Unnamed: 0
Left Ventricular Dysfunction
"It has no side effect, I take it in combination of Bystolic 5 Mg and Fish Oil"
May 20, 2012
"My son is halfway through his fourth week of Intuniv. We became concerned when he began this last week, when he started taking the highest dose he will be on. For two days, he could hardly get out of bed, was very cranky, and slept for nearly 8 hours on a drive home from school vacation (very unusual for him.) I called his doctor on Monday morning and she said to stick it out a few days. See how he did at school, and with getting up in the morning. The last two days have been problem free. He is MUCH more agreeable than ever. He is less emotional (a good thing), less cranky. He is remembering all the things he should. Overall his behavior is better. We have tried many different medications and so far this is the most effective."
April 27, 2010
Birth Control
"I used to take another oral contraceptive, which had 21 pill cycle, and was very happy- very light periods, max 5 days, no other side effects. But it contained hormone gestodene, which is not available in US, so I switched to Lybrel, because the ingredients are similar. When my other pills ended, I started Lybrel immediately, on my first day of period, as the instructions said. And the period lasted for two weeks. When taking the second pack- same two weeks. And now, with third pack things got even worse- my third period lasted for two weeks and now it's the end of the third week- I still have daily brown discharge. The positive side is that I didn't have any other side effects. The idea of being period free was so tempting... Alas."
December 14, 2009
Ortho Evra
Birth Control
"This is my first time using any form of birth control. I'm glad I went with the patch, I have been on it for 8 months. At first It decreased my libido but that subsided. The only downside is that it made my periods longer (5-6 days to be exact) I used to only have periods for 3-4 days max also made my cramps intense for the first two days of my period, I never had cramps before using birth control. Other than that in happy with the patch"
November 3, 2015
Buprenorphine / naloxone
Opiate Dependence
"Suboxone has completely turned my life around. I feel healthier, I'm excelling at my job and I always have money in my pocket and my savings account. I had none of those before Suboxone and spent years abusing oxycontin. My paycheck was already spent by the time I got it and I started resorting to scheming and stealing to fund my addiction. All that is history. If you're ready to stop, there's a good chance that suboxone will put you on the path of great life again. I have found the side-effects to be minimal compared to oxycontin. I'm actually sleeping better. Slight constipation is about it for me. It truly is amazing. The cost pales in comparison to what I spent on oxycontin."
November 27, 2016
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
"2nd day on 5mg started to work with rock hard erections however experianced headache, lower bowel preassure. 3rd day erections would wake me up & hurt! Leg/ankles aches severe lower bowel preassure like you need to go #2 but can't! Enjoyed the initial rockhard erections but not at these side effects or $230 for months supply! I'm 50 & work out 3Xs a week. Not worth side effects!"
November 28, 2015
Emergency Contraception
"He pulled out, but he cummed a bit in me. I took the Plan B 26 hours later, and took a pregnancy test two weeks later - - I'm pregnant."
March 7, 2017
Bipolar Disorde
"Abilify changed my life. There is hope. I was on Zoloft and Clonidine when I first started Abilify at the age of 15.. Zoloft for depression and Clondine to manage my complete rage. My moods were out of control. I was depressed and hopeless one second and then mean, irrational, and full of rage the next. My Dr. prescribed me 2mg of Abilify and from that point on I feel like I have been cured though I know I'm not.. Bi-polar disorder is a constant battle. I know Abilify works for me because I have tried to get off it and lost complete control over my emotions. Went back on it and I was golden again. I am on 5mg 2x daily. I am now 21 and better than I have ever been in the past. Only side effect is I like to eat a lot."
March 14, 2015
" I Ve had nothing but problems with the Keppera : constant shaking in my arms & legs & pins & needles feeling in my arms & legs severe light headedness no appetite & etc."
August 9, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
Birth Control
"I had been on the pill for many years. When my doctor changed my RX to chateal, it was as effective. It really did help me by completely clearing my acne, this takes about 6 months though. I did not gain extra weight, or develop any emotional health issues. I stopped taking it bc I started using a more natural method of birth control, but started to take it bc I hate that my acne came back at age 28. I really hope symptoms like depression, or weight gain do not begin to affect me as I am older now. I'm also naturally moody, so this may worsen things. I was in a negative mental rut today. Also I hope this doesn't push me over the edge, as I believe I am depressed. Hopefully it'll be just like when I was younger."
December 8, 2016
Migraine Prevention
"I have been on this medication almost two weeks, started out on 25mg and working my way up to 100mg, currently at 50mg. No headaches at all so far and I was having 2-3 crippling migraines a week. I have lost 5.2lbs so far but note I am really paying close attention to what I am eating, I have a lot of weight to lose and if weight loss is a side effect I want to help it along as much as I can. Now, other side effects, they are there the word recall issues exist, the memory issues, the worst of it seems to be the vision disturbances, there have been times I have just not driven because I'm sure it would not have been safe. The good news is it seems to be wearing off...I have tons of energy and I am in a great mood."
January 1, 2015
"I have taken anti-depressants for years, with some improvement but mostly moderate to severe side affects, which makes me go off them. I only take Cymbalta now mostly for pain. When I began Deplin, I noticed a major improvement overnight. More energy, better disposition, and no sinking to the low lows of major depression. I have been taking it for about 3 months now and feel like a normal person for the first time ever. Best thing, no side effects."
March 9, 2017
Crohn's Disease
"I had Crohn's with a resection 30 years ago and have been mostly in remission since. Have recently had a bad flare and narrowing at the anastomosis and need to be on medication, but haven't found one that I can handle. Asacol gave me such serious body aching and fatigue that I could not function. Pentasa immediately gave me heart palpitations and arrhythmias so I had to discontinue it."
