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You know, for some reason he has a LOT of women commenting on his videos. It's kind of strange, you'd think that normally videos like this would be mostly men. But the ladies really like him for some reason, I wonder what it is? |
So...how do we solve this? Once they're here and they have citizenship, how do we get them out again? Can we pay them to leave? Can we outbreed them? Is there some sort of long term strategy to stop the bleeding? |
The Greeks pretty much settled this debate 4000 years ago |
This is only the beginning |
To be honest, if they're a SJW give up, because they're mentally deranged. People like this have a disease. They are totally beyond reason. Maybe they were brought up as a kid in with left wing politics whispered in their ear from the time of their infancy. Maybe they're a child of divorce and single motherhood. Maybe they were sexually abused or suffering from some great childhood trauma. They don't think like you or me. They aren't rational human beings. I've gotten in arguments with an SJWs who were trying to tell me that gender was assigned at birth, and that parents should have the right to give a kid hormones to prevent their puberty if they thought he/she was assigned the wrong gender. Total madness. These are raving lunatics. There is no hope for these people. They'll pass these beliefs on to their kids and grandkids, like a disease encroaching on the civilized world. |
Things are bad...really bad. And what do I see? So much talk, so little action. What does Trump say about that sort of thing? I say we act. I say we organize and start actually building a movement. Aggressively spreading our message and stopping White Genocide. How can this be done? Exposing the HoloHoax This is the lynchpin that is holding the entire status quo together. THIS is why whites see themselves as evil. THIS is why tolerance is trumpeted from the rooftops. THIS is why Nationalism is a dirty word. THIS is why people refuse to think about genetic explanations for IQ or crime rates. THIS is why Jews are given a free pass as oppressed victims. Without this important lynchpin, the whole thing falls apart. And as it turns out, this lynchpin is extremely vulnerable, because the facts don't support the story. The indoctrination is strong, but once the facts are exposed, no thinking person could defend the Holocaust narrative. It's like giant ripe, juicy fruit just waiting to be plucked. This is why exposing the Holohoax must be our primary objective. Spread the word far and wide. All over the internet, all over suburbia, all over the world! Aggressively and systematically red-pilling as many people as we can! Strategies to do this: Disconnecting Holocaust Revisionism from anti-Jewish sentiment: Like it or not, most people will not support anything they see as hateful or prejudicial against any specific group. Even if the hate is warranted, if they hear you condemning Jews or Israel, they will instantly block you out and never listen to anything you have to say. You MUST come across as reasonable. Later they will find their way down the yellow brick road, your only goal is only to remove the load shrieking propaganda that's constantly berating them from all sides. Youtube, Youtube, and more Youtube: This is a tremendous platform that connects directly into the inner brain of the youth. How did Alex Jones get so popular? Youtube. How about the Young Turks? Youtube. Handing out leaflets, writing a novel, making a website, these might get a hundred or so converts. But putting it in video form and posting it on Youtube, you can reach tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people overnight! Especially if you make your video entertaining, or nonsensical or trendy. Refining the Message: The best Holocaust Revisionism videos we got are from Denierbud, and they are like full length motion pictures. The message must be refined into a few key convincing points. It must be able to fit into a 5 minute video, or a 1 page pamphlet, it must be well produced, convincing, and entertaining. A data dump just doesn't cut it in the modern world. Targeting the youth: The truth is, once you get past a certain age you don't change your opinions much, but for a major significant life changing event, a liberal will be a liberal and a conservative will be a conservative. The minds that are fertile for the truth are the youth, who will also inherit the country. Make it trendy, make it cool, make it an act of rebellion to doubt the Holocaust. Plant the seeds of truth that will sprout and grow in the years to come. This is how you get a resurgence. This is how you win ultimate victory in the long run. Challenging the Media: Being provocative, being outrageous, being offensive, this is how you get on television. They will not be sympathetic, but they will give you airtime. Trump has shown us how to defeat them. Don't back down, don't cower before them. Let them denounce you and hit them back twice as hard. Use the platform they give you to drop subtle red pills. Before you know it, you'll find armies of people rallying to your defense. It doesn't have to get worse year after year. It doesn't have to be doom and gloom. Instead it can be a resurgence, building and growing and conquering day by day getting stronger! There is a path to victory, Trump is just the beginning. But it takes strength, and force of will. It takes a willingness to fight and struggle and strive! Let's do this together. Fight and WIN!!! |
