Q: MySQL load balancing I'm looking into ways to balance the load on our MySQL infrastructure, and can't seem to find an answer that works for me... :) So, I have one big and fat server, that handles everything. Many DBs, many reads, many writes, etc. It handles it pretty well, but it is a single point of failure. We've set up a couple of slaves to redirect reads to them, but faced 2 problems: it takes a lot of effort to rebuild all programs to split reads and writes; and sometimes slaves get behind, which leads to very interesting artifacts in the application. Problems with slaves getting behind: because many databases are mixed - there are both heavy 10-20 minute queries done on data mining side, as well as atomic queries that take no time. But Slave runs one query at a time, so all atomic queries have to wait until heavy one finishes. To resolve these 2 problems, I was thinking about something like a proxy, that would consider this: split read/writes automatically serve as a single point of entry and then redirect request to appropriate server that has needed database (e.g. separate db1 and db2 on the back-end, but have it transparent to the application) be aware of slave lag, and send reads to the master, when slave lag occurs (would be ideal if this can be done, say, per database; but server-wide would be pretty awesome as well) load balance reads between all eligible slaves (either by simple round robin, or by monitoring LA) One problem that still remains, but which I want to consider - is fail-over. If master fails - would be nice if slave would take responsibilities of a master, and when master is back up - it would become a slave. Any pointers to RTFM or case studies on this subject would be welcome =) EDIT: Googled some more, and in addition to Tungsten enterprise - found dbShards, and Schooner. While looking deeper into that - does anyone have experience with these solutions? Any feedback? A: Check out Tungsten Enterprise MySQL-MMM is not a recommended solution. See: http://www.xaprb.com/blog/2011/05/04/whats-wrong-with-mmm/ Even one of the original authors agreed in the comments. Cheers Edit: oops, second link was same as the first. Corrected
In Spain and Portugal, sardines, mackerel, cod, tuna, mussels and other seafood packed in cans aren’t emergency pantry items. They are highly valued for dining, and restaurants serve them. Now there’s a website selling Portuguese brands that has aggregated many of the tinned products, or conservas, from various producers to make shopping easier. The seafood is described as being sustainably harvested by small, long-established and often family-run companies. Tin Can Fish, $19 to $48 for six to 12 tins, tincanfish.com. Follow NYT Food on Twitter and NYT Cooking on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. Get regular updates from NYT Cooking, with recipe suggestions, cooking tips and shopping advice.
JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Please enable JavaScript to use this site. Phi Gamma Nu Profile Parent Organization: Washington University in St. Louis Phi Gamma Nu aims to always be at the forefront of business achievement and professional competency. Comprised of professionally focused students from all colleges of the university, Phi Gamma Nu emphasizes a strong passion for a career in business, an eagerness to give back to the community, and above all, the happiness, growth and success of its brotherhood.
2)*(l + 2)*(3*l + 1)/3 Solve -2*v**2/5 + 16*v/5 + 18/5 = 0 for v. -1, 9 Let 5*f**3 - 325*f**2 + 5440*f - 5120 = 0. Calculate f. 1, 32 Factor 5*g**3 + 150*g**2 + 960*g - 2560. 5*(g - 2)*(g + 16)**2 Determine g so that -g**5 + 4*g**4 + 15*g**3 - 18*g**2 = 0. -3, 0, 1, 6 Factor -2*y**2/23 + 44*y/23 - 42/23. -2*(y - 21)*(y - 1)/23 Let 2*t**3 - 654*t**2 + 71286*t - 2590058 = 0. What is t? 109 Factor 4*i**2 - 22*i + 30. 2*(i - 3)*(2*i - 5) Solve -2*f**4 + 10*f**3 + 4*f**2 - 48*f = 0. -2, 0, 3, 4 Find g, given that -2*g**5 - 72*g**4 - 572*g**3 + 1368*g**2 - 722*g = 0. -19, 0, 1 Factor 2*f**3/3 - 8*f**2/3 + 10*f/3 - 4/3. 2*(f - 2)*(f - 1)**2/3 Let 3*j**3 - 324*j**2 + 639*j - 318 = 0. What is j? 1, 106 Factor -1764*s**3 + 4368*s**2/5 - 356*s/5 + 8/5. -4*(5*s - 2)*(21*s - 1)**2/5 Let -n**3/6 - 163*n**2/2 - 19845*n/2 + 60025/6 = 0. Calculate n. -245, 1 Factor -2*f**4/5 - 2*f**3/5 + 6*f**2/5 + 2*f + 4/5. -2*(f - 2)*(f + 1)**3/5 Factor -5*q**2/6 - 20*q/3. -5*q*(q + 8)/6 Factor u**3/3 + 14*u**2/3 + 49*u/3 + 12. (u + 1)*(u + 4)*(u + 9)/3 Let 28*r**4 + 1340*r**3 - 2992*r**2 + 400*r = 0. What is r? -50, 0, 1/7, 2 Determine v so that 2*v**3/7 + 268*v**2/7 = 0. -134, 0 Factor -3*m**4 - 3*m**3 + 90*m**2 - 228*m + 168. -3*(m - 2)**3*(m + 7) Factor -5*i**3 + 532*i**2 - 14257*i + 5618. -(i - 53)**2*(5*i - 2) Factor 2*z**2/7 + 544*z/7 + 36992/7. 2*(z + 136)**2/7 Determine d so that -4*d**2 - 5540*d = 0. -1385, 0 Let t**2 + 11*t - 620 = 0. Calculate t. -31, 20 Factor 27*w**3/2 + 2199*w**2/2 + 486*w. 3*w*(w + 81)*(9*w + 4)/2 Factor -q**4 - 29*q**3 + 30*q**2. -q**2*(q - 1)*(q + 30) Let -l**3/8 + 147*l**2/4 - 585*l/8 + 73/2 = 0. What is l? 1, 292 Solve -2*f**3 + 84*f**2 + 182*f - 264 = 0. -3, 1, 44 Factor 507*s**4 - 234*s**3 - 1221*s**2 + 288*s + 768. 3*(s + 1)**2*(13*s - 16)**2 Let 5*q**2 + 125*q - 130 = 0. Calculate q. -26, 1 Determine x, given that 3*x**5 + 63*x**4 + 309*x**3 + 621*x**2 + 552*x + 180 = 0. -15, -2, -1 Determine o, given that 196*o**3 + 9100*o**2 - 5248*o + 752 = 0. -47, 2/7 Factor 2*o**2 + 16*o + 14. 2*(o + 1)*(o + 7) Find v, given that -2*v**2/3 + 42*v - 580/3 = 0. 5, 58 Find r such that 4*r**3/3 + 284*r**2/3 = 0. -71, 0 Suppose -y**5 + 21*y**4 + 97*y**3 + 79*y**2 - 96*y - 100 = 0. Calculate y. -2, -1, 1, 25 Factor s**3/2 - 7*s**2 - 34*s - 36. (s - 18)*(s + 2)**2/2 Factor 6*r**3 + 124*r**2 - 174*r + 44. 2*(r - 1)*(r + 22)*(3*r - 1) Factor 2*a**2/3 - 10*a. 2*a*(a - 15)/3 Determine n so that -n**3 - 22*n**2 - 41*n - 20 = 0. -20, -1 Factor 3364*w**4 - 37120*w**3 + 34917*w**2 - 1171*w + 10. (w - 10)*(w - 1)*(58*w - 1)**2 Suppose 40*n**4 - 284*n**3 + 348*n**2 + 608*n - 64 = 0. What is n? -1, 1/10, 4 Factor 10*i**4 - 34*i**3 - 78*i**2 - 14*i + 20. 2*(i - 5)*(i + 1)**2*(5*i - 2) Find v, given that -8*v**5/7 - 1644*v**4/7 - 127296*v**3/7 - 4432104*v**2/7 - 60488856*v/7 - 81182412/7 = 0. -51, -3/2 Factor 5202*u**2 + 4080*u + 800. 2*(51*u + 20)**2 Factor -2*o**4 - 88*o**3 + 6*o**2 + 260*o - 176. -2*(o - 1)**2*(o + 2)*(o + 44) Factor 135*v**2 + 1555*v + 770. 5*(v + 11)*(27*v + 14) Determine d so that -2*d**4/5 - 74*d**3/5 + 322*d**2/5 - 246*d/5 = 0. -41, 0, 1, 3 Solve -3*x**3/5 + 159*x**2/5 - 456*x + 1980 = 0 for x. 10, 33 Determine v, given that 2*v**3/13 - 276*v**2/13 - 846*v/13 = 0. -3, 0, 141 Find a such that 2*a**5/9 + 22*a**4/9 + 26*a**3/3 + 10*a**2 = 0. -5, -3, 0 Factor 18*x**2/5 - 44*x/5 + 16/5. 2*(x - 2)*(9*x - 4)/5 Solve -4*i**5 + 16*i**4 + 16*i**3 - 64*i**2 = 0 for i. -2, 0, 2, 4 Factor 3*x**2/2 - 1254*x + 262086. 3*(x - 418)**2/2 Solve -q**3/6 + 7*q**2/6 + 4*q/3 = 0 for q. -1, 0, 8 Suppose 3*y**4 - 6*y**2 + 3 = 0. Calculate y. -1, 1 Solve s**5/4 - 4*s**4 + 41*s**3/4 + 47*s**2/2 - 30*s = 0. -2, 0, 1, 5, 12 Find v such that 4*v**4 - 24*v**3 - 64*v**2 = 0. -2, 0, 8 Factor 2*z**4/9 + 8*z**3/9 + 2*z**2/9 - 4*z/3. 2*z*(z - 1)*(z + 2)*(z + 3)/9 What is a in -5*a**2 + 1275*a - 1270 = 0? 1, 254 Find j, given that j**3/6 + j**2/3 - j/6 - 1/3 = 0. -2, -1, 1 Solve -4*o**5 + 1932*o**4 - 3852*o**3 + 1924*o**2 = 0. 0, 1, 481 Suppose k**2 + 48*k + 176 = 0. Calculate k. -44, -4 Determine b so that 2*b**3/17 + 16*b**2/17 - 46*b/17 - 60/17 = 0. -10, -1, 3 What is a in -9*a**4 - 187*a**3 - 948*a**2 - 1292*a + 336 = 0? -14, -4, -3, 2/9 Factor -22*g**2/17 - 70*g/17 - 12/17. -2*(g + 3)*(11*g + 2)/17 Factor -5*q**4 + 290*q**3 - 4485*q**2 + 8120*q - 3920. -5*(q - 28)**2*(q - 1)**2 Find b such that -12*b**2 - 20*b = 0. -5/3, 0 Factor 2*d**5/7 - 18*d**4/7 + 48*d**3/7 - 32*d**2/7. 2*d**2*(d - 4)**2*(d - 1)/7 Find f such that 25*f**3 - 2315*f**2 + 3656*f - 1456 = 0. 4/5, 91 Suppose -4*q**3/3 + 196*q + 1144/3 = 0. Calculate q. -11, -2, 13 Find o, given that -2*o**3/9 + 26*o**2/3 + 118*o/3 - 430/9 = 0. -5, 1, 43 Factor 5*s**4/2 + 6*s**3 - 27*s**2 - 54*s + 81/2. (s - 3)*(s + 3)**2*(5*s - 3)/2 Factor 3*m**4 - 24*m**3 + 63*m**2 - 54*m. 3*m*(m - 3)**2*(m - 2) Factor 4*s**3/9 + 38*s**2/9 - 64*s/9 + 22/9. 2*(s - 1)*(s + 11)*(2*s - 1)/9 Determine y so that 2*y**5/13 - 28*y**4/13 - 32*y**3/13 + 28*y**2/13 + 30*y/13 = 0. -1, 0, 1, 15 Let -3*p**2 - 75*p - 138 = 0. What is p? -23, -2 Factor 3*p**2 + 960*p - 3888. 3*(p - 4)*(p + 324) Factor 3*t**2 + 7182*t + 4298427. 3*(t + 1197)**2 Determine g, given that 4*g**5 + 208*g**4 + 200*g**3 - 208*g**2 - 204*g = 0. -51, -1, 0, 1 Suppose 5*s**3/2 - 205*s**2/2 + 600*s + 10080 = 0. Calculate s. -7, 24 Factor 4*w**2 - 452*w. 4*w*(w - 113) Factor -g**5/4 - 13*g**4/2 + 27*g**3/4. -g**3*(g - 1)*(g + 27)/4 Factor 5*h**4 + 10*h**3 - 15*h**2. 5*h**2*(h - 1)*(h + 3) Solve -2*c**3/3 - 26*c**2/9 + 184*c/9 + 64/9 = 0. -8, -1/3, 4 Factor -2*o**4/3 + 6*o**3 - 52*o**2/3 + 16*o. -2*o*(o - 4)*(o - 3)*(o - 2)/3 Find v, given that -2*v**3/17 - 46*v**2/17 + 288*v/17 + 8424/17 = 0. -18, 13 Determine b so that b**4 + 3*b**3 + 2*b**2 = 0. -2, -1, 0 Solve -3*p**5/2 + 88*p**4 - 2461*p**3/2 - 1770*p**2 - 450*p = 0 for p. -1, -1/3, 0, 30 Find w, given that 2*w**3/11 - 138*w**2/11 + 520*w/11 = 0. 0, 4, 65 Factor 2*l**3/9 + 230*l**2/3 - 692*l/9. 2*l*(l - 1)*(l + 346)/9 Suppose 3*u**3/8 + 27*u**2/8 + 69*u/8 + 45/8 = 0. Calculate u. -5, -3, -1 Factor 6*v**2/11 + 152*v/11 - 104/11. 2*(v + 26)*(3*v - 2)/11 Find u, given that u**2 - 198*u - 808 = 0. -4, 202 Factor -5*b**4/4 - 537*b**3/4 + 1641*b**2/4 - 1651*b/4 + 138. -(b - 1)**3*(5*b + 552)/4 Factor -2*n**3/3 + 274*n**2/3 + 554*n/3 + 278/3. -2*(n - 139)*(n + 1)**2/3 Factor -4*f**2 + 92*f - 360. -4*(f - 18)*(f - 5) Factor -u**4/3 - 76*u**3/3 + 82*u**2/3 + 388*u/3 + 77. -(u - 3)*(u + 1)**2*(u + 77)/3 Determine i so that 5*i**2 - 4360*i + 950480 = 0. 436 Let -9*o**3 - 174*o**2 + 144*o + 480 = 0. Calculate o. -20, -4/3, 2 Solve -i**3/4 + 1983*i**2/4 - 1310763*i/4 + 288804781/4 = 0 for i. 661 Factor 3*w**4/7 + 6*w**3 + 21*w**2. 3*w**2*(w + 7)**2/7 Let -2*x**2/7 + 168*x - 1174/7 = 0. What is x? 1, 587 Solve -h**4/8 + 3*h**3/4 - 5*h**2/8 - 3*h + 9/2 = 0. -2, 2, 3 Factor -x**2/6 - x - 4/3. -(x + 2)*(x + 4)/6 Determine h, given that 16*h**5 + 380*h**4 + 2948*h**3 + 9124*h**2 + 10140*h + 3600 = 0. -12, -5, -1, -3/4 Factor -m**2/3 - 23*m. -m*(m + 69)/3 Solve 4*a**5 - 16*a**4 + 20*a**3 - 8*a**2 = 0. 0, 1, 2 Solve 5*w**5 - 370*w**4 - 400*w**3 + 1890*w**2 - 1125*w = 0 for w. -3, 0, 1, 75 Factor 13*g**2/4 - 3*g/2. g*(13*g - 6)/4 Let 2*v**4 + 4*v**3 - 8*v**2 - 16*v = 0. Calculate v. -2, 0, 2 Factor 2*m**2 + 10*m + 8. 2*(m + 1)*(m + 4) Let -3*s**4/7 - 15*s**3 - 411*s**2/7 + 1149*s/7 - 90 = 0. What is s? -30, -7, 1 What is p in 2*p**4 - 256*p**3 + 10836*p**2 - 147920*p - 159014 = 0? -1, 43 Factor -7*p**4 + 27*p**3 - 31*p**2 + 9*p + 2. -(p - 2)*(p - 1)**2*(7*p + 1) Solve 3*l**2 - 12372*l + 12755532 = 0. 2062 Factor -5*s**2 - 95*s - 420. -5*(s + 7)*(s + 12) Factor i**5/2 + 22*i**4 + 673*i**3/2 + 1981*i**2 + 3038*i + 1372. (i + 1)**2*(i + 14)**3/2 Factor g**3 + 82*g**2/5 - 179*g/5 + 92/5. (g - 1)**2*(5*g + 92)/5 Solve -2*b**2/3 - 32*b + 200/3 = 0 for b. -50, 2 Factor -5*u**4 + 505*u**3 - 5975*u**2 + 22755*u - 27720. -5*(u - 88)*(u - 7)*(u - 3)**2 Factor s**3/4 - s**2/2 - 19*s/4 + 5. (s - 5)*(s - 1)*(s + 4)/4 Determine x, given that 33*x**5/5 + 27*x**4/5 - 534*x**3/5 - 432*x**2/5 + 96*x/5 = 0. -4, -1, 0, 2/11, 4 Factor 2*o**2 + 40*o + 102. 2*(o + 3)*(o + 17) Factor -4*t**5 + 16*t**4 - 20*t**3 + 8*t**2. -4*t**2*(t - 2)*(t - 1)**2 Factor 6*f**2 - 2079
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace AElf.Kernel.SmartContractExecution.Application { public interface IBlockchainExecutingService { Task<BlockExecutionResult> ExecuteBlocksAsync(IEnumerable<Block> blocks); } }
Q: Extending Laravel's core component In my project there is a need to extend laravel's generator component. I need it to allow to put in path option so the file would be generated in a location that user would specify. I need this for all generators - from Controllers to Requests etc. Any hint to where I should start would be much appreciated, thanks Update: I found out that I have to modify Illuminate\Console\GeneratorCommand and specifically getPath method. How would I override this class? Basically, all core generators extend this class so I need them to extend my new class somehow.. A: You cannot change the class those commands extend. You have 4 options: GeneratorCommand uses a Filesystem object it gets from container to save files. You can extend Filesystem with your own class and overwrite its methods so that they write where you need them too. Be aware that this will impact all other code that uses this Filesystem service. Extend all XYZMakeCommand classes with your own ones, set a different command name (e.g. my:make-controller) and inside overwrite getPath() method, e.g.: class MyControllerMakeCommand extends ControllerMakeCommand { protected $name = 'my:make-controller'; protected function getPath($name) { //return the path you need } } Live with the default Laravel's path After a command is executed copy generated files to where you want to have it
Filed 1/23/14 P. v. Smith CA3 NOT TO BE PUBLISHED California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). This opinion has not been certified for publication or ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115. IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THIRD APPELLATE DISTRICT (Shasta) ---- THE PEOPLE, C068027 Plaintiff and Respondent, (Super. Ct. Nos. 08F10648 & 09F8492) v. JAMES EDWARD SMITH, Defendant and Appellant. Defendant James Edward Smith contends the trial court erred in denying his motion to suppress evidence discovered during a search of his vehicle, and in denying his Trombetta1 motion to dismiss on account of the loss of exculpatory evidence. We disagree with defendant’s contentions and affirm the judgment. The trial court properly denied the motion to suppress evidence, as defendant was lawfully detained and the searches of his vehicle were based on his voluntary consent. The trial court also 1 California v. Trombetta (1984) 467 U.S. 479 [81 L.Ed.2d 413] (Trombetta). 1 properly denied the Trombetta motion, as defendant failed to show the loss of potential evidence was the result of bad faith conduct by law enforcement officers, and that the lost evidence was material and exculpatory. FACTS Carol Macy’s home in Anderson was burglarized in August 2009. Two brass sculptures of eagles worth $3,000 each were stolen. Michael Darrow was a salesman for Northern California Glove and Safety Supply in November 2009. When he arrived to work the morning of November 9, 2009, he noticed his work van had been burglarized. The van was missing items he always kept in the van to sell: a large amount of batteries, Carhartt work clothing, and gloves. The items taken were valued at about $2,000. That same day, November 9, at 11:45 a.m., Shasta County Sheriff’s Deputy Lisa Green responded to a call and found defendant lying on the ground next to a parked car. She immediately detained him. Captain Jerry Shearman and Detective Donald Clegg also responded to the scene. Defendant gave the officers consent to search the car, first to locate documents that would prove he owned the car, and later to search the car generally. The officers found two prescription bottles in the car’s center console. One bottle contained marijuana. They found over 50 pairs of gloves and 50 eye goggles with attached tags and in the original packaging on the backseat. In the trunk, the officers found new jackets with reflective gear, cases of new batteries, and a bronze or brass eagle sculpture. That afternoon, James Ortlieb, the owner of Northern California Glove and Safety Supply, identified many of the items found in defendant’s car as products belonging to his company. Also, at a later time, Ms. Macy identified the brass eagle sculpture found in defendant’s car as one of the two sculptures that had been stolen from her home. 2 Defendant pleaded guilty to misdemeanor possession of marijuana (Health & Saf. Code, § 11357, subd. (c)). A jury convicted him of receiving stolen property (Pen. Code, § 496, subd. (a)), and defendant admitted an enhancement under Penal Code former section 12022.1 that he was out on bail in another case, Shasta County case No. 08F10648, when he committed the instant crimes, which make up Shasta County case No. 09F8492. The trial court sentenced defendant to a total prison term of 13 years eight months, based on a plea agreement that resolved both case Nos. 08F10648 and 09F8492. In the former case, defendant pleaded no contest to first degree burglary (Pen. Code, § 459) and admitted a prior serious felony allegation (Pen. Code, § 667, subd. (a)). The court sentenced defendant in case No. 08F10648 to the upper term of six years for the burglary plus five years for the serious felony prior, and it sentenced him in case No. 09F8492 to eight months (one-third the midterm) for the receiving stolen property conviction and two years for the on-bail enhancement, all terms to run consecutively. Defendant filed notices of appeal in both cases, but his arguments concern only case No. 09F8492. He contends the trial court in case No. 09F8492 erred by denying his motion to suppress evidence and his Trombetta motion to dismiss. DISCUSSION I Motion to Suppress Evidence Defendant contends the trial court erred when it denied his motion to suppress the evidence obtained from the search of his vehicle. He contends (1) the officers lacked reasonable cause to detain him; (2) insufficient evidence supports the finding that the two prescription bottles found in the center console, their labeling, and their contents were in plain view; (3) his consent to search the car was involuntary; and (4) the search was not justified as an inventory search. We disagree with his contentions. 3 A. Facts presented at suppression hearing On November 9, 2009, at about 11:45 a.m., Shasta County Sheriff’s Deputy Lisa Green responded to a call of “a man down.” When she arrived at the scene, she found a red, two-door Ford Thunderbird parked off the roadway in a “pasture[-]like” area. The vehicle’s trunk and a passenger door were open. Deputy Green parked her car behind the red vehicle. About the time Deputy Green arrived, Shasta County Sheriff’s Captain Jerry Shearman also arrived. He parked his unmarked vehicle near the Thunderbird’s front left corner and facing the Thunderbird. Deputy Green saw that a man, defendant, was down “on the ground area” at the back of the vehicle. Then defendant moved towards the car’s passenger side where the door was open and peered around the car to see the vehicle that had just stopped in front of his. Deputy Green did not think defendant saw her. She called out to him. She recognized him from prior contacts. While she walked up to him, she observed items in the open trunk, but she did not know at that time what they were. She testified she “immediately detained [defendant] because I didn’t know what was going on with the vehicle, what he was doing. Uhm, I recognize him from having prior contacts.” She handcuffed him and directed him to sit by her car. She subsequently read him his Miranda2 rights. Defendant waived his rights. Deputy Green asked defendant what he was doing there. Defendant stated his car had broken down and he was trying to fix it. Captain Shearman joined the conversation and asked defendant who owned the car. Defendant stated he received the car secondhand through another party from either a friend or for doing some work, and that the paperwork in the car would explain it. Deputy Green asked defendant if they could 2 Miranda v. Arizona (1966) 384 U.S. 436 [16 L.Ed.2d 694]. 4 look in the car for the paperwork, and defendant said they could. Captain Shearman asked where the paperwork would be. Defendant said he thought it would be in the glove box and would be either a bill of sale or a release of liability. Captain Shearman entered the Thunderbird through the open passenger door and looked through the glove box. He found no paperwork in the glove box that named the car’s owner. He told Deputy Green and defendant there was nothing in the glove box. He asked defendant where else the paperwork could be. Defendant said he was sure the paperwork was in the car. Captain Shearman asked if he could look, and defendant said, “[I]t’s in there. Find it.” Captain Shearman returned to the vehicle. He looked again in the glove box to make sure no paperwork was there. He then looked under the dash, under the front seats, on the floorboards, behind the visors, along the doors, between the front seats, and in the center console. He found lots of debris, but he found no paperwork identifying ownership of the car. While looking in the center console, however, Captain Shearman found two prescription bottles. One had a female’s name on it, and the other had defendant’s name on it. The latter bottle contained small packages of marijuana. Captain Shearman alerted Deputy Green of the bottles’ presence in the car. Defendant said the marijuana belonged to his wife. Captain Shearman went back to defendant and asked him again where the paperwork might be. Defendant had no answer. Captain Shearman asked defendant more questions about how he obtained the vehicle. Defendant stated he got it from somebody on a deal and he was sure the paperwork was inside the car. Captain Shearman stated he was going to continue his search for a third time, and defendant said he did not care because the paperwork was in the car. Captain Shearman again found nothing. 5 Captain Shearman and Deputy Green were concerned the car might have been stolen. They had found no paperwork documenting its ownership, and they had seen that part of the car’s dash had been torn out. Captain Shearman ran the license plate and vehicle identification number, and he learned the car was owned by a Russell Fossett. The car had not been reported stolen, and the license plate and the vehicle identification number matched. Captain Shearman reported this to defendant. Defendant suggested Captain Shearman contact defendant’s father, who had information on how the transaction took place. Captain Shearman dialed the phone number defendant provided him. The man on the other end of the line said he had obtained the car from doing a favor for a friend of a friend and that the car ended up going to defendant. The man had no information about where the pink slip or a bill of sale might be. While Captain Shearman had been searching the car, Deputy Green had viewed the items stored in the open trunk with more attention. She noticed jackets and Carhartt safety jackets with reflective gear. They still had tags on them. There were also nylon mesh bags with items in them. Through the car’s windows and the open passenger door, Deputy Green also observed a number of items on the car’s backseat. She saw boxes of gloves, protective eyewear still in packaging, and stereo speakers. It appeared to her the items were stolen property. Captain Shearman had noticed the same items on the backseat when he was inside the vehicle. Deputy Green asked defendant about the items she had seen. He said he received them from yard sales and was planning to go to the flea market. He said he also received items from people as gifts in exchange for work. Believing that defendant might be in possession of stolen property, Deputy Green decided to tow the vehicle and perform an inventory of its contents. At about that same time, she arrested defendant for possession of another person’s prescription and possession of marijuana. 6 Defendant consented to a search of his vehicle. Deputy Green asked Captain Shearman if he had a consent form for defendant to sign, but he did not and neither did she. Defendant, however, consented to the search. Deputy Green performed the search. She was assisted by Detective Clegg, whom she had contacted earlier for help in identifying some of the property. Captain Shearman also assisted Deputy Green in moving items from the car. Deputy Green took defendant’s handcuffs off so defendant could speak freely with Detective Clegg. Detective Clegg also asked defendant for permission to search the car. Defendant said he could. In addition, Detective Clegg asked defendant for permission to collect the items found in the car. Defendant gave him permission. Detective Clegg told defendant he would give him a receipt for everything he collected that he believed was stolen, and defendant agreed. As something was located in the car during the search, Detective Clegg would ask defendant where he got the item. Defendant never told the officers to stop searching. The officers found a bronze statue of an eagle in the car’s trunk. Detective Clegg recognized the statue as something that had been reported stolen in an earlier burglary. Detective Clegg also recognized the safety equipment as being similar to equipment he had seen in the warehouse of a safety equipment company a year prior to this incident. The officers also found several cases of new batteries still in their packaging. B. Analysis 1. Reasonable cause to detain defendant Defendant contends he was unlawfully detained without reasonable suspicion. He asserts Deputy Green detained him only because she recognized him from past criminal activity and because she saw him make the furtive gesture of peering around his car. These acts, he claims, did not give Deputy Green sufficient reason to detain him. We disagree with defendant’s contentions and conclude under the totality of the circumstances that Deputy Green had reasonable suspicion to detain him. 7 “The Fourth Amendment prohibits ‘unreasonable searches and seizures’ by the Government, and its protections extend to brief investigatory stops of persons or vehicles that fall short of traditional arrest. (Terry v. Ohio (1968) 392 U.S. 1, 9 [20 L.Ed.2d 889] [(Terry)]; United States v. Cortez (1981) 449 U.S. 411, 417 [66 L.Ed.2d 621] [(Cortez)].) Because the ‘balance between the public interest and the individual’s right to personal security’ (United States v. Brignoni-Ponce (1975) 422 U.S. 873, 878 [45 L.Ed.2d 607]), tilts in favor of a standard less than probable cause in such cases, the Fourth Amendment is satisfied if the officer’s action is supported by reasonable suspicion to believe that criminal activity ‘ “may be afoot” ’ (United States v. Sokolow (1989) 490 U.S. 1, 7 [104 L.Ed.2d 1] (Sokolow) (quoting Terry, supra, at 30). (See also Cortez 449 U.S. at 417 (‘An investigatory stop must be justified by some objective manifestation that the person stopped is, or is about to be, engaged in criminal activity.’).) “When discussing how reviewing courts should make reasonable-suspicion determinations, we have said repeatedly that they must look at the ‘totality of the circumstances’ of each case to see whether the detaining officer has a ‘particularized and objective basis’ for suspecting legal wrongdoing. (See, e.g., id. at 417-418.) This process allows officers to draw on their own experience and specialized training to make inferences from and deductions about the cumulative information available to them that ‘might well elude an untrained person.’ (Id. at 418.) (See also Ornelas v. United States (1996) 517 U.S. 690, 699 [134 L.Ed.2d 911] (reviewing court must give ‘due weight’ to factual inferences drawn by resident judges and local law enforcement officers).) Although an officer’s reliance on a mere ‘ “hunch” ’ is insufficient to justify a stop (Terry, supra, at 27), the likelihood of criminal activity need not rise to the level required for probable cause, and it falls considerably short of satisfying a preponderance of the evidence standard (Sokolow, supra, at 7).” (United States v. Arvizu (2002) 534 U.S. 266, 273-274 [151 L.Ed.2d 740, 749-751].) 8 We also acknowledge “the need for law enforcement officers to protect themselves and other prospective victims of violence in situations where they may lack probable cause for an arrest.” (Terry, supra, 392 U.S. at p. 24.) Viewing defendant’s detention under the totality of the circumstances of this case, we conclude Deputy Green had a sufficiently particularized and objective basis for suspecting defendant was, or was about to be, engaged in criminal activity. Deputy Green was dispatched to the location based on a report of a “man down.” That description would have indicated to her that someone was in serious need of assistance. Upon arriving, she saw a car with its trunk lid up and passenger door open, and it was parked off the roadway in something akin to a pasture. Upon parking her vehicle, she indeed saw a man down. At this point, she could have believed the man down was a crime victim. But when Captain Shearman arrived, Deputy Green saw the man get up off the ground, move to the open passenger door, and peer around the car to see who had arrived. She also observed items in the trunk as she approached defendant. Now, the situation was changed, and the open appearance of the car with a trunk full of items, and defendant off the ground and peering around the car as another officer approached him, rendered the situation much more uncertain. She could have reasonably believed she had to control the situation to learn what was happening and had to protect Captain Shearman. Under these circumstances, Deputy Green could have reasonably believed some type of criminal behavior was afoot, and she was justified to detain defendant. At a minimum, the circumstances gave Deputy Green reasonable cause to investigate the status of the car, and that investigation would have inevitably led to defendant’s arrest. Coming upon this particular scene, Deputy Green and Captain Shearman were justified in inquiring about the ownership and registration of the vehicle. Whether or not defendant was handcuffed, the officers would have learned defendant carried no proof of ownership or registration. State law requires a person in the immediate control of an automobile to present evidence of valid registration upon 9 command of a peace officer. (Veh. Code, § 4462, subd. (a).) The failure to do so may result in the person’s arrest and his car being impounded and its contents inventoried. (People v. Redd (2010) 48 Cal.4th 691, 719-721.) Thus, defendant’s detention and the subsequent search of his car did not violate the Fourth Amendment.3 2. Sufficiency of the evidence that prescription bottles were in plain view Defendant contends there is insufficient evidence to support the finding that he gave Captain Shearman consent to look inside the center console. Even if he gave Captain Shearman that consent, defendant claims there is insufficient evidence to support the finding that the prescription bottles’ labeling and contents were in plain view. We disagree with his contentions. Sufficient evidence supports the trial court’s finding that defendant consented to Captain Shearman looking inside the center console. Defendant initially limited his consent to searching the glove box. But after Captain Shearman could not find any paperwork identifying ownership there, defendant told him the paperwork had to be in the car somewhere. Captain Shearman asked if he could look again, and defendant replied, “[I]t’s in there. Find it.” By this comment, defendant gave Captain Shearman consent to search anywhere inside the car, including inside the center console. 3 The Attorney General overstates the factual record in arguing in support of the detention’s legality. She claims Deputy Green told defendant she suspected the car was stolen. The record does not indicate Deputy Green said this before she detained defendant. The Attorney General contends “Cal. Fire” had reported the car looked suspicious and suggested it might have been stolen. Deputy Green asserted this point in her written report, but there is no indication her report was admitted into evidence at the suppression hearing and considered by the trial court, and Deputy Green did not mention this fact in her testimony. Finally, the Attorney General asserts Deputy Green, while walking up to detain defendant, was able to view into the car’s trunk and backseat and discern new items with sales tags still on them. Deputy Green actually testified that while walking up to detain defendant, she observed items in the trunk, but she did not examine them further until after she detained defendant. It was at that later time when she was able to describe the items she saw. 10 Sufficient evidence also supports the court’s finding that Captain Sherman observed the prescription bottles, their labels, and their contents in plain view. Captain Shearman testified the prescription bottles, their labels, and their content were in plain view as he searched the center console. Captain Shearman stated that while searching in the console, he found the prescription bottles, including one for a female. The bottles were “generally see-through,” and he could see through the bottle labeled for defendant and determine marijuana was inside. This was sufficient evidence to support the court’s conclusion that Captain Shearman found the bottles, their labels, and their contents in plain view. Defendant claims Captain Shearman would have had to pick up the prescription bottles in order to read the labels or view their contents, and picking up the bottles exceeded defendant’s consent to search for paperwork documenting ownership of the car. We disagree. The evidence was that the bottles were in plain view, and there was no evidence that Captain Shearman had to pick them up to view them. Even if defendant limited impliedly the scope of his consent, his limited consent would not prevent Captain Shearman from retrieving what was in plain view. “Police officers do not have to blind themselves as to what is in plain sight simply because it is disconnected with the purpose for which they entered the premises. (People v. Superior Court (Meyers) (1979) 25 Cal.3d 67[, 73].) Objects falling in plain view of a law enforcement officer who has a lawful right to be in a position to have that view are subject to seizure and may be introduced into evidence. (North v. Superior Court (1972) 8 Cal.3d 301, 306.)” (People v. Szabo (1980) 107 Cal.App.3d 419, 431-432.) In addition, even if the evidence had not been in plain view, it still would have been admissible at trial under the inevitable discovery exception to the exclusionary rule. Evidence found because of a Fourth Amendment violation is admissible if the prosecution can establish the evidence ultimately or inevitably would have been discovered by lawful means. (Nix v. Williams (1984) 467 U.S. 431, 444 [81 L.Ed.2d 377, 11 387-388].) Here, the prosecution would have satisfied this test. Reasonably believing the car may have been stolen, Deputy Green decided to tow the vehicle and perform an inventory search. During this lawful search of the car, Deputy Green would have discovered the prescription bottles. The court thus did not err in refusing to suppress this evidence. 3. Voluntariness of consent Defendant asserts his consent to Detective Clegg to search the vehicle was involuntary. He cites no facts to support his assertion; instead, he states simply the legal maxim that “consent to search produced by an illegal arrest or detention is not voluntary.” (People v. Valenzuela (1994) 28 Cal.App.4th 817, 833.) We have already concluded defendant’s detention was lawful. His arrest was also lawful, as it was based on probable cause of possessing marijuana and another person’s prescription. His consent to Detective Clegg was not coerced. 4. Search justified as an inventory search Defendant contends no evidence was produced at the suppression hearing to show the vehicle search was an inventory search. Although Deputy Green’s decision to perform an inventory search establishes the inevitable discovery exception, as we have explained, defendant’s contention is irrelevant, as the searches of defendant’s car were based on his consent following his lawful detention, and the items found that exceeded his consent were found in plain view. The trial court correctly denied defendant’s motion to suppress. II Trombetta Motion to Dismiss After defendant was arrested for unlawfully possessing another’s prescription and marijuana, his car was inventoried and then towed to a private tow yard for safekeeping. The stolen items retrieved from the car were photographed after being removed from the 12 car and the items were returned to their lawful owners. However, the private tow company sold the car when the impound fees exceeded the car’s value. Defendant filed a Trombetta motion to dismiss the action, claiming law enforcement violated his due process rights and denied him a defense by not photographing the stolen property inside the vehicle and by allowing the car to be sold. He asserted the car and its contents would have shown the plain view search claims made by law enforcement were unfounded because the car was so filled with junk and debris there was no way the prescription bottles or any of the stolen property could have been visible. The trial court denied the motion. Defendant contends the trial court’s denial was error. He asserts the officers acted in bad faith in failing to retain the car and its contents, and the lost evidence was material and exculpatory. We conclude the trial court did not err. If the prosecution collects material, exculpatory evidence, due process requires the prosecution to preserve it. (Arizona v. Youngblood (1988) 488 U.S. 51, 58 [102 L.Ed.2d 281, 289]; Trombetta, supra, 467 U.S. 479.) If the prosecution fails to preserve such evidence, the defense may make a motion for sanctions, called a Trombetta or Youngblood motion. The showing the defense must make to obtain relief varies, depending on whether the loss of the evidence was in bad faith. (People v. Pastor Cruz (1993) 16 Cal.App.4th 322, 324-325.) A defendant who can establish the prosecution acted in bad faith in destroying or failing to preserve evidence is entitled to relief on a showing that the lost or destroyed evidence might have exonerated him. (Illinois v. Fisher (2004) 540 U.S. 544, 547-548 [157 L.Ed.2d 1060, 1066].) If the defendant cannot establish bad faith, he is entitled to relief only on a showing that the lost or destroyed evidence was material and exculpatory. (Trombetta, supra, 467 U.S. at pp. 488-489.) Material, exculpatory evidence is evidence that might be expected to play a significant role in the suspect’s defense. It must possess an exculpatory value that was 13 apparent before the evidence was destroyed or lost, and be of such a nature that the defendant would be unable to obtain comparable evidence by other reasonably available means. (Trombetta, supra, 467 U.S. at p. 489.) Defendant failed to demonstrate the officers acted in bad faith, or that the lost evidence was material and exculpatory. Defendant submitted no evidence establishing the officers acted in bad faith in not taking pictures of the stolen property inside the car or not preventing the car from being sold. His assertions of bad faith -- that the officers did not take pictures and lost the car in order to protect their ruse of claiming plain view -- are mere speculation. Trombetta motions based on speculation are without merit. (People v. Velasco (2011) 194 Cal.App.4th 1258, 1265-1266.) Defendant also submitted no evidence establishing the proposed pictures or the car were material and exculpatory evidence. Obviously, the car was not material. Defendant was not charged with any crime involving the car. Also, the stolen items were removed from the car with defendant’s consent and inventoried before it was towed. Thus, the car itself would have served defendant no purpose. As for the pictures defendant faults the officers for not taking, defendant cites to no authority that holds law enforcement officers are under a duty to create evidence. Also, such photos would not have been exculpatory. Defendant consented to Captain Shearman searching inside the entire vehicle to look for ownership documentation. This consent gave Captain Shearman authority to move the debris he found in the car in search of paperwork documenting ownership. As he moved debris, the prescription bottles and the stolen goods would have come into plain view, and a photo of the car’s interior at that time likely would not have shown them hidden. The court did not err in denying defendant’s Trombetta motion. 14 DISPOSITION The judgment is affirmed. NICHOLSON , Acting P. J. We concur: HULL , J. MAURO , J. 15
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Q: Problem for creating new user in SQL Server Express I have SQL Server Express on Windows 10 Pro: It works fine.I created databases using the default user (Windows user). I need to specify a user ID and password for other purposes. I did this but when I try to login using this user id and password, I get this error I thought it is very easy to add new user. It seems harder than I thought I also tried to use SA user ID, I enabled it and changed the password Yet I still get this error A: It looks like you might have not enabled SQL Server Authentication too in your server during installation. Setup defaults to Windows Authentication only. See also Login to Microsoft SQL Server Error: 18456.
