which organization is most responsible for the development of tcpip
Internet protocol suite - wikipedia Internet protocol suite Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the protocols that make up the Internet architecture . For the IP network protocol only , see Internet protocol . Internet protocol suite Application layer BGP DHCP DNS FTP HTTP IMAP LDAP MGCP MQTT NNTP NTP POP ONC / RPC RTP RTSP RIP SIP SMTP SNMP SSH Telnet TLS / SSL XMPP more ... Transport layer TCP UDP DCCP SCTP RSVP more ... Internet layer IP IPv4 IPv6 ICMP ICMPv6 ECN IGMP IPsec more ... Link layer ARP NDP OSPF Tunnels L2TP PPP MAC Ethernet DSL ISDN FDDI more ... The Internet protocol suite is the conceptual model and set of communications protocols used on the Internet and similar computer networks . It is commonly known as TCP / IP because the foundational protocols in the suite are the Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) and the Internet Protocol ( IP ) . It is occasionally known as the Department of Defense ( DoD ) model , because the development of the networking method was funded by the United States Department of Defense through DARPA . The Internet protocol suite provides end - to - end data communication specifying how data should be packetized , addressed , transmitted , routed , and received . This functionality is organized into four abstraction layers which classify all related protocols according to the scope of networking involved . From lowest to highest , the layers are the link layer , containing communication methods for data that remains within a single network segment ( link ) ; the internet layer , providing internetworking between independent networks ; the transport layer handling host - to - host communication ; and the application layer , which provides process - to - process data exchange for applications . Technical standards specifying the Internet protocol suite and many of its constituent protocols are maintained by the Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF ) . The Internet protocol suite predates the OSI model , a more comprehensive reference framework for general networking systems . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Early research 1.2 Specification 1.3 Adoption 2 Key architectural principles 3 Abstraction layers 3.1 Link layer 3.2 Internet layer 3.3 Transport layer 3.4 Application layer 4 Layer names and number of layers in the literature 5 Comparison of TCP / IP and OSI layering 6 Implementations 7 See also 8 Bibliography 9 References 10 External links History ( edit ) Early research ( edit ) Diagram of the first internetworked connection A Stanford Research Institute Packet Radio Van , used for the first three - way internetworked transmission . The Internet protocol suite resulted from research and development conducted by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ) in the late 1960s . After initiating the pioneering ARPANET in 1969 , DARPA started work on a number of other data transmission technologies . In 1972 , Robert E. Kahn joined the DARPA Information Processing Technology Office , where he worked on both satellite packet networks and ground - based radio packet networks , and recognized the value of being able to communicate across both . In the spring of 1973 , Vinton Cerf , the developer of the existing ARPANET Network Control Program ( NCP ) protocol , joined Kahn to work on open - architecture interconnection models with the goal of designing the next protocol generation for the ARPANET . By the summer of 1973 , Kahn and Cerf had worked out a fundamental reformulation , in which the differences between local network protocols were hidden by using a common internetwork protocol , and , instead of the network being responsible for reliability , as in the ARPANET , this function was delegated to the hosts . Cerf credits Hubert Zimmermann and Louis Pouzin , designer of the CYCLADES network , with important influences on this design . The protocol was implemented as the Transmission Control Program , first published in 1974 . Initially , the TCP managed both datagram transmissions and routing , but as the protocol grew , other researchers recommended a division of functionality into protocol layers . Advocates included Jonathan Postel of the University of Southern California 's Information Sciences Institute , who edited the Request for Comments ( RFCs ) , the technical and strategic document series that has both documented and catalyzed Internet development . Postel stated , `` We are screwing up in our design of Internet protocols by violating the principle of layering . '' Encapsulation of different mechanisms was intended to create an environment where the upper layers could access only what was needed from the lower layers . A monolithic design would be inflexible and lead to scalability issues . The Transmission Control Program was split into two distinct protocols , the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol . The design of the network included the recognition that it should provide only the functions of efficiently transmitting and routing traffic between end nodes and that all other intelligence should be located at the edge of the network , in the end nodes . This design is known as the end - to - end principle . Using this design , it became possible to connect almost any network to the ARPANET , irrespective of the local characteristics , thereby solving Kahn 's initial internetworking problem . One popular expression is that TCP / IP , the eventual product of Cerf and Kahn 's work , can run over `` two tin cans and a string . '' Years later , as a joke , the IP over Avian Carriers formal protocol specification was created and successfully tested . A computer called a router is provided with an interface to each network . It forwards network packets back and forth between them . Originally a router was called gateway , but the term was changed to avoid confusion with other types of gateways . Specification ( edit ) From 1973 to 1974 , Cerf 's networking research group at Stanford worked out details of the idea , resulting in the first TCP specification . A significant technical influence was the early networking work at Xerox PARC , which produced the PARC Universal Packet protocol suite , much of which existed around that time . DARPA then contracted with BBN Technologies , Stanford University , and the University College London to develop operational versions of the protocol on different hardware platforms . Four versions were developed : TCP v1 , TCP v2 , TCP v3 and IP v3 , and TCP / IP v4 . The last protocol is still in use today . In 1975 , a two - network TCP / IP communications test was performed between Stanford and University College London ( UCL ) . In November , 1977 , a three - network TCP / IP test was conducted between sites in the US , the UK , and Norway . Several other TCP / IP prototypes were developed at multiple research centers between 1978 and 1983 . The migration of the ARPANET to TCP / IP was officially completed on flag day January 1 , 1983 , when the new protocols were permanently activated . Adoption ( edit ) In March 1982 , the US Department of Defense declared TCP / IP as the standard for all military computer networking . In 1985 , the Internet Advisory Board ( later renamed the Internet Architecture Board ) held a three - day workshop on TCP / IP for the computer industry , attended by 250 vendor representatives , promoting the protocol and leading to its increasing commercial use . In 1985 , the first Interop conference focused on network interoperability by broader adoption of TCP / IP . The conference was founded by Dan Lynch , an early Internet activist . From the beginning , large corporations , such as IBM and DEC , attended the meeting . Interoperability conferences have been held every year since then . Every year from 1985 through 1993 , the number of attendees tripled . IBM , AT&T and DEC were the first major corporations to adopt TCP / IP , despite having competing internal protocols ( SNA , XNS , DECNET ) . In IBM , from 1984 , Barry Appelman 's group did TCP / IP development . ( Appelman later moved to AOL to be the head of all its development efforts . ) They navigated the corporate politics to get a stream of TCP / IP products for various IBM systems , including MVS , VM , and OS / 2 . At the same time , several smaller companies began offering TCP / IP stacks for DOS and MS Windows , such as the company FTP Software , and the Wollongong Group . The first VM / CMS TCP / IP stack came from the University of Wisconsin . Some of these TCP / IP stacks were written single - handedly by a few programmers . Jay Elinsky and Oleg Vishnepolsky of IBM Research wrote TCP / IP stacks for VM / CMS and OS / 2 , respectively . In 1984 Donald Gillies at MIT wrote a ' ntcp ' multi-connection TCP which ran atop the IP / PacketDriver layer maintained by John Romkey at MIT in 1983 - 4 . Romkey leveraged this TCP in 1986 when FTP Software was founded . Phil Karn created KA9Q TCP ( a multi-connection TCP for ham radio applications ) starting in 1985 . The spread of TCP / IP was fueled further in June 1989 , when AT&T agreed to place the TCP / IP code developed for UNIX into the public domain . Various vendors , including IBM , included this code in their own TCP / IP stacks . Many companies sold TCP / IP stacks for Windows until Microsoft released a native TCP / IP stack in Windows 95 . This event was a little late in the evolution of the Internet , but it cemented TCP / IP 's dominance over other protocols , which began to lose ground . These protocols included IBM Systems Network Architecture ( SNA ) , Digital Equipment Corporation 's DECnet , Open Systems Interconnection ( OSI ) , and Xerox Network Systems ( XNS ) . Key architectural principles ( edit ) An early architectural document , RFC 1122 , emphasizes architectural principles over layering . The end - to - end principle has evolved over time . Its original expression put the maintenance of state and overall intelligence at the edges , and assumed the Internet that connected the edges retained no state and concentrated on speed and simplicity . Real - world needs for firewalls , network address translators , web content caches and the like have forced changes in this principle . The robustness principle states : `` In general , an implementation must be conservative in its sending behavior , and liberal in its receiving behavior . That is , it must be careful to send well - formed datagrams , but must accept any datagram that it can interpret ( e.g. , not object to technical errors where the meaning is still clear ) . '' `` The second part of the principle is almost as important : software on other hosts may contain deficiencies that make it unwise to exploit legal but obscure protocol features . '' Postel famously summarized the principle as , `` Be conservative in what you do , be liberal in what you accept from others '' -- a saying that came to be known as `` Postel 's Law . '' Abstraction layers ( edit ) Two Internet hosts connected via two routers and the corresponding layers used at each hop . The application on each host executes read and write operations as if the processes were directly connected to each other by some kind of data pipe . Every other detail of the communication is hidden from each process . The underlying mechanisms that transmit data between the host computers are located in the lower protocol layers . Encapsulation of application data descending through the layers described in RFC 1122 Encapsulation is used to provide abstraction of protocols and services . Encapsulation is usually aligned with the division of the protocol suite into layers of general functionality . In general , an application ( the highest level of the model ) uses a set of protocols to send its data down the layers , being further encapsulated at each level . The layers of the protocol suite near the top are logically closer to the user application , while those near the bottom are logically closer to the physical transmission of the data . Viewing layers as providing or consuming a service is a method of abstraction to isolate upper layer protocols from the details of transmitting bits over , for example , Ethernet and collision detection , while the lower layers avoid having to know the details of each and every application and its protocol . Even when the layers are examined , the assorted architectural documents -- there is no single architectural model such as ISO 7498 , the Open Systems Interconnection ( OSI ) model -- have fewer and less rigidly defined layers than the OSI model , and thus provide an easier fit for real - world protocols . One frequently referenced document , RFC 1958 , does not contain a stack of layers . The lack of emphasis on layering is a major difference between the IETF and OSI approaches . It only refers to the existence of the internetworking layer and generally to upper layers ; this document was intended as a 1996 snapshot of the architecture : `` The Internet and its architecture have grown in evolutionary fashion from modest beginnings , rather than from a Grand Plan . While this process of evolution is one of the main reasons for the technology 's success , it nevertheless seems useful to record a snapshot of the current principles of the Internet architecture . '' RFC 1122 , entitled Host Requirements , is structured in paragraphs referring to layers , but the document refers to many other architectural principles not emphasizing layering . It loosely defines a four - layer model , with the layers having names , not numbers , as follows : The application layer is the scope within which applications create user data and communicate this data to other applications on another or the same host . The applications , or processes , make use of the services provided by the underlying , lower layers , especially the Transport Layer which provides reliable or unreliable pipes to other processes . The communications partners are characterized by the application architecture , such as the client - server model and peer - to - peer networking . This is the layer in which all higher level protocols , such as SMTP , FTP , SSH , HTTP , operate . Processes are addressed via ports which essentially represent services . The transport layer performs host - to - host communications on either the same or different hosts and on either the local network or remote networks separated by routers . It provides a channel for the communication needs of applications . UDP is the basic transport layer protocol , providing an unreliable datagram service . The Transmission Control Protocol provides flow - control , connection establishment , and reliable transmission of data . The internet layer has the task of exchanging datagrams across network boundaries . It provides a uniform networking interface that hides the actual topology ( layout ) of the underlying network connections . It is therefore also referred to as the layer that establishes internetworking , indeed , it defines and establishes the Internet . This layer defines the addressing and routing structures used for the TCP / IP protocol suite . The primary protocol in this scope is the Internet Protocol , which defines IP addresses . Its function in routing is to transport datagrams to the next IP router that has the connectivity to a network closer to the final data destination . The link layer defines the networking methods within the scope of the local network link on which hosts communicate without intervening routers . This layer includes the protocols used to describe the local network topology and the interfaces needed to effect transmission of Internet layer datagrams to next - neighbor hosts . The Internet protocol suite and the layered protocol stack design were in use before the OSI model was established . Since then , the TCP / IP model has been compared with the OSI model in books and classrooms , which often results in confusion because the two models use different assumptions and goals , including the relative importance of strict layering . This abstraction also allows upper layers to provide services that the lower layers do not provide . While the original OSI model was extended to include connectionless services ( OSIRM CL ) , IP is not designed to be reliable and is a best effort delivery protocol . This means that all transport layer implementations must choose whether or how to provide reliability . UDP provides data integrity via a checksum but does not guarantee delivery ; TCP provides both data integrity and delivery guarantee by retransmitting until the receiver acknowledges the reception of the packet . This model lacks the formalism of the OSI model and associated documents , but the IETF does not use a formal model and does not consider this a limitation , as illustrated in the comment by David D. Clark , `` We reject : kings , presidents and voting . We believe in : rough consensus and running code . '' Criticisms of this model , which have been made with respect to the OSI model , often do not consider ISO 's later extensions to that model . For multi-access links with their own addressing systems ( e.g. Ethernet ) an address mapping protocol is needed . Such protocols can be considered to be below IP but above the existing link system . While the IETF does not use the terminology , this is a subnetwork dependent convergence facility according to an extension to the OSI model , the internal organization of the network layer ( IONL ) . ICMP & IGMP operate on top of IP but do not transport data like UDP or TCP . Again , this functionality exists as layer management extensions to the OSI model , in its Management Framework ( OSIRM MF ) The SSL / TLS library operates above the transport layer ( uses TCP ) but below application protocols . Again , there was no intention , on the part of the designers of these protocols , to comply with OSI architecture . The link is treated as a black box . The IETF explicitly does not intend to discuss transmission systems , which is a less academic but practical alternative to the OSI model . The following is a description of each layer in the TCP / IP networking model starting from the lowest level . Link layer ( edit ) The link layer has the networking scope of the local network connection to which a host is attached . This regime is called the link in TCP / IP literature . It is the lowest component layer of the Internet protocols , as TCP / IP is designed to be hardware independent . As a result , TCP / IP may be implemented on top of virtually any hardware networking technology . The link layer is used to move packets between the Internet layer interfaces of two different hosts on the same link . The processes of transmitting and receiving packets on a given link can be controlled both in the software device driver for the network card , as well as on firmware or specialized chipsets . These perform data link functions such as adding a packet header to prepare it for transmission , then actually transmit the frame over a physical medium . The TCP / IP model includes specifications of translating the network addressing methods used in the Internet Protocol to link layer addresses , such as Media Access Control ( MAC ) addresses . All other aspects below that level , however , are implicitly assumed to exist in the link layer , but are not explicitly defined . This is also the layer where packets may be selected to be sent over a virtual private network or other networking tunnel . In this scenario , the link layer data may be considered application data which traverses another instantiation of the IP stack for transmission or reception over another IP connection . Such a connection , or virtual link , may be established with a transport protocol or even an application scope protocol that serves as a tunnel in the link layer of the protocol stack . Thus , the TCP / IP model does not dictate a strict hierarchical encapsulation sequence . The TCP / IP model 's link layer corresponds to the Open Systems Interconnection ( OSI ) model physical and data link layers , layers one and two of the OSI model . Internet layer ( edit ) The internet layer has the responsibility of sending packets across potentially multiple networks . Internetworking requires sending data from the source network to the destination network . This process is called routing . The Internet Protocol performs two basic functions : Host addressing and identification : This is accomplished with a hierarchical IP addressing system . Packet routing : This is the basic task of sending packets of data ( datagrams ) from source to destination by forwarding them to the next network router closer to the final destination . The internet layer is not only agnostic of data structures at the transport layer , but it also does not distinguish between operation of the various transport layer protocols . IP carries data for a variety of different upper layer protocols . These protocols are each identified by a unique protocol number : for example , Internet Control Message Protocol ( ICMP ) and Internet Group Management Protocol ( IGMP ) are protocols 1 and 2 , respectively . Some of the protocols carried by IP , such as ICMP which is used to transmit diagnostic information , and IGMP which is used to manage IP Multicast data , are layered on top of IP but perform internetworking functions . This illustrates the differences in the architecture of the TCP / IP stack of the Internet and the OSI model . The TCP / IP model 's internet layer corresponds to layer three of the Open Systems Interconnection ( OSI ) model , where it is referred to as the network layer . The internet layer provides an unreliable datagram transmission facility between hosts located on potentially different IP networks by forwarding the transport layer datagrams to an appropriate next - hop router for further relaying to its destination . With this functionality , the internet layer makes possible internetworking , the interworking of different IP networks , and it essentially establishes the Internet . The Internet Protocol is the principal component of the internet layer , and it defines two addressing systems to identify network hosts ' computers , and to locate them on the network . The original address system of the ARPANET and its successor , the Internet , is Internet Protocol version 4 ( IPv4 ) . It uses a 32 - bit IP address and is therefore capable of identifying approximately four billion hosts . This limitation was eliminated in 1998 by the standardization of Internet Protocol version 6 ( IPv6 ) which uses 128 - bit addresses . IPv6 production implementations emerged in approximately 2006 . Transport layer ( edit ) The transport layer establishes basic data channels that applications use for task - specific data exchange . The layer establishes process - to - process connectivity , meaning it provides end - to - end services that are independent of the structure of user data and the logistics of exchanging information for any particular specific purpose . Its responsibility includes end - to - end message transfer independent of the underlying network , along with error control , segmentation , flow control , congestion control , and application addressing ( port numbers ) . End - to - end message transmission or connecting applications at the transport layer can be categorized as either connection - oriented , implemented in TCP , or connectionless , implemented in UDP . For the purpose of providing process - specific transmission channels for applications , the layer establishes the concept of the port . This is a numbered logical construct allocated specifically for each of the communication channels an application needs . For many types of services , these port numbers have been standardized so that client computers may address specific services of a server computer without the involvement of service announcements or directory services . Because IP provides only a best effort delivery , some transport layer protocols offer reliability . However , IP can run over a reliable data link protocol such as the High - Level Data Link Control ( HDLC ) . For example , the TCP is a connection - oriented protocol that addresses numerous reliability issues in providing a reliable byte stream : data arrives in - order data has minimal error ( i.e. , correctness ) duplicate data is discarded lost or discarded packets are resent includes traffic congestion control The newer Stream Control Transmission Protocol ( SCTP ) is also a reliable , connection - oriented transport mechanism . It is message - stream - oriented -- not byte - stream - oriented like TCP -- and provides multiple streams multiplexed over a single connection . It also provides multi-homing support , in which a connection end can be represented by multiple IP addresses ( representing multiple physical interfaces ) , such that if one fails , the connection is not interrupted . It was developed initially for telephony applications ( to transport SS7 over IP ) , but can also be used for other applications . The User Datagram Protocol is a connectionless datagram protocol . Like IP , it is a best effort , `` unreliable '' protocol . Reliability is addressed through error detection using a weak checksum algorithm . UDP is typically used for applications such as streaming media ( audio , video , Voice over IP etc . ) where on - time arrival is more important than reliability , or for simple query / response applications like DNS lookups , where the overhead of setting up a reliable connection is disproportionately large . Real - time Transport Protocol ( RTP ) is a datagram protocol that is designed for real - time data such as streaming audio and video . The applications at any given network address are distinguished by their TCP or UDP port . By convention certain well known ports are associated with specific applications . The TCP / IP model 's transport or host - to - host layer corresponds to the fourth layer in the Open Systems Interconnection ( OSI ) model , also called the transport layer . Application layer ( edit ) The application layer includes the protocols used by most applications for providing user services or exchanging application data over the network connections established by the lower level protocols . This may include some basic network support services such as protocols for routing and host configuration . Examples of application layer protocols include the Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ) , the File Transfer Protocol ( FTP ) , the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ( SMTP ) , and the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ( DHCP ) . Data coded according to application layer protocols are encapsulated into transport layer protocol units ( such as TCP or UDP messages ) , which in turn use lower layer protocols to effect actual data transfer . The TCP / IP model does not consider the specifics of formatting and presenting data , and does not define additional layers between the application and transport layers as in the OSI model ( presentation and session layers ) . Such functions are the realm of libraries and application programming interfaces . Application layer protocols generally treat the transport layer ( and lower ) protocols as black boxes which provide a stable network connection across which to communicate , although the applications are usually aware of key qualities of the transport layer connection such as the end point IP addresses and port numbers . Application layer protocols are often associated with particular client - server applications , and common services have well - known port numbers reserved by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ( IANA ) . For example , the HyperText Transfer Protocol uses server port 80 and Telnet uses server port 23 . Clients connecting to a service usually use ephemeral ports , i.e. , port numbers assigned only for the duration of the transaction at random or from a specific range configured in the application . The transport layer and lower - level layers are unconcerned with the specifics of application layer protocols . Routers and switches do not typically examine the encapsulated traffic , rather they just provide a conduit for it . However , some firewall and bandwidth throttling applications must interpret application data . An example is the Resource Reservation Protocol ( RSVP ) . It is also sometimes necessary for network address translator ( NAT ) traversal to consider the application payload . The application layer in the TCP / IP model is often compared as equivalent to a combination of the fifth ( Session ) , sixth ( Presentation ) , and the seventh ( Application ) layers of the Open Systems Interconnection ( OSI ) model . Furthermore , the TCP / IP reference model distinguishes between user protocols and support protocols . Support protocols provide services to a system . User protocols are used for actual user applications . For example , FTP is a user protocol and DNS is a support protocol . Layer names and number of layers in the literature ( edit ) The following table shows various networking models . The number of layers varies between three and seven . RFC 1122 , Internet STD 3 ( 1989 ) Cisco Academy Kurose , Forouzan Comer , Kozierok Stallings Tanenbaum Arpanet Reference Model ( RFC 871 ) OSI model Four layers Four layers Five layers Four + one layers Five layers Five layers Three layers Seven layers `` Internet model '' `` Internet model '' `` Five - layer Internet model '' or `` TCP / IP protocol suite '' `` TCP / IP 5 - layer reference model '' `` TCP / IP model '' `` TCP / IP 5 - layer reference model '' `` Arpanet reference model '' OSI model Application Application Application Application Application Application Application / Process Application Presentation Session Transport Transport Transport Transport Host - to - host or transport Transport Host - to - host Transport Internet Internetwork Network Internet Internet Internet Network Link Network interface Data link Data link ( Network interface ) Network access Data link Network interface Data link Physical ( Hardware ) Physical Physical Physical Some of the networking models are from textbooks , which are secondary sources that may conflict with the intent of RFC 1122 and other IETF primary sources . Comparison of TCP / IP and OSI layering ( edit ) The three top layers in the OSI model , i.e. the application layer , the presentation layer and the session layer , are not distinguished separately in the TCP / IP model which only has an application layer above the transport layer . While some pure OSI protocol applications , such as X. 400 , also combined them , there is no requirement that a TCP / IP protocol stack must impose monolithic architecture above the transport layer . For example , the NFS application protocol runs over the eXternal Data Representation ( XDR ) presentation protocol , which , in turn , runs over a protocol called Remote Procedure Call ( RPC ) . RPC provides reliable record transmission , so it can safely use the best - effort UDP transport . Different authors have interpreted the TCP / IP model differently , and disagree whether the link layer , or the entire TCP / IP model , covers OSI layer 1 ( physical layer ) issues , or whether a hardware layer is assumed below the link layer . Several authors have attempted to incorporate the OSI model 's layers 1 and 2 into the TCP / IP model , since these are commonly referred to in modern standards ( for example , by IEEE and ITU ) . This often results in a model with five layers , where the link layer or network access layer is split into the OSI model 's layers 1 and 2 . The IETF protocol development effort is not concerned with strict layering . Some of its protocols may not fit cleanly into the OSI model , although RFCs sometimes refer to it and often use the old OSI layer numbers . The IETF has repeatedly stated that Internet protocol and architecture development is not intended to be OSI - compliant . RFC 3439 , addressing Internet architecture , contains a section entitled : `` Layering Considered Harmful '' . For example , the session and presentation layers of the OSI suite are considered to be included to the application layer of the TCP / IP suite . The functionality of the session layer can be found in protocols like HTTP and SMTP and is more evident in protocols like Telnet and the Session Initiation Protocol ( SIP ) . Session layer functionality is also realized with the port numbering of the TCP and UDP protocols , which cover the transport layer in the TCP / IP suite . Functions of the presentation layer are realized in the TCP / IP applications with the MIME standard in data exchange . Conflicts are apparent also in the original OSI model , ISO 7498 , when not considering the annexes to this model , e.g. , the ISO 7498 / 4 Management Framework , or the ISO 8648 Internal Organization of the Network layer ( IONL ) . When the IONL and Management Framework documents are considered , the ICMP and IGMP are defined as layer management protocols for the network layer . In like manner , the IONL provides a structure for `` subnetwork dependent convergence facilities '' such as ARP and RARP . IETF protocols can be encapsulated recursively , as demonstrated by tunneling protocols such as Generic Routing Encapsulation ( GRE ) . GRE uses the same mechanism that OSI uses for tunneling at the network layer . Implementations ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The Internet protocol suite does not presume any specific hardware or software environment . It only requires that hardware and a software layer exists that is capable of sending and receiving packets on a computer network . As a result , the suite has been implemented on essentially every computing platform . A minimal implementation of TCP / IP includes the following : Internet Protocol ( IP ) , Address Resolution Protocol ( ARP ) , Internet Control Message Protocol ( ICMP ) , Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) , User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) , and Internet Group Management Protocol ( IGMP ) . In addition to IP , ICMP , TCP , UDP , Internet Protocol version 6 requires Neighbor Discovery Protocol ( NDP ) , ICMPv6 , and IGMPv6 and is often accompanied by an integrated IPSec security layer . Application programmers are typically concerned only with interfaces in the application layer and often also in the transport layer , while the layers below are services provided by the TCP / IP stack in the operating system . Most IP implementations are accessible to programmers through sockets and APIs . Unique implementations include Lightweight TCP / IP , an open source stack designed for embedded systems , and KA9Q NOS , a stack and associated protocols for amateur packet radio systems and personal computers connected via serial lines . Microcontroller firmware in the network adapter typically handles link issues , supported by driver software in the operating system . Non-programmable analog and digital electronics are normally in charge of the physical components below the link layer , typically using an application - specific integrated circuit ( ASIC ) chipset for each network interface or other physical standard . High - performance routers are to a large extent based on fast non-programmable digital electronics , carrying out link level switching . See also ( edit ) Computer networking portal Computer Science portal BBN Report 1822 FLIP ( protocol ) ( fast local Internet protocol stack ) List of automation protocols List of information technology acronyms List of network protocols List of TCP and UDP port numbers Bibliography ( edit ) Douglas E. Comer . Internetworking with TCP / IP -- Principles , Protocols and Architecture . ISBN 86 - 7991 - 142 - 9 Joseph G. Davies and Thomas F. Lee . Microsoft Windows Server 2003 TCP / IP Protocols and Services . ISBN 0 - 7356 - 1291 - 9 Forouzan , Behrouz A. ( 2003 ) . TCP / IP Protocol Suite ( 2nd ed . ) . McGraw - Hill . ISBN 0 - 07 - 246060 - 1 . Craig Hunt TCP / IP Network Administration . O'Reilly ( 1998 ) ISBN 1 - 56592 - 322 - 7 Maufer , Thomas A. ( 1999 ) . IP Fundamentals . Prentice Hall . ISBN 0 - 13 - 975483 - 0 . Ian McLean . Windows ( R ) 2000 TCP / IP Black Book . ISBN 1 - 57610 - 687 - X Ajit Mungale Pro . NET 1.1 Network Programming . ISBN 1 - 59059 - 345 - 6 W. Richard Stevens . TCP / IP Illustrated , Volume 1 : The Protocols . ISBN 0 - 201 - 63346 - 9 W. Richard Stevens and Gary R. Wright . TCP / IP Illustrated , Volume 2 : The Implementation . ISBN 0 - 201 - 63354 - X W. Richard Stevens . TCP / IP Illustrated , Volume 3 : TCP for Transactions , HTTP , NNTP , and the UNIX Domain Protocols . ISBN 0 - 201 - 63495 - 3 Andrew S. Tanenbaum . Computer Networks . ISBN 0 - 13 - 066102 - 3 Clark , D. ( 1988 ) . `` The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols '' ( PDF ) . SIGCOMM ' 88 Symposium proceedings on Communications architectures and protocols . ACM : 106 -- 114 . doi : 10.1145 / 52324.52336 . ISBN 0897912799 . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 16 . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ RFC 1122 , Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers , R. Braden ( ed . ) , October 1989 . Jump up ^ RFC 1123 , Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application and Support , R. Braden ( ed . ) , October 1989 Jump up ^ Cerf , Vinton G. & Cain , Edward ( 1983 ) , `` The DoD Internet Architecture Model '' , Computer Networks , 7 , North - Holland , pp. 307 -- 318 Jump up ^ Cerf , Vinton G. & Kahn , Robert E. ( 1974 ) , A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication ( PDF ) , 5 Jump up ^ Internet Hall of Fame Jump up ^ Postel , Jon ( 1977 ) , `` Section 3.3. 3.2 '' , Comments on Internet Protocol and TCP Jump up ^ RFC 1812 , Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers , F. Baker ( June 1995 ) Jump up ^ RFC 675 , Specification of Internet Transmission Control Protocol , V. Cerf et al. ( December 1974 ) Jump up ^ `` Internet History , Who invented the Internet , When was the Internet invented '' . Retrieved 12 September 2016 . Jump up ^ Ronda Hauben . `` From the ARPANET to the Internet '' . TCP Digest ( UUCP ) . Retrieved 2007 - 07 - 05 . Jump up ^ Wollongong Jump up ^ `` A Short History of Internet Protocols at CERN '' . Retrieved 12 September 2016 . Jump up ^ Barry Appelman Jump up ^ Baker , Steven ; Gillies , Donald W. `` Desktop TCP / IP at middle age '' . Jump up ^ Romkey , John ( 17 February 2011 ) . `` About '' . Retrieved 12 September 2016 . Jump up ^ Karn , Phil . `` KA9Q TCP Download Website '' . Missing or empty url = ( help ) Jump up ^ RFC 1958 , Architectural Principles of the Internet , B. Carpenter ( June 1996 ) Jump up ^ Rethinking the design of the Internet : The end - to - end arguments vs. the brave new world , Marjory S. Blumenthal , David D. Clark , August 2001 Jump up ^ p. 23 INTERNET PROTOCOL DARPA INTERNET PROGRAM PROTOCOL SPECIFICATION September 1981 Jon Postel Editor Jump up ^ Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers p. 13 October 1989 R. Braden , Editor Jump up ^ OSI : Reference Model Addendum 1 : Connectionless - mode Transmission , ISO7498 / AD1 , ISO7498 / AD1 , May 1986 Jump up ^ `` Information processing systems -- Open Systems Interconnection -- Internal organization of the Network Layer '' , ISO 8648 : 1988 . Jump up ^ `` Information processing systems -- Open Systems Interconnection -- Basic Reference Model -- Part 4 : Management framework '' , ISO 7498 - 4 : 1989 . Jump up ^ TCP / IP Illustrated : the protocols , ISBN 0 - 201 - 63346 - 9 , W. Richard Stevens , February 1994 Jump up ^ RFC 1122 , Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers , 1.1. 3 Internet Protocol Suite , 1989 Jump up ^ Dye , Mark ; McDonald , Rick ; Rufi , Antoon ( 29 October 2007 ) . `` Network Fundamentals , CCNA Exploration Companion Guide '' . Cisco Press . ISBN 9780132877435 . Retrieved 12 September 2016 -- via Google Books . Jump up ^ James F. Kurose , Keith W. Ross , Computer Networking : A Top - Down Approach , 2008 ISBN 0 - 321 - 49770 - 8 Jump up ^ Forouzan , Behrouz A. ; Fegan , Sophia Chung ( 1 August 2003 ) . `` Data Communications and Networking '' . McGraw - Hill Higher Education . ISBN 9780072923544 . Retrieved 12 September 2016 -- via Google Books . Jump up ^ Comer , Douglas ( 1 January 2006 ) . `` Internetworking with TCP / IP : Principles , protocols , and architecture '' . Prentice Hall . ISBN 0 - 13 - 187671 - 6 . Retrieved 12 September 2016 -- via Google Books . Jump up ^ Kozierok , Charles M. ( 1 January 2005 ) . `` The TCP / IP Guide : A Comprehensive , Illustrated Internet Protocols Reference '' . No Starch Press . ISBN 9781593270476 . Retrieved 12 September 2016 -- via Google Books . Jump up ^ Stallings , William ( 1 January 2007 ) . `` Data and Computer Communications '' . Prentice Hall . ISBN 0 - 13 - 243310 - 9 . Retrieved 12 September 2016 -- via Google Books . Jump up ^ Tanenbaum , Andrew S. ( 1 January 2003 ) . `` Computer Networks '' . Prentice Hall PTR . ISBN 0 - 13 - 066102 - 3 . Retrieved 12 September 2016 -- via Google Books . ^ Jump up to : R. Bush ; D. Meyer ( December 2002 ) , Some Internet Architectural Guidelines and Philosophy , Internet Engineering Task Force EXternal links ( edit ) Wikiversity has learning resources about Internet protocol suite Internet History -- Pages on Robert Kahn , Vinton Cerf , and TCP / IP ( reviewed by Cerf and Kahn ) . 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1. Internet protocol suite 2. TCP/IP 3. Abstraction layers 4. Link layer 5. Internet layer
who did grace's hysterectomy american horror story
Dark Cousin - wikipedia Dark Cousin Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> `` Dark Cousin '' <Td_colspan="2"> American Horror Story episode Episode no . Season 2 Episode 7 Directed by Michael Rymer Written by Tim Minear Featured music `` Help Pick Up The Pieces '' by Buddy Stewart Production code 2ATS07 Original air date November 28 , 2012 ( 2012 - 11 - 28 ) Running time 41 minutes <Th_colspan="2"> Guest appearance ( s ) <Td_colspan="2"> Frances Conroy as The Angel of Death Fredric Lehne as Frank McCann Mark Margolis as Sam Goodman William Mapother as Disgruntled Husband Sean Patrick Thomas as Terry Tongayi Chirisa as Miles Debra Christofferson as Mrs. Stone Lily Knight as Sister Felicity Don Stark as Lawyer Jennifer Holland as Sister Blackwell Erin Allin O'Reilly as Nurse Fuller <Th_colspan="2"> Episode chronology <Td_colspan="2"> ← Previous `` The Origins of Monstrosity '' Next → `` Unholy Night '' <Td_colspan="2"> American Horror Story : Asylum List of American Horror Story episodes `` Dark Cousin '' is the seventh episode of the second season of the FX anthology television series American Horror Story . The episode , written by Tim Minear and directed by Michael Rymer , aired on November 28 , 2012 . In the episode , several asylum patients wish to die , one of which is Grace ( Lizzie Brocheré ) causing the Angel of Death ( Frances Conroy ) to appear , which does not sit well with Sister Mary Eunice ( Lily Rabe ) . Before also planning to use the angel 's services , Sister Jude ( Jessica Lange ) attempts to make peace with the parents of the girl she hit years ago . Jude is stunned to learn the girl survived the accident . After Lana ( Sarah Paulson ) is able to get away from Dr. Thredson ( Zachary Quinto ) , she is injured in a freak car accident and taken back to Briarcliff . Kit ( Evan Peters ) escapes custody to break Grace out of the asylum , but she is accidentally shot by Frank ( Fredric Lehne ) . Michael Rymer was nominated for the Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing -- Television Film for his work on this episode . This episode is rated TV - MA ( LSV ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Production 3 Reception 4 References 5 External links Plot ( edit ) Grace begins suffering from an infection brought on by the botched hysterectomy . As she begins to die , an angel dressed in black ( Frances Conroy ) appears to her and is about to give her a `` kiss of death '' before she is resuscitated by one of the nuns . Sister Mary Eunice confronts Dr. Arden ( James Cromwell ) , telling him that he botched the sterilization , but Arden states that he never performed a hysterectomy on Grace . His anger leads Sister Mary Eunice to release her supernatural powers on him , establishing their hierarchy . Later , in order to prove that Grace 's condition was not his doing , he cures her of her infection , `` just to set the record straight . '' Later , patient Miles ( Tongayi Chirisa ) attempts to commit suicide by slicing his wrists . As the staff stem the bleeding , Sister Mary Eunice notices that he has written the name שָׁחַת ( Shachat : to destroy , corrupt , go to ruin , decay ) in ancient Aramaic on the wall . She urgently questions him , asking if he `` summoned her , '' though he does not remember doing it . He is bandaged and placed in solitary . There , the angel appears to him and he begs for her help to release him from life . She complies and his stitches open up , causing him to bleed out and die . The angel senses someone watching her and reveals her true name , Shachath , and sees that it is Sister Mary Eunice . The angel recognizes that Sister Mary Eunice is possessed by `` one like ( her ) , but fallen . '' Sister Mary Eunice 's true personality tearfully calls out to Shachath to free her from her possession , however , the demon possessing her regains control and tells Shachath that she will not leave Sister Mary Eunice 's body . The angel says that unlike the demon , she was invited to Briarcliff and still has work to do , leaving Sister Mary Eunice alone . Kit meets with his state lawyer ( Don Stark ) , who tells him that Dr. Thredson 's taped recording of Kit 's confession has made his chances of avoiding execution unlikely . Kit insists that Grace 's testimony that Alma is still alive might save him , but the lawyer reveals that even if people believed her , Grace is unlikely to survive until the trial due to her injuries . Kit attacks the lawyer and escapes back to Briarcliff to find Grace . In Thredson 's playroom , Thredson rapes Lana , who begins to see Shachath , but refuses to die just yet . Thredson returns and offers Lana to die by strangulation or having her throat cut . As he tries to administer a sedative , she attacks him , renders him unconscious , and escapes into the street . She is picked up by a man ( William Mapother ) who begins to go on a misogynistic tirade against women and his wife who cheated on him . He refuses to take her to the police and begins driving at high speed , becoming manic and pulling out a gun . Lana sees Shachath in the back seat of the car and the man shoots himself in the head , causing the car to careen wildly . Lana wakes up in Briarcliff , having been returned there after the crash was discovered . She frantically tells Sister Mary Eunice that Kit is innocent and that Bloody Face is Thredson , urging her to tell the police . Sister Mary Eunice -- who has known this all along -- says she believes her , and tells her she is safe in Briarcliff . As she leaves , she tells the guard , Frank , that Lana is just confused from her accident . Back in the motel room , Sister Jude learns from the dying Sam Goodman ( Mark Margolis ) that Sister Mary Eunice was the one who attacked him . She goes to call the police , but sees that Sam 's periodicals also feature investigation into her hit - and - run accident , with blood on the TV set saying `` Murderer '' . Sister Jude panics and reflects on the day after the accident : She was fired from her band after failing to show up and drove drunkenly into the night before waking up , finding herself at the steps of a convent . She is startled from her memories by a phone call from Sister Mary Eunice , who tauntingly reveals that she has arranged it so that police will think Sister Jude killed Sam for investigating her involvement in the hit - and - run . Sister Jude realizes that Sister Mary Eunice is possessed by the demon from the exorcism . Sister Jude spends the evening in the motel diner , where she sees Shachath waiting for her . Sister Jude knows her to be the Angel of Death , but questions her about why she has appeared now , instead of the many other times when she attempted suicide : the night her husband left her after she told him he had infected her with syphilis , leaving her barren , or the night she committed the hit - and - run . Shachath tells her that the other times , she still had hope and purpose , but now she is willing to help Jude find peace . Sister Jude agrees , but says she must do one last thing . She visits the parents of the girl she killed , Missy , claiming to be a nun who found her calling after hearing of Missy 's accident . She is intent on telling them the truth , when an adult Missy ( Kristin Slaysman ) walks into the home , revealing that she had in fact survived the accident . Sister Jude is stunned and the parents recount that they never learned who was responsible , but have made peace with it . Meanwhile , Kit makes his way into Briarcliff through the hidden tunnel , unaware that he is followed by one of Arden 's `` superhuman '' creations . He finds Grace and they begin to escape , but are seen by a nun , who is then attacked by the creature . The creature then attacks Kit , who manages to disembowel it . Frank finds them and pulls his gun on Kit. Grace jumps in his way and is shot . Shachath appears and asks her if she is ready . Grace responds , `` Yes , '' and the angel kisses her . As she dies , Grace says , `` I 'm free . '' Production ( edit ) `` Dark Cousin '' was written by executive producer Tim Minear and directed by Michael Rymer . In a November 2012 interview with Entertainment Weekly , series creator Ryan Murphy spoke about the inspiration for `` Dark Cousin '' , `` Well the episode is one of my favorites because I think it just has great performances and I really love what it 's about . I love Franny ( Frances Conroy ) and she and I were presenting at the Creative Arts Emmys and I said , ' I think I have something really good for you , sort of the opposite of what you did last year . ' She and Jessica ( Lange ) loved working together . So we came up with this character and I like that she 's around in all the individual stories at that pivotal moment of are you going to fight or are you going to die . '' He added , `` But when we were coming with the idea of it , I was meeting with hair and make up and Lou Eyrich , the costumer , and we at first came up with this idea that she was the black version of Miss Havisham . But I did n't like that . I thought let 's do something unexpected . So our inspirations were very bizarre . We took sort of like 1940s , hard - boiled noir women and mixed it with a sort of Comme des Garçons meets Japanese thing . I was very proud of that look and I thought Franny was very yummy . You could see why people would want her to kiss them . '' Reception ( edit ) `` Dark Cousin '' was watched by 2.27 million viewers and received an adult 18 - 49 rating of 1.3 , an increase from the previous episode . Rotten Tomatoes reports a 90 % approval rating , based on 10 reviews . The critical consensus reads , `` Forgoing the regular camp , `` Dark Cousin '' makes some poignant historical references while serving up a hefty dose of creep and gore . '' Joey DeAngelis of The Huffington Post called the episode `` one of the more grounded and moving episodes '' , but added that it was `` more of a filler episode , not really unearthing anything brand spankin ' new . It was kind of a lull for me . '' Todd VanDerWerff of The A.V. Club stated , `` It was the presence of that death angel that most intrigued me tonight . I liked how we could trace just how broken these people were by those who would break them by seeing if they could see the angel or not . '' References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Stack , Tim ( November 29 , 2012 ) . `` ' American Horror Story ' : Ryan Murphy talks the Angel of Death 's arrival to Briarcliff and teases season three -- EXCLUSIVE '' . Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved November 30 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( November 26 , 2012 ) . `` Wednesday Cable Ratings : ' Moonshiners ' & ' Duck Dynasty ' Win Night , ' American Horror Story ' , ' Restaurant Impossible ' , ' South Beach Tow ' , ' Conan ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 27 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Dark Cousin -- American Horror Story : Asylum , Episode 7 '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Retrieved November 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ DeAngelis , Joey ( November 29 , 2012 ) . `` ' American Horror Story : Asylum ' Recap : Death Comes To Briarcliff In ' Dark Cousin ' '' . The Huffington Post . Retrieved November 30 , 2012 . Jump up ^ VanDerWerff , Todd ( November 28 , 2012 ) . `` '' Dark Cousin `` '' . The A.V. Club . Retrieved November 30 , 2012 . External links ( edit ) Horror fiction portal Television portal `` Dark Cousin '' on IMDb `` Dark Cousin '' at `` Dark Cousin '' at TV <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) American Horror Story <Td_colspan="2"> Awards and nominations Cast members Episodes list Murder House `` Pilot '' `` Home Invasion '' `` Murder House '' `` Halloween , Parts 1 and 2 '' `` Piggy Piggy '' `` Open House '' `` Rubber Man '' `` Spooky Little Girl '' `` Smoldering Children '' `` Birth '' `` Afterbirth '' Asylum `` Welcome to Briarcliff '' `` Tricks and Treats '' `` Nor'easter '' `` I Am Anne Frank , Parts 1 and 2 '' `` The Origins of Monstrosity '' `` Dark Cousin '' `` Unholy Night '' `` The Coat Hanger '' `` The Name Game '' `` Spilt Milk '' `` Continuum '' `` Madness Ends '' Coven `` Bitchcraft '' `` Boy Parts '' `` The Replacements '' `` Fearful Pranks Ensue '' `` Burn , Witch , Burn ! '' `` The Axeman Cometh '' `` The Dead '' `` The Sacred Taking '' `` Head '' `` The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks '' `` Protect the Coven '' `` Go to Hell '' `` The Seven Wonders '' Freak Show `` Monsters Among Us '' `` Massacres and Matinees '' `` Edward Mordrake , Parts 1 and 2 '' `` Pink Cupcakes '' `` Bullseye '' `` Test of Strength '' `` Blood Bath '' `` Tupperware Party Massacre '' `` Orphans '' `` Magical Thinking '' `` Show Stoppers '' `` Curtain Call '' Hotel `` Checking In '' `` Chutes and Ladders '' `` Mommy '' `` Devil 's Night '' `` Room Service '' `` Room 33 '' `` Flicker '' `` The Ten Commandments Killer '' `` She Wants Revenge '' `` She Gets Revenge '' `` Battle Royale '' `` Be Our Guest '' Roanoke `` Chapter 1 '' `` Chapter 2 '' `` Chapter 3 '' `` Chapter 4 '' `` Chapter 5 '' `` Chapter 6 '' `` Chapter 7 '' `` Chapter 8 '' `` Chapter 9 '' `` Chapter 10 '' Cult `` Election Night '' `` Do n't Be Afraid of the Dark '' `` Neighbors from Hell '' `` 11 / 9 '' `` Holes '' `` Mid-Western Assassin '' `` Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins : Scumbag '' `` Winter of Our Discontent '' `` Drink the Kool - Aid '' `` Charles ( Manson ) in Charge '' `` Great Again '' Characters Murder House Asylum Coven Freak Show Hotel Roanoke Cult Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2012 American television episodes American Horror Story : Asylum episodes Hidden categories : Pages using infobox television episode with incorrectly formatted episode list Talk Contents About Wikipedia Gaeilge Edit links This page was last edited on 11 August 2017 , at 16 : 37 . 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1. American Horror Story episode 2. Angel of Death 3. Sister Mary Eunice 4. Possession 5. Briarcliff
where was the ancient city of thebes located
Thebes , Egypt - wikipedia Thebes , Egypt Jump to : navigation , search For the ancient capital of Boeotia , see Thebes , Greece . For other cities called Thebes , see Thebes . Thebes <Td_colspan="2"> Waset Θῆβαι <Td_colspan="2"> Pillars of the Great Hypostyle Hall <Td_colspan="2"> Shown within Egypt Location Luxor , Luxor Governorate , Egypt Region Upper Egypt Coordinates 25 ° 43 ′ 14 '' N 32 ° 36 ′ 37 '' E  /  25.72056 ° N 32.61028 ° E  / 25.72056 ; 32.61028 Coordinates : 25 ° 43 ′ 14 '' N 32 ° 36 ′ 37 '' E  /  25.72056 ° N 32.61028 ° E  / 25.72056 ; 32.61028 Type Settlement <Th_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> UNESCO World Heritage Site Official name Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis Type Cultural Criteria I , III , VI Designated 1979 ( 3rd session ) Reference no . 87 Region Arab States <Th_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Thebes ( Ancient Greek : Θῆβαι , Thēbai ) , known to the ancient Egyptians as Waset , was an ancient Egyptian city located east of the Nile about 800 kilometers ( 500 mi ) south of the Mediterranean . Its ruins lie within the modern Egyptian city of Luxor . Thebes was the main city of the fourth Upper Egyptian nome ( Sceptre nome ) and was the capital of Egypt mainly during the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom . It was close to Nubia and the eastern desert , with its valuable mineral resources and trade routes . It was a cult center and the most venerated city of ancient Egypt during its heyday . The site of Thebes includes areas on both the eastern bank of the Nile , where the temples of Karnak and Luxor stand and the city proper was situated ; and the western bank , where a necropolis of large private and royal cemeteries and funerary complexes can be found . Contents ( hide ) 1 Toponymy 2 Characteristics 2.1 Geography 2.2 Demographics 2.3 Economy 2.4 Culture 3 History 3.1 Old Kingdom 3.2 First Intermediate Period 3.3 Middle Kingdom 3.4 Second Intermediate Period 3.5 New Kingdom and height of Thebes 3.6 Third Intermediate Period 3.7 Late Period 3.8 Graeco - Roman Period 4 Major sites 5 Cultural heritage 6 Notes 7 References 8 External links Toponymy ( edit ) wꜣs. t `` City of the Scepter '' in hieroglyphs wꜣs. t `` City of the Scepter '' in hieroglyphs niw. t rs. t `` Southern City '' in hieroglyphs iwnw - sm ' `` Heliopolis of the South '' in hieroglyphs The Ancient Egyptians originally knew Thebes as Wo'se or Wase . A was was the scepter of the pharaohs , a long staff with an animal 's head and a forked base . From the end of the New Kingdom , Thebes was known in Egyptian as Niwt - ' Imn , the `` City of Amun '' . Amun was the chief of the Theban Triad of gods whose other members were Mut and Khonsu . This name of Thebes appears in the Bible as the `` Nōʼ ʼĀmôn '' ( נא אמון ) of the Book of Nahum and also as the `` No '' ( נא ) mentioned in Ezekiel and Jeremiah . Thebes is the Latinized form of the Greek Thebai , the hellenized form of the Demotic Egyptian Ta - pe . This was the local name not for the city itself but for the Karnak temple complex on the northern east bank of the city . ( Ta - opet in formal Egyptian . ) As early as Homer 's Iliad , the Greeks distinguished the Egyptian Thebes as Thebes of the Hundred Gates ( Θῆβαι ἑκατόμπυλοι , Thēbai hekatómpyloi ) or Hundred - Gated Thebes , as opposed to the `` Thebes of the Seven Gates '' ( Θῆβαι ἑπτάπυλοι , Thēbai heptapyloi ) in Boeotia , Greece . In the interpretatio graeca , Amun was rendered as Zeus Ammon . The name was therefore translated into Greek as Diospolis , `` City of Zeus '' . To distinguish it from the numerous other cities by this name , it was known as the Great Diospolis ( Διόσπολις Μεγάλη , Dióspolis Megálē ; Latin : Diospolis Magna ) . The Greek names came into wider use after the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great , when the country came to be ruled by the Macedonian Ptolemaic dynasty . Characteristics ( edit ) Geography ( edit ) Thebes was located along the banks of the Nile River in the middle part of Upper Egypt about 800 km from the Delta . It was built largely on the alluvial plains of the Nile Valley which follows a great bend of the Nile . As a natural consequence , the city was laid in a northeast - southwest axis parallel to the contemporary river channel . Thebes had an area of 93 km ( 36 sq mi ) which included parts of the Theban Hills in the west that culminates at the sacred 420 - meter ( 1,378 - foot ) al - Qurn . In the east lies the mountainous Eastern Desert with its wadis draining into the valley . Significant of these wadis is Wadi Hammamat near Thebes . It was used as an overland trade route going to the Red Sea coast . In the fourth Upper Egyptian nome , Thebes was found to have neighboring towns such as Per - Hathor , Madu , Djerty , Iuny , Sumenu and Imiotru . Demographics ( edit ) Population of Thebes from 2000 - 900 BC According to George Modelski , Thebes had about 40,000 inhabitants in 2000 BC ( compared to 60,000 in Memphis , the largest city of the world at the time ) . By 1800 BC , the population of Memphis was down to about 30,000 , making Thebes the largest city in Egypt at the time . Historian Ian Morris estimated that by 1500 BC , Thebes may have grown to be the largest city in the world , with a population of about 75,000 , a position which it held until about 900 BC , when it was surpassed by Nimrud ( among others ) . Economy ( edit ) The archaeological remains of Thebes offer a striking testimony to Egyptian civilization at its height . The Greek poet Homer extolled the wealth of Thebes in the Iliad , Book 9 ( c. 8th Century BC ) : `` ... in Egyptian Thebes the heaps of precious ingots gleam , the hundred - gated Thebes . '' Culture ( edit ) More than sixty annual festivals were celebrated in Thebes . The major festivals among these according to the Edfu Geographical Text were : the Beautiful Feast of Opet , the Khoiak ( Festival ) , Festival of I Shemu , and Festival of II Shemu . Another popular festivity was the halloween - like Beautiful Festival of the Valley . History ( edit ) Old Kingdom ( edit ) The Theban Necropolis Thebes was inhabited from around 3200 BC . It was the eponymous capital of Waset , the fourth Upper Egyptian nome . At this time it was still a small trading post while Memphis served as the royal residence of Old Kingdom pharaohs . Although no buildings survive in Thebes older than the portions of the Karnak temple complex , which may date from the Middle Kingdom , the lower part of a statue of Pharaoh Nyuserre of the 5th Dynasty has been found in Karnak . Another statue which was dedicated by the 12th Dynasty king Senusret may have been usurped and re-used , since the statue bears a cartouche of Nyuserre on its belt . Since seven rulers of the 4th to 6th Dynasties appear on the Karnak king list , perhaps at the least there was a temple in the Theban area which dated to the Old Kingdom . First Intermediate Period ( edit ) By 2160 BC , a new line of pharaohs ( the Ninth and Tenth Dynasties ) consolidated Lower Egypt and northern parts of Upper Egypt from their capital in Herakleopolis Magna . A rival line ( the Eleventh Dynasty ) based at Thebes ruled the remaining part of Upper Egypt . The Theban rulers were apparently descendants of the prince of Thebes , Intef the Elder . His probable grandson Intef I was the first of the family to claim in life a partial pharaonic titulary , though his power did not extend much further than the general Theban region . Middle Kingdom ( edit ) Serekh of Intef I inscribed posthumously for him by Mentuhotep II Finally by c. 2050 BC , Intef III 's son Mentuhotep II ( meaning `` Montu is satisfied '' ) , took the Herakleopolitans by force and reunited Egypt once again under one ruler , thereby starting the period now known as the Middle Kingdom . Mentuhotep II ruled for 51 years and built the first mortuary temple at Deir el - Bahri , which most likely served as the inspiration for the later and larger temple built next to it by Hatshepsut in the 18th Dynasty . After these events , the 11th Dynasty was short - lived , as less than 20 years had elapsed between the death of Mentuhotep II and that of Mentuhotep IV , in mysterious circumstances . During the 12th Dynasty , Amenemhat I moved the seat of power North to Itjtawy . Thebes continued to thrive as a religious center as the local god Amun was increasingly becoming prominent throughout Egypt . The oldest remains of a temple dedicated to Amun date to the reign of Senusret I. Thebes was already , in the Middle Kingdom a town of considerable size . Excavations around the Karnak temple show that the Middle Kingdom town had the layout with a grid pattern . The city was at least one kilometer long and 50 hectares in area . Remains of two palatial buildings were also detected . Starting in the later part of the 12th Dynasty , a group of Canaanite people began settling in the eastern Nile Delta . They eventually founded the 14th Dynasty at Avaris in c. 1805 BC or c. 1710 BC . By doing so , the Asiatics established hegemony over the majority of the Delta region , subtracting these territories from the influence of the 13th Dynasty that had meanwhile succeeded the 12th . Second Intermediate Period ( edit ) Depiction of Asiatic ( left ) and Egyptian people ( right ) . The Asiatic leader is labeled as `` Ruler of foreign lands '' , Ibsha . A second wave of Asiatics called Hyksos ( from Heqa - khasut , `` rulers of foreign lands '' as Egyptians called their leaders ) immigrated into Egypt and overran the Canaanite center of power at Avaris , starting the 15th Dynasty there . The Hyksos kings gained the upper hand over Lower Egypt early into the Second Intermediate Period ( 1657 - 1549 BC ) . When the Hyksos took Memphis during or shortly after Merneferre Ay 's reign ( c. 1700 BC ) , the rulers of the 13th Dynasty fled south to Thebes , which was restored as capital . Theban princes ( now known as the 16th Dynasty ) firmly stood over their immediate region as the Hyksos advanced from the Delta southwards to Middle Egypt . The Thebans resisted the Hyksos ' further advance by forming an agreement for a peaceful concurrent rule between them . The Hyksos were able sail upstream past Thebes and some Nile cataracts to trade with the Nubians and the Thebans brought their herds to the Delta without adversaries . The status quo continued until Hyksos ruler Apophis ( 15th Dynasty ) insulted Seqenenre Tao ( 17th Dynasty ) of Thebes . Soon the armies of Thebes marched on the Hyksos - ruled lands . Tao died in battle and his son Kamose took charge of the campaign . After Kamose 's death , his brother Ahmose I continued till he captured Avaris , the Hyksos capital . Ahmose I drove the Hyksos out of Egypt and the Levant and reclaimed the lands formerly ruled by them . New Kingdom and height of Thebes ( edit ) Statues of Memnon at Thebes during the flood by David Roberts Ahmose I founded a new age for a unified Egypt with Thebes as its capital . The city remained as capital during most of the 18th Dynasty ( New Kingdom ) . It also became the center for a newly established professional civil service , where there was a greater demand for scribes and the literate as the royal archives began to fill with accounts and reports . At the city the favored few of Nubia were reeducated with Egyptian culture , to serve as administrators of the colony . Overhead illustration of the Karnak temple With Egypt stabilized again , religion and religious centers flourished and none more so than Thebes . For instance , Amenhotep III , poured much of his vast wealth from foreign tribute into the temples of Amun . The Theban god Amun became a principal state deity and every building project sought to outdo the last in proclaiming the glory of Amun and the pharaohs themselves . Thutmose I ( reigned 1506 - 1493 BC ) began the first great expansion of the Karnak temple . After this , colossal enlargements of the temple became the norm throughout the New Kingdom . Queen Hatshepsut ( reigned 1479 - 1458 BC ) made the Theban economy flourish by renewing trade networks , primarily the Red Sea trade between Thebes ' Red Sea port of Al - Qusayr , Elat and the land of Punt . Her successor Thutmose III brought to Thebes a great deal of his war booty that originated from as far as Mittani . The 18th Dynasty reached its peak during his son Amenhotep III 's reign ( 1388 -- 1350 BC ) . Aside from embellishing the temples of Amun , Amenhotep increased construction in Thebes to unprecedented levels . On the west bank , he built the enormous mortuary temple and the equally massive Malkata palace - city which fronted a 364 - hectare artificial lake . In the city proper he built the Luxor temple and the Avenue of the Sphinxes leading to Karnak . For a brief period in the reign of Amenhotep III 's son Akhenaten ( 1351 -- 1334 BC ) , Thebes fell on evil times ; the city was abandoned by the court , and the worship of Amun was proscribed . The capital was moved to the new city of Amarna ( Akhetaten ) , midway between Thebes and Memphis . After his death , his son Tutankhamun made a return to Memphis , but renewed interest in building projects at Thebes which produced even more glorious temples and shrines . The Ramesseum at Thebes by John Frederick Lewis With the 19th Dynasty the seat of government moved to the Delta . Thebes maintained its revenues and prestige through the reigns of Seti I ( 1290 -- 1279 BC ) and Ramesses II ( 1279 -- 1213 BC ) , who still resided for part of every year in Thebes . Ramesses II carried out extensive building projects in the city such as statues and obelisks , the third enclosure wall of Karnak temple , additions to the Luxor temple , and the Ramesseum , his grand mortuary temple . The constructions were bankrolled by the large granaries ( built around the Ramesseum ) which concentrated the taxes collected from Upper Egypt ; and by the gold from expeditions to Nubia and the Eastern Desert . Under Ramesses ' long 66 - year reign , Egypt and Thebes reached an overwhelming state of prosperity which equaled or even surpassed the earlier peak under Amenhotep III . Medinet Habu The city continued to be well kept in the early 20th Dynasty . The Great Harris Papyrus states that Ramesses III ( reigned 1187 -- 56 ) donated 86,486 slaves and vast estates to the temples of Amun . Ramesses III received tributes from all subject peoples including the Sea Peoples and Meshwesh Libyans . However , the whole of Egypt was experiencing financial problems , exemplified in the events at Thebes ' village of Deir el - Medina . In the 25th year of his reign , workers in Deir el - Medina began striking for pay and there arose a general unrest of all social classes . Consequently , an unsuccessful harem revolt led to the deaths of many , including Theban officials and women . Under the later Ramessids , Thebes began to decline ; the government fell into grave economic difficulties . During the reign of Ramesses IX ( 1129 -- 1111 BC ) , about 1114 BC , a series of investigations into the plundering of royal tombs in the necropolis of western Thebes uncovered proof of corruption in high places , following an accusation made by the mayor of the east bank against his colleague on the west . The plundered royal mummies were moved from place to place and at last deposited by the priests of Amun in a tomb - shaft in Deir el - Bahri and in the tomb of Amenhotep II . ( The finding of these two hiding places in 1881 and 1898 , respectively , was one of the great events of modern archaeological discovery . ) Such maladministration in Thebes led to unrest . Third Intermediate Period ( edit ) Control of local affairs tended to come more and more into the hands of the High Priests of Amun , so that during the Third Intermediate Period , the High Priest of Amun exerted absolute power over the South , a counterbalance to the 21st and 22nd Dynasty kings who ruled from the Delta . Intermarriage and adoption strengthened the ties between them , daughters of the Tanite kings being installed as God 's Wife of Amun at Thebes , where they wielded greater power . Theban political influence receded only in the Late Period . A column of Taharqa restored to full height By around 750 BC , the Kushites ( Nubians ) were growing their influence over Thebes and Upper Egypt . Kush , the former colony of Egypt became an empire in itself . In 721 BC , King Shabaka of the Kushites defeated the combined forces of Osorkon IV ( 22nd Dynasty ) , Peftjauawybast ( 23rd Dynasty ) Bakenranef ( 24th Dynasty ) and reunified Egypt yet again . His reign saw a significant amount of building work undertaken throughout Egypt , especially at the city of Thebes , which he made the capital of his kingdom . In Karnak he erected a pink granite statue of himself wearing the Pschent ( the double crown of Egypt ) . Taharqa accomplished many notable projects at Thebes ( i.e. the Kiosk in Karnak ) and Nubia before the Assyrians started to wage war against Egypt . Late Period ( edit ) In 667 BC , attacked by the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal 's army , Taharqa abandoned Lower Egypt and fled to Thebes . After his death three years later his nephew ( or cousin ) Tantamani seized Thebes , invaded Lower Egypt and laid siege to Memphis , but abandoned his attempts to conquer the country in 663 BC and retreated southwards . The Assyrians pursued him and took Thebes , whose name was added to a long list of cities plundered and destroyed by the Assyrians , as Ashurbanipal wrote : `` This city , the whole of it , I conquered it with the help of Ashur and Ishtar . Silver , gold , precious stones , all the wealth of the palace , rich cloth , precious linen , great horses , supervising men and women , two obelisks of splendid electrum , weighing 2,500 talents , the doors of temples I tore from their bases and carried them off to Assyria . With this weighty booty I left Thebes . Against Egypt and Kush I have lifted my spear and shown my power . With full hands I have returned to Nineveh , in good health . '' Thebes never regained its former political significance , but it remained an important religious centre . Assyrians installed Psamtik I ( 664 - 610 BC ) , who ascended to Thebes in 656 BC and brought about the adoption of his own daughter , Nitocris I , as heiress to God 's Wife of Amun there . In 525 BC , Persian Cambyses II invaded Egypt and became pharaoh , subordinating the kingdom as a satrapy to the greater Achaemenid Empire . Graeco - Roman Period ( edit ) Relief in Hathor temple , Deir el - Medina ( built during the Ptolemaic Dynasty ) The good relationship of the Thebans with the central power in the North ended when the native Egyptian pharaohs were finally replaced by Greeks , led by Alexander the Great . He visited Thebes during a celebration of the Opet Festival . In spite of his welcoming visit , Thebes became a center for dissent . Towards the end of the third century BC , Hugronaphor ( Horwennefer ) , possibly of Nubian origin , led a revolt against the Ptolemies in Upper Egypt . His successor , Ankhmakis , held large parts of Upper Egypt until 185 BC . This revolt was supported by the Theban priesthood . After the suppression of the revolt in 185 BC , Ptolemy V , in need of the support of the priesthood , forgave them . Half a century later the Thebans rose again , elevating a certain Harsiesi to the throne in 132 BC . Harsiesi , having helped himself to the funds of the royal bank at Thebes , fled the following year . In 91 BC , another revolt broke out . In the following years , Thebes was subdued , and the city turned into rubble . During the Roman occupation ( 30 BC - 349 AD ) , the remaining communities clustered around the pylon of the Luxor temple . Thebes became part of the Roman province of Thebais , which later split into Thebais Superior , centered at the city , and Thebais Inferior , centered at Ptolemais Hermiou . A Roman legion was headquartered in Luxor temple at the time of Roman campaigns in Nubia . Building did not come to an abrupt stop , but the city continued to decline . In the first century AD , Strabo described Thebes as having been relegated to a mere village . Major sites ( edit ) Eastern Thebes : The main entrance to Karnak flanked by ram - headed sphinxes Obelisk and pylon of Luxor Temple with subtle orange glow Ancient built - up area Great Temple of Amun at Karnak ( Ancient Egyptian Ta - opet ) . Still the second largest religious building ever built , it is the main house of worship for Amun , Thebes ' patron deity , and the residence of the powerful Amun priesthood . What differentiated it from the many temples of Egypt is the length of time it was built over ( more than 2,000 years , starting in the Middle Kingdom ) . The main features of this temple are its ten large pylons , the Great Hypostyle Hall , a sacred lake , sub-temples , numerous shrines and multiple obelisks . It was the most important temple for a majority of Ancient Egyptian history . Luxor Temple ( Ipet resyt ) . Unlike the other temples in Thebes , it is not dedicated to a cult god or a deified version of the king in death . Instead , it is dedicated to the rejuvenation of kingship ; it may have been where many of the pharaohs of Egypt were crowned . It is a centerpiece of the `` Opet Festival '' , where the sacred barque of the Theban Triad travels from Karnak to Luxor temple highlighting the godly significance of the pharaoh 's re-coronation . Temple of Khonsu Precinct of Mut Precinct of Montu Avenue of the Sphinxes Western Thebes : Sunshine illuminates Hatshepsut 's mortuary temple A tomb entrance in the Valley of the Kings Village of Deir el - Medina Malkata palace complex Ramesseum Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut Mortuary Temple of Seti I Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III Valley of the Kings Valley of the Queens Tombs of the Nobles Cultural Heritage ( edit ) In 1979 , the ruins of ancient Thebes were classified by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage site . The two great temples -- Luxor Temple and Karnak -- and the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens are among the great achievements of ancient Egypt . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Pausanias records that owing to its `` connection '' with the Egyptian city , the Boeotian Thebes also had an idol and temple of Amun from the 5th century BC . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Adolf Erman and Hermann Grapow : Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache . Akademie Verlag , Berlin 1971 . p. 259 . Jump up ^ Erman / Grapow : Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache , p. 211 . Jump up ^ Erman / Grapow : Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache , pp. 54,479 . Jump up ^ Nahum 3 : 8 . Jump up ^ Ezekiel 30 : 14 -- 16 . Jump up ^ Jeremiah 46 : 25 . Jump up ^ Huddlestun , John R. `` Nahum , Nineveh , and the Nile : The Description of Thebes in Nahum 3 : 8 -- 9 . '' Journal of Near Eastern Studies , vol. 62 , no . 2 , 2003 , pp. 97 -- 98 . Jump up ^ Iliad , IV. 406 and IX. 383 . Jump up ^ Description of Greece , IX. 16 § 1 . Jump up ^ Wilkinson , T. ( 2013 ) . `` The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt '' . Erenow . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 25 , from Jump up ^ George Modelski , `` Cities of the Ancient World : An Inventory ( − 3500 to − 1200 ) '' ; see also list of largest cities throughout history . Jump up ^ Ian Morris , `` Social Development '' ; see also list of largest cities throughout history . Jump up ^ Karnak ( Thebes ) , Egypt . . Retrieved on 2013 - 07 - 29 . ^ Jump up to : Egypt : Thebes , A Feature Tour Egypt Story . . Retrieved on 2016 - 02 - 06 . Jump up ^ Barry J. Kemp : Ancient Egypt , Anatomy of a Civilization , Second Edition , New York 2006 , ISBN 9780415235501 , pp. 225 - 229 Jump up ^ Wilkinson , Toby ( 2011 ) . The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt . New York : Random House . p. 560 . ISBN 9780747599494 . , pp. 183 - 187 Jump up ^ Wilkinson ( 2011 ) , pp. 188 ff . Jump up ^ Daphna Ben Tor : Sequences and chronology of Second Intermediate Period royal - name scarabs , based on excavated series from Egypt and the Levant , in : The Second Intermediate Period ( Thirteenth - Seventeenth Dynasties ) , Current Research , Future Prospects edited by Marcel Maree , Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta , 192 , 2010 , p. 91 Jump up ^ Margaret Bunson , `` Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt '' Jump up ^ Tyldesley , Joyce . Egypt 's Golden Empire : The Age of the New Kingdom , pp. 18 -- 19 . Headline Book Publishing Ltd. , 2001 . Jump up ^ Draper , R. ( 2008 ) . `` The Black Pharaohs '' . National Geographic Magazine . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 24 , from ^ Jump up to : Dorman , P. ( 2015 ) . `` Thebes Ancient city , Egypt '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 07 , from Jump up ^ Mark , J. ( 2009 ) . `` Thebes '' . Ancient History Encyclopedia . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 06 , from ) / Jump up ^ J. van Dijk : ' ' The Amarna Period and the later New Kingdom , in : I. Shaw : The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt , Oxford 2000 , ISBN 0 - 19 - 815034 - 2 , p. 290 Jump up ^ Wilkinson , T. ( 2013 ) . `` The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt '' . Erenow . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 25 , from Jump up ^ Wilkinson , T. ( 2013 ) . `` The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt '' . Erenow . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 25 , from Jump up ^ Egypt : Ramses the Great , The Pharaoh Who Made Peace with his Enemies And the First Peace Treaty in History . . Retrieved on 2016 - 02 - 06 . Jump up ^ RAMESSES III : THE LAST GREAT PHARAOH . . Retrieved on 2016 - 02 - 06 . Jump up ^ The fall of Thebes to the Assyrians and its decline thereafter . . Retrieved on 2016 - 02 - 06 . Jump up ^ Dorman , P. ( 2015 ) . `` Luxor '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 27 , from External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Thebes . Wikimedia Commons has media related to Theban Necropolis . More information on ancient Thebes , a World Cultural Heritage site Theban Mapping Project Ramesseum / Ancient Thebes Digital Media Archive ( photos , laser scans , panoramas ) , data from an Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities / CyArk research partnership ICOMOS Heritage at Risk 2001 / 2002 Preceded by Herakleopolis Capital of Egypt 2060 BC -- c. 1980 BC Succeeded by Itjtawy Preceded by Itjtawy Capital of Upper Egypt c. 1700 BC -- c. 1550 BC Succeeded by Thebes as capital of united Egypt Preceded by Thebes Capital of Egypt c. 1550 BC -- c. 1353 BC Succeeded by Akhetaten Preceded by Akhetaten Capital of Egypt c. 1332 BC -- 1085 BC Succeeded by Tanis <Th_colspan="3"> World Heritage Sites in Egypt <Td_colspan="2"> Abu Mena Islamic Cairo Memphis and its Necropolis -- Giza pyramid complex to Dahshur Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae Saint Catherine Area Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis Wadi El Hitan ( Whale Valley ) <Td_colspan="3"> List of World Heritage Sites in Egypt <Th_colspan="3"> Ancient Egypt topics <Td_colspan="3"> Outline Index Major topics Glossary of artifacts <Td_colspan="2"> Agriculture Architecture ( Egyptian Revival architecture ) Art Astronomy Burial customs Chronology Cities ( list ) Clothing Cuisine Dynasties Geography Great Royal Wives History Language Literature Mathematics Medicine Military Music Mythology People Pharaohs ( list ) Philosophy Religion Sites Technology Trade Writing <Td_colspan="2"> Egyptology Egyptologists Museums <Td_colspan="3"> Book Ancient Egypt portal WikiProject Commons Retrieved from ``,_Egypt&oldid=815374214 '' Categories : World Heritage Sites in Egypt Populated places established in the 4th millennium BC Populated places disestablished in the 1st century BC Archaeological sites in Egypt Cities in Ancient Egypt Historic capitals Former populated places in Egypt Amun Upper Egypt Former capitals of Egypt Hidden categories : Coordinates on Wikidata Articles which use infobox templates with no data rows Articles containing Ancient Greek - language text Articles containing Hebrew - language text Articles containing Egyptian - language text Articles containing Latin - language text All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from February 2017 Articles with unsourced statements from July 2016 Commons category with local link different than on Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans አማርኛ Azərbaycanca Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Cebuano Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Қазақша Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar മലയാളം مصرى Bahasa Melayu မြန်မာဘာသာ Nāhuatl Nederlands नेपाली 日本 語 Norsk Occitan Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Русский Shqip Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt Winaray 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 14 December 2017 , at 13 : 07 . 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1. Thebes, Egypt 2. Ancient Egyptian city 3. Luxor, Egypt 4. Karnak temple 5. New Kingdom of Egypt
when did the british hand-over sovereignty of hong kong back to china
Handover of Hong Kong - Wikipedia Handover of Hong Kong This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( June 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This article is part of a series on the History of Hong Kong Timeline Prehistoric Imperial ( 221 BC -- 1800s ) Bao'an County and Xin'an County British Hong Kong Colonial ( 1800s -- 1930s ) Convention of Chuenpi Treaty of Nanking Convention of Peking Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory Japanese occupation ( 1940s ) Modern Hong Kong ( 1950s -- 1997 ) 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s Retrocession to China Hong Kong since 2000 By topic Aviation Bus Culture Economy Education Geography Politics Technical standards History of China / of the United Kingdom Hong Kong portal The transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong , commonly known as the handover of Hong Kong ( or simply `` the Handover '' , also `` the Return '' in mainland China ) was the transition of control over the former British colony of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to the People 's Republic of China on 1 July 1997 . The returned territory comprised Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula , which were respectively ceded to Britain in 1842 and 1860 , as well as the New Territories , which were leased for 99 years from 1898 . The transfer was arranged to coincide with the expiration of this lease on the previous day , 30 June 1997 . This event marked the end of British rule in Hong Kong , and is regarded by some as the end of the British Empire . Contents 1 Overview 2 Talks 2.1 Before the negotiations 2.2 Negotiations begin 2.3 British concession 3 Sino - British Joint Declaration 4 Drafting of Basic Law 5 Tide of migration 6 Last governor 7 Handover ceremony 8 Additional effects 8.1 Before and after handover 8.2 Rose Garden Project 8.3 Views of the Kowloon Walled City 8.4 Views of Rennie 's Mill 9 International reaction 10 In popular culture 11 See also 12 Bibliography 12.1 Primary sources 13 References 14 External links Overview ( edit ) Britain acquired Hong Kong Island in 1842 , the Kowloon Peninsula in 1860 , and the lease of the New Territories in 1898 . The United Kingdom obtained control over portions of Hong Kong 's territory through three treaties with Qing China : 1842 Treaty of Nanking : Hong Kong Island ceded in perpetuity 1860 Convention of Peking : Kowloon Peninsula and Stonecutter 's Island additionally ceded 1898 Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory : the New Territories and outlying islands leased for 99 years until 1997 Despite the finite nature of the New Territories lease , this portion of the colony was developed just as rapidly as , and became highly integrated with , the rest of Hong Kong . By the time of serious negotiations over the future status of Hong Kong in the 1980s , it was thought impractical to separate the ceded territories and return only the New Territories to China . In addition , with the scarcity of land and natural resources in Hong Kong Island and Kowloon , large - scale infrastructure investments had been made in the New Territories , with break - evens lying well past 30 June 1997 . When the People 's Republic of China obtained its seat in the United Nations as a result of the UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 in 1971 , it began to act diplomatically on the sovereignty issues of Hong Kong and Macau . In March 1972 , the Chinese UN representative , Huang Hua , wrote to the United Nations Decolonization Committee to state the position of the Chinese government : `` The questions of Hong Kong and Macau belong to the category of questions resulting from the series of unequal treaties which the imperialists imposed on China . Hong Kong and Macau are part of Chinese territory occupied by the British and Portuguese authorities . The settlement of the questions of Hong Kong and Macau is entirely within China 's sovereign right and do not at all fall under the ordinary category of colonial territories . Consequently they should not be included in the list of colonial territories covered by the declaration on the granting of independence to colonial territories and people . With regard to the questions of Hong Kong and Macau , the Chinese government has consistently held that they should be settled in an appropriate way when conditions are ripe . '' The same year , on 8 November , the United Nations General Assembly passed the resolution on removing Hong Kong and Macau from the official list of colonies . In March 1979 the Governor of Hong Kong , Murray MacLehose , paid his first official visit to the People 's Republic of China ( PRC ) , taking the initiative to raise the question of Hong Kong 's sovereignty with Deng Xiaoping . Without clarifying and establishing the official position of the PRC government , the arranging of real estate leases and loans agreements in Hong Kong within the next 18 years would become difficult . In response to concerns over land leases in the New Territories , MacLehose proposed that British administration of the whole of Hong Kong , as opposed to sovereignty , be allowed to continue after 1997 . He also proposed that contracts include the phrase `` for so long as the Crown administers the territory '' . In fact , as early as the mid-1970s , Hong Kong had faced additional risks raising loans for large - scale infrastructure projects such as its Mass Transit Railway ( MTR ) system and a new airport . Caught unprepared , Deng asserted the necessity of Hong Kong 's return to China , upon which Hong Kong would be given special status by the PRC government . MacLehose 's visit to the PRC raised the curtain on the issue of Hong Kong 's sovereignty : Britain was made aware of the PRC 's aspiration to resume sovereignty over Hong Kong and began to make arrangements accordingly to ensure the sustenance of her interests within the territory , as well as initiating the creation of a withdrawal plan in case of emergency . Three years later , Deng received the former British Prime Minister Edward Heath , who had been dispatched as the special envoy of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to establish an understanding of the PRC 's view with regards to the question of Hong Kong ; during their meeting , Deng outlined his plans to make the territory a special economic zone , which would retain its capitalist system under Chinese sovereignty . In the same year , Edward Youde , who succeeded MacLehose as the 26th Governor of Hong Kong , led a delegation of five Executive Councillors to London , including Chung Sze - yuen , Lydia Dunn , and Roger Lobo . Chung presented their position on the sovereignty of Hong Kong to Thatcher , encouraging her to take into consideration the interests of the native Hong Kong population in her upcoming visit to China . In light of the increasing openness of the PRC government and economic reforms on the mainland , the then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher sought the PRC 's agreement to a continued British presence in the territory . However , the PRC took a contrary position : not only did the PRC wish for the New Territories , on lease until 1997 , to be placed under the PRC 's jurisdiction , it also refused to recognize the `` unfair and unequal treaties '' under which Hong Kong Island and Kowloon had been ceded to Britain in perpetuity . Consequently , the PRC recognized only the British administration in Hong Kong , but not British sovereignty . Talks ( edit ) Major events , 1979 -- 1997 24 March 1979 : Hong Kong Governor Sir Murray MacLehose was invited to visit Guangzhou and Beijing to find out the attitude of the Chinese government on the issue of Hong Kong . 29 March 1979 : Sir Murray MacLehose met the then vice Premier Deng Xiaoping and raised the issue of Hong Kong for the first time . Deng remarked that the investors could set their minds at peace . 4 April 1979 : The Kowloon -- Canton through - train routes were restored after 30 years of non-service . 3 May 1979 : The Conservative Party won the U.K. Election . 29 October 1979 : Premier Hua Guofeng visited Britain and had a meeting with Margaret Thatcher . Both of them expressed their concern to maintain the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong . 12 May 1980 : Tabled by the Conservative Party in the British government , a new status `` British Dependent Territories Citizens '' was introduced . This status proposal was widely opposed by Hong Kong people . 3 April 1981 : Lord Carrington met Deng Xiaoping in his visit to Beijing . 30 September 1981 : Chairman of the NPC Ye Jianying issued nine guiding principles concerning a peaceful reunification of Taiwan and mainland China . 30 October 1981 : The House of Commons passed the new British Nationality Act . November 1981 : The Beijing government invited some Hong Kong citizens to help organising a united front in the handling of the Hong Kong issue . 6 January 1982 : Chinese Prime Minister Zhao Ziyang received Humphrey Atkins . Zhao insisted that the PRC would uphold its sovereignty over Hong Kong . 10 March 1982 : Vice Premier Gu Mu received Sir John Bremridge , promising to maintain Hong Kong 's stability and prosperity . 6 April 1982 : Deng Xiaoping revealed his wish to have official contact with the British government . 8 May 1982 : Sir Edward Youde arrived as the 26th Governor of Hong Kong . May 1982 : Deng Xiaoping and Zhao Ziyang collected advice from Hong Kong notables such as Lee Ka - shing and Ann tse - kei . 15 June 1982 : Deng Xiaoping officially announced the position of the Chinese government in the context of the Hong Kong 97 Issue , marking the first public statement on part of the PRC with regards to the issue . Before the negotiations ( edit ) In the wake of Governor MacLehose 's visit , Britain and the PRC established initial diplomatic contact for further discussions of the Hong Kong question , paving the way for Thatcher 's first visit to the PRC in September 1982 . Margaret Thatcher , in discussion with Deng Xiaoping , reiterated the validity of an extension of the lease of Hong Kong territory , particularly in light of binding treaties , including the Treaty of Nanking in 1842 , the Convention of Peking in 1856 , and the Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory signed in 1890 . In response , Deng Xiaoping cited clearly the lack of room for compromise on the question of sovereignty over Hong Kong ; the PRC , as the successor of Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China on the mainland , would recover the entirety of the New Territories , Kowloon and Hong Kong Island . China considered treaties about Hong Kong as unequal and ultimately refused to accept any outcome that would indicate permanent loss of sovereignty over Hong Kong 's area , whatever wording the former treaties had . During talks with Thatcher , China planned to invade and seize Hong Kong if the negotiations set off unrest in the colony . Thatcher later said that Deng told her bluntly that China could easily take Hong Kong by force , stating that `` I could walk in and take the whole lot this afternoon '' , to which she replied that `` there is nothing I could do to stop you , but the eyes of the world would now know what China is like '' . After her visit with Deng in Beijing , Thatcher was received in Hong Kong as the first British Prime Minister to set foot on the territory whilst in office . At a press conference , Thatcher re-emphasised the validity of the three treaties , asserting the need for countries to respect treaties on universal terms : `` There are three treaties in existence ; we stick by our treaties unless we decide on something else . At the moment , we stick by our treaties . '' . At the same time , at the 5th session of the 5th National People 's Congress , the constitution was amended to include a new Article 31 which stated that the country might establish Special Administrative Regions ( SARs ) when necessary . The additional Article would hold tremendous significance in settling the question of Hong Kong and later Macau , putting into social consciousness the concept of `` One country , two systems '' . The concept would prove useful to deploy until the territories were secured and conditions were ripe for its gradual abrogation . Negotiations begin ( edit ) A few months after Thatcher 's visit to Beijing , the PRC government had yet to open negotiations with the British government regarding the sovereignty of Hong Kong . Shortly before the initiation of sovereignty talks , Governor Youde declared his intention to represent the population of Hong Kong at the negotiations . This statement sparked a strong response from the PRC , prompting Deng Xiaoping to denounce talk of `` the so - called ' three - legged stool ' '' , which implied that Hong Kong was a party to talks on its future , alongside Beijing and London . At the preliminary stage of the talks , the British government proposed an exchange of sovereignty for administration and the implementation of a British administration post-handover . The PRC government refused , contending that the notions of sovereignty and administration were inseparable , and although it recognised Macau as a `` Chinese territory under Portuguese administration '' , this was only temporary . In fact , during informal exchanges between 1979 and 1981 , the PRC had proposed a `` Macau solution '' in Hong Kong , under which it would remain under British administration at China 's discretion . However , this had previously been rejected following the 1967 Leftist riots , with the then Governor , David Trench , claiming the leftists ' aim was to leave the UK without effective control , or `` to Macau us '' . The conflict that arose at that point of the negotiations ended the possibility of further negotiation . During the reception of former British Prime Minister Edward Heath during his sixth visit to the PRC , Deng Xiaoping commented quite clearly on the impossibility of exchanging sovereignty for administration , declaring an ultimatum : the British government must modify or give up its position or the PRC will announce its resolution of the issue of Hong Kong sovereignty unilaterally . In 1983 , Typhoon Ellen ravaged Hong Kong , causing great amounts of damage to both life and property . The Hong Kong dollar plummeted on Black Saturday , and the Financial Secretary John Bremridge publicly associated the economic uncertainty with the instability of the political climate . In response , the PRC government condemned Britain through the press for `` playing the economic card '' in order to achieve their ends : to intimidate the PRC into conceding to British demands . British concession ( edit ) Governor Youde with nine members of the Hong Kong Executive Council travelled to London to discuss with Prime Minister Thatcher the crisis of confidence -- the problem with morale among the people of Hong Kong arising from the ruination of the Sino - British talks . The session concluded with Thatcher 's writing of a letter addressed to the PRC Premier Zhao Ziyang . In the letter , she expressed Britain 's willingness to explore arrangements optimising the future prospects of Hong Kong while utilising the PRC 's proposals as a foundation . Furthermore , and perhaps most significantly , she expressed Britain 's concession on its position of a continued British presence in the form of an administration post-handover . Two rounds of negotiations were held in October and November . On the sixth round of talks in November , Britain formally conceded its intentions of either maintaining a British administration in Hong Kong or seeking some form of co-administration with the PRC , and showed its sincerity in discussing PRC 's proposal on the 1997 issue . Obstacles were cleared . Simon Keswick , chairman of Jardine Matheson & Co. , said they were not pulling out of Hong Kong , but a new holding company would be established in Bermuda instead . The PRC took this as yet another plot by the British . The Hong Kong government explained that it had been informed about the move only a few days before the announcement . The government would not and could not stop the company from making a business decision . Just as the atmosphere of the talks was becoming cordial , members of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong felt impatient at the long - running secrecy over the progress of Sino - British talks on the Hong Kong issue . A motion , tabled by legislator Roger Lobo , declared `` This Council deems it essential that any proposals for the future of Hong Kong should be debated in this Council before agreement is reached '' , was passed unanimously . The PRC attacked the motion furiously , referring to it as `` somebody 's attempt to play the three - legged stool trick again '' . At length , the PRC and Britain initiated the Joint Declaration on the question of Hong Kong 's future in Beijing . Zhou Nan , the then PRC Deputy Foreign Minister and leader of the negotiation team , and Sir Richard Evans , British Ambassador to Beijing and leader of the team , signed respectively on behalf of the two governments . Sino - British Joint Declaration ( edit ) Main article : Sino - British Joint Declaration The Sino - British Joint Declaration was signed by the Prime Ministers of the People 's Republic of China and the United Kingdom governments on 19 December 1984 in Beijing . The Declaration entered into force with the exchange of instruments of ratification on 27 May 1985 and was registered by the People 's Republic of China and United Kingdom governments at the United Nations on 12 June 1985 . In the Joint Declaration , the People 's Republic of China Government stated that it had decided to resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong ( including Hong Kong Island , Kowloon , and the New Territories ) with effect from 1 July 1997 and the United Kingdom Government declared that it would restore Hong Kong to the PRC with effect from 1 July 1997 . In the document , the People 's Republic of China Government also declared its basic policies regarding Hong Kong . In accordance with the `` One Country , Two Systems '' principle agreed between the United Kingdom and the People 's Republic of China , the socialist system of the People 's Republic of China would not be practised in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ( HKSAR ) , and Hong Kong 's previous capitalist system and its way of life would remain unchanged for a period of 50 years . This would have left Hong Kong unchanged until 2047 . The Joint Declaration provided that these basic policies should be stipulated in the Hong Kong Basic Law . The ceremony of the signing of the Sino - British Joint Declaration took place at 18 : 00 , 19 December 1984 at the Western Main Chamber of the Great Hall of the People . The Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office at first proposed a list of 60 - 80 Hong Kong people to attend the ceremony . The number was finally extended to 101 . The list included Hong Kong government officials , members of the Legislative and Executive Councils , chairmen of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and Standard Chartered Bank , prominent businessmen such as Li Ka - shing , Pao Yue - kong and Fok Ying - tung , and also Martin Lee Chu - ming and Szeto Wah . Drafting of Basic Law ( edit ) Main article : Basic Law of Hong Kong The Basic Law was drafted by a Drafting Committee composed of members from both Hong Kong and Mainland China . A Basic Law Consultative Committee formed purely by Hong Kong people was established in 1985 to canvas views in Hong Kong on the drafts . The first draft was published in April 1988 , followed by a five - month public consultation exercise . The second draft was published in February 1989 , and the subsequent consultation period ended in October 1989 . The Basic Law was formally promulgated on 4 April 1990 by the NPC , together with the designs for the flag and emblem of the HKSAR . Some members of the Basic Law drafting committee were ousted by Beijing following the 4 June 1989 Tiananmen Square protests , after voicing views supporting the students . The Basic Law was said to be a mini-constitution drafted with the participation of Hong Kong people . The political system had been the most controversial issue in the drafting of the Basic Law . The special issue sub-group adopted the political model put forward by Louis Cha . This `` mainstream '' proposal was criticised for being too conservative . According to Clauses 158 and 159 of the Basic Law , powers of interpretation and amendment of the Basic Law are vested in the Standing Committee of the National People 's Congress and the National People 's Congress , respectively . Hong Kong 's people have limited influence . Tide of migration ( edit ) After the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 , the Executive Councillors and the Legislative Councillors unexpectedly held an urgent meeting , in which they agreed unanimously that the British Government should give the people of Hong Kong the right of abode in the United Kingdom . More than 10,000 Hong Kong residents rushed to Central in order to get an application form for residency in the United Kingdom . On the eve of the deadline , over 100,000 lined up overnight for a BN ( O ) application form . While mass migration did begin well before 1989 , the event did lead to the peak migration year in 1992 with 66,000 leaving . Many citizens were pessimistic towards the future of Hong Kong and the transfer of the region 's sovereignty . A tide of emigration , which was to last for no less than five years , broke out . At its peak , citizenship of small countries , such as Tonga , was also in great demand . Singapore , which also had a predominantly Chinese population , was another popular destination , with the country 's Commission ( now Consulate - General ) being besieged by anxious Hong Kong residents . By September 1989 , 6000 applications for residency in Singapore had been approved by the Commission . Some consul staff were suspended or arrested for their corrupt behaviour in granting immigration visas . In April 1997 , the acting immigration officer at the US Consulate - General , James DeBates , was suspended after his wife was arrested for smuggling of Chinese migrants into the United States . The previous year , his predecessor , Jerry Stuchiner , had been arrested for smuggling forged Honduran passports into the territory before being sentenced to 40 months in prison . Canada ( Vancouver and Toronto ) , United Kingdom ( London , Glasgow , and Manchester ) , Australia ( Sydney and Melbourne ) , and the United States ( San Francisco and New York ) were , by and large , the most popular destinations . The United Kingdom devised the British Nationality Selection Scheme , granting 50,000 families British citizenship under the British Nationality Act ( Hong Kong ) 1990 . Vancouver was among the most popular destinations , earning the nickname of `` Hongcouver '' . Richmond , a suburb of Vancouver , was nicknamed `` Little Hong Kong '' . All in all , from the start of the settlement of the negotiation in 1984 to 1997 , nearly 1 million people emigrated ; consequently , Hong Kong suffered serious loss of capital . Last Governor ( edit ) Main article : 1994 Hong Kong electoral reform Chris Patten became the last governor of Hong Kong . This was regarded as a turning point in Hong Kong 's history . Unlike his predecessors , Patten was not a diplomat , but a career politician and former Member of Parliament . He introduced democratic reforms which pushed PRC -- British relations to a standstill and affected the negotiations for a smooth handover . Patten introduced a package of electoral reforms in the Legislative Council . These reforms proposed to enlarge the electorate , thus making voting in the Legislative Council more democratic . This move posed significant changes because Hong Kong citizens would have the power to make decisions regarding their future . Handover ceremony ( edit ) Main article : Hong Kong handover ceremony The handover ceremony was held at the new wing of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai on the night of 30 June 1997 . The principal British guest was Prince Charles , who read a farewell speech on behalf of the Queen . The newly elected Labour Prime Minister , Tony Blair , the Foreign Secretary Robin Cook , the departing Governor Chris Patten and General Sir Charles Guthrie , Chief of the Defence Staff , also attended . Representing the People 's Republic of China were the President , Jiang Zemin , the Premier , Li Peng , and the first Chief Executive Tung Chee - hwa . The event was broadcast around the world . Additional effects ( edit ) Before and after handover ( edit ) Unchanged after 30 June 1997 Changed after 30 June 1997 English continued as an official language and is still taught in all schools . However , many schools teach in Cantonese in parallel with Mandarin and English . The border with the mainland , while now known as the boundary , continued to be patrolled as before , with separate immigration and customs controls . Hong Kong citizens were still required to apply for a Mainland Travel Permit , in order to visit mainland China . Citizens of mainland China still did not have the right of abode in Hong Kong . Instead , they had to apply for a permit to visit or settle in Hong Kong from the PRC government . Hong Kong remained a common law jurisdiction , with a separate legal system from that used in the mainland , with previous laws remaining in force provided that they did not conflict with the Basic Law . The Hong Kong dollar continued to be used as its sole currency , and the responsibility of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority . The Bank of China had already started issuing banknotes in 1994 . Hong Kong continued to operate as a separate customs territory from mainland China under Article 116 of the Basic Law . Hong Kong remained an individual member of various international organisations , such as the World Trade Organization and APEC . Hong Kong , which remained an individual member of the International Olympic Committee , continued to send its own team to international sporting events such as the Olympics . Hong Kong maintained Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices overseas , as well as in the Greater China Region . These include the offices in London , Washington D.C. , Brussels and Geneva , previously known as Hong Kong Government Offices . Many countries ' consulates - general in Hong Kong remained outside the jurisdiction of their embassies in Beijing , such as the United States Consulate General , which reports directly to the Department of State . The Chung Hwa Travel Service , which functioned as Taiwan 's de facto mission in Hong Kong , continued to function as before , issuing visas to visitors from Hong Kong , mainland China and other countries . In 2011 it was renamed the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Hong Kong . Hong Kong continued to negotiate and maintain its own aviation bilateral treaties with foreign countries and territories . Agreements with Taiwan signed in 1996 remained in force after the change of sovereignty , and were replaced by `` the air transportation agreement between Taiwan and Hong Kong '' , which retained international regulations , such as regulations on customs . Signs ( and fonts ) , labels , and roadway construction standards on Hong Kong roads and expressways continue to follow the European Union roadway standards , particularly those of the UK . Hong Kong continued to drive on the left , unlike Mainland China , which drives on the right . Vehicle registration plates continued to be modelled on those of the United Kingdom , white on the front and yellow on the back , with the vehicle registration mark in a similar font . Hong Kong - registered vehicles still required special cross-border plates to travel to and from mainland China , similar to those of Guangdong . Vehicles registered in the mainland can enter Hong Kong under the Hong Kong mainland China driving scheme . Hong Kong citizens continued to have easier access to many countries , including those in Europe and North America , with Hong Kong SAR passport holders having visa - free access to 154 other countries and territories . Many former colonial citizens could still use British National ( Overseas ) and British citizen passports after 1997 . ( Main article : British nationality law and Hong Kong ) It continued to have more political freedoms than mainland China , with the holding of demonstrations and the annual memorial to commemorate the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 continuing to be held in Victoria Park . It continued to have a multi-party political system . This is separate from the Communist - led United Front on the mainland . It continued to have more freedom of the press than mainland China , under Article 27 of the Basic Law , despite the growing influence of Beijing . It also continued to have more religious freedoms , with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong remaining under the jurisdiction of the Holy See , instead of the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association on the mainland . The Falun Gong spiritual practice also remained legal in Hong Kong , despite encountering opposition from the SAR government . Many other technical standards from the United Kingdom , such as electrical plugs ( BS1363 ) are still used in Hong Kong . However , telephone companies changed from installing UK - style BS 6312 telephone sockets to installing US - style RJ11 ones . Hong Kong also adopted the digital TV standard devised in mainland China for TV transmissions , instead of DVB - T , to replace PAL - I. ( Main article : Technical standards in colonial Hong Kong ) Hong Kong retained a separate international dialling code ( 852 ) and telephone numbering plan from that of the mainland . Calls between Hong Kong and the mainland still required international dialling . Hong Kong retained a separate ISO 3166 code , HK . It also retained a top - level domain , . hk . However , the Chinese code CN - 91 was also used . Hong Kong retained its own separate postal services , with Hongkong Post operating separately from China Post . Hong Kong was not made part of the Chinese postcode system , nor did it introduce a postcode system of its own . The Hong Kong government continued to make a subvention to the English Schools Foundation , responsible for English - medium schools , which would not be phased out until 2016 . The former British military drill , marching and words of command in English continued in all disciplinary services including all civil organisations . The PLA soldiers of the Chinese Garrison in Hong Kong have their own drills and Mandarin words of command . Statues of British monarchs remained . Queen Victoria 's statue remains in Victoria Park . King George VI 's statue similarly remained in Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens . British - inspired road names remain unchanged . From 2012 , secondary education moved away from the English model of five years secondary schooling plus two years of university matriculation to the Chinese model of three years of junior secondary plus another three years of senior secondary , while university education was extended from three years to four . The Chief Executive became the head of government , elected by a selection committee , whose members were mainly elected from among professional sectors and business leaders . The Governor was appointed by the United Kingdom . The Legislative Council , elected in 1995 , was dissolved and replaced by a Provisional Legislative Council , before elections were held to a new Council , in which only 20 out of 60 seats were directly elected . The decision to dissolve the Legislative Council and replace it with a Provisional Legislative Council was criticised by representatives of the UK government . Foreign nationals were not allowed to stand for directly elected seats in the Legislative Council , only for indirectly elected seats . All public office buildings now flew the flags of the PRC and the Hong Kong SAR . The Union Flag now flew only outside the British Consulate - General and other British premises . The British national anthem God Save the Queen , was no longer played after closedown on television stations . The Chinese national anthem , March of the Volunteers was now played instead . At international sporting events such as the Olympics , Hong Kong was now known as Hong Kong , China . Hong Kong athletes and teams compete under the Hong Kong SAR flag instead of the British flag of Hong Kong , and gold medallists were honoured with the Chinese national anthem , instead of the British national anthem . The Court of Final Appeal replaced the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as the highest court of appeal . The Supreme Court was replaced by the High Court . The Attorney General was replaced by the Secretary for Justice . The Central People 's Government was now formally represented in Hong Kong by a Liaison Office , dealing with domestic matters . This had been established under British rule as the Xinhua News Agency Hong Kong Branch , before it adopted its present name in 2000 . The Hong Kong SAR Government was now formally represented in Beijing by the Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region . The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People 's Republic of China was represented in Hong Kong by a Commissioner . The People 's Liberation Army established a Garrison , taking over responsibility for defence from British Forces Overseas Hong Kong . The Prince of Wales Building was renamed the Chinese People 's Liberation Army Forces Hong Kong Building , while the Prince of Wales Barracks was similarly renamed the Central Barracks , with effect from January 2002 . Flags were no longer flown at the Cenotaph to remember the war dead ; previously British troops raised flags representing the British Army , Royal Navy and Royal Air Force every morning , lowering them again before sunset . Government House was not used as the residence of the first Chief Executive , Tung Chee - hwa . However , his successor , Donald Tsang , moved into the compound in 2006 . Queen Elizabeth II 's portrait was removed from public offices . Coins issued since 1993 no longer had the Queen 's head , instead having the Bauhinia . Postage stamps now displayed the words `` Hong Kong , China '' . A set of definitive stamps , bearing the words `` Hong Kong '' with no connotation of sovereignty , was introduced in January 1997 . The `` Royal '' title was dropped from almost all organisations that had been granted it , with the exception of the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club . The Crown was removed from the crest of the Hong Kong Police Force , and replaced by the Bauhinia . Legal references to the `` Crown '' were replaced by references to the `` State '' . Barristers who had been appointed Queen 's Counsel would now be known as Senior Counsel . The British honours system was replaced by a local system , in which the Grand Bauhinia Medal was the highest award . Public holidays changed , with British - inspired occasions , such as the Queen 's Official Birthday , Liberation Day , and Remembrance Day being replaced by PRC National Day and Hong Kong SAR Establishment Day . Double Ten Day , commemorating the establishment of the Republic of China , was abolished as a public holiday in 1950 . Many of the red Royal Mail pillar boxes were removed from the streets of Hong Kong and replaced by green Hongkong Post boxes . All others were re-painted . British citizens ( without right of abode in Hong Kong ) were no longer able to work in Hong Kong without a visa ; the policy was changed on 1 April 1997 . The United Kingdom was now represented by the British Consulate - General , which reports directly to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office . This has responsibility for British citizens , instead of the Hong Kong Immigration Department . Previously , the country 's commercial interests were represented by a British Trade Commission . It was headed by a Senior Trade Commissioner , who became the first Consul - General . Hong Kong was no longer linked to the Commonwealth and no longer participated in related organisations or events . Consular missions of Commonwealth member states in Hong Kong were no longer known as Commissions , but as Consulates - General . Countries which did not have diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom , but had diplomatic relations with the People 's Republic of China , such as North Korea and Iran , were allowed to establish or re-open Consulates - General . Consulates of countries which maintained diplomatic relations with Taiwan were closed . Only South Africa , which was to establish relations with the People 's Republic of China from 1998 , was allowed to keep its Consulate General open for an interim period . Hong Kong 's aircraft registration prefix changed from VR to B , bringing it into line with mainland China and Taiwan . Newspapers , such as the South China Morning Post , changed to heading their pages with `` National '' , rather than `` Local '' and ' China ' , and began including Chinese names in Chinese characters . However , the online edition still uses `` China '' and only displays Chinese names in Roman script . A giant golden statue of a Bauhinia blakeana was erected in a public space outside the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre , named Golden Bauhinia Square , along with a Reunification Monument . Rose Garden project ( edit ) Main article : Port and Airport Development Strategy After the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 , the Hong Kong government proposed a grand `` Rose Garden Project '' to restore faith and solidarity among the residents . As the construction of the new Hong Kong International Airport would extend well after the handover , Governor Wilson met PRC Premier Li Peng in Beijing to ease the mind of the PRC government . The communist press published stories that the project was an evil plan to bleed Hong Kong dry before the handover , leaving the territory in serious debt . After three years of negotiations , Britain and the PRC finally reached an agreement over the construction of the new airport , and signed a Memorandum of Understanding . Removing hills and reclaiming land , it took only a few years to construct the new airport . Views of the Kowloon Walled City ( edit ) Main article : Kowloon Walled City The Walled City was originally a single fort built in the mid-19th century on the site of an earlier 17th century watch post on the Kowloon Peninsula of Hong Kong . After the ceding of Hong Kong Island to Britain in 1842 ( Treaty of Nanjing ) , Manchu Qing Dynasty authorities of China felt it necessary for them to establish a military and administrative post to rule the area and to check further British influence in the area . The 1898 Convention which handed additional parts of Hong Kong ( the New Territories ) to Britain for 99 years excluded the Walled City , with a population of roughly 700 . It stated that China could continue to keep troops there , so long as they did not interfere with Britain 's temporary rule . Britain quickly went back on this unofficial part of the agreement , attacking Kowloon Walled City in 1899 , only to find it deserted . They did nothing with it , or the outpost , and thus posed the question of Kowloon Walled City 's ownership squarely up in the air . The outpost consisted of a yamen , as well as buildings which grew into low - lying , densely packed neighbourhoods from the 1890s to 1940s . The enclave remained part of Chinese territory despite the turbulent events of the early 20th century that saw the fall of the Qing government , the establishment of the Republic of China and later , a Communist Chinese government ( PRC ) . Squatters began to occupy the Walled City , resisting several attempts by Britain in 1948 to drive them out . The Walled City became a haven for criminals and drug addicts , as the Hong Kong Police had no right to enter the City and China refused maintainability . The 1949 foundation of the People 's Republic of China added thousands of refugees to the population , many from Guangdong ; by this time , Britain had had enough , and simply adopted a `` hands - off '' policy . A murder that occurred in Kowloon Walled City in 1959 set off a small diplomatic crisis , as the two nations each tried to get the other to accept responsibility for a vast tract of land now virtually ruled by anti-Manchurian Triads . After the Joint Declaration in 1984 , the PRC allowed British authorities to demolish the City and resettle its inhabitants . The mutual decision to tear down the walled city was made in 1987 . The government spent up to HK $ 3 billion to resettle the residents and shops . Some residents were not satisfied with the compensation , and some even obstructed the demolition in every possible way . Ultimately , everything was settled , and the Walled City became a park . Views of Rennie 's Mill ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( June 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Rennie 's Mill got its name from a Canadian businessman named Alfred Herbert Rennie , who established a flour mill at Junk Bay . The business failed , and Rennie hanged himself there in 1908 . The incident gave the Chinese name for the site Tiu Keng Leng ( 吊 頸 嶺 ) , meaning `` Hanging ( neck ) Ridge '' . The name was later formally changed to similar - sounding Tiu King Leng ( 調 景 嶺 ) because it was regarded as inauspicious . In the 1950s the ( British ) Government of Hong Kong settled a considerable number of refugees from China -- former Nationalist soldiers and other Kuomintang supporters -- at Rennie 's Mill , following the Chinese civil war . For many years the area was a Kuomintang enclave known as `` Little Taiwan '' , with the flag of the Republic of China flying , its own school system and practically off - limits to the Royal Hong Kong Police Force . In 1996 the Hong Kong government finally forcibly evicted Rennie 's Mill 's residents , ostensibly to make room for new town developments , as part of the Tseung Kwan O New Town , but widely understood to be a move to please the Communist Chinese government before Hong Kong reverted to Communist Chinese rule in 1997 . Before the eviction , Rennie 's Mill could be reached by the winding , hilly and narrow Po Lam Road South . At that time , Rennie 's Mill 's only means of public transport were the routes 90 and 290 of Kowloon Motor Bus , which were operated by minibuses , and by water transport . International reaction ( edit ) The Republic of China on Taiwan promulgated the Laws and Regulations Regarding Hong Kong & Macao Affairs on 2 April 1997 by Presidential Order , and the Executive Yuan on 19 June 1997 ordered the provisions pertaining to Hong Kong to take effect on 1 July 1997 . The United States -- Hong Kong Policy Act or more commonly known as the Hong Kong Policy Act ( P.L no . 102 - 383m 106 Stat. 1448 ) is a 1992 act enacted by the United States Congress . It allows the United States to continue to treat Hong Kong separately from China for matters concerning trade export and economics control after the handover . The United States was represented by then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright at the Hong Kong handover ceremony . However , she partially boycotted it in protest of China 's dissolution of the democratically elected Hong Kong legislature . In popular culture ( edit ) This section appears to contain trivial , minor , or unrelated references to popular culture . Please reorganize this content to explain the subject 's impact on popular culture , using references to reliable sources , rather than simply listing appearances . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( September 2018 ) Scholars have begun to study the complexities of the transfer as shown in the popular media , such as films , television and video and online games . For example , Hong Kong director Fruit Chan made a sci - fi thriller The Midnight After ( 2014 ) that stressed the sense of loss and alienation represented by survivors in an apocalyptic Hong Kong . Chan infuses a political agenda in the film by playing on Hong Kongers ' collective anxiety towards communist China . Yiman Wang has argued that America has viewed China through the prisms of films from Shanghai and Hong Kong , with a recent emphasis on futuristic disaster films set in Hong Kong after the transfer goes awry . The handover is central to the plot of the 1998 action film Rush Hour . It is also mentioned in another 1998 film -- Knock Off . The handover is the backdrop for `` A Death in Hong Kong '' , the first episode the tenth series of Murder , She Wrote . Hong Kong Cantopop artist Sam Hui has made numerous references to 1997 including the song `` Could Not Care Less About 1997 '' ( 話 知 你 97 ) . Chinese American rapper Jin Auyeung has a song called `` 1997 '' in his Cantonese album ABC , which he makes references to the handover , ten years since Hong Kong 's return to China . Zero Minus Ten , a James Bond novel by Raymond Benson , is set largely in Hong Kong during the days leading up to the Handover . The 2012 James Bond film Skyfall features a villain who had been an MI6 agent in Hong Kong until the Handover , when he was handed over to the Chinese for his unauthorized hacking of their security networks . The Doctor Who Unbound audio drama Sympathy for the Devil by Jonathan Clements is set on the eve of the Handover and involves an attempted defection by a war criminal , only hours before China takes control . Hong Kong 97 , a 1994 American movie starring Robert Patrick , is set in Hong Kong during the 24 hours before the end of British rule . Hong Kong 97 , a 1995 Japanese homebrew SNES game , is set in Hong Kong around the time of the transition . The player controls Chin ( Jackie Chan ) , who was called by the Hong Kong government to kill the invading Chinese , including Tong Shau Ping . The game gained a cult following due to its very poor quality and absurd plot . The handover of Hong Kong is referenced multiple times and witnessed in the 1997 film Chinese Box , starring Jeremy Irons and Gong Li . The film itself was filmed leading up to and during the handover . See also ( edit ) Hong Kong portal History of Chinese immigration to Canada Hong Kong people in the United Kingdom Monument in Commemoration of the Return of Hong Kong to China Transfer of sovereignty over Macau Hong Kong -- Mainland conflict Bibliography ( edit ) Collins , Lawrence ; Morse , C.G.J. ; McClean , David ; Briggs , Adrian ; Harris , Jonathan ; McLachlan , Campbell ; Hill , Jonathan ( 2008 ) . Dicey , Morris and Collins on the Conflict of Laws ( 14th ed . ) . Sweet & Maxwell . ISBN 978 - 0 - 421 - 88360 - 4 . Fawcett , J.J. ; Carruthers , J.M. ; North , Peter ( 2008 ) . Cheshire , North & Fawcett : Private International Law . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 928438 - 2 . Flowerdew , John . The final years of British Hong Kong : The discourse of colonial withdrawal ( Springer , 1998 ) . Lane , Kevin . Sovereignty and the status quo : the historical roots of China 's Hong Kong policy ( Westview Press , 1990 ) . Mark , Chi - kwan . `` To ' educate ' Deng Xiaoping in capitalism : Thatcher 's visit to China and the future of Hong Kong in 1982 . '' Cold War History ( 2015 ) : 1 - 20 . Tang , James TH . `` From empire defence to imperial retreat : Britain 's postwar China policy and the decolonization of Hong Kong . '' Modern Asian Studies 28.02 ( 1994 ) : 317 - 337 . Primary sources ( edit ) Patten , Chris ( 2006 ) . Cousins and Strangers : America , Britain , and Europe in a New Century . Owl Books . ISBN 978 - 0805082579 . Patten , Chris ( 2006 ) . Not Quite the Diplomat : Home truths about World Affairs . Penguin . ISBN 978 - 0141021447 . Patten , Chris ( 1999 ) . East and West : The Last Governor of Hong Kong on Power Freedom and the Future . ISBN 0 - 7710 - 6981 - 2 . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` This law took effect on July 1 , 1997 , upon the transfer of sovereignty from the United Kingdom to China '' Hong Kong Year Book Jump up ^ `` ... existing system in order to preserve continuity in the administration of the public service after the transfer of sovereignty '' Legislative Council of Hong Kong record Jump up ^ Parliament of Australia Inquiry : Hong Kong : The Transfer of Sovereignty ^ Jump up to : Feeling the Stones : Reminiscences by David Akers - Jones , David Akers - Jones , Hong Kong University Press , 2004 , page 109 ^ Jump up to : The Hong Kong Reader : Passage to Chinese Sovereignty , Ming K. Chan , Gerard A. Postiglione , M.E. Sharpe , 1996 , page 45 ^ Jump up to : Elections , Political Change and Basic Law Government : Hong Kong in Search of a Political Form , Suzanne Pepper in Elections and Democracy in Greater China , Larry Diamond , Ramon H. Myers , OUP Oxford , 2001 , page 55 Jump up ^ Lord MacLehose , The Guardian , 2 June 2000 Jump up ^ Strong Borders , Secure Nation : Cooperation and Conflict in China 's Territorial Disputes , M. Taylor Fravel , Princeton University Press , 2008 , page 224 Jump up ^ Hong Kong : The Pearl Made of British Mastery and Chinese Docile - diligence , Wei - Bin Zhang , Nova Publishers , 2006 , page 68 ^ Jump up to : Hong Kong 's Journey to Reunification : Memoirs of Sze - yuen Chung , Sze Yuen Chung , Chinese University Press , 2001 , page 123 ^ Jump up to : How Mrs Thatcher lost Hong Kong , The Independent , Robert Cottrell , 30 August 1992 ^ Jump up to : Hong Kong : China 's Challenge , Michael B. Yahuda , Routledge , 1996 , page 45 Jump up ^ Hong Kong : The Road to 1997 , Roger Buckley , Cambridge University Press , 1997 , page 109 Jump up ^ Ezra F. Vogel : Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China . Library of Congress Cataloging - in - Publication Data 2011 . Pages 496 - 7 . Jump up ^ China plotted Hong Kong invasion , Michael Sheridan , The Sunday Times , 25 June 2007 Jump up ^ Constitution of the People 's Republic of China , State Council of the People 's Republic of China Jump up ^ Benefits of a three - legged stool , South China Morning Post , 26 April 2004 Jump up ^ China Perspectives , Issues 21 - 26 , C.E.F.C. , 1999 , page 13 Jump up ^ Hong Kong 's Watershed : The 1967 Riots , Gary Ka - wai Cheung , Hong Kong University Press , 2009 , page 37 Jump up ^ The Chinese government resumed exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong , Ministry of Foreign Affairs , People 's Republic of China Jump up ^ Typhoon Ellen Batters Hong Kong , killing 6 , UPI , Sarasota Herald - Tribune , 10 September 1983 Jump up ^ Hong Kong business world shaken by political uncertainties , Christian Science Monitor , 4 October 1983 Jump up ^ Hong Kong Hansard , HC Deb 20 January 1988 vol 125 cc971 - 1018 Jump up ^ Summary of World Broadcasts : Far East , Part 3 , BBC Monitoring Service , 1984 Jump up ^ Political Change and the Crisis of Legitimacy in Hong Kong , Ian Scott , Ian Scott University of Hawaii Press , 1989 , page 210 Jump up ^ Daily Report : People 's Republic of China , Issues 38 -- 45 , United States . 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Chan , Andy . Chow , Wilson WS . Snape , Ed . Westwood , Robert . ( 2000 ) ( 2000 ) Hong Kong Management and Labour . United Kingdom : Routledge . ISBN 0 - 415 - 22269 - 9 . 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Jump up ^ Lau in passport battle , The Independent , 16 December 1997 Jump up ^ God Save the Queen , TVB Pearl , 1987 Jump up ^ Vickers , Edward . `` Learning to Love the Motherland : ' National Education ' in Post-Retrocession Hong Kong '' in Designing History in East Asian Textbooks : Identity Politics and Transnational Aspirations , p. 94 . Routledge ( Abingdon ) , 2011 . ISBN 9780415602525 . Jump up ^ Fifa investigates Hong Kong over China match booing , BBC News Online , 25 November 2015 Jump up ^ A Brief Overview of the Court of Final Appeal , Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Jump up ^ Hong Kong 's Court of Final Appeal : The Development of the Law in China 's Hong Kong , Simon N.M. 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Luk , James P. Rice New Asia College , The Chinese University of Hong Kong , 2002 , page 88 Jump up ^ A Concise History of Hong Kong , John M. Carroll , Rowman & Littlefield Publishers , 7 Jun 2007 , page 195 Jump up ^ Hong Kong Metamorphisis Denis Bray , Hong Kong University Press , 2001 , page 232 Jump up ^ A Modern History of Hong Kong , Steve Yui - Sang Tsang , Palgrave Macmillan , 2004 , page 253 Jump up ^ Lim , Patricia . ( 2002 ) ( 2002 ) . Discovering Hong Hong 's Cultural Heritage . Central , Hong Kong : Oxford University Press . ISBN Volume One 0 - 19 - 592723 - 0 Jump up ^ Hong Kong 's infamous Walled City to be converted into park area , Michael Browning , Knight Ridder , Ottawa Citizen , 29 January 1987 , page c9 Jump up ^ Riot police evict Hong Kong residents from Walled City , Associated Press , The News , 3 July 1992 Jump up ^ Kowloon Walled City Park - History / Background , Leisure and Cultural Services Department Jump up ^ Ministry of Justice ( Republic of China ) : Laws and Regulations Regarding Hong Kong & Macao Affairs : Legislative History Jump up ^ Hong Kong 's reversion to China : effective monitoring critical to assess U.S. DIANE Publishing . ISBN 1 - 4289 - 7837 - 2 Jump up ^ `` Albright To Attend Hong Kong Transfer Ceremony '' . CNN Time . 16 April 1997 . Retrieved 27 August 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Smooth Hong Kong handover lifts China 's image '' . CNN World . 15 July 1997 . Retrieved 27 August 2012 . Jump up ^ Chia - rong Wu , `` Hong Kong Identity in Question : Fruit Chan 's Uncanny Narrative and ( Post - ) 97 Complex . '' American Journal of Chinese Studies ( April 2017 ) , Vol. 24 Issue 1 , pp 43 - 56 . Jump up ^ Yiman Wang , Remaking Chinese Cinema : Through the Prism of Shanghai , Hong Kong , and Hollywood ( 2014 ) pp 114 , 131 Jump up ^ China on Screen : Cinema and Nation , Chris Berry , Mary Ann Farquhar , Columbia University Press , 2006 , page 2 ^ Jump up to : Singh , Harminder ( July 1 , 2016 ) . `` Everything you need to know about Hong Kong 's return to Chinese sovereignty '' . South China Morning Post . Alibaba Group . Retrieved April 13 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Knock Off 1998 , Jump up ^ A Death in Hong Kong , BBC Two , 27 Feb 2009 Jump up ^ Sam Hui 許冠傑 - 話 知 你 97 ( 電影 『 新 半斤八两 』 主題 曲 ) Jump up ^ Artist : Jin Title : 1997 Album : ABC Track No : 9 Jump up ^ Zero Minus Ten ( James Bond 007 ) , Jump up ^ Will James Bond bow to Beijing 's censorship ? , South China Morning Post , 12 November 2012 Jump up ^ Hong Kong ' 97 , Entertainment Weekly , 4 November 1994 Jump up ^ Racism , Violence & Madness Make This Awful Hong Kong Game One to Remember , Kotaku , 21 August 2012 Jump up ^ Chinese Box ( 1997 ) FILM REVIEW ; A Meditation on the Meaning of Hong Kong , Stephen Holden , The New York Times 17 April 1998 External links ( edit ) Hong Kong SAR 's 20th Anniversary <Th_colspan="2"> History of Hong Kong since 1997 1990s Transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong Asian Financial Crisis 1998 1st Legislative Council elections Opening of the Hong Kong International Airport 1999 Right of abode debate 1st District Council elections 2000s 2000 2nd Legislative Council elections Director of Immigration v. 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1. Handover of Hong Kong 2. Transfer of sovereignty 3. Sino-British Joint Declaration 4. British rule in Hong Kong 5. One country, two systems
where did the name steely dan come from
