I ran across this board while surfing the web and much of the content of this forum is truly upsetting (personally). I just want to understand why the majority of people on this board hate black people so much. I grew up in a middle class, two parent home with many black and white friends and I just couldn't fathom any of my white friends being this mean-spirited behind my back. I honestly understand having white pride and being proud of who you are, I really do. But why does that pride have to stem from hatred? Do you hate black people because of one bad experience or a few bad experiences you've had in interacting with them. As I've gotten older I've had many unpleasant encounters with white Americans but this in turn does not cause me to hate the entire white race. I love all people as God does; (no matter what God you worship) he didn't make a mistake with any of us, and every person here is special including all of you. Also, all black people are not ghetto, rude, ignorant, on welfare, loud, etc., so why are these generalizations passed onto every black person you encounter. There are many, many more African Americans that are well educated, well mannered, established, functioning members of society. I'm not here to pass judgement or disrupt the forum in any manner. I'm simply just a sad (black) visitor that did not understand before coming here that white hatred for blacks/African Americans ran so deep. So if you don't mind, I'd really appreciate it if someone could just enlighten me on this black hatred ordeal, because I really don't understand it. As far as I know, as an unregistered visitor you are not privy to the entire forum. If you wish to know more then I suggest you register and take the time to read through the threads as much as possible in order to get a more balanced view. You claim that you are not here to pass judgment, but that is exactly what you are doing. Instead of getting emotional about some of the postings and making assumptions that all white people hate black people...Why don't you make the effort to ask the people on this forum about good books to read, informative websites to visit, etc.? I don't hate anyone. I hate hypocrisy. I hate the way white people are treated...just as much as I hate it when I see injustices against those who are not white. I hate when I'm called a skinhead, neo-nazi, bigot, racist b*tch or any other combination of nasty names when trying to conduct an intellectual dialogue with others about my racial interests. Have you ever really asked your white friends about their racial interests? Are your relationships with them strong enough for them to feel comfortable about being direct with you? I strongly suspect that, no matter how long you have known them, you have no idea about their fears and racial experiences. My guess is that you probably wouldn't even take them seriously if they tried to confide in you.
There are some jews that are just as upset over the atrocities committed in Gaza last year as we are, and have been protesting it. I say, good on them! Far too many folk on here confuse rational objection to the actions of the race that is threatening us, with prejudice against every single member of the tribe. That attitude will only work against us. Some even claim that Peter Schiff is actually part of the evil plan, which I find to be hilarious if a bit pathetic. I mean c'mon, who else has the wit and courage to say in front of a live audience, and members of the Federal Reserve, that Bernanke has been wrong on just about everything he's ever done. That was brilliant, and very well done. If we're going to survive this century we simply can't afford to confuse understanding the ill effects of the jewish lobby, with rampant prejudice and paranoia. The tribe has been wildly successful because they lobby, and lobby well. Many if not most of them are active in politics, place their race ahead of all else, and never feel a shred of guilt or remorse for doing so. If the European race could only think that clearly we'd be sitting on top of the world, instead of having to fight for the basic rights that are being extended to every ethnicity in this country excluding only Whites. Yes, that is the result of the jewish lobby but it's our fault too for not being involved anywhere near enough. The average White American spends 1,000 hours a year watching TV, and maybe devotes 10 minutes to pressing for our rights. That's not how the tribe got ahead. Well said. :clink
What culture do white Americans in 2009 have to celebrate? The only thing America has for itself is Jazz/Blues. Everything else was raped, stolen, and molded into it's own to pass off as original. This above statement is completely disrespectful and racist. You did not come here for 'intelligent' conversation, you came here to insult and degrade. I don't agree with the way certain people conduct themselves on this forum. I cannot control them. However, that does not justify your condescending attitude and racist remarks. If you expect to be treated with respect on this forum, then I suggest you show it in kind.
Brazil is not a third world country and most people get along and deal with multi racialism, It's just racists like you who can't tolerate that fact. Deal with multi- racialism ? But I thought you stated that race doesn't exist. Given your logic regarding people who do not get along and deal with multiracialism as being racist... Do you believe that American Indians are racists? How about the Japanese, Tibetans, and Zimbabweans? Are all the countries that refuse to practice multi-racialism in order to maintain their heritage racist?
What can the white race do and what can my people do, to promote racial separation because I think it would benefit both of us positively. Move to Mexico and take all your people with you. Problem solved.
I urge you to go back to Mexico if you are not in Mexico. Then I urge you to organize a group of proud people, like you, in Mexico, and write articles that advocate STAYING IN MEXICO and solving your problems among your own citizens. You have a beautiful, wealthy country and there is no reason for your people to migrate to other countries. I also request from you to show other Latin countries the same kindness you are showing to whites here as to wish for separation. Please stay in Mexico, do not migrate to Panama. You are more than welcome as a tourist, though. If you create and want to expand your anti-migration group to other countries and you need someone to write articles, drop me a PM, and I will gladly do so. Us Latinos should stay in Latin America, each in our countries, and make our countries great instead of seeking fortune elsewhere. Wow! Well said. :clink
What if I am in Mexico already? If you want your movement to succeed, get some practicality. Did you say in your original posting that you actually live in Mexico? What is my movement? Do you know me? Spouting off about how much you dislike miscegenation doesn't have any effect on me whatsoever. Unless you are willing to make this an equal exchange of real ideas, then it's not worth my time. Do you have any ideas of your own? Stop being so cryptic if you want real answers from us. If you are already in Mexico, then help to create incentives to bring the Mexicans back into the country. Most importantly, convince well-educated Mexicans to go back and help the country succeed. Identify the key issues within Mexico that must be addressed. Go in order of importance. Develop a game plan. There are many Mexican advocacy groups here in the U.S. Open up a dialogue with them. Also, develop more internship opportunities for Mexican(-American) college students to come to Mexico to help develop the country. Also, work with the Mexican and American media to promote your ideas...get Mexicans talking about developing their own country. Once you get a good corp of intellectuals working within government and industry, the country's economy will pick up. When Mexicans will start to see things are getting better, then it greatly increases the likelihood of them moving back. If you want your people to separate themselves, then you will have to offer enough opportunities for them in Mexico.
Good God Anayansi, you finally said something that wasn't on the fence! Haven't seen that from you in a while. :clink Well when the issue directly effects her, then she actually starts to care.
But worse than the absurd socalled courtcase in Congo is the total lack of popular outrage at home in Norway. Most people simply doesn't give a **** that two of their countrymen face death in Congo. THAT is the real tragedy here!:mad: EXACTLY!! :clink
The entire establishment promotes agitation, resentment, hate and bad behavior between white men and women. Agreed. I also think that, as a result, many of us have lost the ability to constructively communicate with each other.
Less than a week? What are you hoping to accomplish by telling them if you know that they are extremely liberal? Do alot of political discussions take place at your family gatherings?
Drunk negro on why black men date white women. It's pretty comical due to his ebonics, although the message is repulsive. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! :eek: SWINE!
Um, no. Come to Vancouver lol Or the San Francisco Bay Area...you'll see them and their mixed kids everywhere. :rofl
Here are more pictures,thanks to our stormfront member Vierkleur Kavalier that gave me the link. Thank you :clink Yes Eyden, he was shot 6 times I believe. Original link: Does anyone know who the dark-haired man in the camo-colored coat is? I've seen him in a YouTube video introducing Terre'Blanche.