// // MainWindowController.cs // // Author: // Aaron Bockover <abock@xamarin.com> // // Copyright 2012 Xamarin Inc. (http://xamarin.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using MonoMac.Foundation; using MonoMac.AppKit; namespace NSAlertSample { public partial class MainWindowController : MonoMac.AppKit.NSWindowController { #region Constructors // Called when created from unmanaged code public MainWindowController (IntPtr handle) : base (handle) { Initialize (); } // Called when created directly from a XIB file [Export ("initWithCoder:")] public MainWindowController (NSCoder coder) : base (coder) { Initialize (); } // Call to load from the XIB/NIB file public MainWindowController () : base ("MainWindow") { Initialize (); } // Shared initialization code void Initialize () { var timerCount = 0; NSRunLoop.Current.AddTimer (NSTimer.CreateRepeatingTimer (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (0.1), () => { ModalCounter.StringValue = (timerCount++).ToString (); }), NSRunLoopMode.Default); } #endregion //strongly typed window accessor public new MainWindow Window { get { return (MainWindow)base.Window; } } void ShowResponse (NSAlert alert, int response) { string message; if (response <= 1) { switch (response) { case -1: message = String.Format ("Non-custom response: -1 (other)"); break; case 0: message = String.Format ("Non-custom response: 0 (alternate)"); break; case 1: message = String.Format ("Non-custom response: 1 (default)"); break; default: message = String.Format ("Unknown Response: {0}", response); break; } } else { var buttonIndex = response - (int)NSAlertButtonReturn.First; if (buttonIndex >= alert.Buttons.Length) message = String.Format ("Unknown Response: {0}", response); else message = String.Format ( "\"{0}\"\n\nButton Index: {1}\nResult (NSAlertButtonReturn): {2}\nResult (int): {3}", alert.Buttons [buttonIndex].Title, buttonIndex, (NSAlertButtonReturn)response, response); } if (alert.ShowsSuppressionButton) message += String.Format ("\nSuppression: {0}", alert.SuppressionButton.State); ResultLabel.StringValue = message; } void Run (NSAlert alert) { switch (AlertOptions.SelectedTag) { case 0: alert.BeginSheetForResponse (Window, response => ShowResponse (alert, response)); break; case 1: ShowResponse (alert, alert.RunSheetModal (Window)); break; case 2: ShowResponse (alert, alert.RunModal ()); break; default: ResultLabel.StringValue = "Unknown Alert Option"; break; } } #region NSAlert Sample Implementations partial void NSAlertWithMessage (NSObject sender) { Run (NSAlert.WithMessage ("Hello NSAlert", "Default", "Alternate", "Other", String.Empty)); } partial void NSAlertWithError (NSObject sender) { Run (NSAlert.WithError (new NSError (new NSString ("org.mono-project.NSAlertSample"), 3000, null))); } partial void CustomButtons (NSObject sender) { var alert = new NSAlert { MessageText = "Pick a Number!", InformativeText = "Long description about why picking a number is important." }; alert.AddButton ("One"); alert.AddButton ("Two"); alert.AddButton ("Three"); alert.AddButton ("Four"); alert.AddButton ("Five"); alert.AddButton ("Six"); Run (alert); } partial void CustomImage (NSObject sender) { var alert = new NSAlert { MessageText = "The cat that started it all!" }; var asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (); using (var stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream ("NSAlertSample.i-can-has-cheezburger.jpg")) { alert.Icon = NSImage.FromStream (stream); } alert.AddButton ("No Can Has"); Run (alert); } partial void DefaultSuppression (NSObject sender) { var alert = new NSAlert { MessageText = "Purchase More Gold!", InformativeText = "Would you like to purchase 30 more pounds of gold?", ShowsSuppressionButton = true }; alert.AddButton ("Yes Please!"); alert.AddButton ("Absolutely Not"); Run (alert); } partial void CustomSuppression (NSObject sender) { var alert = new NSAlert { MessageText = "Subscribe to CatOverflow.com", InformativeText = "CatOverflow.com features the best cats the Internet has to offer.\n\nUpdated regularly and curated by a professional cat analyist, CatOverflow.com cannot be missed. Make it part of your daily regimen now!\n", ShowsSuppressionButton = true }; alert.SuppressionButton.Title = "Go away forever, meow"; alert.SuppressionButton.Font = NSFont.ControlContentFontOfSize (NSFont.SmallSystemFontSize); alert.AddButton ("YES YES YES"); alert.AddButton ("Remind me later"); alert.AddButton ("I prefer DogOverflow.com"); Run (alert); } #endregion } }
Just because I am a commoner does not mean that I cannot appreciate the social distinctions that define class with all its refinements of wealth. and genealogy as evidenced by my family coat of arms. However while the newspaper article denotes a refined and elevated discrimination, I am reminded of Wood Allen's comment that he would not want to belong to a club that would accept his application for membership since the club had already lost its lustre by accepting him. =Peter= Of course, no one knows for certain why Bosco was blackballed. Possibly he has a history of doing weird things and it had nothing to do with his Italian heritage. I have to say, Bosco's display potentially does far more harm to his immediate neighbors (not to mention fellow Connecticut Italians like myself) then it does to the country club. He would have done better if he had taken the money spent on tubs and used it to buy a full or half-page ad in the newspaper wherein he could state his case and make a plea for the country club to put an end to its secretive application process and join the 21st century. Carmine My hobby is finding things. Having found most of my own, I am happy to help others find theirs. PM me! johnnyonthespot wrote:Of course, no one knows for certain why Bosco was blackballed. Possibly he has a history of doing weird things and it had nothing to do with his Italian heritage. I have to say, Bosco's display potentially does far more harm to his immediate neighbors (not to mention fello Connecticut Italians like myself) then it does to the country club. He would have done better if he had taken the money spent on tubs and used it to buy a full or half-page ad in the newspaper wherein he could state his case and make a plea for the country club to put an end to its secretive application process and join the 21st century. Carmine that is socialist thinking..."joining the 21st century indeed" Good manners would dictate that he make his point in the way that he did with money spent on the fanciful clawed bathtubs which from my point of view maintains the elevated level of response to the alleged discrimination to that superior level of living which I would love to have been born (working to get there is not acceptableto me) into. =Peter= Given the fact a club member said "too bad you have an Italian name, John" I think it's obvious this is why he was snubbed. Interesting story; thanks. Additional research only adds to the interest: "Checkered History: By all accounts, Silo Ridge is now under solid ownership. But the public club, which has long attracted golfers from not only New York but Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey, has a checkered history. It was built as the Segalla Country Club in the early 1990s by Amenia businessman John Segalla, who said he was miffed at having been rejected for membership at a nearby private club. He sold the club in 1997 for $14.5 million to Frank Zarro, who later went bankrupt and was foreclosed on by a Colorado mortgage company. Country Club Funding of Denver sold the club in 2000 for $8 million to its current owner, Stephen Garofalo, the former chief executive officer of Metromedia Fiber Networks. Zarro was acquitted of swindling Segalla out of $9 million, but was convicted in 2004 on 13 felony counts of grand larceny and fraud. One of those counts was for stealing $2.3 million from William Florence, a Peekskill attorney who advised Segalla on the original sale." ( http://saveyourtown.com/press/06/0112LJ.html ) Given the fact a club member said "too bad you have an Italian name, John" I think it's obvious this is why he was snubbed. Interesting story; thanks. Additional research only adds to the interest: "Checkered History: By all accounts, Silo Ridge is now under solid ownership. But the public club, which has long attracted golfers from not only New York but Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey, has a checkered history. It was built as the Segalla Country Club in the early 1990s by Amenia businessman John Segalla, who said he was miffed at having been rejected for membership at a nearby private club. He sold the club in 1997 for $14.5 million to Frank Zarro, who later went bankrupt and was foreclosed on by a Colorado mortgage company. Country Club Funding of Denver sold the club in 2000 for $8 million to its current owner, Stephen Garofalo, the former chief executive officer of Metromedia Fiber Networks. Zarro was acquitted of swindling Segalla out of $9 million, but was convicted in 2004 on 13 felony counts of grand larceny and fraud. One of those counts was for stealing $2.3 million from William Florence, a Peekskill attorney who advised Segalla on the original sale."( http://saveyourtown.com/press/06/0112LJ.html )
Invictus Games support dogs could change lives for the better For years, Vietnam War veteran John Hume lived with the trauma of watching dozens of men drown during the 1969 collision between HMAS Melbourne and a US destroyer — but he’s finally reconnecting with the world, thanks to the “sad brown eyes” of his support dog Oriana. His case is the perfect example of the impact a service dog can have on a veteran’s life, as a team of furry welfare specialists prepare to head to the Invictus Games to support competitors. A dozen dogs have been trained to help people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and they will be on duty for veterans in what can be an overwhelming environment. Service dogs for people who have PTSD may not immediately seem as necessary as a guide dog is for someone who is visually impaired — but they can change a person’s life. Mr Hume, who served in the Navy for 20 years, knows that first-hand. “For a young tacker, I was only going on 18 at the time, and to be ploughed into a warzone like that … you were always aware of the fact of where you were,” Mr Hume said. He slept through nights of gunfire and napalm flashes. And in 1969 he was hit by the “reality” of service. “I was on the [HMAS] Melbourne and we collided with the American destroyer Frank E Evans,” he said. “And unfortunately I watched 80-odd fellas slide below the surface that night, three o’clock in the morning. “It was a matter of probably five minutes, but that five minutes has stayed with me.” It remained with Mr Hume, below the surface, until his wife died by suicide three years ago. “I was blaming myself because I wasn’t around when my wife went,” he said. That was the point when Mr Hume retreated from the world, spending his days inside watching television. Then Oriana arrived. John Hume credits his support dog Oriana with helping him reconnect with the world. “I was watching something on TV and it took my mind back to a few experiences, and I didn’t do anything, I didn’t say anything, but she immediately got up and just placed her chin on my knee and just looked up at me with those big sad brown eyes,” he said. With Oriana, Mr Hume was able to switch off the television and return to the world he had withdrawn from. Preparing to help athletes Next Saturday Oriana’s canine colleagues will be on hand at the Invictus Games to provide the same comfort to competing veterans. Brigadier Mark Holmes, chairman of Integra Service Dogs, said many of the competing veterans live with post-traumatic stress. “We’re preparing them to be welfare dogs and therapy dogs, to be onsite at the Invictus Games for the athletes and their families,” he said. Brigadier Holmes explained how a service dog’s and a guide dog’s jobs compare. “A guide dog for a blind person would take them to an ATM and they’d be able to use the machine,” he said. “A service dog would sit behind a person with post-traumatic stress and provide that comfort at the ATM, knowing that there’s nobody behind them and that they are able to use the machine.” The dogs will be hard at work for the event — in particular one young blonde Labrador named Karma, who will be alongside Invictus co-captain Matt Brumby for the entirety of the games. “She’ll be learning how to work and walk with him and his wheelchair, but she’ll also be working with him just to provide a very positive friendship and distraction during the games in what’s obviously going to be a very busy and exciting environment for him,” trainer Ben Johnson said. And when the games end, Karma will return to Mr Brumby’s home in Tasmania for good. As for Oriana, she is also set for a trip. “In about two weeks’ time she’s on the seat beside me to Lord Howe Island,” Mr Hume said.
Watch Chef Sam Lippman Remix Biggie Smalls The history of food rap continues to evolve, for better or for worse. Yesterday at the Food Hackathon in San Francisco, Airbnb chef Sam Lippman took to the mic to spit his culinary rendition of Biggie Smalls’ “Juicy.”
Systems for automatically classifying images may be used in a wide variety of applications, including computer vision systems and media asset organization and retrieval systems. Many automatic classification systems classify images based at least in part on a content-based analysis of the images. In these systems, an image or a region of an image typically is represented by a set of low-level features (e.g., texture, color, and shape) that are extracted from the image. The images or image regions are classified by applying the corresponding features into a classifier, such as a Support Vector Machine, which has been trained on pre-labeled images or image regions in a target class (e.g., a human face class or a scene type class). Based on the input features, the classifier determines whether or not new image instances should be classified into the target type class. In some content-based image retrieval approaches, low level visual features are used to group images into meaningful categories that, in turn, are used to generate indices for a database containing the images. In accordance with these approaches, images are represented by low level features, such as color, texture, shape, and layout. The features of a query image may be used to retrieve images in the databases that have similar features. In general, the results of automatic categorization and indexing of images improve when the features that are used to categorize and index the image more accurately capture the target aspects of the content of the images. As individuals and organizations continue to rapidly accumulate large collections of image content, they increasingly will require systems and methods for organizing and browsing the image content in their collections. Although efforts have been made to detect and classify aspects (e.g., faces and eyes) of human subjects, little effort has been made to detect and classify aspects of nonhuman animals, such as dogs, cats, birds, and reptiles, which constitute a significant fraction of the image content that is captured and maintained in image databases. Accordingly, what are needed are systems and methods that are designed specifically to automatically classify pixels of nonhuman animals in images.
A conventional chain includes chain plates, rollers, bushes and chain pins. Generally, the components of the conventional chain are assembled in the factory, and are difficult to be reassembled by an end-user. For example, two end portions of each of the chain pins are riveted by a riveting machine in the factory for holding two corresponding pairs of chain plates together. It is difficult for the end-user to reassemble the chain pins and the chain plates without the riveting machine. Referring to FIG. 16, a link unit 7 of another conventional chain includes two chain plates 71 and two chain pins 72. Each of the chain plates 71 has a circular through hole 711, and a connecting hole 712 that is spaced apart from the through hole 711. Each of the chain pins 72 has opposite first and second end portions 721, 722. The first end portion 721 of each of the chain pins 72 is inserted through the through hole 711 of a respective one of the chain plates 71 and riveted to the respective one of the chain plates 71 in advance. To assemble the link unit 7 of the conventional chain, an end user needs to simultaneously and respectively aligned the chain pins 72 with the connecting holes 712 of the chain plates 71 in order to engage the second end portion 722 of each of the chain pins 72 with the connecting hole 712 of the other one of the chain plates 71. In addition to the laborious assembling operation, the chain plates 71 of the link unit 7 of the conventional chain are easy to be moved relative to each other accidentally, so as to unwantedly disassemble the link unit 7.
School Of Education Dr. Graciela Slesaransky-Poe’s article, “Adults set the tone for welcoming all students,” appeared in the February 2013 issue of Phi Delta Kappan, the publication of Phi Delta Kappa International, the premier professional association for educators. Speaking as a mother and a teacher educator,... Janet Chance, Director of the Office of School and Community Collaborations in the School of Education, will present “Intentional Leadership Development...What Works?” with several colleagues at the National Association of Independent Schools’ Annual Conference in Philadelphia from Feb. 27 through... Dr. Leif Gustavson, Interim Dean, School of Education, and Dr. Kira Baker-Doyle, Assistant Professor, School of Education, along with Upper Dublin High School English teachers, led a panel discussion at the 34th Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum in Philadelphia on Feb. 23. They shared... Dr. Steve Hooker, Assistant Professor, School of Education, presented a paper, “How do gay and lesbian educators negotiate their sexual identities in their K-12 schools?” at the Midwest BLGTA College Conference in Lansing, Mich., in February. Dr. Kira Baker-Doyle, Assistant Professor, School of Education, Dr. Kathy Trainor, Adjunct Professor, School of Education, Dr. Graciela Slesaransky-Poe, Associate Professor, School of Education, and Beth Specker, Director of Educational Initiatives at the School of Continuing Studies, worked with... Dr. Graciela Slesaransky-Poe, Associate Professor in Special Education, facilitated two workshops at the National Association of Schools Psychologists (NASP) Annual Convention on Feb. 15 in Seattle, Wash. The first workshop, “Is this the right school for my gender nonconforming son?” narrated the... USA Today College featured “Opinion: My fight against homonormativity” by Jayson Flores ’14 on Jan. 28. The article is an honest look at the pressure in the LGBT community to mimic heteronormative standards and features insights from educators, including Dr. Graciela Slesaransky-Poe, Associate... Mary Lou Cardie ’99M recently published an article, "Value the Fundamentals," on EZineArticles.com, which focuses on helping young athletes reach their full potential. Cardie, who is a USPTA Certified P1 Tennis Teaching Professional, earned a Master’s of Education degree from Arcadia in 1999. If... The Honorable Edward G. Rendell, former Governor of Pennsylvania, spoke about the value ofOn Nov. 1, the School of Education hosted its inaugural School of Education Colloquium, “Keeping the Promise of Early Childhood Education: Putting Into Practice What We Know,” which focused on the importance... During fall semester Janet Chance, Director of the Office of School and Community Collaborations, began serving on the Advisory Council for Parkway Northwest High School for Peace and Social Justice. The council addresses a range of issues related to the school's success, such as connecting the... Dr. Kathy Trainor, Adjunct Professor and Director of Inclusive and Early Childhood Fieldwork, presented two sessions of a workshop titled “Promoting Inclusive Practices through Meaningful Collaboration in Early Childhood” at the 2012 Early Childhood Summit at Penn State University on Oct. 23. Metro.com featured Dr. Adriana Gonzalez-Lopez in a Nov. 28 article, "Exploring options for special needs students," which discusses the rise of autism diagnosis as well as teacher training. Gonzalez-Lopez is the Director of Arcadia's BBEST Program, which provides services to school districts in the...
Spinal cord injured women, pregnancy and delivery. The author presents a review of his personal experience, a patient survey and literature review on 33 spinal cord injured women, who had a total of 50 deliveries.
Logarithmic transformation of spectral-domain optical coherence tomography data in uveitis-associated macular edema. To determine the utility of logarithmic transformation of spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (logSD-OCT) retinal thickness data for assessment of clinically meaningful changes in uveitis-associated macular edema. Patients with noninfectious uveitis-associated macular edema at our institution between August 2010 and March 2011 were identified. Only those with SD-OCT imaging were included. The clinical diagnoses, visual acuities, and central subfield thickness (CST) measurements were recorded. Logarithmic transformation of the retinal thickness was performed and frequency histograms plotted. A linear mixed-effects model of the logarithm minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) visual acuity on logSD-OCT was created to account for within-patient correlation among visits and between eyes. A total of 98 SD-OCT images from 34 patients were analyzed. The mean age at examination was 40 years (range, 11-69 years). Anatomic diagnoses included anterior/intermediate uveitis (23%), intermediate uveitis (21%), posterior uveitis (12%), and panuveitis (44%). LogSD-OCT data provided a more normal distribution than standard CST. Skewness and kurtosis of CST data were 1.04 and 0.37, respectively, and skewness and kurtosis of logSD-OCT data were 0.40 and -0.48, respectively. There was a positive correlation between logSD-OCT and logMAR visual acuity. Specifically, for each 0.1-unit increase in logSD-OCT, the logMAR visual acuities increased (worsened) by 0.082 units (95% CI: 0.057-0.107, P < 0.001). Logarithmic transformation of SD-OCT measurements provided a more normal distribution and positively correlated with logMAR visual acuity. This transformation of retinal thickness may be valuable for assessing clinically significant changes in SD-OCT measurements in future uveitis studies.
<?php $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP); if (!$socket) { die('Unable to create AF_INET socket'); } if (!socket_set_nonblock($socket)) { die('Unable to set nonblocking mode for socket'); } $address = ''; socket_sendto($socket, '', 1, 0, $address); // cause warning if (!socket_bind($socket, $address, 1223)) { die("Unable to bind to $address:1223"); } var_dump(socket_recvfrom($socket, $buf, 12, 0, $from, $port)); //false (EAGAIN - no warning) $msg = "Ping!"; $len = strlen($msg); $bytes_sent = socket_sendto($socket, $msg, $len, 0, $address, 1223); if ($bytes_sent == -1) { die('An error occurred while sending to the socket'); } else if ($bytes_sent != $len) { die($bytes_sent . ' bytes have been sent instead of the ' . $len . ' bytes expected'); } $from = ""; $port = 0; socket_recvfrom($socket, $buf, 12, 0); // cause warning socket_recvfrom($socket, $buf, 12, 0, $from); // cause warning $bytes_received = socket_recvfrom($socket, $buf, 12, 0, $from, $port); if ($bytes_received == -1) { die('An error occurred while receiving from the socket'); } else if ($bytes_received != $len) { die($bytes_received . ' bytes have been received instead of the ' . $len . ' bytes expected'); } echo "Received $buf from remote address $from and remote port $port" . PHP_EOL; socket_close($socket);
Phenoloxidase in the scallop Chlamys farreri: purification and antibacterial activity of its reaction products generated in vitro. Phenoloxidase (PO) was purified from hemocytes of the scallop Chlamys farreri using native-PAGE and gel permeation column chromatography, and then substrate specificity and antibacterial activity generated from reaction products of purified PO were analyzed. The results showed purified PO had a molecular mass of 576 kDa in native-PAGE and 53 kDa in denatured PAGE, and could catalyze the substrates L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA), dopamine, catechol and hydroquinone suggesting it is a type of p-diphenoloxidase. Using dopamine as a substrate, PO reaction products significantly inhibited the growth of Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Aeromonas salmonicida. No significant inhibition was found in Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus iniae, Micrococcus lysodeikticus and Edwardsiella tarda. When L-DOPA was used as a substrate, significant inhibition occurred in A. salmonicida only.
Denim Must Haves For Women What are denim must haves for women this year? If you ask yourself this question, then I've got an answer for you. In today's post we are going to observe my favorite Polyvore sets featuring denim garments what is in fashion right now. Here are presented patchwork jeans, ripped dresses, polka dot jeans, embroidered chambray shirts, mini skirts and overall skirt. Every single set is easy to copy, but you can always make it look more individual by adding your favorite accessories, including eye-catching jewelry and leather details. Anyway, let's have a closer look and let me know what you think of these outfits: The first look features our beloved patchwork boyfriends what can be worn with pale turquoise cropped blouse and black accessories, including heeled sandal-booties, rounded sunglasses and glossy black leather clutch.
“Polar-made” telemetry heart rate monitoring system allows exercisers using Polar or Polar-compatible chest belts to wirelessly interact with the monitor for custom workouts and readings based on age and weight.
Background {#Sec1} ========== Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is characterized by a three-dimensional deformity of the spine that occurs in the absence of underlying vertebral anomalies or obvious physiological defects (Altaf et al. [@CR3]). The etiology and pathogenesis of AIS remain poorly explained, largely because of the genetic heterogeneity and lack of appropriate, tractable animal models (Boswell and Ciruna [@CR5]). Genetic studies including traditional linkage analysis (Salehi et al. [@CR47]), subsequent genome-wide association studies (Takahashi et al. [@CR52]; Kou et al. [@CR32]; Zhu et al. [@CR61]; Sharma et al. [@CR49]) and exome sequencing (Buchan et al. [@CR7]; Haller et al. [@CR23]) for AIS have identified more than 50 susceptible genetic variants, of which the function in AIS pathogenesis is yet undefined. On the other hand, numerous studies have suggested that some other factors, such as neuromuscular dysfunction (Wajchenberg et al. [@CR53]; Grimes et al. [@CR20]), and environment factors (Burwell et al. [@CR8]) are associated with this disease. The onset of scoliosis typically coincides with the adolescent growth spurt and the affected individuals are at a risk of increasing deformity until growth ceases. It has been reported that brace treatment significantly decreased the progression of high-risk curves, but still around 28% of AIS patients experienced exacerbation of scoliosis during or after bracing with undefined mechanism (Weinstein et al. [@CR57]). Though several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of certain genes such as neurotrophin-3 (Qiu et al. [@CR45]; Ogura et al. [@CR42]), and some parameters including the level of platelet calmodulin (Lowe et al. [@CR35]) have been testified as predictors for spinal deformity progression in AIS, no method has been recommended for clinical use as diagnostic criteria (Noshchenko et al. [@CR40]). Functional and clinical assessments have correlated AIS with paravertebral muscle imbalance (Zapata et al. [@CR60]; Wong [@CR58]). Measurement of electromyography activity of the paravertebral muscles showed a higher amplitude of motor unit potentials on the convexity side (Stetkarova et al. [@CR51]). In histological studies of multifidus muscles, increased proportion of type I fibers on the convex side and lower proportion of type I fibers on the concave side of the scoliotic curve have been reported (Stetkarova et al. [@CR51]). Moreover, higher progression of AIS correlates significantly with the increased proportion of type I fibers on the convex side (Stetkarova et al. [@CR51]). We have previously demonstrated that the muscle volumetric and fatty infiltration imbalance occur in all of the levels of the vertebrae involved in the major curve of AIS with larger muscle volume on the convex side and higher fatty infiltration rate in the concave side (Jiang et al. [@CR30]). Some studies have uncovered asymmetric expression of melatonin receptor (Wong [@CR58]) and transforming growth factor-beta signaling (Nowak et al. [@CR41]) in bilateral paravertebral muscles of AIS. There are also some interesting findings that some AIS risk loci identified by genetic study located in regions near or within genes associated with muscle biogenesis (Sharma et al. [@CR50]). These evidences indicated that paravertebral muscle might play an important role in the initiation and progression of AIS. Nonetheless, the mechanism of the complex muscle tissue changes remains unclear. This study employed RNA-seq to evaluate whole transcriptomic changes in the concave- and convex-sided paravertebral muscle at the apex level of the main curve in patients with AIS. And our data identified differential expression of H19 and ADIPOQ mRNA between the two sides of paravertebral muscle in AIS patients. More importantly, lower expression of H19 and higher expression of ADIPOQ mRNA in concave-sided muscle correlate positively with curve severity and age at initiation. Methods {#Sec2} ======= Patients {#Sec3} -------- The research project was approved by the ethics department of Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, Shanghai. We have consensus with all participants. All the procedures were done under the Declaration of Helsinki and relevant policies in China. We collected 5 pairs of paravertebral muscle samples from 5 AIS patients during spinal surgery (mean age 14.20 ± 1.92 yrs.; female; *n* = 5) for RNA-seq. Paravertebral muscle samples were obtained from both sides of multifidus muscle of AIS patients at the apex level of the main curve. Muscle tissues were stored in liquid nitrogen immediately. To validate the differentially expressed transcripts identified by RNA-seq, 60 pairs of paravertebral muscle tissues were obtained from different patients with AIS during surgery. AIS was diagnosed and classified based on the Lenke classification. The clinical characteristics of the enrolled patients were summarized in Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Table S1. Samples of patients with congenital scoliosis (CS) were collected from both sides of multifidus muscle at the apex level of the curve at surgery in 25 age-matched individuals during spinal surgery. CS patients enrolled in this study had major thoracic curves and similar magnitudes of curves compared with those of AIS patients (54.48 ± 10.09 vs. 59.32 ± 15.43, *p* = 0.09, Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Figure S1). And 16 age-matched patients undergoing spinal surgery for thoracic spinal fracture were enrolled as non-AIS group and the multifidus muscle samples were obtained at the upper level of the instrumented vertebra. Total RNA extraction and RNA-seq {#Sec4} -------------------------------- Total RNA was isolated from fresh-frozen tissue samples and extracted using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Total RNA quality and quantity were determined using a Nanodrop 8000 UV-Vis spectrometer (Thermo Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA). RNA-seq was performed using total RNA samples with a quantity greater than 10 μg and an RNA integrity number \> 6.0. If the quantity of total RNA was less than 10 μg or the RNA integrity number was less than 6.0, another muscle sample was used for RNA isolation. Library construction for whole transcriptome sequencing was performed using the Truseq RNA sample preparation v2 kit (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) as described previously (Hong et al. [@CR24]). Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) {#Sec5} ---------------------------------------------------------- Total RNA was extracted and then reverse-transcribed into cDNA using the cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit from Applied Biosystems (Foster City, CA, USA). qRT-PCR was conducted using SYBR Green Master Mix on the ABI 7900HT fast real-time PCR System (Applied Biosystems, Waltham, MA, USA). The following thermal settings were used: 95 °C for 10 min followed by 40 cycles of 95 °C for 15 s and 60 °C for 1 min. The primers used for H19, miR-675-5p, PCK1, FABP4, SCD, PLIN1, ADIPOQ, U6 (internal control for miRNAs), and 18 s (internal control for mRNAs and lncRNAs) are listed in Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Table S2. The ∆∆Ct method was used to calculate the relative expression level of mRNAs or miRNAs on both sides and fold change was presented related to convex side. Cell culture {#Sec6} ------------ Human skeletal muscle satellite cells (HSkMSC) were obtained from ZhongQiaoXinZhou Biotech Co. (Shanghai, China) and cultured at sub-confluent density in growth medium consisting of Ham's F-10 supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 1% antibiotics (PeSt). All cell-based in vitro experiments were repeated in triplicate. To initiate differentiation into myotubes, Ham's F-10/20% FBS was removed from cells and Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) containing 1% PeSt/4% FBS was added for 48 h. After this, medium was changed to DMEM containing 1% PeSt/2% FBS. Differential medium was changed every 3 days, and cells were harvested at the indicated times. The HEK293T cells were obtained from Cellbank (SIBS, Shanghai, China) and cultured in DMEM with 10% FBS and 1% antibiotics. RNA oligoribonucleotides and transient transfection {#Sec7} --------------------------------------------------- A chemically-modified double-stranded miR-675-5p mimic and the corresponding miRNA mimic control (mimic NC) were obtained from RiboBio Co. (Guangzhou, China). Inhibitor of miR-675-5p and the corresponding inhibitor control (inhibitor NC) were from RiboBio Co. (Guangzhou, China). The sequences are listed in Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Table S2. Cells at 70--80% confluence were transfected with miRNA mimics, or inhibitors using Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer's instructions as described previously (Dey et al. [@CR13]). Dual luciferase reporter assay {#Sec8} ------------------------------ The 3′-untranslated region (3'UTR) of ADIPOQ was amplified with 5'-GCCTCCTGAATTTATTATTGTTC-3′ and 5′-GTT CGG TGT GGT AGA CCG A-3′, and subcloned in psiCheck-2 (Promega, Madison, WI, USA). As specificity control, the seed sequence GGCTC of miR-675-5p target sites on the 3'UTR of ADIPOQ was replaced by GGGGG using site-directed mutagenesis. HEK293T cells grown in 48-well plates were transfected with 100 nM miR-675 mimic or control, 40 ng luciferase reporter, and 4 ng pRL-TK, plasmid expressing Renilla luciferase (Promega) using Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen). The Renilla/firefly luciferase activities were measured 24 h after transfection using the Dual Luciferase Reporter Assay System (Promega). All luciferase values were normalized to those of Renilla luciferase and expressed as fold-induction relative to the basal activity. Western blotting {#Sec9} ---------------- Cells were harvested, washed with PBS, and lysed in RIPA buffer. Proteins were separated by 12% sodium dodecyl sulfate--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transferred to polyvinylidene fluoride membranes. Primary antibodies against ADIPOQ (Abcam, Cambridge, UK) and beta-actin (Cell Signaling Technology,Bevereverly, MA, USA) were diluted 1:1,000. The intensities of the bands obtained by Western blotting analysis were quantified using ImageJ software ([http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/](http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij)). The background was subtracted, and the signal of each target band was normalized to that of the beta-actin band. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay {#Sec10} ------------------------------------------ ChIP assays were performed using the SimpleChIP Plus Enzymatic Chromatin IP kit (Cell Signaling Technology) according to the manufacturer's instructions. When harvesting tissue, unwanted material such as fat and necrotic material was removed. Then the tissue was cross-linked with 1.5% formaldehyde for 20 min. Nuclei preparation and chromatin digestion was performed by micrococcal nuclease. Chromatin was sonicated on ice to generate chromatin fragments of 150--900 bp. Antibodies against CTCF (Cell Signaling Technology) or negative control rabbit IgG (Cell Signaling Technology) were used in chromatin immunoprecipitation. Then chromatin was eluted from antibody/protein G magnetic beads and reverse cross-linked. Input control DNA or immunoprecipitated DNA was quantified by standard PCR method, using SimpleChIP Human H19/IGF2 ICR Primers (Cell Signaling Technology). The following thermal settings were used: 95 °C for 5 min followed by 34 cycles of 95 °C for 30s, 62 °C for 30s and 72 °C for 30s, then 72 °C for 5 min. PCR product was analyzed by 10% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the signal of each target band was quantified using ImageJ software mentioned above. Statistical analysis {#Sec11} -------------------- Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 16.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). All data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). Differences between groups were analyzed using Student's t-test. In cases of multiple-group testing, one-way analysis of variance was conducted. Pearson correlation test was used to analyze the correlation between the expression difference of genes and the clinical parameters. A two-tailed value of *p* \< 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results {#Sec12} ======= Transcriptomic alterations in the concave and convex side of paravertebral muscle of AIS patients {#Sec13} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RNA-seq was performed for 5 pairs of paravertebral muscle tissues from 5 AIS patients. Differentially expressed genes (DEG) analysis using the R-based DESeq package identified a total of 40 genes differentially expressed between the convex and concave side of paravertebral muscles. The gene expression profiles of the sample were visualized and compared using the heat maps (Fig. [1a](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}). DEGs (showed in Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Table S3) in two sides of paravertebral muscles of AIS patients clustered together and there were 16 genes higher expressed in the convex side relative to the concave side.Fig. 1Differentially expressed genes in convex/concave paravertebral muscles in AIS. **a** Heat map and hierarchical tree comparing differences in gene expression in convex-sided (G1) and concave-sided (G2) paravertebral muscle of AIS patients (*n* = 5). Each line represents the changes (direction and intensity) in each transcript, and each column represents an individual sample according to group (P1CONCAVE represents the concave sided muscle sample of patient 1 and P1CONVEX represents the convex sided muscle sample of patient 1). The lines represent transcripts altering between two sides (*p* \< 0.05 and fold change\> 2). **b** KEGG enrichment analyses of differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The prominently over-represented pathways included those for PPAR signaling pathway and biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids To understand the biological meaning of DEGs, KEGG enrichment analysis of DEGs were conducted. The prominently over-represented pathways included those for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) signaling pathway (fold enrichment = 31.5; *p* = 3.01E-07; FDR = 1.38E-05), glycolysis/gluconeogenesis (fold enrichment = 20.3; *p* = 3.75E-04; FDR = 6.84E-03), adipocytokine signaling pathway (fold enrichment = 19.2; *p* = 4.46E-04; FDR = 6.84E-03), pyruvate metabolism (fold enrichment = 21.8; *p* = 3.62E-03; FDR = 4.17E-02) and vascular smooth muscle contraction (fold enrichment = 7.6; *p* = 2.77E-02; FDR = 2.54E-01) (Fig. [1b](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}). It is interesting to note that several genes related with PPAR signaling pathway, such as PCK1, FABP4, SCD, PLIN1, ADIPOQ, MSTN, showed a higher expression in the concave side of the paravertebral muscles, since PPAR signaling pathway plays a major regulatory role in postnatal myogenesis and muscle fiber type (Wang et al. [@CR54]; Chandrashekar et al. [@CR10]). Significantly differentially expressed transcripts between two sides of paravertebral muscle of AIS patients {#Sec14} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To test the quality of RNA-seq, we screened for the expression of 5 PPAR signaling pathway related genes (FABP4, SCD, PLIN1, ADIPOQ, MSTN, the expression of PCK1 was not quantified as its expression level was too low to be detected by qPCR) using qPCR in a series of 10 pairs of muscle samples from AIS patients. In addition, H19, a long noncoding RNA functioning in skeletal muscle differentiation and regeneration (Dey et al. [@CR13]), which showed a differential expression in RNA-seq results, was also included. At first, we investigated the expression of specific markers of adipocytes (PPARγ, C/EBPα) and myocytes (Myog, MHC) to ensure a similar muscle tissue rate biopsy in each side (Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Figure S2). The mRNA of ADIPOQ, FABP4, and MSTN genes showed significantly higher expressions (*p* \< 0.001, 0.027, 0.004, respectively), while H19 showed significantly lower expression in concave-sided muscle tissue (*p* = 0.023) (Fig. [2a](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}) when compared to convex-side.Fig. 2H19 and ADIPOQ mRNA is significantly differentially expressed between two sides of paravertebral muscle of AIS patients. Paravertebral muscles were obtained during the fusion surgery. Tissue samples were processed for assessment of expression of mRNA of PPAR signaling pathway related genes (SCD, FABP4, ADIPOQ, PLIN1, MSTN) and H19, as described in Materials and Methods. For (**a**) AIS patients (*n* = 10), the mRNA of ADIPOQ, FABP4, MSTN genes and H19 showed significantly differential expression in concave/convex muscle tissues. For (**b**) AIS patients (*n* = 50), ADIPOQ mRNA and H19 are still significantly differentially expressed between two sides of muscle tissues. For (**c**) age-matched CS group (*n* = 25), ADIPOQ mRNA or H19 expression showed no significant difference between convex and concave sided muscle tissue. For (**d**) age-matched non-AIS group (*n* = 16), ADIPOQ mRNA or H19 expression showed no significant difference between right and left sided muscle tissue. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM, and the relative expression of the studied genes are represented as fold change related to the convex side Since the expression of ADIPOQ mRNA and H19 showed the most significant difference and recent studies have uncovered that they both play fundamental roles in regulation of muscle metabolic and contractile function (Dey et al. [@CR13]; Iwabu et al. [@CR28]), we measured ADIPOQ mRNA and H19 expressions in a second AIS cohort of 50 pairs of muscle tissues to validate the differential expression. Both genes showed significantly differential expression (ADIPOQ, *p* \< 0.001; H19, *p* = 0.040) in two sides of the paravertebral muscles (Fig. [2b](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}). To verify whether the mRNA of ADIPOQ and H19 are also dysregulated in patients with congenital scoliosis (CS), we assessed ADIPOQ mRNA and H19 expression in 25 paired muscle samples of CS. Neither ADIPOQ mRNA nor H19 expression showed significant differences between convex and concave sided muscle tissue (*p* = 0.052 and 0.201, respectively) (Fig. [2c](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}). To further ascertain whether this differential expression was specifically present in AIS patients, we analyzed ADIPOQ mRNA and H19 expression in muscle tissues obtained from a series of 16 age-matched patients undergoing spinal surgery for thoracic spinal fracture. Neither ADIPOQ mRNA nor H19 expression showed significant differences between right and left sided muscle tissue (*p* = 0.375 and 0.829 respectively) (Fig. [2d](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}). ADIPOQ and H19 expression in patients with AIS is associated with curve severity and age at initiation {#Sec15} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Then we were interested in comparing features of clinical characteristics, such as the magnitude of spinal curve, age at menarche, body mass index and age at initiation, between different samples with different ADIPOQ and H19 expression patterns. We classified the enrolled 60 AIS patients studied in Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"} as group A and group B. In group A, the expression level of H19 was lower and ADIPOQ mRNA higher in concave-sided muscle tissues compared with the corresponding convex side (low H19/high ADIPOQ). And the remained patients were included in group B. Patients in group A showed a larger magnitude of spinal curve (*p* = 0.031) and earlier age at initiation (*p* = 0.032) compared with that of group B. And patients in group A tend to have a decreased BMI, but the difference is not significant (*p* = 0.056) (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}).Fig. 3ADIPOQ mRNA and H19 expression pattern in paravertebral muscles of AIS patients is associated with curve severity and age at initiation. Patients with lower H19 and higher ADIPOQ mRNA expression levels in concave-sided muscles were included in Group A (*n* = 37), and the remained patients were included in group B (*n* = 23). For (**a**), Patients in Group A showed a bigger spinal curve (*p* = 0.031) compared with patients in Group B. For (**b**), Group A and Group B showed no difference in age at menarche (*p* = 0.486). For (**c**), Patients in Group A tended to have a declined body mass index (BMI) (*p* = 0.056). For (D), Patients in Group A (*n* = 37) showed an earlier age at initiation (*p* = 0.032) compared with patients in Group B (*n* = 23). Results are expressed as mean ± SEM We also performed correlation analysis to identify whether gene expression difference between two sides of paravertebral muscles was related to these clinical parameters. The relative expression difference of H19 (concave-convex) was significantly correlated with Cobb's angle (*r* = 0.638, *p* \< 0.001) and age at initiation (*r* = − 0.295, *p* = 0.011) (Fig. [4a-c](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}), and the relative expression difference of ADPOQ mRNA (concave-convex) was also significantly correlated with spinal curve (*r* = − 0.4926, *p* \< 0.001) and age at initiation (*r* = 0.230, *p* = 0.039) (Fig. [4b, c](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}). The expression difference of H19 or ADIPOQ mRNA showed no significant correlation with patients' age at menarche or BMI (Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Figure S3).Fig. 4Expression difference of H19 and ADIPOQ mRNA in paravertebral muscles of AIS patients is associated with curve severity and age at initiation. The relative expression difference of studied genes was calculated as the relative expression level of one gene in concave sided muscle minus that in convex sided. For (**a**), correlation analysis identified that the relative expression difference of H19 in AIS patients (*n* = 60) was positively correlated with the magnitude of spinal curve. For (**b**), the relative expression difference of ADIPOQ mRNA in AIS patients (*n* = 60) was negatively correlated with the magnitude of spinal curve. For (**c**), Heat map showed significant correlation of the expression difference of H19 and ADIPOQ mRNA in AIS patients (*n* = 60) with age at initiation of AIS H19 regulated the expression of ADIPOQ by miR-675-5p {#Sec16} ---------------------------------------------------- H19 is a long non-coding RNA of which transcription persists only in skeletal muscle in adult, and functions as a primary miRNA precursor for microRNA-675 (miR-675) which generates two mature miRNAs, namely miR-675-5p and miR-675-3p (Lewis et al. [@CR33]). MiR-675-5p and miR-675-3p mediate the regulatory function of H19 in skeletal muscle differentiation (Dey et al. [@CR13]). So, we quantified expression of miR-675-5p and miR-675-3p using qRT-PCR in AIS patients and identified that both of two miRNA showed significantly higher expressions in convex-sided muscle tissue (Fig. [5a](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}, Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Figure S4A). Moreover, we demonstrated that the expression levels of miR-675-5p and miR-675-3p in muscle tissue were positively correlated with that of H19 (*r* = 0.701, *p* \< 0.001; *r* = 0.689, *p* \< 0.001, respectively) (Fig. [5b](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}, Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Figure S4B).Fig. 5miR-675-5p directly targeted the 3' UTR of ADIPOQ. **a** Tissue samples were processed for assessment of expression of miR-675-5p as described in Materials and Methods. miR-675-5p showed a significantly higher expression in convex-sided muscle tissue in AIS patients (*n* = 60). Results are expressed as mean ± SEM, and the relative expression of miR-675-5p is represented as fold change related to the convex side. **b** Correlation analysis identified that the expression level of miR-675-5p in muscle tissues was positively correlated with that of H19 in AIS patients (*n* = 60). **c** HEK293T cells were co-transfected with miR-675-5p mimics/mimic NC and plasmid with wild type or mutant luc-3'UTR of ADIPOQ. Luciferase values were normalized to those of Renilla luciferase and expressed as fold-induction relative to the basal activity. Co-transfection of luc-3'UTR but not mutant miR-675-5p luc-3'UTR with a miR-675-5p mimic significantly impairs luciferase expression in HEK293T cells. The experiments were performed three times. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. \*\*, *P* \< 0.01 versus luc-3'UTR. For (**d**, **e**), HSkMSC cells were subjected to transfection and differentiation induction as indicated. After 72 h, total cellular proteins were extracted from harvested cells. Levels of ADIPOQ protein were assessed with Western blot using anti-ADIPOQ antibody, as described in Materials and Methods. Left panels illustrate the autoradiographs of representative immunoblots; right panels show densitometric analysis of the immunoblot data (normalized to beta-actin). The experiments were performed three times. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. \*, *P* \< 0.05 versus NC/Mock. **f** Correlation analysis identified that the expression level of miR-675-5p in muscle tissue samples was negatively correlated with that of ADIPOQ mRNA in AIS patients (*n* = 60) The miRNA machinery is a regulator of gene expression and we assumed that this kind of epigenetic regulation was involved in the imbalanced ADIPOQ expression as the expression difference of ADIPOQ mRNA represented an opposite direction compared with H19. We performed bioinformatics algorithms using RNA22 software scanning for miRNAs potentially targeting ADIPOQ mRNA (Miranda et al. [@CR39]). The transcript of ADIPOQ was found to contain several putative miR-675-5p-binding sites but not miR-675-3p (Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Table S4). Among these, miR-675-5p possessed the maximum likelihood of binding to the 3'UTR of ADIPOQ (3403--3428 nt) (∆G = − 17.70Kcal/mol). Thus, we chose this target site and subcoloned the 3'UTR of ADIPOQ mRNA in the Renillaluciferase expression cassette (Luc-3'UTR) of a luciferase reporter construct. The ectopic overexpression of miR-675-5p significantly (*p* \< 0.0001) inhibited luciferase activity in the ADIPOQ construct, while mutation of the miR-675-5p-binding site abolished the inhibitory effect of miR-675-5p on ADIPOQ reporter activity (Fig. [5c](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}). Then we assessed the expression of ADIPOQ in HSMCs overexpressing miR-675-5p. Compared with the negative control, miR-675-5p substantially reduced the protein levels of ADIPOQ during HSMC differentiation (Fig. [5d](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}). In a reciprocal experiment, we inhibited the endogenous miR-675-5p using antisense inhibitor and observed increased levels of ADIPOQ (Fig. [5e](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}). These data demonstrate that miR-675-5p can silence ADIPOQ expression, which is also reflected in vivo where a significant (*r* = − 0.615, *p* \< 0.001, Fig. [5f](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}) inverse correlation of ADIPOQ mRNA and miR-675-5p expression in muscle samples studied in Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}. H19 expression was regulated by CTCF occupancy in the H19 imprinting control region (ICR) {#Sec17} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H19 is an imprinted gene, which is abundantly expressed maternally in embryonic tissues but is strongly repressed after birth (Dey et al. [@CR13]; Keniry et al. [@CR31]; Gabory et al. [@CR16]). The H19- insulin like growth factor (IGF2) gene locus contains differentially methylated regions that control parent-of-origin expression. It is reported that epigenetic-related dysregulation of H19 may play complex roles in different disorders, including stenotic aortic valves disease (Hadji et al. [@CR22]). Thus, we profiled both sides of paravertebral muscles for the level of CpG methylation in the promoter region of H19 (\~ − 900 bp from the transcription start site) and found no differences between two sides (Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Figure S6). The CTCF protein binding to the ICR of the H19 gene promotes enhancer function at the H19 prompter, which is another important mechanism controlling H19 expression (Ideraabdullah et al. [@CR27]; Phillips and Corces [@CR43]). To determine the differences of the CTCF-binding status at the H19 ICR, we analyzed the levels of CTCF occupancy in this region (\~ − 4 k bp from the transcription start site) in both sides of paravertebral muscles using CHIP assay. The occupancy of CTCF protein in the H19 ICR significantly decreased in the concave-sided muscle tissue (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}).Fig. 6H19 expression was regulated by CTCF occupancy in the H19 imprinting control region. **a**, **b** Paravertebral muscles were harvested from AIS patients during the fusion surgery. The tissues were subjected to Nuclei preparation and chromatin digestion, and the CTCF-binding status at the H19 ICR were assessed with CHIP assay, as described in Materials and Methods. **a** represent electrophoretogram of PCR product by 10% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. **b** CTCF occupancy in the H19 ICR showed significantly reduced occupancy in the concave-sided muscle tissue samples. The experiments were performed three times. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. *n* = 4 in each group. \*\*, *P* \< 0.01 versus concave side Discussion {#Sec18} ========== AIS is a common and unexplained spinal deformity in children and poses an increasing burden on global health. The phenotypic heterogeneity of AIS patients makes it difficult to form any efficient strategy to prevent this disease or its progression (Altaf et al. [@CR3]). One of the biggest challenges in etiologic research of AIS is that the affected individuals present no obvious structural deficiencies or pathologic changes in the vertebral column and associated soft tissues, expect the curvation of the spine (Weinstein and Dolan [@CR56]). So numerous theories have been put forward to define the disease mechanisms, including genetic predisposition (Gorman et al. [@CR19]), neuromuscular dysfunction (Wajchenberg et al. [@CR53]), and environment factors (Burwell et al. [@CR8]). The fact that scoliosis is frequently seen as a part of the phenotypic spectrum of heritable syndromes, in particular, disorders of neuromuscular development, also serves as a reminder of the importance of the muscle imbalance in AIS pathogenesis (Hresko [@CR25]). By studying the differentially expressed transcripts between two sides of paravertebral muscle of AIS patients, we aimed to identify drivers or key molecules for AIS-associated paravertebral muscle changes. Here, we demonstrate that H19 shows a higher expression in convex-sided muscle and ADIPOQ higher expression in concave side. H19 is a paternally-imprinted gene that does not encode a protein, but rather a 2.3-Kb ncRNA (Borensztein et al. [@CR4]). It is reported that H19 can promote skeletal muscle differentiation and regeneration (Dey et al. [@CR13]), and regulate glucose metabolism in muscle cells as well (Gao et al. [@CR18]). Adiponectin (ApN) encoded by ADIPOQ gene, is a circulating hormone and it has been demonstrated that during skeletal muscle differentiation, myotubes represent an autocrine system for ApN production (Fiaschi et al. [@CR15]). In addition, low ADIPOQ expression associates with degenerative muscle disease, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Abou-Samra et al. [@CR1]). Here, we demonstrate for the first time that H19 and ADIPOQ expressions are inconsistent in two sides of the paravertebral muscle in AIS patients. Our data demonstrate that lower H19 levels and higher ADIPOQ levels in concave-sided muscle tissues significantly correlate with larger spinal curve and earlier age at initiation. Moreover, our data demonstrate that the relative differential expression of H19 and ADIPOQ (concave-convex) significantly correlate with spinal curve and age at initiation. But we didn't find asymmetric expression of H19 or ADIPOQ between two sides of paravertebral muscles of age-matched CS patients or non-scoliotic controls. Taken together, the evidence suggests that an asymmetric expression of H19 and ADIPOQ is a relatively specific event in AIS disease progression. In this study, we identified imbalanced-expressed H19 regulatory mechanism that induces ADIPOQ differential expression in two sides of paravertebral muscles in AIS. We demonstrate that ADIPOQ mRNA is targeted by miR-675-5p, a miRNA encoded by H19. Consistent with this, the expression levels of miR-675-5p in muscle tissues positively correlate with that of H19 and negatively correlate with that of ADIPOQ. H19-derived miR-675-5p has been reported to directly target DNA replication initiation factor Cdc6 to promote skeletal muscle differentiation (Dey et al. [@CR13]) and inhibit adipocyte differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells through down-regulating HDACs (Huang et al. [@CR26]). Our data demonstrate that ADIPOQ is a novel target gene of miR-675-5p. Muscle derived ApN has been reported to participate in the activation of autophagy, which is required for muscle differentiation (Gamberi et al. [@CR17]). In skeletal muscle, ApN exerts its metabolic effects through adiponectin receptor1 (AdipoR1) (Delaigle et al. [@CR12]). ApN has been suggested as a main effector in the regulation of muscle lipid metabolism by stimulating fatty-acid oxidation (Yamauchi et al. [@CR59]). Thus dysregulated ADIPOQ expression may contribute to the fatty infiltration imbalance of paravertebral muscle in AIS (Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Figure S7) (Jiang et al. [@CR30]). ApN has also been reported to modulate oxidative stress-induced mitophagy and alleviate skeletal muscle inflammation through miR-711 (Boursereau et al. [@CR6]). In consideration of oxidative stress and local inflammation have been associated with muscle dysfunction (Acharyya et al. [@CR2]; Powers et al. [@CR44]), the lower ADIPOQ levels in the convex-sided muscle may contribute to the paravertebral muscle weakness in convex side (Martinez-Llorens et al. [@CR36]). On the other hand, ApN has been reported to increase mitochondria and oxidative myofiber in skeletal muscle through activation of CaMKK, AMPK, SIRT1, which were correlated with increased type I myofiber, insulin resistance and exercise endurance and supported the view of stronger muscle contraction of concave-sided paravertebral muscle in AIS (Iwabu et al. [@CR28]; Abou-Samra et al. [@CR1]). The existence of an increased proportion of type I fibers on the convex-sided paravertebral muscles in AIS suggests the existence of additional regulatory mechanisms of myofiber identity and muscle performance. Epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation and transcription regulator CTCF have been reported to be involved in the regulation of H19 expression (32). Loss of CTCF binding, regional CpG methylation and spread of heterochromatin have been shown in different disorders such as myotonic dystrophy caused by expanded CTG repeats (Cho et al. [@CR11]). We evaluated in both sides of paravertebral muscles the level of CTCF occupancy in ICR and found reduced CTCF occupancy in the concave side. On the other hand, CpG methylation level in the promoter region of H19 showed no significant difference. These data thus suggest that CTCF occupancy changes in ICR of H19 might contribute to dysregulation of its expression in AIS. However, the mechanism of altered CTCF occupancy in two sides of muscle tissue in AIS remains unknown. There is increasing evidence that several environmental factors, such as dietary factors and sports, can reshape the epigenome and cause transcriptional changes in different tissues including skeletal muscle (Jacobsen et al. [@CR29]; Feil and Fraga [@CR14]). In one study, a 3-month exercise training was shown to induce modifications in DNA methylation that were associated to gene expression changes concordant with muscle functional and structural remodeling (Lindholm et al. [@CR34]). Interestingly, some environmental factors have been reported to be involved in the etiopathogenesis and phenotypic expression of AIS (Burwell et al. [@CR8]; Grivas et al. [@CR21]; McMaster [@CR37]). It has been reported that AIS to be positively associated with classical ballet training (Watanabe et al. [@CR55]) and negatively associated with skating and horse riding classes (McMaster et al. [@CR38]). Hence, further work is necessary to examine whether and how these factors alter CTCF occupancy of ICR of H19, particularly in the context of AIS. The mRNA of MSTN gene showed significantly higher expressions in concave-sided muscle tissue in the first cohort (*n* = 10). But the difference was not significant in the second cohort (*n* = 50, Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}: Figure S5). Myostatin, encoded by MSTN, is predominantly expressed in skeletal muscles and is a potent negative regulator of muscle growth and development (Rodriguez et al. [@CR46]). It has been demonstrated that the muscle volumetric imbalance occur in all of the levels of the vertebrae involved in the major curve of AIS with larger muscle volume on the convex side (Jiang et al. [@CR30]). Myostatin inactivation can induce skeletal muscle hypertrophy, while its overexpression or systemic administration causes muscle atrophy (Rodriguez et al. [@CR46]; Sharma et al. [@CR48]). In our study, no difference expression of MSTN in AIS patients suggests the existence of additional regulatory mechanisms of muscle mass. In addition, KEGG enrichment analysis of DEGs showed genes involved in pathways of glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, adipocytokine signaling pathway, pyruvate metabolism and vascular smooth muscle contraction may be associated with the imbalance of paravertebral muscle in AIS patients. It is worthwhile to note that MYH3 expression showed imbalance in RNA-seq. MYH3 encodes embryonic myosin and its mutations contribute to spondylocarpotarsal synostosis (SCT), which is a skeletal disorder characterized by fused vertebrae (including scoliosis and lordosis) and fused carpal and tarsal joints (Cameron-Christie et al. [@CR9]). And it is reported that MYH3 SCT mutations may influence the mechanics of contractility in muscle fibers between the neural arches and lead to SCT (Zieba et al. [@CR62]). Whether the asymmetric expression of MYH3 in convex/concave paravertebral muscles is involved in the etiology of AIS should be further validated. Conclusion {#Sec19} ========== We provide evidence that H19 and ADIPOQ are expressed inconsistently in paravertebral muscles, and more importantly, lower H19 levels and higher ADIPOQ levels in concave-sided muscle tissues positively correlate with spinal curve and age at initiation. These data suggest an important role of H19 and ADIPOQ in the onset or progression of scoliosis. Our results imply AIS may be a disease of genetically predisposed individuals with some environmental stress, which influence the epigenome and transcriptional changes in paravertebral muscles, overwhelm the stability of the spine and result in scoliosis, which can expand our etiologic understanding of this disease. Additional file =============== {#Sec20} Additional file 1:**Table S1.** Clinical characteristics of enrolled AIS patients. **Table S2.** Sequence of RNA and DNA Oligonucleotides. **Table S3.** Differentially expressed genes (DEG) from RNA-seq. **Table S4.** The miR-675-5p potential target sites in ADIPOQ transcript according to the RNA22 software. **Figure S1.** Representative radiographic data of the CS patients enrolled in this study. **Figure S2.** Similar muscle tissue rate biopsy in each side of AIS patients. **Figure S3.** Expression difference of H19 or ADIPOQ mRNA in paravertebral muscles of AIS patients is not associated with age at menarche and BMI. **Figure S4.** The relative expression of miR-675-3p in concave/convex sided paravertebral muscles and the correlation of the expression level between miR-675-3p and miR-675-5p. **Figure S5.** The relative expression of MSTN mRNA in a larger AIS cohort. **Figure S6.** CpG methylation in the promoter region of H19 showed no difference between two sides of AIS patients. **Figure S7.** Fatty infiltration imbalance of deep paravertebral muscles in AIS patients. (DOCX 4564 kb) AIS : Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis CCTF : CCCTC-binding factor CS : Congenital scoliosis DEG : Differentially expressed genes ICR : Imprinting control region SNPs : Single nucleotide polymorphisms Funding {#FPar1} ======= This study was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81772305). Availability of data and materials {#FPar2} ================================== The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. HJ analyzed and interpreted the RNA-seq data and was a major contributor in writing the manuscript. FY analyzed the RNA-seq data, performed cell culture and differentiation, and was a major contributor in writing the manuscript. TL collected the muscle tissue, performed the qRT-PCR the transplant, and was a major contributor in writing the manuscript. WS analyzed the clinical information of the patients and modified the manuscript. YCM performed cell transfection and collected the clinical information of the patients enrolled. JM performed luciferase reporter assay and analyzed the RNA-seq data. CW performed western blotting assay and analyzed the clinical information of the patients. RG performed the ChIP assay, modified the manuscript and guided the revision of the manuscript. XHZ collected the muscle tissue and modified the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Ethics approval and consent to participate {#FPar3} ========================================== The research project was approved by the ethics department of Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, Shanghai. We have consensus with all participants. All the procedures were done under the Declaration of Helsinki and relevant policies in China. Consent for publication {#FPar4} ======================= Not applicable. Competing interests {#FPar5} =================== The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Publisher's Note {#FPar6} ================ Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
as u*t**3 + s + z*t**2 + v*t and give u. 4928 Rearrange 2*g**3 - 7 - 747*g**4 + 0 - 2482*g**4 + 8 - 1738*g**4 to the form c*g + x*g**3 + i + w*g**4 + z*g**2 and give w. -4967 Rearrange (-7*t**2 - 2*t + 2*t)*(36*t - 64*t + 0*t) + (-t + 6*t + 0*t)*(3*t**2 + 3*t**2 - 2*t**2) to i + b*t**3 + l*t + o*t**2 and give b. 216 Rearrange (3*l + l + 0*l)*(1 + 2 - 2) + 2 + 9*l - 2 - 1 - 1 - 472*l + 479*l to a + q*l and give a. -2 Express (84 - 25*p - 17*p + 36*p)*(-52 + 27 - 23) in the form c*p + w and give c. 288 Express 79*w**4 + w - 2*w**2 + 22*w**3 + 1 - 4*w**2 - 54*w**3 + 32*w**3 in the form y + j*w**4 + c*w + f*w**3 + u*w**2 and give u. -6 Rearrange -1295*z - 559*z - 641*z - 754*z - 1 to i + v*z and give v. -3249 Rearrange (211*z**3 - 30*z + 30*z)*(-1 + 1 + 4) + (-12*z + 3*z + 4*z)*(0*z**2 + z**2 - 3*z**2) to the form d + g*z**3 + f*z + j*z**2 and give g. 854 Express 439*c + 299*c - 63 + 60 in the form i*c + a and give i. 738 Rearrange 26*l - 77*l + 166*l**2 + 23*l - 8 + 26*l - 2*l**3 + 4 to q*l**2 + h*l + z*l**3 + k and give z. -2 Rearrange 4613 + 4*s + s**2 - 2300 - 2301 + (2*s - 2 - 5*s + 5*s)*(0 - 2*s + 0) to x*s + i*s**2 + f and give i. -3 Rearrange -4*j**4 + j**4 + j**4 + (127 + 71 - 89)*(-69*j**4 + 188*j**4 + 111*j**4) to g*j**2 + v*j**4 + a + b*j + i*j**3 and give v. 25068 Express 1191 + 1200 - 2391 + 1051*r in the form y + x*r and give x. 1051 Express (0*c + c + 0*c + (3 + 2 - 7)*(-5*c - 4*c + 3*c))*(0*c + 14*c - 3*c) as n*c + t + y*c**2 and give n. 0 Express 357*j - 356*j - 740*j**2 - 233*j**2 in the form m*j + p + d*j**2 and give m. 1 Rearrange 4336 + 5*k + 10*k - 23*k + 110 + 9*k to the form b + h*k and give h. 1 Rearrange (-23 + 26 - 73 - 108 + 23)*(196*y**2 - 1094 + 1094) to m*y + h*y**2 + c and give h. -30380 Rearrange 3010*d**3 - 1000*d**3 - 1004*d**3 - 1008*d**3 - 5592 - d**2 to the form q*d**2 + w + n*d**3 + y*d and give w. -5592 Express -2*x + 714*x**3 - 56 - 58 + 2*x**2 - 713*x**3 + x in the form s + u*x**3 + o*x**2 + g*x and give u. 1 Rearrange ((0 + 3 - 4)*(5*f + f - 4*f) - f + 0 + 0 - 998*f - 201*f - 70*f)*(2 - 3 - 3) to the form v*f + m and give v. 5088 Rearrange (29 + 17 - 17)*(-1 - g + 1)*(1 - 5 + 3)*(1 + 0 - 3)*((5 + 6 - 6)*(-1 + 2 - 5) + (-1 + 4 - 5)*(-2 - 3 + 0)) to x + r*g and give r. 580 Express -31*v**2 - 80*v**2 + 392*v**2 + 17 - 26*v**2 as i*v + c + h*v**2 and give c. 17 Rearrange (h + 15*h + 37*h)*(3*h - 3*h + h**2)*(1 + 1 - 5) + 29*h**3 - 14*h**3 + 5*h**2 - 12*h**3 to n + o*h**3 + q*h**2 + l*h and give q. 5 Rearrange -387*b + 272*b**2 - b**4 + 70*b**2 + 386*b - b**3 to m*b**4 + f*b**3 + s*b**2 + d + y*b and give s. 342 Express b**3 + 7*b + 288*b**2 + 16*b**2 + 57 - 123 + 67 - 3*b**3 as f*b + p + h*b**2 + t*b**3 and give p. 1 Rearrange m**4 - 2*m**4 + 2*m**4 + (-3*m**3 + m - m)*(242*m + 560*m - 216*m) to the form t*m**3 + l*m**2 + u*m + v*m**4 + w and give v. -1757 Express (-6*y**2 + 2*y**2 + 3*y**2)*(y - 8*y + 3*y) + 2 - 6*y**3 - 2 + 7*y**3 + 3*y**3 + 0*y**3 in the form o*y**2 + m + w*y**3 + r*y and give w. 8 Express (319545*w - 2*w**2 - 319545*w - 3779)*(w**2 + w**2 - 5*w**2) in the form m*w**2 + d + u*w**4 + i*w + h*w**3 and give i. 0 Express 2*g + 269*g**4 - 11*g**4 - 4 + 3*g**3 - 9 + 26*g**4 + 11 - 3*g**2 as l*g + v + h*g**3 + j*g**4 + n*g**2 and give h. 3 Express -19103*c + 13627*c - 11437*c as d*c + k and give d. -16913 Rearrange 45026 + 8911*n**2 - 45026 to i + r*n + c*n**2 and give c. 8911 Express 2*h + 88403 - 177803 + 88605 in the form s*h + f and give s. 2 Rearrange 4276*b + 3380*b + 4187*b to the form h + t*b and give t. 11843 Rearrange -10362*m**2 - 9510*m**2 - 205*m**2 + 4267*m**2 to f*m + i*m**2 + n and give i. -15810 Express 13 + 122 - 161*h - 116 + 3*h - 4*h + 3*h + (1 - 4 + 2)*(2*h - 2*h - h) in the form a*h + p and give p. 19 Rearrange (1 - q - 1)*(-26*q - 8*q - 2*q)*(-58*q**2 - 27*q**2 - 22*q**2) to i*q + v*q**3 + r + t*q**4 + o*q**2 and give t. -3852 Express 19 + 45 + 169*d - 68 - 738*d in the form j*d + a and give a. -4 Rearrange -25279377 - 11328*z + 25279377 + (3*z - 4*z + 0*z)*(3 + 0 - 1) to v + r*z and give r. -11330 Express 49*p**2 + 28*p**2 + 177*p**2 + (p - p - 2*p)*(16*p + 0*p + 63*p) as a*p + t*p**2 + g and give t. 96 Rearrange -4*u - 3*u + 19*u + 117 - 9*u to the form w*u + k and give k. 117 Express -85 + 15*s**4 + 51 + 50*s**4 - 2*s + s + 3*s in the form t + n*s**4 + a*s**3 + b*s**2 + m*s and give m. 2 Express -137*o**2 - 147*o**2 - o + 7*o**3 + 1 + 417*o**2 - 142*o**2 + 4 as c*o**2 + d*o + g + v*o**3 and give v. 7 Rearrange (136*t + 39*t - 2 + 18*t)*(-10*t**2 - 10*t**2 + 7*t**2) to the form h + m*t**2 + q*t + w*t**3 and give m. 26 Rearrange (1941*a**2 + 6783*a**2 + 4684*a**2)*(-3 + 2*a + 3) - a**3 + 0*a**3 + 3*a**3 to the form u + x*a**3 + i*a + l*a**2 and give x. 26818 Rearrange -30 - 124*x - 37 - 27 + 87 to l*x + u and give u. -7 Rearrange 730*i - 21*i**2 + 272*i + 19*i**2 + 627*i to the form x + s*i + m*i**2 and give m. -2 Rearrange (3 - 1 - 1)*(-85*a**2 + 2102*a - 2102*a) + 3 + 0 + 2*a - 66*a**2 + 73*a**2 to the form v*a**2 + z*a + k and give k. 3 Rearrange -47499*u**2 - 130*u + 47495*u**2 + 131*u + 97 to a*u**2 + s + r*u and give r. 1 Express 2*h**4 - 131*h**3 - 26*h**2 - h**4 + 25*h**2 - 1094*h**3 as l + k*h**3 + j*h**2 + u*h**4 + a*h and give u. 1 Express -3*m + 4*m + 2*m + (-14 + 43 + 20)*(10*m - 22*m - 11*m) as h*m + b and give h. -1124 Rearrange 7226492*y + 9*y**3 - 4*y**3 + 11 + 2*y**2 + 7*y**4 - 7226490*y to the form j*y**3 + h*y**2 + i*y**4 + k*y + n and give h. 2 Rearrange (4*g + 0*g - 2*g)*(144*g + 135*g - 275*g) - 2*g**2 + 2*g - 2*g + 21*g - 21*g - 39*g**2 to l*g**2 + t*g + d and give d. 0 Express (-5 - 6 - 7)*(51*b - 6*b - 127*b) + 2*b - 2*b + 2*b in the form w*b + k and give k. 0 Express 3*t**3 - t**3 - 3*t**3 + (2126 - 2126 - 4*t**2)*(77 - 40*t - 77) as h + w*t**3 + j*t + z*t**2 and give j. 0 Rearrange (1934636*h + 927*h**2 - 1934636*h)*(0 - 3 + 4) to the form w*h + v*h**2 + m and give v. 927 Rearrange (-125 + 112 + 94)*(3*u + 0*u - u + (3*u - 3*u + u)*(-3 + 0 + 1) - u + 0*u - u + 0*u + 2*u - 3*u) to the form x*u + g and give x. -243 Express -65*d**3 - 90*d**3 + 32*d**3 + 1 + 7*d in the form o + b*d**3 + k*d + l*d**2 and give b. -123 Rearrange -14*b**2 - 11 + 11 + (1 + 3 - 3)*(-1 + 1 + 2*b)*(-111*b + 53*b + 76*b) to the form k + h*b**2 + d*b and give h. 22 Rearrange (-25460*n + 0 + 0 + 22152*n)*(12 - 7 + 13) to the form k*n + m and give k. -59544 Rearrange 53 - 29 - 12*p - 27 + (0*p + p - 2*p)*(-1 - 6 + 3)*(1 + 3 - 7) to v*p + u and give v. -24 Express -60*v**3 - 1 + 2*v**4 + 0*v**4 - 3*v**2 - 12 + 56*v**3 + 5 - 2*v in the form d*v**3 + p*v**4 + c*v + x + q*v**2 and give x. -8 Express 25*i + 135 + 89 - 25*i - 69 - 15*i**2 in the form k*i + q*i**2 + n and give q. -15 Express (-1 - 1 + 0)*(16931*v**2 + 32348*v**2 + 8457*v**2) as k + q*v**2 + b*v and give q. -115472 Express (-3 + 4 + 3)*(259*c - 641*c - 573*c) in the form v*c + i and give v. -3820 Express 13985*d**3 + 13987*d**3 + 21*d**4 + d**2 - d - 27966*d**3 in the form x*d**4 + f*d + v*d**2 + b*d**3 + m and give x. 21 Express -16*d - 1088*d**2 + 8*d + 2*d - 338 + 1090*d**2 in the form b*d + h + i*d**2 and give b. -6 Rearrange 3*b**2 - 84 - 6*b**2 + b**3 - 2*b**2 + 13*b**3 + 6*b**2 to l*b**3 + y*b + s + q*b**2 and give s. -84 Express (3*s - 5*s + 4*s)*((-5 + 4 + 0)*(1 - 1 - 2) - 1 - 3 + 2 + 57 + 101 - 208 - 4 + 0 + 3) in the form d*s + a and give d. -102 Express (-22*c + 70*c - 21*c)*(21 + 22 + 8) as x*c + y and give y. 0 Rearrange -3*h**3 + 165*h**4 + 173*h**4 - 7*h**2 - 680*h**4 + 174*h**4 + 169*h**4 + 57 to the form o*h**2 + c*h**4 + y*h**3 + k*h + a and give o. -7 Rearrange (-1 + 0 + 3)*(0*x**3 - x**3 + 3*x**3) + (-2755565 + 2755565 - 742*x)*(-3*x**2 + 2*x**2 + 3*x**2) to the form p*x + h*x**3 + t*x**2 + i and give h. -1480 Rearrange (0*x + 0*x + 2*x)*(0 + 0 + 1)*(3665*x + 2410597 - 2410597) to the form h*x**2 + l*x + v and give h. 7330 Express (5 - 3 + 0*i**2 + 2*i**2 + (-20 - 5*i + 20)*(-4 + 2*i + 4))*(0 + 6 - 4)*(723 - 1922 - 2847) as s*i + b + z*i**2 and give z. 64736 Rearrange -4*w + 20177*w**3 - 20045*w**3 + 354*w**2 - 364*w**2 to s + a*w**2 + h*w + v*w**3 and give a. -10 Express -245*k**2 + 420*k + 65*k**2 + 73*k**2 + 98*k**2 as w*k + s + j*k**2 and give w. 420 Express ((213*u - 49*u**3 - 213*u)*(
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Mucor mucedo Mucor mucedo, commonly known as the common pinmould, is a fungal plant pathogen and member of the phylum Zygomycota and the genus Mucor. Commonly found on soil, dung, water, plants and moist foods, Mucor mucedo is a saprotrophic fungus found world-wide with 85 known strains. It is often mistaken for Rhizopus rots on fruits (i.e. strawberries) due to similar mould growth shape and colour. Contrastingly, however, Mucor mucedo is found to grow on a wide range of stored grains and plants, including cucumber and tomato. Discovered in Italy in 1729 by P.A. Micheli and later noted by Carl Linnaeus in 1753 in the Species Plantarum, Mucor mucedo was originally classified as Mucor vulgaris by Micheli but later classified synonymous under name Mucor mucedo. The species was redescribed as Ascophora mucedo by H.J. Tode in 1790 but this type resided in a stoloniferous habitat and was later made the type of new genus Rhizopus. Growth and morphology Mucor mucedo has fast growing colonies and are characterized by tall, simple, unbranched sporangiophores lacking basal rhizoids, non-apophysate sporangia, and pigmented zygosporangial walls. The walls are covered with granules and the swollen apex contains spores that are white or yellow in when immature, and upon maturation appear brownish grey or dark grey. Colonies commonly have a fluffy appearance with heights of up to several centimeters, resembling cotton candy, and the hyphae are non-septate or sparsely septate. Mucor mucedo is heterothallic, and both (+) and (-) mating strains are morphologically indistinguishable although isolates of the (-) strain may exhibit less vigorous mycelial growth in cultivation. The zygophores are highly differentiated from sporangiophores and are known to rarely bare sporangia. Mucor mucedo morphology and growth is influenced by temperature: 30 °C - No growth 5-25 °C - Growth and sporulation 15 °C and below - Recurved short sporangiophores, columellae more narrow and cylindrical-ellipsoidal, sporangiospores larger Mucor mucedo reproduction occurs in asexual and sexual methods. Mucor mucedo is also influenced by light, as cultures grown during the day at 20 °C mainly produced tall sporangiophores, rarely producing short sporangiophores or none at all. Cultures drown in the dark grew a dense layer of short sporangiophores with occasional tall ones. A wide range of growth media can be used, but most Mucor mucedo fungi appear to grow well with good mycelial growth and sporulation on pumpkin and sweet potato as well as potato dextrose agar (PDA), consisting of potato starch and dextrose as key carbon sources, due to its rich nutrient availability. An optimal phospholipid environment has been found to be necessary for the normal apical growth and hyphal branching in Mucor mucedo, specifically with dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine shown to stimulate chitinase activity. Chitinases and chitin synthases are regulated for the lysis and synthesis of the major cell wall component chitin, and have important morphogenetic roles in hyphal growth. Both are inactivated when treated with phospholipases and growth is shunted Chitin synthase activity can also be inhibited by anethole, which is a major component of anise oil that has weak antimicrobial activity with broad antimicrobial spectrum. Reproduction Asexual reproduction occurs by the formation of uninucleate, haploid sporangiospores in the sporangia, on the terminal ends of the aerial sporangiophores. In the sporangia, there is an accumulation of nutrients, cytoplasm, and nuclei. An extension of the sporangiophore called the columella protrudes into the sporangium, and upon the maturation of the sporangiospores, burst of the sporangium allows for the dispersion of the spores, where wind is the primary dissemination method. Asexual reproduction may be favoured in unfavourable environmental conditions, as this inhibits the conjugation between the two sexual strains. The (-) strain loses sexual capacity faster than the (+) strain. As Mucor mucedo are heterothallic, the hyphae taking part in the sexual reproduction have to be of two different strains, either (+) or (-). When these make contact an extension of the hyphae called progametangia are formed and most of the nuclei and cytoplasm accumulate at the ends. Septa form adjacent to the point of contact, and the terminal component, gametangia, are visible with elongated cells called suspensors attached to it. As the gametangia grow and after numerous mitotic divisions, the gametangial wall proceeds to dissolve and gametes found inside fuse, producing a zygote. This zygospore appear black or grey in colour. Under favourable conditions a zygosporangium forms, and the burst of the zygosporangium wall allows for the dispersal of spores. In Mucor mucedo, sexual specificity can be observed between the two mating strains with the production of either 4-hydroxy methyltrisporates for (+) strains and trisporins for (-) strains. These are ultimately converted to trisporic acids, the sexual hormone of M. mucedo and other zygomycetes, which induce the first steps of zygophore development on the opposite mating type. Trisporic acid is a volatile organic C18 compound that is made from β-carotene and retinol pathways, and 4-dihydromethyltrisporate dehydrogenase is found to be an important enzyme in the biosynthesis of trisporic acid. Physiology Mucor mucedo is sensitive to the fungicide captafol (terrazol) which inhibits the apical growth of hyphae and, at lower concentrations, promotes thickening of the fungal cell wall. Terrazol, with its fungistatic effect, induces liberation in phospholipases within the mitochondria and other membranes, leading to a complete lysis of the mitochondria. The only known antidote for the effect of terrazol is impure saccharose, which contains phospholipase inhibitors. The cell wall thickening appears to be a side effect of the lowered phosphorylating capability of the mitochondria. Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) causes lysis of the internal structure of the mitochondria in M. mucedo, and the observed effect differs from that of terrazol. PCNB increases the perinuclear space and the number of vacuoles in the cell, and a pathological thickening of the cell wall is also observed. The cell wall thickening occurring in M. mucedo is induced by some fungicides, N2 atmosphere, and high concentrations of glucose in growth media. The appears to be similar to the changes observed when transforming from mycelial to yeast form in dimorphic fungi. Habitat and ecology Mucor mucedo has word-wide distribution, and are commonly discovered in Canary Is., Egypt, Great Britain, Ireland, Kenya, Netherlands, Australia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, China, and Canada.M. mucedo is easily found in dry horse dung around March and April and have the common habitat of soil, dung, water, nose effluent of cow, composted leaf litter, stored grains, and many plants and fruits, such as grapes and tomatoes. It interacts with some animals but are not frequent causative agents of disease, including horse, rabbits, mice, and rats.M. mucedo grows well on cheese and produces the 'cat hair' defect, which is white mould forming on cheese with long, grey, hyphae, giving it the appearance of cat hair. Mucor mucedo has been found to degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a common soil pollutant and contaminant causing high concern, as contamination continues to increase. The species are highly efficient in biodegrading residual PAH in the soil, significantly decreasing it in within 12 days of introduction. Exopolymeric substances (EPS) produced by the fungus, mainly composed of proteins, carbohydrates, and humic-like substances, are responsible for the degradation. Mycotoxins Mucor mucedo produces oxalate, or oxalic acid, a simple dicarboxylic acid that is one of the terminal metabolic products of many fungi and plants. It is well known to be toxic to higher animals, including humans, due to its local corrosive effect and affinity for calcium ions, which oxalate reacts with to form water-insoluble calcium crystals. Mucor mucedo also produces aflatoxins, which are known to cause liver cancer and other digestive, urinary, endocrine, haematopoetic, reproductive, and circulatory complications, although this requires further confirmatory studies as aflatoxins are mainly characteristic of Aspergillus species. The ability for mycotoxins to diffuse from the mycelium into the environment depends on its water solubility. Products with high water content, notably cheese and dough, allow significant diffusion of mycotoxins. Aflatoxins have been observed to diffuse into food products without extensive mycelial growth into the food. Human disease Mucor mucedo sometimes cause opportunistic and rapidly spreading infections called mucormycosis. Also referred to as zygomycosis, this necrotizing infection can be life threatening in diabetic or immuno-suppressed/compromised patients.Mucor mucedo can cause minor infections as well, as there have been reported cases of frequent vomiting and severe purging along with prostration following the consumption of cheese contaminated with M. mucedo mould growth. Amphotericin B Amphotericin B, a drug primarily used for treatment of patients with progressive and potentially life threatening fungal infections, has been found to be a potent inhibitor of M. mucedo at concentrations of the drug ranging from 0.03 to 1.0 mcg/mL in vitro. Amphotericin B functions by binding to sterols in the cell membrane of fungi leading to change in membrane permeability allowing leakage of intracellular components. References Category:Fungal plant pathogens and diseases Category:Mucoraceae Category:Fungi described in 1753 Category:Taxa named by Carl Linnaeus
In a new report, the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services says that funding shortfalls remain an obstacle to hiring needed inspectors for abortion clinics and other medical facilities. The report, on “additional needs to survey abortion clinics,” was issued April 1 in response to the requirements of N.C.’s new abortion law, passed late last summer. The law instructed DHHS to prepare new rules for how clinics are certified and to keep the N.C. General Assembly’s Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services apprised of the process. Sen. Ralph Hise, a Republican from Spruce Pine, is one of the committee’s co-chairs. Hise represents Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford and Yancey counties. The department’s “needs remain unchanged,” the report said. “Ten new positions will be needed.” DHHS Secretary Aldona Wos told the legislature last summer that it will cost $1 million per year to fund 10 new inspector positions, doubling the department’s capacity. Those inspectors would survey not only abortion clinics but other acute care facilities as well, including dialysis centers and psychiatric hospitals. In response, the General Assembly appropriated $100,000 for the potential new hires, and DHHS began seeking an additional $900,000 in federal funds from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. But the federal funds have not come through, DHHS said in the new report. As a result, a key provision of the new abortion law remains in limbo. DHHS addresses the holdup for new inspectors The legislature’s directives regarding abortion clinics seemed relatively clear last summer: Do more inspections and write new rules. But neither objective has played out quickly. “Money was appropriated by the General Assembly, but no matching funds were provided by the federal government,” DHHS spokesperson Kevin Howell said, after the new report on the continued need for more inspectors was issued. The department “performs inspections on behalf of (the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services), which is why federal funding is involved,” he added. “CMS agreed to the need for these additional inspectors but did not have the funding available,” he said. “However, we will continue to work with CMS to identify and secure the funding necessary for these important positions.” CMS has yet to comment on the matter. Requests for comment from Carolina Public Public were not answered. Long process looms for proposed new abortion rules The new law authorizes DHHS to “apply any requirement for the licensure of ambulatory surgical centers” to abortion clinics, while not “unduly restricting access” to abortion. The department’s new update for the General Assembly followed a little-noticed interim report, issued Dec. 23, 2013, which was much more detailed. It said that DHHS is beginning a rule-making process that will have to pass through a number of stages, and offered no predictions on when new restrictions might be enacted for abortion providers in North Carolina. The process has been followed with particular attention in WNC, where the area’s sole provider of abortions, Femcare, was briefly suspended during last summer’s debate and is closing soon, while another clinic operated by Planned Parenthood is slated to open here. For the record: Read DHHS’ new report
import Component from '@ember/component'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import layout from 'ember-nf-graph/templates/components/nf-svg-image'; import RequiresScaleSource from 'ember-nf-graph/mixins/graph-requires-scale-source'; import { normalizeScale } from 'ember-nf-graph/utils/nf/scale-utils'; import SelectableGraphic from 'ember-nf-graph/mixins/graph-selectable-graphic'; /** An image to be displayed in a graph with that takes domain based measurements and uses the scale of the graph. Creates an `<image class="nf-image"/>` SVG element. @namespace components @class nf-svg-image @extends Ember.Component @uses mixins.graph-requires-scale-source @uses mixins.graph-selectable-graphic */ export default Component.extend(RequiresScaleSource, SelectableGraphic, { layout, tagName: 'image', classNameBindings: [':nf-svg-image', 'selectable', 'selected'], attributeBindings: ['svgX:x', 'svgY:y', 'svgWidth:width', 'svgHeight:height', 'src:href'], click: function(){ if(this.get('selectable')) { this.toggleProperty('selected'); } }, /** The parent graph for a component. @property graph @type components.nf-graph @default null */ graph: null, /** The domain x value to place the image at. @property x @default null */ x: null, /** The domain y value to place the image at. @property y @default null */ y: null, _width: 0, /** The width as a domain value. Does not handle ordinal scales. To set a pixel value, set `svgWidth` directly. @property width @type Number @default 0 */ width: computed({ get() { return this._width; }, set(key, value) { return this._width = Math.max(0, +value) || 0; } }), _height: 0, /** The height as a domain value. Does not handle ordinal scales. To set a pixel value, just set `svgHeight` directly. @property height @default null */ height: computed({ get() { return this._height; }, set(key, value) { this._height = Math.max(0, +value) || 0; } }), /** The image source url @property src @type String */ src: '', x0: computed('x', 'xScale', function(){ return normalizeScale(this.get('xScale'), this.get('x')); }), y0: computed('y', 'yScale', function(){ return normalizeScale(this.get('yScale'), this.get('y')); }), x1: computed('xScale', 'width', 'x', function(){ let scale = this.get('xScale'); if(scale.rangeBands) { throw new Error('nf-image does not support ordinal scales'); } return normalizeScale(scale, this.get('width') + this.get('x')); }), y1: computed('yScale', 'height', 'y', function(){ let scale = this.get('yScale'); if(scale.rangeBands) { throw new Error('nf-image does not support ordinal scales'); } return normalizeScale(scale, this.get('height') + this.get('y')); }), /** The pixel value at which to plot the image. @property svgX @type Number */ svgX: computed('x0', 'x1', function(){ return Math.min(this.get('x0'), this.get('x1')); }), /** The pixel value at which to plot the image. @property svgY @type Number */ svgY: computed('y0', 'y1', function(){ return Math.min(this.get('y0'), this.get('y1')); }), /** The width, in pixels, of the image. @property svgWidth @type Number */ svgWidth: computed('x0', 'x1', function(){ return Math.abs(this.get('x0') - this.get('x1')); }), /** The height, in pixels of the image. @property svgHeight @type Number */ svgHeight: computed('y0', 'y1', function(){ return Math.abs(this.get('y0') - this.get('y1')); }), });
Stationary states for underdamped anharmonic oscillators driven by Cauchy noise. Using numerical methods, we have studied stationary states in the underdamped anharmonic stochastic oscillators driven by Cauchy noise. The shape of stationary states depends on both the potential type and the damping. If the damping is strong enough, for potential wells which in the overdamped regime produce multimodal stationary states, stationary states in the underdamped regime can be multimodal with the same number of modes like in the overdamped regime. For the parabolic potential, the stationary density is always unimodal, and it is given by the two dimensional α-stable density. For the mixture of quartic and parabolic single-well potentials, the stationary density can be bimodal. Nevertheless, the parabolic addition, which is strong enough, can destroy the bimodality of the stationary state.
