Can You Claim On Two Life Insurance Policies?
It would be pointless to have more than one life insurance policy if the beneficiaries could only claim on one . So yes , as Peggy said above here a beneficiary may file claims on as many policies they are named as beneficiary on . Now if you are the owner of multiple `` cash value '' policies such as Whole Life or Universal Life and there is cash value accumulated in them , you may also take loans or surrender value from as many as you own and have cash values in . Life insurance is a vehicle for benefits . It 's kind of like having more than one car or truck . If they 're yours you can drive whichever one you want .
To buy critical illness insurance in California , visit a health insurance website to see if they offer it . Some life insurance agencies also carry critical illness insurance . Be sure to read carefully the conditions covered , what is excluded , and how much is paid in the event you are diagnosed with that illness , and compare features with a couple of policies to get your best one .
Can You Claim On Two Life Insurance Policies?
Yes , you can claim on two life insurance policies . A person can have as many life insurance policies as they are financially qualified to have , and their beneficiary can collect on however many life insurance policies that were left for them . Sometimes people take our several types of policies , or with different companies . It does not matter ; you can claim on two or more policies .
Under the new Affordable Care Act , each individual health plan is guaranteed-issue , meaning you can not be declined for health insurance for a pre-existing condition or other health-related issue , nor charged a higher amount -LRB- e.g. level 1 rates , level 2 rates , level 3 rates , etc. as it was under the old structures -RRB- . Your premiums are now based on the type of plan you have -LRB- e.g. bronze , silver , gold , or platinum -RRB- , your zip code , whether you use tobacco products or not , and your age - premiums will vary by carrier . You will need to consult with a health insurance agent/broker to find out what the premiums are for health plans in your area .
Is It Better To Get Life Insurance When You'Re Young?
If you are healthy and have no other risk factors , it is cheaper to get life insurance while you are young . It is also a good time to lock in premiums before you have any health conditions . Young people often feel as though nothing serious can happen to them , but cancer , diabetes , heart disease and accidents can strike at any age . What seemed like a big monthly payment when you take out the policy , will look like peanuts to you in the future .
The Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan -LRB- or AHCIP -RRB- is a publicly funded health care system available to residents of Alberta Canada . Residents must register to receive coverage for hospital and physician services , which are provided under Canada 's Health Act that guarantees benefits to all eligible citizens . The Alberta Health system offers additional health benefits beyond the basic requirements of the Canada Health Act .
Is It Better To Get Life Insurance When You'Re Young?
It is always a good idea to purchase cash value life insurance while you 're young and healthy . Think of it as buying a piece of undeveloped property . You can buy it cheaply and as you hold onto it the value increases over time . Whole life is a valuable asset that works best with a lot of time to work . What really is good about whole life is later in life , when you 're not so young and not so healthy . They ca n't take it back , end it or raise the price . Believe me , as a 53 year old with major health issues the most secure financial tool I own is my whole life insurance . My health as of late , would probably make me uninsurable , so having taken care of that as a younger much healthier man , was one of the smartest things I 've ever done . Also term insurance as you hit your 60 's is not the same product price wise as your 30 's was . It is very expensive and many people in thier 60 's are now looking for low cost term insurance for the next 30 years and are n't finding it . Later in life , term insurance has a way of making whole life purchased at a much younger age a real bargin .
A Business Overhead Expense Policy , also known as a BOE policy , is cash flow protection . This coverage protects a business when the business owner cant work due to a sickness or an injury . A BOE policy reimburses the business owner for expenses accrued during a period of disability . It helps them avoid having to dip into a business owners savings or having to ask shareholders to cover a portion of the overhead .
Can I Write Off Homeowners Insurance On A Rental?
If you own a home that is used as a Rental ; you would declare your Rental Income on a separate schedule on your income taxes . On the same reporting form , you will deduct expenses including property tax , insurance and any other deductible expenses . In this case , you would not have a Homeowners Insurance Policy , the policy should be a Landlords Package Policy instead meant for a tenant occupied property . If you do not carry the correct form of insurance , it is essential that you cancel your policy and purchase the correct form - insurance forms are not transferrable . This is a veryserious topic ; as you would expect , in the event of a disastrous claim , the insurance company will review your policy form and follow the coverage and definitions to calculate whether or not you are insured and how to proceed with the claims handling . There is a link available providing an online format to obtain a quote and buy landlords insurance online in multiple States ; may be used by Escrow Professionals , Mortgage Professionals and directly by Consumers . An exemplary online experience for all ! WEBSITELINK
With the company I represent the easiest way to reduce the premium for auto insurance for a Land Rover or a Honda , is to obtain another line of insurance coverage in your name . These discounts can make a significant difference . If you are already paying for homeowners insurance elsewhere you should consider moving it to the company insuring your Land Rover . I never recommend reducing coverage to save moneythat only increases the risk of incurring a loss that you can not afford !
Can People On Ssi Get Life Insurance?
Yes , people on SSI can get life insurance . All that matters is that they apply for a policy within their means , and are medically able to qualify for the policy . With the vast number of choices of life insurance out there , a good agent can ask them the proper questions to help narrow that down very quickly and find the best rate and policy for the SSI recipient .
Almost every annuity can be surrendered . A deferred annuity frequently has a surrender charge . This charge is a percentage of the value of the annuity and normally reduces every year until it vanishes . There might be income tax consequences because the earnings inside the annuity have not been previously taxed . If the deferred annuity has started paying a lifetime income or other settlement to the annuitant , it is highly unlikely that the contract can be surrendered at that point .
What Is Needed For A Homeowners Insurance Quote?
For a home Insurance quote usually the agent can pull most info off of the assesor site for your county , usually what is mainly needed is what the customer considers market value , personal belongiongs , any special additions you have added , the most recent roof year , name , DOB , address , if you have been cancelled prior or had prior losses , what the floors consist of , as well as the inside and outside walls , garage type , basement condition/status .
Typically , medical expenses incurred from a specific claim that roll to the next year can be counted on the same claim and applied from last year 's deductible . Often this includes treatment that was done in the same year . If additional treatment is needed the following year , it is possible a new deductible will apply . Contact a local experienced broker and seek their help in this matter . You 'll be glad you did .
What Is Needed For A Homeowners Insurance Quote?
Talk to your Insurance Professional about the location of the house and about the particulars of the structure . Ask them to complete a Reconstruction Analysis for the dwelling . They 'll need to know the size and style of the building along with any special or particular features including fire places , alarm systems , HVAV systems etc. . If the roof has been replaced , knowing when is important because there may be discopunts available . Likewise , discounts may be available for upgraded electrical , plumbing or HVAC systems .
Almost all homeowners insurance policies provide limited coverage for jewelry . If you have a piece of jewelry that is over $ 1000 for a single piece it will more than likely need to be scheduled on your homeowners policy to be properly covered . Remember every policy and carrier are different . Read your policy completely to understand what coverage is provided and what exclusions there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
What Is Needed For A Homeowners Insurance Quote?
The insurance company will want to know exactly what they would have to replace should your home go up in smoke , or be lost to another covered peril . Your description of the property will be the starting point to adjust a claim . Make sure that the insurance agent gathers accurate information ; you will have to approve the information that is sent to the company .
Understand that `` points '' are not standard in regards to auto insurance . The amount of points that the Ohio BMV assigns to different violations may be scored differently by auto insurance companies . And not only are points weighed differently , but many companies have different point scales . But generally speaking , with most companies , only having 1 point would be minor and should n't raise your premium all that much .
What Is Needed For A Homeowners Insurance Quote?
Insurance underwriters will be underwriting the insure do , the property and its characteristics , the available fire protection in your community , and proximity to known hazards . You should be prepared to give your personal information and be able to describe the home , it 's style of construction , it 's age or when built , and the age of heat , AC , electrical system , plumbing and roof along with other typical improvements or major maintenance . Indicate whether you have qualifying alarm systems and other protective devices . It helps to have present coverage info in hand to provide coverage dates for accurate rating . The more you can help answer rating and qualification questions , the better .
Yes a pension is a qualified plan . Meaning you have not paid taxes on that money , so when you begin to take disbursements , it will be taxable @ your current income bracket . If you have not taken any distributions , you will be required to take a Required Minimum Distribution , or `` RMD '' , the year following your 70 & 6 months birthday.If you want to pass that money on to a beneficiary rather than use the money yourself . You can convert that fund to a Roth IRA , pay the tax now , & pass the money on to your beneficiaries later on.No RMD required in a Roth IRA . A living trust is the best instrument to insure that your wishes are carried out to the letter . A will is simply instructions to the probate court .
What Is Needed For A Homeowners Insurance Quote?
Insurance underwriters will be underwriting the insured , the property and its characteristics , the available fire protection in your community , and proximity to known hazards . You should be prepared to give your personal information and be able to describe the home , it 's style of construction , it 's age or when built , and the age of heat , AC , electrical system , plumbing and roof along with other typical improvements or major maintenance . Indicate whether you have qualifying alarm systems and other protective devices . It helps to have present coverage info in hand to provide coverage dates for accurate rating . The more you can help answer rating and qualification questions , the better .
Good question ! Creditor protection is an important concern , especially for the self-employed . There are basically two types of annuities , immediate and deferred . Both are considered insurance products and as such can offer creditor protection under certain circumstances . Immediate annuities , as the name suggests , provide an immediate income stream in exchange for a lump sum . They are often used to provide a guaranteed income in retirement planning . Deferred annuities are accumulation products that have the option of an annuity at some point in the future . In Canada for example , they can be Guaranteed Interest Annuities -LRB- GIA -RRB- , that are similar to Guaranteed Investment Certificates -LRB- GIC -RRB- or Segregated Funds -LRB- variable annuities -RRB- that are similar to mutual funds . With both types of annuities , in order to offer creditor protection , you would need to have been solvent when you put the money into the contracts . In other words , you would not have been trying to attempt fraud . If the above condition is met , the income flow from immediate annuities is afforded creditor protection . Deferred annuities , like insurance policies , receive creditor protection based on the beneficiary designation . Eligible beneficiaries include those in the `` protected class '' : spouse , parents , children and grandchildren . In addition , irrevocable beneficiaries also qualify . Please check with a lawyer for your individual situation . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
What Is An Economatic Life Insurance Policy?
Economatic life insurance , also called economy life insurance , is a combination of whole and term life insurance . Thedividends paid by theparticipatingwhole life go toward changing the term coverage to whole life , so that by the end of a set number of years , the goal is that theentire policy is whole life .
