We use long-run, high-resolution hydrodynamics simulations to compute the multiwavelength light curves (LCs) from thermal disk emission around accreting equal-mass supermassive black hole (BH) binaries, with a focus on revealing binary eccentricity. LCs are obtained by modeling the disk thermodynamics with an adiabatic equation of state, a local blackbody cooling prescription, and corrections to approximate the effects of radiation pressure. We find that modulation of multiband LCs on the orbital time scale are generally in phase (to within ∼2 % of a binary orbital period), but they contain pulse substructure in the time domain that is not necessarily reflected in BH accretion rates M ˙. We thus predict that binary-hosting active galactic nucleus (AGN) will exhibit highly correlated, in-phase, periodic brightness modulations in their low-energy disk emission. However, detectability of these modulations in multiwavelength observing campaigns could be compromised because observed stochastic variability in AGNs typically has a higher amplitude than our proposed signal. It is possible that observations over temporal baselines of many binary periods may make the signal more prominent, but this would need to be analyzed carefully. If jet emission is predicted by M ˙, then we predict a weaker correlation with low-energy disk emission due to the differing subpeak structure. For the binary parameters we explore, we show that LC variability due to hydrodynamics likely dominates Doppler brightening for all equal-mass binaries with disk Mach numbers ≲20 . A promising signature of eccentricity is weak or absent "lump" periodicity. We find hints that a significant lag exists between M ˙ and low-energy disk emission for circular binaries, but they are in phase for eccentric binaries, which might explain some "orphan" blazar flares with no γ -ray counterpart.
a head worn visor having an array of battery operated fans in a chamber that includes contiguous air supply ducts that draw clean air from behind the user that is discharged through the visor fan array outlets in a downward force in front of the eyes to deflect irritating vapors that cause tearing from preparing food . the visor chamber houses the wiring and electrical connections to the fans and the dry cell battery compartment . the device operation is controlled by an on / off switch that activates the electrical circuitry .
a capacitive sensor detects an object , in particular detects a collision in the case of a movable vehicle part . the sensor has an electrode arrangement which contains at least one sensor electrode . the sensor also has an evaluation circuit which is connected downstream of the sensor electrode and is intended to process a reception signal generated in the sensor electrode . in this case , the evaluation circuit contains a transimpedance amplifier which has a device for compensating for the frequency response .
a fixed base router has a base supporting an upright wall . a motor based driver assembly is received in a cylindrical interior space delimited by the wall and movable along a spiral path . a read - out system includes a position sensor that detects and applies the displacement of the driver assembly along the spiral path to a processor based circuit , which in turn generates a signal indicating the displacement and a display device showing up the displacement for visual inspection . the read - out system allows for precise positioning the driver assembly and thus setting a cutting depth of a tool bit carried on and driven by the driver assembly so that adjustment of positioning of the tool bit is made simple , readable and precise .
a continuous glass - melting tank furnace includes a melting compartment including a melting tank having a lower part , and a superstructure equipped with heaters for receiving and melting raw batch material . additionally included is a separate refining compartment including a refining tank and a superstructure equipped with a further heater , the refining tank having a lower part and including a transverse sill which divides the refining tank into an upstream refining cell and a downstream refining cell , each of the upstream refining cell and the downstream refining cell having respective upstream ends and downstream ends , and the further heater being arranged to heat melt in the upstream refining cell for creating a spring zone located closer to the downstream end of the upstream refining cell and a circulation of melt in the upstream refining cell which feeds the spring zone . a throat allowing communication between the lower parts of the melting tank and the refining tank , and a conditioning tank for receiving melt from the refining tank are also included .
a trunked communication system wherein some of the communication resources are preassigned for exclusive use only by a predetermined group , such as a public safety agency . in addition , to assure optimal assignment of communication resources , communication resource assignments are made pursuant to a methodology that minimizes usurpation of unused resource capabilities .
a thrown or flying toy includes a bubble - producing element having plural openings and capable of producing compound bubbles which generally resemble the shape of a toy airplane or a cartoon - like character .
We have observed the very low-mass Class 0 protostar IRAS 15398-3359 at scales ranging from 50 to 1800 au, as part of the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array Large Program FAUST. We uncover a linear feature, visible in H<SUB>2</SUB>CO, SO, and C<SUP>18</SUP>O line emission, which extends from the source in a direction almost perpendicular to the known active outflow. Molecular line emission from H<SUB>2</SUB>CO, SO, SiO, and CH<SUB>3</SUB>OH further reveals an arc-like structure connected to the outer end of the linear feature and separated from the protostar, IRAS 15398-3359, by 1200 au. The arc-like structure is blueshifted with respect to the systemic velocity. A velocity gradient of 1.2 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> over 1200 au along the linear feature seen in the H<SUB>2</SUB>CO emission connects the protostar and the arc-like structure kinematically. SO, SiO, and CH<SUB>3</SUB>OH are known to trace shocks, and we interpret the arc-like structure as a relic shock region produced by an outflow previously launched by IRAS 15398-3359. The velocity gradient along the linear structure can be explained as relic outflow motion. The origins of the newly observed arc-like structure and extended linear feature are discussed in relation to turbulent motions within the protostellar core and episodic accretion events during the earliest stage of protostellar evolution.
the presently claimed invention relates generally to encoding imagery and video . one claim recites a method including : obtaining data representing an image or video captured from an aerial platform ; and utilizing a multi - purpose computer processor configured to : control communication of the data ; and steganographically encode the data to include information representing polynomial coefficients associated with at least one geographic dimension . other combinations and claims are provided as well .
Context. Electron-molecule interaction is a fundamental process in radiation-driven chemistry in space, from the interstellar medium to comets. Therefore, knowledge of interaction cross sections is key. There have been a plethora of both theoretical and experimental studies of total ionization cross sections spanning from diatomics to complex organics. However, the data are often spread over many sources or are not public or readily available. <BR /> Aims: We introduce the Astrochemistry Low-energy Electron cross-section (ALeCS) database. This is a public database for electron interaction cross sections and ionization rates for molecules of astrochemical interest. In particular, we present here the first data release, comprising total ionization cross sections and ionization rates for over 200 neutral molecules. <BR /> Methods: We include optimized geometries and molecular orbital energies at various levels of quantum chemistry theory. Furthermore, for a subset of the molecules, we have calculated ionization potentials. We computed the total ionization cross sections using the binary-encounter Bethe model and screening-corrected additivity rule, and we computed ionization rates and reaction network coefficients for molecular cloud environments. <BR /> Results: We present the cross sections and reaction rates for &gt;200 neutral molecules ranging from diatomics to complex organics, with the largest being C<SUB>14</SUB>H<SUB>10</SUB>. We find that the screening-corrected additivity rule cross sections generally significantly overestimate experimental total ionization cross sections. We demonstrate that our binary-encounter Bethe cross sections agree well with experimental data. We show that the ionization rates scale roughly linearly with the number of constituent atoms in the molecule. <BR /> Conclusions: We introduce and describe the public ALeCS database. For the initial release, we include total ionization cross sections for &gt;200 neutral molecules and several cations and anions calculated with different levels of quantum chemistry theory, the chemical reaction rates for the ionization, and network files in the formats of the two most popular astrochemical networks: the Kinetic Database for Astrochemistry, and UMIST. The database will be continuously updated for more molecules and interactions.
a multi - well plate is disclosed for holding chemical compounds for heating in a microwave oven . the plate is a substantially planar member having wells arranged in an array of rows and columns in its upper surface . the plate has heat reservoirs in the form of fluid filled channels or elongated solid bodies positioned lengthwise along the side portions of the plate to reduce temperature gradients among the wells across the length and width of the plate . the heat reservoirs prevent or mitigate heat loss from the wells near the side portions of the plate and ensure that the compounds in all of the wells have a uniform temperature .
Carbonaceous meteorites are thought to be fragments of C-type (carbonaceous) asteroids. Samples of the C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu were retrieved by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. We measured the mineralogy and bulk chemical and isotopic compositions of Ryugu samples. The samples are mainly composed of materials similar to those of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, particularly the CI (Ivuna-type) group. The samples consist predominantly of minerals formed in aqueous fluid on a parent planetesimal. The primary minerals were altered by fluids at a temperature of 37° ± 10°C, about 5.2−0.7+0.8 million (statistical) or 5.2−2.1+1.6 million (systematic) years after the formation of the first solids in the Solar System. After aqueous alteration, the Ryugu samples were likely never heated above ~100°C. The samples have a chemical composition that more closely resembles that of the Sun’s photosphere than other natural samples do.
an article that comprises an auxetic mesh 20 that has been molded into an intended shape . molded auxetic articles do not distort as much as convention meshes when subjected to the heat and pressure of a molding operation .
