SELECT COUNT(high_points) FROM table_13762472_3 WHERE game = 4
CREATE TABLE table_13762472_3 (high_points VARCHAR, game VARCHAR)
How many players scored the most points on game 4?
SELECT MAX(game) FROM table_13762472_3 WHERE record = "6-3"
CREATE TABLE table_13762472_3 (game INTEGER, record VARCHAR)
What was the last game where the record was 6-3?
SELECT country_region FROM table_13779832_1 WHERE seasons_and_winners = "Season 1, 2012: Demetra Malalan"
CREATE TABLE table_13779832_1 (country_region VARCHAR, seasons_and_winners VARCHAR)
what's the country/region with seasons and winners being season 1, 2012: demetra malalan
SELECT COUNT(local_title) FROM table_13779832_1 WHERE television_network = "TV Nova Website"
CREATE TABLE table_13779832_1 (local_title VARCHAR, television_network VARCHAR)
how many local title with televbeingion network being tv nova website
SELECT judges FROM table_13779832_1 WHERE seasons_and_winners = "Season 1, 2013–2014: Upcoming season"
CREATE TABLE table_13779832_1 (judges VARCHAR, seasons_and_winners VARCHAR)
who is the the judges with seasons and winners being season 1, 2013–2014: upcoming season
SELECT judges FROM table_13779832_1 WHERE local_title = "X Factor" AND presenters = "Heikki Paasonen Jukka Rossi (Xtra Factor)"
CREATE TABLE table_13779832_1 (judges VARCHAR, local_title VARCHAR, presenters VARCHAR)
who is the the judges with local title being x factor and presenters being heikki paasonen jukka rossi (xtra factor)
SELECT local_title FROM table_13779832_1 WHERE seasons_and_winners = "Series 1, 2006: Lucy Benjamin"
CREATE TABLE table_13779832_1 (local_title VARCHAR, seasons_and_winners VARCHAR)
what's the local title with seasons and winners being series 1, 2006: lucy benjamin
SELECT country_region FROM table_13779832_1 WHERE presenters = "Heikki Paasonen Jukka Rossi (Xtra Factor)"
CREATE TABLE table_13779832_1 (country_region VARCHAR, presenters VARCHAR)
what's the country/region with presenters being heikki paasonen jukka rossi (xtra factor)
SELECT COUNT(chroma_format) FROM table_1376890_2 WHERE name = "High profile"
CREATE TABLE table_1376890_2 (chroma_format VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
how many chroma format with name being high profile
SELECT chroma_format FROM table_1376890_2 WHERE scalable_modes = "SNR- or spatial-scalable" AND intra_dc_precision = "8, 9, 10"
CREATE TABLE table_1376890_2 (chroma_format VARCHAR, scalable_modes VARCHAR, intra_dc_precision VARCHAR)
what's the chroma format with scalable modes being snr- or spatial-scalable and intra dc precbeingion being 8, 9, 10
SELECT chroma_format FROM table_1376890_2 WHERE name = "High profile"
CREATE TABLE table_1376890_2 (chroma_format VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
what's the chroma format with name being high profile
SELECT points FROM table_13789248_2 WHERE artist = "Dave Appell"
CREATE TABLE table_13789248_2 (points VARCHAR, artist VARCHAR)
what's the points with artbeingt being dave appell
SELECT artist FROM table_13789248_2 WHERE position = 32
CREATE TABLE table_13789248_2 (artist VARCHAR, position VARCHAR)
who is the the artbeingt with position being 32
SELECT COUNT(song_title) FROM table_13789248_2 WHERE artist = "Chubby Checker"
CREATE TABLE table_13789248_2 (song_title VARCHAR, artist VARCHAR)
how many song title with artbeingt being chubby checker
SELECT MIN(points) FROM table_13789248_2 WHERE highest_position = 1
CREATE TABLE table_13789248_2 (points INTEGER, highest_position VARCHAR)
what is the minimum points with highest position being 1
SELECT MAX(transit_passengers) FROM table_13836704_7 WHERE international_passengers = 4870184
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_7 (transit_passengers INTEGER, international_passengers VARCHAR)
What is the maximum number of trnsit passeners when the total number of international passengers is 4870184?