July 6, 2013
"Have a little bit of a lingering cough from a cold. Not giving me much trouble except keeps me up at night. I heard this was good so I took so I could get some sleep. Helped tremendously with the cough but then I was having bad stomach cramps and diarrhea. I hadn't eaten anything that should have upset my stomach and it didn't really feel like a "bug" so I looked up side effects for Delsym. Now I wish I had done that first because I probably wouldn't have taken it. So, while it worked for my cough I still didn't get any sleep due to the stomach issues."
September 7, 2017
Birth Control
"Started Nexplanon 2 months ago because I have a minimal amount of contraception's I can take due to my inability to take the hormone that is used in most birth controls. I'm trying to give it time because it is one of my only options right now. But honestly if I had options I'd get it removed. I've never had acne problems in my life, and immediately broke out after getting it implanted. Sex drive is completely gone, and I used to have sex with my boyfriend a few days a week, now its completely forced and not even fun for me anymore. I mean I'm on birth control because I like having sex but don't want to get pregnant, why take a birth control that takes away sex? Very unhappy and hope that I get it back with time or I'm getting it removed."
August 7, 2014
"I have been taking Saxenda since July 2016. I had severe nausea for about a month once I got up to the 2.6 dosage. It has since subsided and the only side effect I notice now is the dry mouth. I make sure to drink 2.5 litres of water a day (about 10 glasses). This helps with the weight loss as well as the constipation. I have been reducing my dose to find a comfortable spot where I am still losing weight but don't feel like I am over medicating. For me, 1.8 is working very well. I also feel wearing a Fitbit has really helped. I can track my food, water, exercise and steps - it keeps me moving more. When this started I could barely walk the length of myself without getting winded - I have lost 58 lbs so far."
January 19, 2017
Urinary Tract Infection
"This drug worked very well for me and cleared up my UTI in a matter of 48hrs, although I was on a 7 day course of 2x200mg/daily. Unfortunately once the tablets finished the infection returned so needed a 2nd course. I'm currently taking a low dose at evening to keep the infection at bay while the specialists do some tests. I normally get every side effect going and dread taking new medication in any form especially after an horrific experience with Ciorofloxacin but the only side effect I experienced with this was itchy ankles and feet on day two but that didn't last into third day so I would class this as a minor side effect and insignificant. Good luck."
September 22, 2017
"I've been taking amitriptyline since January 2013 after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I tried cymbalta for a week and my Dr decided that since it kept me awake 24/7 that it wasn't a good fit for me even though it relieved my pain. I started with 25 mg. After 2 weeks I had some breakthrough pain, so my Dr increased my dosage to 50mg and I'm still on that dosage today. For the first full year I was on this I never had pain and felt 'cured'. As time went on, it seems to help control my pain. I do still have pain, but at a low manageable level. I take this around 7pm each evening to avoid feeling overly drowsy in the mornings. This med allows me to have a fairly normal life."
March 15, 2017
Bipolar Disorde
"I've been on every medicine under the sun (it seems) to manage the hypomania / mania of Bipolar2. Within a few days of starting Lamictal (was on Tegretol) it was as if someone had turned a light on in my head. Is this the way "normal" people think? was one of the first things that struck me. I sleep like a log, have no irritability, almost no anger (other than what would be considered normal). I am able to focus and my creative, impulsive thoughts have decreased enough to be manageable. It's a God send as I would perennially be in a state of hypo mania, which sounds great, but I was physically and emotionally exhausted. My libido is markedly lower but I wonder if that is perhaps an effect of not being hypo manic. I take 20 mg for anxiety."
November 9, 2014
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
"I have been on Tasigna for just over 3 years now (300mg x 2 times a day) Tasigna worked for me within a few weeks I have been in remission for basically the entire 3 years. As for the side effects, I feel sick to my stomach, tired, severe leg and arm pain, I can't walk to long without needing a break, I went from working full time to not working at all because I am so tired all the time.... but hey I am in remission and alive so is all the above really a problem? Nope"
September 1, 2015
HIV Infection
"Spring of 2008 I was hospitalized with pnuemonia and diagnosed with Lyme diease and full blown AIDS with CD4 count of "11" viral load some number so high in the millions I could never remember. I was taking Combivir and Kaletra with Dapsone for the 1st year then it stopped working. I started Kaletra with the Dapsone my CD4 count is now 209 and rising. For a few weeks I was very aggressive and broke all my dishes in the house LOL. I take vitamin supplements and drink a boost pluz every day. LIfe is good now!"
July 9, 2010
"I have insomnia, it's horrible. My story begins with my PCP prescribing me Prozac to help with intestinal issues, because I was desperate I tried it, I was on it for 3 weeks. Stopped because of insomnia. Then I was prescribed Ativan, it out me out, but was very addicting. I had rebound insomnia. Then after about 14 days I hardly any sleep l tried the doctor one more time. I asked him about Trazadone. He told me that was a good medication for insomnia. He put me on 25 mgs, but stated I may have to figure out what dosage is best for me. I am currently taking 100 mgs, which is on the low range of what is prescribed, 400 mgs being at the high end for insomnia. I have the dry mouth and nasel congestion. I can live with that, I sleep now, yeah..."
