The pie charts compare one country's household spending between two years, 1950 and 2010. Over all, in 1950 the majority of household expenditures was spent on housing, however, in 2010, households spent mostly on food. For transportation and the item "other," while they used to share less than a quater of percentages in 1950, the money spent on these items had spiked in 1950. In 1950, almost three quarters of the expenditures was used on housing at 72,1%, while this figure had been lowered to 22% in 2010. Instead, money spent on food had increased from 11.2% to 34%, making food the item with the highest percentage of use. Money spent on other expenditures and transportation was risen drastically in 2010 at 19.2%, 14% respectively. These categories used to share less than 10% combined in 1950. Likewise, people spent two times higher money in healthcare, making it receive 4.5% in 2010. Education was the only item that households paid slightly less on: the percentage was decreased 0.3% in 2010, making it share 6.3% of the chart.
Group work is believed to foster more life skills than activities done solo. Although doing things alone is beneficial as it strengthens decision making skills, working in teams can educate more valuable life lessons as it teaches teamworking and negotiation skills necessary for living in a community. Firstly, working in a group helps build teamworking skills. In a team, in order to be successful in doing peojects, members need to help one another in achieving mutual goals. Therefore, through these steps, team members will be trained on assisting others to reach the goal, although they may feel more competent undergoing a project on their own. Similarly, in real societies, people living in the same community cannot be careless to their neighbors and, instead, have to understand each other. Because of this understanding, they can tolerate one another. Still, it can be argued that working collectively nurtures people to follow the crowd and hence, they cannot sharpen decision making skills. For this point, it is valid that a lone wolf has a clearer vision in its life direction than a pack of wolves that walk behind a leader. Still, a single leader may lead to a wrong path that ends up to a disaster for all other wolves. Thus, in order to make a right decision effectively, it is required that people work together since they can debate and negotiate what is appropriate for the team which, in turn, beneficial for each individual. Likewise, in a country, no single prime minister can dictate the country's direction. Nevertheless, opinions gathered from the parliament are necessary. In conclusion, team projects are more useful in culminating skills crucial to live in a society. Teamworking skills gained from working together will lead to an understanding of other people not only in the team but in the same society. Moreover, people will be trained on negotiation and compromisation which yield better success than decisions done alone by a single person.
The diagram depicts how the solar panels structure and work to heat two different things. As is shown in the graph, a simple solar panel is a container whose top is a piece of transparent glass for absorbing sunshine. There are two channels on different sides of the contaniner which are inlet and outlet respectively. There are two main uses for such panels, heating air or heating water. As for producing warm air, when air gets into the panel, sun rays crossing through the glass can raise the temperature of air up, turning to the warm air we need. When it comes to water, the same principle is applied. The inner air is heated by the sun rays captured by the transparent glass. Then the heat is transported to the water passing through a tube inside the panel. After that, the solar panels manage to raise the water temperature up.
Dinner tables are no longer a place for family reunion in today's society. Reasons from many aspects account for this phenomenon which pose a huge threat to the happiness of family and the harmony of society. Causes vary from person to person. Some people, especially the young believing that conflicts are common on dinner tables, tend to have meals with their friends rather than their family members. But most people are deprived of their rights by the development of society. Too busy to get home at dinner time, people have to eat meals near workplace. Also, with the job diversity increasing, rarely can family members with different timetables eat meals at the same period. For instance, a bank agent getting home at 6 pm tends to miss her doctor husband leaving home at 5 pm for emergency work. It is the advantages of sharing meals with family that attach great importance to this event. Time for communication is so critical that families lacking such opportunities are often full of misunderstandings and quarrels. Not only can this development increase the divorce rate but it may also decrease the marriage rate. Because support and care from family, the previous harbor, is deprived and people see no significance from getting married. With such phenomenon prevailing, the negative emotions may take advantage in the society. Loneliness, distress and helplessness stike those always eating alone. In a nutshell, taking the damage to both families and societies into consideration, various solutions should be put forward to the roots behind the situation.
The three diagrams show a structure of a simple solar panel, and it how to work in two different materials: air and water. The solar panel includes a collective tank with a transparent glass above it. An inlet tube inserts through one side of the tank. An outlet tube inserts through the opposite side, but its position is lower than the inlet tube. When the solar panel starts working, the air flows into the tank and absorbs the heat power when the sun rays shone. The air became the warm air and then flows out after the program. The solar panel works in the water that is different method. The water flows into the tank through the inlet tube, but it remains more time and flows as a Z route. This method prolong the period and effectively absorb more heat powers, thus the water became the warm water after its special step.
The topic indicated that the family members no longer eat meals together in the modern society. The reason are complex and the phenomenon is inevitable. I think the first factor is that the pressure from the modern age has increased. More and more family members busy on their jobs and studies. They undergo more pressures than ever have before. For example, a father who very busy at work, he usually work extra hours and social with his clients. His schedule is volatile thus he has to give up his time to eat meals with his family members. The second factor is that family members have their own schedules in the fast-moving world. Furthermore, the more social activities lead sophisticated to people's lifestyle. For example, a family member who goes to fitness center after work, he eat by individual instead eat meal together. The third factor is that the scale of family members has decreased, more and more family members left their hometown for the new place, like urban or big city. They cannot eat together due to geographical separation. Probably a family member eat meals by individual whom might feel lonely and insulated. On conclusion, this social phenomenon is an evident of the changing society. Obviously, family member eat meal together that help them to reinforce their relationships each other and create a good communication among them. It would be a happiness moment when family members eating together. But the fact we have to accept is that the society is changing.
The diagrams illustrate the construction of a simple solar panel and how it works to heat air or water while passing through the inner chamber of the equipment. Although more complex and modern solar panels are available in today’s world, a solar panel simply consists of three main parts, a box-shaped basement, transparent glass, the entry, the exit of the inner tube. Naturally, sunray as an energy source is essential to use the heating system. Considering the function of solar panel, transparent glass which is in optimal thickness act as a receiver of heat from the sun, that eventually transfer to air or water. A similar principle works for both substances. While the substance to be heated moves through the cylinder, heat energy is convected that provides heated material which can be used for different purposes such as household or commercial needs. Finally, a heated substance is pumped into pipes which are mounted to the outlet of the panel.
Some people argue that people less frequently gather around a table at meals with their family members, due to a number of factors such as changing trends in the living style and weakened relations between parents and children. I strongly believe that this has a devastating effect on the future of society. Compared to half of a century ago, the habits of especially big-city dwellers have experienced a dramatic shift in recent years. While people get used to living in extended families, today they tend to live in smaller families called celullar families. In the following step, isolation became much more significant that children aged over 18 years prefer to move to a separate house. Additionally, even individuals who live with their family rarely share daily activities including eating meals, mainly related to different and busy working schedules. Apparently, the residents of the metropolis are reluctant to spend their time because of the increased incidence of depression or other psychologic disorders. A growing body of evidence indicates that as people choose to do their activities alone, their family bonds are also negatively affected. As a physician, from my point of view, children who are raised in this environment are more likely to become antisocial and unsuccessful in both academic and social life. Furthermore, most of these young persons suffer from psychiatric disorders which are remarkably infrequent among people who keep in touch with their relatives. Also, these youngsters are more commonly committed crimes such as drug trafficking, robbery or, even murder. In conclusion, quitting daily activities that are done together is the initial step of falling apart for family members which inevitably leads to worse outcomes for the society like increased risk of crime and psychiatric problems.
The diagram shown provides information about how corn is transformed to ethanol fuel. Overall, it is a simple and short process, that consist on 7 steps. In just one of these water is added. To begin with, corn is recolected and storaged, afterwards it is millied. The next step it is really important, while it is being cooking the water is added, this part takes four hours. Following, the mixed corn and water are left to fermentation for another 48 hours. Then, another critic step is made, the separating process, when liquid is extracted and solid by product is eliminated. The remanent of this is purified to ethanol, and it takes five hours. Finally, it is stored and transported to different locations In conclusion, the process to obtain purified ethanol from corn is relative easy. It takes just 7 steps, previous transportation. In just one step water is added, and two steps later it is taken out. The whole process takes about 3 days (4 hours of cooking, 48 hours to ferment and 5 hours to purify the ethanol).
Nowadays, with all the technology and studies involved in sports, it is very important the amount of strength and muscle develop that athletes must have, as much as, the mental training, to confront hard moments and be able to overcome. There are people who believe that physical strength is the key for success, on the contrary, others think that mental strength is most important for being successful. While muscle and physical preparation are the main reason to overcome on weaker opponents. Mental strength, in my perspective, is the most important because provides something special and unbreakable that last longer and gives more than just muscle power. One the one hand, it is the physical strength. Which provides more energy for developing and performing better in sports, such as soccer, tennis, golf with better and precises strikes on the ball. Although, gives an important advantage on weaker opponents in therms of power, mobility and speed among others, for instance, boxing against a 20 pounds lighter fighter. In global, physical strength is a good and simple reason to overcome weaker athletes. On the other hand, it is the phychological factor or “the head”. Which deliver more reciliense and will to win in stress and critic situations, like the final match in the last set of a grand slam. Also, good mental state allows to compensate the strengh, muscle and energy of opponents by focalizing the attention on last longer, that is the case of runners in marathon and ultramarathons. In the end, menthal power deliver something special, not measurable and unbreakable that last longer than just physical power. In my opinion the most powerfull weapon that all athletes have is the mental strength, it is more powerful than any muscle, provides resilience to fatigue and focus in stressed times. In summary, physical strength provides advantage on many aspects of sports, such as energy, velocity and movement. Nevertheless, mental strength is the key to succes in high quality sportsmans
During the COVID-19 pandemic, countless measures have been implemented to reduce transmission amongst citizens. The use of hand sanitizers has been one of them, but what is it made of? Ethanol is a common disinfecting agent found in cleaning products, which originates from corn. Here's a nine-step manufacturing method of how this alcohol is produced from that supercrop. In the first third of production, the maize is harvested, stored and ground up during milling. First, farmers collect ripened ears from fields, and then place them in bins and other containers. These are then crushed into a powder to increase the surface area, hence increasing the potential yield of ethanol created. Steps four to six involve boiling, brewing and filtration. The powder produced in the milling process is mixed with water and boiling takes four hours. Once it is done, the mixtue is left to stand for 48 hours, allowing fermentation to occur, and unprocessed ethanol be created. After this two-day step, the mixture is filtered to separate the unpurified ethanol from the solid by-product. Lastly, the liquid raw product is distilled, packaged in various containers and shipped to retailers. Filtration is carried out for five hours to increase the purity of the ethanol. Afterwards, the final product is packaged and stored until it is transported to stores, where we can purchase it for our daily use and protection. Many important people such as farmers, scientist and transporters assist in the manufacturing process of ethanol and we thank them for creating this essential product.
Champions have been heralded across cultures and religions for centuries. Hercules from Greek mythology and Samson from the Bible were known for their strength. Hermes, the messenger of the Greek gods adorned winged sandals to grant him the speed of wind. From ancient to current times, champions have shared their skills via sports. But a question has arisen. What takes presedence, brain or brawn? For those who believe that physical strength is important for success in sport, we must consider the effort put into performing said activities. Running a marathon is easier said than done! Raising over 500kg above your head doesn't happen overnight, or rowing in appealing synchronization without training. Athletes train in gyms for countless hours by running on treadmills, strength training and doing plyometrics to develop the power in order to effectively perform their respective sports, thus proving the importance of physical strength to prevail in sports. Others believe that in order to distinguish between the average and the greats, mental strength is the factor that does so. The amount of discipline, perserverance and other psychological strengths allow athletes to set world records. Former world's strong man, Eddie Hall has stated that he had used techniques from psychologists to unlock parts of the brain that provide super strength similar to that people use in life threatening situations to lift cars to save their children. He was able to become the first man to deadlift over 500kg. Though not as extreme, sportsmen and women must apply some form of mental strength to push themselves to achieve record-level excellence in sports. I believe that brain and brawn harmoniously work together to create exceptional champions in sports. Physical strength is the baseline that allows athletes to perform their skills with endurance, and mental strength is the value needed to push them to go one step ahead of their competition. Sportmen must be able to run, lift, or even row without issue, as well as try, try, and try again, working through limiting beliefs so that they can become apart of sporting history.
The below process diagram illustrates the basic required stages for the manufacturing of ethanol fuel from corns. Overall, there are nine essential stages for the production of ethanol fuel, starting with receiving corns (as a raw material) from the supplier to transporting the final product to the customer. The first step in this process is to receive the required corns and store them in the storage area. Secondly, corns are fed into a milling process. After that, they are mixed with water and cooked for four hours. Afterwards, it's subjected to a fermentation for two days. Next, a separation process is required to separatre the liquid from the solid by-products. The liquid is then purified for a period of 5 hours. Moreover, and after the purification process, purified ethanol product is stored waiting for a request from the customer. Finally, the ethanol fuel is shipped once an order is received from the customer.