Steely Dan - wikipedia Steely Dan Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> Steely Dan <Td_colspan="2"> Steely Dan performing in 2007 . Walter Becker ( l ) playing electric guitar , Donald Fagen ( r ) playing melodica . <Th_colspan="2"> Background information Origin Annandale - on - Hudson , New York , U.S. Genres Jazz rock rock soft rock Years active 1972 -- 1981 , 1993 -- present Labels ABC MCA Giant Reprise Warner Bros . Associated acts New York Rock and Soul Revue Dukes of September Rhythm Revue Jay and the Americans Doobie Brothers Toto Larry Carlton Lee Ritenour Cornelius Bumpus Website <Th_colspan="2"> Members Donald Fagen <Th_colspan="2"> Past members Walter Becker Jeff `` Skunk '' Baxter Denny Dias Jim Hodder David Palmer Royce Jones Michael McDonald Jeff Porcaro Steely Dan is an American jazz rock band founded by core members Walter Becker ( guitars , backing vocals ) and Donald Fagen ( keyboards , lead vocals ) in 1972 . Blending elements of jazz , R&B , traditional pop , and sophisticated studio production with ironic and cryptic lyrics , the band enjoyed critical and commercial success starting from the early 1970s until breaking up in 1981 . Rolling Stone has called them `` the perfect musical antiheroes for the Seventies '' . Steely Dan reunited in 1993 and has toured steadily ever since . Becker died on September 3 , 2017 , leaving Fagen as the only official member . Recorded with a revolving cast of session musicians , Steely Dan 's music is characterized by complex jazz - influenced structures and harmonies . Becker and Fagen are whimsical , often sarcastic lyricists , having written `` cerebral , wry and eccentric '' songs about recreational drugs , love affairs , gambling , and crime . The pair is also known for their near - obsessive perfectionism in the recording studio : Over the year they took to record Gaucho ( 1980 ) , an album of just seven songs , Becker and Fagen hired at least 42 studio musicians and 11 engineers . Steely Dan toured from 1972 to 1974 before retiring from live performances , becoming a studio - only band . After the group disbanded in 1981 , Becker and Fagen were less active throughout most of the next decade , though a cult following remained devoted to the group . Since reuniting in 1993 Steely Dan has released two albums of new material , the first of which , Two Against Nature , earned a Grammy Award for Album of the Year . They have sold more than 40 million albums worldwide and were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in March 2001 . VH1 listed Steely Dan as one of the 100 greatest musical artists of all time . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Formative and early years ( 1967 -- 1972 ) 1.2 Ca n't Buy a Thrill and Countdown to Ecstasy ( 1972 -- 1973 ) 1.3 Pretzel Logic and Katy Lied ( 1974 -- 1976 ) 1.4 The Royal Scam and Aja ( 1976 -- 1978 ) 1.5 Gaucho and breakup ( 1978 -- 1981 ) 1.6 Time off ( 1981 -- 1993 ) 1.7 Reunion , Alive in America ( 1993 -- 2000 ) 1.8 Two Against Nature and Everything Must Go ( 2000 -- 2003 ) 1.9 Touring , solo activity ( 2003 -- 2017 ) 1.10 After Becker 's death ( 2017 -- present ) 2 Musical and lyrical style 2.1 Music 2.1. 1 Overall sound 2.1. 2 Backing vocals 2.1. 3 Horns 2.1. 4 Composition and chord use 2.2 Lyrics 3 Members 3.1 Timeline 4 Discography 5 See also 6 References 7 External links History ( edit ) Formative and early years ( 1967 -- 1972 ) ( edit ) Becker and Fagen met in 1967 at Bard College , in Annandale - on - Hudson , New York . As Fagen passed by a café , The Red Balloon , he heard Becker practicing the electric guitar . In an interview , Fagen recounted the experience : `` I hear this guy practicing , and it sounded very professional and contemporary . It sounded like , you know , like a black person , really . '' He introduced himself to Becker and asked , `` Do you want to be in a band ? '' Discovering that they enjoyed similar music , the two began writing songs together . Becker and Fagen began playing in local groups . One such group , known as the Don Fagen Jazz Trio , the Bad Rock Group and later the Leather Canary , included future comedy star Chevy Chase on drums . They played covers of songs by the Rolling Stones ( `` Dandelion '' ) , Moby Grape ( `` Hey Grandma '' ) , and Willie Dixon ( `` Spoonful '' ) , as well as some original compositions . Terence Boylan , another Bard musician , remembered that Fagen took readily to the beatnik life while attending college : `` They never came out of their room , they stayed up all night . They looked like ghosts -- black turtlenecks and skin so white that it looked like yogurt . Absolutely no activity , chain - smoking Lucky Strikes and dope . '' Fagen himself would later remember it as `` probably the only time in my life that I actually had friends . '' After Fagen graduated in 1969 , the two moved to Brooklyn and tried to peddle their tunes in the Brill Building in midtown Manhattan . Kenny Vance ( of Jay and the Americans ) , who had a production office in the building , took an interest in their music , which led to work on the soundtrack of the low - budget Richard Pryor film You 've Got to Walk It Like You Talk It or You 'll Lose That Beat . Becker later said bluntly , `` We did it for the money . '' A series of demos from 1968 to 1971 are available in bootleg form . This collection features approximately 25 tracks and is notable for its sparse arrangements ( Fagen plays solo piano on many songs ) and lo - fi production , a contrast with Steely Dan 's later work . Although some of these songs ( `` Caves of Altamira '' , `` Brooklyn '' , `` Barrytown '' ) were re-recorded for Steely Dan albums , most were never officially released . Becker and Fagen joined the touring band of Jay and the Americans for about a year and a half . They were at first paid $100 per show , but partway through their tenure the band 's tour manager cut their salaries in half . The group 's lead singer , Jay Black , dubbed Becker and Fagen `` the Manson and Starkweather of rock ' n ' roll '' , referring to cult leader Charles Manson and spree killer Charles Starkweather . They had little success after moving to Brooklyn , although Barbra Streisand recorded their song `` I Mean To Shine '' on her 1971 Barbra Joan Streisand album . Their fortunes changed when one of Vance 's associates , Gary Katz , moved to Los Angeles to become a staff producer for ABC Records . He hired Becker and Fagen as staff songwriters ; they flew to California . Katz would produce all their 1970s albums in collaboration with engineer Roger Nichols , and Nichols would win six Grammy Awards for his work with the band from the 1970s to 2001 . After realizing that their songs were too complex for other ABC artists , at Katz 's suggestion Becker and Fagen formed their own band with guitarists Denny Dias and Jeff `` Skunk '' Baxter , drummer Jim Hodder and singer David Palmer , and Katz signed them to ABC as recording artists . Fans of Beat Generation literature , Fagen and Becker named the band after `` Steely Dan III from Yokohama '' , an oversized , steam - powered strap - on dildo mentioned in the William S. Burroughs novel Naked Lunch . Palmer joined as a second lead vocalist because of Fagen 's occasional stage fright , his reluctance to sing in front of an audience , and because the label believed that his voice was not `` commercial '' enough . In 1972 , ABC issued Steely Dan 's first single , `` Dallas '' , backed with `` Sail the Waterway '' . Distribution of `` stock '' copies available to the general public was apparently extremely limited ; the single sold so poorly that promotional copies are much more readily available than stock copies in today 's collectors market . As of 2015 , `` Dallas '' and `` Sail the Waterway '' are the only officially released Steely Dan tracks that have not been reissued on cassette or compact disc . In an interview ( 1995 ) , Becker and Fagen called the songs `` stinko . '' `` Dallas '' was later covered by Poco on their Head Over Heels album . Ca n't Buy a Thrill and Countdown to Ecstasy ( 1972 -- 1973 ) ( edit ) Ca n't Buy a Thrill , Steely Dan 's debut album , was released in 1972 . Its hit singles `` Do It Again '' and `` Reelin ' In the Years '' reached No. 6 and No. 11 respectively on the Billboard singles chart . Along with `` Dirty Work '' ( sung by David Palmer ) , the songs became staples on classic rock radio . Because of Fagen 's reluctance to sing live , Palmer handled most of the vocal duties on stage . During the first tour , however , Katz and Becker decided that they preferred Fagen 's interpretations of the band 's songs , persuading him to take over . Palmer quietly left the group while it recorded its second album . He wrote the No. 2 hit `` Jazzman '' ( 1974 ) with Carole King . Released in 1973 , Countdown to Ecstasy was not as commercially successful as Steely Dan 's first album . Becker and Fagen were unhappy with some of the performances on the record and believed that it sold poorly because it had been recorded hastily on tour . The album 's singles were `` Show Biz Kids '' and `` My Old School '' , both of which stayed in the lower half of the Billboard charts ( though `` My Old School '' and -- to a lesser extent -- `` Bodhisattva '' became minor FM Rock staples in time ) . Pretzel Logic and Katy Lied ( 1974 -- 1976 ) ( edit ) Guitarist Jeff `` Skunk '' Baxter left Steely Dan in 1974 when they ceased performing live and began working in the studio exclusively . Pretzel Logic was released in early 1974 . A diverse set , it includes the group 's most successful single `` Rikki Do n't Lose That Number '' ( No. 4 ) and a note - for - note rendition of Duke Ellington and James `` Bubber '' Miley 's `` East St. Louis Toodle - Oo '' . During the previous album 's tour , the band had added vocalist - percussionist Royce Jones , vocalist - keyboardist Michael McDonald , and session drummer Jeff Porcaro ( of Sonny & Cher ) . Porcaro contributed significantly to Pretzel Logic ( as he would on future Steely Dan recordings ) , reflecting Steely Dan 's increasing reliance on session musicians ( including Dean Parks and Rick Derringer ) . Drummer Jeff Porcaro and Katy Lied pianist David Paich would go on to form Toto . Striving for perfection , Becker and Fagen sometimes asked musicians to record as many as forty takes of each track . Pretzel Logic was the first Steely Dan album to feature Walter Becker on guitar . `` Once I met ( session musician ) Chuck Rainey '' , he explained , `` I felt there really was no need for me to be bringing my bass guitar to the studio anymore '' . A rift began growing between Becker - Fagen and Steely Dan 's other members ( particularly Baxter and Hodder ) , who wanted to tour . Becker and Fagen disliked constant touring and wanted to concentrate solely on writing and recording . The other members gradually left the band , discouraged by this and by their diminishing roles in the studio . However , Dias remained with the group until 1980 's Gaucho and Michael McDonald contributed vocals until the group 's twenty - year hiatus after Gaucho . Baxter and McDonald went on to join The Doobie Brothers . Steely Dan 's last tour performance was on July 5 , 1974 , a concert at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium in California . A recording of the show 's opening track , `` Bodhisattva '' , was released as a B - side , and later appeared on the compilation album Gold . Becker and Fagen recruited a diverse group of session players for Katy Lied ( 1975 ) , including Porcaro , Paich , and McDonald , as well as guitarist Elliott Randall , jazz saxophonist Phil Woods , saxophonist / bass - guitarist Wilton Felder , percussionist / vibraphonist / keyboardist Victor Feldman , keyboardist ( and later producer ) Michael Omartian , and guitarist Larry Carlton -- Dias , Becker , and Fagen being Steely Dan 's only original members . The album went gold on the strength of `` Black Friday '' and `` Bad Sneakers '' , but Becker and Fagen were so dissatisfied with the album 's sound ( compromised by a faulty DBX noise reduction system ) that they publicly apologized for it ( on the album 's back cover ) and for years refused to listen to it in its final form . Katy Lied also included `` Doctor Wu '' and `` Chain Lightning '' . The Royal Scam and Aja ( 1976 -- 1978 ) ( edit ) The Royal Scam was released in May 1976 . Partly because of Carlton 's prominent contributions , it is the band 's most guitar - oriented album . It also features performances by session drummer Bernard Purdie . The album sold well in the U.S.A. though without the strength of a hit single . `` Haitian Divorce '' ( Top 20 ) drove sales in the UK , becoming Steely Dan 's first major hit in that country . Steely Dan 's sixth album , the jazz - influenced Aja , was released in September 1977 . Aja reached the Top Five in the U.S. charts within three weeks , winning the Grammy award for `` Engineer -- Best Engineered Recording -- Non-Classical . '' It was also one of the first American LPs to be certified ' platinum ' for sales of over 1 million albums . Featuring Michael McDonald 's backing vocals , `` Peg '' ( No. 11 ) was the album 's first single , followed by `` Josie '' ( No. 26 ) and `` Deacon Blues '' ( No. 19 ) . Aja solidified Becker 's and Fagen 's reputations as songwriters and studio perfectionists . It features such jazz and fusion luminaries as guitarists Larry Carlton and Lee Ritenour ; bassist Chuck Rainey ; saxophonists Wayne Shorter , Pete Christlieb , and Tom Scott ; drummers Steve Gadd , Rick Marotta and Bernard Purdie ; pianist Joe Sample and ex-Miles Davis pianist / vibraphonist Victor Feldman and Grammy award - winning producer / arranger Michael Omartian ( piano ) . Roger ( Nichols ) made those records sound like they did . He was extraordinary in his willingness and desire to make records sound better . The records we did could not have been done without Roger . He was just maniacal about making the sound of the records be what we liked ... He always thought there was a better way to do it , and he would find a way to do what we needed to in ways that other people had n't done yet . ~ Steely Dan producer Gary Katz regarding Roger Nichols ' role in the band 's recording legacy . Planning to tour in support of Aja , Steely Dan assembled a live band . Rehearsal ended and the tour was canceled when backing musicians began comparing pay . The album 's history was documented in an episode of the TV and DVD series Classic Albums . After Aja 's success , Becker and Fagen were asked to write the title track for the movie FM . The movie was a box - office disaster , but the song was a hit , earning Steely Dan another engineering Grammy award . It was a minor hit in the UK and barely missed the Top 20 in the U.S.A. Gaucho and breakup ( 1978 -- 1981 ) ( edit ) Becker and Fagen took a break from songwriting for most of 1978 before starting work on Gaucho . The project would not go smoothly : technical , legal , and personal setbacks delayed the album 's release and subsequently led Becker and Fagen to suspend their partnership for over a decade . Misfortune struck early when an assistant engineer accidentally deleted `` The Second Arrangement '' , a favorite track of Katz and Nichols , which was never recovered . More trouble -- this time legal -- followed . In March 1979 , MCA Records bought ABC , and for much of the next two years Steely Dan could not release an album . Becker and Fagen had planned on leaving ABC for Warner Bros. Records , but MCA claimed ownership of their music , preventing them from changing labels . Turmoil in Becker 's personal life also interfered . His girlfriend died of a drug overdose in their Upper West Side apartment , and he was sued for $17 million . Becker settled out of court , but he was shocked by the accusations and by the tabloid press coverage that followed . Soon after , Becker was struck by a taxi while crossing a Manhattan street , shattering his right leg in several places and forcing him to use crutches . Still more legal trouble was to come . Jazz composer Keith Jarrett sued Steely Dan for copyright infringement , claiming that they had based Gaucho 's title track on one of his compositions , `` Long As You Know You 're Living Yours '' . ( Fagen later admitted that he 'd loved the song and that it had been a strong influence . ) Gaucho was finally released in November 1980 . Despite its tortured history , it was another major success . The album 's first single , `` Hey Nineteen '' , reached No. 10 on the pop chart in early 1981 , and `` Time Out of Mind '' ( featuring guitarist Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits ) was a moderate hit in the spring . `` My Rival '' was featured in John Huston 's 1980 film Phobia . Roger Nichols won a third engineering Grammy award for his work on the album . Time off ( 1981 -- 1993 ) ( edit ) Steely Dan disbanded in June 1981 . Becker and his family moved to Maui , where he became an `` avocado rancher and self - styled critic of the contemporary scene . '' He stopped using drugs , which he had used for most of his career . Meanwhile , Fagen released a solo album , The Nightfly ( 1982 ) , which went platinum in both the U.S. and the U.K. and yielded the Top Twenty hit `` I.G.Y. ( What a Beautiful World ) . '' In 1988 Fagen wrote the score of Bright Lights , Big City and a song for its soundtrack , but otherwise recorded little . He occasionally did production work for other artists , as did Becker . The most prominent of these were two albums Becker produced for the British sophisti - pop group China Crisis , who were strongly influenced by Steely Dan . Becker is listed as an official member of China Crisis on the first of these albums , 1985 's Flaunt the Imperfection , and played keyboards on the band 's Top 20 UK hit `` Black Man Ray '' . For the second of the two albums , 1989 's Diary of a Hollow Horse , Becker is only listed as a producer and not as a band member . In 1986 Becker and Fagen performed on Zazu , an album by former model Rosie Vela produced by Gary Katz . The two rekindled their friendship and held songwriting sessions between 1986 and 1987 , leaving the results unfinished . On October 25 , 1991 , Becker attended a concert by New York Rock and Soul Revue , co-founded by Fagen and producer / singer Libby Titus ( who was for many years the partner of Levon Helm of The Band and would later become Fagen 's wife ) , and spontaneously performed with the group . Becker produced Fagen 's second solo album , Kamakiriad , in 1993 . Fagen conceived the album as a sequel to The Nightfly . He called it the most satisfying recording experience of his career . Reunion , Alive in America ( 1993 -- 2000 ) ( edit ) Steely Dan , shown here in 2007 , toured frequently after reforming in 1993 . Becker and Fagen reunited for an American tour to support Kamakiriad , which sold poorly despite a Grammy nomination for Album of the Year . With Becker playing lead and rhythm guitar , the pair assembled a band that included a second keyboard player , a second lead guitarist , a bassist , three female backing singers , and a four - piece saxophone section . During this tour , Fagen introduced himself as `` Rick Strauss '' and Becker as `` Frank Poulenc '' . The next year , MCA released Citizen Steely Dan , a boxed set featuring their entire catalog ( except their debut single `` Dallas '' / `` Sail The Waterway '' ) on four CDs , plus four extra tracks : `` Here at the Western World '' ( originally released on 1978 's `` Greatest Hits '' ) , `` FM '' ( 1978 single ) , a 1971 demo of `` Everyone 's Gone to the Movies '' and `` Bodhisattva ( live ) '' , the latter recorded on a cassette in 1974 and released as a B - side in 1980 . That year Becker released his debut solo album , 11 Tracks of Whack , which Fagen co-produced . Steely Dan toured again in support of the boxed set and Tracks . In 1995 they released a live CD , Alive in America , compiled from recordings of several 1993 and 1994 concerts . The Art Crimes Tour followed , including dates in the United States , Japan , and their first European shows in 22 years . After this activity , Becker and Fagen returned to the studio to begin work on a new album . Two Against Nature and Everything Must Go ( 2000 -- 2003 ) ( edit ) In 2000 Steely Dan released their first studio album in 20 years : Two Against Nature . It won four Grammy Awards : Best Engineered Album -- Non-Classical , Best Pop Vocal Album , Best Pop Performance by Duo or Group with Vocal ( `` Cousin Dupree '' ) , and Album of the Year ( despite competition in this category from Eminem 's The Marshall Mathers LP and Radiohead 's Kid A ) . In the summer of 2000 , they began another American tour , followed by an international tour later that year . They released the Plush TV Jazz - Rock Party DVD , documenting a live - in - the - studio concert performance of popular songs from throughout Steely Dan 's career . In March 2001 , Steely Dan was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame . In 2003 Steely Dan released Everything Must Go and began a new tour . In contrast to their earlier work , they had tried to write music that captured a live feel . Becker sang lead vocals on a Steely Dan studio album for the first time ( `` Slang of Ages '' -- he had sung lead on his own `` Book of Liars '' on Alive in America ) . Fewer session musicians played on Everything Must Go than had become typical of Steely Dan albums : Becker played bass on every track and lead guitar on five tracks ; Fagen added piano , electric piano , organ , synthesizers , and percussion on top of his vocals . Touring , solo activity ( 2003 -- 2017 ) ( edit ) After Everything Must Go , Becker and Fagen toured frequently as Steely Dan and released occasional solo albums . To complete his Nightfly trilogy , Fagen issued Morph the Cat in 2006 . The band 's Steelyard `` Sugartooth '' McDan and The Tour followed later that year , in which Michael McDonald played with the group during encores . The 2007 Heavy Rollers Tour included dates in North America , Europe , Japan , Australia , and New Zealand , making it their most expansive tour . The smaller Think Fast Tour followed in 2008 , and Steely Dan performed at the Montreal Jazz Festival in July . That year Becker released a second album , Circus Money , produced by Larry Klein and inspired by Jamaican music . In 2009 Steely Dan toured Europe and America extensively in their Left Bank Holiday and Rent Party Tour , alternating between standard one - date concerts at large venues and multi-night theater shows that featured performances of The Royal Scam , Aja , or Gaucho in their entirety on certain nights . The following year , Fagen formed the touring supergroup Dukes of September Rhythm Revue with McDonald , Boz Scaggs , and members of Steely Dan 's live band , whose repertoire included songs by all three songwriters . Longtime studio engineer Roger Nichols died of pancreatic cancer on April 10 , 2011 . Steely Dan 's Shuffle Diplomacy Tour that year included an expanded set list and dates in Australia and New Zealand . Fagen released his fourth album , Sunken Condos , in 2012 . It was his first solo release unrelated to the Nightfly trilogy . The Mood Swings : 8 Miles to Pancake Day Tour began in July 2013 and featured an eight - night run at the Beacon Theater in New York City . Jamalot Ever After , their 2014 United States tour , ran from July 2 in Portland , Oregon to September 20 in Port Chester , New York . Their Rockabye Gollie Angel Tour the following year included opening act Elvis Costello and the Imposters and dates at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival . The Dan Who Knew Too Much tour followed in 2016 , with Steve Winwood opening . Steely Dan also performed at The Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles with an accompanying orchestra . The band played its final shows with Becker in 2017 . In April , they played the 12 - date Reelin ' In the Chips residency in Las Vegas and Southern California . Becker 's final performance came on May 27 at the Greenwich Town Party in Greenwich , Connecticut . Due to an undisclosed illness , Becker did not play Steely Dan 's two Classics East and West concerts at Dodger Stadium and Citi Field in July . After Becker 's death ( 2017 -- present ) ( edit ) Becker died on September 3 , 2017 . In a note released to the media , Fagen remembered his longtime friend and band mate , and promised to `` keep the music we created together alive as long as I can with the Steely Dan band . '' A week after Becker 's death , Steely Dan announced a short American tour for October 2017 and three concert dates in the United Kingdom on a double bill with The Doobie Brothers . The band played its first concert following Becker 's death in Thackerville , Oklahoma on October 13 . In tribute to Becker , the band has performed his solo song `` Book of Liars '' , with Fagen singing the lead vocals , at several concerts on the tour . Musical and lyrical style ( edit ) Music ( edit ) Overall sound ( edit ) Special attention is given to the individual sound of each instrument . Recording is done with the utmost fidelity and attention to sonic detail , and mixed so that all the instruments are heard and none are given undue priority ( a deft and accomplished use of the multi-tracking process ) . For example , in the song `` Parker 's Band '' , two drum kits are used , which gives the song an unexpected drive , without overpowering the sound ; it is not even immediately apparent that there are two drum kits on the track . Their albums are also notable for the characteristically ' warm ' and ' dry ' production sound , and the sparing use of echo and reverberation . Long known as perfectionists , they often recorded take after take before selecting the player or performance that made the final cut on their albums . Backing vocals ( edit ) Becker and Fagen favored a distinctly soul - influenced style of backing vocals , which after the first few albums were almost always performed by a female chorus ( although Michael McDonald features prominently on several tracks , including the 1975 song `` Black Friday '' and the 1977 song `` Peg '' ) . Venetta Fields , Sherlie Matthews and Clydie King were the preferred trio for backing vocals on the group 's late 1970s albums . Other backing vocalists include Tawatha Agee , Brenda White - King , Carolyn Leonhart , Janice Pendarvis , Catherine Russell , Cynthia Calhoun , Victoria Cave , Cindy Mizelle , and Jeff Young . The band also featured singers like Patti Austin and Valerie Simpson on later projects such as Gaucho . Horns ( edit ) Horn arrangements have been used on songs from all Steely Dan albums . They are usually jazz - oriented , and typically feature instruments such as trumpets , trombones and saxophones , although they have also used other instruments such as flutes and clarinets . The horn parts occasionally integrate simple synth lines to alter the tone quality of individual horn lines ; for example in `` Deacon Blues '' this was done to `` thicken '' one of the saxophone lines . On their earlier albums Steely Dan featured guest arrangers and on their later albums the arrangement work is credited to Fagen . Composition and chord use ( edit ) Steely Dan are famous for their use of chord sequences and harmonies that explore the area of musical tension between traditional pop sounds and jazz . In particular , they are known for their use of the add 2 chord , a type of added tone chord , which they nicknamed the mu major . Other common chords used by Steely Dan include slash chords for example B / C or E-7 / A . This notation shows a chord ( shown to the left of the slash ) with a note other than the tonic ( shown to the right of the slash ) as the lowest pitched note . Lyrics ( edit ) This section possibly contains original research . Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations . Statements consisting only of original research should be removed . ( October 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Steely Dan 's lyrical subjects are diverse , but in their basic approach they often create fictional personae that participate in a narrative or situation . The duo have said that in retrospect , most of their albums have a ' feel ' of either Los Angeles or New York City , the two main cities where Becker and Fagen lived and worked . Characters appear in their songs that evoke these cities . Steely Dan 's lyrics are often puzzling to the listener , with the true meaning of the song `` uncoded '' through repeated listening , and a richer understanding of the references within the lyrics . For example , in the song `` Everyone 's Gone to the Movies , '' the line `` I know you 're used to 16 or more , sorry we only have eight '' refers not to the count of some article , but to eight - millimeter film , which was lower quality than 16 mm or larger formats , underscoring the illicitness of Mr. Lapage 's movie parties . Thematically , Steely Dan creates a universe peopled by losers , creeps and failed dreamers , often victims of their own obsessions and delusions . These motifs are introduced in the Dan 's first hit song , `` Do It Again , '' which contains a description of a murderous cowboy who beats the gallows , a man taken advantage of by a cheating girlfriend , and an obsessive gambler , all of whom are unable to command their own destinies ; similar themes of being trapped in a death spiral of one 's own making appear throughout their catalog . Other themes that they explore include prejudice , aging , poverty , and middle - class ennui . Many would argue that Steely Dan never wrote a genuine love song , instead dealing with personal passion in the guise of a destructive obsession . Many of their songs concern love , but typical of Steely Dan songs is an ironic or disturbing twist in the lyrics that reveals a darker reality . For example , expressed `` love '' is actually about prostitution ( `` Pearl of the Quarter '' ) , incest ( `` Cousin Dupree '' ) , pedophilia ( `` Everyone 's Gone to the Movies '' ) , pornography ( `` Peg '' ) or some other socially unacceptable subject . However , some of their demo - era recordings show Fagen and Becker expressing romance , including `` This Seat 's Been Taken '' , `` Oh , Wow , It 's You '' and `` Come Back Baby '' . Steely Dan 's lyrics contain subtle and encoded references , unusual ( and sometimes original ) slang expressions , a wide variety of `` word games . '' The obscure and sometimes teasing lyrics have given rise to considerable efforts by fans to explain the `` inner meaning '' of certain songs . Jazz is a recurring theme , and there are numerous other film , television and literary references and allusions , such as `` Home at Last '' ( from Aja ) , which was inspired by Homer 's Odyssey . Some of their lyrics are notable for their unusual meter patterns ; a prime example of this is their 1972 hit `` Reelin ' In the Years '' , which crams an unusually large number of words into each line , giving it a highly syncopated quality . `` Name dropping '' is another Steely Dan lyrical device ; references to real places and people abound in their songs . The song `` My Old School '' is an example , referring to Annandale ( Annandale - on - Hudson , New York , is home to Bard College , which both attended and where they met ) , and the Two Against Nature album ( 2000 ) contains numerous references to the duo 's original region , the New York metro area , including the district of Gramercy Park , the Strand Bookstore , and the upscale food store Dean & DeLuca . In the song `` Glamour Profession '' the conclusion of a drug deal is celebrated with dumplings at Mr. Chow , a Chinese restaurant in Beverly Hills . The band even employed self - reference ; in the song `` Show Biz Kids , '' the titular subjects are sardonically portrayed as owning `` the Steely Dan T - shirt . '' The band also often name - checks drinks , typically alcoholic , in their songs : rum and cokes ( `` Daddy Do n't Live in That New York City No More '' ) , piña coladas ( `` Bad Sneakers '' ) , zombies ( `` Haitian Divorce '' ) , black cows ( `` Black Cow '' ) , Scotch whisky ( `` Deacon Blues '' ) , retsina ( `` Home at Last '' ) , grapefruit wine ( `` FM '' ) , cherry wine ( `` Time Out of Mind '' ) , Cuervo Gold ( `` Hey Nineteen '' ) , kirschwasser ( `` Babylon Sisters '' ) , Tanqueray ( `` Lunch with Gina '' ) and Cuban breeze ( Fagen 's solo track `` The Goodbye Look '' ) are all mentioned in Steely Dan lyrics . Members ( edit ) Current members Donald Fagen -- lead vocals , keyboards ( 1972 -- 1981 , 1993 -- present ) Former members Walter Becker -- guitar , bass ( 1972 -- 1981 , 1993 -- 2017 ; died 2017 ) Jeff `` Skunk '' Baxter -- guitar , backing vocals ( 1972 -- 1974 ) Denny Dias -- guitar ( 1972 -- 1974 ) Jim Hodder -- drums , backing and lead vocals ( 1972 -- 1974 ; died 1990 ) David Palmer -- backing and lead vocals ( 1972 -- 1973 ) Royce Jones -- backing and lead vocals , percussion ( 1973 , 1974 ) Michael McDonald -- keyboards , backing vocals ( 1974 ) Jeff Porcaro -- drums ( 1974 ; died 1992 ) Timeline ( edit ) Discography ( edit ) Main article : Steely Dan discography Studio albums Ca n't Buy a Thrill ( 1972 ) Countdown to Ecstasy ( 1973 ) Pretzel Logic ( 1974 ) Katy Lied ( 1975 ) The Royal Scam ( 1976 ) Aja ( 1977 ) Gaucho ( 1980 ) Two Against Nature ( 2000 ) Everything Must Go ( 2003 ) See also ( edit ) List of songwriter tandems References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` STEELY DAN biography '' . Great Rock Bible . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 03 . ^ Jump up to : AllMusic Steely Dan : Biography . Jump up ^ Rock and Roll Hall of Fame official Steely Dan biography . Jump up ^ Allmusic song review : Hey Nineteen . Retrieved July 31 , 2008 . Jump up ^ AllMusic song review : Kid Charlemagne Jump up ^ AllMusic song review : Do n't Take Me Alive ^ Jump up to : Stylus Magazine : Top Ten Obscure Steely Dan Lyrics . Jump up ^ : Steely Dan still feeling the groove . Jump up ^ MSN Inside Music -- Re : Masters : Steely Dan Think Fast and Tour . Jump up ^ AllMusic album credits : Gaucho . ^ Jump up to : `` Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees '' . Archived from the original on December 4 , 2006 . Retrieved December 22 , 2006 . ^ Jump up to : `` Countdown to Infamy '' . Retrieved December 22 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` The Modesto Bee : Reelin ' in the years with Steely Dan 's Walker Becker '' . . August 1 , 2008 . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Official Steely Dan Tour Dates 2013 MOOD SWINGS ' 13 RESOURCES '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Ep. 215 -- 100 Greatest Artists of All Time ( Hour 2 ) -- The Greatest -- Episode Summary , Highlights , and Recaps -- '' . Retrieved March 10 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Brunner , Rob ( March 17 , 2006 ) . `` Back to Annadale : The origins of Steely Dan '' . . Retrieved March 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ article : Back to Annadale : The origins of Steely Dan ( page 3 ) . Jump up ^ Metal Leg Issue # 2 . Jump up ^ Walter Becker , For a Change , , January 19 , 2000 . Retrieved January 17 , 2007 ^ Jump up to : Metal Leg : Issue # 1 . Jump up ^ `` Roger Nichols '' . Retrieved September 3 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` The Return of Steely Dan '' . Mojo Magazine . October 1995 . Retrieved December 15 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` Official Steely Dan FAQ '' . Retrieved January 18 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` 45cat -- Steely Dan -- Dallas / Sail The Waterway -- ABC -- USA -- ABC - 11323 '' . Retrieved March 10 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Steely Dan interview with CompuServe members '' . . October 20 , 1995 . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Timeline Bio Official Steely Dan '' . . October 11 , 2006 . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 15 . ^ Jump up to : Q Magazine , No 103 April 1995 . `` Has n't he grown '' , written by Andy Gill , pages 41 -- 3 published by EMAP Metro Jump up ^ `` Steely Dan official FAQ : The Later Steely Dan Years '' . Retrieved March 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Denny Dias , `` Katy and The Gremlin '' , . Retrieved January 18 , 2007 ^ Jump up to : Steely Dan UK chart history , The Official Charts Company . Retrieved May 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` The Rolling Stone 500 Greatest Albums of All Time '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved December 21 , 2006 . 145 . Aja , Steely Dan Jump up ^ `` Grammy Award Winners '' . Retrieved December 21 , 2006 . Jump up ^ Sisario , Ben ( April 17 , 2011 ) . `` Roger Nichols , 66 , Artist Among Sound Engineers '' . New York Times . Retrieved April 18 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Cromelin , Richard ( April 13 , 2011 ) . `` Roger Nichols dies at 66 ; engineer gave Steely Dan its distinctive sound '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved April 18 , 2011 . Jump up ^ YouTube video : `` Steely Dan - Robert Klein Interview 12 / 15 / 1980 - Part 2 '' Jump up ^ Steely Dan : Reelin in the Years by Brian Sweet -- page 137 Jump up ^ Breskin , David ( c. 1980 ) . `` Steely Dan ( Interview ) '' . Musician Magazine . Retrieved December 21 , 2006 . Jump up ^ Anderson , Stacey ( June 21 , 2011 ) . `` When Jimmy Page Debuted With the Yardbirds and Steely Dan Broke Up '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved October 25 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Steely Dan 's official website Timeline Bio : 1980 . Jump up ^ `` : Sophisticated skank '' . Retrieved June 19 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` LA Times Interview with Steely Dan : Return of the Nightfly '' . Retrieved June 19 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Stylus Magazine review : Steely Dan -- Gaucho -- On Second Thought '' . Retrieved June 19 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Bush , John . `` China Crisis Biography '' . AllMusic . Retrieved 26 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Rosie Vela : Facing The Music '' . Metal Leg -- The Steely Dan Magazine . May 1994 . Retrieved March 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ John Sakamoto ( February 29 , 2000 ) . `` The Steely Dan Q & A '' . Jam ! . Retrieved May 27 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Steely Dan Announce Summer U.S. Tour with Michael McDonald '' . Retrieved December 22 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` Official Steely Dan Heavy Rollers Tour 2007 '' . . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 15 . Jump up ^ Morris , Christopher ( April 10 , 2011 ) . `` Roger Nichols , music engineer , dies '' . Variety . Retrieved April 10 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Official Steely Dan Tour Dates 2013 Mood Swings ' 13 '' . 2013 - 07 - 29 . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Steely Dan announces North American tour '' . USA Today . April 14 , 2014 . Retrieved April 19 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Steely Dan Stays Consistent , Complex , Cool in Las Vegas Residency '' . Las Vegas Review Journal . April 25 , 2017 . Retrieved September 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Watch Steely Dan 's Final Concert With Walter Becker '' . Rolling Stone . September 5 , 2017 . Retrieved September 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Steely Dan at Classic East - Minus Walter Becker '' . Best Classic Bands . July 30 , 2017 . Retrieved September 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Kreps , Daniel ( 2017 - 09 - 03 ) . `` Walter Becker , Steely Dan Co-Founder , Dead at 67 '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved 2017 - 09 - 03 . Jump up ^ Saperstein , Pat ( 3 September 2017 ) . `` Steely Dan 's Donald Fagen on Walter Becker : ' Hysterically Funny , a Great Songwriter ' '' . Variety . Retrieved 3 September 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Kreps , Daniel . `` Steely Dan Announce Tour Following Walter Becker 's Death '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved 12 September 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Watch Steely Dan Pay Tribute to Walter Becker With a Rare Performance of `` Book of Liars '' `` . Spin. 19 October 2017 . Retrieved 19 October 2017 . Jump up ^ Steely Dan Session Players , Under the Banyan Trees with Steely Dan ( archives ) . Retrieved January 18 , 2007 Jump up ^ `` Intro to the Steely Dan Song Book '' . Retrieved February 10 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Explanation of the Steely Dan Mu Major Chord '' . Retrieved February 10 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Steely Dan Chords '' . Retrieved January 20 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Slash Chords - Music Theory - Beginner Guitar Lesson 8 - Slash Chord Theory '' . Guitar . Retrieved 2016 - 04 - 08 . Jump up ^ Reed , Bobby ( October 8 , 2003 ) . `` Steely Dan goes back in time to 1979 '' . Chicago Sun - Times . Retrieved August 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Rolls , Chris ( March 2 , 2006 ) . `` Interview with Donald Fagen '' . . Retrieved December 21 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` The Steely Dan Dictionary '' . Retrieved December 21 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` Welcome page '' . Retrieved March 10 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Breithaupt , Don ( May 17 , 2007 ) . Steely Dan 's Aja. 33 1 / 3 . 46 ( 1st ed . ) . New York : Continuum Books . p. 130pp . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8264 - 2783 - 0 . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 29 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Steely Dan Official website <Th_colspan="2"> Steely Dan <Td_colspan="2"> Walter Becker Donald Fagen Jeff `` Skunk '' Baxter Denny Dias Jim Hodder David Palmer Royce Jones Michael McDonald Jeff Porcaro Studio albums Ca n't Buy a Thrill ( 1972 ) Countdown to Ecstasy ( 1973 ) Pretzel Logic ( 1974 ) Katy Lied ( 1975 ) The Royal Scam ( 1976 ) Aja ( 1977 ) Gaucho ( 1980 ) Two Against Nature ( 2000 ) Everything Must Go ( 2003 ) Live albums Alive in America ( 1995 ) Plush TV Jazz - Rock Party ( 2000 ) Singles `` Dallas '' `` Do It Again '' `` Reelin ' In the Years '' `` Show Biz Kids '' `` My Old School '' `` Rikki Do n't Lose That Number '' `` Pretzel Logic '' `` Black Friday '' `` Bad Sneakers '' `` Kid Charlemagne '' `` The Fez '' `` Haitian Divorce '' `` Peg '' `` Deacon Blues '' `` FM ( No Static at All ) '' `` Josie '' `` Hey Nineteen '' `` Babylon Sisters '' `` Cousin Dupree '' `` Janie Runaway '' Album tracks `` Aja '' `` Any Major Dude Will Tell You '' `` Dirty Work '' Compilations Greatest Hits ( 1978 ) Steely Dan ( 1978 ) Gold ( 1982 / 91 ) A Decade of Steely Dan ( 1985 ) Reelin ' In the Years ( 1987 ) Do It Again ( 1987 ) Citizen Steely Dan ( 1993 ) Then and Now ( 1993 ) Showbiz Kids ( 2000 ) The Definitive Collection ( 2006 ) Related articles Discography Gary Katz Marian McPartland 's Piano Jazz with Steely Dan Roger Nichols <Td_colspan="2"> Book <Th_colspan="2"> Donald Fagen Studio albums The Nightfly ( 1982 ) Kamakiriad ( 1993 ) Morph the Cat ( 2006 ) Sunken Condos ( 2012 ) Singles `` I.G.Y. ( What a Beautiful World ) '' `` New Frontier '' `` Ruby Baby '' `` Snowbound '' Related articles Steely Dan The New York Rock and Soul Revue Live at the Beacon <Th_colspan="2"> Grammy Award for Album of the Year 1959 -- 1979 The Music from Peter Gunn -- Henry Mancini ( 1959 ) Come Dance with Me ! -- Frank Sinatra ( 1960 ) The Button - Down Mind of Bob Newhart -- Bob Newhart ( 1961 ) Judy at Carnegie Hall -- Judy Garland ( 1962 ) The First Family -- Vaughn Meader ( 1963 ) The Barbra Streisand Album -- Barbra Streisand ( 1964 ) Getz / Gilberto -- Stan Getz , João Gilberto ( 1965 ) September of My Years -- Frank Sinatra ( 1966 ) A Man and His Music -- Frank Sinatra ( 1967 ) Sgt . Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band -- The Beatles ( 1968 ) By the Time I Get to Phoenix -- Glen Campbell ( 1969 ) Blood , Sweat & Tears -- Blood , Sweat & Tears ( 1970 ) Bridge over Troubled Water -- Simon & Garfunkel ( 1971 ) Tapestry -- Carole King ( 1972 ) The Concert for Bangladesh -- Various ( 1973 ) Innervisions -- Stevie Wonder ( 1974 ) Fulfillingness ' First Finale -- Stevie Wonder ( 1975 ) Still Crazy After All These Years -- Paul Simon ( 1976 ) Songs in the Key of Life -- Stevie Wonder ( 1977 ) Rumours -- Fleetwood Mac ( 1978 ) Saturday Night Fever -- Bee Gees / Various ( 1979 ) 1980 -- 2000 52nd Street -- Billy Joel ( 1980 ) Christopher Cross -- Christopher Cross ( 1981 ) Double Fantasy -- John Lennon and Yoko Ono ( 1982 ) Toto IV -- Toto ( 1983 ) Thriller -- Michael Jackson ( 1984 ) Ca n't Slow Down -- Lionel Richie ( 1985 ) No Jacket Required -- Phil Collins ( 1986 ) Graceland -- Paul Simon ( 1987 ) The Joshua Tree -- U2 ( 1988 ) Faith -- George Michael ( 1989 ) Nick of Time -- Bonnie Raitt ( 1990 ) Back on the Block -- Quincy Jones and various artists ( 1991 ) Unforgettable ... with Love -- Natalie Cole ( 1992 ) Unplugged -- Eric Clapton ( 1993 ) The Bodyguard -- Whitney Houston ( 1994 ) MTV Unplugged -- Tony Bennett ( 1995 ) Jagged Little Pill -- Alanis Morissette ( 1996 ) Falling into You -- Celine Dion ( 1997 ) Time Out of Mind -- Bob Dylan ( 1998 ) The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill -- Lauryn Hill ( 1999 ) Supernatural -- Santana ( 2000 ) 2001 -- present Two Against Nature -- Steely Dan ( 2001 ) O Brother , Where Art Thou ? Soundtrack ( 2002 ) Come Away with Me -- Norah Jones ( 2003 ) Speakerboxxx / The Love Below -- Outkast ( 2004 ) Genius Loves Company -- Ray Charles and various artists ( 2005 ) How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb -- U2 ( 2006 ) Taking the Long Way -- Dixie Chicks ( 2007 ) River : The Joni Letters -- Herbie Hancock ( 2008 ) Raising Sand -- Robert Plant & Alison Krauss ( 2009 ) Fearless -- Taylor Swift ( 2010 ) The Suburbs -- Arcade Fire ( 2011 ) 21 -- Adele ( 2012 ) Babel -- Mumford & Sons ( 2013 ) Random Access Memories -- Daft Punk ( 2014 ) Morning Phase -- Beck ( 2015 ) 1989 -- Taylor Swift ( 2016 ) 25 -- Adele ( 2017 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Class of 2001 Performers Aerosmith ( Tom Hamilton , Joey Kramer , Joe Perry , Steven Tyler , Brad Whitford ) Solomon Burke The Flamingos ( Jake Carey , Zeke Carey , Johnny Carter , Tommy Hunt , Terry `` Buzzy '' Johnson , Sollie McElroy , Nate Nelson , Paul Wilson ) Michael Jackson Queen ( John Deacon , Brian May , Freddie Mercury , Roger Taylor ) Paul Simon Steely Dan ( Walter Becker , Donald Fagen ) Ritchie Valens Non-performers ( Ahmet Ertegun Award ) Chris Blackwell Sidemen James Burton Johnnie Johnson VIAF : 149068659 LCCN : n92007880 ISNI : 0000 0001 2348 3250 GND : 5505683 - 0 SUDOC : 161776914 BNF : cb13906734t ( data ) MusicBrainz : e01c3376 - 15fa - 40d7 - b747 - 5f219bdefdd7 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Steely Dan 1972 establishments in New York ( state ) American rhythm and blues musical groups Rock music groups from New York ( state ) American soft rock music groups Bard College alumni Crossover ( music ) Giant Records ( Warner ) artists Grammy Award winners Jazz fusion ensembles MCA Records artists Musical groups established in 1972 Musical groups disestablished in 1981 Musical groups reestablished in 1993 Reprise Records artists Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees Rock music duos Hidden categories : Articles with hCards All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from May 2012 Articles with unsourced statements from October 2013 Articles that may contain original research from October 2017 All articles that may contain original research Articles with unsourced statements from October 2017 Use mdy dates from October 2012 Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Afrikaans Bân - lâm - gú Български Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español فارسی Français 한국어 Italiano עברית ქართული Limburgs Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Simple English Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt Edit links This page was last edited on 25 October 2017 , at 18 : 48 . 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1. Steely Dan - American jazz rock band 2. Walter Becker and Donald Fagen - core members of Steely Dan 3. Complex jazz-influenced music and ironic lyrics 4. Critical and commercial success in the 1970s 5. Reunion in 1993 and continued touring
which statement is the most accurate one in defining geography as a discipline
Geography - wikipedia Geography This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( February 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) For other uses , see Geography ( disambiguation ) . Physical map of Earth with political borders as of 2016 Geography ( from Greek γεωγραφία , geographia , literally `` earth description '' ) is a field of science devoted to the study of the lands , features , inhabitants , and phenomena of Earth . The first person to use the word γεωγραφία was Eratosthenes ( 276 -- 194 BC ) . Geography is an all - encompassing discipline that seeks an understanding of Earth and its human and natural complexities -- not merely where objects are , but also how they have changed and come to be . Geography is often defined in terms of two branches : human geography and physical geography . Human geography deals with the study of people and their communities , cultures , economies , and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across space and place . Physical geography deals with the study of processes and patterns in the natural environment like the atmosphere , hydrosphere , biosphere , and geosphere . The four historical traditions in geographical research are : spatial analyses of natural and the human phenomena , area studies of places and regions , studies of human - land relationships , and the Earth sciences . Geography has been called `` the world discipline '' and `` the bridge between the human and the physical sciences '' . Contents 1 Introduction 2 Branches 2.1 Physical geography 2.2 Human geography 2.3 Environmental geography 2.4 Geomatics 2.5 Regional geography 2.6 Related fields 3 Techniques 3.1 Cartography 3.2 Geographic information systems 3.3 Remote sensing 3.4 Quantitative methods 3.5 Qualitative methods 4 History 5 Notable geographers 6 Institutions and societies 7 Publications 8 Notes and references Introduction Geography is a systematic study of the Universe and its features . Traditionally , geography has been associated with cartography and place names . Although many geographers are trained in toponymy and cartology , this is not their main preoccupation . Geographers study the space and the temporal database distribution of phenomena , processes , and features as well as the interaction of humans and their environment . Because space and place affect a variety of topics , such as economics , health , climate , plants and animals , geography is highly interdisciplinary . The interdisciplinary nature of the geographical approach depends on an attentiveness to the relationship between physical and human phenomena and its spatial patterns . Names of places ... are not geography ... know by heart a whole gazetteer full of them would not , in itself , constitute anyone a geographer . Geography has higher aims than this : it seeks to classify phenomena ( alike of the natural and of the political world , in so far as it treats of the latter ) , to compare , to generalize , to ascend from effects to causes , and , in doing so , to trace out the laws of nature and to mark their influences upon man . This is ' a description of the world ' -- that is Geography . In a word Geography is a Science -- a thing not of mere names but of argument and reason , of cause and effect . -- William Hughes , 1863 Just as all phenomena exist in time and thus have a history , they also exist in space and have a geography . -- United States National Research Council , 1997 Geography as a discipline can be split broadly into two main subsidiary fields : human geography and physical geography . The former largely focuses on the built environment and how humans create , view , manage , and influence space . The latter examines the natural environment , and how organisms , climate , soil , water , and landforms produce and interact . The difference between these approaches led to a third field , environmental geography , which combines physical and human geography and concerns the interactions between the environment and humans . Branches Physical geography Main article : Physical geography Physical geography ( or physiography ) focuses on geography as an Earth science . It aims to understand the physical problems and the issues of lithosphere , hydrosphere , atmosphere , pedosphere , and global flora and fauna patterns ( biosphere ) . Physical geography can be divided into many broad categories , including : Biogeography Climatology & meteorology Coastal geography Environmental management Geodesy Geomorphology Glaciology Hydrology & hydrography Landscape ecology Oceanography Pedology Palaeogeography Quaternary science Human geography Main article : Human geography Human geography is a branch of geography that focuses on the study of patterns and processes that shape the human society . It encompasses the human , political , cultural , social , and economic aspects . Human geography can be divided into many broad categories , such as : Cultural geography Development geography Economic geography Health geography Historical & Time geog . Political geog . & Geopolitics Pop . geog. or Demography Religion geography Social geography Transportation geography Tourism geography Urban geography Various approaches to the study of human geography have also arisen through time and include : Behavioral geography Feminist geography Culture theory Geosophy Environmental geography Main article : Integrated geography Environmental geography is concerned with the description of the spatial interactions between humans and the natural world . It requires an understanding of the traditional aspects of physical and human geography , as well as the ways that human societies conceptualize the environment . Environmental geography has emerged as a bridge between the human and the physical geography , as a result of the increasing specialisation of the two sub-fields . Furthermore , as human relationship with the environment has changed as a result of globalization and technological change , a new approach was needed to understand the changing and dynamic relationship . Examples of areas of research in the environmental geography include : emergency management , environmental management , sustainability , and political ecology . Geomatics Main article : Geomatics Digital Elevation Model ( DEM ) Geomatics is concerned with the application of computers to the traditional spatial techniques used in cartography and topography . Geomatics emerged from the quantitative revolution in geography in the mid-1950s . Today , geomatics methods include spatial analysis , geographic information systems ( GIS ) , remote sensing , and global positioning systems ( GPS ) . Geomatics has led to a revitalization of some geography departments , especially in Northern America where the subject had a declining status during the 1950s . Regional geography Main article : Regional geography Regional geography is concerned with the description of the unique characteristics of a particular region such as its natural or human elements . The main aim is to understand , or define the uniqueness , or character of a particular region that consists of natural as well as human elements . Attention is paid also to regionalization , which covers the proper techniques of space delimitation into regions . Related fields Urban planning , regional planning , and spatial planning : Use the science of geography to assist in determining how to develop ( or not develop ) the land to meet particular criteria , such as safety , beauty , economic opportunities , the preservation of the built or natural heritage , and so on . The planning of towns , cities , and rural areas may be seen as applied geography . Regional science : In the 1950s , the regional science movement led by Walter Isard arose to provide a more quantitative and analytical base to geographical questions , in contrast to the descriptive tendencies of traditional geography programs . Regional science comprises the body of knowledge in which the spatial dimension plays a fundamental role , such as regional economics , resource management , location theory , urban and regional planning , transport and communication , human geography , population distribution , landscape ecology , and environmental quality . Interplanetary Sciences : While the discipline of geography is normally concerned with the Earth , the term can also be informally used to describe the study of other worlds , such as the planets of the Solar System and even beyond . The study of systems larger than the Earth itself usually forms part of Astronomy or Cosmology . The study of other planets is usually called planetary science . Alternative terms such as areology ( the study of Mars ) have been proposed but are not widely used . Techniques As spatial interrelationships are key to this synoptic science , maps are a key tool . Classical cartography has been joined by a more modern approach to geographical analysis , computer - based geographic information systems ( GIS ) . In their study , geographers use four interrelated approaches : Systematic -- Groups geographical knowledge into categories that can be explored globally . Regional -- Examines systematic relationships between categories for a specific region or location on the planet . Descriptive -- Simply specifies the locations of features and populations . Analytical -- Asks why we find features and populations in a specific geographic area . Cartography James Cook 's 1770 chart of New Zealand Main article : Cartography Cartography studies the representation of the Earth 's surface with abstract symbols ( map making ) . Although other subdisciplines of geography rely on maps for presenting their analyses , the actual making of maps is abstract enough to be regarded separately . Cartography has grown from a collection of drafting techniques into an actual science . Cartographers must learn cognitive psychology and ergonomics to understand which symbols convey information about the Earth most effectively , and behavioural psychology to induce the readers of their maps to act on the information . They must learn geodesy and fairly advanced mathematics to understand how the shape of the Earth affects the distortion of map symbols projected onto a flat surface for viewing . It can be said , without much controversy , that cartography is the seed from which the larger field of geography grew . Most geographers will cite a childhood fascination with maps as an early sign they would end up in the field . Geographic information systems Main article : Geographic information system Geographic information systems ( GIS ) deal with the storage of information about the Earth for automatic retrieval by a computer , in an accurate manner appropriate to the information 's purpose . In addition to all of the other subdisciplines of geography , GIS specialists must understand computer science and database systems . GIS has revolutionized the field of cartography : nearly all mapmaking is now done with the assistance of some form of GIS software . GIS also refers to the science of using GIS software and GIS techniques to represent , analyse , and predict the spatial relationships . In this context , GIS stands for geographic information science . Remote sensing Main article : Remote sensing Remote sensing is the science of obtaining information about Earth features from measurements made at a distance . Remotely sensed data comes in many forms , such as satellite imagery , aerial photography , and data obtained from hand - held sensors . Geographers increasingly use remotely sensed data to obtain information about the Earth 's land surface , ocean , and atmosphere , because it : ( a ) supplies objective information at a variety of spatial scales ( local to global ) , ( b ) provides a synoptic view of the area of interest , ( c ) allows access to distant and inaccessible sites , ( d ) provides spectral information outside the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum , and ( e ) facilitates studies of how features / areas change over time . Remotely sensed data may be analysed either independently of , or in conjunction with other digital data layers ( e.g. , in a geographic information system ) . Quantitative methods Main article : Geostatistics Geostatistics deal with quantitative data analysis , specifically the application of statistical methodology to the exploration of geographic phenomena . Geostatistics is used extensively in a variety of fields , including hydrology , geology , petroleum exploration , weather analysis , urban planning , logistics , and epidemiology . The mathematical basis for geostatistics derives from cluster analysis , linear discriminant analysis and non-parametric statistical tests , and a variety of other subjects . Applications of geostatistics rely heavily on geographic information systems , particularly for the interpolation ( estimate ) of unmeasured points . Geographers are making notable contributions to the method of quantitative techniques . Qualitative methods Main article : Ethnography Geographic qualitative methods , or ethnographical research techniques , are used by human geographers . In cultural geography there is a tradition of employing qualitative research techniques , also used in anthropology and sociology . Participant observation and in - depth interviews provide human geographers with qualitative data . History Main article : History of geography The oldest known world maps date back to ancient Babylon from the 9th century BC . The best known Babylonian world map , however , is the Imago Mundi of 600 BC . The map as reconstructed by Eckhard Unger shows Babylon on the Euphrates , surrounded by a circular landmass showing Assyria , Urartu and several cities , in turn surrounded by a `` bitter river '' ( Oceanus ) , with seven islands arranged around it so as to form a seven - pointed star . The accompanying text mentions seven outer regions beyond the encircling ocean . The descriptions of five of them have survived . In contrast to the Imago Mundi , an earlier Babylonian world map dating back to the 9th century BC depicted Babylon as being further north from the center of the world , though it is not certain what that center was supposed to represent . The ideas of Anaximander ( c. 610 -- 545 BC ) : considered by later Greek writers to be the true founder of geography , come to us through fragments quoted by his successors . Anaximander is credited with the invention of the gnomon , the simple , yet efficient Greek instrument that allowed the early measurement of latitude . Thales is also credited with the prediction of eclipses . The foundations of geography can be traced to the ancient cultures , such as the ancient , medieval , and early modern Chinese . The Greeks , who were the first to explore geography as both art and science , achieved this through Cartography , Philosophy , and Literature , or through Mathematics . There is some debate about who was the first person to assert that the Earth is spherical in shape , with the credit going either to Parmenides or Pythagoras . Anaxagoras was able to demonstrate that the profile of the Earth was circular by explaining eclipses . However , he still believed that the Earth was a flat disk , as did many of his contemporaries . One of the first estimates of the radius of the Earth was made by Eratosthenes . The first rigorous system of latitude and longitude lines is credited to Hipparchus . He employed a sexagesimal system that was derived from Babylonian mathematics . The meridians were sub-divided into 360 ° , with each degree further subdivided into 60 ( minutes ) . To measure the longitude at different locations on Earth , he suggested using eclipses to determine the relative difference in time . The extensive mapping by the Romans as they explored new lands would later provide a high level of information for Ptolemy to construct detailed atlases . He extended the work of Hipparchus , using a grid system on his maps and adopting a length of 56.5 miles for a degree . From the 3rd century onwards , Chinese methods of geographical study and writing of geographical literature became much more comprehensive than what was found in Europe at the time ( until the 13th century ) . Chinese geographers such as Liu An , Pei Xiu , Jia Dan , Shen Kuo , Fan Chengda , Zhou Daguan , and Xu Xiake wrote important treatises , yet by the 17th century advanced ideas and methods of Western - style geography were adopted in China . The Ptolemy world map , reconstituted from Ptolemy 's Geographia , written c. 150 During the Middle Ages , the fall of the Roman empire led to a shift in the evolution of geography from Europe to the Islamic world . Muslim geographers such as Muhammad al - Idrisi produced detailed world maps ( such as Tabula Rogeriana ) , while other geographers such as Yaqut al - Hamawi , Abu Rayhan Biruni , Ibn Battuta , and Ibn Khaldun provided detailed accounts of their journeys and the geography of the regions they visited . Turkish geographer , Mahmud al - Kashgari drew a world map on a linguistic basis , and later so did Piri Reis ( Piri Reis map ) . Further , Islamic scholars translated and interpreted the earlier works of the Romans and the Greeks and established the House of Wisdom in Baghdad for this purpose . Abū Zayd al - Balkhī , originally from Balkh , founded the `` Balkhī school '' of terrestrial mapping in Baghdad . Suhrāb , a late tenth century Muslim geographer accompanied a book of geographical coordinates , with instructions for making a rectangular world map with equirectangular projection or cylindrical equidistant projection . Abu Rayhan Biruni ( 976 -- 1048 ) first described a polar equi - azimuthal equidistant projection of the celestial sphere . He was regarded as the most skilled when it came to mapping cities and measuring the distances between them , which he did for many cities in the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent . He often combined astronomical readings and mathematical equations , in order to develop methods of pin - pointing locations by recording degrees of latitude and longitude . He also developed similar techniques when it came to measuring the heights of mountains , depths of the valleys , and expanse of the horizon . He also discussed human geography and the planetary habitability of the Earth . He also calculated the latitude of Kath , Khwarezm , using the maximum altitude of the Sun , and solved a complex geodesic equation in order to accurately compute the Earth 's circumference , which was close to modern values of the Earth 's circumference . His estimate of 6,339.9 km for the Earth radius was only 16.8 km less than the modern value of 6,356.7 km . In contrast to his predecessors , who measured the Earth 's circumference by sighting the Sun simultaneously from two different locations , al - Biruni developed a new method of using trigonometric calculations , based on the angle between a plain and mountain top , which yielded more accurate measurements of the Earth 's circumference , and made it possible for it to be measured by a single person from a single location . Self portrait of Alexander von Humboldt , one of the early pioneers of geography as an academic subject in modern sense The European Age of Discovery during the 16th and the 17th centuries , where many new lands were discovered and accounts by European explorers such as Christopher Columbus , Marco Polo , and James Cook revived a desire for both accurate geographic detail , and more solid theoretical foundations in Europe . The problem facing both explorers and geographers was finding the latitude and longitude of a geographic location . The problem of latitude was solved long ago but that of longitude remained ; agreeing on what zero meridian should be was only part of the problem . It was left to John Harrison to solve it by inventing the chronometer H - 4 in 1760 , and later in 1884 for the International Meridian Conference to adopt by convention the Greenwich meridian as zero meridian . The 18th and the 19th centuries were the times when geography became recognized as a discrete academic discipline , and became part of a typical university curriculum in Europe ( especially Paris and Berlin ) . The development of many geographic societies also occurred during the 19th century , with the foundations of the Société de Géographie in 1821 , the Royal Geographical Society in 1830 , Russian Geographical Society in 1845 , American Geographical Society in 1851 , and the National Geographic Society in 1888 . The influence of Immanuel Kant , Alexander von Humboldt , Carl Ritter , and Paul Vidal de la Blache can be seen as a major turning point in geography from a philosophy to an academic subject . Over the past two centuries , the advancements in technology with computers have led to the development of geomatics and new practices such as participant observation and geostatistics being incorporated into geography 's portfolio of tools . In the West during the 20th century , the discipline of geography went through four major phases : environmental determinism , regional geography , the quantitative revolution , and critical geography . The strong interdisciplinary links between geography and the sciences of geology and botany , as well as economics , sociology and demographics have also grown greatly , especially as a result of earth system science that seeks to understand the world in a holistic view . Notable geographers Main articles : List of geographers and List of Graeco - Roman geographers Gerardus Mercator Eratosthenes ( 276 -- 194 BC ) -- calculated the size of the Earth . Strabo ( 64 / 63 BC -- ca . AD 24 ) -- wrote Geographica , one of the first books outlining the study of geography . Ptolemy ( c. 90 -- c. 168 ) -- compiled Greek and Roman knowledge into the book Geographia . Al Idrisi ( Arabic : أبو عبد الله محمد الإدريسي ; Latin : Dreses ) ( 1100 -- 1165 / 66 ) -- author of Nuzhatul Mushtaq . Gerardus Mercator ( 1512 -- 1594 ) -- innovative cartographer produced the mercator projection Alexander von Humboldt ( 1769 -- 1859 ) -- considered father of modern geography , published Cosmos and founder of the sub-field biogeography . Carl Ritter ( 1779 -- 1859 ) -- considered father of modern geography , occupied the first chair of geography at Berlin University . Arnold Henry Guyot ( 1807 -- 1884 ) -- noted the structure of glaciers and advanced understanding in glacier motion , especially in fast ice flow . William Morris Davis ( 1850 -- 1934 ) -- father of American geography and developer of the cycle of erosion . Paul Vidal de la Blache ( 1845 -- 1918 ) -- founder of the French school of geopolitics , wrote the principles of human geography . John Francon Williams ( 1854 - 1911 ) - noted author of The Geography of the Oceans and other geography works . Sir Halford Mackinder ( 1861 -- 1947 ) -- co-founder of the LSE , Geographical Association . Ellen Churchill Semple ( 1863 -- 1932 ) -- first influential female geographer in the United States . Carl O. Sauer ( 1889 -- 1975 ) -- prominent cultural geographer . Walter Christaller ( 1893 -- 1969 ) -- human geographer and inventor of Central place theory . Yi - Fu Tuan ( born 1930 ) -- Chinese - American scholar credited with starting Humanistic Geography as a discipline . Karl W. Butzer ( 1934 -- 2016 ) -- influential German - American geographer , cultural ecologist and environmental archaeologist . David Harvey ( born 1935 ) -- Marxist geographer and author of theories on spatial and urban geography , winner of the Vautrin Lud Prize . Edward Soja ( 1941 -- 2015 ) -- noted for his work on regional development , planning and governance along with coining the terms Synekism and Postmetropolis ; winner of the Vautrin Lud Prize . Michael Frank Goodchild ( born 1944 ) -- prominent GIS scholar and winner of the RGS founder 's medal in 2003 . Doreen Massey ( 1944 -- 2016 ) -- key scholar in the space and places of globalization and its pluralities ; winner of the Vautrin Lud Prize . Nigel Thrift ( born 1949 ) -- originator of non-representational theory . Institutions and societies American Geographical Society ( US ) Anton Melik Geographical Institute ( Slovenia ) American Association of Geographers ( AAG ) National Geographic Society ( US ) Royal Canadian Geographical Society ( Canada ) Royal Geographical Society ( UK ) Russian Geographical Society ( Russia ) Royal Danish Geographical Society ( Denmark ) Publications African Geographical Review Geographical Review Notes and references Jump up ^ Harper , Douglas . `` Online Etymology Dictionary '' . . Online Etymology Dictionary . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Geography '' . The American Heritage Dictionary / of the English Language , Fourth Edition . Houghton Mifflin Company . Retrieved 9 October 2006 . Jump up ^ Eratosthenes ( 2010 - 01 - 24 ) . Eratosthenes ' Geography . Translated by Roller , Duane W. Princeton University Press ( published 24 January 2010 ) . ISBN 9780691142678 . Jump up ^ Pidwirny , Dr. Michael ; Jones , Scott . `` CHAPTER 1 : Introduction to Physical Geography '' . . University of British Columbia Okanagan . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . Jump up ^ Bonnett , Alastair ( 2008 - 01 - 16 ) . What is Geography ? . SAGE Publications ( published 16 January 2008 ) . ISBN 9781849206495 . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . Jump up ^ Johnston , Ron ( 2000 ) . `` Human Geography '' . In Johnston , Ron ; Gregory , Derek ; Pratt , Geraldine ; et al . The Dictionary of Human Geography . Oxford : Blackwell . pp. 353 -- 360 . Jump up ^ Pattison , William D. ( Summer 1990 ) . `` The Four Traditions of Geography '' ( PDF ) . Journal of Geography . National Council for Geographic Education ( published 1964 ) . September / October 1990 ( 5 ) : 202 -- 206 . doi : 10.1080 / 00221349008979196 . ISSN 0022 - 1341 . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Hayes - Bohanan , James ( 29 September 2009 ) . `` What is Environmental Geography , Anyway ? '' . . Bridgewater State University . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . Jump up ^ Hornby , William F. ; Jones , Melvyn ( 1991 - 06 - 28 ) . An introduction to Settlement Geography . Cambridge University Press ( published 29 June 1991 ) . ISBN 9780521282635 . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . Jump up ^ Hughes , William . ( 1863 ) . The Study of Geography . Lecture delivered at King 's College , London by Sir Marc Alexander . Quoted in Baker , J.N.L ( 1963 ) . The History of Geography . Oxford : Basil Blackwell . p. 66 . ISBN 0 - 85328 - 022 - 3 . Jump up ^ `` Chapter 3 : Geography 's Perspectives '' . Rediscovering Geography : New Relevance for Science and Society . Washington DC : The National Academies Press . 1997 . p. 28 . Retrieved 2014 - 05 - 06 . Jump up ^ `` What is geography ? '' . AAG Career Guide : Jobs in Geography and related Geographical Sciences . American Association of Geographers . Archived from the original on October 6 , 2006 . Retrieved October 9 , 2006 . ^ Jump up to : Kurt A. Raaflaub & Richard J.A. Talbert ( 2009 ) . Geography and Ethnography : Perceptions of the World in Pre-Modern Societies . John Wiley & Sons . p. 147 . ISBN 1 - 4051 - 9146 - 5 . Jump up ^ Siebold , Jim . `` Slide 103 '' . . Henry Davis Consulting Inc . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . Jump up ^ Delano Smith , Catherine ( 1996 ) . `` Imago Mundi 's Logo the Babylonian Map of the World '' . Imago Mundi. 48 : 209 -- 211 . doi : 10.1080 / 03085699608592846 . JSTOR 1151277 . access - date = requires url = ( help ) Jump up ^ Finkel , Irving ( Winter 1995 ) . A join to the map of the world : A notable discovery . British Museum Magazine . pp. 26 -- 27 . ISBN 9780714120737 . Jump up ^ Tassoul , Jean - Louis ; Tassoul , Monique ( 2004 ) . A Concise History of Solar and Stellar Physics . London : Princeton University Press . ISBN 0 - 691 - 11711 - X . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Hipparchus of Rhodes '' . . Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum . 2001 . Archived from the original on 20 July 2008 . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . Jump up ^ Sullivan , Dan ( 2000 ) . `` Mapmaking and its History '' . Rutgers University . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Needham , Joseph ( 1959 ) . `` Mathematics and the Sciences of the Heavens and the Earth '' . Science and Civilization in China . Taipei : Caves Books , Ltd. 3 : 512 . ISBN 9780521058018 . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Science and Scholarship in Al - Andalus '' . . IslamiCity . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Edson , Evelyn ; Savage - Smith , Emilie ( Winter 2007 ) . `` Medieval Views of the Cosmos '' . International Journal of the Classical Tradition . University of Oxford . 13 : 3 : 61 -- 63 . JSTOR 30222166 . access - date = requires url = ( help ) Jump up ^ King , David A. ( 1996 ) . Rashed , Roshdi , ed . `` Astronomy and Islamic society : Qibla , gnomics and timekeeping '' ( PDF ) . Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science . 1 : 128 -- 184 . ISBN 0 - 203 - 71184 - X . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . Jump up ^ Aber , James Sandusky ( 2003 ) . `` Abu Rayhan al - Biruni '' . . Emporia State University . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . Jump up ^ Goodman , Lenn Evan ( 1992 ) . Avicenna . Great Britain : Routledge . p. 31 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 01929 - X . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . It was Biruni , not Avicenna , who found a way for a single man , at a single moment , to measure the earth 's circumference , by trigonometric calculations based on angles measured from a mountaintop and the plain beneath it -- thus improving on Eratosthenes ' method of sighting the sun simultaneously from two different sites , applied in the ninth century by astronomers of the Khalif al - Ma'mun . Jump up ^ Aughton , Peter ( 2009 ) . Voyages that changed the world . Penguin Group . p. 164 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84724 - 004 - 0 . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Société de Géographie , Paris , France '' . ( in French ) . Société de Géographie . 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Retrieved 10 November 2016 . <Th_colspan="2"> Geography topics <Td_colspan="2"> History Index Outline Branches Human Agricultural Behavioral Cultural Development Economic Health Historical Political Population Settlement Regional Urban Physical Biogeography Ecology Phytogeography Zoogeography Coastal / Oceanography Earth science Atmospheric science / Meteorology Environmental science Climatology / Paleoclimatology / Palaeogeography Geobiology Geophysics / Geodesy Earth system science Geomorphology / Geology Glaciology Hydrology / Limnology Pedology ( Edaphology / Soil science ) Quaternary science Integrated Integrated / Environmental Environmental social science Environmental studies Landscape architecture Landscape ecology Time geography Techniques and tools Geoinformatics / Geomathematics Cartography Geologic modelling Geostatistics Geographic information system Geochronology Geomatics Hydrography Photogrammetry Remote sensing Institutions Geographic data and information organizations Geographical societies Geoscience societies National mapping agency Education Geography education Geo - 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what does it mean when you are on standby
Standby ( air travel ) - wikipedia Standby ( air travel ) hide This article has multiple issues . Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page . ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages ) This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This article possibly contains original research . Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations . Statements consisting only of original research should be removed . ( January 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject . You may improve this article , discuss the issue on the talk page , or create a new article , as appropriate . ( August 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) On most modern airlines , flying standby occurs when a passenger travels on a flight without a prior reservation for that specific flight . There are four circumstances in which passengers typically fly standby . First , a missed flight may require a passenger to fly standby on the next flight to the same destination , as they now lack a reservation . Secondly , a passenger may arrive at the airport early ( whether accidentally or on purpose ) and wish to take an earlier flight listed for that day . They will then attempt to travel standby on the earlier flight , and failing that , proceed to take their booked flight . This is referred to in the industry as `` go - show '' . Standby can also occur for upgrades . Many airlines ( particularly in the United States ) give free space available domestic upgrades to First Class for their elite tier fliers . If first class sells out or upgrades full with higher - tiered passengers , elite fliers can standby for a first class seat , should one open up due to a cancellation , no - show , misconnect , irregular operations or an equipment change . If a passenger clears for an upgrade , they may be given new boarding passes at the gate . Some airlines , such as American and United , have gateside monitors that show the upgrade ( as well as general ) standby list , and will also announce when First Class checks in full ( i.e. , no further upgrades will be given ) . In some cases , when a flight compartment is overbooked , an airline will designate all passengers who do not have a seat assignment as `` standby '' at some time prior to boarding . History ( edit ) Airline employees and some of their family and friends may also travel standby , often at discounted fares or free of charge . They typically have lower priority than regular passengers and are only allocated a seat after all passengers paying a regular fare have been allocated seats . It can even occur that a passenger traveling standby is allowed to take their seat on the aircraft , only to then be asked to vacate it to make way for a regular passenger . Travelers get themselves onto the standby list by speaking to a ticket agent or a gate agent . Almost always , this must occur in person at the airport , and not over the phone . When the flight is boarding , any unclaimed or available seats will be given to those passengers on the standby list , who must wait at the gate to be called . Any passengers on the list who are not given seats are rolled into the standby list for the next flight . Passengers on the standby list are typically given priority based on how much they paid for their tickets and their relative status in the airline 's frequent flyer program . A person who paid full fare will have higher priority than someone who purchased a 21 - day advance fare . Some low - cost carriers , Southwest Airlines in particular , have policies that only allow full fares to standby . This means that if one purchased a discounted airfare , like a web - only fare or 14 - day advance ticket , they would be ineligible to fly standby unless they upgraded their ticket to a full - fare ( unless the original Southwest Airlines flight is delayed , in which case no upgrade would be necessary ) . While standby for earlier flights began as a free service on many airlines , as of April 2010 , most US airlines charge for unconfirmed standby , with a USD 50 - 75 fee being standard . Currently , United Airlines charges a USD 75 fee for standby travel to all passengers except passengers on full fare tickets , 1K passengers , Global Services passengers and premium cabin passengers . American Airlines restricts free standby to passengers who have elite status or fully refundable tickets , and charges a USD 75 fee for all other passengers who wish to secure a confirmed standby seat within 24 hours of their desired flight time . In all cases , distressed passengers ( passengers whose flights have been cancelled , denied boarding , etc . ) are given free standby and highest priority . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Same - day change and standby -- Flight change -- American Airlines '' . . <Th_colspan="2"> hide Commercial air travel Airlines Airline codes Airline holding companies Charter airlines Low - cost airlines Passenger airlines Regional airlines Alliances Oneworld SkyTeam Star Alliance Value Alliance Vanilla Alliance U-FLY Alliance Trade groups International ACO ATAG IATA IATAN ISTAT United States A4A RAA Europe A4E AEA EBAA ELFAA ERA Other regions AACO AAPA AFRAA RAAA Aircrew Captain First Officer Second Officer Third Officer Flight attendant Flight engineer Loadmaster Pilot Purser Deadheading Airliner Travel class First class ( aviation ) First class travel Business Premium economy Economy Aircraft cabin Aircraft lavatory Aircraft seat map Airline meal Airline seat Buy on board Crew rest compartment In - flight entertainment Inflight smoking Galley Sickness bag Airport Aerodrome Airline hub Airport check - in Airport lounge Airport rail link Airport terminal Airstair Boarding Domestic airport Gate International airport Jet bridge Low cost carrier terminal Runway Transit hotel Customs / Immigration Arrival card ( Landing card ) Border control Departure card Passport Timatic Travel document Visa Environmental impact Hypermobility Impact on environment Law Air transport agreement Bermuda Agreement ( UK - US , 1946 - 78 ) Bermuda II Agreement ( UK - US , 1978 - 2008 ) China - US Cross-Strait charter ( China - Taiwan ) Beijing Convention Cape Town Treaty Chicago Convention Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives European Common Aviation Area Flight permit Freedoms of the air Hague Hijacking Convention Hague Protocol ICAO Montreal Convention Open skies ( EU -- US Open Skies Agreement ) Paris Convention of 1919 Rome Convention Sabotage Convention Tokyo Convention Warsaw Convention Luggage Bag tag Baggage allowance Baggage carousel Baggage cart Baggage reclaim Baggage handler Baggage handling system Checked baggage Hand luggage Lost luggage Luggage lock Safety Air Navigation and Transport Act Air rage Air traffic control ( ATC ) Aircraft safety card Airport authority Airport crash tender Airport police Airport security Brace position Evacuation slide Flight recorder National aviation authority Overwing exits Pre-flight safety demonstration Sky marshal Ticketing Airline booking ploys Airline reservations system Airline ticket Airline timetable Bereavement flight Boarding pass Codeshare agreement Continent pass Electronic ticket Fare basis code Flight cancellation and delay Frequent - flyer program Government contract flight One - way travel Open - jaw ticket Passenger name record Red - eye flight Round - the - world ticket Standby Tracking Travel agency Travel website Groundcrew Aircraft maintenance technician Aircraft ground handler Baggage handler Flight dispatcher Miscellaneous Mile high club Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Airline tickets Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from January 2018 All articles needing additional references Articles that may contain original research from January 2018 All articles that may contain original research Articles with limited geographic scope from August 2017 Articles with multiple maintenance issues All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from December 2010 Talk About Wikipedia Deutsch 日本 語 Русский Edit links This page was last edited on 5 February 2018 , at 18 : 23 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
1. Standby in air travel 2. Flying standby 3. Standby list and priority 4. Standby fees and restrictions 5. Standby for upgrades and missed flights
cross-cultural research on the five-factor model of personality suggests that quizlet
Big Five personality traits and culture - wikipedia Big Five personality traits and culture Jump to : navigation , search Cross-cultural psychology as a discipline examines the way that human behavior is different and / or similar across different cultures . One important and widely studied area in this subfield of psychology is personality , particularly the study of Big Five . The Big Five personality traits are Openness , Conscientiousness , Extraversion , Agreeableness , and Neuroticism . The Big Five model of personality ( also known as the Five Factor Model ) has become the most extensively studied model of personality and has broad support , starting in the United States and later in many different cultures . However , there is also some evidence which suggests that the Big Five traits may not be sufficient to completely explain personality in other cultures . Contents ( hide ) 1 Support for the Big Five across cultures 2 Comparisons in the Big Five across cultures 2.1 Similarities 2.2 Differences 3 Controversy 3.1 HEXACO model of personality 3.2 Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory 3.3 Other possible models 4 References Support for the Big Five across cultures ( edit ) Research suggests that the same five - factor structure of personality can be found in multiple other countries , based on a translated version of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory . Over the past decade , studies on the validity of the Five - Factor Model using translations of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory have found broad support across many different studies and in many different countries ; in earlier studies , Extraversion and Neuroticism were reported as stable personality scales across several cultures , including German , Dutch , French , Japanese , Chinese , and Filipino samples . Further research found support for the entire Five - Factor Model in Chinese , Dutch , Italian , Hungarian , German , Australian , South African , Canadian , Finnish , Polish , Portuguese , Israeli , Korean , Japanese , and Filipino samples , in addition to other samples . Across multiple studies , factor analyses of translations of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory in languages from different language families consistently load on five factors that largely correspond to the Big Five personality traits . Additionally , the Big Five traits have been found in the personality ratings of observers in over 50 cultures , indicating that the previous findings were not dependent merely on ratings of the self . Overall , this body of work has established the validity of the Five - Factor model cross-culturally , potentially providing evidence for the Five - Factor Model as a universal taxonomy of personality structure . Comparisons in the Big Five across cultures ( edit ) One approach psychologists have taken when examining Big Five traits in different cultures has been to examine either similarities or differences between cultures . Generally , researchers examine the average levels of a trait ( or multiple traits ) across an entire culture to make comparisons cross-culturally . Similarities ( edit ) There are many similarities in Big Five trait expression across cultures . For example , differences between men and women in Big Five traits , although small compared to variation within gender , do seem to exist consistently across a number of cultures . In general , women tend to score higher on neuroticism and agreeableness . Additionally , longitudinal studies have found consistency in personality changes that occur across the lifetime , in both adults and adolescents . Research in Big Five traits in American and Flemish teens showed similar changes in personality from ages 12 to 18 . In addition , the period from young adulthood to middle adulthood is associated with increases in Conscientiousness and Agreeableness and decreases in Neuroticism , Openness , and Extraversion in several countries , including the United States , Germany , Italy , Portugal , Croatia , and South Korea . Differences ( edit ) It is also important to note that when examining the average personality traits of individuals in cultural groups , differences between cultures seem to exist . Some research compares one culture against another culture on a specific Big Five personality trait ; Filipinos , for example , score relatively low on Neuroticism on average , compared to other cultures measured , while scoring in the middle of the scale on Extraversion . Americans , New Zealanders , and Canadians score higher on Extraversion , while scoring moderately on Neuroticism . These differences , however , exist on average , and there is still a large amount of variability in Big Five personality traits that exists within a particular culture . Gender differences in personality tend to be larger in developed societies ( such as France and the United States ) compared to less - developed cultures ( such as Zimbabwe and Malaysia ) . However , although these findings are quite robust , one consideration is that these differences between cultures might be the result of translation errors , differences in self - presentation styles , or even genetic differences . Furthermore , although broad evidence suggests that the Big Five traits do measure meaningful constructs across a great deal of cultures , it is also true that expressions of mean levels of personality are necessarily influenced by culture . That is to say , all individuals scoring high on a certain Big Five personality trait such as Extraversion are likely to enjoy socialization with others , but where , when , and with whom they socialize is necessarily influenced by their cultural milieu . Thus , it may be most productive to think of the Five Factor Model as a framework for beginning to explore systematically individual differences in behavior within a particular culture . Controversy ( edit ) Some controversy exists over whether or not the Big Five are relevant to all other cultures , especially given that the Big Five were developed via factor analysis from English words . Although support for the Big Five across cultures is quite robust , it is unclear whether or not the Big Five personality traits are the best possible measure of personality across all cultures . Some researchers suggest that important aspects of certain cultures are not captured by the Five Factor Model . HEXACO model of personality ( edit ) One proposed alternative to the Big Five that has been developed via cross-cultural research is the HEXACO model . This model builds on the research of the Big Five traits , with the novel addition of a trait named Honesty - Humility . Individuals high in the trait of honesty - humility are associated with the characteristics of straightforwardness , modesty , and fairness . In addition , the HEXACO model contains slightly rotated versions of two of the Big Five traits ( Agreeableness and Neuroticism ) such that sentimentality / toughness becomes part of the old Neuroticism trait ( and renamed Emotionality ) and anger / even - temper becomes associated with the new Agreeableness trait . This rotation creates less overlap among the six personality traits of the HEXACO , and allows for better prediction of behaviors such as deceit without hostility ( e.g. social monitoring ) . Support for the HEXACO model has been found in multiple countries , including Dutch , French , German , Italian , Korean , Polish , and English samples . Chinese personality Assessment Inventory ( edit ) Chinese psychologists have attempted to develop an indigenous measure of personality , named the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory ( CPAI ) . Traits in the CPAI model have also collectively been referred to as `` Interpersonal Relatedness , '' and include : Harmony ( one 's inner peace of mind , interpersonal harmony , etc . ) Ren Qing ( relationship orientation , which covers adherence to cultural norms of interaction such as those based on reciprocity ) Modernization ( contrasted with attitudes toward traditional Chinese beliefs ) Thrift vs. Extravagance Ah - Q Mentality ( defensiveness , externalization of blame ) Face ( social behaviors done in order to enhance or avoid damaging one 's reputation and honor ) Support for this model of personality was originally developed in studies in mainland and Hong Kong , China , but the existence of the Interpersonal Relatedness dimension of personality has also been found in samples from Singapore , Hawaii , and the Midwestern United States . Other possible models ( edit ) Other researchers have found different personality dimensions that may exists in different cultural contexts . For example , one study of a Filipino sample used both indigenous Filipino personality scales and the NEO-PI - R , and although there was overlap between the Filipino scales and the Five Factor Model , researchers also found indigenous factors such as Pagkamadaldal ( Social Curiosity ) and Pagkamapagsapalaran ( Risk - Taking ) that had predictive power greater than the Five Factor Model alone . Other research using indigenous approaches to traits has taken place in countries such as India , Korea , and Greece . A Chinese factor analysis of traits in 2009 found seven factors ( three or four of which resembled Big Five traits ) . A similar study in Spain in 1997 found seven Spanish personality factors . However , the seven factors were not the same across the two countries . Thus , it is clear that although there is strong support for the Big Five across cultures , some research suggests the existence of other traits besides simply the Big Five , which may ultimately improve our understanding of personality across different cultures . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Gosling , S.D. ; Rentfrow , P.J. ; Swann , W.B. ( June 2003 ) . `` A very brief measure of the Big - Five personality domains '' . Journal of Research in Personality . 37 ( 6 ) : 504 -- 528 . doi : 10.1016 / S0092 - 6566 ( 03 ) 00046 - 1 . ^ Jump up to : Funder , David ( 2010 ) . The Personality Puzzle . NY : WW Norton & Company . ISBN 978 - 0 - 393 - 93348 - 2 . ^ Jump up to : McCrae , R.R. & Costa , P.T. ( May 1997 ) . `` Personality trait structure as a human universal . '' . American Psychologist. 52 ( 2 ) : 509 -- 516 . doi : 10.1037 / 0003 - 066X. 52.5. 509 . ^ Jump up to : McCrae , R.R. ; Costa , P.T. ; Del Pilar , G.H. ; Rolland , J.P. ; Parker , W.D. ( January 1998 ) . `` Cross-cultural assessment of the five - factor model : The revised NEO personality inventory . '' . Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology . 29 ( 1 ) : 171 -- 188 . doi : 10.1177 / 0022022198291009 . Jump up ^ McCrae , R.R. , Terracciano , A. , & 78 members of the Personality Profiles of Cultures Project ( March 2005 ) . `` Universal features of personality trait terms from the observer 's perspective : Data from 50 cultures . '' . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology . 88 ( 3 ) : 29 -- 44 . doi : 10.1037 / 0022 - 3514.88. 3.547 . CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter ( link ) ^ Jump up to : Matsumoto , David ; Linda Juang ( 2008 ) . Culture & Psychology . CA : Thomson & Wadsworth . ISBN 978 - 0 - 495 - 09787 - 7 . ^ Jump up to : Costa , P.T. ; Terracciano , A. ; McCrae , R.R. ( August 2001 ) . `` Gender differences in personality traits across cultures : Robust and surprising findings . '' . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology . 81 ( 2 ) : 322 -- 331 . PMID 11519935 . doi : 10.1037 / 0022 - 3514.81. 2.322 . ^ Jump up to : McCrae , R.R. , Costa , P.T. , de Lima , M.P. , Simões , A. , Ostendorf , F. , Angleitner , A. , Marušić , I. , Bratko , D. , Caprara , G.V. , Barbaranelli , C. , Chae , J. & Piedmont , R.L. ( March 1999 ) . `` Age differences in personality across the adult life span : Parallels in five cultures . '' . Developmental Psychology . 35 ( 2 ) : 466 -- 477 . PMID 10082017 . doi : 10.1037 / 0012 - 1649.35. 2.466 . CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter ( link ) ^ Jump up to : McCrae , R.R. , Costa , P.T. , de Lima , M.P. , Simões , A. , Ostendorf , F. , Angleitner , A. , Marušić , I. , Bratko , D. , Caprara , G.V. , Barbaranelli , C. , Chae , J. & Piedmont , R.L. ( December 2002 ) . `` Personality trait development from age 12 to age 18 : Longitudinal , cross-sectional and cross-cultural analyses . '' . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology . 83 ( 6 ) : 1456 -- 1468 . PMID 12500824 . doi : 10.1037 / 0022 - 3514.83. 6.1456 . CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter ( link ) ^ Jump up to : McCrae , R.R. , Terracciano , A. , & 78 members of the Personality Profiles of Cultures Project ( September 2005 ) . `` Personality profiles of cultures : Aggregate personality traits . '' . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology . 89 ( 3 ) : 407 -- 425 . PMID 16248722 . doi : 10.1037 / 0022 - 3514.89. 3.407 . CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter ( link ) ^ Jump up to : Ashton , M.C. ; Lee , K. ; Perugini , M. ; Szarota , P. ; de Vries , R.E. ; Di Blas , L. ; Boies , K. ; De Raad , B. ( February 2004 ) . `` A Six - Factor Structure of Personality - Descriptive Adjectives : Solutions From Psycholexical Studies in Seven Languages . '' . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology . 86 ( 2 ) : 356 -- 366 . PMID 14769090 . doi : 10.1037 / 0022 - 3514.86. 2.356 . ^ Jump up to : Ashton , M.C. & Lee , K. ( October 2005 ) . `` Honesty - Humility , the Big Five , and the Five - Factor Model . '' . Journal of Personality . 73 ( 5 ) : 1321 -- 1354 . PMID 16138875 . doi : 10.1111 / j. 1467 - 6494.2005. 00351. x . Jump up ^ Cheung , F.M. ; Leung , K. ; Fan , R.M. ; Song , W.S. ; Zhang , J.X. ; Zhang , H.P. ( March 1996 ) . `` Development of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory . '' . Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology . 27 ( 2 ) : 181 -- 199 . doi : 10.1177 / 0022022196272003 . Jump up ^ Katigbak , M.S. ; Church , A.T. ; Guanzon - Lapeña , M.A. ; Carlota , A.J. ; del Pilar , G.H. ( January 2002 ) . `` Are indigenous personality dimensions culture specific ? Philippine inventories and the five - factor model . '' . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology . 82 ( 1 ) : 89 -- 101 . PMID 11811638 . doi : 10.1037 / 0022 - 3514.82. 1.89 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Personality traits Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter All articles with failed verification Articles with failed verification from April 2012 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 28 May 2017 , at 16 : 14 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Big Five personality traits 2. Cross-cultural psychology 3. Five Factor Model 4. Similarities in Big Five traits across cultures 5. Differences in Big Five traits across cultures
public relations pioneer was responsible for the 1929 torches of liberty
Torches of freedom - wikipedia Torches of freedom Jump to : navigation , search The 1929 `` Torches of Freedom '' public relations campaign equated smoking with female emancipation . This image from Germany actually predates the American campaign . In various forms and places around the world , the campaign continues to this day . `` Torches of Freedom '' was a phrase used to encourage women 's smoking by exploiting women 's aspirations for a better life during the women 's liberation movement in the United States . Cigarettes were described as symbols of emancipation and equality with men . The term was first used by psychoanalyst A.A. Brill when describing the natural desire for women to smoke and was used by Edward Bernays to encourage women to smoke in public despite social taboos . Bernays hired women to march while smoking their `` torches of freedom '' in the Easter Sunday Parade of 1929 which was a significant moment for fighting social barriers for women smokers . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Smoking as an inappropriate act for women 1.2 Advertising to women 2 1990s resurgence 3 References History ( edit ) Smoking as an inappropriate act for women ( edit ) Before the twentieth century smoking was seen as a habit that was corrupt and inappropriate for women . Dutch painters used cigarettes as a symbol of human foolishness in the 17th century and in the 19th century , cigarettes were perceived as props of `` fallen women '' and prostitutes . Women 's smoking was seen as immoral and some states tried to prevent women from smoking by enforcing laws . In 1904 a woman named Jennie Lasher was sentenced to thirty days in jail for putting her children 's morals at risk by smoking in their presence and in 1908 the New York City Board of Aldermen unanimously passed an ordinance that prohibited smoking by women in public . Similarly in 1921 a bill was proposed to prohibit women from smoking in the District of Columbia . Some women 's groups also fought against women smoking . The International Tobacco League lobbied for filmmakers to refrain from putting women smoking cigarettes in movies unless the women being portrayed were of `` discreditable '' character and other women 's groups asked young girls to sign pledges saying that they would not use tobacco . These groups saw smoking as an immoral activity and a threat . Yet during World War I as women took the jobs of men who had gone to war , they also began smoking even though it was still considered a taboo act . Cigarettes were a way for women to challenge social norms and fight for equal rights as men . Eventually for women the cigarette came to symbolize `` rebellious independence , glamour , seduction and sexual allure for both feminists and flappers . '' Advertising to women ( edit ) Cigarette companies began selectively advertising to women in the late 1920s . In 1928 George Washington Hill , the president of the American Tobacco Company , realized the potential market that could be found in women and said , `` `` It will be like opening a gold mine right in our front yard . '' Yet some women who were already smoking were seen as smoking incorrectly . In 1919 a hotel manager said that women `` do n't really know what to do with the smoke . Neither do they know how to hold their cigarettes properly . Actually they make a mess of the whole performance . '' Tobacco companies had to make sure that women would not be ridiculed for using cigarettes in public and Philip Morris even sponsored a lecture series that taught women the art of smoking . To expand the number of women smokers Hill decided to hire Edward Bernays , who today is known as the father of public relations , to help him recruit women smokers . Bernays decided to attempt to eliminate the social taboo against women smoking in public . He gained advice from psychoanalyst A.A. Brill , who stated that it was normal for women to smoke because of oral fixation and said , `` Today the emancipation of women has suppressed many of their feminine desires . More women now do the same work as men do . Many women bear no children ; those who do bear have fewer children . Feminine traits are masked . Cigarettes , which are equated with men , become torches of freedom . '' In 1929 Bernays decided to pay women to smoke their `` torches of freedom '' as they walked in the Easter Sunday Parade in New York . This was a shock because until that time , women were only permitted to smoke in certain places such as in the privacy of their own homes . He was very careful when picking women to march because `` while they should be good looking , they should not look too model - y '' and he hired his own photographers to make sure that good pictures were taken and then published around the world . Feminist Ruth Hale also called for women to join in the march saying , `` Women ! Light another torch of freedom ! Fight another sex taboo ! '' Once the footage was released , the campaign was being talked about everywhere , the women 's walk was seen as a protest for equality and sparked discussion throughout the nation and is still known today . The targeting of women in tobacco advertising led to higher rates of smoking among women . In 1923 women only purchased 5 % of cigarettes sold , in 1929 that percentage increased to 12 % , in 1935 to 18.1 % , peaking in 1965 at 33.3 % , and remaining at this level until 1977 . 1990s resurgence ( edit ) The `` Torches of Freedom '' idea saw a resurgence in the 1990s far beyond the borders of America where tobacco advertising was now becoming increasingly restricted . In the 1990s , tobacco companies continued to advertise cigarettes as `` torches of freedom '' as they sought to expand their markets around the world . Such brands as Virginia Slims continued to put forward the idea of modernity and freedom in new markets . The use of this imagery when advertising the cigarette has been specifically targeted at women in countries where women are gaining more equality and liberation . The images used in the advertising campaigns differ by region . In Spain they use images of women in masculine jobs , such as a fighter pilot , to appeal to young women -- and the smoking rates among young women in Spain increased from 17 % in 1978 to 27 % in 1997 . Tobacco companies are also using the cigarette as an image of emancipation in eastern and central Europe where cigarettes are shown as symbols of Western freedom . In the 1990s Germany was a focus for advertising , and between 1993 and 1997 the smoking rates among women aged 12 -- 25 in Germany went from 27 % to 47 % even though the increase in men 's smoking for the same age group is much smaller . In Japan , various cigarettes advertised to women have encouraged women to be unique . A survey by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare showed that between 1986 and 1999 smoking among women had increased from 10.5 % to 23.2 % . Advertisements in South Africa have shown women crossing racial barriers as black women are shown accepting cigarettes from white men and in India women have been portrayed in Western clothes with cigarettes as a sign of liberation and upward mobility . In Asia it is becoming more acceptable for women to smoke and this is leading to a greater demand . Tobacco companies advertise to women around the world , showing cigarettes as symbols of upward mobility , gender equality and freedom . The impacts of tobacco companies targeting women can be seen by the increase in the number of women who started smoking in recent years . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Amos , Amanda , and Margaretha Haglund . `` From Social Taboo to `` Torch of Freedom '' : the Marketing of Cigarettes to Women . '' Tobacco Control 9.1 ( 2000 ) . Web . 28 Apr 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Brandt , Allan M. ( 2007 ) . The Cigarette Century . New York : Basic Books , page 57 . ^ Jump up to : Brandt , Allen M. `` Recruiting Women Smokers : the Engineering of Consent . '' Journal of the American Medical Women 's Association 51.1 - 2 ( 1996 ) . Web . 28 Apr 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Brandt , Allan M. ( 2007 ) . The Cigarette Century . New York : Basic Books , pp. 84 - 85 . Jump up ^ O'Keefe , Anne Marie , and Richard W. Pollay . `` Deadly Targeting of Women in Promoting Cigarettes . '' Journal of the American Medical Women 's Association 51.1 - 2 ( 1996 ) . Web . 28 Apr 2010 . <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) 1920s media culture Collective imaginary Flapper Betty Boop Modern girl Torches of Freedom Cosmetics in the 1920s Theoreticians Walter Lippmann Edward Bernays Other topics Tad Dorgan Federal Radio Commission 1930s topics Mohawk Valley formula Remington Rand strike of 1936 -- 1937 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : American phraseology Feminism in the United States Smoking in the United States Propaganda Hidden categories : All articles with vague or ambiguous time Vague or ambiguous time from May 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Italiano Edit links This page was last edited on 11 December 2017 , at 05 : 41 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Torches of Freedom campaign 2. Smoking and female emancipation 3. Women's liberation movement 4. Edward Bernays and public relations 5. Advertising to women and tobacco companies
who sang the original song sea of love
Sea of Love ( song ) - wikipedia Sea of Love ( song ) Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( August 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) <Th_colspan="2"> `` Sea of Love '' <Td_colspan="2"> `` Sea of Love '' sheet music <Th_colspan="2"> Song by Phil Phillips Published 1959 Released July 1959 Recorded 1959 Genre Rhythm and blues Length 2 : 30 Label Mercury Records Songwriter ( s ) Phil Phillips , George Khoury `` Sea of Love '' is a song written by Philip Baptiste ( better known as Phil Phillips ) and George Khoury . Phillips ' 1959 recording of the song peaked at No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard R&B chart and No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 . It became a gold record . It was the only top - 40 chart song for Phillips , who never recorded another hit . In the UK , Marty Wilde covered the song , his version peaked at No. 3 , and Phillips ' version failed to chart there . The song has been covered by a number of artists since then , most notably by The Honeydrippers , whose version ( from the album The Honeydrippers : Volume One ) reached No. 3 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in early 1985 and No. 1 on the adult contemporary chart in 1984 . `` Sea of Love '' made the Top 40 one other time , when Del Shannon took it to No. 33 in 1981 . Tom Waits gave the song a darker twist for the soundtrack to Harold Becker 's film of the same name in 1989 , and Waits included it on his 2006 collection Orphans : Brawlers , Bawlers & Bastards . Cat Power covered the song in 2000 and her version was featured in the movie Juno . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 In popular culture and covers 3 See also 4 References Background ( edit ) Baptiste , who was working as a bellboy in Lake Charles , Louisiana , wrote `` Sea of Love '' for a love interest . He was introduced to local record producer George Khoury , who brought Baptiste into his studio to record the song . At Khoury 's request , Baptiste took the stage name of Phil Phillips . The song , originally credited to Phil Phillips with The Twilights , was released on a small record label owned by Khoury , but due to its success was eventually leased to Mercury Records . Despite the song 's success , Phillips claims that he has only ever received US $ 6,800 for recording it . Phillips ' original lyric `` Do you remember when we met , that 's the day I knew you were my pet , '' the word `` pet '' being an innocuous endearment in 1959 , allowed the song to be twisted into a tale of submission by Power , Iggy Pop , and especially Waits . In popular culture and Covers ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This song is a Heptones classic , from the album On Top ( 1968 ) and recorded at Studio One . The Guess Who released a version of the song on their 1972 album , Rockin ' , although on the album the song is incorrectly credited to Don McGinnis . In this version the song is played in the background while a spoken conversation takes place in the foreground . The song was also covered by Iggy Pop in 1981 from his Party album . In 1981 Peter Stampfel and Steve Weber covered the song on their The Holy Modal Rounders album Going Nowhere Fast Robert Plant 's Honeydrippers did a cover of this song in 1984 , on The Honeydrippers : Volume One . The song shares a title with , and features prominently in the plot - line of , the 1989 Harold Becker film Sea of Love starring Al Pacino and Ellen Barkin . In 1999 , Israel Kamakawiwo'ole did a cover of this song on his Ka'Ano'I album . Cat Power recorded it in 2000 on her album The Covers Record . The 2007 film Juno featured her version in its soundtrack . The song was featured at the end of an episode of The Simpsons entitled `` Future - Drama '' in 2005 . It also can be heard in the 2008 episode `` The Burns and the Bees '' . Tony Hadley covered the song on his 2006 album `` Passing Strangers '' Tom Waits covered the song on the `` Brawlers '' disc of his 2006 box set Orphans : Brawlers , Bawlers & Bastards . Kraken Rum began using Sea of Love in commercials in 2014 The song was covered by Emily West during her first audition on Season 9 of America 's Got Talent in 2014 . She also recorded the song for her album , All for You , released in August 2015 . See also ( edit ) List of 1950s one - hit wonders in the United States List of number - one R&B singles of 1959 ( U.S. ) List of number - one adult contemporary singles of 1984 ( U.S. ) List of RPM number - one singles of 1984 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . The Billboard Book of Top 40 Hits , 8th Edition ( Billboard Publications ) , page 491 . ^ Jump up to : Hamilton , Andrew . `` Phil Phillips Biography '' . allmusic / Macrovision Corporation . Retrieved 2008 - 04 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` Music : Top 100 Songs Billboard Hot 100 Chart '' . 1985 - 01 - 05 . Retrieved 2016 - 08 - 29 . Jump up ^ Hyatt , Wesley ( 1999 ) . The Billboard Book of # 1 Adult Contemporary Hits ( Billboard Publications ) , page 289 . Jump up ^ `` Sea of Love ( 1989 ) '' . Internet Movie Database . Retrieved 2016 - 08 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` Juno ( 2007 ) '' . Internet Movie Database . Retrieved 2016 - 08 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` The Simpsons ( TV series ) - Future - Drama ( 2005 ) '' . Internet Movie Database . Retrieved 2016 - 08 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` The Simpsons ( TV series ) - The Burns and the Bees ( 2008 ) '' . Internet Movie Database . Retrieved 2016 - 08 - 29 . Jump up ^ The Kraken Rum : Black Ink on YouTube <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) Del Shannon Studio albums Runaway With Del Shannon ( 1961 ) Rock On ! ( 1991 ) Home and Away ( 2006 ) Songs `` Runaway '' `` Hats Off to Larry '' `` The Swiss Maid '' `` Little Town Flirt '' `` From Me to You '' `` Handy Man '' `` Do You Want to Dance '' `` Keep Searchin ' ( We 'll Follow the Sun ) '' `` Stranger in Town `` Sea of Love '' Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1959 songs 1959 singles 1984 singles Robert Plant songs Jimmy Velvit songs Del Shannon songs The Guess Who songs Iggy Pop songs Tom Waits songs Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs number - one singles Billboard Adult Contemporary number - one singles RPM Top Singles number - one singles Mercury Records singles Swamp pop music Pop ballads Rhythm and blues ballads Rock ballads American rhythm and blues songs Arvingarna songs Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from August 2016 All articles needing additional references Articles with hAudio microformats Articles needing additional references from January 2014 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Norsk Edit links This page was last edited on 2 September 2017 , at 21 : 56 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. "Sea of Love" song 2. Phil Phillips 3. Billboard chart success 4. Covers of the song 5. Tom Waits version
how many vertices sides does a rectangle have
Rectangle - wikipedia Rectangle Jump to : navigation , search For the record label , see Rectangle ( label ) . <Th_colspan="2"> Rectangle <Td_colspan="2"> Rectangle Type quadrilateral , parallelogram , orthotope Edges and vertices Schläfli symbol ( ) × ( ) Coxeter diagram Symmetry group Dihedral ( D ) , ( 2 ) , ( * 22 ) , order 4 Dual polygon rhombus Properties convex , isogonal , cyclic Opposite angles and sides are congruent In Euclidean plane geometry , a rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles . It can also be defined as an equiangular quadrilateral , since equiangular means that all of its angles are equal ( 360 ° / 4 = 90 ° ) . It can also be defined as a parallelogram containing a right angle . A rectangle with four sides of equal length is a square . The term oblong is occasionally used to refer to a non-square rectangle . A rectangle with vertices ABCD would be denoted as ABCD . The word rectangle comes from the Latin rectangulus , which is a combination of rectus ( as an adjective , right , proper ) and angulus ( angle ) . A crossed rectangle is a crossed ( self - intersecting ) quadrilateral which consists of two opposite sides of a rectangle along with the two diagonals . It is a special case of an antiparallelogram , and its angles are not right angles . Other geometries , such as spherical , elliptic , and hyperbolic , have so - called rectangles with opposite sides equal in length and equal angles that are not right angles . Rectangles are involved in many tiling problems , such as tiling the plane by rectangles or tiling a rectangle by polygons . Contents ( hide ) 1 Characterizations 2 Classification 2.1 Traditional hierarchy 2.2 Alternative hierarchy 3 Properties 3.1 Symmetry 3.2 Rectangle - rhombus duality 3.3 Miscellaneous 4 Formulae 5 Theorems 6 Crossed rectangles 7 Other rectangles 8 Tessellations 9 Squared , perfect , and other tiled rectangles 10 See also 11 References 12 External links Characterizations A convex quadrilateral is a rectangle if and only if it is any one of the following : a parallelogram with at least one right angle a parallelogram with diagonals of equal length a parallelogram ABCD where triangles ABD and DCA are congruent an equiangular quadrilateral a quadrilateral with four right angles a convex quadrilateral with successive sides a , b , c , d whose area is 1 4 ( a + c ) ( b + d ) ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 1 ) ( 4 ) ) ( a + c ) ( b + d ) ) . a convex quadrilateral with successive sides a , b , c , d whose area is 1 2 ( a 2 + c 2 ) ( b 2 + d 2 ) . ( \ displaystyle ( \ tfrac ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ) ( \ sqrt ( ( a ^ ( 2 ) + c ^ ( 2 ) ) ( b ^ ( 2 ) + d ^ ( 2 ) ) ) ) . ) Classification A rectangle is a special case of both parallelogram and trapezoid . A square is a special case of a rectangle . Traditional hierarchy A rectangle is a special case of a parallelogram in which each pair of adjacent sides is perpendicular . A parallelogram is a special case of a trapezium ( known as a trapezoid in North America ) in which both pairs of opposite sides are parallel and equal in length . A trapezium is a convex quadrilateral which has at least one pair of parallel opposite sides . A convex quadrilateral is Simple : The boundary does not cross itself . Star - shaped : The whole interior is visible from a single point , without crossing any edge . Alternative hierarchy De Villiers defines a rectangle more generally as any quadrilateral with axes of symmetry through each pair of opposite sides . This definition includes both right - angled rectangles and crossed rectangles . Each has an axis of symmetry parallel to and equidistant from a pair of opposite sides , and another which is the perpendicular bisector of those sides , but , in the case of the crossed rectangle , the first axis is not an axis of symmetry for either side that it bisects . Quadrilaterals with two axes of symmetry , each through a pair of opposite sides , belong to the larger class of quadrilaterals with at least one axis of symmetry through a pair of opposite sides . These quadrilaterals comprise isosceles trapezia and crossed isosceles trapezia ( crossed quadrilaterals with the same vertex arrangement as isosceles trapezia ) . Properties Symmetry A rectangle is cyclic : all corners lie on a single circle . It is equiangular : all its corner angles are equal ( each of 90 degrees ) . It is isogonal or vertex - transitive : all corners lie within the same symmetry orbit . It has two lines of reflectional symmetry and rotational symmetry of order 2 ( through 180 ° ) . Rectangle - rhombus Duality The dual polygon of a rectangle is a rhombus , as shown in the table below . Rectangle Rhombus All angles are equal . All sides are equal . Alternate sides are equal . Alternate angles are equal . Its centre is equidistant from its vertices , hence it has a circumcircle . Its centre is equidistant from its sides , hence it has an incircle . Two axes of symmetry bisect opposite sides . Two axes of symmetry bisect opposite angles . Diagonals are equal in length . Diagonals intersect at equal angles . The figure formed by joining , in order , the midpoints of the sides of a rectangle is a rhombus and vice versa . Miscellaneous The two diagonals are equal in length and bisect each other . Every quadrilateral with both these properties is a rectangle . A rectangle is rectilinear : its sides meet at right angles . A rectangle in the plane can be defined by five independent degrees of freedom consisting , for example , of three for position ( comprising two of translation and one of rotation ) , one for shape ( aspect ratio ) , and one for overall size ( area ) . Two rectangles , neither of which will fit inside the other , are said to be incomparable . Formulae The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle The area of a rectangle is the product of the length and width . If a rectangle has length l ( \ displaystyle \ ell ) and width w ( \ displaystyle w ) it has area A = l w ( \ displaystyle A = \ ell w \ , ) , it has perimeter P = 2 l + 2 w = 2 ( l + w ) ( \ displaystyle P = 2 \ ell + 2w = 2 ( \ ell + w ) \ , ) , each diagonal has length d = l 2 + w 2 ( \ displaystyle d = ( \ sqrt ( \ ell ^ ( 2 ) + w ^ ( 2 ) ) ) ) , and when l = w ( \ displaystyle \ ell = w \ , ) , the rectangle is a square . Theorems The isoperimetric theorem for rectangles states that among all rectangles of a given perimeter , the square has the largest area . The midpoints of the sides of any quadrilateral with perpendicular diagonals form a rectangle . A parallelogram with equal diagonals is a rectangle . The Japanese theorem for cyclic quadrilaterals states that the incentres of the four triangles determined by the vertices of a cyclic quadrilateral taken three at a time form a rectangle . The British flag theorem states that with vertices denoted A , B , C , and D , for any point P on the same plane of a rectangle : ( A P ) 2 + ( C P ) 2 = ( B P ) 2 + ( D P ) 2 . ( \ displaystyle \ displaystyle ( AP ) ^ ( 2 ) + ( CP ) ^ ( 2 ) = ( BP ) ^ ( 2 ) + ( DP ) ^ ( 2 ) . ) For every convex body C in the plane , we can inscribe a rectangle r in C such that a homothetic copy R of r is circumscribed about C and the positive homothety ratio is at most 2 and 0.5 × Area ( R ) ≤ Area ( C ) ≤ 2 × Area ( r ) ( \ displaystyle 0.5 ( \ text ( × Area ) ) ( R ) \ leq ( \ text ( Area ) ) ( C ) \ leq 2 ( \ text ( × Area ) ) ( r ) ) . Crossed rectangles A crossed ( self - intersecting ) quadrilateral consists of two opposite sides of a non-self - intersecting quadrilateral along with the two diagonals . Similarly , a crossed rectangle is a crossed quadrilateral which consists of two opposite sides of a rectangle along with the two diagonals . It has the same vertex arrangement as the rectangle . It appears as two identical triangles with a common vertex , but the geometric intersection is not considered a vertex . A crossed quadrilateral is sometimes likened to a bow tie or butterfly . A three - dimensional rectangular wire frame that is twisted can take the shape of a bow tie . A crossed rectangle is sometimes called an `` angular eight '' . The interior of a crossed rectangle can have a polygon density of ± 1 in each triangle , dependent upon the winding orientation as clockwise or counterclockwise . A crossed rectangle is not equiangular . The sum of its interior angles ( two acute and two reflex ) , as with any crossed quadrilateral , is 720 ° . A rectangle and a crossed rectangle are quadrilaterals with the following properties in common : Opposite sides are equal in length . The two diagonals are equal in length . It has two lines of reflectional symmetry and rotational symmetry of order 2 ( through 180 ° ) . Other rectangles A saddle rectangle has 4 nonplanar vertices , alternated from vertices of a cuboid , with a unique minimal surface interior defined as a linear combination of the four vertices , creating a saddle surface . This example shows 4 blue edges of the rectangle , and two green diagonals , all being diagonal of the cuboid rectangular faces . In spherical geometry , a spherical rectangle is a figure whose four edges are great circle arcs which meet at equal angles greater than 90 ° . Opposite arcs are equal in length . The surface of a sphere in Euclidean solid geometry is a non-Euclidean surface in the sense of elliptic geometry . Spherical geometry is the simplest form of elliptic geometry . In elliptic geometry , an elliptic rectangle is a figure in the elliptic plane whose four edges are elliptic arcs which meet at equal angles greater than 90 ° . Opposite arcs are equal in length . In hyperbolic geometry , a hyperbolic rectangle is a figure in the hyperbolic plane whose four edges are hyperbolic arcs which meet at equal angles less than 90 ° . Opposite arcs are equal in length . Tessellations The rectangle is used in many periodic tessellation patterns , in brickwork , for example , these tilings : Stacked bond Running bond Basket weave Basket weave Herringbone pattern Squared , perfect , and other tiled rectangles A rectangle tiled by squares , rectangles , or triangles is said to be a `` squared '' , `` rectangled '' , or `` triangulated '' ( or `` triangled '' ) rectangle respectively . The tiled rectangle is perfect if the tiles are similar and finite in number and no two tiles are the same size . If two such tiles are the same size , the tiling is imperfect . In a perfect ( or imperfect ) triangled rectangle the triangles must be right triangles . A rectangle has commensurable sides if and only if it is tileable by a finite number of unequal squares . The same is true if the tiles are unequal isosceles right triangles . The tilings of rectangles by other tiles which have attracted the most attention are those by congruent non-rectangular polyominoes , allowing all rotations and reflections . There are also tilings by congruent polyaboloes . See also Cuboid Golden rectangle Hyperrectangle Superellipse ( includes a rectangle with rounded corners ) References Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' ( PDF ) . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2014 - 05 - 14 . Retrieved 2013 - 06 - 20 . Jump up ^ Definition of Oblong . . Retrieved 2011 - 11 - 13 . Jump up ^ Oblong -- Geometry -- Math Dictionary . . Retrieved 2011 - 11 - 13 . Jump up ^ Coxeter , Harold Scott MacDonald ; Longuet - Higgins , M.S. ; Miller , J.C.P. ( 1954 ) . `` Uniform polyhedra '' . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London . Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences . The Royal Society . 246 ( 916 ) : 401 -- 450 . doi : 10.1098 / rsta. 1954.0003 . ISSN 0080 - 4614 . JSTOR 91532 . MR 0062446 . Jump up ^ Zalman Usiskin and Jennifer Griffin , `` The Classification of Quadrilaterals . A Study of Definition '' , Information Age Publishing , 2008 , pp. 34 -- 36 ISBN 1 - 59311 - 695 - 0 . Jump up ^ Owen Byer ; Felix Lazebnik ; Deirdre L. Smeltzer ( 19 August 2010 ) . Methods for Euclidean Geometry . MAA . pp. 53 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 88385 - 763 - 2 . Retrieved 2011 - 11 - 13 . ^ Jump up to : Josefsson Martin ( 2013 ) . `` Five Proofs of an Area Characterization of Rectangles '' ( PDF ) . Forum Geometricorum. 13 : 17 -- 21 . Jump up ^ An Extended Classification of Quadrilaterals ( An excerpt from De Villiers , M. 1996 . Some Adventures in Euclidean Geometry . University of Durban - Westville . ) Jump up ^ de Villiers , Michael , `` Generalizing Van Aubel Using Duality '' , Mathematics Magazine 73 ( 4 ) , Oct. 2000 , pp. 303 - 307 . Jump up ^ Cyclic Quadrilateral Incentre - Rectangle with interactive animation illustrating a rectangle that becomes a ' crossed rectangle ' , making a good case for regarding a ' crossed rectangle ' as a type of rectangle . Jump up ^ Hall , Leon M. & Robert P. Roe ( 1998 ) . `` An Unexpected Maximum in a Family of Rectangles '' ( PDF ) . Mathematics Magazine . 71 ( 4 ) : 285 -- 291 . JSTOR 2690700 . Jump up ^ Lassak , M. ( 1993 ) . `` Approximation of convex bodies by rectangles '' . Geometriae Dedicata. 47 : 111 . doi : 10.1007 / BF01263495 . Jump up ^ Stars : A Second Look . ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2011 - 11 - 13 . ^ Jump up to : R.L. Brooks , C.A.B. Smith , A.H. Stone and W.T. Tutte ( 1940 ) . `` The dissection of rectangles into squares '' . Duke Math. J. 7 ( 1 ) : 312 -- 340 . doi : 10.1215 / S0012 - 7094 - 40 - 00718 - 9 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ J.D. Skinner II , C.A.B. Smith and W.T. Tutte ( November 2000 ) . `` On the Dissection of Rectangles into Right - Angled Isosceles Triangles '' . Journal of Combinatorial Theory , Series B. 80 ( 2 ) : 277 -- 319 . doi : 10.1006 / jctb. 2000.1987 . Jump up ^ R. Sprague ( 1940 ) . `` Ũber die Zerlegung von Rechtecken in lauter verschiedene Quadrate '' . Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. 182 : 60 -- 64 . External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Rectangles . Weisstein , Eric W. `` Rectangle '' . MathWorld . Definition and properties of a rectangle with interactive animation . Area of a rectangle with interactive animation . GND : 4240913 - 5 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Quadrilaterals Elementary shapes Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Wikibooks Afrikaans Аҧсшәа অসমীয়া Asturianu Avañe'ẽ Aymar aru Azərbaycanca বাংলা Башҡортса Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Čeština ChiShona Corsu Dansk Davvisámegiella Deutsch Dolnoserbski Eesti Ελληνικά Emiliàn e rumagnòl Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hornjoserbsce Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Iñupiak Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ಕನ್ನಡ ქართული Kaszëbsczi Қазақша Kiswahili Kreyòl ayisyen Kurdî ລາວ Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Limburgs Lumbaart Magyar Македонски മലയാളം मराठी Bahasa Melayu Nederlands नेपाली 日本 語 Nordfriisk Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan Олык марий ភាសា ខ្មែរ Piemontèis Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русский Scots Shqip Sicilianu Simple English سنڌي Slovenčina Slovenščina Ślůnski Soomaaliga کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Basa Sunda Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย ᏣᎳᎩ Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt West - Vlams Winaray 吴语 ייִדיש 粵語 中文 98 more Edit links This page was last edited on 20 May 2018 , at 15 : 28 . 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1. Quadrilateral with four right angles 2. Parallelogram with equal diagonals 3. Equiangular quadrilateral 4. Cyclic and isogonal properties 5. Tiling and tessellation
what is the diameter of a plastic 55 gallon drum
Drum ( container ) - wikipedia Drum ( container ) A standard 200 - litre ( 55 US or 44 imp gal ) drum . Bulk drugs in fiber drums A drum is a cylindrical container used for shipping bulk cargo . Drums can be made of steel , dense paperboard ( commonly called a fiber drum ) , or plastics , and are generally used for the transportation and storage of liquids and powders . Drums are often certified for shipment of dangerous goods . Shipped goods must be matched with the make of drum necessary to comply with applicable regulations . Drums are also called barrels in common usage . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 International standard size 3 See also 4 References 5 Further reading 6 External links Background ( edit ) Hand - operated drum capseal crimping tool It is common to hear a drum referred to as a barrel and the two terms are used nearly interchangeably . Many drums have a common nominal volume of 208 litres ( 55 US gal ; 46 imp gal ) and nominally measure just under 880 millimetres ( 35 in ) tall with a diameter just under 610 millimetres ( 24 in ) and differ by holding about thirteen gallons more than a barrel of crude oil . In the United States , 25 - US - gallon ( 95 l ; 21 imp gal ) drums are also in common use and have the same height . This allows easy stacking of mixed pallets . Barrels can be constructed of plastic , laminated paperboard or steel . The two common sub-types of drums are the open top and the welded top ( with 51 - millimetre ( 2 in ) NPS bung holes ) . The latter are almost universally called `` barrels '' in preference to drums in the United States . They can not efficaciously either dispense or be filled with powdered goods , though they might store them very well , so are not used for such goods , being reserved for liquids transport and storage . Plastic drums are manufactured using injection blow moulding technology and have either a separate lid ( similar to those on fiber drums ) or a welded type top with the bung holes molded in . Metal drums are manufactured with cold - rolled steel sheets , welded themselves into long pipe - like sections then forged on a stamping press into drum bodies . A rolled seam is then made for the drum bottom , or bottom and top both . Some drums have reinforcing rings of thickened metal or plastic , called `` chimes '' , at four places : top , bottom , and one each a third of the way from each end ring . This sufficiently strengthens them so that they can readily be turned on their sides and rolled when filled with heavy materials , like liquids . Over short to medium distances , drums can be tipped and rolled on the bottom rim while being held at an angle , balanced , and rotated with a two - handed top grip that also supplies the torque ( rotational or rolling force ) . The open - top sub-type is sealed by a mechanical ring clamp ( concave inwards ) that exerts sufficient pressure to hold many non-volatile liquids and make an airtight seal against a gasket , as it exerts force inward and downward when tightened by a normal three - quarter inch wrench or ratchet wrench . Tops exist with bung holes as above , and these hybrid drums with lid can be used to ship many non-volatile liquids as well as industrial powders . Many drums are used to ship and store powdered products as well as liquids , such as plastic beads for injection moulding , extrusion , and purified industrial grade powders like cleansers ( e.g. , fertilizers , and powdered aluminum ) . If used to transport dangerous goods across international boundaries , they may need to have UN certification . In general , drum usage is limited to wholesale distribution of bulk products , which are then further processed or sub-divided in a factory . These metal drums have two openings with flanges ( 2 in NPS and 3⁄4 in NPS ) . Once the drums are filled , the plugs ( bungs ) are screwed in the flanges using pneumatic or hand operated bung tightener ( plug wrench ) . To secure the contents of the drums against theft and adulteration during shipment , cap - seals made of metal and other types like metal - plastic laminates are used . These cap - seals sit on top of the flanges and are crimped , using a drum cap - seal crimping tool , also called a drum cap sealer . Once cap - seals are crimped , the plugs can be unscrewed only by breaking these cap - seals . Pneumatic and hand - operated cap - seal crimping tools are available . Pneumatic ones are used in production lines for high production . The fiber drums referred to above will easily hold 180 -- 270 kilograms ( 400 -- 600 lb ) , and are usually coated internally with a urethane or plastic protective coating . They have steel reinforcement rims at their ends , and are sufficiently strong that this is the only type of drum that is not reinforced in the middle third , but that is almost certainly due to the difficulty in creating a `` vee '' rib in a paper layer that essentially spirals out from a single end seam . International standard size ( edit ) Steel drums used as shipping containers for chemicals and other liquids . A 200 - litre drum ( known as a 55 - gallon drum in the United States and a 44 - gallon drum in the United Kingdom ) is a cylindrical container with a nominal capacity of 200 litres ( 55 US or 44 imp gal ) . The exact capacity varies by manufacturer , purpose , or other factors . Standard drums have inside dimensions of 572 millimetres ( 22.5 in ) diameter and 851 millimetres ( 33.5 in ) height . These dimensions yield a volume of about 218,681 cm or 218.681 litres ( 57.8 US gal ; 48.1 imp gal ) , but they are commonly filled to about 200 litres . The outside dimensions of a 200 - litre drum are typically 584 millimetres ( 23 in ) diameter at the top or bottom rim , 597 millimetres ( 23.5 in ) diameter at the chines ( ridges around drum ) , and 876 millimetres ( 34.5 in ) height . Exact dimensions are specified in ANSI MH2 . The drums are typically made of steel with a ribbed outer wall to improve rigidity and for rolling . The lids can be welded or secured with a head gasket and bolt ring . Drums can also be made of durable plastic or paperboard . They are commonly used for transporting oils , fuels , chemicals , and dry goods . The construction and performance of drums used for shipment of hazardous materials are governed by UN , country , and carrier regulations . Drums are frequently transported on pallets for ease of handling by a fork truck and for shipping . The drum 's size , shape , and weight distribution lends itself to being moved about readily on the loading dock or factory floor with a two - wheeled hand truck . They can be turned on side and rolled . They can also be moved by hand short distances on firm surfaces by tilting and then rolling along the base , or by using a drum handler , which is designed especially for that purpose . Australian troops using captured Italian 200 L drums and filling equipment , Tobruk , Libya 1941 Henry Wehrhahn , employee of Nellie Bly 's Iron Clad Manufacturing Company of New York , received two patents in December 1905 that would lead to the modern 55 - gallon steel barrel . Use of 200 - litre drums became widespread in World War II , the first war in which trucks , cold rolled steel , stamp or pattern forging machinery and welding were widely available . They were first developed by the Axis powers ( Germany and Italy ) , but were quickly adopted by Allies . The drums helped win the Guadalcanal Campaign in the first U.S. offensive in the South Pacific Theater . The U.S. Navy could not maintain command of the sea long enough to offload aviation gasoline for aircraft ashore , so the drums were often transported to the island on fast ships , such as destroyers , and shoved over the sides ( or , time permitting , lowered in cargo nets ) . Because gasoline 's density is much less than that of water , the drums floated . Navy Seabees in small craft corralled the drums . Closed - head steel barrels and drums used for shipment of chemicals and petroleum products have a standardised bunghole arrangement , with one 51 - millimetre ( 2 in ) ( DN50 ) NPT and one 19 - millimetre ( ⁄ in ) ( DN20 ) NPT threaded bunghole on opposite sides of the top head . This arrangement is echoed in many plastic drums in the same size . Various components can be mounted to the drum , such as drum pumps and bung mixers . Compression test for steel drum A large pile of drums near the Baton Rouge Refinery in December 1972 . In the past , hazardous waste was often placed in drums of this size and stored in open fields or buried . Over time , some drums would corrode and leak . As a result , these drums have become iconic of pollution problems , even though they have numerous uses and are ubiquitous in commerce . Drums are often cleaned or re-conditioned and then used for storing or shipping various liquids or materials . Drums are frequently reused for many purposes including as barricades to protect construction workers from oncoming traffic , and perhaps most famously as musical instruments . Although crude oil is sometimes shipped in 55 - US - gallon drums , the measurement of oil in barrels is based on the whiskey barrels of the 1870s which measured 42 US gallons ( 35 imp gal ; 159 L ) . The measure of 42 US or wine gallons , corresponds to a wine tierce ( third - pipe ) . A wine barrel , or 1 / 8 tun , measures 31.5 US gallons ( 26.2 imp gal ; 119.2 L ) . See also ( edit ) Salvage drum Intermediate bulk container , for transportation of larger volumes of liquid References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` How to Comply with Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations '' . United States Department of Transportation . 2 April 2014 . Retrieved 23 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Nellie Bly Oil Drum - American Oil & Gas Historical Society '' . American Oil & Gas Historical Society . 2015 - 05 - 12 . Retrieved 2016 - 05 - 24 . Jump up ^ Lindsay , N.R ( 1991 ) . Equal to the Task - The Royal Australian Service Corps . Historia Productions . pp. Chapter 17 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 9808415 - 0 - 3 . Archived from the original on 2016 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Does oil come in barrels ? - By Daniel Engber - Slate Magazine Further reading ( edit ) Performance tests of selected plastic drums , National Research Council Canada , February 2005 . TP 14396E , Transport Canada Drop tests of selected steel drums , InNOVAcorp , 2003 . TP 14093E , Transport Canada Soroka , W , `` Fundamentals of Packaging Technology '' , IoPP , 2002 , ISBN 1 - 930268 - 25 - 4 Yam , K.L. , `` Encyclopedia of Packaging Technology '' , John Wiley & Sons , 2009 , ISBN 978 - 0 - 470 - 08704 - 6 European Organisation of the Steel Drum Industry : Hardwicke , Robert E. 1958 . The Oilman 's Barrel . Norman , OK : University of Oklahoma Press . OCLC 541956 . Shagena , Jack L. 2006 . An Illustrated History of the Barrel in America . Bel Air , MD : Jack L. Shagena . ISBN 978 - 0977686605 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Metal drums . <Th_colspan="2"> hide Packaging General topics Active packaging Child - resistant packaging Contract packager Modified atmosphere / modified humidity packaging Package pilferage Package testing Packaging engineering Reusable packaging Shelf life Shelf stable Sustainable packaging Tamper - evident Tamper resistance Wrap rage Product packages Beer bottle Box wine Disposable food packaging Foam food container Food packaging Growler Luxury packaging Milk bag Milk bottle Pharmaceutical packaging Screw cap ( wine ) Water bottle Wine bottle Containers Aerosol Container Aluminium bottle Aluminum can Ampoule Antistatic bag Bag - in - box Bags and flexible containers Barrel Biodegradable bag Blister pack Boil - in - Bag Bottle Box Bulk box Cage Case Carboy Carton Chub Clamshell Corrugated box design Crate Disposable cup Drum Envelope Flexible intermediate bulk container Folding carton Glass bottle Insulated shipping container Intermediate bulk container Jar Jerrycan Jug Juicebox Keg Multi-pack Oyster pail Packet ( container ) Padded mailer Pail Paper bag Paper sack Plastic bag Plastic bottle Popcorn bag Retort pouch Sachet Security bag Self - heating can Self - heating food packaging Shipping container Skin pack Spray bottle Tetra Brik Tin can Tub ( container ) Tube Unit load Vial Wooden box Materials and components Adhesive Aluminium foil Bail handle Bioplastic Biodegradable plastic BoPET Bubble wrap Bung Cellophane Closure Coated paper Coating Coextrusion Corrugated fiberboard Corrugated plastic Cushioning Desiccant Double seam Foam peanut Glass Hot - melt adhesive Kraft paper Label Lid Linear low - density polyethylene Liquid packaging board Low - density polyethylene Metallised film Modified atmosphere Molded pulp Nonwoven fabric Overwrap Oxygen scavenger Package handle Packaging gas Pallet Paper Paper pallet Paperboard Plastic film Plastic pallet Plastic wrap Polyester Polyethylene Polypropylene Pressure - sensitive tape Pump dispenser Screw cap Screw cap ( wine ) Security printing Security tape Shock detector Shock and vibration data logger Shrink wrap Slip sheet Staple ( fastener ) Strapping Stretch wrap Susceptor Tamper - evident band Tear tape Temperature data logger Time temperature indicator Tinplate Velostat Processes Aseptic processing Authentication Automatic identification and data capture Blow fill seal Blow molding Calendering Canning Coating Containerization Curtain Coating Die cutting Die forming ( plastics ) Electronic article surveillance Extrusion Extrusion coating Glass production Graphic design HACCP Hermetic seal Induction sealing Injection molding Laminating Laser cutting Molding Papermaking Plastic welding Plastics extrusion Printing Quality assurance Radio - frequency identification Roll slitting Shearing ( manufacturing ) Thermoforming Track and trace Vacuum forming Ultrasonic welding Vacuum packaging Verification and validation Machinery Barcode printer Barcode reader Bottling line Calender Can seamer Cartoning machine Case sealer Check weigher Conveyor system Extended core stretch wrapper Filler Heat gun Heat sealer Industrial robot Injection molding machine Label printer applicator Lineshaft roller conveyor Logistics automation Material handling equipment Mechanical brake stretch wrapper Multihead weigher Orbital stretch wrapper Palletizer Rotary wheel blow molding systems Shrink tunnel Staple gun Tape dispenser Turntable stretch wrapper Vertical form fill sealing machine Environment , post-use Biodegradation Environmental engineering Glass recycling Industrial ecology Life - cycle assessment Litter Paper recycling Plastic recycling Recycling Reusable packaging Reverse logistics Source reduction Sustainable packaging Waste management Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Containers Fuel containers Shipping containers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español Français 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Русский Svenska Türkçe Tiếng Việt 4 more Edit links This page was last edited on 12 February 2018 , at 08 : 23 . About Wikipedia
1. Drum container types 2. Shipping and storage of liquids and powders 3. Certification for shipment of dangerous goods 4. Different materials used for drums (steel, fiber, plastics) 5. International standard size for drums (200-liter capacity)
wish i knew tou when i was young song
Wish I Knew You - Wikipedia Wish I Knew You Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> `` Wish I Knew You '' <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Single by The Revivalists <Th_colspan="2"> from the album Men Amongst Mountains Released February 23 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 23 ) Format Digital download Genre Alternative rock Length 4 : 34 Label Washington Square Razor & Tie Wind - up Concord Songwriter ( s ) The Revivalists Producer ( s ) Ben Ellman <Th_colspan="2"> The Revivalists singles chronology <Td_colspan="2"> `` Keep Going '' ( 2015 ) `` Wish I Knew You '' ( 2016 ) <Td_colspan="2"> `` Keep Going '' ( 2015 ) `` Wish I Knew You '' ( 2016 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Music video <Td_colspan="2"> `` Wish I Knew You '' on YouTube <Td_colspan="2"> `` Wish I Knew You '' is a song by American rock band The Revivalists . The song was written by the band and was produced by Ben Ellman . The song peaked at number 1 on the Billboard Adult Alternative Songs chart , becoming the band 's first chart - topper on the chart . The song also found success on a number of other rock radio formats , as well as adult contemporary stations . This song had also set a record in May 2017 ( since beaten by Portugal . The Man 's track `` Live In The Moment '' ) for the most plays ( spins ) ever recorded during a week 's time ( 3,488 across the panel ) for any track on Alternative / Modern Rock radio since the inception of Mediabase tracking systems in 1988 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Music video 2 Use in other media 3 Charts 4 Certifications 5 Release history 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Music video ( edit ) The music video was released on February 24 , 2016 . Use in other Media ( edit ) The song was featured in a 2017 commercial for Blue Moon . Charts ( edit ) Chart ( 2016 -- 17 ) Peak position Canada Rock ( Billboard ) 11 US Billboard Hot 100 84 US Adult Contemporary ( Billboard ) 18 US Adult Alternative Songs ( Billboard ) US Adult Top 40 ( Billboard ) 14 US Alternative Songs ( Billboard ) US Hot Rock Songs ( Billboard ) US Rock Airplay ( Billboard ) Certifications ( edit ) Region Certification Certified units / Sales United States ( RIAA ) Gold 500,000 <Td_colspan="3"> sales figures based on certification alone shipments figures based on certification alone sales + streaming figures based on certification alone Release history ( edit ) Region Date Format Label Ref . United States March 7 , 2016 Triple A radio Washington Square Wind - up October 25 , 2016 Modern rock radio April 10 , 2017 Hot AC radio See also ( edit ) List of Billboard number - one adult alternative singles of the 2010s References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Rutherford , Kevin ( September 22 , 2016 ) . `` The Revivalists Achieve First Adult Alternative Songs No. 1 '' . Billboard . Prometheus Global Media . Retrieved April 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Revivalists : Wish I Knew You Reaches # 1 on Alternative Radio '' . May 7 , 2017 . Retrieved May 11 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Mahot , Laura ( February 23 , 2016 ) . `` Exclusive Video Premiere : ' Wish I Knew You , ' The Revivalists '' . Interview . Retrieved April 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ iSpot Jump up ^ `` The Revivalists Chart History ( Canada Rock ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved May 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Revivalists Chart History ( Hot 100 ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved September 12 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Revivalists Chart History ( Adult Contemporary ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved November 21 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Revivalists Chart History ( Adult Alternative Songs ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved April 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Revivalists Chart History ( Adult Pop Songs ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved August 29 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Revivalists Chart History ( Alternative Songs ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved May 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Revivalists Chart History ( Hot Rock Songs ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved December 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Revivalists Chart History ( Rock Airplay ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved April 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` American single certifications -- The Revivalists -- Wish I Knew You '' . Recording Industry Association of America . Retrieved October 18 , 2017 . If necessary , click Advanced , then click Format , then select Single , then click SEARCH Jump up ^ `` Future Releases on Triple A Radio Stations '' . All Access Music Group . Archived from the original on March 4 , 2016 . Retrieved April 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Future Releases on Alternative Radio Stations '' . All Access Music Group . Archived from the original on October 26 , 2016 . Retrieved April 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Revivalists ' `` Wish I Knew You '' Top 5 at Alternative Radio , Impacting at Hot AC April 10th - Spinning Now on SiriusXM 's The Pulse `` . Washington Square Records . March 28 , 2017 . Retrieved April 10 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics This 2010s rock song - related article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2015 songs 2016 singles Billboard Alternative Songs number - one singles Razor & Tie singles Wind - up Records singles 2010s rock song stubs Hidden categories : Articles with hAudio microformats Singlechart usages for Billboardcanadarock Singlechart called without song Singlechart usages for Billboardhot100 Singlechart usages for Billboardadultcontemporary Singlechart usages for Billboardadultalternativesongs Singlechart usages for Billboardadultpopsongs Singlechart usages for Billboardalternativesongs Singlechart usages for Billboardrocksongs Singlechart usages for Billboardrockairplay Certification Table Entry usages for United States All stub articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 26 March 2018 , at 12 : 13 . About Wikipedia
1. "Wish I Knew You" - The Revivalists 2. Billboard Adult Alternative Songs chart 3. Commercial for Blue Moon 4. Chart success and certifications 5. The Revivalists discography
who's red coat on pretty little liars
Red Coat ( Pretty Little Liars ) - wikipedia Red Coat ( Pretty Little Liars ) <Th_colspan="2"> Red Coat <Td_colspan="2"> Pretty Little Liars character <Td_colspan="2"> Red Coat overlooking the grave robbing in `` Dead to Me '' . First appearance `` UnmAsked '' Last appearance `` The Gloves Are On '' Created by I. Marlene King Portrayed by Sasha Pieterse Vanessa Ray Dre Davis CC Mason ( double ) <Th_colspan="2"> Information Nickname ( s ) A ( Charlotte / Sara ) The Black Widow ( Sara ) Aliases Vivian Darkbloom Gender Female Occupation A ( Charlotte / Sara ) Hiding from A ( Alison ) Helping the Liars ( Alison ) Stalking ( Charlotte / Sara ) Blackmail ( Charlotte ) Seasons 2 3 4 6 Status Alive ( Alison ) Deceased ( Charlotte , Sara ) Residence Rosewood , Pennsylvania Real name Alison DiLaurentis Charlotte Drake Sara Harvey Red Coat is a fictional character on the television show Pretty Little Liars , which was adapted from the book series of same name . Introduced during the second - season finale , she became the primary antagonist of the third and fourth seasons . Contents 1 Background 2 Unmasking 2.1 Exegesis : summary of episode `` Game Over , Charles '' 3 Reception 4 See also 5 References Background ( edit ) In the second - season finale `` UnmAsked '' , the first `` A '' is revealed to be Mona Vanderwaal , who wanted revenge on the Liars for not preventing Alison 's bullying and slowly distancing Hanna away from her . During a fight with Spencer , Mona ends up falling off a cliff and is then found by the authorities and admitted to the Radley Sanitarium , a local psychiatric hospital . During the final scene of the episode , a nurse comes in to alert Mona that she has a visitor and someone walks inside her room in what it looks like a red trench coat , appearing to be the same one worn by Alison DiLaurentis in her Vivian Darkbloom disguise . Mona proceeds to tell the unseen visitor that she did everything they asked her to . In the third season , we see Red Coat purchasing hoodies for the team she is building , and later the Liars begin catching glimpses of her . Hanna sees the mysterious figure watching her outside a boutique , Emily remembers her in a flashback to the night she and Mona kidnapped her , Spencer notices her on a date with Wren and Aria catches her at a morgue . All four girls see two specific details in regards to her physical features : a red trench coat with blonde curly hair hanging out . Emily suspects that Red Coat is the one in charge of the `` A-Team '' and they hatch a plan to catch her . Spencer having joined the `` A-Team '' at the time to look for clues on Toby , who was briefly on the team before inexplicably disappearing , finds out that he is alive and a double agent who intends to help the girls . Spencer gives Mona and Red Coat the idea to throw a party at the Thornhill Lodge , where Red Coat can meet the girls in person . Mona and Red Coat agree with the idea . Red Coat flies in on a plane and Toby and Spencer go outside to catch her . As the other Liars corner Mona inside , someone sets fire to the lodge . Toby goes to follow a flashlight in the woods and Spencer follows Red Coat , who gets off the plane and heads into the woods . Aria , Emily , Hanna and Mona fall unconscious due to the flames and smoke , but Hanna is pulled out by Red Coat and she looks up to see Alison DiLaurentis . As the girls all gather outside , Mona says she also saw Alison and Spencer believes she did too . However , Mona proceeds to admit that she does n't know the accurate identity of Red Coat because the anonymous entity always wore a mask . In the fourth season , Red Coat continues to play the game . The disguise is briefly abandoned , after the Red Coat who flew into the Lodge burned her coat and mask in the Lodge fire , but Red Coat returns mid-season and films a video of herself in an Emily mask . She then begins sneaking under the DiLaurentis home and surveilling the residence . Toby and Caleb begin looking for clues on her identity and discover that CeCe Drake is the one who set up the flight plan for Red Coat to go to the Lodge . The Liars hunt for CeCe but with no luck . In `` Bring Down the Hoe , '' she returns and is seen in a room filled with photos of Alison and a red coat laying on a chair . Red Coat shows up to the Rosewood High Hoedown and Spencer and Emily manage to take her coat . They discover that the coat is missing the same button which they found earlier underneath the DiLaurentis house . Meanwhile , CeCe lurks outside Ezra 's apparent in the same attire that Red Coat wears but now in a black hoodie . Unmasking ( edit ) In the fourth season 's mid-season finale `` Now You See Me , Now You Do n't '' , the Liars head to Ravenswood to look for Red Coat . While there , Red Coat kidnaps Emily and locks her in a coffin on a Sawmill . The Liars witness Red Coat heading to that Sawmill and chase her inside , where she actually stops the saw and another Red Coat , donning a mask of Alison 's face , appears on the stairwell , revealing that two people have been sporting the disguise all along . Spencer follows the Red Coat who saved Emily , while Aria fights the masked Red Coat and unmasks her as CeCe Drake . The Liars manage to catch the Red Coat who saved Emily in the ending of `` Grave New World '' , who reveals herself as an alive Alison . During `` EscApe from New York '' , Ali claims that she asked CeCe to wear the disguise to distract `` A '' and that CeCe was never truly Red Coat . It is later revealed that CeCe actually was the Red Coat who stole the game from Mona and wore the disguise during her schemes , presumably until the saw mill incident . In `` Game Over , Charles '' , the Liars learn there was a third Red Coat who posed as a decoy for CeCe and used the infamous disguise to distract the Liars whenever CeCe could n't . The third Red Coat is revealed to be Sara Harvey . Exegesis : summary of episode `` game over , Charles '' ( edit ) Big `` A '' kidnaps Alison from the Rosewood High senior prom and takes her to Radley , where their dad and brother are also there , unconscious . With Mona 's aid , the Liars figure out that `` A 's '' phone server is located at the Carissimi Group 's building and along with Sara make their way over there . They manage to break into a secret room hidden in the wall of an empty storage room . The Liars and Mona go inside but Sara suspiciously leaves them behind , just as the door closes . A holographic monitor comes on and the Liars get a glimpse of a live feed that shows Alison in a room , talking to `` A '' . `` A '' turns around and is revealed to be CeCe Drake , who reveals that she was born as Charles before transitioning into Charlotte . CeCe / Charlotte reveals that she became `` A '' ( and thus Red Coat ) in order to sneak out of Radley and because she was angry that the Liars were happy about her disappearance . While Charlotte is telling her story , the Liars are alerted to a motion sensor in another room . Mona turns the camera to the room and they see that the motion sensor was alerted by Red Coat , who is setting up a bomb for Charlotte to blow up Radley with her family alongside herself . The Liars are stunned by this revelation , having previously assumed that CeCe and Alison were the only two Red Coats . Charlotte mentions that she kept seeing a blonde girl in a red coat watching the girls and deduced the mysterious entity was Alison . So in order to find out , Charlotte organized the lodge party at Thornhill to trap the girls and lure Alison out of hiding , since she knew her sister would only show up if her friends were in grave danger . Charlotte sent the other Red Coat to the Lodge to distract the Liars and keep Mona occupied . She reveals that the other Red Coat is Sara Harvey , explaining that she was a decoy whenever she `` needed her to be '' . Nigel Wright was paid to fake a flight plan to Delaware by Charlotte but the plane actually made its way to the lodge since Sara landed it in a nearby field despite the fog in the area . Shana Fring also showed up with Jenna Marshall to find out if the Liars were going to meet Alison at the request of Melissa Hastings , since she too had her own suspicions . However , both plans went awry and while Jenna was n't noticing , Shana set fire to the lodge since she grew a hatred towards the Liars for blinding Jenna as she later admits to in `` EscApe from New York '' . Sara managed to rescue Aria , Emily and Mona while Alison arrived just in time to save Hanna , giving Charlotte the much needed confirmation that her sister was indeed alive . Knowing that Wilden would never let Alison return and tell her story , Charlotte went to the lake and killed him , dumping his car and body in the middle of town . She then sent Sara dressed as the mysterious woman in a black veil to attend his funeral and ensure he was deceased . The Liars are shocked about this revelation , but Hanna tells Emily that Charlotte is just messing with her . However , Spencer realizes that the authorities have n't arrived to Radley because Sara must 've pretended to dial them . The Liars manage to break out of the room and head over to Radley , where they come upon Sara in the hallway . She orders them to leave as she turns on the bomb for Charlotte , but they manage to subdue her and give Spencer enough time to stop the bomb . Alison quickly arrives and tells them that Charlotte has headed to the roof and begs them to help her surrender . Sara tries to escape but Emily grabs her by the hood of her trench coat and angrily punches her in the face for betraying her trust . They chase Charlotte and persuade her not to commit suicide . She instead declares an end to the `` A '' game . At the end of the episode , Emily mentions that Sara is getting released from the local town 's hospital and Alison states that what happened to her that night was n't their fault . Nonetheless , Spencer discloses to Caleb during `` The Gloves Are On '' that after Emily punched Sara , she got back up but accidentally put her hand on some electrical cords , which began electrocuting her body , as the Liars watched in horror . This led to Sara being unable to use her hands since she lost her palpable abilities . Reception ( edit ) The reveal of Alison possibly being alive and Red Coat in `` A DAngerous GAme '' was met with mixed reviews , with many expressing joy over this , while others were disappointed in not receiving a definite answer to Red Coat 's identity . The reveal that there were two active Red Coats was generally met with positive reviews , with many praising the reveal that Alison was alive in the episode `` Grave New World '' as one of the best moments of the series . The reveal of the third Red Coat received mostly negative reviews , with many feeling discomfort over Sara being officially introduced so late into the series . However , Entertainment Weekly 's Isabella Biedenharn deemed the best moment of `` Game Over , Charles '' the scene where Emily punches Sara in the face for her betrayal . See also ( edit ) Alison DiLaurentis Charlotte DiLaurentis Sara Harvey ( character ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Biedenharn , Isabella ( August 12 , 2015 ) . `` ' Game Over , Charles ' '' . Entertainment Weekly . p. 3 . Retrieved August 13 , 2015 . <Th_colspan="2"> Pretty Little Liars Episodes Season 1 5 6 7 Characters `` A '' Alex Drake Alison DiLaurentis Aria Montgomery Charlotte Drake Emily Fields Hanna Marin Jenna Marshall Mary Drake Melissa Hastings Mona Vanderwaal Red Coat Sara Harvey Spencer Hastings Sydney Driscoll Related Book series 2006 novel Rosewood , Pennsylvania Pretty Dirty Secrets Ravenswood Pretty Little Liars : The Perfectionists <Td_colspan="2"> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Pretty Little Liars characters Fictional stalkers Hidden categories : Articles using Infobox character with multiple unlabeled fields Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 16 August 2018 , at 01 : 15 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
1. Red Coat - Pretty Little Liars character 2. Unmasking of Red Coat 3. Red Coat's role as a primary antagonist 4. Red Coat's connection to Alison DiLaurentis 5. Reception of Red Coat's reveal and storyline
make a list of archaeological sources of rajasthan
Category : Archaeological sites in Rajasthan - wikipedia Help Category : Archaeological sites in Rajasthan Jump to : navigation , search Wikimedia Commons has media related to Archaeological sites in Rajasthan . Pages in category `` Archaeological sites in Rajasthan '' The following 14 pages are in this category , out of 14 total . This list may not reflect recent changes ( learn more ) . Balathal Baror Bhangarh Fort Binjor Dhosi Hill Dohan river Ganeshwar Gilund Indori river Kalibangan Karanpura Krishnavati river Laxmangarh Fort Sahibi River Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Archaeological sites in India History of Rajasthan Tourist attractions in Rajasthan Talk Help About Wikipedia தமிழ் Edit links This page was last edited on 17 July 2016 , at 08 : 13 . About Wikipedia
1. Archaeological sites in Rajasthan 2. Balathal 3. Bhangarh Fort 4. Binjor 5. Tourist attractions in Rajasthan
integration of line rock central high school in little rock ark
