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Juden rabbis rule that it's kosher to use pigs to defend illegal settlements. I fail to see the relevance or negative point you're attempting to bring up with this. It's an amusing, lighthearted story, but if you're trying to say that it validates our laws then no, it doesn't. |
As a jew, hypocrisy probably comes to you so naturally that you don't even notice when you see it. The article quite plainly was pointing out hypocrisy. I fail to see how it was. Leviticus laws concern the eating of swineflesh - a pig that is not raised to be eaten isn't in violation of them. As I personally believe Israel to be a spiritual nation too, where the pig is raised is irrelevant. However, if you notice, the article is light hearted because it sounds silly - and the settler (I.e. normal Jew) questioned thinks that it's nonsense, therefore not every Jew is a hypocrite. Besides - the article at the very MOST points out breaking archaic laws. I fail to see the hypocrisy. |
That is funny and illustrates my point. To paraphase what you wrote: The law does not apply to me because it is archaic. Rules and laws only apply selectively, when convenient, to people of such a mindset. I call that hypocrisy. Erm no...hypocrisy would be demanding everyone else kept the laws I break. Please, look up the definition of the word before randomly calling me a hypocrite. And yes, laws do change, hence the whole progressive reform movements of Judaism. |
If you think that your scriptures are archaic, why would you use them to justify the existence of the state of Israel in the first place? The reform movement believes that SOME of the laws are outdated. Laws change with time. For example: There is a law in England that states you may shoot a welshman with a longbow in Chester, UNLESS it is a sunday and he is in church. Now, this law hasn't been repealed, but you agree it should be right? It'd be murder to shoot a welshman in chester nowadays. Once upon a time, when England and Wales were at war, and a Welshman in Chester would have been an INVASION, the law was suitable. Nowadays it's a joke. Laws change. A pig consumes a LOT more food than it pragmatically produces - hence it is unsuitable to raise in a desert environment. It would be more sensible to eat the food provided for the pig. However, nowadays this isn't such a problem. Ya? :) Orthodox Jews believe that NO laws should be changed and the word of G-d is infallible. Therefore they would object to raising a pig on Israeli soil. However, many orthodox Jews I know dislike the concept of Israel as a country anyway, except in case of a future Holocaust as a safe haven. Oh, and saying that just because we see ourselves as a spiritual nation it means that we won't defend our country is wrong and idiotic. That's like saying every Catholic has allegience to the Pope and not to their political leaders or nation. |
I'm Liberal as you say, but having posters of Jesus in a school is an EXCELLENT thing in my opinion. Religion, whether it be Judaism, Islam or Christianity, teaches a moral code and ethics - far better than secular humanists do - as it gives a purpose and a feeling of wellbeing. Little story: A Jewish boy entered his school and found a Christian Prayer group in the foyer praying each day. He asked his Rabbi what he should do, as he felt offended and left out due to being a minority (and the one that's always blamed for the death of Christ). The Rabbi told him to not be so self centered, and that the prayer group was an excellent thing - Jesus was a great man who taught many sensible and moralistic things, and that a gentile who was a Christian or Moslem was a lot more likely to do the right thing in a given situation than an Atheist due to the fact that atheists tend to be either Hedonists or Nihilists. I consider myself Liberal on many issues, and Jewish, but Jesus doesn't offend me in the slightest. People who take offence to other's faiths are narrowminded in my opinion. |
That's rich, considering what the talmud says about Jesus. Yes, because of COURSE all Jews refer to the Talmud as the highest source of divinity. Reformists, the largest group, mostly don't credit it's worth actually. It's laughable, considering that 50% of the juden are atheistic. Wow, 50%? You pull that figure from your ass or do you have some kind of evidence to back it up? Sorry for the coarseness, but I was attempting to agree with the sentiment of this thread and then randomly suffer an ignorant criticism of my story (Laughable because sometimes Orthodox Rabbis like to encourage moral code in all people?). Well it's OBVIOUS, considering that Christian Fanatics would consider Jewish AND Atheists to be VERY EVIL, so why wouldn't they be the same thing? -_- |
Well its very very PC right now to hate israel. The whole Palastine thing and all. Its part of the anti-American sentiment really, America and Israel are seen as buddies (well maybe because American Media is Israel... or so I am told... I could be wrong, don't quote me on that...) so people hate Israel. Exactly. It's fashionable to blame Israel. Just like it's fashionable to hate Michael Moore. Once upon a time, all the lefties would read his books and comment how thought provoking he was. Now that it's been proven that he fabricates most of his facts, or at least smudges them, the rats jump ship. Popular opinion VERY rarely represents what the average joe actually thinks. Its so weird how people I know can be totally all for Palastine despite being so against them before (because muslims are bad because they are sexist...heh yeah liberal-leftism is a very weird arena), its like they have split personality, peoples opinions seem to be swayed so much by fashion. Its not waking up to anything... its a change of fashion. Sorry to burst you're bubble. It's a strange fact that most people in Europe are PRO-EUROPE as well, but forget the fact that the Israeli Jews for the mostpart left from Europe TO Israel after WW2. They were a bunch of Europeans plonked into the desert. Oh of course, their religious ideology makes them a race that's non-european yeah, but still. The average Englishman thinks that someone from Ireland is just as bad as a [email protected] , Italians are all cowards, the French are all pansies and the Germans are innately bad eggs. They don't care about race' so much as ethnicity heh. Then again there is a very noticable uprising of ultra-right veiws in Europe at the moment, or so the media tells me. Well that and Belgians, some Belgians told me that to, but they were metal-heads so could be biased by what they see in their own movement, although didn't metal always have that faction? Is it growing? Actually there is a lot more support for the Right in Europe nowadays. Speaking from what I can see in the UK, it's getting pretty heated with race riots and the BNP actually winning seats. I live in the largest BNP dominated area in the UK currently, but originate from Birmingham (another very large BNP area). It's quite odd that normal, everyday people are reading leaflets and saying things like Wow, I didn't know the Jews were all in it together or Yeah, these immigrants are coming in, taking our jobs/welfare. |
Well Faust I don't think Israel is behaving reasonably... I mean I am not blaming them for random stuff, but their human rights record, their blatant imperialism, their THEOCRACY... I mean... not to over do it, but they are not good guys Israel is currently run by Secular jews. It isn't a theocracy. I don't claim them to be the good guys either. Whole countries are seldom good guys. |
Heh, trying to affect moslems with your propaganda is disgusting, especially as you hypocritically claim that we do that. I've spoken to a fair few people of Islamic ilk, (one of my closest friends is a moslem woman of Sa'id ilk - descended from Mohammed) and the moderate moslems aren't nearly as extreme as the liberalish WNs. I have even tried to provoke moslems in a chatroom before (trolling) to make negative comments about the Jewish people - they wouldn't. I (posing as a moslem) was asked to leave due to spreading hate against other peoples, and specifically told that the Qu'ran preaches justice and equality, not hate. Yeah, Moslems do seem to be a good target for an alliance WNs. Except for the whole, you know, disagreeing with everything you believe in. |
Considering that we don't hold Mohammed as any form of prophet, messiah or authority, I fail to see how you consider us mohammadans. You seem a very angry young man. From what I've seen, black people tend to turn to Islam due to having no cultural identity of their own. They cling to the Arabite religion, which openly converts as many as it can to bolster its ranks, because they have nothing else in their lives or ambitions of their own heh. N/B: Speaking of black islamics, not black people in general ;). Oh, and the Sa'id friend I mentioned earlier - she's a lesbian. Hmm, seems you islamicists aren't exactly adverse to the whole concept of homosexuality yourselves eh? Hehe, as if butter wouldn't melt ;). |
To Jews I say, Don't blame my race for the alleged Holocaust, because if it occurred, then my people not only killed prisoners but were killed as well. That argument only works if you define Jewishness as being a race rather than a religion or, indeed, ethnicity. No one argues the concept of ethnicity here. If you shared the Jewish ideology (Judaism) then yes, your people were killed prisoners. However, as you obviously don't, your argument falls flat on this key point. In other words, I'm white and black, English and Pakistani, Jewish and Nazi, Neither Jewish or Nazi are races -_-. |
Whether or not you believe in the gas chambers, the fact that they were PUT there by SS men speaks volumes. It would be classed as Manslaughter in the UK, but either way it was inhuman treatment. |
