2 values
Would a Monoamine Oxidase candy bar cheer up a depressed friend?
Depression is caused by low levels of what chemicals. Monoamine Oxidase has an effect on what chemicals
Would a dog respond to bell before Grey seal?
How sensitive is a grey seal's hearing on land. How sensitive is a dog's hearing on land
Will the Albany in Georgia reach a hundred thousand occupants before the one in New York?
What is the population of Albany, Georgia. What is the population of Albany, New York
Is a Boeing 737 cost covered by Wonder Woman (2017 film) box office receipts?
How much does a Boeing 737 cost. How much did the 2017 movie Wonder Woman gross
Did the Space Race use relay batons?
What was the Space Race. What are relay batons used for
Does Dragon Ball shows and movies fall short of Friday 13th number of projects?
How many Dragon Ball series, TV specials and other features have been released. How many Friday the 13th franchise films and television series have been released
Is greed the most prevalent of the Seven Deadly Sins?
Is greed a deadly sin. Is gluttonly a deadly sin. What percent of crimes involved greed. What percent of people are overweight
Is average number of peas in a pod enough commas for a billion?
How many peas are in the average pod. How many commas are needed for a billion
Does actress Leila George lack the height to be a model?
How tall is Leila George. How tall is Cindy Crawford. What is the height of model Sara Sampaio
Could the Powerpuff Girls hypothetically attend the Camden Military Academy?
What gender are the Powerpuff Girls. What gender is allowed to attend the Camden Military Academy
Would the top of Mount Fuji stick out of the Sea of Japan? ?
How tall is Mount Fuji. What is the maximum depth of the Sea of Japan
Would an uninsured person be more likely than an insured person to decline a CT scan?
Typically how much does it cost to get a CT scan without insurance. On average, how much does it cost to get a CT scan with insurance
Is Disneyland Paris the largest Disney resort?
How big is Disneyland Paris in square miles. How big is Walt Disney World in square miles
Would a geographer use biochemistry in their work?
What is the area of study of a geographer. What is the area of study of Biochemistry
Could George Washington's own speeches have been recorded live to a compact disc?
When did George Washington die. When were compact discs introduced
Was Lil Jon's top ranked Billboard song a collaboration with a member of The Lox?
What is Lil Jon's top ranked Billboard song. Who makes up the group The Lox
Is Miami a city on the American West Coast?
What state is Miami located in. Which states are part of the American West Coast
Could Robert Wadlow hypothetically see Frankenstein's monster's bald spot from above?
How tall is Frankenstein. How tall is Robert Wadlow
If you add water to rice pudding is it horchata?
What ingredients are in horchata. What ingredients are in rice pudding
Can the Swiss Guard fill the Virginia General Assembly chairs?
What is the size of the Swiss Guard. What is the seating capacity of the Virginia General Assembly
Would a Dolce & Gabbana suit wearer be shunned by their Amish cousins?
What type of clothing do the Amish prefer. What clothing pieces are Dolce & Gabbana known for
Would the Titanic be well preserved at the bottom of the Gulf of Finland?
Are ships well-preserved in the Gulf of Finland. Was the RMS Titanic a ship
Could a dandelion suffer from hepatitis?
Hepatitis is the inflammation of what. In what kingdom are dandelions found
Did any country in Portuguese Colonial War share Switzerlands role in WWII?
What was Switzerland's position in World War II. Which countries were involved in the Portuguese Colonial War
Would a week be enough time to watch every episode of Ugly Betty?
How many hours are in a week. How long is the entire Ugly Betty series
Would a Pict be confused by Old English?
What language was spoken by the Picts. In what language family is Old English
Was the Louisiana Purchase made with bitcoin?
When was Bitcoin launched. When did the Louisiana Purchase take place
Did Japanese serfdom have higher status than English counterpart?
How did English lords treat their serfs. What did the Japanese recognize serfs as
Could Lil Wayne's children ride in a Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 together?
How many people can a Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 seat at a time. How many children does Lil Wayne have
Is double duty an incorrect phrase for host of Dancing With The Stars?
Who is the host of TV series 'Dancing WIth The Stars'. Who hosts America's Funniest Home Videos
Could Lil Wayne legally operate a vehicle on his own at the beginning of his career?
How old was Lil Wayne when he started his career in music. What is the minimum age required to obtain a valid driver's license in the US
Could an ocelot subsist on a single bee hummingbird per day?
How much food does an ocelot need to live per day. How much does a bee hummingbird weigh
Does Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church recognize Alexander Nevsky as a saint?