The origin of high-energy cosmic rays, and their behavior in astrophysical sources, remains an open question. Recently, new ways to address this question have been made possible by the observation of a new astrophysical messenger, namely neutrinos. The IceCube telescope has detected a diffuse flux of astrophysical neutrinos in the TeV-PeV energy range, likely produced in astrophysical sources accelerating cosmic rays, and more recently it has reported on a few candidate individual neutrino sources. Future experiments will be able to improve on these measurements quantitatively, by the detection of more events, and qualitatively, by extending the measurement into the EeV energy range. In this paper, we review the main features of the neutrino emission and sources observed by IceCube, as well as the main candidate sources that could contribute to the diffuse neutrino flux. As a parallel question, we review the status of high-energy neutrinos as a probe of Beyond the Standard Model physics coupling to the neutrino sector.
in a trc process and system , an improved process and system for regulating the rate of solids added continuously to a solids - fluid reaction system , the solids participating in the reaction as a reactant , catalyst , or inert heat supply medium .
a two - stage process for converting synthesis gas to higher alcohols includes an alkali metal - containing cobalt synthesis gas conversion catalyst in a first stage and a copper - containing catalyst in a second stage . the process allows great flexibility in selecting the product mix by changing catalyst compositions and process conditions .
an apparatus and a method for sealing a conduit . the apparatus includes a housing , a tube for reciprocably extending through the housing bore , a rod reciprocably extending through the tube , a seal assembly associated with the tube and the rod , wherein the seal assembly includes at least one seal element which expands radially in response to an axial setting force , a proximal collar associated with the tube for engaging with a proximal end of the seal assembly , and a distal collar associated with the rod for engaging with a distal end of the seal assembly , wherein moving the rod axially relative to the tube in a proximal direction results in the axial setting force being applied to the seal assembly . the method includes using the apparatus to perform maintenance or repair on the conduit or its associated fittings .
Proto-planetary discs, the birth environment of planets, are an example of a structure commonly found in astrophysics, accretion discs. Identifying the mechanism responsible for accretion is a long-standing problem, dating back several decades. The common picture is that accretion is a consequence of turbulence, with several instabilities proposed for its origin. While traditionally this field used to be a purely theoretical endeavour, the landscape is now changing thanks mainly to new observational facilities such as the ALMA radio interferometer. Thanks to large improvements in spatial and spectral resolution and sensitivity (which have enabled the study of disc substructure, kinematics and surveys of large disc populations), multiple techniques have been devised to observationally measure the amount of turbulence in discs. This review summarises these techniques, ranging from attempts at direct detection of turbulence from line broadening, to more indirect approaches that rely on properties of the dust or consider the evolution of global disc properties (such as masses, radii and accretion rates) for large samples, and what their findings are. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that discs are in fact not as turbulent as thought one decade ago. On the other hand, direct detection of turbulence in some discs and the finite radial extent of dust substructures and in some cases the finite vertical extent strongly indicate that turbulence must be present at some level in proto-planetary discs. It is still an open question whether this amount of turbulence is enough to power accretion or if this is instead driven by other mechanisms, such as MHD winds.
the invention provides method and apparatus that utilize a plurality of port sub - arrays , in which each port sub - array comprises a plurality of acoustical ports . the ports of each port sub - array are spaced so that each port sub - array responds to acoustical signals that are generated by acoustical sources within an associated frequency range . in an embodiment of the invention , associated frequency ranges are related in a harmonic manner , in which each port sub - array corresponds to different frequency octaves . the associated frequency range is a portion of the total frequency range of an acoustical system . received acoustical signals from each of the port sub - arrays are coupled over acoustical pathways and are converted into electrical signals by capsules that may be mounted in a capsule mounting . the electrical signals may be filtered , such as to reduce spatial aliasing , and post processed to further enhance the characteristics of the signals .
structure for mounting power capacitors including indicator light structure for indicating the condition of one or more power capacitors and including a catch basin for retaining liquid from power capacitors mounted therein . in one modification , the indicator light structure prevents removal of the cover of the capacitor mounting structure without breaking the circuit through the capacitors . in another modification the indicator light structure is mounted on a hinged portion of the capacitor mounting structure whereby the capacitor mounting structure may be open for ease of inspection or repair .
The hierarchical nature of galaxy formation suggests that a supermassive black hole binary could exist in our galactic center. We propose a new approach to constraining the possible orbital configuration of such a binary companion to the galactic center black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) through the measurement of stellar orbits. Focusing on the star S0-2, we show that requiring its orbital stability in the presence of a companion to Sgr A* yields stringent constraints on the possible configurations of such a companion. Furthermore, we show that precise measurements of time variations in the orbital parameters of S0-2 could yield stronger constraints. Using existing data on S0-2 we derive upper limits on the binary black hole separation as a function of the companion mass. For the case of a circular orbit, we can rule out a 10<SUP>5</SUP> M <SUB>⊙</SUB> companion with a semimajor axis greater than 170 au or 0.8 mpc. This is already more stringent than bounds obtained from studies of the proper motion of Sgr A*. Including other stars orbiting the galactic center should yield stronger constraints that could help uncover the presence of a companion to Sgr A*. We show that a companion can also affect the accretion process, resulting in a variability that may be consistent with the measured infrared flaring timescales and amplitudes. Finally, if such a companion exists, it will emit gravitational wave radiation, potentially detectable with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA).
an operational control device is disclosed for a positive - displacement pump having a motor , means for actuating the motor , state sensor means for detecting an actual operating parameter of the pump , and operating mode means for controlling an operating mode of the pump . a first actuating mode of the operating mode means is set by the actuating means below a first operating - parameter threshold value . this mode brings about a constantly rising pump pressure in the direction of an operating - parameter setpoint value in a variable manner , which is dependent on a detected change in the operating parameter over a predefined time interval . a second actuating mode is set as normal operation to the operating - parameter setpoint value by the actuating means above the first operating - parameter threshold value . p1 is fixed or is calculated as a fraction of the operating - parameter setpoint value and / or a pump parameter correlated therewith .
We update our recently published model for GAlaxy Evolution and Assembly (GAEA), to include a self-consistent treatment of the partition of cold gas in atomic and molecular hydrogen. Our model provides significant improvements with respect to previous ones used for similar studies. In particular, GAEA (I) includes a sophisticated chemical enrichment scheme accounting for non-instantaneous recycling of gas, metals and energy; (II) reproduces the measured evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function; (III) reasonably reproduces the observed correlation between galaxy stellar mass and gas metallicity at different redshifts. These are important prerequisites for models considering a metallicity-dependent efficiency of molecular gas formation. We also update our model for disc sizes and show that model predictions are in nice agreement with observational estimates for the gas, stellar and star-forming discs at different cosmic epochs. We analyse the influence of different star formation laws including empirical relations based on the hydrostatic pressure of the disc, analytic models and prescriptions derived from detailed hydrodynamical simulations. We find that modifying the star formation law does not affect significantly the global properties of model galaxies, neither their distributions. The only quantity showing significant deviations in different models is the cosmic molecular-to-atomic hydrogen ratio, particularly at high redshift. Unfortunately, however, this quantity also depends strongly on the modelling adopted for additional physical processes. Useful constraints on the physical processes regulating star formation can be obtained focusing on low-mass galaxies and/or at higher redshift. In this case, self-regulation has not yet washed out differences imprinted at early time.
a temperature sensor includes a substrate , a platinum resistor arranged on at least one surface of the substrate , a protective layer covering at least a portion of the platinum resistor and a cover layer covering at least a portion of the protective layer , the cover layer including al2o3 , sio2 and y2o3 . the cover layer may also include b2o3 . a conductive wire may be electrically connected to the platinum resistor . a glass ceramic may be covering at least a portion of the conductive wire , platinum resistor , protective layer and cover layer .
the invention relates to novel acylphloroglucinols which have strong growth inhibitory effects on multi - drug resistant strains of bacteria , particularly mrsa . typically the compounds have a terpene substituent , or a terpene - derived substituent . methods of isolating the compounds from natural sources , and synthetic methods for forming the compounds are also provided .
<BR /> Aims: We present an analysis of the 700 ks Chandra ACIS-S observation of the field around the radio galaxy J1140-2629 (the Spiderweb Galaxy) at z = 2.156, focusing on the nuclear activity in the associated large-scale environment. <BR /> Methods: We identified unresolved X-ray sources in the field down to flux limits of 1.3 × 10<SUP>−16</SUP> and 3.9 × 10<SUP>−16</SUP> erg s<SUP>−1</SUP> cm<SUP>−2</SUP> in the soft (0.5-2.0 keV) and hard (2-10 keV) band, respectively. We searched for counterparts in the optical, near-infrared, and submillimeter catalogs available in the literature to identify X-ray sources belonging to the protocluster and derived their X-ray properties. <BR /> Results: We detect 107 X-ray unresolved sources within 5 arcmin (corresponding to 2.5 Mpc) of J1140-2629, among which 13 have optical counterparts with spectroscopic redshift 2.11 &lt; z &lt; 2.20, and 1 source has a photometric redshift consistent with this range. The X-ray-emitting protocluster members are distributed approximately over a ∼3.2 × 1.3 Mpc<SUP>2</SUP> rectangular region. An X-ray spectral analysis for all the sources within the protocluster shows that their intrinsic spectral slope is consistent with an average ⟨Γ⟩∼1.84 ± 0.04. Excluding the Spiderweb Galaxy, the best-fit intrinsic absorption for five protocluster X-ray members is N<SUB>H</SUB> &gt; 10<SUP>23</SUP> cm<SUP>−2</SUP>, while another six have upper limits of the order of a few times 10<SUP>22</SUP> cm<SUP>−2</SUP>. Two sources can only be fitted with very flat Γ ≤ 1, and are therefore considered Compton-thick candidates. The 0.5-10 keV rest-frame luminosities of the 11 Compton-thin protocluster members corrected for intrinsic absorption are greater than 2 × 10<SUP>43</SUP> erg s<SUP>−1</SUP>. These values are typical for the bright end of a Seyfert-like distribution and significantly greater than X-ray luminosities expected from star formation activity. The X-ray luminosity function of the AGN in the volume associated to the Spiderweb protocluster in the range 10<SUP>43</SUP> &lt; L<SUB>X</SUB> &lt; 10<SUP>44.5</SUP> erg s<SUP>−1</SUP> is at least ten times higher than that in the field at the same redshift and significantly flatter, implying an increasing excess at the bright end. The X-ray AGN fraction is measured to be 25.5 ± 4.5% of the spectroscopically confirmed members in the stellar mass range log(M<SUB>*</SUB>/M<SUB>⊙</SUB>) &gt; 10.5. This value corresponds to an enhancement factor of 6.0<SUB>−3.0</SUB><SUP>+9.0</SUP> for the nuclear activity with L<SUB>0.5 − 10 keV</SUB> &gt; 4 × 10<SUP>43</SUP> erg s<SUP>−1</SUP> with respect to the COSMOS field at comparable redshifts and stellar mass range. <BR /> Conclusions: We conclude that the galaxy population in the Spiderweb protocluster is characterized by enhanced X-ray nuclear activity triggered by environmental effects on megaparsec scales.