SELECT MAX(freight___metric_tonnes__) FROM table_13836704_7 WHERE airport = "Edinburgh"
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_7 (freight___metric_tonnes__ INTEGER, airport VARCHAR)
What is Edinburgh's airport's freight in metric tonnes?
SELECT COUNT(transit_passengers) FROM table_13836704_7 WHERE airport = "London Luton"
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_7 (transit_passengers VARCHAR, airport VARCHAR)
How many different total number of transit passengers are there in London Luton?
SELECT freight___metric_tonnes__ FROM table_13836704_7 WHERE transit_passengers = 147791
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_7 (freight___metric_tonnes__ VARCHAR, transit_passengers VARCHAR)
What are the total freights in metric tonnes when the total transit passengers is 147791?
SELECT international_passengers FROM table_13836704_7 WHERE rank = 15
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_7 (international_passengers VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
What is the total number of passengers of the airport ranked 15?
SELECT original_title FROM table_13834298_1 WHERE film_title_used_in_nomination = "Lion's Den"
CREATE TABLE table_13834298_1 (original_title VARCHAR, film_title_used_in_nomination VARCHAR)
Whatis the original title for lion's den?
SELECT _percentage_change_2008_2009 FROM table_13836704_6 WHERE airport = "Belfast International"
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_6 (_percentage_change_2008_2009 VARCHAR, airport VARCHAR)
What is the percent change from 08/09 for belfast international?
SELECT transit_passengers FROM table_13836704_6 WHERE airport = "London Gatwick"
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_6 (transit_passengers VARCHAR, airport VARCHAR)
How many transit passengers at london gatwick?
SELECT rank FROM table_13836704_6 WHERE freight___metric_tonnes__ = 255121
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_6 (rank VARCHAR, freight___metric_tonnes__ VARCHAR)
What is the rank of the airport with freight ( metric tonnes ) of 255121?
SELECT rank FROM table_13836704_6 WHERE freight___metric_tonnes__ = 23791
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_6 (rank VARCHAR, freight___metric_tonnes__ VARCHAR)
What is the rank of the airport with a freight ( metric tonnes ) of 23791?
SELECT airport FROM table_13836704_4 WHERE total_passengers_2009 = 157933
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_4 (airport VARCHAR, total_passengers_2009 VARCHAR)
what's the airport with total passengers 2009 being 157933
SELECT MAX(total_passengers_2008) FROM table_13836704_4 WHERE change_2008_09 = "6.5%"
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_4 (total_passengers_2008 INTEGER, change_2008_09 VARCHAR)
what being the maximum total passengers 2008 with change 2008/09 being 6.5%
SELECT airport FROM table_13836704_4 WHERE aircraft_movements_2009 < 238223.1659471435 AND change_2008_09 = "0.5%"
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_4 (airport VARCHAR, aircraft_movements_2009 VARCHAR, change_2008_09 VARCHAR)
what's the airport with aircraft movements 2009 being smaller than 238223.1659471435 and change 2008/09 being 0.5%
SELECT MAX(aircraft_movements_2009) FROM table_13836704_4 WHERE change_2008_09 = "18.2%"
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_4 (aircraft_movements_2009 INTEGER, change_2008_09 VARCHAR)
what is the maximum aircraft movements 2009 with change 2008/09 being 18.2%
SELECT total_passengers_2008 FROM table_13836704_4 WHERE change_2008_09 = "6.5%"
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_4 (total_passengers_2008 VARCHAR, change_2008_09 VARCHAR)
what's the total passengers 2008 with change 2008/09 being 6.5%
SELECT MAX(rank) FROM table_13836704_8 WHERE airport = "Birmingham airport"
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_8 (rank INTEGER, airport VARCHAR)
Name the rank of birmingham airport
SELECT MAX(transit_passengers) FROM table_13836704_8 WHERE freight__metric_tonnes_ = 171078
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_8 (transit_passengers INTEGER, freight__metric_tonnes_ VARCHAR)
Name the transit passengers for 171078
SELECT MIN(year) FROM table_13857501_1 WHERE womens_singles = "Beata Syta"
CREATE TABLE table_13857501_1 (year INTEGER, womens_singles VARCHAR)
Beata syta is the minimum year for womens singles.