--- abstract: 'We introduce the real-time multi-technology transport layer monitoring to facilitate the coordinated virtualisation of optical and Ethernet networks supported by optical virtualise-able transceivers (V-BVT). A monitoring and network resource configuration scheme is proposed to include the hardware monitoring in both Ethernet and Optical layers. The scheme depicts the data and control interactions among multiple network layers under the software defined network (SDN) background, as well as the application that analyses the monitored data obtained from the database. We also present a re-configuration algorithm to adaptively modify the composition of virtual optical networks based on two criteria. The proposed monitoring scheme is experimentally demonstrated with OpenFlow (OF) extensions for a holistic (re-)configuration across both layers in Ethernet switches and V-BVTs.' author: - 'Yanni Ou, Matthew Davis, Alejandro Aguado, Fanchao Meng, Reza Nejabati and Dimitra Simeonidou [^1][^2]' bibliography: - 'References/monitoring2016\_bib.bib' title: 'Optical Network Virtualisation using Multi-technology Monitoring and SDN-enabled Optical Transceiver' --- Optical monitoring, Bandwidth Variable Transceiver, Network Virtualisation, Ethernet, SDN, OpenFlow Introduction ============ Internet applications in the domains of science, business and domestic users [@Cisco2013CACiscoVisual; @Vecchiola2009Highperformancecloud; @Al-Fares2008scalablecommoditydata] are all observed to increasingly rely on a large number of powerful and often widely distributed hardware and software resources, as well as the network that interconnects them [@Develder2012Opticalnetworksgrid]. These resources have been growing exponentially (predicted by Moore’s Law), and cloud services are currently the emerging trend to offer both distributed hardware and software delivering as a service on a global scale. The performance and availability of cloud services highly depend on the cloud physical infrastructure composed of data centre (DC) infrastructure, its inter- and intra-DC networking, as well as end connectivities to users. Optical networks that consist of novel technologies are considered the most promising network substrate under this condition. Optical network virtualisation is one of the key contributor [@Nejabati2011Optical; @Duan2012surveyserviceoriented] to efficiently enable the combined management, control and optimisation of networking resources for Cloud service provisioning [@aguado2016dynamic]. Virtual optical networks (VON), composed of multiple virtual nodes interconnected by virtual links, are co-existing but isolated, sharing the same optical network substrate. Accordingly, the analogue constraints and impairments of the optical network substrate will have a great impact on VONs compositions and their performance. Currently, physical layer impairment-aware models [@Cardillo2005Consideringtransmissionimpairments; @Peng2013Impairmentawareoptical; @Saradhi2009Physicallayerimpairment; @carena2012modeling; @poggiolini2012gnModel] have been studied under different network technologies, and some of them are introduced into optical virtualisation [@Peng2013Impairmentawareoptical; @wang2017load; @beyranvand2013quality; @ou2015onlineoffline]. This method relies more on the pre-planned analytical estimation of impairments in the optical substrate (e.g., link nonlinearity calculation), while lacks the ability to adapt, e.g., it cannot compensate the undesirable and time-varying loss or excessive noise that causes a big degradation in the optical channel quality of transmission (QoT). Besides, due to diverse application types, traffic from these applications varies dynamically with time, which in turn greatly affects the allocation of virtual link and node resources to support the transmission of application traffic. Under this condition, it is important to introduce real-time monitoring across all the network layers as a key role in the virtualisation process, especially in tracking available resources in task scheduling. It should also include the status monitoring of already provisioned services and used physical resources [@Develder2012Opticalnetworksgrid; @MonitorSDN2015; @van2014opennetmon]. By obtaining and analysing monitored data, an up-to-date understanding of the network dynamic will be formed from different aspects of the network. This understanding will further affect the (re-)configuration of network resources in supporting both existing and new services to achieve IT/network elasticity, service-level agreement (SLA) requirements and QoT (e.g.,). Meanwhile, in combination with SDN , the controller can realise and optimise such (re-)configurations to different users in an efficient manner[@simeonidou2013software; @van2014opennetmon]. This is due to the intrinsic characteristics of SDN, such as the separated data and control planes, a centralised management, global network view, and data plane open interfaces [@amaya2014software; @kreutz2015software]. Therefore, we propose a multi-technology monitoring scheme enabled by SDN to obtain up-to-date characteristics of the optical transport layer, including optical link QoT and link spectrum utilisation, as well as the Ethernet transport layer, e.g., Ethernet traffic data rate, packet size and deep packet inspection (DPI). The previous study [@Multi-tehcMonitoring2016OFC] mainly introduces an algorithm that takes the monitored optical network status and the VON traffic as its inputs. However, it did not address the source and capturing ways of the monitored information, the communication between the monitored information and the algorithm, as well as how the information is related to the control plane. Here in this work we address these issues in the following four aspects. First, a complete monitoring scheme is presented that covers different network layers, including the interaction among the monitoring and (re-)configuration in the data plane, the SDN controller in the control plane, and the management/decision making in the applications layer. Meanwhile, in this scheme, virtualisation of optical transceivers (V-BVT) [@ou2016demonstration] is also employed in the data plane to introduce a device-level (Layer-1) virtualisation into the optical network. It represents the physical transceiver to the control plane as an abstracted software object, enabling the on-demand creation of virtual transceivers that generates/terminates one or multiple virtual links within the VONs. Therefore, it can offer a fine partition of the physical resources and guarantee complete isolation of applications [@vecchiola2009high], and accordingly offer further enhanced flexibility and efficiency to support VONs. Based on these functionalities, the proposed multi-technology real-time monitoring scheme aims to further facilitate the coordinated virtualisation of the packet transport network and optical transport network, in order to achieve a holistic optimisation in the optical layer and the configuration in the Ethernet layer. Furthermore, we discuss the device types that can be used for Ethernet or optical monitoring and how can they be enabled by SDN using OF extensions. The way or protocol of storing and retrieving the monitored data are also discussed from the algorithm’s perspective. The potential of achieving multi-level monitoring in a feasible manner using SDN can be achieved. Second, we present a DC network use case of the proposed monitoring scheme to show the potential performance improvement considering resources allocation. Third, We elaborate the algorithm details on how it will perform corresponding to the interactions among different blocks from the proposed monitoring scheme. Finally, we add the results from the network interfacing card (NIC) monitoring that supports the DPI, showing the capture of Ethernet traffic that can be carried by the VON requests. Under the condition that a large variation of these traffic exists, we then can use this captured information to decide how to make the aggregation decisions at the OF-enabled Ethernet switch to achieve the optimised resource allocation. The paper is constructed as follows. Section II proposes the principle of a multi-technology transport layer monitoring scheme for a general SDN-based network environment that interconnects remote DCs and users. The scheme also elaborates on the employment of a virtualisation strategy on top of the SDN-enabled control plane to facilitate the optimisation of coordinated virtualisation using the monitored data and the proposed V-BVT. In Section III, the principle and detailed logic of the virtualisation strategy under the monitoring scheme are described. Two network scenarios are described corresponding to the interactions among the blocks from the proposed scheme. Section IV experimentally demonstrates the proposed scheme for several specific monitoring use cases, showing the re-configuration of Ethernet layer resources and the optimisation of V-BVT resource allocation in the optical layer for QoT maintenance. Finally, Section V concludes the paper. Optimisation of Optical Virtualisation using Monitoring Scheme and V-BVT {#sec2:scheme} ======================================================================== A high-level monitoring and network resource configuration scheme is proposed and described in Fig. \[fig:scheme\]. At the bottom of the figure, Ethernet and optical layer hardware components are represented separately, which are all managed by an application based on top of a centralized controller. Some of these components are directly managed by the control plane that generally consists of a controller, i.e., the OpenDayLight Lithium (ODL) controller and the network abstraction layer. Components in different network layers communicate with the control plane using slightly different protocols. Ethernet switches in Ethernet layer are usually controlled using the standard OF protocol. In optical layer, optical transponders and optical switches require OF protocol extensions to be centrally managed. Following the virtualisation procedure, physical features of these hardware devices are firstly abstracted into the control plane, covering the range of bandwidth, port rate, power and other characteristics. The controller stores the information from these devices, and can also be queried via a representational state transfer (REST) application programming interface (API) for the usage of other applications. The OF extension for our experiment is the extension of the V-BVT, which is equivalent to the extension of the WSS in our architecture. A dedicated OF agent is implemented for the WSS, containing a specific control protocol supported by the given optical devices. On top of it, a technology specific mapping function is implemented to translate the device data structure and protocol into the OF style, performing a set of actions such as wavelength, filtering and ports configuration. At the northbound side, each OF agent implements the extended OF protocol. For the SDN controller, the services abstraction layer was extended to record the support wavelength and supported spectrum range. To properly configure these devices, the forwarding rules manger was also extended to construct the required configuration information, e.g., central frequency, bandwidth, out-put port for the WSS together with match and label. More details of the agent, ODL and OF extensions have been described in the following a few public projects deliverables [@LightnessD4-4; @LightnessD4-5; @LightnessD5-2]. ![The application for V-BVT resource allocation and monitoring, DB: database, OF: OpenFlow.[]{data-label="fig:scheme"}](scheme.eps){width="49.00000%"} Other components, including the wave analyser in the optical layer and the network interfacing card (NIC) in the Ethernet layer that supports the DPI function, directly communicate with a database that sits in the application layer. The monitoring function is performed using wave analysers for the optical layer, while NICs and Ethernet switches are used from the Ethernet layer. Wave analysers monitor a number of parameters and regard them as the optical network status, including the channel utilization on each path within the network and optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR) values for each channel and each of the already established lightpaths. NICs that support DPI will update the Ethernet layer monitoring parameters in the database which will be regarded as VON traffic. These parameters include Ethernet packet size, real-time data rate, packet MAC address and even deep-packet information (Layer 4 and upper). The Ethernet switch will report to the controller, providing real-time Ethernet traffic data rate on a per-port basis. This information is regarded as Ethernet traffic information carried on VONs in this scheme, and the polling frequency can be customised in the SDN controller. All the monitored information obtained from these devices is updated and stored to a database, and can be queried by applications. For our experimental usage in Section IV, the proposed V-BVT is employed as an example of optical transponders, while optical switches used include fibre switches and wavelength selective switches (WSS). As well as the V-BVT being able to support virtualisation, its inclusion into the monitoring scheme enables efficient real-time response to variations in network. This is mainly due to the feature that the V-BVT is SDN-enabled, and its architecture allows the (re-)configuration of hardware resources in a flexible manner [@ou2016demonstration]. On top of the controller, the monitoring and (re-)configuration application contains both monitoring and management functions. The monitoring function can periodically fetch both up-to-date Ethernet and optical monitoring information from the database and send it to the management block which contains a virtualisation strategy that executes the algorithm for hardware resource optimisation. For experimental demonstration, the algorithm is simplified so that the management block acts as a non-injective and non-surjective function, where multiple conditions may have the same action (and actions with non-active conditions). However, more realistically, the algorithm will cover more conditions when optimising the VON accommodation based on the given network and hardware resources. The analysis of the optimisation is beyond the scope of this paper and will be discussed in a separate one, where modulator utilization, modulator types and traffic conditions will be analysed. Any variations of information sent by the monitoring scheme will affect the V-BVT resource selection in creating virtual transceivers, e.g., modulation format and baud rate, the subcarriers central frequency and number, etc. Accordingly, when a variation is detected by the monitoring system, the management block will activate an action with a set of configurations, such as a change of optical channel selection and aggregation methods in the Ethernet layer. As explained in [@ou2016demonstration], V-BVTs are placed at the edge of the optical network and each contains a local infrastructures pool, i.e., optical subcarriers pool and optical modulators pool. It can create multiple virtual transceivers based on the requirement of VON demands, the availability of its local infrastructure pool, and the optical network status. ![Inputs and outputs of management block in brief.[]{data-label="fig:Algoirthm_manage block"}](Algorithm.eps){width="43.00000%"} Fig. \[fig:Algoirthm\_manage block\] illustrates a generic logic of the virtualisation algorithm within the management block that adopts V-BVT and multi-technology monitoring. The detailed logic of the algorithm itself will be demonstrated in Section \[sec3:algorithm\]. There are three inputs of the algorithm in the management block, including V-BVT resources, optical network status and the Ethernet traffic on VON. V-BVT resources contains the modulator and subcarriers resource pool, including the details of modulation types, modulator baud rates, the available number of each type, required OSNR for a given modulation type in a given baud rate, available subcarriers number, and central frequency of each available subcarrier [@ou2016demonstration]. The optical network status consists of pre-calculated path candidates between given source and destination pairs, channel OSNR per link based on a given transmitted data rate, latency and available spectrum slots of each link based on flex-grid from international telecommunication union (ITU). The last three parameters are updated by real-time optical monitoring techniques. Ethernet traffic on VONs consists of the real-time packet data rate, the packet MAC address and latency requirements. Path candidates and channel OSNR per link are updated by the Ethernet monitoring. The latency are assumed to be known by the algorithm but can further be gained by using deep-packet monitoring in the Ethernet layer using NICs that support DPI. The management block outputs the algorithm decision with the objective of accommodating for the maximum number of incoming VON requests. The decision covers aspects from the three inputs. From the Ethernet perspective, the aggregation of services is decided, including how many services to aggregate into one and which service should be chosen for a specific aggregation. From the optical network perspective, the selection contains optical path selection, number and frequencies of spectrum slots for this path, as well as central frequency of this channel for this path. The selection in V-BVT resources consists of subcarrier central frequency, baud rate and modulation format of the modulator. The decision will be sent to the ODL controller through the RESTful API, and the controller will re-configure Ethernet Switches, WSSs and V-BVT according to the decision it received through OF and extended OF respectively. ![Applying Ethernet and Optical monitoring scheme in the scenario of core network and inter-DC connections.[]{data-label="fig:scheme in network"}](DC_network.eps){width="44.00000%"} Fig. \[fig:scheme in network\] shows an example of applying the proposed monitoring scheme in the optical core network and the inter-DC connections scenario. Traffic generated by servers in DC-1 is monitored by the NICs that support deep-packet inspection before entering in the aggregation switch, including MAC address and real-time data rate. The aggregation switch will route this traffic by reconfiguring the switch output ports. Ethernet traffic aggregation can be performed within the switch based on the monitored Ethernet information from the NICs. If traffic with the same destination MAC address enters from different ports, and if their real-time data rate is smaller than the maximum data rate of the output ports, they are considered for aggregation. Where port capacity allows, multiple input ports traffic will be aggregated onto a single output port. In the framing block shown in Fig. \[fig:scheme in network\], Ethernet traffic from the aggregation switch is ‘re-framed’ into either optical transport network (OTN) or customer-defined frames to suit the core network transmission. This can be performed by either an OTN switch or a customer-defined FPGA. After the framing, traffic frames with different data rate and quality of service (QoS) requirements will be modulated by the proposed V-BVT placed at the edge of the core network. It can accommodate different incoming traffic by selecting optical subcarrier frequency and modulation formats that have respective baud rates. Such decision is based on the syntactical analysis of V-BVT hardware resources (i.e., subcarriers pool and modulators pool), network status (i.e., link spectrum utilization, lightpath impairments and path candidates), together with required traffic QoS (e.g., latency), data rate and guarantee of QoT. Based on the decision, the V-BVT will modulate and transmit this traffic across the core network to its destination. When reaching the other edges of the network, traffic will be offloaded to customer sites, which can be another DC or other types of clients. Virtualisation Algorithm with Ethernet and Optical Monitoring Scheme {#sec3:algorithm} ==================================================================== Fig. \[fig:Scenario\_newservice\] and \[fig:Scenario\_reconfig\] show details of the management block used in the experimental demonstration. The first demonstration shown in Fig. \[fig:Scenario\_newservice\] accommodates a new incoming service based on its QoS requirement and a guaranteed QoT. When a new service is requested from the clients, e.g., VM transfer, through monitoring, the requirements of this request can be retrieved, including its data rate and source/destination pair (i.e., MAC address for Ethernet packet). This information (updated and stored in the database) will be retrieved by the algorithm selection scheme, in order to decide and verify if there are any Ethernet and optical resources available to accommodate the service. The audibility of these resources covers the areas of (i) Ethernet switching ports and the maximum ports capacity, (ii) the number of available contiguous spectrum slots $N$ to accommodate a given bandwidth, various modulator format types $M$ with different baud rates to meet the QoT requirements and decide the bandwidth, as well as the central frequency $f_c$ that can be used based on the ITU-T G.694.1 flex-grid standard for a given $N$ number of contiguous spectrum slots, (iii) network candidate paths and their spectrum utilisation between source and destination pair to meet the QoS requirements, etc. The option will be selected if it can meet all the service requirements. Accordingly, configurations of physical devices, i.e., Ethernet switch and V-BVT, will be completed through the orders from the ODL enabled control plane, and a new service is then provisioned. ![The application for the scenario of accommodating new services. $M$: modulation format types, $N$: number of contiguous spectrum slots, and $f_c$: central frequency[]{data-label="fig:Scenario_newservice"}](app_newservice.eps){width="26.00000%"} ![The application for the scenario of re-configuration by monitoring Ethernet and optical layers.[]{data-label="fig:Scenario_reconfig"}](app_monitor.eps){width="33.00000%"} Fig. \[fig:Scenario\_reconfig\] indicates another scenario, where replanning of existing services will be triggered when two conditions happen: (a) a change in the Ethernet data rate of existing services, and (b) the change of channel OSNRs along the lightpath that is provided to existing services. In condition (a), the actual change of Ethernet traffic of one service is obtained by the Ethernet monitoring scheme using the NIC and Ethernet switch ports monitoring. The monitoring at these two devices covers two aspects of traffic. The SolarFlare NIC can monitor the traffic of different applications from different MAC addresses within the total amount of traffic, while the Ethernet switch can only monitor the total amount but not the higher layer packet information. When the real-time data rate of each service reduces, the summation data rate of $n$ services (which target the same MAC address, and $n$ represents A and B in the figure as an example) will be verified. If the summation is lower than the maximum Ethernet ports capacity, traffic from $n$ services is considered for aggregation and will be accommodated using one port instead of the original $n$ ports. V-BVT resources and network status will be re-verified as well, in order to guarantee the QoT and QoS of all the $n$ services. The details of the procedure are performed in the selection scheme that is introduced in Fig. \[fig:Scenario\_newservice\]. The procedure includes the re-verification/re-selection of subcarriers and modulation formats with respective baud rate in V-BVT resources, as well as candidate paths and spectrum slots in optical network. If both Ethernet and optical resources are available for the service aggregation, the aggregation option is selected. Optimised utilization of Ethernet switch resource and V-BVT hardware resources is achieved when accommodating these $n$ services. Re-configuration in both Ethernet and optical resources will be coordinated by the ODL controller. Similarly, for condition (b), we introduce optical layer monitoring to perform the re-creation of virtual transceivers from V-BVTs to support the same service. This condition will be triggered when the existing accommodation of a selected channel failed due to undesired optical network impairments. When the monitoring of an optical channel indicates an OSNR drop that will degrade the QoT of the existing service, another available channel that has enough spectrum slot will be decided together with a new modulation type that fits into this slot and QoT. In order to accommodate the service on the newly established optical channel, the central frequency of the spectrum will be configured within the V-BVT as well as the filtering width. Such establishment is also coordinated by the ODL controller using the extended OF protocol. Experimental Demonstration of Monitoring and Optimisation Scheme {#sec4:experiment} ================================================================ The experimental setup is represented in Fig. \[fig:Monitoring\_testbed\] for demonstrating the proposed monitoring scheme and the aforementioned scenarios. In corresponding with the architecture represented in Fig. \[fig:scheme\], the experimental realization of a V-BVT is displayed in inset (a) sitting in the lowest network layer; an optical fibre switch is displayed in inset (b) as part of the experimental optical network topology; Servers, NICs and Ethernet switch are also depicted inset (c), showing that the DC scenario and Ethernet layer sits upon the optical layer. Inset (d) shows the ODL controller enabled SDN control plane, in which a traffic engineering database is developed. On top of the control plane runs the V-BVT application that contains two monitoring blocks and the V-BVT virtualisation algorithm. ![Experimental Platform: (a) V-BVT construction, (b) Arbitrary Network topology configuration using Polatis, (c) Ethernet layer configuration, (d) ODL enabled control plane with developed application.[]{data-label="fig:Monitoring_testbed"}](testbed.eps){width="49.00000%"} For inset (a), a similar setup for implementing V-BVTs is employed [@ou2016demonstration]. The subcarriers pool is settled using a tunable mode-lock laser (TMLL), and after applying the fibre delay interferometer (DI), around 25 optical subcarriers are selected in the spacing of 20 GHz and are sent to the input port A of the 4$\times$16 wavelength selective switch (WSS-1). The subcarriers pool includes a collection of modulators that can offer a range of modulation formats and baud rates, each of which are pre-connected to the 16 output ports of the WSS-1. The modulators consist of PM-16-QAM (10, 20, 28 GBd), BPSK (10, 40 GBd) and 10 GBd PM-QPSK. Different virtual transceivers are created after the selection of subcarriers and modulations. In inset (b), after sending the spectrum of the created virtual transceivers into the other 4$\times$16 WSS-2, the traffic that each virtual transceiver carrier can be directed onto same/different paths by selecting the output ports. The simplified optical network topology is settled using a 192$\times$192 optical fibre switch and coherent receiver is adopted to obtain the BER and constellations. The topology is composed of 4 nodes as a mesh network in the similar style of the one in [@ou2016demonstration] but using different fibre length. The links length used in this paper are three 50km, one 130km, and one 100km. Therefore, the shortest path between the same source and destination pair is 50km, and the longest is 150km. Inset(c) demonstrates an example of Ethernet layer traffic (re-)directing and switch re-configuration based on real-time Ethernet traffic monitoring. An SDN enabled Pica 8 P-3922 Ethernet switch is employed. It can offer 10 GbE/40 GbE transmission with low latency, and support the running of Open-vSwitch (OVS) 2.0 to enable the OF interface. SolarFlare NICs (SFN5522) are also employed in this setup to represent the NICs that have DPI functionality for monitoring purpose. Each of the NICs contains two SFP+ interfaces, offering 10 GbE transmission and receiving. The two and three input ports of the Ethernet switch come from VMs running in different servers to emulate the traffic from different applications. To monitor the variations of the traffic that emulate the time varying of different types of services or applications, the traffic is then generated slightly differently. This is mainly due to a limited number of VMs running in our lab servers. Therefore, we programmed in Python to generate PCAP (packet capture) file in one of our servers with different MAC addresses. We then sent the generated packages out over the NIC to emulate different application types running on that server. The traffic is generated as TCP/IP traffic. We let each of the traffic that represents one application type generates randomly but within the maximum capacity that a NIC interface rate should provide (10Gb/s SFP+). The outputs of the switch are pre-connected to the inputs of the modulator pool of V-BVT through an FPGA to emulate the “framing" functions described in Fig. \[fig:scheme in network\]. By selecting the output ports of the Ethernet switch, the indirect selection of modulation formats in the V-BVT is achieved for accommodating the input traffic from different VMs. However, in our experiment, the FPGA does not support the framing functionality, therefore, we used a compromising solution instead: the output of the Ethernet switch is sent to an FPGA, and the FPGA generates the corresponding 10 Gb/s or 40 Gb/s PRBS to feed into the optical modulators. Such configuration will not affect the network scenarios we tried to demonstrate. The output of the Ethernet switch will be accommodated by a selection of given different modulation formats, based on the output data rate, the required OSNR associated with the modulation levels, the available contiguous spectrum grids on the links, the central wavelengths, as well as the monitored real-time link OSNR condition. The decision making in this scenario is not seriously affected by the framing of the FPGA that can provide, but more about the data rate that the FPGA send to the modulators. Experiments with the FPGA that supports framing functionality are still worthy for future study. The monitoring of the optical layer displayed in Fig. \[fig:Monitoring\_testbed\]inset (a) in the network is performed by applying the optical wave analyser (WA) that can offer 150 MHz resolution to obtain the OSNR values of each operational channel and the channel utilization on the link. The monitored information is updated into the traffic engineering database. The Ethernet monitoring is performed at the Ethernet switch input and output ports in inset (c) and the monitored real-time Ethernet traffic data rate variations are retrieved by the traffic monitor block in the application. The monitoring information from the database will be sent to the virtualisation algorithm to facilitate the decision. Results and Discussion {#sec5:Results} ====================== The results obtained from this experiment are from several aspects. Fig. \[fig:link\_OSNR\] shows the OSNR monitoring from the WA. We introduce external EDFA noise into the fibre to emulate the fibre link degradation. The original channel OSNR is of a high quality, around 24 dB. When the channel quality decreases gradually below the OSNR threshold of 15 dB, the failure alarm is triggered in the management , and the reconfiguration of modulation is activated as described in condition (b) of Fig. \[fig:Scenario\_reconfig\]. The algorithm considers the availability of the current link contiguous spectrum, central frequency $f_c$, required OSNR for transmitting this data rate using different modulation levels. It can provide a newly decided modulation, and a new channel or path can be selected from the V-BVT subcarriers pool. In this figure that represents one run of the algorithm, the newly provided path-2 has a shorter total distance and the monitored OSNR of the new channel is 20 dB. The modulation format 40GBd BPSK is decided to transmit the original data on the new path. The monitored OSNR before and after reconfiguration are shown, alongside a constellation and eye diagram representing the modulation formats before and after reconfiguration respectively. ![Real-time monitoring information: monitored optical link OSNR dropping with modulation format re-selection.[]{data-label="fig:link_OSNR"}](link_OSNR_combine4.eps){width="43.00000%"} Fig. \[fig:comb+spectrum\] represents the selection of different subcarriers from the subcarrier pool based on the monitoring of OSNR to reselect the path. For the first service, 40 Gb/s data traffic transmission using 10 GBd PM-QPSK is accommodated on one of the subcarriers within the pool at the wavelength of 1548.74 nm. This is depicted in the coloured tone A, and the spectrum of the created virtual transceiver is shown in Fig. \[fig:comb+spectrum\] inset (a). ![Real-time monitoring information: the original selected and re-configured subcarriers from subcarriers pool, (a) the original spectrum modulated by QPSK, and (b) the re-configured spectrum modulated by BPSK.[]{data-label="fig:comb+spectrum"}](comb_bpsk_qpsk_spectra_4.eps){width="43.00000%"} Since the first service failed due to the OSNR below a threshold, the replacement service decided by the manager is automatically accommodated to another subcarrier on channel 1550.50 nm. The new modulation format based on this new channel condition are also decided and selected as 40 GBd BPSK for accommodating the same 40 Gb/s traffic transmission. The newly selected subcarrier is depicted in the coloured tone B, and the spectrum of the newly created virtual transceiver is shown in Fig. \[fig:comb+spectrum\] inset (b). ![Real-time monitoring: monitored Ethernet traffic data rate and MAC address variations from one port of one server along with time.[]{data-label="fig:NIC_monitoring"}](MAC_NIC_monitoring_5.eps){width="46.00000%"} Fig. \[fig:NIC\_monitoring\] reports the monitored dynamic from running services through one port of a SolarFlare NIC in the server, including the generation of different MAC addresses, and variations of Ethernet traffic data rate for each of the addresses along time. These MAC addresses and the traffic data rate variations are generated from the program PCAP file. The 13 MAC addresses aim to show the emulation of the varied customer access of different types of application types especially in a DC network scenario, including the frequent usage variations of each application type, its application duration and data rate. The variation of data rate comes from our program to generate random rate but within the maximum capacity that a NIC interface rate should provide. Data is retrieved every second from the database, though the monitoring is in fact running at a finer time granularity. Service starts to run from the 8th second, randomly targeting six different MAC addresses (1-6), each of which has a respective data rate. Data rate summation of these six addresses is equal to 10 Gb/s, which is the maximum transmission rate of the SFP+ on the NIC. Services last for 10 seconds until the next three new services take their places, and last for the following 17 seconds. The newly targeted MAC addresses are captured by SolarFlare (7-9) as well as the newly updated data rate of each address. These services end by the 37th second, and another set of services start directly after and last after 55th second. Again, newly created MAC addresses (10-13) and their corresponding data rate are captured and updated on the plot. \[table: MAC table\] [ |c|c|l| ]{}\ Durations (s) & NO. & MAC address\ & 1 & 59:53:83:2A:6:4C\ & 2 & 89:B4:C3:2:FE:8E\ & 3 & 8A:26:8:A2:74:21\ & 4 & A0:61:C:CA:EF:E1\ & 5 & AB:25:1F:1D:AA:9B\ & 6 & B0:36:1E:2F:14:5A\ & 7 & A0:24:81:75:E5:DA\ & 8 & F2:74:62:F0:96:B9\ & 9 & 25:40:F1:F0:E4:B8\ & 10 & 36:B0:CD:68:3A:92\ & 11 & 8D:72:35:B0:36:8F\ & 12 & B1:62:B8:C3:72:E1\ & 13 & 11:6:89:CC:E:2A\ In addition to Fig. \[fig:NIC\_monitoring\], details of the obtained MAC addresses are listed in Table \[table: MAC table\]. From 1 to 20 seconds, 6 MACs for the first group of services are captured, and likewise for 21 to 17 and 38 to 54 seconds. Fig. \[fig:Ethernet\_Reconfig\] shows the monitoring of Ethernet traffic at the Ethernet switch. For the Pica 8 P-3922 Ethernet switch we used in this experiment, ports number 1-48 are for SFP+ 10GbE transmission and ports number 49-52 are for QSFP+ 40GbE transmission. The upper-plot illustrates the monitored traffic data rate variations from input ports 25 and 27 of the switch, while the lower-plot indicates the corresponding traffic of these two inputs from output ports 26 and 28 in the same switch. For the initial condition, which is the duration from 2 to 21 measurements, two new services are supported by two independent pairs of input and output ports of the switch. There are 8.6 Gb/s data rate from input port 25 and the same 8.6 Gb/s traffic from output port 26, as well as 7.2 Gb/s data rate from input port 27 and 7.2 Gb/s traffic from output port 28. The modulation format type to be used is decided by the algorithm described in the Fig. \[fig:Scenario\_newservice\] to accommodate these two new services. This decision is the equivalent of deciding which corresponding output port of the WSS should be enabled. The output ports are indirectly decided by the algorithm from the Fig. \[fig:Scenario\_newservice\], each of the services is to be accommodated using individual modulation format, baud rate and subcarrier from V-BVT resources, and will occupy individual bandwidth, path and channel (central frequency and number of grids) on the path in network. ![Real-time monitoring: monitored Ethernet traffic at input and output ports of the switch, with traffic aggregation.[]{data-label="fig:Ethernet_Reconfig"}](e-switch_monitoring_4.eps){width="52.00000%"} When condition changes, which starts from measurement 22, the monitoring scheme captures the traffic drop at input ports 25 and 27, from the original data rates becoming less than 2 Gb/s and 3.4 Gb/s respectively. This capture of traffic reduction triggers the condition (a) of the algorithm descried in the Fig. \[fig:Scenario\_reconfig\] to re-accommodate the two services, where the action of traffic aggregation is to be performed. Accordingly, both V-BVT resources (modulation format, baud rate and subcarrier) and network resources (path, channel central frequency and number of grids on the path) are to be re-verified. The new output port is selected as port 28, in this case based on the decided V-BVT and network resources, in order to accommodate the aggregated traffic. This can be seen from duration 33-40 measurements, where 33 is the re-planning point so the traffic in port 26 starts to transfer into port 28. Afterwards, port 26 is carrying no traffic, while monitoring on port 28 shows a rate of 5.4 Gb/s, accommodating the summation of the two dropped traffic from input ports 25 and 27. This allows the two services to be accommodated by only one switch output port, and V-BVT only needs to create one virtual transceiver to support the two services using a single modulator, a single subcarrier, a single path and the corresponding number of grids on that path. ![Real-time monitoring: monitored Ethernet traffic at 5 input and output ports of the switch, with all 5 ports traffic aggregation at one QSFP+ output port.[]{data-label="fig:Ethernet_Reconfig_40G"}](e-switch_monitoring_40G_3.eps){width="52.00000%"} As well as monitoring the traffic at two pairs of input and output ports, in Fig. \[fig:Ethernet\_Reconfig\_40G\], the real-time traffic monitoring at five pairs of input and output ports is performed. Meanwhile, the newly aggregated traffic is in the level of 40 Gbps at the output port of the switch, transmitting the traffic through a QSFP+ instead of the SFP+ used in the Fig. \[fig:Ethernet\_Reconfig\]. From 0 to 20 measurements, the upper and lower sub-plots of Fig. \[fig:Ethernet\_Reconfig\_40G\] both indicate the original traffic obtained from the 5 input SFP+ ports 25, 27, 29, 31 and 33, and 5 output SFP+ ports 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30. From the measurement of 21, the data rate of 5 input ports start to vary. Apart from the traffic in port 30 that slightly increases from 8.2 Gb/s to around 8.4 Gb/s, the data rate in the remaining ports all drop in various degrees. Again, the condition (a) of the algorithm described in Fig. \[fig:Scenario\_reconfig\] is triggered. With the sum of traffic throughput equalling around 35 Gb/s, it triggered the utilization of a QSFP+ at the switch output port 50 in Fig. \[fig:Ethernet\_Reconfig\_40G\] to accommodate the transmission of the data that is currently transmitting at the 5 output ports 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30. In this case, the utilization of port sources at the switch is greatly reduced as the five services are accommodated only by one output port, which further reduces the V-BVT hardware and network resource occupation while serving the same data rate. All the switch and V-BVT re-configurations described in the above paragraphs are conducted using OF messages through ODL controllers shown in Fig. \[fig:OF\_Ethernet\] and Fig. \[fig:OF\_2ndWSS\]. In Fig. \[fig:OF\_Ethernet\], the frame coloured in black represents the OSNR monitoring information obtained by the WA and are fetched by the V-BVT application running on top of the controller. The frame in red indicates the creation of two new transmission services, each of which has different data rate. The transmission in-/out-put ports in the Ethernet switch, the subcarriers and modulation formats are selected for accommodating these new services. The frame coloured in blue indicates the moment when the monitored traffic at the in-put ports of these services drops below the threshold that their sum is smaller than a threshold. Finally, the frame in green indicates the re-configuration results based on the new optimised decision made by the V-BVT application. ![Real-time monitoring information: flow messages for the configuration of the Ethernet switch.[]{data-label="fig:OF_Ethernet"}](OF_Message.eps){width="42.00000%"} ![Real-time monitoring information: OpenFlow message for the configuration of the WSS-1.[]{data-label="fig:OF_2ndWSS"}](OF_2ndopof.eps){width="45.00000%"} Fig. \[fig:OF\_2ndWSS\] indicates the OF messages when configuring the 4x16 WSSs within the V-BVT. This message is captured by the network protocol analyser software Wireshark. It uses this format of Hexadecimal numbers to show our WSS configuration values within the OF flow\_mod message. Similar to Fig. \[fig:OF\_Ethernet\], in order to create virtual transceivers for accommodating the groomed traffic service, the input port A is configured for WSS to allow the input of the subcarrier pool. This configuration can be seen from the OF message as a Hexadecimal number “00 0a", indicating the input port number A is set among the WSS’s four input ports labelled as A, B, C and D. Similarly, “00 07" equals 7 in decimal, indicting the output port number 7 is selected among the WSS’s 16 output ports. Therefore, the switching between ports A and 16 is enabled. To configure a channel that to be switched via this connection, the central frequency of the channel is specified at these two ports as 198.4283648 GHz, which can be seen from another Hexadecimal number “76 45 c4 00". Apart from the central frequency, the filtering width of these two ports A and 16 is also configured as 112.0 GHz, showing as “00 01 b5 80" in the OF message. This will allow the switching of the channel(s) centred at 198.4283648 GHz with a bandwidth smaller than 112.0 GHz between A and 16. Conclusion {#sec6:conclusion} ========== In this paper, for the first time, we have experimentally demonstrated a proposed optical virtualisation scheme utilizing the joint technologies of V-BVTs and real-time monitoring in both the optical and transport networks. This scheme achieves optimisation in V-BVT optical infrastructures and reconfiguration of Ethernet switch resources through an OpenDayLight controller, during on-demand creation of virtual transceivers. The experiment also reflects the feasibility of using multi-function monitoring to facilitate a holistic optical network virtualisation. It also indicates the necessity of adopting V-BVT architecture in the hardware level as part of the software defined optical network to enable the network resource (re-)confirguation and support the network virtualisation in an efficient manner. Acknowledgment {#acknowledgment .unnumbered} ============== This work is supported by EPSRC grant EP/L020009/1: Towards Ultimate Convergence of All Networks (TOUCAN). [^1]: Yanni Ou, Matthew Davis, Fanchao Meng, Reza Nejabati and Dimitra Simeonidou are with the High Performance Networks group in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol, BS8 1UB, UK, e-mail: yanni.ou@bristol.ac.uk. [^2]: A. Aguado was with the High Performance Networks group in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol, BS8 1UB, UK, and now is with the Center for Computational Simulation, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, 28660, Madrid, Spain.
Typical among such machines is a screen-printing machine in which the pattern-carrying screen is a drum which is rotatable with a peripheral speed equal to that of the substrate as it is drawn between this screen and the support table or beam, the pressing member in this case being a doctor blade or roller within the screen printing drum which processes the somewhat viscous printing medium, e.g. a fabric-printing ink or dyestuff, through the pattern on the screen to print the fabric forming the substrate. Another application for electromagnetic force can be found in roller printing in which, for example, printing ink in a particular pattern is applied by a roller magnetically drawn against the substrate or web by a magnetic force generated by electromagnets in the underlying beam or mounted in or beneath the worktable over which the web is passed. In the following discussion, reference to a beam or table which is provided with the electromagnetic means, will always be considered to include the other when one is specifically mentioned and both the beam and the table can be generically considered to be electromagnetic support members underlying the substrate and the pressing member which is drawn against the substrate by the electromagnetic force. Magnetic beams and worktables, i.e. the support members mentioned above, are sensitive to bending resulting from heating, such bending being generally in the form of an upward bow toward the center of the support member. As a result of this bending, in the central region the web is pressed with a greater amount of force against the pattern drum or printing roller while laterally outwardly of this central region, there is less pressure between the web and the support member and thus the printing pressure decreases laterally outwardly. As a consequence, especially in screen printing, but also in the use of a printing roll to transfer an ink, because the pressing force is less in the lateral outwardmost regions and the printing medium is thereby not forced away from these regions, the print is comparatively dark whereas in the highly pressure-central region, the print is significantly lighter. Obviously the answer to this problem is to prevent bending of the support member as much as possible, and indeed the problem has already been recognized in the art and special efforts have been taken to ensure uniform distribution of heat over the length of the beam or the width of the support member, and to brace the support member against bending. For normal web widths and for ordinary quality standards, these efforts have been successful. However, for relatively wide substrate widths, i.e. support beams of considerable length and worktables of substantial dimensions parallel to the axis of the printing drum or roller, and where high precision is required, i.e. the print must be of uniform darkness with considerable accuracy over the entire width of the fabric, these techniques have proved to be unsatisfactory. Indeed, even when nonuniform temperature distributions do no develop in the support member, bending of the support member may arise. This is the case because the support member and other parts of the machine are especially sensitive to different temperatures and because the standstill temperature overnight or for weekends may differ from normal operating temperature by 40.degree. C. and more. These fluctuations in temperature themselves give rise to bending, and naturally to the cumulative defects in the printing which have been outlined above.