The insurance company will compute this amount for you should it ever be necessary . Basically , it is the sum of premiums paid for the life insurance protection alone . This disregards the cost of riders . This basis would only be necessary if you surrender a policy and receive income in excess of your premium payments .
What Is An Economatic Life Insurance Policy?
The life insurance industry lacks severe uniformity in its semantics , so that being said Im addressing the question within the realm of a few possibilities . Economatic Life Insurance is sometimes defined as a participating whole life policy with a term rider to decrease the premium cost to the policy payer . In days gone by it was the method of monthly premium via a bank draft .
These days , most policies list coverage exclusions and generally speaking , if something is not on that list , it 'll be covered . There are a couple of specific exclusions that you will find everywhere regardless of the company and state namely Flood and Earth Movement . In many cases , a policy can be endorsed to include damage by earth movement , but the only way to get flood damage protection is by purchasing a Flood Insurance policy .
Can I Have Medicare And Private Insurance?
Yes , you may purchase private insurance in addition to receiving Medicare , and you will not lose your Medicare for doing so . However , you may find that your private medical insurance becomes your primary payer , and that your Medicare fills in the gaps of what your private insurance does not pay . If you do not want to pay for your primary health insurance out of pocket , getting one of the Medicare supplement plans may be the way to go .
Homeowners insurance is not a one size fits all policy . The cost of home insurance is determined based on your claim history , type of house , age , condition and in some states credit . In Virgina , your credit score is a big factor when determining rate . Your agent also has to complete a Replacement cost calculation -LRB- the cost to rebuild your home -RRB- . The Replacement cost is not the purchase price or assessment value but rather how much it would cost the insurance company to rebuild your home . This amount can be more than the purchase price in some area especially with older homes . There are several variables to considered so it 's always best to sit down with an independent agent to review your options .
How Much Do You Get From Life Insurance?
If you are the owner of the policy , you are able choose the amount of life insurance that you want to go to your beneficiary . It is called the face amount of the policy . When paid out , it is called the death benefit . As the owner , you do not get anything from the policy unless you have Whole or Universal Life , from which you can take cash value as a loan or surrender ; or Return of Premium Term Life , which pays back all the premiums if you live past the end of the term .
A ten year term life insurance policy is one that -LRB- usually -RRB- stays the same price for 10 years . After that 10 year period of level premiums , the price jumps way up , or the policy simply ends . Some 10 year term policies offer the option to convert to permanent insurance before the 10 years end .
How Much Do You Get From Life Insurance?
Depends on what the face amount of the policy is . If the life insurance is for $ 500,000 of coverage , the carrier pays out $ 500,000 to the beneficiary when the insured dies , income tax-free . If you have permanent coverage with cash value and there 's a loan on the policy , the carrier will take out the loan amount and any interest to be paid from the proceeds payout and give the balance to the beneficiary .
Can a life insurance company check medical records ? The answer is yes and they normally do as part of the underwriting process . Usually a company checks your health history and also takes blood and urine to check your current health too . Are there companies that do n't do this ? Yes there are . However , do not expect the cost of coverage to be low in those cases . The fewer questions an insurance company asks , the higher the premium .
How Does Voluntary Life Insurance Work?
Voluntary life insurance is coverage that you purchase at work , and pay for using a payroll deduction . You can only make post tax deductions for these programs . It is different than group coverage that is paid by your employer , and individual policies you might buy directly from an agent . The primary advantage is access . The underwriting criteria may be more lenient , and you may have access to a licensed agent at work to help you choose the right options .
You can have as many life insurance policies as you want ... but within reason . Most carriers , especially those that conduct financial and medical underwriting of life insurance applicants have rules and guidelines about stacking of insurance policies . Depending on your need for life insurance , they may limit you to something like 20x your annual income for issued and in force life insurance .
How Does Homeowners Insurance Work After A Fire?
If your home is burned , your need to file a claim . Most companies provide a toll free number . If you suspect arson you must notify the police . You must provide police and company with any relevant witnesses . You must then cooperate with your insurance company . The company will arrange temporary living conditions if your property can not be used . You must make sure that your house is secured against further loss . You must provide the insurance company with a list of items which were lost , normally within 60 days . The company has the right to get plans and specifications from you and other details concerning the loss . Photographs of the building and contents become invaluable under these circumstances . The adjuster will then work with contractors to repair the damage to the residence and will make an estimate of the actual cash value of the personal property . There objectives will be to get you back into your home as quickly as possible .
You get a quote on homeowners insurance from your insurance agent . If you do not have a trusted agent get recommendations from friends , colleagues or neighbors . A good agent will listen to you , provide sound financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company . Setting limits is the most important thing done by an agent . When limits are correct , claims get paid and you will be happy .
How Is Medicare Advantage Funded?
As you may know , there are many advantage plans with extremely low premiums , which makes this a popular question . Medicare advantage plans are actually funded by medicare , which was funded originally by taxes taken from your paycheck and monthly part B premiums . When you join an advantage plan , you transfer these payments to the advantage plan .
Let start by saying I am not a Tax ad visor and you would do well to contact one for more detailed information.However that said , I would suggest you ask that tax professional about the expense you incur for insurance on a vehicle you use in business . generally speaking I think you will find this an issue many others have faced and the answer will be derived through them . Otherwise I personally like to use Turbo Tax since it asks you the pertinent questions and then makes a guided decision for you . You might find it meaningful as well . I have no connection with Turbo Tax but I use it most years myself .
How Is Medicare Advantage Funded?
Medicare Advantage plans are similar to traditional major medical plans in that they have copay 's and deductibles . But the difference stops there . Most Advantage plans have networks . Some networks are local while others are regional . Some Advantage plans only include coverage if you are treated by a network provider while others will include out of network coverage but with a higher -LRB- and usually separate -RRB- deductible , higher copay 's and higher out of pocket . Exceptions are made to the out of network penalty for true medical emergencies . Make sure you understand all details of the policy , especially your out of pocket maximum . The out of pocket limit does not include non-network benefits or Rx . It also does not include any non-covered medical treatment . In most areas less than half the doctors accept ANY Medicare Advantage plans . Even if your doctor does accept Advantage patients they may not participate in your particular plan .
Assuming the question is an inquiry into the rights to assign a policy , the policy owner has such rights . Those rights extend to changing primary and/or contingent beneficiaries as well as assigning or endorsing the policy 's face amount and/or cash values . The power of policy assignment is in the purview of the policy owner .
How Is Medicare Advantage Funded?
When you go on a Medicare Advantage plan , you are opting out of Medicare a & b for the time you are enrolled in the Part C Advantage Plan . Since Medicare does not have the liability of insuring you , they pay most of your premium for you . It 's estimated that they pay around $ 800 monthly to the insurance company that you choose . You pay little or no premium to the company plus your Part B premium .
Canlife insurance companies see your medical records ? Yes , but only with your permission . That said , your permission is part of the application process . Insurance companies with your consent , can check with your doctor for chart notes and use the MIB to check your medical history . Think of the MIB as similar to credit history except for health care . One thing to be aware of is even the non-exam companies still check your medical history . You can find plans that do n't search medical history or do labs , and they will insure you , but you 'll find their pricing to be up in the range where they charge for poor health to begin with .
Can You Get Life Insurance With Epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain and nervous system involving repeated random seizures that occur without warning . If you have been diagnosed with epilepsy and are trying to purchase life insurance , the severity of the disease can have an effect on the rates you pay . Life insurance companies will want to know a number of factors to make an accurate risk assessment including : 1 . What age were you diagnosed with epilepsy ? 2 . Do you have Grand Mal , Petite , or Focal seizures ? 3 . When was your most recent seizure ? How many have you had in the last year , 2 years , 5 years , etc. ? 4 . Have you ever been hospitalized for epilepsy ? 5 . Are you taking prescription medication to control symptoms ? 6 . Are you a smoker or tobacco user ? 7 . What is your height/weight ? 8 . Any other co-morbid conditions such as diabetes , obesity , heart disease , etc ? If you have been diagnosed with epilepsy , you should not apply with multiple companies at the same time - this can work against you as it will act as a sort of red flag for the insurance companies -LRB- they will see that you 've applied for multiple carriers and what the outcomes were during the MIB check -LRB- Medical Information Bureau -RRB- -RRB- . The more companies that give you a table rating or decline coverage on a formal application , the less likely you are to get a better offer . You need the help of an independent life insurance agent that can shop your medical profile informally . We specialize in high risk life insurance and make sure you are getting the best possible offer - we 're licensed in many states around the country . Send me a message if we can be of assistance securing a policy for you - my contact information is available on my profile .
Where to send a claim for disability insurance benefits ? Well , the first to do would be to contact the insurance company your policy is with . They will send you paperwork to complete and return to them so the process can begin . If you are talking about a state insurance claim -LRB- workers comp -RRB- you would contact your states office that handles that type of coverage .
Can You Get Life Insurance With Epilepsy?
Yes you can in most cases , although you will pay a higher price than a `` standard '' risk would at the same age . When you find an independent life agent that you feel comfortable with , give as much information as you have such at date first diagnosed , all medications that you currently take whether or not they involve this disease . The agent will then be able to guide you and give some alternatives depending on how much coverage you wish to purchase .
There is no one best life insurance policy in the USA . That is like asking what is the best car in the USA . The type of life insurance -LRB- or car -RRB- that people buy depends on their budget , what they are using it for , what company they like , and whether they want to keep it for a long time or trade it off in the near future . A good life insurance agent will gather your personal health details , financial information , and desires , and find the best policy for you as an individual person .
Is Car Insurance Cheaper If You Are Unemployed?
It may . Be employed or unemployed is typically not a factor that is used in determination of your auto insurance premiums . Your rate could be effected because your driving would be modified from driving to work to pleasure driving . Depending on how this used in the equation that generates your rate . You could potentially experience a rate decrease or even an increase .
Based on my education and experience within the industry so far , as long as a child resides at the same address as their parents the child typically can be part of the same auto insurance policy that the parents have . In fact any blood relative living in the same household can typically be part of the same auto policy with almost all carriers .
How Does A Life Insurance Company Operate?
A life insurance company can be a stock or mutual company . But the real operations of a life insurance company is built upon the practical theory of the law of large numbers and actuarial probability . Generally speaking , the percentage of death claims each year are very small compared to all the policy holders of any one company . That spread between the living and those who died is mortality profitability .
