2 values
Is a person with St. Vitus's Dance likely to win a ballet competition?
What are the characteristic movements of St Vitus' Dance. What are the characteristic movements of well trained ballet dancers
Would a retail associate envy the retailer's CEO's pay?
How much does a retail CEO make yearly. How much does a retail associate make yearly
Does the United States Department of Education oversee services benefiting undocumented migrants? ?
Which service does the United States Department of Education oversee. Which services could children from undocumented migrant families benefit from
Are Brian Cranston and Saoirse Ronan's combined Emmy Awards a prime number?
How many Emmy Awards has Brian Cranston won. How many Emmy Awards has Saoirse Ronan won
Would Richard Dawkins hypothetically refuse an offering of the Last rites?
Which religious beliefs are the Last rites affiliated with. What was Richard Dawkins' belief regarding religion
Did Christopher Columbus condone multiple deadly sins?
What are the deadly sins. What were Christopher Columbus's actions in the New World
Would an American feel lost due to language barriers at Disneyland Paris?
What language do Americans mainly speak. At Disneyland Paris, what languages are workers required to know
Is Rurouni Kenshin from same country as lead character in Nobunaga's Ambition?
Where is Rurouni Kenshin from. Where was Oda Nobunaga from
Would most children be up past their bedtime if they were watching Conan O'Brien?
When does Conan O' Brian air. What is the recommended bedtime for children
Was latest Republican governor of New Jersey as of 2020 heftiest politician ever?
Who was the latest Republican governor of New Jersey as of 2020. How much did President William Howard Taft weigh
Will a person survive a fever of NY's highest recorded temperature?
What was NY's highest recorded temperature. Above what temperature will a fever become life-threatening
4 Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts exceed AHA daily sugar allowance?
What does the AHA recommend as the maximum amount of sugar a day. How much sugar is in a Krispy Kreme glazed doghnut
Did Immanuel Kant ever meet the 14th president of the United States?
On what date did Immanuel Kant die. Who was the 14th president of the United States
Could a camel fit in a dog house?
How large are camels. How large is a dog house
Would Columbus have discovered Durian trees during his 1492 expedition?
Which country did Columbus discover on his 1492 experdition. Which countries could you find Durian on
Is the current Chief Justice of the United States forbidden from buying alcohol?
How old do you have to be to buy alcohol legally in the United States. How old is John Roberts
Could Barron Trump have lived through the Mexican Revolution?
How long did the Mexican Revolution last. How old has Barron Trump already lived as of 2020
Does Snoopy look like Chance from Homeward Bound?
What kind of animal is Chance from Homeward Bound. What color is Snoopy
Would United States Air Force consider Return of the Jedi's Han Solo bad hypothetical candidate?
What requirements does the US Air Force demand of potential candidates. What are the characteristics of character Han Solo as featured in Return of the Jedi
Would Jesus understand the Easter Bunny?
When did Easter become a holiday. In what year did Jesus die
Are looks the easiest way to tell rosemary from lavender? ?
What does rosemary look like. What does lavender look like
Would an oil painter avoid reds from scale insects that live on a cactus?
What red pigments are made from insects. What scale insects live on cacti
Could you go to New York Public Library and the Six Flags Great Escape in the same day?
Where is Six Flags Great Escape located. Where is The New York Public Library located
Can a Toyota Supra make a vlog?
What is a vlog. What is a Toyota Supra
Can the Persian Gulf fit in New Jersey?
How much area does the Persian Gulf cover. How much area does New Jersey cover
Does the Boy Who Cried Wolf hypothetically have reason to pray to Pan?
What is the profession of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. What profession is Pan the god of
Are there enough people in the Balkans to match the population of Japan?
What is the population of the Balkans. What is the population of Japan
Would you hire someone with dyscalculia to do surveying work?
What do people with dyscalculia struggle with. What skills are necessary to be a competent surveyor
Is a paraplegic suitable for conducting an orchestra?
What part(s) of the body is/are needed to conduct an orchestra. Which portion of a paraplegic's body is paralyzed
Is Nicole Kidman ideal choice to play Psylocke based on height and weight?
What is Psylocke's height. What is Psylocke's wieght
Is Capricorn the hypothetical zodiac sign of Satanism?
What animal represents the zodiac sign Capricorn. What are some symbols in Satanism
Would a sesame seed be mistaken for a wood frog egg?
What shape and size is a sesame seed. What is the shape and size of a wood frog egg
Did Queen Elizabeth I read the works of Jean-Paul Sartre?
