#Person1#: What are you reading? You've had your nose buried in that book since last night. #Person2#: This book is so good. I just can't put it down! It's called 'The Power of One'. #Person1#: I haven't read a book like that for as long as I can remember. #Person2#: Me either. From the very first page, this author just pulled me right in! #Person1#: Can I read it when you're finished? #Person2#: Yes. I'm in the last chapter now and it is just gripping. #Person1#: Don't tell me anything about it. I want to read it for myself. #Person2#: Okay. But be prepared for an all-nighter! I doubt you will want to put it down either.
#Person2# tells #Person1# the book called 'The Power of One' is too good to put it down, and #Person1# wants to read it too.
#Person1#: I'm sorry, but I can't find the book you lent me. I guess I have lost it. #Person2#: Don't worry about it. #Person1#: I really feel bad about it. Let me buy you a new one. #Person2#: No. Don't be silly. I wouldn't dream of letting you do that.
#Person1# feels sorry for losing #Person2#'s book. #Person2# asks #Person1# to take it easy.
losing borrowed book
#Person1#: hey, the new SOHO. How's everything going? #Person2#: everything's great. I've just returned from my office. #Person1#: your office? Aren't you a freelancer? #Person2#: sure I am. I work for myself, but I've rented a virtual office at an office building in the downtown area. #Person1#: a virtual office? #Person2#: yeah, an office that runs efficiently by using nothing other than online communication technologies. I pay the rent and share office services with others in the same building. #Person1#: what kind of services do they offer? #Person2#: a separated office, internet access, phone services, fax services, mail & courier services, and almost everything you have in a conventional office. #Person1#: sounds fun. what else? #Person2#: I get a business address at an expensive location, and I can share the receptionist and secretary with other offices in the same floor. #Person1#: oh, that helps a lot to promote your corporate image. #Person2#: you bet it!
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#, a freelancer, rents a virtual office that shares office services with others, which helps a lot to promote #Person2#'s corporate image.
Virtual office
#Person1#: Hey, John. Nice car. #Person2#: Thanks. I finally got rid of that old Nissan that got me through college. #Person1#: What is this, the new Ford? #Person2#: No, it's last year's model. #Person1#: True. How much did you pay? #Person2#: $14, 500. It only has 10, 000 miles on it, so it's like a new car. #Person1#: Does that mean you're not going to take the train to work anymore? #Person2#: Well, sometimes, I think it'll be nice to drive to work instead. We'll see. Want to go for a ride? #Person1#: Yeah, sure. #Person2#: Come on.
John got a Ford and invites #Person1# for a ride.
New car
#Person1#: I suppose you like cinematography and costumes and that sort of stuff? #Person2#: Yes, I do. The look of a picture is very important. #Person1#: I think sound is even more important! Guns, bombs, sirens--that's what makes a movie exciting! #Person2#: You wouldn't know a good movie even if it bit you on the nose. #Person1#: In my book, all a good movie needs is a chase scene and lots of things that blow up. #Person2#: Enough! If we don't finish the game, there won't be time for any movies tonight!
#Person2# thinks the look of the picture is important while #Person1# thinks the sound is more important for movies.
#Person1#: Crown Hotel. Reservation Desk. Can I help you? #Person2#: Yes, I'd like to book a room at your hotel. #Person1#: What kind of room would you like, sir? We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and deluxe suites in our hotel. #Person2#: I'd like to book a single room with a bath from the afternoon of October 2nd to the morning of October 6th. #Person1#: All right. #Person2#: What is the rate, please? #Person1#: The current rate is $100 per night. #Person2#: What services come with that? #Person1#: For $100 you'll have a radio, a color television, a telephone and a major international newspaper delivered to your room every day. #Person2#: That sounds not bad at all. I'll take it.
#Person1# helps #Person2# book a single room for 4 days and introduces the services included.
Hotel room reservation
#Person1#: Hello, this is Tom speaking. Is this Mrs. Green? #Person2#: Yes. Hello, Tom. We haven't seen each other since your graduation. I often think of you and your former classmates. You were one of my favourites students. How are you getting along at college? #Person1#: Very well. I love my life here and I am involved in many activities. We are planning to set up a new arts and literature center here. The center is going to have 3 sections, a theater and dance studio, a literature room and an exhibition gallery. I need your help because I have no idea what we should have in the literature room. Could you give me some suggestions? #Person2#: Certainly. You should have works by famous writers, like Jane Austen, Shakespeare and Mark Twain. But you should also have some newer books, like Harry Potter, books of poetry are necessary, too. I also suggest that you set up a readers club. #Person1#: That's a good idea. I'll make a list of the books and email them to you. Please add some others to the list if you have a chance. #Person2#: OK. I will. #Person1#: Thank you very much.
Tom calls Mrs. Green and asks her suggestions about the books to be put in the literature room of a new set-up art and literature centre. Mrs. Green gives her suggestions. Tom is grateful.
suggestions for books
#Person1#: Oh, Susan. What a surprise to run into you here! Are you shopping here? #Person2#: Yes, I need to go to a party tomorrow night. But I don't know what to wear, so I came downtown to buy a dress. Are you shopping here, too? #Person1#: No, I'm here to pick up my mother. She's meeting, a friend here. By the way, I heard you have a new job now. So how's your new job going? #Person2#: Eeally well, thanks. My colleagues are really nice. Though my boss is a bit strict, he's nice too, different from my former boss. He isn't bossy at all. #Person1#: Do you miss your old coworkers? #Person2#: Of course. I worked with them for 5 years and we got along well, but I just couldn't stay there any longer. I have a family to support, you know. I didn't really make much there. Well, let's stop talking about me. So how's your job going? #Person1#: Not so well. Now I have to work in groups with people from different departments. I'm not very good at teamwork. #Person2#: Then learn from those who are good at it. It's not that difficult. I'm sure you'll get used to working with others soon. #Person1#: Thanks. Oh, here comes my mother. You are welcome to come over for dinner at my place. #Person2#: OK, I will, thanks.
Susan tells #Person1# her new job is good, both colleagues and the boss are nice, and she misses old coworkers too. #Person1# tells Susan #Person1#'s job is not going that well because #Person1# is not good at teamwork and Susan encourages #Person1# to learn from others.
Catching up
#Person1#: Hi, can I help you? #Person2#: I hope so. My name is Mark. I'm... #Person1#: Don't I remember you from last year? You worked in, uh, where was it? The art library? #Person2#: You have a good memory. Yeah, that was me, and I really enjoyed the work. But for this year. #Person1#: Well, if you come in earlier. You could probably have gotten the library job again, but now... #Person2#: I plan to get a job in a restaurant this year. I really need it to make more money and working as a waiter. There always the tips. But I've tried a ton of places and I haven't found anything, and then my friend Susan. She takes photography classes in Harrison Hall. And she sort of thought there might be an opening there. #Person1#: Let's see, ha, your friends right, seems like one of the students quit a couple of weeks ago for some reason. Well, whatever, it looks like this is your lucky day. #Person2#: Wow, that is so great. So who is the contact person? #Person1#: Jack with the student office.
Mark tells #Person1# he plans to get a job in a restaurant to make more money but he hasn't found anything. Susan told Mark there might be an opening in Harrison Hall. #Person1# tells Mark he's lucky as there's a vacancy.
Looking for jobs
#Person1#: Hey Susan, how's it going? #Person2#: Terrable. I'm really unhappy at Pat the house owner. When I came home yesterday the front door was wide open the cat was hiding in the closet and there was Pat. He came to change the pipe but he didn't even tell me that he was coming. He does this all the time. Last month, one day I was throwing a dinner party for 8 people. When I went out for a minute to buy some wine Pat came to repair the broken light in my bedroom. I nearly had a heart attack when I walked in and found him there. #Person1#: At least he fixed the light. #Person2#: But it's terrible not knowing when Pat is going to show up.
Susan tells #Person1# she is really unhappy with Pat, the house owner, because he never let Susan know he is going to show up in the house.
Complain about Houseowner
#Person1#: Hi Shirley, going to the football game today? #Person2#: No, I'm not. I'm planning to watch it on television. #Person1#: Why is that? Are you low on cash this month? #Person2#: Money is not the problem. I find it easier to follow football on television than in stadiums. When I see the game in person, I feel as if I'm too far away from the action and I always lose track of the ball. #Person1#: I know just what you mean. Besides on television, the new cameras they use give you super views of all the plays. But there's always so much excitement. People are cheering and shouting when I'm there in person and I end up cheering along with everyone else. #Person2#: You're right there, but I'd like to know exactly what I'm shouting for. And if I can't even see who has the ball, I can't get very excited. So I really prefer watching it on television. #Person1#: I see your point. Well, enjoy the game. #Person2#: You too.
Shirley tells #Person1# she prefers to watch the football game on television because, in stadiums, she always loses track of the ball and has no idea about what she is shouting for.
