in insurance lingo , is a clause that is attached to the body of the original policy . It `` rides '' along on it . Some life insurance policies will allow for the addition of a term insurance policy as a rider to covera spouse 's or children 's life insurance needs . The applicants life insurance policy will now -LRB- for an additional cost -RRB- insure their life , plus the person/s named in the rider -LRB- for however long the rider is in force -RRB- . Accidental death and dismemberment policies are popular riders also . Need more info ? Feel free to drop me a line , I 'm happy to help . Thanks for asking !
USAA is a full services insurance company , meaning that they offer policies that cover a wide variety of needs , including homeowners . You have to qualify to be insured with them but you can check their website and register , to see if you can be accepted . In addition to auto and homeowners , they also write policies to cover renters , recreational vehicles , small businesses and many other products . Everything is listed on their website .
What Is A Life Insurance Rider?
A rider on life insurance policy is an additional coverage on the original policy . It is not a named coverage as the same with all insurance policies . Riders are cost saving and advantageous . For instance , if you want a child rider on a life policy . The cost would be an additional $ 5.00 for $ 25,000 in coverage to cover all children no matter how many in the family . Contrary , to individual policies which add up to more . This is until each child is no longer dependent , and is guaranteed insurable . The .
Assuming you mean guaranteed insurability option , you can purchase a rider that gives you the choice to purchase additional life insurance without medical proof . This can be a very valuable option , just like leasing a house with the option to buy . If the value of the house goes up , you can exercise the option to buy . If it goes down you dont exercise the option . If you need more insurance later on you can exercise the option to purchase more insurance without medical underwriting .
What Is A Life Insurance Rider?
A life insurance rider is a policy provision that sets it apart from a basic policy offered by that same company . The rider adds a benefit to the policy , usually -LRB- but not always -RRB- at an additional cost . Some riders are as follows : Child Rider - adds coverage for all the children in the family for the cost of one rider . Terminal Illness Rider - allows up to 50 % of the death benefit to be taken in cash if diagnosed with a terminal illness . Waiver of Premium Rider - pays the life insurance premium if you were to become disabled . Disability Income Rider - provides income in case of disability , as a disability insurance policy would do . Chronic Illness Rider - would pay for extended care needs . Critical Illness Rider - would pay a lump sum if diagnosed with certain diseases . Accidental Death Rider - would pay extra is the cause of death was an accident .
In Canada a group Registered Retirement Savings is simply a company sponsored RRSP . It is covered by the same legislation as an individual plan . In most cases the company -LRB- employer -RRB- is making a contribution to the plan and / or paying some or all of the administration costs . It is often used as as substitute and sometimes as an addition to a company pension plan . If you would like to work with a local Retirement Planner , you could start with a Google search . For example if you search for : retirement planner Halifax or retirement planning Halifax , my name along with several others will come up . You can use the same method to find Retirement Planners in your community . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .
What Is A Life Insurance Rider?
A life insurance rider is defined as a supplemental agreement that adds something to a policy . E.g. Riders that pay an additional benefit for accidental death or the death of a child . However , the term , life insurance rider , is also used to describe a supplement to a policy that limits or waives benefits in certain situations . E.g. Aviation exclusion rider .
The appropriate time to drop disability insurance is when you and your loved ones are no longer dependent upon your income . This means you have built a nice nest egg or an ongoing residual income to last until your retirement income starts . Otherwise you should keep your disability coverage in place if you are still dependent upon your ability to work for your income .
What Is A Life Insurance Rider?
Many types of life insurance offer additional protection items called riders . some of them are free and embedded into the policy , while most cost more money to add them on to the base policy . Here 's just a few of the examples of the riders offered with life insurance : waver of premium , spousal , children , long term care , critical illness , terminal illness , etc. .
Medicare only covers braces for those who are on Medicare . Body braces -LRB- not dental braces -RRB- are considered a type of durable medical equipment -LRB- DME -RRB- - this includes braces for your neck , arm , leg , and back . Medicare provides coverage for DMEs under Part B , generally about 80 % - you would be responsible for the other 20 % -LRB- a Medicare supplement policy can help pick up this expense -RRB- .
Can I Get Homeowners Insurance With A Pitbull?
You may be able to secure homeowners insurance through one of many carriers . Some carriers may charge a premium for owning a pit pull bread or may even require an exclusion of coverage for claims involving the dog . Every company and every policy is different . To best find out what is available within your area contact a local agent to discuss your coverage concerns .
When you purchase traditional life insurance to cover your mortgage , you are buying a policy that will pay the same death benefit for the entire length of the policy , regardless of what your mortgage is at that time . Most people leave the death benefit to a personal beneficiary who they can trust to pay off the mortgage , or to a trust that stipulates to use the death benefit in that fashion . However , one of the nice things about using life insurance for mortgage protection , is that a beneficiary may decide to keep the mortgage and use the death benefit in another way , if that is more favorable to them . This may especially be true at this time of very low mortgage interest rates . Some people take the step of reducing their policy coverage as their mortgage gets past a certain point of being paid off .
How Much Is A Life Insurance Policy Worth?
If are the insured person on a Term Life insurance policy , it is only worth something if you pass away . Then the face amount of the policy will be paid to your beneficiary . If you own a Whole Life or Universal Life policy , the proceeds will be paid to your beneficiary if the insured person passes away . But there is also a cash value component to these policies . If you cashed your policy in before death , the surrender value -LRB- cash accumulation minus surrender charge and fees -RRB- would be the worth of your policy to you .
This is a delicious question because so many people are denied coverage . The irony here is that many of these declinations could have been approvals . How ? Here are the three reasons why people get declined for coverage : 1 -RRB- They applied with the wrong carrier . Different underwriters have different levels of expertise with regards to different underwriting risks . Some are strong with cardiac cases ; others are strong in respiratory cases ; others are strong with hobbies like piloting . If you present a certain risk with which an underwriter does not have a comfort level , he will either decline you , or slam you with extra premium . 2 -RRB- The broker did not represent the candidate sufficiently . Many times eligibility for coverage is up to debate . Problems can occur with regards to verbal disclosures ; medical records ; lab results ; and many other factors in underwriting . These problems can often be resolved if the broker has sufficient expertise , negotiating skills , and leverage with the carrier . If not , then the applicant could be declined unnecessarily . 3 -RRB- Deal-breakers . Sometimes , people just are not eligible for coverage . If you did cocaine yesterday , and want $ 2million of coverage today , you will be out of luck . If you have stage four cancer , unfortunately , you might end up with some burial insurance and nothing more . The good news here is that with the proper coaching from your broker , you could qualify for life insurance at a future point . The broker should be able to detail for you exactly what circumstances have to be in place to do so .
How Much Is A Life Insurance Policy Worth?
What is your definition of worth . Are you speaking of the face value of the policy , the death benefit , or the cash value . The face value is the dollar amount that the policy is originally issued for . Death benefit depending on the policy can be greater than the original policy issue or may be lower due to loans taken out from the policy 's cash value . Whole life or permanent life insurance policies will sometimes build cash value over time .
