#Person1#: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Public Library? #Person2#: The Public Library? But there are so many public libraries in London. Which one do you want to go to? #Person1#: The nearest one. #Person2#: That's rather far away, too. You'd better take a bus. Take the No. 7 bus to the zoo, then change to the No. 9 bus and get off at the end. #Person1#: And where's the No. 7 bus-stop, please? #Person2#: Go straight down the street, and turn left at the traffic lights. Then take the second turning on the right, and you'll find the bus-stop near the corner. You can't miss it. #Person1#: Thank you very much. #Person2#: Not at all.
#Person2# tells #Person1# how to get to the nearest public library.
ask directions
#Person1#: What happened to your brother? #Person2#: It seems that he has gone ape over the girl. #Person1#: Your parents must be worrying about him. #Person2#: Yes, he's been like this for two weeks. We don't know what to do. #Person1#: Have you talked to him? #Person2#: Yeah. But he just didn't listen.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s brother has gone ape over a girl.
#Person1#: Good moming, Sir. #Person2#: Good morning. #Person1#: Where would you like to go? #Person2#: To the airport please. #Person1#: Here we are. #Person2#: Thank you. How much is it? #Person1#: Nine pounds twenty. #Person2#: Here's ten pounds. Keep the change. #Person1#: Thank you. Sir #Person2#: You're welcome, Goodbye!
#Person1# takes #Person2# to the airport.
to the airport
#Person1#: Sis, why did you ask me to come to this bargain market? It's so crowded, and you can't find anything that you really want. #Person2#: You just don't get it. Looking for bargains can be really interesting. #Person1#: Are you serious? How can that be? #Person2#: Bargaining is a game, or even a battle. You feel like a winner when you get a good price. #Person1#: Come on. You know, you can never really win. The salesperson never loses. They make their living out of it. #Person2#: That's true. But I just love it. Come here! #Person1#: Oh, this silk carpet is really beautiful. Look at the pattern, and how delicate it is! #Person2#: You do have great taste. That's the most expensive stuff here. #Person1#: Really? Oh, this one. I like the cloisonn vase. #Person2#: Are you kidding me? I bought a same one last week. It's surprising that there is something we both like. Well, what do you think of these ceramic cups? #Person1#: Come on. They look so cheap. Something else, please. #Person2#: What about this picture? I think Benjamin would like it. #Person1#: Don't underestimate his taste. I don't think he'd like it. #Person2#: Don't be so sure. He loves the vase I bought here last week. #Person1#: Yeah. Well, anyway, it's up to you. But I can tell that you come here often. #Person2#: Absolutely. That's why I can always get a good price.
#Person1# doesn't understand why #Person2# asks #Person1# to come to this bargain market at first, but then finds something beautiful and interesting. #Person2# loves the market and comes here often so #Person2# can always get a good price.
bargain market
#Person1#: There are so many record players here. That is hard to choose. #Person2#: Look at this one. It has a radio and cassette player and built in speakers. #Person1#: I'd rather get one with separated speakers. They give a clear sound. #Person2#: Yes, but we shouldn't get any thing too big. Remember it has to fit in with our living room furniture. #Person1#: That's right. Now this one looks alright? It's a hetachee or do you prefer this one? It's sony. #Person2#: Let's have the salesmen for a demonstration.
#Person1# and #Person2# are choosing a record player. #Person2# suggests having the salesmen for a demonstration.
record player
#Person1#: I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you did for me. #Person2#: It's my pleasure. I enjoyed working with you. #Person1#: I wouldn't be able to make it without your help. #Person2#: Then keep up the good work.
#Person1# thanks #Person2# for #Person2#'s help.
#Person1#: All right then, Ms. Montgomery. I'll get those plans over to your office by Thursday afternoon. #Person2#: Great. That will give me time to talk with my staff before I make final decision. #Person1#: That's what I was thinking. I'll have them there by Thursday. #Person2#: Good news. Thanks for getting things done so quickly.
#Person1# will get the plans over to Ms. Montgomery's office by Thursday afternoon.
#Person1#: Thanks for the pizza. It was delicious. #Person2#: It's okay. #Person1#: Next time, it's on me. #Person2#: Don't be silly. #Person1#: I'm serious. #Person2#: Alright. Next time, we can try some other flavors. #Person1#: Certainly. The vegetarian pizza looks pretty good. It must be very delicious. #Person2#: Definitely. I really like Italian food.
#Person2# treated #Person1# to pizza. #Person1# will treat #Person2# to some other flavors next time.
#Person1#: These things are always soooo boring. Heard any gossip? Anybody making the big bucks? #Person2#: Rich struck it rich in advertising. And he and Cath got married and just had a child. #Person1#: That's no news. Those two were high school sweethearts anyway. #Person2#: Teresa Jones got a boob job. #Person1#: Uh, I can see that. And Erica Falls has lost a lot of weight. #Person2#: I've got something. You saw Taylor Smith? Looks terrible, doesn't he? I heard he. . .
#Person1# and #Person2# are gossiping about others, including Rich, Teresa, Erica, and Taylor.
#Person1#: Do you know Sally? #Person2#: Sally. She is a bachelor girl. She is an excellent designer. Many of the company's advertisements are her child trains. #Person1#: Why is she still single? She must have a face that would stop clock. #Person2#: Oh, quite the other way round. She is a knock-out. She devotes much of her time to her career.
#Person2# tells #Person1# Sally is single because she devotes much time to her career.
#Person1#: Hello, is there anything I can do for you? #Person2#: Yes. I would like to check in. #Person1#: Have you made a reservation? #Person2#: Yes.I am Belen. #Person1#: So your room number is 201. Are you a member of our hotel? #Person2#: No, what's the difference? #Person1#: Well, we offer a 10% charge for our members.
#Person1# helps Belen to check in and tells Belen about their membership discount.
check in
#Person1#: How wonderful it is to be in love! It's love at first sight! Oh. he's my Romeo! #Person2#: Hey, Julie. How's it going? #Person1#: Oh, Mary. You've surprised me! #Person2#: Who were you talking to? #Person1#: Um, I was just thinking aloud. #Person2#: You look so happy. I see a twinkle in your eyes. #Person1#: Come off it, Mary. #Person2#: Oh, you have a crush on someone, don't you? Maybe those are wedding bells in your eyes! #Person1#: You certainly do like teasing me, Mary. Well I'm in love with someone. The question is, how do I get his attention? #Person2#: Well, that's easy. Walk up to him and kiss him. #Person1#: I guess I asked the wrong person.
Julie has a crush on someone and asks Mary's advice to get his attention but finds she asks the wrong person.
#Person1#: Amy, what's your favorite sport? #Person2#: Ah, it's hard to say. I loved swimming when I was in primary school, but I like running best at the moment. #Person1#: You run very fast, don't you? #Person2#: Yes, but not the fastest in my class. Lily runs much faster than I. #Person1#: Really? #Person2#: Yes, Lily runs the fastest of all. what about you, Mike? What do you like? #Person1#: You like running, but I like jumping, both the high jump and the long jump. #Person2#: Did you take part in the sports meet last year? #Person1#: Yes, I took part in both the high jump and the long jump. And I won the first prize in the long jump last year. #Person2#: You are also going to take part in the long jump this year, right? #Person1#: Yes, and I'll try to make a better record. #Person2#: Good luck.
#Person2# likes running but runs slower than Lily. Mike likes jumping. He won the first prize in the long jump last year and will try to make a better record this year.
#Person1#: Officer, officer, I leave something important to report. I have just had my money stolen. #Person2#: Before you begin, why not take a seat and calm down a little? Don't be too excited. It won't help us catch the thief. #Person1#: Yes, you are completely right. Where should I start? #Person2#: At the beginning, when did it take place? #Person1#: About 10 minutes ago. #Person2#: And where exactly was this? #Person1#: It was probably on the moving stair coming up from the underground at Xi'an. I think somebody had been following me from the time I left the bank. #Person2#: The bank? #Person1#: Well, you see. I went to a bank to exchange some travelers checks for money. So I can buy my airline tickets back home. #Person2#: Yes, yes. How much did you exchange? #Person1#: About $4500 worth. #Person2#: And how much was stolen? #Person1#: All of it. #Person2#: I see.
#Person1# reports to #Person2# about #Person1#'s stolen money. It took place 10 minutes ago on the moving stair coming up from the underground at Xi'an after #Person1# exchanged $4500 at the bank.
stolen money
#Person1#: How is your mother feeling these days? #Person2#: Much better, thanks Miss Wang, the operation went smoothly and the doctors says she'll recover in no time and she'll probably come home at the weekend. #Person1#: That's wonderful, when will you come back to class? #Person2#: I still need a week to take care of her and do some cleaning for her coming home. #Person1#: OK, take care of your mother and yourself, the whole class are expecting you.
#Person2# tells Miss Wang #Person2#'s mother is feeling much better but #Person2# still needs a week to take care of her.
take care of
#Person1#: Hello, miss. I'm Sam and I am with the local paper. Now, I'm working on a report on difficulties living in the UK. May I ask you some questions? #Person2#: Sure. #Person1#: What's your name and how long have you been in the UK? #Person2#: I'm Li Jie from China. I have been here for 4 years by March of two thousand and nineteen. #Person1#: Wow, pretty long. So do you think you can handle everything in your daily life? #Person2#: No, not really. I sometimes feel puzzled when talking with the natives. #Person1#: Would you share some examples? #Person2#: Uh, for example, my friends told me there is fat chance of losing weight with British food. Gosh! What on earth will I be like, losing weight or gaining weight? I was confused. Then they laughed and told me fat chance means unlikely to happen. #Person1#: Yes, the idiom is always a headache to most international students.
Sam with the local paper asks Li Jie some questions. Li Jie has been in the UK for 4 years but still feels puzzled when talking with the natives.
