SELECT channels FROM table_142573_1 WHERE designation = "PC700"
CREATE TABLE table_142573_1 (channels VARCHAR, designation VARCHAR)
Name the channels when designation is pc700
SELECT MAX(clock_rate__mhz_) FROM table_142573_1
CREATE TABLE table_142573_1 (clock_rate__mhz_ INTEGER)
Name the maximum clock rate mhz
SELECT bus_width__bits_ FROM table_142573_1 WHERE bandwidth__mb_s_ = 3200
CREATE TABLE table_142573_1 (bus_width__bits_ VARCHAR, bandwidth__mb_s_ VARCHAR)
Name the bus width bits when bandwidth mb/s is 3200
SELECT MIN(clock_rate__mhz_) FROM table_142573_1
CREATE TABLE table_142573_1 (clock_rate__mhz_ INTEGER)
Name the least clock rate mhz
SELECT MIN(clock_rate__mhz_) FROM table_142573_1 WHERE designation = "RIMM 4200"
CREATE TABLE table_142573_1 (clock_rate__mhz_ INTEGER, designation VARCHAR)
Name the least clock rate mhz when designation is rimm 4200
SELECT COUNT(clock_rate__mhz_) FROM table_142573_1 WHERE bandwidth__mb_s_ = 2400
CREATE TABLE table_142573_1 (clock_rate__mhz_ VARCHAR, bandwidth__mb_s_ VARCHAR)
Name the number of clock rate mhz when bandwidth mb/s is 2400
SELECT elementary_schools FROM table_14254419_3 WHERE principal__2013_2014_ = "Cort Monroe"
CREATE TABLE table_14254419_3 (elementary_schools VARCHAR, principal__2013_2014_ VARCHAR)
Which elementary schools list Cort Monroe as the principal from 2013 to 2014?
SELECT Assistant AS principal__2013_2014_ FROM table_14254419_3 WHERE principal__2013_2014_ = "Cort Monroe"
CREATE TABLE table_14254419_3 (Assistant VARCHAR, principal__2013_2014_ VARCHAR)
Who are all the assistant principals that served from 2013-2014 under the principal Cort Monroe?
SELECT opponent FROM table_14263158_3 WHERE result = "0–3 0–8 0–1 0–2 0–3 1–4 0–9 0–5"
CREATE TABLE table_14263158_3 (opponent VARCHAR, result VARCHAR)
Who played in the series that resulted in matches with the following scores: 0–3 0–8 0–1 0–2 0–3 1–4 0–9 0–5?
SELECT name FROM table_1425958_1 WHERE _percentage_change = "6.5"
CREATE TABLE table_1425958_1 (name VARCHAR, _percentage_change VARCHAR)
Where was there a change of 6.5%?
SELECT density__pop_km²_ FROM table_1425958_1 WHERE _percentage_change = "8.8"
CREATE TABLE table_1425958_1 (density__pop_km²_ VARCHAR, _percentage_change VARCHAR)
When the change is 8.8%, what is the density (pop/km²)?
SELECT COUNT(2011 AS _census) FROM table_1425958_1 WHERE density__pop_km²_ = "91.8"
CREATE TABLE table_1425958_1 (density__pop_km²_ VARCHAR)
How many locations had a density (pop/km²) of 91.8 in the 2011 census?
SELECT MIN(population_rank) FROM table_1425958_1 WHERE _percentage_change = "8.4"
CREATE TABLE table_1425958_1 (population_rank INTEGER, _percentage_change VARCHAR)
When the % change is 8.4, what is the population rank?
SELECT _percentage_change FROM table_1425958_1 WHERE population_rank = 34
CREATE TABLE table_1425958_1 (_percentage_change VARCHAR, population_rank VARCHAR)
When the population rank is 34, what the is % change?
SELECT COUNT(team) FROM table_14288212_1 WHERE points_for = 38
CREATE TABLE table_14288212_1 (team VARCHAR, points_for VARCHAR)
How many teams scored exactly 38 points
SELECT MIN(first_played) FROM table_14288212_1 WHERE team = "Italy"
CREATE TABLE table_14288212_1 (first_played INTEGER, team VARCHAR)
In what year did Italy begin playing?
SELECT MIN(win) FROM table_14288212_1 WHERE played = 5
CREATE TABLE table_14288212_1 (win INTEGER, played VARCHAR)
For teams that played 5 games, what was the smallest number of wins?
SELECT COUNT(played) FROM table_14288212_1 WHERE first_played = 2011 AND points_for = 36
CREATE TABLE table_14288212_1 (played VARCHAR, first_played VARCHAR, points_for VARCHAR)
How many games did the team that began in 2011 and scored 36 points play?