Lately, I have been reading a lot of books on Memes. Well, this morning I woke up and realized that I had experience a paradigm shift. And, if that wasn't enough to deal with I made the mistake of going to church with my wife today. She goes to one of those fundamentalist churches where people testify and ask for prayer and confess their sins. This woman in the back of the church stood up and told the church how she had been the children of alcoholics and had suffered terribly all through her years at home. She said she thought things would get better when she left home for college on a scholarship that she had been given, but she continued to feel worthless and undeserving of anything good. Recently, she had gotten her PHD and still felt like she had no value. The minister (they called him Preacher) asked if anyone had anything they would like to share with her. So, I stood up and told her that she was stupid. This resulted in us being told to leave the church immediately. Now my wife is mad at me. Did she actually say anything in response?
Here's a few sites that I've been permanently banned from for butting heads with some black bozos... (1) Al Sharpton's Open Mike/Closed Mind Forum (2) Jesse Jackson's Big Black Mouth Blog (3) Louis Farrakhan's Islam Internet (4) Jeremiah Wright's Warped Webpage (5) Oprah's Chocolate Chat Room :rolleyes: :rofl :rofl
Believe it or not, i was banned within an hour from a site called I hate (n-word).com. A friend referred it to me and the forum rules were bizarre at best. they were all against n*****s but said they weren't racist and invited N****R-hating blacks to join. It was a collection of doctored photos and jokes. (Lootie probably got more play time there then at SF if you can believe that!) Kind of a Bizarro-Stormfront in retrospect. :rofl So, to break the ice, I told my security guard story about scaring two blacks walking down a sidewalk story. (I've told it on another thread before, however, if anyone wants to hear it, PM me so I don't bore people with repetitive stories). I was banned after a total of two hours of being on this board for suggesting illegal activity. :rolleyes: That's gotta be a record. :rofl :rofl
hi im just wondering this hypethical question. what would white nationalists think of someone who believes peoples of all races are equal yet does not believe that races should mix. I think you're imposing a mainstream cultural critique through the way you have worded this. All races are equal is not scientifically verified...it's a theory. It's just not logical to me. I believe everyone has a right to their own determination...their own community/tribe/'nation' in which they can preserve their heritage. If they choose to be multicultural, then so be it. I believe that American Indian nations have every right to sovereignty, as do Tibetans, the Ainu, etc. My major contention is the rampant double standard forced against european peoples that is destroying their identities. It's not about thinking 'all races are equal', it's about respecting each other enough to enable people to maintain their own identity.
I kept hearing about this filthy waste of space that came out of now where and decided to do a little research. His jacket whorasourus. Does she normally dress like that? :eek: I'm not into pop culture, so I haven't heard much about this one.
They are in my prayers always.
Everyone's made some really good points, but I think men have a part to play in this as well - from my experiences not many men want someone who is planning to wait until marriage to have sex. In my experience, not many men want a woman who won't have sex with them by the third date. Furthermore, there are many men who would rather be workaholics and have casual sex rather than build a committed, monogamous relationship....let alone get married and have kids. The men I've encountered also tend to have very unrealistic beauty standards for white women...for some reason how a woman looks is far more important than the kind of person she is and what she has to offer.
Not true. The most common statistic for racial miscegenation among Aryan peoples (in the States) is the Aryan male - Oriental female. Following that, the most common statistic is Aryan male - Mestizo female. After, that the most common statistic is Aryan female - Mestizo male. I think as racially aware men, we tend to notice and focus on the opposite sex's trespasses (for obvious reasons). I think it's important not to blame any one particular sex because it happens on both sides. I mentioned it only because many Stormfronters like to highlight Aryan females as the main culprits when, in fact, the opposite is true. :clink
According to the stats in that report white women are by far the most ethnocentric in choosing partners. Once again, what I saw at the grocery store the other day or all over TV is no excuse to label white women in this way. I agree with the self-esteem thing, that's a big factor, but- it's statistically proven white men race mix more. Despite all the brainwashing, all the sisification of the white male, white women are still the most ethnocentric. They're probably less likely to have explicitly racist views, as women tend to be less radical politically, but internally it's there, to the dismay of the disciples of modern day multiculturalism and one-worldism :clink
A lot of these guys go for these women, because they think they are not feminists. However they get the shock of their lives, when they find out they just want them for their money and a green card. AND a mixed baby. :rofl
So basically these treacherous libtards love to dish out dirty political games at the Sheriff, but they can't handle it when it's done to them. They could care less about how their lax attitudes on illegal immigration will effect the ENTIRE country...they just want to look like a 'bleeding heart' and if they step on too many toes they have an entire population that could replace the naysayers. I just can't stomach these white traitors, they are truly the spawn of hell. :mad:
Not surprising at all for the Bay Area...the anti-white agenda is rampant. :rolleyes:
Wow! Thank you for posting this article. :)
Hi ladies; In your experience, are there any specific kinds of places that are great for finding racially-aware, 30-/40-something white men? Thanks in advance for your help. :)
Because breeding with blacks is far worse. John Lennon married a Japanese and their sons are effectively White. Asians or Orientals as I refer to them, being British, are generally liked as non Whites go, admired even. We may not wish to breed with them but when it happens, it does not really destroy Whiteness anything like blacks do and their genes are far better, far more evolved. I admit I haven't read the whole thread yet, but I'm surprized no one's said this already. If someone is mixed, then they are NOT white. Period. You are yet another white man justifying the asian woman fetish.
I'm surprized and sorry to hear this. I can't imagine ever preferring any women other than White for any reason. I'd prefer an older less attractive White woman to a younger prettier Oriental. And this is coming from someone who's already said on this very thread that race mixing with them is not that offensive to me and that they don't look all that different in some cases, to us. Perhaps living in the UK where there are few Orientals, I've not come across this attitude from some White men. It is a very common mentality and habit of white men in the USA. So when you make comments that you find the white man/asian woman pairing not as 'offensive'...it can be very aggravating to white American women.
You must've not spent much time trying to get a date with attractive White women? :) For ugly or old men without a personality, they really have no chance with an attractive White woman. In order for those men to find an attractive White woman they have to be someone of importance. It's just a lot easier for them to get an Asian woman. This is just like the unattractive or low self-esteem girls that go for Black men. For more desirable White men, it's still difficult to get an attractive White woman. So they can either try really hard and still probably get rejected a lot, or they can go to some of the Asian countries and easily find an easy to get along with Asian woman. It's not a cop out, it's just how it is. Feminism, and modern culture have put us in this position. White women are taught to be more interested in casual relationships then serious ones, have girl power to be demanding and rude. Not to mention that average White men are denigrated and have to prove themselves as something more then just a White man. Attractive women also get hit on constantly from men who have been raised in the same culture and are trying to get laid as much as possible and that makes women more indifferent and harder to please as they get bored of the dating scene. The dating environment has changed dramatically over the last 30-40 years, thanks mostly to feminism and the current media culture. The majority of white men who are dating asian women do not go abroad...they find them here. In fact, they seek them out to the point of obsession. White women are difficult to please? So are white men. Do you think white women don't have problems finding a desirable white man? In my area, so many white men are chasing after asian women that it's really hard for white women to find a suitable partner. The dating pool is shrinking year after year. I grow very tired of the men of this forum who do not take responsibility for white men's part in the miscegenation issue.