#Person1#: Please put your baggage on the counter and open it, let me have a look. #Person2#: Yes, sir. Please examine it. #Person1#: Anything subject to duty in your suitcase? #Person2#: No, sir. Nothing except my personal belongings, such as clothes, notebooks and some gifts. #Person1#: Any cigarettes or liquor? #Person2#: I have cigarettes for my own use. #Person1#: I think you'll have to pay some duty on these cigarettes because they exceed the quota. And this article is liable for duty. #Person2#: How much duty should I pay? #Person1#: One hundred dollars. #Person2#: Here is the money. #Person1#: Just a moment. I'll make out your duty memo. ( Writing and giving the memo to Mr. Green ) Take it and pay the girl over there. #Person2#: Thank you.
#Person1# examines #Person2#'s baggage. #Person2# has to pay some (100 dollars) duty for his cigarettes which exceeds the quota. #Person1# makes out a duty memo for #Person2# to pay.
#Person1#: did you watch the Oscars on Sunday night? #Person2#: no, but I heard about that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt didn't attend. #Person1#: yes, that was surprising. I heard that they got into a fight and then decided not to go. #Person2#: they must be the most famous celebrity couple in Hollywood. #Person1#: they're also one of the richest couples. They have so many money and they can buy almost anything they want. #Person2#: I also heard that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes made an appearance at the Oscars. #Person1#: did either one of them win an Oscar this year? #Person2#: I think Tom might have been nominated for one of his films, but I don't think he won anything. #Person1#: Tom Cruise may be handsome, but I think he's a bit crazy, don't you? #Person2#: yes, his marriage to Katie is actually quite scandalous. #Person1#: I still think that they only got married to get more publicity for their movies and themselves. #Person2#: people in show biz can have such an easy life ; I don't know why they have to make it so complicated. #Person1#: I would never want to be a celebrity because the paparazzi would also be after you. #Person2#: that's true. I guess it would be difficult to have people taking pictures of you everywhere you go. #Person1#: thank goodness we're not rich and famous! #Person2#: being famous, I can do without, but I wouldn't mind being rich.
#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the Oscars, which Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt didn't attend. They also talk about the marriage of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes which #Person1# thinks, it is for more publicity. They think it is difficult for celebrities to stand paparazzi.
#Person1#: Very glad to know something about you, then what are you going to do when you finish. #Person2#: Oh, I ' ll go to shanghai to practice there. #Person1#: That ' s a good idea. It must be easy to find a job in shanghai. #Person2#: I think so, you know there is a great deal of opportunity for business there. #Person1#: And English is very useful in your job. #Person2#: I think it will be very useful in many ways. Beside, shanghai is an important trade center, not only in China, but also in the world, English is useful in almost all walks of life. #Person1#: You will be a very promising one. #Person2#: That ' s my wish.
#Person1# thinks it is a good idea that #Person2# wants to practice in Shanghai. With #Person2#'s English skill #Person1# believes #Person2# will soon be a promising one in Shanghai.
#Person1#: My wife's birthday is today. I need some flowers. #Person2#: We have lots of fresh red roses. #Person1#: How much do the roses cost? #Person2#: $ 20 a dozen. #Person1#: That sounds good. Last year I paid $ 30. #Person2#: Yes, you came here on the right day. They're on sale today. #Person1#: Give me a dozen. #Person2#: Very good. Would you like anything else? #Person1#: No, I'll just give her the roses and a card. #Person2#: She should be very pleased with these roses.
#Person1# buys a dozen of roses as his wife's birthday present for 20$. It is 10 dollars cheaper than last year. #Person2# explains that because it is on sale today.
BIrthday Presen
#Person1#: What would you like for dessert? #Person2#: What do you have? #Person1#: I have apple pie, ice cream, chocolate cake and fruit cocktail. #Person2#: Can I have apple pie with ice cream? #Person1#: Of course. I made apple pie this morning, so it's lovely and fresh. #Person2#: I love you home made apple pie. It's delicious. Can I have another glass of lemonade as well? #Person1#: Sure. Can you get it yourself? It's in the refrigerator. #Person2#: Ok. Would you like a drink too? #Person1#: Yes. I'll have an ice tea. You'll see it next to the lemonade. #Person2#: Are you having any dessert? #Person1#: I'll have apple pie too, but without ice cream. I have to watch my weight.
#Person2# is having the apple pie made by #Person1# and a lemonade. #Person1# will have ice tea and an apple pie without ice cream because #Person2# is watching weight.
#Person1#: Laura told me today that she has a friend with a car for sale. #Person2#: Oh, she did? Then it's a used car of course. #Person1#: Yes, it's used, but she said it was in very good shape. It's a small foreign car. #Person2#: What else did she tell you? Did she tell you how many miles there are on it? #Person1#: She thinks it has about twenty-five or thirty thousand miles. #Person2#: That's not bad. What about the price? Did she tell you how much her friend wants for the car? #Person1#: Three thousand dollars. #Person2#: Three thousand! That's almost too good to be true. Did she say why her friend wants to sell it? #Person1#: He lives in the city and you know how expensive it is to keep a car in the city. #Person2#: Well, we can see it for ourselves. Did she tell you when we can go and look at it? #Person1#: No, but she gave me her friend's telephone number. I can call him and make an appointment.
#Person1# is telling #Person2# that Laura's friend has a car on sale today. #Person2# says the mileage for the car is about twenty-five to thirty thousand and the price is about 3000 dollars. They plan to call Laura's friend to take a look at the car.
Car Sale
#Person1#: I think I've got a virus on my computer. Do you know how to get rid of it? I haven't had one before. #Person2#: I'm afraid not. Why don't you call the Help Desk? Someone there will be able to help you. #Person1#: Have you got the number? I'll call them right now.
#Person2# advises #Person1# to call the Help Desk to solve the computer virus.
computer virus
#Person1#: I am trying to decide what school to apply to? #Person2#: Are you thinking about a public school or a private one? #Person1#: I am not sure. What's the difference between them? #Person2#: Public schools are usually state funded, whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere. #Person1#: Which is better? #Person2#: One isn't necessarily better than the other. It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers. #Person1#: I hear you have to wear uniforms at private school. #Person2#: Yes, sometimes.
#Person1# is applying to schools. #Person2# tells #Person1# the differences between a private school and a public school. Which one is better depends on the school's administration.
School Application
#Person1#: Do you like the Harry potter books and movies? #Person2#: Not really! #Person1#: Why not? They are very fun and exiting. #Person2#: Maybe, but I think they are just for kids. #Person1#: No, that's not true. Many adults like the Harry potter books too. #Person2#: Maybe they don't agree with my taste.
#Person2# doesn't like Harry Potter and thinks they are for kids. #Person1# disagrees.
Harry Potter
#Person1#: Do you object to drinking black tea, Mr. Zhang? #Person2#: Yes, that is why I never drink it. #Person1#: Do you drink green tea, then? #Person2#: Very seldom, because tea has tannin which may be harmful to one's health. #Person1#: But if the tea is good and well prepared, it will do much good. #Person2#: What good is it for? #Person1#: Not only can it appease one's thirst, but it can also refresh one when tired. #Person2#: That's true, but it must not be allowed to stand long. #Person1#: Why is it so? #Person2#: Because if you drink a kind of tea which has been prepared for some time before, it will do you harm.
Mr. Zhang does not drink tea because he thinks tannin is harmful. But #Person1# thinks that tea can be good if it is well prepared. Mr. Zhang agrees, but he states if you let the tea stand too long it will still do you harm.
#Person1#: Both our countries are quite small. How would you describe the landscape in your country? #Person2#: My country is well know for being very flat. There are some hills in the southeast of the country. #Person1#: Is it really completely flat? #Person2#: Pretty much. The land rises and falls only a few meters. The southeast, the hills rise to a height of a few hundred meters. There are mountains over 1000 meters high in your country. #Person1#: Yes, there are. They are not very big compared with the mountains in other countries. #Person2#: The coast of your country is very varied. The coast of my country is just made up of sandy beaches. #Person1#: That doesn't sound too bad. Great for sunbathing! The coast of my country changes even within a few kilometers. There are cliffs, then sandy beaches. Then rocks. There are lots of caves in the cliffs. There are also many small islands off the coast, but few people lives on them. #Person2#: There are many lakes and rivers in your country too. We also have many rivers, but only a few lakes. #Person1#: We also have waterfalls in the mountains. They make the landscapes look very scenic. The landscape has been shapes by millions of years of erosion, especially by water.
#Person2#'s country is known for being flat. The coast is made up of sandy beaches. But in #Person1#'s country, there are mountains that rise over 1000 m. the coast is varied and there are cliffs, rocks, caves and waterfalls in the mountains.
describe the landscape
#Person1#: How was your trip to Brazil? Did you learn anything? #Person2#: I had no idea how seriously that country takes soccer! #Person1#: Tell me about it. #Person2#: Okay. In the middle of their streets there are parks, big soccer fields as far as you can see. #Person1#: Really? #Person2#: That's not all. They use them! Every night men, women, children all out there till 3 and 4 a. m. #Person1#: Are you serious? #Person2#: I don't know how they function the next day! It's like they eat and breathe soccer!
#Person2# tells Brazil takes soccer seriously and soccer fields are built in the middle of the streets. People played in the field till 3 and 4 a.m. #Person1# is surprised by the fact.
soccer in Brazil
#Person1#: Dear Anna. I really love you. #Person2#: I love you, too. #Person1#: I want to take care of you forever. Will you marry me? #Person2#: Oh. My God! Are you serious? #Person1#: Am I too abrupt? Did I scare you? Or you don't want. . . #Person2#: No! I have been expecting this moment for a long time. I mean my answer is'yes'. #Person1#: Oh, I'm so happy. I will try my best to love you and protect you. I promise. #Person2#: I trust you. We'll be happy. #Person1#: Let me wear you this diamond ring. #Person2#: It's so beautiful.
