Does Health Insurance Cover Scoliosis Surgery?
Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine . There are many ways to treat and manage scoliosis including but not limited to braces , physical therapy , chiropractic treatment , osteopathic treatment , casting and as a last resort , surgery . If the condition can not be effectively treated with less invasive treatment , your health insurance carrier should cover surgical intervention .
You can purchase a guaranteed issued policy through Crump and through Gerber -LRB- yes they sell more than baby policies -RRB- . You just need to find an Agent in your state that sells it . I am offering this in MN and WI . You can search these companies online to find an Agent that offers it in your state .
Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Covered By Medicare?
It depends on the therapy involved but as a rule yes as long as your doctor finds that it is medically necessary . There may be cases where such therapy is considered experimental or beyond what Medicare feels is necessary . In such cases Medicare may not want to pay .
No . It is a program of the Federal Government . It becomes the primary health provider for all who are over 65 years of age . If a person does not receive enrollment information they should contact the Social Security Administration to secure the Medicare forms . Other forms of insurance become secondary providers after age 65 .
What Is The Accumulation Period For Immediate Annuities?
There is no accumulation period for immediate annuities . After you purchase the SPIA -LRB- Single Premium Immediate Annuity -RRB- with a single lump sum amount , you are able to begin receiving payments from the annuity almost immediately . Typically , you will receive your first payment one month after the immediate annuity is procured .
The answer is rather simple on the surface . The state you live in , the rating territory , the type of vehicle including year , make and model , the number of miles driven to and from work one way , the annual miles you drive , the age of the driver , the marital status of the driver , the driving history of the predominate driver -LRB- and other drivers in the household -RRB- , and the overall success of your insurance carrier at underwriting for a profit in you territory or state . Do n't overlook the influence of the required coverage for your state . There are so many influencers but this hits the high points in brief .
How Fast Can You Get Auto Insurance?
In most cases auto insurance can be purchased in one day or the same day you request to quote . As long as all information is provided and validated there is no reason why anyone ca n't get insurance the same day as long as it 's not to late in the day .
Generally , life insurance proceeds are income tax free if left to a beneficiary that is a person or organization . Federal and state estate taxes can be charged if the life insurance proceeds of are sufficient amount to bring the estate over the exempted amount . The estate taxes may be paid by a separate life insurance policy , or taken out of the estate . The policyholder may stipulate whether or not the beneficiary needs to share in paying those .
Who Can Qualify For Disability Insurance?
To qualify for Disability Insurance , applicants need to show that they do not have an exceptionally high risk of becoming disabled . Having a health condition that lends itself to becoming disabled , even though the risk of death is very low -LRB- e.g. MS -RRB- will make it difficult to get a Disability Insurance policy . The applicant must also earn an income . Stay at home workers who are not compensated are unable to qualify for disability insurance .
When you apply for insurance the payment method and frequency is established at inception . Many carriers offer a monthly payment and usually accept credit card , debit card , or automatic deduction from a checking or savings account . Masny carriers may allow you to change payment methods and frequency for your policy -LRB- or policies -RRB- mid-term . Make sure the current method of payment is terminated and your new payment method is activated -LRB- especially if you change insurance carriers -RRB- . Get copies of all transaction documents -LRB- authorizations , cancellation requests , cancellation acknowledgements , applications , bindersetc . -RRB- and keep them on file .
What Life Insurance Can You Cash Out?
Life insurance that can be cashed out is life insurance with a cash value . This is Whole Life or Universal Life , although not every Whole or Universal Life policy has cash value at any given time . Term policies can only be cashed out if they are Return of Premium -LRB- ROP -RRB- Term . And you must wait until at least half the term has passed before you can get any cash when surrendering an ROP term policy .
Just about every company offers a policy for 6 months . Many will also offer a 12 month policy which I recommend if you can get it . I recommend you contact a local independent agent who can run rates for you from many different insurance providers to help you obtain the right coverage 's at an affordable premium .
What Life Insurance Can You Cash Out?
You can only cash out life insurance that has a cash value build-up . Permanent life insurance programs -LRB- including both universal and whole life policies -RRB- bulid cash value - term insurance programs do not build cash value . If you 're looking to cash out your policy , there are a number of things to consider before deciding whether to cash out any life insurance policy . One of the things that most people do n't think about is their insurability , especially when they have an existing plan . They may have preferred rates at the time they got it , but are now being treated for some medical conditions -LRB- heart issues , diabetes , cancer , etc. -RRB- and may be looking at standard or substandard rates on a new plan if they decided to get coverage again later on . If you 're looking at securing new coverage / replacing the old policy , you should compare the two structures and make sure it 's the most favorable course of action for you . Another item to review on the policy before cashing out is whether there are still any surrender charges on the policy and whether there would be any taxable gains -LRB- the cash value is greater than the sum total of premiums paid into the policy -RRB- - these 2 items can affect how much money you actually receive if you cashed out the policy . I highly recommend consulting with an experienced insurance broker who can review all of these points and others with you so you can make sure it 's an optimal move for you . After all things considered and you still want to cash out the policy , you can call the carrier/contact your agent and tell them you want to terminate the coverage -LRB- the amount you receive would be less any surrender charges or loan fees , if applicable -RRB- and they 'll send you the necessary paperwork Depending on the size of the cash out , an option to consider would be putting the money into an annuity to guarantee an income for the rest of your life -LRB- or for a fixed number of years -RRB- . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any questions . Thanks very much .
Some reasons to choose Universal Life Insurance are : 1 -RRB- It is flexible . You can adjust the face amount downward , adjust the premium up or down , or dump in money to make the policy fit where you are at in life . You can also adjust the funds for IUL and VL , and the amount of coverage you have in each fund . 2 -RRB- It is low priced for permanent coverage . No lapse Universal Life can be purchased with very low cash value so that the premium goes to getting the longest possible coverage at the lowest rate . 3 -RRB- It has the potential to perform better than shown . You know the worst it can do , but it can outshine that .
What Life Insurance Can You Cash Out?
How much money do you want to cash out ? Do you want to cash out tax free money ? Are you planning for retirement , emergency fund , college savings for kids , or an income replacement ? These are some important questions you should ask your self . Whats the most important thing to you ? Life insurance can solve many problems cash or protection . I believe having an expert adviser educate you on the benefits of owning life insurance and how it can benefit you and your family is priceless . Two products to look out for is index universal life and whole life . You can have your money grow with a fixed rate of return on your money can earn higher returns with stock market like growth with the upside potential with out the downside risk . Visit my site for some free educational videos .
The variable annuity is a contract based upon your selection of investment options . This contract has the highest possibility of gain and the highest possibility of loss . The performance of the underlying securities determines results . There are specific situations where a variable annuity might be a good option . It would be a good option if your concern was inflation .
What Life Insurance Can You Cash Out?
What type of insurance can you cash out ? Well , those with cash values would be the first to come to mind . Some cash value policies would allow you to take the full amount shown as cash values . Others , may have a surrender table that means you would forfeit some of those cash values if you are removing funds too early .
Theft is a covered peril under most renters policies . Recovery is limited to the value of the item minus the deductible . Some policies will allow settlement based upon replacement cost once you actually replace the stolen item . If the property stolen was not in the residence the amount of recovery is normally limited to a percentage of the coverage for personal property .
What Life Insurance Can You Cash Out?
There are two main types of life insurance . The first is term life insurance which has no cash value . Think of it as renting . The second type of life insurance is cash value life insurance . The most popular go by names like , whole life , universal life , indexed universal life and variable life . All of which have cash value that builds with time . If you have one of these types of plans , look for the pages marked `` illustrations '' . You will find a cash value column explaining how much cash is built up in a given year . Most policies allow you to take a `` cash loan '' against them and keep your coverage in force . You may also cash out completely or roll the cash value to another plan . You will find the average policy will not have cash value until coverage has been in force for about 5 years .
You need not wait until current insurance expires to replace it with another carrier . In the past there was a penalty assessed if you cancelled prior to the cancellation date , however , most carriers have dropped that practice . Occassionally you will find a policy that has a `` minimum earned premium '' clause which means that they will always retain at least that amount of the premium regardless of the date of cancellation .
What Is The Age Limit For Long Term Care Insurance?
The age limit for buying Long Term Care is usually 84 years old . For your information , the average age that people buy Long Term Care is 57 . It 's obviously more affordable to buy it when you 're younger , but if you 're younger than 84 , it 's not too late ! If you are older and the price is an issue , get as much as you can comfortably afford because most long term care claims occur in your own home , not in a nursing home . Therefore , the amount of cover you need may not be $ 150 - $ 200/day ... it may only be $ 80 or $ 100/day . So my advice is : get as much as you can comfortably afford and continue to pay for .
The cheapest car insurance for young will depend on your state and zip code . If you are a Maryland resident and you are between the agesof 16 and 20 , it will be very difficult not impossible to find insurance in the standard market . Some exceptions to this is when the Child goes on Parents Insurance policy . In Maryland , MAIF or the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund insures most young and inexperience drivers or experience driver with accidents and tickets . They must have been declined coverage by at least two standard insurance companies or none renewed by one to qualify for coverage with MAIF . In some cases Progressive may also be good with young drivers but their rates are better if the driver is at least 21 and have good credit score Hope this helps .
What Is Life Insurance Advantages And Disadvantages?
The advantages of life insurance are three fold . The death benefit proceeds can pay the bills , fund future obligations and make a difference for your children and charities . The economic leverage for a healthy insured is significant and the tax advantages considerable . The diversity of the product line can be customized to the individual consumer . The only disadvantage of life insurance , like any other product , is that you have to pay for it .
There are different levels of `` cost '' in becoming a licensed `` life insurance agent '' . In South Carolina you have to take the required preparatory licensing materials and then take an exam . These materials in South Carolina is like $ 140 just for the materials and then there is an additional `` test exam fee '' that has to be a `` proctored exam '' and it is approximately another $ 100 . In South Carolina once you have passed the exam and you apply for yuor license with a company of your choice there is not a `` licensing fee '' in South Carolina . Then you have continuing education costs each year . For example , if yuo are going to sell `` annuities '' you have to take LIMRA courses in `` Money Laundering '' that typically will cost you $ 150 . You have to stay current with the continuing education requirements that are set by the Deaprtment of Insurance in your State .
What Is Life Insurance Advantages And Disadvantages?
I believe there are way more advantages to owning life insurance than disadvantages . The only disadvantage I can think of is having to pay ongoing premiums until death . The advantages are almost too numerous to list . Here are some of the most important . Life insurance provides income protection for loved ones left behind , repays debt , educates children , gives peace of mind , protects key employees , protects business partnerships , helps with savings for retirement and is almost always tax free .
Typically the battle for young drivers is done between Geico and Progressive . Due to the fact that a lot of their business is done directly through internet sales they are able to lower the premiums . However , I would recommend doing a little bit of research and checking out some regional carriers as well . Many carriers who only provide auto insurance in one to three states will offer competitive pricing in order to compete against the big national carriers . Either go online and look for insurance companies in your state or seek out a local independent agent -LRB- i.e. not a progressive , Allstate , State Farm agent -RRB- .
Does Medigap Plan F Cover Chiropractic?
It depends . Medicare part B may cover some chiropractic services if they are deemed medically necessary to correct a subluxation in the spine . If it 's not deemed medically necessary , then it would n't be covered . With any Medigap plan , including Medigap plan F , it will only cover a service charge if Medicare covers it . If Medicare does n't approve it , then the Medigap plan wo n't be able to approve the charge . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help with your coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
That is a very open question there are many factors when it comes to your rates in the state you are in did you know that you can go to your states insurance commissioners office website and many times they will have a list of the carriers and the average rates that are in your area ? in Montana we are the 6th highest state for rates I recommend you check out your states insurance commissioners office they are full of resources in Montana the average rate it $ 50 a month to $ 200 depending on what area of the state you live in
When Does My Auto Insurance Policy Expire?
Your auto insurance expires -LRB- technically -RRB- on the cancellation date of the contract . If you do not pay your bill , you will receive -LRB- at some point -RRB- a notice in writing that your policy will expire on a specific date . That date is your expiration date and coverage ends . So do n't drive on or beyond that date without either paying the premium or securing other coverage .
A life insurance rider is defined as a supplemental agreement that adds something to a policy . E.g. Riders that pay an additional benefit for accidental death or the death of a child . However , the term , life insurance rider , is also used to describe a supplement to a policy that limits or waives benefits in certain situations . E.g. Aviation exclusion rider .
Is Personal Disability Insurance Worth It?