Jews delcared war on Germany and they lost, get over it. As much as you state your little conspiracy theory, it doesn't make it true. I'm sure you'll point to some propaganda piece written by A. Redneck that'll offer 100% factual information about how all the Jews in Germany decided to DECLARE WAR!!!!!, but I can't believe that someone would actually believe it (ah-ha). He is defining Jewishness as a race, and so did the Nazi's. We are taught that Nazi's killed the Jews because they were Jewish, not because they believed in a relgion. If we are all one race then Jews are just as repsonsible for the holocaust as White people are, that was the point being made. No, he was asking how I can justify saying race doesn't exist AND say Nazis were killing Jews (which HE classed as both races). Race has nothing to do with the atrocities commited. In theory a person did it, so all people did it, is what you're saying? No, it was followers of one ideology versus another. One was aggressive, one was isolationist. How does the argument fall flat on that point? What about the points made about slavery, how did our people own their people if we are all the same? What about American Indians, how did the 'white man' take their land, when it is everyones land if we are all the same If you notice, I didn't address the slavery issue. However, it isn't ABOUT race. It's about one group of people stealing land from another, just as you WNs claim the Jews are doing. It's nice how hypocritical you are on the matter. |
No he asked you to justify why his race is blamed for killing jews if race doesn't exist. His race ISN'T blamed. Nazis are - people who follow the national socialist agenda and ideology. See the word ideology? Follower of an ideology? It isn't descendants of people who followed an ideology that are blamed for slavery or whatever other supposed crimes against humanity, it is White people. No, no one really BLAMES all white people for slavery -_-. No one bloody cares about it nowadays. Jews are isolationist Why have they crawled their way back into every European country after being evicted repeatedly? Ever wonder why the Orthodox are always in their own communities and have little to do with outsiders? That's isolationist, irrelevant of where it is. But when they cry about 6 million they need to shut up. Learn to fight better next time is what I always say. So civilians with no training in arms should learn to fight better against state troops and elite soldiers of the SS? Great use of logic pal. I guess the people in the world trade center should have learned to fight better too? Or the Japanese in Hiroshima? Or any tourist who ever gets captured and held hostage in an arab country? Ack, I can't believe you heh -_-. |
This book was originally printed in July 1941, five months before the U.S. entered WWII The Night of Broken Glass occured a good while before the war broke out, as did victimisation of the Jews. I fail to see how one random Jewish person calling for action AFTER atrocities have already been commited equates to Germany HAD to treat the jews badly - they declared WAR!! |
I can't see the date on that newspaper. Did somehow the King of the World Jews ask the opinion of every Jew? Is it akin to the recent Mozambique leader declaring war on Judaism for Islam (despite having no authority himself to do so)? Lose the jewspeak. It doesn't fly here. I provided the date. If you don't believe it, try Google. - MD |
Hmm, ok Muad, I did a little google search and came up with this: Your search - Daily Express, March 24, 1934 Judea declares War on Germany - did not match any documents. Suggestions: - Make sure all words are spelled correctly. - Try different keywords. - Try more general keywords. - Try fewer keywords. Surprising as it's a UK newspaper and that was google.co.uk. Anyway, from google.com: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Cypr...5/001-025.html - claims it's a forgery and gives evidence why. Otherwise the only time I could see the story was on White Power affiliated sites, and none of them actually showed the date on the paper. It was oddly blurry. Of course, they put the date next to it in text, but I couldn't see it on the paper itself. Amazing. |
I wonder what a Jew would do if one ever worked a cash register... The same as any other (apparantly non-Somalian) cashier would do - scan the pizza and take the money. Considering that a considerable number of jewish people I know actually eat pork products, touching a box which contains a small amount isn't exactly considerable sin. |
Ok, we had a lecture on Moral Panics and Media propaganda today, and it brought up a question to my mind which I've tried to bring up on other threads here before - I understand that a number of WNs are against homosexuality, and a number are apathetic towards it. Now, from what I've read, the leader of the BNP in England despises homosexuality and considers it an immoral perversion. Now, to what extent do you believe this? I could understand from a christian perspective, but for the non-religious - why does this bother you so much? If it's about the whole procreation thing, then do you disaprove of men engaging in sexual activities with women that don't create offspring too? My personal view is that it is a fetish. Having a fetish for same sex members doesn't necessitate a minority/subgroup in my mind, it's just like people who're into bondage, oral sex or uniforms or whatever. It doesn't make a person who they are. What they do in the bedroom is up to them, as long as it involves consenting adults. Oh, and people of the same race if I go from a WN perspective ;). Before anyone respons EW IT IS SICK THAT IS WHY or whatever - comments like these aren't really constructive. I KNOW that some of you believe it to be sick - many find other's fetishes to be of bad taste - but that's not the point. |
It's just so....... boring . . ....... The discussion? Then by all means, don't indulge me in my questioning. |
Will the homo threads never end? I agree, how many rainbow threads must we see?? Well you aren't obliged to read them or post here, so I don't see how this affects you. If there were another semi-recent one that were unlocked, I'd post there. It's socially acceptable to promote homosexuality in schools now, to shun those who are against it, and for judges to forbid parents to teach their children that it is wrong Really? Here in the UK it's illegal to promote it in schools, or show it in anything other than a negative light. |
i can consider them a quasi-ally in the struggle to end jewish supremacy. they are victims just as much as we are Ah, so a marriage of convenience? Sacrificing your integrity to ally against a greater enemy (who actually numbers 0.5% of the population - how great!)? Yes, there are some common interests between WN and Muslims in exposing and working against the very powerful and wicked Zionists ... lying news media etc Yes. Al Jazeera is indeed a very unbias and truthful source of media. To them we are goy, lower forms of life. They don't even consider us human and yet they have the gaul to accuse people non jews of being racist!!! I hardly think nations is a term for lower form of life. I'm near a few islamic people as well as many Christians and agnostics in university currently, and we all get along exceptionally well. I haven't accused any of them of being racist, despite the odd Want a bacon sandwich HAHAHA remark. My friend Pete, while drunk, even made a quite humourous joke about taking a shower. I don't find any of them racist - it's called wit (or a minor witticism anyway). Why do you assume that we don't consider you human? Because of the bigoted opinions of the few? Do you consider US human? There are members of the BNP in my extended family who hate your sort as well as my sort, so why come here trying to get praise from them to form some sort of alliance? I'm sorry but the world is getting to be a slightly scarier place nowadays. The BNP are getting more votes, islamic leaders are making anti-Jewish speeches, people seem lest trusting. I don't see how you can class it as Jewish Supremacy in the world nowadays if the majority seems mistrustful of us, even if we ourselves have no opinion on Zion, no ambitions in politics and are just religiously observant, whether orthodox, conservative or Reform. I honestly fail to see the need to create a conspiracy theory at the expense of a minority. I mean what's your overall goal concerning the Jews (to the WNs and Moslems), and can you live with yourselves if it isn't entirely humane? And no, ship 'em all back to Israel and let the Arabs kill 'em isn't humane -_-. |
It matter not to me what percentage, as I believe in the one drop rule period! So even though Shalom's Daughter is adopted, she still somehow magically has Jewish blood? Way to go Logico! And his family on the non-Jewish side without Jewish blood somehow magically have it too? For example: My mother is Ashkenazi. My father is Anglo-Saxon. His brothers and sisters are the same. They have children. Now, would you say that THEY had Jewish blood? :D Also: Nice way to be rude to a guy who was just trying to lighten the atmosphere slightly by talking about his children's fancy dress -_-. |
Jehovah is allowed as it's a misconception. It comes from mixing together Adonai - the word we're allowed to replace G-d's true name with, and ...well the actual name we aren't meant to invoke. |
What I never understood was why although you get struck down for invoking the name of G()D it's perfectly OK to refer to him obliquely, as 'The Name' etc. Kind of like monks under vow of silence being allowed to use sign language. Daft No, you don't get struck down. There's no punishment involved. It's done out of love and respect - just like calling your father dad or pop instead of his first name, or calling a teacher sir. |