In which religion is Alexander Nevsky considered a saint. What religion is the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church a part of
Was the original James Bond actor born near the Washington Monument?
Who originally played James Bond. Where is the Washington Monument located
Does Andrew Johnson's presidential number exceed Elagabalus's Emperor number?
What number president was Andrew Johnson. What number emperor was Elagabalus
Would a hypothetical Yeti be towered over by Andre the Giant?
How tall was Andre the Giant. How tall are Yeti thought to be
Was a person sold a Creative Commons License for Boticelli's The Birth of Venus ripped off?
What is the purpose of a Creative Commons license. Works created before what year are presently in the public domain
Did Millard Fillmore help to establish the University of Pittsburgh?
When was the University of Pittsburgh established. When was Millard Fillmore born
Would a pear sink in water?
What is the density of a pear. What is the density of water
WIll Noah's Ark hypothetically sail through flooded Lincoln Tunnel?
What is the width of the Lincoln tunnel. What is the width of the Noah's ark
Could Scooby Doo fit in a kangaroo pouch?
What type of creature was Scooby-Doo. What resides in a kangaroo pouch
Do manta rays live in water above the safe temperature for cold food storage?
What temperature should cold food be stored at. What kind of water do manta rays live in
Is the kayak a traditional boat in New Zealand?
What cultures invented the kayak. What cultures are native to New Zealand
Has the Subway restaurant franchise had any connections with child abusers?
Was Jared Fogle a spokesman for Subway. Is Jared Fogle a sexual abuser of children
Would the high school class of 2010 have lived through the Presidency of Richard Nixon?
When was Richard Nixon president of the US until. What year range would the high school class of 2010 be born in
Could ten gallons of seawater crush a six year old?
What is the average weight of a six year old. What is the weight of a gallon of seawater
Could a giant squid fit aboard the deck of the titanic?
What is the length of a giant squid. What was the length of a deck on the Titanic
Do more anchovy live in colder temperature waters than warmer?
Which oceans do Anchovy live in. Which seas do Anchovy live in
Would an eleventh-grader be eligible for Medicare?
What ages are people in eleventh grade. What ages are most medicare recipients
Is there a full Neptunian orbit between the first two burials of women in the Panthéon?
In what year was the first woman buried in the Panthéon. In what year was the second woman buried in the Panthéon. How many years does it take for Neptune to orbit the Sun
Will Oasis cruise boat traverse the Lincoln Tunnel?
What is the maximum height clearance of the Lincoln Tunnel. How tall is the Oasis cruise ship
Could Oscar Wilde have operated a motor vehicle?
When were cars first used. When did Oscar Wilde pass away
Will Tokyo Tower be repainted only once during President Trump's first term?
How long (in years) is President Trump's first term. How often (interval in years) is the Tokyo Tower repainted
Has a neanderthal ever served on the Supreme Court of the United States?
How long ago did Neanderthals live. How long ago was the Supreme Court of the United States formed
Can Clouded leopards chase down many Pronghorn antelopes?
What is the top speed for a Clouded leopard. What is the top speed for a Pronghorn antelope
Does the anatomy of a camel lend itself to jokes on Wednesdays?
As a joke, what is Wednesday otherwise known as. What are camels known for having
Can voice actors for Goofy and Bugs Bunny each get one stripe from American flag?
How many stripes does the American flag have. How many people have been the voice of Goofy. How many people have been the voice of Bugs Bunny
Did Clark Gable appear in any movies scored by John Williams?
When did Clark Gable die. When did John Williams begin creating movie scores
Did Eric Clapton have similar taste in women to one of the Beatles?
Who are the spouses Eric Clapton has had. Who are the spouses the members of the Beatles have had
Could a silverfish reach the top of the Empire State Building?
How high is the Empire State Building. What class of animals do silverfish belong to
Are there winged statuettes in the home of the creator of Law & Order?
What award has a trophy that is a winged statuette. Who is the creator of Law & Order
Would baker's dozen of side by side Mac Trucks jam up Golden Gate Bridge?
How wide is a Mac truck. How many items are in a baker's dozen. How wide is the Golden Gate Bridge
Did either Kublai Khan or his grandfather practice monogamy?
How many times was Kublai Khan married. Who was Kublai Khan's grandfather
Did Van Gogh suffer from a mental disorder?
What are mental disorders characterized as. What issues did Van Gogh suffer from
Is the span in C-SPAN named after Alan Greenspan?
When was C-SPAN created. When was Alan Greenspan well-known
Would Eminem perform well at the International Mathematical Olympiad?
What levels of mathematics are covered in the International Mathematical Olympiad. What levels of mathematics is Eminem competent in
Can a computer be programmed entirely in Boolean algebra?
