#Person1#: I need to purchase some business cards. #Person2#: No problem. How many are you thinking about? #Person1#: I think 2, 000 would be fine. #Person2#: If you'll just fill out this form, please. #Person1#: I want the new cards to be exactly like this card. #Person2#: We can do that very easily. #Person1#: . . . Okay, I'm done. Here's the form and my old card. #Person2#: Great. Your order will take only one week. #Person1#: You know, I think it would be better if I could pick it up in three days. #Person2#: We can do that. It'll just cost you extra.
#Person1# needs 2,000 business cards to be exactly like an old card. #Person2# can do that in three days with extra pay.
business card
#Person1#: The air quality in this city is horrendous. The pollution levels are so high that we are not supposed to go outside with a face mask again! #Person2#: Exhaust fumes from vehicles cause a great deal of damage to the environment. #Person1#: On top of that, there are a few large chemical factories in the suburbs, which are contributing to the high pollution levels in the water and the air in this city. #Person2#: As much as I love this city,I think I'm going to find a greener city to live in. Living in a polluted city like this just can't be good for my health. #Person1#: I know what you mean. However, there are so few places left that have not been affected by global warming. If it's not the pollution, then it's the natural disasters, deforestation, or the greenhouse effect. #Person2#: What is the greenhouse effect exactly? #Person1#: It's the gradual rise in the earth's temperature. #Person2#: I see, so it's similar to global warming? #Person1#: They're related to one another, yes. #Person2#: I heard that some people in England are pleased with the fact that the climate is becoming warmer because it's making their towns a more pleasant place to live. #Person1#: People joke about the benefits of the increase in temperature,but it's not all good news. They've been experiencing a lot of deadly storms there as well. #Person2#: People always seem to make jokes as a way to deal with unfortunate situations. #Person1#: I think if everyone pitches in, the world will be a better place.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the horrendous air quality in the city. #Person1# explains the greenhouse effect to #Person2#, which is related to global warming. #Person2# heard some people are pleased with it but #Person1# tells #Person2# it's only a joke to deal with unfortunate situations.
greenhouse effect
#Person1#: Trina, will you marry me? #Person2#: Yes! Yes! And yes! Jared , of course I'll marry you! #Person1#: Oh,Babe, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you! I can't wait for all the adventures we're going to have, for all the fights and the laughter. I can't wait to grow old and wrinkly with you. #Person2#: Oh, Jared! I can't wait for our wedding! I hope you don't mind, but I've already chosen a date! Six months from now in the summer! Melissa saw you buying the ring last month so I've had plenty of time to start planning! #Person1#: She what? #Person2#: Oh don't worry, sweetie, I didn't know when you were going to propose. It was still a nice surprise! As I was saying, I've got it all planned out. There's almost nothing left to do! I wrote up our guest list and we will have roughly four hundred guests attending. #Person1#: Four hundred? #Person2#: No need to sweat it. My parents agreed to pay for most of the wedding, which is going to be low-budget anyway. So roughly four hundred people, which means that the hall at Northwood Heights will be our reception venue. I thought it would be nice if we had the wedding at your parents'church and my uncle of course would be officiating. We'll meet with him soon for some pre-wedding counseling. The music for the wedding ceremony was a no-brainer. My step-sister and her string quartet will take care of that. My cousin will be the official photographer. I thought it would also be nice if his daughter could sing a solo. Did you know that she's going to be a professional opera singer? #Person1#: Ah. . . #Person2#: And then of course the ladies at the church would love to be our caterers for the banquet and we'll get the Youth Group to serve us. I was thinking that your friend's band could be our entertainment for the night. though they might have to tone it down a bit. Or we could hire a DJ. Your sister's husband could get us a discount with that company that does the decor at weddings. what's their name again? I was thinking that we could have an island paradise-themed wedding and our theme color would be a soothing blue like Aquamarine. And there will be a huge seashell on the wall behind the podium where we'll make our toasts! What do you think of small packages of drink mixes for our wedding favors? Who else am I missing? Oh, your uncle could be our florist and his wife could make our wedding cake! #Person1#: Wow. #Person2#: See? It's going to be wonderful! Oh this wedding is going to be everything I ever dreamed of. #Person1#: If I survive the next six months.
Jared proposes to Trina. Trina has already chosen a date for their wedding because Melissa saw him buying the ring last month. She wants to have four hundred guests attending and her parents agreed to pay for the wedding. Trina thinks it would be nice if they had the wedding at Jared parents' church and they will meet with her uncle for some pre-wedding counseling. Trina also describes the arrangement of their wedding ceremony in detail. Jared hopes he will survive the next six months.
#Person1#: I think the goverment needs a radical plan to improve things. The government just talks, but in the long run, nothing is done to improve the economy. #Person2#: That's right. They always talk about a need for new, progressive tactics, but they haven't done anything to stimulate new jobs. #Person1#: Well, income taxes were decreased last year in hope to give the economy a boost, but I think it's backfired. The immediate effect of the tax reduction was to cause inflation to rise. #Person2#: The worst part is that the inflation hurts the poor more than the rich. It also leads to more unemployment in the long run. I don't know what a good solution would be to make the economy more vibrant again... #Person1#: I have a good solution... We need some new blood! We should get rid of this president and boat in some new leaders!
#Person1# and #Person2# agree that the government needs a radical plan to improve things. #Person1# thinks they need some new leaders.
new leaders
#Person1#: Hello, Mr. White. This is Maria and Mr. Evans' office. #Person2#: Hello, Mary. Do you have any plan? #Person1#: Mr. Evans would like to set up an appointment with you. #Person2#: About what? #Person1#: He hopes to talk about buying some new computers with you. #Person2#: Sure, I'd be glad to. What time friend did he have in mind? #Person1#: He'd like to do it as soon as possible, sir. How about tomorrow at 3:00 PM? #Person2#: Hmm...Yeah, that'll be great. Tell him I'll see him then.
Maria helps Mr. Evans make an appointment with Mr. White tomorrow at 3:00 PM.
make an appointment
#Person1#: You really seem to enjoy your part-time job. #Person2#: Exactly, the environment is quiet and my job is easy. I just help the librarians collecting put back the books returned by the readers, and sometimes I help clean the reading room. #Person1#: It sounds really nice. #Person2#: Indeed, the librarians are kind to me, they know much more about books than I expected. While working with them, they often recommend some books to me, they have opened a new world for me. I have never read so much in my life before. Now, I am eager for the thoughts of some of the world's best writers all the time.
#Person2# enjoys #Person2#'s part-time job, helping the librarians sort the books. The librarians have opened a new world for #Person2#.
part-time job
#Person1#: Can you feel that the plane's taking off now? #Person2#: No, nothing at all. It's smooth and quiet. #Person1#: How do you like traveling by air? #Person2#: Oh, it's speedy and very comfortable. I must say, I prefer it to traveling by train. #Person1#: Do you ever suffer from airsickness? #Person2#: No. I've never had such a feeling. #Person1#: Do you think air travel is just as safe as traveling by rail? #Person2#: Probably not. #Person1#: What kind of sensation do you have when the plane drops into an air pocket? #Person2#: It's the same kind of sinking feeling you get when you go down fast on a lift.
#Person2# thinks traveling by air is speedy and comfortable but it's probably not as safe as traveling by rail.
travel by air
#Person1#: We are thinking about putting on a show this spring. #Person2#: And do you think you'll be able to make some money? #Person1#: Oh no, we just want to do it for the fun of it, you know, there are a lot of us who like to perform on a stage. #Person2#: What kind of show? #Person1#: A musical play. #Person2#: Have you decided who is going to do it? #Person1#: We have 3 people in mind, and of course we've been thinking about you. #Person2#: Me? Why me? #Person1#: You sing, don't you? Everyone says you have a wonderful voice. #Person2#: Well, I have sung a little. But I've never really appeared on a stage. #Person1#: I thought you sang in church every Sunday. #Person2#: That's different, there are so many others singing too. #Person1#: Then here's your chance to find out how good you are, and not just to sing, but to act and dance, too. #Person2#: Oh, it might be exciting.
#Person1# is thinking about putting on a musical play this spring for fun and asks #Person2# to join them. #Person2# thinks it might be exciting.
musical play
#Person1#: Welcome to our program. Today we have invited Fred Watson, an expert on the environment to talk to us. #Person2#: Hello, everybody. #Person1#: There are so many environmental problems in the world today. Mr. Watson, do you think we can really solve them all? #Person2#: I hope that world leaders can get together and agree on a plan for action. #Person1#: We need to solve the problem of air pollution. There's lots of clean modern technology that's out there. #Person2#: But many companies say it's too expensive. And developing countries pay more attention to industrial development than to environment protection. #Person1#: Everyone is looking at the problem in the short-term rather than the long-term. #Person2#: It's the same with the damage of the rainforests. Most companies just want the wood. #Person1#: They're not thinking about the long-term damage to the forests. #Person2#: No. In other parts of the world, especially in Africa, climate change and over-farming are causing farmland to turn into desert. #Person1#: And damaging the environment actually leads to conflicts between people around the world. #Person2#: You're right.
#Person1# has invited Fred, an expert on the environment, to their program. Fred hopes the world leaders can get together to solve the environmental problems. They point out that people are looking at the problem in the short term.
environmental problem
#Person1#: Matt, do you have a pet? #Person2#: Yes. In fact in my mom's house, we have 3 pets, 2 dogs and a cat. My family actually raises dogs for helping blind People. #Person1#: Oh, wow. That's cool! Um, Why do people keep pets? #Person2#: I guess the most important thing is companionship, right? So there is always somebody there for you that will like you. #Person1#: Yeah, that's true. Ok, besides cats, dogs and fish. What are some other pets people keep? #Person2#: Well, I guess all types of things. My friend has a snake. I don't know if you mentioned that, snake and insects, spiders.
Matt has 3 pets in his mom's house. He thinks people keep pets for their companionship and guess people keep all types of things.
#Person1#: Today I'm talking to Marta Dancedand who runs her own mobile restaurant. Marta, how did you get into the restaurant business? #Person2#: Well, I learned to cook at college. I always wanted to open my own restaurant, but had no money so I got a job as a chef. I had all sorts of ideas for new dishes, which the staff thought would sell but the boss wasn't interested. That's when a friend told me about the mobile restaurant idea. It sounded great. #Person1#: Tell us about it. #Person2#: Well, it works like this. You decide on a menu. Obviously you have to be able to cook. Then you advertise it so people can book a meal. The most amazing thing is all the advertising is done through websites. People set up tables in their sitting room or in a city car park, an empty factory, anywhere in fact and because you know how many people you're cooking for, food doesn't get wasted. #Person1#: So why is it good for you? #Person2#: Well, various reasons, like I could buy all the things without risk because customers pay in advance. The greatest advantage, though, is by having 10 customers at most. I don't need to hire a waiter. #Person1#: Do you ever run into problems? #Person2#: The whole experience is fun. People watch you cook and the atmosphere is relaxed. I did one meal on a beach, which almost went wrong because I didn't think about the wind blowing sand into people's food. Fortunately, I brought a large umbrella to protect myself from the sun. So I put it around their table instead.