SELECT run_time FROM table_1429629_1 WHERE viewers__in_millions_ = "8.2"
CREATE TABLE table_1429629_1 (run_time VARCHAR, viewers__in_millions_ VARCHAR)
What are all the run times with 8.2 million viewers?
SELECT episode FROM table_1429629_1 WHERE run_time = "24:01"
CREATE TABLE table_1429629_1 (episode VARCHAR, run_time VARCHAR)
What are all the episodes with an episode run time of 24:01?
SELECT COUNT(broadcast_date) FROM table_1429629_1 WHERE run_time = "24:43"
CREATE TABLE table_1429629_1 (broadcast_date VARCHAR, run_time VARCHAR)
How many episodes had a broadcast date and run time of 24:43?
SELECT COUNT(research_funding__) AS £, 000 AS _ FROM table_142950_1 WHERE gained_university_status = 1900
CREATE TABLE table_142950_1 (research_funding__ VARCHAR, gained_university_status VARCHAR)
How many members gained university status in 1900?
SELECT MAX(total_number_of_students) FROM table_142950_1
CREATE TABLE table_142950_1 (total_number_of_students INTEGER)
What is the largest number of students?
SELECT COUNT(total_number_of_students) FROM table_142950_1 WHERE vice_chancellor = "Professor Edward Acton"
CREATE TABLE table_142950_1 (total_number_of_students VARCHAR, vice_chancellor VARCHAR)
How many members have professor edward acton as vice-chancellor?
SELECT MAX(established) FROM table_142950_1 WHERE location = "Leicester"
CREATE TABLE table_142950_1 (established INTEGER, location VARCHAR)
What is the year leicester was established?
SELECT country_territory FROM table_14308895_2 WHERE former_pageant = "Miss Universe Hungary"
CREATE TABLE table_14308895_2 (country_territory VARCHAR, former_pageant VARCHAR)
which country has miss universe Hungary as former pageant?
SELECT former_pageant FROM table_14308895_2 WHERE new_pageant = "Miss Bahamas"
CREATE TABLE table_14308895_2 (former_pageant VARCHAR, new_pageant VARCHAR)
which is the former pageant in the country where the new pageant is miss bahamas?
SELECT MAX(last_competed) FROM table_14308895_2 WHERE country_territory = "New Zealand"
CREATE TABLE table_14308895_2 (last_competed INTEGER, country_territory VARCHAR)
when did new zealand last compete?
SELECT COUNT(new_pageant) FROM table_14308895_2 WHERE country_territory = "Aruba"
CREATE TABLE table_14308895_2 (new_pageant VARCHAR, country_territory VARCHAR)
How many new pageants does Aruba have?
SELECT new_pageant FROM table_14308895_2 WHERE country_territory = "Spain"
CREATE TABLE table_14308895_2 (new_pageant VARCHAR, country_territory VARCHAR)
which is the new pageant from spain?
SELECT away_team FROM table_14312471_1 WHERE home_team = "Carlton"
CREATE TABLE table_14312471_1 (away_team VARCHAR, home_team VARCHAR)
Who was the away team when Carlton was the home team?
SELECT COUNT(team) FROM table_14310205_1 WHERE conmebol_1996 = "did not qualify"
CREATE TABLE table_14310205_1 (team VARCHAR, conmebol_1996 VARCHAR)
what is the number of teams where conmebol 1996 did not qualify?
SELECT copa_libertadores_1997 FROM table_14310205_1 WHERE team = "Racing Club"
CREATE TABLE table_14310205_1 (copa_libertadores_1997 VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
what is the racing club where copa libertadores 1997?
SELECT copa_libertadores_1997 FROM table_14310205_1 WHERE supercopa_1996 = "QF"
CREATE TABLE table_14310205_1 (copa_libertadores_1997 VARCHAR, supercopa_1996 VARCHAR)
what is th copa libertadores 1997 is qf?
SELECT MAX(crowd) FROM table_14312471_4 WHERE ground = "SCG"
CREATE TABLE table_14312471_4 (crowd INTEGER, ground VARCHAR)
What's the maximum crowd when scg is the ground?
SELECT ground FROM table_14312471_4 WHERE crowd = 19929
CREATE TABLE table_14312471_4 (ground VARCHAR, crowd VARCHAR)
What are the ground where the crowd totals 19929?