SELECT MAX(aircraft_movements) FROM table_13836704_9 WHERE international_passengers = 21002260
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_9 (aircraft_movements INTEGER, international_passengers VARCHAR)
what is the maximum aircraft movements with international passengers being 21002260
SELECT MAX(freight__metric_tonnes_) FROM table_13836704_9 WHERE airport = "Liverpool"
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_9 (freight__metric_tonnes_ INTEGER, airport VARCHAR)
what is the maximum freight (metric tonnes) with airport being liverpool
SELECT airport FROM table_13836704_9 WHERE _percentage_change_2005_2006 = "13.0%"
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_9 (airport VARCHAR, _percentage_change_2005_2006 VARCHAR)
what's the airport with % change 2005/2006 being 13.0%
SELECT MAX(aircraft_movements) FROM table_13836704_9 WHERE airport = "Liverpool"
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_9 (aircraft_movements INTEGER, airport VARCHAR)
what is the maximum aircraft movements with airport being liverpool
SELECT total_passengers FROM table_13836704_9 WHERE freight__metric_tonnes_ = 827
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_9 (total_passengers VARCHAR, freight__metric_tonnes_ VARCHAR)
what's the total passengers with freight (metric tonnes) being 827
SELECT COUNT(airport) FROM table_13836704_9 WHERE rank = 4
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_9 (airport VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
how many airport with rank being 4
SELECT COUNT(mens_singles) FROM table_13857700_1 WHERE mens_doubles = "Pontus Jantti Lasse Lindelöf"
CREATE TABLE table_13857700_1 (mens_singles VARCHAR, mens_doubles VARCHAR)
how many mens singles with mens doubles being pontus jantti lasse lindelöf
SELECT mens_doubles FROM table_13857700_1 WHERE mixed_doubles = "Jimm Aalto Nina Sarnesto"
CREATE TABLE table_13857700_1 (mens_doubles VARCHAR, mixed_doubles VARCHAR)
who is the the mens doubles with mixed doubles being jimm aalto nina sarnesto
SELECT mixed_doubles FROM table_13857700_1 WHERE year = 1972
CREATE TABLE table_13857700_1 (mixed_doubles VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
who is the the mixed doubles with year being 1972
SELECT mens_doubles FROM table_13857700_1 WHERE year = 1978
CREATE TABLE table_13857700_1 (mens_doubles VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
who is the the mens doubles with year being 1978
SELECT mens_singles FROM table_13857700_1 WHERE mens_doubles = "Kaj Lindfors Kaj Osterberg"
CREATE TABLE table_13857700_1 (mens_singles VARCHAR, mens_doubles VARCHAR)
who is the the mens singles with mens doubles being kaj lindfors kaj osterberg
SELECT area__sqmi_ FROM table_13897690_1 WHERE area__km_2__ = 4065
CREATE TABLE table_13897690_1 (area__sqmi_ VARCHAR, area__km_2__ VARCHAR)
How big (in sq mi) is the island that's 4065 km2?
SELECT MIN(rank) FROM table_13897690_1
CREATE TABLE table_13897690_1 (rank INTEGER)
What is the smallest rank number of those used to rank the islands?
SELECT islands_name FROM table_13897690_1 WHERE population__2000_ = "64"
CREATE TABLE table_13897690_1 (islands_name VARCHAR, population__2000_ VARCHAR)
What's the name is the island with a population of just 64?
SELECT tries_against FROM table_13940275_5 WHERE try_bonus = "10"
CREATE TABLE table_13940275_5 (tries_against VARCHAR, try_bonus VARCHAR)
what's the tries against with try bonus being 10
SELECT points FROM table_13940275_5 WHERE played = "22" AND points_against = "319"
CREATE TABLE table_13940275_5 (points VARCHAR, played VARCHAR, points_against VARCHAR)
what's the points with played being 22 and points against being 319
SELECT losing_bonus FROM table_13940275_5 WHERE played = "22" AND tries_against = "38"
CREATE TABLE table_13940275_5 (losing_bonus VARCHAR, played VARCHAR, tries_against VARCHAR)
what's the losing bonus with played being 22 and tries against being 38
SELECT try_bonus FROM table_13940275_5 WHERE club = "Abercwmboi RFC"
CREATE TABLE table_13940275_5 (try_bonus VARCHAR, club VARCHAR)
what's the try bonus with club being abercwmboi rfc
SELECT points_for FROM table_13940275_5 WHERE points_against = "556"
CREATE TABLE table_13940275_5 (points_for VARCHAR, points_against VARCHAR)
what's the points for with points against being 556
SELECT won FROM table_13940275_5 WHERE points_against = "304"
CREATE TABLE table_13940275_5 (won VARCHAR, points_against VARCHAR)
what's the won with points against being 304
SELECT location FROM table_13943239_1 WHERE episode = "12th Pride of Britain Awards"
CREATE TABLE table_13943239_1 (location VARCHAR, episode VARCHAR)
Where was held the ceremony for the 12th Pride of Britain Awards?