Personal Disability Insurance is worth it if you need your income to live the life you are accustomed to , or to provide for others . Disability due to injury or illness is something that can happen at any age . Spending 3 % of one 's salary to protect you from a total loss of income in the future is worth it for most people .
Being a school teacher/educator a 403 -LRB- b -RRB- is always an option . It is similar to a 401k and you can take advantage of your employer possibly matching your contributions . Your money grows tax free , with taxes paid when you make a withdrawal . Depending on your age , marital status & income , you may also consider an IRA -LRB- Individual Retirement Account -RRB- . Both are great retirement strategies with different contribution limits .
How much does car insurance go down at 25?
Auto rates are based on state law . In California there isnt any change in the rate because companies are not allowed to rate based upon age . In California they rate based upon experience . Drivers who have been licensed recently pay more than those who were licensed many years ago . Rates are changed at renewals but not based upon attained age In California .
Auto insurance is an at will product . This means that you typically could cancel your coverage at any time , if you have not signed a contract that states a required period of time that you must keep the coverage active with this carrier . If you have a loan on the vehicle that you have coverage on then you may be contractually obligated to keep a certain level and amount of auto insurance coverage on the vehicle until the outstanding loan is satisfied .
How much does car insurance go down at 25?
Most people dont enjoy paying their auto insurance premiums each and every month ! So , they often look forward to scheduled rate decreases , such as at the age of 25 . Why do car insurance rates decrease at this age ? Well , because the majority of crash claims are filed by young -LRB- ages 16 through 24 -RRB- and older drivers . As a driver matures , they become less likely to become involved in a crash according to statistics , so to offer an incentive for drivers to stay with a particular insurance company , discounts are often offered at the age of 25 . While it is generally true that auto insurance rates will decrease at the age of 25 , it isnt always the case . Drivers can expect their car insurance rates to decline at the age of 25 assuming the following remain constant - their driving history , incident history , and the make and model of their car . If all of these factors remain the same , male drivers can expect a premium discount as high as 20 % , while female drivers can expect a 12-15 % discount on their rate . Keep in mind that the above discount ranges are averages ; there isnt currently a standard amount of deduction that can be expected ; rate decreases will depend not only on the drivers history , but the insurance company , the type of coverage selected and the overall state of the economy .
While Annuities are Tax-Deferred , any withdrawal of the gain inside is taxed as income . So the first portion of the withdrawn funds will be subject to income tax . But your major problem is that it is likely that the mother will not be over 59 1/2 by the time the child goes to college . Annuities are subject to a 10 % penalty tax if the owner accesses it before age 59 1/2 . So on top of the income tax there will most likely be an extra 10 % tax added on . If you want to use an Annuity it is best to have the Grandparents as the Owners . You can do joint ownership between the grandfather/grandmother , or you could just have one as the Owner and the other as the beneficiary . Assuming that the grandparents are still living when the child goes to college , this would eliminate the 10 % penalty . But , you might want to look into a Permanent Life Insurance policy that builds Cash Value . The Cash Value will grow tax-deferred and can be accessed tax-free . If you take it out on the life of the parents , it would provide an extra layer of protection for the childs education . And you can expect 3 % -4 % growth if the policy is designed properly . Feel free to contact me at my website WEBSITELINK if you would like more info .
Why Is My Health Insurance Deductible So High?
Your health insurance deductible is determined by the plan you signed up for . Catastrophic and bronze plans have your highest deductibles , silver is your mid level plan , and gold and platinum are your lowest deductible plans . The lower the deductible , the higher your premium . The reason for this is carriers offer a lower premium in exchange for you taking on a larger share of the risk of healthcare expenses . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
There are three ways to answer this question . 1 -RRB- If applying for a new policy while having cancer , it is difficult to find a Term policy that will cover the cancer patient until cancer treatments have ended for at least a year . There are a few policies with graded benefits that will do so . The possibility of getting traditional Term life insurance grows as the time grows that the cancer is in remission . 2 -RRB- If applying for a Term policy with no history or signs or cancer , and just wondering if the policy would cover cancer in the future , yes , it would . 3 -RRB- If owning an existing Term life insurance policy and then being diagnosed with cancer , the policy will cover it .
Will Medicare Pay For Any Dental Work?
Original Medicare does not pay for dental work that is part of routine care of the teeth , such as exam , cleanings , fluoride treatments , or fillings . It also will not pay for dentures . Some Medicare Supplement plans will cover some dental work . Medicare will cover oral work that done to protect or treat the patient 's general health , or to prepare the patient for surgery , radiation , etc that will be performed for a health condition . It will also cover jaw surgery for a broken jaw , or follow up to an infection after an extraction . If the dental patient has a life threatening condition , Medicare may pay for the cost of hospitalization but not the dental work itself .
In exchange for a sum of money the insurance company guarantees monthly payments on the annuitant for the balance of their life . There are other settlements ; however , this is the basic settlement . The company knows that some will die before exhausting the money they deposited , while others will live longer . This pooling of the common risk of living too long is the basis for an income annuity .
Which Annuities Are Safe?
An annuity policy is only as safe as the annuity company 's financial strength and ability to pay the benefits of the contract . so financial stability and strength is important . There are generally three crediting methods used in tax deferred annuities : interest rate crediting , indexed crediting and separate sub account crediting -LRB- or debiting . -RRB- The safer of the three is guaranteed fixed interest rate annuities .
Can you get life insurance with MS ? Yes a couple of ways . Some states allow graded benefit life plans to be sold which could be a solution . The other way , would be based on how your condition is at application . Your personal situation can be reviewed in pre-underwriting and depending on your situation , an offer of insurance could be made .
What Is A Nonforfeiture Option In Life Insurance?
A nonforfeiture option basically states that if you stop paying your premium beyond the grace period , you will not lose any equity you might have in the policy . In the old days , before nonforfeiture options , if you stopped paying your premiums , you would lose everything , including your own equity . Fortunately , nonforfeiture options were developed for this reason .
It varies by UL policy and company , but here are a few basics . There are basically 2 parts to all ULs , but there may be more . The one I have has 3 parts . Part A is how much you pay into for just the life insurance coverage and part B is what goes into the accumulation account to make the policy grow money wise . A UL has flexible premiums meaning you can pay in as little or as much as you want within a specified amount within the contract guidelines . There is also the target amount which is what you probably should be paying in minimally . If you pay the minimum , it basically is a term policy that continues . If you decide you want the account to grow , you can put more money into to make the cash accumulation grow . I usually tell the clients I work with to think of it as a permanent life policy with a high yield bank savings account since most will offer you at worst a 3 % return for ever dollar you put into the accumulation section of the account . Do keep in mind that rates maybe be more or less depending on the policy and current interest rates that the insurance company uses . There are many other factors in these types of life policies , but that is the basics of it .
What Is A Nonforfeiture Option In Life Insurance?
A nonforfeiture clause in life insurance will make allowances if the policy lapses or is terminated . These include the option for some or all of the premiums to be returned , the policy to be changed to a paid up policy , or the cash value to be paid to the policy owner .
Sure you can , but it is illegal ! In Illinois the car one drives must have liability insurance and have valid proof in the car . The minimum required limits are currently $ 20,000 per accident for injuries caused to one person , $ 40,000 per accident if more than one person is hurt and $ 15,000 for others ' property . You will want considerably higher limits however if you have any assets or income .
How To Get Medicare Insurance?
You can enroll in Medicare at age 65 if you have at least 10 years in the Social Security system as a wage earner , are a US citizen or legal resident and have lived in the US at least 5 years . If you do not have SS wages you may qualify from your spouse 's earnings .
The best kind of life insurance is the life insurance policy that accomplishes your goal at the best possible rate . There are two basic types of life insurance . The first is cash value life insurance which can insure you your whole life , provide funds for children 's college , provide tax free retirement or provide funds for a critical illness . The second type of life insurance is term life . Term life insurance can create an instant estate , pay off a large debt such as a mortgage or student loan , provide a business funds in case of a death of a key employee and is the most affordable type of life insurance .
How To Get Medicare Insurance?
You will automatically be enrolled in Medicare when you turn 65 . I am assuming you mean a Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage Plan . While there a number of ways to purchase Medicare Supplement Insurance on-line , I would sit down with a good local independent agent who specializes in Medicare plans . A good experienced agent will explain your options and help you find the plan that is right for you .
Permanent Life Insurance makes sense when your financial liabilities are ongoing with no realistic end in sight and/or future obligations like college planning , weddings costs and retirement . The most inexpensive approach to funding permanent life insurance is utilizing guaranteed universal life insurance , which can insure you until age 120 .
What Does MEC Mean In Life Insurance?
MEC is a Modified Endowment Contract . It is a life insurance policy that meets the IRS definition of life insurance but fails a specific premium test -LRB- the seven pay test -RRB- meant to limit using life insurance as a tax sheltered investment vehicle and was established in a tax change in 1988 -LRB- TAMRA -RRB- . MEC policies still retain income tax-free death benefit characteristic . But , it changes the favorable tax treatment of cash value distributions normally associated with life insurance to tax treatment normally associated with annuities . Owners of a MEC would not likely plan to take cash from the policy . Typically , MECs created on purpose are single premium policies and used in estate planning techniques . For example , instead of a large single premium annuity which would result in income tax payable on the death benefit proceeds , some high net worth individuals may elect to fund a single premium life insurance policy which provides an income tax-free death benefit .
Individuals who reside in the United States and Puerto Rico who are eligible for premium free Medicare Part A are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part B . You can notify Medicare to not enroll if you choose . Medicare Part B is voluntary and has a premium . There is also and penalty associated with not enrolling when you are eligible without creditible coverage . A person who is not eligble for premium free Part A but is a citizen of the United States or a legal Permanent Resident that has lived in the United States for the previous 5 continuousyears is also eligible for Medicare Part B .
What Does MEC Mean In Life Insurance?
Jerry provides an excellent description of exactly what a `` MEC '' is just above here , so I wo n't re-hash that . Often when illustrating a policy the statement will appear with a warning that the policy will `` MEC '' at year so-and-so . That means that the policy will become a modified endowment contract at that point . One of the benefits of Whole Life policies is that you can `` over fund '' them to a point without causing them to MEC . By doing that - paying more than the minimum premium - you can accelerate the cash value growth and even the benefit value of the policy if it 's with a Mutual company that pays dividends and offers `` paid up additions '' . As Jerry mentioned some people choose to fund a policy with a single payment , which results in a MEC . However the MEC can be avoided and the policy be used for the tax benefits inherent with life insurance , and the resulting cash value used tax free , etc by funding the policy over 11 payments -LRB- 11 years -RRB- rather than a single payment or fewer than 11 . Those interested in the `` Infinite Banking '' strategies available with whole life policies will often take this option .
Your health insurance plan will most likely cover a CPAP machine provided you meet the criteria of their guidelines . Every plan is different , but the process is similar . You must have had a consult with your PCP who refers you to a sleep study program . The results of your sleep study must be presented to your carrier along with a doctors diagnosis of sleep apnea and a recommendation for a CPAP
What Happens If You Drop Health Insurance?
Of course you would be running the risk of financial ruin if something bad happens to your health , but I assume you already know that . In regards to the new laws , as part of the Affordable Care Act you are now required to carry health insurance . There are a couple of exceptions . You can refuse on religious grounds , or based on a fact that it is beyond your means to purchase health insurance -LRB- too expensive -RRB- . If the government disagrees with you , or if you ca n't take one of those exceptions , you may owe a penalty of 1 % of your income or $ 95.00 / person -LRB- whichever is higher -RRB- for 2014 . In 2015 that tax penalty goes up . Why are you considering dropping your health insurance ? Are you aware that many people qualify for free or reduced price health insurance under the Affordable Care Act ?
The reason you are required to have insurance is because in the event of you causing injury or damage to someone else . Your insurance pays for that . Now there is such a thing as self insured which means you can afford to pay for all damages yourself . but the thought can be quite frightful , Example you plow into a school bus full of children because your tire blew and you killed a bunch of children would you be willing to risk everything you own to pay for the damages ? That is why you have insurance is to cover damages to others . On the flip side that also covers you if you have un insured and under insured coverage 's so that if someone hit you and has no insurance then your medical bills are covered also
Does Term Life Insurance End At A Certain Age?
Yes generally term insurance policies end or expire at a certain age . The exact age depends on the particular policy , but age 85 is common . Term insurance polices are often renewable and convertible . That means that they renew for a higher premium at the end of each term 10,20 , or 30 for example . It also means that up tp a specified age you can convert them to a level premium permanent insurance plan that does not expire before you do . An independent life insurance broker representing several companies can help you find the right policy at the right price .
