9 values
Aleksander M. Ilyanok
A. M. Ilyanok and I. A. Timoshchenko
Quantization of Masses in the Solar System
7 pages, 1 figure, 1 table
The hypothesis of quantization of masses of the solar system planets is considered. It is supposed that the solar system was bearing during the Protosun squeezing from the red giant to a yellow dwarf. According to mass and orbit redistribution of interior planets the condition of the origin of satellites of internal and external planets located in the ecliptic plane are found. It is shown, that the main source of substance for these satellites and majority of meteorites and asteroids in the solar system is mantle and bark of the Mars separated from it under influence of gravitation forces about 4 billion years ago, caused by squeezing of the sun and Jupiter. In these condition there is a probability of contamination of the Earth by DNA of living organisms from Mars. It is shown that Uranus and Neptune were formed as a result of protosaturn decay. It is found that from all external planets only Uranus has the large cavity inside. As a result there is no internal power source, and the considerable shift of a magnetic axis relative to rotate axis is observed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:53:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ilyanok", "A. M.", "" ], [ "Timoshchenko", "I. A.", "" ] ]
Fran De Aquino
Fran De Aquino (Maranhao State University, Brazil)
The Gravitational Mass at the Superconducting State
7 pages, 1 figure, PDF
It will be shown that the gravitational masses of the electrons of a superconducting material are strongly negative. Particularly, for an amount of mercury (Hg) at the transition temperature, Tc = 4.15 K, the negative gravitational masses of the electrons decrease the total gravitational mass of the Hg of approximately 0.1 percent. The weight reduction increase when the Hg is spinning inside a magnetic field or when it is placed into a strong oscillating EM field.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 29 Jan 2002 16:37:54 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 5 Feb 2002 18:55:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "De Aquino", "Fran", "", "Maranhao State University, Brazil" ] ]
Shiro Tsukamoto
Shiro Tsukamoto, Markus Pristovsek, Bradford G. Orr, Akihiro Ohtake, Gavin R. Bell, and Nobuyuki Koguchi
Ga-rich GaAs(001) surfaces observed during high-temperature annealing by scanning tunneling microscopy
11 pages, 3 figures
physics.atm-clus physics.chem-ph
Ga-rich GaAs (001) surfaces are successfully observed during high-temperature annealing by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). With a substrate temperature of 550 C, reflection high-energy diffraction patterns and reflectance anisotropy spectra confirm a (4x2) Ga-stabilized surface. STM images clearly show alteration of the surface reconstructions while scanning. It is postulated that detaching and attaching of Ga adatoms may be the cause of these surface dynamics. For these conditions it is determined that zeta(4x4), zeta2(4x4) and zeta(4x6) reconstructions co-exist on the surface. The zeta2(4x4) reconstruction contains a Ga tetramer cluster and in more Ga-rich conditions, the zeta2(4x6) surface has a Ga octamer cluster.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 29 Jan 2002 08:10:50 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 30 Jan 2002 00:12:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tsukamoto", "Shiro", "" ], [ "Pristovsek", "Markus", "" ], [ "Orr", "Bradford G.", "" ], [ "Ohtake", "Akihiro", "" ], [ "Bell", "Gavin R.", "" ], [ "Koguchi", "Nobuyuki", "" ] ]
Norbert Marwan
N. Marwan, J. Kurths
Nonlinear analysis of bivariate data with cross recurrence plots
Physics Letters A, 302(5-6), 2002, 299-307
null math-ph math.MP nlin.CD physics.geo-ph
We use the extension of the method of recurrence plots to cross recurrence plots (CRP) which enables a nonlinear analysis of bivariate data. To quantify CRPs, we develop further three measures of complexity mainly basing on diagonal structures in CRPs. The CRP analysis of prototypical model systems with nonlinear interactions demonstrates that this technique enables to find these nonlinear interrelations from bivariate time series, whereas linear correlation tests do not. Applying the CRP analysis to climatological data, we find a complex relationship between rainfall and El Nino data.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 29 Jan 2002 09:15:02 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 16 Aug 2002 09:54:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Marwan", "N.", "" ], [ "Kurths", "J.", "" ] ]
Norbert Marwan
N. Marwan, N. Wessel, U. Meyerfeldt, A. Schirdewan, J. Kurths
Recurrence Plot Based Measures of Complexity and its Application to Heart Rate Variability Data
Physical Review E, 66(2), 2002, 026702
null nlin.CD q-bio.QM
The knowledge of transitions between regular, laminar or chaotic behavior is essential to understand the underlying mechanisms behind complex systems. While several linear approaches are often insufficient to describe such processes, there are several nonlinear methods which however require rather long time observations. To overcome these difficulties, we propose measures of complexity based on vertical structures in recurrence plots and apply them to the logistic map as well as to heart rate variability data. For the logistic map these measures enable us not only to detect transitions between chaotic and periodic states, but also to identify laminar states, i.e. chaos-chaos transitions. The traditional recurrence quantification analysis fails to detect the latter transitions. Applying our new measures to the heart rate variability data, we are able to detect and quantify the laminar phases before a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia occurs thereby facilitating a prediction of such an event. Our findings could be of importance for the therapy of malignant cardiac arrhythmias.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 29 Jan 2002 14:08:09 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 21 May 2002 14:10:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Marwan", "N.", "" ], [ "Wessel", "N.", "" ], [ "Meyerfeldt", "U.", "" ], [ "Schirdewan", "A.", "" ], [ "Kurths", "J.", "" ] ]
Yuri A. Rylov
Yuri A. Rylov
Associative delusions and problem of their overcoming
47 pages 0 figures
Influence of associative delusions (AD) onto development of physics and mathematics is investigated. The associative delusion (AD) means a mistake, appearing from incorrect associations, when a property of one object is attributed to another one. Examples of most ancient delusions are: (1) connection of the gravitation field direction with a preferred direction in space (instead of the direction towards the Earth centre), that had lead to the antipode paradox, (2) statement that the Earth (not the Sun) is the centre of the planetary system, that had lead to the Ptolemaic doctrine. Now these ADs have been overcame. In the paper one considers four modern and not yet got over ADs, whose corollaries are false space-time geometry in the micro world and most of problems and difficulties of the quantum field theory (QFT). One shows that ADs have a series of interesting properties: (1) ADs appear to be long-living delusions, because they are compensated partly by means of introduction of compensating (Ptolemaic) conceptions, (2) ADs influence on scientific investigations, generating a special pragmatic style (P-style) of investigations resembling experimental trial and error method, (3) acting on investigations directly and via P-style, ADs direct the science development into a blind alley. One considers concrete properties of modern ADs and the methods of their overcoming. From viewpoint of application the paper is an analysis of mistakes, made in the quantum theory development. One analyses reasons of these mistakes and suggests methods of their correction.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 29 Jan 2002 15:46:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 30 Jan 2002 09:19:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Rylov", "Yuri A.", "" ] ]
Beisbart Claus
Claus Beisbart, Martin Kerscher, Klaus Mecke
Mark correlations: relating physical properties to spatial distributions
35 pages, 12 figures. to be published in Lecture Notes of Physics, second Wuppertal conference "Spatial statistics and statistical physics"
null astro-ph cond-mat.stat-mech math.PR
Mark correlations provide a systematic approach to look at objects both distributed in space and bearing intrinsic information, for instance on physical properties. The interplay of the objects' properties (marks) with the spatial clustering is of vivid interest for many applications; are, e.g., galaxies with high luminosities more strongly clustered than dim ones? Do neighbored pores in a sandstone have similar sizes? How does the shape of impact craters on a planet depend on the geological surface properties? In this article, we give an introduction into the appropriate mathematical framework to deal with such questions, i.e. the theory of marked point processes. After having clarified the notion of segregation effects, we define universal test quantities applicable to realizations of a marked point processes. We show their power using concrete data sets in analyzing the luminosity-dependence of the galaxy clustering, the alignment of dark matter halos in gravitational $N$-body simulations, the morphology- and diameter-dependence of the Martian crater distribution and the size correlations of pores in sandstone. In order to understand our data in more detail, we discuss the Boolean depletion model, the random field model and the Cox random field model. The first model describes depletion effects in the distribution of Martian craters and pores in sandstone, whereas the last one accounts at least qualitatively for the observed luminosity-dependence of the galaxy clustering.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 30 Jan 2002 19:07:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Beisbart", "Claus", "" ], [ "Kerscher", "Martin", "" ], [ "Mecke", "Klaus", "" ] ]
Sergei Shulga
Implementation of the Hough Transform for 3D Track Reconstruction in Drift Chambers
6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the VIth International School-Seminar "Actual Problems of High Energy Physics", August 7-16, 2001, Gomel, Belarus, see
The paper is devoted to the method for 3D reconstruction of the straight tracks in the tracking system consisting of the drift-chamber stereo layers. The method is based on the Hough-transform approach - the discrete case of more general Radon transform - and takes into account both coordinates of the hit wires and drift distances not only for the measurements in one projection, but also in the rotated stereo layers. The proposed method allows one to resolve the right-left ambiguity and provides the accordance between vertical and horizontal projections of the track.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 31 Jan 2002 15:44:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Belkov", "Ar.", "" ] ]
Akhlesh Lakhtakia
Jianwei Wang and Akhlesh Lakhtakia
On reflection from a half-space with negative real permittivity and permeability: Time-domain and frequency-domain results
8 pages, 1 figure
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 465-467, 2002
physics.class-ph physics.optics
The reflection of a normally incident wideband pulse by a half-space whose permittivity and permeability obey the one-resonance Lorentz model is calculated. The results are compared with those from frequency-domain reflection analysis. In the spectral regime wherein the real parts of the permittivity and the permeability are negative, as well as in small adjacent neighborhoods of that regime, the time-domain analysis validates the conclusion that it is sufficient to ensure that the imaginary part of the refractive index is positive - regardless of the sign of the real part of the refractive index.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 3 Feb 2002 15:18:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Jianwei", "" ], [ "Lakhtakia", "Akhlesh", "" ] ]
Oscar Bolina
Oscar Bolina
Trotter formula and thermodynamic limits
latex, 3 pages
physics.ed-ph physics.gen-ph
We discuss the interchangeability of the thermodynamic limit \beta \to \infty and the infinite limit of the Trotter number n \to \infty when Trotter formula e^{H_{0}+V} =\lim_{n \to \infty} (e^{H_{0}/n} e^{V/n}) is used to calculate partition functions with Hamiltonians of the form H=H_{0}+V.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 3 Feb 2002 17:43:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bolina", "Oscar", "" ] ]
Stanislav Tereshchenko
The Connection between the Quantum Frequency of Radiation and Frequencies of Circling of the Electron in Atom of Hydrogen
1 page, Latex
The connection between the quantum frequency of radiation by the transition of the electron from orbit n to orbit k and frequencies of circling of electron in these orbits for the atom of hydrogen is determined.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Feb 2002 15:49:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tereshchenko", "Stanislav", "" ] ]
Valery P. Dmitriyev
V.P. Dmitriyev
Elasticity and electromagnetism. Part 1: The Coulomb gauge
Meccanica 39 No 6: 511-520, 2004.