What's Changed TLDR; Breaking changes PlonK was updated to latest paper version and is incompatible with previous gnark version gnark now supports efficient PlonK recursion with 2-chains (bls12-377 / bw6-761) Groth16 solidity verifier now supports commitments Addition of a "decompression" component in gnark/std Many performance improvements feat: BW6-761 emulated pairing by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/846 Feat: BW6-761 KZG gadget by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/866 Fix: edge cases in the Karabina cyclotomic square decompression by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/868 chore: avoid nonnative dereferences by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/861 feat: allow custom hash function in backends by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/873 chore: cleanup documentation examples by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/878 Refactor(BW6-761): use revisited Ate pairing instead of Tate by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/876 Fix sw_emulated test by @secure12 in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/889 feat: add short-hash wrappers for recursion by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/884 Feat/marshal g1 scalar by @ThomasPiellard in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/891 perf: lookup blueprint compile time improvement by @gbotrel in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/899 FEAT: Add experimental support for Icicle GPU acceleration behind build tag by @jeremyfelder in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/844 feat: Fiat-Shamir transcript using a short hash by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/900 refactor: use emulated.FieldParams as type parameter to generic Curve and Pairing by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/901 fix: non-native arithmetic autoreduction for division, inversion and sqrt by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/870 feat: batched KZG by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/908 fix: use platform independent method for counting new multiplication overflow from result limb count by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/916 feat: cache lookup blueprint entries in solving phase by @gbotrel in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/915 feat: make gkr hash registries private and threadsafe by @gbotrel in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/920 refactor: simplify hint overloading for api.Commit by @gbotrel in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/919 Perf/multisymbol 4bw by @Tabaie in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/912 fix: missing wait on channel in plonk prover by @gbotrel in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/926 Feat/bypass compression by @Tabaie in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/924 perf: if we don't compress, no need to index dict. by @gbotrel in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/929 Perf: optimize addition chains in BW6-761 final exponentiation by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/931 Perf: variant of the Karabina cyclotomic squaring by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/933 feat: add PLONK in-circuit verifier by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/880 perf: use G2 precomputed lines for Miller loop by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/930 perf: bounded scalar multiplication by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/934 Chore/compression v1 by @Tabaie in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/940 perf: non-native modular multiplication by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/749 fix: several typos in the documentation by @tudorpintea999 in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/943 feat: exit when condition is not filled by @ThomasPiellard in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/928 refactor: use external compressor repo by @Tabaie in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/942 fix: #951 plonk verifier checks witness length by @gbotrel in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/952 refactor: plonk.Setup takes kzg srs in canonical and lagrange form by @gbotrel in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/953 Perf: plonk verifier gadget by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/949 Perf: KZG verify gadget by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/874 Feat/plonk verifier batching by @ThomasPiellard in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/960 chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.12.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/973 perf(ecdsa): use GLV in JointScalarMulBase by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/975 chore: adapt changes from native Fiat-Shamir transcript by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/974 perf,memory: lighter plonk ProvingKey (no trace) by @gbotrel in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/957 perf: mark the result of builder.IsZero as boolean to save constraints when used in future by @winderica in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/977 feat: update compress version; failing test by @gbotrel in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/979 fix: typos by @GoodDaisy in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/992 Feat/variable dict by @Tabaie in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/989 Fix std/recursion/plonk native and emulated examples by @wzmuda in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/968 feat: some todos and dead code by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/993 fix IsZero bug in std/math/emulated/field_assert.go by @readygo67 in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1002 perf(ecmul): use GLV with safe handling of edge cases in EVM ecmul by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/976 fix: remove shorthash override for same field by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1008 Refac/compress packing by @Tabaie in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1007 feat: different PLONK circuit verification by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1010 feat: adds plonk.SRSSize helper method by @gbotrel in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1012 perf: groth16 verifier circuit uses precomputed lines for all curves by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1016 docs: describe that hint inputs and outputs are init-ed by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1003 fix: assign baseChallenge correctly while verifying gkr solution by @ahmetyalp in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1020 feat: use n-bit mux for switching PLONK verification keys by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1017 fix: Decompressor to return -1 when output doesn't fit by @Tabaie in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1022 Fix: edge cases in std/algebra elliptic curve arithmetic circuit (emulated and 2-chains) by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1023 fix: use subtraction with reduce in AssertIsEqual by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1026 feat: plonk verifier options by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1028 build: update compress to latest version by @gbotrel in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1032 test: add emulated pairing circuits to stats by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1031 fix: use G1 generator from SRS by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1035 fix: another occurence of G1 in SRS by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1036 fix: organize std packages hints registrations by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1043 perf(sw_emulated): optimize jointScalarMulGeneric by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1049 feat: subgroup G1/G2 membership BW6-761 and BLS12-377 by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1030 Refac/blob decompressor mirror by @Tabaie in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1047 chore: remove committed profiles by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1053 feat: stabilize anonymous hint function names by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1054 feat: add option for enforcing number of goroutines for the solver by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1052 feat: verify commitments in groth16 recursion verifier by @ahmetyalp in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1057 feat: non-native sumcheck verifier by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1042 fix: scs add/mul when recorded constraint is 0 by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1068 perf: emulated equality assertion by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1064 refactor: kill backend.PLONK_FRI by @gbotrel in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1075 Faster cubic 01 01 mul by @shramee in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1076 Faster cubic 012 mul 01 by @shramee in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1077 feat: add hint calling with either native inputs or outputs by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1080 fix: emulated hint tests by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1083 Perf: optimize EC arithmetic by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1061 feat: add MulNoReduce and Sum methods in field emulation by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1072 Perf: optimize scalar multiplication for 2-chains by @yelhousni in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1085 perf/fix: assume variable as zero constant when subtracting from itself by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1089 feat: add range check selector retrieval by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1066 Refac/compressor nodictref2 by @Tabaie in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1091 Upgrade compress dependency to v0.2.5 by @Tabaie in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1093 feat: add secp256k1 curve default initializer by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1086 feat: Groth16 Solidity contract with commitments by @ahmetyalp in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1063 perf: non-native multilinear polynomial evaluation by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1087 perf allow for dirty padding of decompression output by @Tabaie in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1100 feat: groth16 solidity use calldatacopy for commitments by @bernard-wagner in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1097 feat: expmod with variable modulus by @ivokub in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1090 Feat/plonk update by @ThomasPiellard in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1044 New Contributors @secure12 made their first contribution in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/889 @jeremyfelder made their first contribution in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/844 @tudorpintea999 made their first contribution in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/943 @dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/973 @winderica made their first contribution in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/977 @GoodDaisy made their first contribution in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/992 @wzmuda made their first contribution in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/968 @readygo67 made their first contribution in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1002 @ahmetyalp made their first contribution in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1020 @shramee made their first contribution in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1076 @bernard-wagner made their first contribution in https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/pull/1097 Full Changelog: https://github.com/Consensys/gnark/compare/v0.9.1...v0.10.0
the invention relates to an air bleaching catalyst that has been coated with a polymer that serves to promote the stability of the air bleaching catalyst . the invention also provides a method of coating the air bleaching catalyst .
Large-scale vertical magnetic fields are believed to play a key role in the evolution of protoplanetary discs. Associated with non-ideal effects, such as ambipolar diffusion, they are known to launch a wind that could drive accretion in the outer part of the disc (R &gt; 1 AU). They also potentially lead to self-organisation of the disc into large-scale axisymmetric structures, similar to the rings recently imaged by sub-millimetre or near-infrared instruments (ALMA and SPHERE). The aim of this paper is to investigate the mechanism behind the formation of these gaseous rings, but also to understand the dust dynamics and its emission in discs threaded by a large-scale magnetic field. To this end, we performed global magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) axisymmetric simulations with ambipolar diffusion using a modified version of the PLUTO code. We explored different magnetisations with the midplane β parameter ranging from 10<SUP>5</SUP> to 10<SUP>3</SUP> and included dust grains -treated in the fluid approximation- ranging from 100 μm to 1 cm in size. We first show that the gaseous rings (associated with zonal flows) are tightly linked to the existence of MHD winds. Secondly, we find that millimetre-size dust is highly sedimented, with a typical scale height of 1 AU at R = 100 AU for β = 10<SUP>4</SUP>, compatible with recent ALMA observations. We also show that these grains concentrate into pressure maxima associated with zonal flows, leading to the formation of dusty rings. Using the radiative transfer code MCFOST, we computed the dust emission and make predictions on the ring-gap contrast and the spectral index that one might observe with interferometers like ALMA.
methods and apparatus for providing speech recognition capability to callers in a cost efficient manner as part of one or more telephone services are described . multiple speech recognition units with differing capabilities and therefore implementation costs are provided . calls are assigned to speech recognition circuits throughout a call based on a signal such as a service type identifier indicating the type of service to be provided to the caller . during different phases of a call different speech recognition units may be used . in addition , different amounts of speech recognition processing capability may be allocated to service a call at different points during a call . in this manner efficient use of available speech recognition resources can be achieved .