I'm surprized by some replies to my recent posts. Those who reacted must be quite bitter. Why? As nonhater said there is a pecking order with regards to Whites' view of non Whites. Dismissing Orientals is a mistake. They are a very inventive and civilized race. To acknowledge this in no way diminishes my love and preference for my own people. I've made my position clear. To summarize, I don't find them physically attractive and I don't wish for Whites to breed with them. However, it's not especially offensive to me, especially when compared to breeding with blacks. Having an outright dislike or the rest of the world is a recipe to guarentee endless conflict with it and unhappiness for the hater. No, this is not a liberal view. I've done my time of hating (blacks) and now I just wish to be away from them and not have their influence ruin our world. There's a natural conflict of interest between different races and cultures is true. This is why we oppose non White immigration and miscegenation- it's against our interests. But there are degrees of good / bad in this as in everything. The women who have responded to your previous postings on this thread have already explained their opposition to your stance. They made their positions clear. If you are still wondering why?, then I suggest you re-read the posts. If you disagree with people's opinions, then that's fine. However, to use the label 'bitter' towards those who don't agree with you is very rude.
Recently, I've been thinking how many men, inadvertently or not (perhaps they know they hate women) contribute to making women more man-like, bringing out their masculine sides, to the point of women believing their self-reliance/worth rests primarily with their masculine side. The feminine side is never developed or is thwarted by one or many men, often in a long string of men. For instance, when men are afraid of a woman's emotions, and enter into a rage, blaming it on the woman's emotionalism, or when becoming physically abusive, always blaming/labelling it on a woman's emotions. This is often the reason men give when ending, walking out on or abandoning a relationship. It is as though women become conditioned likely throughout childhood and upon entering the dating years, which is then reinforced throughout multiple encounters with men (in the workplace as well, usually with male bosses), that frown upon potentially all emotion from women. WOW! Couldn't have said it better myself! That's awesome. :) Instead of looking at women in isolation, think of them as acting in reaction to others. Are the men who believe women aren't 'passing muster' willing to take a critical look at themselves?
The overwhelming majority of black/white relationships are white women with black men but if they have to exist I'd rather see white men with black women and I'm sure you guys would agree. You want to protect white womanhood. No I don't agree. That's hypocrisy.
While it is true that lots of non white males are seeking white women, and our culture rewards that with the term tolerance, I have to be honest - a lot of young white men just aren't aggressive enough or knowledgeable when it comes to how to catch a woman. I am not pointing fingers at anyone, I don't know most of you, but looking at young men today and young men when I was young, lots of young men today do not have a clue. They are still too tied up in their video games and such. It seems that for many certain social skills, such as the little secrets for attracting the opposite sex, were not handed down. Sometimes you have to work it a little. Try a little charm. Try a little sweetness. When I was young, men would buy us flowers, chase us, flirt with us. It was a lot of fun. And eventually everyone gets caught. Didn't any of you every give a special girl a Valentine? My daughter married the boy who gave her her first Valentine in the 2nd grade and told her she wsa the prettiest girl in the whole school. SMART LITTLE BOY. Remember, we are the reason. It never ceases to amaze me that men who are willing to die for us won't drop their hardened shells to show us what's really in their hearts. We need to see that vulnerableness too. You may be the baddest, toughest guy you know, but if you can't do that, what good is it? Non white men understand the importance of romance and that is one reason they catch some women. You will get rejected, but if some girl humiliates you, just realize you dodged a bullet and move on. I also think that some (not all) men need to rethink their standards. Just because you're a white guy does not mean that you are entitled to a super model with a scary smart IQ. Just make sure your standards aren't simply a way to reject perfectly attractive and intelligent women for whatever reason. If you're are an activist you would be better off seeking a woman among those who think as you do. If you're just a white guy who wants to do the right thing, don't make a big deal about race right off the bat. Wait a while. Most women are not on board with diversity and tolerance, you just need to subtly give them permission to be honest. It is sad that things have come to such a sorry state of affairs, but if you have to be sneaky, you have to be sneaky. After all, all is fair in love and war, and this is both. Well said. :clink
:eek: Non-white men understand the importance of romance and that is one reason they catch women. Did I just read that correctly?...Are you kidding me? Other races of men have NO CLUE about romance.Especially blacks.Where as white men practically invented romance & respect for women and women's rights and all that.You are a seriously misinformed person.Re-read through the thread posts first. I have read through the postings and also read your original post on this topic. You are the one who has no respect for white women. You are not entitled to anything in this life or the next. MacMannus and LavenderCelt have taken the time to provide you with thoughtful postings. Instead of thanking them for their input, you have chosen to be disrespectful. You were equally petulant towards differing opinions on your original posting. If you don't want deal with other opinions, then don't create a thread.
Frankly, a lot of white men are just plain lazy about it. They know they are smarter, etc, and make no effort whatsoever. And all the facts about how white men and white society preserve the rights of women will mean nothing if you can't make the connection. Just saying. BTW, I am not misinformed, but thanks for the thought. I agree. Many white men do not make the effort to woo white women. I have experienced this time and time again. I have also heard this complaint from a number of white women.
But there's little sense in me repeating myself, if you choose to read what you want to read instead of what I actually post. I do not hate women or engage in women bashing, but race mixers are held in low esteem for obvious reasons. I can't understand for the life of me why you would have a problem with that. I have read through your posts. I can honestly state that you are way too emotional about this issue to conduct any kind of logical dialogue.
Everyone knows that white man/black woman couples are rare but white man/asian woman couples are not. Neither are white man/mestizo woman couples. Asian man/white woman couples are just as rare as white man/black woman couples... so what's your point? Are you saying that mixing with asians isn't as bad? /sigh :clink
I did ask for legimate statistics, for anything you quote, yet see none. You know, I don't even think that there are any such statistics, and while I don't want to take away from your experience, I still have to say that its not mine. I think all we have are our own personal experiences, and you bring your own world view into yours as I do mine. I was raised on the Texas Gulf Coast and left Corpus Christi because of the mestizos. At that time, there werre PLENTY of white men who were willing to become sexually and romantically involved with mestizo women. That is race mixing too, and since you claim to live in Houston, I can hardly imagine that has escaped your notice. Race mixing is not just about black and white. Perhaps you don't see that as race mixing, however its very odd that when a white woman fools around with a mestizo it is race mixing. Interesting twist, don't you think? Trust me, my friends and I would think its race mixing and any man who does that is cut out like a cancer. Really, what I have noticed is that many white women have MUCH MORE stringent standards than white men about race mixing and the remarks made by another poster that white women are bringing the race down are just misogynistic anger with no real balance or fairness to them. SO I think right now the best we can do is agree to disagree. :clink
What are your favorite things to do? Walking on the beach and surfing. What are your favorite foods? Pork and dark chocolate are the holiest foods ever. :D What is your favorite candy bar? A pure dark chocolate one (65%-70% Cocoa). What is your favorite cookie? Newmans Own mint filling oreo cookie. What are your favorite sports? Surfing and MMA. What are your favorite kinds of music? Classical, any kind of European-derived traditional music (especially fiddle music), and Modern Rock. What places would you like to visit? USA: St. Augustine and Charleston Europe: Iceland, Faroe Islands, Scandinavia, and Russia Other: Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile and the Falkland Islands What is your favorite thing about yourself? My resilience. What musical instruments can you play? None, but I would like to learn to play the piano and the violin. What are your favorite types of art? Pre-Raphaelite and photography (especially black and white). What would you like to teach others about? I don't know. :confused: What are three adjectives which describe you? Intelligent, honest and responsible. When you have an hour of free time, what do you like to do? Walk on the beach or read. If I had more time, then I would go surfing. ;)
I'm sorry about your ordeal. Love is complicated indeed. :( I think that there are definitely some people who will try to change their significant others. I have come across men who thought they were entitled to try to change me. Some people think that if they have an intense physical attraction for someone, then that makes it okay to try to change that person. Perhaps your ex genuinely thought that your views were okay because she didn't know what she was getting into. After knowing you for awhile and learning more about it, she probably realized that it wasn't for her. However, giving anyone an ultimatum is a 'no no' for sure. If there's a 'deal breaker', then leave. Unfortunately, some people aren't mature enough to do this.