Football game
#Person1#: What a lovely restaurant! Where on earth did you find this place? #Person2#: My neighbor told me about it. He ate here with his family last weekend. He said the food is amazing and a service is very good. #Person1#: I think the location is fantastic, too. You can see the waterfall no matter where you sit. #Person2#: You said it. Well, what have you been doing with yourself? #Person1#: Not much. How about you? #Person2#: Well, my friends and I are planning a trip to south London this summer. #Person1#: That sounds like an adventure. #Person2#: Yes. We're all very excited. There are 6 of us planning to go. #Person1#: Sounds exciting. What's the plans? #Person2#: We're hoping to go for about 5 weeks and tour as many cities near London as we can. #Person1#: Really big plans! Sounds like the adventure of a lifetime.
#Person1# and #Person2# come to a lovely restaurant that #Person2#'s neighbor introduced to #Person2#. #Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# is planning a trip to south London for 5 weeks with #Person2#'s friends.
Casual talk
#Person1#: Good morning! May I help you? #Person2#: Yes. My wife and I are interested in renting a house for the summer. #Person1#: Do you want a furnished house or an unfurnished one? #Person2#: Furnished. #Person1#: Very well. How long do you want the house? All summer? #Person2#: No, not all summer. Just for six weeks. #Person1#: I'm afraid I can only rent it for two months. #Person2#: My holiday is only six weeks, but I think my brother and his family would take it for the other two weeks.Is the house in good condition? #Person1#: Yes, it is. It was just painted and it has all the modern conveniences.
#Person2# wants to rent a furnished house, and #Person1# rent it for two months. #Person2#'s brother would take it for the other two weeks.
rent a house
#Person1#: How do you do? #Person2#: How do you do? Nice to meet you, Ms. Smith. I ' m Jack Stevens from the Marketing Department. Here is my card. #Person1#: It ' s nice to meet you, Mr. Stevens. #Person2#: Please call me Jack. Have a seat, please. #Person1#: Thank you.
Jack meets with Ms. Smith and introduces himself to her.
#Person1#: Would you care to join for the picnic tomorrow? #Person2#: Much to my regret, I'll have to meet my girlfriend at the airport then. #Person1#: We'd like to invite you for our dress party tomorrow evening, are you free? #Person2#: Much as we'd like to, but we've booked up already for that time. #Person1#: What a pity! You can't join us. #Person2#: So sorry. Next time we'll go, thanks anyway.
#Person1# invites #Person2# for the picnic and dress party tomorrow, but #Person2# isn't available.
busy schedule
#Person1#: Hi, excuse me sir? I'm looking for a dress shoe. My usual pair that I'Ve had for years have finally been stretched out of shape. They don't provide any support anymore. #Person2#: Sure, what kind of shoe are you looking for? We'Ve got strappy sandals, sleek high heels, edgy pumps, or if you're looking for something a little more practical, we'Ve got Mary Janes, ballerinas. #Person1#: Show me some classic high heels, please. #Person2#: Ok, right this way. What color did you have in mind? #Person1#: Black. Classic. #Person2#: Of course. We'Ve got this style here that is very popular. Because it's an open-toe shoe, you can wear it any time of the year. They look great on everyone. #Person1#: Umm. too shiny. And I wear pantyhose with my shoes so let's look for a closed-toe shoe. #Person2#: OK, these are a very nice pair of leather shoes with a two-inch heel so they are very comfortable. #Person1#: I don't like the pointed toes. Let me take a look at what else you have. Too high. That one looks like the back would cut into my heel. I have a high instep so I doubt that one will fit properly. #Person2#: What size? #Person1#: Seven-and-a-half. #Person2#: Here we are. How does it fit? #Person1#: Hmmm. Not good. They're too tight. The length is right, but the shoe is too narrow and it's pinching my toes. And there'd be no room for my insoles. You know what? I don't think I have the patience for keeping trying on those shoes. I will look for them at other stores. #Person2#: Have a nice day, Ma'am.
#Person1# is looking for a dress shoe. #Person2# recommends her some styles, and she would like to see some classic high heels. #Person1# keeps trying on the shoes but isn't satisfied with them. #Person1#'ll look for shoes at other stores.
#Person1#: What is your long term career plan you set for yourself? #Person2#: First of all, I hope to spend a few years working in some famous companies to command a skill, to set a solid foundation and to build my interpersonal network. When I feel I have accumulated enough experience, I hope to own an undertaking. Of course this is up to the situation then and the opportunities the companies offer me. In the long run, I hope to be an entrepreneur.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s long-term career plan of being an entrepreneur.
career plan
#Person1#: Great! I landed on Classic Movies. #Person2#: I didn't know you liked old movies. #Person1#: I love them, especially the all-time greats like Gone With the Wind. #Person2#: You're so right! Today's movies are just too commercial! #Person1#: Sometimes I think Oscars are only awarded to movies that make a lot of money.
Both #Person1# and #Person2# think today's movies are too commercial.
#Person1#: Are you free on Friday evening because we were wondering if you would like to come round for dinner? #Person2#: Oh, thank you very much. I'd like to come, but I'm afraid I'm busy that evening. #Person1#: That's a pity! Then when would it be a good time for you? #Person2#: Well, I'm not too sure, actually. I'Ve got a lot going on the next couple of weeks. Why don't I call you later? #Person1#: Okay, that's fine.
#Person1# invites #Person2# to dinner, but #Person2# is busy. They will find another time.
dinner invitation
#Person1#: Please open your books to page 10. Mary, Can I help you? #Person2#: I'm sorry that I'm late, Mr. Webber. I couldn't find the room. #Person1#: That's alright. It's the first day of school, after all. #Person2#: What are we doing? #Person1#: I'm asking the class to read page 10 to themselves. Then I'm going to ask some questions about the passage. #Person2#: May I have a book? #Person1#: Here. Write your name inside the front cover. Remember that you must return the textbook to me at the end of the semester, so keep it in good condition.
Mr. Webber asks the class to read page 10, and then Mary comes in. She's late and asks Mr. Webber for a book.
first day
#Person1#: What's your city like? #Person2#: It's quite an interesting place to live. The best thing to do in my city is go shopping. There are several indoor and outdoor markets, department stores and shopping malls. #Person1#: Is the traffic bad in the city centre? #Person2#: Not really. Cars are not permitted in several parts of city centre, especially in the main shopping areas. The public transport system is pretty good. #Person1#: What about restaurants and entertainment? #Person2#: There are restaurants with food from all over the world. We have a small china-town near the city centre. There are many Indian, Thai, and Italian restaurants all over the city centre. There are many sports events in my city. We have several sports venues for football, rugby, and cricket-even ice-skating and ice hockey. #Person1#: Is there a lot of nightlife in your city? #Person2#: There are several good clubs near the city centre. Many people in my city prefer something more'cultural ', so we several theatres and venues for classical music concerts and operas. #Person1#: It sounds like a really exciting city to live in. #Person2#: It is. I hope you'll have time to come for a visit soon. You really should come during the summer, when the weather is better and there's more happening outdoors.
#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about #Person2#'s city. #Person2# introduces traffic, restaurants, entertainment, and nightlife of #Person2#'s city. #Person1# thinks it sounds like a really exciting city to live in.
#Person1#: I can bet the farm that you will regret about your decision. You cannot find a better one. #Person2#: How can you be so sure? You haven't been together with her, have you? #Person1#: No. But I'm sure she is a good girl. My sixth sense tells me so. #Person2#: Then try it yourself.
#Person1# thinks #Person2#'ll regret about #Person2#'s decision on the girl.
#Person1#: I'm sorry, dad. But you can't do that. It's for me to decide. #Person2#: Oh, I see. You'Ve already decided, have you? Now, you listen to me, you're only 19. #Person1#: I didn't say I'd already decided, dad. I said it was for me to decide. There is a difference. #Person2#: Oh. So you think you can just do whatever you want, do you? #Person1#: I didn't say that either. I was hoping we could discuss the matter together. I want your advice but I don't want you to tell me what to do. I'Ve got to make decisions for myself, dad.
#Person1# wants dad's advice but doesn't want him to tell what to do. #Person1# wants to decide independently.
make decisions
#Person1#: How time flies! Why I always feel haven't enough time to work and study? #Person2#: Yes, I also felt that. I'm always busy, and have no time for rest. I don't know how to make use of time. #Person1#: Maybe we should make a plan and list what we should do next, and follow it. #Person2#: That's a good idea. And in this way we will know how we spend our time and spare a lot of time to do other things. #Person1#: You are right. Let's stop idling around and do something. #Person2#: Yeah, time is money. We really need to make good use of it.
#Person1# suggests making a plan and listing what should do to make use of time. #Person2# thinks it's a good idea.
#Person1#: How can you keep in touch with your aunt in America? #Person2#: Oh, I make a phone call once a month. #Person1#: It's very expensive, right? #Person2#: Yeah. #Person1#: Why not send E-mail through the Internet? #Person2#: Is it convenient and cheap? #Person1#: Sure. You can send E-mail to each other every day through the internet. In addition, you can make a phone call through the internet, too. #Person2#: Really? I'm so glad to hear that. But I don't know how to get access to the Internet. Could you show me? #Person1#: No problem. I'll tell you. #Person2#: I'll appreciate it very much.
#Person2# makes phone calls to contact with #Person2#'s aunt in America. #Person1# advises #Person2# to send E-mail.