SELECT episode FROM table_13943239_1 WHERE viewers__millions_ = "6.06"
CREATE TABLE table_13943239_1 (episode VARCHAR, viewers__millions_ VARCHAR)
What episode of the Pride of Britain Awards had an audience of 6.06 million viewers?
SELECT COUNT(viewers__millions_) FROM table_13943239_1 WHERE episode = "7th Pride of Britain Awards"
CREATE TABLE table_13943239_1 (viewers__millions_ VARCHAR, episode VARCHAR)
How much audience did the 7th Pride of Britain Awards ceremony have?
SELECT vineyard_surface__2010_ FROM table_13981938_1 WHERE grand_cru = "Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet"
CREATE TABLE table_13981938_1 (vineyard_surface__2010_ VARCHAR, grand_cru VARCHAR)
what's the vineyard surface (2010) with grand cru being bienvenues-bâtard-montrachet
SELECT village FROM table_13981938_1 WHERE wine_style = "Red wine" AND vineyard_surface__2010_ = "hectares (acres)"
CREATE TABLE table_13981938_1 (village VARCHAR, wine_style VARCHAR, vineyard_surface__2010_ VARCHAR)
what's the village with wine style being red wine and vineyard surface (2010) being hectares (acres)
SELECT wine_style FROM table_13981938_1 WHERE grand_cru = "Romanée-Conti"
CREATE TABLE table_13981938_1 (wine_style VARCHAR, grand_cru VARCHAR)
what's the wine style with grand cru being romanée-conti
SELECT wine_style FROM table_13981938_1 WHERE village = "Puligny-Montrachet [d ]"
CREATE TABLE table_13981938_1 (wine_style VARCHAR, village VARCHAR)
what's the wine style with village being puligny-montrachet [d ]
SELECT COUNT(senior__4th_year_) FROM table_13967239_2 WHERE junior__3rd_year_ = "World History"
CREATE TABLE table_13967239_2 (senior__4th_year_ VARCHAR, junior__3rd_year_ VARCHAR)
How many classes between senior and junior year for world history
SELECT senior__4th_year_ FROM table_13967239_2 WHERE sophomore__grade_8_ = "Intermediate Algebra"
CREATE TABLE table_13967239_2 (senior__4th_year_ VARCHAR, sophomore__grade_8_ VARCHAR)
What is after intermediate algebra
SELECT MAX(_number) FROM table_13956521_2 WHERE original_airdate = "March 14, 2001"
CREATE TABLE table_13956521_2 (_number INTEGER, original_airdate VARCHAR)
what is the maximum # with original airdate being march 14, 2001
SELECT COUNT(original_airdate) FROM table_13956521_2 WHERE writer_s_ = "Becky Hartman Edwards" AND director = "Adam Nimoy"
CREATE TABLE table_13956521_2 (original_airdate VARCHAR, writer_s_ VARCHAR, director VARCHAR)
how many original airdate with writer(s) being becky hartman edwards and director being adam nimoy
SELECT writer_s_ FROM table_13956521_2 WHERE original_airdate = "February 7, 2001"
CREATE TABLE table_13956521_2 (writer_s_ VARCHAR, original_airdate VARCHAR)
who is the the writer(s) with original airdate being february 7, 2001
SELECT frequency_mhz FROM table_13998897_1 WHERE city_of_license = "Chattanooga, Tennessee"
CREATE TABLE table_13998897_1 (frequency_mhz VARCHAR, city_of_license VARCHAR)
what's the frequency mhz with city of license being chattanooga, tennessee
SELECT COUNT(height_m___ft__) FROM table_13998897_1 WHERE frequency_mhz = "100.1"
CREATE TABLE table_13998897_1 (height_m___ft__ VARCHAR, frequency_mhz VARCHAR)
how many height m ( ft ) with frequency mhz being 100.1
SELECT fcc_info FROM table_13998897_1 WHERE call_sign = "W221AW"
CREATE TABLE table_13998897_1 (fcc_info VARCHAR, call_sign VARCHAR)