#Person1# interviews Marta, who runs her own mobile restaurant. Marta learned to cook at college and wanted to open a restaurant. She got the idea of the mobile restaurant from a friend. She tells #Person1# how her restaurant works. She has run into problems but the whole experience is fun.
mobile restaurant
#Person1#: Good afternoon. Welcome to China. May I see your passport, customs and health declaration form? #Person2#: Yes, here you are. #Person1#: Thank you. W hat's your occupation, Mr. Smith? #Person2#: I'm the general manager of the Far-East Industry Corporation. #Person1#: You are here on business, aren't you? #Person2#: Yes, I have been invited by the East Import #Person1#: I see. Do you have anything to declare? #Person2#: Yes, I have some foreign currency to declare. #Person1#: Would you please fill out this currency declaration form? It's a record of the foreign currency you have brought in. #Person2#: All right.
Mr. Smith's entering China. He tells #Person1# his occupation, the reason why he comes here and things to declare.
asking personal information
#Person1#: Um, hello again. Are you sure you don't want to make a purchase, sir? #Person2#: I have a question. #Person1#: Hush... OK. What is it? #Person2#: Why do people like all this fancy, expensive underwear? #Person1#: What kind of question is that? #Person2#: I'm just curious. I think women are beautiful without this stuff. #Person1#: Uh... yeah, right...
#Person2# is curious about why people like fancy, expensive underwear. #Person1# cannot answer.
#Person1#: Can you give me more details on what is included in the package? #Person2#: Sure. The coach leaves at 6:30 a. m . , in front of our office. The drive takes eight hours, with two stops to see some sights. #Person1#: What about the hotel accommodations? #Person2#: You'll be staying at Holiday Inn. It's a three-star hotel with two restaurants and a swimming pool. #Person1#: Great. What types of things will we do at Lushun Falls? #Person2#: The second day you take a four-hour city tour. In the afternoon you go on the famous boat cruise under the falls.
#Person2# introduces to #Person1# details included in the package, like the trip arrangement, hotel accommodation and the plan at Lushun Falls.
package content
#Person1#: Would you mind giving me a hand? #Person2#: Okay, Bob, What is it? #Person1#: Help me hang up this picture, please. Would you hold it straight while I put in the nail? #Person2#: All right. #Person1#: Now, hand me the hammer and those nails, please. #Person2#: Yes, here you are. #Person1#: There! How does it look? Tell me if I've got it straight. #Person2#: Well, it's straight, but it's upside down I'm afraid.
#Person2# helps Bob to hang up the picture, but it's upside down.
hang up picture
#Person1#: morning, Mr. Montgomery. I'Ve been sent over from purchasing to fill in for Clare Williams. #Person2#: Oh, really? Nice to meet you. I thought they were going to leave me here on my own! How long have you been with the company? #Person1#: Oh, about seven years. Time flies, you know! #Person2#: Does it ever! Well, let's get started. If you could begin typing this letter now, I'll see what else needs to be done.
#Person1# has been sent over to fill in for Clare Williams. Mr. Montgomery asks #Person1# to type a letter.
conversation between colleagues
#Person1#: Hello Michael. #Person2#: Hello Todd. #Person1#: We're going to talk about Australia. Or your going to talk about Australia. So first of all how any people live in Australia? #Person2#: Australia? Oh, there's about twenty million people in Australia right now. A little bit under, but close to twenty. #Person1#: OK. What are the biggest cities? #Person2#: The biggest city? The biggest city is Sydney, then it's followed by Melbourne and then Brisbane and then I think it's Perth. But most of the big cities are on the East Coast of Australia. And Perth is on the west coast, but sort of of out there by itself. #Person1#: OK. Um, if you had to live in one place where would you live? #Person2#: I like Brisbane. I had my teenage years in Brisbane, growing up in Brisbane, um or maybe Sidney because it is a big city, but Brisbane has got the gold coast and the sunshine. #Person1#: Oh, nice. Actually, what is the capital city of Australia? #Person2#: Ah, Canberra is the capital city. But is not the biggest city. Sydney is the biggest city. Canberra was made sort of by the politicians so Sydney wouldn't get to crowded. It's a separate territory.
Todd asks Michael to talk about Australia. Michael tells him the population, the biggest cities, the city he prefers to live in and the capital.
facts of Australia
#Person1#: I've been chosen to plan the next family reunion. #Person2#: Fun for you! Do you get to do anything you want? #Person1#: Yep. And I should start planning now. #Person2#: Does everyone usually show up for your family reunions? #Person1#: Just about. There are at least a few hundred in our immediate family alone. #Person2#: How Ay days will the reunion be? #Person1#: Usually it's at least five days and four nights. #Person2#: This is going to be a major production for you!
#Person1# has been chosen to plan the next family reunion. #Person2# asks #Person1# some questions about that.
planning family reunion
#Person1#: You must like negotiating a lot. People are saying, you are a super negotiator. #Person2#: Ha, I am flattered. Actually, when it comes to negotiate, you don't need to like it. You just need to understand how it works. #Person1#: I am not good at it by any means. Give me some advice. #Person2#: Well, generally speaking, if you want to change someone's mind or understand his position, you have to put yourself in his shoes. Understand his need and the cost for his need. And then you work together to find a solution. #Person1#: Sounds easy. But how can I apply to practice? I am thinking about applying for more reimbursement for my mobile bill. But I am afraid our boss will turn me down. #Person2#: Ok, as John after Kennedy put it, let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.
#Person2# is good at negotiating and tells #Person1# to understand how negotiation works and never negotiate out of fear.
advice on negotiation
#Person1#: Have you run into your cousin Jimmy lately? #Person2#: As a matter of fact, I have. I ran into him just the other day. #Person1#: How's he doing? #Person2#: Not too well. He had to have four teeth pulled last week. #Person1#: He did? That's too bad! #Person2#: I think so, too. #Person1#: Next time you see him, please tell him I'm thinking of him. #Person2#: I'll be sure to do that.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# ran into Jimmy lately and Jimmy had four teeth pulled.
running into Jimmy
#Person1#: Congratulations! I heard that you are going to take a two-week training course in the headquarter. #Person2#: Thank you. I am very happy to have this opportunity to learn something new. You know information and knowledge in this field update very fast. #Person1#: Sure it is. This is a changing world. Does the training course cover the new law and regulation issued last month? They are very useful for us. #Person2#: Yes, according to the agenda, there will be a seminar on these issues at the very beginning of the training course. #Person1#: Well, good for you. I hope you can get what you want from the training. #Person2#: I will do my best.
#Person1# congratulates #Person2# for taking the two-week training course in the headquarter. #Person2# tells what the course includes. Both of them think the course is very useful.
training course
#Person1#: What's this then? #Person2#: It's my geography, sir. The Map of Africa you set us. #Person1#: But this should have been handed in last Thursday. #Person2#: Yes, I know, sir. I'm sorry. #Person1#: Well, what's your excuse then? #Person2#: My mother's been ill and I had to stay at home. #Person1#: Oh, Yes? #Person2#: It's true, sir.
#Person2# explains why #Person2# didn't hand in the geography assignment last Thursday. But #Person1# doesn't believe #Person1#.
assignment delay
#Person1#: The Blacks got divorced. #Person2#: Really? Why? #Person1#: Mr. Black has been getting a little on the side. #Person2#: Really? I am surprised. He doesn't look like a guy who'd ever cheat on his wife, does he? #Person1#: No, he doesn't. Anyway, his wife found out that he has been two-timing for a long time. #Person2#: Well, I am really surprised. By the way, have you done anything behind my back? #Person1#: No. The only thing I've ever done behind your back is zipping you up. #Person2#: I like that joke, but I hope it's true.
#Person1# tells #Person2# that the Blacks got divorced because Mr. Black has been two-timing. #Person2#'s surprised about that.
the Blacks divorced
#Person1#: Honey, would you marry me? #Person2#: I want to think about it for some time. #Person1#: Please, honey, I have made proposals to you fifteen times. #Person2#: I know. But your way doesn't touch my heart. #Person1#: Oh, god, please tell me how. #Person2#: I can't tell you. #Person1#: OK, I want you to be happy when we are together, and when you are sad, I would always stay with you. #Person2#: When I am angry and want to beat someone, you stand there and let me do what I want. Would you? #Person1#: Yes, I would. Thanks for being in my life. #Person2#: Don't be so happy, it is just one of my tests!
#Person1# has made proposals to #Person2# fifteen times but #Person2# hasn't accepted him and still gives him tests.
failed proposals
#Person1#: Hi! Dear! I'm waiting for you. #Person2#: I know that. #Person1#: You know, although we've chatted twice, I've been thinking of you already. #Person2#: Me too. I want to know more about you, eg, what's your real name and what do you look like. . . #Person1#: & you? #Person2#: Look, I am playing the piano for you. #Person1#: Oh, thanks. I wanna see the real you. #Person2#: Sorry, I have no photo in my computer. And I have no scanner. I will show you later. #Person1#: OK! Before that I'll take this one as you. #Person2#: Ha! She is too little. #Person1#: Cute, like you. #Person2#: I want to tell you that I like you #Person1#: Me too. Send you a kiss. . . #Person2#: Thx.
#Person1# and #Person2# are talking online. #Person2# wants to know more about #Person1#. #Person1# wants to see the real #Person2#. They show love to each other.
online conversation
#Person1#: What a wonderful dinner! #Person2#: Thank you. I am glad that you are enjoying it. #Person1#: Where did you get your fantastic recipes? #Person2#: I grew up cooking. My mother shared her recipes with me. #Person1#: I especially like the wonderful chicken dish. #Person2#: That is a special coconut ginger chicken with rice dish. #Person1#: Is that shrimp in the soup? #Person2#: Yes, do you like it? I added a little extra lemon grass and some sea vegetables. #Person1#: I am happy that the wine I brought for you works well with this meal. #Person2#: Yes, thank you for bringing the wine. It really complements the meal.