#Person1#: How do I apply to an American university? #Person2#: You should go to the library to find some information about American universities, and write to the Admission Office. Then the Admission Office will send you application forms and other related materials. From experience, many applicants write to several universities instead of just one. #Person1#: I was told that it took a lot of time and effort to apply. #Person2#: That is true. I'll list for you the requirements of almost all the universities. First of all, you need official transcripts of your undergraduate work, three letters of recommendation from your professors who know your competence, and the official TOEFL ( Test of English as a Foreign Language ) score ( It's usually 550 ). Then you need a financial guarantee, and an application fee of 25 dollars. #Person1#: What's to come next? #Person2#: If they agree to enroll you, they will send you a TAP - 66 Form. With TAP - 66, you can apply for a passport from our government, and then apply for a visa from the US Embassy in Beijing. #Person1#: How long will it take to go over all the procedures? #Person2#: From 3 to 6 months if everything goes well. #Person1#: Thank you. I appreciate all your help. #Person2#: You are welcome. Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions.
#Person1# asks #Person2# how to apply to an American university. #Person2# tells #Person1# the procedures of an application and will list the requirements of almost all the universities for #Person1#. #Person1# appreciates all #Person1#'s help.
American university
#Person1#: Hello, could you arrange a dinner for us? #Person2#: Sure, what time? #Person1#: Eight o'clock tomorrow evening. #Person2#: For how many people? #Person1#: Ten. #Person2#: Western food or Chinese food? #Person1#: Chinese food. #Person2#: Do you want an expensive meal? #Person1#: No, not too lavish. #Person2#: How much would you like to spend for each person? #Person1#: What is the usual thing here? #Person2#: Forty to eighty RMB Yuan a plate. #Person1#: Let's say sixty Yuan then. #Person2#: OK. Is there anything special you'd like to have on the menu? #Person1#: We'd like to have typical Chinese food. #Person2#: Anything you'd rather not have? #Person1#: No snakes, please. #Person2#: How about drinks? #Person1#: Mao Tai and Qingdao Beer. #Person2#: Well. Dinner for ten at sixty Yuan a plate, drink's extra, at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening. Is that all right? #Person1#: Right, thanks. #Person2#: My pleasure, see you tomorrow evening. #Person1#: See you then.
#Person1# asks #Person2# to arrange a dinner for ten people tomorrow evening. #Person1# wants typical Chinese food without snakes, and Mao Tai and Qingdao Beer as drinks.
#Person1#: And how will you be paying for your room, Ms. White? #Person2#: By credit card. #Person1#: Both rooms on the same card? #Person2#: Yes. #Person1#: Your card number please? #Person2#: 4434 1234 5678 9902. #Person1#: Double one, zero two? #Person2#: No, double nine zero two. #Person1#: 4434 1234 5678 9902? #Person2#: That's right. #Person1#: And the expiry date? #Person2#: Eleven, . . . #Person1#: Could you repeat that please? #Person2#: November this year. #Person1#: Thank you. I've booked two rooms for Ms. White and Mr. Webber from Wednesday the 25th to Saturday the 28th of September. #Person2#: Thank you. #Person1#: You're welcome. We'll see you on the 25th, Ms. White. #Person2#: Thanks a lot. Goodbye. #Person1#: Goodbye.
Ms White pays for her rooms by credit card. #Person1# confirms her card number, expiry date, and the check-in and check-out date.
#Person1#: Which kinds of meat are most popular in your country? #Person2#: We eat a lot of chicken, pork and beef. You eat those meat a lot in your country too, don't you? #Person1#: Yes, we do. We also eat a lot of lamb. #Person2#: yes. I'Ve heard that people in your country like to eat lamb chops. #Person1#: That's right. They tastes so good! We eat them with mint sauce. Have you every tried them? #Person2#: Yes, I have. I tried them when I visited your country last year. I thought they were very tasty. Can you cook them? #Person1#: I certainly can. If I can get some from the butcher's, I'll cook them for you. #Person2#: That sounds great. I'll bring a bottle of wine.
#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the most popular meat in their country. #Person1# promises to cook lamb chops for #Person2#.
#Person1#: Hello, may I help you? #Person2#: Yes, I need some more cash for my visit in China. May I cash a traveler's check here? #Person1#: Of course. We would be happy to cash it for you. #Person2#: I was going to cash it at the hotel, but one of my friends said that banks always give better exchange rates. #Person1#: Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate, for which we're somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge. You see, hotels really aren't in the money exchange business although they will cash traveler's check for their guest. #Person2#: You mean there is really not that much of a difference. #Person1#: No, madam. Not very much. #Person2#: Well, may I cash these three checks for 100 dollars each? I think that will be enough. #Person1#: Yes, I'll be happy to cash these for you. Would you please countersign them here? #Person2#: Ok.
#Person2# asks #Person1#'s help to cash. #Person1# says there isn't much difference between cashing at the hotel or at the banks. Then #Person1# helps #Person2# cash three checks.
#Person1#: Could you have a taxi pick me up and take me to the airport before 1 p. m. ? #Person2#: What's your address, sir? #Person1#: I live at 323 Park Street. #Person2#: Ok, someone will be there by 12:15. #Person1#: What are your rates? #Person2#: It's 2 dollars initially and 35 cents for each quarter mile. #Person1#: I have four very large suitcases. Will those fit in the taxi? #Person2#: No, I'll send a larger vehicle to pick you up.
#Person2# will send a larger vehicle to fit in #Person1#'s four large suitcases.
#Person1#: Ah, Oh! Are you hurt? #Person2#: I don't think so. I'm just shaken up a little. #Person1#: Maybe I'd better call an ambulance. #Person2#: No, don't bother. I think I'm OK. #Person1#: Are you sure? #Person2#: Yes, it's OK.
#Person1# asks #Person2# not bother to call an ambulance.
#Person1#: I hope we could offer the most favorable terms. #Person2#: I am sure you will find our prices are most competitive. Here is our offer. All the prices on the list are firm. If your order is a sizeable one, we could reconsider our prices. #Person1#: Good. Is there any commission included? We are commission agents. #Person2#: As a rule, we don't allow any commission. However, as an encouragement for businesses, we will allow you a 3 % commission. #Person1#: Ok. How about the earliest possible shipment? #Person2#: By the coming September. #Person1#: Could you make an offer on FOB basis? #Person2#: Certainly!
#Person2#'ll allow #Person1# a 3% commission and make an offer on FOB basis. The earliest shipment will be by September.
#Person1#: Hi, I was wondering how I'd go about getting a credit card. #Person2#: Certainly, Sir. You do have a Current Account with us right? #Person1#: Oh, no, I'm afraid I don't. Is that necessary? #Person2#: Yes, Sir. In order to get a credit card with us, you'll need to open a Current Account here. Could you please fill out this form with your relevant details? #Person1#: That's done. Do you need to see any credentials? #Person2#: Yes, a passport will be fine. #Person1#: I don't have my passport on me at the moment. I'll just pop back to my office and pick it up. #Person2#: That's fine, Sir. We'll see you again a little later.
#Person2# needs to see #Person1#'s credentials to get a credit card for #Person1#, and #Person1#'ll go back to pick up the passport.
credit card
#Person1#: This is Mary. I just want to let you know that we made an offer to you. The salary is 3, 000 yuan a month, I e-mailed the offer to you as well. You can let me know within a week if you accept the offer. #Person2#: Thank you. I'll go through it and tell you. #Person1#: We hope you get on board with us, Please let me know as soon as possible. #Person2#: I will. Thank you for all.
Mary informs #Person2# of an offer. #Person2#'ll go through it and tell Mary.
#Person1#: Good morning, Madam, can I take your order now? #Person2#: Yes, I'd like to have a roast chicken leg. #Person1#: Anything else? #Person2#: No. #Person1#: How about drink? #Person2#: No, enough. #Person1#: Please wait a moment. #Person2#: Waiter, come back. #Person1#: OK. What's up, Madam? #Person2#: It's not too salty. #Person1#: OK. #Person2#: Waiter, come back again. #Person1#: Yes, anything wrong? #Person2#: Not too rare. #Person1#: Yes, I see. #Person2#: Why do you come back again? #Person1#: There's a question I want to ask you. #Person2#: What's that? #Person1#: Which leg do you want to have, right leg or left one? #Person2#: Thanks, thanks a lot and thanks a million. #Person1#: Why do you say so many thanks? #Person2#: I can't forget about this when next time.
#Person1# helps #Person2# order a roast chicken leg. #Person2# is picky and asks #Person1# to come back several times to solve problems.
#Person1#: Could I get some beef? #Person2#: What kind of beef would you like to get? #Person1#: Ground beef would be fine. #Person2#: How many pounds would you like? #Person1#: Four pounds is enough. #Person2#: What kind of ground beef do you want? #Person1#: I'm going to need extra lean ground beef. #Person2#: I can get that for you. #Person1#: Thanks so much. #Person2#: You're welcome, Let me go wrap the ground beef up for you. #Person1#: Thanks for everything.
#Person1# needs four pounds of ground beef, and #Person2# wrap them up for #Person1#.
#Person1#: This is the Pan-American Club. May I help you? #Person2#: Yes. I believe you have a luncheon meeting this coming Wednesday. Could you give me some more information about that? #Person1#: Yes, of course. The guest speaker is Professor David of a University, and he'll be lecturing about The impact of the Oil Crisis on Latin America. #Person2#: Mmm, that sounds very interesting.