#Person1# proposes to Anna, which surprised Anna, for she has been expecting for a long time. Anna says yes and wears the diamond ring.
#Person1#: You are saying he will be promoted to the general manager? #Person2#: Yeah. #Person1#: Are you sure? #Person2#: Yes. I bet my bottom dollar that he will get promoted. #Person1#: Just because he gets on well with everybody? #Person2#: Partly, and he's also a hard working man.
#Person2# tells #Person1# a man will be promoted. For he is hard working and gets along with people.
#Person1#: Hello, Susan, it's me, An. #Person2#: Hi, An. How are you? #Person1#: I am fine. I am going swimming this afternoon. Are you coming with me? #Person2#: I am afraid I can't this afternoon. I take my daughter to her tennis class at the club on Wednesday afternoons. #Person1#: Maybe I can meet you at the club and we can play tennis together. #Person2#: Ok, I'll meet you at the club at two thirty.
Susan declines An's invitation to go swimming. Then they plan to play tennis together at two-thirty.
Afternoon Plans
#Person1#: Welcome back, soccer fans. My name is Rick Fields and, as always, I am joined by my commentating wingman, Bob Copeland. #Person2#: And we're on the brink of soccer history today, as Ecuador and Brazil are tied one-one as we begin the second half of the 2022 World Cup! #Person1#: The ref calls the players for the kick off, and here we go! Ecuador quickly passes the ball to the midfield, but, oath, it's out of bounds. #Person2#: That will be a throw in for Brazil. Adriano has the ball and makes a long pass to Robin, and the ref has called him offside. #Person1#: No question about it. He was offside by a mile! We have a goal kick for Ecuador. Edison Mendez heads it to Valencia, he shoots! Deflected by the defender and we have a corner kick. #Person2#: Delgado takes the corner. We have a foul! Oh no, Did, the goalkeeper, has fouled the Ecuadorian player! He gets a yellow card and that will be a penalty kick! #Person1#: This is the perfect opportunity for Ecuador to get ahead in this match and become World Champions! He gets ready for the kick. He shoots! and he. . .
#Person1# and #Person2# are giving a commentary on 2020 Soccer World Cup between Ecuador and Brazil. Since the Brazilian goalkeeper gets a yellow card, Ecuador has a chance to be World Champions.
a soccer match
#Person1#: Steven, can you give us a summary about your work? What do you get from your work? #Person2#: I have accumulated a wealth of practical experience in work as a chief advertisement designer. Moreover, I realized teamwork is the key to success. #Person1#: Why do you think so? #Person2#: I think building team spirit among the coworkers is very important. I believe we can accomplish a miracle if we stick together. #Person1#: Very good. Anything else? #Person2#: My advantage is that I have strong sense of responsibility. But I lack patience. #Person1#: I must praise you for your modesty and diligence. What's your plan next? #Person2#: I will listen and learn more when I start my new job. I plan to become more professional in my field. #Person1#: I've got to commend you ; you really did a good job. #Person2#: Thanks for your compliment, but there is still plenty more to learn.
Steve is at a Job interview, he is very experienced in his field as chief advertisement designer, along with realization of the importance of team work. #Person2# praised him for his modesty and past work.
Job Interivew
#Person1#: I hate working on Christmas Eve! Whoa! Get a load of this guy! Come in central, I think we have got ourselves a situation here. #Person2#: License and registration please. Have you been drinking tonight, sir? #Person3#: I had one or two glasses of eggnog, but nothing else. #Person1#: Step out of the vehicle, please. Sir, what do you have in the back? #Person3#: Just a few Christmas gifts, to this season, after all! #Person2#: Don't take that tone with me. Do you have an invoice for these items? #Person3#: Umm. . . no. . . I make these in my workshop in the North Pole! #Person2#: You are under arrest, sir. You have the right to remain silent. You better not pout, you better not cry. Anything you say can and will be used against you. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, the state will appoint one for you. #Person3#: You can't take me to jail! What about my sleigh? It's Christmas Eve! I have presents to deliver! Rudolph! Prancer! Dancer! Get help!
#Person3# is drunk driving on Chirstmas Eve got stopped by two police officers, then aressted and can not deliver gifts.
DUI on Christmas Eve
#Person1#: Is that room service? #Person2#: Yes. What can I do for you? #Person1#: The maid has just delivered some laundry to my room. But it's not mine at all. #Person2#: I am sorry. sir. We will send someone immediately.
#Person1# calls room service because the laundry is not #Person1#'s.
room service
#Person1#: What type of music do you like to listen to? #Person2#: I like listening to different kinds of music. #Person1#: Like what, for instance? #Person2#: I enjoy Rock and R & B. #Person1#: Why is that? #Person2#: I like the different instruments that they use. #Person1#: That's a good reason to like something. #Person2#: Yeah, I think so too.
#Person1# wants to know what types of music #Person2# likes and why. #Person2# likes Rock and R & B because of the different instruments they use.
#Person1#: How many people does your company employ? #Person2#: We have over sixty employees. We have about forty factory workers and technical people and the rest are admin and sales staff. We started off with only ten people, so our workforce has grown a lot. #Person1#: What's your annual turnover? #Person2#: It was just over two million euros last year.
#Person2# tells #Person1# that they have 60 employees and the annual turn over last year is two million euros.
a company
#Person1#: You're going to have coffee, aren't you? #Person2#: Yes. I could use a cup of coffee. #Person1#: Are you going to have anything to eat? #Person2#: French toast sounds good. What are you going to order? #Person1#: I'll have that too.
#Person2# are going to have a cup of coffee. French toast for both #Person1# and #Person2#.
have a meal
#Person1#: Would you please wait this letter to see with the postages? #Person2#: Do you want to sent this letter by ordinary or registered mail? #Person1#: By ordinary airmail please. #Person2#: Anything valuable in it? #Person1#: A post order for four hundred dollars. #Person2#: In that case, you'd better have it registered. #Person1#: Will I be informed that my friend gets the letter? #Person2#: Yes. When your friend gets it, he'll sent the receipt which you send it by mail. then you can be sure he's received. #Person1#: All right. I have a registered then.
#Person1# wants to send a post order for 400 dollars, so #Person2# suggests #Person1# have the letter registered.
send a letter
#Person1#: What can I do for you, Miss? #Person2#: Have you a bus tour? I have one day left so I think the best way is to take a bus tour. #Person1#: That's right. The bus tour is really efficient and cheap. #Person2#: What time does the next bus leave? #Person1#: 9 : OO. Don't worry, Miss, we have buses every 15 minutes.
#Person2# wants to take a bus tour and is served by #Person1#.
a bus tour
#Person1#: When can I get high speed internet installed? #Person2#: You're going to have to make an appointment. #Person1#: Can I make one right now? #Person2#: When would you like the installation to be done? #Person1#: I'm off this Friday. #Person2#: The only time we can come on Friday is at 3 #Person1#: I'm going to need it installed earlier than that. #Person2#: I'm sorry, but we're booked up on Friday. #Person1#: Is Saturday any better? #Person2#: Saturday is perfect. What time would you like? #Person1#: Is 11 #Person2#: That's perfect. See you on Saturday.
#Person1# wants to get high-speed internet, so #Person1# makes an appointment with #Person2# on Saturday to install it.
install an internet
#Person1#: Hi, Ann. #Person2#: Hi. You look excited. What's happening? #Person1#: I just heard that our school will hold a singing contest in 5 days. #Person2#: And you're planning to enter? #Person1#: Of course. This is a great chance for me to show off my beautiful voice. #Person2#: Is there a prize? #Person1#: I heard that the winner gets a Panda Radio. #Person2#: Do you think you have a chance? #Person1#: A chance? Not just a chance, I'm a hundred percent certain. Everyone says my voice is beautiful. #Person2#: But you haven't practised all that much. #Person1#: I still have 5 days to practise. It's in the bag! #Person2#: Don't be too sure. You're still going to need some help. #Person1#: Yeah, maybe.
#Person1# is going to enter a singing contest and excited because #Person1# is confident to be the winner. Ann thinks #Person1# will need some help.
a singing contest
#Person1#: May I help you? #Person2#: Yes. I'm a transit passenger for this flight. Can you tell me where to go? #Person1#: Let me see. Oh, you're at the wrong gate. Your plane leaves from Gate No. 8. #Person2#: Really? I hope it hasn't left without me. #Person1#: No, don't worry. Just follow me.
#Person2# is a transit passenger. #Person1# shows #Person2# the right gate.
#Person1#: Hello, Ms. Murphy? #Person2#: Yes? Who's calling? #Person1#: It's John Anderson. I'm afraid I'm going to be out sick today. I'Ve got a nasty cold. I hope you don't mind, ma'am. #Person2#: No, that's no problem. I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Get some rest. If you need to see a doctor, let me know.
John is calling Ms. Murphy to tell her he got a cold.
a call
#Person1#: I'm sorry I have to ask you these questions, ma'am, but we want to catch the person who shot your husband. #Person2#: It was about 2 a.m. We had been sleeping for a couple of hours when we heard a noise downstairs.
#Person1# asks #Person2# some questions about the crime.
ask questions
#Person1#: Hi, Jeanie. Why have you come to school an hour early? #Person2#: I wanted to get a front row seat and review one more time before the test. Why are you here so early, Jack? #Person1#: I get out of my car here this time every day. You seem to be nervous about your lessons. Have you finished your review? #Person2#: I've only been studying night and day for the last week. If I don't get an A in this class, I won't get the support of my country. #Person1#: This class is really just a review for me. I've been learning it for two years. #Person2#: That's lucky for you. #Person1#: Jeanie, can you guess what the test will be like? Will it be difficult? #Person2#: I hope not. But I'm still worried about it. #Person1#: Well, cheer up. Hope for good luck. #Person2#: Thanks for wishing me luck.