We have analyzed the kinematics of open star clusters (OSCs) with the proper motions and distances calculated by Hao et al. based on Gaia EDR3 data. The mean line-of-sight velocities are known for a number of clusters from this list. We show that the Galactic rotation parameters determined from samples of OSCs with various ages are in good agreement between themselves. The most interesting results have been obtained from a sample of 967 youngest OSCs with a mean age of 18 Myr. In particular, we have found the following parameters of the angular velocity of Galactic rotation using only their proper motions and distances: $Ω<SUB>0</SUB>=28.01± 0.15$ km s${}^{-1}$ kpc${}^{-1}$, $Ω^'<SUB>0</SUB>={-}3.674± 0.040$ km s${}^{-1}$ kpc${}^{-2}$, and $Ω^''<SUB>0</SUB>=0.565± 0.023$ km s${}^{-1}$ kpc${}^{-3}$. The circular rotation velocity of the solar neighborhood around the Galactic center here is $V<SUB>0</SUB>=226.9± 3.1$ km s${}^{-1}$ for the adopted Galactocentric distance of the Sun $R<SUB>0</SUB>=8.1± 0.1$ kpc. The parameters of the spiral density wave have been determined from the space velocities of 233 young clusters. The amplitudes of the radial and tangential velocity perturbations produced by the spiral density wave are $f<SUB>R</SUB>=9.1± 0.8$ km s${}^{-1}$ and $f_{θ}=4.6± 1.2$ km s${}^{-1}$, respectively; the perturbation wavelengths are $λ<SUB>R</SUB>=3.3± 0.5$ kpc and $λ_{θ}=2.6± 0.6$ kpc for the the adopted four-armed spiral pattern. The Sun's phase in the spiral density wave has been found to be $(χ_{\odot})<SUB>R</SUB>≈-180^{\circ}$.
a plant peptide amidase from the flavedo of oranges is known ; this can be obtained only in small quantities and is seasonal . the proposed new enzymes are microbial peptide amidases which can be obtained from micro - organisms recovered from soil samples in a “ double screening ” and grown . these microbial peptide amidases are particularly useful for the production of peptides and n - terminal - protected amino acids , racemate splitting of n - protected amino acid amides , obtaining non - proteinogenous d - amino acids , and obtaining new n α - protected d - amino acid amides .
a snack food is prepared from dehulled whole corn kernels by subjecting them to an alcohol treatment prior to deep frying . the alcohol softens the kernels thereby imparting a texture thereto which is more readily acceptable than that of parched corn .
a system and method for placement of sharing physical buffer lists in rdma communication . according to one embodiment , a network adapter system for use in a computer system includes a host processor and host memory and is capable for use in network communication in accordance with a direct data placement protocol . the ddp protocol specifies tagged and untagged data movement into a connection - specific application buffer in a contiguous region of virtual memory space of a corresponding endpoint computer application executing on said host processor . the ddp protocol specifies the permissibility of memory regions in host memory and specifies the permissibility of at least one memory window within a memory region . the memory regions and memory windows have independently definable application access rights , the network adapter system includes adapter memory and a plurality of physical buffer lists in the adapter memory . each physical buffer list specifies physical address locations of host memory corresponding to one of said memory regions . a plurality of steering tag records are in the adapter memory , each steering tag record corresponding to a steering tag . each steering tag record specifies memory locations and access permissions for one of a memory region and a memory window . each physical buffer list is capable of having a one to many correspondence with steering tag records such that many memory windows may share a single physical buffer list . according to another embodiment , each steering tag record includes a pointer to a corresponding physical buffer list .
a method and apparatus for verifying operation and achieving gain stabilization in a helium - 3 proportional counter radiation detector utilized in nuclear logging operations . the detector includes a beta - minus particle source selected to provide a predetermined number of radiation counts for a specified time period to verify detector operation . the beta - minus source is further utilized to achieve detector gain stabilization by defining two energy windows on either side of the characteristic beta - minus energy peak . the difference in counts for the two energy windows is used to define an error signal which is applied to negative feedback loop in the detector electronics . the beta - minus source is preferably selected such that the type of source and activity is exempt from nuclear regulatory commission licensing and safety requirements .
The R-code computes the stand structural complexity index (SSCI) for terrestrial LiDAR based point clouds. Details on index construction and functionality are introduced in Ehbrecht, M., Schall, P., Ammer, C., & Seidel, D. (2017). Quantifying stand structural complexity and its relationship with forest management, tree species diversity and microclimate. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 242, 1-9.doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.04.012. SSCI is designed for point clouds based on single terrestrial laser scans. Efforts to make it functional for multiple-scan based point clouds and point clouds based mobile hand-held scanners are underway. Contact: martin.ehbrecht@forst.uni-goettingen.de
a spread or margarine which is intended to serve as a tasty , indulgent product and at the same time provide good health benefits to the consumer . the spread combines high levels both of monounsaturated fatty acids , which are thought to be a beneficial component of the mediterranean diet , and linoleic acid , a known ldl - cholesterol lowering moiety . the spread includes low levels of saturated fatty acids and trans fat acids .
a transport stream processing apparatus according to the present invention is a transport stream processing apparatus including a plurality of processing steps for separating desired data from a transport stream , and comprises a hardware transport stream separating device , a software transport stream separating device , and a processing switching device for switching to and from the respective separating devices in executing an optional processing step . the transport stream processing apparatus realizes a transport stream separation of a high performance without demanding a high operation frequency and a high cpu power and adding a circuit .
in a memory circuit , the word line decoder includes a memorization logic circuit that provides for the memorizing of the selection of the word lines . this memorization provides for the simultaneous erasure of all the words lines for which the selection has been memorized .
This is a release of the repository https://github.com/edugalt/scaling as used in Eduardo G. Altmann "Spatial interactions in urban scaling laws", https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.14140
an imaging device , such as an eem , includes an electric / magnetic lens used to focus pulsed electrons emitted from an object on to a target plane . before a pulse of emitted electrons reaches the lens , electrons are spatially separated in dependence on their respective kinetic energies and are then subject to a time varying electric field that keeps the final focal plane constant for a wide variety of different energy electrons . the electric field compensates for variations in the image focal length caused by a spread in kinetic energies , causing the electrons to be focused proximate the target plane , reducing chromatic aberration . the varying electric field may be provided by varying an electric potential at the lens by , for example , varying a voltage supplied to an electrode at the lens . this potential effectively varies the focal strength of the lens in time , in order to compensate for variations in kinetic energies of electrons arriving at the lens , effectively keeping the image plane position constant .
devices , systems and methods of canting firearms such as rifles relative to fore grip having extendable and expanded legs . one version allows for a rocking and canting of the firearm by pivotally attaching an upper portion of the expanded legs . another version allows for a separate canting member to be clamped to both the upper portion of a vertical fore grip and to the lower mounting rail of the firearm . the canting member has portions that cant relative to one another . an operator can cant the firearm in a free - state or to fixed positions as desired .
an innovative anamorphic eyepiece is described , which uses a microlens array with complex surface features used in conjunction with a modified microdisplay to provide a high resolution image with a panoramic field of view . an optical system can be based on such an eyepiece with a microlens array and modified microdisplay that can provide a large , panoramic field of view to the user . the microdisplay is modified to increase the resolution in the horizontal axis .
an address bus control system is provided of the type in which a controller including a central processing unit is connected through an address bus and a data bus to hardware modules which control equipment to be controlled . an address space defined by an address bus includes a discrimination space for discriminating the attribute of the hardware module and a function space for allocating and clearing an address space for a function interface of the hardware module . the attribute of a hardware module connected to a connector having a corresponding address is recognized using the discrimination space . the function interface of each hardware module is assigned a space within the function space in accordance with the contents of the discrimination space in concern , or the assigned space is canceled . an address of the function space can be allocated to only a necessary function interface , merely by connecting the hardware module to the connector , allowing to set up hardware modules equal to or larger than the total address space .
a method of manufacturing a semiconductor device includes : forming first conductive layer on semiconductor substrate ; forming a magnetic film on the first conductive layer ; forming second conductive layer on the magnetic film ; forming a first mask layer on the second conductive layer ; patterning the second conductive layer ; patterning the magnetic film ; forming a first insulating film on the first conductive layer to cover side surfaces of the patterned second conductive layer and the patterned magnetic film ; forming a second mask layer on the first insulating film to cover the patterned second conductive layer , the patterned magnetic film , and the first insulating film ; patterning the first insulating film ; patterning the first conductive layer ; forming a second insulating film on the semiconductor substrate to cover the patterned second conductive layer , the patterned magnetic film , and the patterned first conductive layer ; and forming a third insulating film on the second insulating film .
a field hockey stick including a throat and a head adjoining the throat , the head having an upper portion adjacent to the throat and a lower portion , and at least the lower portion of the head defining at least one depression . the throat can also define a throat depression .
From Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations we previously identified a population of 123 young stellar systems with nonthermal radio emission toward the core of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). We find optical sources in the Gaia DR2 catalog for 34 of them within 0"2 of the radio positions. Most of the radio sources are likely companions of Gaia detections. However, there are 11 stars whose VLBA positions differ from Gaia by &lt;1.6 mas, and some of these radio sources probably are the direct counterparts of the optical stars. We are able to obtain radio proper motions for 23 stars. Combining the stellar proper motions derived from the VLBA and Gaia DR2 data we find the global motion and velocity dispersion of the ONC to be (μ<SUB>α</SUB>∗, μ<SUB>δ</SUB>) = (1.20 ± 0.09, 0.18 ± 0.09) mas yr<SUP>-1</SUP> and ( ${\sigma }_{{\mu }_{\alpha }}\ast ,{\sigma }_{{\mu }_{\delta }}$ ) = (0.84 ± 0.09, 1.30 ± 0.09) mas yr<SUP>-1</SUP>. Finally, we looked for ordered motions by estimating the means of scalar and vectorial products, which results in $\overline{{\boldsymbol{v}}\cdot \hat{{\boldsymbol{r}}}}=-0.61\pm 1.00$ km s<SUP>-1</SUP> and $\overline{{\boldsymbol{v}}\times \hat{{\boldsymbol{r}}}}=0.57\pm 0.95$ km s<SUP>-1</SUP>. These do not show indications that the young stellar cluster is in expansion, contraction, or rotation.
provided herein is a weld point electrode useful for welding weld nuts to various selected substrates . through use of the device of this invention , a process for attaching weld nuts to a substrate may be made more efficient than such processes according to the
disclosed is an apparatus and method for adaptive wireless channel estimation . once a packet is received , this invention analyzes channel interference index for a moving vehicle , and computes a first recursive parameter , a second recursive parameter and an interpolation number . based on the first recursive parameter and the interpolation number , partial channel information is calculated for further channel estimation by using an interpolation . the parameter of an equalizer is also immediately updated . cooperating with a decision feedback scheme and based on the second recursive parameter , channel tracking is performed . in order to achieve the adaptive channel estimation for wireless access on the time - variant vehicle environment , the parameter for the algorithm for performing the channel estimation is adjusted .
a method for determining the compatibility of a working surface with an optical mouse having an optical sensor including using the optical sensor to sense the optical characteristics of the working surface , using a judging circuit to judge the compatibility of the working surface with the optical mouse according to the optical characteristics sensed by the optical sensor , using the judging circuit to generate a judging signal according to the result obtained in step .
a stringed musical instrument is provided wherein each string has two critical points . a fulcrum tremolo is mounted on the instrument for varying the tension of the strings and the distance between the two critical points . the strings are attached to a plurality of intonation modules mounted on the fulcrum tremolo . each intonation module is adjustable so that the strings can be adjusted from an untensioned state to a proper playing pitch . a bearing assembly is also included to facilitate pivoting of the fulcrum tremolo .
the ph of a chemical copper plating solution is exactly measured for a prolonged time by utilizing a copper oxide prepared by etching metallic copper in an 0 . 1 - 1 n inorganic acid then oxidizing the etched metallic copper in an aqueous 0 . 1 - 1 n alkali metal hydroxide solution as a main electrode for ph measurement or reducing agent concentration measurement in terms of ph . a combination of the ph measurement with well known procedures for measuring concentrations of cupric ions and a complexing agent exactly measures the ph and the concentrations of a reducing agent , cupric ions and a complexing agent for a continuation of longer time than the conventional procedures .
the present invention affords a predefined class of authorized users of the pstn access to extended telephone services through public communication networks external to the pstn , the latter networks including the web and internet . authorized users in the predefined class can receive the extended services at residences , offices , and locations remote from both residences and offices . authorized users can activate respective extended services through the external networks , and can do so without having to communicate with telephone company representatives . resource management intelligence of the pstn is adapted to link to the external networks for communicating with and delivering extended telephone services to the authorized users . extended telephone services include variations of presently standard telephone services such as call waiting , caller id , call forwarding facsimile image transmittal , voice mail , etc . presently contemplated adaptations of pstn intelligence include adaptations allowing for the interception of analog telephone signals and the redirection of the intercepted signals in digital form through external data communication networks such as the web . a web user who is also in the class of authorized pstn users can activate and receive delivery of extended telephone services at a computer linked to the pstn intelligence through the web , regardless of how and where the connection to the web is made . thus , the web user can receive the extended services through a telephone line associated with a base telephone account , as well as through a line separate from and / or remote from the associated telephone line .
The Juno microwave radiometer measured the thermal emission from Jupiter's atmosphere from the cloud tops at about 1 bar to as deep as a hundred bars of pressure during its first flyby over Jupiter (PJ1). The nadir brightness temperatures show that the Equatorial Zone is likely to be an ideal adiabat, which allows a determination of the deep ammonia abundance in the range 362-33+33 ppm. The combination of Markov chain Monte Carlo method and Tikhonov regularization is studied to invert Jupiter's global ammonia distribution assuming a prescribed temperature profile. The result shows (1) that ammonia is depleted globally down to 50-60 bars except within a few degrees of the equator, (2) the North Equatorial Belt is more depleted in ammonia than elsewhere, and (3) the ammonia concentration shows a slight inversion starting from about 7 bars to 2 bars. These results are robust regardless of the choice of water abundance.&lt;abstract type="synopsis"&gt;&lt;title type="main"&gt;Plain Language SummaryThe distribution of ammonia gas on Jupiter's atmosphere was derived by fitting the microwave spectra measured by the Juno spacecraft. The result showed that the concentration of ammonia gas in the extratropics was much less than expected and had a local minimum near 7 bars of pressure.
in an end plating machine for a wood tie having opposite ends comprising a frame including horizontally spaced - apart first and second end frames with the frame including tie in - feed and out - feed portions ; a conveyor is provided for positioning a tie between the end frames . first and second tie dampers are positioned adjacent the first and second end frames for clamping the ends of a tie positioned therebetween . first and second power rams are mounted on the first and second end frames , respectively , for driving an end plate into the ends of the tie while the tie is being clamped by the first and second tie clampers . first and second end plate hoppers are positioned on the first and second end frames , respectively , for supporting a plurality of end plates therein . first and second end plate transporters are mounted on the first and second end frames , respectively , for successively transporting individual end plates from the hopper to a position adjacent the ends of the tie positioned in the tie clampers so that the power rams may drive the end plates into the ends of the tie . the end plates are stored and moved to the end plate hoppers in stacks secured by a flexible holding strap with a handle . the strap is cut once the end plates are in the hopper to allow the end plates to be transported individually .
novel fibrinogen receptor antagonists of the formula : ## str1 ## are provided in which the claimed compounds exhibit fibrinogen receptor antagonist activity , inhibit platelet aggregation and are therefore useful in modulating thrombus formation .
a digital watermark embedder reduces a watermark signal as a function of time varying properties of video such that a watermark that would otherwise be static over frames is selectively reduced to make it imperceptible . the method computes a watermark signal corresponding to locations within a frame , where the watermark signal is mapped to locations in the video frame and is computed based upon attributes of the video within the frame . the method varies the strength of the watermark signal over time . the process of varying the strength includes reducing the strength of the watermark signal to make the digital watermark less perceptible in the video in locations where the video has time varying properties . the method embeds the watermark signal into the video at the locations with the varying strength .
the present invention relates to wall and surface veneering products and systems that provide a replica image of a natural surface , such as stone , brick or wood , and is easily installable due to its lightweight characteristics and securement design . the present invention further includes systems for attachment of the veneering product to walls or other surfaces and also includes systems for assembling such products to provide pleasing arrangements and complete wall coverage . the present invention also includes methods of manufacture , which ensures the natural appearance of stone or wood by imaging a natural surface , such as stone or wood , and preparing a mold from that image to mass produce a replica of that particular surface .
an anchor for engagement with a post - tension tendon includes an anchor base having a generally tapered wedge receiving bore . a sheath surrounds the anchor base . the sheath has a substantially cylindrical extension on one side of the anchor base for contacting the tendon at a distal end thereof from the anchor base . the extension is formed integrally with the sheath and has a seal disposed therein proximate the distal end . a cap having external threads thereon is for engaging corresponding internal mating threads on the sheath on a side of the anchor base opposite to the sheath extension . the cap has a tool engagement surface thereon to facilitate rotation by a tool for engagement with the sheath .
a plastic ball having a generally spherical shape with a plurality of depressions located in only one hemisphere of the ball and lying along circumferences of the ball that pass through the center of the hemisphere , in which the depressions are equally spaced radially about the center of the hemisphere .
apparatus for stabilizing a two - legged ladder against lateral and rearward movement . telescoped tubular pole assemblies are attached at one end to opposite side rails of the ladder with a quick disconnect universal pivot . special support and retainer blocks are provided for facilitating the transport of the assembled ladder and telescoped assemblies on the top of a vehicle .
The infall of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is predicted to displace the inner Milky Way (MW), imprinting an apparent 'reflex motion' on the observed velocities of distant halo stars. We construct the largest all-sky spectroscopic dataset of luminous red giant stars from $50-160$ kpc, including a new survey of the southern celestial hemisphere. We fit the full 6D kinematics of our data to measure the amplitude and direction of the inner MW's motion towards the outer halo. The observed velocity grows with distance such that, relative to halo stars at $100$ kpc, the inner MW is lurching at $\approx 40$ km s$^{-1}$ towards a recent location along the LMC's past orbit. Our measurements align with N-body simulations of the halo's response to a $1.8 \times 10^{11} M_\odot$ LMC on first infall, suggesting that the LMC is at least 15% as massive as the MW. Our findings highlight the dramatic disequilibrium of the MW outskirts, and will enable more accurate measurements of the total mass of our Galaxy.
