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1 | The given diagram demonstrates the changes in global sales of the top five mobile phone brands durin the period from 2009 to 2013.
It is clearly seen that 3 out of 5 companies have significant growth, whilst two other companies lost their positions in market sales.
The biggest progress during the period was made by Apple, which sales indicator in 2013 shows almost 6 times bigger amount of selled mobile phones comparing to 2009, and equal to 150 million. The Nokia company shows the most significant regress, the number of mobile phones rapidly decreased from 2011 and equal to 250 in 2013, nevertheless it is second the most popular brand after Samsung which selled 450 million phones in 2013. Also, there are 2 more companies which are competing in mobile phone market, with sale indicators are above 50 for both.
It is worth to notice that the biggest seller in 2013 have selled almost equal number of phones that 2 next companies in the top-5 |
1 | Habits are taking significant part of human's life from the childhood, when parents are teaching to wake up and eat at the right time, and then continues to came with new people or new significant events. Some people are tend to always make changes in their lives, thinking it is a good thing. However, other people think in the opposite way, and prefer to spend their lives with the same everyday routine. The both opinions have a reasonable logic, and I will try to describe these perspectives.
On the one hand, avoiding changes make people's lives stable, and secure the comfort zone, which is not an easy thing to achieve. There are many books and training from psychologists and business coaches providing the phylosophy of doing the same things and keeping little traditions to structure the personality, focus on the right things, and have a plan for every day. Undoubtely, it helps to clear the mind, and keep yourself in safe in some ways from the rapidly changing life.
On the other hand, history proves that progress in development is caused by changes human activities. Of course, permanent changes in life means the lack of stability, nevertheless does it mean, that there is no progress?
The main point of this perspevtive is not to try everything that could effect positively or negatively, but to try to find a new aspects for personal grow, or get out form the comfort zone and chalenge yourself.
To sum up, the both opinions have their own benefits and drawbacks, but the strategy of changes in life dirictly depend on the type of people's character. People who have stable life as their prority are likely to avoide changes, and people who want to make the self-image and life better better will always in findings of new habits |
1 | The chart depicts the global sales figure of the top five mobile phone companies from 2009 to 2013. Overall, it can be seen that three companies, Samsung, Apple, And ZTE increased their sales, while two companies, Nokia and LG feld down their sale.
Initially, Nokia used to be the highest sales of the other companies in 2009. It was specially close to 450 and it doubled to the second-highest sales Samsung. Then the sales figure slightly dwindled to approximately 400 in 2011, but they kept the highest sales figure. But the sales figure suddenly plummeted to 250 and resulted in the second highest sales among five companies in 2013. LG is also slightly kept reducing the sales figure and slightly dropped the sales. It was more than 100 in 2009, and hit the lowest point of around 70 in 2013.
Another notable feature is that Samsung started their sales figure around 200 in 2009, and kept boosting sales steadily. As a result, Samsung reached a peak of sales 450 and the highest sales around the world in 2013. A similar phenomenon occurred at Apple. Apple used to be the worst sales in 2009. It was far less than 50. Then the sales drastically surge to nearly 100 in 2011, and Apple also had the highest sales figure in 2013. It was 150 and this was the third highest sales of five companies. |
0 | The topic of some people are fond of spending their lives with doing ordinary tasks every day. And others strongly argue that keep changing is more important to catch up with this society. Although some peoples opinion, working the same things feel relieved and stable in their life, I strongly recommend it is necessary to keep changing, and practicing to get along with this fast paced society.
It is often stated that some people are willing to work on monotonous tasks, and keep doing the same tasks is commendable, and be taken as the virtue, especially in Japan. For example, there are sophisticated handcrafts and the craftsmen are often valued and praised to some extent. Therefore, some jobs, including traditional crafts are necessary to maintain Japanese great culture.
On the other hand, technology has been developing in recent years. Robot and IT technology have drastically improved in a few decades. Surprisingly, some robots started to serve meals to customers' tables in some restaurants in Japan. This means that technology will take the place of many jobs which used to be handled by people. Therefore, people need to upskill in a variety of work for the future.
Finally, it is unpredictable which industries and jobs are no longer necessary by human work or other industries will appear in the future. The only thing people can do is observe and predict the social environment, and update their own skills. For example, if people perceived IT programming will be more demandable, and working the same tasks in the factory will be taken by a robot, they should start learning IT programming and other demandable skills as soon as possible.
In conclusion, people kept updating their own skills from ancient times. Therefore, people are required to change their lifestyles, and jobs to meet the rapid social improvements and changes. As a result, people will get used to this pace and be more creative. |
0 | The bar chart below indicates mobile phone market share for the best five different brands Samsung, Apple, Nokia, LG and ZTE between 2009 and 2013. The best two brands were Samsung and Nokia, more than 400 annually. The others were below less than 150 in the same period of time.
In 2009, Nokia has reached almost 450 when the second best brand Samsung was lower than 250. The sales of Samsung soared to the top in 2013 when Nokia slipped down to 250 in the same year. The biggest drop of Nokia presented between 2011 and 2013 from over 400 to 250.
The apple's market share was in the fifth position with no more than 50 in 2009. It has a similar trend like Samsung however in 2013 it has 150 sales. LG and ZTE were the relative small portion compared to Samsung and Nokia. The ZTE was improving slowly when LG was losing its market share every year. |
0 | Some people prefers living in a stable condidtion. They were doing almost the same routine every day, going to the same bookshop or gorceries on weekend and same things to do at work. There are not much changes in their lives. Others like to living in the changing environment. They keep trying new things, go to the different restrauants or meeting new friends. Sometimes they even challenging themselves by moving to other positions at work.
I agree with both views because these two views are not conflict. One can meeting new friends in the same coffee store or can meeting old friends in different coffee sotres. The change and unchange only represent some parts of their lives. Like the aforementioned example, one can go to the same gorcery shop every weekend but go out with different friends at Saturday night. Or one can go to different cafes but to have the same order of coffee.
The change and unchage are exist in each other. The world is changing all the time that no one can walking in the same street twice. This is a philosephy saying. Because as time flows the stree that you stepped on was no longer the same street, the leaves may change or the tree may changeBut if that is the same path you walk to company every day, it is the same street in your plan. That means the street is relatively changed/unchaged. On one can stop the world changing, and what can be unchange is ourself, or our minds. We can have the same mindset everyday in different environments. |
1 | This bar chart illustrates the global sales of the top five mobile phone brands during the period from 2009 until 2013. It is clear from the graph that the largest market share is split between Nokia and Samsung, and the rest percentage distributed over the other corporates.
According to what is shown, over the selected period, Nokia and Samsung had the advantage in the market, but the distinguish between this too brands was the changes on there states over the years, Samsung had doubled its share, which was in approximately 225 in 2009 by end of 2013 its achieved 450, in the other part were Nokia had decrease its share from 450 to 250. to demonstrate, we have an accelerates group which they had increase they accusation more market share like Apple and ZTE comparing the other group which loss the advantage over the years. to sum up, in terms of market behavior, that are normal to see brands had developed there prodects and got new segment, and the traditional brands which they don’t develop. |
1 | There is no doubt that this approach in life gives those people a stable feeling, when they stay in the same position for a long period they feel comfortable because they will avoid any issues. In this article I am going to demonstrate the reasons behind why people prefer to eliminate any chance to change.
To illustrate, I belive that there are too kinds of people, the kind which they prefer to change freqentily to try new things or to improve their life or to develop any shortage things they relies that they have to change. In the other side we have the people which feels more peaceful when they avoid any changes more then when they add any things new to there life. In addition, this group of people have another reasons that explain why they did not attind to change, the reasons about the space which they get from the stability, the new things make them feel more confuse.
In conclusion, there are many approaches to live in this planet, in my opinion the people which have more interest to try new things they have the ability to think in critivty way and see the details in any thing they will face also they have the fast dicison skills comparing the other people because they try new things constant and have the confidant etheir. while the conservative people have no flexibility to make fast decision or to think by using new tools, but the advantage for them are they look like have more wise thinking. |
1 | The diagram gives information about worldwise sales of the best cell phone brands, such as Samsung, Apple, Nokia, LG and ZTE in 2009, 2011 and 2013.
In short, three brands show an upwards trend over the period, whilst Nokia and LG sale decline.
On one side, Samsung, Apple and ZTE sales went up during the four years, even though only the first brand increase drastically peaking at 450 sales in 2013. This marked an increment of 225 sales from 2009. However, Apple rose was significant too (from 25 sales in 2009 to 150 in 2013). ZTE sales were marginally increased.
On the other side, Nokia sales dammatically plummeted to 250 in 2013, whereas LG sales steadly dropped from 120 in 2009 to 75 in 2013. Nokia was leader in the market in 2009 and 2011, but the Chinese company earn the spot in 2013 reaching the highest peak of sales ever reached during this four years (450) |
1 | Change is considered a positive thing by some people, whilst other would rather have the same routine avoinding any different activities. Hence, it is complicated to agree or disagree with one of these way of thinking, the choice is personal. However, trying something outside of the normal routine could bring improvement in lifes.
Change is an important topic in our modern world where everything moves and evolves so quickly and people do not have the time to reflect on the present. Therefore, it is understanding if someone is afraid of it and prefer to have the same habits, spending their life doing the exact same circle of thing week after week. This is call comfort-zone. Everyone aims at it at some point of their life because it is reassuring, easy and releaxing. But does it brings in people's life important events or news? The answer most likely is no. If people do not go out of their comfort-zone, choosing changes over habits, they will never experience something new. In the long run people become unsatisfied, depressed holding negative thoughts and unhappy.
On the other side, changes are bringing new scenario in mankind's life that can improve, most of the time, their situation. For instance, when a human-being is frustrated by his/hers job, he/she should try to get a new one. Best case scenario he/she will feel more appriciated by it. The point is that this person has not lost anything by this change, because he/she still have an employment. I strongly believe that changes is a good thing because the way people feel during the process of changing is exciting.
to sum up, Every mankind should live without regret, the change might not bring an effectively positive metamorphosis, but there is still somenthing to lear out of it. |
1 | The diagram gives information about worldwise sales of the best cell phone brands, such as Samsung, Apple, Nokia, LG and ZTE in 2009, 2011 and 2013.
In short, three brands show an upwards trend over the period, whilst Nokia and LG sale decline.
On one side, Samsung, Apple and ZTE sales went up during the four years, even though only the first brand increase drastically peaking at 450 sales in 2013. This marked an increment of 225 sales from 2009. However, Apple rose was significant too (from 25 sales in 2009 to 150 in 2013). ZTE sales were marginally increased.
On the other side, Nokia sales dammatically plummeted to 250 in 2013, whereas LG sales steadly dropped from 120 in 2009 to 75 in 2013. Nokia was leader in the market in 2009 and 2011, but the Chinese company earn the spot in 2013 reaching the highest peak of sales ever reached during this four years (450) |
1 | Change is considered a positive thing by some people, whilst other would rather have the same routine avoinding any different activities. Hence, it is complicated to agree or disagree with one of these way of thinking, the choice is personal. However, trying something outside of the normal routine could bring improvement in lifes.
Change is an important topic in our modern world where everything moves and evolves so quickly and people do not have the time to reflect on the present. Therefore, it is understanding if someone is afraid of it and prefer to have the same habits, spending their life doing the exact same circle of thing week after week. This is call comfort-zone. Everyone aims at it at some point of their life because it is reassuring, easy and releaxing. But does it brings in people's life important events or news? The answer most likely is no. If people do not go out of their comfort-zone, choosing changes over habits, they will never experience something new. In the long run people become unsatisfied, depressed holding negative thoughts and unhappy.
On the other side, changes are bringing new scenario in mankind's life that can improve, most of the time, their situation. For instance, when a human-being is frustrated by his/hers job, he/she should try to get a new one. Best case scenario he/she will feel more appriciated by it. The point is that this person has not lost anything by this change, because he/she still have an employment. I strongly believe that changes is a good thing because the way people feel during the process of changing is exciting.
to sum up, Every mankind should live without regret, the change might not bring an effectively positive metamorphosis, but there is still somenthing to lear out of it. |
2 | The pictures give information about two ways of protecting houses from flooding. Overall, the houses or buildings are constructed on stamps.
The first way of protecting buildings from floods it to make them far away from the water and not to close to the hill or mountain to avoid any water coming down. Additionally, the stopbank should be place close to the water as a protection wall. At the bottom of the stopbank a floodgate is allocated so that water can pass to the internal pond underneath the house without touching it and a bem is situated to the water side which can open and close depending on the water level.
The second diagram does not have a stopbank and the house is positioned closer to the water. The house is built on higher stamps, so that the water can flow underneath it. Between house and water, a freeboard of around 300mm can be found where no water should be, so that the house remains dry. |
1 | In the past, couples moved together after getting married, there was no other choice. Nowadays, living together before deciding to get married, is a common trend specially by young couples. I strongly agree that sharing a life before heading to the next level of a relationship, is a positive way to get to learn each other better.
First and foremost, by living together the couple will learn some of the bad habit the other one has such as brushing the teeth in the kitchen sink, leave the dishes in the sink for another time to clean them and more. It is important, that the person is aware of such behaviour, so when they get married, it is not a surprise. Additionally, the individual has enough time to deal with it or to make a negative decision. Moreover, they can talk about it and look together for solutions.