Little Rock Nine - wikipedia Little Rock Nine Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> Little Rock Crisis <Td_colspan="2"> Part of the Civil Rights Movement <Td_colspan="2"> The `` Little Rock Nine '' are escorted inside Little Rock Central High School by troops of the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Army . Location Little Rock Central High School in Little Rock , Arkansas Caused by Racial segregation in public schools Brown v. Board of Education ( 1954 ) Resulted in Cooper v. Aaron ( 1958 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Parties to the civil conflict <Td_colspan="2"> National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ( NAACP ) Little Rock Nine Governor of Arkansas <Th_colspan="2"> Lead figures <Td_colspan="2"> NAACP member Daisy Bates Little Rock Nine Melba Pattillo Beals Minnijean Brown Elizabeth Eckford Ernest Green Gloria Ray Karlmark Carlotta Walls LaNier Thelma Mothershed Terrence Roberts Jefferson Thomas State of Arkansas Orval Faubus , governor This article is part of a series about Dwight D. Eisenhower Early Life Military Career World War II Supreme Allied Commander in Europe D - Day Operation Overlord Surrender of Germany VE - Day Crusade in Europe President of the United States Presidency First Term Draft movement 1952 Campaign Election 1st Inauguration Korean War Atoms for Peace Cold War New Look Domino theory Interstate Highway System Second Term 1956 campaign Election 2nd Inauguration Eisenhower Doctrine Sputnik crisis Missile gap NDEA NASA DARPA Civil Rights Act of 1957 Little Rock Nine U-2 incident Farewell Address Post-Presidency Legacy Presidential library and museum Tributes and memorials The Little Rock Nine was a group of nine African American students enrolled in Little Rock Central High School in 1957 . Their enrollment was followed by the Little Rock Crisis , in which the students were initially prevented from entering the racially segregated school by Orval Faubus , the Governor of Arkansas . They then attended after the intervention of President Dwight D. Eisenhower . The U.S. Supreme Court issued its historic Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka , Kansas , 347 U.S. 483 , on May 17 , 1954 . Tied to the 14th Amendment , the decision declared all laws establishing segregated schools to be unconstitutional , and it called for the desegregation of all schools throughout the nation . After the decision , the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ( NAACP ) attempted to register black students in previously all - white schools in cities throughout the South . In Little Rock , the capital city of Arkansas , the school board agreed to comply with the high court 's ruling . Virgil Blossom , the Superintendent of Schools , submitted a plan of gradual integration to the school board on May 24 , 1955 , which the board unanimously approved . The plan would be implemented during the fall of the 1957 school year , which would begin in September 1957 . By 1957 , the NAACP had registered nine black students to attend the previously all - white Little Rock Central High , selected on the criteria of excellent grades and attendance . Called the `` Little Rock Nine '' , they were Ernest Green ( b . 1941 ) , Elizabeth Eckford ( b . 1941 ) , Jefferson Thomas ( 1942 -- 2010 ) , Terrence Roberts ( b . 1941 ) , Carlotta Walls LaNier ( b . 1942 ) , Minnijean Brown ( b . 1941 ) , Gloria Ray Karlmark ( b . 1942 ) , Thelma Mothershed ( b . 1940 ) , and Melba Pattillo Beals ( b . 1941 ) . Ernest Green was the first African American to graduate from Central High School . Contents ( hide ) 1 The Blossom Plan 2 National Guard blockade 3 Armed escort 4 A tense year 5 `` The Lost Year '' 6 Motivations 7 Legacy 8 See also 9 Footnotes 10 References 10.1 Historiography 10.2 Primary sources 10.3 External links The Blossom plan One of the plans created during attempts to desegregate the schools of Little Rock was by school superintendent Virgil Blossom . The initial approach proposed substantial integration beginning quickly and extending to all grades within a matter of many years . This original proposal was scrapped and replaced with one that more closely met a set of minimum standards worked out in attorney Richard B. McCulloch 's brief . This finalized plan would start in September 1957 and would integrate one high school , Little Rock Central . The second phase of the plan would take place in 1960 and would open up a few junior high schools to a few black children . The final stage would involve limited desegregation of the city 's grade schools at an unspecified time , possibly as late as 1963 . This plan was met with varied reactions from the NAACP branch of Little Rock . Militant members like the Bateses opposed the plan on the grounds that it was `` vague , indefinite , slow - moving and indicative of an intent to stall further on public integration . '' Despite this view , the majority accepted the plan ; most felt that Blossom and the school board should have the chance to prove themselves , that the plan was reasonable , and that the white community would accept it . This view was short lived , however . Changes were made to the plan , the most detrimental being a new transfer system that would allow students to move out of the attendance zone to which they were assigned . The unaltered Blossom Plan had gerrymandered school districts to guarantee a black majority at Horace Mann High and a white majority at Hall High . This meant that , even though black students lived closer to Central , they would be placed in Horace Mann thus confirming the intention of the school board to limit the impact of desegregation . The altered plan gave white students the choice of not attending Horace Mann , but did n't give black students the option of attending Hall . This new Blossom Plan did not sit well with the NAACP and after failed negotiations with the school board ; the NAACP filed a lawsuit on February 8 , 1956 . This lawsuit , along with a number of other factors contributed to the Little Rock School Crisis of 1957 . National Guard blockade Main article : Arkansas National Guard and the integration of Central High School Several segregationist councils threatened to hold protests at Central High and physically block the black students from entering the school . Governor Orval Faubus deployed the Arkansas National Guard to support the segregationists on September 4 , 1957 . The sight of a line of soldiers blocking out the students made national headlines and polarized the nation . Regarding the accompanying crowd , one of the nine students , Elizabeth Eckford , recalled : They moved closer and closer ... Somebody started yelling ... I tried to see a friendly face somewhere in the crowd -- someone who maybe could help . I looked into the face of an old woman and it seemed a kind face , but when I looked at her again , she spat on me . On September 9 , the Little Rock School District issued a statement condemning the governor 's deployment of soldiers to the school , and called for a citywide prayer service on September 12 . Even President Dwight Eisenhower attempted to de-escalate the situation by summoning Faubus for a meeting , warning him not to defy the Supreme Court 's ruling . Armed escort Young U.S. Army paratrooper in battle gear outside Central High School , on the cover of Time magazine ( October 7 , 1957 ) Woodrow Wilson Mann , the mayor of Little Rock , asked President Eisenhower to send federal troops to enforce integration and protect the nine students . On September 24 , the President ordered the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Army -- without its black soldiers , who rejoined the division a month later -- to Little Rock and federalized the entire 10,000 - member Arkansas National Guard , taking it out of Faubus 's control . A tense Year By the end of September 1957 , the nine were admitted to Little Rock Central High under the protection of the 101st Airborne Division ( and later the Arkansas National Guard ) , but they were still subjected to a year of physical and verbal abuse ( being spat on and called names ) by many of the white students . Melba Pattillo had acid thrown into her eyes and also recalled in her book , Warriors Do n't Cry , an incident in which a group of white girls trapped her in a stall in the girls ' washroom and attempted to burn her by dropping pieces of flaming paper on her from above . Another one of the students , Minnijean Brown , was verbally confronted and abused . She said I was one of the kids ' approved ' by the school officials . We were told we would have to take a lot and were warned not to fight back if anything happened . One girl ran up to me and said , ' I 'm so glad you 're here . Wo n't you go to lunch with me today ? ' I never saw her again . Minnijean Brown was also taunted by members of a group of white male students in December 1957 in the school cafeteria during lunch . She dropped her lunch , a bowl of chili , onto the boys and was suspended for six days . Two months later , after more confrontation , Brown was suspended for the rest of the school year . She transferred to New Lincoln High School in New York City . As depicted in the 1981 made - for - TV docudrama Crisis at Central High , and as mentioned by Melba Pattillo Beals in Warriors Do n't Cry , white students were punished only when their offense was `` both egregious and witnessed by an adult '' . The drama was based on a book by Elizabeth Huckaby , a vice-principal during the crisis . `` The Lost Year '' In the summer of 1958 , as the school year was drawing to a close , Faubus decided to petition the decision by the Federal District Court in order to postpone the desegregation of public high schools in Little Rock . In the Cooper v. Aaron case , the Little Rock School District , under the leadership of Orval Faubus , fought for a two and a half year delay on de-segregation , which would have meant that black students would only be permitted into public high schools in January 1961 . Faubus argued that if the schools remained integrated there would be an increase in violence . However , in August 1958 , the Federal Courts ruled against the delay of de-segregation , which incited Faubus to call together an Extraordinary Session of the State Legislature on August 26 in order to enact his segregation bills . Claiming that Little Rock had to assert their rights and freedom against the federal decision , in September 1958 , Faubus signed acts that enabled him and the Little Rock School District to close all public schools . Thus , with this bill signed , on Monday September 15 , Faubus ordered the closure of all four public high schools , preventing both black and white students from attending school . Despite Faubus 's decree , the city 's population had the chance of refuting the bill since the school - closing law necessitated a referendum . The referendum , which would either condone or condemn Faubus 's law , was to take place within thirty days . A week before the referendum , which was scheduled to take place on September 27 , Faubus addressed the citizens of Little Rock in an attempt to secure their votes . Faubus urged the population to vote against integration since he was planning on leasing the public school buildings to private schools , and , in doing so , would educate the white and black students separately . Faubus was successful in his appeal and won the referendum . This year came to be known as the `` Lost Year . '' Faubus 's victory led to a series of consequences that affected Little Rock society . Faubus 's intention to open private schools was denied the same day the referendum took place , which caused some citizens of Little Rock to turn on the black community . The black community became a target for hate crimes since people blamed them for the closing of the schools . Daisy Bates , head of the NAACP chapter in Little Rock , was a primary victim to these crimes , in addition to the black students enrolled at Little Rock Central High School and their families . The city 's teachers were also placed in a difficult position . They were forced to swear loyalty to Faubus 's bills . Even though Faubus 's idea of private schools never played out , the teachers were still expected to attend school every day and prepare for the possibility of their students ' return . The teachers were completely under Faubus 's control and the many months that the school stayed empty only served as a cause for uncertainty in their professional futures . In May 1959 , after the firing of forty - four teachers and administrative staff from the four high schools , three segregationist board members were replaced with three moderate ones . The new board members reinstated the forty - four staff members to their positions . The new board of directors then began an attempt to reopen the schools , much to Faubus 's dismay . In order to avoid any further complications , the public high schools were scheduled to open earlier than usual , on August 12 , 1959 . Although the Lost Year had come to a close , the black students who returned to the high schools were not welcomed by the other students . Rather , the black students had a difficult time getting past mobs to enter the school , and , once inside , they were often subject to physical and emotional abuse . The students were back at school and everything would eventually resume normal function , but the Lost Year would be a pretext for new hatred toward the black students in the public high school . Motivations This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( August 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Faubus 's opposition to desegregation was likely both politically and racially motivated . Although Faubus had indicated that he would consider bringing Arkansas into compliance with the high court 's decision in 1956 , desegregation was opposed by his own southern Democratic Party , which dominated all Southern politics at the time . Faubus risked losing political support in the upcoming 1958 Democratic gubernatorial primary if he showed support for integration . Most histories of the crisis conclude that Faubus , facing pressure as he campaigned for a third term , decided to appease racist elements in the state by calling out the National Guard to prevent the black students from entering Central High . Former associate justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court James D. Johnson claimed to have hoaxed Governor Faubus into calling out the National Guard , supposedly to prevent a white mob from stopping the integration of Little Rock Central High School : `` There was n't any caravan . But we made Orval believe it . We said . ' They 're lining up . They 're coming in droves . ' ... The only weapon we had was to leave the impression that the sky was going to fall . '' He later claimed that Faubus asked him to raise a mob to justify his actions . Harry Ashmore , the editor of the Arkansas Gazette , won a 1958 Pulitzer Prize for his editorials on the crisis . Ashmore portrayed the fight over Central High as a crisis manufactured by Faubus ; in his interpretation , Faubus used the Arkansas National Guard to keep black children out of Central High School because he was frustrated by the success his political opponents were having in using segregationist rhetoric to stir white voters . Congressman Brooks Hays , who tried to mediate between the federal government and Faubus , was later defeated by a last minute write - in candidate , Dale Alford , a member of the Little Rock School Board who had the backing of Faubus 's allies . A few years later , despite the incident with the `` Little Rock Nine '' , Faubus ran as a moderate segregationist against Dale Alford , who was challenging Faubus for the Democratic nomination for governor in 1962 . Little Rock Nine Memorial Memorial closeup of Eckford Legacy External video <Td_colspan="2"> Booknotes interview with Melba Patillo Beals on Warriors Do n't Cry , November 27 , 1994 , C - SPAN A commemorative silver dollar Memorial at Arkansas State Capitol Three members of the `` Little Rock Nine '' ( L-R ) Ernest Green , Carlotta Walls LaNier , and Terrence Roberts - stand together on the steps of the LBJ Presidential Library in 2014 Little Rock Central High School still functions as part of the Little Rock School District , and is now a National Historic Site that houses a Civil Rights Museum , administered in partnership with the National Park Service , to commemorate the events of 1957 . The Daisy Bates House , home to Daisy Bates , then the president of the Arkansas NAACP and a focal point for the students , was designated a National Historic Landmark in 2001 for its role in the episode . In 1958 , Cuban poet Nicolás Guillén published `` Little Rock '' , a bilingual composition in English and Spanish denouncing the racial segregation in the United States . Melba Pattillo Beals wrote a memoir titled Warriors Do n't Cry , published in the mid-1990s . Two made - for - television movies have depicted the events of the crisis : the 1981 CBS movie Crisis at Central High , and the 1993 Disney Channel movie The Ernest Green Story . In 1996 , seven of the Little Rock Nine appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show . They came face to face with a few of the white students who had tormented them as well as one student who had befriended them . President Bill Clinton honored the Little Rock Nine in November 1999 when he presented them each with a Congressional Gold Medal . The medal is the highest civilian award bestowed by Congress . It is given to those who have provided outstanding service to the country . To receive the Congressional Gold Medal , recipients must be co-sponsored by two - thirds of both the House and Senate . In 2007 , the United States Mint made available a commemorative silver dollar to `` recognize and pay tribute to the strength , the determination and the courage displayed by African - American high school students in the fall of 1957 . '' The obverse depicts students accompanied by a soldier , with nine stars symbolizing the Little Rock Nine . The reverse depicts an image of Little Rock Central High School , c. 1957 . Proceeds from the coin sales are to be used to improve the National Historic Site . On December 9 , 2008 , the Little Rock Nine were invited to attend the inauguration of President - elect Barack Obama , the first African - American to be elected President of the United States . On February 9 , 2010 , Marquette University honored the group by presenting them with the Père Marquette Discovery Award , the university 's highest honor , one that had previously been given to Mother Teresa , Archbishop Desmond Tutu , Karl Rahner , and the Apollo 11 astronauts , among other notables . See also Black school Fables of Faubus , a song written by jazz bassist Charles Mingus Little Rock ( poem ) Nine from Little Rock , an Academy Award - winning documentary film about the Little Rock Nine Stand in the Schoolhouse Door Women 's Emergency Committee to Open Our Schools Footnotes Jump up ^ Brown v. Topeka Board of Education ( U.S. 1954 ) . Text . ^ Jump up to : Rains , Craig . `` Little Rock Central High 40th Anniversary '' . Archived from the original on December 17 , 2006 ... Jump up ^ Tony A. Freyer , `` Politics and Law in the Little Rock Crisis , 1954 -- 1957 , '' The Arkansas Historical Quarterly , 60 / 2 , ( Summer 2007 ) : 148 ^ Jump up to : Tony A. Freyer , `` Politics and Law in the Little Rock Crisis , 1954 -- 1957 , '' The Arkansas Historical Quarterly , 60 / 2 , ( Summer 2007 ) : 149 ^ Jump up to : John A. Kirk , `` The Little Rock Crisis and Postwar Black Activism in Arkansas , '' The Arkansas Historical Quarterly , 60 / 2 , ( Summer 2007 ) : 239 Jump up ^ Boyd , Herb ( September 27 , 2007 ) . `` Little Rock Nine paved the way '' . New York Amsterdam News . 98 ( 40 ) . Archived from the original on April 13 , 2014 . Retrieved March 4 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Retreat from Newport '' . Time . September 23 , 1957 . Archived from the original on August 11 , 2013 ... Jump up ^ Smith , Jean Edward ( 2012 ) . Eisenhower in War and Peace . Random House . p. 723 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 679 - 64429 - 3 . Jump up ^ `` Melba Pattillo Beals '' . Teachers ' Domain . WGBH Educational Foundation . Archived from the original on April 21 , 2008 . Retrieved February 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Brown , Minnijean ; Moskin , J. Robert ( June 24 , 1958 ) . `` One Girl 's Little Rock Story '' . Look . Jump up ^ Collins , Janelle ( Fall 2008 ) . `` Easing a Country 's Conscience : Little Rock 's Central High School in Film '' . The Southern Quarterly . The University of Southern Mississippi . Retrieved August 2 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Bates , Daisy . The Long Shadow of Little Rock : A Memoir . New York : David McKay , 1962 , p. 151 . Jump up ^ Gordy , Sondra . `` Empty Hearts : Little Rock Secondary Teachers , 1958 -- 1959 '' . The Arkansas Historical Quarterly , 1997 , p. 428 . Jump up ^ Bates , Daisy . The Long Shadow of Little Rock : A Memoir . New York : David McKay , 1962 , p. 152 . Jump up ^ Bates , Daisy . The Long Shadow of Little Rock : A Memoir . New York : David McKay , 1962 , p. 154 . ^ Jump up to : Gordy , Sondra . `` Empty Hearts : Little Rock Secondary Teachers , 1958 -- 1959 '' . The Arkansas Historical Quarterly , 1997 , p. 429 . Jump up ^ Gordy , Sondra . `` Empty Hearts : Little Rock Secondary Teachers , 1958 -- 1959 '' . The Arkansas Historical Quarterly , 1997 , p. 431 . Jump up ^ Bates , Daisy . The Long Shadow of Little Rock : A Memoir . New York : David McKay , 1962 , p. 155 . Jump up ^ Bates , Daisy . The Long Shadow of Little Rock : A Memoir . New York : David McKay , 1962 . p. 159 . Jump up ^ Gordy , Sondra . `` Empty Hearts : Little Rock Secondary Teachers , 1958 -- 1959 '' . The Arkansas Historical Quarterly , 1997 , p. 436 . Jump up ^ Gordy , Sondra . `` Empty Hearts : Little Rock Secondary Teachers , 1958 -- 1959 '' . The Arkansas Historical Quarterly , 1997 , p. 441 . ^ Jump up to : Gordy , Sondra . `` Empty Hearts : Little Rock Secondary Teachers , 1958 -- 1959 '' . The Arkansas Historical Quarterly , 1997 , p. 442 . Jump up ^ Bates , Daisy . The Long Shadow of Little Rock : A Memoir . New York : David McKay , 1962 , p. 165 . Jump up ^ `` Little Rock Nine '' . Originalpeople . Archived from the original on January 26 , 2016 . Retrieved May 6 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Williams , Juan ( March 18 , 2007 ) . `` Showdown over Segregation '' . The Washington Post . Archived from the original on January 26 , 2016 . Retrieved May 6 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Racist `` Justice '' is dead , but not gone `` . Salon . February 18 , 2010 . Archived from the original on October 6 , 2014 . Retrieved October 5 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The Pulitzer Prize Winners 1958 '' . the Pulitzer Board . Archived from the original on September 25 , 2011 . Retrieved September 7 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Profiles in Hue . Xlibris Corporation . January 17 , 2011 . p. 366 . ISBN 1456851209 . Retrieved May 6 , 2015 . Jump up ^ United States National Park Service , Little Rock Central High School , National Historic Site . Archived January 9 , 2007 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` NHL nomination for Daisy Bates House '' . National Park Service . Retrieved October 27 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Guillén , Nicolás ; Márquez , Robert ; McMurray , David Arthur ( August 2003 ) . Man - making words : selected poems of Nicolás Guillén . Univ of Massachusetts Press . pp. 58 -- 61 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 55849 - 410 - 7 . Retrieved September 7 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Little Rock Nine '' . November 9 , 1999 . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved August 28 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` We 've Completed Our Mission Archived April 18 , 2018 , at the Wayback Machine . '' . Washington Post , December 13 , 2009 , p . B01 . References Anderson , Karen . Little Rock : Race and Resistance at Central High School ( 2013 ) Baer , Frances Lisa . Resistance to Public School Desegregation : Little Rock , Arkansas , and Beyond ( 2008 ) 328 pp. ISBN 978 - 1 - 59332 - 260 - 1 Beals , Melba Pattillo . Warriors Do n't Cry : A Searing Memoir of the Battle to Integrate Little Rock 's Central High . ( ISBN 0 - 671 - 86638 - 9 ) Branton , Wiley A. `` Little Rock Revisited : Desegregation to Resegregation . '' Journal of Negro Education 1983 52 ( 3 ) : 250 -- 269 . ISSN 0022 - 2984 Fulltext in Jstor Jacoway , Elizabeth . Turn Away Thy Son : Little Rock , the Crisis That Shocked the Nation ( 2007 ) . Kirk , John A. `` Not Quite Black and White : School Desegregation in Arkansas , 1954 - 1966 , '' Arkansas Historical Quarterly ( 2011 ) 70 # 3 pp 225 -- 257 in JSTOR Kirk , John A. , ed . An Epitaph for Little Rock : A Fiftieth Anniversary Retrospective on the Central High Crisis ( University of Arkansas Press , 2008 ) . Kirk , John A. Beyond Little Rock : The Origins and Legacies of the Central High Crisis ( University of Arkansas Press , 2007 ) . Kirk , John A. , Redefining the Color Line : Black Activism in Little Rock , Arkansas , 1940 -- 1970 ( University of Florida Press , 2002 ) . Reed , Roy . Faubus : The Life and Times of an American Prodigal ( 1997 ) . Lanier , Carlotta , A Mighty Long Way : My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School , Random House , 2009 Historiography Pierce , Michael . `` Historians of the Central High Crisis and Little Rock 's Working - Class Whites : A Review Essay , '' Arkansas Historical Quarterly ( 2011 ) 70 # 4 pp. 468 -- 483 in JSTOR Primary sources Faubus , Orval Eugene . Down from the Hills . Little Rock : Democrat Printing & Lithographing , 1980 . 510 pp. autobiography . External links `` Through a Lens , Darkly , '' by David Margolick . Vanity Fair , September 24 , 2007 . The Tiger , Student Paper of Little Rock Central High . The Legacy of Little Rock on ( a division of Time Magazine ) Guardians of Freedom -- 50th Anniversary of Operation Arkansas , by United States Army Letters from U.S. citizens regarding the Little Rock Crisis , Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library Documents regarding the Little Rock Crisis , Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library National Park Service . Little Rock Central High School , National Historic Site . Encyclopedia of Arkansas History & Culture entry : Little Rock Nine `` From Canterbury to Little Rock : The Struggle for Educational Equality for African Americans '' , a National Park Service Teaching with Historic Places ( TwHP ) lesson plan Letter by segregationist lawyer Amis Guthridge Defending Segregation to Little Rock School Board and Superintendent Blossom , July 10 , 1957 . McMillen , Neil R. ( Summer 1971 ) . `` White Citizens ' Council and Resistance to School Desegregation in Arkansas '' ( PDF ) . The Arkansas Historical Quarterly . Arkansas Historical Association . 30 ( 2 ) : 95 -- 122 . Sandra Hubbard ; Dr. Sondra Gordy . `` The Lost Year '' . a documentary , entitled `` The Lost Year '' by Sandra Hubbard and a book , entitled `` Finding the Lost Year '' By Dr. Gordy . An account by teachers and classmates of the closed high schools of Little Rock after the Crisis at Central High and the Little Rock Nine . <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) Civil rights movement Notable events ( timeline ) Prior to 1954 Lynching in the United States Murder of Harry and Harriette Moore 1954 -- 1959 Brown v. Board of Education Bolling v. Sharpe Briggs v. Elliott Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County Gebhart v. Belton White America , Inc . Sarah Keys v. Carolina Coach Company Emmett Till Montgomery bus boycott Browder v. Gayle Tallahassee bus boycott Mansfield school desegregation 1957 Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom `` Give Us the Ballot '' Royal Ice Cream sit - in Little Rock Nine National Guard blockade Civil Rights Act of 1957 Kissing Case Biloxi wade - ins 1960 -- 1963 Greensboro sit - ins Nashville sit - ins Sit - in movement Civil Rights Act of 1960 Gomillion v. Lightfoot Boynton v. Virginia Rock Hill sit - ins Robert F. Kennedy 's Law Day Address Freedom Rides attacks Garner v. Louisiana Albany Movement University of Chicago sit - ins `` Second Emancipation Proclamation '' Meredith enrollment , Ole Miss riot `` Segregation now , segregation forever '' Stand in the Schoolhouse Door 1963 Birmingham campaign Letter from Birmingham Jail Children 's Crusade Birmingham riot 16th Street Baptist Church bombing John F. Kennedy 's Report to the American People on Civil Rights March on Washington `` I Have a Dream '' St. Augustine movement 1964 -- 1968 Twenty - fourth Amendment Bloody Tuesday Freedom Summer workers ' murders Civil Rights Act of 1964 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches `` How Long , Not Long '' Voting Rights Act of 1965 Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections March Against Fear White House Conference on Civil Rights Chicago Freedom Movement / Chicago open housing movement Memphis sanitation strike King assassination funeral riots Poor People 's Campaign Civil Rights Act of 1968 Green v. County School Board of New Kent County Activist groups Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights Atlanta Student Movement Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Congress of Racial Equality ( CORE ) Committee on Appeal for Human Rights Council for United Civil Rights Leadership Dallas County Voters League Deacons for Defense and Justice Georgia Council on Human Relations Highlander Folk School Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Montgomery Improvement Association Nashville Student Movement NAACP Youth Council Northern Student Movement National Council of Negro Women National Urban League Operation Breadbasket Regional Council of Negro Leadership Southern Christian Leadership Conference ( SCLC ) Southern Regional Council Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee ( SNCC ) The Freedom Singers Wednesdays in Mississippi Women 's Political Council Activists Ralph Abernathy Victoria Gray Adams Zev Aelony Mathew Ahmann William G. Anderson Gwendolyn Armstrong Arnold Aronson Ella Baker Marion Barry Daisy Bates Harry Belafonte James Bevel Claude Black Gloria Blackwell Randolph Blackwell Unita Blackwell Ezell Blair Jr . Joanne Bland Julian Bond Joseph E. Boone William Holmes Borders Amelia Boynton Raylawni Branch Ruby Bridges Aurelia Browder H. Rap Brown Guy Carawan Stokely Carmichael Johnnie Carr James Chaney J.L. Chestnut Colia Lafayette Clark Ramsey Clark Septima Clark Xernona Clayton Eldridge Cleaver Kathleen Cleaver Charles E. Cobb Jr . Annie Lee Cooper Dorothy Cotton Claudette Colvin Vernon Dahmer Jonathan Daniels Joseph DeLaine Dave Dennis Annie Devine Patricia Stephens Due Joseph Ellwanger Charles Evers Medgar Evers Myrlie Evers - Williams Chuck Fager James Farmer Walter E. Fauntroy James Forman Marie Foster Golden Frinks Andrew Goodman Fred Gray Jack Greenberg Dick Gregory Lawrence Guyot Prathia Hall Fannie Lou Hamer William E. Harbour Vincent Harding Dorothy Height Lola Hendricks Aaron Henry Oliver Hill Donald L. Hollowell James Hood Myles Horton Zilphia Horton T.R.M. Howard Ruby Hurley Jesse Jackson Jimmie Lee Jackson Richie Jean Jackson T.J. Jemison Esau Jenkins Barbara Rose Johns Vernon Johns Frank Minis Johnson Clarence Jones J. Charles Jones Matthew Jones Vernon Jordan Tom Kahn Clyde Kennard A.D. King C.B. King Coretta Scott King Martin Luther King Jr . Martin Luther King Sr . Bernard Lafayette James Lawson Bernard Lee Sanford R. Leigh Jim Letherer Stanley Levison John Lewis Viola Liuzzo Z. Alexander Looby Joseph Lowery Clara Luper Malcolm X Mae Mallory Vivian Malone Thurgood Marshall Benjamin Mays Franklin McCain Charles McDew Ralph McGill Floyd McKissick Joseph McNeil James Meredith William Ming Jack Minnis Amzie Moore Douglas E. Moore Harriette Moore Harry T. Moore William Lewis Moore Irene Morgan Bob Moses William Moyer Elijah Muhammad Diane Nash Charles Neblett Edgar Nixon Jack O'Dell James Orange Rosa Parks James Peck Charles Person Homer Plessy Adam Clayton Powell Jr . Fay Bellamy Powell Al Raby Lincoln Ragsdale A. Philip Randolph George Raymond Jr . Bernice Johnson Reagon Cordell Reagon James Reeb Frederick D. Reese Gloria Richardson David Richmond Bernice Robinson Jo Ann Robinson Bayard Rustin Bernie Sanders Michael Schwerner Cleveland Sellers Charles Sherrod Alexander D. Shimkin Fred Shuttlesworth Modjeska Monteith Simkins Glenn E. Smiley A. Maceo Smith Kelly Miller Smith Mary Louise Smith Maxine Smith Ruby Doris Smith - Robinson Charles Kenzie Steele Hank Thomas Dorothy Tillman A.P. Tureaud Hartman Turnbow Albert Turner C.T. Vivian Wyatt Tee Walker Hollis Watkins Walter Francis White Roy Wilkins Hosea Williams Kale Williams Robert F. Williams Andrew Young Whitney Young Sammy Younge Jr . James Zwerg Influences Nonviolence Padayatra Sermon on the Mount Mahatma Gandhi Ahimsa Satyagraha The Kingdom of God Is Within You Frederick Douglass W.E.B. Du Bois Mary McLeod Bethune Related Jim Crow laws Plessy v. Ferguson Separate but equal Buchanan v. Warley Hocutt v. Wilson Sweatt v. Painter Heart of Atlanta Motel , Inc. v. United States Katzenbach v. McClung Loving v. 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1. Little Rock Nine 2. Racial segregation in public schools 3. Brown v. Board of Education 4. Little Rock Crisis 5. Civil Rights Movement
in order for a police officer to conduct a terry stop what legal threshold must exist
Terry stop - wikipedia Terry stop Jump to : navigation , search `` Stop and frisk '' redirects here . For its implementation in New York City , see Stop - and - frisk in New York City . For UK policing , see Stop and search . This article relies too much on references to primary sources . Please improve this by adding secondary or tertiary sources . ( September 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) In the United States , a Terry stop is a brief detention of a person by police on reasonable suspicion of involvement in criminal activity but short of probable cause to arrest . The name derives from Terry v. Ohio , 392 U.S. 1 ( 1968 ) , in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that police may briefly detain a person whom they reasonably suspect is involved in criminal activity ; the Court also held that police may do a limited search of the suspect 's outer garments for weapons if they have a reasonable and articulable suspicion that the person detained may be `` armed and dangerous . '' To have reasonable suspicion that would justify a stop , police must be able to point to `` specific and articulable facts '' that would indicate to a reasonable police officer that the person stopped is or is about to be engaged in criminal activity , as opposed to past conduct . Reasonable suspicion depends on the `` totality of the circumstances , '' and it can result from a combination of facts , each of which by itself innocuous . The search of the suspect 's outer garments , also known as a patdown , must be limited to what is necessary to discover weapons . However , pursuant to the plain feel doctrine , police may seize contraband discovered in the course of a frisk , but only if the contraband 's identity is immediately apparent . In some jurisdictions , persons detained under the doctrine of Terry must identify themselves to police upon request . In Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada , 542 U.S. 177 ( 2004 ) , the Court held that a Nevada statute requiring such identification violated neither the Fourth Amendment 's prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizure nor , in the circumstances of that case , the Fifth Amendment 's privilege against self - incrimination . Contents ( hide ) 1 Traffic stops 2 See also 3 Notes 4 External links Traffic stops ( edit ) Main article : Traffic stop New Jersey State Police temporarily detain a driver during a traffic stop on the New Jersey Turnpike . For practical purposes , a traffic stop is essentially the same as a Terry stop ; for the duration of a stop , driver and passengers are `` seized '' within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment . The U.S. Supreme Court has held that drivers and passengers may be ordered out of the vehicle without violating the Fourth Amendment 's proscription of unreasonable searches and seizures , although such practices might not be authorized under state law . Drivers and passengers may be searched for weapons upon reasonable suspicion they are armed and dangerous . If police reasonably suspect the driver or any of the occupants may be dangerous and that the vehicle may contain a weapon to which an occupant may gain access , police may perform a protective search of the passenger compartment . Without a warrant , probable cause , or the driver 's consent , police may not search the vehicle , but under the `` plain view '' doctrine may seize and use as evidence weapons or contraband that are visible from outside the vehicle . See also ( edit ) Carding , a Canadian equivalent . Proactive policing Search and seizure Stop and identify statutes Stop and search , a UK equivalent . Stop - and - frisk in New York City Notes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Larson , Aaron ( 2 February 2017 ) . `` What Are Your Fourth Amendment Rights '' . ExpertLaw . Retrieved 5 September 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Terry v. Ohio , 392 U.S. 1 ( 1968 ) '' . Google Scholar . Google . Retrieved 5 September 2017 . Jump up ^ For the Court in Berkemer v. McCarty 468 U.S. 420 ( 1984 ) , Justice Marshall wrote `` the usual traffic stop is more analogous to a so - called ' Terry stop ' , see Terry v. Ohio , 392 U.S. 1 ( 1968 ) '' ( 468 U.S. at 439 ) Jump up ^ For the Court in Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District , Justice Kennedy noted Beginning with Terry v. Ohio , 392 U.S. 1 ( 1968 ) , the Supreme Court has recognized that a law enforcement officer 's reasonable suspicion that a person may be involved in criminal activity permits the officer to stop the person for a brief time and take additional steps to investigate further . ( 542 U.S. at 185 ) Jump up ^ Argiriou , Steven L. `` Terry Stop Update : The Law , Field Analysis and Examples '' ( PDF ) . Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers . Retrieved 5 September 2017 . Jump up ^ For the Court in Terry v. Ohio , Chief Justice Warren wrote Our evaluation of the proper balance that has to be struck in this type of case leads us to conclude that there must be a narrowly drawn authority to permit a reasonable search for weapons for the protection of the police officer , where he has reason to believe that he is dealing with an armed and dangerous individual , regardless of whether he has probable cause to arrest the individual for a crime . ( 392 U.S. at 27 ) Jump up ^ Susskind , R.S. ( 1993 ) . `` Race , Reasonable Articulable Suspicion , and Seizure '' . American Criminal Law Review . 31 : 327 . Retrieved 5 September 2017 . Jump up ^ In Navarette v. California , Justice Thomas explained , `` Even a reliable tip will justify an investigative stop only if it creates reasonable suspicion that ' criminal activity may be afoot . ' Terry , 392 U.S. , at 30 , 88 S. Ct. 1868 , 20 L. Ed . 2d 889 ( 1968 ) . We must therefore determine whether the 911 caller 's report of being run off the roadway created reasonable suspicion of an ongoing crime such as drunk driving as opposed to an isolated episode of past recklessness . See Cortez , 449 U.S. , at 417 , 101 S. Ct. 690 , 66 L. Ed . 2d 621 ( 1981 ) ( HN9 LEdHN ( 9 ) ( 9 ) `` An investigatory stop must be justified by some objective manifestation that the person stopped is , or is about to be , engaged in criminal activity '' ) . '' Navarette v. California , 134 S. Ct. 1683 , 1690 ( 2014 ) . Justice Scalia also confirmed the same in his dissent : `` The stop required suspicion of an ongoing crime , not merely suspicion of having run someone off the road earlier . '' Id . at 1695 ( 2014 ) . Jump up ^ For the Court in United States v. Cortez , 449 U.S. 411 ( 1981 ) , Chief Justice Burger wrote : Courts have used a variety of terms to capture the elusive concept of what cause is sufficient to authorize police to stop a person . Terms like `` articulable reasons '' and `` founded suspicion '' are not self - defining ; they fall short of providing clear guidance dispositive of the myriad factual situations that arise . But the essence of all that has been written is that the totality of the circumstances -- the whole picture -- must be taken into account . Based upon that whole picture the detaining officers must have a particularized and objective basis for suspecting the particular person stopped of criminal activity . ( 449 U.S. at 417 -- 418 ) Jump up ^ In Terry v. Ohio , Chief Justice Warren wrote He ( Detective McFadden ) had observed Terry , Chilton , and Katz go through a series of acts , each of them perhaps innocent in itself , but which taken together warranted further investigation . Jump up ^ Argiriou , Steven . `` Terry Frisk Update '' ( PDF ) . Federal Law Enforcement Training Center . Retrieved 5 September 2017 . Jump up ^ In Terry v. Ohio , Chief Justice Warren wrote : Thus it must be limited to that which is necessary for the discovery of weapons which might be used to harm the officer or others nearby , and may realistically be characterized as something less than a ' full ' search , even though it remains a serious intrusion . ( 392 U.S. at 26 ) Chief Justice Warren continued : The sole justification of the search in the present situation is the protection of the police officer and others nearby , and it must therefore be confined in scope to an intrusion reasonably designed to discover guns , knives , clubs , or other hidden instruments for the assault of the police officer . ( 392 U.S. at 29 ) Jump up ^ For the Court in Minnesota v. Dickerson , 508 U.S. 366 ( 1993 ) , Justice White wrote : If a police officer lawfully pats down a suspect 's outer clothing and feels an object whose contour or mass makes its identity immediately apparent , there has been no invasion of the suspect 's privacy beyond that already authorized by the officer 's search for weapons ; if the object is contraband , its warrantless seizure would be justified by the same practical considerations that inhere in the plain - view context . ( 508 U.S. at 375 -- 376 ) Justice White continued : Here , the officer 's continued exploration of respondent 's pocket after having concluded that it contained no weapon was unrelated to `` ( t ) he sole justification of the search ( under Terry : ) ... the protection of the police officer and others nearby . '' 392 U.S. , at 29 . It therefore amounted to the sort of evidentiary search that Terry expressly refused to authorize , see id. , at 26 , and that we have condemned in subsequent cases . ( 508 U.S. at 378 ) Jump up ^ For the Court in Berkemer v. McCarty , Justice Marshall wrote `` most traffic stops resemble , in duration and atmosphere , the kind of brief detention authorized in Terry . '' ( 468 U.S. 420 , 439 , n . 29 ) Jump up ^ `` Terry Stop / Stop and Frisk '' . Wex . Cornell Law School . Retrieved 5 September 2017 . Jump up ^ For a unanimous Court in Brendlin v. California , 551 U.S. 249 ( 2007 ) , Justice Souter wrote , When a police officer makes a traffic stop , the driver of the car is seized within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment . The question in this case is whether the same is true of a passenger . We hold that a passenger is seized as well and so may challenge the constitutionality of the stop . ( 551 U.S. at 249 ) Justice Souter continued : Brendlin was seized from the moment Simeroth 's car came to a halt on the side of the road ( 551 U.S. at 263 ) Jump up ^ Pennsylvania v. Mimms , 434 U.S. 106 ( 1977 ) ( per curiam ) noted We hold only that once a motor vehicle has been lawfully detained for a traffic violation , the police officers may order the driver to get out of the vehicle without violating the Fourth Amendment 's proscription of unreasonable searches and seizures . ( 434 U.S. at 111 , n . 6 ) Jump up ^ For the Court in Maryland v. Wilson , 519 U.S. 408 ( 1997 ) , Chief Justice Rehnquist wrote an officer making a traffic stop may order passengers to get out of the car pending completion of the stop . ( 519 U.S. at 413 ) Jump up ^ Pennsylvania v. Mimms ( per curiam ) held Under the standard enunciated in that case ( Terry ) -- `` whether the facts available to the officer at the moment of the seizure or the search ' warrant a man of reasonable caution in the belief ' that the action taken was appropriate '' -- there is little question the officer was justified . The bulge in the jacket permitted the officer to conclude that Mimms was armed and thus posed a serious and present danger to the safety of the officer . In these circumstances , any man of `` reasonable caution '' would likely have conducted the `` pat down '' . ( 434 U.S. at 112 ) Jump up ^ For a unanimous Court in Knowles v. Iowa , 525 U.S. 113 ( 1998 ) , Chief Justice Rehnquist wrote that police may perform a `` patdown '' of a driver and any passengers upon reasonable suspicion that they may be armed and dangerous ( 113 U.S. at 117 -- 118 , citing Terry ) Jump up ^ Fantz , Ashley ( 23 July 2015 ) . `` What are your rights during a traffic '' . CNN . Retrieved 5 September 2017 . Jump up ^ For the Court in Michigan v. Long , 463 U.S. 1032 ( 1983 ) , Justice O'Connor wrote These principles compel our conclusion that the search of the passenger compartment of an automobile , limited to those areas in which a weapon may be placed or hidden , is permissible if the police officer possesses a reasonable belief based on `` specific and articulable facts which , taken together with the rational inferences from those facts , reasonably warrant '' the officer in believing that the suspect is dangerous and the suspect may gain immediate control of weapons . ( 463 U.S. at 1049 ) Jump up ^ For a unanimous Court in Knowles v. Iowa , 525 U.S. 113 ( 1998 ) ) , Chief Justice Rehnquist wrote that police may conduct a `` Terry patdown '' of the passenger compartment of a vehicle upon reasonable suspicion that an occupant is dangerous and may gain immediate control of a weapon ( 525 U.S. at 118 , citing Long ) Jump up ^ For the Court in Michigan v. Long , Justice O'Connor wrote If , while conducting a legitimate Terry search of the interior of the automobile , the officer should , as here , discover contraband other than weapons , he clearly can not be required to ignore the contraband , and the Fourth Amendment does not require its suppression in such circumstances . ( 463 U.S. at 1050 , citing Coolidge v. New Hampshire , 403 U.S. 443 , 465 ( 1971 ) ) Jump up ^ Writing for a unanimous Court in `` Arizona v. Johnson , 555 US 323 ( 2009 ) '' . Google Scholar . Google . Retrieved 5 September 2017 . , Justice Ginsburg gave a comprehensive summary of most of the above - cited jurisprudence relating to traffic stops . External links ( edit ) Online books , and library resources in your library and in other libraries about Terry stops Connecticut guide to permissible scope of the Terry investigatory `` stop '' . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Law enforcement in the United States Searches and seizures Hidden categories : Articles lacking reliable references from September 2016 All articles lacking reliable references All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from July 2015 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Nederlands Simple English Edit links This page was last edited on 14 April 2018 , at 05 : 21 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Terry stop definition 2. Reasonable suspicion in Terry stops 3. Search and seizure in Terry stops 4. Traffic stops and Terry stops 5. Supreme Court case Terry v. Ohio
who wrote all hail the power of jesus name
All Hail the Power of Jesus ' Name - Wikipedia All Hail the Power of Jesus ' Name <Th_colspan="2"> All Hail the Power of Jesus ' Name <Td_colspan="2"> Genre Hymn Text Edward Perronet Meter 8.6. 8.6. 8.6 Melody `` Coronation '' ( Holden ) , `` Miles Lane '' ( Shrubsole ) , `` Diadem '' ( Ellor ) Published 1779 ( 1779 ) `` All Hail the Power of Jesus ' Name '' is a popular hymn sung by many Christian denominations . The hymn is often called the `` National Anthem of Christendom '' . The lyrics , written by Edward Perronet while he served as a missionary in India , first appeared in the November , 1779 issue of the Gospel Magazine , which was edited by the author of `` Rock of Ages '' , Augustus Toplady . The best - known tunes used for the hymn are `` Coronation '' ( Oliver Holden , 1793 ) and `` Miles Lane '' ( William Shrubsole , 1779 ) , with `` Diadem '' ( James Ellor , 1838 ) the favoured one in Australia , but there are a number of others . `` Diadem '' is also the most favoured tune sung as a choir number . The song was heavily altered for the Unitarian hymnal , which was also licensed to the hymnal of the Unity Church : `` All Hail the Power of Truth to Save from Error 's Binding Thrall . '' Bing Crosby included the hymn in his 1951 album Beloved Hymns . Lyrics ( edit ) All hail the power of Jesus ' name ! Let angels prostrate fall ; bring forth the royal diadem , and crown Him Lord of all . Bring forth the royal diadem , and crown Him Lord of all . Ye chosen seed of Israel 's race , ye ransomed from the Fall , hail Him who saves you by His grace , and crown Him Lord of all . Hail Him who saves you by His grace , and crown Him Lord of all . Sinners , whose love can ne'er forget the wormwood and the gall , go spread your trophies at His feet , and crown Him Lord of all . Go spread your trophies at His feet , and crown Him Lord of all . Let every kindred , every tribe on this terrestrial ball , to Him all majesty ascribe , and crown Him Lord of all . To Him all majesty ascribe , and crown Him Lord of all . ( Alternate wording to the above verse ) Let every tribe and every tongue before Him prostrate fall And shout in universal song the crownèd Lord of all . And shout in universal song the crownèd Lord of all . O that with yonder sacred throng we at His feet may fall ! We 'll join the everlasting song , and crown Him Lord of all . We 'll join the everlasting song , and crown Him Lord of all . Portion of `` All Hail the Power of Jesus ' Name '' published in Songs we like to sing : a collection of familiar songs and hymns for high schools and normal schools and for assemblies ( 1912 ) Sources ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` January 2 : Edward Perronet ; Christian History Institute '' . Archived from the original on 2006 - 06 - 17 . Retrieved 2007 - 02 - 23 . Jump up ^ All Hail the Power of Jesus ' Name External links ( edit ) Wikisource has original text related to this article : All Hail the Power of Jesus ' Name All Hail the Power of Jesus ' Name at Words , sheet music & MIDI at the Cyber Hymnal MP3 Download of All hail the power of Jesus ' name at Hymnswithoutwords This Christian music song - related article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : English Christian hymns Songs about Jesus Christian song stubs Talk About Wikipedia Wikisource Add links This page was last edited on 12 October 2018 , at 09 : 49 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
1. "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" hymn 2. Edward Perronet, the hymn's author 3. Popular Christian hymn 4. Different melodies used for the hymn 5. Lyrics and themes of the hymn
when did the first got book come out
A Song of Ice and Fire - wikipedia A Song of Ice and Fire Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the series of novels . For the television adaptation , see Game of Thrones . A Song of Ice and Fire <Td_colspan="2"> A Song of Ice and Fire book collection box set cover <Td_colspan="2"> A Game of Thrones ( 1996 ) A Clash of Kings ( 1998 ) A Storm of Swords ( 2000 ) A Feast for Crows ( 2005 ) A Dance with Dragons ( 2011 ) The Winds of Winter ( forthcoming ) A Dream of Spring ( forthcoming ) Author George R.R. Martin Country United States Language English Genre Epic fantasy Publisher Bantam Books ( US , Canada ) Voyager Books ( UK , Australia ) Published August 1996 -- present Media type Print ( hardback & paperback ) audiobook A Song of Ice and Fire is a series of epic fantasy novels by the American novelist and screenwriter George R.R. Martin . He began the first volume of the series , A Game of Thrones , in 1991 and had it published in 1996 . Martin , who initially envisioned the series as a trilogy , has published five out of a planned seven volumes . The fifth and most recent volume of the series published in 2011 , A Dance with Dragons , took Martin five years to write . He is still writing the sixth novel , The Winds of Winter . A Song of Ice and Fire takes place on the fictional continents Westeros and Essos . The point of view of each chapter in the story is a limited perspective of a range of characters growing from nine , in the first novel , to thirty - one by the fifth . Three main stories interweave a dynastic war among several families for control of Westeros , the rising threat of the supernatural Others in the northernmost reaches of Westeros , and the ambition of Daenerys Targaryen , the deposed king 's exiled daughter , to assume the Iron Throne . Martin 's inspirations included the Wars of the Roses and the French historical novels The Accursed Kings by Maurice Druon . A Song of Ice and Fire received praise for its diverse portrayal of women and religion , as well as its realism . An assortment of disparate and subjective points of view confronts the reader , and the success or survival of point of view characters is never assured . Within the often morally ambiguous world of A Song of Ice and Fire , questions concerning loyalty , pride , human sexuality , piety , and the morality of violence frequently arise . As of April 2015 , the books have sold more than 60 million copies worldwide and , as of January 2017 , have been translated into 47 languages . The fourth and fifth volumes reached the top of The New York Times Best Seller lists upon their releases . Among the many derived works are several prequel novellas , a TV series , a comic book adaptation , and several card , board , and video games . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot synopsis 2 Publishing history 2.1 Overview 2.2 First three novels ( 1991 -- 2000 ) 2.3 Bridging the timeline gap ( 2000 -- 2011 ) 2.4 Planned novels and future 2.4. 1 The Winds of Winter 2.4. 2 A Dream of Spring 2.4. 3 TV series and other writings 3 Inspiration and writing 3.1 Genre 3.2 Writing process 3.3 Narrative structure 3.4 Character development 4 Themes 5 Reception 5.1 Critical response 5.2 Sales 5.3 Fandom 5.4 Awards and nominations 6 Derived works 6.1 Novellas 6.2 TV series 6.3 Other works 7 See also 8 References 9 External links Plot synopsis ( edit ) Further information : List of A Song of Ice and Fire characters and World of A Song of Ice and Fire A Song of Ice and Fire takes place in a fictional world in which seasons last for years and end unpredictably . Nearly three centuries before the events of the first novel ( see backstory ) , the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros were united under the Targaryen dynasty by Aegon I and his sisters Visenya and Rhaenys , with Aegon Targaryen becoming the first king of the whole of the continent of Westeros , save for the southerly Dorne . At the beginning of A Game of Thrones , 15 peaceful years have passed since the rebellion led by Robert Baratheon deposed and killed the last Targaryen king , Aerys II , and proclaimed Robert king of the Seven Kingdoms , with a nine year long summer coming to an end . The principal story chronicles the power struggle for the Iron Throne among the great Houses of Westeros following the death of King Robert in A Game of Thrones . Robert 's heir apparent , the 13 - year old Joffrey , is immediately proclaimed king through the machinations of his mother , Queen Cersei Lannister . When Lord Eddard `` Ned '' Stark , Robert 's chief advisor , discovers that Joffrey and his siblings are the product of incest between Cersei and her twin brother Jaime `` The Kingslayer '' Lannister , Eddard is executed for treason . In response , Robert 's brothers Stannis and Renly both lay separate claims to the throne . During this period of instability , two of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros attempt to become independent from the Iron Throne : Eddard 's eldest son Robb is proclaimed King in the North , while Balon Greyjoy desires to recover the sovereignty of his region , the Iron Islands . The so - called `` War of the Five Kings '' is in full progress by the middle of the second book , A Clash of Kings . The second story takes place in the far north of Westeros , where an 8,000 - year - old wall of ice , simply called `` the Wall '' , defends the Seven Kingdoms from the Others . The Wall 's sentinels , the Sworn Brotherhood of the Night 's Watch , also protect the realm from the incursions of the `` wildlings '' or `` Free Folk '' , who are humans living north of the Wall . The Night 's Watch story is told primarily through the point of view of Jon Snow , Eddard 's bastard son . Jon follows the footsteps of his uncle Benjen Stark and joins the Watch at a young age , rising quickly through the ranks , eventually becoming Lord Commander of the Night 's Watch . In the third volume , A Storm of Swords , the Night 's Watch storyline becomes increasingly entangled with the War of the Five Kings . The third story follows Daenerys Targaryen , daughter of Aerys , the last Targaryen king . On the continent of Essos , east of Westeros across the Narrow Sea , Daenerys is married off by her elder brother Viserys Targaryen to a powerful warlord , but slowly becomes an independent and intelligent ruler in her own right . Her rise to power is aided by the historic birth of three dragons , hatched from eggs given to her as wedding gifts . The three dragons soon become not only a symbol of her bloodline , but also devastating weapons of war . Publishing history ( edit ) Overview ( edit ) Books in the Ice and Fire series are first published in hardcover and are later re-released as paperback editions . In the UK , Harper Voyager publishes special slipcased editions . The series has also been translated into more than 30 languages . All page totals given below are for the US first editions . # Title Pages Chapters Words Audio US release A Game of Thrones 694 73 292,727 33h 53m August 1996 A Clash of Kings 768 70 318,903 37h 17m February 1999 A Storm of Swords 973 82 414,604 47h 37m November 2000 A Feast for Crows 753 46 295,032 31h 10m November 2005 5 A Dance with Dragons 1040 73 414,788 48h 56m July 2011 6 The Winds of Winter <Td_colspan="5"> Forthcoming 7 A Dream of Spring <Td_colspan="5"> Forthcoming Total 4,228 344 1,736,054 198h 53m First three novels ( 1991 -- 2000 ) ( edit ) George R.R. Martin at Archipelacon in Mariehamn , 2015 . George R.R. Martin was already a successful fantasy and sci - fi author and TV writer before writing his A Song of Ice and Fire book series . Martin had published his first short story in 1971 and his first novel in 1977 . By the mid-1990s , he had won three Hugo Awards , two Nebula Awards , and other awards for his short fiction . Although his early books were well received within the fantasy fiction community , his readership remained relatively small and Martin took on jobs as a writer in Hollywood in the mid-1980s . He worked principally on the revival of The Twilight Zone throughout 1986 and on Beauty and the Beast until 1990 , but he also developed his own TV pilots and wrote feature film scripts . He grew frustrated that his pilots and screenplays were not getting made and that TV - related production limitations like budgets and episode lengths were forcing him to cut characters and trim battle scenes . This pushed Martin back towards writing books , where he did not have to worry about compromising the size of his imagination . Admiring the works of J.R.R. Tolkien in his childhood , he wanted to write an epic fantasy , though he did not have any specific ideas . When Martin was between Hollywood projects in the summer of 1991 , he started writing a new science fiction novel called Avalon . After three chapters , he had a vivid idea of a boy seeing a man 's beheading and finding direwolves in the snow , which would eventually become the first non-prologue chapter of A Game of Thrones . Putting Avalon aside , Martin finished this chapter in a few days and grew certain that it was part of a longer story . After a few more chapters , Martin perceived his new book as a fantasy story and started making maps and genealogies . However , the writing of this book was interrupted for a few years when Martin returned to Hollywood to produce his TV series Doorways that ABC had ordered but ultimately never aired . `` The first scene ... chapter one of the first book , the chapter where they find the direwolf pups ... just came to me out of nowhere . I was ... at work on a different novel , and suddenly I saw that scene . It did n't belong in the novel I was writing , but it came to me so vividly that I had to sit down and write it , and by the time I did , it led to a second chapter , and the second chapter was the Catelyn chapter where Ned has just come back . '' -- George R.R. Martin in 2014 In 1994 , Martin gave to his agent , Kirby McCauley , the first 200 pages and a two - page story projection as part of a planned trilogy with the novels A Dance with Dragons and The Winds of Winter intended to follow . When Martin had still not reached the novel 's end at 1400 manuscript pages , he felt that the series needed to be four and eventually six books long , which he imagined as two linked trilogies of one long story . Martin chose A Song of Ice and Fire as the overall series title : Martin saw the struggle of the cold Others and the fiery dragons as one possible meaning for `` Ice and Fire '' , whereas the word `` song '' had previously appeared in Martin 's book titles A Song for Lya and Songs the Dead Men Sing , stemming from his obsessions with songs . Martin also named Robert Frost 's 1920 poem `` Fire and Ice '' and cultural associations such as passion versus betrayal as possible influences for the series ' title . The revised finished manuscript for A Game of Thrones was 1088 pages long ( without the appendices ) , with the publication following in August 1996 . Wheel of Time author Robert Jordan had written a short endorsement for the cover that was influential in ensuring the book 's and hence series ' early success with fantasy readers . Blood of the Dragon , a pre-release sample novella drawn from Daenerys 's chapters , went on to win the 1997 Hugo Award for Best Novella . The 300 pages removed from the A Game of Thrones manuscript served as the opening of the second book , entitled A Clash of Kings . It was released in February 1999 in the United States , with a manuscript length ( without appendices ) of 1184 pages . A Clash of Kings was the first book of the Ice and Fire series to make the best - seller lists , reaching 13 on The New York Times Best Seller list in 1999 . After the success of The Lord of the Rings films , Martin received his first inquiries to the rights of the Ice and Fire series from various producers and filmmakers . Martin was several months late turning in the third book , A Storm of Swords . The last chapter he had written was about the `` Red Wedding '' , a pivotal scene notable for its violence ( see Themes : Violence and death ) . A Storm of Swords was 1521 pages in manuscript ( without appendices ) , causing problems for many of Martin 's publishers around the world . Bantam Books published A Storm of Swords in a single volume in the United States in November 2000 , whereas some other - language editions were divided into two , three , or even four volumes . A Storm of Swords debuted at number 12 in the New York Times bestseller list . Bridging the timeline gap ( 2000 -- 2011 ) ( edit ) After A Game of Thrones , A Clash of Kings , and A Storm of Swords , Martin originally intended to write three more books . The fourth book , tentatively titled A Dance with Dragons , was to focus on Daenerys Targaryen 's return to Westeros and the associated conflicts . Martin wanted to set this story five years after A Storm of Swords so that the younger characters could grow older and the dragons grow larger . Agreeing with his publishers early on that the new book should be shorter than A Storm of Swords , Martin set out to write the novel closer in length to A Clash of Kings . A long prologue was to establish what had happened in the meantime , initially just as one chapter of Aeron Damphair on the Iron Islands at the Kingsmoot . Since the events on the Iron Islands were to have an impact in the book and could not be told with existing POV characters , Martin eventually introduced three new viewpoints . In 2001 , Martin was still optimistic that the fourth installment might be released in the last quarter of 2002 . However , the five - year gap did not work for all characters during writing . On one hand , Martin was unsatisfied with covering the events during the gap solely through flashbacks and internal retrospection . On the other hand , it was implausible to have nothing happen for five years . After working on the book for about a year , Martin realized he needed an additional interim book , which he called A Feast for Crows . The book would pick up the story immediately after the third book , and Martin scrapped the idea of a five - year gap . The material of the written 250 - page prologue was mixed in as new viewpoint characters from Dorne and the Iron Islands . These expanded storylines and the resulting story interactions complicated the plot for Martin . The manuscript length of A Feast for Crows eventually surpassed A Storm of Swords . Martin was reluctant to make the necessary deep cuts to get the book down to publishable length , as that would have compromised the story he had in mind . Printing the book in `` microtype on onion skin paper and giving each reader a magnifying glass '' was also not an option for him . On the other hand , Martin rejected the publishers ' idea of splitting the narrative chronologically into A Feast for Crows , Parts One and Two . Being already late with the book , Martin had not even started writing all characters ' stories and also objected to ending the first book without any resolution for its many viewpoint characters as in previous books . With the characters spread out across the world , a friend suggested that Martin divide the story geographically into two volumes , of which A Feast for Crows would be the first . This approach would give Martin the room to complete his commenced story arcs as he had originally intended , which he still felt was the best approach years later . Martin moved the unfinished characters ' stories set in the east ( Essos ) and north ( Winterfell and the Wall ) into the next book , A Dance with Dragons , and left A Feast for Crows to cover the events on Westeros , King 's Landing , the Riverlands , Dorne , and the Iron Islands . Both books begin immediately after the end of A Storm of Swords , running in parallel instead of sequentially , and involve different casts of characters with only little overlap . Martin split Arya 's chapters into both books after having already moved the three other most popular characters ( Jon Snow , Tyrion , and Daenerys ) into A Dance with Dragons . Upon its release in October 2005 in the UK and November 2005 in the US , A Feast for Crows went straight to the top of The New York Times bestseller list . Among the positive reviewers was Lev Grossman of Time , who dubbed Martin `` the American Tolkien '' . However , fans and critics alike were disappointed with the story split that left the fates of several popular characters unresolved after A Storm of Swords ' cliffhanger ending . With A Dance with Dragons said to be half - finished , Martin mentioned in the epilogue of A Feast for Crows that the next volume would be released by the next year . However , planned release dates were repeatedly pushed back . Meanwhile , HBO acquired the rights to turn Ice and Fire into a dramatic series in 2007 and aired the first of ten episodes covering A Game of Thrones in April 2011 . With around 1600 pages in manuscript length , A Dance with Dragons was eventually published in July 2011 after six years of writing , longer in page count and writing time than any of the preceding four novels . The story of A Dance with Dragons catches up and goes beyond A Feast for Crows around two - thirds into the book , but nevertheless covers less story than Martin had intended , omitting at least one planned large battle sequence and leaving several character threads ending in cliff - hangers . Martin attributed the delay mainly to his untangling `` the Meereenese knot '' , which the interviewer understood as `` making the chronology and characters mesh up as various threads converged on ( Daenerys ) '' . Martin also acknowledged spending too much time on rewriting and perfecting the story , but soundly rejected the theories of some of his critics that he had lost interest in the series or would bide his time to make more money . Planned novels and future ( edit ) Martin believes the last two volumes of the series will be big books of 1500 manuscript pages each . The sixth book will be called The Winds of Winter , taking the title of the last book of the originally planned trilogy . Displeased with the provisional title A Time for Wolves for the final volume , Martin ultimately announced A Dream of Spring as the title for the seventh book in 2006 . Martin said in March 2012 that the final two novels will take readers farther north than any of the previous books , and that the Others will appear in the book . The Winds of Winter ( edit ) Further information : The Winds of Winter The Winds of Winter will resolve the Dance with Dragons cliffhangers early on and `` will open with the two big battles that ( the fifth book ) was building up to , the battle in the ice and the battle ( ... ) of Slaver 's Bay . And then take it from there . '' By the middle of 2010 , Martin had already finished five chapters of The Winds of Winter from the viewpoints of Sansa Stark , Arya Stark , Arianne Martell , and Aeron Greyjoy , accumulating to around 100 completed pages . After the publication of A Dance with Dragons in 2011 , Martin announced he would return to writing in January 2012 . He spent the meantime on book tours , conventions , and continued working on his The World of Ice & Fire companion guide and a new Tales of Dunk and Egg novella . In December 2011 , Martin posted a chapter from The Winds of Winter from the viewpoint of Theon Greyjoy ; several other chapters have been made public since . Four hundred pages of the sixth novel have been written as of October 2012 , although Martin considers only 200 as `` really finished '' ; the rest needs revising . In 2011 , Martin gave three years as a realistic estimate for finishing the sixth book at a good pace , but said ultimately the book `` will be done when it 's done '' , acknowledging that his publication estimates had been too optimistic in the past . Martin did not intend to separate the characters geographically again . In 2015 there were indications that the book would be published before the sixth season of the HBO show but in early January 2016 Martin confirmed that he had not met an end - of - year deadline that he had established with his publisher for release of the book before the sixth season . He added that there was `` a lot still left to write '' and that completion of the book was `` months away still ... if the writing goes well . '' Martin also revealed there had been a previous deadline of October 2015 that he had considered achievable in May 2015 , and that in September 2015 he had still considered the end - of - year deadline achievable . He further confirmed that some of the plot of the book might be revealed in the upcoming season of Game of Thrones . In February 2016 , Martin stated that he dropped all his editing projects except for Wild Cards , and that he would not be writing any teleplays , screenplays , short stories , introductions or forewords before delivering The Winds of Winter . During the Guadalajara International Book Fair in Mexico in early December 2016 , Martin offered the following hint as to the tone of this book : There are a lot of dark chapters right now ... I 've been telling you for 20 years that winter was coming . Winter is the time when things die , and cold and ice and darkness fill the world , so this is not going to be the happy feel - good that people may be hoping for . Some of the characters ( are ) in very dark places . A Dream of Spring ( edit ) Martin is firm about ending the series with the seventh novel `` until I decide not to be firm '' . With his stated goal of telling the story from beginning to end , he will not truncate the story to fit into an arbitrary number of volumes . He knows the ending in broad strokes as well as the future of the main characters , and will finish the series with bittersweet elements where not everyone will live happily ever after . Martin hopes to write an ending similar to The Lord of the Rings that he felt gave the story a satisfying depth and resonance . On the other hand , Martin noted the challenge to avoid a situation like the finale of the TV series Lost , which left some fans disappointed by deviating too far from their own theories and desires . In 2015 , Martin said that he was not writing A Dream of Spring together with The Winds of Winter , and in early 2016 , he said he did not believe A Dream of Spring would be published before the last season of the HBO show . Martin offered the following hint as to how the series would conclude during a Q&A at the Guadalajara International Book Fair . `` I 'm not going to tell you how I 'm going to end my book , but I suspect the overall flavor is going to be as much bittersweet as it is happy . '' TV series and other writings ( edit ) Early during the development of the TV series , Martin told major plot points to producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss . ( The New York Times reported in 2011 that , at age 62 , Martin was by all accounts in robust health . ) Martin was confident he would have published at least The Winds of Winter before the TV series overtook him . Nevertheless , there was general concern about whether Martin would be able to stay ahead of the show . As a result , head writers Benioff and Weiss learned more future plot points from Martin in 2013 to help them set up the show 's new possible seasons . This included the end stories for all the core characters . Deviations from the books ' storylines are also being considered , but a two - year show hiatus to wait for new books is not an option for them as the child actors continue to grow and the show 's popularity would wane . Martin indicated he would not permit another writer to finish the book series . On January 2 , 2016 , Martin confirmed that the sixth volume would not be published before the start of the sixth season of the HBO series . Regarding A Song of Ice and Fire as his magnum opus , Martin is certain never to write anything on this scale again and would only return to this fictional universe in the context of stand - alone novels . He prefers to write stories about characters from other Ice and Fire periods of history such as his Tales of Dunk and Egg project , instead of continuing the series directly . A possible future side project is a prequel set during Aegon 's conquest of Westeros . Martin said he would love to return to writing short stories , novellas , novelettes , and stand - alone novels from diverse genres such as science fiction , horror , fantasy , or even a murder mystery . However , he will see if his audience follows him after publishing his next project . Inspiration and writing ( edit ) Genre ( edit ) Further information : Themes in A Song of Ice and Fire George R.R. Martin believes the most profound influences to be the ones experienced in childhood . Having read H.P. Lovecraft , Robert E. Howard , Robert A. Heinlein , Eric Frank Russell , Andre Norton , Isaac Asimov , Fritz Leiber , and Mervyn Peake in his youth , Martin never categorized these authors ' literature into science fiction , fantasy , or horror and will write from any genre as a result . Martin classified A Song of Ice and Fire as `` epic fantasy '' , and specifically named Tad Williams as very influential for the writing of the series . One of his favorite authors is Jack Vance , although Martin considered the series not particularly Vancean . `` ( Martin 's Ice and Fire series ) was groundbreaking ( at least for me ) in all kinds of ways . Above all , the books were extremely unpredictable , especially in a genre where readers have come to expect the intensely predictable . ( ... ) A Game of Thrones was profoundly shocking when I first read it , and fundamentally changed my notions about what could be done with epic fantasy . '' -- Fantasy writer Joe Abercrombie in 2008 The medieval setting has been the traditional background for epic fantasy . However , where historical fiction leaves versed readers knowing the historical outcome , original characters may increase suspense and empathy for the readers . Yet Martin felt historical fiction , particularly when set during the Middle Ages , had an excitement , grittiness , and a realness to it that was absent in fantasy with a similar backdrop . Thus , he wanted to combine the realism of historical fiction with the magic appeal of the best fantasies , subduing magic in favor of battles and political intrigue . He also decided to avoid the conventional good versus evil setting typical for the genre , using the fight between Achilles and Hector in Homer 's Iliad , where no one stands out as either a hero or a villain , as an example of what he wants to achieve with his books . Martin is widely credited with broadening the fantasy fiction genre for adult content , including incest , paedophilia , and adultery . For The Washington Post 's Writing for The Atlantic , Amber Taylor assessed the novels as hard fantasy with vulnerable characters to which readers become emotionally attached . CNN found in 2000 that Martin 's mature descriptions were `` far more frank than those found in the works of other fantasy authors '' , although Martin assessed the fantasy genre to have become rougher - edged a decade later and that some writers ' work was going beyond the mature themes of his novels . Adam Roberts called Martin 's series the most successful and popular example of the emerging subgenre of grimdark fantasy , influencing other writers associated with that style , such as Joe Abercrombie . Writing process ( edit ) Setting out to write something on an epic scale , Martin projected to write three books of 800 manuscript pages in the very early stages of the series . His original 1990s contract specified one - year deadlines for his previous literary works , but Martin only realized later that his new books were longer and hence required more writing time . In 2000 , Martin planned to take 18 months to two years for each volume and projected the last of the planned six books to be released five or six years later . However , with the Ice and Fire series evolving into the biggest and most ambitious story he has ever attempted writing , he still has two more books to write as of 2016 . Martin said he needed to be in his own office in Santa Fe , New Mexico to immerse himself in the fictional world and write . As of 2011 , Martin was still typing his fiction on a DOS computer with WordStar 4.0 software . He begins each day at 10 am with rewriting and polishing the previous day 's work , and may write all day or struggle to write anything . Excised material and previous old versions are saved to be possibly re-inserted at a later time . The Ice and Fire series was partly inspired by the Wars of the Roses , a series of dynastic civil wars for the throne of England . This painting by Richard Burchett portrays Edward IV demanding that his defeated enemies be taken from Tewkesbury Abbey . Martin set the Ice and Fire story in a secondary world inspired by Tolkien 's writing . Unlike Tolkien , who created entire languages , mythologies , and histories for Middle - earth long before writing The Lord of the Rings , Martin usually starts with a rough sketch of an imaginary world that he improvises into a workable fictional setting along the way . He described his writing as coming from a subconscious level in `` almost a daydreaming process '' , and his stories , which have a mythic rather than a scientific core , draw from emotion instead of rationality . Martin employs maps and a cast list topping 60 pages in the fourth volume , but keeps most information in his mind . His imagined backstory remains subject to change until published , and only the novels count as canon . Martin does not intend to publish his private notes after the series is finished . Martin drew much inspiration from actual history for the series , having several bookcases filled with medieval history for research and visiting historic European landmarks . For an American who speaks only English , the history of England proved the easiest source of medieval history for him , giving the series a British rather than a German or Spanish historic flavor . For example , Ned and Robb Stark resemble Richard , 3rd Duke of York and his son Edward IV , and Queen Cersei resembles both Margaret of Anjou and Elizabeth Woodville . Martin immersed himself in many diverse medieval topics such as clothing , food , feasting , and tournaments , to have the facts at hand if needed during writing . The series was in particular influenced by the Hundred Years ' War , the Crusades , the Albigensian Crusade , and the Wars of the Roses , although Martin refrained from making any direct adaptations . Martin was also inspired by the French historical novels The Accursed Kings by Maurice Druon , which are about the French monarchy in the 13th and 14th centuries . The story is written to follow principal landmarks with an ultimate destination , but leaves Martin room for improvisation . On occasion , improvised details significantly affected the planned story . By the fourth book , Martin kept more private notes than ever before to keep track of the many subplots , which became so detailed and sprawling by the fifth book as to be unwieldy . Martin 's editors , copy editors , and readers monitor for accidental mistakes , although some errors have slipped into publication . For instance , Martin has inconsistently referred to certain characters ' eye colors , and has described a horse as being of one sex and then another . Narrative structure ( edit ) Number of chapters per point - of - view character ( show ) POV character Game Clash Storm Feast Dance ( Winds ) Sum Bran Stark 7 7 -- 21 Catelyn Stark 11 7 7 -- -- 25 Daenerys Targaryen 10 5 6 -- 10 31 Eddard Stark 15 -- -- -- -- 15 Jon Snow 9 8 12 -- 13 42 Arya Stark 5 10 13 ≥ 1 33 Tyrion Lannister 9 15 11 -- 12 ≥ 2 47 Sansa Stark 6 8 7 -- ≥ 1 24 Davos Seaworth -- 6 -- 13 Theon Greyjoy -- 6 -- -- 7 ≥ 1 13 Jaime Lannister -- -- 9 7 17 Samwell Tarly -- -- 5 5 -- 10 Cersei Lannister -- -- -- 10 12 Brienne of Tarth -- -- -- 8 -- 8 Aeron Greyjoy -- -- -- -- ≥ 1 Areo Hotah -- -- -- ≥ 1 Asha Greyjoy -- -- -- Arys Oakheart -- -- -- -- Victarion Greyjoy -- -- -- ≥ 1 Arianne Martell -- -- -- -- ≥ 2 Quentyn Martell -- -- -- -- Jon Connington -- -- -- -- Melisandre -- -- -- -- Barristan Selmy -- -- -- -- ≥ 2 Prologue / Epilogue 1 / -- 1 / -- 1 / 1 1 / -- 1 / 1 1 / 7 Total ( characters ) 73 ( 9 ) 70 ( 10 ) 82 ( 12 ) 46 ( 13 ) 73 ( 18 ) TBD 344 ( 31 ) The books are divided into chapters , each one narrated in the third person limited through the eyes of a point of view character , an approach Martin learned himself as a young journalism student . Beginning with nine POV characters in A Game of Thrones , the number of POV characters grows to a total of 31 in A Dance with Dragons ( see table ) . The short - lived one - time POV characters are mostly restricted to the prologue and epilogue . David Orr of The New York Times noted the story importance of `` the Starks ( good guys ) , the Targaryens ( at least one good guy , or girl ) , the Lannisters ( conniving ) , the Greyjoys ( mostly conniving ) , the Baratheons ( mixed bag ) , the Tyrells ( unclear ) and the Martells ( ditto ) , most of whom are feverishly endeavoring to advance their ambitions and ruin their enemies , preferably unto death '' . However , as Time 's Lev Grossman noted , readers `` experience the struggle for Westeros from all sides at once '' , such that `` every fight is both triumph and tragedy ( ... ) and everybody is both hero and villain at the same time '' . Modeled on The Lord of the Rings , the Ice and Fire story begins with a tight focus on a small group ( with everyone in Winterfell , except Daenerys ) and then splits into separate stories . The storylines are to converge again , but finding the turning point in this complex series has been difficult for Martin and has slowed down his writing . Depending on the interview , Martin is said to have reached the turning point in A Dance with Dragons , or to not quite have reached it yet in the books . The series ' structure of multiple POVs and interwoven storylines was inspired by Wild Cards , a multi-authored shared universe book series edited by Martin since 1985 . As the sole author , Martin begins each new book with an outline of the chapter order and may write a few successive chapters from a single character 's viewpoint instead of working chronologically . The chapters are later rearranged to optimize character intercutting , chronology , and suspense . Influenced by his television and film scripting background , Martin tries to keep readers engrossed by ending each Ice and Fire chapter with a tense or revelational moment , a twist or a cliffhanger , similar to a TV act break . Scriptwriting has also taught him the technique of `` cutting out the fat and leaving the muscle '' , which is the final stage of completing a book , a technique that brought the page count in A Dance with Dragons down almost eighty pages . Dividing the continuous Ice and Fire story into books is much harder for Martin . Each book shall represent a phase of the journey that ends in closure for most characters . A smaller portion of characters is left with clear - cut cliffhangers to make sure readers come back for the next installment , although A Dance with Dragons had more cliffhangers than Martin originally intended . Both one - time and regular POV characters are designed to have full character arcs ending in tragedy or triumph , and are written to hold the readers ' interest and not be skipped in reading . Main characters are killed off so that the reader will not rely on the hero to come through unscathed and will instead feel the character 's fear with each page turn . The unresolved larger narrative arc encourages speculation about future story events . According to Martin , much of the key to Ice and Fire 's future lies over a dozen years in the fictional past , of which each volume reveals more . Events planned from the beginning are foreshadowed , although Martin is careful not to make the story predictable . The viewpoint characters , who serve as unreliable narrators , may clarify or provide different perspectives on past events . Therefore , what the readers believe to be true may not necessarily be true . Character development ( edit ) Main article : List of A Song of Ice and Fire characters Regarding the characters as the heart of the story , Martin planned the epic Ice and Fire fantasy to have a large cast of characters and many different settings from the beginning . A Feast for Crows has a 63 - page list of characters , with many of the thousands of characters mentioned only in passing or disappearing from view for long stretches . When Martin adds a new family to the ever - growing number of genealogies in the appendices , he devises a secret about the personality or fate of the family members . However , their backstory remains subject to change until written down in the story . Martin drew most character inspiration from history ( without directly translating historical figures ) and his own experiences , but also from the manners of his friends , acquaintances , and people of public interest . Martin aims to `` make my characters real and to make them human , characters who have good and bad , noble and selfish well - mixed in their natures '' . Jeff VanderMeer of the Los Angeles Times remarked that `` Martin 's devotion to fully inhabiting his characters , for better or worse , creates the unstoppable momentum in his novels and contains an implied criticism of Tolkien 's moral simplicity '' ( see Themes : Moral ambiguity ) . Martin deliberately ignored the writing rule of never giving two characters names starting with the same letter . Instead , character names reflect the naming systems in various European family histories , where particular names were associated with specific royal houses and where even the secondary families assigned the same names repeatedly . The Ice and Fire story therefore has children called `` Robert '' in honor of King Robert of House Baratheon , a `` Brandon '' in every other generation of the Starks in commemoration of Brandon the Builder ( of the Wall ) , and the syllable `` Ty '' commonly occurring in given names of House Lannister . Confident that readers would pay attention , Martin distinguished people sharing a given name by adding numbers or locations to their given names ( e.g. Henry V of England ) . The family names were designed in association with ethnic groups ( see backstory ) : the First Men in the North of Westeros had very simply descriptive names like Stark and Strong , whereas the descendants of the Andal invaders in the South have more elaborate , undescriptive house names like Lannister or Arryn , and the Targaryens and Valyrians from the Eastern continent have the most exotic names with the letter Y . All characters are designed to speak with their own internal voices to capture their views of the world . The Atlantic pondered whether Martin ultimately intended the readers to sympathize with characters on both sides of the Lannister -- Stark feud long before plot developments force them to make their emotional choices . Contrary to most conventional epic fantasies , the Ice and Fire characters are vulnerable so that , according to The Atlantic , the reader `` can not be sure that good shall triumph , which makes those instances where it does all the more exulting . '' Martin gets emotionally involved in the characters ' lives during writing , which makes the chapters with dreadful events sometimes very difficult to write . Seeing the world through the characters ' eyes requires a certain amount of empathy with them , including the villains , all of whom he has said he loves as if they were his own children . Martin found that some characters had minds of their own and took his writing in different directions . He returns to the intended story if it does not work out , but these detours sometimes prove more rewarding for him . Arya Stark , Tyrion Lannister , Jon Snow , and Daenerys Targaryen generate the most feedback from readers . Martin has stated that Tyrion is his personal favorite , as the grayest of the gray characters , with his cunning and wit making him the most fun to write . Martin has also said that Bran Stark is the hardest character to write . As the character most deeply involved in magic , Bran 's story needs to be handled carefully within the supernatural aspects of the books . Bran is also the youngest viewpoint character , and has to deal with the series ' adult themes like grief , loneliness , and anger . Martin set out to have the young characters grow up faster between chapters , but , as it was implausible for a character to take two months to respond , a finished book represents very little time passed . Martin hoped the planned five - year break would ease the situation and age the children to almost adults in terms of the Seven Kingdoms , but he later dropped the five - year gap ( see section Bridging the timeline gap ) . Themes ( edit ) Main article : Themes in A Song of Ice and Fire Although involving dragons and sorcery , the Ice and Fire series de-emphasizes magic as compared to many other epic fantasy works ( emblem of J. Allen St. John 's 1905 fantasy work The Face in the Pool ) . Although modern fantasy may often embrace strangeness , the Ice and Fire series is generally praised for what is perceived as a sort of medieval realism . Believing that magic should be used moderately in the epic fantasy genre , Martin set out to make the story feel more like historical fiction than contemporary fantasy , with less emphasis on magic and sorcery and more on battles , political intrigue , and the characters . Though the amount of magic has gradually increased throughout the story , the series is still to end with less overt magic than most contemporary fantasies . In Martin 's eyes , literary effective magic needs to represent strange and dangerous forces beyond human comprehension , not advanced alien technologies or formulaic spells . As such , the characters understand only the natural aspects of their world , but not the magical elements like the Others . Since Martin drew on historical sources to build the Ice and Fire world , Damien G. Walter of The Guardian saw a strong resemblance between Westeros and England in the period of the Wars of the Roses . The Atlantic 's Adam Serwer regarded A Song of Ice and Fire as `` more a story of politics than one of heroism , a story about humanity wrestling with its baser obsessions than fulfilling its glorious potential '' , where the emergent power struggle stems from the feudal system 's repression and not from the fight between good and evil . Martin not only wanted to reflect the frictions of the medieval class structures in the novels , but also explore the consequences of the leaders ' decisions , as general goodness does not automatically make competent leaders and vice versa . A common theme in the fantasy genre is the battle between good and evil , which Martin rejects for not mirroring the real world . Attracted to gray characters , Martin instead endorses William Faulkner 's view that only the human heart in conflict with itself was worth writing about . Martin explores the questions of redemption and character change in the Ice and Fire series . The multiple viewpoint structure allows characters to be explored from many sides , such that the supposed villains can provide their viewpoint . Although fantasy comes from an imaginative realm , Martin sees an honest necessity to reflect the real world where people die sometimes ugly deaths , even beloved people . Main characters are killed off so that the reader will not expect the supposed hero to survive , and instead will feel the same tension and fear that the characters might . The novels also reflect the substantial death rates in war . The deaths of supernumerary extras or orcs have no major effect on readers , whereas a friend 's death has much more emotional impact . Martin prefers a hero 's sacrifice to say something profound about human nature . According to Martin , the fantasy genre rarely focuses on sex and sexuality , instead often treating sexuality in a juvenile way or neglecting it completely . Martin , however , considers sexuality an important driving force in human life that should not be excluded from the narrative . Providing sensory detail for an immersive experience is more important than plot advancement for Martin , who aims to let the readers experience the novels ' sex scenes , `` whether it 's a great transcendent , exciting , mind blowing sex , or whether it 's disturbing , twisted , dark sex , or disappointing perfunctory sex . '' Martin was fascinated by medieval contrasts where knights venerated their ladies with poems and wore their favors in tournaments while their armies mindlessly raped women in wartime . The non-existent concept of adolescence in the Middle Ages served as a model for Daenerys ' sexual activity at the age of 13 in the books . The novels also allude to the incestuous practices in the Ptolemaic dynasty of Ancient Egypt to keep their bloodlines pure . Martin provides a variety of female characters to explore the place of women in a patriarchal society . Writing all characters as human beings with the same basic needs , dreams , and influences , his female characters are to cover the same wide spectrum of human traits as the males . Reception ( edit ) Critical response ( edit ) Science Fiction Weekly stated in 2000 that `` few would dispute that Martin 's most monumental achievement to date has been the groundbreaking A Song of Ice and Fire historical fantasy series '' , for which reviews have been `` orders of magnitude better '' than for his previous works , as Martin described to The New Yorker . In 2007 , Weird Tales magazine described the series as a `` superb fantasy saga '' that `` raised Martin to a whole new level of success '' . Shortly before the release of A Dance with Dragons in 2011 , Bill Sheehan of The Washington Post was sure that `` no work of fantasy has generated such anticipation since Harry Potter 's final duel with Voldemort '' , and Ethan Sacks of Daily News saw the series turning Martin into a darling of literary critics as well as mainstream readers , which was `` rare for a fantasy genre that 's often dismissed as garbage not fit to line the bottom of a dragon 's cage '' . 's Andrew Leonard stated : The success is all the more remarkable because ( the series debuted ) without mass market publicity or any kind of buzz in the fantasy / SF scene . George R.R. Martin earned his following the hard way , by word of mouth , by hooking his characters into the psyche of his readers to an extent that most writers of fantasy only dream of . Publishers Weekly noted in 2000 that `` Martin may not rival Tolkien or Robert Jordan , but he ranks with such accomplished medievalists of fantasy as Poul Anderson and Gordon Dickson . '' After the fourth volume came out in 2005 , Time 's Lev Grossman considered Martin a `` major force for evolution in fantasy '' and proclaimed him `` the American Tolkien '' , explaining that , although Martin was `` ( not ) the best known of America 's straight - up fantasy writers '' at the time and would `` never win a Pulitzer or a National Book Award ... his skill as a crafter of narrative exceeds that of almost any literary novelist writing today '' . As Grossman said in 2011 , the phrase American Tolkien `` has stuck to ( Martin ) , as it was meant to '' , being picked up by the media including The New York Times ( `` He 's much better than that '' ) , the New Yorker , Entertainment Weekly ( `` an acclaim that borders on fantasy blasphemy '' ) , The Globe and Mail , and USA Today . Time magazine named Martin one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2011 , and USA Today named George R.R. Martin their Author of the Year 2011 . According to The Globe and Mail 's John Barber , Martin manages simultaneously to master and transcend the genre so that `` Critics applaud the depth of his characterizations and lack of cliché in books that are nonetheless replete with dwarves and dragons '' . Publishers Weekly gave favorable reviews to the first three Ice and Fire novels at their points of release , saying that A Game of Thrones had `` superbly developed characters , accomplished prose and sheer bloody - mindedness '' , that A Clash of Kings was `` notable particularly for the lived - in quality of ( their fictional world and ) for the comparatively modest role of magic '' , and that A Storm of Swords was one `` of the more rewarding examples of gigantism in contemporary fantasy '' . However , they found that A Feast For Crows as the fourth installment `` sorely misses its other half . The slim pickings here are tasty , but in no way satisfying . '' Their review for A Dance with Dragons repeated points of criticism for the fourth volume , and said that , although `` The new volume has a similar feel to Feast '' , `` Martin keeps it fresh by focusing on popular characters ( who were ) notably absent from the previous book . '' According to the Los Angeles Times , `` Martin 's brilliance in evoking atmosphere through description is an enduring hallmark of his fiction , the settings much more than just props on a painted stage '' , and the novels captivate readers with `` complex storylines , fascinating characters , great dialogue , perfect pacing , and the willingness to kill off even his major characters '' . CNN remarked that `` the story weaves through differing points of view in a skillful mix of observation , narration and well - crafted dialogue that illuminates both character and plot with fascinating style '' , and David Orr of The New York Times found that `` All of his hundreds of characters have grace notes of history and personality that advance a plot line . Every town has an elaborately recalled series of triumphs and troubles . '' Salon. com 's Andrew Leonard `` could n't stop reading Martin because my desire to know what was going to happen combined with my absolute inability to guess what would happen and left me helpless before his sorcery . At the end , I felt shaken and exhausted . '' The Christian Science Monitor advised reading the novels with an A Song of Ice and Fire encyclopedia at hand to `` catch all the layered , subtle hints and details that ( Martin ) leaves throughout his books . If you pay attention , you will be rewarded and questions will be answered . '' Among the most critical voices were Sam Jordison and Michael Hann , both of The Guardian . Jordison detailed his misgivings about A Game of Thrones in a 2009 review and summarized `` It 's daft . It 's unsophisticated . It 's cartoonish . And yet , I could n't stop reading ... Archaic absurdity aside , Martin 's writing is excellent . His dialogue is snappy and frequently funny . His descriptive prose is immediate and atmospheric , especially when it comes to building a sense of deliciously dark foreboding ( of the long impending winter ) . '' Hann did not consider the novels to stand out from the general fantasy genre , despite Martin 's alterations to fantasy convention , although he rediscovered his childhood 's views : That when things are , on the whole , pretty crappy ( in the real world ) , it 's a deep joy to dive headfirst into something so completely immersive , something from which there is no need to surface from hours at a time . And if that immersion involves dragons , magic , wraiths from beyond death , shapeshifting wolves and banished princes , so be it . Sales ( edit ) Sales performance of the Ice and Fire series in the New York Times combined print and e-book fiction bestseller list in 2011 between the airing of the Game of Thrones pilot episode and the publication of A Dance with Dragons . The reported overall sales figures of the A Song of Ice and Fire series vary . The New Yorker said in April 2011 ( before the publication of A Dance with Dragons ) that more than 15 million Ice and Fire books had been sold worldwide , a figure repeated by The Globe and Mail in July 2011 . Reuters reported in September 2013 that the books including print , digital and audio versions have sold more than 24 million copies in North America . The Wall Street Journal reported more than six million sold copies in North America by May 2011 . USA Today reported 8.5 million copies in print and digital overall in July 2011 , and over 12 million sold copies in print in December 2011 . The series has been translated into more than 20 languages ; USA Today reported the fifth book to be translated into over 40 languages . Forbes estimated that Martin was the 12th highest - earning author worldwide in 2011 at $15 million . Martin 's publishers initially expected A Game of Thrones to be a best - seller , but the first installment did not even reach any lower positions in bestseller list . This left Martin unsurprised , as it is `` a fool 's game to think anything is going to be successful or to count on it '' . However , the book slowly won the passionate advocacy of independent booksellers and the book 's popularity grew by word of mouth . The series ' popularity skyrocketed in subsequent volumes , with the second and third volume making The New York Times Best Seller lists in 1999 and 2000 , respectively . The series gained Martin 's old writings new attention , and Martin 's American publisher Bantam Spectra was to reprint his out - of - print solo novels . The fourth installment , A Feast for Crows , was an immediate best - seller at its 2005 release , hitting number one on `` The New York Times '' hardcover fiction bestseller list November 27 , 2005 , which for a fantasy novel suggested that Martin 's books were attracting mainstream readers . The paperback edition of A Game of Thrones reached its 34th printing in 2010 , surpassing the one million mark . Before it even premiered , the TV series had boosted sales of the book series , with Ice and Fire approaching triple - digit growth in year - on - year sales . Bantam was looking forward to seeing the tie - ins boost sales further , and Martin 's British publisher Harper Voyager expected readers to rediscover their other epic fantasy literature . With a reported 4.5 million copies of the first four volumes in print in early 2011 , the four volumes re-appeared on the paperback fiction bestseller lists in the second quarter of 2011 . At its point of publication in July 2011 , A Dance with Dragons was in its sixth print with more than 650,000 hardbacks in print . It also had the highest single and first - day sales of any new fiction title published in 2011 at that point , with 170,000 hardcovers , 110,000 e-books , and 18,000 audio books reportedly sold on the first day . A Dance with Dragons reached the top of The New York Times bestseller list on July 31 , 2011 . Unlike most other big titles , the fifth volume sold more physical than digital copies early on , but nevertheless , Martin became the tenth author to sell 1 million Amazon Kindle e-books . All five volumes and the four - volume boxed set were among the top 100 best - selling books in the United States in 2011 and 2012 . The TV series has contributed significantly boosting sales of both the books and collectibles like box - sets , merchandise , and other items . The TV series also contributed in increasing the geographic coverage of the books , introducing new customers in emerging countries like India and Brazil to the book series . All this has significantly increased the overall book sales . Fandom ( edit ) Main article : A Song of Ice and Fire fandom During the 1980s and early 1990s , Martin 's novels had slowly earned him a reputation in science fiction circles , although he said to only have received a few fans ' letters a year in the pre-internet days . The publication of A Game of Thrones caused Martin 's following to grow , with fan sites springing up and a Trekkie - like society of followers evolving that meet regularly . , one of the main Ice and Fire fansites with about seventeen thousand registered members as of 2011 , was established in 1999 by a Swedish - based fan of Cuban - American descent , Elio M. García , Jr. , and his girlfriend ; their involvement with Martin 's work has now become semi-professional . The Brotherhood Without Banners , an unofficial fan club operating globally , was formed in 2001 . Their founders and other longtime members are among Martin 's good friends . Martin runs an official website and administers a lively blog with the assistance of Ty Franck . He also interacts with fandom by answering emails and letters , although he stated in 2005 that their sheer numbers might leave them unanswered for years . Since there are different types of conventions nowadays , he tends to go to three or four science - fiction conventions a year simply to go back to his roots and meet friends . He does not read message boards anymore , so that his writing will not be influenced by fans foreseeing twists and interpreting characters differently from what he intended . `` After all , as some of you like to point out in your emails , I am sixty years old and fat , and you do n't want me to ' pull a Robert Jordan ' on you and deny you your book . Okay , I 've got the message . You do n't want me doing anything except A Song of Ice and Fire . Ever . ( Well , maybe it 's okay if I take a leak once in a while ? ) '' -- George R.R. Martin on his blog in 2009 While Martin calls the majority of his fans `` great '' , and enjoys interacting with them , some of them turned against him because of the six years it took to release A Dance with Dragons . A movement of disaffected fans called GRRuMblers formed in 2009 , creating sites such as Finish the Book , George and Is Winter Coming ? . When fans ' vocal impatience for A Dance with Dragons peaked shortly after , Martin issued a statement called `` To My Detractors '' on his blog that received media attention . The New York Times noted that it was not uncommon for Martin to be mobbed at book signings either . The New Yorker called this `` an astonishing amount of effort to devote to denouncing the author of books one professes to love . Few contemporary authors can claim to have inspired such passion . '' Awards and nominations ( edit ) A Game of Thrones ( 1996 ) -- Locus Award winner , World Fantasy Award and Nebula Award nominee , 1997 A Clash of Kings ( 1998 ) -- Locus Award winner , Nebula Award nominee , 1999 A Storm of Swords ( 2000 ) -- Locus Award winner , Hugo Award and Nebula Awards nominee , 2001 A Feast for Crows ( 2005 ) -- Hugo , Locus , and British Fantasy Awards nominee , 2006 A Dance with Dragons ( 2011 ) -- Locus Award winner , Hugo Award and World Fantasy Award nominee , 2012 Derived works ( edit ) Novellas ( edit ) Martin has written several prequel novellas . The Tales of Dunk and Egg series , three novellas set ninety years before the events of the novel series , feature the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall and his squire `` Egg '' , the later King Aegon V Targaryen . The stories have no direct connection to the plot of A Song of Ice and Fire , although both characters are mentioned in A Storm of Swords and A Feast For Crows , respectively . The first installment , The Hedge Knight , was published in the 1998 anthology Legends . The Sworn Sword followed in 2003 , published in Legends II . Both were later adapted into graphic novels . The third novella , titled The Mystery Knight , was first published in the 2010 anthology Warriors , and is planned to be adapted as a graphic novel as well . Martin planned to release the first three novellas as one collection in 2014 . Up to eight further Dunk and Egg installments are planned . The novella The Princess and the Queen or , the Blacks and the Greens appeared in Tor Books 's 2013 anthology Dangerous Women , and explains some of the Targaryen backstory two centuries before the events of the novels . The Rogue Prince , or , the King 's Brother , published in the 2014 anthology Rogues , is itself a prequel to the events of The Princess and the Queen . Chapter sets from the novels were also compiled into three novellas that were released between 1996 and 2003 by Asimov 's Science Fiction and Dragon : Blood of the Dragon ( July 1996 ) , taken from the Daenerys chapters in A Game of Thrones . Path of the Dragon ( December 2000 ) , taken from the Daenerys chapters in A Storm of Swords . Arms of the Kraken ( March 2003 ) , based on the Iron Islands chapters from A Feast for Crows . TV series ( edit ) Main article : Game of Thrones With the popularity of the series growing , HBO optioned A Song of Ice and Fire for a television adaptation in 2007 . A pilot episode was produced in late 2009 , and a series commitment for nine further episodes was made in March 2010 . The series , titled Game of Thrones , premiered in April 2011 to great acclaim and ratings ( see Game of Thrones : Reception ) . The network picked up the show for a second season covering A Clash of Kings two days later . Shortly after the conclusion of the first season , the show received 13 Emmy Award nominations , including Outstanding Drama Series , winning Outstanding Main Title Design and Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for Peter Dinklage 's portrayal of Tyrion Lannister . HBO announced a renewal for a third season in April 2012 , ten days after the season 2 premiere . Due to the length of the corresponding book , the third season only covered roughly the first half of A Storm of Swords . Shortly after the season 3 premiere in March 2013 , the network announced that Game of Thrones would be returning for a fourth season , which would cover the second half of A Storm of Swords along with the beginnings of A Feast for Crows and A Dance With Dragons . Game of Thrones was nominated for 15 Emmy Awards for season 3 . Two days after the fourth season premiered in April 2014 , HBO renewed Game of Thrones for a fifth and sixth season . Season 5 premiered on April 12 , 2015 and set a Guinness World Records for winning the highest number of Emmy Awards for a series in a single season and year , winning 12 out of 24 nominations , including Outstanding Drama Series . These episodes were watched by 8 million viewers , setting a record number for the series . The sixth season premiered on April 24 , 2016 . These episodes received the most nominations for the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards with 23 , winning 12 , including the award for Outstanding Drama Series . Other works ( edit ) Main article : Works based on A Song of Ice and Fire A Song of Ice and Fire spawned an industry of spin - off products . Fantasy Flight Games released a collectible card game , a board game , and two collections of artwork inspired by the Ice and Fire series . Various roleplaying game products were released by Guardians of Order and Green Ronin . Dynamite Entertainment adapted A Game of Thrones into a same - titled monthly comic in 2011 . Several video games are available or in production , including A Game of Thrones : Genesis ( 2011 ) and Game of Thrones ( 2012 ) by Cyanide ; both received mediocre ratings from critics . A social network game titled Game of Thrones Ascent ( 2013 ) by Disruptor Beam allows players to live the life of a noble during the series ' period setting . Random House released an official map book called The Lands of Ice and Fire , which includes old and new maps of the Ice and Fire world . The companion book The World of Ice & Fire by Martin and the owners Elio M. García Jr. and Linda Antonsson was published in October 2014 . Other licensed products include full - sized weapon reproductions , a range of collectable figures , Westeros coinage reproductions , and a large number of gift and collectible items based on the HBO television series . The popularity of the HBO series has made its version of the Iron Throne an icon of the entire media franchise . See also ( edit ) Book : A Song of Ice and Fire Outline of A Song of Ice and Fire franchise References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Flood , Alison ( April 13 , 2011 ) . `` George RR Martin : Barbarians at the gate '' . The Guardian . Archived from the original on April 4 , 2012 . Retrieved January 21 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Milne , Ben ( April 4 , 2014 ) . `` Game of Thrones : The cult French novel that inspired George RR Martin '' . BBC . Retrieved April 6 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Kamin , Debra ( May 20 , 2014 ) . `` The Jewish legacy behind Game of Thrones '' . The Times of Israel . Retrieved May 31 , 2015 . They struck gold , however , with their next attempt : a television series based on a French fantasy series which in turn was based on a seven - part set of stories by a French Jewish immigrant . Maurice Druon was born in France in 1918 to Jewish immigrants from Russia and first made a name for himself in the realm of academic journals . 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Retrieved June 8 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` The Lands of Ice and Fire ( A Game of Thrones ) '' . . Archived from the original on July 14 , 2012 . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Martin , George R.R. ( March 20 , 2007 ) . `` Nothing Holds an Edge Like Valyrian Steel '' . . Archived from the original on April 19 , 2012 . Retrieved April 1 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Martin , George R.R. ( December 7 , 2006 ) . `` Valyrian Resin to produce Ice & Fire mini-busts '' . . Archived from the original on April 19 , 2012 . Retrieved April 1 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Dark Sword Miniatures and Tom Meier to produce George Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire premium miniature line '' . . August 13 , 2007 . Archived from the original on April 19 , 2012 . Retrieved September 18 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Coins inspired by the fictional works of George R.R. Martin '' . . Archived from the original on April 19 , 2012 . Retrieved April 1 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` HBO Shop '' Shows `` Game of Thrones '' . . Retrieved April 12 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Acuna , Kirsten ( October 28 , 2014 ) . `` George R.R. Martin : No One Ever Gets The Most Iconic Part Of Game Of Thrones Right '' . Business Insider . Retrieved November 8 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Martin , George R.R. ( July 8 , 2013 ) . `` Not A Blog : The Real Iron Throne '' . . Archived from the original on December 25 , 2014 . Retrieved November 8 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Jackson , Matthew ( July 9 , 2013 ) . `` George R.R. Martin shows us what the Iron Throne REALLY looks like '' . . Retrieved November 10 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Hudson , Laura ( July 10 , 2013 ) . `` Behold the Iron Throne the Way George R.R. Martin Intended It '' . Wired . Retrieved November 10 , 2014 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : A Song of Ice and Fire George R.R. Martin 's Official Website So Spake Martin , Collection of statements , correspondences and interviews by George R.R. Martin . A Song of Ice and Fire series listing at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database A Song of Ice and Fire at the Internet Book List A Song of Ice and Fire at DMOZ <Th_colspan="2"> George R.R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire <Td_colspan="2"> A Game of Thrones ( 1996 ) A Clash of Kings ( 1998 ) A Storm of Swords ( 2000 ) A Feast for Crows ( 2005 ) A Dance with Dragons ( 2011 ) The Winds of Winter ( TBA ) Franchise media Novellas Tales of Dunk and Egg ( 1998 -- 2010 ) The Princess and the Queen ( 2013 ) The Rogue Prince ( 2014 ) The Sons of the Dragon ( 2017 ) TV series Episodes Season 1 5 6 7 Awards Characters Music `` Game of Thrones Theme '' `` The Rains of Castamere '' `` The Bear and the Maiden Fair '' `` Light of the Seven '' Catch the Throne Live Concert Experience Soundtracks Season 1 5 6 Title sequence After the Thrones Thronecast Video games A Game of Thrones : Genesis Game of Thrones ( 2012 ) Game of Thrones Ascent Game of Thrones ( 2014 ) Other media The World of Ice & Fire ( 2014 ) Board game Card game ( Second edition ) Comic book series Characters Petyr Baelish Joffrey Baratheon Renly Baratheon Robert Baratheon Stannis Baratheon Tommen Baratheon Ramsay Bolton Roose Bolton Bronn Gregor Clegane Sandor Clegane Khal Drogo Gendry Tormund Giantsbane Gilly Theon Greyjoy Cersei Lannister Jaime Lannister Tyrion Lannister Tywin Lannister Oberyn Martell Melisandre Missandei Jorah Mormont Daario Naharis Ellaria Sand Davos Seaworth Jon Snow High Sparrow Arya Stark Bran Stark Catelyn Stark Ned Stark Rickon Stark Robb Stark Sansa Stark Daenerys Targaryen Viserys Targaryen Samwell Tarly Brienne of Tarth Margaery Tyrell Olenna Tyrell Varys Ygritte World Languages Dothraki Valyrian Themes Iron Throne White Walker Miscellaneous Fandom <Td_colspan="2"> Book <Th_colspan="2"> Works by George R.R. Martin Novels A Song of Ice and Fire A Game of Thrones A Clash of Kings A Storm of Swords A Feast for Crows A Dance with Dragons The Winds of Winter <Td_colspan="2"> Dying of the Light Windhaven Fevre Dream The Armageddon Rag Hunter 's Run Novellas <Td_colspan="2"> A Song for Lya The Ice Dragon Sandkings The Skin Trade Westeros The Hedge Knight The Sworn Sword The Mystery Knight The Princess and the Queen The Rogue Prince The Sons of the Dragon Short stories <Td_colspan="2"> `` With Morning Comes Mistfall '' `` The Way of Cross and Dragon '' Collections A Song for Lya Songs of Stars and Shadows Sandkings Songs the Dead Men Sing Nightflyers Tuf Voyaging Portraits of His Children Quartet : Four Tales from the Crossroads Dreamsongs : A RRetrospective Television The Twilight Zone `` The Once and Future King '' `` Lost and Found '' `` The Toys of Caliban '' `` The Road Less Traveled '' `` The Last Defender of Camelot '' Game of Thrones `` The Pointy End '' `` Blackwater '' `` The Bear and the Maiden Fair '' `` The Lion and the Rose '' <Td_colspan="2"> Beauty and the Beast Doorways VIAF : 258305993 LCCN : n95101054 GND : 1024427412 SUDOC : 183641272 BNF : cb161841362 ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : A Song of Ice and Fire Death in fiction Death games in fiction Fantasy novel series High fantasy novels Incest in fiction Novels adapted into comics Novels adapted into television programs Novels adapted into video games Prosthetics in fiction Witchcraft in written fiction Works about women in war Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links All articles lacking reliable references Articles lacking reliable references from December 2016 Use mdy dates from May 2014 Good articles Wikipedia articles needing clarification from August 2017 Articles with DMOZ links Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Languages Alemannisch বাংলা Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Brezhoneg Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto فارسی Français Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ქართული Қазақша Kurdî Кыргызча Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Македонски मराठी Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Shqip සිංහල Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt ייִדיש 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 14 September 2017 , at 19 : 39 . 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1. A Song of Ice and Fire series 2. George R.R. Martin 3. Epic fantasy novels 4. Game of Thrones television adaptation 5. Westeros and Essos continents
who does tom hardy play in game of thrones
Tom Hardy - wikipedia Tom Hardy Jump to : navigation , search For other people with the same name , see Thomas Hardy ( disambiguation ) . <Th_colspan="2"> Tom Hardy <Td_colspan="2"> Hardy in 2014 Edward Thomas Hardy ( 1977 - 09 - 15 ) 15 September 1977 ( age 40 ) Hammersmith , London , England , United Kingdom Occupation Actor , producer Years active 2001 -- present Spouse ( s ) Sarah Ward ( m . 1999 ; div. 2004 ) Charlotte Riley ( m . 2014 ) Children Relatives Chips Hardy ( father ) Edward Thomas Hardy ( born 15 September 1977 ) is an English actor and producer . His film debut was in Ridley Scott 's 2001 action film Black Hawk Down . His other notable films include the science fiction film Star Trek : Nemesis ( 2002 ) , the crime film RocknRolla ( 2008 ) , biographical psychological drama Bronson ( 2008 ) , sports drama Warrior ( 2011 ) , Cold War espionage film Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy ( 2011 ) , crime drama Lawless ( 2012 ) , drama Locke ( 2013 ) , mobster film The Drop ( 2014 ) , and the biographical western thriller The Revenant ( 2015 ) , for which he received an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor nomination . He portrayed `` Mad '' Max Rockatansky in the post-apocalyptic film Mad Max : Fury Road ( 2015 ) , and both of the Kray twins in the crime thriller Legend ( 2015 ) . He has appeared in three Christopher Nolan films : the science fiction thriller Inception ( 2010 ) , the superhero film The Dark Knight Rises ( 2012 ) , as Bane , and the action - thriller Dunkirk ( 2017 ) , based on the British evacuation in World War II . Hardy has been cast as Eddie Brock / Venom in a live - action film adaptation of the same name , set to be released in 2018 . Hardy 's television roles include the HBO war drama miniseries Band of Brothers ( 2001 ) , the BBC historical drama miniseries The Virgin Queen ( 2005 ) , ITV 's Wuthering Heights ( 2008 ) , the Sky 1 drama series The Take ( 2009 ) , and the BBC historical crime drama television series Peaky Blinders ( 2013 ) . He created , co-produced and took the lead in the eight - part historical fiction series Taboo ( 2017 ) on BBC One and FX . Hardy has performed on both British and American stages . He was nominated for the Laurence Olivier Award for Most Promising Newcomer for his role as Skank in the 2003 production of In Arabia We 'd All Be Kings , and was awarded the 2003 London Evening Standard Theatre Award for Outstanding Newcomer for his performances in both In Arabia We 'd All Be Kings and for his role as Luca in Blood . He starred in the 2007 production of The Man of Mode and received positive reviews for his role in the 2010 Philip Seymour Hoffman - directed play The Long Red Road . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Career 3 Personal life 4 Filmography 4.1 Film 4.2 Television 4.3 Stage 5 Awards and nominations 6 See also 7 References 8 Further reading 9 External links Early life ( edit ) Edward Thomas Hardy was born in Hammersmith , London on 15 September 1977 , the only child of artist and painter Anne ( née Barrett ) and novelist and comedy writer Edward `` Chips '' Hardy . His mother is of Irish descent . Hardy was brought up in East Sheen , London . He studied at Tower House School , Reed 's School , and Duff Miller Sixth Form College . To further his acting ambition , Hardy later studied at Richmond Drama School , and subsequently at the Drama Centre London . Career ( edit ) Hardy and Nicolas Winding Refn promoting Bronson in 2009 In 1998 , Hardy won The Big Breakfast 's Find Me a Supermodel competition at age 21 ( and with it a brief contract with Models One ) . Hardy joined Drama Centre London in September 1998 , and was taken out early after winning the part of US Army Private John Janovec in the award - winning HBO - BBC miniseries Band of Brothers . He made his feature film debut in Ridley Scott 's 2001 war thriller Black Hawk Down . In 2003 , Hardy appeared in the film dot the i , and then travelled to North Africa for Simon : An English Legionnaire , a story of the French Foreign Legion . In the same year , he gained some heavy international exposure as the Reman Praetor Shinzon , a clone of USS Enterprise Captain Jean - Luc Picard in Star Trek : Nemesis . He then returned to the UK to feature in the 2003 film LD 50 Lethal Dose . Hardy was awarded the 2003 London Evening Standard Theatre Award for Outstanding Newcomer for his performances in Blood and In Arabia We 'd All Be Kings performed at the Royal Court Theatre and Hampstead Theatre . He was also nominated for a 2004 Laurence Olivier Award for Most Promising Newcomer of 2003 in a Society of London Theatre Affiliate for his performance as Skank in the aforementioned production of In Arabia We 'd All Be Kings . Hardy appeared in the 2005 BBC miniseries The Virgin Queen as Robert Dudley , a childhood friend of Elizabeth I . The miniseries portrays them as having a platonic , though highly romantic , affair throughout her reign over England during the 16th century . Hardy featured in the BBC Four adaptation of the 1960s sci - fi series A for Andromeda . In 2007 , he appeared in BBC Two 's drama based on a true story , Stuart : A Life Backwards . He played the lead role of Stuart Shorter , a homeless man who had been subjected to years of abuse and whose death was possibly a suicide . In February 2008 , he played a drug - addicted rapist in the British horror - thriller WΔZ . In September 2008 , he appeared in Guy Ritchie 's London gangster film , RocknRolla ; Hardy played the role of gay gangster Handsome Bob . Though a sequel to RocknRolla , titled The Real RocknRolla , has been rumoured to be in production , in which Hardy will reprise the role of Handsome Bob , filming has yet to commence on the project . In 2008 , Hardy starred in the film Bronson , about the real - life English prisoner Charles Bronson , who has spent most of his adult life in solitary confinement . For the film , he put on three stone ( 19 kg / 42 pounds ) . In June 2009 , Hardy starred in Martina Cole 's four - part TV drama The Take on Sky One , as a drugs and alcohol fuelled gangster . The role gained him a Best Actor nomination at the 2009 Crime Thriller Awards . In August 2009 , he appeared in ITV 's Wuthering Heights , playing the part of Heathcliff , the classic love character who falls in love with his childhood friend Cathy . George Miller , Charlize Theron and Hardy promoting Mad Max : Fury Road at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival In early 2010 , Hardy starred in The Long Red Road at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago . The play was written by Brett C. Leonard and directed by Philip Seymour Hoffman . Hardy won some good reviews for his portrayal of Sam , an alcoholic trying to drink away his past . In 2010 , he starred as Eames in Christopher Nolan 's science fiction thriller Inception for which he won a BAFTA Rising Star award . Hardy replaced Michael Fassbender in the 2011 film adaptation of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy , released on 5 September 2011 at the 68th edition of the Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica in Venice . In March 2010 , Hardy signed a first look deal at Warner Bros . In 2011 , Hardy starred in the film Warrior , which was released on 9 September 2011 by Lionsgate Films . His performance as Tommy Riordan , who is trained by his father to fight in a mixed martial arts tournament against his brother , gained praise from critics . Hardy also starred in This Means War , a 2012 romantic comedy film directed by McG . He played the supervillain Bane in The Dark Knight Rises , the final film in Christopher Nolan 's The Dark Knight Trilogy , released on 20 July 2012 . He played a bootlegger in John Hillcoat 's Lawless ( 2012 ) . Hardy has signed up to play the lead role of Sam Fisher in Ubisoft 's upcoming film adaptation of their video game series Tom Clancy 's Splinter Cell . He also appeared in Riz Mc 's music video for the song `` Sour Times '' . In 2014 , Hardy starred in the film The Drop alongside James Gandolfini , in what would be the latter 's final appearance in a feature film before his death . Hardy also joined the cast of the BBC series Peaky Blinders in its second series . He portrays Alfie Solomons , the head of a Jewish gang and runner of a distillery which disguises itself as a bakery . Hardy at the premiere of Locke in 2014 Hardy starred in five films in 2015 . The first , Child 44 , set in 1950s Soviet Union , saw him playing Leo Demidov , a Soviet secret police agent who investigates a series of child murders . Despite mild praise for his acting , Child 44 was reviewed negatively by critics and was a box office failure . Hardy then played the title character , Max Rockatansky , in the 2015 Mad Max : Fury Road . His performance was praised by critics and overall the film received critical acclaim and became a box office success , grossing over $378 million against a $150 million budget , becoming the highest - grossing film in the Mad Max franchise . He played a dual role as London gangsters Reggie and Ronnie Kray in the crime thriller Legend ( 2015 ) . On 7 December 2015 , Hardy won Best Actor at the British Independent Film Awards for his portrayal of the Kray twins , and on the same night attended the premiere of the biographical western thriller The Revenant , in which he co-stars with Leonardo DiCaprio , at Leicester Square , London . On 14 January 2016 Hardy received his first Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in The Revenant . Hardy co-starred in Christopher Nolan 's 2017 action - thriller Dunkirk , based on the British military evacuation of the French port of Dunkirk in 1940 during the Second World War . He appeared alongside Mark Rylance , Kenneth Branagh , Cillian Murphy and Harry Styles . He will also star as iconic war photographer Don McCullin in a film based on McCullin 's autobiography , Unreasonable Behaviour . He will star in Josh Trank 's Al Capone biopic Fonzo . In 2017 , Hardy co-produced and starred in the eight - part BBC One television drama series Taboo . It was created by Hardy , Steven Knight , and Hardy 's father , Edward `` Chips '' Hardy . Taboo was aired in the U.S. by FX . In May 2017 it was announced that Hardy will star in Venom , as Eddie Brock / Venom , based on the Marvel Comics source material . The film will be released on 5 October 2018 and will be the start of `` Sony 's Marvel Universe '' ( along with Silver and Black ) but will be connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as an `` adjunct '' film . Personal life ( edit ) In 1999 , Hardy married producer Sarah Ward , but they divorced in 2004 . He has a son born in 2008 with his then - girlfriend , assistant director Rachael Speed , whom he met on set of The Virgin Queen in 2005 . They separated in 2009 after four years together . In 2009 , Hardy began a relationship with actress Charlotte Riley , after they met on the set of Wuthering Heights . They were married in July 2014 . In October 2015 , their first child was born . They had two rescued dogs , Max and Woodstock , one of which Hardy appeared with in a PETA advert to promote pet adoption . Woodstock died on 5 June 2017 due to an aggressive case of polymyositis . In 2010 , Hardy became an ambassador for the Prince 's Trust , a leading UK youth charity which provides training , personal development , business start up support , mentoring , and advice . In 2012 , he and Riley became patrons of Bowel Cancer UK . Prior to the inaugural Invictus Games held in London in September 2014 , Hardy , along with other entertainers and athletes , read the poem `` Invictus '' in a promotional video . Hardy was named one of GQ magazine 's 50 best dressed British men in 2015 . One of the highest profile actors in contemporary British popular culture , Hardy appeared on Debrett 's 2016 list of the most influential people in the UK . He has named actor Gary Oldman as his `` hero '' , adding that he imitated scenes from the actor while at drama school . Hardy has said that he was ' out of control ' on drink and drugs before he turned his life around , and was lucky that he did not contract HIV while he was at his lowest . The actor was addicted to alcohol and crack cocaine until his mid-20s , after which he checked himself into rehab . During the filming of Bronson Hardy met with Britain 's most notorious prisoner several times and the two became good friends . Bronson was impressed with how Hardy managed to get just as muscular as he was and how well he could mimic his own personality and voice . Bronson has stated he believes Hardy was the only person who could play him . Filmography ( edit ) Film ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 2001 Black Hawk Down Lance Twombly Credited as Thomas Hardy 2002 Star Trek : Nemesis Shinzon 2003 Reckoning , The The Reckoning Straw Dot the i Tom LD 50 Lethal Dose Matt EMR Henry Layer Cake Clarkie 2006 Marie Antoinette Raumont Minotaur Theo Scenes of a Sexual Nature Noel 2007 Flood Zack WΔZ Pierre Jackson Inheritance , The The Inheritance Dad 2008 Sucker Punch Rodders RocknRolla Handsome Bob Bronson Charles Bronson / Michael Peterson 2009 Thick as Thieves Michaels Perfect Doctor Short film Inception Eames 2011 Sergeant Slaughter , My Big Brother Dan Short film Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Ricki Tarr Warrior Tommy Riordan Conlon 2012 This Means War Tuck Hansen Dark Knight Rises , The The Dark Knight Rises Bane Lawless Forrest Bondurant 2013 Locke Ivan Locke 2014 The Drop Bob Saginowski 2015 Child 44 Leo Demidov Mad Max : Fury Road Max Rockatansky London Road Mark Legend Ronald Kray and Reginald Kray The Revenant John Fitzgerald 2017 Dunkirk Farrier Star Wars : The Last Jedi First Order Stormtrooper Cameo 2018 Venom Eddie Brock / Venom Filming Television ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 2001 Band of Brothers John Janovec 2 episodes : `` Why We Fight '' `` Points '' 2005 Colditz Jack Rose 2 episodes Virgin Queen , The The Virgin Queen Robert Dudley , Earl of Leicester 3 episodes Gideon 's Daughter Andrew Television film 2006 A for Andromeda John Fleming Television film Sweeney Todd Matthew Television film 2007 Cape Wrath Jack Donnelly 5 episodes Oliver Twist Bill Sikes 5 episodes Stuart : A Life Backwards Stuart Shorter Television film 2008 Wuthering Heights Heathcliff 2 episodes 2009 Take , The The Take Freddie 4 episodes 2013 Driven to Extremes Himself 1 episode Poaching Wars Himself 2 episodes ; also executive producer 2014 -- present Peaky Blinders Alfie Solomons 10 episodes 2017 -- present Taboo James Delaney 8 episodes ; also co-creator and executive producer 2017 CBeebies Bedtime Stories Himself 5 episodes Stage ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 2003 In Arabia We 'd All Be Kings Skank Hampstead Theatre , London The Modernists Vincent Crucible Theatre , Sheffield Blood Luca Royal Court Theatre , London Festen Michael Almeida Theatre , London 2007 The Man of Mode Dorimant National Theatre , London The Long Red Road Sammy Goodman Theatre , Chicago Awards and nominations ( edit ) Main article : List of awards and nominations received by Tom Hardy See also ( edit ) biography portal List of actors with Academy Award nominations References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Swift , Andy ( 23 November 2015 ) . `` Tom Hardy 's FX / BBC One Drama Taboo Adds 13 , Begins Production '' . . Retrieved 16 January 2017 . Jump up ^ Hadfield , Tom ( 25 August 2011 ) . `` Tom Hardy timeline '' . The Daily Telegraph . Retrieved 15 January 2014 . Jump up ^ Grainger , Lisa ( 18 April 2013 ) . `` Tom Hardy 's Travelling Life '' . The Daily Telegraph . Retrieved 15 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Tom Hardy biography - Celebrity A-Zs '' . UK . Retrieved 30 June 2013 . Jump up ^ `` From misfit to Mad Max '' . Taipei Times . 9 January 2014 . Retrieved 15 January 2014 . Jump up ^ Maher , Kevin ( 5 March 2009 ) . `` A tough life for Bronson actor Tom Hardy '' . The Times . London . Jump up ^ Fisher , Alice ( 4 July 2010 ) . `` Tom Hardy : the rake 's progress '' . The Guardian . London . Jump up ^ `` The U.K. movie star and the Vancouver tattoo artist he ca n't get enough of '' . The Globe and Mail . 23 August 2012 . Retrieved 20 June 2015 . Jump up ^ Head , Steve ( 9 December 2002 ) . `` An Interview with Tom Hardy '' . IGN . Retrieved 4 June 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Tom Hardy Biography '' . . 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Jump up ^ Jones , Kenneth ( 13 February 2010 ) . `` Tom Hardy Journeys Goodman 's Long Red Road , a World Premiere , Starting Feb. 13 '' . Playbill Web site . Archived from the original on 15 February 2010 . Retrieved 22 March 2010 . Jump up ^ Potempa , Phillip ( 24 February 2010 ) . `` OFFBEAT : Goodman Theatre 's ' The Long Red Road ' is brilliant masterpiece '' . . Retrieved 22 March 2010 . Jump up ^ Hieggelke , Brian ( 22 February 2010 ) . `` Review : The Long Red Road / Goodman Theatre '' . Newcity Stage . Retrieved 22 March 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Tom Hardy Replaces Fassbender in Tinker , Tailor , Soldier , Spy '' . 3 September 2010 . Retrieved 15 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Tom Hardy joins WB 's first - look roster '' . Variety . 7 March 2012 . Retrieved 15 January 2014 . Jump up ^ Ryan ( 13 October 2010 ) . He was filming in Alvor , Algarve , Portugal through the summer of 2011 for this role as well as other locations throughout Europe. `` Tom Hardy Joins Batman 3 Cast ; Fury Road Delayed '' . . Jump up ^ Zeitchik , Steven ( 7 December 2010 ) . `` Shia LaBeouf and Tom Hardy will be bootleggers '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved 10 February 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Doug Liman To Helm ' Splinter Cell ' With Tom Hardy '' . 19 March 2014 . Retrieved 20 June 2015 . Jump up ^ Graser , Marc ( 14 November 2012 ) . `` Tom Hardy game for ' Splinter Cell ' movie '' . Variety . Retrieved 8 November 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Riz MC - Sour Times '' . youtube . Retrieved 16 July 2015 . Jump up ^ Hoad , Phil ( 22 April 2015 ) . `` How is Tom Hardy 's $50 m Child 44 such a totalitarian fail ? '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 21 February 2016 . Jump up ^ `` '' Mad Max : Fury Road '' Review `` . 25 May 2015 . Retrieved 15 June 2017 . Jump up ^ Rosenberg , Adam . `` Tom Hardy landing the starring role in `` Mad Max : Fury Road '' is an amazing turn of events for that franchise `` . MTV . Retrieved 3 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Tom Hardy gives new life to ' Mad Max ' '' . USA Today . 14 May 2015 . Retrieved 16 July 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Review : ' Mad Max : Fury Road ' an ' out - of - control reboot ' '' . 15 May 2015 . Archived from the original on 18 May 2015 . Retrieved 16 July 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Mad max Fury '' . rotten tomatoe . Retrieved 16 July 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Mad Max : Fury Road '' . box office mojo . Retrieved 16 July 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Legend imbd '' . Jump up ^ `` Tom Hardy wins Best Actor at British Independent Film Awards '' . 11 December 2015 . Archived from the original on 15 December 2015 . Jump up ^ `` The 88th Academy Awards ( 2016 ) Nominees and Winners '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . Retrieved 14 January 2016 . Jump up ^ McNary , Dave ( 23 March 2016 ) . `` Harry Styles , Fionn Whitehead to Star in Christopher Nolan WW2 Action - Thriller ' Dunkirk ' '' . Variety . Jump up ^ Mike Fleming Jr . `` Tom Hardy To Play War Photographer Don McCullin In Working Title Drama Deadline '' . . Retrieved 12 November 2016 . Jump up ^ Hipes , Patrick ( 30 October 2016 ) . `` Tom Hardy To Play Al Capone In New Movie ' Fonzo ' From Josh Trank -- AFM '' . Deadline . Retrieved 29 October 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Venom & Black Cat Movies Will Be ' Adjuncts ' to the MCU 's Spider - Man '' . 18 June 2017 . Jump up ^ Kroll , Justin ( October 10 , 2016 ) . `` Tom Hardy to Star in ' Spider - Man ' Movie ' Venom , ' Ruben Fleischer to Direct '' . Variety . Jump up ^ `` Tom Hardy & Charlotte Riley Are Expecting , & Their Children Are Going To Be So Beautiful '' . Bustle. 3 September 2015 . Retrieved 7 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Tom Hardy ' was n't a fan of school ' '' . The Belfast Telegraph . 14 March 2014 . 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Jump up ^ `` Hollywood star Tom Hardy has paid a special visit to the capital to meet disadvantaged young people supported by The Prince 's Trust '' . Retrieved 16 July 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Actors Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley become patrons of Bowel Cancer UK '' . 13 July 2012 . Retrieved 16 July 2015 . Jump up ^ `` When are Prince Harry 's Invictus Games and what are they ? '' . The Daily Telegraph . 8 May 2016 . Retrieved 2 October 2016 . Jump up ^ `` 50 Best Dressed Men in Britain 2015 '' . GQ. 5 January 2015 . Archived from the original on 7 January 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Debrett 's 500 List : Film '' . Debretys. 21 May 2017 . Jump up ^ Dickens , Andrew . `` Meet Tom Hardy '' . ShortList . Retrieved 23 February 2017 . Jump up ^ Reynolds , Simon ( 16 September 2011 ) . `` ' Tinker , Tailor , Soldier , Spy ' Tom Hardy video interview : ' Gary Oldman is my hero ' '' . Digital Spy . Retrieved 23 February 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Tom Hardy : I was lucky I did n't get AIDS from drug use '' . Yahoo !. Retrieved 31 March 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Bronson - Tom Hardy Online '' . Tom Hardy Online . Retrieved 31 March 2017 . Jump up ^ `` An Oliver for our times '' . The Daily Telegraph . 15 December 2007 . Retrieved 25 June 2015 . Jump up ^ Billington , Michael ( 28 April 2003 ) . `` In Arabia , We 'd All Be Kings '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 2 August 2012 . Jump up ^ Jaquest , Oonagh ( 13 June 2003 ) . `` Review : The Modernists '' . BBC . Retrieved 14 January 2017 . Jump up ^ Hickling , Alfred ( 17 June 2003 ) . `` The Modernists '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 14 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Blood at the Royal Court Theatre '' . Royal Court Theatre . 2003 . Archived from the original on 29 October 2010 . Retrieved 3 May 2014 . Jump up ^ Clapp , Susannah ( 28 March 2004 ) . `` Festen '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 14 January 2017 . Jump up ^ Sierz , Aleks ( 3 February 2007 ) . `` From rehab to Restoration comedy '' . The Daily Telegraph . Retrieved 20 June 2015 . Jump up ^ Oxman , Steven ( 22 February 2010 ) . `` Review : The Long Red Road '' . Variety . Retrieved 14 January 2017 . Further reading ( edit ) Dempster , S ( 22 September 2007 ) . `` Tom Hardy tastes the hard life '' . The Times . UK . Retrieved 3 October 2007 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Tom Hardy . Tom Hardy on IMDb Tom Hardy at the TCM Movie Database Tom Hardy at AllMovie Tom Hardy at Rotten Tomatoes Tom Hardy at Box Office Mojo <Th_colspan="2"> Awards for Tom Hardy <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> BIFA Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a British Independent Film <Td_colspan="2"> Ray Winstone ( 1998 ) Ian McKellen ( 1999 ) Daniel Craig ( 2000 ) Ben Kingsley ( 2001 ) James Nesbitt ( 2002 ) Chiwetel Ejiofor ( 2003 ) Phil Davis ( 2004 ) Ralph Fiennes ( 2005 ) Tony Curran ( 2006 ) Viggo Mortensen ( 2007 ) Michael Fassbender ( 2008 ) Tom Hardy ( 2009 ) Colin Firth ( 2010 ) Michael Fassbender ( 2011 ) Toby Jones ( 2012 ) James McAvoy ( 2013 ) Brendan Gleeson ( 2014 ) Tom Hardy ( 2015 ) Dave Johns ( 2016 ) Josh O'Connor ( 2017 ) <Th_colspan="2"> BAFTA Rising Star Award 2006 -- present James McAvoy ( 2006 ) Eva Green ( 2007 ) Shia LaBeouf ( 2008 ) Noel Clarke ( 2009 ) Kristen Stewart ( 2010 ) Tom Hardy ( 2011 ) Adam Deacon ( 2012 ) Juno Temple ( 2013 ) Will Poulter ( 2014 ) Jack O'Connell ( 2015 ) John Boyega ( 2016 ) Tom Holland ( 2017 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Critics ' Choice Movie Award for Best Actor in an Action Movie <Td_colspan="2"> Daniel Craig ( 2012 ) Mark Wahlberg ( 2013 ) Bradley Cooper ( 2014 ) Tom Hardy ( 2015 ) Andrew Garfield ( 2016 ) <Th_colspan="2"> London Film Critics ' Circle Award for British Actor of the Year <Td_colspan="2"> Alan Rickman ( 1991 ) Daniel Day - Lewis ( 1992 ) David Thewlis ( 1993 ) Ralph Fiennes ( 1994 ) Nigel Hawthorne ( 1995 ) Ewan McGregor / Ian McKellen ( 1996 ) Robert Carlyle ( 1997 ) Brendan Gleeson ( 1998 ) Jeremy Northam ( 1999 ) Jim Broadbent ( 2000 ) Paul Bettany ( 2001 ) Hugh Grant ( 2002 ) Paul Bettany ( 2003 ) Daniel Craig ( 2004 ) Ralph Fiennes ( 2005 ) Toby Jones ( 2006 ) James McAvoy ( 2007 ) Michael Fassbender ( 2008 ) Colin Firth ( 2009 ) Christian Bale ( 2010 ) Michael Fassbender ( 2011 ) Toby Jones ( 2012 ) James McAvoy ( 2013 ) Timothy Spall ( 2014 ) Tom Hardy ( 2015 ) Andrew Garfield ( 2016 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Actor <Td_colspan="2"> Al Pacino ( 1975 ) Robert De Niro ( 1976 ) Richard Dreyfuss ( 1977 ) Jon Voight ( 1978 ) Dustin Hoffman ( 1979 ) Robert De Niro ( 1980 ) Burt Lancaster ( 1981 ) Ben Kingsley ( 1982 ) Robert Duvall ( 1983 ) F. Murray Abraham / Albert Finney ( 1984 ) William Hurt ( 1985 ) Bob Hoskins ( 1986 ) Jack Nicholson / Steve Martin ( 1987 ) Tom Hanks ( 1988 ) Daniel Day - Lewis ( 1989 ) Jeremy Irons ( 1990 ) Nick Nolte ( 1991 ) Clint Eastwood ( 1992 ) Anthony Hopkins ( 1993 ) John Travolta ( 1994 ) Nicolas Cage ( 1995 ) Geoffrey Rush ( 1996 ) Robert Duvall ( 1997 ) Ian McKellen ( 1998 ) Russell Crowe ( 1999 ) Michael Douglas ( 2000 ) Denzel Washington ( 2001 ) Daniel Day - Lewis / Jack Nicholson ( 2002 ) Bill Murray ( 2003 ) Liam Neeson ( 2004 ) Philip Seymour Hoffman ( 2005 ) Sacha Baron Cohen / Forest Whitaker ( 2006 ) Daniel Day - Lewis ( 2007 ) Sean Penn ( 2008 ) Jeff Bridges ( 2009 ) Colin Firth ( 2010 ) Michael Fassbender ( 2011 ) Joaquin Phoenix ( 2012 ) Bruce Dern ( 2013 ) Tom Hardy ( 2014 ) Michael Fassbender ( 2015 ) Adam Driver ( 2016 ) Timothée Chalamet ( 2017 ) VIAF : 4680980 LCCN : no2006037732 ISNI : 0000 0000 7845 4433 GND : 140606610 SUDOC : 143853635 BNF : cb15025410w ( data ) BIBSYS : 9074222 NKC : xx0156014 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1977 births 21st - century English male actors Alumni of Richmond Drama School Alumni of the Drama Centre London BAFTA winners ( people ) English male film actors English male stage actors English male television actors English people of Irish descent English theatre directors Living people People educated at Reed 's School People educated at Tower House School People from Hammersmith Hidden categories : Use British English from April 2017 Use dmy dates from April 2016 Articles with hCards Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Български Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Қазақша Кыргызча Latviešu Magyar Македонски მარგალური Bahasa Melayu Монгол Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Occitan Polski Português Română Русский Scots Shqip Simple English کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் Татарча / tatarça ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 16 December 2017 , at 21 : 42 . 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1. Tom Hardy - English actor and producer 2. Filmography - notable films and television roles 3. Personal life - marriages, children, and philanthropy 4. Awards and nominations - recognition for his performances 5. Early life and career - education and early acting roles
when did germany pay off its ww2 debt
War reparations - wikipedia War reparations War reparations are payments made after a war by the vanquished to the victors . They are intended to cover damage or injury inflicted during a war . Generally , the term war reparations refers to money or goods changing hands , but not to the annexation of land . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Europe 1.1. 1 Napoleonic War 1.1. 2 Franco - Prussian War 1.1. 3 Greco - Turkish War of 1897 1.1. 4 World War I 1.1. 5 World War II Germany 1.1. 6 World War II Italy 1.1. 7 Other World War II reparations 1.2 Japan 1.2. 1 Sino - Japanese War of 1895 1.2. 2 World War II Japan 1.2. 3 United States 1.3 Iraq and Kuwait 2 See also 3 Notes 4 References 5 External links History ( edit ) Making the defeated party pay a war indemnity is a common practice with a long history . In Ancient history , the imposition of reparations on a defeated enemy was often the beginning of forcing that enemy to pay a regular tribute . Rome imposed large indemnities on Carthage after the First ( Treaty of Lutatius ) and Second Punic Wars . Some war reparations induced changes in monetary policy . For example , the French payment following the Franco - Prussian war played a major role in Germany 's decision to adopt the gold standard . The 230 million silver taels in reparations imposed on defeated China after the First Sino - Japanese War led Japan to a similar decision . Europe ( edit ) Napoleonic war ( edit ) Following the Treaty of Paris ( 1815 ) , defeated France was ordered to pay 700 million francs in indemnities . France was also to pay additional money to cover the cost of providing additional defensive fortifications to be built by neighbouring Coalition countries . In proportion to its GDP , it 's the most expensive war reparation ever paid by a country . Franco - Prussian war ( edit ) After the Franco - Prussian War , according to conditions of Treaty of Frankfurt ( May 10 , 1871 ) , France was obliged to pay a war indemnity of 5 billion gold francs in 5 years . The indemnity was proportioned , according to population , to be the exact equivalent to the indemnity imposed by Napoleon on Prussia in 1807 . German troops remained in parts of France until the last installment of the indemnity was paid in September 1873 , ahead of schedule . Greco - Turkish war of 1897 ( edit ) Following the Greco - Turkish War ( 1897 ) , defeated Greece was forced to pay a large war indemnity to Turkey ( £ 4 million ) . Greece , which was already in default , was compelled to permit oversight of its public finances by an international financial commission . World war I ( edit ) Main article : World War I reparations Russians agreed to pay reparations to the Central Powers when Russia exited the war in the Treaty of Brest - Litovsk ( which was repudiated by the Bolshevik government eight months later ) . Bulgaria paid reparations of 2.25 billion gold francs ( 90 million pounds ) to the Entente , according to the Treaty of Neuilly . Germany agreed to pay reparations of 132 billion gold marks to the Triple Entente in the Treaty of Versailles , which were then cancelled in 1932 with Germany only having paid a part of the sum . This still left Germany with debts it had incurred in order to finance the reparations , and these were revised by the Agreement on German External Debts in 1953 . After another pause pending the reunification of Germany , the last installment of these debt repayments was paid on 3 October 2010 . World war II Germany ( edit ) Further information : German reparations for World War II During World War II , Nazi Germany extracted payments from occupied countries and compelled loans . In addition , countries were obliged to provide resources , and forced labour . After World War II , according to the Potsdam conference held between July 17 and August 2 , 1945 , Germany was to pay the Allies US $23 billion mainly in machinery and manufacturing plants . Reparations to the Soviet Union stopped in 1953 . Large numbers of factories were dismantled or destroyed . Dismantling in the west stopped in 1950 . Beginning before the German surrender and continuing for the next two years , the United States pursued a vigorous program of harvesting all technological and scientific know - how as well as all patents and many leading scientists in Germany ( known as Operation Paperclip ) . Historian John Gimbel , in his book Science Technology and Reparations : Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar Germany , states that the `` intellectual reparations '' taken by the U.S. and the UK amounted to close to $10 billion . German reparations were partly to be in the form of forced labor . By 1947 , approximately 4,000,000 German POWs and civilians were used as forced labor ( under various headings , such as `` reparations labor '' or `` enforced labor '' ) in the Soviet Union , France , the UK , Belgium and in Germany in U.S run `` Military Labor Service Units '' . See also : Forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union , POW labor in the Soviet Union , and World War II reparations towards Yugoslavia World war II Italy ( edit ) According to the Paris Peace Treaties , 1947 , Italy agreed to pay reparations of about US $125 million to Yugoslavia , US $105 million to Greece , US $100 million to the Soviet Union , US $25 million to Ethiopia , and US $5 million to Albania . Other World war II reparations ( edit ) Finland agreed to pay reparations of US $300 million to the Soviet Union . Hungary agreed to pay reparations of US $200 million to the Soviet Union , US $100 million to Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia . Romania agreed to pay reparations of US $300 million to the Soviet Union , but the real sum that Romania had to pay was 1.2 billion $ . Romania paid 5.6 millions $ in 1945 and was coerced to pay through SovRom $2 billion . Bulgaria agreed to pay reparations of $50 million to Greece and $25 million to Yugoslavia . According to the articles of these treaties , the value of US $ was prescribed as 35 US dollars to one troy ounce of pure gold . Japan ( edit ) Sino - Japanese war of 1895 ( edit ) The Treaty of Shimonoseki , signed on April 17 , 1895 , obliged China to pay an indemnity of 200 million silver taels ( ¥ 3.61 billion ) to Japan ; and to open the ports of Shashi , Chongqing , Suzhou and Hangzhou to Japanese trade . World war II Japan ( edit ) According to Article 14 of the Treaty of Peace with Japan ( 1951 ) : `` Japan should pay reparations to the Allied Powers for the damage and suffering caused by it during the war . Japan will promptly enter into negotiations with Allied Powers '' . War reparations made pursuant to the San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan ( 1951 ) include : reparations amounting to US $550 million ( 198 billion yen 1956 ) were made to the Philippines , and US $39 million ( 14.04 billion yen 1959 ) to Viet Nam ; payment to the International Committee of the Red Cross to compensate prisoners of war ( POW ) of 4.5 million pounds sterling ( 4.54109 billion yen ) was made ; and Japan relinquished all overseas assets approximately US $23.681 billion ( 379.499 billion yen ) . Japan signed the peace treaty with 49 nations in 1952 and concluded 54 bilateral agreements that included those with Burma ( US $20 million 1954 , 1963 ) , the Republic of Korea ( US $300 million 1965 ) , Indonesia ( US $223.08 million 1958 ) , the Philippines ( 525 million US dollars / 52.94 billion yen 1967 ) , Malaysia ( 25 million Malaysian dollars / 2.94 billion Yen 1967 ) , Thailand ( 5.4 billion Yen 1955 ) , Micronesia ( 1969 ) , Laos ( 1958 ) , Cambodia ( 1959 ) , Mongolia ( 1977 ) , Spain ( $5.5 million 1957 ) , Switzerland , Netherlands ( $10 million 1956 ) , Sweden and Denmark . Payments of reparations started in 1955 , lasted for 23 years and ended in 1977 . For countries that renounced any reparations from Japan , it agreed to pay indemnity and / or grants in accordance with bilateral agreements . In the Joint Communiqué of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People 's Republic of China ( 1972 ) , People 's Republic of China renounces its demand for war reparation from Japan . In the Soviet -- Japanese Joint Declaration of 1956 , the Soviet Union waived its rights to reparations from Japan , and both Japan and the Soviet Union waived all reparations claims arising from war . Additionally , Ceylon ( now Sri Lanka ) , under President J.R. Jayewardene , declined war reparations from Japan . United States ( edit ) The government of the United States under the Reagan Administration officially apologized for the Japanese American internment during World War II in 1988 and paid reparations to former internees and their descendants . Iraq and Kuwait ( edit ) After the Gulf War , Iraq accepted United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 , which declared Iraq 's financial liability for damage caused in its invasion of Kuwait . The United Nations Compensation Commission ( `` UNCC '' ) was established , and US $350 billion in claims were filed by governments , corporations , and individuals . Funds for these payments were to come from a 30 % share of Iraq 's oil revenues from the oil for food program . It was not anticipated that US $350 billion would become available for total payment of all reparations claims , so several schedules of prioritization were created over the years . The UNCC says that its prioritization of claims by natural people , ahead of claims by governments and entities or corporations ( legal persons ) , `` marked a significant step in the evolution of international claims practice . '' Payments under this reparations program continue ; as of July 2010 , the UNCC stated that it had actually distributed US $18.4 billion to claimants . There have been attempts to codify reparations both in the Statutes of the International Criminal Court and the UN Basic Principles on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims . See also ( edit ) Treaty of Frankfurt ( 1871 ) Treaty of Versailles Yalta Conference Potsdam Conference Boxer Protocol Treaty of San Francisco ( 1951 ) Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea ( 1965 ) Reparations ( transitional justice ) Legal remedy Restitution Haiti indemnity controversy Reparation ( legal ) Reparations Agreement between Israel and West Germany , Holocaust reparations World War I reparations , made from Germany due to the signing of the Treaty of Versailles Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Livy . Ab urbe condita ( The Early History of Rome , books I -- V , and The History of Rome from its Foundation , books XXI -- XXX : The War with Hannibal ) , London ; Penguin Classics , 2002 and 1976 . Jump up ^ Metzler , M. 2006 . Lever of Empire : The International Gold Standard and the Crisis of Liberalism in Prewar Japan . Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of California Press . Jump up ^ E.N. White ( 2001 ) . `` Making the French pay : the cost and consequences of the Napoleonic reparations '' . European Review of Economic History ( 5 ) : 337 -- 65 ... Jump up ^ A.J.P. Taylor , Bismarck : The Man and the Statesman , without taking in account the Napoleonic War reparation ( London : Hamish Hamilton , 1955 ) , p. 133 . Jump up ^ Brown , Frederick ( 2010 ) . For the Soul of France : culture wars in the age of Dreyfus ( 1st ed . ) . New York : Alfred A. Knopf . p. 88 . ISBN 0307279219 . OCLC 419798763 . Jump up ^ Wynne William H. , ( 1951 ) , State insolvency and foreign bondholders , New Haven , Yale University Press , vol. 2 . Jump up ^ `` ' Germany makes final payment for WWI reparations ' '' . The Jerusalem Post - . Archived from the original on 24 October 2012 . Retrieved 3 February 2016 . 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References ( edit ) Wheeler - Bennett , Sir John `` The Wreck of Reparations , being the political background of the Lausanne Agreement , 1932 '' , New York , H. Fertig , 1972 . Ilaria Bottigliero `` Redress for Victims of Crimes under International Law '' , Martinus Nijhoff Publishers , The Hague ( 2004 ) . Livy . Ab urbe condita ( The Early History of Rome , books I -- V , and The History of Rome from its Foundation , books XXI -- XXX : The War with Hannibal ) , London ; Penguin Classics , 2002 and 1976 . Mantoux , E. 1946 . The Carthaginian Peace or The Economic Consequences of Mr. Keynes . London : Oxford University Press . Morrison , R.J. 1992 . Gulf war reparations : Iraq , OPEC , and the transfer problem . American Journal of Economics and Sociology 51 , 385 -- 99 . Occhino , F. , Oosterlinck , K. and White , E. 2008 . How much can a victor force the vanquished to pay ? Journal of Economic History 68 , 1 -- 45 . Ohlin , B. 1929 . The reparation problem : a discussion . Economic Journal 39 , 172 -- 82 . Oosterlinck , Kim ( 2009 ) . `` Reparations '' . In Durlauf , Steven N. ; Blume , Lawrence E. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics ( Online ed . ) . Palgrave Macmillan . doi : 10.1057 / 9780230226203.1920 . Schuker , S.A. 1988 . ' American reparations ' to Germany , 1919 -- 33. : implications for the third - world debt crisis . Princeton Studies in International Finance no . 61 . White , E.N. 2001 . Making the French pay : the cost and consequences of the Napoleonic reparations . European Review of Economic History 5 , 337 -- 65 . External links ( edit ) Treaty of Peace with Japan Signed at San Francisco on 8 September 1951 The United Nations Compensation Commission Reparations for the gross violations of human rights during the regime of Democratic Kampuchea ( the Khmer Rouge ) in Cambodia Treaty of Peace Between Japan and India ( 1952 ) Treaty of Peace Between Japan and the Union of Burma ( 1954 ) Agreement Between Japan and Thailand Concerning Settlement of `` Special Yen Problem '' ( 1955 ) Reparations Agreement Between Japan and the Republic of the Philippines ( 1956 ) Treaty of Peace Between Japan and the Republic of Indonesia ( 1958 ) Reparations Agreement Between Japan and the Republic of Vietnam ( 1959 ) Agreement of 21st September , 1967 , Between Japan and the Republic of Singapore Agreement of 21st September , 1967 , Between Japan and Malaysia Joint Communique of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People 's Republic of China ( 1972 ) Japan 's Records on War Reparations , The Association for Advancement of Unbiased View of History War Responsibility , Postwar Compensation , and Peace Movements and Education in Japan Petra Schmidt , `` Disabled Colonial Veterans of the Imperial Japanese Forces and the Right to Receive Social Welfare Benefits from Japan '' Sydney Law Review , vol. 21 ( 1999 ) pp. 231 - 259 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Aftermath of war Reparations Hidden categories : All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from October 2014 Wikipedia articles needing clarification from October 2014 Articles with unsourced statements from September 2011 Articles with unsourced statements from September 2012 Articles with unsourced statements from April 2010 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Asturianu Беларуская Български Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Español Esperanto فارسی Français Galego Հայերեն Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Қазақша Latviešu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Română Русский Shqip Slovenčina Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська 26 more Edit links This page was last edited on 3 July 2018 , at 18 : 44 ( UTC ) . 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1. War reparations 2. Payments after a war 3. Damage and injury inflicted during a war 4. Annexation of land 5. History of war reparations
who was the declaration of rights of man and citizen designed to protect
