2 values
2 values
While we have a duty to help those that need it with their "physical needs," those needs are NOT even close to the individual's spiritual needs. A man can be the richest person in the world, with the best of everything in his life, but if he loses his soul, he was an abject failure in life. Therefore, the Church's primary duty/responsibility is to keep people from falling out of the "Grace of God." Today's Church - the "Church of Nice" - does't do that, they only seem concerned with the physical needs of man, not his spiritual needs. When was the last time you heard a priest give a sermon about hell and how most of today's Catholics are destined for it because they voted for a democrat politician in the USA or any politician that supports the evil of abortion or homosexual marriage? Read about what St John Vianney, the patron saint of priests - said about how most bishops and priests are destined for hell for not preaching about it and leading their flock astray with liberalism.
No. I am saying writers "stay on topic and don't (try to) muddy the waters" --- doing so in this case blurred a couple of things. (DACA, LGBT and Transgenders-) The topic is DACA! A executive action that most likely was not Constitutional but definitely is temporary. That Obama hinself said. You have delved into things I did not even partially imply.
How was it helpful? Do tell? Did it explain why women have to cover their heads or why gays get thrown off buildings. (Ooops, sorry censors, I didn't mean to say the truth.) My account will be deleted again over this.
Substitute the nouns: Jew, Black. female, gay, handicapped, and these stories in today's Globe and all you would have is simple hate speech that would certainly be actionable by the OHRC.
Why apologize? It's true! Elagabalus really should have included the prior paragraph to preserve morecontext: "10. It is deplorable that homosexual persons have been and are the object of violent malice in speech or in action. Such treatment deserves condemnation from the Church's pastors wherever it occurs. It reveals a kind of disregard for others which endangers the most fundamental principles of a healthy society. The intrinsic dignity of each person must always be respected in word, in action and in law. "But the proper reaction..." I have to think that Pope Francis would agree completely with this as well as the rest of the second paragraph.
@DiverDave, that's terribly unfair. Heteros do go around telling everyone they're hetero *all the time*. Example; a co-worker was saying just what you did — "I don't go around telling everyone I'm straight." I pointed out that that she did, in fact, do exactly that; four times in the conversation she'd said "My husband," thus telling everyone she was hetero. She paused and then said "You know, I never thought of it like that." Before same sex marriage was legal, any time someone said "My husband" or "My wife," they were telling people they were hetero. Ditto any time a woman said she was pregnant; artificial insemination aside, the pregnancy was due to a hetero sexual encounter. Ditto anyone talking about planning their wedding; again, pre same sex marriage being legal, that was a huge announcement you were straight. There are tons of other examples.
This group is based on pathologizing homosexuality, rather than agreeing with current scientific consensus that being gay is simply a natural human variant (like being a red-head, or left-handed). The sad thing is that they encourage self-loathing, guilt, and loneliness amongst LGBT individuals. We are made for companionship and love, not emptiness. I think "Courage" is cruel.
Funny how one day earlier, May was waxing poetic about how wonderful Trump was, and about how much in common they both have. Seems like the British PM is eating crow now. Donald Trump has proven one thing though- That Fascism is alive and well in this world. I fear for those of different races, different religions, different cultures and different values. I fear for women, the LGBTQ community, activists and our youth. With Trump in the White House, there is no limit as to how many will fall victim to his net of policies and witch-hunts. The U.S (and the whole world), is really in a pickle now.
No one is touching this because current politically correct climate favors the transgendered as being at the top of the pecking order, the most protected class of individual above lesbians and gays, blacks, undocumented latinos and women in that order, with any type of conservative and white Christian man occupying the lowest possible positions. No one is allowed to comment without harsh criticism or worse about those above them in the PC rankings and the ramifications of their particular situation for our society, even though we are all stakeholders. This needs to change if we are ever to have a society of equals rather than a culture of grievance based political power struggles. That said, my opinion is family situations of this sort will rarely last long term, and great emotional damage will be done to all members, particularly children. I hope this is not the case for this or any other example, but I fear for them and for any society that institutionalizes it in policy or law.
I am very familiar with the case. Please, link me to an article that spells out where this gay couple asked for the baker himself to be involved in the wedding, or that they wanted some image on the cake itself that was somehow offensive or went against the beliefs of the baker. You clearly have it in your mind that this couple requested something special or different than what would be considered "normal" in regards to this cake - and I have found nothing to suggest that in any story I have ever read about this case.
Also in Glennallen where previously there was only a Christian radio station there is now NPR - an arm of liberal propaganda. The left knows that the remaining pockets of conservatives mostly reside in rural areas of the US. They progressives are out to change that. In Iowa, Owe-bama is behind grants to "lesbian" farmers. The loans are for lesbians who what to try farming and there are rural house and land loans.