Since the rules on this can change from one state to another , check with a local agent on the rules . In Florida , if you 're buying a car with finance you have to give proof of insurance to take the vehicle off of the lot at purchase . If your car purchase is replacing one vehicle for another , a quick call to your agent prior to finalizing the deal is all that 's needed . If the car is an additional car -LRB- and additional policy -RRB- a new policy will need to be written . This can often still be done with a quick call to your agent , but plan for the expense of starting a new policy .
What Is The Cost Of Medigap Plans?
Medigap premiums are billed according to a number of factors . Most plans consider your gender , age , zip code and plan design in setting the initial rate . Some plans also assess a surcharge for tobacco usage and others will rate extra for obesity . Medigap is the best way to reduce your out of pocket costs .
When you purchase disability insurance through a website or a local agency , remember to ask for quotes from at least two carriers . Most agents have the means to receive quotes form multiple carries , so they can show you a few different options . Do n't just pick the cheapest product . Listen to your agent when she explains the different riders and provisions so you receive the BEST policy , not the most inexpensive .
How Do I Purchase Homeowners Insurance?
It simple really . Contact a broker like myself who is licensed in your state and start the process . You will need all the information on your home such as square footage , foundation type , year built , security system , how many fireplaces , story 's , attached garage , etc , and your agent or broker will help guide you the rest of the way .
Life insurance is an indemnification product used in defensive planning to protect the beneficiaries from economic loss due to the death of the policy insured . The first line of indemnification is protecting the primary beneficiary , the one who would suffer the greatest of financial repercussions . In a marriage for example , the spouse of the insured would be first position , primary beneficiary , the children of the marriage could be contingent beneficiaries .
Do I Need More Insurance Than Medicare?
As a general rule , Medicare only pays about 80 % of approved Part A and Part B claims . The Medicare Part A deductible for 2013 is $ 1184 . If you did not have a Medigap plan you would be responsible for paying this before Medicare pays a dime . The Medicare Part B deductible for 2013 is $ 147 . This is your responsibility unless you had a Medicare supplement plan that pays that deductible . After the deductible is satisfied , Medicare pays 80 % of the claim and you are responsible for the other 20 % .
When you obtain a renters policy , you are usually given the option of paying for your policy annually , semi-annually , or monthly . Sometimes there are fees associated with splitting up payments , so make sure that you ask your insurance company about that before deciding which payment plan to go with .
Which Medicare Prescription Drug Plan To Choose?
Medicare Part D drug plans are not mandated coverage but for most seniors , they are a necessity . Choosing a Medicare drug plan can be one of the most confusing and complicated things you will do when turning 65 . You need to pick a drug plan that meets your needs and budget .
You ca n't take out the insurance policy yourself . But if you have an ` insurable interest ' in the car , IE . you are holding the loan , then you can require the other person to add you as an additional insured . Which just means that in the event of an auto wreck , and the car is totaled , you will get paid what you are owed -LRB- the lien -RRB- .
Will My Insurance Cover Me Driving Another Car?
Yes , in most cases . Insurance follows the driver . It is always good to check with your agent however , since state laws may vary and the type of policy you have may have limitations . In most cases however you will be covered if you are driving someones car .
Whether you find an agent local to you , or find an agent online , be sure to request quotes from multiple carriers . One of the benefits of not working with an agent who solely represents one company is that you can shop around to find the best policy for you . Do n't forget , the best policy is n't necessarily the cheapest or the most expensive . Make sure your agent explains the policy provisions clearly because not everyone needs every rider or true own occ . Do n't be afraid to ask specific questions . Even if your agent does n't know the answer , he can get it quickly from the underwriter .
How Much Does A One Million Dollar Life Insurance Policy Cost?
Video Transcript : How much is $ 1 million life insurance policy ? Are we using term life insurance or are we using permanent life insurance ? That 's going to dictate how long the coverage is going to need . Am I a male or a female ? Am I a smoker or a nonsmoker ? What 's my medical history like ? What is the para-med exam result that I have to take for the application ? I need to incorporate all those issues into what the price tag 's going to be for $ 1 million coverage , as well as , think about this ; you 're going to have to also add on , do you have a hazardous vocation ? That could be another additional price tag on top of your premium . If you have recreational issues , like I like to scuba dive or mountain climb , those also are incorporated into your price tag . If you 're looking for $ 1 million of coverage and you can answer all of those questions , you can come up with whose got the most competitive price tag throughout the life insurance carrier market .
Life insurance companies do urine tests to check for diabetes , kidney function , nicotine , and drug use . If protein is present in the urine , it can indicate that diabetes is present or poorly controlled , that kidney disease is present , or that some other health condition is causing protein to spill into the urine .
How Much Does A One Million Dollar Life Insurance Policy Cost?
The cost of $ 1,000,000 of life insurance will vary widely , and depend on such factors as your age , gender , health , and other risk factors . It will also depend on how long you lock in the premium for your policy . E.g. . If you buy $ 1,000,000 of 10 year term insurance , the premium will be much lower than if you purchase $ 1,000,000 of 30 year insurance . However , then you may need to purchase a new policy in 10 years , at your older age and possibly worse health . So it may be more cost effective to lock it in longer when you make your first purchase . To see what a $ 1,000,000 policy might cost for you , visit a website that offers instant quotes . Some , like ours , will even let you put in some health factors . You can change the term , age , etc to see what $ 1,000,000 would cost for all types of people and policies .
That all depends on your particular situation . Married or single , healthy or are you being treated for a illness such as high blood pressure ? What is your annual income ? There is a laundry list of questions you need to answer before you or any one can tailor a policy to your individual needs as well as the needs of those folks left behind once you are gone .
When Does A Life Insurance Not Pay Out?
It is rare for a life insurance policy to not pay out . The main things that could cause life insurance to not pay out are : 1 -RRB- The cause of death is suicide during the first two years or the policy . As I sadly found out from one of the policies I sold , this even applies to suicide committed by a child included on a child rider . 2 -RRB- Death was cause by something that was exempted -LRB- e.g. if the policy had an exclusion for death caused while piloting a plane , or from acts of war -RRB- . 3 -RRB- Withholding or misrepresentation about risk on the original application -LRB- e.g. if someone had just been diagnosed with cancer and answered `` no '' to the cancer question on the application -RRB- . If death occurs during the first two years of the policy , the insurance company will investigate to see that the application was filled out correctly , review the phone interview if there was one , etc. . Minor errors or omissions will be corrected by adjusting the premium . If the withheld or incorrect information would have caused the person to be uninsurable , the life insurance will not pay out .
You should purchase a Roth IRA if you suspect that the rate of tax on your income might be higher when you retire than it is now . You should purchase a Roth IRA if you want to have tax free income when you meet qualifying events . You should purchase a Roth IRA if you want to avoid mandatory distributions and having your distribution taxed as ordinary income . You should purchase a Roth IRA if you are young or old or want to have flexibility when you retire .
Is Long Term Care Insurance A Medical Expense?
Yes , Long Term Care Insurance can be claimed as a medical expense on tax returns . If you are self employed you can deduct the entire LTC premium up to the limits set . If you are an individual filing a tax return for LTC premiums that you -LRB- and not your employer -RRB- paid , you can include the cost of Long Term Care premiums in with your other medical expenses .
Once you reach age 65 all of your health care providers will send bills to Medicare . After Medicare pays their benefit , the bill will be sent to Tricare . This process is relatively seamless . In fact your health care provider will often advise your bill to both Medicare and Tricare prior to rendering services . Any amount that you owe will be computed and normally collected before you are treated .
What Is A Registered Retirement Plan?
A Registered Retirement Plan is a plan that as the name suggests is designed for retirement savings . The usual attributes include deductibility of contributions and tax deferred grow while in the plan . Withdrawals from the plan are usually taxable . There are different types of plans available . In Canada for example , Registered Retirement Savings Plans -LRB- RRSP -RRB- are available on an individual or group basis . You can make the contributions for you own plan or to a plan for your spouse -LRB- It is an irrevocable gift -RRB- . Registered Pension Plans are also available with the employer making some or all of the contributions . In addition , the Tax Free Savings Account -LRB- TFSA -RRB- does not offer tax deductibility of contributions , however the funds grow tax free and the withdrawals do not attract taxation . If you would like to work with a local Retirement Planner , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : retirement planner Halifax or retirement planning Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find Retirement Planners in your community . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .
Health Insurance premiums are based on : age , Gender , smoking or not , where you live and the type of plan you choose ... so projecting the cost for a family of four has too many variables without details . Going on - line to any healthcare provider and requesting some quotes will start to give you an idea
How Much Does Car Insurance Go Up After A Claim?
Car insurance does not always go up after a claim . If it is an at-fault accident , unless you have a `` forgiven '' clause , the premium will increase . But non at-fault accidents , including when your vehicle was parked should not impact prices . Comprehensive claims such as glass breakage may not increase your rates either . However , each carrier has different underwriting guidelines , so it is best to check with a broker for specific advice .
There are many factors when it comes to rates and insurance . Typically the rates decrease as you get older but this is not always the case it depends on your driving habits also and the type of coverage and the statistics for accidents in your area . In many cases the best way to keep your rates on a steady decline is to have good driving habits and also staying with a carrier and not switch every 6 months to another carrier this can not be in your best interest also as you could be missing out on renewal credits will help lower cost some also . Also going more then 30 day with no insurance makes rates higher also so the easiest way to keep you cost down is drive well stick with a carrier and have no lapse in coverage and 4 door cars are the cheapest to insure in most states . Also get an advance quote discount . So when your renewal comes out usually 30 in advance this is the best time to start calling and shopping and see if the rates are better for you .
How To File A Medicare Claim Electronically?
In most cases , you do not need to file a claim to Medicare , as doctors/hospitals are required to file these claims for you in a timely manner for Medicare-covered services and supplies . If , however , your doctor has not filed a claim , you can contact them and ask them to do so or call Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE . If it is close to the time limit -LRB- 12 months -RRB- and your doctor has not filed the claim , you can do so using Medicare 's Patient Request for Medicare Payment Form -LRB- CMS-1490S -RRB- . WEBSITELINK
Yes , but not all companies will underwrite a foriegn national . Your citizenship status should be one of the things you provide the agent who is doing the footwork for you . Some carriers only underwrite US citizens , some only Canadian and US citizens and some will underwrite just about anyone without a problem .