physics.gen-ph physics.class-ph
The Maxwell's electromagnetic equations are isomorphic to the motion equation of a linear elastic continuum which is hard to compression though liable to shear deformation. The Coulomb gauge expresses the medium incompressibility. The magnetic vector potential corresponds to the medium velocity. The pressure stands for the electrostatic potential. The electric field is modeled by an external force whose origin is beyond the elastic model. The electric charge corresponds to a medium defect which produces the perturbation 1/r of the pressure field . The defects interact with each other due to the dilatation center in the core of the inclusion.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Feb 2002 05:26:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dmitriyev", "V. P.", "" ] ]
Pankaj Jain
Pankaj Jain, Suman Jain and Gauher Shaheen
Universality and Scale Invariance in Hourly Rainfall
8 pages, 4 figures
We show that the hourly rainfall rate distribution can be described by a simple power law to a good approximation. We show that the exponent of the distribution in tropics is universal and is equal to $1.13\pm 0.11$. At higher latitudes the exponent increases and is found to lie in the range 1.3-1.6.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Feb 2002 07:11:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jain", "Pankaj", "" ], [ "Jain", "Suman", "" ], [ "Shaheen", "Gauher", "" ] ]
Akhlesh Lakhtakia
Akhlesh Lakhtakia
Reversed Circular Dichroism of Isotropic Chiral Mediums with Negative Real permeability and permittivity
5 pages
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 96-97 (2002)
physics.class-ph physics.chem-ph physics.optics
Negative real parts of the permittivity and permeability lead an isotropic chiral medium to exhibit circular dichroism that is reversed with respect to that exhibited by an identical medium but the real parts of whose permittivity and permeability are positive.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Feb 2002 14:22:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lakhtakia", "Akhlesh", "" ] ]
Akhlesh Lakhtakia
Akhlesh Lakhtakia
Reversal of Circular Bragg Phenomenon in Ferrocholesteric Materials with Negative Real Permittivities and Permeabilities
5 pages
Advanced Materials, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 447-449, 2002
physics.class-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.optics
A structurally right/left-handed ferrocholesteric slab with negative real permittivities and permeabilities is theoretically shown to display the Bragg phenomenon on axial excitation as if it were a structurally left/right-handed ferrocholesteric slab with positive real permittivities and positive real permeabilities. In addition to the promise of isotropic homogeneous materials with negative real permittivities and permeabilities for unexpected applications, the presented results underscore the similar potential of anisotropic nonhomogeneous materials with analogous characteristics.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Feb 2002 14:31:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lakhtakia", "Akhlesh", "" ] ]
Nicola Scafetta
Nicola Scafetta, Tim Imholt, Paolo Grigolini, and Jim Roberts
Temperature reconstruction analysis
10 pages, 18 figures
This paper presents a wavelet multiresolution analysis of a time series dataset to study the correlation between the real temperature data and three temperature model reconstructions at different scales. We show that the Mann model reconstructs the temperature better at all temporal resolutions. We show and discuss the wavelet multiresolution analysis of the Mann's temperature reconstruction for the period from 1400 to 2000 A.D.E.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Feb 2002 23:25:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Scafetta", "Nicola", "" ], [ "Imholt", "Tim", "" ], [ "Grigolini", "Paolo", "" ], [ "Roberts", "Jim", "" ] ]
Shiro Tsukamoto
Shiro Tsukamoto, Markus Pristovsek, Bradford G. Orr, Akihiro Ohtake, Gavin R. Bell, and Nobuyuki Koguchi
As-rich GaAs(001) surfaces observed during As4-irradition by scanning tunneling microscopy
11 pages, 5 figures
physics.chem-ph physics.atm-clus
As-rich GaAs (001) surfaces are successfully observed during As4-irradition by a system in which scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and molecular beam epitaxy can be performed simultaneously. With a substrate temperature of 440 C and an As4 partial pressure of 2x10-6 torr, reflection high energy electron diffraction patterns and reflectance anisotropy spectra confirm a c(4x4) As-stabilized surface. STM images clearly show alteration of the surface reconstructions while scanning. It is postulated that continual attachment / detachment of As molecules to and from the surface produces the observed dynamic behavior.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 5 Feb 2002 04:53:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tsukamoto", "Shiro", "" ], [ "Pristovsek", "Markus", "" ], [ "Orr", "Bradford G.", "" ], [ "Ohtake", "Akihiro", "" ], [ "Bell", "Gavin R.", "" ], [ "Koguchi", "Nobuyuki", "" ] ]
Rob de Ruyter van Steveninck
Rob de Ruyter van Steveninck and William Bialek
Timing and Counting Precision in the Blowfly Visual System
47 pages, 19 figures
In: Methods in Neural Networks IV (J. van Hemmen, J.D. Cowan, E. Domany, eds.). Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, New York, 2001, pp 313-371
null q-bio.NC
We measure the reliability of signals at three levels within the blowfly visual system, and present a theoretical framework for analyzing the experimental results, starting from the Poisson process. We find that blowfly photoreceptors, up to frequencies of 50-100 Hz and photon capture rates of up to about 3*10^5/s, operate well within an order of magnitude from ideal photon counters. Photoreceptors signals are transmitted to LMCs through an array of chemical synapses. We quantify a lower bound on LMC reliability, which in turn provides a lower bound on synaptic vesicle release rate, assuming Poisson statistics. This bound is much higher than what is found in published direct measurements of vesicle release rates in goldfish bipolar cells, suggesting that release statistics may be significantly sub-Poisson. Finally we study H1, a motion sensitive tangential cell in the fly's lobula plate, which transmits information about a continuous signal by sequences of action potentials. In an experiment with naturalistic motion stimuli performed on a sunny day outside in the field, H1 transmits information at about 50% coding efficiency down to millisecond spike timing precision. Comparing the measured reliability of H1's response to motion steps with the bounds on the accuracy of motion computation set by photoreceptor noise, we find that the fly's brain makes efficient use of the information available in the photoreceptor array.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 5 Feb 2002 06:47:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "van Steveninck", "Rob de Ruyter", "" ], [ "Bialek", "William", "" ] ]
Y. Bibel, B. Klappauf, J.C. Bernard, D. Delande, G. Labeyrie, C. Miniatura, D. Wilkowski and R. Kaiser
Coherent light transport in a cold Strontium cloud
4 pages, 2 figures
physics.atom-ph physics.gen-ph
We study light coherent transport in the weak localization regime using magneto-optically cooled strontium atoms. The coherent backscattering cone is measured in the four polarization channels using light resonant with a J=0 to J=1 transition of the Strontium atom. We find an enhancement factor close to 2 in the helicity preserving channel, in agreement with theoretical predictions. This observation confirms the effect of internal structure as the key mechanism for the contrast reduction observed with an Rubidium cold cloud (see: Labeyrie et al., PRL 83, 5266 (1999)). Experimental results are in good agreement with Monte-Carlo simulations taking into account geometry effects.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 5 Feb 2002 13:48:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bibel", "Y.", "" ], [ "Klappauf", "B.", "" ], [ "Bernard", "J. C.", "" ], [ "Delande", "D.", "" ], [ "Labeyrie", "G.", "" ], [ "Miniatura", "C.", "" ], [ "Wilkowski", "D.", "" ], [ "Kaiser", "R.", "" ] ]
Sattin Fabio
Fabio Sattin
An easy method to estimate charge-exchange cross sections between ions and one-active-electron atoms
RevTex 4, 3 EPS figs., 5 pages
In this paper we present a simple model for computing single electron exchange between light nuclei. The electronic capture is pictured as a tunnelling process in a model potential. This allows to analytically compute the transmission probability. Some comparisons with data from existing literature are given.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 6 Feb 2002 11:36:09 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sattin", "Fabio", "" ] ]
Gabriela Murguia
Gabriela Murguia and Matias Moreno
Quantum effects in the scattering by the magnetic field of a solenoid
physics.class-ph hep-th physics.gen-ph quant-ph
We present a relativistic quantum calculation at first order in perturbation theory of the differential cross section for a Dirac particle scattered by the magnetic field of a solenoid. The resulting cross section is symmetric in the scattering angle as those obtained by Aharonov and Bohm (AB) in the string limit and by Landau and Lifshitz (LL) for the non relativistic case. We show that taking pr_0 sin(theta/2) << 1 in our expression of the differential cross section it reduces to that one reported by AB, and if additionally we assume theta << 1 our result becomes the one obtained by LL. However, these limits are explicitly singular in hbar as opposed to our initial result. We analyse the singular behavior in hbar and show that the perturbative Planck limit (hbar -> 0) is consistent, contrarily to those of the AB and LL expressions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 7 Feb 2002 01:12:04 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Murguia", "Gabriela", "" ], [ "Moreno", "Matias", "" ] ]
Nikulov Alexey
What is the Vortex Lattice Melting, Reality or Fiction?
18 pages, 3 figures, reported at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Physics and Materials Science of Vortex States, Flux Pinning and Dynamics, Kusadasi, Turkey, July 26 - August 8, 1998
NATO Science Series: Physics and Materials Science of Vortex States, Flux Pinning and Dynamics. R. Kossowski at al., eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999, p.609-629
This work fights against the widespread delusion cond-mat/0111052 on the vortex lattice melting. In spite of the outward appearances the Abrikosov state is not the vortex lattice with crystalline long-range order because pinning disorders destroy this order in real superconductors (A.I.Larkin, 1970) and the Abrikosov's solution 1957 year is not valid in the ideal case (K.Maki and H.Takayama, 1972). Only long-range order - long-range phase coherence exists in the Abrikosov state. Therefore the vortex lattice melting theories are science fiction cond-mat/9811051. The phase transition interpreted erroneously as the vortex lattice melting is in reality a disappearance of long-range phase coherence. In spite of the widespread opinion these two transitions are different transitions when a suitable definition of phase coherence is used. The superconducting state without phase coherence differs in essence from the mythical vortex liquid. The vortex, as a singularity in superconducting state with phase coherence, can not exist without phase coherence.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 7 Feb 2002 17:32:26 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nikulov", "A. V.", "" ] ]
Randall D. Peters
Randall D. Peters
The Study of Complex Mechanical Oscillators using an Inexpensive Computer Acquisition and Processing System
5 figures
physics.class-ph physics.geo-ph
An inexpensive analog-to-digital converter has been built around the game port of the IBM personal computer. Using a single field effect transistor (FET) and three carbon resistors, it allows the game card to measure voltage, instead of its usual measurement of resistance. Since power for the FET is drawn from the game port, the total cost of components, external to the computer, is very low at about one U.S. dollar. The converter is linear enough for many applications, and is presently used to study the complex free decay of a long period physical pendulum. Software support is via QuickBasic, and the hardware/software package design was influenced by a consideration of amateur seismology needs.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 7 Feb 2002 21:57:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Peters", "Randall D.", "" ] ]
Christian Brouder
Christian Brouder
Renormalization of QED in an external field
21 pages, feynmf package
The Schwinger equations of QED are rewritten in three different ways as integral equations involving functional derivatives, which are called weak field, strong field, and SCF quantum electrodynamics. The perturbative solutions of these equations are given in terms of appropriate Feynman diagrams. The Green function that is used as an electron propagator in each case is discussed in detail. The general renormalization rules for each of the three equations are provided both in a non perturbative way (Dyson relations) and for Feynman diagrams.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 8 Feb 2002 18:04:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Brouder", "Christian", "" ] ]
Homayoun Bagheri-Chaichian
Homayoun Bagheri-Chaichian, Joachim Hermisson, Juozas R. Vaisnys, Gunter P. Wagner
The control of phenotype: connecting enzyme variation to physiology
42 pages, 10 figures better seen in higher magnification on your viewer
null physics.chem-ph q-bio
Metabolic control analysis (Kacser & Burns (1973). Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. 27, 65-104; Heinrich & Rapoport (1974). Eur. J. Biochem. 42, 89-95) was developed for the understanding of multi-enzyme networks. At the core of this approach is the flux summation theorem. This theorem implies that there is an invariant relationship between the control coefficients of enzymes in a pathway. One of the main conclusions that has been derived from the summation theorem is that phenotypic robustness to mutation (e.g. dominance) is an inherent property of metabolic systems and hence does not require an evolutionary explanation (Kacser & Burns (1981). Genetics. 97, 639-666; Porteous (1996). J. theor. Biol. 182, 223-232). Here we show that for mutations involving discrete changes (of any magnitude) in enzyme concentration the flux summation theorem does not hold. The scenarios we examine are two-enzyme pathways with a diffusion barrier, two enzyme pathways that allow for enzyme saturation and two enzyme pathways that have both saturable enzymes and a diffusion barrier. Our results are extendable to sequential pathways with any number of enzymes. The fact that the flux summation theorem cannot hold in sequential pathways casts serious doubts on the claim that robustness with respect to mutations is an inherent property of metabolic systems.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 8 Feb 2002 23:40:24 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bagheri-Chaichian", "Homayoun", "" ], [ "Hermisson", "Joachim", "" ], [ "Vaisnys", "Juozas R.", "" ], [ "Wagner", "Gunter P.", "" ] ]