SELECT home_team FROM table_14312471_3 WHERE ground = "Manuka Oval"
CREATE TABLE table_14312471_3 (home_team VARCHAR, ground VARCHAR)
Name the home team for manuka oval
SELECT away_team AS score FROM table_14312471_3 WHERE away_team = "Richmond"
CREATE TABLE table_14312471_3 (away_team VARCHAR)
Name the away team score for richmond
SELECT report FROM table_14312471_7 WHERE home_team = "North Melbourne"
CREATE TABLE table_14312471_7 (report VARCHAR, home_team VARCHAR)
Who made the report when the home team is north Melbourne?
SELECT home_team FROM table_14312471_7 WHERE away_team = "Richmond"
CREATE TABLE table_14312471_7 (home_team VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR)
Who played Richmond at home?
SELECT home_team FROM table_14312471_7 WHERE ground = "AAMI Stadium"
CREATE TABLE table_14312471_7 (home_team VARCHAR, ground VARCHAR)
Who has the home ground Aami stadium?
SELECT candidates FROM table_1431467_4 WHERE incumbent = "D. Wyatt Aiken"
CREATE TABLE table_1431467_4 (candidates VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
Who were all candidate when incumbent was D. Wyatt Aiken?
SELECT COUNT(incumbent) FROM table_1431467_4 WHERE district = "South Carolina 5"
CREATE TABLE table_1431467_4 (incumbent VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)
How many incumbents for the district of South Carolina 5?
SELECT first_elected FROM table_1431467_4 WHERE incumbent = "John J. Hemphill"
CREATE TABLE table_1431467_4 (first_elected VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
Who was everyone first elected when incumbent was John J. Hemphill?
SELECT mixed_doubles FROM table_14319023_2 WHERE girls_singles = "Lindaweni Fanetri"
CREATE TABLE table_14319023_2 (mixed_doubles VARCHAR, girls_singles VARCHAR)
When the girls singles is lindaweni fanetri what is the mixed doubled?
SELECT boys_doubles FROM table_14319023_2 WHERE girls_doubles = "Ayu Pratiwi Anggi Widia"
CREATE TABLE table_14319023_2 (boys_doubles VARCHAR, girls_doubles VARCHAR)
When the girls doubles is ayu pratiwi anggi widia what is the boys doubles?
SELECT MAX(year) FROM table_14319023_2 WHERE mixed_doubles = "Didit Juang Indrianto Yayu Rahayu"
CREATE TABLE table_14319023_2 (year INTEGER, mixed_doubles VARCHAR)
When mixed doubles is didit juang indrianto yayu rahayu what is the most current year?
SELECT boys_singles FROM table_14319023_2 WHERE mixed_doubles = "Danny Bawa Chrisnanta Debby Susanto"
CREATE TABLE table_14319023_2 (boys_singles VARCHAR, mixed_doubles VARCHAR)
When mixed doubles is danny bawa chrisnanta debby susanto what is the boys singles?
SELECT mixed_doubles FROM table_14319023_2 WHERE girls_doubles = "Anneke Feinya Agustin Wenny Setiawati"
CREATE TABLE table_14319023_2 (mixed_doubles VARCHAR, girls_doubles VARCHAR)
When girls doubles is anneke feinya agustin wenny setiawati what is the mixed doubles?
SELECT COUNT(publisher_s_) FROM table_14325653_2 WHERE video_game = "Flushed Away"
CREATE TABLE table_14325653_2 (publisher_s_ VARCHAR, video_game VARCHAR)
Name the total number of publishers for flushed away
SELECT publisher_s_ FROM table_14325653_2 WHERE video_game = "Resident Evil 4"
CREATE TABLE table_14325653_2 (publisher_s_ VARCHAR, video_game VARCHAR)
Name the publisher for resident evil 4
SELECT MAX(total_number) FROM table_14330096_4
CREATE TABLE table_14330096_4 (total_number INTEGER)
What is the highest total number?
SELECT total_number FROM table_14330096_4 WHERE director = "Roger Goldby"
CREATE TABLE table_14330096_4 (total_number VARCHAR, director VARCHAR)
How many of the episodes have Roger Goldby as the director?
SELECT title FROM table_14330096_4 WHERE director = "Patrick Lau" AND writer = "Lisa Holdsworth"
CREATE TABLE table_14330096_4 (title VARCHAR, director VARCHAR, writer VARCHAR)
Which episodes have Patrick Lau as the director and Lisa Holdsworth as the writer?