It just sucks that women would lie about their racial views - because I have always been VERY upfront about what I believed. I considered hiding it before, but I thought,Why lie about it? I mean.... if she can't handle it now, the odds are that she surely won't be able to handle my views later, that's for sure. I'm sure a lot of guys hide their racist views, but for me it is not worth it - it is like living a lie. So I'm back in school in a month to finish my degree, then I've got to figure out if I'm still going to move to Upstate New York. I just went through there a few weeks ago, and I really liked the lay of the land. Sure, there are things that people bug the heck out of each other. For example: My pet peeve is: Don't yell at me. If you have an issue with me regarding something I do or have done, let's sit down and talk about it like two adults. If you want me to shut you out, just start yelling. I don't play the yelling game. I agree with you. It's important to let the other person know up front. It isn't worth it to pretend to be someone you are not. That's one of my pet peeves as well.
I can second that, treating a girl like crap is a bad idea it will totally sour or end the relationship eventually. I have had this exact experience, I constantly keept wondering what I was doing wrong, no matter how hard I tried to please this guy he always gave the same crappy treatment, it turnde me into a nervous wreck and gave me really, low self esteem at the end because I thought it must be me and that I was just not good enough. Well I am lucky now and I have my faith back that there are good men out there. So in summery men, treat your women good, treat your woman the way you would expect your mother/sister to be treated (assuming they love and respect their mother or sister), also treating a woman good avoids the threads where people constantly b***h and moan about their ex's. :) I agree. Any self-respecting woman will appreciate being treated with respect and she will show it to her man in kind. If someone treats you poorly, then he/she is not the right person for you...so move on and find a better match. I find it quite bizzare to inflict collective guilt on an entire group of people simply because of some bad personal experiences. There are 'bad seeds' in every group, but that shouldn't dictate one's view of the entire group. Thanks to the OP. I enjoyed reading his 'romance guide'...needless to say, I love romantic men. ;)
OK buddy, yea I supose you're right since I'm a woman I must be completely ignorant about what women want. Thank God you are here to tell me these things! And yes, saying women want to be treated badly & spreading those hate & lies around is saying bad things about them. How dare I argue or say anything to the contrary! Too bad you are not here to beat my ass. Cuz you know that's what women really want: abuse. I like white history's original list & I don't like people dissing him or it because I personally would like it if more white men were romantic instead of just jerks that throw a fit & whine about having thier own way. :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl Yes, us females are too ignorant to know what we want. If we dare dispute anything we must be 'overemotional'. :clink
it does boil down to women want a man they can depend on, be it opening a door, or holding them while they cry, to knowing that they can make the decisions to pay bills. Very, very true. :clink It also comes down to the question...What is equality?
I used to be a nice guy and tried to be caring and romantic, but as I see it, it doesn't get you anywhere, most women want to be treated poorly it seems, so these days I generally opt to act like an A**hole. Nice guys finish last, unfortunately:(. Please, please don't lose heart. Have you tried networking with friends and relatives in order to find a proper match?
yes you females who think that everyone here was talking about abusing women are ignorant and overtly emotional:rolleyes: Did I accuse any of the men posting on this thread of promoting the abuse of women? I think that you have made some very valid points. However, you do not have enough life experience to be accusing anyone of ignorance. You chose to deal with emotion by being emotional yourself...and you got told off as a result. I'll take your impetuous spirit to be part of your youthful 'vigor'.
The constant women bashing and gender war threads needs to stop. It is unbelievably disheartening when you KNOW that you are different from the majority of feminist white modern women, and yet you STILL get lumped in with them here, no matter how hard you try to distance yourself from them. It just seems like when I defend anything having to do with women, I am automatically labeled a liberal feminist here. The most confusing thing is that no matter what side of the spectrum you're on, you still lose... I have come across this attitude through a number of forums. It is both unfortunate and completely counterproductive. I honestly think that those who do nothing but complain about The Other(s) are not interested in actually doing anything positive. It's much easier to sit on the 'sidelines' and b**ch. How to attract more women? Answer: Know their currency. Women are not as active on a national political level because their concerns tend to be more locally-oriented; i.e. community building, child care, safety, education, etc. I think WN tends to be dominated by those who just focus on larger and sometimes more abstract issues. Start at the grassroots level and build local community networks. White women will respond better if they know they have a local support system that will help them. Examples: A group of whites dedicate a certain numbers of hours per week to babysitting each others' children. Carpooling Start holding meetings with your neighbors regarding neighborhood issues. Start a neighborhood watch. Organize white parents in order to advocate for their children at school. It may seem rather insignificant to some, but for women it's crucial. Women are very, very concerned about safety and stability. Build a local network that will deal with those issues. BUILD A TRIBE! What attracted me? I would much rather build community with those of the same ethnic/cultural background who value the same things I do...it facilitates much more stability.
I don't know what the deal is, but I am approached by non-whites interested in dating on a much more regular basis than white women. I can't help but wondering if it's because I just don't have the right look for white women or something else entirely. Could this have to do with non-whites being encouraged to seek out white partners and whites being antagonized to date interracially? I mean, there are tons of white couples everywhere and the girlfriends that I have had have all been caucasion, but in all the states I have lived in since I have been a teenager it seems to be the case that non-whites are far more interested in me than my fellow white females on average. Has anyone else had this problem? :confused: I can't figure it out for the life of me and I really do wish it would stop. I constantly have that conversation with an interested non-white female about how I don't date interracially, and then I face the you're racist accusations. Of course the non-whites are seeking out white partners...I see it and experience it all the time. I've noticed over the years that they are becoming more and more aggressive. As a white woman, I often feel like a walking target. It's the non-whites trying to politically position themselves. They want the mixed babies in order to justify their place in this country. They don't have anything to offer us, so they have mixed children to try to become part of our community. For those who do approach me, I simply tell them that I'm not interested. I don't bother to go into to racial preference because their political agenda doesn't allow them to be reasonable. It's useless to try to reason with them. FYI - If you want a white woman, then approach her or at least give her an indication that you're interested. I think the issue of white women not approaching you as often has more to do with culture rather than whether you possess the 'right look'.
Yes, I seem to attract non-whites more, mostly Asian women..... I've never had much luck with White women and many aren't particularly friendly, especially the more attractive ones.... I guess because White women are the most attractive, or the queen bees of women, they can afford to be more picky or selective, because they get hit on constantly by men of all races....whereas non-white women aren't approached as much and are therefore more appreciative of the interest or attention.. I notice you are from Minnesota, a state that has a very high rate of mixed race couples...especially around the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas. I would like to introduce a different approach. There are four main factors that significantly impact the lives of white women; (1) The negative depiction of white women in mass media; i.e. objectivication, oversexualized, doormats, etc. (2) Interactions in the work world that require them to subvert their receptivity (and many aspects of their femininity) in order to compete. (3) Trying ot reconcile white cultural ideals of womanhood with modern-day experiences and needs. (4) The aggressive behavior of minority men. White women are bombarded on a constant basis with these issues which causes many to be wary of interactions with strangers and how others perceive them. The aloof behavior is a reaction . Personally speaking, I always make sure to dress tastefully and I am not as open with strangers (or men I barely know) because I don't want to be perceived as a doormat or 'sexually aggressive' (sorry, lack of a better term). I am more conservative because I want white men to know who I am as a person and whether or not they are receptive to what I have to offer. I think it is really important to include the mainstream cultural impact when analyzing the behavior of / interaction between whites in general.
here is the situation,my mother is a greek and my father is turkish.he makes me live in Turkey and he wants me to wear turban,he doesn't let me go to Greece because he doesn't want me to have contact with greeks,because they are christians...and now he wants me to get married with someone that I don't even know!and I don't even feel like I'm turkish I feel like I'm greek.And I feel white,does that make me white??? back when Greece was under ottaman rule, any Greek woman that was impregnated by a Turk (even through rape) was from from the village in she lived (usually sent to live in Turkish villages) and in many intances even killed. Constantinople = Greece Pontus = Greece Smirni = Greece Cyprus = Greece Greek lands are still under Turkish rule and Turks still refuse to accept the Hellenic and Armenian genocides existed.