#Person1# asks #Person2# for some more information about the luncheon meeting.
luncheon meeting
#Person1#: How can I help you? #Person2#: I'm here for a facial. I made an appointment over the phone for 3:30 today. #Person1#: What's your name? #Person2#: Addison. #Person1#: Ok. Which facial would you like? We have five different kinds of facials. #Person2#: Which would you recommend? #Person1#: Well, since it's summer and it looks like you've had quite a bit of sun, I'd recommend our summer special. It's especially suited for individuals with sensitive skin. #Person2#: What does it include? #Person1#: The facial will start with a thorough cleansing. #Person2#: Does it include a facial mask and a massage? #Person1#: Yes. The stimulation mask promotes blood flow and will firm up the skin. You can also choose to either get a hand or back massage as well. #Person2#: Will you exfoliate the skin as well? #Person1#: Yes. We'll also apply some of our special day cream that will moisturize our skin and protect it from the sun. #Person2#: That sounds great. I'll have that one then. #Person1#: Ok, just follow me.
#Person2# comes to #Person1# for a facial. #Person1# recommends their summer special and explains what it includes. #Person2# thinks it's great and will have that one.
#Person1#: Welcome to Adventure Tours. How may I help you? #Person2#: I want to book a tour with adventure sports. #Person1#: Excellent! Our company has more than ten years of experience in the adventure tourism and sports field. Let me show you some options. This is our most popular choice, our river guides will take you #Person2#: I don't really think I'm ready to throw myself down a river full of jagged rocks in a rubber boat or go up in the air in a wicker basket held up by an oversize balloon. What else do you have? #Person1#: Well, in that case, we can take you hang gliding with one of our experienced instructors. It's the closest you can get to flying. #Person2#: What? You mean strap myself to a flimsy kite? No, thank you! Next! #Person1#: Mmm. OK. Well, why don't you tell me a little bit more about what you would like? We have everything from mountain biking, to rock climbing to street luge. #Person2#: I'm thinking something exciting but safer. #Person1#: I have the perfect option, this package will take you on a hiking trip through the Himalayas for three days and afterwards there's a dog sledding journey! #Person2#: That's more like it!
#Person2# wants to book a tour with adventure sports. #Person1# introduces some options, but #Person2# prefers something exciting but safer. Then #Person1# recommends a package will take #Person2# on a hiking trip through the Himalayas, and #Person2# likes it.
#Person1#: Good morning, I want to send this parcel to Taiwan. #Person2#: Airmail or surface mail? #Person1#: How long would surface mail take, compared with airmail? #Person2#: Oh, anything up to 3 or 4 months for surface mail. It depends on the sailing of the ships. Airmail would only take 1 to 2 weeks. #Person1#: How much would this parcel cost me by airmail? #Person2#: Just let me weigh it for you. That's 2 lb. and 6 oz. That's be $ 10. #Person1#: Thanks. That'll be OK.
#Person1# wants to send a parcel to Taiwan by airmail. #Person2# charges for $ 10.
#Person1#: Is Stanley still singing that Elvis song? He's really hogging the mic! #Person2#: If I hear Love Me Tender one more time, I think I'll go crazy! #Person1#: He sounds like a sick cow! #Person2#: Can we adjust the pitch a little? Maybe he'll sound better in a higher key. #Person1#: I already tried that. Nothing seems to help. #Person2#: Hey! Where are you going. . . ? #Person1#: Coing out for a walk.
#Person2# suggests adjusting the pitch, and Stanley'll sound better, but #Person1# says it's no help.
singing horribly
#Person1#: What qualities do you think a business manager should possess? #Person2#: Creativity, the ability to organize, the entrepreneur's spirit, comprehensive knowledge of human studies, ability of gathering information, expert competence of communication and deep professional skills. #Person1#: If a client complains about the service of your department, what will you do? #Person2#: If I'm in the service center. I'll listen to the client patiently, and accept the criticism objectively. Then I will have the claim reasonably settled.
#Person1# asks #Person2# the qualities a business manager should possess. #Person2# lists some.
business manager
#Person1#: Have you been to the new shopping mall that just opened last month? #Person2#: Not yet. I saw a billboard ad for it last week. #Person1#: I saw a lot of ads on the train. I really want to go! #Person2#: You like shopping? Perhaps we can go together then. #Person1#: OK! Could you give me a ride in your car? #Person2#: Sure. #Person1#: I can't wait! The advertising has been so persuasive. #Person2#: I know! #Person1#: I guess it's had a strong effect on us! #Person2#: Ha! You're right.
#Person1# wants to go to the new shopping mall. #Person2# will give #Person1# a ride.
new shopping mall
#Person1#: How can you be late again? You are always getting up late. #Person2#: But this morning, I got up at six o'clock. #Person1#: You are not telling the truth! It only takes one hour to go from your home to school. But look at your watch, it's 8:30 now. #Person2#: But today the traffic jam took me one and a half hours to get through.
#Person2#'s late again and explains to #Person1# it's due to the traffic jam.
#Person1#: Who knows the answer to the problem on the board? Anyone? Yes, Melanie? #Person2#: Mr. Brooks, can I have a bathroom pass? I really have to go. #Person1#: Melanie, you're supposed to take care of these things before class starts. Can't you read the sign on the wall? #Person2#: I know, Mr. Brooks. #Person1#: I'll tell you what, Melanie. If you give me the correct answer, I'll let you go. #Person2#: Fine...the correct answer is 34, I think. #Person1#: OK. Just please be back as soon as you can.
Mr. Brooks asks Melanie to give the correct answer. She answers and is permitted to go to the bathroom.
#Person1#: Tongtong, have you finished your homework? We are going to meet your father at the station. #Person2#: I'm busy doing it. My teacher has told us to hand it in tomorrow morning. Just a moment, I will finish it soon.
Tongtong tells #Person1# Tongtong'll finish the homework soon.
#Person1#: Hello, Mr. Brown. How are you? #Person2#: Fine, thanks, Mrs. Downs. How is your boy, Mike? #Person1#: He is a bit tired. You know, he goes to school at eight o'clock every morning. He doesn't get home until after four. Then he does his homework after tea. It often takes him a couple of hours to finish it. #Person2#: Poor boy. They work hard at school nowadays, don't they? Does he like it? #Person1#: You mean the school? Yes, he does. He likes his teachers and classmates. #Person2#: Does he go to school by bus? #Person1#: No, he walks. He likes walking. He meets some of his friends at the corner and they go together. #Person2#: What does he do when it rains? #Person1#: My husband takes him in the car. He passes the school on the way to the office.
Mr. Brown and Mrs. Downs are talking about Mike. Mike works hard at school and likes the school.
#Person1#: Mike, there's not much left in the refrigerator. #Person2#: Well, I might be able to pick up a few things after work, but I have to be back rather late today. #Person1#: In that case, we'll make do with a meal out at McDonald's.
#Person1# and Mike will eat at McDonald's.
#Person1#: Excuse me. Are you waiting to buy today's film tickets? #Person2#: Yes, I am. So are all these people in front of me. #Person1#: Have you been here long? #Person2#: About 45 minutes. I've moved forward a total about 3 feet. #Person1#: Oh... #Person2#: Not at all. A young couple who have been waited for one hour ahead of me finally gave up and left. #Person1#: Does anyone know what caused the delay? #Person2#: There are just not enough people selling tickets this afternoon. #Person1#: I guess I should have come before lunch. #Person2#: Maybe you would meet the same thing because many people have been looking forward to it for a long time. #Person1#: Maybe it's true.
#Person2#'s waiting to buy film tickets. #Person1# asks #Person2# how long #Person2# has waited, and #Person2# explains the reason that causes the delay.
film tickets
#Person1#: Good morning, Madam, can I take your order now? #Person2#: Yes, I'd like to have a roast chicken leg. #Person1#: Anything else? #Person2#: No. #Person1#: How about drink? #Person2#: No, enough. #Person1#: Please wait a moment. #Person2#: Waiter, come back. #Person1#: OK. What's up, Madam? #Person2#: It's not too salty. #Person1#: OK. #Person2#: Waiter, come back again. #Person1#: Yes, anything wrong? #Person2#: Not too rare. #Person1#: Yes, I see. #Person2#: Why do you come back again? #Person1#: There's a question I want to ask you. #Person2#: What's that? #Person1#: Which leg do you want to have, right leg or left one? #Person2#: Thanks, thanks a lot and thanks a million. #Person1#: Why do you say so many thanks? #Person2#: I can't forget about this when next time.
#Person1# helps #Person2# order a roast chicken leg. #Person2# is picky and asks #Person1# to come back several times to solve problems.
#Person1#: How should we commemorate the centenary of the founding of the university? We have been given quite a large budget to pay for some events. #Person2#: We should certainly hold a big party for the professors and students. We could have a firework display. #Person1#: Do you think that we should invite alumni and former professors? #Person2#: If we do, too many people might attend. Perhaps we should invited all of them, but make a small charge to attend. #Person1#: Good idea. We should also hold a series of presentations. We could have presentations on the history of the university, the courses we offer, and our links with other universities. #Person2#: Good idea! I think we could also have presentations by former students on how their experience here helped them in their lives. #Person1#: We could have another on the successes of graduates from here. #Person2#: I think that we could also produce some merchandise for the centenary-you know, T-shirts, mugs, plates, pens, and things like that. #Person1#: That's an excellent idea. Hopefully, we would be able to make a profit! A few professors and students are writing a book on the history of the university. #Person2#: I'm looking forward to reading that. We could have book signings by famous professors an alumni. #Person1#: A group of students from the art and music faculty are producing a short film. #Person2#: I'm sure that will be very popular. . OK, let's think about how we can put these ideas into practice.