The good news is that annuity income is usually reported by the insurance company issuing the annuity . When they make a disbursement they also issue appropriate documentation to assist in filing your taxes . They send identical information to the Internal Revenue Service . Generally speaking when money is withdrawn from an annuity it is treated as interest and then taxed as ordinary income until the interest is exhausted and only the basis -LRB- the sum of premiums paid -RRB- remains . That money can be recovered free of income tax . If the annuity is annuitized , that is paid out in monthly installments either over an extended period of time or the lifetime of the annuitant , then an exclusion factor is determined and applied to each payment . A part of each payment will be taxed as ordinary income . The bad news is that these principles apply to non-qualified annuities held by individuals and these barely touch all the situations that can arise and the taxation of those unique situations . While this response is not meant to take the place of legal and accounting professional advice it should alert you to some of the complexities of taxing annuities . The most obvious situation is when an annuity is held as an asset of qualified pension plan . This includes defined benefit plans ; defined contribution plans -LRB- 401 -LRB- k -RRB- , IRAs and many others . The income taken by these plans is taxed as ordinary income unless it is taken prior to age fifty-nine and a half . If taken earlier it could be subject to a penalty tax of an additional ten per cent . Where annuities taxation becomes complex is when deferred annuities are transferred . That is when a person gives another person an annuity on their life , or the life of a third party . The basic rule is that the transfer is treated as surrender and taxed accordingly . The annuity that is transferred is treated as having been fully paid . It then has a basis of the value that was taxed . For estate planning reasons the ownership of an annuity is sometimes held by a trust and this leads to another set of taxation considerations involving the non-natural person rule . Who is going to be taxed is the basic issue and this can be quite tangled . Of course there are exceptions to all of these rules . Taxation is fairly straightforward if the annuity is annuitized . State laws concerning probate can create some unexpected outcomes and taxation . When an individual owns an annuity and the annuitant is another person , perhaps a spouse , the death of the owner triggers the beneficiary provision and another third person could suddenly own the contract upsetting the intentions of the couple , even if it is a child . Many of the taxation rules are specific to individual insurance companies and it is wise to carefully make sure that the company you select from whom to purchase the annuity follows the procedures that will maintain your plan and keep taxation as uncomplicated as possible . Absent all other plans , the IRS frequently calls for a liquidation of a transferred annuity within five years . The key is the desire to get the tax question settled .
How Much Is A Life Insurance Policy Worth?
There are several ways to look at that . If you are still living the death benefit is not worth anything currently . But the cash value has a definite worth . The cash surrender value is what most people would consider the worth of you life insurance . But there is also a reduced paid up amount that you could opt for that would possibly be worth more to you .
Primerica sells term life insurance . The company was established on the belief that individuals should `` buy term and invest the difference '' . Their representatives are trained to sell term life rather than permanent -LRB- cash value -RRB- life insurance . The company relies upon part time sales people to sell its term life insurance product .
How Much Is A Life Insurance Policy Worth?
That is a great question ! I am going to assume that your question is a straight up value question , and not the metaphysical emotional value one . The face value , or death benefit is the amount that the policy will pay to the beneficiary when the insured passes away . That benefit is payable when the insured passes on a whole life policy , and only if the insured passes during the specified term on a term life policy . I hope that was what you were looking for , thanks for asking !
Life insurance death benefit proceeds are paid to the policy beneficiary and are generally tax free . Depending upon the policy owners total asset base , proceeds could be included for estate taxation purposes . Cash value life insurance that is surrendered , terminated or matures with gain in the contract -LRB- including policy loans that exceed basis -RRB- will be subject to ordinary income taxes .
How Much Is A Life Insurance Policy Worth?
Life insurance is worth the face amount to those who you love if you should die prematurely . Life insurance is worth the cash value to you should you need to make an unsecured loan or surrender the policy for cash . Most important reason , though , is that life insurance will give you peace of mind knowing that those you love will not suffer unnecessarily if your should die .
When Term Life Insurance expires there may be a couple of choices . With some Term life insurance , the policy just ends . If you want a new policy you would have to apply for a new one . With other Term life insurance policies , you have the option to pay a new , much higher premium . This premium is usually annually renewable and can go up every year . Rather than let the policy expire and have to pay that premium , it would be a better idea to convert the Term policy to a Permanent policy , if that option exists . But converting Term to Permanent must occur before the Term policy expires , sometimes years prior to that time . Review your Term policy 's features to see when the conversion period ends .
How Much Is A Life Insurance Policy Worth?
There are two key values to a life insurance policy : its death benefit and its cash value . The death benefit is the amount the policy pays as a lump sum -LRB- generally income tax free -RRB- when the life insured dies . The cash value is what the policy is `` worth '' to the owner during life . Term life insurance has no cash value while permanent policies are a current asset . The cash value of a policy can be accessed during life if necessary through withdrawing some of the money as cash or taking a policy loan . Or , the policy could be canceled for the cash surrender value - the total value of the asset . At this point , the death benefit amount is canceled .
The Federal Government provides Social Security Disability for people who worked and paid into the system , and have a disability that is expected to last for twelve months or longer , or result in death . Certain people born with a disability may be eligible to receive benefits after age eighteen . Only private companies offer long term disability insurance for purchase . These policies may pay larger benefit amounts , for a wider array of disabling conditions than does Social Security Disability .
Does Basal Cell Carcinoma Affect Life Insurance?
No , basal cell carcinoma does not have much of an effect on life insurance premiums , if any . Squamous cell carcinoma does affect rates more , depending on the stage , how long ago it was removed , and whether there was any recurrence or multiple spots . Melanoma , of course , has the most significant impact on life insurance rates of cancer affecting the skin , and may cause a decline if past stage 1 occurred within the past year .
First Congratulations ! Second , yes absolutely you can purchase health insurance for your newborn . However , there are rules that only allow you do so within so many days . So there is a clock running . Now there are different ways to go about getting that coverage in place . One approach may make it much more affordable than others for you and your situation . The last 9 months have seen a litany of new steps and rules for each of us to navigate in order to purchase insurance . Please call our office for one on one guidance through the process . You can reach me at 913-279-0077 .
Does Life Insurance Cover Accidental Death?
Unless otherwise stated an in force life insurance policy has on all death claims events regardless of the cause of death with the exception of suicide in the contestability period and outright fraud or material omission . Some life insurance policies have an accidental death benefit or double indemnity , which could be a consideration .
Your income and the individual Disability Insurance policy will determine how much Disability Insurance you can get . Most private , Long Term Disability policies allow a monthly benefit of 45-70 % of your monthly earned income . Group Disability insurance usually will replace 60 % of the base salary that is being paid to employees .
Does Life Insurance Cover Accidental Death?
Life insurance may cover accidental death in one of two ways : The insurance policy may have built-in coverage for accidental death at no extra charge to you The insurance policy may have a `` rider '' attached that provides accidental death coverage of the amount you choose for an extra premium . Either way , the answer is yes .
Employers can offer many group benefits to their employees . Group disability is generally short term disability with a modest monthly benefit during times of critical illness or recovery from injuries on or off work , in contrast to workmans comp . Group benefits count in the total coverage for individual disability coverage .
What Impact Does Insurance Have On Supply And Demand In Health Care?
Health insurance has a major impact on the economic forces of supply and demand . Even more so with the low deductible copay plans that are popular . Consumers are isolated from the true cost of health care when all they know is $ 20 copay 's . On average , consumers pay about 12 % of the total cost of their health care , the rest is paid by insurance carriers . This impacts utilization which not only drives up the cost of health care but the cost of health insurance as well .
It does . Comprehensive , aka other than collision , covers damages to the auto that is not collision related . As with collision , comprehensive coverage will also have its own deductible . Now in my state , colliding with a deer is considered a comprehensive claim . It is best to ask your local insurance agent as there are variations state to state .
How Much Is Life Insurance For A Mortgage?
When you buy life insurance to cover a mortgage , you can buy your policy in the face amount and term length that you want . Often , that is 30 year term to cover a 30 year mortgage . About 20 years down the road you may have half your mortgage paid off . At that time you could reduce your life insurance policy to half the face amount and save some money . Or you could start out taking half of your coverage in 30 year Term and half in 20 year Term . Buying the shorter term policy will save you some money and when it runs out , you still have 10 years of coverage left . All this is to say , you really ca n't know how much mortgage life insurance costs until you talk to an agent and figure out the best way to set up your policy . Give someone who sells level Term life insurance today ; you will be glad you took the time .
When someone has been prescribed medially necessary skilled nursing , here is what is covered -LRB- when provided by a Medicare approved provider -RRB- : 1 . Semi-private Room -LRB- a room you share with other patients -RRB- 2 . Meals 3 . Skilled Nursing Care 4 . Physical Therapy * 4 . Occupational Therapy * 5 . Speech-Language Pathology Services * 6 . Medical Social Services 7 . Medications 8 . Medical Supplies and Equipment Used in Facility 9 . Ambulance Transportation -LRB- when other transportation endangers health -RRB- to the nearest supplier of needed services that arent available at the SNF 10 . Dietary Counseling * If prescribed to meet your health goals
What Is The Best Auto Insurance Coverage To Have?