#Person1# appreciates the meal prepared by #Person2#. #Person2# shares the recipes. The wine that #Person1# bought works well with the meal.
meal with friend
#Person1#: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you? #Person2#: I'm Jack in Room 606. Can you change the room for me? It's too noisy. My friend was woken up several times by the noise from upstairs. He said it was too much for him. #Person1#: I'm awfully sorry, sir. I do apologize. A ten-year-old boy and a mother live upstairs. Maybe the boy is a little bit naughty. #Person2#: Anyway, I'd like to change our room. #Person1#: No problem, sir. We'll manage it.
Jack wants #Person1# to change the room because it's too noisy upstairs. #Person1# promises to manage it.
changing the room
#Person1#: May I ask whether we are allowed to wear casual clothes in the office? #Person2#: Sure, company rules are not very strict at this point. #Person1#: Thank you for telling me that. #Person2#: But remind you, there are some forbidden activities. #Person1#: What are they? I'll be careful. #Person2#: Don't use office phones for personal matters. #Person1#: I got it. #Person2#: Never ever come to work drunk, also smoking in the office is not allowed. #Person1#: I see
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person1# can wear casual clothes to work and some forbidden activities.
company rules
#Person1#: A friend told me might find a room here. #Person2#: Yes. I'll have a room free next week. #Person1#: What do you charge? #Person2#: 12, 000 yuan a year, but you can't have visitors live in it. #Person1#: OK. Would it be all right to look at the room first? #Person2#: Could you come back later? We're right in the middle of dinner.
#Person1# wants to rent a room from #Person2#.
renting a room
#Person1#: The May holiday is coming up soon. Are you planning on going on vacation? #Person2#: I am. I just went to the travel agent's and picked up these brochures. #Person1#: Where are you planning on going? #Person2#: I fancy going to Tibet for a few days. Have you ever been there? #Person1#: I went a long time ago, before they built the new train that can take you there. #Person2#: Would you recommend going there for a few days? #Person1#: Personally, I think it'd be better to go when you have more time. A few days isn't really enough to get acclimatize yourself and to go on a few excursions outside of the capital. #Person2#: You're probably right. What do you think about Yangshao? #Person1#: It's a beautiful city, but I think it's become too touristy. How about going to a cosmopolitan city like Shanghai or Hong Kong? #Person2#: I'd like to get away from the big city life. #Person1#: Maybe you should consider going to a hot springs resort outside of Beijing. I heard they are very relaxing. #Person2#: I guess if I only have a few days, I should probably think about going somewhere that isn't so far away. #Person1#: Since the May holiday is the high season, you should probably call ahead to reserve a room. Here's the phone number. #Person2#: Thanks, I'll give them a call later.
#Person2# is planning the trip during the May holiday. #Person1# gives some advice. #Person2# decides to go somewhere near and #Person1# asks #Person2# to call ahead to reserve a room because of the high season.
planning holiday trip
#Person1#: Hmm. Not bad. I think I look younger with shorter hair. #Person2#: Yes, you do. The Hot Cap is back here in the corner. I think we're ready to put the curlers in. What kind of perm would you like? #Person1#: I just want a light wave. I look really silly if my hair is too curly. #Person2#: All right. What if we leave your bangs straight and just perm the sides and back? #Person1#: Super. How long will I have to sit under the Hot Cap? #Person2#: Around 30 minutes.
#Person1# is doing her hair and #Person2# designs the hairstyle based on #Person2#'s requirements.
doing the hair
#Person1#: Hello, Mr. Brown. I'm glad you came in today ; we've just opened a new service that you might be interested in. It's called Bank Securities Link. #Person2#: And what does that entail? #Person1#: It's actually a Deposit Account that links to your Margin Account, the one you have with the Securities Company. You can transfer the money you have in your account into your Fund Account. #Person2#: How can I do that? #Person1#: You can use your Deposit Book or your Credit Card. And of course, you can use our e-banking.
#Person1# introduces Mr. Brown a new bank service, Bank Securities Link, and explains how to use it.
new bank service
#Person1#: What do you think of our price? #Person2#: Your price has gone up sharply, hasn't it? #Person1#: Yes, we regret we cannot maintain our original price. Since the prices of the raw materials have been raised, we have to adjust the price of our products accordingly. #Person2#: I agree with you there, but you price is unreasonable. #Person1#: I don't think so. You must compare our price with that it other export houses. I'm sure our offer is in line with the prevailing market price level. #Person2#: I don't think we will be able to pay the price. To have this business concluded, you need to lower your price at least by 3 %. #Person1#: I'm afraid that there is no room for any reduction in price. #Person2#: Don't you agree with me that in the long run moderate prices we bring about large sales and more profit? #Person1#: We've already cut down our price to cost level. #Person2#: Is that all? #Person1#: Yes this is the best we can do. #Person2#: I'm sorry, we can't handle the price you offered.
#Person2# thinks #Person1#'s price is unreasonable and wants it to be lowered by at least 3%. But #Person1# says there's no room for reduction and #Person2# cannot handle the price.
lowering the price
#Person1#: Hello. Beijing Restaurant. How can I help you? #Person2#: Hi. I want to place an order, please. #Person1#: For pick - up or delivery? #Person2#: Pick - up. #Person1#: What would you like to order? #Person2#: I have a menu from your restaurant. I'll order using the number of each meal from your menu. #Person1#: That's fine. #Person2#: I'd like to order number 17, no. 23 and no. 24. #Person1#: What size? #Person2#: Medium, please. #Person1#: When will you come to pick up your order? #Person2#: I'll be there in about an hour. #Person1#: That will be fine. We'll have your meals ready when you arrive. Thank you for your order.
#Person2# calls Beijing Restaurant to make an order for pick-up and #Person1# helps #Person2# to order the meal.
order meal
#Person1#: You got our email with all the specifications for the project. We'll be accepting bids untill noon on Tuesday. If you have any questions between now and then, please let me know. #Person2#: Actually, I did have a question. We'd like to know what you had in mind for the budget on this project. We are hoping to put together a really competitive bid. But at the same time, we'd like to hit your target price, too. #Person1#: I understand. But unfortunately, it is our policy not to disclose our bottom line. You can be assured that price is a weighty consideration when we review the proposals. We also consider other elements, including design and practicality. We also give weight to the reputation of the submitting company. #Person2#: Do you have any price range? Is there any way you can give me any idea of what direction to go or how high is too high? #Person1#: We're just looking for a reasonable price according to the specifications in our project blueprint. That's all I can say.
#Person2# has a question about the budget of the project and wants to hit #Person1#'s target price. But #Person1# cannot disclose the bottom line. #Person2# also asks about the price range which isn't clear now.
project budget
#Person1#: Tell me a little bit about yourself, please. #Person2#: My name is Steven and I live in Beijing. I was born in 1980. I have graduated from Peking University. I majored in business administration. #Person1#: What kind of jobs have you had? #Person2#: I have been a production manager. #Person1#: Would you like to tell me something about your outstanding achievements? #Person2#: I introduced an advanced product line, which increased the output and lessened the cost. #Person1#: What special skills do you have, can you tell me? #Person2#: I have experience in computer operation, proficiency in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. #Person1#: I know in your resume that you have worked in your present company for 3 years. Can you tell me why you want to leave your present job and join us? #Person2#: Because the job I am doing in my present company is of no challenge, but I like challenge. Your firm is a young organization with many innovative ideas. It has been very successful in expanding market since its establishment 10 years ago. Working for you would be exactly the sort of challenge I am looking for. #Person1#: Well, I think our interview is complete then. We will give you a call in ten days or so. #Person2#: Thank you, Mr. Smith.
Mr. Smith interviews Steven. Steven introduces his educational background, work experiences, special skills and the reason why he chooses to leave the present job and join Mr. Smith's company. Mr. Smith will give a call in ten days or so.
job interview
#Person1#: Are you ready to order now, sir? #Person2#: Yes, let me have this roast beef special. #Person1#: You have a choice of vegetables, green peas, lima beans or spinach. #Person2#: I will have the green peas and make sure the beef is well done. #Person1#: Yes, sir. What would you want to drink, coffee, tea or milk? #Person2#: A cup of coffee, please, with cream and sugar. #Person1#: The cream and sugar are on the table, sir. #Person2#: Oh, yes. #Person1#: Would you like to order some dessert? #Person2#: What comes with the special? #Person1#: Ice cream, fresh fruit or chocolate cake. #Person2#: I think I will have a dish of Vanilla ice cream. #Person1#: Yes, sir. #Person2#: Waiter, may I have my check, please? #Person1#: Here you are, sir. Pay the cashier at the door.
#Person1# helps #Person2# to order the meal, including roast beef, green peas, coffee and some dessert.
order the meal
#Person1#: Good afternoon, Felix Wassermann Associates. Lawson speaking, how can I help you? #Person2#: Hello, this is Miao Eng calling from Lincoln Bank. #Person1#: B :: Miao Eng! I'd know that voice anywhere. What can I do for you? Any problems? #Person2#: No, not at all. I was just calling to tell you that everything has been checked and double checked, and there is no problem with the documents you brought in this morning. #Person1#: That is good news. #Person2#: Shall I go ahead and process them for you? #Person1#: Perfect. Thanks very much for calling. See you soon, bye!
Miao Eng calls Lawson to tell him that the documents have been checked twice and have no problem.
call to inform
#Person1#: You're free to go. #Person2#: That's great. #Person1#: What are your plans now that you're getting out? #Person2#: I want to go back to school. #Person1#: What is your major going to be? #Person2#: I haven't decided yet. #Person1#: I hope I don't ever see you back in here. #Person2#: I'm never coming back. #Person1#: This really isn't the place for you. #Person2#: I realize that. #Person1#: Good luck out there. #Person2#: Thanks. Things are going to be different now.
#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# plans to go back to school after leaving.
future plans
#Person1#: Good morning, this is Miss Smith's secretary. #Person2#: Good morning, may I speak to Miss Smith, please? #Person1#: I'm sorry. She's in conference at the moment. Do you want to leave a message? #Person2#: Yes, all right. Can you tell her that Mr. Johnson called? And tell her that the meeting about the Trade Fair is on Thursday 12th at 2 p.m. #Person1#: Fine, is there anything else? #Person2#: Yes. Could she phone to confirm that she can come before tomorrow? #Person1#: Yes, and what number is it? #Person2#: 566-7896 Extension 332. #Person1#: Fine, I've got that. I'll get the message to her as soon as possible. #Person2#: Thank you very much. Goodbye. #Person1#: Goodbye.