What are values included in Boolean algebra. At what level are program codes read directly by computers
Is Guitar Hero Beatles inappropriate for a US third grader?
How old is the average US third grader. What is the recommended age to play Guitar Hero
In American society, will a bachelor's degree often include a leap year?
Leap years occur after how many years' interval. How many years does an average bachelor's degree take in the US
At a presentation about post traumatic stress disorder, would Ariana Grande be a topic of relevance?
What happened during Ariana Grande's performance in Manchester in 2017. What types of events cause post traumatic stress disorder
Could you read The Atlantic magazine during the Games of the XXII Olympiad?
When was The Atlantic Magazine founded. When was the XXII Olypiad
Would it be typical for a Rede Globo anchor to say Konnichiwa to the viewers?
In which country is Rede Globo based. What language is Konnichiwa
Were weather phenomena avoided when naming minor league baseball teams?
What are some names of weather phenomena. What are the name of minor league baseball teams
Could a Hwasong-15 missile hypothetically reach Voyager 2?
How far away from Earth has Voyager 2 traveled. What is the range of a Hwasong-15 missile
Does Linus Torvalds make money off of DirectX?
Which company owns the DirectX technology. Linus Torvalds develops which operating system
Do you need to worry about Zika virus in Antarctica? ?
What animal spreads the Zika Virus. What is the climate of Antarctica
Did the writer of Christmas carol fast during Ramadan? ?
Which group of people fast during Ramadan. Christmas carols are composed by and for which group of people
Will Chuck Norris be a nonagenarian by time next leap year after 2020 happens?
When was Chuck Norris born. When is the next leap year after 2020. How many years of age makes one a nonagenarian
Does Bombyx mori have a monopoly over silk production?
In a monopoly, how many different entities supply goods. What insects produce silk
Did Christina Aguilera turn her chair around for Kelly Clarkson on The Voice?
Do judges on the voice turn their chair for only contestants. Has Kelly Clarkson ever been a contestant on the voice
Does a Generation Y member satisfy NYPD police officer age requirement?
How old do you have to be to be an NYPD officer. How old are Generation Y members currently
Do onions have a form that resembles the inside of a tree?
What is the structure observed in an onion when it is cut open. What is the structure of a tree's cross section
Would Janet Jackson avoid a dish with ham?
What is Janet Jackson's religion. What type of food is ham
Would multiple average rulers be necessary to measure the length of a giant armadillo?
What length are the best selling rulers on Amazon. How long is a typical giant armadillo
Was Rumi's work serialized in a magazine?
When was the first magazine ever published. When was the poet Rumi active
Would someone with back pain enjoy picking strawberries?
What are some common body postures that can aggravate back pain. At which position relative to the ground do strawberries grow
Has the Indian Ocean garbage patch not completed two full rotations of debris since its discovery?
When was the Indian Ocean garbage patch discovered. How long does it take for the Indian Ocean garbage patch to complete a rotation
Could a llama birth twice during War in Vietnam (1945-46)?
How long did the Vietnam war last. How long is llama gestational period
Could a chipmunk fit 100 chocolate chips in his mouth?
What is the carrying capacity of a chipmunks mouth in tbsp. How many chocolate chips are in a tbsp
Would Sophist's have hypothetically made good lawyers?
What were Sophist's role in Ancient Greece. What do lawyers do in their position
Does coding rely on Boolean algebra characters?
What characters does Boolean algebra use. What characters does binary code use
Would Amy Winehouse's death have been prevented with Narcan?
What was the cause of Amy Winehouse's death. What are the indications/symptoms that can be treated with Narcan
Are those incapable of reproduction incapable of parenthood?
What do surrogate mothers do. What purpose do adoption and foster systems serve
Is Mixed martial arts totally original from Roman Colosseum games?
What are the major features of UFC's Mixed martial arts. What were the major features of Roman Colosseum games
Is Bern located east of Paris?
What country is Paris located in. What country is Bern located in
Could Amazon afford The Mona Lisa?
How much is Amazon worth. How much is the Mona Lisa worth
If someone is a vegan, would they eat honey?
Do vegans eat animal byproducts. Is honey considered an animal byproduct
Does a mongoose have natural camouflage for desert?
What colors are mongoose. What colors are desert camouflage
Can Lamborghini's fastest model win a race against a Porsche 911?
Which model of Lamborghini is the fastest. What is the top speed of a Porsche 911
Was the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution written without consideration for black Americans?
Who were the writers of the Constitutional Amendments. Who was the the Constitutional Amendments written for