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I think it goes without saying that anyplace you shop where the shopkeeper is behind bullet-proof plexiglass that you're not going to get the best prices. |
I can understand why a man in this country is hesitant of marriage. The court system is certainly pitted against the men, without question. Pre-nups would be the best answer to any uncertainty when going into a marriage. Unfortunately, from I have seen throughout my life, women ARE usually, natural born socialists. They, along with black and other ethnic groups are looking to remove white men from thier places of power, and replace them with homosexuals, women and people of color. You hit the nail right on the head sister. No-fault divorce is one of the biggest weapons that Jewish lawmakers and judges have used to weaken the traditional roles of men and women in our society. The man is most cases will still have to pay alimony, so what's the point in marriage if you can be penalized in ad finitum even though you are not at fault? While I say that there is no bigger coward than a man that strikes a woman, domestic violence laws and false claims of such are not uncommon either. A friend of mine married an Asian woman in his last year of college. She was able to get her green card, and once she had it the abuse towards him began. I had seen her strike him no less than three separate times, and had seen her in the city we were living in alone with another man on at least one occasion. When he finally wised up and told her to get out and that he was filing for divorce, the first thing she did was go to a women's center and they advised her to go to the police and have her file a restraining order against him. Now this friend is one of the gentlest people I've ever known in my life, and if anyone was being abused in that relationship, it was him by his filipina hussy wife. Would have liked to have told him I told you so but he had already learned his lesson so I just consoled him as a friend should. He went on to grad school and met a beautiful woman from Romania and they ended up getting married. That was 14 years ago and they still seem very happy and have 3 kids. Time has changed their appearance a bit, so they both look and carry on like Mr. and Mrs. Claus, happy as can be. |
Hmm. Strange. Try copying and pasting this in your browser: Here's something else I found: It is funny to see how Jewish organizations are always trying to rewrite history...in this case, the Ashkenazic elites (nearly all 2nd wave immigrants) seem terribly embarassed by the Southern Jews, especially their loyal service in the Confederacy. It's interesting to note that anti-semitism was a northern, not a southern problem. Jews and Christians in the South generally got along extremely well. The idea that the South is (or was) anti-semitic is essentially a fabrication. Paul Gottfried has spoken on the Political Cesspool on the strange hatred that many Jewish elites in NY have for the South (even though they've never been there)--and how they grow up thinking everyone is in the Klan, etc. Read the first article and found this quote a bit amusing: The recipe has been passed down in my family forever, probably since before the Civil War, she says, smiling. We may be Southern through and through, but we're also Jewish, her son says. I grew up on grits and country ham like any Southern boy. I thought that Jews weren't supposed to partake of pork? |
One woman was holding a sign that said Respect to Civil Right. It takes a lot of cheek to hold up a placard and protest when you can't even get the grammar of your host country correct. Seriously...who the hell invited these people? What did the business owners sign say anyway? |
If you have the skill, nerve and proximity, a headshot immediately neutralizes one perp, instantly dropping the odds against you.. note how the torso-shot negro didn't go down, but instead ran out, ran quite a distance, and survived? He could as easily returned fire and hit our Marine friend before fleeing. Carry a major caliber, and practice.. Since I'm not allowed to have a firearm where I currently live, it would take a lot of training for me to be able to make a head shot once I return to the US. In sports we were always told to go for the hips as it's hard for the opponent to dodge and it controls their movement. Don't think he would run anywhere with a broken hip, but someone with more handgun experience can correct me if I'm wrong. Two rapid shots to the torso or hip/groin seems like a better chance for success to me. As someone else already said, once they've been hit once you can take the head shot later. Besides, negroes do all sorts of funny little jive moves with their heads. Watch any college football game and you'll see what I mean. The eyes can fool you but the hips rarely lie. |
A simple way to attract state guardsman would be to drop or outright waive property taxes in exchange for a few weekends for training and drilling. Perhaps this would be enough to encourage a big force in-state that could eclipse that of the national guard. The problem is how to make up the shortfall in tax revenues? Perhaps we should institute a beaner and lazy negro shakedown tax to make up the shortage in revenue. Property taxes on a primary residence have got to be the most unfair and illegal tax I can think of. The local and state govt take from you in order to educate all the lesser peoples that have kids in excess of their means to support and educate them. Take this burden away and build a formidable fighting force in the state in one fell swoop. |
An apt punishment would be to remove both hands and eyes so that he never poses a risk to anyone else again. Better yet - the best, quickest and most just solution would be to give the victim a handgun and allow him to do what he will. Sad thing is though that I doubt most people would have the nerve to do what was needed. |
Perhaps black Desi should spend a little less time complaining and more time wiping the cocoa butter and grease off of his forehead. I suspect that may at least be partially to blame as the software probably just can't pick up on da shine. |
I guess de Gifelte Fish and Matzo balls ain't so good on de digestive tract. Oi vey! |
Wonder how many cases of severed feet India experiences in any given year? |
An officer assaulted inside a detention center? He should have given this bluegum the thrashing of his life! |
I've said it before, but if you took away all legal protections for illegal aliens then they wouldn't want to come to the US anymore. Might sound a bit harsh, but if they get beaten or killed while in the US illegally, then it should be treated as injury received during the commission of a felony on the part of the illegal. |
Reproductive capability needs to be removed from people like this. |
Since the Rabbi Harold Kravitz speaks so boldly, perhaps he'd want the wetbacks in his own back yard? Why doesn't he put his money where his gefilte fish-eating mouth is and take a few of these unhappy wetbacks into his own home? |
Congratulations Ryan. I know that you must be thrilled to death. :rolleyes: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/mai...-mostviewedbox |
You know, I've really hated professional sports since reaching adulthood and recognizing it for the Jew-run money enterprise that it is. Reading this post makes me hate it even more and content to completely shut it out of my life. Think I will boycott any business that has promotions utilizing professional sports merchandise as well. |
Whitey always tryin' to be puttin us down. Seriously...you've educated me. I assumed only a negro could come up with such an asinine hair style, perhaps Redding worked on behalf on the petroleum industry? |
Something that has always left me scratching my head is why felons are permitted to marry during their incarceration? :confused: |