/* * Copyright 2014 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) OR AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ #ifndef __DCE_VIRTUAL_H__ #define __DCE_VIRTUAL_H__ extern const struct amdgpu_ip_block_version dce_virtual_ip_block; #endif
With the success of joints like Brew & Brew, Radio Coffee and Beer and Stouthaus Coffee Pub, the combination of Craft Beer + Craft Coffee served under one roof has already proven to be a winning one in Austin. But, that trend has yet to extend to the northern suburbs. Red Horn Coffee House & Brewing Company is about to change that, and even take it to the next level, when they open their doors in Cedar Park in the coming weeks to brew beer and roast coffee under one roof. “We’re trying to bring a slice of Austin up to Cedar Park,” Head Brewed Zach Gardner said, in a recent interview with Bitch Beer. “There are so many people that don’t want to commute all the way down for a good beer or a good cup of coffee, so we’re trying to bring a taste of that up to them.” Gardner, a born and raised Austinite, was brought on board by Jon Lamb and Chad Misner, who initially met through their wives a few years back, before becoming friends and now business partners. “Chad’s always had an entrepreneurial mindset, as have I,” Lamb said. “We just hadn’t collided yet.” The spark came on a long duel family road trip to Florida, where Lamb and Misner spent hours in the car spit-balling about a business plan that could let them pursue their mutual passions–coffee and beer. When they returned home from the trip, they continued on in their respective careers in home construction and teaching. Eventually the desire to own their own small business took over, their wives pledged their support, and Gardner was brought in the loop on the beer side. “We all kind of shared the same passion,” Lamb said. “So we dusted off the old business plan and got after it, and took it to the next level.” To take it to the next level, they needed a name. Strapped for a name that resonated, but wasn’t yet snagged up but one of the other 3,000+ breweries in the United States, Misner and Lamb, being the family men they are, decided to let their children take a crack at it. Lamb’s son submitted his favorite color–red, and Misner’s daughter cycled through a list of her favorite animals before proposing the rhinoceros to pair with the color. While the name Red Rhinoceros Brewing sounded a bit silly, the animal’s signature horn as a synecdochic representation of her pick struck a cord with the pair. Add in a logo and brand identity from the folks at Austin-based Pound Design & Branding, and Red Horn Coffee House & Brewing Company was born. Next, they needed a location in their desired neck of the woods, and eventually a 4,300 square foot space presented itself at Parmer and FM 1431. “This space had been sitting right in front of us staring us in the face,” Lamb said. The brewpub will boast around 20 guest taps, as well as enough taps for Red Horn’s own mainstays and rotating seasonals brewed on their 7bbl system. Mainstays will include an IPA with a sturdy malt backbone, dry finish and pungent citrus nose, an approachable gluten reduced Blonde Ale brewed with a late kettle addition of Amarillo hops, a Texas Brown Ale with hop and chocolate notes, a Red Ale and a Semi Sweet Breakfast Stout brewed with oatmeal and Red Horn coffee. These beers will be draft only initially, but the Red Horn crew hopes to work with a mobile canning company to get their beer in sixpacks to take away soon thereafter. To pair with the coffee and beer they’ll serve up, Red Horn will offer light fare like Antonelli’s cheese and charcuterie plates, fresh local pastries and homemade sandwiches. Red Horn will have live music a couple of nights a week, and will be open morning through evening to supply both AM coffee fixes and post-dinner beer cravings. “We want people to come in and have an experience, whatever that experience may be,” Lamb said. Red Horn Coffee House & Brewing Company recently received its TTB Brewers Permit well ahead of schedule, and is awaiting some final city permitting before it’s time to open doors. The plan is to be open and brewing at least a portion of their mainstay beers before the holidays. Keep up with their Facebook page for updates on the opening. -Caroline Update 2/5/15: Red Horn is now set to open in late February, 2015.
Güzelçamlı Güzelçamlı (also referred to locally as Çamlı for short) is a sea-side town and municipality in the district of Kuşadası in Turkey's Aydın Province, and an increasingly popular tourists' resort. It is situated at a distance of following the shoreline southwards from the district's center of Kuşadası. The town borders the Dilek Peninsula-Büyük Menderes Delta National Park to its immediate south. The town's permanent population is around 10,000 but may rise to around 50,000 and possibly more in the summer with the arrival of tourists and owners of secondary houses. Güzelçamlı is becoming increasingly renowned in the market for foreign purchases of real estate in Turkey. History The history of Güzelçamlı dates as far back as 700 BC. In the Ionian era, the locality was the convention center of the Ionian city states and was named Panionium. The Ionians had formed a federation consisting of 12 Ionian cities and also held games here to mark their gatherings. During excavations in 1957 and 1958 an antique theater was uncovered, which had 12 rows of seats carved out of rock. Many famous battles were fought in this area, including the Battle of Mycale between the Greek and Persian forces. During the Ottoman period, the town was often called Rumçamlısı (Greek Çamlı) and was entirely populated by Greeks. In the last phase of the Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922) (on 7 September 1922), with the Turkish army approaching, the town population had fled by boats and took refuge in the nearby island of Samos, after which the town had remained empty for about two years. In 1924, it has been re-populated by Turks from Leftere, near Kavala, under the scope of the population exchange between Greece and Turkey. The settlement's name was changed to Güzelçamlı, and after having had the status of a village for seventy years, Güzelçamlı was declared a township with its own municipality in 1992. Tourism Today, Güzelçamlı is a preserved resort town. There are several hotels, small pensions, holiday houses, restaurants, bars and shops. Monday is the usual market day of the town, during which a traditional bazaar is set along the main street once a week. On the beaches and along the bays of the coastline, besides clean water, there are also opportunities for sailing, windsurfing, canoeing, water skiing, fishing, diving and boat tours. Other possibilities are paragliding, mountaineering, trekking, bird watching, botany tours, horse riding, cycling and hunting to an extent. The thermal and Turkish baths of Davutlar are away and provide services year-round. In Güzelçamlı, there is usually a breeze from the sea during the day and a breeze from the mountains during the nights. The Cave of Zeus is west of the town, within the Dilek Peninsula-Büyük Menderes Delta National Park. See also Turkish Riviera Blue Cruise Foreign purchases of real estate in Turkey References External links BRIDGE TOURS - FIRST TRAVEL AGENCY IN GUZELCAMLI & DAVUTLAR AREA Category:Populated places in Aydın Province Category:Populated coastal places in Turkey Category:Turkish Riviera Category:Fishing communities in Turkey Category:Towns in Turkey Category:Seaside resorts in Turkey
<?xml version="1.0"?> <definitions xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:tns="http://foobar/soap/User/1.0/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap-enc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" name="User" targetNamespace="http://foobar/soap/User/1.0/"> <portType name="UserPortType"> <operation name="login" parameterOrder="username password"> <input message="tns:loginRequest"/> <output message="tns:loginResponse"/> </operation> </portType> <binding name="UserBinding" type="tns:UserPortType"> <soap:binding style="rpc" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/> <operation name="login"> <soap:operation soapAction="http://foobar/soap/User/1.0/login"/> <input> <soap:body parts="username password" use="literal" namespace="http://foobar/soap/User/1.0/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/> </input> <output> <soap:body parts="return" use="literal" namespace="http://foobar/soap/User/1.0/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/> </output> </operation> </binding> <service name="UserService"> <port name="UserPort" binding="tns:UserBinding"> <soap:address location="http://foobar/soap/user"/> </port> </service> <types> <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://foobar/soap/User/1.0/"> <xsd:complexType name="User"> <xsd:all> <xsd:element name="id" type="xsd:int" nillable="true"/> <xsd:element name="username" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="email" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="language" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="apiKey" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="subscriptionEndAt" type="xsd:dateTime" nillable="true"/> </xsd:all> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:schema> </types> <message name="loginRequest"> <part name="username" type="xsd:string"/> <part name="password" type="xsd:string"/> </message> <message name="loginResponse"> <part name="return" type="tns:User"/> </message> </definitions>
This disclosure generally relates to an apparatus for positioning a flexible high pressure water cleaning lance adjacent a tube to be cleaned protruding through a heat exchanger tube sheet. More particularly, this disclosure describes an apparatus adapted to be mounted or supported directly on a heat exchanger tube sheet rather than being spaced from the tube sheet on a separate frame structure as is currently utilized.
Read Book Chapter 6: Man Is in a Hurry The first question: Osho,When you speak on Patanjali, I feel that he is the path for me. When you speak on Zen, then Zen is the path for me. When you speak on Tantra, then it is Tantra for me. How do I know which is the path for me? It is very simple: if when I speak on Patanjali and you feel that Patanjali is the path for you, and when I speak on Zen, you feel Zen is the path for you, and when I speak on Tantra, you feel, “Tantra is the path for me,” then the problem doesn’t exist - I am the path for you! The second question: Osho,Is it essential for a seeker to pass through all the stages of samadhi? Can being with a master help to shoot through a few? No, it is not essential. All the stages are described by Patanjali because all the stages are possible, but not essential. You can bypass many. You can even go from the first step to the last; the whole path in between can simply be bypassed. It depends on you: your intensity, your passionate search, your total involvement. The speed depends on you. That’s why it is possible to attain sudden enlightenment also. The whole gradual process can be dropped. Right this very moment you can become enlightened; that’s possible. But it will depend on how intense is your search, how much you are in it. If only a part of you is in it, then you will attain to a fragment, a step. If half of you is in it, then you will reach half the journey immediately and there you will be stuck. But if your total being is in it and you are not withholding anything, you are simply allowing the whole thing to happen right now, it can happen immediately. Time is not needed. Time is needed because your effort is part, fragmental; you do it half-heartedly. You do it, and you don’t do it also. You move one step forward and one step backward simultaneously. With the right hand you do, with the left hand you undo. Then there will be many, many stages, more than Patanjali can describe. He has described all the possible stages. Many can be dropped, all can be dropped - the whole path can be dropped. Bring your total being to your effort.
City Commissioners As an elected body, the City Commission values your opinion. City Commissioners are elected at-large and represent the interests of the city as a whole. Questions? Feedback? Contact the City Commissioners directly via email or through the City Manager’s Office at 913-367-5506. You’re also encouraged to attend City Commission meetings and speak at a Public Forum. You can also share your concerns directly with the City’s professional staff. Some concerns – particularly personnel matters – can be best addressed by the City Manager and Department Directors.
Airline ticket office, Copenhagen In a Budapest zoo Moscow Hotel near Orthodox Monastery:A sign posted in Germany's Black forest:Advertisement for donkey rides, Thailand:A laundry in Rome:Rome Doctor's Office:Swiss Restaurant Menu:Bangkok Dry Cleaners:Rhodes Tailor Shop:Bucharest Hotel:In the window of an Oregon general store:On a plumber's truck:Pepsi's "Come alive with the Pepsi Generation" translated into, in Chinese.In a Laundromat:In a London department store:In an office:In an office:Outside a secondhand shop:Notice in health food shop window:Spotted in a safari park:Seen during a conference:Notice in a farmer's field:On a repair shop door:On the menu of a Russian restaurant:On a Japan elevator:In a Leipzig elevator:In a Belgrade hotel elevator:In a Paris hotel elevator:In a hotel in Athens:In a Yugoslavian hotel:The flattening of underwear with pleasure is the job of the chambermaid"In an Austrian hotel catering to skiers:On the menu of a Polish hotel:Outside a Hong Kong tailor shop:Outside a Paris dress shop:In a Zurich hotel:In an advertisement by a Hong Kong dentist:In a Czechoslovakian tourist agency:In a Swiss mountain inn:In a Bangkok temple:In a Tokyo bar:On the door of a Moscow hotel room:In a Norwegian cocktail lounge:In an Acapulco hotel:In a Tokyo shop:From a Japanese information booklet about using a hotel air conditioner:From a brochure of a car rental firm in Tokyo:Read more: Did I read that sign right?!!!
Q: Teststack.White Drag and Drop Problems I'm having trouble dragging a control to another control. I've had success in being able to select both controls but when I try to use: Mouse.Instance.Location = dragControl.ClickablePoint; Mouse.LeftDown(); Mouse.Instance.Location = dropControl.ClickablePoint; Mouse.LeftUp(); The drag doesn't happen, the mouse moves. But the control stays in the initial spot. I've also tried using: Mouse.Instance.DragAndDrop(dragItem, dragItem.ClickablePoint, dropItem, dropItem.ClickablePoint); Still no luck. I was doing some experimentation and one point and got it to work, but I've lost track of the resource I found a workable solution in before (and I deleted my working code - lesson learned). Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance! Update 6/15 Okay, so I've been hacking away at this some more. For some reason it seems like the control isn't actually being dragged. The mouse is moving, but the control isn't being moved with it. A: Alright, I have no idea why White DragAndDrop functionality isn't working (or manually using leftDown, move, leftUp). But I did find a solution. Essentially I re-wrote the white drag and drop function with a delay between each step. So it looks like the following: guiObject.Click(); Mouse.LeftDown(); var stepCount = 10; var stepAmount = (float) (guiObject.ClickablePoint.Y - targetObject.ClickablePoint.Y)/stepCount; for (var i = 0; i < stepCount; i++) { Mouse.Instance.Location = new Point(Mouse.Instance.Location.X, Mouse.Instance.Location.Y - stepAmount); Thread.Sleep(75); // I played around with the values and 75 seems to work without being too slow } Mouse.LeftUp(); Hopefully this will help anyone else that might be having this problem. I don't know why I needed to force a delay, but it works.
Homes: how a rodent infestation turned out to be a blessing in disguise Rats under the floorboards are every home owners’ worst nightmare, but not for Juliet Kinsman A bright, glass-roofed extension has replaced a gloomy side alley; the architects designed and made the tabletop with metalworkers geblondon.com; the blue chair is by Yinka Ilori and the Danish sofa from sunburyantiques.com. Photograph: Rachael Smith for the Guardian Juliet Kinsman had a rodent problem: rats run wild in her north-west London neighbourhood; she once came across one tucking into the cheese and crackers she’d left out for lunch. The only solution, she was told, was to rip up the floorboards and fill the recess below with concrete. “We were quoted £10,000, so we thought we may as well spend a bit more and reconfigure the entire downstairs, which was dark and damp,” says Kinsman, founding editor of boutique hotel specialists Mr & Mrs Smith. She approached an enthusiastic local studio, Rise Design, which did the lot: created a bright kitchen/dining room overlooking the garden; a book-lined, black-painted TV snug; a downstairs loo and shower room; and a revamped hall and front room. “Once we’d factored in fixtures and fittings, we ended up paying well over £100,000,” Kinsman says. “We’ve remortgaged up to our eyeballs, but it’s been worth it. We essentially have a new house.” The view through to the book-lined TV snug; the leather cupboard handles are from etsy.com. Photograph: Rachael Smith for the Guardian A gloomy alley running alongside the house has been incorporated into the kitchen-dining space, which is now encased in a glass wall and roof. The room has skylights farther back toward the house, and full-height glass patio doors: the result is a brighter north-facing room that blends seamlessly into the garden. “We always wanted a light, sociable kitchen,” Kinsman says, “and I wanted a sink that faced the garden, rather than a fence, to make washing up less miserable.” The polished-concrete floor has underfloor heating. “The warmth has transformed this cold side of the house,” Kinsman says. “There used to be a damp, arctic microclimate in our daughter Kitty’s room above, but that’s cosy now, too.” The windowless, almost black snug is inspired by “dramatic, dark boutique-hotel lounges”, Kinsman says. “It used to be a dumping ground for toys.” Now, painted Farrow & Ball’s Black Blue with floor-to-ceiling book shelves – sandwiched between the kitchen space and the front room with sliding doors – it feels like a private cinema, she says. “Before, when we watched TV, we’d have eye contact with passers-by; this is much more private.” The steel bike shelter is painted the same shade as the sliding doors. Photograph: Rachael Smith for the Guardian The redesign has been a chance for Kinsman to steal design features picked up on her travels. One of her favourite hip hotels – bohemian Brody House in Budapest, where she got married – has filled its rough, whitewashed walls with vintage ephemera. “I’ve copied that in our tiny under-stairs loo; it’s like walking into an arty time capsule.” And in the kitchen space, an exposed brick wall, which mirrors the garden wall outside, is actually a cheat: thin slips shaved off the original London Stock bricks are glued on to a new concrete wall. “I grew up in New York,” Kinsman says, “and this has that NYC feel.” A huge vintage fan – she used to host a local market, and has just set up Bouteco to steer people to sustainable boutique hotels – Kinsman brings back vintage objects, “memories”, from every trip. “I bought a yellow enamel jug from a flea market in Languedoc, and had to pay an oversized luggage penalty on Ryanair that was twice the cost of the jug.” She hired a van and drove to Sunbury Antiques Market (at Kempton Park racecourse in Middlesex) at 5am for secondhand pieces, returning with a mid-century Danish sofa (£200), six kitchen chairs (£30) and a 1930s easel for Kitty (£25). The 70s-style kitchen lights were once part of a chandelier that was deconstructed and rewired; the taps are from thewatermarkcollection.eu. Photograph: Rachael Smith for the Guardian Despite the cost, Kinsman has no regrets. “It’s lighter, more open and uplifting, and the whole downstairs flows better,” she says. “The space feels breezy and modern, rather than cramped and dark. The only problem is, we now hardly leave the house.” House rules Where did you grow up? I was born in Canada, and moved to Algiers when I was two. I don’t remember the house, but get nostalgic when I smell North African couscous. We moved to New York a few years later.
Q: How to know this NSObject is class or protocol in swift? In swift , super class and protocol is write together like this Most of times ,this will not make misunderstanding , But because there is a NSObject class and a NSObject protocol with the same name, How to distinguish them? And how the compiler know to use the NSObject class not the NSObject protocol? And If I want to use the NSObject protocol not the NSObject class , how to write the class declaration? A: The protocol is called NSObjectProtocol not NSObject which is a class. If you want something to conform to NSObjectProtocol exclusively use that: protocol MyProtocol: NSObjectProtocol { } On the other hand NSObject conforms to NSObjectProtocol. So in conclusion by inheriting a class from NSObject means it's refering to the NSObject class and (not the NSObject objective-c @protocol) ipso facto conforms it to NSObjectProtocol.
Yoshinoya’s Beef Gyudon Eating madness now on its 4th Year Yoshinoya’s Beef Gyudon Contest is back to challenge Yoshinoya’s patrons to eat the most number of beef gyudon bowls in 5 minutes. Until February 15, 2013, the customers (male or female – 18 years old and above) can register at any Yoshinoya outlets for a fee of P199 and compete on the spot (Monday to Friday – 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., and then at 6 pm and 7 pm). The participant who finishes the most number of gyudon bowls or who has the least amount of leftover in 5 minutes wins the “challenge of the day”. The names of the four (4) fastest eaters will be on display at each store’s Leader Board and will be updated every time a new record is set (this is to identify the weekly winners who will get P500 worth of Yoshinoya gift certificates and will qualify for the grand finals which will be held on Feb. 28 at the SM Megamall Bldg. A Atrium). In the Yoshinoya’s Beef Gyudon Eating madness Grand Finals, the finalists will be given 15 minutes to eat Yoshinoya’s Gyudon Bowls and the top three (3) finalists with the most number of bowls consumed and the least weight left after 15 minutes will be declared winners. Here are the prizes at stake at the Yoshinoya’s Beef Gyudon Eating madness Grand Finals : First Prize: P50,000 Second Prize: P30,000 Third Prize: P10,000 **Non-winners will each be given consolation prizes of P2,000 worth of Yoshinoya gift certificates. Since my wife and I love Yoshinoya, especially their Beef Gyudon (my all-time favorite among diners, a delicious slices of premium USDA beef simmered with onions in a special sauce, loaded in a large serving of rice), I decided to join their Blogger’s challenge. And as expected, it’s loads of fun, and prizes (All bloggers received P500 worth of GCs, and shirt). Here are some tips if you want to join and win the Yoshinoya’s Beef Gyudon Eating Contest: 1. Fasting is the key! 2. Prepare by doing water training – Drink a gallon of water in one sitting to prepare your stomach for being full 3. Pace yourself when eating the delicious Gyudon Bowls and chew and swallow as much you can. Don’t mind how the others were doing. Yoshinoya, the country’s most popular fast-food chain that specializes in all-time favorite Japanese culinary fare, first held its beef eating contest last 2008 at its SM Megamall branch, then at the SM Mall of Asia Activity Center the following year. This year, the challenge will still be nothing short of exciting, with more participants expected to sign up for the contest. Composed of two challenges, the contest is open to all male and female participants 18 years old and above. Qualifying Rounds will be held Monday through Friday at all Yoshinoya stores at 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., and then at 6 pm and 7 pm from January 21 up to February 15, 2013. To join, simply pay P199 at the counter, fill out the registration form and sign a health and release waiver. Customer must also present a valid ID (School ID, Company ID, Driver’s License, SSS ID, GSIS ID, NBI Clearance, Postal ID, Voters ID, or Passport) to the store manager. For the qualifying round the beef bowls should be consumed in the store. The customer who finishes the most number of bowls or who has the least amount of leftover food in 5 minutes wins the challenge of the day. The names of the four (4) fastest challengers will be on display at each store’s Leader Board and will be updated every time a new record is set. After the weekly qualifying rounds, all qualified participants will be notified via phone call or email and are automatically entered in the grand finals, which will be held on February 23, 2013, 1 pm, at the Glorietta Activity Center in Makati City. During the final match, all finalists will compete by eating the most number of bowls in 15 minutes. The top three (3) finalists with the most number of bowls consumed and the least weight left after 15 minutes will be declared winners of the Yoshinoya Beef Gyudon eating challenge. First place winner will receive P100,000, second placer gets P50,000 while the third placer takes home P25,000. Non-winners will each be given consolation prizes of P2,000 worth of Yoshinoya gift certificates. About admin Marlon is a proud Pinoy from Manila, an IT Pro, an ASO Professional (iOS,Google Play,Amazon), SEO, and a Blogger who has worked for numerous IT companies including Tata, IBM, Convergys, ACS. Currently a Web Developer for Telus International, and the owner of Skate Shoes PH, Games Gadgets & Gizmos, & Best Food In Town; he actively hunts for new trends on a daily basis. He is an ordinary guy, a mere mortal just like anybody else. He is on the verge of adulthood, but still a child at heart. He is someone interested in Gadgets, Games, Cell phones, and Tech Stuff. He is someone who gets his kicks out of playing PS4 games and watching cool movies. He is also interested on simpleton things like skate shoes, music, eco-friendly stuff, and tattoos. His family is what defines him. http://www.skateshoesph.comhttp://bestfoodintown.info/http://gamesgadgetsgizmos.info/ Your calorie intake goes hand in hand with your body weight. Women should take half a serving, and men should take one serving, mixed in the recommended amounts of water. Of course, you should always consult your doctor for a thorough evaluation and prescription. First of all, I want to point out that dieting and exercises are best methods for fat loss. With some more refining by the pharmaceutical companies’ research and development departments, they should be available as part of the next wave of prescription fat melting medications. Sunlight on un-protected skin produces a highly usable form of Vitamin D that lasts twice as long in your bloodstream as when you consume it through food or a supplement, but you still need caution due to the risk of skin cancer. On top of this, unsaturated fats provide a slow release of energy, so unlike high sugar foods and refined carbohydrates, will keep you satiated for longer. It does not care where you live, but it certainly does seem to thrive on the way you live. Sunlight on un-protected skin produces a highly usable form of Vitamin D that lasts twice as long in your bloodstream as when you consume it through food or a supplement, but you still need caution due to the risk of skin cancer. The first line of attack is eating a high protein breakfast. I thought this would turn me into a super-lean machine. Protein is needed daily for lean muscles and they need to be taken daily in small amounts. Тhis pгovide you with the energy you had to have to carry out energetic еxercising which allows you to melt аwaу a good deal of fat. When subsequent any type of ԁiet plan you’ll be able to usually anticipate the mοst dramatic outcomes in the very first few weeks, so supplying you might be wholesome this feе of weight loss are going tο be secure and most people are pleased to be about a stone lighter in a number of weeks from when they began. By all means perform lungs and squats, but bear in mind, do them the right way for thе best effects. I ԁo not knоw whether it’s just me or if perhaps eveгybody else experіencing issues with your blog. It appeаrs as if some of the text on your posts are running off the ѕcreen. Can someone else please pгovide feеdback and let me know if this is happening to them as well? This might be a problem with my web browseг because I’ve had this happen рreviously. Cheеrs
A father-of-three has been jailed for three years after cramming three Vietnamese migrants into a tiny ‘airtight’ roof box on his car and attempting to smuggle them into the UK. Robert Rooney, 35, stuffed two men and a teenage girl, 15, into the box on top of his Ford Focus in France on October 5, but was stopped by officers at the UK-controlled zone at the Channel Tunnel in Coquelles. Harrowing pictures show the three in the space, which is not much bigger than a suitcase, during the incident which ‘could have had tragic consequences’. The people smuggler, from Edmonton, north London, had told Border Force representatives he ‘just had camping stuff in there’, claiming he did not know where the keys to open it. The first thing officers saw when they opened the box at a nearby garage shortly before 4pm was a ‘human arm’, Canterbury Crown Court in Kent heard. The Irish-born HGV driver was arrested and when quizzed by police, told them: ‘I did know what I was doing, but I will be making no further comment.’ Prosecutor Bridget Todd said the box was ‘an airtight concealment’, adding that there was ‘no attempt to put any ventilation in the box. Should the box have become detached on the motorway, the result would have been catastrophic’. She added that Rooney had ‘clearly intended to gain financially’, with people smugglers often charging thousands per person to bring them into the UK. It remains unknown if the migrants, who were served with deportation documents, were being brought into the UK to live or be exploited for work.
Gm allogenotype distribution and lack of HLA-DR, Gm interaction in SLE and CREST/PSS. The distribution of Gm allogenotypes (Gm allotypes identified by IgCH restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis) was compared in 66 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, 38 CREST/PSS group (P less than 0.05) but not in the SLE group. HLA-DR5 is significantly increased in frequency in this series of CREST/PSS patients compared to controls (P less than 0.001), and log linear regression analysis showed that although both DR5 and Gm homozygosity were significant factors determining disease susceptibility, there was no evidence of an interactive effect between these two groups of genes increasing the predisposition to CREST/PSS.
# react-canvas [Introductory blog post](http://engineering.flipboard.com/2015/02/mobile-web) React Canvas adds the ability for React components to render to `<canvas>` rather than DOM. This project is a work-in-progress. Though much of the code is in production on flipboard.com, the React canvas bindings are relatively new and the API is subject to change. ## Motivation Having a long history of building interfaces geared toward mobile devices, we found that the reason mobile web apps feel slow when compared to native apps is the DOM. CSS animations and transitions are the fastest path to smooth animations on the web, but they have several limitations. React Canvas leverages the fact that most modern mobile browsers now have hardware accelerated canvas. While there have been other attempts to bind canvas drawing APIs to React, they are more focused on visualizations and games. Where React Canvas differs is in the focus on building application user interfaces. The fact that it renders to canvas is an implementation detail. React Canvas brings some of the APIs web developers are familiar with and blends them with a high performance drawing engine. ## Installation React Canvas is available through npm: ```npm install react-canvas``` ## React Canvas Components React Canvas provides a set of standard React components that abstract the underlying rendering implementation. ### &lt;Surface&gt; **Surface** is the top-level component. Think of it as a drawing canvas in which you can place other components. ### &lt;Layer&gt; **Layer** is the the base component by which other components build upon. Common styles and properties such as top, width, left, height, backgroundColor and zIndex are expressed at this level. ### &lt;Group&gt; **Group** is a container component. Because React enforces that all components return a single component in `render()`, Groups can be useful for parenting a set of child components. The Group is also an important component for optimizing scrolling performance, as it allows the rendering engine to cache expensive drawing operations. ### &lt;Text&gt; **Text** is a flexible component that supports multi-line truncation, something which has historically been difficult and very expensive to do in DOM. ### &lt;Image&gt; **Image** is exactly what you think it is. However, it adds the ability to hide an image until it is fully loaded and optionally fade it in on load. ### &lt;Gradient&gt; **Gradient** can be used to set the background of a group or surface. ```javascript render() { ... return ( <Group style={this.getStyle()}> <Gradient style={this.getGradientStyle()} colorStops={this.getGradientColors()} /> </Group> ); } getGradientColors(){ return [ { color: "transparent", position: 0 }, { color: "#000", position: 1 } ] } ``` ### &lt;ListView&gt; **ListView** is a touch scrolling container that renders a list of elements in a column. Think of it like UITableView for the web. It leverages many of the same optimizations that make table views on iOS and list views on Android fast. ## Events React Canvas components support the same event model as normal React components. However, not all event types are currently supported. For a full list of supported events see [EventTypes](lib/EventTypes.js). ## Building Components Here is a very simple component that renders text below an image: ```javascript var React = require('react'); var ReactCanvas = require('react-canvas'); var Surface = ReactCanvas.Surface; var Image = ReactCanvas.Image; var Text = ReactCanvas.Text; var MyComponent = React.createClass({ render: function () { var surfaceWidth = window.innerWidth; var surfaceHeight = window.innerHeight; var imageStyle = this.getImageStyle(); var textStyle = this.getTextStyle(); return ( <Surface width={surfaceWidth} height={surfaceHeight} left={0} top={0}> <Image style={imageStyle} src='...' /> <Text style={textStyle}> Here is some text below an image. </Text> </Surface> ); }, getImageHeight: function () { return Math.round(window.innerHeight / 2); }, getImageStyle: function () { return { top: 0, left: 0, width: window.innerWidth, height: this.getImageHeight() }; }, getTextStyle: function () { return { top: this.getImageHeight() + 10, left: 0, width: window.innerWidth, height: 20, lineHeight: 20, fontSize: 12 }; } }); ``` ## ListView Many mobile interfaces involve an infinitely long scrolling list of items. React Canvas provides the ListView component to do just that. Because ListView virtualizes elements outside of the viewport, passing children to it is different than a normal React component where children are declared in render(). The `numberOfItemsGetter`, `itemHeightGetter` and `itemGetter` props are all required. ```javascript var ListView = ReactCanvas.ListView; var MyScrollingListView = React.createClass({ render: function () { return ( <ListView numberOfItemsGetter={this.getNumberOfItems} itemHeightGetter={this.getItemHeight} itemGetter={this.renderItem} /> ); }, getNumberOfItems: function () { // Return the total number of items in the list }, getItemHeight: function () { // Return the height of a single item }, renderItem: function (index) { // Render the item at the given index, usually a <Group> }, }); ``` See the [timeline example](examples/timeline/app.js) for a more complete example. Currently, ListView requires that each item is of the same height. Future versions will support variable height items. ## Text sizing React Canvas provides the `measureText` function for computing text metrics. The [Page component](examples/timeline/components/Page.js) in the timeline example contains an example of using measureText to achieve precise multi-line ellipsized text. Custom fonts are not currently supported but will be added in a future version. ## css-layout There is experimental support for using [css-layout](https://github.com/facebook/css-layout) to style React Canvas components. This is a more expressive way of defining styles for a component using standard CSS styles and flexbox. Future versions may not support css-layout out of the box. The performance implications need to be investigated before baking this in as a core layout principle. See the [css-layout example](examples/css-layout). ## Accessibility This area needs further exploration. Using fallback content (the canvas DOM sub-tree) should allow screen readers such as VoiceOver to interact with the content. We've seen mixed results with the iOS devices we've tested. Additionally there is a standard for [focus management](http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-2dcontext-20100304/#dom-context-2d-drawfocusring) that is not supported by browsers yet. One approach that was raised by [Bespin](http://vimeo.com/3195079) in 2009 is to keep a [parallel DOM](http://robertnyman.com/2009/04/03/mozilla-labs-online-code-editor-bespin/#comment-560310) in sync with the elements rendered in canvas. ## Running the examples ``` npm install npm start ``` This will start a live reloading server on port 8080. To override the default server and live reload ports, run `npm start` with PORT and/or RELOAD_PORT environment variables. **A note on NODE_ENV and React**: running the examples with `NODE_ENV=production` will noticeably improve scrolling performance. This is because React skips propType validation in production mode. ## Using with webpack The [brfs](https://github.com/substack/brfs) transform is required in order to use the project with webpack. ```bash npm install -g brfs npm install --save-dev transform-loader brfs ``` Then add the [brfs](https://github.com/substack/brfs) transform to your webpack config ```javascript module: { postLoaders: [ { loader: "transform?brfs" } ] } ``` ## Contributing We welcome pull requests for bug fixes, new features, and improvements to React Canvas. Contributors to the main repository must accept Flipboard's Apache-style [Individual Contributor License Agreement (CLA)](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gh9y6_i8xFn6pA15PqFeye19VqasuI9-bGp_e0owy74/viewform) before any changes can be merged.