These are the same people who believe it's a sin to turn on their electric lights on a Sabbath but it's not a sin if they have a goy do it Really? I thought it was just the Orthodox who didn't use electrical equipment on Shabbat. The Orthodox make up 13% of the JewPop in the US too yeah? So very little. Oh, and yeah, to them it isn't a sin if a Shabbos goy does it for them. After all, the orthodox believe we have 613 commandments to follow to keep the Earth pure, whereas the Gentiles only have 7 (thus why conversion isn't practiced much - it's easier to NOT be Jewish hehe). A non-Jew helping out on Shabbat is an act of respect or love, not slavery. |
Look at the dire state of Britain. Immigration has given us crime beyond imagining, poverty, poor health and education services, slums and ghettos Poverty? Please, people on welfare make a good enough living as it is, so don't give me BS about how the UK suffers from poverish conditions. I'm from Birmingham, one of if not THE slummiest city, and the ratio of ghettos and slums to nice areas comes out well on the side of the nicer areas. Poor health services? What, the NHS, which allows millions upon millions free healthcare to suit their needs? I've never come into trouble with problems from the NHS, nor has anyone I know, despite the silly little tabloids cooking up stories to frighten Joe Public into voting for opposition parties. Poor education services? Why is that the fault of immigrants again? My father teaches in a Catholic school which has a grand total of three non-whites, and it still isn't anywhere near the top of the tables. It gets funded well he says, so I fail to see wherein the problem lays? Of course, it IS Easiest to blame it on immigrants rather than laying the blame on the country itself of course heh. |
I would be interested to know how your father[I am presuming he is Jewish] manages to teach in a Roman Catholic school! I am puzzled-please explain! He isn't Jewish in any way or form. He's a Catholic anglo-saxon. |
[...] He wasn't asking you, jude. - MD |
We are the choosen people - Is that not the most racist thing you ever heard? But we are condemed when we say that We are the master people whats the difference? People, not race. Plus, being chosen doesn't mean being better. The religious explanation is that Israel is a priestly nation of teachers, not a bunch of racial supremecists. Please don't tar us with the same brush as Adolf. Under Israeli Law of Return , Those who can show proof they have a Jewish parent or grandparent are eligible for citizenship and goverment benefits. If you prove your great - greatgranfather was a Jew then you dont qulify for citizenship because you are not Jew enough. A potential immigrant has to supply their DNA to prove their Jewishness. Non Jews are not allowed. You can make aliyah if you convert to judaism. You do not need to give DNA at all for that. You can even make aliyah if you convert to Reform or Conservative Judaism (converts to these aren't recognised by the Orthodox groups, but ARE recognised by the law of return). So , why cant we COPY the Jews and say we need a country and we require DNA proof on your whitedom. No different what Jews are doing. They are always bitching equality , well then give us our equality to have our own country and laws of governance. No one is stopping you going off to an island and forming your own country. Indeed, you can go into the desert just like Israel if you wish and start your own colony there. No one is STOPPING you - why not pool your money and achieve it? Heh. |
Did you just fall off a turnip truck? You talk like a true lying Jew. Hell dingbat of course anybody who wants can move to our white countries. Why do you think we are so ticked off and want to stop immigration? And I know it is in your blood but dont try lying here. We are wise to all your lies. Someone CANT just convert to being a Jew and get citizenship and full goverment benefits unless he/she can prove Jew parents or granparents. It is in all the Jew writings . I'm suprised you missed it. Check your facts by calling your Jew embassy and say you were a catholic but now you are a Jew and see what they tell you about moving and living in Israel They'll say Of course you may make aliyah you ignorant person. Did you not READ my post? You CAN convert to judaism. A convert experiences the full privalidges available to a born jew - it is in fact FORBIDDEN to remind the convert of his past beliefs in a negative light -_-. The orthodox Rabbinate of Israel refuse to recognise converts to reform or conservantive judaism, but they accept orthodox converts. ANY convert, even if it's to messianic judaism, may make aliyah to israel -_-. |
Considering that I personally see the Holocaust as being a real event that cost the lives of many followers of my religion, and that I have never personally stolen anything from an Arab in my life, I fail to see the relevance of your post in determining whether Israel has a racial policy on imigration. Yes, a Catholic country where you must be Catholic to enter sounds fine, just as Torquemada's Spain was when he exiled the Jews and Moslems, and purged the heretic out of all non-catholics :D. Sounds fun. No, seriously, you assume that all jews are zionists, and you also assume that the holocaust WAS a lie. You don't KNOW it was. I believe it was true based on facts, you believe it isn't true based on what you perceive as facts (or rhetoric, whatever). However, to assume that it wasn't isn't very good debate tactics. It's just like the assumption that G-d IS real when debating with atheists. |
The idea is that the six million were killed due to religious beliefs, and were civilians, whereas the 26 million killed otherwise were soldiers or killed in a slightly more humane way. The Holocaust idea is dystopian in its entirity, and horrific. It isn't about the amount, but the way it was done and government sanctioned. I have first hand accounts too. They tend to be bias. My grandmother thinks all Germans are innately evil for example. |
Jews created a Jewish stated in their original homeland. We Whites want OUR ancestral homelands back Oh? I thought our original home was the Khazar as many of you say? Or aren't we a mongrel race that's bred from all different pieces? How can we have an original homeland therefore. Also: The US and Australia belonged to others before whites got there, so how can that be your original homeland? |
If we would leave , would you? It is a waste of air talking to Jews. They are set in their choosen people crap so much they cant think logical so whats the sence talking to these ... _ _ _ _ _ _ fill in the blanks. What, if all Whites suddenly decided to go back to their place of origin would we, the people of the Jewish faith? Yeah, sure. I'll cut myself in half and distribute one piece to England and one to the Khazar. You, once again, misunderstand the phrase chosen. It means priest, teacher, scholar. It doesn't mean better. The last part of your sentence is actually incomprehensible too, so I can't respond to it sadly. I could write a word on the blanks if you like, but it'd probably involve coarse and vulgar language, so I won't. That is why the Apache, The Lakota, The Cheyanne, The Great People of The Cherokee ( that one's personal, not blood but care giver to me as a small child) and others get to stay in MY opinion and you and your kind get to go back to what you claim as yours Hold up, you mean they get to stay on the land they originally inhabited? Oh, JOY! They must be so happy on their reservations. I thought it'd be more a case of you staying on their land :o. Also: You allow personal bias towards some Non-Whites to sink in when dealing out who gets to stay? Ah-ha, ETHICAL :D! There is a huge difference between This is mine , you can't touch it and This is where me and mine dwell and you may not tresspass. How so? The latter is just a synonymised version of the first. They both mean the same thing. |
Faust you little thief I love it! Hehe, I keep getting PMs from WNs asking me about my name and what type of WN I am (Apparantly Faust denotes WN due to Goethe's work ho ho). I figure the big I AM JEWISH sign helps avoid the embaressment when I tell them I'm jewish and they're all k...bye. Besides, it looks so flattering on you Shalom hehehe! The law of Return was put in polace to gaurentee Jews a place to go, it is not ment to keep others out, and it doesn't. Many non-Jews have applied for and recieved Israeli citizenship. That law is so Jews know we can come in. I prefer how it was originaly defined= a jew is any person who can in good consience state that they are Jewish. It has changed some allowing converts and those born to a certian amount of Jewish blood to apply under the law of return. However, this still does not mean that the law of return is the only way one can get citizenship, just one way that shall we say makes it easier. Just about all countries have immigration laws, so this one is a bit strange big deal. Exactly! I didn't think about that - Jews are just guarenteed imigration rights, just as a UK-ite is guarenteed them to the commonwealth, or to the US. Personally I like the idea of a white island, hows Cuba sound, eh it's a bit close. I suggest giving one of the largest landmasses and making it exclusivly white, but it has to be Antarctica. Think about it great camoflague if ever invaded, no black person in thier right mind would want to go there, nor would a jew. We could probably ship all the WN there on one boat, plus thier dying to leave. Cmon what do you say? That's my whole point ya! There's masses of land these guys can go off and claim, but instead they want to try to steal land that's now multi-cultural and multi-ethnical? Wow :o! 3.) I finally figured out who you remind me of. Have you ever seen the cartoon where Daffy Duck is standing next to B.Bunny with E. Fudd as the hunter, Duck with an out stretched arm, index finger pointing in Bunny's face exclaiming wabbit season!....no huh? Check it out. What, I remind you of Daffy Duck? I don't get it :o Only after you bulldoze their houses and force them to change their religon Alternatively, since you WNs care so much for them, you could invite them to the US as imigrants! What fun that'd be! That'd solve ALL the problems! Or yeah, they could convert and be granted citizenship, whatever. Either way is good. |