Without investing in strong border protection, this is like scooping bathtub water from one side of the tub and pouring it on the other side.
Well here are the clues: “the actor’s list of exes includes an award-winning actress, a religious movie star, a top Hollywood personality with a controversial past, a TV star, a media personality and a glamour model.” The UK tabloid also asserts that the star’s lawyers are allegedly “preparing for a raft of potential legal claims from previous lovers.” Did Charlie Sheen date an award-winning actress? I don't think so. Or a famous model? All of these people sleep with each other in a giant writhing incestuous mass. It's impossible to figure it out with these clues
Getting with a black guy is pretty much the stupidest thing a girl can do
This is because of refugees. Get a grip people
His idiocy knows no bounds. He's been indoctrinated well
What better message is there for a young girl, that this is what love is? http://img.wikinut.com/img/751xr0ses...ered-wife.jpeg
Any sane people watching the debates must be stunned by the amount of hand outs these Commies want to distribute. No wonder the National Debt is almost 20 trillion dollars!! And that's not even getting into the insanity of giving college educations to Blacks and Latinos. They should probably stop public school education for them at Third Grade since that's about as far mentally as most of them get. Blacks in college is kind of a joke. They hang out in their black studies departments. Easy majors created specifically for them to fill racial diversity quotas. A few in other majors, but many, if not most, are pushed into them underqualified.
This is absolutely NUTS! What is wrong with these people? It makes me lose all respect for them. What happened to your society Germany? You used to be a great people! The world trembled at your feet! Now you're cheering your own doom?
The entire Western world has gone mentally insane. They are literally committing suicide. It's fascinating to watch, it's like Jonestown on a nationwide scale
Name them all. Let's make a list. cuckservative Definition A cuckservative is a self-styled conservative who will cravenly sell out and undermine his home country's people, culture, and national interest in order to win approval with parties hostile or indifferent to them.
The problem is, that when you have kids it takes a huge financial toll on you. On average it takes around $250,000 to raise a child to age 18. If median household income is $50,000 a year, this is 27% of your total household income going to your kid. Needless to say, this cuts back on your lifestyle alot. Maybe you need a smaller TV, a smaller house, you can't go out partying all the time, you can't afford drugs. Basically you need to be willing to sacrifice so much of your own personal gratification to do this. This is why in my opinion, religious communities in particular have such high birth rates, because they are willing to sacrifice their own gratification for a higher concept. They have the tradition of family running strong through them, they feel they have to have one. With the loss of religiosity in Europe, we also lose the birthrate. I don't see this turning around very quickly, because Europeans need to change so much of their own value system to make it happen. We likely would need to see a resurgence of religion. To be honest, I don't think it can happen without state help. They are the ones with their hands on the gears and levers that can steer society on a large scale.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pr...Elders_of_Zion Anyone care to edit it? The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion explained (1/2) - YouTube The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion explained 2 of 2 - YouTube
The thing that really caught my eye was how aggressively and zealously it was called a forgery. A normal article might describe the thing that the article was about, and then offhand mention that it was a fraud somewhere in the 5th paragraph. But the Wikipedia article here is proclaiming again and again, FORGERY FORGERY FORGERY, ANTI-SEMITISM, HITLER, FORGERY!!!! Practically the entire article is dedicated to proving that it's a forgery. There is no alternative viewpoint represented here.
They're victims though. The media said so. We just need to spend billions of dollars educating them and they'll assimilate for sure. We need to give them welfare and subsidize their birth rate at the expense of the birth rate of the native population! Sounds logical to me, I just had my lobotomy!
From a Roman Catholic viewpoint the refugee situation is complete madness because it is not being dealt with properly. To count the people who do the killing of Christians in their own countries in with genuine refugees is ludicrous. Excerpt, translated from: I'll bet the current pope doesn't have a problem with bringing them in. Rather than trying to save their souls from eternal hellfire, he respects and tolerates their beliefs.
How many baby mommas does this guy have?
You think white people won't fight for their own race, traditions or beliefs? What do you think Stormfront is?
Child abuse of a normal little girl raising her this way
Racism is an idiotic word that has lost all meaning. It's basically a hot button word that carries a negative connotation, that you can connect anything to in order to make it sound bad. So for example, the chess club has more whites than blacks. Racism. Cindy has dated three white boys in a row. Racism Mark opposes affirmative action. Racism See how that works? Using the word racism I can slap a negative connotation on anything I don't like. Then it's up to them to prove that their actions AREN'T racist. I am the illogical one, and yet you're the one on the defense. homophobia, antisemite, transphobic all work the same way. They're using a psuedo-clinical term, they are essentially telling you that you have a mental disease.
I may be eating my words later, but Trump is the greatest thing I've ever seen. When he speaks I find myself jumping for joy, I mean WOW!!! And some of the stuff he gets away with....my jaw just hits the floor. I mean is he a godsend or what? In many of his speeches, he openly talks about his belief in the link between genetics and IQ. His tax plan is designed to eliminate the marriage penalty, and boost fertility rates. He's going to deport as many Mexicans as he can. You've just gotta know he's been red-pilled. He gets it! I know many of you will say that he has connections with the Jews. That he defends Israel. OF COURSE HE DOES!!! If you don't have personal friendships with Jewish power brokers, you get nowhere in business! If you don't support Israel, how the heck are you going to win the presidency? Especially as a Republican? Be real, it's not so bad. Better the Jews have their own place over there on the other side of the world rather than being here. He's already proven that he's willing to grease the skids with politicians as a businessman, you really don't think he's going to do the same thing with the Jews? It doesn't mean he supports them. It doesn't mean he won't double cross them if he feels the need. Of course, it doesn't mean he might not double cross US either. Is he really the mother of all betrayers? Is he going to flip flop on everything the minute he gets into office? Come ON! You really believe that? Go on, tell me why I'm wrong.
When he grows up, she might begin to slowly realize that maybe he is fundamentally different. He'll be in fights and be rowdy and uncontrollable. He'll do poorly in school despite huge sloughs of money being poured into his tutoring. He will always have that vacant stare... Of course she's going to blame it all on racism. Living in the most liberal place in the country where people bend over backwards to accommodate non-whites, he's going to have one or two stories of a time when he experienced what he considers to be discrimination, and this will be the excuse for his poor performance. For his aggressive brutality. It's all because one white guy gave him a suspicious glance on a bus one time. I mean, look how joyless the baby looks in all these photos. Blacks don't have the same maternal connection between mother and child that whites have (r selected genome), all this smiling and love from the mother is totally alien to it. It can't respond in a natural way, because it lacks the emotional mechanisms to do so.
