What Can I Do To Lower My Car Insurance?
There are many steps you can take to lower your car insurance rates . There are numerous discounts that are offered by most insurers , so taking advantage of all of them -LRB- if applicable -RRB- is critical . An experienced broker can help you find them . Being covered for the most cost-effective benefits and the right company is also important since it could mean the difference of hundreds of dollars -LRB- or more -RRB- . Comparing rates is a must and will put more money in your pocket . LIVE answer provided by : ED Harris - Premier car insurance broker for 33 years and owner of several top-rated websites that offer the lowest available rates .
Like all type of insurance , there is no single health plan that be considered `` best '' for everyone . To determine the best plan for your personal situation , I suggest speaking with a licensed insurance agent , one who represents many companies in your area . That is the only way to ensure you receive honest , expert advice , based on your personal needs . If you are someone that rarely utilizes medical care , you are more than likely going to be best served by a high deductible , low cost policy . Conversely , if you do regularly use medical services , or expect large medical bills in the upcoming year , then you need to find a policy with the most benefits , at the lowest cost possible . This can prove challenge for someone that does not deal with insurance on a daily basis . Your best alternative is to find an independent agent that represents all the companies available in your area , and seek their guidance on determining which plan will ultimately cost you the least , considering both the premium and your expected medical bills .
What Can I Do To Lower My Car Insurance?
You can lower your car insurance rates by doing the following : Consider raising your collision and comprehensive deductibles . Check to make sure you are receiving all of theavailablediscounts including multi-policy , 55 and retired and alarm system . SHOP SHOP SHOP !!! When you shop different companies , you may be able to reduce your premium . A respected website will offer multiple quotes from top-rated companies . You may save more than you thought was possible .
Graded Benefit Whole Life Insurance is an increasing stepped up premium that as a level death benefit in guaranteed issue policies . It also can be a participating graded premium whole life policy that starts out with a gradual step up in premium and then levels our on the future . Participating whole life products use declared dividends to pay premium or limit the payments if the dividend is large enough .
What Can I Do To Lower My Car Insurance?
You can lower the premium by reducing coverage . If you have physical damage coverage you can also increase the deductible . This does not necessarily lower the cost of insuring an automobile . The greatest price you can pay is to be in a collision and not have sufficient insurance to cover the claim . That situation can send you into bankruptcy .
Yes . Many individuals will set up a short term disability policy as well as a long-term disability policy to cover different types of scenarios -LRB- e.g. if you become permanently disabled vs. being temporarily disabled -RRB- . Some individuals will have a group DI policy through an employer and supplement it with an individual DI policy if they feel the group DI does n't provide enough benefits or a very good `` definition of disability '' -LRB- the most important factor with DI coverage -RRB- - when buying disability insurance , make sure of -LRB- and understand -RRB- the definition of disability that 's being cited in the program -LRB- own occupation , modified , or gainful - this is the most important factor in your disability policy as it will determine if you are eligible for a claim when something happens -RRB- . Please note , disability insurance policies coordinate benefits so there 's a limit to how much coverage and what kind you can secure -LRB- most carriers will keep it to a maximum of 70 % of income - the percentage can vary by insurance company -RRB- . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help setting up coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Does Long-Term Care Insurance At A Young Age Make Sense?
What age is considered young for long term care insurance ? When you turn age 50 , youll more than likely receive an invitation to join AARP . Most advisers start addressing long term care needs at age 50 as part of their retirement strategy for their clients . But age 60 seems to be the age where long term care becomes a serious consideration . But if your family has a predisposition to disease or a geriatric history of nursing home care , you may not want to wait until age 50 . When youre young and healthy , long term care insurance is relatively inexpensive . If your family fits this profile , you should investigate long term care even if youre age 40 .
You should discuss our needs and budget with your Insurance Professional and decide on a policy that best suits both of those factors . Look for a solid company with a strong financial rating that also offers the types of discounts that make sense for you . You can save money by insuring your car with the same company for example .
What Is The T On My Medicare Card?
The letters at the end of your Medicare card indicate your beneficiary status . Most will have either and A or a B at the end of their number . If you have an A at the end you were a primary wage earner , a B , you are the spouse of a wage earner . A T at the end means you are not receiving SS benefits
Life insurance is important for many reasons . When a family loses a member itis devistating.How will will you pay for the furneral ? How will willpay the bills from the income lost?Life insurance can also be a legacy fund - providing a way for you to be remembered.Life insuracehelps to lessen the financial burden for the surviving familly members . There are many , many more reason . Contact your local agent today to get yourself a policy to help protect your family 's future .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Pet Liability?
Pet liability is a big issue and generally when the question is asked it pertains to a dog . Most renters insurance willexcludecertain types of dogs if they bit someone . Theseparticulardogs but not limited to are pit bulls , boxers , Akita , rottweilers , chows , and maybe more . It is very important you speak with a local agent on this issue about the breed of dog you own and if your renters insurance would protect you in the event of a dog bite .
I would enroll in Medicare Part A even if you are still working and covered by your employer 's group health plan . Part A is used primarily for an inpatient hospital stay and it is free . It probably wo n't pay much towards a hospital stay because the insurance through your employer is primary . I think most employers would want you to enroll in Part A when you become eligible .
Who Has The Cheapest Homeowners Insurance In Illinois?
I would encourage you to rethink this philosophy . Purchasing your homeowners insurance is often times not an ideal situation . You are entrusting your home to a carrier who is offering cut rate premiums when for a another $ 100 you can go with a highly rated insurance carrier . There is a tremendous difference between A + rate AM Best Insurance carriers and carriers who are only concerned with taking your premiums .
There is no `` best '' health insurance carrier or plan . This is all an individual choice -LRB- at least for now -RRB- . Some carriers do offer better value and customer service than others , but more times than not the customer complaints are because the policyholder did not understand the type of coverage they bought .
What Age Should You Get Long Term Care Insurance?
Sooner the better your never as health as you are today as we are one day older tomorrow . You can set your self up very well by getting it started early and in todays market place there are so many options that you can pick from to best fit your needs no matter your age .
Great question ! It is a very common question - why do I need insurance ? The purpose of insurance is to protect against risk . To help provide the money that would be needed to replace or repair the vehicles , and to provide for personal or property damages that might be incurred . You need the insurance , to protect yourself first , and to protect the other driver that you may hit . Cars are expensive to repair , and lives are irreplaceable . Even if you have n't had an accident in years , I 'm guessing that the minute that you do , you will be very happy that you had it . If you would like to discuss this more , please feel free to contact me , I 'm happy to help . Thanks for asking !
What Age Should You Get Long Term Care Insurance?
It is important to get Long Term Care Insurance while you can still qualify for it . If you are under age 50 and are starting to have trouble with your joints , or lab results are starting to point to getting a chronic health condition , go out and get your Long Term Care policy ASAP . When those things get worse , you may no longer be able to qualify for Long Term Care . If you are over 60 and are still healthy , go ahead and get your Long Term Care Insurance then . Waiting until you are older will only make the rates higher , and you never know if a health condition might develop that will hinder your plans to purchase an LTC policy .
MetLife is another name for Metropolitan Life Insurance Company . MetLife , Inc is the holding company for Metropolitan Life Insurance Company . The company is one of the largest providers of life insurance in the world . To compare MetLife quotes with other life insurance companies , search for an instant quote on the internet , or call an insurance agency that carries multiple companies .
Why Would Someone Be Denied Life Insurance?
There are numerous reasons to be declined for life insurance . Think of it in terms of gambling . You are placing a small bet , monthly premium , in order to make sure your loved ones have enough money to live at their current means , which is a large payoff at your death . Therefore an underwriter will look at all of the factors to determine your risk of dying within a specified period of time . They look at age , build , medical history , health , lifestyle , residence , occupation , etc. to determine that risk . If they feel any of these factors are too risky you will be declined for life insurance .
Perhaps a better question would be , how much does it cost to not have renters insurance ? It could cost you everything that you own . It could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars in a lawsuit . It could make you find another place to live without any possessions and without notice if your apartment is damaged by fire . The cost for not having a policy could be quite high . The cost for having one that provides coverage for these possibilities is reasonable .
Why Would Someone Be Denied Life Insurance?
There are several reasons an applicant would be denied life insurance coverage , chief among them is medical unsuitability , i.e the risk for the company is too great . Behaviors like hazardous vocations , dangerous recreational activities , multiple motor vehicle violations , DUIs and drug addictions . Falsifying information , misleading or omitting of material facts can also result in a declination .
Medicare Supplement Insurance -LRB- Medigap -RRB- does not vary by state . Plan F in Florida is the same as a Plan F in Colorado . However , the monthly premium can be different from state to state . Medicare Advantage Plans can vary by state because of the network , etc. . The plans are based on which county you live in and different counties have different plans .
Why Would Someone Be Denied Life Insurance?
Assuming that all the cards are on the table and the agent really knows what they are doing , declines should not happen too often . But even in that case , here are some reasons people can be denied life insurance . 1 -RRB- Medical reasons that even they may not realize or think about when they talk to their agent . E.g. . The applicant takes two medications for depression , which is insurable . But when the underwriter looks at the medical records , they find that the patient has recently expressed suicidal thoughts to their psychiatrist , and the policy is denied . 2 -RRB- Insufficient medical information . E.g. . The underwriter wants to see the results of an MRI and no one can find it . 3 -RRB- Tobacco with a serious health condition that is impacted by smoking . E.g. Someone says they quit smoking when they had a heart attack a year ago , but then tobacco is found in lab results . 4 -RRB- Financial reasons . E.g. . The applicant is in the middle of bankruptcy proceedings , has a very poor credit rating , and owes back taxes . Rather than calling this a decline , it is often called a postponement . 5 -RRB- Wrong product . This is the most common reason for decline I hear about when people come to us after being declined elsewhere . They were just told to apply with a product that clearly does not work with their health and personal details . That is a completely avoidable reason for being denied . As you can see by the examples above , some people would be better off going with a No Exam policy to lessen their chances of being denied . Others are better off using medically underwritten coverage . Using an agency that specializes in taking cases declined by others can help you get an approval the first time .
A quick estimate by looking at policies I have written would be about $ 850 but that wont help you very much . Homes are not the same ! Find a competent agent that you can trust . Give that agent all the information that is requested . Make sure they give the company that information . Follow his recommendations . Read your policy when it arrives . Ask questions . The cost for not having the policy can be much higher than the cost of the insurance .
Can I Buy Life Insurance On My Ex Husband?
Can you buy insurance on your ex ? Possibly . He must either consent to be covered or through the court system , he may be required to purchase a policy . Ownership of the policy could go either way depending on consent or court decree . There is an insurable interest where support payments are involved .
You will have to contact Ivy Tech to determine if they offer health insurance . They can be reached by phone or email . You can also write them a letter or visit them in person . If they do not offer coverage , you can purchase affordable healthcare from a reputable experience broker .