Obviously there is a lot of stuff you dont get. And just like Daffy it went straight over your head. DUCK , a suicide bomber.! Did you get that one? I don't think that's what he meant. If it was then Elmer Fudd and B. Bunny wouldn't have been in the story, and the pointing thing would have been irrelevant. Plus, I live in the UK so it isn't as if I come into contact with suicide bombers on a regular basis. Oh, also, please learn how to use quotes. Your posts are SO confusing. quote - for the start (in square brackets). /quote - for the end (in square brackets). It'll help people read your posts without spending a while working out who said what. |
The talmud teaches that it is a greater sin to tell the truth about a fellow jew than to sodomize a little white boy It's nice how words can be spun to make a situation seem much worse than it is. I mean this is blatantly false, based on the fact that no sin is considered worse than another by our teachings sirrah. Hence why the Orthodox are against a group for Homosexual jews. They see it as illogical as having a group for eaters of pork, or people who work on shabbat. In Christianity and Islam Homosexuality and Anal sex are seen as disgusting and sinful perversions, far outweighing other vices. However, even the Orthodox just view it as bad as any other sin. Alex is correct about the laws - if you ever read the thing you'll notice the amount of contradictary material. But OH NO, let's just focus on a few of the racists eh? That's called Selective Propaganda. Oh, by the way, it's a sin to tell a LIE about a fellow jew, not to tell the truth about them. |
The hypocrisy of Jews, blacks, asians, and hispanics. They think all whites are guilty because some whites in the past did bad things. They would never want to be found guilty of the wrongdoings of their ancestors. Total hypocrites Not at all. Where have I ever expressed that a single white person is guilty for an action of their forefathers? Only Christianity teaches Original Sin and the sins of the fathers falling on the sons - Judaism teaches us that everyone is born with a clean slate. By this logic, however, you cannot take credit for the actions of your forefathers either. How is it fair to ignore the negative things they've done, but accentuate the positive? Example: In the passover seder we drink a cup of wine to celebrate our triumph over the Egyptians in the Exodus. However, a finger is placed into the glass and a drop of wine is pulled out ten times - for each of the plagues. This shows that, although the jewish people were free - something was missing in that the overall outcome was that Egyptians died - therefore the glass can never be full. |
False. There are many passages in the Torah/Old Testament in which sons inherit the sins of their fathers upto multiple generations. For example read Exodus 20:5: I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me Since you celebrate Passover each year there is no excuse for your ignorance. Why did Yahweh punish the first-born of all the Egyptians for the 'sin' of their Pharoah? False. The passage you refer to refers to the hatred of G-d himself - a sin that awards punishment to descendents. However, these descendents are STILL born devoid of sin. The firstborn thing shows the slights of the Pharoah falling on his entire people. They were innocent hence the dismay at their destruction . Here's some explanations for you, FAR better than I could sum up, showing the themes of CLEAN SLATE in the Torah. http://www.cleanslate.org/Biblenotes.html |
No argument here. Racism is racism, regardless of which race it's against. Just because a race is in the majority doesn't mean they shouldn't be protected by the law too. Plus: Rape is a digusting action and the consequences should be more severe than murder due to the psychological stigma it leaves. Yeah, lock him up forever heh. |
[...] If you have something to add to the debate, do so. If not, don't post tripe. - MD |
Chinese should have kicked you scum out. Jews ran the opium trade, as well as all the brothels and sex slave trade in Shanghai. They all fled when the Communists took over in 1959, and they took their dirty money with them. And you don't spell it Chineese. Could I get a source for this? The Triads are well known for their opium trade in the present day - so how is that jewish people? Could you provide some facts, or are these baseless accusations? Did Some guy in the pub tell you this? |
Ok, as much as I'd love to pick fault with the source due to being A) A geocities page that could have been written by anyone, B) using free webspace (very professional) and so on, C) Author's name not even present, D) TOTALLY Subjective and bias points made (using abstract words like corrupt and so on), we'll accept it as true just for the sake of the point I'm about to make. So after the Jewish people left then the Chinese triads picked up the trade? Wow, it looks like your people are as bad as mine, eh Yihe...I can't remember how to spell the thing. Secondly, bringing the initial point up - when I ask for a source I pretty much expect something credible. It doesn't matter if the author is WN, or it's a WN newspaper and so on, as long as it prevents authorised facts. A geocities website with no author's name. If I put up a website that said Jews are great, yeah! would you accept that as a truth? So again, could I get a source for this? |
Palestine isn't the proper place for Jews, it's the homeland of Palestinians. Therefore Australia and New Zealand aren't the proper place for the Chinese. Stop being such a hypocrite yihequan. Your arguments would have credit if you were in China, but as you're also an immigrant in white lands then you have no basis. Also: Ok, so let's say we ignore your hypocrisy yihequan. Where would you have us go? I don't want to go to Israel, so the Palestinians you support will be happy with that! So where should I go? Remain in the UK? Or wait, isn't that the homeland of the Angles and Celts? By your logic I should just die or something? |
Not for very much longer jew What're you basing that on exactly? I'm so happy that hypocritically you support Israel when it suits you (Dem Jooz go to der own country!) and don't when it suits you (Dem Jooz oppresin' da palestines - dat justifies our hate too!). |
My friend Alexander came here to antagonise, found that some (note the word some) people here are capable of holding a decent debate, and suggested I come to learn that White Nationalists are actually normal people rather than the stereotypical redneck, broken truck on the lawn, hicks that you immediately think about. To sum up: A learning experience. |
I liked the half-asian chick and Buck who's here to f*ck. Lucy Liu was half Chinese half Japanese in the film, so full Asian XD. The movie was amazing. It's like the Matrix, but devoid of all pseudo-philosophical and biblical undertones. So non-pretentious. |
I just have one thing to say about this - how do you explain the people of today who claim to have had relatives murdered in the holocaust? A friend of mine took a joking session a bit too far one day (we tell pretty darkish jokes) and involved jews dancing in a gas chamber in one. I wasn't really offended - we were pretty drunk and I know he's a nice guy. However, a Polish friend of ours was deeply upset by it and verbally attacked him. It turned out that his grandfather and grandmother had been rounded up during the war and placed in a camp. My joker friend replied, trying to justify his joke, that Polish friend didn't know them anyway, so no loss. Polish friend replied that he may have gotten to know them if they weren't murdered years before he was born. Now, as this friend isn't jewish or pro-jewish person (he's an anti-zionist, but aside from that he's neutral against jewish people), why would he engage in repeating of the holocaust lie? What about those from Poland who had relatives rounded up who they never saw again? Why would they make it up - they aren't cashing in on the lie as you say we are, so why in G-d's name would they lie about their relatives being murdered? |
Since 4.3MM individual jews have claimed reparations from the German government and only 4.5MM jews lived in areas which fell under German control, I would say they are trying to play on peoples sympathies in order to extort money or favors. People die all the time. And people die even more frequently in war. You juden are trying to turn death, regardless of cause, into a profit center. You're a pack of morbid money-grubbing ghouls! If you read my post, I'm not talking about jewish deaths. I'm talking about poles and czechs and germans who had homosexual or communist relatives - who aren't gaining reperations. The thing people seem to be overlooking about the holocaust thing is the dystopian way in which it was done (or percieved to have been done if you aren't a believer in the event) - people were rounded up for crimes they had no control over commiting (being jewish, black, gay, having communist beliefs) and summarilly being executed for said crimes. People's houses got bombed - ok, that's war, that really can't be helped as I stress to my grandmother who thinks all Germans are evil based on a few houses getting bombed near where she lived in the war - soldiers got shot (i.e. men paid to fight and knew what they were getting into) and so on, but the idea of the holocaust is people being rounded up and herded into work or death camps. It's a bit different to a couple of soldiers trouncing each other on the battlefield. |