Edsel A. Ammons
Edsel A. Ammons
The Stationary Statistics of a Turbulent Environment as an Attractor
6 pages; no figures
A proposal for a calculational program in fluid turbulence is presented. It is proposed that the fluid probability density functional has an attractor for its time-evolution, just as the dynamical system itself has. The evolution of the fluid's statistics can be set up as a space-time path integral. Fluid space-time configuration sampling techniques naturally suggest a useful way, using an arbitrary initial statistics functional, to calculate averages.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 10 Feb 2002 03:48:30 GMT" }, { "version": "v10", "created": "Wed, 4 Jun 2003 16:39:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 16 Feb 2002 05:31:18 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Fri, 1 Mar 2002 19:55:13 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Tue, 11 Jun 2002 12:52:54 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Sat, 22 Jun 2002 21:58:33 GMT" }, { "version": "v6", "created": "Thu, 27 Jun 2002 22:46:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v7", "created": "Wed, 16 Oct 2002 07:01:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v8", "created": "Mon, 2 Jun 2003 17:28:50 GMT" }, { "version": "v9", "created": "Tue, 3 Jun 2003 18:52:49 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ammons", "Edsel A.", "" ] ]
Robert C. Hilborn
Robert C. Hilborn
Einstein coefficients, cross sections, f values, dipole moments, and all that
Am. J. Phys. 50, 982-986 (1982)
physics.atom-ph physics.optics
The relationships among various parameters describing the strength of optical transitions in atoms and molecules are reviewed. The application of these parameters to the description of the interaction between nearly monochromatic, directional light beams and atoms and molecules is given careful attention. Common pitfalls in relating these parameters are pointed out. This is a revised (February, 2002) version of a paper that originally appeared in Am. J. Phys. 50, 982-986 (1982).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 9 Feb 2002 21:53:04 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hilborn", "Robert C.", "" ] ]
Eliahu Comay
E. Comay
Remarks on the Physical Meaning of Diffraction-Free Solutions of Maxwell Equations
12 pages, 1 figure
TAUP 2686-2001
physics.class-ph physics.gen-ph
It is proved that a source of electromagnetic radiation cannot emit a diffraction-free beam at the wave zone. A Bessel $J_0$ $\phi $-invariant beam does not hold even at the intermediate zone. These results negate claims published recently in the literature.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 10 Feb 2002 14:40:26 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Comay", "E.", "" ] ]
S. Cht. Mavrodiev
S. Cht. Mavrodiev
The electromagnetic fields under, on and up Earth surface as earthquakes precursor in the Balkans and Black Sea regions
10 pages, 5 figures
It is demonstrate that the analysis of accuracy measurement of geomagnetic field and the behavior of local tide gravitational potential can serve as an earthquake precursor
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 10 Feb 2002 14:32:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mavrodiev", "S. Cht.", "" ] ]
Continually Working Multiwire Porous Detectors of Radiation
ps file
Performance of the known porous multiwire radiation detectors is stable in the mode of pulsed voltage supply. The results of the study of multiwire porous detector operated at constant voltage supply are presented in this article. It is shown that the detector's performance is stable, and its spatial resolution $\Delta x \beta \pm 60 \mu m$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 12 Feb 2002 10:00:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lorikyan", "M. P.", "" ] ]
Evgeni G. Bessonov
E.G.Bessonov (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute AS, Moscow, Russia)
Motion of particles in storage rings in the presence of a counterpropagating laser beam I
18 pages, LaTeX
The dynamics of charged particle beams interacting with laser beams and material targets in storage rings is presented. Formulas for the radiative damping, quantum excitation and equilibrium parameters of ion and electron beams determined by the backward rayleigh and backward compton scattering are derived. General case is considered. It takes into account the possibility of the periodical displacement of the laser beam in the radial direction with varying velocity in the process of the interaction of the beams and includes the possibility of the description of dynamics of muon beams interacting with material targets in storage rings (enhanced ionization cooling). The example is considered and some applications of being cooled beams are discussed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:29:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bessonov", "E. G.", "", "P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute AS, Moscow, Russia" ] ]
Ernst Karl Kunst
On Apparent Superluminal Motion in Astrophysical Jet Models
4 pages, 3 figures
Astrophysical models developed to explain superluminal motion in beaming phenomena are shown to be incomplete and the correct kinematical expression in any case to predict projected velocities slower than the speed of light. The observed superluminal motions in the plane of the sky are proposed to be real.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2002 08:27:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kunst", "Ernst Karl", "" ] ]
A. K. Aringazin
A. K. Aringazin
Toroidal configuration of the orbit of the electron of the hydrogen atom under strong external magnetic fields
39 pages, 19 figures
Hadronic J. 24 (2001) 395-434
physics.chem-ph physics.atm-clus
In this paper we overview some results on the hydrogen atom in external static uniform magnetic fields. We focus on the case of very strong magnetic field, B>>B_0=2.3x10^9 Gauss, use various approximate models and, particularly, in the adiabatic approximation have calculated exactly the integral defining the effective potential. This potential appears to be finite at z=0. Our consideration of the problem of highly magnetized atoms and molecules is motivated by the recently developed MagneGas technology by Santilli ( The ground state electron charge distribution of the hydrogen atom in an intense magnetic field is of a toroidal form, in agreement with that studied by Santilli. This physical picture is at the foundation of the new chemical species of magnecules proposed by Santilli.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 19 Feb 2002 10:05:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Aringazin", "A. K.", "" ] ]
E. L. Afraimovich, O. I. Berngardt, O. S. Lesyuta, A. P. Potekhin and B. G. Shpynev (Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Russian)
A case study of the mid-latitude GPS performance at nighttime during the magnetic storm of July 15, 2000
LaTeX2.09, 9 pages, 4 figures
Using the geomagnetic storm of July 15, 2000 as an example, we investigated the dependence of GPS navigation system performance on the nightside at mid-latitudes on the level of geomagnetic disturbance. The investigation was based on the data from the global GPS system available through the Internet. It was shown that the number of GPS phase slips increases with the increasing level of disturbance and that there is a good correlation between the rate of Dst-variation and the frequency of slips. It was further shown that the relative frequency of slips has also a clearly pronounced aspect dependence. Phase slips of the GPS signal can be caused by the scattering from small-scale irregularities of the ionospheric E-layer. Phase slip characteristics are indicative of Farley-Buneman instabilities as a plausible physical mechanism that is responsible for the formation of geomagnetic field-aligned irregularities. Using simultaneous measurements of backscatter signal characteristics from the Irkutsk incoherent scatter radar and existing models for such irregularities, we estimated the order of magnitude of the expected phase fluctuations of the GPS signal at a few degrees.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 20 Feb 2002 04:19:49 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Afraimovich", "E. L.", "", "Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Russian" ], [ "Berngardt", "O. I.", "", "Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Russian" ], [ "Lesyuta", "O. S.", "", "Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Russian" ], [ "Potekhin", "A. P.", "", "Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Russian" ], [ "Shpynev", "B. G.", "", "Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Russian" ] ]
P. I. Fomin
P.I.Fomin, A.P.Fomina and V.N.Malnev
Superradiance on the Landau levels and the problem of power of decameter radiation of Jupiter
11 pages, Latex. Text improved
We determine the conditions of formation of spontaneous polarization phase transition to the superradiance regime in the inverted system of nonrelativistic electrons on equidistant Landau levels in rarefied magnetized plasma. The possibility of realization of such conditions in the lower Jupiter magnetosphere is shown. The effect of cyclotron superradiance on the Landau levels gives a key to interpretation of the nature of superpower radioemission of the Jupiter-Io system.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 20 Feb 2002 15:04:03 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 5 Mar 2002 12:28:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fomin", "P. I.", "" ], [ "Fomina", "A. P.", "" ], [ "Malnev", "V. N.", "" ] ]
Maximino Aldand Gonzalez
Maximino Aldana, Germinal Cocho, Hernan Larralde, Gustavo Martinez-Mekler
Translocation Properties of Primitive Molecular Machines and Their Relevance to the Structure of the Genetic Code
41 pages, 18 figures, submitted to the Journal of Theoretical Biology
null q-bio
We address the question, related with the origin of the genetic code, of why are there three bases per codon in the translation to protein process. As a followup to our previous work, we approach this problem by considering the translocation properties of primitive molecular machines, which capture basic features of ribosomal/messenger RNA interactions, while operating under prebiotic conditions. Our model consists of a short one-dimensional chain of charged particles(rRNA antecedent) interacting with a polymer (mRNA antecedent) via electrostatic forces. The chain is subject to external forcing that causes it to move along the polymer which is fixed in a quasi one dimensional geometry. Our numerical and analytic studies of statistical properties of random chain/polymer potentials suggest that, under very general conditions, a dynamics is attained in which the chain moves along the polymer in steps of three monomers. By adjusting the model in order to consider present day genetic sequences, we show that the above property is enhanced for coding regions. Intergenic sequences display a behavior closer to the random situation. We argue that this dynamical property could be one of the underlying causes for the three base codon structure of the genetic code.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 21 Feb 2002 01:19:52 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Aldana", "Maximino", "" ], [ "Cocho", "Germinal", "" ], [ "Larralde", "Hernan", "" ], [ "Martinez-Mekler", "Gustavo", "" ] ]
Mikhail Gershteyn
Mikhail L. Gershteyn (1 and 2), Lev I. Gershteyn (2), Arkady Gershteyn (2), Oleg V. Karagioz (3) ((1) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, U.S., (2) Insight Product Co., Brighton, MA, U.S., (3) Tribotech division of National Institute of Aviation Technology, Moscow, Russia)
Experimental evidence that the gravitational constant varies with orientation
6 pages, pdf format, accepted by "Gravitation & Cosmology", to be published in volume 8, issue 3, 2002
IP P-02-JF-12/1
physics.class-ph physics.gen-ph physics.ins-det
In 1687, Isaac Newton published the universal law of gravitation stating that two bodies attract each other with a force proportional to the product of their masses and the inverse square of the distance. The constant of proportionality, G, is one of the fundamental constants of nature. As the precision of measurements increased the disparity between the values of G, gathered by different groups, surprisingly increased. This unique situation was reflected by the 1998 CODATA decision to increase the relative G uncertainty from 0.013% to 0.15 %. Our repetitive measurements of the gravitational constant (G) show that G varies significantly with the orientation of the test masses relative to the system of fixed stars, as was predicted by the Attractive Universe Theory. The distances between the test masses were in the decimeter range. We have observed that G changes with the orientation by at least 0.054%.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 22 Feb 2002 04:35:45 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 12 Apr 2002 21:52:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gershteyn", "Mikhail L.", "", "1 and 2" ], [ "Gershteyn", "Lev I.", "" ], [ "Gershteyn", "Arkady", "" ], [ "Karagioz", "Oleg V.", "" ] ]
Angelo Loinger
A.Loinger (Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' di Milano, Italy)
Relativistic motions
2 pages, PDF
Spacetime and Substance 3 (2002) 129
A physical consequence of a well-known Fermi's theorem: no motion of masses can generate gravitational waves.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 27 Feb 2002 12:39:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Loinger", "A.", "", "Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' di Milano, Italy" ] ]
Baktash Babadi
Baktash Babadi (School of Intelligent Systems, Institutes for Studies in Theoretical Physics & Mathematics)
Pattern Propagation Speed in Synfire Chains with Excitatory-Inhibitory Couplings
null q-bio