Shipping containers? Baja? The first thing that pops into my head is Bush's scheme to allow Mexican truckers to drive throughout the US. Are these goods going to be imported into the US from Mexican ports using Mexican truck drivers? You've very correctly assessed the situation. Goods come into Mexico and then will be shipped northward, avoiding customs duty and the high wages of stevedores or whatever they're called. Will also be an easy way to get around inspection etc. and companies can write down smaller profit margins on paper (think a $3 pair of sneakers coming into Mexico from China, then being increased to $26, then sold in the States for $32. On paper, the seller only made a $4 profit and the money is neatly hidden away in Mexico where the US tax authorities can't get to it.) NAFTA was the beginning of the end for America and Canada the moment it was signed. |
What a complete and utter disgrace to the white race. |
Indeed a sad story that seems all too common these days. I'm always amazed when I go back home to the US to visit just how many people are oblivious to what is going on right under their noses. Either the MSM has rendered them incapable of seeing it or they don't want to see it for themselves. Perhaps they are driven by some higher notion of social justice that prevents them from observing and assessing the situation for what it is. One of the great things about living abroad in a country that is not under direct ZOG control is that I meet quite a few other whites and I suppose that you could call us a diaspora of sorts. It's refreshing to see that when away from the watchful eye of big brother (and also free of any penalties for speaking our mind or standing or ground, as well as sympathetic feelings from our hosts) that the majority of whites that I meet know the score and correctly and unapologetically identify the threats the white race currently faces. Without fear of retribution or civil penalty it seems that most whites, irrespective of country of origin are willing to discuss the threat that blacks and 3rd worlders post to our continued existence. They almost never use the qualifying statement I'm not racists or anything, but... either and just say it how it is. When I'm back at home in the States, most of those that are willing to comment on the black or mexican problem almost always qualify their feelings with this statement. I usually cut them off once they say this by telling them then we probably don't have a chance now, do we? Although I feel a bit hypocritical commenting on these things while I'm living far away from the problems, I do see how much has changed each time I come back, and I'm truly grateful for the opportunity living abroad has afforded me to meet many wonderful white folks from the UK, continental Europe, Australia, NZ, SA, Canada, etc and when I talk to them and know that they are aware of what we face that we indeed have hope. I'd like to think of our time here as time spent regrouping and operating away from ZOG in the hopes of making a difference one day. |
Autonomy would indeed be a great thing for the native Hawaiians. I would propose moving them all to the island of Molokai and giving them complete autonomy, cutting off any form of welfare and revoking their US citizenship. It would also be wise to forbid them to enter into any military agreements with any other foreign nation and also require them to get a visa to visit any of the other islands. This would hopefully and effectively take care of the Polynegroes that plague what would otherwise be the most idyllic place on earth. |
A Nigerian national is accused of raping a Japanese woman and is currently rotting in a Japanese prison. A naturalized Japanese citizen (formerly an American) has taken it upon himself to take up the Nigerian's cause: http://www.debito.org/?p=537 Anyhoo...from about 5 year ago, these Nigerians have been making inroads into the seedier side of the Tokyo nightlife and make it absolutely no fun to go to Roppongi anymore if you are Caucasian or Japanese as they trip to hawk you into their ripoff bars. This Nigerian apparently has a Polish wife. I've seen many of these guys dry-humping Japanese girls on the street, so suffice it to say that I have my doubts about Mr Ibedark's innocence. Let's hope he rots in jail and returns to his native clime upon his release. :clink |
Nigeria does have a lot of oil, and I believe that Japan suffers them to a degree to maintain friendly relations with their embassy in Tokyo and to keep the oil flowing. Most of them come over as tourists or to study Japanese. I asked one one night after he tried to hawk me into his rip off bar how he is allowed to stay. The answer has been pretty standard amongst all the ones that I've made an effort to speak to. The standard formula for staying in Japan if you're a Nigerian or a 3rd-world African lout: Find a Japanese girl dumb enough to have intercourse with you Make sure that said girl is also stupid enough to have sex with you without the protection of a condom Impregnate said Japanese girl Make an offer of marriage so that the child is not a bastard (I use that term loosely in this instance) Apply for and receive a dependent spouse visa Viola! Now you are free to go around and pick up other dumb Japanese girls that for whatever reason find African muds cool and/or attractive while the wife sits at home. Pretty easy to do when you are working the graveyard shift as a hawker for dodgy strip or hostess clubs in Roppongi. |
You obviously haven't travelled much.Don't comment unless you've actually been to china.Foreigners are called barbarians in China.I've been there. Actually they're called Guai lo or white ghosts I believe. I think that Chink is relatively tame in comparison. |
My gosh , I am 71 and have been around the block a few times , I almost upchucked my breakfast reading that filthy pervets ad. And I though I had heard it all , wrong. That has got to be one of the most depraved, warped individuals I have seen. Even though I doubt he has any prurient interest in women and procreation, he definitely needs to be removed from the gene pool. They all do. |
How did she blow the $126,000 she borrowed against her house? What really makes me wonder is how was she able to rent a condo (a mortage default would stand out as a pretty big black mark on a credit report) after just walking away from her house. I thought that most rental owners do credit checks on tenants before allowing them to move in. Is there a different rule for non-whites in this regard? |
Today I did a google search for the terms shatner jew and was shocked when the results came back. First of all, I noticed the following in the area where adwords would normally be located: Offensive Search Results We're disturbed about these results as well. Please read our note here. www.google.com/explanation Being the curious individual that I am, I clicked on the link to see what this was all about even though I made an educated guess where this was going. Here's what the link produced: http://www.google.com/images/google_sm.gif An explanation of our search results. If you recently used Google to search for the word Jew, you may have seen results that were very disturbing. We assure you that the views expressed by the sites in your results are not in any way endorsed by Google. We'd like to explain why you're seeing these results when you conduct this search. A site's ranking in Google's search results relies heavily on computer algorithms using thousands of factors to calculate a page's relevance to a given query. Sometimes subtleties of language cause anomalies to appear that cannot be predicted. A search for Jew brings up one such unexpected result. If you use Google to search for Judaism, Jewish or Jewish people, the results are informative and relevant. So why is a search for Jew different? One reason is that the word Jew is often used in an anti-Semitic context. Jewish organizations are more likely to use the word Jewish when talking about