Living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is, in many ways, similar to living with cockroaches. When you first notice the infestation, it’s all you can think about. Even if it’s small, even if you only see a little black bug scuttling across the kitchen floor once every few days, you are consumed by panic. You feel their legs brushing your face as you lie in bed trying to fall asleep. You imagine their wiggling antennae poking out from the bottom of your coffee cup. Under every pillow, behind every cabinet, you imagine you will uncover a new nest, writhing with horrible little bodies that scurry across your toes as they try to escape the sudden exposure. Then, after a while, you get used to them. They get worse; they multiply. But you stop noticing. Eventually, you flick them off your body like nothing. You watch with dull reserve when you uncover yet another nest. They become a part of your life. Once you have roaches, you can never really get rid of them—you can only try to mitigate their effects. Get TalkPoverty In Your Inbox Thanks for Signing Up! Women have been dealing with a lot of roaches. The viral MeToo hashtag has brought to light the horrifying impact of sexual and physical assault against women, which is an inarguable advance from the (sometimes not-so-distant) times when violence against women was so widely accepted it was used to sell household products. Like any powerful social movement, however, it has its critics. “Why now?” has become one of the biggest questions detractors are asking. If this is such a major problem, why didn’t survivors come forward earlier? Why do so many still hold back from reporting, or testifying in court? People still ask me those questions. They ask even though it’s 10 years after the end of my abusive relationship, and even though I still live in a world overrun by my trauma. They ask even though providing the testimony that would incarcerate my abuser meant inviting a lifetime of PTSD, which arises only in the aftermath of trauma, when the long-used survival mechanisms fail to shut off. I still live in a world overrun by my trauma The events that took place between the ages of 15 and 20 remain trapped in my body like shrapnel too precarious to be extracted. They are distanced from the rest of me by dissociation and selective amnesia; psychological post-traumatic scar tissue. I can’t always recall the details attached to each trigger, but I know them by their symptoms: anger, shame, debilitating self-doubt, panic attacks, suicidal ideation, substance use, an unshakable sense of not belonging. I didn’t know exactly how much the aftermath would hurt until I finally walked away, but I had inklings every time I tried. I would spend days cycling between joy and misery; torn between my desire to live free from violence, and the despairing knowledge that healing would require painful, arduous work. When I finally testified, it was in spite of myself. I had already recanted previous reports countless times before I finally gathered the courage to stand my ground. Domestic violence is so intensely damaging because it is personal, targeted, isolating, and private, but that pressure to recant is nearly universal. In a 2011 study of abuser-victim dynamics, Amy Bonomi and other researchers listened in on recorded conversations between jailed male abusers and their female partners. In 17 of 25 pairings, the abuser was able to convince his partner to recant her testimony (the other conversations were inaudible or included people who were not the primary victim). All of these conversations followed a pattern: The abuser first minimized the assault, then elicited sympathy from his victim by describing the hardship of life in jail, before romanticizing the “good times,” bonding over a shared dislike of a hostile authority figure, and finally requesting that she recant. Given the likelihood that victims recant, it’s no wonder prosecutors seemed concerned when my abuser’s conviction hinged on my testimony. The county assigned me a victim’s advocate who coached me through the court process and periodically checked in on my welfare and willingness to speak in court. But after the sentencing, it was four years before I heard from their office again—and then only to meet with me briefly about his release. I was not set up with a network of trauma care workers. Nobody followed up to learn whether I had stable housing, or how my job search was going after school. I was left alone to deal with the aftermath, and 10 years later I am still struggling to overcome that oversight. Studies have found that women who survive intimate partner violence suffer myriad long-term physical and mental consequences. (Although domestic violence happens across the gender spectrum, it is most common between male assailants with female partners; because of this, most research focuses on couples that fit this dynamic). Digestive problems, eating disorders, issues with reproductive organs, headaches, and blackouts are some of the most common physical ailments associated with domestic violence. PTSD develops at a 74:3 ratio in women who have been abused versus those who have not. I’ve always lived below the poverty line, but before developing PTSD, I never struggled for what I really needed. The aftermath of abuse left me floundering for everything. No one warned me how hard it would be to stay alive after the relationship was over. I was able to complete graduate studies in writing, but not without a good dose of heroin—and that, of course, came with its own set of debilitating consequences. Before building enough contacts and credits to work as an income-earning freelance writer, I was mostly unemployed, occasionally bouncing between telefunding jobs, and constantly struggling to keep my family housed and fed. Even recently, when my husband suffered a costly health complication, we ended up with an impending eviction that we were only able to skirt through an online fundraiser. PTSD develops at a 74:3 ratio in women who have been abused versus those who have not The financial devastation I experienced is not unique. Since the 1990s, health officials have known that battered women experience significant interruptions to their jobs that include unemployment, missing work, being late or leaving early, and even being fired. More recent data confirm that financial insecurity continues to be a major issue for abuse survivors—domestic violence is thought to account for a combined total loss of 8 million work days each year. Couple that with the fact that 99 percent of women who are physically abused also experience financial abuse, and the well-recorded difficulties associated with escaping poverty (especially if mental illness is involved), and you begin to see a very grim picture—one that leaves already-vulnerable victims struggling to access enough resources to survive. Survivors of intimate partner violence should not disappear into a black hole after escaping the abuse, nor should we assume they are okay just because they are “safe.” The evidence says they are not. And so, six months into #MeToo, we need to start dealing with the wreckage. #MeToo allowed women to realize that they were not alone—that many of us have cockroaches, and the filth does not belong to us. #MeToo allowed women to let out a long-awaited sigh of relief. But it also triggered some survivors, who weren’t ready to face their trauma. It made women feel guilty for not being ready. It made those on the outside think that sending the aggressor to prison was the end of the story. It made people forget that domestic violence survivors still need help, even after the relationship ends. There is no longer any basis to argue that domestic violence doesn’t have a long-term physical, psychological, and financial toll. The question is now, what are we going to do about it? Hospitals Are Leaving Rural America. Rural Americans Are Staying Put. Kendra Colburn spent a decade uninsured. During those years, she worked as a carpenter near her hometown in rural Vermont, earning just enough that she didn’t qualify for low-income health care, but not enough to afford health insurance on her own. While uninsured, she suffered two major work injuries that landed her in the emergency room—once, a nail shot through three of her fingers, and another time, a piece of wood kicked back on the table saw and sliced her arm. When she was unable to pay the emergency room costs, her credit took a hit for years. Today, Colburn works on her brother’s farm and is covered by Medicaid. As a manual laborer, Colburn has developed nerve damage, which flares up in her hands and wrists with overuse. “I cut back my hours to deal with it. I can’t afford to not be able to use my hands,” she says. “That’s how I make all of my money.” Get TalkPoverty In Your Inbox Thanks for Signing Up! As a child who grew up in a farming community, Colburn says she observed that pain is just a part of being a farmer. “It’s taken for granted that your body hurts every day, that your back always hurts.” That’s true for workers employed in some of the most dangerous jobs: Many manual laborers with high rates of injury and repetitive stress injuries are also more likely to be uninsured. In fact, a 2015 study found that 65 percent of commercial farmers identified health insurance costs as the most serious threat to their farms. Alana Knudson, co-director of the Walsh Center for Rural Health at NORC at the University of Chicago, prefers to discuss rural health care in terms of strengths, but she does recognize the real barriers demonstrated by statistics. “Overall, we know that people who live in rural communities are likely to have lower incomes than their urban counterparts,” she says. Rural residents are also more likely to have multiple chronic conditions and lower educational attainment, and they’re more likely to face barriers in accessing transportation to medical care. But there are also less tangible barriers. Colburn says that many people she knows don’t feel comfortable navigating the complicated web of professional medical interventions when experiencing health issues. And the Medicaid system can often lack efficiency. Colburn says her state’s website often doesn’t work, and she still hasn’t figured out how to find a primary care doctor who takes her insurance. Once, a computer glitch resulted in her being removed from her insurance plan, and she was charged hundreds of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses. Even though it was an error on Medicaid’s part, Colburn was still responsible for the bill. “Generally when we’re talking about rural health care issues, we’re talking about access, as if once you get access that actually means something. But when you get access, it still can be a nightmare,” she says. 77 percent of rural U.S. counties are considered Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas Faced with whether to seek medical attention or “make do,” Colburn says many people simply don’t go. She notes that farmers especially have a hard time leaving their farm obligations to take care of themselves. They also spend significant time outdoors, and it’s difficult to imagine a hospital stay. Colburn says, “I have treated myself or not gone a million times.” One spring, she stepped on a potato fork and punctured her foot. Instead of going to the doctor, she spoke with a community herbalist, used an herbal tincture, and soaked her foot in salt water. “I know for a fact that I need a root canal,” Colburn says, “It used to hurt and now it doesn’t hurt, so I just deal with it.” She pauses. “I know a lot of people who just get their teeth pulled. And the dental piece is important because what your teeth look like has [a] direct impact on what opportunities you have.” This reality is echoed by rural journalist Sarah Smarsh. “In the past year, the Affordable Care Act, or ‘ObamaCare’, has changed many lives for the better—mine included,” she wrote in an essay for Aeon. “But its omission of dental coverage, a result of political compromise, is a dangerous, absurd compartmentalization of health care, as though teeth are apart from and less important than the rest of the body.” * * * The fabric of rural America is shifting, in large part due to changes in agriculture. Knudson grew up in North Dakota and says she’s seen that change firsthand. “Our neighbors are farming our land and they seed over 10,000 acres. A lot of the small farms are not there anymore.” Many children of farmers choose not to take over the farm. Land is then sold or leased to larger farms. Small businesses that once depended on a critical mass of farm families as customers also go out of business. The effects of this rural migration are particularly severe on rural elderly with complex medical needs—and no younger generation remaining in the area to care for them. Last year, a photographer and I drove across Kansas and Iowa to report on the hidden crisis of farmer suicide. We visited Onaga, Kansas, a small town with a newly renovated hospital. Just blocks from the hospital’s beautiful lobby and squeaky-clean floors were empty streets and boarded up storefronts. One doctor said the hospital had a hard time attracting medical professionals to practice there. The therapist had left months ago, she said, and they were struggling to fill the position. An online search for “benefits for rural medical professionals” turns up a slew of sites about attracting medical talent to rural communities. Rural medical establishments are advised to advertise the lower cost of living and ability to buy acreage, less traffic, a quieter life, student loan forgiveness in certain underserved areas, “the potential to become the ‘town hero,’” more time spent with patients, and increased proficiency due to physicians seeing “a broader scope of illness.” Still, rural communities are facing the closure of hospitals and clinics. In 2016, The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) announced that 673 rural hospitals were at risk to close. Of those, 210 were at “extreme risk” of closure. The NRHA warns that “Medical deserts are forming across the nation, significantly adding to the health care workforce shortage in rural communities. Seventy-seven percent of rural U.S. counties are already considered Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas.” Knudson says the health care industry is undergoing a significant transformation in terms of how medical care is being reimbursed. “Our reimbursement system is moving from a volume to value,” she says. ”Historically hospitals have been reimbursed by the number of hospitalizations they provided—you have 10 hospitalizations and you get reimbursed for 10 stays. Our country has really shifted as much as possible to outpatient to make health care more affordable.” That means a decrease in admissions, more outpatient procedures, and less reimbursable care for hospitals. Additionally, Knudson says many of the rural hospitals closing are in states that have not expanded Medicaid, which has led to a higher number of uninsured patients. “When people are uninsured, it’s difficult to collect payment for that hospitalization.” Hospital closures can be devastating to rural communities, creating gaps in access to the detriment of residents. “Many of these hospital closures are happening in areas with the highest concentration of heart disease and diabetes, and in some of the poorest communities in the country,” says Maggie Elehwany of the NRHA. “When that hospital closes, it’s like putting a nail in the coffin of that community. You can’t attract businesses or families with kids or keep retirees. So we’re fighting not only for rural hospitals, but also for the economies of these rural communities as well.” Rural communities are known for being innovative, self-sufficient, and organizing quickly in an emergency In June 2017, Missouri Congressman Sam Graves introduced the Save Rural Hospitals Act (H.R. 2957). The bill doesn’t increase reimbursements, but it does offer stability for “the closure crisis” by eliminating cuts and Medicare Sequestration for rural hospitals. It also establishes a new Medicare payment designation, called the Community Outpatient Hospital, that would guarantee rural access to emergency care and give hospitals the choice to offer outpatient care. The bill was co-sponsored by 21 representatives (14 Republicans and 7 Democrats), but it is still waiting for a vote. * * * Rural residents can’t afford to wait, so they are using the assets they have. Rural communities are known for being innovative, self-sufficient, and used to organizing quickly in an emergency. Families may have been rooted in one area for generations, which manifests in a deep knowing of their neighbors, as well as each other’s talents and stressors. And rural communities are often filled with people who want to help one another. One story Alana Knudson tells me goes like this: One winter, in a northern rural community, an elderly man was treated for chronic urinary tract infections. He was treated and advised by medical staff to flush his kidneys as much as possible by drinking water. But he soon returned with another infection. When a community health worker visited his home, she discovered the man lived in the back of a shed, did not have an indoor toilet, and had to haul his own potable water. At last, the urinary tract infections made sense. Knudson says, “It was not easy for this elderly man to traverse the snow and the cold in the dark to access the outdoor restroom, so he limited his fluid intake which contributed to reoccurring UTIs.” To serve the health care needs of the nearly 60 million Americans who live in rural communities, Knudson says “it takes an entire team.” Ideally, Knudson says community health workers are part of that team. As public health workers who are also trusted members of the community, community health workers are particularly equipped to provide valuable connections between health or social services and the community. Primary care providers, pharmacists, social workers, health departments, and even agriculture extensions are critical members of the rural health care team. Knudson says, “A lot of different entities come together and complement each other. We can’t afford the luxury of duplication, so we really work together.” “People come together to support others,” she says. “In my home community in North Dakota, we had a neighbor who had a heart attack during harvest, and all of us got together and finished the harvest for him. If you needed the help, you could count on your neighbors doing that.” This frame is important, Knudson says, as much of the media attention about rural communities has been negative. As a result, she says, “There is such dystopia about rural America. We’re hearing from some rural communities that potential businesses are saying ‘we’re not interested in investing in rural America.’” Raj Chetty on His Groundbreaking Study on Racism and Inequality A great deal of what we know about inequality in America comes from Stanford economist Raj Chetty’s work. He’s shown us how much place matters in determining upward mobility, the long-lasting effects of experiencing poverty during childhood, and that inequality has connections to everything from inventions to mortality. Now, in a groundbreaking new study by a team of researchers at Harvard, Stanford, and the Census Bureau, he’s changing the conversation yet again. This latest study finds that even when children grow up next to each other with parents who earn similar incomes, black boys fare worse than white boys in 99 percent of the country. And, perhaps even more staggering, those gaps only worsen in neighborhoods with low poverty rates and good schools. I spoke with Chetty to unpack this new study and what it means for our understanding of racial inequality in America. Rebecca Vallas: So the racial income and wealth gap has long been documented, but your study sheds new light on what’s driving income inequality across racial groups. What did you find with your colleagues? Raj Chetty: What’s new about the study is that it takes a perspective across generations. So most prior work on racial inequality in the United States has looked at people with a snapshot at a point in time—comparing adults who were, let’s say, 40 years old who were black versus white versus Hispanic and looking at how their incomes and other outcomes differ. But what we do here is use data that span across generations where we can link kids to their parents. And in this case we’re able to use anonymized data covering about 20 million kids and their parents and look at how these disparities evolve across generations. Get TalkPoverty In Your Inbox Thanks for Signing Up! The key finding that emerges from this analysis is that there are very large differences by race, especially when it comes to kids’ chance of climbing and staying at the top of the income ladder. Most strikingly, even among kids who grow up in high-income families, if you’re black, you have a much lower chance of remaining in the next generation at the top of the income distribution or even in the middle of the income distribution than if you’re white. Black kids have almost an equal chance of ending up at the bottom as they do of staying at the top if they start out in a high-income family. The reason that’s so important is that it tells us these disparities are not just arising from something that’s happening today. Trying to climb the income ladder for black Americans is almost like you’re on a treadmill. You climb up in one generation only then to fall behind again and have to climb up once more, and it’s that feature, that cycle that has to be broken to combat these disparities in the long run. This is not about immutable factors like differences in ability. RV: Your study also found that racial inequality can’t be explained by differences in cognitive ability, which maybe sounds common sense to a lot of folks listening, but is actually pretty important as an empirical finding considering a lot of the narratives that still persist out there about what explains poverty in America. RC: That’s right. We really don’t think differences in ability explain the gaps that we’re documenting, and there are two simple reasons for that. The first is the pattern that I just described of downward mobility across generations. It’s really only there for black boys. Black women do just about as well as white women once you control for their parental income. And that suggests first of all, if you look at most prior theories of differences in cognitive ability, The Bell Curve book for example, it does not present evidence that you’d expect these differences to vary by gender. Furthermore, if you look at test score data, which is the basis for most prior theories about differences in ability, the fact that black kids when they’re in school tend to score lower on standardized tests than white kids, that actually is true for both black boys and for black girls to the same extent. In contrast when you look at earnings there are dramatic gender differences. And so that suggests that these tests are actually not really capturing in a very accurate way differences in ability as they matter for long-term outcomes, which casts doubt on that whole body of evidence. So, based on that type of reasoning, we really think this is not about differences in ability. One final piece of evidence that echoes that is if you look at kids who move to different areas, areas where we see better outcomes for black kids, you see that they do much better themselves, which again demonstrates that environment seems to be important. This is not about immutable factors like differences in ability. RV: You mentioned gender differences. One of the most interesting pieces of the study—to me in particular—was that when it comes to women, it seems to be a very different story. RC: Yeah, that’s exactly right. I think we were quite surprised by that. So there is earlier evidence showing that gaps in wages, for example, are smaller for women between black and white relative to black and white men. What we were struck by is if you just control for parental income so you look at two children, say growing up in a family making $50,000 a year, if you look at their daughters they have essentially the same outcomes in terms of earning, wage rates, employment rates, their chance of going to college. Lots of different outcomes you can look at. If you look at boys, it’s a completely different picture. If you compare black boys to white boys you see enormous gaps in earnings and employment rates, perhaps most starkly in the context of incarceration. One in five black men born to a low-income family is incarcerated on a given day, which is just an astonishingly high rate. You don’t see anything like that for both black and white women. Thinking about socioeconomic class and neighborhood is not a substitute for thinking about race Now, one thing I want to emphasize here is that in some of the public discussion following the paper, people have been a little bit surprised. “Are you saying there is no issue here for women? That doesn’t really sound right.” I want to emphasize that that is not what we’re saying. First of all, if you just look in the raw data, there is still a significant difference in the earnings of black women and white women, and the reason for that is black women still grow up in much lower-income families than white women. So it’s only once you control for parental income that their outcomes look much more similar. The second important point to note is that black women, white women, and black men all have relatively similar levels of earnings, that it’s really white men who have considerably higher levels of earnings. The reason we focus on black men is when we look at certain outcomes like the probability that they have a job or their odds of being incarcerated or their chances of completing high school, they do look like an outlier relative to all the other groups. Black men are significantly less likely to be employed than black women, they are significantly more likely to be incarcerated, they’re significantly less likely to complete high school. And so it does seem like there are a special set of challenges confronting black men. That’s not to say that there’s no issue for black women or that gender equity is not an issue, that’s just not the focus of this study. RV: The gaps that you found in your research only worsen in neighborhoods with low poverty rates and good schools. Why is that? RC: Both black kids and white kids do much better in places that have better schools, that have low poverty rates, that you might think of intuitively as “good neighborhoods.” So we’re not challenging that intuition at all. However, what you see in the data is that white kids gain more from being in these lower-poverty areas and from attending better schools than black kids do. And as a result the gaps between white kids and black kids are larger in those areas. So the takeaway from that is not that schools are not important or that having lower-poverty, lower-crime areas are not important; all of those things would help black kids and white kids as we’ve shown in our prior work. What this study is showing is it is not adequate by itself to close black-white disparities. You need to do more than that. You need to perhaps integrate black kids into these better schools so that they can take advantages of the resources they offer to the same extent that white kids do. To put it differently, thinking about socioeconomic class and neighborhood is not a substitute for thinking about race. We need to think about how to narrow racial disparities separately. This interview was conducted for Off-Kilter and aired as part of a complete episode on March 23. It was edited for length and clarity. A Gun Violence Expert Explains the Link Between Inequality and Gun Deaths FORT WORTH, TX - JULY 10: A woman tries a pistol at a gun show where thousands of different weapons are displayed for sale on July 10, 2016 in Fort Worth, Texas. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) Support for gun safety laws is at an all-time high. Heading into Saturday’s March for Our Lives, more Americans than ever supported new laws to reduce gun violence—including nearly 70 percent of adults and half of all Republicans. But gun safety measures, while critical, are only the tip of the iceberg in addressing gun violence in the country. In both the United States and globally, gun violence is strongly correlated with both poverty and inequality. A recent World Bank study found that inequality helped predict the difference in murder rates between states in the United States—as well as between countries. Suicides, which make up the majority of gun deaths in the country, skyrocket in times of economic distress. The Great Recession alone was linked to more than 10,000 suicides, according to one study. Get TalkPoverty In Your Inbox Thanks for Signing Up! At a time when the Trump administration is undertaking an all-out assault on health care, food assistance, and the broader safety net, I reached out to Mark S. Kaplan, a professor of social welfare at the University of California, Los Angeles, to discuss the link between inequality and gun violence. Jeremy Slevin: It sounds like from your research, the primary way we can quickly address the gun violence epidemic in this country is through gun policy—reducing the amount of guns that are available in circulation. Is that fair to say? Mark Kaplan: Limiting access to guns is a form of harm reduction. What guns do to a society that is inherently violent—and we are a violent society—is that it lethalizes the violence. So if we are able to tamp down that violence by reducing people’s access to guns, that might be a first good step in the direction we’re talking about. JS: Could you talk a little bit about your research on how inequality correlates with levels of gun violence? Gun deaths are only the tip of the iceberg MK: For one, we know that the numerous studies that have looked at the intersectionality of race and class and gun violence have clearly shown that there is some relationship between issues of racial segregation and issues of deprivation—social and material deprivation. The reduction of guns is not going to alleviate those problems. But there is a very troubling and very strong association, and gun deaths are only the tip of the iceberg. Often we don’t talk about the other 90 percent of that iceberg—people who have to be hospitalized, the financial cost, members of those families, the pain, the post-traumatic stress associated with it. So it’s a much bigger problem than gun death. JS: Is it fair to say that to address the gun violence issue, you need to tackle both the issue of guns, but also tackle the issues of poverty and inequality? MK: There isn’t one epidemic of gun violence—there are multiple epidemics of gun violence. Suicide doesn’t come up as often, but that represents two-thirds of gun deaths in this country. And that’s a problem that is different from the interpersonal violence. But both are particularly sensitive to the issue of gun availability. Let me give you an example. California is rated as an A+ by the Brady scorecard, which rates states by the number of gun laws they have on the books. Nationally, 51 percent of all suicides are gun-related. In some states, it runs even higher, all the way to 80, 90 percent. In California, it’s 30 percent, on average. So it means that with fewer guns, there’s a window of opportunity to intervene and possibly rescue people who are suicidal. But with the presence of a gun, the opportunities to intervene diminish dramatically. JS: Has there been any research, either by you or other scholars, on how suicides are linked to economic factors? MK: I did recently complete a project, funded by the NIH, looking at the impact of the Great Recession on suicides. And indeed, there is a relationship! There’s some evidence that with the Great Recession we saw a rise in unemployment, we saw a rise in foreclosure rates, we also saw a rise in the rate of poverty—which may have contributed even more than the other two measures in economic distress. That rise in poverty contributed to an uptick in the suicide rate. There are data that seem to suggest, both coming from the United States and more so from Europe, that many European countries such as Greece went through a very hard time. The EU imposed very restrictive, draconian measures that were attached to the loans they got, and that caused a cutback in welfare and health care and all sorts of other things. And in countries that traditionally had lower suicide rates such as Greece and Italy during the Great Recession, rates of suicide went up. But we know in this country too that the long-term research looking at periods of unemployment and following up five years or more show that for each percentage-point rise in unemployment, there’s also a rise in the suicide rate. JS: And of course, in the United States, it’s very easy to get a gun, which seems to be the most fatal form of suicide. Of all suicide attempts, those attempted with a firearm are unfortunately more likely to be fatal. MK: Yes, that’s referred to as the “case fatality rate.” With the use of guns, it’s nearly 95 percent. We’re dropping the safety net, meaning that people are going to get hurt. JS: What would you recommend as policy solutions that get at both the firearm access and the social justice issues of gun violence? MK: I think that we need to approach this in a more holistic way, a more comprehensive way. The gun issue is perhaps the first step. It’s how we tamp down the lethalization, which I brought up at the beginning. That’s something that researchers have looked at globally—the presence of guns. The first thing we need to do is lower the rate, the prevalence of gun availability, access to guns. California is a great example. Some of the most restrictive gun laws have produced very positive results, fewer gun deaths in the state. They say the winds blow from the west to the east, so hopefully that will happen. And then we can begin to tackle some of these social inequities and inequalities, and some of the structures that promote inequality. Violence is a more difficult social problem to tackle. It represents more than just the loss of lives: The economic toll on society is huge. How do we redress the various measures of inequality? The distribution of wealth and income, the issue of racially segregated communities, the under-resourced and underfunded social welfare infrastructure that seems to be taking a hit in the current administration—those are issues that also need to be addressed. We are lowering the safety net right now. In other words, under the current government … we’re requiring work for health care, so we’re dropping the safety net, meaning that people are going to get hurt. Tennessee Wants to Use Funding Meant for Poor Families to Kick People Off Medicaid WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 14: Seema Verma (R) speaks during a swearing-in ceremony, officiated by U.S. Vice President Mike Pence (L), in the Vice President's ceremonial office at Eisenhower Executive Building March 14, 2017 in Washington, DC. Verma has been sworn in to be the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for the Trump Administration. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images) Nashville Public Radio reported over the weekend that the Tennessee legislature is finalizing legislation that would add work requirementsSo-called 'work requirements' function as strict time limits on public assistance for unemployed and underemployed individuals. Earlier this year, President Trump opened the door to work requirements in Medicaid by allowing states to take health insurance away from most working-age individuals who are not currently working or participating in qualifying 'work related activities' for a minimum number of hours, even though not having health insurance can make it harder to find and keep a job. to the state’s Medicaid program, kicking at least 3,700 Tennessee workers off their health care. The state’s Republican leaders appear to have no qualms about taking health insurance away from Tennesseans who can’t find work or get enough hours at their job—even though taking away someone’s health insurance isn’t going to help them find work any faster, and can actually make it harder to find and keep a job. Instead, debate around the legislation has reportedly centered on how to pay for the new policy. Lawmakers’ own estimates put the price tag for enforcing the new work rules at $10,000 per person disenrolled from Medicaid—which advocates note could be more than the new policy saves. Get TalkPoverty In Your Inbox Thanks for Signing Up! This is where Tennessee’s proposal gets really evil. Unwilling to foot the bill for their new policy out of the state’s general budget, Republican lawmakers have decided to pay for it with funds from the state’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program—which provides meager cash assistance to very poor families with children. While news reports, such as the Nashville Public Radio story noted above, make it sound as though Tennessee’s TANF program is flush with unused cash due to a “booming economy and historically low unemployment,” the real story is much more dire. Nearly one-quarter of Tennessee children live below the federal poverty line, making it one of the worst states in the nation when it comes to child poverty. But fewer than 1 in 4 poor Tennessee families with children get help from the state’s TANF program, which is one of the stingiest in the country. A Tennessee family of three lucky enough to get temporary assistance can expect to receive a maximum of $185 per month—or a little over $6 a day. Fewer than 1 in 4 poor Tennessee families with children get help from TANF Why is Tennessee failing so horrifically to help so many of its poorest children? In part, this failure is the legacy of 1996 “welfare reform,” which converted the nation’s main source of assistance for poor families—then called Aid to Families with Dependent Children—into TANF, a flat-funded block grant with very little accountability for how the money is spent. Many states use TANF as a slush fund to close budget gaps, with just 1 in every 4 TANF dollars going to cash assistance for struggling families with kids. But Tennessee has made an Olympic sport out of diverting TANF funds away from poor families in need of help, squirreling away more than $400 million in unspent funds in recent years rather than using the money to help struggling families with kids avoid hunger and homelessness. Now the state’s lawmakers want to use those unspent funds to bankroll the disenrollment of thousands of struggling Tennesseans from Medicaid. The bill is expected to clear Tennessee’s conservative Senate in the coming days and has the support of Gov. Bill Haslam (R), who is expected to sign it into law. If passed, both the state’s proposed work rules and their proposed pay-for will require the approval of federal health officials. If the state’s scheme gets a thumbs up from the Trump administration, other states will likely follow suit. Kentucky, Indiana, and Arkansas have all received permission from the Trump administration to enact work requirements for Medicaid, following Trump’s widely criticized invitation to states earlier this year, and more than a dozen states are actively seeking similar approval. Many—if not all—of these states are looking for ways to pay for the costly bureaucracy required to implement this type of policy. One would be hard-pressed to cook up a more twisted irony than taking money intended to help poor families with children avoid hunger and hardship and using it instead to take health insurance away from, in some cases, the very same struggling workers and families. But there’s a deeper rot at the core of Tennessee’s plan that cuts across conservative proposals to slash not just health care but food assistance, housing, and more—both in Congress and in the states. And that’s an ideology-fueled willingness to spend whatever it takes to take aid away from struggling workers and families—even when bureaucratic disentitlement costs more than it saves.
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.dubbo.common.utils; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.apache.dubbo.common.utils.StringUtils.QUESTION_MASK; import static org.apache.dubbo.common.utils.StringUtils.SLASH; import static org.apache.dubbo.common.utils.StringUtils.isEmpty; import static org.apache.dubbo.common.utils.StringUtils.replace; /** * Path Utilities class * * @since 2.7.6 */ public interface PathUtils { static String buildPath(String rootPath, String... subPaths) { Set<String> paths = new LinkedHashSet<>(); paths.add(rootPath); paths.addAll(asList(subPaths)); return normalize(paths.stream() .filter(StringUtils::isNotEmpty) .collect(Collectors.joining(SLASH))); } /** * Normalize path: * <ol> * <li>To remove query string if presents</li> * <li>To remove duplicated slash("/") if exists</li> * </ol> * * @param path path to be normalized * @return a normalized path if required */ static String normalize(String path) { if (isEmpty(path)) { return SLASH; } String normalizedPath = path; int index = normalizedPath.indexOf(QUESTION_MASK); if (index > -1) { normalizedPath = normalizedPath.substring(0, index); } while (normalizedPath.contains("//")) { normalizedPath = replace(normalizedPath, "//", "/"); } return normalizedPath; } }
Days after Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced he'd be booting Suns center Shaquille O'Neal from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, Tempe police say he'll continue to volunteer for their department. "That was an issue between Sheriff Joe and Shaq," Tempe police Lt. Mike Horn said. "There's been no change in his status nor do we expect any." O'Neal signed up to volunteer with the Tempe Police Department last month. His fallout with Arpaio came after the release of a video on celebrity gossip Web site TMZ.com that featured the 36-year-old basketball star rapping that Lakers star Kobe Bryant couldn't win the NBA finals without him and using a racial slur. The sheriff's office had made O'Neal a special deputy in January 2006and promoted him to colonel earlier this month. After Arpaio announced he would be taking away O'Neal's two badges, a Bedford County, Va. sheriff also terminated its relationship with the basketball star. Horn said Tempe police are in the process of determining what O'Neal's role will be at their department and hope to begin working with him this summer.
On Leaving the Best Job You Ever Had I don’t like to use the word “quit.” It makes it sound like you’re giving up, that you are leaving things incomplete. I write that because I am leaving Don’t Panic Labs; I’m leaving the best job I’ve ever had. This was the plan all along I suppose. During one of my first staff meetings in the early days of Nebraska Global, Steve Kiene said that this place wasn’t meant to be a career and that no one was supposed to be here 25 years. That didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t like the thought of my new job coming with an expiration date. But if Nebraska Global was to accomplish what it set out to, he was right. The idea is to learn and help grow tech companies in Lincoln. And that is exactly what’s up next for me. I spent over seven years as a member of what I believe to be the best software development team in Nebraska. I was able to learn from my talented colleagues and was given the chance to lead some incredible projects that I could never have done without my team. So what does it take to leave this place? It takes the right opportunity at the right time. An opportunity I was able to evaluate openly and honestly with my boss from the first day I considered it. A chance to apply everything I’ve learned alongside a group of people who possess both the passion for building something special and values that align with mine. The prospect of growing a new branch from the Don’t Panic Labs coaching tree, and hopefully represent our team as well as other Don’t Panic Labs alumnus have all over the Silicon Prairie. I had to go back and read the post I wrote my first week on the job, to let the younger (and apparently wiser) version of myself tell me it’s going to be OK, that the jitters and nerves that come with starting a new chapter are normal. I hope the self-doubt comes from a bad case of impostor syndrome and not just self-awareness about not being very good at what I do. I want to thank all my teammates for the best years of my career. I especially want to thank Doug Durham for his mentorship and leadership, Steve Kiene for his vision and kindness, and Patrick Smith for giving me an opportunity to join the family.
BOSTON (Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase & Co JPM.N CEO Jamie Dimon, who has faced tough shareholder resolutions, is being asked to save them. James Dimon, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of JPMorgan Chase & Co, attends the Paris Europlace International Financial Forum in Paris, France, July 11, 2017. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes In a letter to the bank chief earlier this month, New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli asked Dimon to stop efforts by an executive group he leads that would make it harder to file shareholder resolutions. The changes would go so far they would “ultimately jeopardize corporate transparency and accountability,” wrote DiNapoli, who oversees a state worker retirement fund with $192 billion. In addition to running JPMorgan, Dimon chairs the Business Roundtable, an association of corporate CEOs that has pushed to scale back securities regulations. One change it backs would be to raise the threshold needed to file a shareholder resolution, which currently can be done with $2,000 worth of company stock, held for one year. The Roundtable praised a bill passed by the U.S. House in June that would do that, by effectively raising the minimum holding requirement to one percent of a company’s stock, held for three years. The measure faces an uncertain future in the Senate, however. A JPMorgan spokeswoman said the company would not comment, and a spokeswoman for the Roundtable declined to comment beyond a statement in support of the House changes. Dimon has famously faced off with his own investors, such as in 2012, when 40 percent backed a shareholder measure at the company’s annual meeting that would have taken away his title of chairman. While the measure did not pass, the bank’s board the next year gave more power to its lead independent director. A spokesman for DiNapoli said that he and Dimon have spoken, and that “Mr. Dimon indicated that he was reviewing the issues raised in the letter.” The proposed changes come even as some shareholder measures begin to receive a critical mass of investor support. A notable example came in May at Exxon Mobil Corp XOM.N where DiNapoli's fund filed a measure calling for it to report on risks it could face from climate change policies. It passed with an unprecedented 62 percent of votes cast, reflecting support from big investors including BlackRock Inc BLK.N and Vanguard Group, according to people familiar with the matter. DiNapoli’s fund would not have been able to file the Exxon resolution under the one percent threshold. The fund holds about 12 million Exxon shares, according to Thomson Reuters data, or 0.28 percent of the company. BlackRock and Vanguard did not comment for this article. Both big asset managers and others have hired new governance executives in recent years to help them take a more active role on issues like climate change and gender diversity. According to researcher Proxy Insight, at S&P 500 companies from 2013 through 2016, BlackRock funds supported shareholder proposals up to 21 percent of the time. And funds run by JPMorgan’s asset management unit -- one of Dimon’s businesses -- supported the resolutions up to 43 percent of the time.
Ionic changes accompanying astrocytic intercellular calcium waves triggered by mechanical cell damaging stimulation. Mechanically poking or damaging a single cell within a confluent astrocyte culture produces the so-called intercellular calcium (Ca(2+)) waves, that is, cell-to-cell propagating changes of intracellular free Ca(2+). We were interested whether intercellular Ca(2+) waves are also associated with changes in other intra- or extracellular ions. To that purpose, we investigated spatiotemporal changes of intracellular Ca(2+) (Ca(i)2+), sodium (Na(i)+) and protons (H(i)+) in primary cultures of rat cortical astrocytes using microfluorescence imaging with fura-2, SBFI and BCECF, respectively; changes of extracellular potassium (K(e)+) were monitored with K(+)-sensitive microelectrodes. Mechanical damage to a single cell by stimulation with a piezo-electrically driven micropipette initiated intercellular Ca(2+) waves that propagated to about 160 microm away from the stimulation point. Na(i)(+) increases could be detected in cells located 2-3 cell diameters from the stimulated cell, acidification was observed 1-2 cell diameters away and Ke(+) increases were measured up to 75 microm away. Kinetic analysis suggests that the Na(i)(+) and H(i)(+) changes occur after, and thus secondary to the Ca(i)(2+) changes. In contrast, K(e)(+) changes occurred very fast, even before the Ca(i)(2+) changes, but their propagation speed was too fast to implicate them as a trigger of Ca(i)(2+) changes. As Na(i)(+) is an important regulator of glycolysis in astrocytes, we hypothesize that astrocytic Na(i)(+) changes in cells located remotely from a damaged cell might be a signal that activates glycolysis thereby producing more lactate that is transferred to the neurons and increases their energy potential to survive the inflicted damage.
Direct imaging of dopant clustering in metal-oxide nanoparticles. Dopant atoms are used to tailor the properties of materials. However, whether the desired effect is achieved through selective doping depends on the dopant distribution within the host material. The clustering of dopant atoms can have a deleterious effect on the achievable properties because a two-phase material is obtained instead of a homogeneous material. Thus, the examination of dopant fluctuations in nanodevices requires a reliable method to chemically probe individual atoms within the host material. This is particularly challenging in the case of functionalized nanoparticles where the characteristic length scale of the particles demands the use of a high-spatial-resolution and high-sensitivity technique. Here we demonstrate a chemically sensitive atomic resolution imaging technique which delivers direct site-specific information on the dopant distribution in nanoparticles. We employ electron energy-loss spectroscopy imaging in a scanning transmission electron microscope combined with multivariate statistical analysis to map the distribution of Ba dopant atoms in SrTiO(3) nanoparticles. Our results provide direct evidence for clustering of the Ba dopants in the SrTiO(3) nanoparticles outlining a possible explanation for the presence of polar nanoregions in the Ba:SrTiO(3) system. The results we present constitute the first example of site-specific atomic resolution spectroscopy of foreign atoms in doped nanoparticles and suggest a general strategy to ascertain the spatial distribution of impurity atoms in nanocrystals and hence improve the performance of nanoparticle-based devices.
// Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the // Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this // file except in compliance with the License. Citrix Systems, Inc. // reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Automatically generated by addcopyright.py at 04/03/2012 package com.cloud.network; import java.util.List; import com.cloud.dc.StorageNetworkIpAddressVO; import com.cloud.utils.component.Manager; import com.cloud.vm.SecondaryStorageVmVO; public interface StorageNetworkManager extends Manager { StorageNetworkIpAddressVO acquireIpAddress(long podId); void releaseIpAddress(String ip); boolean isStorageIpRangeAvailable(long zoneId); List<SecondaryStorageVmVO> getSSVMWithNoStorageNetwork(long zoneId); boolean isAnyStorageIpInUseInZone(long zoneId); }
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Anki Add-on: Ignore Lapses Below Interval Copyright: (c) 2018 Glutanimate <https://glutanimate.com/> License: GNU AGPLv3 <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html> """ ############## USER CONFIGURATION START ############## IVL_THRESHOLD = 4 # Interval threshold in days [integer]. # Only lapses above this interval will # be registered as such. ############## USER CONFIGURATION END ############## import time from heapq import * from anki.sched import Scheduler def myRescheduleLapse(self, card): conf = self._lapseConf(card) card.lastIvl = card.ivl if self._resched(card): # ==== MODIFICATIONS START ==== if card.lastIvl > IVL_THRESHOLD: card.lapses += 1 # ==== MODIFICATIONS END ==== card.ivl = self._nextLapseIvl(card, conf) card.factor = max(1300, card.factor-200) card.due = self.today + card.ivl # if it's a filtered deck, update odue as well if card.odid: card.odue = card.due # if suspended as a leech, nothing to do delay = 0 if self._checkLeech(card, conf) and card.queue == -1: return delay # if no relearning steps, nothing to do if not conf['delays']: return delay # record rev due date for later if not card.odue: card.odue = card.due delay = self._delayForGrade(conf, 0) card.due = int(delay + time.time()) card.left = self._startingLeft(card) # queue 1 if card.due < self.dayCutoff: self.lrnCount += card.left // 1000 card.queue = 1 heappush(self._lrnQueue, (card.due, card.id)) else: # day learn queue ahead = ((card.due - self.dayCutoff) // 86400) + 1 card.due = self.today + ahead card.queue = 3 return delay # Hooks Scheduler._rescheduleLapse = myRescheduleLapse
Galliani in Richards contact By Football Italia staff Micah Richards has been contacted by Milan, according to reports in the Italian Press this afternoon. Il Giorno have claimed that the Manchester City defender has spoken with Rossoneri CEO Adriano Galliani about a possible move. The England international has become frustrated with his limited playing time under Manuel Pellegrini, and will try and force a move in January. Several Italian clubs, including Fiorentina and Roma are reportedly keen on the full-back, but the paper insists that the San Siro are the first to make contact. Richards is a good friend of Nigel de Jong following their days as teammates at the Etihad, adding more fuel to the fire that he could join Massimiliano Allegri’s men. Watch Serie A live in the UK on Premier Sports for just £9.99 per month including live LaLiga, Eredivisie, Scottish Cup Football and more. Visit: https://www.premiersports.com/subscribenow
[Pulmonary complications in patients with rheumatoid arthritis]. Pulmonary manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis were studied in 26 patients. Pulmonary complications could be divided into four subgroups: Interstitial pneumonia/Pulmonary fibrosis (n = 18), Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia (n = 4), Bronchiolitis Obliterans (n = 2), and Pleuritis/Pericarditis (n = 1). Analysis of cells in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) revealed abnormally high percentages of lymphocytes in one-half of the patients and abnormally high percentages of neutrophils in one-third of the patients. The percent of BALF cells that were neutrophils was higher with higher chest radiograph grades. Analysis of soluble constituents of BALF indicated local production of IgG in two cases, but IgM-rheumatic factor was not detected. In 18 of 26 patients corticosteroid or immunosuppressive drugs were needed, and most of the patients responded to the therapy and had good outcomes. The conditions of 6 patients with interstitial pneumonia/pulmonary fibrosis deteriorated and 4 patients died of progressive respiratory failure. The subclassification of rheumatoid lung was useful for predicting its outcome.
Clearbranch, Tennessee Clearbranch (also Clear Branch) is an unincorporated community in Unicoi County, Tennessee, United States. History William Josiah Tilson (1871–1949), United States Federal Court judge, was born in Clear Branch. Notes Category:Unincorporated communities in Unicoi County, Tennessee Category:Unincorporated communities in Tennessee
If there was ever a question about whether all Orthodox Jews support settlers this should end it. Haredi media personalities last week called for a boycott of Judea and Samaria products. That’s right. They have joined the BDS movement. At least the “B” part of it. For those unfamiliar with the term – BDS stands for Boycott, Divest, and Sanction. This is a campaign started in 2005 by Palestinians and their sympathizers who claim that Israel is an oppressive occupier of innocent Palestinians. They have called for a boycott of all products and divestment of any businesses who have dealings with Judea and Samaria. They have also called for sanctions against the State of Israel itself until they give in to all the Palestinian demands including but not limited to “returning” the territory to its “rightful owners” the Palestinian people. Advertisement Most of us thought that anyone who supports sanctions like these are either anti-Semites or seriously misguided if well intentioned people. Many of whom are Jews. Misguided because they fail to see the broader picture; do not factor in historical facts or security issues. Well intended because at least in some cases they see what appears to be injustices and want them to be corrected. The Haredi world apparently feels the same way. They could not care less if Israel retains Judea and Samaria – as long as their Mosdos (religious institutions) get funded. That is the reason for the boycott. From JTA – here is the way some Haredi media personalities put it: “We need to think twice about supporting those who hate us. It’s about time we stop being suckers,” commentator Avi Bloom said, according to the Times of Israel. “When Bennett cries about mothers not being able to sleep at night, you can come and ask him by what right does he not allow Tel Aviv mothers, and now ultra-Orthodox mothers as well, to sleep at night because of the need to protect some random outpost.” Kol Baramah commentator Yaakov Rivlin echoed the sentiment. “It’s time to end all these relations with the real estate dealers in the West Bank territories,” he said. A senior columnist for the Hamodia newspaper, Yisrael Hershkowitz, wrote, “The settlements will pay the price for the costly arrogance” of Bennett. Hershkowitz said companies located in Jewish settlements in the West Bank or companies owned by settlers could go out of business if boycotted by haredim. Now I am no supporter of settlements. Certainly not those “random outposts” that are there for Religious Zionist reasons about settling all of Eretz Yisroel. Although I do believe in that religious principle I do not believe now is the time for that. In fact believe that Israel should do whatever it can to avoid conflict with Palestinians or exacerbate their enmity. Israel should bend over backwards to avoid oppressive measures to the extent that it is able to do so without compromising the safety of its citizens. I believe that Israel tries to do that to the best of their ability despite accusations to the contrary by the BDS people. I believe that Haredim are on the same page with me on the issue of West Bank settlements. But where I part company with them is when they start boycotting people – not because they think Israel is being excessively harsh on the Palestinian people. But because they think it will pressure the government into continuing its financial support at previous levels. And also because of their opposition to the political right wing (that champions the cause West Bank settlements and includes Religious Zionists) that insist Haredim have to subject themselves to the draft equally with all citizens. Haredim want them to ‘pay a price’! for all of that, it seems. So there you have it – BDS and Haredim uniting to boycott the Jewish State – even if not in common cause. Never in a million years would I have ever predicted this unholy coalition. And yet… there it is. There is something not quite right when religious Jews unite with enemies of the Jewish people to undermine the Jewish State. Even if one does not support the settlements, to boycott them along with our enemies because of financial considerations or as a means to punish political opponents does not become people who claim to be the most religious and God fearing among us. Although it is off-putting to see all of this happening, one can understand why they do it. The Haredi world in Israel exists financially to a great extent because of government largess. That is why the Haredi parties always join in coalition with the governing party regardless of whether it is a right wing or left wing one. It is their way of getting the most financial support by promising to vote with them on political matters. Haredim are not political right wingers or left wingers. They are interested only in continuity. They know that much of their community depends on those government stipends just to survive at poverty level. As do their institutions. They believe that dedication to full time Torah study and nothing less is the true Derech HaShem. They therefore see all of this as Hishtadlus – putting forth maximum effort to see that their lifestyle continues unabated. Desperate men do desperate things. If that means destroying the livelihoods of Judea and Samaria residents via a boycott of their products – so be it. Harry Maryles runs the blog "Emes Ve-Emunah" which focuses on current events and issues that effect the Jewish world in general and Orthodoxy in particular. It discuses Hashkafa and news events of the day - from a Centrist perspctive and a philosphy of Torah U'Mada. He can be reached at hmaryles@yahoo.com. 2 COMMENTS Approximately 1/3 of "settlers" are Chareidim and Chassidim, by virtue of where their communities and towns are located – "deep within the West Bank" as some like to say. And while admittedly there isn't much industry coming out of those "settlements", any boycott of settlements, construction freezes, etc. will hurt those Chareidim just as bad, if not worse than religious-Zionist "settlers". What the Chareidi leadership is doing is called "shooting within the Nagmash", as Bennett coined the phrase.
Q: React js Passing props to a component Hello basically I need to pass some data to a component to be able to popular that component: const Data = { name: "a", title: "b" }; export default function App() { return ( <Div className="App"> <Card name={Data.name} title={Data.title} /> </Div> ); } my card componen The component I need to receive data: const Card = ({ props }) => { return ( <div> <h1>{props.name}</h1> <p>{props.title}</p> </div> ); }; export default Card; For some reason I am not getting these props on my card component could someone help me with a solution to move props from a functional component to a functional component example: https://codesandbox.io/s/friendly-swanson-syuln A: Your component declaration is wrong. You should only use brackets to destructure props, not for the entire props object. const Card = (props) => {
Histopathological classification of nephroblastomas in slaughtered swine. A histological classification of 74 nephroblastomas found in slaughtered swine is reported. The tumours were classified into 4 main types; nephroblastic (29 cases); epithelial (38 cases); mesenchymal (one case), and miscellaneous (6 cases), on the basis of their histological characteristics and especially on their relative contents of epithelial and mesenchymal elements. The nephroblastic type was further divided into 3 subtypes: nephroblastic only (one case), nephroblastic predominance 13 cases) and nephroblastic equal to epithelial (15 cases). Similarly, the epithelial type was classified into two subtypes: epithelial only (one case) and epithelial predominance (37 cases). The histological features of these tumours were compared with those of human nephroblastoma. The classification of swine nephroblastomas made in this study closely resembles that of human tumours. Two examples of the nephroblastic type were metastasized but none of the other types.
Locations All your handlers will go in the handlers folder of your application template. Also notice that you can create packages or sub-folders inside of the handlers directory. This is encouraged on large applications so you can section off or package handlers logically and get better maintenance and URL experience. If you get to the point where your application needs even more decoupling and separation, please consider building ColdBox Modules instead. Event Handlers External Location You can also declare a HandlersExternalLocation setting in your Configuration CFC. This will be a dot notation path or instantiation path where more external event handlers can be found (You can use coldfusion mappings). coldbox.handlersExternalLocation = "shared.myapp.handlers"; Note: If an external event handler has the same name as an internal conventions event, the internal conventions event will take precedence. Handler Registration At application startup, the framework registers all the valid event handler CFCs in these locations (plus handlers inside of modules). So for development it makes sense to activate the following setting in your Configuration CFC:
Scouts Inc.'s Steve Muench has identified four midround defensive tackles and the teams that could give them the best chance to succeed in the NFL. It's hard to believe that Minnesota DT Pat Williams signed with Buffalo as a rookie free agent in 1997 and didn't become a full-time starter until the 2001 season. After all, he eventually emerged as one of the best interior run stuffers in the league in Buffalo and earned trips to the past two Pro Bowls after signing with Minnesota in 2005. A deeper look, however, reveals why Williams didn't hear his name called on draft weekend. Believe it or not, Williams played basketball at Navarro Junior College before transferring to Northeast Oklahoma for a year and then Texas A&M for his final two seasons. The time he spent focused on basketball obviously hindered his progress as a football player and playing only two seasons of Division I-A football watered down his résumé. In addition, Williams steadily added weight to his frame, so he hasn't always been this big. So he was a developmental prospect and the Bills were actually taking a chance when they signed him in 1997. That chance clearly paid off for both parties. Buffalo's willingness to bring Williams along slowly allowed him to work on his technique and put in the necessary work in the weight room. He repaid the favor by continuing to get stronger at the point of attack without sacrificing the quick feet that he once showed on the basketball court. Once he could anchor against double teams and make plays in the backfield when teams didn't commit two blockers to him, he became one of the most disruptive defensive linemen in the league. Of course, his evolution with the Bills also paved the way for him to sign a lucrative contract with Minnesota in 2005 and he has thrived playing opposite Kevin Williams there.