By living together the individuals share the bills and other invoices. Thus, they will find out if the other one is reliable and able to pay the bills on time. There is enough evidence, that the finances are a challenge in many relationships. You want to make sure that the bills are paid on time. In many relationships, the individuals share a bank account specifically to pay invoices, trust a priority, indeed. For example, you do not want to need to pay for your expenses and the bank account is emptied by your partner.
On the other hand, in many conservative cultures and societies, people can only move together after marriage. The individuals do not know whom they will be sharing their lives. Thus, much has to be learnt and accepted due to the fact, that getting divorced is not accepted.
To sum up, living together before getting married has a myriad of advantages. Thus, I am of the view, that it is beneficial to live together and get to learn each other well before taking the next step. |
2 | The diagrams show the way in which the flooding of houses may be prevented by constructing them upon raised foundations, so that the floor of the house is separated from the highest probable water level (considering a period of 100 years) by at least 300 millimeters (30 centimeters). This distance is called "freeboard."
The first diagram shows how this may be accomplished in situations in which the house is located between a stopbank -that is, a barrier separating the river or drain from the area in which the house is located- and a hill or otherwise elevated area from which rainwater may run downhill (a phenomenon known as "internal runoff"), potentially creating a pond in the area in which the house stands. In such a situation, the diagram shows that the stopbank should be higher than the 100-year flood level, although it does not show the minimum clearance required. At the same time, the house should be high enough that its floor is at least 300 millimeters above the 100-year ponding level.
The second diagram shows the way in which the house should be protected from floods in situations where there is no stopbank. In such cases, the house should simply be raised to a height at least 300 millimeters above the 100-year flood level. The second diagram does not show the effects of any internal runoff.
Both diagrams provide for a common solution, which is to have a minimum freeboard of 300 millimeters between the bottom of the house and the highest probable water level, be it the 100-year flood level or the 100-year ponding level. |
2 | Many people believe it may be advisable for couples to live together before getting married, as it may lead to a smoother relationship after they have married.
I tend to agree with such opinions, as I find the arguments that usually support them to be quite reasonable. For example, it is commonly said that people act differently when they are at home and when they are outside. People instinctively tend to be more relaxed and off-guard when at home, whereas in social situations they usually make an effort, even if unconsciously, to be more likable and to conceal the less agreeable aspects of their personality from others, even their partners. Because of this, it is usual to hear that one does not truly know someone until one has lived with that person.
In extreme cases, cohabitation before marriage could even prevent couples from entering into a marriage that is bound to fail and will lead to unhappiness. Considering this possibility seems reasonable, as marriage is not only an emotional bond, but also a legal one, and undoing it is usually upsetting, time-consuming and costly.
Another reason I find cohabitation before marriage to be a sensible choice is that, as minor disagreements and conflicts are usually inevitable during the first months of cohabitation, it is preferable to pass through that stage before getting married than to add such problems to a period which in itself can already be stressful, such as the few weeks before the ceremony and the weeks following.
What I have said up to this point reflects my opinion, but it must be noted I did not put any of it into practice when I got married. Indeed, my wife and I decided to move in together only a few weeks before the ceremony. This decision was due to the fact that her family is quite old-fashioned, and moving in together before would undoubtedly have caused them pain, even if we had our reasons for doing so and they would have understood them. No degree of persuasion would have avoided or removed such pain. We found the long-term benefits of a stable and close relationship with her family to be more important than the discomfort of not moving in together, and we ultimately decided to do it only once the ceremony was planned. |
2 | The diagram illustrates the effect of a stopbank in frequently flooded areas.
Overall, a stopbank divides the land from the rive or the drain and contributes to the formation of an internal ponding system on land. Houses can be built lower in areas with a stopbank.
It is clearly shown in the diagram that house floor level in areas without a stopbank must be 300 millimeters above the 100-year flood or ponding level. However, house floor level in areas with a stopbank can be much lower, even under the 100-year flood level. This might result from the fact that the stopbank is high enough to stop water from flooding in.
At the same time, the floodgate and berm under the stopbank connect the internal pond with the river outside. When the internal runoff leads to too much water on land, People can open the floodgate and let the water out into the river or drain. |
1 | Couples living together before their weddings was once deemed as a disgrace. However, as our society keeps developing, more and more people start to accept the idea of cohabitation and put it into action. Admittedly, cohabitation can be advantageous. However, I do believe that people need to exercise caution when making the decision of living together with a partner.
It is true that living together with one's partner is a great opportunity for couples to know their partners as well as life after marriage better. Lovers tend to love each other so much that they can easily miss some tiny but crucial details or habits of their significant other. Cohabitation makes these details and habits unavoidable since two people are basically seeing each other for hours on a daily basis. Cohabitation can also be a buffer to help young couples move into a new stage in their lives. However, despite the fact that people are expected to completely understand their husband or wife-to-be as well as marriage itself, it is not guaranteed that they will still make the decision to marry that person after cohabitation.
Some people find it difficult or even dangerous to put the idea of cohabitation into implementation. Lovers in a long-distance relationship, for example, usually reside in different cities and can only see each other once in a while. In such situations, cohabitation means that one person must give up his or her career. This seems to be unfair and may lead to unnecessary breakups. Another instance is that some people can use cohabitation to, financially or sexually, take advantage of other people.
All in all, many advantages can be attributed to cohabitation, but I still think that people need to be cautious before moving in with a partner. |
1 | The diagrams show the plan of a ground level of a house at present and after a presented refurbishment.
The most noticeable changes between the two plans regards the living room, which, in the prospective plan, is widened by removing the internal wall which is placed on the eastern side of the plan, the hall is joined with the living room and the internal doors are displaced at south entrance’s left.
It can also be seen that in the proposed plan, the stairs structure is rearranged in a half circle shape and placed on the north side of the house, propped up onto the western internal wall, whereas in the current plan it stands in the centre hosting a storage underneath.
The kitchen in the projected plan is embellished with a forniture set which surrounds the left wing of the house, although this may cause a shrink in terms of space availability .
In conclusion, the building works of the proposed plan of the ground floor are aimed to change the spatial layout, turning the living room into a full-fledged open space, by relocating the stairs. Amendments are to be made regarding the kitchen furniture, making it more comfortable and enjoyable compared to that of the existing plan. |
1 | Accurately assessing which is the best way of teaching children is not an easy task, but when it comes to comparing between taking lesson at home or at school the issue becomes even more complicated to figure it out. In this essay I am going to explain the two main views people hold on this subject.
A sizeable number of people argue that children would be best served by being taught at home rather than turning up at school , because of the highly comfortable and utterly familiar environment, which allow them to being involved into attending lessons as well as doing assignments more effectively and reducing distractions. As a result , thanks to the time-saving, the children may have enough time to spent for their leisure and sport activities.
However, many others beg to differ, claiming that a laptop cannot replace human touch without impacts negatively students performances, since the lack of direct relationship in that specific stage of age might be detrimental not only to children’s school marks, but for themselves.
Moreover, those who hold this current of thought contend that being a student-at-home come at the cost of concentration, as such a comforting background may shift children focus toward more appealing activities, standing in stark contrast with the former view aforementioned.
To my mind, I believe that COVID experience has provided some insight that could help us to take the stock of the situation in this vein, namely, the flurry of psychological ailments of which the children were suffering during the lockdown were mostly sparked by their isolation toward their peers, it found.
Consequently, it means that relationship restriction would lead to depression which in turn, affects the mental processes underlying the school performances overall. Hence, it is reasonable to think that children are better off studying at school along with their mates rather than in a more reclusive way such as doing it alone at home. |
1 | The two given diagrams show the houses's existing ground floor and the proposed plan for a construction.
To commence, both plans have two entrances and the same number of internal doors. The existing plan has a bigger kitchen and two internal doors that separates the kitchen from the living room, wich gives a hall in between. In contrast to the proposed change wich has one internal wall. In addition, the proposed changes plan has a kitchen furniture, wich the existing plan don't have. To compare the stairs in each plan, the first diagram shows a shorter stairs with a storage beneath, however, the second diagram has a wider and lengher stairs without the storage.
Overall, the first diagram has a smaller living room, a hall, and two internal door in front of each other, and a storage. The proposed changes requires a larger living room, no hall, and a longer stars and no under stairs storage, as well as, kitchen furniture, and two internal doors next to each others. |
1 | Education is a major reason for commnities to develop, espicially focusing on childern in this prosses. For the reason that kids are the future. Some people prefer their kids to get home-educated, while others believe that it is important for them to go to school. I am a strong advocate that children must go to school for a variety of reasons, wich will be mentioned in this essay.
To commence with, eventhough it is important to get a proper education and this can be found in both schools and at home, however, going to school on a daily basis can garantee the kid to communicate with his/her peers. And this can be in a negative or positive way- nowadays, but no matter which way the kid experiences, it is still going to be an experience that the kid will develop and learn from after. And it will assist bulding the child's character, in addition to, other fundemental traits. Like for example, gaining self-esteem, and leading skills, and so on ...
Likewise, it is children nature to be too energetic- generally speaking- so going to school, and playing with their friends, can be the best way for them to get rid of this energy. For instance, if the kid was running around the house, he propably would get scolded by his parents. Because at home there is no much space like outside. In addition, it is for the child's physical health to be active and go outside, not stay at home all day.
Overall, I believe that it is a better option for them to go to school instead of getting home-schooled. As well as, communication and playing with other children which can be a proper way for them to get developed mentally and pysically. |
1 | The given map depicts the existing and proposed layout of a house’s ground floor, and some changes in design took place. Overall, there were a number of proposed notable changes to this area.
On the whole, some new furniture was added, while some existing layouts were removed or renovated in the proposed floor plan.
The most prominent change is the new, bigger stairs in the north of the ground floor replacing the existing hall, smaller stairs and the storage under the stairs. In addition, new furniture was added, and the empty field on the west side of the floor and the kitchen was filled with kitchen furniture.
There were also some extensive renovations to the internal doors and walls. First, the existing internal doors placed face to face in the north of the ground floor are planned to be moved next to the entrance, replacing a part of the existing internal wall on the west side. Second, the eastern internal wall is proposed to be demolished, and there will be no longer a block between the new stairs and the living room. |
2 | People have different views about whether children should be educated at home or at school. Although teaching at home sometimes provided a more comfortable environment, I believe that making children go to school is better for their development.
On the one hand, studying at home always provides a comfortable environment for children. When children study at some place they live and stay every day, they tend to be more relaxed, it can encourage children to study in better efficiency. In addition, education plans can be customized if children are going to study at home, and maximize their advantages in talents. Take the case of Lang Lang, who was a famous Chinese musician, he was found talented in piano since he was the age of 5 and started long-term customized piano training at home, eventually becoming the champion of the Chinese national piano competition in his 20s. Furthermore, parents can take care of children’s study progression, difficulties, and mental health the first time, and make corresponding adjustments in time.
On the other hand, it perhaps better for children’s development to let them get used to go to school. Firstly, despite the comfortable, simple environment at home, children could not always stay inside their “green house” once they grew up, they need to develop the ability to be compatible with the pressures that come from a more complex social environment, while school can be their first step to practicing such ability. Secondly, it is necessary for children to learn and apply team collaboration skills in order to overcome some difficulties that could not be solved by a single person. Finally, school is the first platform that enables children to develop their own networking, which is a kind of wealth that can help their personal development in the future. For example, many typical famous people like Napoleon Bonaparte, and Winston Churchill all started to develop strong social networking since they were in school, and the networking provided them with vital help on their path to success.
In conclusion, I can understand why people might want children to be taught at home, but I strongly hold the opinion that it’s better for children’s development to send them to school. |
1 | There are several differences on two diagrams of existing floor plan and proposed changes of it. Meanwhile, evidently illustrated above, some rough main features of the house remain the same such as the kitchen, living room and overall shape of the entire house.
One of the most obvious changes is a shift of stairs' location and their form. In the existing floor plan, stairs are rather narrow and attached to the left side of the living room's internal room, whereas, in proposed changes, stairs occupy most of the hall space in a bigger form.
Both two internal doors, one to the kitchen and one to the living room, have moved next to the entrance to provide a route into the kitchen as the living room no longer has an internal wall.
Once entered the kitchen, a new kitchen furniture can be seen at the far end of the kitchen which ultimately reduces the area of the space itself. |
1 | In regards to the notion 'it is important for children to go to school', there are two contrasting opinions of supporting it and also disagreeing with it. Schools are conceptually thought to be essential and compulsory for many parents while others may not despite of what the society says.
There are people who suggest that going to school is indeed necessary for children and students as it enables them to develop social ability and make friends which will ultimately be useful in the future. Attending school, a microsom of society, itself already teaches young students how to interact with other people ouside of family tree. Those who did not attend school when they were young may have severly low EQ or lacking interaction ability. For instance, an adult who was studying at home might not know how to respect and share objects with others. By being enrolled in a school, children can make remarkable childhood memories that may help them in the future when they are in a slump or depression.