Can I Buy Life Insurance On My Ex Husband?
If you have an insurable interest you may purchase life insurance on your ex-husband . That would probably mean that he is responsible for child support or alimony . While it requires his cooperation that cooperation can be ordered by the court . You should be the owner , payer and beneficiary of the policy . That way there is never a question of the policy having lapsed or the beneficiary being changed without your knowledge .
Great question ! In most casesbad credit wo n't keep you from getting insured , but it can make it more expensive . The good thing is that often we think our credit is worse than an insurer would . If you had a medical emergency , for example , that really hurt you financially , will be considered and forgiven bymost financial institutions . Find an independent agent who can help you find a company that will be more forgiving . Good luck ! Thanks for asking !
Can I Buy Life Insurance On My Ex Husband?
Being divorced myself , many years ago , I was required to have life insurance on myself for the benefit of my son , ordered through the courts . Today , I like to recommend looking at one of two types of insurance : the first being a term policy with a Return of Premium -LRB- available on a 20 or 30 year term -RRB- so when the kids are out of the house , you get all your money back but if something happens , the death benefit is there . The second is a permanent policy which you can change the beneficiary later . This keeps a policy in place after the kids are old enough where the life insurance is not required any longer . Take a look at your immediate needs and goals along with your long term goals if you have the time to do that during this process .
Some advisers suggest that securing coverage when your child is young and healthy can lock in coverage for the future . Others suggest using permanent cash value life insurance for college funding , even long term retirement savings . But keep in mind most carriers take a dim view of parents applying for life insurance on their children without meaningful coverage on themselves .
How Can I Get Home Insurance Online In Maryland?
There are several companies who offer home insurance in Maryland . The best way to shop for home insurance is through an independent agent . Obviously I 'm bias because I am an independent agent but I 've worked for captive and direct companies and there is a drastic difference . Independent agents are not held to one particular company . Tell them what you want and they 'll explain your options and compare rates with several different companies .
Term life insurance does not have any cash value , so is usually not the type of insurance that people can sell in a life settlement . If the insured person is in very poor health or very advanced age , and there are many years left on the policy , it may be possible to sell it .
Which Medigap Plan Is The Best?
The best Medigap Plan is the one that meets your needs . With that said , Medigap Plan F is widely touted as the best Medigap Plan . It 's very popular because it has the most comprehensive health care coverage of all Medigap Plans . Medigap Plan F covers all your Medicare approved charges . You do not have to pay any co-pays , deductibles or co-insurance . As long as you pay your monthly premium , you will receive your Medigap Plan F benefits . Some would argue that Medigap Plan G is becoming the ` best ' Medigap Plan . It acts just like Plan F after satisfying the annual Part B deductible -LRB- $ 147 in 2014 -RRB- . The premium for Plan G is often lower than Plan F. . . which is why many people like it . It 's a personal preference as to whether or not you want to pay the Part B deductible yourself -LRB- Plan G -RRB- or have the insurance company do it for you -LRB- Plan F -RRB- . Some of my clients do n't like to be bothered with paying any bills , so Medigap Plan F works for them . While I have other clients who would rather save money on their premium and do n't mind satisfying the deductible . If would like more information regarding your specific situation , please feel free to contact me . In a matter of minutes , I can provide you with information on Medigap benefits and quotes for your area .
Life insurance companies test liver labs that can indicate Hep C . They do not diagnose Hepatitis C , per se . Instead , they will decline or postpone if Hep C is suspected , and ask that you see your doctor before reapplying or continuing with your application . Keep in mind that the above only applies to policies that require an exam . No Exam policies do not test blood although they usually ask on the life insurance application if Hep C is present .
How Do I Know What My Car Insurance Covers?
You should read your policy completely to know what coverages are offered under the policy . Most auto policies will provide coverage for damages that you are deemed liable for . If you do not understand any part ofyour policy after reading it , contact your local your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
A lot of the `` big box '' insurance companies -LRB- or their subsidiaries -RRB- offer insurance across multiple lines . Some are more proficient in one category , others have success across multiples . Speak with an independent agent who might have access to many companies to find out if any particular carrier carries a certain type . Visit the following site to see what Progressive might offer . WEBSITELINK
Is Short Term Disability Insurance Worth It?
The first consideration is determining if your employer sponsors group benefits at work and if those benefits include short term disability insurance . If not then you should consider at the very least short term disability insurance to protect your paycheck . Most Americans have only 90 days in cash reserves , so it 's important .
Auto insurance is typically an at will product , which means that you are capable of cancelling your policy at any point that you wish . If you cancel your policy without activating coverage with another before your cancellation date you risk having a gap in your coverage . This could expose you and your family to great financial hardship in the event of an accident .
What Does Grandfathered Health Insurance Mean?
Grandfather status applies to health insurance plans that have been in force before ACA -LRB- Obamacare -RRB- was passed in March of 2010 . In order to maintain Grandfather status , you must keep the same plan and have no changes made to it since . Any change in deductible or plan type would cause you to loose grandfather status . Is it important ? It depends on what your view of the future is . One side believes grandfather status is important and should be kept if possible . When the health care exchanges open in 2014 , those who are grandfathered will not be required to carry all the new required coverages ACA mandates . Others feel grandfather status is a gimmick and people will eventually lose it . After March of 2010 , no one else could get grandfather status . So that group of people -LRB- insurance policies -RRB- has no new people coming into it to help offset the increase claims that come with age . That grandfathered group of policies will start to see rates increase as claims increase . The healthy will likely drop grandfather status and go to the exchanges . This leaves even fewer health people to offset those who are sick on the grandfather pool , thus cause additional rate increases until everyone on grandfather status drops that coverage . How long that will take is up to debate and will like play out over time . Will it take 3 years or 6 year or more ; no one knows . If you are unsure if you have grandfather status , call your health insurance company and ask . They will be able to tell you .
A business owner uses a business to convert their human capital -LRB- skills , energy and time -RRB- into a stream of income . However converting that business into a stream of retirement income is a different issue . When a business owner wishes to retire they remove from the business one of its greatest assetsthemselves ! There are a couple of options facing the business owner to use a business to generate retirement income . The first option is to sell the physical assets of the business for the best price possible and close the business . Under the best circumstances this approach will yield a percentage of the value of the assets and generates nothing from the good will of the business . However , this approach will free the business owner from all responsibility for the business and they can invest their time as they wish , free from the concerns of the business . A second option is to sell the business as a going concern . Selling a business is complicated . Whoever buys the business expects that the business will pay for itself . People dont buy a business on a whim . Unless the potential buyer of the business can secure outside financing -LRB- which is quite unusual -RRB- the business owner is actually going to become the banker for the people buying the business . The result is that a business owner will likely fail to realize the full value of the business . In most small businesses it is the personality of the owner that makes the business successful . When that owner retires the greatest asset of the firm has left as well . Even your best employee can not replace you . So now the business owner is the banker for a company that is probably going to be less successful and that will not generate much retirement income . Many sole-proprietors have poured all their profits into the company . When they want to retire they find that they have invested in little else . Since it is expensive and complicated to establish a retirement plan for the employees the entrepreneur forgets to set aside money for his own retirement . If the business owner establishes a retirement plan , that plan might reduce the value of the business because of its long term obligations . Often successor management fails . Making a success of a small business isnt easy . If successor management fails owing the original business owner money , that business owners retirement income is jeopardized or worse yet , the former owner might have to come back into the business at a time when it is inconvenient and perhaps damaging to their health . An entrepreneur can accumulate money for his own retirement by setting aside funds early in the business development . This is really difficult when the business is screaming for more cash . However , setting up a pension plan or other savings plan is crucial in order to have money on which to retire . Grooming successor management can be expensive and difficult but it is the only way to prepare a stable person with the capacity to purchase the firm . There needs to be a direct transfer of the face of the company from the original owner to the successor . The bookkeeper may be great but he is unlikely to lead a company into success when high personal contact is required . A business owner might consider selling the physical assets of the business , and also negotiate a contract that in exchange for a fee for a period of time at a stipulated rate the original owner will provide consulting for the successor . Then rather than paying a debt which is not deductible the successor is paying wages or a fee and that is deductible . The original business owner is receiving income rather than interest and payment of a debt . A business may have limited value when it comes time to retire . Plan for your retirement now , while you can .
Who Benefits From Annuities?
Tax deferred annuities are generally purchased for income after age 59 1/2 . The income can benefit the owner of the annuity , the beneficiaries of an annuity with period certain income like 10 or 20 years certain and even provide life time income you ca n't outlive . You can also take withdrawals .
Short term disability and FMLA are two distinct entities , although both may apply when an employee needs to take leave . Short term disability is an insurance program that replaces a portion of income when an employee is unable to work due to a covered accident or illness . Five states have mandatory programs , some employers pay premiums on behalf of employees , and many employees purchase policies at work and pay through a payroll deduction . FMLA is a federal law which provides unpaid job protected leave for an employees own disability , or when leaving work to care for a sick family member .
Who Benefits From Annuities?
Annuities meet the needs of a great many people . I suppose the most obvious need is that an annuity can provide an income that you can not outlive . In retirement income planning there are some who feel that establishing a base income using an annuity is extremely important as it then allows the retiree to spend or invest the balance as appropriate for their standard of living .
That depends entirely upon how the child support agreement was constructed . If there is not a specific requirement in the child support agreement that the person required to provide child support is required to provide health insurance for the child -LRB- ren -RRB- then there is a very high probability that they would not be required to provide health insurance . So , if the child support judgment requires one partner to just pay `` X '' amount of dollars every month for child support and makes no mention of a requirement to provide health insurance either out of that amount or in addition to it is unlikely that without a new judgment the ex-partner would have to provide health insurance . In my experience , a good divorce attorney specifically addresses this issue in writing in the order of child support as to which parent has the responsibility for providing health insurance for dependent children and even the potential duration of this requirement and the circumstances where it might be voided -LRB- re-marriage for example -RRB- . I am sure the rules on this crucial issue vary from state to state . Any couple with children who are divorcing should have this issue of responsibility for health insurance coverage clearly spelled out in their divorce and child support agreement .
Does Car Insurance Cover Hitting A Deer?
If your car is damaged because you hit a deer there is physical damage coverage available if you selected it . The coverage is called comprehensive . It normally has a deductible so the claim would be adjusted on the basis of the cost of repair minus the deductible .
This is an impossible question to answer with any real dollar amount . Your auto insurance is based on many factors . Some of the factors that are part of the equation that is used to determine your rates are : the insured 's geographic location , the insured 's age , the insured 's driving record , the year , make , and model of the vehicle and many more . Contact a local agent to discuss your coverage wants and needs so that they can provide you with coverage availability and pricing .
Does Car Insurance Cover Hitting A Deer?