Q: Seam not injecting Stateful EJB dependencies I have not been able to find a solution to this problem and my post to the Seam forum has gone unanswered. I am hope someone here can help. I am a noob working with Seam, so I am sure I am just doing something stupid. Any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated... I have wasted hours and gotten nowhere. I used the jboss tools to generate a seam project in eclipse. The tool took pre-created JPA entities and created a basic webapp. My first step was to add a registration page so that I can create some users and login using database authentication (I set this up, but will test it once the registration page works). I used the seam-booking example to guide me (basically integrating the form stuff plus additional fields into the view of the seam-gen app). When I test the registration page, I get NullPointerExceptions for all of the injected fields. I have looked through the entire seam-booking example, scoured the web looking at examples, and quickly read through some sections of a book and I do not see where there is any additional configuration information needed. What in the world am I doing wrong? Please help!!! I am using JBoss Server (community edition) 5.1.0GA and Seam 2.2.0GA. If you need any more information than what I am posting, please let me know. Thanks to all ahead of time for your help!! Stateful EJB: @Stateful @Scope(EVENT) @Name("register") public class RegisterAction implements Register { @In private User user; @PersistenceContext private EntityManager entityManager; @In private FacesMessages facesMessages; private String verify = null; private boolean registered = false; public void registerUser() { if (user.getPassword().equals(verify)) { List existing = entityManager .createQuery( "select u.userName from User u where u.userName=#{user.userName}") .getResultList(); if (existing.size() == 0) { entityManager.persist(user); facesMessages .add("Successfully registered as #{user.userName}"); registered = true; } else { facesMessages.addToControl("userName", "Username #{user.userName} already exists"); } } else { facesMessages.addToControl("verify", "Re-enter your password"); verify = null; } } public void invalid() { facesMessages.add("Please try again"); } public boolean isRegistered() { return registered; } public String getVerify() { return verify; } public void setVerify(String verify) { this.verify = verify; } @Remove @Destroy public void destroy() { } } EJB local interface: @Local public interface Register { public void registerUser(); public void invalid(); public String getVerify(); public void setVerify(String verify); public boolean isRegistered(); public void destroy(); } XHTML of registratin page: <ui:define name="body"> <rich:panel> <f:facet name="header">Register</f:facet> <h:form id="registration"> <fieldset><s:decorate id="firstNameDecorate" template="layout/edit.xhtml"> <ui:define name="label">First Name:</ui:define> <h:inputText id="firstName" value="#{user.firstName}" required="true"> <a:support id="onblur" event="onblur" reRender="firstNameDecorate" /> </h:inputText> </s:decorate> <s:decorate id="lastNameDecorate" template="layout/edit.xhtml"> <ui:define name="label">Last Name:</ui:define> <h:inputText id="lastName" value="#{user.lastName}" required="true"> <a:support id="onblur" event="onblur" reRender="lastNameDecorate" /> </h:inputText> </s:decorate> <s:decorate id="emailDecorate" template="layout/edit.xhtml"> <ui:define name="label">Email:</ui:define> <h:inputText id="emailAddress" value="#{user.emailAddress}" required="true"> <a:support id="onblur" event="onblur" reRender="emailDecorate" /> </h:inputText> </s:decorate> <s:decorate id="usernameDecorate" template="layout/edit.xhtml"> <ui:define name="label">Username:</ui:define> <h:inputText id="username" value="#{user.userName}" required="true"> <a:support id="onblur" event="onblur" reRender="usernameDecorate" /> </h:inputText> </s:decorate> <s:decorate id="passwordDecorate" template="layout/edit.xhtml"> <ui:define name="label">Password:</ui:define> <h:inputSecret id="password" value="#{user.password}" required="true" /> </s:decorate> <s:decorate id="verifyDecorate" template="layout/edit.xhtml"> <ui:define name="label">Verify Password:</ui:define> <h:inputSecret id="verify" value="#{register.verify}" required="true" /> </s:decorate> <div class="buttonBox"><h:commandButton id="register" value="Register" action="#{register.registerUser}" /> &#160; <s:button id="cancel" value="Cancel" view="/index.xhtml" /></div> </fieldset> </h:form> </rich:panel> </ui:define> </ui:composition> Template XHTML (Registration page uses this): <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <f:view xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:a="http://richfaces.org/a4j" xmlns:s="http://jboss.com/products/seam/taglib" contentType="text/html"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <title>MyApp</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="#{request.contextPath}/favicon.ico"/> <a:loadStyle src="resource:///stylesheet/theme.xcss"/> <a:loadStyle src="/stylesheet/theme.css"/> <ui:insert name="head"/> </head> <body> <ui:include src="menu.xhtml"> <ui:param name="projectName" value="MyApp"/> </ui:include> <div class="body"> <h:messages id="messages" globalOnly="true" styleClass="message" errorClass="errormsg" infoClass="infomsg" warnClass="warnmsg" rendered="#{showGlobalMessages != 'false'}"/> <ui:insert name="body"/> </div> <div class="footer"> <p>Powered by <a href="http://seamframework.org">Seam</a> #{org.jboss.seam.version} and <a href="http://www.jboss.org/jbossrichfaces">RichFaces</a>. Generated by seam-gen.</p> <s:fragment rendered="#{init.debug}"> <a:log hotkey="D"/> <p style="margin-top: -0.5em;"> Conversation: id = #{conversation.id}, #{conversation.longRunning ? 'long running' : 'temporary'}#{conversation.nested ? ', nested, parent id = '.concat(conversation.parentId) : ''} #{' - '} Ajax4jsf Log (Ctrl+Shift+D) #{' - '} <s:link id="debugConsole" view="/debug.xhtml" value="Debug console" target="debugConsole"/> #{' - '} <s:link id="resetSession" view="/home.xhtml" action="#{org.jboss.seam.web.session.invalidate}" propagation="none" value="Terminate session"/> </p> </s:fragment> </div> </body> </html> </f:view> Seam Components.xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <components xmlns="http://jboss.com/products/seam/components" xmlns:core="http://jboss.com/products/seam/core" xmlns:persistence="http://jboss.com/products/seam/persistence" xmlns:drools="http://jboss.com/products/seam/drools" xmlns:bpm="http://jboss.com/products/seam/bpm" xmlns:security="http://jboss.com/products/seam/security" xmlns:mail="http://jboss.com/products/seam/mail" xmlns:web="http://jboss.com/products/seam/web" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation= "http://jboss.com/products/seam/core http://jboss.com/products/seam/core-2.2.xsd http://jboss.com/products/seam/persistence http://jboss.com/products/seam/persistence-2.2.xsd http://jboss.com/products/seam/drools http://jboss.com/products/seam/drools-2.2.xsd http://jboss.com/products/seam/bpm http://jboss.com/products/seam/bpm-2.2.xsd http://jboss.com/products/seam/security http://jboss.com/products/seam/security-2.2.xsd http://jboss.com/products/seam/mail http://jboss.com/products/seam/mail-2.2.xsd http://jboss.com/products/seam/web http://jboss.com/products/seam/web-2.2.xsd http://jboss.com/products/seam/components http://jboss.com/products/seam/components-2.2.xsd"> <core:init debug="true" jndi-pattern="@jndiPattern@"/> <core:manager concurrent-request-timeout="500" conversation-timeout="120000" conversation-id-parameter="cid" parent-conversation-id-parameter="pid"/> <!-- Make sure this URL pattern is the same as that used by the Faces Servlet --> <web:hot-deploy-filter url-pattern="*.seam"/> <persistence:managed-persistence-context name="entityManager" auto-create="true" persistence-unit-jndi-name="java:/MyAppEntityManagerFactory"/> <drools:rule-base name="securityRules"> <drools:rule-files> <value>/security.drl</value> </drools:rule-files> </drools:rule-base> <security:rule-based-permission-resolver security-rules="#{securityRules}"/> <security:identity-manager identity-store="#{jpaIdentityStore}" /> <security:jpa-identity-store entity-manager="#{entityManager}" user-class="my.app.path.dao.profiles.User" role-class="my.app.path.dao.profiles.Role" /> <event type="org.jboss.seam.security.notLoggedIn"> <action execute="#{redirect.captureCurrentView}"/> </event> <event type="org.jboss.seam.security.loginSuccessful"> <action execute="#{redirect.returnToCapturedView}"/> </event> <mail:mail-session host="localhost" port="25"/> </components> A: A quick answer as I'm on the rush: To address the Seam question first, is "User" a Seam component that will be auto-created or is there a factory method to create one? Annotating a field with @In is just one half of what's required, you still need the other end which supplies the value. In the bigger picture: presuming User is an entity, having it as a Seam component is not a good practice (way too much overhead caused by Seam). your stateful bean is scoped as an EVENT. This is unlikely to be your desire, the EVENT scope in Seam is the same as a request for a servlet. See if you can get a copy of "Seam in Action", it explains the fundamentals very well.
package notifier import ( "sync" libnotify "github.com/menefotto/go-libnotify" log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" ) // SetupLibnotifyNotifier configures a notifier to show all touch requests with libnotify func SetupLibnotifyNotifier(notifiers *sync.Map) { touch := make(chan Message, 10) notifiers.Store("notifier/libnotify", touch) if !libnotify.Init("yubikey-touch-detector") { log.Error("Cannot initialize desktop notifications!") return } defer libnotify.UnInit() notification := libnotify.NotificationNew("YubiKey is waiting for a touch", "", "") if notification == nil { log.Error("Cannot create desktop notification!") return } activeTouchWaits := 0 for { value := <-touch if value == GPG_ON || value == U2F_ON || value == HMAC_ON { activeTouchWaits++ } if value == GPG_OFF || value == U2F_OFF || value == HMAC_OFF { activeTouchWaits-- } if activeTouchWaits > 0 { // Error check (!= nil) not possible because menefotto/go-libnotify // uses a custom wrapper instead of builtin 'error' if err := notification.Show(); err.Error() != "" { log.Error("Cannot show notification: ", err.Error()) } } else { // Error check (!= nil) not possible because menefotto/go-libnotify // uses a custom wrapper instead of builtin 'error' if err := notification.Close(); err.Error() != "" { log.Error("Cannot close notification: ", err.Error()) } } } }
Montessori Infant/Toddler (0–3) Diploma Program - Program Fees in $USD (for shipments outside of the USA or Canada) Choose from two convenient payment options: One full payment of $2,124.00 ($2,224.00 - $100.00 full payment savings); or Three equal installments of $775.00 (for a total of $2,325.00).* Your Program Fee includes a non-refundable Registration Fee of $250.00, a Program Tuition Fee of $850.00 and a Curriculum Material Fee of $924.00. Shipping Fees are included ($200.00 for the full program shipment or $100.00 for each of the three installments/shipments). *Three equal installments: payments are due at 10-week intervals; the first is due at the time of enrollment. NAMC will provide you with your subsequent payment due dates. If you are paying by VISA or MasterCard, you can enroll on-line or fax in your completed form to 604.576.6638. If you are paying by bank wire you will need to fax in your completed enrollment form to our center so that we can properly enroll you in the program. You will also need to contact your bank with our bank and account information. Please call or email NAMC and we will provide you with all of the information you will need. Please Note: Please expect a delay of 3-5 days for your funds to be transferred to our account. We will notify you as soon as your funds have been received.
Q: Distributed MS SSAS database? Is it possible to distribute a single SSAS database over multiple physical servers in order to improve performance? I've been looking at the Microsoft PDW architecture and am not clear if this is possible using that, or if there are any alternatives. Thanks for your help. A: yes, you can salce out SSAS quite nicely http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc280669(v=SQL.105).aspx Data Processing In this phase, the multidimensional database is updated and processed. as soon as it is the content of the multidimensional database is ready to be sent, the Data Access Environment processing the data for transfer. This process is composed of the following steps: Detach the Analysis Services database from the Data Processing server. Take offline the logical SAN volume that holds the Analysis Services database. Downtime Window In this phase, the content of the updated database is swapped with the content of the original database. Set the NLBs to reject any incoming requests. Detach the Analysis Services databases from each Data Access server. Take offline the logical SAN volume that holds the Analysis Services database from each Data Access server. Using SAN commands, swap the logical SAN volumes between the Processing Environment and the Data Access Environment. Bring online, as a read-only device, the logical SAN volume that holds the Analysis Services database for each Data Access server. Attach the Analysis Services database, in ReadOnly mode, to each Data Access server. Set the NLBs to accept any incoming request. Reset Data Processing In this phase, the content of the old logical SAN volume is updated and brought online in the Processing Environment. Using SAN commands, mirror the logical SAN volume in Data Access to the Processing Environment logical SAN. Bring online, as a read/write device, the logical SAN volume that holds the Analysis Services database for the Processing Environment. Attach the Analysis Services database, in ReadWrite mode, to the Processing Environment server.
------ Home ------ ------ ------ HTTPBuilder {Overview} HTTPBuilder is the easiest way to manipulate HTTP-based resources from the JVM. In a nutshell, HTTPBuilder is a wrapper for Apache's {{{http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-ga/}HttpClient}}, with some (actually, a lot of) Groovy syntactical sugar thrown on top. The request/response model is also inspired by Prototype.js' {{{http://prototypejs.org/api/ajax/request}Ajax.Request}}. In short, HTTPBuilder allows you to make HTTP requests like this: %{code-snippet|id=overview1|brush=groovy|file=src/site/examples.txt} But it actually goes much further to handle common tasks such as building and parsing common content-types, handling common content-encodings, and built-in support for common authentication mechanisms. It works equally as well for simple REST-based requests, or ad-hoc web downloads. {Features} * Builder and parser support for {{{./doc/xml.html}XML}}, {{{./doc/json.html}JSON}}, and HTML * Easy {{{./doc/uribuilder.html}URI manipulation}} * Streamlined {{{./doc/rest.html}client for REST}} interfaces * Built-in support for GZIP and Deflate content-encoding * Built-in support for most {{{./doc/auth.html}common authentication schemes}} * Status code based {{{./doc/handlers.html}response handling}} * Convenience methods for {{{./doc/get.html}GET}} and {{{./doc/post.html}POST}} * {{{./doc/httpurlclient.html}Compatible}} with Google App Engine * {{{./doc/async.html}AsyncHTTPBuilder}} for asynchronous requests * Easily extensible API {Components} {{{./apidocs/groovyx/net/http/HTTPBuilder.html}HTTPBuilder}} is the main API class which is used to make requests and parse responses. {{{./apidocs/groovyx/net/http/AsyncHTTPBuilder.html}AsyncHTTPBuilder}} is a subclass of the base HTTPBuilder which transparently delegates all requests to a thread pool for execution. {{{./apidocs/groovyx/net/http/RESTClient.html}RESTClient}} extends HTTPBuilder to eliminate the closure definition, to make REST operations particularly easy. Finally, {{{./apidocs/groovyx/net/http/HttpURLClient.html}HttpURLClient}} provides most of HTTPBuilder's intelligent handling in a package that can be used from Google App Engine. {{{./apidocs/groovyx/net/http/URIBuilder.html}URIBuilder}} provides a fluent interface for manipulating complex URLs. It is also used internally by HTTPBuilder to handle path and query string modification. See the {{{./apidocs/index.html}JavaDoc}} for full documentation. {Requirements} * At least Java 1.5. This is because HttpClient 4 requires Java 5. * Groovy 1.5 or later, although it should work with earlier versions * JAR dependencies can be found in the packaged distributions linked from the {{{./download.html}download page}}. {Support} If you are having trouble, {{{./doc/index.html#Logging_and_Debugging}start here}}. The best place to ask for help would be the {{{http://xircles.codehaus.org/lists/user@groovy.codehaus.org}Groovy-User mailing list.}} If you do not want to subscribe to the mailing list, you can also post questions through {{{http://www.nabble.com/groovy---user-f11867.html}Nabble.}} See the {{{./about.html}About page}} for additional contact information. Please report any problems or errors to the mailing list (or {{{http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GMOD/component/13625}JIRA}}) and it should be resolved quickly.
Got a news tip? Today during the Nintendo Direct, Nintendo highlighted the very first expansion for Splatoon 2. The Octo Expansion is the first paid downloadable content for the game, offering a whole new single-player mode. Players step into the stylish shoes of Agent 8, an amnesiac Octoling trapped in a dark subway station As Agent 8, you'll tackle discrete levels called Test Facilities. There are a total of 80 test facilities in the Octo Expansion, all connected via the subway. Agent 8 isn't the only one trapped in the subway, as classic Splatoon characters like Cap'n Cuttlefish will be along for the ride. Finishing off the Octo Expansion will allow players to play as Octolings in the multiplayer portion of Splatoon 2. The Octo Expansion is launching this Summer, with a retail price of $19.99. Players can pre-purchase the expansion right now to unlock new Octo gear in Splatoon 2. Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. See our terms & conditions. M.H. Williams is new to the journalism game, but he's been a gamer since the NES first graced American shores. Third-person action-adventure games are his personal poison: Uncharted, Infamous, and Assassin's Creed just to name a few. If you see him around a convention, he's not hard to spot: Black guy, glasses, and a tie.
Experimental demonstration of bandwidth enhancement based on two-pump wavelength conversion in a silicon waveguide. We experimentally demonstrate the bandwidth enhancement of wavelength conversion in a silicon waveguide based on four-wave mixing (FWM) with two continuous-wave pumps. Our measurement results show 25% bandwidth improvement from 29.8 nm to 37.4 nm in a 17-mm-long silicon waveguide with a pump spacing of 14.9 nm as compared to a single-pump FWM. The experimental results are verified by theoretical calculations and >40% bandwidth enhancement is predicted by further wavelength separation of the two pumps.
~ Spinnin' mayhem since 1965 If I Only Had A Brain I have been on a roller coaster ride as of late. Only, this time around it’s been for the sheer joy of it. You see, a few weeks back I was finally given the green light to return to school. The first day was nerve-racking to put it mildly. I haven’t been near any kind of institution of learning since 1998, and was honestly unprepared for what I was in for. In the first place, I found myself in a classroom that looked like no classroom I had ever attended. Banks of computers, all crammed in rows. Shiny and black, and filled with malfunction, these electronic teachers were more of a lesson in patience than numeration and communications. And nary a frat house anywhere in view. The teacher is wonderful. A highly underpaid and overly stressed woman who tries to do right by her pupils, whilst abstaining from grim acts of murder. I think I’ll have her canonized upon her death as Saint Teach. She certainly is earning it. What this woman is up against is hell on earth. She has not the power to control the “mature students”, yet she must have the class keep up a grade point average. Kinda difficult when your classroom is half empty on day two. So while trying to settle into the routine of learning, I’m introduced to my curriculum. A curriculum that will eventually include calculus. Hello??? Who served this up! God certainly does have a twisted sense of humour. I have to admit, shamefully, that I was an atrocious student in high school. Math was the one thing I could never comprehend. You may as well have asked me to do a neuter on a rabid pit bull. I’d likely have been more successful and yet endured less pain. Two plus two equals rivers of tears as well as an exploding aneurysm or two. I certainly will never be a threat to Stephen Hawking. Yet, despite my cranium crammed with concrete and dust, I found myself open and eager to learn. Surprisingly so. My lacklustre ability to comprehend basic math aside, it amazed me how quickly I seemed able to compute math in my head. This from the dolt that got math questions wrong with an abacus. Must be the insulin. It’s gotta be the super unleaded brand. I cannot in good conscience thank the electronic teacher for my new-found intelligence. It clearly is infected with some sort of programmed narcolepsy. You push the keys it asks, read the content, and then try to do. But that happens on the programs time. It appears it’s playing electronic chess someplace on campus, or perhaps has found itself occupied in some tawdry internet orgy elsewhere. Whatever it’s distraction, it certainly isn’t focused on your task. Question after repetitive question, minute after excruciating minute, this compu-stall keeps throwing the same content at you, leaving you to daydream “Beuller, Beuller, Beuller”. Perhaps Ferris’s be-speckled teacher was the inspiration for the math “challenges”. Things that make you go “AAARRRRG!” Yet, I patiently wheel and deal, knowing that down the line I’ll actually get to prove what I learned the hard way, yet again, in some winsome test scenario on campus. A reward for not taking a sledgehammer to the computer. With all this learning going on, I note that day after day I am actually absorbing the lessons, and better yet, getting decent marks in the process. Communications, however. That’s a different matter. You see, I know a great deal about English, being a writer and all. But I wasn’t prepared for how much I didn’t know. I’ve been able to write for some time now, albeit without detailed knowledge regarding the rules of grammar. It’s simply a natural response to me. I type, proof, sometimes send out to my bestest online buddy, Claudene for an edit, and voilà! Instant feat of grammatical satisfaction. So imagine my surprise when the teacher asked me what a participle was in class. My response was to put on my helmet and wipe the drool from my chin as I headed out to my short bus. Pointy hat has a “Reserved for D. M.” written across it. Yet, despite my inept responses to the defining rules of grammar, every time the flesh and blood teacher asks the class a question, she makes a point of saying “anyone but Dave, please”. I might as well be flattered. During my submission to the college when I wrote the pre-entry exam, from what they told me, I apparently blew them out of the water. I guess I may as well be pleased. However, not knowing an adjective from a pronoun was a very humbling experience. So, with all of this, each day I awake, eager to tackle yet another challenge. School is fast paced, and you can’t let your concentration slip for even a second. Did that once, and paid a heavy price for it. And in doing so, awoke some sort of educational monster deep within me. It seeks out my text books, and actually seems to enjoy ingesting new-found ideas and equations. The monster even had me pulling my gym mat out of the cupboard, and forced me to tune into Netflix for the Pilates instructional video. What happened to Dave. Was he swept out to sea? Perhaps abduction is the answer. Well, whatever the reason, the guy with nothing between his ears but pain and suffering seems to have been overtaken by some fur-laden pod bear. One that actually has a working noggin. I can see Dave out there, someplace, in a wheat field, tied up upon a rickety stake, singing Wizard of Oz melodies. I hope he’s happy waiting for the Dorothy and Toto to come along and give him inspiration as well.
Physiologic Interpretation of GWAS Signals for Type 2 Diabetes. This chapter reviews both statistical and physiologic issues related to the pathophysiologic effects of genetic variation in the context of type 2 diabetes. The goal is to review current methodologies used to analyze disease-related quantitative traits for those who do not have extensive quantitative and physiologic background, as an attempt to bridge that gap. We leverage mathematical modeling to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches and attempt to reinforce with real data analysis. Topics reviewed include phenotype selection, phenotype specificity, multiple variant analysis via the genetic risk score, and consideration of multiple disease-related phenotypes. Type 2 diabetes is used as the example, not only because of the extensive existing knowledge at the genetic, physiologic, clinical, and epidemiologic levels, but also because type 2 diabetes has been at the forefront of complex disease genetics, with many examples to draw from.
REUTERS/Khalil AshawiBEIRUT (Reuters) – A total of 135 people were killed in the first week of a fragile truce in Syria in areas covered by the cessation of hostilities agreement, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Saturday. In areas not covered by the ceasefire, which came into force on Feb. 27, 552 people were killed, the... Honour student Asher Potts was well into his senior year in a Pennsylvania high school when police got a tip that the earnest teenager who had greatly impressed community leaders for nearly four years was not the person he claimed to be. …read more Source:... STATE DEPARTMENT – There has been no breakthrough in the latest diplomatic attempt to implement a peace deal in eastern Ukraine, but observers say the so-called Minsk agreements are not “dead” yet. I …read more Source: Big News... KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) – Second seed Elina Svitolina will square off against sixth seed Eugenie Bouchard in the Malaysian Open final Sunday after both won their semi-final matches in straight sets.Svitolina, ranked 19th in the world, easily dispatched Chinas Lin Zhu 6-3, 6-3 in the first semi-final match which only lasted about an hour on... The European Union has extended an asset freeze against former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and 15 of his close associates for alleged misappropriation of state funds. …read more Source: Radio Free Europe / Radio... For many years NATO attempted to use dialogue as the basis for its partnership with Russia. The Alliance operated in the spirit of trust and transparency. But this trust was, too often, abused: Russia disregarded the principles laid down in the 1997 NATO–Russia Founding Act; withdrew from the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty; violated the... A vendor sorts sausages at a stand in Vienna, Austria. Similar German sausages are now available at Mahlzeit restaurant in Rangoon. (Photo: Herwig Prammer / Reuters) RANGOON — Asian cuisines from China, Japan, Korea, Thailand and India are not considered unconventional among food lovers in Rangoon. But German, Russian and Mediterranean dishes... Liz Kaszynski/Lockheed MartinUkraine has lost Crimea, and much of its eastern border region as well, to invading troops from Russia. But could this beleaguered country soon book a win in the airplane market? Several recent news items suggest that it could — and that it could do this at Lockheed Martin’s expense. Last month, we relayed to...
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a shield tunneling method and apparatus, and more particularly to a method and apparatus for thrusting a shield, which is adapted for use in jacking pipes into the ground. 2. Description of the Prior Art Generally, according to the pipe jacking method, as shown in U.S. Pat. No. 4,311,411, a shield is provided at the foremost part of a pipe to be thrusted and the ground is bored by the operation of an excavator attached to the shield, then by the subsequent operation of a hydraulic thrust jack disposed behind the pipe a thrust is exerted on the shield and the pipes, so that the shield and the pipes are thrusted into the bored portion of the ground. The above excavator is disposed rotatably in the front portion of the shield and is driven by a drive unit disposed behind a partition wall extending across the interior of the shield. During operation of the excavator, the cut surface of the ground or the tunnel face is maintained in a stable condition by being pressurized with pressurized water, sludge, etc. Such preboring of the ground by the excavator diminishes the thrust resistance of the succeeding pipes, but since the pipes undergo an earth pressure acting on their circumference, the thrust resistance increases with adding of pipes required as the pipe thrusting proceeds and hence with increase of the overall length of pipes to be thrusted. Therefore, the above thrust jack must be large-sized enough to produce a large thrust. The foregoing earth pressure not only is an obstacle to the thrusting of a pipe but also continues to act on the circumference of the pipes after embedded in the ground and impedes a stable maintenance of the pipes. On the other hand, the excavator for excavating the ground which covers the front of the shield requires a large-sized drive unit capable of producing a large driving torque for driving its rotary cutter head. This drive unit must be disposed within the shield, but in the case of a shield having a small outside diameter, e.g., 300 mm or so, there is no room for mounting therein a large-sized drive unit.
Daily mortality and particulate matter in different size classes in Erfurt, Germany. The link between elevated concentrations of ambient particulate matter (PM) and increased mortality has been investigated in numerous studies. Here we analyzed the role of different particle size fractions with respect to total and cardio-respiratory mortality in Erfurt, Germany, between 1995 and 2001. Number concentrations (NC) of PM were measured using an aerosol spectrometer consisting of a Differential Mobility Particle Sizer and a Laser Aerosol Spectrometer to characterize particles between 0.01 and 0.5 and between 0.1 and 2.5 microm, respectively. We derived daily means of particle NC for ultrafine (0.01-0.1 microm) and for fine particles (0.01-2.5 microm). Assuming spherical particles of a constant density, we estimated the mass concentrations (MC) of particles in these size ranges. Concurrently, data on daily total and cardio-respiratory death counts were obtained from local health authorities. The data were analyzed using Poisson Generalized Additive Models adjusting for trend, seasonality, influenza epidemics, day of the week, and meteorology using smooth functions or indicator variables. We found statistically significant associations between elevated ultrafine particle (UFP; diameter: 0.01-0.1 microm) NC and total as well as cardio-respiratory mortality, each with a 4 days lag. The relative mortality risk (RR) for a 9748 cm(-3) increase in UFP NC was RR=1.029 and its 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.003-1.055 for total mortality. For cardio-respiratory mortality we found: RR=1.031, 95% CI: 1.003-1.060. No association between fine particle MC and mortality was found. This study shows that UFP, representing fresh combustion particles, may be an important component of urban air pollution associated with health effects.
News, views and top stories in your inbox. Don't miss our must-read newsletter Sign up Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice Invalid Email Health chiefs have warned people aged over 60 years old to avoid crowded places as coronavirus continues to spread worldwide. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has issued a warning to urge people in that specific age group to avoid anywhere they could catch the virus. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general at WHO, posted on Twitter yesterday: "If you are 60+, or have an underlying condition like cardiovascular disease, a respiratory condition or diabetes, you have a higher risk of developing severe #COVID19. "Try to avoid crowded areas, or places where you might interact with people who are sick." The message came after the WHO raised the risk assessment for the deadly outbreak to 'very high' globally - as nearly 87,000 people tested positive for the virus and 2,979 were killed worldwide. (Image: YONHAP/AFP via Getty Images) In the UK, the number of confirmed cases has soared to 23 after three more people have tested positive for Covid-19. Chief medial officer Prof Chris Whitty said two of the patients had returned from Italy and the third one from Asia. The three patients are from Gloucestershire, Hertfordshire and Berkshire. Prof Whitty added: "All three are being investigated and contract tracing has begun." It's reported that the patient from Berkshire is a staff member at Willow Bank Infant School in Reading. (Image: PA) Head teacher Michelle Masters sent an email to parents and employees to urge them to stay calm and follow recommended hygiene procedures. The school will be closed for a few days as they carry out a deep clean to prevent further infections. The email read: "We regret to inform you that we were told today that one of our members of staff has tested positive for the Coronavirus, Covid-19. "We understand that this will worry many of you, and can reassure you that we have taken advice from Public Health England, who have released the attached statements. "We have also attached some FAQs which hopefully answer some of the questions you may have. "We apologise that it has taken some time to officially inform you, however we have first had to perform the necessary checks and procedures that follow such an incident, which has taken most of today. "Please can we ask that you remain calm and follow the recommended hygiene procedures." Former health secretary Jeremy Hunt , MP for South West Surrey, said on Twitter he was thinking of clinicians, staff and patients at the surgery during this "worrying time". UK Heath Secretary Matt Hancock said “at this stage” people should “go about their ordinary business” and over-60s don’t need to avoid public transport - despite the Director-General of the World Health Organisation warning they should. He added: “If we get to the position where this is endemic right around the world and large scale here then we will change the advice according to what the scientists advise.”
## Code of Conduct This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/). For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.
A United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy rocket launches NASA's Parker Solar Probe on its epic sun-studying mission on Aug. 12, 2018, from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The deep-space journey of NASA's epic sun-touching mission has started out well. The Parker Solar Probe, which launched early Sunday morning (Aug. 12) from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, is notching flight milestones according to plan, NASA officials said today (Aug. 17). For example, the spacecraft deployed its high-gain antenna, which it uses to communicate with Earth, a day after liftoff. Also, on Aug. 13, the Parker Solar Probe powered up one of its four instrument suites — the one known as the Fields Experiment. [NASA's Parker Solar Probe Mission to the Sun in Pictures] In addition, the probe has been using its thrusters to reduce momentum, an activity designed to stabilize its flight profile, NASA officials said. "Parker Solar Probe is operating as designed, and we are progressing through our commissioning activities," mission project manager Andy Driesman, of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, said in a statement. "The team — which is monitoring the spacecraft 24 hours a day, seven days a week — is observing nominal data from the systems as we bring them online and prepare Parker Solar Probe for its upcoming initial Venus gravity assist," he added. A diagram showing the planned path of the Parker Solar Probe's mission. (Image credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL) That Venus flyby will occur on Oct. 3, paving the way for the Parker Solar Probe's first close encounter with the sun on Nov. 5. The $1.5 billion mission will make a total of 24 close solar flybys over the next seven years. And more Venus gravity assists are coming, too — six more, in fact, after the October encounter. These Venus flybys will help sculpt and shrink the Parker Solar Probe's elliptical orbit, helping it get much closer to our star than any human-made object ever has before. During its final solar flyby, for example, the spacecraft will get within just 3.83 million miles (6.16 million kilometers) of the sun's surface. The current close-approach record is 27 million miles (43 million km), set by the German-American Helios 2 mission back in 1976. The sun's powerful gravity will accelerate the Parker Solar Probe to record-shattering speeds during these encounters. During that final solar flyby, the spacecraft will reach a top speed of about 430,000 mph (690,000 km/h). That's more than double the current mark, set by NASA's Juno probe during its arrival at Jupiter in July 2016. The Parker Solar Probe will gather a variety of data during these close passes, studying the sun's electric and magnetic fields and waves and characterizing the charged particles rocketing away from our star, among other things. These observations could help solve some long-standing mysteries — why the sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, is so much hotter than its surface, for example, and how the charged particles that make up the solar wind are accelerated to their high speeds. As of noon EDT (1600 GMT) yesterday (Aug. 16), the Parker Solar Probe was 2.9 million miles (4.7 million km) from Earth and zooming through space at 39,000 mph (63,000 km/h), NASA officials said. Follow Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall and Google+. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on Space.com.
Chemically-induced cation permeability in red cell membrane vesicles. The sidedness of the response and the proteins involved. Cation fluxes were measured in right-side-out and inside-out vesicles obtained from human red cells. Rubidium, which is spontaneously released at very slow rates, can be rapidly released from both types of vesicle by addition of valinomycin. P-Chloromercuriphenyl sulfonic acid (PCMBS) also increases the cation permeability of the vesicles with reversal to normal after addition of dithiothreitol. The effect of PCMBS is considerably larger and appears faster in the inside-out vesicles as compared to the right-side-out vesicles, the difference being greater at low temperatures. These data indicate that the SH groups responsible for the changes in cation permeability are more accessible from the inside face of the membrane. The response to PCMBS was not diminished after selective removal of extrinsic proteins by alkaline extraction, and/or after the membranes were exposed to proteolytic enzymes. The major polypeptide component remaining in vesicles after both treatments was a 17 000-dalton transmembrane fragment derived from band 3 which might, therefore, be responsible for the permeability response. Addition of Ca2+ to either right-side-out or inside-out vesicles, in the presence or absence of ionophore A23187, was without effect on monovalent cation permeability, indicating that the mechanism of Ca2+-induced K+ permeation was lost or inactivated during the preparation of the vesicles.
Casa Blanca 5-drawer Black Chest CB2600 This 5 Drawer Chest in black finish manufactured by Casa Blanca is modern and functional. This 5 Drawer Chest is ideal for all your little one's clothing. The chest has been designed to match most black finish cribs on the market today.Details...
Cricut Explore Air 2 Machine Get everything you need to start making projects right out of the box. Quick projects. Select from over 3,000 ready-to-make projects or make quick cuts from our extensive image library Embedded Bluetooth® for wireless cutting Description Get everything you need to start making projects right out of the box. Quick projects. Select from over 3,000 ready-to-make projects or make quick cuts from our extensive image library Embedded Bluetooth® for wireless cutting Cut 100+ materials from vellum to leather
The Paula Deen racism scandal just got reignited thanks to a blockbuster New York Times story Thursday that claims the former Food Network star asked black employees to dress like Aunt Jemima. The profile of Deen's cook Dora Charles overflows with allegations of racist behavior. Deen allegedly paid black employees less than white ones and used racial slurs. But it is Deen's idea of Confederate-tinged dinner theater that may be the most unseemly element of the story. Charles tells the Times that she refused Deen's requests to ring a dinner bell in front of her Savannah, Ga. restaurant The Lady and Sons and, in the words of the paper, holler for "people to come and get it." Also read: Paula Deen's Multimillion-Dollar Disaster: What's the Cost of the N-Word? "I said, 'I'm not ringing no bell,'" Charles told the paper. "That's a symbol to me of what we used to do back in the day." Deen finally found an African-American employee willing to perform this throwback to plantation life in Charles' friend and colleague Ineata Jones, who the Times reports is nicknamed Jellyroll. The paper says that postcards of Jones ringing a dinner bell are for sale at her stores (pictured left). Jones drew the line at dressing like Aunt Jemima, the Quaker Oats spokeswoman with origins in minstrel shows. See video: Paula Deen: 5 Golden, Butter-Drenched Moments "Jellyroll didn't want to hear that," Charles said. "She didn't want to do that." A spokeswoman for Deen did not respond to TheWrap's request for comment, but did deny the allegations to the New York Times. Charles, who claims she was not adequately compensated for her role developing Deen's Southern-style cooking, has filed complaints with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Also read: Paula Deen Can Save Her Career: A Recipe for Redemption The article seems likely to tarnish Deen's already damaged reputation following her admission last month that she had used the N-word. The chef was forced to open up about her use of slurs during a deposition related to allegations of racism and sexual harassment brought against Deen by a former employee, Lisa T. Jackson. In the wake of Deen's admission, the celebrity chef was dropped by Food Network and dumped by retailers like Walmart and Target and the drug maker Novo Nordisk, with whom she had endorsement deals. Related Articles: Paula Deen Can Save Her Career: A Recipe for Redemption Paula Deen's Multimillion-Dollar Disaster: What's the Cost of the N-Word? Martha Stewart Feels 'Sorry' for Paula Deen; Admits to Sexting, Threesome During 'What What Happens Live'
Cholecystokinin activates a variety of intracellular signal transduction mechanisms in rodent pancreatic acinar cells. Cholecystokinin (CCK) acting through its G protein-coupled receptor is now known to activate a variety of intracellular signaling mechanisms and thereby regulate a complex array of cellular functions in pancreatic acinar cells. The best studied mechanism is the coupling through heterotrimeric G proteins of the Gq family to activate a phospholipase C leading to an increase in inositol trisphosphate and release of intracellular Ca2+. This pathway along with protein kinase C activation in response to the increase in diacylglycerol stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes by the process of exocytosis. CCK also activates signaling pathways in acini more related to other processes. The three mitogen activated protein kinase cascades leading to ERKs, JNKs and p38 MAPK are all activated by CCK. CCK activates the ERK cascade by PKC activation of Raf which in turn activates MEK and ERKs. JNKs are activated by a distinct mechanism which requires higher concentrations of CCK. Both ERKs and JNKs are presumed to regulate gene expression. CCK activation of p38 MAPK also plays a role in regulating the actin cytoskeleton through phosphorylation of the small heat shock protein HSP27. The PI3K-PKB-mTOR pathway is activated by CCK and plays a major role in regulating protein synthesis at the translational level. This includes both activation of p70 S6K leading to phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 and the phosphorylation of the binding protein for initiation factor 4E leading to formation of the mRNA cap binding complex. Other signaling pathways activated by CCK receptors include NF-kappaB and a variety of tyrosine kinases. Further work is needed to understand how CCK receptors activate most of the above pathways and to better understand the biological events regulated by these diverse signaling pathways.
cd /D "%~dp0" call nuget.exe restore -PackagesDirectory . packages.config || exit /b 1 move /Y "Microsoft.PowerToys.Telemetry.2.0.0\build\include\TraceLoggingDefines.h" "..\src\common\Telemetry\TraceLoggingDefines.h" || exit /b 1 move /Y "Microsoft.PowerToys.Telemetry.2.0.0\build\include\TelemetryBase.cs" "..\src\common\Telemetry\TelemetryBase.cs" || exit /b 1
Surface modification on silicon with chitosan and biological research. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of chitosan modification of silicon (Si) on protein adsorption, cell adhesion and cell proliferation. Chitosan was first immobilized on the Si surface through a (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES) bridge. The surface was then characterized by contact angle measurement, atomic force microscopy (AFM), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The amount of protein adsorbed on the native Si and chitosan-modified Si surface was evaluated by a modified Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) protein assay. The adhesion and proliferation behavior of L-929 and pc12 cells were then assessed by microscopy and methylthiazoltetrazolium (MTT) tests. The results showed that the chitosan modification could resist protein adsorption and inhibit the adhesion and proliferation of two kinds of cells on Si.
Explaining the Excel Bug - lackbeard http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2007/09/26b.html ====== shiro Floating-point to decimal conversion is a little bit trickier than usually thought (cf. Steele&White, "How to Print Floating-Point Numbers Accurately", SIGPLAN '90, pp.112-126, 1990. and also Burger&Dybvig, "Printing Floating- Point Numbers Quickly and Accurately", PLDI '96, pp.108--116, 1996.), and tweaking the algorithm can easily introduce special cases in the code path. Now I don't have any idea why Excel had such special cases around 65535, but this incident seems to confirm my growing suspicion that it is wrong not to test 100% of code paths. Some of you may say off course it is, but I've seen programmers that just test a few sample points and then bombarding the code with random input and say it's working. I myself have been bitten by some bugs hidden in rare code paths since I was lazy to construct a special input that tests the path, which sometimes takes some effort. (I haven't used automated test case generation tools; any opinions?) ------ dfranke Joel is letting them off easy when he talks about how it's unlikely that this bug would come out in testing. He's right that black-box tests wouldn't catch it. But, obviously someone wrote some special-case logic for formatting 65535 and 65536, and there's absolutely no reason that that special case logic should be there. That code should have been flagged during code review and terminated with extreme prejudice.
Chronological dynamic changes in cortico-subcortical imbalance of cerebral blood flow in a boy with CAPOS syndrome. Cerebellar ataxia, Areflexia, Pes cavus, Optic atrophy and Sensorineural hearing loss (CAPOS) syndrome is a known ATP1A3-related disorder, but little has been elucidated regarding its pathophysiology. We now report two new patients, a Japanese boy and his mother with a pathogenic mutation (c.2452G>A) in ATP1A3, who were diagnosed with CAPOS syndrome. After febrile illnesses at 7 months of age, and again at 22 months of age, the boy had a reduced level of consciousness, truncal ataxia and eye movement-disorders. The patient's 32-year-old mother may have experienced an episode of acute encephalopathy in her childhood and sustained sensorineural hearing loss. In the present study, we demonstrated chronological dynamic changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the son, using serial single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The serial CBF-SPECT findings using statistical methods showed progressive hyperperfusion in the frontal lobes, basal ganglia and thalamus, and hypoperfusion in the occipital and temporal lobes during the acute and subacute phases. Thereafter, the dynamic changes of CBF improved in the chronic but hypoperfusion in thalamus appeared to the chronic phase. The abnormal cortico-subcortical CBF may contribute to an acute encephalopathy-like condition in the acute stage of CAPOS syndrome. CAPOS syndrome is not often reported, and is possibly an under-recognized syndrome in clinically mild cases.