On the other hand, some people may disagree to this notion as they think studying at home is far more effective. Their argument might be that going to school would be a waste of time as children usually play around at school. Teaching children can be much more efficient as transportation time and playing time can be eliminatied by not going to school. Furthermore, as children do not have to go out, there will not be any conflicts on bullying or fight with friends. They will not fall onto deviation such as smoking, drinking et cetera which are usually encountered at school due to bad friends. Also, money can be saved by teaching at home as uniforms, for example, do not have to purchased.
All in all, although young students might have number of advantages by not going to school, it is nevertheless more important to attend school in a daily basis to improve their social ability and interaction with other people. |
1 | There are several differences on two diagrams of existing floor plan and proposed changes of it. Meanwhile, evidently illustrated above, some rough main features of the house remain the same such as the kitchen, living room and overall shape of the entire house.
One of the most obvious changes is a shift of stairs' location and their form. In the existing floor plan, stairs are rather narrow and attached to the left side of the living room's internal room, whereas, in proposed changes, stairs occupy most of the hall space in a bigger form.
Both two internal doors, one to the kitchen and one to the living room, have moved next to the entrance to provide a route into the kitchen as the living room no longer has an internal wall.
Once entered the kitchen, a new kitchen furniture can be seen at the far end of the kitchen which ultimately reduces the area of the space itself. |
1 | In regards to the notion 'it is important for children to go to school', there are two contrasting opinions of supporting it and also disagreeing with it. Schools are conceptually thought to be essential and compulsory for many parents while others may not despite of what the society says.
There are people who suggest that going to school is indeed necessary for children and students as it enables them to develop social ability and make friends which will ultimately be useful in the future. Attending school, a microsom of society, itself already teaches young students how to interact with other people ouside of family tree. Those who did not attend school when they were young may have severly low EQ or lacking interaction ability. For instance, an adult who was studying at home might not know how to respect and share objects with others. By being enrolled in a school, children can make remarkable childhood memories that may help them in the future when they are in a slump or depression.
On the other hand, some people may disagree to this notion as they think studying at home is far more effective. Their argument might be that going to school would be a waste of time as children usually play around at school. Teaching children can be much more efficient as transportation time and playing time can be eliminatied by not going to school. Furthermore, as children do not have to go out, there will not be any conflicts on bullying or fight with friends. They will not fall onto deviation such as smoking, drinking et cetera which are usually encountered at school due to bad friends. Also, money can be saved by teaching at home as uniforms, for example, do not have to purchased.
All in all, although young students might have number of advantages by not going to school, it is nevertheless more important to attend school in a daily basis to improve their social ability and interaction with other people. |
1 | The information below shows the present floor plan and changes been suggested. Generally spekaing, there is no big difference, kitchen will stay as a kitchen and living room will stay as a living room.
At the moment the living room space is smaller than in proposed new plan. The living room space suggested to be increased as internal wall will be demolited. Moreover, in suggested plan there is no place for storage under the stairs as stairs will be changed in their shape and also there will be no more hall place will be integrated into living room.
The door intro kitchen will be switched from single one to double and will be located near the entrance door. The kitchen furniture suggested to be located on the opposite side to the wall and doubled indoor door. However, some things stays the same in both plans. For example, the location of both entrance doors - front and backyard and also wall between hall and kitchen. |
1 | Many people claim that home based education is most appropriate for the childrens and their progress, while others believe that studying at school is more import. While teaching children at home might be useful for getting better score and children be more included, I personally am of the opinion that school based education is far outweigh in areas like socializing and it's more important for the future life.
It is often said that when childrens studying at home is better for their development. When student has no distractions such as classmates and school drama and sometimes bullying they are more involved and motivated to study and get good assignments. Moreover, they have less stress comparing themselves to others. For example, during the pandemic of Covid-19 students all over the world were transeffered for home education and this process brought big educational success to all of them. Overall, home base education has one very big benefit among all others, it is the posibility for student to be more focused on education without any distractions.
However, education at school has their pros too and most important of them is socializing. For every person is very important to know how to work, deal and socialize with other people and it's very good when someone can learn it in the school rather than in adult life. For instance, University of Latvia in their research in 2008 proved that students who studied at school are more socialized and are bigger part of the community in their adult life than students came from home based education. In conclusion, school based education is good for styding not only school programm, but also real life.
From my perspective, socializing skills outweight the educational success as it's more important for an adults life.
To conclude, both methods of education either home based or school based have their benefits. Every person should decide for themselves what is better for them or their childrens. |
1 | The bar chart shows what are the tendences of men and women in attending evening courses in an adult education centre during 2009 in a scale of 0 to 40 people, while the pie chart shows the percentages of ages of the participants in these courses.
Fist of all, the most striking information is that women were largely more present in languages and painting courses than men, and that the vast majority of the participants in the overall courses were 50 years old or over.
To begin with, it is clearly demonstrated that there were more women than men in all courses, except in sculture. In fact, men attended to language and drama courses were twice as less than women. Women were 40 in language courses and 20 in drama. Men were also slightly less in paiting, around 25 people, compared to women who were 30 at this course. However, in sculpture, men tended to be more present, as they were 10, which is roughly the double of the number of women who were present.
Secondly, there was a marked tendence for people aged from 50 and over to attend a these courses, as they were slighlty more than two fifth. Just over a quarter of the people were between 40 and 49, while those who were 30-39 were just 16%. Finally, the youngest ones were not very present. In fact, the 20-29 years old group represented just 11%, while the under 20 were barely the half, with 5%.
To conclude, it can be seen that the vast majority of the people who attended these evening courses were aged from 40 to 50 and over. Moreover, women tended to attend much more at all courses than men except for sculpture. |
2 | Recently, many countries have legalized gay marriage. However, there are many people who do not agree with that, and claim that it has a bad influence on the education of children, and the evolution of society. However, in my opinion, I think it is a good opportunity for homosexual people as they are now understood by others, and have the right to have children despite of their situation.
To begin, there are many parents, for example, who tend to believe that because of the access to gay marriage, their children will find it normal to fall in love with a person from the same sex. As a result, more and more children will become homosexual, which is unconventional as far as the parents are concerned. However, I believe that it is not because children understand the fact that being gay is normal, that they will be influenced by this. In fact, they will be able to compassionate for people who struggle to express their homosexuality, so they will help them to feel more comfortable with that. Moreover, they will be more open-minded which is very important for children development.
Secondly, many other people are convinced that gay marriage will inevitably tends towards a decrease of the young population as gay individuals can not have their own kids. As a consequence, This phenomenon represents a threat because young people will not be able to take over for the future. However, I am not of this opinion. I think that such a decrease in young people population will not occur as the vast majority of the world's population in not homosexual. Moreover, by allowing gay marriage, gay couples will be able to adopt children. Indeed, due to the fact that they are not able to give rise to new-born, they can adopt children who are abandonned, and give them the opportunity to live in a new family with good conditions.
To conclude, I firmly believe that gay marriage is a good opportunity for the development of the society. Indeed, not only it makes children more open-minded, which is important for their own development, but also gives for those who are unfortunately abandonned, a safe environment to thrive in. |
0 | These bar graph and pie chart illustrates the amounts of people in both genders extending the various classes of adult education in 2009. As the bar chart shows the differences of genders of male and female deligates. And the bar charts told the porpotion of each age group of people who joined the evening classes of this year.
Overview, there are almost a half of participants are over 50 years old, while the one fourth of it are milddle aged group. However, the less portion of the generation is under 20 years. as the bar graph give the number of women that were interested in language classes and men similarly attended painting as 25 % and sculture classes and Drama classes were attended by 10 % of men.
Form the pie chart, there are 43 % of 50 year old age group were able to join evening classes, oppositely , only 5 % of people who are under 20 decided to attend the night classes. 16 % of young adults attended the classes in 2019.
As the bar graph illustrates that the women attended the classs more than men. The similar number of both genders are painting , they kept in the similar level. While, the large differences can be found in language course. The most unpopular clasess in either men or women are in sculpture learning. |
0 | At present, there are the call of action for our social movement, and one of them is related to sexual equity. Many countries in Europe or Asia supported the legal marriage in LGBTQs, howere in some religious culture, the topic are very sensitive to be discussion and in worsely the LGBTQs were banned.
Love and being in the relationships depend on people' s mutual feeling. There is no boundaries of love, even they have same gender or different races, or even speak the different languages. Therefore, if they decided to settle down and live the rest of their lives together, the social determinants will be no longer to influence the relationship.
It is acceptable for the caring and understanding to maintain their marriage lives. As long as they could stay together and share thick or thin time together. The couple could have the good qualities of lives, some developed countries supported and launched legal LGBTQs marriage.
In conclusion, I strongly agree with legal LQBTQs marriage, so far they could share the moment together , they could extend their life expectancy and they could build the everlasting love until the last days of their lives. To love is to cherish their moments together. |
1 | The bar chart provides the information from an adult education centre for the number of two different sexes in four evening courses in 2009 which were drama, painting, sculpture and language . While the pie chart further illustrates the age group of theses course.
Language course was the most popular one among the four course. However, two third of students in the course were women. The second popular course was painting, despite the number of female was lesser than the language course, but male students were slightly higher. Total 55 students in the course. Women in the drama course were still more than male which was 20 and only half of men joined the course. Men was the only higher number in sculpture. However, overall participants of this course was the least popular among all evening course.
Nearly half of the participants were aged 50 or above and only 5% aged under 20. The age group 40-49 was the second large group joining these evening course. While 11% to 16 % were the group between aged 20 to aged 39.
In conclude, women and the age group over 50 were more willing to spend their evenig time in learning various courses. The younger group below aged 29 were less interested in joining such evening course. |
1 | It is a critical topic whether the society should accept gay marriage and legalized this kind of marriage. This especially sensative to some people with religious background or society with strong religious background.
Some argue that if the society accepts gay marriage, the traditional value and concept of marriage would be affected. The influences are deep and negative. For example, gay marriage is contradict to the nature and could not has next generation, in the long term, leads the reduction of population and harms the growth of economic. In addition, the society has to consider about legal issue if gay marriage is accept . For example, if an legal gay family could adapt children? Who can prossess the asset and wealth from the gay couple?
However, the trend for supporting gay marriage has increased in recent decades, probably because of the equal-right campaign rapidly spreading in the world. Many people state that marriage is a matter of two adults, as long as these two adults make their decision, there is no any harm to other , and the society. Some even believe same-sex marriage is also a nautre development which is long appearing in human history. Moreover, there is no evidence showing gay marriage would harm the society , rather to promote a multi-cultural, a society should accept different races, nationalties and gay people.
In my opinion, we should open our mind to accept gay marriage but we should also respect some religious person' s willingness. Whether gay marriage should be legal is a technical subject that I am not the right person to comment. However, I strongly hope people could respect others with different sexual preference, communication and understanding people with different values are the key for a harmony society. We have to admit that people have their right to choose their marriage in various "types" . |
1 | The bar chart provides the information from an adult education centre for the number of two different sexes in four evening courses in 2009 which were drama, painting, sculpture and language . While the pie chart further illustrates the age group of theses course.
Language course was the most popular one among the four course. However, two third of students in the course were women. The second popular course was painting, despite the number of female was lesser than the language course, but male students were slightly higher. Total 55 students in the course. Women in the drama course were still more than male which was 20 and only half of men joined the course. Men was the only higher number in sculpture. However, overall participants of this course was the least popular among all evening course.
Nearly half of the participants were aged 50 or above and only 5% aged under 20. The age group 40-49 was the second large group joining these evening course. While 11% to 16 % were the group between aged 20 to aged 39.
In conclude, women and the age group over 50 were more willing to spend their evenig time in learning various courses. The younger group below aged 29 were less interested in joining such evening course. |
1 | It is a critical topic whether the society should accept gay marriage and legalized this kind of marriage. This especially sensative to some people with religious background or society with strong religious background.
Some argue that if the society accepts gay marriage, the traditional value and concept of marriage would be affected. The influences are deep and negative. For example, gay marriage is contradict to the nature and could not has next generation, in the long term, leads the reduction of population and harms the growth of economic. In addition, the society has to consider about legal issue if gay marriage is accept . For example, if an legal gay family could adapt children? Who can prossess the asset and wealth from the gay couple?
However, the trend for supporting gay marriage has increased in recent decades, probably because of the equal-right campaign rapidly spreading in the world. Many people state that marriage is a matter of two adults, as long as these two adults make their decision, there is no any harm to other , and the society. Some even believe same-sex marriage is also a nautre development which is long appearing in human history. Moreover, there is no evidence showing gay marriage would harm the society , rather to promote a multi-cultural, a society should accept different races, nationalties and gay people.
In my opinion, we should open our mind to accept gay marriage but we should also respect some religious person' s willingness. Whether gay marriage should be legal is a technical subject that I am not the right person to comment. However, I strongly hope people could respect others with different sexual preference, communication and understanding people with different values are the key for a harmony society. We have to admit that people have their right to choose their marriage in various "types" . |
1 | The two images presented give information regarding the gender and age of attenders of some eductional courses in 2009.
Overall, with the exception of sculpture courses, female is the dominant gender among the people who attended these evening courses. Moreover, most individuals were senior people, meaning they are 50 years old or older.
Beginning with language courses, there were exactly 40 women in these courses, where there were only 20 men in the same. Sculpture courses, the least attended, has around 5 women and 10 men. Painting courses, however, were visited by 30 women and approximately 24 men. Lastly, 20 women and 10 men decided to be visitors of the drama evening courses.