How many White Nationalists are there in the world? Roughly? How many do you think are serious enough about it that they'd be willing to donate money to a White Nationalist cause, if called upon to do so?
All over the World, I imagine several hundred thousand who would consider themselves White Separatist. The bulk coming from the US and Central/Eastern Europe. As for on this site, we have maybe several thousand members who post at any one time. The trick is sorting out the genuine people from subversive trolls. It's gotten real easy for me to spot trolls lurking around here. One of their favourite tactics is to start divisive threads where they attack each other's religion, nationality etc. There are forums I have seen where they might discuss how best to troll Stormfront and people like us in general. Not enough, we need millions. The idea I had in mind was financing repopulation centers. Sending eggs and sperm, hiring surrogate mothers, and then raising the kids en masse. Teaching them from a young age to desire large families. Such that they would all have an average of 4 kids each, doubling the population every generation. The kids would grow up and work and over time, return money to the repopulation centers, where it would be gradually used on the next batch. Eventually these places could be churning out kids. At minimum, we need to raise a single generation of 1 million kids this way. This would be enough to slowly gain traction, until the kids reproduced enough to gain electoral control of the government (I was thinking Germany). This is final victory. But in order for it to work, we need to have around 7-10 million sponsors (each donating 5% of their annual income over a period of 20 years). I've done the math. If white nationalism isn't popular enough, this becomes impossible. Unless you can churn out enough children in a certain amount of time, you'll never gain electoral control of any European government, which MUST be the final goal. Germany is the best bet. It's large, powerful, with strong traditions of hard work. It's the heartland of Europe and it's greatest economic power. Where Germany goes, so goes the rest of the continent.
The number of people posting on Stormfront is the tip of the iceberg, there are FAR more that never even visit here let alone post anything. Are there millions? And are there any millionaires or billionaires or otherwise well connected people that could be called upon? If there were some way to get a hold of government money for the operation, it would all suddenly become a lot easier. I estimate it would cost $18 billion a year over the course of 20 years. This is a rounding error in the US budget. $6 billion vanished from the State Department, no one even batted an eye. Hundreds of billions vanishes mysteriously in the Pentagon budget, no body has any idea where it goes. From this perspective it's actually a relatively cheap operation. Another perhaps cheaper option besides repopulation centers would be to finance fertility programs. That is to give a financial incentive for some families to reproduce. The downside is that #1, you don't control the genetics of kids that are produced. And #2, you can't effectively raise the kids in the way you please.
One good thing is that California is not a swing state. It's a state that the democrats would carry regardless. And so illegals voting in the state will not make much difference because the democrats already have complete control of the state. But if a swing state like Florida did this, it would completely ruin the GOP in presidential elections. The GOP simply has to win Florida. But why is that? Ronald Reagan won California. The only reason it's now in the hole for the Democrats is because half of Mexico was emptied into it. I don't think people should give up on California, it's a great place to draw a line in the sand. It's the most populous state with the most electoral votes. It's also the strongest economically. If it were it's own country it would be the 8th most powerful economy in the world. This is the center of Hollywood and the tech industry. But now that the Latino population has overtaken the whites for the first time, we'll start seeing a Mexico-style government voted in. People will start fleeing the state, the economy will start collapsing. If we use this crisis as a rallying cry, we can win the battle of California and prevent the Reconquista
You want to vote for the lesser Zionist douchebag go ahead. :cool: Listen, what horrible Zionist plot is Trump going to unleash that we'll be safe from if we vote for someone else?
Once again, who is there to vote for? You people and your faith in this shekel sham form of democracy is most disturbing. This government cannot be reformed and quite frankly it will refuse itself to ever be. So you're a defeatist then? No political solution, only military? Well I don't think the people are mad enough for that. They're still entranced by the television sets. Voting isn't nothing, you might as well, even if it you're right and it doesn't matter, it's not wrong to have hope.
Are they trying to convert these Muslims to save them from hellfire? Or are they just trying to feel good about themselves like cuck losers. Either way this is a totally insane policy, what is wrong with these people?
Don't mention race. Nope, wouldn't want to do that. Let none of us talk about the elephant in the room.
The fact is, part of the reason whites are having trouble reproducing is because of all the taxes for welfare. And the reason mestizos and blacks can reproduce like rabbits is because they're getting welfare checks. We are essentially paying to replace ourselves. So how can we fix this problem? Well, if your room is full of mosquitos, and you don't want to spend all day swatting them, how do you get the mosquitos out? You open your window, and turn on a bright light outside. All of the mosquitos are drawn to the light, and before you know it, except for a few stragglers, your room is mosquito free! So how to get the mestizos out? End welfare here, and encourage welfare in a nearby state, which means Mexico. I wouldn't mind funding their welfare program with US taxes if we needed to. Then what do you know? All the illegals and Mexican legals will start draining out of the US back to Mexico. The same can work in Europe with Muslims. Just pick a nearby country, and country, and finance their welfare system to be the best in the world. Meanwhile, end welfare in Europe proper. What do you know? All the Islamic immigrants will stream out of Europe! Once most of them are gone, build a wall and KEEP them out! Then let whatever sacrificial country you chose to draw all the immigrants to go broke from their welfare spending. The Islamics can't get back into Europe, so they'll have to go find some other place to sink their bloodsuckers into.
People railing against Trump....:facepalm: WHO ELSE ARE YOU GOING TO VOTE FOR??? We are such a small movement, let's stand united behind the best candidate. What's with all this division?
It sounds crazy, but sometimes I think Europe would be better off if Putin conquered it. Imagine, a new anti-PC federation of Europe! Why do I say that? Well, because from an outsider looking in, Russia looks a lot more autocratic than the saccharine liberal democracies in the European heartland. And to be honest, I really think we need that. Democracy won't restore Europe, the trojan horse has already been taken in, the gates are now wide open to an invading army to pillage the continent. The truth is, Europe needs a strong man. Someone who doesn't give a *%#$ and will do what he thinks is right to restore his homeland! How else are you going to break up the media empires, those pied pipers that are leading the European nations off a cliff? How else are you going to forcibly relocate the invaders over their tragic bleating cries and sympathetic looks? You need someone STRONG who can do this! Europe can transition back to democracy (very limited democracy with strong constitutional protections) in the course of time, after things have been resettled. But I don't see the Germans rising up to do this. I don't see the French in revolt. I don't see the English digging their noble heels in. The only pillar of strength of I see is Putin!
I want to be careful saying this. I'm still a new member, and I've been told Stormfront is very much against anyone talking badly about the police. But I think the police in the US are very out of control. This is not manly behavior. A man never shoots a domesticated dog, what kind of a wimp does this? This family has probably had hundreds of visitors to their house, how many of them have felt the need to shoot the dog when it growled at them because they were unfamiliar? No these are manlets. Wannabe tough guys. How can you just shoot a little white girl and walk away. HOW CAN YOU DO THIS???? This happens so often, it's an epidemic. It's more than just a few bad apples. I don't know why it's happening, is it police unions? Is it hiring standards? Is their training? Whatever it is, FIX IT!!!