Typically , you pay your health insurance each month . Although quarterly and annual payments are sometimes permitted , an electronic withdraw or direct bill is the most common . If you have group coverage through an employer , you may have your payment automatically deducted weekly or twice per month directly from your paycheck . This question was answered LIVE by Ed Harris - Premier health insurance broker since 1980 .
Does Term Life Insurance End At A Certain Age?
Term life insurance may end at the end of the term , or it may go up in price at the end of the term . The end of the term is the period when the guaranteed premium ends . E.g. . If you buy a ten year term policy , the policy will end or the premium will go up at the start of year 11 . Because the premiums go up so high , most people do end their term policies when the term ends . However , if there is a provision for the premium to go up -LRB- called annually renewable -RRB- , it can go up to whatever age the policy dictates . Some are annually renewable as high as age 90 . Another option offered for many term policies is to convert the policy to permanent insurance . This must be done before the term ends . Again , the price per thousand dollars of coverage is much higher for the new policy than it was for the term policy . However , it is a good option if you can not qualify for new insurance , and you may be able to take a smaller face amount to keep the premium affordable .
Depending on your states requirements . In Montana you have to have an insurable interest in the auto . Other cases where you can insure a car that is not in your name is when you have a child living in your home and you have your car and theirs on the policy . There are otherreasons why you would do this example would be your fianc lives with you and you both drive only one car but the car is just your fiancs name the yes you could place this on a policy that you and your fianc are on the policy and even thought you do not own the car you own the policy and they are now the 2nd named insured
Does Term Life Insurance End At A Certain Age?
Term life insurance keeps the premiums fixed and guaranteed for a specific number of years -LRB- e.g. 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 , or 30 years -RRB- . After the term period has expired , the premiums change to annual renewable term insurance and increase each year -LRB- based on age -RRB- . You can elect to continue the existing term insurance policy up until age 95 -LRB- with most policies -RRB- , however , the price to keep that policy in force becomes astronomical and you would never pay it past the first couple of years . Most people replace a term insurance policy with a new term or permanent policy.Permanent insurance is designed to cover you for the rest of your life . The only way a permanent insurance can expire early is if it 's `` dialed down '' - meaning the death benefit is designed to only go to a specific age/policy year -LRB- e.g. dialed down to age 90 -RRB- . Dialing down a policy can be useful to reduce your premiums , but still provide good coverage longevity . I hope the input helps . Please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
The Cheapest Life Insurance is based on gender , age , smoking status , health condition and what type of life insurance is being considered : term or permanent life insurance and the length of coverage ? As an example : a ten year term life insurance policy for $ 100,000 of death benefit coverage for a 25 year old female , nonsmoker in excellent health pays an annual premium of less than $ 100 .
Does Term Life Insurance End At A Certain Age?
Most term life policies expire at a given age . In practice most expire much earlier because the term of the policy has been reached -LRB- 10 yr. , 20 yr . etc. -RRB- or the increasing premium makes the coverage too expensive . If you were to look on line at a graph showing the death rate per 100,000 at various ages you will understand the problem of term insurance on older people .
Roth IRA eligibility is simple . You can contribute up to $ 5,500 if your under age 50 & $ 6,500 if you are over age 50 . If your income level -LRB- as a single individual -RRB- reaches $ 114,000 , then your contribution begins to phase out . Once your income reaches $ 129k , you can no longer contribute to a Roth IRA . If you are married , filing jointly , your phase out begins at $ 96,000 through $ 116,000 at which you can no longer contribute to your Roth IRA . For further information , feel free to contact me or reach out to your broker adviser .
Does Term Life Insurance End At A Certain Age?
Term life insurance keeps the premiums fixed and guaranteed for a specific number of years -LRB- e.g. 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 , or 30 years -RRB- . After the term period has expired , the premiums change to annual renewable term insurance and increase each year -LRB- based on age -RRB- . You can elect to continue the existing term insurance policy up until age 95 -LRB- with most policies -RRB- , however , the price to keep that policy in force becomes astronomical and you would never pay it past the first couple of years . Most people replace a term insurance policy with a new term or permanent policy.Permanent insurance is designed to cover you for the rest of your life . The only way a permanent insurance can expire early is if it 's `` dialed down '' - meaning the death benefit is designed to only go to a specific age/policy year -LRB- e.g. dialed down to age 90 -RRB- . Dialing down a policy can be useful to reduce your premiums , but still provide good coverage longevity . I hope the information is helpful . Please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Selling health insurance is lucrative but there is a price to pay . Personally , I have been a broker for more than 32 years . Helping thousands ofcustomersover the years has been very rewarding along with providing expert and unbiased advice . However , the hours are long -LRB- that 's my choice -RRB- and the work never gets done . Laws and plan benefits change so you must adapt .
Does Term Life Insurance End At A Certain Age?
Depends on the policy . It may just have a level payment premium fixed for a certain number of years , and then continue indefinitely , but with premiums increasing each year , skyrocketing , in many cases . Or it may state it will end completely after a specific number of years . This is one reason folks consider whole life policies , which last a lifetime , with fixed premiums . Although they start higher , they end up being cheaper in many cases , while building cash value . Thank you . GARY LANE .
You can add immediate family members to your policy if they reside at the same address as the insured . You could also add a spouse to your auto policy if they reside at the same address . Every state sets it own regulations regarding insurance . To best find out about the regulations within your state either look at your states office of commissioner web site or contact a local agent .
Does Term Life Insurance End At A Certain Age?
That is a great question ! I 'm personally glad that you asked , as I think this is an area where a lot of people get misled , and too often with tragic results . A normal term policy will have a very defined time period that covers you . It is typically between 5-20 years . Where the trouble lies is in some of the ones that are direct mailed to you , or are marketed on TV . Often those term life policies are marketed to Senior Citizens , and can be misleading . They will tell you in small print , or in passing -LRB- my ` favorite ' is the tv one where they flash a big red $ 19.95 a month on the screen as the announcer says `` term to age 80 '' - in most cases , you focus on the money , and miss the age limit -RRB- that these policies end when you turn 80 . The average life expectancy is 82 . What happens when you live to be 80 and a day ? Coverage is now impossible to afford , let alone get , and there is no cash or coverage from the expired term policy . Please contact an agent or advisor who is knowledgeable about insurance before buying anything , ok ? Thanks for asking !
Deferring your Social Security benefit will increase your monthly benefit . A worker can start receiving their benefit as early as age 62 . Almost half of all workers elect this early date for a variety of reasons . However , the Social Security Administration increases the benefit each year that you defer by about 8 percent . Since benefits are payable for life for many people this delay will result in substantially increasing their total benefit . Your Social Security benefits are particularly valuable . For many the decision to defer benefits is the most important retirement income decision than will make . Almost two-thirds of retirees receive over half of their income from Social Security . Most retirees depend upon Social Security . The Social Security benefit is guaranteed and inflation adjusted . Having a high inflation adjusted benefit is important . Inflation is a major issue in retirement . It is payable to a worker and a spouse should the worker die . Retirees fret over loss of principle and low rate of return , however , inflation is the real enemy . Fixed income people often call me in distress because of an increase in their expenses that isnt matched with an increase in income . Social Security adjusts the benefit annually in accordance with the Consumer Price Index . The decision to defer impacts married couples the most . For married couples the higher of the two Social Security benefits is paid after the death of the first spouse to the surviving spouse . Because many retirees do not have guaranteed lifetime income deferring is the easiest way to increase that guaranteed income . With increased income comes greater satisfaction in retirement . Because the Social Security benefit is automatically adjusted for inflation it is very important to have the benefit set as high as possible to make the most of those adjustments . In fact that type of protection can rarely be purchased on the commercial market . This critical decision is not difficult to evaluate and implement . Once it is understood , deferring Social Security is really an easy strategy to implement . The easiest way to go about this is to just continue working . The worker doesnt need to remain in their current job but full or part time work that you love and that provides all or most of your income needs makes delaying Social Security quite simple . If married workers are both eligible for workers benefits under Social Security there are strategies that capitalize on the start dates . A retirement income specialist can help you work the math on this procedure but implementing this properly can result in a dramatic increase in Social Security benefits . The Social Security Administration also provides calculators on their website to help evaluate some of these approaches . There are misconceptions concerning deferral of Social Security benefits . As workers approach their eligibility dates they are sometimes distracted by a few things . The first thing is an understanding that their last day at work should be the same as their first day on Social Security . It is quite possible that that is neither true nor beneficial . The day that you stop work doesnt need to have any bearing on the date you start receiving benefits . Another misconception is that if a worker doesnt start benefits as early as possible they might lose out when Social Security fails . It is unlikely that Social Security will fail and to file early might result in the worker actually getting less . Some workers gamble that they will not live to normal life expectancy -LRB- which is the basis for most social security calculations . -RRB- That is an extremely poor gamble since losing puts you in a lower income for an even longer time if you live past life expectancy . Another consideration is that your spousal benefit will be much less should you die before your spouse . While most of the time the worker that defers gets a better deal and the spouse of that worker gets an increased benefit if they survive the worker , there are situations where not deferring the benefit is the best strategy . The time when that is always true is when the worker reaches 70 . There arent any increases available after 70 . Another situation where not deferring benefits would work to the advantage of the participant is when the worker is single and has a much less than expected life expectancy due to illness or injury . IF you arent in those categories you should at least weigh the advantages should you defer receiving benefits .
Does Term Life Insurance End At A Certain Age?
Yes term insurance ends at a certain age as stated in the policy contract . The age that term policies expire has risen over the years . I have observed over that the age most term insurance policies expire is a couple of years before projected life expectancy . For example when life expectancy was 67 , policies expired at 65 , 76 then 75 , Now most expire at age 85 . Term policies do contain a conversion to permanent insurance before a specified date . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
You can generally avoid probate with any type of account or investment that names a beneficiary . That would include annuities , life insurance , and retirement accounts like a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- or traditional or Roth IRAs . Check with an attorney , but after that you would generally have to use a trust to avoid probate with otherassets .
What Does Third Party Motorcycle Insurance Cover?
Third party is referring to the person you injure if you were to be found negligent after an accident occurs . This is most commonly referred to as `` liability '' insurance on your policy and is expressed as `` bodily injury & property damage '' on your insurance declaration page under most circumstances . It may be abbreviated as `` BI-PD '' as a form of insurance shorthand . The limits may be expressed as a single limit for the `` BI-PD '' or as split limits shown as `` BI '' per person and per occurrence and `` PD '' per occurrence . Good luck .
Comprehensive coverage on car insurance covers sudden and accidental losses not related to a collision accident . For example , a tree falls on the car , fire , theft , vandalism or a rock kicks up and cracks your windshield . These are all losses covered by comprehensive . A lot of people will carry a lower deductible for comprehensive claims because these types of losses incur more often than collision accidents .
Will Car Insurance Go Up After Accident?
If it is an at fault accident then it can go up . Each company is different and some will forgive the first incident before raising your rates . A lot depends on driving record prior to the accident . So to answer your question , Yes it can go up , but that does not mean it will .
Original Medicare has been in existence since 1965 when Lyndon Johnson signed the bill making it law . Original Medicare had Part A -LRB- hospital -RRB- and Part B -LRB- doctor and outpatient -RRB- . Almost immediately a few carriers saw an opportunity to market supplemental coverage to pick up the gaps left by Medicare . Medicare Part C -LRB- later called Medicare Advantage -RRB- began in 1997 . These private insurance plans gave seniors an option for a managed care private plan vs original Medicare .
Does Medicare Cover Type 2 Diabetes?
Medicare Part A is your hospital insurance and Part B is your physician insurance - when you have both of these , it 's commonly referred to as `` Original Medicare '' . Services and procedures performed to treat the diabetes condition would be covered by Medicare . Original Medicare only covers about 80 % of the expenses - you can supplement the Original Medicare coverage with a Medigap plan to cover a portion or all of the other 20 % of healthcare expenses -LRB- there 's 10 different standardized plans and you 'll want to consult with an experienced Medigap broker to determine the one that 's right for your needs and budget -RRB- . Prescriptions to treat diabetes -LRB- e.g. insulin , metformin , etc. -RRB- would be covered under a Part D plan that supplements your Original Medicare coverage . Refer to your plans formulary to see if a specific prescription is covered . Glucose meters , test strips , lancet devices , and lancets can be covered under Part B as durable medical equipment -LRB- DMEs -RRB- . Please feel free to contact me for help or if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Great Question . While you can cancel most insurance plan at anytime Kaiser is no exception . Call Kaiser or your local agent that sold you the health insurance plan and cancel it . Make sure you have a replacement plan in case you get sick or need to see the doctor later .
Does Medicare Cover Type 2 Diabetes?