Declaration of the rights of Man and of the Citizen - Wikipedia Declaration of the rights of Man and of the Citizen Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen , painted by Jean - Jacques - François Le Barbier The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ( French : Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen de 1789 ) , set by France 's National Constituent Assembly in 1789 , is a human civil rights document from the French Revolution . The Declaration was drafted by the Abbé Sieyès and the Marquis de Lafayette , in consultation with Thomas Jefferson . Influenced by the doctrine of `` natural right '' , the rights of man are held to be universal : valid at all times and in every place , pertaining to human nature itself . It became the basis for a nation of free individuals protected equally by the law . It is included in the beginning of the constitutions of both the Fourth French Republic ( 1946 ) and Fifth Republic ( 1958 ) and is still current . Inspired by the Enlightenment philosophers , the Declaration was a core statement of the values of the French Revolution and had a major impact on the development of freedom and democracy in Europe and worldwide . The Declaration , together with Magna Carta , the English Bill of Rights , the United States Declaration of Independence and the United States Bill of Rights , inspired in large part the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights . Contents 1 History 2 Philosophical and theoretical context 3 Substance 3.1 Articles 3.2 Active and passive citizenship 3.3 Women 's rights 3.4 Slavery 4 Legacy 4.1 Constitution of the French Fifth Republic 5 See also 5.1 Other early declarations of rights 6 Notes 7 References 8 Further reading 9 External links History ( edit ) The content of the document emerged largely from the ideals of the Enlightenment . The key drafts were prepared by Lafayette , working at times with his close friend Thomas Jefferson . In August 1789 , Honoré Mirabeau played a central role in conceptualizing and drafting the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen . The last article of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was adopted on the 26 of August 1789 by the National Constituent Assembly , during the period of the French Revolution , as the first step toward writing a constitution for France . Inspired by the Enlightenment , the original version of the Declaration was discussed by the representatives on the basis of a 24 article draft proposed by the sixth bureau , led by Jérôme Champion de Cicé . The draft was later modified during the debates . A second and lengthier declaration , known as the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1793 , was written in 1793 but never formally adopted . Philosophical and theoretical context ( edit ) The concepts in the Declaration come from the philosophical and political duties of the Enlightenment , such as individualism , the social contract as theorized by the Genevan philosopher Rousseau , and the separation of powers espoused by the Baron de Montesquieu . As can be seen in the texts , the French declaration was heavily influenced by the political philosophy of the Enlightenment and principles of human rights as was the U.S. Declaration of Independence which preceded it ( 4 July 1776 ) . According to a legal textbook published in 2007 , the declaration is in the spirit of `` secular natural law '' , which does not base itself on religious doctrine or authority , in contrast with traditional natural law theory , which does . The declaration defines a single set of individual and collective rights for all men . Influenced by the doctrine of natural rights , these rights are held to be universal and valid in all times and places . For example , `` Men are born and remain free and equal in rights . Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good . '' They have certain natural rights to property , to liberty , and to life . According to this theory , the role of government is to recognize and secure these rights . Furthermore , government should be carried on by elected representatives . At the time of writing , the rights contained in the declaration were only awarded to men . Furthermore , the declaration was a statement of vision rather than reality . The declaration was not deeply rooted in either the practice of the West or even France at the time . The declaration emerged in the late 18th century out of war and revolution . It encountered opposition as democracy and individual rights were frequently regarded as synonymous with anarchy and subversion . The declaration embodies ideals and aspirations towards which France pledged to struggle in the future . Substance ( edit ) The Declaration is introduced by a preamble describing the fundamental characteristics of the rights which are qualified as being `` natural , unalienable and sacred '' and consisting of `` simple and incontestable principles '' on which citizens could base their demands . In the second article , `` the natural and imprescriptible rights of man '' are defined as `` liberty , property , security and resistance to oppression '' . It called for the destruction of aristocratic privileges by proclaiming an end to feudalism and to exemptions from taxation , freedom and equal rights for all `` Men '' , and access to public office based on talent . The monarchy was restricted , and all citizens were to have the right to take part in the legislative process . Freedom of speech and press were declared , and arbitrary arrests outlawed . The Declaration also asserted the principles of popular sovereignty , in contrast to the divine right of kings that characterized the French monarchy , and social equality among citizens , `` All the citizens , being equal in the eyes of the law , are equally admissible to all public dignities , places , and employments , according to their capacity and without distinction other than that of their virtues and of their talents , '' eliminating the special rights of the nobility and clergy . Articles ( edit ) This section is a candidate to be copied to Wikisource . If the section can be edited into encyclopedic content , rather than merely a copy of the source text , please do so and remove this message . Otherwise , you can help by formatting it per the Wikisource guidelines in preparation for the duplication . Article I -- Men are born and remain free and equal in rights . Social distinctions can be founded only on the common good . Article II -- The goal of any political association is the conservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man . These rights are liberty , property , safety and resistance against oppression . Article III -- The principle of any sovereignty resides essentially in the Nation . No body , no individual can exert authority which does not emanate expressly from it . Article IV -- Liberty consists of doing anything which does not harm others : thus , the exercise of the natural rights of each man has only those borders which assure other members of the society the fruition of these same rights . These borders can be determined only by the law . Article V -- The law has the right to forbid only actions harmful to society . Anything which is not forbidden by the law can not be impeded , and no one can be constrained to do what it does not order . Article VI -- The law is the expression of the general will . All the citizens have the right of contributing personally or through their representatives to its formation . It must be the same for all , either that it protects , or that it punishes . All the citizens , being equal in its eyes , are equally admissible to all public dignities , places , and employments , according to their capacity and without distinction other than that of their virtues and of their talents . Article VII -- No man can be accused , arrested nor detained but in the cases determined by the law , and according to the forms which it has prescribed . Those who solicit , dispatch , carry out or cause to be carried out arbitrary orders , must be punished ; but any citizen called or seized under the terms of the law must obey at once ; he renders himself culpable by resistance . Article VIII -- The law should establish only penalties that are strictly and evidently necessary , and no one can be punished but under a law established and promulgated before the offense and legally applied . Article IX -- Any man being presumed innocent until he is declared culpable if it is judged indispensable to arrest him , any rigor which would not be necessary for the securing of his person must be severely reprimanded by the law . Article X -- No one may be disturbed for his opinions , even religious ones , provided that their manifestation does not trouble the public order established by the law . Article XI -- The free communication of thoughts and of opinions is one of the most precious rights of man : any citizen thus may speak , write , print freely , except to respond to the abuse of this liberty , in the cases determined by the law . Article XII -- The guarantee of the rights of man and of the citizen necessitates a public force : this force is thus instituted for the advantage of all and not for the particular utility of those in whom it is trusted . Article XIII -- For the maintenance of the public force and for the expenditures of administration , a common contribution is indispensable ; it must be equally distributed to all the citizens , according to their ability to pay . Article XIV -- Each citizen has the right to ascertain , by himself or through his representatives , the need for a public tax , to consent to it freely , to know the uses to which it is put , and of determining the proportion , basis , collection , and duration . Article XV -- The society has the right of requesting an account from any public agent of its administration . Article XVI -- Any society in which the guarantee of rights is not assured , nor the separation of powers determined , has no Constitution . Article XVII -- Property being an inviolable and sacred right , no one can be deprived of private usage , if it is not when the public necessity , legally noted , evidently requires it , and under the condition of a just and prior indemnity . Active and passive citizenship ( edit ) While the French Revolution provided rights to a larger portion of the population , there remained a distinction between those who obtained the political rights in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and those who did not . Those who were deemed to hold these political rights were called active citizens . Active citizenship was granted to men who were French , at least 25 years old , paid taxes equal to three days work , and could not be defined as servants ( Thouret ) . This meant that at the time of the Declaration only male property owners held these rights . The deputies in the National Assembly believed that only those who held tangible interests in the nation could make informed political decisions . This distinction directly affects articles 6 , 12 , 14 , and 15 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen as each of these rights is related to the right to vote and to participate actively in the government . With the decree of 29 October 1789 , the term active citizen became embedded in French politics . The concept of passive citizens was created to encompass those populations that had been excluded from political rights in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen . Because of the requirements set down for active citizens , the vote was granted to approximately 4.3 million Frenchmen out of a population of around 29 million . These omitted groups included women , slaves , children , and foreigners . As these measures were voted upon by the General Assembly , they limited the rights of certain groups of citizens while implementing the democratic process of the new French Republic ( 1792 -- 1804 ) . This legislation , passed in 1789 , was amended by the creators of the Constitution of the Year III in order to eliminate the label of active citizen . The power to vote was then , however , to be granted solely to substantial property owners . Tensions arose between active and passive citizens throughout the Revolution . This happened when passive citizens started to call for more rights , or when they openly refused to listen to the ideals set forth by active citizens . This cartoon clearly demonstrates the difference that existed between the active and passive citizens along with the tensions associated with such differences . In the cartoon , a passive citizen is holding a spade and a wealthy landowning active citizen is ordering the passive citizens to go to work . The act appears condescending to the passive citizen and it revisits the reasons why the French Revolution began in the first place . Women , in particular , were strong passive citizens who played a significant role in the Revolution . Olympe de Gouges penned her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen in 1791 and drew attention to the need for gender equality . By supporting the ideals of the French Revolution and wishing to expand them to women , she represented herself as a revolutionary citizen . Madame Roland also established herself as an influential figure throughout the Revolution . She saw women of the French Revolution as holding three roles ; `` inciting revolutionary action , formulating policy , and informing others of revolutionary events . '' By working with men , as opposed to working separate from men , she may have been able to further the fight of revolutionary women . As players in the French Revolution , women occupied a significant role in the civic sphere by forming social movements and participating in popular clubs , allowing them societal influence , despite their lack of direct political influence . Women 's rights ( edit ) The Declaration recognized many rights as belonging to citizens ( who could only be male ) . This was despite the fact that after The March on Versailles on 5 October 1789 , women presented the Women 's Petition to the National Assembly in which they proposed a decree giving women equal rights . In 1790 , Nicolas de Condorcet and Etta Palm d'Aelders unsuccessfully called on the National Assembly to extend civil and political rights to women . Condorcet declared that `` he who votes against the right of another , whatever the religion , color , or sex of that other , has henceforth abjured his own '' . The French Revolution did not lead to a recognition of women 's rights and this prompted Olympe de Gouges to publish the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen in September 1791 . The Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen is modeled on the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen and is ironic in formulation and exposes the failure of the French Revolution , which had been devoted to equality . It states that : This revolution will only take effect when all women become fully aware of their deplorable condition , and of the rights , they have lost in society . The Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen follows the seventeen articles of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen point for point and has been described by Camille Naish as `` almost a parody ... of the original document '' . The first article of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen proclaims that `` Men are born and remain free and equal in rights . Social distinctions may be based only on common utility . '' The first article of Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen replied : `` Woman is born free and remains equal to man in rights . Social distinctions may only be based on common utility '' . De Gouges also draws attention to the fact that under French law women were fully punishable , yet denied equal rights , declaring `` Women have the right to mount the scaffold , they must also have the right to mount the speaker 's rostrum '' . Slavery ( edit ) The declaration did not revoke the institution of slavery , as lobbied for by Jacques - Pierre Brissot 's Les Amis des Noirs and defended by the group of colonial planters called the Club Massiac because they met at the Hôtel Massiac . Despite the lack of explicit mention of slavery in the Declaration , slave uprisings in Saint - Domingue in the Haitian Revolution were inspired by it , as discussed in C.L.R. James ' history of the Haitian Revolution , The Black Jacobins . Deplorable conditions for the thousands of slaves in Saint - Domingue , the most profitable slave colony in the world , led to the uprisings which would be known as the first successful slave revolt in the New World . Free persons of color were part of the first wave of revolt , but later former slaves took control . In 1794 the Convention dominated by the Jacobins abolished slavery , including in the colonies of Saint - Domingue and Guadeloupe . However , Napoleon reinstated it in 1802 and attempted to regain control of Saint - Domingue by sending in thousands of troops . After suffering the losses of two - thirds of the men , many to yellow fever , the French withdrew from Saint - Domingue in 1803 . Napoleon gave up on North America and agreed to the Louisiana Purchase by the United States . In 1804 , the leaders of Saint - Domingue declared it as an independent state , the Republic of Haiti , the second republic of the New World . Legacy ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( August 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The Declaration has also influenced and inspired rights - based liberal democracy throughout the world . It was translated as soon as 1793 -- 1794 by Colombian Antonio Nariño , who published it despite the Inquisition . He was sentenced to 10 years in prison for doing so . In 2003 , the document was listed on UNESCO 's Memory of the World register . Constitution of the French Fifth Republic ( edit ) Main article : Constitution of the French Fifth Republic According to the preamble of the Constitution of the French Fifth Republic ( adopted on 4 October 1958 , and the current constitution ) , the principles set forth in the Declaration have constitutional value . Many laws and regulations have been canceled because they did not comply with those principles as interpreted by the Conseil Constitutionnel ( `` Constitutional Council of France '' ) or by the Conseil d'État ( `` Council of State '' ) . Taxation legislation or practices that seem to make some unwarranted difference between citizens are struck down as unconstitutional . Suggestions of positive discrimination on ethnic grounds are rejected because they infringe on the principle of equality , since they would establish categories of people that would , by birth , enjoy greater rights . See also ( edit ) Human rights in France Universality Other early declarations of rights ( edit ) The decreta of León ( Modern - day Spain 1188 ) Magna Carta ( England , 1215 ) Statute of Kalisz ( Poland , 1264 ) Henrician Articles and Pacta Conventa ( Poland , 1573 ) Petition of Right ( England , 1628 ) Bill of Rights ( England , 1689 ) Claim of Right ( Scotland , 1689 ) Virginia Declaration of Rights ( United States , 1776 ) Bill of Rights ( United States , 1789 ) Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of Franchimont ( modern - day Belgium , 16 September 1789 ) `` Belgian '' Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen ( exiled Belgian and Liégeois revolutionaries in Paris , 23 April 1792 ) `` Batavian '' Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen ( Batavian Republic , The Hague , 31 January 1795 ) Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ The French title can be also translated in the modern era as `` Declaration of Human and Civic Rights '' . Jump up ^ Fremont - Barnes , Gregory ( 2007 ) . Encyclopedia of the Age of Political Revolutions and New Ideologies , 1760 - 1815 . Greenwood . p. 190 . Jump up ^ Kopstein Kopstein ( 2000 ) . Comparative Politics : Interests , Identities , and Institutions in a Changing Global Order . Cambridge UP . p. 72 . Jump up ^ Douglas K. Stevenson ( 1987 ) , American Life and Institutions , Stuttgart ( Germany ) , p. 34 Jump up ^ Lefebvre , Georges ( 2005 ) . The Coming of the French Revolution . Princeton UP . p. 212 . Jump up ^ George Athan Billias , ed. ( 2009 ) . American Constitutionalism Heard Round the World , 1776 - 1989 : A Global Perspective . NYU Press . p. 92 . CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ Susan Dunn , Sister Revolutions : French Lightning , American Light ( 1999 ) pp 143 - 45 Jump up ^ Keith Baker , `` The Idea of a Declaration of Rights '' in Dale Van Kley , ed . The French Idea of Freedom : The Old Regime and the Declaration of Rights of 1789 ( 1997 ) pp 154 - 96 . Jump up ^ The original draft is an annex to the 12 August report ( Archives parlementaires , 1 , série , tome VIII , débats du 12 août 1789 , p. 431 ) . Jump up ^ Archives parlementaires , 1 série , tome VIII , débats du 19 août 1789 , p. 459 . Jump up ^ Gregory Fremont - Barnes , ed. ( 2007 ) . Encyclopedia of the Age of Political Revolutions and New Ideologies , 1760 - 1815 . Greenwood Publishing Group . pp. 159 vol 1 . CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list ( link ) ^ Jump up to : Merryman , John Henry ; Rogelierdomo ( 2007 ) . The civil law tradition : an introduction to the legal system of Europe and Latin America . Stanford University Press . p. 16 . ISBN 9780804755696 . Jump up ^ First Article , Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen . Jump up ^ Lauren , Paul Gordon ( 2003 ) . The evolution of international human rights : visions seen . University of Pennsylvania Press . p. 32 . ISBN 9780812218541 . Jump up ^ Spielvogel , Jackson J. ( 2008 ) . Western Civilization : 1300 to 1815 . Wadsworth Publishing . p. 580 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 495 - 50289 - 0 . Jump up ^ von Guttner , Darius ( 2015 ) . The French Revolution . Nelson Cengage . pp. 85 -- 88 . Jump up ^ Thouret 1789 , Jump up ^ Censer and Hunt 2001 , p. 55 . ^ Jump up to : Popkin 2006 , p. 46 . ^ Jump up to : Doyle 1989 , p. 124 . Jump up ^ `` Social Causes of the Revolution '' ^ Jump up to : Doyle 1989 , p. 420 . Jump up ^ `` Active / Passive Citizen '' , . Jump up ^ De Gouges , `` Declaration of the Rights of Women '' , 1791 . Jump up ^ Dalton 2001 , p. 1 . Jump up ^ Levy and Applewhite 2002 , pp. 319 -- 20 , 324 . Jump up ^ Women 's Petition to the National Assembly Jump up ^ Williams , Helen Maria ; Neil Fraistat ; Susan Sniader Lanser ; David Brookshire ( 2001 ) . Letters written in France . Broadview Press Ltd. p. 246 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 55111 - 255 - 8 . Jump up ^ Lauren , Paul Gordon ( 2003 ) . The evolution of international human rights . University of Pennsylvania Press . pp. 18 -- 20 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8122 - 1854 - 1 . Jump up ^ Naish , Camille ( 1991 ) . Death comes to the maiden : Sex and Execution , 1431 -- 1933 . Routledge . p. 136 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 415 - 05585 - 7 . Jump up ^ Naish , Camille ( 1991 ) . Death comes to the maiden : Sex and Execution , 1431 -- 1933 . Routledge . p. 137 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 415 - 05585 - 7 . Jump up ^ The club of reactionary colonial proprietors meeting since July 1789 were opposed to representation in the Assemblée of France 's overseas dominions , for fear `` that this would expose delicate colonial issues to the hazards of debate in the Assembly '' , as Robin Blackburn expressed it ( Blackburn , The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery , 1776 -- 1848 ( 1988 : 174f ) ) ; see also the speech of Jean - Baptiste Belley Jump up ^ Cf . Heinrich August Winkler ( 2012 ) , Geschichte des Westens . Von den Anfängen in der Antike bis zum 20 . Jahrhundert , Third Edition , Munich ( Germany ) , p. 386 Jump up ^ `` The Decreta of León of 1188 - The oldest documentary manifestation of the European parliamentary system United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 01 - 30 . Jump up ^ `` Versión española de los Decreta de León de 1188 '' ( PDF ) . . Spanish MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN , CULTURA Y DEPORTE . Retrieved 30 January 2018 . References ( edit ) Jack Censer and Lynn Hunt , Liberty , Equality , Fraternity : Exploring the French Revolution , University Park : Pennsylvania State University Press , 2001 . Susan Dalton , Gender and the Shifting Ground of Revolutionary Politics : The Case of Madame Roland , Canadian Journal of History , 36 , no . 2 ( 2001 ) : 259 -- 83 . William Doyle , The Oxford History of the French Revolution , Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1989 . Darline Levy and Harriet Applewhite , A Political Revolution for Women ? The Case of Paris , In The French Revolution : conflicting interpretations . 5th ed . Malabar , Fla. : Krieger Pub. Co. , 2002 . 317 -- 46 . Jeremy Popkin , A History of Modern France , Upper Saddle River : Pearson Education , Inc. , 2006 . `` Active Citizen / Passive Citizen '' , Liberty , Equality , Fraternity : Exploring the French Revolution ( accessed 30 October 2011 ) . Further reading ( edit ) Gérard Conac , Marc Debene , Gérard Teboul , eds , La Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen de 1789 ; histoire , analyse et commentaires , Economica , Paris , 1993 , ISBN 978 - 2 - 7178 - 2483 - 4. ( in French ) McLean , Iain . `` Thomas Jefferson , John Adams , and the Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen '' in The Future of Liberal Democracy : Thomas Jefferson and the Contemporary World ( Palgrave Macmillan , 2004 ) online External links ( edit ) Find more aboutDeclaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizenat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Learning resources from Wikiversity Works related to Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen at Wikisource `` Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen de 1789 '' . Conseil constitutionnel ( in French ) . Retrieved 14 May 2012 . `` Declaration of human and civic rights of 26 August 1789 '' ( PDF ) . Conseil constitutionnel . Retrieved 14 May 2012 . <Th_colspan="2"> French Revolution <Td_colspan="2"> Causes Timeline Ancien Régime Revolution Constitutional monarchy Republic Directory Consulate Glossary Journals Museum <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Significant civil and political events by year 1788 Day of the Tiles ( 7 Jun 1788 ) Assembly of Vizille ( 21 Jul 1788 ) 1789 What Is the Third Estate ? ( Jan 1789 ) Réveillon riots ( 28 Apr 1789 ) Convocation of the Estates - General ( 5 May 1789 ) National Assembly ( 17 Jun -- 9 Jul 1790 ) Tennis Court Oath ( 20 Jun 1789 ) National Constituent Assembly ( 9 Jul -- 30 Sep 1791 ) Storming of the Bastille ( 14 Jul 1789 ) Great Fear ( 20 Jul -- 5 Aug 1789 ) Abolition of Feudalism ( 4 - 11 Aug 1789 ) Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ( 27 Aug 1789 ) Women 's March on Versailles ( 5 Oct 1789 ) 1790 Abolition of the Parlements ( Feb -- Jul 1790 ) Abolition of the Nobility ( 19 Jun 1790 ) Civil Constitution of the Clergy ( 12 Jul 1790 ) Fête de la Fédération ( 14 Jul 1790 ) 1791 Flight to Varennes ( 20 -- 21 Jun 1791 ) Champ de Mars Massacre ( 17 Jul 1791 ) Declaration of Pillnitz ( 27 Aug 1791 ) The Constitution of 1791 ( 3 Sep 1791 ) Legislative Assembly ( 1 Oct 1791 -- Sep 1792 ) 1792 France declares war ( 20 Apr 1792 ) Brunswick Manifesto ( 25 Jul 1792 ) Paris Commune becomes insurrectionary ( Jun 1792 ) 10th of August ( 10 Aug 1792 ) September Massacres ( Sep 1792 ) National Convention ( 20 Sep 1792 -- 26 Oct 1795 ) First republic declared ( 22 Sep 1792 ) 1793 Execution of Louis XVI ( 21 Jan 1793 ) Revolutionary Tribunal ( 9 Mar 1793 -- 31 May 1795 ) Reign of Terror ( 27 Jun 1793 -- 27 Jul 1794 ) Committee of Public Safety Committee of General Security Fall of the Girondists ( 2 Jun 1793 ) Assassination of Marat ( 13 Jul 1793 ) Levée en masse ( 23 Aug 1793 ) The Death of Marat ( painting ) Law of Suspects ( 17 Sep 1793 ) Marie Antoinette is guillotined ( 16 Oct 1793 ) Anti-clerical laws ( throughout the year ) 1794 Danton and Desmoulins guillotined ( 5 Apr 1794 ) Law of 22 Prairial ( 10 Jun 1794 ) Thermidorian Reaction ( 27 Jul 1794 ) Robespierre guillotined ( 28 Jul 1794 ) White Terror ( Fall 1794 ) Closing of the Jacobin Club ( 11 Nov 1794 ) 1795 Constitution of the Year III ( 22 Aug 1795 ) Conspiracy of the Equals ( Nov 1795 ) Directoire ( 1795 -- 99 ) Council of Five Hundred Council of Ancients 13 Vendémiaire 5 Oct 1795 1797 Coup of 18 Fructidor ( 4 Sep 1797 ) Second Congress of Rastatt ( Dec 1797 ) 1799 Coup of 30 Prairial VII ( 18 Jun 1799 ) Coup of 18 Brumaire ( 9 Nov 1799 ) Constitution of the Year VIII ( 24 Dec 1799 ) Consulate <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Revolutionary campaigns 1792 Verdun Thionville Valmy Royalist Revolts Chouannerie Vendée Dauphiné Lille Siege of Mainz Jemappes Namur ( fr ) 1793 First Coalition Siege of Toulon ( 18 Sep -- 18 Dec 1793 ) War in the Vendée Battle of Neerwinden ) Battle of Famars ( 23 May 1793 ) Expédition de Sardaigne ( 21 Dec 1792 - 25 May 1793 ) Battle of Kaiserslautern Siege of Mainz Battle of Wattignies Battle of Hondschoote Siege of Bellegarde Battle of Peyrestortes ( Pyrenees ) First Battle of Wissembourg ( 13 Oct 1793 ) Battle of Truillas ( Pyrenees ) Second Battle of Wissembourg ( 26 -- 27 Dec 1793 ) 1794 Battle of Villers - en - Cauchies ( 24 Apr 1794 ) Battle of Boulou ( Pyrenees ) ( 30 Apr -- 1 May 1794 ) Battle of Tournay ( 22 May 1794 ) Battle of Fleurus ( 26 Jun 1794 ) Chouannerie Battle of Tourcoing ( 18 May 1794 ) Battle of Aldenhoven ( 2 Oct 1794 ) 1795 Peace of Basel 1796 Battle of Lonato ( 3 -- 4 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Castiglione ( 5 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Theiningen Battle of Neresheim ( 11 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Amberg ( 24 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Würzburg ( 3 Sep 1796 ) Battle of Rovereto ( 4 Sep 1796 ) First Battle of Bassano ( 8 Sep 1796 ) Battle of Emmendingen ( 19 Oct 1796 ) Battle of Schliengen ( 26 Oct 1796 ) Second Battle of Bassano ( 6 Nov 1796 ) Battle of Calliano ( 6 -- 7 Nov 1796 ) Battle of the Bridge of Arcole ( 15 -- 17 Nov 1796 ) The Ireland Expedition ( Dec 1796 ) 1797 Naval Engagement off Brittany ( 13 Jan 1797 ) Battle of Rivoli ( 14 -- 15 Jan 1797 ) Battle of the Bay of Cádiz ( 25 Jan 1797 ) Treaty of Leoben ( 17 Apr 1797 ) Battle of Neuwied ( 18 Apr 1797 ) Treaty of Campo Formio ( 17 Oct 1797 ) 1798 French invasion of Switzerland ( 28 January -- 17 May 1798 ) French Invasion of Egypt ( 1798 -- 1801 ) Irish Rebellion of 1798 ( 23 May -- 23 Sep 1798 ) Quasi-War ( 1798 -- 1800 ) Peasants ' War ( 12 Oct -- 5 Dec 1798 ) 1799 Second Coalition ( 1798 -- 1802 ) Siege of Acre ( 20 Mar -- 21 May 1799 ) Battle of Ostrach ( 20 -- 21 Mar 1799 ) Battle of Stockach ( 25 Mar 1799 ) Battle of Magnano ( 5 Apr 1799 ) Battle of Cassano ( 27 Apr 1799 ) First Battle of Zurich ( 4 -- 7 Jun 1799 ) Battle of Trebbia ( 19 Jun 1799 ) Battle of Novi ( 15 Aug 1799 ) Second Battle of Zurich ( 25 -- 26 Sep 1799 ) 1800 Battle of Marengo ( 14 Jun 1800 ) Battle of Hohenlinden ( 3 Dec 1800 ) League of Armed Neutrality ( 1800 -- 02 ) 1801 Treaty of Lunéville ( 9 Feb 1801 ) Treaty of Florence ( 18 Mar 1801 ) Algeciras Campaign ( 8 Jul 1801 ) 1802 Treaty of Amiens ( 25 Mar 1802 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Military leaders French Army Eustache Charles d'Aoust Pierre Augereau Alexandre de Beauharnais Jean - Baptiste Bernadotte Louis - Alexandre Berthier Jean - Baptiste Bessières Guillaume - Marie - Anne Brune Jean François Carteaux Jean Étienne Championnet Chapuis de Tourville Adam Philippe , Comte de Custine Louis - Nicolas Davout Louis Desaix Jacques François Dugommier Thomas - Alexandre Dumas Charles François Dumouriez Pierre Marie Barthélemy Ferino Louis - Charles de Flers Paul Grenier Emmanuel de Grouchy Jacques Maurice Hatry Lazare Hoche Jean - Baptiste Jourdan François Christophe de Kellermann Jean - Baptiste Kléber Pierre Choderlos de Laclos Jean Lannes Charles Leclerc Claude Lecourbe François Joseph Lefebvre Jacques MacDonald Jean - Antoine Marbot Jean Baptiste de Marbot François Séverin Marceau - Desgraviers Auguste de Marmont André Masséna Bon - Adrien Jeannot de Moncey Jean Victor Marie Moreau Édouard Mortier , duc de Trévise Joachim Murat Michel Ney Pierre - Jacques Osten ( fr ) Nicolas Oudinot Catherine - Dominique de Pérignon Jean - Charles Pichegru Józef Poniatowski Laurent de Gouvion Saint - Cyr Barthélemy Louis Joseph Schérer Jean - Mathieu - Philibert Sérurier Joseph Souham Jean - de-Dieu Soult Louis - Gabriel Suchet Belgrand de Vaubois Claude Victor - Perrin , Duc de Belluno French Navy Charles - Alexandre Linois Opposition Austria József Alvinczi Archduke Charles , Duke of Teschen Count of Clerfayt ( Walloon ) Karl Aloys zu Fürstenberg Friedrich Freiherr von Hotze ( Swiss ) Friedrich Adolf , Count von Kalckreuth Pál Kray ( Hungarian ) Charles Eugene , Prince of Lambesc ( French ) Maximilian Baillet de Latour ( Walloon ) Karl Mack von Leiberich Rudolf Ritter von Otto ( Saxon ) Prince Josias of Saxe - Coburg - Saalfeld Peter Vitus von Quosdanovich Prince Heinrich XV of Reuss - Plauen Johann Mészáros von Szoboszló ( Hungarian ) Karl Philipp Sebottendorf Dagobert von Wurmser Britain Sir Ralph Abercromby Admiral Sir James Saumarez Admiral Sir Edward Pellew Prince Frederick , Duke of York and Albany Dutch Republic William V , Prince of Orange Prussia Charles William Ferdinand , Duke of Brunswick - Wolfenbüttel Frederick Louis , Prince of Hohenlohe - Ingelfingen Russia Alexander Korsakov Alexander Suvorov Spain Luis Firmin de Carvajal Antonio Ricardos <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Other significant figures and factions Society of 1789 Jean Sylvain Bailly Gilbert du Motier , Marquis de Lafayette François Alexandre Frédéric , duc de la Rochefoucauld - Liancourt Isaac René Guy le Chapelier Honoré Gabriel Riqueti , comte de Mirabeau Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès Charles - Maurice de Talleyrand - Périgord Nicolas de Condorcet Feuillants and monarchiens Madame de Lamballe Madame du Barry Louis de Breteuil Loménie de Brienne Charles Alexandre de Calonne de Chateaubriand Jean Chouan Grace Elliott Arnaud de La Porte Jean - Sifrein Maury Jacques Necker François - Marie , marquis de Barthélemy Guillaume - Mathieu Dumas Antoine Barnave Lafayette Alexandre - Théodore - Victor , comte de Lameth Charles Malo François Lameth André Chénier Jean - François Rewbell Camille Jordan Madame de Staël Boissy d'Anglas Jean - Charles Pichegru Pierre Paul Royer - Collard Girondists Jacques Pierre Brissot Roland de La Platière Madame Roland Father Henri Grégoire Étienne Clavière Marquis de Condorcet Charlotte Corday Marie Jean Hérault Jean Baptiste Treilhard Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve Jean Debry Jean - Jacques Duval d'Eprémesnil Olympe de Gouges Jean - Baptiste Robert Lindet Louis Marie de La Révellière - Lépeaux The Plain Abbé Sieyès de Cambacérès Charles François Lebrun Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot Philippe Égalité Louis Philippe I Mirabeau Antoine Christophe Merlin de Thionville Jean Joseph Mounier Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours François de Neufchâteau Montagnards Maximilien Robespierre Georges Danton Jean - Paul Marat Camille Desmoulins Louis Antoine de Saint - Just Paul Nicolas , vicomte de Barras Louis Philippe I Louis Michel le Peletier de Saint - Fargeau Jacques - Louis David Marquis de Sade Georges Couthon Roger Ducos Jean - Marie Collot d'Herbois Jean - Henri Voulland Philippe - Antoine Merlin de Douai Antoine Quentin Fouquier - Tinville Philippe - François - Joseph Le Bas Marc - Guillaume Alexis Vadier Jean - Pierre - André Amar Prieur de la Côte - d'Or Prieur de la Marne Gilbert Romme Jean Bon Saint - André Jean - Lambert Tallien Pierre Louis Prieur Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac Antoine Christophe Saliceti Hébertists and Enragés Jacques Hébert Jacques Nicolas Billaud - Varenne Pierre Gaspard Chaumette Charles - Philippe Ronsin Antoine - François Momoro François - Nicolas Vincent François Chabot Jean Baptiste Noël Bouchotte Jean - Baptiste - Joseph Gobel François Hanriot Jacques Roux Stanislas - Marie Maillard Charles - Philippe Ronsin Jean - François Varlet Theophile Leclerc Claire Lacombe Pauline Léon Gracchus Babeuf Sylvain Maréchal Others Charles X Louis XVI Louis XVII Louis XVIII Louis Antoine , Duke of Enghien Louis Henri , Prince of Condé Louis Joseph , Prince of Condé Marie Antoinette Napoléon Bonaparte Lucien Bonaparte Joseph Bonaparte Joseph Fesch Joséphine de Beauharnais Joachim Murat Jean Sylvain Bailly Jacques - Donatien Le Ray Guillaume - Chrétien de Malesherbes Talleyrand Thérésa Tallien Gui - Jean - Baptiste Target Catherine Théot List of people associated with the French Revolution <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Influential thinkers <Td_colspan="2"> Les Lumières Beaumarchais Edmund Burke Anacharsis Cloots Charles - Augustin de Coulomb Pierre Claude François Daunou Diderot Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson Antoine Lavoisier Montesquieu Thomas Paine Jean - Jacques Rousseau Abbé Sieyès Voltaire Mary Wollstonecraft <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Cultural impact <Td_colspan="2"> La Marseillaise French Tricolour Liberté , égalité , fraternité Marianne Bastille Day Panthéon French Republican Calendar Cult of the Supreme Being Cult of Reason Temple of Reason Sans - culottes Metric system Phrygian cap Women in the French Revolution Symbolism in the French Revolution Historiography of the French Revolution Influence of the French Revolution <Th_colspan="2"> Human rights <Td_colspan="2"> Human 's Children 's Intersex Women 's Fundamental concepts and philosophies <Td_colspan="2"> Natural law Positive law Sovereignty Universal jurisdiction Distinctions Claim rights and liberty rights Individual and group rights Natural and legal rights Negative and positive rights Aspects Corporal punishment Organizations List of human rights organisations of national human rights institutions By continent <Td_colspan="2"> Africa Asia Europe North America Oceania South America <Td_colspan="2"> Portal : Human rights <Th_colspan="2"> Thomas Jefferson <Td_colspan="2"> 3rd President of the United States ( 1801 -- 1809 ) 2nd U.S. Vice President ( 1797 -- 1801 ) 1st U.S. Secretary of State ( 1790 -- 1793 ) U.S. Minister to France ( 1785 -- 1789 ) 2nd Governor of Virginia ( 1779 -- 1781 ) Delegate , Second Continental Congress ( 1775 -- 1776 ) Founding documents of the United States A Summary View of the Rights of British America ( 1774 ) Initial draft , Olive Branch Petition ( 1775 ) Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms ( 1775 ) 1776 Declaration of Independence Committee of Five authored physical history `` All men are created equal '' `` Life , Liberty , and the pursuit of Happiness '' `` Consent of the governed '' 1786 Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom freedom of religion French Revolution Co-author , Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ( 1789 ) Presidency Inaugural Address ( 1801 1805 ) Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves Louisiana Purchase Lewis and Clark Expedition Corps of Discovery timeline Empire of Liberty Red River Expedition Pike Expedition Cumberland Road Embargo Act of 1807 Chesapeake -- Leopard affair Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 First Barbary War Native American policy Marbury v. Madison West Point Military Academy State of the Union Addresses ( texts 1801 1802 1805 ) Cabinet Federal judicial appointments Other noted accomplishments Early life and career Founder , University of Virginia history Land Ordinance of 1784 Northwest Ordinance 1787 Anti-Administration party Democratic - Republican Party Jeffersonian democracy First Party System republicanism Plan for Establishing Uniformity in the Coinage , Weights , and Measure of the United States ( 1790 ) Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions A Manual of Parliamentary Practice ( 1801 ) American Creed Jeffersonian architecture Barboursville Farmington Monticello gardens Poplar Forest University of Virginia The Rotunda The Lawn Jefferson Hall Virginia State Capitol White House Colonnades Other writings Notes on the State of Virginia ( 1785 ) 1787 European journey memorandums Indian removal letters Jefferson Bible ( 1895 ) Jefferson manuscript collection at the Massachusetts Historical Society The Papers of Thomas Jefferson Related Age of Enlightenment American Enlightenment American Philosophical Society American Revolution patriots Member , Virginia Committee of Correspondence Committee of the States Founding Fathers of the United States Franco - American alliance Jefferson and education Religious views Jefferson and slavery Jefferson and the Library of Congress Jefferson disk Jefferson Pier Pet mockingbird National Gazette Residence Act Compromise of 1790 Sally Hemings Jefferson -- Hemings controversy Betty Hemings Separation of church and state Swivel chair The American Museum magazine Virginia dynasty Elections United States Presidential election 1796 1800 1804 Legacy Bibliography Jefferson Memorial Mount Rushmore Birthday Thomas Jefferson Building Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression Jefferson Lecture Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Thomas Jefferson Star for Foreign Service Thomas Jefferson ( Karl Bitter statues ) Jefferson Literary and Debating Society Jefferson Lab Monticello Association Jefferson City , Missouri Jefferson College Thomas Jefferson School of Law Thomas Jefferson University Washington and Jefferson National Forests Other placenames Currency depictions Jefferson nickel Two - dollar bill Louisiana Purchase Exposition dollar U.S. postage stamps Popular culture Ben and Me ( 1953 short ) 1776 ( 1969 musical 1972 film ) Jefferson in Paris ( 1995 film ) Thomas Jefferson ( 1997 film ) Liberty ! ( 1997 documentary series ) Liberty 's Kids ( 2002 animated series ) John Adams ( 2008 miniseries ) Jefferson 's Garden ( 2015 play ) Hamilton ( 2015 musical ) Jefferson -- Eppes Trophy Wine bottles controversy Family Martha Jefferson ( wife ) Martha Jefferson Randolph ( daughter ) Mary Jefferson Eppes ( daughter ) Harriet Hemings ( daughter ) Madison Hemings ( son ) Eston Hemings ( son ) Thomas J. Randolph ( grandson ) Francis Eppes ( grandson ) George W. Randolph ( grandson ) John Wayles Jefferson ( grandson ) Peter Jefferson ( father ) Jane Randolph Jefferson ( mother ) Lucy Jefferson Lewis ( sister ) Randolph Jefferson ( brother ) Isham Randolph ( grandfather ) William Randolph ( great - grandfather ) <Td_colspan="2"> ← John Adams James Madison → <Th_colspan="2"> George Mason United States Founding events Drafted , 1769 Virginia Association resolutions Primary author , 1774 Fairfax Resolves Primary author , 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights `` All men are created equal '' Life , Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness Freedom of the press Freedom of religion Consent of the governed Baseless search and seizure Cruel and unusual punishment Speedy trial 1776 Virginia Constitution 1785 Mount Vernon Conference 1787 Constitutional Convention Virginia Ratifying Convention Co-father , United States Bill of Rights history Founding Father Writings inspired 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ( France ) 1789 United States Bill of Rights Life Chopawamsic plantation Gunston Hall On slavery Ohio Company Legacy George Mason Memorial George Mason University George Mason Stadium George Mason Memorial Bridge George Mason High School 18 - cent postage stamp Related Age of Enlightenment American Enlightenment American Revolution patriots Wilson v. Mason Hollin Hall Woodbridge plantation Mason 's Island Family George Mason V ( son ) William Mason ( son ) Thomson Mason ( son ) John Mason ( son ) Thomas Mason ( son ) George Mason III ( father ) Thomson Mason ( brother ) George Mason II ( grandfather ) <Th_colspan="2"> Constitutions of France <Td_colspan="2"> 1791 1793 ( Year I ) 1795 ( Year III ) 1799 ( Year VIII ) 1802 ( Year X ) 1804 ( Year XII ) 1814 1815 1830 1848 1852 1875 1940 1945 1946 1958 ( Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ∙ Charter for the Environment ) Proposed : Girondin constitutional project ( 1793 ) WorldCat Identities BNE : XX327884 BNF : cb11980241n ( data ) GND : 4200626 - 0 LCCN : no90010771 SUDOC : 027848892 VIAF : 185684735 Human rights portal Law portal France portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Copy section to Wikisource 1789 in law 1789 events of the French Revolution Human rights instruments Human rights in France Government of France Memory of the World Register Political charters History of human rights Popular sovereignty Age of Enlightenment 18th century in Paris 1789 documents Marquis de Lafayette Works by Thomas Jefferson Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list Use dmy dates from October 2015 Articles containing French - language text All Wikipedia articles needing clarification Wikipedia articles needing clarification from November 2014 Articles needing additional references from August 2017 All articles needing additional references Articles with French - language external links CS1 French - language sources ( fr ) Interlanguage link template link number Wikipedia articles with BNE identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikibooks Wikiquote Wikisource Alemannisch Asturianu Беларуская Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ქართული Қазақша Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Magyar Македонски മലയാളം مصرى Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Occitan Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Türkmençe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 52 more Edit links This page was last edited on 30 October 2018 , at 13 : 17 ( UTC ) . 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1. Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 2. French Revolution 3. Human rights 4. Enlightenment philosophers 5. Women's rights
what advantage does the stairs have over ramps
Stairs - wikipedia Stairs Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Stairs ( disambiguation ) . `` Stairwell '' redirects here . For the 9 / 11 dramatization , see Stairwell : Trapped in the World Trade Center . `` Staircase '' , `` Stairway '' , and `` Stair '' redirect here . For other uses , see Staircase ( disambiguation ) , Stairway ( disambiguation ) , and Stair ( disambiguation ) . Stairway of the Opéra Garnier ( Paris , France ) Stairways in Persepolis , Iran , built ca . 550 B.C. A straight stairway with tiled treads , a double railing and two landings in the `` Porta Garibaldi '' station , Milan The simplest form of staircase , down to Man o'War Cove , Dorset , England Stairs - street in Cefalù , Italy A stairway , staircase , stairwell , flight of stairs , or simply stairs is a construction designed to bridge a large vertical distance by dividing it into smaller vertical distances , called steps . Stairs may be straight , round , or may consist of two or more straight pieces connected at angles . Special types of stairs include escalators and ladders . Some alternatives to stairs are elevators ( lifts in British English ) , stairlifts and inclined moving walkways as well as stationary inclined sidewalks ( pavements in British English ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 Components and terms 1.1 Step 1.2 The railing system 1.3 Other terms 1.4 Measurements 2 Forms 2.1 Spiral and helical stairs 2.2 Alternating tread stairs 3 Ergonomics and building code requirements 3.1 UK requirements 3.2 US requirements 4 Stairs and art 5 Notable sets of stairs 6 Gallery 7 See also 8 References 9 External links Components and terms ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) A stair , or a stairstep is one step in a flight of stairs . In buildings , stairs is a term applied to a complete flight of steps between two floors . A stair flight is a run of stairs or steps between landings . A staircase or stairway is one or more flights of stairs leading from one floor to another , and includes landings , newel posts , handrails , balustrades and additional parts . A stairwell is a compartment extending vertically through a building in which stairs are placed . A stair hall is the stairs , landings , hallways , or other portions of the public hall through which it is necessary to pass when going from the entrance floor to the other floors of a building . Box stairs are stairs built between walls , usually with no support except the wall strings . Stairs may be in a straight run , leading from one floor to another without a turn or change in direction . Stairs may change direction , commonly by two straight flights connected at a 90 degree angle landing . Stairs may also return onto themselves with 180 degree angle landings at each end of straight flights forming a vertical stairway commonly used in multistory and highrise buildings . Many variations of geometrical stairs may be formed of circular , elliptical and irregular constructions . Stairs may be a required component of egress from structures and buildings . Stairs are also provided for convenience to access floors , roofs , levels and walking surfaces not accessible by other means . Stairs may also be a fanciful physical construct such as the stairs that go nowhere located at the Winchester Mystery House . Stairs are also a subject used in art to represent real or imaginary places built around impossible objects using geometric distortion , as in the work of artist M.C. Escher . `` Stairway '' is also a common metaphor for achievement or loss of a position in the society ; or as a metaphor of hierarchy ( e.g. Jacob 's Ladder , The Battleship Potemkin ) . Step ( edit ) Each step is composed of tread and riser . Tread The part of the stairway that is stepped on . It is constructed to the same specifications ( thickness ) as any other flooring . The tread `` depth '' is measured from the outer edge of the step to the vertical `` riser '' between steps . The `` width '' is measured from one side to the other . Riser The vertical portion between each tread on the stair . This may be missing for an `` open '' stair effect . Nosing An edge part of the tread that protrudes over the riser beneath . If it is present , this means that , measured horizontally , the total `` run '' length of the stairs is not simply the sum of the tread lengths , as the treads overlap each other . Starting step or Bullnose Where stairs are open on one or both sides , the first step above the lower floor or landing may be wider than the other steps and rounded . The balusters typically form a semicircle around the circumference of the rounded portion and the handrail has a horizontal spiral called a `` volute '' that supports the top of the balusters . Besides the cosmetic appeal , starting steps allow the balusters to form a wider , more stable base for the end of the handrail . Handrails that simply end at a post at the foot of the stairs can be less sturdy , even with a thick post . A double bullnose can be used when both sides of the stairs are open . Stringer , Stringer board or sometimes just String The structural member that supports the treads and risers in standard staircases . There are typically three stringers , one on either side and one in the center , with more added as necessary for wider spans . Side stringers are sometimes dadoed to receive risers and treads for increased support . Stringers on open - sided stairs are called `` cut stringers '' . Winders Winders are steps that are narrower on one side than the other . They are used to change the direction of the stairs without landings . A series of winders form a circular or spiral stairway . When three steps are used to turn a 90 ° corner , the middle step is called a kite winder as a kite - shaped quadrilateral . Trim Various moldings are used to decorate and in some instances support stairway elements . Scotia or quarter - round are typically placed beneath the nosing to support its overhang . The railing system ( edit ) A multi-flight stairway with handrails Stone stairs and wooden balustrade Two flights of stairs joined by a landing Example of winder stairs with a simple handrail supported by three newel posts The balustrade is the system of railings and balusters that prevents people from falling over the edge . Banister , Railing or Handrail The angled member for handholding , as distinguished from the vertical balusters which hold it up for stairs that are open on one side ; there is often a railing on both sides , sometimes only on one side or not at all , on wide staircases there is sometimes also one in the middle , or even more . The term `` banister '' is sometimes used to mean just the handrail , or sometimes the handrail and the balusters or sometimes just the balusters . Volute A handrail end element for the bullnose step that curves inward like a spiral . A volute is said to be right or left - handed depending on which side of the stairs the handrail is as one faces up the stairs . Turnout Instead of a complete spiral volute , a turnout is a quarter - turn rounded end to the handrail . Gooseneck The vertical handrail that joins a sloped handrail to a higher handrail on the balcony or landing is a gooseneck . Rosette Where the handrail ends in the wall and a half - newel is not used , it may be trimmed by a rosette . Easings Wall handrails are mounted directly onto the wall with wall brackets . At the bottom of the stairs such railings flare to a horizontal railing and this horizontal portion is called a `` starting easing '' . At the top of the stairs , the horizontal portion of the railing is called a `` over easing '' . Core rail Wood handrails often have a metal core to provide extra strength and stiffness , especially when the rail has to curve against the grain of the wood . The archaic term for the metal core is `` core rail '' . Baluster A term for the vertical posts that hold up the handrail . Sometimes simply called guards or spindles . Treads often require two balusters . The second baluster is closer to the riser and is taller than the first . The extra height in the second baluster is typically in the middle between decorative elements on the baluster . That way the bottom decorative elements are aligned with the tread and the top elements are aligned with the railing angle . Newel A large baluster or post used to anchor the handrail . Since it is a structural element , it extends below the floor and subfloor to the bottom of the floor joists and is bolted right to the floor joist . A half - newel may be used where a railing ends in the wall . Visually , it looks like half the newel is embedded in the wall . For open landings , a newel may extend below the landing for a decorative newel drop . Finial A decorative cap to the top of a newel post , particularly at the end of the balustrade . Baserail or Shoerail For systems where the baluster does not start at the treads , they go to a baserail . This allows for identical balusters , avoiding the second baluster problem . Fillet A decorative filler piece on the floor between balusters on a balcony railing . Handrails may be continuous ( sometimes called over-the - post ) or post-to - post ( or more accurately `` newel - to - newel '' ) . For continuous handrails on long balconies , there may be multiple newels and tandem caps to cover the newels . At corners , there are quarter - turn caps . For post-to - post systems , the newels project above the handrails . Another , more classical , form of handrailing which is still in use is the tangent method . A variant of the Cylindric method of layout , it allows for continuous climbing and twisting rails and easings . It was defined from principles set down by architect Peter Nicholson in the 18th century . The earliest spiral staircases appear in Temple A in the Greek colony Selinunte , Sicily , to both sides of the cella . The temple was constructed around 480 -- 470 BC . Other terms ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Floating staircase in Minneapolis Staircase in Ford plant in Los Angeles with double bullnose and two volutes . An intermediate landing is part of this U-shaped stair . Apron This is a wooden fascia board used to cover up trimmers and joists exposed by stairwell openings . The apron may be moulded or plain , and is intended to give the staircase a cleaner look by cloaking the side view . Balcony For stairs with an open concept upper floor or landing , the upper floor is functionally a balcony . For a straight flight of stairs , the balcony may be long enough to require multiple newels to support the length of railing . In modern homes , it is common to have hardwood floors on the first floor and carpet on the second . The homeowner should consider using hardwood nosing in place of carpet . Should the carpet be subsequently replaced with hardwood , the balcony balustrade may have to be removed to add the nosing . Flight A flight is an uninterrupted series of steps . Floating stairs A flight of stairs is said to be `` floating '' if there is nothing underneath . The risers are typically missing as well to emphasize the open effect . There may be only one stringer or the stringers otherwise minimized . Where building codes allow , there may not even be handrails . Landing or Platform A landing is the area of a floor near the top or bottom step of a stair . An intermediate landing is a small platform that is built as part of the stair between main floor levels and is typically used to allow stairs to change directions , or to allow the user a rest . A half landing is where a 180 ° change in direction is made , and a quarter landing is where a 90 ° change in direction is made ( on an intermediate landing ) . As intermediate landings consume floor space they can be expensive to build . However , changing the direction of the stairs allows stairs to fit where they would not otherwise , or provides privacy to the upper level as visitors downstairs can not simply look up the stairs to the upper level due to the change in direction . The word ' landing ' is also commonly used for a general corridor in any of the floors above the ground floor of a building , even if that corridor is located well away from a staircase . Mobile Safety Steps Can be used as temporary , safe replacements for many types of stairs Runner Carpeting that runs down the middle of the stairs . Runners may be directly stapled or nailed to the stairs , or may be secured by a specialized bar that holds the carpet in place where the tread meets the riser , known as a stair rod . Spandrel If there is not another flight of stairs immediately underneath , the triangular space underneath the stairs is called a `` spandrel '' . It is frequently used as a closet . Staircase This term is often reserved for the stairs themselves : the steps , railings and landings ; though often it is used interchangeably with `` stairs '' and `` stairway '' . In the UK , however , the term `` staircase '' denotes what in the U.S. is called `` stairway '' , but usually includes the casing -- the walls , bannisters and underside of the stairs or roof above . Stairway This primarily American term is often reserved for the entire stairwell and staircase in combination ; though often it is used interchangeably with `` stairs '' and `` staircase '' . Stairwell The spatial opening , usually a vertical shaft , containing an indoor stairway ; by extension it is often used as including the stairs it contains . Staircase tower A tower attached to , or incorporated into , a building that contains stairs linking the various floors . Measurements ( edit ) The measurements of a stair , in particular the rise height and going of the steps , should remain the same along the stairs . The following stair measurements are important : The rise height or rise of each step is measured from the top of one tread to the next . It is not the physical height of the riser ; the latter excludes the thickness of the tread . A person using the stairs would move this distance vertically for each step taken . The tread depth of a step is measured from the edge of the nosing to the vertical riser ; if the steps have no nosing , it is the same as the going ; otherwise it is the going plus the extent of one nosing . The going of a step is measured from the edge of the nosing to the edge of nosing in plan view . A person using the stairs would move this distance forward with each step they take . To avoid confusion , the number of steps in a set of stairs is always the number of risers , not the number of treads . The total run or total going of the stairs is the horizontal distance from the first riser to the last riser . It is often not simply the sum of the individual tread lengths due to the nosing overlapping between treads . If there are N steps , the total run equals N - 1 times the going : the tread of the last step is part of a landing and is not counted . The total rise of the stairs is the height between floors ( or landings ) that the flight of stairs is spanning . If there are N steps , the total rise equals N times the rise of each step . A quite unusual `` variable rise '' stairway , which also distorts visual perspective ( at The Duomo in Urbino , Italy ) The slope or pitch of the stairs is the ratio between the rise and the going ( not the tread depth , due to the nosing ) . It is sometimes called the rake of the stairs . The pitch line is the imaginary line along the tip of the nosing of the treads . In the UK , stair pitch is the angle the pitch line makes with the horizontal , measured in degrees . The value of the slope , as a ratio , is then the tangent of the pitch angle . Headroom is the height above the nosing of a tread to the ceiling above it . Walkline -- for curved stairs , the inner radius of the curve may result in very narrow treads . The `` walkline '' is the imaginary line some distance away from the inner edge on which people are expected to walk . Building code will specify the distance . Building codes will then specify the minimum tread size at the walkline . Forms ( edit ) Stairs with heavy pedestrian traffic Stairs can take a large number of forms , combining winders and landings . The simplest form is the straight flight of stairs , with neither winders nor landings . It is not often used in modern homes because : the upstairs is directly visible from the bottom of a straight flight of stairs . it is potentially more dangerous in that a fall is not interrupted until the bottom of the stairs . a straight flight requires enough space for the entire run of the stairs . Another form of straight staircase is the space saver staircase , also known as paddle stairs or alternating tread staircases , that can be used for a steeper rise , but these can only be used in certain circumstances and must comply with regulations . However , a basic straight flight of stairs is easier to design and construct than one with landings or winders . Although the rhythm of stepping is not interrupted in a straight run , which may offset the increased fall risk by helping to prevent a misstep in the first place , many stairs will require landings or winders to comply with safety standards in the Building Regulations . Straight stairs can have a mid-landing incorporated , but it 's probably more common to see stairs that use a landing or winder to produce a bend in the stairs as a straight flight with a mid-landing will require a lot of linear space and is more commonly found in commercial buildings . `` L '' shaped stairways have one landing and usually change in direction by 90 degrees . `` U '' shaped stairs may employ a single wider landing for a change in direction of 180 degrees , or 2 landings for two changes in direction of 90 degrees each . A Z - shaped staircase incorporates two parallel 90 ° turns , creating a shape similar to that of the letter ' Z ' if seen from above . Use of landings and a possible change of direction have the following effects : The upstairs is not directly visible from the bottom of the stairs , which can provide more privacy for the upper floor . A fall can be halted at the landing point , reducing the distance someone would fall to reduce risks . Though the landings consume total floor space , there is no requirement for a large single dimension , allowing more flexible floorplan designs . For larger stairs , particularly in exterior applications , a landing can provide a place to rest the legs . Other forms include stairs with winders that curve or bend at an acute angle , three flight stairs that join at a landing to form a T - shape , and stairs with balconies and complex designs can be produced to suit individual properties . A mono string staircase is a term used for a steel spine staircase with treads . A Double string staircase has two steel beams on either side and treads in the center . Spiral and helical stairs ( edit ) See also : List of ancient spiral stairs Spiral stairs in Art Deco style . Nebotičnik skyscraper , Ljubljana . The external spiral staircase of Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo , Italy Gothic spiral staircase in St. Elisabeth Cathedral in Košice ( Slovakia ) `` Spiral staircase '' redirects here . For other uses , see Spiral staircase ( disambiguation ) . `` Circular staircase '' redirects here . For the novel , see The Circular Staircase . Spiral stairs , sometimes referred to in architectural descriptions as vice , wind around a newel ( also the central pole ) . They typically have a handrail on the outer side only , and on the inner side just the central pole . A squared spiral stair assumes a square stairwell and expands the steps and railing to a square , resulting in unequal steps ( larger where they extend into a corner of the square ) . A pure spiral assumes a circular stairwell and the steps and handrail are equal and positioned screw - symmetrically . A tight spiral stair with a central pole is very space efficient in the use of floor area . Spiral stairs have the disadvantage of being very steep - only if they are tight or are otherwise not supported by a center column . This is because of two reasons . The wider the spiral , the more steps can be accommodated per spiral . Therefore , if the spiral is large in diameter , via having a central support column that is strong ( invariably large in diameter ) and a special handrail that helps distributes the load , each step may be longer and therefore the rise between each step may be smaller , ( equal to that of regular steps . ) Otherwise , the circumference of the circle at the walk line will be so small that it will be impossible to maintain a normal tread depth and a normal rise height without compromising headroom before reaching the upper floor . To maintain headroom some spiral stairs have very high rises to support a very short diameter . These are typically cases where the stairwell must be a small diameter by design or must not have any center support by design or may not have any perimeter support . An example of perimeter support is the Vatican stairwell shown in the next section or the gothic stairwell shown to the left . That stairwell is only tight because of its design in which the diameter must be small . Many spirals , however , have sufficient width for normal size treads ( 8 inches ) by being supported by any combination of a center pole , perimeter supports attaching to or beneath the treads , and a helical handrail . In this manner , the treads may be wide enough to accommodate low rises . The photo on the right are self - supporting stairs . This means the spiral needs to be necessarily steep to allow the weight to distribute safely down the spiral in the most vertical manner possible . Spiral steps with center columns or perimeter support do not have this limitation . Building codes may limit the use of spiral stairs to small areas or secondary usage if their treads are not sufficiently wide or have risers above 8 or 9 inches . The term `` spiral '' has a more narrow definition in a mathematical context , as a mathematical spiral lies in a single plane and moves towards or away from a central point . The mathematical term for motion where the locus remains at a fixed distance from a fixed line whilst moving in a circular motion about it is `` helical '' . The presence or otherwise of a central pole does not affect the terminology applied to the design of the structure . Spiral stairs in medieval times were generally made of stone and typically wound in a clockwise direction ( from the ascender 's point of view ) , to place attacking swordsmen ( who were most often right - handed ) at a disadvantage . This asymmetry forces the right - handed swordsman to engage the central pike and degrade his mobility compared with the defender who is facing down the stairs . Extant 14th to 17th - century examples of these stairways can be seen at Muchalls Castle , Crathes Castle and Myres Castle in Scotland . Exceptions to the rule exist , however , as may be seen in the accompanying image of the Scala of the Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo , which winds up counter-clockwise . Developments in manufacturing and design have led to the introduction of kit form spiral stairs . Steps and handrails can be bolted together to form a complete unit . These stairs can be made out of steel , timber , concrete or a combination of materials . Helical or circular stairs do not have a central pole and there is a handrail on both sides . These have the advantage of a more uniform tread width when compared to the spiral staircase . Such stairs may also be built around an elliptical or oval planform . The ' Bramante ' staircase , Vatican museums , showing the two access points at the bottom of the stairs Both double spiral and double helix staircases are possible , with two independent helical stairs in the same vertical space , allowing one person to ascend and another to descend , without ever meeting if they choose different helices . For examples , the Pozzo di S. Patrizio allows one - way traffic so that laden and unladen mules can ascend and descend without obstruction , while Château de Chambord , Château de Blois , and the Crédit Lyonnais headquarters ensure separation for social purposes . Fire escapes , though built with landings and straight runs of stairs , are often functionally double helices , with two separate stairs intertwined and occupying the same floor space . This is often in support of legal requirements to have two separate fire escapes . Both spiral and helical stairs can be characterized by the number of turns that are made . A `` quarter - turn '' stair deposits the person facing 90 degrees from the starting orientation . Likewise , there are half - turn , three - quarters - turn and full - turn stairs . A continuous spiral may make many turns depending on the height . Very tall multi-turn spiral staircases are usually found in old stone towers within fortifications , churches and in lighthouses . Winders may be used in combination with straight stairs to turn the direction of the stairs . This allows for a large number of permutations . Alternating tread stairs ( edit ) An alternating tread stair ( center ) between a half - width stair ( left ) and full - width stair ( right ) , built with Duplo blocks . An alternating tread stair climbing the steep slope of a pinnacle in Pinnacles National Park , California , United States . Where there is insufficient space for the full run length of normal stairs , alternating tread stairs may be used . Alternating tread stairs allow for a safe forward - facing descent of very steep stairs . The treads are designed such that they alternate between treads for each foot : one step is wide on the left side ; the next step is wide on the right side . There is insufficient space on the narrow portion of the step for the other foot to stand , hence the person must always use the correct foot on the correct step . The slope of alternating tread stairs can be as high as 65 degrees as opposed to standard stairs which are almost always less than 45 degrees . The advantage of alternating tread stairs is that people can descend face forward . The only other alternative in such short spaces would be a ladder which requires backward - facing descent . Alternating tread stairs may not be safe for small children , the elderly or the physically challenged . Building codes typically classify them as ladders and will only allow them where ladders are allowed , usually basement or attic utility or storage areas not frequently accessed . The image on the right illustrates the space efficiency gained by an alternating tread stair . The alternating tread stair appears in the image 's center , with green - colored treads . The alternating stair requires one unit of space per step : the same as the half - width step on its left , and half as much as the full - width stair on its right . Thus , the horizontal distance between steps is in this case reduced by a factor of two , reducing the size of each step . The horizontal distance between steps is reduced by a factor less than two if for construction reasons there are narrow `` unused '' steps . There is often ( here also ) glide plane symmetry : the mirror image with respect to the vertical center plane corresponds to a shift by one step . Alternating tread stairs have been in use since at least 1888 . Ergonomics and building code requirements ( edit ) On a rarely used staircase from before 1754 , the Crown Princess of Sweden ascends from the Stockholm Palace garden with her husband and baby in 2013 . Staircase Ergonomically and for safety reasons , stairs must have certain measurements so that people can comfortably use them . Building codes typically specify certain measurements so that the stairs are not too steep or narrow . Nicolas - François Blondel in the last volume of his Cours d'architecture ( 1675 -- 1683 ) was the first known person to establish the ergonomic relationship of tread and riser dimensions . He specified that 2 x riser + tread = step length . It is estimated that a noticeable mis - step occurs once in 7,398 uses and a minor accident on a flight of stairs occurs once in 63,000 uses . Some people choose to live in residences without stairs so that they are protected from injury . Stairs are not suitable for wheelchairs and other vehicles . A stairlift is a mechanical device for lifting wheelchairs up and down stairs . For sufficiently wide stairs , a rail is mounted to the treads of the stairs , or attached to the wall . A chair is attached to the rail and the person on the chair is lifted as the chair moves along the rail . UK requirements ( edit ) Staircase between levels at Cabot Circus shopping centre , Bristol , England , United Kingdom . A sitting area is provided on the right of the staircase proper . ( overview of Approved document K -- Stairs Ramps and Guards ) Approved document K categorises stairs as ' Private ' , ' Institutional or assembly ' and ' other ' When considering stairs for private dwellings Building regulations are required for stairs used where the difference of level is greater than 600 mm ( 23.6 in ) Steepness of stairs -- Rise and Going -- Any rise between 155 and 220 mm ( 6.1 and 8.7 in ) used with any going ( tread ) between 245 and 260 mm ( 9.6 and 10.2 in ) or any rise between 165 and 200 mm ( 6.5 and 7.9 in ) used with any going between 223 and 300 mm ( 8.8 and 11.8 in ) Maximum Rise 220 mm ( 8.7 in ) and Minimum Going 220 mm ( 8.7 in ) remembering that the maximum pitch of private stairs is 42 ° . The normal relationship between dimensions of the rise and going is that twice the rise plus the going ( 2R + G ) should be between 550 and 700 mm ( 21.7 and 27.6 in ) Construction of steps -- Steps should have level treads , they may have open risers but if so treads should overlap at least 16 mm ( 0.6 in ) . Domestic private stairs are likely to be used by children under 5 years old so the handrail ballister spacing should be constructed so that a 100 mm ( 3.9 in ) diameter sphere can not pass though the opening in the risers in order to prevent children from sticking their heads through them and potentially getting stuck . Headroom -- A headroom of 2 m ( 78.7 in ) is adequate . Special considerations can be made for loft conversions . Width of flights -- No recommendations are given for stair widths . Length of flights -- The approved document refers to 16 risers ( steps ) for stairs in shops or assembly building . There is no requirement for private stairs . In practice there will be fewer than 16 steps as 16 x 220 mm ( 8.7 in ) gives over 3.5 m ( 137.8 in ) total rise which is way above that in a domestic situation . Landings -- Level , unobstructed landings should be provided at the top and bottom of every flight . The width and length being at least that of the width of the stairs and can include part of the floor . A door may swing across the landing at the bottom of the flight but must leave a clear space of at least 400 mm ( 15.7 in ) across the whole landing Tapered steps -- There are special rules for stairs with tapered steps as shown in the image Example of Winder Stairs above Alternate tread stairs can be provide in space saving situations Guarding -- Flights and landings must be guarded at the sides where the drop is more than 600 mm ( 23.6 in ) . As domestic private stairs are likely to be used by children under 5 the guarding must be constructed so that a 100 mm ( 3.9 in ) diameter sphere can not pass through any opening or constructed so that children will not be able to climb the guarding . The height for internal private stairs should be at least 900 mm ( 35.4 in ) and be able to withstand a horizontal force of 0.36 kN / m ( 2.1 lbf / in ) . Industry guidance on designing a staircase to UK Regulation and Standards . US requirements ( edit ) American building codes , while varying from State to State and County to County , generally specify the following parameters : Minimum tread length , typically 9 inches ( 229 mm ) excluding the nosing for private residences . Some building codes also specify a minimum riser height , often 5 inches ( 127 mm ) . Riser - Tread formula : Sometimes the stair parameters will be something like riser plus tread equals 17 -- 18 inches ( 432 -- 457 mm ) ; another formula is 2 times riser + tread equals 24.6 inches ( 625 mm ) , the length of a stride . Thus a 7 inches ( 178 mm ) rise and a 10.6 inches ( 269 mm ) tread exactly meets this code . If only a 2 inches ( 51 mm ) rise is used then a 20.6 inches ( 523 mm ) tread is required . This is based on the principle that a low rise is more like walking up a gentle incline and so the natural swing of the leg will be longer . Low rise stairs are very expensive in terms of the space consumed . Such low rise stairs were built into the Winchester Mystery House to accommodate the infirmities of the owner , Sarah Winchester , before the invention of the elevator . These stairways , called `` Easy Risers '' consist of five flights wrapped into a multi-turn arrangement with a total width equal to more than four times the individual flight width and a depth roughly equal to one flight 's run plus this width . The flights have varying numbers of steps . Slope : A value for the rise - to - tread ratio of 17 / 29 _̃ 0.59 is considered optimal ; this corresponds to a pitch angle of about 30 ° . Variance on riser height and tread depth between steps on the same flight should be very low . Building codes require variances no larger than 0.1875 inches ( 4.76 mm ) between depth of adjacent treads or the height of adjacent risers ; within a flight , the tolerance between the largest and smallest riser or between the largest and smallest tread can not exceed 0.375 inches ( 9.5 mm ) . The reason is that on a continuous flight of stairs , people get used to a regular step and may trip if there is a step that is different , especially at night . The general rule is that all steps on the same flight must be identical . Hence , stairs are typically custom made to fit the particular floor to floor height and horizontal space available . Special care must be taken on the first and last risers . Stairs must be supported directly by the subfloor . If thick flooring ( e.g. thick hardwood planks ) are added on top of the subfloor , it will cover part of the first riser , reducing the effective height of the first step . Likewise at the top step , if the top riser simply reaches the subfloor and thick flooring is added , the last rise at the top may be higher than the last riser . The first and last riser heights of the rough stairs are modified to adjust for the addition of the finished floor . Maximum nosing protrusion , typically 1.25 inches ( 32 mm ) to prevent people from tripping on the nosing . Height of the handrail . This is typically between 34 and 38 inches ( 864 and 965 mm ) , measured to the nose of the tread . The minimum height of the handrail for landings may be different and is typically 36 inches ( 914 mm ) . Handrail diameter . The size has to be comfortable for grasping and is typically between 1.25 and 2.675 inches ( 31.8 and 67.9 mm ) . Maximum space between the balusters of the handrail . This is typically 4 inches ( 102 mm ) . Openings ( if they exist ) between the bottom rail and treads are typically no bigger than 6 inches ( 152 mm ) . Headroom : At least 83 inches ( 211 cm ) . Maximum vertical height between floors or landings . This allows people to rest and limits the height of a fall . Mandate handrails if there is more than a certain number of steps ( typically 2 risers ) Minimum width of the stairway , with and without handrails Not allow doors to swing over steps ; the arc of doors must be completely on the landing / floor . A stairwell may be designated as an area of refuge as well as a fire escape route , due to its fire - resistance rated design and fresh air supply . The American Disabilities Act and other accessibility standards by state ( such as TAS ) do not allow open risers on accessible or egress stairs . There is no newel at Loretto Chapel 's spiral staircase ( the `` Miracle stair '' ) in Santa Fe , New Mexico , US . A spiral staircase inside Cremona 's Torrazzo , Italy . Upward view of the Tulip Stairs & lantern at the Queen 's House , Greenwich , United Kingdom . Spiral stairway seen from below ; Melk Abbey , Austria . The wooden spiral stairs of the Tour de Sauvabelin in Lausanne . Tudor staircase , Madingley Hall , Cambridgeshire , from below Stairs and art ( edit ) As much as stairs are very functional , stairs are can be very decorative and an impressive part of a building . Especially at the entrance of a large building stairs play an important role in the first impression of a building . In large buildings such as banks this is very popular . Modern companies and construction utilize the opportunities of functional stairs to actually upgrade buildings . Large utilities such as banks as well as residential buildings such as penthouses ( e.g. in St George Wharf Tower ) have modern and luxurious installations . Notable sets of stairs ( edit ) The world 's longest stairway at the Niesenbahn funicular in Switzerland has 11,674 steps A wide shot of the massacre on the `` Odessa Steps '' from The Battleship Potemkin ( 1925 ) . The longest stairway is listed by Guinness Book of Records as the service stairway for the Niesenbahn funicular railway near Spiez , Switzerland , with 11,674 steps and a height of 1,669 m ( 5,476 ft ) . The stairs are usually employee - only , but there is a public run called `` Niesenlauf '' once a year . Mount Girnar , one of the holiest of sacred places for Hindu , Jain , and Buddhist followers , and also for some Muslims is located in Junagadh district in the Indian state of Gujarat in Saurashtrian peninsula . At a height of 1100 metres , with five summits , each adorned with several sacred places are accessed on foot by soaring close to 10,000 steps along a rugged terrain and deciduous forest that is also the last home for Asiatic lions . It is the longest completely stone - made stairway in the world . A flight of 7,200 steps ( including inner temple Steps ) , with 6,293 Official Mountain Walkway Steps , leads up the East Peak of Mount Tai in China . The Ha ʻiku Stairs , on the island of Oʻahu , Hawai ʻi , are approximately 4,000 steps which climb nearly ⁄ mile ( 0.8 km ) . Originally used to access longwire radio radio antennas which were strung high above the Ha ʻiku Valley , between Honolulu and Kane ʻohe , they are closed to hikers . The Flørli stairs , in Lysefjorden , Norway , have 4,444 wooden steps which climb from sea level to 740 metres ( 2,428 feet ) . It is a maintenance stairway for the water pipeline to the old Flørli hydro plant . The hydro plant is now closed down , and the stairs are open to the public . The stairway is claimed to be the longest wooden stairway in the world . The CN Tower 's staircase reaches the main deck level after 1,776 steps and the Sky Pod above after 2,579 steps ; it is the tallest metal staircase on Earth . The Penrose stairs , devised by Lionel and Roger Penrose , are a famous impossible object . The image distorts perspective in such a manner that the stairs appear to be never - ending , a physical impossibility . The image was adopted by M.C. Escher in his iconic lithograph Ascending and Descending . The World Trade Center Survivors ' Staircase is the last visible structure above ground level at the World Trade Center site . It was originally two outdoor flights of granite - clad stairs and an escalator that connected Vesey Street to the World Trade Center 's Austin J. Tobin Plaza . During the September 11 , 2001 , attacks , the stairs served as an escape route for hundreds of evacuees from 5 World Trade Center , a 9 - floor building adjacent to the 110 - story towers . Stairwell A was the lone stairway left intact after the second plane hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center during the September 11 attacks . It was believed to have remained intact until the South Tower collapsed at 9 : 59 am . 14 people were able to escape the floors located at the impact zone ( including one man who saw the plane coming at him ) , and 4 people from the floors above the impact zone . Numerous 911 operators who received calls from individuals inside the South Tower were not well informed of the situation as it rapidly unfolded in the South Tower . Many operators told callers not to descend the tower on their own , even though it is now believed that Stairwell A was most likely passable at and above the point of impact . In London , England a notable staircase is that to The Monument to the Great Fire of London , more commonly known simply as `` the Monument '' . This is a column in the City of London , near the northern end of London Bridge , which commemorates the Great Fire of London . The top of the Monument is reached by a narrow winding staircase of 311 steps . Constructed between 1671 and 1677 , it is the tallest isolated stone column in the world . The Spanish Steps in Rome are a monument of late Italian Baroque architecture connecting the Piazza di Spagna with the Trinità dei Monti up the side of the Pincian Hill . Designed by Francesco De Sanctis and constructed 1723 -- 1725 , the 135 steps form a wide vista looking down toward the Tiber . The steps are adorned with garden terraces blooming with azaleas and have been widely celebrated in cultural work . The Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe , New Mexico is well known for its helix - shaped spiral staircase , which has been nicknamed `` Miraculous Stair '' . It has been the subject of legend and rumor , and the circumstances surrounding its construction and its builder are considered miraculous by the Sisters of Loretto and many visitors . Gallery ( edit ) Yerevan Cascade steps ( 572 steps ) in Yerevan , Armenia . Spiral ( double helix ) stairs of the Vatican Museums Ise Jingu in Japan . Angkor Wat in Cambodia . Modified stairway for the elderly in Thailand . The Potemkin Stairs ( 1834 -- 41 ) in Odessa , Ukraine . Spiral stairs with ornamental balusters . The Jacob 's Ladder , between Jamestown and Half Tree Hollow , in Saint Helena . Rudkhan Castle , Fouman , Iran . Stairs of rock placed in a natural passage . Outdoor stairway on the Alameda Ridge in Portland , Oregon , United States . Pioneer spiral staircase , Deaf Smith County Historical Museum , Hereford , Texas . Emperor 's Stairs in the Residenz of Munich , Bavaria , Germany . The 19th century theatre of Weißenhorn , Germany . Endless stairway at KPMG , Munich , Germany . Wooden spiral stairs in the tower of Salisbury Cathedral . A stair and a sculpture in the Fontevraud Abbey Stairs of Death Concentration camp Mauthausen , prisoners in the quarry Nabataean stairway in Beida ( `` Little Petra '' ) , Jordan Foot - worn staircase of the Plovdiv Roman amphitheatre showing multiple repairs . square steel staircase in German look - out tower Klausenturm Multiple stairs inside the Federal Palace of Switzerland . A wooden staircase in Molières , France Spiral stairway in the Alabama State Capitol . See also ( edit ) An early kind of burglar alarm - trip stairs . The idea was that when a robber broke in , he would try to sneak quietly up the stairs in the dark , not knowing that on the way up there would be steps close together ( like the second and third from the top ) , causing him to hopefully trip and wake someone up . Alley Mule ramp Watermen 's stairs Cable railings Combination stair Equestrian staircase Fire escape Fish ladder Stair climbing Staircase tower Steel square ( for use in stair framing ) Stoop ( architecture ) Inclined plane Penrose stairs Steps of Cincinnati Steps of Pittsburgh References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : R.E. Putnam and G.E. Carlson , Architectural and Building Trades Dictionary , Third Edition , American Technical Publishers , Inc. , 1974 , ISBN 0 - 8269 - 0402 - 5 Jump up ^ `` Banister '' . Merriam Webster dictionary . Retrieved 2 November 2010 . Jump up ^ Ruggeri , Stefania ( 2006 ) Selinunt , Affinità Elettive , Messina , ISBN 88 - 8405 - 079 - 0 , p. 77 Jump up ^ `` Staircase glossary '' . . Jump up ^ Terminology . . Retrieved on 2013 - 11 - 11 . ^ Jump up to : Neufert , Ernst ; Neufert , Peter ( 2000 ) . Architects ' Data ( 3rd ed . ) . Blackwell Science . p. 191 . ISBN 0 - 632 - 05771 - 8 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Stairs '' . 23 January 2001 . Retrieved 2 November 2010 . Jump up ^ James H. Monckton ( 1891 ) . Moncktons One Plane Method Of Hand Railing and Stair Building , Copyright 1888 . John Wiley & Sons . p . Plate 2 , Figure 4 . Jump up ^ `` Vol . 4&5 ( see pages 692&693 ) '' . Retrieved 14 August 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Staircase '' . . Archived from the original on 2004 - 12 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` Koutamanis , GA '' . Jump up ^ `` Stair Safety : A Review of the Literature and Data Concerning Stair Geometry and Other Characteristics '' . Retrieved 2 November 2010 . Jump up ^ The Building Regulations 2000 : Protection from falling , collision and impact . Office of the Deputy Prime Minister . Jump up ^ `` A-Mezz Engineered IBC Stairs '' . Retrieved 2 November 2010 . Jump up ^ Codes . . Retrieved on 2013 - 11 - 11 . Jump up ^ Stairway Manufacturers ' Association . . Retrieved on 2013 - 11 - 11 . Jump up ^ Section 3231 ( c ) of the State of California Building Code specifies a rise between 4 and 7.5 inches ( 100 and 190 mm ) and a minimum run of 10 inches ( 250 mm ) . Jump up ^ `` Popular Mechanics homepage '' . Retrieved 2 November 2010 . Jump up ^ NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Handbook Tenth Edition 2006 , Coté and Harrington , ISBN 0 - 87765 - 697 - 5 , pg. 167 Jump up ^ `` ADA 2010 '' . ADA Compliance . Jump up ^ `` Guinness World Records '' . Jump up ^ `` Welcome to Lysefjord '' . Retrieved 2 November 2010 . Jump up ^ National Commission on Terrorist Attacks ( July 22 , 2004 ) . The 9 / 11 Commission Report ( PDF ) ( first ed . ) . W.W. Norton & Company . p. 294 . ISBN 0 - 393 - 32671 - 3 . Jump up ^ `` Monument '' . . City of London . 28 April 2009 . Archived from the original on 20 June 2009 . Retrieved 28 April 2009 . Jump up ^ The Cascade Complex . . Retrieved on 2013 - 11 - 11 . External links ( edit ) Stair maps ( public stairways mainly in North America ) Stairs . <Th_colspan="2"> Rooms and spaces of a house Shared residential rooms Billiard room Bonus room Common room Den Dining room Ell Family room Garret Great room Hearth room Home cinema Home office Kitchen Dirty kitchen Kitchenette Living room Man cave Recreation room Shrine Study Sunroom Spaces Atrium Balcony Breezeway Catio Conversation pit Deck Elevator Entryway / Genkan Foyer Hallway Lanai Loft Loggia Overhang Patio Porch screened sleeping Ramp Secret passage Stairs Terrace Veranda Vestibule Utility and storage Attic Basement Box room Carport Cloakroom Closet Electrical room Equipment room Furnace room / Boiler room Garage Janitorial closet Larder Laundry room / Utility room Mechanical room / floor Pantry Root cellar Semi-basement Spear closet Storm cellar / Safe room Studio Subbasement Wardrobe Wine cellar Wiring closet / Demarcation point Workshop Private rooms Bathroom Bedroom / Guest room Boudoir Cabinet Jack and Jill bathroom Nursery Suite Toilet Walk - in closet Great house areas Antechamber Ballroom Butler 's pantry Buttery Conservatory Courtyard Drawing room Fainting room Great chamber Great hall Long gallery Lumber room Parlour Porte - cochère Saucery Sauna Scullery Servants ' hall Servants ' quarters Smoking room Solar Spicery State room Still room Swimming pool Undercroft Other Building Furniture House plan Multi-family residential Secondary suite Single - family detached home Architectural elements Arch Baluster Ceiling Colonnade Column Floor Gate Lighting Medallion Ornament Portico Roof Vault GND : 4060816 - 5 NDL : 00564484 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Stairs Stairways Architectural elements Building engineering Floors Garden features Pedestrian infrastructure Safety codes Transport buildings and structures Vertical transport devices Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from March 2014 All articles needing additional references All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from March 2014 Articles with unsourced statements from February 2009 Articles with unsourced statements from November 2010 Articles with unsourced statements from September 2016 Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Brezhoneg Català Čeština ChiShona Dansk Deitsch Deutsch Eesti Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Gaelg Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa Kreyòl ayisyen Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Magyar Bahasa Melayu Монгол Nederlands नेपाली नेपाल भाषा 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча پنجابی Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русский Scots Sicilianu Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย ᏣᎳᎩ Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt ייִדיש 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 9 December 2017 , at 21 : 26 . 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1. Stair construction and design 2. Types of stairs and stairways 3. Components and measurements of stairs 4. Safety requirements and building codes for stairs 5. Stairs in art and architecture
who is the communications director in the white house
White House Communications Director - wikipedia White House Communications Director Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> White House Communications Director <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> Incumbent Vacant since March 29 , 2018 <Td_colspan="2"> Executive Office of the President White House Office of the Press Secretary Reports to White House Chief of Staff Appointer The President Formation 1969 ( White House Office ) 1974 ( White House Office of the Press Secretary ) First holder Herbert G. Klein The White House Communications Director or White House Director of Communications , also known officially as Assistant to the President for Communications , is part of the senior staff of the President of the United States , and is responsible for developing and promoting the agenda of the President and leading its media campaign . The director , along with his or her staff , works on speeches such as the inaugural address and the State of the Union Address . The Communications Director , who is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the President without the need for Senate confirmation , is usually given an office in the West Wing of the White House . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Role and responsibilities 3 Key staff 4 Directors 5 References History ( edit ) The White House Office of Communications was established by Herbert G. Klein in January 1969 during the Nixon administration . It was separate from the Office of the Press Secretary from 1969 to 1974 . Role and responsibilities ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Historically , the position of White House Communications Director is given to a senior public relations staff member of the candidate 's campaign staff . Often this is either the deputy campaign manager or the campaign communications director . The communications director works closely with the White House Press Secretary , who is typically a co-worker in the President 's campaign . As the President 's voice and vision must be understood , the communications director ensures that all aspects of communications are covered to ensure that the administration 's message has been delivered clearly and successfully . A communications strategy must be devised to promote the president 's agenda throughout all media outlets . This can include , but certainly is not limited to , the State of the Union address , televised press conferences , statements to the press , and radio addresses . The communications office also works closely with cabinet - level departments and other executive agencies in order to create a coherent strategy , through which the president 's message can be disseminated . With the growing importance of the internet and new media in terms of presidential communication , the communications office has branched out to utilize the internet , and more specifically social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter , in order to reach out and convey the President 's vision to a larger percentage of the public . Key staff ( edit ) Assistant to the president / director of communications : vacant Deputy assistant to the president / deputy director of communications : Jessica Ditto Deputy assistant to the president / deputy director of communications / director of research : Raj Shah White House Press Secretary : Sarah Huckabee Sanders Assistant to the president / public liaison comms . director : vacant Assistant to the president / director of social media : Dan Scavino In March 2017 , deputy press secretary Stephanie Grisham was named communications director in the Office of the First Lady . Directors ( edit ) Officeholder Term start Term end Term duration President Herb Klein January 20 , 1969 July 1 , 1973 7003162300000000000 ♠ 4 years , 162 days Richard Nixon Ken Clawson January 30 , 1974 November 4 , 1974 7002278000000000000 ♠ 278 days Gerald Ford Jerry Warren November 4 , 1974 August 15 , 1975 7002284000000000000 ♠ 284 days Margita White August 15 , 1975 July 12 , 1976 7002332000000000000 ♠ 332 days David Gergen July 12 , 1976 January 20 , 1977 7002192000000000000 ♠ 192 days Gerald Rafshoon July 1 , 1978 August 14 , 1979 7002409000000000000 ♠ 1 year , 44 days Jimmy Carter Frank Ursomarso February 23 , 1981 June 17 , 1981 7002114000000000000 ♠ 114 days Ronald Reagan David Gergen June 17 , 1981 January 15 , 1984 7002942000000000000 ♠ 2 years , 212 days Michael A. McManus Jr . January 15 , 1984 February 6 , 1985 7002388000000000000 ♠ 1 year , 22 days Pat Buchanan February 6 , 1985 March 1 , 1987 7002753000000000000 ♠ 2 years , 23 days Jack Koehler March 1 , 1987 March 13 , 1987 7001110000000000000 ♠ 11 days Tom Griscom April 2 , 1987 July 1 , 1988 7002456000000000000 ♠ 1 year , 90 days Mari Maseng July 1 , 1988 January 20 , 1989 7002203000000000000 ♠ 203 days David Demarest January 20 , 1989 August 23 , 1992 7003131100000000000 ♠ 3 years , 216 days George H.W. Bush Margaret Tutwiler August 23 , 1992 January 20 , 1993 7002150000000000000 ♠ 150 days George Stephanopoulos January 20 , 1993 June 7 , 1993 7002138000000000000 ♠ 138 days Bill Clinton Mark Gearan June 7 , 1993 August 14 , 1995 7002798000000000000 ♠ 2 years , 68 days Don Baer August 14 , 1995 July 31 , 1997 7002717000000000000 ♠ 1 year , 351 days Ann Lewis July 31 , 1997 March 10 , 1999 7002587000000000000 ♠ 1 year , 222 days Loretta Ucelli March 10 , 1999 January 20 , 2001 7002682000000000000 ♠ 1 year , 316 days Karen Hughes January 20 , 2001 October 2 , 2001 7002255000000000000 ♠ 255 days George W. Bush Dan Bartlett October 2 , 2001 January 5 , 2005 7003119100000000000 ♠ 3 years , 95 days Nicolle Wallace January 5 , 2005 July 24 , 2006 7002565000000000000 ♠ 1 year , 200 days Kevin Sullivan July 24 , 2006 January 20 , 2009 7002911000000000000 ♠ 2 years , 180 days Ellen Moran January 20 , 2009 April 21 , 2009 7001910000000000000 ♠ 91 days Barack Obama Anita Dunn Acting April 21 , 2009 November 30 , 2009 7002223000000000000 ♠ 223 days Dan Pfeiffer November 30 , 2009 January 25 , 2013 7003115200000000000 ♠ 3 years , 56 days Jennifer Palmieri January 25 , 2013 April 1 , 2015 7002796000000000000 ♠ 2 years , 66 days Jen Psaki April 1 , 2015 January 20 , 2017 7002660000000000000 ♠ 1 year , 294 days Sean Spicer January 20 , 2017 March 6 , 2017 7001450000000000000 ♠ 45 days Donald Trump Mike Dubke March 6 , 2017 June 2 , 2017 7001880000000000000 ♠ 88 days Sean Spicer Acting June 2 , 2017 July 21 , 2017 7001490000000000000 ♠ 49 days Anthony Scaramucci July 21 , 2017 July 31 , 2017 7001100000000000000 ♠ 10 days Hope Hicks August 16 , 2017 March 29 , 2018 7002225000000000000 ♠ 225 days References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` White House Unit Takes on New Life '' , The Washington Post , November 26 , 1973 , p. 9 . Jump up ^ Judiciary , United States Congress House Committee on the ( 1973 ) . Impeachment : Selected Materials . Government Printing Office . ISBN 9780160577031 . Jump up ^ `` Press Operations in White House Revised , With Politics Ruled Out '' , The New York Times , August 17 , 1974 , p. 15 . Jump up ^ Klein , Betsy , and Noah Gray , `` Melania Trump hires communications director '' , CNN , March 27 , 2017 . Retrieved March 27 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Richard Nixon : Letter Accepting the Resignation of Herbert G. Klein as Director of Communications for the Executive Branch '' . . ^ Jump up to : Kumar , Martha Joynt ( July 6 , 2007 ) . `` Managing the President 's Message : The White House Communications Operation '' . JHU Press -- via Google Books . Jump up ^ Shabecoff , Philip ( July 13 , 1976 ) . `` Ford Shifts and Expands Press Staff '' -- via . Jump up ^ `` Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum '' . . Jump up ^ `` URSOMARSO , FRANK : Files , 1981 ( 3.1 l. ft. ; Box 1 - 8 ) '' ( PDF ) . Jump up ^ `` Ronald Reagan : Appointment of Frank A. Ursomarso as Director of the White House Office of Communications '' . . Jump up ^ `` Key Reagan Administration Officials '' . . Jump up ^ `` Letter Accepting the Resignation of John O. Koehler as Assistant to the President and Director of Communications '' . . Jump up ^ Appointment of Margaret DeBardeleben Tutwiler as Assistant to the President for Communications , . Jump up ^ `` William J. Clinton : Press Briefing by David Gergen and Mark Gearan '' . . Jump up ^ `` George W. Bush : Statement by the Press Secretary : Bartlett Named White House Communications Director '' . . Jump up ^ `` President Donald J. Trump Announces White House Staff Appointments '' , , March 6 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Mysterious disappearance of Donald Trump 's mouthpiece Sean Spicer '' . The New Zealand Herald . June 6 , 2017 . Retrieved June 6 , 2017 . Jump up ^ The White House ( July 21 , 2017 ) , Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Sanders , retrieved July 21 , 2017 Jump up ^ Herman , Steve . `` Shakeup Puts Different Face on White House Communications '' . VOA . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Mysterious disappearance of Donald Trump 's mouthpiece Sean Spicer '' . NZ Herald . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ Shen , Lucinda ( July 21 , 2017 ) . `` Anthony Scaramucci Thinks the White House Is About to Have a ' Phenomenal Relationship ' With the Press '' . Fortune . Retrieved August 13 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Shear , Michael D. ; Thrush , Glenn ; Haberman , Maggie ( July 31 , 2017 ) . `` John Kelly , Asserting Authority , Fires Anthony Scaramucci '' . The New York Times . Retrieved August 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ TIME staff ( July 31 , 2017 ) . `` Watch Live : White House Holds Press Briefing After Anthony Scaramucci Resigns as Communications Director '' . TIME . Retrieved August 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Anthony Scaramucci : Five top tips to lose a job in 10 days '' . BBC News . 1 August 2017 . Anthony Scaramucci had not yet made it to his official start date before he was fired Jump up ^ Santos , Amanda Proença ( July 31 , 2017 ) . `` Scaramucci Sets New Record for Shortest Term as Communications Director '' . NBC News . Retrieved August 14 , 2017 . Though President Donald Trump appointed Scaramucci to the role 10 days ago , he only held the position for six days thanks to an official start date of July 25 . Jump up ^ `` Hope Hicks tapped for interim White House communications director '' . Fox News . August 16 , 2017 . Retrieved August 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Ballhaus , Rebecca ( 2017 - 09 - 12 ) . `` Hope Hicks Named Permanent White House Communications Director '' . The Wall Street Journal . ISSN 0099 - 9660 . Retrieved 2018 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Rogers , Katie ; Haberman , Maggie ( 2018 - 03 - 29 ) . `` Hope Hicks is Gone , and It 's Not Clear Who Can Replace Her '' . The New York Times . ISSN 0362 - 4331 . Retrieved 2018 - 03 - 30 . <Th_colspan="3"> White House Office <Td_colspan="2"> American Innovation Cabinet Affairs Chief of Staff Communications Counselor First Lady Executive Chef Floral Designer Social Secretary Intergovernmental Affairs Legislative Affairs Management and Administration Oval Office Operations Political Affairs Presidential Personnel Public Liaison Press Secretary Scheduling and Advance Senior Advisor Staff Secretary Trade and Manufacturing Policy White House Counsel White House Fellows Retrieved from `` '' Categories : White House Communications Directors White House Office Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from July 2017 Articles needing additional references from March 2018 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español Italiano עברית 日本 語 Edit links This page was last edited on 4 April 2018 , at 19 : 06 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. White House Communications Director responsibilities 2. Role of the Communications Director in promoting the President's agenda 3. History and evolution of the White House Communications Office 4. Key staff members in the White House Communications Office 5. List of past White House Communications Directors
who sang the song let the bird of paradise fly up your nose
May the Bird of Paradise Fly up Your Nose - Wikipedia May the Bird of Paradise Fly up Your Nose Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> `` May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose '' <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Single by Little Jimmy Dickens <Th_colspan="2"> from the album May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose B - side `` My Eyes Are Jealous '' Released September 7 , 1965 Format 7 '' single Genre Country Length 2 : 28 Label Columbia Songwriter ( s ) Neal Merritt Producer ( s ) Don Law Frank Jones <Th_colspan="2"> Little Jimmy Dickens singles chronology <Td_colspan="2"> `` He Stands Real Tall '' ( 1965 ) `` May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose '' ( 1965 ) `` When the Ship Hit the Sand '' ( 1966 ) <Td_colspan="2"> `` He Stands Real Tall '' ( 1965 ) `` May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose '' ( 1965 ) `` When the Ship Hit the Sand '' ( 1966 ) `` May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose '' is a 1965 novelty song performed by Little Jimmy Dickens . It was Dickens ' most successful single on the U.S. country music chart . It spent two weeks at No. 1 that November , and stayed on the chart for a total of 18 weeks . On the overall Billboard Hot 100 the song peaked at No. 15 . The song , written by Neal Merritt , was inspired by one of the many comic putdowns uttered by host Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show . Content ( edit ) The song features three verses , each of which mentions an incident where Dickens ( the narrator ) performs an action which is perceived to be insulting : In the first verse , Dickens sees a beggar and proceeds to give him only a penny . In the second verse , Dickens gets a call from his laundryman , who returns $100 that Dickens left in his clothes . Dickens gives him 10 cents , to compensate him for the phone call . In the final verse , Dickens asks a cabdriver to rush so he can catch a train ; the driver is ticketed for speeding , while Dickens stands by , waiting for the change from his fare . The chorus is an insult , said back to Dickens , for his insulting action . The distinctive guitar work was done by Grady Martin , using the brand new Echoplex unit which had just been released . Chart performance ( edit ) Chart ( 1965 ) Peak position U.S. Billboard Hot Country Singles U.S. Billboard Hot 100 15 U.S. Billboard Easy Listening 8 Canadian RPM Top Singles References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . The Billboard Book Of Top 40 Country Hits : 1944 - 2006 , Second edition . Record Research . p. 106 . Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . The Billboard Book of Top 40 Hits : Eighth Edition . Record Research . p. 178 . Jump up ^ `` Dickens ' Single Is Raising Dickens '' . Billboard. 23 October 1965 . p. 12 . Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 1993 ) . Top Adult Contemporary : 1961 -- 1993 . Record Research . p. 73 . Preceded by `` Behind the Tear '' by Sonny James Billboard Hot Country Singles number - one single November 20 -- November 27 , 1965 Succeeded by `` Make the World Go Away '' by Eddy Arnold This 1960s country song - related article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1965 singles Billboard Hot Country Songs number - one singles Little Jimmy Dickens songs Novelty songs 1965 songs Columbia Records singles 1960s country song stubs Hidden categories : Articles with hAudio microformats All stub articles Talk About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 22 October 2017 , at 02 : 58 . About Wikipedia
1. "May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose" - a novelty song by Little Jimmy Dickens 2. Little Jimmy Dickens - country music artist 3. Billboard Hot Country Singles - chart performance of the song 4. Neal Merritt - songwriter of the song 5. Grady Martin - guitarist on the song
does using your phone on a plane do anything
Mobile phones on aircraft - wikipedia Mobile phones on aircraft This is the current revision of this page , as edited by GreenC bot ( talk contribs ) at 19 : 22 , 25 August 2017 ( Rescued 1 archive link ; reformat 1 link . Wayback Medic 2.1 ) . The present address ( URL ) is a permanent link to this version . Revision as of 19 : 22 , 25 August 2017 by GreenC bot ( talk contribs ) ( Rescued 1 archive link ; reformat 1 link . Wayback Medic 2.1 ) ( diff ) ← Previous revision Latest revision ( diff ) Newer revision → ( diff ) Jump to : navigation , search The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United States and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject . You may improve this article , discuss the issue on the talk page , or create a new article , as appropriate . ( March 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) In the U.S. , Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ) regulations prohibit the use of mobile phones aboard aircraft in flight . Contrary to popular misconception , the Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) does not actually prohibit the use of personal electronic devices ( including cell phones ) on aircraft . Paragraph ( b ) ( 5 ) of 14 CFR 91.21 leaves it up to the airlines to determine if devices can be used in flight , allowing use of `` Any other portable electronic device that the operator of the aircraft has determined will not cause interference with the navigation or communication system of the aircraft on which it is to be used . '' In Europe , regulations and technology have allowed the limited introduction of the use of passenger mobile phones on some commercial flights , and elsewhere in the world many airlines are moving towards allowing mobile phone use in flight . Many airlines still do not allow the use of mobile phones on aircraft . Those that do often ban the use of mobile phones during take - off and landing . Many passengers are pressing airlines and their governments to allow and deregulate mobile phone use , while some airlines , under the pressure of competition , are also pushing for deregulation or seeking new technology which could solve the present problems . On the other hand , official aviation agencies and safety boards are resisting any relaxation of the present safety rules unless and until it can be conclusively shown that it would be safe to do so . There are both technical and social factors which make the issues more complex than a simple discussion of safety versus hazard . Contents ( hide ) 1 The debate on safety 1.1 Electromagnetic interference 2 The debate on other issues 2.1 Social resistance to mobile phone use on flights 2.2 Competition for airlines ' in - flight phone service 3 Current status 3.1 In flight technology 3.2 Status of specific regions and individual airlines 3.3 Regulations and practice in the United States 3.4 Regulatory status in Europe 3.5 Future technologies 4 Technical discussion 5 See also 6 References 6.1 Notes 6.2 Further reading 7 External links The debate on safety ( edit ) In the United States , the Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ) restricts cell phone usage on aircraft in order to prevent disruption to cellular towers on the ground . As mentioned above , the FAA allows the in - flight use of wireless devices but only after the airline has determined that the device will not interfere with aircraft communication or navigation . One report asserts correlations between the use of mobile phones and other portable electronic devices in flight , and various problems with avionics . Another study concluded that some `` portable electronic devices '' , including laptops , electronic toys and laser pointers , used in the cabin can exceed the aircraft manufacturer 's permissible emission levels for safety with regard to some avionics , while they were unsuccessful in duplicating any of the errors suspected to be caused by PED use in controlled lab conditions . Since these regulations were originally imposed by various international aviation agencies , ultra-low - power devices , such as picocells , have been developed . Reasons for this include improved security , reduction of interference , reduced health risks and to allow safe in - flight use of mobile phones . Many airline companies have now added such equipment to their aircraft . More are expected to do so in the coming years . Electromagnetic interference ( edit ) Electromagnetic interference to aircraft systems is a common argument offered for banning mobile phones ( and other passenger electronic devices ) on planes . Theoretically , active radio transmitters such as mobile phones , walkie -- talkies , portable computers or gaming devices may interfere with the aircraft . Non-transmitting electronic devices also emit electromagnetic radiation , although typically at a lower power level , and could also theoretically affect the aircraft electronics . Collectively , any of these may be referred to as portable electronic devices ( PEDs ) . A NASA publication details the fifty most recent reports to the Aviation Safety Reporting System ( ASRS ) regarding `` avionics problems that may result from the influence of passenger electronic devices . '' The nature of these reports varies widely . Some merely describe passengers ' interactions with flight crews when asked to stop using an electronic device . Other reports amount to crews reporting an anomaly experienced at the same time a passenger was witnessed using a mobile phone . A few reports state that interference to aircraft systems was observed to appear and disappear as that particular suspect device was turned on and off . One entry in the ASRS , designated ACN : 440557 , reports a clear link where a passenger 's DVD player induced a 30 - degree error in the display of the aircraft 's heading , each time the player was switched on . However , this report dates back to 1999 and involves a Boeing 727 , an old type of aircraft that is no longer in use by airlines today . A 2003 study involved three months of testing with RF spectrum analyzers and other instruments aboard regular commercial flights , and one passage reads : ... our research has found that these items can interrupt the normal operation of key cockpit instruments , especially Global Positioning System ( GPS ) receivers , which are increasingly vital to safe landings . Two different studies by NASA further support the idea that passengers ' electronic devices dangerously produce interference in a way that reduces the safety margins for critical avionics systems . There is no smoking gun to this story : there is no definitive instance of an air accident known to have been caused by a passenger 's use of an electronic device . Nonetheless , although it is impossible to say that such use has contributed to air accidents in the past , the data also make it impossible to rule it out completely . More importantly , the data support a conclusion that continued use of portable RF - emitting devices such as cell phones will , in all likelihood , someday cause an accident by interfering with critical cockpit instruments such as GPS receivers . This much is certain : there exists a greater potential for problems than was previously believed . A 2000 study by the British Civil Aviation Authority found that a mobile phone , when used near the cockpit or other avionics equipment location , will exceed safety levels for older equipment ( compliant with 1984 standards ) . Such equipment is still in use , even in new aircraft . Therefore , the report concludes , the current policy , which restricts the use of mobile phones on all aircraft while the engines are running , should remain in force . Critics of the ban doubt that small battery - powered devices would have any significant influence on a commercial jetliner 's shielded electronic systems . Safety researchers Tekla S. Perry and Linda Geppert point out that shielding and other protections degrade with increasing age , cycles of use , and even some maintenance procedures , as is also true of the shielding in PEDs , including mobile phones . Several reports argue both sides of the issue in the same article ; on the one hand they highlight the lack of definite evidence of mobile phones causing significant interference , while on the other hand they point out that caution in maintaining restrictions on using mobile phones and other PEDs in flight is the safer course to take . The debate on other issues ( edit ) Social resistance to mobile phone use on flights ( edit ) Many people may prefer a ban on mobile phone use in flight as it prevents undue amounts of noise from mobile phone chatter . AT&T has suggested that in - flight mobile phone restrictions should remain in place in the interests of reducing the nuisance to other passengers caused by someone talking on a mobile phone near them . Competition for airlines ' in - flight phone service ( edit ) Skeptics of the ban have suggested that the airlines support the ban because they do not want passengers to have an alternative to the in - flight phone service such as GTE 's Airfone . Andy Plews a spokesman for UAL 's United Airlines was quoted as saying `` We do n't believe it 's a good safety issue '' ... `` We 'd like people to use the air phones . '' Current status ( edit ) In flight technology ( edit ) On October 31 , 2013 the FAA issued a press release entitled `` FAA to Allow Airlines to Expand Use of Personal Electronics '' in which it announced that `` airlines can safely expand passenger use of Portable Electronic Devices ( PEDs ) during all phases of flight . '' This new policy does not include cell phone use in flight , because , as the press release states , `` The FAA did not consider changing the regulations regarding the use of cell phones for voice communications during flight because the issue is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ) . '' This FAA press release was quickly followed up by an FCC press release entitled `` Chairman Wheeler Statement on In - Flight Mobile Services Proposal '' in which FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler states , `` modern technologies can deliver mobile services in the air safely and reliably , and the time is right to review our outdated and restrictive rules . '' This has led to media speculation that the use of cell phones for voice communication on board an aircraft in flight will soon be allowed . Some airlines have installed technologies to allow phones to be connected within the airplane as it flies . Such systems were tested on scheduled flights from 2006 and in 2008 several airlines started to allow in - flight use of mobile phones . Status of specific regions and individual airlines ( edit ) China All Chinese airlines ( with the exception of Hong Kong and Macau airlines , which are regulated by different authorities ) ban the use of mobile phones at any point of the flight , even if the phone is switched into the `` flight mode '' . Emirates Airline On 20 March 2008 , Emirates flights began allowing in - flight voice calls on some commercial airline flights . European services AeroMobile and OnAir allow the use of personal electronics devices aboard flights . The services are most readily available in Europe and are licensed to specific airlines . Qantas Since 26 August 2014 Qantas permits mobile phones ( and other portable electronic devices weighing less than 1 kg ) to be switched on during the entire flight , if the devices are in flight mode while on board the aircraft . Jetstar ( owned by Qantas ) adopted the same arrangements on 30 August 2014 . Ryanair On 30 August 2006 the Irish airline Ryanair announced that it would introduce a facility to allow passengers to use their mobile phones in - flight . This service started on 19 February 2009 with 20 of their Dublin based aircraft . Turkish Airlines Turkish Airlines ' stated position is that `` Mobile phones interfere with the flight instruments and have a negative effect on flight safety . '' Mobile phones on corporate jets Dassault Aviation implemented a new concept designated SafeCell on 2 April 2009 when the Falcon 2000 commenced flying . United Kingdom On 18 October 2007 the Office of Communications published proposals for the technical and authorisational approach that would be adopted to allow this for European GSM users on the 1800 MHz band on UK registered aircraft . and on 26 March 2008 Ofcom approved the use of mobile phone - supporting picocells aboard aircraft in the United Kingdom . Airline companies will have to first equip the aircraft with picocells and apply for licences . Regulations and practice in the United States ( edit ) To prevent disruption to the cellular phone network from the effects of fast - moving cell phones at altitude ( see Technical discussion , below ) , the FCC has banned the use of mobile phones on all aircraft in flight . The FCC did , however , allocate spectrum in the 450 MHz and 800 MHz frequency bands for use by equipment designed and tested as `` safe for air - to - ground service '' and these systems use far more widely separated ground stations than standard cellular systems . In the 450 MHz band co-channel assignments are at least 497 miles apart and in the 800 MHz band only specific sites were authorized by the FCC . The 450 MHz service is limited to `` general aviation '' users , usually corporate jets , while the 800 MHz spectrum can be used by airliners as well as for general aviation . The 450 MHz spectrum is named AGRAS while the name of the 800 MHz service is under review following an auction of the spectrum in 2006 . The FAA in 14 C.F.R § 91.21 prohibits the use of portable electronic devices , including mobile phones , for all commercial flights and for those private flights being made under instrument flight rules ( IFR ) . It does allow that the airline ( or , for privately operated aircraft , the pilot ) can make an exception to this rule if the operator deems that device safe . This effectively gives the airline , or the private pilot , the final word as to what devices may safely be used aboard an aircraft as far as the FAA is concerned although the FCC restriction still applies . Note that for aircraft operated by an airline the pilot is not considered the `` operator '' and can not legally allow exceptions to the airline 's restrictions although the pilot may dictate additional restrictions . On February 11 , 2014 , the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure approved the Prohibiting In - Flight Voice Communications on Mobile Wireless Devices Act . The bill would forbid airline passengers from talking on mobile phones during a flight . In September 2014 , bipartisan group of lawmakers opposed the FCC ending ban on mobile phones aboard , citing safety as one of the main concerns . Regulatory status in Europe ( edit ) This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( January 2015 ) In September 2014 , the European Aviation Safety Agency removed its ban on mobile phone use during flights . Future technologies ( edit ) A few U.S. airlines have announced plans to install new technology on aircraft which would allow mobile phones to be used on aircraft , pending approval by the FCC and the FAA . This method is similar to that used in some cars on the German ICE train . The aircraft would carry a device known as a picocell . A picocell acts as a miniature base station ( like a cellphone tower ) communicating with cellphones within the aircraft and relaying the signals to either satellites or a terrestrial - based system . The picocell will be designed and maintained for full compatibility with the aircraft avionics . Communication between the picocell and the rest of the telephone network will be on separate frequencies that do not interfere with either the cellular system or the aircraft 's avionics , similarly to the on -- board proprietary phone systems already aboard many commercial aircraft . Since the picocell 's antennas within the aircraft would be very close to the passengers and inside the aircraft 's metal shell both the picocell 's and the cell phones ' output power could be reduced to very low levels , which would reduce the risk of interference . Such systems have been tested on a few flights within the United States under a waiver from the FCC . ARINC and Telenor have formed a joint venture company to offer such a service aboard commercial aircraft . The cell phone calls are routed via satellite to the ground network and an on - board EMI screening system prevents the cell phones from attempting to contact ground - based networks . These systems are comparatively easy to implement for customers in most of the world where GSM phones operating on one of just two bands are the norm . The multitude of incompatible mobile phone systems in the United States and some other countries makes the situation more difficult -- it is not clear if the onboard repeaters will be compatible with all of the different cell - phone protocols ( TDMA , GSM , CDMA , iDen ) and their respective providers . Technical discussion ( edit ) The U.S. Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ) currently prohibits the use of mobile phones aboard any aircraft in flight . The reason given is that cell phone systems depend on frequency reuse , which allows for a dramatic increase in the number of customers that can be served within a geographic area on a limited amount of radio spectrum , and operating a phone at an altitude may violate the fundamental assumptions that allow channel reuse to work . See also ( edit ) Aviation portal Telecommunication portal Air - ground radiotelephone service Airplane mode References ( edit ) Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` FCC 47 Part 22.925 '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 28 . ^ Jump up to : 14 Code of Federal Regulations 91.21 ( 1 ) Archived 2009 - 07 - 14 at the Wayback Machine ... Retrieved August 21 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` Qatar Flies First B787 with Inflight Connectivity '' . IFExpress . November 19 , 2012 . Archived from the original on February 4 , 2013 . Retrieved January 10 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Sherr , Lynn ; Chris Kilmer ( 2007 - 12 - 07 ) . `` Cell Phones Are Dangerous in Flight : Myth , or Fact ? '' . ABC News . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` In flight phone - free zone may end '' . CNN . October 3 , 2004 . Retrieved January 10 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Cauley , Leslie ( 2005 - 06 - 16 ) . `` Cingular backs air cell ban '' . USA Today . Retrieved 2010 - 05 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Wireless Devices on Airplanes '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` 22.925 Prohibition on airborne operation of cellular telephones . '' . Code of Federal Regulations , Title 47 . National Archives and Records Administration . Archived from the original on 2012 - 02 - 10 . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 19 . Cellular telephones installed in or carried aboard airplanes , balloons or any other type of aircraft must not be operated while such aircraft are airborne ( not touching the ground ) . ^ Jump up to : `` Interference from Electronic Devices '' . Aero . Boeing ( 10 ) . March 2000 . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 18 . Jump up ^ NASA ASRS Database Report Set Passenger Electronic Devices ( PDF ) Jump up ^ NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System Case Number 440557 ( June 1999 ) ASRS Case 440557 ^ Jump up to : IEEE Spectrum ( March 2006 ) . `` Unsafe At Any Airspeed ? '' Jump up ^ Civil Aviation Authority ( May 2 , 2000 ) . Interference Levels In Aircraft at Radio Frequencies used by Portable Telephones Archived 2007 - 06 - 16 at the Wayback Machine . ( PDF ) Jump up ^ BBC News ( July 20 , 1999 ) . `` Can Mobile Phones Bring Down Planes ? '' Jump up ^ `` Mobile phone interference with plane instruments : Myth or reality ? '' . EDN network . September 11 , 2012 . Retrieved November 29 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Airlines ban mobile phones -- but why ? '' . ZDNet UK . October 6 , 1999 . Retrieved January 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` FAA to Allow Airlines to Expand Use of Personal Electronics '' ( Press release ) . Federal Aviation Administration . October 31 , 2013 . Retrieved November 11 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Chairman Wheeler Statement on In - Flight Mobile Services Proposal '' ( Press release ) . Federal Communications Commission . November 21 , 2013 . Retrieved November 22 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Wall Street Journal ( November 22 , 2013 ) U.S. to Consider Cellphone Use on Planes Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Emirates offers first mobile phone service onboard A380 Aircraft '' ( Press release ) . Emirates . October 4 , 2012 . Retrieved January 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Boynton , Christine ( May 29 , 2012 ) . `` Virgin Atlantic to offer AeroMobile connectivity '' . Air Transport World . Retrieved January 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Inflight Communications '' . Qantas . Retrieved May 17 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Qantas , Virgin Australia allow gate - to-gate gadgets '' . Australian Business Traveller . Retrieved May 17 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Jetstar to allow gate - to-gate iPads , Kindles , smartphones '' . Australian Business Traveller . Retrieved May 17 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` RTÉ Business : Ryanair signs OnAir deal for in - flight mobiles '' . 2006 - 08 - 30 . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` News : Launch of Europe 's 1st Fleet Wide Inflight Mobile Phone Service '' . 2006 - 11 - 06 . Archived from the original on 2009 - 05 - 26 . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` IFExpress Special Edition '' . 2009 - 03 - 31 . Archived from the original on 2010 - 09 - 12 . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Mobile Communications onboard Aircraft -- Consultation on the introduction of mobile services on aircraft '' ( PDF ) . Office of Communications . October 18 , 2007 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on April 14 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Mobile phone use backed on planes '' . BBC News . October 18 , 2007 . Retrieved January 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Approval for mobiles on aircraft '' . BBC News . 2008 - 03 - 26 . Retrieved 2008 - 10 - 07 . Jump up ^ Enabling mobile phone use on aircraft , Office of Communications , 2008 - 03 - 26 , retrieved 2013 - 06 - 15 Jump up ^ `` Title 47 Part 22.925 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 18 . Jump up ^ Martin , Aaron . `` Committee approves bill that would ban in - flight calls '' . Ripon Advance. 2014 - 02 - 13 . ( Retrieved 2014 - 02 - 14 ) . Jump up ^ Krasny , Ros . `` U.S. lawmakers urge continued ban on in - flight cellphone calls '' . Reuters . Retrieved 22 September 2014 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Isidore , Chris ; Senior , / Money ( 2004 - 12 - 09 ) . `` Cell phone calls in flight ? '' . CNN . Retrieved 2010 - 05 - 12 . Jump up ^ Isidore , Chris ; Senior , / Money ( 2004 - 12 - 14 ) . `` FCC eyes in - flight cell phones , Web '' . CNN . Retrieved 2010 - 05 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` mobile phones on planes . AeroMobile '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 18 . Jump up ^ 47 C.F.R. § 22.925 Prohibition on airborne operation of cellular telephones. ( 2 ) . Retrieved August 21 , 2009 . Further reading ( edit ) Study : Up To 15 Phones Are Left On During Every Flight Study : In - flight cell calls pose risk to planes ' Hello ? I 'm on the plane ' : Ryanair passengers will be able to use mobiles on board -- at a price 47 CFR § 22.925 : Prohibition on airborne operation of cellular telephones External links ( edit ) 14 CFR § 91.21 : The FAA rules regarding portable electronic devices Advisory Circular 91.21 - 1A : Use of portable electronic devices Cell Phones Interfere with Plane Instruments : BUSTED , summary of an episode of MythBusters Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Aviation risks Mobile telecommunications Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from June 2017 Articles with permanently dead external links Articles with limited geographic scope from March 2014 USA - centric All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April 2017 Articles with unsourced statements from January 2013 Articles to be expanded from January 2015 All articles to be expanded Articles using small message boxes Talk Article Talk More Contents About Wikipedia 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 25 August 2017 , at 19 : 22 . 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1. Mobile phones on aircraft regulations 2. Electromagnetic interference on aircraft systems 3. Social resistance to mobile phone use on flights 4. In-flight technology for mobile phone use 5. Future technologies for mobile phone use on aircraft
where is corn mostly grown in the u.s
Corn production in the United States - wikipedia Corn production in the United States Jump to : navigation , search Left : Worldwide corn production chart ; Right : Iowa corn ( 2011 ) . The production of corn ( Zea mays mays , also known as ' maize ' ) plays a major role in the economy of the United States . The country is the largest producer of corn in the world , with 96,000,000 acres ( 39,000,000 ha ) of land reserved for corn production . Corn growth is dominated by west / north central Iowa and east central Illinois . Approximately 13 % of its annual yield is exported . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Production 3 Ethanol 4 Agriculture 5 Subsidies 6 Value 7 By state 8 References History ( edit ) Left : Male and female flowers of maize ; Right : Select corn production chart for 2010 , U.S. Department of Agriculture Corn spread across North America a few thousand years ago . The original corn plant known as teosinte is still grown in Mexico . Newer varieties are much larger , due to efforts of Native Americans and scientific research . It is now the third leading grain crop in the world . By the time scientific assessment of conduciveness to grow corn in the United States was undertaken by Meriwether Lewis in 1804 , the immigrant settlers had already spread its growth in many parts of the country due to its suitability in varying climatic and soil conditions . Once the suitability of land in the central part of the country , the Midwestern United States , was scientifically established as fertile and rich by Lewis and Clark , settlers moved to the area in large numbers and started growing large corn crops , reaping large benefits . Over the centuries , the crop varieties underwent changes to get better yields while farming methods were improved . As a result , the fertile belt soon came to be known as `` the Corn Belt '' . Hybrid cropping techniques were widely practiced from the late 1880s , and the hybrid varieties developed with cross and re-cross breeding techniques developed by university research . This ushered a new age of agriculture . The 1 % area devoted to hybrid varieties in 1934 rose to 78 % in the 1940s and continued to rise thereafter . In the 1950s , Henry A. Wallace , former Vice President and former Secretary of Agriculture , and an early developer of hybrid seeds , observed that `` the Corn Belt had developed into the most productive agricultural civilization the world has ever seen . '' This trend has continued and now the corn production level in American farms is a significant 20 % higher per acre than in the rest of the world . As the growth of corn has spread to extensive production in 14 states ( though it is grown to a lesser extent in all the other US states ) , a coalition of farmers associations in all these states has been established . This association is known as the Corn Farmers Coalition , which is a union of the National Corn Growers Association and 14 state corn associations ( including Iowa Corn ) . Production ( edit ) A 1918 US poster promoting corn . The total production of corn in the US for the year 2013 - 14 is reported to be 13.016 billion bushels of which the major use is for manufacture of ethanol and its co-product ( Distillers ' Dried Grains with Solubles ) accounting for 37 % ( 27 % + 10 % ) or 4,845 million bushels ( 3,552 + 1,293 ) . The other uses are given in the table . <Th_colspan="4"> Uses of Corn / Maize <Th_colspan="2"> Type Amount ( Million Bushels ) Percentage <Td_colspan="2"> Ethanol 3552 27 <Td_colspan="2"> DDGS 1293 10 <Td_colspan="2"> Livestock Feed 4345 33 Dairy 823 6 Beef cattle 1213 9 Hogs 1004 8 Poultry 1205 9 Other animals 100 <Td_colspan="2"> Exports 1450 11 <Td_colspan="2"> Other processing * 1420 11 <Td_colspan="2"> Residual Use 1055 8 <Td_colspan="2"> Total 13016 100 <Td_colspan="5"> Million Bushels & Percentage . ' Other processing ' includes the production of High Fructose Corn Syrup , sweeteners , starch , beverage alcohol , and cereals . Sweetcorn , yellow , raw ( seeds only ) <Th_colspan="2"> Nutritional value per 100 g ( 3.5 oz ) Energy 360 kJ ( 86 kcal ) <Td_colspan="2"> Carbohydrates 18.7 g Starch 5.7 g Sugars 6.26 g Dietary fiber 2 g <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> Fat 1.35 g <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> Protein 3.27 g Tryptophan 0.023 g Threonine 0.129 g Isoleucine 0.129 g Leucine 0.348 g Lysine 0.137 g Methionine 0.067 g Cystine 0.026 g Phenylalanine 0.150 g Tyrosine 0.123 g Valine 0.185 g Arginine 0.131 g Histidine 0.089 g Alanine 0.295 g Aspartic acid 00.244 g Glutamic acid 00.636 g Glycine 0.127 g Proline 00.292 g Serine 00.153 g <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Vitamins Vitamin A equiv . lutein zeaxanthin ( 1 % ) 9 μg 644 μg Thiamine ( B1 ) ( 13 % ) 0.155 mg Riboflavin ( B2 ) ( 5 % ) 0.055 mg Niacin ( B3 ) ( 12 % ) 1.77 mg Pantothenic acid ( B5 ) ( 14 % ) 0.717 mg Vitamin B6 ( 7 % ) 0.093 mg Folate ( B9 ) ( 11 % ) 42 μg Vitamin C ( 8 % ) 6.8 mg <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Minerals Iron ( 4 % ) 0.52 mg Magnesium ( 10 % ) 37 mg Manganese ( 8 % ) 0.163 mg Phosphorus ( 13 % ) 89 mg Potassium ( 6 % ) 270 mg Zinc ( 5 % ) 0.46 mg <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Other constituents Water 75.96 g <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> Link to USDA Database entry One ear of medium size ( 6 - 3 / 4 '' to 7 - 1 / 2 '' long ) maize has 90 grams of seeds <Td_colspan="2"> Units μg = micrograms mg = milligrams IU = International units <Td_colspan="2"> Percentages are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults . Source : USDA Nutrient Database The final estimate of corn production for the years 1950 to 1959 in the United States is given as some three billion bushels and in recent years , some nine billion bushels are produced each year . Corn growth is dominated by west north central Iowa and east central Illinois . In 2011 , the national average production was 147 bushels per acre , and reported to be 20 bushels per acre more than the yield in 2002 . Based on a national contest in 2011 when an average of 300 bushels per acre was achieved others are sure to follow suit which result in a yield of 300 bushels per acre by 2030 from the same extent land holdings under corn . Ethanol ( edit ) Main article : Corn ethanol Two methods are used to produce ethanol from corn and other plants such as sugar cane . The residual product ( DDGS ) is about 33 % of the input stream and is used as livestock feed . Ethanol is blended with gasoline to produce E10 and E85 fuels for automobile vehicles . Its manufacture has created 400,000 jobs in the US and its environmental friendliness is recorded in the form of reduced gas emissions of 25.3 million metric tons . One bushel of corn can produce 2.8 gallons of ethanol , 17.5 lbs of livestock feed and 18 lbs of carbon dioxide . Some of this article 's listed sources may not be reliable . Please help this article by looking for better , more reliable sources . Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted . ( September 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) It is also reported that every acre of corn ultimately results in reducing 8 tonnes ( 7.9 long tons ; 8.8 short tons ) of greenhouse gas emission . On account of great demand for ethanol corn is fetching higher prices . This has resulted in farmers increasing acreage under corn by adopting crop rotations between corn and soybeans ; the latter crop 's production has thus declined . Further more acreage under corn has also been allowed to be increased under the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 overriding the act of 1983 , which had been fixed at 60,200,000 hectares ( 149,000,000 acres ) . Agriculture ( edit ) There are 80,000,000 acres ( 32,000,000 ha ) of land dedicated exclusively to corn cultivation in the United States . The United States is the world 's leading producer of corn , having produced 333,010,910 tonnes ( 327,751,510 long tons ; 367,081,690 short tons ) of the crop in the year 2009 . Out of 316,000 corn farms about 300,000 farms ( 95 % of them ) are owned by families . More than 30 % of corn farms are operated by women . Highest yield of over 12 billion bushels have been recorded up to 2011 with 12.4 billion bushels reported in 2011 with yields of more than 140 bushels per acre . A milestone in production in the US is that the farmers take out 20 % more corn per acre than in any other part of the world . Farming practice is based on irrigation only in about 11 % area while the balance area is under un-irrigated conditions . The farm practices have also resulted in implementing conservation measures which have reduced soil erosion to the extent of 44 % . Subsidies ( edit ) From a Congressional Budget Office reports , 2005 ( 2006 is lower , but similar proportions ) See also US Agricultural subsidies Corn in the United States has been subsidized since the 1930s , when a drop in demand from post-war Europe caused a food glut and prices crashed . In the 1980s , subsidies increased substantially . US subsidies for corn have averaged 4.7 billion dollars per year over the twenty years from 1995 - 2014 inclusive. 2014 projections were that the US would spend $97.29 billion / year on farm and food programs over the next decade . In 2014 , the `` direct payments '' portion of subsidies was abolished , and subsidies were mostly replaced with two programs . Farmers may pick Price Loss Coverage ( a guarantee that the farmer will get a certain price for their crop ) and Agricultural Risk Coverage ( which guarantees a certain amount of revenue ) . The subsidies have been criticized for : high and unpredictable expense to taxpayers disincentivizing crop diversification and planning for extreme weather harming public health ; supporting meat and processed food by subsidizing durable staples ( mostly corn and soy ) rather than fruit and vegetables ( `` specialty crops '' ) destroying the livelihoods of small farmers in the developing world by dumping ( by Oxfam , the World Bank and the International Food Policy Research Institute among others ) Value ( edit ) US $267 is spent by the average American annually on purchasing corn . In 2015 , one bushel of corn costs $3.50 . The value of individual corn farms varies from location to location , depending on the amount of bushels produced and the quality of corn . Other factors such as the weather or economic crises may cause corn prices to fluctuate or to rise . The value of corn is increasing , due to the country 's greater demand and reliance for corn . By state ( edit ) Further information : Corn Belt Iowa corn picker ( 2011 ) Corn dogs at the Olmsted County Fair , Minnesota ( 2006 ) Iowa Iowa , the largest producer of corn in the US , grows three times as much corn as Mexico . Iowa harvested 3,548 acres ( 1,436 ha ) of sweet corn in 2007 . In 2011 , the state had 92,300 corn farms on 30,700,000 acres ( 12,400,000 ha ) , the average size being 333 acres ( 135 ha ) , and the average dollar value per acre being US $6,708 . In the same year , there were 13.7 million harvested acres of corn for grain , producing 2.36 billion bushels , which yielded 172.0 bu / acre , with US $14.5 billion of corn value of production . Almost 1.88 billion bushels of corn were grown in the state in 2012 on 13.7 million acres of land , while the 2013 projections are 2.45 billion bushels of corn on 13.97 million acres of land . Nebraska Nebraska is known as the `` Cornhusker State '' -- and is the third largest corn - producing state in the United States . Minnesota Corn is Minnesota 's largest crop . In 1922 - 31 , production averaged 30.4 bushels per acre ; in 1947 - 56 , it average 46.6 bushels per acre ; in 1973 , it averaged 91.4 bushels per acre ; and in 1994 , the average was 142 bushels per acre . In 1935 - 46 , a shift to hybrid varieties occurred . In 2010 , the state produced 1.29 billion bushels . In 2012 , Minnesota 's farmers produced the largest corn crop in the state 's history , at 1.37 billion bushels harvested , equaling 165 bushels per acre , on 250,000 acres . Illinois Corn fields near Royal , Illinois . The first corn varieties grown in Illinois were those obtained from local Indians or varieties brought to Illinois from the New England states . After the Civil War , varieties were developed which were adapted to the state 's soils and climate , such as Reid 's Yellow Dent . During the period of 1900 - 05 , there were 10,500,000 acres planted , with a decline to 8,862,000 acres in 1925 - 30 . In 2012 , Illinois sowed 12.8 million acres of corn in 2012 , ranking fourth in corn production , behind Iowa , Minnesota , and Nebraska . The state averaged 105 bushels per acre in 2012 , down from 157 - bushel per acre in 2010 and 2011 . Alaska Although the state of Alaska has a cold temperate , some Alaskan farmers still manage to grow corn , through means such as greenhouse farming . Corn is popular among Alaskans . Indiana Corn is a popular crop in the state of Indiana ; it is mostly grown as animal feed . Indiana is located in the United States ' Corn Belt . Texas The state of Texas is a great producer of corn ; the final estimate of corn produced in 2010 was some 301 million bushels on 2,300,000 acres ( 930,000 ha ) of land , totaling to $1.2 billion of crop . Alabama Corn was introduced to Alabama in around the eighteenth century ; there have been traces of corn found in Nuyuka 's Upper Creek village which dates back to the period . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : Smith , C. Wayne ( 2004 ) . Corn : Origin , History , Technology , and Production . John Wiley & Sons . pp. 134 -- . ISBN 9780471411840 . Jump up ^ `` FAQ '' . Iowa Corn organization . Retrieved 3 June 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Family corn farmers : American ingenuity '' ( pdf ) . Corn Farmers Coalition Organization . Retrieved 3 June 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Corn Farmers Coalition : Fact Book '' . Corn Farmers Coalition Organization . Retrieved 3 June 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Production and Use '' . Iowa Corn organization . Retrieved 6 March 2014 . Jump up ^ Elliott , Foster Floyd ( 1933 ) . Fifteenth census of the United States . Census of agriculture . Types of farming in the United States . United States Government Printing Office . pp. 47 -- . Jump up ^ `` Fuel your future Ethanol Activity Book '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 3 June 2013 \ publisher = Renewable Fuels Association . Check date values in : access - date = ( help ) Jump up ^ `` Corn , background '' . USDA Economic Research Service . Retrieved 3 June 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Corn Production by Country in 1000 MT '' . Index Mundi . Retrieved June 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , Statistics Division ( 2009 ) . `` Maize , rice and wheat : area harvested , production quantity , yield '' . Jump up ^ `` Corn Farmers Coalition '' . Iowa Corn organization . Retrieved 3 June 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Down - to - earth people '' ( pdf ) . Corn Farmers Coalition Organization . Retrieved 3 June 2013 . Jump up ^ `` A story of technology and innovation '' ( pdf ) . Corn Farmers Coalition Organization . Retrieved 3 June 2013 . ^ Jump up to : ^ Jump up to : ^ Jump up to : Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Wile , Rob ( July 18 , 2012 ) . `` 11 Wild Facts About Corn In America '' . Business Insider . Jump up ^ . Missing or empty title = ( help ) Jump up ^ Foreman , Linda F. `` Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Corn Farms '' ( PDF ) . United States Department of Agriculture . Retrieved June 4 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` GRAINS : Soggy U.S. weather propels corn and soybean prices '' . Reuters . May 28 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Meyer , Gregory ( May 21 , 2013 ) . `` Corn prices tumble amid intense planting '' . The Financial Times . ( subscription required ) ^ Jump up to : Giola , Vincent ( May 5 , 2008 ) . `` The Importance of the Corn Economy '' . The National Ledger . Jump up ^ `` Iowa Agriculture Quick Facts 2011 '' . Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship . Archived from the original on 18 June 2015 . Retrieved 5 June 2013 . Jump up ^ `` FAQ '' . Iowa Corn . Retrieved 5 June 2013 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Lass , William E. ( 1 August 2000 ) . Minnesota : A History . WW Norton & Company Incorporated . pp. 234 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 393 - 31971 - 2 . Jump up ^ Karnowski , Steve ( October 11 , 2012 ) . `` Minnesota projected to harvest record corn crop '' . Business Week . Retrieved 5 June 2013 . Jump up ^ Webb , Tom ( January 11 , 2013 ) . `` Minnesota sees record corn , sugar beet production in 2012 '' . Pioneer Press . Retrieved 5 June 2013 . Jump up ^ Federal Writers ' Project . Illinois ( 1939 ) . Illinois : A Descriptive and Historical Guide . North American Book Dist LLC . pp. 73 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 403 - 01292 - 3 . Jump up ^ `` Illinois drops to No. 4 in corn production '' . Daily Herald . January 11 , 2013 . Retrieved 5 June 2013 . Jump up ^ Caldwell , Suzanna ( August 21 , 2012 ) . `` Rare , successful Alaska corn harvest gives Fairbanks farmers hope '' . Alaska Dispatch . Jump up ^ `` Mycotoxins in Indiana corn will concern pig producers '' . Pig Progress . December 14 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` USDA Crop Profiles '' . United States Department of Agriculture . Archived from the original on February 23 , 2007 . Retrieved 2006 - 11 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` Texas Corn Production '' . Texas Corn Producers . Retrieved June 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Blake , Leonard ( 2001 ) . Plants from the Past : Works Of Leonard W. Blake & Hugh C. Cutler . University of Alabama Press . pp. 88 -- . ISBN 9780817310875 . <Th_colspan="3"> ( hide ) Agriculture in the United States History History African - American history Industries Almond Apple Banana Blueberry Cherry Christmas tree Citrus Corn Cotton Maple syrup Onion Pepper Rice Spinach Strawberry Tea Tomato Wheat Wine State - specific Idaho New York State - specific by type Aquaculture in Alaska Aquaculture in Hawaii Aquaculture in Maine Coffee in Hawaii Garlic in California Pistachios in California Walnuts in California Law and politics Agricultural policy Packers and Stockyards Act Capper - Volstead Act Grain Futures Act 1929 Agricultural Marketing Act 1938 Agricultural Adjustment Act National School Lunch Act of 1946 Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 1956 Soil Bank Act Food and Agricultural Act of 1962 1964 Food Stamp Act Food Security Act of 1985 Food , Agriculture , Conservation , and Trade Act of 1990 1990 Wetlands Reserve Program Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000 2002 Grassland Reserve Program Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Agricultural production in the United States Maize production Hidden categories : CS1 errors : dates Pages with citations lacking titles Pages with citations having bare URLs Pages containing links to subscription - only content Articles lacking reliable references from September 2014 All articles lacking reliable references All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April 2014 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 23 December 2017 , at 19 : 31 . About Wikipedia
1. Corn production in the United States 2. Role of corn in the US economy 3. Ethanol production from corn 4. Corn farming practices and subsidies 5. Corn production by state
who were the founding fathers of united states