Mr. Johnson calls Miss Smith and her secretary answers. Mr. Johnson leaves a message of the meeting time and wants her to call back to confirm.
leave a message
#Person1#: Hi. I don't think we've met. My name's Tom. #Person2#: Hi, Tom. Nice to meet you. My name is Juanita, but everybody calls me Jenny. #Person1#: Nice to meet you, Jenny. So, where are you from? #Person2#: Well, originally I'm from Argentina, but we moved to the United States when I was about five years old. My parents now live in Chile. That's where they first met. How about you, Tom? #Person1#: I was born in Fresno, California, and we lived there until I was seven. Then, since my father worked for the military, we moved all over the place. #Person2#: Oh yeah? Where are some of the places you've lived? #Person1#: Mostly, we were overseas. We spent ten years in Korea, Germany, and Okinawa, Japan, and then, we were transferred back to the States three years ago. #Person2#: Wow. It sounds like you've had an interesting life. So, what do you do now? #Person1#: I'm a university student. #Person2#: Oh really? What are you studying? #Person1#: I'm majoring in psychology. How about you? What do you do? #Person2#: Well, I'm working as a sales representative for computer company called CompTech downtown. #Person1#: No kidding! My brother works there too.
Tom and Jenny meet each other for the first time. They introduce themselves, including their nationality, the places they've lived and occupation.
first-time meeting
#Person1#: Hey, Ashley. How many people are coming to the barbecue tomorrow? #Person2#: Well, um, there's your family; that's four people. [ Okay. ] There are three from my work [ Okay. ], and then Mike and Megan from across the street. And you and me, of course. #Person1#: Okay. So, what is everyone bringing? #Person2#: Um, let's see. Here's my list. Um ... Your brothers are bringing hamburgers, cheese, and buns. #Person1#: Oh! I'm glad they are in charge of that. [ Yeah, me too. ] You know, my brother, Jim ... He eats like a horse. [ Uh-huh. ] At the last barbecue, he put away at least, what, five hotdogs and five cheeseburgers ... #Person2#: No, I think it was six. Six cheeseburgers. It might have been more hotdogs. I don't know. #Person1#: He was still hungry! #Person2#: I know. I don't know how he did it. He does that all the time, he's ... and he's not even fat. You'd think (he would be fat). Anyway. Oh, yeah, anyway. So, my friends from work said that they could buy chips and salsa [ Okay. ], and they're going to bring a salad [ Alright. ]. And one of them is vegetarian, and so she's going to bring her own veggie burger, so you don't have to worry about her. #Person1#: Okay. That's ... That'll work out. #Person2#: And Mike and Megan. You're going to love this. They're going to bring some of the corn from their garden. #Person1#: Oh, their corn is always so, so good. #Person2#: Yeah, I know. It's wonderful. #Person1#: So, um, yeah. What about drink? #Person2#: Well, we're going to have soda and juice, and ice water as well. #Person1#: Okay. And what about dessert? #Person2#: I already have some ice cream and some homemade apple pie in the fridge. #Person1#: Oh. I can't wait. #Person2#: This is going to be fun. Yeah.
#Person1# asks Ashley how many people are coming to the barbecue tomorrow. Ashley tells #Person1# who will come and what food they will bring. They also talk about drink and dessert and can't wait.
barbecue preparation
#Person1#: Bob, why are you looking so depressed? #Person2#: Mum, I'm not a good boy. I broke father's glass just now. #Person1#: Oh, son. Would it be a good idea to tell him the truth? #Person2#: Yeah, but I'm afraid he'll scold me.
Bob is depressed because he broke his father's glass and Mum persuades him to tell the truth.
break the glass
#Person1#: Excuse me, how much does an ice cream cost? #Person2#: Two yuan. And how many do you want? #Person1#: Two, please. #Person2#: Anything else you want to buy? #Person1#: Oh, yes, I still want some bread. A piece of bread, please. #Person2#: Here you are. 1.5 yuan a piece. #Person1#: By the way, do you have any fruit here, such as apples or oranges? #Person2#: I'm sorry we haven't got any. #Person1#: All right. Here's the money for you. #Person2#: Thank you.
#Person1# buys ice cream and bread from #Person2#. #Person1# also wants some fruit, but #Person2# hasn't got any.
buy ice-cream
#Person1#: Do you mind if I smoke here? #Person2#: Yes, I do. I'd prefer you didn't. The AC (air-conditioning) is also on. #Person1#: Can I just turn off the AC for now and open the window and smoke indoors? #Person2#: That's not a very good idea. It's quite hot outside. Why don't you smoke outside? #Person1#: It's very hot and that's why I'd like to smoke inside. #Person2#: Though the AC has the air-purifying function. I'd still rather have fresh air than smoke. Are you okay with that? #Person1#: Oh, no problem.
#Person1# asks #Person2# whether #Person1# can smoke inside and #Person2# refuses. They don't agree with each other's suggestions.
#Person1#: You're going to have coffee, aren't you? #Person2#: Yes. I could use a cup of coffee. #Person1#: Are you going to have anything to eat? #Person2#: French toast sounds good. What are you going to order? #Person1#: I'll have that too.
#Person2#'s going to have coffee and eat French toast which #Person1# also wants to have.
order food
#Person1#: Good morning, Linda. How have you been? #Person2#: Pretty bad. I've had a bad cold for three days and still can't get rid of it. #Person1#: I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything else I can do? #Person2#: No, thanks. #Person1#: Well, I hope you'll feel better soon. #Person2#: Thank you for your concern.
Linda has had a bad cold and #Person1# shows concern.
a bad cold
#Person1#: Well, known, Jim, I'm. . . I'm pretty much in favour of your computers, I think computers teach kids to think, because they require logical thoughts. #Person2#: But I. . . I don't agree with thatbecause computers weaken kids'ability to thinkbecause kids don't learn basic skills. #Person1#: What do you mean? #Person2#: They can't spell, they can't add, they can't subtract, they even don't remember any more. that's because they rely on gadgets. #Person1#: That's not the gadgets. Creating programmes is stimulate thoughts. It engages their imagination and sharpen their mind.
#Person1# thinks computers teach kids to think while Jim thinks computers weaken kids' ability to think.
computers' influence
#Person1#: What's the plot of your new movie? #Person2#: It's a story about a policemen who is investigating a series of strange murders. I play the part of the detective. He has to catch the killer, but there's very little evidence. It's a psychological thriller with some frightening scenes, but I hope audience won't be too scared to go to the movie theatres! #Person1#: Did you enjoy making the movie? We heard stories of disagreement with other actors and with the director. #Person2#: I have had disagreement with every director. I've worked with. We've always disagreed in a friendly way and we have always resolved our differences. It was the same when I made this movie. I don't know where rumours of my disagreement with Rachel Kelly come from. We got on very well and I hope to work with her again. I enjoyed making the movie very much. #Person1#: Critics are not very happy with the movies that you've made recently. Does that bother you? #Person2#: Not at all. The feedback from audience has been great. I care about what they think more than what the critics think. #Person1#: Did you do you own stunts in the movie? #Person2#: I wanted to , but my insurance company wouldn't let me. All of my stunts were done by a stuntman. As you know, I used to do my own stunts, but I'll leave that to the experts in future. #Person1#: Thank you very much for doing this interview. #Person2#: My pleasure. Have you seen the movie yet? #Person1#: Yes. I have. I liked it very much. Like you, I was very impressed with rachel's performance in the movie. She's going to be a star.
#Person1# interviews #Person2# on questions about the plot of #Person2#'s new movie, how to deal with disagreement with others and whether the critics bother #Person2#. #Person1# also tells #Person2# #Person1# likes the movie.
movie interview
#Person1#: Which movie is your favorite to watch? #Person2#: I have to say, my favorite movie is Superbad. #Person1#: Is that right? Why? #Person2#: Honestly, it is one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time. #Person1#: You're right. That movie is hilarious. #Person2#: I didn't think you saw that movie. #Person1#: I went to see it the day it came out. #Person2#: I was laughing through the whole movie. #Person1#: I couldn't help laughing, either. #Person2#: Same here. #Person1#: I bought the movie. Would you like to come to my house and watch it? #Person2#: Of course.
#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the movie Superbad. #Person1# invites #Person2# to come to the house to see the movie.
#Person1#: The carrots taste awful in salty. How do you like them? #Person2#: I like them very much. They are delicious. #Person1#: Well, you can have all my carrots. I saw you buy some chocolate cakes. I am done with the main course. It's about time for some dessert. #Person2#: Oh, you want my chocolate cakes? #Person1#: No, no. I'm just thinking of some dessert and I have had enough carrots. #Person2#: Robert, carrots contain much vitamin C. It is good for you. #Person1#: I know, but chocolate cake is even better. #Person2#: Oh, stop it. You know you need vegetables. You will end up fat if you don't watch your diet now. #Person1#: Well, actually I don't mind eating carrots, but chocolate cakes are much better. You know, I was born with a sweet tooth.
#Person1# has had enough carrots and wants some dessert. #Person2# tells #Person1# the benefit of carrots and asks #Person1# to watch the diet.
eat carrots
#Person1#: Ted, it's really you. I just can not believe it. You've really put on some weight. #Person2#: Yeah, that's true. Actually I'm losing weight now. Now I go to the gym at least 3 times a week. So how have you been? #Person1#: Not bad. I've changed my job, you know. Now I'm not as busy as before, and I spend more time hanging out with friends and sleeping. #Person2#: Do you also exercise? #Person1#: Not really. But I'm on a diet. I don't want to put on any weight. #Person2#: Well, I think working out works better. I've really fallen in love with exercising. You can give it a shot, too. #Person1#: I'll consider that.
#Person1# and Ted meet each other and talk about their recent situation. #Person1#'s on a diet without exercise and Ted suggests working out.
#Person1#: Universal Travel Agency, may I help you? #Person2#: Yes, my husband and I want to take a vacation to an island somewhere. Do you have any places to recommend? #Person1#: Certainly, off the top of my head. I would suggest the island of Bali. #Person2#: Why Bali? #Person1#: At this time of year. Most places have a lot of rain, but it is the dry season in Bali. There are also many excellent restaurants and hotels to choose from, plus, Bali is known for its surfing and diving, and I must say that the shopping is absolutely great. #Person2#: That sounds amazing. Jason loves to dive, and I love to shop and eat. Can you tell me how much it will cost for the two of us? #Person1#: It will take a day or two to get up-to-date prices, but I will call you as soon as I do. #Person2#: Thank you, would we have to pay for the trip right away? #Person1#: I'll need your credit card number to make a reservation. But you won't actually have to pay for it until you get there. #Person2#: That sounds great. I'll have a discussion with Jason and let you know our decision soon.