members of their faith. The word has become somewhat charged linguistically, as noted on websites devoted to Jewish topics such as these: http://shakti.trincoll.edu/~mendele/vol01/vol01.174 http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/jonah081500.asp Someone searching for information on Jewish people would be more likely to enter terms like Judaism, Jewish people, or Jews than the single word Jew. In fact, prior to this incident, the word Jew only appeared about once in every 10 million search queries. Now it's likely that the great majority of searches on Google for Jew are by people who have heard about this issue and want to see the results for themselves. The beliefs and preferences of those who work at Google, as well as the opinions of the general public, do not determine or impact our search results. Individual citizens and public interest groups do periodically urge us to remove particular links or otherwise adjust search results. Although Google reserves the right to address such requests individually, Google views the comprehensiveness of our search results as an extremely important priority. Accordingly, we do not remove a page from our search results simply because its content is unpopular or because we receive complaints concerning it. We will, however, remove pages from our results if we believe the page (or its site) violates our Webmaster Guidelines, if we believe we are required to do so by law, or at the request of the webmaster who is responsible for the page. We apologize for the upsetting nature of the experience you had using Google and appreciate your taking the time to inform us about it. Sincerely, The Google Team p.s. You may be interested in some additional information the Anti-Defamation League has posted about this issue at http://www.adl.org/rumors/google_search_rumors.asp . In addition, we call your attention to Google's search results on this topic. My apologies for the jumbled text, but I wanted everyone here to see this tripe ASAP. For as fat as Abe Foxman is, he certainly gets around, doesn't he? |
Perhaps I should just use cuil instead of Joogle. |
I've always liked LaRouche as well, and have been reading his stuff since about '99 or so. Interestingly enough, he correctly predicted that the dot com bubble would burst and release a final phase of speculation and de-industrialization that would wreck Western economies, America in particular. The one thing that I don't care for is his suggestion that we should work together to raise up Africa and South America. |
Why is the executive branch sticking its nose in anyway? Obama has to be on track to become the most unpopular president in US history in record time. Most of the white folks that I spoke to who made the mistake of voting for him now seem to get it. |
Not that I'm one to stick up for a black (especially Paterson) but why is the Obama administration sticking their nose in what should be a state affair? This sets a very bad precedent if Paterson steps down. Next Obama will want a white Governor to step down and any opposition to it will be met with accusations of racism. After all, he already asked a black Gov. to step down, didn't he? America is starting to look more like Zimbabwe all the time. |
In Ulver's kingdom, he would already be turning into manure... In Cicero's world, this guy would undergo weeks of grueling torture and then be nailed on a cross in a partially shaded area of the desert and left to suffer and ultimately rot. His carcass would then be catapulted over the border into a Mexican town with a message taped to it warning that any Mexican crimes committed in the US will all draw a similar punishment. |
Those site are all pro-Israel, Zionist propaganda against Muslims. The Jews want to convinvce people to hate the Muslims, when they [Zionists] are really the cause of all the problems with those people. There was no trouble prior to the creation of the terror state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent refugee act in Europe [1952] which the Zionists used to flood non-Muslim lands with Muslims. Later, of course, in 1965 similar events took place over here. Anyone game on drawing parallels between the rise of Saudi oil and the resurgence of Islam? |
This is a good step, but I would be much happier with a law that stripped citizenship from all black and mestizo felons and ordered their immediate deportation from the United States. |
Remember that blacks are 16% of the population when you review this small, representative, portion of the FBI's Uniform Crime Report, the murder rate by blacks, as compared to whites, is astounding: So that means that the US population needs to go down by some 48 million then. |
Should have dragged him over to the shredder and stuck a handful of his dreadlocks in. |
I bear Mr. Mason no ill will and often find him hilarious but I was a kiddo in the 1970's and when I hear that voice....:D Glad I'm not the only one that drew a parallel between the voices! It's not the kikester Jackie Mason though. |
Yes. America wholeheartedly was NOT built on the backs of slaves. And it most certainly was NOT built by the minds of blacks, slave or freed. |
Get rid of all the turd-worlders living in California legally or illegally and I bet the state will have a budget surplus. Problem solved. Amazing how simple things can be when you try. |
I live outside the US at the moment and have for quite a number of years. My trip back to the Mid-Atlantic states really opened my eyes and I kept asking relatives if there had been this many negroes in our hometown before. There was definitely a different vibe and blacks seemed to be pushier than ever before. A visit to the local gun shop was quite telling and there was a lot of agreement amongst the other patrons that things had gotten much worse in the time I've been away. On a positive note, a salesperson at the shop introduced me to a Sig Sauer SP2022 and it was love at first sight! Loved how the barrel can be swapped to change calibre and how easy it was to break down and put back together. The braided spring was true craftsmanship. Also found a .32 by Charter with a built-in laser sight which would make a decent carry weapon. Spoke with a cousin in the Carolinas while I was on my trip and he said that folks down there were ready to rebel. Seems that they've had enough of the darkies already, and it's fitting that S.C. was the first state to secede back in the civil war. Either way, I'm looking at places to live once I'm back Stateside but the east coast will definitely not be on my shortlist. Too many emboldened blacks for me! |
I have a better idea. Why not offer the sexually mature black females $20,000 in cold, hard cash to voluntarily submit to irreversible sterilization. After two generations, the problem would take care of itself. |
We have about 36 million negroes in this country..It is only going to get worse.. True, but you'd only need to offer paid sterilization the females of child-bearing years. Anybody have their numbers offhand? Possibly 1/4 of their total population? |
Oh if only I could travel back in time I would wring the neck of every myopic, short-sighted slave owner, transporter, and trader that turned America into this third world mudhole by entangling our fates with the black African. The slave trade was highly Jewish, so you can still wring the necks of those that amassed their fortunes off the trade. Have a look around you and you can see their descendants anywhere you look in media, government, credit or legal trades. They are the thin gray line that has worked hard to keep whitey in line and feeling well guilty in order to keep him from giving the savages exactly what they need. Get rid of the moneychangers and the negroid loses his biggest defender. |
Makes one wonder if/when Obama's alleged homo-affair will hang him. |
A pic is worth 1,000 words. Maybe even 6,000,000 if you believe the lies. Your mileage may vary... 14Words Robert Damn Shmoolies. |