April 3, 2016
Birth Control
"Nexplanon does its job. I can have worry free sex. The only thing is that my periods are sometimes light and sometimes heavy. Sometimes they go away and sometimes they show up unexpected. I also feel somewhat depressed. Not sure if its Nexplanon or not. I've had Nexplanont for about 2 months now, but despite the side effects its the most effective birth control I've ever used and I do not plan on taking it out."
August 11, 2014
Rheumatoid Arthritis
"I live in Western Australia and disturbed by some comments on here. The cost of Embrel is cost of an ordinary prescription $36 for me the government pays the remainder of the cost to the chemist. I also go to the the medical centre every Saturday morning a Dr looks over my prescription and then he advises the nurse to administer the injection also no cost to myself and this is part of nurses duties. I am unsure of the country where people who have made comments referring to cost and that nobody is there to administer the injection for them. I am very lucky to live in Australia as we have the best health system worldwide and everybody is given the opportunity to receive proper medical help whether you are rich or poor there is no discrimination."
September 16, 2017
Vaginal Yeast Infection
"Do not use the cream that comes with this. It turned my hoo-ha into a burning ring of fire. It is 1 am and I have to work tomorrow. It's going to be a sleepless night for me"
April 17, 2017
Chlamydia Infection
"Was prescribed one dose over the course of one day, took 4 pills of 250mg after a light lunch, and had nausea and mild stomach pains/upset. Lying down did not alleviate the discomfort and threw up 3 hours later. Called up my doctor to check if I needed to take another dose but he said my body would have absorbed the pills by then. Still experiencing mild stomach pains but nausea is mostly gone now."
December 14, 2015
"I'm writing a second review on Vaniqa. I started using this in February this year. Twice a day although some days/times I do forget. I just want to say how delighted I am to have found this. It has totally and completely changed my life! I had terrible male pattern hair growth all over my cheeks, chin, upper and lower lip and starting to grow down my neck. I used to pluck for up to 2 hrs a time every 3rd day but was never hair free. I wouldn't kiss anyone hello or goodbye as even plucked the stubble could be felt under my skin. 3 months on im not scared of being caught in bright sunlight I pluck around once a fortnight and it takes around 10 mins. The hairs that are coming through are soft and downy. My life is transformed."
May 11, 2014
"Hi all, My son who is 12 was diagnosed when he was in 2nd grade. We tried everything before medication. When we tried meds, the first one made him loose weight, fast. The second gave him a nasty tic that thankfully went away as soon as he stopped the med, the third worked for a couple of years and around January of last year we started to have problems so his doctor recommended Daytrana. It has been wonderful for my son! Easy to use, he handles this for himself each day and takes it off when he gets home from school. The patch effects last long enough for him to do his homework. He does have issues with weight gain and sleep but he uses melatonin before bed if he feels like he will not be able to shut down. The shortage is KILLING us!"
January 12, 2017
Panic Disorde
"Honestly, I have been taking ativan for 2 years now 1mg twice daily. It does help but it should be used as a tool for panic attacks NOT A SOLUTION. I have tried so many anti-depressants as well such as cymbalta, cipralex and a couple more. The best thing is to talk to close friends and family or even a psychiatrist. talking to people and venting is honestly the best thing you can do for yourself even though it takes a lot of will power to do it. I would love to hear other people opinion."
June 1, 2015
"At first I suffered through them. This included splitting head pain, nausea, and vomiting. I started using Excedrin after a while which helped if I took it right away. Then that started to not work so well anymore. I had one really bad one that lasted hours. I was still throwing up at 9 pm and I was now throwing up blood. I went to the ER and when I finally got in they put me on an IV to hydrate me. They then added Imitrex to the bag and I soon started feeling side effects. My head felt like I was going to pass out. My breathing became labored and it felt like someone was sitting on my chest. They said that meant it was working. After about two minutes everything was gone. I got pills to take at home and they worked okay. Not as fast."
October 16, 2012
"Very good response. It is so useful for me. "
August 18, 2010
"1 week on Zoloft for anxiety and mood swings. I take 50mg in the mornings with my breakfast. Nausea on day one but that subsided as the week went on. I get the jitters about 2 hrs after taking it followed by yawning. I feel much better though and less angry/stressed."
May 7, 2011
"I am 30 years old. I had a multiple composite spinal injuries 15 years ago. The aches and pains unbearable. I started taking anti-inflammatories about 2 years ago. I started getting injections every month of Toradol and "Depo" something. I am almost off all pain meds I mean I still have bad days but I can function again."
February 11, 2013
Vaginal Yeast Infection
"The burning is out of control about 20 minutes after inserting it . Sat in the bath trying to get this stuff out . This is awful"
September 11, 2015
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
"Have been taking Viberzi for a month now for IBS-D and I can't be happier. I have ZERO side effects. Thank you for making me normal again!!!!!!"
July 5, 2016
"Reduced my pain by 80% and lets me live a normal life again!"
May 13, 2015
"SO MUCH PAIN! In the last 2 years I have suffered with a brain tumour so have been in a LOT of pain to the point of morphine everyday for a year. Then I had brain surgery...but the pain from this pill came pretty close!! In serious pain to the point of blacking out hot and cold shivers and just sat in pain feeling like trapped wind/indigestion it's just.. Ahhhh!!!! Don't take this!!!"
February 13, 2016
"I have been on morphine for at least 7 years..It is the only medicine that seems to manage my pain. Without it I would be in bed 90% of the time. With it I can have a life."