#Person1# and #Person2# are discussing how to commemorate the centenary of the founding of the university. They put up some ideas of holding a big party, inviting alumni and former professors, holding a series of presentations, and producing some merchandise.
#Person1#: Did you hear the news? #Person2#: What happened? #Person1#: Our cousin went into labor and had her baby last week. #Person2#: She did? Why didn't anyone tell me? #Person1#: I would've thought that somebody would have told you. #Person2#: No, I had no idea. #Person1#: Well, she did, her baby was 8 pounds 6 ounces. #Person2#: Oh my God, that's great! #Person1#: Are you going to go and visit her and the baby? #Person2#: I think that I might. #Person1#: Good! I just thought I'd let you know. #Person2#: Thanks for telling me.
#Person1# tells #Person2# their cousin went into labor and had her baby. #Person2# plans to have a visit.
#Person1#: I'd like to buy a bottle of Centrum, a dozen tooth brushes, some baby's wipes, and a small bottle of aspirin. #Person2#: Centrum? We have bottles of thirty and one hundred tablets. Which kind do you want? #Person1#: Give me one bottle of one hundred tablets. #Person2#: And what kind of toothbrushes would you like? #Person1#: Can I have a look at them? #Person2#: Sure. This brand is supposed to be very good, but they're expensive. Those are new products. They come in several colors and sizes. There is also hard, soft, and medium. #Person1#: Are they cheaper? #Person2#: This one is 10 % off. That one has no reduction, but you can get a free tube of toothpaste with six toothbrushes. #Person1#: So if I buy a dozen, I'll get two free tubes of toothpaste? #Person2#: That's right. #Person1#: Good. I 'll take a dozen of them then. #Person2#: And here is your aspirin. What else did you say you want? #Person1#: Baby's wipes. Johnson's. #Person2#: Anything else? #Person1#: Well, actually I'd like to buy some vitamins for my son. He's five months old. Can you suggest any? #Person2#: Sure. Here you are. This one is excellent. Just mix one drop of it with milk. #Person1#: Thanks. That'll be all.
#Person1# buys a bottle of Centrum, a dozen toothbrushes, some baby's wipes, a small bottle of aspirin, and an excellent vitamin that #Person2# suggests is suitable for #Person1#'s son from #Person2#.
#Person1#: What seems to be the problem? #Person2#: Your secretary seems to think she is being harassed. #Person1#: What? You've got to be kidding me! #Person2#: I wish I were, but i am deadly serious. She said you invited her to dinner last week. #Person1#: Of course I did. As recongnition for a job well done. Once a month I invite the most productive employee to dinner. #Person2#: Well, there is no problem there. But she seemed to think that you were angry when she refused, and that your motives are personal and not professional. #Person1#: I think she's misinterpreted my intentions. What happens now? #Person2#: Our harassment policy requires that we have a meeting with the HR manager and Miss Brown. It's quite serious. You could be reprimanded, or even fired if we find evidence that you were pressurin #Person1#: I understand that. But I hope that we can get to the bottom fo this and show Miss Brown that she misunderstood my reaction. #Person2#: That's the purpose of the meeting. Sometimes a mediated conversation will straighten things out, and a little discussion and apology can calm the waters.
#Person2# tells #Person1# that Miss Brown thinks she is being harassed by #Person1#. #Person1# is astonished and explains the fact. #Person2# says they will have a meeting to straighten things out.
#Person1#: I'm not a Christian. I just want to know why Americans believe that sort of thing. #Person2#: Believe what? #Person1#: You know... like, say God is the creator of the universe, the Bible, and Jesus Christ. . . #Person3#: You don't believe that? Everyone interprets the Bible in a different way. To some people, the Gospel is a source of much comfort. #Person1#: What do you believe, John? Are you Christian? #Person3#: To tell you the truth, I don't know if I'm a Christian or not. Christians don't often share the same belief. But I believe that we all possess, by the grace of God, the potential to create fantastic changes on this earth. #Person1#: Do you believe that one religion is better than another? #Person3#: No, all religions are essentially based on the same ideals, so no one is really better. #Person1#: Do you go to church regularly? #Person3#: When I'm home in the States, I go, but not in China.
#Person1# wants to know why Americans believe in God. John doesn't know if he's a Christian or not but believes they all possess the potential to create fantastic changes on this earth.
#Person1#: I've brought some potato chips. Would you like some, Jack? #Person2#: Yes. I'd like to swap some of my peanuts for your chips. #Person1#: That'll be fine. Thanks. #Person2#: Do you have any ketchup? #Person1#: I forgot to bring it, but maybe Mary has some. Let's go and ask her.
Jack exchanges his peanuts with #Person1#'s chips.
potato chips
#Person1#: Do you have all types of seafood here? #Person2#: Yes, Sir, the specialty of our restaurant is the seafood. #Person1#: What do you recommend? #Person2#: Perhaps you would like some sole. Many guests like it very much. #Person1#: OK, we will try it. #Person2#: Any drinks? #Person1#: Two bottles of white wine, please.
#Person1# wants some seafood, and #Person2# recommends some sole.
#Person1#: Hello. #Person2#: This is Jim Evans from the Market Research Company. May I ask you a few questions? #Person1#: Oh, I suppose. #Person2#: Do you read any newspapers and if so, which ones? #Person1#: I read the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. #Person2#: About how many hours a week do you read newspapers then? #Person1#: Oh, about 2 or 3. #Person2#: OK. Now, do you read books regularly and if so, what type? #Person1#: Well, novels are my favorite. But to tell you the truth, I haven't read one in quite a while. I'm taking a class at night, so the only books I've been reading lately, our textbooks. #Person2#: And how long do you spend a week reading textbooks? #Person1#: Not enough. I guess 7 or 8 hours. #Person2#: Thanks for your help. #Person1#: You're welcome.
Jim Evans from the Market Research Company calls #Person1# to ask some questions about reading. #Person1# reads newspapers, and textbooks regularly, and novels are #Person1#'s favorite.
#Person1#: Jay, how were your New Year's celebrations? #Person2#: I celebrated with my host family, since I didn't go home. It's a long way from here to Beijing. #Person1#: Did you have a good time with your host family? #Person2#: Yeah, it was fun sharing our stories. What did you do to celebrate New Years? #Person1#: Each family is different, I think. But one of my family traditions is the Rose Bowl and the Rose Parade. #Person2#: Wait, what's the Rose Bowl? And what's the Rose Parade? #Person1#: Well, the Rose Bowl is an annual american college football game, usually played on January first. The Rose Parade is held on the same day unless New Year falls on a Sunday. #Person2#: Then, anything fun? #Person1#: It includes flower covered floats. There are also marching bands. It's really cool.
Jay celebrated New Year with his host family. #Person1# introduces #Person1#'s family traditions named the Rose Bowl and the Rose Parade to Jay.
New Year
#Person1#: Oh, it's already 10:30 now. I haven't finished my homework yet. #Person2#: Don't worry. The clock on the wall is 20 minutes fast. #Person1#: Great. Please tell Alice to wait for me till 11 o'clock. #Person2#: Where are you going? #Person1#: We're going to Sally's birthday party. #Person2#: When will it be? #Person1#: It will be at about 12 o'clock in the rose restaurant.
#Person1# thinks it's 10:30, but #Person2# says the clock is 20 minutes fast.
#Person1#: Was that telephone ringing? #Person2#: I didn't hear anything. #Person1#: I thought I heard it ring two or three times. #Person2#: Sometimes when the windows are open, you can hear our neighbors phone. #Person1#: Well, I'm expecting an important phone call and I don't want to miss it. #Person2#: Is it anything I should know about? #Person1#: Not really. It has something to do with work and doesn't really affect us here at home. #Person2#: Well, why don't you go ahead and do what you want to do outside? I'll call you if the phone rings. #Person1#: Thanks, I think I will. I've been waiting so long now. I'm getting nervous. I need to breathe in some fresh air.
#Person1#'s expecting an important phone call. #Person2# suggests #Person1# go outside, and #Person2# will call #Person1# if the phone rings.
#Person1#: Mr. Dick. Does the recommendation of the university play an important role? #Person2#: Yes. In fact, the recommendation letter written by the university is an indirect self-recommendation. In the long period of cooperation, the university has established good relationship with the companies or organizations, they trust each other well. If your university recommends you, you can be approved more easily. #Person1#: But I find that most of the recommendation letters written by universities are the same. So I doubt its authority. #Person2#: More and more persons have the same discoveries since most universities do that in order to save energy. If your university also does like this, you can look for other methods, because such kinds of recommendations say nothing for you. #Person1#: Could you tell me whether or not I send out my resume with it? #Person2#: It depends. If it has something special or useful, I suggest you send it out.
