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When can i start planning on building my Greek Orthodox Church in pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Oh I'm sorry I forgot it is not allowed and against the law in these countries to build such a place of worship. Give me a break enough with your accusations of a hate crime, it is gone on too long here in the west where our so called leaders have virtually given everything away for nothing in return and when there is a terrorist attack here on our soil our leaders call it a criminal activity and never a hate crime which is what they really are. Don't think we are stupid and ignorant, our leaders talk about women's rights and gay and lesbian rights and then they walk down to places of worship every election where they know such rights are abhorred. Well now finally someone in a leadership role is addressing his country's concerns and it is labelled a hate crime. Ridiculous, completely false and disgusting to read.
Justin Trudeau. “For someone to start questioning my own faith and accusing me of being a bad Catholic, is something that I really take issue with. My own personal faith is an extremely important part of who I am and the values that I try to lead with.” Mr. Trudeau added that neither he nor his father saw any incongruity between enshrining the rights of gays and lesbians, for example, and the tenets of Catholicism. He notes that he is personally very opposed to abortion, but still believes nobody can tell a woman what she should do with her body. - globeandmail Oh dear, do you not know who your PM is? How embarrassing. How awkward.
The fact that this man wAs a marine and one of the officers he killed was also a marine shows the falling of brotherhood within our military men/women. I remember when serving your country was a calling and afterwards you regarded the men as your brothers. "Even though nowadays people try to say capt America and buckey barns R gay because of how close they were, (morons that's called brotherhood because you fought and next to each man and that man covered your ass on the field)". Now when people serve their country they seem to have forgotten what the core taught them, what they swore an oath to, what they are supposed to believe in.
Did a quick search of Tupola and she was against the same sex marriage law in Hawaii. That is not a deal breaker, but she needs to channel the late John Burns and say she is deeply religious and neither agrees nor understands same sex marriage, HOWEVER she will clearly state and back up her words to not allow her personal religious beliefs to get in the way of her decisions as governor of Hawaii. Burns was a devout Catholic but allowed abortion rights in Hawaii to become law. IF Tupola is like Aiona & runs her political campaign based on religious fanaticism of anti gay, anti same sex marriage, anti immunizations and choose a paster running mate as lieutenant governor, she might as well give up now like McDermot as she will lose.
Remedial President? So, let me see. If you believe this, you must be for the following. High taxes, N.A.F.T.A., carbon taxes, low growth, high debts and deficits, allowing the Chinese government to purchase major American companies, pro transgender men in womens bathrooms, pro illegal immigration, pro war with Russia,and pro preventing Africa advancing economically. Remedial President. O.K.
That is a lot of words that do not say much. Colorado law is pretty clear. If you offer a service to the public, you can not choose which protected classes to offer that service to. You can talk all you want about contracts and tomorrow, but that does not change the law. By the way, the baker agreed in writing to abide by state law when he signed his business application. He went back on his word. Lying is a bigger sin than making a cake for a gay wedding.
If all the left has to offer are homophobic and misogynistic attacks on Leitch, she needs to be very careful. A protest banner will soon lead to possible hate crimes from this bunch of left wing deplorables.
Exactly like the baker who will not bake cakes for gays, except no one fraudulently allowed him to discriminate.
Here are the ones so far in 2016 : Black activist in Seattle defaces African-American cultural center with racist graffiti African-American students at the University of Albany falsely claim to be victims of racial abuse by fellow passenger on a bus Pastor in Austin, Texas claims a local Whole Foods store wrote “@!$%#” on a cake he ordered for a gay congregation member, but surveillance footage shows he tampered with the cake himself Muslim woman in New York City admits to faking knife hate crime attack
Conservatives are so fearful of people who are different that they automatically assume each has an "agenda," and that he or she is trying to commit a subversion just by living his or her life. Certain groups do have movements in order to band together for protection, but, so long as these do not promote violence, they are not to be feared. People really do just want to live their lives and to be treated like "everyone else." I'll never forget the evening 30 years ago when I heard Mike Rosen expound on the "homosexual agenda." As a gay man, I said to myself "Joe, did you know you have an agenda? WOW!" My dad was in the room with me, and we both looked at each other in amazement that someone could say such a thing. All I ever wanted to do was live my life free to be the person I was, without judgment or restriction. (cont'd.)