In terms of age diversification, 42 percent of attenders were old people, and only 5 percent of them were young people. Furthermore, 11 percent ranged from 20 to 29 years old, and 42 percent of all attenders aged between 20 and 49. |
1 | Homosexual marriage has always been a topic of a great contrast of opinions among people. Many people view it as a legal right for individulas to marry whatever person, regardless of gender, they consider as a suitable partner. Others, however, believe that gay marriage should be illegal, as it spreads the notion that being gay is normal.
Certainly, both paries make some sound arguments supporing their views, and it is not effortless to decide which side to pick. Nevertheless, governments should not be basid towards any party's views, and a decision from the government must be based on the values and principles of its nation.
People supporing gay marriage claim that governments and individuals should not have the right to decide for people who to marry, as it damages the well-being of those individulals. Moreover, they argue that gayness is not a new tread that has just given a birth, but a natural behavior that has been existed among some types of animals for centuries.
People opposing gay marriage, however, claim that such a behavior will destory society as gay partners cannot reproduce, and thus, the population number will start gradually decrease. Opposiers also ague that if gay marriage was a natural behavior, religion would have advised to do it rather than giving severe warning for people who practice such behavior.
In conclusion, while both sides have countless followers, many governments around the world are leaning towards being fine with homosexual marriage. Personally, I think that every individual has the right to do whatever he desires as long as he does not affact others in the process. |
1 | These three pie charts illustrate how dangerous waste products are disposed of in three countries. Overall, two countries, the Republic of Korea, and Sweden dispose of dangerous waste in three types, while there are five types of disposition in the United Kingdom.
Firstly, the Republic of Korea and Sweden deal with dangerous waste in recycling, incineration, and underground. The Republic of Korea has 69 percent of recycling
them, while Sweden is 25 percent. The Republic of Korea is approximately three times higher than Sweden. In contrast, Sweden mainly relies on dealing with dangerous waste by burying them underground. It is more than half, which means that more than two times higher than Korea. It is 55 percent in Sweden, and 22 percent in Korea respectively.
Interestingly, there are five types of dealing with dangerous waste in the United Kingdom. Mainly the UK utilizes in incineration. The percentage is 82 percent. The way of disposing type is much higher than Republic of Korea and Sweden.
In addition, the UK utilizes in Chemical treatment, and dumping at sea. Each percentage is eight percent respectively. |
1 | Some people strongly blame that the government does not control the rise in obesity in children. Although the government needs to take responsibility to some extent, I disagree with this idea.
Firstly, people need to consider, who needs to take responsibility for raising children. It is obviously their parents. This means that if parents gave well controlled, and balanced nutritious food to children, it would be possible to prevent the rise in obesity. Therefore, parents need to consider their children's health as a top priority, instead of criticizing the government. Therefore, parents first need to master cooking.
On the other hand, some countries face a high percentage of obesity in children is higher than in other developed countries. This means that some food that contains too much sugar might be sold cheaper than healthy food, vegetable, chicken, fish, and so on. Therefore, parents who are suffering from poverty tend to choose cheaper, and unhealthy food. This is understandable that governments need to control the prices between healthy food and too much sugar and fat contained food.
Finally, in my opinion, however, some food contains too much sugar, fat, and too high calories are cheaper, so parents need to consider their children's health as the first priority. Although the government controlled the food prices between unhealthy food and wholesome food, the parents continued choosing unhealthy food and never cooked meals, and the rise in obesity in children remains the same. Therefore, the most important point is parents need to educate themselves about nutrition and observe their children's diet. If they learned and made some effort to provide healthy food to children, the percentage of obesity will drastically drop. |
1 | The 3 pie charts illustrate how wastes are handled in Sweden, Rebublic of Korea, and the United Kingdom.
Simimlar to the Republic of Korea, Sweden uses three methods to take care of wastes: recycling, incineration, and underground burrying. The United Kingdom however, relies on chemical treatment and dumping at sea instead of recycling, while also using underground dumping and incineration. Recycling was used to deal with 69% of the republic of north koreas wastes, and 25% of sweden's wastes. Moreover, underground dumping was used mostly in the United Kingdom which handles a considerable 82 percent of its trash, compared to the Republic of Korea and Sweden where it was utilized to get rid of only 22 percent and 55% percent respectively.
Chemical treatment and dumping at sea were used only in the United Kingdom to clear 8 percent of wastes each. Incineration was the least common method used among the three countries as it only dealt with 2% of the United kingdoms waste, 9% of the republic of north Korea's, and 20% of swedens. |
1 | Some individuals say that children's obesity is the fault of the parents, while others argue that it is strictly the governments fault. While both have effects on the childs habits from an early age, i think that it is mostly the parents fault.
It is debated that childhood obesity is mainly the parents responsibility for various reasons. Many parents schedueles and lifestyles are not fit for having a child as their routines are not flexible enough to properly take care of him/her. For example, in most western houses, both the mother and the father have jobs to attend everyday, and dont return home to their children till the late afternoon. By that time, the parents will both be too exausted to properly look after their child, which will lead to him/her eating any food no matter its quality and source such as fast foods and sweets, which are calorie dense and low volume. Furthermore, studies have shown that around 42 percent of parents in the United States did not care what their child consumed given it was cheap and does not require preparation. As far as i am concerned, this is enough evidence to justify it being mostly the parents fault.
On the other hand, others argue that it is primarely the governments fault. Governments have complete control over what advertisements can or cannot be portrayed to the public. Knowing that most advertisements we see are related to fast food chains and chocolate bars, we can deduce that it undoubtebly has a major effect on children which will beg their parents. to try some of this food. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that fast foods contain substances which encourage addiction. So when fast foods are easily accesible no matter which city you are in, parents will have a hard time controlling which foods their children eat. I agree that the government has a major influence on children, but their parents have greater controll over them.
In conclusion, while the government is undoubtebly the root of obesity amongst children, it is completely up to the parents to either develop this problem or put limitations to it. |
1 | The pie graph shows how dangerous waste products are treated in three different countries.
First of all, the most striking information is that the vast majority of the products in the United Kingdom are burned, which is clearly not the case in Republic of Korea as well as in Sweden, who tend to use more ecological processes.
To begin, the United Kingdom use incineration for their waste products in 82% of the cases. It's quite the contrary in the other countries, because Sweden uses this technique only for a fifth of their products. It's even less the case in the Republic of Korea, which is slightly under 10%.
Secondly, recycling is a big part of how products are processed in Korea as it represents almost two third of the techniques that they use. In Sweden a quarter of the waste products are recycled, which represents only 2% in the UK.
Finally, the UK gets rid of 16% of their products by dumping them at sea or by chemical treatment which are techniques that do not exist in the other countries. In fact, in Korea, roughly a fifth of the products are buried undergound, while more than the half are treated as the same way in Sweden.
To conclude, the UK do not use recycling and burying techniques as treatment for waste products. They would rather burn them or dumping at sea as well as using chemical treatment. In Sweden and Korea, the treatments are more oriented towards recycling and burrying. |
1 | Nowadays, obesity is increasingly affecting children. As a result, they put their own health at stake because obesity have strong negative effects on it. Nevertheless, I believe that governments are not responsible for the rise in obesity in children as they often warn people to avoid unhealthy food, and advise them to stay in good physical condition by promoting physical activity.
On the one hand, there are some people who claim that governements are responsible for this phenomenon because they do not prevent big companies of fast food like Mac Donald from spreading in the country. As a result, they think that children will be increasingly attracted by this type of food.
However, I do not agree with this argument. For example, USA governement has invested a lot of money in the promotion of organic food for children. In fact, more advertisements about that can now be seen regularly on TV. Moreover, a lot of canteens in schools in America have been obliged to propose healthy menus which contain organic food for children in order to keep them in good health.
On the other hand, other people argue that governments are keen on making profit, so they prefer to promote TV programms for children, which are very addictive, rather than physical activity. Consequently, young people do not want to do sport as they do not move constantly, so they gain weight easily.
Nevertheless, I find this argument not relevant because evidence shows that children are more active than ever before nowadays. For instance, in France, the government has constructed more than 50 000 sport facilities in the country over the 10 past years. This brought about a significant increase in children who practice sports regularly.
To conclude, I am conviced that governments all over the world have been putting a lot of efforts in order to prevent children from obesity, since most of them have promoted organic food as well as physical activity for young people. |
1 | The pie charts illustrate the dealing with dangerous waste products in the Republic of Korea, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. It can be clearly seen that the last country is the only one where people do not use the recycling method; instead, they prefer chemical treatment and dumping at sea.
According to the data, the underground method (82%) coloured in red in the United Kingdom pie chart prevails, compared to Sweden (55%) and the Republic of Korea (22%), coloured in green. On the other hand, people in the Republic of Korea prefer to use the recycling method 69%) the most, while those who live in Sweden do not use it so often (25%).
The United Kingdom has identical points at 8% for chemical treatment and dumping at sea methods. However, the lowest point (2%) has the incineration method in this country, while people in the Republic of Korea and Sweden destroy waste by fire more often, 9% and 20%, respectively. |
1 | A tremendous number of people believe that country's authorities are responsible for the rise in obesity in kids. However, there are both truth and falsehoods in this controversial statement, which will be discussed in this essay.
A lot of people may agree with this because they think that the government does not take measures to stop selling high sugar products, which may cause obesity, in schools. Moreover, they may suggest that government is also responsible for junk food advertisements because it is not forbidden yet. For instance, if children see a french fries and hamburgers advertisement in cartoons they are watching, they may want to eat fast food every day to be like their favourite cartoon character who enjoys the same meal.
On the other hand, some people are convinced that only parents are responsible for their own kids. They understand that children's food and sports habits are similar to those which their parents have. For example, if human beings explain to their kids how food influences physical and mental health and cook fresh, healthy dishes for the whole family every day, no one will want to buy fast food or even overeat.
In conclusion, the government is responsible the same as parents are. From my point of view, children's obesity is a huge problem that is difficult to solve in the modern world because of a lot of different factors. Nevertheless, if the government allows selling only healthy food in schools, and parents teach kids to do physical exercises and eat junk food only on holidays, obesity in children may have a chance to decrease with time. |
1 | The pie charts illustrate the dealing with dangerous waste products in the Republic of Korea, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. It can be clearly seen that the last country is the only one where people do not use the recycling method; instead, they prefer chemical treatment and dumping at sea.
According to the data, the underground method (82%) coloured in red in the United Kingdom pie chart prevails, compared to Sweden (55%) and the Republic of Korea (22%), coloured in green. On the other hand, people in the Republic of Korea prefer to use the recycling method 69%) the most, while those who live in Sweden do not use it so often (25%).
The United Kingdom has identical points at 8% for chemical treatment and dumping at sea methods. However, the lowest point (2%) has the incineration method in this country, while people in the Republic of Korea and Sweden destroy waste by fire more often, 9% and 20%, respectively. |
1 | A tremendous number of people believe that country's authorities are responsible for the rise in obesity in kids. However, there are both truth and falsehoods in this controversial statement, which will be discussed in this essay.
A lot of people may agree with this because they think that the government does not take measures to stop selling high sugar products, which may cause obesity, in schools. Moreover, they may suggest that government is also responsible for junk food advertisements because it is not forbidden yet. For instance, if children see a french fries and hamburgers advertisement in cartoons they are watching, they may want to eat fast food every day to be like their favourite cartoon character who enjoys the same meal.
On the other hand, some people are convinced that only parents are responsible for their own kids. They understand that children's food and sports habits are similar to those which their parents have. For example, if human beings explain to their kids how food influences physical and mental health and cook fresh, healthy dishes for the whole family every day, no one will want to buy fast food or even overeat.
In conclusion, the government is responsible the same as parents are. From my point of view, children's obesity is a huge problem that is difficult to solve in the modern world because of a lot of different factors. Nevertheless, if the government allows selling only healthy food in schools, and parents teach kids to do physical exercises and eat junk food only on holidays, obesity in children may have a chance to decrease with time. |
0 | The charts show the information about population in France and India. Obviously, there are some differences, like the lifetime, sex retio, newborns. Next, we'll analysize and make comparisions.
First, let's look at the whole data and the feature of the chart. Blue stands for males and red stands for females. That is to say, in France the population is much smaller than that in India. India has a very large population. Secondly, people's lifetime is longer in France. And most of the females can live a longer life than males. And there are many more women than men who can live to the age of eighty-five. However, Generally speaking , In India, people can live to over 70 years old. So in a whold, Indian people live shorter than Frenchmen. At last, let's see the newborns. In France the number of babies are smaller, but the number of people aging 50 years old is larger, which shows that France is now facing the ageing
problems. More old people need so much care and attention.
In a word, the charts show that the two countries have their own features of population and it shows their different developments of societies. |
0 | With the development of society, people have been paying more attention to children's education. Every parent hopes that their kids can have better and more skilled to face the challenges in the future. At this time, extra classes came into being. Besides the lessons in school, children will attend different kinds of extra classes, such as classes on sports, maths, languages, arts. In my opinion, it is a worthwhile thing to do, but children shouldn't be given too much pressure.