First , choose a reputable auto insurance carrier . Then , the best way to answer this question is to state that you should ... of course , be guided by your budget constraints . However , you need to be realistic about the amount of potential liability to which you and your family could be exposed , particularly in the event of an at-fault accident . With regard to needed collision and comprehensive coverage for each vehicle , you may or may not need coverage on each , based on the age of the vehicles and whether or not there are lien-holders . Back to liability , using an example , think how much financial exposure could result from you or a family member rear-ending a a $ 40,000 vehicle , which is pushed into another vehicle , causing a total loss to the $ 40K car and significant damage to the other car . Additionally , two passengers in one vehicle claim serious injuries as a result of the accident for which you are liable . You can quickly see that minimum or low liability limits could easily expose you to significant financial loss , in the event that the losses exceed your insurance liability coverage . How would you pay for the excess damages beyond your policy limits of liability ?
Health insurance for small businesses works very differently from individual coverage - there are many moving parts involved with putting together a group health insurance plan . There are different types of programs available for group coverage and each business may have a different tolerance for what they 're willing to take on in terms of price or what they 're willing to offer to their employees . Group health insurance quotes are based on the size of your business , the industrys SIC code , age of employees , and average employee health -LRB- except in Maryland , which requires no medical underwriting -RRB- . There 's really no way to say what group coverage costs without going through that input first to create the quotes . There are no instant online quotes for group health insurance for these reasons . To get a quote for group coverage , you will need to consult with an experienced health insurance broker . We can shop for quotes from multiple companies for you and create a benefit structure that best serves the needs and budgets of your business and your employees . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help -LRB- we can help you get your company 's group health insurance set up -RRB- and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
What Is The Best Auto Insurance Coverage To Have?
I like to look at this question a little differently . There are basically three parts to your auto insurance policy . One part covers you if you hurt somebody -LRB- or something -RRB- . A second part covers you and your family if someone hurts you and does n't have any insurance or not enough to reimburse you for your injuries/suffering/lost earnings . A third part covers the car you may be driving should it be damaged . How much coverage would you expect someone to have if they hurt you or a family member ? That is a good guide for how much liability coverage you should consider . Your liability limit for others and uninsured/under-insured motorists limit for you should be consistent . If someone or something damaged your car , would you want to be reimbursed ? If so , your auto insurance should include comprehensive and collision coverage . Older fully paid car ? Still may be worth several thousand dollars and well worth insuring . It 's better to have a higher deductible than no coverage at all . If your insurance coverage meets these tests , this may be the best insurance coverage for you . Then I like to consider insurers who will also provide my homeowner 's / tenant 's coverage through a respected local agent with reasonably competitive premiums .
I am not familiar with `` D&D '' , could you mean `` AD&D '' ? That is an accidental death and dismemberment rider on life insurance policies . Those are stand alone polices as well . As a rider added to a traditional life policy it doubles the face amount benefit in case of accidental death and triples the face amount if death by a common carrier -LRB- plane , train , ferry -RRB- . It will also pay a scheduled percentage in case of loss of limb -LRB- arm , hand , leg , foot -RRB- or loss of hearing or sight . These are usually very inexpensive to add to a policy . Just remember accidental death is still covered as any other death on a traditional life insurance policy .
How Much Renters Insurance To Buy?
You should ask yourself , How much can I afford to lose ? That will give you a simple answer . However , most buyers of tenants insurance fail to recognize the problem of legal liability . If someone is injured while on your rented property , they will potentially sue you . The cost of defending a suit and paying the judgment could easily force a person into bankruptcy . While the personal property is important coverage for liability is even more important . So , buy what you need and take the highest liability option available .
It would be included in the estate when all named beneficiaries predecease the insured -LRB- and assuming it 's not being owned by a life insurance trust -RRB- . The proceeds from the policy are income-tax free . If you name your spouse the beneficiary to the policy , the monies would not be included in the calculation of the estate . If the beneficiary is someone else , it would be included in the calculation of the estate for tax purposes . A trust , such as an irrevocable life insurance trust -LRB- ILIT -RRB- , can allow the proceeds to be excluded from the taxable estate because you would no longer be the owner of the policy . The trust would be the owner and controls how the proceeds are distributed . Please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Does Medicare Pay For A Gym Membership?
No . However , if you are looking for this kind of value added benefit in Medicare coverage you may want to explore Medicare Advantage Plans when looking for your supplemental coverage . Medicare Advantage Plans are generally HMO like options that include a variety of value added services that go beyond traditional Medicare coverage and Medicare supplement plan coverage . One of the features of many Medicare Advantage Plans will be gym discounts .
I would say no not everyone needs disability insurance it would depend on how well you handled your finances in the past it would not hurt to have it but does the numbers add up ? In my opinion if you have strong investments it could be a waste but if you do n't then you would need the insurance if you lost the ability to work your occupation . One of the most important factors to ask yourself is do the numbers add up what does your savings account balance look like that will determine in most cases if you need it or not or if you can afford it this is a very good question to ask the numbers must not be fake .
Where To Compare Life Insurance Quotes?
One of the best quoting tools that have ever hit the Life Insurance industry are called E-Apps - this is where you do the application online with your agent - no visiting or wasting time sitting at the kitchen table or anything like it used to be with paper applications . The entire process takes about 7 minutes on the phone , then the home office takes over from there . Quotes in a jiffy and Application and Underwrtiing in a jiffy
One of the biggest advantages to Annuities is the low risk . As long as you follow the terms of the contract and do not surrender early , you will never lose money on an Annuity . Indexed Annuities are tied to the Stock indexes and can provide some of the gains without the risk of the stock market . Due to the guarantees in the contract and lower risk , you will not have the higher gains of riskier investments , but it is still competitive since you do not have to worry about the losses . Never tie up all of your money into any long term investment vehicle . Companies are now required to have suitability requirements so make sure you understand what you are purchasing and the surrender terms .
Where To Compare Life Insurance Quotes?
Some websites , such as mine , will allow you to put in personal and health information so that you can compare life insurance quotes online . You should still call or email the website to make sure your quote is accurate . But using a quote engine that gives you instant quotes is a good way to familiarize with what different policies cost at different ages and with different carriers .
Over the lifetime of the policy a whole life policy will usually cost much less than the death benefit . As a matter of fact , many whole life policies cost almost nothing by the time they reach their 20th year or so . Whole life insurance is the most reliable and cost effective life insurance policy that you can buy . There are a great number of term policies that lapse every year and they are all cost and no benefit .
Where To Compare Life Insurance Quotes?
That is a great question ! There are probably about 80 bazillion internet sites that will give you quotes , and as long as you understand that 99 % of them are `` best case '' quotes , and should be taken with a grain of salt , then you can use them . Personally , I believe that finding an independent agent -LRB- one not tied to a specific brand name company -RRB- is the way to go . We usually will have several companies that we work with , and through the interview process , can usually provide you with several accurate quotes right away . Plus , you have the benefit of having the policy explained to you , so you understand what you would be purchasing . I hope that helps , thank you for asking !
Other than when you are turning 65 or you 've worked past the age of 65 and are just leaving your employer plan to go to Medicare for your benefits , you will have to qualify for a new Medigap policy . The companies vary greatly in their underwriting criteria . There are companies that are tough on their underwriting and companies that are very lenient on their underwriting . Each state has a different set of companies that offer plans there . So it is too vague , not knowing where you are , to determine first the companies there and the health questions then involved . We help seniors in 34 states and know each company 's criteria by heart . We 'd be happy to look up the best companies in your area for you . We can be reached at 1-800-729-9590 . This is very helpful video that you might find enlightening ! WEBSITELINK
Where To Compare Life Insurance Quotes?
You can easily compare term life insurance quotes by going to a website that shows you quotes from multiple companies . If you pick a website with `` instant '' quotes , the quotes will come up comparing quotes from different companies , and you can then change variables to compare quotes on different policies within that company . Once you see a policy you are interested in , be sure to talk to someone at that agency , or communicate by email , so that you can be sure you qualify for that particular rate . No quote engine can cover every question , and you may find that there is an even lower price out there for you , or a policy that works better for your needs . But comparing quotes online is a good place to start .