Assuming that your car insurance policy includes physical damage coverage for `` Comprehensive '' loss , then yes , you will have coverage if you hit a deer or any other animal . This coverage will also pay settlements for theft , vandalism , if your car bursts into flames or if an object falls on it while it is parked .
hEALTH INSURANCE COVERS treatment in state or out of state assuming the treatment is medically necessary and the cost of the treatment was not increased because yuo chose to go to a distant location to have the procedure done . I assume you are asking because you were traveling and had some unforseen circumstance to arise and the health insurance company should process the claim with no difficulty
Does Car Insurance Cover Hitting A Deer?
Great question ! Yes , hitting an animal is covered under your insurance , assuming that you have comprehensive coverage . You might have to pay a deductible , you may not , depending upon your policy . Call your agent , and have them tell you exactly what it will cost you . Good luck ! Thanks for asking !
PPO is a `` Preferred Provider Organization , '' which is a network of doctors , hospitals and other facilities that will offer their services at contractually lower prices to members affiliated with them . Often the discounts are substantial which saves individuals and families hundreds or thousands of dollars . It is a medical care arrangement where the insurers may pay a fee to become part of the actual Network . However , since their charges for procedures and other treatment is reduced , they may gain market share by writing more policies . Most major health insurers offer many PPO plans that help keep premiums low , while providing top-notch treatment and service .
Does Car Insurance Cover Hitting A Deer?
Car insurance covers hitting a deer . Typically , if you have `` full '' coverage on your vehicle -LRB- collision and comprehensive benefits -RRB- , the claim will be paid by your insurer . Typically , it is classified as a `` comprehensive '' claim and not subject to any surcharges . You may have a deductible to meet , although having `` no '' deductible is fairly common . As an experienced car insurance broker -LRB- 33 years in the business -RRB- , this question is quite common and we handle them on a regular basis .
Everyone should get life insurance , but not everyone does . It 's not something that is required by law as is automobile insurance - although it should be ... At least a minimal amount to pay for final , -LRB- funeral -RRB- expenses . As mentioned above not everyone `` needs '' life insurance . But there is n't a better , safe way to build personal wealth and take advantage of tax benefits than Whole Life Insurance with a Mutual insurance company ! That 's why Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have large whole life policies .
Can Long Term Care Insurance Be Deducted From Taxes?
In qualified long term care plans , long term care insurance can be deducted from taxes . The premiums that can be deducted are outlined in the instructions provided with your tax return . Qualified life insurance plans require inability to do two or more ADL 's or cognitive impairment with expectation of the need for care lasting over 90 days in order to receive benefits .
You need to notify your insurance company as soon as your teenager has a drivers license . Most insurers dont need to know if the dependent has a learners permit . Usually this involves a telephone call to the company or their agent . You can expect that the inexperienced driver will be assigned to one of the cars and that will impact the premium for that car .
Does Getting Married Affect Auto Insurance?
Yes , in most cases . Rates for married vs single are different amoungst most companies . How it will affect your rates is unpredictible because it depends on whether or not you were residing in the same household over the last year for starters . In Wisconsin at least if you reside in the same household you must be listed on each others policies if separate insurance is carried . To know exactly how getting married would affect your rates , I would suggest contacting your local agent to discuss it with them .
That is a great question ! A better one is why were you denied ? There are extremely few reasons why you could be legally denied , and I 'd sure like to know what their reason was . If they said `` pre-existing condition '' , you do n't want to insure through them anyway , as they are breaking the law , and probably are n't very trustworthy in their other dealings either . Count them as doing you a favor , and reapply with a different company , preferably one under the site , where you might even qualify for help paying for the policy you 'll get . Good luck , and thanks for asking !
Does Getting Married Affect Auto Insurance?
Being Married or not married is a rating factor in auto insurance . This is not to be mistaken as a discount . Variable rating factors ultimatelydetermine your final rate . Being married in most cases has a favorable rating factor . The criteria is with almost all insurance carriers is you must reside together or be able to explain a really good reason why you are not residing together if you wish to obtain the married rate . The spouse is not necessary required to be listed on the policy as an operator but must be disclosed as a household member .
Insurance companies rarely accept a full risk . When you buy comprehensive and collision insurance the company requires that you pay a part of the recovery when there is a claim . As the car depreciates the recovery is reduced . The sum of the deductible , the premium for the coverage , and the lessened recovery reach a point where maintaining the coverage no longer makes sense . This happens with many cars around their 10th year .
Does Life Insurance Go Into Estate?
If a life insurance policy is not owned by an irrevocable life insurance trust or owned by a legal business or charitable entity , it is -LRB- with few a exceptions -RRB- in the policy owners estate . That , in itself , may be a nonevent depending on the size of the estate . If the assets of the estate including the death benefit proceeds total less than the unified credit , there may be very well no federal taxable event . However the resident state has its own exemptions and in most states is considerable less than the federal unified credit . So its important to seek legal counsel to determine the ownership of life insurance .
Insurance may be required by your landlord . Otherwise insurance is never necessary . If you are able to sustain a large lawsuit with ease , then you dont need a renters policy . If your rental unit burns to the ground and you lose everything that you have in it , and it wouldnt even merit an entry in your check book , then you dont need a renters policy . If you dont need a friend to stand with you with money in their hand when things really go wrong , then you dont need a renters policy .
Does Life Insurance Go Into Estate?
If there is no named beneficiary or if the named beneficiary in a life insurance policy is not living at the time the life insured owner dies , and there is not a back up -LRB- contingent -RRB- beneficiary named , the proceeds go to the estate . This needlessly subjects the policy proceeds to probate . Always name a primary and back up beneficiaries and have a life insurance professional review your policy at least every three years to ensure your policy will perform as you currently desire .
Nplate is a prescription drug so it would not be covered under Original Medicare -LRB- Parts A & B -RRB- - you can use the plan finder tool on the website to see what prescription plans will cover the medication as well as enroll in a plan -LRB- if an available time to - e.g. having a special enrollment period or it 's the annual enrollment period -RRB- .
Does Life Insurance Go Into Estate?
There may be two questions being asked here . 1 . Are the death benefits of life insurance considered as part of a deceased 's estate ? 2 . Do these life insurance proceeds go into the probate process after death ? Life insurance proceeds and value can be considered a part of the OWNER 'S estate for estate tax purposes if it is either owned by the person at the time of the insured 's death , or had been transferred away within the past three years . This can get complicated , and should be discussed with a professional in your area who can help you understand better . Now , for the second question . If structured correctly , just like Jerry said above , one of the benefits of life insurance is that it BYPASSES probate and is not dragged into that process . To take advantage of this , you should have your beneficiary designations reviewed on a regular basis by a trusted professional in your area .
It is always a good idea to check in and discuss the specific terms and conditions of your Homeowners Policy with your Insurance Professional , but yes , your Homeowners policy would more than likly cover this loss . Fire damage is a common cause of loss that is among the named perils in most Homeowners ' policies .
Does Life Insurance Go Into Estate?
Life insurance proceeds generally do not go into the estate at the time of the insured person 's death . However , some people designate the estate as the beneficiary , in which the death benefit would go through probate . They will also go into the estate by default if all beneficiaries named are deceased . To avoid life insurance proceeds from going to the estate , name a person or organization as beneficiary .
A universal life insurance policy is is a two part contract containing renewable term insurance and a cash value account for which the interest rate varies . There is usually a minimum guaranteed interest rate . Premiums are deposited in the cash value account after the company deducts its fees and the cost for the term coverage . Universal Life is a flexible type of permanent life insurance .
How Much Disability Insurance Can You Get?
Your income and the individual Disability Insurance policy will determine how much Disability Insurance you can get . Most private , Long Term Disability policies allow a monthly benefit of 45-70 % of your monthly earned income . Group Disability insurance usually will replace 60 % of the base salary that is being paid to employees .
If you are securing insurance coverage so that you can get your license re-instated , such as when an SR-22 is required then yes you can typicallyget coverage . But , under most conditions you would not be able to get insurance coverage because if you do not have a valid drivers license you should not be driving .
How Much Disability Insurance Can You Get?
Along with the 45-70 % that Peggy mentioned , many people choose to purchase other forms of insurance or DI to help make up for the remaining income that 's not covered . Critical Illness Insurance is often purchased so that the insured can receive a lump sum benefit on top of their monthly benefits . Also , you can purchase retirement plan DI , which will continue to make retirement contributions on your behalf should you be unable to work and make contributions to your 401k .
The amount of Life Insurance that is provided to firefighters depends on the city and states they work for . Firefighters are able to purchase private life insurance just like anyone else . Their occupation does not interfere with their eligibility to get life insurance , with almost every life insurance company .
What are my options for life insurance if I have chronic hepatitis b and mild cirrhosis?
I do have a life insurance policy that you can get with chronic hepatitis B and mild cirrhosis , if it is available in your state . Ironically , there will be more policies available to you when you are over the age of 40 , but this one is available at age 29 . Unfortunately , you will not be able to get a medically underwritten policy with the presence of cirrhosis . I have tried this before and it would be a futile and disheartening experience for you . Please feel free to contact me for details of the policy that you can get .
You follow the prompts on the screen . However , when it comes to life insurance , I always recommend to my clients to do a paper app . There 's a lot more involved in the life insurance process than there is for some other types of coverage , especially if you have a medical history - it 's a lot easier to make sure everything is in good order with a paper app than doing it online , plus you have a hard copy of everything for your records . You also do n't want to apply to multiple companies at the same time - this can work against you because it 'll raise a red flag to insurance companies . There 's a lot of moving parts in life insurance underwriting.You will want to work with an independent life insurance agent/broker to secure your coverage . They can help you through the process -LRB- providing quotes from multiple insurance companies , helping determine which program best serves your needs , completing the application , keeping track of underwriting , and placing the coverage in force -RRB- . If you would like help with your program , send me a message using the `` contact me '' button .
What are my options for life insurance if I have chronic hepatitis b and mild cirrhosis?
You can go about securing coverage in one of two ways for this type of medical condition . A route with no medical questions would be issued under a guaranteed-issue , graded benefit whole life insurance policy -LRB- 2-year waiting period for full coverage to start - accident only coverage in years 1 and 2 -RRB- . The maximum amount of coverage you can secure under one of these programs is between $ 20,000 - $ 25,000 . Please note , most guaranteed-issue life insurance policy have a minimum age requirement of 45 or 50 years old . The 2nd route is going to be the most advantageous If you 're looking for more coverage than that , but you would need to go through full underwriting . These programs would allow you to secure full coverage from day 1 of the policy -LRB- no waiting period under a graded benefit -RRB- . The specific results of the liver enzyme tests for the conditions , the medications used to treat the condition , alcohol consumption frequency , how long you 've had the condition , and other factors contribute to the risk classification a carrier can offer -LRB- this determines the rates -LRB- cost -RRB- for the coverage , if approved -RRB- . Because there is a presence of hepatitis with cirrhosis of the liver , you will need to shop the case among multiple companies to see which carriers can consider coverage at what risk class . Every company has their own underwriting guidelines so some companies may be able to work with the medical history where others may not - for this , I highly recommend shopping the case first before applying for ANY coverage because throwing mud against the wall to see what sticks -LRB- applying to multiple companies -RRB- can work against you as it can become a red flag to insurance companies when they see declines in the MIB -LRB- Medical Information Bureau -RRB- records . An independent insurance broker such as myself can do this for you . My group is licensed in over 35 states and with over 50 insurance companies and we charge no fees to our clients for our services . We can help you with the entire process from start to finish . If you 'd like assistance in buying a life insurance policy , please send me a message and we will help you shop the case so you can secure the desired coverage at the lowest possible cost - my contact information is provided on my profile . I hope the information is helpful - thanks very much for your question .
