2 values
Would Recep Tayyip Erdoğan be unfamiliar with börek?
Where was Recep Tayyip Erdoğan born. In which regions is börek part of the normal cuisine
Are Naruhito's ancestors the focus of Romance of the Three Kingdoms?
Where are the ancestors of Naruhito from. What country is the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms set in
Would Felicity Huffman vote for Mike DeWine?
What elected office is held by Mike DeWine. What state does Felicity Huffman live in
Was the father of social security system serving in the white house during the Panic of 1907?
Who is the father of the social security system. What position serves in the White House
Did children read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone during the Albanian Civil War?
What year was Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone published. What year was the Albanian Civil War
Would Arnold Schwarzenegger have a hard time picking up a red fox in 1967?
How much could Arnold Schwarzenegger life in 1967. What is the typical weight of a Red Fox
Could an NBA game be completed within the span of the Six-Day War?
How long did the Six-day War last. How long does a basketball game last
Would it be difficult for Kami Rita to climb Mount Emei?
What is the highest mountain Kami Rita has climbed. What is the height of Mount Emei
Is Alistair Darling in favor of Scottish independence?
What was the main purpose of the Better Together Campaign. Was Alistair Darling the chair of the campaign
Did any of Maya Angelou's children follow in her footsteps?
What was Maya angelou's profession. Who is Maya Angelou's son
Did Methuselah live at least 800 years as long as Sarah?
At what age did Methuselah die. At what age did Sarah die
Is Rosemary outclassed as plant found in most song titles?
How many songs have "rosemary" in the title. How many songs have the plant "rose" in the title
Did Tony Bennett have more children than he had wives?
How many children has Tony Bennett had. How many wives has Tony Bennett had
Would a greyhound be able to outrun a greyhound bus?
What is the top speed of a Greyhound bus. What is the top speed of a greyhound dog
Would Bonanza marathon end before WWE Heat marathon?
How many episodes exist of Bonanza. How many episodes exist of WWE Heat. How long is each episode of Bonanza. How long is each episode of WWE Heat
Will Futurama surpass the number of episodes of The Simpsons by the end of 2020?
How many episodes of Futurama have been produced to date. How many episodes of the Simpsons has been produced to date
Would a thesis paper be unusual to assign to kindergartners? ?
What skill set is required to create a thesis paper. What skill set do kindergartners possess
Is it unusual to play Happy hardcore music at a funeral?
What type of music is usually played at funerals. What are the characteristics of Happy Hardcore music
Lil Wayne similar real name rapper has over quadruple Wayne's Grammy awards?
What is Lil Wayne's real name. How many Grammy awards does Lil Wayne have
Would Communist Party of the Soviet Union hypothetically support Trickle Down Economics?
Under Leninism, which class led the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Under Trickle-down economics, which economic class gains wealth and power
Could a white belt defeat Jon Jones in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu match?
What color belt does Jon Jones have in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. In belt color ranking in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, where is white belt
Does bull shark bite hurt worse than crocodile bite?
What is the weight bite of a bull shark. What is the weight bite of a Crocodile
Is 1936 Summer Olympics venue too small for a Superbowl crowd?
At which venue did the 1936 Summer Olympics take place. How many people attended the 2020 Superbowl
Is breakdancing safe for people with tendonitis?
What are the symptoms of tendonitis. Which kind of movements are involved in breakdancing
Would Saddam Hussein hypothetically choose Saladin as ally over Idris I?
Which denomination of Islam did Saddam Hussein identify with. Which Islamic denomination did Saladin belong to. Which Islamic denomination did Idris I belong to
Do Apollo and Baldur share similar interests?
Apollo is the Greek god of what object. What is Baldur the Norse god of
Are any minor league baseball teams named after felines?
What are the names of teams in Minor League Baseball. Which animals are regarded as felines
Did Andy Warhol influence Art Deco style?
When did Art Deco first appear as a visual style. When was Andy Warhol born
Is capturing giant squid in natural habitat impossible with no gear?
At what depths do giant squid live. What is the max depth a person can safely dive without gear
Did the Paramount leader produce Titanic?
Who is the Paramount leader. Who produced Titanic
Would nickel boil in the outer core of the earth?
What is the boiling point of nickel. What the temperature range of the earth's outer core
Do Muslims have a different idea of Seraphim than Christians?
How is the Seraphim regarded in Christianity. How is the Seraphim regarded in Islam
Did Julia Roberts practice blast beats as a child?