Excuse me, but you've evaded every point I've made with jewspeak. Please try not to be hypocritical. I read your post, but you juden only use others to misdirect attention away from yourselfs when you get caught. I notice you never talk about the dead Japanese in the American concentration camps... No, the original point I made was ABOUT the non-jewish deaths. There was no attention to jewish deaths in my argument AT ALL to direct attention away from. Indeed, you haven't answered this point either. Oh, and as Aristotle says, They did it too is the epitome of bad debating - therefore the US doing it to the Japanese citizens isn't an excuse. You thought you could sneak those two in there, did you? If people didn't already know about your penchant for torturing white women, they would judge you as deceitful and despicable on the basis of that weasel statement alone. I'll ignore the OMG WHITE WOMAN TORTURE OMG!!! and concentrate on the point you've made - how can people HELP having communist beliefs or being attracted to the same sex without therapy to change who they are? Communists don't CHOOSE their beliefs any more than you WNs do - you learn and build beliefs based on environment. Mine was a weasel statement due to the fact that I see homosexuals as not being able to help their desires, and communists as not being able to help their beliefs? On what basis do you assertain that? No. The idea of a holocaust is death by fire, like the hundreds of thousands living in Dresden, Berlin, Tokyo, etc. Do try to tell the truth for once. You might feel better. More evasion. Why don't you address my point for once? YOU might feel better. The word Holocaust is used to describe my explanation in a modern setting - just as Hitler used the term Aryan and referred to white people rather than the ancient language of blah-de-blah. meanings change -_-, but kudos on the very basic attempt to get a point. |
Wow, you edited Snut's post, until he addresses replies. What did he say that caused such an uproar that you had to get rid of it quickly before more people saw it? |
Interesting quote, jude. Seeing as how Torquemada was a converso, an ethnic jude, it is somehow appropriate for you to use it. You parasites corrupt everything you touch. I've never heard this - could you provide me with some facts and proof about it? As far as I know, Torquemada was only ONE SIXTY-FORTH Jewish ethnicity, which you'd know if you were an observant historian. The Grand Inquisitor was Catholic through and through, who EXPELLED Jews, both religious and secular, from Spain - even if they'd converted they were considered a converso. Torquemada KILLED conversos - he wasn't one himself. Well, after purging over thirty thousand of us in the cleansing process - two thousand burnt under his direct gaze. If you were more than one sixty-fourth Jew, if you weren't sangre limpia, Torquemada considered you filth. Wow, yeah, he sure was Jewish Muad. Why do you use the word Jude instead of Jew by the way? Are you German, or is it just one of those classy buzzwords to associate yourself with Hitler? DER JUDEN!!! Why yes. Yes indeed! |
Faust, you're twisting things. The ethnic cleansing is referring to territories at present belonging to the Palestinians, you do notice how this protective wall your Ariel cleans whiter than white Sharon is building encrouches on their land? It destroys the lives of hundreds of thousands by taking away their sustainence, this will make the idea of moving to another country without a fight seem appealing when the option is opened to them. Who said Jews lacked creativity? The territories of Palestine will be ethnically cleansed, whether by holocaust or by resettlement unless Israel is normalised as a nation or is wiped off the face of the map. The audacity of it bothers me. Jews and arabs should kill each other as much as possible. I'm not twisting ANYTHING. You guys are heh - you seem to be implying that this Ethnic cleansing refers to genocide of the Palestinians, just like Milosovich tried with the ethnic members of Yugoslavia. However, it implies to resettlement which, while a terrible thing, is not on the league of the suggested ethnic cleansing at all. It's nice for you to grip onto this, but you're clutching at straws. |
Me: However, it implies to resettlement which, while a terrible thing, is not on the league of the suggested ethnic cleansing at all You: But, it's no big deal for the Palestinians, right? After all, they are but goyim. Your tribe is the chosen Note how I state I DON'T agree with it, as I have in earlier posts. |
Typical jude lies. The palestinians lived there far longer than you are damned race ever did. and Saladin and others fought long and hard for it - it is the third most holy site to muslims. and of course, it is the most holy site in Christindom....please explain to me why you think jews have more of a right to it. For example, if me and my nordic friends wanted to retake jerusalem in the Name of Rome and the Normans, why would you think, that you juden have more right to it. (the jude won't answer folks, but it illustrates the whacked sense of entitlement quite clearly). Ok, here's the thing. A lot of you seem to support israel as a notion provided that all jews go there and leave your white lands correct? However, for those that don't or think Palestine should own the entirity of the land - where do you expect us to go but your lands? Who owned the land? Why, I do believe it was the British Government! Churchill decided to create a state of Israel there before handing the problem to the UN in 1947. Now tell me, if I am a landowner and decide to give some of my land away, is it any business of the people who're living on my land at the time? No. Heh, but yeah I'm sure the answer'll be blah blah historically, but yeah since when do you have claim to the US or Australia. Oh yeah, manifest destiny and all that, so whoever is stronger earns and keeps the land right? The White folk were definately stronger, so they got the US! Hooray! How hypocritical is it, therefore, to support the Third Reich trying to reclaim lands belonging to the German Empire and Hadsburg - they lost them (just like the Native Americans lost America), so how dare they try to reclaim them! It doesn't make sense to me at all - it seems that you all employ your own form of jewspeak (ah-ha), to make sure you always fall in the right (ah-ha again). As a person who believes Israel to be a spiritual nation rather than a geographical location, I'm not technically a zionist, therefore I don't exactly want to go and live in the desert so I can make aliyah. I feel aliyah can be made in a spiritual community of those who embrace their beliefs and are willing to adapt and learn. However, as you say, whoever takes the land is ultimately entitled to it, so if some of my tribe wish to take a part of the middle east then so be it. I won't oppose them. So back to the original point - where are we supposed to go if Palestine should be given back to the Palestinians? Anywhere but here! isn't really a valid answer - if you believe it is then try to make us, get off your asses and make us this second heh. However, since you can't do that currently, offer me an alternative. China? Why the hell would I want to live there? I have a cousin living there currently who loves it (she teaches English), but I'm not really a fan of pseudocommunism. Russia? Yeah, Putin sure loves us! The middle east? Asia? Africa - gah, no. So where's the alternative - and a realistic alternative that we'd agree to. I don't see a future holocaust in the near future, so what exactly do you intend to do regarding moving us? If you offer a more suitable alternative then I can't say fairer than that, but until then all you do is hold your little meetings and say Yeah, dem jooz should sod off back to der jooland!!. |
What the Israelis did was similar to you going into my house, forcing me into a room at gunpoint, then whining that I won't let you live in peace in my house. Erm, it was more like you renting a house, the landlord and owner coming around and deciding to give someone else a room in the house, and you not getting on with them. Do any of the juden want to explain the excavations under the muslim holy sites in Israel? Yes they have tunneled under the site trying to prove they were there before the temple was built. They haven't found anything and all they have done is violate agreements and destabilize the site. The muslims are mad about it but then again this is probably all just arab lies right? It's called The average jewish person has no control over Sharon's government or policies, and not every jewish person supports them. Do any of you American white people wish to explain all of Bush's crimes? I mean I've heard enough accusations against him here - blaming Sharon's Bulls*** on the average israeli is akin to blaming Bush's, Blair's or Chirac's bad ideas on the average American, Englishman or Frenchman. |
That is probably true but: SOMEONE VOTED FOR HIM. And in fact, obviously, A MAJORITY DID. And, as I keep saying: BARAK WAS JUST AS BAD. The majority of the world jewry lives outside Israel, so by that logic the majority of jewish people did NOT vote for Sharon. Nice self contradiction. Yes, you're a zionist. No. A Zionist by today's standards means a person who supports the state of Israel, or who considers it the promised land. If you read what I said, you can see that I'm not a zionist. Nice rationalization - to avoid reality and the hard truth. Damn, I know your a race of liars so now I know it is true: liars lie to themselves. By your logic I have my own personal nazisphere emanating in a two meter sphere around my heart. Heh. Happily I know your reality is not going to let my illusion live in peace No, the rationalisation fits in with judaism -_-. G-d didn't give the location of sinai and so forth because he wanted the EVENT to be special, not the place. The place, in my belief, is irrelevant. However, this is turning a bit religious so I'll stop that there. However - if you DID live in your own little nazisphere and only applied your rules there then I'd have NO problem with you whatsoever. Hell, I'd LOVE that! What you have right now, plus a green line in Jeruasalem and evacuating your settlements in the illegally occupied territories. Hey jew, you do realize those settlements are in clear violation of international law? Just checking... What we have right now? Lands in the US, UK, France etc? If we were to give them up then what would we get in return? Like I said, something jewish people would agree to. Your way is basically Dump y'all in der desert!!. Well, yes, that is a bit dumbed down. But do you think that LePen and Haider want anything other than what I've described And if I consider England my homeland? I know France currently has a huge moslem problem from what my French friends have told me, and that'll mean a bit of support for LePen over there, but thankfully people here aren't as sheepish, hence the BNP only attracting mostly dolite working-class illeducated scum. I don't see myself being driven out of my homeland in the near future ;) |