what's the fcc info with call sign being w221aw
SELECT COUNT(height_m___ft__) FROM table_13998897_1 WHERE notes = "via WCCV; formerly W236AJ"
CREATE TABLE table_13998897_1 (height_m___ft__ VARCHAR, notes VARCHAR)
how many height m ( ft ) with notes being via wccv; formerly w236aj
SELECT fcc_info FROM table_13998897_1 WHERE call_sign = "W265AV"
CREATE TABLE table_13998897_1 (fcc_info VARCHAR, call_sign VARCHAR)
what's the fcc info with call sign being w265av
SELECT capacity FROM table_14003108_1 WHERE team = "Berwick Rangers"
CREATE TABLE table_14003108_1 (capacity VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
what's the capacity with team being berwick rangers
SELECT team FROM table_14003108_1 WHERE stadium = "Borough Briggs"
CREATE TABLE table_14003108_1 (team VARCHAR, stadium VARCHAR)
what's the team with stadium being borough briggs
SELECT MAX(lowest) FROM table_14003108_1 WHERE average = 734
CREATE TABLE table_14003108_1 (lowest INTEGER, average VARCHAR)
what is the maximum lowest with average being 734
SELECT COUNT(highest) FROM table_14003108_1 WHERE team = "Forfar Athletic"
CREATE TABLE table_14003108_1 (highest VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
how many highest with team being forfar athletic
SELECT bleeding_time FROM table_14006_1 WHERE condition = "Factor V deficiency"
CREATE TABLE table_14006_1 (bleeding_time VARCHAR, condition VARCHAR)
what's the bleeding time with condition being factor v deficiency
SELECT bleeding_time FROM table_14006_1 WHERE condition = "Liver failure, end-stage"
CREATE TABLE table_14006_1 (bleeding_time VARCHAR, condition VARCHAR)
what's the bleeding time with condition being liver failure, end-stage
SELECT bleeding_time FROM table_14006_1 WHERE platelet_count = "Decreased or unaffected"
CREATE TABLE table_14006_1 (bleeding_time VARCHAR, platelet_count VARCHAR)
what's the bleeding time with platelet count being decreased or unaffected
SELECT condition FROM table_14006_1 WHERE bleeding_time = "Unaffected" AND prothrombin_time = "Prolonged"
CREATE TABLE table_14006_1 (condition VARCHAR, bleeding_time VARCHAR, prothrombin_time VARCHAR)
what's the condition with bleeding time being unaffected and prothrombin time being prolonged
SELECT bleeding_time FROM table_14006_1 WHERE platelet_count = "Decreased" AND prothrombin_time = "Prolonged"
CREATE TABLE table_14006_1 (bleeding_time VARCHAR, platelet_count VARCHAR, prothrombin_time VARCHAR)
what's the bleeding time with platelet count being decreased and prothrombin time being prolonged
SELECT bleeding_time FROM table_14006_1 WHERE partial_thromboplastin_time = "Unaffected" AND condition = "Liver failure , early"
CREATE TABLE table_14006_1 (bleeding_time VARCHAR, partial_thromboplastin_time VARCHAR, condition VARCHAR)
what's the bleeding time with partial thromboplastin time being unaffected and condition being liver failure , early
SELECT COUNT(first_elected) FROM table_14009909_1 WHERE committee = "Economic Matters"
CREATE TABLE table_14009909_1 (first_elected VARCHAR, committee VARCHAR)
How many of the elected officials are on the Economic Matters committee?
SELECT delegate FROM table_14009909_1 WHERE first_elected = 2003
CREATE TABLE table_14009909_1 (delegate VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR)
Name the delegate first elected in 2003?