Mr. Dick thinks the recommendation letters written by universities play an important role, but if #Person1#'s university gives students the same recommendation letters, it might be useless. He suggests #Person1# send out #Person1#'s resume with it if it is useful.
recommendation of university
#Person1#: I take care of the letters. I may read, sort out and organize incoming mails. #Person2#: So you have to open all the envelopes. #Person1#: Yes, except the personal mail. And I also need to prepare the materials for posting and check the e-mail box regularly. #Person2#: Do you need to file copies of the letters before sending them? #Person1#: Yes, and I check all the e-mails for Mr. Thomas. #Person2#: I take care of the letters. I may read, sort out and organize incoming mails. #Person1#: So you have to open all the envelopes. #Person2#: Yes, except the personal mail. And I also need to prepare the materials for posting and check the e-mail box regularly. #Person1#: Do you need to file copies of the letters before sending them? #Person2#: Yes, and I check all the e-mails for Mr. Thomas.
#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# takes care of letters except for the personal mail, prepares the materials for posting, and checks the e-mail box regularly.
#Person1#: Would you like some more coffee? #Person2#: No thanks. I'm full. We need to find our waitress and get our bill. #Person1#: Good luck finding the waitress! #Person2#: The service this evening has kind of sucked. Is that our server over there? #Person1#: I'll go get the check, since our server doesn't seem to be headed this way. #Person2#: Good. I'll just stay here until you get back. #Person1#: So the total is $ 36.00 for our dinner. #Person2#: How much of a tip do you think our waitress deserves? #Person1#: I wonder if no tip would be appropriate in light of the service. #Person2#: I kind of feel the same way, but they may have just been really short-staffed tonight. #Person1#: I think that we should leave 10 %. #Person2#: $ 3.60 will be the right amount for the tip.
#Person1# and #Person2# think the service this evening has kind of sucked but they still leave 10% for the tip.
#Person1#: Could you project what you would like to be doing five years from now? #Person2#: As I have some administrative experience from my last job, I may use my organizational and planning skills in the future. #Person1#: How do you plan to accomplish this? #Person2#: By doing everything necessary and for further study. #Person1#: How long would you like to stay with this company? #Person2#: How long I will stay with the company depends on whether the company and I are satisfied with each other. #Person1#: What do you think of this industry's outlook in five years? #Person2#: I do believe this industry will be developed rapidly in 5 years time.
#Person1# asks #Person2# about #Person2#'s career plan five years from now and #Person2#'s opinion on this industry's outlook in five years.
future plan
#Person1#: We are redecorating and I'm going to add some things. #Person2#: Well, I'll be glad to help you out. We can deliver what you need to your office. #Person1#: Shall we meet at 1:15 this Thursday? We definitely need some new filing cabinets and at least one desk unit. #Person2#: Fine, I'll bring both our office furniture and equipment catalogs on Thursday.
#Person1# is redecorating and wants to add some things. #Person2# offers #Person2#'s help.
#Person1#: What a nice day! #Person2#: yes. How about going out and enjoying the sunshine on the grass? #Person1#: great, let's go! #Person2#: hey, darling, I think I might have a little heatstroke from being in the sun all day. I was so relaxed. It felt as if I were in another world. #Person1#: exactly. You know, the sunshine and wind remind me of our honeymoon. You remember? The island, the sound of the waves, the salty sea air and the sunshine... #Person2#: yes, it was wonderful but it's already been a year. How time flies! #Person1#: why not go again to celebrate out one-year anniversary? We can go to the same beach, stay in the same hotel and enjoy a dinner in the same restaurant. #Person2#: are you kidding? Can you afford it? Do you think we can get a room on such short notice? #Person1#: never mind that, I'll take care of it. Are you available next week? #Person2#: yeah, I think so. #Person1#: ok. I'll make the arrangements. It will be great. #Person2#: wonderful! I'll start packing our suitcases.
#Person1# and #Person2# are going out and enjoying the sunshine on the grass, which reminds them of their honeymoon. They decide to go again to celebrate their one-year anniversary next week.
one-year anniversary
#Person1#: Hi, I would like to purchase a one way ticket to Brussels, please. #Person2#: Certainly sir, this is our train schedule. We have an express train departing every morning and an overnight train that departs at nine pm. #Person1#: How long does it take to get there? #Person2#: About twelve hours. We currently have tickets available only for first class on the express train. If you'd like, you can choose a sleeper on the overnight train which is a bit less expensive. #Person1#: Yeah, I think that is the best option. Do you serve food on the train? Twelve hours is such a long time! #Person2#: Yes, of course. There is a dining car towards the front of the train where they serve meals at all times. We do provide complimentary water and coffee for all of our passengers. #Person1#: Great! I'll take it. #Person2#: Here you are sir. Your train leaves from platform number nine at nine on the dot. Remember to be here at least thirty minutes before your scheduled departure time or else you might miss your train! #Person1#: I understand. Thank you very much! #Person2#: Have a great trip.
#Person1# wants to buy a one-way ticket to Brussels. #Person2# helps #Person1# to buy a sleeper on the overnight train and asks #Person1# to be here at least 30 minutes before the departure time.
train ticket
#Person1#: Do you want a cigarette? #Person2#: No, thank you. I've given up, you know. #Person1#: You don't mind if I have one. #Person2#: Well, all tight. But you know, smoking does do harm to your health. #Person1#: Yes, you are right. #Person2#: Why don't you try and give it up? #Person1#: I've tried to give up smoking several times, but it's no use.
#Person2# has given up smoking and advises #Person1# to give it up too. #Person1# has tried but it's no use.
quit smoking
#Person1#: The company is selecting three employees to attend the marketing seminar next month. Did you put your name in for it? #Person2#: No, I don't really care too much for seminars. . . I find them to be either boring ot useless. I mean, how much can you really learn in one afternoon? #Person1#: It's not just about the things that you learn, you know. . . seminars are a really great opportunity to mingle and network with professionals in our industry from all over the nation. You can learn a few things, but more importantly, you rub shoulders with the business leaders and make contacts that could lead to potential sales or partnerships in the future. The social mixers are always more important than the seminars anyway. #Person2#: I'm still not too jazzed about going. . . I feel kind of awkward in those cocktail party situations. #Person1#: Well, what if I told you the seminar is going to be held in Hawaii? Does that perk your interest? #Person2#: Now you're talking.
#Person2# thinks going to the seminar is either boring or useless even though #Person1# talks about its advantages. #Person2# becomes interested when hearing that it is going to be held in Hawaii.
#Person1#: Do you have much experience with kids? #Person2#: Yes. I have three sons. Actually I also have a grandson. #Person1#: To tell you the truth, sometimes I regret having a baby so early. I have been making so many sacrifices just because my husband insisted on keeping the baby. #Person2#: I understand. I was in your position before. At that time I couldn't depend on anyone taking care of the children for me. My husband seldom stayed at home. #Person1#: What about your mother? Did she help you? #Person2#: Yes, she did a little. But you see, Americans are different from Chinese. You can't depend on your own mother to be a full-time babysitter. She could baby-sit only once or twice a week. That's it. I had to care for them most of the time. #Person1#: I see. So if my little family goes to America, I would end up taking care of my child all the time. My husband would have to make the bread for us. I just don't know how I would get some education and be able to get a job some day. #Person2#: Don't worry. You can take night classes. I did that when I had kids. And soon your child will be old enough to attend kindergarten. Then you could find a job and work. #Person1#: Sounds not so easy to me. When that happens, I will be too old to learn. #Person2#: No. You see, I went back to school to get my Master's Degree when I was in my thirties. You won't be older than that.
#Person1# sometimes regrets having a baby so early. #Person2# understands #Person1# because #Person2# was in #Person1#'s position before. #Person1# is worried that #Person1# would end up taking care of the child all the time. #Person2# advises #Person1# to take night classes and find a job after #Person1#'s child attends kindergarten.
have a baby
#Person1#: So Dick, how about getting some coffee for tonight? #Person2#: Coffee? I don't honestly like that kind of stuff. #Person1#: Come on, you can at least try a little, besides your cigarette. #Person2#: What's wrong with that? Cigarette is the thing I go crazy for. #Person1#: Not for me, Dick.
#Person1# invites Dick to get some coffee but Dick only wants cigarettes.
#Person1#: Mr. : Are you Mary Lin? #Person2#: Yes. #Person1#: Mr. : I'm Mr. Rogers, your homeroom teacher. #Person2#: Where should I sit? #Person1#: Mr. : Why don't you sit behind Brad? #Person2#: Who's Brad? #Person1#: Mr. : He's that guy in the blue shirt. #Person2#: When does the first period begin, by the way? #Person1#: Mr. : As soon as the bell rings after the morning announcement.
Mr. Rogers asks Mary Lin to sit behind Brad and says the first period will begin when the bell rings.
homeroom teacher
#Person1#: Hey Mike. What are you doing tonight? #Person2#: Nothing planned. How about you? #Person1#: Work is kicking my ass. I'm so stressed. Let's go grab a drink. #Person2#: I'm always up for a drink. To tell you the truth, it's been quite stressful here too. #Person1#: I say we get drunk tonight. I don't want to think about all this stuff. #Person2#: But we have to work tomorrow. #Person1#: We won't stay out too late. I just need to forget about work. #Person2#: I hear ya. Let's do it.