May 8, 2010
Bowel Preparation
"I have taken this at least 5-6 times for the last 10 years. I have had major problems with it since the first time. Causing me MAJOR FATIGUE. The last time I took it was 3 year's ago and I had very severe cramps and not having enough time to get to the bathroom. I went to the hospital and the doctor said it didn't work good enough so he had me go home and do a second round. I went back the next day and did the process with no energy. I had to do it last night and it was even worse than the other times. I was gagging it down and up all night with severe cramps. I tried the second dose in the morning and I just about started throwing up so I called the office and they said to stop. Once the doctor was done he said it didn't evacuate enough"
June 29, 2017
"I had a similar experience. Tremors in hands (not really noticeable to someone watching unless they were looking for it), but relief from the delusions I was experiencing. My problem has been going on for over 16 years so I anticipate it will not magically disappear (and it didn't) but the clarity of thinking I experience with this medicine really helps me."
May 23, 2011
Vaginal Yeast Infection
"I am very prone to yeast infections, I believe it's due to my birth control as well as having unprotected sex. Fluconazole has always cleared up my yeast infections with 2 doses. No side effects."
April 24, 2017
"I am just finishing my second week taking Contrave and have lost 10 lbs. It has been an interesting experience because the drug is definitely not an appetite suppressant, yet it does help you control the urge to eat. I have had mild side effects - some stomach discomfort and slight headaches along with constipation, but it has all been easily manageable. If you are considering taking this medication please keep in mind that you still need to do the work by exercising and eating right, but the medication really does help. It has helped me get my motivation back to exercise, and it definitely helps with cravings to eat making it easy to just eat what I need to be healthy. Use the coupon they give you, it drops cost to $70"
November 4, 2015
Panic Disorde
"This medication changed my life. My panic attacks were so out of control I was barely able to leave the house. Within 2 days, a moderate does of this changed me into a new person. That was 15 years ago. My dosage has never changed."
April 1, 2008
Muscle Spasm
"I have been taking this medicine due to lower back trouble. When I first took it, it worked great, now all it does is put me to sleep."
June 4, 2014
"my gp started me on Venlafaxine yesterday to help with depression and the change,a hour after taking them i was feeling very sick couldn,t stomach food or fluids, thought keep it up as she told me they did come with some side effects which would get better,took another one last night and was so ill i couldn,t stand ,being sick sweating shaking thought i was going to pass out. Did get some sleep hopeing to feel better this morning,took another one and felt so spaced out dry mouth shaking ,sick, so booked in to see gp again to make sure i should be feeling like this, only to find out she had put me on the wrong dose should have been on 37.5mg was put on 150mg, now on right dose hope this will be better"
April 27, 2016
Ledipasvir / sofosbuvir
Hepatitis C
"At initial testing my VL was over 6 million. I received my meds on saturday 2 days prior to testing to establish a baseline. I started when I received my pills. 2 days and 5 hours later I got my blood test to establish VL, I had taken 3 pills at this point and my VL was under 700. VL @ 4 weeks was 0 . VL @ 8 weeks was 0 and @ 12 weeks was 0 . 2 weeks til my 1st EOT test. I feel cured. My side effects were next to nothing."
September 22, 2015
Ledipasvir / sofosbuvir
Hepatitis C
"Side effects are light- fatigue and a bit of a headache. I did find it easier to take it an hour after dinner. WAY better then the triple-threat approach. My blood work does indicate that I am in the beggining stages of cirrhosis. I also had Hep B in 1994. So far, it's like a miracle. Other than the fatigue (which is nothing if you've suffered Jaundice or the 'Sickie' symptoms that Hep C can cause), it's business as usual."
December 31, 2014
Bipolar Disorde
"Helps against sadness, and strongly counters moderate urges to drink at a stressful, confusing time in my life."
October 17, 2010
Overactive Bladde
"24 Year Old, Male, UK ,Normally I would go every hour, even when drinking very small amounts of water or drinks. I took this medication for only two weeks, I noticed right away I would go less often to the toilet, and it was much easier to dispense the urine. Unfortunately I had to stop taking this as the medications side effects outweighed the benefits. I found that I would have incredibly intense mood swings, aggression, feel clumsy and dizzy all the time. Blurry vision. Memory problems or mind blanks. runny nose, weakness, tiredness. I am now trying Betmiga.. lets see"
January 3, 2017
Urinary Tract Infection
"I battled a nasty UTI for over a month & went through 3 different antibiotics till my doctor finally gave me this one. Makes you terribly sick to your stomach but in the end is completely worth it!! Felt completely back to normal in 2 days!!"
July 6, 2016
Diabetes, Type 2
"Hey Guys, It's been 4 months since my last post as I wanted to give it a few months to see how this was going to work. So, I have been on Trulicity for six months now with Metformin. When I hit the five month period the diarrhea, gas, sulphur belching finally subsided. I now longer have any of those side effects. However, I still haven't lost any weight at all, but I think that was because when I first started Trulicity I was taking it with Glimepiride and that one has a side effect of weight gain so I think the two meds were fighting each other lol. I have been back on the Metformin with Trulicity for about a week now, so we will see what this does. I was diagnosed as stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD 3) so I am watching diet closely."
October 24, 2017
"Intuniv did not work for my son; he was bouncing off the walls while he was taking it, and having major issues in class! It seems to work the opposite on him!"
July 21, 2011
"My pain management doctor put me on Butrans patches about 6 weeks ago 5 mg dose. The first box of four was a lifesaver. No more agony at work. Able to sleep. Did more in two weekends than I had in two years. I'm hoping to bump up to the ten mg dose soon to cut down on my Norco. I have had chronic pain for many years and have been through many medicines including Oxycontin. This patch is the best so far."