What instrument did Julia Roberts play as a child. What instrument does Blast Beats simulate
Can a Muslim eat a McRib sandwich?
What foods are Muslims forbidden to eat. What is a McRib made of
Was Dorothea Wendling from same place Porsche originated?
Where was Dorothea Wendling born. Where was Posche founded
Can Centurylink max internet plan upload 1000GB in a fortnight?
How long is a fortnight. What is Centurylink's max internet plan speed
Did Solomon make up bigger percentage of Islamic prophets than Kings of Judah?
According to the Quran, how many prophets were there. How many Kings of Judah were there
Is a Coca plant farm likely to be found in Yakutsk?
What kind of climate does the Coca plant grow in. What country is Yakutsk located on
Would Goofy hypothetically enjoy Nylabone?
What kind of animal does Goofy portray. What kind of animal are Nylabones made for
Would Roman Gallic Wars army struggle to build the pyramids faster?
How many people worked on the pyramids. How many soldiers were in the Roman Gallic war army
Was Al-Farabi a student of the Great Sheikh?
What other name was the Great Sheikh known by. When did Al-Farabi die
Would a Drow tower over The Hobbit's hero?
Who is the hero of The Hobbit. What is a Drow
Does March begin on the same day of the week as February during leap years?
How many days are in February in a non-leap year. How many days are in February in a leap year
Can first letter row of QWERTY keyboard spell a palindrome?
What letters are on the first line of a QWERTY keyboard. What vowels are listed in #!
Have any members of the 2020 British royal family allegedly committed a felony?
Which royal family does Prince Andrew belong to. What is Prince Andrew accused of
Did Brazilian jiu-jitsu Gracie founders have at least a baker's dozen of kids between them?
Who were the founders of Brazilian jiu-jitsu. What is the number represented by the baker's dozen
Did any Golden Globe winners attend John Kerry's alma mater?
What is John Kerry's alma mater. Who has won a Golden Globe
Is the US Secretary of State similar to an administrative secretary of an office?
What kind of duties are assigned to an administrative secretary. What are the duties and nature of the position of the US Secretary of State
Would it be impossible to get to Burning Man on the Mayflower?
What was the Mayflower. What kind of environment is The Burning Man
Can a sniper shoot a fish past Bathypelagic Zone in ocean?
How deep is the bathypelagic zone. How far can snipers shoot
Does American Independence Day occur during autumn?
When does autumn occur in North America. When is American Independence Day celebrated
Did Karl Marx influence the communist party of China?
What does the communist party of China stand to represent. What were the political activities of Karl Max
Are the Great Lakes part of an international border?
What borders the great lakes to the north. What borders the great lakes to the south
Can Curiosity (rover) kill a cat?
How much does a cat weigh. How much does Curiosity (rover) weigh
Was King Kong climbing at a higher altitude than Eiffel Tower visitors?
How high is the visitor platform at the Eiffel Tower. What is the height of the Empire State Building
Would Constitution of the United States paper offend PETA?
What is the US Constitution written on. What does PETA hate
Is Nine Inch Nails's lead singer associated with David Lynch?
Who is the lead singer of Nine Inch Nails. What are the works of David Lynch
Do people put creatures from the Black Sea on their pizza?
What creatures are native to the Black Sea. What are common pizza toppings
Is the Berlin University of the Arts a Baroque period relic?
In which year was the Berlin University of the Arts established. When the Baroque period start and end
Could the Austrian casualties from Seven Years' War fit in Indianapolis Motor Speedway?
How many casualties did the Austrian's have in the Seven Year War. What is the seating capacity for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Does Hanuman have some of the same duties as Athena?
Hanuman said to be the deity of what subjects. Athena said to be the deity of what subjects
Did Elle Fanning play an essential part in ending apartheid?
When was Actress Elle Fanning born. Through which period did the Apartheid last
Can I find my home with latitude and longitude?
What are the uses of latitude and longitude. What is the range of latitude and longitude
Did the Wall Street Crash of 1929 hurt the stocks of robotics companies?
When did the first robotic company form. When did the crash of 1929 last till
Could Snoopy transmit rabies?
What can transmit rabies. What is Snoopy
Would Bruce Gandy be an odd choice for Messiah (Handel)?
What instruments are used in Messiah (Handel). What instrument is played by Bruce Gandy
Would a lullaby be enough to wake Hellen Keller up?
How are lullabies played. What did Hellen Keller suffer from
Is accountant a difficult profession for a person suffering from Dyscalculia?