#Person2# and her husband want to take a vacation to an island somewhere. #Person1# recommends the island of Bali, explains why and will check the up-to-date prices for #Person2#.
booking a trip
#Person1#: Hey Mike, over here. #Person2#: Hi, it's great to see you, been waiting long? #Person1#: No, not at all. What do you want to have? #Person2#: Just a salad, so how's the new apartment working out? #Person1#: Good, I like it. The neighborhood, though, is... Well, some of the buildings down the street are covered with terrible pictures drawn by teenagers. #Person2#: I know what you mean. I think we need to report people who are drawing to the police. #Person1#: Yes, and I like all the stores. It's convenient for shopping, and it's pretty quiet at night. That's definitely a plus. #Person2#: Sounds like you're pretty satisfied. #Person1#: Yeah, I guess so, uh the only problem is that it's impossible to find parking. I have to drive around the block 6 or 7 times to find a space, usually I can't find a space usually I can find one, but sometimes I have to park really far away. #Person2#: Well, is there anyway, you can rent space in a garage. #Person1#: Yeah, that's a good idea. So now are things in your neighborhood. #Person2#: There's a bit of noise problem where I live. I live right down the street from a school. The bell rings every morning at 7:30, it's impossible to sleep in.
#Person1# tells Mike #Person1#'s satisfied with the new apartment except for the buildings covered with terrible pictures and lack of parking space. Mike provides some suggestions. Then #Person1# asks Mike about his neighborhood.
new apartment
#Person1#: Hey, did you see China's women's volleyball team on television last night? #Person2#: Yes, the game was so exciting. I usually watch basketball, but that was great last night. #Person1#: Definitely a good effort. If anything I was disappointed that the other team didn't put up much of a fight. They made a lot of bad mistakes and they always seem to be hitting the ball out of bounds. #Person2#: I just enjoyed how China celebrated after every point they won. Volleyball seems so much more passionate compared to other sports. #Person1#: Well, their victory means they will compete in the Olympics next year, which was their goal. I just hope they can pick up at least a bronze medal. #Person2#: Bronze? You mean gold, right? #Person1#: Well, that would be great. But there are a couple of very strong teams that beat China in her recent competition. #Person2#: I saw those matches. They were extremely close. China can beat them next year for sure. #Person1#: We'll see. I hope you're right, but you never know what will happen in sports. #Person2#: Exactly, they might surprise you. Then what will you say? #Person1#: Haha, OK. Let's just wait and see.
#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about China's women's volleyball team on television last night. #Person1# hopes the women's team can win but there're some other strong teams. #Person2# thinks China can beat them for sure.
China's volleyball
#Person1#: I came across David in the hospital this morning. He broke his left leg when he was learning to ride a horse earlier this morning. #Person2#: What happened exactly? #Person1#: The horse is frightened by a dog and started running fast. David lost his balance and fell to the ground. #Person2#: That's dangerous. I'd never try that. #Person1#: You are too timid. You don't even want to learn how to drive. #Person2#: That's dangerous, too. Besides, I don't need to learn how to drive. You are a good driver, aren't you, honey? #Person1#: But I cannot take you everywhere you want to go. #Person2#: I seldom go out.
#Person1# tells #Person2# David broke his leg because of the horse frightened by a dog. #Person2# thinks riding a horse and driving are dangerous.
#Person1#: You are graduating this summer. What do you plan to do after graduation? #Person2#: I don't want to work yet, so I think I will continue my studies. I want to go to the University of Cambridge. #Person1#: That's a famous university, but studying in Britain will cost a lot of money. Why do you want to go to Cambridge? #Person2#: First of all, I'm crazy about British culture. #Person1#: What else? #Person2#: It is one of the world's oldest universities and leading academic centers. Its reputation for outstanding academic achievement is well known around the world, I think I can learn a lot there. #Person1#: It seems that you have thought about this carefully. I'll support your decision. #Person2#: Thank you.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# wants to go to the University of Cambridge and the reasons. #Person1#'ll support #Person2#'s decision.
after graduation
#Person1#: Nancy, how are you feeling this morning? You're not looking very good. #Person2#: No. I'm not in the best of health. #Person1#: It's the same old story, isn't it? Overwork! Listen, Nancy. You can't go on burning the candle at both ends! #Person2#: You're right, but I want to use every minute of my time studying my subjects. Besides, I'm under a lot of pressure in class. Sometimes I can't follow the professor and very often I'm not able to take notes while listening. I have to check notes with my friend, which is very time-consuming. #Person1#: I can understand Nancy. But if you go and working so hard, you could become ill and that would waste lots of time. Do you sleep enough? #Person2#: Well, about 5 hours a day. #Person1#: That's horrible. Are you sure you completely recovered from that bad cold you had last week? #Person2#: I'm afraid not. I so easily catch cold nowadays. #Person1#: Take my advice and rest for a day. Get out to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, and you'll feel brand new. #Person2#: I've got an essay to finish. #Person1#: Don't think about it. Go out. It would do you a world of good and you will never regret it. #Person2#: All right. I'll do that, Jack. Thank you.
Nancy doesn't feel good because she works hard and sleeps little. #Person1# suggests that she should take a rest and release herself.
great pressure
#Person1#: Talking about the twenty first century, I think there will be huge changes in the way people use cars. Laws will be made about what kind of car you can own, and when you can use it. #Person2#: Maybe there'll just be too many of them on the roads. The air will be so seriously polluted that nobody will be able to breathe normally. #Person1#: Exactly, people will have to rely on trains. #Person2#: Why do you say that? #Person1#: Well, we won't be able to use cars and the airports take too much space. That leaves trains. #Person2#: Huh? So do you think there'll be more efficient train systems between cities? #Person1#: Sure, they'll enable people to travel between cities in a matter of hours. There may even be trains going under oceans to connect the main continents. #Person2#: Under the oceans? Get out of there, I get nervous enough flying on a plane.
#Person1# thinks there'll be huge changes in the way people use cars and people will have to rely on trains. #Person2#'s scared of traveling by trains going under oceans.
using cars
#Person1#: I am waiting for a fax but just now I found there's something wrong with the fax machine. #Person2#: What's wrong with the fax machine? Is it urgent? #Person1#: Yes, very urgent. And there is no other fax machine around. And the office of our boss is closed, so I can not use his machine either. And his secretary is out. Do you have any suggestion? #Person2#: Either call this extension number 0085 or ask them to send the fax to you as e-mail, you print it out.
#Person1# is waiting for urgent fax but no fax machine is available. #Person2# suggests calling the extension number 0085 or asking them to send an email instead.
fax machine
#Person1#: Now, Miss Childs passed on your resume to me and I ' Ve had the chance to look it over and I must say I ' m quite impressed. #Person2#: Thank you very much. I ' Ve tried to keep it short and clear. If there ' s any questions please feel free to ask me. #Person1#: Well yes, I do have a number of questions, but perhaps first you could give me a brief overview I ' d like to get a little bit of an idea of your background. #Person2#: Yes, of course. Well as you can see from the resume I ' m 27 and grew up in Brooklyn, New York, although our family moved to London when I was quite young, at around sixteen. #Person1#: Ah I see, so you were actually educated in Europe? #Person2#: Yes precisely. Although I was born in the US, I would definitely call London home. But as you see I ' Ve actually spent a lot of my life moving from country to country. My Father was in the oil business before he retired so we also spent a number of years in Saudi Arabia too. #Person1#: Very interesting. So it seems you had quite an adventurous childhood. #Person2#: Absolutely! We were never still for too long. But now I ' m really looking to settle down. #Person1#: I see. okay, well let ' s move on to discuss your education shall we?
#Person1# is impressed by #Person2#'s resume. #Person2#, 27, was born in the US and educated in Europe. #Person2# had an adventurous childhood. #Person1# then asks about #Person2#'s education.
#Person1#: Have you ever gotten a parking ticket? #Person2#: I've never gotten one. Have you? #Person1#: I got a ticket yesterday. #Person2#: Really? What did you get one for? #Person1#: I parked in the red zone. #Person2#: Why did you do that? #Person1#: I needed to get something really quick. #Person2#: Where did you park at? #Person1#: At my apartment building. #Person2#: Don't you have your own parking spot? #Person1#: I needed to be fast. #Person2#: That was very lazy of you.
#Person1# got a ticket yesterday for parking in the red zone.
get a ticket
#Person1#: Welcome. What can I do for you, Madam? #Person2#: I hope you can give me some advice. I'm sick and tired of coming here or to the post office to pay my utility bills. It's such a long way from my home, but I checked and you are my nearest branch. Is there anyway I can do it from home? #Person1#: That's terrible. Unfortunately, we don't have that many branches outside the centre of town. What I'd advise you to do is set up a Direct Debit Service. #Person2#: A Direct Debit Service? What's that exactly? #Person1#: A Direct Debit means that every month we can arrange for all of your utility bills to come directly out of your account, no fuss, no hassle. #Person2#: But how will you know how much I should pay? I mean, I receive my bills, not you. #Person1#: We set up an agreement with the, say, phone company. They tell us how much to pay them every month and we pay directly from your account. Of course, we are able to do this with all of the utilities companies. #Person2#: I see. So, that would mean that every month it would just come from my account? That does sound like a good idea, totally trouble free.
#Person2# is sick and asks #Person1# if it's possible to pay her utility bills from home. #Person1# advises her to set up a Direct Debit Service so they can pay directly from her account.
utility bills
#Person1#: I hear you are planning to travel abroad. #Person2#: Yes. I'm going to the Untied States for travel. What places do you recommend? #Person1#: In my opinion, there are several places you mustn't miss, like Washington D. C, Las Vegas, New York and Los Angeles. #Person2#: Someone suggests that I should go to Seattle and Hawaii. #Person1#: Yes, you may consider those two places also. Seattle, for example, is worth visiting and there's a very famous museum called Museum of Flight. #Person2#: And Seattle is the home of Microsoft and Boeing. That must be a great place. I can't miss it.
#Person2# plans to travel to the United States. #Person1# suggests visiting Washington D. C, Las Vegas, New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Hawaii.
#Person1#: What can I do for you? #Person2#: I would like to file a complaint. #Person1#: What happened? #Person2#: I was robbed. #Person1#: When did this happen? #Person2#: It happened this morning. #Person1#: What was taken from you? #Person2#: My wallet and my cell phone. #Person1#: Were you able to get a look at this person's face? #Person2#: Yes, I was. #Person1#: Would you be able to pick him out of a line-up? #Person2#: That would be easy.
#Person2#'s wallet and cell phone were robbed this morning. #Person1# helps #Person2# to file a complaint.
file a complaint
#Person1#: Good morning, what can I do for you? #Person2#: I want to buy a car to facilitate my life. But I don't have enough money. Could you supply a loan to me? #Person1#: Oh, I see. Would you mind telling me your monthly salary? #Person2#: Sure. 7, 000 yuan per month. #Person1#: OK. We can supply you a loan. How much do you want to loan? #Person2#: 200, 000 yuan. By the way, what about the interest rate? #Person1#: It's only 4. 5 % for one-year loan. Do you want to apply now? #Person2#: Yes, I think so. #Person1#: OK. Please fill out this loan application. #Person2#: All right. Thank you. #Person1#: My pleasure.