Along with what Steve and Peggy mentioned , some carriers will offer 2 , 5 or 10 year benefit periods , too . The smaller the benefit period , the cheaper the policy . Often times , carriers will write the policy with a smaller benefit period if the client has a medical condition , a risky profession , etc. .
What Is A Life Insurance Premium?
A life insurance premium is the cost of the policy you are purchasing . The `` premium '' is typically billed monthly or annually although semi-annual and quarterly are sometimes available . If it is a permanent policy , at some point , you may have cash value that accumulates that will give you some limited flexibility in paying the premium .
How does the IRS know about my Roth Contributions ? Well , they know because the place you put that money has to tell the IRS that they have the money . Part of the cost of having something like a Roth or an IRA or any qualified plan is reporting . The people that take your money must tell the government they have it .
What Is A Life Insurance Premium?
A life insurance premium is what is paid to the life insurance company in exchange for their willingness to pay out the face amount of the policy if the insured person should pass away . Some policies will return the premium if death does not occur by the end of the term .
It is always a good idea to talk with your Insurance Professional about the specific terms and conditions of your policy . In general , however , if the damage is caused by a covered peril in your policy , then more than likely there would be coverage for such damage . Keep in mind , however , that a Home Insurance policy is not a maintenance agreement nor does it include coverage for normal wear and tear . In other woreds , if the liner fails resulting in water damage to your property or personal property , the water damage would be covered subject to your deductible , but not the repair or replacement of your furnace .
Will Medicare Pay For Drug Rehab?
Drug addiction treatment can be covered under Medicare Part A or Part B . If your treatment is in a Medicare approved facility , your doctor certifies your need for drug addiction treatment and the treatment is medically necessary , Medicare should cover a portion of the cost of your treatment and rehabilitation plan .
Can you get car insurance with an expired Licence ? The short answer is no and it depends . In some rare instances , you can get car insurance with an expired licence but you can not drive your car with an expired license . All this will also depend your state and insurance company . If you have an accident while driving on expired licence , the insurance company may chose not to cover the claim because you were not legally authorized to be driving . It is better to go renew your license .
Can I Change My Homeowners Insurance?
Homeowners insurance coverage is typically an at will policy . You can normally add or remove coverages or endorsements at any time you like within the carrier 's parameters for coverage -LRB- this of course my affect your premium -RRB- . If you are looking to change carriers then you can cancel with your current carrier and sign up with another .
Tax deferred annuities allow the annuity owner to accumulate cash values while deferring ordinary income taxes on the gain . Tax deferred annuities have three basic crediting methods : interest rate , index and separate sub accounts using equity and bond investments . The contractual language is important to understand , so you can evaluate the financial virtues of the policy . You also need to establish your financial profile to determine your risk tolerance and financial goals for product suitability .
Can I Claim Renters Insurance On My Taxes?
The IRS does not look favorably on any personal insurance deductions such as car , home , boat , jewlery or fine art insurance or rental insurance . However , Renter 's Insurance Can be tax deductible if you operate a business out of your home . In order to claim the renters insurance as a valid deduction you must allocate a certain percentage of your home as your office space and that portion theirof is tax deductible as part of eligible expenses . If you do not own a business , you can not deduct your renter 's insurance
If your agent is n't listening to you and just pushing numbers at you and not finding out what you truly need . unfortunately sometime insurance agents are like car salesmen they just want to sell the policy and do n't car about the clients . I have had many client that I was able to quote with the same carrier and mine was lower then what they had with the same carrier . The key is are they all applying the same discounts . Many of time they are not . If you ever feel that you are being ripped off or lied to by and agent contact your states insurance commissioner 's office and tell them your concerns they will investigate as agents are required by law to be truthful about coverage 's . In many cases I have seen other agencies tell a client that an agent is lying just to close the sale . If your agent is bad mouthing another agency that would be a huge red flag for me . Our agency if we are not the best fit for you we gladly recommend other agencies that may be able to fit your needs .
How To Pay For Funeral Expenses With No Life Insurance?
How to pay for funeral expenses when there is no life insurance ? Well the most basic way is to liquidate an asset or borrow from a credit card or dip into a family memver 's savings or investments . The problem with all of that is timing . Having to borrow or liquidate investments may cost more than what is spent on the service as cashing out in a down market or borrowing at a high credit rate can make things cost more . What life insurance does more than any other financial product is create a pool of money when it is most needed to be used for any purpose , without penalty , or tax or market risk .
Traits that you would look for in any one that you would depend on for anything ! Such as honesty , integrity , and genuine concern for your best outcome I would think would be at the top of the list . Additionally you will want an agent who is knowledgeable in the areas of their profession with greater interest in your benefit than their commission . Discernment and good communication skills are also a must .
How To Pay For Funeral Expenses With No Life Insurance?
This is a good question . I am sorry for your lost , this is the reason it s so important to get life insurance . If you do n't have life insurance , you may want to reach out to your community for help , churches , etc. . Talk to the funeral home and ask if there you can arrange a payment plan or if there are other ways to save money . Quotes are free , explore your options when it comes to life insurance everyone . Be Blessed !
Routine vitamin D testing is not covered by Medicare . However , if you have a condition or treatment that might cause your vitamin D level to be either too high or too low , they will pay for it to be monitored properly . Talk to your doctor to see if any of your conditions may affect your vitamin D level .
Can Unmarried Couples Get Auto Insurance Together?
Yes , some carriers will allow unmarried couples to get an auto insurance policy together as long as they reside in the same residence . Contact a local agent to find out about coverage availability and pricing within your area . In some rare instances an unmarried couple may achieve better rates by securing separate auto insurance policies .
Life annuities can be immediate annuities -LRB- a lump sum is paid into the annuity and payments begin immediately -RRB- or deferred -LRB- payments are made into the annuity on a regular basis until annuitization begins -RRB- . The person receiving payments from the annuity chooses to receive them for the rest of their life . If their life would end after a short time , their may be a guaranteed feature to get back at least what they paid in . In any event , the annuity pays until death occurs .
Does Usaa Have The Best Auto Insurance?
If USAA had the best autoeveryone would have USAA and everyone else would go out of business . I am an independent agent for dozens of companies and I get asked this question all the time . Who is the best ? My answer is there is no one company that is the best . Each individualor familymeetsdifferent criteria and have different needs . My job is to asses those needs and based on the information find the correct coverages at the most affordable rates . USAA is a good company but do they match up in every case . Absolutely not . And the reason for this is no company wants all the risk . As much as it seems by advertising insurance companies want everything in reality insurance companies only want to take on a certain percentage of risk and spread the rest around .
What are life insurance dividends ? Dividends are a part of working with a mutual life company and by IRS code are considered a return of overpaid premium to the policy holder and are not taxed as income . The dividends are made up of savings from operations overhead , a surplus left from death benefit reserves and the company investment portfolio returns . Dividends are not guaranteed as all three of these main components can be projected , but not `` known '' in advance .
Do I Need Vacant Home Insurance?
I agree with Ted . Just because a property is vacant does not mean that your liability stops on the property or that the mortgage disappears . You own the property , it has some value , why not protect your investment . Would n't it be better to receive a check if the property experiences a covered loss as opposed to a bill for the clean up of the property and no check because it was n't covered not to mention the liability exposure . If you own the property typically you will be held responsible if someone is hurt while on it . Call your local agent for pricing of this type of coverage .
Unfortunately , term life insurance does not have any cash value to accumulate so there is no money to borrow . Cash value policies such as whole life and universal life do have cash value to make loans against . This is why cash value life insurance policies are considered permanent insurance and term life insurance is considered temporary insurance .
Do I Need Vacant Home Insurance?
Yes , if you own a home that is vacant you can still be held liability for damage to the home and liability . For example , if that home catches fire and causes damage to a neighbors house , if someone gets hurt on the property etc. . If there is a mortgage on the home the bank will require insurance . While you are not required by law to have insurance on a vacant home , you leave yourself open for major lawsuit if you do not cover it .
It depends . What is the value of your engagement ring ? Most insurance companies limit jewelry coverage to $ 1500 - $ 2500 . Check with your insurance provider to see what their jewelry limits are for personal property . If your engagement ring value is higher , then you will need to `` schedule '' that item under your renters insurance policy . Send your insurance company the appraisal document , provide a detailed description of the ring and an accurate replacement value .
Can Annuities Lose Value?
The short isit depends on the annuity . There are basically three crediting methods used in deferred annuities : interest rate crediting , indice crediting and separate sub account crediting . Interest rates are generated by the companys predominately government bond portfolio . Most indexed annuities invest their interest rate returns in domestic and foreign index options . Some indexed annuities that credit zero in a given year , still charge policy expenses and which could result in a loss . Variable annuities use equity and bond instruments in their separate sub accounts selected by the variable annuity owner . These separate sub account allocations are subject to market risk , i.e. you can lose money .
Basic dental services are not a covered expense under Medicare . You might consider a dental plan separate from Medicare but most available plans are not worth the money you pay . If you have an injury to your mouth , or disease that requires reconstructive surgery , Medicare may cover at least a portion of your care .
Can Disabled People Get Life Insurance?
When a disabled person applies for life insurance there might be a tendency to limit personal information . It is wiser to trust the underwriters with as much information as you can provide . The information provided by your physician can sway the underwriting process . I recently placed a standard policy on a client with a severe , chronic disability . Both the client and I were delighted . It never hurts to ask a trusted agent for help . You might be surprised at the results .
Life insurance quotes are easily accessible on the internet . Look for a website advertising `` instant '' life insurance quotes if you want to just compare prices for different term lengths and health classes without having to wait for someone to call you . However , for an accurate quote , it is essential to correspond with an agent to make sure that you are applying with the correct company with the best price for your health and other risk factors . Many people think they are a shoo in for the very best life insurance rating , but even having a parent with diabetes can cause them to pay much higher with some companies than others . 10 minutes on the phone can save you much money and frustration .
Can Disabled People Get Life Insurance?