I agree that respect and civility are goals worth working at. Unfortunately, anti-gay hate crimes are on the rise even in the first world (doubled in the UK in the last 4 years, on the rise in Europe and the US ... transgender folk being routinely murdered ... corrective rape in South Africa rampant ... that's my neck of the woods). There's no polite dialogue with Adolf Hitler (even though we daren't impugn his intentions ... that would be a really egregious crime!). Clerics who equate homosexuality with the stuff of Satan and the destruction of civilization feed directly into hate crimes. Of those to whom much has been given, much is expected. Of those to whom much is entrusted, even more is expected! Much is entrusted to our Cardinals! Pax et bonum.
So we can assume that Austin Ruse has some serious personal issues that have caused him to lash out at Fr. Martin and the idea of welcoming gays. You don't get that personal and nasty about a policy disagreement. There is something very wrong with that guy that he needs a counselor to work through his issues with his sexuality rather than taking it out on other people.
Unity is God's will) for gays and straights. Complementarity is a conclusion, not an argument. If you quit thinking of gay sex as icky, it will start to click. The institute for marriage tried that argument in Perry and it was not coherent to anyone who heard it. This issue is settled civilly and resistence to it from the Church will be ended from within by gay couples, their families and gay priests and bishops. There is ample justification for when they make their move to do so, just as clerical celibacy and a male priesthood will also fall.
No such thing as transgender - just males, females, and people with abnormal brain scans. Brain scans are abnormal among those who claim that they are really their own body's biological opposites.
Steamboat news... The 14th Judicial District Attorney Brett Barkey has established a pattern of not charging negligent and abusive cops while maliciously charging whistleblowing cops and so called "deviants”. During the same period of time Mr. Barkey was conducting his fake grand jury to exonerate the negligent cop for the death of a child, Mr. Barkey charged a female officer for a bruise on the arm of a violent teen known to be a bruiser. Unfortunately for our community Mr. Barkey has established that cops are not allowed to cross the blue wall of silence, are not responsible for their deadly weapons and not allowed to be a gay LEO in NW Colorado. Fortunately the State of Colorado is investigating Mr. Barkey and his corrupt activities.
So sayeth the one with the bigesteth mouthed. Lo, I say unto you, shuttest upeth with the biblical phrasing.
I don't think I can picture Christ ever saying "good riddance" to anyone. I could see the Pharisees saying such. In fact, I cannot picture Christ passing judgement on anyone as the RCC has done through it's teachings for the divorced and remarried, those on birth control, gay people and women in the church. I think there is plenty to discuss!
Neither are gays a "protected class of citizens, per the law." Misinformation to make such a blanket statement. Federally, they are protected re discrimination just like all others. Some states are considering a protected classification for them.
"no matter what is put in front of you regarding crimes committed against trans people you will attempt to minimize it away" I'm not trying to minimize anything -- I'm trying to promote accuracy. "The 21 trans people murdered in 2015 listed in the HRC report were recorded as single or multiple bias murders by the FBI." Your source? The HRC report makes it clear that they don't know the motive in most of these cases, and complains that too few cases are reported as "bias-motivated" crime. "As far as the man killed in Vermont just a few days ago authorities have yet to determine if his transgender status was a factor. They haven’t expressly said anything except that they were still investigating." Actually, as the article I posted said: "Police initially investigated whether the murder was related to Beede's gender identity. However, they now say they don't believe it was a motive and that the killing stemmed from a dispute."
I just don't find her a very good representation of the transexual community. She just seems so self-absorbed & concerned with such superficial issues.