When did Queen Elizabeth I die. When was Jean-Paul Sartre bron
Did Polar Bears roam around in Ancient Greece?
Where do polar bears live. What was the average temperature of Ancient Greece
Would Statue of Liberty be visible if submerged in Bohai Sea?
How deep is the Bohai Sea. How tall is the Statue of Liberty
Will the Stanford Linear Accelerator fit on the Golden Gate Bridge?
What is the length of the Golden Gate Bridge. How long is the Stanford Linear Accelerator
Could JPMorgan Chase give every American $10?
How much are the total assets of JPMorgan Chase. What is the population of the United States
Is Noah's Ark an upgrade for Golden Age of Piracy pirates?
Which pirates were famously known during the Golden Age of Piracy. What were the dimensions of Noah's Ark
Are all Wednesdays in a year enough to read Bible 15 times?
How many Wednesdays are there in a year. How long does it take to read the old testament. How long does it take to read the new testament
Could a white cockatoo have lived through the entire Thirty Years' War?
How long did the Thirty Years' War last. How long can white cockatoos live
Did Jesus go to school to study railroad engineering?
When was the steam locomotive invented. When did Jesus die
Can Arnold Schwarzenegger deadlift an adult Black rhinoceros?
How much can Arnold Schwarzenegger deadlift. How much does an adult Black rhino weigh
Would a tool used for Martin Luther's Reformation opening salvo aid in a crucifixion?
What did Martin Luther begin his Reformation with. What are the tools required to preform Roman crucifixions
Would Achilles dominate Legolas in a hypothetical fight?
What is Achilles weakspot. What is Legolas strength
Will Ahura Mazda have to look down to see Abaddon's dwelling??
Where does Abaddon dwell. Where is Ahura Mazda known to reside
Was Alaska part of the Northern Army during the Civil War?
When did the American Civil War take place. When did Alaska become part of the United States
Do Bing (search engine) searches earn the searcher more than competitors do?
What does Bing give to people who use the search engine. Who are Bing's major competitors
Would a loudspeaker be useful for most Gallaudet students?
What disability do Gallaudet students suffer from. What does a loudspeaker do
Would three newborn kittens fit on a standard Amtrak coach seat?
What is the size of a newborn kitten. How large is an Amtrak coach seat
Will a rock float in the atmosphere of Earth?
Which substance does the earth's atmosphere contain. What is the average density of rocks
Could a newborn look over the top of a fully grown horseradish plant?
How tall are newborn babies on average. How tall is the average horseradish plant
Can a Kia Rio fit inside the Oval Office?
How large is the Oval Office. How large is a Kia Rio
Were veterans of the War in Vietnam (1945–46) given free education by the Soviet Union?
The Soviet Union gave free education to children of people who died in which war. When did the War in Vietnam (1945-46) end
Is Mozambique Drill an easy shot for United States Army Ranger?
What is the The Mozambique Drill. What guns are United States Army Rangers equipped with
Is lunch on the beach a good activity to spot the full circle of a rainbow?
At what point in the sky is the sun most likely to create a full circle rainbow. At what altitudes are full rainbows more likely to be seen
Does ABBA have similar gender configuration to The Mamas & The Papas?
How many men and women each make up the Mamas and the Papas. How many men and women each make up ABBA
Did Johann Sebastian Bach leave his first wife for his second wife?
What dates was Johann Sebastian Bach married to Anna Magdalena Bach. When did Maria Barbara Bach die
Could Eddie Hall hypothetically deadlift the world's largest cheeseburger?
What is Eddie Hall's record deadlist. What is the weight of the world largest cheeseburger
Has Justin Timberlake ever written a song about Britney Spears?
Who did Justin Timberlake date in 1999. Who was the song 'Cry Me A River' by Justin timberlake about
Do most high school head coaches make as much as the Head Coach at NCSU?
What is the average salary for a high school head coach. What is the salary of the head football coach at NCSU
Did Christopher Columbus break the fifth commandment in Christianity?
What is the fifth commandment in Christianity. What activities did Christopher Columbus subject Native Americans too
Was King Arthur at the beheading of Anne Boleyn?
When is King Arthur thought to have died. When was Anne Boleyn born
Can the city of Miami fit inside Uppsala?
What is the area of Miami. What is the area of Uppsala
Did a Polish poet write sonnets about Islamic religion?
What were the major focus of Adam Mickiewicz's sonnets. Was Adam Mickiewicz a Polish poet
Can you find Bugs Bunny at Space Mountain?
Where is Space Mountain located. Which animation studio created Bugs Bunny
Could modern Brazilian Navy have hypothetically turned the tide in Battle of Actium?