I've heard the Japanese are a very peculiar race :rolleyes: Yep, they certainly are. I've lived amongst them and am so familiar with them that they are not exotic or mysterious to me, and I generally don't mind being friendly with them at a certain distance. On the other hand, I don't especially like living around them as I think they have a certain level of social retardation that I find tiresome. Certainly wouldn't want them having any sort of organized political rights or power over me in my own country though. Don't mind them as visitors though. |
Margeret Cho is a fat, ugly, chinky-eyed Korean slag whose career is flagging and would use anything to get it the news. If you've ever watched her routines, she makes fun of her own people in the way they speak English and also squints her eyes to make them look chinkier for laughs. So where does she get off saying she can do that, but nobody else can? |
get rich and dream up the next big thing Wow...that's rich! Early on in my career I had the misfortune of working close to a group of Indian techs. Most of them spent as much time as possible chatting on their mobiles in babu-speak and running businesses on the side. I can even remember walking into a meeting room that I had scheduled only to see a group of them cleaning up from what was obviously a private meeting on how there were going to make their own startup. It was obvious as the geniuses left too much information on the white board. All on the company dime too. Needless to say, Indians will always be unemployable by me. :mad: |
He was astounded by the plight of an 18 year old pregnant woman who paid a taxi driver to smuggle her in to South Africa but ended up raped by a friend of the taxi driver. Damon was, in the words of the article, shocked and saddened - no doubt he had a utopian view of Africa that was shattered - perhaps he believed that South Africa was the worstest country in sub-saharan Africa and his fragile world view took a severe hit when he decided he was going to make a movie about it? I'm sure he'll depict her story in the movie he is currently filming about the first black president of South Africa starring Morgan Freeman. During Blood Diamond the character portrayed by Leonardo Dicaprio said that his family was murdered and his mother was raped in front of him before being murdered, but of course the audience was left to their own liberal machinations in constructing a scenario regarding who might have raped and murdered his mother. Has this Hollywood retard ever heard of Christian Channon? I think he needs to shut his squeak-hole and keep out of intl politics. |
If the Chinese force the United States dollar to default, for whatever reason, thats just going to nerf their ability to get value for all the dollars they're hoarding. They wouldn't want to do that. For the last couple of decades, China has been basically doing all this work and making products, earning a profit in return. If we default, we'll have pretty much executed a theft - we used the labor and enjoyed the things, and they walk away with worthless paper. No, I don't think they'd want to crash the dollar on purpose, unless maybe we went to war and this upset the apple cart anyway. Not entirely accurate. China has used some of the dollars they've earned to pay for oil, coal, minerals, concrete, steel and other goods and services from abroad in which contracts were drafted in dollars. No doubt though that they will not fare as well as they thought should the dollar plummet. Either way, I can't garner much sympathy as the Chinese knew the game to begin with. They accepted dollars which they knew were risky, but would be quite valuable on international markets for a certain number of years. In return for accepting these dollars that they knew from the beginning were backed by nothing, they got unfettered access to US markets and also a massive transfer of technology vis-a-vis major corporations. This also enticed other advanced countries into investing in China. China accepted this game and wanted the benefits of participation. While the US is indeed screwing them, I see China as the investor that is throwing a tantrum because he does not make the 1,000% returns he is expecting. There's no doubt that China benefited from this trade and payment arrangement with the US. One only has to look at all the prosperity and infrastructure China has as proof. |
The problem is that you've Got to hire them according to law and you can't fire them according to law. That's what I absolutely love about running a business in a country not directly under Jewish control. No quotas, the darkies have no power and are seen essentially for what they are: a backward race that more or less needs to be kept under permanent stewardship by higher races. |
I've heard no shortage of people say they would kill anyone who molested their child, but how many of us have ever heard of a case where someone did this in the US?? It's nice to know there is at least one place on earth, where upper crud pedophiles aren't safe from retribution and where there are some real men left in the world. I seem to remember a case many years back, perhaps as far back as 10-15 years where I child molester was being moved by police through an airport or station (or some place like that) where the grandfather of the boy he molested was pretending to use a pay phone. As the police entourage walked the molester by, the grandfather calmly turned around, shot and killed the freak on the spot. This was all caught on video. Can't remember which state it was, but I remember watching the video on TV at the time. I've been searching for it for a long time with no luck on the net. If anyone remembers the details of the case, please post them here. |
It certainly adds a certain spin to Kanji/Hanzi tatoos when you can actually read them. I would personally never get something inked on my body that I wasn't able to read or that I wouldn't want anthropologists finding on my remains if I were dug up in the future. (that could make for a funny skit in and of itself...whites must have spoken Chinese as they are all plastered with tatoos of Kanji) Anyway, Chinese characters look quite nice stylized in some buildings and works of art, but all the tatoos I see of the characters themselves simply look cheap to me. Sorry, but that's my opinion. If you want to do something that looks good, why not a nice Latin quote instead? |
Sadly I agree and even more sad is that I have an oriental tattoo. A small chinese character, I was 15 and stupid, nieve even. I lived in a small town that was yet to be tainted, I honestly was taught to love everyone and I dont anymore. It took me about 2 mo in the real world to despise my tattoo and most people I came across. It is the only tattoo I deeply regret. Well, don't beat yourself up about it too much. As you say, you were young and hindsight is 20/20 ;) |
[quote=sovereignman;6388544] Where are the family's cahona's? This sentence is a total joke, but it aint funny:mad: 9 years is the most and 6 is the least. I wonder how many years the Heretical two will get in absentia while they are seeking political assylum here in America???? Somehow I feel it will be more than these nigorillas' got.! If anything like this ever happened to my daughter or a family member, I would be calling for their hanging. I think this is one time it'd actually be ok to throw in some racial epithets too. I know it was a movie, but I also know that everyone was agreeing with Derek in American History X when he was talking about his father being shot. But when people try to make a politicall correct statement, it just goes in one ear and out the other. It'd be better to make a wave in this case.. Not a ripple. I hear that. Sometimes we have to do things ourselves I guess. Taking a look at the other side of that stick, anyone here see the movie A Time to Kill?? I agree with the negro guy who shot and killed the White guys who raped and injured his daughter, and left her to die, even though she did live. He did us a favor by eliminating some scumbag race traitors. No Woman should be raped, regardless of what her race, color or religion is. And rapists should be given the death penality! What's good for the goose, is good for the gander. Blacks who rape whites=death penality! Whites who rape blacks=death penality! All rapists==DEATH PENALITY! NO EXCEPTIONS Any white that would want to have sexual congress with a black, regardless of the circumstances is a danger to the gene pool and should be neutered. |