It is often argued out there about sports, debating about both physcial and mental strengths and which is far more crucial to the success. This essay will go over these two points of view in further depth and outline some expamples, where relevant, for each. On one side, some people think that the most important factor to succeeding in sports is the physical strength. Body strength is actually quite indispensable in any sport activity, especially those types of sports that demand a high fitness level and high physical endurance, etc, such as MMA fights, wrestling, football, and so on. All of these require an elevated and advanced charachterestics of one's body. For example, an athlete can not keep up a football match and running around for 90 minutes without a high body endurance, fitness, so on and so forth. On the other hand, the others believe that a powerful mentality and mindset are needed for such success and accomplishment. That is, they believe that one's attitude is the first key to success before anything else. People need to have some sort of a mindset with specific qualities, such as perseverance, determination, concentration, etc. and it's not always about havign a massive body strength. For example, some MMA athletes step in the ring with solid bodies, will not always win the games if they're not determined and persistent already, altought their opponents do not have that huge bodies. It's all about the mindset. In conclusion, it's not easy to decide which of these two criteria is more important than the other. However, I believe that any athlete must have these two, train them both before getting into any challenge, no matter what type of activity. An athlete must have a strong body and a trained attitude once and for all.
Ethanol fuel is produced from corn, a popular grain grown in most parts of the world including South America and Africa. The process of producing ethanol fuel starts with storing corn in large barns made out of plastic and wood. This is to prevent moisture from damaging it. From these large barns, corn is taken to a milling plant where it is cooked for 4 hours. During the cooking process, water is maintained at a certain level to ensure that the corn is always submerged in water while boiling. The cooked corn is then fermented for at least 48 hours. This is to prepare it for separation of solid by-products and the liquid drawn from the cooked and fermented corn.The solid by-product is dried to be used for other products like chuka, a cornflake-like snack eaten by children. However, the liquid is further purified into ethanol. The prosess of purifying the liquid into ethanol takes about 5 hours. Purified ethanol is stored in large containers and sealed for safety purposes. The last part of the process of ethanol fuel processing is transportation. Ethanol fuel can be transported by rail, road or sea to different destinations where it is used.
Some people think that physical strength is important for success in sport, while other people think that mental strength is more important. This essay will discuss both these views with examples and show that while some people esteem physical strength, it is important to think of mental stretgth as a companion of physical strength which give any person in sports agility and flexibility. Physical strength has been supported by many people as an important factor for success in sport. Those who think that physical strength is more important believe that it is a person's physique that is required to win any sport. For instance, in a study conducted by the Australisn National Team among sport fanatics in Perth, 80% of participants stated that physical strength was everything that any person involved in any kind of sport required to be succesful. Some participants in this study cited soccer as one such sport requiring physical strength. These findings were supported by another study conducted by a PhD student at the University of Sydney. The student concluded that while mental strength was important in any physically inclined sport, it was difficult to measure brain resources recquired to engage in sports like running. On the other hand, some people think that mental strength gives stamina and agility to any person involved in sports. One prominent argument in this school of thought is that the body is a slave of the mind. Every action taken by the body is a response to the triggers initiated in the mind. Therefore, nourishing and strengthening mental capacity translates to physical strength. In a research study conducted among college students in America, it was found that mental strength was more esteemed than physical strength. It was argued in this study that mental strength was the breath that gave life to physical strength. In conclusion, it can be argued that the reality of both mental and physical strength and their role in supporting a succesful sports career is not painted in black and white. A physically strong person needs to use their mental strength to plan and outwit their opponent. They also need tact and flexibility of the body which stem from the coordination between the body and the mind. As such, both mental and physical strength are important in supporting a successful sports career.
The diagram illustrates that the process of corn which is formed into ethanol fuel with various kinds of steps from the starting point of Corn to the lasting point of Transporting. Overall, there are 3 main steps of processing from the beginning to the end. In the fourth section and sixth section, adding water and liquid is the most important part of these formed of fuel. On the first step, the corn will be stored and milling to be reached to cooking. It will need 4 hours times to be cooked and water would be added into the cooking. On the second, Fermenting will be hold on (48 hours) after the cooking levels of speed. Then, the separating time has arrived, within this process the liquid is then added into the solids of separating product. In the final steps, after (5 hours) time of mixing purifying ethanol will be get its point. Taking ethanol has stored after its purifying steps and then transporting in the surface area to get to ethanol fuel.
Physical strength is the vital role of success in sport while other people think that mentally strong is much more important in the competitive sports. In my opinion, both are correct and to be able to strong people would do more exercises in their long life. On the one hand, people are more willing to suceess in the race of their games and sometimes failed. For the reasons of that they never thought that which would be the answer is that physically strength would give them to succeed in their pace of games and other sports they choice. For example, the more they do exercises before entering the match, the body will strong enough till the end of the contest. Then the succeed will come next of grasp. On the other hand, the mental strength would be the main strength and sources of succeed which is the beginning point of the contest. Not even enough the exercises of mind, people would not get the immense advances of win. It means that people's minds might to be whatever they lose in the math, they can get it and stand up right their pace. As long as they get this point of action into their mind, I believed that they are eagle to strong enough to be ready to their games and other atheletics. Moreover, when they practice before entering the space of match, the embedded mind would be the main sources of mental strength too. It gives them to the progress of steps and the successful way until the end of the sports. To wrap up, people should do more exercies and it will give them mentally and physically strong that I think. By doing both, the successful winner will become next and they will get a success in their tournament and will become a good competitior in the near future.
The diagram illustrates that the process of corn which is formed into ethanol fuel with various kinds of steps from the starting point of Corn to the lasting point of Transporting. Overall, there are 3 main steps of processing from the beginning to the end. In the fourth section and sixth section, adding water and liquid is the most important part of these formed of fuel. On the first step, the corn will be stored and milling to be reached to cooking. It will need 4 hours times to be cooked and water would be added into the cooking. On the second, Fermenting will be hold on (48 hours) after the cooking levels of speed. Then, the separating time has arrived, within this process the liquid is then added into the solids of separating product. In the final steps, after (5 hours) time of mixing purifying ethanol will be get its point. Taking ethanol has stored after its purifying steps and then transporting in the surface area to get to ethanol fuel.
Physical strength is the vital role of success in sport while other people think that mentally strong is much more important in the competitive sports. In my opinion, both are correct and to be able to strong people would do more exercises in their long life. On the one hand, people are more willing to suceess in the race of their games and sometimes failed. For the reasons of that they never thought that which would be the answer is that physically strength would give them to succeed in their pace of games and other sports they choice. For example, the more they do exercises before entering the match, the body will strong enough till the end of the contest. Then the succeed will come next of grasp. On the other hand, the mental strength would be the main strength and sources of succeed which is the beginning point of the contest. Not even enough the exercises of mind, people would not get the immense advances of win. It means that people's minds might to be whatever they lose in the math, they can get it and stand up right their pace. As long as they get this point of action into their mind, I believed that they are eagle to strong enough to be ready to their games and other atheletics. Moreover, when they practice before entering the space of match, the embedded mind would be the main sources of mental strength too. It gives them to the progress of steps and the successful way until the end of the sports. To wrap up, people should do more exercies and it will give them mentally and physically strong that I think. By doing both, the successful winner will become next and they will get a success in their tournament and will become a good competitior in the near future.
The bar praph demonstrates the percentage of the total world population in four major countries in 1950 and 2002, and estimation for 2050. Overall, China and india constitute the largest portion in every period. However, while the percentage of the total world population in India increase over time, the percentages of every other countries including China decrease. Firstly, in 1950, China had the largest portion in world population. It took 23% of world population, while India took 15%. USA and Japan have considerable percentage as well, which was 7% and 4% repectively. As time passed by, in 2002, India's percentage rised up to 17% while China's percentage decreased to 20%. Meanwhile, USA experienced severe loss and reached to 5%, and Japan's portion decreased to 3% Lastly, in 2050, It is estimated that India will have the largest portion in world populartion. It will reach to 18%, while China's ratio will decrease to 15%. On the other hand, USA's percentage will remain same as 2002, while the percentage of Japan shrink to 1% of the total world population. In summary, India and China have the largest population in all periods, while the percentage of India is expected to surpass that of China in 2050. USA have relatively similar percentages in the three periods, around 5%, while Japan's ratio will shrink from 4% to 1% in 2050.
The use of social media nowadays is widespread around the world. As the use of new techonology grows, people concern about what will be impact of this change. Some people argue the use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among people, which will lead to negative impacts on the society. Whereas, Others claim that the benefits from the use of social media outweigh the negative impacts. Which one is true? I will compare these two perspectives and state my opinion in this essay. There is no denying that the use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction to some extent. People use social media to connect with other people. This kind of behaviors decrease the aspiration of real life interaction. However, using social media can not give the same feeling as a face-to-face interation. There is lack of intimacy and empathy. For this reason, it is easy to fall in lonelyness while occupied in social media. However, sometimes the use of social media assists the interactions in real life. For example, friends who are far away from each other can interact in social medias. This helps to keep their relationship which can lead to a face-to-face interaction in the future. Moreover, some people even find out their lover through social medias. In my opinion, the argument that the use of social media will replace face-to-face interaction is a little bit exaggerated. After all, most people use social media to assist their real life relationship, not to completely replace their face-to-face interactions with online chattings. The use of social media might replace some portion of face-to-face interaction, but in most cases, it will help us to connect with other people, and promote our real life interactions.
This bat chart represents percentage of of human population in 4 different countries within in 1950 and 2002 years and a projection for 2050. These countries are India, China, USA, and Japan. The smaller share is taken by Japan and it is share is expected to decrease further drammaticaly. Section of the USA decreased from 1950 to 2002 but it is expected to reamain stable in the nearest future. India's share rised within 1950-2002 years and is considered to grow further. Chinese population share slightly decreased over these decades and is predicted to continue this tendecy. It shows that the only country with rising population is India and it is the only one expected to rise in the future whereas Japan is expected to face the most serious cutting of its population. The USA seems to have the most stable share while China shows a trend similar to Japan's but less expressed. Overal it seems like the summarized population of these countries doesn't grow during these five decades and is going to decrease during the next five decades.
The modern world of social interaction changed completely over the past decades. Now many of us spent much more time interracting through social media, messengers for private or corporate messaging. We also use video conference and sharing our workflow remotely. As for me we have different needs satisfied by communication formed by different systems in our brain. On the one hand we have we communicate with each other aiming to get a useful information. On the other hand communication gives some non-verbal part like a sense of neing involved into one process, belonging to a circle of friends, collegues or family. These two sides of the process of communication are implemented differently that's why each part gets its own advantages and disadvantages thanks to changing integrating new social network technologies. If to talk about an information exchange - as for it became much more efficient with using messages, cloud storages and different coworking tools. But it is true only for those people who use these technology well. As far as I can see many advantages in remote work such as possibility not to waste time for commuting, offices and separate equipment, many people notice that their remote collegues disapperar often and avoid their duties. Some people couldn't concentrate while working at home. As for me people who experince such a problems are just addicted to strong stimules such as face-to face interraction and being managed by their boss. At the same time different internet based tools allow you to share much more information much faster and forever. Now you cannot just forget you task because you can always revise it in your work messenger and cloud folder wherever and whenever you are. One another need - is to have a social interraction. Of course ssocial network give us some advantage even in this area - now we can keep our relationships with more people across longer distances. While moving to another city or country we do not feel isolation so much anymore. It allows us to mentain or ralationships longer and stronger. At the same time such an option give people a possibility to avoid face-to-face communication with people phisically close to them. As for me it gives only one disadvantage - it is getting harder to load some parts of our brain which are evolutionary oriented to face-to-face interraction. I can conclude that social media interraction gave us some new possibilities and cut off some of the old ones. At the same time modern technologies blur boundaries between a real conversation and internet communication. Now we can perfectly see and hear each-other and even support financially. There are also some devises wich allow you to feel even more - like touches or heartrythm of each other. I think that new social media tools and some next directions of these tools will satisfy our face-to-face communication needs more and more over time.
The bar chart depicts the proportion of the total world population in 4 countries in 1950 and 2002, and predictions for 2050. Overall, it can be seen India and China occupy much higher percentage in all periods while the USA, and Japan tend to be much smaller and drop down in 2002. It is clear that India steadily increases the percentage of its population since 1950. Specifically, the percentage in each period is 15 percent, around 17 percent, and will be approximately 18 percent, in 1950, 2002, and 2050 respectively. In contrast, China used to be the highest percentage of population in 1950 and 2002. The each percentage indicates more than 23 percent in 1950 and dropped to 20 percent in 2002. Furthermore, the prediction about population will plummet to 15 percent. Interestingly, firstly Japan was the smallest percentage in 4 countries in 1950 and slightly goes down in 2002. The percentage seems to be about 4 percent in 1950 and its percentage will plummet to approximately 1 percent in 2050. The USA also goes down population 5 percent in 2002, but the percentage will stay the same in 2050.