I don't think the holocaust is a lynch pin at all. Maybe for Germans but not for Americans. We (as Americans) have a lot more on our collective plates than Germany. :D How many times is the Holocaust used in political arguments? It's the ultimate defense. It's taught in all the schools to kids. They are forever banned from thinking about race because the Nazis did. They are forever banned from thinking about Nationalism because the Nazis did. They are forever banned from thinking bad about the Jews because they Nazis did. I think you're wrong. This is the lynchpin |
I don't think that many will self-deport. Unfortunately, I think that a lot of them will fight back. I mean, in California they can already purchase firearms legally. Good, I hope they do fight back, they can't possibly win. Then they'll be seen as an enemy, and their whole cause will receive more negative press than you could dream of. Shot heard 'round the world! |
There is one saving grace with Islamic immigration: they will not interbreed with the natives. No race mixing producing inferior hybrids, like what's going on in the US with Mexicans |
Black people don't want police in their neighborhoods. Just ask them, they'll tell you! I think they should be allowed to vote to liberate themselves from police forever. Then just surround the town, block all the exits, wait for the carnage to play itself out. The survivors can be shipped to Canada or Europe or whatever idiotic PC madhouse is dumb enough to take them. |
Perhaps finding out he was HIV positive is the reason Charlie Sheen went nuts a few years back? |
Hello I'm new. Just checking this place out. Nice to be here |
Feminists and SJW's are trying as hard as they can. |
But isn't this really logical? I mean...why do you target a school? Because everyone is disarmed! So what is the logical reason for disarming the students? Because it prevents mass shootings!! Right? Except if you're going to be a mass shooter, very likely you won't care about the gun free zone rule. So the practical effect of such a rule is to disarm all the good students and leave people on the campus defenseless. Basically turning the entire campus into a shooting gallery. |
http://www.themarysue.com/good-call-mattel/ They can't seem to keep their grubby little hands off the kids. Gotta get 'em young. http://i.imgur.com/AyUt3oR.png One of these things is not like the other.... |
And German gun control is among the strictest in the world. Good luck defending yourself against the invading migrant hordes. Your government isn't there to help you, they've sold you out. If you're killed by a migrant, they won't even say who did it. |
How is it that atheist liberals will vehemently defend evolution, and defend that humans descended from apes. But in the very next breath, deny speciation of the human race? They deny race as a figment of the imagination, and deny racial differences in brainpower, athleticism, or aggression (it's all environmental influences....right). Despite their own theories screaming this at them. Despite all the evidence. Despite logic and reason telling them that not only is it true, but it MUST be true. They still irrationally reject it! Same with gender arguments. Anyone who knows anything about nature can tell you how many genders their are. Anyone who watches birds, or lions or monkeys can tell you that the two genders have different roles to play in the family. And yet STILL gender is a social construct. WHAT??? These people are insane. There is something wrong with their brains. They aren't thinking logically like a normal human being. It's like they all have this unifying underlying narrative which cannot be questioned. Really it's just a tool to manipulate them for some other purpose. The are being used, and they can't even see it. No thinking allowed outside the box! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLQs4WCUsAAwSO1.jpg |
Apparently there are tons of WNs over there. (Especially here: /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 4chan ) But I went over there today, and there was one thread where people were aggressively defending pedophilia. I know people over there a sexually repressed, but I think they take it way over the line. I really hope that isn't representative of the thinking going on. What do you think, is 4chan good or bad? And have you ever posted over there? http://i.imgur.com/DLS1HvF.png https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/...56168402681856 |