My children will be aware and possess the instincts to avoid these types of dangers. I think it is also necessary to inform your children about the politically correct world they live in. Refrain from being in the company with the negroes and mestizos, and avoid travelling through their populated areas. When in public and these people are present, be aware, but be white and as cordial as possible. When and if, as they often do, mistake your codiality as a weakness, then do not be intimidated, they bleed as well. Everyone owes it to their children to teach them to be racially aware. Make sure they know that they have to keep what you teach them to themselves, but to always be vigilant when muds are around. I would highly encourage you to teach your children Jewish name nomenclature and also the concept of what a crypto-Jew is. |
How heartbreaking it is to lose such a beautiful young white woman yet again to negro thuggery. Is there any recourse against a judge who releases a public threat and foists them on the public? |
Scott J. Johnson, 38, was in camouflage as he walked out of some woods near the scene of the shooting and dropped his weapon as officers approached, said Jerry Sauve, chief's sheriff's deputy in Marinette County. Camouflage isn't a normal MO for blacks. |
Remember a song popular about 20 years ago titled Sun City that was anti-apartheid? Well, for those of you that don't know Stevie Van Zandt (aka little Steven) that plays Silvio on the popular show The Sopranos was one of the main instigators of this. That little traitor should be forced to live amongst the South Africans blicks that he so vehemently defended back in the late 80's so that he can see what a paradise it is now. What do you guys think, will he like it and still be in favor of equal rights in SA? |
When I was growing up, I remember walking by the cafeteria each morning to see Negros and Hispanics receiving their free breakfast and free lunch at lunchtime. I never understood why it was the duty of the school system to feed kids that couldn't afford to pay the 75 cents for lunch. If you can't feed your kid breakfast on your own, then you should consider tubal ligation or a vasectomy. |
Does anyone remember that sceen in Felix the Cat when one of the crows in the pool hall was bitchin about getting PB&J sandwiches for lunch while all the White boys came to school with ham sandwiches. Sorry, don't know why that came up. Don't think I ever saw this, but perhaps I can answer the crow's rhetorical question. Ham sammiches are too good for negroes, and I think that even PB&J is a bit much for them. |
I dono guys. At the current moment if the race war poped off I think the black people would have a quick victory. They already own the cities. we would have to retreat to the mountains and then make our attak. I think the Jews planned this. They want to take us home make us all go towards the racist attitude. Then when obama wins he will be able to disipline us accordingly. You make a good point, but urban areas are easy choke points. We have the engineers and we could easily shut off power, water, sewer, road and rail to the cities. Control movement in and out and either starvation or disease will take its toll. Doubt the porch monkeys would know how to survive in the absence of govt handouts, but if we control and deny services they will surely suffer huge casualties as a result. |
The starving African kid you save today is going to grow up to produce god knows how many more starving African children, and so on and so on. Or he could grow up to do harm or fight in a war against your children. Let the mud puppies starve I say. |
Who cares? We should actively promote discord between rival mud races so that they will focus more on each other and less than us. The trick is to stay out of the way when they're killing each other. |
In the UK Asian means Pakisanis and Indians. Chinese and Japanese are just called by nationality generally. Americans always get confused by this. The term Asia actually originated with the Romans as they had a province in SW Turkey of the same name. It is quite a stretch to carry it all the way to the Koreas and Japan...kind of like calling Turkey part of Europe is really a stretch. |
Tried to open the link to national enquirer from drudge and domain name reverts back to an IP address and the page says: Page unavailable/under construction. Strange. |
I always take what I see on TV with a grain of salt and always watch for the hidden liberal agenda. Because I work late into the night at home, I like to have some background noise, and the TV usually supplies that. Although I like both the history and discovery channels, they are basically propaganda machines to shape public opinion and rewrite a lot of history. If you've ever read Bourdain's book Kitchen Confidential, you'd probable never want to eat in a restaurant without an open kitchen ever again. You'll find in the book that he is a recovered heroin addict and a flake. He is interesting and entertaining to watch, so long as you keep in mind that he has exhibited very poor judgment in the past and should never be used as a role model...more like a somewhat informative buffoon that tries to make up for his past with self-deprecation. The Romans looked down on actors and performers as the lower echelons of society, and with good reason. |
Wow, I never thought I would get so many responses and I must say that you all have educated me quite a bit on the more ferocious dog breeds. There's a lot for me to think over now, but I have time before I make a decision so that's fine. One question though. Any of these breeds...if we were to keep say 5 or more of them, would they develop a pack mentality and become harder to control? |
I just attended my annual fraternity reunion. 15 men who probably have an average IQ similar to your daughter's peers have produced 17 children. There may be an unacknowledged illegit or two, but suffice to say, replacement level isn't even close to being reached among my group. It is a catastrophe. There will not even be enough competent people to staff mid and upper level management positions, engineers, doctors, and scientists to keep the US (or Europe) at their present economic level. The implication of this is a lot more curry and rice demand in the US over the next few decades. The professional visa program will almost have to increase in number if our living standard is to be somewhat maintained. Sad as it is, a mediocre Indian engineer or doctor may be of higher quality than what white nations will be producing in a few decades. I have the feeling that besides the self-absorption aspect (people not wanting to be bothered with kids) that a lot of whites are simply not having kids because they fear for their future. As ironic as that sounds (no kids definitely equals no future for whites) under our present system, it's hugely expensive to responsibly raise children these days. With the way that public schools have gone, and with the politicalization of the educational system, I would never send my own kids to the majority of public schools and also a number of private schools that want to put white guilt or homosexual agendas into the curriculum. I know that I'm probably going to take a beating from some that say that there kids are fine, but this is my opinion and I'm entitled to it. I don't mind