In recent years, technology has been coming a long way and result in large convenience in our society. Especially, social media is a great sample of our lifestyle that drastically changed, compared with a few decades ago. I believe the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages to some extent. Initially, it is clear that peoples' communication tool immensely changed due to social media. For example, the name of social media, "Club House" allows people to communicate globally. This means that those who are interested in improving their language skill or other specific hobbies. Furthermore, people are able to have a consultation with people around the world about their conserns of their lifestyle and mental issues that used to be confidential to their family, or friends face-to-face. These advantages let people expand their insights. Moreover, in business scenes, people frequently tap into some other communication tools, like Skype, Microsoft teams, and Zoom meetings. This social media is much helpful to work regardless of time, and place so that people can work with other country's colleagues. This is more profitable to make a sales figure smoothly because they can make more strategies because of these tools. On the other hand, there might be some disadvantages. For instance, some people warn that people tend to be deluded because of innumerable information on social media. This means that they face some fake news and fraud. In addition, people would like to spend with friends, family, and strangers in person as a human instinct. Therefore, it necessarily recoups their lonliness by taking advantage of social media because they unconsciously hope to spend a good time in person, more than in blind conversation. Finally, there is no doubt that social media and advanced technology provide a lot of options than before. This innovation will allow us to communicate and exchange with a lot of people across the globe. It is inevitable to improve and people need to get along with them. As a result, our lifestyle will lead to more convenience. This innovation will allow us to communicate and exchange with a lot of people across the globe.
The bar chart depicts the proportion of the total world population in 4 countries in 1950 and 2002, and predictions for 2050. Overall, it can be seen India and China occupy much higher percentage in all periods while the USA, and Japan tend to be much smaller and drop down in 2002. It is clear that India steadily increases the percentage of its population since 1950. Specifically, the percentage in each period is 15 percent, around 17 percent, and will be approximately 18 percent, in 1950, 2002, and 2050 respectively. In contrast, China used to be the highest percentage of population in 1950 and 2002. The each percentage indicates more than 23 percent in 1950 and dropped to 20 percent in 2002. Furthermore, the prediction about population will plummet to 15 percent. Interestingly, firstly Japan was the smallest percentage in 4 countries in 1950 and slightly goes down in 2002. The percentage seems to be about 4 percent in 1950 and its percentage will plummet to approximately 1 percent in 2050. The USA also goes down population 5 percent in 2002, but the percentage will stay the same in 2050.
In recent years, technology has been coming a long way and result in large convenience in our society. Especially, social media is a great sample of our lifestyle that drastically changed, compared with a few decades ago. I believe the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages to some extent. Initially, it is clear that peoples' communication tool immensely changed due to social media. For example, the name of social media, "Club House" allows people to communicate globally. This means that those who are interested in improving their language skill or other specific hobbies. Furthermore, people are able to have a consultation with people around the world about their conserns of their lifestyle and mental issues that used to be confidential to their family, or friends face-to-face. These advantages let people expand their insights. Moreover, in business scenes, people frequently tap into some other communication tools, like Skype, Microsoft teams, and Zoom meetings. This social media is much helpful to work regardless of time, and place so that people can work with other country's colleagues. This is more profitable to make a sales figure smoothly because they can make more strategies because of these tools. On the other hand, there might be some disadvantages. For instance, some people warn that people tend to be deluded because of innumerable information on social media. This means that they face some fake news and fraud. In addition, people would like to spend with friends, family, and strangers in person as a human instinct. Therefore, it necessarily recoups their lonliness by taking advantage of social media because they unconsciously hope to spend a good time in person, more than in blind conversation. Finally, there is no doubt that social media and advanced technology provide a lot of options than before. This innovation will allow us to communicate and exchange with a lot of people across the globe. It is inevitable to improve and people need to get along with them. As a result, our lifestyle will lead to more convenience. This innovation will allow us to communicate and exchange with a lot of people across the globe.
The pie chart illustrates the percentage of Australia's population by country of birth namely: Australia, UK, New Zealand, China , Netherlands and other nations. While the table represents the percentage in where this people live in. Overall, Australian born comprises most of the country's population. With regards to the type of area they dwel in, most of them live in a city than the rural area. To begin, Australian nationalities has the highest percentage of 73%. Followed by other nation with 14%, taking up about one fourth of the population. While UK's percentage is half the former. In addition, New Zealand, China and Nertherland has a percentage of 3%, 2% and 1% respectively. With regards to the table, amongst the five, Chinese race has 99% of their people living in the city. Also, the rest has a percentage of Netherlands (90%), UK(89%), Australia (83%), and New Zealand (80%). While the remainder of the people live in the countryside, with New zealand having the most population with 20% and China being the least with 1%.
Sugar-based drinks has become a popular beverage amongst the people especially in today's generation, the millenials. This essay will outline possible reasons on why people are consuming such drinks and also some ways for them to consume less. To start, sugar is the main component of this beverage. Study shows that consuming this can boost a person's energy levels. Hence athelete ae addicted to this refreshments such as energy drinks. Furthermore, this can increase mental alertness especially to working individuals. For instance, not all workers has the capability to maintain their energy at work, sometimes they tend to get sleepy leading them to buy sugary drinks like milk teas. Not only that, advertisement can also be a factor. For example, young people gets curious whenever new sugared drinks is advertised especially if this is shown by their favorite icon. Lastly, consumer's lack of knowledge and misinformation regarding their product as evident by the coca cola lawsuit. Although it may be difficut for people to stay away from this. There are ways that can help them drink less. One solution is for government to impose a price hike. Meaning high price can discourage them to buy this drinks. Second, just like alcohol, buying sugar-based drinks at malls or grocery store should have time limit. For instance, whoever will buy and sell beyond the allotted time should pay a fine. Also, Educating the public about the health issue of drinking too much sugar-based drinks should be prioritize. Finally, government should encourage company such as pepsiCo, and the Coca-cola company to be transparent of their nutritional facts. In conclusion, sugar-based drinks has become popular due to advertisements and society's thinking that it can replenish their energy levels. In contrast, goverment should take the first step educate and encourage individuals to mimimize drinking this.
The pie chart presents the information that the percentage of people who come from different countries live in Australia since they are born.The table illustrates the information that the proportion of people who live in city or countryside. It is obvious that local people who born and live in Australia account for more than a half about 73%.It is around 10 times compared with UK.The number of Netherlands people whose home in Australia ranked the second around 14%.The percentage of China and New Zealand people is less around 2% ,3% relatively. According to the tablet, people who from 5 countries are willing to live in the city.The propotion of living in the city is approximately 100%.Particularly Chinese is 99% who live in the city.In the contrast,People don't like living in the countryside,Taking New Zealand for example,the proportion of that is the highest about 20%.It is 2 times than Netherlands. To sum up,Local people who are born and live in nation account for a big part and the percentage of people who is fond of living in the city constitute 83%.
Nowadays,People is fond of drinking sugar-based juice like bubble tea.Some girls require doule sugar whether it is beneficial to health.Why the types of drink is so popular.There are 2 reasons. The flavour can be accepted by many persons.The main ingredients of the drink are sugar and juice.It is not bitter,in the contrary,that is sweet which can make people pleased.For instance,the extent of sweet depends on the sugar and more sugar can make the flavor better.Thus many people follow the high sugar drink. In addition,price is a factor we can't ignore.The price of drink is affordable for most of consumers.Meanwhile,the stress of work is overwhelming,they are necessary to supply the power,youths in particular.The two phenomenons are common in daily life. It is obvious that is harmful to health if having the sugar based drinks frequently.We can solve the problem in 2 ways.First of all,Government should undertake the responsibility, which is advertising the harm to drink high -sugar juice over-dose.Moreover,goverment can limit the number of drinks that are purchased by consumers.In addition,individual attention is necessary as we can avoid drinking bubble tea.Taking exercise regularly is beneficial to consume the sugar.Paying attention to the health is needful for people. In conclusion,high-sugar dirink can give people happiness.Similarly it demages body if drinking too much,so goverment make efforts to solve the problems.We should limit the extent similarly,I hold the opinion that drink is going to less and less if taking measures.
There are many people lives in Australia,but they are borning to many diffrent country,accept diffrent cultureies and also of diffrent religions.the pie chart gives such as information about what the country they are birth with . In generally, the big country of birth of people living in Australia is born in netherlands about 90% for cities compared to 10% in rural areas ,that is mean in Australia tha netherlands took the majority of population .then the New Zealand comes with 80% in citiys ,20& in rural areas. At the three last countries are china with 99% at cities ,1% at rural areas,Australia cames after china with 83% in cities,17% in rural,tha last countries it was uk with 89% cities,11& at rural areas. Such as Australia, many countyies have a many culthers inside his socity, that make country more and more diffrent.
In these days,we have more and more suger-based drinks,like juice,coffee,tea and soft drinks.becouse we spend more time out and do diffrent activitys .that make us thirsty then we drink much more when we inside our home. Practically, we are spend more and more of these drinks in our live without a control.when some one drinks that drinks all time ,that make him unhealtheir ,become a fat espacially when he did not get our world 90% of people have this bad habite,if we want to the world become healthy,unlisess,and clean .we have to change that bad habits to do more goog habits like do exercises every days in our life ,drink less sugar -based drinks,talk with people about risces for these drinks ,talk with companies to give us more solutions like put less sugar in drinks ,made new kind ofdrinks without sugar. On another hand ,we can talk with the maker desgin in the media .put more advertising on TV,radia ,social network eathier newspaper .so the world knows the dangers of sugar- containing drinks. also we can make charities to help people how are gitting fat becouse these bad habits. At least we can use any body have a publicity to help us at this project.people like to tradition any body famous .we can use those people to learn sociaty a new and good habits. Finally, in our live we have many bad habits we have to do but also we can chang thes bad to new and good habits .to make our life easier,heatheir and longer.Human can do it he want to do eather good nather bad .we can di it eveery thing in this live.
There are many people lives in Australia,but they are borning to many diffrent country,accept diffrent cultureies and also of diffrent religions.the pie chart gives such as information about what the country they are birth with . In generally, the big country of birth of people living in Australia is born in netherlands about 90% for cities compared to 10% in rural areas ,that is mean in Australia tha netherlands took the majority of population .then the New Zealand comes with 80% in citiys ,20& in rural areas. At the three last countries are china with 99% at cities ,1% at rural areas,Australia cames after china with 83% in cities,17% in rural,tha last countries it was uk with 89% cities,11& at rural areas. Such as Australia, many countyies have a many culthers inside his socity, that make country more and more diffrent.
In these days,we have more and more suger-based drinks,like juice,coffee,tea and soft drinks.becouse we spend more time out and do diffrent activitys .that make us thirsty then we drink much more when we inside our home. Practically, we are spend more and more of these drinks in our live without a control.when some one drinks that drinks all time ,that make him unhealtheir ,become a fat espacially when he did not get our world 90% of people have this bad habite,if we want to the world become healthy,unlisess,and clean .we have to change that bad habits to do more goog habits like do exercises every days in our life ,drink less sugar -based drinks,talk with people about risces for these drinks ,talk with companies to give us more solutions like put less sugar in drinks ,made new kind ofdrinks without sugar. On another hand ,we can talk with the maker desgin in the media .put more advertising on TV,radia ,social network eathier newspaper .so the world knows the dangers of sugar- containing drinks. also we can make charities to help people how are gitting fat becouse these bad habits. At least we can use any body have a publicity to help us at this project.people like to tradition any body famous .we can use those people to learn sociaty a new and good habits. Finally, in our live we have many bad habits we have to do but also we can chang thes bad to new and good habits .to make our life easier,heatheir and longer.Human can do it he want to do eather good nather bad .we can di it eveery thing in this live.
This line graph illustrate the comparison between the oil that was produced and consumpted in China from 1982 to 2006. The data is given in millions of oil barriels per day. The first thing to note is how consumption has surpassed by far the production levels, even though at first both started at a similar point. On one side, consumption remained at a very low growth from 1982 until 1990, barely crossing the 2 million of oil barrels' threeshold. From that point on it skyrocketed, surpassing consumption in less than 4 years, although in 1994 the tendency slowed down. On the other hand, production experienced an increase from 1982 to 1986, but then leveled off at 3 million oil barrels. Since then there hasn't been any remarkable change, only a small positive trend starting in 1994 that hasn't stopped yet. Overall, it can be said that in a span of 24 years, consumption has almost doubled the production data.
Many people argue that individuals can't do nothing to resolve the environmental problems of our times. Personaly, I partially disagree with this statement and in this essay I will go through some of the arguments that back my opinion. On one hand, I have to agree with this statement. Many of the environmental problems that we are currently facing are caused by large companies and not by individuals. Whether it's pollution, deforestation or contamination, the indivual doesn't have as much impact as these entities have. Therefore, governements should take care of the problem rather than passing into the current citizen. In addition, the solutions that are needed to take place require an important political and economical influence. Only the governments are available to put in place the measures needed to counter-balance this situation. On the other hand, waiting to be saved by the governments and institutions is not the right attitude. Individuals, while not having the same impact, can spark the change that is needed in order to take care of this problem. Not only that but citizens can make their contribution by applying some small measures than by itselfs aren't noticeable but when summed up can have a positive impact. For example, recycling their food waste or using ecological friendly products are habits that we can all do. If only one person does it, it won't have any effect, but it does when it's done by one million, In conclusion, it can be said that both sides are needed in order to make a positive change on the current situation. This can start from the individual to then put in motion a bigger change.