Founding Fathers of the United States - wikipedia Founding Fathers of the United States Declaration of Independence , a painting by John Trumbull depicting the Committee of Five presenting their draft to the Congress on June 28 , 1776 Signature page of the Treaty of Paris of 1783 that was negotiated on behalf of the Patriots by John Adams , Benjamin Franklin and John Jay The Founding Fathers of the United States led the American Revolution against the Kingdom of Great Britain . Most were descendants of colonists settled in the Thirteen Colonies in North America . George Washington is chief among them , being the Father of the Homeland ( Pater Patriae ) . Historian Richard B. Morris in 1973 identified the following seven figures as the key Founding Fathers : John Adams , Benjamin Franklin , Alexander Hamilton , John Jay , Thomas Jefferson , James Madison , and George Washington . Adams , Jefferson , and Franklin were members of the Committee of Five that drafted the Declaration of Independence . Hamilton , Madison , and Jay were authors of The Federalist Papers , advocating ratification of the Constitution . The constitutions drafted by Jay and Adams for their respective states of New York ( 1777 ) and Massachusetts ( 1780 ) were heavily relied upon when creating language for the U.S. Constitution . Jay , Adams and Franklin negotiated the Treaty of Paris ( 1783 ) that would end the American Revolutionary War . Washington was Commander - in - Chief of the Continental Army and was President of the Constitutional Convention . All held additional important roles in the early government of the United States , with Washington , Adams , Jefferson , and Madison serving as President . Jay was the nation 's first Chief Justice , Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury , and Franklin was America 's most senior diplomat , and later the governmental leader of Pennsylvania . The term Founding Fathers is sometimes used to refer to the Signers of the embossed version of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 . Signers should not be confused with the term Framers ; the Framers are defined by the National Archives as those 55 individuals who were appointed to be delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention and took part in drafting the proposed Constitution of the United States . Of the 55 Framers , only 39 were signers of the Constitution . Two further groupings of Founding Fathers include : 1 ) those who signed the Continental Association , a trade ban and one of the colonists ' first collective volleys protesting British control and the Intolerable Acts in 1774 or 2 ) those who signed the Articles of Confederation , the first U.S. constitutional document . The phrase `` Founding Fathers '' is a twentieth - century appellation , coined by Warren G. Harding in 1916 . Prior to , and during the 19th century , they were referred to as simply the `` Fathers '' . The term has been used to describe the founders and first settlers of the original royal colonies . Contents 1 Background 2 Interesting facts and commonalities 2.1 Education 2.1. 1 Colonial colleges attended 2.1. 2 Advanced degrees and apprenticeships 2.1. 2.1 Doctors of Medicine 2.1. 2.2 Theology 2.1. 2.3 Legal apprenticeships 2.1. 3 Self - taught or little formal education 2.2 Demographics 2.3 Occupations 2.4 Finances 2.5 Prior political experience 2.6 Religion 2.7 Ownership of slaves and position on slavery 2.8 Attendance at conventions 2.9 Spouses and children 2.10 Charters of freedom and historical documents of the United States 2.11 Post-constitution life 2.12 Youth and longevity 2.13 Founders who were not signatories or delegates 3 Legacy 3.1 Institutions formed by Founders 3.2 Scholarship on the Founders 3.2. 1 Historians who focus on the Founding Fathers 3.2. 2 Noted collections of the Founding Fathers 3.3 In stage and film 3.4 Children 's books 4 See also 5 Notes 6 References 7 External links Background ( edit ) The Albany Congress of 1754 was a conference attended by seven colonies , which presaged later efforts at cooperation . The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 included representatives from nine colonies . The First Continental Congress met briefly in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania in 1774 , consisting of fifty - six delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies ( excluding Georgia ) that became the United States of America . Among them was George Washington , who would soon be drawn out of military retirement to command the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War . Also in attendance was Patrick Henry , and John Adams , who like all delegates were elected by their respective colonial assemblies . Other delegates included Samuel Adams from Massachusetts , John Dickinson from Pennsylvania and New York 's John Jay . This congress in addition to formulating appeals to the British crown , established the Continental Association to administer boycott actions against Britain . When the Second Continental Congress convened on May 10 , 1775 , it essentially reconstituted the First Congress . Many of the same 56 delegates who attended the first meeting participated in the second . New arrivals included Benjamin Franklin and Robert Morris of Pennsylvania , John Hancock of Massachusetts , and John Witherspoon of New Jersey . Hancock was elected Congress President two weeks into the session when Peyton Randolph was recalled to Virginia to preside over the House of Burgesses . Thomas Jefferson replaced Randolph in the Virginia congressional delegation . The second Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence . Witherspoon was the only active clergyman to sign the Declaration . He also signed the Articles of Confederation and attended the New Jersey ( 1787 ) convention that ratified the Federal Constitution . The newly founded country of the United States had to create a new government to replace the British Parliament . The U.S. adopted the Articles of Confederation , a declaration that established a national government with a one - house legislature . Its ratification by all thirteen colonies gave the second Congress a new name : the Congress of the Confederation , which met from 1781 to 1789 . The Constitutional Convention took place during the summer of 1787 , in Philadelphia . Although the Convention was called to revise the Articles of Confederation , the intention from the outset for some including James Madison and Alexander Hamilton was to create a new frame of government rather than amending the existing one . The delegates elected George Washington to preside over the Convention . The result of the Convention was the United States Constitution and the replacement of the Continental Congress with the United States Congress . Interesting facts and commonalities ( edit ) Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States , by Howard Chandler Christy George Washington served as President of the 1787 Constitutional Convention . Benjamin Franklin , an early advocate of colonial unity , was a foundational figure in defining the U.S. ethos and exemplified the emerging nation 's ideals . Alexander Hamilton wrote the Federalist papers with Jay and Madison . John Jay was President of the Continental Congress from 1778 - 1779 and negotiated the Treaty of Paris with Adams and Franklin . James Madison , called the `` Father of the Constitution '' by his contemporaries Peyton Randolph , as President of the Continental Congress , presided over creation of the Continental Association . Richard Henry Lee , who introduced the Lee Resolution in the Second Continental Congress calling for the colonies ' independence from Great Britain A Committee of Five , composed of John Adams , Thomas Jefferson , Benjamin Franklin , Roger Sherman , and Robert Livingston , drafted and presented to the Continental Congress what became known as the U.S. Declaration of Independence of July 4 , 1776 . John Hancock , President of the Continental Congress , renowned for his large and stylish signature on the United States Declaration of Independence John Dickinson authored the first draft of the Articles of Confederation in 1776 while serving in the Continental Congress as a delegate from Pennsylvania , and signed them late the following year , after being elected to Congress as a delegate from Delaware . Henry Laurens was President of the Continental Congress when the Articles were passed on November 15 , 1777 . Roger Sherman , the only person who signed all four U.S. historical documents The Founding Fathers represented a cross-section of 18th - century U.S. leadership . Almost all of them were well - educated men of means who were leaders in their communities . Many were also prominent in national affairs . Virtually every one had taken part in the American Revolution ; at least 29 had served in the Continental Army , most of them in positions of command . Scholars have examined the collective biography of them as well as the signers of the Declaration and the Constitution . Education ( edit ) Many of the Founding Fathers attended or held degrees from the colonial colleges , most notably Columbia known at the time as `` King 's College '' , Princeton originally known as `` The College of New Jersey '' , Harvard College , the College of William and Mary , Yale College and University of Pennsylvania . Some had previously been home schooled or obtained early instruction from private tutors or academies . Others had studied abroad . Ironically , Benjamin Franklin who had little formal education himself would ultimately establish the College of Philadelphia based on European models ( 1740 ) ; `` Penn '' would have the first medical school ( 1765 ) in the thirteen colonies where another Founder , Benjamin Rush would eventually teach . With a limited number of professional schools established in the U.S. , Founders also sought advanced degrees from traditional institutions in England and Scotland such as the University of Edinburgh , the University of St. Andrews , and the University of Glasgow . Colonial colleges attended ( edit ) College of William and Mary : Thomas Jefferson Harvard College : John Adams , Samuel Adams , John Hancock and William Williams King 's College ( now Columbia ) : John Jay , Alexander Hamilton , Gouverneur Morris , Robert R. Livingston and Egbert Benson . College of New Jersey ( now Princeton ) : James Madison , Gunning Bedford Jr. , Aaron Burr , Benjamin Rush and William Paterson College of Philadelphia later merged into the University of Pennsylvania : Hugh Williamson Yale College : Oliver Wolcott James Wilson attended the University of St. Andrews , the University of Glasgow , and the University of Edinburgh though he never received a degree . Advanced degrees and apprenticeships ( edit ) Doctors of Medicine ( edit ) University of Edinburgh : Rush University of Utrecht , Netherlands : Williamson Theology ( edit ) University of Edinburgh : Witherspoon ( attended , no degree ) University of St. Andrews : Witherspoon ( honorary doctorate ) Legal apprenticeships ( edit ) Several like John Jay , James Wilson , John Williams and George Wythe were trained as lawyers through apprenticeships in the colonies while a few trained at the Inns of Court in London . Self - taught or little formal education ( edit ) Franklin , Washington , John Williams and Henry Wisner had little formal education and were largely self - taught or learned through apprenticeship . Demographics ( edit ) Some of the Founding Fathers were natives of the Thirteen Colonies . Massachusetts : Adams , Franklin New York : Jay Pennsylvania : Morris Virginia : Washington , Jefferson , Madison At least nine were born outside of the Thirteen Colonies England : Robert Morris Ireland : Butler , Fitzsimons , McHenry , and Paterson West Indies : Hamilton Scotland : Wilson and Witherspoon Many of them had moved from one state to another . Eighteen had already lived , studied or worked in more than one state or colony : Baldwin , Bassett , Bedford , Davie , Dickinson , Few , Franklin , Ingersoll , Hamilton , Livingston , Alexander Martin , Luther Martin , Mercer , Gouverneur Morris , Robert Morris , Read , Sherman , and Williamson . Several others had studied or traveled abroad . Occupations ( edit ) The Founding Fathers practiced a wide range of high and middle - status occupations , and many pursued more than one career simultaneously . They did not differ dramatically from the Loyalists , except they were generally younger and less senior in their professions . As many as thirty - five including Adams , Hamilton and Jay were trained as lawyers though not all of them practiced law . Some had also been local judges . Washington trained as a land surveyor before he became commander of a small militia At the time of the convention , 13 men were merchants : Blount , Broom , Clymer , Dayton , Fitzsimons , Shields , Gilman , Gorham , Langdon , Robert Morris , Pierce , Sherman , and Wilson . Broom and Few were small farmers . Three had retired from active economic endeavors : Franklin , McHenry , and Mifflin . Franklin and Williamson were scientists , in addition to their other activities . McClurg , McHenry , Rush , and Williamson were physicians Johnson and Witherspoon were college presidents . Finances ( edit ) Historian Caroline Robbins in 1977 examined the status of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence and concluded : There were indeed disparities of wealth , earned or inherited : some Signers were rich , others had about enough to enable them to attend Congress ... The majority of revolutionaries were from moderately well - to - do or average income brackets . Twice as many Loyalists belonged to the wealthiest echelon . But some Signers were rich ; few , indigent ... The Signers were elected not for wealth or rank so much as because of the evidence they had already evinced of willingness for public service . A few of them were wealthy or had financial resources that ranged from good to excellent , but there are other founders who were less than wealthy . On the whole they were less wealthy than the Loyalists . Seven were major land speculators : Blount , Dayton , Fitzsimmons , Gorham , Robert Morris , Washington , and Wilson . Eleven speculated in securities on a large scale : Bedford , Blair , Clymer , Dayton , Fitzsimons , Franklin , King , Langdon , Robert Morris , Charles Cotesworth Pinckney , and Sherman . Many derived income from plantations or large farms which they owned or managed , which relied upon the labor of enslaved men and women particularly in the southern colonies : Bassett , Blair , Blount , Davie , Johnson , Butler , Carroll , Jefferson , Jenifer , Madison , Mason , Charles Pinckney , Charles Cotesworth Pinckney , Rutledge , Spaight , and Washington . Eight of the men received a substantial part of their income from public office : Baldwin , Blair , Brearly , Gilman , Livingston , Madison , and Rutledge . Prior political experience ( edit ) Several of the Founding Fathers had extensive national , state , local and foreign political experience prior to the adoption of the Constitution in 1787 . Some had been diplomats . Several had been members of the Continental Congress or elected President of that body . Benjamin Franklin began his political career as a city councilman and then Justice of the Peace in Philadelphia . He was next elected to the Pennsylvania Assembly and was sent by them to London as a colonial agent which helped hone his diplomatic skills . Jefferson , Adams , Jay and Franklin all acquired significant political experience as ministers to countries in Europe . John Adams and John Jay drafted the Constitutions of their respective states , Massachusetts and New York , and successfully navigated them through to adoption . Jay , Thomas Mifflin and Nathaniel Gorham had served as President of the Continental Congress . Gouverneur Morris had been a member of the New York Provincial Congress . John Dickinson , Franklin , Langdon , and Rutledge had been governors or presidents of their states . Robert Morris had been a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly and President of Pennsylvania 's Committee of Safety ( American Revolution ) . He was also a member of the Committee of Secret Correspondence . Roger Sherman had served in the Connecticut House of Representatives . Elbridge Gerry was a member of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress . Carroll served in the Maryland Senate . Wythe 's first exposure to politics was as a member of Virginia 's House of Burgesses . Read 's entry into the political arena was as a commissioner of the town of Charlestown , Maryland . Clymer was a member of the Philadelphia Committee of Safety and the Continental Congress . Wilson 's time as a member of the Continental Congress in 1776 was his introduction to colonial politics . Nearly all of the 55 Constitutional Convention delegates had some experience in colonial and state government , and the majority had held county and local offices . Those who lacked national congressional experience were Bassett , Blair , Brearly , Broom , Davie , Dayton , Alexander Martin , Luther Martin , Mason , McClurg , Paterson , Charles Pinckney , Strong , and Yates . Religion ( edit ) Franklin T. Lambert ( 2003 ) has examined the religious affiliations and beliefs of some of the Founders . Of the 55 delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention , 28 were Anglicans ( in the Church of England ; or Episcopalian , after the American Revolutionary War was won ) , 21 were Protestants , and two were Roman Catholics ( D. Carroll , and Fitzsimons ) . Among the Protestant delegates to the Constitutional Convention , eight were Presbyterians , seven were Congregationalists , two were Lutherans , two were Dutch Reformed , and two were Methodists . A few prominent Founding Fathers were anti-clerical Christians such as Thomas Jefferson , who constructed the Jefferson Bible , and Benjamin Franklin . Historian Gregg L. Frazer argues that the leading Founders ( Adams , Jefferson , Franklin , Wilson , Morris , Madison , Hamilton , and Washington ) were neither Christians nor Deists , but rather supporters of a hybrid `` theistic rationalism '' . Many Founders deliberately avoided public discussion of their faith . Historian David L. Holmes uses evidence gleaned from letters , government documents , and second - hand accounts to identify their religious beliefs . Ownership of slaves and position on slavery ( edit ) Portrait of George Washington and his valet slave William Lee See also : George Washington and slavery and Thomas Jefferson and slavery The founding fathers were not unified on the issue of slavery . In her study of Thomas Jefferson , historian Annette Gordon - Reed discusses this topic , `` Others of the founders held slaves , but no other founder drafted the charter for freedom , '' In addition to Jefferson , George Washington , John Jay and many other of the Founding Fathers practiced slavery but were also conflicted by the institution which many saw as immoral and politically divisive . Franklin , though he was a key founder of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society originally owned slaves whom he later manumitted . John Jay would try unsuccessfully to abolish slavery as early as 1777 in the State of New York . He nonetheless founded the New York Manumission Society in 1785 , for which Hamilton became an officer . They and other members of the Society founded the African Free School in New York City , to educate the children of free blacks and slaves . It was not until Jay was governor of New York in 1798 , that he signed into law a gradual abolition law ; fully ending slavery as of 1827 . He freed his own slaves in 1798 . Alexander Hamilton opposed slavery , as his experiences in life left him very familiar with slavery and its effect on slaves and on slaveholders , although he did negotiate slave transactions for his wife 's family , the Schuylers . John Adams , Samuel Adams , and Thomas Paine never owned slaves . Slaves and slavery are mentioned only indirectly in the 1787 Constitution . For example , Article 1 , Section 2 , Clause 3 prescribes that `` three fifths of all other Persons '' are to be counted for the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives and direct taxes . Additionally , in Article 4 , Section 2 , Clause 3 , slaves are referred to as `` persons held in service or labor '' . The Founding Fathers , however , did make important efforts to contain slavery . Many Northern states had adopted legislation to end or significantly reduce slavery during and after the American Revolution . In 1782 Virginia passed a manumission law that allowed slave owners to free their slaves by will or deed . As a result , thousands of slaves were manumitted in Virginia . Thomas Jefferson , in 1784 , proposed to ban slavery in all the Western Territories , which failed to pass Congress by one vote . Partially following Jefferson 's plan , Congress did ban slavery in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 , for lands north of the Ohio River . The international slave trade was banned in all states except South Carolina , by 1800 . Finally in 1807 , President Jefferson called for and signed into law a Federally - enforced ban on the international slave trade throughout the U.S. and its territories . It became a federal crime to import or export a slave . However , the domestic slave trade was allowed , for expansion , or for diffusion of slavery into the Louisiana Territory . Attendance at conventions ( edit ) In the winter and spring of 1786 -- 1787 , twelve of the thirteen states chose a total of 74 delegates to attend the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia . Nineteen delegates chose not to accept election or attend the debates ; for example , Patrick Henry of Virginia thought that state politics were far more interesting and important than national politics , though during the ratification controversy of 1787 -- 1788 he claimed , `` I smelled a rat . '' Rhode Island did not send delegates because of its politicians ' suspicions of the Convention delegates ' motivations . As the colony was founded by Roger Williams as a sanctuary for Baptists , Rhode Island 's absence at the Convention in part explains the absence of Baptist affiliation among those who did attend . Of the 55 who did attend at some point , no more than 38 delegates showed up at one time . Spouses and children ( edit ) Only four ( Baldwin , Gilman , Jenifer , and Alexander Martin ) were lifelong bachelors . Many of their spouses , like Eliza Schuyler Hamilton , Martha Washington , Abigail Adams , Sarah Livingston Jay , Dolley Madison , Mary White Morris and Catherine Alexander Duer were strong women who made significant contributions of their own to the fight for liberty . Sherman fathered the largest family : 15 children by two wives . At least nine ( Bassett , Brearly , Johnson , Mason , Paterson , Charles Cotesworth Pinckney , Sherman , Wilson , and Wythe ) married more than once . George Washington , `` The Father of our Country , '' had no biological descendants . Charters of Freedom and Historical documents of the United States ( edit ) The National Archives and Records Administration also known as NARA , defines U.S. Founding Documents , or Charters of Freedom , as the Declaration of Independence ( 1776 ) , The Constitution ( 1787 ) and the Bill of Rights ( 1791 ) . These original instruments which represent the philosophy of the United States are housed in Washington , D.C. in the NARA Rotunda . The Library of Congress further identifies the Articles of Confederation , also preserved at NARA , as a primary U.S. document . The Articles of Confederation served as the first constitution of the United States until its replacement by the present Constitution on March 4 , 1789 . Signatories of the Continental Association ( CA ) , Declaration of Independence ( DI ) , Articles of Confederation ( AC ) , and the United States Constitution ( USC ) ) : Name Province / state CA ( 1774 ) DI ( 1776 ) AC ( 1777 ) USC ( 1787 ) Andrew Adams Connecticut Yes John Adams Massachusetts Yes Yes Samuel Adams Massachusetts Yes Yes Yes Thomas Adams Virginia Yes John Alsop New York Yes Abraham Baldwin Georgia Yes John Banister Virginia Yes Josiah Bartlett New Hampshire Yes Yes Richard Bassett Delaware Yes Gunning Bedford Jr . Delaware Yes Edward Biddle Pennsylvania Yes John Blair Virginia Yes Richard Bland Virginia Yes William Blount North Carolina Yes Simon Boerum New York Yes Carter Braxton Virginia Yes David Brearley New Jersey Yes Jacob Broom Delaware Yes Pierce Butler South Carolina Yes Charles Carroll of Carrollton Maryland Yes Daniel Carroll Maryland Yes Yes Richard Caswell North Carolina Yes Samuel Chase Maryland Yes Yes Abraham Clark New Jersey Yes William Clingan Pennsylvania Yes George Clymer Pennsylvania Yes Yes John Collins Rhode Island Yes Stephen Crane New Jersey Yes Thomas Cushing Massachusetts Yes Francis Dana Massachusetts Yes Jonathan Dayton New Jersey Yes Silas Deane Connecticut Yes John De Hart New Jersey Yes John Dickinson Delaware Yes Yes Pennsylvania Yes William Henry Drayton South Carolina Yes James Duane New York Yes Yes William Duer New York Yes Eliphalet Dyer Connecticut Yes William Ellery Rhode Island Yes Yes William Few Georgia Yes Thomas Fitzsimons Pennsylvania Yes William Floyd New York Yes Yes Nathaniel Folsom New Hampshire Yes Benjamin Franklin Pennsylvania Yes Yes Christopher Gadsden South Carolina Yes Joseph Galloway Pennsylvania Yes Elbridge Gerry Massachusetts Yes Yes Nicholas Gilman New Hampshire Yes Nathaniel Gorham Massachusetts Yes Button Gwinnett Georgia Yes Lyman Hall Georgia Yes Alexander Hamilton New York Yes John Hancock Massachusetts Yes Yes John Hanson Maryland Yes Cornelius Harnett North Carolina Yes Benjamin Harrison Virginia Yes Yes John Hart New Jersey Yes John Harvie Virginia Yes Patrick Henry Virginia Yes Joseph Hewes North Carolina Yes Yes Thomas Heyward Jr . South Carolina Yes Yes Samuel Holten Massachusetts Yes William Hooper North Carolina Yes Yes Stephen Hopkins Rhode Island Yes Yes Francis Hopkinson New Jersey Yes Titus Hosmer Connecticut Yes Charles Humphreys Pennsylvania Yes Samuel Huntington Connecticut Yes Yes Richard Hutson South Carolina Yes Jared Ingersoll Pennsylvania Yes William Jackson South Carolina Yes John Jay New York Yes Thomas Jefferson Virginia Yes Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer Maryland Yes Thomas Johnson Maryland Yes William Samuel Johnson Connecticut Yes Rufus King Massachusetts Yes James Kinsey New Jersey Yes John Langdon New Hampshire Yes Edward Langworthy Georgia Yes Henry Laurens South Carolina Yes Francis Lightfoot Lee Virginia Yes Yes Richard Henry Lee Virginia Yes Yes Yes Francis Lewis New York Yes Yes Philip Livingston New York Yes Yes William Livingston New Jersey Yes Yes James Lovell Massachusetts Yes Isaac Low New York Yes Thomas Lynch South Carolina Yes Thomas Lynch Jr . South Carolina Yes James Madison Virginia Yes Henry Marchant Rhode Island Yes John Mathews South Carolina Yes James McHenry Maryland Yes Thomas McKean Delaware Yes Yes Yes Arthur Middleton South Carolina Yes Henry Middleton South Carolina Yes Thomas Mifflin Pennsylvania Yes Yes Gouverneur Morris New York Yes Pennsylvania Yes Lewis Morris New York Yes Robert Morris Pennsylvania Yes Yes Yes John Morton Pennsylvania Yes Yes Thomas Nelson Jr . Virginia Yes William Paca Maryland Yes Yes Robert Treat Paine Massachusetts Yes Yes William Paterson New Jersey Yes Edmund Pendleton Virginia Yes John Penn North Carolina Yes Yes Charles Pinckney South Carolina Yes Charles Cotesworth Pinckney South Carolina Yes Peyton Randolph Virginia Yes George Read Delaware Yes Yes Yes Joseph Reed Pennsylvania Yes Daniel Roberdeau Pennsylvania Yes Caesar Rodney Delaware Yes Yes George Ross Pennsylvania Yes Yes Benjamin Rush Pennsylvania Yes Edward Rutledge South Carolina Yes Yes John Rutledge South Carolina Yes Yes Nathaniel Scudder New Jersey Yes Roger Sherman Connecticut Yes Yes Yes Yes James Smith Pennsylvania Yes Jonathan Bayard Smith Pennsylvania Yes Richard Smith New Jersey Yes Richard Dobbs Spaight North Carolina Yes Richard Stockton New Jersey Yes Thomas Stone Maryland Yes John Sullivan New Hampshire Yes George Taylor Pennsylvania Yes Edward Telfair Georgia Yes Matthew Thornton New Hampshire Yes Matthew Tilghman Maryland Yes Nicholas Van Dyke Delaware Yes George Walton Georgia Yes John Walton Georgia Yes Samuel Ward Rhode Island Yes George Washington Virginia Yes Yes John Wentworth Jr . New Hampshire Yes William Whipple New Hampshire Yes John Williams North Carolina Yes William Williams Connecticut Yes Hugh Williamson North Carolina Yes James Wilson Pennsylvania Yes Yes Henry Wisner New York Yes John Witherspoon New Jersey Yes Yes Oliver Wolcott Connecticut Yes Yes George Wythe Virginia Yes Post-constitution life ( edit ) Subsequent events in the lives of the Founding Fathers after the adoption of the Constitution were characterized by success or failure , reflecting the abilities of these men as well as the vagaries of fate . Washington , Adams , Jefferson and Madison served in highest U.S. office of President . Jay would be appointed as Chief Justice of the United States and later elected to two terms as Governor of New York . Seven ( Fitzsimons , Gorham , Luther Martin , Mifflin , Robert Morris , Pierce , and Wilson ) suffered serious financial reversals that left them in or near bankruptcy . Robert Morris spent three of the last years of his life imprisoned following bad land deals . Two , Blount and Dayton , were involved in possibly treasonous activities . Yet , as they had done before the convention , most of the group continued to render public service , particularly to the new government they had helped to create . Youth and longevity ( edit ) Death age of the Founding Fathers Many of the Founding Fathers were under 40 years old at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 : James Armistead Lafayette was 15 , Marquis de Lafayette was 18 , Alexander Hamilton was 21 , Aaron Burr was 20 , Gouverneur Morris and Betsy Ross were 24 . The oldest were Benjamin Franklin , 70 , and Samuel Whittemore , 81 . Secretary Charles Thomson lived to the age of 94 . Johnson died at 92 . John Adams lived to the age of 90 . A few -- Franklin , Jay , Jefferson , Madison , Hugh Williamson , and George Wythe -- lived into their eighties . Approximately 16 died in their seventies , 21 in their sixties , 8 in their fifties , and 5 in their forties . Three ( Alexander Hamilton , Richard Dobbs Spaight and Button Gwinnett ) were killed in duels . Friends and political adversaries John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on the same day -- July 4 , 1826 . The last remaining founders , also called the `` Last of the Romans '' , lived well into the nineteenth century . Founders who were not signatories or delegates ( edit ) The following men and women are also recognized by many as having been founders of the United States , based upon their contributions to the formation of American nation and democracy . Abigail Adams , advisor , First Lady and mother of a president Ethan Allen , military and political leader in Vermont Richard Allen , African - American bishop John Bartram , botanist , horticulturist and explorer Egbert Benson , politician from New York Elias Boudinot , New Jersey delegate to Continental Congress Aaron Burr , Vice President under Jefferson George Rogers Clark , army general George Clinton , New York governor and Vice President of the U.S Tench Coxe , economist in the Continental Congress William Richardson Davie , delegate to the Constitutional Convention ( leaving before he could sign it ) , and Governor of North Carolina . Albert Gallatin , politician and Treasury Secretary Horatio Gates , army general Nathanael Greene , army general Nathan Hale , captured U.S. soldier executed in 1776 Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton , wife of Alexander Hamilton Esek Hopkins , Commander - in - Chief of the Continental Navy James Iredell , advocate for Constitution , judge John Paul Jones , navy captain Henry Knox , army general , Secretary of War Tadeusz Kościuszko , Polish army general Gilbert du Motier , Marquis de Lafayette , French army general Henry Lee III , army officer and Virginia governor Robert R. Livingston , diplomat and jurist William Maclay , Pennsylvania politician and U.S. Senator Dolley Madison , spouse of President James Madison John Marshall , fourth Chief Justice of the United States George Mason , revolutionary writer , co-father of the Bill of Rights Philip Mazzei , Italian physician , merchant and author James Monroe , fifth President of the United States Daniel Morgan , military hero and Virginia Congressman Samuel Nicholas , Commander - in - Chief of the Continental Marines James Otis Jr. , Massachusetts lawyer and politician Thomas Paine , author of Common Sense Andrew Pickens , army general and South Carolina congressman Timothy Pickering , U.S. Secretary of State from Massachusetts Israel Putnam , army general Edmund Randolph , first United States Attorney General , second Secretary of State Jean - Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur , comte de Rochambeau , French army general Haym Solomon , financier and spy for Continental Army Thomas Sumter , SC military hero and congressman Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben , Prussian officer Joseph Warren , doctor , revolutionary leader Mercy Otis Warren , political writer Anthony Wayne , army general and politician Noah Webster , writer , lexicographer , educator Thomas Willing , banker Paine Wingate , oldest survivor , Continental Congress Legacy ( edit ) Institutions formed by founders ( edit ) Several Founding Fathers were instrumental in establishing schools and societal institutions that still exist today : Franklin founded the University of Pennsylvania , while Jefferson founded the University of Virginia . Rush founded Dickinson College and Franklin College , ( today Franklin and Marshall ) as well as the College of Physicians of Philadelphia , the oldest medical society in America . Hamilton founded the New York Post , as well as the United States Coast Guard . Knox helped found the Society of the Cincinnati in 1783 ; the society was predicated on service as an officer in the Revolutionary War and heredity . Members included Washington , Hamilton and Burr . Other Founders like Sam Adams , John Adams , Franklin and Jay criticized the formation of what they considered to be an elitist body and threat to the Constitution . Franklin would later accept an honorary membership though Jay declined . Scholarship on the founders ( edit ) Articles and books by twenty - first century historians combined with the digitization of primary sources like handwritten letters continue to contribute to an encyclopedic body of knowledge about the Founding Fathers . Historians who focus on the Founding Fathers ( edit ) Ron Chernow won the Pulitzer Prize for his biography of George Washington . His bestselling book about Alexander Hamilton inspired the blockbuster musical of the same name . Joseph J. Ellis -- According to Ellis , the concept of the Founding Fathers of the U.S. emerged in the 1820s as the last survivors died out . Ellis says `` the founders '' , or `` the fathers '' , comprised an aggregate of semi-sacred figures whose particular accomplishments and singular achievements were decidedly less important than their sheer presence as a powerful but faceless symbol of past greatness . For the generation of national leaders coming of age in the 1820s and 1830s -- men like Andrew Jackson , Henry Clay , Daniel Webster , and John C. Calhoun -- `` the founders '' represented a heroic but anonymous abstraction whose long shadow fell across all followers and whose legendary accomplishments defied comparison . We can win no laurels in a war for independence , '' Webster acknowledged in 1825 . `` Earlier and worthier hands have gathered them all . Nor are there places for us ... ( as ) the founders of states . Our fathers have filled them . But there remains to us a great duty of defence and preservation . Joanne B. Freeman Freeman 's area of expertise is the life and legacy of Alexander Hamilton as well as political culture of the revolutionary and early national eras . Freeman has documented the often opposing visions of the Founding Fathers as they tried to build a new framework for governance , `` Regional distrust , personal animosity , accusation , suspicion , implication , and denouncement -- this was the tenor of national politics from the outset . '' Annette Gordon - Reed is an American historian and Harvard Law School professor . She is noted for changing scholarship on Thomas Jefferson regarding his relationship with Sally Hemings and her children . She has studied the challenges facing the Founding Fathers particularly as it relates to their position and actions on slavery . She points out `` the central dilemma at the heart of American democracy : the desire to create a society based on liberty and equality '' that yet does not extend those privileges to all . '' Jack N. Rakove -- Thomas Jefferson Peter S. Onuf -- Thomas Jefferson Noted collections of the Founding Fathers ( edit ) Adams Papers Editorial Project Founders Online -- a searchable database of over 178,000 documents authored by or addressed to George Washington , John Jay , Benjamin Franklin , John Adams ( and family ) , Thomas Jefferson , Alexander Hamilton and James Madison . The Papers of Alexander Hamilton The Selected Papers of John Jay at Columbia University The Papers of Thomas Jefferson at Princeton University The Papers of James Madison at University of Virginia The Washington Papers at University of Virginia The Franklin Papers at Yale University In stage and film ( edit ) The Founding Fathers were portrayed in the Tony Award winning musical 1776 , a stage production about the debates over , and eventual adoption of , the Declaration of Independence ; the popular performance was later turned into the 1972 film More recently , several of the Founding Fathers -- Hamilton , Washington , Jefferson , Madison , Laurens and Burr -- were reimagined in Hamilton , an acclaimed production about the life of Alexander Hamilton , with music , lyrics and book by Lin - Manuel Miranda . The show was inspired by the 2004 biography Alexander Hamilton by historian Ron Chernow . The rap musical won 11 Tony Awards . Children 's Books ( edit ) In their 2015 children 's book , The Founding Fathers author Jonah Winter and illustrator Barry Blitt categorized 14 leading patriots into two teams based on their contributions to the formation of America - the Varsity Squad ( Washington , Franklin , Jefferson , John Adams , Madison , Jay , and Hamilton ) and the Junior Varsity Squad ( Sam Adams , Hancock , Henry , Morris , Marshall , Rush , and Paine ) . See also ( edit ) United States portal List of national founders ( worldwide ) History of the United States Constitution Rights of Englishmen Patriot ( American Revolution ) Sons of Liberty Military leadership in the American Revolutionary War Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` American Revolution : Key to Declaration of Independence '' . Retrieved April 6 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Richard B. Morris , Seven Who Shaped Our Destiny : The Founding Fathers as Revolutionaries ( New York : Harper & Row , 1973 ) . Jump up ^ Kettler , Sarah . `` The Founding Fathers : Who Were They Really ? '' . Biography . Retrieved April 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` About America , The Constitution of the United States '' ( PDF ) . World Book . Retrieved September 17 , 2017 . Jump up ^ PBS NewsHour . `` Forgotten Founding Father '' . Jump up ^ `` Signers of the Declaration '' . National Park Service , U.S. Department of the Interior . Retrieved April 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ National Archives . `` Meet the Framers of the Constitution '' . Jump up ^ US Constitution Online . `` The Framers '' . Jump up ^ Carl G. Karsch . `` The First Continental Congress : A Dangerous Journey Begins '' . Carpenter 's Hall . Archived from the original on January 18 , 2012 . Retrieved April 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Stanfield , Jack . America 's Founding Fathers : Who Are They ? Thumbnail Sketches of 164 Patriots ( Universal - Publishers , 2001 ) . Jump up ^ Parham , C.P. `` From Great Wilderness to Seaway Towns : A Comparative History of Cornwall , Ontario , and Massena , New York , 1784 - 2001 '' . SUNY Press , 2012 ( chapter 1 , page 7 ) . Retrieved 20 November 2017 . The founding fathers of Cornwall and ... Jump up ^ Jill Lepore , The Whites of Their Eyes : The Tea Party 's Revolution and the Battle American History ( Princeton : Princeton University Press , 2010 ) , 16 . Jump up ^ Burnett , Continental Congress , 64 -- 67 . Jump up ^ Fowler , Baron of Beacon Hill , 189 . Jump up ^ `` Signers of the Declaration '' . National Park Service , U.S. Department of the Interior . p . Biography # 54 . Retrieved April 24 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Confederation Congress '' . Ohio Historical Society . Retrieved October 23 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Calvin C. Jillson ( 2009 ) . American Government : Political Development and Institutional Change ( 5th ed . ) . Taylor & Francis . p. 31 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 203 - 88702 - 8 . Jump up ^ See Brown ( 19764 ) ; Martin ( 19739 ) ; `` Data on the Framers of the Constitution , '' at ( 1 ) Jump up ^ Brown ( 1976 ) ; Harris ( 1969 ) Jump up ^ `` The Alma Maters of Our Founding Fathers '' . Retrieved April 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` A Brief History of Columbia '' . Columbia University . 2011 . Retrieved 2011 - 04 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` The University of Glasgow Story James Wilson '' . Retrieved March 26 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Benjamin Rush ( 1746 - 1813 ) access - date = April 9 , 2017 '' . Penn University Archives and Records Center . Jump up ^ `` George Wythe '' . Colonial Williamsburg . Retrieved April 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Greene ( 1973 ) Jump up ^ Brown ( 1976 ) Jump up ^ Caroline Robbins , `` Decision in ' 76 : Reflections on the 56 Signers '' Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society Vol. 89 ( 1977 ) , pp. 72 - 87 online quoting page 83 . Jump up ^ Greene ( 1973 ) . Jump up ^ William R. Davie , Blackwell P. Robinson . The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , 1957 . Jump up ^ Martin ( 1973 ) ; Greene ( 1973 ) ^ Jump up to : Lambert , Franklin T. ( 2003 ) . The Founding Fathers and the Place of Religion in America . Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press ( published 2006 ) . ISBN 978 - 0691126029 . Jump up ^ Letter to Alexander von Humboldt , December 6 , 1813 `` History , I believe , furnishes no example of a priest - ridden people maintaining a free civil government , '' Jump up ^ Letter to Horatio G. Spafford , March 17 , 1814 `` In every country and in every age , the priest has been hostile to liberty . He is always in alliance with the despot , abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own . '' Jump up ^ The Religion of Thomas Jefferson Archived November 23 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine . Retrieved July 9 , 2011 Jump up ^ Quoted in The New England Currant ( July 23 , 1722 ) , `` Silence Dogood , No. 9 ; Corruptio optimi est pessima . '' `` And it is a sad Observation , that when the People too late see their Error , yet the Clergy still persist in their Encomiums on the Hypocrite ; and when he happens to die for the Good of his Country , without leaving behind him the Memory of one good Action , he shall be sure to have his Funeral Sermon stuff 'd with Pious Expressions which he dropt at such a Time , and at such a Place , and on such an Occasion ; than which nothing can be more prejudicial to the Interest of Religion , nor indeed to the Memory of the Person deceas 'd . The Reason of this Blindness in the Clergy is , because they are honourably supported ( as they ought to be ) by their People , and see nor feel nothing of the Oppression which is obvious and burdensome to every one else . '' Jump up ^ Frazer , Gregg L. ( 2012 ) . The Religious Beliefs of America 's Founders : Reason , Revelation , and Revolution . University Press of Kansas . ISBN 0700620214 . Jump up ^ David L. Holmes in The Faiths of the Founding Fathers ( Oxford University Press , 2006 ) ^ Jump up to : Annette Gordon - Reed , Engaging Jefferson : Blacks and the Founding Father , The William and Mary Quarterly , Vol. 57 , No. 1 ( Jan. , 2000 ) , pp. 171 - 182 Jump up ^ `` The Founders and Slavery : John Jay Saves the Day '' . The Economist . Retrieved April 5 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Wright , William D. ( 2002 ) . Critical Reflections on Black History . West Port , Connecticut : Praeger Publishers . p. 125 . Jump up ^ The Selected Papers of John Jay , Columbia University , Jump up ^ Horton , James O. ( 2004 ) . `` Alexander Hamilton : Slavery and Race in a Revolutionary Generation '' . New York Journal of American History . New York Historical Society ( 3 ) . Retrieved October 29 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Magness , Phillip . `` Alexander Hamilton 's Exaggerated Abolitionism '' . Retrieved April 6 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Founding Fathers and Slavery '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved April 9 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Freehling , William W. ( February 1972 ) . `` The Founding Fathers and Slavery '' . The American Historical Review . 77 ( 1 ) : 87 . doi : 10.2307 / 1856595 . JSTOR 1856595 . ^ Jump up to : The Cambridge History of Law in America . 2008 . p. 278 . Jump up ^ Freehling , William W. ( February 1972 ) . `` The Founding Fathers and Slavery '' . The American Historical Review . 77 ( 1 ) : 88 . doi : 10.2307 / 1856595 . JSTOR 1856595 . Jump up ^ Freehling , William W. ( February 1972 ) . `` The Founding Fathers and Slavery '' . The American Historical Review . 77 ( 1 ) : 85 . doi : 10.2307 / 1856595 . JSTOR 1856595 . Jump up ^ See the discussion of the Convention in Clinton L. Rossiter , 1787 : The Grand Convention ( New York : Macmillan , 1966 ; reprint ed. , with new foreword by Richard B. Morris , New York : W.W. Norton , 1987 ) . ^ Jump up to : Griswold , Rufus ( 1855 ) , The Republican Court , or , American Society in the Days of Washington , D. Appleton & Co . Jump up ^ George Washington 's Mount Vernon . `` Father of His Country '' . Retrieved April 6 , 2017 . Jump up ^ National Archives . `` America 's Founding Documents '' . Retrieved April 6 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Articles of Confederation '' . Library of Congress . Retrieved April 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Martin ( 1973 ) Jump up ^ Andrlik , Todd . `` How Old Were the Leaders of the American Revolution on July 4 , 1776 ? '' . Jump up ^ History . `` Thomas Jefferson and John Adams Die '' . Jump up ^ Elizabeth Fox - Genovese ; Eugene D. Genovese ( 2005 ) . The Mind of the Master Class : History and Faith in the Southern Slaveholders ' Worldview . Cambridge University Press . p. 278 . ISBN 9780521850650 . ^ Jump up to : Encyclopædia Britannica . Founding fathers : the essential guide to the men who made America ( John Wiley and Sons , 2007 ) . Jump up ^ McWilliams , J. ( 1976 ) . `` The Faces of Ethan Allen : 1760 - 1860 '' . The New England Quarterly . 49 ( 2 ) : 257 -- 282 . doi : 10.2307 / 364502 . JSTOR 364502 . Jump up ^ Newman , Richard . Freedom 's Prophet : Bishop Richard Allen , the AME Church , and the Black Founding Fathers ( NYU Press , 2009 ) . Jump up ^ Jane Goodall ( 27 August 2013 ) . Seeds of Hope : Wisdom and Wonder from the World of Plants . Grand Central Publishing . pp. 60 -- 61 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4555 - 1321 - 5 . Jump up ^ Ballenas , Carl . Images of America : Jamaica ( Arcadia Publishing , 2011 ) . Jump up ^ Holmes , David . The Faiths of the Founding Fathers . ( Oxford University Press US , 2006 ) . Jump up ^ Wood , Gordon S. Revolutionary Characters , What Made the Founding Fathers Different . ( New York : Penguin Books , 2007 ) 225 -- 242 . ^ Jump up to : Buchanan , John . `` Founding Fighters : The Battlefield Leaders Who Made American Independence ( review ) '' . The Journal of Military History ( Volume 71 , Number 2 , April 2007 ) , pp. 522 -- 524 . ^ Jump up to : R.B. Bernstein , The Founding Fathers Reconsidered ( New York and Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2009 ) . Jump up ^ Stephen Yafa ( 2006 ) . Cotton : The Biography of a Revolutionary Fiber . Penguin . p. 75 . ISBN 9780143037224 . ^ Jump up to : Dungan , Nicholas . Gallatin : America 's Swiss Founding Father ( NYU Press 2010 ) . Jump up ^ Roberts , Cokie . `` Founding Mothers : The Women Who Raised Our Nation '' . Harper Perennial , 2005 Jump up ^ Roberts , Cokie . `` Ladies of Liberty : The Women Who Shaped Our Nation '' . Harper , 2008 Jump up ^ Broadwater , Jeff ( 2006 ) . George Mason , Forgotten Founder . Chapel Hill , North Carolina : University of North Carolina Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8078 - 3053 - 6 . OCLC 67239589 . Jump up ^ LaGumina , Salvatore . The Italian American experience : an encyclopedia , page 361 ( Taylor & Francis , 2000 ) . Jump up ^ Unger , Harlow ( 2009 ) . James Monroe : The Last Founding Father . New York : Da Capo Press . ISBN 0 - 306 - 81808 - 6 . Jump up ^ Kann , Mark E. ( 1999 ) . The Gendering of American Politics : Founding Mothers , Founding Fathers , and Political Patriarchy . ABC - CLIO . p. xi . ISBN 978 - 0 - 275 - 96112 - 1 . Jump up ^ `` Founding Father Thomas Paine : He Genuinely Abhorred Slavery '' . The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education ( 48 ) : 45 . 2005 . doi : 10.2307 / 25073236 ( inactive 2018 - 05 - 22 ) . Jump up ^ David Braff , `` Forgotten Founding Father : The Impact of Thomas Paine , '' in Joyce Chumbley . ed. , Thomas Paine : In Search of the Common Good ( 2009 ) pp. 39 -- 43 Jump up ^ Burstein , Andrew . `` Politics and Personalities : Garry Wills takes a new look at a forgotten founder , slavery and the shaping of America '' , Chicago Tribune ( November 09 , 2003 ) : `` Forgotten founders such as Pickering and Morris made as many waves as those whose faces stare out from our currency . '' ^ Jump up to : Rafael , Ray . The Complete Idiot 's Guide to the Founding Fathers : And the Birth of Our Nation ( Penguin , 2011 ) . Jump up ^ `` Founding Fathers : Virginia '' . FindLaw Constitutional Law Center . 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 11 - 14 . Jump up ^ Schwartz , Laurens R. Jews and the American Revolution : Haym Solomon and Others , Jefferson , North Carolina : McFarland & Co. , 1987 . Jump up ^ Kendall , Joshua . The Forgotten Founding Father : Noah Webster 's Obsession and the Creation of an American Culture ( Penguin 2011 ) . Jump up ^ Wright , R.E. ( 1996 ) . `` Thomas Willing ( 1731 - 1821 ) : Philadelphia Financier and Forgotten Founding Father '' . Pennsylvania History . 63 ( 4 ) : 525 -- 560 . doi : 10.2307 / 27773931 ( inactive 2018 - 05 - 22 ) . JSTOR 27773931 . Jump up ^ `` A Patriot of Early New England '' , New York Times ( December 20 , 1931 ) . This book review referred to Wingate as one of the `` Fathers '' of the United States , per the book title . Jump up ^ The New Yorker , Volume I , page 398 ( September 10 , 1836 ) : `` ' The Last of the Romans ' -- This was said of Madison at the time of his decease , but there is one other person who seems to have some claims to this honorable distinction . Paine Wingate of Stratham , N.H. still survives . '' Jump up ^ `` The Founding of the Society , 1783 -- 1784 '' . Society of the Cincinnati . Retrieved April 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` History : The Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Connecticut '' . Jump up ^ Joseph J. Ellis ; Passionate Sage : The Character and Legacy of John Adams . ( 2001 ) p. 214 . Jump up ^ Jennifer Schuessler . `` Up From the Family Basement , a Little - Seen Hamilton Trove '' . The New York Times . Jump up ^ Joanne B. Freeman . `` The Long History of Political Idiocy '' . The New York Times . Jump up ^ Joanne B. Freeman . `` How Hamilton Uses History : What Lin - Manuel Miranda Included in His Portrait of a Heroic , Complicated Founding Father -- and What He Left Out '' . Slate . Retrieved April 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Chris Bray . `` Tip and Gip Sip and Quip - The politics of never '' . The Baffler . Retrieved April 11 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Robert Viagas. `` Hamilton Tops Tony Awards With 11 Wins '' . Playbill . Retrieved April 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Winter , Jonah and Blitt , Barry , The Founding Fathers ! Those Horse - Ridin ' , Fiddle - Playin ' , Book - Readin ' , Gun - Totin ' Gentlemen Who Started America Simon and Schuster , New York ( 2015 ) References ( edit ) American National Biography Online , ( 2000 ) . Bailyn , Bernard . To Begin the World Anew Knopf , 2003 . Bernstein , Richard B. Are We to Be a Nation ? The Making of the Constitution . Cambridge , MA : Harvard University Press , 1987 . Bernstein , R.B. The Founding Fathers Reconsidered ( New York : Oxford University Press , 2009 ) . Brown , Richard D . `` The Founding Fathers of 1776 and 1787 : A Collective View , '' William and Mary Quarterly , 3rd Ser. , Vol. 33 , No. 3 ( Jul. 1976 ) , pp. 465 -- 480 online at JSTOR . Commager , Henry Steele . `` Leadership in Eighteenth - Century America and Today , '' Daedalus 90 ( Fall 1961 ) : 650 -- 673 , reprinted in Henry Steele Commager , Freedom and Order ( New York : George Braziller , 1966 ) . Ellis , Joseph J. Founding Brothers : The Revolutionary Generation ( New York : Alfred A. Knopf , 2000 ) , winner of the Pulitzer Prize for History . Ellis , Joseph J. The Quartet : Orchestrating the Second American Revolution , 1783 - 1789 ( New York : First Vintage Books Edition , May 2016 ) . Freeman , Joanne B. Affairs of Honor : National Politics in the New Republic . New Haven , CT : Yale University Press , 2001 . Green , Steven K. Inventing a Christian America : The Myth of the Religious Founding . Oxford , England : Oxford University Press , 2015 . Greene , Jack P . `` The Social Origins of the American Revolution : An Evaluation and an Interpretation , '' Political Science Quarterly , Vol. 88 , No. 1 ( Mar. 1973 ) , pp. 1 -- 22 online in JSTOR . Harris , P.M.G. , `` The Social Origins of American Leaders : The Demographic Foundations , '' Perspectives in American History 3 ( 1969 ) : 159 -- 364 . Lefer , David . The Founding Conservatives : How a Group of Unsung Heroes Saved the American Revolution ( 2013 ) Kann , Mark E. The Gendering of American Politics : Founding Mothers , Founding Fathers , and Political Patriarchy ( New York : Frederick Praeger , 1999 ) . Adrienne Koch ; Power , Morals , and the Founding Fathers : Essays in the Interpretation of the American Enlightenment ( Ithaca , NY : Cornell University Press , 1961 ) . K.M. Kostyal . Founding Fathers : The Fight for Freedom and the Birth of American Liberty ( 2014 ) Franklin T. Lambert , The Founding Fathers and the Place of Religion in America . ( Princeton , NJ Princeton University Press , 2003 ) . James Kirby Martin , Men in Rebellion : Higher Governmental Leaders and the coming of the American Revolution , ( New Brunswick , NJ : Rutgers University Press , 1973 ; reprint , New York : Free Press , 1976 ) . Richard B. Morris , Seven Who Shaped Our Destiny : The Founding Fathers as Revolutionaries ( New York : Harper & Row , 1973 ) . Robert Previdi ; `` Vindicating the Founders : Race , Sex , Class , and Justice in the Origins of America , '' Presidential Studies Quarterly , Vol. 29 , 1999 Rakove , Jack . Revolutionaries : A New History of the Invention of America ( Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ; 2010 ) 487 pages ; scholarly study focuses on how the Founders moved from private lives to public action , beginning in the 1770s Cokie Roberts . Founding Mothers : The Women Who Raised Our Nation . New York : William Morrow , 2005 . Gordon S. Wood . Revolutionary Characters : What Made the Founders Different ( New York : Penguin Press , 2006 ) External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Founding Fathers of the United States . Founders Online : Correspondence and Other Writings of Six Major Shapers of the United States Debunks -- along with other fact finding sites -- the Internet Myth of `` What Happened to The Signers of the Declaration of Independence '' ( retrieved 01 - 30 - 15 ) `` What Would the Founding Fathers Do Today ? '' at the Wayback Machine ( archived January 14 , 2007 ) `` Founding Father Quotes , Biographies , and Writings '' <Th_colspan="2"> Founding Fathers and their related articles <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> John Adams <Td_colspan="2"> 2nd President of the United States , 1797 -- 1801 1st Vice President of the United States , 1789 -- 1797 U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom , 1785 -- 1788 U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands , 1782 -- 1788 Delegate , Second Continental Congress , 1775 -- 1778 Delegate , First Continental Congress , 1774 Founding of the United States Braintree Instructions ( 1765 ) Boston Massacre defense Continental Association Novanglus ; A History of the Dispute with America , From Its Origin in 1754 to the Present Time ( 1775 ) Thoughts on Government ( 1776 ) Declaration of Independence May 15 preamble Committee of Five Model Treaty Treaty of Amity and Commerce Treaty of Alliance Board of War Chairman of the Marine Committee , 1775 - 1779 Continental Navy Staten Island Peace Conference Conference House Constitution of Massachusetts ( 1780 ) Treaty of Paris , 1783 Presidency Inauguration Quasi War with France XYZ Affair Commerce Protection Act United States Marine Corps Convention of 1800 Alien and Sedition Acts Naturalization Act of 1798 Navy Department Library Treaty of Tellico Treaty of Tripoli Midnight Judges Act Marbury v. Madison State of the Union Address ( 1797 1798 1799 1800 ) Cabinet Federal judiciary appointments Other writings Massachusetts Historical Society holdings Adams Papers Editorial Project Life and homes Early life and education Adams National Historical Park John Adams Birthplace Family home and John Quincy Adams birthplace Peacefield Presidential Library Massachusetts Hall , Harvard University Presidents House , Philadelphia Co-founder and second president , American Academy of Arts and Sciences United First Parish Church and gravesite Elections United States presidential election 1788 -- 1789 1792 1796 1800 Legacy Adams House at Harvard University John Adams Building Jefferson Memorial pediment U.S. Postage stamps Adams Memorial Popular culture Profiles in Courage ( 1964 series ) American Primitive ( 1969 play ) 1776 ( 1969 musical 1972 film ) The Adams Chronicles ( 1976 miniseries ) Liberty ! ( 1997 documentary series ) Liberty 's Kids ( 2002 animated series ) John Adams ( 2001 book 2008 miniseries ) Sons of Liberty ( 2015 miniseries ) Related `` Adams and Liberty '' campaign song Adams ' personal library American Enlightenment Congress Hall Federalist Party Federalist Era First Party System republicanism American Philosophical Society Gazette of the United States The American Museum American Revolution patriots Family Abigail Adams wife Quincy family Abigail Adams Smith ( daughter ) John Quincy Adams son presidency Charles Adams ( son ) Thomas Boylston Adams ( son ) George W. Adams ( grandson ) Charles Adams Sr. ( grandson ) John Adams II ( grandson ) John Q. Adams ( great - grandson ) Henry Adams ( great - grandson ) Brooks Adams ( great - grandson ) John Adams Sr. ( father ) Susanna Boylston ( mother ) Elihu Adams ( brother ) Samuel Adams ( second cousin ) Louisa Adams daughter - in - law First Lady <Td_colspan="2"> ← George Washington Thomas Jefferson → Category <Th_colspan="2"> Samuel Adams <Td_colspan="2"> 4th Governor of Massachusetts , 1794 -- 1797 Second Continental Congress , 1775 -- 1781 First Continental Congress , 1774 Clerk of the Massachusetts House of Representatives , 1766 -- 1774 United States founding events The Independent Advertiser Boston Caucus 1764 Sugar Act response protests 1768 Massachusetts Circular Letter Probable author , 1768 -- 1769 `` Journal of Occurrences '' Arranged Christopher Seider funeral , 1770 Co-author , 1772 Boston Pamphlet Boston Committee of Correspondence , 1772 Hutchinson Letters Affair Co-inspired and publicized , Boston Tea Party Signed , 1774 Continental Association Massachusetts Provincial Congress Co-author , 1776 Letter to the inhabitants of Canada Signed , United States Declaration of Independence Signed , Articles of Confederation 1788 Massachusetts Compromise Life Early life Massachusetts Hall , Harvard University Sons of Liberty 1789 U.S. House election 1796 presidential election Samuel Adams and Paul Revere time capsule Granary Burying Ground Related American republicanism Boston Gazette American Revolution patriots Founding Father Faneuil Hall Old South Meeting House Legacy Samuel Adams ( Whitney ) Adams , Massachusetts Liberty 's Kids ( 2002 animated series ) John Adams ( 2008 miniseries ) Sons of Liberty ( 2015 miniseries ) Family Samuel Adams Sr. ( father ) John Adams ( second cousin ) <Th_colspan="2"> John Dickinson <Td_colspan="2"> 5th President of Pennsylvania , 1782 -- 1785 5th President of Delaware , 1781 -- 1783 Second Continental Congress , 1775 -- 1776 , 1779 -- 1781 First Continental Congress , 1774 Stamp Act Congress , 1765 Founding of the United States Declaration of Rights and Grievances ( 1765 ) Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania ( 1767 , 1768 ) `` The Liberty Song '' ( 1768 United we stand , divided we fall ) Petition to the King ( 1774 ) Signee , Continental Association ( 1774 ) Pennsylvania Committee of Correspondence ( 1774 -- 1776 ) Letter to the inhabitants of the Province of Quebec ( 1774 ) Olive Branch Petition ( 1775 ) Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms ( co-wrote , 1775 ) Committee of Secret Correspondence ( 1775 -- 1776 ) Model Treaty committee ( 1776 ) Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union ( 1776 ) President , Annapolis Convention ( 1786 ) Delegate , Constitutional Convention ( 1787 ) Other events Brigadier General , Pennsylvania militia Pennsylvania Mutiny of 1783 Delaware Constitution of 1792 Life and homes Mary Norris Dickinson ( wife ) Philemon Dickinson ( brother ) Early life Poplar Hall home Fair Hill estate Friends Burial Ground Legacy Dickinson College Dickinson School of Law , Pennsylvania State University John Dickinson High School 1776 ( 1969 musical , 1972 film ) John Adams ( 2008 miniseries ) Sons of Liberty ( 2015 miniseries ) Related Claymont Stone School American Revolution patriots <Th_colspan="2"> Benjamin Franklin <Td_colspan="2"> January 6 , 1706 -- April 17 , 1790 President of Pennsylvania ( 1785 -- 1788 ) , Ambassador to France ( 1779 -- 1785 ) Second Continental Congress ( 1775 -- 1776 ) Founding of the United States Join , or Die ( 1754 political cartoon ) Albany Plan of Union Albany Congress Hutchinson Letters Affair Committee of Secret Correspondence Committee of Five Declaration of Independence Model Treaty Franco - American alliance Treaty of Amity and Commerce Treaty of Alliance Staten Island Peace Conference Treaty of Paris , 1783 Delegate , 1787 Constitutional Convention Pennsylvania Provincial Assembly Postmaster General Founding Fathers Inventions , other events Franklin 's electrostatic machine Bifocals Franklin stove Glass armonica Gulf Stream exploration , naming , and chart Lightning rod Kite experiment Pay it forward Associators 111th Infantry Regiment Junto club American Philosophical Society Library Company of Philadelphia Pennsylvania Hospital Academy and College of Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Contributionship Union Fire Company Early American currency Fugio Cent United States Postal Service President , Pennsylvania Abolition Society Master , Les Neuf Sœurs Other social contributions and studies Gravesite Writings Silence Dogood letters ( 1722 ) A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity , Pleasure and Pain ( 1725 ) The Busy - Body letters ( 1729 ) Pennsylvania Gazette ( 1729 -- 1790 ) Poor Richard 's Almanack ( 1732 -- 1758 ) The Drinker 's Dictionary ( 1737 ) `` Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress '' ( 1745 ) `` The Speech of Polly Baker '' ( 1747 ) Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind , Peopling of Countries , etc . ( 1751 ) Experiments and Observations on Electricity ( 1751 ) Birch letters ( 1755 ) The Way to Wealth ( 1758 ) Pennsylvania Chronicle ( 1767 ) Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One ( 1773 ) Proposed alliance with the Iroquois ( 1775 ) A Letter To A Royal Academy ( 1781 ) Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America ( 1784 ) The Morals of Chess ( 1786 ) An Address to the Public ( 1789 ) A Plan for Improving the Condition of the Free Blacks ( 1789 ) The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin ( 1771 -- 90 , pub. 1791 ) Bagatelles and Satires ( pub. 1845 ) Franklin as a journalist Legacy Franklin Court Benjamin Franklin House Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology Benjamin Franklin National Memorial Franklin Institute Benjamin Franklin Medal Depicted in The Apotheosis of Washington Benjamin Franklin statue , Washington D.C. Jefferson Memorial pediment In popular culture Ben and Me ( 1953 short ) Ben Franklin in Paris ( 1964 musical play ) 1776 ( 1969 musical 1972 film ) Benjamin Franklin ( 1974 miniseries ) A More Perfect Union ( 1989 film ) Liberty ! ( 1997 documentary series ) Liberty 's Kids ( 2002 animated series ) Benjamin Franklin ( 2002 documentary series ) John Adams ( 2008 miniseries ) Sons of Liberty ( 2015 miniseries ) Sons of Ben ( supporters group for the Philadelphia Union soccer club Refunding Certificate Franklin half dollar One - hundred dollar bill Washington - Franklin stamps other stamps Cities , counties , schools named for Franklin Franklin Field State of Franklin Ships named USS Franklin Ben Franklin effect Related Age of Enlightenment American Enlightenment The New - England Courant The American Museum magazine American Revolution patriots Syng inkstand Family Deborah Read ( wife ) Sarah Franklin Bache ( daughter ) Francis Franklin ( son ) William Franklin ( son ) Richard Bache Jr. ( grandson ) Benjamin F. Bache ( grandson ) Louis F. Bache ( grandson ) William Franklin ( grandson ) Andrew Harwood ( great - grandson ) Alexander Bache ( great - grandson ) Josiah Franklin ( father ) Jane Mecom ( sister ) James Franklin ( brother ) Mary Morrell Folger ( grandmother ) Peter Folger ( grandfather ) Richard Bache ( son - in - law ) Ann Smith Franklin ( sister - in - law ) <Th_colspan="2"> Alexander Hamilton <Td_colspan="2"> Senior Officer of the United States Army , 1799 -- 1800 1st Secretary of the Treasury , 1789 -- 1795 Delegate , Congress of the Confederation , 1782 -- 1783 , 1788 -- 1789 United States founding events A Full Vindication of the Measures of Congress ( 1774 ) The Farmer Refuted ( 1775 ) Delegate , 1786 Annapolis Convention Delegate , 1787 Constitutional Convention Initiated , main author , The Federalist Papers written by Hamilton Founding Father Secretary of the Treasury First Bank of the United States Revenue Marine ( U.S. Coast Guard ) U.S. Customs Service Hamiltonian economic program Residence Act Compromise of 1790 Funding Act of 1790 Tariff of 1790 Tariff of 1792 Coinage Act of 1792 U.S. Mint Whiskey Rebellion Jay Treaty Reports `` First Report on the Public Credit '' `` Second Report on Public Credit '' `` Report On Manufactures '' `` Report on a Plan for the Further Support of Public Credit '' Military career New York Provincial Company of Artillery Washington 's aide - de-camp In the Revolutionary War Battle of Harlem Heights White Plains Trenton Princeton Brandywine Germantown Monmouth Siege of Yorktown Other events Burr -- Hamilton duel Founder , Federalist Party Federalist Era Founder , Bank of New York Bank of North America Advisor , George Washington 's Farewell Address President - General of the Society of the Cincinnati Founder , New - York Evening Post Hamilton -- Reynolds affair Rutgers v. Waddington Relationship with slavery Depictions Alexander Hamilton ( Fraser statue ) Alexander Hamilton ( Ceracchi bust ) Alexander Hamilton ( Conrads statue ) Alexander Hamilton ( Trumbull portrait ) U.S. postage stamps U.S. $10 bill Memorials Alexander Hamilton Bridge Alexander Hamilton High School ( Los Angeles ) Fort Hamilton Hamilton Grange National Memorial Hamilton Hall ( Columbia Univ . ) Hamilton Hall ( Salem , Mass . ) Hamilton Heights , Manhattan Hamilton , Ohio Hamilton - Oneida Academy Trinity Church Cemetery Popular culture Hamilton ( 1917 play ) Alexander Hamilton ( 1931 film ) Liberty ! ( 1997 documentary series ) Liberty 's Kids ( 2002 animated series ) John Adams ( 2008 miniseries ) Hamilton : An American Musical ( 2015 ) Related Age of Enlightenment American Enlightenment American Philosophical Society Liberty Hall ( N.J. ) New York Manumission Society African Free School `` American System '' economic plan American School American Revolution patriots Family Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton wife Schuyler family Philip Hamilton ( oldest son ) Angelica Hamilton ( daughter ) Alexander Hamilton Jr. ( son ) James Alexander Hamilton ( son ) John Church Hamilton ( son ) William S. Hamilton ( son ) Eliza Hamilton Holly ( daughter ) Philip Hamilton ( youngest son ) Schuyler Hamilton ( grandson ) Alexander Hamilton Jr. ( grandson ) Allan McLane Hamilton ( grandson ) Robert Ray Hamilton ( great - grandson ) <Th_colspan="2"> John Hancock <Td_colspan="2"> 1st and 3rd Governor of Massachusetts , 1780 -- 1785 , 1787 -- 1793 President , 2nd Continential Congress , 1775 -- 1777 Boston Board of Selectmen , 1766 -- 1775 United States Founding events HMS Liberty confiscation Sons of Liberty Co-inspired , Boston Tea Party 1774 Massacre Day speech President , Massachusetts Provincial Congress Chairman , Massachusetts Committee of Safety Presided over , signed , United States Declaration of Independence signing Dunlap broadside Signed , Articles of Confederation Life Early life Hancock - Clarke House Hancock Manor Massachusetts Hall , Harvard University Boston Cadets Co-founder , American Academy of Arts and Sciences United States presidential election , 1788 -- 89 Granary Burying Ground Related American Revolution patriots Founding Father Syng inkstand Legacy Liberty 's Kids ( 2002 animated series ) John Adams ( 2008 miniseries ) Sons of Liberty ( 2015 miniseries ) USS Hancock , 1775 USS Hancock , 1776 USS John Hancock ( 1850 ) USS Hancock ( 1944 ) USS John Hancock ( 1977 ) John Hancock Center John Hancock Tower Family Dorothy Quincy ( wife ) John Hancock Jr. ( father ) Thomas Hancock ( uncle ) John Hancock , Sr. ( grandfather ) Edmund Quincy ( father - in - law ) <Th_colspan="2"> Thomas Jefferson <Td_colspan="2"> 3rd President of the United States ( 1801 -- 1809 ) 2nd U.S. Vice President ( 1797 -- 1801 ) 1st U.S. Secretary of State ( 1790 -- 1793 ) U.S. Minister to France ( 1785 -- 1789 ) 2nd Governor of Virginia ( 1779 -- 1781 ) Delegate , Second Continental Congress ( 1775 -- 1776 ) Founding documents of the United States A Summary View of the Rights of British America ( 1774 ) Initial draft , Olive Branch Petition ( 1775 ) Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms ( 1775 ) 1776 Declaration of Independence Committee of Five authored physical history `` All men are created equal '' `` Life , Liberty , and the pursuit of Happiness '' `` Consent of the governed '' 1786 Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom freedom of religion French Revolution Co-author , Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ( 1789 ) Presidency Inaugural Address ( 1801 1805 ) Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves Louisiana Purchase Lewis and Clark Expedition Corps of Discovery timeline Empire of Liberty Red River Expedition Pike Expedition Cumberland Road Embargo Act of 1807 Chesapeake -- Leopard affair Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 First Barbary War Native American policy Marbury v. Madison West Point Military Academy State of the Union Addresses ( texts 1801 1802 1805 ) Cabinet Federal judicial appointments Other noted accomplishments Early life and career Founder , University of Virginia history Land Ordinance of 1784 Northwest Ordinance 1787 Anti-Administration party Democratic - Republican Party Jeffersonian democracy First Party System republicanism Plan for Establishing Uniformity in the Coinage , Weights , and Measure of the United States ( 1790 ) Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions A Manual of Parliamentary Practice ( 1801 ) Jeffersonian architecture Barboursville Farmington Monticello gardens Poplar Forest University of Virginia The Rotunda The Lawn Jefferson Hall Virginia State Capitol White House Colonnades Other writings Notes on the State of Virginia ( 1785 ) 1787 European journey memorandums Indian removal letters Jefferson Bible ( 1895 ) Jefferson manuscript collection at the Massachusetts Historical Society The Papers of Thomas Jefferson Related Age of Enlightenment American Enlightenment American Philosophical Society American Revolution patriots Member , Virginia Committee of Correspondence Committee of the States Founding Fathers of the United States Franco - American alliance Jefferson and education Religious views Jefferson and slavery Jefferson and the Library of Congress Jefferson disk Jefferson Pier Pet mockingbird National Gazette Residence Act Compromise of 1790 Sally Hemings Jefferson -- Hemings controversy Betty Hemings Separation of church and state Swivel chair The American Museum magazine Virginia dynasty Elections United States Presidential election 1796 1800 1804 Legacy Bibliography Jefferson Memorial Mount Rushmore Birthday Thomas Jefferson Building Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression Jefferson Lecture Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Thomas Jefferson Star for Foreign Service Thomas Jefferson ( Karl Bitter statues ) Jefferson Literary and Debating Society Jefferson Lab Monticello Association Jefferson City , Missouri Jefferson College Thomas Jefferson School of Law Thomas Jefferson University Washington and Jefferson National Forests Other placenames Currency depictions Jefferson nickel Two - dollar bill Louisiana Purchase Exposition dollar U.S. postage stamps Popular culture Ben and Me ( 1953 short ) 1776 ( 1969 musical 1972 film ) Jefferson in Paris ( 1995 film ) Thomas Jefferson ( 1997 film ) Liberty ! ( 1997 documentary series ) Liberty 's Kids ( 2002 animated series ) John Adams ( 2008 miniseries ) Jefferson 's Garden ( 2015 play ) Hamilton ( 2015 musical ) Jefferson -- Eppes Trophy Wine bottles controversy Family Peter Jefferson ( father ) Jane Randolph Jefferson ( mother ) Lucy Jefferson Lewis ( sister ) Randolph Jefferson ( brother ) Isham Randolph ( grandfather ) William Randolph ( great - grandfather ) Martha Jefferson ( wife ) Martha Jefferson Randolph ( daughter ) Mary Jefferson Eppes ( daughter ) Harriet Hemings ( daughter ) Madison Hemings ( son ) Eston Hemings ( son ) Thomas J. Randolph ( grandson ) Francis Eppes ( grandson ) George W. Randolph ( grandson ) John Wayles Jefferson ( grandson ) Thomas Mann Randolph Jr. ( son - in - law ) John Wayles Eppes ( son - in - law ) John Wayles ( father - in - law ) Dabney Carr ( brother - in - law ) Dabney Carr ( nephew ) <Td_colspan="2"> ← John Adams James Madison → Category <Th_colspan="2"> James Madison <Td_colspan="2"> 4th President of the United States ( 1809 -- 1817 ) 5th U.S. Secretary of State ( 1801 -- 1809 ) United States House of Representatives ( 1789 -- 1797 ) Congress of the Confederation ( 1781 -- 1783 ) Virginia House of Delegates ( 1776 -- 1779 , 1784 -- 1786 ) `` Father of the Constitution '' Co-wrote , 1776 Virginia Constitution 1786 Annapolis Convention 1787 Constitutional Convention Virginia Plan Constitution of the United States Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 The Federalist Papers written by Madison No. 10 No. 51 Virginia Ratifying Convention United States Bill of Rights 27th amendment Constitution drafting and ratification timeline Founding Fathers Presidency First inauguration Second inauguration Tecumseh 's War Battle of Tippecanoe War of 1812 origins Burning of Washington The Octagon House Treaty of Ghent Seven Buildings residence results Second Barbary War Era of Good Feelings Second Bank of the United States State of the Union Address ( 1810 1814 1815 1816 ) Cabinet Federal judiciary appointments Other noted accomplisments Co-founder , American Whig Society Supervised the Louisiana Purchase Anti-Administration party Residence Act Compromise of 1790 Democratic - Republican Party First Party System republicanism Library of Congress Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Report of 1800 Other writings The Papers of James Madison Life Early life and career Belle Grove Plantation , birthplace Montpelier Elections U.S. House of Representatives election , 1789 1790 1792 1794 U.S. presidential election , 1808 1812 Legacy and popular culture James Madison Memorial Building James Madison University James Madison College Madison , Wisconsin Madison Square Madison River Madison Street U.S. postage stamps James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation James Madison Freedom of Information Award James Madison Award James Madison Institute A More Perfect Union ( 1989 film ) Liberty 's Kids ( 2002 series ) Hamilton ( 2015 musical ) Related Age of Enlightenment American Enlightenment Marbury v. Madison National Gazette Paul Jennings Madisonian Model American Philosophical Society The American Museum magazine Virginia dynasty Family Dolley Madison ( wife ) John Payne Todd ( stepson ) James Madison , Sr. ( father ) Nelly Conway Madison ( mother ) William Madison ( brother ) Ambrose Madison ( paternal grandfather ) James Madison ( cousin ) George Madison ( paternal second - cousin ) Thomas Madison ( paternal second - cousin ) John Madison ( great - grandfather ) <Td_colspan="2"> ← Thomas Jefferson James Monroe → Category <Th_colspan="2"> George Mason United States Founding events Drafted , 1769 Virginia Association resolutions Primary author , 1774 Fairfax Resolves Primary author , 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights `` All men are created equal '' Life , Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness Freedom of the press Freedom of religion Consent of the governed Baseless search and seizure Cruel and unusual punishment Speedy trial 1776 Virginia Constitution 1785 Mount Vernon Conference 1787 Constitutional Convention Virginia Ratifying Convention Co-father , United States Bill of Rights history Founding Father Writings inspired 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ( France ) 1789 United States Bill of Rights Life Chopawamsic plantation Gunston Hall On slavery Ohio Company Legacy George Mason Memorial George Mason University George Mason Stadium George Mason Memorial Bridge George Mason High School 18 - cent postage stamp Related Age of Enlightenment American Enlightenment American Revolution patriots Wilson v. Mason Hollin Hall Woodbridge plantation Mason 's Island Family George Mason V ( son ) William Mason ( son ) Thomson Mason ( son ) John Mason ( son ) Thomas Mason ( son ) George Mason III ( father ) Thomson Mason ( brother ) George Mason II ( grandfather ) <Th_colspan="2"> Robert Morris <Td_colspan="2"> United States Senator , Pennsylvania , 1789 -- 1795 Superintendent of Finance of the United States , 1781 -- 1784 Second Continental Congress , 1775 -- 1778 United States Founding events Financier of the American Revolution Signed , Declaration of Independence Signed , Articles of Confederation Signed , United States Constitution 1776 Model Treaty Committee of Secret Correspondence , Second Continental Congress Chairman , Pennsylvania Committee of Safety U.S. Superintendent of Finance Agent of the Marine Bank of North America Philadelphia as U.S. capital city , 1790 -- 1800 Residence Act President 's House Other events Willing , Morris & Co . ( Slavery ) Use of the dollar sign Newburgh Conspiracy Empress of China merchant ship Old China Trade Phelps and Gorham Purchase Life Early life Summerseat home 1788 U.S. Senate election Panic of 1796 -- 97 Christ Church , Philadelphia , burial site Legacy Robert Morris University , Pennsylvania Robert Morris University , Illinois Robert Morris statue , Philadelphia Depicted in The Apotheosis of Washington Heald Square Monument , Chicago Mount Morris , New York village dam Morrisville , Pennsylvania Related Founding Fathers Thomas Willing USS Alfred Family Thomas Morris ( son ) Bishop William White ( brother - in - law ) <Th_colspan="3"> Thomas Paine Writings Common Sense ( January 1776 ) The American Crisis ( December 1776 ) Rights of Man ( March 1791 , February 1792 ) The Age of Reason ( 1794 , 1795 , 1807 ) Agrarian Justice ( 1797 ) Life 1792 Rights of Man trial Wearmouth Bridge Thomas Paine Cottage Legacy Thomas Paine National Historical Association Thomas Paine Monument , New Rochelle , New York Institute of Thomas Paine Studies In Lambeth Liberty ! A New World : A Life of Thomas Paine Related Headstrong Club <Th_colspan="2"> George Washington <Td_colspan="2"> 1st President of the United States , 1789 -- 1797 Senior Officer of the Army , 1798 -- 1799 Commander - in - Chief of the Continental Army , 1775 -- 1783 Second Continental Congress , 1775 First Continental Congress , 1774 Military career Revolutionary War Military career French and Indian War Jumonville Glen Battle of Fort Necessity Forbes Expedition Washington and the American Revolution Commander - in - chief , Continental Army Aides - de-camp Washington 's headquarters Boston campaign Siege of Boston New York and New Jersey campaign Delaware River crossing Battle of Trenton Philadelphia campaign Battle of Brandywine Battle of Germantown Battle of White Marsh Valley Forge Battle of Monmouth Battles of Saratoga Sullivan Expedition Yorktown campaign Siege of Yorktown Culper spy ring Newburgh Conspiracy Newburgh letter Resignation as commander - in - chief Badge of Military Merit Purple Heart Washington Before Boston Medal Horses : Nelson and Blueskin Other U.S. founding events 1769 Virginia Association Continental Association 1774 Fairfax Resolves Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture 1785 Mount Vernon Conference Chairman , 1787 Constitutional Convention Presidency United States presidential election , 1788 -- 89 1792 First inauguration inaugural bible Second inauguration Title of `` Mr. President '' Cabinet of the United States Secretary of State Attorney General Secretary of the Treasury Secretary of War Judiciary Act of 1789 Nonintercourse Act Whiskey Rebellion Militia Acts of 1792 Coinage Act of 1792 United States Mint Proclamation of Neutrality Neutrality Act of 1794 Jay Treaty Pinckney 's Treaty Slave Trade Act of 1794 Residence Act Thanksgiving Proclamation Farewell Address State of the Union Address 1790 1791 1792 1793 1796 Cabinet Federal judicial appointments Views and public image Presidential library The Washington Papers Religious views Washington and slavery Town Destroyer Legacy Life and homes Early life Birthplace Ferry Farm boyhood home Mount Vernon Gristmill Woodlawn Plantation Samuel Osgood House , First Presidential Mansion Alexander Macomb House , Second Presidential Mansion President 's House , Philadelphia Germantown White House Custis estate Potomac Company James River and Kanawha Canal Mountain Road Lottery Congressional Gold Medal Thanks of Congress President - General of the Society of the Cincinnati Washington College Washington and Lee University Electoral history of George Washington Memorials and depictions Washington , D.C. Washington state Washington Monument Mount Rushmore Washington 's Birthday Purple Heart The Apotheosis of Washington George Washington ( Houdon ) George Washington ( Ceracchi ) George Washington ( Trumbull ) Washington Crossing the Delaware General George Washington at Trenton Washington at Verplanck 's Point General George Washington Resigning His Commission Unfinished portrait Lansdowne portrait The Washington Family portrait Washington at Princeton painting Point of View sculpture George Washington University Washington University Washington Masonic National Memorial George Washington Memorial Parkway George Washington Bridge Washington and Jefferson National Forests Washington Monument , Baltimore Washington , D.C. statue List of memorials U.S. Postage stamps Washington - Franklin Issues 1932 bicentennial Currency Washington quarter Washington dollar Lafayette dollar Silver bullion coins Cultural depictions George Washington ( 1984 miniseries 1986 sequel ) A More Perfect Union ( 1989 film ) Related Bibliography Founding Fathers of the United States Republicanism Federalist Party Federalist Era Virginia dynasty Coat of arms Cherry - tree anecdote River Farm Washington 's Crossing 1751 Barbados trip Category Syng inkstand General of the Armies American Philosophical Society American Revolution patriots Mount Vernon Ladies ' Association Ancestry and family Martha Washington ( wife ) John Parke Custis ( stepson ) George Washington Parke Custis ( step - grandson , adopted son ) Eleanor Parke Custis ( step - granddaughter , adopted daughter ) Augustine Washington ( father ) Mary Ball Washington ( mother ) Lawrence Washington ( half - brother ) Augustine Washington Jr. ( half - brother ) Betty Washington Lewis ( sister ) Samuel Washington ( brother ) John A. Washington ( brother ) Charles Washington ( brother ) Lawrence Washington ( grandfather ) John Washington ( great - grandfather ) Bushrod Washington ( nephew ) <Td_colspan="2"> John Adams → Category <Th_colspan="2"> Historical documents of the United States <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Constitution <Td_colspan="2"> Preamble and Articles Preamble II III IV V VI VII Amendments Ratified 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Pending Congressional Apportionment Titles of Nobility Corwin ( State Domestic Institutions ) Child Labor Unsuccessful Equal Rights District of Columbia Voting Rights See also List of Constitutional Amendments Bill of Rights ( Amendments 1 -- 10 ) Reconstruction Amendments ( Amendments 13 -- 15 ) Amendment proposals in Congress Conventions to propose amendments State ratifying conventions Formation History Articles of Confederation Mount Vernon Conference Annapolis Convention Philadelphia Convention Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan Connecticut Compromise Three - Fifths Compromise Committee of Detail Signing Independence Hall Syng inkstand The Federalist Papers Anti-Federalist Papers Massachusetts Compromise Virginia Ratifying Convention Hillsborough Convention Drafting and ratification timeline Clauses Appointments Appropriations Assistance of Counsel Bill of credit Case or Controversy Citizenship Commerce Compact Compulsory Process Confrontation Contract Copyright and Patent Double Jeopardy Due Process Equal Protection Establishment Exceptions Excessive Bail Ex post facto Extradition Free Exercise Free Speech Fugitive Slave Full Faith and Credit General Welfare Guarantee Impeachment Import - Export Ineligibility ( Emolument ) Militia Natural - born citizen Necessary and Proper New States No Religious Test Oath or Affirmation Origination Petition Postal Presentment Privileges and Immunities Privileges or Immunities Recommendation Self - Incrimination Speech or Debate Speedy Trial State of the Union Supremacy Suspension Take Care Takings Taxing and Spending Territorial Title of Nobility Treaty Trial by Jury Vesting Vicinage War Powers List of clauses Interpretation Concurrent powers Congressional enforcement Constitutional law Criminal procedure Criminal sentencing Dormant Commerce Clause Enumerated powers Equal footing Executive privilege Incorporation of the Bill of Rights Judicial review Nondelegation doctrine Preemption Saxbe fix Separation of church and state Separation of powers Taxation power Unitary executive theory Signatories Convention President George Washington New Hampshire John Langdon Nicholas Gilman Massachusetts Nathaniel Gorham Rufus King Connecticut William Samuel Johnson Roger Sherman New York Alexander Hamilton New Jersey William Livingston David Brearley William Paterson Jonathan Dayton Pennsylvania Benjamin Franklin Thomas Mifflin Robert Morris George Clymer Thomas Fitzsimons Jared Ingersoll James Wilson Gouverneur Morris Delaware George Read Gunning Bedford Jr . John Dickinson Richard Bassett Jacob Broom Maryland James McHenry Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer Daniel Carroll Virginia John Blair James Madison North Carolina William Blount Richard Dobbs Spaight Hugh Williamson South Carolina John Rutledge Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Charles Pinckney Pierce Butler Georgia William Few Abraham Baldwin Convention Secretary William Jackson Display and legacy National Archives Charters of Freedom Rotunda Independence Mall Constitution Day Constitution Gardens National Constitution Center Scene at the Signing of the Constitution ( painting ) A More Perfect Union ( film ) Worldwide influence <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Declaration of Independence <Td_colspan="2"> Primary author Thomas Jefferson Signatories President of Congress John Hancock ( Massachusetts ) New Hampshire Josiah Bartlett William Whipple Matthew Thornton Massachusetts Samuel Adams John Adams Robert Treat Paine Elbridge Gerry Rhode Island Stephen Hopkins William Ellery Connecticut Roger Sherman Samuel Huntington William Williams Oliver Wolcott New York William Floyd Philip Livingston Francis Lewis Lewis Morris New Jersey Richard Stockton John Witherspoon Francis Hopkinson John Hart Abraham Clark Pennsylvania Robert Morris Benjamin Rush Benjamin Franklin John Morton George Clymer James Smith George Taylor James Wilson George Ross Delaware George Read Caesar Rodney Thomas McKean Maryland Samuel Chase William Paca Thomas Stone Charles Carroll of Carrollton Virginia George Wythe Richard Henry Lee Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Harrison Thomas Nelson Jr . Francis Lightfoot Lee Carter Braxton North Carolina William Hooper Joseph Hewes John Penn South Carolina Edward Rutledge Thomas Heyward Jr . Thomas Lynch Jr . Arthur Middleton Georgia Button Gwinett Lyman Hall George Walton Related Virginia Declaration of Rights Lee Resolution Committee of Five Document 's history signing portrait Second Continental Congress `` All men are created equal '' `` Life , Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness '' `` Consent of the governed '' Independence Hall Syng inkstand Signers Memorial American Revolution <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Articles of Confederation <Td_colspan="2"> Signatories Primary drafter John Dickinson New Hampshire Josiah Bartlett John Wentworth Jr . Massachusetts John Hancock Samuel Adams Elbridge Gerry Francis Dana James Lovell Samuel Holten Rhode Island William Ellery Henry Marchant John Collins Connecticut Roger Sherman Samuel Huntington Oliver Wolcott Titus Hosmer Andrew Adams New York James Duane Francis Lewis William Duer Gouverneur Morris New Jersey John Witherspoon Nathaniel Scudder Pennsylvania Robert Morris Daniel Roberdeau Jonathan Bayard Smith William Clingan Joseph Reed Delaware Thomas McKean John Dickinson Nicholas Van Dyke Maryland John Hanson Daniel Carroll Virginia Richard Henry Lee John Banister Thomas Adams John Harvie Francis Lightfoot Lee North Carolina John Penn Cornelius Harnett John Williams South Carolina Henry Laurens William Henry Drayton John Mathews Richard Hutson Thomas Heyward Jr . Georgia John Walton Edward Telfair Edward Langworthy Related Continental Congress Congress of the Confederation American Revolution Perpetual Union <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Continental Association <Td_colspan="2"> Signatories President of Congress Peyton Randolph New Hampshire John Sullivan Nathaniel Folsom Massachusetts Bay Thomas Cushing Samuel Adams John Adams Robert Treat Paine Rhode Island Stephen Hopkins Samuel Ward Connecticut Eliphalet Dyer Roger Sherman Silas Deane New York Isaac Low John Alsop John Jay James Duane Philip Livingston William Floyd Henry Wisner Simon Boerum New Jersey James Kinsey William Livingston Stephen Crane Richard Smith John De Hart Pennsylvania Joseph Galloway John Dickinson Charles Humphreys Thomas Mifflin Edward Biddle John Morton George Ross The Lower Counties Caesar Rodney Thomas McKean George Read Maryland Matthew Tilghman Thomas Johnson , Junr William Paca Samuel Chase Virginia Richard Henry Lee George Washington Patrick Henry , Junr Richard Bland Benjamin Harrison Edmund Pendleton North Carolina William Hooper Joseph Hewes Richard Caswell South Carolina Henry Middleton Thomas Lynch Christopher Gadsden John Rutledge Edward Rutledge Related Virginia Association First Continental Congress Carpenters ' Hall Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Words coined in the 1910s Age of Enlightenment American Revolution Articles about multiple people Patriots in the American Revolution Political leaders of the American Revolution National founders Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Pages with DOIs inactive since 2018 Use mdy dates from April 2011 Talk Read Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Asturianu Bân - lâm - gú Башҡортса Bikol Central Български Brezhoneg Català Čeština Cymraeg Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Esperanto فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Ido Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Íslenska Italiano עברית Latina Lietuvių Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog Татарча / tatarça ไทย Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 41 more Edit links This page was last edited on 29 August 2018 , at 02 : 27 ( UTC ) . 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1. Founding Fathers of the United States 2. American Revolution 3. Declaration of Independence 4. Constitution of the United States 5. Slavery and the Founding Fathers
how do you say eat your food in chinese
Mandarin Chinese profanity - wikipedia Mandarin Chinese profanity `` Chinese profanity '' redirects here . For profanities in Cantonese Chinese , see Cantonese profanity . hide This article has multiple issues . Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page . ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages ) This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia 's quality standards . The specific problem is : This article contains some Chinese non-profanity terms , including slang , colloquial and literary terms , etc . Please help improve this article if you can . ( July 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( August 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This article possibly contains original research . Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations . Statements consisting only of original research should be removed . ( August 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The traditional Chinese characters for the word huàidàn ( 壞蛋 / 坏蛋 ) , a Mandarin Chinese profanity meaning , literally , `` bad egg '' Profanity in Mandarin Chinese most commonly involves sexual references and scorn of the object 's ancestors , especially their mother . Other Mandarin insults accuse people of not being human . Compared to English , scatological and blasphemous references are less often used . In this article , unless otherwise noted , the traditional character will follow the simplified variant if it is different . Contents 1 Sex 1.1 Penis 1.2 Vagina 1.3 Brothel frequenter 1.4 Prostitution 1.5 Mistress 1.6 Breasts 1.7 Anus 1.8 Masturbation 1.9 Foreplay 1.10 Sexual intercourse 2 Insults 2.1 Mother 2.2 Other relatives 2.3 Turtles and eggs 2.4 Illegitimacy 2.5 Stupid 2.6 Suck up 2.7 Madness 2.8 Buttocks 2.9 Age 2.10 Promiscuity 2.11 Positive connotations 2.12 Mixed - up 2.13 Eggs 2.14 Melons 2.15 Sticks 2.16 Ghosts and spirits 2.17 Useless 2.18 Boasting 2.19 Cruelty 2.20 Face 2.21 Girlish 2.22 Boyish 2.23 Inhuman 2.24 Death 2.25 Excrement 2.26 Animals 2.26. 1 Dogs 2.26. 2 Rabbits 2.26. 3 Horse 2.26. 4 Bird 2.27 Tigress 2.28 Dinosaur 2.28. 1 Insect 2.29 Contempt 2.30 Divinity 2.31 Miscellaneous 2.32 Action specific 2.33 Region specific 3 Racial euphemisms 3.1 Against Westerners 3.2 Against Other East Asians 3.2. 1 Against Japanese 3.2. 2 Against Koreans 3.2. 3 Against Taiwanese 3.3 Against South Asians 3.3. 1 Against Indians 3.4 Against Southeast Asians 3.4. 1 Against Filipinos 3.4. 2 Against Indonesians 3.4. 3 Against Vietnamese 3.5 Against Communists 3.6 Other 4 Homosexuality 5 See also 6 References 6.1 Footnotes 6.2 Sources Sex ( edit ) Penis ( edit ) As in English , many Mandarin Chinese slang terms involve the genitalia or other sexual terms . Slang words for the penis refer to it literally , and are not necessarily negative words : jībā ( simplified Chinese : 鸡巴 / 鸡 吧 ; traditional Chinese : 雞巴 / 鷄 巴 , IM abbreviation : J8 / G8 ) = cock ( used as early as the Yuan Dynasty ) , also written 𣬠 𣬶 jījī ( simplified Chinese : 鸡 鸡 ; traditional Chinese : 雞 雞 / 鷄 鷄 , IM : JJ / GG ) = roughly equivalent of `` thingy '' as it is the childish version of the above . jūju ( 具 具 ) , baby talk , `` tool '' . xiǎo dìdi ( 小 弟弟 ) = roughly equivalent of `` wee - wee '' ( lit . `` little younger brother '' ) IM : DD kuàxià wù ( 胯 下 物 ) = roughly equivalent of `` the package '' ( lit . `` thing under crotch '' ) yīnjīng ( simplified Chinese : 阴茎 ; traditional Chinese : 陰莖 ) = penis ( scientific ) diǎo ( Chinese : lang or substituted by 吊 ) = dick ( the same character also means to have sexual intercourse in Cantonese , alternatively written as 𨳒 ) lìn ( 闝 ) same as `` 屌 '' , used in some southern areas such as Fujian and Guangdong . Also written as `` 𨶙 '' in Cantonese . It was misinterpreted as luǎn ( 卵 ) by Mandarin speakers , though sometimes `` 卵 '' is used instead for euphemism . lǎo èr ( 老 二 ) = penis ( lit . `` second in the family '' , `` little brother '' ) nà huó er ( simplified Chinese : 那 活 儿 ; traditional Chinese : 那 活 兒 ) = penis , usually seen in novels / fictions . ( lit . `` That thing '' , `` that matter '' ) xiǎo niǎo ( simplified Chinese : 小 鸟 ; traditional Chinese : 小鳥 ) = used by people ( mostly children ) in Taiwan , Malaysia , and Singapore to mean penis ( lit . `` little bird '' ) , often simplified to niǎo ( 鳥 , lit . `` bird '' ) guītóu ( simplified Chinese : 龟头 ; traditional Chinese : 龜頭 ) = turtle 's head ( glans / penis ) bāopí ( 包皮 ) = foreskin ( literally : wrapper ) diǎosī ( 屌丝 ) = originally meant male pubic hair , but means an unprivileged nobody . Formerly Internet slang , now a popular word often used in self - mockery ( lit . `` dick silk / wire '' ) Note : One should note that in Middle Chinese the words for 屌 and 鳥 were homophones . The fǎnqiè of `` 屌 '' ( 丁 了 切 ) and the fǎnqiè of `` simplified Chinese : 鸟 ; traditional Chinese : 鳥 '' ( 都 了 切 ) denoted the same pronunciation ; both began with a voiceless unaspirated alveolar stop ( / t / in IPA and d in pinyin ) and the same vowel and tone . Based on regular sound change rules , we would expect the word for bird in Mandarin to be pronounced diǎo , but Mandarin dialects ' pronunciations of the word for bird evolved to an alveolar nasal initial , likely as a means of taboo avoidance , giving contemporary niǎo while most dialects in the south retain the Middle Chinese alveolar stop initial and the homophony or near homophony of these words . Vagina ( edit ) There appear to be more words for vagina than for penis . The former are more commonly used as insults and are also more aggressive and have negative connotations : bī ( 屄 , 逼 , 比 , IM : B) = cunt jībái ( simplified Chinese : 鸡 白 ; traditional Chinese : 雞 白 ) = cunt ( Taiwanese Mandarin , near - homophone of Hokkien profanity chi - bai ) xiǎomèimei ( Chinese : 小 妹妹 ) = pussy ( lit . `` little younger sister '' , see . xiaodidi above ) bàoyú ( 鮑魚 ) = pussy ( lit . `` abalone '' due to its flesh having a superficial resemblance to a vulva ) èrbī ( 二 屄 , IM : 2B ) = fucking idiot or inbred ( lit . `` double vagina '' ; general insult ) shǎbī ( 傻 屄 ) = stupid person ( lit . `` stupid cunt '' ) IM : SB sāobī ( simplified Chinese : 骚 屄 ; traditional Chinese : 騷 屄 ) = bitch ( lit . `` lewd cunt '' ) chòubī ( 臭 屄 ) = stinking cunt lànbī ( simplified Chinese : 烂 屄 ; traditional Chinese : 爛 屄 ) = rotten cunt yīndào ( simplified Chinese : 阴道 ; traditional Chinese : 陰道 ) = vagina ( scientific ) yīnhù ( simplified Chinese : 阴户 ; traditional Chinese : 陰戶 ) = vulva ( scientific ) táohuāyuán ( 桃花 園 ) = vagina ( lit . `` garden of peach blossoms '' ) zhuāngbī ( simplified Chinese : 装 屄 ; traditional Chinese : 裝 屄 ) = poser ( lit . `` pretending to be the cunt '' ) dà yí mā ( simplified Chinese : 大 姨妈 ; traditional Chinese : 大 姨媽 ) = Literally `` The Eldest Aunt '' , a popular mainland contemporary term which refers to menstruation . Comparable to ' A visit from Aunt Flo ' Brothel frequenter ( edit ) yín chóng ( 淫 蟲 ) literally , lewd worms . Men who enjoy frequent sex with women . lǎo piáo ( 老 嫖 ) literally , old frequenter of prostitutes . There is actually a verb for frequenting prostitutes in Chinese . Prostitution ( edit ) In addition to the above expressions used as insults directed against women , other insults involve insinuating that they are prostitutes : jì nǚ ( 妓女 ) = ( female ) prostitute chòu biǎozi ( 臭 婊 子 ) = stinking whore mài dòufu ( simplified Chinese : 卖 豆腐 ; traditional Chinese : 賣 豆腐 ; literally `` selling tofu '' ) is a euphemism for prostitution . xiǎojiě ( 小姐 ) = means `` Miss '' or `` Small elder sister '' in most contexts but , now in Northern China , also connotes `` prostitute '' to many young women , as it suggests expressions like zuò xiǎojiě ( 做 小姐 ) or sānpéi xiǎojiě ( 三 陪 小姐 ) , which refers to bargirls who may also be prostitutes . This connotation does not apply outside of the People 's Republic of China . Mistress ( edit ) xiǎo lǎopó ( 小老婆 ) = mistress ( lit . `` little wife '' or `` little old women '' ) . Note : when combined with other words , the character 老 ( lǎo , literally `` old '' ) does not always refer to age ; for example , it is used in the terms 老公 ( lǎogōng ' husband ' ) , 老婆 ( lǎopó ' wife ' ) , 老鼠 ( lǎoshǔ ' mouse ' ) ; or other , more rare cases such as 老虎 ( lǎohǔ ' tiger ' ) , 老鹰 ( lǎoyīng ' eagle ' ) , 老外 ( lǎowài ' foreigner ' ) ; or important persons such as 老板 ( lǎobǎn ' boss ' ) or 老师 ( lǎoshī ' master ' or ' teacher ' ) . 老 ( lǎo ' old ' ) thus often carries with it a degree of familiarity . xiǎo tàitai ( Chinese : 小 太太 ) , lit. , `` little wife '' ( but definitely not to be mistaken for `` the little woman '' , which can be a way of referring to a wife in English ) . èr nǎi ( Chinese : 二奶 ) , lit. , `` the second mistress '' ( means a concubine , a kept woman ) . xiǎo sān ( Chinese : 小三 ) , lit. , `` little three '' ( means a mistress , since she is supposed to be the third person in a relationship ) . Breasts ( edit ) mīmī ( 咪 咪 ; literally cat 's purring `` meow meow '' ) is a euphemism for breast . dà dòufu ( 大 豆腐 ; literally `` big tofu '' ) slang for large breasts , more prevalent in Guangdong mántóu ( simplified Chinese : 馒头 ; traditional Chinese : 饅頭 ; literally `` steamed bun '' ) also refers to a woman 's breasts ; as mantou is typical of northern Chinese cuisine this term is used primarily in northern China . bō ( 波 , literally `` wave '' or `` undulating '' , but sometimes suggested to be derived from `` ball '' which has a similar pronunciation ) = boobs . The typical instance is bōbà ( Chinese : 波霸 ) , which refers to a woman with very large breasts . fúshòu ( simplified Chinese : 福寿 ; traditional Chinese : 福 壽 ) ; literally `` happy long life '' ) nāināi ( Chinese : 奶奶 ) = boobies . xǐmiàn nǎi ( 洗面 奶 ) = motorboating ( lit . `` facial cleanser '' , where `` 奶 '' serves as both slang for breasts and a thick liquid , and pressing one 's head between a woman 's breasts vaguely resembles washing one 's face ) zār ( Chinese : 咋 ) ( Beijing slang ) gege ( Tianjin slang ) bàorǔ ( Chinese : 爆乳 ; literally : `` busty breasts ( ' explosive breasts ' ) '' ) = big tits , likely reborrowing from Japanese . fēijīchǎng ( simplified Chinese : 飞机 场 ; traditional Chinese : 飛機 場 ; literally `` airport '' ) = flat breasts háng kōng mǔ jiàn ( simplified Chinese : 航空母舰 ; traditional Chinese : 航空母艦 ) - literally `` aircraft carrier '' , referring to a flat chest . Compare with 战舰 ( zhàn jiàn ) , meaning battleship , which refers to larger - sized `` chimneys '' of the chest . tàipíng gōngzhǔ ( Chinese : 太平 公主 ) means Princess of Peace , this was the actual title of a real princess . However 太 means great or extreme and 平 means flat or level . Hence , this phrase is a double entendre , i.e. , `` Extremely Flat Princess . '' Anus ( edit ) júhuā ( Chinese : 菊花 ) ; literally `` chrysanthemums '' ) - anus . This term comes from the observation that the shape of an anal opening resembles a chrysanthemum flower , where the skin folds are comparable to the flower 's small , thin petals . Although nowadays usage is mostly common amongst Chinese netizens , the euphemism has existed in Chinese literature from much earlier . pìyǎn ( Chinese : 屁眼 ) - anal orifice , asshole gāngmén simplified Chinese : 肛门 ; traditional Chinese : 肛門 ) - anus ( medical term ) , literally `` door of anus '' . hòutíng ( simplified Chinese : 后 庭 ; traditional Chinese : 後 庭 ) - anus . literally `` back yard '' . Masturbation ( edit ) Male masturbation , at least , has several vulgar expressions , in addition to two formal / scientific ones that refer to both male and female masturbation ( shǒuyín 手淫 and zìwèi 自慰 ) : dǎ shǒuqiāng ( simplified Chinese : 打 手枪 ; traditional Chinese : 打 手槍 ) = male masturbation ( lit . `` firing a handgun '' ) dǎ fēijī ( simplified Chinese : 打 飞机 ; traditional Chinese : 打 飛機 ) = male masturbation ( lit . `` hitting an airplane '' ) . A term which originated from the Cantonese language . lǚguǎn / lǚguǎnr ( 捋 管 / 捋 管 儿 ) = male masturbation ( lit . `` stroke the pipe '' ) lūgǔan ( 擼 管 ) = male masturbation , also `` stroking the pipe '' wán lǎo èr ( 玩 老 二 ) = male masturbation ( lit. , `` play with little brother '' ) wǔdǎyī ( 五 打 一 ) = male masturbation ( lit . `` five beating one '' ) jiàn Wǔ gūniáng ( simplified Chinese : 见 五 姑娘 ; traditional Chinese : 見 伍 姑娘 ) = male masturbation ( lit . `` to see ( visit ) Miss Five '' , to see ( use ) five prostitutes ( fingers ) ) zìkuài ( 自 快 ) = masturbation ( lit . private pleasure ) zhǐjiāo ( 指 交 ) = fingering jiǎ yīnjīng ( 假 陰莖 ) = dildo ( lit . fake penis ) ànmó bàng ( 按摩 棒 ) = vibrator ( lit . massage stick ) Foreplay ( edit ) kǒu jiāo ( 口交 ) = oral intercourse ( scientific ) ; informally euphemized in text as `` 咬 '' ( yǎo , lit . `` bite '' due to its resemblance ) chuī gōng ( 吹 功 ) = blowjob ( lit . `` blow service '' ) chuī xiāo ( 吹 箫 ) = blowjob ( `` play flute '' ) hā bàng ( 哈 棒 ) = Taiwanese slang for blowjob shēnhóu ( 深 喉 ) = deep throating càokǒu ( 肏 口 ) = mouth fucking ( a form of blowjob ) miàncào ( 面 肏 ) = face fucking diào chábāo ( 吊 茶 包 ) = teabagging yīnhù kǒujiāo ( 陰戶 口交 ) = cunnilingus ( scientific ) tiǎnyīn ( 舔 陰 ) = muff diving ( lit . `` licking vagina '' ) pǐnyù ( 品 玉 ) = muff diving ( lit . `` evaluating jade '' ) chībī ( 吃 屄 ) = eat pussy ( borrowed from English ) yánmiàn qíchéng ( 顏面 騎 乘 ) = facesitting tiǎngāng ( 舔 肛 ) = anilingus ( scientific ) dúlóng zuān ( 毒龍 鑽 ) = anilingus ( lit . `` drilling for poisonous dragons '' ) Sexual intercourse ( edit ) cào ( 肏 / 操 ) = to fuck ( the first shown Chinese character is made up of components meaning `` to enter '' and `` the flesh '' ; the second is the etymological graph , with the standard meaning being `` to do exercise '' ) gàn ( 幹 / 干 ) = to do = to fuck ( alternatively 搞 gǎo , to do ) or from Hokkien 姦 , also means fuck . rì ( 入 ) ( lit . `` to enter ) '' = to fuck . The meaning is obvious and in normal contexts 入 is pronounced rù . But when it is used as a coarse expression , the `` u '' is elided . See 國語 辤 典 , vol. 3 , p. 3257 . It is also commonly seen on internet websites and forums as rì 日 , due to similar pronunciation and ease of input . bàojúhuā ( 爆 菊花 ) = anal sex . ( lit . burst the chrysanthemum ( anus ) ) , i.e. , insert the penis into the anus dǎpào ( 打炮 ) = to ejaculate ( lit . to fire the cannon ) gāocháo ( 高潮 ) = Sexual orgasm ( lit . high tide , also used to describe a climax point in other domains ) chā ( 插 ) = to have sex ( lit . to insert ) chǎofàn ( 炒飯 ) = to have sex ( lit . `` making stir - fried rice '' ) hēi xiū ( 嘿 咻 ) = to have sex ( onomatopoeia for grunting noises made when exerting effort , heave - ho ) dǎ huíhé ( 打 回合 ) = to have sex ( lit . `` a round of a fight '' , but usually made into number of rounds if having sex multiple times , such as `` 打 第 三 回合 `` or `` round 3 of fighting '' to mean `` 3rd time having sex '' ) qiángjiān ( 強姦 ) = rape jījiān ( 雞姦 ) = sodomy shèjīng ( 射精 ) = to ejaculate ( scientific ) cháo chuī 潮吹 = female ejaculation ; squirt ( lit . `` orgasm blow '' ) rǔjiāo ( 乳交 ) = intermammary sex ; tit - fuck ( lit . `` breast intercourse '' ) zhēnzhū xiàngliàn ( 珍珠 項鍊 ) = ejaculating on a woman 's chest after intramammary sex ; pearl necklace jiào chuáng ( 叫 床 ) = moaning in bed Insults ( edit ) As in English , a vulgar word for the sexual act is used in insults and expletives : cào ( 肏 / 操 ) = fuck ( the variant character 肏 was in use as early as the Ming dynasty in the novel Jin Ping Mei ) . 操 is often used as a substitute for 肏 in print or on the computer , because 肏 was until recently often not available for typesetting or input . cào nǐ zǔzōng shíbā dài ( 肏 你 祖宗 十 八 代 ) = `` Fuck your ancestors to the eighteenth generation '' ; the cào 肏 , in modern Standard Chinese , is often substituted with 肏 ; the cào 肏 ( fuck ) has been substituted for 抄 , which meant `` confiscate all the property of someone and of his entire extended family . '' In China , ancestor worship is an important aspect of society , as a result of Confucianism , where filial piety and respect for one 's ancestors is considered crucial ; insulting one 's ancestors is a sensitive issue and is generally confronting . Mother ( edit ) Insulting someone 's mother is also common : tā māde ( simplified Chinese : 他 妈 的 ; traditional Chinese : 他 媽 的 , IM : TMD ) = ( fuck ) his mother 's , or frequently used as `` Shit ! '' ( lit . `` his mother 's '' ; in the 1920s the famous writer Lu Xun joked that this should be China 's national curse word ) tā mā bāzi ( simplified Chinese : 他 妈 巴子 ; traditional Chinese : 他 媽 巴子 his mother 's clitoris . Lu Xun differentiates this expression from the previous one . This one can be said in admiration , whereas `` tā māde '' is just abusive . See his essay , `` On ' His mother 's ' '' ( 論 他 媽 的 ) . tā māde niǎo ( simplified Chinese : 他 妈 的 鸟 ; traditional Chinese : 他 媽 的 鳥 ) = goddamn it ( lit . `` his mother 's dick '' ; 鸟 / 鳥 literally is `` bird '' , but used here as a euphemism for diǎo ; 屌 ; `` penis '' ) qù nǐ nǎinaide ( Chinese : 去 你 奶奶 的 ) = your mom ( lit . `` go to your grandma '' ) qù nǐ māde ( simplified Chinese : 去 你 妈 的 ; traditional Chinese : 去 你 媽 的 ) = your mom ( lit . `` go to your mom '' ) qù nǐde ( Chinese : 去 你 的 ) = fuck you , screw off , shut up ( used jokingly and is considered mild and not insulting ) nǐ māde bī ( simplified Chinese : 你 妈 的 屄 ; traditional Chinese : 你 媽 的 屄 ) = your mother 's cunt cào nǐ mā ( simplified Chinese : 肏 你 妈 ; traditional Chinese : 肏 你 媽 ) / cào nǐ niáng ( 肏 你 娘 ) = fuck your mom cào nǐ māde bī ( simplified Chinese : 肏 你 妈 的 屄 ; traditional Chinese : 肏 你 媽 的 屄 ) = fuck your mother 's cunt gàn nǐ mā ( simplified Chinese : 干 你 妈 ; traditional Chinese : 幹 你 媽 ) / gàn nǐ lǎo mǔ ( simplified Chinese : 干 你 老母 ; traditional Chinese : 幹 你 老母 ) = fuck your mom ( gàn is similar to the English euphemism do ) gàn nǐ niáng ( simplified Chinese : 干 你 娘 ; traditional Chinese : 幹 你 娘 ) = fuck your mother ( Taiwanese Mandarin influenced by the regional vernacular Taiwanese Minnan 姦 汝 娘 ( kàn - lín - nió ) ; also `` 幹 您 娘 '' ) Other relatives ( edit ) nǐ èr dàyé de ( Chinese : 你 二 大爷 的 ) = damn on your second uncle . This is a part of local Beijing slang . lǎolao ( Chinese : 姥姥 ) = grandmother - from - mother - side . In Beijing dialect , this word is used for `` Never ! '' . tā nǎinai de ( Chinese : 他 奶奶 的 ) = His grandmother ! Turtles and eggs ( edit ) The 中文 大 辭典 Zhōng wén dà cí diǎn ( Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Chinese Language ) ) ( something a little like the OED ) , discusses 王八 ( wáng bā ) in vol. 6 p. 281 . `` Wáng bā '' is the term that is usually written casually for the slur that means something like `` son of a bitch . '' A `` wángbādàn 忘 / 王八 蛋 '' is the offspring of a woman lacking virtue . Another meaning of 王八 is 鼈 biē , fresh - water turtle . Turtle heads reemerging from hiding in the turtle 's shell look like the glans emerging from the foreskin , and turtles lay eggs . So a `` wang ba '' is a woman who has lost her virtue , and a `` wang ba dan '' is the progeny of such a woman , a turtle product , but , figuratively , also a penis product . 龜頭 ( guītóu , `` turtle head '' ) can refer to the glans of the penis . `` Wáng bā 王八 '' originally got switched over from another `` 忘 八 wàng bā '' ( one that referred to any very unvirtuous individual ) because of a man with the family name Wáng 王 who picked up the nickname 賊 王八 zéi Wáng bā ( `` the thieving Wang Eight '' ) but for being a dastard , not for being a bastard . The dictionary does n't say , but he may have been the eighth Wang among his siblings . Anyway , he became `` crook Wang eight '' and the term stuck and spread just as `` Maverick '' did in English . There is a pun here because of the earlier expression 忘 八 wáng bā used to describe ( 1 ) any person who forgets / disregards the eight virtues , ( 2 ) an un-virtuous woman , i.e. , one who sleeps around . The first meaning applied to the dastardly Wang , but the family name got `` stuck '' to the second , sexual , term . Illegitimacy ( edit ) Many insults imply that the interlocutor 's mother or even grandmother was promiscuous . The turtle is emblematic of the penis and also of promiscuous intercourse , because turtles were once thought to conceive by thought alone , making paternity impossible to prove . Eggs are the progeny of turtles and other lower animals , so the word dàn ( 蛋 ) is a metonym for offspring . wángbā ( 王八 ) / wàngbā ( 忘 八 ) = soft - shell turtle ; this was an insult as early as the Song Dynasty . wángbādàn ( 王八 蛋 , informal simplified : 王八 旦 ) / wàngbāgāozi ( 王八 羔子 ) = bastard ( lit : `` Wang eight eggs child . '' ) guī sūnzi ( simplified Chinese : 龟 孙子 ; traditional Chinese : 龜 孫子 ) / guī érzi ( simplified Chinese : 龟 儿子 ; traditional Chinese : 龜 兒子 ) = bastard ( lit . `` turtle grandson '' and `` turtle son '' ) dài lǜmàozi ( simplified Chinese : 戴绿帽 子 ; traditional Chinese : 戴綠帽 子 ) = to be a cuckold ( lit . `` wear a green hat , '' supposedly because male brothel workers in the Tang Dynasty had to wear green hats ) zázhǒng ( simplified Chinese : 杂种 ; traditional Chinese : 雜種 ) = mixed seed , half - caste , half breed , hybrid , illegitimate child . There are proper terms for children of mixed ethnicity , but this is not one of them . hún dàn ( 混蛋 ) = individual who has at least two biological fathers and one biological mother , the idea being that the mother mated with two or more males in quick succession and a mosaic embryo was formed . hún zhang wángbā dàn ( simplified Chinese : 混账 王八 蛋 ; traditional Chinese : 混賬 王八 蛋 ) = similar to turtle egg , see above . Stupid ( edit ) bái chī ( Chinese : 白痴 ) Idiot , someone with mental retardation . bái mù ( Chinese : 白目 ) stupid . Literally , white - eyed , blind . Here it means not understanding the situation and reacting in a wrong way as a result . bèn dàn ( Chinese : 笨蛋 ) Idiot ( lit . stupid egg ) . chǔn dàn ( Chinese : 蠢 蛋 ) Stupid ( lit . stupid egg ) . chǔn zhū ( Chinese : 蠢 豬 ) Stupid ( lit . dumb pig ) . dà nǎo jìn shuǐ ( Chinese : 大脑 进 水 ) water leaked in the brain , a possible reference to hydrocephalus . nǎo cán ( Chinese : 脑残 ) Mental deficiency shǎ zi ( Chinese : 傻子 ) Blockhead Suck up ( edit ) chóngyáng mèiwài ( Chinese : 崇洋 媚外 ) Chinese who ass kiss foreigners . fànjiàn ( Chinese : 犯贱 ) asking to be disrespected . zhāo biǎn ( Chinese : 招 贬 ) asking to be kicked . dīsānxiàsì ( Chinese : 低三下四 ) low ( lit . `` low three down four '' ) gǒutuǐzi ( Chinese : 狗腿子 ) someone 's dog . pāi mǎ pì ( Chinese : 拍马屁 ) to suck up , to be a toady ( lit . patting a horse 's butt ) . Madness ( edit ) shén jīng bìng ( simplified Chinese : 神经病 ; traditional Chinese : 神經病 ) Insanity . Literally `` disease of the nervous system '' , or having problems with one 's nervous system . In China , imbalance of the nervous system is commonly associated with mental illness ( for instance , 神经 衰弱 Shenjing shuairuo , literally `` weakness of the nervous system '' , is a more socially accepted medical diagnosis for someone who , in the West , would have normally been diagnosed with schizophrenia , due to the social stigma against mental illness in China ) . Now the word is used quite generally when insulting someone whose actions seem odd , rude , offensive , or inappropriate . fābiāo ( Chinese : 发飙 ) going crazy . fāfēng ( Chinese : 发疯 ) going insane biàntài ( simplified Chinese : 变态 ; traditional Chinese : 變態 ) Perverted , deviant , abnormal . Buttocks ( edit ) While there are vulgar expressions in English referring to the buttocks or rectum , there are no real equivalents in Mandarin . Pìgu yǎn ( 屁股 眼 ) or pìyǎnr ( 屁眼 兒 / 屁眼 儿 ) , one expression for anus , is not vulgar , but it occurs in various curses involving an imperforate anus sǐ pì yǎn ( Chinese : 死 屁眼 ) damned asshole . jiào nǐ shēng háizi méi pìgu yǎn ( simplified Chinese : 叫 你 生 孩子 没 屁股 眼 ; traditional Chinese : 叫 你 生 孩子 沒 屁股 眼 ) -- literally , `` May your child be born with an imperforate anus '' ; sometimes méi pìgu yǎn ( simplified Chinese : 没 屁股 眼 ; traditional Chinese : 沒 屁股 眼 ) is used as an epithet similar to `` damned '' jiào nǐ shēng háizi zhǎng zhì chuāng ( 叫 你 生 孩子 长 痔疮 ) -- `` May your child be born with hemorrhoids '' wǒ kào ( 我 靠 or 我 尻 ) -- `` Well fuck me ! '' , `` Fuck ! '' , `` Fuckin ' awesome ! '' or `` Holy shit ! '' ( Originally from Taiwan , this expression has spread to the mainland , where it is generally not considered to be vulgar . 尻 originally meant `` butt . '' ) Age ( edit ) lǎo bù sǐde 老 不死 的 -- death grip on life -- is used as an angry comment directed against old people who refuse to die and so clog up the ladder to promotion in some organization . It is implied that they have outlived their usefulness , which conveys a deeper meaning of that person inconveniencing or hogging a resource or benefit that is beneficial to the insulter ( such as a job promotion ) by being alive ; thus the insulter wishes for his death . The expression comes from the Analects of Confucius where the Master complains against those who engage in heterodox practices aimed at assuring them extreme longevity . In the original these individuals are described as `` lǎo ér bù sǐ '' ( 老 而 不死 ) , i.e. , it is said that they `` are old but wo n't die . '' lǎo zéi 老 賊 = lǎo bù sǐde lǎo tóuzi ( simplified Chinese : 老头子 ; traditional Chinese : 老頭子 ) , literally `` old head , '' it refers in a somewhat slighting way to old men . Its usage is rather like such expressions as `` old geezer '' in English . lǎo tài pó 老太婆 , old hag . xiǎo guǐ 小鬼 , '' little devil , '' is used familiarly and ( usually ) affectionately ( c.f. `` rascal '' in English ) . xiǎo tù zǎizi 小 兔崽子 , '' little rabbit kitten , '' refers to someone young . Its usage is rather like such expressions as `` little brat '' in English . rǔ xiù wèi gān ( simplified Chinese : 乳臭未干 ; traditional Chinese : 乳臭未乾 ) Literally `` ( the ) smell ( of ) milk is not dry ( = gone ) yet , '' wet behind the ears . lǎo wán gù 老顽固 , an old arrogant man . Promiscuity ( edit ) As in the West , highly sexual women have been stigmatized . Terms for males who sleep around are rare . chāng fù ( 娼妇 ) = bitch / whore húli jīng ( 狐狸精 ) = bitch ( overly seductive woman or a golddigger ; lit . `` fox spirit '' or a female who attracts men in love and not in love ) sānbā ( 三 八 ) = airhead , braggart , slut ( lit . `` three eight '' ) . Used to insult women . One derivation claims that at one point in the Qing Dynasty , foreigners were only permitted to circulate on the eighth , eighteenth , and twenty - eighth of each month , and the Chinese deprecated these aliens by calling them 三 八 , but others claim 三 八 refers to March 8 : International Women 's Day . In Taiwan , the term has less of a misogynous connotation , and means `` silly '' or `` airhead . '' gōng gòng qì chē ( simplified Chinese : 公共 汽车 ; traditional Chinese : 公共 汽車 ) = slut ( lit . `` public bus '' ) used for a woman who sleeps around , as in `` everyone has had a ride '' biǎozi ( 婊 子 ) = whore , slut jiàn nǚ rén ( 贱 女人 ) = bitch , cheap woman huā huā gōngzǐ ( 花花 公子 ) = playboy , notorious cheater ( lit . `` Flower - Flower Prince '' ) sè láng ( 色狼 ) = womaniser , sex maniac ( lit . `` Coloured Wolf '' , in this context the adjective `` colour '' is a euphemism for `` lewd '' ) sè guǐ ( 色 鬼 ) = pervert ( lit . `` Colour Ghost '' ) Positive connotations ( edit ) Occasionally , slang words with a negative connotation are turned around and used positively : wǒ cào ( 我 肏 ) = An expression of impressed surprise or approval , akin to `` holy fuck '' or `` holy shit ! '' in English ( lit . `` I fuck '' ) Alternatively , `` 我 靠 '' ( wǒ kào , `` I lean on '' . IM : KAO ) or `` 哇 靠 '' ( wa kào ) is used when the subject intends on being less obscene , such as when speaking in public . niúbī ( 牛 屄 / 牛 逼 ) = fucking awesome ( literally `` cow cunt '' ; possibly influenced by the expression chuī niú pí ; 吹牛皮 , which means `` to brag '' ) . This phrase also has many alternative forms , including NB , 牛 B , 牛 比 , 牛鼻 ( `` cow 's nose '' ) , as well as alternative pronunciations such as 牛 叉 / 牛 X niúchā . It can also just be shortened to 牛 . diǎo ( 屌 ) / niǎo ( simplified Chinese : 鸟 ; traditional Chinese : 鳥 ) = cock ; this was an insult as long ago as the Jin Dynasty . Now it sometimes also means `` fucking cool '' or `` fucking outrageous '' , thanks in large part to the pop star Jay Chou . Because of the substitution of `` niǎo '' which means bird , sometimes English - speaking Chinese in Malaysia sometimes use `` birdie '' as a euphemism for `` penis '' for small children . `` 鸟 人 '' ( bird man ) sometimes has a derogative meaning as a `` wretch '' , but also often used between close friends as affectionate appellation like `` fellow '' . diǎo sī ( 屌丝 ) = originally meant to mean male pubic hair , but means an unprivileged nobody . Originally an Internet slang , now a popular word often used in self - mockery ( lit . `` dick silk / wire '' ) Mixed - up ( edit ) Other insults include the word hùn ( 混 ) , which means `` mixed - up '' , or hùn ( simplified Chinese : 浑 ; traditional Chinese : 渾 ) , which means `` muddy '' : hùnzhàng ( simplified Chinese : 混账 ; traditional Chinese : 混賬 ) = bullshit , damn hùndàn ( 混蛋 / simplified Chinese : 浑蛋 ; traditional Chinese : 渾蛋 ) = prick hūndàn ( 昏 蛋 ) = prick hùnqiú ( 混球 ) = prick mǎmǎhǔhǔ ( 马马虎虎 ) = sloppy , careless Eggs ( edit ) Perhaps due to the influence of wángbādàn ( 王八 蛋 ) , dàn ( 蛋 ; `` egg '' ) is used in a number of other insults in addition to hùndàn ( 混蛋 ) : bèndàn ( 笨蛋 ) = dummy , fool , idiot ( lit . `` dumb egg '' ) chǔn dàn ( 蠢 蛋 ) = dummy , fool dǎodàn ( 倒 蛋 / simplified Chinese : 捣蛋 ; traditional Chinese : 搗蛋 ) = `` to cause trouble '' gǔndàn ( simplified Chinese : 滚蛋 ; traditional Chinese : 滾蛋 ) = get out of sight ! huàidàn ( simplified Chinese : 坏蛋 ; traditional Chinese : 壞蛋 ) = a wicked person . Literally a bad egg . hútú dàn ( 糊涂 蛋 ) = confused / clueless person ( a sucker ) qíongguāng dàn ( simplified Chinese : 穷光蛋 ; traditional Chinese : 窮光蛋 ) = a poor / penniless person Melons ( edit ) The word guā ( 瓜 ; melon or gourd ) is also used in insults : shǎguā ( 傻瓜 ; also shǎzi , 傻子 ) = dummy , fool , idiot . The term was in use as early as the Yuan Dynasty . dāiguā ( 呆 瓜 ; also dāizi , 呆子 ) = dummy , fool , idiot . In addition to the senses listed above , the `` melon '' is a metonym for the womb , and a `` broken melon '' refers to a female 's lost virginity . Sticks ( edit ) The noun 棍 gùn , stick / staff is often used to refer to someone who is morally corrupted . ègùn ( 惡棍 / 恶棍 ) = bad guy , bully , villain ( lit . `` evil stick '' ) shéngùn ( 神 棍 ) = fake fortune teller ( lit . `` god stick '' ) dǔgùn ( 賭棍 / 赌棍 ) = rogue gambler ( lit . `` gamble stick '' ) dégùn ( 德 棍 ) = fascist ( lit . `` german stick '' ) Ghosts and spirits ( edit ) The noun for `` ghost '' 鬼 is often used to mock someone with some bad habit . The mocking tone may not be very serious though . jiǔguǐ ( 酒鬼 ) = drinker , alcoholic zuìguǐ ( 醉鬼 ) = drunkard xiǎoqì guǐ ( 小气 鬼 ) = tightwad , cheapskate ; selfish dǎnxiǎo guǐ ( 胆小鬼 ) = coward 精 `` nonhuman spirit in a human 's form '' is usually for insulting some cunning people . húli jīng ( 狐狸精 ) = vixen ( overly seductive woman or a golddigger ; lit . `` fox spirit '' ) mǎpì jīng ( 马屁精 ) = flatterer ( lit . `` horse fart spirit '' ) lǎo yāo pó ( 老 妖婆 ) = evil old witch yāojing ( 妖精 ) = alluring woman ; also fairy or goblin yāoguài ( 妖怪 ) = monster , demon rényāo ( 人妖 ) = shemale , transwoman ( lit . `` human demon '' ) tàiguó rényāo ( 泰國 人妖 ) = Thai shemale ( lit . Thailand human demon ; usually used as a stronger insult than merely calling someone a shemale ) Useless ( edit ) méiyòng ( Chinese : 沒 用 ) = useless Fèi ( Chinese : 废 , Chinese : 廢 ; `` ( noun ) waste / garbage , ( verb ) to waste , to throw away '' ) appears in a number of insults : wōnang fèi ( simplified Chinese : 窝囊废 ; traditional Chinese : 窩囊廢 ) = loser fèi wù ( simplified Chinese : 废物 ; traditional Chinese : 廢物 ) = good for nothing fèirén ( simplified Chinese : 废人 ; traditional Chinese : 廢人 ) = useless person fèihuà ( simplified Chinese : 废话 ; traditional Chinese : 廢話 ) = nonsense , bullshit , useless talk or chit - chat liúmáng ( Chinese : 流氓 ) = scoundrel , gangster or pervert ( the word originally meant vagrant ) ; often used by women to insult men who act aggressively . nāozhǒng ( simplified Chinese : 孬种 ; traditional Chinese : 孬種 ) = coward , useless , or weak person . rén zhā ( Chinese : 人 渣 ) = Scum . Someone who is useless and unwanted as garbage . wúyòng ( simplified Chinese : 无用 ; traditional Chinese : 無用 ) = literally `` useless '' fàntǒng ( simplified Chinese : 饭桶 ; traditional Chinese : 飯桶 ) = useless person . Literally `` rice bucket '' , the connotation being that , like a bucket , the person is only useful for storing food and nothing else . er bai wu ( Chinese : 二百五 ) = have n't got the full deck . Boasting ( edit ) bàn píngzi cù ( Chinese : 半 瓶子 醋 ) : literally , a half - empty bottle of vinegar , used to address a person with limited professional expertise . chuīniú bī ( Chinese : 吹牛 逼 ) : lit . inflating ( blowing air into ) a cow 's vagina . Used to address bragging activities . Often bowdlerized to chuīniú ( Chinese : 吹牛 ) when speaking in public or in the presence of children . chī bǎole chēng de ( Chinese : 吃 饱 了 撑 的 ) : lit . eats too much . Used to refer weird , nonsense or illogical deeds . chī bǎo fàn méi shì zuò ( 吃 飽 飯 沒事 做 ) = same as chī bǎo le chēng de , but literal meaning is different ( lit . `` just finished eating and there 's nothing to do '' ) Cruelty ( edit ) shārén bù zhǎyǎn ( Chinese : 杀人 不 眨眼 ) stone cold killer . xiǎo bàwáng zhōu tōng ( Chinese : 小 霸王 周 通 ) a wicked man . huǒyǎn xiéshén ( Chinese : 火眼 邪神 ) evil spirit . dà mó tóu ( Chinese : 大 魔 头 ) a very wicked and powerful man . sàng xīn bìng kuǎng ( Chinese : 丧心病狂 ) crazy cruelty . liáng xīn bèi gǒu chī le ( Chinese : 良心 被 狗 吃 了 ) conscience was eaten by dog . Face ( edit ) Because shame or `` face '' is important in Chinese culture , insulting someone as `` shameless '' is much stronger than in English : bú yàoliǎn ( simplified Chinese : 不要 脸 ; traditional Chinese : 不要 臉 ) = shameless , lit . `` does n't want face , '' i.e. , `` discards his face , does not seek to maintain a good status in society '' . diū liǎn ( 丟臉 ) = disgrace ; humiliating ( lit . `` discarded face '' ) Girlish ( edit ) niángniangqiāng ( Chinese : 娘娘 腔 ) is a pejorative used to describe Chinese males who are extremely effeminate in their speaking style . It is related to the term sājiào ( 撒娇 , to whine ) , but is predominantly said of males who exhibit a rather `` girlish '' air of indecisiveness and immaturity . Adherents of both tend to lengthen sentence - final particles while maintaining a higher - pitched intonation all throughout . The usage of the tilde as an Internet meme reflects the popularization of this style of speaking , which is often perceived as being cute or seductive . niángpào ( 娘 炮 ) = same as 娘娘 腔 ( above ) tàijiàn ( 太监 ) or gōnggong ( 公公 ) - Eunuch . From the stereotypes of Imperial eunuchs seen in TV shows in China ( with a high , feminine voice ) . Men with higher voices are called eunuchs . nǚ qì ( simplified Chinese : 女 气 ; traditional Chinese : 女 氣 ) , female lifebreath . A man having the psychological attributes of a woman is said to exhibit `` nǚ qì , '' i.e. , is said to be effeminate . pì jīng ( Chinese : 屁 精 ) roughly meaning ass fairy nǎi yóu ( Chinese : 奶油 ) lit . meaning cream or butter Boyish ( edit ) nán rén pó ( Chinese : 男人 婆 ) a female who behaves like a male . Tomboy mu ye cha ( Chinese : 母 夜叉 ) a female Yaksha , an ugly and rough female ; often domineering in personality . Inhuman ( edit ) Other insults accuse people of lacking qualities expected of a human being : chùsheng ( 畜生 ) = animal ; it literally means `` beast '' , a likely reference to the Buddhist belief that rebirth as an animal is the result of karma conditioned by stupidity and prejudice . The word is also used in Japanese , where it is pronounced `` chikushō '' , often used as an expletive , akin to `` hell ! '' qín shòu ( 禽兽 ) = beasts ( lit. : `` bird and animal '' ) , often used as qín shòu bù rú ( 禽兽 不如 ) = worse than beasts nǐ bú shì rén ( 你 不是 人 ) = you 're not human ( lit. : `` you are not a person '' ) nǐ shì shénme dōngxi ( simplified Chinese : 你 是 什么 东西 ; traditional Chinese : 你 是 什麽 東西 ) = you 're less than human , literally : What kind of object are you ? ( compares the level of a person to that of an object ) nǐ búshì dōngxi ( simplified Chinese : 你 不是 东西 ; traditional Chinese : 你 不是 東西 ) = you 're less than human ( implies less worth than an object ) bùyàoliǎn de dōngxi ( simplified Chinese : 不要 脸 的 东西 ; traditional Chinese : 不要 臉 的 東西 ) = you 're shameless and less than human ( lit. : `` you are a thing that has no shame '' ) jiànhuò ( simplified Chinese : 贱货 ; traditional Chinese : 賤貨 ) = lit . `` cheap goods '' ( `` ( you ) despicable creature ! '' ) sāohuò ( simplified Chinese : 骚 货 ; traditional Chinese : 騷 貨 ) = lit . `` lewd goods '' ( `` ( you ) lewd creature ! '' ) shuǐhuò ( Chinese : 水货 ) = lit . `` junk '' Death ( edit ) Sǐ ( 死 ; `` dead '' , `` cadaverous , '' or , less precisely , `` damn ( ed ) '' ) is used in a number of insults : sǐ guǐ ( 死鬼 ) lit. , `` dead imp , '' `` dead demon , '' `` dead ghost '' . Used as a term of contempt . sǐ sān bā ( 死 三 八 ) / chòu sān bā ( 臭 三 八 ) , lit. , stinking ( derogatory term for woman ) bitch sǐ bù yào liǎn ( simplified Chinese : 死 不要 脸 ; traditional Chinese : 死 不要 臉 ) = shameless ( lit. : `` ( you ) shameless corpse '' ) qù sǐ ( 去 死 ) = Lit . `` Go die ! '' , comparable to the English phrase `` Go to hell ! '' sǐ yā tóu 死 丫頭 , lit. , dead serving wench . -- This term is no longer in common use . It appears in early novels as a deprecating term for young female bondservants . The `` ya '' element refers to a hair style appropriate to youths of this sort . gāi sǐ ( simplified Chinese : 该死 ; traditional Chinese : 該死 ) damned , damn it ! ( lit. should die ) zhǎo sǐ ( Chinese : 找死 ) : literally `` look ( for ) death '' ( i.e. `` looking to die '' ) . Roughly equivalent to the English phrase ' asking for trouble ' . qù xià dì yù ( 去 下 地狱 ) - Lit . `` Go to hell '' Excrement ( edit ) The words `` 屎 '' ( shǐ ) ( = turd , dung ) , `` 粪 '' ( fèn ) ( = manure , excrement ) and `` 大便 ( = stool , poop ) '' ( dà biàn ) , all mean feces but vary from blunt four letter to family - friendly , respectively . They can all be used in compound words and sentences in a profane manner . Originally , the various Mandarin Chinese words for `` excrement '' were less commonly used as expletives , but that is changing . Perhaps because farting results in something that is useless even for fertilizer : `` fàng pì '' ( 放屁 ; lit . `` to fart '' ) is an expletive in Mandarin . The word `` pì '' ( 屁 ; lit . `` fart '' ) or the phrase is commonly used as an expletive in Mandarin ( i.e. `` bullshit ! '' ) . qù chī dà biàn ( 去 吃 大便 ) ( Go ) Eat shit ! ( By itself , 大便 is neither an expletive nor does it have the same effect as ' shit ' in English . ) chī shǐ ( 吃 屎 ) = Eat shit ! shǐ dàn ( 屎 蛋 ) Lit. , `` shit egg '' , a turd . fàng pì ( 放屁 ) = bullshit , nonsense , lie ( literally `` to fart '' ; used as an expletive as early as the Yuan dynasty . ' ge pì ( 个 屁 ) = A common variation of 放屁 , also meaning `` bullshit '' ( as in lies , c.f. English `` my ass ! '' ) . This term is used because `` fang pi '' can be taken literally to mean Flatulence . Often tacked on to the end of a sentence , as in `` XYZ 个 屁 ! '' pìhuà ( simplified Chinese : 屁话 ; traditional Chinese : 屁話 ) = bullshit , nonsense nǐ zài jiǎng shén me pì huà ( simplified Chinese : 你 在 讲 什么 屁话 ; traditional Chinese : 你 在 講 什麽 屁話 ) = What the shit / fuck are you saying pì shì ( 屁 事 ) = a mere nothing ; also guānwǒpìshì ( 关 我 屁 事 ) = I do n't give a damn ! mǐ tián gòng ( 米田 共 ) - A play on the writing of 糞 ( the traditional form of 粪 ( fen ) , also `` kuso '' in Japanese ) , referring to excrement . qí yán fèn tǔ yě ( simplified Chinese : 其 言 粪土 也 ; traditional Chinese : 其 言 糞土 也 ) - an expression in Classical Chinese that means , `` His words are ( nothing but ) excrement . '' ( See Giles , A Chinese - English Dictionary . ) yǒu huà kuài shuō , yǒu pì kuài fàng 有 話 快 說 , 有 屁 快 放 = an expression meaning to stop beating around the bush ( lit . If you have something to say , hurry up and say it ; if you have a fart , hurry up and let it out ) shǐ bǎ ba ( 屎 or 屎 㞎 㞎 ) - Children 's slang term for faeces , similar to English `` poo - poo '' or `` brownie '' . A variant of this term is 㞎 㞎 ( bǎ ba ) , while 便便 ( biàn bian ) is also used as a children 's term , albeit less frequently used . pìtóu ( 屁 头 ) = fart . Animals ( edit ) sěnì = chaplony . Dogs ( edit ) The fact that many insults are prefaced with the Mandarin Chinese word for dog attest to the animal 's low status : gǒuzǎizi ( 狗 崽子 / 狗仔 子 ) = son of dog ( English equivalent : `` son of a bitch '' ) gǒu pì ( 狗屁 ) = bullshit , nonsense ( lit . `` dog fart '' ) ; in use as early as 1750 in the Qing Dynasty novel Rulin waishi ( The Unofficial History of the Scholars ) . nǐ ge gǒu pì ( simplified Chinese : 你 个 狗屁 ; traditional Chinese : 你 個 狗屁 ) = what you said is bullshit . also `` nǐ ge pì '' ( simplified Chinese : 你 个 屁 ; traditional Chinese : 你 個 屁 ) or simply `` pì '' ( Chinese : 屁 ) . gǒu pì bù tōng ( 狗屁 不通 ) dog fart + does not ( come out at the end of the tube =) communicate = incoherent , nonsensical fàng nǐ mā de gǒu pì ( simplified Chinese : 放 你 妈 的 狗屁 ; traditional Chinese : 放 你 媽 的 狗屁 ) = what you said is fucking bullshit ( lit . `` release your mother 's dog fart '' ) fàng nǐ mā de gǒu chòu pì ( simplified Chinese : 放 你 妈 的 狗 臭 屁 ; traditional Chinese : 放 你 媽 的 狗 臭 屁 ) = what you said is fucking bullshit ( lit . `` release your mother 's dog stinky fart '' ) gǒu niáng yǎng de ( simplified Chinese : 狗 娘 养 的 ; traditional Chinese : 狗 娘 養 的 ) = son of a bitch ( lit . `` raised by a dog mother '' ) gǒurìde ( 狗 日 的 ) = son of a bitch ( from Liu Heng 's story `` Dogshit Food '' , lit . `` dog fuck '' 日 is here written for 入 , which when pronounced rì means `` fuck '' . ) gǒushǐ duī ( 狗 屎 堆 ) = a person who behaves badly ( lit . `` a pile of dog shit '' ) ; gǒushǐ ( 狗 屎 ) , or `` dog shit , '' was used to describe people of low moral character as early as the Song dynasty . Due to Western influence , as well as the similar sound , this has become a synonym for bullshit in some circles . gǒuzázhǒng ( simplified Chinese : 狗 杂种 ; traditional Chinese : 狗 雜種 ) = literally `` mongrel dog , '' a variation on zázhǒng ( simplified Chinese : 杂种 ; traditional Chinese : 雜種 ) , above . zǒugǒu ( 走狗 ) = lapdog , often translated into English as `` running dog '' , it means an unprincipled person who helps or flatters other , more powerful and often evil people ; in use in this sense since the Qing Dynasty . Often used in the 20th century by communists to refer to client states of the United States and other capitalist powers . gǒutuǐzi ( 狗腿子 ) / gǒutuǐ ( 狗 腿 ) = Variant of zǒugǒu ( 走狗 ) , lit . `` dog thigh '' hǎ bā gǒu ( 哈巴狗 ) = someone who incessantly follows someone around , and is usually seen as a sycophant . ( lit : `` pug dog '' ) Rabbits ( edit ) In at least one case , rabbit is part of an insult : xiǎotùzǎizi ( 小 兔崽子 ) = son of a rabbit ( quite ironically , this insult is often used by parents to insult their children ) Horse ( edit ) mǎzi ( simplified Chinese : 马子 ; traditional Chinese : 馬子 ; literally : `` horse '' ) = a derogatory word for girlfriend . ( Possibly influenced by U.S. slang , `` filly , '' used for any girl . ) Bird ( edit ) The Chinese word for bird `` niǎo '' ( 鸟 ) was pronounced as `` diǎo '' in ancient times , which rhymes with ( 屌 ) meaning penis or sexual organ . It also sounds the same as `` penis '' in several Chinese dialects . Thus , bird is often associated with ' fuck ' , ' penis ' or ' nonsense ' : wǒ niǎo nǐ ( simplified Chinese : 我 鸟 你 ; traditional Chinese : 我 鳥 你 ) = I fuck you ( Beijing dialect ) wǒ niǎo tā de ( simplified Chinese : 我 鸟 他 的 ; traditional Chinese : 我 鳥 他 的 ) = damn fuck ; fuck him niǎo huà ( simplified Chinese : 鸟 话 ; traditional Chinese : 鳥 話 ; literally : `` bird speech '' ) = bullshit , fucking words ; nǐ zài jiǎng shénme niǎo huà ( simplified Chinese : 你 在 讲 说 什么 鸟 话 ; traditional Chinese : 你 在 講 什麽 鳥 話 ) = What fucking words are you talking about ? niǎo rén ( simplified Chinese : 鸟 人 ; traditional Chinese : 鳥 人 ; literally : `` bird person '' ) = bastard , asshole . This word commonly appears in Water Margin , a Ming dynasty Classical Chinese Novel . niǎo shì ( simplified Chinese : 鸟 事 ; traditional Chinese : 鳥 事 ; literally : `` bird matters '' ) = mere nothing ; also guān wǒ niǎo shì ( simplified Chinese : 关 我 鸟 事 ; traditional Chinese : 關 我 鳥 事 ) = I do n't care a damn Tigress ( edit ) A tigress or 母 老虎 ( Mǔ lǎohǔ ) refers to a fierce woman , usually someone 's strict wife . Dinosaur ( edit ) A dinosaur or 恐龙 ( Kǒnglóng ) has been used as Internet slang to describe an ugly girl . Insect ( edit ) wútóu cāngyíng ( 無 頭 蒼蠅 ) = someone running around with no sense of direction ( lit : `` headless fly '' , or similar to `` chicken with its head cut off '' in English ) hudu chong ( 糊涂 虫 ) = absent - minded person , a scatterbrain ( lit . `` confused insect '' ) , compare with wútóu cāngyíng gēn pì chóng ( 跟屁蟲 ) = someone that aimlessly follows someone around , usually for the purpose of flattery ( lit : `` butt - chasing insect '' ) Contempt ( edit ) Certain words are used for expressing contempt or strong disapproval : qiáobùqǐ ( ( 瞧不起 ) = To look down upon or to hold in contempt . wǒpēi ( 我 呸 ) = I boo in disapproval . Pēi 呸 is a spoken onomatopoeia that represents the action of spitting . Divinity ( edit ) wēnshén ( 瘟神 ) = troublemaker ( literally `` plague god '' ) . Compares the insulted person to a disliked god . wǒ de tiān a ( 我 的 天 啊 ) = Oh my God ( literally `` Oh my sky '' ) . Miscellaneous ( edit ) Some expressions are harder to explain : èrbǎiwǔ ( 二百五 ) = stupid person / idiot ( see 250 ) shūdāizi , ( simplified Chinese : 书呆子 ; traditional Chinese : 書呆子 ) roughly equivalent to `` bookworm '' or , possibly , `` nerd '' . It is used to portray a studious person as lacking either hands - on experience or social skills . Unlike `` nerd '' , shūdāizi is rarely used in the context of hobbies . bì zuǐ , ( 闭 嘴 ) = Shut up ! Action specific ( edit ) Some expressions represent offensive insults involving some kind of actions : gǔnkāi ( simplified Chinese : 滚 开 ; traditional Chinese : 滾 開 ) = go to hell ! ( lit . roll or roll away ) nǐgěiwǒgǔn ( simplified Chinese : 你 给 我 滚 ; traditional Chinese : 你 給 我 滾 ) = get out of my sight ! ( lit . roll for me ! ) gǔndàn ( simplified Chinese : 滚蛋 ; traditional Chinese : 滾蛋 ) = scram , get out ! ( lit . `` roll ( ing ) egg '' ) gǔnduzi ( simplified Chinese : 滚 犊子 ; traditional Chinese : 滾 犢子 ) = get out of here . ( lit . `` Roll over , calf . '' ) gǔnnǐmādedàn ( simplified Chinese : 滚 你 妈 的 蛋 ; traditional Chinese : 滾 你 媽 的 蛋 ) = get the f -- - out of here ! f -- - off ! ( lit . `` Roll your mother 's egg . '' ) gǔnnǐmābī ( simplified Chinese : 滚 你 妈 屄 ; traditional Chinese : 滾 你 媽 屄 ) = get the f -- - out of here ! f -- - off ! ( lit . `` Roll to your mother 's c -- - . '' ) Region specific ( edit ) Many locations within China have their own local slang , which is scarcely used elsewhere . nǐ yā tǐng de ( 你 丫 挺 的 ) - Local slang from Beijing , meaning `` you son of a b -- -- ! '' gàn nǐ xiǎo BK de ( 干 你 小 BK 的 ) - Local slang from Tianjin , meaning `` go fuck your ' thing ' '' , where `` BK '' refers to male genitalia . However , when insulting females , `` 马 B '' is used instead . xiǎo yàng le ba ( 小样 了 吧 ) - Originating from Southern China . Said upon someone 's misfortunes , similar to `` haha '' or `` suck that '' . shén me niǎo ( simplified Chinese : 什么 鸟 ; traditional Chinese : 什麼 鳥 ) - From the northeastern Heilongjiang , although also used in the South . Used similar to `` what the fuck ? '' fāgé ( 发 格 ) - Used in Shanghai , direct transliteration from English `` fuck '' . èrbǎdāo ( 二 把 刀 ) - Beijing slang for a good - for - nothing ; klutz . Literally `` double - ended sword '' , considered a concept which is useless . xiǎomì ( 小 蜜 ) - Beijing slang for a special female friend ( literally translated as `` little honey '' ) , often used with negative connotations . cènà ( 册 那 ) - Shanghainese for `` fuck '' , similar in usage to 肏 cào albeit less strong . Racial euphemisms ( edit ) Mandarin Chinese has specific terms and racial euphemisms for different races and ethnicities , and some discriminatory slurs against representatives from certain governments and backgrounds . Against Westerners ( edit ) yáng guǐzi ( 洋鬼子 ) -- `` Foreign devil '' , a slur for foreigners , after Portuguese pirates came to rob children and women in villages in the name of evangelization . guǐlǎo ( Chinese : 鬼 佬 ) -- Borrowed from Cantonese `` Gweilo '' , `` devil '' or `` devil guy '' , a slur for Westerners in Hong Kong . hóng máo guǐzi ( simplified Chinese : 红 毛 鬼子 ; traditional Chinese : 紅 毛 鬼子 ) -- `` Red fur devil '' , rude slang term for Caucasians , especially Caucasians from English speaking countries ( see ang mo ) gāo bízi ( Chinese : 高 鼻子 ) -- `` high nose '' , a slur for Caucasians . máo zi ( Chinese : 毛子 ) - Ethnic slur against Russians . ( Literally `` fur '' . ) Alternatively 红 毛子 ( hóng máo zi , red ( communist ) fur ) , 俄 毛子 ( é máo zi , Rus fur ) . Similar concept to `` hóng máo guǐzi '' above . lǎo měi ( Chinese : 老 美 ) -- literally `` old American '' , an anti-American slur and pejorative term for Americans . The slur is similar to the term yank , used by people from English speaking countries such as Canada , Ireland , Australia , and New Zealand as a pejorative towards Americans . yáng lājī ( Chinese : 洋 垃圾 ) - `` Foreign trash '' , an ethnic slur for unemployed and uneducated foreigners , especially Caucasians from English speaking countries looking to seek jobs in China . The slur is similar to the term White trash , used in the United States . lǎo wài ( Chinese : 老外 ) -- `` foreigner '' , literally `` old outsider '' , slang term for Caucasians in Mainland China , especially Caucasians from English speaking countries . Since this term is quite often used colloquially without malicious intent ( even directly to foreigners proficient in Mandarin ) , its meaning is highly context specific . As a rough guide , however , it is best to avoid using the term outside China . mán zi ( simplified Chinese : 蛮子 ; traditional Chinese : 蠻子 ) -- foreign barbarians ; This historical term , when mixed with the word `` south '' ( 南 ) is also used as an ethnic slur by northern Han Chinese against someone thought to be from southern China . Against other east Asians ( edit ) Against Japanese ( edit ) Demonstrators in Taiwan host signs telling `` Japanese devils '' to `` get out '' of the Diaoyutai Islands following an escalation in disputes in 2012 . xiǎo Rìběn ( 小 日本 ) `` Japs '' -- Literally `` little Japan ( ese ) '' . This term is still commonly used as a slur toward Japanese among Chinese but it has very little impact left . This term was historically by the Chinese associating the Japanese with dwarfism and the historical lower average stature of Japanese in comparison with the Han Chinese . This term is also used to refer to Japan 's smaller geographical size in comparison to China . Rìběn guǐzi ( 日本 鬼子 ) -- Literally `` Japanese devil '' . This is used mostly in the context of the Second Sino - Japanese War , when Japan invaded and occupied large areas of China . This is the title of a Japanese documentary on Japanese war crimes during WWII . dōngyáng guǐzi ( simplified Chinese : 东 洋鬼子 ; traditional Chinese : 東洋 鬼子 ) -- Literally `` Oriental devil '' . An anti-Japanese variant of yáng guǐzi , and similar to Rìběn guǐzi above . ( Note that whereas the term 東洋 has the literal meaning of `` Orient '' in the Japanese language , the characters themselves mean `` eastern ocean '' , and it refers to Japan exclusively in modern Chinese usage -- since Japan is the country which lies in the ocean east of China . ) Wō ( 倭 ) -- This was an ancient Chinese name for Japan , but was also adopted by the Japanese . Today , its usage in Chinese is usually intended to give a negative connotation ( see Wōkòu below ) . The character is said to also mean `` dwarf '' , although that meaning was not apparent when the name was first used . See Wa ( Japan ) . Wōkòu ( 倭寇 ) -- Originally referred to Japanese pirates and armed sea merchants who raided the Chinese coastline during the Ming Dynasty ( see Wokou ) . The term was adopted during the Second Sino - Japanese War to refer to invading Japanese forces , ( similarly to Germans being called Huns ) . The word is today sometimes used to refer to all Japanese people in extremely negative contexts . Rìběn gǒu ( 日本 狗 ) -- Literally `` Japanese dogs '' . The word is used to refer to all Japanese people in extremely negative contexts . dà jiǎo pén zú ( 大 腳盆 族 ) -- Ethnic slur towards Japanese used predominantly by Northern Chinese , mainly those from the city of Tianjin . Literally `` Big Feet Bowl Race '' . huáng jūn ( simplified Chinese : 黄 军 ; traditional Chinese : 黃 軍 ) -- a pun on the homophone `` 皇 军 / 皇軍 '' ( huáng jūn , literally `` Imperial Army '' ) , the definition of 黃 ( huáng ) used is `` yellow '' . This phrase 黄 军 / 黃 軍 ( `` Yellow Army '' ) was used during World War II to represent Japanese soldiers due to the colour of their uniform . Today , it is used negatively against all Japanese . Since the stereotype of Japanese soldiers are commonly portrayed in war - related TV series in China as short men , with a toothbrush moustache ( and sometimes round glasses , in the case of higher ranks ) , 黄 军 / 黃 軍 is also often used to pull jokes on Chinese people with these characteristics , and thus `` appear like '' Japanese soldiers . zì wèi duì ( simplified Chinese : 自慰 队 ; traditional Chinese : 自慰 隊 ) -- A pun on the homophone `` 自 卫队 / 自衛隊 '' ( zì wèi duì , literally `` Self - Defence Forces '' ) , the definition of 慰 ( wèi ) used is `` to comfort '' . This phrase is used to refer to Japanese ( whose military force is known as `` 自衛隊 '' ) being stereotypically hypersexual , as `` 自慰 队 '' means `` Self - comforting Forces '' , referring to masturbation . The word 慰 ( wèi ) also carries highly negative connotations of `` 慰安 妇 / 慰安 婦 '' ( wèi ān fù , `` Comfort women '' ) , referring to the use of sex slaves by the Japanese military during World War II . Against Koreans ( edit ) Gāolì bàng zǐ ( simplified Chinese : 高丽 棒子 ; traditional Chinese : 高麗 棒子 ) -- A neutral term used against all ethnic Koreans when they come to China as sex tourists hunting for sex among underaged girls and women . 高丽 / 高麗 refers to Ancient Korea ( Koryo ) , while 棒子 means `` club '' or `` corncob '' , referring to how Korean men are well - endowed , and often walking around with erections when they see Chinese women ( during the Tang Dynasty , it was common fashion for Chinese women to wear low - cut clothing exposing their bosoms ) ) , so the Korean men were referred to as `` big clubs fitting into trousers of the Ancient Koryo design . '' Nowadays , the term is modernized . Sometimes 韓 棒子 ( hán bàng zǐ , `` 韓 '' referring to South Korea ) is also used . sǐ bàng zǐ ( 死 棒子 ) -- A mean expression . Literally `` dead club '' or `` dead plank '' with the sexual innuendo of a `` useless or dead erection '' ; refer to 高丽 棒子 above . It means that `` awful / horrible ( club that fits into trousers ) '' . èr guǐ zǐ ( 二 鬼子 ) -- ( See 日本 鬼子 ) During World War II , 二 鬼子 referred to Traitors among the Han Chinese hanjian and Koreans in the Imperial Japanese Army , as the Japanese were known as `` 鬼子 '' ( devils ) for massacring innocent children and women . 二 鬼子 literally means `` second devils '' . Today , 二 鬼子 is used to describe ethnic Koreans who had been absorbed into Japan and joined the Japanese Imperial Army to massacre Chinese children and women . This term is sometimes used today if Koreans come into China expecting colonial treatment as though they were Japanese , and lord over Chinese peasants . Against Taiwanese ( edit ) tái bāzi ( 台 巴子 ) -- Ethnic slur and slang term for Taiwanese , especially advocates of Taiwan independence . The term originated from Mainland China as a pejorative towards Taiwanese . The term `` Bazi '' can mean a clitoris or ( in baby - talk ) a `` wee - wee '' ( the penis of a little boy ) . Against South Asians ( edit ) Against Indians ( edit ) lǎo yìn ( 老 印 ) - Literally `` Old Indian '' , slang term for Indians common among the Mandarin - speaking crowd in Mainland China , Taiwan , and Overseas Chinese . yìndù ā sān ( 印度 阿 三 ) -- A euphemism to Indians . It means `` Indian , Hassan '' . ā chā ( 阿 差 ) -- A popular term common among the Cantonese in Hong Kong to refer to Indians . The term derives from the frequent uttering of ācchā ' good , fine ' by ( Northern ) Indians ( cf . Hindi अच्छा ) Originally referring to the Punjabi `` singhs '' security force who used to work for the British government during colonial era . Nowadays , any South Asian is referred to as `` ā chā '' . In Cantonese , `` Ah '' means `` Dude '' , so `` Ah Cha '' means the dude called `` Cha '' . It is not an ethnic slur , it is used because Cantonese can not pronounce `` Indian '' as it derives from a Mandarin term that sounds too formal . gālí rén ( 咖喱 人 ) - A much more common contemporary term used to refer to Indians , derived from the use of curry in Indian cuisine and the perception that Indian 's eat food to some Chinese find to have a strong smell , and which Indians eat with their hands , a practice that many Chinese find to be dirty and unclean . For these two reasons , it is applied as a derogatory term to Indians . Against Southeast Asians ( edit ) Against Filipinos ( edit ) Huanna ( Chinese : 番 仔 ; Pe̍h - ōe - jī : hoan - á ) -- a term in Hokkien literally meaning `` foreigner or non-Chinese '' . Used by most Overseas Chinese to refer generally to non-Chinese Southeast Asians and Taiwanese Aborigines . In the Philippines , this term is used by Chinese Filipinos towards indigenous Filipinos . Although it is generally not considered racist , it is considered to hold the same connotations as the term gaijin in Japanese . Against Indonesians ( edit ) yìnníbazi ( 印尼 巴 or 印 泥巴 子 ) -- lit . `` Indonesian mud '' , an ethnic slur towards that refers a play on `` 印尼 '' ( Indonesia ) and `` 泥巴 '' ( mud ) , where 尼 / 泥 are homophones , thus associating Indonesians as being primitive , backward , and dirty . Against Vietnamese ( edit ) lǎo yuè ( 老 越 ) - Literally `` Old Vietnamese '' , or `` Old Guy from Vietnam '' . It is not an anti-Vietnamese slur but rather a familial slang term for Vietnamese . Xiǎo Yuenán ( 小 越南 ) Literally `` little Vietnam ( ese ) '' . This can be used in a derogatory context , referring Vietnam 's smaller geographical size than China and the lower average stature of Vietnamese in comparison with the Han Chinese . Yuenán houzǐ ( 越南 猴子 ) Literally means `` Vietnamese monkeys '' . An derogatory insult used by the Chinese towards Vietnamese associating them as being uncultured , barbaric , dirty , primitive , and backward . This term also alludes to the historical region of Nam Viet ( 南越 which in Chinese translates to `` land of the southern barbarians '' ) , a province that was ruled by the Chinese Han dynasty during the First Chinese domination of Vietnam ; when mixed with the word `` southern barbarian '' ( 南 蠻 ) is also used as an ethnic slur by the Han Chinese . Against communists ( edit ) gòngfei ( 共匪 ) -- Literally `` Communist bandits '' referring to communists , or to a larger extent , all Mainlanders . The term has been in use since the Chinese Civil War by the Kuomintang against the Chinese Communist Party , but today reflects the rifts in cross-strait relations . gòngzei ( 共 贼 ) -- Literally `` Communist thieves '' , referring to the Beijing government or people in the Communist Party ā gòng zǐ ( 阿 共 仔 ) -- Literally `` Commie guy '' , a derogatory slang term used by Taiwanese against mainland Chinese , which refers to communism as an ad hominem . gòngchǎndǎng ( 共產黨 ) -- Official , academic and commonly used Chinese translation for communist parties . In Taiwan it is considered a shame to be a communist . A Taiwanese legislator was charged with public defamation for calling a protester `` gongchandang '' . gòngcǎndǎng ( 共 慘 黨 ) -- By replacing the middle character with `` 慘 '' , a near - homophone to `` 產 '' , meaning sad and pitiful , the name of the Communist Party changes to mean `` a party which causes everyone to suffer '' ( lit . `` Everyone Suffers Party '' ) . This term has seen increasing usage in internet communities critical of the Communist Party of China . Other ( edit ) lǎo hēi ( 老 黑 ) -- Literally `` Old Black '' , a racial slur towards black people or people of Sub-Saharan Black African descent . lǎo mò ( 老 墨 ) -- `` Old Mexican '' , an ethnic slur used towards Mexicans . 墨 should not be confused with `` ink '' , which bears the same character and pronunciation from `` 墨 '' in 墨西哥 ( Mexico ) . hēi guǐzi ( 黑 鬼子 ) or hēi guǐ ( 黑 鬼 ) -- Literally `` Black devil '' , racial slur directed towards black people or people Sub-Saharan Black African descent . The term is similar to the English term nigger as an ethnic slur directed at black people . tǔbāozi ( 土包子 ) -- Literally `` Mud baozi / muddy baozi '' . An insult directed at those seen as uncultured or backward , implying that the insulted person comes from a peasant background . Roughly equivalent to the English phrases `` country bumpkin '' and `` hayseed '' . The term can also be used without any negative connotations to denote someone who is new , unfamiliar and inexperienced in any profession or activity , roughly similar to the English internet slang `` noob '' . nóng ( 农 ) -- A contraction of `` nóngmǐn '' ( 农民 ) , the Chinese word for peasant . This insult refers to those displaying rude , disruptive and / or disgusting behavior . As with `` 土包子 '' , calling someone a `` nóng '' implies they come from an uncultured rural background . xiāngjiāo rén ( 香蕉 人 ) -- ' Banana People ' - Overseas Chinese who have lost any true Chinese trait . As the insult implies , they are like bananas : Yellow ( Chinese ) on the outside while white ( western ) on the inside ( c.f. `` oreo '' for African Americans or `` coconut '' for Hispanic - Americans ) . Homosexuality ( edit ) There are various circumlocutions in Mandarin Chinese for homosexual , and the formal terms are recent additions just as is the direct translation of `` masturbation '' ( hand soiling ) . Duànxiù ( simplified Chinese : 断 袖 ; traditional Chinese : 斷 袖 ) -- cut off sleeve , from the story of a ruler whose male favorite fell asleep on the sleeve of his jacket , so when the ruler had to get up to conduct some needed business he cut his sleeve off rather than awaken his lover ( See Bret Hinsch , Passions of the Cut Sleeve , p. 53 ) . An analogous story , of a sleeve being cut off so as not to disturb a sleeping cat , is told of both Confucius and Muhammad , and perhaps others . Yútáo ( simplified Chinese : 余 桃 ; traditional Chinese : 餘 桃 ) -- remains of a peach , from the story of a favorite who rather too familiarly offered his sovereign a peach of which he had already eaten half . ( From Han Fei Zi , chapter 12 ) Bōlí ( 玻璃 , glass ) -- lit. , `` glass '' person . It comes from a passage in the Dream of the Red Chamber in which Phoenix is described as having a `` crystal heart in a glass body , '' meaning that she was glistening , pure , clear , fastidious , etc . It stands as high praise for a lady , but comes off as an effeminate slur when referring to men . The English translation of Bai Xian - yong 's novel about male homosexuals in Taiwan includes the term `` crystal boys , '' derived from the same passage in the earlier novel , and also a rather gruff reference to the old photographer who befriends some of the boys as `` you old glass , '' which , delivered by a female friend of his , comes out sounding about on the level of `` you old fart , '' i.e. , not really so very offensive , but indicating a passing mood of aggravation on the speaker 's part . Nevertheless , the general meaning is probably closer to `` old queer . '' Nán fēng ( simplified Chinese : 男 风 ; traditional Chinese : 男 風 ) , male custom , is homophonous with ( 南 風 , southern custom . ) The first writing of the term would fairly easily be picked out as referring to sexual interactions , whereas the second term could just mean `` the customs of the southern part of China . '' Tóngzhì ( 同志 ) ( lit . `` comrade '' ) was recently adopted in Hong Kong and Taiwan to mean homosexual , and is frequently used on the mainland . Literally the term means `` one having same aspirations , '' and was transferred from the arena of political allegiances to the realm of sexual alliances . Tùzi ( 兔子 ) lit. , `` bunny , '' but used to refer to catamites . ( See Herbert A. Giles , A Chinese - English Dictionary , entry 12,122 ) See also Tu Er Shen . Since the success of Ang Lee 's Brokeback Mountain , duànbèi ( simplified Chinese : 断背 ; traditional Chinese : 斷背 , lit . `` Brokeback '' ) has also become popular . See also ( edit ) The Wikibook Chinese has a page on the topic of : Slang Language portal Baidu 10 Mythical Creatures Cantonese profanity Diu ( Cantonese ) Grass Mud Horse References ( edit ) Footnotes ( edit ) Jump up ^ 为什么 `` 月经 '' 又 叫 `` 大 姨妈 '' ? 百度 知道 Jump up ^ 女生 习惯 说法 `` 大 姨妈 '' 的 来历 Jump up ^ `` 嫖 '' . Mandarin - English Talking Dictionary . Chinese Language Center . Jump up ^ 为什么 乳房 叫 波 Jump up ^ 鼈 , 鱉 , 鳖 , and 龞 are all different characters for `` turtle '' . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ FluentFlix , Chinese Slang 101 : `` Color Wolf '' Jump up ^ Note : The character 㞎 may not be supported on all browsers . It is a 巴 ba below a 尸 corpse radical , and appears as . The character is present in the HKSCS . In the case where the correct character can not be rendered , the phrase can also be colloquially shown as 屎 巴巴 otherwise . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` 瞧不起 '' . Jump up ^ Chao , Eveline . NIUBI ! ( 2009 ) pg. 13 Jump up ^ chinaSMACK Glossary : Cena Jump up ^ 第 一 滴 血 ─ ─ 從 日 方 史料 還原 平型關 之 戰 日軍 損失 ( 6 ) News of the Communist Party of China December 16 , 2011 Jump up ^ `` Chinese in the Philippines '' . China History Forum , Chinese History Forum . Retrieved 1 February 2015 . Jump up ^ Chua , Amy ( 2018 ) . Political Tribes : Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations . Penguin Press . p. 43 . ISBN 978 - 0399562853 . Jump up ^ Custer , Charlie ( 12 August 2010 ) . `` StarCraft 2 in China : `` We Gamers Really Suffer '' `` . ChinaGeeks . Archived from the original on 16 August 2010 . Retrieved 15 August 2016 . CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown ( link ) Jump up ^ 共產黨 與 羞恥心 ( in Chinese ) Sources ( edit ) 教育 部 顧問 室 人文 社會 科學 教育 改進 計劃 E 世代 的 情意 教育 ─ 網 路 軟體 研發 ( in Chinese ) Oedipus Lex : Some Thoughts on Swear Words and the Incest Taboo in China and the West 论 `` 他 妈 的 ! '' Cool Jay 國語 辭典 Chinese sex words , obscene language , curses and slang Modern Chinese Slang at Thinking Chinese . <Th_colspan="2"> Sexual slang General Anilingus Banjee Bareback Baseball metaphors for sex Blue balls Bottom Camel toe Chickenhead Circle jerk Cock tease Cornhole Cougar Cunt Daisy chain Deep - throating Dick Dirty Sanchez Dogging Donkey punch Douche Felching Fuck Girlfriend experience Glory hole Hogging Hot Karl Italian profanity Latin profanity Mama - san Mammary intercourse Mat Mile high club Motherfucker Nookie Party and play Pearl necklace Pegging Pirate Pussy Quickie Red wings Rusty trombone Saddlebacking Serosorting Shemale Slut Snowballing Soggy biscuit Switch Teabagging Tits Top Top , bottom and versatile Turkey slap Twat Voulez - vous coucher avec moi ? Wanker Whale tail Whore LGBT - specific Bara Bear Beard Bi-curious Breeder Bugchasing Chicken Chickenhawk Chub Daddy Down - low Dyke Fag hag Fruit Gay - for - pay Lipstick lesbian Queen Soft butch Swish Trade Troll Twink U-Haul lesbian In pornography Ass to mouth Bukkake Centerfold Clothed female , naked male ( CFNM ) Clothed male , naked female ( CMNF ) Creampie Cum shot Deep - throating Downblouse Facial Felching Fluffer Gang bang Gokkun Golden Age of Porn Insert MILF / DILF Money shot Paysite Point - of - view Rosebud Stunt cock Upskirt In popular culture List of films that most frequently use the word `` fuck '' <Td_colspan="2"> Human sexuality Sexology Sexual slur Terminology of homosexuality <Th_colspan="2"> Profanity By language American Sign Language Cantonese Dutch Esperanto Finnish German Hokkien Italian Korean Latin Mandarin Chinese Norwegian Portuguese Quebec French Romanian Russian Sinhala Spanish Swedish Tagalog Devices Bleep censor Broadcast delay Expletive deleted Grawlix Swear jar Wordfilter Other Expletive attributive Expletive infixation Fighting words Four - letter word Hypoalgesic effect of swearing Maledicta Maledictology Minced oath Pardon my French Profane Swearing Act 1694 Profanity in science fiction Scunthorpe problem Seven dirty words List of ethnic slurs <Td_colspan="2"> Wiktionary Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Sexual slang Chinese slang Profanity by language Hidden categories : CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown Articles with Chinese - language external links Articles needing cleanup from July 2018 All pages needing cleanup Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from July 2018 Wikipedia pages needing cleanup from July 2018 Articles needing additional references from August 2015 All articles needing additional references Articles that may contain original research from August 2015 All articles that may contain original research Articles with multiple maintenance issues Articles containing simplified Chinese - language text Articles containing traditional Chinese - language text Articles containing Chinese - language text All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April 2011 Articles with unsourced statements from March 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 20 July 2018 , at 02 : 52 ( UTC ) . 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1. Mandarin Chinese profanity 2. Sexual references in Mandarin Chinese 3. Insults and derogatory terms in Mandarin Chinese 4. Vulgar language in Mandarin Chinese 5. Racial euphemisms in Mandarin Chinese
who plays the title role in the thor films