SELECT MIN(accounting_closure_date) FROM table_143352_1 WHERE agr_power_station = "Hunterston B"
CREATE TABLE table_143352_1 (accounting_closure_date INTEGER, agr_power_station VARCHAR)
What is the Closure date of Hunterston B
SELECT COUNT(connected_to_grid) FROM table_143352_1 WHERE agr_power_station = "Heysham 2"
CREATE TABLE table_143352_1 (connected_to_grid VARCHAR, agr_power_station VARCHAR)
How many power stations are connected to grid at Heysham 2
SELECT construction_started FROM table_143352_1 WHERE agr_power_station = "Heysham 1"
CREATE TABLE table_143352_1 (construction_started VARCHAR, agr_power_station VARCHAR)
What year did construction start at Heysham 1
SELECT MIN(construction_started) FROM table_143352_1 WHERE net_mwe = 1190
CREATE TABLE table_143352_1 (construction_started INTEGER, net_mwe VARCHAR)
When did construction start on the Power station with a net MWE of 1190
SELECT MAX(extra_points) FROM table_14341967_2 WHERE player = "John Heston"
CREATE TABLE table_14341967_2 (extra_points INTEGER, player VARCHAR)
Name the most extra points for john heston
SELECT MAX(points) FROM table_14342367_11
CREATE TABLE table_14342367_11 (points INTEGER)
Who scored the most points?
SELECT position FROM table_14342367_11 WHERE player = "Joe Maddock"
CREATE TABLE table_14342367_11 (position VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
What position did Joe Maddock play?
SELECT COUNT(extra_points) FROM table_14342367_11 WHERE player = "Paul Jones"
CREATE TABLE table_14342367_11 (extra_points VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
How many extra points did Paul Jones score?
SELECT points FROM table_14342367_7 WHERE player = "Albert Herrnstein"
CREATE TABLE table_14342367_7 (points VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
How many points did Albert Herrnstein make?
SELECT position FROM table_14342367_7 WHERE player = "Paul Jones"
CREATE TABLE table_14342367_7 (position VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
What positions did Paul Jones play?
SELECT MIN(field_goals) FROM table_14342367_7
CREATE TABLE table_14342367_7 (field_goals INTEGER)
What is the least amount of field goals made by a player?
SELECT MAX(extra_points_1_point) FROM table_14342367_15 WHERE player = "Paul Dickey"
CREATE TABLE table_14342367_15 (extra_points_1_point INTEGER, player VARCHAR)
How many extra points did Paul Dickey received
SELECT MIN(field_goals__5_points_) FROM table_14342367_15
CREATE TABLE table_14342367_15 (field_goals__5_points_ INTEGER)
How many 5 points field goals is minimum
SELECT COUNT(player) FROM table_14342367_15 WHERE total_points = 75
CREATE TABLE table_14342367_15 (player VARCHAR, total_points VARCHAR)
How many player with total points of 75
SELECT MAX(field_goals) FROM table_14342480_5
CREATE TABLE table_14342480_5 (field_goals INTEGER)
Name the most field goals
SELECT COUNT(points) FROM table_14342480_5 WHERE position = "Right halfback" AND starter = "yes"
CREATE TABLE table_14342480_5 (points VARCHAR, position VARCHAR, starter VARCHAR)
Name the number of points for right halfback and starter being yes
SELECT COUNT(field_goals) FROM table_14342480_5 WHERE position = "Right tackle"
CREATE TABLE table_14342480_5 (field_goals VARCHAR, position VARCHAR)
Na,e the number of field goals for right tackle
SELECT MAX(extra_points) FROM table_14342480_5 WHERE position = "Right halfback"
CREATE TABLE table_14342480_5 (extra_points INTEGER, position VARCHAR)
Name the most extra points for right halfback
SELECT position FROM table_14342592_3 WHERE player = "Tom Hammond"
CREATE TABLE table_14342592_3 (position VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
What positions does Tom Hammond play?
SELECT position FROM table_14342592_3 WHERE player = "Hal Weeks"
CREATE TABLE table_14342592_3 (position VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
What positions does Hal Weeks play?
SELECT points FROM table_14342592_3 WHERE player = "Clark"
CREATE TABLE table_14342592_3 (points VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
How many points does Clark have?
SELECT COUNT(points) FROM table_14342592_7 WHERE position = "Right guard"
CREATE TABLE table_14342592_7 (points VARCHAR, position VARCHAR)
How many points did the player who was right guard score?
SELECT starter FROM table_14342592_7 WHERE touchdowns = 3
CREATE TABLE table_14342592_7 (starter VARCHAR, touchdowns VARCHAR)
Was there a starter when 3 touchdowns were scored?
SELECT MAX(touchdowns) FROM table_14342592_7 WHERE player = "Heston"
CREATE TABLE table_14342592_7 (touchdowns INTEGER, player VARCHAR)
How many touchdowns were there when Heston was in play?