How much better off would we be without these people in our country? It would be like hot air balloon that suddenly dropped all it's ballast |
Why are the German people tolerating this insanity? That goes for the rest of Europe too. :bangshead: Because 6 million!!! |
I'd like to see the before and after Trump |
If you assume that white society under the Jewish influence is real white society, then what you say could be true. However, European history pre-Jewish hijacking and its unbelievable amount of high quality music, architecture, literature, art and philosophy shows that what you say is not true. Unless I'm mistaken Asians have outnumbered whites for most of history, yet they haven't produced a fraction of the volume of the above that whites have. The average Asian is a drone. The day an Asian produces something like this (not just playing it like a copycat drone) I will begin to reconsider my opinion. What you consider high quality is pretty subjective. Just because something is ancient doesn't automatically make it high quality. It's probably this same kind of mentality that people have for antique items. And I'll bet that even without any Jewish influence, Whites will not be producing any modern Franz Liszt, Beethoven or Mozart anytime soon. Not because the music aren't good enough, but because the novelty factor is no longer there. Whites are also the one who invented the piano, so it'd only make sense that they're the one to create any historically significant piece with the piano. I also happen to think that the music you posted does not sound any good and doesn't match up to some others like Mariage d'amour - Paul De Senneville or Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven, etc, so it can be very subjective. Ancient Chinese have their own architecture, literature, art and philosophy so I'm not sure you can even compare. White achievements are just more highlighted because they're currently the leading race. Also, historically exceptional Whites were a minority of the population, not the average so my statement about the average White not being any good still holds, lol. Asians have actually produced many good music on their own albeit with western instrument, they just tend to get overlooked because of the lack of the novelty factor. Some Final Fantasy soundtracks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVkcmx2l3WA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v6BtJaBQmo (this is also copied by Afrojack - Rock The House) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7wJ8pE2qKU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-0G_FI61a8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJzfOA9uV6E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIqKWLkm2-g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUrC5R30Ofk Anime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEWF2xh5E8s (2nd part at 2:54) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq9dhnApETI Others: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7maJOI3QMu0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imGaOIm5HOk Take note that our taste may differ so I can't guarantee that you'll like these, but you're always free to keep your own opinion. You should however realize that whether a musician becomes a historically significant figure also depends on the novelty factor, and thus which era he's born in. |
Red Deer AB. Though originally from the East Coast. Its quiet here.. |
Red Deer AB (though originally from the East Coast) |
If you've completed the registration form to become a member of this board using a valid email address, but you haven't received the automated activation email necessary to complete your registration, you can request manual activation here. First, however, make sure you've checked any spam folders associated with your email account, since the board's automated emails are sometimes misidentified as spam by overly aggressive filtering. I am very happy to see a web site such as this , I just moved from Arkansas to California and cannot believe it . I feel like I have crossed the border into Mexico . What is so disgusting about the whole situation,is that most white people, take up for these other races in the name of culture diversity and don't realize that our race is becoming extinct . My mother and her side of the family are people that do not understand my points of view . I am so glad that this site is here . It is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Just back from the polling station, my wife and I voted BNP for Highland and Islands region, Scottish Parliament. Last time we voted Green.No real chance of a win up here, but may get one in the central belt. BTW, don't spoil the constituency vote by writing BNP, as the regional list vote will also count as spoiled. Hopefully we will be hearing good news from south of the border tonight. |
Another two BNP votes for the scottish parliament. |