Can disabled people get life insurance ? This is an excellent question . There are some simplified issue policies that decline people on disability , as if all disabilities are the same . And disability is used as a factor in determining the health rating for many medically underwritten policies . So your question is very valid . The answer is `` yes '' , disabled persons can get life insurance . But they need to apply for a policy that fits their particular reason for disability . E.g. . If you use a cane for an old knee injury , you should pay much less than a person who usesa cane because he/she had toes amputated for diabetic complications . But if you do not use a company that is suited to your reason for disability , you may find yourself paying the higher price simply because you use a cane . The causes of disability are as varied as the number of illness and injuries that exist . And insurance companies sometimes treat those who receive Social Security Disability or private disability insurance as different from those who receive military disability benefits . So it does take an impaired risk life insurance broker with knowledge of multiple health conditions to sift through all your choices and find you the best one .
In general Medicare does not cover braces . Dental care is not included in coverage , and most people are not eligible until age 65 . Medicare covers hospital expenses , doctors fees , and costs of medical supplies . Dental care is not covered by medicare unless associated with a related accident or illness . Teenage children are the primary demographic needing orthodontia , and are far too young to qualify for coverage .
Can Disabled People Get Life Insurance?
That is a great question ! The answer is yes , you certainly can . I can not advise you strongly enough to find an agent who can help you find the right policy for you . There are a few different types of policies available to you , and they can run from very reasonable to unaffordable , depending on what you shown , and the reason for your disability . An experienced agent can find the right policy for you . If you would like to get a more personal answer , please contact me , I 'll be happy to set aside some time to talk to you privately . Thank you for asking !
Getting insurance you can afford is the first step . If you can not afford it , you will eventually cancel it . Second , go with a company that provides quality coverage , lots of benefits , at a good price . We have a product exclusive to our brokerage , through one of America 's oldest carriers , which provides not only a death benefit , but a variety of living benefits , saving you large sums of money and allowing you to have only one policy for a variety of protections . If you become disable , ill , chronically or terminally , it allows you to receive up to 90 % of your death benefits while you are living . You can use it for experimental drugs anywhere on Earth . Is n't this the type of protection you really want ? I am eager to help anyone , anywhere , with this type of coverage and provide all the details . Love to hear from you all . Thank you . Gary Lane . 714 422 9616 .
Why Is CareFirst Raising Its Rates So Much?
I ca n't tell you specifically why CareFirst is raising rates but I do know this much . No matter what the increase is , most people think it is too much and unjustified . Health insurance rates rise because of a number of factors , all tied to the cost of health care . When claims go up premiums must follow .
Riding a motorcycle does not affect your life insurance rates . Only a bad driving record -LRB- or riding record in the case of motorcycles . -RRB- if you race motorcycles it can affect your rates or even acceptance with many companies . Thank you for asking about riding a motorcycle and not driving a motorcycle . It makes me cringe when people say `` I DRIVE a motorcycle . ''
What Should My Homeowners Insurance Include?
Most clients opt for minimum coverage and yet there are coverages that might be applicable to you that could save thousands of dollars . The first thing to consider is that neither flood , nor earthquake are covered . 25 % of property damage in the USA is caused by . . flood . Even if you are in a dry area consider getting a flood endorsement or policy . Earthquake coverage must be offered so the details about that coverage are normally available . Water damage from sewer back-up is a vital coverage particularly to older homes . Older homes also need coverage for ordinance changes that mean that your home would be more expensive to repair if there is a partial loss . A careful inventory of your personal property would probably uncover value that isnt covered by the policy . There are restrictions on several categories of propertywatch out . The last that I will mention is probably the most important , opt for the highest liability coverage that you can get from your company and then inquire into an umbrella . A lawsuit will ruin your weekend !!!
There is n't any `` best '' life insurance in Il . To get the `` best '' life insurance in IL you need to speak with a licensed agent and have a needs analaysis performed . Are you married ? Do you have a mortgage ? Do you have children ? Are you looking for income replacement ? By gathering fact finding information , you can have a plan tailored to a specific need . For example , I meet with folks who want income replacement . Let 's say you make 50K a year . To adequatley replace income of 50K a year , you would need a policy of 1 million that properly placed into a fund that will pay your family 5 % each year without distrubing the principle of 1 million . You would need this investment to earn more than 5 % so the principle is n't disturbed .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Fish Tank?
If your personal property includes a fish tank , it will be covered by your renters policy . It might even cover the damage that would occur if your fish tank were to suddenly leak and damage your personal property . It would only cover if certain perils occurred , such as fire and lightning . If the tank failed because of abuse or even normal wear , a claim would be more difficult .
That is a great question ! Since you are putting the money into your Roth after taxes when contributing , the returns are not taxed . There are times when you can be taxed , but they all involve taking the money out before it 's been in there for a minimum five years , or for a non-approved reason . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
What Insurance Do I Need To Rent A Car In The Us?
This depends upon where you are coming from . If you currently live in the U.S. you will have a couple of options . There are endorsements available through your current Home and Auto policies for rented/non-owned cars . If you have a credit card , then the credit card might offer car rental insurance if it is used to purchase the rental . If you do n't have Home/Auto insurance in the U.S. or a credit card then you can always purchase rental insurance through the rental agency . I hope these options help .
Assuming you mean annuities with lifetime income you cant outlive , there are many . Most annuity insurance companies allow their annuities -LRB- and cash value life insurance -RRB- to be annuitized for the life of the annuitant -LRB- or insured -RRB- . If an annuity is held in a qualified plan , then all lifetime distributions are taxable at ordinary income tax rates . If the annuity is a non-qualified annuity then basis is amortized over the annuitants life expectancy as part of the initial payments until basis is used up . Then only payments of gain are left to distribute for the life of the annuitant .
Should You Have Short Term Disability Insurance?
There are two categories of people who should have short term disability insurance . The first group is people who live check-to-check with little or no savings . A short disruption in income could cause them to quickly fall behind on the mortgage , car payments , and other regular bills . The second group is people who have a high probability of becoming temporarily disabled . People with active lifestyles or physically demanding occupations may need a policy . Women who are planning to have children will need to stop working while on maternity leave .
That depends on several factors : planning goals , health condition and the financial where with all to maximize the economic goal with product There is no life insurance company that can dominate all three major categories of planning : indemnification , income and inheritance . There is no life insurance company that has across the board dominance by disease . Every companys product line has unique economic features that are so germane to them that product spread sheeting is required to rank by premium , sometime accumulated cash values and policy provisions . However , if all the data is gathered it is possible to recommend the top three lifeinsurancecompanies specifically for your scenario .
What Is The Best Life Insurance To Buy?
That is a great question , and one we are commonly asked . The answer really kind of depends upon what you want it to do , and your budget . If you want to have a policy to cover a short term loan -LRB- mortgage , college loans , etc. -RRB- then a term policy makes sense . If you just do n't have much money to work with right now , but expect to in the near future , maybe a term policy makes sense . If you want the security of knowing that your rates are set , and wo n't go up , and knowing exactly what the policy will pay when the time comes , then a whole life policy makes more sense . There are times when a combination of the two work best . The best thing I can suggest is that you contact an agent , and have them walk through your needs with you , and help you find what is best for you . Thank you for asking !
Disability insurance is a form of health insurance designed to protect your income in the event of a covered sickness or accident . Unlike life insurance it provides a living benefit . Disability insurance is not utilized by individuals the way it should be , especially inyoungeryears . If you do not have it through your employer then you need to consider disability coverage .
What Is The Best Life Insurance To Buy?
The best life insurance to buy is one that will provide enough death benefit to make sure that those you love are properly cared for in the event of your death . Part of that need will be permanent in most cases . In other words , you never live so long as to not have final expenses and perhaps other concerns . The remaining portion can be term insurance tailored to the length of the need .
You can have as many annuities as you want . There are different types of annuities and having a variety may best serve your financial purposes . Also , in times of low interest rates , you may want to purchase several annuities over a period of time , so that you can hopefully hit on one that has a higher return .
What Is The Best Life Insurance To Buy?
The best life insurance to buy is a policy that meets your specific needs . There are a variety of policies to choose from because they have been developed to meet different needs . Term life insurance is the type of policy that will cover a temporary need -LRB- e.g. length of a loan or to raise children to adulthood -RRB- . Whole life insurance will satisfy any need that is present at death at any age -LRB- e.g. funeral , passing inheritance to next generation , or paying estate taxes -RRB- . Indexed Universal Life is insurance that can provide income during retirement . Once you have established the need , your agent will then guide you to finding the company that has your best rates . Sometimes poor health can limit your choices of what type of policy you can buy . But you will never know your best policy without a good agent to assist you .
The annual premium for 10 year level term is one of the lowest premiums you can pay for life insurance . However , the coverage ends in ten years . There may be benefits written into the policy that will allow you to extend the term of coverage . However , that extension will be expensive . If you need a lot of coverage for ten years or less , and you will not need the coverage after ten years , then the 10 year term policy is your best buy .
Why Do Apartments Require Renters Insurance?
Renters insurance should always be mandatory . Its a very inexpensive policy , covers so many different type of instances and most often the savings on your auto insurance more than pays for renters insurance . Landlords that require it are genius . Remember your landlord has -LRB- should -RRB- insurance to cover the structure -LRB- house -RRB- , however this policy WILL NOT cover you , your stuff or pay to relocate you if there is a fire , water loss , burglary etc. . For a small cost usually 60 dollars or so a year you 've got protection for you stuff -LRB- clothes , furniture , books , computers ect -RRB- anywhere in the world !
Anthem health insurance is part of the Wellpoint group . They are one of the largest health insurers in the country and offer health plans in many parts of the country . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for further assistance and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Why Do Apartments Require Renters Insurance?
In many cases , having the tenants carry their own insurance will help the apartment complex lower their insurance costs . It is a way of sharing the risk and costs , which hopefully translates to lower rents for the tenants . Think of it like a pot luck dinner - if everyone brings a dish , the host can focus on supplying the drinks , and not worry about the cost of food also .
That is a great question ! There are a lot of great companies out there to buy a policy from , and several that cater specifically to our Elder Citizens . There are some things that might help you weed out a few of them , like the financial strength of the company , -LRB- look for A to A + ratings by A.M. Best or Standard & Poors -RRB- , their main product line -LRB- If they are known for auto repairs , or lobbying for Elder Citizen rights , they may not do their best work on insurance , though they will have policies available to purchase . Be very careful to understand all of the details , and fine print before you buy one , please ! -RRB- , and their track record with your State 's department of Insurance -LRB- Look for complaints or citations -RRB- . The best thing to do is look for an independent agent who can do all of that work for you , and help you find a policy that is right for you . Thank you for asking !
What Is Human Life Value In Insurance?
Simply put , your Human Life Value is the amount of income you will be expected to earn in your lifetime . A person earning $ 100,000 per year over a 30 year period , for example , would have an approximate Human Life Value of $ 3,000.000 . So if that person wanted to protect his entire Human Life Value , he would need $ 3,000,000 in life insurance .