What was the result of the Battle of Actium. How many resources does the Brazilian Navy have
Could the children of Greek hero Jason hypothetically fill a polo team?
How many children did Greek mythological hero Jason have. How many people are needed to make a polo team
Is material from an aloe plant sometimes enclosed in petroleum-derived products?
What kind of products are derived from petroleum. What products are made from aloe plants
Could Hurricane Harvey catch a Peregrine falcon?
What was the top speed of Hurricane Harvey. What is the top speed of a Peregrine falcon
Would the author of Little Women have remembered the ratification of the 13th Amendment?
When was the 13th Amendment ratified. Who wrote Little Women
Would Benito Mussolini hypothetically play well in the NBA?
What is the height of Benito Mussolini. On average, what is the height of an NBA player
Would Swiss Guard defeat the Marines?
How many people are in the Swiss Guard. How many people are in the US Marine Corp
Did H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" include cosmic rays?
When was the War of the Worlds published. When were cosmic rays discovered
Are the majority of Reddit users familiar with the Pledge of Allegiance?
What country do most Reddit users come from. What country is the Pledge of Allegiance associated with
Is a Halloween cruise in the Gulf of Mexico likely to be safe from storms?
Which storms are a common occurrence in the Gulf of Mexico. What time of the year is Halloween celebrated
Can Billie Eilish afford a Porsche?
What is Billie Eilish's net worth. How much does a Porsche cost
Did Secretariat win a Formula One championship?
What is Secretariat. What is the top speed for a Formula One car
Did the population of the Warsaw Ghetto record secret police on cell phones?
When was the Warsaw Ghetto in existence. When was the first cell phone capable of recording developed
Was John Lennon known to be a good friend to Sasha Obama?
When was Sasha Obama born. When did John Lennon die
Does Darth Vader's character resemble Severus Snape?
What type of clothing does Darth Vader wear. What type of clothing does Severus Snape wear
Were items released from Pandora's box at least two of the names of Four Horsemen?
What items were released from Pandora's box. What were the names of the Four Horsemen
Did the iPhone usher in the scientific revolution?
When did the Scientific Revolution begin. When did the iPhone come out
Does parsley sink in milk?
What is the density of parsley. What is the density of milk
Did P. G. Wodehouse like the internet as a child?
When was P G Wodehouse born. When was the internet invented
Is The Invisible Man more prevalent in films than Picnic at Hanging Rock?
How many films have been made of "The Invisible Man". How many films have been made of Picnic at Hanging Rock
Would Lord Voldemort have been barred from Hogwarts under his own rules?
What kinds of people did Lord Voldemort want to prohibit from Hogwarts. What was Lord Voldemort born as
Would a modern central processing unit circuit chip fit on a housekey?
What is the size of a CPU Circuit chip across. How long is an average house key
Would an Evander Holyfield 2020 boxing return set age record?
How old will Evander Holyfield be at the end of 2020. What is the oldest age a boxer won a title bout
Could an escapee swim nonstop from Alcatraz island to Siberia?
How far is Alcatraz from Siberia. How far is the record longest swim
Would Hapshetsut be considered a monarch?
What kind of leader was Hatshepsut. What is the nature of a monarch's rule
Hypothetically, will an African elephant be crushed by Hulk on its back?
How big is the Hulk. How much can an African elephant carry
Did US President during Spanish-American War suffer similar demise to Abraham Lincoln?
What years were the Spanish–American War. How was Abraham Lincoln killed
Were the Ten commandments the part of the bible that Jewish people do not believe in?
What parts of the Bible do Jews not accept. What part of the Bible are the Ten Commandments in
Did the death of Helen Palmer have a significant effect on Dr. Seuss?
What relatives did Helen Palmer have when she died. What is Dr Suess's real name
Is the Federal Reserve a quick walk from Space Needle?
Where is the Space Needle located. Where is the headquarters of Federal Reserve located
Would Eric Clapton's mother hypothetically be unable to legally purchase cigarettes in the USA at his birth?
How old was Eric Clapton's mom when he was born. How old must you be to legally buy cigarettes in the USA
Could Casio's first invention be worn around the ankle?
What was Casio's first invention. What is the smallest diameter of ankle
Is it wise to feed a Snickers bar to a poodle?
What are poodles a breed of. What is a Snickers make out of
Are the colors on Marlboro package found on French flag?
What are the colors of a Marlboro package. What are the colors of the French flag
Did Richard Wagner compose the theme songs for two television series?
When did the television first become available. When did Richard Wagner die