Re siskins. Most siskins will have returned to their north Europe forests to breed. A declining number breed in north Britain's conifer forests. Another finch that is declining is the twite, also known as the mountain linnet, however it would appear that as the twite numbers fall, the numbers of linnets in upland and north Britain is slighly increasing. I have not read of any reasons for this, but I would imagine climate change has altered there food sources. |
Kingfishers are doing well because of cleaner waterways and mild winters. The winter of 1963 nearly wiped them out. Many wetland birds are increasing, Common crane, little egret, and spoonbill are no longer considered rarities, and are spreading north. It is not all bad news, as the temperature increases we will gain some species as well as lose some. In the northern North Sea, a slight rise in surface temperature has killed off some species of photoplankton leading to changes to the food chain. The sandeel has all but disappeared, this led to breeding failures of several species of seabird in recent years. However, last year, there appeared to be masses of pipe fish around. These are not as nourishing as the sandeel, but there was an improvement in breeding success in many areas. Nature will always adapt, so long as we don't totally mess things up. We can all play our part. Think global, act local.:) :) :) |
'Halcyon days for kingfishers' very good.:rofl:rofl :rofl |
Re corvids, many years ago I watched six or seven rooks mob, force down and kill an adult carrion crow in a field next to their rookery, BTW they didn't eat it afterwards. This was my first experience of black on black violence. |
This all kicked off after a pregnant white women was violently attacked by a jamaican at the Locarno ballroom on St Annes Well Road. The police arrested many Whites who were just walking their own streets, they used the riots to settle old scores with the locals. A friend of mine was beaten by the police and then charged with assault, he got six months in Lincoln prison. This was not an isolated case, I cannot recall any blacks being jailed, but I may be wrong. BTW, in the Seventies the first mosque in Nottingham was built near the Locarno sight. There are well founded rumours that a Hyson Green butcher supplied pigs heads, trotters, and guts to the white contruction workers to put in the foundations of the mosque. :rofl:rofl:rofl |
Mikeinengland I am beginning to have my doubts as to where your loyalties really lie. Your comments here seem designed to create as much trouble as possible to the cause. Your recent contribution to the comments page of the Nottingham Evening Post re. Sadie Graham's first council meeting left a wide open goal. I suggest that we all keep a close watch on this newcomer in future. |
Sadie Graham wins in Boxtowe. Source- Nottingham Evening Post |
I read a biography of Stalin a few years ago, I can't remember the author, it was a very depressing book, the depths to which that regime sunk were horrifying. One interesting fact to come to light was that Putin's father was, for a time, Stalin's chef, and unlike most people around the monster, he survived. No doubt the son has inherited his father's survival skills. |
I too visited the first of their sites. They refer to the islands of north and west Scotland as historically Gaelic speaking areas. Obviously they have scant knowledge of Scottish history, Orcadians and Shetlanders were, and still are predominately Norse. The Gaelic language and Celtic culture had zero influence on the Northern Isles. Does Up-Helly-Aa ring a bell. |
Regarding the lack of candidates in Nottingham. Nottingham city has only three constituencies, East, North and South. East is probably too ethnic now, North used to be 99% white and was the stronghold of Nottingham NF in the seventies, but is now changing fast. South is being overrun with students. The constituencies bordering the city of Nottingham consist of Rushcliffe, many white flighters. (Home of Forest and Trent Bridge). Gedling is also potentially a good area for BNP. Ashfield and Mansield constuencies are now run down ex mining areas, but with white flighters. I see marginal Broxtowe is the one being fought, good luck to all East Mid candidates. |
Broxtowe BNP win for Sadie Graham:clink by a mile. |
So BNP didn't do as well as last year, but it is not the devastating defeat that many NG haters were hoping for, or are now claiming it is. Considering all that the BNP had to put up with, media black-out, third party leaflets, electoral fraud, intimidation from ethnics, reds, and the cops, plus all the dirty tricks that the three parties could throw at them, to come out of this election with a net gain is commendable. Lessons will have been learned, roll on London next May. |
No choice for a teresionnist Sanctuary city. |
Please do a review of the movie silence 2016 about Christian missionaries penitration into Futel Japan Any one what to see what it is.to be Christian in even the darkest of times. Please watch Silence. 2016 |