Yes and no . Medicare covers a lot of parts to diabetic care , but some of it will have to be covered by other means . For specific diabetic benefits , your original Medicare coverage -LRB- Parts A & B -RRB- will cover certain testing supplies and services including blood sugar testing monitors and testing strips , lancet devices and lancets , and glucose control solutions . These items are considered durable medical equipment -LRB- DMEs -RRB- and would be covered under Part B. Prescriptions such as insulin and metformin -LRB- common treatment medicines for diabetes -RRB- would be covered under a Part D prescription drug plan - Part B would not provide coverage for these types of diabetic care items . Original Medicare only covers 80 % of the expenses so you may want to consider adding a Medigap plan to cover all or a portion of the other 20 % . Consult with an experienced broker who can review your specific medical history and help you determine the best course of action for your needs . Please feel free to contact me for help or if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Life insurance approval can take from several minutes to several months . Each policy has what is called `` underwriting requirements '' based on your age and the face amount of the policy you are applying for . Nonmed policies -LRB- policies that have smaller face amounts and do not require an exam -RRB- will go into effect much faster than policies whose underwriting requirements include an exam and medical records . Obviously , taking your exam in a timely fashion will speed up the process . It also helps to provide the complete name and address of all the doctors you have seen in the past 5 years , or since diagnosed with a chronic health condition . Using an experienced broker is important to have a smooth underwriting process and the best possible result .
Can You Keep A Car Without Insurance?
You are allowed to own a vehicle without insurance however the vehicle is not allowed on the roadway . Also in most states you will have to file a non operator or non-opp with the DMV . Since rules can vary by state I recommend you contact your local insurance agent and local DMV to discuss .
Who should not buy long term care ? Technically , everybody should but really comes down to having assets to protect and money to afford a premium that will rise over time . A person of limited assets and limited income is going to struggle to maintain a long term care policy so it may turn out to be something you 're throwing money at that wo n't be there later in life because it will price itself out of the question to a limited income .
What Kind Of Life Insurance Should I Buy?
There are many choices of life insurance available to you . The main stream life insurance products are term life , universal life , variable life and whole life . Each one has a specific purpose . Term life insurance is meant to coverage a specific period of time . The common terms are 1-5-10-15-20-25-30-35 years . This means the rate or premium you purchase is guaranteed level for that period of time regardless of change in health , life style or occupation . Term life is commonly used for younger people starting out in life , covering a large debt , life a mortgage on a home or business debt , or covering for a young child 's education . term life insurance allows for the largest face amount for the smallest premium payments . Universal life and variable life are permanent life insurance solutions that build cash value . Typically the premiums are more expensive and the face amounts are less because part of the premium is going into a cash value fund that can be invested with numerous options . The cash value can later be used for retirement , college funds , critical or chronic illness or even to purchase a large asset like a home . The universal and variable options are typically more aggressive with the cash value funds . The last option , whole life insurance , is very similar to the previous universal life insurance options . However , the cash value funds are typically a fixed percentage of growth . Whole life as it 's name suggests is primarily meant to cover you for your entire life . I recommend using an experienced independent life insurance broker with numerous carriers to shop the market and find you the best product at the best price for your unique situation . Good luck .
Which life insurance is best for young people ? It 's going to depend on needs and budget for most young people . This is also an excellent time to look at whole life insurance as the cost is very low for young people and the cost NEVER rises . That becomes very important over time as the cost of insurance rises considerably as a person ages . Locking in your costs , taking control of your policy is pretty special .
What Kind Of Life Insurance Should I Buy?
Life inusrance comes in two basic types : term and permanent . Once you determine if your financial liabilities , future obigations and any charitable intent are temporal or permanent , you can select the right type of life inusrance . If temporal , then term life insurance . If permanent , then participating whole life or guranteed universal life .
An annual premium for homeowner 's insurance is how much you pay to secure coverage on your dwelling , personal property and other benefits . Often , the billing is annual and paid by a mortgage company through an escrow account . When the home is paid off , typically , you pay an annual payment yourself to the insurer .
Who Should Own Key Man Life Insurance?
Key man life insurance is for an employee in a business or organization whose loss would put a financial strain on that business or group . Some types of persons who should own key person insurance are top sales people , people who have much knowledge based on years of experience , managers of lots of employees , and/or key decision makers . All these positions take time to develop and to find the right person to replace that key employee . The key man insurance provides money to do the recruiting and operation while the key person is being replaced and trained .
Yes , non US citizens who are lawful permanent US residents -LRB- green card -RRB- or on certain visa types with a demonstrable life insurance need and generating earned income here is one way that will work most insurers though there may be limitations e.g. no term . Some insurers have developed foreign national programs that can also work in situations where established US interests and ties exist plus meeting some additional criteria . Citizens of some countries may not be eligible . It can be a complex area of field underwriting - so much so that our firm has developed a special questionnaire to help determine the best path . Be sure to work with a life insurance professional with experience in this area .
What Is Loss Of Use In Home Insurance?
`` Loss of Use '' coverage in a Homeowners ' Policy provides benefits that pay for additional living expenses that you and your family may have if you are forced to leave your home after it was damaged due to a covered loss . Some examples of these expenses may be the cost of a hotel stay or short term rental , perhaps the costs associated with eating out , laundry etc. . There will more than likely be certain limitations , so it is always best to talk to your Insurance Professional about the specific terms and conditions of your policy .
I 'll share a common answer to a common question . It depends . Which company offers the cheapest auto insurance in Washington depends primarily on the insuredthe client . With all the variables companies use to get the final price , there is no way to tell what companies offers the cheapest rates for all clients all the time . In fact , most insurance companies do n't want to be the cheapest for every client . Most companies want to `` win '' accounts based on price 30-40 % of the time . With that information , it 's important to allow a trusted , licensed agent to shop multiple companies for you .
What Is Loss Of Use In Home Insurance?
This coverage provides for living expenses for the insured if they experience a covered loss within there home where the property is uninhabitable . This coverage will typically be capped at a specified dollar amount and time frame . Please read your policy completely to understand what coverage is offered and what exclusions there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
Progressive Insurance Company is a company that has used `` advertsing '' very effectively to build their client base . They first offered just auto and then motorcycle and then homeowners and they just keep using that effective little lady with her funny little `` need that insurance ads '' and if yo call a Progressive Insurance agent in your neighborhoodsome good things may happen
What The Difference Between Annuities And IRA?
An IRA is an `` Individual Retirement Arrangement '' which falls under IRS Publication 590 . There are many types of IRA accounts such as Traditional IRA , Roth IRA , SEP IRA and Simple IRA . IRA 's came about in 1974 through the Employee Retirement Income Security Act -LRB- ERISA -RRB- . There are limits as to how much you can contribute each year and when you can pull your money out without penalty . An annuity is a product sold by a financial institution that can grow and when annuitized , can produce an income stream . Annuities can be structured to pay out for a fixed period of time or for your entire lifetime . An annuity can be part of your IRA .
Claims are paid every day without documents like an accident report . Insurance carriers do n't require a court order to make settlement payments either when the details are clear . It just depends upon the circumstances . If the claims involves any form of claim of injury or complaints of pain , the carrier is n't likely to make a payment without knowing all the details including those on a police report . When the facts are clear a deductible reimbursement should n't be any issue absent anything to aggravate the claim . I am witness to companies paying after thoroughly investigating losses when personal injuries have occurred to so details matter . Now , when agreement can be made , when the agreement is reasonable and fair as to terms of settlement and amount , and when there is little dispute to the facts , a police report is not going to change the agreement in which the other party is going to be asked to relinquish any further right to claim for additional compensation . If that ca n't be obtained , or there is serious question about other involved parties , the cautious `` wait-and-see '' attitude prevails and then an effort is made to fully document the file prior to making any payments .
What The Difference Between Annuities And IRA?
The differences between Annuities and IRA 's is pretty simple . IRA 's are considered qualified meaning you have to follow the limitations to how much you can contribute . Annuities by themselves do not have any limitations other than any limitations insurance companies put on them which are always higher . IRA 's are subject to RMD 's or required minimum distributions meaning at at 70 1/2 , you will be required to start taking distributions from your IRA as outlined in IRS rules .
Yes , private disability insurance does work . When a disability occurs , it pays you part of your income as designated in the policy . If you have disability insurance through work or receive Social Security disability insurance , it supplements that to give you a greater percent of your income . I have spoken with many people looking for life insurance who have developed MS , diabetes and other health conditions who are very grateful that they have private disability insurance income coming in .
Is Medigap The Same As Part C?
Medigap and Medicare Part C are not the same . Medigap -LRB- Medicare Supplement insurance -RRB- policy is private health insurance established to supplement Original Medicare Part A and Part B . There are 10 standardized Medigap Plans with benefits designed to pay for Medicare approved charges not covered by Part A and Part B. Part C refers to a Medicare Advantage Plan . This type of Plan acts like an HMO or PPO . It combines your Medicare Part A and Part B , and usually Part D into one Plan -LRB- Part C -RRB- .
The person who sells the best term insurance is the licensed agent that you trust . That agent will listen to you , provide sound financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company . Determining the correct amount and type of policy is the agents specialty . You will probably find the agents advice invaluable .
How Can I Get Health Insurance For My Family?
There are multiple ways to get health insurance for you and your family and , depending on where you live , a wide array of options for health insurance coverage types and cost points . With the implementation of the ObamaCare requirements individual health insurance plans and costs have been transformed dramatically and the consumer needs to exercise great care in making their health plan selection . My first and best recommendation is to seek out the services of an experienced health insurance agent who is certified to sell health insurance coverage both on and off of the government health insurance marketplace in your state of residence . There can be much more involved in a health insurance plan than what a bullet points overview of the plan 's benefits are and its monthly premium . A knowledgeable health insurance agent can explain if a given plan covers you if you go outside its network , if it has a broad or a narrow pharmacy network , if the plan 's medical deductible applies per person covered or is aggregated for the family , and a whole lot of other things you should know before making your purchasing decision . Under ObamaCare if you purchase a health insurance plan you later learn you do n't like it 's not just a simple matter of cancelling your coverage and enrolling with another insurance carrier . So , buyer beware . If you and your family have income levels below 100 % or 138 % -LRB- depending upon the state you live in -RRB- of the Federal Poverty Level then you will qualify for coverage under your state 's Medicaid plan . In that event you need to contact your state government 's Medicaid office . Of course , there is the web site that you can go to and shop for coverage and enroll online . Quite frankly , while has improved somewhat over last year 's rocky start , I find most consumers still have a hard time truly understanding the information as it is presented on and they still need a knowledgeable person to explain the differences between various plan offerings and how to approach the subsidy process . Also , there are other online sites available , some with telephonic support to help answer a person 's questions . This can be kind of crap shoot though as you may or may not be talking to someone who understands the details of your particular location 's health plan options and they are n't doing much more than reading you a summary off of their own computer screen . So , remember , health insurance is still a very local product and varies from state to state and even within different areas within a state . You will be best served to deal with someone who is more locally based in most cases .
Well , there are policies specifically designed to supplement Medicare and they are called , coincidentally enough , Medicare supplement plans . These policies are designed to dovetail in to Medicare and fill the gaps . You can also purchase -LRB- or continue past age 65 -RRB- some more traditional supplemental plans such as cancer policies or critical illness . Medicare + Medigap is so comprehensive cancer plans , etc are of very little real value .
How Do I Notify Medicare Of A Death?
Medicare should be notified of your death as soon as possible . Medicare will request a certified death certificate as part of the process . Assuming you have a Medicare supplement plan , your carrier should also be notified of your death . If Medicare and your Medigap carrier are not notified in time to stop your next payment , you can ask for a refund .
Aside form all that Kelly said , here are some other things to consider ... Definitions are THE MOST important thing to consider in a DI policy ... You must understand : Total vs. Partial Disability Recurrent Total Disability `` Own Occupation '' ... -LRB- How long does that last -RRB- & much more . Disability has many moving pieces . It 's important to understand what you are buying . I have a great report called `` Stop wasting your money on Disability Insurance '' that you can have ... just reach out for a copy ... - gravy
Is It Possible To Get Insurance On A Car That Is Not Registered To You?
Typically , you buy insurance on a vehicle that is registered and titled to you . The car insurance declarations page will have your name and other information listed for easy view . However , it is possible that there could be drivers listed on the policy that are not the owners of the vehicle . This is quite common .
Life insurance blood work looks at cholesterol , liver function , renal function , blood sugar , nicotine , illegal drugs , evidence of HIV , blood counts , and lipids , among some other things . Life Insurance blood tests are often the way applicants find out that they have a health condition that they might otherwise have overlooked .