Thor ( film ) - Wikipedia Thor ( film ) Jump to : navigation , search 2011 superhero film produced by Marvel Studios <Th_colspan="2"> Thor <Td_colspan="2"> Theatrical release poster Directed by Kenneth Branagh Produced by Kevin Feige Screenplay by Ashley Edward Miller Zack Stentz Don Payne Story by J. Michael Straczynski Mark Protosevich Based on Thor by Stan Lee Larry Lieber Jack Kirby Starring Chris Hemsworth Natalie Portman Tom Hiddleston Stellan Skarsgård Colm Feore Ray Stevenson Idris Elba Kat Dennings Rene Russo Anthony Hopkins Music by Patrick Doyle Cinematography Haris Zambarloukos Edited by Paul Rubell Production company Marvel Studios Distributed by Paramount Pictures Release date April 17 , 2011 ( 2011 - 04 - 17 ) ( Sydney ) May 6 , 2011 ( 2011 - 05 - 06 ) ( United States ) Running time 114 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $150 million Box office $449.3 million Thor is a 2011 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name , produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Paramount Pictures . It is the fourth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU ) . The film was directed by Kenneth Branagh , written by the writing team of Ashley Edward Miller and Zack Stentz along with Don Payne , and stars Chris Hemsworth as the title character , alongside Natalie Portman , Tom Hiddleston , Stellan Skarsgård , Colm Feore , Ray Stevenson , Idris Elba , Kat Dennings , Rene Russo , and Anthony Hopkins . The film sees Thor banished to Earth from Asgard , stripped of his powers and his hammer Mjölnir , after reigniting a dormant war . As his brother Loki plots to take the Asgardian throne , Thor must prove himself worthy . Sam Raimi first developed the concept of a film adaptation of Thor in 1991 , but soon abandoned the project , leaving it in `` development hell '' for several years . During this time , the rights were picked up by various film studios until Marvel signed Mark Protosevich to develop the project in 2006 , and planned to finance it and release it through Paramount . Matthew Vaughn was originally assigned to direct the film for a tentative 2010 release . However , after Vaughn was released from his holding deal in 2008 , Branagh was approached and the film 's release was rescheduled to 2011 . The main characters were cast in 2009 , and principal photography took place in California and New Mexico from January to May 2010 . The film was converted to 3D in post-production . Thor premiered on April 17 , 2011 , in Sydney , Australia and was released on May 6 , 2011 , in the United States . The film was a financial success and received positive reviews from film critics , with praise going to many in the cast , including Hemsworth , although the Earth - based elements of the film received some criticism . A sequel , Thor : The Dark World , was released on November 8 , 2013 . A third film , Thor : Ragnarok , was released on November 3 , 2017 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 3.1 Development 3.2 Pre-production 3.3 Filming 3.4 Post-production 4 Music 5 Release 5.1 Marketing 5.2 Home media 6 Reception 6.1 Box office 6.2 Critical response 6.3 Accolades 7 Sequels 7.1 Thor : The Dark World 7.2 Thor : Ragnarok 8 Notes 9 References 10 External links Plot ( edit ) In 965 AD , Odin , king of Asgard , wages war against the Frost Giants of Jotunheim and their leader Laufey , to prevent them from conquering the nine realms , starting with Earth . The Asgardian warriors defeat the Frost Giants and seize the source of their power , the Casket of Ancient Winters . In the present , Odin 's son Thor prepares to ascend to the throne of Asgard , but is interrupted when Frost Giants attempt to retrieve the Casket . Against Odin 's order , Thor travels to Jotunheim to confront Laufey , accompanied by his brother Loki , childhood friend Sif and the Warriors Three : Volstagg , Fandral , and Hogun . A battle ensues until Odin intervenes to save the Asgardians , destroying the fragile truce between the two races . For Thor 's arrogance , Odin strips his son of his godly power and exiles him to Earth as a mortal , accompanied by his hammer Mjölnir , now protected by an enchantment that allows only the worthy to wield it . Thor lands in New Mexico , where astrophysicist Dr. Jane Foster , her assistant Darcy Lewis , and mentor Dr. Erik Selvig find him . The local populace finds Mjolnir , which S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson soon commandeers before forcibly acquiring Foster 's data about the wormhole that delivered Thor to Earth . Thor , having discovered Mjolnir 's nearby location , seeks to retrieve it from the facility that S.H.I.E.L.D. has constructed , but he finds himself unable to lift it and is captured . With Selvig 's help , he is freed and resigns himself to exile on Earth as he develops a romance with Foster . Loki discovers that he is Laufey 's biological son , adopted by Odin after the war ended . A weary Odin falls into the deep `` Odinsleep '' to recover his strength . Loki seizes the throne in Odin 's stead and offers Laufey the chance to kill Odin and retrieve the Casket . Sif and the Warriors Three , unhappy with Loki 's rule , attempt to return Thor from exile , convincing Heimdall , gatekeeper of the Bifröst -- the means of traveling between worlds -- to allow them passage to Earth . Aware of their plan , Loki sends the Destroyer , a seemingly indestructible automaton , to pursue them and kill Thor . The warriors find Thor , but the Destroyer attacks and defeats them , prompting Thor to offer himself instead . Struck by the Destroyer and near death , Thor 's sacrifice proves him worthy to wield Mjölnir . The hammer returns to him , restoring his powers and enabling him to defeat the Destroyer . Kissing Foster goodbye and vowing to return , he and his fellow Asgardians leave to confront Loki . In Asgard , Loki betrays and kills Laufey , revealing his true plan to use Laufey 's attempt on Odin 's life as an excuse to destroy Jotunheim with the Bifröst Bridge , thus proving himself worthy to his adoptive father . Thor arrives and fights Loki before destroying the Bifröst Bridge to stop Loki 's plan , stranding himself in Asgard . Odin awakens and prevents the brothers from falling into the abyss created in the wake of the bridge 's destruction , but Loki apparently commits suicide by allowing himself to fall when Odin rejects his pleas for approval . Thor makes amends with Odin , admitting he is not ready to be king ; meanwhile , on Earth , Foster and her team search for a way to open a portal to Asgard . In a post-credits scene , Selvig is taken to a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility , where Nick Fury opens a briefcase and asks him to study a mysterious cube - shaped object , which Fury says may hold untold power . An invisible Loki prompts Selvig to agree , and he does . Cast ( edit ) Hemsworth promoting the film in London in April 2011 . Chris Hemsworth as Thor : The crown prince of Asgard , based on the Norse mythological deity of the same name . Director Kenneth Branagh and Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige chose Hemsworth after a back - and - forth process in which the 27 - year - old actor was initially dropped from consideration and then given a second chance to read for the part . Hemsworth stated that he gained 20 pounds for the role by eating non-stop and revealed that `` It was n't until Thor that I started lifting weights , it was all pretty new to me . '' Regarding his take on the character , Hemsworth said , `` We just kept trying to humanize it all , and keep it very real . Look into all the research about the comic books that we could , but also bring it back to ' Who is this guy as a person , and what 's his relationship with people in the individual scenes ? ' '' About approaching Thor 's fighting style , he remarked , `` First , we looked at the comic books and the posturing , the way ( Thor ) moves and fights , and a lot of his power seems to be drawn up through the ground . We talked about boxers , you know , Mike Tyson , very low to the ground and big open chest and big shoulder swings and very sort of brutal but graceful at the same time , and then as we shot stuff things became easier . '' Dakota Goyo portrays a young Thor . Natalie Portman as Jane Foster : A scientist and Thor 's love interest . Marvel Studios stated in an announcement that the character was updated from the comics ' initial portrayal for the feature adaptation . When asked why she took the role , Portman replied , `` I just thought it sounded like a weird idea because Kenneth Branagh 's directing it , so I was just like , ' Kenneth Branagh doing Thor is super-weird , I 've got ta do it . ' '' Portman stated that she really wanted to do a big effects film that emphasized character , and getting to do it with Branagh was a new way of approaching it , relative to Star Wars . Regarding her preparation for the role Portman remarked , `` I signed on to do it before there was a script . And Ken , who 's amazing , who is so incredible , was like , ' You can really help create this character ' . I got to read all of these biographies of female scientists like Rosalind Franklin who actually discovered the DNA double helix but did n't get the credit for it . The struggles they had and the way that they thought -- I was like , ' What a great opportunity , in a very big movie that is going to be seen by a lot of people , to have a woman as a scientist ' . She 's a very serious scientist . Because in the comic she 's a nurse and now they made her an astrophysicist . Really , I know it sounds silly , but it is those little things that makes girls think it 's possible . It does n't give them a ( role ) model of ' Oh , I just have to dress cute in movies ' '' . Hiddleston promoting the film in London in April 2011 . Tom Hiddleston as Loki : Thor 's adoptive brother and nemesis based on the deity of the same name . Hiddleston was chosen after previously working with Branagh on Ivanov and Wallander . Initially , Hiddleston auditioned to play Thor but Branagh decided his talent would be better harnessed playing Loki . Hiddleston stated that , `` Loki 's like a comic book version of Edmund in King Lear , but nastier . '' Hiddleston stated that he had to keep a strict diet before the start of filming because `` Ken ( Branagh ) wants Loki to have a lean and hungry look , like Cassius in Julius Caesar . Physically , he ca n't be posing as Thor '' . Hiddleston looked at Peter O'Toole as inspiration for Loki as well , explaining , `` Interestingly enough , ( Kenneth Branagh ) said to look at Peter O'Toole in two specific films , The Lion in Winter and Lawrence of Arabia . What 's interesting about ... his performance ( as King Henry ) is you see how damaged he is . There 's a rawness ( to his performance ) ; it 's almost as if he 's living with a layer of skin peeled away . He 's grandiose and teary and , in a moment , by turns hilarious and then terrifying . What we wanted was that emotional volatility . It 's a different acting style , it 's not quite the same thing , but it 's fascinating to go back and watch an actor as great as O'Toole head for those great high hills '' . Ted Allpress portrays a young Loki . Stellan Skarsgård as Erik Selvig : A scientist doing research in New Mexico who encounters Thor . Skarsgård stated that he was not initially familiar with the comic book version of Thor . As to why he took the part , Skarsgård remarked , I `` chose Thor because of ( director ) Kenneth Branagh . The script was nice and we got to rehearse and talk to the writers and do some collaborating in the process to make it fit us . So I had a very happy time on it . What I always try to do is immediately do something I just have n't done so I get variation in my life . I 've made about 90 films and if I did the same thing over and over again I would be bored by now . I try to pick different films , I go and do those big ones and having done that I can usually afford to go and do some really small obscure films and experiment a little '' . Colm Feore as Laufey : King of the Frost Giants and Loki 's biological father , based on the mythological being of the same name , who in myth was actually Loki 's mother . Feore stated it took five hours for his makeup to be applied . About his character , Feore remarked , `` I am the King of Frost Giants . And if you 've seen any of the Frost Giants , you know that I am , of course , the Napoleon of Frost Giants . We 've got some massive , fabulous guys who dwarf me and come in at around eight - and - a-half feet , nine feet . But , no . Ca n't you tell by the commanding presence ? I am the boss '' . He said the Shakespearean training he shared with Hopkins and director Branagh helped keep production moving briskly , saying that `` during the breaks , Tony , myself and Ken would be talking in Shakespearean shorthand about what the characters were doing , what we thought they may be like , and how we could focus our attention more intelligently . These were discussions that took no more than a few minutes between takes , but they allowed Ken , Tony and ( me ) to understand each other instantly without Ken taking an hour away to explain to the actors exactly what was going on . So that was enormously helpful . '' Ray Stevenson as Volstagg : A member of the Warriors Three ; a group of three Asgardian adventurers who are among Thor 's closest comrades , known for both his hearty appetite and wide girth . Stevenson previously worked with Kenneth Branagh in the 1998 film The Theory of Flight , and with Marvel Studios as the titular character in Punisher : War Zone . Stevenson wore a fat suit for the role , stating , `` I 've tried the suit on , and what they 've done is kind of sex him up : he 's sort of slimmer but rounder . '' . Stevenson said , `` He 's got every bit of that Falstaffian verve and vigor , and a bit of a beer gut to suggest that enormous appetite , but he 's not the sort of Weeble - shaped figure he is in the comics . He 's Falstaff with muscles . I 've got this amazing foam - injected undersuit that flexes with me . '' Idris Elba as Heimdall : The all - seeing , all - hearing Asgardian sentry of the bifröst bridge , based on the mythological deity of the same name . Elba said Branagh 's involvement was a major incentive to take the role : `` ( Branagh ) called me up personally and said , ' I know this is n't a big role , but I would really love to see you play it . ' It 's Kenneth Branagh . I was like , ' Definitely ' '' . About the role Elba remarked , `` I did green screen for the first time ! I would n't like to do a whole movie of green screen , though . You kind of forget the plot a little -- like being in a Broadway play and doing it over and over and forgetting your line halfway through '' . Elba stated he has made a four - picture commitment with Marvel Studios . Elba 's casting prompted a proposed boycott by the Council of Conservative Citizens and a debate amongst comic book fans , some insisting it was wrong for a black man to play a Nordic god . In response Elba called the debate `` ridiculous '' . Kat Dennings as Darcy Lewis : A political science major who is Jane Foster 's intern . Dennings described her character as Foster 's `` little helper gnome '' . Dennings stated that her role was expanded during the rehearsal process . Dennings explained , `` She 's kind of like a cute , clueless , little puppy or maybe a hamster . There was n't much on the page for the Darcy role to begin with and I did n't even see a script before I took the job so I did n't really know who Darcy was at first . But she really evolved -- she 's so much fun now even . She 's very Scooby - Doo if that makes sense . She 's always three steps behind and reacting to what 's happening with these great expressions ... She gets things wrong and does n't care . '' Rene Russo as Frigga : The wife of Odin , queen of Asgard , mother of Thor and adoptive mother of Loki , based on the mythological deity of the same name . Russo stated in March 2011 interview that she has signed on for possible sequels , joking that , `` Eventually they 'll kick me out , so who knows how many I 'll do '' . Anthony Hopkins as Odin : The ruler of Asgard , father of Thor , and adoptive father of Loki , based on the mythological deity of the same name . In an interview Hopkins stated he knew nothing of the comic . About the film he said , `` It 's a superhero movie , but with a bit of Shakespeare thrown in '' . Hopkins stated , `` I 'm very interested in that relationship between fathers and sons '' , and that , `` My father 's relationship with me was cold . He was a hot - blood character but to me , cold . When I was young , he expressed his disappointment because I was bad in school and all of that . He did n't mean any harm , but I felt I could never meet up to his expectations . '' Hopkins expressed that he found a personal resonance in the Odin role , saying , `` He 's a stern man . He 's a man with purpose . I play the god who banishes his son from the kingdom of Asgard because he screwed up . He 's a hot - headed , temperamental young man ... probably a chip off of the old block but I decide he 's not really ready to rule the future kingdom , so I banish him . I 'm harsh and my wife complains and I say , ' That is why I 'm king . ' He 's ruthless , take - it - or - leave - it . Women are much more forgiving ; men are not so forgiving . I know in my life , my karma is , ' If you do n't like it , tough , move on . ' And I move on . I 'm a little like Odin myself '' . In May 2016 , Mel Gibson stated he was approached about the role but `` did n't do it '' . Tadanobu Asano as Hogun : A member of the Warriors Three , primarily identified by his grim demeanor and as the only member who is not an Æsir . Ray Stevenson said of Asano 's character , `` He does n't speak much but when he does , everybody shuts up . But also in the healing room where everyone licks their wounds , he 's the guy who just goes about his business '' . Josh Dallas as Fandral : A member of the Warriors Three , characterized as an irrepressible swashbuckler and romantic . Stuart Townsend was initially cast after Zachary Levi was forced to vacate the role due to a scheduling conflict . However , days before filming began , Townsend was replaced by Dallas citing `` creative differences '' . Dallas said he believed that Fandral `` would like to think of himself a philanderer . He would like to think of himself , I was saying , as the R. Kelly of Asgard . He 's a lover , not a fighter '' . Dallas mentioned that Errol Flynn was an inspiration for the character stating , `` He was a big inspiration for the character and for me . I watched a lot of his movies and kind of got that into my bones . I tried to bring out that little bit of Flynn - ness in it . Flynn had a lot of that boyish charm that Fandral 's got ... '' Jaimie Alexander as Sif : A warrior and Thor 's childhood friend based on the mythological deity of the same name . Alexander was best known for her portrayal of Jessi XX on the ABC Family series Kyle XY . Alexander said that she was familiar with Marvel Comics before having taken the part , having grown up with four brothers . Alexander said the part required hours a day in the gym , though training is not unfamiliar to her , explaining she was one of few girls on her Colleyville , Texas , high - school wrestling team . Alexander described her character as `` one of the guys '' and that , `` She 's a very talented , skilled warrior and can stand on her own against any villain in the film '' . About her relationship with Thor she stated , `` She is very loyal to Thor and cares a lot about protecting him and protecting Asgard '' . Additionally , Clark Gregg reprises his role as S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson from the Iron Man films . Adriana Barraza plays diner owner Isabella Alvarez and Maximiliano Hernández plays S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Jasper Sitwell . Joseph Gatt , Joshua Cox , and Douglas Tait portray Frost Giants . Stan Lee and J. Michael Straczynski have cameo appearances as pick - up truck drivers , Walter Simonson has a cameo appearance as one of the guests at a large Asgardian banquet , and Samuel L. Jackson and Jeremy Renner have uncredited cameos as Nick Fury and Clint Barton , respectively . Production ( edit ) Development ( edit ) `` Thor 's powers are godly , yes ... But at the end of the day , he 's a man ... Odin sends him to Earth because he 's not perfect . He 's brash , arrogant . Even over-confident ... he also bleeds . He struggles . Life kicks him where it hurts the most ... You want to feel Thor 's rage when he rages . You want to see him fight like hell , and take as much as he dishes out -- maybe more . You want to have a visceral reaction to the guy , and what happens to him . You do n't want his adventures to be clean and antiseptic . You want to see the dirt , and grime and blood . You want to feel every bone crunching moment of every fight . And when he unleashes the storm , you want to feel like you 're seeing the power of a GOD at work . '' -- Ashley Miller , co-writer of Thor , about the project Sam Raimi originally envisioned the idea for Thor after making Darkman ( 1990 ) ; he met Stan Lee and pitched the concept to 20th Century Fox , but they did not understand it . Thor was abandoned until April 1997 , when Marvel Studios was beginning to expand rapidly . The film gained momentum after the success of X-Men ( 2000 ) . The plan was for Thor to be made for television . UPN was in talks for airing it ; excited by the prospect , they pushed for a script and approached Tyler Mane to play Thor . In May 2000 , Marvel Studios brought Artisan Entertainment to help finance it as a film , but by June 2004 the project still had yet to be patronised by a studio . Sony Pictures Entertainment finally purchased the film rights , and in December 2004 David S. Goyer was in negotiations to write and direct . By 2005 , though there were talks between Goyer and Marvel , Goyer was no longer interested , though at this point the film was still set to be distributed through Sony Pictures . Mark Protosevich , a fan of the Thor comic book , agreed to write the script in April 2006 , and the project moved to Paramount Pictures , after it acquired the rights from Sony . That year the film was announced to be a Marvel Studios production . In December 2007 , Protosevich described his plans for it `` to be like a superhero origin story , but not one about a human gaining super powers , but of a god realizing his true potential . It 's the story of an Old Testament god who becomes a New Testament god '' . In August 2007 Marvel Studios signed Matthew Vaughn to direct the film . Vaughn then rewrote Protosevich 's script in order to bring down the budget to $150 million , as Protosevich 's first draft would have cost $300 million to produce . He intended to start filming in late 2008 and after the success of Iron Man , Marvel Studios announced that they intended to release Thor on June 4 , 2010 , with Iron Man 2 being used to introduce the character of Thor . Pre-production ( edit ) `` Thor , at his best , has always had a classic bent in terms of his history , the way he speaks and the often Shakespearean dramas that surround him . That kind of dialogue and character needs someone who comes from a classically trained background in order for it not to sound forced or artificial . Branagh is the perfect choice . '' -- J Michael Straczynski , co-writer of Thor , on Kenneth Branagh Vaughn was released when his holding deal expired in May 2008 , at which point Marvel set Protosevich to work on a new draft and began searching for a new director . Guillermo del Toro entered talks to direct the film . Del Toro was a fan of Jack Kirby 's work on the comics , and said that he loved the character of Loki , but wished to incorporate more of the original Norse mythology into the film , including a `` really dingy Valhalla , ( with ) Vikings and mud '' . However , del Toro ultimately turned down Thor to direct The Hobbit . By September 2008 D.J. Caruso had been discussing taking on the project , though he did not read the script . Later that month , Kenneth Branagh entered into negotiations to direct , and by December 2008 , Branagh confirmed that he had been hired . He described it as `` a human story right in the center of a big epic scenario . '' Branagh stated that he hoped to begin filming in January 2010 and Marvel Studios set back the release date of the film from its scheduled July 16 , 2010 date to June 17 , 2011 , almost a full year later . They later moved the release date to May 20 , 2011 , to distance the film 's release from that of Captain America : The First Avenger , another Marvel Studios film that was scheduled to be released on July 22 , 2011 . In October 2008 , Daniel Craig was offered the role , but ultimately turned it down , citing his commitments to the James Bond franchise . In February 2009 , Samuel L. Jackson , who had briefly portrayed Nick Fury at the end of the film Iron Man , signed on to reprise the role in Thor as part of an unprecedented nine - picture deal with Marvel Studios . However , in an April 2010 interview , Jackson stated that he would not be appearing in Thor . When asked why not Jackson explained , `` I have no idea . I 'm not in charge of making those kinds of decisions . I thought I was ; they said I was in the trades , and I was like , ' Ooh ! I got a job ! ' I called my agent he said , ' Naw , you 're not in it . ' I was like , ' Well shit , they need to pay me if they 're gon na put my name in it . ' '' Later in the month , Jackson revealed that he would be filming a scene for Thor to serve as `` connective tissue '' for The Avengers . Also in February , a casting call went out looking for actors with certain physical attributes to audition for the role of Thor . In May 2009 , Chris Hemsworth was in negotiations to portray the title role after a back - and - forth process in which the 25 - year - old actor was refused early on , then given a second chance to read for the part . Hemsworth 's brother , Liam also auditioned for the role , but was passed on by Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige . The next day , Marvel announced that Tom Hiddleston , who had worked with Branagh before and had initially been considered to portray the lead role , had been cast as Loki . In June 2009 , Feige confirmed that both Hemsworth and Hiddleston had signed on . Feige mentioned that the film would take place on both modern day Earth and Asgard but Thor 's human host , Dr. Donald Blake , would not be included . In July 2009 , Marvel announced that Natalie Portman would portray Jane Foster . Jaimie Alexander and Colm Feore were reported to have joined the cast in September , with Alexander portraying Sif and Feore 's role unrevealed , though it was thought to be a villain . In an interview with Swedish news site Ystads Allehanda , Stellan Skarsgård stated that he had joined the cast , though he did not specify his role . By late October Anthony Hopkins had been cast as Odin in the film . The following month , Marvel announced that they had cast the Warriors Three ; Fandral was to be played by Stuart Townsend , Hogun was to be played by Tadanobu Asano and Volstagg was to be played by Ray Stevenson . Idris Elba was announced to have joined the cast , portraying Heimdall . Natalie Portman revealed that Kat Dennings would be involved in the project , portraying Darcy , a coworker of Portman 's Jane Foster . In December 2009 , Rene Russo was cast as Frigga , Thor 's stepmother and Odin 's wife . Later that month , actors Joseph Gatt , Troy Brenna , and Joshua Cox had been cast in the film , though none of their roles were revealed . In January 2010 , Adriana Barraza had joined the film 's cast , in a supporting capacity . Only days before filming began , Stuart Townsend was replaced by Joshua Dallas as Fandral , citing `` creative differences '' . When Spider - Man 4 's production stalled , Paramount and Marvel Entertainment pushed up the release of Thor by two weeks to the then vacated date of May 6 , 2011 . The Science & Entertainment Exchange introduced Marvel Entertainment , Kenneth Branagh , `` the screenwriter , and a few people on the design and production side of things '' to three physicists ( Sean Carroll , Kevin Hand , and Jim Hartle ) , as well as physics student Kevin Hickerson , to provide a realistic science background for the Thor universe . The consultation resulted in a change in Jane Foster 's profession , from nurse to particle physicist , and the terminology ( Einstein - Rosen bridge ) to describe the Bifrost Bridge . Filming ( edit ) Director Kenneth Branagh promoting the film in London in April 2011 . In October 2008 , Marvel Studios signed a long - term lease agreement with Raleigh Studios to photograph their next four films -- Iron Man 2 , Thor , Captain America : The First Avenger and The Avengers -- at Raleigh 's Manhattan Beach , California facility . Production Weekly reported that filming on Marvel 's Thor was scheduled to begin in Los Angeles mid-January , then move to Santa Fe , New Mexico from March until late - April . Principal photography began on January 11 , 2010 . A few days after filming began , Clark Gregg signed on to reprise his role from Iron Man and Iron Man 2 as Agent Coulson . In February , Paramount Pictures entered negotiations with Del Mar , California to use a 300 - yard stretch of beach to film a scene for Thor involving six horses running down the terrain . Paramount said this coastline was ideal because its gradual slope of sand down to the waterline creates excellent reflective opportunities on film . On March 15 , 2010 , production of Thor moved to Galisteo , New Mexico where Cerro Pelon Ranch , an old - fashioned Western film town , was extensively modified for the shoot . Branagh , a fan of the comic book since childhood , commented on the challenge of bridging Asgard and the modern world : `` Inspired by the comic book world both pictorially and compositionally at once , we 've tried to find a way to make a virtue and a celebration of the distinction between the worlds that exist in the film but absolutely make them live in the same world . It 's about finding the framing style , the color palette , finding the texture and the amount of camera movement that helps celebrate and express the differences and the distinctions in those worlds . If it succeeds , it will mark this film as different ... The combination of the primitive and the sophisticated , the ancient and the modern , I think that potentially is the exciting fusion , the exciting tension in the film '' . By April , the prospect for filming parts of Thor in Del Mar , California had fallen through . Paramount Pictures sent a letter informing the city that it has instead chosen an undisclosed Northern California location to film a beachfront scene for the film . The letter cited cost concerns with moving production too far away from its headquarters . Filming wrapped on May 6 , 2010 . Post-production ( edit ) The film 's Bifröst travel sequences ( top ) were inspired by Hubble photography ( bottom ) . In October 2010 , casting calls revealed the film would be undergoing an undisclosed number of reshoots . In March 2011 , scenes involving Adriana Barraza were removed from the theatrical cut of the film during the editing process . Branagh sent a letter of apology explaining the reasons for the cut and desire to work with Barraza again in the future . In response Barraza stated , `` It saddens me because the movie is great and because I was acting alongside some tremendous actors that I admire very much , but I understand the nature of films , and it 's not the first or last time that scenes will be cut '' . Barraza appears in only one scene in the film 's theatrical cut . In that same month , Douglas Tait revealed that he performed for motion capture of the Frost Giants . On his hiring , Tait said `` I am 6'5 '' and have a lean , athletic build , and they hired guys who were 6'7 '' and taller , and weighed over 250 pounds ( 110 kg ) . When the film was being edited , they wanted to make them even bigger and move faster . They auditioned people again and Kenneth Branagh chose me to perform the motion capture movements of the Frost Giants `` . In April 2011 , the IMAX Corporation , Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment announced that they have finalized an agreement to release the film in IMAX 3D , continuing the partnership which began on Iron Man 2 . Branagh stated that the 3 - D process initially made him cringe but said `` We came to feel that in our case 3 - D could be the very good friend of story and character for a different kind of experience '' . Although the film was shot in 2D , Feige stated that the `` special effects for the film were conceived and executed from the beginning in 3D '' . The post-credits scene that sees Nick Fury approach Erik Selvig to ask him to study the Tesseract , was directed by The Avengers 's director , Joss Whedon . BUF Compagnie served as the lead visual effects vendor working on the film , with Digital Domain also providing work on the film . Branagh stated that BUF , who developed the effects for the race through space , were inspired by Hubble photography and other images of deep space . Branagh stated he sent paintings from classic studies by J.M.W. Turner to Digital Domain when creating Jotunheim . Peter Butterworth , VFX supervisor and co-founder of Fuel VFX , said the most challenging task was interpreting what the Bifröst would look like , `` You ca n't Google what these things look like -- they are totally imagined and within the heads of the stakeholders . So to extract that and interpret it for the big screen was an interesting challenge creatively . Technically , probably creating fluid simulations that could be art - directed and used for both the Bifröst and Odin 's chamber shots . Part of the difficulty with solving these is that we had to ensure they would work in stereo . In the film , Odin enters what is known as the `` Odinsleep '' in his chamber to regenerate . Butterworth stated , `` For Odin 's Chamber , we developed a dome and curtain of light rays that hover over Odin 's bed . This dome of light suggests harnessed power and energy that revitalizes him as he sleeps . We took a lot of reference from the natural world such as the corona of the sun and gave the sleep effect plenty of volume and space '' . Music ( edit ) Further information : Thor ( soundtrack ) and Music of the Marvel Cinematic Universe The film 's score was written by composer Patrick Doyle , a frequent collaborator of Branagh . Doyle described Thor as `` the most commercially high profile film I have done since Frankenstein '' , adding that the composing process had the challenge of trying to find a tone that fit the duality of Asgard and Earth . Thus Doyle and Branagh had frequent discussions on the musical direction , with the director suggesting a contemporary feel and having a balance between the music and `` grand images ( that ) were not in any way hyperbolized '' , and the composer in turn implementing `` a strong sense of melody , which he responds to in my work '' . As Doyle declared that his own Celtic background made him familiar with Norse mythology , an old Celtic folk song also provided the inspiration for Thor 's leitmotif . A soundtrack album was released by Buena Vista Records in April 2011 . The film also features a song by the Foo Fighters , `` Walk '' , in both a scene where a powerless Thor shares some boilermakers with Selvig in a roadhouse , and the film 's closing credits . Marvel president Kevin Feige stated that `` Walk '' was a last minute addition , that the crew felt had `` these eerie appropriate lyrics and themes '' upon hearing it . Branagh in particular thought that `` these lyrics about learning to walk again '' were appropriate `` of ( a ) movie about redemption , learning to be a hero . '' Release ( edit ) Thor held its world premiere at the Event Cinemas theatre in George Street , Sydney on April 17 , 2011 , with the film opening on April 21 , 2011 in Australia . The following weekend it opened in 56 markets , while the premiere at the El Capitan Theatre in Los Angeles , California took place on May 2 , 2011 . Thor opened on May 6 , 2011 in the United States , in 3,955 theaters ( of which 214 were IMAX 3D and 2,737 in 3D , a record amount ) . Marketing ( edit ) Hemsworth , Portman , Dennings and Hiddleston at the 2010 San Diego Comic - Con International . In July 2010 Marvel Studios held a Thor panel at the 2010 San Diego Comic - Con International during which Kenneth Branagh and Chris Hemsworth , Natalie Portman , Kat Dennings , Tom Hiddleston , and Clark Gregg discussed the film and showed some clips from it . A few days later , this footage was leaked on the internet . The first television advertisement was broadcast during Super Bowl XLV on the Fox network in the United States . The rate for advertising during the game was approximately $3 million per 30 - second spot . Marvel Studios and Acura launched a joint viral marketing promotion at the 2011 Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo . Other official promotional partners included Burger King , Dr. Pepper , 7 Eleven , and Visa . In May 2011 Marvel Entertainment 's President of Print , Animation and Digital , Dan Buckley , and Marvel Comics Editor - In - Chief , Axel Alonso , rang the NYSE closing bell in celebration of the theatrical release of Thor . A post-credits scene in the film Iron Man 2 showed Coulson reporting the discovery of a large hammer in the desert . Rick Marshall of MTV News believed it to be the weapon Mjöllnir belonging to Thor , writing , `` It continues the grand tradition of connecting the film to another property in development around the Marvel movie universe . '' In the commentary track of Iron Man 2 ' home media , Iron Man 2 's director , Jon Favreau , stated that `` this is a scene from ( the set of ) Thor `` . Marvel Animation announced a 26 - episode animated series in November 2008 , to air in late 2010 before the release of Marvel Studios ' film . The company released an animated direct - to - video film , Thor : Tales of Asgard , to coincide with the live - action film . A video game titled Thor : God of Thunder based on the film was developed by Sega using the voices and likenesses of actors Chris Hemsworth , Tom Hiddleston and Jaimie Alexander , and was released on May 3 , 2011 . Home media ( edit ) In July 2011 , Marvel Studios and Paramount Pictures announced the release of Thor on Blu - ray 3D , Blu - ray Disc and DVD . The discs were released by Paramount Home Media Distribution on September 13 , 2011 in three editions : a single - disc DVD , a 2 - disc Blu - ray - DVD combo pack , and a 3 - disc Blu - ray / DVD / 3D combo pack . All sets come with deleted scenes and a `` Road to The Avengers featurette . The 2 - disc and 3 - disc packs includes a digital copy , the first in a series of Marvel One - Shots , The Consultant , and 7 behind - the - scenes featurettes . Branagh said that the DVD includes at least 20 minutes of deleted scenes . Branagh stated the footage contains `` things like the Asgardian parents , Odin and Frigga , played by the beautiful Rene Russo , there 's some beautiful scenes in there that I think people will enjoy . And certainly Thor and Loki interacting in different ways that just fill in a little bit of a back story , that was part of our rehearsal and research . '' In its first week of release , Thor took the number one spot on Blu - ray / DVD sales chart and topped Home Media Magazine 's rental chart for the week . The film was also collected in a 10 - disc box set titled `` Marvel Cinematic Universe : Phase One -- Avengers Assembled '' which includes all of the Phase One films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe . It was released by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on April 2 , 2013 . Reception ( edit ) Box Office ( edit ) Thor earned $181.0 million in North America and $268.3 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $449.3 million . It was the 15th highest - grossing film of 2011 . Thor earned $25.5 million on its opening day in the United States and Canada , including $3.3 million from Thursday previews , for a total weekend gross of $65.7 million . $6.2 million of the gross came from IMAX 3D , while 60 % of the gross was from 3D screenings . It became the tenth highest - grossing film of 2011 in the United States and Canada , and the highest - grossing comic - book film from May -- August 2011 . Thor 's opening in Australia generated $5.8 million and placing second behind Universal Pictures ' Fast Five . The film 's box office was just 1 % more than Iron Man opening in Australia in 2008 , Marvel 's most popular release at the time . The following week , Thor opened in 56 markets and took in $89.2 million through the weekend . The film 's highest grossing markets were the United Kingdom ( $22.5 million ) , Australia ( $20.1 million ) and Mexico ( $19.5 million ) . Critical response ( edit ) The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported a 77 % approval rating with an average rating of 6.7 / 10 based on 271 reviews . The website 's consensus reads , `` A dazzling blockbuster that tempers its sweeping scope with wit , humor , and human drama , Thor is mighty Marvel entertainment . '' Metacritic assigned a weighted average score of 57 / 100 based on reviews from 40 film critics , indicating `` mixed or average reviews '' . Richard Kuipers of Variety stated , `` Thor delivers the goods so long as butt is being kicked and family conflict is playing out in celestial dimensions , but is less thrilling during the Norse warrior god 's rather brief banishment on Earth '' . Megan Lehmann of The Hollywood Reporter wrote , `` The hammer - hurling god of thunder kicks off this superhero summer with a bang '' . In the Chicago Sun - Times , Richard Roeper liked the film `` Thanks in large part to a charming , funny and winning performance from Australian actor Chris Hemsworth in the title role , Thor is the most entertaining superhero debut since the original Spider - Man '' . Conversely , Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun - Times gave it a negative review stating , `` Thor is a failure as a movie , but a success as marketing , an illustration of the ancient carnival tactic of telling the rubes anything to get them into the tent '' . A.O. Scott of The New York Times also disliked the film , calling it `` an example of the programmed triumph of commercial calculation over imagination '' . Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times had mixed feelings , describing the film as `` an aesthetic stand - off between predictable elements and unexpected ones '' . Turan praised the performances of Hemsworth , Hopkins , and Elba , but found the special effects inconsistent and the Earth storyline derivative . Accolades ( edit ) Year Award Category Winner / Nominee Result Ref . 2011 Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie Breakout : Male Chris Hemsworth Nominated Scream Awards The Ultimate Scream Thor Nominated Best Fantasy Movie Thor Nominated Best Superhero Chris Hemsworth as Thor Nominated Best Supporting Actress Jaimie Alexander Nominated Breakout Performance -- Female Jaimie Alexander Nominated Breakout Performance -- Male Chris Hemsworth Nominated Breakout Performance -- Male Tom Hiddleston Nominated Best F / X Thor Nominated Best Comic Book Movie Thor Nominated 2012 People 's Choice Awards Favorite Action Movie Thor Nominated Favorite Movie Superhero Chris Hemsworth Nominated Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture `` Heimdall 's Observatory '' : Pierre Buffin , Audrey Ferrara , Yoel Godo , Dominique Vidal Nominated Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture Xavier Allard , Pierre Buffin , Nicolas Chevallier Nominated Empire Awards Best Male Newcomer Tom Hiddleston Won Best Sci - Fi / Fantasy Thor Won The Art of 3D Presented by RealD Thor Nominated MTV Movie Awards Best Hero Thor Nominated Saturn Awards Best Fantasy Film Thor Nominated Best Supporting Actor Tom Hiddleston Nominated Best Production Design Bo Welch Nominated Best Costume Alexandra Byrne Won Sequels ( edit ) Further information : List of Marvel Cinematic Universe films Thor : the Dark World ( edit ) Main article : Thor : The Dark World A sequel , Thor : The Dark World , directed by Alan Taylor , was released on November 8 , 2013 . Hemsworth and Hiddleston reprised their roles as Thor and Loki , respectively , along with others from the first film . Christopher Eccleston joined the cast as the Dark Elf Maletkith . Thor : Ragnarok ( edit ) Main article : Thor : Ragnarok Thor : Ragnarok was released on November 3 , 2017 , directed by Taika Waititi . Eric Pearson and Craig Kyle & Christopher Yost wrote the screenplay , with Kevin Feige again producing . Hemsworth , Hiddleston , Hopkins , Elba , Asano , Zachary Levi , and Stevenson reprised their roles as Thor , Loki , Odin , Heimdall , Hogun , Fandral , and Volstagg , respectively , while Mark Ruffalo and Benedict Cumberbatch appeared as Bruce Banner / Hulk and Stephen Strange respectively , reprising their roles from previous MCU films . Cate Blanchett , Tessa Thompson , Jeff Goldblum and Karl Urban joined the cast as Hela , Valkyrie , Grandmaster , and Skurge , respectively . Notes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : In July 2013 , the film 's distribution rights were transferred from Paramount Pictures to Walt Disney Studios . Jump up ^ The events of the film also take place simultaneously with the events of The Incredible Hulk ( 2008 ) and Iron Man 2 ( 2010 ) , the latter of which is set six months after the events of Iron Man ( 2008 ) . Jump up ^ Identified off - screen as the Cosmic Cube . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Per indicia at Official website `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on July 4 , 2011 . Retrieved 2011 - 07 - 04 . Jump up ^ Tadena , Nathalie . `` Disney Acquires Distribution Rights to Four Marvel Films From Paramount '' . The Wall Street Journal . Retrieved July 2 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Finke , Nikki ( July 2 , 2013 ) . `` Disney Completes Purchase of Marvel Home Entertainment Distribution Rights '' . Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved July 2 , 2013 . 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Archived from the original on August 2 , 2012 . Retrieved August 1 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Strom , Marc ( February 10 , 2015 ) . `` Marvel Studios Schedules New Release Dates for 4 Films '' . . Archived from the original on February 10 , 2015 . Retrieved February 9 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Strom , Marc ( May 20 , 2016 ) . `` Marvel Studios Confirms Stellar New Cast Members of the Highly Anticipated ' Thor : Ragnarok ' '' . . Archived from the original on May 20 , 2016 . Retrieved May 20 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Keyes , Rob ( October 16 , 2017 ) . `` Why Is n't Lady Sif in Thor : Ragnarok ? '' . Screen Rant . Archived from the original on October 18 , 2017 . Retrieved October 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Sneider , Jeff ( January 29 , 2014 ) . `` Marvel Hires One of Its Own Executives to Co-Write ' Thor 3 ' '' . The Wrap . Archived from the original on January 30 , 2014 . Retrieved January 29 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Strom , Marc ( October 28 , 2014 ) . `` Thor Brings Ragnarok to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2017 '' . . Archived from the original on October 28 , 2014 . Retrieved October 28 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Breznican , Anthony ( October 28 , 2014 ) . `` Marvel Studios reveals Phase Three slate , including two - part ' Avengers ' threequel '' . Entertainment Weekly . Archived from the original on October 28 , 2014 . Retrieved October 28 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Arvedon , Jon ( September 27 , 2017 ) . `` New Thor : Ragnarok Image Confirms Return of Another Asgardian '' . Comic Book Resources . Archived from the original on September 28 , 2017 . Retrieved September 27 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Thor : Ragnarok Press Kit '' ( PDF ) . Walt Disney Studios . Archived ( PDF ) from the original on October 9 , 2017 . Retrieved October 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Blickley , Leigh ( October 23 , 2015 ) . `` Mark Ruffalo Wants To See Bruce Banner And Hulk Face - Off On Screen '' . The Huffington Post . Archived from the original on October 24 , 2015 . Retrieved October 24 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Breznican , Anthony ( November 5 , 2016 ) . `` Doctor Strange revelations : Secrets and Easter eggs from the new Marvel movie '' . Entertainment Weekly . Archived from the original on November 5 , 2016 . Retrieved November 5 , 2016 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Thor ( film ) . Wikiquote has quotations related to : Thor ( film ) Official website Thor on IMDb Thor at Rotten Tomatoes Thor Movie Hub at <Th_colspan="2"> Thor ( Marvel Comics ) <Td_colspan="2"> Stan Lee Larry Lieber Jack Kirby Allies Angela Balder Beta Ray Bill Eitri Jane Foster Frigga Gaea Heimdall Hercules Hermod Hrimhari Kelda Odin Sif Thor Girl Thunderstrike Eric Masterson Kevin Masterson Tyr Valkyrie Vidar Volla Warriors Three Fandral Hogun Volstagg Zeus Enemies Recurring enemies Absorbing Man Destroyer Enchantress Executioner Hela Karnilla Loki Lorelei Malekith the Accursed Mangog Midgard Serpent Mr. Hyde Surtur Ulik Wrecking Crew Bulldozer Piledriver Thunderball Wrecker Ymir Other enemies Ares Bloodaxe Cobra Crusader Dark Gods Desak Ego the Living Planet Enchanters Three Perrikus Fafnir Fenris Wolf Grey Gargoyle Growing Man Kurse Laufey Man - Beast Mercurio the 4 - D Man Minotaur Mongoose Pluto Possessor Quicksand Radioactive Man Ragnarok Serpent Zarrko Bibliography Journey into Mystery Thor : Blood Oath Thor : Son of Asgard Thor : Vikings Ultimate Comics : Thor In other media Television The Marvel Super Heroes The Incredible Hulk Returns Film Marvel Animated Features Thor soundtrack Thor : The Dark World soundtrack Team Thor Thor : Ragnarok soundtrack Video games Thor : God of Thunder Thor : Son of Asgard Thor & Loki : Blood Brothers Related articles Thor in Norse mythology Alternative versions Ultimate Thor Asgard Dwarves Elves Giants Hugin and Munin Mjolnir Norns Norn Stones Trolls Valkyrior Thor ( comics ) <Td_colspan="2"> Category <Th_colspan="2"> Films directed by Kenneth Branagh <Td_colspan="2"> Henry V ( 1989 ) Dead Again ( 1991 ) Swan Song ( 1992 ) Peter 's Friends ( 1992 ) Much Ado About Nothing ( 1993 ) Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein ( 1994 ) In the Bleak Midwinter ( 1995 ) Hamlet ( 1996 ) Love 's Labour 's Lost ( 2000 ) Listening ( 2003 ) As You Like It ( 2006 ) The Magic Flute ( 2006 ) Sleuth ( 2007 ) Thor ( 2011 ) Jack Ryan : Shadow Recruit ( 2014 ) Cinderella ( 2015 ) Murder on the Orient Express ( 2017 ) Artemis Fowl ( 2019 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Films written by Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz <Td_colspan="2"> Agent Cody Banks ( 2003 ) Thor ( 2011 ) X-Men : First Class ( 2011 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Empire Award for Best Sci - Fi / Fantasy <Td_colspan="2"> Star Wars : Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith ( 2006 ) Pan 's Labyrinth ( 2007 ) Stardust ( 2008 ) Wanted ( 2009 ) Star Trek ( 2010 ) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 ( 2011 ) Thor ( 2012 ) The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey ( 2013 ) The Hobbit : The Desolation of Smaug ( 2014 ) X-Men : Days of Future Past ( 2015 ) Star Wars : The Force Awakens ( 2016 ) A Monster Calls ( 2017 ) Wonder Woman ( 2018 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Marvel Cinematic Universe Feature films Phase One Iron Man The Incredible Hulk Iron Man 2 Thor Captain America : The First Avenger The Avengers accolades Phase Two Iron Man 3 Thor : The Dark World Captain America : The Winter Soldier Guardians of the Galaxy Avengers : Age of Ultron Ant - Man Phase Three Captain America : Civil War Doctor Strange Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Spider - Man : Homecoming Thor : Ragnarok Black Panther Avengers : Infinity War production Ant - Man and the Wasp Captain Marvel Untitled Avengers film production Television series ABC Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episodes season 1 5 characters Agent Carter season 1 characters Inhumans `` Behold ... 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who composed the hymn when peace like a river
It is Well with my soul - wikipedia It is Well with my soul Jump to : navigation , search `` It Is Well '' redirects here . For the Kutless album , see It Is Well ( album ) . `` It Is Well '' redirects here . For Hillsong Song , see It Is Well With My Soul ( Hillsong song ) . ( Original lyrics ) When peace like a river , attendeth my way , When sorrows like sea billows roll ; Whatever my lot , Thou hast taught me to know It is well , it is well , with my soul . Refrain : It is well , ( it is well ) , With my soul , ( with my soul ) It is well , it is well , with my soul . Though Satan should buffet , though trials should come , Let this blest assurance control , That Christ has regarded my helpless estate , And hath shed His own blood for my soul . My sin , oh , the bliss of this glorious thought ! My sin , not in part but the whole , Is nailed to the cross , and I bear it no more , Praise the Lord , praise the Lord , O my soul ! For me , be it Christ , be it Christ hence to live : If Jordan above me shall roll , No pang shall be mine , for in death as in life , Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul . But Lord , ' tis for Thee , for Thy coming we wait , The sky , not the grave , is our goal ; Oh , trump of the angel ! Oh , voice of the Lord ! Blessed hope , blessed rest of my soul . And Lord , haste the day when my faith shall be sight , The clouds be rolled back as a scroll ; The trump shall resound , and the Lord shall descend , A song in the night , oh my soul ! `` know '' ( at the end of the third line ) was changed to `` say '' . `` A song in the night , oh my soul '' ( last line ) was changed to `` Even so , it is well with my soul '' . `` It Is Well With My Soul '' is a hymn penned by hymnist Horatio Spafford and composed by Philip Bliss . First published in Gospel Songs No. 2 by Sankey and Bliss ( 1876 ) , it is possibly the most influential and enduring in the Bliss repertoire and is often taken as a choral model , appearing in hymnals of a wide variety of Christian fellowships . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 Notable performances 3 References 4 External links Background ( edit ) This hymn was written after traumatic events in Spafford 's life . The first was the death of his son at the age of 2 and the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 , which ruined him financially ( he had been a successful lawyer and had invested significantly in property in the area of Chicago that was extensively damaged by the great fire ) . His business interests were further hit by the economic downturn of 1873 , at which time he had planned to travel to Europe with his family on the SS Ville du Havre . In a late change of plan , he sent the family ahead while he was delayed on business concerning zoning problems following the Great Chicago Fire . While crossing the Atlantic , the ship sank rapidly after a collision with a sea vessel , the Loch Earn , and all four of Spafford 's daughters died . His wife Anna survived and sent him the now famous telegram , `` Saved alone ... '' . Shortly afterwards , as Spafford traveled to meet his grieving wife , he was inspired to write these words as his ship passed near where his daughters had died . Bliss called his tune Ville du Havre , from the name of the stricken vessel . The Spaffords later had three more children . On February 11 , 1880 , their son , Horatio Goertner Spafford , died at the age of four , of scarlet fever . Their daughters were Bertha Hedges Spafford ( born March 24 , 1878 ) and Grace Spafford ( born January 18 , 1881 ) . Their Presbyterian church regarded their tragedy as divine punishment . In response , the Spaffords formed their own Messianic sect , dubbed `` the Overcomers '' by American press . In 1881 , the Spaffords , including baby Bertha and newborn Grace , set sail for Ottoman - Turkish Palestine . The Spaffords settled in Jerusalem and helped found a group called the American Colony . Colony members , later joined by Swedish Christians , engaged in philanthropic work among the people of Jerusalem regardless of their religious affiliation and without proselytizing motives -- thereby gaining the trust of the local Muslim , Jewish , and Christian communities . During and immediately after World War I , the American Colony played a critical role in supporting these communities through the great suffering and deprivations by running soup kitchens , hospitals , orphanages and other charitable ventures . The colony later became the subject of Jerusalem by the Nobel prize - winning author , Swedish novelist Selma Lagerlöf . Notable performances ( edit ) The Georgia Southern University marching band Southern Pride plays the song at the end of each win . 1961 : Tennessee Ernie Ford ; Hymns at Home 1963 : Doris Akers ; Forever Faithful 1968 : Mahalia Jackson ; A Mighty Fortress 1991 : Don Moen ; Eternal God 1995 : Jennifer Holliday ; On & On 1995 : Crystal Lewis ; ( Hymns ) My Life 1999 : Audio Adrenaline ; Underdog 1999 : Selah ; Be Still My Soul 2000 : 4Him ; Hymns : A Place of Worship 2001 : Dwight Yoakam ; South of Heaven , West of Hell 2002 : Rebecca St. James ; Worship God 2002 : Amy Grant , with a portion of the song along with `` The River 's Gonna Keep On Rolling '' ( written by Vince Gill ) on her album Legacy ... Hymns and Faith 2003 : The Three Tenors ; Bath 2003 2005 : Jars of Clay ; Redemption Songs 2006 : Chris Rice ; Peace Like a River : The Hymns Project 2008 : Kristyn Getty ( YouTube ) 2009 : Kutless ; It Is Well 2011 : Hillsong Music ( Darlene Zschech ) single ( new bridge added by Reuben Morgan & Ben Fielding ) ; all proceeds from the recording go to help the Queensland Flood Relief Effort 2011 : Josh Wilson ; See You , instrumental version , finger - style guitar 2011 : Mary Mary ; Something Big 2013 : Eleventyseven ; Good Spells ( EP ) 2014 : Michael W. Smith ; Hymns 2014 : Shane & Shane ; The Worship Initiative , Vol. 4 2014 : Sebastian Demrey ; Heritage ; Hymns of our Faith 2014 : Newsboys ; Hallelujah for the Cross 2014 : Bro . Philemon featuring Morris Babyface 2015 : Kristian Stanfill from the Passion Conferences 's album Even So Come 2016 : Audrey Assad ; Inheritance 2016 : Joey + Rory ; Hymns That Are Important to Us 2017 : MercyMe sampled this song in `` Even If '' from their album Lifer 2017 : The Mormon Tabernacle Choir performed this song during their weekly broadcast of Music and the Spoken Word on June 25th . 2017 : The Mormon Tabernacle Choir with Hugh Bonneville performed this song while recounting its history during its annual Christmas concert from December 15th through 17th . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` History '' . Kosinski Studio . Archived from the original on March 11 , 2013 . Retrieved March 26 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Although the presence of a refrain makes the item technically a gospel song versus a hymn in the strict sense , it has a remarkably sustained and sonorous quality , which makes it comparable to the stateliest hymns in both Protestant and Roman Catholic hymnody . It has been prolifically translated and has demonstrated an appeal in various cultures . ^ Jump up to : `` The American Colony in Jerusalem , 1870 - 2006 '' . Retrieved May 2 , 2013 . Jump up ^ McCann , Forrest M. ( 1997 ) . Hymns and History : An Annotated Survey of Sources . Abilene , TX : ACU Press . ISBN 0 - 89112 - 058 - 0 , pp. 154 , 327 - 328 , 359 - 360 , 520 , 597 . Jump up ^ Sandra Bennett ( 2012 ) . `` The Beat Goes On '' . Retrieved March 2 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Gettys -- It Is Well '' . YouTube . Retrieved October 15 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Reuben Morgan ( 2011 ) . `` Hillsong collected blog -- It Is Well '' . Retrieved January 22 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Bro Philemon - It Is Well ft . Morris Babyface ( Official Video with lyrics ) Video '' ( partly sung in Mandarin Chinese ) , YouTube . Jump up ^ Francis Doku , `` Best Male Artiste in African Inspirational Music category for AFRIMA 2014 '' , Modern Ghana , 28 September 2014 . External links ( edit ) Wikisource has original text related to this article : It Is Well with My Soul Library of Congress item mamcol. 016 High resolution images of the restored original manuscript ( up to 22 MB ) front AND back at the Library of Congress . ( Includes an extra verse on the back , as well as notes from his prayer meetings ) The original Hymn manuscript The American Colony in Jerusalem ( A Library of Congress Exhibition ) McCann , Forrest Mason ( 1997 ) . Hymns & History : An Annotated Survey of Sources . Abilene , Texas : ACU Press , pp. 327 -- 328 , 520 , 597 . ISBN 0 - 89112 - 058 - 0 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : American Christian hymns Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español Français Bahasa Indonesia Nederlands Português Simple English Edit links This page was last edited on 18 March 2018 , at 08 : 33 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. It Is Well with My Soul 2. Horatio Spafford 3. Philip Bliss 4. Traumatic events 5. American Colony in Jerusalem
where did the term blue stocking come from
Bluestocking - wikipedia Bluestocking For other uses , see Bluestocking ( disambiguation ) . Caricature of blue stockings by Rowlandson A bluestocking is an educated , intellectual woman , originally a member of the 18th - century Blue Stockings Society led by the hostess and critic Elizabeth Montagu ( 1720 -- 1800 ) , the `` Queen of the Blues '' , including Elizabeth Vesey ( 1715 -- 91 ) , Hester Chapone ( 1727 -- 1801 ) and the classicist Elizabeth Carter ( 1717 -- 1806 ) . In the following generation came Hester Lynch Piozzi ( 1741 -- 1821 ) , Hannah More ( 1745 -- 1833 ) and Frances Burney ( 1752 -- 1840 ) . Until the late 18th century , the term had referred to learned people of both sexes . It was later applied primarily to intellectual women and the French equivalent bas bleu had a similar connotation . The term later developed negative implications and in some instances such women were stereotyped as being `` frumpy '' . The reference to blue stockings may arise from the time when woollen worsted stockings were informal dress , in contrast to formal , fashionable black silk stockings . The most frequent such reference is to a man , Benjamin Stillingfleet , who reportedly lacked the formal black stockings , yet participated in the Blue Stockings Society . Contents 1 History 2 Recent use 3 Notes 4 References 5 Further reading History ( edit ) A reference to bluestockings has been attributed to John Amos Comenius in his 1638 book , where he mentioned the ancient tradition of women being excluded from higher education , citing Bible and Euripides . That reference , though , comes from Keatinge 's 1896 translation and is not present in Comenius 's original Latin text . The name may have been applied in the 15th century to the blue stockings worn by the members of the Compagnie della Calza in Venice , which then was adopted in Paris and London ; in the 17th century to the Covenanters in Scotland , who wore unbleached woollen stockings , in contrast to the bleached or dyed stockings of the more affluent . In 1870 Henry D. Wheatley noted that Elizabeth Montagu 's coterie were named `` blue stockings '' after the blue worsted stockings worn by the naturalist Benjamin Stillingfleet . The Blue Stockings Society was a literary society led by Elizabeth Montagu and others in the 1750s in England . Elizabeth Montagu was an anomaly in this society because she took possession of her husband 's property when he died . This allowed her to have impact in her world . This society was founded by women , and included many prominent members of English society , both male and female , including Harriet Bowdler , Edmund Burke , Sarah Fielding , Samuel Johnson , and Frances Pulteney . M.P. , an 1811 comic opera by Thomas Moore and Charles Edward Horn , was subtitled The Blue Stocking . It contained a character Lady Bab Blue who was a parody of bluestockings . William Hazlitt said , `` The bluestocking is the most odious character in society ... she sinks wherever she is placed , like the yolk of an egg , to the bottom , and carries the filth with her . '' Recent Use ( edit ) `` The Bluestocking '' is the name of the yearbook of Mary Baldwin College , a traditionally all - women 's school in Staunton , Virginia . In Japan , a literary magazine Seitō ( Bluestocking ) was launched in 1911 under the leadership of Raichō Hiratsuka . It ran until 1916 , providing a creative outlet and political platform for Japanese feminists even while it faced public outcry and government censorship . The Toledo Blue Stockings was a major league baseball team in Toledo , Ohio from 1883 - 1885 . Historically , the team is best known for being the only major league team with black players ( Moses Fleetwood Walker and his brother , Weldy Walker ) prior to Jackie Robinson 's appearance with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947 . Bluestockings is the name of a volunteer - run and collectively - owned radical bookstore , fair trade cafe , and activist center located in the Lower East Side of Manhattan , New York City which opened in 1999 . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Comenius cites Euripides ' tragedy Hippolytus , where Hippolytus says , `` I detest a bluestocking . May there never be a woman in my house who knows more than is fitting for a woman to know . '' , to which Comenius answers : `` These opinions , I opine , stand in no true opposition to our demand . For we are not advising that women be educated in such a way that their tendency to curiosity shall be developed , but so that their sincerity and contentedness may be increased , and this chiefly in those things which it becomes a woman to know and to do ; that is to say , all that enables her to look after her household and to promote the welfare of her husband and her family . '' John Amos Comenius ( 1633 -- 1638 ) , Didactica Magna ( The Great Didactic , translation by M. W. Keatinge , London : Adam and Charles Black , 1896 ) , p. 220 Jump up ^ ' Benjamin Stillingfleet , the celebrated naturalist , who is described by ( Thomas ) Gray as living in a garret in order that he might be able to support some near relations , died at his lodgings opposite to Burlington House on December 15 , 1771 at the age of sixty - nine . It was his blue worsted stockings that gave the name `` blue stocking '' to the ladies of Mrs Montagu 's coterie . ' Henry D. Wheatley , Round About Piccadilly And Pall Mall , London : Smith Elder ( 1870 ) , p. 42 . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Tinker , 1915 . Jump up ^ Carol Strauss Sotiropoulos ( 2007 ) , Early Feminists and the Education Debates : England , France , Germany , 1760 -- 1810 , p. 235 , ISBN 978 - 0 - 8386 - 4087 - 6 Jump up ^ Hannah More ( 1782 ) , The Bas Bleu , or , Conversation Jump up ^ James Boswell , The Life of Samuel Johnson , LL. D , Comprising A Series of His Epistolary Correspondence and Conversations with Many Eminent Persons ; And Various Original Pieces of His Composition ; With a Chronological Account of His Studies and Numerous Works , p. 823 Jump up ^ Ethel Rolt Wheeler , Famous Blue - Stockings , p. 23 Jump up ^ Beckett , J.V. `` Elizabeth Montagu : Bluestocking Turned Landlady . '' Huntington Library Quarterly 49 , no . 2 ( 1986 ) : 149 - 64 . Jump up ^ Louis Kronenberger , Kings and Desperate Men , p. 75 Jump up ^ Elizabeth Eger ( 2010 ) . Bluestockings : women of reason from Enlightenment to Romanticism . Palgrave Macmillan . p. 206 . Jump up ^ S.L. Sievers ( 10 November 1998 ) , `` The Bluestockings '' , Meiji Japan , ISBN 978 - 0 - 415 - 15618 - 9 Further reading ( edit ) Burns , William E. `` Bluestockings 18th and 19th centuries '' in Reader 's Guide to British History ( 2003 ) . online Demers , Patricia . The World of Hannah More ( University of Kentucky Press , 1996 ) Myers , Sylvia Harcstark . The Bluestocking Circle : Women , Friendship and the Life of the Mind in Eighteenth - Century England ( Oxford University Press , 1990 ) Robinson , Jane . Bluestockings : The Remarkable Story of the First Women to Fight for an Education ( Penguin , 2010 ) Tinker , Chauncey Brewster ( 1915 ) . The salon and English letters : chapters on the interrelations of literature and society in the age of Johnson . Macmillan . full text online `` Bluestocking '' . Encyclopædia Britannica. 4 ( 11th ed . ) . 1911 . p. 91 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Feminism Hidden categories : EngvarB from October 2013 Use dmy dates from October 2013 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April 2015 Articles with unsourced statements from March 2013 Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Eesti Français Nederlands Norsk Polski Русский Suomi Svenska 3 more Edit links This page was last edited on 20 October 2018 , at 02 : 06 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Bluestocking Society 2. Intellectual women 3. Elizabeth Montagu 4. Negative stereotypes 5. Blue stockings
how many magic treehouse books are in the series
Magic Tree House - wikipedia Magic Tree House Jump to : navigation , search For the 2011 anime film , see Magic Tree House ( film ) . This article relies too much on references to primary sources . Please improve this by adding secondary or tertiary sources . ( April 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This article may rely excessively on sources too closely associated with the subject , potentially preventing the article from being verifiable and neutral . Please help improve it by replacing them with more appropriate citations to reliable , independent , third - party sources . ( April 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The Magic Tree House <Td_colspan="2"> Author Mary Pope Osborne Illustrator Sal Murdocca ( USA ) Ayana Amako ( Japan ) Country United States Language English Genre Children 's historical fantasy Publisher Random House ( USA ) Media Factory ( Japan ) The Magic Tree House is an American series of children 's books written by American author Mary Pope Osborne . The original American series is illustrated by Salvatore Murdocca , although other illustrators have been used for foreign - language editions . The series consists of two groups . The first group consists of books 1 - 28 , in which Morgan Le Fay sends Jack and Annie Smith , two normal children who are siblings from the fictional small town of Frog Creek , Pennsylvania , on numerous adventures and missions with a magical tree house . The second group , referred to as the Magic Tree House `` Merlin Missions , '' begins with book 29 , Christmas in Camelot . In the Merlin Missions , Jack and Annie have quests from the ancient wizard Merlin the Magician . These books are longer than the previous 28 , and some take place in fantasy realms like Camelot . Kathleen and Teddy are two apprentices who befriend Jack and Annie during their adventures , with one of these adventures being to free Teddy from a spell . The two occasionally join Jack and Annie , and , when they do n't , provide them support instead . During Super Edition # 1 , Teddy sends them on a mission instead of Morgan or Merlin . The companion `` Magic Tree House Fact Trackers '' are co-written by Mary Pope Osborne with her husband Will Osborne or her sister Natalie Pope Boyce . Contents ( hide ) 1 Magic Tree House Books 2 Magic Tree House Merlin Mission Books 3 Magic Tree House Super editions 4 Non-fiction books 5 Characters 5.1 Jack 5.2 Annie 5.3 Morgan le Fay 5.4 Teddy 5.5 Kathleen 6 Movies 7 References 8 External links Magic Tree House books ( edit ) Magic Tree House Books are for Beginning Chapter Book Readers . Adventures with Jack and Annie , for readers ages 6 -- 9 who are just starting to read chapter books . # Title Published Story Arc Place Origin Plot Summary / Notes Dinosaurs Before Dark ( UK Title : Valley of the Dinosaurs ) 000000001992 - 07 - 28 - 0000 July 28 , 1992 In the mystery of the Treehouse # 1 Jack and Annie discover the tree house and , using the magical books there , they travel back to the late Cretaceous period ( 65 million years ago ) where they meet a Pteranodon that saves them from a Tyrannosaurus rex . Jack finds a gold medallion with the letter `` M '' on it . Companion book : # 1 , Dinosaurs . The Knight at Dawn ( UK title : Castle of Mystery ) 000000001993 - 02 - 16 - 0000 February 16 , 1993 In the mystery of the Tree house # 2 In England during the Middle Ages , Jack and Annie explore a castle and meet a brave knight . Companion book : # 2 , Knights and Castles . Mummies in the Morning ( UK title : Secret of the Pyramid ) 000000001993 - 08 - 24 - 0000 August 24 , 1993 In the mystery of the Tree house # 3 In Ancient Egypt , Jack and Annie help Queen Hutepi find her missing Book of the Dead . Companion book : # 3 , Mummies and Pyramids . Pirates Past Noon ( UK title : Pirates ' Treasure ! ) 000000001994 - 03 - 08 - 0000 March 8 , 1994 In the mystery of the Tree house # 4 Jack and Annie encounter some pirates in the Caribbean Sea and meet Morgan le Fay , who turns out to be the mysterious `` M '' . Companion book : # 4 , Pirates . 5 Night of the Ninjas 000000001995 - 03 - 21 - 0000 March 21 , 1995 In the mystery of the Magic spell # 1 Morgan le Fay is under a spell . Jack and Annie must find four magical objects to reverse the spell , with the help of a mouse named Peanut . In ancient Japan , Jack and Annie encounter ninjas and samurai and get a moonstone . Companion book : # 30 , Ninjas and Samurai . 6 Afternoon on the Amazon ( UK title : Adventure on the Amazon ) 000000001995 - 08 - 29 - 0000 August 29 , 1995 In the mystery of the Magic spell # 2 Jack and Annie search the Amazon rainforest for a second magical object for Morgan le Fay , which turns out to be a mango . Companion book : # 5 , Rain Forests . 7 Sunset of the Sabertooth ( UK title : Mammoth to the Rescue ) 000000001996 - 04 - 14 - 0000 April 14 , 1996 In the mystery of the Magic spell # 3 In the last Ice Age , Jack and Annie encounter Cro - Magnons , wooly mammoths , and a saber - toothed cat while looking for the third object to help Morgan - a mammoth bone flute . Companion book : # 12 , Sabertooths and the Ice Age . 8 Midnight on the Moon ( UK title : Moon Mission ) 000000001996 - 10 - 29 - 0000 October 29 , 1996 In the mystery of the Magic spell # 4 Thirty - five years into their future ( 2031 ) , Jack and Annie travel to the moon to look for the fourth object needed to help Morgan le Fay . Companion book : # 6 , Space . 9 Dolphins at Daybreak ( UK title : Diving with Dolphins ) 000000001997 - 04 - 29 - 0000 April 29 , 1997 In the mystery of the Ancient riddles # 1 in Set in the Pacific Ocean with bottlenose dolphins . Companion book : # 9 , Dolphins and Sharks . 10 Ghost Town at Sundown ( UK title : A Wild West Ride ) 000000001997 - 09 - 16 - 0000 September 16 , 1997 In the mystery of the Ancient riddles # 2 Set in the American Wild West , where Jack and Annie meet a cowboy named Slim . Companion book : # 38 , Wild West . 11 Lions at Lunchtime ( UK title : Lions on the Loose ) 000000001998 - 02 - 12 - 0000 February 12 , 1998 In the mystery of the Ancient riddles # 3 Jack and Annie are on a mission on the African Savannah . 12 Polar Bears Past Bedtime ( UK title : Icy Escape ) 000000001998 - 04 - 24 - 0000 April 24 , 1998 In the mystery of the Ancient riddles # 4 Set in the North Pole , Jack and Annie meet an Inuit . Companion book : # 16 , Polar Bears and the Arctic . 13 Vacation Under The Volcano ( UK title : Racing with Gladiators ) 000000001998 - 06 - 20 - 0000 June 20 , 1998 In the mystery of the Lost stories # 1 Jack and Annie travel to Pompeii on the eve of the eruption of Mt . Vesuvius . Companion book : # 14 : Ancient Rome and Pompeii . 14 Day of the Dragon King ( UK title : Palace of the Dragon King ) 000000001998 - 08 - 11 - 0000 August 11 , 1998 In the mystery of the Lost stories # 2 Jack and Annie travel to China as it was 2,000 years in their past . The Dragon King is also known as Emperor Qin . Companion book : # 31 , China : Land of the Emperor 's Great Wall . 15 Viking Ships at Sunrise ( UK title : Voyage of the Vikings ) 000000001998 - 10 - 20 - 0000 October 20 , 1998 In the mystery of the Lost stories # 3 In medieval Ireland , Jack and Annie encounter Vikings . Companion book : # 33 , Vikings . 16 Hour of the Olympics ( UK title : Olympic Challenge ! ) 000000001998 - 12 - 17 - 0000 December 17 , 1998 In the mystery of the Lost stories # 4 Jack and Annie travel to Ancient Greece and see the first Olympic games . Companion book : # 10 , Ancient Greece and the Olympics . 17 Tonight on the Titanic 000000001999 - 03 - 23 - 0000 March 23 , 1999 In the mystery of the Enchanted dog arc # 1 Jack and Annie travel back to 1912 and are on the RMS Titanic during her fateful voyage . In this arc the two are assisted by a dog named Teddy that they must find gifts to free . Companion book : # 7 , Titanic . 18 Buffalo Before Breakfast 000000001999 - 05 - 18 - 0000 May 18 , 1999 In the mystery of the Enchanted dog arc # 2 In the American Old West , Jack and Annie encounter a Lakota boy on the Great Plains . 19 Tigers at Twilight 000000001999 - 08 - 17 - 0000 August 17 , 1999 In the mystery of the Enchanted dog arc # 3 Jack and Annie explore the Indian jungles of the past . 20 Dingoes at Dinnertime 000000002000 - 03 - 14 - 0000 March 14 , 2000 In the mystery of the Enchanted dog arc # 4 Set in Australian Outback . Jack and Annie receive the final gift and return home where Morgan removes the spell on the dog who is revealed to be a boy named Teddy , a young magician who trapped himself under a spell causing him to become a dog . 21 Civil War on Sunday 000000002000 - 05 - 23 - 0000 May 23 , 2000 In the Morgan 's library arc # 1 In the American Civil War , Jack and Annie encounter Clara Barton . 22 Revolutionary War on Wednesday 000000002000 - 09 - 26 - 0000 September 26 , 2000 In the Morgan 's library arc # 2 Jack and Annie cross the Delaware River with George Washington . Companion book : # 11 , American Revolution . 23 Twister on Tuesday 000000002001 - 03 - 27 - 0000 March 27 , 2001 In the Morgan 's library arc # 3 In the 1870s , Jack and Annie encounter pioneer settlement of the Midwestern prairie . They have to save a teacher and some kids before they are hit by a tornado . Companion book : # 8 , Twisters and Other Terrible Storms . 24 Earthquake in the Early Morning 000000002001 - 08 - 24 - 0000 August 24 , 2001 In the Morgan 's library arc # 4 In 1906 , Jack and Annie experience the San Francisco earthquake . The two are able to use what they find to inspire King Arthur to battle Mordred , although in a later book it is shown that he wins without dying in these stories . 25 Stage Fright on a Summer Night 000000002002 - 03 - 12 - 0000 March 12 , 2002 In the Type of magic arc # 1 In Elizabethan England , Jack and Annie meet William Shakespeare 26 Good Morning Gorillas 000000002002 - 08 - 23 - 0000 August 23 , 2002 In the Type of magic arc # 2 In the Congo rainforest , Jack and Annie encounter gorillas . 27 Thanksgiving on Thursday 000000002002 - 10 - 24 - 0000 October 24 , 2002 In the Type of magic arc # 3 In Plymouth in 1621 , Jack and Annie share the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians . Companion book : # 13 , Pilgrims . 28 High Tide in Hawaii 000000002003 - 03 - 25 - 0000 March 25 , 2003 In the Type of magic arc # 4 Jack and Annie travel to the Hawaii of the past and almost get caught in a tsunami . They also make two friends who share an adventure with them . Companion book : # 15 , Tsunamis and Other Natural Disasters . 29 A Big Day For Baseball 000000002017 - 08 - 01 - 0000 August 1 , 2017 Jack & Annie are whisked back to Brooklyn 's Ebbets Field on April 15 , 1947 , to witness Jackie Robinson 's Major League debut . Companion book : # 37 , Baseball . 30 Hurricane Heroes in Texas 000000002018 - 08 - 07 - 0000 August 7 , 2018 Jack and Annie are on a mission ! When the magic tree house whisks them back to Galveston , Texas , in 1900 , they find out that a big storm is coming . But even though there is rain and wind , no one believes there is any danger . As the storm grows , seawater floods the city . Now everyone needs help ! Jack and Annie have a little bit of magic and a lot of hope -- but will it be enough ? Magic Tree House Merlin mission books ( edit ) Magic Tree House Merlin Mission Books 1 - 27 were written for more advanced readers . They are more challenging adventures for readers ages 7 -- 10 . The Magic Tree House Merlin Missions were originally ordered sequentially , starting at Book # 29 ( Christmas in Camelot ) . With the 25th anniversary re-prints , the books have been separated into their own distinct series and re-numbered starting at Merlin Mission # 1 . Original # Merlin Mission # Title Published Story Arc Plot Summary / Notes 29 Christmas in Camelot 000000002001 - 10 - 10 - 0000 October 10 , 2001 In the Quest to save Camelot arc # 1 Jack and Annie go on a quest to save Camelot , a quest that will prove to a beleaguered King Arthur that children and imagination really can make a difference . Eventually Jack and Annie break the spell over Camelot and meet the Knights of the Round Table most notably Sir Lancelot . This is also the first story where Merlin the Magician sends Jack and Annie on an adventure instead of Morgan , having learned of their abilities from Morgan Le Fay . 30 Haunted Castle on Hallow 's Eve 000000002003 - 06 - 18 - 0000 June 18 , 2003 In the Quest to save Camelot arc # 2 Jack , Annie , and Teddy must restore order to a duke 's castle , on the outer realm of Camelot , for Merlin . Jack and Annie reunite with Teddy from the Enchanted Dog arc who becomes a recurring character in the rest of the books . It is also the first book where Jack and Annie perform their own magic . Jack and Annie are able to use the power of a magic hazel twig to transform themselves back to humans from ravens and Jack is able to tap into its power to defeat the Evil Raven King by turning him into a baby raven . This new ability of theirs is likely foreshadowing of later books when they start to make magic of their own . 31 Summer of the Sea Serpent 000000002004 - 03 - 09 - 0000 March 9 , 2004 In the Quest to save Camelot arc # 3 Jack and Annie must retrieve the Sword of Light for Merlin for all the good of Camelot . Jack and Annie meet Kathleen who , along with Teddy , becomes a recurring character in the books , acting as their sidekick . In this book Jack and Annie retrieve the Sword of Light and earn the right to wield it , learning later that the sword is in fact Excalibur and they retrieved it from Camelot 's past so King Arthur can one day get it . 32 Winter of the Ice Wizard 000000002004 - 09 - 28 - 0000 September 28 , 2004 In the Quest to save Camelot arc # 4 Jack and Annie must go on a mission for the evil Ice Wizard , which is retrieving one of his eyes , in order to free Merlin and Morgan . 33 5 Carnival at Candlelight 000000002005 - 03 - 08 - 0000 March 8 , 2005 In the Using magic wisely arc # 1 Jack and Annie must go and save Venice , Italy from a flood disaster , but Merlin 's instructions are confusing . The next four books are part of an arc where Jack and Annie complete missions to prove to Merlin that they can use magic wisely . 34 6 Season of the Sandstorms 000000002005 - 06 - 26 - 0000 June 26 , 2005 In the Using magic wisely arc # 2 Jack and Annie must help the caliph of ancient Baghdad spread wisdom to the world . 35 7 Night of the New Magicians 000000002006 - 03 - 14 - 0000 March 14 , 2006 In the Using magic wisely arc # 3 Jack and Annie travel to the Paris Exposition Universelle of 1889 in the Magic Tree House . They have to save four new magicians ( Alexander Graham Bell , Louis Pasteur , Thomas Edison , and Gustave Eiffel ) , before an evil sorcerer kidnaps them and steals the secrets of their magic . As it turns out , there is no evil sorcerer and the only one that shows up is Merlin himself who had wanted Jack and Annie to meet the four . 36 8 Blizzard of the Blue Moon 000000002006 - 09 - 26 - 0000 September 26 , 2006 In the Using magic wisely arc # 4 Jack and Annie travel in the Magic Tree House to the New York City of the Great Depression in 1938 . They must help a unicorn under a spell . However , two evil sorcerers in training , Balor and Grinda , are up to the same challenge . In this book , Jack and Annie are given the power to make magic on their own via a magic wand . 37 9 Dragon of the Red Dawn 000000002007 - 02 - 27 - 0000 February 27 , 2007 In the Happiness arc # 1 Jack and Annie travel back in the Magic Tree House to feudal Japan to find the first of four secrets of happiness for Merlin the magician because Morgan has noticed that he does not feel well , does not eat or sleep , and is tired . To do this , they must spend the day with famous Japanese haiku poet Matsuo Bashō . 38 10 Monday with a Mad Genius 000000002007 - 08 - 28 - 0000 August 28 , 2007 In the Happiness arc # 2 Jack and Annie travel back in the Magic Tree House to Florence , Italy , to find the second of four secrets of happiness . To do this , they must help Leonardo da Vinci all day , `` morning , noon , and afternoon , till the night bird sings its song . '' Companion book : # 19 , `` Leonardo da Vinci '' 39 11 Dark Day in the Deep Sea 000000002008 - 03 - 25 - 0000 March 25 , 2008 In the Happiness arc # 3 The magic tree house takes Jack and Annie to a deserted island , in the 1870s , looking for another secret of happiness . They get rescued by scientists on the HMS Challenger ( 1858 ) , in the Atlantic Ocean , and end up helping the scientists , who are looking for a sea monster . Will they be able to help the scientist and find the secret of happiness ? This book is 144 pages long , making it the longest book in the series . Companion book : # 17 , `` Sea Monsters '' 40 12 Eve of the Emperor Penguin 000000002008 - 09 - 23 - 0000 September 23 , 2008 In the Happiness arc # 4 Jack and Annie go to Antarctica to try to find their last secret of happiness , but they only find penguins . Only the penguins have the answer to this question . This is the only book where it is specifically stated that Jack and Annie did not travel through time . They also use the wand to make magic twice : once to find the penguins and a second time to teleport to Mount Erebus , the only time they use its power twice . Companion book : # 18 , `` Penguins and Antarctica '' 41 13 Moonlight on the Magic Flute 000000002009 - 03 - 10 - 0000 March 10 , 2009 In the Inspiring arc # 1 Jack and Annie head to 18th - century Austria , where they must find and help a musician by the name of Mozart . Decked out in the craziest outfits they 've ever worn -- including a wig for Jack and a giant hoopskirt for Annie , the two siblings search an entire palace to no avail . Their hunt is further hampered by the appearance of a mischievous little boy who is determined to follow them everywhere . But when the boy lets the animals out of the palace zoo , Jack and Annie have to use the only magic at their disposal to save themselves and the naughty little boy . The party is in the Summer Palace at five o'clock in the evening on October 13 , 1762 . When Jack and Annie use their magic flute ( In Inspiring # 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 , the Wand of Dianthus changes into instruments . ) Mozart makes a song called The Magic Flute . 42 14 A Good Night for Ghosts 000000002009 - 07 - 28 - 0000 July 28 , 2009 In the Inspiring arc # 2 Jack and Annie are on their second mission to find -- and inspire -- artists to bring happiness to millions . After traveling to New Orleans , Jack and Annie come head to head with some real ghosts , as well as discover the world of jazz when they meet a young Louis Armstrong . Companion book : # 20 , `` Ghosts '' 43 15 Leprechaun in Late Winter 000000002010 - 01 - 12 - 0000 January 12 , 2010 In the Inspiring arc # 3 The kids meet a girl in their third mission to put `` artists '' on the right path . She is sad because she believes in leprechauns and faerie , but can not find any . The girl grows up to be Lady Gregory , a famous legend teller of the Irish lore . Can the kids save her from sadness and put the third artist on the right path ? This is the first time that something that one of the kids has written has been used to travel through time : the kids time travel by wishing using Jack 's notes on where they are traveling to . They travel to 1862 to go to Ireland . Companion book : # 21 , `` Leprechauns and Irish Folklore '' 44 16 A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time 000000002010 - 09 - 14 - 0000 September 14 , 2010 In the Inspiring arc # 4 The kids are whisked back to Victorian England to help famed author Charles Dickens . The kids know Charles had everything he wants . Will the kids find the thing Charles wants ? The kids are thrown in jail , only to be saved by Charles Dickens ! To find Charles ' secret , they will need help from three ghosts and get to know Charles very , very , well . Companion book : # 22 , `` Rags and Riches : Kids in the Time of Charles Dickens '' 45 17 A Crazy Day with Cobras 000000002011 - 01 - 11 - 0000 January 11 , 2011 In the Penny 's spell arc # 1 When Penny , Merlin 's beloved penguin ( from Eve of the Emperor Penguin ) , is accidentally turned to stone by Teddy , the kids must travel to an Indian desert and find an ingredient to a spell before Merlin comes back . Jack and Annie have to escape a swarm of king cobras and meet the infamous All - Power Great Mogul . To start their quest , Jack and Annie must find an emerald rose to find the first piece of breaking Penny 's spell . Companion book : # 23 , Snakes and Other Reptiles . 46 18 Dogs in the Dead of Night 000000002011 - 08 - 09 - 0000 August 9 , 2011 In the Penny 's spell arc # 2 Jack and his sister Annie travel to Swiss Alps to get the second magical object to break the spell on the beloved baby penguin , Penny . They face a dog rescue and many other adventures . Companion book : # 24 , Dog Heroes . 47 19 Abe Lincoln At Last ! 000000002011 - 12 - 27 - 0000 December 27 , 2011 In the Penny 's spell arc # 3 Jack and Annie travel to the time of the Civil War , and they must help a friend of Abe 's in order to find the third gift for breaking Penny 's spell . The friend is an orphan named Sam . It 's a race against time as Jack and Annie try to decide what is right . Companion book : # 25 , Abraham Lincoln . 48 20 A Perfect Time For Pandas 000000002012 - 07 - 24 - 0000 July 24 , 2012 In the Penny 's spell arc # 4 Jack and Annie visit China during the Great Sichuan Earthquake of 2008 . Companion book : # 26 , Pandas and Other Endangered Species . 49 21 Stallion by Starlight 000000002013 - 03 - 26 - 0000 March 26 , 2013 In the Greatness arc # 1 Jack and Annie go back to Ancient Macedonia and an adventure with Alexander the Great when he was a child and his famous stallion : Bucephalus . Companion book : # 27 , Horse Heroes . 50 22 Hurry Up Houdini ! 000000002013 - 08 - 23 - 0000 August 23 , 2013 In the Greatness arc # 2 Jack and Annie meet magician Harry Houdini . 51 23 High Time for Heroes 000000002014 - 01 - 07 - 0000 January 7 , 2014 In the Greatness arc # 3 Jack and Annie meet Florence Nightingale in Egypt . Companion book : # 28 , Heroes for All Times . 52 24 Soccer on Sunday 000000002014 - 05 - 27 - 0000 May 27 , 2014 In the Greatness arc # 4 Jack and Annie travel to a soccer field in Mexico . Companion book : # 29 , Soccer . 53 25 Shadow of the Shark 000000002015 - 06 - 23 - 0000 June 23 , 2015 none While on a vacation from Morgan and Merlin , Jack and Annie accidentally travel back in time over a thousand years to ancient Mayan times and meet sharks and Mayan warriors . In this book , Jack and Annie accidentally go to the right place but the wrong time due to pointing to the wrong illustration . Companion book : # 32 , Sharks and Other Predators . 54 26 Balto of the Blue Dawn 000000002016 - 01 - 05 - 0000 January 5 , 2016 none Jack and Annie meet Balto , a jet - black Siberian husky in Alaska , 1925 . Companion book : # 34 , Dogsledding and Extreme Sports . 55 27 Night of the Ninth Dragon 000000002016 - 07 - 26 - 0000 July 26 , 2016 none Jack and Annie must help save Merlin , Morgan , Teddy , and Kathleen ( trapped in Avalon ) and King Arthur ( injured ) when invaders threaten Camelot . Companion book : # 35 , Dragons and Mythical Creatures . Magic Tree House Super editions ( edit ) On January 6 , 2015 , the first Magic Tree House Super Edition was released . It is 183 pages long . The super editions are longer than the original Magic Tree House books and the Magic Tree House Merlin Missions . # Title Published Story Arc Plot Summary / Notes Danger in the Darkest Hour January 6 , 2015 none The first Magic Tree House Super Edition is called Danger in the Darkest Hour Jack and Annie going back to World War II shortly before D - Day to rescue Kathleen from behind enemy lines . It also features the first time they have had to deal with a situation using their own talents and with no help from magic since the Merlin Missions began . Companion book : # 36 , World War II Non-fiction books ( edit ) The Magic Tree House Fact Trackers ( formerly called Magic Tree House Research Guides ) are non-fiction companions to the fiction books , written by Mary Pope Osborne , Will Osborne , and Natalie Pope Boyce . They were first released in 2000 by Scholastic and Random House . They provide more in - depth follow - up information on the topics in the series than already covered . As of January 2018 , 38 have been published . The first two Fact Trackers were published in August 2000 as companions for the first two stories , then 7 to 8 years old . In 2008 story # 39 , Dark Day in the Deep Sea and its fact tracker # 17 , Sea Monsters were the first story and fact tracker to be published simultaneously . No . Title Companion To : Date Published : 1 Dinosaurs 001 ! Magic Tree House # 1 : Dinosaurs Before Dark 000000002000 - 08 - 01 - 0000 August 1 , 2000 Knights and Castles 002 ! Magic Tree House # 2 : The Knight at Dawn 000000002000 - 08 - 01 - 0000 August 1 , 2000 Mummies and Pyramids 003 ! Magic Tree House # 3 : Mummies in the Morning 000000002001 - 02 - 27 - 0000 February 27 , 2001 Pirates 004 ! Magic Tree House # 4 : Pirates Past Noon 000000002001 - 05 - 22 - 0000 May 22 , 2001 5 Rain Forests 006 ! Magic Tree House # 6 : Afternoon on the Amazon 000000002001 - 09 - 25 - 0000 September 25 , 2001 6 Space 008 ! Magic Tree House # 8 : Midnight on the Moon 000000002002 - 02 - 26 - 0000 February 26 , 2002 7 Titanic 017 ! Magic Tree House # 17 : Tonight on the Titanic 000000002002 - 08 - 27 - 0000 August 27 , 2002 8 Twisters and Other Terrible Storms 023 ! Magic Tree House # 23 : Twister on Tuesday 000000002003 - 02 - 05 - 0000 February 5 , 2003 9 Dolphins and Sharks 009 ! Magic Tree House # 9 : Dolphins at Daybreak 000000002003 - 06 - 04 - 0000 June 4 , 2003 10 Ancient Greece and the Olympics 016 ! Magic Tree House # 16 : Hour of the Olympics 000000002004 - 06 - 01 - 0000 June 1 , 2004 11 American Revolution 022 ! Magic Tree House # 22 : Revolutionary War on Wednesday 000000002004 - 09 - 14 - 0000 September 14 , 2004 12 Sabertooths and the Ice Age 007 ! Magic Tree House # 7 : Sunset of the Sabertooth 000000002005 - 02 - 01 - 0000 February 1 , 2005 13 Pilgrims 027 ! Magic Tree House # 27 : Thanksgiving on Thursday 000000002005 - 09 - 01 - 0000 September 1 , 2005 14 Ancient Rome and Pompeii 013 ! Magic Tree House # 13 : Vacation Under a Volcano 000000002006 - 04 - 25 - 0000 April 25 , 2006 15 Tsunamis and Other Natural Disasters 028 ! Magic Tree House # 28 : High Tide in Hawaii 000000002007 - 02 - 27 - 0000 February 27 , 2007 16 Polar Bears and the Arctic 012 ! Magic Tree House # 12 : Polar Bears Past Bedtime 000000002007 - 09 - 25 - 0000 September 25 , 2007 17 Sea Monsters 039 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 11 : Dark Day in the Deep Sea 000000002008 - 03 - 25 - 0000 March 25 , 2008 18 Penguins and Antarctica 040 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 12 : Eve of the Emperor Penguin 000000002008 - 09 - 23 - 0000 September 23 , 2008 19 Leonardo da Vinci 038 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 10 : Monday with a Mad Genius 000000002009 - 01 - 13 - 0000 January 13 , 2009 20 Ghosts 042 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 14 : A Good Night for Ghosts 000000002009 - 07 - 28 - 0000 July 28 , 2009 21 Leprechauns and Irish Folklore 043 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 15 : Leprechaun in Late Winter 000000002010 - 01 - 12 - 0000 January 12 , 2010 22 Rags and Riches : Kids in the Time of Charles Dickens 044 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 16 : A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time 000000002010 - 09 - 14 - 0000 September 14 , 2010 23 Snakes and Other Reptiles 045 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 17 : A Crazy Day with Cobras 000000002011 - 01 - 11 - 0000 January 11 , 2011 24 Dog Heroes 046 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 18 : Dogs in the Dead of Night 000000002011 - 08 - 09 - 0000 August 9 , 2011 25 Abraham Lincoln 047 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 19 : Abe Lincoln At Last 000000002011 - 12 - 27 - 0000 December 27 , 2011 26 Pandas and Other Endangered Species 048 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 20 : A Perfect Time For Pandas 000000002012 - 07 - 24 - 0000 July 24 , 2012 27 Horse Heroes 049 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 21 : Stallion by Starlight 000000002013 - 03 - 26 - 0000 March 26 , 2013 28 Heroes for All Times 052 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 23 : High Time for Heroes 000000002014 - 01 - 07 - 0000 January 7 , 2014 29 Soccer 052 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 24 : Soccer on Sunday 000000002014 - 05 - 27 - 0000 May 27 , 2014 30 Ninjas and Samurai 005 ! Magic Tree House # 5 : Night of the Ninjas 000000002014 - 09 - 23 - 0000 September 23 , 2014 31 China : Land of the Emperor 's Great Wall 014 ! Magic Tree House # 14 : Day of the Dragon King 000000002014 - 12 - 23 - 0000 December 23 , 2014 32 Sharks and Other Predators 053 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 25 : Shadow of the Shark 000000002015 - 06 - 23 - 0000 June 23 , 2015 33 Vikings 015 ! Magic Tree House # 15 : Viking Ships at Sunrise 000000002015 - 09 - 22 - 0000 September 22 , 2015 34 Dogsledding and Extreme Sports 054 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 26 : Balto of the Blue Dawn 000000002016 - 01 - 05 - 0000 January 5 , 2016 35 Dragons and Mythical Creatures 055 ! Magic Tree House Merlin Missions # 27 : Night of the Ninth Dragon 000000002016 - 07 - 26 - 0000 July 26 , 2016 36 World War II Super Edition # 01 ! Magic Tree House Super Edition # 01 : World at War , 1944 000000002017 - 03 - 14 - 0000 March 14 , 2017 37 Baseball 029 ! Magic Tree House # 29 : A Big Day for Baseball 000000002017 - 08 - 01 - 0000 August 1 , 2017 38 Wild West 010 ! Magic Tree House # 10 : Ghost Town at Sundown 000000002018 - 01 - 02 - 0000 January 2 , 2018 Characters ( edit ) There are roughly six main characters throughout the Magic Tree House series . These include : Jack , Annie , Merlin , Morgan le Fay , Kathleen , and Teddy . Jack and Annie play the largest role in the series , and they embark on numerous adventures for Merlin and Morgan le Fay throughout the series . They also receive the help of the young magicians Kathleen and Teddy while they embark on their missions . Jack ( edit ) Jack is the brother of Annie , the other major character in the series . He has short brown hair and wears red - rimmed glasses that have round lenses . Jack is often shy around others , unlike Annie , and he often takes time to get used to new situations . Jack also believes in science and reason much more than Annie does , and he often keeps a small notebook in which he takes notes about their adventures . Jack often wants to read about a place and time and absorb as much information as he can before embarking on their adventure . He is also older than Annie , which may play a role in his maturity . Jack is extremely intelligent for his young age , and his vast knowledge often helps him and Annie complete their missions . This results in him having unexpected knowledge or talents that help complete their missions such as Jack being able to drive a vehicle despite not being old enough to possess the skill . Jack is courageous , willing to risk his own life to help others , and he is compassionate , caring for everything and everyone . He also reveals in Civil War On Sunday # 21 that he thinks war is kind of cool until the end . However , he sometimes lacks self - confidence until something motivates him to perform the needed feat . When he is confident in his abilities , Jack is good at doing the tasks . On one occasion , while driving a truckload of kids past a Nazi checkpoint , his confident demeanor was enough to fool the Nazis into thinking he was a regular truck driver and let him pass without an inspection . He completed the feat thanks to Kathleen lying to him that she 'd made them invisible and was left stunned at what he was capable of . He also has a growing crush on Kathleen , as he gets shy around her and notes that she is extremely pretty . Her opinion of him matters to Jack greatly enough that if she shows confidence in his ability to perform tasks , he has more confidence in himself if only for the reason of not wanting to let Kathleen down . Annie ( edit ) Annie is the younger sister of Jack , and she is the second major character in the series . Annie has blond hair tied in pigtails , and has blue eyes . Annie believes in magic much more than Jack does , and Morgan le Fay reveals that Annie 's belief in magic helped her see the magic tree house . Annie is often impulsive and not as shy as Jack . However , this often leads to trouble that the pair has to deal with . Annie is younger than Jack , which means that she is less mature . Annie also talks to animals much more than Jack does , and she is kind to them . Morgan le Fay ( edit ) Morgan le Fay is a witch and Time Librarian from King Arthur 's time . She is King Arthur 's sister . In Books 1 - 3 , she was in form of a pteranodon , cat , and knight . In Book 4 , she transforms from a green parrot into human form . She has since become the kids ' mentor and adviser on their quest to become Master Librarians of Time . She is the one who gives Jack and Annie riddles and quests to solve in Books 1 through 28 . Teddy ( edit ) A young sorcerer and apprentice of Morgan . Jack and Annie first meet Teddy when he 's trapped in the form of a dog and spend books 17 - 20 freeing him from the spell . Teddy is not his actual name but the nickname Jack and Annie gave him when he was a dog . His real name is unknown but everyone calls him Teddy , not just Jack and Annie . When he regained human form , he chose to have Jack and Annie continue calling him Teddy as he liked the nickname though he asked for them to call him Ted , something they only did for his brief appearance as a human at the end of book 20 . Teddy is kind - hearted but overconfident in his abilities and is n't actually that good at magic usually , requiring Kathleen to aid him in finishing his spells more often than not . Over the course of the books , Teddy gets better but still requires help a lot . His misfortunes with magic resulted in him turning himself into a dog and Penny the Penguin into stone , resulting in Jack and Annie having to help him break the spells . Kathleen ( edit ) Kathleen is the youngest of 20 sisters , and she is a selkie , or being that can morph herself and others into seals . Kathleen is one of Morgan 's apprentices , and she is extremely friendly , quickly befriending Annie , Jack , Morgan , Merlin , and Teddy . Kathleen is free - spirited and playful , probably due to her being a selkie . Kathleen has brown hair that is long and curly and brown eyes . She also wears a seaweed dress . In seal form , she can communicate with other seals as well . Kathleen is also talented in magic spells . She is also very caring as shown when she is sent to rescue two children in Normandy during World War II and instead risks her life to protect ten children . Her empathic nature results in her losing her magic when she loses hope , forcing Jack and Annie to rescue her . Once her hope is restored , so is her magic . Jack has a crush on her , but it is unknown if she shares these feelings . Movies ( edit ) The animated film Magic Tree House ( マジック ・ ツリー ハウス ) , produced by Media Factory , premiered in Japan in October 2011 and was generally released there on January 7 , 2012 . In 2016 , Lionsgate acquired the film rights with a script by Will Osborne and Jenny Laird . The movie will primarily contain plot elements from Book 29 , `` Christmas in Camelot . '' References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Celebrating 25 Years -- Magic Tree House '' . . Jump up ^ Osborne , Mary Pope ( 2013 ) . Hurry up , Houdini ! . Random House Childrens Books . ISBN 9780307980472 . OCLC 816027002 . Jump up ^ Osborne , Mary Pope ( 2014 ) . High Time for Heroes . Random House Childrens Books . ISBN 9780307980496 . OCLC 840464294 . Jump up ^ Osborne , Mary Pope ( 2014 ) . Hurry up , Houdini ! . Random House Childrens Books . ISBN 9780307980533 . OCLC 857879351 . Jump up ^ `` Magic Tree House Super Edition # 1 : Danger in the Darkest Hour '' . Jump up ^ `` Magic Tree House The Mystery of the Ancient Riddles Boxed Set # 3 : Book 9 - 12 ( Magic Treehouse Series ) : `` Meet the writer : Biography '' `` . Barnes & Noble . Retrieved July 2 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Osborne , Mary Pope ( 2013 ) . Horse Heroes . Paw Prints . ISBN 9781451786026 . OCLC 81160106 . Jump up ^ Osborne , Mary Pope ( 2014 ) . Soccer . Random House . ISBN 9780385386296 . OCLC 857879358 . Jump up ^ Book # 4 , Pirates Past Noon , p. 59 Jump up ^ Book # 4 , Pirates Past Noon , p. 63 Jump up ^ Book # 4 , Pirates Past Noon , p. 56 - 58 Jump up ^ `` TIFF 上映 作品 : マジック ・ ツリー ハウス ( Films : The Magic Tree House ) '' ( in Japanese ) . Tokyo International Film Festival . 2011 - 10 - 23 . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 06 . Jump up ^ `` Magic Tree House Books ' 2012 Film Confirmed as Anime '' . Anime News Network . 2011 - 03 - 08 . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 06 . Jump up ^ McNarry , Dave ( 4 February 2016 ) . `` ' Magic Tree House ' Movies in Development at Lionsgate '' . Variety . Retrieved 13 March 2018 . External links ( edit ) Official website Magic Tree House at Mediafactory ( in Japanese ) Mary Pope Osborne blog Magic Tree House series listing at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Fantasy books by series American children 's books Series of children 's books Time travel novels Novels set in Pennsylvania Hidden categories : CS1 Japanese - language sources ( ja ) Articles lacking reliable references from April 2018 All articles lacking reliable references Books with missing cover Articles containing potentially dated statements from January 2018 All articles containing potentially dated statements Articles containing Japanese - language text Articles with Japanese - language external links Talk Contents About Wikipedia Français Magyar 日本 語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 22 May 2018 , at 01 : 10 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . 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1. Magic Tree House series 2. Children's books 3. Adventure and fantasy 4. Jack and Annie 5. Merlin Missions
how many wins do the dodgers have this season
2017 Los Angeles Dodgers season - wikipedia 2017 Los Angeles Dodgers season <Th_colspan="2"> 2017 Los Angeles Dodgers <Td_colspan="2"> National League Champions National League West Champions <Th_colspan="2"> Major League affiliations <Td_colspan="2"> National League ( since 1890 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Western Division ( since 1969 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Location <Td_colspan="2"> Dodger Stadium ( since 1962 ) Los Angeles , California ( since 1958 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Results Record 104 -- 58 (. 642 ) Divisional place 1st <Th_colspan="2"> Other information Owner ( s ) Guggenheim Baseball Management General manager ( s ) Farhan Zaidi Manager ( s ) Dave Roberts Local television SportsNet LA ( Joe Davis , Charley Steiner , Orel Hershiser , Nomar Garciaparra ) ( Spanish audio feed ) ( Pepe Yñiguez , Fernando Valenzuela , Manny Mota ) KTLA ( occasional simulcasts ) Local radio KLAC ( Charley Steiner , Rick Monday , Kevin Kennedy ) KTNQ ( Jaime Jarrín , Jorge Jarrin ) <Td_colspan="2"> < Previous season Next season > The 2017 Los Angeles Dodgers season was the 128th for the franchise in Major League Baseball , and their 59th season in Los Angeles , California . They finished the season with the most wins in Los Angeles team history with a major league best 104 wins ( 2nd best in overall team history , tied with the 1942 team and behind only the 1953 Brooklyn Dodgers ) . They won their fifth straight National League West championship and swept the Arizona Diamondbacks in three games in the Division Series . They advanced to the National League Championship Series for the second year in a row and the third time in five seasons , where they faced the Chicago Cubs for the second year in a row . They defeated the Cubs in five games and advanced to the World Series for the first time since 1988 , where they lost to the Houston Astros in seven games . Contents 1 Offseason 1.1 Roster departures 1.2 Trades 1.3 Free agent signings 2 Spring training 3 Standings 3.1 National League West 3.2 National League Wild Card 3.3 Record vs. opponents 4 Regular season 4.1 April 4.2 May 4.3 June 4.4 July 4.5 August 4.6 September 4.7 Game log 5 Postseason 5.1 Postseason Game log 5.2 National League Division Series 5.3 National League Championship Series 5.4 World Series 6 Roster 7 Player stats 7.1 Batting 7.2 Pitching 8 Awards and honors 9 Transactions 9.1 April 9.2 May 9.3 June 9.4 July 9.5 August 9.6 September 10 Farm system 10.1 Minor League statistical leaders 10.1. 1 Batting 10.1. 2 Pitching 10.2 Mid-Season All - Stars 10.3 Post-Season All - Stars 10.4 Notes 11 Major League Baseball Draft 12 References 13 External links Offseason ( edit ) Roster departures ( edit ) The day after the 2016 World Series several Dodgers instantly became free agents : Pitchers Kenley Jansen , Brett Anderson , Rich Hill , Jesse Chavez , Joe Blanton and J.P. Howell , second baseman Chase Utley , third baseman Justin Turner and outfielder Josh Reddick . On November 9 , relief pitcher Chin - hui Tsao was outrighted to the minors and removed from the 40 man roster . On December 2 , Louis Coleman was non-tendered . On December 9 , infielder Charlie Culberson was outrighted to the minors and removed from the 40 - man roster and on January 10 , 2017 , infielder Micah Johnson was designated for assignment and then traded to the Atlanta Braves . Pitcher Carlos Frías was designated for assignment on January 25 and traded to the Cleveland Indians on January 30 . Trades ( edit ) Logan Forsythe was acquired in a trade with the Rays on January 23 On November 7 , 2016 , the Dodgers traded catcher Carlos Ruiz to the Seattle Mariners for pitcher Vidal Nuño and on November 11 , they traded infielder / outfileder Howie Kendrick to the Philadelphia Phillies in exchange for first baseman / outfielder Darin Ruf and minor leaguer Darnell Sweeney . Ruf was later sold to the Samsung Lions of the KBO League . On January 23 , 2017 , the Dodgers traded starting pitcher José De León to the Tampa Bay Rays in exchange for second baseman Logan Forsythe . On January 25 , they acquired outfielder Brett Eibner from the Oakland Athletics in exchange for minor league infielder Jordan Tarsovich . On February 19 , Nuño was traded to the Baltimore Orioles in exchange for minor league pitcher Ryan Moseley . Free agent signings ( edit ) On December 5 , 2016 , the Dodgers re-signed pitcher Rich Hill to a three - year , $48 million contract . On December 23 , they re-signed third baseman Justin Turner to a four - year , $64 million , contract . On January 10 , 2017 , they announced the re-signing of relief pitcher Kenley Jansen to a five - year , $80 million , contract . On February 15 , they signed relief pitcher Sergio Romo to a one - year , $3 million contract . Second baseman Chase Utley signed a one - year , $2 million , contract to rejoin the team on February 18 , 2017 . On February 20 , they signed outfielder Franklin Gutiérrez to a one - year , $2.6 million , contract . show Off - season 40 - man roster moves Departing Player Date Transaction New Team Arriving player Old team Date Transaction Brett Anderson November 3 Free agent Chicago Cubs Vidal Nuño Seattle Mariners November 7 Trade Joe Blanton November 3 Free agent Washington Nationals Darin Ruf Philadelphia Phillies November 11 Trade Jesse Chavez November 3 Free agent Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Chase De Jong Oklahoma City Dodgers November 18 Added to 40 man roster Rich Hill November 3 Free agent Los Angeles Dodgers Kyle Farmer Oklahoma City Dodgers November 18 Added to 40 man roster J.P. Howell November 3 Free agent Toronto Blue Jays Jacob Rhame Oklahoma City Dodgers November 18 Added to 40 man roster Kenley Jansen November 3 Free agent Los Angeles Dodgers Rich Hill Los Angeles Dodgers December 5 Free - agent signing Josh Reddick November 3 Free agent Houston Astros Justin Turner Los Angeles Dodgers December 23 Free agent signing Justin Turner November 3 Free agent Los Angeles Dodgers Kenley Jansen Los Angeles Dodgers January 10 Free agent signing Chase Utley November 3 Free agent Los Angeles Dodgers Logan Forsythe Tampa Bay Rays January 23 Trade Carlos Ruiz November 3 Trade Seattle Mariners Brett Eibner Oakland Athletics January 25 Trade Chin - hui Tsao November 9 Outrighted to the minors and declared free agency Long Island Ducks Sergio Romo San Francisco Giants February 15 Free agent signing Howie Kendrick November 11 Trade Philadelphia Phillies Chase Utley Los Angeles Dodgers February 18 Free agent signing Louis Coleman December 2 Non-tendered Cincinnati Reds Franklin Gutiérrez Seattle Mariners February 20 Free agent signing Charlie Culberson December 9 Outrighted to the minors Oklahoma City Dodgers Micah Johnson January 13 Trade Atlanta Braves José De León January 23 Trade Tampa Bay Rays Carlos Frías January 25 Trade Cleveland Indians Darin Ruf February 17 Contract sold Samsung Lions Vidal Nuño February 19 Trade Baltimore Orioles Spring training ( edit ) Spring training got underway for the Dodgers on February 15 , 2017 , when pitchers and catchers officially reported to Camelback Ranch to begin their workouts . The Dodgers made a trade early in spring training , sending pitcher Chase De Jong to the Seattle Mariners for minor league infielder Drew Jackson and minor league pitcher Aneurys Zabala . With most of the positions in the lineup locked in before camp , the major battle was for the last couple of spots in the starting rotation behind Clayton Kershaw , Rich Hill and Kenta Maeda . In the mix were veterans Brandon McCarthy , Scott Kazmir and Hyun - jin Ryu , all of whom were coming back from injuries as well as Alex Wood , Ross Stripling , Julio Urias and Brock Stewart . McCarthy and Ryu won the rotation spots , with Stripling and Wood in the bullpen to start . Several members of the Dodgers organization participated in the 2017 World Baseball Classic during March . Kenley Jansen played for the Netherlands , Rob Segedin and Drew Maggi played for Italy , Ike Davis and Dean Kremer played for Israel , Enrique Hernández played for Puerto Rico and Adrian Gonzalez , Sergio Romo and Alex Verdugo played for Mexico . The Dodgers finished their Cactus League schedule with a record of 17 -- 16 -- 1 and wrapped up the pre-season with the Freeway Series against the Angels on April 1 . Standings ( edit ) National League West ( edit ) National League West Pct . GB Home Road Los Angeles Dodgers 104 58 0.642 -- 57 -- 24 47 -- 34 Arizona Diamondbacks 93 69 0.574 11 52 -- 29 41 -- 40 Colorado Rockies 87 75 0.537 17 46 -- 35 41 -- 40 San Diego Padres 71 91 0.438 33 43 -- 38 28 -- 53 San Francisco Giants 64 98 0.395 40 38 -- 43 26 -- 55 National League Wild Card ( edit ) Wild Card standings Division Leaders Pct . Los Angeles Dodgers 104 58 0.642 Washington Nationals 97 65 0.599 Chicago Cubs 92 70 0.568 Wild Card teams ( Top 2 qualify for 1 - game playoff ) Pct . GB Arizona Diamondbacks 93 69 0.574 + 6 Colorado Rockies 87 75 0.537 -- Milwaukee Brewers 86 76 0.531 St. Louis Cardinals 83 79 0.512 Miami Marlins 77 85 0.475 10 Pittsburgh Pirates 75 87 0.463 12 Atlanta Braves 72 90 0.444 15 San Diego Padres 71 91 0.438 16 New York Mets 70 92 0.432 17 Cincinnati Reds 68 94 0.420 19 Philadelphia Phillies 66 96 0.407 21 San Francisco Giants 64 98 0.395 23 Record vs. opponents ( edit ) NL Records <Th_colspan="17"> 2017 National League Records Source : NL Standings Head - to - Head Team ARI ATL CHC CIN COL LAD MIA MIL NYM PHI PIT SD SF STL WSH AL Arizona -- 2 -- 4 3 -- 3 3 -- 3 11 -- 8 11 -- 8 3 -- 4 4 -- 3 6 -- 1 6 -- 1 4 -- 3 11 -- 8 12 -- 7 3 -- 4 2 -- 4 12 -- 8 Atlanta 4 -- 2 -- 1 -- 6 3 -- 3 3 -- 4 3 -- 4 11 -- 8 4 -- 2 7 -- 12 6 -- 13 2 -- 5 5 -- 2 4 -- 3 1 -- 5 9 -- 10 9 -- 11 Chicago 3 -- 3 6 -- 1 -- 12 -- 7 2 -- 5 2 -- 4 4 -- 3 10 -- 9 4 -- 2 4 -- 3 10 -- 9 2 -- 4 4 -- 3 14 -- 5 3 -- 4 12 -- 8 Cincinnati 3 -- 3 3 -- 3 7 -- 12 -- 3 -- 4 0 -- 6 2 -- 5 8 -- 11 3 -- 4 4 -- 2 13 -- 6 3 -- 4 4 -- 3 9 -- 10 1 -- 6 5 -- 15 Colorado 8 -- 11 4 -- 3 5 -- 2 4 -- 3 -- 10 -- 9 2 -- 4 4 -- 3 3 -- 3 5 -- 2 3 -- 3 12 -- 7 12 -- 7 2 -- 4 3 -- 4 10 -- 10 Los Angeles 8 -- 11 4 -- 3 4 -- 2 6 -- 0 9 -- 10 -- 6 -- 1 3 -- 3 7 -- 0 4 -- 3 6 -- 1 13 -- 6 11 -- 8 4 -- 3 3 -- 3 16 -- 4 Miami 4 -- 3 8 -- 11 3 -- 4 5 -- 2 4 -- 2 1 -- 6 -- 2 -- 4 12 -- 7 8 -- 11 3 -- 4 5 -- 1 5 -- 1 2 -- 5 6 -- 13 9 -- 11 Milwaukee 3 -- 4 2 -- 4 9 -- 10 11 -- 8 3 -- 4 3 -- 3 4 -- 2 -- 5 -- 2 3 -- 3 9 -- 10 5 -- 2 3 -- 4 11 -- 8 4 -- 3 11 -- 9 New York 1 -- 6 12 -- 7 2 -- 4 4 -- 3 3 -- 3 0 -- 7 7 -- 12 2 -- 5 -- 12 -- 7 3 -- 3 3 -- 4 5 -- 1 3 -- 4 6 -- 13 7 -- 13 Philadelphia 1 -- 6 13 -- 6 3 -- 4 2 -- 4 2 -- 5 3 -- 4 11 -- 8 3 -- 3 7 -- 12 -- 2 -- 5 1 -- 5 4 -- 3 1 -- 5 8 -- 11 5 -- 15 Pittsburgh 3 -- 4 5 -- 2 9 -- 10 6 -- 13 3 -- 3 1 -- 6 4 -- 3 10 -- 9 3 -- 3 5 -- 2 -- 3 -- 3 1 -- 5 8 -- 11 4 -- 3 10 -- 10 San Diego 8 -- 11 2 -- 5 4 -- 2 4 -- 3 7 -- 12 6 -- 13 1 -- 5 2 -- 5 4 -- 3 5 -- 1 3 -- 3 -- 12 -- 7 3 -- 4 2 -- 5 8 -- 12 San Francisco 7 -- 12 3 -- 4 3 -- 4 3 -- 4 7 -- 12 8 -- 11 1 -- 5 4 -- 3 1 -- 5 3 -- 4 5 -- 1 7 -- 12 -- 3 -- 4 1 -- 5 8 -- 12 St. Louis 4 -- 3 5 -- 1 5 -- 14 10 -- 9 4 -- 2 3 -- 4 5 -- 2 8 -- 11 4 -- 3 5 -- 1 11 -- 8 4 -- 3 4 -- 3 -- 3 -- 3 8 -- 12 Washington 4 -- 2 10 -- 9 4 -- 3 6 -- 1 4 -- 3 3 -- 3 13 -- 6 3 -- 4 13 -- 6 11 -- 8 3 -- 4 5 -- 2 5 -- 1 3 -- 3 -- 10 -- 10 Regular season ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> Opening Day Starters Name Position Andrew Toles Left fielder Corey Seager Shortstop Justin Turner Third baseman Adrian Gonzalez First baseman Logan Forsythe Second baseman Joc Pederson Center fielder Yasmani Grandal Catcher Yasiel Puig Right fielder Clayton Kershaw Starting pitcher April ( edit ) The Dodgers began the 2017 season on April 3 at Dodger Stadium against the San Diego Padres . Clayton Kershaw made his seventh straight opening day start , tying Don Sutton for the most consecutive starts and Sutton and Don Drysdale for most overall opening day starts in franchise history . He allowed one unearned run in seven innings , while striking out eight . The Dodgers won 14 -- 3 and Kershaw remained undefeated in openers . Joc Pederson hit a grand slam home run in the third inning , the first grand slam hit by a Dodger on opening day since Raúl Mondesí hit one in 1999 . Switch - hitting Yasmani Grandal homered twice , one from each side of the plate . The first Dodger in history to do so on opening day and only the third to hit two opening day homers for the Dodgers in the same game , joining Mondesí ( who did it twice , in 1995 and 1999 ) and Roy Campanella ( 1954 ) . Clayton Richard pitched eight scoreless innings as the Padres evened the series with a 4 -- 0 win in game two . Rich Hill allowed one run in five innings and Yasiel Puig hit his first home run of the season as the Dodgers won the next game 3 -- 1 . He hit two more homers the next day as the Dodgers took the series with a 10 -- 2 rout of the Padres . The Dodgers began their first road trip of the season on April 7 against the Colorado Rockies at Coors Field . Hyun - Jin Ryu made his first start since July 7 , 2016 , and he was going up against Kyle Freeland , who was making his major league debut for the Rockies . Ryu pitched 4 ​ ⁄ innings , allowing two runs on six hits . However , Freeland quieted the Dodgers offense , and struck out six batters , while only allowing one run in six innings as his team won the opener 2 -- 1 . The Rockies hit three home runs , including back to back blasts by Mark Reynolds and Gerardo Parra , off of Kershaw as they won 4 -- 2 in the next game . The Dodgers avoided the sweep by beating the Rockies 10 -- 6 in the series finale . They next traveled to Wrigley Field to play the defending champion Chicago Cubs . A walk - off single by Anthony Rizzo gave the Cubs a 3 -- 2 win in the opener . After an off - day , the series resumed on April 12 with Brandon McCarthy and the bullpen shutting down the Cubs . Andrew Toles hit a lead - off homerun to start the day and the Dodgers made it hold up in a 2 -- 0 victory . Addison Russell and Rizzo both homered for the Cubs as the Dodgers were unable to score off of former teammate Brett Anderson and lost 4 -- 0 in the final game of the series . The Dodgers returned home on April 14 for a pitching matchup between Kershaw and Zack Greinke of the Arizona Diamondbacks . Kershaw allowed one run on four hits over 8 ​ ⁄ innings while the Dodgers were not kind to their former pitcher and won 7 -- 1 . Puig homered and drove in four runs and Alex Wood pitched 3 ​ ⁄ scoreless innings of relief as the Dodgers won 8 -- 4 on Jackie Robinson Day . The Dodgers were unable to get much offense against Taijuan Walker and Rich Hill left his second start of the season with a flare up of his recurring blister problem as the team lost 3 -- 1 . The Diamondbacks wound up with a series split thanks to Jake Lamb 's tie - breaking homer in the 8th leading them to a 4 -- 2 win . In the next game Nolan Arenado hit two homers off of a struggling Ryu and the Rockies beat the Dodgers 4 -- 3 . After a rough first inning , Kershaw struck out 10 in seven innings to help end the losing streak with a 4 -- 2 win over the Rockies . The Dodgers went back on the road to play the Diamondbacks at Chase Field on April 21 . Corey Seager had three hits , including a home run , in the opener but the Dodgers bullpen collapsed , allowing nine runs in the eighth inning of a 13 -- 5 loss . Kenta Maeda allowed four home runs the next game , including two by Yasmany Tomás , as the Diamondbacks rolled to a 11 -- 5 win . McCarthy allowed two runs in seven innings and the Dodgers scored six runs in the fifth inning to avoid the sweep with a 6 -- 2 win in the series finale . Hyun - jin Ryu allowed only one run and five hits in six innings against the San Francisco Giants at AT&T Park but still picked up his fourth loss of the season as the Giants won 2 -- 1 . The next day it was the Dodgers chance to win 2 -- 1 behind Kershaw 's strong performance . Alex Wood only gave up one hit in six scoreless innings on April 26 , and left the game with a 3 -- 0 lead only to see the bullpen falter . A two - run homer by Christian Arroyo in the seventh and a solo shot by Michael Morse in the eighth tied the game and the Giants won 4 -- 3 on a walk - off sacrifice fly by Hunter Pence in the tenth inning . In the last game of the road trip , Julio Urías made his season debut , allowing only one run in 5 ​ ⁄ innings for the Dodgers who again went into extra innings . This time they scored four runs in the tenth to win the game 5 -- 1 and split the four game series with the Giants . Cody Bellinger made his MLB debut on April 25 The Dodgers returned home to end the month with a three - game series against the Philadelphia Phillies beginning on April 28 . Kenta Maeda reversed his recent string of poor starts by allowing only two runs in seven innings and Justin Turner had three hits and two RBIs in the 5 -- 3 win . The Dodgers trailed 5 -- 2 in the ninth of the next game and then hit three straight home runs ( by Puig , Cody Bellinger and Turner ) to tie the game against Phillies closer Héctor Neris . After Austin Barnes and Seager singled with Chris Taylor striking out and Andrew Toles flying out , Dodgers walked off with a 6 -- 5 win with Adrian Gonzalez hitting an infield single . The Dodgers wrapped up the month of April with a 5 -- 3 win and a series sweep of the Phillies . Ryu picked up his first win since 2014 and Toles and Taylor hit home runs in the game . May ( edit ) The Giants beat the Dodgers 4 -- 3 on May Day as Clayton Kershaw allowed two home runs . The Dodgers got back on the winning track the next day as Yasiel Puig drove in four runs , Cody Bellinger hit a three - run triple and Franklin Gutiérrez homered in his first at - bat after coming off the disabled list in a 13 -- 5 win . On May 3 , the Dodgers had a ceremony to add longtime announcer Vin Scully to the ring of honor . They then went out and had a pitching duel as Jeff Samardzija and Julio Urías matched each other and the game was tied at one after nine innings . Gorkys Hernández hit an RBI double off of reliever Grant Dayton in the 11th that led to three runs scoring and the Giants took the series with a 4 -- 1 win . On May 5 at Petco Park , Kenta Maeda allowed only one earned run in five innings while striking out eight batters and Cody Bellinger hit two home runs as the Dodgers beat the San Diego Padres 8 -- 2 . He hit a grandslam in the next game as the Dodgers routed the Padres 10 -- 2 . Kershaw allowed only one run in 7 ​ ⁄ innings in the game . The final scheduled game of the brief roadtrip was rained out and rescheduled for September 2 . The Dodgers returned home on May 8 for a series against the Pittsburgh Pirates . Alex Wood struck out 11 batters in five innings . This was a Dodger record for most strikeouts in a start of five or fewer innings , breaking the mark previously held by Sandy Koufax ( 1961 ) and Vicente Padilla ( 2009 ) . Chris Taylor hit a grand slam in the first inning and the Dodgers cruised to a 12 -- 1 win . Julio Urías took a no - hitter into the 7th in the next game , but was broken up by the Pirates , who scored two runs in the 7th to tie the game and John Jaso hitting the go - ahead home run an inning later to lead 3 - 2 . At the bottom of the 9th inning , Cody Bellinger drove in Corey Seager with a game - tying single , sending the game in extras and Austin Barnes drove in pinch runner Ross Stripling with a walk - off double in the 10th for a 4 -- 3 Dodgers win . Bellinger homered again in the next game and Maeda allowed two runs in 8 ​ ⁄ innings as the Dodgers finished off the series sweep with a 5 -- 2 win . The Dodgers next played the Colorado Rockies at Coors Field . Hyun - jin Ryu had the worst start of his career , allowing 10 runs ( 5 earned ) in four innings as the Rockies won 10 -- 7 . The Dodgers came back with a five run second inning the next day , leading to a 6 -- 2 win as Kershaw allowed two runs and seven hits in seven innings for his sixth win of the season . Alex Wood struck out 10 in six scoreless innings while the Dodgers shutout the Rockies 4 -- 0 on May 13 . Pat Valaika hit two homers and Nolan Arenado also went deep as the Rockies won 9 -- 6 on Mother 's Day to split the series . The Dodgers lost again the next day , dropping the opener of a series against the San Francisco Giants 8 -- 4 . Ty Blach allowed only one run in seven innings as the Giants took the next game 2 -- 1 . The Dodgers avoided the sweep by winning the last game 6 -- 1 behind seven scoreless innings by Kershaw . The Dodgers returned home to begin a 10 - game homestand , starting with a four - game weekend series against the Miami Marlins . They defeated the Marlins in the first game 7 - 2 . Yasiel Puig hit a two - run home run in the second inning , Ryu pitched well enough to get the win and Kenley Jansen pitched an immaculate inning in the ninth . Alex Wood pitched another 7 ​ ⁄ scoreless innings , extending his streak to 20 ​ ⁄ innings and the Dodgers hit three home runs ( Taylor , Brett Eibner and Bellinger ) to beat the Marlins 7 -- 2 for the second straight day . Julio Urías struggled in the next game , allowing seven runs in only 2 ​ ⁄ innings . Seager and Bellinger hit back - to - back home runs in the seventh but it was n't enough as the Dodgers lost 10 -- 6 . Bellinger became the fastest player in Dodgers history to hit nine home runs . In the series finale , Adrian Gonzalez was 3 for 4 with three RBI and Joc Pederson homered as the Dodgers won 6 -- 3 to take the series . After an off - day , the Dodgers continued their homestand with a three - game series with the St. Louis Cardinals . In the opener , Kershaw allowed only one run on three hits while striking out 10 in nine innings but was matched by Lance Lynn of the Cardinals who allowed one run on two hits with 10 strikeouts in eight innings . The Dodgers eventually won 2 -- 1 on a walk - off double by Logan Forsythe , who came off the disabled list before the game , in the 13th inning . The following day , Mike Leake allowed only four hits in eight innings while Rich Hill struggled , walking seven , a career high , and allowing five runs in only four innings , as the Cardinals won 6 -- 1 to even the series . In the series finale , the Dodgers came back from a 3 - 0 deficit to take the series with a 7 - 3 win . Kenta Maeda 's two run RBI single in the fourth put the Dodgers ahead for good and Hyun - Jin Ryu pitched four scoreless innings out of the bullpen to earn his first major league save . The Dodgers would conclude their 10 - game homestead with a 3 - day weekend series with the Chicago Cubs . Wood continued his streak of scoreless innings , allowing only two hits while striking out eight in the opener of a weekend series against the Chicago Cubs . Chase Utley and Adrian Gonzalez homered in the Dodgers 4 -- 0 shutout win . The Dodgers won the next game as well . McCarthy and Stripling combined to shut down the Cubs , with Stripling getting his first career save with three innings of relief . Utley drove in three runs and Chris Taylor hit his sixth home run of the season in the 5 -- 0 victory . The Dodgers wrapped up their long homestand with a 9 -- 4 win and a series sweep of the Cubs for the first time since the 2012 season . Kershaw struggled , giving up four runs , and failed to make it out of the fifth inning , but Bellinger hit his 10th home run of the season , the fastest Dodger to reach that mark in franchise history , and Kike Hernández , Austin Barnes and Puig also homered in the game . The Dodgers embarked on a seven - game road trip , starting with a four - game series against the Cardinals at Busch Stadium . Rich Hill allowed one run in five innings and Utley , Bellinger and Forsythe each homered in the 5 -- 1 win on Memorial Day . With his ninth homer of the month , Bellinger moved into a three - way tie with Pederson ( May 2015 ) and James Loney ( September 2007 ) for most home runs by a Dodger rookie in a calendar month . The Dodgers beat the Cardinals 9 -- 4 in the next game thanks to seven different Dodgers getting RBIs and the bullpen pitching five innings of one - run ball after Maeda struggled early . With the win and the Rockies loss earlier in the day , the Dodgers moved into sole possession of first place in the National League West Division for the first time all season . The Dodgers six game winning streak came to an end with a 2 -- 1 loss to the Cardinals on May 31 . Dexter Fowler 's solo homer in the eighth inning accounted for the winning run . June ( edit ) The Dodgers began the month of June with a 2 -- 0 loss to the Cardinals . Adam Wainwright and three relievers shut down the Dodgers on five hits and nine strikeouts and Wainwright also accounted for the only scoring in the game by hitting a two - run home run in the second inning off of Brandon McCarthy . Clayton Kershaw picked up his 2,000 th career strikeout in the second inning of the next game , as he retired Jonathan Villar of the Milwaukee Brewers . He finished the day with 14 strikeouts in seven innings , but allowed a solo homer by Domingo Santana , one of only two batters to get hits off him . Yasmani Grandal tied the game in the ninth with a homer , his sixth of the season , and Cody Bellinger won it in the 12th with his 12th homer of the season . The Dodgers pitchers recorded a franchise record 26 strikeouts in the game and Kenley Jansen set a new major league record with his 36th strikeout to start the season without issuing a walk . The Dodgers beat the Brewers 2 -- 1 at Miller Park . In the following game , the Brewers took a lead on a grand - slam by Travis Shaw in the seventh inning only for the Dodgers to fight back with a grand slam of their own by Chris Taylor in the ninth inning . They held on for a 10 -- 8 win . The Brewers took the last game of the series , 3 -- 0 , as Zach Davies shut down the Dodgers on three hits over seven innings and Eric Thames and Santana homered . The Dodgers returned home on June 5 to open a series against the team with the best record in the National League , the Washington Nationals . Hyun - jin Ryu got the start and went seven innings for the first time since the 2014 season but the offense disappeared again and the Dodgers lost 4 -- 2 . Max Scherzer struck out 14 Dodgers batters in seven innings as the Nationals also took game two , 2 -- 1 . The Dodgers managed to win the final game of the series , 2 -- 1 , in a prime pitching matching between Clayton Kershaw and Stephen Strasburg . Strasburg struck out eight in six innings while Kershaw struck out nine in seven innings and the Dodgers got only three hits to five for the Nationals . Justin Turner came off the disabled list to hit a two - run home run in his first at - bat as the Dodgers won the opener of a three - game series against the Cincinnati Reds , 7 -- 2 . Rich Hill and Kenta Maeda ( in his first career relief appearance ) combined on a five hitter . Maeda picked up the save , and along with Ryu 's earlier performance the Dodgers had two pitchers with four inning saves for the first time since Matt Herges and Alan Mills did so in the 2000 season . Corey Seager 's first career walk off hit gave the Dodgers a 5 -- 4 win the next night . In the next game , he hit a grandslam homer to put the Dodgers ahead and Bellinger hit two homers of his own as the Dodgers won 9 -- 7 . Bellinger again hit two homers in the very next game , on June 13 in the Dodgers 7 -- 5 victory over the Cleveland Indians at Progressive Field . He became the first Dodger player to hit two home runs in back - to - back games since Adrián Beltré in the 2004 season and by reaching the mark in 45 games he was the fastest player in MLB history with four career multi-homer games , besting Bob Horner who did so in 63 games in 1978 . A pinch hit homer by Kike Hernández in the 8th inning gave the Dodgers the lead the next day , in a game they won 6 -- 4 . However , the Dodgers winning streak came to an end on June 15 when the Indians scored seven runs off Rich Hill in four innings and Lonnie Chisenhall clubbed a three - run homer off of reliever Ross Stripling en route to a 12 -- 5 Cleveland victory . Joc Pederson homered and Alex Wood allowed only one run in eight innings pitched as the Dodgers won 3 -- 1 over the Cincinnati Reds at Great American Ball Park the next day . The Dodgers scored five runs in the top of the third inning in the next game as they beat the Reds 10 -- 2 . Bellinger and Pederson hit back - to - back homers and Yasiel Puig homered twice in the win . The Dodgers finished the road trip with a 8 -- 7 win over the Reds , sweeping the series and finishing with a 5 -- 1 Ohio road trip . The Dodgers returned home to start a nine - game homestand , starting with a four - game series with the New York Mets . Kershaw allowed a career high four home runs , but the Dodgers offense picked up the slack , as they won 10 -- 6 . Bellinger hit two home runs to record his fifth multi-homer game , while Justin Turner and Chris Taylor also homered . Bellinger became the fastest player in MLB history to hit 21 homers , passing Wally Berger ( 1930 ) . He homered again in the next game , becoming the first rookie in MLB history to hit 10 homers in 10 games . Corey Seager homered three times as well as the Dodgers beat the Mets 12 -- 0 . In the third game , Yasmani Grandal homered twice while Puig hit a three - run home run and the Dodgers beat the Mets 8 -- 2 . In the series finale , Joc Pederson hit a go - ahead homer in the seventh inning as the Dodgers extended their winning streak to a season high seven games with a 6 -- 3 win . This was the Dodgers first four - game series sweep of the Mets since the 1979 season . The Dodgers continued their homestand with a three - game weekend series with the Colorado Rockies . Alex Wood allowed one run in six innings pitched , while Yasiel Puig homered and Justin Turner had three hits as the Dodgers beat the Rockies 6 -- 1 . This was the 15th straight game the Dodgers had hit at least one homer in , their longest streak since 1977 . The following day , Kershaw pitched six scoreless innings with eight strikeouts to pick up his eleventh win as the Dodgers beat the Rockies 4 -- 0 . Pederson extended the Dodgers homer streak to 16 with a solo shot in the third , and the Dodgers won their 50th game of the season , the third fastest team to reach that mark in Los Angeles franchise history behind only the 1974 and 1977 seasons . In the series finale , McCarthy struggled with his command early and the Dodgers fell behind 5 -- 0 after three innings but they battled back behind two more homers by Bellinger ( his sixth multi-homer game as a rookie , setting a new Dodgers franchise record ) and scored five runs off four Adam Ottavino wild pitches in the seventh and eighth to win the game 12 -- 6 . The Dodgers extended their winning streak to a season high 10 games , making it three straight series sweep , and the five runs scored on wild pitches was the most by any team since 1920 . At four hours and nineteen minutes , this was the longest nine - inning game in Dodger Stadium history . The streak came to an end the next day as the Dodgers dropped the opener of an interleague series against the crosstown rival Los Angeles Angels , 4 -- 0 . Ricky Nolasco shut down the Dodgers , allowing only five hits in 6 ​ ⁄ innings as the homer streak was snapped at 17 , second longest in team history . The Dodgers finished off the homestand with a 4 -- 0 victory over the Angels . Kenta Maeda pitched seven scoreless innings and Joc Pederson hit a three run homer . The series moved south to Angel Stadium in Anaheim for the following game . The Dodgers managed just four hits off Angels pitching , including solo homers by Yasmani Grandal and Trayce Thompson . They lost 3 -- 2 when Ben Revere reached base on a fielding error in the bottom of the ninth , advanced to second on a wild pitch and then scored when Grandal committed a throwing error after a dropped third strike . Clayton Kershaw struck out 12 batters in seven innings while the Dodgers hit three home runs en route to a 6 -- 2 win and a split of the series with the Angels . They reached 50 home runs hit in the month , a new franchise record for a single month . The Dodgers next traveled to San Diego to play a weekend series with the San Diego Padres at Petco Park . Alex Wood allowed only one run on two hits in six innings while striking out eight . Austin Barnes recorded his first multi-homer game of his career with two home runs ( his first career grand slam and a three run home run ) and seven RBIs and Justin Turner had three hits including a two run home run in the 10 -- 4 win . Wood was the first Dodgers pitcher to open a season with nine wins and no losses since Rick Rhoden in 1976 . The 21 wins in the month of June tied the all - time franchise record also set in 1952 , 1954 and 1973 . July ( edit ) The Dodgers began the month with a 8 -- 0 win over the Padres . Rich Hill pitched seven scoreless innings , striking out 11 , while Corey Seager , Justin Turner , and Chris Taylor homered . Manager Dave Roberts was suspended for the game after an altercation with Padres manager Andy Green in the previous game . The Dodgers dropped the final game of the series , 5 -- 3 to the Padres behind an ineffective Kenta Maeda . José Pirela and Manuel Margot provided early offense for the Padres , each driving in two runs to back up Jhoulys Chacín . The Dodgers returned home on Independence Day to begin a six - game homestand , starting with a three - game series with the Arizona Diamondbacks , who had the second best record in the division coming into the game . Clayton Kershaw pitched seven scoreless innings , allowing two hits and striking out 11 batters while Justin Turner and Yasmani Grandal drove in two runs each and the Dodgers won 4 -- 3 . In the next game , Alex Wood pitched seven scoreless innings , allowing three hits and striking out 10 batters while Grandal provided the only offense with an RBI double in the 1 -- 0 win . Wood became the first Dodgers starting pitcher to begin the season 10 -- 0 since Don Newcombe in 1955 . In the series finale , Hill allowed only one run on two hits in seven innings with nine strikeouts but Robbie Ray also pitched well , with one run and 13 strikeouts in six innings . The Diamondbacks pulled ahead off the Dodgers bullpen to lead 4 -- 1 heading into the ninth but the Dodgers rallied against their closer Fernando Rodney and Chris Taylor 's walk - off single with the bases loaded gave the Dodgers a 5 -- 4 win and a sweep of the Diamondbacks . The Dodgers concluded the homestand and the first half of the season with a three - game weekend interleague series against the Kansas City Royals . Maeda rebounded from his last start , allowing one run on four hits in five innings as the Dodgers won the first game 4 -- 1 . Chase Utley recorded his 1,000 career RBI in the game . The Dodgers won the next game 5 -- 4 on a walk - off walk in the 10th inning . Cody Bellinger hit his 25th home run in the game and Brandon McCarthy allowed only one earned run on six hits in six innings . It was the 60th victory for the Dodgers on the season , the first team in the majors to reach that mark in 2017 and joining the 1973 and 1974 teams as the only Dodgers teams to reach that mark before the all - star break . The Dodgers wrapped up the first half of the season with a 5 -- 2 win and series sweep over the Royals . Kershaw pitched his first complete game of the season and in the process became the first pitcher in MLB history to strike out at least 13 batters in a complete game of less than 100 pitches . Justin Turner hit two home runs in the game as the Dodgers went into the break with a 61 -- 29 record , best in MLB . Justin Turner won the `` Final Vote '' and was selected to his first All - Star Game Six Dodgers were selected to represent the National League at the 2017 Major League Baseball All - Star Game on July 11 at Marlins Park in Miami : Clayton Kershaw , Alex Wood , Kenley Jansen , Corey Seager , Justin Turner , and Cody Bellinger . Bellinger also was selected to participate in the Home Run Derby , where he lost in the semi-finals to the eventual champion Aaron Judge . The Dodgers began the second half of the season with a five - game road trip , starting with a three - game weekend series against the Miami Marlins on July 14 . Yasiel Puig hit two home runs , including the go - ahead three run homer in the top of the ninth , as the Dodgers won 6 -- 4 . In the following game , Bellinger became the first Dodgers rookie to hit for the cycle and Wood pitched six shutout innings to become the first pitcher in franchise history to win his first 11 decisions as the Dodgers won the game 7 -- 1 . The Dodgers finished off their third straight series sweep with a 3 -- 2 win over the Marlins . Rich Hill struck out nine while giving up one run on five hits in five innings and Justin Turner homered in the win . After an off - day , the Dodgers began a brief two game interleague series against the Chicago White Sox at Guaranteed Rate Field . Kershaw pitched seven scoreless innings with seven strikeouts and Bellinger 's RBI single in the first inning accounted for the only run in the 1 -- 0 victory . It was the Dodgers 10th consecutive victory and they were in the midst of a 30 -- 4 run , the franchise best since 1899 . In the second game , Kenta Maeda allowed one run in five innings while the Dodgers hit four home runs ( two by Kike Hernández ) en route to a rain shortened 9 -- 1 win . Corey Seager hit his 44th career home run , the most by a shortstop in Los Angeles Dodger history . The Dodgers returned home on July 20 to begin a four - game series against the Atlanta Braves . In the opener , Brandon McCarthy allowed six runs on nine hits in only four innings as the Dodgers 11 game win streak was snapped with a 6 -- 3 loss . In the following game , Alex Wood had his worst start of the season , allowing seven earned runs in only 4 ​ ⁄ innings , as he suffered his first loss in the Braves 12 -- 3 win . Rich Hill struck out eight in 6 ​ ⁄ innings and the Dodgers hit three home runs as they won the next game , 6 -- 2 . It was the 45th consecutive win for the Dodgers in a game in which they held a lead of any size , a major league record . On July 23 , Kershaw left the game after two innings because of lower back tightness and Kenley Jansen blew his first save of the season when Matt Adams hit a three - run homer off him in the ninth . However , a walk - off hit by Logan Forsythe in the 10th gave them a 5 -- 4 win and a series split . After learning that Kershaw would be lost for over a month with a back injury , the Dodgers welcomed the Minnesota Twins to Dodger Stadium for a three - game interleague series . Cody Bellinger hit a three - run home run in the bottom of the eighth inning to lead the Dodgers to a 6 -- 4 comeback victory . They picked up their 70th win of the season the following day with a 6 -- 2 victory over the Twins . Chris Taylor had two doubles and three RBIs in the game . In the next game , Brock Stewart made his first start of the season and gave up five unearned runs in 3 ​ ⁄ innings but the Dodgers battled back and eventually won 6 -- 5 on a walk - off hit by Justin Turner to complete the sweep of the Twins . The victory moved the Dodgers 40 games over . 500 for the first time since the end of the 1974 season . After an off day , the Dodgers would conclude the homestand with a three - game weekend series against the San Francisco Giants . Corey Seager homered twice , including the go - ahead 2 run home run , as the Dodgers won the series opener 6 -- 4 . Rich Hill allowed only two hits and one run in 5 ​ ⁄ innings in the second game of the series and Bellinger drove in the Dodgers only two runs in a 2 -- 1 victory . The Dodgers finished up the homestand and the month with a 3 -- 2 extra innings victory over the Giants . Kyle Farmer , in his first major league at - bat , drove in two runs on a walk - off double in the 11th to give the Dodgers the win . They finished with a 20 -- 3 record in the month of July . The . 870 win percentage was the highest posted in a month by a Major League team since the 1936 New York Giants and third highest since 1913 . August ( edit ) The Dodgers began August with a nine - game roadtrip , starting in Atlanta at SunTrust Park . They beat the Braves 3 -- 2 behind seven scoreless innings by Kenta Maeda . Cody Bellinger hit his 30th home run of the season in the next game but Tyler Flowers hit a pinch hit tie - breaking two - run homer off of Pedro Báez in the eighth inning as the Braves won 5 -- 3 to snap the Dodgers winning streak . However , they won the series by beating the Braves 7 -- 4 in the final game . Alex Wood allowed only one run in six innings and Chris Taylor had three hits including a home run . The Dodgers next began a three - game series at Citi Field against the New York Mets . Yu Darvish , who was acquired from the Texas Rangers at the trade deadline , made his Dodgers debut and struck out 10 in seven scoreless innings as the Dodgers hit three homers to win 6 -- 0 . Five different Dodgers homered in the next games as they beat the Mets 7 -- 4 . The Dodgers 50 game stretch of 43 -- 7 was the best mark in the majors since the 1912 New York Giants . Hyun - jin Ryu struck out eight and allowed only one baserunner ( a single by Travis d'Arnaud ) in seven innings of work as the Dodgers completed the sweep of the Mets with an 8 -- 0 victory . The Dodgers next traveled to Chase Field for a series against the second place Arizona Diamondbacks . Justin Turner hit two home runs to stake the Dodgers to an early lead , but a grand slam homer by Jake Lamb off reliever Tony Watson in the seventh inning gave the Diamondbacks a come from behind 6 -- 3 win . The Dodgers won the second game of the series , 3 -- 2 , to become the sixth team since 1913 to hit the 80 win mark in its first 113 games . They won the next game as well , to win the series , 8 -- 6 . Darvish allowed two runs on five hits in five innings with ten strikeouts and Kenley Jansen became the first Dodger player with four seasons of at least 30 saves . The Dodgers returned home on August 11 to start a three - game weekend series with the San Diego Padres . In the opener , the Padres hit three home runs , two of which were by Manuel Margot , and beat the Dodgers 4 -- 3 . The Dodgers came from behind to win the next game , 6 -- 3 . Corey Seager drove in three runs on a single in the sixth to pull them ahead and Cody Bellinger hit his 34th home run of the season . The Dodgers became the fastest National League team to reach 82 victories in a season since the 1944 Cardinals . They then took the final game of the series , 6 -- 4 , to win their 19th straight series . Justin Turner homered twice in the win . On August 15 , the Dodgers scored five runs in the eighth inning to beat the Chicago White Sox 6 -- 1 in the opener of a short two - game series . With the win the Dodgers moved to 50 games over . 500 for the fourth time in franchise history and the first time since 1953 . The Dodgers closed out the homestand with a 5 -- 4 win over the White Sox . They rallied from two runs down in the ninth to win it on a walk - off hit by Yasiel Puig . The Dodgers next traveled to Comerica Park for a series against the Detroit Tigers . They hit six doubles , including two by Chris Taylor for a 8 -- 5 win . The Dodgers tied a major league record the next day , with their 13th consecutive interleague win , 3 -- 0 over the Tigers . The 2004 Devil Rays and 2006 Red Sox had also won 13 in a row . However , that streak came to an end the next day , with a 6 -- 1 loss in the series finale . Curtis Granderson , whom the Dodgers had acquired from the Mets a couple of days before , hit a solo homer for the Dodgers only run but a four - run sixth , sparked by a Justin Upton homer did them in . They traveled to PNC Park the next day for a four - game series against the Pittsburgh Pirates . Puig hit a home run in the 12th inning to give the Dodgers a 6 -- 5 win . Granderson hit a grand slam homer earlier in the game , and became the first player in MLB history to hit two grand slams in the same week for two different organizations . The following day , spot starter Brock Stewart struggled , allowing five runs in the third inning without recording an out but the Dodgers bullpen prevented more damage and the offense picked up the clack . Chris Taylor had three hits and three RBI as they came back to win 8 -- 5 . In the next game , Rich Hill took a perfect game into the ninth inning only to have it broken up by an error on Logan Forsythe . With the Dodgers offense unable to score , he remained in the game for the 10th and allowed his first hit , a leadoff homer by Josh Harrison to lose the game 1 -- 0 . Granderson hit his third homer of the week in the next game , and Yasmani Grandal and Adrian Gonzalez hit back - to - back homers in the eighth as they took the final game of the series , 5 -- 2 . They became the first Dodgers team ever and the first in the majors since the 2001 Mariners to win their 90th game within their first 126 games . The Dodgers returned home on August 25 for a three - game series against the Milwaukee Brewers on Players Weekend . Kenta Maeda allowed only one hit in six innings with seven strikeouts . Forsythe and Puig homered and the Dodgers won 3 -- 1 . In the next game , Zach Davies shut out the Dodgers over seven innings with seven strikeouts and the bullpen finished the job as the Brewers won 3 -- 0 with a two - run homer by Orlando Arcia being the main offense . The Brewers took the next game as well , 3 -- 2 , handing the Dodgers their first series defeat since June 5 -- 7 . The Dodgers next traveled back to Chase Field for another road series with the Diamondbacks . Rich Hill struggled , allowing five runs in the first inning and only lasting 3 ​ ⁄ innings in the game . The offense battled back but they lost 7 -- 6 . In the following game , the Diamondbacks jumped all over Hyun - jin Ryu , who allowed six runs on eight hits , including three home runs , in four innings . The Dodgers dropped their season high fourth straight game , 6 -- 4 . This was the first time the Dodgers had lost two series in a row since early April . They ended the month of August with a 8 -- 1 loss , the first time they had been swept in a series all season . September ( edit ) The Dodgers began September with a four - game series against the San Diego Padres at Petco Park . Clayton Kershaw returned from the disabled list and allowed only two hits in six innings with seven strikeouts . Padres pitcher Dinelson Lamet was also good , striking out 10 in six innings but the Dodgers managed to score a run in the sixth en route to a 1 -- 0 victory to snap the longest losing streak of the season . The Dodgers played a double - header against the Padres on September 2 , making up the game that was rained out on May 7 . In the first game , the Dodgers fell behind early , tied the game on Justin Turner 's two run homer in the top of the ninth and then lost the game , 6 -- 5 , on a walk - off homer by Yangervis Solarte . Yu Darvish pitched poorly in the next game , allowing five runs on eight hits in three innings and the Dodgers lost 5 -- 2 . In the final game of the road trip , Cody Bellinger hit his 36th home run of the season , breaking Mike Piazza 's franchise rookie record . The game however , ended in another loss , 6 -- 4 . The Dodgers returned home on September 4 to play the Arizona Diamondbacks . J.D. Martinez tied a major league record by hitting four homeruns in the game and Robbie Ray struck out 14 in 7 ​ ⁄ innings as the Diamondbacks routed the Dodgers 13 -- 0 . It was the Dodgers worst shutout loss since the 2004 season . In the next game , Hyun - jin Ryu and Zack Greinke both pitched well and the game went to extra innings tied at one . However , Pedro Báez walked the first two batters he faced in the 10th and two runs scored on a Justin Turner throwing error giving the Diamondbacks their 12th straight win , 3 -- 1 . In the final game of the series , Kenta Maeda struck out eight in five innings while allowing only one run , but the Diamondbacks scored a couple of runs off the bullpen and it was enough to sweep the Dodgers for the second straight series , 3 -- 1 . It was the Dodgers first six - game losing streak of the season and their 11th loss in their last 12 games . The Colorado Rockies came to town for the next series and in the opener got to Kershaw early , as he allowed a three - run homer to Nolan Arenado in the first inning en route to a 9 -- 1 shellacking . It was the Dodgers first seven - game losing streak since May of the 2013 season . The Dodgers jumped out to a 4 -- 1 lead in the next game but the Rockies scored four in the fifth off of Yu Darvish and won the game 5 -- 4 . The Dodgers lost their ninth straight game on September 9 , when they fell to the Rockies , 6 -- 5 . It was their longest losing streak since the 1992 season . Andre Ethier homered in the game for the Dodgers , his first home run in almost one year . The homestand ended with an 8 -- 1 loss . Mark Reynolds hit a grand slam in the eighth inning to put the game out of reach . It was the first time the Dodgers had been swept at home in two years and the first time they had lost every game of a homestand of five or more games since they moved to Los Angeles . Chris Taylor hit an inside - the - park homer against the Phillies on September 18 The Dodgers went back on the road for a series against the San Francisco Giants at AT&T Park on September 11 . The opener was delayed 3 ​ ⁄ hours by rain but the result was the same , as the Dodgers lost their 11th straight game , 8 -- 6 . In the next game , Kershaw allowed two runs ( one earned ) on eight hits in six innings with six strikeouts and the Dodgers snapped their longest losing streak since 1944 with a 5 -- 3 win over the Giants . With the win , the Dodgers clinched a spot in the post-season . Yu Darvish got the start in the following game and he shutout the Giants on three hits over seven innings . Bellinger hit a two - run homer and the Dodgers won the game 4 -- 1 for their first series victory since August 21 -- 24 . On September 15 , they traveled to Nationals Park for a three - game weekend series against the National League East champion Washington Nationals . In the opener , Alex Wood struck out eight and only allowed three hits in six shutout innings and the Dodgers homered three times , including a three - run blast by Corey Seager . They won the game 7 -- 0 . Rich Hill struck out seven in five innings while only allowing one hit in the following game and Bellinger hit his 38th home run of the season , tying the National League rookie record previously set by Wally Berger ( 1930 ) and Frank Robinson ( 1956 ) . The Dodgers won 3 -- 2 . In the final game of the series , Ryan Zimmerman hit a three - run homerun in the sixth inning off of reliever Ross Stripling and the Nationals went ahead to a 7 -- 1 win to avoid the sweep . The Dodgers next traveled to Citizens Bank Park for a four - game mid-week series against the team with the second worst record in the National League , the Philadelphia Phillies . They jumped out to a 2 -- 0 lead in the first inning after an inside - the - park homer by Chris Taylor and a normal homer by Justin Turner . However , Aaron Altherr hit a grand slam off of Kershaw in the sixth to lead the Phillies to a 4 -- 3 upset win . In the following game , the Phillies scored four runs in the seventh off reliever Pedro Báez and beat the Dodgers again , 6 -- 2 . The Dodgers bullpen faltered again in the next game , as they lost 7 -- 5 . They wrapped up the road trip on September 21 with a 5 -- 4 comeback victory over the Phillies to avoid being swept . On September 22 , they returned home to play a series with the Giants . Cody Bellinger hit his 39th homer , a three - run blast , to set a new NL rookie record , Rich Hill struck out nine in six innings , Kenley Jansen picked up his 40th save and the Dodgers beat the Giants 4 -- 2 . The win clinched the Dodgers fifth straight National League West title , a run only surpassed by the New York Yankees ( who won nine from 1998 -- 2006 ) and the Atlanta Braves ( who won 11 from 1995 -- 2005 ) . The Dodgers offense could n't get anything going against Madison Bumgarner in the next game and they lost 2 -- 1 . The Dodgers finished off the series with a 3 -- 1 victory over the Giants . Kershaw struck out six while allowing only one run in eight innings and Yasmani Grandal hit a two - run homer in the win . The Dodgers began a three - game series with the San Diego Padres on September 25 . Yu Darvish struck out nine with only two hits in seven innings as the Dodgers won 9 -- 3 for their 100th win of the season . It was the first time the Dodgers had reached 100 victories since the 1974 season and it was their 55th home win , tying a Dodger Stadium record previously set in 1980 and 2015 . The Dodgers hit three home runs en route to a 9 -- 2 win the next game as they clinched home field throughout the National League playoffs and broke the LA record for home wins with their 56th . They added one more win the next night , when they finished off their last home series of the regular season with a 10 -- 0 win over the Padres . Rich Hill struck out 10 in seven innings and the Dodgers won their 102nd game , setting a new record for the Los Angeles franchise . The Dodgers concluded the regular season with a three - game road trip to Coors Field to play the Rockies . Hyun - jin Ryu allowed five runs , including three home runs in only two innings as the Rockies won big , 9 -- 1 . In the next game , Yasiel Puig hit a two - run homer as the Dodgers won 5 -- 3 to clinch the best record in baseball , for the first time in 43 years . The Dodgers finished off the regular season with a 6 -- 3 win over the Rockies . They tied the 1942 Brooklyn Dodgers for the second most wins in franchise history with 104 , their highest win total since moving to Los Angeles . Game log ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> 2017 Game Log : ( 104 -- 58 ) April ( 14 -- 12 ) ( show ) # Date Opponent Score Win Loss Save Attendance Record April 3 Padres W 14 -- 3 Kershaw ( 1 -- 0 ) Chacín ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 53,701 1 -- 0 April 4 Padres L 0 -- 4 Richard ( 1 -- 0 ) Maeda ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 42,196 1 -- 1 April 5 Padres W 3 -- 1 Hill ( 1 -- 0 ) Cahill ( 0 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 1 ) 38,373 2 -- 1 April 6 Padres W 10 -- 2 McCarthy ( 1 -- 0 ) Weaver ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 36,501 3 -- 1 5 April 7 @ Rockies L 1 -- 2 Freeland ( 1 -- 0 ) Ryu ( 0 -- 1 ) McGee ( 1 ) 39,169 3 -- 2 6 April 8 @ Rockies L 2 -- 4 Dunn ( 2 -- 0 ) Kershaw ( 1 -- 1 ) Holland ( 4 ) 48,012 3 -- 3 7 April 9 @ Rockies W 10 -- 6 Maeda ( 1 -- 1 ) Anderson ( 1 -- 1 ) -- 33,529 4 -- 3 8 April 10 @ Cubs L 2 -- 3 Davis ( 1 -- 0 ) Romo ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 41,166 4 -- 4 9 April 12 @ Cubs W 2 -- 0 McCarthy ( 2 -- 0 ) Lackey ( 1 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 2 ) 40,844 5 -- 4 10 April 13 @ Cubs L 0 -- 4 Anderson ( 1 -- 0 ) Ryu ( 0 -- 2 ) -- 38,379 5 -- 5 11 April 14 Diamondbacks W 7 -- 1 Kershaw ( 2 -- 1 ) Greinke ( 1 -- 1 ) -- 49,438 6 -- 5 12 April 15 Diamondbacks W 8 -- 4 Wood ( 1 -- 0 ) Corbin ( 1 -- 2 ) Jansen ( 3 ) 48,070 7 -- 5 13 April 16 Diamondbacks L 1 -- 3 Walker ( 2 -- 1 ) Hill ( 1 -- 1 ) Rodney ( 4 ) 39,822 7 -- 6 14 April 17 Diamondbacks L 2 -- 4 Hoover ( 1 -- 0 ) Hatcher ( 0 -- 1 ) Rodney ( 5 ) 35,448 7 -- 7 15 April 18 Rockies L 3 -- 4 Rusin ( 2 -- 0 ) Ryu ( 0 -- 3 ) Holland ( 8 ) 37,960 7 -- 8 16 April 19 Rockies W 4 -- 2 Kershaw ( 3 -- 1 ) Anderson ( 1 -- 3 ) Jansen ( 4 ) 45,474 8 -- 8 17 April 21 @ Diamondbacks L 5 -- 13 Bradley ( 1 -- 0 ) Stripling ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 27,018 8 -- 9 18 April 22 @ Diamondbacks L 5 -- 11 Ray ( 2 -- 0 ) Maeda ( 1 -- 2 ) -- 36,294 8 -- 10 19 April 23 @ Diamondbacks W 6 -- 2 McCarthy ( 3 -- 0 ) Miller ( 2 -- 2 ) -- 28,704 9 -- 10 20 April 24 @ Giants L 1 -- 2 Cain ( 2 -- 0 ) Ryu ( 0 -- 4 ) Melancon ( 4 ) 41,399 9 -- 11 21 April 25 @ Giants W 2 -- 1 Kershaw ( 4 -- 1 ) Blach ( 0 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 5 ) 41,329 10 -- 11 22 April 26 @ Giants L 3 -- 4 ( 10 ) Law ( 2 -- 0 ) Stripling ( 0 -- 2 ) -- 41,573 10 -- 12 23 April 27 @ Giants W 5 -- 1 ( 10 ) Jansen ( 1 -- 0 ) Gearrin ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 41,580 11 -- 12 24 April 28 Phillies W 5 -- 3 Maeda ( 2 -- 2 ) Eickhoff ( 0 -- 2 ) Jansen ( 6 ) 46,729 12 -- 12 25 April 29 Phillies W 6 -- 5 Dayton ( 1 -- 0 ) Neris ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 53,110 13 -- 12 26 April 30 Phillies W 5 -- 3 Ryu ( 1 -- 4 ) Pivetta ( 0 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 7 ) 48,961 14 -- 12 May ( 19 -- 9 ) ( show ) # Date Opponent Score Win Loss Save Attendance Record 27 May 1 Giants L 3 -- 4 Cueto ( 4 -- 1 ) Kershaw ( 4 -- 2 ) Law ( 1 ) 44,606 14 -- 13 28 May 2 Giants W 13 -- 5 Wood ( 2 -- 0 ) Moore ( 1 -- 4 ) -- 43,471 15 -- 13 29 May 3 Giants L 1 -- 4 ( 11 ) Okert ( 1 -- 0 ) Dayton ( 1 -- 1 ) Melancon ( 6 ) 50,215 15 -- 14 30 May 5 @ Padres W 8 -- 2 Romo ( 1 -- 1 ) Torres ( 1 -- 2 ) Fields ( 1 ) 34,320 16 -- 14 31 May 6 @ Padres W 10 -- 2 Kershaw ( 5 -- 2 ) Richard ( 2 -- 4 ) -- 36,337 17 -- 14 -- May 7 @ Padres <Td_colspan="6"> Postponed ( rain ) Rescheduled for September 2 32 May 8 Pirates W 12 -- 1 Wood ( 3 -- 0 ) Williams ( 1 -- 2 ) -- 37,314 18 -- 14 33 May 9 Pirates W 4 -- 3 ( 10 ) Jansen ( 2 -- 0 ) Hudson ( 0 -- 2 ) -- 47,720 19 -- 14 34 May 10 Pirates W 5 -- 2 Maeda ( 3 -- 2 ) Kuhl ( 1 -- 3 ) -- 40,719 20 -- 14 35 May 11 @ Rockies L 7 -- 10 Hoffman ( 1 -- 0 ) Ryu ( 1 -- 5 ) Holland ( 15 ) 27,265 20 -- 15 36 May 12 @ Rockies W 6 -- 2 Kershaw ( 6 -- 2 ) Chatwood ( 3 -- 5 ) -- 40,146 21 -- 15 37 May 13 @ Rockies W 4 -- 0 Wood ( 4 -- 0 ) Anderson ( 2 -- 4 ) -- 43,534 22 -- 15 38 May 14 @ Rockies L 6 -- 9 Senzatela ( 6 -- 1 ) Urías ( 0 -- 1 ) Holland ( 16 ) 41,051 22 -- 16 39 May 15 @ Giants L 4 -- 8 Cain ( 3 -- 1 ) McCarthy ( 3 -- 1 ) -- 41,397 22 -- 17 40 May 16 @ Giants L 1 -- 2 Blach ( 1 -- 2 ) Avilán ( 0 -- 1 ) Law ( 4 ) 41,366 22 -- 18 41 May 17 @ Giants W 6 -- 1 Kershaw ( 7 -- 2 ) Cueto ( 4 -- 3 ) -- 41,588 23 -- 18 42 May 18 Marlins W 7 -- 2 Ryu ( 2 -- 5 ) Vólquez ( 0 -- 6 ) Jansen ( 8 ) 41,717 24 -- 18 43 May 19 Marlins W 7 -- 2 Wood ( 5 -- 0 ) Nicolino ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 45,034 25 -- 18 44 May 20 Marlins L 6 -- 10 Straily ( 2 -- 3 ) Urías ( 0 -- 2 ) -- 52,850 25 -- 19 45 May 21 Marlins W 6 -- 3 McCarthy ( 4 -- 1 ) Worley ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 44,646 26 -- 19 46 May 23 Cardinals W 2 -- 1 ( 13 ) Fields ( 1 -- 0 ) Broxton ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 41,248 27 -- 19 47 May 24 Cardinals L 1 -- 6 Leake ( 5 -- 2 ) Hill ( 1 -- 2 ) -- 40,653 27 -- 20 48 May 25 Cardinals W 7 -- 3 Maeda ( 4 -- 2 ) Wacha ( 2 -- 2 ) Ryu ( 1 ) 47,427 28 -- 20 49 May 26 Cubs W 4 -- 0 Wood ( 6 -- 0 ) Arrieta ( 5 -- 4 ) -- 45,017 29 -- 20 50 May 27 Cubs W 5 -- 0 McCarthy ( 5 -- 1 ) Lackey ( 4 -- 5 ) Stripling ( 1 ) 48,322 30 -- 20 51 May 28 Cubs W 9 -- 4 Fields ( 2 -- 0 ) Lester ( 3 -- 3 ) -- 47,732 31 -- 20 52 May 29 @ Cardinals W 5 -- 1 Hill ( 2 -- 2 ) Leake ( 5 -- 3 ) -- 46,241 32 -- 20 53 May 30 @ Cardinals W 9 -- 4 Morrow ( 1 -- 0 ) Wacha ( 2 -- 3 ) -- 38,466 33 -- 20 54 May 31 @ Cardinals L 1 -- 2 Martínez ( 4 -- 4 ) Stripling ( 0 -- 3 ) Oh ( 12 ) 40,304 33 -- 21 June ( 21 -- 7 ) ( show ) # Date Opponent Score Win Loss Save Attendance Record 55 June 1 @ Cardinals L 0 -- 2 Wainwright ( 6 -- 3 ) McCarthy ( 5 -- 2 ) Oh ( 13 ) 40,477 33 -- 22 56 June 2 @ Brewers W 2 -- 1 ( 12 ) Jansen ( 3 -- 0 ) Feliz ( 1 -- 5 ) -- 30,140 34 -- 22 57 June 3 @ Brewers W 10 -- 8 Morrow ( 2 -- 0 ) Torres ( 2 -- 4 ) Jansen ( 9 ) 34,354 35 -- 22 58 June 4 @ Brewers L 0 -- 3 Davies ( 6 -- 3 ) Maeda ( 4 -- 3 ) Knebel ( 5 ) 30,330 35 -- 23 59 June 5 Nationals L 2 -- 4 González ( 5 -- 1 ) Ryu ( 2 -- 6 ) Pérez ( 1 ) 46,289 35 -- 24 60 June 6 Nationals L 1 -- 2 Scherzer ( 7 -- 3 ) McCarthy ( 5 -- 3 ) Glover ( 8 ) 44,250 35 -- 25 61 June 7 Nationals W 2 -- 1 Kershaw ( 8 -- 2 ) Strasburg ( 7 -- 2 ) Jansen ( 10 ) 43,230 36 -- 25 62 June 9 Reds W 7 -- 2 Hill ( 3 -- 2 ) Garrett ( 3 -- 5 ) Maeda ( 1 ) 44,036 37 -- 25 63 June 10 Reds W 5 -- 4 Jansen ( 4 -- 0 ) Storen ( 1 -- 3 ) -- 43,439 38 -- 25 64 June 11 Reds W 9 -- 7 Avilán ( 1 -- 1 ) Iglesias ( 2 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 11 ) 42,674 39 -- 25 65 June 13 @ Indians W 7 -- 5 Kershaw ( 9 -- 2 ) Miller ( 3 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 12 ) 22,171 40 -- 25 66 June 14 @ Indians W 6 -- 4 Fields ( 3 -- 0 ) Miller ( 3 -- 2 ) Jansen ( 13 ) 21,051 41 -- 25 67 June 15 @ Indians L 5 -- 12 Tomlin ( 4 -- 8 ) Hill ( 3 -- 3 ) -- 23,339 41 -- 26 68 June 16 @ Reds W 3 -- 1 Wood ( 7 -- 0 ) Adleman ( 4 -- 3 ) Jansen ( 14 ) 35,613 42 -- 26 69 June 17 @ Reds W 10 -- 2 Ryu ( 3 -- 6 ) Wojciechowski ( 1 -- 1 ) -- 42,431 43 -- 26 70 June 18 @ Reds W 8 -- 7 Maeda ( 5 -- 3 ) Arroyo ( 3 -- 6 ) Jansen ( 15 ) 27,316 44 -- 26 71 June 19 Mets W 10 -- 6 Kershaw ( 10 -- 2 ) Wheeler ( 3 -- 5 ) -- 43,266 45 -- 26 72 June 20 Mets W 12 -- 0 McCarthy ( 6 -- 3 ) Gsellman ( 5 -- 5 ) Stewart ( 1 ) 47,715 46 -- 26 73 June 21 Mets W 8 -- 2 Hill ( 4 -- 3 ) Pill ( 0 -- 3 ) -- 42,330 47 -- 26 74 June 22 Mets W 6 -- 3 Báez ( 1 -- 0 ) Sewald ( 0 -- 2 ) Jansen ( 16 ) 45,967 48 -- 26 75 June 23 Rockies W 6 -- 1 Wood ( 8 -- 0 ) Freeland ( 8 -- 5 ) -- 43.787 49 -- 26 76 June 24 Rockies W 4 -- 0 Kershaw ( 11 -- 2 ) Chatwood ( 6 -- 8 ) -- 50,403 50 -- 26 77 June 25 Rockies W 12 -- 6 Báez ( 2 -- 0 ) Ottavino ( 1 -- 2 ) Jansen ( 17 ) 41,605 51 -- 26 78 June 26 Angels L 0 -- 4 Nolasco ( 3 -- 9 ) Hill ( 4 -- 4 ) -- 43,126 51 -- 27 79 June 27 Angels W 4 -- 0 Maeda ( 6 -- 3 ) Chavez ( 5 -- 8 ) -- 47,245 52 -- 27 80 June 28 @ Angels L 2 -- 3 Bedrosian ( 2 -- 0 ) Báez ( 2 -- 1 ) -- 44,669 52 -- 28 81 June 29 @ Angels W 6 -- 2 Kershaw ( 12 -- 2 ) Ramírez ( 7 -- 6 ) Jansen ( 18 ) 44,807 53 -- 28 82 June 30 @ Padres W 10 -- 4 Wood ( 9 -- 0 ) Richard ( 5 -- 8 ) -- 39,254 54 -- 28 July ( 20 -- 3 ) ( show ) # Date Opponent Score Win Loss Save Attendance Record 83 July 1 @ Padres W 8 -- 0 Hill ( 5 -- 4 ) Overton ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 40,683 55 -- 28 84 July 2 @ Padres L 3 -- 5 Chacín ( 7 -- 7 ) Maeda ( 6 -- 4 ) Maurer ( 16 ) 41,604 55 -- 29 85 July 4 Diamondbacks W 4 -- 3 Kershaw ( 13 -- 2 ) Corbin ( 6 -- 8 ) Jansen ( 19 ) 53,159 56 -- 29 86 July 5 Diamondbacks W 1 -- 0 Wood ( 10 -- 0 ) Godley ( 3 -- 3 ) Jansen ( 20 ) 40,997 57 -- 29 87 July 6 Diamondbacks W 5 -- 4 Fields ( 4 -- 0 ) Rodney ( 3 -- 3 ) -- 41,999 58 -- 29 88 July 7 Royals W 4 -- 1 Maeda ( 7 -- 4 ) Hammel ( 4 -- 8 ) Jansen ( 21 ) 48,017 59 -- 29 89 July 8 Royals W 5 -- 4 ( 10 ) Stripling ( 1 -- 3 ) Alexander ( 1 -- 3 ) -- 45,225 60 -- 29 90 July 9 Royals W 5 -- 2 Kershaw ( 14 -- 2 ) Duffy ( 5 -- 5 ) -- 41,524 61 -- 29 -- July 11 88th All - Star Game <Td_colspan="6"> National League vs. American League ( Marlins Park , Miami , Florida ) 91 July 14 @ Marlins W 6 -- 4 Fields ( 5 -- 0 ) Ramos ( 2 -- 4 ) Jansen ( 22 ) 21,858 62 -- 29 92 July 15 @ Marlins W 7 -- 1 Wood ( 11 -- 0 ) Ureña ( 7 -- 4 ) -- 22,609 63 -- 29 93 July 16 @ Marlins W 3 -- 2 Hill ( 6 -- 4 ) O'Grady ( 1 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 23 ) 22,119 64 -- 29 94 July 18 @ White Sox W 1 -- 0 Kershaw ( 15 -- 2 ) González ( 4 -- 9 ) Jansen ( 24 ) 23,088 65 -- 29 95 July 19 @ White Sox W 9 -- 1 ( 7 ) Maeda ( 8 -- 4 ) Rodon ( 1 -- 3 ) -- 24,907 66 -- 29 96 July 20 Braves L 3 -- 6 Foltynewicz ( 8 -- 5 ) McCarthy ( 6 -- 4 ) Johnson ( 22 ) 45,636 66 -- 30 97 July 21 Braves L 3 -- 12 García ( 4 -- 7 ) Wood ( 11 -- 1 ) -- 46,083 66 -- 31 98 July 22 Braves W 6 -- 2 Hill ( 7 -- 4 ) Teherán ( 7 -- 8 ) -- 47,497 67 -- 31 99 July 23 Braves W 5 -- 4 ( 10 ) Morrow ( 3 -- 0 ) Johnson ( 6 -- 2 ) -- 44,701 68 -- 31 100 July 24 Twins W 6 -- 4 Paredes ( 1 -- 0 ) Rogers ( 5 -- 2 ) Jansen ( 25 ) 47,754 69 -- 31 101 July 25 Twins W 6 -- 2 Maeda ( 9 -- 4 ) Berríos ( 9 -- 4 ) Ravin ( 1 ) 44,403 70 -- 31 102 July 26 Twins W 6 -- 5 Jansen ( 5 -- 0 ) Kintzler ( 2 -- 2 ) -- 50,941 71 -- 31 103 July 28 Giants W 6 -- 4 Wood ( 12 -- 1 ) Kontos ( 0 -- 5 ) Jansen ( 26 ) 51.426 72 -- 31 104 July 29 Giants W 2 -- 1 Hill ( 8 -- 4 ) Blach ( 6 -- 7 ) Jansen ( 27 ) 47,792 73 -- 31 105 July 30 Giants W 3 -- 2 ( 11 ) Báez ( 3 -- 1 ) Suárez ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 53,495 74 -- 31 August ( 17 -- 10 ) ( show ) # Date Opponent Score Win Loss Save Attendance Record 106 August 1 @ Braves W 3 -- 2 Maeda ( 10 -- 4 ) Sims ( 0 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 28 ) 32,174 75 -- 31 107 August 2 @ Braves L 3 -- 5 Brothers ( 2 -- 2 ) Báez ( 3 -- 2 ) Vizcaíno ( 3 ) 28,107 75 -- 32 108 August 3 @ Braves W 7 -- 4 Wood ( 13 -- 1 ) Newcomb ( 1 -- 6 ) -- 29,680 76 -- 32 109 August 4 @ Mets W 6 -- 0 Darvish ( 7 -- 9 ) deGrom ( 12 -- 5 ) -- 41,187 77 -- 32 110 August 5 @ Mets W 7 -- 4 Morrow ( 4 -- 0 ) Sewald ( 0 -- 4 ) -- 40,060 78 -- 32 111 August 6 @ Mets W 8 -- 0 Ryu ( 4 -- 6 ) Matz ( 2 -- 5 ) -- 27,077 79 -- 32 112 August 8 @ Diamondbacks L 3 -- 6 Hernandez ( 2 -- 0 ) Watson ( 5 -- 4 ) Rodney ( 26 ) 24,810 79 -- 33 113 August 9 @ Diamondbacks W 3 -- 2 Wood ( 14 -- 1 ) Greinke ( 13 -- 5 ) Jansen ( 29 ) 22,670 80 -- 33 114 August 10 @ Diamondbacks W 8 -- 6 Darvish ( 8 -- 9 ) Banda ( 1 -- 2 ) Jansen ( 30 ) 31,396 81 -- 33 115 August 11 Padres L 3 -- 4 Torres ( 6 -- 3 ) Stripling ( 1 -- 4 ) Hand ( 9 ) 52,898 81 -- 34 116 August 12 Padres W 6 -- 3 Watson ( 6 -- 4 ) Stammen ( 0 -- 2 ) Jansen ( 31 ) 53,230 82 -- 34 117 August 13 Padres W 6 -- 4 Maeda ( 11 -- 4 ) Perdomo ( 6 -- 7 ) Jansen ( 32 ) 46,128 83 -- 34 118 August 15 White Sox W 6 -- 1 Morrow ( 5 -- 0 ) Minaya ( 1 -- 1 ) -- 46,385 84 -- 34 119 August 16 White Sox W 5 -- 4 Stripling ( 2 -- 4 ) Petricka ( 1 -- 1 ) -- 52,413 85 -- 34 120 August 18 @ Tigers W 8 -- 5 Hill ( 9 -- 4 ) Zimmermann ( 7 -- 10 ) -- 32,801 86 -- 34 121 August 19 @ Tigers W 3 -- 0 Stripling ( 3 -- 4 ) Fulmer ( 10 -- 11 ) Jansen ( 33 ) 37,182 87 -- 34 122 August 20 @ Tigers L 1 -- 6 Verlander ( 9 -- 8 ) Maeda ( 11 -- 5 ) -- 30,901 87 -- 35 123 August 21 @ Pirates W 6 -- 5 ( 12 ) Avilán ( 2 -- 1 ) Neverauskas ( 1 -- 1 ) Stripling ( 2 ) 19,094 88 -- 35 124 August 22 @ Pirates W 8 -- 5 Watson ( 7 -- 4 ) Barbato ( 0 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 34 ) 17,288 89 -- 35 125 August 23 @ Pirates L 0 -- 1 ( 10 ) Nicasio ( 2 -- 5 ) Hill ( 9 -- 5 ) -- 19,859 89 -- 36 126 August 24 @ Pirates W 5 -- 2 Ryu ( 5 -- 6 ) Kuhl ( 6 -- 9 ) Morrow ( 1 ) 22,115 90 -- 36 127 August 25 Brewers W 3 -- 1 Maeda ( 12 -- 5 ) Anderson ( 7 -- 3 ) Jansen ( 35 ) 52,455 91 -- 36 128 August 26 Brewers L 0 -- 3 Davies ( 15 -- 7 ) Ravin ( 0 -- 1 ) Knebel ( 28 ) 52,345 91 -- 37 129 August 27 Brewers L 2 -- 3 Nelson ( 10 -- 6 ) Darvish ( 8 -- 10 ) Knebel ( 29 ) 51,355 91 -- 38 130 August 29 @ Diamondbacks L 6 -- 7 Godley ( 6 -- 7 ) Hill ( 9 -- 6 ) Rodney ( 33 ) 25,219 91 -- 39 131 August 30 @ Diamondbacks L 4 -- 6 Ray ( 11 -- 5 ) Ryu ( 5 -- 7 ) Rodney ( 34 ) 23,321 91 -- 40 132 August 31 @ Diamondbacks L 1 -- 8 Greinke ( 16 -- 6 ) Maeda ( 12 -- 6 ) -- 19,882 91 -- 41 September ( 12 -- 17 ) ( show ) # Date Opponent Score Win Loss Save Attendance Record 133 September 1 @ Padres W 1 -- 0 Kershaw ( 16 -- 2 ) Lamet ( 7 -- 6 ) Jansen ( 36 ) 36,767 92 -- 41 134 September 2 @ Padres L 5 -- 6 Hand ( 3 -- 4 ) Báez ( 3 -- 3 ) -- 39,140 92 -- 42 135 September 2 @ Padres L 2 -- 7 Baumann ( 1 -- 1 ) Darvish ( 8 -- 11 ) -- 42,130 92 -- 43 136 September 3 @ Padres L 4 -- 6 Chacín ( 12 -- 10 ) Wood ( 14 -- 2 ) Hand ( 15 ) 33,949 92 -- 44 137 September 4 Diamondbacks L 0 -- 13 Ray ( 12 -- 5 ) Hill ( 9 -- 7 ) -- 47,192 92 -- 45 138 September 5 Diamondbacks L 1 -- 3 ( 10 ) Hernandez ( 3 -- 0 ) Báez ( 3 -- 4 ) Rodney ( 35 ) 47,039 92 -- 46 139 September 6 Diamondbacks L 1 -- 3 Walker ( 9 -- 7 ) Avilán ( 2 -- 2 ) Rodney ( 36 ) 48,612 92 -- 47 140 September 7 Rockies L 1 -- 9 Gray ( 7 -- 4 ) Kershaw ( 16 -- 3 ) -- 51,492 92 -- 48 141 September 8 Rockies L 4 -- 5 Rusin ( 5 -- 0 ) Darvish ( 8 -- 12 ) Holland ( 38 ) 53,632 92 -- 49 142 September 9 Rockies L 5 -- 6 Bettis ( 1 -- 2 ) Wood ( 14 -- 3 ) Holland ( 39 ) 52,884 92 -- 50 143 September 10 Rockies L 1 -- 8 Chatwood ( 7 -- 12 ) Hill ( 9 -- 8 ) -- 50,161 92 -- 51 144 September 11 @ Giants L 6 -- 8 Law ( 4 -- 1 ) Báez ( 3 -- 5 ) Dyson ( 13 ) 40,409 92 -- 52 145 September 12 @ Giants W 5 -- 3 Kershaw ( 17 -- 3 ) Cueto ( 7 -- 8 ) Jansen ( 37 ) 38,727 93 -- 52 146 September 13 @ Giants W 4 -- 1 Darvish ( 9 -- 12 ) Moore ( 5 -- 14 ) -- 38,866 94 -- 52 147 September 15 @ Nationals W 7 -- 0 Wood ( 15 -- 3 ) Jackson ( 5 -- 6 ) -- 37,508 95 -- 52 148 September 16 @ Nationals W 3 -- 2 Hill ( 10 -- 8 ) Cole ( 2 -- 5 ) Jansen ( 38 ) 39,387 96 -- 52 149 September 17 @ Nationals L 1 -- 7 Strasburg ( 14 -- 4 ) Stripling ( 3 -- 5 ) -- 29,155 96 -- 53 150 September 18 @ Phillies L 3 -- 4 Pivetta ( 6 -- 10 ) Kershaw ( 17 -- 4 ) Neris ( 22 ) 16,690 96 -- 54 151 September 19 @ Phillies L 2 -- 6 Nola ( 12 -- 10 ) Báez ( 3 -- 6 ) -- 20,156 96 -- 55 152 September 20 @ Phillies L 5 -- 7 García ( 2 -- 4 ) Avilán ( 2 -- 3 ) Neris ( 23 ) 20,175 96 -- 56 153 September 21 @ Phillies W 5 -- 4 Buehler ( 1 -- 0 ) Pinto ( 1 -- 2 ) Jansen ( 39 ) 18,735 97 -- 56 154 September 22 Giants W 4 -- 2 Hill ( 11 -- 8 ) Samardzija ( 9 -- 15 ) Jansen ( 40 ) 51,159 98 -- 56 155 September 23 Giants L 1 -- 2 Bumgarner ( 4 -- 9 ) Ryu ( 5 -- 8 ) Dyson ( 14 ) 51,093 98 -- 57 156 September 24 Giants W 3 -- 1 Kershaw ( 18 -- 4 ) Stratton ( 3 -- 4 ) Morrow ( 2 ) 46,774 99 -- 57 157 September 25 Padres W 9 -- 3 Darvish ( 10 -- 12 ) Wood ( 3 -- 4 ) -- 49,419 100 -- 57 158 September 26 Padres W 9 -- 2 Wood ( 16 -- 3 ) Lamet ( 7 -- 8 ) -- 47,432 101 -- 57 159 September 27 Padres W 10 -- 0 Hill ( 12 -- 8 ) Richard ( 8 -- 15 ) -- 47,273 102 -- 57 160 September 29 @ Rockies L 1 -- 9 Bettis ( 2 -- 4 ) Ryu ( 5 -- 9 ) -- 48,395 102 -- 58 161 September 30 @ Rockies W 5 -- 3 Morrow ( 6 -- 0 ) Chatwood ( 8 -- 15 ) Jansen ( 41 ) 48,103 103 -- 58 October ( 1 -- 0 ) ( show ) # Date Opponent Score Win Loss Save Attendance Record 162 October 1 @ Rockies W 6 -- 3 Maeda ( 13 -- 6 ) Freeland ( 11 -- 11 ) Fields ( 2 ) 32,946 104 -- 58 <Th_colspan="9"> Legend : = Win = Loss = Postponement Bold = Dodgers team member Post-season ( edit ) Postseason Game log ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> 2017 Postseason Game Log : ( 10 -- 5 ) National League Division Series ( 3 -- 0 ) ( show ) # Date Opponent Score Win Loss Save Attendance Record October 6 Diamondbacks W 9 -- 5 Kershaw ( 1 -- 0 ) Walker ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 54,707 1 -- 0 October 7 Diamondbacks W 8 -- 5 Maeda ( 1 -- 0 ) Ray ( 0 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 1 ) 54,726 2 -- 0 October 9 @ Diamondbacks W 3 -- 1 Darvish ( 1 -- 0 ) Greinke ( 0 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 2 ) 48,641 3 -- 0 National League Championship Series ( 4 -- 1 ) ( show ) Game Date Opponent Score Win Loss Save Attendance Series October 14 Cubs W 5 -- 2 Maeda ( 1 -- 0 ) Rondón ( 0 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 1 ) 54,289 1 -- 0 October 15 Cubs W 4 -- 1 Jansen ( 1 -- 0 ) Duensing ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 54,479 2 -- 0 October 17 @ Cubs W 6 -- 1 Darvish ( 1 -- 0 ) Hendricks ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 41,871 3 -- 0 October 18 @ Cubs L 2 -- 3 Arrieta ( 1 -- 0 ) Wood ( 0 -- 1 ) Davis ( 1 ) 42,195 3 -- 1 5 October 19 @ Cubs W 11 -- 1 Kershaw ( 1 -- 0 ) Quintana ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 42,735 4 -- 1 World Series ( 3 -- 4 ) ( show ) Game Date Opponent Score Win Loss Save Attendance Series October 24 Astros W 3 -- 1 Kershaw ( 1 -- 0 ) Keuchel ( 0 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 1 ) 54,253 1 -- 0 October 25 Astros L 6 -- 7 ( 11 ) Devenski ( 1 -- 0 ) McCarthy ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 54,293 1 -- 1 October 27 @ Astros L 3 -- 5 McCullers ( 1 -- 0 ) Darvish ( 0 -- 1 ) Peacock ( 1 ) 43,282 1 -- 2 October 28 @ Astros W 6 -- 2 Watson ( 1 -- 0 ) Giles ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 43,322 2 -- 2 5 October 29 @ Astros L 12 -- 13 ( 10 ) Musgrove ( 1 -- 0 ) Jansen ( 0 -- 1 ) -- 43,300 2 -- 3 6 October 31 Astros W 3 -- 1 Watson ( 2 -- 0 ) Verlander ( 0 -- 1 ) Jansen ( 2 ) 54,128 3 -- 3 7 November 1 Astros L 1 -- 5 Morton ( 1 -- 0 ) Darvish ( 0 -- 2 ) -- 54,124 3 -- 4 <Th_colspan="9"> Legend : = Win = Loss = Postponement Bold = Dodgers team member <Th_colspan="2"> Playoff Rosters National League Division Series ( show ) Pitchers : 17 Brandon Morrow 18 Kenta Maeda 21 Yu Darvish 22 Clayton Kershaw 33 Tony Watson 44 Rich Hill 46 Josh Fields 52 Pedro Báez 54 Tony Cingrani 57 Alex Wood 68 Ross Stripling 74 Kenley Jansen Catchers : 9 Yasmani Grandal 15 Austin Barnes 65 Kyle Farmer Infielders : 5 Corey Seager 10 Justin Turner 11 Logan Forsythe 26 Chase Utley 35 Cody Bellinger Outfielders : 3 Chris Taylor 6 Curtis Granderson 14 Enrique Hernández 16 Andre Ethier 66 Yasiel Puig National League Championship Series ( show ) Pitchers : 17 Brandon Morrow 18 Kenta Maeda 21 Yu Darvish 22 Clayton Kershaw 33 Tony Watson 44 Rich Hill 46 Josh Fields 54 Tony Cingrani 57 Alex Wood 68 Ross Stripling 74 Kenley Jansen Catchers : 9 Yasmani Grandal 15 Austin Barnes 65 Kyle Farmer Infielders : 10 Justin Turner 11 Logan Forsythe 26 Chase Utley 35 Cody Bellinger 37 Charlie Culberson Outfielders : 3 Chris Taylor 6 Curtis Granderson 14 Enrique Hernández 16 Andre Ethier 31 Joc Pederson 66 Yasiel Puig World Series ( show ) Pitchers : 17 Brandon Morrow 18 Kenta Maeda 21 Yu Darvish 22 Clayton Kershaw 33 Tony Watson 38 Brandon McCarthy 44 Rich Hill 46 Josh Fields 54 Tony Cingrani 57 Alex Wood 68 Ross Stripling 74 Kenley Jansen Catchers : 9 Yasmani Grandal 15 Austin Barnes Infielders : 5 Corey Seager 10 Justin Turner 11 Logan Forsythe 26 Chase Utley 35 Cody Bellinger 37 Charlie Culberson Outfielders : 3 Chris Taylor 14 Enrique Hernández 16 Andre Ethier 31 Joc Pederson 66 Yasiel Puig National League Division series ( edit ) Main article : 2017 National League Division Series The Dodgers , as the top seeded team in the National League , played the Arizona Diamondbacks in the Division Series . Clayton Kershaw started for the Dodgers in the first game and he struck out seven in 6 ​ ⁄ innings . He also allowed four solo homers , the first National League pitcher to ever do so in a playoff game . The Dodgers got to Diamondbacks starter Taijuan Walker early , scoring four runs off him in the first inning before recording an out , most of them on Justin Turner 's three - run home run . Turner had five RBIs in the game , tying Pedro Guerrero ( 1981 ) and Davey Lopes ( 1978 ) for the Dodgers single game post-season record . Walker was replaced after the first inning by Zack Godley , who pitched five innings of relief while allowing three more runs to score . The Dodgers held on to win the game , 9 -- 5 . In the second game , the Diamondbacks jumped on Rich Hill in the first inning with a two - run homer by Paul Goldschmidt . The Dodgers battled back against Robbie Ray , who battled control problems , with four walks , a hit batter and three wild pitches . Yasiel Puig had three hits and two RBI , Logan Forsythe had three hits in five at bats . The Dodgers won the game 8 -- 5 with Kenley Jansen recording the last five outs to get the save . In game three , at Chase Field , Yu Darvish struck out seven and allowed only two hits and one run ( a solo homer by Daniel Descalso ) . Meanwhile , Zack Greinke labored through his five innings , walking five and giving up four hits and three runs ( two on homers by Cody Bellinger and Austin Barnes ) . The bullpens kept the game there and the Dodgers won the game 3 -- 1 , completing the sweep of the Diamondbacks and making their third trip to the NLCS in five years . National League championship series ( edit ) Main article : 2017 National League Championship Series The Dodgers hosted the Chicago Cubs in the NLCS . This was the second straight year these two teams faced each other in the series . The Dodgers offense took a big hit before the series even began when All - Star shortstop Corey Seager was left off the NLCS roster as a result of a back injury suffered in game three of the division series . In the opener of the series , the Cubs took the early lead when Albert Almora hit a two - run homer off of Clayton Kershaw in the fourth inning but the Dodgers fought back , tying the game on a RBI double by Yasiel Puig and a sacrifice fly by Seager 's replacement Charlie Culberson in the fifth . Solo homers by Chris Taylor and Puig and an RBI hit by Justin Turner gave the Dodgers enough runs to win 5 -- 2 as the bullpen shut the Cubs down over the last four innings of the game . In the second game , Jon Lester and Rich Hill each pitched four scoreless innings before allowing solo runs in the fifth , on an RBI single by Turner and a solo homer by Addison Russell . The bullpens kept the game tied until the bottom of the ninth when Turner hit a walk - off three run homer off of John Lackey . It was the Dodgers first walk - off homer in the post-season since Kirk Gibson 's homer in game one of the 1988 World Series . The series moved to Wrigley Field in Chicago for game three . Kyle Schwarber homered off Yu Darvish in the first inning to give the Cubs the early lead yet again . It was the only run Darvish allowed in 6 ​ ⁄ innings , while he struck out seven Cubs batters . Andre Ethier , making his first start of the post-season , tied the game up with a solo homer in the second off of Kyle Hendricks and Chris Taylor homered in the third to put the Dodgers ahead . The Dodgers bullpen continued to shut down the Cubs , and the Dodgers added on against the Cubs bullpen to win the game 6 -- 1 . This was the sixth straight post-season game the Dodgers won , a franchise record . In game four , Jake Arrieta struck out nine batters over 6 ​ ⁄ innings in game five for the Cubs while Dodgers starter Alex Wood struck out seven in 4 ​ ⁄ innings . All the runs in the game were on solo homers . Cody Bellinger and Justin Turner for the Dodgers and Willson Contreras hit one and Javier Báez hit two homers for the Cubs who staved off elimination with a 3 -- 2 win . Wade Davis pitched the last two innings for the save . In the fifth game of the series , the Dodgers jumped on top early with a home run in the second by Enrique Hernandez . He added two more home runs later in the game , including a grand slam . He became only the fourth Dodger to hit a post-season grandslam ( joining Ron Cey and Dusty Baker from the 1981 NLCS and James Loney in the 2008 NLDS ) . His seven RBI in the game also set a NLCS record . The Dodgers cruised to an 11 -- 1 win and a trip to their first World Series since 1988 . Chris Taylor and Justin Turner were voted co-MVPs of the series . The Dodgers bullpen set a record with 23 consecutive scoreless innings in the post-season from game two of the NLDS through the completion of the NLCS . World series ( edit ) Main article : 2017 World Series The Dodgers faced the Houston Astros in the World Series , their first appearance in the series since they won in 1988 . Clayton Kershaw started Game 1 for the Dodgers , while Dallas Keuchel started for the Astros . The temperature at the start of the game was 103 ° F ( 39 ° C ) , which made this the hottest World Series game ever recorded . Chris Taylor hit a home run for the Dodgers on Keuchel 's first pitch of the game . It was the third home run to leadoff a game in Dodgers postseason history ( Davey Lopes in 1978 World Series and Carl Crawford in 2013 NLDS ) . Alex Bregman hit a home run for the Astros in the fourth inning . In the sixth inning , Justin Turner hit a two - run home run for the Dodgers . Turner tied Duke Snider for most career runs batted in in Dodgers post-season history with 26 . Kershaw struck out 11 in seven innings pitched with no walks and only three hits allowed while Keuchel allowed three runs on six hits in ​ 6 ⁄ innings . Brandon Morrow pitched a scoreless eighth and Kenley Jansen earned the save as the Dodgers took game one 3 -- 1 . The starting pitchers for Game 2 were Rich Hill for the Dodgers and Justin Verlander for the Astros . The Astros scored first when Bregman drove in Josh Reddick with a hit in the third inning . Hill struck out seven in four innings but was replaced by Kenta Maeda in the fifth . Joc Pederson tied the game with a solo home run in the bottom of the fifth inning , and the Dodgers took the lead when Corey Seager hit a two - run home run in the bottom of the sixth inning . Verlander allowed two hits , both home runs , in his six innings pitched . Carlos Correa drove in the Astros second run of the game on a single in the eighth , ending the Dodgers bullpen 's streak of 28 consecutive scoreless innings in the post-season . Marwin González hit a home run off Jansen in the ninth to tie the game . This was only Jansen 's second blown save all season and snapped his streak of converting his first 12 post-season save opportunities , a major league record . The game went into extra innings . José Altuve and Correa hit home runs off Josh Fields in the 10th inning to put the Astros in the lead . In the bottom of the 10th inning , Yasiel Puig hit a home run off of Ken Giles and Enrique Hernández drove in Logan Forsythe to tie the game . In the next inning , George Springer hit a two - run home run for the Astros off of Brandon McCarthy to retake the lead . In the bottom of the 11th inning , Charlie Culberson hit a home run off of Chris Devenski , but Devenski struck out Puig to end the game . The teams set a new record for combined home runs in a single World Series game with eight . This was the first World Series game ever won by the Astros as they had been swept in their previous appearance in 2005 . The series moved to Minute Maid Park in Houston for game 3 , which was started by Yu Darvish for the Dodgers and Lance McCullers Jr. for the Astros . The Astros scored four runs in the bottom of the second inning on a home run by Yuli Gurriel and RBIs by González , Brian McCann , and Bregman . Darvish left the game after ​ 1 ⁄ innings , which is the shortest outing of his career . The Dodgers scored one run in the top of the third inning as Seager grounded into a double play after McCullers loaded the bases with three consecutive walks . The Astros added another run in the fifth on an RBI single by Evan Gattis and the Dodgers added two in the sixth on an RBI groundout by Puig and a wild pitch . McCullers wound up pitching 5 ​ ⁄ innings and allowed three runs on four hits . He was replaced by Brad Peacock who no - hit the Dodgers over the last 3 ​ ⁄ innings to pick up his first career save . The starting pitchers for Game 4 were Alex Wood for the Dodgers and Charlie Morton for the Astros . Springer homered off Wood in the bottom of the sixth for the first run . It was the only hit Wood allowed in ​ 5 ⁄ innings pitched in the game . Forsythe drove in Cody Bellinger to tie the game in the top of the seventh . Morton struck out seven and only allowed three hits and one run in 6 ​ ⁄ innings . Bellinger then drove in the go - ahead run with a double in the top of the ninth off of Ken Giles and the Dodgers added four more runs on a sacrifice fly by Austin Barnes and a three - run homer by Pederson . Bregman homered off of Jansen in the bottom of the ninth but the Dodgers managed to even up the series . The Astros only got two hits in the game ; both were home runs . This was the first game in World Series history where both starting pitchers allowed four or fewer baserunners . Pederson tied a Dodgers post-season record ( Billy Cox , Andre Ethier , A.J. Ellis ) with four straight starts with an extra base hit . Kershaw and Keuchel started Game 5 , in a rematch of the opening game of the series . Forsythe singled in two runs off of Keuchel in the first inning to put the Dodgers up early . A third run scored on a throwing error by Gurriel . Barnes singled in the fourth to score Forsythe . Keuchel pitched only 3 ​ ⁄ innings for the Astros , allowing five hits and four runs ( three earned ) . This was his shortest home start of the season . The Astros scored their first run with an RBI double by Correa in the bottom of the fourth inning , followed by a three - run home run by Gurriel to tie the game . Bellinger hit a three - run home run off of Collin McHugh in the top of the fifth to put the Dodgers back on top only for Altuve to hit his own three - run home run in the bottom of the inning off Maeda to tie it back up . Kershaw only pitched 4 ​ ⁄ innings and allowed six runs on four hits and three walks . A triple by Bellinger on a line drive that Springer missed on a dive in the seventh inning off of Peacock scored Hernández from first base . In the bottom of the seventh inning , Springer hit a home run off the first pitch in the bottom of the inning off of Morrow , who was pitching for the third consecutive day , to tie the game . Bregman scored on a double by Altuve to put the Astros ahead for the first time in the game , and then Correa hit a two - run home run to extend the lead . Seager doubled in a run in the top of the eighth inning , but McCann hit a home run in the bottom of the inning . That was the 21st home run of the series , tying the record set in the 2002 World Series . Puig broke the record with a two - run home run in the top of the ninth inning . Taylor drove in Barnes to tie the game . With the teams combining to score 24 runs through the first nine innings , this was the highest scoring World Series game since the Florida Marlins beat the Cleveland Indians 14 -- 11 in Game 3 of the 1997 World Series . Bregman singled in pinch runner Derek Fisher for the winning run in the tenth off of Jansen . The Astros became only the second team to come back twice from three runs down in a World Series game . The other were the Toronto Blue Jays in the 15 -- 14 win during Game 4 of the 1993 World Series . This World Series set a new record for most players to hit a home run ( 14 to date in the World Series ) . The 2017 World Series also set a record for the number of players who hit at least one home run Game 5 lasted five hours and seventeen minutes , making it the second longest World Series game in history , trailing only the 14 inning contest between the Astros and the Chicago White Sox in Game 3 of the 2005 World Series and the six game tying home runs in the series to this point is the most for any World Series on record . Game 6 featured the same starting pitchers as the second game : Verlander and Hill . Springer hit a solo home run off of Hill in the top of the third for the first run of the night . It was Springer 's fourth homer of the series , tied for third all - time in a single series and joining Gene Tenace , in 1972 , as the only players with four game - tying or go - ahead home runs in a World Series . The Astros loaded the bases in the fifth inning , but did not score . Hill pitched ​ 4 ⁄ innings , struck out five and allowed four hits and one run . In the sixth inning , Taylor tied the game with an RBI double and Seager hit a sacrifice fly to give the Dodgers the lead . Verlander pitched six innings with nine strikeouts and only three hits allowed . Pederson hit a home run in the bottom of the seventh inning and Jansen pitched two scoreless innings for the save . Pederson tied a World Series record with his fifth consecutive game with an extra base hit and Andre Ethier , who appeared in the game as a pinch hitter , set a new Dodgers franchise record with his 50th career postseason game . The starting pitchers for this game were the same as in the third game : McCullers and Darvish . Springer doubled to open the game and scored the first run on an error by Bellinger , which allowed Bregman to reach second base . Bregman stole third base and scored on an Altuve ground out . McCann scored the next inning on a groundout by the pitcher McCullers . Springer then hit a two - run home run , tying Reggie Jackson and Chase Utley for most home runs in a single world series ( 5 ) and setting a new record with 29 total bases in any post-season series . Darvish lasted only ​ 1 ⁄ innings and became the third pitcher with two starts of less than two innings in the World Series , and the first since Art Ditmar in the 1960 World Series . Morrow relieved Darvish and in the process became only the second pitcher to pitch in all seven games of a single World Series , joining Darold Knowles in the 1973 World Series . McCullers lasted only 2 ​ ⁄ innings himself , he allowed three hits and hit a World Series record four batters . This was the first Game 7 in World Series history where neither starting pitcher got past the third inning . The Dodgers failed to score a run through five innings , despite having multiple runners in scoring position . Ethier , pinch hitting , scored Pederson on a single in the sixth inning for the Dodgers ' only run . They only had one hit in 13 chances with runners in scoring position in the game . Kershaw pitched four scoreless innings of relief in the game , and in the process , he broke Orel Hershiser 's Dodgers post-season record with his 33rd strikeout . Morton pitched four innings of relief to end the game , earning the win , as the Astros won their first World Series . Roster ( edit ) <Th_colspan="10"> 2017 Los Angeles Dodgers <Td_colspan="10"> Roster Pitchers 43 Luis Avilán 52 Pedro Báez 64 Walker Buehler 59 Fabio Castillo 54 Tony Cingrani 21 Yu Darvish 75 Grant Dayton 46 Josh Fields 62 Wilmer Font 41 Chris Hatcher 44 Rich Hill 74 Kenley Jansen 22 Clayton Kershaw 36 Adam Liberatore 18 Kenta Maeda 38 Brandon McCarthy 17 Brandon Morrow 58 Edward Paredes 71 Josh Ravin 54 Sergio Romo 99 Hyun - jin Ryu 48 Brock Stewart 68 Ross Stripling 7 Julio Urías 33 Tony Watson 57 Alex Wood Catchers 15 Austin Barnes 9 Yasmani Grandal Infielders 35 Cody Bellinger 37 Charlie Culberson 65 Kyle Farmer 11 Logan Forsythe 37 Mike Freeman 23 Adrian Gonzalez 5 Corey Seager 25 Rob Segedin 10 Justin Turner 26 Chase Utley Outfielders 67 O'Koyea Dickson 50 Brett Eibner 16 Andre Ethier 6 Curtis Granderson 28 Franklin Gutiérrez 14 Enrique Hernández 70 Tim Locastro 31 Joc Pederson 66 Yasiel Puig 3 Chris Taylor 21 , 47 Trayce Thompson 60 Andrew Toles 33 Scott Van Slyke 61 Alex Verdugo Manager 30 Dave Roberts Coaches 56 Josh Bard ( bullpen ) 13 Juan Castro ( quality assurance ) 82 Steve Cilladi ( bullpen catcher ) 85 Rob Flippo ( bullpen catcher ) 8 Bob Geren ( bench ) 40 Rick Honeycutt ( pitching ) 49 Tim Hyers ( assistant hitting ) 27 George Lombard ( first base ) 12 Turner Ward ( hitting ) 45 Chris Woodward ( third base ) 7 Steve Yeager ( catching ) Player Stats ( edit ) Batting ( edit ) List does not include pitchers . Stats in bold are the team leaders ... Note : G = Games played ; AB = At Bats ; R = Runs ; H = Hits ; 2B = Doubles ; 3B = Triples ; HR = Home Runs ; RBI = Runs Batted In ; BB = Walks ; SO = Strikeouts ; SB = Stolen Bases ; Avg . = Batting Average ; OBP = On Base Percentage ; SLG = Slugging ; OPS = On Base + Slugging Player AB 2B 3B HR RBI BB SO SB AVG OBP SLG OPS Corey Seager 145 539 85 159 33 0 22 77 67 131 . 