Jeanie cames an hour earlier to school to review before the test, and Jack is there. Jack has been learning the class for two years and he wishes Jeanie good luck.
a test
#Person1#: Hi, Kevin. How is it going? #Person2#: Ah, not so great. #Person1#: What's wrong? #Person2#: I've got a big problem with the Shakespeare course which is required for my major. #Person1#: Is that all filled up? #Person2#: No, there's plenty of room, but I have to take the starter course before I can take Professor Miller's Shakespeare course. It is only offered in the evening. #Person1#: You don't like evening classes? #Person2#: That's not the point. I work in the cafe every evening. I need the money to pay my tuition. #Person1#: You can ask someone that could switch hours with you. Maybe just switch a couple of evenings since the course probably only meets two times a week. #Person2#: I wish I could. My boss just did me a favor by putting me on evenings. And he'll hit the ceiling if I ask to change again. #Person1#: Wait a minute. I have an idea. Have you checked the course over at the community college? They might offer an introductory course during the day. #Person2#: That's a great idea. I'm free this afternoon. I'll go over and check it out. #Person1#: Their courses are actually cheaper. #Person2#: Thanks for your advice. I'll let you know what happens. #Person1#: Sure. Good luck!
Kevin's starter course clashes with his part-time job. #Person1# suggests he check the course at community college because they might offer the introductory course during the day. Kevin will check it out this afternoon.
a course
#Person1#: Hey, Emily. I think I left my grammar book in the class today. I think one of the students took it. Uh, do you have some of their phone numbers? #Person2#: Yeah. Um, who do you want to call? #Person1#: Well, Brittany was sitting next to me, so I'll call her first. What is her number? #Person2#: Hm, um. Hang on a minute. [ Okay. ] Oh, here it is. It's, um, eight eight-seven-zero zero-zero-one-nine (870-0019). #Person1#: ... okay, zero-zero-one-nine (0019). Got it. I'll call her first. And, uh, what about James? #Person2#: Yeah. Um, okay. It's six-one-four one-four-eight-zero (614-1480). #Person1#: Okay, six-one-four fourteen eighteen (614-1418), right? #Person2#: No, it's fourteen eighty (1480). #Person1#: Oh, okay. And, um, yeah, um, uh ... What's her name? You know, the girl, um ... You know. #Person2#: Which one? [ Embarrashed laugh ... ] You mean Audrey? The girl you really like? #Person1#: What? #Person2#: I can tell you like her. #Person1#: Come on. Are you kidding? No, no. I mean, we're like brother and sister. #Person2#: Ah, yeah, right, right. Well, uh, if you want, here's your SISTER's phone number. It's five-five-eight six-zero-one-six (558-6016). #Person1#: Yeah, six-zero-one-zero (6010). Got it. Bye. #Person2#: No. #Person1#: What? #Person2#: Six-zero-one-six (6016). #Person1#: Six-zero-one-six (6016). #Person2#: Alright. I hope your sister's not mad that you called. #Person1#: No problem. #Person2#: Bye. #Person1#: Bye.
#Person1# asks Emily about students' phone numbers because #Person1# thinks his grammar book was taken by someone. Emily tells #Person1# Brittany's and James's numbers. #Person1# also asks Audrey's number. Emily makes fun of #Person1#.
phone numbers
#Person1#: Friday is a public holiday. Shall we spend our weekend in New York? We could leave Thursday night. #Person2#: I'd rather go on Friday. My uncle will drop in on Thursday evening. I haven't met him for several years, you know.
#Person1# and #Person2# discuss when to leave for New York.
a public holiday
#Person1#: Tom, you look thoughtful and unhappy recently. What's wrong with you? #Person2#: Lily broke up with me last week. In fact, she dumped me. #Person1#: Why? I mean, why did she part company with you after seven years together? #Person2#: She said it was because we had very different ideas about life. #Person1#: Do you believe her excuse? #Person2#: Of course not. I knew she had fallen in love with another guy. It is difficult to see her move on so quickly. #Person1#: Come on, buddy, cheer up. Why not do some sports with me? Violent exercise might help to shake you out of your disappointment in love. #Person2#: Thank you, Steven. You are really a good friend.
Tom is unhappy recently because Lily broke up with him. Steven invites him to do some sports to shake out of disappointment.
break up
#Person1#: Do you have to leave soon? #Person2#: No. Actually I can stay longer. Dave called to say that there is a beautiful Chinese girl who's going to pick me up at the school gate tonight at ten thirty instead of eight thirty. #Person1#: Oh, that's better. So you don't have to rush. #Person2#: Yeah. You know what Dave just said? #Person1#: What? #Person2#: He said I should put on something very nice, because this girl will be my next target. #Person1#: He knows you very well. #Person2#: He always makes fun of me. He always says things like that. You know the new coming teacher, a Chinese Canadian. He said she would really be my chance. #Person1#: I'm sure you have chances everywhere. You're handsome, talkative, and got a sense of humor. You must be very popular. #Person2#: No, you're kidding. I'm not taking it seriously.
#Person2# can stay longer because a Chinese girl will pick him up later. #Person1# thinks #Person2# can have chances everywhere because he is attractive.
attractive girl
#Person1#: oh, no, it seems that I've lost my train ticket. #Person2#: are you kidding? The train leaves in an hour. Where did you put it? #Person1#: it was in my pocket, but now I can't find it. #Person2#: is it in the other pocket? #Person1#: no, it is not here. Damn it! I'm going to have to buy another ticket. #Person2#: let's go to the inquiry desk first to check whether anyone has got it and turned it in. #Person1#: ok. #Person3#: how may I help you, sir? #Person1#: I'm wondering if anyone has turned in a train ticket. I just lost my ticket for Beijing tonight. #Person3#: let me see... I'm sorry. Nothing's been turned in. Do you want to buy another one? #Person1#: yes. If I don't make it to Beijing tomorrow morning, my wife would kill me. How much is it cost? #Person3#: 150 yuan for hard seats. #Person1#: Fine. #Person3#: ... Sir? #Person1#: where is my wallet? Someone has stolen my wallet!
#Person1# lost his train tickets, so he has to buy another ticket. When he is going to pay, he finds his wallet was stolen.
train ticket
#Person1#: The Blacks got divorced. #Person2#: Really? Why? #Person1#: Mr. Black has been getting a little on the side. #Person2#: Really? I am surprised. He doesn't look like a guy who'd ever cheat on his wife, does he? #Person1#: No, he doesn't. Anyway, his wife found out that he has been two-timing for a long time. #Person2#: Well, I am really surprised. By the way, have you done anything behind my back? #Person1#: No. The only thing I've ever done behind your back is zipping you up. #Person2#: I like that joke, but I hope it's true.
#Person1# tells #Person2# the Blacks got divorced. #Person2# is surprised because #Person2# thinks Mr. Black doesn't look like a two-timing guy.
#Person1#: Hey, Rose, how are you feeling? #Person2#: Much better today. #Person1#: Oh, Look at the baby. It's so beautiful. Is it a boy or a girl? #Person2#: It's a girl. #Person1#: Can I hold it for a moment? #Person2#: Sure. She is a peaceful child. #Person1#: Oh, how adorable! She's got your eyes. #Person2#: So they say. #Person1#: When are you returning home? #Person2#: Well. The doctor said I have to remain here for at least two more days because I'm rather weak after childbirth. #Person1#: You can use some time off. You've been working too hard anyway.
#Person1# is visiting Rose who just gave birth to a baby. Rose needs to rest for at least two more days until she can go home.
#Person1#: Mr. Green, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Brown. #Person2#: How do you do, Mr. Brown? It's a pleasure to get to know you. #Person1#: My pleasure, Mr. Green. I look forward to an excellent relationship with your company. #Person2#: I propose a toast to the health of everyone here and to the success of our negotiation. #Person1#: Okay, let's make a toast.
Mr. Green and Mr. Brown greet each other and make a toast.
build a relationship
#Person1#: Has Yien sold his house yet? #Person2#: Yes, he has. He sold it last week. #Person1#: Has he moved to his new house yet? #Person2#: No, not yet. He's still here. He's going to move tomorrow. #Person1#: When? Tomorrow morning? #Person2#: No. Tomorrow afternoon. I'll miss him. He has always been a good neighbour. #Person1#: He's a very nice person. We will all miss him. #Person2#: When will the new people move into this house? #Person1#: I think that they will move in the day after tomorrow. #Person2#: Will you see Yien today, Janey? #Person1#: Yes, I will. #Person2#: Please give him my regards. Poor Yien! He didn't want to leave this house. #Person1#: No, he didn't want to leave, but his wife did!
#Person2# tells Janey that Yien has sold the house and will move out tomorrow. They both think Yien is a good neighbor.
sell the house
#Person1#: Hey, Blake! Are you still listening to Mozart? #Person2#: Yes.Do you like it? #Person1#: It's great. and I' ve heard that listening to Mozart can make you more intelligent. #Person2#: Really? I've never heard that before. I just like it. #Person1#: Is classical music your favorite? #Person2#: Yes. What about you? #Person1#: I Iike pop music best. Classical music is a bit too heavy for me. I can't get fully relaxed in it. #Person2#: Pop music doesn't have any depth for me. #Person1#: Yeah, that's why I can enjoy myself in it. #Person2#: Did you always like pop music. #Person1#: I think so, since I was in primary school. How long have you been interested in classical music. #Person2#: I didn't like it at all until I started to learn violin when I was eight. From then on. classical music has been an important part of my life. #Person1#: oh, I didn't know you can play the violin. Do you still play. #Person2#: Sometimes, but these days I'm often too busy.
#Person1# usually listens to Mozart because #Person1# likes classical music. #Person2# likes pop music best and thinks classical music is too heavy. #Person1# didn't like classical music until #Person1# started to learn the violin at eight.