Students in school usually have 5-6 classes, and after school they need develop their hobbies and have more time to do outdoor activities with their friends or classmates. In class , they get the knowledge from teachers and textbooks while after school they learn from experiencing the life, getting into nature and make connections by social skills. So I think students can have some extro classes not for studing the knowledge but for experencing, developing, and make themselves be themselves, become a whole person.
My son is an active boy who loves sports and he is into riding horses, play badminton and swimming. So I chose to take him to the club of horse riding on Tuesday after school . On Thursday, he will go to attend the swiming class with his friends. They not only learn the swimming skills from teacher but aslo have geat fun, and I always see his smiling face. I found that more sports and hobbies can really make the kids feel relaxed instead of some bored extra maths, languages classes. Kids need improve and learn new skills so as to have a better and brighter future, extra classes are needed ,but not too many or not too heavy. Be a whole person and be themselves is more important. |
2 | The charts demonstrate the sex distribution in a various of age groups between France and India in 1984.
By and large, the males and females in the population of France almost balanced each other particularly in the age groups of 0-65 years old in 1984 with a symmetric sex composition. The age group 30-35 was revealed to be the highest percentages of population in France whereas the largest proportion of Indian population was in the age group 0-5 with a skewed sex ratio.
Going into more details, in regard to age structure of population, India had a vast majority of population in younger groups, constituting for 49% of population in the age groups of 0-20 years old. In particular, the highest percentages of Indian population presented in the age group 0-5 with the males to felamles ratio around 7% to 6.5%. Indian aged 70 years old or more was shown a steep decline, reaching less than 2% of population with balanced sex distribution.
In contrast, French people aged 10 - 40 years old made up the largest section in demographic structure, accounting for approximately 45% of population. The age group 30-35 reported as the highest proportion of population in France with around 4% of population in each gender. The males to females ratio in the age group 85 years old or more was represented to be the smallest of population in France, by 0.2% males to 1% females of population. |
1 | Nowadays, trading businesses are made throughout the world resulting from the increased globalization. Consequently, employees are requested to have a variety of knowledge in their jobs due to remain a highly competitive capabilities in labour markets over the world. Parents have much struggles on the arrangement regarding additional classes out of school to their children in order to gain the competitive advantages in their future career. This eassy attempts to find out the main considerations on this.
There is no doubt that school curriculum largely focuses on academic studies, including physical, Maths and organic chemistry etc., Those subjects are designed to connect with learning in a higher education. It is reasonable to say that this curriculum may not enable the teenagers to gain various knowledeges aspects of digital world and our planet. Learning in extra classes out of syllabus is an opportunity for them to really discover what they may be passionate about and in turn, help them develop new skills that may come in handy for a future occupation that is related.
On the other hand, it is not difficult to notice a lot of parents forcing their children into learning something that does not interest them. Sometimes, the intensive courses are arranged by parents to their children study at the weekends. As a result, it could lead to undesired results or even negative impacts on the parent-child relationship, so maybe it's best for children to figure it out on their own sometimes.
My take on this is that younsters are extremely inquisitive and energetic, consequently, it's really the prime time of their life to explore and learn new things. Studying in classes outside the syllabus are good intention, but children are forced to learn what their parents love to only. This not only ruins the parent-child relationship but also may results in children's resistance to learning. |
1 | These bar charts illustrate different ages categories from 0-5 years old to over 70 of people living in France and India during the year of 1984.
Overall, France population ages present various percentages not over 4% between males and females, whereas in India with the increase of age the percentages decreased gradually.
Firstly, a bulk of population in France from 10-15 to 30-35 age category of males and females had the highest averages with almost 3,5%, whereas from 40-45 to 60-65 reached approximately 2,7%. By contrast it is noticeable that from 70-75 to 80-85 females were around only the half of the total percentage and males no more than 1%.
Secondly, In india the highest proportion of population is the young of 0-5 to 15-20 with nearly 7% and 6% respectively. Moreover, the medium categories both males and females that represent the half of the total percentages is 30-35 to 50-55. By contrast, it is clearly seen that the over 60 population reached just no more than 3%. |
1 | Nowadays educational institutions are equipped with devices that were unimaginable only a few years ago, which offer many opportunities to children to study every kind of subject. In other words, the technology introduced in schools helps many children to learn various subjects with different gadgets, such geography, art, maths by computers or history by means of audio-visual-techniques. However, I believe that children thanks to these appealing methods of learning have enough education and they need some time to unwind and experience their life with other activites.
To begin with, apply children to extra classes at the weekends has become an issue of debate by many people. I hold firmly to the belief that children after schools need to dedicate their free time on sports. However, sports and other physical activities help young people to enhance their concentration, self-esteem and cognitive skills, social skills with their peer group. For example the most popular and suitable to children are sports with teams, such as football, basketball etc... where children could learn how to collaborate with other mates and the leadership skills gained in sports can help kids to excel in school, life and in the workplace, such as organising a good teamwork.
On the other hand, there are few parents who argue that children need to attend extra classes at schools during the weekends. For instance, the world is still facing a global pandemic of covid-19, which caused many problems of attendency of students in many educational institutions due to various measures introduced. However this led many students to lazyness and reduction of methods of gaining knowledge, because it is widely believed that online lessons are not interactive as the lessons in presence. Moreover using continously a technological gadget for hours may cause distraction and negative mental effects. So the better solution for some people is to let their children do extra classes in presence in order to make up for the hours lost during the online lessons.
To sum up, children need to experience different activities afterschool in order to have a good educational career. However some parents consider the extra classes an acceptable opportunity to not lose the methods of studying. |
1 | These bar charts illustrate different ages categories from 0-5 years old to over 70 of people living in France and India during the year of 1984.
Overall, France population ages present various percentages not over 4% between males and females, whereas in India with the increase of age the percentages decreased gradually.
Firstly, a bulk of population in France from 10-15 to 30-35 age category of males and females had the highest averages with almost 3,5%, whereas from 40-45 to 60-65 reached approximately 2,7%. By contrast it is noticeable that from 70-75 to 80-85 females were around only the half of the total percentage and males no more than 1%.
Secondly, In india the highest proportion of population is the young of 0-5 to 15-20 with nearly 7% and 6% respectively. Moreover, the medium categories both males and females that represent the half of the total percentages is 30-35 to 50-55. By contrast, it is clearly seen that the over 60 population reached just no more than 3%. |
1 | Nowadays educational institutions are equipped with devices that were unimaginable only a few years ago, which offer many opportunities to children to study every kind of subject. In other words, the technology introduced in schools helps many children to learn various subjects with different gadgets, such geography, art, maths by computers or history by means of audio-visual-techniques. However, I believe that children thanks to these appealing methods of learning have enough education and they need some time to unwind and experience their life with other activites.
To begin with, apply children to extra classes at the weekends has become an issue of debate by many people. I hold firmly to the belief that children after schools need to dedicate their free time on sports. However, sports and other physical activities help young people to enhance their concentration, self-esteem and cognitive skills, social skills with their peer group. For example the most popular and suitable to children are sports with teams, such as football, basketball etc... where children could learn how to collaborate with other mates and the leadership skills gained in sports can help kids to excel in school, life and in the workplace, such as organising a good teamwork.
On the other hand, there are few parents who argue that children need to attend extra classes at schools during the weekends. For instance, the world is still facing a global pandemic of covid-19, which caused many problems of attendency of students in many educational institutions due to various measures introduced. However this led many students to lazyness and reduction of methods of gaining knowledge, because it is widely believed that online lessons are not interactive as the lessons in presence. Moreover using continously a technological gadget for hours may cause distraction and negative mental effects. So the better solution for some people is to let their children do extra classes in presence in order to make up for the hours lost during the online lessons.
To sum up, children need to experience different activities afterschool in order to have a good educational career. However some parents consider the extra classes an acceptable opportunity to not lose the methods of studying. |
1 | The diagram depicts how to make a dough for a standard Italian pizza, by using just a few ingredients as wel as some utensils. The whole process takes a few minutes of active time to produce and some passive time to let the dough rest.
The ingredients required are as follows: four cups of 2000 grams of type '00' flour, one and a half cups or 325 grams of water, 2 teaspoons of salt and half a teaspoon of dry active yeast. They are first put into a stand mixer, mixed on slow speed for two minutes, then again on moderate speed for five minutes. For the last two minutes, the dough is mixed on slow speed.
After the mixing procedure, the dough is left to rise for at least two hours, until it is doubled in size. This is occurring as the yeast in it absorbs all the sugar and converts into carbon dioxide, which is a gas trapped in the dough. Afterwards, we deflate it in order to get rid of all the air inside. Finally, the dough is cut into three equal pieces and they are ready to be made into delicious pizza. |
2 | With the prevalence of sports nowadays, whether taking part in sports as a team or an individual is more beneficial has sparked off a lively debate. While many believe that playing sports as teams can elevate one's teamwork skills, others believe that playing sports alone can develop self-determination and confidence. Given that sports can be played in either conditions, I would like to discuss both perspectives before giving my opinion.
When it comes to sports, most people would think of team sports such as football, basketball and volleyball. These kinds of sports can help us to evolve important life skills. Especially for children, playing team sports is an indispensible method to develop interpersonal skills. Working as a teammate helps one to build relations and communicate with one another, distributing responsibilities. As a result, the skills the children learnt will be used to cope with future life as teenagers and adults.
Although playing sports alone will not gain any benefits from what I have mentioned above, it will help us to establish skills for an individual, such as self-determination and confidence, as well as concentrate for a long period. For instance, individual sports such as swimming and karate, require sportspeople to build their bravery, as well as formulate techniques to face their opponents. Therefore, even though working in teams can develop better abilities, we should not overlook the fact that doing sports as one can also volatilize its advantage.
Having discussed how sports played alone and as a group can develop corresponding skills, from my perspective, I reckon that playing sports in teams is more beneficial. Almost all walks of life require communication with others, so skills developed in teams are more advantageous then those in person. |
1 | In the diagram, the steps needed to obtain a dough for a pizza are shown, figures are given for grams and time required for the process.
In the initial stage, the staple ingredients, namely, 4 coup of 00 flour, 325 gr of water ( roughly one and a half cups) and a half teaspoon of dry active yeast respectively, are blended together in a cup.
After being placed in a stand mixer, the primordial dough undergo through 3 mixing stages, with the first and the third at slow speed for 2 minutes each, and the second at medium speed for 5 minutes.
Subsequently, the dough is going to be left to rest as long as its thickness has increased twofold, which it would takes at least 2 Hours.
Having gotten rid of the bubbles by squeezing them manually, the resulting portion of dough is either divided thoroughly into 3 slices equally sized or making each of the three parts weigh 275 grams. |
1 | Doing sports has become part and parcel of our daily routine , and its beneficial effects are beyond dispute. However, which between individual or team is most useful and salutary is a question that stir up fierce debate amongst public opinion.
To start with, beginning a team sport activity since from the childhood has countless advantages, first of all, it helps connecting athletes one another in an engaging and ever- stimulating experience.
Secondly, by empowering players of sharing tasks with the team, both empathy and discipline will be developed.
Nevertheless, the most common shortcoming of playing in a team is that often one’s overall performance can be restrained by constantly hewing to a strict tactics which leave no room for bold or creative moves, stifling any prospective talent on the rise.
In contrast, individual sports require a precise mindset and the natural flair for breaking the mold along with the urge to take on themselves in a never-ending clash under the banner of “ may the best man win”.
However, anyone can undertake such an activities, whose undoubtedly beneficial health effects, come into their own.
Although the spirit of challenge is equally through the roof in comparison with team sports, the absence of mates to confront with may, in the long run, leads the individual player to become decidedly more reclusive and self-reliant.
According to my experience, I would not have become companionable and self-reliant if I had not joined the basketball team when I was 9 years old. Moreover, playing with others, has helped me to pushing my limits further ahead without breaching those of my teammate, being a sort of example to follow and a beacon to turn to, in case of needs. |
1 | In this graph, the process of how to prepare a pizza-dough is presented with pitcures and numbers.
Base on the instruction, one can divide the whole process into two section. The first section is to show the ingredients are prepared in step 1 to 5. The second section only consists of step 6 and 7, which are the last two steps, is used to present how to work and cut the dough by hand.
To start, one need to prepare 500g of 00 flour and 325g of water, in the form of 4 and 2 cups, and mix them with 2 teaspoons of salt plus 1.5 teaspoons of dry active yeast. Once all these materials are placed into a stand mixer, it must be mixed for approximately 9 minutes. The stirring process is done by machine and can be divided into three distinctive stages: slow mixing for 2 minutes, medium mixing for 5 minutes and slow mixing again for at least 2 minutes. Once done, the mixture should be waited for no less than 2 hours and let it rise to double its size.
Afterward, the dough can be worked by hand, so all the air bubbles in the dough are removed. It is then cut into three equal sections. If one wish to be precise, the dough could also be cut into 3 parts of 275g each. |
1 | While many regard team sports such as football and basketball are the better choices for sport, there are still some stick on to the individual sports. To my point of view, I prefer individual sports over team sports as the latter is more harmful and less beneficial from both physical and mental perspective.
Firstly, I think sports played in groups tend to cause more harm in the forms of stress and injuries. To start, virtually all team sports are played as competitions: it must have a winnner and a loser, or losers. Since no one wish to be the stepstone of the champion, it causes a tremendous amount of stress on players' psyche. Also, many team sports inevitably requires phyiscal contacts of the players, the competitive nature of such sports often intensify the contact which some leads to injuries. Many famous sportsmen, like Jianlian Yi, one of the only two Chinese basketball players in NBA, were forced to retire early due to the injuries sustained during matches.