Can Auto Insurance Be Transferred?
Generally , an insurance policy can not be transferred or assigned . Every personal auto policy I can remember reading prohibits assignment of the policy without the written consent of the insurance carrier . That makes sense because the carrier has a right to choose their customers and since it is their money providing the coverage , they have a right to consider any change of risk . As a general rule it makes more sense for a new policy to be written because even if the carrier consents to the change the new insured inherits the record of that policy including all the claims and payment history . If the coverage is being transferred between a spouse to another spouse after a death , the companies are not in the habit of denying the request to change the first named insured . Otherwise , per the ISO Personal Auto Policy , `` Assignment of this policy will not be valid unless we give our written consent . '' The answer is no but there is a pathway to a `` yes '' if the carrier consents in writing .
When talking about a life insurance trust , most people are referring to an irrevocable trust set up for tax purposes . While a living trust is simply a trust made while the grantor is living , when most people refer to living trusts they are referring to revocable trusts . A life insurance trust is usually a living irrevocable trust : set up during the grantor 's lifetime but unable to be changed or revoked .
Can Auto Insurance Be Transferred?
An automobile policy is a legal contract . Most policies stipulate that there can not be a change of interest in the policy unless the company consents to the change . Most companies will undergo a complete underwriting process if other drivers are now driving the vehicle . The normal exception is the death of the insured .
that would be a reference to the health insurance plan 's , coverage for prescribed medications . There are usually cost sharing elements to the coverage of prescription medication , they generally breakdown as generic , non-formularities , and formularity . Generic being the least expensive and moving it 's way up respectivly .
Will Medicare Pay For Ambulance Service?
Medicare will pay for ambulance services that are medically necessary . If you are in need of urgent medical care and need a medical transport company to take you to the hospital , those services are covered by Medicare Part B . The biggest issue Medicare beneficiaries face with ambulance charges are in dealing with providers that do not accept Medicare assignment . The excess charges are not covered by Medicare .
In most cases a life insurance benefit is simply a pool of money to be used in any way the beneficary decides to . The exception would be a pre-arranged plan where the insurance plan is specific to the services . So unless previously established , life insurance proceeds do not have to be used that way .
Is My Child Covered By My Auto Insurance?
Auto insurance follows the car not the driver or occupant . If your child is unlicensed and operating the car , the provisions of the policy would remain in effect . If your child is an occupant in the car and is hurt in an accident for which the driver of your car is at fault , there can be limited coverage for his medical care . If the driver of the other car is determined to be at fault your childs medical cost will ultimately be paid by the other driver . If your child is struck by a motor vehicle while a pedestrian there can be limited medical coverage .
Non-qualified tax deferred annuities are personal property and an economic asset . It is feasible to think that the IRS could collect liquid assets to satisfy taxes due after attempts to secure payment had been made . A tax attorney in familiar with the IRS is best suited and should be consulted in payment resolution disputes with the IRS .
How To Locate Life Insurance Policy For Deceased?
I will tell you finding a life insurance policy without knowing the insurance company 's name is a bit like finding a needle in a haystack . After doing the obvious of going through old papers to find some clue , there are a couple of websites to try . The first place to try that is freeis the NAIC , National Association of Insurance , their website : WEBSITELINK can put you in touch with your states Department of Insurance or DOI , to see if they have a life insurance was policy filed under the insureds name in the state . Not all policies are filed unfortunately . If you do n't have any luck there then try onethat does charge a search fee of approximately $ 75.00 by the MIB Solutions website WEBSITELINK . Good luck !
I would like to say a Retirement Income Certified Professional -LRB- RICP -RRB- however , that would be self-serving . You should carefully choose a person whose advice you can trust . While the procedure to start a plan is routine , at some point you will need to make changes and ultimately derive income . This requires experience .
How To Locate Life Insurance Policy For Deceased?
After checking all the deceased records , try former employers . When all other resources are exhausted there is a fee-based service available through MIB Solutions ' Policy Locator Service.You can find an online application and more information about the fee , eligibility to use the service and requirementsat WEBSITELINK Good luck !
The cash value of a whole life insurance policy is the amount of money that is accessible to the policy owner to use while still alive . It can be accessed through a policy loan or by surrendering the policy . If the loan is payed back with interest as stipulated in the policy , the entire face amount will be paid upon death . If surrendered , the policy is terminated and would not longer pay a death benefit .
How To Locate Life Insurance Policy For Deceased?
To locate a life insurance policy for a deceased person , you first should try to find the policy itself . If it is not stored in the deceased person 's files or if you can not find a record of it anywhere , see if a sibling or parent or child might recall the company through which it was purchased . If you can find the company , then all it takes is a phone call to the company toget the get the claim paid .
An indexed annuity was initially a method to make the market participation of a variable annuity available to the fixed and guaranteed marketplace . The appropriate name for a `` index annuity '' is an Equity Indexed Annuities -LRB- EIA -RRB- . The idea of a variable indexed annuity is unusual but Allianz actually is offering a product with the name `` Index Advantage Variable Annuity '' . According to the Securities and Exchange Commission , there are three types of annuities . There are fixed , indexed or variable annuities . The vast bulk of indexed annuities are not registered with the SEC and are therefore considered `` fixed '' . Without more information to help you 'll have to accept that an indexed annuity is probably a fixed product but some carriers are creating variable indexed annuities .
How Does The Basic Concept Of Insurance Apply To Health Care?
Insurance is all about the law of large numbers and risk sharing . Health insurance is designed primarily to cover your major health care expenses while you should be prepared to pay out of pocket for routine items . Consider this . If your car insurance policy covered tires , brakes and oil changes , no one but the wealthy could afford such a policy . One reason why health insurance is expensive is because people EXPECT it to cover everything , including `` routine maintenance ''
That is going to depend on the carrier . Some carriers off a five percent discount for having an alarm system on your home other may offer no discount or possibly more of a discount . The amount of discount may also vary depending on the type of alarm system that you have . Is it local or does it connect directly with the police or fire department ? Contact your local agent to find out about the discounts that may be available for your homeowners policy .
Is Annuity A Liquid Asset?
To qualify as a liquid asset a product must have a ready market and if the product is sold there should not be any depreciation in price . An annuity fits all of these with the exception that a deferred annuity might have a surrender charge -LRB- much like an early withdrawal penalty -RRB- that would reduce the value of the annuity . Most companies will handle the surrender of an annuity within a few business days .
The price of life insurance in Texas , as in the other 49 states , varies according to the age of the person purchasing it , the sex , tobacco use , health , face amount and type of policy . The longer you lock in the premium , the higher it usually is , and the price also goes up as the person ages . So it is not that life insurance costs more in Texas , it is those other factors that affect the rates . You can help yourself get the lowest rate by shopping an online agency that carries lots of choices and that knows how to find the best rate for your unique characteristics .
How Long Does It Take To Get A Life Insurance Claim Check?
Getting a life insurance claim check usually just takes a week or two after the life insurance company receives what they need to process the claim . This usually requires that you fill out a death claim form , plus send a certified death certificate . Either you or the funeral home can order the death certificate , and it often takes a few weeks to arrive .
That is a great question ! You 've got a troublesome situation on your hands , Do you have proof that the tree was rotten , and proof that the neighbor was aware ? Hopefully your neighbor will be good about it , and submit the claim for your damage without any fuss , but if he does n't , you are probably going to have to go the route of having your insurance company fight for the claim , or take him to court . If the fault can be proven to be the neighbors , you should come out ok . Good luck , and thanks for asking !
What Are The Differences Between Homeowners And Renters Insurance?
The forms used differ somewhat , however , the major difference is that a homeowners policy covers the residence and the renters -LRB- tenants -RRB- policy does not . They both cover personal property and liability . The homeowners form is required when you are the owner of the building . You should have one or the other .
Life Insurance is not an investment ! If you are saving for retirement then you want to look at other sources . Do n't neglect the value of the Whole Life policy however . Whole Life can be a valuable part of the whole portfolio . It protects your family if you die too soon or become disabled and can not fulfill your retirement goals . It is a valuable tool in estate and retirement planning .
Can I Switch Car Insurance Anytime?
You can change your car insurance anytime you want . If you have pre-paid , you will get a partial refund from your current insurance company -LRB- minus the portion they have already earned for the period of time they insured you . -RRB- However , if you have other insurance and your car with the same company , you are probably getting a discount for having multiple insurance policies with that company . In this case , you will want to ensure that you wo n't pay more on one policy by moving your car insurance to another company .
Life insurance can help in you in a number of ways . First and foremost , it can protect your loved ones from financial peril in case of death . It can help them pay the mortgage , car payments , credit card payments , student loans , etc. . Second , if you have an IUL or Whole Life policy , it can build cash value that can help you pay for major expenses down the road , like children 's college education , a dream vacation , etc. . Third , there are relatively new policies out there that offer living benefits , meaning that if you were to get a qualifying critical illness , terminal illness , disability , etc , you can accelerate a portion of your death benefit to help pay for some of the costs associated with those illnesses or accidents .
Can I Switch Car Insurance Anytime?
People cancel car insurance often . Notify the agent who wrote the original policy that you want to cancel coverage . An endorsement will be sent to you showing the termination of coverage along with either a bill for premium that has been earned or a refund of excess premium . Often people change carriers without fully evaluating the impact on their entire insurance program , something requiring caution .
Beginning in 2014 all health insurance policies are suppose to be issued without underwriting with the exception of `` do you smoke '' and `` what is your date of birth '' . Prior to 2014 the life style and the risks associated with a `` professional athlete '' is going to make it very difficult to obtain coverage . After January2014 the premiums are based on `` age '' with the young paying a higher premiumthan the elderly . Does that sound like another `` social security '' designed plan ?
Who Offers 30 Year Term Life Insurance?
Here are a few of the 30 year guaranteed term life insurance companies : American General , American National , Ameritas , Aviva , Banner , Lincoln Benefit , Lincoln National , MetLife Investors , Nationwide , Principal , Protective , Pruco , Savings Bank , Security MTlNY , Transmerica , United Omaha . There are other companies who have guaranteed universal life that can be configured to perform like a 30 year term life insurance . Keep in mind that there are age limitations to 30 year guaranteed term life insurance .
What constitutes a group for health insurance ? It may vary from state to state as to what defines a group . Usually what is n't considered a `` group '' are people joining together for the primary purose of obtaining insurance . Since states are involved in the process , I will cite mine . In my state a `` group '' can go down to 1 person . Yep , a group of one . That said , in order to get covered , the group must show that it is a group for tax purposes and the individual must dervive 75 % of their income from the business .