paying for a school that's 95% white and where we don't have to celebrate silly things like Kwanzaa or Cinco de Mayo. Also, the system expects that you go to college and get a degree. In reality, once any particular field heats up and the participants start to earn too much, ZOG imports some Babu's and drives the wage down, while at the same time preaching that there's a shortage of qualified people or the quality of work of the native-born whites isn't high enough (as if the dotheads they import are even of the same caliber) and the H1-B's increase. Whites won't begin to increase their numbers until they feel they have an option. I certainly wouldn't want to send my kids to school with Negroes or with liberal-minded teachers that have an agenda. I'm fortunate because I have the resources to do so, but I really feel for those that don't. Even from my own childhood I distinctly remember how unpleasant school became when they decided to start bussing the negroes into our schools. Things were just fine before that, and suddenly you couldn't even escape the porch monkeys by living in the suburbs; ZOG decided that they were going to send them directly to you to pollute your children's' lives. |
The United States as well as the rest of the world is already over populated. So if this is true it is a good thing for the entire world. As for me the way I see it is less taxes, less people to cosume resources and less people to try and live around me. We all need to start worry more with today and the real world than with a vision of the future that might not even exist in a few years. The way I see it a woman with a gun in her hand is a far more important tool to the white race than simply being a mother. This being said I must also say that Iam extremely proud of the white nationalist mothers we have. But perhaps the family life is not for all our women or us men for that matter. The important thing is that if one chooses to have achild be sure you can provide for it while at the same time being able to live your own life. One big difference between whites (and the east asians excluding the Chinese) is that these days by and large they will not produce children that they can't provide for. This is unlike negroes, mestizos and other 3rd world dark-skinned riff-raff that will very cheerfully reproduce beyond their means and then foist the economic burden for raising their offspring on whitey. I'm of the opinion that public services and schooling, as well as programs such as free school breakfast/lunch and bilingual education should be done away with entirely. You would then have to pay for the children you produce, which shouldn't then be a problem for people earning as the tax burden will have be lessened as well. You get to choose how to raise your kids, and who they will be around rather than ZOG deciding who's kids your hard-earned money should be wasted on trying and failing to educate. |
5) There are too many to round up and send home. There are never too many. We give them 30 days to get out on their own or when we catch them, they go to prison and THEN they're kicked out. It will be a mass exodus going the OTHER way for a change. Good idea, but I think the solution is simpler. Since they are illegally in the country, then they have no legal status and no right to any legal protections. Announce that there will be a 30-day grace period for illegals to leave the country, during which time they are not to be harmed or molested so long as they continue to make their way south and cause no trouble. After this period has expired, strip them of any legal protection and instruct all law enforcement to not arrest anyone for property or physical crimes against illegals. Once they get the first taste of pissed off and newly empowered whites, I'm sure that they will run for the border with all due haste. |
I wouldn't put it past mexico to close thier boarder if america were to start deporting mexicans back. And we whites have been using catapults for millennia. Should the Mexicans close their borders, simply load up the illegals one by one and let them fly the friendly skies south of the border. |
I hope that the groids start impregnating Chinese women and then they can ultimately cancel each other out. China is tolerated by it's neighbors as long as they can make money from it and they remain quiet in their ascent. They are getting more belligerent, so it's just a matter of time before the big backlash against China starts to take hold. China can't even keep it's own country together without brute force or deflecting anger/criticism on the West or Japan. Once the economic slowdown hits them (and it will) you will see their people giving the Chinese government substantial grief and it's possible that China won't be able to hold all of her territory. China isn't the big happy country it makes itself out to be. Many of you no doubt have seen how a Chinaman loses interest and civility once he realizes there's no many to be made. If the government lets down the burgeoning middle class, we will see the results. It would be ideal if the Indians/Africans/Chinese all came into conflict with one another so long as we are left out of the melee. |
[quote=Haldir;5916342] I hope that the groids start impregnating Chinese women and then they can ultimately cancel each other out.quote] East Asian women prefer white men. I see far more Western women with jigaboos, and East asian women with white men. Obviously you've never been to Japan and a lesser extent Korea. Enough of them are down with the brown to cause concern. Nothing like seeing Japafrican or Koregro children running around to show you that some girl's parents didn't take the negro out back and tell him what would happen to him if he was ever caught with the daughter again. |
Chinese immigrants here have told me that they have actualy more than 2 children per family in rural areas (most China is rural) but they just don't legalize their birth. I think that's just it. Women are encouraged to abort any subsequent children and I believe that you can only register a birth for a single child. |
Wait until they start abusing black African muslims and the Islamic block starts to challenge them on it. Should be fun to watch unfold. |
I believe that China has 300 MILLION more men than women. Unmarried men cause problems. What a perfect solution for China, eh? Send all of those extra men over to Africa and just take the place over. That is how evolution works right? Send the Chinaman in there, a race as advanced as ours but lacking our compassion, to do his raping and killing. Damn thing is, that I have a hard time imagining anything uglier than a negro-chinaman hibred. The Chigra is indeed an ugly little beast. The young look like scorched cabbage patch dolls. |
Well, I hate to break from the consensus here but I totally agree with Mr. Conyers. It is high time that we as whites recompense the negro for the injustices suffered from the time period which he has highlighted. I would improve on his bill by making this counter proposal though. Given the current economic crisis, automobiles sales have plummeted and distribution and shipping have come to a crawl. Let us take advantage of all the car-carrying sea vessels currently sitting idle. We can support both the negro and the shipping industry by using these vessels to send blacks to Liberia en masse! We thereby jumpstart the economy again, decrease our tax liabilities, and return the negro to his native clime in the same conditions (better actually) in which he was first found. I will personally contribute the first $1,000 to this cause and expect the same of my WN brethren. All negroes are to report to the nearest commercial shipping dock ASAP to take advantage of the right of return bill for the African peoples. Again, I completely agree with Mr. Conyers in that something needs to be done to address the slavery issue and compensate the negro. What better way than to return him to his historical homeland where they can live in the peace and prosperity of self-rule? All whites should hang their heads in shame for not instituting a program such as this in the past and seeing it through to its entirety. ;) |