Is It Possible To Get Insurance On A Car That Is Not Registered To You?
Depending on your states requirements . In Montana you have to have an insurable interest in the auto . Other cases where you can insure a car that is not in your name is when you have a child living in your home and you have your car and theirs on the policy . There are otherreasons why you would do this example would be your fianc lives with you and you both drive only one car but the car is just your fiancs name the yes you could place this on a policy that you and your fianc are on the policy and even thought you do not own the car you own the policy and they are now the 2nd named insured
Disability insurance is a morbidity product that is priced on the average events that cause workers to be unable to perform their duties . But the averages ca n't account for personal medical items , so disability premiums are price on gender , age , smoking status , health history and current medical conditions . The design of the policy also has an impact via the elimination period , the length of coverage , the amount of coverage and ancillary riders like inflation or COLI riders .
How Much Does Medicare Pay For A Knee Replacement?
The actual amount Medicare pays is not an issue . The only question is will all providers including surgeon , hospital , labs , etc. participate in the Medicare system . In the absence of a supplement to pay all or part of these charges , there will be a hospital deductible charged along with 80 % of professional services . Rick
If you smoke cigarettes , Life Insurance rates run approximate three times what they would be for a nonsmoker . With very competitive smoker rates , the difference is not quite as much ; with a health condition combined with smoking , the difference in premiums could be much higher . Smoking an occasional cigar does not have much effect on rates at all , however . And even a daily cigar can qualify for nonsmoker rates with a few companies . Unfortunately , there is no break for those who are social cigarette smokers except that can be rated Preferred Smoker if their other health and risk factors are Preferred .
How Much Does Medicare Pay For A Knee Replacement?
The cost of complete knee replacement is about $ 45,000 . The Medicare allowance is in the $ 11,000 range . A partial knee replacement is about half that amount . As Rick indicated , a good Medigap plan could reduce your out of pocket cost to $ 0 if you had Medicare supplement plan F . A little more with a different plan .
Annuities are long term contracts . They have two phases . The first phase is known as accumulation . During that phase money can be withdrawn or the contract surrendered . The amount received will be the value of the annuity minus applicable surrender charges . In the second phase or annuitization most contracts can not be surrendered . There are a few that allow surrenders so check with your agent if that is a concern .
How To Borrow Money From Life Insurance?
Cash value life insurance accumulates tax deferred . You can access cash value life insurance via withdrawals to basis and policy loans of gain . There are rules to withdrawals of basic that govern the first 15 years of a life insurance policy , so be aware of it before withdrawing . Withdrawals of basis may be tax free as are loans provided the contract is kept in force for the life of the insured . Policy loans charge interest as well .
Located near the front of the policy , the declaration page lists the information that personalizes the coverage found in the following pages . It also lists all the forms that comprise the policy . This is sort of a table of contents . Your mortgage company will want a copy of this page of your policy . You should review it carefully as it contains a great deal of very important information When you look at the declaration page you can identify the name of the insurance company . Agents often represent multiple companies and this tells you exactly which company is insuring your home . Here you will find the policy number which represents the individual nature of the contract . The declaration page will describe the type of policy . There are several different forms of homeowners policies and this will tell you which form is being used . The declaration page will identify who is being insured . This is very important , particularly when there is a liability claim . The named insured should read like the deed to the property . The property should be clearly identified . There may be more than one insured and their relationship is often included in the declaration . This is where the mortgage company will be identified and the address of the company will be included , along with the loan number . Additional mortgagees can also be listed here with the same information . The name and address of the agent handling the policy also appears in the same general area . This is where you can go for service on the policy . The declarations make very important statements setting the coverage limits . While they are often identified by letters -LRB- A-M -RRB- there will be definitions in the subsequent pages . This shows the limit of each of the coverages in the policy . It usually shows the limit of liability . It usually shows the deductible applied to property claims , and states the annual premium for the policy . There is a lengthy list of forms that comprise the bulk of the policy . These attached pages detail exactly the nature and extent of the coverages , and the limits and exclusions that apply . As a homeowner you should look down this list and ask the agent to explain any coverage that you dont understand . This can trigger conversations about additional available coverages that might be appropriate for you and which you should have . This is a very important section and one that you dont want to overlook . After this is usually a general description of the property itself . It will identify the fire district , location of the nearest fire hydrant , proximity to a fire station and the protection class used to develop the premium . It will probably comment on the roof and indicate if there is any special rating applied . The company has relied on this information much of which youre provided and it should be correct . It is quite likely that your state has laws that require certain notifications to be on the declaration page , perhaps warning you that the policy does not cover flood , earthquake or building code upgrade coverage . Finally the declaration page will identify the company , its address , telephone number and state who is paying the premium and the address where communications are being sent .
What To Consider When Buying Long Term Care Insurance?
The # 1 item in considering long term care are the policy definitions on assisted home living and nursing home confinement . Policy provisions attempt to address the benefits of the contract Understanding those benefits can help you select the right long term care insurance policy and measure it 's value for the premium you 'll pay .
A typical homeowners policy covers damages to or destruction of the residence , other structures on the property , and the personal property of the homeowner . It also includes coverage for the increased cost of living should the building become uninhabitable and miscellaneous coverages . The second major section is liability . In this section the policy covers you if you are sued for bodily injury or property damage . There is also coverage for medical payments should someone be injured on your property .
Who Has The Best Health Insurance In Nevada?
If you are looking to compare health insurance plans you can use this site and they give you quotes from all major health insurance companies in Nevada WEBSITELINK . There are many different options when choosing your health insurance so you can pick the options that fit your needs and get quotes from each company for that same coverage .
Glucerna is an over the counter vitamin supplement beverage geared towards diabetics - over the counter items are generally not covered by Medicare nor deemed medically necessary by physicians . It may be helpful to contact Medicare directly to see if they have any unique situations where it would be covered .
How To Switch Life Insurance?
New York State has very strict regulations for life insurance agents and companies regarding replacement of a life insurance policy . Commonly referred to as `` Reg . 60 '' due to the section of the life insurance code dealing with replacements , it mandates that agents follow a strict disclosure process anytime they are recommending someone change or replace their existing life insurance policy . The disclosure process is even required if the agent has any reason to believe that the sale may impact an existing policy , even if he is not making that recommendation . While the regulation can be onerous on the agent and the replacing company , it helps to protect the insured . The agent has to provide a side-by-side comparison of the new policy to the the existing policy and disclose all potential disadvantages to replacing the policy .
When you consider the statistics , Critical Illness insurance can make a big difference in a persons life . More and more people are surviving Cancer , Stroke , Heart Attack and other critical illnesses and are living longer . Often they are unable to go back to work or they have higher medical costs that may not be covered fully by their health insurance . Critical illness can be a big asset for these individuals and it is not real expensive .
How To Switch Life Insurance?
Here are the Golden rules for switching life insurance . 1 -RRB- Make sure you get approved and pay for the new policy . DO NOT terminate your current policy until the new policy is in force . This way , you will avoid a potentially hazardous gap in coverage . 2 -RRB- Notify your current carrier of your wish to terminate the current policy . If you are paying premiums through a bank draft , be sure to notify your bank to not accept debits from this company . 3 -RRB- Request a refund of unused premium if you have already paid in advance for coverage on the current policy . 4 -RRB- If the current policy has cash value , make sure your broker is handling the exchange of that money into the new policy cleanly . This way you will avoid a potential taxable event . There are large areas for error in this process . Your broker needs to stay on top of things .
You would need Disability Insurance if the loss of your income had a devastating effect on you , your family , or your business . Disability is far more likely to occur than death , and along with someone becoming disabled , there are unexpected bills , turmoil and stress . Disability Insurance will not completely alleviate these problems , but it can certainly help you and others who depend on your income to get through this difficult situation without more scars than needed .
How To Switch Life Insurance?
The owner of a life insurance policy can surrender it at any time . If the policy has cash value , there are optional ways to receive the cash value . If it is a term policy , the coverage will cease and you will no longer pay premiums . If you still want coverage It is never advisable to surrender a life insurance policy until another policy is in force .
A 401 -LRB- k -RRB- plan is employer sponsored . If you are not employed but have funds to save for retirement you should consider an individual retirement account -LRB- IRA . -RRB- The amount that you can save each year in an IRA is substantially less than in a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- but it might be sufficient for you . If you are self-employed there are modified IRA plans that might suit your needs better .
How To Switch Life Insurance?
It depends if you want to switch companies or plans of the same company . To change a company one must shop first to find what coverage they may want to replace the other with . Cancel the old coverage first for if you do n't you may wind up being billed for two policies . Collect any cash value from old policy . Then you may select new coverage . To convert one coverage from another . Just advise the company that you want to convert your policy . If you have a term and want to convert to whole life is simple just tell the agent . You can convert term to whole life but not the contrary .
That is indeed a good question , and my answer would be , `` probably '' . If you already have a Whole Life policy that is making money for you and increasing in benefit each year , this would be a time that I would recommend a separate Term policy to cover the mortgage . If you have a 25 year mortgage , and you have a WL policy already , you might want to implement a 20 year Term policy for the amount of the mortgage . That way in the event of your death the mortgage will be paid , and possibly more , and your family will still have the benefit from the WL policy to help them with their other needs .
Can An Employer Pay An Employee For Opting Out Of Health Insurance?
That is a great question ! When you consider that there is an estimated $ 3 trillion in employer payments for insurance , and their burden of risk , it sure makes sense that it wo n't take long for somebody to decide that there is big profit in not insuring the employees . By law , the bigger employers have to offer something for health plans , but a trend now is to offer the employees a subsidy to help pay for a plan that they pick for themselves off the Affordable Care Act -LRB- Obamacare -RRB- website . In a move that is designed to relieve the employer of the risk , and a great share of the cost , -LRB- equaling great profits -RRB- the employee is able to `` pick a plan better suited for them '' . I would expect to see a lot of this , as soon as they are sure that it withstands legal scrutiny . Thanks for asking !
Your policy has a loan value spelled out in the policy that is the accumulate cash value less any administrative charges . The best thing you can do to find the loan value is contact the insurance company customer service and ask them , they will tell you what the loan value is and send you the necessary forms to take a loan should you decide to do so . It is not always in your best interest to take a loan on a policy . I usually recommend taking a loan as a last resort . There are some good strategies that involve taking a loan on a policy but you should discuss that with a good local agent who knows and understands your goals and various financial strategies to help you meet those goals .
Can An Employer Pay An Employee For Opting Out Of Health Insurance?
This is a very common practice in county and municipal government . Most employees are union members with negotiated health benefits . Many employers pay most or all of the premium for gold-plated family plans . When two spouses work for government employers , the employer is paying very high premiums for coverage that is not necessary . Many employers then offer opt-out bonuses to employers who waive the employer sponsored coverage . The employee has to show evidence of coverage through the spouse to be eligible .
If a water line from the dishwasher burst and there is damage to the dwelling then most likely there is coverage . Also potential overflow would be covered . However the pipe that burst if that is the case would not be covered . If the damage has been occurring over a long period of time most likely there would not be coverage . Damage must be sudden and accidental . If you are not sure consult your agent to discuss the specifics of the particular event to see if coverage applies . Also keep in mind your deductible applies so damage must be greater than your homeowners deductible .
When To Surrender Life Insurance?
Few good reasons to surrender a life policy . My own personal doctor did just that , and how he has no life insurance . He said he does not need it because he has so much money . But if he were to lose that money , his family would get nothing upon his death . Not a wise move . When surrendered , a whole life policy has cash surrender value which you would get , but if you need that money , New York Life allows you to borrow against that money and keep it tax free .
There are four basic types of multiple sclerosis -LRB- MS -RRB- : relapsing-remitting , primary-progressive , secondary-progressive , and progressive-relapsing . Obtaining coverage depends on your age of onset , the number of attacks , the latest attack , the treatment and medications youre on . Generally speaking , Standard issue for a nonsmoker is the best health classification is most mild cases of MS. Declination if you were just diagnosed within the last year .
When To Surrender Life Insurance?
Why would you want to `` surrender life insurance '' . I am assuming that your life insurance policy is an individual policy that you purchased years ago and has `` cash value '' . It has nothing to do with a `` retirement plan '' so the IRS has no control over the policy as they do with a `` retirement plan '' . There are many things you can do with the life insurance policy to make it continue to not only provide a `` death benefit '' but you can also use it to generate additional sources of income , you could change the beneficiary to your children therefore the death benefits would pass to them by `` contract law '' and you can even use it to provide a source of `` non-taxable long term care benefits by converting it to a Private Pension Act qualified plan . While you can certainly surrender the policy and pay the tax consequences when you do I hope you realize their are many ways you can continue to make that policy help you to reach financial goals .