The speed of firing pattern propagation in a synfire chain, composed of non-leaky integrate-and-fire neurons, and assuming homogenous connection delays, is studied. An explicit relation, relating the propagation speed to the connecting weights distribution and other network parameters, is derived. The analytic results are then checked with a computer simulation. When the network is fed with a fully synchronized input pattern, the pattern propagation speed is independent of the weight parameters. When the fed input is asynchronous, depending on the weight parameters, the propagation speed is more than or less than the synchronous case. In this case the propagation speed increases by increasing the mean or standard deviation of connecting weights. The biological relevance of these findings and their relevance to the notion of synfire chains are discussed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 27 Feb 2002 17:57:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 4 Mar 2002 16:12:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Babadi", "Baktash", "", "School of Intelligent Systems, Institutes for Studies\n in Theoretical Physics & Mathematics" ] ]
Niels Asger Mortensen
N.A. Mortensen, J.R. Folkenberg, P.M.W. Skovgaard, and J. Broeng (Crystal Fibre, Denmark)
Numerical Aperture of Single-Mode Photonic Crystal Fibers
3 pages including 6 figures. Webpage at
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 14, 1094 (2002)
We consider the problem of radiation into free space from the end-facet of a single-mode photonic crystal fiber (PCF). We calculate the numerical aperture NA=sin theta from the half-divergence angle theta ~ tan^{-1}(lambda/pi w) with pi w^2 being the effective area of the mode in the PCF. For the fiber first presented by Knight et al. we find a numerical aperture NA ~ 0.07 which compares to standard fiber technology. We also study the effect of different hole sizes and demonstrate that the PCF technology provides a large freedom for NA-engineering. Comparing to experiments we find good agreement.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 28 Feb 2002 09:18:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 6 Aug 2002 06:49:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mortensen", "N. A.", "", "Crystal Fibre, Denmark" ], [ "Folkenberg", "J. R.", "", "Crystal Fibre, Denmark" ], [ "Skovgaard", "P. M. W.", "", "Crystal Fibre, Denmark" ], [ "Broeng", "J.", "", "Crystal Fibre, Denmark" ] ]
Mohanty Ajit Kumar
A. K. Mohanty and A. V. S. S. Narayana Rao (Nuclear Physics Division and and Molecular Biology and Agricultural Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)
Long range correlations in DNA sequences
Latex 17 pages, 11 eps figures, appendix B added
null q-bio
The so called long range correlation properties of DNA sequences are studied using the variance analyses of the density distribution of a single or a group of nucleotides in a model independent way. This new method which was suggested earlier has been applied to extract slope parameters that characterize the correlation properties for several intron containing and intron less DNA sequences. An important aspect of all the DNA sequences is the properties of complimentarity by virtue of which any two complimentary distributions (like GA is complimentary to TC or G is complimentary to ATC) have identical fluctuations at all scales although their distribution functions need not be identical. Due to this complimentarity, the famous DNA walk representation whose statistical interpretation is still unresolved is shown to be a special case of the present formalism with a density distribution corresponding to a purine or a pyrimidine group. Another interesting aspect of most of the DNA sequences is that the factorial moments as a function of length exceed unity around a region where the variance versus length in a log-log plot shows a bending. This is a pure phenomenological observation which is found for several DNA sequences with a few exception. Therefore, this length scale has been used as an approximate measure to exclude the bending regions from the slope analyses. The asymmetries in the nucleotide contents or the patchy structure as a possible origin of the long range correlations has also been investigated.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 28 Feb 2002 13:38:00 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 20 Mar 2002 13:00:21 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mohanty", "A. K.", "", "Nuclear Physics Division\n and and Molecular Biology and Agricultural Division, Bhabha Atomic Research\n Centre" ], [ "Rao", "A. V. S. S. Narayana", "", "Nuclear Physics Division\n and and Molecular Biology and Agricultural Division, Bhabha Atomic Research\n Centre" ] ]
Malte Henkel
Malte Henkel
Sur la solution de Sundman du probleme des trois corps
Latex, 26 pages, with 3 figures, text in French
Philosophia Scientiae 5 (2), 161-184 (2001)
physics.hist-ph cond-mat math-ph math.HO math.MP
In contrast to a widely held opinion, the three-body problem has an analytic solution. This solution was found in 1909 by Sundman. The basic ideas behind it and its history are presented. ----- Contrairement \`a une opinion largement r\'epandue, le probl\`eme des trois corps poss\`ede une solution analytique. Cette solution fut d\'ecouverte en 1909 par Sundman. Nous pr\'esentons dans cet article les id\'ees de base et l'histoire de cette solution. ----- Entgegen einer weitverbreiteten Meinung ist das Dreik\"orperproblem analytisch l\"osbar. Diese L\"osung wurde 1909 von Sundman gefunden. Die ihr zugrundeliegenden Ideen und ihre Geschichte werden in einfacher Form dargestellt.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 1 Mar 2002 18:31:48 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Henkel", "Malte", "" ] ]
R. F. Snider
F. Marica and R. F. Snider
An Analytical Formulation of CPMAS
12 pages, 4 figures
An exact expression for the cross polarization between two spin-1/2 particles is derived from the quantum Liouville equation. This is given in the form of two integrodifferential equations. These can be solved exactly in the static case (no sample spinning) and a powder average performed numerically. With magic angle spinning, the neglect of certain interference terms simplifies the numerical calculation. A further assumption decoupling the calculation of the sidebands gives a very simple formula that is capable of giving a qualitative interpretation of all experimental observations. Examples are given illustrating typical buildup curves and CPMAS matching profiles.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 2 Mar 2002 23:01:24 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Marica", "F.", "" ], [ "Snider", "R. F.", "" ] ]
Naresh Dadhich
Naresh Dadhich
The Relativistic World: A common sense perspective
11 pages. It is the text of the keynote address delivered at the Symposium on Cosmology and Astrophysics, Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi, Jan. 29-30, 2002
The motivation for relativistic world is built on robust common sense and on general physical principles which are accessible to even a school student. Author likes to call it a farmer's perspective.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Mar 2002 11:50:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dadhich", "Naresh", "" ] ]
Tomas Opatrny
M.O. Scully, G.W. Kattawar, R.P. Lucht, T. Opatrny, H. Pilloff, A. Rebane, A.V. Sokolov, and M.S. Zubairy
FAST CARS: Engineering a Laser Spectroscopic Technique for Rapid Identification of Bacterial Spores
43 pages, 21 figures; replacement with references added. Submitted to the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences
physics.optics physics.ins-det q-bio
Airborne contaminants, e.g., bacterial spores, are usually analyzed by time consuming microscopic, chemical and biological assays. Current research into real time laser spectroscopic detectors of such contaminants is based on e.g. resonant Raman spectroscopy. The present approach derives from recent experiments in which atoms and molecules are prepared by one (or more) coherent laser(s) and probed by another set of lasers. The connection with previous studies based on "Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy" (CARS) is to be noted. However generating and utilizing maximally coherent oscillation in macromolecules having an enormous number of degrees of freedom is much more challenging. This extension of the CARS technique is called FAST CARS (Femtosecond Adaptive Spectroscopic Techniques for Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy), and the present paper proposes and analyses ways in which it could be used to rapidly identify pre-selected molecules in real time.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Mar 2002 18:55:21 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 11 Mar 2002 22:21:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 2 May 2002 15:53:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Scully", "M. O.", "" ], [ "Kattawar", "G. W.", "" ], [ "Lucht", "R. P.", "" ], [ "Opatrny", "T.", "" ], [ "Pilloff", "H.", "" ], [ "Rebane", "A.", "" ], [ "Sokolov", "A. V.", "" ], [ "Zubairy", "M. S.", "" ] ]
Giuseppe E. Annino
G. Annino, M. Cassettari, and M. Martinelli
Study On Planar Whispering Gallery Dielectric Resonators. I. General Properties
PDF file. Accepted for publication in "International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves"
Several basic properties of homogeneous planar Whispering Gallery dielectric resonators are investigated through a general approach. In particular the values for the minimum and maximum allowed radius, defined by irradiation and dielectric losses, respectively, are obtained in terms of the complex dielectric constant of the involved media. The same approach is employed in the analysis of the limit allowed frequencies of a fixed family of mode, leading to the definition of the "ideal" frequency band. The role of the transverse mode is then discussed, and the "effective" frequency band is introduced and determined both in simple disc and circular ring resonators. The extension of the effective band is limited at least by a factor 3, in terms of decades, in comparison to the extension of the ideal one; this limitation, due to the presence of transverse modes, can be overcome using suitably designed non-homogeneous resonators, as discussed in a following companion paper.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 5 Mar 2002 15:09:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Annino", "G.", "" ], [ "Cassettari", "M.", "" ], [ "Martinelli", "M.", "" ] ]
Giuseppe E. Annino
G. Annino, M. Cassettari, and M. Martinelli
Study On Planar Whispering Gallery Dielectric Resonators. II. A Multiple-Band Device
PDF file. Accepted for publication in "International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves"
The basic theory underlying the realization of simple multiple-band non-homogeneous dielectric resonators, whose spectral response is the overlap of single-resonator frequency bands, is developed exploiting a general approach discussed in the previous companion paper. The limit frequencies of the proposed devices, given only by the dielectric properties of the involved materials, can differ in principle by several decades. Experimental confirmations have been obtained on a composite structure built up with teflon and polyethylene; as predicted by the theory, the overall band includes frequencies which range about from 20 GHz to more than 400 GHz, when high frequency resonances are selectively excited. The localization of the higher frequency radiation between the positive steps of the dielectric constant, which is the basic properties of these non-homogeneous resonators, has been experimentally verified by mapping the electromagnetic field intensity. Possible applications of multiple-band Whispering Gallery dielectric resonators are finally outlined.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 5 Mar 2002 15:13:11 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Annino", "G.", "" ], [ "Cassettari", "M.", "" ], [ "Martinelli", "M.", "" ] ]
Patrick Huang
Patrick Huang, Alexandra Viel, and K. Birgitta Whaley
Efficient implementation of the Projection Operator Imaginary Time Spectral Evolution (POITSE) method for excited states
16 pages, 5 figures
P. Huang, A. Viel, and K. B. Whaley, in "Recent Advances in Quantum Monte Carlo Methods, Part II", edited by W. A. Lester, Jr., S. M. Rothstein, and S. Tanaka (World Scientific, Singapore, 2002), p. 111
physics.comp-ph physics.chem-ph
We describe and systematically analyze new implementations of the Projection Operator Imaginary Time Spectral Evolution (POITSE) method for the Monte Carlo evaluation of excited state energies. The POITSE method involves the computation of a correlation function in imaginary time. Decay of this function contains information about excitation energies, which can be extracted by a spectral transform. By incorporating branching processes in the Monte Carlo propagation, we compute these correlation functions with significantly reduced statistical noise. Our approach allows for the stable evaluation of small energy differences in situations where the previous POITSE implementation was limited by this noise.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 5 Mar 2002 17:43:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Huang", "Patrick", "" ], [ "Viel", "Alexandra", "" ], [ "Whaley", "K. Birgitta", "" ] ]
Paolo Provero
M. Caselle, F. Di Cunto and P. Provero
Correlating overrepresented upstream motifs to gene expression: a computational approach to regulatory element discovery in eukaryotes
Published version available from
BMC Bioinformatics 2002, 3:7
null cond-mat q-bio.MN
Gene regulation in eukaryotes is mainly effected through transcription factors binding to rather short recognition motifs generally located upstream of the coding region. We present a novel computational method to identify regulatory elements in the upstream region of eukaryotic genes. The genes are grouped in sets sharing an overrepresented short motif in their upstream sequence. For each set, the average expression level from a microarray experiment is determined: If this level is significantly higher or lower than the average taken over the whole genome, then the overerpresented motif shared by the genes in the set is likely to play a role in their regulation. The method was tested by applying it to the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, using the publicly available results of a DNA microarray experiment, in which expression levels for virtually all the genes were measured during the diauxic shift from fermentation to respiration. Several known motifs were correctly identified, and a new candidate regulatory sequence was determined.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 6 Mar 2002 12:59:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Caselle", "M.", "" ], [ "Di Cunto", "F.", "" ], [ "Provero", "P.", "" ] ]
Michael Meyer-Hermann
Michael Meyer-Hermann, Frido Erler, Gerhard Soff
Presynaptic calcium dynamics of learning neurons
1st MTBio-Workshop on Function and Regulation of Cellular Systems: Experiments and Models at MPI for physics of komplex systems, Dresden. 7 pages, 2 figures, 7 references
null q-bio.NC