June 24, 2011
Asthma, Maintenance
"I got heart palpitations, really bad - like almost constant. I was taking the 40 mcg one puff twice a day. I switched to flovemt and all is well."
November 15, 2015
Non-Small Cell Lung Cance
"My mother died from lung cancer. Her last hope of this medication. Within a couple months she was gone"
March 2, 2017
"Abilify 20 mg. I am a patient diagnosed with disorganized schizophrenia, depression, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar. I have experienced a sensitivity to my emotions, as well as how I react to my feelings. I really don't feel out of the normal with any "sexual frustration"...and I wouldn't say this has increased/decreased. I feel less anxious on the medication, and seemingly more at ease with myself when I take this medication. It is a hard step to have people telling you that you actually do better on this pill, when half your life ago, you didn't have "mental illness", and suddenly you become someone else. My weight did fluxuate when on this drug. But I feel it was due to stress factors outside of a regular environment. I feel if you place yourself in good surroundings and support you do much better at being the person you are here to be. I am so much happier in life with a routine. I feel like I only referred to enlongated periods of sleep because of depression, and events surrounding certain time frames hence thoughts, and reactions. Abilify (aripiprazole) My instant reaction from this drug is concern for my well-being. I am nervous because I am one of the people taking this drug till the stars fade, every day to my last. My doctors all seem to say the same thing, and that is, "This medication is working for you". I do blood tests when I go into the Hospital freqently, and they are not finding anything off the charts and everything is always normal with my vitals. My thought is, how do they consider this medication works for me? Because I am not showing side effects? Because I am accepting? I feel I have to hold patience, my own value, what I care about around me to help better myself mentally and my virtue. I feel that I am just not the type of person to curbside answers to things we wonder deeply about, I guess. I don't know if there are any people who would agree then that I should ask if there are any women who have taken abilify during a pregnancy? Just wondering what the reaction is... Is my question? I am a 30 year old female diagnosed with Mental Illness starting in 2004. I started to take Abilify 20 mg. in 2004 to present. Overall, since this medication has not been threatening to me, I feel I should embrace it."
September 25, 2016
"I've been having UTIs for 7 years, my most recent one has lasted 24 days so far. Because of this I went to the doctor and they prescribed me pyridium twice a day. I was very hopeful but unfortunately it didn't work. The burning while urinating is still there and I've been on it for three days so far. Also discomfort all hours of the day down there. It may work well for others but my body doesn't accept it, it did nothing. Going to the doctor was useless, go straight to the urologist"
October 13, 2016
Bipolar Disorde
"I have had great experience so far with Latuda. I started taking 40 mg in Nov., and it worked great for about a week, then I crashed again. Dr. put it up to 80 mg and I've been great ever since. I'm afraid, though, because my sex drive has completely disappeared, and if it's the Latuda, I'm going to have to go off it-and I hate to go off something that's working so well. However, I'm also on a pretty high dose of Lexapro, and the Dr. thinks it's more likely to be a side effect of that, so we're decreasing that and hopefully that will work, because otherwise I'm feeling really good. I'm really afraid I'll have to go off it."
February 20, 2012
Smoking Cessation
"Love this, no mouth sores, or ulcers like Wellbutrin gave me. I COMPLETELY QUIT SMOKING...this works."
August 22, 2014
Birth Control
"Never again! After being on depo I was suppose to b an ideal candidate the first 6 months was ok bit moody but fine no weight gain but then something changed I was constantly bleeding and getting horrible hormone spots I normally have clear skin mood swings were increasing. After 14 months I decided to have it taken out and that was an ordeal they can b very tricky for the doc remove. So 3 anesthetics and a few stitches later its out. It's simply not worth the hassle"
August 20, 2015
Effexor XR
"Was on this med for 5 years. Worked fine but not great. Stopped the panic attacks and gave me relief of every day nervousness that I was experiencing. Took months for the side effects to diminish when I first started taking it. What did not leave - insomnia, night sweats, lack of sex drive and poor orgasms (or no orgasms at all)."
December 27, 2016
Drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol
Birth Control
"I was put on Yasmin for 6 months to regulate my cycle and reduce acne flare-ups and it was the worst 6 months of my life. I gained 20lbs that did NOT come off easily after stopping the pill, experienced horrible mood swings, had HEAVIER periods, acne breakouts, breakthrough bleeding, and I was nauseous all the time. This pill seems to agree with most people but it definitely did not agree with me. I went on Femcon a year after stopping Yasmin and experienced virtually no side effects."
April 11, 2011
"I love my Butrans patch!!! And it has relieved more than half of my pain, and I know this because I only have to take less than half of my pain killers now that I am on the patch! I change my patch every Saturday, but if I miss 24 hours my pain starts to reside again. If you are not a heavy drinker I would advise trying this patch!!!"
August 6, 2015
Birth Control
"I have been on this for 8 months and sad to say it's caused nothing but my self esteem to become lower. I've gained 10 lbs out of no where. I'm only 22 and have a fast metabolism. I thought it started to slow down but it didn't make sense. My breasts got smaller, I have lost complete sex drive, my breasts aren't sensitive anymore at all like they used to be and I'm so emotional, even crying at times. The only thing I can say is that it is 100% effective but not worth what it has done to my body. Not only that but I started breaking out on my body and on my face as well."
September 1, 2011
Birth Control
"I was off birth control for a while considering getting pregnant. I had used other types of birth control before, the pill, the patch, etc. I decided to get back on birth control but didn't want to worry about taking a daily pill so I requested the Nuvaring. When I started the Nuvaring I felt it inside my body and had a lot of cramps. A few days later I started experiencing more cramps and very strong upper stomach pain. They were so bad I missed work for a week. Finally I ended up going to the ER and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. I finally asked the doctor and it was the Nuvaring side effects."