This line graph indicates oil production and consumption per day in China from 1982 to 2006. Clearly, the consumption doubled its production in 2006. To begin with, oil consumption started the millions of oil barrels per day for almost two, and remained the same by 1990. But, its consumption suddenly surged to about 3.7 million in 1994. Then, the number of consumption skyrocketed from 1998 and reached a peak of more than 6 million in 2006. Consequently, the consumption tripled, compared with 1982. Secondly, the production also commenced the millions of oil barrels per day around two, and increased its production to three million in 1986. In contrast, its production leveled off by 1994. Afterward, the production slightly kept going up and resulted in 3.5 million in 2006. As a result, the oil production increased, compared with 1982. But it is clear that the pace of production is quite slower than consumption.
Individuals, who are willing to develop the environment are quite limited. Some people say it is almost nothing they can do. Therefore, governments and large companies need to improve the environment and it must be a large impact for society. I strongly disagree this opinion, because individuals also make a difference for the environment to some extent. Initially, there is no doubt that governments, large companies and organizations have a large initiative to change the environment. For example, in Europe, especially in Germany, they are planning to make some restrictions on car industries not to manufacture cars which consume only petrol as energy in near future. Therefore, even in some sports car companies started releasing a new type of car which take advantage of electricity, which is a sustainable resource. Therefore, governments and companies control peoples' lifestyle. On the other hand, people have already become aware of dangerous environment they are on the line. Therefore, many people voluntarily started to pick up garbage on the street and seaside. They also purchase sustainable bottles, instead of tapping into plastic bottles. In addition, technology has advanced in a few decades, and some influencers on the internet warn about issues of the environment. This means that individuals regardless of generation start to make some communities on social media and hold some events. For example, they discuss what they can do in their daily routine to reduce the consumerism, and which materials are realistically sustainable stuff in our lifestyle. As a result, some people start to establish a company geared towards eco-friendly company. For example, some companies launched the project to manufacture the solar panel and make strategies on how to spread them around the world as a sustainable and renewable resource. Finally, of course, large companies and governments have a large power to control the environment more beautifully. On the other hand, these organizations also configured by individuals. Therefore, governments need to add an environment subject in the curriculum at school. Consequently, more people start to consider on how to improve the environment in a large organization, the more people will suggest and make specific plans individually. If the ideas were rejected, they can post these ideas on the internet and people will come together to make a specific project. In conclusion, individuals can do a lot of options by taking advantage of the internet and the influences are getting larger.
This line graph illustrates the both production and consumption of oil barrels in china. Between 1982 till 2006, it is clear from the line graph that the oil number grow over the years with a significant escalation of oil barrels demands. according to what is shown both production and consumption in 1982 are the same amounts with 2 million barrels per day. Firstly the production is moderately raised to 3 million in 1986. Then they remained in the same quantities till 1994. Then slowly grow to 3.5 million barrels till 2006. Secondly, meanwhile, consumption was stable from 1982 to 1990 with only 2 million barrels. However, the number increased almost double in the year 1994. consequently, since 1994 the relationship between the oil demands and supply began to change differently, due to a dramatic increase in oil consumption compared with production. Overall, we could analyze that both production and consumption broke even in the year 1992. However, till the year 2006, the consumption of oil barrels has been doubled to more than 6 million barrels while the production remained the same as from the year 1998.
There is no doubt these days that the action of the individual is not powerful enough to make the environment better. Unless through laws created by the government and activities have been taken by companies that have a high impact. I strongly disagree with this idea. because there are other ways to help the government as an individual. In essay will prove my point with reasons and examples. Nowadays, people can use social media as a platform that has the power to tell people around the world how to behave. Therefore, an individual has the power to convince others to give higher attention to our environment and create a community that has specific goals to improve. For example, social media influencers could educate the volunteer and work with the youth to make the environment better. For instance, show the young people how to sort the waste and how dangerous the impact is if they do not act in such as way. Moreover, as individuals, people can start doing many actions which benefit the environment by themselves without obstructions. On the other hand, the government and companies should be aware too. For example, while the companies use the factories the government must be monitoring the discharge of fule. In conclusion, after carefully explaining my points of view, in my opinion, it is not necessary to wait for the government and the big companies to act activity for the environment because we as individuals can create and provide educational activities for the public to preserve the environment for the next generation.
The two given pictures compare the layout of a square park between the year 1980 and the present day. It is noticeable that several significant modifications were made over the period, which includes the new plan for lawn, access, and border, making the park more attractive for people with different purposes of visiting. Looking at the information described above more closely, the brick wall around the park and the fence door as the entry at the bottom of the park in the year 1980 are no longer present nowadays. Instead of the sole entrance available for visitors in the past, there are four accesses located on each side of the square park now, combined through two walking paths with each other, which cross themselves in the middle of the park. Talking about the change that occurred to the lawns inside the park, the green area was divided by the pavement into two parts in 1980, while due to the new layout of the walking part inside the park, the green area has been separated into four pieces with respective functions nowadays. The part with a small pond and a couple of sitting banks remains its initial usage for leisure, but its size has been slightly reduced. Furthermore, two new lawn parts have been created. While the one suited in the bottom right-hand corner is available for sports activities like football, the other one lying the opposite of it is applicable for picnics and barbecues with friends and family members.
It is no doubt the truth that the majority of people want to live in a society where they can derive a sense of satisfaction. While people are ceaselessly struggling to improve society to meet their needs, there is almost always some problems or issues that remain and keep society from being better. In this essay, I try to examine the reason why it is a highly challenging and even impossible task to create an ideal society and give some measures that might be helpful to mitigate the situation. The first step is to understand why the goal of an ideal society is tough to achieve. One of the most apparent reasons is that it is nearly not possible to give an explicit definition of ideality. Since the desire of each person can be extremely different and individual, their expectations of what an excellent society should look like are immensely varied and sometimes incompatible with each other. For instance, some people wish to have a society of fewer foreign immigrants because of the eventual rise in crime and the more intensive competitiveness in the job market, while others insist that a multicultural society certainly brings vast amounts of merits to the future. Another obvious reason is in terms of the difficulty of realizing the requirements. A prime example is eliminating discrimination against gender or sexual orientation. Although a lot of related laws have been introduced to protect the vulnerable population from being discriminated against, this issue remains one of the most significant concerns that people have and need to face every day. Despite the complexity and challenges of creating the ideal society for everyone, there is still a large number of things that can be done to enhance the expectations of people toward the society where they live. In my opinion, an ideal society includes at least great tolerance. I believe that education, especially in primary school and kindergarten, plays an essential role in teaching how to treat others with respect, which benefits the tolerant atmosphere in society significantly. One measure that government should leastwise take into account is to fund the more meaningful projects at the school, which publicize and advocate the value of fairness, justice, and kindness. To sum up, although it might not be possible to create a society that satisfies the whole population regarding the huge diversity of attitudes people hold toward the key consideration of an ideal society, there is still highly necessary to make every effort to make it a better one for all.
The map illustrates the 1980 and the present day modification of a park. Overall, the park before had only one pathway and zero outdoor activities. Today, there is footpath in either side and more leisure activities present. To begin, in 1980 the entrance to the park was fenced and was located at the south-east side. Moreover, four benches with a pond at the center was located on the right side, particularly at the west side of the pathway. Flowers was seen at both side of the entrance. In addition, at the north-east of the park, three trees was planted. Also, no people were seen. In the present period, more recreational activities are seen. The fence is remove and pathways can be seen on the north, east, west and south side of the park. While on the opposite side people can play football and flowers at the left side is replaced by a shrub. The pond is still on the same position. However, the 4 benches are reduce to three. At the upper corner, outside hobby like picnics and barbeques are spotted.
One of the ambition of the people is to create a harmonious community to live in. Unfortunately, individuals often fail to create one. This essay will discuss what is an ideal society, as well as ways on how to make it happen. An ideal community is a place where peace of mind over shadows fear. We all now that everyone wants a place that is criminal free. For example, people can just walk in an aisle without thinking of being raped or kidnapped. Moreover, it is a community in which discrimination, prejudice and racism is prohibited. In short, everyone is treated equally regardless of gender, colors, religions, social status, jobs and looks. It also means that, people can just walk in and out of a hospital or establishments without being looked down or degraded by other people especially those with high status. However, it is difficult for people to meet this kind of standards. This mainly because nobody is made perfect and as a human being we are mostly dominated by hatred, jealousy and selfishness. Although people fail to have a perfect society, there are some ways on how to have a near perfect place to live. First of all, government should make the lives of the people a better one by being an active role model to the citizens. There should not be corruption involve amongst the higher ups. Also, as what the saying goes "learning should start at home", it means that, parents should the take the initiative to educate their children proper manners in dealing with other people. In Japan, children were taught in a very young age on how to treat other people. That is why they always bow down their head as a sign of respect. To conclude, creating an essential environment can be challenging and demanding for all of us. Eventhough, it is impossible to make, each one of us can has the capacity to contribute to make society an almost perfect one.
The map illustrates the 1980 and the present day modification of a park. Overall, the park before had only one pathway and zero outdoor activities. Today, there is footpath in either side and more leisure activities present. To begin, in 1980 the entrance to the park was fenced and was located at the south-east side. Moreover, four benches with a pond at the center was located on the right side, particularly at the west side of the pathway. Flowers was seen at both side of the entrance. In addition, at the north-east of the park, three trees was planted. Also, no people were seen. In the present period, more recreational activities are seen. The fence is remove and pathways can be seen on the north, east, west and south side of the park. While on the opposite side people can play football and flowers at the left side is replaced by a shrub. The pond is still on the same position. However, the 4 benches are reduce to three. At the upper corner, outside hobby like picnics and barbeques are spotted.
One of the ambition of the people is to create a harmonious community to live in. Unfortunately, individuals often fail to create one. This essay will discuss what is an ideal society, as well as ways on how to make it happen. An ideal community is a place where peace of mind over shadows fear. We all now that everyone wants a place that is criminal free. For example, people can just walk in an aisle without thinking of being raped or kidnapped. Moreover, it is a community in which discrimination, prejudice and racism is prohibited. In short, everyone is treated equally regardless of gender, colors, religions, social status, jobs and looks. It also means that, people can just walk in and out of a hospital or establishments without being looked down or degraded by other people especially those with high status. However, it is difficult for people to meet this kind of standards. This mainly because nobody is made perfect and as a human being we are mostly dominated by hatred, jealousy and selfishness. Although people fail to have a perfect society, there are some ways on how to have a near perfect place to live. First of all, government should make the lives of the people a better one by being an active role model to the citizens. There should not be corruption involve amongst the higher ups. Also, as what the saying goes "learning should start at home", it means that, parents should the take the initiative to educate their children proper manners in dealing with other people. In Japan, children were taught in a very young age on how to treat other people. That is why they always bow down their head as a sign of respect. To conclude, creating an essential environment can be challenging and demanding for all of us. Eventhough, it is impossible to make, each one of us can has the capacity to contribute to make society an almost perfect one.
Illustrated by the picture is the layout of a park in 1980 as well as the changes till the present time. It can be clearly seen that there are a few similarities but many differences in the two layouts. In 1980, the rectangular park was walled on all four sides with two gates, one towards the west and one towards the south. An ‘L’ shaped road connected the two gates. A small pond was there between the road and the west wall of the park. There were benches on three sides of the pond. On each side of the road, towards the southeast and southwest were flower beds, with beautiful flowers. In the north east of the park, there was an area full of trees. A lot of changes can be seen in the present view of the park. The boundary wall has been totally removed. The main road has been extended to the north and the east side. Amidst the trees, some picnic chairs and tables have been placed and people can also enjoy the barbecue over there. The flower area on the southwest has been replaced by a bush, and that on the south east has been replaced by the play ground. The small pond and the benches have not been touched. Overall, the park has become an open space with no walls and gates.
An ideal society where people co-exist in perfect harmony and respect, regardless of race, beliefs, or gender, is a universally desired idea. Although striving for these ideals would benefit the individuals, I strongly believe that an ideal society can never be achieved because it’s unrealistic. Striving for an ideal society would benefit the individuals because nobody can live better unless they learn to think better. To begin with, virtues such as courage, fairness, and respect are admirable character traits that everyone should try to pursue. If individuals can become better versions of themselves, then the whole community would surely become better. Moreover, different people will have different versions of an ideal society. Hence, encouraging people to actively and critically think about how they can lead better lives will lead to a more open-minded, robust, and tolerant community. While it’s beneficial for individuals to work on self-improvement, an ideal society can never be created or maintained. Firstly, people are selfish and will pursue their self-interest at the expense of the group. If I can get ahead by taking more resources than my neighbor, then why shouldn’t I take more? Upon seeing me do that, others will envy and start taking more for themselves. Consequently, competition and discord within society are inevitable. Secondly, progress can’t be made unless stronger groups get ahead and wipe out less adaptable ones. Examples include factories replacing farming cultures and technology replacing manual labor. In conclusion, although striving towards the ideals is beneficial to individuals within communities, the ideal society could never be achieved due to its impracticality. Schools, governments, and communities should nevertheless encourage people to actively think and work on becoming better versions of themselves.