We present a new model for the dynamics of the presynaptic intracellular calcium concentration in neurons evoked by various stimulation protocols. The aim of the model is twofold: We want to discuss the calcium transients during and after specific stimulation protocols as they are used to induce long-term-depression and long-term-potentiation. In addition we would like to provide a general tool which allows the comparison of different calcium experiments. This may help to draw conclusions on a wider base in future.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 6 Mar 2002 13:34:27 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 17 Sep 2002 16:28:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Meyer-Hermann", "Michael", "" ], [ "Erler", "Frido", "" ], [ "Soff", "Gerhard", "" ] ]
David Douglass
David H. Douglass, Drew R. Abrams, David M. Baranson, B. David Clader
On the Nature of the El Nino/La Nina Events
13 pages, 3 tables, 6 figures
null physics.geo-ph
We propose a scenario that explains many of the Pacific Ocean climate phenomena that are called El Nino/ La Nina. This scenario requires an event, which we call a Super-Nino Event. It dominates other phenomena when it occurs. A template of this event has been constructed giving the time evolution, which is an alternating sequence of 'El Ninos' and 'La Ninas'. The duration of the event is about 15 years unless some other event intervenes. Three such events can explain most of the El Nino/La Nina features that have been observed since 1968. We find that the various El Nino/La Nina features that have been observed fall into types, associated with the oscillation in the template, which can be classified by a "Periodic Table". The Earth is presently experiencing one of these events which started in the mid 1990's and will continue for another 4-5 years. This extrapolation into the future suggests that a minor El Nino will begin in mid 2001 and will reach a maximum about a year later. The conditions under which such a Super Nino-Event may occur are discussed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 7 Mar 2002 00:33:35 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Douglass", "David H.", "" ], [ "Abrams", "Drew R.", "" ], [ "Baranson", "David M.", "" ], [ "Clader", "B. David", "" ] ]
Tsipenyuk Dmitry
D.Yu.Tsipenyuk (General Physics Institute)
Field Transformation in the Extended Space Model: Prediction and Experimental Test
3 pages, LaTeX
Gravitation and Cosmology Vol.7(2001),No.4(28),pp.336-338
A run of preliminary experiments was carried out to check the prediction of possible gravitational field generation process arising by stopping of charged massive particles in a substance predicted by the recently developed Extended Space Model (ESM).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 7 Mar 2002 11:10:48 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tsipenyuk", "D. Yu.", "", "General Physics Institute" ] ]
Joe Henson
Joe Henson
Consciousness in Physics
This paper has been withdrawn by the author, due to large numbers of crank responses
This essay discusses the idea that a Theory of Everything would not be complete without a theory of consciousness as one of its parts, and the suggestion that new physics may be needed to describe consciousness. I argue that the motivations behind searching for such a theory arise as the result of misunderstandings over the use of language when talking about consciousness.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 7 Mar 2002 14:55:54 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 22 Jan 2005 00:55:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Henson", "Joe", "" ] ]
Michael Meyer-Hermann
Michael Meyer-Hermann
A mathematical model for the germinal center morphology and affinity maturation
64 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in J. Theor. Biol
null q-bio.CB
During germinal center reactions the appearance of two specific zones is observed: the dark and the light zone. Up to now, the origin and function of these zones are poorly understood. In the framework of a stochastic and discrete model several possible pathways of zone development during germinal center reactions are investigated. The importance of the zones in the germinal center for affinity maturation, i.e. the process of antibody optimization is discussed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 7 Mar 2002 19:26:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Meyer-Hermann", "Michael", "" ] ]
Xiangyang Song
Xiangyang Song, Arnold Neumann, Rein Maripuu, and Kai Siegbahn (ESCA-Laser Laboratory, Insitute for Material, Uppsala University, Sweden)
Symmetry Analysis of ZnSe(100) Surface in Air By Second Harmonic Generation
21 pages, 5 figures
Polarized and azimuthal dependencies of optical second harmonics generation (SHG) at the surface of noncentrosymmetric semiconductor crystals have been measured on polished surfaces of ZnSe(100), using a fundamental wavelength of 1.06$\mu m$. The SHG intensity patterns were analyzed for all four combination of p- and s-polarized incidence and output, considering both the bulk and surface optical nonlinearities in the electric dipole approximation. We found that the measurement using $S_{in}-S_{out}$ is particularly useful in determining the symmetry of the oxdized layer interface, which would lower the effective symmetry of the surface from $C_{4v}$ to $C_{2v}.$ We also have shown that the [011] and [0$\bar{1}$1] directions can be distinguished through the analysis of p-incident and p-output confugration.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 9 Mar 2002 05:41:09 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Song", "Xiangyang", "", "ESCA-Laser Laboratory, Insitute for Material, Uppsala University, Sweden" ], [ "Neumann", "Arnold", "", "ESCA-Laser Laboratory, Insitute for Material, Uppsala University, Sweden" ], [ "Maripuu", "Rein", "", "ESCA-Laser Laboratory, Insitute for Material, Uppsala University, Sweden" ], [ "Siegbahn", "Kai", "", "ESCA-Laser Laboratory, Insitute for Material, Uppsala University, Sweden" ] ]
Laszlo Papp
L. Papp, S. Bumble, F. Friedler and L. T. Fan
Characteristics of Molecular-biological Systems and Process-network Synthesis
25 pages
null q-bio
Graph Theoretic Process Network Synthesis is described as an introduction to biological networks. Genetic, protein and metabolic systems are considered. The theoretical work of Kauffman is discussed and amplified by critical property excursions. The scaling apparent in biological systems is shown. Applications to evolution and reverse engineering are construed. The use of several programs, such as the Synprops, Design of molecules, Therm and Knapsack are suggested as instruments to study biological process network synthesis. The properties of robust self-assembly and Self-Organizing synthesis are important contributors to the discussion. The bar code of life and intelligent design is reviewed. The need for better data in biological systems is emphasized.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 9 Mar 2002 17:39:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Papp", "L.", "" ], [ "Bumble", "S.", "" ], [ "Friedler", "F.", "" ], [ "Fan", "L. T.", "" ] ]
Rodrigo de Abreu
Rodrigo de Abreu (Instituto Superior Tecnico)
Reinterpretation of Lorentz Transformation and resolution of Special Relativity's paradoxes
14 pages, 1 figure
Lorentz Transformation is reinterpreted. It is shown that by admitting the existence of a frame of reference with synchronized clocks, we conclude that any other frame of reference that moves related to the first has desynchronized clocks. From this conclusion we will arrive at a new expression to relate the time of different frames of reference. We also arrive at a new expression to relate the contraction of different frames. We will show that if the maximum speed on a frame with synchronized clocks is the speed of light, then the speed of light varies accordingly to the velocity of the frame of reference. The new interpretation of Lorentz Transformation explains and solves Relativity's paradoxes.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 9 Mar 2002 23:38:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "de Abreu", "Rodrigo", "", "Instituto Superior Tecnico" ] ]
Chiranjib Sur
Chiranjib Sur and Dipankar Chattarji
Theory of angular correlation for double photoionization in a rare gas atom due to linearly polarized light
Revtex, 3 figures
In this paper we have tried to establish a theory for angular correlation between the photo- and Auger electrons in the two-step double photoionization of a rare gas atom. The basic finding of this paper is that a general theoretical expression for the angular correlation function is established in the problem of double photoionization of atoms in the presence of linearly polarized monochromatic light. We consider the case of a xenon atom and the incident light is of (94.5 eV) with arbitrary linear polarization. The theoretical results are compared with the experiments done by K(\ddot{a} )mmerling and Schmidt [J.Phys.B, 26,1141(1993)].
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 11 Mar 2002 00:58:26 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 15 Mar 2002 08:02:35 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sur", "Chiranjib", "" ], [ "Chattarji", "Dipankar", "" ] ]
Yuri Nosochkov
Y. Nosochkov and T.O. Raubenheimer
Study of the NLC Linac Optics Compatible with a Low Energy Scenario
7 pages, 5 figures
We explore the NLC linac optics compatible with a low energy scenario where initially only part of the full linac is installed. Optics modification suitable for a low energy beam running and upgrade to the nominal energy is discussed. Linac parameters and beam tolerances in the modified lattice are compared to the nominal design.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 11 Mar 2002 18:43:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nosochkov", "Y.", "" ], [ "Raubenheimer", "T. O.", "" ] ]
Gregory W. Hammett
Gregory W. Hammett (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory), John C. Bowman (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton)
Non-white noise and a multiple-rate Markovian closure theory for turbulence
23 pages, LaTeX, submitted to Physics of Fluids. Maple worksheets available at
physics.flu-dyn physics.plasm-ph
Markovian models of turbulence can be derived from the renormalized statistical closure equations of the direct-interaction approximation (DIA). Various simplifications are often introduced, including an assumption that the two-time correlation function is proportional to the renormalized infinitesimal propagator (Green's function), i.e. the decorrelation rate for fluctuations is equal to the decay rate for perturbations. While this is a rigorous result of the fluctuation--dissipation theorem for thermal equilibrium, it does not necessarily apply to all types of turbulence. Building on previous work on realizable Markovian closures, we explore a way to allow the decorrelation and decay rates to differ (which in some cases affords a more accurate treatment of effects such as non-white noise), while retaining the computational advantages of a Markovian approximation. Some Markovian approximations differ only in the initial transient phase, but the multiple-rate Markovian closure (MRMC) presented here could modify the steady-state spectra as well. Markovian models can be used directly in studying turbulence in a wide range of physical problems (including zonal flows, of recent interest in plasma physics), or they may be a useful starting point for deriving subgrid turbulence models for computer simulations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 11 Mar 2002 22:44:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hammett", "Gregory W.", "", "Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory" ], [ "Bowman", "John C.", "", "Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton" ] ]
George H. Rawitscher
G. H. Rawitscher (1), I. Koltracht (2) ((1) Physics Department, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT (2)Mathematics Department, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT)
An accurate spectral method for solving the Schroedinger equation
27 pages, 4 figures
physics.comp-ph physics.atom-ph
The solution of the Lippman-Schwinger (L-S) integral equation is equivalent to the the solution of the Schroedinger equation. A new numerical algorithm for solving the L-S equation is described in simple terms, and its high accuracy is confirmed for several physical situations. They are: the scattering of an electron from a static hydrogen atom in the presence of exchange, the scattering of two atoms at ultra low temperatures, and barrier penetration in the presence of a resonance for a Morse potential. A key ingredient of the method is to divide the radial range into partitions, and in each partition expand the solution of the L-S equation into a set of Chebyshev polynomials. The expansion is called "spectral" because it converges rapidly to high accuracy. Properties of the Chebyshev expansion, such as rapid convergence, are illustrated by means of a simple example.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 11 Mar 2002 22:59:16 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 13 Aug 2004 19:41:04 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Rawitscher", "G. H.", "" ], [ "Koltracht", "I.", "" ] ]
Alexei Pirozerski
S.E. Emelin and A.L. Pirozerski
Some effects of metastable substance observed in erosive discharges
This is the thesis of our report at the III Russian Seminar "Modern means of plasma diagnostic and their application for control of materials and environment", Moscow, MEPHI, November 28-30, 2001
The brief characteristic of a place and state of modern experimental investigations of a ball lightning on the basis of metastable substance is given.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 12 Mar 2002 01:17:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Emelin", "S. E.", "" ], [ "Pirozerski", "A. L.", "" ] ]
Vincent Morin
Vincent Morin
Fundamentals of a theory of elementary actions
Multi version progress in elaborating a relational theory of the physical universe
Those articles (versions) explore a non conventional pregeometrical model encompassing quantics and geometrodynamics (a stochastic graph relational theory). Some key points are : 1) the use of simple boolean atom-like far subquantum entities connected with action links deriving from probabilistic laws (acteons). 2) the concept of structures as correlated nets of relations. 3) the relational definition of locus and processual definition of distances, with implied consequences on how the physical universe should be conceived in such a model. Added versions improve and extend the idea on mathematical grounds.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 12 Mar 2002 15:27:47 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 15 Mar 2002 09:09:43 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2002 12:26:54 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Morin", "Vincent", "" ] ]