#Person2# wants to apply for a loan to buy a car. #Person1# tells #Person2# about the interest rate and helps #Person2# with #Person2#'s application.
#Person1#: That price of ours, by the way, is for a minimum quantity of 1, 000 saddles. #Person2#: Yes, I noticed that. To what extent would local assembly help sales, did you say? #Person1#: 20-30 %. But we proposed the plan from the storage and delivery viewpoint. That is to say, less warehouse space and prompt delivery. #Person2#: Yes, of course. Assembly would be quite a simple matter. Cycle dealers could put them together in a very short time. #Person1#: Sales have been exceptionally good during the past twelve months. #Person2#: Yes, I've noticed that. Where have you been placing them? #Person1#: All in the local market. One or two suggestions that came in from the distribution might interest you. #Person2#: Yes. What were they? Anything that will help sales? #Person1#: Perhaps. General opinion is that the rear carrier should be offered as an extra. #Person2#: That's to keep the price down, I suppose. I'll take it up with our overseas department and listen to what they've got to say about this. #Person1#: Thanks.
#Person1# tells #Person2# about some plans that would help sales, including placing local assembly and offering the rear carrier as an extra.
#Person1#: Have you heard about Alice and David? #Person2#: No, have they had another fight? #Person1#: No, they've got engaged. #Person2#: You must be joking. Those two? #Person1#: Well, my dear, I didn't believe it either. But I got it straight from the horse's mouth. David called me this morning. #Person2#: So when did this all happen? #Person1#: Last weekend, while they were on their ski trip. #Person2#: Well, I believe it now, and when are they are getting married? #Person1#: Next June. #Person2#: I can hardly believe it.
#Person1# and #Person2# can't believe that Alice and David, who fought with each other, got engaged.
get engaged
#Person1#: Did you see the 2005 Grammy Awards on TV last night. #Person2#: Yeah. I was so happy, because my favorite singer, Ricky Martin won'Best Latin Pop Performance'. #Person1#: He seems to win awards everywhere. #Person2#: He is really great. He has sold millions of records worldwide. He is especially known for his rocking performance at the football World Cup song-the Cup of World. #Person1#: I heard one observer even said'It was a song sung in Spanish for international football, and he made it so popular that even the Americans loved it. ' #Person2#: That's right. His voice ranges from the smooth sound of ballads to the highpowered rhythms of the Spanish Caribbean where he grew up. He has fan clubs across the world, from America to Russia, from England to Taiwan, from Norway to Australia.
#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about #Person2#'s favorite singer, Ricky Martin, who is popular worldwide and wins awards everywhere.
favorite singer
#Person1#: How do you usually sell your products now? #Person2#: I'm doing business through Internet now. #Person1#: Oh, really? Is it a good way? #Person2#: Yes, very good. #Person1#: What advantages does it have? #Person2#: It is very convenient. You know you can browse the website and send e-mails to your customers at any time. #Person1#: Yes, if we do business through other ways, it will cost a lot of time. #Person2#: Also it has low cost, and you know you only need to pay the fee of Internet, which is very cheap. #Person1#: Yes, going abroad to join the exhibition will cost much. But does it have any disadvantages? #Person2#: To be frank, sometimes it is not so safe as doing business through traditional ways. #Person1#: You mean there may be credit problems? #Person2#: Yes, but if you choose some good B2B websites, such problems can be avoided. #Person1#: Will you give some suggestion? #Person2#: Of course, such as the Alabama, which is a famous website. #Person1#: Thanks. Maybe I will do business through Internet in the future.
#Person2# is doing business through the Internet now. #Person2# thinks it's convenient and has a low cost. Also, if you choose good B2B websites, safety problems can be avoided.
#Person1#: I have to miss school next week. #Person2#: Isn't there some way you could work your schedule out to be here? #Person1#: Unfortunately, this is what I have to do. #Person2#: How are you going to catch up? #Person1#: I've got it all covered. #Person2#: If you miss this class, you will have used up your quota for the semester. #Person1#: Don't worry, this will be the last class I miss. #Person2#: Make sure to remind me right before you are absent. #Person1#: I'll remember. #Person2#: Enjoy your day off and don't forget to study!
#Person1# has to miss school next week and assures #Person2# this will be the last class #Person1# miss.
miss school
#Person1#: We have to pick up Conrad before the party. #Person2#: Alright, no problem. #Person1#: We're supposed to meet him at Cal's Bar at 10 #Person2#: Wait a minute. Cal's bar? #Person1#: Yes. #Person2#: That's a gay bar. #Person1#: Yes, it is. Conrad is gay. Didn't you know? #Person2#: I thought he was maybe gay, but I wasn't sure. Anyhow, you don't expect me to go into a gay bar, do you? #Person1#: Why not? We're supposed to meet him there. #Person2#: Why doesn't he meet us outside? #Person1#: Why should he do that? It isn't illegal for us to go in. #Person2#: Yeah, but who wants to go in? I'm not gay, you know. Why should I go in a gay bar? #Person1#: You sound like you're afraid. #Person2#: I just wouldn't be comfortable. #Person1#: You've never been in a gay bar before? #Person2#: No, never. #Person1#: But it's just a bar. There's no danger. You shouldn't be so homophobic. #Person2#: Well. . . #Person1#: Listen. If you refuse to go in, Conrad will be offended. You don't hate gay people, do you? #Person2#: No, I don't. But I never went into a gay bar before. #Person1#: Don't worry about it. There is nothing strange about it. If Conrad's there, we'll leave for the party. If he's not, we'll sit down and have a drink. #Person2#: Okay. I will try it. I suppose it isn't reasonable for me to refuse to go in. After all, gay people aren't afraid to go into normal bars. #Person1#: I'm glad you feel that way. We'll leave in about ten minutes, alright? #Person2#: Fine.
#Person1# and #Person2# will meet Conrad at a gay bar. #Person2# doesn't want to go in at first. #Person1# persuades #Person2# by saying Conrad will be offended and there's nothing strange about it.
gay bar
#Person1#: why are you so upset today, Maria? Cheer up! #Person2#: oh, Iris, it's about the job with the PR company. #Person1#: it's a great opportunity. You should be happy with the offer. #Person2#: but my mother won't allow me to accept any part-time job. I'm afraid she will say no again. #Person1#: why? It's unfair. You can learn a lot from it. #Person2#: she says a part-time job is cursed blessing. It takes so much time and energy that I won't be able to focus on my studys. #Person1#: that may be true. But I'm sure you're able to find a balance between them. Why not try it? #Person2#: I turned down quite a few offers before for her sake. But I'm a senior now, I don't want to miss the chance this time. #Person1#: I agree with you but I think you really need to talk to your mother and tell her what's on your mind. #Person2#: I'll try, but what if she insists? #Person1#: just let her know that the experience will be both amazing and rewarding. And more importantly, you can manage both your study and the job. #Person2#: do you think it will work? #Person1#: sure. Every cloud has its silver lining. Just try. #Person2#: ok, I'll do that. Thank you, Iris. #Person1#: sure. Good luck, Maria!
Maria worries that her mother won't allow her to accept a part-time job. Iris advises her to let her mother know that the experience will be both amazing and rewarding and she can manage both her study and the job.
part-time job
#Person1#: Hey, Mary, what's up? #Person2#: Not much. Last night I met this great guy at the bar and we had such a wonderful time that we decided to meet again tonight. #Person1#: Oh, that's exciting. What's this guy like? Is he hot? #Person2#: Well, I ddin't think so at first. But as we started talking, I found him extremely funny and witty. I couldn't stop laughing at his jokes! We have so much in common. We like the same teams, music, and most amazingly, we both love Chinese food! I have the feeling that we are going to be great friends. #Person1#: It seems you two are a good match. What qualities do you look for in a friend? #Person2#: There's nothing definite I think. I don't have a list or anything, but when I first meet somebody, I can usually tell whether or not that person is going to be a good friend. It seems I have a radar helping me spot new friends. #Person1#: Well, that's something I've never heard of. But if you ask me what I value most in a friend, I would have to say honesty. #Person2#: I agree. You can't expect a close relationship with a dishonest person. Those are the people that will turn their back on you when you are in need. #Person1#: Yeah, I know. A friend in need is a friend indeed. I don't need fair-weather friends either.
Mary thinks the guy she met last night could be her great friend. #Person1# and Mary then talk about qualities they look for in a friend. Mary seems to have a radar to spot new friends and #Person1# values honesty.
#Person1#: You hoo, anybody here? #Person2#: Over here, Betty! #Person1#: Hi, Rock Sam! Hey, I am surprised to see you doing so well. #Person2#: Haha. Don't worry, Betty. So tell me, what's the latest gossip? Unless you want to keep it to yourself. #Person1#: No way. Alisan Darling just got hitched in Vagas. #Person2#: No kidding! What happened to Ad? #Person1#: Darling found out he was having a fling, and one new girl found out about Darling she dumped him too. #Person2#: Was, talk about a double whammy. #Person1#: Ya. And now I can break this to you. Fanny is moving. #Person2#: Oh, right. What a load off my mind. I really don't like her. #Person1#: Well I have to go, Rock Sam. You take it easy, OK. #Person2#: Thanks for the visit, Betty.
Rock Sam and Betty greet each other. Betty tells Sam the latest gossip about Alisan Darling and Fanny.
latest gossip
#Person1#: Hello, this is Francis from XYZ Company. I would like to discuss with you about a new project some time next week. Do you have time to meet? #Person2#: Well, I am not sure. Lets me check my agenda #Person1#: Ok. #Person2#: I am free on Tuesday afternoon from 2 PM to 4 PM, is it convenient for you? #Person1#: It is ok with me. So I will be arriving at your office around two fifteen PM. #Person2#: Yes, there is. See you then.
Francis will discuss with #Person2# about a new project on Tuesday afternoon.