Who Offers 30 Year Term Life Insurance?
There are many carriers who offer 30 year Term Life Insurance . Most often you must be under age 50 to qualify for it . Try a website with instant life insurance quotes to see if you can get 30 year Term Life Insurance quotes . If you get a quote , you can get it .
The premium for Medicare Part B is $ 104.90 per month in 2014 -LRB- this number can change each year -RRB- . The premium can be higher for individuals whose incomes are in the following brackets : If filing an individual tax return : 1 -RRB- $ 85,000 or less = $ 104.90 per month 2 -RRB- $ 85,001 - $ 107,000 = $ 146.90 per month 3 -RRB- 107,001 - $ 160,000 = $ 209.80 per month 4 -RRB- 160,001 - $ 214,000 = $ 272.70 per month 5 -RRB- $ 214,001 and up = $ 335.70 per month If filing a joint tax return : 1 -RRB- $ 170,000 or less = $ 104.90 per month 2 -RRB- $ 170,001 - $ 214,000 = $ 146.90 per month 3 -RRB- $ 214,001 - $ 320,000 = $ 209.80 per month 4 -RRB- $ 320,001 - $ 428,000 = $ 272.70 per month 5 -RRB- $ 428,001 and up = $ 335.70 per month If filing a married & separate tax return : 1 -RRB- $ 85,000 or less = $ 104.90 per month 2 -RRB- $ 85,001 - $ 129,000 = $ 272.70 per month 3 -RRB- $ 129,001 and up = $ 335.70 per month If you want to review Medicare supplements to help cover the gaps in Original Medicare -LRB- Parts A & B -RRB- , contact an independent agent/broker to review Medicare supplement plans available in your zip code . If you would like assistance with your Medicare supplement program or have any other questions , you can send me a private message through the `` contact me '' button .
How To Plan For Life After Retirement?
How to plan for life after retirement requires that you determine what retirement success means to you and then determine what you need to do to fund it . Your successful retirement includes : healthy aging , family relationships , meaningful activities , spirituality , a balanced life plan and more . A lifestyle planner can help you if you are interested in more detail . -LRB- Some offer online programs -RRB- There is also more information on retirement planning available on my website . Your financial planning questions may include : How much money will I need to retire ? How long will my money last ? When can I retire ? What about my business ? What is my optimum product and asset mix ? Do I want to leave a legacy ? and more . Retirement planning is extremely easy to continuously put off . The earlier you start the better . If you are within 10 years of retirement or slowing down , then it is time to get serious . The first step is to take the first step with your retirement or financial planner . If you would like to work with a local Retirement Planner , you could start with a Google search . For example if you search for , retirement planner Halifax or retirement planning Halifax , my name along with several others will come up . It will be the same in your community . If you have further questions , or feel I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .
In New York State a life insurance company can deny a claim if the insured commits suicide during the first two years of the policy being in force . The suicide exclusion period varies from state to state , but you can easily find the specifics for your state by going to your states insurance department web site . There is precedent for an insurance company to deny a claim even after the standard two year contestable period in the case of fraud . Part of the reason for the limitation on the contestable period is to protect the insured from having his claim denied for a relatively minor misstatement on the application . However the intent was never to reward fraudulent activity . An example of fraud would be a person who knows he is HIV positive but does not disclose it on the application , then he has a friend stand in his place for the exam and blood test . Even if the insured dies after the contestable period the company can deny the claim if they can prove fraud .
Can You Annuitize A Fixed Annuity?
Yes - to annuitize an annuity means you are electing to start receiving monthly payments from your annuity . When the annuity is created , you have options on how you would like it paid out -LRB- immediate annuity vs. deferred annuity and whether you want to receive those for a certain number of years or continue on for life -RRB- . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help setting up an annuity and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
When purchasing life insurance to cover the life of a bread winner in the family or a business partner at work , it 's important to collect information to properly cover your beneficiaries . You need to include all debt , future obligations and your value to earn a living , i.e. how much will you make between now and the time you retire .
Can You Annuitize A Fixed Annuity?
That is a great question ! Every annuity , whether it be a fixed , variable , or indexed annuity will have an annuitizing phase . That simply means that after it has sat for the allotted time accruing earnings , that it reaches the point where it begins to pay out to you . When you purchased your annuity , you would have set the time periodthatthe payments would continue for . Ask your agent to review those details with you , so that you will have an idea of what you can expect to receive for income . I hope it 's a bundle ! Thanks for asking !
That is a great question ! If you do n't have a policy , you can purchase one from the rental company . They are a bit pricy , and will have a lot of limitations , but if you are a safe driver , it is normally good enough . You might want to call your credit card company first though - a lot of cards offer that coverage as a perk for having the card ! Who knows , it might be the case for you . Good luck , and thanks for asking !
What Is No Claim Bonus In Health Insurance?
A No Claims bonus is something that is more common with car insurance than health insurance . Think of it as the `` Good Hands Discount '' that good drivers receive , in the form of lower monthly premium payments , in exchange for not having accidents or other driving problems . While a No Claim Bonus is available in some other countries , and did exist in the U.S. in the past , such a practice is no longer allowed under regulations contained in the Afford Care Act that state insurance companies can not charge different premiums to people based on their health or claims history .
Your car insurance rates will typically rise after a DUI How much ? It depends on the company you 're insured with and other violations you may have on your driving record . A large increase and/or suspension are possible . What to do ? Utilize experienced brokers to find the lowest rates . That 's our job and along with our top-rated websites , we shop the major companies to bring you the lowest prices . Also , the relationship between broker and underwriter can sometimes help the customer . Having an extra helping hand in your corner may be critical to negotiating the best rates . As the DUI gets older , your rate should gradually reduce . Of course , there are other policy changes that may help , including increasing deductibles . Working with an experienced broker online gives you the best of both worlds . A DUI is a serious matter and you need knowledge and unbiased advice working with you .
What Are Immediate Annuities?
When you look into an Annuity you have a variety of ways to fund it . You can make monthly payments , you can make a lump sum payment and you can make lump sum to start off and add to it . In an Immediate Annuity you can make a lump sum payment , annuitize it and begin to receive monthly payments . People who want to have a steady monthly payment tend to utilize this type of annuity so they can get regular payments from the insurer .
The average premium cost for Medicare Part D is around $ 35 monthly . But you may need a plan that is more or less than that . With Part D the way to select your plan is to use the plan finder tool on Medicare 's website . You type in all your current medications and it will show plans that cover your meds .
What Are Immediate Annuities?
Immediate annuities are annuities for which you pay a lump sum up front , in order to get regular payments made back to you over a long period of time . These payments to you begin almost immediately , thus , the name . Immediate annuities are often purchased upon retirement as a source of orderly income during the retirement years .
An annuity takes a sum of money and converts it into a lifetime income stream . A deferred annuity allows accumulation of funds but carries that option of converting it into a lifetime income stream . The Variable Deferred Annuity allows the annuitant to select from a range of securities those that will be used to accumulate money towards their retirement . Only agents with a FINRA Series 6 are authorized to sell this type of annuity .
How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost For A Teenager?
Teenagers historically are much more likely to experience a claim than more experienced drivers . If you are just getting your license for the first time , you may be viewed similarly to a youthful driver by insurance carriers . Some carriers will assign the highest risk driver to the highest value vehicle , some will rely on an agent getting the driver assignment information from the customer . This can have a large impact on premium along with other factors . So talk to a broker about who the best carrier is for you .
If you own a Tax Qualified -LRB- TQ -RRB- Long Term Care Insurance policy , the premiums can be deducted up to a certain limit . The instructions provided with your tax return will show the amount of premiums that can be deducted at each age .
How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost For A Teenager?
Auto insurance rates for teenagers are much higher than rates for adults because of their lack of experience driving . However , there are several ways to reduce a young driver 's prices . Having a clean driving record , with no tickets or accidents could make a tremendous difference . Nearly all carriers offer a good student discount which can also substantially reduce the premium . Shopping and comparing always is a god idea . An experienced broker can help determine the best options to help bring your prices down . LIVE answer provided by : Ed Harris - Premier Car Insurance broker for 33 years and owner of several top-rated national auto insurance consumer websites .
From your question , I have to guess that you are no longer working for the company which has the 401 -LRB- k -RRB- . If you get another job which has a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- option , you could transfer it although I do n't recommend this in most cases . From a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- , you can roll it over into an IRA which can be anything from a mutual fund , stocks , annuities and other investments which IRA 's are allowed . In most cases , I usually recommend using an Fixed Indexed Annuity for a couple reasons . First , you can guarantee that you will never lose the money you have worked so hard to get . Fixed Indexed Annuities give you a downside guarantee along with an upside potential which will help you stay ahead of inflation . When it comes time to retire , you can use that annuity to create guaranteed lifetime income . You never will outlive your income . Please consult your adviser or connect with me if you have other questions .
How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost For A Teenager?
In California a driver is not penalized for being a teenager directly . Instead all drivers with limited experience are rated together in three to four year increments . They are not differentiated by sex either . It is obvious that other states rate on age which illustrates that insurance premiums are regulated by states and reflect the thinking in the states . In California the insurance formula was set by constitutional amendment .
Unfortunately , no dental work is covered either by Medicare or Medicare supplemental insurance . Our experience is that individual dental plans are usually not a good buy as they are expensive , have waiting periods for many procedures and have relatively low maximum payments . However , if you are still employed many group plans do offer coverage that may make sense for you .
Is Life Insurance Exempt From Creditors In Utah?
In the state of Utah death benefit proceeds are exempt from creditors as long as the proceeds are paid to either the spouse or a child of the insured and the policy was in force for more than one year . Cash surrender values are protected from both bankruptcies and non-bankruptcies with the exception of monies placed into the contract one year prior to the creditor claim .
Medicare Supplement plans are designed to supplement your Medicare . SinceMedicare , like most medical insurance policies , pay a portion -LRB- 80 % -RRB- ofyour medical costs . TheMedicare Supplement planwill pay additional expenses , up to 100 % , of your medical expenses . It is important that you are clear on your needs and budget in decided which plan is best for you .
Is Life Insurance Exempt From Creditors In Utah?