On the other hand, individual sports like swimming and joggling do not have such issues. Since one can swim or run alone, there is no such need to compete with others and cause stress. The removal of physical contact with other players also reduce the likelihood of sport injuries such as head-to-head collisions. Plus, one would focus more on how to self-improve on his/her phyiscal abilities. Moreover, some individual sports like joggling and hiking encourage people to explore mother nature. According to a study done by UBC in 2005, the higher exposure to the nature, one will have lesser likelihood to suffer mental disorders such as major depressions disorder (MDD) and general anxiety disorder (GAD).
In conclusion, I would say sports that played individually is has more benefits than team sports, from both the physical and mental point of views. |
1 | Making dough for a pizza needs seven steps. Before getting start, few ingredients need to be prepared which include 4 cups(500 grams) of 00 flour, 1 and half cups (325 grams)of water, also 2 tea spoon of salt, 1 and half tea spoon of dry active yeast.
First step, put all four ingredients which mentioned above into a stand mixer. Second step, in order to have a nice dough, patience is necessray, mixing all ingredients for 2 minutes on slow mode. Third step, increase the mixing speed to medium for another 5 minutes. Fourth step, turn down the speed back to slow mode for the last 2 minutes. Fifth step, let dough rest for minimum of 2 hours, this is a very important step for making of dough which can not be cut off, the dough size should double in size after this step. Sixth step, in order to work the dough to remove all air bubbles we need to roll the dough back and forward over and over again. Seventh step which is final step, cut the dough into 3 equal pieces which weigh in 275 grams each. |
1 | There are lots of benifits in both party of sports which is group sports and individual sports. Many argue that one is better than another. By analyzing my personal experience, both side advantages and disadvanteges will be discussed.
Health, the main factor that make people doing the sport in some extent. Many sports help body to increase the metabolism and keep our figure look slim. For example, like swiming, the sport is well-known for beauty body buidling, many reaserch show that water pressure form muscle into more dynamic beautiful shape than any other sport regardless of safty issues which part of events were practice in open water.
Compare to swiming, a group sport like soccer game need 22 players participate into the field. Average soccer player have very powerful core strenth, in order to compete in this match, soccer player need to wear certain protection to prevent from injury such as foot pad to reduce the impact from side kick from other players and ankel protector. Undoubtly, soccer players have most strong body among many sports. However, they are the group of people most likely get injuryed more frequently.
Sport also can build trust and friendship between people. In this aspect, both individual sports and group sports are proven that partipating in group games or competing with another player on a 1v1 match can increase the improvement of sportsmanship between people. Like olympic motto, "stonger, faster and higher", a good sport can bring people together and compete each other in a fair and friendly enviornment. However, individual sport may get boring faster than group sports due to lack of competition.
In conclusion, neither group sports nor individual sports are perfect in every aspects. It is important to found a sport suit for each individual personal interest. All kinds of sports always carry benifits with dangerous if people do not do it well. |
1 | Making dough for a pizza needs seven steps. Before getting start, few ingredients need to be prepared which include 4 cups(500 grams) of 00 flour, 1 and half cups (325 grams)of water, also 2 tea spoon of salt, 1 and half tea spoon of dry active yeast.
First step, put all four ingredients which mentioned above into a stand mixer. Second step, in order to have a nice dough, patience is necessray, mixing all ingredients for 2 minutes on slow mode. Third step, increase the mixing speed to medium for another 5 minutes. Fourth step, turn down the speed back to slow mode for the last 2 minutes. Fifth step, let dough rest for minimum of 2 hours, this is a very important step for making of dough which can not be cut off, the dough size should double in size after this step. Sixth step, in order to work the dough to remove all air bubbles we need to roll the dough back and forward over and over again. Seventh step which is final step, cut the dough into 3 equal pieces which weigh in 275 grams each. |
1 | There are lots of benifits in both party of sports which is group sports and individual sports. Many argue that one is better than another. By analyzing my personal experience, both side advantages and disadvanteges will be discussed.
Health, the main factor that make people doing the sport in some extent. Many sports help body to increase the metabolism and keep our figure look slim. For example, like swiming, the sport is well-known for beauty body buidling, many reaserch show that water pressure form muscle into more dynamic beautiful shape than any other sport regardless of safty issues which part of events were practice in open water.
Compare to swiming, a group sport like soccer game need 22 players participate into the field. Average soccer player have very powerful core strenth, in order to compete in this match, soccer player need to wear certain protection to prevent from injury such as foot pad to reduce the impact from side kick from other players and ankel protector. Undoubtly, soccer players have most strong body among many sports. However, they are the group of people most likely get injuryed more frequently.
Sport also can build trust and friendship between people. In this aspect, both individual sports and group sports are proven that partipating in group games or competing with another player on a 1v1 match can increase the improvement of sportsmanship between people. Like olympic motto, "stonger, faster and higher", a good sport can bring people together and compete each other in a fair and friendly enviornment. However, individual sport may get boring faster than group sports due to lack of competition.
In conclusion, neither group sports nor individual sports are perfect in every aspects. It is important to found a sport suit for each individual personal interest. All kinds of sports always carry benifits with dangerous if people do not do it well. |
0 | The graph indicates food price and oil price both how to change in the worldwide scale during 2000 to 2011. Their fluctuations of price were similar.
In 2000, food price was 90 points, and oil price was $30. Then, both prices had slowly increased till 2007. Suddenly, food price and oil price both had a drastic jump in 2008. Separately, food index price reached to 220 points,meanwhile oil price was beyond $220 where was the highest price in the historical record. Strangely, both prices dropped sharply in 2009, food price returned to 140 points same as the previous price in 2007, and oil price returned to less $40 same as the previous price in 2005. However, since 2009, food price and oil price both performed a shaking tendency. Finally, food price reached to the new highest points, 140 in 2011, and oil price was weaker than food price, which was $100 in 2011.
Global food price and oil price are the two dominant index to expose the change of the global financial market. They interact with each other. |
1 | The international student exchange is getting more popular in many high schools in big cities. This operation brings many advantages which would be beneficial for teenager students. Though, here some disadvantages still exist.
Firstly, I think one of disadvantages is that lack of supervision on the international exchange teenagers as they are living in other countries. In general speaking, the youths felt strange and inadaptable at initial period. They can’t speak well foreign language, can’t communicate well with other classmates or teachers, so they might feel alone and isolate from a new circumstance. If they can’t adjust themselves well to fit in with groups as soon as possible, they will encounter more difficult things, such as studying, social and daily routine. The worse situation is that they might give up their studying, even they will mislead them into crime.
On the contrary, the advantages are far more than disadvantages. For example, youths will extend their horizons. They will see and know many new things what they never seen in domestic. They would easily accept those new things than adults, because youths have curiosities all long. Furthermore, the teenagers easier to make new friends in other countries, because they are always passion and single-minded. In order to communicate with different background students from all over the world, they must cultivate their social capacities harder than before. It is the best way to elevate their skills of the foreign language is communication. Moreover, through the different viewpoint collisions the international exchange students have gained multiple and scientific logics, which will have a profound impact at the rest their lives. However, I think the simplest advantage is that most the international exchange students have possessed with an excellent foreign language ability after then come back.
At the end of my essay, I think it is not suit for all teenagers to be the international exchange students. Here the teenagers must accept some selection processes under the fair and effective principles. |
1 | The line graph illustrates the trend of global food price index and average oil price from 2000 to 2011.
Overall, it can be seen that the food and oil price continuously rose with fluctuations over the period despite the fact that there was a sharp decrease between the year 2008 and 2009.
Looking at the detail, at the beginning the food price index and the oil price started at about 90 points and a little less than $30 per barrel respectively. These figures then gradually increased until during 2007 to the middle of 2008 the record jumped from around 140 points to above 220 points for the food index and soared approximately three times for the oil price.
For the rest of the year 2008, the level of the food index and oil price substantially dropped to 140 points and about $40 per barrel respectively. Since 2009, the value of the food index was always more than that of the oil price. However, the tendency of both indicators significantly grew with a noticeable dip in 2010, and eventually reached at 240 points for the food index and almost $100 per barrel for the oil price. |
1 | Many teachers believe that an international exchange program would benefit all adolescent students. While there are clear drawbacks to this, in my opinion the advantages are more significant. The essay will demonstrate that pupils will build life skills by joining the program. This is followed by explaining why continuing learning in the domestic school after finishing the exchange can be practicable.
It is obvious that the exchange program is likely to give an opportunity for students to learn to live with people from different society and nationality which is the experience that they are not able to have when studying in their country. As a result, they will have the ability to communicate with various types of people and handle challenging situations. Furthermore, there is research indicating that pupils who study in another country are able to lead a group of acquaintances under pressure.
On the other hand, those who oppose this may point out that when the exchange complete and the students resume their courses in the domestic school, they are perhaps unable to keep pace with others and, consequently, there might be some students who cannot pass exams. Nevertheless, the aforementioned issue can possibly be addressed by teachers to arrange extra classes for the students in order for them to learn about what they have missed when they attended the exchange program.
In conclusion, despite the fact that some students may find difficulty in carrying on studies in the school after the completion of the exchange, I am convinced that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. This is because children are likely to gain valuable experience which they can only have when studying aboard. |
1 | The provided illustration depicts a map of a proposed town.
To summarize, the neighbourhood will consist of eleven blocks with most of them having two housings. The town shown in the map can be divided by the ring roads into two parts, which are inner and outer areas.
Putting into details, the outer part of the proposed town will include seven roads connecting to the ring roads and four of them will lead into the city center. There will be two industrial areas, one on the top left of the map and another at the bottom right. The other five blocks will be all containing two housings. Among all of them, only two blocks will be differed, while the first one which is at the bottom left will include an additional recreational area, the other one at the middle right part of the map will double the size of other blocks.
Moving on to the inner part, a square shaped city center will be constructed in the middle of the town, with two parking areas and two bus stands at the corners. There will be two recreational locations, one at the bottom left block with three sites and another one site at the top right block. |
1 | International sport events such as the Olympics and the World Cup tend to be the center of attention when they are held. While many people believe that being the location of the events can bring tremendous advantages to the host, others argue that the preparation does not worth the benefits. This essay will examine the opinions of both sides.
To begin with, an international sport tournament leads to an abruptly economic growth as it attracts a large number of sports fans from all around the globe. Being the destination of these visitors, all hotels in the city and neighbouring areas can be fully booked and local businesses surrounding will be in turmoil to serve the tourists. For example, the Olympics usually caused all accommodations around the hosting areas to be occupied and therefore, the city can obtain additional income by setting up temporary accommodations. Nevertheless, these opportunities usually come with enormous prices.
With the foregoing benefits, the hosting country needs to put enormous effort into preparation prior to the event. To elaborate, in order to welcome a countless amount of visitors, the country is required to invest in constructing, maintenance, and improvement of venues and various relevant locations. As a certain level of readiness and handling standards are expected from the fans, failing to meet the expectations can lead to negative reputations of the country. Furthermore, the hosting country will also have to bear the risks that may impact the event. For example, if there is any force majeure such as a pandemic, the event may be postponed or even cancelled.
To conclude, the occurance of international sports events can bring significant devlopments to the host in an exchange of a great deal of investments and risks. Thus, the government must consider thoroughly before deciding to step in. |
1 | The diagram describes the map of a proposed village, although its name remains unknown. Overall, it is evident that the town will be configured around a central square, which will be mostly used as a parking lot.
Most buildings of the future town will be used as dwellings. Currently, there are 16 housing units that will be constructed both inside and outside the ring roads. Additionally, there are plans to build at least 5 recreational areas, so children and their families could spend time together while relaxing and playing. This will improve the citizens' quality of life.
Not all the areas of the proposed village, however, will be residential buildings and parks. At least 2 entire blocks will be used as industry areas. These blocks will be allocated at the town's periphery, which will hopefully reduce the amount of noise that the future inhabitants will be exposed to. On the other hand, at least 2 parking lots and 2 bus stands will be built at the central square. All the roads will be directed towards the central square, which will facilitate car circulation and mobilization. Finally, a few ring roads will be constructed to facilitate the inhabitants' access to their homes. |
1 | Certain people believe that organizing international sports competitions could benefit host countries. While hosting sport events might also entail risks, I firmly believe that nations would gain much more than they would lose, as I will explain below.
International sport competitions are usually large events that bring together thousands of people including athletes, staff, and tourists. This usually represents an attractive opportunity for local business and investors. People need to be fed, thus activating restaurants' economy. Additionally, they need a place to sleep and rest, which would benefit hotels. On the other hand, many countries hosting international competitions build new infrastructure, including stadiums, pools, public squares, and even airports. It is clear that several cities around the world have developed as a result of hosting such events. Let us take the example of the city Montreal in Canada, which hosted the olympic games a few decades ago. Organizing sports events also represents an opportunitty to improve the international image of a country. For example, it is not a secret that some countries such as Germany and Russia have used the World Cup to improve their international image, with positive results overall. Finally, since inhabitants of the host nation would feel inspired to practice a new sport, we could argue that competitions could additionally improve the health and wellbeing of citizens in the long term.