We present ionized gas properties of nine local ultra/luminous infrared galaxies (U/LIRGs) at z &lt; 0.04 through Integral Field Unit (IFU) observations with KOOLS-IFU on the Seimei Telescope. The observed targets are drawn from the Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (GOALS), covering a wide range of merger stages. We successfully detect emission lines such as Hβ, [O III]λ5007, Hα, [N II]λλ6549, 6583, and [S II]λλ6717, 6731 with a spectral resolution of R = 1500-2000, which provides (i) a spatially resolved (~200-700 pc) moment map of ionized gas and (ii) diagnostics for an active galactic nucleus (AGN) within the central ~3-11 kpc in diameter for our sample. We find that the [O III] outflow that is expected to be driven by an AGN tends to be stronger (i) towards the galactic center and (ii) as a sequence of the merger stage. In particular, the outflow strength in the late-stage (stage D) mergers is about 1.5 times stronger than that in the early-state (stage B) mergers, which indicates that galaxy mergers could induce AGN-driven outflow and play an important role in the co-evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes.
a wrap - around carrier suitable for packaging tub - shaped articles , the bottom panel is formed from an inner flap to which article retainer flaps are hinged and an outer flap to which a locking tab is hinged , the retainer flaps are pivoted into the interior of the carrier by the locking tabs and include foldable side extensions which engage the bottom portions of adjacent spaced articles , a slit or opening between the retaining flaps permits entry of a locking tab . a projection on the locking tabs engaging the retainer flaps adjacent an edge thereof prevents withdrawal of the locking tabs from their activated positions .
Atmospheric abundances of exoplanets are thought to constrain the planet formation pathway because different species evaporate at different temperatures and therefor radii in the protoplanetary disk, leaving distinct signatures inside the accreted planetary atmosphere. In particular the planetary C/O ratio is thought to constrain the planet formation pathway because of the condensation sequence of H<SUB>2</SUB>O, CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and CO, resulting in an increase in the gas phase C/O ratio with increasing distance to the host star. Here we use a disk evolution model including pebble growth, drift, and evaporation coupled with a planet formation model that includes pebble and gas accretion as well as planet migration to compute the atmospheric compositions of giant planets. We compare our results to the recent observational constraints of the hot Jupiters WASP-77A b and τ Boötis b. WASP-77A b's atmosphere features subsolar C/H, O/H, and H<SUB>2</SUB>O/H with slightly super-solar C/O, while τ Boötis b's atmosphere features super-solar C/H, O/H, and C/O with subsolar H<SUB>2</SUB>O/H. Our simulations qualitatively reproduce these measurements and show that giants similar to WASP-77A b should start to form beyond the CO<SUB>2</SUB> evaporation front, while giants similar to τ Boötis b should originate from beyond the water ice line. Our model allows for the formation of subsolar and super-solar atmospheric compositions within the same framework. On the other hand, simulations without pebble evaporation, as used in classical models, cannot reproduce the super-solar C/H and O/H ratios of τ Boötis b's atmosphere without the additional accretion of solids. Furthermore, we identify the a viscosity parameter of the disk as a key ingredient regarding planetary composition because the viscosity drives the inward motion of volatile enriched vapor, which is responsible for the accretion of gaseous carbon and oxygen. Depending on the planet's migration history through the disk across different evaporation fronts, order-of-magnitude differences in atmospheric carbon and oxygen abundances should be expected. Our simulations additionally predict super-solar N/H for τ Boötis b and solar N/H for WASP-77A b. We thus conclude that pebble evaporation is a key ingredient to explain the variety of exoplanet atmospheres because it can explain both subsolar and super-solar atmospheric abundances.
bone anchor implantation devices and methods for their use are disclosed . the bone anchor implantation devices have an ergonometric and / or rotatable handle . the bone anchor implantation devices and methods find particular application for implanting a bone anchor for maintaining or improving urinary continence by suspending or stabilizing the bladder neck .
a cryocooler in which two independently moving flexure systems are split across a single magnetic structure , decreasing package size and increasing resistance to cantilevered mass sag due to external forces . a series of concentrically oriented flexure coupling shafts are provided that allow two independently moving flexure assemblies to be split across a single motor . a series of connectors are included on the forward side of the motor that pass through the outer shaft and allow the inner connecting shaft to be mounted to its flexures without interference . a series of close - out connections are included on the aft flexure stacks that makes assembly possible , providing firm mechanical connections without interference .
a transformed cotton plant . the transformed cotton plant comprises dna derived from a source other than cotton plants , wherein the dna , when transformed into the cotton plants , confers a phenotype not expressed inn a parent cotton .
a protective assembly for electronic components . the protective assembly has a chassis and a removable cover . the removable cover is secured to the chassis by a latch and a catch . the catch is biased by a spring to a first position . the latch slidingly engages the catch to displace the catch during the installation of the cover . the spring returning the catch to the first position when the cover is disposed on the chassis in the securing position . the panel being removeable by sliding the catch against the spring to release the latch from the catch .
a block correlation table includes block addresses of unusable block portions in an irreversibly writeable memory and includes addresses of associated substitute block portions in the irreversibly writeable memory . a request for data stored at a logical address is received from a host processor . a physical address in the irreversibly writeable memory is calculated from the logical address using a fixed mathematical relation . the physical address is compared with the block addresses in the block correlation table . when the physical address does not match any of the block addresses in the table , the irreversibly writeable memory is referenced to read data stored at the physical address , and when the physical address matches one of the block addresses in the table , the irreversibly writeable memory is referenced to read data stored at the address of its associated substitute block portion . the read data is transmitted to the host processor .
On 2020 April 29, the near-Earth object (52768) 1998 OR2 experienced a close approach to Earth at a distance of 16.4 lunar distances (LD). 1998 OR2 is a potentially hazardous asteroid of absolute magnitude H = 16.04 that can currently come as close to Earth as 3.4 LD. We report here observations of this object in polarimetry, photometry, and radar. Our observations show that the physical characteristics of 1998 OR2 are similar to those of both M- and S-type asteroids. Arecibo's radar observations provide a high radar albedo of ${\hat{\sigma }}_{\mathrm{OC}}\,=$ 0.29 ± 0.08, suggesting that metals are present in 1998 OR2 near-surface. We find a circular polarization ratio of μ <SUB> c </SUB> = 0.291 ± 0.012, and the delay-Doppler images show that the surface of 1998 OR2 is a top-shape asteroid with large-scale structures such as large craters and concavities. The polarimetric observations display a consistent variation of the polarimetric response as a function of the rotational phase, suggesting that the surface of 1998 OR2 is heterogeneous. Color observations suggest an X-complex taxonomy in the Bus–DeMeo classification. Combining optical polarization, radar, and two epochs from the NEOWISE satellite observations, we derived an equivalent diameter of D = 1.80 ± 0.1 km and a visual albedo p <SUB>v</SUB> = 0.21 ± 0.02. Photometric and radar data provide a sidereal rotation period of P = 4.10872 ± 0.00001 hr, a pole orientation of (332.°3 ± 5°, 20.°7 ± 5°), and a shape model with dimensions of <P />$({2.08}_{-0.10}^{+0.10},{1.93}_{-0.10}^{+0.10},{1.60}_{-0.05}^{+0.05})$ km.
a standard digital display alarm clock is provided which is driven by a 1 . 5 volt dc power source . a two - tone alarm device , whose sound level is adjustable from 60 db to 100 db , is electrically wired to the clock and sounds when the clock attains a predetermined time . the power for the alarm device is supplied by either a 9 volt dc source contained within the clock or a 12 volt dc automotive cigarette lighter . the clock is provided with an intermittent alert feature which will cause the alarm to sound every four minutes for an indefinite amount of time and requires operator input to deactivate .
Induced earthquake source parameters, attenuation, and site effects from waveform envelopes in the Fennoscandian Shield
an improved method and apparatus for rendering curved surfaces in a graphics system . the appearance of a curved surface is created by varying color shades across an object . the graphics systems represents each primary color with fewer than eight bits . the present invention maintains smooth transaction between color shades despite using fewer than eight bits to represent color . an eight bit color shade value is truncated , with the most significant bits being saved and used as a color value . the least significant bits that are truncated are used to determine which of the adjacent color values to use to render pixels . thus , if five bits are saved and used to represent a color , the three least significant truncated bits are used to determine the appropriate mix of the closest five bit shades . the three truncated bits are used to select an entry from a ramp table and a control signal from a look - up table selects a bit from the selected ramp table entry . the selected bit is used to determine which of the closest five bit shades to use for rendering a pixel .
indwelling catheter having an upper distal end having a portion that can expand within a bladder type spaces without having to be inflated . an embodiment allows for at least one slit on an upper side of the catheter tube and a head member that when pulled down by a stylette moving inside the catheter causes a bulge wing portion that holds the catheter safely and painlessly within the bladder . magnetic and electret valves can be included inside the tube of the catheter that can cycle between open and closed positions when activated by normal bladder pressure when urination is desired . the novel catheter tube can naturally conform to an opening and closing urethra during natural bladder drainage . the catheter tube surface can include an anti - microbial layer that is either or both coated and impregnated thereon with either an antibacterial and / or hydrophyllic materials . sampling ports can be located on both inside catheter tube valves and on an externally attached magnetic valve .