#Person1#: Hi, excuse me. I am sorry to bug you, but do you know where the Royal Hotel is? #Person2#: Just a minute. I am as busy as a bee right now. . . Ok, I am done. What can I do for you? #Person1#: Well, I seem to be a little bit lost here. I am worried that I'll never find my way. What's worse. I forgot my glasses and as blind as a bat now. #Person2#: Well, keep you chin up! I'll try to help you. Where are you going? #Person1#: I am trying to get to the Royal Hotel. Do you know where that is? #Person2#: Yes, no problem. You walk down this street. You turn left at the first intersection. Walk along that road, turn right at the corner. After that, you make a left-hand turn at the first traffic light. The Royal Hotel is on your right side. #Person1#: Great. Are there any landmarks nearby? #Person2#: Yeah, I think so. I think the hotel is right across the street from a post office. It is as plain as the hump on a camel. You can't miss it. #Person1#: Oh, that's good. I should be able to find it pretty easily then. Is that far from here? #Person2#: Yeah, it's gonna take you a while if you go by foot. I'd say it's about a 30 - minute uphill walk. You have to be as strong as a lion to make it. #Person1#: Oh, that will take too long and I am kind of in a hurry. Can I take a bus there? #Person2#: Well, you could take a bus there, but you would have to transfer buses twice. A taxi would probably be a lot quicker. #Person1#: All right. I guess I'll take a taxi then. How long will it take by taxi? #Person2#: Not too long. It should take about ten mins by taxi. #Person1#: Cool, thanks. #Person2#: You are welcome.
#Person1# is trying to get to the Royal Hotel. #Person2# shows #Person1# the way and tells #Person1# it's across the street from a post office. #Person2# also advises #Person1# to take a taxi, which should take about ten minutes.
show the way
#Person1#: Why are you leaving your present job? #Person2#: I'm not so satisfied with it. #Person1#: Why do you plan to change your job? #Person2#: I'm now a secretary in my present work unit. My work is not interesting. I have to type, make copies, book tickets and so on. Everyday I follow the routine. Furthermore, I have studied English for four years at university, but I can't use it there. They are the reasons I plan to change my job. #Person1#: Why are you interested in working with this company? #Person2#: One of my relatives told me that your company needs someone who can speak English. That's just the job that I have been looking for
#Person2# is not satisfied with #Person2#'s present job and is interested in #Person1#'s company because #Person2# can use #Person2#'s English ability.
#Person1#: Do you think we should travel by bus or by train? #Person2#: It's a difficult choice. The train is a litter faster, but much more expensive. #Person1#: We could face delays if we travel by bus, thanks to traffic jams. #Person2#: Buses are more cramped and you can't walk around. #Person1#: That's true, but I feel that I see more when I travel by bus. #Person2#: Really? I think you see more traveling by train. #Person1#: So, which form of transport do you prefer to use? #Person2#: I prefer going by train, ever though it costs more. #Person1#: Ok them. We'll go by train. I'm sure we'll have a good journey. Shall we go to the station and buy the tickets? #Person2#: The train aren't usually full. We can get them on the day we travel. We should buy return ticket because they are much cheaper than getting two singles. #Person1#: We should take a packed lunch on the journey. The food they sell on the trains is always expensive.
#Person1# and #Person2# talks about the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by bus and by train. They eventually decide to travel by train and plans to buy return tickets and bring packed lunches.
travel by train
#Person1#: I've never been to a restaurant like this before. #Person2#: It's really different, isn't it? #Person1#: That's a good word to describe it. #Person2#: I hope you're hungry because the pizza here is huge as well as to die for. #Person1#: I am hungry. I think I could eat a large by myself. #Person2#: Well, let's order one for starters. #Person1#: I'm in the mood for a Californian. #Person2#: That happens to be my favorite. Waiter, I think we're ready to order.
#Person1# and #Person2# think the restaurant is different. #Person1# is hungry. They will order a Californian pizza.
#Person1#: I'm so glad we decided to go on a cruise for our vacation. #Person2#: Are you even glad that we get to buy new clothes too? #Person1#: Ah, that's all part of the fun. What do you think of these shorts? #Person2#: They look really good on you. They look comfortable too. #Person1#: They are. I think I'm going to get a hat too. #Person2#: Okay. I chose this swimming suit. Do you like it? #Person1#: Wow. You look great. #Person2#: Great and white! Which reminds me, let's pick up some heavy duty sunscreen!
#Person1# and #Person2# are buying clothes because they decided to go on a cruise for their vacation.
buy clothes
#Person1#: Could you give some information on your European tours? #Person2#: Our pleasure. We have several package tours you may choose, from ten days to three weeks in Europe. #Person1#: I would be interested in a ten-day trip around Christmas time. #Person2#: I have one ten-day tour that is still available. It will depart from New York on December 24th. #Person1#: What is the cost? #Person2#: The price for one person for a ten-day tour is only 1, 099 US dollars, which includes round trip airfare. #Person1#: That sounds reasonable. Let me think it over. And I'll call your back to make reservation. #Person2#: Ok, but don't delay too long, or that trip will be all booked.
#Person2# introduces their ten-day tour which departs from New York on December 24th and costs 1,099 US dollars to #Person1#. #Person1# will think it over.
ten-day tour
#Person1#: Hello, come in, I've been waiting for you. #Person2#: Than you, I'm not late, am I? #Person1#: No, no, no, not at all. It's just that I've been looking forward to meeting you. #Person2#: Well, thank you, but it's not all that hard to do, you know. I've been calling your office and sending you proposals for about two years now, and you've never responded before. #Person1#: Ha, ha, ha! Yes, I guess I deserved that. Let me explain, okay? #Person2#: Please, I wish you would. #Person1#: Well, as you probably know I buy from a selected group of suppliers and don't, as a rule, deal with new people. #Person2#: Yes, I know that. It's why Ive been trying to become one of those suppliers. I hear you're a good man to do business with. #Person1#: I'm very old-fashioned. I believe in loyalty. Once I start a sales relationship with someone, I stay with him or her, and we so most of our business on the phone. I expect their absolute best price possible and don't haggle. But if I find out they screwed me over, then I find another supplier. #Person2#: That's pretty much what I heard. #Person1#: Well, those are my terms. As long as you honor them, we do business. If you break faith and try to take advantage, I'll find someone else to work with. Can you live with that? #Person2#: No problem at all, Mike. Just give me the chance.
Mike has never responded #Person2# before because he buys from a selected group of suppliers and doesn't deal with new people. #Person2# has been trying to become one of those suppliers and asks Mike to give #Person2# the chance.
do business
#Person1#: My mp3 player is broken, so I want to change it for an mp4 player. Can you offer any advice about which brand and model to buy? #Person2#: An mp4 player? why don't you buy a new cell phone? You can find an mp4 player inside any of the latest cell phones. mp4? #Person1#: Oh, that's a good idea. Perhaps I should have a try. #Person2#: Look at my cell phone. I can listen to music, watch movies, take pictures, play games, surf the web and download documents. It's just like a PAD. #Person1#: That's cool. I can use the computer and the internet pretty well, but I'm a little bit slow in the latest trends of digital products. #Person2#: That's Ok. you know, digital devices are becoming smaller and easier to carry, and they won't cost you too much. #Person1#: Yeah, if I buy a cell phone like this, I don't have to take a music player everywhere I go, and I can save the cost of buying an extra mp4. #Person2#: That's right. what's the flash memory of your old mp3? #Person1#: 256MB. #Person2#: Then any cell phone can meet your need because they generally have memories of over 512MB.
#Person1# wants to buy an mp4 player. #Person2# advises #Person1# to buy a new cell phone instead which is easy to carry and has multiple functions.
cell phone
#Person1#: So what brings you to my office today? #Person2#: My tooth is killing me! #Person1#: How long has your tooth been bothering you? #Person2#: It just started hurting me last night. #Person1#: Have you injured your tooth in any way? #Person2#: I think one of my fillings might be coming loose. #Person1#: Do you have a special kind of toothbrush that you like to use? #Person2#: I have an electric toothbrush. #Person1#: Does it bother you when you eat something really sweet? #Person2#: Oh yeah, when I do that, it hurts a lot more!
#Person2# comes to #Person1#'s office because #Person2# has a toothache. #Person2# says it started last night and one of #Person2#'s fillings might be loose.
have a toothache
#Person1#: We finally get a chance to meet. #Person2#: Thank you for meeting me here. #Person1#: It's no problem. #Person2#: I need to speak with you about your daughter. #Person1#: Is there something wrong? #Person2#: I enjoy having your daughter in my class. #Person1#: I'm glad to hear it. #Person2#: She is a great addition to my class. #Person1#: You don't have anything bad to say about her? #Person2#: She is always behaving herself, and she's so smart. #Person1#: I am so happy that she's doing okay. #Person2#: I'm more than happy having her in my class.
#Person2# is happy to have #Person1#'s daughter in the class. #Person1# is glad to hear that.
#Person1#: So where is this mystery restaurant that we are going to? #Person2#: It's an Indian restaurant! I know you have never had Indian food, so I thought you might want to try. #Person1#: That sounds great! I am craving some type of beef dish. #Person2#: Well, Indian cuisine actually doesn't serve beef. You see, cows are a sacred animal, a very important element in the Hindu religion, so beef is not eaten. #Person1#: I see, so what are we having? Chicken? #Person2#: There are many amazing dishes to choose from. We can have some chicken tikka masala which is an amazing curry. It's a bit spicy, but I think you can handle it. #Person1#: Sounds good! I have always heard that Indian spices give a rich flavor to food. #Person2#: Yeah. Also, we can have some Naan bread which is baked in a tandoori oven. Since you don't use any utensils to eat, you can use this bread to scoop up the curry or rice. #Person1#: What about veggies? #Person2#: They have a good variety of vegetable-based dishes like talak panter, vegetable samosas or daal. #Person1#: It all sounds exquisite! I can't wait!
#Person2# will take #Person1# to an Indian restaurant and tells #Person1# they won't have beef but there are many amazing dishes to choose from, including curry, Naan bread, and vegetable-based dishes.
Indian restaurant
#Person1#: Hello, sir. Have you anything to declare? #Person2#: This is my first tourism. I don't know what should be declared. #Person1#: OK. Please open your luggage, and I'll tell you what you should declare. #Person2#: All right. Here you are. #Person1#: You should declare the camera and the film. Do you have alcohol? #Person2#: Yes, I have got some special local product, I want to take them for my friends. #Person1#: How many bottles have you got with you? #Person2#: Four bottles. #Person1#: I'm sorry. According to the regulations, a passenger can only take two bottles on to the aircraft. So you cannot take so many. #Person2#: What shall I do with my two more bottles? #Person1#: You may give them to your friends who come to see you off. This is the Customs Declaration Form. Please fill in it. And then you can go through the other formalities. Be sure to keep the form safe. #Person2#: All right, thank you, see you. #Person1#: See you. Have a good journey.
#Person2# doesn't know what should be declared. #Person1# asks #Person2# to open the luggage and tells #Person2# the camera and the film should be declared and #Person2# can only take two bottles of alcohol.