It is important to mention, however, that hosting sport events might also entail some risks. These competitions are usually complex and expensive to organize, and middle- or low-income economies could better use their resources to build vital infrastructure, such as hospitals and schools. Moreover, examples around the world illustrate that some politicians see these events as an opportunity for curruption.
In conclusion, there are more benefits than risks for countries when it comes to hosting international sport events. These events might translate into economic opportunities for local business and investors, could bring new infrastructure, and may trigger development. |
1 | The map shown provides a rough overview of a proposed town structure. There is a clear distinction between residential areas, industries, roads, parking spaces, transport facilities such as buses, and recreational areas.
The diagram is structured in a circular manner, with divisions being made radially. The proposal suggests that the town be arbitrarily divided into an inner and outer ring by a Ring road. Originating from this, are multiple paths in a spoke-like manner. The internal circle has been divided into four regions, not including the central square and the external ring has seven similar parts.
The internal ring consists of two bus stands and parking areas in the middle of the town. Surrounding these lie homes and a few recreational areas interconnected by straight roads.
The outermost part of the map contains the industries, and housing facilities, separated by more lanes. There are two industries, one each on the left upper and right lower corner of the map. These have been provided their own sections distinct from homes, which occupy the other five subdivisions. |
1 | The economic value added to a country hosting an international sports event has been said to benefit the community as a whole. However, many would argue that such events are a waste of useful resources, which could otherwise be streamlined to more needed areas. Although I am of the opinion that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, in this essay I will discuss both viewpoints with the help of relevant examples.
To support my view, I would like to bring to attention the 2009 Olympics held in China, which brought individuals from all over the world. The funds collected from the event provided a massive boost to the economy of the country, a significant portion of which was utilised for the welfare of underprivileged children in the nation.
On the other hand, it is imperative to note that a majority of profits gained from these shows go to the upper classes. For example, the IPL tournaments held in India have seemingly benefitted the uber rich participating in the auctions, while simultaneously draining tax-payers of their money.
However, coming from a community where sports serves as a bonding activity, I would also like to elaborate on the non-economic benefits of these games. The Olympic Games, for instance, garner a mass crowd from various nations bringing a variety of individuals together. They act as a nidus for soothing political tensions and improve diplomatic relations in times of unrest.
While many may object to the violent nature of some sports such as boxing, and the impact they have on young minds, these activities also serve as a conversation starter and are likely to ignite a spark of interest for sports in many.
In conclusion to the aforementioned points, I would like to state that while certain aspects of international sporting events must be checked upon, the pros are worth the effort of organising them. |
1 | The map shown provides a rough overview of a proposed town structure. There is a clear distinction between residential areas, industries, roads, parking spaces, transport facilities such as buses, and recreational areas.
The diagram is structured in a circular manner, with divisions being made radially. The proposal suggests that the town be arbitrarily divided into an inner and outer ring by a Ring road. Originating from this, are multiple paths in a spoke-like manner. The internal circle has been divided into four regions, not including the central square and the external ring has seven similar parts.
The internal ring consists of two bus stands and parking areas in the middle of the town. Surrounding these lie homes and a few recreational areas interconnected by straight roads.
The outermost part of the map contains the industries, and housing facilities, separated by more lanes. There are two industries, one each on the left upper and right lower corner of the map. These have been provided their own sections distinct from homes, which occupy the other five subdivisions. |
1 | The economic value added to a country hosting an international sports event has been said to benefit the community as a whole. However, many would argue that such events are a waste of useful resources, which could otherwise be streamlined to more needed areas. Although I am of the opinion that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, in this essay I will discuss both viewpoints with the help of relevant examples.
To support my view, I would like to bring to attention the 2009 Olympics held in China, which brought individuals from all over the world. The funds collected from the event provided a massive boost to the economy of the country, a significant portion of which was utilised for the welfare of underprivileged children in the nation.
On the other hand, it is imperative to note that a majority of profits gained from these shows go to the upper classes. For example, the IPL tournaments held in India have seemingly benefitted the uber rich participating in the auctions, while simultaneously draining tax-payers of their money.
However, coming from a community where sports serves as a bonding activity, I would also like to elaborate on the non-economic benefits of these games. The Olympic Games, for instance, garner a mass crowd from various nations bringing a variety of individuals together. They act as a nidus for soothing political tensions and improve diplomatic relations in times of unrest.
While many may object to the violent nature of some sports such as boxing, and the impact they have on young minds, these activities also serve as a conversation starter and are likely to ignite a spark of interest for sports in many.
In conclusion to the aforementioned points, I would like to state that while certain aspects of international sporting events must be checked upon, the pros are worth the effort of organising them. |
1 | According to the diagram, the town includes two main sections: urban and suburban, which divides by a Ring Road.
A centre square accurately locates in the middle of the town, and a main road crosses the square then extends the length to two opposite directions. Two parkings and bus stands set up at the square. Moreover, all beginnings of road originate from this square. In the urban area, six blocks of housing surround the square and four recreational facilities locate among in the housings. Out of the Ring road is the suburban area, which is greater area than urban. Two industrial blocks separately locate the opposite corner of the town. In addition, ten blocks of housing dominantly occupy the most areas of the area. But just one recreational facility in the suburban area. |
1 | The topic indicates the international sports events could bring beneficial for a country. There are several aspects to approve as below:
Firstly, international sports events could increase economical income and stimulate domestic consumption. An international sports event usually attracts a lot of audiences and tourists come to host country during the event is holding. A lot of people produce tremendous consumptions which include match tickets, transportation fees , accommodation and shopping costs. Moreover, international sports events will attract many sponsors, both oversea and domestic. They might find the new financial opportunity to extend their further investments in host country. For example, 2018 FIFA World Cup held in Russia where attracted many thousands of tourists flooded into the country and created a huge sum profits.
Secondly, international sports events help to develop country's infrustructures and facilities. For example, in order to hold the 2008 BeiJing Olympic Game China built the nation stadium , nation swimming center and Olympic community so on. Furthermore, the first high speed train started to shuttle from Bei Jing to Tian Jin. In next two decades , more and more high speed trains shuttle in China. Thirdly, an international sports event will efficiently encourage the citizens devoted more passions and enthusiasms to participate in it. For example, Bei Jing is the host city to held the 2022 Winter Olympic Game, which encourage a lot of Chinese to learn and participate these winter sports, like snowboard, skating. Fourth, there is an opportunity to perform various cultures and histories of country to all visitors. Meanwhile, international sports events successfully held in a country that will enhance its international influence and the reputation in international stage.
Generally speaking, international sports events could bring various beneficial development, not only for country but also for individuals. |
1 | The picture below demonstrates the evolution of cutting tools A and B ,over 0.6 million years in the Stone Age. It is compared with regards to its shape in different views ( front , side and back view) with its size being common (5 cm).
In overview , from 0.8 million years to 1.4 million years the tool making has become more sophisticated in size and shape .
The tool A front view is of a triangular shape and is strikingly similar to modern day spear heads, giving it a cutting edge over tool B whose body is more of oval and has less ability to pass through the enemy or animal.The side view of tool A shows the mastery that people have gained in making tools . The sharp edge with a large base provides a technological upper hand than that of tool B.
However , the back view of tool A and tool B has not much differences to its front view respectively. |
1 | It is considered by many nowadays that sports has become a lucrative industry for the sports personals and companies bidding on teams and sports people . Though, there are positive's and negative's considering how humongous the money making business around sports has evolved , the postives outweighs the negatives, which is also my opinion .
Firstly, over the years number of people involving directly by playing a sport or indirectly by watching it has increased . This creates pressure in sports personal and the management to provide quality sports which itself is costly considering the prices of telecasting and the technological advances. Secondly, giving the sports personal proper financial aid ,boosts their performance ,as most of the athletes come from a humble background . Providing financial aid also helps them to buy quality sports gear . Thirdly , most people drop their ambition of taking sports due to poor payments than other sectors , so giving them salaries is quite hard for the sports management if there are no sponsors .
The business around sports has been everblooming, be it in the form of owning, sponsoring or betting. The companies, involve in sports industry with a motive of advertising their brands on large scale ,which otherwise ,is an unachievable task . The betting industry has been rising ,as it is highly lucrative considering the time and resources spent .
On the other hand , people also believed that too much of flow of money has created corruption in the sports sector . The example of DLF IPL scam by Lalit Modi supports the argument of such people , commonwealth scam is also one such. The people in betting are luring players with money and fixing matches for their monetary gains which is killing the spirit of the game.
In conclusion, I support that high earnings in sports industry has had a positive impact on the quality of sports played and also being delivered on televisions with such quality. |
0 | The illustration shows the different features from three different angles between two cutting tools in two particular age: 1.4million years ago and 0.8milllion year ago.
Both cutting tools height 5cm. The tool A was made in 1.4million years ago, much earlier age than the tool B. Thus its feature looks rawer than the tool B, and the tool A with raw edge apparent vision from front and back view. Moreover, the tool A is wider than the tool B due to lack polishing. Along with the development of cutting tools, the tool B looks smoother compare with the tool A. Furthermore, the feature of the tool B became thinner from side view. These changes of the tool B which could effectively reduce the frictions when it used. |
1 | With the rapid development of economy and the increasing people’s enthusiasms, sports industry have been gaining the immense profits. It presents not only the professional players and companies with high earnings, also gain reputations in their fields. From personal view, I think the phenomenon is a negative development. But, from professional players and companies, I think the phenomenon is a positive development.
At first, as an audience, a fan or a consumption, I have to pay more costs for watching sports events or purchasing sport commodities than before. For example, the sport shoes from Nike and Adidas have risen in their prices up year by year. Thus, I think the phenomenon is a negative development. Secondly, on the contract, as professional players, particularly some very famous athletes who have a lot of proponents and gain high reputations all over the world. They have the abilities to create wealth. Besides, they have profound influences and authorities which inspire more people to engage in the sport. For example, Lional Messi, a world-famous soccer player, and Roger Federe, an iconic tennis player. Both they have a lot of followers, some of them are willing to contribute their money and passions to these sports. Furthermore, as a sport company, which would like to invest more capital to research and develop the higher quality of productions. Like high-tech swimming suit , high-tech shoes and high-tech equipment, which not only help the players to create their better scores but also widely attract a lot of people since they are issued . General speaking, sport companies are the dominant sponsors in various sports events. For example, Nike and Adidas company who have strongly supporting many sports events to held annually. Those sports events attract immense audiences simultaneously offer more opportunities to sport players.
On a conclusion, even if the sports industry is gaining high earnings, whereas which stimulate the development of sport economy and inspire many people to focus on sports activities. |
1 | The given map illustrates the changes of the village Chorleywood, located near London, whose population has grown since 1850.
Overall, the structure of the village changed significantly from 1868 to 1994. It is clear that the village growth is particularly linked with the building of the motorway and the railway. The increased infrastructure shaped the layout of surrounded area.
The village was situated on the main road and was comparatively small rom 1868 until 1883. However, from 1883 onwards, the village grew significantly on the southern side. This was due to the railway contstruction in 1909. The part around the Chorleyood Station got populated and stretched along the railroad until the 1970s.
Another key factor of the development was the construction of the motorway in 1970. The motorway was build on the eastern side of the city and crossed the main road as well as the railway. This resulted in new developments around the newly built motorway on former unspoiled land, espescially the Chorleywood Park and Golf Course. |
2 | It is argued that using mobile devices is as antisocial as smoking and that in certain areas smoking has been forbidden so mobile devices should be prohibited as well. I strongly disagree with this statement because this would not solve the initial problem and could turn out expensive as well.
Firstly, banning mobile devices from certain places would be exagerated. This is because smoking actually damages your body, while the use of mobile phones is comparatively harmless. For example, a recent research found out that the risk of lung cancer grows by 0,02% with every cigarette, while high screen time has less damaging side effects like the loss of concentration. Altough the use of mobile phones is sometimes antisocial, I think that we should concentrate on the origins of this problem than simply prohibit it in certain areas.
Secondly, banning mobile devices would have a regulatory side effect which could be expensive. The government would have to decide on new laws as well as implement them. Furthermore, it would be no easy task for the police to control these rules in an efficient way. As a result, police would struggle with a high workload. Admittely, I have enough faith in our legal system and I am sure that they could manage it but I think that we have more prescious und urgent tasks to concentrate on.
In conclusion, I strongly disagree with banning mobile devices in certain areas. However, I admit that we use our phones too much which sometimes leads to antisocial behaviour. Nevertheless, prohibiting the phones in certain areas would not solve this problem and could as well be expensive for the government. |
1 | Information is presented by two pie charts which compare the average household expenses, classified by 6 categories, in a particular country between 1950 and 2010. Overall, it can be clearly seen that housing was the major expenditure in 1950 while in 2010 food became the most popular expense.
Turning to the first main feature, in 1950 72.1% of households spent on housing which was the highest ratio whereas there was an exact 22.0% of households in 2010. Additionally, the second largest proportion of expenditures in 1950 was food, amounting to 11.2%. The figure for food then increased to a precise 34.0% in 2010 which was the largest percentage. With respect to other expenses, this category accounted for only 4.4% in 1950 before rising to an exact 19.2% in 2010.