Evgeni G. Bessonov
E.G. Bessonov, (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute AS, Moscow, Russia)
Enhanced radiative ion cooling
8 pages, LaTeX
Enhanced radiative cooling of ion beams in storage rings and Robinson's damping criterion are discussed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Mar 2002 11:05:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bessonov", "E. G.", "" ] ]
Marco Cannas
G. Bimbo, R. Boscaino, M. Cannas, F.M. Gelardi, R.N. Shakhmuratov
Stimulated Nutation Echo: Dynamic and Decay Properties
20 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. A
We study experimentally the dynamical and decay properties of the Stimulated Nutation Echo (SNE) in a two-level spin system. This is the signal which appears in the transient response of the system to the second pulse at time tau_1 elapsed from its beginning and coinciding with the duration of the first pulse. The information about the first pulse duration is imprinted into the population difference of the inhomogeneously broadened ensemble of the two-level absorbers. The decay of the SNE signal has two contributions. One originates from the population decay during the time tau between the pulses. Another is caused by the coherence loss during the excitation by the first pulse and the reading time of the second pulse. Experimental results on the decay properties induced by these mechanisms are presented. The dependence of these decay rates on the pulse intensity is discussed, and its relationship with the anomalous (non-Bloch) decay of other coherent transients in solids is examined.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Mar 2002 14:09:48 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 14 Mar 2002 10:17:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bimbo", "G.", "" ], [ "Boscaino", "R.", "" ], [ "Cannas", "M.", "" ], [ "Gelardi", "F. M.", "" ], [ "Shakhmuratov", "R. N.", "" ] ]
Daniel Livescu
Daniel Livescu and Cyrus K. Madnia
Non-premixed Flame-Turbulence Interaction in Compressible Turbulent Flow
4 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Proceedings ETC9, Eds: I.P. Castro and P.E. Hancock, CIMNE, Barcelona, 2002
Nonpremixed turbulent reacting flows are intrinsically difficult to model due to the strong coupling between turbulent motions and reaction. The large amount of heat released by a typical hydrocarbon flame leads to significant modifications of the thermodynamic variables and the molecular transport coefficients and thus alters the fluid dynamics. Additionally, in nonpremixed combustion, the flame has a complex spatial structure. Localized expansions and contractions occur, enhancing the dilatational motions. Therefore, the compressibility of the flow and the heat release are intimately related. However, fundamental studies of the role of compressibility on the scalar mixing and reaction are scarce. In this paper we present results concerning the fundamental aspects of the interaction between non-premixed flame and compressible turbulence.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Mar 2002 21:44:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Livescu", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Madnia", "Cyrus K.", "" ] ]
Nikolay Kolesnikov
A.G.Donchev, N.N.Kolesnikov, V.I.Tarasov
Exponential Basis in Two-Sided Variational Estimates of Energy for Three-Body Systems
latex, 15 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables (corrected figure which prevents pdf creation)
By the use of the variational method with exponential trial functions the upper and lower bounds of energy are calculated for a number of non-relativistic three-body Coulomb and nuclear systems. The formulas for calculation of upper and lower bounds for exponential basis are given, the lower bounds for great part of systems were calculated for the first time. By comparison of calculations for different bases the efficiency of exponential trial functions and their universality in respect to masses of particles and interaction are demonstrated. The advantage of exponential basis manifests mostly evident for the systems with comparable masses, though its use in one-center and two-center problems is justified too. For effective solution of two-center problem a carcass modification of the trial function is proposed. The stability of various three-particle Coulomb systems is analyzed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Mar 2002 14:33:36 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2002 12:12:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Donchev", "A. G.", "" ], [ "Kolesnikov", "N. N.", "" ], [ "Tarasov", "V. I.", "" ] ]
Maxim Dvornikov
M. Dvornikov, S. Dvornikov and G. Smirnov
Approximate Solutions of Quantum Equations for Electron Gas in Plasma
The article was reported on the seminar on Theoretical Physics (General Physics Institute of RAS, Moscow, October 1999; Chairman Prof. A.A.Rukhadze)
physics.plasm-ph cond-mat.soft
We have obtained the solutions of linearized Shr{\"o}dinger equation for spherically and axially symmetrical electrons density oscillations in plasma in the approximation of the self-consistent field. It was shown that in the center or on the axis of symmetry of such a system the static density of electrons can enhance, which leads to the increasing of density and pressure of ion gas. We suggest that this mechanism could be realized in nature as rare phenomenon called the 'fireball' and could be used in carrying out the research concerning controlled fusion.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Mar 2002 15:24:41 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 15 Mar 2002 16:55:47 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 22 May 2003 08:12:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dvornikov", "M.", "" ], [ "Dvornikov", "S.", "" ], [ "Smirnov", "G.", "" ] ]
Michael Meyer-Hermann
Michael Meyer-Hermann
The relation of morphology and affinity maturation in germinal centers
10 pages, 2 figures, 25 references
null q-bio.CB
The specific morphology of germinal centers is analyzed in the context of the optimization of the humoral immune response. The relevance of dark and light zones for the affinity maturation process is investigated in the framework of a theoretical model for the germinal center reaction. Especially, it is shown that an intermediate appearance of dark zones in germinal center reactions is advantageous for the process of antibody optimization. Methodological aspects are discussed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Mar 2002 17:45:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 10 Jun 2003 09:41:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Meyer-Hermann", "Michael", "" ] ]
Libin Fu
Li-Bin Fu, Jie Liu, Shi-Gang Chen, and Yi-Shi Duan
The configuration of a topological current and physical structure: an application and paradigmatic evidence
9 pages, 2 figures
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35 (2002) L181-L187
In the $\phi $-mapping theory, the topological current constructed by the order parameters can possess different inner structure. The difference in topology must correspond to the difference in physical structure. The transition between different structures happens at the bifurcation point of the topological current. In a self-interaction two-level system, the change of topological particles corresponds to change of energy levels.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Mar 2002 02:20:16 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fu", "Li-Bin", "" ], [ "Liu", "Jie", "" ], [ "Chen", "Shi-Gang", "" ], [ "Duan", "Yi-Shi", "" ] ]
A. J. Turski
A. J. Turski, B. Atamaniuk and E. Turska
Fractional Derivative Analysis of Helmholtz and Paraxial-Wave Equations
14 pages, 3 figures, zipped file, submitted to Journal of Technical Physics (Warsaw, Poland)
Fundamental rules and definitions of Fractional Differintegrals are outlined. Factorizing 1-D and 2-D Helmholtz equations four fractional eigenfunctions are determined. The functions exhibit incident and reflected plane waves as well as diffracted incident and reflected waves of the half-plane edge. They allow to construct the Sommerfeld half-plane diffraction solutions. Parabolic-Wave Equation (PWE, Leontovich-Fock) for paraxial propagation is factorized and differetial fractional solutions of Fresnel-integral type are derived. We arrived at two solutions, which are the mothers of known and new solutions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Mar 2002 17:39:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Turski", "A. J.", "" ], [ "Atamaniuk", "B.", "" ], [ "Turska", "E.", "" ] ]
Vladimir S. Malinovsky
Ignacio R. Sol\'a and Vladimir S. Malinovsky
Non-adiabatic coupling and adiabatic population transfer in quantum molecular systems
5 pages, 2 figures
physics.chem-ph physics.atom-ph
We show that a counter-intuitive pulse sequence leads to adiabatic passage between the vibrational levels of three harmonic potentials through parallel dark states in adiabatic approximation. However, the adiabatic assumptions break down for very intense pulses and non-adiabatic couplings result in the population transfer by light-induced potential shaping.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Mar 2002 18:26:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Solá", "Ignacio R.", "" ], [ "Malinovsky", "Vladimir S.", "" ] ]
Jacques Moret-Bailly
Jacques Moret-Bailly
The zero point field and the reduction of the wave packet in semiclassical electrodynamics
9 pages. version 2 more precise; very minor corrections in version 3
In the classical theory, an electromagnetic field obeying Maxwell's equations cannot be absorbed quickly by matter, so that it remains a zero point field. Splitting the total, genuine electromagnetic field into the sum of a conventional field and a zero point field is physically meaningless until a receiver attenuates the genuine field down to the zero point field, or studying the amplification of the zero point field by a source. In classical optics all optical effects must be written using the genuine field, so that at low light levels the nonlinear effects become linear in relation to the conventional field. The result of the interpretation of all observations, even at low light levels, is exactly the same in quantum electrodynamics and in the semi- classical theory. The zero point field is stochastic only far from the sources and the receivers; elsewhere, it is shaped by matter, it may be studied through fields visible before an absorption or after an amplification. A classical study of the reduction of the wave packet extends the domain of equivalence of the classical and quantum zero point field; using both interpretations of this field makes the results more reliable, because the traps are different.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2002 09:13:32 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 19 Apr 2002 06:42:26 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 22 Apr 2002 07:02:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Moret-Bailly", "Jacques", "" ] ]
A. I. Milstein
A.I.Milstein, I.S.Terekhov
Low-energy electron scattering in a strong Coulomb field
5 pages, 1 figure, RevTex
The analytic expression for the cross section of low-energy electron scattering in a strong Coulomb field is obtained. It is shown that in a wide energy region this cross section differs essentially from that obtained in the first Born approximation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2002 07:20:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Milstein", "A. I.", "" ], [ "Terekhov", "I. S.", "" ] ]
T. S. Monteiro
T.S. Monteiro, P.A. Dando, N.A.C. Hutchings, and M. R. Isherwood
Cold atoms in optical lattices :a Hamiltonian ratchet
new version with typos corrected
physics.atom-ph physics.gen-ph
We investigate a new type of quantum ratchet which may be realised by cold atoms in a double-well optical lattice which is pulsed with unequal periods. The classical dynamics is chaotic and we find the classical diffusion rate $D$ is asymmetric in momentum up to a finite time $t_r$. The quantum behaviour produces a corresponding asymmetry in the momentum distribution which is 'frozen-in' by Dynamical Localisation provided the break-time $t^* > t_r$. We conclude that the cold atom ratchets require $Db/ \hbar \sim 1$ where b is a small deviation from period-one pulses.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 19 Mar 2002 18:57:15 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 27 Mar 2002 17:05:48 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Monteiro", "T. S.", "" ], [ "Dando", "P. A.", "" ], [ "Hutchings", "N. A. C.", "" ], [ "Isherwood", "M. R.", "" ] ]
D. J. Patil
Edward Ott, Brian R. Hunt, Istvan Szunyogh, Aleksey V. Zimin, Eric J. Kostelich, Matteo Corazza, Eugenia Kalnay, D.J. Patil, and James A. Yorke
A Local Ensemble Kalman Filter for Atmospheric Data Assimilation
Major Revision (66 pages, 11 figures). 3 appendices included
null nlin.CD physics.geo-ph
In this paper, we introduce a new, local formulation of the ensemble Kalman Filter approach for atmospheric data assimilation. Our scheme is based on the hypothesis that, when the Earth's surface is divided up into local regions of moderate size, vectors of the forecast uncertainties in such regions tend to lie in a subspace of much lower dimension than that of the full atmospheric state vector of such a region. Ensemble Kalman Filters, in general, assume that the analysis resulting from the data assimilation lies in the same subspace as the expected forecast error. Under our hypothesis the dimension of this subspace is low. This implies that operations only on relatively low dimensional matrices are required. Thus, the data analysis is done locally in a manner allowing massively parallel computation to be exploited. The local analyses are then used to construct global states for advancement to the next forecast time. The method, its potential advantages, properties, and implementation requirements are illustrated by numerical experiments on the Lorenz-96 model. It is found that accurate analysis can be achieved at a cost which is very modest compared to that of a full global ensemble Kalman Filter.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 19 Mar 2002 20:49:05 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 25 Jun 2002 01:32:08 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2002 02:27:32 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Wed, 30 Jul 2003 17:04:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ott", "Edward", "" ], [ "Hunt", "Brian R.", "" ], [ "Szunyogh", "Istvan", "" ], [ "Zimin", "Aleksey V.", "" ], [ "Kostelich", "Eric J.", "" ], [ "Corazza", "Matteo", "" ], [ "Kalnay", "Eugenia", "" ], [ "Patil", "D. J.", "" ], [ "Yorke", "James A.", "" ] ]
Arychev A. S.