Taste for Music
#Person1#: Hello, this is Canon Camera Company in Beijing. Good morning. What can I do for you? #Person2#: Well, I am making this phone call to complain about a digital camera made by your company. #Person1#: What is the problem with it? #Person2#: The screen always goes black. #Person1#: Could you tell me how long this has been happening? #Person2#: It started a week ago. #Person1#: Then is it still under guarantee? #Person2#: Yes, I bought it only a month ago. #Person1#: OK. Can you tell me where you bought it and the type of camera? #Person2#: I bought it in Xidan Shopping Market. Its model number is IXUS210. #Person1#: OK. You can bring it to our repair center to let the staff look at it first. If there is a problem with the camera, you can have it replaced or get a refund. #Person2#: Where is your repair center? #Person1#: It's at 1553 Palace Street on the seventh floor. We apologize for causing you trouble.
#Person2# is calling to complain that the screen of the camera always goes black. #Person1# asks #Person2# to go to the repair center so that #Person2# might have the camera replaced or get a refund.
#Person1#: Helen, how do you like your new apartment? #Person2#: Well, I wish I had moved in, the man who lives upstairs often plays the piano till midnight. I really cannot stand it. #Person1#: Why don't you ask him to stop? #Person2#: I've tried, but it doesn't work, he never listens to me. What's worse, he isn't the only one that I cannot stand. The woman who lives next to me often comes over to borrow things, but she seldom returns anything. #Person1#: Then, don't lend her anything. #Person2#: Now I don't even open the door when she knocks, but it makes me uncomfortable. I'm afraid I'll have to move again. #Person1#: You can move in with my sister Susan. The girl Jennifer, who is sharing her apartment has moved out, so she has a free room now. #Person2#: That's great, your sister is such a good girl. Everyone likes her. I'll call her and move as soon as possible. After all, I need to sleep well at night, in order to do well in the coming exam.
#Person2# is not satisfied with the new apartment because #Person2#'s two neighbors are unbearable. So #Person1# advises #Person2# to live with #Person1#'s sister Susan. #Person2# gladly agrees.
new apartment
#Person1#: Can you tell me how to reach the bank please? #Person2#: Which bank? There are 2, the Allied Irish Bank and the Bank of Ireland. #Person1#: I have an AIB past card and I want to get money from the bank. #Person2#: You need to go to the Allied Irish Bank, which is near the local shopping centre, Dunnes stores. #Person1#: How do I get there? I have no knowledge of this area. #Person2#: Cross the road and turn left at the other side, walk along the footpath until you reach the traffic lights. You will see a shopping center on the right hand side. Walk across the road and turn right after the shopping center, keep going straight for about 100 meters and the bank is on your left. #Person1#: It sounds a little bit difficult. How far is it from here? #Person2#: It's not so difficult. It's about 5 minutes walk from here. I can draw a map for you if you wish. #Person1#: Oh, I would really appreciate that.
#Person1# is not familiar with the area, so #Person2# shows #Person1# the way to the Allied Irish Bank. #Person2# is willing to draw a map if #Person1# wishes. #Person1# appreciates that very much.
Direction to Bank
#Person1#: Hello, Doncaster Tourist Office. #Person2#: Hello. I want to stay in a hotel in Doncaster. #Person1#: Well, we've only got 4. The Ace, the Waterhouse, the Moonlight and the Prince. #Person2#: How large are they? #Person1#: The Ace's 20 rooms. The Waterhouse has 35 rooms. Both the Moonlight and the Prince have only 8 rooms. #Person2#: How much do they cost? #Person1#: The Ace costs 6 pounds per person a night. The Waterhouse costs 32 pounds. The moonlight costs 10 pounds and the Prince costs only 8 pounds. #Person2#: Thank you. And what are the telephone numbers? #Person1#: The Ace is 25395. The Waterhouse is 60745. The Moonlight is 58968 and the Prince is 81663. #Person2#: Which one is closest to the city center? #Person1#: The Moonlight I suppose. It's a 5 minute walk. #Person2#: Thank you very much.
#Person1# wants to book a hotel in Doncaster. #Person2# tells #Person1# about the names of 4 hotels, the number of rooms, the prices and their phone numbers.
hotel reservation
#Person1#: Eric, how long will you be in China? #Person2#: I don't know, well my contract here is for one year and I don't know what I should do after that, maybe going around for a while. #Person1#: Well. Have you ever thought about learning some Chinese? #Person2#: Actually I am learning that now, but it's too hard for me. The four tones really drive me mad. #Person1#: Don't worry, all things are difficult before they are easy. #Person2#: You hit the nail right on the head. #Person1#: Well, are you interested in the language exchange program? #Person2#: What is it? #Person1#: I teach you Chinese and in exchange you teach me English. #Person2#: Awesome. I've been giving this a lot of thought. When can we do this? #Person1#: How about this Sunday? #Person2#: OK, cool. #Person1#: Good. I'll give you a call tonight and let you know the details. #Person2#: No problem. #Person1#: Bye.
Eric's contract ends in one year, so #Person1# suggests Eric take the language exchange program. Eric agrees and they will meet on Sunday.
language exchange
#Person1#: I'd like to book seats for the Merchant of Venice, please. #Person2#: Yes, of course, sir. #Person1#: Have you got any seats downstairs, please? #Person2#: Yes, we have. #Person1#: How much are they, please? #Person2#: $3.75 each. #Person1#: Are there any seats at $2.50? #Person2#: Yes, there are, but upstairs. For how many? #Person1#: For 4, please. #Person2#: For which night? #Person1#: What about Saturday, October twenty-first? #Person2#: I can give you 4 seats in row 8. OK? #Person1#: Right. How long will the performance last? #Person2#: Two and a half hours. #Person1#: Thank you. How much is that altogether? #Person2#: $10 please.
#Person2# serves #Person1# to book 4 seats for the Merchant of Venice. #Person1# book 4 upstairs seats on Saturday for $10
#Person1#: Are you feeling well, Linda? You look very tired. #Person2#: No, my sister and I had a birthday party for our brother last night. I didn't get much sleep. #Person1#: Where did you have the party? #Person2#: At my uncles', and the party lasted very long. After the party, I had to type a history paper for the next morning. I was very nervous for my professor hates accepting any late papers. #Person1#: I don't know how you did it. If I were you, I wouldn't handle things like you. #Person2#: Well, I just turned in the paper and now I'm going home to bed. See you later. #Person1#: See you later.
Linda looks very tired because she had to type a history paper after her sister's birthday party.
Submit Paper
#Person1#: I like your hat, you look like someone from France. #Person2#: Thank you, it's my new style. #Person1#: What do you think of my shoes? They were made in Germany. #Person2#: Very cool. So where do you get all your fashion ideas? #Person1#: Mostly from fashion shows and magazines. #Person2#: What about you? #Person1#: My sister is a fashion designer, sometimes she let me wear her clothes. #Person2#: Do you want to go to the mall with me after eating lunch? #Person1#: Of course. So what are you going to order? #Person2#: Let me see what's on the menu. Uhm, I think I'll have the Spanish style eggs. You? #Person1#: The French toast.
#Person1# and #Person2# praise each other's accessories and clothes and talk about where they get fashion ideas. They are ordering for lunch
fashion ideas
#Person1#: Hello, may I help you? #Person2#: Yes.We ' re interested in seeing the rooms for rent. #Person1#: Oh, how nice.They ' re bright rooms and the house is very quiet. #Person2#: A nice quiet house is exactly what we're looking for. #Person1#: Well, gentleman.Each room is $ 40 a week if you think that's OK. #Person2#: That sounds just wonderful to us. #Person1#: When do you want to move in? #Person2#: How about this afternoon? #Person1#: Fine. I'll be expecting you around two.
#Person1# shows #Person2# the rooms for rent. #Person2# is satisfied and wants to move in soon.
house renting
#Person1#: What about driving to Shanghai? #Person2#: Driving? No way, it's too far. #Person1#: I just thought it would be an interesting way to see lots of places. How long will it take? #Person2#: Too long, and you do not have much time. #Person1#: What a pity.
#Person1# suggests driving to Shanghai, but #Person2# disagrees.
car journey
#Person1#: Hi, Francis, how was your business trip? #Person2#: It was a nightmare. #Person1#: What ' s up? #Person2#: Actually, the business trip itself was very successful. We arrived on time, we had nice conversations and we settled some important issues for the next year. #Person1#: Sounds quite fruitful, why do you call it still a nightmare then? #Person2#: Well, the air line lost my luggage on the return flight and then I lost my carry on bag when I was tackling with the officers in charge. I left the airport three hours later than I expected and then I was caught in a traffic jam. When I finally got home, I was totally exhausted. But I found the elevator was out of service due to a blackout. #Person1#: This is really a sad story. Did they trace back your luggage? #Person2#: I am still waiting for their call. #Person1#: Take it easy, all sufferings have their reward.
Although the business conversation was successful, Francis thinks the trip was a nightmare because he was unlucky to lose his luggage on the return flight.
business trip
#Person1#: have you moved into your new house yet, Michael? #Person2#: we just moved in yesterday, actually. #Person1#: so, what do you think about the place? Are you glad that you moved in? #Person2#: it's great! Unfortunately, we're going to spend a fortune doing everything up. #Person1#: how old is the house then? #Person2#: it's about 200 years old. It has a lot of history! #Person1#: sounds fascinating. Where is your new house located? #Person2#: it's just off of the ring road. #Person1#: do you have a big yard? #Person2#: it's bigger than our last one. I've got flowers in the front, and fruits, vegetables and a fish pond in the back. #Person1#: is your house well-lit? #Person2#: oh, yes. Our windows let plenty of natural light in. They've also got wonderful views of the park behind our house. #Person1#: how many rooms does your house have? #Person2#: right now, there are three bedrooms, two barrooms, a kitchen, a sitting room, a dining room, and a living room. We're hoping to add on a green room and a guest bedroom. In fact, when the guest room i #Person1#: I'd be up for that!