Many , but not all , major medical plans will cover the use of Botox for a medical diagnosis of Hyperhidrosis . You and/or your physician will need to contact your health insurance carrier to determine if your particular policy will cover this treatment and under what conditions . Even when it is covered , it is generally viewed as a last resort treatment so your insurance carrier will almost certainly expect that other treatments for this condition be tried first before approving the use of Botox . Remember , Botox is a toxic substance and is not without its own risks , this is why a cautious approach towards the approval of use of this treatment is followed .
Where To Compare Life Insurance Quotes?
It may be time consuming but pick your favorite 5 companies and call them and ask for quotes . Do you want a `` permanent '' policy or do you just want to cover the next 10 or 20 years . Are you trying to save money by have a `` cash value '' policy ? Is the policy just to cover you or also your spouse ? In other words , for the companies to give you a quote you need to decide what kind of policy you need .
Medicare will cover treatment of sleep apnea , including a CPAP if justified as medically necessary . You must have been examined by a doctor and have a confirmed diagnosis of apnea . Your doctor must have prescribed a sleep test and the study must confirm the diagnosis . Medicare will pay for rental of a CPAP machine if you qualify .
Where To Compare Life Insurance Quotes?
Do you know what you want ? Are you sure ? A good agent can help answer all your questions and assist you in knowing how and what to decide . That is a major functions of a quality Life Insurance Agent . They are trained to gather the facts from you and make recommendations for you to select from . Do you want Whole Life or Term ? Do you know the difference ? How much coverage do you need ? Do you really know how to determine that ? How do you select beneficiaries ? If they are minors do you know how to ensure the money goes to them and not to Probate Court ? These are the types of things I can help you with .
Universal life is generally purchased to cover the beneficiaries of the policy from financial the liabilities of the policy insured . Universal life is a permanent form of cash value life insurance that can also benefit the policy owner during their lifetime with tax advantaged income they can use for retirement .
Where To Compare Life Insurance Quotes?
The best place to truly compare life insurance quotes is to use an experienced independent life insurance broker with dozens of companies to shop . The problem with shopping rates online , almost all give you the best case scenario or best preferred rate , which less than 5 % of the population qualify for . It takes more than age , sex , state of residence and build to run a true quote . There are many other factors life insurance companies consider . Find someone you are confident and comfortable with before shopping .
Life insurance is not charged income tax , as a rule . If the policy is left to the estate , it is subject to the taxes and fees that apply to the rest of the estate . But if it is left to a person , that person does not have to pay income tax on the proceeds -LRB- except if the policy is a MEC , on interest earned , or some other situations -RRB- .
Is Medicare Secondary Insurance?
If you only have Medicare A & B or Parts A & B plus a Medigap plan , Medicare is going to pay first . When you have more than one plan paying a claim , the process has to follow the coordination of benefits rules to determine who pays first and who pays second . The majority of the time , people who are on Medicare will have two types of coverage when they or their spouse works for an employer . Self-employed individuals will generally only be on Medicare and drop their under 65 policy -LRB- unless their spouse has group coverage they can be on -RRB- . How big the company is and whether or not the insured employee is working will generally determine who pays first . If the employer has 20 or more employees , the employer plan will pay first and Medicare second . If the employer has less than 20 employees , Medicare will pay first and the employer will pay second . If you 're on Medicare for a disability , the employer plan pays first and Medicare pays second if there are 100 or more employees - if there are less than 100 employees , Medicare pays first and the employer plan pays second . Please let me know if I can be of further assistance . Thanks very much .
It 's 2016 . Let me add to this with an updated reply : We work with about 12 carriers that offer Critical Illness . There only tends to be two `` not covered areas '' with some policies . # 1 . Certain types of Skin cancer are not covered . Skin cancer means melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer . Understand if and at what level skin cancers are covered . Melanoma of the skin , the deadliest form of skin cancer , is the fifth most common type of new cancer diagnosis in American men and the seventh most common type in American women . SO make sure skin cancer is covered . # 2 Know the difference between Invasive Cancer & Carcinoma in Situ -LRB- Non-Invasive Cancer -RRB- . All policies pay a reduced amount for in Situ . Carcinoma in Situ is the earliest form of cancer which involves only the tissue where it is found and has not invaded the surrounding tissue or organs in the body . So when the cancer is smaller and localized , it 's not nearly as `` threatening '' . The benefit amount for in Situ is a percentage of the full amount . So if you bought a $ 10,000 critical illness policy , a typical plan pays 25 % of the benefit amount for in Situ . Or in this example , $ 2500 . The good news is that the other $ 7500 is still there for you to access should the cancer spread . KNOW the percentage that is paid out . I still believe some carriers only pay out at 10 % for in Situ ... I suggest a carrier that is at 25 % . So this is n't a `` not covered issue '' . Invasive vs. in Situ is just know at what level your benefit pays out . Something else ... we lean towards plans that trigger a benefit upon diagnosis , not treatment of , the critical illness . Consider the organ transplant coverage . You need the $ $ way before the actual transplant . It can take months before you are 1st in line for an organ . As with all my other posts , we let underwriting determine the best choice for someone and then the coverage for the premium paid . BYE THE BEST you can qualify for folks ... . Reach out and I can work on getting you a copy of `` Stop Wasting Your Money on Insurance '' . - gravy
Can Health Insurance Deny You?
Under the Afforable Care Act , you can not be declined for health insurance due to a pre-existing condition or other health-related issue . You have the option to secure a bronze , silver , gold , or platinum level plan - please note , not every carrier offers a plan under each level -LRB- e.g. company XYZ may only offer bronze , silver , and gold plans , but not platinum plans -RRB- . Individuals under age 30 also have the option of securing a catastrophic plan . If you qualify for a subsidy , you would want to look into plans ON the health insurance exchanges . If you do n't qualify for one , you may want to look into plans OFF the exchanges as you will generally have more options available to you . I always recommend consulting with an experienced broker to review your plan options - we have an in-depth knowledge of products from various carriers and can help you determine which one will be most suitable to your needs and budget . Please let me know if I can be of assistance . Thanks very much .
It may . Many renters policy 's provide coverage for theft less your deductible up to the limits stated within the policy and subject to any exclusions listed within the policy . Read your policy completely to understand the coverages provided and any exclusions that may be contained within or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
Can you get a Silvers Sneakers membership at the YMCA if you are on Medicare?
From my understanding , you can get the membership issued through private insurance companies - so you would need to have a Medicare supplement -LRB- Medigap -RRB- plan or a Medicare Advantage plan that offers the silver sneaker membership . I do n't believe original Medicare offers silver sneaker membership . So if you 're only on Medicare Part A & Part B , you could add a Medigap plan that offers the membership . As to which carriers offer it , I believe it ultimately depends on what state you live in as some carriers offer it in some states and not in others . You can find out if your plan offers the membership on the silver sneakers website health plan locator . Here 's a link to their page : WEBSITELINK I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help with your coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
A mutual fund is an investment vehicle operated by an investment company which pools the assets of many individuals . The money raised is then invested in accordance with pre-defined goals . Money market funds : These funds invest in a variety of short term , money market debt such as Treasure bills or commercial paper . Growth funds : have an emphasis on long-term capital growth , usually through investment in common stock . Income funds : Focus on providing high , current income , using bonds and other income producing securities . Balanced funds : strive to provide income and long-term capital gain . Both stocks and bonds are used . Keep in mind that mutual funds have risk and you can lose money . Non-qualified tax deferred annuities have basically three crediting methods : interest rate crediting , indice crediting and separate sub account crediting . Interest rates are generated by the companys predominately government bond portfolio . Most indexed annuities invest their interest rate returns in domestic and foreign index options . Some indexed annuities that credit zero in a given year , still charge policy expenses and which could result in a loss . Variable annuities use equity and bond instruments in their separate sub accounts selected by the variable annuity owner . These separate sub account allocations are subject to market risk , i.e. you can lose money .
What Is Survivorship Universal Life Insurance?
The only thing that separates this from other policies is the word survivorship . What this means is that the policy covers at least 2 individuals and it only pays a benefit with the last one dies . Survivorship policies are usually smaller face amount policies taken out by couples with larger estates . The reason they do this is to use the death benefit to cover or offset estate taxes for their heirs . I have personally not seen one done with a universal life policy . Reason being is the cost . In a majority of cases , it would probably be more cost-effective to use a traditional whole life policy for this purpose .