What skills does dyscalculia impair. What skills are necessary to be an accountant
Would Robert Wadlow tower over a German Shepherd?
What is the typical height range of German Shepherds. How tall was Robert Wadlow
Would an Orthodox Presbyterian object to 1700s judge's attire?
What attire did judges in the 1700's wear. What things are prohibited by Orthodox Presbyterians
Can the Moscow Kremlin fit inside Disney Land?
What is the area of Moscow Kremlin. What is the size of Disney Land
Could Javier Sotomayor jump over the head of the average giraffe?
How tall are giraffes. What is Javier Sotomayor's personal record in the high jump
Could Goofy have counted nine planets in his first year?
When was Goofy first created. What year was the ninth planet found
Did Douglas Adams use email as a child?
When was Douglas Adams born. What year did email begin
Could the Eiffel Tower be completely submerged at the Arctic Ocean's deepest point?
How deep is the deepest point in the Arctic Ocean. How tall is the Eiffel Tower
Is Lines on the Antiquity of Microbes briefer than any haiku?
How long is a haiku. How long is Lines on the Antiquity of Microbes
Would a goblin shark eat at Crossroads Kitchen?
What is the goblin shark's diet-based classification. What kind of food is served at Crossroads Kitchen
Is jalapeno heat outclassed by Bhut jolokia?
How many Scoville units does a Jalapeno have. How many Scoville units does a Bhut jolokia have
Does giant panda have colors that differ from yin yang?
What colors does the concept " yin and yang" represent. What are colors of adult giant pandas
Did Nine Inch Nails inspire Aretha Franklin's sound?
What genre are Nine Inch Nails' music. What genre of songs does Aretha Franklin sing
Would Lee Sedol understand the complexities of the Sicilian Defence?
What is Lee Sedol's profession. The Sicilian defense is a tactic of which game
Would menu at Chinese Starbucks be familiar to an American?
What is on the typical American Starbucks' menu. What is on the typical Chinese Starbucks' menu
Will more people go in and out of Taco Bell than a Roy Rogers each year?
How many restaurants does Taco Bell have. How many restaurants does Roy Rogers have
Was Achilles a direct descendent of Gaia?
Who were Achilles' parents. Who were the children of Gaia
Is a thousand dollars per Days of Our Lives episodes preferred to other soaps?
How many episodes of 'Days of Our Lives' are there as of 2020. How many episodes of 'General Hospital' have been aired as of 2020
Does welding with acetylene simulate the temperature of a star?
What temperature is reached when welding with acetylene. What temperature can stars reach
Is it comfortable to wear sandals outside Esperanza Base?
Where is Esperanza Base Located. What are the defining characteristics of sandals
Would an art dealer prize a print of a Van Goh? ?
What kind of art do art dealers typically look for. What is the cost of a typically Van Goh print
Would Marvel's Gateway be envious of the Doctor (Doctor Who)'s TARDIS machine?
What is the TARDIS's special power. What is Gateway's special power
Did Supernatural break 2001 CW debuting shows seasons record?
What was the debuting shows in a seasons record as of 2001 for CW. What was Supernatural's highest debuting shows in a season
Did Alfred Hitchcock include internet slang in his films?
What year did Alfred Hitchcock die. When did internet become available for people
Would it be unusual to find a yellow perch in the Red Sea?
What type of water do yellow perches usually live in. What type of water is present in the red sea
Did Alan Turing suffer the same fate as Abraham Lincoln?
What did Alan Turing die of. What did Abraham Lincoln die of
Does meat from cows fed only grass taste more like wild game?
What is wild game known to taste like. What does meat from grass-fed cows typically taste like
Can 200 men end to end cover Great Pyramid of Giza's base?
What is the height in inches of the average man. What is length in inches of the base of The Great Pyramid of Giza
Could every citizen of Samoa send a letter to a unique JPMorgan Chase employee?
How many employees does JPMorgan Chase have. What is the population of Samoa
Did George Washington drive a Lexus?
In what year did George Washington die. What year was Lexus founded in
Was animal in You're a Good Sport, Charlie Brown, hypothetically a hound?
What animals fall under the classification of "hound". What kind of animal was Snoopy
Are any of J.K. Rowling's books in the genre of And Then There Were None?
What genre is the book And Then There Were None. What genre are Rowling's fiction Cormoran Strike series
Can Ford F-350 tow entire Yale University student body?
What is the maximum towing capacity of the Ford F-350. How much people attend Yale each year. What is the average weight of an adult