Michael tells #Person1# the new house they moved in. He thinks the place is great. The house has a big yard, and it's well-lit. There are many rooms in the house.
new house
#Person1#: I ' m hungry, let ' s go grab a bite to eat. #Person2#: Yeah me too. Oh! Can we stop at the shop really fast? I lost my makeup bag at the airport and I want to pick up a few things. #Person1#: Will you take long? #Person2#: No! Five minutes I promise! #Person1#: Come on! We have been here for almost an hour! I thought you said you were only going to get a few things! How long does it take you to pick out a lipstick and some nail polish! #Person2#: Are you crazy? You have no idea what you are talking about! Just for my eyes I have to get eye-liner, an eyelash curler, eye shadow, an eyebrow pencil and mascara. Then I need to get foundation, liq #Person1#: Whoa whoa whoa! Are you nuts? How much is all this going to cost? I ' m looking at the price at each one of these little things and it ' s outrageous! This is basically a crayon! #Person2#: What about you? You spend as much or more money on your razors, after shave, cologne and gel! Not to mention how much you spend on clothes and... #Person1#: Fine! Get the stupid thirty dollar crayon!
#Person2# asks #Person1# to stop at the shop to pick up some makeup. #Person2# lists the makeup #Person2# needs, and #Person1# thinks it will cost much. #Person2# refutes that #Person1# also spends much money. #Person1# concedes at last.
#Person1#: Hello. This is the Holiday Inn. Can I help you? #Person2#: Hi. Is there a special rate for a group reservation? #Person1#: Yes. There is a 20 % to 40 % discount. It depends on the season.During the summer the discount is 20 %. During the winter it is 40 %. #Person2#: I need five single rooms in October. How much of a discount can I get? #Person1#: Our summer season ended in September. So the discount will be 40 %. That ' s a good deal. Would you prefer rooms with a front view or rear view? #Person2#: Front view, please. #Person1#: What date and time will you be checking in? #Person2#: October 25th around 2:00 in the afternoon. #Person1#: We need you to send a deposit for 1/3 of the bill. You can send the check, or you can use the credit card. #Person2#: Ok. I ' ll send a check. #Person1#: Could you tell me your name, address and phone number, please? #Person2#: Sure. My name is Anderson. My address is 109 Ferguson East, Holton. And my phone number is 309 789 1267. #Person1#: Thanks.
The Holiday Inn assistant tells Anderson the discount for a group reservation in October is 40% and helps Anderson book five single rooms with a front view.
rooms reservation
#Person1#: Want to send out for some Chinese? #Person2#: Some what? #Person1#: Some Chinese food. I'm hungry, and there's a take-out restaurant near here. We can have them deliver and then watch the news on TV while we eat. #Person2#: No, I'd rather go out. The Chinese food here is rather different from what I had at home. Maybe we can try some other food today... What about that all-you-can-eat place we passed the other day, the one over in the shopping center? #Person1#: Okay. I could go for that. It's called Al's Steakhouse. They also have great fried fish, and I love their salad bar. You can go back to refill your plate as often as you like. #Person2#: Is that the place that serves such large portions of meat? #Person1#: Yes, their steaks are enormous. Sometimes I can't finish what I've ordered. #Person2#: What if that happens to me? I hate to let food go to waste. #Person1#: Don't worry. We'll just get a doggie bag.
#Person1# suggests ordering some Chinese food, but #Person2# prefers to go out for other food. They decide to go to Al's Steakhouse, and #Person1# says they will get a doggie bag there without worrying about wasting food.
food to eat
#Person1#: Valerie! Hi! Wow how are you? It ' s been such a long time! #Person2#: Darlene! Indeed, it ' s been a while! How have you been? Wow, you look amazing! I love what you ' Ve done with your hair! #Person1#: Really? Thanks! I went to that hair salon that you told me about, but enough about me! Look at you! You haven ' t aged a day since the last time I saw you! What is your secret! #Person2#: Ha ha, come on! Well, I ' Ve been watching what I eat, and working out three times a week. By the way, I heard your son recently graduated! #Person1#: Yes, my little Paul is finally a doctor. They grow up so fast you know. #Person2#: He is such a handsome guy. He gets his looks from his mother of course! #Person1#: Thank you! What about your daughter, Pamela? I heard she has passed the bar exam and married recently. #Person2#: Oh yes. She had a beautiful wedding in Cozumel Mexico and we all attended. #Person1#: Such a lovely girl. I hope my Paul is lucky enough to find a girl like that someday! #Person2#: But of course! Well, it ' s been great talking to you, but I have to get going. #Person1#: Same here! We will catch up soon, maybe over coffee! #Person2#: That would be great! Give me a call! #Person1#: See you soon! Bye! Egg... I can ' t stand that woman or her obnoxious daughter.
Darlene meets Valerie's after a long time, and they share the current situations of their kid. Darlene's son Paul becomes a doctor, and Valerie's daughter Pamela got married. However, when parting each other, Darlene says she can't stand Valerie and her obnoxious daughter.
daily talk
#Person1#: Good morning. Can I help you? #Person2#: Good morning. I'd like to make a reservation to Guangzhou for August 2. #Person1#: Just a moment, please. I'm sorry, sir. There is no ticket available on that day. But we have flights for Guangzhou the next day. #Person2#: May I inquire about the departure time? #Person1#: A 9:12 flight in the morning and a 14:00 flight in the afternoon. #Person2#: When will the plane reach for the morning flight? #Person1#: At 13:15. #Person2#: OK. I'd like to book a ticket for this one. #Person1#: All right, sir. Please reconfirm your ticket no later than 12 o'clock two days before the flight ; otherwise, your reservation will automatically be cancelled.
#Person1# tells #Person2# they have no tickets to Guangzhou for August 2, but the next day. #Person2# books a ticket on that day.
ticker booking
#Person1#: Welcome to Lincoln Bank. What can we do for you? #Person2#: Morning. I'm a new user of your credit card and I was wondering if I'm taking full advantage of it. #Person1#: Well, there certainly are many benefits that go along with our credit card. #Person2#: Yes, of course. It's so much easier than cash, to be honest ; nowadays I hardly ever use cash. I just put it on the card and pay off the balance every month. #Person1#: You know it is not necessary to pay the balance in full every month. #Person2#: Really? #Person1#: Yes, you will see on your monthly bill and statement the amount in full but also the minimum payment. #Person2#: So, if for some reason I was having a bad month and spent a little too much I could just pay the minimum? #Person1#: Yes. As long as you keep making regular monthly payments, paying the minimum is just fine. Of course, your credit limit will be lowered accordingly. #Person2#: How so? #Person1#: For example, if your credit limit is 5, 000 RMB and you owe 1, 000 RIB, your available credit will be 4, 000 RIB. So, your credit limit drops. #Person2#: Oh, I see. Well, I don't plan on only paying the minimum, but it's good to know that I can if I had to. Thanks for that.
#Person2# comes to Lincoln Bank and wants to know the full advantage of the credit card. #Person1# tells #Person2# that #Person2# can pay the minimum, but its credit limit will be lowered accordingly.
credit limit
#Person1#: You look like a basket case. #Person2#: I'm not surprised. #Person1#: What's the problem? #Person2#: My brother in-law just dropped in from the states. #Person1#: Yeah, and? #Person2#: I decided to put him up while he's here, big mistake! #Person1#: Why? #Person2#: He's lazy. I tried being a good host, but if you give him an inch, he'll take a mile. #Person1#: I guess you think twice next time he comes. #Person2#: You can say that again. #Person1#: So how long has he here for? #Person2#: Two weeks. If he thinks I'll put up with his attitude that long he's got another thing coming. #Person1#: Well, I know you do the right thing.
#Person2# complains to #Person1# about #Person2#'s brother-in-law dropped in, and #Person2# will not put up with his attitude second.
guest issues
#Person1#: Jennifer, would you like to have dinner with me? #Person2#: Yes. That would be nice. When do you want to go? #Person1#: Is today OK? #Person2#: Sorry, I can't go today. #Person1#: How about tomorrow night? #Person2#: Ok. What time? #Person1#: Is 9:00 PM all right? #Person2#: I think that's too late. #Person1#: Is 6:00 PM OK? #Person2#: Yes, that's good. Where would you like to go? #Person1#: The Italian restaurant on 5th street. #Person2#: Oh, I don't like that Restaurant. I don't want to go there. #Person1#: How about the Korean restaurant next to it? #Person2#: OK, I like that place.
#Person1# invites Jennifer for dinner. Jennifer agrees and they decide to eat in the Korean restaurant tomorrow night.
dinner invitation
#Person1#: Shall I punch out for you, Ross? I am leaving now. #Person2#: No, thanks. I have got to work overtime. #Person1#: But today is Friday. You are not going to work overtime on Friday evening, are you? #Person2#: Well, I am. I'll have to finish this report for next Monday's meeting. Is Tom coming to pick you up? #Person1#: No. We'll meet at my house. He invited my family to spend the weekend with his family at their villa. #Person2#: That's nice. Where is his villa? #Person1#: It's not his villa, but his father's. I think it's somewhere in Florida. I am not sure myself. #Person2#: Sometimes I envy you a lot. Tom is a good guy. #Person1#: Come on. You just haven't met the right person and I think that you work too much. You should learn how to entertain yourself and enjoy life. #Person2#: I know, but I am a work maniac. #Person1#: Well, suit yourself. I've got to run now. #Person2#: Have a nice weekend. #Person1#: You too. Oh, I forgot to tell you one thing. A girl called this afternoon. She said she was your ex-girlfriend. She wanted you to call her back. #Person2#: Did she mention anything else? #Person1#: No, nothing else. See you Monday. #Person2#: See you.