As far as I know, Putin didn't exactly disagree with the idea of Islam declaring a holy war on Judaism heh. I just think he's playing to the crowd rather than harbouring specific anti-semitic values himself. |
Yes and unfortunately for us most of you yahuds who were expelled afflicted yourselves on Iran as if we needed more bloodsucking semites Your point and grievance are indeed interesting, but unfortunately you seem to have quoted me, said yes as if to agree, then gone off on a tangent without actually addressing any of my points or even reading my post. |
Im sure you are mistaken .I could mention all the camp gay drivel that is never off the TV in the UK but im sure you have it in your head that your right Section 28 forbids the promotion of homosexuality by any public body of authority. That includes schools, scouts and so on. I haven't got it into my head that I'm right - it's a factual legal precedent that I base it on. Not the point, they are boring. They waste mod's time and WN time. Doesn't the whole Anti forum do that? I thought it'd be constructive to discuss your ideology to someone who has a legitimate question. I mean how is it a waste of time to simply NOT click on something with a debatable title to you. I mean I don't click on spaces all the time, it doesn't take much practice. =/. |
Did you ask yourself why they're locked? I assumed it'd gone into flaming :). But obviously they were spammed up like this one. |
Another human being is better off dead due to a sexual fetish they have? He had a wife to lead a normal life I suppose, and went to indugle his fetish every so often. We all have fetishes heh, and as long as they are with consenting adults I don't see the problem. I can understand your point of view about him race-mixing to an extent, but as no children would have been fruited (ah ha), then what's the problem? Who cares where the poor guy put his penis? What amuses me is the fact that the minister spent his life helping people, running a ministry for less fortunates and working in a hospital church, yet all you seem to be focusing on was OMG HE SLEPT WITH A MAN!!!!. Gah, even if you don't agree with it, it's pretty harsh to be glad that he's dead -_-. |
If you read the very first line of the poem you posted it says racist white woman, not white women, or indeed children as you suggest, in general. I myself advocate this kind of treatment towards bigots who make irrational statements out of ignorance too :). |
To answer the question that's spun off on a DNA-tastic tangent: It's a little of both. It's for the most part a religion, but in entering into that religion you accept Jewish culture and accept Abraham as your ancestor. Once you become a Jew, you cannot un-become a Jew. It's too complicated to just put down as a religion, but at the most it's an ethnicity for Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, just like Irish or Italian is. What binds us together is Judaism, the religion and culture, and anyone who is commited can become a Jew - how in G-d's name can it be considered a race if this is so? |
The confusion arises because it is possible for a gentile to become a Jew, after a laborious period of indoctrination and ritual conversion I hardly see a year of private study, a circumsizion and an immersion in a bath of water to be a Laborious period of indoctrination. |
Other than that, this is a WHITE NATIONALIST website, if it offends you or your Jew and non-whites friends, GOOD and don't bother annoying others with your guilt ridden conscience as to how you don't find anything wrong with Jews and non-whites. I thought the entire purpose of these forums was to consolidate your movement, stamp out the ignorance and stereotypes, debate with antis as to why you believe such (and hopefully convert some of the white ones to your cause) and generally preserve your ideology. Turning it into a kind of clubhouse where you all go and say racist things under the guise of haha, this is my house and I can say what I want!!!, doesn't exactly command respect. |
A jew based on religion is not a freind of the white race. A Jew that is a race is not our pal, enough said. Would you welcome a White person who converted to Judaism, later renounced all his views, and then tried to join a WN group? |
I can't speak for all WN, but I wouldn't. Once a race traitor, always a race traitor. Converting to a religion makes you a race traitor? Well how about if they converted to Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, Mormonism, Scientology or what? |
Then I'm sure you are donating time and money to Palestinian causes and opposing zionist aggression at every turn... Don't make me barf with your juden lies and hypocrisy, Casimir. If Casimar doesn't donate to Zionist causes either then how is this hypocrisy? He cares about both peoples equally, so therefore he gives neither money - logic. Just because SOME Jews are oppressing Palestinians doesn't mean ALL Jews approve of it or fund it, just like because SOME white women like to marry Black people doesn't mean ALL Whites approve of it. Kaimenos: You'd be Racially Jewish on your father's side, correct? I feel for you heh. You aren't Jewish, and these guys will never accept you because they think you are. Rock and a hard place. However, don't fear - as you don't know ANYTHING about the Jewish faith (self admitted), you could join the Reform movement - they accept Patrilineal decent as well as Matrilineal. Therefore you'd be ethnically Jewish to them too. OR alternatively you could carry on with this whole I'm a self hating Jew thing until one of the glorious WNs takes you under his wing and admits you to the movement. Like that'll happen heh. For example: I'm not a Guest in the White man's land in any way or form. I'm a citizen of the UK and an Englishman, plain and simple, regardless of whatever OMG Yuo Jooz can't be Englush drivel spills out of your mouths. As long as they integrate (as they mostly do nowadays) into the societies where they live and are loyal to their 'host' nation than I see no reason why they should even abandon their religion and traditions I have a great deal of respect for people like you Stan, as you advocate things I also believe in. I see Judaism as primarilly a religion, thus intergration isn't a negative thing as long as we can keep our cultural and religious heritage . Protestants go to Chapels, Catholics go to Churches, Jewish people go to Synagogues - due to other religions going to other buildings it isn't as if we're doing that to be difficult. I mean technically, if you're thinking on the level of animals, it'd be good for me to marry a white woman. Our children would be 1/4 Ethnically Jewish to you. If they then married Whites then their children would be 1/8th, all eventually leading to the required 1/16th or 1/32nd or however much you judge it on. That'd lead to more white people and less Jewish people - wouldn't you be happy with that? It's a pragmatic solution. However, not many of you ARE pragmatic from what I've seen, so this will be responded to with OMG DIRTY J00 WANTS WHITE WOMANZ!!. Which would be a lie of course. Although I find a great deal of women attractive, I'd prefer to marry a Jewish woman to preserve my cultural and religious heritage - just as you guys would prefer to marry a white woman in order to preserve your race. I see nothing wrong with that at all. |
Very humourous parody. My friends and I laughed for a good while. I'd clam up and not say anything, allowing more people like Wolf to take it seriously, but it's counterproductive to mock their cause in such a way. WNs aren't susceptible to the whole Look how unreasonable you are! argument. |
Darkman: Don't worry. I have black friends and I don't believe in the concept of race. However, I'm not a WN, so I guess that doesn't help with the purpose of your thread :x. |