Hello Just As Good, It is strange that you stereotype all Muslims into one group, a group that in your claim is 100 percent opposed to having theocratic rule over America. I would agree the vast majority do not want that, but I nonetheless find it striking that you feel comfortable to ignore diversity among Muslims and bunch them all together as 100 percent against theocracy. Your blanket statement is all the more strange when you consider that over a third of US Muslims want gay marriages banned for religious reasons, a greater proportion than white Catholics and about on the same level as black Protestants who want a ban on religious grounds. Too bad the facts are not on your side, I suppose. The fact that Muslims are not holding big federal power positions does not rebut my prediction, that this newspaper would take a far less muscular attack. Indeed, it is very difficult to imagine this paper publishing verses from the Koran and pointedly expressing concerns about the follower.
What I see is a big difference in the application of moral law as regards to gay and straight men.
Okay, the Lesbians sued the local baker for refusal of service. If this business person refuses service based on political belief then she should be fined and sued.
Eating shellfish, wearing gold, men cutting their hair, eating pork, eating any meat with dairy products (among a plethora of other arcane Levitical prohibitions) were all once considered acts contrary to the Divine and natural law by the Holy Roman Catholic Church. While Orthodox Jews, Muslims, and other fundamentalists retain their adherence to Levitical law, the church CHANGED! (horror of horrors) and now allows us to enjoy the delights of raw oysters, cheeseburgers, and pork chops, along with men like me who like to keep their hair neatly trimmed. The church will one day change its tune on gay issues because all but the Orthodox Jews, Muslims, and other fundamentalists will have moved on, as a great many already have, leaving the Roman Church in the dust clinging to its precious tradition but little else. The church will change, as it always has, or it will die a deserved death of natural causes.
Do you read the Dispatch every day like I do ? If so , why is free speech taken away on certain stories or if the tone doesn't go along with the stories agenda ? A few weeks back when a story appeared about this stories pilot getting sued for not paying a former employee , no comments were allowed . That's taking away free speech. Why did they do that ? Mainly when Dispatch stories concerning the promoting of the gay lifestyle appear , often free speech is ended because a number of the commenters disagree with the agenda of the story. I'm with the Dispatch about wanting civil conversations , but they often stop conversations they disagree with. If a comment isn't civil it should be pulled---but to end the free speech completely because they don't like what they are hearing is wrong , and what I meant about restricting free speech. I get a kick out of the way liberals always want conservatives free speech ended , yet theirs is to be taken as solid wisdom.
Does anyone else see the pattern of promises broken? FN's, veterans, gays, etc were fed a line by a guy with a smile and hair that they, in their inability to read people, bought hook, line, and sinker. Also add Jennifer McRae who was promised a fix, voted in favour by parliament in 2002, that sickness benefits for thousands of women on maternity benefits, would be resolved ASAP as soon as he took office. Since then? Crickets
My understanding is that a PPS employee/fundamentalist Christian complained because Frida is bisexual and it is mentioned in the film.
Islams unease about the "whole gay thing". An article “What is Islam's position on the treatment of homosexuals?” says that “Islam goes beyond merely disapproving of homosexuality. Sharia teaches that homosexuality is a vile form of fornication, punishable by death.” Ouch. That awkward moment when Tabatha pens an Islamophobic opinion piece on her never ending quest to push shiny hot buttons. I suspect this post will be shouted down shortly.
"Promoting family values" often means denigrating gay people, libeling them, trying to deny them goods and services.
The headline should read "A small minority still are uneasy about "whole gay thing". Covering fringe candidates and attributing their outdated attitudes to conservatives in general is nothing more than liberal bias. Social issues like abortion and gay rights are settled, conservatives know that. That fact that the conservative party has a few out of step members is no different than the looney left wing of the Liberal party best exemplified by Kathleen Wynne.
ya but how many Gay Parades has Trump been to.
Yes, I oppose bigotry. You support it. Your claim that I oppose that farmer's bigotry makes me a bigot would be laughable were it not that it comes from someone claiming to be a Christian. You are snotger who reads Christ's command as "You shall live your neighbor as yourself, unless the neighbor is gay. Him you shall loathe, hate and fear. And you shall support others in this same loathing."
Your question isn't about discrimination. It's about a product that the baker doesn't offer, and does not involve discrimination. The baker is able to decorate the cake any way he wants, and refuse to decorate a cake any way that he wants, as long as he consistantly does it. If the homosexual baker doesn't bake the cake that says "Sodomy is Evil" for anybody, then it's not discrimination when he doesn't bake it for a conservative. Now, if he will bake it for Muslims, but not Christians, then you get into discrimination.