Greetings, I have come to join this disjointed crew of like minded WASPs. I am a recent former member of a Combat military fraternity. After 24 years, no longer being able to preform in the 100 percentile with the best and brightest of my organization. I have left with a life time of knowledge, and bennefits. Service connected. I have come here for my own goals, I being of true verified and documented Nordic, saxon, anglese, celtic, picts, franks, merovingian gentetics. A great grandson of Ragnar Lothbrok, Charles the Hammer, and William Longsword King of the Scots. After what apears to be a lifetime away executing my countries wishes, upon coming home. I have found my country to be sold out lock stock and barrel. My first goal is to meet fellow WASPs. Make introduction, and then meet and select a wife, all my offspring are guaranteed a full Pention to age 19 and education benefits for life up to a PHD. I myself am also 100% comp and pen. Entitled to each and every benefit available. So I am looking forward to meeting many of you, and am looking forward to introductions to weighted and measured, tried and true eligible WASP females Sincerely Omn1$1 |
My Father and step mother turned me on to the movement! Most of the remaining family members are either in denial or are race traitors. You know how they have reacted to what little info I exchange with them. My mother and stepfather are Zionist. Eventually I will try to save mom but the rest are of no use to us. |
Dr. Ford, Thank you for putting together such an extensive knowledge base and also for your informative narrative. You have answered questions that I didn't even know I had and demonstrated flaws in my understanding of the movement. This should be required reading! I look forward to hours spent exploring the links you have provided! |
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership I read the whole thing. I have no issue with the message other than it's a jew organization ad in my gun box. That's enough for me. No more orders from glockstore.com. Thought folks should know. |
We used something like this in the Cradle of Civilization to try to run down those firing rockets and mortars. Really not good for anything but lining the pockets of defense contractors. |
I have recently committed to WN. My wife is a loving woman to a fault. She doesn't love blacks and mexicans but she is completely programmed to accept multiculturalism. I am hoping some folks can suggest subtle ways to help bring her around. My hard line approach seems to be falling short. We have a teenage daughter and as most parents know, we need to present a united front to equip our girl for the challenges she is and will continue to face. We are in a dire situation! We are the only all white family left in my tree and in hers! |
I am bumping this up because I need some advice. My daughter is brainwashed at her %75 spic school. My wife says she gives everyone the benefit of doubt. They dont live in the real world as I do everyday! My daughters bus broke down today. I was concerned for her safety as she sat there on the side of the road in a bus full of illegal trash with no morals and no respect for her. Yet i am the racist when I voice my concerns! |
Thanks all! I appreciate folks taking time to provide so many useful suggestions. @supernova....you seem to be the perfect example of what I am trying to avoid. My extended family is full of people with opinions such as yours. Their liberal ideas have driven our blood to near extinction! While they wallow in the horrors of their decisions they call me a racist. While they beg for money and advice, they say I'm intolerant! Back on topic Again thanks for the valuable input. I have noticed recently (during the time it took the original post to make it through moderation) that my wife is ever so slowly changing the dialog between us regarding my position. She even used a racial slur the other day as we drove thru the less fortunate neighborhood nearby(i see them casing my neighborhood so I also like to make my awareness known).When I pointed this out to her she just said Oh you rub off on me. I take this as a good sign. I'm a leader and in 20 years she has always trusted me and followed. In turn, I have never let her down. I always back away from heated debates on this issue because I worry she is just debating me rather than the issue. She is not equipped to debate the issue of White Nationalism. The concept is foreign to her. As many have suggested I do provide facts and obvious truths to her which are undeniable. She has also agreed to move with me to the great white north(Once our daughter has graduated high school)! So in short, I feel pretty good about where were going but we still have a long road to travel. My daughter on the other hand thinks Im a complete idiotic bigot.... She hates the muddy kids at her school for better reasons than I. She does not see them as competition intellectually or morally. No mexican nor any groid will