Turning to another main feature, there was an increase in the transportation expense from a mere 3.3% in 1950 to a modest 14.0% in 2010. In terms of health care, households spent on this category the least in both years, contributing to 2.4% and 4.5% in 1950 and 2010 respectively. The last key point to note is education expenditure which decreased slightly from 6.6% in 1950 to 6.3% in 2010. |
1 | Doing activities, either in a group or alone, play a crucial factor in terms of self-development, leading to strong skills for people’s life. Despite the fact that individual activities can improve a wide variety of people’s competencies, I personally believe that people would gain more benefits from participating team activities than doing individually.
It is true that group activities potentially strengthen people’s social skills. An argument in favour of this is that team activities require participants to collaborate with other team members. As a result, the participants will not only have to do their responsibility the best, but also helping others bring out their best potential. This is because a team cannot achieve its goal by any person, but by everyone working together. Another common example is that group activities also foster people’s communication skills. In order to get what the team aim to succeed, each team members must deliver their messages via conversation in the simple and understandable way. Therefore, people doing group activities are likely to expose with this experience all time, helping them being capable of communicating effectively.
In spite of the aforementioned advantages of doing activities as a team, it is the fact that doing individual activities also contributes to many essential skills. A classic example of this is the development in self-discipline. With respect to sports, people who doing sports alone such as running must strict with their running schedule in order to being able to run for their target distance. Another common criticism is the ability to not comparing themselves with others. When people doing activities alone, they will have to set their milestones to reach their target, meaning that they will truly understand their actual potential and not interfered by other people’s progress.
In conclusion, it is undeniable that individual activities possibly help people have self-discipline and teach them to concentrate on their ability, not others. Nevertheless, after carefully contemplating the outcomes of both types of activities, I totally agree that group activities which result in better teamwork and communication skills are more important due to the fact that these competencies are the two most important factors for every people to be successful in life. |
1 | Those pie charts give information about average house expenditures during two different periods of time, 1950 and 2010. Below I will describe both ones in details about what it was like during those two different periods of time.
First of all, we can see that during the year 1950, people used to spend 72.1% from their income to pay for rent and 22.0% in 2010, that means, we have seen a great decline comparing those two years together. The percentage for food which is 11.2% in 1950 and 34.0% in 2010 mark in a great increase in the recent times.
The percentage for healthcare during 1950 and 2010 are 2.4% and 4.5% respectively marks in increase giving an idea that people are paying more from their income for healthcare. We have seen a huge increase for those two period of times for transportation which is 3.3 and 14.0 for transportation.
In terms of education for those two years, the percentage almost stays the same 6.3 and 6.6 respectively with a little difference between both of them. For the last point which is for other things not mentioned here, maybe for unexpeted items and other stuff that they might not been buying on a monthly basis, we can see the percentage increasing. Maybe household members spend more on items that can't be counted in a monthly budget. |
1 | Group or team activities are great ways of teaching more important life skills, however, there are activities which can be done alone that will also teach some important skills. Both ones are important in teaching life skills. Below, we will see which one of them is a great way of teaching more important life skills.
First of all, we need to understand that doing activities in group, or as a team can help us deepen our knowlodge, because they provide us with the ability to share ideas and learn from each other which is something crucial in our daily lives as human being as we were all created to live together as communities. In addition, group or team activities will not only allow us to know the other person living next us but to figure out what their feelings are and to be patient to them when they need us. However, doing activities alone have also its own benefits.
In fact, personal activities or some of them we do alone can give us some understanding about how the world is spinning around us as well. Firsthand, sometimes we need to do a few activities alone as this can help us to develop some personal important life skills to know exacly who we really are and what is our mission on the earth. Second, doing personal activities such as walking out, or going for a walk will not only strengthen our physical being but also to be mentally healthy.
In conclusion, both of them have positive and negative aspects to consider. However, in my opinion, doing activities in group or as a team can teach more important life skills than those activities which are done alone because group activities let us explore the world around us which will later teach us important skills which are necessary for our survival. |
1 | The pie charts illustrates how the movement of household has been expanding in a country in the period 1950 and 2010.
According to the pie chart in 1950 the housing works has taken the largest percentage among the other services. This is apparently refer to the need a lot of spending because the families were bigger than today. While the transportation and the others' cash is considered much the least between the whole needs.
In 2010, there is a big change in the whole life style which truly impact on families and their ways of spending money. First of all, buying food is quite important as original source for people energy, it has taken the largest amount in exactly 34%.And because many wives become worker, the need to buy ready meals become more necessary than before. Also, it is clear that transportation is almost nearly equal.
As to what has shown there is rapidly decreasing in housing's spending in 2010,and this is justified by the completely change of life in using less and simple thing instead of using expensive and too much staff, and also select smaller house rather than bigger ones. Moreover most families prefer to spend money on their pleasure and joyful life. It is noticed that other spending has jumped sharply from 4% to 19.2% which means people are turning to be consumers. Finally there is no doubt that education has less priority in both dates.
To sum up, we could say that the amount of expenditures in a country in 1950 and 2010 has differed according to the lifestyle of each family. |
1 | There is no doubt that activities whether in group or individual considered as an important source for learning skills.These people claim that life skills can be developing and growing increasingly through team activities more than those which are done alone. This essay will argue why collaborating works against isolating ones are entirely necessary in gaining life abilities and competencies.
It is clear that People are usually different in their own characters and in their dealing with things. So that, some of them like to be alone and want to move on activities without sharing the others because they afraid of involving in troubles. They also think that the others may treat them jealously and enviously. Indeed, there have been some recorded instances of aggressive states inside learning circuses which sometimes made losing knowledge rather than winning new abilities. Moreover, those people may have deep fears and shy which constantly prevent them from growing among team works. For example many famous celebrities had become more creative by sitting alone. Such those ideas let people do not want to change their acceptable way in getting and learning skills for authentic life against team activities. In contrast, grouping work can overcome all obstacles in personality and teach people different kinds of skills.
Although some people can success in learning all they need individually, most of them whether their age and background eagerly need contacting the others to teach them lessons about realistic life skills. Cooperating concept is important in teaching people manners for adapting through life. As previous researches of Vojytsky has declared that learners always could build knowledge while interactions directly or indirectly with others. Overall the idea of sharing activities in order to give persons opportunity to learn values and new skills is completely true despite the minor improving of lonely ones' life.
This essay argued that it is had better getting bit new skills in team or group work ,on the other hand its useless way to teach people activities alone. In my opinion, it is quite important and interesting way to let people contacting and teaching each other a plenty of skills in the same time. However, it is long way to guide some people teaching themselves what they need throughout the life.
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1 | The pi charts illustrate the comparisons the average of household expenditures in 1950 and 2010 in a country. Overall, a considerable reduction in housing can be seen, while the expenditures in food remarkably soared in 2010.
Housing expenditures occupied nearly three-fourth, in 1950. In contrast, the expenditures plummeted to 22 percent in 2010. Alternatively, the expenditures for food tripled, compared with 1950 and 2010. Specifically, the percentage of food used to be 11.2 percent and drastically rose up to 34 percent.
In addition, there are some expenditures increased. For example, transport, and other. These percentages were 3.3 percent in transport, and 4.4 percent in other in 1950. But both percentages grow up to 14 percent and 19.2 percent in 2050 respectively. Interestingly, when it comes to expenditure in education, there is not a significant change. It was 6.6 percent in 1950 and it is 6.3 percent in 2010. Health care also slightly changed, the percentage of expenditure was 2.4 in 1950 and increased to 4.5 percent in 2010.
same = education, |
1 | The topic of group work can be more beneficial for peoples' lives than person who tend to do some work alone or not is widely discussed across the globe. Personally, I think there are some good advantages team activities cause our life,
and especially in business scenes more comfortable and productive.
Initially, only one person's work is limited, compared with group activities. This means that working only one person will be able to cause some profits to some extent. On the other hand, group working will be more productive and efficient to make more sales figures. In addition, each person has a great ability. For example, some people have great communication skills and negotiations. Those people are
the most appropriate roles for sales. Furthermore, some people are good at analysing the group performance quality and making strategies. Those who are good at these activities are best for marketing team. As a result, they can focus on their strong points for work and they can divide and conquer the tasks with each other.
Of course, some people are eager to work alone at their own relaxed pace and make a profit to some extent. This is less stressful they do not need to keep attention from other colleagues. But this means that they need to decide all tasks and take all responsibility. Sometimes it might be risky once they made a mistake and caused a huge deficit.
Finally, there is no doubt that more than two heads are better than one. People can share their experiences and opinion to improve their group activities. If some people who are sensitive and feel pressure if some people meddle in too much. It is necessary to organize some rules that must be effective. For example, all people need to try to stay positive, avoid stating negative or swear words, and not deny one person's opinion straightforwardly and emotionally. Making a great atmosphere, saying positive words with each other, and including some humor, will lead to everyone's performance being more productive. |
1 | The provided pie chart illustrates information about the spending rates in homes on different type of serevices in 6 dacades from 1950 to 2010.
Overall,as it can be clearly seen that the housing expenditures rates is the highest in 1950 where,the health care rates was the least in that particular year.Where as in the 2010 the most expenditure was on food and the least expenditures was the transportation.
As persented in the pie chart,the the majority of the people spend most of their money on housing with aprroximately 72.1percent that number dramaticly decreaced in 2010 to 22.0 percent .In contrast with the food sector where it started with only 11,2 percent in 1950 and rose up by almost 20% reaching to its peak od 34.0% in 2010.
In terms, of other sectors including health care and education. the propotion of spending in the health care sector was relaetivly smaller with only 2.4 percent that number was doubled to 4.5.% in 2010.although there was no noticable changes in the education sector.
Finally,the most significant change was definitely in transportation since people back in the 1950s where not interested in buying cars the percentage was as little as 3.3 percent that number dramaticky rose up to 14.0% in 2010.while their was obvious changes in other serevices the spending rates grow from 4.4% in 1950 to remarkable jump to 19.2 percent in the year 2010. |
1 | To agree or disagree with the statement that team work is more effective than working individually is an important this eassay,I will dicuss some of the arguments supporting or opposing to this statement.
On the one hand,many people agree with this statement for many reasons.The most significant is that you learn so much in a group since there are people with experience who you will benifit from not just that but the interaction with differenet people gives you a new perspective on life. for example when you engage in conversation with people who have different backgrounds and believes your mind becomes more clearer and addittions if your a shy or an intervort person you will learn how to over come your obstecles.for instance, you will make alot of friends since your around people that often.
On the other hand,othe people disagree with this statement for many reasons the most impotant one is that they do not feel comfortable around people Therefore, they like to avoid working in group.for exmple these type of people do not like to be contorled and being told what to additation team work may rectrect some people from showing their abilty or potencial.For instance you have to follow the guide line given by the team leader and can not make an oppinon on the rules that might not be appealing to you.futhermore, the stress that comes when you work with people is off thr charts your mental health will decline due to the ongoing strees associating with working with a group.
In conclusion, I strongly agree with statement that team work is more important than working individually.because it has more benefits than the drawbacks. |
1 | The provided pie chart illustrates information about the spending rates in homes on different type of serevices in 6 dacades from 1950 to 2010.
Overall,as it can be clearly seen that the housing expenditures rates is the highest in 1950 where,the health care rates was the least in that particular year.Where as in the 2010 the most expenditure was on food and the least expenditures was the transportation.
As persented in the pie chart,the the majority of the people spend most of their money on housing with aprroximately 72.1percent that number dramaticly decreaced in 2010 to 22.0 percent .In contrast with the food sector where it started with only 11,2 percent in 1950 and rose up by almost 20% reaching to its peak od 34.0% in 2010.
In terms, of other sectors including health care and education. the propotion of spending in the health care sector was relaetivly smaller with only 2.4 percent that number was doubled to 4.5.% in 2010.although there was no noticable changes in the education sector.
Finally,the most significant change was definitely in transportation since people back in the 1950s where not interested in buying cars the percentage was as little as 3.3 percent that number dramaticky rose up to 14.0% in 2010.while their was obvious changes in other serevices the spending rates grow from 4.4% in 1950 to remarkable jump to 19.2 percent in the year 2010. |
1 | To agree or disagree with the statement that team work is more effective than working individually is an important this eassay,I will dicuss some of the arguments supporting or opposing to this statement.
On the one hand,many people agree with this statement for many reasons.The most significant is that you learn so much in a group since there are people with experience who you will benifit from not just that but the interaction with differenet people gives you a new perspective on life. for example when you engage in conversation with people who have different backgrounds and believes your mind becomes more clearer and addittions if your a shy or an intervort person you will learn how to over come your obstecles.for instance, you will make alot of friends since your around people that often.
On the other hand,othe people disagree with this statement for many reasons the most impotant one is that they do not feel comfortable around people Therefore, they like to avoid working in group.for exmple these type of people do not like to be contorled and being told what to additation team work may rectrect some people from showing their abilty or potencial.For instance you have to follow the guide line given by the team leader and can not make an oppinon on the rules that might not be appealing to you.futhermore, the stress that comes when you work with people is off thr charts your mental health will decline due to the ongoing strees associating with working with a group.
In conclusion, I strongly agree with statement that team work is more important than working individually.because it has more benefits than the drawbacks. |
Subsets and Splits