The picture illustrates the differences in a park between 1980 and the present. Information is indicated in year 1980 and present, specific locations inside the park and features such as trees, flowers, grass and entertainment facilities. Overall, there have been significant changes in the park from 1980 up to now especially the roads, the flowers, leisure facilities and the south entrance of the park. To begin with, in 1980 the south-west part of the park had four benches but now only three benches are left as a sitting area. Furthermore, in 1980 the park had only white flowers but now has greens grass and blue flowers. In addition, a football area was added in the south-east part of the park with blue flowers on the bottom. In contrast, the number of trees in the north-east part remained the same but now the three trees have different colour and a socializing was added next to the trees. Last but not least, in 1980 the park had only one main road with a blocked south entrance, whereas now the park consists of four small areas and four roads to separate the green areas.
Nowadays, in western civilization, there is a debate on people who think to create an ideal society but why they are not able to achieve this. In this essay, I will give my point of view of an ideal society and after I will explain the methods to create this society. To begin with, from my experience and perspective, I believe that the ideal society is a place without criminals and serious offenders. A community without crime is a wonderful and safe place for our children and our families to live in harmony without rapes, thefts and murders. For example, in an isolated village outside a theme park in Canada, the locals lived with rules and culture without violence and crimes and everybody was happy and satisfied with their jobs and social life. Furthermore, the local community was very well balanced without arguments and conflicts because of the lack of serious offenders and criminals. On the other hand, the creation of an ideal society is something very difficult. I honestly believe that the only way to build a balanced community is to educate our children because they are the future of this world and they need good examples and knowledge to create a good character. For instance in Ancient Athens, Greece local politicians and philosophers were responsible to educate the young people not only in school but also in the street or open theatres. As a result of this action, young people received knowledge and fundamentals to be ideal citizens of ancients Athens. To conclude, from my point of view there is no place for crimes and offences in an ideal society because these will destroy the balance and the harmony of the people. Furthermore, proper education is the best way to help our children to build good characters and balanced lifestyles.
The given pie chart depicts information on UAE government expenditure in 2000. And total budget used was AED 315 billion. Overall it is clear that two expenditures, Social security and Health, and Health and personal social service occupied almost half. To go into detail, Social security spent the highest cost, just AED 100 billion. It is approximately a third, compared with a total expenditure of AED 315 billion. In addition, Health and personal social service was the second highest cost of AED 53 billion. Its expenditure is around one sixth in total. As a result, these expenditure will be AED 153 billion and it is almost half expenditure spent for them in total. Another worth notable point is that Education spent AED 38 billions as the third highest money went. Interestingly, these three expenditures, Defence AED, Other, and Debt interest were almost the same. It was 22 billion, 23 billion, and 23 billion respectively.
The topic of whether students should choose a specific specialized in limited subjects or all students need to study a wide range of subjects until they graduate school, has been discussed across the world, including in Japan. Although there are some benefits to the education system which specialize in some specific subject, I think to learn wide range of subjects until they leave school. For example, there are some courses which focus on some specific industry in Japan. Specifically, it is geared toward hair stylists, IT programming, and entertainment. It is useful for them to learn the specific curriculums earlier might be advantageous to master these techniques. Especially, when it comes to entertainment, younger talented people tend to be evaluated higher than older talented people. On the other hand, there are some benefits to learn a variety of subjects until they leave high school. For example, learning mathematics will allow us to boost some skills to predict and solve some issues logically. And learning English will be an essential tool to communicate with people worldwide. In addition, people have often required a variety of educational knowledge in daily conversation, especially in the workplace. This means that learning a wide range of subjects is helpful to bear out their variety of educational backgrounds. Finally, it might be difficult for teenagers, especially fifteen years old students to decide which occupation, and industry they would like to work. Teenagers have often deluded and changed their idea about which occupation is suitable for them, however, they have some specific dreams in advance. Therefore, learning a wide range of subjects will be helpful to decide a variety of occupations in the future. This means that if students had learned a wide range of subjects until high school, it will be helpful to consider a long time and let them decide on a variety of job occupations. Then, they should choose the specific faculty they would like to learn at university.
The pie chart provides data about UAE regime expenditures in ten different sectors namely:law&order,Education,Industry agriculture &employment,Defence,other expenditure,Debt interest,housing the heritage& environment,Social security,Transport,and health&personal social services.while the total budget was AED315 billion for year 2000. In general, the visual indicates that most money went for social security,in contrast to transport that costs least expense on the UAE government from the total budget. To start with,the UAE government provided AED 315 billion as total budget for year 2000. The lion shear was for social security to record the highest value of expenses at AED 100 billion on the UAE government,followed by health and personal social services that AED 53 billion was spent by UAE authorities.Meanwhile, education costs was AED 38 billion from the total budget of year 2000.Interestingly,UAE government spent on other expenditure and debt interest only AED 23 billion for each from 2000's total budget.Later, defence ,Law and order,and housing the heritage and environment AED22 billion,AED17 billion,and AED 15 billion went for each respectively.Finally, the two least value was AED 13 billion,and AED 9 billion from the total budget to be paid for Industry agriculture &employment ,and transport accordingly.
Education programs are different from one area to another area, there are systems that learners are required to choose restricted number of courses for their academic curriculum by the age of 15.while,other educational systems ask students to take comprehensive courses until they graduate from school. There are many positives for both trends, in my opinion limited range of academic subjects education system is better. On the one hand, it is basic knowledge to accept the idea that pupils who study selected number of subjects from age of fifteen are more informative academically in specified field of study. For example, when student decide to take medical subjects from early age the student will be prepared by tutors completely for the nominated curriculum,as a result all the student's focus will be on medical topics thus, the student is more qualified to practice medicine more efficiently after school graduation.Furthermore, this system will build a solid knowledge background in limited range of subjects can help to develop creativity at early age.Moreover, in the financial view point it may be better for students to enroll limited range of subjects from age of 15; selected number of academic subjects means less money allocated for educational services by guardians. On the other hand, it is true to claim that general subjects system can prepare students to be more informative in various different live aspects. Since, students who register with wide range subjects system can gain academic knowledge and support in fields such as mathematics,physics,medicine,and....ect. Therefore,those students can select more than one speciality to practice as a professionalism in future.Besides, wide range system help to improve social interactions better,because friends will not be separated and they continue school education together until graduation,inaddition there is chance to make more friends as primises are more crowded. To sum up, educational systems main target is to develop and progress academic background of students.But, in my opinion,it is better to enroll limited range of subjects from age of 15 due to reasons like: solid academic background in specific field,creativity,and less financial burden on parents.
The pie chart illustrates the expenditure of the UAE government in 2000. It shows 10 major parts of spending and AED 315 billion in the total budget. Overall, it is clear that the UAE government spent the largest amount on Social security. Other than Health and personal social services and Education, UAE government spending was evenly distributed in other parts of the chart The money used on transport was the lowest. Looking at the chart closely, one can see that the UAE government spent nearly one-third of the total money on Social security with 100 billion. Health and personal social services was the second with 53 billion, however, it is the only half amount of money spent on Social security. The education expense took around 12% of the total spending with 38 billion. There are a similar amount of money went to Debt interest, Other expenditures, and Defences at around 22 billion. Finally, the Law and order, the Housing the heritage and environment, and Industry, agriculture& employment took less than 20 billion from the total government expenses, with 17, 15, and 13 billion respectively. It is noticeable that spending on transport had only one-ten of spending on social security with only 10 billion.
The is a common belief that students’ focus on selected subjects from secondary school is beneficial for their school results. However, it is a more persuasive argument that students studying a wide range of subjects throughout their school life is more applicable for their future. On the one hand, studying a limited range of subjects from 15 years ago helps students to develop specific abilities. Once they decide on their stream of subjects such as art, science, or commerce, they will be focused on special training. This teaching method can help them to become a specialist or professionals. For instance, in China, over 500 business schools are opened to train students to become specialists in the business field. Students can apply to those schools when they turn 15. According to a statistic from one of the business schools, 70% of their students received high scores in the national exam. Nevertheless, a wide range of subjects is more suitable for students to develop their intelligence. Students can student various knowledge from different aspects, they can choose the subject they are interested in most. Moreover, students can have a longer time to study before choosing their faculty at university. Numbers of basic knowledge and longer time to consider helping them make the best decision for themself. Students are motivated to do their best. For example, over 90% of students at the Norway University claimed that they are satisfied with studying all subjects before choosing a university. They have a full idea of what they like and dislike. They found that school life is excited and full of happiness. To sum up, it is apparent that students can be well-developed in a specific subject with a limited range of choices, however, it is undeniable that a wide range of subject can develop their real interests.
The figure illustates the expediture of UAE government in vary sections in 2000. On the whole, it is clear that the hugest proportion was social security, this was followed by health and personal social services and the lowest part was transport. Looking the chat more closely, one can see that there were two mains expenditure in the chat. One is the social security occupied more spending than the health and personal social services in around double, constituting the former was AED 100 billon as well as the latter was AED 53 billon. On the other hand, education was the thid priary free in the city, while it was higher than the expandse of debt interest which was as same as the spending of other expenditure approximately one in third, representing there was AED 38 billion and 23 billion, respectively. Moreover, the figure indiates various trivial expenditure apparently, one can see that the smallest spending was the transport which was less than the law and order,which the spending was slightly more than housing the heritage and environment,in around double, accounting for the former was 9 billion and the latter was AED 17 billion.
Nowadays, due to a wide range of education methods and systems, there are a lot of opinion and debates for which being the best orientation for students. Some experts believe that it is good for pupil to only focus on a few subjects during their school life. However, some criticisms argue that the more subject students have, the more practical knowledge they can require. For me, both of such education systems might have different benefits for students as well as I prefer the latter rather than the former. First of all, there may have some evidence for people to reckon the upsides of concentration on mainly subjects, Considering the fact that learning too many subjects can be very time-consuming and they may feel confused as well as overwhelmed when they gain a lot of knowledge at the same time. Given a circumstance, students who are studying in Hong Kong must take the DSE every year from the age of fifteen, the Hong Kong examination and Assessment Authority recommends students do not choose more than seven subjects during the exam. Result from having more practices as well as revisions as much as they can. Hence, if students would like to do a test, they could be more suitable to study the primary subjects. Conversely, some criticisms considered that it is probably good for students to pick up variety of subjects in view of finding their interests and avoiding spoon feed information. Since many educators think that Hong Kong education system is too exam-oriented, this way could harm students mental and physical health. For instance, parents who are from Hong Kong complain about the education curriculums are too concentrated on spoon feed information rather than giving more life experience to students once in a while. That is why parents sometimes enjoy to choose various of study tours as well as extra curriculums for their children. Thus, some people tend to having more immersing the experience more than studying a few of subjects in their young age. In summarize, it is hard to say which opinion would be the best since different types of education methods may have their advantages and disadvantages. On the other hand, personally, it is the key that pupils will never know what they can done until they tried. That is the reason why I prefer studying vary subjects in their young age than being an expert in the major part.
The automatic photo booth allows you to take photos of yourself by self-service. Insert sufficient amount of coins and choose colour or black & white at the panel. You are allowed to select 1 large format or 4 password-sized photos, but remember that if you use the photos in your passport, it has to be a colour one. In the photo-taking area, there is a circle-shaped chair with an adjustable stool. Adjust the height of the chair, so that it reaches the right eye level of the camera. Before taking the photo, you can refer to the mirror above the camera to have your hair and face ready for photo taking. The curtain should properly closed before you take the photos. Be seated if you are ready for the shot. Sit straight and wait for light signal flash after 3 seconds. After the shot, the photo will be delivered and available on the slot near the coin panel within 60 seconds.
For many years, the traditional teaching and learning (T&L) approach, i.e., having a teacher disseminating knowledge to a group of students in a classroom, is dominent over the world. With the advancement of information and communication technology, new learning approaches have been proposed and adopted. For example, students can now use computers to surf the internet to find information or knowledge they would like to study. Moreover, a number of pre-recorded education contents are now available online to provide classes/tutorials to learners. It is expected that this tradition T&L approach will not exist by 2050. Would it be true? There is no doube that there is an increasing number of T&L approaches due to emergence of new technologies. Together with the new approaches, we see there is a shift of the role of teachers these years, not only as one who is responsible to disseminate knowledge, but also a faciliator of learning. Teachers provide proper directions to students during their study, where current technology is not able to offer. Some people say the artificial technology is a threat, but still the accuracy of providing suggestions to students is not very high. Moreover, human teachers are able to provide emotional support to students. Studying is not just a robotic process of human beings. Students may encounter difficulties during the learning process and feel frustrated, which will eventually affect their progression in study. Human teachers could be more aware on this situation, not by the numeric assessment results, but the emotional behaviour of the students in the classroom, and provide prompt and proper counselling support and advice to the students. Also, it is still well-known that computers, even with AI, are weak in creating new knowledge. In the university setting, other than teaching the conventional knowledge, professors would disseminate their new research findings to the students in the class, with discussion among the students, inspiring them to the unexplored areas. This T&L process can only be effective when it happens in a classroom setting. In conclusion, technology may alter the way how we teach and learn. In spite of this, human teachers are also adaptive and certain roles of the teachers cannot be replaced by other tools or machines. Therefore, I believe that the tradition classroom T&L setting cannot be replaced completedly in the future.