ever win her devotion. She is simply heads and tails above them and she knows it! This does not worry me. Now here is where I ****ed up! I was stationed in europe for 10 years. During that time she became Best Friends with a muslim american girl. They are in contact everyday. This troubles me. I have witnessed their values in their own environment. I am concerned with what is being witnessed by my girl.What values are being impressed upon her. And we all know what muslims think of multiculturalism in america. This situation coupled with the school systems curriculum is seriously undermining my ability to raise my own child and impart my values on her. Just as an aside I would like to also point out that the two white boys from next door have recently converted to islam. No trouble so far but why do we need a mosque across the street form the school? Before someone suggests religion, I was raised a methodist. I will not attend another zionist programing center. This takes us full circle. That church is responsible for the near destruction of my Danish blood with all their tolerance BS. I'll end this now but again thanks! What a relief to find like minded folk! |
Here in Austin, DQ is starting at $10 to $12 an hour. And they are providing a mostly white all english speaking staff! Meanwhile most other companies continue to take advantage of cheap and illegal labor. As a matter of fact a lot of skilled labor are making less than $12 as a result. |
I fear for the Americans. I think American Whites will end up like Haiti and we in Europe will be back to N. America in 400-500 years to recolonize. History does repeats itself. You don't give us enough credit:clink |
Having read no replies. Firstly let me say I'm agnostic but, I firmly believe in the traditional family/american values that most christian churches instill in their respective congregations. I believe these values are a pillar of our civilization. Now i'll go back and see just how wrong some think this is. |
I cant seem to get jewtube to play any white music. The videos are listed and I listen frequently but now they won't play at all. Anyone else have this problem? Any other sites that play white music? Maybe it's just my mac. Master Race - Pulling on the boots - With lyrics HQ - YouTube Does this Master Race work for you? |
:clink[quote=Gladiatrix;10817274] I cant seem to get jewtube to play any white music. The videos are listed and I listen frequently but now they won't play at all. Anyone else have this problem? Any other sites that play white music? Maybe it's just my mac. QUOTE] :clink |
Texas is all but lost! From the valley on up it might as well be mexico. If Austin has fewer mexicans than other cities in texas i'll bite my lip. I live here, it absolutely stinks of mexico and the whites do not care. My daughter attends a brand new high school(2 years) and the parking lot is already full of portable buildings due to the influx of mexicans. I love the outdoors. It's not really possible to enjoy the vast stretches of land here. It's all private, sitting vacant waiting to be sold for more housing developments and strip malls. I hear this was once a nice town with a quirky culture. Not so today. Katrina sent floods of blacks and they are vile! I really have never seen the attraction to texas but I was raised in the wilderness of the pacific northwest. Texas can never compare to that. Sorry Texans, you have a great history but, it's history. |
My wife works with a woman(teachers) who just adopted a white infant. This woman and her white husband are the targets of much grief from their liberal peers. Whats worse is their pure cowardice and desperation in their explanation. They blame their families unwillingness to accept an african or chicom baby.:rofl |
Black mobs take over Washington Metro I take some solace in the comments. A lot of folks are waking up! |
More from the articles author. Talia Lavin ?12, President Emeritus of the Stand Up Comics Society | Sex Week at Harvard |
Texas Democratic Party leader, blogger calls for shooting NRA members - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com |
All right, I'll bite, I will not participate or contribute to any group or community that seeks to deny my personal freedom or liberty. Stifling individual liberties invites divisiveness. You simply can't expect a different result just because it's all whites. Why would one seek refuge from one oppressive environment in another? You can't legislate morality! Im as eager to follow the Holy Roller as the Marxist(sarcasm). :clink |
Heres a decent comparison of the two. To say they are similar is misleading. The Firearm Blog » [Guest Post] .22 LR vs. .223 Rem. |
I have two days left in Texas and thats two days too long.... |
I wonder how many of those parents are wishing just one teacher was armed? |
Really? those are cops in london? well theres your problem.:clink |
Really? Thats an English woman? Well theres your problem!:clink |