If you think you might qualify for Medicare due to a disability , you should first file for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration . If approved , you may be able to get Medicare prior to age 65 due to a disability . In order to qualify for Medicare due to a disability , you must meet the criteria defined by the Social Security Administration : `` Social Security pays only for total disability . No benefits are payable for partial disability or for short-term disability . `` Disability '' under Social Security is based on your inability to work . We consider you disabled under Social Security rules if : You can not do work that you did before ; We decide that you can not adjust to other work because of your medical condition -LRB- s -RRB- ; and Your disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least one year or to result in death '' . You can apply for benefits through Medicare because of a disability online at : WEBSITELINK if you are tech savvy . If you choose not to apply online , you can apply at any local Social Security Administration office by phone or in person and you can call ahead to make an appointment by calling 1-800-772-1213 . If you are deaf or hearing impaired , call the SSA 's toll-free TTY number , 1-800-325-0778 . Their representatives are available from 7AM to 7PM , Monday through Friday . It is important to note that this definition of disability `` is different than other programs '' and `` is a strict definition of disability '' according to the Social Security Administration . There are many , more comprehensive disability policies available which allow benefits to be paid for a partial disability , for example , or pay benefits to help with various expenses such as paying your mortgage in the event that you suffer a disability . In addition , these policies can be purchased for key people in a business such as a business partner or profitable executive . For questions regarding which disability policy may be best for you or how much coverage you may need , it is best to speak with an Insurance Professional . They are highly trained in the business of Insurance , and will complete a full analysis of your needs and make recommendations based on what 's in your best interest . An Insurance Professional is a great resource for any other programs and products that may be of benefit to you including state and federal resources that you may qualify for based on your unique situation such as applying for Disability through the Social Security Administration . There is a reason they are so highly trained and regulated ! Resources :
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Am Unemployed?
Can you get life insurance if unemployed ? Yes , you can purchase life insurance while unemployed . Depending on the face amount requested however , you may have have to show the ability to pay for and the necessity for a higher level of coverage . The lower face amounts would not require as much review .
Medicare is a national WEBSITELINK program , administered by the WEBSITELINK since 1966 , that guarantees access to health insurance for Americans aged 65 and older who have worked and paid into the system , and younger people with disabilities as well as people with WEBSITELINK eand persons withALS .
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Am Unemployed?
The vast majority of life insurance companies need to know the premium funding source and thats not necessarily employment earnings . Retirement income from qualified plans or cash positions can be used as well as annuities distributions or sales of securities . Keep in mind that transaction sales of assets may have taxation ramifications .
A whole life insurance referenced as being paid up means that the policy is self-sustaining because of the size of the cash value relative to the face amount and the interest and dividends earned can keep the policy going forever without the need for any more premium payments to keep it going . The policy uses the cash value to pay the premiums for the policy . If you borrow from the cash value for a `` paid up '' policy , you can affect its ability to keep the policy going without paying more premiums . In short , you can make a `` paid up '' policy no longer paid up - you may have to start paying premiums again . Some policies are specifically designed to stop premium payments after a certain number of years -LRB- e.g. a 10 pay , 20 pay , pay to age 65 -RRB- . You 're paying more in premium per year , but the overall sum total that you pay over a given time -LRB- e.g. compared to paying a lower premium for 35 years -RRB- can offer savings in the long run . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me if you have any questions . Thanks very much .
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Am Unemployed?
If you are unemployed you should still be eligible for a small policy , and if you have many assets you could even get a large policy . A stay at home spouse can usually get up to the amount of coverage that his/her spouse has on them . Students who are graduating soon can often get coverage based on their anticipated income .
Health insurance carriers provide information to database companies such as MIB -LRB- Medical Information Bureau -RRB- and companies that compile medicare history such as Milliman and Robinson Intelliscripts . If the carrier contracts with an outside vendor that pays claims , some of your data may be shared with them . Carriers also report some information to the federal government .
When Is An Employer Required To Offer Health Insurance?
No one is required to offer health insurance , but employers are strongly encouraged to offer it as a way of attracting people to come work for them . Depending on how many employees there are for a given company , the employer may be subject to employer shared responsibility payments if they do n't offer group coverage and meet enrollment requirements . Employers also often offer group health insurance because they can get certain tax deductions and tax credits for doing so and enrolling employees . If you want to look into setting up a group health plan to offer your employees -LRB- or want to review your existing coverage to see if something better is available -RRB- , you want to work with an experienced health insurance broker . There 's many moving parts to group coverage . We have in-depth knowledge of the products available and can help design a policy that is suitable to your needs , your budget , and will offer great coverage to your staff . Please let me know if I can be of assistance . Thanks very much .
Most people would want to wait until they are at least 59 1/2 years old to withdraw money from their 401k because that is the age when penalty free withdrawals can be taken . You can take withdrawals earlier , but there will be a 10 % penalty for early withdrawal . There are exceptions to the 59 1/2 age requirement : You become totally and permanently disabled . You terminate employment through permanent layoff , termination , quitting or taking early retirement in the year you turn 55 , or later . Pay for medical care up to the amount allowable as a medical expense deduction in the same year as the medical expense was incurred . Your withdrawal is a response to a qualified domestic relations order . You are required to begin 401k withdrawals by April 1 of the year following the year in which you turn 70 1/2 . Regardless of when you take your withdrawal from your 401k , the amount you take out will be taxed as ordinary income for that tax year . You should always seek out a qualified financial professional for help in these situations prior to taking action .
How To Calculate Group Term Life Insurance?
Calculating Group Term Life Insurance is best done using the illustration systems which your Agent/Broker has access to or call the insurance company themselves . The upside to Group Life Insurance is the `` free '' coverage or the additional coverage you get for pennies on the dollar . The downside is that usually they do not follow you when you leave your employment . There are some exceptions so I recommend you talk to your HR rep.
Yes . Most auto insures use credit as a rating factor but credit does not determine eligibility . Credit is a big rating factor so the better your credit score the better your insurance rate . Other factors used to determine your rate are driving record , claim record , type of vehicle , prior insurance and the length of time you 've been with your insurance company . Some insurance companies are starting to charge more for customers who switch companies every year .
What Is A Group Health Insurance?
Group health insurance is a health insurance policy or plan -LRB- depending upon how it is funded -RRB- that is provided by an employer for its employees or through an organization such as a labor union for its members . In a group health insurance policy situation the employer is the actual policy holder and its employees and covered dependents are subscribers who receive a certificate of coverage . In this context the employee 's health insurance is tied to their place of employment and while -LRB- depending upon the size of the group -RRB- there are state and federal laws that allow for an ex-employee to continue their coverage through the group plan for some defined period of time , eventually a former employee will lose access to their ex-employer 's group plan and have to replace it coverage from a new employer or individual health insurance . With the latest round of implementation of the Affordable Care Act -LRB- ACA -RRB- effective January 1 , 2014 group health insurance is in many ways more complicated than ever before . For instance , employers in the 2 to 50 employee market segment in the vast majority of statesnow operate in a community rated situation and are finding that new benefit plan designs are being presented to them that may differ significantly from their current rate structures and plan designs . Fully insured ACA compliant health plans for the 2 to 50 market segment are now guaranteed to be issued , are not subject to underwriting and can have no pre-existing condition exclusions or waiting periods -LRB- just to highlight some of the most major changes -RRB- . Larger sized groups , while they are certainly impacted by the effects of the ACA , are still operating under a mix of the old rules and the new ones . So , right now groups with 51 + employees are still subject to underwriting , though the new ACA rules will be migrating up the ladder to apply to groups in the 51 to 99 employee range in the future . There will be groups who will be winners and losers under the requirements of the ACA and depending upon the composition of the group and its average income levels for its workforce , some employers may find that providing group health insurance is no longer in the best financial interest of many of their employees when compared with the subsidized individual health insurance that many of their employees could qualify for . If you are an employer faced with these issues and are looking for experienced guidance on these matters please feel free to contact me for a consultation .
I can not vouch for fairness as that is a matter of perception . Every carrier must file its rates with the insurance commissioner of the states that they operate in and receive approval before those rates are implemented . Your premium rate for your coverage involves many factors , one of them being claims . If you are concerned that you are now paying too much for your coverage you can always shop your coverage with other carriers . I am sorry if this seems a little callus , but typically you will pay now or you will pay later . If you shop your coverage exclusively on price then the chances of this type of thing happening to you increase .
What Is A Group Health Insurance?
Group health insurance is health insurance a business owns and offers to its employees . The business generally pays for a percentage of the premiums with the employees paying the rest . It 's often offered as a means of attracting people to come work from them . Group health insurance quotes are based on the size of your business , the industrys SIC code , age of employees , and average employee health -LRB- except in Maryland , which requires no medical underwriting -RRB- . There are no instant online quotes for group health insurance for these reasons . To get a quote for group coverage , you 'll need to contact a health insurance agent - working with an independent one will allow you to shop for quotes from multiple companies in one place . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help with your health insurance needs and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Flood insurance is always a good idea . Statistics show that 25 % of all flood claims occur in the low risk `` X '' flood zone . Unless you are at the top of a 50 foot hill I would get a policy ! They start around $ 300/year . If you are in a hazard flood zone you will need an elevation certificate . This tells the insurance company how high your home is compared to the surrounding area . Contact a local surveyor to get one . - Jared
Why Do Banks Require Homeowners Insurance?
Banks require homeowners insurance to protect themselves . When you have a mortgage on a home , the bank becomes part owner of that home . If it burns in a fire or is destroyed or damaged by a catastrophic occurrence it needs to be rebuilt or repaired . Home Owners insurance allows for this to be done . .
That is a great question ! Yes , you certainly can , but I do n't know really that I would . Maybe I 'm old fashioned , but I like to know the people that I am going to trust the safety of my family to . I want to be able to put a face to the name , and know something about them . I have found that things work a little more favorably when my agent is my friend , and I 'm not just another name . Thanks for asking !
Is Variable Life Insurance Worth It?
Variable Life Insurance is a permanent form of life insurance and it is security . Any use of the separate accounts -LRB- excluding the guaranteed interest account -RRB- has the potential of market loss . Even the guaranteed interest account is subject to policy expenses that could exceed the interest credited . So its important to establish an investors profile addresses risk tolerance and economic goals in creating client product suitability . Variable life can have tax advantages and indemnification features that may fall within the scope of the investors goals and products suitability . In general terms , variable life insurance is a long term product , with surrender charges that could make it unsuitable for clients who need liquidity . If insurance is only being considered for death benefit coverage , there may be better alternatives with other types of permanent life insurance products .
You can certainly have two or more health insurance plans . It depends on several things that actually determine which two insurance plans you can have . Some insurance companies allow for what Coordination of Benefits -LRB- COB -RRB- with one another . The way to figure it out which is allowed is to let us know what exactly you have and which two insurance companies you have . Some states will not allow Medicaid to be primary , but they will allow COB coverage . It comes down to what the companies will allow and the employers/state allows the company . Hope this helps ,
Is Variable Life Insurance Worth It?
Is Variable Life Insurance worth it ? Like any policy , it depends on the premium you pay and the benefit you get . Of course , your spouse is the only person -LRB- or children/estate -RRB- that will receive the death benefit so perhaps you will have to ask them ? Keep in mind that there are many account options with a Variable plan and each one has a unique risk . A full-time broker can review the best plans and you can determine -LRB- as can the broker -RRB- what is most suitable for you . Without question , they will be your best resource for this question .
Yes , I believe that almost all carriers use credit score as a part of the rating process for auto and homeowners insurance coverage . Please remember credit score is only a portion of the factors that used in determining your rates . Other factors are geographic area , marital status , driving record , age of drivers , and many other factors .
Where To Buy Good Life Insurance?
You can think of `` good '' in terms of life insurance as a product issued by a solid company at the lowest price possible . The reputation and financial soundness of the company has been discussed above . As to price , you can pay up to 50 % less on the same amount and term of insurance from one A-rated insurer to another . What this means is that to get good value on your life insurance , you should comparison shop . Many life insurance websites offer a quoting feature that compares policies available from insurers -LRB- from few to dozens of insurers -RRB- . Obviously , the more choices , the better odds that you will get the lowest price on the insurance you are looking for .