I have a college degree in biology and never heard of generative development. Must be something some psychologist conjured up. Means/ends of sex is clear without philosophy; it doesn't go there. But I understand the desire to make it more than that on the basis of how good it feels. It feels good because we're designed to reproduce and perpetuate the species. STDs and newly resistant strains thereof, as well as incurable viruses are a strong motivation to drive our culture back to sexual conservatism, though admittedly it hasn't helped much with the male homosexual population.
Now that is persecution, not telling a farmer he is not welcome at a market because he opposes gay civil marriage for religious reasons.
Transgender is such a small segment of the population but somehow has commanded and demanded that the majority bow to their demands. I don't want to share a restroom with someone of a different gender, doesn't matter if the person identifies with my gender or not. It's not about being 'transgender'. You were born with certain parts. That's just how it is. If you want to get a sex change operation, then fine. Once changed, you are then that other sex and you should then use that restroom because you then have those parts. That's why men's restrooms have urinals, and women's don't. It's about the parts. But if you want to act like a woman (or man) but not change your parts, well, you're still a woman (or man). That's just reality. And no matter which sex you identify with, your parts are still those parts. Your needs are no more important than mine. Why should a majority of people be forced to follow what a minority wants? That's not democracy.
Gay/Lesbian bars fail for the same reason "straight" bars do: Not enough paying people to keep the lights on. It's not a conspiracy or some new form of oppression that Lesbian bars across the country are failing. In fact, the bars closing are an indication that gay acceptance/awareness has been succeeding to such a degree that gay people don't have to go to "themed" bars just to feel accepted/safe anymore. They can go anywhere they want, which was the goal from the get-go of the gay rights movement. People, especially gay people, should be seeing this trend as society moving forward and an overall win.
I have no interest in oppressing the transgendered. I'm not afraid of them. I, however, will not pretend that I cannot tell the difference between a man and a woman. The transgendered have a psychological condition, they believe they are something they are not. Mutilation, and forcing hormones into their bodies does not make them switch sides. Their suicide rate is astronomically higher than the average. It is cruel to tell a schizophrenic that God really is talking to them through the radio. How is this any different? I will not deny them their human rights, but I will not engage in this delusion.
I never threaten. Neither you nor your transgender "wife".
If the community have had problems with police - and they have - how can it not be a good idea for the police force to celebrate Pride, and gay/lesbian officers alongside everyone else? I can't see this move as a good thing. ps, bringing a motion as significant as this one to a meeting without notice is neither democratic nor fair.
No it isn't. We know what it means, it's not watered down at all, and what Trump just did to transgender people is hateful by definition. Get used to it. It's what motivates everything he does - hatred. For minorities, immigrants, women, LGBTQ, Muslims, the poor, the old, and the sick.
Do I understand that the aptly-named Jack Phillips gently massages a soft, elongated canvas bag until it releases frosting from the tip onto a waiting cake and calls it "artistic expression", but he finds gay marriage to be sinful? Odd. I guess we all interpret the behavior of others differently.
How can they be "homosexual" acts if only opposite-sex folks are involved. Or do you have a syllabus of errors for heterosexual lovemaking as well? I am honestly confused. Thank you.
Richard, there is no question about transgenders serving in the armed forces with honor and distinction, but they did so as men and women according to their birth anatomy. The issue now is allowing them to serve in the armed forces in roles opposite their biological sex and to undergo sex reassignment surgery while on active duty and paid for by taxpayers. Military service is too important to be involved in liberal social experiments. It is insane.
Xavier: I have flagged your post. I'm guessing some, but not all, posters on this site know "lemon parties" are homosexual orgies for older men. You are accusing me of proselytizing for men to engage in such activities. I've been married 53 years and have, all my 74 years, been exclusively heterosexual. You don't have to agree with me about anything.....that's absolutely fine. You're certainly welcome to counter any opinion I state....that's the nature of democracy and free speech. However, when you post such scurrilous. disgusting comments, I will flag them to the moderators on this site. The RG Civil Comments site is a great site for, as the name denotes, civil discourse. If comments such as yours are allowed to remain posted, the entire level of discussion descends into the gutter. That would be a shame for all of us.
(I guess I'm not done, after all.) I was responding to the OP: "I think racists are evil, but they should have equal protection and rights under the law. No matter how stupid their views are. They want to meet as a group and discus their ideas. Warped as they are, they have that right." Posters like him will stand up for these white power people to be treated equally, but then turn around and allow gays to be denied service because the business owner has religious objections. I was pointing out (badly, apparently) that it's a double standard those on the far-right can't see. The law has nothing to do with my point; it's the double standard I was objecting to.