a method for determining uplink transmission power in time division duplex system is disclosed : a base station determines the current distribution manner of uplink and downlink sub - frames , acquires the frame correspondence information that corresponds to the distribution manner of said uplink and downlink sub - frames , selects , based on said frame correspondence information , downlink sub - frames to transmit to a terminal the power control commands that correspond to the uplink sub - frames . before using the uplink sub - frames to transmit data , the terminal determines the current distribution manner of uplink and downlink sub - frames , acquires the frame correspondence information that corresponds to the distribution manner of said uplink and downlink sub - frames , determines , based on the frame correspondence information , the downlink sub - frames that are used for transmitting the tpc commands ; acquires the tpc commands received by the downlink sub - frames , and determines the data transmission power of the uplink sub - frames based on said tpc commands . the present invention also discloses a time division duplex data transmission system and an apparatus therefor . with the present invention , a time division duplex system can transmit and receive tpc commands based on the frame correspondence information , thereby enabling correct and effective uplink power control performance .
a system and method for ensuring that a large number of connectors , such as fiber - optic cable - connectors , which are plugged - into connector - receptacles arrayed across a connector - panel , are not intentionally disconnected by an un - authorized user with malicious intent , or accidentally unplugged by an authorized technician who may be trying to manually pull - out a specific connector for testing or other purposes but , inadvertently , could otherwise unplug a neighboring connector because of not being able to clearly see which plug is actually being removed due to the large number of cables that are connected to the panel . the connectors are locked in place by restraining arms which are controlled by solenoids or motors . each restraining arm can be commanded to release its respective connector , but only when the correct command from a computer is received . the same system and method can be applied to connector - receptacles arrayed on one or both sides of the panel . the same system and method can be applied to other cables , such as coax cables or cat 5 cables .
the present invention relates to a method for the treatment and / or prophylaxis of multiple sclerosis , and to the use of erythropoietin for this purpose and for the manufacture of a medicament for the intermittent treatment and / or intermittent prophylaxis of multiple sclerosis .
Initial release corresponding to the published version of the paper.
We have analysed Herschel observations of M31, using the PPMAP procedure. The resolution of PPMAP images is sufficient (∼ 31 pc on M31) that we can analyse far-IR dust emission on the scale of giant molecular clouds. By comparing PPMAP estimates of the far-IR emission optical depth at 300 μ m (τ_{{300}}), and the near-IR extinction optical depth at 1.1 μ m (τ_{{1.1}}) obtained from the reddening of Red Giant Branch (RGB) stars, we show that the ratio R^{ obs.}_τ ≡ τ_{{1.1}}/τ_{{300}} falls in the range 500≲ R^{ obs.}_τ ≲ 1500. Such low values are incompatible with many commonly used theoretical dust models, which predict values of R^{ model}_κ ≡ κ _{{1.1}}/κ_{{300}} (where κ is the dust opacity coefficient) in the range 2500≲ R^{ model}_κ ≲ 4000. That is, unless a large fraction, ≳ 60{{ per cent}}, of the dust emitting at 300 μ m is in such compact sources that they are unlikely to intercept the lines of sight to a distributed population like RGB stars. This is not a new result: variants obtained using different observations and/or different wavelengths have already been reported by other studies. We present two analytic arguments for why it is unlikely that ≳ 60{{ per cent}} of the emitting dust is in sufficiently compact sources. Therefore it may be necessary to explore the possibility that the discrepancy between observed values of R^{ obs.}_τ and theoretical values of R^{ model}_κ is due to limitations in existing dust models. PPMAP also allows us to derive optical-depth weighted mean values for the emissivity index, β ≡ -dln (κ<SUB>λ</SUB>)/dln (λ), and the dust temperature, T, denoted {\bar{β }} and {\bar{T}}. We show that, in M31, R^{ obs.}_τis anticorrelated with {\bar{β }} according to R^{ obs.}_τ ≃ 2042(± 24)-557(± 10){\bar{β }}. If confirmed, this provides a challenging constraint on the nature of interstellar dust in M31.
a system and method for front - end bypass testing in an electronic circuit . according to one embodiment , the integrated circuit that includes a memory block having at least one input and at least one output that wherein a critical path in the integrated circuit exists through the memory block . at least one input is associated with a block of input logic and at least one output is associated with a block of output logic . the integrated circuit also includes a test circuit coupled to the memory block and operable to verify the block of input logic and the block of output logic while at the same time not impacting the critical path of the integrated circuit .
We use the SPHINX<SUP>20</SUP> cosmological radiation hydrodynamics simulation to study how Lyman continuum (LyC) photons escape from galaxies and the observational signatures of this escape. We define two classes of LyC leaker: Bursty Leakers and Remnant Leakers, based on their star formation rates (SFRs) that are averaged over 10 Myr (SFR<SUB>10</SUB>) or 100 Myr (SFR<SUB>100</SUB>). Both have $f_{\rm esc}\gt 20{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ and experienced an extreme burst of star formation, but Bursty Leakers have SFR<SUB>10</SUB> &gt; SFR<SUB>100</SUB>, while Remnant Leakers have SFR<SUB>10</SUB> &lt; SFR<SUB>100</SUB>. The maximum SFRs in these bursts were typically ~100 times greater than the SFR of the galaxy prior to the burst, a rare 2σ outlier among the general high-redshift galaxy population. Bursty Leakers are qualitatively similar to ionization-bounded nebulae with holes, exhibiting high ionization parameters and typical H II region gas densities. Remnant Leakers show properties of density-bounded nebulae, having normal ionization parameters but much lower H II region densities. Both types of leaker exhibit [C II]<SUB>158μm</SUB> deficits on the [C II]-SFR<SUB>100</SUB> relation, while only Bursty Leakers show deficits when SFR<SUB>10</SUB> is used. We predict that [C II] luminosity and SFR indicators such as H α and M$_{\rm 1500\mathring{\rm A}}$ can be combined to identify both types of LyC leaker and the mode by which photons are escaping. These predictions can be tested with [C II] observations of known z = 3-4 LyC leakers. Finally, we show that leakers with $f_{\rm esc}\gt 20{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ dominate the ionizing photon budget at z ≳ 7.5 but the contribution from galaxies with $f_{\rm esc}\lt 5{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ becomes significant at the tail-end of reionization.
mechanical interfaces in a backup governing system for a variable pitch propeller between stationary and rotatable propeller sections are avoided in a variable pitch propeller system that includes a backup governing system carried by the propeller hub which is hydraulically interposed between a main control for the propeller and a propeller blade moving , double acting piston . the system includes a spool valve including a spool movable between a plurality of metering positions along with first and second opposing springs applying oppositely directed biasing forces to the valve member . a flyweight assembly is connected to the spool and applies a speed dependent valve positioning force to the spool in opposition to a first of the springs and in addition to the second of the springs . a piston valve is operatively associated with the second spring and operable to change the bias applied by the second spring to the spool . the piston valve includes a valve seat interposed between a transfer bearing and the double acting piston and operable to control the flow of a fine pitch stream to a fine pitch side of the double acting piston . a fluid passage interconnects the piston valve and the spool valve and is arranged so that when the spool valve moves to a predetermined position , the fine pitch stream is applied to the piston valve to initiate backup operation .
a microcomputer system for converting an analog signal , such as an audio signal representative of sound into a digital form for storing in digital form in a highly condensed code and for reconstructing the analog signal from the coded digital form is disclosed . the system includes reductive analytic means where the original digital data stream is converted to a sequential series of frequency spectrograms , signal amplitude histograms and waveform code tables . approximately 100 times less storage space than previously required for the storage of digitized audio signals of high fidelity quality is thereby obtained . additive synthesis logic interprets the stored codes and recreates an output digital data stream for digital to analog conversion that is nearly identical to the original analog signal .
an anisotropic conductive sheet capable of transmitting high - speed digital signals reliably is provided . the anisotropic conductive sheet has a conductive property in a thickness direction thereof under a predetermined condition , and includes : insulative matrix members having a dielectric constant value of at most 2 . 28 and a dielectric loss value of at most 0 . 025 ; and conductive members having a conductive property in the thickness direction under the predetermined condition in the conductive members capable of flowing electricity between top and bottom surfaces thereof are located in a scattered manner in the matrix members , and the conductive and matrix members are bonded chemically . especially , the matrix member is made from a resin material having a resin foamed body of a foaming structure , i . e . homogeneous microcell structure . at least one of the conductive members may be of conductive elastomer .
the interactive data entry system and method of the present invention automatically assists in the design , engineering and fabrication of a pipe line flow measurement system in accordance with the relevant standards , regulations and industry requirements . given site - specific criteria for a meter tube , the present invention provides a user interface to assist with calculation of the optimal design criteria , selection the specific parts required to implement the optimal design and displays with a drawing the final design results and developing a bill of material therefore .
an organic el display device which individually controls the amount of current of organic el elements , which are arranged in a matrix of pixels , according to an input image signal , comprising total current detection circuitry for detecting the total current flowing to all the organic el elements arranged in the pixel matrix , offset voltage setting circuitry for determining an offset voltage to offset the input image signal so as to apply a voltage which causes the current to start flowing to the organic el elements according to a black level of the input image signal , and offset voltage control circuitry for controlling the offset voltage , which is responsive to the offset voltage setting circuitry , according to the total current detected by the total current detection circuitry .