I lived in Brussels for 8 years and recently moved to texas. It's been my experience that the majority of belgians are neutral to their problem. Conditioned much like americans to the PC mindset. However the Flemish are admirable in their resistance. After arriving in texas. It seems we are years ahead of the belgians in terms of losing sovereignty to our multiculturalism! Muslims seem a bit militant when compared to our own silent invasion. |
If you want to solve gun violence in the black community then outlaw firearms for all Negroes. White people should lose the 2nd amendment right because of the stupidity of Negroes. This would require that they act legally. |
40 more!:clink |
One would have to contend with the coal industry. |
There is a mexican girl on my can. Apparently she's good at football or something? Didn't take the time to self indoctrinate. Time to make some tea. May look into that new soda maker. |
I know it's not a state petition but I think it's a good one. Do I expect action on any of these petitions? No but, as has been stated before, it's a big billboard. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/pet...agedy/VBpRRMPR |
I....will...NEVER beg that sub human to respect my gun rights!!! Why do you?:confused::mad: I'm pretty sure I stated that I expect no action BUT it's a big billboard. I sure as hell am not begging. Having said that, I know exactly what your feeling. I'm pissed as well! Left with little peaceful recourse I am easy to anger. |
The entire state of Texas should ban Mexican flags as they are as prevelent as the US flag or the Texas flag. Mark my words. This is a blue state in the making. |
A recent austin american statesman article tried to conceal that fact while reporting on a gonorrhea epidemic in round rock texas school district. |
The immigrants should be routinely tested for HIV prior to leaving their country and not allowed to emigrate if they are HIV positive. Great idea! I think this is included in our immigration laws but, we don't enforce those things. |
Ahhhh, Austin, Texas. Par for the course. I'm sure his business will improve. This place is absolutely disgusting. |
For everything that has been thrown at the M1 the US has not lost one single M1 Abrams tank in combat to date. There's a reason it's the worlds best main battle tank. I was a crewman on the M1 when I served, I tell ya this was a BAD idea. War in Iraq -- Iraqis ambush armored column; two Abrams tanks destroyed 2 while i was there. |
A girl in Indiana get freed from death row after committing murder, and a 5 year old boy gets suspended for bring a toy gun to school. The girl is black, and the boy is white. Nothing wrong here. Move along. Girl huh? Not in my opinion. Murdering shaboon maybe? |
kunis has the body of an 11 year old boy! |
the newest blue flag is a beauty. i would like to own a large version. |
It is important to question and justify yourself because you walk away with a deeper understanding and stronger beliefs |
this seems to be the way of thinking in america unfortunately. at the very least i'd hope everyone could admit to being aware the differences of people of different ethnicity. most people cant even do that |
Hitler took peoples guns away no? the guy took the wrong route to solve what he thought was the problem. embarrassing |
Same here, just moved to Barrie and again nothing available except white girls with mixed race babies ... tainted. |
Had Europeans somehow inherited Islam, we would have naturally reformed it over time. Even Hitler apparently said once that the Germans should have had a fanatical religion like Islam. It seems to me that Islam is--for the most part--a de facto brown power religion in it's application. The mongrelization in those lands, as well as 14 centuries of cousin-cousin marriage only adds to the fanaticism... imbuing a uniquely insane and irrational element to it. Even a country like Iran, who enjoyed a Western style government and culture for a long time, eventually was swallowed up by it without much help from the duskier nations surrounding it. Although I am a White Pagan, I tend to think that constantly beating around the bush in regards to racial reality has been harmful to us. I don't think a religion or a political belief is going to be our savior. Our only chance is to put everything other than race in a category of lesser importance. . I dont think people are thinking iran when they say white muslim. They are thinking of bosnians, albanians, chechens (white but savage backward people imo), maybe like 1/2 of tatars and 1/2 of turkey can pass as white physically. Can they be anti white? Yes as much as christians wanting african immigration into europe. Can they be pro-white? Yes as much as christians who identify with their race more than religion. Most of these countries (other than chechens maybe) are not religious enough for most of them to want non-white muslim into europe. Dose it matter what people think or say on this website about them? Not really facts are north america and west europe are turning into the congo. So you can hate them all you want for having different version of iron-age fairy tale beliefs than the version most europeans have. But facts are their grand kids are more likely to be white than the grand kids of westerners. They are on a level of purity as east europe because they are too poor to attract immigration (so far at least, anything can change in the future). Thats the reality of the situation. Anything else is intellectually jerking yourself off and sort of just wanting to believe what feels good and not caring too deeply about real world facts. |