Generally speaking , life insurance is exempt from creditors in Utah if the beneficiary is a person . If the beneficiary is the estate , then creditors can try to collect on the unpaid debt owed them from the life insurance proceeds . But they can not take the life insurance benefit from an individual who received it as a beneficiary , unless that person co-signed the debt .
You can recieve Medicare benefits when you turn 65 and meet the qualifications . Certain people under 65 qualify when they are disabled and receiving Social Security benefits for 24 months . People with End Stage Renal Disease , You can receive Medicare benefits under the age of 65 if you are diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis .
Who Should Get Long Term Disability Insurance?
Anyone who earns a living and wants to protect their paycheck should get disability insurance . The statistical odds of becoming disabled during your working life are too great to ignore . The average disability period is 30 months ; the average emergency cash reserve is 90 days . And it is highly recommended that you also insurance your retirement contributions as well .
That 's a great question ! If you have auto insurance of your own , and your coverage is enough , you are fine using it . Check with your agent to be certain . If you do n't , the rental car company will have policies you can purchase . You may already have coverage as a perk from your credit card company , many companies will throw in rental car discounts and insurance when you use their card . Call them and see ! Thanks for asking !
Who Should Get Long Term Disability Insurance?
If your family relies on your paycheck to pay the bills , you should have long term disability insurance . If being disabled for more than 30 days would put your home , utilities , health insurance , or your ability to feed your family in jeopardy , you should have long term disability insurance . Most people purchase long term disability insurance even to protect their standard of living .
Your auto insurance rates may reduce at age 50 -LRB- or age 55 -RRB- , depending on the company you are insured with . Underwriting guidelines are different , depending upon the carrier and the type of discounts that they offer . Typically , as experienced brokers , our job is to find the companies that offer the lowest prices in your area , and find the discounts that best apply to you .
When Did Car Insurance Become Mandatory?
In California we have a financial responsibility law . It requires that a driver be able to cover all the costs which result from an accident . While it doesnt require insurance , that is the most economical manner to handle it . Many drivers look at insurance as a tax . It is certainly far from that . It is in the public interest that drivers be financial capable to repair any damage that they create . In California the state has made a certain set of limits as the mandatory minimums . These limits would not adequately protect a driver if they were involved in a serious accident .
An investment program requires time and money . Time is the one thing that you can not control . If your investment program is planned over 20 years and you die tomorrow , your investment plan will be useless . Life insurance gives you time because it self-completes . The return on investment in the event of premature death is phenomenal . Permanent life insurance has tax benefits not found in other products . However , in the final analysis , it is the ability to pay a death benefit that places life insurance in a class by itself . It should be the backbone of a successful investment program .
Will Health Insurance Be Taxed In 2014?
Individuals will not be taxed on health insurance . Employers will have various taxes over the few years . There will be a $ 63 fee per covered person that the employer will have to pay starting in 2014 . It is likely that many employers will pass this cost on to employees in various ways . The `` Cadillac Tax '' on high-end employer-provided health insurance will be become effective until 2018 . At that time , plans costing more than $ 10,200 for individual plans and $ 27,500 for family plans will face a 40 % excise tax . Most employers are expected to reduce benefits on these `` luxury '' policies to avoid the tax .
When youfill outa health insurance application , you will see fields for applicant , spouse and children . A spouse could be a domestic partner , but not an ex . To maintain continuous coverage , this should be dealt with during the divorce proceedings . If the ex was on your group coverage , then he/she would be eligible for Cobra if he/she otherwise qualified .
Will Health Insurance Be Taxed In 2014?
There is a `` net investment tax '' of 3.8 % that is levied on `` individuals , trusts and estates '' . Then each year when the individual files their tax returns the tax preparer is reponsible for completing the form that documents if the individual has credible health insurance coverage . If not , then the individual has to pay `` the fine '' which is a tax . Now that ObamaCare is on the ropes and apparently going down for the count perhaps some sanity can be returned back into the health insurance industry
In Canada , many lenders offer mortgage life insurance . The death benefit reduces along with the mortgage and is payable to the mortgage company . If you change mortgage companies you have to apply again and you may not qualify . The premiums for this vary and often and individual life insurance policy is very competitive . If you purchase an individual policy you are afforded more flexibility , not the least of which is the freedom to move your mortgage without loosing your coverage . Most individual policies have a level death benefit , so as the mortgage principle declines an addition amount is payable to your beneficiary . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
Will Medicare Pay For A Hip Replacement?
Medicare will pay for hip replacements , if medically necessary . Ca n't say which is # 1 and which is # 2 , but hip and knee replacements and cataracts are the the first things people get when they become eligible for Medicare . If you are anticipating a hip replacement , sign on for for original Medicare and a Medicare supplement . If you go the Advantage route you will pay $ 2000 - $ 3000 OOP .
For most people , you can get Medicare Part B when you turn age 65 . You can sign up for Medicare Part B by going to your local Social Security office or you can do it online at . It is also best to consider what type of Medicare Supplement you will need . You can review plans several months prior to getting your Medicare Part B and you can submit the application ahead of time . By doing this you can then have your Medicare Supplement have the same effective date as the Medicare Part B. Medicare Part A & B only covers about 80 % of the costs so people get a supplement to cover the difference . Medicare along with a supplement -LRB- Medigap -RRB- is great health insurance . You can go to our website for more information about Medicare Part B and Medicare Supplement information .
What Is Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance?
Guaranteed acceptance or guaranteed Issue insurance is a policy that is guaranteed you will qualify for regardless of your health condition . You are not required to take any medical exam , but usually you will have to answer just a few basic medical history questions . These policies do NOT guaranteed you will qualify if you are past the age limit however , which is typically either 80 or 85 . And there are usually some restrictions on benefit payouts within the first couple years .
Life insurance policies have settlement options that include payout annuities . That means you can covert the cash value into an income flow for retirement income . You should check to be sure you understand any tax consequences . It also means that the death benefit can be paid as an annuity income . You could direct that a beneficiary receives a life income rather than a lump sum for example . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
What Is Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance?
Guaranteed acceptance in general means you do not have to take a medical exam to qualify . There are two basic types . Individual guaranteed acceptance , the kind you may get in the mail or from an agent , is going to be for a lower death benefit , usually around $ 5k to $ 50k . It will not pay within the first two years , but only return premium plus interest . After two years , it will pay as any other policy . The other basic type is group insurance , where members of a group can qualify without a medical exam , as long as a specific number of them apply . they may be able to get higher death benefits , usually around $ 150k . If you want a higher benefit , you will have to take a medical exam , and quality , either way . Thank you . GARY LANE .
In most cases , as long as the cars are in your parents name and your parents want to continue to assume liability for your actions you can stay on your parents policy . Some carriers will start to question why a child is still on a policy if the child become older , say in their 30 's but it is still doable . There comes a time when parents make the call as they feel their child should be responsible enough to be on their own and not continue to place liability on the parents .
What Is Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance?
That is an excellent question ! This kind of policy is generally one marketed to people who can not get a policy otherwise . There are typically few if any health questions , and about the only thing you need to have to purchase it is a valid ID , and the money . These policies are riskier for the insurer , so they hedge their bet by creating a `` graded '' or `` modified '' period at the beginning of the policy where the return if you die from any reason other than strictly defined accident is a return of what you paid in , plus some interest . These policies are for smaller face values , and are more expensive also . They are a great vehicle for someone who has issues that would otherwise make them uninsurable , but not the best fit for someone in good health . Please contact me if you would like to discuss this further , I 'm happy to help . Thanks for asking !
XGEVA -LRB- also known as denosumab -RRB- is an FDA-approved prescription medicine used to prevent serious bone problems in patients with bone metastases from solid tumors that is covered under Medicare Part B . An estimated 70 % of Medicare beneficiaries with supplemental coverage pay no out of pocket cost forXGEVA , other than possible costs associated withoffice visit , physician , staff , or administrative charges associated with administering the drug . For those who do not have complete covered , the drug manufacturer offers assistance , known as First Step . Details can be found at WEBSITELINK
What Is Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance?
Guaranteed issue policies are , in essence , a `` last resort '' type of measure for buying life insurance as they generally feature some of the highest rates in the market . The medical histories for individuals who purchase these have conditions that make them uninsurable for traditionally underwritten programs , such as cancer -LRB- when current in the body and treatment not yet completed -RRB- . Also , these programs are limited to small amounts of life insurance - generally a maximum death benefit of $ 25,000 under a single policy with most companies . The structure of a `` graded '' death benefit mentioned above is generally a return of premiums paid into the program if death occurs in the first 2 years , unless death is accidental -LRB- in which the full benefit would be payable -RRB- - the full benefit is payable beginning in year 3 of the policy . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Homeowners medical pay will cover minor injuries for those visiting your home . This is designed to prevent law suit . It will not cover you or members of your household however . Homeowners is not designed as an accident policy or health insurance . The premium would have to be way too high .
What Is Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance?
As the name implies , this type of life insurance is always available as coverage . Although it does not take effect during the first 2 years except for accident . If death does occur during the first 2 years , then all premiums plus interest are returned to the policy owner . While not as economical as so-called `` regular '' coverage , it may be an excellent last alternative .
Do annuities work ? Better than anything out there that claims to be annuity like . Annuities provide a safe secure place to invest money for growth in a low risk environment . Immediate annuities provide for a lifetime payout that the insured can not out live the payments , even if the insured lives well past the annuities projected payout . Also , today 's immediate annuities come with COLA adjustments to keep pace with inflation and guaranteed payouts to beneficiaries if the annuitant dies early .
What Coverage Do I Need For Homeowners Insurance?
In order to keep your mortgage company satisfied , you will need to have the dwelling coverage equal to the cost that it would take to rebuild your house if it were ever destroyed . Other than dwelling coverage , you will want liability coverage , personal property coverage , and additional living expenses coverage .
Dave Ramsey does n't like whole life insurance . In fact , he dislikes it so much that he misrepresents it -LRB- intentionally or not -RRB- when he talks about it on his radio show . Of course , it 's possible that he just does n't understand it , but I suspect that his opinion of the product is based on his previous experience as a life insurance agent with A.L. Williams , the `` buy term and invest the difference '' company . As an A.L. Williams agent , he was taught to represent whole life -LRB- which people owned -RRB- as a bad product which should be replaced with term insurance -LRB- which he sold -RRB- . So his bias against whole life stems from there .
When Can I Get Obamacare Health Insurance?