In Canada , your total contribution room to a Registered Retirement Savings Plan -LRB- RRSP -RRB- and Registered Pension Plan -LRB- RPP -RRB- is $ 24,70 in 2014 . This amount could be higher depending on unused amounts from previous years . What is best for you depends on your situation . If you would like to work with a local Retirement Planner , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : retirement planner Halifax or retirement planning Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find Retirement Planners in your community . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .
What Is Human Life Value In Insurance?
Human value is defined by the gross earning power of an individual over their expected lifetime ; this should include Social Security benefits in retirement as well . That total earnings should also include an inflation rate , some underwriters use 3 % . The total sum will give you an idea of the human value you can indemnify for life insurance purposes .
There is no single answer to your question . Health insurance costs will vary from state to state . The costs can even vary from one area within a state to another area in the same state . The costs will vary from one insurance carrier to another . The costs will vary depending upon the level of benefits -LRB- coverage -RRB- you select . And then this does not take into consideration the government health insurance marketplaces and whether or not you might qualify for a premium tax subsidy which could significantly impact the net cost you would pay . You should seek out an experienced health insurance agent to help you define your needs and determine what health insurance plan is best for you . Price should only be one of the considerations in your decision as to the health insurance coverage you purchase .
What Is Human Life Value In Insurance?
Ted , I would like to respectfully disagree with your definition of what human life value is . Simply put , it is NOT the amount of income one is expected to earn in their lifetime . Earnings are a component of human life value , as are other factors , such as income taxes and personal consumption . One 's HLV is their economic value to their dependents . It can be roughly estimated by taking one 's expected gross earnings and subtracting income taxes and personal consumption . There 's more to it than that , but that 's an appropriate starting place . For a thorough explanation of what human life value is and why it 's important , and to use a tool to estimate your own HLV , please visit
You must have a Series 6 license , which is administered by FINRA and is also known as a limited-investment securities license . A Series 6 allows you to sell packaged investment products such as mutual funds and variable annuities . Additionally , the Series 63 , overseen by North American Securities Administrators Association , is a required license in most states . You should also be licensed as an insurance producer with a life qualification . A Series 7 license , administered by FINRA can also work for variable annuities . Always check with FINRA and your state insurance commissioner 's office to confirm requirements .
How Long Does An Auto Insurance Claim Take?
Oh wow , unfortunately there is no black and white answer to this question . It varies drastically from carrier to carrier but also from claim to claim . Your actual claim will determine a lot about how long the process will take to full resolution . If it is a simple `` fender bender '' where things are pretty cut and dry , you are talking a matter of a couple of days ... with our carriers and on claims like this as soon as the field adjustor can get out to inspect the car , they are usually cutting a check on the spot . If seen claims like this close in a day , but also have seem them take a couple of days to close simply due to scheduling issues . More serious claims take longer . If fault is in questions and police reports have to be pulled , this takes time . If there are serious injuries or death , these take a lot of time . Typically you do n't have to wait until the claim is settled to start the repairs on your vehicle . If you car is `` totaled '' you might have to wait until it is settled . Each claim and carrrier is different and you have the right to stay informed about the process . Your adjustor will no more than your agent so stay in contact with them and ask them direct questions about the length of time things should take and what you should expect during the process . Contact your local independent agent and ask them specifics on the claims process of their carriers .
Typically a homeowners policy has several sections called coverages . The first coverage is for the residence itself . The second coverage is for related private structures located on the property , such as a shed , fence or swimming pool . The third coverage is personal property and that is commonly called , contents . The fourth coverage is for additional living costs and loss of rents should the residence become unfit for use . The next coverage is normally personal liability which covers you if you are sued for bodily injury or property damage . The next coverage is medical payments to others and provides limited medical care to an invited visitor who is hurt on your property . There are other incidental coverages .
How Long Does An Auto Insurance Claim Take?
Honestly that depends upon the severity or complexity of the claim . In many cases , more simple claims like glass replacement or towing reimbursement or even minor collision or comprehensive losses can be settled in a matter of hours and the work completed in a matter of days . Liability claims that are for the most part triggered by legal action , can take months to a few years to settle .
That depends , an employer can absolutely reimburse their employees for qualified medical expenses but only if they do so in a way that provides an equitable enrichment for all eligible employees . The most common and simple way that a business can structure such a benefit is with a Health Reimbursement Account . The HRA is a way in which a business can raise deductibles and lower the premiums and then reimburse employees for qualified medical expenses as they go . The HRA is a notational account so it does not require the business to set aside funds in a specific account . The major benefit for business would be the opportunity to offer a far more comprehensive benefit plan at a lower cost . The lower cost is first delivered through the substancially lower premiums and then sustained due to the majority of employees medical requirements on average not coming close to maxing out their deductibles , so even though they may make a dent in their deductibles and some employees will satisfy their entire deductibles it will not offset the savings realized on their premiums . The one key is that such a plan is available to all eligible employees and does not discriminate against any group of employees especially the high payed employees .
Can A Roth IRA Have A Beneficiary?
Yes , a Roth IRA can have a beneficiary . If your spouse is the beneficiary of your IRA , they can treat the Roth IRA as their own . If your beneficiary is other than your spouse , that person must take Roth IRA distributions by the end of the year containing the 5th anniversary of your death or over the life expectancy of the beneficiary , starting no later than December 31 of the year following your death .
An annuity as backed by an issuing company . Most annuities are back by insurance companies . Insurance companies are regulated by your state insurance commissioner and the state insurance commissioner in the state where the company is domiciled . These commissioners are charged with protecting the consumers in their state and they have plans to make sure that every promise is kept by the insurance companies that they admit to operate in their state .
Can A Roth IRA Have A Beneficiary?
There are many programs that are qualified retirement plans known as Roth IRAs . I am not sure that each will allow designation of a beneficiary . There are certain funding vehicles that include beneficiary designations , an annuity being one . Regardless , upon death if the proceeds have not passed by beneficiary they will still go to the heirs by will or probate .
Humana is a good company . Depending on your area and circumstances it may or may not be the plan for you . They have both a Medicare Supplement and a Medicare Advantage Plan in some area 's . Where you live will make a difference as to what plans are available and how competitive they are . It would be best to consult a local independent agent who knows the plans available to you in your area and can help you decide on a plan based on your needs . If you are in Ohio I would be glad to help .
What Health Insurance Should I Get?
Figuring out what health insurance you should get depends on several factors - mainly how much risk are you willing to take on and how big of a check are you willing to write . You have the options for bronze , silver , gold , and platinum level plans -LRB- as you go up in metal , the price goes up , but provides better benefits -RRB- - some areas also have a catastrophic plan available . In addition , your age is a big factor as well . The younger you are , the cheaper your premium - the older you are , the higher your premium . Also , if you use tobacco products , your premium can be increased up to 50 % as well . Bronze plans generally cover about 60 % of your healthcare expenses , Silver is 70 % , Gold is 80 % , and Platinum is 90 % . So , in short , the better the benefits that you want to have , the higher the premium will be.This is where an independent insurance agent can really help you . They can work with you to look at a wide range of options from many of the top carriers in the industry . So , in short , If you want to have better protection and take on less risk , you may want to look at a gold or platinum plan . If you want to simply keep your premiums down and do n't mind taking on more risk , you may want to look at a bronze or silver plan .
Coverage F Medical Payments is coverage that will pay the necessary medical expenses that are incurred or medically ascertained within three years from the date of an accident causing `` bodily injury '' . Coverage applies to accidents that incur on the insured premises -LRB- the home -RRB- or as the result of an action by the insured at any location . For example , you leave your suitcase in the hallway of a hotel and someone trips over it . The basic limit is $ 1,000 , but higher limits are available and they are very inexpensive . The purpose of this coverage is twofold . First , paying doctor and hospital bills promptly for accidents the insured may have caused could minimize the likelihood of troublesome litigation . Second , submitting the bills helps insurance companies identify accidents early and therefore gives the insurance company time to investigate the circumstances and prepare a defense if necessary . Medical Payments Coverage is not intended to provide accident insurance for the insureds family . Accordingly , the named insured and family are excluded from coverage . I hope I 've answered your question . If not , feel free to call , fax or email me . Kevin P. Foley , CPA , CPCU PFT&K Insurance Brokers T 877-414-2031 F 877-405-3025 E kpfoley -LSB- at -RSB- kpfoley -LSB- dot -RSB- com W www -LSB- dot -RSB- kpfoley -LSB- dot -RSB- com
What Health Insurance Should I Get?
Always purchase a health insurance plan that has the best level of benefits which you can reasonably afford on a monthly basis . This is the # 1 piece of advice I 've offered health insurance clients in my 10 year career . It 's never served me wrong . Purchasing based on cost alone will leave you regretting your decision when something big happens and you really need to use it .
Great question ! As long as the vehicle is insured as a need for your business , you can list your employees on the policy . Their driving records will play a big part in the cost , and be aware that you can not legally drive this vehicle and if you were to be involved in an accident it would get ugly real quick . Thanks for asking !
Should Long-Term Care Insurance Be Mandatory?
Health insurance is protection that everyone can use , if not for treatment , then for preventative purposes . Long term care insurance is not nearly as certain to be needed . Many people pass away suddenly , as in an accident or from an acute illness , with little to no time spent being unable to care for themselves . Therefore , I do n't feel that long term care insurance should be mandatory .
Universal life is a flexible premium policy meaning that there is a range of premiums that can be paid for the policy . The minimum premium will only support a death benefit that may or may not be guaranteed . The owner of the policy may want to pay more than the minimum premium to use the policy for cash accumulation . Indexed Universal Life policies are especially good for accumulating cash to access tax free through loans or withdrawals for college funding , retirement income , or emergencies .
Should Long-Term Care Insurance Be Mandatory?
Should long term care insurance be manditory ? Well , I think this is more of a seeking opinion question that will have different answers for different people . Part of the healthcare change coming to us was supposed to be manditory long term care . The long term care portion was dropped as it was finally understood that the money was not there to run the program . Personally , I do n't think LTC insurance should be manditory , a person has to see the value in owning it or not .
Health insurance policies will generally cover a new born as long as you enroll your newborn within 30 days of birth . Coverage should be effective as of your babys birth date , just remember , you should enroll your baby within 30 days of the date of birth.Contact your health plan or your spouses health plan as soon as possible to find out how to enroll your new baby in group health plan coverage .
Is Homeowners Insurance The Same As Mortgage Insurance?
No , homeowners and mortgage insurance are two different policies and they cover different events . Homeowners : this covers specified events that cause damage to your home , personal property and surrounding structures . Mortgage Insurance : this covers a default on the payment of a mortgage . What this means , is if you have a mortgage and you fail to pay it , then the mortgagee -LRB- e.g. bank -RRB- will file a claim against the policy to collect on the payment . I hope this helps .