April 18, 2013
Bowel Preparation
"I took the Prepopik for my first colonoscopy (I'm 25) and I found it to be very effective. The orange flavor was very tolerable. I had no bad cramps or terrible side effects with it, but I had taken magnesium citrate the night before and that had already cleaned me out somewhat. My only issue was I ended up so dehydrated that I showed up to my colonoscopy with a fever. Try to drink as much fluid as you can with this prep! I drank plenty, but there was more liquid coming out of me than going in. Overall, I would recommend the Prepopik. On a side note, my insurance didn't cover it, but the office I go to had it available. I recommend asking your office if they have it available if insurance won't cover it at the pharmacy."
March 14, 2015
"I just hit my three month point on tretinoin .05% and I'm so happy. I was really depressed about my skin during the first two months because I've never had bad acne and the cream made me have horrible acne. But I knew that was the worst part of it and after that was over I would be fine. I've inly had two zits since then and I'm only left with scars which is fine. Try it out even if you're scared because I was too and I'm so glad i did. It's worth it!"
November 4, 2015
Effexor XR
"This medicine saved my life. I was at my wits end with anti-depressants and was ready to give up. My doctor finally prescribed me this after many failed medications, I am so glad she did. I honestly do not know where I would be without Effexor XR. Side effects were very mild compared to other anti-depressants I tried. I was drowsy for the first couple days, but it was tolerable. I highly recommend this for severe depression. I would also like to mention for people to realize there is light at the end of the tunnel and YOU WILL GET BETTER, and to never give up."
June 20, 2013
Gildess Fe 1 / 20
Birth Control
"it caused me to gain 30 pounds"
September 21, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
"Best treatment for acne I have used! I've gone through accutane, many face washes, retinol creams, and other forms of birth control. Some other forms of birth control just make acne worse, depending on the type of progestin in it. You need the least androgenic type possible, and sprintec has worked the best for me! Nearly clear skin. Takes about 5-6 months to fully work, but it does work."
November 3, 2015
Elbasvir / grazoprevir
Hepatitis C
"I started taking Zepatier three days ago! No sides effects till now! I would like to share only this that I feel a slight pain in the back of the head. That's all for now! I'll keep my fingers crossed till I finish in 12 weeks! :) Update: Now, I've finish my 3rd week of the treatment! No sides effects, even my blood test is brilliant! I'll inform you when I finish my 8 week!Update: Incredible!!!!!!!!!!! On my 31st day, the virus is undetectable! Before start taking Zepatier I had 4.796.191 viral load, now the results are negative! No side effects! Zepatier is working very well! Thank you Zepatier!"
October 5, 2017
emale Infertility
"I took Clomid for the first time last month. My husband and I tried for a year. I have a blocked Fallopian tube. I had to use estrogen medicine also because my uterine lining was too thin. Then my doctor had me use HCG shot to stimulate ovulation since Clomid can apparently mess up if/when ovulation occurs. I took the HCG shot over 2 weeks ago. I noticed some weird symptoms a few days ago and I just took multiple pregnancy tests. And I'm pregnant! So Clomid worked great for me so far. Yay!"
June 1, 2016
Docusate / senna
Constipation, Acute
"I am a 52 year old women.I was bloating a lot from not pooping..Alls good now...."
November 14, 2015
Constipation, Drug Induced
"I had a tummy tuck on Dec 18. The surgery was painful but the constipation from opioids from the surgery was just as bad. My plastic surgeon wasn't familiar with treating OIC so I called my primary care physician. She gave me Amitiza 24mcg. It took almost two days but it was amazing and I was so thankful. I had to remain on opioids for three weeks and the Amitiza worked so well I haven't had any issues!! Thank you Amitiza!!!"
January 12, 2016
Birth Control
"My experience during the nexplon is great not a pregnancy yet. My only issue is it causes me too much bleeding. I get my periods from every other week up to 1 month up to 3 month . And it ruins My sex life"
May 27, 2016
Birth Control
"I've had mine for over a year and noticed the weight gain, mood swings, but no acne. My body adjusted quick and I lost the weight. The only issue I've had is every time my boyfriend and I have sex, I spot the next day for less than a week. Other than those issues I love it and recommend it to all of my friends!"
June 19, 2016
Erectile Dysfunction
"Awesome! My new boyfriend has a few issues; I believe it is all mental because of the bad relationships in the past. He ordered this and then was prescribed this. I told him he will go broke and he said it is sooooo worth it. I orgasm every time, sometimes twice, and he does too. Wow."
October 14, 2015
Lo Loestrin Fe
Birth Control
"I am always bleeding between periods, I’ve also gained 15 pounds and on a skinny girl it’s very noticeable! My acne hasn’t got worse or better. And now I’m not getting my period when I should be. I am experiencing depression where I don’t want to be around anyone I don’t want to eat because I’m gaining so much weight I’m stuck in my head and lashing out at people. I’m not my normal self. I wish I found a pill that rids my acne and doesn’t affect my weight or sex drive.."
October 26, 2017
Ledipasvir / sofosbuvir
Hepatitis C
"Had hep-c since early 70s and cirrhosis for the last 20 yrs. Tried interferon and riboviron which had to stop treatments due to side effects that was terrible. Got on transplant list in Oct of 2014 and received a new liver on 19 Dec 2014. I was really blessed. Hep-c was on a mission to destroy new liver but after 4 weeks of harvoni virus is undetectable . Another blessing. Am still on treatments for 8 more weeks but 0 side effects so no problem."