SELECT counties_represented FROM table_14009909_1 WHERE district = "12.1 12A"
CREATE TABLE table_14009909_1 (counties_represented VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)
What are the counties represented in District 12.1 12a?
SELECT counties_represented FROM table_14009909_1 WHERE first_elected = 2006
CREATE TABLE table_14009909_1 (counties_represented VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR)
Which country has a delegate who was first elected in 2006?
SELECT foreign_players__max_2_ FROM table_14015965_1 WHERE town = "Ekaterinburg"
CREATE TABLE table_14015965_1 (foreign_players__max_2_ VARCHAR, town VARCHAR)
Who are the foreign players representing Ekaterinburg?
SELECT town FROM table_14015965_1 WHERE arena__capacity_ = "Volleyball Sportiv Complex (3 500)"
CREATE TABLE table_14015965_1 (town VARCHAR, arena__capacity_ VARCHAR)
What town is Volleyball Sportiv Complex (3 500) located in?
SELECT arena__capacity_ FROM table_14015965_1 WHERE previous_season = "6"
CREATE TABLE table_14015965_1 (arena__capacity_ VARCHAR, previous_season VARCHAR)
What arena was season 6 played at?
SELECT head_coach FROM table_14015965_1 WHERE previous_season = "2"
CREATE TABLE table_14015965_1 (head_coach VARCHAR, previous_season VARCHAR)
Who was the head coach in season 2?
SELECT circuit FROM table_14016079_1 WHERE race_title = "City of Ipswich 400"
CREATE TABLE table_14016079_1 (circuit VARCHAR, race_title VARCHAR)
On what circuit was the City of Ipswich 400 race held?
SELECT winner FROM table_14016079_1 WHERE circuit = "Symmons Plains Raceway"
CREATE TABLE table_14016079_1 (winner VARCHAR, circuit VARCHAR)
Who was the winner on the Symmons Plains Raceway?
SELECT date FROM table_14016079_1 WHERE rd = 8
CREATE TABLE table_14016079_1 (date VARCHAR, rd VARCHAR)
What were the dates for Round 8?
SELECT COUNT(rd) FROM table_14016079_1 WHERE circuit = "Hidden Valley Raceway"
CREATE TABLE table_14016079_1 (rd VARCHAR, circuit VARCHAR)
What was the number of rounds on the Hidden Valley Raceway?
SELECT rd FROM table_14016079_1 WHERE circuit = "Queensland Raceway"
CREATE TABLE table_14016079_1 (rd VARCHAR, circuit VARCHAR)
What round was held at the Queensland Raceway?
SELECT MAX(team_defense_rank) FROM table_1402270_1 WHERE nfl_team = "Green Bay Packers"
CREATE TABLE table_1402270_1 (team_defense_rank INTEGER, nfl_team VARCHAR)
what the highest number for the opposite of offense for the green bay packers
SELECT COUNT(code) FROM table_1404414_2 WHERE area__km_2__ = "1,205.4"
CREATE TABLE table_1404414_2 (code VARCHAR, area__km_2__ VARCHAR)
How many counties have an area of 1,205.4 km2?
SELECT capital FROM table_1404414_2 WHERE population_census_2009 = 596268
CREATE TABLE table_1404414_2 (capital VARCHAR, population_census_2009 VARCHAR)
What capital has a population of 596268?
SELECT capital FROM table_1404456_1 WHERE area__km_2__ = "12,245.9"
CREATE TABLE table_1404456_1 (capital VARCHAR, area__km_2__ VARCHAR)
what's the capital with area (km 2 ) being 12,245.9
SELECT former_province FROM table_1404456_1 WHERE area__km_2__ = "12,245.9"
CREATE TABLE table_1404456_1 (former_province VARCHAR, area__km_2__ VARCHAR)
what's the former province with area (km 2 ) being 12,245.9
SELECT COUNT(capital) FROM table_1404456_1 WHERE population_census_2009 = 284657
CREATE TABLE table_1404456_1 (capital VARCHAR, population_census_2009 VARCHAR)
how many capital with population census 2009 being 284657
SELECT area__km_2__ FROM table_1404456_1 WHERE population_census_2009 = 939370
CREATE TABLE table_1404456_1 (area__km_2__ VARCHAR, population_census_2009 VARCHAR)
what's the area (km 2 ) with population census 2009 being 939370