#Person1# invites Mike to grab a drink and promises not to stay out too late. Mike agrees.
grab a drink
#Person1#: I just got a telegram from Margaret and Greg. #Person2#: Are they coming to Chicago again? #Person1#: Yes. They're coming the beginning of August. #Person2#: Oh, good! We can all get together again. #Person1#: I'm glad they're coming in August. Maybe Greg and I can play some golf or get tickets to a baseball game. #Person2#: And Margaret and I can take the dog and go jogging in the park. #Person1#: Remember the garden party they gave when we were in England? #Person2#: Oh, yes. We all sat on the grass, and Margaret played the guitar and sang Greek songs. #Person1#: I had a great time. It'll be good to see them again.
#Person1# and #Person2# are glad to know that Margaret and Greg are coming to Chicago in August.
come to Chicago
#Person1#: Do you have s second? #Person2#: Sure. What do you want? #Person1#: I want to tell you I've put in my notice. #Person2#: Really? Why? #Person1#: I've been thinking about this for several months, well before the Spring Festival holidays. #Person2#: And the holidays provided you a chance to think over all this and make a decision? #Person1#: Yeah, after receiving my yearly bouns, I want to search out better opportunities in the spring job market. I've been working in the company for nearly a year and a half and I still haven't received a pay rise. It's unfair. #Person2#: Absolutely. With your expertise and experience, you're clearly working below your pay grade. #Person1#: That's exactly why I decided to quit the job and find a new one.
#Person1# tells #Person2# that #Person1# hasn't received a pay rise so #Person1# decided to quit the job and find a new one.
new job
#Person1#: So Kim, have you ever had anything stolen? #Person2#: Stolen? No, why? #Person1#: My uncle just had his motorcycle stolen a few nights ago. I was just thinking about how clever criminals are these days. #Person2#: Criminals are clever? They're only successful when people are careless. #Person1#: I don't know. The ones who stole my uncle's motorcycle were pretty good. #Person2#: If your uncle had an alarm system, then it wouldn't have happened. #Person1#: He did. It was one of the best ones available. But that didn't stop them from disabling it. And on a crowded street too. #Person2#: Didn't anyone stop them? #Person1#: You would think that people would be smart enough to stop something like that. No one knew his motorcycle was being stolen. The thieves came in a truck and convinced everybody that my uncle was parked illegally and they were there to tow it away. #Person2#: Wow, they were good. I guess criminals aren't that dumb after all. #Person1#: That's not the end. They were so good that they convinced a bystander to help them lift the motorcycle and put it in the truck.
Kim thinks criminals only succeed when people are careless. #Person1# persuades Kim that criminals are clever these days by telling Kim how #Person1#'s uncle's motorcycle was stolen.
stolen motorcycle
#Person1#: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you? #Person2#: Yes, I'd like a cheeseburger and a large order of French fries. #Person1#: Would you like anything to drink with that? #Person2#: Yes, a medium Coke. #Person1#: Will that be all? #Person2#: Yes. #Person1#: For here or to go? #Person2#: To go, please. ( The attendant hands the customer his order. ) #Person1#: That'll be $ 4. 25. . . ( The customer gives her a 5 dollar bill. ). . . out of five. Here is your change, sir. Have a nice day.
#Person1# helps #Person2# order a cheeseburger, French fries, and a Coke to go.
order food
#Person1#: Okay, I want to change 22, 000. #Person2#: Could you please fill out this form? #Person1#: Okay, here you are. ( She hands the completed form and the money to the clerk. ) #Person2#: Here's your $ 200. #Person1#: Thank you very much. #Person2#: Thank you.
#Person2# helps #Person1# to change 22,000 to $200.
change money
#Person1#: Hi, I'm here to check in. #Person2#: Would you please fill out this registration 1 form? #Person1#: Thank you. . . Excuse me, sir. You forgot to fill in your visa number. #Person2#: Did I? Let me see that. . . Oh, sorry. . . here you are.
#Person2# helps #Person1# to check-in.
check in
#Person1#: I'm in 507, and I have a big problem. #Person2#: I'm so sorry. Kindly tell me what the problem is, sir. #Person1#: Everywhere I look, I see cockroaches. #Person2#: Perhaps you could look again, sir, to double-check. #Person1#: The next cockroach I see will be number ten. #Person2#: Mr. Sandals, I've worked here five years without seeing one cockroach. #Person1#: I've already suffered enough without listening anymore to you! #Person2#: You're right, sir. Please let me transfer you to my supervisor
Mr. Sandals complains about the cockroaches. #Person1# doesn't believe it and will transfer him to #Person1#'s supervisor.
#Person1#: I am so sorry that I must be off now. My girlfriend told me I must arrive at her home in ten minutes or she will break up with me. #Person2#: She can cope with it. Don't be such a wimp!
#Person1# must be off to meet #Person1#'s girlfriend.
#Person1#: When I was at school, I was quite good at track and field events. I was on the school team for the long jump, 100 and 200 meter sprints and the javelin. #Person2#: Really? I was quite good at the hurdles and the discus. #Person1#: I wish that I were good at the discus, but I could rarely throw it in the right direction! I was awful. With the hurdles, I could never jump over them! #Person2#: I thought you were good at the high jump! #Person1#: No, I was good at the long jump. I liked the sprints best. #Person2#: Did you ever win any competitions? #Person1#: I was regional champion for the 100 and 200 meters. I usually did well in the dong jump competitions, but I couldn't compete with kids from other schools in the javelin. How about you? #Person2#: I came second and third a few times in the regional championships, but I never won. Did you ever take part in the national championship for the sprinting events? #Person1#: Yes, I did, but I didn't do very well. I made the final in both events, but came last. At least I made the final. I was very pleased with that.
#Person1# was good at long jump, 100 and 200-meter sprints, and the javelin. #Person2# was good at the hurdles and the discus. They talk about their experiences in regional and national competitions.
#Person1#: Well, that's why you'r here. My source for big TV sets overcharged me on the last shipment, so I need someone new. I wanted to meet you to see if we can work together. I think #Person2#: I agree. #Person1#: Fine, but before you agree, don't you need to know what you're agreeing to? #Person2#: I guess you're right. But like you said, you called me here to check me out. I've been doing the same. #Person1#: Ha, ha, ha! That's fair. How did I do? #Person2#: Quite good, actually. I'm pretty sure you're demanding, but fair and honest. I feel we can work together. #Person1#: Good, well, here's what I need from you. Are you ready? #Person2#: Shoot! #Person1#: Well, I know you work for someone else, but as your client, please, we have to get this straight between us. I'm your client, not your company. As your client, I expect you to be square with me at all times. Can you do that? #Person2#: I don't see a problem. #Person1#: Good! Do you have any questions?
#Person1#'s source for big TV sets overcharged #Person1# on the last shipment so #Person1# asks #Person2# if they can work together. #Person1# expects #Person2# to be square with #Person1# at all times. #Person2# agrees.
work together
#Person1#: What do you want to be? #Person2#: Dad, I haven't thought about it. I'm still young. #Person1#: Oh, honey, but you must know what your hobby is, right? #Person2#: I like playing the piano. #Person1#: Yes, you play the piano well. You could be a good pianist. That's good.
#Person2# likes playing the piano. #Person1# thinks #Person2# could be a pianist.
#Person1#: Excuse me, what material is it? #Person2#: Rhaki. Do you want some? #Person1#: No, where are the cotton cloths? #Person2#: I will show you. #Person1#: What is the shrink rate after washing? #Person2#: Less than 5 %. It's quite durable.
#Person2# shows #Person1# the cotton cloths with a shrink rate of less than 5%.
cotton cloth
#Person1#: I'm interested in all kinds of your products, but this time I would like to order some fireworks and mosquito coil incense. Please quote us C. I. F. Rangoon. #Person2#: Please let us know the quantity required so that we can work out the premium and freight charges. #Person1#: I'm going to place a trial order for 1, 000 units of a dozen fireworks and 500 cartons of mosquito coil incense. #Person2#: All right. Here are our F. O. B. price lists. All the prices are subject to our final confirmation. #Person1#: Your price is reasonable but I wonder if you would give us a discount. You know for the products like yours we usually get 2 % or 3 % discount from European suppliers. #Person2#: We usually offer on a net basis only. Many of our clients have been doing very well on this quoted price. #Person1#: Discounts will more or less encourage us to make every effort to push sales of your products. #Person2#: The quantity you ordered is much smaller than those of others. If you can manage to boost it a bit, we'll consider giving you a better discount. #Person1#: As far as a trial order is concerned, the quantity is by no means small. And generally speaking, we like to profit from a trial order. I hope you'll be able to meet our requirements. #Person2#: Well, as this is the first deal between us, we agree to give you an one-percent discount as a special encouragement. #Person1#: 1 %? That's too low a rate. Could you see your way to increase it to 2 %? . #Person2#: I'm afraid we have really made a great concession, and could not go any further. #Person1#: It seems this is the only proposal for me to accept. I'll come again tomorrow to discuss it in detail. #Person2#: All right. See you tomorrow.