Obamacare health insurance -LRB- if you want to call it that -RRB- is available in 2014 under The Affordable Care Act . No person can be denied for medical reasons and federal tax subsidies will be available to many consumers to help pay premiums . Recent health care reform changes have resulted in 100 % preventive benefits and expanded dependent coverage . Open Enrollment begins in October so it 's just about time to compare your options through an experienced broker or a reputable health insurance website .
There is employer sponsored group short term disability insurance . There is business overhead insurance . There is bank loan disability insurance . There is business buyout disability insurance . There is retirement contribution disability insurance . There is individual disability insurance for business a deduction and nondeductible disability insurance .
Does Health Insurance Cover Essure?
Essure is a medical procedure that is used by women for birth control purposes . A device is implanted into the fallopian tubes and there has been some women that has found it to be satisfactory while others have found it unacceptable . This procedural details can be found in great detail on the internet if you want more details
South Dakota Home Insurance rates are heavily affected by Hail and Wind . In the last four years every major city in the state has been hit by hail storms , some of them multiple times ! The # I have been given is that if you took every dollar of property insurance premium paid in to insurance companies in 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 and 2012 the insurance companies have paid out about $ 1.40 in claims for every $ 1.00 in premium . This has lead to rate increases , tightened underwriting , and some companies have left the state -LRB- stopped selling insurance here -RRB- . As an individual , the best things you can do are : 1 . Watch your credit . Insurance rates are based somewhat on your credit information . The better credit you have the lower your rates will be . 2 . Keep a high deductible . Insurance companies want to be there for you when you have a major claim , but they want you to handle the small stuff . Many people are changing to $ 2,500 deductibles . 3 . Use impact resistant materials . The company I work for -LRB- American Family Insurance -RRB- offers a large discount for impact resistant shingles and certain steel roofs . There are other discounts for cement board siding -LRB- versus vinyl since it does n't hold up well to hail -RRB- . Send me an email if you would like a quote !
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Damage From A Water Leak?
If a water leak has been occurring over a long period of time generally there is no coverage . This is seen as a preventable maintenance issue which falls under a homeowners duty to maintain . If the leak was sudden and caused water damage you should have coverage . I would advised you contact your local agent to discuss the specifics of your potential loss .
When the designated insured of a life insurance policy dies , the proceeds , generally tax free , go to the policy beneficiaries providing there are no policy collateral assignments in place at the time of the of the insured . There may be multiple beneficiaries on a policy and may also have differing percentages of the death claim .
What Does Long Term Healthcare Insurance Cover?
What does long term care cover ? Well , Long Term Care picks up the non-medical cost of care involved for a person . Medical insurance or Medicare/Medicaid cover medical treatment for specific things . Long term care covers the cost in the daily upkeep for a person . Not so much in treating an illness directly but more assistance with daily life activities .
Depending on your state and which carrier that you get and they type of coverage you need . In Montana the rates are not based off of your gender . Rates are determined by many things such as your driving history and prior insurance and they type of auto you drive . Also your credit can play a roll in ratings also . I have many 21yr old clients some pay as little as 58.00 a month to as high as 400 a month . You can also go to your state insurance commissioners office and many times they have a rate guide that will give you the average rate for each carrier . I recommend that you contact a local agent they should be able to compare rates for you . If you do not understand what insurance coverage 's are and what they mean an online quote from a carrier might not be the best option for you a well informed agent should be able to compare rates and explain the coverage 's and what you need . I know at our agency Best Rates Insurance Inc we run our office 24/7 to help our clients .
What Does Long Term Healthcare Insurance Cover?
I believe you are referring to Long Term Care Insurance . There are a variety of different long term policies from many insurance companies . Most policies sold today are comprehensive and offer a daily benefit that can be used in your home , adult day service centers , hospice care , respite care , assisted living facilities and Alzheimer 's special care facilities and nursing homes . In a home setting , comprehensive polices generally cover skilled nursing care , occupational , speech , physical and rehabilitation therapy . You can also get help with personal care , such as bathing and dressing . In order to receive long term care expense reimbursement , you need to qualify . Generally , that means the failure of the insured to perform 2 out of 6 of the activities of daily living -LRB- ADLs -RRB- . There is also an `` elimination period '' after which the benefits begin . Policies vary in what they actually cover and there is much you should know about long term care and you need to find a qualified insurance agent near you that can help you understand it .
This is a great question . The relation of social security to Medicare . When you first apply for medicare that is normally done at the social security office or by calling social security . However Medicare part A is normally at no cost . Part B for most people is a little bit over 104 dollars monthly and if an individual is receiving a social security check , the part B premium is normally deducted from it .
Can I Make Medicare Payments Online?
Some carriers have the ability to collect Medicare supplement premiums or Advantage premiums via an online link but those are in the minority . Most Medigap and Advantage carriers prefer to set up an automatic bank draft for the convenience of collecting your premium on a monthly basis . All are glad to bill you quarterly , semi-annually or annually .
Deferred compensation plans are generally an additional executive retirement plan when a qualified plan contributions have reached their maximum . Although the employer ca n't deduct the plan until the employee 's retirement date , the plan generally has a vesting schedule that can be a golden handcuff to the key executive to stay on until it 's fully vested . The plans accumulate tax deferred and are taxable as ordinary income during distributions .
How Much Does Medicare Pay For Xrays?
Medicare Part B normally covers X-rays that are considered medically necessary . Dental X-rays , unless performed due to injury to the mouth , are generally not a covered expense . If you need X-rays while admitted to the hospital as an inpatient your X-rays should be covered under Medicare Part A . If the radiologist is not on staff their charges may fall under Part B .
In almost all cases your personal auto insurance will not cover you if you rent a U haul truck . The U Haul truck will fall out of the bounds of personal auto used for pleasure and also the weight category put the vehicle is the commercial range which is 10,000 lbs or higher . I highly recommend you discuss this with your current insurance company for clarity on your particular policy .
What Is The Enrollment Period For Medicare Part D?
When you first enroll in Medicare Part B you have 60 days to pick a Part D drug plan . If you have a drug plan that is part of a Medicare Advantage plan , and you lose your Advantage coverage -LRB- such as moving out of the service area -RRB- you have 60 days to pick a new plan . Part D annual enrollment runs from October 15 to December 7 .
Most young people are convinced that if they die prematurely it will be in a car accident . The cause of death is not the critical issue . If the person is killed in a crash the company will pay a death claim unless the accident was in fact proven to be suicide . If the policy has an accidental death benefit provision additional money will be paid .
Does Health Insurance Cover Chiropractors?
Some health insurance policies will pay for visits to a chiropractor . Health insurance plans vary greatly from plan to plan , company to company and state to state . To know if your plan provides this coverage you need to read your policy completely to find out what is covered or excluded or give your local agent a call and ask them .
You can make a claim for anything you 'd like . . whether its going to be covered is another story . Try and limit your claims to large catastrophic losses like a hurricane or a fire . Your policy will cover certain perils . I suggest your read through your policy and contact your agent with questions . Some policies are `` all risk '' and cover everything that is not excluded . Typical exclusions for a homeowners insurance policy are wear & tear , maintenance , intentional acts , flood & earthquake .
What Is Proof Of Homeowners Insurance?
If you need to provide proof or Homeowners ' Insurance , usually to a bank or other mortgage company , they are looking for a copy of the Declaration Sheet or other such certificate of documentation that your Insurance Professional will be able to provide . If you are closing on a loan , they may also need a receipt showing that the policy is fully paid .
In order to operate a car in most states you must meet minimum financial responsibility limits . These are normally represented by insurance with specific bodily injury and property damage liability coverage . While this satisfies the state requirement it is not sufficient in many accidents . The company is only responsible to meet the amount of coverage provided . If your limit was $ 30,000 of liability coverage and you hit a van carrying two children and both of them required ambulance service to emergency and were seriously injured , your limits would be exhausted in the first few days . The remaining expenses will probably appear as a law suit against you and any assets that you might have . Your lender will require that you maintain physical damage insurance on your car . In fact , they retain the right to purchase a collateral protection certificate which is something like insurance and pass that cost directly to you if you fail to maintain coverage . The lending company will give you latitude as to how much deductible you can select but they want to make sure that their interests are protected . The most important thing to understand is that the cost of an insurance policy is best determined when you have a claim . If the policy doesnt cover the damages , it was too expensive . Select well because it can make a substantial difference when you experience a claim . When you meet with an insurance agent to select coverages it is best to choose an agent who will listen to you , provide sound financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company . Setting limits is a critical issue . The agent should tell you the maximum amount of liability insurance that he can provide in your situation . You should start with this maximum number because a lawsuit can cause serious damage to you financially . If you can afford the additional premium you could even consider an umbrella policy to extend further the liability limits . Often property damage liability limits are separate . Many cars cost in excess of $ 50,000 and in the event of a multiple car accident exceeding $ 50,000 is possible . Take as much coverage as is offered . The agent will then offer you medical payments coverage . Select the highest available limit unless you are confident that you will not have an occupant in your car who is not fully insured for medical care . This coverage will allow you to call for an ambulance and make sure proper medical care is extended to those in your vehicle . Your company will offer uninsured and underinsured coverage . This protects you should you be hit by someone without insurance or someone with inadequate insurance . This situation comes up frequently and this coverage should not be overlooked . Consider a high limit . The company will probably offer an accidental death and dismemberment benefit . That benefit is a form of life insurance when death or dismemberment is the result of an auto accident . It is highly restricted but it is also very inexpensive . Other benefits such as stowing and roadside service provide you with a single point of contact should you have mechanical problems or a collision . Generally these are a good value .
What Is Proof Of Homeowners Insurance?
Proof of insurance is a document prepared either by the agent representing the company or the company itself . There are some standard forms ; however , most companies use the declaration page of the policy as evidence of insurance . These are provided to lenders and others who might have an interest in the property insured .
Yes , the Army does carry group life insurance through the VA called SGLI -LRB- Servicemember 's Group Life Insurance -RRB- . Those individuals in the Uniformed Services are automatically enrolled for a death benefit of $ 400,000 but can choose to reduce or cancel that , if desired . For more information , call 1-800-419-1473 .
When Is Private Health Insurance Worth It?
Private health insurance is not an investment so its ' difficult to say when it is `` worth '' it . However , there will be many times when a consumer receives a substantially higher amount of benefits compared to the premiums they pay . I suppose it is `` worth it '' at that time . However , the alternative means you have no health problems . That 's really a bargain !