He isn't in prison. It was a libel trial where HE brought a case against an American academic who wrote a book about holocaust deniers. The libel action was brought in the English jusrisdiction where truth is not necessarily a defence against libel and libel cases usually succeed, so Irving's loss is a major indictment of his abilities. |
Will anybody explain the logical connection between the JEWS controlling the MM, and that the MM protect poor chechen people? U mean the JEWS & CHECHENIANS somehow allied against us? not likely :) |
How come if a black, brown, yellow or jewish person is in a nationalist group or is proud of there race, everyone thinks they are such a great person doing something for there race, but if a white person is doing the same thing people say they are racist. No way! Be proud of your heritage, your culture and of who you are!! There is however a difference between being proud and being someone who wants to dominate the world and destroy anyone who is different. Not that I'm implying you're saying that, but there are those that do. is it because aryans created virtually everything in modern society and other races have done almost nothing to contribute to sociaty therefore have nothing to be proud of? Ummm... You can't be serious? Did the Arabic number system - 10-base; the foundation of modern mathematics - occur to you? How about all the Jewish scientists, authors, artists? Ever hear of Einstein? There's also a little known island out in the Pacific called Japan.... Someone's gotta teach them innovation.... :cool: 3508 |
Hello. 18 year old girl from UK! Here to learn and surround myself with a bit more sanity, rational thinking and open mindedness; which isn't so highly witnessed in the media. :) I'd love for someone to message and introduce me to a few concepts and ideas concerning Stormfront, if someone was so kindly inclined. Deb |
Hello there to all :). My name is Britt, and I am 18 years old. I've never really been into whire power, but this web site appealed to me. I hope to learn new things here. |
Hello there! I am new to this board, this is my first post. I am a white, female. I have never been involved in anything like white supremacy, but it seems very facinating. People like Hitler have always facinated me. I would like to be educated on the issues of why it is good for white people to be Nazis and the like. I really hope that I am not using the wrong wordings! I do not want to offend anyone, I just want to learn. I am eager to gain new knowledge. Any information you could supply me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! |
Could everyone stop referring to those from sth and central America as Spanish.... Perhaps a few hundred years ago they had Spanish ancestors but that does not make then Spanish. |
I have Australian, American and Spanish citizenship. (I was told this was not possible, yet I have the passports...) I doubt that these countries will start a war between each other so I don't feel my loyality would be torn. |
I salute the Aussie youths, but we have to help them. The US reports Ive seen have all made it out to look as if the Whites were drunken maniacs with no legitimate gripe. As an Aussie who lives close to Cronulla. The vast majority were drunken maniacs. |
Ive heard from people that where there, hence having more credibility than you that only a small amount of people were drunk. Most people there were locals wanting to reclaim there beaches from the Lebanese gangs that having been making them unsafe. In future try the opposing views section. Seig Heil Hmmmm I guess the truth isn't liked that much. |
Apparently my surname has French, English and Welsh origin. |
Hello... Im an Wn who have lived in sweden all my life but have visited holland a couple of times.... my mother is dutch and my father is swedish.. I cant so much dutch but i really want some Dutch WN friends... (im sort of a newbie to this site) Hail victory |
i have the same problem.... But they know that i have some fascist ideas.... 88/14 |
Hello :confused: Does anyone know a good nederlands White power band???? Or something in that style. Because i have never heard a Dutch White power band. i hope that you come whit many suggestions. Hail victory! |
Hello Orange Fanatic, Try this link: For a free CD-single of Brigade M Homepage: Ok thanks everybody for the Suggestions. Aryan greetings from sweden |