In Canada , Split Dollar Insurance is usually referred to as Shared Interest Insurance . The Shared Interest concept is an effective strategy for sharing life insurance costs and benefits.There are a number of family and business scenarios where this concept can be applied . To illustrate , I will outline a business situation as an example . Under the shared interest concept , the death benefit , premiums and cash values of a permanent insurance policy are apportioned between company and the key employee or shareholder , who pay for their separate interests under the policy . With the Company responsible for the life insurance portion of the premium , it receives : - Tax free buffer fund to cushion the shock of death of key person -LRB- protect profits -RRB- - Funds to redeem shares for a buy-sell & / or succession plan - Life insurance death benefit creates a tax free capital dividend that can be paid out to surviving shareholders . With the business owner or key person responsible for the cash value portion of premium , he/she receives : - Tax advantaged accumulation without paying mortality costs - Access to cash value for living benefits -LRB- policy loans , withdrawals , collateral -RRB- - Increased retirement resources . Setting up the Shared Interest concept is complex . There are many issues to consider in addition to what is outlined here . Therefore , it is recommended you seek your own independent professional advice from your lawyer and/or accountant . Note : The Canada Revenue Agency 's -LRB- CRA -RRB- position is that each party in the shared interest agreement must pay a reasonable amount of the premium for the benefit the party receives . In a non-arm 's length situation , a taxable benefit may be considered to be conferred on one of the parties to the agreement unless all parties pay a cost equal to the fair market value of the benefit received . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
Where To Buy Good Life Insurance?
This can actually be a bit of a loaded question because the type of coverage you 're looking for , your need , your risk class , premium tolerance , and a number of other factors will really direct where you should go to buy your insurance . If you 're strictly looking at who is a `` top '' carrier , American General , MetLife , and Prudential -LRB- to name a few -RRB- may fit the bill . If you 're looking at just financials such as who has an A + + rating versus A + , A , A - , etc , Guardian and MassMutual may be more to your liking as they have some of the most superior financial ratings by A. M. Best . There 's hundreds of insurance companies out there . A life insurance policy with company ABC may be right for you , but not for someone else . You need to consult with an independent broker to determine which carrier will be good for your policy . Send me a private message if you would like to review quotes or have other questions - you can also visit my website .
If you have the VIN number of a vehicle that you are looking to buy or if you at least have the year , make , and model of the vehicle that you are looking at being the driver of then yes can get a quote for coverage . If you do not have a vehicle then your would be lookingat a policy called a non-owned auto policy .
Where To Buy Good Life Insurance?
Most life insurance is good because life insurance companies are heavily regulated . You can look at their ratings by AM Best , S & P , Moody 's , Fitch , or other rating agencies to compare them . It is also not hard to find agents that sell life insurance from good companies . You can find them online , in the Yellow Pages , or perhaps in your own neighborhood . If I was trying to decide which agent to choose , I would look at their testimonials , experience , and choices they offer . After they found my best options , I would look at the rating of the companies and go from there .
Dogs are considered to be under the insureds control and are therefore insured . The insurance company may exclude certain breeds or dogs that have displayed a tendency to bite and may further limit coverage on any dog .
When Is Long Term Care Insurance A Good Idea?
Most advisers begin addressing long term care insurance with their clients and prospects around age 50 . But it seems that many seniors purchase it in their early 60s . The # 1 risk in retirement is human longevity . Living longer impacts retirement funds and the increased probability of needing assisted living and/or nursing home care .
Yes , you can have multiple policies . Life insurance , just like disability insurance , has issue and participation limits that determine the maximum amount that you can be insured for -LRB- basically what you 're valued at , based on your earning potential -RRB- . For example , if you have group insurance at work , but they only insure you for so much , you can get the remaining coverage privately .
Why Is It So Hard To Sell Life Insurance?
The vast majority of consumer centered advisers sell the appropriate life insurance product to meet the prospective purchasers personal suitability requirements . Providing good financial advice is not selling , it is more like a stewardship vocation or family consultant that uses the highest best practices in fiduciary trust . Product suitability trumps just selling a product .
It varies from person to person . Your age , where you live , if you use tobacco products , and if you qualify for a subsidy to reduce your premium will determine how much a good policy is going to cost . Under the Affordable Care Act , you have the options for bronze , silver , gold , and platinum level plans -LRB- as you go up in metal , the price goes up , but provides better benefits -RRB- - some areas also have a catastrophic plan available . In addition , your age is a big factor as well . The younger you are , the cheaper your premium - the older you are , the higher your premium . Also , if you use tobacco products , your premium can be increased up to 50 % as well . All of the plans offer good coverage . A silver or gold plan are your middle of the road type of plans because they provide strong coverage at an affordable price . I always recommend consulting with an experienced health insurance broker before you apply for anything . We can help you determine the plan that 's going to be most suitable for your needs and budget . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Why Is It So Hard To Sell Life Insurance?
Most of us buy the insurance that is required . That covers our decision to buy auto , and homeowners insurance . Someone requires that we buy it . If you borrow money you might be required to purchase life insurance . Few are willing to independently consider the impact of premature death on the lives of those we love . It can be a difficult and painful discussion .
Most homeowners policies have an annual adjustment for the increased costs of construction . This raises the limits in the policy which also raises the premium . With each passing year the home grows older and that also affects the premium . Companies often reward customers who do not have claims and those discounts can have a substantial effect on your premium . Occasionally companies will file for and receive from the state insurance commissioner permission to raise the rates in a specific area due to losses that exceed the premiums received .
Why Is It So Hard To Sell Life Insurance?
Life insurance selling is challenging because brokers and agents need prospective buyers . Good activity in meeting new people and networking helps . It is all about marketing . The internet and social media has helped agents and brokers find prospective buyers .
Yes , there is a limit on how much life insurance can be purchased by one person . That limit is based on income , assets , debts , and age . Generally speaking , young adults can purchase approximate 25 times their annual income in life insurance coverage , while seniors can purchase about 10 times their annual income . However , assets enter heavily into the calculation for seniors , so that even if a person in their 70 's is living off Social Security , they could qualify for over $ 1,000,000 of life insurance if they have many assets . The company you purchase your policy from can make a difference in how much life insurance you qualify for . So it never hurts to shop from a broker who can help you get the most coverage .
Why Is It So Hard To Sell Life Insurance?
It can be hard to sell life insurance as a profession because it is an expense for which many people feel that they do not `` have '' to budget . When money gets tight , it is easier to give up life insurance than it is to give up something that brings them comfort or pleasure while alive . Thinking about death is also not pleasant for most people , and talking about it , even less so . Life insurance agents must have a mixture of business sense with personal empathy to be successful , do good for their clients , and be fulfilled .
A deductible is the dollar amount you may be responsible for before specific benefits are paid . Typically , a deductible does NOT apply to preventive benefits on most plans . This is a result of the Affordable Care Act legislation that was recently passed . On many policies , a deductible may only apply to major medical expenses instead of office visits and prescriptions , when a smaller copay may apply -LRB- in lieu of a deductible -RRB- . There are many deductible options , as they usually range from $ 0 to about $ 6,350 per person . What deductible is best for your situation ? An experienced broker will compare available plans and guide you through the process of picking the ideal amount .
Can I Change Car Insurance At Any Time?
It is your right as a consumer to change auto insurance companies at anytime . I recommend before doing so that you check with your current insurance company to see if there are any early cancellation fees or short rates on your existing policy and also to make sure your new policy is in force .
Dwelling coverage is also known as Coverage A in most homeowners policies . The company is obliged to pay for damages sustained to your residence up to the limits of the policy , subject to the stated deductible . It pays these damages if they are caused by a peril that is identified in the policy . Fire is the most commonly identified peril . Many additional perils can be included in the policy but not every peril will be covered . The most notable exceptions to coverage are earthquake and flood . These perils are generally not included except by endorsement .
Can I Change Car Insurance At Any Time?
You can change car insurance policies at any time , presuming that your application is approved from the new company you are applying with . Since the application will be underwritten , you should never cancel an existing policy until you are officially approved and you have studied the coverage and rate . Changing car insurance companies makes the most sense if you are saving at least 10 % with the same or higher coverage . An experienced broker can help you find the best rates in your area . And our services and use of our websites are free !
Falling objects whether they are trees , airplane parts , stones from a gravel truck or something else are covered under comprehensive . Comprehensive covers the physical damage of your vehicle for everything except collision . Fire , theft , vandalism , as well as chipped windshields are a typical comprehensive claim . Comprehensive which is an optional coverage since it covers your vehicle usually has a deductible . Once you satisfy the deductible the insurance company pays the rest . It can be frustrating to pay the deductible when you have n't done anything wrong . If the damage was caused by someone who was negligent , let your insurance company know so that they can subrogate for your deductible as well as what they paid out . The age of the tree does n't matter , but the condition might especially if you have proof that the owner knew .
When Did Part D Medicare Go Into Effect?
Part D Medicare went into effect on Jan 1 , 2006 . The Voluntary Prescription Drug Program was added to the Social Security Act by a ruling called The Medicare Prescription Drug , Improvement , andModernization Act -LRB- MMA -RRB- of 2003 . It allows persons enrolled in Part A and B Medicare to enroll in Part D for prescription drug benefits .
Reputable insurance companies pay legitimate claims on critical illness . Its an important part of your medical coverage , especially if your family has a predisposition to disease and chronic hospitalization . When youre young and healthy , critical illness is affordable . If you have this type of family health history , you should investigate critical illness insurance .
How Good Is HDFC Life Insurance?
HDFC Life is a long-term insurance solutions provider in India . The company started in 2000 . In June , 2013 , HDFC Life received an ASTD citation for the second year in a row . The American Society for Training and Development -LRB- ATSD -RRB- honored HDFC with an Excellence in Practice citation for Training and Development .
There are few adjustments to a homeowners policy that I would recommend . If you raise the deductible there will be a decrease in premium . That means that when you have a claim , your portion of the claim will be greater . I recommend that you do not lower the liability limit . A lawsuit could bankrupt you . The only other thing that you might try is to see if other companies will charge as much to insure your home .
How Much Insurance Should I Have On My Home?
There are two answers because there are two major sections to the policy . You need to have the highest liability limit offered by the company . A lawsuit can bankrupt you ! The company will direct the amount of coverage that you need for a normal homeowners policy . Because they often guarantee replacement of the building they will require that you insure to value . There are calculators available to determine that amount . An agent can compute that for you .
That is a great question ! Yes , you will need to have proof of insurance to register your car , and to have it inspected . It must be insurance from here in Texas , so if you show up at the registrar 's office with your current out of State policy , they will turn you away . The car will have to be inspected annually , and current insurance coverage is required to do that also . Thanks for asking !
Which Is Better Life Insurance Or A Mutual Fund?
which is better life insurance or a mutual fund ? I guess I would ask for what ? What do you want it to do ? Since a mutual fund actually can be literally thousands of possibilities , which type of mutual fund are you thinking about ? A high risk / high reward type pacific rim fund ? A new markets fund ? A government bond fund ? Are you comparing similar risk models when you compare or do you assume that it 's an equal comparison with unequal products ?
With term insurance , you 're getting a lot of `` bang for your buck '' because you 're only buying the coverage for a limited amount of time . There are hundreds of insurance companies in the market that offer term life insurance . One thing you do NOT want to do is just apply to a bunch of companies at the same time . This can often hurt you in your pursuit of coverage because it can be a `` red flag '' to an insurance company -LRB- so-to-speak -RRB- . A critical factor in determining which carrier 's policy is going to work best for you is the risk class they will offer you -LRB- the risk class determines the premiums for your program -RRB- . Each insurance company has their own set of underwriting guidelines so you may not get the same risk class offer from one company as you would from another . Some companies are conservative in their underwriting -LRB- meaning they have stricter underwriting requirements -RRB- and others can be more aggressive -LRB- meaning they have more lenient underwriting -RRB- . For example , company A may offer a given medical history a preferred risk class while company B could easily offer a standard risk class -LRB- requiring much more in premiums for the same coverage -RRB- .
Which Is Better Life Insurance Or A Mutual Fund?
Which is better - life insurance or a mutual fund - depends on what you want it to accomplish . It also depends on which type of life insurance policy or mutual fund you choose . Some life insurance policies , such as Indexed Universal Life , can give you tax deferred income during retirement without the risk of loss . Contact an agent who sells both products to compare them side by side before making your decision .
Yes , Life Insurance will pay for funerals if you want it to pay for funerals . The person taking out the policy can leave the proceeds of the policy to a funeral home , or to a trust that will pay the funeral home , or to a beneficiary who will pay for the funeral bill with proceeds from the life insurance policy . Life insurance will pay for whatever the Insured person and/or beneficiary desires .
Who Offers Multi Car Insurance?