Typically homeonwers insurance will not pay for removal of a tree . It will pay for the clean up from limbs that have come off of the tree that was caused by a covered loss . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and the exclusions that it may contain .
Can Life Insurance Look At Medical Records?
Yes , when you fill out a Life Insurance application you give consent via a HIPPA form for the company to obtain any medical information necessary to underwrite your policy . Companies will usually just do a check through the Medical Information Bureau database . If everything matches up they will go no further . If there is something they need to check further , they may request Medical records from your doctor .
Agents that are hired by an agency may be paid a salary by that agency . Agents that sell independently , or in an agency that pays according to production , get paid commission . The sale of a life insurance policy will pay the agent a commission if the policy is retained for up to a year . Some policies will pay a `` residual '' commission -LRB- much smaller than first year commission -RRB- for each year the insured person keeps the policy .
Can Life Insurance Look At Medical Records?
Can life insurance look at your medical records ? Yes as it is part of the process of underwriting . The applicant signs off as part of the application process the acknowledgement that medical records may/will be reviewed . While there are policies that skip this process , the cost of such policies tends to be very expensive .
If your life insurance policy has a rider that excludes a certain type of death -LRB- e.g. death from skydiving or while piloting a plane -RRB- , the policy will not pay if death occurs by that cause . Life insurance policies will not pay for suicide during the first two years of the policy . And most policies exclude death resulting from the commission of a crime , acts of war , or some other obscure reasons . Aside from these unusual circumstances , life insurance will pay . Companies can contest payment of the policy during the first two years it is in existence , so just be sure to answer the questions asked of you when completing your application and phone interview or exam . Then you will not have to worry about the contestible period hampering your policy 's payment .
Why Is It Good To Have Renters Insurance?
Not only is it good to have rentersinsurance , it is smart . Ask yourself this : if the place you live was destroyed by a fire , could you afford to replace all of your belongings from your checking or savings account ? For pennies on the dollar , the premium that you pay for renters insurance would provide such protection .
No , Term life insurance is not considered an asset because it does not have any cash value . The only time that Term life insurance results in cash paid out to anyone is if the insured person passes , and then the death benefit generally goes to the beneficiary tax free .
How Much Is Health And Disability Insurance?
The answer to this question will be different for everyone . health and disability insurance costs are dependent on your age , health history , and for disability insurance , your occupation . The best thing for you to do is to find an agent in your area who can explain the different types of coverage and provide you with multiple options for each type of coverage . You could also email a top contributor of directly -LRB- their websites are in their profiles -RRB- and ask them to help you get coverage . If they are n't licensed in your area , they can probably recommend someone who is able to assist you .
You can borrow on any policy that has cash value accumulating in it . These include whole life , universal life and variable life policies . These policies take a portion of the premium to cover the insurance cost and the balance is applied to accumulating cash value . Some policies offer dividends and other credit interest directly .
Does Medicare Offer Life Insurance?
No , Medicare does not offer Life Insurance . For those persons age 65 or older , there are a number of Senior Life Insurance policies that do not require an exam and at a reasonable price . They also are offered for persons of nearly every type of health condition , and generally are in Whole Life so will stay in effect until death at any age . You can find those by contacting an insurance agency and asking for final expense , senior life insurance , or burial insurance .
When you consider that you are purchasing a policy that has the potential of paying out hundreds of thousands of dollars after you paid in only a few months ' premium , it might affect how you look at the cost of life insurance . Many people could not save up in a lifetime what they are able to leave their loved ones through life insurance .
What Does Qualified Retirement Plan Mean?
Most qualified retirement plans are under ERISA -LRB- The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 . -RRB- Theyre usually employer sponsored or individually elected plans , i.e. employer examples would be 401 -LRB- k -RRB- s , SEPs or 412 -LRB- e -RRB- . Individual plans examples would be Roth IRAs or traditional IRAs . The contributions are tax deductible . The plan account accumulates tax deferred . The distributions are taxable as ordinary income .
Here is the legal angle : Life insurance is not required by federal or state law . The government leaves it up to the citizenry to take care of our families , business , and charities . Good thing . We dont need more regulation or taxation . However : Life insurance is required by some legal contracts . Lenders may make a policy mandatory before closing on a business loan . Investors may call for a policy before injecting money into a business . Divorce decrees typically do obligate the participants to carry coverage . An additional point : I personally believe that life insurance is a moral obligation . You have a spouse and children financially dependent on you . You have the employees of your business dependent on you . If you have made a commitment to certain causes , you have those communal and social organizations dependent on you . Why let them down ? Life insurance lets the show go on for these folks .
Will My Auto Insurance Cover Vandalism?
Yes , it is covered under the comprehensive portion of your auto insurance , of course less your chosen deductible . Deductibles can vary greatly from -0 - to up to $ 2500 with most carriers . A few companies allow you to have a higher deductible on comprehensive & still have a ZERO deductible for glass . Contact a independent agent for the most options .
There is a little more to it than that . The face amount is the original benefit amount once the policy is full benefit . The death benefit can change but the face amount does not . For instance , if someone buys a two year graded policy with a $ 10,000 face amount , the policy may only pay $ 3,000 death benefit if they die in the first 12-months . It would usually pay $ 7,000 if they die in months 13-24 and would pay $ 10,000 -LRB- equal to the face amount -RRB- after the 24th month . Other policies are increasing death benefit policies . The death benefit grows each year but the face amount is always the original face . For instance a preneed funeral policy through a funeral home may start with a $ 10,000 death benefit AND a $ 10,000 face amount . But 15-years later the death benfit could be $ 15,000 and the face amount would still be $ 10,000 . Other policies have dividends that buy paid up additions . These can also increase the death benefit but the original policy face amount is the same .
Will My Auto Insurance Cover Vandalism?
Vandalism is covered under the comprehensive -LRB- other than collision -RRB- portion of your policy . Typically , newer vehicles have the coverage as well as vehicles that are less than 15 years old . A deductible may apply to your policy , which is the portion you will be responsible for . Typically , the deductible ranges from $ 0 to $ 500 .
It depends on how long you need coverage . Term life insurance can cover a temporary need and is very affordable . For example , a male age 40 in excellent health with a coverage need for 30 years may be able to obtain $ 1,000,000 coverage for a level premium for that duration that amounts to a little more than $ 4 per day . Your rates will vary based on age , gender , health , lifestyle , family history , etc. . For lifetime coverage that you can not outlive , you would need to consider permanent -LRB- cash value -RRB- life insurance coverage and the cost for that is higher . You should meet with a life insurance professional who can assist you .
Will My Auto Insurance Cover Vandalism?
Great question ! I am sorry to hear you need to ask this question . The good news is that if your coverage includes comprehensive coverage , then your damage is covered . Call your agent , and see if the estimate to repair is more than your deductible , if it is , file a claim . If it is less than your deductible , maybe it is wiser to fix it , and skip the claim , as it may result in higher premiums , and you would have had to pay for the repairs anyway . Good luck ! Thanks for asking !
That is a really great question ! You actually may be covered by the liability section of your homeowners coverage . The liability section -LRB- and you want to check with your agent to be sure of your specific coverage and limits -RRB- can cover a range of legal issues , and can help cover costs for your defense costs , settlements , and damages . Thank you for asking !
Does 401K Withdrawal Affect Taxes?
When you withdraw money from a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- it is taxed as a distribution of ordinary income . If you take it out prematurely and you dont meet an exception you will also be subject to a special 10 % surcharge . Remember that money in a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- has not been taxed previously .
Medicare can cover some care at home if it is considered medically necessary and the care is provided by Medicare certified employees . However , the patient must be considered homebound and is very restricted from leaving the home while under this type of care . Another time Medicare can cover care at home is for hospice care .
How Does Long Term Healthcare Insurance Work?
Long Term Healthcare Insurance works by either reimbursing the provider of the long term care , or paying the benefit directly to the insured person to pay for their own long term care services . This occurs after the insured person qualifies for the benefit to be paid , by being unable to perform two or more ADL 's and a few other conditions . When the elimination -LRB- waiting -RRB- period has passed , the Long Term Care Insurance benefits kick in .
Private life insurance is available to service personnel . If a company decides that soldiers make poor risks they will include war exclusion . I am not aware of companies including war exclusion currently . The price though will be the same as anyone in the same age group with the same medical profile . Actually you may find that because of the vigorous lifestyle that a soldier might qualify for preferred rates .
Does Life Insurance Premium Include GST?
Life insurance is exempt from GST -LRB- Goods and Services Tax -RRB- in Australia because it is classified as a financial supply there , and Australia exempts financial supplies from GST . Likewise , there is no GST related effect when payment of claims are made by the life insurance policy . GST is also not included in life insurance premiums in New Zealand as life insurance is also exempt from GST in New Zealand .
Any woman who is planning a pregnancy should purchase short term disability insurance prior to conception . Most policies offered by payroll deduction at the work site cover mom 's recovery from normal childbirth . A vaginal delivery qualifies for s six week benefit payment , and c-section delivery qualifies for eight weeks - after meeting the policy elimination period . Half of all women need to leave work prior to delivery because of complications . Plus accidents and illnesses may be covered as well .
Can Teachers Have 401K?
Yes , Teachers can have a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- if their place of employment is a for profit school . Most Teachers have a 403 -LRB- b -RRB- available to them for retirement planning . 401 -LRB- k -RRB- and 403 -LRB- b -RRB- are sections in the IRS code which define what retirement plans are available for different groups . I would recommend looking up the code and/or talking to your HR administrator for more information . If they are not available , please contact your agent or broker who can help answer any specific questions you have .
In general disability insurance does not cover dental work . You are eligible to file a claim if a covered medical condition prevents you from performing the full time duties of your primary occupation . The policy replaces a portion of income , and makes claims payments directly to the insured . If you need dental work you cant submit a claim to disability insurance as you would with dental insurance . Disability insurance will not reimburse dentists for performing procedures . Disability insurance may cover your income loss if your dental problems interfered with your ability to work . This is very rare .
Can You Drive A Car With Someone Else's Insurance?
Insurance isnt on the driver . Insurance is on the automobile . The issue is to determine if the car is insured . If it is , anyone driving it is insured . However , you will not be covered operating your car with your neighbors insurance policy . Your neighbors policy covers his car , not yours .
That is an excellent question ! They are like wheat and white bread - both bread , but different kinds , and with different benefits for you . A whole life policy will generate a cash value slowly , and generally reach the point where the face value and the cash value match -LRB- or endow -RRB- at the age of 100 , or 120 in most policies . Most people will receive their death benefit before the policy would endow . An endowment policy/contract is designed to endow much more quickly - generally in either a 20 year period , or at the age of 65 . The premiums therefore are much higher than a traditional life policy . The idea here is that if you were to pass within the first few years , you would receive a big payout for few dollars , but the flip side is that you would receive an almost even payout if you were to die later in the contract . So why do it ? These policies typically pay a higher interest rate on the cash value savings building up in them than the traditional , slower policies do , and that is about the only reason . They were popular once , but have faded as a rule from popularity . Thanks for asking !