To which groups are you referring? The National Front party of France declares itself pro Christian. I believe that the group that attacked a crowd at UC Berkeley and shut down a speech by a gay Catholic is anti-Christian. Others too.
Anti-bullying policies should be for everybody, without special reference to any group or political movement. The need to refer to "transgender" is unnecessary and frankly discriminates against non-transgenders. I am a transgender, but was bullied far more in school before I came out, and I am sick of people trying to indoctrinate children by forcing transgenderism into our schools and sexualizing our children. I lived without transitioning as a child and I think the decision should be reserved for adults (just like we do not let kids drink or consent to have sex with adults). And all of these transgender specific policies are just thinly veiled programs designed to program children into making adult choices when they are still highly influenceable kids. I did not need policies to make me more comfortable as a transgender; I needed policies to protect me from vicious people irregardless of my identity. So I wish they would stop putting subclauses in everything.
Hooper: "The (homosexual) agenda does not bring forth life." A long time ago I had a vasectomy. So my 'agenda' can't bring forth life either.
Some companies see transgender people as high risk for lawsuits, and this is a good example why. All too often gender identity and sexual orientation is used to make up for on the job incompetency, and incompetent employees become unfireable no matter what they do in this current PC political climate.
With Horrific Moral Decay in women the last 30 years, I am surprised that SHE did not invite him in, maybe BB or Ride the Pony...........Is the Wonderworks EX- priest out on bail???? Poor guy, maybe she was Lesbian Honest??????? Thats a Great Way for women to scare off would be attackers, just holler out, I'm a Lesbian, he's gone.................
Strickland is an MRA (and thus white supremacist) with a long history of harassing women of color, trans people, and some pretty wacky conspiracy theories about "Jews" which are completely ignorant of the history of Jewish folks in Portland. In short, he's a waste of space who's going to act out sooner or later. Aiming and menacing with a loaded weapon? Not okay. I will say this: Jesse Sponberg and the PPB alike, two entities I'd never thought I'd find myself praising in one sentence, handled this like champs and prevented potential violence. I do not know the other brave souls who participated in de-escalating this white supremacist, er, I mean "white nationalist" (hint: means the same thing in reality) but kudos to them, too. Strickland is gonna at least do a bid over this, so let's focus on the positive: the good folks of Portland worked together to take a malicious MRA off the streets for some time.
A Trans man is a man that wishes he was a woman. Grasp the concept
Courage is a ministry for people with same-sex attraction who are struggling with the desire to engage in same-sex sodomy. Part of that is the giving up self-identifying as "gay."
Kind of like the hypocrisy of conservative politicians who publicly fight against gay rights, all the while leading secret double lives involving gay lovers?
To be fair, what you call evil most people call: a person of color just going about minding his own business, or a gay person just minding their own business, or a divorced person just trying to stay away from creepy nosy neighbors who insist that they are trying to save everyone but in fact just want to remind them of how "bad" they are for being divorced.
Why does the G&M have to include that fact that he is gay? I mean it's 2017
You' re the biggot...anti-military anti normal gender and anti-vets. Please read "Schotzy"s comment and to be more specific a gay individual does not require gender surgery, special medical care or separate facilities.Currently the transgender surgery cost a minimum of $1M and often more. The procedure requires multiple major surgery and a total, often , of 285+ days recovery etc. The normal Vets under you Dem bums get nothing, but you propose that transgenders get $1M of voluntary plastic surgery and almost a year of paid no duty pay. AND then special treatment and facilities! Outrageous!
Because supporting infanticide, homosexual marriage, the nanny state, and open borders is soooooooo Catholic.
Actually, I have a couple of problems with Fr Martin's book. He assumes that the hierarchy wants to have a respectful dialogue with the LGBT community. With a few exceptions, there seems little desire on the part of the bishops for such a dialogue. Much of the gay community has said, "the hell with the Catholic Church, which has amply shown that they have not the slightest interest in accepting us" and left.
Does it makes sense trying to reform an ideology that is rotten to the core? Remember we’re talking about a ‘religion’ that advocates killing apostates, stoning adulterous women, taking the sword to infidels, throwing gays off tall buildings and so on. It’s noteworthy that their ‘prophet’ had to withdraw verses from the Qu’ran, known as the Satanic verses, after acknowledging that they came from the Devil and not God. When you look at the state of the Muslim world, it stands to reason, that the entire Qu’ran is a dictation for how to live given not by God but the Devil.
When a man can have a baby, and breast feed their child, tell me he's a woman. Until then he's a man pretending to be a woman. I have no problem with Americans wanting to pretend they are a woman or a man, and like with males and females they need their own bathroom. Now, as for the deluded neurotics who claim there are no victims, and what proof do we have of our fears, Oregon has had to shut down rest stops in the Portland metro area because of homosexual activities in the bathrooms and parking lot. Just one fact that confuses the dickens out of them.