1 They care not about whites at all It's more a case of caring about people regardless of skin colour, and treating everyone as equals. 2 They hate America Disgust or having some issues with is not the same as hate heh. 3 They have no word of love emanating from their mouths Wow, how ironic. The racists accuse the liberals of being unable to love? 4 when white people are raped, murdered, and burglarized, they only care a bout the mud criminals. Exaggerated propaganda. The legal system requires that the accused be given a fair and impartial trial. That's all they get heh. The prosecuting lawyer may be a liberal, and therefore would be working in the interest of the white person. 5 When confronted about justice for the victims, they holler racism. I fail to see a case of this. Quit with the rhetoric yeah? Just like the BNP's silly leaflets about pensioners that can't afford heating/food. Pensioners here get over a hundred pound a week to live on - I exist on a LOT less. 6 When their own, are hurt, or dead from a fight with the hard right, such as Greensboro, the wife of one of them jumped up, and shouted, Long live the communist workers party, while her husband lay dying. Erm, don't confuse communism with liberalism. 7 They never answer witha yes or no, just rave on Do racists disgust me? Yes. There we go, proved you wrong. 8 They hate religion, and especially white christians The majority of my friends are white christians, including Anglicans, Catholics and a couple Mormons. I'm religious myself too. 9 They will do or say anything to destroy the white race Actually, no. I do consider White looks to be beautiful. For example, I am attracted for the most part to blonde haired people with pale skin. However, I don't claim it's superior. There exists a difference. 10 No compassion for white victims or children, hurt, molested, or maimed by their mud friends Read up. I've addressed this type of ignorance. 11 They hate justice, and the death penalty Yes, I hate justice. This is why I'm in the legal system. Good grief, this is so ironic how you're painting US as the ignorant evil people hehe. 12 They are elitists, who hate to work The latter IS true. I personally find work to be a chore. However, I'm far from elitist. 13 They think the world OWES them a living Doesn't it friend? I fail to see your little point here. I guess you're one of those communally minded people who thinks we should do things FOR TEH MOTHERLAND!!!! right? 14 The lie all the time What, ALL the time? Even about trivial things? Fantastic! 16 They want all guns taken from the civilian population, to better subjugate them I thought you'd be in favour of a police state where the citizens were under the heel of the police. 17 They promote faggots And your kind oppress homosexual citizens. Your point exactly? We have different views about what people do with their own consensual sex lives. Your way is draconic and oppressive, our way promotes freedom and love. Hooray! 18 They have no respect for anyone, or anything 19 They have no moral fibre Meaningless statement. It relies on the definition of a moral fibre and also some kind of test. 20 They are not charitable, and give little or none of their own money to churches, or charities Every Jewish person I know gives 10% of their earnings to a charity of their choice. How does this hold up with your little statement? |
Wow. He got suspended for asking to learn about Hitler? I'm sure that happened, really. Especially as here in the UK we're forced to learn about Hitler's entire life then sit two exams on him for A-level. We also get marked down for bias. Oh and yes, Mein Kampf is very well written. Well, well written for a corporal who acted as an infiltrator for the government anyway. So not very well written by any given standard at all then. But hey, maybe it just doesn't translate well. |
yihequan: As someone I'd consider to be the same race as the Japanese, can you justify the yaoi circles that demean young men by drawing homosexual artwork of them. Oh, and who are the main purchasers of this form of art? Western women. Muslims have more moral integrity than Jews, they don't want to disgrace themselves by being involved in pornography. I've seen quite a few moslem men in pornography. So much for moral integrity there. As long as it doesn't involve children or animals or is aimed at children,then I think it should be up to individuals to decide whether they want to look at pornography or not.After all,it's an individual's choice whether to buy or look at porn. This is my view too. Porn is just another form of inducing a lower pleasure, and hedonists should be able to indulge in it as much as they like, regardless of who the porn barons are. |
Ok firstly, I'm not Japanese. If you couldn't tell by my signature. Saying that Chinese and Japanese are both the same race is like saying that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust. I take it from that twisted bit of logic that it's safe for me to assume that Chinese and Japanese ARE the same? Being that I believe in the Holocaust of course. Thanks for that. I sure hope that you're female. The only thing more disgusting to me than a Jew is a homosexual. A homosexual Jew = double the offensiveness. So the fact that I've noticed moslem males in a pieces of pornographic film means that they have had to have been gay pornography? How so? |
Still no response from -Faust- yet, surprize surprize.... If people would approve my posts there would have been a response already -_-. |
Do you SERIOUSLY believe that she was only caught because the story was owned by Jewish people? Ok, let's say that even if Der Jooz were a huge influential political organisation in the US, stealing isn't exactly acceptable behaviour. She got caught because she commited a crime, religious affiliation aside due to irrelevance. |
I think some of the antis are missing my point. I know the shark example is a bit dumb, but when we present you with textbook facts, we are called racist. I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to swim with a shark (Although some Antis claim there would be little very danger is doing so :rolleyes. So please tell me why it is different when it comes to race. Negroes, as a whole, are more likely to attack. Now don't give me the whole, Yea, but I know a lot of blacks and I've never been raped, etc. I agree that not all Negroes are bad and not all Whites are good. I won't force you to stay away from certain dangerous elements, but please don't stop us from doing so. Since animals cannot think about their actions, at least not to the extent that we can, is it not worse to be robbed by a Negro (or White) than to be attacked by a shark? The shark cannot come ashore and get a job and purchase food (and if he could, even he wouldn't need shark quotas), but the Negro can. Queens78322 Ok, I understand that . No one has the right to MAKE you hire black people, or marry black people, or live in areas near black people. That's fine. I myself would love to end up in a jewish community in my final few years, such as the one in Manchester here in the UK, so I can effectively study Torah and live an observant life amongst others who wish to do the same (not going to happen, but we all have to dream the dream ya?). I wouldn't argue with any of that. I'm arguing about the fact that you're aiming and willing to drive people from the land they were born in. Now don't give me the crap about You jooz do it in israel and Palestine too! because I don't advocate that at ALL, whereas as WNs you DO advocate sending black people back to Africa and Jewish people to Israel and so on. Hell, I'm not in favour of segregation, but I do see a point in there somewhere as long as it isn't compulsory for ALL white/black people etc (For example, a WN area of a country, and the rest multicultural or whatever). For example; If you bought a housing estate in a nice area and only rented to white people, effectually creating a while community, then that's fine. Fair play to you. I wouldn't slur you for being racists, because you aren't affecting non-white people in any negative way. And if a NW beggar came to sleep on your streets, you could remove him legally from your private estate. That's nice. However, the UK and America as they are now are multicultural and are owned by all inhabitants of the isle/continent. A black person has just as much a say in how the country is run as you do - you're both born there, so this is only fair. Like you say Slavery etc happened in the past - well so did the founding of these countries and so on. Everything all our people, good or bad, did happened hundreds of years ago. Everyone is born with a clean slate, so if you're black and born in the UK you're British. Why should you go back to somewhere where you have no cultural or spiritual ties? |
Ashkenazi Jews are almost always non-white. Besides, most israeli jews are sephardic (ethnically they are hardly different from arabs). Why do we LOOK so white then? The Khazar blood has been HEAVILLY diluted by now heh. I'd consider myself White if I believed that race actually mattered sirrah. Jews do not consider themselves our brothers. They distrust us and, yes, hate us. How dramatic. Yes, all the Jews hate you. Yes, YOU personally! We meet up every week and write down everyone's names who we hate - that's the entire white race haha -_-. G-d, nice broad generalisation. I like how the roles have reversed over this past century. It was usually the Jewish people who were distrusted, forced into ghettos and hated by the populace. Ever read The Merchant of Venice? The Jew of Malta? Two excellent historical works reflecting public opinion of the time. On Israel being a friend to the US - I wouldn't say a friend. Same with the UK - we're not friends, we're doing it purely for our own gain. No one here has any love for the American citizen - many often express hatred for the American's arrogance, or tell fat jokes and so on. It's called an alliance, a marriage of convenience, just like the Big Three and so on. Tactically advantagous yes, but friends is a bit childish and naive. |
You look kind of like Avril Lavigne, at least in those two pictures. As Lavigne isn't Jewish, I guess that could count towards my point. Kudos! |
Ah I see a hook trying to sprout! Just wait until you finish growing. But long before then you'll get the ol' jewish nose job. I've finished growing sirrah, unless somehow your nose continues to grow when the rest of you has finished :). Like who pray tell? My friend Scott from Manchester? My friend Anthony from London? My family in Birmingham? Everyone in England you come into contact with has heard the American stereotypes. |
Not very clear pictures there. How old are you, within 5 years to leave some anonymity? Are you converted? Did your parents convert? Have your parents got jewish ancestors going back as far as you can tell by GENEALOGY? 18. 19 in June. My father didn't convert, he remained Catholic. My mother was born Jewish. She's Ashkenazi. Genealogy? Well my grandparents on my mother's side were all Jewish and I don't know anything about their parents really (never thought to ask). Faust, you are so cute! I figured you were a 60-year old man! Lol, wasn't expecting a compliment, but thank you. I'm also glad that you seemed to think I was 60 (maybe I'm a mature poster?) |