This calculator can help you determine how much life insurance you need with one child : WEBSITELINK It allows you to put in the age of the child , along with other factors , to give you a suggested amount of life insurance . Or you can estimate what it would cost to raise your child to adulthood , including inflation , and determine how much income would be lost if the insured person were to pass . Then replace that lost income with life insurance .
How Much Is Renters Insurance For A 1 Bedroom Apartment?
The cost of Renters insurance is not based on the size of your apartment . Renters insurance is based on your territory , credit , claim history and your coverage limits . Renters insurance is usually very inexpensive and if you combine Renters insurance with car insurance you will get a discount on both policies .
The cheapest renters policy is the one that gives you enough money to pay your legal costs and restore everything that was damaged -LRB- minus the deductible . -RRB- The most expensive renters policy is no-policy because at the time of loss , the entire burden is born by you . May I suggest that you meet with a professional insurance agent and secure a quote ? Setting appropriate limits is the way to make sure that you have the cheapest coverage .
Who Will Be Exempt From Buying Health Insurance?
According to the Affordable Care Act , the following individuals can claim a `` hardship exemption '' and not be forced to purchase health coverage or pay a tax penalty for not doing so : You were homeless . You were evicted in the past 6 months or were facing eviction or foreclosure . You received a shut-off notice from a utility company . You recently experienced domestic violence . You recently experienced the death of a close family member . You experienced a fire , flood , or other natural or human-caused disaster that caused substantial damage to your property . You filed for bankruptcy in the last 6 months . You had medical expenses you couldnt pay in the last 24 months . You experienced unexpected increases in necessary expenses due to caring for an ill , disabled , or aging family member . You expect to claim a child as a tax dependent whos been denied coverage in Medicaid and CHIP , and another person is required by court order to give medical support to the child . In this case , you do not have the pay the penalty for the child . As a result of an eligibility appeals decision , youre eligible for enrollment in a qualified health plan -LRB- QHP -RRB- through the Marketplace , lower costs on your monthly premiums , or cost-sharing reductions for a time period when you werent enrolled in a QHP through the Marketplace . You were determined ineligible for Medicaid because your state didnt expand eligibility for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act . Your individual insurance plan was cancelled and you believe other Marketplace plans are unaffordable . You experienced another hardship in obtaining health insurance . There are other circumstances in which an indivdual would not have to pay the tax penalty , also known as the individual responsibility payment : Youre uninsured for less than 3 months of the year The lowest-priced coverage available to you would cost more than 8 % of your household income You dont have to file a tax return because your income is too low Youre areeligible for services through an Indian Health Services provider Youre a member of a recognized health care sharing ministry Youre a member of a recognized religious sect with religious objections to insurance , including Social Security and Medicare Youre incarcerated , and not awaiting the disposition of charges against you Youre not lawfully presentin the U.S. .
Thank you for asking . we as Americans and people who reside inthe United States of Americaand the District of Columbia , have access to Health Insurance through the Affordible Care Act . The laws have changed in Americaand now we have Insurance availible to use without restictions for pre-existing health conditions . There are two Marketplaces availible for us , the individual Marketplaces and the Small business Marketplaces -LRB- called SHOP -RRB- . There are rules in place for individuals with income under certain poverty levels . We all deserve to have Health Insurance , the Affordible Care Act has made this a reality for most Americans . The Affordible Care has implemented Tax Credits and Cost Sharing benifits that are availible to individuals and families , based on family households and income . You should talk to a qualified insurance agent or contact your state Marketplace for full details on the options availible to you .
Is FERS Annuity Taxable?
Federal Employee Retirement System annuities are taxable once benefits are being received . The plans have no cost basis and all benefits received from the plan will be received as ordinary income and will be taxed as ordinary income .
Supplemental executive retirement plans normally take the form of non-qualified deferred compensation arrangements . The so-called `` golden handcuffs '' mean the promise to pay comes with a substantial risk of forfeiture . Non-qualified retirement plans do not meet the same criteria as qualified plans . These non-qualified plans may include payouts in company stock or benefits funded by life insurance .
Does Medicare Cover Doctor Visits?
Your Medicare Part B covers most doctor visits and much more . When you see your doctor for your annual exam , most if not all of it is covered in full with no copay or out of pocket for you . `` Sick '' visits that are medically necessary are also covered under part B.
You will need his consent , and yes , you must have an insurable interest . This is for his protection too . You can not just ask a company to pay you when someone , anyone dies . There has to be a loss to you for which you are compensated . That is the purpose of life insurance as it has been designed for centuries . Thank you . GARY LANE
Where Can I Purchase Short Term Disability Insurance?
Short term disability insurance can possibly be purchased from several carriers such as Mutual Of Omaha or AFLAC . It is , of course , quite different than a long-term disability policy . You may have coverage already through your employer . A full-time licensed broker is your best resource to review plans and apply for coverage .
Term life insurance does not have cash value , but if you purchase ROP -LRB- Return of Premium -RRB- Term , you will get cash back at the end of the term . ROP Term pays back a percent of what you paid in if you would cancel your policy at some point -LRB- you usually have to keep the policy at least half of the term to get anything back -RRB- . That amount increases , so that you would get a full refund of your premiums if you kept the policy until the term ended .
What Are Charitable Annuities?
A Charitable Annuity is a Charitable Gift Annuity , an insurance product used estate planning for those benevolent grantors who have charitable intentions and seek tax advantaged income . It involves a contract between a grantor/donor and a charity . The grantor gifts cash or other assets to an IRS approved nonprofit charity , receives for a partial tax deduction and a lifetime annual income from the charity . When the grantor/donor dies , the charity keeps the gift .
Times have changed . Post heart attack views on life expectancy have changed over the last decade . There are some items that could disqualify you from securing life insurance , but by and large you should be able to obtain coverage . Well established and managed post cardio therapy can add to the debits on an underwriting balance sheet .
When Do You Become Eligible For Medicare?
You become eligible for Medicare at age 65 , if you or your spouse have paid into Medicare the required amount of time in order to receive Medicare . There are a few ways to become eligible for Medicare under age 65 , including being on Disability for 24 months or being disabled due to ALS .
-- > Normal 0 I suggest a different approach to addressing this situation . The only way you could obtain homeowners coverage on a house you do n't live in is to be less than candid on the application . If a problem occurred , you may find yourself and your parents without any coverage . To be eligible for most homeowners policies , a dwelling must be owner - occupied . The policy only covers the dwelling on the residence premises . If the named insured -LRB- you -RRB- dont reside there , the insurance company could deny your claim . Some insurers however will issue homeowners coverage to an insured -LRB- s -RRB- who has a life estate in a property . You could own the property ; grant a life estate to your parents . They could obtain homeowners policy naming them as insured -LRB- s -RRB- and you ; the owner of the property could be included as an additional named insured for your interest in the dwelling and the personal liability insurance . There is a standard endorsement available for that specific purpose . Your parents would be covered for their personal property , additional living expense and personal liability . You would be covered for damage to the dwelling and liability for injury or damage to others arising out of your ownership of the property . In my opinion , this would be the most practical , effective and economical way to address this kind of a situation . It is probably more common than you think .
What Does Split Dollar Life Insurance Mean?
Split dollar is not a type of life insurance policy but rather , when used by a business , is an arrangement that allocates the policy benefits between the business and the key employee . Typically , the business assists the key employee by paying the premium while the key employee receives most of the policy benefits . The business ultimately recovers its total outlay from policy benefits . The employee receives a valuable life insurance benefit for a very low out of pocket cost .
There is a system called CLUE that exchanges data about claims between participating insurance companies . Our in-office systems can not access that information for property insurance but it is fairly reliable for auto claims . I dont know how you would tap into that information without making an application for property insurance .
Where To Get Health Insurance Quotes?