AIG should be allowed to fail and their Jew-boy Greenberg that got them into this pickle put inside the wickerman as punishment. |
I've always enjoyed Robert Harris books such as Fatherland, Pompeii and Imperium. Great writer and makes you feel proud of your ancestry to read his work. |
Even if it was funky milk; that doesn't give the government the right to take away people's right to voluntarily participate in risky behavior. Indeed. If they were in the habit of of taking away the right to risky behavior, then a better place to start would be by forbidding blacks to have sex. Either amongst themselves or with whites. |
Perhaps they want to punish the Amish for not paying the Kosher tax? |
Let's take race out of the equation. This is a guy( I know, a negro) beating the living hell out of a female. I know that all of us are quite happy that this isn't a white woman being abused, but shouldn't we condemn any such action within our borders. WE set the standard for civilization. Not the other way around. This person should be in jail, regardless of its race. While I understand where you are coming from, the only compulsion I would have as a white male would be to put myself between the aggressor negro and my loved ones to ensure their safety. I agree that this negro male should be sitting in jail, but the niglet teen should know her own people better and realize what can happen when you get mouthy with black males...regardless of whether she is justified or not. You notice that none of the other blacks did anything, and the little Mestizo man just watched with his hands thrust in his pockets. They don't really care and a white jumping in would not only look stupid, but make us as a race appear weaker for caring. It only reinforces the idea to the mud races that whitey is there to make everything right for them and to maintain stewardship over them while they take from us, destroy our civilization and act like savages. Chivalry gets you nowhere with them, and that old adage about pearls among swine comes to mind here. Good on those of you for feeling like you need to take action...we need more people like that in our society. Might I suggest that you save those feelings up and use them only when they benefit your white brethren, or at least only for those that really deserve to be defended? If two negroes want to argue or have an altercation over whatever, it's really no skin off my nose. Age, sex, size notwithstanding. Let them sort out their own problems, as there's little you can do to make a difference with them now anyway as our legal system is screwed up. |
This is what happens when White parents allow their children to hang out with negroes. :mad: I've had this conversation with many parents before and they all say the same thing... What are we suppose to do? We don't want to be racist. Political Correctness and forced multicultural sensitivity killed this kid combined with his own young naivity. Sad...Just f'n tragic! My kids have been taught from the time that they were old enough to understand that they are to be courteous when warranted to minorities, but under no circumstances are they to ever befriend, much less bring one home. I've shown them all as graphically as possible without mentally scarring them why we do not want to be friends, nor be naive about the nature of these people. They know that their countries are crap, that they are lazy opportunists and not worthy of living around civilized people. The real key is to set a good example yourself, and always be as frank as you can with your kids and treat them as if they are a year or two older than they really are. Give them a role model to respect, make time for them every day and listen to their hopes and dreams and encourage them to pursue the more realistic goals. Foster an environment where your kids know that you are available to listen to them always. Perhaps not at every moment, but that you will make the time to listen to them or help them through their problems, no matter how trite they may seem. If your children don't respect you, there's little chance they'll respect themselves or the gift that is Western civilization. Since the schools won't do it anymore without putting some we're all equal/all cultures are great/all races have glorious histories clause and claptrap into it, I made a point of teaching classical history to them in a form that is easy for them to digest and exciting. They are proud of their history and know already that democracy as it exists today isn't worth a damn and that politicians are crooks. The great thing is that at least the oldest one can tell you why without parroting my words. Most of all, I get them to focus on their dreams and reinforce the idea how quickly their dreams can end if they associate with the wrong races or get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. They avoid groids and beaners like the plague and will even alert me and use our keyword when they notice them around somewhere before I do. Trust me, they're not going to let some mud get between them and their dreams. They know the enemy for what he is, and can correctly assess a threat before walking into one. The thing that I'm most proud of is that they know how to strip the propaganda out of what they are being taught at school, take the little bits that are useful and use them to pass, and then come home and ask me for the real low-down on what they were taught. Above all else, they know that good old Dad will give them the straight dope and then explain the spin to them. I'm looking forward to seeing them as adults. |
Pizza Delivery men take a lot of flak from random people. You can't blame any Pizza guy for carrying a firearm. My younger brother has had his share of drunk frat boys, negro thugs, homeless men etc. ganging up on him to steal a delivery. You can't do anything about it when there are 3 or 4 guys threatening you to hand over a large pizza. Carrying the good ol' Peacemaker makes all the difference. Tell me about it. Forgot to mention that I did this for a while during college to make ends meet, and would always get grief from people. I didn't have it so bad, but would always have to listen to the snide remarks of the frat boys like you say, as I was delivering in a college town. A few drunken ones gave me enormous tips though and I would leave before they had a chance to think about it and change their minds. One thing I can tell you with absolute conviction though: blacks are the absolute worst tippers (you would usually get NOTHING from them) for delivery service. We kept a list in the pizza place of the groids and bad tippers (the list was 80% black...even the beaners would usually at least give you some small tip) and they would always get smaller topping portions, shaken soda cans, and would be the absolute last stop on any delivery run. Never felt like I was in danger but that was going on 20 years ago now. Different times and the area was almost all white back then. |
Exactly.... Muslims should b driven out of holy Constantinople. The last vestige of the Roman Empire, the cradle of Orthodox Christianity, and one seat of European power for over 1,000 years and it is occupied today by Turkish muslims. We should consider Turkish occupation of the Byzantine capital to be a huge affront to white pride. If only Vlad were alive today and had a fresh supply of stakes... |
You Jewish scum I can't believe I had your back in that argument you had with Henry Ford I believe, and even invited your kiker ass to eNationalist. At least you've finally shown your true colors. Dute-n pizda mÄtii... ( that's Romanian for.... well I can't say due to forum guidelines ) And for our non pork-eating friend Braun, a little Latin for you: Quo usque tandem abutere patentia nostra? We know exactly who the enemy is and you carpetbaggers are going to get all that's coming to you. Suffice it to say that you've worn out your welcome in our countries. |