Ross tells #Person1# that he has to work overtime to finish the report. Ross says #Person1#'s boyfriend, Tom, is good and he envies #Person1#. #Person1# advises Ross to enjoy life, and he'll meet the right person.
office talk
#Person1#: Good morning, Mr. Black. I am the new secretary. #Person2#: Good morning, Miss White. You are half an hour early. #Person1#: I don't want to make a bad impression. #Person2#: Come on over. This is your desk, and this is your time card. Be sure to clock in and out before and after you work. #Person1#: I will. #Person2#: One more thing, keep your desk neat. It's the rule. There is no exception, even the art designers have to keep their desks neat. #Person1#: I'll keep that in mind. Does everything on the desk belong to me? #Person2#: Not belong. You can use them as long as you work here. When you quit, you'll have to return them to the company. #Person1#: What's the extension number for my phone? #Person2#: The operator will put all your calls through. You don't have to worry about that. #Person1#: Can I make personal phone calls during my office hours? #Person2#: Of course you can. Every one has his personal matters to deal with more or less, but don't chat over the phone. What's more, don't let it hinder your work and the company's business. #Person1#: I understand. #Person2#: When you settle down, I'll show you around and introduce you to the department managers.
Miss White is the office's new assistant, and Mr. Black explains the office rules to her. He tells Miss White to keep the desk neat, return things when quitting, and not let personal calls hinder work.
#Person1#: Hello, ladies. I'm firing up the grill. We can eat in an hour or so. #Person2#: Chips, finger foods, desserts, baked beans. Where're the pork and beef strips? #Person1#: Yi-jun, we're in the States. Here it's all burgers, steaks, and dogs. #Person2#: Ah. . . hence the buns and condiments we bought. And this is Holly's potato salad. #Person1#: You can put stuff on the picnic table. Back to work. The grill is calling me. . . #Person2#: Let me know if I can help.
#Person1# is firing up the grill, and #Person1# tells Yi-jun they can eat in an hour.
#Person1#: Hello, Jim. Where are you going? #Person2#: To the cinema. What about coming with me? #Person1#: No, thanks. I'm going home. My wife's expecting me. #Person2#: What a pity. I believe it's a very good film. #Person1#: Do you go to the cinema a lot? #Person2#: Once a week. Most nights I sit at home and watch telly #Person1#: Do you know what's on tonight by any chance? #Person2#: No, I'm sorry I don't. I never read the papers till I get home. #Person1#: Oh, I see. By the way, where are you going for your holidays this year? #Person2#: I don't know yet. My wife's going to her mother's for a couple of weeks. She likes the sea, you know. #Person1#: Oh, does she? That's convenient. #Person2#: Yes, but I want to go to the country. #Person1#: Don't you like the sea? #Person2#: Yes, very much. But I need peace and quiet when I'm on holiday. What are coughing to do? #Person1#: I'm going to stay at home. #Person2#: Aren't you going to have a holiday abroad this year? #Person1#: No, I want to buy a car, and that's going to take every penny I've got.
Jim invites #Person1# to the cinema, but #Person1# refuses. Then they talk about their plans for the holiday. Jim prefers to go to the country, and #Person1# is going to stay at home.
daily conversation
#Person1#: How many persons are there in your family? #Person2#: There are three, my parents and I. #Person1#: Do you live together? #Person2#: No, I live alone in a flat near my work place. #Person1#: Do you often go back to see your parents. #Person2#: Yes, almost once a week.
#Person1# and #Person2# are chatting about their family's background.
family background
#Person1#: I don't know why people are just mad about David Peckham. Is there really anything so fascinating with him? #Person2#: He appeals to the fans thanks to two things #Person1#: You mean he plays well? Yeah, he often scores by free kicks in crucial games. But a football match is by no means merely a show of taking free kicks. #Person2#: Certainly not. What really counts is to play as a team, passing the ball amongst each other, dodging defenders. Free kicks are a result of all the teammates'collective efforts. However, a few free kicks often make everything different, especially scoring one such goal in the nick of time. #Person1#: In the case, maybe facial charm should be his leading card. After all, the majority of his fans are girls. #Person2#: Yes, his face looks are manly, with a straight nose and infinite eyes. As a man of medium height in the West, he keeps a powerful but elegant figure, looking neither lanky nor stout. #Person1#: And he is English! He makes a model gentleman when he puts on a black suit and speaks with a typical British accent.
#Person1# asks #Person2# why people mad about David Peckham. #Person2# thinks the reason isn't that he plays well, and #Person2# agrees with #Person1# that facial charm is his leading card.
football celebrity
#Person1#: Good afternoon, passport and arrival card please. #Person2#: Here you are. #Person1#: Where are you coming from? #Person2#: China. #Person1#: Is this your country of birth or residence. #Person2#: I just work there. #Person1#: What is the purpose of your visit to the United States? #Person2#: I'm here on vacation. #Person1#: How long do you plan to stay in the United States? #Person2#: Almost three weeks. #Person1#: Sir, you didn't fill out the information on your arrival card of where you will be staying. #Person2#: Oh, I'm sorry, but there are a couple of different places I will travel to within the United States, so I wasn't sure what to put. #Person1#: You must specify an address of the place where you will spend most of your time. #Person2#: Ok, here you are. #Person1#: Do you have enough means to support yourself while you are here? #Person2#: Yes. I have some travellers cheques and two credit cards. #Person1#: Very good. Do you have anything to declare? #Person2#: Nope. I only have my clothes and camera! #Person1#: Very well sir, welcome to the United States, enjoy your visit.
#Person1# asks #Person2# some personal information and the purpose for visiting. #Person1# requests #Person2# to fill out the arrival card, and finally, let #Person2# enter the US.
passport control
#Person1#: Who wants to go first? Lily? #Person2#: Oh. . . I mostly just like to listen. You're the groom. Why don't you go first? #Person1#: OK. Put on something by the Backstreet Boys! #Person2#: How about As Long as You Love Me? You can pretend you're singing it to your fiancee Brooke! #Person1#: I'd better not. Brooke hates the Backstreet Boys!
Lily asks #Person1# to sing first. She recommends the Backstreet Boys, but #Person1# refuses.
#Person1#: What companies are stockholders in this company, do you know? #Person2#: Yes, the main stockholder is International Business Machines Corporation, namely, IBM for short. #Person1#: What section would you like to work in if you enter this company? #Person2#: I wish to work in the planning department. #Person1#: What type of work will you expect to do at first? #Person2#: I expect to operate computers. #Person1#: What are your plans for the future? #Person2#: I wish to move up to higher positions with acquisition of more experience in the future. #Person1#: How long does it take to get here from your home? #Person2#: It's a twenty-minute bus ride. #Person1#: How long do you think that we can depend on your working here? #Person2#: I'll work here as long as you expect me to. #Person1#: You are single now, but what will you do when you get married? #Person2#: I'Ve thought about that a lot. I know that many women take a job, planning to make a career of it, and then they change their mind. But I am hoping to make it my lifetime work. So if I get married, I will find some ways that I can continue my work. #Person1#: Do you think you will want to continue working here even after you'Ve had a child? #Person2#: I think so. #Person1#: What ideas do you have if we employ you? #Person2#: Ever since I was a young girl, I'Ve been clever with my hands. I'Ve always enjoyed doing detailed work. If I could use that ability to make your products a little better and to benefit the company, I would be happy. #Person1#: Do you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration? #Person2#: No, nothing in particular. #Person1#: If you are employed by us, how are you going to do your part of the work? #Person2#: I'll first get further information about our goals, ways, counterparts and management, etc. . Then I'll make my plan. And then I'll go with all my effort to see it is realized. #Person1#: If you fail to do your work well, what are you going to do? #Person2#: I'll report it honestly. I'll give a correct analysis. I may quit the job - and pay compensation. But I have my way to judge whether I fail. #Person1#: What do you think if you do not have much spare time on this job? #Person2#: People are supposed to work hard within regular work time, especially when it is an important work that is highly paid for. I don't mind work over spare time if it is paid for. #Person1#: What are your expectations from working on this job? #Person2#: Getting more experience with a widely-known company like yours. Using my speciality in marketing and management. And getting advancement in salary and position. Show my enterprise, confidence and character in passing. #Person1#: If you were choosing a person for this job, what kind of individual would you select? #Person2#: I would select the individual that has the most qualifications among all the applicants. He doesn't have to be the person if we have to fill the vacancy. But he has to be the best, even if we have to pay him higher. #Person1#: If we do not employ you, what are you going to do? #Person2#: I will feel it is a pity. But I will not feel so bad. I will go for other interviews until I am employed satisfactorily. Hopefully before I find another position, you will call me back.
#Person1# interviews #Person2# and she answers #Person1#'s questions accordingly. #Person2# tells the interviewee her expected section, plans, the time it takes from her home to the company. #Person2# also shows her determination to work for the company even if she gets married or has a child. She will fulfill her duties. She is even willing to work over spare time if the work is paid for. Besides, #Person2# also gives her opinions on the standards of a competent person for this job and the plan if she does not get employed.
job interview
#Person1#: Could I have my hair dyed? #Person2#: Certainly, which color do you want to dye it? #Person1#: I want the latest fashion, can you make some suggestions? #Person2#: Right now, many girls are dyeing there hair blond. #Person1#: I don't think that was suit me very well, blond is kind of erratic. #Person2#: What do you think about pink? #Person1#: Oh, no. I think it's better to be a natural chinese, with natural chinese hair. Have you got good brand of hair dye? #Person2#: Yes, we have several brands, which one do you prefer? #Person1#: I want the best one. #Person2#: First, you need a shampoo, it makes it easier for your hair to be dyed. Let's down your hair in the water, you hair will be fairly clean that way. #Person1#: After this dye job, it feels I look younger. #Person2#: You hair is definitely fresh and shiner looking.