The bar chart provides information about the distribution of wealth and population in eight regions of the world. The unit of measurement is percentage. Overall, the main feature regarding global wealth is that only three countries detain prosperity. Although the datas of people living in a specific area are vary, the top wealthy country have a modest density of citizens. In terms of abundance, the region of North America is the leader (almost 35%), followed by Europe (30%) and Rich Asia-Pacefic (23%). The rest of five areas are not even reaching five percent of wealth. Clearly, the richness is not evenly distribuited, but only fews are holding it. On the other hand, the global population percentages are highly diverse. The most populated country is China, showing almost 25% even though they do not hold prosperity. Then, three regions present similar data of 15% ( Other Asia Pacefic, India and Europe). Despite Africa being the poorest location, it has two thirds of European populations, which is one of the richest. Ultimately, North America and Rich Asia-Pacefic, which are wealthy regions of the world, has an inconsiderable amount of citizens (roughly 5%).
Councils are debating if building housing areas on expanded land is a better solution than providing taller dwellings. It might be an extremely complicated choice, considering the skyrocketing rise of number of people in the world and the change in prefering a walk-distance city. This essay will explore the optimal solutions for cities layout. Although the ideal solution might depend on what the cities are aiming for, under a generic point of view, it would be optimal to have dwellings compacted in a dimished size of land. The first justification is that cramping everything in a reduced area and growing tall allowes all the residents to reach shops and workplaces in dwindling time through walking, public transport or eco-friendly vehicles. Moreover, taking in account the overall incresing of population's density, with the creation of a taller layout, a sustainable market demand will be shown. Nowadays, the antiquated method of construct residences on a wider area of land is not feasible. In most locations, cities are running out of vacant lands, in fact many single houses are occupying vast areas for luxury amenities for a limited family, when a building can be erected accomodating many households. Furthermore, an implementation in infrustracture, such as roads and parking, will be needed. If individuals are not able to arrive to destination without a private car, due to long distances to cover, more highway will be required, therefore more lands is taken away for agglomerate of dwellings and business offices. To conclude, the world is shifting toward a highly populated areas, so that councils need to keep up to date with convinient cities layout, like skyscrapers rather than single houses, to ease people lifestyles and reduced citizens' footprint.
The chart indicates information about global population percentages and distribution of wealth by eight regions. Clearly, three regions contribute to global wealth remarkably higher than others, while the five regions' distribution of wealth is all less than five percent. To begin with, these three regions, North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacefic can be seen much high percentage. Specifically, it is close to 35 percent, 30 percent, and nearly 25 percent, in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacefic respectively. Noticeable point is that North America's population is the sixth highest. In contrast, the distribution of wealth percentage reached a peak of nearly 35 percent. Secondly, China has the highest population. Specifically, it is close to a quarter, while the second and third countries have approximately 15 percent. In contrast, the distribution of wealth is not so larger than other countries. Although Europe's population is 15 percent and the distribution of wealth is 30 percent, the percentage of distribution of wealth in China is approximately three percent. This is only one-tenths, compared with Europe. Another noteworthy point is Latin America and Caribean. This is the only region the percentage of the population and global wealth is not significantly wide. It is more than six percentage of the population and around four percentage of global wealth.
Some big cities, especially in Tokyo, Osaka, and Yokohama in Japan tend to build taller buildings like skyscrapers. Other local cities and places where are scarcely populated are built wider. This is quite understandable in terms of space, and there might be some solutions to dissipate populations around Japan. Initially, the main reason why people tend to gather in big cities is that there are many opportunities to get a job. There are famous headquarter companies and branches that are based in foreign countries. Therefore, more and more people move to the big cities so that many taller apartments and buildings are built to let them live in the limited space. There seems to be stressful due to people being densely populated, but infrastructures are well organized, especially transport, medical care, and security. In contrast, the population in the countryside becomes less. Therefore, there is plenty of space to build houses in the wider area. It seems to be well-relaxed and comfortable to live in a slow-paced lifestyle. But, it is apparently more difficult to obtain a new job, and lacking transport, so they need to rely on cars. In addition, the number of hospitals is much smaller than big cities. These issues are long controversial as a first world problem. Finally, as Covid-19 spread worldwide, many people are started to work at home with a lap top computer. Innumerable companies adopted IT systems that are able to work remotely. In addition, some companies had already stated this systemized working style will not change, however, Covid-19 completely ended. This means that many people do not necessarily need to live in big cities. Therefore, if the transport system is well organized, especially establishing and improving a train, which works faster and more frequently. This effort will be not only helpful to dissipate the population outside of the big cities, but also promotive to tackling with great infrastructures to countrysides. In conclusion, as a result, the densely populated cities will be able to reduce its population and increase the population in the countryside. As a result, some issues will be resolved and become well-balanced solutions. Finally, it might be able to build wider houses in big cities with reasonable prices than now.
The chart shows that North America has the highest global wealth rate, which is almost 35 percent, but only has a little higher than a 5 percent of the global population. The Rich Asia-Pacefic area also has high global wealth with almost 25 percent but a small population of people, which is 5 percent of global population. In Europe, the global wealth rate is about 30 percent but the population is around 15 percent, which comparing with regions that have similiar population, the wealth rate are much higher. On the other hand, China, Other Asia Pacific areas, India and Africa has extreme low wealth compare to North America, Rich Asia-Pacefic areas and Europe but the population among. Those area are much higher. The information in the chart shows that most of the regions with higher population has lower global wealth rate and the lower population countries are wealthier. This indicates the unequalize of global wealth and economy.
In my opinion, the two solutions both have its pros and cons. But I think the first solution which is, create housing areas by providing taller buildings, is a better solution. Providing taller buildings can save the area of lands being use and can create more areas with green grass or trees that can help the environment. Also taller buildings can provide greater view and can be designed in creative ways. So does the buildings in cities can create a skyline which makes the city scenario more modern and breathtaking. On the other hand, if we choose to build houses on a wider area, the land will still, be eventually out of use. And they are likely to destroy wildlife or nature areas since places that has wide areas are mostly at the rural parts of the country. Also, houses wide spread in a large area can be crowded and can seem messy and not ideal for site. Although maybe some people will think that shorter buildings are safer when there is a fire or when natural disasters like earthquake comes, but the number of times these problems occur are low and modern technology can also help to lower the risk of people getting hurt. In conclusion, I think create housing areas by providing taller buildings is a better solution because it solves the fundamental problem which is not having enough places for people to live by not using new lands and can also creates less harm for the nature, which is significantly important.
The above graph illustrates the distribution of population in different countries and their global wealth percentagewise. Overall,it is seen that the china has the highest population whereas northamerica and Richasia-pacefic has the lowest.However,when it comes to the global wealth,the major percentage is shared by the 3 regions,North America,Europe and Rich Asia-Pacefic. In regard to global wealth,the North America is highest at about 34 percent followed by Europe and Rich Asia-Pacific with about 30 % and 24% respectively.The contribution of the remaining countries to the global wealth is relatively low being below 5 percent where the global wealth of India and Africa is of same value. However,when it comes to the population,China stands first with about 24 % followed by India,Europe,and other Asia Pacefic with a similar percentage of about 15 percent.Despite having a large global wealth,North America and Rich Asia-Pacefic has lowest population of about 6 percent and 5 percent respectively.
In the modern society,it is seen that the buildings in the housing areas vary from one city to the other city where some cities prefer taller buildings and other cities prefer smaller buildings on a wide land. This essay illustrates the reason why they are built in this way and compares the advantages and disadvantages of each type of building. It is often said that the taller buildings are ideal for houses in metropolitan cities.The main reasons are the cost of land and a very large population in big cities.As a solution for this problem,people in big cities prefer taller buildings where the homes are easily affordable for them.However,this leads to over crowding and lack of adequate ventilation.For instance,in Mumbai,the largest city in India,the cost of land and the population is so high that the majority of the constuction companies build taller buildings in order to solve this problem. In contrast,some cities with a lower population and comparatively lower cost of land build shorter buildings on a wide land.This enables cities to prevent over crowding in communities and have a wider open area with greenery providing a lot of ventilation helping people to lead a better life style.For example,in Chandigarh,a union territory in India,the construction of houses are perfectly executed providing enough space between each house as the cost of land and the population is relatively low when compared to cities like Mumbai. To summarise,some cities with high cost of land and the high population prefer taller buildings lacking adequate ventilation and leading to overcrowding where as the in the cities with the opposite situation ,the houses are built on a larger piece of land providing adequate space between each house.
The rain water is collected and goes through an underground water filtering system. The rain water is first collected at the side of the house and goes through a drain which connects with the underground water filter. After the water is filtered, they will be keep in the storage. Then they will be send for water treatment where chemicals are added. After that, the water is back to the house for drinking. The water filter at the beginning briefly filtered the big particals such as dirt or some objects that can be seen with bare eyes. And the storage after that is to wait for sedimentation of other big particals. On the other hand, going through water treatment, which is the last step of making drinking water, mainly cleans minor particals or molecules in the rain water. And the chemicals are added to kill germs or bacterias that might harm human bodies. After all these cleaning, the dirty rain water can be safe for human to drink.
I strongly agree with this statement. If women and men are both working full time, they should share household works. First of all, if women and men are working full time, and they are working in the same amount of time, logically, the amount of time they do household works should be the sam e. However, if one of them work for longer hours, the household works should still be shared but the other one should do more household works. Second of all, everyone have responsibility to do household works because everyone lives in the house, makes the house dirty, creates dirty clothes and dishes. If there is only either women or men doing household works, it is not fair at all, because they both work full time. But as I mentioned before, the amount of time doing household works can be arranged, it doesn't have to be evenly shared. For instance, if the woman in this family work for longer hours or got an extra call by work, the man should help and do her part of household works. And when the man are working more, the woman should do the same. This does not only solve the problem of who should do household works but can also show that women and men are supporting each other in various situations. In conclusion, when women and men are both doing full time jobs, they should share household works. But it doesn't have to to be split in two halves, it can have alternatives depending on the working hours or special situations. In this way, the house can be more peaceful and have more harmony without arguments about who should do the household works.
The shown diagram illustrates information about the process of collection and filtration of rain water in an Austrailian town. The process starts after the rain drops slip at the roof of the houses and then enter the pipes which is connected to the under ground system for water treatment. As these drops flow in the drain, they directly move towards the water filter. After the filtering process ends, water is then passed to a storage where it can be stored and then transfered to the next procedure. When the water slides from the storage and moves to the water treatment tank, a small device at the top of the tank produces chemicals in order to clear the water from any additional wastes or bacteria that the water filter was not able to clear before. Finally, the loop ends when the water is treated and moves back to the pipes which is the connection between the water treatment system and the houses. People can now have a drinkable water in different sections in their homes. To sum up, the process of producing a filtering water starts with the pipes that collects the rain water and also ends with pipes that delivers the drinking water after it passed all the treatment procedures within the under ground system.
It is becoming a trend now that husbands and wives should handle the household works together since both members of the family are working full time. In my opinion, it is convincing that the house tasks should be equally spread between both genders for the following reasons. In many developing countries, people are required to work more than before; as a result, both genders are having busy lives nowadays and cannot handle the works of the house by only one of them. If the chores are being handled by both men and women, it increases the other partner's satisfaction and shows responsibilty. For instance, if a wife has several tasks in the kitchen to finish before heading to work and her husband helped their children to get ready for school, this emotionally affects the wife and she will eventually feel gratification. Secondly, as technology evolves, people are having a hard time to manage the tasks of their homes and might eventually hire a nanny to take care of the children and home. As a result, children would feel loneliness in addition to being ignored by their parents. Although it is not easy to manage the work life and family at the same time, giving priority to one before the other can be counter-productive. Finally, as both partners work together to handle household work, it will eventually lead to a balanced life, their daily schedules will be organised; moreover, they will have more time to spend with their children thus, the home will not have problems as long as the mother and the father are working together to manage their home. By way of conclusion, I would like to re-affirm there is a vital role for both males and females in order to keep their homes well balanced. Despite having a full employement job for both of them, it is necessary to share the works of their home together.
The diagram illustrate six main water purification stages from its colletion from rain until its vailability in households in an Australian city. Overall, there are six foremost stages of water clearning from gathering in house roof till to be channeled in pressurized tubes for drinking motives in homes. Initially, the fluid is restrained from top roof houses, then, with gravity helping it runs trough drain till reach water filters in the building basement . In this stage, it stop solely at enlarged tank, where is kept temporarily before being filtered in a circular filter. Next, it is bombed using a U sharped pipe, which connect to other enormous container. Afterwards, it is desinfected from germs utilizing chemical substances. After that, again is pumped using a electric bomb to homes. This process requires heavy tubes ,where the liquid will be distributed with to houses. Finally, the liquid is ready to be used in wide wange of domestic duties such as drinking purposes.