You have many options for getting a health insurance quote ; 1 -RRB- you can contact an agent who sells health insurance directly 2 -RRB- you can go online and find companies that will allow you to put in your information and get a quote 3 -RRB- you can contact a health insurance carrier , tell them you want a quote and they will direct you Health Insurance will be very competive as the months go by and we enter into 2014 when Obamacare changes will take effect . Look for a good agent now and compare policies , provisions and prices . You should be able to find a plan that meets your needs .
Most auto insurance is written with `` split limits '' such as 250/100/50 meaning which would mean you get $ 250,000 of coverage for injury coverage total , $ 100,000 per person maximum and $ 50,000 for the property you 've damaged . In other words if one single person is injured and has medical bills that add up to $ 125,000 they can only get a max of $ 100,000 even though the overall limit is still not exceeded . A combined single limit could be for example $ 500,000 which means all damages are covered under that one limit on a first come first served basis .
Where To Get Health Insurance Quotes?
Contact a local agent which will be able to inform you about the carrier and walk you through plans . My website is WEBSITELINK and you can get a quote from multiple carriers . Certain carriers are allowing new insured 's to have long contracts to avoid PPACA as long as they can .
The present value of annuities is the current value of a set of cash flows in the future , based on a number of factors . Because of inflation , money at present is worth more than the same amount of money in the future . So present value of annuities looks at the value of the sum of payments expected , not just the sum .
When Do You Get Medicare?
You are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A and B when you turn 65 , if you are receiving Social Security benefits at that time . You also get Medicare if you have been on Social Security Disability for 24 months or if you have End Stage Renal Disease or Lou Gherig 's Disease , with some qualifications .
Out-of-pocket expenses are the expenses you pay for your healthcare above your monthly premium . This can include your deductible and coinsurance or copayments expenses . You pay these amounts until you hit your out-of-pocket maximum for the year . Review your policy or talk to your agent to see what your specific policy covers and what you can anticipate paying when certain medical events occur .
Is Long Term Care Insurance Smart?
Like most insurance , it 's smart if you need it - and perhaps not so smart if you do n't need it . Unfortunately , we do n't have a crystal ball . So the question becomes ... would you rather pay a monthly premium or risk everything you own as well as possibly receiving lousy care ? Without long term care , you drag your family & friends into the equasion since somebody has to take care of you . We are a society that is living longer . I personally believe that long term care is perhaps the most needed , yet least purchased insurance . You 're on the right track by inquiring .
Yes , Life Insurance covers natural death -LRB- death due to illness or `` old age '' -RRB- . But Life Insurance also covers accidental death . Life insurance typically covers all types of death except suicide in the first two years of the policy . This is different from Accidental Death Insurance , which only covers death by accident and NOT by natural death .
Is Long Term Care Insurance Smart?
Long Term Care Insurance is smart if your family has a history of longevity or has a history of crippling disease . Long Term Care Insurance is smart if you have an estate that you would like to protect from being spent on extended care needs . Long Term Care Insurance is smart if you want to make choices about your long term care : where to live , which agency to hire , the ability to pay a relative to care for you in your home , etc. .
Unfortunately , HIV positive people can not get life insurance unless it is a graded , guaranteed issue plan that asks no health questions . These plans usually have a minimum age requirement of at least age 40 and have a maximum face amount often under $ 25,000 . With the new treatments for AIDS , hopefully the life insurance industry will make it easier for HIV positive persons to get life insurance in the future .
Who Should Purchase A Variable Annuity?
The suitability of an individual to purchase a variable annuity should be determined by the licensed variable annuity agent before the plan is proposed . Typically , the individual who purchases a variable annuity is one that wants a hands-on experience . While there are many risk factors to consider a desire to have money in specific investment groups would also be a reason to purchase a variable annuity .
Yes , your Comprehensive coverage covers any animal strike , falling trees , rocks , vandalism , anything other than a collision . Since an animal is not considered an inanimate object , an animal strike is covered under the comprehensive portion of your auto policy . Collision covers a collision with trees , other auto 's or other vehicles , and other inanimate objects .
Who Should Purchase A Variable Annuity?
That is a great question ! Annuities can be a great part of a retirement plan , but they are n't suited for everyone , because of the type of investment that they are . Before an agent can legally sell you an annuity , they have to do a `` suitability analysis '' . In this analysis , we sit down and discuss your current financial status , your cash flow issues , and your tolerance for risk , among other things . If you are financially suited for the purchase of an annuity , it is often the risk tolerance that determines which type of annuity is best for you . If you have a very low tolerance , then a variable annuity would not be a suitable annuity for you , while a fixed annuity probably would be . If you had a moderate risk tolerance , but an aversion to losing money , the variable annuity again might not be suitable for you , but an indexed one might be . If you have a high risk tolerance , and like to play the market , and keep involved in the transactions , then this may be the annuity for you . I hope that answers your question , please feel free to drop me a line if you 'd like more details , ok ? Thanks for asking !
There are many affordable health insurance plans in North Carolina . Humana and Aetna are two major carriers that typically offer quality medical coverage at very attractive rates . To get the best rate for the most coverage , it 's important to properly shop all of the large carriers and determine the best options . An experienced broker -LRB- and their website -RRB- can save you hundreds -LRB- or thousands -RRB- of dollars each year . As an experienced broker -LRB- 32 years of experience -RRB- , we try to view all of the available plans and match up the best prices with your needs . Since the State Exchange features an Open Enrollment , medical questions will not need to be answered . Also , a tax subsidy could reduce your prices quite a bit .
What Are Financial Annuities?
There are several types of annuities , and all have a financial purpose . These types are based on different criteria . Time of Payout : Immediate or Deferred Payment Type : Single Premium or Flexible Premium Investment Type : Fixed , Indexed or Variable Liquidity Options : Withdrawal Penalties or No Withdrawal Penalties Financial annuities is a term that would most likely encompass all of these .
The Net Payment Cost Index is the net cost of the insurance over a set period of time . It is the pure cash out of pocket -LRB- i.e. Mortality cost -RRB- and is comparable between all policies . Term insurance has the lowest net payment cost and cash value polices have a higher index .
How Much Is Life Insurance For My Parents?
Determining the price of life insurance for your parents depends on their age , health , and what type and amount of life insurance you are looking for . Most of the people who contact us for life insurance for their parents are looking for small final expense policies . This type of policy can usually be obtained with no exam and is Whole Life so that it will not end before death occurs . We also sell level premiums , meaning that the policy will not go up in price . Otherwise , there is a risk that the policy will become too expensive to hang onto until death occurs . For this type of policy , the price is approx $ 100/mo for a 60 year old man buying a $ 15,000 Whole Life policy that will not go up in price for the rest of his life . If there is a serious health condition , this price can be much higher , and rates will be substantially higher if the applicant is much older . Of course prices are lower if your parent is younger , and there are scores of other factors to consider . An agency that specializes in Senior Life Insurance can be helpful to find your parents life insurance that does what you want it to at the best possible price .
Cancer insurance premiums , along with premiums from other types of insurance , may be deductible depending on how you file your taxes and how the coverage is being used . A CPA or the person who handles your taxes would be the best resource regarding providing information that will explain your deductibility options .
How Much Is Life Insurance For My Parents?
There are several variables that that need to be factored in to establish a premium price tag for your parents . The price tag depends on your gender , age , smoking status , health history , current medical condition , and prescriptions . A nonsmoking male age 60 and in good health will pay around $ 5700 a year for 20 year term life insurance for $ 1,000,000 of coverage . -LRB- Female same scenario $ 3900 . -RRB-
Usually , most policies require a quick medical exam , which includes a urine sample . And they will test for pot . The good news is that most companies will not decline you coverage . They will just consider you a `` Smoker '' and give you smoker rates . But , currently , I know of 3 companies that offer `` Non-Smoker '' rates to pot smokers . Aviva is the most relaxed about it . And will allow up to a `` Preferred '' non-smoker rating for using 2 times per week or less . Lincoln National is next and will give Standard Non-Smoker ratings to people who smoke 2 times per week or less . MetLife allows for 1 time per week and will offer a Standard nonsmoker rating . Prudential allows for 2 times per month , and offers a Standard nonsmoker rating . Long story short if you smoke Pot , Aviva or Lincoln National will be your best bets . And this list is as of 3/2013 , it could easily change .