Local gravitational instability (LGI) is considered crucial for regulating star formation and gas turbulence in galaxy discs, especially at high redshift. Instability criteria usually assume infinitesimally thin discs or rely on approximations to include the stabilising effect of the gas disc thickness. We test a new 3D instability criterion for rotating gas discs that are vertically stratified in an external potential. This criterion reads $Q_{\rm3D}&lt;1$, where $Q_{\rm3D}$ is the 3D analogue of the Toomre parameter $Q$. The advantage of $Q_{\rm3D}$ is that it allows us to study LGI in and above the galaxy midplane in a rigorous and self-consistent way. We apply the criterion to a sample of 44 star-forming galaxies at $0\lesssim\mathrm{z}\lesssim5$ hosting rotating discs of cold gas. The sample is representative of galaxies on the main sequence at $\mathrm{z}\approx 0$ and includes massive star-forming and starburst galaxies at $1\lesssim\mathrm{z}\lesssim5$. For each galaxy, we first apply the Toomre criterion for infinitesimally thin discs, finding 10 unstable systems. We then obtain maps of $Q_{\rm 3D}$ from a 3D model of the gas disc derived in the combined potential of dark matter, stars and the gas itself. According to the 3D criterion, two galaxies with $Q&lt;1$ show no evidence of instability and the unstable regions that are 20% smaller than those where $Q&lt;1$. No unstable disc is found at $0\lesssim\mathrm{z}\lesssim 1$, while $\approx 60$% of the systems at $2\lesssim\mathrm{z}\lesssim5$ are locally unstable. In these latter, a relatively small fraction of the total gas ($\approx 30$%) is potentially affected by the instability. Our results disfavour LGI as the main regulator of star formation and turbulence in moderately star-forming galaxies in the present-day Universe. LGI likely becomes important at high redshift, but the input by other mechanisms seems required [abridged]
an apparatus for cleaning the bore of a firearm barrel includes an elongated flexible pull cord having a handle on a first end and a cleaning head on the second end . a pull weight is also attached to at the second end of the pull cord next to the cleaning head . the pull weight is dropped into and through the barrel . the cleaning head is then attached to the second end of the cord near the pull weight , and the user grasps the handle and pulls the cleaning through the bore . the cleaning head includes at least two distinct sections : a first for scraping debris off the interior wall of the bore , and a second for scrubbing the bored wall . additional sections can be provided like an additional scraping section after the scrubbing section , such that the scrubbing section forms a medial section sandwiched between the two scraping sections .
an improved liquid crystal display incorporates a photoelectric conversion device in order to provide a display suitable for a lap - top personal computer system such as a wordprocessor . the display is provided with a fluorescent lamp for illuminating the display area from the behind of the liquid crystal display . the light rays emitted from the lamp which are not directed to the display area but toward the opposite direction are collected by the conversion device .
the present invention relates to a method of treating insulin resistance or syndrome x in a patient . the method includes the step of administering a therapeutically effective amount of a somatostatin or a somatostatin agonist to said patient .
an indirect optical free - space communications system provides broadband transmission of high - speed data in transportation vehicles such as aircraft . the system includes a transmitter with a light source that can be modulated and a receiver with a photo detector , adapted to receive light that is emitted from the transmitter and to convert it into an electric signal . the transmitter and the receiver are directed onto at least one common surface , which reflects the light emitted from the transmitter before it reaches the receiver . the free space communications system is cellular and includes several cells , each of which has a transmitter and at least one corresponding receiver . the cells are configured in such a way that crosstalk with a respective adjoining cell is prevented . the cells are thus independent of one another .
<BR /> Aims: Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the most fascinating explosions in the Solar System. Their formation is still not fully understood, however. <BR /> Methods: We investigated a well-observed CME on 2021 May 7 that showed a typical three-component structure and was continuously observed from 0 to 3 R<SUB>⊙</SUB> by a combination of SDO/AIA (0-1.3 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>), PROBA2/SWAP (0-1.7 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>), and MLSO/K-Cor (1.05-3 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>). Furthermore, we compared the morphological discrepancy between the CME white-light bright core and the extreme-UV (EUV) blob. We finally explored the origin of various radio bursts that are closely related to the interaction of the CME overexpansion with a nearby streamer. <BR /> Results: An interesting finding is that the height increases of the CME leading front and of the bright core are dominated by the overexpansion during the CME formation. The aspect ratios of the CME bubble and bright core, quantifying the overexpansion, are found to decrease as the SO/STIX 4-10 keV and GOES 1-8 Å soft X-ray flux of the associated flare increases near the peaks. This indicates that the flare reconnection plays an important role in the first overexpansion. The CME bubble even undergoes a second overexpansion, although it is relatively weak, which is closely related to the compression with a nearby streamer and likely arises from an ideal magnetohydrodynamics process. Moreover, the CME EUV blob is found to be relatively lower and wider than the CME white-light bright core, which may correspond to the bottom part of the growing CME flux rope. The interaction between the CME and the streamer leads to two type II radio bursts, one that is drifting normally and another that is stationary, which are speculated to be induced by two different sources of the CME-driven shock front. The bidirectional electrons shown in series of C-shaped type III bursts suggest that the interchange reconnection is also involved during the interaction of the CME and streamer. <P />Movies associated to Figs. 1 and 2 are available at <A href="https://www.aanda.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202244275/olm">https://www.aanda.org</A>
a technique for controlling the state of a power supply in a mobile asset such as a cargo trailer . the technique detects motion status such as may be provided by a vibration sensor . the motion status signal is filtered by other signals , such as with inputs from a global positioning system sensor , and is then further used to select a power consumption mode . the power consumption mode may be further controlled based on configuration information that may indicate that a vibration source such as a refrigeration unit is present on the trailer .
an injection device which is configured to be pre - filled , including a vessel for storing the liquid , having two opposing ends , each provided with an opening , referred to as proximal end and distal end , and arranged to receive a sliding piston in order to exert pressure on the liquid . the vessel includes a wall including at least two vertically adjacent layers , each including vertically adjacent plastic material , the first and second layers having different gas permeability .
organosilazanes having higher prepolymerization molecular weights are prepared by the ammonolysis of organohalosilanes at a temperature of about 15 °- 23 ° c . their higher molecular weights facilitate the polymerization of the organosilazanes to preceramic polysilazanes .
Supernova remnants act as particle accelerators, providing the cosmic-ray protons that permeate the interstellar medium and initiate the ion-molecule reactions that drive interstellar chemistry. Enhanced fluxes of cosmic-ray protons in close proximity to supernova remnants have been inferred from observations tracing particle interactions with nearby molecular gas. Here I present observations of ${{\rm{H}}}_{3}^{+}$ and CO absorption, molecules that serve as tracers of the cosmic-ray ionization rate and gas density, respectively, in sight lines toward the W28 and Vela supernova remnants. Cosmic-ray ionization rates inferred from these observations range from about 2 to 10 times the average value in Galactic diffuse clouds (~3 × 10<SUP>-16</SUP> s<SUP>-1</SUP>), suggesting that the gas being probed is experiencing an elevated particle flux. While it is difficult to constrain the line-of-sight locations of the absorbing gas with respect to the supernova remnants, these results are consistent with a scenario where cosmic rays are diffusing away from the acceleration site and producing enhanced ionization rates in the surrounding medium.
a method including photomodulating mammalian tissue with more than one light source of narrowband , multi chromatic electromagnetic radiation , wherein at least one light source emits radiation at a wavelength corresponding to yellow light and at least one light source emits radiation corresponding to infra - red light , wherein the ratio of the intensity of yellow light to infra - red light is about 4 : 1 .
an atm cell carrying a voice - band signal originating in an stm network is processed in accordance with a particular signal processing function in an atm mode at an atm data rate without incurring a delay penalty that arises .
We present near-infrared integral field spectroscopy data obtained with Very Large Telescope/Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observations in the Near Infrared (SINFONI) of 'the Teacup galaxy'. The nuclear K-band (1.95-2.45 μm) spectrum of this radio-quiet type-2 quasar reveals a blueshifted broad component of FWHM ∼ 1600-1800 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> in the hydrogen recombination lines (Pa α, Br δ and Br γ) and also in the coronal line [Si VI] λ1.963 μm. Thus, the data confirm the presence of the nuclear ionized outflow previously detected in the optical range and reveal its coronal counterpart. Both the ionized and coronal nuclear outflows are resolved, with seeing-deconvolved full widths at half-maximum of 1.1 ± 0.1 and 0.9 ± 0.1 kpc along position angle (PA) ∼ 72°-74°. This orientation is almost coincident with the radio axis (PA = 77°), suggesting that the radio jet could have triggered the nuclear outflow. In the case of the H<SUB>2</SUB> lines, we do not require a broad component to reproduce the profiles, but the narrow lines are blueshifted by ∼50 km s<SUP>-1</SUP> on average from the galaxy systemic velocity. This could be an indication of the presence of a nuclear molecular outflow, although the bulk of the H<SUB>2</SUB> emission in the inner ∼2 arcsec (∼3 kpc) of the galaxy follows a rotation pattern. We find evidence for kinematically disrupted gas (FWHM &gt; 250 km s<SUP>-1</SUP>) at up to 5.6 kpc from the AGN, which can be naturally explained by the action of the outflow. The narrow component of [Si VI] is redshifted with respect to the systemic velocity, unlike any other emission line in the K-band spectrum. This indicates that the region where the coronal lines are produced is not cospatial with the narrow-line region.