#Person1# refuses #Person2#'s recommendation of either dyeing the hair blood or pink. #Person1# prefers a natural Chinese and chooses the best brand of hair dye. #Person1# thinks the dying makes #Person1# look younger.
hair dye
#Person1#: Your request for compensation makes me surprised. What happened? #Person2#: It is because of the quality. #Person1#: Could you tell me the particulars? #Person2#: I told you that we want first-class goods. So the quality, specification and price are clarified in our contract. Do you remember those details? #Person1#: Yes, I do. #Person2#: The re-examination results indicate that one-third of the goods are not up to standard. #Person1#: Really? We began to load the goods after we made sure they were qualified. #Person2#: I told you the truth. According to the contract, if you fail to honor the contract, we are entitled to cancel it.
#Person2# asks compensation from #Person2# because one-third of the goods are not up to the standards.
business talk
#Person1#: Welcome to our restaurant, Chez Attitude! #Person2#: Our reservation is under the name of Foster at 7:00 for four people. #Person1#: Yes, Mr. Foster, our hostess will be with you in just a moment. #Person2#: We would like to begin with a cocktail while we are waiting. Would you tell the hostess to please come and let us know when our table is ready? #Person1#: I will let her know where you are. #Person2#: The patio tables look really nice. Could we be seated there, please? #Person1#: I could seat you right away at an outside table if you would like. #Person2#: Thanks! We'll sit out there then. We will just order our drinks out there. #Person1#: Well, can I start you off with some cocktails while you are looking over the menu? #Person2#: Yes, why don't you bring us a bottle of the house Chablis with four glasses to start with? #Person1#: I'll get on that right away! #Person2#: We appreciate your help.
Mr. Foster arrives at the restaurant he booked. He wants to begin with a cocktail and to be seated at the patio tables. #Person1# arranges for him.
#Person1#: What's holding us back on the plant expansion project? We were supposed to see the specs on that ages ago. Why haven't I heard anything about it? Did the whole project just vanish into thin air? #Person2#: No, sir. The plant expansion project has been delayed. There was a snag up in the fling process to get the necessary construction permits. It seems that the property we were slated to build on is also habitat for some endangered indigenous species. #Person1#: You're joking, right? No wonder we've been tied up with this project. I know the environmental impact statement will take forever to get approval if they've found anything endangered on the site. Are they positive there is evidence of endangered species actually living there? #Person2#: The environmental review board has a team on it now. Hopefully we'll know more by the end of the week.
#Person2# tells #Person1# that the plant expansion project has been delayed because the target area may be the habitat for endangered indigenous species, and they are waiting for construction permits.
plant expansion project
#Person1#: Do you have any special interests besides your job? #Person2#: My chief interest is swimming and climbing with my friends. #Person1#: What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy? #Person2#: I think that the most important thing is you can't live all by himself. It takes a lot of people working and cooperating together. The more really close friends I have, the better. #Person1#: There is a reason in what you say.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s chief interest. #Person2# thinks working and cooperating with friends makes #Person2# happy.
#Person1#: Where can I find a spare hose for the pump? #Person2#: What size do you need? #Person1#: 25 mm diameter. #Person2#: They're at the back of the stores, second shelf up on the right-hand side. #Person1#: Thanks. Have you got any light bulbs? #Person2#: They're in the blue cupboard. Anything else? #Person1#: Oh yes, some wire cutters. #Person2#: I'll need to check. Sorry, we don't have any in stock. But I can order some and send through the order today. How many do you need? #Person1#: Just one pair. #Person2#: Fine. They should be here the day after tomorrow.
#Person1# wants a hose, light bulbs, and wire cutters. There aren't wire cutters, so #Person2#'ll order some.
conversation in the storeroo,
#Person1#: What can I do for you? #Person2#: I would like to buy two exquisite watches for me and my girlfriend. #Person1#: We have many pairs for couples. Look at this counter. #Person2#: This pair is Rolex, right? #Person1#: You have a very good taste, this pair is the latest product. #Person2#: What function does this watch have? #Person1#: Both of them are luminous with a time reminder function. They don't need battery, because they can absorb energy from the sun. #Person2#: Sounds good. #Person1#: In addition, they are waterproof and shockproof. #Person2#: How long is the guarantee? #Person1#: We guarantee the quality of the product for 12 months. We also provide a worldwide warranty. #Person2#: How much does the pair cost? #Person1#: 2, 200 $. #Person2#: It is a bit expensive. But it is worth buying one's favorite. I will take them.
#Person2# asks #Person1# of watches for couples. #Person2# takes a fancy to Rolex and decides to buy them after #Person1#'s introduction.
#Person1#: I am here to sign my escrow papers. #Person2#: I will tell you ahead of time, that there is a lot to sign here, but I will help you every step of the way. #Person1#: Should I have brought anything with me? #Person2#: Basically, what I need from you now is your driver's license or some ID that shows your residency status. #Person1#: Where do I start? #Person2#: We will be going through these papers one by one. I will be explaining them all to you, and you can ask questions as we go. #Person1#: Can I make a phone call to a friend if I have a question? #Person2#: We do not want you to sign any documents that you do not understand. You may get assistance with any questions that you have. #Person1#: Will the house be mine when we finish these documents? #Person2#: This is the last thing you need to do, but it may take a while for the papers to be processed.
#Person2# helps #Person1# every step of signing the escrow papers. #Person2# tells #Person1# the house will be #Person2# after taking a while for the papers to be processed.
escrow papers
#Person1#: Your dog is really cute. What's his name? #Person2#: His name is Bingo. #Person1#: What kind of dog is he? #Person2#: We're not sure because the neighbour gave him to us after they moved away. #Person1#: Well, he sure likes to run around a lot. Is he well behaved? #Person2#: Oh yes, he is. When he was a puppy, he liked to chew my father's shoes, but he's okay now. #Person1#: That sounds like my cat. She likes to scratch the couch with her claws. #Person2#: I didn't know you had a cat. When did you get her? #Person1#: About a year ago actually. You've probably never seen her though. #Person2#: Really? Why is that? #Person1#: She's not a house-cat. She stays outside most of the time. #Person2#: Bingo could never do that. He stays in the house except when we take him to the park.
#Person2# introduces #Person2#'s dog Bingo to #Person1#. #Person1# says Bingo's behavior is like #Person1#'s cat. #Person2# is surprised that #Person1# has a cat.
keeping pets
#Person1#: What do you do in your spare times? #Person2#: I have many hobbies. I like most all kind of sports, and I also like to listen to classic musics. #Person1#: What sports do you like best? #Person2#: Football. It's a very exciting game, because it keeps you alert, and I also enjoying the team spirit of football. #Person1#: Do you like reading books? #Person2#: Yes. I enjoying reading biographs, especially those of well-known statesmen, militarists, scientist and artists, I can learn a lot from their life histories. #Person1#: Who are you favourite authors? #Person2#: I like the novels of Dickens very much, I have reading almost all of them in Chinese translation, I wish i can reading them in the original.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# has many hobbies, including playing football, listening to music, and reading books. #Person2#'s favorite author is Dickens.
spare time activities
#Person1#: Is there any way you can cut us a better deal on your wholesale price for this order? #Person2#: We did the best that we could to give you a low price. Did you get our recent estimate? #Person1#: Based on the estimate you gave us, by the time we figure in transportation and other expenses, our profit is short. With the offer you've given me, we're making next to nothing. Can't you do any better? #Person2#: I've already given you a discount of 20 % off of our normally charge. If I go any lower, we'll have loss on this project. I really want to work with you on this. But we've already gone as low as we can go. #Person1#: I'll be honest with you, our budgeted cost can't exceed more than $ 150 per unit. That is our bottom line. If you can meet that price, you've got the deal. Otherwise. . . #Person2#: I'll tell you what, I'll go over the number again with our financial team and see what I can do. I can't give you any guarantees. But we can try.
#Person1# bargains with #Person2# to lower the price. #Person2# insists it is the lowest, and #Person1# tells #Person2# their bottom line. #Person2# will go over the number again to see what #Person2# can do.
discussing the bottom line
#Person1#: Can you read and write English and French? #Person2#: No, I'm proficient in both written and spoken English, but I can only carry on a simple conversation in French. #Person1#: Could you tell me something about your English education? #Person2#: My mother is an English teacher in a college, so I began learning English when I could speak, and I took English as my minor subject at university.
#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# is proficient in English, but knows a little about French.
language profiency
#Person1#: Hello. #Person2#: Hi, Daddy. It's me, Troy. #Person1#: Hi, Troy. How's your trip going? #Person2#: It's nice. I arrived safely. #Person1#: Are you all right? #Person2#: I'm fine. Is everything fine in the family? #Person1#: Yes. Everything is fine in the family. Don't worry about the family. Just enjoy your trip. How's the weather there? #Person2#: The weather is gorgeous here. #Person1#: That's good. Take good care of yourself. #Person2#: I will. Thank you, Dad. #Person1#: I love you, Troy. #Person2#: I love you, too, Dad. Bye.
Troy is on a trip. He calls to dad, and his dad tells him to take care of himself.
phone call
#Person1#: John, do you have a minute? #Person2#: Oh, hi, Leo. Sure, what's up? #Person1#: Well, I'Ve been meaning to talk to you about the situation in the office. #Person2#: I'm not in there very often. It's so noisy that I can't work. #Person1#: That's exactly what I'm getting at. We're supposed to be able to do our preparation and marking in that office, but have you noticed? Jack constantly has students coming in to get help with his course. A lot people are going in and out. #Person2#: Has anybody spoken to him about it? #Person1#: No, not yet, but someone's going to have to. #Person2#: We can't really ask him to stop having students come in for help, can we? #Person1#: No, of course not. But I'm not able to do my work and neither are you. #Person2#: How about recommending him to use the storage room down the hall? #Person1#: Oh, that would be too small. #Person2#: With the cabinets taken out, it might be bigger than it looks. #Person1#: Come to think of it, you may be on to something. Let's go have a look. #Person2#: Let's rock n'roll.
John and Leo discuss the noisy situation in the office because of Jack's students. They are going to check whether the storage room can be used for Jack.
noisy office