Critical Illness Insurance is generally a secondary indemnification policy to disability and medical insurance . A key reason for you to consider critical illness insurance is family history . If your family has a historical disposition to health issues , especially as they became older , you should consider it . Sometimes people with chronic conditions like allergies develop major repository illnesses . That could be an additional reason to consider critical illness . You may be able to purchase it as a rider on some life insurance policies as well as a stand alone policy .
When Is Private Health Insurance Worth It?
When you use it ! When you are paying premiums and do not use your insurance it is hard to see the value . However , the first time you end up in the Hospital with a $ 300,000 hospital bill you realize that it is not such a bad deal . If you are healthy , my recommendation is an HSA qualified plan . You save money and are covered for those catastrophic events .
Any life insurance policy is always financially analyzed according to future financial needs for any sudden mishap ending in the death of someone or for the creation of an estate for generations to come when someone passes on . A 30 year old is at a young age where rate is important and health so they may get a preferred rate resulting in lower premiums and higher benefit . You may also choose however much insurance to buy at your discretion in order to build and estate and leave your loved ones financially secure . Speak to an agent let them advise you further . I am always open to consultation .
How Exactly Is Medicare Advantage Affected By Obamacare?
Obamacare reduces funding for Medicare by more than $ 700 billion between now and 2020 . This means Medicare beneficiaries will pay higher premiums , higher copay 's and deductibles and more out of pocket . The reduced funding means fewer Medicare Advantage plans from fewer carriers . When you can find a plan expect it to cost more .
If someone you know was the victim of a drunk driving accident , the policy would pay upon their death . If the person who died in the drunk driving accident was the intoxicated driver , the policy will pay if the applicant did not lie about or omit requested information about alcohol use , DUI 's , etc on the application . After the first two years of the policy , these details are not as important .
What Is A Fully Paid-Up Life Insurance Policy?
A fully paid up life insurance policy is one in which the premiums are paid up , or paid in full . At that point , the insurance company is liable for paying the death benefit , and you do not need to pay any more premiums to keep the policy in effect .
Medicare Part D is optional , however it is important to keep in mind that for every month that goes by that you fail to carry Part D when you are eligible you will be penalized unless you can show that you had group or other coverage at least as good as Medicare . It is thus very important you select a plan regardless of whether or not you currently have prescriptions .
What Is A Fully Paid-Up Life Insurance Policy?
A fully paid up life insurance policy is simply the full amount of the . policy paid up contrary to monthly payments through the years of policy . If someone wanted a 500,000 policy and calculating the rates which rely on age and rating , the pay a one time payment maybe 150,000 , but , again depending on age , and rating . No more premiums are payed . For this I specialize in modified endowment policies but not exactly the average endowments . The policy is a secure policy aimed to preserve wealth and save on taxes .
If you live in a particular state and register and garage your vehicles in that state you can not purchase out of state insurance for those vehicles . If you live in a particular state but register and garage a vehicle in another state then yes you may purchase the insurance for the vehicle in the state the vehicle resides in .
What Is A Fully Paid-Up Life Insurance Policy?
A fully paid up life insurance policy means that no premiums are necessary to keep the policy in force . Depending on how the policy was built , the paid up status may be sometime in the future because you are paying more premium initially . Or the paid up status could be immediate . Whole Life Insurance often times has a paid option during the premium paying years . You might see on an illustration a paid up column meaning that is the death benefit you can get if you stop paying premium at that time .
Yes it can in most cases . If you are a new driver and have taken an approved Drivers Education course , then provide that certificate to your parents Insurance Professional and here in Connecticut , and I am sure in most states , you will earn a discount on the rate that yo pay .
What Should I Cover With Renters Insurance?
Everything that you consider valuable that is beyond your normal financial means of replacing -LRB- normally your deductible amount for the policy -RRB- any individual items that are above $ 500 should be brought to the attention of your agent to find out if they need to be covered thru an endorsement on the policy . Read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be .
Typically ... YES ! Many people do n't realize it , but there 's pretty much always a need . You may be thinking `` I 've got my house and cars paid off , no other debts , and the kids are out of the house , so why do I still need life insurance ? '' When you 're in retirement , the 4 most common reasons why people have life insurance are income replacement , estate planning , burial expenses , and leaving a legacy behind . During your working life , structuring a combination of benefits -LRB- part of your coverage as term and part as permanent coverage -RRB- can be very beneficial because you 'll go into retirement knowing what checks you 'll be writing for your life insurance and can structure the premiums to remain fixed for life -LRB- or reducing the premiums/increasing the death benefit if you 've got a participating whole life policy -RRB- .
Does Health Insurance Cover Skin Removal Surgery?
It will depend upon your medical situation ; 1 -RRB- No Scenario -LRB- the most likely -RRB- - the skin removal is for cosmetic purposes . This is generally understood to extend to persons who have meaningful weight loss that leaves them with excess skin . So , you may have done the right thing by losing a lot of weight but you may have to reconcile yourself to living longer with a flabbier body or privately pay for cosmetic surgery . 2 -RRB- Yes Scenario -LRB- uncommon but not rare -RRB- - where medically necessary criteria are met . There are circumstances where there can be recurring health problems caused by skin overhang -LRB- yeast infections , sores and rashes , infections , etc. -RRB- that can be remedied or mitigated by removing the overhanging skin , a Panniculectomy . This is not the same procedure as what is commonly referred to as a `` tummy tuck . '' The Punniculectomy only removes the overhanging skin and does not address the stretching of abdominal muscle that can also occur and which is commonly addressed in the `` tummy tuck '' procedure . As such , depending upon the terms of your policy and how a claim is coded I can foresee the situation where both procedures are performed -LRB- if the doctors went on and did the more invasive abdominal muscle procedures while `` they were in there '' and this was done with your prior consent or request -RRB- and part of the procedureis covered by the policy and the other part being deemed for cosmetic purposesand not being covered .
If you have geriatric family history of nursing home confinement , you may want to secure coverage while young and LTCi is affordable . But you need to begin your search on long term care insurance no later than age 50 . You should be purchasing long term care insurance no later than age 60 . These are just rules of thumb . But the sooner the later based on health deterioration as you become older and the premium larger .
What Is An Example Of A Defined Contribution Retirement Plan?
An example of a defined contribution plan is a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- , employer sponsored retirement plan under ERISA , Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 . The pretax contributions accumulate tax deferred and some employers match a portion of the employee 's contribution , further enhancing the overall benefit . In addition , plan participants over age 50 can contribute additional monies beyond the annual set contribution limitations .
How to determine how much life insurance one needs is an exercise that all conscientious insurance agents go through with every client . It is a dereliction of duty not to do so . Of course once the need is determined it still remains up to the client how much to put in place . In determining the amount of insurance needed , of primary importance is to define what the goals are of the insured . If the main goal for the insurance is to provide for dependents then the requirements for that provision will be the main determining factor for the amount needed . If the main goal for the insurance is to provide additional income in retirement then that requirement will be the determining factor . So to answer your question depends on who the insurance is for . If it is for you , you should talk with an Insurance Adviser .
How Much Commission Does An Auto Insurance Agent Make?
Depending on the carrier who is paying the agent the average is 10 to 15 % for your auto or home policies . But on business policies it can be higher . Now Life and health that is a complete different story I do not write this type of policy but I was told it is a much higher commission
That is a great question ! The answer is that it depends upon your specific annuity . Mine allows me to add within the first year . Yours may allow it , or may not . There also may be adjustments to payment periods or charges , so be sure to ask your agent when you contact them to find out about your contract terms . Good luck , and thanks for asking !
Is An Annuity Guaranteed For Life?
Is an annuity guaranteed for life ? Well you may be an annuity payout and the short answer is yes . You can not outlive an immediate annuity that pays you a stream of income for your life . You can even establish guarantee windows that will continue to pay a payout after you 've passed . they are called period certain payouts . But yes , you can not outlive an annuity payout .
No , Disability Insurance is not considered Health Insurance , and can not be considered a Health Insurance deduction on your tax form . Disability Insurance pays a benefit to the disabled person to use as you see fit . Health Insurance reimburses care providers for the cost of preventative , curative , and palliative care .
Is An Annuity Guaranteed For Life?
Tax deferred annuities have three crediting methods , no of which is guaranteed for life because interest rates can change , indexed performance can wane and separate sub accounts can lose money . However , if you annuitize the policy balance for life only , it will generate guaranteed life time income you ca n't outlive .
Most health insurance policies will cover nutrition counseling through a dietician though under what circumstances can vary significantly from one insurance carrier to another and from policy to policy . Remember , many larger employers are self-insured which gives them much greater say in what is covered under their plans than groups using fully insured health insurance plans . The bottom line is that you need to look at your policy 's summary of benefits and possibly contact your insurance carrier to verify what your coverage would be , for what conditions would it apply , and for how many visits or for what length of time . Generally a medical diagnosis for a condition such as diabetes , high cholesterol and/or high blood pressure or anemia -LRB- among others -RRB- would be situations where the services of a dietician could be viewed as medically necessary . Getting sports dietary nutrition counseling so you can become a marathon runner for example would not meet that criteria and is highly unlikely to be covered under your health insurance .
Why Would My Health Insurance Send Me A Check?
A health insurance company would send you a check for a number of reasons . It could be a refund of an over-payment you made . It could also be because of an error made by the insurer and they are correcting it . It could also be the result of favorable claim results where -LRB- by law -RRB- , they may have to return some premium . Or , they just like you ! Probably not that reason .
By `` Regular Annuities '' you may be referring to `` Ordinary Annuities '' . Ordinary Annuities have payments made to the annuitant on a regular basis , with the payments being the same each time , and the spacing of the payments being consistent . The payments are made at the end of the pay period , which is usually monthly , semi-annually , or annually .
Why Would My Health Insurance Send Me A Check?
Do you remember how much you paid as premium to your insurer ? The check you have received might , in all probability , the excess amount you have been billed for . Now that that they have rectified their mistake by sending you the refund check . Please also check if your insurance company has decided to offer you a claim which might have been assessed in your favor , but that might be the remote reason as insurance companies very seldom decide on this favorably . However , you should check it with your insurer first .
Right on Peggy ! Actually , health insurers can deny coverage at any time on certain types of policies . For example , a short-term plan is not ACA-compliant and can and will be denied if you have been treated for specific conditions , such as heart disease , cancer or diabetes . There are other reasons you could be canceled as well .