Stephen Hawking really is kind of an idiot. He can crunch numbers, but people give him way too much deference because of his disease. Keep in mind, along with Bill Clinton he is one of the people that regularly went to Jeffery Epstien's sex slave island for orgiastic parties with girls as young as 14. He is well inculcated into the liberal establishment. He basically directly profits through saying stuff like this. With awards, with personal connections, with monetary support...regardless what he believes he has an intrinsic personal interest in having this mindset
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Whenever an area gets too many minorities, crime rates shoot up. School quality plummets. And the quality of government suffers tremendously. The result? All the white people run for the hills! This is known as white flight. For example in Detroit, once 90% white. Then more and more blacks started moving in. Slowly the whites started to leave. Then the blacks got control of the government and started running it as a redistribution racket. As a result, all the white people deserted the city into the suburbs. https://familyinequality.files.wordp...troit-pop1.jpg Then the suburbs were integrated and the exact same thing happened. White people ran for the hills. White people just keep running and running and running. And the minorities just keep chasing them, seeking the tax base to leech off of. So make a prediction as to what's about to happen to California? They just lost their white majority last year, the youth are overwhelmingly Latino. Meaning that as time goes on, that majority will only increase by leaps and bounds. All the white people will flee the state, and it will implode. Just like Detroit, just like Chicago...this is the pattern. Soon there will be no where left to run.
Obviously you would only support white reproduction. Yes but the fact is that white genetics are flagging in Europe. Men are gradually becoming more and more effeminate, and women less and less maternal. Numerous traits are becoming scarce (for example the classic powerful jawline). Being able to choose what genes get used, means that you can mix and match and boost certain traits any way you please. You could probably ensure that the next generation will have a mean IQ north of 120. This would make the children you produce a dominant force in the job market, able to return large sums of money to the repopulation centers once they grew old enough to work. They would also have the resources to have plenty of their own kids, perhaps 4 or 5 per family. If you educated them properly with love of their own people, love of their country, and most importantly love of big families, they will multiply on their own after the first generation.
Now, why someone would want a submissive woman is beyond me. I expect from my dog to be submissive, but from my wife... no, I find that to be weak. And frankly, if a woman is submissive in this day and age, I always start to suspect that either she has mental issues, or that her submissiveness is a result of decades of parental abuse. Either way, only a broken person could be that obedient and passive. Being able to seek compromise and being able of listening and understanding what your husband wants to happen is not the same as being meek and compliant. Also, having strong opinions and principles is not the same as being a princess, let alone a high maintenance whore. Usually, it is the arrogance, the dishonesty, and the egotism that separate the strong-willed woman from the manipulative tramp. The relationship, the marriage, it should be a partnership based on love and mutual respect, not on control and forceful assertiveness. So you don't think the Father should be the head of the household? This is how traditional families operate.
Where did he say the father isn't the head of the household? He can still be the head without having a spineless pushover for a wife. I really have to question the emotional and mental stability of a man who wants a submissisve wife. Don't they want someone strong enough to keep their children safe, fed, and educated should anything happen to them, or are they so weak in their own character that they can't handle the thought of a woman having her own mind? Yes for sure they want strength. But they also want someone devoted to them, and someone who will stand by them and their decisions for the family. In a traditional family, the Father is the head of the household, so he is the final arbiter and decision maker. Having a strong wife is fine, but having a wife that divorces you the minute she doesn't get her way in an argument is not fine. I think this is why men are drawn to submissive women. Because they get to be what they're meant to be. You make a good point though, a strong wife would be great. Just as long as she's devoted and doesn't try to wear the pants.
Concentrate on your studies, continue to pursue your interests and realize that many quality white women do not want/need their bf/husband's 'setting rules/guidelines' for them or 'controlling' them. Not wanting those things does not mean there is something wrong with them. THIS is exactly the problem. EXACTLY the wrong attitude! The reason birth rates are so low is because so many women are trying to start careers, they don't have time to be a mom. The problem is, who's going to raise the kids? Think about it, for proper brain development, a child must be breast fed for at least a year, or maybe even longer. Then they must be constantly looked after, mothered, supported...etc. Raising a child properly is a full time job, that takes at least 5 or 6 years. Even after that it's a part time job, because the school only takes them for 6 hours a day. And do you really want to leave your 6 year old at home alone for hours at a time? I don't think so. Offloading the responsibility on men is not the answer. Men aren't equipped with the right emotional responses to properly react to a child's needs. They don't have the right hormones pumping through their veins. There's a reason why women are so affected by cuteness, it's because they're natures caregivers. There's something special and irreplaceable about mom, dad can't fill that void. And shoving the job onto a nanny isn't correct either. Because a nanny is just another woman, one without the same deep emotional bond with the child that the mother has. You want a child that grows up aloof and distant and depressed? Go for a nanny. -------------------------------------- It hurts me to see women pursuing engineering, physics, management...etc. These are full time, high demanding careers. If you major these, you'll never have time to be a mom. I'm not sure if you're into the religious argument, but think about it this way: God made men for a reason. They are there to struggle and work and bring home the bacon. They are there to defend and protect and provide. This is why they are here on this Earth. Let them be men for you. There's no need to try to prove something, that women can do just as good. This isn't a contest. Let men do what they do best, let them be men. There's no reason to try to outdo them and show them up, and make them feel inferior to the almighty womyn. Just let them be what they've always dreamed of being: a father with a devoted wife and a bundle of happy kids. When men don't work, they feel depressed. They feel hopeless, they feel empty. Likewise, career women feel depressed, beaten down, and regretful. It's because neither is doing what they were BORN to do. Why must things be like this? Why can't we have normal, traditional families, the way it's been for millions of years?
Lets see, if you look back to the first post I posted all these truths about myself -Christian faith -German descent -Very cute -Work hard in school -Determined -Have goals and ambitions -Motivated -Driven -Dominant/leader -Physically strong and athletic -Due to being physically active -Good hygiene,personal care -Muscular -Stubborn -Decent -Mature -Gentleman behavior <-------RED FLAG!!!! BAD!!!! -God fearing -Right wing (not racist or nazi) -Traditional -Protective -Caring -Respectful -Not judgemental -Moral I really do meet the shallow superficial desires of most women. But really, a man shouldn't have to earn a woman. That just doesn't seem scriptual, love is not earned. Such love is superficial, shallow love. You love someone for who they are, not what they have or have done (not that I haven't done a lot of good things)You don't have to earn God's love. Well then, why are all 20 something guys and girls in a relationship? Why are there so many married people. Why are there so many, come to think of it.......people who exist! Are you saying that the statistical norm has something that is not easy to find? Do billions of people (don't know the statistic) come from something that was uncommon? People start relationships, and relationships start people. For over a year I have been depressed about my inability to find a girl who actually will respect me. Before I took an interest in dating and having a beautiful white girl, I really thought I was physically attractive and that girls liked me because I was cute even though I never talked to them. So my first crush was this girl who worked at a bar at a golf course who I thought was cute, so I started talking to her whenever I would see her. She was friendly at first, then when we both went back to school and I stopped golving I would send her an email, hoping she would respond. She did not respond, that made me very upset, because I liked her. I ran into her a few months later and was talking to her and she mentioned she had a boyfriend and that was her reason for not responding to my emails, but I still think that was rude, anyone who emails you deserves a reply. I have asked a lot of girls out at school, but it lead to no dates, either they had a boyfriend, said no, or had made up some excuse not to come. I have tried online dating, I posted several pictures of myself on the dating sites, and when I see a girl who I find to be cute I will send her an email, just saying something real light hearted at first, like hi, or what are you interested in, would you like to chat sometime? I don't think girls want to be asked out right away, the ones I talked to didn't feel comfortable about meeting right away and wanted to spend a bit more time talking online. Even if I'm ready for a date, most of the time they're not. And I have been told by other women (family, therapist) that girls don't like to do things 1 on 1 with a guy they don't know, they usually prefer to hang out in groups when meeting someone new. And I have tried being in social situations, doing things in groups, joining clubs, etc. And interacting with girls at school without asking them out on a date right away. I have not been able to have much time to try to fish for girls due to school and studying I'm working hard in school to do well (something that also sholud be attracting conditional girls). I know it is hard and takes strength, but it does not feel good to be rejected. I like the feeling like I'm appreciated, respected, needed, and people enjoying me prescence. I don't need to improve myself any more than anyone else. There is nothing wrong with me. There are a lot of things that are about me the way God made me to be, I was created with the glory of God and so were you. I have thought about dying my dark hair blonde or light because the women I'm attracted to dont like dark hair, and it tells me something that all the dark hair guys are single...but I think that I shouldn't have to and its sad that I have to modify something about myself just to get what God desires of me (a relationship). A man's character is most important. I just believe that there should be some girl out there who does appreciate my character and other things about me. I didn't think it would be too hard to find, I thought there would be many of them and that I was the poster child for what all collegiate women want in their man. And to be honest, physically I don't look that bad. It just feels empty and depressing to be missing something that everyone else has Yeah physically you don't look that bad. So then...what's the problem? Obviously it's the way you're approaching the situation. You aren't giving these girls what they want, you aren't putting out the right signals. You're acting like a beta and it's turning them off. Wanting to commit suicide over a girl you had 1 date with??? https://i.imgur.com/S5CsSee.jpg I think that says it all.