So geneologically, you're half-jewish As there is no such thing as a half jew I'd be inclined to disagree. But, for the purposes of your ideology, yes. I have Half jewish genes. Faust is pretty. She doesn't look jewish at all. I'm actually male. I'll take the compliment, but I won't be happy about it. |
Do you look down on the Sephardic jew ? How about an Ethiopian? Would you consider marrying an Ethiopian Jew? Any Ashkenazi that would look down on a Sephardic jew as lesser is scum in my eyes. It would be as disgusting as looking down on a convert. |
I knew one Sephardic Jew who looked down on Sephardic culture, and admired European culture, like Shakespear and Goethe. I don't consider that in itself necessarilly bad - I'm mostly into English culture myself. I mean from a view of who they are, not what their interests are. Like, for example, I won't look down on someone if they're black, but will if they start shouting and dancing around naked. No one wants to see that. Ever. |
The sad part is, half of those rap album sales were more then likely whites. I can't see why whites would ever buy such crap. Like for instance, my ex roomate loved Chris Rock. I watched him live once, I heard the word, CRACKER at least 45 times. How is that cool, hip, or funny to a white? Here in the UK, the majority of rap fans seem to be from the white middle classes. It's a popular trend. I find the lyrics asinine and distasteful myself. |
You do however advocate the death and torture of White woman as you proved in another thread No. I don't. I posted that I supported the re-education of bigots, yes, but not white women specifically in any way or form. Stop with the jewspeak, it doesn't become you. I simply asked him questions that I was curious about, such hostility. lol Ok, I'll ask YOU a question and see if YOU respond with hostility of some kind: The IRA are all white, and bombed pubs in Manchester and killed people. As a white man, why did you do this? Read: Jew does not mean Israeli, White does not mean Irish/Terrorist/IRA etc. Works both ways. You cry when you're grouped with the bad whites, but do it to others. Let me ask you this, if we had a White nation and we had our own little sampson option would you also support it just as adamently? Yep, especially if I were white. If you're being killed then why should the perpetrators escape? It's the way it should be. No. It is the way you THINK it should be. Where's your authority for dishing out how life SHOULD be? I would just like to know why so many come in here trying to say that we are wrong when they would do exactly the same thing for their tribe that we are doing for our own kin? Well as they wouldn't, your question is meaningless AND has been answered. The jews always play both sides when it comes to race. To Whites the jews will say, We are White just like you. To non whites they will say We are not White, we are jews. We are not European. A few examples are Hitler was evil, he attacked other Whites (jews). It was the Europeans who conquered the Americas, we are not White, we are jews so the indians should hold no resentment towards us. We didn't have any slaves, we are not White, we are jews, if you want to hate someone hate the Whites, not the jews. They try to claim White and non white status at the same time. The truth is, jews are NOT White. Utter BS. I have never claimed not to be white. My family are white, my mother looks as white as anyone, I'm white :). I've never claimed to be a Non-White to appease non-whites. Ever. |
That'a a lie: I myself advocate this kind of treatment{this kind of treatment refers to torture, as stated in the poem} towards bigots who make irrational statements out of ignorance too And no, this quote was not taken out of context, here's the original thread to prove it A poem written by a multiracialist that advocates torturing White women. More Jewspeak, which is very becoming of YOU See JG, this is the kind of crap we're talking about Thanks for proving me right. Note the word bigots and no reference to White women. So yeah, drop the jewspeak :). The crap you're talking about is you TOTALLY misinterperating statements then going off on a tangent about them. So yeah, how does that thread prove I advocate the torture of white women? Oh wait - it doesn't :D. If you read later posts in it too, you see that I repealed the statement in favour of re-education rather than torture :). |
Faust, you're a liar. I read the thread when it was fresh, and the context was unmistakable. I can't open the thread right now for some reason, but I remember it distinctly. You responded that you supported the treatment of racist White women advocated in the poem: physical violence The statement white women is redundant. I said I advocate it against all bigots - regardless of sex, race or religious beliefs :). Your attempt at making me seem racist fails miserably my friend, miserably. I responded I advocate the treatment of bigots in such a way :D. |
Why aren't Shalom, Baron Harkonnen and Snutboy in the thinktank runup? They're all much better and more experienced at making points than I am hehe. So basically your idea for this thread is that we post an argument that consolidates our whole anti thing? What about the fact that Plasma seems to be an anti-semite who seems to agree with you on a few points, freedom fries just keeps saying You guys suck in different ways, and the more experienced and intellectual antis on the board aren't present on your list. I take it that chamillion and I are somewhat classed as lesser antis hehe? If so, I will endevour to try to find fault in your ideology a lot more than I have been in order to seek promotion ;). All in all; putting us together for something isn't exactly an amusing prospect as we all have different beliefs. We're people from all walks of life who don't really see the beauty of your cause (some of us for somewhat obvious reasons). |
A nice dramatic, inspiring post! Unfortunately a lot of people born in certain countries have no real ties to their original homelands, thus have no wish to go back there. I understand your point, about racial pride etc, but what if you genuinely just don't care? Why should you HAVE to do this? This is the argument hermanos hehe. 16 |
Nice names, especially Snowfist's. I named myself after my favourite literary work - Goethe's Faust (Or Alternatively Marlowe's Faustus, a more Elizabethan comical version). It's the story of a German theologist who sells his soul to the devil for 23 years of servitude. |
Keep ranting you goy trash, Israel can nuke this entir eplanet if it wanted to. So go back to your whore mother you anti-semitic, nazi, Jew-hating goy. I'm Jewish you utter idiot. Did you not READ my bloody post? Tradition forbids us from insulting each other without provocation, but my friend I feel you have given me EVERY provocation with your moronic statements. -Faust-, I very much doubt the troll really is Jewish - JJT |
I suppose the real question is, should we take Goldberg seriously as representing the opinion of the majority of Jews? If so, then Shalom and other nice jews have been BS-ing us all along. Either that, or Goldberg is full of it. I would prefer you believed the latter. For a start, even if we were all conspiracists and plotting the Goy downfall, would we announce it in public? Would idiots like this Goldberg BE informed about it, knowing that they'd be a security risk? No - at least not by the traditional Smart Jew Conspiracist stereotype that goes around here heh. Either he's not Jewish and trying to stir up trouble, or alternatively he's Jewish and trying to invoke rage in you. He may be the latter - not all of us have high IQs or have key governmental roles where we plot Western downfall heh. |
Do people from Iceland count as Inuits? If so - they had the first formal democratic government system in the world (established 978AD), and are a very remarkable people. There are a few at my university currently and, although VERY nationalistic up to the point of getting angry when questioned about negative aspects of their homeland, they're a very friendly bunch. |
say we all hit this idiot with negative rep points. I just did -3rd time now Yes, because that's so mature. Grow up. |
AA is a nice concept in theory, but I disagree with it due to the fact that it isn't pragmatically equal. Oh and: Why do people support gay rights? Why DON'T you? As a Christian I can see why via some of the passages, but if you're non-religious (as many I've seen here are) then why not? Is it because no offspring are produced? Surely that isn't a negative thing unlike your idea of race mixing, so shouldn't you be apathetic towards gay people rather than condemn them? If you take on a religious point of view then I can see your reasoning for condemning (although I don't agree with it), but if not then your view on the subject is illogical. Who honestly cares where someone sticks their penis? |
lmao no anti responded yet.................... i realy wonder why If you read up, I have responded actually. I just didn't disagree with the fact that these lyrics are disgusting. |
I'm still waiting for a response from -Faust- to the many questions that were asked of his post. Of course he won't repond and this will just reaffirm our views and help sway opposition I gave up after three posts of mine either justifying my position or apologising for taking it too far slightly (I stated in one that I favoured re-education rather than violence, and I was trying to make a point). It seems that this thread only wishes to portray me in a negative light rather than any other comments I may have made :) |
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