September 18, 2015
Panic Disorde
"These reviews helped me so much when I first started Zoloft over 5 weeks ago that I wanted to post my experience. After several weeks of increasingly worsening panic attacks at work, I ended up in the hospital. A year ago my psych Dr switched me from cymbalta to a mood stabilizer and things were good until November as stress at work increased. I was depending on too much bromazepam to get through the day. My GP started me on 50 mg of Zoloft and my anxiety was so bad also tremors for 4 weeks I was sure I would have to quit working or cut my hours. But this Monday on week 5 was amazing. I still have some anxiety but I seem to be able to handle it now. It's like I have my confidence back. Good luck!"
March 23, 2017
Trigeminal Neuralgia
"66 YO caucasian, male. Developed MS @22-23, diagnosed @30. Developed trigeminal neuralgia in 3/2014 lasting 7 days. Started on Carbamazepin 7/2014. TN returned 8/2015; constant ever since. Had microvascular decompression surgery on 6/3/2016. Pain ceased for 19 days after surgery then returned as severe as before. Surgery recovery was painful, left me weak, disoriented & less mobile. Neurologist changed Rx: from Carbamazepine to Oxcarbazepine (300 mg, twice daily) 6 days ago. Deep facial lancinating pain has remissed but still have burning, electric jolting pain in upper lip and cheek. Also taking Tramadol HCL (50mg, once daily) which seems to help. Carbamazepine never worked. Oxcarbazepine/Tramadol combo seems effective."
July 18, 2016
"Started taking it and I slept well at night and awoke early around 5 to start my day happily. But come 8 am and I am drowsy and needed to take already two hrs nap. Awake and resume My day with not much difficulties. Than st 2 pm again I needed a nap? So how was I gonna make it to work and my appointments too ? I went cold turkey. Felt much better after that. Only to crash again. I did try other anti depressants including pristique. But I suffered with insomnia with these meds. I know I need to start again but so confused if I should resume welbutrin"
January 13, 2017
Birth Control
"I have been on pills for years, and in 2012 I tried Mirena. I had cramps and terrible side effects all the time and just had it taken out last month because I have gained around 10lbs in my stomach area. I have been on Nuvaring for about 2 weeks and so far it's way better. As soon as Mirena was removed my weird stomach pains stopped, but I'm still trying to lose the extra weight. "
April 3, 2014
Birth Control
"I had the Mirena put in almost a year ago. Insertion was a breeze next to no cramping. My periods have remained heavy and do not show signs of stopping. Have gained about 30 pounds have acne and headaches and backache, so now I am wondering what is next. My doctor would not take it out and wanted me to remain on it for a year. It is almost a year so I am finding a new doctor and getting it taken out."
January 18, 2010
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia
"Drinking a few extra 16oz bottles of water during the period after taking the Milk of Magnesia will help stop the painful hard stools constipation usually brings. It will help ease the release. There can be different amount of time you can expect the recommended dosage to work. For me it's best taken on an empty stomach. No food for 4 hours or more helps speed the desired effect. If it's been several days since you normally have movements it will also take longer for the effects to begin. Drink water, as much as you possibly can. If diarrhea occurs cut back on water. Take the prescribed dose, not more. Drinking lots of water along with sufficient fiber in my diet has become much easier than fighting with constant constipation."
January 9, 2014
Underactive Thyroid
"do not take this medicine without the supervision of an endroconologist. It was NOT for me"
January 28, 2017
Bipolar Disorde
"I appreciate Lithium. Although my thyroid level is low, a supplement helps to equalize this problem. I've been through at least 20 different medications to stabilize my Bipolar diagnosis. I always wanted to be of normal state of mind. Lithium has allowed me to be equally yoked with myself. 300mg ER in the evening. 100mg of Seroquel in the evening. 20mg of Cymbalta in the morning! I'm set! If I'm feeling anxiety I can add Busper or Loranzapam."
August 23, 2016
Chronic Pain
"I've been taking oxycodone for roughly 5 years....I've gone a few weekends without it before because I've ran out but never experienced any withdrawal symptoms. It works great if you take it exactly when you need to and don't exceed your prescribed amount or take it early. I've been living with chronic pain for years...have had a complete joint replacement on one side and and anchor placed on the other side of my jaw. The surgeries help immensely but I'll still always be in pain. Been taking the same dosage of 10mg 3x a day for the 5 years and yes my body is used to the effects so it doesn't work as well but it works well enough and I refuse to take a higher dosage or more pills per day because...well let's face it..this medicine is scarey"
December 18, 2016
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
"My husband (age 63) has been having problems with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, and erectile dysfunction as well. We had gone from a fantastic sex life to one that was fading fast. Then his doctor put him on a small daily dose (5 mg) of Cialis. Holy smokes! He is bigger and harder than he was at 30. I am loving this. I have always had a powerful sex drive, and I was resigning myself to watching that fade away. I'm now clearing my schedule for action. I am honestly feeling more satisfied than I did at 25. Ladies, if your guy is slowing down, push him to do this. You may not have as much time to clean the house, but both of you will be smiling a lot more!"
March 21, 2013
Atrophic Vaginitis
"I'm 58 and recently started on this medicine. Almost immediate relief of vulvar dryness and pain. Not sure yet if the painful intercourse will be relieved but this looks optimistic to me after many months of intense pain. Medicine does not seem gooey or even noticeable when used. Really like it so far."