What Is A Mutual Life Insurance Company?
A mutual company is a company owned by the policyholder rather than stock holders . A mutual company will pay its excess profits back to the policy holder in the form of dividends . A stock company pays its dividends to the stock holders . While mutual companies premiums may be just a little more than a stock company , the cash value , because of dividends , can be far greater and more options are available within the policy .
The answer to your question is no and yes but still pretty much no . The most effective way to structure a DI policy is after through a funding arangement that uses after tax dollars to fund the policies premiums . The reasoning is that one is investing in a DI policy to reduce the financial impact that one occurs due to either a short-term disability , a long-term disability or some merging of the two . The DI policy will be subject to state and federal taxes , either one pays with `` post-tax '' dollars which have been subject to FICA/FUTA taxes and have the benefits payed without without extra tax concerns -LRB- however the benefits will be reported and taxed as income -RRB- , or one can structure DI that are offered as a employee benefit with pre-tax funding but with increased liabilities to ones benefits -LRB- reporting is the same -RRB- . The opportunity cost of delaying that additional tax obligation does not carry with it enough benefits to offset the disadvantages . If your question is simply can you include DI premiums as qualified medical expenses that would be put them into IRC Section 213 `` tax-advantaged '' status , no you can not .
What Is A Mutual Life Insurance Company?
Mutual life insurance companies are owned by the companys policy holders , in contrast to stock life insurance companies , who are owned by their stock holders . Mutual life insurance companies maintain a board of directors that declare an annual dividend to their policy holders . A dividend is a return of unused premium . During the early formation of the US , mutual companies were less expensive to capitalize than stock companies , so there was a proliferation of mutual companies . But in recent times there has been a movement in the industry to demutualize to attract more capital .
Great question ! You can be enrolled in Medicare while you are working . Medicaid is a different story . To be enrolled in Medicaid , you are telling the government that you have no assets , and no money to use to pay for your medical care . There would be a large amount of trouble if they found you were working . Medicare , however , is perfectly fine . Thanks for asking !
What Is A Distribution From A Retirement Plan?
Any time that you take money out of a retirement plan , it is considered a distribution . Depending upon the tax status of the plan , a distribution will usually trigger a tax event . Although the taxation issue is complex you need to understand that when you withdraw money from your retirement plan , even if it is a guaranteed monthly income , it is likely that taxes are going to be due on some portion of the distribution . The only exception is a plan that has been organized under Roth legislation .
Yes , the Farm Bureau does offer life insurance . You can contact your state Farm Bureau to find an agent . Or you can get a quote via the internet from United Home Life , of whom the parent company is United Farm Family Life Insurance Co , which operates as a subsidiary of the Indiana Farm Bureau . UHL provides life insurance in most states .
What Is Medicare Region C?
Medicare Region C includes the states Alabama , Arkansas , Colorado , Florida , Georgia , Louisiana , Mississippi , New Mexico , North Carolina , Oklahoma , South Carolina , Tennessee , Texas , Virginia , West Virginia , Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands . This and other regions are designated for the purpose of supplying Durable Medical Equipment -LRB- DME -RRB- for Medicare .
To add to Peggy 's response , many carriers will write a disability policy , but they 'll add a pregnancy exclusion . After a normal childbirth -LRB- no C-section or complications -RRB- , the exclusion can be removed . If yourmind is on DI , it 's better to get the policy now and have the exclusion removed at a later date . Once the kiddos are running around the house , it 's harder to find time to get the exams completed , or worry about financial documents . Do it before your life gets too crazy !
What Is The Best Secondary Insurance With Medicare?
To supplement Medicare it 's best to have a Medicare Supplement Plan . These are standardized plans in most states . The highest level of coverage is the Plan F Medicare Supplement . It pays 100 % of the co-pays and deductibles for Medicare covered treatments . The others to consider are Plan G which is the same as Plan F except you pay your Medicare Part B deductible which is less than $ 150 per year currently . You will often save $ 200 to $ 300 annually on your premiums choosing a plan G supplement over a Plan F . You can also consider the Medicare Plan N Supplement for an even lower premium but you will take on more doctor co-pays and a few less benefits . There is a high deductible version of Plan F where you have a much lower premium but you pay the first $ 2,070 in expenses each year but are covered 100 % for costs above that . Medicare and your supplement do not cover prescription medicines so most people buy a Medicare Part D plan for those . None of these plans cover dental or eye doctors so some people buy additional coverage for those . All companies sell the exact same standardized Medicare Supplement Plans so it is the easiest type of insurance to shop and compare and lower your cost . A Plan F with one company may be as much as $ 500 per year cheaper with a different company and the coverage is exactly the same . It 's best to use an insurance broker who sells for many companies rather than sign up directly through one specific company . When there is a rate increase -LRB- they ALL have them -RRB- your broker can just re-shop the plans for you and help you get back to a lower premium .
Disability insurance is designed to replace a portion of your income during the time you are unable to work because of a covered accident or illness . Each policy has different exclusions for which medical conditions are covered . Many policies will not cover on-the-job accidents as this is addressed by workers compensation . Preexisting medical conditions may not be covered if the disability begins within the first twelve months of the policy effective date . Elective medical procedures may also be excluded . Mental illnesses are excluded by most policies but not all . Check your policy language for specifics .
Does Medicare Cover Rhinophyma?
Typically , Medicare only covers treatment of a condition if it 's deemed medically necessary by a doctor . Otherwise you may have to pay for treatment out-of-pocket . I would recommend contacting the Medicare office directly to see if they would cover it for your specific situation . I hope the input is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Level term life insurance generally refers to the fact that the monthly payment or premium you pay to the insurance company is the same each month for the specified term of that term life insurance policy . If you purchase 20 year term life insurance and it is ` level term '' , your premiums would not change during that 20 year term period .
How Much Does Long Term Care Insurance Cost Per Month?
Long Term Care Insurance cost are calculated on the basis of your gender , age , health history , current medical condition and the state you live in . But as an example of the monthly cost , an average nonsmoking married couple , in good health , and both age 60 applying for long term care together on one contract should expect to pay around $ 300 a month for basic coverage .
USAA does not offer their own Long Term Care Insurance coverage underwritten by USAA Life Insurance Company . However , through their website they offer long term care insurance from John Hancock Life Insurance Company . You can contact a USAA agent , call their home office , or visit their website for more information .
How Long Does A Claim Stay On Your Home Insurance?
Most companies will typically use claims up to 5 years old for rating purposes . The actually claim history that is received by the carrier may reflect claims that are more than 5 years old but they are normally not used for rating . Please remember each carrier is different . Each has there own risk tolerance . Work with a local agent and they will help you find the coverage that will work best for you .
You should plan A LOT for retirement ! Why ? Because your retirement date may be a moving target , despite what you believe . There are many variables such as social security , safety of a defined pension , the performance of your investment portfolio etc. . . Current events can often change what appeared to be set in stone . You should meet regularly with your financial adviser , make appropriate changes when and if needed , and adapt and adjust to changing market conditions . You 'll be wiser and you 'll sleep better . Do n't chase impossible rates of return . Diversify and allow full-time professionals to help you .
How To Surrender Sbi Life Insurance Policy?
I am not familiar with Sbi Life Insurance however surrendering policies are generally the same with every company . The fastest way is to write a letter to the company , perhaps filling out a company specific form requesting to surrender the policy . A common way is also to just stop paying the premiums . I would only recommend this on a term policy where there is no cash value in the policy otherwise the policy may not be surrendered until the cash value is exhausted .
Take a photo of yourself now , then go on the internet and morph it into what you will look like 40 years from now and ask that person the same question . The answer will be , permanent insurance and start it today ! It will never be less expensive and will almost always cost much less than the death benefit . It will give you a head start on developing an umbrella of protection so those you love will be cared for in your absence whenever that would occur .
How To Surrender Sbi Life Insurance Policy?
To the best of my knowledge , SBLI or Savings Bank Life Insurance Co. only markets term life insurance . I may be wrong , but if you purchased a life insurance policy through SBLI , it is likely term life insurance and there is no surrender procedure . Term life insurance is merely cancelled or allowed to lapse . There is no cash value in term life insurance and there for nothing to surrender . Only cash value plans such as whole life insurance or universal life insurance need to be surrendered . Just call and cancel it . SBLI phone number is 888-438-7254 .