Can You Drive A Car With Someone Else's Insurance?
That is a great question ! The answer depends upon your companies policy . Some companies will require the drivers to be listed on the policy , some will extend driving privileges to all members of the household . Some will go so far as to allow anyone that you give permission to . Check with your agent first , and find out their rules . Thanks for asking !
How does high blood pressure effect life insurance ? HBP effects the rate class you are given by underwriting . You could possibly be a decline if your blood pressure is too high and untreated . High Blood Pressure is linked to heart conditions and underwriters are concerned about untreated high blood pressure . On the other hand , a person with high blood pressure who has had treatment -LRB- medications -RRB- and shows good control of the problem , can even secure a preferred rating with some companies .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Other People'S Belongings?
If the property is in your care custody and control then it would be covered . For example , if you borrow someones musical instrument and you have a fire , that item would be covered . If you have a family member living with you and they have belongings in your home , they would be covered . If however you are renting an apartment or room in your home , that persons property may not be covered .
I am answering this question as a consumer , and as someone who is concerned about the state of our country . I sell life insurance for a living , but am very familiar with how the health insurance marketplace works . I think that everybody does need health insurance , but that everybody shouldnt need health insurance . At least not the way we provide it these days . In our current healthcare delivery system , the cost of services is extremely high . Too high , in many cases . There are probably a variety of reasons for this : greed ; cost inefficiencies ; a litigious legal environment ; burdensome government compliance ; etc. . This is not to say that we do not deliver superior services . People from the world over come here to get the best of care . But we pay an arm and a leg for it , and we shouldnt have to . This has made medical insurance the lesser of two evils . Better to have expensive coverage to minimize your out-of-pocket costs , than to go bankrupt or kill your credit record with huge outstanding debt . Or to have too many people exploit the willingness of healthcare providers to provide free service to the needy , and force the rest of us to subsidize their care . But the price of that coverage is often ridiculously high . And too often , we pay for benefits that we never will need . In the best of all worlds , we would optimize the risk-sharing between the individual consumer and the system . Benefit plans would be tailor-made to the greatest extent possible . Young , healthy guys should be able to buy bare-bones catastrophic coverage . Women of childbearing age could have more comprehensive coverage . And on and on . The last thing you want is for politics to dictate benefits according to the agenda of special interest interest groups . One size does not fit all , and it makes the vast majority of us overpay for services we will never use . This is why I am a huge supporter of alternative self-insurance organizations and healing centers . Health insurance is not one of the basic needs of life , contrary to what many politicians will tell you .
Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Septic System?
A homeowners policy covers damage caused by named perils . The septic system could theoretically be damaged by a named peril but it is not very likely since it is underground . It is more likely that damage to the system would be the result of fair wear and tear or earth movement . These particular risks are excluded in most homeowners policies . Refer to your policy for specific information .
As a parent myself I do n't want to leave any financial burden for my family . I always look at four items when I sit down and design a life insurance plan . 1 -RRB- Debt 2 -RRB- Income 3 -RRB- Mortgage 4 -RRB- Education . If either parent dies prematurely we know that we will pay off debt -LRB- ei . . car and student loans -RRB- , replace your income or a fund for daycare if we have a stay at home parent , pay off the house and develop funding for future college needs . In regards to insuring the newborn it would be to guarantee the child 's insurability . Meaning if the child has a major medical condition we are able to ensure we have a life insurance plan in place for the rest of the child 's life . As the child may not be able to buy coverage due to poor health in the future . Many policies have what 's called a Guaranteed Insurability Rider . At certain ages or milestones you can increase the death benefit without underwriting .
Can Hospitals Bill Medicare Part D?
Medicare Part D is your prescription coverage for self-administered drugs.When you have a covered inpatient hospital stay , Medicare Part A will cover your medicines administered during your stay . Medicare Part B only covers some types of drugs , typically those that are n't self-administered or are given during a doctor 's office visit or procedure . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Excellent and Important Question . Every parent should have life insurance on a child . You can get Whole -LRB- Permanent -RRB- Life Insurance on a Child for very little money , so larger amounts are possible . No you do not expect a child to die you . It has nothing to do with that . It deals with Guaranteed Insurability ! You never know when a child may develop a childhood disease , be in an accident , or develop childhood diabetes . Once that happen , that child might otherwise become uninsurable , meaning they could never get life insurance on themselves . If you gave them Life Insurance as a child , and it was continued , with the guaranteed , locked in very low rate , that child is now able to continue to have life insurance for the balance of their lives . If you also added a rider to add to the coverage , you could even increase the coverage over time , all at guaranteed lowest rates . You need to get together with a reliable Life Insurance Agent who can thoroughly review your entire picture and recommend the best choice of options for you , with a detailed explanation . Give me a call please . Gary Lane , Registered Representative , New York Life , 949 797 2424 . Thank you .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Sewer Line Replacement?
Usually no . . however some insurance companies will allow you to add a `` service line '' endorsement that could provide coverage for a sewer line . Typically it will only cover the portion that runs through your property .
Child only policies are often hard to find since Healthcare Reform was passed in March of 2010 . ACA -LRB- Obamacare -RRB- forced companies to no longer deny coverage for children . Many of the carriers decided to no longer take that risk . There are still some companies that will offer a child only policy . I would recommend you speak with a local broker who represents a number of companies and can compare those rates for you .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Sewer Line Replacement?
Normally , No . A homeowners policy normally excludes coverage for normal wear and tear . A policyholder might be able to argue that the sewer line was damaged by one of the covered perils but it is very difficult to imagine that .
There are two main reasons to purchase child life insurance . The first is to insure against the unthinkable tragedy of losing your child early to cover the cost of final expense . The second is to protect the child 's insurability should they develop a disease or disorder such as Type I diabetes or cancer which would be difficult to purchase life insurance . Permanent plans like whole life and universal life insurance protect insurability and allow cash accumulation for that can be used for college funds , a new house or even a retirement plan . Adding a child life rider to an adult term life or permanent life insurance plan is a very affordable way to insure children , especially multiple children for one low rate will cover all children and allow for guaranteed conversions in case they should lose their insurability .
I Own A Duplex & Want To Put It In An LLC. Can It Be Insured?
Yes of course , but more than likely it will not qualify for a standard dwelling policy issued on a personal lines form . Instead it will need to be covered by a commercial policy designed to offer protection for properties that are titled in the name of a business , in this case an LLC .
Life insurance proceeds from a death claim generally takes between 30 and 60 days after the paperwork has been collected and review by the issuing life insurance company . The company has a form that needs to be completed along with the certificate of death and newspaper obituary . It may take longer , if the claim occurred in the first two years of contestibility .
What Questions Should I Ask About Long Term Care Insurance?
Some questions to ask about long term care insurance are : 1 -RRB- Is there an inflation rider to cover increasing health care costs ? 2 -RRB- How long is the benefit period ? Does it go by years , or when the lump sum runs out ? 3 -RRB- How long is the elimination period ? 4 -RRB- What are the triggers for benefit to begin ? 5 -RRB- What type of care is covered ? -LRB- e.g. could you pay a relative to care for you in your home -RRB- 6 -RRB- Is the company solid ? What is their history of rate increases ? 7 -RRB- Is the policy tax qualified or a partnership policy ?
Medicare does not pay for burial . You would need a final expense policy or life insurance policy to cover those costs . You can get one of these policies at many different amounts to cover your basic needs or to also cover other expenses . Medicare also does not cover Long Term Care Insurance .
Is Buying Disability Insurance A Good Idea?
Is buying a disability policy a good idea ? Well , it 's going to depend on if the person buying it sees the value in it . Insurance is a way to protect yourself from loss . Disability insurance is paycheck protection . It creates a pool of money when you ca n't because of illness or injury . How valuable that is to you , depends on how you feel about it .
Yes , it does . There are companies that will not accept business from people with a high Body Mass Index . Once a person gets above 35 in BMI the number of companies available to purchase from starts to drop . Above 40 BMI and most wo n't quote . Insurance is using statistics and the laws of probability to determine if a policy or a rate is offered . It is a very impersonal method applied to a very personal product .
Is Buying Disability Insurance A Good Idea?
The reality is that Americans ages 35 to 65have a 1 in 4 chance of becoming disabled for more than 90 days . Considering the average American only has 3-6 months of cash reserves in savings , you have to be prepared to cover your bills , mortgage , etc. in the even that you become disabled and can no longer work . And do n't forget that 90 percent of disabilities are caused by illnesses -- not injuries . You ca n't assume a disability wo n't happen to you , especially since there 's a 1 in 3 chance it might .
Yes , Medicare covers DME supplies if they are prescribed by your doctor and are for use in your home rather than in a health care facility , long term rehab center , etc. . In addition , Durable Medicare Equipment must be long lasting , used for a medical reason , and not useful to someone who is not sick or injured .
Can I Sign Up For Medicare Part B Late?
Yes , however , the best time to sign up for Part B is during your initial enrollment period when you turn 65 . If you choose not to enroll in Part B when you 're first eligible , you can enroll during the General Enrollment Period - January 1st to March 31st of each year . When you do this , the effective date will be July 1st . You may be subject to a late enrollment penalty if you do n't sign up when you 're first eligible : an additional 10 % is added to your premium for every year you did not have the coverage . You can avoid this penalty if you qualify for a special enrollment period - the most common way this happens is coming off of a group plan . A special enrollment period is an 8-month window to enroll in Part B without the penalty being tacked on to the premium . If you enroll during this 8-month window , the effective date would become the first day of the following month .
That is a great question ! Many people think that if they have some kind of health issue that it will create a problem when trying to get life insurance . The truth is , for the majority of things like diabetes , high blood pressure and high cholesterol , if it is controlled and there have been no complications , the companies will generally put little weight behind them . Now , if they are issues , and you are n't taking your meds for them , that 's an entirely different story . But even then , there are policies that you can get . The bottom line is that you can get insurance with high cholesterol , but much better insurance if you have it , and it 's controlled . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
Can I Sign Up For Medicare Part B Late?
You can sign up for Medicare Part B late , but there may be penalties . If you do not enroll in Medicare Part B when you first become eligible , you can enroll during the open enrollment period from January 1 and March 31 each year . If you sign up during this period , your plan will become effective July 1 . You will be charged an additional 10 % on your premium for every 12 months you went without coverage . However , if you did n't enroll because you were covered by a different insurance plan , you can sign up during the eight months following the end of that plan without a penalty .
You will typically the enrolled in Part A when you turn 65 . You are eligible for Part A based on 40 quarters of taxes paid into Medicare . You could also enroll before turning 65 . Those under 65 and have a disability or end stage renal disease . Part A is free due to the time mentioned above .