This is a major problem with diversity. It mandates that everyone needs to be special. Special groups now need their unique culture and issues protected. This leads to constant friction between al the special groups. Even the gay community has become fractured.
It's you that should stop spreading the misinformation. The difference in mortality rate of drug users between Portugal and Saudi Arabia is statistically insignificant. Burthermore, according to the numbers you cite, Portugal suffers about 60 overdose deaths a year. At less than a fifth of Portugal's population, Vancouver gets more deaths in a month! You're hoist on your own petard, as you deserve to be. As a strategy to reduce deaths from illicit drugs, Canada would be well-advised to go the way of Portugal. We could perhaps lower deaths a tiny bit further still if we became another Saudi Arabia. But then we would also be publicly beheading drug addicts, along with adulterers, homosexuals and "sorcerers." Personally, I favour the Portuguese approach.
Chaput is only open to subservience to his version of the truth. Facts be damned, individual conscience be ignored, and civility be forgotten. He has no critical self-distance to examine the vitriol he spews, and those he scorns number among themselves the divorced and re-married, the gays in committed relationships, and the politician voting his/her conscience, to name but a few. As he sits in his ivory tower, he has no idea of the pain he causes, nor the oblivion into which he further descends. He is not a lone voice for the faith, he is a loud gong and a clanging cymbal. He reminds me of the classic definition of the puritan, one who lives in constant fear that someone out there might just be happy. Ignore him.
For me "unnatural actions" and "social aberrations" is the homosexual agenda. It is also the killing of our unborn children. It is courageous when people are attacking him to get him to shut up.
Is this directed toward me? Never been married. Close a time or two, but dodged that bullet. Or maybe it was she who dodged the bullet. Either way, I am happy being gay and not having to put up with the "I pushed a watermelon out of my vagina" syndrome, therefore anything I say goes until it happens to you (which I understand is kind of what kidney stones feel like).
Especially younger clerics? But I'm a bit leery of the phrase "affective maturity"--we used to say that gays were affectively immature--and "appropriate" is also loaded, if you recall that any gay affectivity was regarded as "inappropriate." Also, appropriatedness varies hugely from culture to culture and from period to period. Many older man today who behave or speak in a way that was perfectly appropriate when they were younger get into trouble.
Hi Boots. In the Jewish faith there is a Biblical basis of the prohibition against homosexual acts. There isn't a prohibition against being inclined to homosexuality as long as one does not act on that inclination. The prohibition derives from two biblical verses I believe, Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13. The Jewish ideal family is a happy marriage and lots of children. The notion of a marriage not being between a man and a woman would have been entirely alien to rabbis of the past - likely so alien that it never crossed their minds. Finally, I suspect Christians share the same Biblical verses I cited. As for Muslims, I'm not sure which teachings they cite in this regard.
DB - How do you respond to these: 1. Over 50% of Christians, and the vast majority of younger Christians, don't share your belief that providing services or selling goods to LGBTs amounts to facilitating sin (don't trust me, google it). So this can't be The Christian Position. 2. This argument was widely used by Christians to justify racial discrimination in the not too distant past, and there are undoubtedly some that still believe this. Do you support legalizing such discrimination because it is based on strongly held religious belief? 3. If we protect bakers and florists as you recommend, aren't we also allowing doctors to refuse to treat someone on the same grounds? Does it matter more if a patient dies because the Christian doctor refuses treatment to a gay man, or when the Muslim doctor refuses treatment to a Jewish man?
I don't think anyone is devaluing the struggle of blacks and gays, however BLM and Pride have taken a serious step backward and I for one would also certainly describe BLM as malcontents as they have done absolutely nothing constructive to prove otherwise except to sow seeds of division and unrest.
A good number of people see in the Obamas a loving marriage, good parents, nice children. Unfortunately, a good number of people think Michelle is a transgender man, Barack is gay and the kids are adopted. How to unite people with such different beliefs about the world?
They did rent a hall, it was in a library. They paid money like any other group to rent a space. But I'm glad to see the left begin to come around on the whole 'you have to service me because I demand service' aspect of freedom of association. Next you'll be agreeing that bakers don't have to bake gay wedding cakes.