#Person1# is going to place a trial order for 1, 000 units of a dozen fireworks and 500 cartons of mosquito coil incense and asks for a discount. #Person2# agrees to give #Person1# a 1% discount as this is the first deal between them. They will discuss it in detail tomorrow.
#Person1#: I am sorry I am so late to work. #Person2#: What was the problem? #Person1#: I lost track of time. #Person2#: Things happen ; make sure it doesn't become a habit. #Person1#: OK, it won't happen again. #Person2#: All right, please take this message and call this client. #Person1#: OK, no problem. #Person2#: Now does everyone understand the diagram on the board? #Person1#: Yes, I understand the numbers. #Person2#: I will explain it again ; especially for those of you who arrived late.
#Person1# was late to work. #Person2# asks #Person1# not to do it again and will explain the diagram again.
arrive late
#Person1#: My goodness! My silk dress is shrunk. How did you wash it? #Person2#: It was washed by washing machine. #Person1#: It should be handwashed with cold water. It's a common sense. Don't you know it? #Person2#: I'm so sorry. I have no idea of it. I washed silk dress the first time. I'll buy a new one for you or I'll give you money. #Person1#: That's all right. Please ask me if you don't know how to do something next time. You can keep the silk dress if you don't mind. I think it fits you. #Person2#: It's very nice of you. I'll try my best to do my job well.
#Person1#'s silk dress is shrunk because #Person2# doesn't know how to wash it. #Person1# forgives #Person2# and gives the dress to #Person2#.
silk dress
#Person1#: Please take a seat. #Person2#: Thanks. #Person1#: Now what can I do for you? #Person2#: Well, I'm looking for a job. #Person1#: Fine, but first I need some information about you. #Person2#: What kind of information do you want? #Person1#: Well, first of all, your name. What's your surname? #Person2#: Wilson. #Person1#: And your other names? #Person2#: Steven Michael. #Person1#: Have you got your e-mail address? #Person2#: Yes, It's Henrylee@yahoo. com. #Person1#: How old are you? #Person2#: Twenty-one. #Person1#: Where were you Bron? #Person2#: In California. #Person1#: Are you married or single? #Person2#: I'm single. #Person1#: And what was your last job? #Person2#: I was an office boy.
Wilson is looking for a job and gives #Person1# some personal information.
look for job
#Person1#: How do I get to the EDD? #Person2#: Actually, you do not need to go into the office to file a claim. You can do it over the phone or the Internet. #Person1#: Can I go in to look for a job at their office? #Person2#: That's a good decision. They have many good job search tools there. #Person1#: Is there an office near me? #Person2#: The Internet has a list of Employment Development Offices listed online. #Person1#: Do you know where the local office for this area is? #Person2#: Our office is over on Green Street, just west of the college. #Person1#: If I go there, will I be able to collect money right away? #Person2#: Everyone has a one-week waiting period before they can collect.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person1# can look for a job at EDD's office and gives #Person1# the address of the local office for this area.
#Person1#: My, it looks too queer! #Person2#: Yes, it is a queer drug, a tonic only available in China. Many ancient Chinese medicine journals have recorded that it can cure such ailments as night sweat, pain at loins and knees and anaemia. It has no side effect. #Person1#: Great! Will you please tell me how to take it? #Person2#: Yes, madam. Fill 3 or 5 pieces of Cordyceps into a cleaned and chopped open duck's head and cook with the whole duck. Or stew Cordyceps with chicken. #Person1#: That sounds very interesting! #Person2#: Please don't eat turnip and garlic when taking this medicine. #Person1#: Thank you very much.
#Person2# tells #Person1# how to take the tonic that is only available in China and can cure ailments without side effects.
#Person1#: Do I often have to work overtime? #Person2#: Yes, you have to work overtime a lot due to the editing job. #Person1#: Is there any extra pay for that? #Person2#: No, but we'll provide you with good businesses at the end of the year.
#Person1# has to work overtime a lot without extra pay.
work overtime
#Person1#: I really can't stand the way Paul controls the conversation all the time. If he's going to be at the New Year's party, I just won't come. #Person2#: I'm sorry you feel that way, but my father insists that he come.
#Person1# won't come to the party if Paul will be there.
New Year's party
#Person1#: Thanks for agreeing to this interview,Mrs. Rogers. My teacher wants me to interview someone who lived during the 1940s. #Person2#: Of course, Joey. What's your first question? #Person1#: Well,where were you living in 1940? #Person2#: In Minneapolis, Minnesota, where I was born and raised. #Person1#: Did you live with your family? #Person2#: Yes,with my parents and my younger brother. In 1943,I moved to Washington D. C. by myself. I got a job as a typist for a newspaper. #Person1#: What was D. C. like? #Person2#: It was an exciting time to be living there. I got my interest in politics from being in the nation's capital. When I moved to California,I went straight to Sacramento and got a job working for a state lawmaker. #Person1#: Were you in California when the war ended? #Person2#: No, I was still in D. C. I met my husband there, and we moved the following year, in 1946. #Person1#: How long did you work for the lawmaker? #Person2#: Well, I was a secretary for that politician for two years. Then I had my two girls and stayed home for a few years. But as soon as they were old enough, I ran for office myself. #Person1#: Really? Did you win? #Person2#: I did. I spent the next 20 years as a local politician. #Person1#: Wow. I've lived next door for years, and I didn't even know that!
Joey interviews Mrs. Rogers who lived during the 1940s. Mrs. Rogers lived in Minneapolis in 1940 with her family and moved to D.C. in 1943 and to California in 1946. She worked for a lawmaker for two years and ran for office herself when her daughters were old enough.
#Person1#: Meg, I've just got us tickets to Singapore. #Person2#: So exciting, then when do we set off? #Person1#: The plane leaves tomorrow afternoon. So we set off for the airport at 11 am. #Person2#: So we leave at 11 am. Do we stop off anywhere on the way or is it a direct flight? #Person1#: Well, there aren't any direct flights, we can stop off in Hong Kong. So we can stop and spend two days there on our way to Singapore. #Person2#: Great. I always wanna go there. When do we get back? #Person1#: We'll return home in 10 days' time. #Person2#: Wow, wonderful, I just can't wait.
#Person1# and Meg will go to Singapore tomorrow. They will stop off in Hong Kong and return home in 10 days.
#Person1#: Mrs. Whinfield, thank you very much for allowing me to visit your wonderful garden. It really helps me a lot to write an article on Dorset gardens for our paper. Now I wonder if I could ask you a few questions. #Person2#: Yes, sure. #Person1#: Could you tell me when you became interested in gardening? #Person2#: Well, I was always interested in wild flowers and then in 1980 I read Margery Fish's book Cottage Garden Flowers, which is full of practical advice and personal opinions. But I was reading about plants that I didn't know, so I started to read as much as I could and get different writers' advice. I also used to visit Kew Gardens a lot. That was when we lived in Harrow, West London. I learned a lot from my visit. By the way, Dorset is one of England's three most beautiful towns, the other two being Wiltshire and Somerset. You must know what. I'm often invited to give talks to biology students in college. #Person1#: Yes, certainly. That's why I came here. Now what was your first garden like? #Person2#: It was a very tiny piece of land, which came with my house in Harrow, West London. #Person1#: Do you grow many plants yourself? #Person2#: I don't grow many plants from seeds. But I have several friends and we often give each other plants. My garden is a place which often reminds me of so many people through the plants they've given me.
#Person1# thanks Mrs. Whinfield for letting #Person1# visit her garden and asks her a few questions to write an article. Mrs. Whinfield tells #Person1# about when she became interested in gardening and what her first garden was like. She and her friends give each other plants.
#Person1#: Oh, hi, Fred! I didn't know whether to save you a place or not. Why are you so late? #Person1#: It's our maths teacher. She always keeps us in class until ten past ten. #Person2#: Doesn't she know that you're supposed to get out at ten? #Person1#: I guess so. But she never looks at her watch. She just keeps talking. #Person2#: Don't the students complain about it? I would say something. #Person1#: No. Everybody is too polite. #Person2#: Well, you could try and talk to her. #Person1#: Maybe. But I'm afraid she might feel hurt. #Person2#: Well,it all depends on how and when you say it. If you tell her about it in a friendly way when she's not busy, she might be thankful. She might even ask you to remind her of the time in the future. #Person1#: Really? That would be wonderful. Thanks for your advice.
Fred is late because his maths teacher always keeps students in class too late. #Person1# advises him to tell her about it in a friendly way when she's not busy.
#Person1#: Look, Forest Gump is on at six thirty. #Person2#: Really? It was on in 1994 for the first time. And it is really a classic. #Person1#: Yeah, I am very impressed with Tom Hanks' performance in the movie. #Person2#: I am also impressed with the lines in the movie. #Person1#: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. #Person2#: That's my favorite. #Person1#: You know, it also won 6 Oscar awards in 1995. Unbelievable! #Person2#: It deserves. That film can give us a lot of inspiration. #Person1#: Yes, the Forrest's experience can encourage the people in trouble. #Person2#: All in all, it will never lose its appeal. #Person1#: Gucci, I have an idea. Do you want to see this movie together? #Person2#: Sure. Now you are talking.
#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about Forest Gump, including its lines and awards and the actor's performance. They will see it together.
Forest Gump