SELECT MAX(points) FROM table_14342592_7 WHERE position = "Left tackle" AND extra_points = 5
CREATE TABLE table_14342592_7 (points INTEGER, position VARCHAR, extra_points VARCHAR)
How many maximum points were there when the left tackle was played and there were 5 extra points?
SELECT COUNT(uk_co_presenter) FROM table_14345690_15 WHERE co_presenter = "Joe Swash" AND comedian = "Russell Kane"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_15 (uk_co_presenter VARCHAR, co_presenter VARCHAR, comedian VARCHAR)
Who are the UK co-presenters that have Joe Swash as a co-presenter and Russell Kane as a comedian?
SELECT series FROM table_14345690_15 WHERE main_presenter = "Caroline Flack"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_15 (series VARCHAR, main_presenter VARCHAR)
What series have Caroline Flack as a main presenter?
SELECT co_presenter FROM table_14345690_15 WHERE series = "Seven (2007)"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_15 (co_presenter VARCHAR, series VARCHAR)
Who is the co-presenter of the series Seven (2007)?
SELECT main_presenter FROM table_14345690_15 WHERE series = "Twelve (2012)"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_15 (main_presenter VARCHAR, series VARCHAR)
Who is the main presenter of the series Twelve (2012)?
SELECT uk_co_presenter FROM table_14345690_15 WHERE co_presenter = "Joe Swash" AND series = "Eleven (2011)"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_15 (uk_co_presenter VARCHAR, co_presenter VARCHAR, series VARCHAR)
Who is the UK co-presenters that have Joe Swash as a co-presenter of the series Eleven (2011)?
SELECT finished FROM table_14345690_2 WHERE celebrity = "Nell McAndrew"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_2 (finished VARCHAR, celebrity VARCHAR)
What position did Nell McAndrew finish?
SELECT celebrity FROM table_14345690_2 WHERE famous_for = "Champion boxer"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_2 (celebrity VARCHAR, famous_for VARCHAR)
Who was the champion boxer?
SELECT entered FROM table_14345690_2 WHERE celebrity = "Darren Day"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_2 (entered VARCHAR, celebrity VARCHAR)
When did Darren Day enter?
SELECT finished FROM table_14345690_2 WHERE celebrity = "Tara Palmer-Tomkinson"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_2 (finished VARCHAR, celebrity VARCHAR)
What position did Tara Palmer-Tomkinson finish?
SELECT entered FROM table_14345690_2 WHERE finished = "4th"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_2 (entered VARCHAR, finished VARCHAR)
When did the 4th finisher enter?
SELECT COUNT(exited) FROM table_14345690_3 WHERE finished = "9th"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_3 (exited VARCHAR, finished VARCHAR)
How many people finished 9th?
SELECT MIN(camp_mates) FROM table_14345690_1
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_1 (camp_mates INTEGER)
What was the least amount of camp mates?
SELECT COUNT(directed_by) FROM table_14346353_1 WHERE teleplay_by = "David Simon" AND series__number = 4
CREATE TABLE table_14346353_1 (directed_by VARCHAR, teleplay_by VARCHAR, series__number VARCHAR)
Who directed series #4 that was teleplayed by David Simon?
SELECT title FROM table_14346353_1 WHERE series__number = 1
CREATE TABLE table_14346353_1 (title VARCHAR, series__number VARCHAR)
What is the title of series #1?
SELECT finished FROM table_14345690_5 WHERE exited = "Day 11"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_5 (finished VARCHAR, exited VARCHAR)
What is the finished place where exited is day 11?
SELECT famous_for FROM table_14345690_5 WHERE finished = "2nd"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_5 (famous_for VARCHAR, finished VARCHAR)
Who is the famous for that finished 2nd?
SELECT famous_for FROM table_14345690_5 WHERE finished = "5th"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_5 (famous_for VARCHAR, finished VARCHAR)
What is the famous for where the finished is 5th?
SELECT exited FROM table_14345690_5 WHERE celebrity = "Vic Reeves"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_5 (exited VARCHAR, celebrity VARCHAR)
What is the exited day where the celebrity is vic reeves?
SELECT celebrity FROM table_14345690_5 WHERE finished = "5th"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_5 (celebrity VARCHAR, finished VARCHAR)
what is the celebrity where the finished is 5th?
SELECT first_elected FROM table_1434788_5 WHERE incumbent = "John Thomas Wilson"
CREATE TABLE table_1434788_5 (first_elected VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
When was incumbent John Thomas Wilson first elected?
SELECT candidates FROM table_1434788_5 WHERE incumbent = "John Beatty"
CREATE TABLE table_1434788_5 (candidates VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
Who were the candidates in the election where John Beatty was the incumbent?