Abortion is not a legislative question unless someone puts in a bill changing the date of personhood prior to viability. It is also settled by constitutional law and the SCOTUS will not repeal it. Zero judges want to give the decision back to the states. Not even Thomas. Gay Marriage is a done deal. Euthanasia is not being pursed through federal law - indeed, it was just legalized during a Trump presidency because assisted suicide bans are a violation of privacy rights (meaning its not up to the legislature, like gay marriage and abortion). Comparing Trump to Clinton on corruption grounds is really very funny. Trump is the biggest crook to ever hold the office, not his staff, him. Hillary is a Methodist Church Lady.
There is nothing to reconcile. The two are intractible, church: "intrinsically disordered" and LGBT person: "I am".
What is wrong with these dictator liberals, public schools are supposed to be free of religion, when I was 6 they stopped the lords prayer and took down photos of the queen in my school, I didn't like it but I understood the concept, now they are forcing Muslim prayers into the schools and telling the people this is religious accommodation. The Globe is right there is rage out there that is about to boil over about this lunacy, don't even get people started about our lesbian premiere and having every elementary school covered in gay pride flags. F em all.
It appears that neither you nor "mustbekidding" bothered to read Charles Dalton's letter, which explains that helping the homeless is a cost vs benefit issue. In other words, helping them has a cost, but the benefits exceed the costs. Do the two of you get that? I admit it's a concept, and some people aren't capable of abstract thought. But you two gays are smart enough, right, LFT and mbk? Right?
My son in an Ontario school - without textbooks and relying solely on the teacher to provide him with learning materials - has never had a science fair. He gets a one-day lecture on the scientific method before going on to do dreary dittos (not even in colour). We need kids to reason cause and effect for themselves and come up with hard data to confirm their hypotheses. We also need more debate in social studies around issues that most teachers will never discuss - Islam and its violent prayers, for example. Abortion, the gay gene, the differences between the sexes, race and what it all means. The issue should always be about finding the hard data to support one's facts. The issue should be about good debating and not taking offence.
Transgender people to not vote Republican in 2020
Well, "gay lifestyle" is a euphemism, of course.
i know - the funny part. i've almost stopped posting on this forum - it may americans in general, but too many small minds. they never deal with issues in a debate mind set if they disagree. "they" are like a pack, and just go for a bite - regardless where it lands. "they" pee and moan about ending your posts using your name, me for not capitalizing lol - lynn for being an advocate for the homeless, jade for possibly being lesbian. I don't know / don't care - i see her as a strong woman, lynn is a passionate, caring man , and you are a wise sage. the relatively small group of yappers are predictable and stay on script regardless of subject matter. motley's thing is looking up stuff to see what he can dig up - creepy - it suits him to look up the involved parties and "report" their misdeeds. GBA makes off the wall, vaguely racist and sexist remarks, XMalcom- was venomous and was nasty - i asked a simple question to clarify who he was talking about and he went OFF. unstable guy
I feel very sorry for transgendered people as they will never be successful in transforming to the other sex completely. They want what is not possible physiologically, unfortunately. Even after the surgeries how many stay on the drug therapy to keep the tetestorone surpressed ? It must have catastrophic implications to go through this process without complete transformation. They are caught in no man's land and are suffering from mental illness; much like Michael Jackson who could not stop self mutilation in the name of plastic surgery. While I feel empathy I do not think this is a normal aspect of humanity.
97% of Irish citizens call themselves Catholic. And that nation voted for gay marriage overwhelingly. That is a wonderful thing, beautiful & kind. African-Americans are 97% Christian. (only 3% of blacks claim to be atheist according to a poll taken in July 2017 by ABC News). According to this same poll, 83% Americans say they are Christian. If you look at people like Jimmy & Rosalyn Carter (and their many, many compatriots) whose foundation Eradicated river blindness, and Habitat for Humanity (a Christian organization), and all the Christian & Jewish charities that feed the poor, you see what good comes from kind theist workers. The article says Nothing about what these atheists are doing to help the poor.
Clinton is very popular with Wall St bankers, career politicians. billionaires, criminals, illegal aliens, lawyers, has endorsements and donations from Muslim countries where homosexuals are thrown off rooftops and women are treated like dogs, and is married to the biggest womanizer since the (D) Kennedy brothers.
To go with our obsolete aircraft and our rusty second hand submarines and our rental supply ships and transport aircraft we, after having fired our best admiral we are now going to further add to our woes by staffing the military with transgendered individuals and we cold probably add a few from the LGBTQ community and of course we have females who have committed perjury and thieves such as Leslie. By sticking with the above philosophy however when appearing in front of the enemy they would all die laughing at our impotence thus obviating the need for modern effective hardware.
Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder. While the Obama administration, Hollywood, and major media such as Time magazine promote transgenderism as normal, said Dr. McHugh, these “policy makers and the media are doing no favors either to the public or the transgendered by treating their confusions as a right in need of defending rather than as a mental disorder that deserves understanding, treatment and prevention.” The latest social engineering is a push ro allow transgenders to serve in the military. Imagine shemales in the barracks with a set of boobs that rivals Miss Universe and hung like a clydesdale horse.