I kinda think they hate us for both of those things actually. They do 'hate' christians and the western way of life, and our siding with the jews just amplifys that hatred but I really don't believe that we would be at war with them over our differences without the jew factor. I think that most whites could give a rat's you-know-what about the Arab countries so long as they stay put. It's Jewish liberalism that led to the immigration reform act of 1965 and opened the flood gates of brown people into America, including Muslims. Without the Jews celebrating their cause in America and Europe (while dropping white phosphorous on them in Gaza) they would largely be a non-issue to us. Jews rule by obfuscation and set up the groups they hate to be each others' enemies. Have any of you ever noticed that we started buying Arab oil shortly after Israel gained statehood? Am I the only one that thinks that this was at least partly done to create stable dictatorships in the hostile countries surrounding Israel in order to keep their upper echelons concerned with making money and not with pushing the Jews into the Mediterranean? |
When I first heard of it I thought it was a Sikh murder. The Sikh's have a battle going on in Vancouver between the extremist Sikhs and the ultra extremist Sikhs. I thought it was a Sikh hit. Sikhs kill each other all the time, Yet another reason why I do not welcome, nor do I feel compelled to spend my time around Indians. |
The only way that Italy could have ever failed Africa was by the Romans failing to build a Vallum Africanus partitioning Saharan/Sub-Saharan Africa and putting all the muds on the southern side of this wall. As for Bono, I cut off all aid to him by not supporting U2 when he started all this pro-African crap. The level of hypocrisy in this guy is astounding! |
Does anyone taste to Kool-Aid>? I think I'm actually going to be sick. The 3 Khazars in this video need to get their butts back in central Asia where they belong. |
ALL the Polynesians should be separated by sex and forcefully relocated to separated islands. I say all the males to Molokai and all the females to Lanai. Within a generation they will be no more. All the Asians should have their citizenship and rights stripped and encouraged to repatriate themselves to their country of national origin. |
The Blacks and Browns are a the symptoms. The Jews are the disease. I live in MY Nation - the USA. I'm in Pennsylvania. I'm not going ANYWHERE -and SCREW consequences, and threats of persecution. Shame all all that you deal with. Shame on ALL that have fled. So do you mind if I ask if you are your parents ever left the city for the suburbs? Do you live in the same area of town with a large number of blacks or mestizos? Have you or your children attended private school? Many whites are indeed still living in their own countries, but they have already fled one way or the other even though they don't like to admit it to themselves. |
Uyoku? Is that a gang? They are right-wingers that drive around in black vans and buses playing old military songs and usually protesting against the Chinese, Koreans and Russians. |
This looks like a job for, the one, the only- HONDA ASIMO!!! Just watched Wall-E, I have a soft-spot for robots now. Hmmm...looks like China will be losing that competitive advantage for cheap labor, eh? :D |
China's cheap labour is due to the low GDP per capita of the people, once the standard of living gets better and when people start to get more educated (within the next generation), then China will be more like Japan but 200 times bigger. Economist magazine said that if 10% of the population in China were millionares, then that'll be more millionares than the USA and Europe combined. Chinese certainly love big numbers, don't they. Beyond a certain number, a big population is more of a curse than a blessing. |
I don't think that there are very many Russian people in Japan. But thanks for the info! They don't bug common people, they protest by driving around the embassies. |
Which immigration will not solveâ¦â¦ Sorry if my post was confusing, but it didn't mean that immigration would solve the problem. It won't and will only open up a whole other can of worms. My point was that obligatory public pension system itself is the problem. The money is not used to invest and actually look after the pensioners, but is treated as an entitlement piggy bank for bureaucrats and is no better than a game of musical chairs. New people have to come into the system to pay for the retired folks, and with a system based on logic like that then a shrinking population will certainly cause it to fail. Nobody ever seems to talk about where the original funds went to or why they weren't invested properly to actually be able cover the pensions of those that payed into them. It's another tax at best or pure thievery at worst. This year, the Japanese government conveniently lost many millions of pension payment records and is putting most of the burden of proof on the payees. The incompetence involved is epic and the more likely explanation is that this is the Japanese governments way of writing off a debt to it's people that it knows it can't in reality pay in full. |
Which immigration will not solveâ¦â¦ There was a study done on this question, taking South Korea as the example, by David Coleman, a demographer for the Royal Society, entitled: Replacement migration, or why everyone is going to have to live in Korea. Unfortunately the link below is dead, I donât know if the report is still online (it was published in 2001). The conclusion was that for South Korea to support its ageing population by immigration would, in effect, require the whole population of the planet, as of 2001, to be resident in South Korea by 2050. the declining birth rate of japan and the aging population is such a big problem that i am really scared for my countries future :(.. We will have less and less tax payers, i dont see what we can do about this do you have any ideas? I know it would be the same in europe AND USA (whites also have declining birth rate) but youre tax payers arent decreasing because of immigration. I do NOT want to open up to immigration for japan but, i think either way is a lose-lose for japan. I really think our time in the sun is over now. One route is let in immigrants, the other one is to keep increasing debt with few and fewer tax payer :( Hi Ninja, I know we started off on the wrong foor, but let's start over again. ãããããé¡ããã¾ãã A shrinking tax base isn't so much a problem if you can keep public works and social welfare under control. I know that Western countries have their own problems, but let's not get into them here and keep the focus on Japan, which this thread is about. You should look into how much Japan spends for roads as compared to the US, UK and Germany. For the relatively low number of kilometers of roadway that Japan has, it spends the most amount of money on roads of any country mentioned above. The quasi-governmental companies (look at the highway corporation for a prime example) that are run by former bureaucrats and who give back-handers to bureaucrats still in power in order to keep the money flowing their way are the primary reason why Japan's coffers are starting to run dry. Japan has the highest highway tolls in the world even though most of the roads have been paid for many times over. Public construction is the other big pork area that is bleeding your country dry. Call the bureaucrats into account, remove the source of their funding and power, and I'll bet that your future outlook isn't as bleak as it currently appears to be. In the west, politicians and the courts are ruining our countries. In Japan, the bureaucrats are ruining yours. |