October 30, 2009
Birth Control
"This medicine is absolutely terrible. After three months of using it my hair has fallen out so much so that I can see my scalp very visibly and it's very very embarrassing. I stopped taking it and am now considering a copper iud. No more hormones for me."
April 28, 2016
Augmentin XR
Skin and Structure Infection
"Had a cat bite me on my hand...full set of teeth and sharp. Hand swelled and was red. Took augmentin 8 hours after being bitten and within 3 days swelling went down and redness had faded. 6 years as an animal control officer and never injured once...help my friend pick out a cat at the local humane society and get bitten...oh the irony! This is an excellent medicine for cat bites. Had a friend tell me her dad got bitten by a cat and he ended up in the hospital and almost died from an infection. Lucky me from my experience I knew to seek medical attention immediately. Anyone bitten by a cat should know they have about an 85% chance of infection and need to take it very seriously or you'll end up in hospital."
December 13, 2008
Monistat 7-Day Combination Pack
Vaginal Yeast Infection
"So yes the first use was an experience. I had been so raw from constant itching that seemed to get worse within a few hours. I applied the cream to my lady parts and talk about wanting to take a cheese grater to your down under itchy fire parts. I had to take some Benadryl to help the itching. The vaginal insert of the cream wasn't bad until it melts....and then it gets itchy inside your lady cave so to speak. After the first hour it seemed to calm down a lot! I shouldn't have waited so long to have done something about it. I never had any thick discharge so I thought it was just a little irritated. I had never had a yeast infection and lord knows don't ever want to go through this again. But the product overall works."
June 8, 2017
Plan B One-Step
Emergency Contraception
"Had sex on the 7th of August. Took Plan B about 23 hours after from the intercourse. Haven't gotten my period yet because I'm not supposed to be due until the 20th of August but a major side effect that I've been experiencing is a MAJOR amount of tiredness and exhaustion! When I got home from work the day after I took the pill, I went upstairs around 9pm to sleep and woke up the next day around 1pm. I wake up extremely exhausted and my feet start to get tired as well. Also I barely ever hungry anymore... I'm 18 years old so this is very unusual for a teen... Hopefully my period comes soon."
August 10, 2014
"My ears were ringing like crazy, I was almost to start break down and cry, but I was reading on one guys experience on how to best the ringing and everything he went thru I was going thru so I stsrted to do exactly what he said is to tune it out cause the more you think about it the worse it gets because with titinus you csn become your own worst enemy. So I keep reading on other testimonials and read alot of people took zanax and it seemed to quite the ringing down. So I had a zanax 0.5mg took it also because I couldnt sleep, the next day I woke up with a slight ringing and as the day progressed it went completely away Thank the lord.I truly believe that this oh s a condition thats related to the nrevous system there is s cure out."
January 16, 2014
Major Depressive Disorde
"I started Prozac as one of my first anti depressants for MDD It made me horribly sick. I was nauseous all day, and wouldn't eat for days at a time. I stayed on it to try and get thorough the side effects but they wouldn't stop, I was throwing up every other day One day I woke up and I started to violently shake, This lasted for over 12 hours until I ended up in the hospital with Tachycardia. This was a horrible experience and months later I still have stomach and heart issues, I'm on new medications now, But because of my bad experience I get very anxious when I take them"
January 12, 2016
"Intake Effexor XR 375 mg, and lorazepam for depression and anxiety. My doctor added Abilify and I took it in mornings. It made me foggy. I moved it to Bertie and sleep better overall. I have noticed an increase in irritability which equates to feeling extremely angry by 3 pm daily. I've rearranged my lorazepam to reduce that but need more time. I'm also having restlessness which almost feels manic. We shall see. Increased cravings for sweets."
August 17, 2012
Birth Control
"I am torn by the Nuvaring. The convenience is great. There is no daily time to take a pill, only once a month which can easily be marked on a calender or put into a phone. It never falls out, I never feel it and changing it is simple, too. I would give the Nuvaring a 10 out of 10 just based upon the simplicity and the price is really reasonable, too. But, there are some downsides (for me personally). For the first few months, I did not notice side effects, although they are there. I have a VERY low tolerance to alcohol when on the Nuvaring. Very emotional, tired, and strung out all the time. I was on the pill before and none of these happened. I also have longer periods. It's worth a try, every girl seems to have a different experience!"
October 31, 2011
"I'm 30 years old. I started having really bad skin about 2 years ago from maybe stress in my life. But, I tried EVERYTHING to get rid of it and it just got worse. I finally went to a dermatologist and she put me on spironolactone. My skin started getting better in about two weeks. I LOVED it. I've been taking it for about 6 months and I get compliments from Makeup artist and models (I'm a hairstylist) about how good my skin is. Another plus for me is my breasts went from a small B to a C! I decided to stop taking it for a week and my breasts went small again and my skin is getting a little oily. So I'm going back on. I only take one a day."
August 21, 2013
Anxiety and Stress
"I've suffered from panic attacks and anxiety for years. I took Paxil for many years, but its effectiveness waned, and I hated the weight gain and sexual side-effects that came with it. I switched to Luvox, starting with 25mg and it worked miracles. Eventually, I had to move up to 50mg and now for the last two years 75mg. I have had no adverse effects, and it has been a lifesaver. Eventually, when my son was diagnosed with panic disorder (certainly inherited from me, much like I inherited it from my mother), his doctor tried Luvox for him, too. His assumption was that our genetic similarity and our similar diagnosis might be treated by the same medicine. He was right. Both my son and I are living anxiety-free, panic attack-free lives."
January 3, 2011

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