I think to a degree, but I think that hatred of the left is going to continue to hold them together. The religious feel that the left wants to make being Christian illegal or something. The gun guys feel that the left want to outlaw all guns. The fiscal conservatives feel that with the left, Soviet style communism is only a week away. The social conservatives are afraid the left will mandate gay weddings or abortion or something. That fear is going to keep these disparate groups together, not out of a common belief system, but out of fear. The last 8 years, they had a boogeyman to rally against, but take him away and they still have their other fears to keep them together.
Hmm. Gayness is great, right?
Iran is all that - it is a modern and productive country. But it has its contradictions also. Iran is a politically oppressive state, with some backwards Islamist laws on their books (eg against homosexuals), and policy heavily influenced by the Ayatollahs and other radicals. They also have official policy seeking the destruction of Israel.
How about we don't decide what bathrooms people can or can't use by telling them to prove it using their genitals? That seems to be the societal norm that is so dear to you. Transgender people are pretty much requesting basic civility and privacy. What do they get for that request? Bullying, bible-based lessons in genetics, , being equated to sexual predators, and outright 'woe is me' complaints by people who seem to think the very existence of transgender people is an inconvenience to them. Reading these comments sounds no different than the stories you hear about people in Russia thinking that all homosexuals are pedophiles and other outlandish things. It's sickening. If you're a straight white person without disabilities it's really hard to understand how the world might be for people of difference. All anyone is asking for are equal rights and the ability to live their life normally in peace. The right thing to do is to give everyone the same respect you deserve.
How about a lecture by radical jihadists affiliated with a terrorist organization, Doc? Or a discussion of monkeywrenching, sabotage and tree spiking by a radical environmentalist with Earth Liberation Front? How about a lecture on the health benefits of tobacco use by one of the many scientists who used to work for the Tobacco Institute? Or a popular presentation on the beauties of child pornography? How about a sermon showing that AIDS is god's wrath on gays? Are you a "liberal" in that you're "willing to accept or respect" these ideas? Are you "open to these new ideas"? It's hard to see this essay as anything but a expression of race, gender and class privileges by someone who has always enjoyed them.
The average human body has 35 TRILLION cells, and every single one of those cells carries the chromosomes that determine if we are male and female (extremely rare exceptions.) The truth is you can never change your sex. As someone who respects science I find it disturbing that these activists, and our own government, is trying to make me PRETEND that I believe someone is a sex they are not. Trans people can feel like a different sex, look like a different sex, and I will be respectful to them etc., but you cannot tell me to play pretend and accept that they have actually become the opposite sex. The vast vast majority of them have no chromosomal disorders!
You couldn’t join the military back then. Transgendered anything were considered to be mentally defective and were housed in mental institutions. There were probably some that slipped through same as recently but they had no protection and if discovered could and usually were summarily drummed out of the service.
Everyone is looking at this from a Politically Correct or personal lens, and I don't read anyone standing up for what might be best for that particular branch of gov. I have seen dozens of stories of trans all saying they should be included in the service, but at the same time, honestly how many gays and tranzys really want to dress up and go kill people? ten, 11 maybe a dozen? Very few do, but they are fighting Trump because they don't want the resistance to their agenda.
Ward 1, I would also bet that she has "STRUMPET" experience. Assuming she is female, she could be one of those TRANS things, I am sure her defense will be, "HE tried to RAPE me". I believe your statement of, ("This is a perfect example of why people should not own guns"), is GROSSLY WRONG. You should have stated, "This is a PERFECT EXAMPLE of why DRUGGIES or MENTALLY ILL people should not own gun's.
Quite simple. The devil does not create man. Therefore, the devil does not and cannot give "characteristics" as a temptation. Biology (God?), however, does indeed render characteristics. And there is plenty of studies that suggest a genetic/epigenetic determinant for homosexuality. One study demonstrated that when one twin is homosexual, the other twin would be homosexual in 66% of cases in identical twin pairs and 30% of cases in non-identical twin pairs (this includes twins raised in separate families). To put this into perspective, the likelihood of two random people both being gay is likely much less than 1%. If you want to know more about epigenetics, please ask or look it up. Suffice it to say, it means that our genes very strongly influence our traits but other things (e.g., prenatal hormone exposure, the environment, etc.) may affect how those genes are expressed. This explains why a grossly disproportionate number - but not 100% - of twins share a sexual orientation.