Most auto insurance companies/vehicle insurance companiesoffer a multi-car/multi-vehicle discount : typically , a multi-car/multi-vehicle discount is when you have 2 or more vehicles -LRB- cars , trucks , SUVs , motorcycles ... -RRB- on the same type ofpolicy . Insurance companies usually do n't allow the multi-car/multi-vehicle discount for different types of motorized vehicles on different policies . For example - if you have a car on one policy and a motorcycle on a different policy -LRB- but both policies are with the same insurance company -RRB- then usually you would not get a multi-car/multi-vehicle discount . You would get the multi-car discountif you have 2 cars insured on the same auto insurance policy . Also , most companies that insure motorcycles will give a multi-unit discount if you insure 2 or more motorcycles on the same motorcycle insurance policy . The key point with the multi-car/multi-vehicle discount is that you are usually required to have 2 or more vehicles covered on the same policy . It is always best to review with your professional independent insurance broker to find the coverage options , as well as ways to secureall availablediscounts -LRB- so you wo n't end up paying more than you have to for your insurance -RRB- .
Best is a word that means different things to different people . To one , it 's lowest premium . To another , it 's highest coverage . The most popular plan is the Plan F Medicare Supplement . It 's the highest level of coverage you can get . But a Plan G will save you more money than a Plan F 100 % of the time . This is because the only difference between the plans is a $ 146 deductible that is not covered by G . But the premium to go to F over G is always between $ 200 to $ 300 more per year .
Who Offers Multi Car Insurance?
Most insurance companies offer various discounts , including multi car in one form or another . Commonly this would apply to 2 or more private passenger vehicles rated on the same policy , but cars insured by the same company that happen to be on separate policies would qualify as well . You may also find that the discount becomes greater the more vehicles that are insured . Some companies extend the multi vehicle discount to younger drivers who are insured with the same company as their parents so long as they are also still residing in their family home .
OK . You think you do n't need life insurance , huh ? I got a few ideas for you to think about . First the premium now is the lowest it will ever be . Because of your age and your health . Second , you may have a family later , when the rates are higher , if you even could qualify then . Also , I have a new kind of life insurance which pays you while you are alive , for such things as chronic care , critical care , terminal care , disability , all in one single policy with one very much lower premium . Now , do n't you wish you had this ? Let 's talk , since it is only available from PFA Agents . Gary Lane ,, 714 422 9616 . Thanks .
When To Cash In Whole Life Insurance Policy?
Are you seeking to cash in your policy now because the coverage is no longer needed , you can no longer afford the premiums or you need the cash now ? In general , you need to hold you policy a minimum of 15-20 years in order to have achieved a gain or return on your money that matches conservative returns today -LRB- ~ 5-6 % -RRB- . Surrendering your policy before then essentially creates or causes a less than attractive return on your premium dollars for that cash accumulation feature . If you are struggling to afford your premiums but do have a significant amount of cash value , surrendering your policy is not necessarily your only option . You can set your WL policy dividends to off set your premium costs rather than buying paid up additions . Depending on the age of your policy , the dividends may be significant enough to pay the premium in its entirety . Additionally , you can use an Automatic Premium Loan -LRB- APL -RRB- which automatically borrows from the cash value to cover your premiums annually . This of course , will reduce your policy face value with each loan but is a way to preserve some sort of coverage in the event that you are no longer able to afford it . Lastly , depending upon your age , you have the separate alternative of selling your life insurance policy to an investor in an transaction called a `` Life Settlement '' . The offers that policy owners receive , depending on certain parameters , are multiples of the policy 's cash value . You can read more about this through the Life Insurance Settlement Association -LRB- LISA -RRB- WEBSITELINK Please contact me if you would like more information about a life settlement .
For small amounts a temporary binding agreement with a required deposit can cover you while the underwriting process is taking place . But most life insurance policies are put in force at the date of issue with the required agreed premium with binds the coverage . Its important to sign and keep a copy of the delivery statement with your policy , store it in a safe place and notify one of the beneficiaries of its location .
Why Do Annuities Have Surrender Charges?
Annuities have surrender charges since the money in the annuity is invested in different timed instruments . The insurer maximizes their rate of return -LRB- and yours ! -RRB- by having sufficient time to manage the funds . If there is a constant flow of complete surrenders , the extra expense would make it more difficult to earn the desired rate of return .
Retirement doesnt change the nature of many risks faced by an individual . If you operate an automobile you will want sufficient insurance to meet any anticipated loss . It is important to remember that when you experience an uncovered loss and are retired the money to cover that loss will come from your retirement savings in most situations . Be sure to carry the highest possible liability limits . Consider an umbrella policy . If you own a home you will want sufficient insurance to protect valuable assets against loss . This is also a good time to increase the limit of liability insurance because a lawsuit could ruin your retirement plans . As people age they tend to acquire inherited property . That property needs to be reviewed and insured as appropriate . There are few of us that actually outgrow our need for life insurance . Our death is going to have a financial impact on those we love . To that extent consider permanent insurance . Single premium life insurance can play a particularly helpful role in paying final expenses but also can be used to establish bequests . Many retirees carefully protect their savings so they can pass something to their heirs . It might be beneficial to establish those gifts through life insurance and thus be able to spend freely the money that remains . Life insurance is also needed if the death of one spouse will have a serious impact on the retirement income of the survivor . Sometimes it is appropriate to select a life income option on a pension plan or annuity and then purchase life insurance to make up the loss of survivor benefit . Many retirees are concerned about charities and life insurance is a wonderful way to handle those interests as well . The most ominous issue for most retirees is long term care . Studies show that these expenses are one of the top concerns among retirees . With the increase in longevity comes an increased possibility of having a long term care need . Considering long term care insurance in a retirement budget is important . Health tends to decline , not improve with age . One option available is to take advantage of the Health Savings Accounts typically offered by employers who are enrolled in their companies high deductible plans . This tax incentive allows the individuals to contribute with pre-tax dollars and enjoy the gain on investments held in the account tax-free . Employers are often linking the HSA to the retirement program which helps employees understand that they can use the account to accumulate money for their medical needs in retirement . Some people will accumulate a substantial amount . Since these funds are not subject to required minimum distributions at seventy and a half they can continue to increase in value until needed . Because Medicare doesnt provide complete medical coverage most retirees purchase a Medigap supplemental insurance policy from a private insurance company . State administrators are involved in the coverage that these policies provide and sometimes in their pricing . Another form of insurance available to seniors is longevity insurance . This is effectively a deferred income annuity which isnt means tested until age 85 . Traditional Long term care insurance should not be overlooked . While the cost is subject to a great deal of debate the alternative is to assume the risk personally . Hybrid life and annuity policies can provide long term care coverage under certain conditions . In retirement expenses continue and retirees are often called upon to select between their own needs and the wants and desires of heirs . Anything that can be done to fence off expenses can make difficult decisions easier .
Why Do Annuities Have Surrender Charges?
That is an excellent question ! I think a lot of people have the impression that like in the old days of Bonnie and Clyde that banks and insurance companies take your cash and pile it up in big vaults to gather dust until needed . The truth is that almost as soon as you 've given it to them , they 've turned around and used it to pay off something they owe on , or invested it to make some money for themselves . Therefore , when you buy an annuity , and promise them a number of years to use that money before they have to pay you , and then tell them you want it back , they are going to take a loss . They have to scramble to get your cash ready for you , and so that they do n't lose money , they pass that loss on to you in the form of a surrender charge . Their hope is that by putting a steep fee on taking the money out early , that you wo n't , and they can make money too . I am very careful who I sell annuities to , there has to be a very good liquidity and cash flow on your part to make this a good investment vehicle . I hope this helps , thanks for asking !
Medicare Part A is free to most people , although you will pay co-pays for hospital stays . For the first 1-60 days of hospitalization in a benefit period , the cost is only $ 1,184 in 2013 . Most people pay a premium of $ 104.90 / mo for Part B . The Part B deductible is $ 147/year . There are also monthly charges for Medicare supplement plans that vary by the plan and the company offering it .
How Much Does Auto Liability Insurance Cost?
Liability coverage on autos is typically required in all states . Limits are usually in the $ 20,000 per person , $ 40,000 per occurrence range with additional property damage benefits . Of course some states have lower requirements , and others have higher requirements . The cost can vary depending on your age , your driving record , your zip code and the type of vehicle you drive . Monthly premiums could range from $ 35 to many hundreds of dollars per month since there are so many variables . A free online quote from multiple carriers is available through top car insurance websites , Of course , there would be no cost or obligation .
Medicare Part A is , in short , your hospital insurance . It covers inpatient hospital care , skilled nursing facility care , nursing home care , hopsice care , and home health services . Please note , there are limitations to what Medicare pays and for how long it will pay for given services . If you want to have adequate coverage for long-term care types of services -LRB- e.g. nursing home care , hospice care , and home services -RRB- , you will want to supplement your Medicare coverage with a separate long-term care policy . Medicare Part B is , in short , your physician insurance . This part of Medicare covers things like doctor visits , lab tests , surgeries , ambulance services , durable medical equipment -LRB- DMEs -RRB- , and other outpatient services . Medicare Part A & Part B are commonly referred to as Original Medicare and only covers about 80 % of your healthcare expenses . A Medigap plan can cover all or a portion of the other 20 % of expenses . While 20 % does n't seem like it 's going to have a high dollar figure , the bill can add up quite fast . The idea of a Medigap plan is to create a predictable expense structure . If you do n't have a Medigap plan and visited the hospital/had a surgery/etc . , you 'll end up with a massive medical bill real quick . I hope the input is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
How Hard Is It To Get Disability Insurance?
How hard is it to get disability insurance ? Well let 's qualify it this two ways . First is it hard to get a poor disability policy ? No , it 's really easy and as long as nothing happens to you , you 'll never know if was money wasted or not . If something happens however , that 's when you find out . The other choice is a good disability policy with a real solid definition of disability that does n't find ways to reduce or even take away your benefit . Those will be hard to get , underwritten tightly and work fantastic if needed . Why so hard to get ? A payout on a disability policy that has that strong definition could pay out into the millions when a COLA rider is attached to it and with the strong definition , a person could still collect while working in another field . The RISK to the insurer is high , so they underwrite tight .
Generally Bank owned life insurance is designed to protect the bank if you take out a loan . I usually recommend buying your own policy . It gives your beneficiary more options . For example , mortgage insurance is usually offered by a bank . It can also be purchased on your own . Both would pay off the mortgage if you die . With the bank owned policy , that is the only choice . What if your spouse does n't want or need to pay off the mortgage however . This is not always the best option . If you own the policy , your wife or beneficiary may choose to invest the life insurance funds and use the interest to help make mortgage payments . Or the money would be more advantageous elsewhere . Mortgage life insurance with the bank is tied to that mortgage . What if you move ? Owning your own policy is portable , you can take it with you to your new home . I usually recommend level term to cover a mortgage . That way you have extra protection as your mortgage decreases because the death benefit will stay level . With a banks mortgage life insurance it just pays off the mortgage to the bank on that loan . Yes it works , but you are better off with your own policy .
Where Can I Get A State Farm Auto Insurance Declarations Page?
You would have to contact State Farm Insurance for that page . If you are the insured and are covered with State Farm insurance then I would start with my local agent . If you are a vendor then I might suggest looking up the telephone number through your favorite search engine .
A great deal of money has been saved in life insurance plans . The chief reason is that life insurance premiums look like a bill and that forces a person to save . Rate of return is not the issue , rather it is transfering money from current needs to future needs . No other investment is self-completing . If the insured dies the entire $ 1M is given to his beneficiary , even if he has only paid a single month 's premium . Every other investment triggers taxes where life insurance proceeds pass income tax free . It is an extremely flexible savings program with tax advantages and it is self-completing . That is an excellent savings plan for many people .
Does Medicare Part B Pay For Glasses?
Medicare does not normally pay for glasses . However , after cataract surgery where an intraocular lens has been implanted , Medicare Part B will pay for one set of standard glasses through a supplier enrolled in Medicare . In other situations , Medicare Part B unfortunately does not cover the cost of eyeglasses or contact lenses .
There are two main expenses you 're responsible for in Medicare Part B - the monthly premium -LRB- $ 104.90 for those with incomes of $ 85,000 or less , or $ 170,000 or less for those married filing jointly on their tax returns . The premium is higher if you 're above these income levels -RRB- and the deductible . I believe you 're referring to the Medicare Part B deductible . The deductible for 2014 is $ 147 -LRB- no change from 2013 -RRB- . Original Medicare -LRB- Parts A & B -RRB- takes care of approximately 80 % of the cost for your healthcare . A medicare supplement is great to add to Original Medicare for those on a fixed income as it can help take care of the other 20 % and create a much more predictable expense structure for your healthcare .