#Person1#: Hi, my name is Tom. #Person2#: Tom, the new sales representative? Nice to meet you! I'm Melinda. #Person1#: Nice to meet you too. Melinda. #Person2#: Now let me show you around. This is our reception area, and our conference room is right over there. Over there is the sales department. #Person1#: Really? This is a nice office, but it's quite small. #Person2#: Yeah. . . You can make photocopies and send faxes over there. #Person1#: It looks like you guys work hard. #Person2#: I tell you what just between you and me, we just mess things up so that it looks like we work hard. Just kidding. Oh, your cubicle is over the. And this way. Those are all private offices--the managers'offices. #Person1#: Hmm. . . Tell me more details about our jobs. #Person2#: Sure thing.
Melinda shows Tom, the new sales representative, around, and jokes about their working environment. Tom wants to know more details about their jobs.
new sales representative
#Person1#: Have you taken the written test yet? #Person2#: No, I haven't. #Person1#: You should study before you take it. #Person2#: I have been studying. #Person1#: Why don't you take the test? #Person2#: Do you know if it costs any money to take it? #Person1#: Since you already paid for your permit, you don't have to pay again. #Person2#: All right. Do you know if the test covers the whole book? #Person1#: No, the test skips a lot of things in the book. #Person2#: Did you pass it the first time that you took it? #Person1#: No, I didn't, because it was pretty hard. #Person2#: Well, I hope that I do well.
#Person1# tells #Person2#, who hasn't taken the written test, the test doesn't cost money but it was pretty hard.
written test
#Person1#: Good morning, Mr. Smith. I hope I'm not disturbing your work. #Person2#: Not at all, Mary. Come in and take a seat. I'm always in my office before lunch. #Person1#: I want to tell you that I have already started writing my paper and I'd like to discuss my topic with you. #Person2#: Of course. What would you like to work on?
Mary has already started writing her paper and wants to discuss her topic with Mr. Smith.
discuss the topic
#Person1#: You like living in New York, don't you? #Person2#: Oh, I love it. It's so convenient. I can take the bus to work or the subway or a taxi. And there's so much to do. #Person1#: I know what you mean. I'd like to live in the city, but living in the suburbs is better for Michelle. Trees, grass. There are a lot of good things about suburban living. #Person2#: I grew up in suburbs, remember? So I know. But, as a working woman, I think New York has all the conveniences, including the best tomatoes. #Person1#: The truth is, Michelle has lived in suburbs for more than ten years. It is very hard for her to leave her friends. #Person2#: I don't think so. Michelle is at the right age. There are lots of things for her here. #Person1#: But I'm afraid that she cannot adapt herself to the new environment. #Person2#: Don't worry. It is never too late to learn or change. #Person1#: OK, I will think about it.
#Person2# loves living in New York because it's convenient but #Person1# is afraid that Michelle cannot adapt herself to the city life. #Person2# assures #Person1# Michelle is at the right age.
new environment
#Person1#: Good morning, madam. Is anybody taking care of you? #Person2#: No, not yet. Could you show me that overcoat, the silver gray one in the middle. #Person1#: Certainly. You've got excellent taste. It's very nice and it's 100 percent wool. #Person2#: I like it. Could I try it on? #Person1#: Certainly. It looks good on you, madam. #Person2#: I think so. But a slightly larger size would be better. #Person1#: Would you like to try this one on? #Person2#: This one fits me well. How much does it cost? #Person1#: Only $ 170. #Person2#: OK, I'll take it. And I'd like that blue jacket on the right. How much is it? #Person1#: It's just $ 250. #Person2#: Oh, that's too expensive, I'm afraid. #Person1#: Anything else? #Person2#: No, thanks.
#Person2# likes the silver-gray overcoat but wants a larger size. #Person2# takes it for $170 but thinks the blue jacket is too expensive.
buy clothes
#Person1#: Hello. Sunnyside Hotel. May I help you? #Person2#: Yes, I'd like to book a room for two on the 21st of March. #Person1#: Okay. Let me check our books here for a moment. The 21st of May, right? #Person2#: No. March, not May. #Person1#: Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmm, #Person2#: Are you all booked that night? #Person1#: I'm sorry. They are all booked that day. #Person2#: Then do you have a room available either on the 20th or the 22nd? #Person1#: Well, would you like a smoking or non-smoking room? #Person2#: Non-smoking, please. #Person1#: Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; we're full on the 22nd, unless you want a smoking room. #Person2#: Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 20th? #Person1#: $ 80, plus the 10% room tax. #Person2#: Okay, that'll be fine. #Person1#: All right. Could I have your name, please? #Person2#: Yes. David Smith. #Person1#: Okay, Mr. Smith, we look forward to seeing you. #Person2#: Okay. Goodbye.
David Smith wants to book a room for two on the 21st of March but #Person1# tells him they are all booked, so David books a non-smoking room on the 20th.
book a room
#Person1#: So how were your schooldays when you were a child, Joan? #Person2#: Well, from seven to twelve I went to a school in Belgium. #Person1#: In Belgium? How come? #Person2#: It was my father's idea. One of his friends was sending his daughter, and my father wanted to impress his friend so he decided to send me, too. #Person1#: Just to impress a friend? It's hard to believe. So what was it like? #Person2#: We had to get up early and go to church before class. And at mealtimes we just had to sit silently with our hands folded in our laps. And I wasn't allowed to speak English at all. I had to learn French but nobody taught me. I just had to sit in the lessons and try to understand. #Person1#: It's awful for a child of seven! #Person2#: And they were terribly strict about manners! I suppose that was one good thing. I had the most beautiful manners when I left.
Joan went to a school in Belgium from seven to twelve because her father wanted to impress a friend. She had to learn French by herself and the school was strict about manners.
school in Belgium
#Person1#: Exccuse me, waiter, I would like to have some wine before the main course. #Person2#: Have you decided what wine you would like? #Person1#: I have no idea. Maybe you can give me some advice. #Person2#: I recommend you the white wine. It will wake up your appetite. #Person1#: That's great, bring me a bottle of that please.
#Person2# recommends #Person1# the white wine as #Person1#'s aperitif.
white wine
#Person1#: What do you do? #Person2#: I'm a firefighter. #Person1#: Really? That's so cool. #Person2#: I'm really lucky to do something I really love. #Person1#: What station do you work at? #Person2#: I work downtown at station 24. It can get a little crazy sometimes but that's what makes it challenging.
#Person2# loves to work as a firefighter at station 24.
#Person1#: Jessica is going back to Holland next week. I've been thinking a lot about what to give her as a parting gift, but I still have no clue. #Person2#: is that the girl you spent almost every weekend with? #Person1#: yeah, that's her. We had a lot of wonderful times together. She is really a special friend, and I want to get her something meaningful. #Person2#: I am not good at picking gifts. Maybe you can ask if there's anything she needs to make it easier? #Person1#: I don't think so. That way it would lose all the charm. I want it to be a surprise. I want to show her that I care about her and I hope our friendship will last. #Person2#: yeah, that's nice. #Person1#: hmm, I think I've got an idea. Maybe I can get her an ever-green plant to take back home. #Person2#: a plant? That's creative. I'm sure ever time she waters it she'll think of you. But there is a problem. Do you think it'll be able to go through the customs? #Person1#: I hope so. I'll make sure to get a small one so she can put it into her suitcase. I hope it won't cause her trouble at the border. #Person2#: I don't know. I think the idea of a plant going across borders with a friend is really exciting but maybe seeds would be safer. You don't want to get her in trouble.
#Person1# is thinking about giving Jessica an evergreen plant as a meaningful parting gift. #Person2# thinks the idea is exciting but it may cause trouble for Jessica at the border.
#Person1#: What's your city like? #Person2#: It's quite an interesting place to live. The best thing to do in my city is go shopping. There are several indoor and outdoor markets, department stores and shopping malls. #Person1#: Is the traffic bad in the city centre? #Person2#: Not really. Cars are not permitted in several parts of city centre, especially in the main shopping areas. The public transport system is pretty good. #Person1#: What about restaurants and entertainment? #Person2#: There are restaurants with food from all over the world. We have a small china-town near the city centre. There are many Indian, Thai, and Italian restaurants all over the city centre. There are many sports events in my city. We have several sports venues for football, rugby, and cricket-even ice-skating and ice hockey. #Person1#: Is there a lot of nightlife in your city? #Person2#: There are several good clubs near the city centre. Many people in my city prefer something more'cultural', so we several theatres and venues for classical music concerts and operas. #Person1#: It sounds like a really exciting city to live in. #Person2#: It is. I hope you'll have time to come for a visit soon. You really should come during the summer, when the weather is better and there's more happening outdoors.
#Person2#'s city is quite an interesting place to live in. It is a good place to go shopping; the traffic isn't bad; there are many restaurants and good clubs. #Person2# hopes #Person1# can come for a visit soon.
interesting city
#Person1#: So what's your guys'take on all this global warming hysteria in the media? #Person2#: It's pretty serious, man. There have been tons of scientific studies and the scientific community says that the earth is heating up. We need to make some drastic changes to our lifestyle if we want to preserve our planet. #Person1#: I don't know. It sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo if you ask me. 'Save the earth! ' The earth will save itself. It's survived worst disasters in the past. I mean, honestly, we live in the boonies. There's no way anyone here is ever going to walk or bike to work, especially in the winter. And we have no bus system. My house is forty years old and it would take a lot of money to get it refitted to be 'green' and 'energy-efficient'. #Person3#: Well, I don't really know if I believe in global warming either, or whether or not it was our doing or a natural change the earth is going through, but you have to admit that we're living pretty irresponsibly here in the west. #Person1#: I guess. . . #Person3#: I think the issue at hand is sustainability. We've only got this one earth we can live on, and our resources are quickly disappearing because of our own carelessness and our inability to think of anyone but ourselves and anything but the present. #Person2#: So, like I was saying, we need to change the way we live. We need to reduce our carbon footprint. #Person3#: But it doesn't have to be that drastic. Hybrid vehicles and solar panels are too expensive to be feasible right now. And we don't have to be hippies living off the land and buying everything organic either, though it helps. #Person2#: I car pool to work everyday with some buddies of mine. I have a rain barrel outside my house I use to water my plants and my lawn in the summer, and I make sure I always bring reusable bags with me when I get my groceries. And we just started using bio-degradable plastic made from corn oil for take-out orders at my family's restaurant. Remember the three R's? Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. #Person3#: Exactly, it's just small simple changes, like buying energy-saving light bulbs, starting a compost bin, recycling bottles and papers, using reusable water bottles, stop using disposable cups and cutlery. #Person1#: Like the ones we're drinking out of? #Person2#: Yeah.
#Person2# thinks the global warming hysteria in the media is serious and they need to make some drastic changes to their lifestyle. #Person1# thinks the earth will save itself. #Person3# doesn't know whether to believe in global warming but thinks the issue at hand is sustainability. They agree that some small simple changes will help.