A.P. Potylitsyn
Laser polarization of positron beam
Nuc. Inst. and Meth A 2001
For a number of physical studies which are planned to be made with the next generation colliders, it is necessary to use polarized beams of both electrons and positrons. The problem of producing and acceleration of polarized electrons may be considered to be solved, but the existing approaches to create polarized positron beams do not ensure the parameters required. This work proposes a new approach to produce polarized positron beams, which is based on the process of multiple Compton backscattering of unpolarized ultrarelativistic positrons in the field of intense circularly polarized laser wave.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 19 Mar 2002 14:23:03 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Potylitsyn", "A. P.", "" ] ]
Bin Zhou
Bin Zhou
Measuring the Entropy and Testing the Second Law of Thermodynamics
plain LaTeX, 10 pages, 1 figure
physics.gen-ph physics.class-ph
Evidence implies that basic laws of thermodynamics must be tested by experiments. In this paper, an experiment is designed to measure the entropy of a system with at least one known (measurable) equation of state, especially the gas systems. Since the entropy can be measured now, the formulae related to the second law of thermodynamics can be examined by other experiments.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 19 Mar 2002 17:27:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhou", "Bin", "" ] ]
Franz Wegner
Franz Wegner (Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg)
Floating Bodies of Equilibrium I
Latex, 17 pages, 11 figures; 'I' added to title, factor '3' added in eq. 86
physics.class-ph physics.gen-ph
A long cylindrical body of circular cross-section and homogeneous density may float in all orientations around the cylinder axis. It is shown that there are also bodies of non-circular cross-sections which may float in any direction. Apart from those found by Auerbach for rho=1/2 there are one-parameter families of cross-sections for rho not= 1/2 which have a p-fold rotation axis. For given p they exist for p-2 densities rho. There are strong indications, that for all p-2 densities one has the same family of cross-sections. (Proven in physics/0205059)
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 20 Mar 2002 11:48:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 4 Apr 2002 11:02:29 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 16 Jul 2002 07:02:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wegner", "Franz", "", "Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg" ] ]
Jans Uwe Noeckel
Jens U. Nockel and A.D.Stone
Chaotic light: a theory of asymmetric resonant cavities
This should have been archived long ago
Optical Processes in Microcavities, edited by R.K.Chang and A.J.Campillo (World Scientific Publishers, 1996)
physics.optics physics.class-ph
Spherical and cylindrical dielectric cavities support high Q whispering gallery modes due to total internal reflection of the trapped light. When such a cavity is deformed smoothly the ray dynamics of these modes becomes chaotic in a manner determined by the KAM theory of classical hamiltonian dynamics. The universal properties of the ray dynamics predicted by KAM theory allow a general understanding of the whispering gallery modes of such asymmetric resonant cavities (ARCs). This theory combined with simulations of the non-linear map describing the ray motion provides the basis for a ray-optics model of the Q-spoiling of these whispering gallery modes for large deformations (greater than 1% of the radius). The model predicts a sharp onset as a function of deformation for significant Q-spoiling of these modes and highly directional emission above this threshold. Solution of the wave equation for typical whispering gallery modes confirms the qualitative behavior predicted by the ray-optics model even when the cavity is only a few times the resonant wavelength. The model explains for the first time the lasing intensity profile of highly deformed lasing droplets.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 21 Mar 2002 01:46:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nockel", "Jens U.", "" ], [ "Stone", "A. D.", "" ] ]
Jans Uwe Noeckel
M. Hentschel and J. U. Nockel
The sequential-reflection model in deformed dielectric cavities
2 figures
Quantum Optics of Small Structures, edited by D.Lenstra, T.D.Visser and K.A.H.van Leeuwen (Edita KNAW, Amsterdam, 2000)
The stationary states of a microlaser are related to the decaying quasibound states of the corresponding passive cavity. These are interpreted classically as originating from sequential escape attempts of an ensemble of rays obeying a curvature-corrected Fresnel formula. Polarization-dependent predictions of this model, and its limitations for stable orbits in partially chaotic systems are discussed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 21 Mar 2002 01:57:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hentschel", "M.", "" ], [ "Nockel", "J. U.", "" ] ]
G. Suryan
The Eleven Questions About The Cosmos Answered : Let The Cognoscenti Decide
12 pages, Author welcomes critical comments and queries
The National Academy of Sciences USA has posed eleven important questions about the Cosmos. This paper answers most of the questions based on the new concepts about "What is Time - A New Mathematico Physical And Information Theoretic Approach" [physics/0106073] and "Estimation of Gravitational Constant from CMBR data and Hubble's parameter" [physics/0106083]. The answers in brief as well as some explanatory notes have been appended to each question.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 21 Mar 2002 10:55:21 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Suryan", "G.", "" ] ]
Matthias Waechter
M. Waechter, F. Riess, H. Kantz, J. Peinke
Stochastic analysis of road surface roughness
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper was withdrawn by the authors due to significant new findings. A new paper on the same topic has been submitted as physics/0310159.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 22 Mar 2002 09:32:55 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 30 Oct 2003 16:24:21 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Waechter", "M.", "" ], [ "Riess", "F.", "" ], [ "Kantz", "H.", "" ], [ "Peinke", "J.", "" ] ]
Milton da Costa Lopes Filho
D. Iftimie, M. C. Lopes Filho and H. J. Nussenzveig Lopes
Two dimensional incompressible ideal flow around a small obstacle
30 pages, 1 figure, submitted for publication, AMS classification: Primary: 35Q35, Secondary: 76B03,76B47
Comm Partial Differential Equations 28 (2003) 349-379
In this article we study the asymptotic behavior of incompressible, ideal, time-dependent two dimensional flow in the exterior of a single smooth obstacle when the size of the obstacle becomes very small. Our main purpose is to identify the equation satisfied by the limit flow. We will see that the asymptotic behavior depends on $\gamma$, the circulation around the obstacle. For smooth flow around a single obstacle, $\gamma$ is a conserved quantity which is determined by the initial data. We will show that if $\gamma = 0$, the limit flow satisfies the standard incompressible Euler equations in the full plane but, if $\gamma \neq 0$, the limit equation acquires an additional forcing term. We treat this problem by first constructing a sequence of approximate solutions to the incompressible 2D Euler equation in the full plane from the exact solutions obtained when solving the equation on the exterior of each obstacle and then passing to the limit on the weak formulation of the equation. We use an explicit treatment of the Green's function of the exterior domain based on conformal maps, {\it a priori} estimates obtained by carefully examining the limiting process and the Div-Curl Lemma, together with a standard weak convergence treatment of the nonlinearity for the passage to the limit.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 22 Mar 2002 16:42:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Iftimie", "D.", "" ], [ "Filho", "M. C. Lopes", "" ], [ "Lopes", "H. J. Nussenzveig", "" ] ]
A. K. Guts
Alexander K. Guts
Topos-theoretic Model of the Deutsch multiverse
16 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX2e
Mathematical Structures and Modeling, No.8,76-90 (2001)
The Deutsch multiverse is collection of parallel universes. In this article a formal theory and a topos-theoretic model of the Deutsch multiverse are given. For this the Lawvere-Kock Synthetic Differential Geometry and topos models for smooth infinitesimal analysis are used. Physical properties of multi-variant and many-dimensional parallel universes are discussed. Quantum fluctuations of universe geometry are considered. Photon ghosts in parallel universes are found.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 24 Mar 2002 12:23:16 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Guts", "Alexander K.", "" ] ]
Beisbart Claus
Claus Beisbart, Robert Dahlke, Klaus Mecke, and Herbert Wagner
Vector- and tensor-valued descriptors for spatial patterns
24 pages, to appear in K.Mecke and D.Stoyan, Morphology of Condensed Matter - Physics and Geometry of Spatially Complex Systems. Proceedings of the Second Wuppertal conference on Spatial Statistics and Statistical Physics, Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer
null astro-ph cond-mat.stat-mech math.GM
Higher-rank Minkowski valuations are efficient means for describing the geometry and connectivity of spatial patterns. We show how to extend the framework of the scalar Minkowski valuations to vector- and tensor-valued measures. The properties of these extensions are described in detail. We show the versatility of these measures by using simple toy models as well as real data. Our applications cover the morphology of galaxy clusters, the structure of spiral galaxies, and the geometry of molecules. Furthermore, we consider a physical ansatz closely related to higher-rank Minkowski valuations, the Rosenfeld functional known from density functional theory.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 25 Mar 2002 13:32:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Beisbart", "Claus", "" ], [ "Dahlke", "Robert", "" ], [ "Mecke", "Klaus", "" ], [ "Wagner", "Herbert", "" ] ]
Davide Marenduzzo
J. R. Banavar, A. Flammini, D. Marenduzzo, A. Maritan, A. Trovato
Geometry of compact tubes and protein structures
15 pages, 3 eps figures
null cond-mat.soft cond-mat.stat-mech q-bio
Proteins form a very important class of polymers. In spite of major advances in the understanding of polymer science, the protein problem has remained largely unsolved. Here, we show that a polymer chain viewed as a tube not only captures the well-known characteristics of polymers and their phases but also provides a natural explanation for many of the key features of protein behavior. There are two natural length scales associated with a tube subject to compaction -- the thickness of the tube and the range of the attractive interactions. For short tubes, when these length scales become comparable, one obtains marginally compact structures, which are relatively few in number compared to those in the generic compact phase of polymers. The motifs associated with the structures in this new phase include helices, hairpins and sheets. We suggest that Nature has selected this phase for the structures of proteins because of its many advantages including the few candidate strucures, the ability to squeeze the water out from the hydrophobic core and the flexibility and versatility associated with being marginally compact. Our results provide a framework for understanding the common features of all proteins.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 25 Mar 2002 14:09:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Banavar", "J. R.", "" ], [ "Flammini", "A.", "" ], [ "Marenduzzo", "D.", "" ], [ "Maritan", "A.", "" ], [ "Trovato", "A.", "" ] ]
Masato Ida
Masato Ida
An improved unified solver for compressible and incompressible fluids involving free surfaces. II. Multi-time-step integration and applications
34 pages, 13 figures, elsart; Typo in Eq.25 corrected; Published
Comput. Phys. Commun. 150 (3) pp.300-323 (2003)
physics.comp-ph physics.flu-dyn
An improved numerical solver for the unified solution of compressible and incompressible fluids involving interfaces is proposed. The present method is based on the CIP-CUP (Cubic Interpolated Propagation / Combined, Unified Procedure) method, which is a pressure-based semi-implicit solver for the Euler equations of fluid flows. In Part I of this series of articles [M. Ida, Comput. Phys. Commun. 132 (2000) 44], we proposed an improved scheme for the convection terms in the equations, which allowed us discontinuous descriptions of the density interface by replacing the cubic interpolation function used in the CIP scheme with a quadratic extrapolation function only around the interface. In this paper, as Part II of this series, the multi-time-step integration technique is adapted to the CIP-CUP integration. Because the CIP-CUP treats different-nature components in the fluid equations separately, the adaptation of the technique is straightforward. This modification allows us flexible determinations of the time interval, which results in an efficient and accurate integration. Furthermore, some additional discussion on our methods is presented. Finally, the application results to composite flow problems such as compressible and incompressible Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities and the dynamics of two acoustically coupled deformable bubbles in a viscous liquid are provided.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 26 Mar 2002 08:10:37 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 10 Oct 2002 10:48:54 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 25 Dec 2002 06:33:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ida", "Masato", "" ] ]