295 . 375 . 479 . 854 Chris Taylor 140 514 85 148 34 5 21 72 50 142 17 . 288 . 354 . 496 . 850 Yasiel Puig 152 499 72 131 24 28 74 64 100 15 . 263 . 346 . 487 . 833 Cody Bellinger 132 480 87 128 26 39 97 64 146 10 . 267 . 352 . 581 . 933 Justin Turner 130 457 72 147 32 0 21 71 59 56 7 . 322 . 415 . 530 . 945 Yasmani Grandal 129 438 50 108 27 0 22 58 40 130 0 . 247 . 308 . 459 . 767 Logan Forsythe 119 361 56 81 19 0 6 36 69 109 . 224 . 351 . 327 . 678 Chase Utley 127 309 43 73 20 8 34 32 57 6 . 236 . 324 . 405 . 728 Enrique Hernández 140 297 46 64 24 11 37 41 80 . 215 . 308 . 421 . 729 Joc Pederson 102 273 44 58 20 0 11 35 39 68 . 212 . 331 . 407 . 738 Adrian Gonzalez 71 231 14 56 17 0 30 16 43 0 . 242 . 287 . 355 . 642 Austin Barnes 102 218 35 63 15 8 38 39 43 . 289 . 408 . 486 . 895 Curtis Granderson 36 112 16 18 0 7 12 18 33 . 161 . 288 . 366 . 654 Andrew Toles 31 96 17 26 0 5 15 5 16 0 . 271 . 314 . 458 . 772 Franklin Gutiérrez 35 56 8 13 0 8 7 16 0 . 232 . 317 . 339 . 657 Trayce Thompson 27 49 6 6 6 23 0 . 122 . 218 . 265 . 483 Scott Van Slyke 29 41 6 5 0 7 15 . 122 . 250 . 293 . 543 Andre Ethier 22 34 8 0 10 0 . 235 . 316 . 441 . 757 Brett Eibner 17 33 6 0 0 6 17 0 . 182 . 250 . 364 . 614 Alex Verdugo 15 23 0 0 0 . 174 . 240 . 304 . 544 Kyle Farmer 20 20 6 0 0 0 0 . 300 . 300 . 350 . 650 Rob Segedin 13 20 0 0 0 7 0 . 200 . 200 . 300 . 500 Charlie Culberson 15 13 0 0 0 0 . 154 . 267 . 231 . 497 O'Koyea Dickson 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 143 . 333 . 143 . 476 Mike Freeman 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 000 . 000 . 000 . 000 Tim Locastro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 000 . 000 . 000 . 000 Pitching ( edit ) Stats in bold are the team leaders . Note : W = Wins ; L = Losses ; ERA = Earned run average ; G = Games pitched ; GS = Games started ; SV = Saves ; IP = Innings pitched ; R = Runs allowed ; ER = Earned runs allowed ; BB = Walks allowed ; K = Strikeouts Player ERA GS SV IP ER BB Clayton Kershaw 18 2.31 27 27 0 175.0 136 49 45 30 202 Alex Wood 16 2.72 27 25 0 152.1 123 50 46 38 151 Rich Hill 12 8 3.32 25 25 0 135.2 99 51 50 49 166 Kenta Maeda 13 6 4.22 29 25 134.1 121 68 63 34 140 Hyun - jin Ryu 5 9 3.77 25 24 126.2 128 58 53 45 116 Brandon McCarthy 6 3.98 19 16 0 92.2 89 43 41 27 72 Ross Stripling 5 3.75 49 74.1 69 31 31 19 74 Kenley Jansen 5 0 1.32 65 0 41 68.1 44 11 10 7 109 Pedro Báez 6 2.95 66 0 0 64.0 56 24 21 29 64 Josh Fields 5 0 2.84 57 0 57.0 40 19 18 15 60 Yu Darvish 3.44 9 9 0 49.2 44 20 19 13 61 Luis Avilán 2.93 61 0 0 46.0 42 16 15 22 52 Brandon Morrow 6 0 2.06 45 0 43.2 31 10 10 9 50 Chris Hatcher 0 4.66 26 0 0 36.2 37 20 19 12 43 Brock Stewart 0 0 3.41 17 34.1 28 18 13 19 29 Sergio Romo 6.12 30 0 0 25.0 23 17 17 12 31 Grant Dayton 4.94 29 0 0 23.2 19 13 13 12 20 Julio Urías 0 5.40 5 5 0 23.1 23 15 14 14 11 Tony Watson 2.70 24 0 0 20.0 15 6 6 6 18 Tony Cingrani 0 0 2.79 22 0 0 19.1 15 8 6 6 28 Josh Ravin 0 6.48 14 0 16.2 12 12 12 9 19 Walker Buehler 0 7.71 8 0 0 9.1 11 8 8 8 12 Edward Paredes 0 3.24 10 0 0 8.1 8 0 111 Wilmer Font 0 0 17.18 0 0 3.2 7 7 7 Adam Liberatore 0 0 2.70 0 0 3.1 5 Fabio Castillo 0 0 13.50 0 0 1.1 Awards and honors ( edit ) hide Recipient Award Date awarded Ref . Cody Bellinger National League Player of the Week ( May 1 -- 7 ) May 8 , 2017 Alex Wood National League Player of the Week ( May 8 -- 14 ) May 15 , 2017 Cody Bellinger National League Rookie of the Month ( May ) June 2 , 2017 Alex Wood National League Pitcher of the Month ( May ) June 2 , 2017 Cody Bellinger National League Player of the Week ( June 19 -- 25 ) June 26 , 2017 Cody Bellinger National League All - Star Team July 2 , 2017 Corey Seager National League All - Star Team July 2 , 2017 Clayton Kershaw National League All - Star Team July 2 , 2017 Kenley Jansen National League All - Star Team July 2 , 2017 Cody Bellinger National League Rookie of the Month ( June ) July 3 , 2017 Justin Turner National League All - Star Team July 6 , 2017 Alex Wood National League All - Star Team July 7 , 2017 Rich Hill National League Pitcher of the Month ( July ) August 2 , 2017 Justin Turner National League Championship Series MVP October 19 , 2017 Chris Taylor National League Championship Series MVP October 19 , 2017 Cody Bellinger Sporting News NL Rookie of the Year October 23 , 2017 Kenley Jansen Trevor Hoffman National League Reliever of the Year October 28 , 2017 Clayton Kershaw Baseball America ALL - MLB TEAM October 28 , 2017 Kenley Jansen Baseball America ALL - MLB TEAM October 28 , 2017 Cody Bellinger Topps All - Star Rookie Team November 7 , 2017 Cody Bellinger Players Choice National League Outstanding Rookie November 8 , 2017 Corey Seager Silver Slugger Award November 9 , 2017 Yasiel Puig Wilson Defensive Player of the Year Award - Right Field November 10 , 2017 Los Angeles Dodgers Wilson Best Defensive Team in Baseball Award November 10 , 2017 Cody Bellinger National League Rookie of the Year Award November 13 , 2017 Los Angeles Dodgers Baseball America Organization of the Year November 28 , 2017 Clayton Kershaw Warren Spahn Award December 12 , 2017 Cody Bellinger Los Angeles Sports Council Sportsman of the Year January 3 , 2018 Transactions ( edit ) April ( edit ) On April 2 , placed RHP Pedro Báez ( right wrist contusion ) , LHP Scott Kazmir ( left hip strain ) , RHP Josh Ravin ( right groin strain ) , RHP Brock Stewart ( right shoulder tendinitis ) , and OF Andre Ethier ( herniated disc in back ) on the 10 - day disabled list . On April 7 , placed LHP Rich Hill on the 10 - day disabled list due to a blister on his left middle finger and recalled RHP Josh Fields from AAA Oklahoma City . On April 10 , acquired RHP Joe Gunkel from the Baltimore Orioles in exchange for a player to be named later or cash . On April 11 , optioned RHP Joe Gunkel to AAA Oklahoma City . On April 12 , placed OF Franklin Gutiérrez on the 10 - day disabled list with a strained left hamstring and recalled OF Trayce Thompson from AAA Oklahoma City . On April 14 , activated RHP Pedro Báez from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned RHP Josh Fields to AAA Oklahoma City . On April 16 , activated LHP Rich Hill from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned OF Trayce Thompson to AAA Oklahoma City . On April 17 , placed LHP Rich Hill on the 10 - day disabled list due to a blister on his left middle finger and recalled IF / OF Rob Segedin from AAA Oklahoma City . On April 18 , placed LHP Grant Dayton on the 10 - day disabled list with a left intercostal strain and recalled RHP Josh Fields from AAA Oklahoma City . On April 19 , placed IF Logan Forsythe on the 10 - day disabled list with a broken right toe and recalled IF Chris Taylor from AAA Oklahoma City . Placed IF / OF Rob Segedin on the 10 - day disabled list with right toe strain and recalled OF Brett Eibner from AAA Oklahoma City . On April 23 , optioned OF Brett Eibner to AAA Oklahoma City and recalled LHP Adam Liberatore from AAA Oklahoma City . On April 24 , placed OF Joc Pederson on the 10 - day disabled list with a right groin strain and recalled OF Brett Eibner from AAA Oklahoma City . On April 25 , optioned OF Brett Eibner to AAA Oklahoma City , purchased the contract of 1B / OF Cody Bellinger from AAA Oklahoma City and designated RHP Joe Gunkel for assignment . On April 27 , recalled LHP Julio Urías from AAA Oklahoma City and optioned LHP Adam Liberatore to AAA Oklahoma City . On April 29 , activated LHP Grant Dayton from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned RHP Josh Fields to AAA Oklahoma City . May ( edit ) On May 1 , placed LHP Hyun - jin Ryu on the 10 - day disabled list with a left hip contusion and recalled RHP Josh Fields from AAA Oklahoma City . On May 2 , activated OF Franklin Gutiérrez from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned OF / 1B Scott Van Slyke to AAA Oklahoma City . On May 5 , activated OF Joc Pederson from the 10 - day disabled list and placed 1B Adrian Gonzalez on the 10 - day disabled list with right elbow soreness . On May 8 , placed RHP Brandon McCarthy on the 10 - day disabled list , retroactive to May 5 , with left shoulder soreness , and recalled LHP Adam Liberatore from AAA Oklahoma City . On May 9 , claimed LHP Justin Marks off waivers from the Tampa Bay Rays and transferred OF Andre Ethier from the 10 - day disabled list to the 60 - day disabled list . Marks was optioned to AAA Oklahoma City . On May 10 , placed OF Andrew Toles ( torn ACL ) and LHP Adam Liberatore ( groin strain ) on the 10 - day disabled list and recalled OF Brett Eibner and 1B / OF Scott Van Slyke from AAA Oklahoma City . Activated RHP Josh Ravin from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned him to AAA Oklahoma City . On May 11 , placed RHP Kenta Maeda on the 10 - day disabled list with left hamstring tightness and activated LHP Hyun - jin Ryu from the 10 - day disabled list . On May 15 , activated RHP Brandon McCarthy from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned OF Brett Eibner to AAA Oklahoma City . On May 16 , activated LHP Rich Hill from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned LHP Grant Dayton to AAA Oklahoma City . On May 18 , activated 1B Adrian Gonzalez from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned 1B / OF Scott Van Slyke to AAA Oklahoma City . On May 21 , optioned LHP Julio Urías to AAA Oklahoma City and recalled RHP Josh Ravin from AAA Oklahoma City . On May 23 , activated IF Logan Forsythe from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned RHP Josh Ravin to AAA Oklahoma City . On May 25 , activated RHP Kenta Maeda from the 10 - day disabled list and placed OF Joc Pederson on the 7 - day disabled list with a concussion . Placed LHP Luis Avilán on the 10 - day disabled list with left triceps soreness and activated LHP Adam Liberatore from the 10 - day disabled list . On May 26 , claimed RHP Chris Heston and IF Mike Freeman off waivers from the Seattle Mariners and optioned them to AAA Oklahoma City . Transferred LHP Scott Kazmir and OF Andrew Toles from the 10 - day disabled list to the 60 - day disabled list . On May 29 , placed LHP Alex Wood on the 10 - day disabled list with left SC joint inflammation , purchased the contract of RHP Brandon Morrow from AAA Oklahoma City and transferred RHP Brock Stewart from the 10 - day disabled list to the 60 - day disabled list . June ( edit ) On June 1 , placed LHP Adam Liberatore on the 10 - day disabled list with left forearm tightness and recalled LHP Grant Dayton from AAA Oklahoma City . On June 2 , acquired LHP Jason Wheeler from the Minnesota Twins for cash considerations and optioned him to AAA Oklahoma City . Transferred IF / OF Rob Segedin from the 10 - day disabled list to the 60 - day disabled list . On June 7 , RHP Chris Heston was claimed off waivers by the Minnesota Twins . Activated RHP Brock Stewart from the 60 - day disabled list and optioned him to AAA Oklahoma City . On June 8 , purchased the contract of RHP Fabio Castillo from AAA Oklahoma City and optioned him to AAA Oklahoma City , designated LHP Justin Marks for assignment . On June 9 , Activated 3B Justin Turner from the 10 - day disabled list , and optioned OF Brett Eibner to AAA Oklahoma City . Activated LHP Luis Avilán from the 10 - day disabled list and placed RHP Sergio Romo on the 10 - day disabled list with a left ankle sprain . On June 10 , activated LHP Alex Wood from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned RHP Brandon Morrow to AAA Oklahoma City . On June 13 , activated OF Joc Pederson from the 7 - day disabled list and placed 1B Adrian Gonzalez on the 10 - day disabled list with lower back discomfort . On June 15 , optioned RHP Ross Stripling to AAA Oklahoma City . On June 16 , recalled RHP Josh Ravin from AAA Oklahoma City . On June 18 , recalled RHP Brock Stewart from AAA Oklahoma City , optioned RHP Josh Ravin to AAA Oklahoma City , claimed OF Peter O'Brien on waivers from the Texas Rangers , and designated RHP Jason Wheeler for assignment . Optioned O'Brien to AAA Oklahoma City . On June 19 , activated RHP Sergio Romo from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned RHP Josh Fields to AAA Oklahoma City . On June 21 , optioned RHP Brock Stewart to AAA Oklahoma City and recalled RHP Brandon Morrow from AAA Oklahoma City . On June 23 , placed RHP Chris Hatcher on the 10 - day disabled list with thoracic inflammation and recalled RHP Ross Stripling from AAA Oklahoma City . On June 25 , placed OF Franklin Gutiérrez on the 10 - day disabled list with ankylosis spondylitis and recalled IF / OF Mike Freeman from AAA Oklahoma City . On June 26 , placed RHP Brandon McCarthy on the 10 - day disabled list with right knee inflammation , optioned RHP Ross Stripling to AAA Oklahoma City and recalled RHP Brock Stewart and OF Trayce Thompson from AAA Oklahoma City . On July 1 , optioned IF / OF Mike Freeman to AAA Oklahoma City and recalled RHP Josh Fields from AAA Oklahoma City . July ( edit ) On July 4 , placed LHP Hyun - jin Ryu on the 10 - day disabled list with a left foot contusion and recalled RHP Ross Stripling from AAA Oklahoma City . On July 6 , placed LHP Grant Dayton on the 10 - day disabled list with neck stiffness and recalled 1B / OF Scott Van Slyke from AAA Oklahoma City . On July 8 , activated RHP Brandon McCarthy from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned 1B / OF Scott Van Slyke to AAA Oklahoma City . On July 20 , activated LHP Grant Dayton from the 10 - day disabled list and designated RHP Sergio Romo for assignment . On July 24 , placed LHP Clayton Kershaw on the 10 - day disabled list with lower back strain , placed RHP Brandon McCarthy on the 10 - day disabled list with a blister on his right middle finger , activated LHP Hyun - jin Ryu from the 10 - day disabled list , recalled RHP Josh Ravin from AAA Oklahoma City , optioned OF Trayce Thompson to AAA Oklahoma City and purchased the contract of LHP Edward Paredes from AAA Oklahoma City . On July 28 , acquired RHP Luke Farrell from the Kansas City Royals for cash considerations and optioned him to AAA Oklahoma City . Transferred LHP Adam Liberatore from the 10 - day disabled list to the 60 - day disabled list . Placed LHP Grant Dayton on the 10 - day disabled list with neck pain and recalled C / IF Kyle Farmer from AAA Oklahoma City . On July 29 , acquired LHP Luis Ysla from the Boston Red Sox for cash considerations and optioned him to AA Tulsa . Transferred 1B Adrian Gonzalez from the 10 - day disabled list to the 60 - day disabled list . On July 31 , acquired LHP Tony Watson from the Pittsburgh Pirates for minor league pitcher Angel German and minor league infielder Oneil Cruz . Designated OF Peter O'Brien for assignment . Acquired RHP Yu Darvish from the Texas Rangers in exchange for minor leaguer pitcher A.J. Alexy and minor league infielders Willie Calhoun and Brendon Davis and designated IF / OF Mike Freeman for assignment . Acquired LHP Tony Cingrani from the Cincinnati Reds in exchange for 1B / OF Scott Van Slyke and minor league catcher Henrik Clementina . August ( edit ) On August 1 , activated LHP Tony Watson and optioned LHP Edward Paredes to AAA Oklahoma City . On August 2 , activated RHP Yu Darvish and optioned RHP Josh Ravin to AAA Oklahoma City . On August 3 , activated LHP Tony Cingrani and optioned RHP Brock Stewart to AAA Oklahoma City . On August 4 , claimed RHP Dylan Floro off waivers from the Chicago Cubs and optioned him to AAA Oklahoma City . Transferred OF Franklin Gutiérrez from the 10 - day disabled list to the 60 - day disabled list . On August 8 , LHP Luis Avilán was placed on the paternity list and RHP Brock Stewart was recalled from AAA Oklahoma City . On August 9 , RHP Luke Farrell was claimed on waivers by the Cincinnati Reds . On August 11 , LHP Luis Avilán was activated from the paternity list and RHP Brock Stewart was optioned to AAA Oklahoma City . On August 13 , activated RHP Chris Hatcher from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned C / IF Kyle Farmer to AAA Oklahoma City . On August 15 , traded RHP Chris Hatcher to the Oakland Athletics for international bonus slot money and activated IF / OF Rob Segedin from the 60 - day disabled list . On August 18 , activated 1B Adrian Gonzalez from the 60 - day disabled list and optioned IF / OF Rob Segedin to AAA Oklahoma City . Acquired OF Curtis Granderson from the New York Mets in exchange for cash or a player to be named later . Designated RHP Dylan Floro for assignment . On August 19 , placed RHP Yu Darvish on the 10 - day disabled list with back tightness , recalled LHP Edward Paredes from AAA Oklahoma City and optioned OF Joc Pederson to AAA Oklahoma City . On August 20 , claimed RHP Jordan Jankowski off waivers from the Houston Astros and optioned him to AAA Oklahoma City . Traded RHP Jacob Rhame to the New York Mets as the player to be named later in the Granderson trade . On August 22 , placed LHP Alex Wood on the 10 - day disabled list with inflammation of the sternoclavicular joint and 1B / OF Cody Bellinger on the 10 - day disabled list with a mild right ankle sprain and recalled RHP Brock Stewart and RHP Josh Ravin from AAA Oklahoma City . On August 23 , optioned RHP Brock Stewart to AAA Oklahoma City and recalled C / IF Kyle Farmer from AAA Oklahoma City . On August 27 , activated RHP Yu Darvish from the 10 - day disabled list and placed RHP Josh Fields on the 10 - day disabled list with lower back strain . On August 30 , activated 1B / OF Cody Bellinger from the 10 - day disabled list and optioned C / IF Kyle Farmer to AAA Oklahoma City . September ( edit ) On September 1 , activated LHP Clayton Kershaw from the 10 - day disabled list and OF Andre Ethier from the 60 - day disabled list , recalled IF / OF Rob Segedin and RHP Fabio Castillo from AAA Oklahoma City , purchased the contracts of OF Alex Verdugo and 1B / OF O'Koyea Dickson from AAA Oklahoma City , transferred LHP Grant Dayton from the 10 - day disabled list to the 60 - day disabled list and designated OF Brett Eibner and LHP Luis Ysla for assignment . On September 2 , recalled RHP Brock Stewart from AAA Oklahoma City , purchased the contract of RHP Wilmer Font from AAA Oklahoma City and designated RHP Jordan Jankowski for assignment . On September 3 , activated LHP Alex Wood from the 10 - day disabled list . On September 4 , activated RHP Josh Fields from the 10 - day disabled list , purchased the contract of IF Charlie Culberson from AAA Oklahoma City and transferred RHP Brandon McCarthy from the 10 - day disabled list to the 60 - day disabled list . On September 5 , recalled OFs Joc Pederson and Trayce Thompson from AAA Oklahoma City . On September 6 , purchased the contract of RHP Walker Buehler from AAA Oklahoma City and designated RHP Fabio Castillo for assignment . On September 9 , recalled C / IF Kyle Farmer from AAA Oklahoma City . On September 22 , activated RHP Brandon McCarthy from the 60 - day disabled list and placed RHP Josh Ravin on the 60 - day disabled list with a right abdomen strain . On September 29 , purchased the contract of IF Tim Locastro from AAA Oklahoma City and placed 1B / OF O'Koyea Dickson on the 60 - day disabled list with a sore left shoulder . Farm system ( edit ) Level Team League Manager Position AAA Oklahoma City Dodgers Pacific Coast League Bill Haselman 72 69 2nd place AA Tulsa Drillers Texas League Ryan Garko Scott Hennessey 77 63 1st place Lost in championship game High A Rancho Cucamonga Quakes California League Drew Saylor 76 64 2nd place Lost in playoffs Great Lakes Loons Midwest League Jeremy Rodriguez 69 70 5th place Rookie Ogden Raptors Pioneer League Mark Kertenian 47 29 2nd place League Champions Rookie Arizona League Dodgers Arizona League John Shoemaker 37 19 1st place Lost in playoffs Rookie DSL Dodgers 1 Dominican Summer League Keyter Collado 47 24 1st place Lost in championship game Rookie DSL Dodgers 2 Dominican Summer League Austin Chubb 44 28 1st place League champions Minor League statistical leaders ( edit ) Batting ( edit ) Average : Romer Cuadrado - Ogden - . 335 Home runs : Ibandel Isabel - Rancho Cucamonga - 28 RBI : Edwin Rios - Oklahoma City - 91 OBP : Romer Cuadrado - Ogden - . 413 SLG : Willie Calhoun - Oklahoma City - . 574 Pitching ( edit ) ERA : Miguel Urena - Ogden - 2.71 Wins : Justin Masterson - Oklahoma City - 11 Strikeouts : Wilmer Font - Oklahoma City - 178 Saves : Corey Copping - Tulsa - 18 WHIP : Jesus Vargas - AZL - 1.07 Mid-Season All - Stars ( edit ) All - Star Futures Game Pitcher Yadier Álvarez ( World team ) Outfielder Alex Verdugo ( World team ) Pacific Coast League All - Stars Pitcher Wilmer Font Pitcher Madison Younginer Second Baseman Willie Calhoun Outfielder Alex Verdugo Texas League All - Stars Pitcher Scott Barlow Pitcher Walker Buehler Pitcher Corey Copping Catcher Paul Hoenecke First Baseman Michael Ahmed ( starter ) First Baseman Matt Beaty Shortstop Tim Locastro Third Basmean Edwin Ríos ( starter ) Outfielder Kyle Garlick California League All - Stars Pitcher Caleb Ferguson Pitcher Dennis Santana Catcher Will Smith ( starter ) First Baseman Ibandel Isabel Outfielder D.J. Peters Outfielder Luke Raley ( starter ) Midwest League All - Stars Pitcher Dustin May Catcher Keibert Ruiz Infielder Brendon Davis Pioneer League All - Stars Pitcher James Carter Catcher Hendrik Clementina Infielder Nick Yarnall Outfielder Starling Heredia Outfielder Luis Paz Dominican Summer League All - Stars Pitcher Antonio Hernandez Pitcher Juan Morillo Catcher Marco Hernandez Post-Season All - Stars ( edit ) Pacific Coast League All - Stars Pitcher Wilmer Font ( PCL Pitcher of the Year ) Texas League All - Stars Pitcher Scott Barlow Infielder Matt Beaty ( Texas League Player of the Year ) California League All - Stars Pitcher Caleb Ferguson First Baseman Ibandel Isabel Outfielder D.J. Peters ( California League MVP ) Pioneer League All - Stars Catcher Luis Paz Notes ( edit ) Walker Buehler and Keibert Ruiz were named the Dodgers minor league pitcher and player of the year . The Rancho Cucamonga Quakes clinched a playoff spot with an 11 -- 3 win over the Lake Elsinore Storm on September 1 . The Quakes lost to the Lancaster Jethawks in three games in the first round of the playoffs . The Tulsa Drillers clinched the Texas League North Division second half title and a spot in the playoffs with a walk - off , 6 -- 5 , win over the Springfield Cardinals on September 2 . The advanced to the league championship series with a three games to two series victory over the Northwest Arkansas Naturals in the semi-finals . The Drillers lost in five games to the Midland RockHounds in the championship series . The two Dodgers affiliates in the Dominican Summer League played each other in the league championship game , with the DSL Dodgers 2 defeating the DSL Dodgers 1 by a score of 6 -- 4 to win the Dodgers first DSL championship since 2000 . The Arizona League Dodgers won their division and made the playoffs but lost in the semi-finals to the Arizona League Cubs . The Ogden Raptors clinched a spot in the Pioneer League playoffs with a 11 -- 7 win over the Grand Junction Rockies on September 6 and then swept the best of three first round playoff series against the Orem Owlz to advance to the league championship series for the first time since 1969 . The Raptors defeated the Great Falls Voyagers in three games to win their first championship since joining the Pioneer League . Major League Baseball Draft ( edit ) Main article : 2017 Major League Baseball Draft Jeren Kendall The Dodgers selected 40 players in this draft . In the first round , they selected outfielder Jeren Kendall from Vanderbilt University . show 2017 Draft Picks Round Name Position School Signed Career span Highest level Jeren Kendall OF Vanderbilt University Yes 2017 -- present A+ Morgan Cooper RHP University of Texas Yes Connor Wong University of Houston Yes 2017 -- present A+ James Marinan RHP Park Vista Community High School Yes 2017 -- present Rookie 5 Riley Ottesen RHP University of Utah Yes 2017 -- present Rookie 6 Wills Montgomerie RHP University of Connecticut Yes 2017 -- present 7 Zachery Pop RHP University of Kentucky Yes 2017 -- present 8 Rylan Bannon 3B Xavier University Yes 2017 -- present A+ 9 Connor Strain RHP University of Evansville Yes 2018 -- present 10 Zach Reks OF University of Kentucky Yes 2017 -- present AA 11 Jacob Amaya SS South Hills High School Yes 2017 -- present Rookie 12 Andre Jackson RHP University of Utah Yes 2018 -- present 13 Marshall Kasowski RHP West Texas A&M University Yes 2017 -- present A+ 14 Josh McLain CF North Carolina State University No Dodgers -- 2018 15 Marcus Chiu 2B Marin Community College Yes 2017 -- present 16 Evy Ruibal RHP Notre Dame Yes 2017 -- present A+ 17 Nathan Witt RHP Michigan State University Yes 2017 -- present Rookie 18 Max Gamboa RHP Pepperdine University Yes 2017 -- preseet 19 Zach Willeman RHP Kent State University Yes 20 Donovan Casey OF Boston College Yes 2017 -- present A+ 21 Joshua Rivera SS Carlos Beltran Academy No 22 Justin Hoyt LHP Jacksonville State University Yes 2017 -- present AA 23 Connor Heady SS University of Kentucky Yes 2017 -- present Rookie 24 Preston Grand Pre SS University of California Yes 2017 -- present Rookie 25 Mark Washington RHP Lehigh University Yes 2017 -- present Rookie 26 Devin Hemmerich LHP Norfolk State University Yes 2017 -- present 27 Jeremy Arocho SS Old Mill Senior High School Yes 2017 -- present Rookie 28 Justin Lewis LHP Cornell University Yes 2017 -- present Rookie 29 Deacon Liput 2B University of Florida No Dodgers -- 2018 30 Chris Roller CF McLennan Community College Yes 2017 -- present Rookie 31 Hunter Mercado - Hood OF University of San Diego No 32 Tyler Adkison OF San Diego State University Yes 2017 -- present 33 Brett De Geus RHP Cabrillo College Yes 34 Dan Jagiello RHP LIU Post Yes 2017 -- present 35 Corey Nealy RHP Washington State University Yes 2017 -- present 36 Riley Richert RHP Howard College Yes 2017 -- present Rookie 37 Corey Merrill RHP Tulane University Yes 38 Preston White OF Birmingham -- Southern College No 39 Logan White Mountain Pointe High School No 40 Clayton Andrews LHP Cabrillo College No References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Stephen , Eric ( November 3 , 2016 ) . `` Justin Turner , Kenley Jansen headline 9 Dodgers free agents '' . 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External links ( edit ) 2017 Los Angeles Dodgers season at ESPN 2017 Los Angeles Dodgers season at Baseball Reference Los Angeles Dodgers Official Site <Th_colspan="2"> National League champions <Td_colspan="2"> 1876 : Chicago White Stockings 1877 : Boston Red Caps 1878 : Boston Red Caps 1879 : Providence Grays 1880 : Chicago White Stockings 1881 : Chicago White Stockings 1882 : Chicago White Stockings 1883 : Boston Beaneaters 1884 : Providence Grays 1885 : Chicago White Stockings 1886 : Chicago White Stockings 1887 : Detroit Wolverines 1888 : New York Giants 1889 : New York Giants 1890 : Brooklyn Bridegrooms 1891 : Boston Beaneaters 1892 : Boston Beaneaters 1893 : Boston Beaneaters 1894 : Baltimore Orioles 1895 : Baltimore Orioles 1896 : Baltimore Orioles 1897 : Boston Beaneaters 1898 : Boston Beaneaters 1899 : Brooklyn Superbas 1900 : Brooklyn Superbas 1901 : Pittsburgh Pirates 1902 : Pittsburgh Pirates 1903 : Pittsburgh Pirates 1904 : New York Giants 1905 : New York Giants 1906 : 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Angeles Dodgers 1989 : San Francisco Giants 1990 : Cincinnati Reds 1991 : Atlanta Braves 1992 : Atlanta Braves 1993 : Philadelphia Phillies 1994 : No champion 1995 : Atlanta Braves 1996 : Atlanta Braves 1997 : Florida Marlins 1998 : San Diego Padres 1999 : Atlanta Braves 2000 : New York Mets 2001 : Arizona Diamondbacks 2002 : San Francisco Giants 2003 : Florida Marlins 2004 : St. Louis Cardinals 2005 : Houston Astros 2006 : St. Louis Cardinals 2007 : Colorado Rockies 2008 : Philadelphia Phillies 2009 : Philadelphia Phillies 2010 : San Francisco Giants 2011 : St. Louis Cardinals 2012 : San Francisco Giants 2013 : St. Louis Cardinals 2014 : San Francisco Giants 2015 : New York Mets 2016 : Chicago Cubs 2017 : Los Angeles Dodgers <Th_colspan="2"> National League West champions <Td_colspan="2"> 1969 : Atlanta Braves 1970 : Cincinnati Reds 1971 : San Francisco Giants 1972 : Cincinnati Reds 1973 : Cincinnati Reds 1974 : Los Angeles Dodgers 1975 : Cincinnati Reds 1976 : Cincinnati Reds 1977 : 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2016 : Los Angeles Dodgers 2017 : Los Angeles Dodgers <Th_colspan="2"> 2017 Major League Baseball postseason <Td_colspan="2"> Part of the 2017 Major League Baseball season <Td_colspan="2"> World Series <Td_colspan="2"> American League Championship Series National League Championship Series <Td_colspan="2"> American League Division Series National League Division Series <Td_colspan="2"> American League Wild Card Game National League Wild Card Game American League teams Boston Red Sox Cleveland Indians Houston Astros Minnesota Twins New York Yankees National League teams Arizona Diamondbacks Chicago Cubs Colorado Rockies Los Angeles Dodgers Washington Nationals <Th_colspan="2"> 2017 MLB season by team <Td_colspan="2"> AL East Baltimore Boston NY Yankees Tampa Bay Toronto AL Central Chi White Sox Cleveland Detroit Kansas City Minnesota AL West Houston LA Angels Oakland Seattle Texas NL East Atlanta Miami NY Mets Philadelphia Washington NL Central Chi Cubs Cincinnati Milwaukee Pittsburgh 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1. 2017 Los Angeles Dodgers season 2. National League Champions 3. National League West Champions 4. World Series 5. Roster departures and trades
who did the judges save on the voice
The Voice ( Us season 14 ) - wikipedia The Voice ( Us season 14 ) <Th_colspan="2"> The Voice <Th_colspan="2"> Season 14 Broadcast from February 26 -- May 22 , 2018 Coaches Adam Levine Alicia Keys Kelly Clarkson Blake Shelton Host ( s ) Carson Daly Broadcaster NBC <Th_colspan="2"> Winner <Td_colspan="2"> Brynn Cartelli Origin Longmeadow , Massachusetts Song `` Walk My Way '' Genre ( s ) Pop , soul Coach Kelly Clarkson <Th_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Runner - up <Td_colspan="2"> Britton Buchanan <Th_colspan="2"> Chronology <Td_colspan="2"> ◀ Early 2018 ▶ The fourteenth season of the American reality talent show The Voice premiered on February 26 , 2018 , on NBC . New coach Kelly Clarkson and returning coach Alicia Keys replaced Miley Cyrus and Jennifer Hudson . An ad for this season was released on YouTube for the Super Bowl 52 on February 4 , 2018 . On May 22 , 2018 , Brynn Cartelli was crowned the winner of The Voice . With her win , the fifteen - year - old became the youngest winner in the show 's history . Sawyer Fredericks at sixteen was the youngest until Cartelli won . With her victory , Kelly Clarkson became the first new coach to win on her first season , and overall , the third female winning coach , behind Alicia Keys and Christina Aguilera . Additionally , runner - up Britton Buchanan became the highest - placing artist who advanced via an Instant Save , following Joshua Davis of season eight and Chris Jamison of season seven , who both placed third . Contents ( hide ) 1 Coaches and hosts 2 Teams 3 Blind auditions 3.1 Episode 1 ( Feb. 26 ) 3.2 Episode 2 ( Feb. 27 ) 3.3 Episode 3 ( March 5 ) 3.4 Episode 4 ( March 6 ) 3.5 Episode 5 ( March 12 ) 3.6 Episode 6 ( March 13 ) 3.6. 1 Notes 4 The Battles 5 The Knockouts 6 Live Shows 6.1 Week 1 : Live Playoffs ( April 16 , 17 , and 18 ) 6.1. 1 Round 1 6.1. 2 Round 2 6.2 Week 2 : Top 12 ( April 23 & 24 ) 6.3 Week 3 : Top 11 ( April 30 & May 1 ) 6.4 Week 4 : Top 10 ( May 7 & 8 ) 6.5 Week 5 : Semifinals ( May 14 & 15 ) 6.6 Week 6 : Finale ( May 21 & 22 ) 7 Elimination chart 7.1 Overall 7.2 Teams 8 Reception 8.1 U.S. Nielsen ratings 9 Artists who appeared on other shows or previous seasons 10 References 11 External links Coaches and hosts ( edit ) The Voice season 14 coaches Adam Levine Alicia Keys Kelly Clarkson Blake Shelton The coaching lineup changed once again for the fourteenth season . Adam Levine and Blake Shelton returned as coaches , making them the only members of the coaching panel to be part of all fourteen seasons . Miley Cyrus and Jennifer Hudson were replaced by returning coach Alicia Keys , who returned after a one season absence and was participating in her third season , and Kelly Clarkson , who served as an advisor for Team Blake during the Battle rounds in the second season and key advisor for all the teams during the Knockout Rounds in the thirteenth season . Carson Daly returned for his fourteenth season as host This season a new feature , the Block , was added during the Blind Auditions . This allows the coaches to block one coach from getting an artist the coach turned around for . Also , Season 14 introduced a Save button that allows a coach to save an artist they just eliminated during the Knockouts Round . However , if another coach also presses his or her Steal button , the contestant can then decide whether they want to go to a new team or return to their former coach . This season 's advisors for the Battle Rounds weree Julia Michaels for Team Adam , Shawn Mendes for Team Alicia , Hailee Steinfeld for Team Kelly , and Trace Adkins for Team Blake . Teams ( edit ) Color key Winner Runner - up Third place Fourth place Eliminated in Live Shows Eliminated in the Live Playoffs Stolen in the Knockout rounds Eliminated in The Knockouts Stolen in the Battle rounds Eliminated in the Battle rounds Withdrew Coaches <Th_colspan="6"> Top 48 artists Adam Levine <Td_colspan="6"> Rayshun LaMarr Jackie Verna Sharane Calister Mia Boostrom Drew Cole Reid Umstattd Gary Edwards Jackie Foster Jordyn Simone Miya Bass Tish Haynes Keys Angel Bonilla Stephanie Skipper Genesis Diaz Davison <Td_colspan="3"> Alicia Keys <Td_colspan="6"> Britton Buchanan Jackie Foster Christiana Danielle Johnny Bliss Terrence Cunningham Kelsea Johnson Sharane Calister Dallas Caroline Miya Bass Jaclyn Lovey Jordyn Simone Livia Faith Megan Lee Shana Halligan Jamai <Td_colspan="3"> Kelly Clarkson <Td_colspan="6"> Brynn Cartelli Kaleb Lee D.R. King Alexa Cappelli Dylan Hartigan Tish Haynes Keys Jorge Eduardo Jamella Justin Kilgore Jackie Foster Dylan Hartigan Molly Stevens Teana Boston Amber Sauer Hannah Goebel <Td_colspan="3"> Blake Shelton <Td_colspan="6"> Kyla Jade Spensha Baker Pryor Baird Gary Edwards Austin Giorgio WILKES Dylan Hartigan Jaron Strom Jaclyn Lovey Dallas Caroline Kaleb Lee Brett Hunter Jordan Kirkdorffer Bransen Ireland JessLee <Td_colspan="3"> <Th_colspan="7"> Note : Italicized names are stolen artists ( names struck through within former teams ) . Underlined names are artists who were saved by their coach in the Knockouts and advanced to the Live Playoffs . Blind auditions ( edit ) A new feature within the Blind Auditions this season is the Block , which each coach can use once to prevent one of the other coaches from getting a contestant . Color key ✔ Coach pressed `` I WANT YOU '' button Artist defaulted to a coach 's team Artist picked a coach 's team Artist eliminated with no coach pressing their button ✘ Coach pressed the `` I WANT YOU '' button , but was `` blocked '' by another coach from getting the artist Episode 1 ( Feb. 26 ) ( edit ) Order Artist Age Hometown Song <Th_colspan="4"> Coach 's and artist 's choices Adam Alicia Kelly Blake Britton Buchanan 17 Sanford , North Carolina `` Trouble '' ✘ ✔ -- ✔ Brynn Cartelli 14 Longmeadow , Massachusetts `` Beneath Your Beautiful '' -- -- ✔ ✔ Rayshun LaMarr 33 Fort Washington , Maryland `` Do n't Stop Believin ' '' ✔ ✔ -- -- Kyla Jade 33 Nashville , Tennessee `` See Saw '' -- -- ✔ ✔ 5 Blaise Raccuglia 25 Austin , Texas `` Wanted '' -- -- -- -- 6 Kelsea Johnson 21 Newark , Delaware `` Like I 'm Gonna Lose You '' ✔ ✔ ✔ -- 7 Drew Cole 25 Los Angeles , California `` Sex and Candy '' ✔ -- -- ✔ 8 D.R. King 34 Strongsville , Ohio `` Believer '' -- -- ✔ ✔ 9 Kaleb Lee 31 Ormond Beach , Florida `` Never Wanted Nothing More '' -- -- ✔ ✔ 10 Makenzie Thomas 19 Wallingford , Kentucky `` Redbone '' -- -- -- -- 11 Justin Kilgore 30 Buffalo , Texas `` Tomorrow '' ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ Episode 2 ( Feb. 27 ) ( edit ) Order Artist Age Hometown Song <Th_colspan="4"> Coach 's and artist 's choices Adam Alicia Kelly Blake Davison 23 Little Rock , Arkansas `` To Love Somebody '' ✔ -- -- ✔ Jaclyn Lovey 16 Placerville , California `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' -- ✔ -- ✔ Brittney Spencer 26 North Ridgeville , Ohio `` Road Less Traveled '' -- -- -- -- Karianne Jean 18 Palmdale , California `` Blue Ai n't Your Color '' -- -- -- -- 5 WILDEE 23 Westerly , Rhode Island `` Legends '' -- -- -- -- 6 Molly Stevens 34 Raleigh , North Carolina `` Heavenly Day '' -- -- ✔ ✔ 7 Dylan Hartigan 21 Wyckoff , New Jersey `` Danny 's Song '' -- -- ✔ -- 8 Pryor Baird 35 Orcutt , California `` I Do n't Need No Doctor '' ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Episode 3 ( March 5 ) ( edit ) Order Artist Age Hometown Song <Th_colspan="4"> Coach 's and artist 's choices Adam Alicia Kelly Blake Christiana Danielle 22 Fort Wayne , Indiana `` Hotline Bling '' ✔ ✔ ✔ -- Brett Hunter 33 Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania `` She 's a Bad Mama Jama '' -- -- -- ✔ Jamai 29 Chester , Pennsylvania `` U Got It Bad '' -- ✔ ✔ -- Mitch Cardoza 22 Dartmouth , Massachusetts `` No Woman , No Cry '' -- -- -- -- 5 Mia Boostrom 24 Boston , Massachusetts `` Pillowtalk '' ✔ -- -- -- 6 Jackie Foster 21 Boston , Massachusetts `` What About Us '' -- ✔ ✔ -- 7 Kayla Woodson 23 Nashville , Tennessee `` Turn On the Radio '' -- -- -- -- 8 Reid Umstattd 34 Austin , Texas `` Take Me to the Pilot '' ✔ ✔ -- -- 9 Jorge Eduardo 19 Guadalajara , Mexico / Dallas , Texas `` Despacito '' -- -- ✔ -- 10 Jamella 21 Mission Viejo , California `` Dive '' -- -- ✔ ✔ 11 Angel Bonilla 31 Quezon City , Philippines / New York City , New York `` Lay Me Down '' ✔ -- -- -- 12 Austin Giorgio 21 Rochester , New York `` How Sweet It Is ( To Be Loved by You ) '' -- -- ✔ ✔ 13 Johnny Bliss 26 Puerto Rico / New York City , New York `` Preciosa '' ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ Episode 4 ( March 6 ) ( edit ) Order Artist Age Hometown Song <Th_colspan="4"> Coach 's and artist 's choices Adam Alicia Kelly Blake Spensha Baker 24 San Antonio , Texas `` Blackbird '' -- -- ✔ ✔ Alexa Cappelli 18 Upland , California `` I 've Got the Music in Me '' ✔ - ✔ - Adrian Brannan 25 Elko , Nevada `` Two More Bottles of Wine '' -- -- -- -- WILKES 33 Waleska , Georgia `` One Headlight '' ✔ -- -- ✔ 5 . JessLee 26 Loxahatchee , Florida `` I 'm With You '' -- -- ✔ ✔ 6 Jordyn Simone 17 Los Angeles , California `` Tennessee Whiskey '' -- ✔ -- -- 7 Megan Lee 22 Los Angeles , California `` Killing Me Softly with His Song '' -- ✔ -- -- 8 Jaron Strom 29 Shelby , North Carolina `` This Magic Moment '' -- -- -- ✔ 9 Terrence Cunningham 36 Washington , D.C. `` My Girl '' ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Episode 5 ( March 12 ) ( edit ) Order Artist Age Hometown Song <Th_colspan="4"> Coach 's and artist 's choices Adam Alicia Kelly Blake Stephanie Skipper 33 Nashville , Tennessee `` Piece by Piece '' ✔ -- -- ✔ Tish Haynes Keys 37 St. Louis , Missouri `` Chain of Fools '' ✔ -- ✔ -- Bransen Ireland 27 Tulsa , Oklahoma `` Tulsa Time '' ✔ -- -- ✔ Teddy Chipouras 35 Lovettsville , Virginia `` Ophelia '' -- -- -- -- 5 Arlo Montenegro 24 Brooklyn , New York `` Attention '' -- -- -- -- 6 Daniel Garcia 19 Westfield , New Jersey `` Perfect '' -- -- -- -- 7 Teana Boston 16 Stockton , California `` Unfaithful '' -- -- ✔ -- 8 Miya Bass 25 Queens , New York `` Issues '' ✔ -- -- -- 9 Livia Faith 17 Stanton , Kentucky `` Dream a Little Dream of Me '' -- ✔ ✔ ✔ 10 Jordan Kirkdorffer 28 New Paris , Indiana `` In Case You Did n't Know '' ✔ -- -- ✔ 11 Shana Halligan 44 Los Angeles , California `` Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) '' -- ✔ -- -- 12 Gary Edwards 26 Dallas , Texas `` What 's Going On '' ✔ -- -- ✔ 13 Mercedes Ferreira - Dias 16 Miami , Florida `` All I Ask '' -- -- -- -- 14 Hannah Goebel 21 Nashville , Tennessee `` If I Ai n't Got You '' ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ Episode 6 ( March 13 ) ( edit ) Order Artist Age Hometown Song <Th_colspan="4"> Coach 's and artist 's choices Adam Alicia Kelly Blake Genesis Diaz 18 Miami , Florida `` Praying '' ✔ -- -- ✔ Sharane Calister 24 Des Moines , Iowa `` Make It Rain '' -- ✔ ✔ -- Dallas Caroline 17 Santa Rosa , California `` Always on My Mind '' ✔ Team full ✔ ✔ Allen Pride Bowser 28 Chicago , Illinois `` What You Wo n't Do for Love '' -- -- Team full 5 Jackie Verna 22 West Chester , Pennsylvania `` Peter Pan '' ✔ -- 6 Amber Sauer 35 Paradise , California `` Shape of You '' Team full ✔ Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Blocked by Blake . Jump up ^ Blocked by Alicia . Jump up ^ Blocked by Adam . Jump up ^ Blocked by Kelly . The battles ( edit ) The Battle Rounds started on March 19 . Season fourteen 's advisors include : Julia Michaels for Team Adam , Shawn Mendes for Team Alicia , Hailee Steinfeld for Team Kelly , and Trace Adkins for Team Blake . The coaches can steal two losing artists from other coaches . Contestants who win their battle or are stolen by another coach will advance to the Knockout rounds . Color key : Artist won the Battle and advanced to the Knockouts Artist lost the Battle but was stolen by another coach and advanced to the Knockouts Artist lost the Battle and was eliminated Artist voluntarily left the competition Episode Coach Order Winner Song Loser <Th_colspan="4"> ' Steal ' result Adam Alicia Kelly Blake <Td_colspan="10"> Episode 7 ( Monday , March 19 , 2018 ) Alicia Keys Sharane Calister `` Mercy '' Jamai -- N / A -- -- Kelly Clarkson Brynn Cartelli `` ... Ready for It ? '' Dylan Hartigan -- -- N / A ✔ Blake Shelton Kyla Jade `` One Last Time '' JessLee -- -- -- N / A Adam Levine Rayshun LaMarr `` Sweet Thing '' Tish Haynes Keys N / A -- ✔ -- Alicia Keys 5 Christiana Danielle `` Use Somebody '' Shana Halligan -- N / A -- -- Kelly Clarkson 6 D.R. King `` Sign of the Times '' Jackie Foster ✔ ✔ N / A ✔ <Td_colspan="10"> Episode 8 ( Tuesday , March 20 , 2018 ) Kelly Clarkson Jorge Eduardo `` Starving '' Amber Sauer -- -- N / A -- Adam Levine Reid Umstattd `` Love on the Brain '' Davison N / A -- -- -- Blake Shelton Jaron Strom `` Head Over Boots '' Bransen Ireland -- -- -- N / A Alicia Keys Johnny Bliss `` Versace on the Floor '' Megan Lee -- N / A -- -- Kelly Clarkson 5 Jamella `` Will You Love Me Tomorrow '' Teana Boston -- -- N / A -- Alicia Keys 6 Kelsea Johnson `` Do n't Let Go ( Love ) '' Jordyn Simone ✔ N / A ✔ -- <Td_colspan="10"> Episode 9 ( Monday , March 26 , 2018 ) Blake Shelton Pryor Baird `` Do n't Do Me Like That '' Kaleb Lee Team full -- ✔ N / A Adam Levine Mia Boostrom `` Because of You '' Genesis Diaz -- Team full -- Kelly Clarkson Justin Kilgore `` Burning House '' Molly Stevens -- -- Adam Levine Drew Cole `` Knockin ' on Heaven 's Door '' Miya Bass ✔ -- Blake Shelton 5 WILKES `` Nobody to Blame '' Jordan Kirkdorffer -- N / A Alicia Keys 6 Britton Buchanan `` Thinking Out Loud '' Jaclyn Lovey N / A ✔ <Td_colspan="10"> Episode 10 ( Tuesday , March 27 , 2018 ) Adam Levine Jackie Verna `` These Dreams '' Stephanie Skipper Team full -- Team full Team full Gary Edwards `` When You Believe '' Angel Bonilla -- Alicia Keys Terrence Cunningham `` Stars '' Livia Faith N / A Blake Shelton Austin Giorgio `` Me and Mrs. Jones '' Brett Hunter -- Kelly Clarkson 5 Alexa Cappelli `` Pray '' Hannah Goebel -- Blake Shelton 6 Spensha Baker `` I Could Use a Love Song '' Dallas Caroline ✔ <Td_colspan="10"> Episode 11 ( Wednesday , March 28 , 2018 ) <Td_colspan="9"> The eleventh episode was a special episode titled `` The Best of the Blinds and Battles '' . It featured some of the best moments from the blind auditions , battles , and other unseen content . ^ Alexa Cappelli was paired with Hannah Goebel for the battles , but due to personal reasons , Goebel withdrew . Therefore , Cappelli performed alone and moved on by default . The Knockouts ( edit ) The Knockouts round started on April 2 . The coaches can each steal one losing artist from another team and save one artist who lost their Knockout on their own team . The top 24 contestants then moved on to the Live Playoffs . For the first time in Voice history , past winners of the show returned as Key Advisors -- Jordan Smith for Team Adam , Chris Blue for Team Alicia , Cassadee Pope for Team Kelly , and Chloe Kohanski for Team Blake . Color key : Artist won the Knockout and advanced to the Live Playoffs Artist lost the Knockout but was stolen by another coach and advanced to the Live Playoffs Artist lost the Knockout but was saved by their coach and advanced to the Live Playoffs Artist lost the Knockout and was Eliminated Episodes Coach Order Song <Th_colspan="2"> Artists Song <Th_colspan="4"> ' Steal ' / ' Save ' result Winner Loser Adam Alicia Kelly Blake <Td_colspan="11"> Episode 12 ( Monday , April 2 , 2018 ) Blake Shelton `` You Do n't Own Me '' Kyla Jade Jaclyn Lovey `` Put Your Records On '' -- -- -- -- Kelly Clarkson `` Free '' Kaleb Lee Justin Kilgore `` Shameless '' -- -- -- -- Adam Levine `` Wade in the Water '' Mia Boostrom Jackie Foster `` Bring Me to Life '' ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Blake Shelton `` Broken Halos '' Spensha Baker Austin Giorgio `` Almost Like Being in Love '' -- Steal Used -- ✔ Alicia Keys 5 `` Alive '' Johnny Bliss Miya Bass `` Castle on the Hill '' -- -- -- -- Adam Levine 6 `` American Honey '' Jackie Verna Drew Cole `` Slow Hands '' ✔ Steal Used -- ✔ <Td_colspan="11"> Episode 13 ( Tuesday , April 3 , 2018 ) Kelly Clarkson `` Here Comes Goodbye '' Brynn Cartelli Jamella `` Girl Crush '' -- Steal Used -- -- Blake Shelton `` Will It Go Round in Circles '' Pryor Baird Jaron Strom `` Grenade '' -- -- Save Used Alicia Keys `` Tell Me Something Good '' Terrence Cunningham Christiana Danielle `` Elastic Heart '' ✔ ✔ ✔ -- <Td_colspan="11"> Episode 14 ( Monday , April 9 , 2018 ) Alicia Keys `` New York State of Mind '' Britton Buchanan Dallas Caroline `` Bless the Broken Road '' -- Team full -- -- Kelly Clarkson `` ( I Know ) I 'm Losing You '' D.R. King Tish Haynes Keys `` Lady Marmalade '' ✔ ✔ -- Blake Shelton `` The Climb '' WILKES Dylan Hartigan `` You Are the Best Thing '' -- ✔ Save Used Adam Levine `` Fallin ' '' Rayshun LaMarr Gary Edwards `` Many Rivers to Cross '' Save Used Team Full ✔ Kelly Clarkson 5 `` Goodbye Yellow Brick Road '' Alexa Cappelli Jorge Eduardo `` Adorn '' -- Team Full Adam Levine 6 `` Let Him Fly '' Reid Umstattd Jordyn Simone `` Tell Me You Love Me '' Save Used Alicia Keys 7 `` Rise Up '' Kelsea Johnson Sharane Calister `` All I Could Do Was Cry '' ✔ <Td_colspan="11"> Episode 15 ( Tuesday , April 10 , 2018 ) <Td_colspan="10"> The fifteenth episode was a special episode titled `` The Road to the Live Shows . '' The episode showed the best moments of the season so far , including the blind auditions , the journey of the top 24 contestants , and some unseen footage . Live Shows ( edit ) Color key : Artist was saved by the Public 's votes Artist was placed in the bottom two , bottom three , or middle three or was saved by the coach Artist was saved by the Instant Save Artist 's iTunes vote multiplied by 5 ( except The Finals ) after his / her studio version of the song reached iTunes top 10 Artist was eliminated Week 1 : Live Playoffs ( April 16 , 17 , and 18 ) ( edit ) For the first time , the Live Playoffs were split into two rounds and introduced immunity to the highest vote - getters to advance to the Top 12 in Round 1 . Round 1 ( edit ) During the first round of the Live Playoffs , all of the Top 24 performed for the votes of the public . The artist with the highest amount of votes on each team directly advanced to the Top 12 , receiving immunity from the Round 2 eliminations , and left the remaining five artists from each team to perform again in Round 2 . Color key : Artist received the highest number of votes on his / her team and directly advanced to the Top 12 Artist was not chosen by the public and was left to perform again in Round 2 Episode Coach Order Artist Song Result Episode 16 ( Monday , April 16 , 2018 ) Kelly Clarkson Alexa Cappelli `` It Hurt So Bad '' Not Chosen Kaleb Lee `` You Do n't Even Know Who I Am '' Not Chosen Tish Haynes Keys `` Nothing Left For You '' Not Chosen Brynn Cartelli `` Unstoppable '' Public 's vote 5 Dylan Hartigan `` Come Pick Me Up '' Not Chosen 6 D.R. King `` Home '' Not Chosen Adam Levine 7 Drew Cole `` Man In the Mirror '' Not Chosen 8 Mia Boostrom `` Baby I Love You '' Not Chosen 9 Jackie Verna `` Tim McGraw '' Not Chosen 10 Rayshun LaMarr `` Overjoyed '' Not Chosen 11 Sharane Calister `` Never Enough '' Public 's vote 12 Reid Umstattd `` I Still Have n't Found What I 'm Looking For '' Not Chosen Blake Shelton 13 Austin Giorgio `` Ai n't That a Kick in the Head '' Not Chosen 14 Pryor Baird `` I Was Wrong '' Not Chosen 15 Kyla Jade `` How Great Thou Art '' Public 's vote 16 Gary Edwards `` Finesse '' Not Chosen 17 Spensha Baker `` I Still Believe in You '' Not Chosen 18 WILKES `` Brother '' Not Chosen Alicia Keys 19 Johnny Bliss `` América América '' Not Chosen 20 Kelsea Johnson `` You Know I 'm No Good '' Not Chosen 21 Terrence Cunningham `` How Come U Do n't Call Me Anymore '' Not Chosen 22 Jackie Foster `` Never Tear Us Apart '' Not Chosen 23 Christiana Danielle `` Hey Ya ! '' Not Chosen 24 Britton Buchanan `` Some Kind of Wonderful '' Public 's vote Round 2 ( edit ) On Nights 2 and 3 , the twenty remaining artists performed a second time for the votes of the public ( this vote was separate from the Round 1 vote ) . The highest vote - getter and a coach 's choice from each team joined the other four artists from Round 1 in the Top 12 . Color key : Artist received the Public 's vote and advanced to the Top 12 Artist was selected by their coach to advance to the Top 12 Artist was eliminated Episode Coach Order Artist Song Result Episode 17 ( Tuesday , April 17 , 2018 ) Blake Shelton Spensha Baker `` Smoke Break '' Blake 's choice WILKES `` Do n't Speak '' Eliminated Pryor Baird `` 9 to 5 '' Public 's vote Austin Giorgio `` Love Yourself '' Eliminated 5 Gary Edwards `` America the Beautiful '' Eliminated Alicia Keys 6 Terrence Cunningham `` Ai n't Nobody '' Eliminated 7 Christiana Danielle `` Take Me To Church '' Alicia 's choice 8 Jackie Foster `` Alone '' Public 's vote 9 Kelsea Johnson `` Need U Bad '' Eliminated 10 Johnny Bliss `` One and Only '' Eliminated <Td_colspan="6"> Episode 18 ( Wednesday , April 18 , 2018 ) Kelly Clarkson Kaleb Lee `` Die a Happy Man '' Public 's vote Alexa Cappelli `` Stop And Stare '' Eliminated D.R. King `` All on My Mind '' Kelly 's choice Dylan Hartigan `` Mary Jane 's Last Dance '' Eliminated 5 Tish Haynes Keys At Last '' Eliminated Adam Levine 6 Reid Umstattd `` Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress '' Eliminated 7 Jackie Verna `` Once '' Adam 's choice 8 Drew Cole `` Wild Horses '' Eliminated 9 Mia Boostrom `` Either Way '' Eliminated 10 Rayshun LaMarr `` I 'm Goin ' Down '' Public 's vote Week 2 : Top 12 ( April 23 & 24 ) ( edit ) This week 's theme was `` Story Behind The Song '' . The two artists with the fewest votes competed for an Instant Save , with one or two leaving the competition each week until the semifinals . None of the artists reached the top 10 on iTunes , so no bonuses were awarded . Episode Coach Order Artist Song Result Episode 19 ( Monday , April 23 , 2018 ) Adam Levine Rayshun LaMarr `` When Love Takes Over '' Bottom two Kelly Clarkson Kaleb Lee `` Amazed '' Public 's vote Alicia Keys Jackie Foster `` Toxic '' Public 's vote Blake Shelton Spensha Baker `` Down on My Knees '' Public 's vote Alicia Keys 5 Christiana Danielle `` Say Something '' Public 's vote Kelly Clarkson 6 D.R. King `` White Flag '' Bottom two Adam Levine 7 Sharane Calister `` In My Blood '' Public 's vote Blake Shelton 8 Pryor Baird `` Pickin ' Wildflowers '' Public 's vote Kelly Clarkson 9 Brynn Cartelli `` Up to the Mountain '' Public 's vote Adam Levine 10 Jackie Verna `` I 'm With You '' Public 's vote Alicia Keys 11 Britton Buchanan `` Small Town '' Public 's vote Blake Shelton 12 Kyla Jade `` One Night Only '' Public 's vote <Td_colspan="6"> <Th_colspan="6"> Instant Save Performances Episode 20 ( Tuesday , April 24 , 2018 ) Kelly Clarkson D.R. King `` Papa Was a Rollin ' Stone '' Eliminated Adam Levine Rayshun LaMarr `` I Ca n't Stand the Rain '' Instant Save Non-competition performances Order Performers Song 20.1 Kelly Clarkson and her team ( Brynn Cartelli , D.R. King , and Kaleb Lee ) `` Do n't Take the Money '' 20.2 Maroon 5 `` Wait '' 20.3 The cast of Rise `` Scars to Your Beautiful '' 20.4 Blake Shelton and his team ( Pryor Baird , Spensha Baker , and Kyla Jade ) `` I Thank You '' Week 3 : Top 11 ( April 30 & May 1 ) ( edit ) The theme for this week was `` Fan Night '' , meaning that the artists performed songs chosen by the fans . iTunes bonuses were awarded to Pryor Baird ( # 4 ) and Britton Buchanan ( # 6 ) . Episode Coach Order Artist Song Result Episode 21 ( Monday , April 30 , 2018 ) Blake Shelton Pryor Baird `` Night Moves '' Public 's vote Adam Levine Sharane Calister `` Hero '' Bottom two Kelly Clarkson Kaleb Lee `` T-R-O-U-B-L-E '' Public 's vote Alicia Keys Jackie Foster `` Love , Reign O'er Me '' Public 's vote Adam Levine 5 Jackie Verna `` Strawberry Wine '' Public 's vote Blake Shelton 6 Kyla Jade `` ( Sweet Sweet Baby ) Since You 've Been Gone '' Public 's vote Alicia Keys 7 Christiana Danielle `` Umbrella '' Bottom two Kelly Clarkson 8 Brynn Cartelli `` You and I '' Public 's vote Adam Levine 9 Rayshun LaMarr `` Try a Little Tenderness '' Public 's vote Alicia Keys 10 Britton Buchanan `` Perfect '' Public 's vote Blake Shelton 11 Spensha Baker `` Better Man '' Public 's vote <Td_colspan="6"> <Th_colspan="6"> Instant Save Performances Episode 22 ( Tuesday , May 1 , 2018 ) Adam Levine Sharane Calister `` If I Were a Boy '' Eliminated Alicia Keys Christiana Danielle `` A Thousand Years '' Instant Save Non-competition performances Order Performers Song 22.1 Janelle Monáe `` Make Me Feel '' 22.2 Adam Levine and his team ( Sharane Calister , Rayshun LaMarr and Jackie Verna ) `` The Scientist '' 22.3 Alicia Keys and her team ( Britton Buchanan , Christiana Danielle and Jackie Foster ) `` Gimme Shelter '' Week 4 : Top 10 ( May 7 & 8 ) ( edit ) The theme for this week was `` Overcoming Struggles '' . Different from previous weeks , the bottom three vote - getters competed in the Instant Save , with two artists being eliminated . iTunes bonuses were awarded to Kyla Jade ( # 5 ) , Brynn Cartelli ( # 8 ) , Britton Buchanan ( # 9 ) and Pryor Baird ( # 10 ) . Episode Coach Order Artist Song Result Episode 23 ( Monday , May 7 , 2018 ) Blake Shelton Kyla Jade `` This Is Me '' Public 's vote Kelly Clarkson Kaleb Lee `` Boondocks '' Public 's vote Adam Levine Jackie Verna `` Love Triangle '' Bottom three Rayshun LaMarr `` Grant Green '' Bottom three Blake Shelton 5 Spensha Baker `` Red '' Public 's Vote Alicia Keys 6 Jackie Foster `` Gravity '' Public 's vote 7 Britton Buchanan `` What 's Love Got to Do with It '' Public 's vote 8 Christiana Danielle Ai n't No Sunshine '' Bottom three Blake Shelton 9 Pryor Baird `` My Town '' Public 's vote Kelly Clarkson 10 Brynn Cartelli `` Fix You '' Public 's vote <Td_colspan="6"> <Th_colspan="6"> Instant Save Performances Episode 24 ( Tuesday , May 8 , 2018 ) Alicia Keys Christiana Danielle `` Unchain My Heart '' Eliminated Adam Levine Jackie Verna `` I Told You So '' Eliminated Rayshun LaMarr `` Let 's Get It On '' Instant Save Non-competition performances Order Performers Song 23.1 Kelly Clarkson `` I Do n't Think About You '' 24.1 Charlie Puth `` Done for Me '' 24.2 5 Seconds of Summer `` Youngblood '' Week 5 : semifinals ( May 14 & 15 ) ( edit ) The Top 8 performed on Monday , May 14 , 2018 , with the results following on Tuesday , May 15 , 2018 . In the semifinals , three artists automatically moved on to next week 's finale , the two artists with the least votes were immediately eliminated and the middle three contended for the remaining spot in next week 's finale via the Instant Save . iTunes bonuses were awarded to Kyla Jade ( # 2 ) , Britton Buchanan ( # 3 ) , Brynn Cartelli ( # 4 ) , Kaleb Lee ( # 5 ) , Pryor Baird ( # 7 ) and Spensha Baker ( # 10 ) . In addition to their individual songs , each artist performed a duet with another artist in the competition , though these duets were not available for purchase on iTunes . With the elimination of Rayshun LaMarr , Adam Levine no longer had any artists remaining on his team . This is the first time since the fourth season that he had lost his entire team prior to the finale . In addition , with the advancement of Brynn Cartelli to the finale , Kelly Clarkson became the third new coach to successfully get an artist on her team to the finale on her first attempt as a coach , the second being Alicia Keys , who coached Wé McDonald all the way to the finale of the eleventh season , and the first being Usher , who coached Michelle Chamuel all the way to the finale of the fourth season . This also marked the first time ever that two female coaches were represented in the finale . Episode Coach Order Artist Song Results Episode 25 ( Monday , May 14 , 2018 ) Kelly Clarkson Brynn Cartelli `` What the World Needs Now is Love '' Public 's vote Alicia Keys Jackie Foster `` Here I Go Again '' Eliminated Adam Levine Rayshun LaMarr `` Imagine '' Eliminated Blake Shelton Spensha Baker `` My Church '' Public 's vote 5 Kyla Jade `` Let It Be '' Public 's vote Kelly Clarkson 6 Kaleb Lee `` It Is Well with My Soul '' Middle Three Blake Shelton 7 Pryor Baird `` Change the World '' Middle Three Alicia Keys 8 Britton Buchanan `` The Rising '' Middle Three <Td_colspan="6"> <Th_colspan="6"> Instant Save Performances Episode 26 ( Tuesday , May 15 , 2018 ) Blake Shelton Pryor Baird `` Soulshine '' Eliminated Kelly Clarkson Kaleb Lee `` Simple Man '' Eliminated Alicia Keys Britton Buchanan `` Dancing on My Own '' Instant Save Duets Order Performers Song 25.2 Kaleb Lee and Pryor Baird `` Hillbilly Bone '' / `` Hillbilly Deluxe '' 25.4 Kyla Jade and Spensha Baker `` What 's Going On '' / `` Rise Up '' 25.8 Britton Buchanan and Brynn Cartelli `` FourFiveSeconds '' / `` You Ca n't Always Get What You Want '' 25.10 Jackie Foster and Rayshun LaMarr `` Believer '' / `` Radioactive '' Non-competition performances Order Performer Song 26.1 Kane Brown `` Heaven '' 26.2 Panic ! at the Disco `` Say Amen ( Saturday Night ) '' 26.3 Blake Shelton `` I Lived It '' Week 6 : finale ( May 21 & 22 ) ( edit ) The Final 4 performed on Monday , May 21 , 2018 , with the final results following on Tuesday , May 22 , 2018 . This week , the four finalists performed a solo cover song , a duet with their coach , and an original song . iTunes bonuses were awarded to Britton Buchanan ( # 1 and # 10 ) , Brynn Cartelli ( # 3 and # 6 ) , Spensha Baker ( # 4 ) and Kyla Jade ( # 9 ) . Buchanan 's `` Where You Come From '' and Cartelli 's `` Walk My Way '' are the only songs that charted # 1 on iTunes . This is the first time that an artist who won the Instant Save in the semifinals did not finish in the last two spots in the finals , with Britton Buchanan finishing 2nd . With Britton Buchanan and Brynn Cartelli making it to the Top 2 , this marked the first time in which the final results came down to two artists who have neither represented Blake Shelton nor Adam Levine . This is also the first time that the final results came down to two artists coached by two female coaches , with Buchanan representing Alicia Keys , and Cartelli representing Kelly Clarkson . Coach Artist Order Solo Song Order Duet Song ( with Coach ) Order Original Song Result Blake Shelton Kyla Jade `` With a Little Help from My Friends '' 9 `` Only Love '' 6 `` The Last Tear '' Third Place Alicia Keys Britton Buchanan 10 `` Good Lovin ' '' 5 `` Wake Me Up '' `` Where You Come From '' Runner up Kelly Clarkson Brynn Cartelli 12 `` Skyfall '' `` Do n't Dream It 's Over '' 8 `` Walk My Way '' Winner Blake Shelton Spensha Baker `` Merry Go ' Round '' 7 `` Tell Me About It '' 11 `` Old Soul '' Fourth Place Non-competition performances Order Performer Song 28.1 Britton Buchanan ( with WILKES , Jackie Foster , Christiana Danielle and Mia Boostrom ) `` In the Air Tonight '' 28.2 Dua Lipa `` IDGAF '' 28.3 Kane Brown and Spensha Baker `` What Ifs '' 28.4 James Bay and Alicia Keys `` Us '' 28.5 Chloe Kohanski `` Come This Far '' 28.6 Julia Michaels and Brynn Cartelli `` Issues '' / `` Jump '' 28.7 Kyla Jade ( with Johnny Bliss , Rayshun LaMarr and Sharane Calister ) `` Killer '' / `` Papa Was A Rolling Stone '' 28.8 Florence and The Machine `` Hunger '' 28.9 Ryan Adams and Britton Buchanan `` To Be Without You '' 28.10 Halsey and Big Sean `` Alone '' 28.11 Jason Aldean '' Drowns The Whiskey '' 28.12 Jennifer Hudson and Kyla Jade `` I Know Where I 've Been '' Elimination chart ( edit ) Overall ( edit ) Color key Artist 's info Team Adam Team Alicia Team Kelly Team Blake Result details Winner Runner - up Third place Fourth place Saved by Instant Save ( via Twitter ) Saved by the public Saved by their coach Artist did not receive immunity from the Round 2 eliminations Immune Eliminated Live Show Results per week <Th_colspan="2"> Artist <Th_colspan="2"> Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Finale Round 1 Round 2 <Th_colspan="11"> Brynn Cartelli Safe Immune Safe Safe Safe Safe Winner Britton Buchanan Safe Immune Safe Safe Safe Safe Runner - up Kyla Jade Safe Immune Safe Safe Safe Safe 3rd place Spensha Baker Not Chosen Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe 4th place Pryor Baird Not Chosen Safe Safe Safe Safe Eliminated <Td_colspan="2"> Eliminated ( Week 5 ) Kaleb Lee Not Chosen Safe Safe Safe Safe Eliminated Jackie Foster Not Chosen Safe Safe Safe Safe Eliminated Rayshun LaMarr Not Chosen Safe Safe Safe Safe Eliminated Christiana Danielle Not Chosen Safe Safe Safe Eliminated <Td_colspan="3"> Eliminated ( Week 4 ) Jackie Verna Not Chosen Safe Safe Safe Eliminated Sharane Calister Safe Immune Safe Eliminated <Td_colspan="3"> Eliminated ( Week 3 ) D.R. King Not Chosen Safe Eliminated <Td_colspan="4"> Eliminated ( Week 2 ) Johnny Bliss Not Chosen Eliminated <Td_colspan="6"> Eliminated ( Week 1 ) Mia Boostrom Not Chosen Eliminated Tish Haynes Keys Not Chosen Eliminated Drew Cole Not Chosen Eliminated Terrence Cunningham Not Chosen Eliminated Gary Edwards Not Chosen Eliminated Austin Giorgio Not Chosen Eliminated Dylan Hartigan Not Chosen Eliminated Kelsea Johnson Not Chosen Eliminated Alexa Cappelli Not Chosen Eliminated Reid Umstattd Not Chosen Eliminated WILKES Not Chosen Eliminated Teams ( edit ) Color key Artist 's info Team Adam Team Alicia Team Kelly Team Blake Result details Winner Runner - up Third place Fourth place Artist did not receive immunity for the Round 2 eliminations Immune Eliminated Saved by Instant Save ( via Twitter ) Artist received one or more iTunes bonus that week Number of iTunes bonuses received <Th_colspan="2"> Artist <Th_colspan="2"> Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Finale Round 1 Round 2 <Th_colspan="11"> Rayshun LaMarr Not Chosen Public 's choice Advanced Advanced Advanced Eliminated Jackie Verna Not Chosen Coach 's Choice Advanced Advanced Eliminated <Td_colspan="2"> Sharane Calister Public 's Choice Immune Advanced Eliminated <Td_colspan="3"> Mia Boostrom Not Chosen Eliminated <Td_colspan="6"> Drew Cole Not Chosen Eliminated <Td_colspan="6"> Reid Umstattd Not Chosen Eliminated <Td_colspan="6"> <Th_colspan="11"> Britton Buchanan Public 's Choice Immune Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Runner - up Jackie Foster Not Chosen Public 's choice Advanced Advanced Advanced Eliminated Christiana Danielle Not Chosen Coach 's Choice Advanced Advanced Eliminated <Td_colspan="2"> Johnny Bliss Not Chosen Eliminated <Td_colspan="6"> Terrence Cunningham Not Chosen Eliminated <Td_colspan="6"> Kelsea Johnson Not Chosen Eliminated <Td_colspan="6"> <Th_colspan="11"> Brynn Cartelli Public 's Choice Immune Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Winner Kaleb Lee Not Chosen Public 's choice Advanced Advanced Advanced Eliminated D.R. King Not Chosen Coach 's Choice Eliminated <Td_colspan="5"> Alexa Cappelli Not Chosen Eliminated <Td_colspan="6"> Dylan Hartigan Not Chosen Eliminated <Td_colspan="6"> Tish Haynes Keys Not Chosen Eliminated <Td_colspan="7"> <Th_colspan="11"> Kyla Jade Public 's Choice Immune Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Third place Spensha Baker Not Chosen Coach 's choice Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Fourth place Pryor Baird Not Chosen Public 's choice Advanced Advanced Advanced Eliminated Gary Edwards Not Chosen Eliminated <Td_colspan="6"> Austin Giorgio Not Chosen Eliminated <Td_colspan="6"> WILKES Not Chosen Eliminated <Td_colspan="6"> Reception ( edit ) U.S. Nielsen ratings ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> Episode Original airdate Production Time slot ( ET ) Viewers ( in millions ) <Th_colspan="2"> Adults ( 18 -- 49 ) Source Rating Share `` The Blind Auditions Premiere , Part 1 '' February 26 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 26 ) 1401 Monday 8 : 00 p.m. 12.31 2.8 10 `` The Blind Auditions Premiere , Part 2 '' February 27 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 27 ) 1402 Tuesday 8 : 00 p.m. 10.84 2.4 9 `` The Blind Auditions , Part 3 '' March 5 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 05 ) 1403 Monday 8 : 00 p.m. 11.62 2.5 9 `` The Blind Auditions , Part 4 '' March 6 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 06 ) 1404 Tuesday 8 : 00 p.m. 10.09 8 5 `` The Blind Auditions , Part 5 '' March 12 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 12 ) 1405 Monday 8 : 00 p.m. 11.87 2.4 9 6 `` The Blind Auditions , Part 6 '' March 13 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 13 ) 1406 Tuesday 8 : 00 p.m. 11.17 2.3 9 7 `` The Battles Premiere , Part 1 '' March 19 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 19 ) 1407 Monday 8 : 00 p.m. 11.83 2.4 9 8 `` The Battles Premiere , Part 2 '' March 20 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 20 ) 1408 Tuesday 8 : 00 p.m. 10.96 9 9 `` The Battles , Part 3 '' March 26 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 26 ) 1409 Monday 8 : 00 p.m. 10.37 2.0 8 10 `` The Battles , Part 4 '' March 27 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 27 ) 1410 Tuesday 8 : 00 p.m. 9.02 1.7 7 11 `` Best of Blinds & Battles '' March 28 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 28 ) 1411 Wednesday 8 : 00 p.m. 6.95 1.3 5 12 `` The Knockouts Premiere , Part 1 '' April 2 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 02 ) 1412 Monday 8 : 00 p.m. 10.03 1.9 7 13 `` The Knockouts Premiere , Part 2 '' April 3 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 03 ) 1413 Tuesday 8 : 00 p.m. 9.43 1.8 7 14 `` The Knockouts , Part 3 '' April 9 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 09 ) 1414 Monday 8 : 00 p.m. 9.86 1.9 7 15 `` The Road To The Lives '' April 10 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 10 ) 1415 Tuesday 8 : 00 p.m. 7.82 1.3 5 16 `` The Live Playoffs , Night 1 '' April 16 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 16 ) 1416 Monday 8 : 00 p.m. 9.35 1.8 7 17 `` The Live Playoffs , Night 2 '' April 17 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 17 ) 1417 Tuesday 8 : 00 p.m. 8.35 1.5 6 18 `` The Live Playoffs , Night 3 '' April 18 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 18 ) 1418 Wednesday 8 : 00 p.m. 8.38 1.5 6 19 `` Live Top 12 Performance '' April 23 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 23 ) 1419 Monday 8 : 00 p.m. 8.43 1.5 6 20 `` Live Top 12 Results '' April 24 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 24 ) 1420 Tuesday 8 : 00 p.m. 9.26 1.6 6 21 `` Live Top 11 Performance '' April 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 30 ) 1421 Monday 8 : 00 p.m. 8.82 1.7 6 22 `` Live Top 11 Results '' May 1 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 01 ) 1422 Tuesday 8 : 00 p.m. 7.64 5 23 `` Live Top 10 Performance '' May 7 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 07 ) 1423 Monday 8 : 00 p.m. 8.38 1.5 6 24 `` Live Top 10 Results '' May 8 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 08 ) 1424 Tuesday 8 : 00 p.m. 7.26 1.3 5 25 `` Live Top 8 Semifinals Performance '' May 14 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 14 ) 1425 Monday 8 : 00 p.m. 8.71 1.6 6 26 `` Live Top 8 Semifinals Results '' May 15 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 15 ) 1426 Tuesday 8 : 00 p.m. 8.15 1.4 6 27 `` Live Finale Performance '' May 21 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 21 ) 1427 Monday 8 : 00 p.m. 8.67 1.5 6 28 `` Live Finale Results '' May 22 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 22 ) 1428 Tuesday 9 : 00 p.m. 8.77 1.5 6 Artists who appeared on other Shows or previous seasons ( edit ) Jorge Eduardo appeared on the fifth season of La Voz ... México and finished in fourth place . Megan Lee appeared as Sun Hi on the musical comedy show Make It Pop . Mia Boostrom was a contestant on the fourth season of America 's Got Talent . She was eliminated in the Quarterfinals . Jordyn Simone was a Top 50 contestant on the fifteenth season of American Idol . Johnny Bliss was a contestant on Va Por Ti , broadcast on Univision in 2016 . Spensha Baker was a contestant on Star Search in the Junior Singer category in 2004 . She finished in the finals . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( November 16 , 2017 ) . `` ' Rise ' To Succeed ' This Is Us ' On Tuesday , ' Good Girls ' Gets ' The Braves ' Slot On NBC '' . Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved November 16 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : WPTV Webteam ( May 11 , 2017 ) . `` Kelly Clarkson , Jennifer Hudson join ' The Voice ' as coaches for upcoming seasons '' . Jump up ^ Franklin , Mark ( 9 February 2018 ) . `` Voice The Voice 's new gimmick : The block '' . . Retrieved 2 May 2018 . Jump up ^ Sheehan , Paul ( 24 April 2018 ) . `` ' The Voice ' Top 12 results : No artist gets iTunes bonus , D.R. King and Rayshun LaMarr to sing for Instant Save ? '' . . Retrieved 25 April 2018 . Jump up ^ Cantor , Brian ( 1 May 2018 ) . `` The Voice 's Pryor Baird and Britton Buchanan Reach Top 10 On iTunes Chart , Win Bonuses '' . . Retrieved 2 May 2018 . Jump up ^ Cantor , Brian ( 8 May 2018 ) . `` The Voice 's Kyla , Brynn , Britton and Baird Reach Top 10 On iTunes , Earn Bonuses '' . . Retrieved 8 May 2018 . Jump up ^ Cantor , Brian ( May 15 , 2018 ) . `` The Voice 's Kyla , Britton , Brynn , Kaleb , Pryor , Spensha Make Top 10 On iTunes , Earn Bonuses '' . . Retrieved May 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Cantor , Brian ( May 22 , 2018 ) . `` The Voice 's Britton Buchanan Rockets To # 1 On iTunes Chart ; Brynn , Spensha , Kyla Also In Top 10 '' . . Retrieved May 22 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 27 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Voice ' adjusts up , ' Superior Donuts ' adjusts down : Monday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 27 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 28 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Voice ' and ' Kevin ( Probably ) Saves the World ' adjust up : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 28 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 6 , 2018 ) . `` ' Superior Donuts ' adjusts up : Monday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 6 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 7 , 2018 ) . `` ' This Is Us ' adjusts up , ' Lethal Weapon ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 7 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 13 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Voice ' and ' iZombie ' adjust up , ' Good Girls ' adjusts down : Monday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 14 , 2018 ) . `` ' This Is Us , ' ' The Voice , ' ' NCIS , ' ' Black - ish ' adjust up , ' Rise ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 14 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 20 , 2018 ) . `` ' American Idol , ' ' Good Girls , ' all others hold : Monday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 20 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 21 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Voice , ' ' The Middle ' and ' LA to Vegas ' adjust up : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 21 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 27 , 2018 ) . `` ' American Idol ' and ' The Good Doctor ' adjust up , ' Good Girls ' adjusts down : Monday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 27 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 28 , 2018 ) . `` ' Roseanne , ' ' The Voice ' & ' The Mick ' adjust up , ' Bull ' and ' Splitting Up Together ' down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 28 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 29 , 2018 ) . `` ' SEAL Team ' adjusts down : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 29 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 3 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Crossing ' adjusts down : Monday final rating '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 3 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 4 , 2018 ) . `` ' Rise ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 4 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 10 , 2018 ) . `` ' American Idol ' and ' Kevin Can Wait ' adjust up : Monday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 10 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 11 , 2018 ) . `` ' Roseanne , ' ' The Middle , ' ' Lethal Weapon ' adjust up , ' Black - ish ' down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 11 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 17 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Voice ' and ' American Idol ' adjust up , ' Good Girls ' adjusts down : Monday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 18 , 2018 ) . `` ' NCIS , ' ' Alex , Inc. , ' ' Lethal Weapon , ' ' The Flash ' adjust up , ' For the People ' down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 18 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 19 , 2018 ) . `` ' Empire ' and ' The Voice ' adjust up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 19 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 24 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Resident ' adjusts up : Monday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 24 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 25 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Voice , ' ' Chicago Med , ' ' LA to Vegas ' adjust up , ' Rise ' and ' Deception ' down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 25 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( May 1 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Voice ' adjusts up : Monday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 1 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( May 2 , 2018 ) . `` ' Roseanne ' and ' Chicago Med ' adjust up , ' The 100 ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 2 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( May 8 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Voice , ' ' Supergirl , ' ' Man with a Plan ' adjust up , ' The Resident ' adjusts down : Monday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 8 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( May 9 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Voice ' and ' Chicago Med ' adjust up , ' Bull ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 9 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( May 15 , 2018 ) . `` ' Man with a Plan ' adjusts up : Monday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( May 16 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Middle , ' ' NCIS , ' ' Chicago Med ' adjust up , ' The 100 ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 16 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( May 22 , 2018 ) . `` ' Supergirl ' and ' iZombie ' adjust down : Monday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 22 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( May 23 , 2018 ) . `` ' Roseanne ' and ' NCIS ' finales adjust up : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 23 , 2018 . External links ( edit ) Official website <Th_colspan="2"> hide The Voice ( U.S. ) Seasons 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Winners Javier Colon Jermaine Paul Cassadee Pope Danielle Bradbery Tessanne Chin Josh Kaufman Craig Wayne Boyd Sawyer Fredericks Jordan Smith Alisan Porter Sundance Head Chris Blue Chloe Kohanski Brynn Cartelli Winner 's singles `` Stitch by Stitch '' `` I Believe I Can Fly '' `` Cry '' `` Born to Fly '' `` Tumbling Down '' `` Set Fire to the Rain '' `` My Baby 's Got a Smile on Her Face '' `` Please '' `` Climb Ev'ry Mountain '' `` Down That Road '' `` Darlin ' Do n't Go '' `` Money on You '' `` Wish I Did n't Love You '' `` Walk My Way '' Runners - up Dia Frampton Juliet Simms Terry McDermott Michelle Chamuel Jacquie Lee Jake Worthington Matt McAndrew Meghan Linsey Emily Ann Roberts Adam Wakefield Billy Gilman Lauren Duski Addison Agen Britton Buchanan Other notable artists Vicci Martinez Frenchie Davis Rebecca Loebe Xenia Tje Austin Beverly McClellan Raquel Castro Nakia Serabee Casey Desmond Justin Grennan The Thompson Sisters Jared Blake Casey Weston RaeLynn Jesse Campbell Chris Mann Tony Lucca Gwen Sebastian Kim Yarbrough Angel Taylor Pip Katrina Parker Erin Martin Moses Stone Jordis Unga Naia Kete Charlotte Sometimes Tony Vincent Mathai Lex Land Nicholas David Amanda Brown Melanie Martinez MacKenzie Bourg Collin McLoughlin Suzanna Choffel Jordan Pruitt Rod Michael Chris Trousdale Anita Antoinette Cupid The Swon Brothers Sasha Allen Judith Hill Kris Thomas Jeff Lewis Julie Roberts Holly Tucker Will Champlin James Wolpert Cole Vosbury Josh Logan E.G. Daily Holly Henry Donna Allen Dominic Scott Kay Christina Grimmie Sisaundra Lewis Paula DeAnda Lindsay Pagano Chris Jamison Taylor John Williams Andy Cherry MEGG Koryn Hawthorne Barrett Baber Jeffery Austin Madi Davis Amy Vachal Viktor Király Keith Semple Alex Kandel Tyler Dickerson Mary Sarah Daniel Passino Owen Danoff Emily Keener Tamar Davis Chase Walker Chris Cron Josh Hoyer Hunter Plake Mark Isaiah Brooke Simpson Esera Tuaolo Katrina Rose Natalie Stovall Kyla Jade Spensha Baker Related articles Awards and nominations Discography Contestants The Voice : Neon Dreams Retrieved from `` '' Categories : The Voice ( U.S. TV series ) 2018 American television seasons Talk Contents About Wikipedia فارسی Gaeilge Português Edit links This page was last edited on 14 July 2018 , at 04 : 08 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . 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1. The Voice Season 14 2. Coaches and hosts 3. Blind auditions 4. The Battles 5. The Knockouts
who played scut farkus in a christmas story
Zack Ward - wikipedia Zack Ward Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> Zack Ward <Td_colspan="2"> Ward at the International Press Academy 's 12th Annual Satellite Awards , December 2007 Toronto , Ontario , Canada Other names Zacharias Ward Occupation Actor Years active 1983 -- present Parent ( s ) Pam Hyatt ( mother ) Zack Ward is a Canadian character actor . Contents ( hide ) 1 Life and career 2 Filmography 2.1 Film 2.2 Television 2.3 Video games 3 References 4 External links Life and career ( edit ) Ward was born in Toronto , Ontario , Canada , the son of actress Pam Hyatt . He is known for his character Dave Scovil ( Titus 's stoner half - brother ) on the FOX show Titus and as the bully Scut Farkus in the 1983 perennial Christmas movie A Christmas Story . He also has guest roles on popular television series such as NCIS , Lost , and Crossing Jordan . Ward has had roles in film such as Almost Famous , Transformers and Anne of Green Gables . He has appeared in the horror films Resident Evil : Apocalypse and Freddy vs. Jason . Ward also has leading roles in BloodRayne II : Deliverance and Postal . Ward can also be seen in Alone in the Dark II and The Devil 's Tomb . In 2014 Ward co-founded the film production company Grit Film Works with James Cullen Bressack . The first two films which he co-produced with Grit Film Works were the thriller Bethany and the horror film Restoration . Zack also currently serves as the CEO of Global Sports Financial Exchange , Inc. since 2017 . Filmography ( edit ) Film ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes A Christmas Story Scut Farkus Film debut 1985 Anne of Green Gables Moody 1993 Just for Fun Tom Short film 1994 Club , The The Club Kyle Star Hunter Cooper Video Ed Dusty Richards 1997 Lancelot : Guardian of Time A.J. 1997 Wild America D.C. 1998 How to Make the Cruelest Month Manhattan 's Neighbor 1999 Fair , The The Fair Jimmy 2000 Civility Billy 2000 Almost Famous The Legendary Red Dog 2000 Size of Watermelons , The The Size of Watermelons Skinhead 2001 Completely Totally Utterly Chad 2003 Pink House , The The Pink House Murray 2003 Freddy vs. Jason Bobby Davis Cameo 2003 April 's Shower August Night at Sophie 's , AA Night at Sophie 's Tony L.A. Twister Lenny Resident Evil : Apocalypse Nicholai Ginovaeff 2005 Aurora Borealis Lindstrom 2006 Hollywood Kills Nate Folds 2006 Pennies Stoner Todd Short film 2007 Trade Alex Green 2007 Moving McAllister Earl 2007 Transformers First Sgt . Donnelly 2007 Postal The Postal Dude 2007 BloodRayne 2 : Deliverance Billy the Kid Video 2008 Kissing Cousins Charlie 2008 Dead and Gone The Weatherman 2008 Alone in the Dark II Xavier Video 2008 Battle Planet Jordan Strider 2009 Devil 's Tomb , The The Devil 's Tomb Nickels Repo Red In the Void Mark 2011 End of the Road Falco / Zack 2011 Monster Mutt Sirus Caldwell 2011 In My Pocket Rob 2012 Dark House Chris McCulluch Completed 2014 Do n't Blink Alex Also producer 2016 Izzie 's Way Home Thurston ( voice ) Animated film 2016 Bethany Aaron Also producer 2016 The Curse of Sleeping Beauty Nathan 2016 Restoration Harold Also director and producer Television ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 1985 Anne of Green Gables Moody Spurgeon TV movie Taking Care of Terrific Seth Sandruff TV movie Anne of Avonlea Moody Spurgeon TV movie Friday the 13th : The Series Greg Mazzey Episode : `` Vanity 's Mirror '' 1990 Neon Rider Digger Episode : `` Vengeance '' 1990 My Secret Identity Daniel Episode : `` White Lies '' 1991 Maniac Mansion Tim Episode : `` Ugly Like Me '' Forever Knight Topper Episode : `` Dark Knight '' 1993 Spenser : Ceremony Hummer TV movie 1994 Boogies Diner Kirby TV series 1994 Harvest for the Heart Ross Hansen TV movie 1995 Sliders Security Guard ( uncredited ) Episode : `` The King Is Back '' 1995 NYPD Blue Jerry Episode : `` Dirty Laundry '' Sliders Gerald Thomas Episode : `` The Dream Masters '' 1997 Party of Five Ted Episode : `` Significant Others '' 1997 Walker , Texas Ranger Jerry ' Mad Dog ' Sullivan Episode : `` Mr. Justice '' 1997 Sentinel , The The Sentinel Orange Glasses Man Episode : `` Breaking Ground '' 1998 Fast Track Episode : `` Guys with Guns '' 1998 Blade Squad Billy Mustard TV movie 1998 NYPD Blue Dan Evers Episode : `` Top Gum '' 1998 Nash Bridges Paul Pangborn Episode : `` Overdrive '' 1998 JAG Curtis Dastuge Episode : `` The Martin Baker Fan Club '' 1999 Viper Crup Episode : `` My Fair Hoodlums '' 1999 Pretender , The The Pretender Little Joshua / Theodore Reed Episode : `` End Game '' 1999 Profiler Little Joshua / Theodore Reed Episode : `` Grand Master '' 1999 Atomic Train Stan Atkins TV movie 1999 Y2K Rick Rothman TV movie 1999 Brotherhood of Murder Charles Higgins TV movie 2000 Anne of Green Gables : The Continuing Story Moody Spurgeon TV movie 2000 - 2002 Titus Dave Scouvel 54 episodes 2001 Chasing Destiny Eric TV movie 2002 Outer Limits , The The Outer Limits Link Episode : `` The Human Factor '' 2002 She Spies The Thin Man in Black Episode : `` Poster Girl '' 2002 MDs Dr. Lewis Episode : `` A La Casa '' 2003 Chasing Alice TV movie 2003 Ghost Dog : A Detective Tail Howie Tibbadoe TV movie 2003 Monte Walsh Powder Kent TV movie Charmed Kevin Casey / Sirk Episode : `` Styx Feet Under '' Significant Others Zack Episode : `` 2.6 '' Deadwood Episode : `` No Other Sons or Daughters '' 2005 Deadwood Hotel Desk Clerk Episode : `` Childish Things '' 2005 Crossing Jordan FBI Agent Blair Episode : `` A Stranger Among Us '' 2005 Lost Marc Silverman Episode : `` Do No Harm '' 2005 NCIS Police Officer Billy Krieg Episode : `` Hometown Hero '' 2005 All of Us Jeff Sizemore 4 episodes 2006 Girlfriends Mike Episode : `` Hustle & Dough '' 2007 CSI : Crime Scene Investigation Steve Card Episode : `` Lying Down with Dogs '' 2008 Terminator : The Sarah Connor Chronicles Wells Episode : `` Automatic for the People '' 2009 Cold Case Ed Dubinski Episode : `` Lotto Fever '' 2009 Dollhouse Zone Episode : `` Epitaph One '' Dollhouse Zone Episode : `` Epitaph Two : Return '' I 'm in the Band Xander Episode : `` Got No Class '' Warehouse 13 Leo Episode : `` 13.1 '' 2011 Accidentally in Love Scott Dunbar TV movie 2011 Breakout Kings Christian Beaumont Episode : `` Like Father , Like Son '' 2011 Drop Dead Diva Keith Geary Episode : `` The Wedding '' 2011 Mentalist , The The Mentalist Whit Naylor Episode : `` Blood and Sand '' 2011 Hawaii Five - 0 Billy Murphy Episode : `` Ike Maka '' 2012 CSI : Miami Clyde Novak Episode : `` Law & Disorder '' 2012 CSI : NY Keith Milner Episode : `` Misconceptions '' 2013 The Exes Bradley Episode : `` Pretty Women '' 2013 Liv and Maddie Officer Mike Clarkson Episode : `` Sleep - A-Rooney '' 2014 Blood Lake : Attack of the Killer Lampreys Will TV film 2014 Fallen Cards The Drifter 2016 It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Davy `` A Cricket 's Tale '' 2017 American Horror Story : Cult Roger 2 episodes Video games ( edit ) Year Title Role 2013 Army of Two : The Devil 's Cartel Alpha 2014 Murdered : Soul Suspect Additional voices 2015 Rise of the Tomb Raider Konstantin 2015 Postal 2 : Paradise Lost Himself References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Zack Ward '' . The New York Times . ^ Jump up to : `` Zack Ward Filmography '' . The New York Times . Jump up ^ Couch , Aaron ( March 9 , 2015 ) . `` Two Microbudget Horror Films First on Slate From New Production Company '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Jump up ^ Moore , Debi ( March 16 , 2015 ) . `` New Production Co . Grit Film Works Announces Horror Projects Bethany and Restoration '' . Dread Central . Jump up ^ `` AllSportsMarket ( ASM ) Splits NFL and 3HL Proving Early Success of Sports Trading Platform '' . PRNewsline . November 8 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Zack Ward on IMDb VIAF : 46582374 LCCN : no2008123498 ISNI : 0000 0001 0895 3453 GND : 1061921980 BNF : cb16208263q ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Male actors from Toronto Canadian male child actors Canadian male film actors Canadian male television actors Canadian male video game actors Canadian male voice actors Living people 20th - century Canadian male actors 21st - century Canadian male actors Hidden categories : Articles with hCards Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia تۆرکجه Deutsch فارسی Français 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Svenska தமிழ் 中文 6 more Edit links This page was last edited on 3 April 2018 , at 17 : 35 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Zack Ward - Canadian character actor 2. Known for roles in A Christmas Story and Titus 3. Co-founder of film production company Grit Film Works 4. Appeared in films such as Transformers and Resident Evil: Apocalypse 5. Currently serves as CEO of Global Sports Financial Exchange, Inc.
who played in the movie million dollar baby
Million Dollar Baby - wikipedia Million Dollar Baby For the 1941 film , see Million Dollar Baby ( 1941 film ) . Not to be confused with Billion Dollar Baby . <Th_colspan="2"> Million Dollar Baby <Td_colspan="2"> Theatrical release poster Directed by Clint Eastwood Produced by Clint Eastwood Albert S. Ruddy Tom Rosenberg Paul Haggis Screenplay by Paul Haggis Story by F.X. Toole Based on Rope Burns : Stories from the Corner by F.X. Toole Starring Clint Eastwood Hilary Swank Morgan Freeman Music by Clint Eastwood Cinematography Tom Stern Edited by Joel Cox Production company Lakeshore Entertainment Malpaso Productions Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures Release date December 15 , 2004 ( 2004 - 12 - 15 ) Running time 132 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $30 million Box office $216.8 million Million Dollar Baby is a 2004 American sports drama film directed , co-produced , and scored by Clint Eastwood , and starring Eastwood , Hilary Swank , and Morgan Freeman . This film is about an underappreciated boxing trainer , the mistakes that haunt him from his past , and his quest for atonement by helping an underdog amateur boxer achieve her dream of becoming a professional . Million Dollar Baby opened to wide acclaim from critics , and won four Academy Awards , including Best Picture . Its screenplay was written by Paul Haggis , based on short stories by F.X. Toole , the pen name of fight manager and cutman Jerry Boyd . Originally published under the title Rope Burns , the stories have since been republished under the film 's title . Contents 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Development and production 4 Box office 5 Critical reception 6 Accolades 7 Home media 8 See also 9 References 10 External links Plot ( edit ) Margaret `` Maggie '' Fitzgerald ( Hillary Swank ) , a waitress from a Missouri town in the Ozarks , shows up in the Hit Pit , a run - down Los Angeles gym owned and operated by Frankie Dunn ( Clint Eastwood ) , an old , cantankerous boxing trainer . Maggie asks Frankie to train her , but he initially refuses . Maggie works out tirelessly each day in his gym , even after Frankie tells her she 's `` too old '' to begin a boxing career at her age . Eddie `` Scrap - Iron '' Dupris ( Morgan Freeman ) , Frankie 's friend and employee -- and the film 's narrator -- encourages and helps her . Frankie 's prize prospect , `` Big '' Willie Little , signs with successful manager Mickey Mack after becoming impatient with Frankie rejecting offers for a championship bout . With prodding from Scrap and impressed with her persistence , Frankie reluctantly agrees to train Maggie . He warns her that he will teach her only the basics and then find her a manager . Other than Maggie and his employees , the only person Frankie has contact with is a local priest , with whom he spars verbally at daily Mass . Before her first fight , Frankie leaves Maggie with a random manager in his gym , much to her dismay ; upon being told by Scrap that said manager deliberately put her up against his best girl ( coaching the novice to lose ) to give her an easy win , Frankie rejoins Maggie in the middle of the bout and coaches her instead to an unforeseen victory . A natural , she fights her way up in the women 's amateur boxing division with Frankie 's coaching , winning many of her lightweight bouts with first - round knockouts . Earning a reputation for her KOs , Frankie must resort to bribery to get other managers to put their trainee fighters up against her . Eventually , Frankie takes a risk by putting her in the junior welterweight class , where her nose is broken in her first match . Frankie comes to establish a paternal bond with Maggie , who substitutes for his estranged daughter . Scrap , concerned when Frankie rejects several offers for big fights , arranges a meeting for her with Mickey Mack at a diner on her 33rd birthday . Out of loyalty , she declines . Frankie begrudgingly accepts a fight for her against a top - ranked opponent in the UK , where he bestows a Gaelic nickname on her . The two travel to Europe as she continues to win ; Maggie eventually saves up enough of her winnings to buy her mother a house , but her mother berates Maggie for endangering her government aid , claiming that everyone back home is laughing at her . Frankie is finally willing to arrange a title fight . He secures Maggie a $1 million match in Las Vegas , Nevada against the WBA women 's welterweight champion , Billie `` The Blue Bear '' Osterman , a German ex-prostitute who has a reputation as a dirty fighter . Overcoming a shaky start , Maggie begins to dominate the fight , but after a round has ended , Billie knocks her out with an illegal sucker punch from behind after the bell has sounded to indicate the end of the round . Before Frankie can pull the corner stool out of the way which was inappropriately placed on its side by Frankie 's assistant , Maggie lands hard on it , breaking her neck and leaving her a ventilator - dependent quadriplegic . Frankie is shown experiencing the first three of the five stages of grief : first seeking multiple doctors ' opinions in denial , then blaming Scrap in anger and later trying to bargain with God through prayer . In a medical rehabilitation facility , Maggie looks forward to a visit from her family , but they arrive accompanied by an attorney ; their only concern is to transfer Maggie 's assets to them . She orders them to leave , threatening to sell the house and inform the IRS of her mother 's welfare fraud if they ever show their faces again . As the days pass , Maggie develops bedsores and undergoes an amputation for an infected leg . She asks a favor of Frankie : to help her die , declaring that she got everything she wanted out of life . A horrified Frankie refuses , and Maggie later bites her tongue repeatedly in an attempt to bleed to death , but the medical staff saves her and takes measures to prevent further suicide attempts . The priest Frankie has harassed for 23 years , Father Horvak , warns him that he would never find himself again if he were to go through with Maggie 's wishes . Frankie sneaks in one night , unaware that Scrap is watching from the shadows . Just before administering a fatal injection of adrenaline , he finally tells Maggie the meaning of a nickname he gave her , Mo Chuisle ( spelled incorrectly in the film as `` mo cuishle '' ) : Irish for `` my darling , and my blood '' ( literally , `` my pulse '' ) . He never returns to the gym . Scrap 's narration is revealed to be a letter to Frankie 's daughter , informing her of her father 's true character . The last shot of the film shows Frankie sitting at the counter of a diner where Maggie once took him , and after having a homemade lemon meringue pie with her , said `` Now I can die and go to heaven '' . Cast ( edit ) Clint Eastwood as Frankie Dunn , a gruff but well - meaning elderly boxing trainer . Hilary Swank as Mary Margaret `` Maggie '' Fitzgerald , a determined , aspiring boxer trained up by Frankie Dunn . Morgan Freeman as Eddie `` Scrap - Iron '' Dupris , Dunn 's gym assistant ; an elderly former boxer , he was blinded in one eye in his 109th , and last , fight . Jay Baruchel as Dangerous Dillard Fighting Flippo Bam - Bam Barch or `` Danger '' , a simple - minded would - be boxer . Mike Colter as `` Big '' Willie Little , a boxer whom Dunn has trained for years . Lucia Rijker as Billie `` The Blue Bear '' Osterman , a vicious , ex-prostitute boxer . Brían F. O'Byrne as Father Horvak , the priest of the church which Dunn attends , who can not stand Dunn . Anthony Mackie as Shawrelle Berry , an overzealous boxer and frequent tenant of Dunn 's gym . Margo Martindale as Earline Fitzgerald , Maggie 's selfish mother . Riki Lindhome as Mardell Fitzgerald , Maggie 's welfare - cheating sister . Michael Peña as Omar , a boxer and Shawrelle 's best friend . Benito Martinez as Billie 's manager Grant L. Roberts as Billie 's cut man , ( trainer ) trained Hilary Swank off screen for her Academy Award - winning role Bruce MacVittie as Mickey Mack , a rival of Dunn . David Powledge as Counterman at Diner Joe D'Angerio as Cut Man Aaron Stretch as Himself Don Familton as Ring Announcer Development and production ( edit ) The film was stuck in development hell for years before it was shot . Several studios rejected the project even when Eastwood signed on as actor and director . Even Warner Bros. , Eastwood 's longtime home base , would not agree to a US $ 30 million budget . Eastwood persuaded Lakeshore Entertainment 's Tom Rosenberg to put up half the budget ( as well as handle foreign distribution ) , with Warner Bros. contributing the rest ( $15 million ) . Eastwood shot the film in less than 40 days between June and July 2004 . Filming took place in Los Angeles and film sets at Warner Bros. Studios . The term ' Million Dollar Baby ' was from the nose art of a World War II Consolidated B - 24 Liberator heavy bomber . Eastwood had his daughter Morgan Colette appear in a brief role as a girl who waves to Swank 's character at a gas station . Eastwood had confidence in Swank 's acting background , but upon seeing Swank 's small physique , he had concerns , `` I just thought , ' Yeah , this gal would be great . If we can get her trained up . If we can get a little bit more bulk on her , to make her look like a fighter ' ... She was like a feather . But what happened is , she had this great work ethic . '' Consequently , to prepare for her role , Swank underwent extensive training in the ring and weight room gaining 19 pounds of muscle , aided by professional trainer Grant L Roberts . She trained for nearly five hours every day , winding up with a potentially life - threatening staphylococcus infection . She did not tell Eastwood about the infection because she thought it would be out of character for Maggie . Box office ( edit ) Million Dollar Baby initially had a limited release , opening in eight theaters in December 2004 . In its later wide release opening , the film earned $12,265,482 in North America and quickly became a box - office hit both domestically and internationally . It grossed $216,763,646 in theaters ; $100,492,203 in the United States , and $116,271,443 overseas . The film played in theaters for six and a half months . Critical reception ( edit ) The film received critical acclaim . It holds a 91 % approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes , based on 261 reviews , with an average rating of 8.4 / 10 . The website 's critical consensus reads , `` Clint Eastwood 's assured direction - combined with knockout performances from Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman - help Million Dollar Baby to transcend its clichés , and the result is deeply heartfelt and moving . '' It also has a score of 86 out of 100 on Metacritic , based on 39 critics , indicating `` universal acclaim '' . Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun Times gave the film four stars and stated that `` Clint Eastwood 's Million Dollar Baby is a masterpiece , pure and simple , '' listing it as the best film of 2004 . Michael Medved stated : `` My main objection to Million Dollar Baby always centered on its misleading marketing , and effort by Warner Brothers to sell it as a movie about a female Rocky , with barely a hint of the pitch - dark substance that led Andrew Sarris of the New York Observer ... to declare that ' no movie in my memory has depressed me more than Million Dollar Baby . ' '' In early 2005 , the film sparked controversy when some disability rights activists protested the ending . Wesley J. Smith in The Weekly Standard also criticized the film for its ending and for missed opportunities ; Smith said , `` The movie could have ended with Maggie triumphing once again , perhaps having obtained an education and becoming a teacher ; or , opening a business managing boxers ; or perhaps , receiving a standing ovation as an inspirational speaker . '' Eastwood responded to the criticism by saying the film was about the American dream . In an interview with the Los Angeles Times , Eastwood distanced himself from the actions of characters in his films , noting , `` I 've gone around in movies blowing people away with a . 44 Magnum . But that does n't mean I think that 's a proper thing to do '' . Roger Ebert stated that `` a movie is not good or bad because of its content , but because of how it handles its content . Million Dollar Baby is classical in the clean , clear , strong lines of its story and characters , and had an enormous emotional impact '' . Some commentators criticized the fact that the phrase mo chuisle , a term of endearment meaning literally `` my pulse '' , and generally `` my darling '' , was misspelled in the film as Mo Cuishle , as shown on the back of Maggie 's robe . It is translated in the film as `` my darling , my blood '' , although an Irish Gaelic translation site states that it is always translated as `` pulse '' , not as `` blood '' . The original phrase is short for a chuisle mo chroí , meaning `` O pulse of my heart '' . The film has been praised , however , for stirring renewed interest in one of the Irish languages in the U.S. Accolades ( edit ) Million Dollar Baby received the award for Best Picture of 2004 at the 77th Academy Awards . Clint Eastwood was awarded his second Best Director Oscar for the film , and also received a Best Actor in a Leading Role nomination . Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman received Best Actress in a Leading Role and Best Actor in a Supporting Role Oscars , respectively . Joel Cox , Eastwood 's editor for many years , was nominated for Best Film Editing , and Paul Haggis was nominated for the Best Adapted Screenplay award . The film was named the third `` Best Film of the 21st Century So Far '' in 2017 by The New York Times . Award Subject Result Academy Award Best Picture Clint Eastwood , Albert S. Ruddy and Tom Rosenberg Won Best Director Clint Eastwood Won Best Actress Hilary Swank Won Best Actor Clint Eastwood Nominated Best Supporting Actor Morgan Freeman Won Best Adapted Screenplay Paul Haggis Nominated Best Film Editing Joel Cox Nominated ACE Eddie Best Editing Nominated Amanda Award Best Foreign Feature Film Clint Eastwood Nominated American Screenwriters Association Discover Screenwriting Award Paul Haggis Won Art Directors Guild Award Best Contemporary Feature Film Henry Bumstead Jack G. Taylor Jr . Nominated Billie Award Best Film Clint Eastwood Albert S. Ruddy Tom Rosenberg Paul Haggis Nominated Black Reel Award Best Supporting Actor Morgan Freeman Nominated Broadcast Film Critics Association Award Best Actress Hilary Swank Won Best Supporting Actor Morgan Freeman Nominated Best Director Clint Eastwood Nominated Best Film Clint Eastwood Albert S. Ruddy Tom Rosenberg Paul Haggis Nominated Casting Society of America Award Best Casting for Feature Film : Drama Phyllis Huffman Nominated César Award Best Foreign Film Clint Eastwood Albert S. Ruddy Tom Rosenberg Paul Haggis Won Chicago Film Critics Association Award Best Director Clint Eastwood Won Directors Guild of America Award Outstanding Directing Won Director 's Guild of Great Britain Outstanding Director Nominated ESPY Award Best Sports Movie Clint Eastwood Albert S. Ruddy Tom Rosenberg Paul Haggis Nominated Florida Film Critics Circle Award Best Actress Hilary Swank Won Golden Globe Award Best Actress Won Best Director Clint Eastwood Won Best Supporting Actor Morgan Freeman Nominated Best Motion Picture - Drama Clint Eastwood Albert S. Ruddy Tom Rosenberg Paul Haggis Nominated Best Original Score Clint Eastwood Nominated Grammy Award Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media Nominated Motion Picture Sound Editors Award Best Sound Editing Alar Robert Murray Bub Asman David Grimaldi Jason King Nominated MTV Movie Award Best Female Performance Hilary Swank Nominated NAACP Image Award Outstanding Supporting Actor Morgan Freeman Won National Board of Review Award Best Film Clint Eastwood Albert S. Ruddy Tom Rosenberg Paul Haggis Nominated Best Director Clint Eastwood Nominated Best Actor Nominated New York Film Critics Circle Award Best Director Won Producers Guild of America Award Best Theatrical Motion Picture Clint Eastwood Albert S. Ruddy Tom Rosenberg Paul Haggis Nominated Phoenix Film Critics Society Award Best Actress Hilary Swank Won Best Actor Clint Eastwood Nominated Best Director Nominated Best Supporting Actor Morgan Freeman Nominated Best Film Clint Eastwood Albert S. Ruddy Tom Rosenberg Paul Haggis Nominated Satellite Award Best Actress Hilary Swank Won Best Adapted Screenplay Paul Haggis Won Screen Actors Guild Award Best Actress Hilary Swank Won Best Supporting Actor Morgan Freeman Won <Td_colspan="2"> Best Cast Nominated Home Media ( edit ) The film was released on VHS and DVD on July 12 , 2005 , and all editions of the Region 1 DVD , except for the `` Deluxe Edition '' , came with a paperback copy of the book Rope Burns : Stories from the Corner . An HD DVD release was issued on April 18 , 2006 . The Blu - ray Disc version was released on November 14 , 2006 . It was the first Best Picture winner released on either high - definition optical disc format in the U.S. ; it and Unforgiven ( also starring Eastwood and Freeman ) were the only ones released in the U.S. on HD DVD prior to the first one released in the U.S. on Blu - ray , Crash.It is also available online for downloading and streaming video rentals through Amazon , Apple 's iTunes Store , Vudu and Netflix . See also ( edit ) Film portal Cinema of the United States List of American films of 2004 References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Eliot ( 2009 ) , p. 309 ^ Jump up to : Hughes , p. 156 ^ Jump up to : `` Million Dollar Baby ( 2004 ) '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved 6 January 2010 . Jump up ^ Hughes , p. 157 Jump up ^ Fold 3 WWII Crew photos ^ Jump up to : Rebecca Leung ( March 2 , 2005 ) . `` Hilary Swank : Oscar Gold -- 60 Minutes '' . CBS News . Retrieved September 9 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Hughes , p. 160 Jump up ^ `` Million Dollar Baby ( 2004 ) '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Fandango Media . Retrieved 1 March 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Million Dollar Baby Reviews '' . Metacritic . CBS Interactive . Retrieved 27 February 2018 . Jump up ^ Ebert , Roger ( 7 January 2005 ) . `` Million Dollar Baby '' . . Retrieved 26 November 2007 . Jump up ^ Medved , Michael . `` My ' Million Dollar ' Answer , '' OpinionJournal / Dow Jones & Company , Inc. ( 17 February 2005 ) . Archived at . Jump up ^ The New York Times > Arts > Frank Rich : How Dirty Harry Turned Commie Jump up ^ Roger Ebert ( 29 January 2005 ) . `` Critics have no right to play spoiler '' . Chicago Sun - Times . Retrieved 27 November 2007 . Jump up ^ . Million Dollar Baby movie ^ Jump up to : Wes Davis Fighting Words . New York Times , 26 February 2005 Jump up ^ Dargis , Manohla ; Scott , A.O. `` The 25 Best Films of the 21st Century ... So Far '' . The New York Times . Retrieved 8 July 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Historical HD DVD Release Dates , High - Def Digest , accessed 12 March 2012 ^ Jump up to : Historical Blu - ray Release Dates , High - Def Digest , accessed 12 March 2012 Bibliography Eliot , Marc ( 2009 ) . American Rebel : The Life of Clint Eastwood . Harmony Books . ISBN 978 - 0 - 307 - 33688 - 0 . Hughes , Howard ( 2009 ) . Aim for the Heart . London : I.B. Tauris . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84511 - 902 - 7 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Million Dollar Baby Million Dollar Baby on IMDb Million Dollar Baby at the TCM Movie Database Million Dollar Baby at AllMovie Million Dollar Baby at Box Office Mojo Million Dollar Baby at Rotten Tomatoes Million Dollar Baby at Metacritic US News article : Million Dollar Maybe , A real - life version of Maggie Fitzgerald Another possible real - life Maggie Fitzgerald Million Dollar Baby at the Sports Movie Database <Th_colspan="2"> Films directed by Clint Eastwood 1970s Play Misty for Me ( 1971 ) High Plains Drifter ( 1973 ) Breezy ( 1973 ) The Eiger Sanction ( 1975 ) The Outlaw Josey Wales ( 1976 ) The Gauntlet ( 1977 ) 1980s Bronco Billy ( 1980 ) Firefox ( 1982 ) Honkytonk Man ( 1982 ) Sudden Impact ( 1983 ) Pale Rider ( 1985 ) Heartbreak Ridge ( 1986 ) Bird ( 1988 ) 1990s White Hunter Black Heart ( 1990 ) The Rookie ( 1990 ) Unforgiven ( 1992 ) A Perfect World ( 1993 ) The Bridges of Madison County ( 1995 ) Absolute Power ( 1997 ) Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil ( 1997 ) True Crime ( 1999 ) 2000s Space Cowboys ( 2000 ) Blood Work ( 2002 ) Mystic River ( 2003 ) Million Dollar Baby ( 2004 ) Flags of Our Fathers ( 2006 ) Letters from Iwo Jima ( 2006 ) Changeling ( 2008 ) Gran Torino ( 2008 ) Invictus ( 2009 ) 2010s Hereafter ( 2010 ) J. Edgar ( 2011 ) Jersey Boys ( 2014 ) American Sniper ( 2014 ) Sully ( 2016 ) The 15 : 17 to Paris ( 2018 ) The Mule ( 2018 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Awards for Million Dollar Baby <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Academy Award for Best Picture 1927 / 28 -- 1950 Wings ( 1927 / 28 ) The Broadway Melody ( 1928 / 29 ) All Quiet on the Western Front ( 1929 / 30 ) Cimarron ( 1930 / 31 ) Grand Hotel ( 1931 / 32 ) Cavalcade ( 1932 / 33 ) It Happened One Night ( 1934 ) Mutiny on the Bounty ( 1935 ) The Great Ziegfeld ( 1936 ) The Life of Emile Zola ( 1937 ) You Ca n't Take It with You ( 1938 ) Gone with the Wind ( 1939 ) Rebecca ( 1940 ) How Green Was My Valley ( 1941 ) Mrs. Miniver ( 1942 ) Casablanca ( 1943 ) Going My Way ( 1944 ) The Lost Weekend ( 1945 ) The Best Years of Our Lives ( 1946 ) Gentleman 's Agreement ( 1947 ) Hamlet ( 1948 ) All the King 's Men ( 1949 ) All About Eve ( 1950 ) 1951 -- 1975 An American in Paris ( 1951 ) The Greatest Show on Earth ( 1952 ) From Here to Eternity ( 1953 ) On the Waterfront ( 1954 ) Marty ( 1955 ) Around the World in 80 Days ( 1956 ) The Bridge on the River Kwai ( 1957 ) Gigi ( 1958 ) Ben - Hur ( 1959 ) The Apartment ( 1960 ) West Side Story ( 1961 ) Lawrence of Arabia ( 1962 ) Tom Jones ( 1963 ) My Fair Lady ( 1964 ) The Sound of Music ( 1965 ) A Man for All Seasons ( 1966 ) In the Heat of the Night ( 1967 ) Oliver ! ( 1968 ) Midnight Cowboy ( 1969 ) Patton ( 1970 ) The French Connection ( 1971 ) The Godfather ( 1972 ) The Sting ( 1973 ) The Godfather Part II ( 1974 ) One Flew Over the Cuckoo 's Nest ( 1975 ) 1976 -- 2000 Rocky ( 1976 ) Annie Hall ( 1977 ) The Deer Hunter ( 1978 ) Kramer vs. Kramer ( 1979 ) Ordinary People ( 1980 ) Chariots of Fire ( 1981 ) Gandhi ( 1982 ) Terms of Endearment ( 1983 ) Amadeus ( 1984 ) Out of Africa ( 1985 ) Platoon ( 1986 ) The Last Emperor ( 1987 ) Rain Man ( 1988 ) Driving Miss Daisy ( 1989 ) Dances with Wolves ( 1990 ) The Silence of the Lambs ( 1991 ) Unforgiven ( 1992 ) Schindler 's List ( 1993 ) Forrest Gump ( 1994 ) Braveheart ( 1995 ) The English Patient ( 1996 ) Titanic ( 1997 ) Shakespeare in Love ( 1998 ) American Beauty ( 1999 ) Gladiator ( 2000 ) 2001 -- present A Beautiful Mind ( 2001 ) Chicago ( 2002 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King ( 2003 ) Million Dollar Baby ( 2004 ) Crash ( 2005 ) The Departed ( 2006 ) No Country for Old Men ( 2007 ) Slumdog Millionaire ( 2008 ) The Hurt Locker ( 2009 ) The King 's Speech ( 2010 ) The Artist ( 2011 ) Argo ( 2012 ) 12 Years a Slave ( 2013 ) Birdman or : ( The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance ) ( 2014 ) Spotlight ( 2015 ) Moonlight ( 2016 ) The Shape of Water ( 2017 ) <Th_colspan="2"> César Award for Best Foreign Film <Td_colspan="2"> Scent of a Woman ( 1976 ) We All Loved Each Other So Much ( 1977 ) A Special Day ( 1978 ) The Tree of Wooden Clogs ( 1979 ) Manhattan ( 1980 ) Kagemusha ( 1981 ) The Elephant Man ( 1982 ) Victor / Victoria ( 1983 ) Fanny and Alexander ( 1984 ) Amadeus ( 1985 ) The Purple Rose of Cairo ( 1986 ) The Name of the Rose ( 1987 ) The Last Emperor ( 1988 ) Bagdad Café ( 1989 ) Dangerous Liaisons ( 1990 ) Dead Poets Society ( 1991 ) Toto the Hero ( 1992 ) High Heels ( 1993 ) The Piano ( 1994 ) Four Weddings and a Funeral ( 1995 ) Land and Freedom ( 1996 ) Breaking the Waves ( 1997 ) Brassed Off ( 1998 ) Life Is Beautiful ( 1999 ) All About My Mother ( 2000 ) In the Mood for Love ( 2001 ) Mulholland Drive ( 2002 ) Bowling for Columbine ( 2003 ) Mystic River ( 2004 ) Lost in Translation ( 2005 ) Million Dollar Baby ( 2006 ) Little Miss Sunshine ( 2007 ) The Lives of Others ( 2008 ) Waltz with Bashir ( 2009 ) Gran Torino ( 2010 ) The Social Network ( 2011 ) A Separation ( 2012 ) Argo ( 2013 ) The Broken Circle Breakdown ( 2014 ) Mommy ( 2015 ) Birdman ( 2016 ) I , Daniel Blake ( 2017 ) Loveless ( 2018 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2004 films English - language films 2000s drama films 2000s sports films American sports films American films Films directed by Clint Eastwood Films produced by Clint Eastwood Best Foreign Film César Award winners Best Picture Academy Award winners Boxing films Films about euthanasia Films about paraplegics or quadriplegics Films about women 's sports Films based on short fiction Films featuring a Best Actress Academy Award - winning performance Films featuring a Best Drama Actress Golden Globe - winning performance Films featuring a Best Supporting Actor Academy Award - winning performance Films whose director won the Best Directing Academy Award Films whose director won the Best Director Golden Globe Lakeshore Entertainment films Malpaso Productions films Screenplays by Paul Haggis Films produced by Tom Rosenberg Films produced by Gary Lucchesi Feminist films Films about suicide Films about death Films scored by Clint Eastwood Hidden categories : All articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases Articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases from May 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Asturianu Azərbaycanca বাংলা Български Bosanski Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ქართული Кыргызча Latviešu Magyar Македонски മലയാളം मराठी მარგალური Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Scots Shqip Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 粵語 中文 43 more Edit links This page was last edited on 25 October 2018 , at 01 : 59 ( UTC ) . 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1. Million Dollar Baby - film synopsis 2. Clint Eastwood - director and actor 3. Hilary Swank - lead actress 4. Boxing trainer and amateur boxer 5. Academy Award-winning film
1996 by the center for applied research in education 52. world war 1
G.I. Bill - wikipedia G.I. Bill Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the post -- World War II legislation . For the modern bill , see Post-9 / 11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 . President Roosevelt signs the G.I. Bill into law on June 22 , 1944 The Serviceman 's Readjustment Act of 1944 , also known as the G.I. Bill , was a law that provided a range of benefits for returning World War II veterans ( commonly referred to as G.I.s ) . It was designed by the American Legion , who helped push it through Congress by mobilizing its chapters ( along with the Veterans of Foreign Wars ) ; the goal was to provide immediate rewards for practically all World War II veterans . The act avoided the highly disputed postponed life insurance policy payout for World War I veterans that caused political turmoil for a decade and a half after that war . Benefits included dedicated payments of tuition and living expenses to attend high school , college or vocational / technical school , low - cost mortgages , low - interest loans to start a business , as well as one year of unemployment compensation . It was available to all veterans who had been on active duty during the war years for at least 90 days and had not been dishonorably discharged -- exposure to combat was not required . The recipients did not pay any income tax on the GI benefits , since they were not considered earned income . By 1956 , roughly 7.8 million veterans had used the G.I. Bill education benefits , some 2.2 million to attend colleges or universities and an additional 5.6 million for some kind of training program . Historians and economists judge the G.I. Bill a major political and economic success -- especially in contrast to the treatments of World War I veterans -- and a major contribution to America 's stock of human capital that encouraged long - term economic growth . Canada operated a similar program for its World War II veterans , with a similarly beneficial economic impact . Since the original U.S. 1944 law , the term has come to include other benefit programs created to assist veterans of subsequent wars as well as peacetime service . During the 1940s , `` fly - by - night '' for - profit colleges sprang up to collect veterans ' education grants , because the program provided limited oversight . Similarly , for - profit colleges and their lead generators have taken advantage of the post-9 / 11 G.I. Bill to target veterans for subpar products and services . According to CBS News , about 40 percent of all GI Bill education funds go to for - profit colleges . The Department of Veterans Affairs , however , does have a GI Bill feedback form for recipients to address their complaints against colleges . In 2012 , President Barack Obama also signed Executive Order 13607 , which was to ensure that predatory colleges did not aggressively recruit military service members , veterans , and their families . In 2017 President Donald Trump signed the Forever GI Bill extending the allowable time period for veterans to pursue educational opportunities . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 After World War II 2 Issues 2.1 Racial discrimination 2.2 Merchant marine 2.3 Predators who target veterans 3 Content 3.1 Chapter 30 ( Montgomery GI Bill ) 3.1. 1 `` Buy - Up '' option 3.1. 2 Time limit / eligibility 3.1. 3 Top - up option 3.1. 4 Educational 3.2 Chapter 31 ( Vocational Rehabilitation Program ) 3.3 Chapter 32 ( Veterans Educational Assistance Program ) 3.4 Chapter 33 ( Post-9 / 11 ) 3.5 Chapter 35 ( Survivors ' and Dependents ' Educational Assistance Program ) 3.6 Chapter 1606 ( Montgomery GI Bill - Selective Reserve ) 3.7 Chapter 1607 ( Reserve Educational Assistance Program ) 4 MGIB comparison chart 5 Other legal safeguards 6 Deregulation 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links History ( edit ) Don A. Balfour was `` the first recipient of the 1944 GI Bill . '' Veterans Administration letter to George Washington University . On June 22 , 1944 , the Servicemen 's Readjustment Act of 1944 , commonly known as the G.I. Bill of Rights , was signed into law . During the war , politicians wanted to avoid the postwar confusion about veterans ' benefits that became a political football in the 1920s and 1930s . Veterans ' organizations that had formed after the First World War had millions of members ; they mobilized support in Congress for a bill that provided benefits only to veterans of military service , including men and women . Ortiz says their efforts `` entrenched the VFW and the Legion as the twin pillars of the American veterans ' lobby for decades . '' Harry W. Colmery , Republican National Committee chairman and a former National Commander of the American Legion , is credited with writing the first draft of the G.I. Bill . He reportedly jotted down his ideas on stationery and a napkin at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington , D.C. U.S. Senator Ernest McFarland , Democrat - Arizona , was actively involved in the bill 's passage and is known , with Warren Atherton , Republican - California , one of the `` fathers of the G.I. Bill . '' One might then term Edith Nourse Rogers , Republican - Mass , who helped write and who co-sponsored the legislation , as the `` mother of the G.I. Bill '' . As with Colmery , her contribution to writing and passing this legislation has been obscured by time . The bill that President Roosevelt initially proposed had a means test -- only poor veterans would get one year of funding ; only top - scorers on a written exam would get four years of paid college . The American Legion proposal provided full benefits for all veterans , including women and minorities , regardless of their wealth . An important provision of the G.I. Bill was low interest , zero down payment home loans for servicemen , with more favorable terms for new construction compared to existing housing . This encouraged millions of American families to move out of urban apartments and into suburban homes . Another provision was known as the 52 -- 20 clause for unemployment . Unemployed war veterans would receive $20 once a week for 52 weeks for up to one year while they were looking for work . Less than 20 percent of the money set aside for the 52 -- 20 Club was distributed . Rather , most returning servicemen quickly found jobs or pursued higher education . After World War II ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( June 2008 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) A greater percentage of Vietnam veterans used G.I. Bill education benefits ( 72 percent ) than World War II veterans ( 51 percent ) or Korean War veterans ( 43 percent ) . Issues ( edit ) Racial discrimination ( edit ) See also : African Americans and the G.I. Bill Although the G.I. Bill did not specifically advocate discrimination , it was interpreted differently for blacks than for whites . Historian Ira Katznelson argued that `` the law was deliberately designed to accommodate Jim Crow '' . Because the programs were directed by local , white officials , many veterans did not benefit . Of the first 67,000 mortgages insured by the G.I. Bill , fewer than 100 were taken out by non-whites . By 1946 , only one - fifth of the 100,000 blacks who had applied for educational benefits had registered in college . Furthermore , historically black colleges and universities ( HBCUs ) came under increased pressure as rising enrollments and strained resources forced them to turn away an estimated 20,000 veterans . HBCUs were already the poorest colleges and served , to most whites , only to keep blacks out of white colleges . HBCU resources were stretched even thinner when veterans ' demands necessitated a shift in the curriculum away from the traditional `` preach and teach '' course of study offered by the HBCUs . Banks and mortgage agencies refused loans to blacks , making the G.I. Bill even less effective for blacks . Merchant marine ( edit ) Congress did not include merchant marine veterans in the original G.I. Bill , even though they are considered military personnel in times of war in accordance with the Merchant Marine Act of 1936 . As President Roosevelt ( Democrat ) signed the G.I. Bill in June 1944 he said : `` I trust Congress will soon provide similar opportunities to members of the merchant marine who have risked their lives time and time again during war for the welfare of their country . '' Now that the youngest veterans are in their 80s , there are efforts to recognize their contributions by giving some benefits to the remaining survivors . In 2007 , three different bills related to this issue were introduced in Congress , one of which passed the House of Representatives only . Predators who Target veterans ( edit ) After the GI Bill was instituted in the 1940s , several `` fly - by - night '' vocational schools arose . Subprime for - profit colleges still target vets , who are excluded from the 90 - 10 rule for federal funding . This loophole encourages for - profit colleges to target and aggressively recruit veterans and their families . Legislative efforts to close the 90 - 10 loophole have failed . Lead generators like QuinStreet have also acted as third parties to recruit veterans for subprime colleges . Content ( edit ) All veteran education programs are found in law in Title 38 of the United States Code . Each specific program is found in its own Chapter in Title 38 . Unlike scholarship programs , the MGIB requires a financial commitment from the service member . However , if the benefit is not used , the service member can not recoup whatever money was paid into the system . In some states , the National Guard does offer true scholarship benefits , regardless of past or current MGIB participation . Chapter 30 ( Montgomery G.I. Bill ) ( edit ) In 1984 , former Mississippi Democratic Congressman Gillespie V. `` Sonny '' Montgomery revamped the G.I. Bill . From 1984 until 2008 , this version of the law was called `` The Montgomery G.I. Bill '' . The Montgomery GI Bill -- Active Duty ( MGIB ) states that active duty members forfeit $100 per month for 12 months ; if they use the benefits , they receive as of 2012 $1564 monthly as a full - time student ( tiered at lower rates for less - than - full - time ) for a maximum of 36 months of education benefits . This benefit may be used for degree and certificate programs , flight training , apprenticeship / on - the - job training and correspondence courses if the veteran is enrolled full - time . Part - time veteran students receive less , but for a proportionately longer period . This means for every month the veteran received benefits at the half - time , the veterans benefits are only charged for 1 / 2 of a month . Veterans from the reserve have different eligibility requirements and different rules on receiving benefits ( see Ch. 1606 , Ch. 1607 and Ch. 33 ) . MGIB may also be used while active , which only reimburses the cost for tuition and fees . Each service has additional educational benefit programs for active duty members . Most delay using MGIB benefits until after separation , discharge or retirement . `` Buy - up '' option ( edit ) The `` Buy - Up '' option , also known as the `` kicker '' , allows active duty members to forfeit up to $600 more toward their MGIB . For every dollar the service member contributes , the federal government contributes $8 . Those who forfeit the maximum ( $600 ) will receive , upon approval , an additional $150 per month for 36 months , or a total of $5400 . This allows the veteran to receive $4,800 in additional funds ( $5400 total minus the $600 contribution to receive it ) , but not until after leaving active duty . The additional contribution must be made while still on active duty . It is available for G.I. Bill recipients using either Ch. 30 or Ch. 1607 , but can not be extended beyond 36 months if a combination of G.I. Bill programs are used . Time limit / eligibility ( edit ) MGIB benefits may be used up to 10 years from the date of last discharge or release from active duty . The 10 - year period can be extended by the amount of time a service member was prevented from training during that period because of a disability or because he / she was held by a foreign government or power . The 10 - year period can also be extended if one reenters active duty for 90 days or more after becoming eligible . The extension ends 10 years from the date of separation from the later period . Periods of active duty of fewer than 90 days qualify for extensions only if one was separated for one of the following : A service - connected disability A medical condition existing before active duty Hardship For those eligible based on two years of active duty and four years in the Selected Reserve ( also known as `` call to service '' ) , they have 10 years from their release from active duty , or 10 years from the completion of the four - year Selected Reserve obligation to use MGIB benefits . At this time , service members can not recoup any monies paid into the MGIB program should it not be utilized . Top - up option ( edit ) Service members may use GI bill in conjunction with Military Tuition Assistance ( MilTA ) to help with payments above the MilTA CAP . This will reduce the total benefit available once the member leaves service . Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Act of 2010 ( Public Law 111 - 377 , 4 January 2011 ) , Section 111 , amended Title 38 , U.S. Code , by adding section 3322 ( h ) , `` Bar to Duplication of Eligibility Based on a Single Event or Period of Service , '' which does not allow the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish eligibility for a Service Member under more than one education benefit . If a service member applies for Montgomery GI Bill benefits ( such as the Top - up option to augment Tuition Assistance ) and entered service on / after 1 August 2011 , then they must incur a subsequent period of service to convert to the Post 9 / 11 GI Bill . If the service member can not incur another period of service , they are not eligible to convert . The VA considers a service member has elected a GI Bill upon submission of VA Form 22 - 1990. and VA approval and issues a Certificate of Eligibility . Educational ( edit ) College , business Technical or vocational courses Correspondence courses Apprenticeship / job training Flight training ( usually limited to 60 % for Ch. 30 , see Ch. 33 for more flight information ) Under this bill , benefits may be used to pursue an undergraduate or graduate degree at a college or university , a cooperative training program , or an accredited independent study program leading to a degree . Chapter 31 ( vocational rehabilitation program ) ( edit ) `` Chapter 31 '' is a vocational rehabilitation program that serves eligible active duty servicemembers and veterans with service - connected disabilities . This program promotes the development of suitable , gainful employment by providing vocational and personal adjustment counseling , training assistance , a monthly subsistence allowance during active training , and employment assistance after training . Independent living services may also be provided to advance vocational potential for eventual job seekers , or to enhance the independence of eligible participants who are presently unable to work . In order to receive an evaluation for Chapter 31 vocational rehabilitation and / or independent living services , those qualifying as a `` servicemember '' must have a memorandum service - connected disability rating of 20 % or greater and apply for vocational rehabilitation services . Those qualifying as `` veterans '' must have received , or eventually receive , an honorable or other - than - dishonorable discharge , have a VA service - connected disability rating of 10 % or more , and apply for services . Law provides for a 12 - year basic period of eligibility in which services may be used , which begins on the latter of separation from active military duty or the date the veteran was first notified of a service - connected disability rating . In general , participants have 48 months of program entitlement to complete an individual vocational rehabilitation plan . Participants deemed to have a `` serious employment handicap '' will generally be granted exemption from the 12 - year eligibility period and may receive additional months of entitlement as necessary to complete approved plans . Chapter 32 ( veterans Educational Assistance program ) ( edit ) The Veterans Educational Assistance Program ( VEAP ) is available for those who first entered active duty between January 1 , 1977 , and June 30 , 1985 , and elected to make contributions from their military pay to participate in this education benefit program . Participants ' contributions are matched on a $2 for $1 basis by the Government . This benefit may be used for degree and certificate programs , flight training , apprenticeship / on - the - job training and correspondence courses . Chapter 33 ( Post-9 / 11 ) ( edit ) Main article : Post-9 / 11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 Congress , in the summer of 2008 , approved an expansion of benefits beyond the current G.I. Bill program for military veterans serving since September 11 , 2001 , originally proposed by Democratic Senator Jim Webb . Beginning in August 2009 , recipients became eligible for greatly expanded benefits , or the full cost of any public college in their state . The new bill also provides a housing allowance and $1,000 a year stipend for books , among other benefits . The VA announced in September 2008 that it would manage the new benefit itself instead of hiring an outside contractor after protests by veteran 's organizations and the American Federation of Government Employees . Veterans Affairs Secretary James B. Peake stated that although it was `` unfortunate that we will not have the technical expertise from the private sector , '' the VA `` can and will deliver the benefits program on time . '' President Obama Launches Post-9 / 11 GI Bill August 3 , 2009 12 : 01 President Obama marks the launch of the Post-9 / 11 GI Bill , which will provide comprehensive education benefits to our veterans . The bill will provide our veterans the skills and trainings they need to be successful in the future , and is part of the Presidents plan to build a new foundation for the 21st century . August 3 , 2009 . In December 2010 Congress passed the Post-9 / 11 Veterans Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2010 . The new law , often referred to as G.I. Bill 2.0 , expands eligibility for members of the National Guard to include time served on Title 32 or in the full - time Active Guard and Reserve ( AGR ) . It does not , however , cover members of the Coast Guard Reserve who have served under Title 14 orders performing duties comparable to those performed by National Guard personnel under Title 32 orders . The new law also includes : enrollment periods . In this case if the veteran is full - time , and his or her maximum BAH rate is $1500 per month , then he or she will receive ( 13 / 30 ) x $1500 = $650 for the end of the first period of enrollment , then the veteran will receive ( 10 / 30 ) x $1500 = $500 for the beginning of the second period of enrollment . Effectively , the change in break - pay means the veteran will receive $1150 per month for August instead of $1500 per month . This have a significant impact in December - January BAH payments since most Colleges have 2 - 4 week breaks . Another change enables active - duty servicemembers and their G.I. Bill - eligible spouses to receive the annual $1,000 book stipend ( pro-rated for their rate of pursuit ) , adds several vocational , certification and OJT options , and removes the state - by - state tuition caps for veterans enrolled at publicly funded colleges and universities . Changes to Ch. 33 also includes a new $17,500 annual cap on tuition and fees coverage for veterans attending Private Colleges and foreign colleges and universities . Chapter 35 ( survivors ' and dependents ' Educational Assistance program ) ( edit ) The Survivors ' and Dependents ' Educational Assistance ( DEA ) Program delivers education and training advantages to dependents from eligible resources to veterans who have either have a terminal illness due to a service - related condition , or who were called to active duty or had a disability related to serving in the American forces in the United States . That program gives around 50 months of education benefits . However , there are still more opportunities . The benefits may be used for degree and certificate programs , apprenticeship , and on the job training . Wives of veterans and former wives are offered free courses occasionally . Chapter 1606 ( Montgomery G.I. Bill - selective Reserve ) ( edit ) The Montgomery G.I. Bill -- Selected Reserve ( MGIB - SR ) program may be available to members of the Selected Reserve , including all military branch reserve components as well as the Army National Guard and Air National Guard . This benefit may be used for degree and certificate programs , flight training , apprenticeship / on - the - job training and correspondence courses . Chapter 1607 ( Reserve Educational Assistance program ) ( edit ) Main article : Chapter 1607 ( G.I. Bill of Rights ) The Reserve Educational Assistance Program ( REAP ) is available to all reservists who , after September 11 , 2001 , complete 90 days or more of active duty service `` in support of contingency operations . '' This benefit provides reservists return from active duty with up to 80 % of the active duty ( Chapter 30 ) G.I. Bill benefits as long as they remain active participants in the reserves . MGIB comparison chart ( edit ) Type Active Duty MGIB Chapter 30 Active Duty Chap 30 Top - up Post-9 / 11 G.I. Bill Chapter 33 Voc Rehab Chapter 31 VEAP Chapter 32 DEA Chapter 35 Selected Reserve Chapter 1606 Selected Reserve ( REAP ) Chapter 1607 Additional Benefits Tuition Assistance Additional Benefits Student Loan Repayment Program Info Link Time Limit ( Eligibility ) 10 yrs from last discharge from active duty . While on active duty only . 15 yrs from last discharge from active duty . 12 yrs from discharge or notification of service - connected disability , whichever is later . In cases of `` extreme disability '' , the 12 - year timeline can be waived . Entered service for the first time between January 1 , 1977 , and June 30 , 1985 ; Opened a contribution account before April 1 , 1987 ; Voluntarily contributed from $25 to $2700 While in the Selected Reserve While in the Selected Reserve . If separated from Ready Reserve for disability which was not result of willful misconduct , for 10 yrs after date of entitlement . On the day one leaves the Selected Reserve ; this include voluntary entry into the IRR . On the day one leaves the Selected Reserve ; this include voluntary entry into the IRR . Months of Benefits ( Full Time ) 36 months 36 months 36 months 48 months 1 to 36 months depending on the number of monthly contributions up to 45 months 36 months 36 months Contingent as long as one serves as a drilling Reservist . Contingent as long as one serves as a drilling Reservist . Other legal safeguards ( edit ) The State of California has an 85 - 15 rule that to prevent predatory for - profit colleges and `` fly - by - night schools '' from targeting veterans . In 2012 , President Barack Obama issued Executive Order 13607 to ensure that military service members , veterans , and their families would not be aggressively targeted by sub-prime colleges . Deregulation ( edit ) In 2017 , the Trump Administration proposed to remove conflict of interest rules between VA officials and for - profit colleges . See also ( edit ) GI Bill Tuition Fairness Act of 2013 ( H.R. 357 ; 113th Congress ) - proposed amendments related to in - state versus out - of - state tuition Post-9 / 11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Glenn C. Altschuler and Stuart M. Blumin , The GI Bill : A New Deal for Veterans ( 2009 ) pp 54 - 57 Jump up ^ Altschuler and Blumin , The GI Bill ( 2009 ) p 118 Jump up ^ Ellsworth Harvey Plank ( 1953 ) . Public Finance . p. 234 . Jump up ^ Olson , 1973 and see also Bound and Turner 2002 Jump up ^ Stanley , 2003 Jump up ^ Frydl , 2009 Jump up ^ Suzanne Mettler , Soldiers to citizens : The GI Bill and the making of the greatest generation ( 2005 ) Jump up ^ Lemieux , Thomas ; Card , David ( 2001 ) . `` Education , earnings , and the ' Canadian GI Bill ' '' . Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'économique. 34 ( 2 ) : 313 -- 344 . doi : 10.1111 / 0008 - 4085.00077 . Jump up ^ `` Delivering for Young Families : The Resonance of the GI Bill '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ David Halperin Attorney , advocate ( 1 February 2016 ) . `` Military - Branded Websites Push Veterans to Troubled For - Profit Colleges '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` The 90 - 10 Rule : Why Predatory Schools Target Veterans '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` GI Bill ® Feedback System '' ( PDF ) . Veterans Administration . 2014 . Retrieved October 2016 . Check date values in : access - date = ( help ) ^ Jump up to : `` Executive Order 13607 of April 27 , 2012 Establishing Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members , Veterans , Spouses , and Other Family Members '' ( PDF ) . Government Publishing Office . May 2 , 2012 . Retrieved October 2016 . Check date values in : access - date = ( help ) Jump up ^ `` The George Washington Uni Profile '' . . Archived from the original on July 28 , 2011 . Retrieved 2014 - 01 - 09 . Jump up ^ David Ortiz , Beyond the Bonus March and GI Bill : how veteran politics shaped the New Deal era ( 2013 ) p xiii Jump up ^ Kathleen Frydl , The G.I. Bill ( Cambridge University Press , 2009 ) pp 47 - 54 . Jump up ^ Ortiz , Beyond the Bonus March and GI Bill : how veteran politics shaped the New Deal era ( 2009 ) p xiii Jump up ^ Frydl , The G.I. Bill ( 2009 ) pp 102 - 44 , emphasizes the central role of the American Legion . Jump up ^ 223D . `` Education and Training Home '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` - CBSi '' . Archived from the original on 31 December 2008 . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ James E. McMillan ( 2006 ) . Ernest W. McFarland : Majority Leader of the United States Senate , Governor and Chief Justice of the State of Arizona : a biography . Sharlot Hall Museum Press . p. 113 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 927579 - 23 - 0 . Jump up ^ THE CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE ( 2004 ) , A CHRONOLOGY OF HOUSING LEGISLATION AND SELECTED EXECUTIVE ACTIONS , 1892 - 2003 , U.S. Government Printing Office Jump up ^ Jackson , Kenneth T. ( 1985 ) . Crabgrass Frontier : The Suburbanization of the United States . New York : Oxford University Press . p. 206 . Jump up ^ Kotz , Nick ( 28 August 2005 ) . `` Review : ' When Affirmative Action Was White ' : Uncivil Rights '' . New York Times . Retrieved 2 August 2015 . Jump up ^ Katznelson , Ira ( 2006 ) . When affirmative action was white : an untold history of racial inequality in twentieth - century America ( ( Norton pbk ed . ) ed . ) . New York : W.W. Norton . ISBN 978 - 0393328516 . Jump up ^ Herbold , Hilary ( Winter 1994 ) . `` Never a Level Playing Field : Blacks and the GI Bill '' . The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education ( 6 ) : 107 . doi : 10.2307 / 2962479 . ^ Jump up to : Herbold , Hilary ( Winter 1994 ) . `` Never a Level Playing Field : Blacks and the GI Bill '' . The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education ( 6 ) : 104 -- 108 . doi : 10.2307 / 2962479 . Jump up ^ Belated Thank You to the Merchant Mariners of World War II Act of 2007 Archived 2012 - 01 - 31 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Wong , Alia . `` Why For - Profit Colleges Target Military Veterans '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Money Military Heroes : How For - Profit Colleges Target Military Veterans ( and Your Tax Dollars ) '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` For - profit schools targeted again over GI Bill payouts '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` For - Profit Colleges ' 90 / 10 Loophole Latest Target For Democrats With Military And Veterans Education Protection Act '' . 24 June 2015 . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ 223D . `` Education and Training Home '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ 223D . `` Education and Training Home '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ Good , William . `` INFORMATION PAPER '' ( Information Paper ) . . US Army . p. 2 . Retrieved 5 September 2016 . Jump up ^ IIT , Philadelphia . `` U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ Davenport , Christian , `` Expanded GI Bill Too Late For Some '' , Washington Post , October 21 , 2008 , p. 1 . Jump up ^ . `` Education '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` - A FREE Online and Audio Army Board Study Guide for U.S. Army Promotion Boards and Soldier / NCO Boards . '' Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ 223D . `` Education and Training Home '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . ^ Jump up to : . `` GI Bill , Montgomery and Post 9 / 11 GI Bills '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` - A FREE Online and Audio Army Board Study Guide for U.S. Army Promotion Boards and Soldier / NCO Boards . '' Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ 223D . `` Education and Training Home '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` - A FREE Online and Audio Army Board Study Guide for U.S. Army Promotion Boards and Soldier / NCO Boards . '' Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ 223D . `` Education and Training Home '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` - A FREE Online and Audio Army Board Study Guide for U.S. Army Promotion Boards and Soldier / NCO Boards . '' Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ 223D . `` Education and Training Home '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` - A FREE Online and Audio Army Board Study Guide for U.S. Army Promotion Boards and Soldier / NCO Boards . '' Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ 223D . `` Education and Training Home '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ 223D . `` Education and Training Home '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ . Archived from the original on 2012 - 10 - 28 . Missing or empty title = ( help ) Jump up ^ `` '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ Bodapati , Radhika . `` Military Tuition Assistance '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Student Loan Repayment '' . Jump up ^ 223D . `` Education and Training Home '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ 223D . `` Education and Training Home '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ 223D . `` Education and Training Home '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ 223D . `` Education and Training Home '' . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` University of Phoenix barred from enrolling veterans in 7 programs '' . 30 July 2014 . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Jump up ^ Further reading ( edit ) Abrams , Richard M. `` The U.S. Military and Higher Education : A Brief History . '' Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science ( 1989 ) 404 pp. 15 -- 28 . Altschuler , Glenn C. and Stuart M. Blumin . The GI Bill : a new deal for veterans ( 2009 ) , brief scholarly overview Bennett , Michael J. When Dreams Came True : The G.I. Bill and the Making of Modern America ( New York : Brassey 's Inc. , 1996 ) Bound , John , and Sarah Turner . `` Going to War and Going to College : Did World War II and the G.I. Bill Increase Educational Attainment for Returning Veterans ? '' Journal of Labor Economics 20 # 4 ( 2002 ) , pp. 784 -- 815 in JSTOR Boulton , Mark . Failing our Veterans : The G.I. Bill and the Vietnam Generation ( NYU Press , 2014 ) . Clark , Daniel A . `` ' The two joes meet -- Joe College , Joe Veteran ' : The GI Bill , college education , and postwar American culture . '' History of Education Quarterly ( 1998 ) . 38 # 2 pp 165 -- 189 . Frydl , Kathleen . The G.I. Bill ( Cambridge University Press , 2009 ) Humes , Edward ( 2006 ) . Over Here : How the G.I. Bill Transformed the American Dream . Harcourt . ISBN 0 - 15 - 100710 - 1 . Jennings , Audra . Out of the Horrors of War : Disability Politics in World War II America ( U of Pennsylvania Press , 2016 ) . 288 pp . Mettler , Suzanne . Soldiers to Citizens : The G.I. Bill and the Making of the Greatest Generation ( Oxford University Press , 2005 ) . online ; excerpt Nagowski , Matthew P. `` Inopportunity of Gender : The G.I. Bill and the Higher Education of the American Female , 1939 - 1954 '' Cornell University ILR Collection '' ( 2005 ) online ; statistical approach Nam , Charles B . `` The Impact of the ' GI Bills ' on the Educational Level of the Male Population '' Social Forces 43 ( October , 1964 ) : 26 - 32 . Olson , Keith . `` The G.I. Bill and Higher Education : Success and Surprise , '' American Quarterly Vol. 25 , No. 5 ( December 1973 ) 596 - 610 . in JSTOR in JSTOR Olson , Keith , The G.I. Bill , The Veterans , and The Colleges ( Lexington : University Press of Kentucky , 1974 ) Peeps , J.M. Stephen . `` A B.A. for the G.I. ... Why ? '' History of Education Quarterly 24 # 4 ( 1984 ) pp 513 - 25 . Ross , David B. Preparing for Ulysses : Politics and Veterans During World War II ( Columbia University Press , 1969 ) . Stanley , Marcus ( 2003 ) . `` College Education and the Midcentury GI Bills '' . The Quarterly Journal of Economics . 118 ( 2 ) : 671 -- 708 . doi : 10.1162 / 003355303321675482 . JSTOR 25053917 . Van Ells , Mark D. To Hear Only Thunder Again : America 's World War II Veterans Come Home . Lanham , MD : Lexington Books , 2001 . External links ( edit ) GI Bill Forum The American Legion 's The Department of Veteran Affairs ' GI Bill website Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors analysis of the MGIB Education Fact Sheet for Guard & Reserve Members Education Benefits Available by States Web - Enable Education Benefits System GI Bill top up program <Th_colspan="2"> Franklin D. Roosevelt <Td_colspan="2"> 32nd President of the United States ( 1933 -- 1945 ) 44th Governor of New York ( 1929 -- 1932 ) Assistant Secretary of the Navy ( 1913 -- 1920 ) New York State Senator ( 1911 -- 1913 ) Presidency Inaugurations ( 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ) New Deal overview New Deal coalition First 100 days Second New Deal Federal Emergency Relief Administration Civilian Conservation Corps Agricultural Adjustment Administration Emergency Banking Act Tennessee Valley Authority National Labor Relations Act National Industry Recovery Act Public Works Administration National Recovery Administration Works Progress Administration National Youth Administration Social Security Act Aid to Families with Dependent Children Communications Act of 1934 Federal Communications Commission Securities and Exchange Commission Monetary gold ownership Gold Reserve Act Silver seizure Record on civil rights Defense industry non-discrimination Fair Employment Practices Commission Indian Reorganization Act Executive Orders 9066 , 9102 War Relocation Authority Japanese American internment German - American internment Italian - American internment Brownlow Committee Executive Office of the President G.I. Bill of Rights Cullen -- Harrison Act Roerich Pact Four Freedoms Four Freedoms Monument Black Cabinet Jefferson 's Birthday holiday Judicial Court - Packing Bill Federal Judicial appointments Supreme Court Cabinet `` Brain Trust '' Modern Oval Office Official car Criticism Presidential Foreign policy Banana Wars U.S. occupation of Nicaragua , 1912 -- 1933 U.S. occupation of Haiti , 1915 -- 1934 Good Neighbor Policy ( 1933 -- 1945 ) Montevideo Convention ( 1933 ) Second London Naval Treaty ( 1936 ) ABCD line ( 1940 ) Export Control Act Four Policemen Lend - Lease 1940 Selective Service Act Atlantic Charter ( 1941 ) Military history of the United States during World War II Home front during World War II Combined Munitions Assignments Board War Production Board Declaration by United Nations ( 1942 ) Dumbarton Oaks Conference World War II conferences Quebec Agreement Europe first Morgentau Plan support Presidential speeches Commonwealth Club Address Madison Square Garden speech `` Four Freedoms '' Infamy Speech Arsenal of Democracy `` ... is fear itself '' Fireside chats `` Look to Norway '' Quarantine Speech `` The More Abundant Life '' Second Bill of Rights State of the Union Address ( 1934 1938 1939 1940 1941 1945 ) Other events Early life , education , career Warm Springs Institute Governorship of New York Business Plot Assassination attempt Elections New York state election , 1928 1930 Democratic National Convention , 1920 1924 1932 1936 1940 1944 United States presidential election , 1920 1932 theme song 1936 1940 1944 Life and homes Early life and education Groton School `` Springwood '' birthplace , home , and gravesite Campobello home Paralytic illness Top Cottage Little White House , Warm Springs , Georgia Legacy Presidential Library and Museum Roosevelt Institute Roosevelt Institute Campus Network Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Roosevelt Island Four Freedoms Park White House Roosevelt Room Roosevelt Study Center Four Freedoms Award Four Freedoms paintings Unfinished portrait U.S. Postage stamps Roosevelt dime Films The Roosevelt Story 1947 Sunrise at Campobello 1960 Eleanor and Franklin 1976 , The White House Years 1977 World War II : When Lions Roared Warm Springs 2005 Hyde Park on Hudson 2012 The Roosevelts 2014 documentary Other namesakes Roosevelt family Delano family Anna Eleanor Roosevelt ( wife ) Anna Eleanor Roosevelt ( daughter ) James Roosevelt II ( son ) Elliott Roosevelt ( son ) Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. ( son ) John Aspinwall Roosevelt II ( son ) Eleanor Roosevelt Seagraves ( granddaughter ) Curtis Roosevelt ( grandson ) Sara Delano Roosevelt ( granddaughter ) Franklin Delano Roosevelt III ( grandson ) John Roosevelt Boettiger ( grandson ) James Roosevelt III ( grandson ) James Roosevelt I ( father ) Sara Ann Delano ( mother ) James Roosevelt Roosevelt ( half - brother ) Isaac Roosevelt ( grandfather ) Jacobus Roosevelt ( great - grandfather ) Fala ( family dog ) <Td_colspan="2"> ← Herbert Hoover Harry S. 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1. G.I. Bill of Rights 2. Benefits for World War II veterans 3. Educational assistance for veterans 4. Racial discrimination in G.I. Bill benefits 5. Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act