I am bothered that the OP talks of suicide. I almost think SF needs to set a policy on this; refer people who say they want to kill themselves to people who are trained to help them- and put them on moderation for awhile. IDK. I am equally bothered that he wants to send his suicide note to the girl who refused to date him so she feels 'bad and guilty;' - responsible for his death. This is some pretty sick stuff. She has nothing to feel guilty about. This sense of entitlement reminds me of Elliot Rogers. Until the OP gets help he will not find a healthy relationship- and will probably blame everybody but himself. So you think he could be in real danger? I'm trying to tell you GermanAmerican, there are plenty of other girls out there. PLENTY! No need to kill yourself or hurt yourself or anything. You said it yourself, you aren't bad looking. You aren't a bad person, you've got a lot to give. Keep your shoulders squared, keep your head on straight, you'll do fine.
First of all, I don't really think women are so hellbent about rank. Those alpha beta designations are for wild wolves, not people. Humans are not pack animals. A few women like dominant guys, but not all. How do you know, do you know how I interact with these women? You don't have a clue. I'm doing absolutely nothing wrong, just being a decent guy that girls should like. :facepalm: Girls SHOULD like? How do you know that's what girls like? That's what they SAY they like, but is that what they actually like? Really??? And who are you to decide what those girls want? They all have different preferences. That's like a fat chick saying: how do you know what guys like, they all have their preferences And I know what beta is and it is nothing like the way I act around women (and even if I was there wouldn't be anything wrong with it, not all women want to be dominated). Again, what you are doing is claiming that your computer is equipped with a Trojan device and you have been watching my dating experience. Don't you get it? I have posted these facts about me, -Christian faith -German descent -Very cute -Work hard in school -Determined -Have goals and ambitions -Motivated -Driven -Dominant/leader -Physically strong and athletic -Due to being physically active -Good hygiene,personal care -Muscular -Stubborn -Decent -Mature -Gentleman behavior -God fearing -Right wing (not racist or nazi) -Traditional -Protective -Caring -Respectful -Not judgemental -Moral None of which are beta. I know you're doing it wrong because it hasn't worked. If everything you said is true, and you are doing it right, you should be slaying girls left and right every day. But you aren't, so something is wrong. The amount of emphasis you put on being a decent, caring, gentlemen is telling me that this might be the issue. Love stories are for women. This whole romantic fantasy where you fall in love, and roll around on a beach, and propose...etc, this isn't really how a man typically approaches a relationship. This is what female first grade teachers tell little boys they should expect from a girl, but this isn't the reality of the world. I mean, just look at the title of this thread, you're looking for your soul mate, this is typically what a woman will say, not a man. Women don't want to date women. Women don't want to date the nice, tender, compassionate guy. Women want men. They want a brute. They want someone that's going to take command. To be dominant, be confident, be an a-hole if that's what it takes. To go out there, kick the **** out of everyone, and bring home some food for dinner. ---------------------------------- I'm not saying you should change your personality and act like someone totally different. But you can can change your approach. There are normal looking guys (short, no muscles, no job....etc) that go out and sleep with 20 different hot girls a week who they've never met before. How is this possible? Because they know how to carry themselves, and how to approach the situation. Guess what? They don't treat the girl like a queen, as a matter of fact they're kind of mean to her. And the girls love it, they trip over each other to get at these guys. So do some research. Talk to people, use Google. Figure out what you're doing wrong and fix it. WARNING: Don't ask women what they want, because they'll lie. First of all they don't know what they want, and second of all they'll always tell you what they think they're supposed to say, rather than the truth. They'll say they want the nice, tender, compassionate guy, only to dump him when he shows up on their doorstep. Don't fall for this. Instead, you should be asking men who've had success. Read their articles and their blogs. Watch their videos and tutorials on how to play the game. It will change your life. The resources are out there for you.
The first sentence of your post is true. Women do want men. The rest of it I take sharp issue with. The idea that women want brutal men in their lives is a myth started by self-described 'nice guys' who can't get the dates they feel they are entitled to. Girls who sleep with the types of men you describe in your second paragraph- (no job/unfaithful/treat them mean...) have low self-esteem and are likely to have a lot of problems. Sleeping with tons of girls like this, no matter how 'hot' they are is not a standard of success anywhere but in the daydreams of 12 year old boys. The idea that men are a more reliable source of information about what women want than we are is insulting. There are many different kinds of women- just as there are many different kinds of men. Women are individuals not a monolithic group. We are more than capable of saying what we want/don't want in a relationship. Near the top of my 'avoid' list are men that are currently suicidal, are students of 'game,' or who think women are basically stupid blobs of protoplasm to trick into bed by any means necessary. It's not about tricking girls into sex. It's about getting your foot in the door, so that you can at least start to build a relationship. It's like paying your ante in poker. You have to get her into you if you want any hope of taking the relationship anywhere. Girls like the ones he's going for (attractive) turn down hundreds of guys a week, it's almost a reflex for them. So you have to get your foot in the door if you want to make any kind of long term relationship possible. Pinkysmom is a woman, you have to screen out what she's saying because she really doesn't know what she's talking about here. How many women has she dated? None! Women like her say they want the nice guy, they don't!!! This is a lie that has tricked millions of men all across the world and doomed them to a lonely life. Here is an example of a nice guy: Skippy in Love - YouTube Pinkysmom, would you date this guy?
Let's be frank here, we all know what this is. They are abandoning their drab wives to get some white meat. White women are by far the most beautiful in the world. Too bad European men are too limp wristed and weak to protect their daughters against the savages. These people are trying to plunder the flower of Europe.
Nope. Sorry, but they saw this coming and have moved to suppress it. Now they say the migrants only get to stay for 2 years. They have no plans to ever deport them of course, and it's hard to imagine a scenario where they would. But by saying this, they quench the fire of resistance, and get the story out of the news cycle. In a year or two they'll quietly grant them all amnesty at midnight before Christmas holiday. No revolution. No resurgence of nationalism. They're playing tricks and cutting you off at the knees. This is how devious and intelligent these people are
So Stephan has finally been red-pilled? It was only a matter of time. Last I heard he was an open borders anarchist
Like him? Hate him? Is he a snake in the grass or the real deal? Why I Left Judaism - YouTube The Jewish Talmud Exposed - YouTube Israel's Master Plan - YouTube