Q: WPF - Why doesn't my binding act 2 way? I've been struggling to get my head around data binding with WPF and receiving edits made to a datagrid for an ObservableCollection. I made a datagrid designed to allow the user only to edit existing value for a point (X and Y), with an ObservableCollection holding them called coordinates The grid successfully fills with whatever data is in coordinates. However, whenever I change the X or Y value in the data grid (of which there is a duplicate column for X and Y seem to be made, for some reason), it is not updated in coordinates (shown when i use the console). Why is this the case? Here is the XAML code: <DataGrid x:Name="XYDataGrid" CanUserSortColumns="False" CanUserReorderColumns="False" CanUserResizeColumns="False" CanUserResizeRows="False" ColumnWidth="*" ItemsSource="{Binding}" LostFocus="XYDataGrid_LostFocus"> <DataGrid.Columns> <DataGridTextColumn Header="X" Binding="{Binding X, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/> <DataGridTextColumn Header="Y" Binding="{Binding Y, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/> </DataGrid.Columns> </DataGrid> And in my C#: private ObservableCollection<Point> coordinates = new ObservableCollection<Point>(); public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); coordinates.Add(new Point() { X = 1, Y = 1 }); this.DataContext = coordinates; } private void XYDataGrid_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine((coordinates[0].X).ToString()); } A: Like @Clemens pointed out, Point is a Struct which is a value type and not a reference type. Use a Class instead, something like: public class CustomPoint { public double X { get; set; } public double Y { get; set; } } Then change the collection to: private ObservableCollection<CustomPoint> coordinates = new ObservableCollection<CustomPoint>(); And to get rid of the duplicate column, follow @Bradley Uffner advice by setting the AutoGenerateColumns="False": <DataGrid x:Name="XYDataGrid" CanUserSortColumns="False" CanUserReorderColumns="False" CanUserResizeColumns="False" CanUserResizeRows="False" ColumnWidth="*" ItemsSource="{Binding}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" LostFocus="XYDataGrid_LostFocus"> <DataGrid.Columns> <DataGridTextColumn Header="X" Binding="{Binding X, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/> <DataGridTextColumn Header="Y" Binding="{Binding Y, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/> </DataGrid.Columns> </DataGrid>
Q: Why are functions loaded at aligned addresses in x86 Linux for elf executables? I've been looking at Linux elf executables on x86, mostly using IDA but also gdb. One thing I've noticed is functions are always loaded at word aligned addresses? Anybody knows the reason of that? I am not aware of any requirement of x86 instructions to start at aligned addresses. And it cannot be due to page alignment cause the page boundary can still be anywhere within the function. I would appreciate any insight at all. Thanks. A: You are right, instructions do not need to be aligned. On x86 processors, assembly instructions are encoded using variable length codes from 1 to at least 15 bytes. But instructions are read from a cache usually aligned on 64 bytes, and some parts of the execution pipeline operate faster when code is correctly aligned: decoding, loops, branch prediction, etc. The best source of info on this are Agner Fog's documents: http://www.agner.org/optimize/
Tag: savings My mama and me are going to a baby shower in a few weeks. As we were choosing items from the baby registry, we saw a set of adorable baby socks and our creative minds started churning … we decided to make a baby sock bouquet! This DIY baby sock bouquet is simple to make and it can be used as a gift or as a centerpiece for a baby shower party. All the supplies used were purchased from our local dollar store, with the exception of the socks, for a total cost of $12.50. (We bought name-brand socks, but you could use baby socks from your local dollar store and make the gift for as little as $4.50) Quick tip: As you roll the socks to create the rose, it is best to make sure the heel part of the sock is at the top part of the rose. Doing so will create dimension, mimicking the center of a real rose. When I have a gathering with more than four people in my small two bedroom, one bath townhouse, I am challenged with thinking of creative ways to make it comfortable for all of my guests. In a small event space you need to pay more attention to seating, serving, and socializing. (Oh, gotta love the accidental alliteration!) Here are five tips to help you host a successful event in a small space: 1. Make use of the walls and ceilings When you can’t expand your party horizontally, the logical direction is to go up. No, this does not mean you need superpowers to dance on the ceiling. (Although, that would be awesome!) What you can do is pretty up the walls and hang your decorations from the ceiling. This will save space at the tables and help keep your place clutter free. 2. Use pillows for extra seating Pillows are good for laying your head on or squeezing tight for comfort … but that’s not all … Pillows make excellent extra seating on the floor! This is a great option especially when your party includes children. Double the use by choosing bright, festive colored pillows and include them as part of your decorations. 3. Opt for appetizers Save space by limiting how much food you cook and serve. You can do this by selecting a menu of small appetizers instead of a sit down meal. Or, if you prefer to make a full meal, think about serving it buffet style. Make sure the food is not too messy so your guests can eat the food comfortably anywhere in the house. Mobile-style foods are great because you can spread the food through out the rooms so your guests won’t crowd in one area. 4. Rearrange your furniture Determine which rooms you will allow your guests in and take a look at the space. Will the current set up work for multiple people? Maybe your kitchen table could be pushed up against a wall and used to display the appetizers or buffet. See if you can move your couch in a different position to allow for extra seats to be added in the living room. Move a bookshelf or TV stand to your bedroom temporarily to allow more space for your guests to move around. My favorite way to make extra space in my home is to set up a larger folding table with a table cloth over top of the low coffee table in my living room. This provides extra table height and length for playing board games or serving food. 5. Offer more than food When you fit a lot of people into a tiny space, your guests may start to feel uncomfortable. Lighten the mood by offering some entertainment. If it is a nice day out, ask if anyone wants to go for a walk or sit outside. If you have enough room, you can take it up a notch and start dancing or playing games. At the very least, play music in the background. Remember, it is possible to have a party in any size space, and I mean it when I say ANY size! In college we had some pretty amazing parties with 10 people in a 12′ x 19′ dorm room, and all we had to do was stack the beds on top of one another … poof … there was a dance floor. Have you ever been challenged with hosting a party in a small space? I would love to hear how it went. Please share your suggestions! Want to hand out a party favor at your event but you have a lot of guests and need to make sure you don’t go over budget? Here is a perfect solution that can be tailored to any party theme … a drink coaster set! And, you will only spend $2 (or less) per guest. I will take you step-by-step to create a drink coaster set for each of your guests. If you have more than 100 guests, it would be fun to recruit some helpers and set up an assembly line. Maybe put on some music and turn it into a crafting party – fun, fun! Step 1: Cut out two 4×4-inch felt squares and set them aside. Step 2: Cut out two 4×4-inch photo images and set them aside. Be creative when selecting your photo images … you can use old maps, scrapbook paper, magazine images, or even print images on regular copy paper. Step 3: Dip the foam paint brush into the Mod Podge (or watered-down Elmer’s glue) and brush a thin layer of glue on the backside of the photo image. Step 4: Place the photo image, glue-side down, onto the top surface of the ceramic tile. Make sure the photo image is centered on the tile. Step 5: Use the foam paint brush to smooth the top of the photo image and remove any air bubbles. Set the tile aside to dry. Step 6: After both tiles are dry, use a clean foam paint brush to apply a thin coat of the Polycrylic finish onto the surface of the tile. Set the tile aside to dry, for at least 24 hours. Step 7: Once the clear finish is dry, use the E6000 glue to apply the felt square to the bottom of the tile, and set aside to dry. Step 8: Bundle two of the finished tile coasters together with twine (or ribbon). Step 9: Finish the party favor by handwriting a simple thank you message to a string hanging tag and tie it to the twine. You’re finished! Now, you just have to repeat the steps as many times as there are guests. I am certain your family and friends will appreciate the time, effort, and creativity that you put into their gift! Remember to include your own personality when recreating this project. Choose different colors and images that appeal to you. Play around with different style tags too. One last tip … earlier I mentioned you can make these coaster sets for less than $2 a piece. There is two ways to accomplish this … 1. Try to get the craft supplies for free from community forums like Craigslist, and 2. Always use coupons offered by your local craft store. Happy savings … and remember to have fun! P.S. I used this DIY project as the party favors for my own wedding. Check out my How to Plan a Wedding post for more details. My husband, Travis, and I got married on March 8, 2014. As we were planning our wedding we realized that we didn’t want to start our life together in debt. So, with our DIY attitudes and a love for adventure, we put together a wedding ceremony and reception that was personal, beautiful, and fun, on a $10,000 budget. Now, you might think $10,000 is a lot to spend on a wedding, or maybe you think it is too little. I know couples who have planned a wedding with a budget as high as $100,000 and as low as $2,500. My advice to you is choose a budget that you and your partner are comfortable with spending. My tips and tricks in this post will help you begin to plan your wedding and teach you some ways you can save money. To start, check out these three important decisions you need to make: Choose a theme that reflects the personality of you and your fiance. It’s okay to have more than one theme, but make sure the themes compliment each other. We had a travel, vintage, country theme because traveling is a mutual hobby of ours and we knew we could use a lot of the items we already owned as decorations for the wedding. Choose three elements that you must have at your wedding. These should be the three most important elements that you want at your wedding. For us that was a DJ, a photographer, and an ice cream bar (because whoever doesn’t love cake most likely loves ice cream – am I right?) Choose a venue that will help you save on decorations or other wedding elements. When visiting potential venues, make sure to ask for all that is included. Many venues at a resort or hotel include centerpieces, linens, and the cake. Even if you are lucky to find a free venue, make sure to find out what your caterer will offer. Now that you have made these three important choices and identified the budget boundaries for your wedding, the next step is to reach out to your network of friends who can help with the services. Do you have an old high school friend who is working on a degree in videography? A friend of a friend who does DJ work on the side and can offer you a huge discount? Or, a previous coworker who owns a photography business? You’ll be surprised of all the connections you can find in your network. We happened to have all three of those connections who offered discounts which meant we saved a bundle! If you find out that you don’t have the connections you’re looking for … no worries! Check out all the gig opportunities posted on community sites like Craigslist, or the bulletin boards at your local college for students looking to get experience to build their professional portfolios. Maybe you will luck out and get the services for free. After you have your venue and services secure, you can begin thinking about decorations. This part is fun! Think about all the decorations you would like to have at your wedding and separate your ideas into three categories: Decorations you can make yourself Decorations you will order Decorations you already have or can borrow Here on this blog I will post DIY projects, but you can also search the internet for inspiration or how-to videos. You will find that Pinterest and the dollar stores will become your best friend, as they are mine. Not only will DIY decorations save you dollars, but they will give a personal touch to your event which will make your wedding a memorable party for you and your guests. Finally, the part you have been scrolling for … how did we spend $10,000 on our wedding. Note: The budget I show does not include our wedding rings or honeymoon cost. There is a lot involved with planning a wedding, so I am sure you are feeling a bit overwhelmed. I would love to answer your questions or give you more advice, so please feel free to comment below or send me a message.
Infection of Amblyomma ovale by Rickettsia sp. strain Atlantic rainforest, Colombia. Our goal was to understand rickettsial spotted fevers' circulation in areas of previous outbreaks reported from 2006 to 2008 in Colombia. We herein present molecular identification and isolation of Rickettsia sp. Atlantic rainforest strain from Amblyomma ovale ticks, a strain shown to be pathogenic to humans. Infected ticks were found on dogs and a rodent in Antioquia and Córdoba Provinces. This is the first report of this rickettsia outside Brazil, which expands its known range considerably.
Degradation of 1,4-dioxane in water using TiO2 based photocatalytic and H2O2/UV processes. 1,4-dioxane is a synthetic compound found in industrial effluent and subsequently contaminates water bodies due to its high solubility and high volatility. It is of concern due to its toxic and hazardous nature and has been listed as a class 2B carcinogen. This study involved optimisation of the photocatalytic and H(2)O(2)/UVC processes for 1,4-dioxane removal. Different photocatalysts and loadings were investigated for the degradation of low concentrations of 1,4-dioxane in water including a commercial P25, a synthesised magnetic photocatalyst and an immobilised sol-gel system. A commercial catalyst (Degussa P25) was the most efficient. A lifetime study of the sol-gel reactor showed that the coating was stable over the time period studied. The optimum H(2)O(2) concentration in the H(2)O(2)/UVC process was found to be 30ppm. The addition of H(2)O(2) to the photocatalytic process for 1,4-dioxane removal caused a decrease in rate for the commercial P25 photocatalyst and an increase in rate for the lab-made magnetic photocatalyst.
The Natural Behavior Debate: Two Conceptions of Animal Welfare. The performance of natural behavior is commonly used as a criterion in the determination of animal welfare. This is still true, despite many authors having demonstrated that it is not a necessary component of welfare - some natural behaviors may decrease welfare, while some unnatural behaviors increase it. Here I analyze why this idea persists, and what effects it may have. I argue that the disagreement underlying this debate on natural behavior is not one about which conditions affect welfare, but a deeper conceptual disagreement about what the state of welfare actually consists of. Those advocating natural behavior typically take a "teleological" view of welfare, in which naturalness is fundamental to welfare, while opponents to the criterion usually take a "subjective" welfare concept, in which welfare consists of the subjective experience of life by the animal. I argue that as natural functioning is neither necessary nor sufficient for understanding welfare, we should move away from the natural behavior criterion to an alternative such as behavioral preferences or enjoyment. This will have effects in the way we understand and measure welfare, and particularly in how we provide for the welfare of animals in a captive setting.
A contest that spanned multiple months, Hockeyville USA captivated towns across america. When the final ten cities were announced in April, Johnstown, PA found itself as one of the few remaining possibilities. The winner would receive money toward arena upgrades, but more importantly, the winning city would get to host a NHL preseason game. After weeks of voting, Johnstown was announced as the first, and original, winner of Hockeyville USA. First, before I go further, I must say that I have a bias when writing this article. I grew up in Johnstown. I spent 17 years of my life in Johnstown. I spent a good portion of my childhood with season tickets to the Johnstown Chiefs. I learned about the game. I developed a love for my favorite sport during all of those years. I witnessed “old-time” hockey. I watched Slap Shot on repeat enough times that the lines, as is true for so many others, flow through my head. I learned about the Johnstown Jets and had a Don Hall jersey made for me in the fourth grade. I was lucky enough to see one of the Hanson Brothers, Steve Carlson, coach the Chiefs for a number of years. I developed a relationship with a friendly equipment manager for the Johnstown Chiefs, Dana Heinze, who would always provide hockey tape and sticks to kids who patiently waited after the game was over. My story is not unique, and it is just a small part of why Johnstown makes the perfect original Hockeyville USA. When news continued to come in about Hockeyville USA events — weekend golf outing, a Gala event the evening prior, a morning skate with both teams, a red carpet event, and a nationally televised preseason game on NBC Sports — the excitement only grew. It was clear that while this was a preseason game, it had more meaning for the league, the city, and for the fans who are lucky enough to be a part of any of the festivities. NBC Sports has been touting this event since Johnstown was announced as the winner. A recent article in the Johnstown Tribune-Democrat detailed how they are bringing their ‘A’ crew to call the event (Doc Emrick, Jeremy Roenick, and Pierre McGuire). Ron Musselman, a Reporter/Columnist for The Tribune-Democrat, tweeted this out today: That’s right…the NHL commissioner and one of the living legends of hockey will attend Hockeyville USA tonight. I am sure everyone knows where I am going with this by now, but the absence of Sidney Crosby, Marc-Andre Fleury, Phil Kessel, and Kris Letang leave a bad taste in my mouth. Heck, even fan favorite Pascal Dupuis is noticeably absent. I get that this is ‘only a preseason game’. I also get that ‘Johnstown should just be thankful for the exhibition’. To both of those things I say, does it feel like a preseason game? Does the league view it as just another preseason game? Does the city of Johnstown think of it as just another NHL preseason game? The answer to all of those is a resounding no. I also think the folks in Johnstown can be thankful and appreciative for the exhibition and still wonder where is “the face of the NHL” in Sidney Crosby? I also understand that for some strange reason the Penguins are playing three games in three days. I still don’t see this as an excuse. Some of the players playing tomorrow night, in a truly meaningless game — like Crosby, Fleury, Dupuis, and Perron — should be playing tonight. Even if they had limited minutes, they would at least still be dressed for this event. I have been fortunate enough to see the Penguins play in Pittsburgh on multiple occasions. I have been fortunate to see stars like Sidney Crosby and Marc-Andre Fleury in person. For many of the folks attending the festivities or going to the game in Johnstown tonight, they may not have that chance. For an event the league and its counterparts touted as such a large event featuring the stars of the game, it has certainly lost some of its luster. The original city of Hockeyville USA and its fans deserved better.
The initial session with your animal is a minimum of 30 minutes. This includes conversation as well as a 22 wellness check up. Basic Person Wellness Session Many of the issues we see in our animal is also echoed in our own body, heart, mind. The initial session for the pet parent is one hour. This includes a wellness check of all "bodies"; emotional, energetic, etheric, pain and physical.
Hey guys, I was at a range in Norcal and just finished up shooting my glock and AR (both legal in every way) when the local sheriffs deputy came in and proceeded to perform checks on those who may have had high capacity magazines. I was all packed up into my pelican case and literally leaving and he stopped me to check my weapons. I very politely (I really like our law enforcement folks) declined as I had received a message to go home to handle AC failure at home. He basically threatened me with some form of detainment and repeated his need/desire/want to check my gear. I simply sidestepped him and walked out. End of contact. Now, this literally is the exact course of events and for the most part I'll comply with a reasonable request from LEO but in this instance I felt criminalized for no good reason. I even called the watch commander and mentioned that the deputy seemed out of line. I guess, my question is - could I have handled it better, could the deputy?? Do we generally feel allowing a consent search is 'easier' than entering a verbal debate over rights especially considering everything was 100% CA approved?? Hard to say without knowing what context the deputy had for making contact with people leaving the range in the first place. If you are transporting firearms in a public place a peace officer may demand to examine them to be sure they are being transported lawfully. It is not a search and you are required under the law to submit or face a criminal penalty. Since you were leaving a place where firearms can be lawfully discharged and perhaps he saw you putting firearms into your Pelican the deputy has the authority of the Penal Code to examine them. That the deputy let you walk away I find interesting. __________________ -- Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun Not a lawyer, just a former LEO proud to have served. Quote: Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. -- James Madison BigDogatPlay is correct considering this took place at a public shooting range. You are actually lucky that the deputy allowed you to just walk around him and leave like that because it appears the deputy had legal standing. This tells me either the deputy wasn't 100% sure he was within legal bounds or he just didn't think it would be worth the drama. There is a couple of shooting ranges in my beat, but we generally do not go in the ranges and do weapon checks. The feds show up once in a blue moon and do them. I like to leave folks at the range alone. They are there for recreation, not to rob or murder someone. __________________"If you expect logic associated with California law, it will only make your head hurt.." - Ron-Solo, 2013 Be interested to know where this happened, county owned facility? I think the fact that he let you walk away shows he didn't really know what he was doing, as he has the authority to inspect to ensure it is being transported within the law. Yeah you could have handled it better pop the case open and let him look it isn't a search, as said above, you could have been arrested on the spot for 148 PC. Would it have been worth it if everything was legal? This was all on a PRIVATELY ownd range in San Joaquin county. I got the impression the deputy was looking for something that just 'wasn't me' - maybe other people on the range had high caps. I still don't understand though what the PC is to stop me to check a locked case for transport compliance when I wasn't driving. Surely LE cannot come onto private property for that?? I get being in a car - on a public highway or indeed on public shooting ranges but 'transportation compliance' seems a stretch.... Don't get me wrong, I may have acted less than favorably - indeed I may even have failed the attitude test that day but I have nothing but respect for LEO 24/7 - I myself am an academy graduate from only a few years ago so I understand a little of the law (very little) This was all on a PRIVATELY ownd range in San Joaquin county. I got the impression the deputy was looking for something that just 'wasn't me' - maybe other people on the range had high caps. I still don't understand though what the PC is to stop me to check a locked case for transport compliance when I wasn't driving. Surely LE cannot come onto private property for that?? I get being in a car - on a public highway or indeed on public shooting ranges but 'transportation compliance' seems a stretch.... Don't get me wrong, I may have acted less than favorably - indeed I may even have failed the attitude test that day but I have nothing but respect for LEO 24/7 - I myself am an academy graduate from only a few years ago so I understand a little of the law (very little) Thanks for the input guys.....keep it coming! If the shooting range is open for business to the public, it doesn't matter if it is privately owned. Sorry :-( P.S. The way you felt is understandable, especially since you are unfamiliar with the laws. __________________"If you expect logic associated with California law, it will only make your head hurt.." - Ron-Solo, 2013 If the range is a business open to the public then it being on private property isn't an issue. If it's a private club open solely for the exclusive, non-public use of members it might be another story. Quote: I myself am an academy graduate from only a few years ago so I understand a little of the law (very little) When you went to the academy it would have been PC 12031(e) and I'm certain it would have been taught in the LD on point. It's now in PC 25850(b). Note the bolded, which I've added for clarity to to your situation. While many, including me, consider it unconstitutional to some degree or another, it's still the law and it's constitutionality is a subject for a different thread. Quote: 25850. (a) A person is guilty of carrying a loaded firearm when the person carries a loaded firearm on the person or in a vehicle while in any public place or on any public street in an incorporated city or in any public place or on any public street in a prohibited area of unincorporated territory. (b) In order to determine whether or not a firearm is loaded for the purpose of enforcing this section, peace officers are authorized to examine any firearm carried by anyone on the person or in a vehicle while in any public place or on any public street in an incorporated city or prohibited area of an unincorporated territory. Refusal to allow a peace officer to inspect a firearm pursuant to this section constitutes probable cause for arrest for violation of this section. __________________ -- Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun Not a lawyer, just a former LEO proud to have served. Quote: Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. -- James Madison Did he see the guns? If not, how did he know you had guns in the case. If he didnt see them and you didnt tell him there were guns in the case then where is his standing to check the guns? Highly highly unlikely....all weapons need to be secured on the line before passing out through the 'office' area - which is where I met him. So my weapons had already been unloaded, secured and squared away long before I saw the deputy. It is possible that he saw me earlier but I highly doubt it. As far as anyone was concered I may and I may not have had a weapon in the case. My Trijicon, Glock logos on the outside may have suggested there were indeed some weapons in the case If the range is a business open to the public then it being on private property isn't an issue. If it's a private club open solely for the exclusive, non-public use of members it might be another story. When you went to the academy it would have been PC 12031(e) and I'm certain it would have been taught in the LD on point. It's now in PC 25850(b). Note the bolded, which I've added for clarity to to your situation. While many, including me, consider it unconstitutional to some degree or another, it's still the law and it's constitutionality is a subject for a different thread. Oh I'm quite sure it was in one of the 20+ LD's that I took....I just cannot remember which one.... The range was open to the public, albeit private property and in no way exclusive to members only. I'm feeling that I failed the attitude test to some degree....If I have an oppotunity to meet with that Deputy again I'll let him know I was out of line! I'm not above apologizing for shennanigans. If the range is a business open to the public then it being on private property isn't an issue. If it's a private club open solely for the exclusive, non-public use of members it might be another story. When you went to the academy it would have been PC 12031(e) and I'm certain it would have been taught in the LD on point. It's now in PC 25850(b). Note the bolded, which I've added for clarity to to your situation. While many, including me, consider it unconstitutional to some degree or another, it's still the law and it's constitutionality is a subject for a different thread. The authority for an e-check (now b-check) is clearly grounded that: 1) The LEO must know there is a gun.AND 2a) in public place in an incorporated city.OR 2b) in a public place of unincorporated territory where shooting is prohibited. So, presuming for a moment that the LEO knew there was a gun, either 2a or 2b must also be satisfied in order for a loaded-check to occur. There is no legislated authority for a LEO to generically inspect a firearm (without reasonable suspicion of a crime) other then the above. 25850. (a) A person is guilty of carrying a loaded firearm when the person carries a loaded firearm on the person or in a vehicle while in any public place or on any public street in an incorporated city or in any public place or on any public street in a prohibited area of unincorporated territory. (b) In order to determine whether or not a firearm is loaded for the purpose of enforcing this section, peace officers are authorized to examine any firearm carried by anyone on the person or in a vehicle while in any public place or on any public street in an incorporated city or prohibited area of an unincorporated territory. [B]Refusal to allow a peace officer to inspect a firearm pursuant to this section constitutes probable cause for arrest [/ Ok my .02 I agree with you on this matter completely and that the OP was in clear violation of this PC 25850/148 and was arrestable. what I question is the likelihood of a conviction from the DA. From what I have seen, without the high cap mag (slamdunk) and the charge is only the 25850 (as I stated from what I have seen happen) my DA would release at booking as "no likelihood of conviction" and if 148 was thrown on, it would be tossed out way before the arrestie's file was given to the intake DA. Some things in life make no sence and this would be one of those " I will never get the last 2hrs of my life back"....and " I should have been a Fireman".... Im a little worried by the other LEO's chiming in on this stating a legal authority to perform a non-consentual search on private party while engaged in lawful activity and threatening 148 for walking away. There was no crime committed leading up to the contact therefor it is a consentual encounter and the OP has no duty to comply with the deputies request. For 148 to occur the party must be legally detained for investigation or under arrest and as it was stated the Deputy can not be doing an E-Check on private property as the weapon is not in a public venue or roadway. Some of you need a search and seizure refresher course! No wonder so many people hate us! Im sure Im gonna get flamed for this comment so go ahead and flame on. So to answer your question OP yes you were well within your rights and I would have done the same. Politefully decline and go about your business. Im a little worried by the other LEO's chiming in on this stating a legal authority to perform a non-consentual search on private party while engaged in lawful activity and threatening 148 for walking away. There was no crime committed leading up to the contact therefor it is a consentual encounter and the OP has no duty to comply with the deputies request. For 148 to occur the party must be legally detained for investigation or under arrest and as it was stated the Deputy can not be doing an E-Check on private property as the weapon is not in a public venue or roadway. Some of you need a search and seizure refresher course! No wonder so many people hate us! Im sure Im gonna get flamed for this comment so go ahead and flame on. So to answer your question OP yes you were well within your rights and I would have done the same. Politefully decline and go about your business. The authority for an e-check (now b-check) is clearly grounded that: 1) The LEO must know there is a gun.AND 2a) in public place in an incorporated city.OR 2b) in a public place of unincorporated territory where shooting is prohibited. So, presuming for a moment that the LEO knew there was a gun, either 2a or 2b must also be satisfied in order for a loaded-check to occur. The OP was leaving a firing range where firearms are used. Other than that we can only speculate to his/her observations. OP was in a place open to the public where shooting is prohibited (he was no longer on the range). If the deputy can reasonably articulate that OP was transporting firearms, that can justify the check under 25850(b), IMO. I'm not saying the deputy was right or wrong in doing so, it does seem a bit fishy, but I'm saying it can be articulated. Quote: There is no legislated authority for a LEO to generically inspect a firearm (without reasonable suspicion of a crime) other then the above. While you are generally correct (see F&G code for some legislated authorities) I'm not sure I see your point here, assuming that the check was within bounds of 25850(b). __________________ -- Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun Not a lawyer, just a former LEO proud to have served. Quote: Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. -- James Madison (b) In order to determine whether or not a firearm is loaded for the purpose of enforcing this section, peace officers are authorized to examine any firearm carried by anyone on the person or in a vehicle while in any public place or on any public street in an incorporated city or prohibited area of an unincorporated territory. Refusal to allow a peace officer to inspect a firearm pursuant to this section constitutes probable cause for arrest for violation of this section. To me, OP was in neither of the bolded areas. If the firearms are in cases, it is not "on the person". He is clearly not "in a vehicle", nor was he "on any public street" or "prohibited area". To me, a prohibited area would be school zones, federal buildings, etc. To say that the lobby of a gun range is a prohibited area is stretching, even though one would not want a customer discharging weapons there. A prohibited area defined elsewhere in statute is anyplace where the discharge of firearms is not authorized. I would take the position solely for the sake of the argument that discharge, other than legitimate self defense, is not permitted off the range itself. As the range is, by the OPs description in a place open to the public, in an unincorporated portion of a county and it can be inferred that recreational discharge would not be authorized where he was at the time, then presumptively the check is within scope. Again, there aren't a full set of facts here in this thread but the argument can be made that 25850(b) was correctly in play. Carrying the cases equals on the person as the cases are under the direct control of the person carrying them. I'm pretty certain that there is case law to that effect as I recall my training. __________________ -- Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun Not a lawyer, just a former LEO proud to have served. Quote: Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. -- James Madison I over heard a range master telling someone that you can have 10+ rd pistol magazines if you had them preban, if you're LEO or if you found them somewhere (parking lot, etc). I know having them from preban is ok and an LEO is exempt but is finding a high cap mag a valid excuse to stay out of trouble if caught with one? Seems way iffy. If so, does it apply to rifle magazines? Im a little worried by the other LEO's chiming in on this stating a legal authority to perform a non-consentual search on private party while engaged in lawful activity and threatening 148 for walking away. There was no crime committed leading up to the contact therefor it is a consentual encounter and the OP has no duty to comply with the deputies request. For 148 to occur the party must be legally detained for investigation or under arrest and as it was stated the Deputy can not be doing an E-Check on private property as the weapon is not in a public venue or roadway. Some of you need a search and seizure refresher course! No wonder so many people hate us! Im sure Im gonna get flamed for this comment so go ahead and flame on. So to answer your question OP yes you were well within your rights and I would have done the same. Politefully decline and go about your business. The OP did not say that the officer threatened to arrest him under 148. People who put a spin on things and distort the facts, then give a legal opinion based on those distorted facts, get other people who dont know any better into trouble. According to the OP, the officer wanted to inspect his weapon(s) and had legal standing to do so. The OP never aid anything about searching him. __________________"If you expect logic associated with California law, it will only make your head hurt.." - Ron-Solo, 2013 The OP did not say that the officer threatened to arrest him under 148. People who put a spin on things and distort the facts, then give a legal opinion based on those distorted facts, get other people who dont know any better into trouble. According to the OP, the officer wanted to inspect his weapon(s) and had legal standing to do so. The OP never aid anything about searching him. Wouldn't having me set down my case, unlock, open and provide for inspection constitute as search? If I'm not free to leave until I comply and I so detained until I do so?? Im a little worried by the other LEO's chiming in on this stating a legal authority to perform a non-consentual search on private party while engaged in lawful activity and threatening 148 for walking away. There was no crime committed leading up to the contact therefor it is a consentual encounter and the OP has no duty to comply with the deputies request. For 148 to occur the party must be legally detained for investigation or under arrest and as it was stated the Deputy can not be doing an E-Check on private property as the weapon is not in a public venue or roadway. Some of you need a search and seizure refresher course! No wonder so many people hate us! Im sure Im gonna get flamed for this comment so go ahead and flame on. So to answer your question OP yes you were well within your rights and I would have done the same. Politefully decline and go about your business. OOOOKAY.....so I've got, yep - arrestable (I must have been lucky that day) and NO, well within rights to treat as a consentual encounter and I ended it by walking away. I'm not up to date on search and seizure law but I'm confused - some of our LEO are saying hook and book and others are saying nope, no crime, no suspicion of crime and therefore no possibility of performing a search persuant to the E check, is that about right? 1. They can check your weapon to make sure you are transporting lawfully. 2. I don't see that this includes anything to do with magazines that are not inserted in your firearms, whether they have bullets in them or not, or even how many they can hold. Even if they find hi caps, so what? Burden of proof is on them. The fact he just let you walk away like that is odd though. When I transport my AR it's in a case that has dual compartments, one for the rifle, and one for other stuff, including mags, so all I would open is the rifle part. I would not consent to a search of any other compartments or my other personal effects. I keep an empty 10 round (not blocked but a real 10-round) magazine in my AR with the bolt locked back so it's real easy for them to see it's not only unloaded but they also need a tool to remove the magazine. __________________ If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever. 1. They can check your weapon to make sure you are transporting lawfully. 2. I don't see that this includes anything to do with magazines that are not inserted in your firearms, whether they have bullets in them or not, or even how many they can hold. Even if they find hi caps, so what? Burden of proof is on them. The fact he just let you walk away like that is odd though. When I transport my AR it's in a case that has dual compartments, one for the rifle, and one for other stuff, including mags, so all I would open is the rifle part. I would not consent to a search of any other compartments or my other personal effects. I keep an empty 10 round (not blocked but a real 10-round) magazine in my AR with the bolt locked back so it's real easy for them to see it's not only unloaded but they also need a tool to remove the magazine. A prohibited area defined elsewhere in statute is anyplace where the discharge of firearms is not authorized. I would take the position solely for the sake of the argument that discharge, other than legitimate self defense, is not permitted off the range itself. As the range is, by the OPs description in a place open to the public, in an unincorporated portion of a county and it can be inferred that recreational discharge would not be authorized where he was at the time, then presumptively the check is within scope. If he was on a private range, then he was on a private range. A public place and a place open to the public are two, totally separate things. Additionally, a police officer may not force you to stop show safe/legal transportation unless you are physically carrying a firearm in public, and they require a warrant to check the contents of your trunk unless under reasonable suspicion or probable cause. Each locked container (think locked pistol case) requires a separate warrant. OOOOKAY.....so I've got, yep - arrestable (I must have been lucky that day) and NO, well within rights to treat as a consentual encounter and I ended it by walking away. I'm not up to date on search and seizure law but I'm confused - some of our LEO are saying hook and book and others are saying nope, no crime, no suspicion of crime and therefore no possibility of performing a search persuant to the E check, is that about right? The problem here is, you have people chiming in who are not LEO's and who don't know what they are talking about. You asked a question of LEO's and it got answered by LEO's. Perhaps you should consult a criminal defense lawyer. Nobody is saying you should be hooked and booked. We are just telling you what the legalities are because you asked. Im not going to beat a ead horse, so this will be my last post on this subject. Good luck. __________________"If you expect logic associated with California law, it will only make your head hurt.." - Ron-Solo, 2013 Under the circumstances that the naysayers here are spouting you can search any persons belongings to see if they are within the law. I have not read anywhere in 25850 that it allows an officer to detain an individual without probable cause. This would apply should someone be detained for legal reason I.E. traffic stop etc... The rational that those here are using on 25850 would allow you to stop and search everyone. Such as someone carrying a backpack in a mall. Just because you have the tools with you to conceal stolen items does not allow you to search everyone with a backpack or bag! ...some of our LEO are saying hook and book and others are saying nope, no crime, no suspicion of crime and therefore no possibility of performing a search... brainwashed communist cops versus those who uphold the constitution. __________________ "Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent upon every citizen." -- Sir Robert Peel I have a question based on the way a range is classified as a non-prohibited area, or prohibited area. Wouldn't the business as a whole be classified as a non-prohibited area, not just the shooting lanes? As far as the city/county is concerned, they issued a business permit/licence, for a shooting range at a specific address. Doesn't the business owner/manager, make the final determination of where the lanes begin and end? A public place and a place open to the public are two, totally separate things. Additionally, a police officer may not force you to stop show safe/legal transportation unless you are physically carrying a firearm in public, and they require a warrant to check the contents of your trunk unless under reasonable suspicion or probable cause. Each locked container (think locked pistol case) requires a separate warrant. One warrant can cover the entire vehicle and all containers. You don't need a separate warrant for each container if it is written correctly. __________________ Quote: Originally Posted by waterfern Watch come Wednesday. It's going to be a landslide. Forget the polls, look at the census data, trump screwed up. Tell you what though if trump had made peace with woman and hispancis he could have pulled this off. But he kept at em. Just couldn't shut up.
The first Nintendo Direct presentation of 2019, which came more than three months after the previous show, was chock full of announcements and details regarding Nintendo’s slate of Nintendo Switch games for this year. Let’s take a deeper look at six highlights — with the list of all the news following below. Super Mario Maker getting a sequel for Switch, not a port Nintendo isn’t porting the beloved Wii U game Super Mario Maker to the Switch. Instead, the company is working on a brand-new follow-up, Super Mario Maker 2. There weren’t any real details, except that the sequel will offer “a host of new tools and features,” including the ability to put slopes in created levels. Super Mario Maker 2 is set for release this June. Zelda: Link’s Awakening revived for Switch The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening debuted on Game Boy way back in 1993, and Nintendo is bringing it back 26 years later, in 2019, on the Switch. Expect details later, but the gameplay footage — the same top-down perspective, but with 3D graphics instead of 2D sprites — looks gorgeous. PlatinumGames’ Astral Chain coming to Switch this summer The next project from Japanese studio PlatinumGames is called Astral Chain, and it’s scheduled to be released Aug. 30 exclusively on Nintendo Switch. Platinum’s Hideki Kamiya is involved in the title, which Nintendo describes as a “synergetic action game.” Tetris 99 gets surprise announcement, release Following hot on the heels of last fall’s Tetris Effect comes Tetris 99, a Switch-exclusive spin on the Russian classic that puts 99 players into tetromino combat against each other. (Yes, it’s basically Tetris battle royale.) Tetris 99 will be available today in the Switch eShop as a free-to-download game for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers. Fire Emblem: Three Houses arrives in July Nintendo provided some new information on the Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the headlining game of Wednesday’s Nintendo Direct presentation and the series’ debut on Switch. Most importantly, we now have a release date: July 26, which is well after the previously scheduled release window of spring 2019. BoxBoy! debuting on Switch The BoxBoy! series of puzzle platformers apparently didn’t end with its Nintendo 3DS trilogy, which concluded with Bye-Bye BoxBoy! in 2017. The franchise is transitioning to Switch with BoxBoy! + BoxGirl!, which will be released April 26 on the Switch eShop. As you might have gathered from the title, the game will offers two-player co-op in certain stages.
Q: Problema rellenando objeto con node y mongodb Tengo la siguiente función function getParadas(req,res){ var find; let paradas ={ paradasMetro:[], paradasCercanias:[], paradasBus:[] } var find1= ParadasMetro.find().sort('nombre_parada'); var find2= ParadasCercanias.find().sort('nombre_parada'); var find3= ParadasBus.find().sort('nombre_parada'); find1.exec((err,paradasM) => { if(err){ console.log('Error en la peticion(Paradas metro)'); }else{ if(!paradasM){ console.log('No hay paradas de metro'); }else{ paradas.paradasMetro=paradasM; } } }); find2.exec((err,paradasC) => { if(err){ console.log('Error en la peticion(Paradas cercanias)'); }else{ if(!paradasC){ console.log('No hay paradas de cercanias'); }else{ paradas.paradasCercanias=paradasC; console.log(paradas); } } }); find3.exec((err,paradasB) => { if(err){ console.log('Error en la peticion(Paradas bus)'); }else{ if(!paradasB){ console.log('No hay paradas de bus'); }else{ paradas.paradasBus=paradasB; } } }); console.log(paradas); res.status(200).send({ paradasResponse:paradas, }); } Mi problema es a la hora de rellenar el objeto paradas. Cuando llega al console.log(paradas) de dentro de la funcion find2.exec() me pinta lo siguiente: { paradasMetro: [], paradasCercanias: [ { _id: 598c9fe410ebd9a7a9445c52, nombre_parada: 'Aeropuerto T4', lineas: '1' }, /*Muchas mas paradas*/ { _id: 598c9fe410ebd9a7a9445bf2, nombre_parada: 'Zarzaquemada', lineas: '5' } ], paradasBus: [] } Es decir, me reconoce el objeto paradas creado arriba pero me lo reinicia en la ejecución de cada find#.exec ya que para cuando ha llegado a este console.log() ya ha pasado por el find1.exec() y ha tenido que llenar el de paradas.paradasMetro, pero me lo pinta vació. Y ya cuando llega al console.log() del final, me pinta todos los objetos vacíos { paradasMetro: [], paradasCercanias: [], paradasBus: [] } ¿Alguna idea de porque puede ser? Gracias de antemano! A: Parece que es porque tus consultas se hacen asincróncamente, no sincrónicamente. Es decir, tu res.status(200).send() se ejecuta al final mientras las consultas pueden o no haber terminado sus oepraciones y cambiado tu objeto. Primero te recomiendo reestructurar tus peticiones así: find1.exec((err,paradasM) => { if(err) console.log('Error en la peticion(Paradas metro)'); if(!paradasM){ console.log('No hay paradas de metro'); paradas.paradasMetro=paradasM; }); Es más limpio sin tener tantas llaves. Y segundo, puedes colocar los callbacks anidados pero te dará un callback hell (anti patrón que te hace el código inmantenible), por lo tanto te sugiero usar promesas, puedes consultar sobre ellas aquí o aquí
Q: How do I access PHPMyAdmin in Ubuntu? I am trying to log into phpmyadmin however when I type username as "root" and password as blank, I get the error: Login without a password is forbidden by configuration I had a look at the accepted answer here: Can anyone confirm that phpMyAdmin AllowNoPassword works with MySQL databases? I uncommented the line (in /etc/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php) : $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = TRUE; but to no avail Any help would be appreciated. A: Try to reset your password in your MySQL like this: Set / change / reset the MySQL root password on Ubuntu Linux. Enter the following lines in your terminal. Stop the MySQL Server. sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop Start the mysqld configuration. sudo mysqld --skip-grant-tables & Login to MySQL as root. mysql -u root mysql Replace YOURNEWPASSWORD with your new password! UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('YOURNEWPASSWORD') WHERE User='root'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit; Note: This method is not regarded as the securest way of resetting the password. However it works. References: Set / Change / Reset the MySQL root password on Ubuntu Linux How to Reset the Root Password
'Le Bernardin's Lounge Menu' on Serious Eats If you're a reader of Serious Eats, you've probably heard of Le Bernardin. You're likely to know that chef Eric Ripert's seafood restaurant is almost universally considered one of the top 5 restaurants in New York, with some considering it the very best. And you've probably never been. No one could ever call Le Bernardin accessible. But with their first-ever lounge menu, it's possible to get a taste without a full-meal commitment. More