Purchasing health insurance under Obamacare is a requirement unless you meet several specific conditions -LRB- such as being eligible for Medicare or Medicaid , and various financial circumstances -RRB- . As an experienced health insurance broker , this question is asked quite frequently . Our job is to determine eligibility and calculate your federal subsidy . And of course , find you the best rates ! Live answer provided by : Ed Harris - Health Insurance Broker for 33 years and owner of several top-rated websites .
Is Life Insurance Taxed In Florida?
Life insurance is not charged income tax in Florida , or in any other state , if the beneficiary not the estate . If there is no beneficiary on the policy , the beneficiaries are all deceased , or the beneficiary was named to be the estate , the life insurance will go through probate and be taxed .
There are several ways to buy health insurance on your own . You can call a company direct and purchase whatever the person answering the phone suggests , you can have an insurance agent come to your home or business and purchase coverage that way . Most will find a local agent , usually online , and purchase through them .
Is Life Insurance Taxed In Florida?
Life insurance in Florida is generally not charged income tax unless the beneficiary of the policy is the estate . Also , life insurance , upon the death of the second spouse , is considered part of the estate for estate tax purposes , no matter who the beneficiary was -LRB- unless it was an irrevocable insurance trust -RRB- . Contact a tax attorney for specific situations .
That is a great question ! I 'd need to know a little more information about why you want to withdraw or close it out , before I 'd feel comfortable telling you to do it . There are very large penalties for early withdrawals from your 401k , and if you are counting on a certain amount , unless you are in your 60 's , please count on that amount being reduced by about a third , after taxes and penalties . 401k money looks good , but taking it out for something other than its intended use is costly . If you would like to proceed anyway , contact your plan administrator , and they will give you the forms to fill out . I can not say strongly enough to speak with an advisor before doing this , for any reason other than starting your retirement income . Thank you for asking !
Should I Enroll In Long Term Disability Insurance?
I always say yes because it 's a very important type of coverage to have that many do n't think about . The way I look at disability insurance is it protects one of your greatest assets - your ability to work . If you ca n't work because of an injury or illness , how do you provide income for you and your family . The answer ? Your disability insurance . When you 're buying a disability policy , the MOST important factor in the coverage is the DEFINITION OF DISABILITY . Each policy will use 1 of the 3 definitions : 1 -RRB- True Own Occupation - this says you are considered totally disabled if , solely due to injury or sickness , you are not able to perform the material and substantial duties of your occupation , even if you are at work in another occupation . In short , this is the most favorable definition you can have . 2 -RRB- Modified Own Occupation - this says that you are considered totally disabled if , solely due to injury or sickness , you are not able to perform the material and substantial duties of your occupation . This one is commonly seen in many individual disability insurance policies . 3 -RRB- Gainful Occupation - this says if you are unable to perform the duties of your occupation or any occupation for which you are qualified for by education , training , or experience due to sickness or injury . In short , this is the least favorable definition . This one is commonly seen in group disability insurance policies through an employer and property and casualty insurers that offer disability coverage . There are many moving parts to disability insurance and is not something I would suggest trying to buy on your own - this is a type of coverage you should consult with an experienced independent disability insurance broker about . Factors such as your occupation class , your income level , the state you live in , your medical history , your age , your desired benefit amount and benefit period , if you want cost of living adjustment riders , and other factors all impact your policy 's structure and premiums . In short , they 're very customizable , I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Ideally the grantor creates an irrevocable life insurance trust -LRB- ILIT -RRB- for the benefit of their targeted beneficiaries . The ILIT must be dated before the life insurance policy date of issuance as well . The ILIT must own the life insurance policy day one . To comply with the law most ILITs use annual Crummy letter notification and sometimes may include hanging powers . Before moving forward with the ownership arrangement of an ILIT consult your legaladviser .
Should I Enroll In Long Term Disability Insurance?
Yes , as long as you are dependent or your loved ones are dependent upon your income . Statistically speaking you are 8 times more likely to become disabled than to die . Long term disability allows you to receive up to 70 % of your income until as far out as age 67 years old . long term disability is a must for most people in there financial plan .
That is an excellent question !! Many people become confused by this type of annuity because of it 's connection to the stock market . The annuity does have it 's performance linked to the performance of the market , but it does not involve any particular stock . Your annuity gains based upon the gains that the aggregate market gains , not ant particular stock . For example , your annuity bases its gains on the S&P 500 . If the S&P 500 rises from point a to point b , your annuity credits your fund with a promised gain . You have not purchased any stock , nor are you participating in the market . You are just `` gambling '' on its performance . Since there is no stock investment , it is not considered a security , unlike a variable annuity , which does invest in the market , and therefore is considered a security . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
Should I Enroll In Long Term Disability Insurance?
That is a difficult question to answer without more details . I can say a tentative yes , Long term disability , in a group setting usually does not provide as broad as coverage as individual plan . That is offset but the fact that group long term disability is often less expensive . Am independent life insurance broker , representing several companies , can help you integrate an individual plan with a group ltd plan . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .
Depending on the type of product , and on the contract , you could do so after one month , or perhaps after one year . But the most important consideration is this : you should borrow from your life insurance policy when youre prepared to make a reduced benefit available to the beneficiary . This is because the loan -LRB- plus interest -RRB- will be taken off the top of the death benefit , should a claim have to be paid while it is still outstanding . That could very well short-change your family or business with regards to the cash that they need . The moral of the story : never borrow from your life insurance until youre ready to make the trade off in death benefit .
Who Can Be Trustee Of A Life Insurance Trust?
There are several options for the grantor in the selection of a trustee for an irrevocable life insurance trust : mature and responsible members of the family , fiduciaries of the family and a bank trust officer . Some grantors have also given power of attorney on the personal finances as trustee as well .
Medicare supplement plans can be purchased at any time . Most will buy a supplement plan when they first turn age 65 and sign up for Medicare Part B . If you purchase a Medicare supplement plan within 6 months of enrolling in Medicare Part B your coverage is `` guaranteed issue '' . There is no open enrollment as such , but there are times when you may purchase a Medicare supplement plan without medical underwriting .
What Is Critical Illness Insurance Cover?
Critical Illness insurance is a specified disease based coverage meant to provide a tax free , lump sum face amount up diagnosis of a covered illness.There are several insurance carriers who offer this coverage and as you can imagine , each carrier covers different conditions . That said , there are a select few States where the Department of Insurance has not approved Critical Illness insurance for sale within that specific State . Anyway , of all the conditions covered ... the most important are Heart Attack , Cancer and Stroke . Not to downplay the seriousness of other diagnosed conditions but nearly 80 % of all claims that will get paid from these policies are due to those three conditions . Each carrier offers coverage for other conditions . Some carriers offer coverage for 21 different conditions , while other carriers may limit their coverage to 4 or 5 conditions . Please understand that when looking into Critical Illness coverage , the most important thing to look for is not just what conditions are covered but how they are covered . The benefit definitions are a major consideration and it is `` critical '' -LRB- pardon the pun -RRB- to know the benefit definitions prior to purchase . There are carriers who provide a stroke benefit but will not pay a benefit unless the neurological deficit of the stroke persists for 30 days ... whereas there area few carriers who will pay a stroke benefit once the neurological deficit persists 96 hours . I hope this helped answer your question .
Is Whole life insurance worth buying ? Well the answer is going to vary by the individual as people see worth differently . To me a decades old owner of whole life , all I can do is tell you why I purchased whole life . I liked the idea of owning the policy with a set price that can not be changed . I liked the terms of ownership did n't or could n't be changed over time . I like the steady boring returns to cash values that these policies produced . While my real estate , stock market and other investments have gone up and down , in many cases very dramatically , my boring whole life has done what it said it would . My whole life has NEVER gone backwards in value , it grows in good markets and bad ones . Is whole life the only thing you should purchase , well no . A good portfolio is a diverse portfolio . Whole life should be a part of it , but not all of it . Owning a whole life allows you to take risks elsewhere as you have a safety net .