Haret Rosu
J.M. Moran-Mirabal, H.C. Rosu
Words for Nobel prizes
5 pages
Boletin Rev. Mex. Fis. 17-1 (2003) 29-33
We present the statistics of the significant nouns and adjectives of social impact figuring in the nominations of the Nobel prizes in Physics and Chemistry over the period of the awards from 1901 to 2001
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 26 Mar 2002 18:40:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Moran-Mirabal", "J. M.", "" ], [ "Rosu", "H. C.", "" ] ]
B.G. Sidharth
A New Spin on the Dirac Electron
10 pages, TeX, Invited submission to the journal Electromagnetic Phenomena
We re-examine the non Hermitian position coordinate of Dirac's equation, in the light of his own insights and conclude that this, and the Dirac equation itself is symptomatic of an underlying Noncommutative Geometry.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 27 Mar 2002 06:06:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sidharth", "B. G.", "" ] ]
Juodkazis Saulius
Saulius Juodkazis, Shigeki Matsuo, and Hiroaki Misawa
Comment: Anomalous Anisotropic Light Scattering in Ge-Doped Silica Glass
2 pages
physics.plasm-ph physics.optics
This is a comment on a paper by Kazansky et al. appeared in Phys. Rev. Lett., 82, 2199 (1999). We demonstrate that the bremsstrahlung of photoelectrons, which oscillate in the light field of an ultrashort laser pulse, accounts for the anomalous anisotropic light scattering, the "propeller effect", described in the paper of Kazansky et al. This mechanism of light emission could explain some results of white-light continuum generation and dielectric breakdown emission.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 27 Mar 2002 08:34:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Juodkazis", "Saulius", "" ], [ "Matsuo", "Shigeki", "" ], [ "Misawa", "Hiroaki", "" ] ]
Axel G. Rossberg
A. G. Rossberg
On the limits of spectral methods for frequency estimation
18 pages, 6 figures (Referee did not like the previous title. Many other changes)
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 14(6), 2115-2123 (2004)
null nlin.CD physics.gen-ph
An algorithm is presented which generates pairs of oscillatory random time series which have identical periodograms but differ in the number of oscillations. This result indicate the intrinsic limitations of spectral methods when it comes to the task of measuring frequencies. Other examples, one from medicine and one from bifurcation theory, are given, which also exhibit these limitations of spectral methods. For two methods of spectral estimation it is verified that the particular way end points are treated, which is specific to each method, is, for long enough time series, not relevant for the main result.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 27 Mar 2002 17:30:02 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 4 May 2005 14:05:45 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Rossberg", "A. G.", "" ] ]
Akhlesh Lakhtakia
A. Lakhtakia
On planewave remittances and Goos-Haenchen shifts of planar slabs with negative real permittivity and permeability
7 pages, 1 figure
Electromagnetics, Vol. 23, pp. 71-75 (2003)
physics.class-ph physics.optics
Two results about the planewave response of an isotropic, dielectric--magnetic, homogeneous, planar slab are deduced when the real parts of both the permittivity and the permeability are altered from positive to negative. First, the reflection and the transmission coefficients suffer phase reversals without change in their respective magnitudes. Second, the Goos-Haenchen shifts experienced by beams on total reflection reverse their directions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 27 Mar 2002 13:53:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lakhtakia", "A.", "" ] ]
Guillermo Abramson
G. Abramson, V.M. Kenkre, T.L. Yates, R.R. Parmenter
Traveling waves of infection in the Hantavirus epidemics
RevTex 4, 5 in-lined figures
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 65, 519 (2003)
null cond-mat.stat-mech nlin.PS q-bio.PE
Traveling waves are analyzed in a model of the Hantavirus infection of deer mice. The existence of two kinds of wave phenomena is predicted. An environmental parameter governs a transition between two regimes of propagation. In one of them the front of infection lags behind at a constant rate. In the other, fronts of susceptible and infected mice travel at the same speed, separated by a constant delay. The dependence of the delay on system parameters is analyzed numerically and through a piecewise linearization.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 27 Mar 2002 22:12:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Abramson", "G.", "" ], [ "Kenkre", "V. M.", "" ], [ "Yates", "T. L.", "" ], [ "Parmenter", "R. R.", "" ] ]
George Kahrimanis
George Kahrimanis
Single or combined location measurements of the same parameter without prior probability. (Altern. title, Parametric inference as useful illusion; Part 1)
V.2; 13 p.s, 2 fig.s; radically changed foundation; results in effect unmodified, those worked out so far, though of profoundly revised meaning
null math.GM
Motivation. This version is based solely on the calculus of probability, excluding any statistical principle. "Location measurement" means the pdf of the error is known. When the datum is obtained, intuition suggests something like a pdf for the parameter; here we attempt a critical examination of its meaning. Summary. In default of prior probability the parameter is not defined as a random variable, hence there can be no genuine prior-free parametric inference. Nevertheless prior-free predictive inference regarding any future datum is generated directly from the datum of a location measurement. Such inference turns out as if obtained from a certain pdf ("fiducial") indirectly associated with the parameter. This false pdf can expedite predictive inference, but is inappropriate in the analysis of combined measurements (unless they all are location measurements of the same parameter). Also it has the same distribution as the ostensible Bayesian posterior from a uniform "prior". However, if any of these spurious entities is admitted in the analysis, inconsistent results follow. When we combine measurements, we find that the quantisation errors, inevitable in data recording, must be taken into consideration. These errors cannot be folded into predictive inference in an exact sense; that is, we cannot render a predictive distribution of a future datum except as an approximation. Keywords: location measurement; combination of observations; parametric inference; predictive inference; prior-free inference; quantisation error; digitisation; frequentist interpretation; the fiducial argument; fiducial probability; pivotal inference; intuitive assessment; prior-free assessment
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 28 Mar 2002 14:34:32 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 13 May 2003 19:43:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kahrimanis", "George", "" ] ]
Adam Rycerz
Adam Rycerz
Collective Properties of the Exactly Solvable Model of Ion-Channel Assemblies in a Biological Cell Membrane
Preprint submitted to Acta Phys. Pol. B 24 pages, 11 figures
null physics.gen-ph q-bio
The behaviour of a system of ion channels formed across the cell membrane is presented. The infinite number of channels with an infinite coupling is introduced first as a reference point for the detailed derivation of the thermal-equilibrium probability distribution and the classification of the phase transitions. Fluctuations in a finite system are discussed next. We propose a new, step-like model of the ion channel switching, for which we provide the analytical results. The relation of this model to experiment is also provided. Finally, the master equation for the finite channel-number membrane is analysed numerically with the help of an exact-diagonalization technique. In particular, the decay-time of a metastable solution is estimated. The results do not agree with those obtained perturbationally, the difference is explained by the proposed frozen-diffusion approach.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 29 Mar 2002 00:50:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Rycerz", "Adam", "" ] ]
Alexey Mazur
Alexey K. Mazur
DNA Dynamics in A Water Drop
4 two-column pages, 2 integrated eps plates, RevTeX4
null physics.chem-ph q-bio.BM
Due to its polyionic character the DNA double helix is stable and biologically active only in salty aqueous media where its charge is compensated by solvent counterions. Monovalent metal ions are ubiquitous in DNA environment and they are usually considered as the possible driving force of sequence-dependent modulations of DNA structure that make it recognizable by proteins. In an effort to directly examine this hypothesis, MD simulations of DNA in a water drop surrounded by vacuum were carried out, which relieves the requirement of charge neutrality. Surprisingly, with zero concentration of counterions a dodecamer DNA duplex appears metastable and its structure remains similar to that observed in experiments.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 1 Apr 2002 15:03:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mazur", "Alexey K.", "" ] ]
Yuan-nan Young
Alexandros Alexakis, Yuan-Nan Young and Robert Rosner
Weakly non-linear analysis of wind-driven gravity waves
32 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
physics.flu-dyn physics.geo-ph
We study the weakly non-linear development of shear-driven gravity waves, and investigate the mixing properties of the finite amplitude solutions. Calculations to date have been restricted to the linear theory, which predicts that gravity waves are amplified by an influx of energy through the critical layer, where the velocity of the wind equals the wave phase velocity. Because of the presence of a critical layer, ordinary weakly non-linear methods fail; in this paper, we use a rescaling at the critical layer and matched asymptotics to derive an amplitude equation for the most unstable wave, under the simplifying assumption that the physical domain is periodic. These amplitude equations are solved numerically, in their quasi-steady limit, for the cases of small density ratio (applicable to oceanography), and for arbitrary density ratio but strong stratification (for more general physical/astrophysical situations). In addition to the familiar asymptotic growth found in other inviscid flow, we find that, for the air over water case (provided the maximum wind velocity is in the range of $0.2\mpers \sim 1\mpers$), the single mode transitions from exponential to algebraic growth when the amplitude of the wave is as small as $h\sim 10^{-5}\lambda$; hence, it may be difficult to observe the linear regime for this case in numerical simulations. We also find that the weakly non-linear flow allows for super-diffusive particle transport with an exponent $\sim 3/2$, consistent with Venkataramani's results.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 30 Mar 2002 02:02:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Alexakis", "Alexandros", "" ], [ "Young", "Yuan-Nan", "" ], [ "Rosner", "Robert", "" ] ]
V. A. Kuz'menko
The role of intense line wings in the process of infrared multiple--photon excitation of polyatomic molecules
LaTeX2e, 9pages, 7 PS figures
The results of experimental testing the existence of intense Lorentzian--like wings with FWHM $\sim 4.5 cm^{-1}$ in the absorption spectra of polyatomic molecules in a gas phase are presented. Two independent experimental methods were used for evaluating the integral intensity of the line wings for a number of substances. In the first case, the cross--section of the far wings of absorption bands in a gas phase spectrum were measured. Then, these band wings were extrapolated inside the contour of absorption band. In the second case, the saturation degree of the linear spectrum of molecules was determined. Radiation of a pulsed $CO_2$--laser was used at low gas pressure ($\sim 16$ mtorr) and averaged excitation level of molecules ${<n>}\sim 0.1$ quanta/molecule. The values obtained by these two independent methods coincide for a variety of molecules. The average relative integral intensity of the line wings varied from $\sim 0.6%$ for $SF_6$ and $SiF_4$ to $\sim 90%$ for $(CF_3)_2O$ and $(CF_3)_2CO$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 30 Mar 2002 11:07:46 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kuz'menko", "V. A.", "" ] ]
W. Woelfli
W. Woelfli, W. Baltensperger, R. Nufer
An additional planet as a model for the Pleistocene Ice Age
11 pages, Latex, 5 figures
We propose a model for the Pleistocene Ice Age, assuming the following scenario: Between 3 Myr and 11.5 kyr BP a Mars-sized object existed which moved in a highly eccentric orbit. Originating from this object, gas clouds with a complex dynamics reduced Earth's insolation and caused a drop in the global temperature. In a close encounter, 11.5 kyr ago, tidal forces deformed the Earth. While the shape of the gyroscope Earth relaxed, the North Pole moved geographically from Greenland to its present position. During this close encounter, the object was torn to pieces, each of which subsequently evaporated or plunged into the sun. These events terminated the Ice Age Epoch.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 30 Mar 2002 13:24:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Woelfli", "W.", "" ], [ "Baltensperger", "W.", "" ], [ "Nufer", "R.", "" ] ]