It is believed that in several nations Ladies and Gentlemen should help each other in domestic duties owned to the fact that both are fully employed. Personally, I strongly consent the view due to the fact that none of them is superior to other. This essay will explore the foremost motives reflecting this and provide evidence to prove the arguments. There are manifold reasons for home activities division. First and foremost, equality of gender. In modern socities either Ladies nor Men is better than other. For this reason, once both are integral workers, they should divide domestic activities. Moreover, the one who come first at home should task without any prejudice. Let's take the couple Ronaldo, although they are famous one as well as wealthy personalities, they help each other in meals cooking. Hence, the couple is happy and stable. Other reason for household sharing activities is in light of women empowering. In the contemporary times, mandams should be treated equally as Sirs so that society could be free of chauvinism. For instance, in a number of African regions girls still regarded as inferior by their husbands. As a result, human rights are constantly violated which undoubtedly undermine their live's style and personality. In conclusion, couple of genders should obviously share the household occupations because both have the same rights as well as occupations. Therefore, I strongly agree with the stand that both can do the dishes without any hesitation. Furthermore, they should make a week blueprint to the best duties management.
The diagram illustrates the process of drinking water production from rainwater in a town in Australia. Overall, there are five steps involved in producing drinking water for domestic purposes, starting with rainwater collection and ending with drinking water being ready for consumption. First, rainwater is collected in a tank, which is attached next to houses. This collected water then passes through a drain down to the water filter under the ground where it is purified. Afterwards, such cleaned water travels passing to a large storage tank set up at the lower level before being sent to a water treatment station. At this point, such cleaned water is treated by some chemicals added from the top of the container. Once it has been processed, drinking water passes along a pipe back to the aboveground level where it is then consumed by households. After being used, wastewater passes through the pipe underneath houses to the water filter tank and is combined with rainwater to start the process again.
In many parts of the world, both men and women are full-time employees, which has led to the trend of shared household chores for both genders. In my opinion, this shift should be encouraged to reduce inequality issues while it also benefits family relationship. First, sharing housework is reasonable because it will enhance gender equality, which is a worrying problem in many societies. In the past, it was widely believed that women were solely responsible for household works since women have the distinctive characteristics of care and neatness. This has resulted in many women in many countries, particularly in Asia, under pressure and engendering a sense of resentment regarding overwhelming housework. If such jobs are shared to men, it is highly that such burdens are minimised, thus being treated more fairly. Another compelling reason for having both males and females engaging in doing household chores is the reduction in a family dispute. If such duties are mainly done by only men or women, the other tends to feel overwhelmed, which might, in turn, lead to domestic argument and violence. A clear explanation is a higher rate of divorce in America, which is caused by the unnecessary argument made by young adult couples. In conclusion, while more men and women seem to work full-time nowadays, it is advisable that they both should take responsibility for doing housework. I agree with this as believe that It is fair and will help minimise arguments among family members, leading to an equality society and a healthy family unit.
The diagrams illustrate the proportions of four different kinds of housing in the UK between 1991 and 2007, namely home owner, social renting, private renting as well as social housing. Overall, it is clear that the number of homes in UK recorded a considerable increase from 1991 to 2007, at 22 million homes compared to 27 million homes. Furthermore, more UK residents owened their home while less people chose social renting and social housing during the period from 1991 to 2007. Looking into the details, ,home owner is the top choice for UK residents which comprised 60% in 1991. Then, it considerably rose to 70% after 16 years. Next came to the social renting which recorded an dramatic decrease from 1991 to 2007, at 23% and 17% in turn. The percentage of social housing also significantly plunged from 6% to 2%. The percentage of private renting remain unchanged at 11% over the period.
Striving for own career development is most of the people's lifetime target in the modern city. In some nations, employees spend long time at work becomes a phenomenon. This essay is going yo discuss the reasons behind and I reckon that this is a negative development for both the companies and employees. There are two main reasons behind this phenomenon. Firstly, it could be the corporate culture of the company. The management members of the company may agree that workers spending a long period of time in the office equals to excellent performance. For instance, employees in Japanese company could get a greater annual bonus or better chance to promote if they are eager to work for a long hours. This forces the employees to to show up in the office just because of giving a good impression to the boss. Secondly, as the competition between different companies in the market is nervous, coporate sectors are willing to push their colleagues to enhance their sales or performance. It causes a great pressure to the employees whom need to work for long hours to fuifill the expectation from the managements. For example, product sales agents' performance depends on the sales number quarterly. If the agent cannot sale the products effectively, they will receive less revenues or even being sacked. As per the reasons stated, I absolutely think that it is a negative development for both the employees and companies. It is because it gives the unnecessary pressure to the colleagues which will affect their mental health. Inversely, it downgrades the performance of the employee as well as the company. Work-life balance is important to everyone as suitable relaxing time can considerably enhance the performance of human.
Information is presented by two pie charts which depict the housing owned and rented in the UK in 1991 and 2007. Overall, it can be clearly seen that while each category of housing experienced a wide variety of change, house owner was the major type of housing in both years. Turning to the first main feature, home owner was the most popular housing in 1991 and 2007, accounting for 60% and 70% respectively. The second most popular housing was social renting. In 1991 social renting contributed to an exact 23% which then decreased noticeably by 6% to a precise 17% in 2007. Turning to another main feature, social housing. Was the least popular housing over the survey period. The proportion of social housing was a modest 6% in 1991. The figure for social housing then declined considerably to only 2% in 2007. In terms of private renting, the rate of this type of housing remained unchanged at an exact 11% in both 1991 and 2007. The last key point to note is the total number of housing which amounted to 22 million and 27 million homes in 1991 and 2007 respectively.
Nowadays, many businesses have to compete each other in order to survive from the rapidly changing world, leading to the high amount of time that employees spend on working. There are also other reasons why the employees work for a long period which I will discuss in this essay. In terms of consequences, I personally believe that spending most of our time at work is the negative development. It is the fact that people have various rationales to work for long hours. A classic example is the dynamic working condition. There are many companies that provide services such as consultation to customers, meaning that if their service does not completely satisfy the clients’ need, such client may decide to use the service from other competitors. Hence, the employees are required to dedicate their time to deliver the best service to the clients. Another common criticism is a bright career path. When the employees work for a long period, they can carefully check their works and, as a result, delivery the works with less mistakes. Doing this way could impress their manager and they are likely to get promotion in return. With a careful consideration regarding the consequence of working for long hours, there are many vital drawbacks. An obvious effect is the increase in illness. People who work very hard have to spend a lot of their time at work. Therefore, they may not have enough time to do exercises, weakening the immune system of their body. Furthermore, with the rise in the amount of working hours, people tend to lack social skills. This is because they may not be able to manage time to join social events or meet their friends, resulting in the less ability to adapt to new environments. In conclusion, it is undeniable that people work for long hours because of the requirement in business and personal career goal which, in my opinion, leads to negative development for themselves. This is because this behavior negatively affects their health condition and social competency which are the two most important aspects in our life.
The pie charts indicate the percentage of housing owned and rented in the UK in 1991 and 2007. Clearly, homeowners have the highest percentage in 1991 and 2007. In addition, the number of homes increased from 1991 to 2007. To begin with, the total number of homes in the UK increased. It was 22 million and five million homes added in 2007. Home homeowners occupied three-fifths in 1991 and increased the percentage to approximately three-fourth in 2007. Specifically, the percentage was 60, and 70 in 1991 and 2007. These percentages were much higher than the second highest percentage, social renting. The social renting was close to a quarter in 1991. And it can be seen a slight reduction in 2007. It is specifically 17 percent due to the increase of homeowners. Another interesting point is private renting. The percentage remained the same in 1991 and 2007. It is 11 percent. When it comes to social housing, it was six percent in 1991, but the percentage plummeted to two percent in 2007.
In some countries, including Japan, people tend to spend long hours at work. In recent years, this issue is often discussed around Japan. Although some Japanese people take it positively, I strongly oppose this idea and believe it is no longer positive development now. I would like to state some reasons with some examples in Japanese society. Firstly, the Japanese economy used to be the worst poverty country around the world after world war two. Many buildings and companies were devastated, therefore, Japanese people stucked together on how to recover the damage and improve their economy. As a result, the Japanese economy has drastically and steadily developed. As a result, the Japanese economy was about to be the wealthiest country by 1980. In these periods from 1950 to 1990, the longer people work, the more money returned to employees. In addition, it was traditionally believed for Japanese people that it is virtue to work long hours in Japanese society. But the economic bubble suddenly exploded in 1992, Japanese economy suddenly declined and economic growth still remains the same in 2022. Sadly, working long hours is not necessarily connected to companies profit. Although it is because of economic recession, companies still believed that it is important to work hours will result in increase company's profit. As a result, some people became workaholics and the number of people who are suffering from mental depression. Currently, Japan is one of the highest suicide rates in developed countries. Finally, in my opinion, the most important point is how productive systems companies and organizations need to create. For example, many companies tend to rely on too much tasks for employees who have better skills or positions than other employees. Therefore, they need to provide some curriculums about specific skills in IT, language, and accountant. If each employee upskilled their ability, it would be able to divide and conquer the tasks more efficiently. In addition, it must be more effective to adopt intern-ship work opportunities for university students. This means that those who already have work experience beforehand will cause to reduce their training time. In conclusion, Japanese society is suffering from depopulation, too. This means that Japanese people are required to work with less volume workforce. Therefore, companies and the government need to consider how to work efficiently and reduce too much tasks in one employee. I believe Japanese people will be able to resolve this problem, because they are so diligent and made many success to make a countermeasure by a long history.
The two pie charts below present the numbers and proportions of four housing sectors (home owner, social renting, private renting and social housing) in the United Kingdom in two years, 1991 and 2007. Overall, the total number of homes increased in 2007. The percentage of owned houses increased, as well. In contrast, the proportion of both social renting and housing went down, while the private renting remained the same. The total count of homes in 1991 was 22 million homes and was found 5 millions homes higher in the year 2007. For the owned houses, the percentage in 1991 was 60% and then rose up by 10% in 2007. However, social renting homes in 1991 accounted for about one-fourth of the total homes and then dropped to below 20% in 2007. Moreover, the social homes diminished from 6% to 2%. With regard to the the private renting, although the counts in the two years were different, the overall percentages were matching.
It is often the arguement and debate of the main reasons for why employees spend longer hours at their jobs and what are the consequences of it. This essay will argue this statement, provide top reasons and main outcomes of doing so and give some relevant examples. There are several reasons why workers tend to spend too much time at their jobs, beyond the work hours stated in the contracts. One reason could be that those employees have recently joined the company and they want to leave a good impression on their supervisors during the three-month probation period. Another factor is related to the many various tasks and projects given all at once, hence they get stressed out as they're restricted with the deadlines. On the other hand, some are just staying at work for a prolonged period is for the sake of self-development, e.g. studying for some certification programs, online master degree, etc. When it comes to the consequences, it can be either positive or negative, depending on the reason itself. If it is self-development then it is a good thing. In contrast, if this keeps repeating everyday then it is unhealthy for both the body and the mentality. Also, it can affect the social life and a marriage relationship. As an illustration, some countries (such as Dubai) have reduced the work hours and the outcome of this study was found satisfactory, i.g. the employees have become more productive, fruitful, and the quality of their inputs drastically improved. To sum up, the best and optimal choice is to balance between the social life and the time spent at work. If we constantly adopt such habit this will affect our health (physically and mentally) and as a result the contribution and performance will deteriorate and the required job won't be done at a satisfactory level.
The pie charts illustrate the statistical report in the UK about the number of housing owned and rented between 1991 and 2007 which divided into four categories: homeowner, social renting, private renting and social housing. It clearly shown the increasing number of houses over a 16 years period in the UK. Although the growth of home owners was also obviously noted, social renting houses and social housing dropped significantly, but private renting houses remained the same. In 1991, there were a 22 million total number of homes reported and rocketed to 27 million in 2007. When it comes to homeownership, it depicts that there was a 60% of total number of housing, then it suddenly rose by 10% after 16 years. There were two types of renting, the first one is social renting which consisted of 23% in 1991 before it plummeted in 2007 down to 17%. Second one is the private renting houses which remained stable at 11%. Social Housing was remarkably popular during 1991, though it noticeably declined by 4% in 2007.
In recent times as technology progresses, majority of people have spent longer time at work for many reasons which can be caused by a high work demands and people need to cope with their daily living. This development would have negative connotations, if people would not have a work-life balance and gradually affect their health. Numerous workers have sometimes oblige to stay at work longer. Firstly, there are huge companies that need more workforce and time to keep up with work requirements. As an individual worker, sometimes requires to extend their work hours to finish the workload and assigned tasks. In most shipping companies or factories in the Philippines, for instance, there often have an outrageous number of workload to be done therefore multitude employees have been tied up to work and forced to render overtime. Secondly, nowadays people are facing in large of debts and bills. In Canada, the cost of living is quite high and unaffordable for some, so that several people work double jobs or often do overtime to earn extra more. Spending too much hours working has two possible drawbacks, an absence or lack of work-life balance and acquiring diseases in the long run. For married people, family time is significantly valuable in order to maintain a good family bond. Workaholic people have the tendency to negelct the importance of family bonding and tend to experience health problems thereafter. According to one research in the US, found that the number of workaholic people was tripled from 10 million to about 30 million in over a decade and majority of these people suffered from stress- related diseases such as depression, heart disease and chronic back pain. To conclude, most people have spent longer time working due to extreme work demands and personal financial challenges. Although this gives some benefits to oneself or companies, it can turn one's life into unhappy and unhealthy life.