The Church has not said that being gay is a sin. So, a club to support students who are gay or transsexual would not be supporting any behavior that the Church views as sinful. so, the analogy that you insist that you are making is inapt. In any case, the actual comparison is really and truly awful.
Imagine President Hillary, Commander in Chief of our transgender military, dealing with North Korea's nuclear ambitions. She might be selling us out to the Chinese for campaign cash for her 2nd term election, Yeah..she's that evil and power hungry. Thank God she lost.
Obama did not offer a daily #Twoop like the gems Trump offers more than once a day. Perhaps the media did hide Michelle's trannsexual status, or his own homosexual exploits, or, oh right, that fake birth certificate! The media was covering his back then!
A ridiculous article. ..."it was an existential attack on the entire LGBTQ community, particularly gay people of color." Ohhh Pleeease! As Xavier_Malcolm stated: "...we’re not buying into the drama of the BLT-GQ pity party."
So preventing entry into a country is a parallel to slavery, is it? And the same thing as abusing women? And persecuting gays? lol You really need to work on your hilariously illogical arguments. No one could possibly take you seriously. You're free to disagree with US immigration policy but you sound foolish by trying to draw parallels that have no relevance.
While Muslims excoriate us about supposed Islamophobia, we should bear in mind Islam's entrenched xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, Judeophobia and anti-Semitism, Christophbia, Europhobia, Americanophobia, democraceaophobia, iconoclasm, and even Islamophobia against each other. Ancient tribal wars of extermination between Kurds, Shiite, Sunni, Wahhabi, Druze and other Islamic sects are the cause of all the civil wars and bloody genocide going on across the Muslin world. It is worse than anything expressed in the west, even by Trump
Pedophiles are rarely interested in a child's sexual orientation; they are interested in satisfying their cravings in an illegal and socially unacceptable manner. Since there are ever so many more heterosexuals in the world than there are homosexuals, most child molestation is perpetrated by heterosexuals; also most is perpetrated by men. So, you are suggesting that heterosexual men are trying to change the sexual orientation of children? Another deep breath might be in order. It would be most worthwhile to read the following article by a research psychologist at the University of California: http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/rainbow/html/facts_molestation.html. Please read it carefully. It addresses all of your concerns.
You posted these questions: “WHY IS THIS A STORY NOW?” It’s a part of history, and–good, bad or indifferent–history matters. Sometimes we can learn from it (present company excluded). “WHAT’S THE CONNECTION?” To what? “SO CHARLIE…(W)HAT WOULD HAPPEN IF CHRISTIANS REFERRED TO HOMOSEXUALS AS THE “GAY LEFT?” This question is addressed to Mr. Wohlforth, therefore I’m not obliged to answer it. “WONDER WHAT THE LEFTISTS WOULD SAY??” Ditto. I’m not a ‘leftist’. I neither know nor care. “WELL, I JUST SAID IT.” Should we applaud? You’re always saying something. Problem is most of it is bakwaas (that’s Urdu for green, steaming, odoriforous matter that periodically drops from the south end of a northbound male bovine mammal).
That conclusion only makes sense if one is so homophobic that they attribute all evil to homosexuality. The comment to which I responded involved the physical abuse of children by men including Benedict 16's brother. Being unable to understand one should not abuse a child is a demonstration of a lack of basic morality. Converting the discussion to an attack on a group of people is a demonstration of bigotry. And an excellent reminder of the value of the mute feature.
Bad strategy.... better to use the diversity of gays and lesbians to unite the other factions. For example there are many more macho latinos who hide their sexuality than the latino drag queens. By breaking down sexuality barriers we would also be breaking down religious, economic, racial and ethnic barriers. Think Martin Luther King, Jr but even bigger. We should all participate in each others pride parades. This moral consideration goes beyond politics. Even the gay Republican caucus, the Log Cabin Republicans whose hero is Abraham Lincoln, have marched in gay pride parades.
The point is that Viagra is an unnecessary drug for the combat mission. If you're interested in saving money in the military, which is supposedly the primary reason they want to eliminate transgendered from the ranks, you can save 10 times that amount by not paying for Viagra. Eliminate an unnecessary cost.
Perspective: 4.2M: Alberta's population 2.5M: possible voters 61,670: United Conservative Party membership 35,623: voted for Jason Kenney. 35,000 dinos lead by a corrupt, incompetent weasel - who couldn't in 9 years get a pipeline built and brought 400,000 temporary foreign workers into Alberta - aim to sway you with their "ideology" which consists of attacking minorities, gays, women, and social programs that support working people, including health care. Yeah, you elect that Alberta and in four years you'll throw it to the curb like you did Prentice.
And let's no forget that champions of the LGBTQ community argue strenuously that even children under 10 have the right to decide that they are not the sex that their genitals say they are.