The bar chart displays the total number of minutes(in billions) of telephone calls in Australia. There are three types, specifically, local, national and international, and mobiles. Overall, it is clear the number of local telephone calls has the largest from 2001 to 2008, while the other two types, national and international, and mobiles steadily increased the number of telephone calls. Initially, there is a variation in local telephone calls from 2001 to 2008. The number of telephone calls started at 72 billion, and steadily soared and reached a peak of 90 billion in 2005. Then the number of billions slightly reduced and returned to 72 billion in 2008. Nevertheless, the number remained the highest in the three categories. Secondly, national and international, and mobiles can be seen steadily increase the number until 2008. National and international was 38 billion in 2001 and gradually rose up the number and reached the highest number in 2008. Specifically, it was 61 billion. Mobiles started the number only 2 billion in 2001. But the number constantly increased, and suddenly surged to 23 billion and 39 billion in 2006 and 2007 respectively. As a result, the number reached a peak of 46 billion in 2008. The gaps among three categories were quite large in 2001. It was 72, 38, and 2 in local, national and international mobile. And it resulted in a huge reduction of the gap in 2008. It was 72,61, and 46 in local,national and internationalal, and mobiles.
Some people strongly argue that money has to be shared for other ways. In contrast, it is necessary to invest money for developing the technology for space exploration. Although there are some benefits to spend money for space exploration, I believe the money should be spent for a disparity of wealth and environment. Initially, developing the technology for space exploration is necessary to some extent. For example, if people found a drastically innovative resource on another planet that takes the place of current resources, specifically, fossil fuel, and wood. People do not need to take care of limited resources on the earth any more. In addition, improving technology will cause to people's convenience on earth as a result. For example, recently some scientists are planning to launch a space rocket as a transport system on earth. hat it takes only two hours between New York and Shanghai by rocket. On the other hand, there are a lot of problems on earth. Especially, in developing countries, people are suffering from poverty while in developed countries waste massive food. In addition, even in developed countries, the disparity of wealth has been widening. Therefore, the money which is spent on space exploration should be used for all people's lives more safely around the world. Developed countries must have many options to give a hand to developing countries. For example, it must be effective to provide infrastructure, agriculture, and sharing clothing and food that are about to dispose of in developed countries. Finally, including my opinion, people can not choose their own nationality. This means that people who were born in a developing country and need to be suffered from poverty are definitely unfair. Therefore, the money is spent on space exploration partially spend for developing countries. As a result, the disparity of wealth will not be wider and people will be able to live with the same quality of lifestyle as developed countries to some extent.
the bar chart illustrates the average number of minutes in billions had been consumed by different types of call services, local, national /international, and mobiles in Australia from 2001 to 2008. Overall, local call minutes from 2001 to 2008 were the most common and consumed service compared to the other types of telephone calls in Australia, while the lowest amount is mobile with 2 billion minutes only in the year 2001 and started increasing dramatically with approximately 2000%. According to what is shown the local number in 2001 was 72 billion minutes. However, the number kept increasing till 2005 and reached the peak of 90 billion which was the highest number of minutes consumed, then in 2008, it dropped to 72 billion same as in 2001. According to the national/international number is growing significantly from 38 in 2001 to 61 billion minutes in 2008. Main while, the mobile service in 2001 consumed was only 2 billion then the service became more popular in 2005 and reach 12 billion, moreover, the number had been doubled in 2006 to 23 billion and raised sharply to 46 billion minutes in 2008 which is 44 billion minutes compared to 2001
These days the space exploration is not just an imagination since human beings landed and step their foot on the moon decades ago. In addition, the fast technology evolution in the present came from the concerns of many scientists around the world. Some people believe that focusing on the space evolution matter. While others argue that they should invest inside the country. In my opinion, the exploration of our planet could enhance people's lives in many different ways. However, the human organization should do the best in other more useful sectors to improve human needs. On one hand, the space exploration has always been a fascinating topic over recent years. Scientists researching to find out and trying to know what is hiding out of the black hole and another universal plant if it is livable or has any natural resources. For example, in 1991 research proved that to travel from the earth to the nearest planet it could take approximately 3 to 4 months continually. In other words, exploration of a planet is costly as well as takes much time to reach it. On the other hand, the benefit of universe exploration may change our earth's environment and improve our lives for the next coming generation in technology. For instance, people after the year 2000 had better communication with each other which was not even possible at any time ever. Moreover, the government invests to develop space exploration companies. In conclusion, after carefully explaining my points of view I strongly believe that space companies such as SpaceX must try to find a new resources to visit other planets. However, I agree that they should be done after providing the basic needs of the human on earth and investing to solve poverty and any other human tragedies.
The bar chart shows the amount of minutes (in billions) spent in phone calls in Australia, spreaded into three categories, from 2001-2008. In the overall view, local telephone calls are the category with the most amount of minutes per year, consecutively in the eight years. In addition, is remarkable how, in eight years, the total number of phone call minutes has not increase nor decrease much. Beginning with local calls, during the first five years (2001-2005) it followed a bearer trend reaching its highest on 2005 with 90 billion minutes. Whereas, in the next three years, the number of minutes spent in local calls droped an average of 6 billion minutes per year. Then we have national and international calls, which almost duplicated its number of minutes in the eight years. In fact, the number of minutes in 2008 (61 billion) was nearly as higher as the local call minutes (72 billion). The last but not least, mobile call minutes have exponentially grown within the eight years (2001-2008). Initially, in 2001 with it only reached 2 billion minutes, and eight years later, the amount of minutes was 23 times bigger (46 billion).
Space, so unknown for the humankind that it generates so much curiosity among experts and enterprenues. Due to this curiosity, the amount of resources and money invested in its exploration is surprisingly big. Developing technology for it is expensive but, in my humble opinion, completly justified. Firstly, developing technology is vital so that space exploration can be carried out succesfully. Experts have discovered that we only know a 4 percent of the entire universe. If with only that 4 percent we have accomplished amazing achievements, imagine what the human race could do when knowing a 10 percent. Secondly, space exploration and the technology involve on it not only will help the human race understand the universe but also will provide a whole new kind of tourism, space tourism. The CEOs of some of the most profitable business in America are investigating this possibility. The leading enterprises in this sector are Blue Origin from Jeff Bezos and Space X from Elon Musk. When discovered the way of sending people to space safely, space tourism will generate twice the money spent on technology for space exploration. In a nutshell, space exploration is crutial for the development of the human race. Furthermore, if this was not enough, all the technology developed will serve the purpose of creating a whole new kind of tourism that will generate billions of dollars in revenue. From my point of view, even though here on earth there are several problems to be solve with money, our future lies on space, so be must spend as much money as possible.
The bar chart below illustrates the statistics of time (billion minutes) spent on different types of phone calls (local, national and international, and cell phones) in Australia from 2001 to 2008. Overall, local calls was the most common and consumed the largest amount of time, but the popularization of cell phones had also caused more time spent on national and international calls. First of all, the total amount of minutes spent on local Australian phone calls had never been less than 72 billions, and it reached the highest rate at 90 billions in 2009. The second most time-consuming type of phone calls was national/international. It kept a steady increase from 38 billion minutes in 2001 to 61 billions in 2009. It is possible to believe that the rapid-growing popularity of cell phones was the major reason for the increased amount of time spent on national and international calls. As the chart displayed, the total minutes spent on cell phones was only 2 billions in 2001, but in 2006 it went up to 23 minutes, and then it elevated by more than 10 billion minutes every year until 39 billions in 2007.
Space exploration has no longer been a si-fi fantasy since human-beings placed their first steps on the moon in 1950s. However, rapid evolution of technologies and the fast consumption of natural resources are also major concerns for many scientists in today's world. Some people believe that more money spent on space exploration is inevitable for fulfulling the demands of scientific discovery and the future development of human technologies; however, many others argue that this money should be invested in other more useful places where more human lives can be improved. Space exploration has always been a fascinating topic over the recent years. Scientists have long been searching for possible ways to contact the unknown lives outside this planet and unwrap the secrets of the universe such as the black holes and the birth of the space. The more advanced human-technologies become, the further an austronaut can travel to. Scientists believe that space discoveries can help human beings to develop new technologies and find new resources outside our solar system. However, the evolutions of technologies and equipments always require huge investments. In fact, space exploration can be both benefitial and time-consuming. If such a scientific project is carried and supervised by a rich nation, greater success can be seen. However, there are many other pre-existing problems on the other side of this planet that require attention and aids, such as hunger and proverty. In this case, I think these issues should be prioritized because every human life is precious. If those people's lives are taken care off, there should be less worries on scientific research as well. In conclusion, space exploration can be benefitial for the evolution of human technologies and possible findings of new resources. However, they should be done after fulfilling the basic needs other people on the other side of this planet.
The bar charts compare how long users spent on three categories of telephone calls in Australia from 2001 to 2008. Overall, in spite of minor fluctuations, time spent on local calls was constantly the highest among the three types of calls. It is also noticeable that the gap between these three telephone calls in terms of the number of minutes had narrowed in this 7-year period. In 2001, 72 million minutes was spent on local calls, and this figure gradually grew to the peak at 90 in 2005, after which it showed a decline to the original figure in 2008. By contrast, mobile phone was rarely used in 2001, with only 2 billion minutes spent on using this device. However, these years witnessed a markedly growing popularity of it, with its figure increased exponentially to 46 billion minutes in 2008. Time spent on using national&intertational lines was half that of local fixed line in 2001, and the number of minutes on using transnational and domestic lines grew moderately to 61 over the period shown.
Some governments budget a considerable amount of expenditure on space exaploration, yet many opponents voice their opinion that it is meaningless to financially support this aspect, and this money should be alternatively allotted on other more important priorities. My firm conviction is that it is rewarding to pour money into exploring outer space since it might produce long-term benefits. From a short-term pespective, there are seemingly compelling reasons to exclude space exploration from the national budget. The result of exploring the exterrestrial space is unpredictable. If research fails, it would be a loss of financial resources considering the huge cost. Besides, compared with space exploration, education inequality, health care problems and underdeveloped infrastuctures are more urgent issues, meaning that money spent on these facets may produce immediate benefits for people's quality of life. However, I firmly believe we should hold a long-term perspective and figure out potential merits brought about by exploring and researching the outer space. First of all, environmental problems, such as global warming and water shortage, are gradually worsening and threatening people's health to a large extent. Allocating financial resources on space exploration could further investigate and prove whether there are life forms or natural resources on another planet, which might provide a soultion to those long-exisiting environmental issues. Also, many exisiting technologies closely associated with the daily life of mainkind, such as weather forcast and earthquake anticipation, are also highly reliant on the space technology. This will allow humans to take necessary precautions in the face of some urgent situations. To summarize, I believe space exploration is a long-term solution to many existing problems on this planet, and thus deserve adaquate government expenditure.
The bar chart illustrates the number of minutes of telephone calls in Australia, made to various localities or devices, from 2001 to 2008. Over the course of the eight years during which the data was sampled, it can be noted that the number of phone call minutes made to mobile phones has increased by the greatest proportion. In 2001, 2 billion minutes worth of phone call time was recorded. By 2008, this number had increased exponentially to 46 billion minutes. The bar chart illustrates that between the years 2001 and 2005, the number of phone calls made to local numbers gradually increased. However, from 2006, these calls decreased steadily until 2008, with a number that is only slightly higher than national and international calling minutes. The number of phone call minutes made to national as well as international locations consistently increased in the allocated time frame. It is also clear that local telephone calls account for the majority of phone calls made in Australia, and telephone calls made to mobile phones account for the least. In summary, the number of telephone call minutes made in Australia in different categories, varied during the years 2001 to 2008.
For years, space has fascinated humans. The idea that there could be life on other planets, as well as the challenge of exploring as much of the universe as possible, has been one that has excited everyone from top physicists, to the youngest child playing with her space ship toys. But is the money spent on exploration of the universe justified or should it rather be allocated to helping those on this planet? I believe that space exploration is justified. In this essay, the motivation for space exploration will be explored. Planet Earth is ill. Humans have polluted the planet and destroying natural resources. Some might argue that the damage is irreparable. Global warming is causing the Earth's temperature to steadily rise. There is a possibility that in the next few centuries, the planet may become inhabitable. Scientists like Elon Musk have recognised the dire situation that the Earth is in, and have started looking for an alternative new home planet. It is possible that in the coming years, there will be no other option than to move to a planet like Mars. Therefore, the costs involved in exploring this planet are justified, if it is to house the entire human race. Space exploration also allows for new discoveries. New minerals or compounds could be discovered on distant planets. These could possibly be used on Earth in various new technologies, or even in medical science to treat illness or disease. This could be invaluable to humankind. Since the dawn of the human race, a characteristic that separates us from our animal relatives, is our ability to tinker with existing knowledge, as well as learn new things. It has lead to humans becoming the dominant force on the planet. New ideas prevent us from becoming stagnant, thus driving progress. If we continue to learn new things from space exploration, we prevent stagnation. Lastly, the idea that there could be life on other planets is one that has merit, in my opinion. Humans cannot be so arrogant to think that there is no other life in the universe. In conclusion, it can be argued that space exploration does not hold merit and should be discontinued. But the benefits that it offers outweigh the shortcomings.