who ranks world number 1 in women's tennis
World number 1 male Tennis player rankings - wikipedia World number 1 male Tennis player rankings Jump to : navigation , search This article possibly contains original research . Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations . Statements consisting only of original research should be removed . ( September 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) World - number - one male tennis - player rankings is a year - by - year listing of the male tennis players who , at the end of a full year of play , have generally been considered to be the best overall for the entire year . The runner - up for each year is also listed . Contents ( hide ) 1 Rankings before 1973 2 Professional tennis in Europe before 1926 3 The major professional tournaments before 1968 4 Sources of rankings and other information 5 Discrepancies in source material 6 The world number 1 and 2 rankings 7 List 7.1 1877 -- 1912 7.2 1913 -- present 8 Number of times players ranked number 1 9 Leading number 1 ranked players by decade 10 See also 11 References 12 External links Rankings before 1973 Before the open era of tennis arrived in 1968 , rankings for amateur players were generally compiled only for a full year of play . Professional players were ranked by journalists , promoters , and players ' associations usually at the end of the year . Even for amateurs , however , there was no single official overall ranking that encompassed the entire world . Instead , nation rankings were done by the national tennis association of each country , and world rankings were the preserve of tennis journalists . It was only with the introduction of computerized rankings in the open era that rankings were issued more frequently than once yearly . Even the end - of - year amateur rankings issued by official organizations such as the United States Lawn Tennis Association were based on judgments made by men and women and not on mathematical formulas assigning points for wins or losses . In 1938 , for instance , when Don Budge won the amateur Grand Slam , it was easy to conclude that Budge was not only the U.S. No. 1 but also the world No. 1 amateur player . It was far more difficult , however , to decide who was the best overall player , amateur or professional , for that year because both Ellsworth Vines and Fred Perry , now professionals , were still at the top of their form . Two different sources , however , carefully studied the performances of the players for that year and both concluded that Budge was the best overall player , with Vines a close second . For the previous year , 1937 , one of these same sources concluded that all three players , Perry , Vines , and Budge , deserved to be called the co-world No. 1 players . In 1946 Bobby Riggs , a professional , had clearly established himself as the best player in the world . In 1947 , he was still the best professional player but Jack Kramer had a sensational amateur year . Kramer , having turned professional in November after the Pacific Coast amateur Champs , met Riggs three times in late December on fast indoor courts and Riggs won twice . But at the end of their long series of matches in May 1948 , Kramer had led Riggs decisively in head - to - head meetings . It is feasible to argue , therefore , that Riggs and Kramer were possibly the co-world No. 1 players for 1947 . 1948 was the last year in which an amateur player turned professional and then went on to beat the defending professional champion . Therefore , it is generally acknowledged that the world No. 1 in every year since 1948 has been the best professional player . Even here , however , some years present difficulties . Kramer was perhaps the world 's best player in 1950 and 1951 when he crushed first Pancho Gonzales and then Pancho Segura in head - to - head tours but was dominated in tournaments by those same players . In 1952 , there was no long , headline tour . Instead , there were short tours between different players and several professional tournaments , with the result that none of the professionals played extensively . The short - lived Professional Lawn Tennis Association published an end - of - the - year list in which Segura was ranked the best player in the world , with Gonzales second . During the year , however , Gonzales had defeated Segura 4 matches to 1 . Segura had also won a number of important tournaments ; so , it is probable that Segura and Gonzales were co-world No. 1 players for the year . The following year , 1953 , Kramer narrowly defeated the top amateur - turned - professional , Frank Sedgman , in their tour during the first half of the year and so reestablished himself as world No. 1 , at least for that period . But then , because of injuries , he did not play the second half of the year . As a result , Kramer was now in semi-retirement . In 1954 , there were a number of round - robins as well as shorter tours , from which it is clear that Gonzales had now established himself as the best player in the world , the first year in a run of seven consecutive years as the world No. 1 . But , given the spotty and often contradictory record - keeping of the professional results since 1926 , it is frequently difficult to make a clear , objective judgment as to who was the best player in any number of years . Professional Tennis in Europe before 1926 There were numerous teaching professionals , that is , players who gave lessons for money at private clubs and public parks . Because they accepted money in return for their services , they were not allowed to participate in amateur tournaments . They did , however , create a number of relatively small professional tournaments for players like themselves , primarily in Europe . Some of the oldest professional matches known are those between Irish player George Kerr and American Tom Pettitt . In 1889 , Kerr beat Pettitt three times in four meetings . In June 1890 , Kerr won all three matches against Pettitt in Dublin . In April 1898 , a professional , round - robin tournament was played in Paris on covered courts . Both Thomas Burke ( tutor of the Tennis Club de Paris , former teacher of Joshua Pim who won Wimbledon twice ) from Ireland and Kerr ( Fitzwilliam Club ) defeated Tom Fleming ( Queen 's Club ) , and Burke defeated Kerr 6 -- 2 , 4 -- 6 , 6 -- 1 , 5 -- 7 , 6 -- 4 . During the 1900 Paris Exhibition , a professional tournament was held on clay , with Burke finishing ahead of both Kerr and the Englishman Charles Hierons . In the spring of 1903 in Nice on clay , Reginald Doherty , the leading amateur , defeated the leading professional , Burke , 1 -- 6 , 6 -- 1 , 6 -- 0 , 6 -- 0 . Burke was reportedly as good a player as the leading amateurs , but he is totally forgotten today , as was later Charles Haggett , the best English teaching professional . In 1913 , Haggett settled in the United States , invited by the West Side Tennis Club of Forest Hills , New York and became the coach of the American Davis Cup team . In practice matches , he beat the leading amateurs Tony Wilding , Wimbledon winner and Maurice McLoughlin , Wimbledon All Comer 's winner . In the 1920s , Karel Koželuh , Albert Burke ( son of Thomas Burke ) , and Roman Najuch were probably the most notable , as well as the best , of these players . The Bristol Cup , held at Beaulieu or at Cannes on the French Riviera and won seven consecutive times by Koželuh , was `` the world 's only significant pro tennis tournament . '' Koželuh went on to become one of the very best of the touring professionals in the 1930s ; so , it is easy to imagine that he , Burke , and probably other forgotten teaching professionals were among the top 10 amateur and professional players in any given year before 1928 , which is the first year for which any of the sources cited here give a ranking for all the top players of that year . All top 10 rankings for the years before 1928 were for amateurs only . The major professional tournaments before 1968 Main article : Major professional tennis tournaments before the Open Era Tradition on the pro circuit was non-existent before 1968 because the event hierarchy could change each year . Some major tournaments , however , stood out at different times . Elite events that lasted only a few years ( mostly because of financial collapse ) included : Bristol Cup : 1920s , Queen 's Club Pro : 1928 Southport tournament : 1935 -- 1939 World Pro Championships in Berlin : 1932 -- 1933 U.S Pro hardcourt : 1945 Philadelphia : 1950 -- 1952 Tournament of Champions : 1956 -- 1959 Masters Pro Round Robin : 1957 -- 1958 Australian Pro : 1954 , 1957 -- 1958 Madison Square Garden Pro : 1966 , 1967 Wimbledon Pro : 1967 Bonnardel Cup : 1930s Kramer Cup : 1961 -- 1963 Three major tournaments held a certain tradition and usually had the best of the leading players . They were called `` Championship Tournaments . '' The most prestigious of the three was generally the London Indoor Professional Championship . Played between 1934 and 1990 at Wembley Arena in the United Kingdom , the tournament was unofficially and usually considered the world 's championship until 1967 . The oldest of the three was the United States Professional Championship , usually called the U.S. Pro , played between 1927 and 1999 . Between 1954 and 1962 it was played indoors in Cleveland and was called the World Professional Championships . The third major tournament was the French Professional Championship , played between 1934 and 1968 , generally at Roland Garros . The British and American championships continued into the open era but devolved to the status of minor tournaments . The winner and runner - up in each of these tournaments will be shown for the years in which they were played . These three tournaments ( Wembley Pro , French Pro and U.S. Pro ) through 1967 are sometimes referred to as the professional Grand Slam tournaments by tennis historians . In any particular year , another tournament , such as the Forest Hills Pro or the Masters Pro , could have had a better field . But over the decades , these were the three `` majors '' that all professional players sought . Sources of rankings and other information Other years dating back to 1913 also present difficulties and ambiguities . There are sometimes contradictions between sources regarding the same information . The rankings below , however , all come from various sources that are as authoritative as can be found . There are eighteen sources : The United States Tennis Association Official Encyclopedia of Tennis ( 1981 ) . This book has annual rankings for the top 10 players as compiled every year from 1914 through 1980 . These rankings were made annually by various tennis experts at a London newspaper , The Daily Telegraph : Wallis Myers ( 1913 -- 1938 ) , John Olliff ( 1939 -- 1951 ) , and Lance Tingay ( 1952 -- 1967 ) . These rankings , however , included only amateur players . Beginning with the 1920s , some of the best players in the world were professionals . Once they became professionals , as Bill Tilden did in 1931 , they were no longer included in these annual lists . History of the Pro Tennis Wars , by Ray Bowers , is a website associated with the Tennis Server website . In thirteen chapters , Bowers gives a very detailed account of the first twenty years of the professional tennis tours , from a modest beginning in 1926 with Suzanne Lenglen and Vincent Richards as the main attractions , on through 1945 . He also gives detailed results of some of the tournaments played by professionals in addition to the main head - to - head tours . In his summing - up for each year since 1928 , he gives his rankings for the best players of that year , combining both amateurs and professionals , with the number of players ranked varying from year to year . In all cases prior to 1940 , his rankings coincide with those of The Daily Telegraph as far as amateurs are concerned . Total Tennis : The Ultimate Tennis Encyclopedia ( 2003 ) , by Bud Collins . This massive work has year - by - year chapters in which Collins gives a brief summation of the pro tour results , often with personal comments about the players . It also has somewhat more complete rankings from the early years of the Daily Telegraph . The combined amateur - professional rankings for 1968 through 1972 are those of Collins himself . Beginning with 1973 , the Association of Tennis Professionals began issuing computer - generated weekly rankings . Collins shows the top 10 players in these rankings for the last week of every calendar year through 2002 . The History of Professional Tennis ( 2003 ) , by Joe McCauley . This book was published in the United Kingdom and is a year - by - year account of the professional tours and tournaments between 1926 and 1968 . The book has 80 pages of year - by - year results for as many tournaments , tours , and head - to - head matches as the author , a long - time writer for World Tennis magazine , could find . The Concise History of Tennis ( 2010 ) , by Károly Mazák . This e-book is a year - by - year account of ( lawn ) tennis between 1877 and 2009 . Each page contains a short summary of the major events in that particular year , and combined ( amateur and professional ) year - end rankings in tabulated form that show the performance of the top players at the major events . Based upon available sources , including contemporary magazine classifications ( Pastime , Lawn Tennis and Badminton ) and official national rankings , the author has retrospectively created year - end rankings before 1913 . Professional Lawn Tennis Association ( PLTA ) . The PLTA was composed of a group of professional players in the late 1940s and early 1950s and , for several years , issued its own official rankings of professional players at the end of each year . The PLTA was also apparently called the Professional Players Association ( PPA ) in at least 1946 . The Game , My 40 Years in Tennis ( 1979 ) , by Jack Kramer . Kramer 's autobiography has information about the 1954 professional tour that is somewhat different from the other sources but that must be considered authoritative in that Kramer himself was the tour promoter that year . Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) . The ATP has issued its own year - end ranking of the top male players every year since 1973 . Tennis Is My Racket ( 1949 ) , by Bobby Riggs . Riggs 's autobiography has information about the 1946 professional tour that is slightly different from the other sources . He also writes at length about his 1948 tour with Kramer but says nothing about his playing record in 1947 , about which there is much conflicting information . The Last Sure Thing : The Life & Times of Bobby Riggs ( 2003 ) , by Tom LeCompte . This biography published after Riggs 's death jibes with his own information for 1946 but is at odds with other sources about Riggs 's record in 1947 . Vainqueurs 1946 - 2003 ( 2003 ) , by Michel Sutter ( Winners 1946 - 2003 in English ) . Apparently based mostly on information drawn from the French sports magazine L'Équipe , this is an updated edition of his earlier book Vainqueurs 1946 - 1991 . Both books list the winners of many professional tournaments and matches for the years shown in their titles , but the earlier book also listed the runner - ups , scores , and the exact dates as well as some commentary , in French and in English , by the author for each year . ( `` History of tennis '' ) . This is a French website that has much interesting information , particularly in its extended chapters with the history of tennis . Some of its information about the professional tour in 1954 , however , seems to conflict with other sources . The 1954 information may actually be for 1953 . Der Grösste Meister . Die denkwürdige Karriere des australischen Tennisspielers Kenneth Robert Rosewall ( 1999 ) , by Robert Geist . This is a detailed account of Ken Rosewall 's career with many statistics and , in particular , his annual rankings during his professional career . Anthony Wilding A Sporting Life ( 2005 ) , by Len and Shelley Richardson . Royal South Yarra Lawn Tennis Club : 100 Years in Australian Tennis , by Richard Yallop . Modern Tennis ( 1915 ) , by P.A. Vaile ( second edition ) . Lawn Tennis ( 1889 ) , by Methven Brownlee ( Arrowsmith , Bristol ) Kings of the court . The story of lawn tennis . by E.C. Potter . ( Barnes and Company , New York , 1963 . ) A very good tennis history book , has many details about the pre -- World War I players . Fifty years of Wimbledon . by Wallis Myers . ( The Field , London , 1926 . ) Each year of Wimbledon is examined , although it does not contain Top10 world rankings . Discrepancies in source material A good example of the occasional lack of authoritative material about the early years of the professional players is the somewhat surprising fact that the very existence of the 1936 and 1938 Wembley tournament is in question . Two sources , Collins and McCauley , give results for the Wembley tournament in each year . Bowers , however , is adamant that neither took place and offers some evidence to support his view . Another example is 1947 . Collins says that Riggs beat Budge in a tour ; McCauley says that there was no long tour , only a short one between Riggs and Frank Kovacs . Tom LeCompte says that there was a small tour with Riggs overcoming Budge 12 - 6 followed by the short Riggs - Kovacs tour ( 4 - 3 , but 11 - 10 according to McCauley ) . Other examples : the French Pro until 1933 . McCauley says that the first year of the French Pro is unknown but begins his list in 1930 whereas Ray Bowers does n't talk about any French Pro before 1934 ( even in 1934 he does n't use the expression `` French Professional Championships '' but writes a three - day tournament at ( Roland ) Garros , September 21 -- 23 ) . For example , in 1933 , the supposed Tilden - Cochet final ( 6 - 2 6 - 4 6 - 2 ) listed by McCauley was just according to Bowers a singles match ( with a slightly different score 6 - 3 6 - 4 6 - 2 ) of a USA - France meeting ( in the Davis Cup format ) at Roland Garros ( where Cochet defeated Bruce Barnes , Tilden beat Plaa and Cochet and Barnes overcame Plaa and the US won the doubles ) . The World number 1 and 2 rankings Before 1973 , there were no computer rankings , but only journalists or officials ( on their personal behalf ) or promoters or players themselves who listed their own annual rankings . In 1973 the ATP listed its own rankings every fortnight and some years later ( around 1977 ) every week but they had many imperfections because in the seventies and the eighties they did n't take into account such events as the Davis Cup , the WCT Finals and the Masters ( later called the Singles Championship and in the 2000s the Tennis Masters Cup ) . Nowadays the Tennis Masters Cup give ATP points . ( See : List of ATP number 1 ranked players ) . Therefore , other rankings proposed by tennis experts or by the players themselves could be more accurate because they included these events : From 1973 to 2006 this list sometimes differs from the ATP list because it shows journalists ( or even players ) rankings and not computer rankings . In particular Connors has been ranked # 1 , at the end of the year , from 1974 to 1978 by the ATP but the majority disagreed the computer rankings : for instance in 1975 all the journalists ( among them John Barrett , Bud Collins , Barry Lorge , Judith Elian ) ranked Arthur Ashe as the number 1 in the world while his ATP ranking was only 4th ; in 1977 , no one , except the ATP ranking , considered that Connors was the best player in the world , and everyone thought that Borg and Vilas were tennis kings ; and in 1978 everyone and in particular the ITF recognized that the Swede was the World Champion . In 1982 and in 1989 respectively Connors and Becker both winners of Wimbledon and the US Open were considered as World Champions even though the ATP ranked respectively McEnroe and Lendl as number 1 and number 2 . Since the mid - ' 90s the ATP rankings had been more or less accepted by many as the official rankings ( but in 1999 many considered Sampras as the second best player in the world while the ATP ranked Kafelnikov 2nd ) . Finally since 1978 the ITF ( represented at the beginning by Sedgman , Hoad and Trabert ) has designated his World Champion . Before 1913 very few sources are available but Richard Yallop in Royal South Yarra Lawn Tennis Club 100 Years in Australian Tennis stated that Norman Brookes was the champion of the world in 1907 and Len and Shelley Richardson in Anthony Wilding A Sporting Life cite the opinions of A.E. Crawley ( an early - twentieth - century British journalist ) and Anthony Wilding ( the New Zealand tennis player ) . List 1877 -- 1912 Early tennis era rankings are more variable in nature due to limited sourcing . A. = Amateur P. = Professional Year Number 1 Player Runner - up Player Source of Ranking 1877 Spencer Gore A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , Methven Brownlee : Lawn Tennis Gore is the Wimbledon champion 1878 Frank Hadow A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , Methven Brownlee : Lawn Tennis Hadow is the Wimbledon champion 1879 John Hartley A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , Methven Brownlee : Lawn Tennis Hartley is the Wimbledon champion 1880 John Hartley A. ( GB ) William Renshaw A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , Methven Brownlee : Lawn Tennis Hartley wins the only match he plays , against Lawford in the Wimbledon final . 1881 William Renshaw A. ( GB ) Herbert Lawford A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , R. Osborn ( he ranked the Top7 British players ) , as reported by Tingay in his encyclopedia William Renshaw is the Irish and Wimbledon champion . 1882 William Renshaw A. ( GB ) Ernest Renshaw A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , Methven Brownlee : Lawn Tennis William Renshaw is the Irish and Wimbledon champion , his brother Ernest is the challenger both times . 1883 William Renshaw A. ( GB ) Ernest Renshaw A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , Methven Brownlee : Lawn Tennis William Renshaw has won the only singles match he played at Wimbledon against Irish champion Ernest Renshaw . 1884 William Renshaw A. ( GB ) Herbert Lawford A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Pastime classification of British players : 1 . W. Renshaw 2 . Lawford William Renshaw has won the only singles match he played at Wimbledon against Irish champion Lawford . 1885 William Renshaw A. ( GB ) Herbert Lawford A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Pastime classification of British players : 1 . W. Renshaw 2 . Lawford William Renshaw has won the only singles match he played at Wimbledon against Irish champion Lawford . 1886 William Renshaw A. ( GB ) Herbert Lawford A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Pastime classification of British players : 1 . W. Renshaw 2 . Lawford William Renshaw has won the only singles match he played at Wimbledon against Irish champion Lawford . 1887 Ernest Renshaw A. ( GB ) Herbert Lawford A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Pastime classification of British players : 1 - 2 . Lawford , E. Renshaw Lawford beat Ernest Renshaw at Wimbledon and lost to him at the Irish . Neither of them has shown as good a form as William Renshaw last year who is absent because of injury . 1888 Ernest Renshaw A. ( GB ) Willoughby Hamilton A . Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Pastime classification of British players : 1 . E. Renshaw 2 - 4 . W. Renshaw , Hamilton , Lewis Ernest Renshaw is the Irish and Wimbledon champion . Hamilton is the Irish challenger , and the Northern England champion . 1889 Willoughby Hamilton A. ( IRL ) William Renshaw A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Pastime classification of British players : 1 - 2 . W. Renshaw , Hamilton Hamilton has beaten William Renshaw ( once again Wimbledon champion ) at the Irish , won the Northern England title as well , but lost at the Wimbledon semis to Harry Barlow . 1890 Willoughby Hamilton A. ( IRL ) Joshua Pim A. ( IRL ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Pastime classification of British players : 1 - 2 . Hamilton , Pim Hamilton wins Wimbledon , but loses to Pim in Liverpool and Lewis in Dublin ( although he is the Irish champ , he had severe defeats by Pim and G. Chaytor ) . 1891 Ernest Lewis A. ( GB ) Wilfred Baddeley A. ( GB ) Joshua Pim A. ( IRL ) all 3 ranked equally Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Pastime classification of British players : 1 - 3 . W. Baddeley , Lewis , Pim Lewis is the Irish , Baddeley the Wimbledon champion , but they have not met . Both of them have beaten Pim , although Pim also beat Baddeley at the Northern Champ . 1892 Ernest Renshaw A. ( GB ) Wilfred Baddeley A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Pastime classification of British players : 1 - 2 . E. Renshaw , W. Baddeley Ernest Renshaw is the Irish , Baddeley the Wimbledon champion ( in the absence of Renshaw ) , but they have not met . 1893 Joshua Pim A. ( IRL ) Wilfred Baddeley A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Pastime classification of British players : 1 . Pim 2 . W. Baddeley Pim wins Wimbledon , the Irish and Northern England titles as well ( no one has won all these three big titles in the same year yet ) . He twice defeats Baddeley . 1894 Joshua Pim A. ( IRL ) Wilfred Baddeley A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Pastime classification of British players : 1 . Pim 2 . W. Baddeley Pim defends his Wimbledon and Irish titles . Wilfred Baddeley is the Wimbledon challenger and wins the Northern England title beating Pim and also beats him at an international match . 1895 Joshua Pim A. ( IRL ) Wilfred Baddeley A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Pastime classification of British players : 1 - 2 . W. Baddeley , Pim Pim is the Irish champion demolishing Wilberforce Eaves , but is absent from Wimbledon that Baddeley wins from a weaker field narrowly beating Eaves . 1896 Wilfred Baddeley A. ( GB ) Harold Mahony A. ( IRL ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Lawn Tennis classification of British players ( in alphabetical order , foreign and covered court tournaments were not taken into account ) : 1 . W. Baddeley scratch 2 . Mahony Baddeley has beaten Mahony both at the Irish and Northern England Championships , but lost to him at Wimbledon . John Pius Boland won the Olympic gold . 1897 Reginald Doherty A. ( GB ) - Wilberforce Eaves A. ( GB ) Robert Wrenn A. ( USA ) all 3 ranked equally Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Lawn Tennis classification of British players ( in alphabetical order , foreign and covered court tournaments were not taken into account ) : 1 . W. Baddeley , R. Doherty , Eaves scratch US rankings : 1 . Wrenn 2 . Larned 3 . Eaves There is very little difference between the top players . Wimbledon champion Doherty was beaten by Irish champ Eaves in Dublin , by Baddeley at the Northern England Championships and by Mahony at the international match , however he has beaten all of them at Wimbledon . Wrenn beats Eaves at the US but loses to Larned in Boston . 1898 Reginald Doherty A. ( GB ) Hugh Laurence `` Laurie '' Doherty A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Lawn Tennis classification of British players ( in alphabetical order , foreign and covered court tournaments were not taken into account ) : 1 - 5 . G. Chaytor , L. Doherty ( he was probably the most consistent ) , R. Doherty , W. Eaves , S. Smith Wimbledon champ Reginald Doherty loses to Irish Mahony in Dublin . Laurie Doherty defeats Mahony at Wimbledon , but loses the challenge round to his brother . 1899 Reginald Doherty A. ( GB ) Sydney Smith A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Lawn Tennis classification of British players ( in alphabetical order , foreign and covered court tournaments were not taken into account ) : 1 . R. Doherty scratch 2 . S. Smith 1 / 6 US rankings : 1 . Whitman Reginald Doherty wins both the Wimbledon and the Irish titles and has an unbeaten season . Charles A. Voigt from Boston classified the national champions in this order : R. Doherty , Smith ( of Wales ) , Whitman . Whitman wins all the important US tournaments , and according to Potter ( in his Kings of the Court book ) he played magnificently . 1900 Reginald Doherty A. ( GB ) Malcolm Whitman A. ( USA ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , British author Jackson ranked the British players in the American Outing as follows : 1 . R. Doherty 2 . Smith 3 . Gore US rankings : 1 . Whitman Reginald wins both the Wimbledon and the Irish titles . Whitman wins all the important US titles and demolishes Gore in Davis Cup . Laurence Doherty won the Olympic gold . 1901 Reginald Doherty A. ( GB ) Arthur Gore A. ( GB ) William Larned A. ( USA ) all 3 ranked equally Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis Reginald ( still Irish champ ) is in poor health and loses his Wimbledon title to Gore . Larned is the best American in the absence of Whitman . 1902 Reginald Doherty A. ( GB ) Laurence Doherty A. ( GB ) William Larned A. ( USA ) all 3 ranked equally Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Lawn Tennis and Croquet classification of British players ( some continental tournaments were also taken into account ) : 1 . L. Doherty , R. Doherty scratch US rankings : 1 . Larned 2 . Whitman Irish and Wimbledon champ Laurie was not selected for Davis Cup . US champ Larned was 1 - 1 with Reginald , who did not play singles anymore in England . 1903 Laurence Doherty A. ( GB ) William Larned A. ( USA ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , Anthony Wilding ; DeWitt C. Regrave , Jr. in `` World Tennis '' November 1955 ( Volume 3 Number 6 ) Laurie was definitely the best , winning Wimbledon , the US Championship and Davis Cup . Larned nearly beats Laurie at Davis Cup . 1904 Laurence Doherty A. ( GB ) Reginald Doherty A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Lawn Tennis and Badminton classification of British players ( by the eminent handicapper Simond ) : 1 . L. Doherty , 2 . R. Doherty scratch US rankings : 1 . Ward Wimbledon champ Laurie has only one loss at the end of the season . US1 Ward loses to Larned in Boston . Beals Wright won the Olympics . 1905 Laurence Doherty A. ( GB ) Beals Wright A. ( USA ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , The Lawn Tennis and Badminton classification of British players and the American and Australian visitors : 1 . L. Doherty 2 . Wright 3 . Brookes 4 . Smith US rankings : 1 . Wright Doherty is the Wimbledon champion . US champion Wright twice beats Wimbledon challenger Brookes , but loses to Gore at Wimbledon . 1906 Laurence Doherty A. ( GB ) Norman Brookes A. ( Aus ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis Doherty is the Wimbledon champion . Brookes has won the Victorian Championships against Wilding but has not played outside Australia . US champion Clothier loses in Boston . 1907 Norman Brookes A. ( Aus ) William Larned A. ( USA ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , Richard Yallop Brookes was undefeated in Great Britain and won there in particular Wimbledon and the Davis Cup preliminary and challenge rounds ; DeWitt C. Regrave , Jr. in `` World Tennis '' November 1955 ( Volume 3 Number 6 ) . Larned is the US and Boston champion in weak fields ( without Clothier or Wright ) . 1908 William Larned A. ( USA ) Arthur Gore A. ( GB ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis Larned is the US and Boston and wins his Davis Cup matches . In his book Anthony Wilding judged Brookes the best , however the actual results contradict his assertion . Brookes has lost to US No 2 Wright in Davis Cup and could only narrowly beat Alexander . Gore is the Wimbledon champion in a weak field . Arthur Gore won the Olympic Indoor tennis gold medal , Josiah Ritchie won the Olympic Outdoor tennis gold medal . 1909 William Larned A. ( USA ) Anthony Wilding A. ( NZ ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis Larned is the US and Boston and wins his Davis Cup matches . Wilding has defeated Brookes at the Victorian Championships . Gore is the Wimbledon champion in a weak field . 1910 William Larned A. ( USA ) Anthony Wilding A. ( NZ ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis Larned is once again US and Boston champ ( he was named the best player of the world next April by a British expert , A. Crawley ) . Wilding wins Wimbledon but Wright nearly beats him in the all - comers ' final . 1911 Norman Brookes A. ( Aus ) Anthony Wilding A. ( NZ ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis ' , Anthony Wilding Wilding has barely defended his Wimbledon title . Brookes has won in Davis Cup and won the Australasian Championships ( also beating Heath ) . Larned ( US and Boston champ ) , suffering from rheumatism , lost to Heath . In his book Anthony Wilding judged Brookes the best , but based on their last encounter in 1909 they were probably equal 1912 Anthony Wilding A. ( NZ ) Maurice McLoughlin A. ( USA ) Karoly Mazak : The Concise History of Tennis , A.E. Crawley listed the world 's ten best singles players in three classes : in the first Brookes and André Gobert the two most brilliant stroke makers ; second class Wilding ; third class five USA players William Larned , Beals Wright , Maurice McLoughlin , William Clothier , R. Norris Williams and two British players Charles Dixon ( tennis ) and Arthur Gore . Yet Crawley conceded that if the world 's best were brought together in a round robin tournament on a perfect court , Wilding would win . Wilding is the Wimbledon champion , but lost on wood to Gobert and Dixon . McLoughlin , who won the US Championship , is undefeated in America in the absence of Larned . The high placement of Brookes can not be justified this year as he lost a critical Davis Cup match to Parke ( in fact , Brookes has not beaten a world class player since 1907 ) . Gobert was brilliant , but lost at Wimbledon to Gore and in Davis Cup to Dixon . Otto Froitzheim won the World Hard Court Championships ( on Clay ) . Charles Winslow won the Olympics . 1913 -- present From 1913 sources are more detailed and better documented . Year Consensus world No. 1 Consensus world No. 2 Source of Ranking 1913 Tony Wilding A. ( NZ ) Norman Brookes A . Maurice McLoughlin A. ( USA ) Arthur Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; the top 10 amateurs rankings were Wilding , Brookes & McLoughlin tied for 2nd , Jim Cecil Parke , R. Norris Williams , Percy Dixon , Otto Froitzheim , Stanley Doust , André Gobert , Max Décugis . Myers must have ranked Brookes that high only on reputation . Brookes only played in Australia and gave a walkover in the final of the Victorian Championships ( then the most important tournament in Australia even ahead the Australasian Championship ) . Wilding won all three of the ILTF 's World Championships -- Wimbledon , World Hard Court Championships ( Clay ) , World Covered Court Championships ( Indoor ) . Maurice McLoughlin won the US Championships . 1914 Maurice McLoughlin A. ( USA ) Norman Brookes A. ( Aus . ) Tony Wilding A. ( NZ ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; the top 10 amateurs rankings were McLoughlin , Brookes & Wilding tied for 2nd , Froitzheim , Williams , Parke , Arthur Lowe , F. Gordon Lowe , Heinrich Kleinschroth , Décugis . P.A. Vaile disagreed , arguing that James Cecil Parke had a stronger claim to the top ranking than McLoughlin 's . However , Vaile also credited Brookes with having the greatest season in tennis history up to that time . Norman Brookes won Wimbledon , Tony Wilding won the World Hard Court Championship ( Clay ) . Richard Norris Williams won the US Championship . Parke had no major title wins in 1914 . 1915 - 1918 <Td_colspan="3"> World War I , no world rankings 1919 Gerald Patterson A. ( Aus . ) Bill Johnston A. ( USA ) both ranked equally A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; the top 10 amateurs rankings were Patterson & Johnston tied for 1st , Gobert , Bill Tilden , Brookes , Algernon Kingscote , Williams , Percival Davson , Willis Davis , William Laurentz . Gerald Patterson won Wimbledon . Andre Gobert won the World Covered Court Championship ( Indoor ) . Bill Johnston won the US Championship . 1920 Bill Tilden A. ( USA ) Bill Johnston A. ( USA ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; the top 10 amateurs rankings were Tilden , Johnston , Kingscote , Parke , Gobert , Brookes , Williams , Laurentz , Zenzo Shimidzu , Patterson . Bill Tilden won Wimbledon and the US Championship . William Laurentz won the World Hard Court Championships ( Clay ) . Gordon Lowe won the World Covered Court Championship ( Indoor ) . Louis Raymond won the Olympic Games . 1921 Bill Tilden A. ( USA ) Bill Johnston A. ( USA ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; the top 10 amateurs rankings were Tilden , Johnston , Vinnie Richards , Shimidzu , Patterson , James Anderson , Brian Norton , Manual Alonso , Williams , Gobert . Bill Tilden won Wimbledon , the World Hard Court Championships ( Clay ) & the US Championship . William Laurentz won the World Covered Court Championship ( Indoor ) . 1922 Bill Johnston A. ( USA ) Bill Tilden A. ( USA ) Capt . H. Liddel Hart who ranked the amateurs as 1 . Johnston , Tilden , 3 . Vincent `` Vinnie '' Richards , 4 . Anderson , 5 . Patterson , 6 . Kingscote , 7 . Williams , 8 . Henri Cochet , 9 . Alonso , 10 . Gobert ; New York Times ( 1 Tilden , 2 Johnston , 3 Richards , Patterson , 5 Alonso , 6 Williams , 7 Anderson , 8 Pat O'Hara Wood , 9 Kingscote , 10 Gobert ) ; A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ( Tilden , Johnston , Patterson , Richards , Anderson , Henri Cochet , Pat O'Hara Wood , Williams , Kingscote , Gobert ) . Myers ranked Tilden ahead Johnston because he thought that Tilden was more intelligent on a tennis court than his countryman but Johnston beat Tilden three times in four meetings that year . Henri Cochet won 2 of the 3 International Lawn Tennis Federation ( ILTF ) designated ' World Championships ' - the World Hard court Championships ( Clay ) and the World Covered Court Championships ( indoor ) . Gerald Patterson won Wimbledon and Bill Tilden won the US Championship . 1923 Bill Tilden A. ( USA ) Bill Johnston A. ( USA ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; the top 10 amateurs rankings were Tilden , Johnston , Anderson , Williams , Frank Hunter , Richards , Norton , Alonso , Jean Washer , Cochet . Bill Johnston won 2 of the 3 International Lawn Tennis Federation ( ILTF ) designated ' World Championships ' - Wimbledon and the World Hard Court Championships ( Clay ) . Henri Cochet won the World Covered Court Championships ( indoor ) . Bill Tilden won the US Championship . 1924 Bill Tilden A. ( USA ) Vinnie Richards A. ( USA ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; the top 10 amateurs rankings were Tilden , Richards , Anderson , Johnston , René Lacoste , Jean Borotra , Howard Kinsey , Patterson , Cochet , Alonso . The Australasian Championship has now being officially designated by the ILTF as a Major Championship , starting in this year . The champion of this tournament was James Anderson . The US Championships also , from this year , is now being officially designated as a Major Championship by the ILTF ( though many viewed it unofficially as a major prior to this ) . The champion of that tournament was Bill Tilden . Wimbledon was won by Jean Borotra . The Olympic winner in Paris was Vincent Richards . 1925 Bill Tilden A. ( USA ) Bill Johnston A. ( USA ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; the top 10 amateurs rankings were Tilden , Johnston , Richards , Lacoste , Williams , Borotra , Patterson , Alonso , Norton , Takeichi Harada . In the Pro ranks , the two significant tournaments were the Bristol Cup in Menton , France , won by Albert Burke and the World Professional Championship in Deauville won by Karel Koželuh . The French Championships has now being designated as a Major Championship , by the ILTF . From this year it has also become open to international amateur competitors . The winner was René Lacoste who also won Wimbledon . Tilden won the US Championships and the Australasian Championships was won by James Anderson . 1926 René Lacoste A. ( Fr . ) Jean Borotra A. ( Fr . ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; the top 10 amateurs rankings were Lacoste , Borotra , Cochet , Johnston , Tilden , Richards , Harada , Alonso , Kinsey , Jacques Brugnon ; the promoter Charles C. Pyle signed Richards , Harvey Snodgrass , Kinsey , and Paul Féret for the first professional tour , which toured the United States and Canada in the fall of 1926 ; the headliner , however , was the French female player Suzanne Lenglen ( against Mary Kendall Browne ) and there are only scattered records of the men 's matches . Karel Koželuh won the only significant pro tournament of the time : the Bristol Cup at Cannes . 1927 René Lacoste A. ( Fr . ) Bill Tilden A. ( USA ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; Bowers ; the top 10 amateur rankings were Lacoste , Tilden , Cochet , Borotra , Alonso , Frank Hunter , George Lott , John Hennessey , Brugnon , and Jan Koželuh ; Richards beat Kinsey in the first U.S. Pro ; Bowers ranks Karel Koželuh , the older brother of Jan Koželuh , and Richards as being tied for # 1 among the few professional players , but does not make a joint amateur - professional ranking . 1928 Henri Cochet A. ( Fr . ) René Lacoste A. ( Fr . ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; Bowers ; Cochet won the French and U.S. Championships , Lacoste won Wimbledon , Borotra won the Aust . Championships ; Koželuh , the winner of the Bristol Cup at Beaulieu , def . Richards 15 matches to 5 in a North American head - to - head tour ; Richards beat Koželuh in the U.S. Pro ; Robert Ramillon beat Edmund Burke at the Queen 's Club Pro ; Bowers ranks the top eight , in merging his pro list into Myers 's amateur list , as being Cochet , Lacoste , Tilden , Koželuh , Richards , Hunter , Borotra , and George Lott , with Koželuh and Richards being the only professionals . 1929 Henri Cochet A. ( Fr . ) René Lacoste A. ( Fr . ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; Bowers ; Lacoste won the French Championships , Tilden won the U.S. Championships , Cochet won Wimbledon , John Colin Gregory won the Aust . Championships ; Koželuh beat Richards in the U.S. Pro and Albert Burke at the Bristol Cup at Beaulieu ; Koželuh apparently beat Richards 5 matches to 2 in the course of the year ; Bowers ranks the top eight , both amateur and pro , as being Cochet , Lacoste , Borotra , Tilden , Karel Koželuh , Hunter , Lott , and Richards , with Koželuh and Richards being the only professionals . 1930 Henri Cochet A. ( Fr . ) Bill Tilden A. ( USA ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; Bowers ; Cochet won the French Championships , John Doeg won the U.S. Championships , Tilden won Wimbledon , Edgar Moon won the Aust . Championships ; Koželuh beat Roman Najuch at Beaulieu ; Richards beat Koželuh in the U.S. Pro ; Koželuh perhaps beat Albert Burke in the first French Pro ( probably not held because Bowers did n't account it ) ; Koželuh apparently beat Richards 4 matches to 2 in the course of the year ; Bowers ranks the top eight , both amateur and pro , as being Cochet , Tilden , Richards , Karel Koželuh , Borotra , Doeg , Frank Shields , and Wilmer Allison , with Koželuh and Richards being the only professionals . In October Richards announced his retirement . 1931 Bill Tilden P. ( USA ) Henri Cochet A. ( Fr . ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; Bowers ; McCauley ; Borotra won the French Championships , Ellsworth Vines won the U.S. Championships , Sidney Wood won Wimbledon , Jack Crawford won the Aust . Championships ; A. Wallis Myers ranked Cochet # 1 amateur thanks to his wins over the British players in the Davis Cup but the French had a relatively poor season with only three tournament wins ( Monte Carlo being the most prestigious ) ; Myers strangely ranked Ellsworth Vines only # 3 in the amateur ranks though the American won 9 tournaments including the U.S. amateur Championships ( comparisons are difficult because that year Vines was n't invited to play abroad and Cochet did n't quit Europe ) ; Tilden , aged 38 , turned professional and , in a head - to - head tour , def . Koželuh either 63 matches to 13 ( McCauley ) or 50 to 17 according to Tilden himself in the North American part of the tour ( see Bowers ) but the two players also competed in the first European tour with Martin Plaa , Albert Burke , Frank Hunter and Hans Nüsslein : many results are unknown nevertheless Tilden lost only one match against all these opponents ( Koželuh at Amsterdam ) ; Tilden also def . Richards , who had abandoned his retirement , either 12 - 1 over the year ( McCauley ) or 10 to 0 ( Bowers ) ; Tilden beat Richards in the U.S. Pro ; Martin Plaa perhaps beat Robert Ramillon in the French Pro ( probably not held because Bowers did n't account it ) ; Koželuh def . Albert Burke at Beaulieu ; Bowers ranks the top eight , both amateur and pro , as being Tilden , Cochet , Bunny Austin , Vines , Fred Perry , Karel Koželuh , Richards , and Shields , with Tilden , Koželuh , and Richards being the only professionals ; this was the first year a professional was ranked either No. 1 or No. 2 . 1932 Ellsworth Vines A. ( USA ) Bill Tilden P. ( USA ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; Bowers ; Collins ; McCauley ; Vines , a 20 - year - old , won Wimbledon and the U.S. Championships ; Cochet won the French Championships , Crawford won the Aust . Championships ; in the pros Tilden beat Vinnie Richards 12 - 1 and , according to Collins , was 60 - 40 against the young German Hans Nüsslein ; McCauley mistakenly says Tilden and Nüsslein played about 150 or 160 matches , with Tilden winning `` about two - thirds '' of them ; Koželuh beat Nüsslein in the U.S. Pro and beat Plaa at Beaulieu ; Bowers , however , writes that a `` tally '' made just before their first encounter in 1934 showed that Tilden and Nüsslein had played 163 times to that point ( so from their first meeting in 1931 through 1933 included ) , with Tilden winning 116 matches to 47 , so the Collins figure is undoubtedly correct for 1932 ; Ramillon perhaps beat Plaa in the French Pro , although Bowers is unable to account for this tournament ; Plaa won the World Pro Championship tournament in Berlin over Tilden ; Bowers ranks the top eight , both amateur and pro , as being Vines , Tilden , Cochet , Karel Koželuh , Borotra , Plaa , Allison , and Nüsslein , with Tilden , Koželuh , Plaa , and Nüsslein being professionals . 1933 Jack Crawford A. ( Aus . ) Fred Perry A. ( GB ) Bowers ; A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; Collins ; McCauley ; Crawford had a sensational amateur year , winning 13 consecutive tournaments , including the first 3 of the Grand Slams , the Aust . Championships , the French Championships , and Wimbledon , finally losing in 5 sets to Perry in the 4th , the U.S. Championships ; the professional picture was murky : Cochet , aged 31 , turned pro ; neither Tilden , aged 40 , Koželuh , 38 , nor the younger Nüsslein , Cochet , Richards , or Plaa was able to establish any clear superiority ; Richards beat Frank Hunter in the depleted U.S. Pro ; Nüsslein won the World Pro Championship tournament in Berlin by far the year 's most significant pro tournament ; data from more than half of the Tilden - Nüsslein tour in America ( January - early May ) indicates that Tilden won 2 / 3 of their meetings ; Vines ranked the top pros as being Tilden , Cochet , Koželuh , Richards ; Albert Burke , however , ranked them as being Nüsslein , Tilden , Koželuh , and Plaa ; Bowers ranks the top eight , both amateur and pro , as being Crawford , Perry , Nüsslein , Tilden , Karel Koželuh , Jiro Satoh , Austin , and Vines , with Nüsslein , Tilden , and Koželuh being the only professionals . 1934 Fred Perry A. ( GB ) Ellsworth Vines P. ( USA ) Bowers ; A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; Collins ; McCauley ; Perry had a sensational amateur year winning the Aust . Championships , Wimbledon and the U.S. Championships , Gottfried von Cramm won the French Championships ; Vines , aged 22 , turned pro ; in their initial head - to - head tour , Vines def . Tilden 11 matches to 9 ; in subsequent tours Tilden beat Plaa 10 - 0 and Cochet 8 - 2 and Vines beat Cochet 10 - 0 and Plaa 8 - 2 ; Bowers says that by the end of May , having played somewhat more than 50 matches , Vines led Tilden by 19 wins ; Nüsslein beat Vines and Koželuh in the U.S. Pro ; Vines beat Nüsslein in the first Wembley Pro and in the Paris Indoor ( not to be confused with the French Pro ) ; Tilden beat Plaa in the French Pro ; Bowers ranks the top eight , both amateur and pro , as being Perry , Vines , Crawford , von Cramm , Nüsslein , Tilden , Austin , and Allison , with Vines , Nüsslein , and Tilden being the only professionals . 1935 Fred Perry A. ( GB ) Ellsworth Vines P. ( USA ) both ranked equally Bowers ; McCauley ; A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; Crawford won the Aust . Championships , Allison won the U.S. Championships , Perry won Wimbledon and the French Championships ; Vines beat Tilden in the Wembley Pro and in the Southport Pro ; Vines beat Nüsslein in the French Pro ; Tilden beat Koželuh in the U.S. Pro ; Vines beat Les Stoefen 25 - 1 in a head - to - head tour while Tilden was beating George Lott 20 - 4 with one tie ; after Stoefen fell ill , Vines beat Nüsslein in another tour about three - quarters of the time ( and also Tilden in their few meetings ) ; Bowers ranks the top eight , both amateur and pro , as being Perry and Vines tied for # 1 , then Crawford , von Cramm , Tilden , Nüsslein , Allison , and Austin , with Vines , Tilden , and Nüsslein , being the only professionals ; in April the French amateur tennis association ranked the top six as being identical to Bowers 's except that Vines was ahead of Perry . 1936 Fred Perry A. ( GB ) Ellsworth Vines P. ( USA ) both ranked equally Bowers ; McCauley ; A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; L'Auto ; Donald Budge ; Bill Tilden ; Adrian Quist won the Aust . Championships , von Cramm won the French Championships , Perry won Wimbledon and the U.S. Championships ; in the American tour Vines easily defeated Les Stoefen ( finals standings are unknown but on March 29 , Vines led 33 - 5 ) and in the Asian tour Vines led Tilden 8 - 1 at the end of the Japanese part of the tour ; Joe Whalen beat Charles Wood in a depleted U.S. Pro ; Cochet defeated Robert Ramillon in the French Pro without the three top pro players ( Vines , Nüsslein , Tilden ) ; Nüsslein won Southport Pro over Cochet ; Vines beat Tilden in the Wembley Pro according to McCauley , but Bowers is categorical that the Wembley tournament did not take place that year , cancelled because Vines did not come from California ; Bowers also states that a ) Vines and Nüsslein never met between the French Pro in 1935 and the Wembley Pro in 1939 and b ) Vines did n't enter any tournament from 1936 to 1938 included ; Bowers ranks the top eight , both amateur and pro , as being Perry , Vines , von Cramm , Nüsslein , Don Budge , Tilden , Quist , and Cochet , with Vines , Nüsslein , Tilden , and Cochet being the only professionals ; Bowers also writes that three evaluators , L'Auto , Budge and Tilden ranked Vines ahead Perry for the year . 1937 Fred Perry P. ( GB ) Ellsworth Vines P. ( USA ) Don Budge A. ( USA ) all 3 ranked equally Bowers ; A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; McCauley ; Henner Henkel won the French Championships , Budge won Wimbledon and the U.S. Championships , Vivian McGrath won the Aust . Championships ; Vines def . Perry in the North American head - to - head tour 32 - 29 while Perry won a short British Isles tour 6 - 3 ; Perry def . Tilden 4 - 3 in America ; Vines and Perry did n't enter any tournament ; Koželuh beat Bruce Barnes in a depleted U.S. Pro ( also , that year , called the U.S. Open ) ; in the absence of Vines and Perry Nüsslein swept all the big tournaments beating Tilden in the Wembley Pro and in the World ' s Pro Indoors at Paris and also winning the French Pro over Cochet ; Bowers ranks the top eight , both amateur and pro , as being Perry , Vines , and Budge tied for # 1 , with von Cramm and Nüsslein being tied for # 4 , then Henkel , Austin , and Tilden , with Perry , Vines , Nüsslein , and Tilden being the only professionals . 1938 Don Budge A. ( USA ) Ellsworth Vines P. ( USA ) A. Wallis Myers of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; McCauley ; Bowers ; Budge had a sensational amateur year , winning all 4 of the Grand Slams ; in the pros , Vines def . Perry 49 - 35 ( or 48 - 35 ) ; the next year , as a pro , Budge narrowly defeated Vines , indicating that even as an amateur he might have been the world No. 1 for 1938 ; Vines still did n't enter any tournament as probably in 1936 and surely in 1937 ; Perry played his first ( and single in 1938 ) pro tournament at the U.S. Pro beating Barnes ; Nüsslein beat Tilden in the Wembley Pro ; Bowers , however , in Chapter IX of his history , says there was no tournament at Wembley ; Nüsslein beat Tilden in the French Pro and at Southport Pro ; Bowers ranks the top eight , both amateur and pro , as being Budge , Vines , Perry and Nüsslein tied for # 3 , Austin , John Bromwich , Bobby Riggs , and Tilden , with Vines , Perry , Nüsslein , and Tilden being the only professionals . 1939 Don Budge P. ( USA ) Ellsworth Vines P. ( USA ) John Olliff of London 's The Daily Telegraph ; McCauley ; Bowers ; Don McNeill won the French Championships , Riggs won Wimbledon and the U.S. Championships , John Bromwich won the Aust . Championships ; Budge def . Vines 22 - 17 in the North American tour and also def . Perry 28 - 8 ; Vines beat Perry in the U.S. Pro ; Budge beat Vines and Tilden in the French Pro and beat Nüsslein , Vines , and Tilden in the Wembley Pro ; Nüsslein def . Vines and Tilden at Southport ; Budge , Vines , Tilden , and Stoefen competed in a spring - summer European tour that was mainly a succession of 4 - man tournaments ; Budge was the winner , in particular beating Vines 15 - 5 ; Bowers ranks the top eight , both amateur and pro , as being Budge , Vines , Nüsslein , Perry , Riggs , Bromwich , Quist , and Tilden , with Budge , Vines , Nüsslein , Perry , and Tilden being professionals , the first time that 5 of the top 8 were pros . 1940 Don Budge P. ( USA ) Fred Perry P. ( GB ) Collins ; McCauley ; Bowers ; The Official Encyclopedia of Tennis ; Quist won the Aust . Championships ; McNeill won the U.S. Championships ; the French Championships and Wimbledon were not played because of World War II ; Budge beat Perry in the U.S. Pro ; there were no more world rankings by the Telegraph but Bowers ranks the top 4 as being Budge and Perry , followed by the American amateurs McNeill and Riggs , then goes on to say that in spite of uncertainty because of the war the next four are probably the 4 top American amateurs as shown in the Official Encyclopedia , Frank Kovacs , Joe Hunt , Frank Parker , and Jack Kramer ; however , he also says that the Australians Bromwich and Quist could plausibly be included in the top 8 . 1941 Fred Perry P. ( GB ) Bobby Riggs A. ( USA ) both ranked equally Collins ; McCauley ; Bowers ; The Official Encyclopedia of Tennis ; Riggs won the U.S. Championships ; the Aust . Championships , the French Championships , and Wimbledon were not played because of World War II ; Both Collins and McCauley say that Budge def . Tilden 51 - 7 in their head - to - head tour , but Bowers says that by his count the outcome was most probably 46 - 7 plus one tie , with 49 matches being fully documented for a result of 43 - 5 plus 1 tie ; Perry completely dominated Tilden in a summer tour ; Perry won 5 pro tournaments out of 5 including the U.S. Pro over Dick Skeen ; Skeen was runner - up to Perry in 4 tournaments ; Budge entered 3 tournaments and lost all of them ; there were no more world amateur rankings because of the war but Bowers ranks the top 6 as being amateur Riggs and pro Perry in a tie for first place with amateur Kovacs third , while amateur Parker and professional Skeen are tied for fourth ; Budge is sixth . 1942 Don Budge P. ( USA ) Bobby Riggs P. ( USA ) Wayne Sabin P. ( USA ) Ray Bowers ; Collins ; McCauley ; The Official Encyclopedia of Tennis ; Ted Schroeder won the U.S. Championships ; the Aust . Championships , the French Championships , and Wimbledon were not played because of World War II ; Riggs and Kovacs turned pro ; in round robin matches Budge was the winner , 52 - 18 ; Riggs was 36 - 36 , Kovacs 25 - 26 , Perry 23 - 30 , Stoefen 2 - 28 ; Budge beat Riggs in U.S. Pro ; because of the war the only significant amateur rankings were American : Schroeder was # 1 , followed by Parker , Gardnar Mulloy , Pancho Segura , Bill Talbert , Sidney Wood , Seymour Greenberg , George Richards , Vic Seixas , and Ladislav Hecht ; Ray Bowers ranks the top 8 as : Budge , Riggs and Sabin tied for number 2 , Kovacs fourth , Perry fifth , the top five pros ahead amateurs Schroeder # 6 and Parker # 7 , professional Skeen being # 8 ( the USPLTA ranked the best pros as Budge , Riggs , Sabin , and Kovacs in that order ) . 1943 -- 1944 <Td_colspan="3"> World War II , so very limited tennis activity 1945 Bobby Riggs P. ( USA ) Don Budge P. ( USA ) Ray Bowers ; Joe McCauley ; The Official Encyclopedia of Tennis ; 1943 : Joe Hunt won the U.S. amateur Championships ( Forest Hills ) ; the Australian amateur Chps. , the French amateur Chps. , and Wimbledon were not played because of World War II ; the USLTA ranked the top 10 American amateurs as being Hunt , Kramer , Segura , Talbert , Greenberg , Wood , Bob Falkenburg , Parker , James Brink , and Jack Tuero ; in the pro ranks Budge , Kovacs , Skeen and Perry probably did n't play any match because they were under the Army service , after having won an exhibition against Wayne Sabin , Riggs joined in his turn the U.S Navy ; the only pro tournament , without all these players , was the U.S. Pro where Bruce Barnes overcame John Nogrady ; 1944 : McCauley ; The Official Encyclopedia of Tennis ; Parker won the U.S. amateur Championships ( Forest Hills ) ; the Australian amateur Chps. , the French amateur Chps. , and Wimbledon were not played because of World War II ; the USLTA ranked the top 10 American amateur as being Parker , Talbert , Segura , Don McNeill , Greenberg , Falkenburg , Jack Jossi , Charles W. Oliver , Jack McManis , J. Gilbert Hall ; there was almost no pro tournament but many matches for War efforts or the Red Cross benefits opposing US professionals and US amateurs only if the pros were in the Army and if the amateurs were authorized by the USLTA to play ( in a 1945 meeting with Tilden , Richards , Pauline Betz all pros and amateur Segura , the latter played against major Vincent Richards but could n't play with or against civilian Tilden ) : for instance Budge ( pro ) met Kramer ( amateur ) twice in 1944 and each one won a match ; 1945 Parker won the U.S. amateur Championships ( Forest Hills ) ; the Australian amateur Chps. , the French amateur Chps. , and Wimbledon were not played because of World War II ; the USLTA ranked the top 10 American amateur as being Parker , Talbert , Segura , Elwood Cooke , Wood , Mulloy , Shields , Harold Surface , Greenberg , and McManis ; in the pro circuit the business return was slow : Riggs defeated Budge in the biggest pro tournament of the year , The US Pro harcourt Championships held at the Los Angeles Tennis Club ; on December 27 -- 30 Riggs won a second tournament , the Santa Barbara Invitational Pro Tournament , California , defeating Perry ; Kovacs def . Welby Van Horn in San Francisco ; Welby Van Horn def . Nogrady in a depleted U.S. Pro without Riggs nor Budge ; in the summer before the soldiers came back to civilian life a 5 - meeting series under the Davis Cup format was held between the US Army Air Corps , with Budge ( pro ) and Parker ( amateur ) , and the US Navy , with Riggs ( pro ) and Sabin ( pro ) , Riggs overcame Budge 3 - 2 and amateur Parker 3 - 2 , thus indicating that Riggs was probably the best player in the world in 1945 ; as Ray Bowers wrote `` The limited tennis activity over the last three years of the war dictates a single ranking list covering the entire period '' he ranked the best eight players in the world for the entire 1943 - 1945 period : 1 . Riggs , 2 . Budge , 3 . Parker , 4 . Kramer , 5 . Kovacs , 6 . Van Horn , 7 . Quist , 8 . Yvon Pétra . 1946 Bobby Riggs P. ( USA ) Don Budge P. ( USA ) Bud Collins ; Joe McCauley ; Bobby Riggs ; Collins says Riggs def . Budge 18 - 16 on the head - to - head tour , while McCauley says Riggs def . Budge 23 - 21 ; Riggs himself says twice in his autobiography that he def . Budge 24 - 22 ; Tilden organized a series of 31 tournaments : Riggs won 14 of them , Kovacs 7 , Perry 4 , Budge 3 , Van Horn 2 , and Skeen 1 ; Riggs beat Budge in U.S. Pro ; the top 10 `` Official PPA '' rankings for the year were Riggs , Budge , Kovacs , Perry , Van Horn , Wayne Sabin , Carl Earn , Jossi , John Faunce , and Jack March ; in the amateur circuit Kramer was undefeated in Davis Cup and won the U.S. Championships , in his book `` The Game '' page 50 he wrote `` ... I do n't think I was mature enough to beat him ( Budge ) in ' 46 . '' Kramer then thinks that Riggs and Budge were probably better than him in 1946 . 1947 Bobby Riggs P. ( USA ) Jack Kramer A. ( USA ) both ranked equally Joe McCauley ; Bud Collins ; Tilden was imprisoned for sexual offenses and his series of tournaments fell apart ; Collins says that Riggs def . Budge 24 - 22 on a head - to - head tour , but McCauley disputes that , saying that the only tour was a short USA Challenge Series between Riggs and Kovac that Riggs won 11 matches to 10 , while Earn defeated March `` easily '' in preliminary matches ; Kramer had a sensational amateur year , winning 8 of 9 tournaments and 48 of 49 matches ( among them his two singles in the Challenge Round of the Davis Cup ) ; Riggs beat Budge both in U.S. Pro and in U.S. Pro Indoor . 1948 Jack Kramer P. ( USA ) Bobby Riggs P. ( USA ) Collins ; McCauley ; Kramer def . Riggs 69 - 20 on the head - to - head tour after being led 8 - 6 and then having equalized at 14 - 14 ; in the preliminary matches Dinny Pails beat Pancho Segura 41 - 31 according to Kramer ; Kramer beat Riggs in U.S. Pro the most important pro tournament by far this year ; then the 4 touring men played a short tour in South America in July on slow courts enabling Riggs to win his fair share of matches against Kramer ( according to Pails in his book `` Set Points '' ) ; Kramer ended the year by winning the Australian Pro tour in September -- November , with the incomplete standings being as follows : Kramer 19 - 4 ( 1 match unfinished ) , Segura 14 - 9 ( 1 unfinished ) , Riggs 7 - 17 , Pails 6 - 16 ( 2 unfinished ) . 1949 Jack Kramer P. ( USA ) Pancho Gonzales A / P. ( USA ) Joe McCauley ; Bud Collins ; in the pro circuit Kramer was clearly the best winning Wembley Pro over Riggs and Scarborough Pro over Budge ; Riggs def . Budge in U.S. Pro without Kramer and Segura ; in the amateur circuit Ted Schroeder and Gonzales won together Davis Cup and shared the two greatest tournaments Wimbledon for the former and the U.S. Championships for the latter ; then Gonzales played his first pro match against Kramer on October 25 on the head - to - head tour ( ended on May 21 , 1950 ) : at the end of November Kramer still led 22 - 4 proving he was undoubtedly the best player in the world . 1950 Jack Kramer P. ( USA ) Pancho Segura P. ( Ecuador / USA ) both ranked equally Joe McCauley ; PLTA ; Kramer finished beating Gonzales on the head - to - head tour ended on May 21 ( begun on October 25 , 1949 ) 96 - 27 ( 97 - 26 according to Kramer himself ) ; Segura beat Frank Parker `` comfortably '' in the head - to - head preliminary matches ; Kramer dominated Segura in the next tour begun on October 28 ( finished in March 1951 ) : mid-November Kramer led 10 - 4 ; in tournaments Segura beat Kramer in Paris and once again in the semifinals of the U.S. Pro before overcoming Kovacs in the final ; Gonzales beat Kramer at Philadelphia Pro and Van Horn in a depleted Wembley Pro without Kramer and Segura ; the PLTA released `` Official '' pro rankings for the year but McCauley writes : `` It is difficult to understand how the following rankings were arrived at : '' Segura , Kramer , Kovacs , Riggs , Van Horn , Parker , Carl Earn , Jimmy Evert , Nogrady , Joe Fishbach , Jack Rodgers , Joe Whalen , Al Doyle , Robert `` Junior '' Stubbs , Jimmy Adler , March , Faunce , Vivian McGrath , Pierre Pellizza , Bill Kenney . How indeed Gonzales can be omitted from this PLTA ranking ? McCauley thought Kramer was the number one because of Kramer 's domination in tour whereas PLTA probably thought Segura was the best because he had dominated the tournaments circuit and among them the U.S. Pro . 1951 Jack Kramer P. ( USA ) Pancho Segura P. ( Ecuador / USA ) Joe McCauley ; PLTA ; Kramer finally def . Segura 64 - 28 ( 58 - 27 according to Kramer in his book , page 187 ) on the head - to - head tour finished in March ( begun on October 28 , 1950 ) ; Kramer beat Segura and Gonzales in Philadelphia Pro ; Segura beat Gonzales in U.S. Pro ; Gonzales beat Segura in Wembley Pro ; the PLTA `` Official '' rankings for the year were Segura , Gonzales , Kovacs , Riggs , Van Horn , Earn , Parker , Jimmy Evert , Bob Rogers , Jack Rodgers , Fishbach , Nogrady , Adler , Elwood Cooke , McGrath , Doyle , Harris Everett , Len Hartman , Norman Copeland , Mitchell Gornto ; `` Kramer and Budge were not ranked due to insufficient data '' . 1952 Pancho Gonzales P. ( USA ) - Pancho Segura P. ( Ecuador / USA ) both equally ranked Joe McCauley ; Budge in McCauley 's book page 57 : `` the PLTA ranked Segura # 1 ; Kramer was semi-retired ; Budge and Gonzales played only sporadically '' . In his book McCauley has traced only 9 tournaments and a small US tour , among these 9 tournaments 2 seemed to be domestic Nationals ( British Pro and German Pro ) so there left 7 tournaments for the leading pros . Segura entered the 7 and Gonzales played 5 of them and won 4 and reached 1 final . Moreover , Gonzales defeated Segura 5 times out of 7 ( including some tour matches in Paris in June ) . In the 1953 July edition of `` Sport '' magazine Budge declared : `` In the past two years Pancho ( Gonzales ) has won the majority of all the big pro tournaments . He has to be considered the best , at least until somebody proves otherwise . '' In particular Gonzales def . Segura ( and Kramer ) in Philadelphia Pro and Gonzales def . Kramer in Wembley Pro ; Segura overcame Gonzales in U.S. Pro and in a tour match in Paris ; in the amateur circuit Frank Sedgman won the Davis Cup with Ken McGregor and the Australian also reached the four finals of the Grand Slam tournaments , winning the last ( chronologically ) two , Wimbledon and the U.S. Championships . It is very hard to compare Gonzales , Segura , Kramer with Sedgman the best amateur : next year the Australian , turned pro , was dominated by Kramer and Segura but he defeated Gonzales 3 times ( later Gonzales regularly beat Sedgman ) . Then it is possible that Gonzales and Segura were very slightly superior to Sedgman in 1952 but without any certainty . 1953 Jack Kramer P. ( USA ) Frank Sedgman P. ( Aus . ) Bud Collins ; Joe McCauley ; in the course of 1953 Lance Tingay wrote that it was very difficult to establish a hierarchy because Gonzales had n't still met one of the top pros : in fact a ) Kramer retired on July 9 and never met Gonzales that year and b ) Gonzales met Segura and Sedgman for the first time of the year only in November . Kramer def . Sedgman 54 - 41 on the head - to - head tour while Segura def . McGregor 71 - 25 in the head - to - head preliminary matches ; during tour breaks these four men played three 4 - man tournaments with Kramer winning two of them ; Kramer 's whole 1953 record was 56 - 41 to Sedgman and 1 - 1 to Segura ; the Ecuadorian won 5 tournaments ( more than any other pro ) ; Sedgman beat Gonzales in Wembley Pro , in Paris ( probably not a French Pro as stated elsewhere ) and in Lyon but the Australian trailed Segura 3 - 7 in head - to - head meetings ; Gonzales not chosen for the world tour played until November in tournaments without the three other greats and then won a depleted U.S. Pro over Budge . Knowing that Sedgman won the greatest pro tournament , Wembley , and that he was beaten by Kramer in tour a possible , but not sure at all , 1953 pro ranking is 1 ) Kramer , 2 ) Sedgman ; Tony Trabert , the best amateur of the time , was probably less good than the four best pros . 1954 Pancho Gonzales P. ( USA ) Frank Sedgman P. ( Aus . ) -- Pancho Segura P. ( Ecuador / USA ) Joe McCauley ; Jack Kramer ; in 1953 -- 1954 the sources are still conflicting : it would seem that there was only one Australian tour during these two years and that it happened in November -- December 1954 and that Gonzales won it ( 16 - 9 to Sedgman ; 4 - 2 to Segura ; 15 - 0 to McGregor ) ; the American also won , the North American tour ( January 3 - May 30 ) , a succession of 70 tournaments , all being 4 - man events but one , a 3 - man event . On June 2 a report stated that Gonzales won 29 tournaments and had an 85 - 40 win - loss while Sedgman won 21 tournaments and Segura won 20 tournaments . In head - to - head meetings the results are n't 100 % sure : Gonzales win - loss record against Segura was about 30 - 21 ( or 30 - 20 ) and was possibly exactly equal against Sedgman , 30 - 21 ( or 30 - 20 ) too ; and Segura would have led Sedgman by the slightest margin , 23 - 22 . Budge won only one match in that tour ( against Gonzales in the first round of the Olympic Auditorium in Los Angeles on February 19 ) . Earn apparently won none and Riggs won one against Gonzales on May 20 in Victoria ( Canada , British Columbia ) ; in autumn Segura , Gonzales , Sedgman and Kramer , coming back in singles , after his 20 - month retirement , toured in the Far East with Segura 's record as being Segura - Gonzales 1 - 1 , Segura - Sedgman 2 - 1 and Segura - Kramer 4 - 0 ; in tournaments Gonzales def . Sedgman in U.S. Pro and Sedgman def . Segura in the first Australian Pro of tennis history ; the amateur circuit was dominated by the duet Tony Trabert / Jaroslav Drobný , the American won with Seixas the Davis Cup and captured the French Championships while Drobny won at last Wimbledon ; nevertheless these two players seemed a little rank below the trio Gonzales - Sedgman - Segura . 1955 Pancho Gonzales P. ( USA ) Pancho Segura P. ( Ecuador / USA ) Bud Collins ; Joe McCauley ; even though the USA lost the Davis Cup , Tony Trabert had a sensational amateur year , winning 3 of the 4 Grand Slams , but was never a consistent winner upon turning professional ; Gonzales - Trabert head - to - head tour began in Dec and Gonzales overcame Trabert since the first match ; Gonzales dominated the pros beating Segura in U.S. Pro ; Sedgman has played very little in 1955 and in particular underwent a surgery of appendicitis ; Lawn Tennis and Badminton ranked the top 12 professionals as Gonzales , Segura , Kovacs , Sedgman , Riggs , Earn , Budge , Parker , Pails , Perry , Doyle , and Sam Match . 1956 Pancho Gonzales P. ( USA ) Frank Sedgman P. ( Aus . ) Joe McCauley , page 72 ; Gonzales def . Trabert 74 - 24 on the American head - to - head tour , Segura def . Rex Hartwig 56 - 22 ( 5 even ) in the head - to - head preliminary matches ; Gonzales beat Segura in U.S. Pro ; Gonzales beat Sedgman both in the Pro Tournament of Champions , in Los Angeles , and in Wembley Pro ; Trabert beat Gonzales in French Pro ; as Trabert in 1955 , Hoad made a `` Little amateur Slam '' but he was probably under the best pros as his pro debut , next year , proved it ; Jack March , promoter of the Cleveland tournament ranked the pros as follows : 1 Gonzales , 2 Sedgman , 3 Segura , 4 Trabert , 5 Hartwig , 6 Kovacs , 7 Earn , 8 Riggs , 9 Budge , 10 Pails . 1957 Pancho Gonzales P. ( USA ) Ken Rosewall P. ( Aus . ) Joe McCauley ; Gonzales def . Rosewall 50 - 26 in the World head - to - head tour , Segura def . Dinny Pails 51 - 8 in the head - to - head preliminary matches ; Rosewall probably ( to confirm ) won a small European tour over Hoad , Segura and Kramer ; Rosewall won a South African tour over Hoad , Kramer and Segura and an Australian tour over Hoad , Sedgman and Segura ; Segura beat Sedgman in Australian Pro ; Gonzales beat Segura in U.S. Pro ; Gonzales also won the Pro Tournament of Champions at Forest Hills and the Masters Round Robin Pro in Los Angeles ; Rosewall beat Segura in Wembley Pro ; in the amateur circuit Hoad won Wimbledon easily , losing just one set and then he turned pro right after , regularly beaten by the best pros in the first three months . 1958 Pancho Gonzales P. ( USA ) Lew Hoad P. ( Aus . ) Joe McCauley ; Jack March ; Robert Geist ; Gonzales def . Hoad 51 - 36 in the world tour and in the preliminary matches Trabert def . Segura 34 - 31 ; Gonzales beat Rosewall in the Pro Tournament of Champions at Forest Hills ; Gonzales beat Hoad in U.S. Pro ; Sedgman beat Trabert both in Wembley Pro and in the Australian Pro ; Rosewall beat Hoad in French Pro ; Jack March 's pro ranking : 1 Gonzales , 2 Hoad , 3 Segura 4 Trabert 5 Rosewall 6 Sedgman 7 Parker 8 Kovacs 9 Riggs 10 Pails ; Geist 's ( pro-amateur combined ) ranking : 1 Gonzales , 2 Hoad , Rosewall . 1959 Pancho Gonzales P. ( USA ) Lew Hoad P. ( Aus . ) Joe McCauley ; Jack Kramer ; L'Équipe ; Mal Anderson ; Frank Sedgman ; Ashley Cooper ; McCauley page 97 ; American round robin results : : Gonzales 47 - 15 , Hoad 42 - 20 , Ashley Cooper 21 - 40 , Mal Anderson 13 - 48 ; Hoad , however , def . Gonzales 15 - 13 during the round robin ; Hoad beat Gonzales in the Pro Tournament of Champions at Forest Hills ; Gonzales beat Hoad in U.S. Pro ; Mal Anderson beat Segura in Wembley Pro ; Trabert beat Sedgman in French Pro ; Frank Sedgman proposed the following ranking : 1 Gonzales , 2 Hoad , 3 Rosewall ; Ashley Cooper confirmed Sedgman 's opinion but suggested that Sedgman should be the # 4 ; Mal Anderson writing in World Tennis , stated that Kramer established a tournament points system to decide the best players in the world : 14 tournaments chosen with all the same points which was unfair to the major tournaments more important than others ( 7 points for the winner , 4 for the runner - up , 3 for 3rd place , 2 for 4th and 1 for each quarterfinalist ) , the final positions were : 1 Hoad , 2 Gonzales ( only 11 tournaments played ) , 3 Rosewall , 4 Sedgman , 5 Trabert , 6 Anderson , 7 Segura , 8 Cooper ; Kramer 's own pro ranking ( different from the points ranking ) : 1 Gonzales , 2 Sedgman , 3 Rosewall , 4 Hoad , 5 Trabert , 6 Segura , 7 Cooper , 8 Anderson , 9 Rose , 10 McGregor , 11 Hartwig ; L'Équipe ( Robert Roy ) pro-amateur combined ranking : 1 Gonzales , 2 Sedgman , 3 Rosewall , 4 Trabert , 5 Hoad , 6 Segura , 7 Kramer , 8 McGregor , 9 Hartwig , 10 Cooper , 11 Rose ( for the first time L'Équipe ranked pros and amateurs together ) ; Robert Barne ( Kramer 's Australian manager ) ' s pro ranking : 1 Hoad , 2 Gonzales , 3 Rosewall , 4 Sedgman , 5 Trabert , 6 Segura , 7 Cooper , 8 Anderson , 9 Rose . 1960 Pancho Gonzales P. ( USA ) Ken Rosewall P. ( Aus . ) both ranked equally Joe McCauley ; L'Équipe ; Robert Geist ; McCauley p57 World Series Round Robin matches for the world championship among 4 players : Gonzales 49 - 8 , Rosewall 32 - 25 , Segura 22 - 28 , Alex Olmedo 11 - 44 ; just after Gonzales won a small tournament and then shortly retired ; Olmedo beat Trabert in a depleted U.S. Pro ; Rosewall beat Segura in Wembley Pro ; Rosewall beat Hoad in French Pro ; once again Kramer ranked Gonzales & Sedgman 1 and 2 for the year but Sedgman did n't win as much as in 1959 ; L'Équipe ranked Rosewall No. 1 because of European results ; in his book `` DER GRÖSSTE MEISTER Die denkwürdige Karriere des australischen Tennisspielers Kenneth Robert Rosewall '' Robert Geist co-ranked Gonzales & Rosewall # 1 . 1961 Ken Rosewall P. ( Aus . ) Pancho Gonzales P. ( USA ) Joe McCauley ; L'Équipe , Robert Geist ; there were 47 World Series Round Robin matches for the world championship among 6 players , followed by 28 head - to - head matches between the top 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 to determine the final champion ; Rosewall , however , took several long vacations and played very little in the first half of the year ; substitutions were permitted for injured players in the round robin : Gonzales - ( Segura ) 33 - 14 , Andrés Gimeno 27 - 20 , Hoad - ( Trabert , Cooper , Sedgman ) 24 - 23 , Barry MacKay 22 - 25 , Olmedo 18 - 29 , Butch Buchholz 16 - 31 ; # 1 Gonzales then def. # 2 Gimeno 21 - 7 , # 3 Sedgman ( who definitely replaced Hoad ) def. # 4 MacKay 15 - 13 ; in tournaments Gonzales beat Sedgman in a depleted U.S. Pro ; Rosewall beat Hoad in Wembley Pro ; Rosewall beat Gonzales in French Pro ; at the end of the year ( October 25 ) Gonzales retired once again for 20 months ( back in the circuit on June 27 , 1963 ) ; L'Équipe once again ranked Rosewall No. 1 ( 2 ) Gonzales , 3 ) Hoad , 4 ) Trabert , 5 ) Segura , 6 ) Gimeno , 7 ) Cooper , 8 ) MacKay , 9 ) Olmedo , 10 ) Buchholz , 11 ) Laver , 12 ) Anderson , 13 ) Emerson , 14 ) Pietrangeli , 15 ) Santana , 16 ) Ayala , 17 ) Krishnan , 18 ) Sangster , 19 ) Lundquist , 20 ) McKinley , 21 ) Darmon , ... 23 ) Neale Fraser ) primarily because of European results in second half of year ; McCauley 's 1961 chapter is entitled : Gonzales Still World Champion but says in the text that Rosewall had a good claim to being No. 1 ; Geist ranked Rosewall # 1 alone . 1962 Ken Rosewall P. ( Aus . ) Lew Hoad P. ( Aus . ) Joe McCauley ; Ken Rosewall ; no American tour , very little tennis for first 6 months ; Rosewall had a sensational pro year winning 10 tournaments including the big European tournaments ; Butch Buchholz beat Segura in a depleted U.S. Pro ; Rosewall beat Hoad in Wembley Pro ; Rosewall beat Gimeno in French Pro ; Rod Laver had a sensational amateur year , winning with Emerson the Davis Cup , and alone all 4 of the Grand Slams , but was severely beaten for his pro debut in 1963 , suggesting that the pros were still the best players ; Rosewall announced his Pro rankings at the end of 1962 , omitting Segura then semi-retired : # 1 Rosewall , # 2 Hoad , # 3 Gimeno , # 4 Laver , # 5 Buchholz . 1963 Ken Rosewall P. ( Aus . ) Rod Laver P. ( Aus . ) Joe McCauley ; Frank Sedgman ; Rosewall on Australasian grass dominated the new pro recruit Rod Laver , 11 victories to 2 and Hoad was omnipotent , winning 8 - 0 against Laver ; then the World Championship Series was held in the USA with 6 players , two local players Buchholz and MacKay , one Spaniard Gimeno , one Chilean Ayala and only two Australians Rosewall and Laver ( if Hoad had been selected there would have been too many Aussies in the US ) : in the first phase Rosewall ended first ( 31 wins - 10 losses ) ahead Laver ( 26 - 16 ) , Buchholz ( 23 - 18 ) , Gimeno , MacKay and Ayala . In the second ( and final ) phase Rosewall won the tour , beating Laver 14 - 4 , and Gimeno won 3rd place , beating Buchholz 11 - 7 . Then Rosewall captured five tournaments including the 3 majors of that year and Laver reached the finals of two majors and also won 5 tournaments making him undoubtedly the vice-king ; Rosewall def . Laver in U.S. Pro ; Rosewall def . Laver in French Pro ; Rosewall def . Hoad in Wembley Pro ; in January 1964 Sedgman clearly stated that Laver was second to Rosewall and a real threat to his elder . 1964 Ken Rosewall P. ( Aus . ) Rod Laver P. ( Aus . ) both ranked equally Joe McCauley ; Robert Geist ; Laver won 11 tournaments and Rosewall 10 ; Laver beat Rosewall 15 - 4 in head - to - head matches ; Gonzales unretired and won two great tournaments ; Laver , rather modest in his speech , is quoted by McCauley as saying : `` I ... would like to be the World 's No. 1 ... I am not that yet -- Ken is . I may have beaten him more often than he has beaten me this year but he has won the biggest tournaments ... I 've lost to other people but Ken has n't '' ; A point system for 19 pro tournaments ( excluding at least 10 other tournaments ) also resulted in Rosewall being No. 1 to Laver 's No. 2 but that system granted each tournament the same points and then was unfair to the big events where Laver was superior to Rosewall : Laver beat Rosewall & Gonzales in U.S. Pro ; Laver again beat Rosewall in Wembley Pro ; Rosewall beat Laver in French Pro ; McCauley 's 1964 chapter is entitled : Rosewall Tops Again But Only Just but Robert Geist co-ranked Laver & Rosewall # 1 ( in his book `` DER GRÖSSTE MEISTER Die denkwürdige Karriere des australischen Tennisspielers Kenneth Robert Rosewall '' ) . 1965 Rod Laver P. ( Aus . ) Ken Rosewall P. ( Aus . ) Joe McCauley ; though Rosewall has won 2 of the 3 very major tournaments , Laver was the new undisputed king of tennis , winning 17 tournaments , including Wembley Pro , to Rosewall 's 6 ; Laver also beat Rosewall 13 - 5 in head - to - head matches ; Rosewall beat Laver in U.S. Pro ; Rosewall beat Laver in French Pro ; Laver beat Gimeno in Wembley Pro . 1966 Rod Laver P. ( Aus . ) Ken Rosewall P. ( Aus . ) Joe McCauley ; this was the year of the greatest rivalry between Laver and Rosewall ; they shared all the major tournaments with Laver slightly ahead : in the world circuit played by the leading pros , Laver won 15 tournaments including Forest Hills Pro , the U.S. Pro and Wembley Pro over Rosewall runner - up the three times , Rosewall won 9 tournaments including Madison Square Garden Pro and the French Pro over ... Laver finalist both times , Gimeno won 6 tournaments , Gonzales won 1 ; Laver and Rosewall were tied 7 - 7 in head - to - head matches . 1967 Rod Laver P. ( Aus . ) Ken Rosewall P. ( Aus . ) Joe McCauley ; Laver probably was at the peak of his whole career , at least on fast courts , winning 19 tournaments including all the majors : the Madison Square Garden Pro , the U.S. Pro , Wimbledon Pro , the French Pro and Wembley Pro ; Rosewall stayed the n ° 2 in the world capturing 7 tournaments and reaching 3 majors finals in Madison Square Garden Pro , Wimbledon Pro and Wembley Pro ; Gimeno was very close to Rosewall winning 3 tournaments and runner - up in two majors , the U.S. Pro and the French Pro ; in head - to - head matches Laver beat Rosewall 8 - 5 and Gimeno 12 - 4 , Rosewall and Gimeno were equal , 7 - 7 . 1968 Rod Laver P. ( Aus . ) Arthur Ashe A. ( USA ) Bud Collins ; Joe McCauley ; Lance Tingay ; first year of Open era ; at least 10 open tournaments were played , with professionals winning 8 and amateurs 2 ; of 244 matches , professionals won 199 , amateurs 45 . Laver beat Tony Roche in Wimbledon Open ; Arthur Ashe beat Tom Okker in the US Open ; Ken Rosewall beat Laver in the French Open ; Laver beat Rosewall in the Pacific Southwest Open ( Los Angeles ) ; Laver beat John Newcombe in U.S. Pro ; Rosewall beat Newcombe in Wembley Pro ; Laver beat Newcombe in French Pro , the last one of tennis history ( again at Roland Garros on clay after a 5 - year interval at Stade Pierre de Coubertin on wood ) ; Okker and Clark Graebner shared the Queen 's title ; in World Tennis magazine , McCauley ranked the top 10 , professional and amateur , as being Laver , Ashe , Tom Okker , Rosewall , Newcombe , Tony Roche , Clark Graebner , Cliff Drysdale , Gonzales , Dennis Ralston ; Lance Tingay ranked the best players as being Laver , Ashe , Rosewall , Okker , Roche , Newcombe , Graebner , Ralston , Drysdale , Gonzales ; and Collins proposed Laver , Ashe , Rosewall , Roche , Okker , Newcombe , Graebner , Ralston , Drysdale , Gonzales ; a panel of 17 journalists , mostly Europeans , ranked the best players as being 1 ) Laver , 2 ) Ashe , 3 ) Rosewall , 4 ) Okker , 5 ) Newcombe , 6 ) Roche , 7 ) Graebner , 8 ) Drysdale , 9 ) Ralston , 10 ) Gonzales 1969 Rod Laver P. ( Aus . ) Tony Roche P. ( Aus . ) Bud Collins ; Lance Tingay ; Laver won 18 tournaments including small events and in particular did the Grand Slam Open with all the best players present at last and he also won the South African Open , the U.S. Pro over Newcombe , Wembley Pro over Roche . Though the latter has won 5 matches over Laver in 9 meetings , Laver has always won the real important ones . That year Laver was the best on every surface ; a panel of the SID ( Sport Informations - Dienst ) by Ulrich Kaiser , with 17 journalists ( mostly from European newspapers including Hellberg , Mezzanotte , Grau , Bellamy , Tingay , De Bie , etc ... , and also McCauley ) proposed the following ranking : 1 ) Laver ( 170 ) , 2 ) Roche ( 153 ) , 3 ) Newcombe ( 134 ) , 4 ) Okker ( 109 ) , 5 ) Ashe ( 104 ) , 6 ) Rosewall ( 87 ) , 7 ) Gonzales ( 39 ) , 8 ) Drysdale ( 34 ) , 9 ) Gimeno ( 33 ) , Stolle ( 33 tied ) , 11 ) Emerson ( 28 ) . 1970 Rod Laver P. ( Aus . ) Ken Rosewall P. ( Aus . ) John Newcombe P. ( Aus . ) all 3 ranked equally Joe McCauley ; Bud Collins ; Lance Tingay ; The panel of the ' Martini and Rosso ' award ; The WCT panel ; Robert Geist ; in the two most important events of the year Newcombe won Wimbledon ( over Rosewall ) and Rosewall beat Newcombe and Roche in succession in the US Open ; Smith beat Laver in the Masters ; where Laver failed in Grand Slam tournaments he succeeded in other significant tournaments as Philadelphia ( over Roche ) , Dunlop Sydney Open ( over Rosewall ) , the Pacific Southwest Open ( Los Angeles ) ( over Newcombe ) and Wembley Pro ( over Cliff Richey ) ; Roche beat Laver in U.S. Pro . Then with no player really dominating the circuit , different arguable opinions can be given to designate the World Champion : The panel of 10 international journalists for the ' Martini and Rosso ' Cup , ranked Rosewall number 1 with 97 points ( out of a possible 100 ) over Laver ( 89 points ) and Newcombe 3rd ( 81 points ) ; the rest of the top ten were 4 . Roche , 5 . Ashe , 6 . Richey , 7 . Okker , 8 . Emerson , 9 . Nastase , 10 . Gimeno ; Judith Elian from L'Équipe placed Rosewall first ahead of Newcombe , Roche and Laver ; Lance Tingay , Joe McCauley and Bud Collins each ranked Newcombe ahead of Rosewall ; the panel of journalists which made the WCT draw for 1971 ranked Laver first , Rosewall second and Newcombe third ; and Robert Geist co-ranked Rosewall , Laver and Newcombe No. 1 , summarizing all the opinions . 1971 Stan Smith A. ( USA ) John Newcombe P. ( Aus . ) both ranked equally Lance Tingay ; Bud Collins ; Martini - Rossi award ; Judith Elian ; Ilie Năstase ; Newcombe beat Smith in Wimbledon ; Smith beat Kodes in US Open ; Rosewall beat Ashe in Australian Open ; Rosewall beat Laver in the WCT Finals ; Laver beat Kodes in the Italian Open ; Kodes beat Năstase in the French Open ; Năstase beat Smith in the Masters ; Rosewall beat Drysdale in U.S. Pro ; Ilie Năstase beat Laver in Wembley Pro ; Tingay and Collins ranked Newcombe # 1 ahead Smith ; the Martini - Rossi award , voted for by 11 journalists , was given jointly to Smith and Newcombe ; they both received 96 points ( out of 110 ) ; 3rd was Rosewall with 91 points and 4th Laver with 90 points ; this is very close which is further reflected in the fact that Newcombe , Smith and Laver all received 3 first place votes with Rosewall receiving the other 2 ; the rest of the top ten were 5 . Kodes , 6 . Okker , 7 . Ashe , 8 . Nastase , 9 . Drysdale , 10 . Riessen ; Judith Elian co-ranked Newcombe and Smith equal ; Năstase 's ranking : 1 ) Smith , 2 ) Newcombe , 3 ) Kodes ; Robeist Geist co-ranked Smith , Newcombe and Rosewall equal . 1972 Stan Smith A / P. ( USA ) Ilie Năstase P. ( Rom . ) Judith Elian ; Lance Tingay ; Joe McCauley ; Bud Collins ; the WCT players were not allowed to play the French Open , Wimbledon , or the Davis Cup because of the ILTF ban ; Năstase defeated Ashe in US Open in the only tournament of the year with all the best players in the world ; Rosewall def . Laver in WCT Finals ( Dallas ) ; Năstase def. Smith in 5 sets in the Masters final . Smith has won the two tournaments with the best fields after the US Open : the Pacific Southwest Open in Los Angeles ( Roscoe Tanner runner - up ) and Stockholm Open ( Okker finalist ) ; Ashe won the Autumn WCT Finals in Rome ; Smith def . Năstase in a depleted Wimbledon ; Gimeno def . Patrick Proisy in a depleted French Open ; Bob Lutz def . Tom Okker in U.S. Pro ; Richey def . Clark Graebner in Wembley Pro ; Judith Elian , Tingay and McCauley all three ranked Smith # 1 , Năstase # 2 and Rosewall # 3 ; Collins disagreed and ranked Rosewall ahead of Năstase . 1973 Ilie Năstase P. ( Rom . ) John Newcombe P. ( Aus . ) ATP ; Tennis ( US magazine ) ; Newcombe def . Kodes in US Open the only tournament of the year with all the best players ( except Emerson ) ; Năstase def . Nikola Pilić at the French Open the only other Grand Slam tournament which deserved this label that year ; Kodes def . Metreveli in a depleted Wimbledon ; Năstase def . Okker in the Masters ; Smith def . Ashe in the WCT Finals ; about 13 out of the 20 best players in the world tried to be selected in the first Davis Cup Open of tennis history : Laver was undefeated in 4 singles matches ( and two doubles ) ; Năstase won 17 tournaments ; Jimmy Connors beat Ashe in U.S. Pro ; Tennis ( US magazine ) ranked Năstase # 1 and Newcombe # 2 as the ATP computer . Jimmy Connors P. ( USA ) John Newcombe P. ( Aus . ) Tennis ( US magazine ) ; Connors , who has lost only 4 matches , has won Wimbledon and the US Open over Rosewall each time ; Newcombe has captured 10 tournaments including the WCT Finals ; Björn Borg has won the French Open ( Manuel Orantes runner - up ) , the Italian Open in Rome ( Năstase finalist ) and the U.S. Pro ( Okker runner - up ) ; Guillermo Vilas prevented Nastase to capture a fourth Masters in a row ; Tennis ( US magazine ) ranked Connors # 1 and Newcombe # 2 as the ATP computer ( if every expert undoubtedly ranked Connors # 1 , the second place was more disputed : Elian ranked Borg # 2 while Tingay chose Rosewall and Collins proposed Vilas ) . Arthur Ashe P. ( USA ) Björn Borg P. ( Swe . ) Jimmy Connors P. ( USA ) Manuel Orantes P. ( Spain ) probably all equal Bud Collins ; Judith Elian ; Barry Lorge ; Lance Tingay ; World Tennis ; Steve Flink ; ATP Awards ; Ashe , who won 9 tournaments , def . Connors in Wimbledon ; Orantes def . Connors in the US Open ; Ashe def . Borg in the WCT Finals ; Năstase def . Borg in the Masters ; Borg beat Vilas at both the French Open and the U.S. Pro ; Collins , Elian and Lorge all ranked Ashe # 1 and Borg # 2 ; Tingay ranked Ashe # 1 , Orantes # 2 , Connors # 3 , Borg # 4 ; World Tennis ranked Ashe # 1 , Connors # 2 , Borg # 3 , Orantes # 4 ; Steve Flink ranked Ashe # 1 , Orantes # 2 , Borg # 3 , Connors # 4 ( very different from the ATP ranking ) and the ATP itself awarded Ashe `` Player of The Year '' contradicting its computer ranking . 1976 Jimmy Connors P. ( USA ) Björn Borg P. ( Swe . ) Bud Collins ; Lance Tingay ; John Barrett ; Peter Bodo ; Judith Elian ; Joe McCauley ; ATP Awards ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; Connors won 10 tournaments including the US Open ( Borg runner - up ) , the U.S. Pro Indoor in Philadelphia ( Borg finalist ) , Palm Springs and Las Vegas ; Connors has beaten Borg 4 times out of 4 ; Borg def . Năstase in Wimbledon , Vilas in the WCT Finals and Harold Solomon in the U.S. Pro ; Adriano Panatta won the French Open over Solomon and the Italian Open in Rome over Vilas ; Collins , Tingay , John Barrett , Peter Bodo , McCauley and Judith Elian all ranked Connors # 1 and Borg # 2 ; Collins , Barrett , McCauley , Elian ranked Nastase # 3 ; a minority of journalists ranked Borg # 1 , among them Tennis Magazine ( France ) and the ATP itself which awarded Borg `` Player of The Year '' contradicting its computer ranking . 1977 Björn Borg P. ( Swe . ) Guillermo Vilas P. ( Arg . ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; Michel Sutter ; World Tennis ; London Daily Telegraph ; Tennis Club Magazine ( Rome ) ; Joe McCauley ; Bud Collins ; John Barrett ; ATP Awards ; Borg won Wimbledon over Connors who also lost the US Open against Vilas ; Connors captured both the Masters beating Borg and the WCT Finals ( Dick Stockton runner - up ) ; Vilas also won a partially depleted French Open without Connors , Borg , Vitas Gerulaitis , Orantes and Stockton ( anyway , six of the top - 10 players entered the tournament , so it was still an important one ) ; Orantes beat Eddie Dibbs in the U.S. Pro ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Borg # 1 because he won Wimbledon and he defeated Vilas 3 times out of 3 ; Lance Tingay of the London Daily Telegraph , Rino Tommasi of Rome 's Tennis Club magazine , Joe McCauley of Tennis Australia , Bud Collins and John Barrett also rated Borg first ; a minority of journalists ranked Vilas # 1 , among them World Tennis and Michel Sutter who considered him the best one because among other reasons he won 46 matches in a row ( even 50 including the Rye tournament excluded in ATP statistics ) and 16 titles ( or 17 Rye included ) ; the ATP itself awarded Borg `` Player of The Year '' contradicting its computer ranking ( Connors N ° 1 ) . 1978 Björn Borg P. ( Swe . ) Jimmy Connors P. ( USA ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; ITF ( International Tennis Federation ) ; ATP Awards ; Borg def . Connors at Wimbledon ; Borg def . Vilas at the French Open ; Connors def . Borg at the US Open ; Vilas won a depleted Australian Open ; John McEnroe def . Ashe in the Masters ; Gerulaitis won the WCT Finals ; Connors won the U.S. Pro Indoor ; Orantes beat Solomon in U.S. Pro ; the ITF awarded Borg as World Champion ; the ATP itself awarded Borg `` Player of The Year '' contradicting its computer ranking ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Borg # 1 and Connors # 2 . 1979 Björn Borg P. ( Swe . ) John McEnroe P. ( USA ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; ITF ; ATP Awards ; Borg has done a sort of Little Slam at the time winning Wimbledon ( Tanner runner - up ) , the French Open ( Víctor Pecci finalist ) and the Masters ( Gerulaitis finalist ) which was in 1979 the real 4th tournament in the world ; the Australian Open having a very weak field without any of the great grasscourt players as Borg , McEnroe , Connors or Tanner ( Vilas repeat the victory of 78 ) ; McEnroe def . Gerulaitis in the US Open ; José Higueras beat Hans Gildemeister in the U.S. Pro ; ITF awarded Borg as World Champion ; the ATP awarded Borg `` Player of The Year '' ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Borg # 1 , McEnroe # 2 and Connors # 3 . 1980 Björn Borg P. ( Swe . ) John McEnroe P. ( USA . ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; ITF ; ATP Awards ; not only Borg repeated his performance of the previous year winning again Wimbledon ( McEnroe runner - up ) , the French Open ( Gerulaitis finalist ) and the Masters ( Ivan Lendl runner - up ) but he also reached the final of the US Open won by McEnroe ( after a dubious call in the fifth set ) ; Dibbs beat Gene Mayer in U.S. Pro ; ITF awarded Borg as World Champion ; the ATP awarded Borg `` Player of The Year '' ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Borg # 1 , McEnroe # 2 and Connors # 3 as previous year . 1981 John McEnroe P. ( USA ) Björn Borg P. ( Swe . ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; ITF ; ATP Awards ; McEnroe won Wimbledon and the US Open beating each time Borg ; Borg captured the French Open beating Lendl ; Lendl def . Gerulaitis in the Masters ; José Luis Clerc def . Gildemeister in the U.S. Pro ; after his defeat by Tim Gullikson in October in the second round of Tokyo indoor , Borg semi-retired ; ITF awarded McEnroe as World Champion ; the ATP awarded McEnroe `` Player of The Year '' ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked McEnroe # 1 , Borg # 2 . 1982 Jimmy Connors P. ( USA ) Ivan Lendl P. ( Cze . ) L'Équipe ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; ITF ; ATP Awards ; Connors won both Wimbledon ( McEnroe runner - up ) and the US Open ( Lendl finalist ) ; Mats Wilander def . Vilas at the French Open ; Lendl made one of his best and strongest performances of his whole career in decisively beating McEnroe in the Masters final and again in the WCT Final ; Vilas beat Mel Purcell in U.S. Pro ; small anecdote : though retired of the official circuit , Borg played in many invitational tournaments or exhibitions and he was able to win 2 matches out of 6 against Connors and he beat Gerulaitis , McEnroe and Lendl in the Sydney Akai Gold Challenge ; ITF awarded Connors as World Champion ; the ATP awarded Connors `` Player of The Year '' contradicting its computer ranking ; L'Équipe and Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Connors n ° 1 player in the world ahead of Lendl n ° 2 and McEnroe n ° 3 also strongly contradicting the ATP ranking . John McEnroe P. ( USA ) Mats Wilander P. ( Swe . ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; ITF ; ATP Awards ; McEnroe def . Chris Lewis in Wimbledon ; Connors def . Lendl at the US Open ; Yannick Noah overcame Wilander at the French Open final ; for the first time since 1971 the Australian Open deserved the `` Grand Slam tournament '' label because great players came back ( McEnroe , Lendl and Wilander entered the tournament ) : Wilander def . Lendl ; McEnroe beat Lendl both in the Masters and in the WCT Finals ; Clerc beat Jimmy Arias in U.S. Pro ; ITF awarded McEnroe as World Champion ( against Wilander ) ; the ATP awarded McEnroe `` Player of The Year '' ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked McEnroe # 1 and Wilander # 2 . 1984 John McEnroe P. ( USA ) Ivan Lendl P. ( Cze . ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; ITF ; ATP Awards ; McEnroe lost 3 matches in 1984 but two were very important : the final of the French Open won by Lendl and his match against Henrik Sundström in the Davis Cup won by Sweden and moreover McEnroe was deprived of the Australian Open , won by Wilander over Kevin Curren , because of his suspension following his ugly behaviour in the Stockholm tournament ; however McEnroe played the best tennis of his life in 1984 : according to his autobiography the best tournament he has ever played was the Brussels tournament in March where he never lost more than 3 games in a set , and his performance in the Wimbledon final against Connors is one of the greatest ; McEnroe def . Lendl both in the US Open and in the Masters ( the last great win of the US citizen ) ; Aaron Krickstein beat Clerc in U.S. Pro ; ITF awarded McEnroe as World Champion ; the ATP awarded McEnroe `` Player of The Year '' ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) approved it . 1985 Ivan Lendl P. ( Cze . ) Mats Wilander P. ( Swe . ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; ITF ; ATP Awards ; Lendl won the US Open over McEnroe and the Masters over Boris Becker ; Mats Wilander beat Lendl at the French Open and Martín Jaite in U.S. Pro ; Boris Becker def . Curren in Wimbledon ; Stefan Edberg beat Wilander in the Australian Open ; Tim Mayotte overcame Scott Davis in the ATP tournament ( considered at the time as the 6th tournament in the world ( with fields between 96 and 128 players ) after the Grand Slam tournaments and the Masters : it was created by Earl `` Butch '' Buchholz ( probably about the sixth or fifth player in the world in 1962 and in 1963 ) and held at Delray Beach in 1985 , at Boca West in 1986 , and since 1987 at Key Biscayne ( it has become in the 2000s the ATP Masters Series Miami ) ) ; ITF awarded Lendl as World Champion ; the ATP awarded Lendl `` Player of The Year '' ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Lendl # 1 and Wilander # 2 . 1986 Ivan Lendl P. ( Cze . ) Boris Becker P. ( Ger . ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; ITF ; ATP Awards ; Lendl has won a sort of `` Little Slam '' in winning the US Open ( Miloslav Mečíř runner - up ) , the French Open ( Mikael Pernfors runner - up ) and the Masters ( Becker finalist ) because there was no Australian Open that year given the tournament dates had been delayed for one month ( from December 1986 to January 1987 ) ; Becker def . Lendl in Wimbledon and has won 3 tournaments ( Sydney indoor , Tokyo indoor , Paris - Bercy indoor ) in 3 weeks on 3 continents ; Lendl def . Wilander in the `` ATP tournament '' at Boca West ; Andrés Gómez beat Jaite in U.S. Pro ; ITF awarded Lendl as World Champion ; the ATP awarded Lendl `` Player of The Year '' ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Lendl # 1 and Becker # 2 . Ivan Lendl P. ( Cze . ) Stefan Edberg P. ( Swe . ) ITF ; ATP Awards ; Lendl won US Open , French Open and the Masters each time against Wilander ; Pat Cash def . Lendl in Wimbledon ; Edberg def . Cash in the Australian Open ; Mecir def . Lendl in the ATP tournament at Key Biscayne ; Wilander beat Kent Carlsson in U.S. Pro ; ITF awarded Lendl as World Champion ; the ATP awarded Lendl `` Player of The Year '' . 1988 Mats Wilander P. ( Swe . ) Ivan Lendl P. ( Cze . ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; ITF ; ATP Awards ; Wilander won the `` Little Slam '' defeating Cash at the Australian Open , Henri Leconte at the French Open and Lendl at the US Open ; Wilander also won the ATP tournament at Key Biscayne over Connors ; Edberg def . Becker in Wimbledon ; Becker def . Lendl in the Masters ; Thomas Muster beat Lawson Duncan in U.S. Pro ; ITF awarded Wilander as World Champion ; the ATP awarded Wilander `` Player of The Year '' ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Wilander # 1 and Lendl # 2 . 1989 Boris Becker P. ( Ger . ) Ivan Lendl P. ( Cze . ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; ITF ; ATP Awards ; Becker has been impressive in 1989 by winning Wimbledon over Lendl and Edberg and the US Open over Lendl ; Becker was also undefeated in Davis Cup beating such players as Andre Agassi , Wilander and Edberg ; Lendl won the Australian Open ( Mecir runner - up ) and the ATP tournament at Key Biscayne ( Thomas Muster runner - up ) ; Michael Chang has become the youngest winner of the French Open ( Edberg finalist ) ; Edberg def . Becker in the Masters ; Gomez beat Wilander in the U.S. Pro ; ITF awarded Becker as World Champion ; the ATP awarded Becker `` Player of The Year '' contradicting its computer ranking ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Becker # 1 and Lendl # 2 . 1990 Stefan Edberg P. ( Swe . ) Andre Agassi P. ( USA ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; ATP Awards ; Edberg def . Becker in Wimbledon ; Pete Sampras won his first Grand Slam tournament in the US Open over Agassi who also lost the French Open final against Gomez ; Lendl def . Edberg who defaulted in the third set of the Australian Open final ; Agassi won the Singles Championship ( the ex-Masters and the future Tennis Masters Cup ) and the ATP tournament at Key Biscayne beating Edberg in both tournaments ; Jaite beat Libor Němeček in the U.S. Pro ; this is the only time when the ITF award was strongly criticized : the ITF had punished Edberg for he did n't want to play the Grand Slam Cup , a Chatrier 's invention to fight the new ATP circuit ( the ITF wrongly designated Lendl ) ; the ATP awarded Edberg `` Player of The Year '' confirming its computer ranking but contradicting the ITF ; Tennis Magazine ( France ) rightly ranked Edberg # 1 and Agassi # 2 ( Lendl was only ranked # 3 ) . 1991 Stefan Edberg P. ( Sweden ) Jim Courier P. ( U.S. ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Michael Stich won Wimbledon ( defeating Boris Becker in the final ) . Stefan Edberg won the US Open ( defeating Jim Courier in the final ) . Courier won the French Open ( defeating Andre Agassi in the final ) and the Lipton International Players Championships in Key Biscayne , Florida ( defeating David Wheaton in the final ) . Becker won the Australian Open ( defeating Ivan Lendl in the final ) . Pete Sampras won the year - ending ATP Tour World Championship ( defeating Courier in the final ) . The ITF named Edberg as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Edberg `` Player of The Year . '' Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Edberg first and Courier second . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Edberg finished first , Courier second , and Becker third . 1992 Jim Courier P. ( U.S. ) Stefan Edberg P. ( Sweden ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Andre Agassi won his first Grand Slam tournament at Wimbledon ( defeating Goran Ivanišević in the final ) . Jim Courier won the Australian Open ( defeating Stefan Edberg in the final ) and the French Open ( defeating Petr Korda in the final ) . Edberg won his last Grand Slam tournament at the US Open ( defeating Pete Sampras in the final ) . Boris Becker won the year - ending ATP Tour World Championship ( defeating Courier in the final ) . Michael Chang won the Lipton International Players Championships in Key Biscayne , Florida ( defeating Alberto Mancini in the final ) . The ITF named Courier as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Courier `` Player of The Year . '' Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Courier first . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Courier finished first , Edberg second , and Sampras third . 1993 Pete Sampras P. ( U.S. ) No consensus among the sources : Jim Courier P. ( U.S. ) Michael Stich P. ( Germany ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Pete Sampras won Wimbledon ( defeating Jim Courier in the final ) , the US Open ( defeating Cédric Pioline in the final ) , and the Lipton International Players Championships in Key Biscayne , Florida ( defeating MaliVai Washington in the final ) . Sergi Bruguera won the French Open ( defeating Courier in the final ) . Courier won the Australian Open ( defeating Stefan Edberg in the final and Michael Stich in the semifinals ) . Stich won the year - ending ATP Tour World Championship ( defeating Sampras in the final and Courier in a round robin match ) . The ITF named Sampras as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Sampras `` Player of The Year . '' Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Sampras first and Courier second . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Sampras finished first , Stich second , and Courier third . This was the first of six consecutive years that Sampras was the year - end world No. 1 according to the ATP rankings . 1994 Pete Sampras P. ( U.S. ) Andre Agassi P. ( U.S. ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Pete Sampras won the Australian Open ( defeating Todd Martin in the final ) , Wimbledon ( defeating Goran Ivanišević in the final ) , the Lipton International Players Championships in Key Biscayne , Florida ( defeating Andre Agassi in the final ) , and the year - ending ATP Tour World Championship ( defeating Boris Becker in the final and Agassi in the semifinals ) . Jim Courier defeated Sampras in the French Open quarterfinals , thus ending Sampras 's bid to win a fourth consecutive Grand Slam singles title . Sergi Bruguera again won the French Open ( defeating Alberto Berasategui in the final ) . Agassi won the US Open ( defeating Michael Stich in the final ) . The ITF named Sampras as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Sampras `` Player of The Year . '' Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Sampras first and Agassi second . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Sampras finished first , Agassi second , Becker third , and Bruguera fourth . 1995 Pete Sampras P. ( U.S. ) Andre Agassi P. ( U.S. ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Pete Sampras won Wimbledon ( defeating Boris Becker in the final ) and the US Open ( defeating Andre Agassi in the final ) . Thomas Muster won the French Open ( defeating Michael Chang in the final ) . Agassi won the Australian Open and the Lipton International Players Championships in Key Biscayne , Florida ( defeating Sampras in both finals ) . Becker won the year - ending ATP Tour World Championship ( defeating Chang in the final ) . The ITF named Sampras as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Sampras `` Player of The Year . '' Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Sampras first and Agassi second . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Sampras finished first , Agassi second , Muster third , and Becker fourth . Pete Sampras P. ( U.S. ) Michael Chang P. ( U.S. ) International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Pete Sampras won the US Open ( defeating Michael Chang in the final ) . Richard Krajicek won Wimbledon ( defeating MaliVai Washington in the final ) . Yevgeny Kafelnikov won the French Open ( defeating Michael Stich in the final ) . Boris Becker won the Australian Open ( defeating Chang in the final ) . Sampras won the year - ending ATP Tour World Championship ( defeating Becker in the final ) . The ITF named Sampras as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Sampras `` Player of The Year . '' In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Sampras finished first and Chang second . 1997 Pete Sampras P. ( U.S. ) Patrick Rafter P. ( Australia ) International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Pete Sampras won Wimbledon ( defeating Cédric Pioline in the final ) . Sampras beat Carlos Moyà in the Australian Open final and Yevgeny Kafelnikov in the year - ending ATP Tour World Championship final . Gustavo Kuerten won the French Open ( defeating Sergi Bruguera in the final ) . Patrick Rafter won the US Open ( defeating Greg Rusedski in the final ) . The ITF named Sampras as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Sampras `` Player of The Year . '' In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Sampras finished first and Rafter second . 1998 Pete Sampras P. ( U.S. ) Marcelo Ríos P. ( Chile ) Tennis magazine ( U.S. ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Pete Sampras won Wimbledon ( defeating Goran Ivanišević in the final ) . Patrick Rafter won the US Open ( defeating Mark Philippoussis in the final ) . Carlos Moyà won the French Open ( defeating Àlex Corretja in the final ) . Petr Korda won the Australian Open ( defeating Marcelo Ríos in the final ) . Corretja won the year - ending ATP Tour World Championship ( defeating Moya in the final ) . Rios won the Lipton International Players Championships in Key Biscayne , Florida ( defeating Andre Agassi in the final ) . The ITF named Sampras as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Sampras `` Player of the Year '' . Tennis magazine ( U.S. ) , however , ranked Rafter first . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Sampras finished first , Rios second , Corretja third , and Rafter fourth . 1999 Andre Agassi P. ( U.S. ) No consensus among the sources : Pete Sampras P. ( U.S. ) Yevgeny Kafelnikov P. ( Russia ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Pete Sampras won Wimbledon and the year - ending ATP Tour World Championship ( defeating Andre Agassi in both finals ) . Agassi won the French Open ( defeating Andrei Medvedev in the final ) and the US Open ( defeating Todd Martin in the final ) . Yevgeny Kafelnikov won the Australian Open ( defeating Thomas Enqvist in the final ) . Sampras won four of five matches with Agassi . The ITF named Agassi as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Agassi `` Player of The Year . '' Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Agassi first , Sampras second , and Kafelnikov third . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Agassi finished first , Kafelnikov second , and Sampras third . 2000 Gustavo Kuerten P. ( Brazil ) Marat Safin P. ( Russia ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Pete Sampras won Wimbledon ( defeating Patrick Rafter in the final ) . Gustavo Kuerten won the French Open ( defeating Magnus Norman in the final ) and the year - ending Tennis Masters Cup ( defeating Andre Agassi in the final ) . Marat Safin won the US Open ( defeating Sampras in the final ) . Agassi won the Australian Open ( defeating Yevgeny Kafelnikov in the final ) . The ITF named Kuerten as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Kuerten `` Player of The Year . '' Tennis Magazine ( France ) confirmed the ATP year - ending rankings : Kuerten first , Safin second , Sampras third . 2001 Lleyton Hewitt P. ( Australia ) Gustavo Kuerten P. ( Brazil ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Lleyton Hewitt won the US Open ( defeating Pete Sampras in the final ) and the year - ending Tennis Masters Cup ( defeating Sébastien Grosjean in the final ) . Goran Ivanišević won Wimbledon ( defeating Patrick Rafter in the final ) . Gustavo Kuerten won the French Open ( defeating Àlex Corretja in the final ) . Andre Agassi won the Australian Open ( defeating Arnaud Clément in the final ) . The ITF named Hewitt as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Hewitt `` Player of The Year . '' Tennis Magazine ( France ) confirmed the ATP year - ending rankings : Hewitt first , Kuerten second , Agassi third . 2002 Lleyton Hewitt P. ( Australia ) Andre Agassi P. ( U.S. ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Lleyton Hewitt won Wimbledon ( defeating David Nalbandian in the final ) and the Tennis Masters Cup ( defeating Juan Carlos Ferrero in the final ) . Pete Sampras won the US Open ( defeating Andre Agassi in the final ) . Albert Costa won the French Open ( defeating Ferrero in the final ) . Thomas Johansson won the Australian Open ( defeating Marat Safin in the final ) . The ITF named Hewitt as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Hewitt `` Player of The Year . '' Tennis Magazine ( France ) confirmed the ATP year - ending rankings : Hewitt first , Agassi second , Safin third . 2003 Andy Roddick P. ( U.S. ) No consensus among the sources : Juan Carlos Ferrero P. ( Spain ) Roger Federer P. ( Switzerland ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Roger Federer won Wimbledon ( defeating Mark Philippoussis in the final ) and the year - ending Tennis Masters Cup ( defeating Andre Agassi in the final ) . Andy Roddick won six tournaments , including three in a row , two Tennis Masters Series tournaments , and the US Open ( defeating Juan Carlos Ferrero in the final ) . Ferrero won the French Open ( defeating Martin Verkerk in the final ) . Agassi won the Australian Open ( defeating Rainer Schüttler in the final ) . The ITF named Roddick as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Roddick `` Player of The Year . '' Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Roddick first , Ferrero second , Agassi third , and Federer fourth . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Roddick finished first , Federer second , Ferrero third , and Agassi fourth . Roger Federer P. ( Switzerland ) No consensus among the sources : Lleyton Hewitt P. ( Australia ) Andy Roddick P. ( U.S. ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) Awards and year - ending computer rankings . Roger Federer won three Grand Slam singles titles : the Australian Open ( defeating Marat Safin in the final ) , Wimbledon ( defeating Andy Roddick in the final ) , and the US Open ( defeating Lleyton Hewitt in the final ) . Federer also won the year - ending Tennis Masters Cup ( defeating Hewitt in the final ) . Gastón Gaudio won the French Open ( defeating Guillermo Coria in the final ) . The ITF named Federer as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Federer `` Player of The Year . '' Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Federer first , Hewitt second , and Roddick third . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Federer finished first , Roddick second , Hewitt third and Safin fourth . 2005 Roger Federer P. ( Switzerland ) Rafael Nadal P. ( Spain ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Roger Federer reached all four Grand Slam semifinals , winning Wimbledon ( defeating Andy Roddick in the final ) and the US Open ( defeating Andre Agassi in the final ) . Marat Safin won the Australian Open ( defeating Lleyton Hewitt in the final ) . Rafael Nadal won the French Open ( defeating Mariano Puerta in the final ) . David Nalbandian won the year - ending Tennis Masters Cup ( defeating Federer in the final ) . The ITF named Federer as its World Champion . The members of the ATP voted Federer `` Player of The Year . '' Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Federer first , Nadal second , Hewitt third , and Roddick fourth . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Federer finished first , Nadal second , Roddick third , and Hewitt fourth . 2006 Roger Federer P. ( Switzerland ) Rafael Nadal P. ( Spain ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) year - ending computer rankings . Roger Federer lost only five matches the entire year and won three Grand Slam singles titles : the Australian Open ( defeating Marcos Baghdatis in the final ) , Wimbledon ( defeating Rafael Nadal in the final ) , and the US Open ( defeating Andy Roddick in the final ) . Federer also won the year - ending Tennis Masters Cup ( defeating James Blake in the final ) . Nadal won the French Open ( defeating Federer in the final ) . Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Federer first , Nadal second , Nikolay Davydenko third , David Nalbandian fourth , and Roddick fifth . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Federer finished first , Nadal second , Davydenko third and Blake fourth . 2007 Roger Federer P. ( Switzerland ) Rafael Nadal P. ( Spain ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) year - ending computer rankings . Roger Federer became the first male player ever to win three Grand Slam singles titles in a year in three different years . He won the Australian Open ( defeating Fernando González in the final ) , Wimbledon ( defeating Rafael Nadal in the final ) , and the US Open ( defeating Novak Djokovic in the final ) . Federer also won the year - ending Tennis Masters Cup ( defeating David Ferrer in the final ) . Nadal won the French Open ( defeating Federer in the final ) . The ITF named Federer as its World Champion . Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Federer first , Nadal second , Djokovic third , and Nikolay Davydenko fourth . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Federer finished first , Nadal second , Djokovic third , and Davydenko fourth . 2008 Rafael Nadal P. ( Spain ) Roger Federer P. ( Switzerland ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) year - ending computer rankings . Rafael Nadal won the French Open for the fourth consecutive year ( defeating Federer for the fourth time in that tournament and for the third time consecutively in the final ) . He also won Wimbledon ( defeating Federer in the final ) , and he became the first Spaniard male player to win the Olympic Games tennis singles title . Federer won the US Open ( defeating Andy Murray in the final ) for the fifth consecutive time . Novak Djokovic won his first Grand Slam singles title at the Australian Open and also won the year - ending Tennis Masters Cup ( defeating Nikolay Davydenko in the final ) . The ITF named Nadal as its World Champion . Tennis Magazine ( France ) chose Nadal as player of the year and Federer second . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Nadal finished first , Federer second , Djokovic third , Murray fourth and Davydenko fifth . 2009 Roger Federer P. ( Switzerland ) Rafael Nadal P. ( Spain ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) year - ending computer rankings . Roger Federer became the sixth male player to complete a career Grand Slam and surpassed former Pete Sampras record of 14 tournaments of Grand Slam . He won the French Open ( defeating Robin Söderling in the final ) and Wimbledon ( defeating Andy Roddick in the final ) . Rafael Nadal won the Australian Open ( defeating Federer in the final ) and Del Potro won the US Open ( defeating Roger Federer in the final ) . Nikolay Davydenko won the year - ending ATP World Tour Finals ( defeating Del Potro in the final ) . The ITF named Federer as its World Champion . Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Federer first . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Federer finished first , Nadal second , Djokovic third , Murray fourth and Del Potro fifth . Rafael Nadal P. ( Spain ) Roger Federer P. ( Switzerland ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) year - ending computer rankings . Rafael Nadal became the seventh male player to complete a career Grand Slam . He won the French Open ( defeating Robin Söderling in the final ) , Wimbledon ( defeating Tomáš Berdych in the final ) and the US Open ( defeating Novak Djokovic in the final ) . Roger Federer won the Australian Open ( defeating Andy Murray in the final ) and the year - ending ATP World Tour Finals ( defeating Nadal in the final ) . The ITF named Nadal as its World Champion . Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Nadal first . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Nadal finished first , Federer second , Djokovic third , Murray fourth and Söderling fifth . 2011 Novak Djokovic P. ( Serbia ) Rafael Nadal P. ( Spain ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) year - ending computer rankings . Novak Djokovic won the Australian Open ( defeating Andy Murray in the final ) , Wimbledon and the US Open ( defeating Rafael Nadal in the final ) . Nadal won the French Open ( defeating Roger Federer in the final ) . Federer won the year - ending ATP World Tour Finals . The ITF named Djokovic as its World Champion . Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Djokovic first . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Djokovic finished first , Nadal second , Federer third and Murray fourth . 2012 Novak Djokovic P. ( Serbia ) Roger Federer P. ( Switzerland ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) year - ending computer rankings . Novak Djokovic won the Australian Open ( defeating Rafael Nadal in the final ) and the year - ending ATP World Tour Finals ( defeating Roger Federer in the final ) . Nadal won the French Open ( defeating Novak Djokovic in the final ) . Roger Federer won Wimbledon ( defeating Andy Murray in the final ) . Andy Murray went on to win the Olympic Games , and the US Open , beating Federer and Djokovic respectively . The ITF named Djokovic as its World Champion . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Djokovic finished first , Federer second , Murray third and Nadal fourth . 2013 Rafael Nadal P. ( Spain ) Novak Djokovic P. ( Serbia ) ATP Champion ITF Champion Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) awards and year - ending computer rankings . Rafael Nadal won the French Open ( defeating David Ferrer in the final ) and the US Open ( defeating Novak Djokovic in the final ) and Nadal won 5 Masters 1000 events . Novak Djokovic won the Australian Open ( defeating Andy Murray in the final ) and the year - ending ATP World Tour Finals ( defeating Rafael Nadal in the final ) . Andy Murray won Wimbledon ( defeating Novak Djokovic in the final ) . The ITF named Djokovic as its World Champion . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Nadal finished first and Djokovic second . Tennis Magazine ( France ) ranked Nadal first , Djokovic second , Murray third . 2014 Novak Djokovic P. ( Serbia ) Roger Federer P. ( Switzerland ) Tennis Magazine ( France ) ; International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) . Novak Djokovic won Wimbledon ( defeating Roger Federer in the final ) and the year - ending ATP World Tour Finals ( Federer withdrew injured from the final ) . Stan Wawrinka won the Australian Open ( defeating Rafael Nadal in the final ) . Nadal won the French Open ( defeating Djokovic in the final ) . Marin Cilic won the US Open ( defeating Kei Nishikori in the final ) . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Djokovic finished first , Federer second and Nadal third . The ITF named Djokovic as its World Champion . 2015 Novak Djokovic P. ( Serbia ) Andy Murray P. ( United Kingdom ) International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) . Novak Djokovic won the Australian Open ( defeating Andy Murray in the final ) , Wimbledon ( defeating Roger Federer in the final ) , the US Open ( defeating Roger Federer in the final ) and the year - ending ATP World Tour Finals ( defeating Roger Federer in the final ) . Stan Wawrinka won the French Open ( defeating Djokovic in the final ) . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Djokovic finished first and Murray second . The ITF named Djokovic as its World Champion . 2016 Andy Murray P. ( United Kingdom ) Novak Djokovic P. ( Serbia ) International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) ; Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) . Novak Djokovic won the Australian Open ( defeating Andy Murray in the final ) and French Open ( defeating Andy Murray in the final ) . Andy Murray won Wimbledon ( defeating Milos Raonic in the final ) , Olympic Games ( defeating Juan Martín del Potro in the final ) and the year - ending ATP World Tour Finals ( defeating Novak Djokovic in the final ) . Stan Wawrinka won the US Open ( defeating Novak Djokovic in the final ) . In the ATP 's year - ending rankings , Murray finished first and Djokovic second . The ITF named Murray as its World Champion . Number of times players ranked number 1 Note : An undisputed number one player for the year ( without another player regarded as number one ) is shown in bold Total World Number One Years 8 years Pancho Gonzales 1952 , 1954 , 1955 , 1956 , 1957 , 1958 , 1959 , 1960 7 years William Renshaw 1881 , 1882 , 1883 , 1884 , 1885 , 1886 , 1889 Bill Tilden 1920 , 1921 , 1922 , 1923 , 1924 , 1925 , 1931 Rod Laver 1964 , 1965 , 1966 , 1967 , 1968 , 1969 , 1970 6 years Reginald Doherty 1897 , 1898 , 1899 , 1900 , 1901 , 1902 Jack Kramer 1947 , 1948 , 1949 , 1950 , 1951 , 1953 Ken Rosewall 1960 , 1961 , 1962 , 1963 , 1964 , 1970 Pete Sampras 1993 , 1994 , 1995 , 1996 , 1997 , 1998 5 years Joshua Pim 1890 , 1891 , 1893 , 1894 , 1895 William Larned 1901 , 1902 , 1908 , 1909 , 1910 Laurence Doherty 1902 , 1903 , 1904 , 1905 , 1906 Fred Perry 1934 , 1935 , 1936 , 1937 , 1941 Don Budge 1937 , 1938 , 1939 , 1940 , 1942 Roger Federer 2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2009 Novak Djokovic 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 4 years Wilfred Baddeley 1891 , 1892 , 1895 , 1896 Ellsworth Vines 1932 , 1935 , 1936 , 1937 Bobby Riggs 1941 , 1943 - 1945 , 1946 , 1947 Björn Borg 1977 , 1978 , 1979 , 1980 3 years Ernest Renshaw 1887 , 1888 , 1892 Anthony Wilding 1911 , 1912 , 1913 Henri Cochet 1928 , 1929 , 1930 Jimmy Connors 1974 , 1976 , 1982 John McEnroe 1981 , 1983 , 1984 Ivan Lendl 1985 , 1986 , 1987 Rafael Nadal 2008 , 2010 , 2013 2 years John Hartley 1879 , 1880 Willoughby Hamilton 1889 , 1890 Ernest Lewis 1890 , 1891 Malcolm Whitman 1899 , 1900 Norman Brookes 1907 , 1911 Maurice McLoughlin 1912 , 1914 Bill Johnston 1919 , 1922 René Lacoste 1926 , 1927 Pancho Segura 1950 , 1952 John Newcombe 1970 , 1971 Stan Smith 1971 , 1972 Stefan Edberg 1990 , 1991 Lleyton Hewitt 2001 , 2002 1 year Spencer Gore 1877 Frank Hadow 1878 Herbert Lawford 1887 Wilberforce Eaves 1897 Robert Wrenn 1897 Arthur Gore 1901 Gerald Patterson 1919 Jack Crawford 1933 Ilie Năstase 1973 Arthur Ashe Mats Wilander 1988 Boris Becker 1989 Jim Courier 1992 Andre Agassi 1999 Gustavo Kuerten 2000 Andy Roddick 2003 Andy Murray 2016 Leading number 1 ranked players by decade 1870s - Spencer Gore , 1877 , Frank Hadow , 1878 , & John Hartley , 1879 1880s - William Renshaw , 1881 , 1882 , 1883 , 1884 , 1885 , 1886 1890s - Joshua Pim , 1890 , 1891 , 1893 , 1894 , 1895 1900s - Hugh Laurence `` Laurie '' Doherty , 1902 , 1903 , 1904 , 1905 , 1906 1910s - Anthony Wilding , 1911 , 1912 , 1913 1920s - Bill Tilden , 1920 , 1921 , 1922 , 1923 , 1924 , 1925 1930s - Ellsworth Vines , 1932 , 1935 , 1936 , 1937 & Fred Perry , 1934 , 1935 , 1936 , 1937 1940s - Bobby Riggs , 1941 , 1943 - 1945 , 1946 , 1947 1950s - Pancho Gonzales , 1952 , 1954 , 1955 , 1956 , 1957 , 1958 , 1959 1960s - Rod Laver , 1964 , 1965 , 1966 , 1967 , 1968 , 1969 1970s - Björn Borg , 1977 , 1978 , 1979 1980s - John McEnroe , 1981 , 1983 , 1984 & Ivan Lendl , 1985 , 1986 , 1987 1990s - Pete Sampras , 1993 , 1994 , 1995 , 1996 , 1997 , 1998 2000s - Roger Federer , 2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2009 2010s - Novak Djokovic , 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 See also Tennis portal List of ATP number 1 ranked singles players World number 1 women tennis players List of UK number 1 men 's tennis players References Jump up ^ The ( London ) Times 1920 March 21 Jump up ^ World 's best tennis player known to experts Jump up ^ History of the Pro Tennis Wars , Chapter II , by Ray Bowers Jump up ^ Shannon , Bill ( 1981 ) . United States Tennis Association Official Encyclopedia of Tennis . San Francisco : Harper & Row . ISBN 0 - 06 - 014896 - 9 . Jump up ^ History of the Pro Tennis Wars , Chapter I , by Ray Bowers , Jump up ^ Total Tennis : The Ultimate Tennis Encyclopedia . Kingston , New York : Sport Media Publishing . 2003 . ISBN 0 - 9731443 - 4 - 3 . Jump up ^ Deford , Frank ; Kramer , Jack ( 1979 ) . The Game : My 40 years in Tennis . New York : Putnam . ISBN 0 - 399 - 12336 - 9 . Jump up ^ Lecompte , Tom ( 2003 ) . The Last Sure Thing : The Life & Times of Bobby Riggs . Black Squirrel Publishing . ISBN 0 - 9721213 - 0 - 7 . Jump up ^ Yallop , Richard ( 1984 ) . Royal South Yarra Lawn Tennis Club : 100 Years in Australian Tennis . Curry O'Neil . ISBN 0 - 85902 - 393 - 1 . Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 23 Jump up ^ Total Tennis , by Bud Collins , page 118 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 41 Jump up ^ Tennis Is My Racket , by Bobby Riggs , page 129 and page 171 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 43 Jump up ^ Total Tennis , by Bud Collins , page 122 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 192 Jump up ^ Total Tennis , by Bud Collins , page 122 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 47 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 195 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 53 - 54 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 197 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 57 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 66 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , pages 108 and 111 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 128 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 126 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 157 Jump up ^ The History of Professional Tennis , by Joe McCauley , page 158 Jump up ^ 1977 French Open -- Men 's Singles Jump up ^ Sal Recchi ( Jan 18 , 1978 ) . `` Who 's No. 1 ? Let 's Draw straws '' . Boca Raton News . p. 1C . External links History of the Pro Tennis Wars , by Ray Bowers Chapter I : Suzanne Lenglen and the First Pro Tour Chapter II , Part 1 : The eminence of Karel Kozeluh and Vincent Richards 1927 - 1928 Chapter II , Part 2 : Deja vu 1929 - 1930 Chapter III : Tilden 's Year of Triumph in 1931 Chapter IV : Tilden and Nusslein , 1932 - 1933 Chapter V : The Early Ascendancy of Vines , 1934 Chapter VI : Vines 's Second Year : 1935 Chapter VII : Awaiting Perry , 1936 Chapter VIII : Perry and Vines , 1937 Chapter IX : Readying for Budge , 1938 Chapter X : Budge 's Great Pro Year , 1939 Chapter XI : America , 1940 - 1941 Chapter XII : America , 1942 Chapter XIII : The high war years , 1943 - 1945 <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) Tennis records and statistics Grand Slam Records Champions Men 's singles Chronological Women 's singles Chronological Men 's doubles Women 's doubles Mixed doubles Boys ' singles Girls ' singles Boys ' doubles Girls ' doubles Champions by country Singles Singles finals Open Era singles Men 's finals Women 's finals Age of first title Men 's Singles Open Era All - time Misc . ATP Tour Rankings Records Elite champions Singles Doubles Awards No. 1 rankings ATP singles ATP doubles All - time Select players Singles Doubles Open Era Match wins Masters Series Women 's Singles Open Era All - time WTA Tour Rankings Records Elite champions Awards No. 1 rankings WTA singles and doubles All - time Select players Other Notable rivalries Open Era Titles leaders Records Tournaments Singles Doubles Olympics ITF Rankings Champions Match duration Longest Shortest Tiebreaker Golden set Serving Speed Aces Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Tennis rankings Lists of male tennis players Hidden categories : Articles that may contain original research from September 2016 All articles that may contain original research Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected biographies of living people All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September 2013 Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Español Français Русский Edit links This page was last edited on 18 September 2017 , at 20 : 50 . 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1. World number 1 male tennis player rankings 2. Rankings before 1973 3. Professional tennis in Europe before 1926 4. Major professional tournaments before 1968 5. Sources of rankings and other information
how much does the accelerated reader program cost
Accelerated Reader - wikipedia Accelerated Reader Jump to : navigation , search This article contains content that is written like an advertisement . Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links , and by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view . ( January 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Accelerated Reader Developer ( s ) Renaissance Learning Initial release 1998 ; 20 years ago ( 1998 ) Operating system Windows , macOS Type Educational Website ( Online ) Accelerated Reader ( AR ) is software for K - 12 schools for monitoring the practice of reading . It was created by Renaissance Learning , Inc . There are two versions : a desktop version and a web - based version in Renaissance Place , the company 's online portal . Contents ( hide ) 1 Purpose 2 Components 2.1 ATOS 2.2 Quiz 2.3 Reports 3 Evaluation research 3.1 Other evaluations 3.2 Reviews 3.3 Criticism 4 Progress charts 5 References 6 External links Purpose ( edit ) Accelerated Reader was designed to facilitate student reading growth through practice in an educational setting by : Assessment of a student 's reading level through the STAR ( Standardized Test for the Assessment of Reading ) test A system of leveling trade books using the ATOS reading formula which includes average sentence length , average word length , vocabulary grade level , and number of words in the book Assessing comprehension by means of a computer - based quiz that tests general knowledge in a multiple choice format of 3 - 20 questions Providing a range of reports for parents and teachers that detail student progress indeed . Components ( edit ) ATOS ( edit ) ATOS is a free to use readability formula , designed by Renaissance Learning , that is available at Renaissance Learning 's website . Renaissance Learning claims that `` ATOS '' is the first formula to include statistics from actual student book - reading ( more than 30,000 students , reading almost 1,000,000 books ) , not just data based on short text passages . '' Books with quizzes in Accelerated Reader are analyzed during the quiz creation process and assigned an ATOS readability level . Quiz ( edit ) Accelerated Reader ( AR ) quizzes are available on fiction and non-fiction books , textbooks , supplemental materials , and magazines . Most are in the form of reading practice quizzes , although some are curriculum - based with multiple subjects . Many of the company 's quizzes are available in an optional recorded voice format for primary - level books , in which the quiz questions and answers are read to the student taking the quiz . These quizzes are designed to help emerging English And ( some ) Spanish readers take the quizzes without additional assistance . The Renaissance Place version of Accelerated Reader also includes quizzes designed to practice vocabulary . The quizzes use words from books , and are taken after the book has been read . Bookmarks can be printed out that display the vocabulary words so that , as students read , they can refer to the bookmark for help . The quizzes keep track of words learned . Reports ( edit ) Reports are generated on demand to help students , teachers , and parents monitor student progress . Reports are available regarding student reading , comprehension , amount of reading , diagnostic information , and other variables . Customizable reports available in the Renaissance Place edition can also report district - level information . The TOPS Report ( The Opportunity to Praise Students ) reports quiz results after each quiz is taken . Diagnostic Reports identify students in need of intervention based on various factors . The Student Record Report is a complete record of the books the student has read . Evaluation research ( edit ) A number of studies have been conducted regarding the effectiveness of using Accelerated Reader in the classroom . The following two studies were reviewed by the What Works Clearinghouse and were found to meet their high standards for research . Ross , Nunnery , and Goldfeder studied 1,665 students and 76 teachers ( grades K - 8 ) from 12 schools in Memphis , Tennessee . Some teachers were randomly selected to use Accelerated Reader and the others continued the regular curriculum without using the software . Students in classrooms with Accelerated Reader demonstrated gains . Many of the teachers that used the software responded positively to it and indicated that they would continue to use the software . In another study , Nunnery , Ross , and McDonald assessed the reading achievement of students in grades 3 - 8 . They assessed the effects of individual , classroom , and school factors that impact reading achievement . Those in Accelerated Reader classrooms still outperformed students in control classrooms . Students with learning disabilities in very high implementation classrooms did not suffer from their disabilities as much as similar students in low or no implementation classrooms . Other evaluations ( edit ) In a controlled evaluation , Holmes and Brown found that two schools using the School Renaissance program achieved statistically significant higher standardized test scores when compared with two comparison schools that only used the Renaissance program in a limited way . Because so many schools in the United States are using Accelerated Reader , it was difficult for the authors of this study to find two schools in Georgia that were not already using Accelerated Reader . The authors noted : `` In all nine comparisons involving standardized test scores in reading , language arts , and mathematics , the Renaissance schools ' children outperformed the contrast school 's children . It can only be concluded that the Renaissance program was highly effective in raising the performance of these elementary students . '' In 2003 , Samuels and Wu found that , after six months , third - and fifth - grade students who used Accelerated Reader demonstrated twice the gain in reading comprehension as those that did not use Accelerated Reader . The comparison students completed book reports , suggesting that delayed feedback through book reports is not as useful as the immediate feedback provided by Accelerated Reader . In another study , Samuels and Wu found students in Accelerated Reader classrooms , after controlling for the amount of time spent reading each day , outperformed students in control classrooms . Researcher Keith Topping completed a number of studies on Accelerated Reader that found the software to be an effective assessment for deciding curriculum . Reviews ( edit ) The National Center on Student Progress Monitoring has reviewed Accelerated Reader , and found that it meets 5 out of 7 of its progress monitoring criteria . Accelerated Reader has also been reviewed by the What Works Clearinghouse , the Florida Center for Reading Research , and the Education Commission of the States . In October 2006 , Accelerated Reader was voted one of the best reading software packages for building students ' vocabulary and reading comprehension by readers of eSchool News . In some cases Renaissance Learning provides funding for research studies about the efficacy of the Accelerated Reader software system . Criticism ( edit ) Educators have argued that the use of Accelerated Reader does not teach reading for comprehension ; it only teaches reading for recall . A minimal number of Literacy Skill Quizzes in Accelerated Reader claim to assess higher order thinking skills . Eight Literacy Skill Quizzes have an ATOS level of 1.0 - 3.0 , which provides limited support for higher order thinking skills for developing readers . Renaissance Place includes recognizing setting and understanding sequence as examples of higher order thinking . Turner and Paris 's study on the role of classroom literacy tasks is particularly relevant . Their vignettes describing open versus closed tasks may inform how we consider Accelerated Reader . In this program , students usually take end - of - book tests called Reading Practice Quizzes that are composed of literal - recall questions to which there is only one answer . Turner and Paris would classify these quizzes as `` closed tasks . '' . Turner and Paris ultimately concluded that open - ended tasks are more supportive of literacy growth in the future . This research prompts some educators to refrain from using Accelerated Reader quizzes out of fear that students will begin to perceive the purpose of reading as answering literal - recall questions and possibly lose the desire to read . Florida Center for Reading Research , citing two studies that support the product noted both the lack of available books in a school 's library and the lack of assessment of `` inferential or critical thinking skills '' as weaknesses of the software . Their guide also noted a number of strengths of the software , including its ability to motivate students and provide immediate results on students ' reading habits and progress . Renaissance Learning , the product 's developer , has stated that its intended purpose is to assess whether or not a student has read a book , not to assess higher order thinking skills , to teach or otherwise replace curriculum , to supersede the role of the teacher , or to provide extrinsic reward . The Literacy Skill Quizzes do attempt to assess higher - order thinking skills , even though this is n't intended purpose of the program . Nonetheless , educator and reading advocate Jim Trelease describes Accelerated Reader , along with Scholastic 's Reading Counts ! , as `` reading incentive software '' in an article exploring the pros and cons of the two software packages . Similarly , Stephen D. Krashen , in a 2003 literature review , asserts that reading incentives is one of the aspects of Accelerated Reader . In this review , Krashen reiterates prior research stating that reading for incentives does not create long - term readers . However , as noted above , Renaissance Learning does not promote the use of incentives , and the software can be used without incentives . Use of the program has been criticized as preventing children from reading from a variety of difficulty levels . As an example , research from Scholastic indicates that 39 % of children between the ages of five and ten have read a Harry Potter novel , with 68 % of students in that age range having an interest in reading or re-reading a Harry Potter book . For example , the ATOS reading level of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone is 5.5 ( with ATOS numbers corresponding to grade levels ) . This would indicate that students below that grade range may not be able to read and comprehend the book . Since teachers , parents and student use readability levels to select books , this may discourage students from reading the book , as the student is under pressure to earn Accelerated Reader points during the school year , although students can take tests and earn points for books at any ATOS level . Progress charts ( edit ) Progress charts are ideas to implement in classrooms and work well with the Accelerated Reading program . Other names for these charts are star charts or sticker charts . They are a way for students to easily keep track of reading goals and motivates students to read more for a reward . `` ( Webre ) suggests creating and implementing progress charts in the classroom setting for the purposes of student reflection and self - evaluation , celebration of small daily successes / accomplishments , stimulation of active learning , student choice , and control . '' References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Getting Results With Accelerated Reader Jump up ^ A webpage about ATOS . ^ Jump up to : Design of Accelerated Reader Assessments Archived January 16 , 2005 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Spanish language '' . Wikipedia . 2018 - 01 - 16 . Jump up ^ A webpage about Accelerated Reader reports . ^ Jump up to : Press release about the What Works Clearinghouse Jump up ^ Ross , Steven M. ; Nunnery , John ; Goldfeder , Elizabeth ( April 2004 ) . `` A Randomized Experiment on the Effects of Accelerated Reader / Reading Renaissance in an Urban School District : Final Evaluation Report '' ( PDF ) . Center for Research in Educational Policy , The University of Memphis . Jump up ^ Nunnery , Ross , & McDonald ( 2006 ) research paper ( PDF ) . ^ Jump up to : Holmes , C.T. , & Brown , C.L. ( 2003 ) . A Controlled Evaluation of a Total School Improvement Process , School Renaissance . Technical Report . Athens , GA : University of Georgia . Jump up ^ Research papers Archived April 19 , 2005 , at the Wayback Machine . by Samuels and Wu . Jump up ^ Samuels & Wu ( 2003 ) Archived April 23 , 2006 , at the Wayback Machine . research paper ( PDF ) . Jump up ^ Samuels & Wu ( 2004 ) Archived March 15 , 2007 , at the Wayback Machine . research paper ( PDF ) . Jump up ^ A summary Archived September 15 , 2005 , at the Wayback Machine. , hosted at the University of Dundee , of a number of studies that involved Keith Topping . Jump up ^ A report from Keith Topping , describing Accelerated Reader . Jump up ^ Press release Archived September 27 , 2007 , at the Wayback Machine . about NCSPM review ^ Jump up to : Florida Center for Reading Research report Archived February 10 , 2006 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ A report Archived April 14 , 2005 , at the Wayback Machine . from ECS ( Education Commission of the States ) . Jump up ^ 2006 Best Reading Software Archived 2006 - 10 - 30 at the Wayback Machine. , a survey of those who read eSchool News . Jump up ^ A mailing list Archived March 12 , 2007 , at the Wayback Machine . from a teacher critical of Renaissance Learning 's Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math software packages . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) , Review Pages 6 & 7 of Accelerated Reader Advanced Topics : Literacy Skill Quizzes PowerPoint . ^ Jump up to : Turner , Julianne ; Paris , Scott G ( May 1995 ) . `` How Literacy Tasks Influence Children 's Motivation for Literacy '' . The Reading Teacher. 48 ( 8 ) . Retrieved 30 August 2017 . Jump up ^ The Florida Center for Reading Research is a `` Florida State University Center . '' Jump up ^ Abstract of a 1997 report , originally published by The Institute for Academic Excellence , Inc. , and republished by Renaissance Learning , covering the use of rewards with Accelerated Reader . An e-mail address is given to request a copy of the report . Jump up ^ An excerpt Archived January 3 , 2006 , at the Wayback Machine . from Jim Trelease 's Read - Aloud Handbook , covering `` computerized ' reading incentive ' programs . '' Please note that this review is severely out of date ( e.g. , the author cites `` Advantage Learning Systems '' as the proprietor of Accelerated Reader ) . Jump up ^ An article Archived November 5 , 2005 , at the Wayback Machine . by Stephen D. Krashen titled `` Does Accelerated Reader Work ? '' Please note that certain studies were not reviewed , which may result in a biased viewpoint , and that new studies have been conducted since this review . Jump up ^ Scholastic Presentation Archived July 16 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine . By Yankelovich 2006 , slide 16 Jump up ^ Webre , E.C. ( 2005 ) . `` Enhancing Reading Success with Collaboratively Created Progress Charts '' . Intervention in School and Clinic : 291 -- 5 . External links ( edit ) Accelerated Reader webpage ERIC - Education Resources Information Center National Center on Student Progress Monitoring Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Software for children Renaissance Learning software Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from October 2016 Articles with permanently dead external links Articles with a promotional tone from January 2018 All articles with a promotional tone Wikipedia articles needing clarification from February 2014 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from February 2014 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 20 April 2018 , at 13 : 34 . About Wikipedia
1. Accelerated Reader software 2. Monitoring reading practice 3. ATOS readability formula 4. Quizzes and reports 5. Evaluation research and criticism
when was the last time the paras jumped
Parachute Regiment ( United Kingdom ) - wikipedia Parachute Regiment ( United Kingdom ) Jump to : navigation , search For a list of parachute regiments from other countries , see Parachute Regiment ( disambiguation ) . <Th_colspan="2"> The Parachute Regiment <Td_colspan="2"> Active 1940 -- present Country United Kingdom Branch British Army Type Airborne Infantry Role 1st Battalion -- Special Forces Support 2nd Battalion -- Parachute Infantry 3rd Battalion -- Parachute Infantry 4th Battalion -- Army Reserve Size Four battalions Part of 16 Air Assault Brigade Special Forces Support Group Garrison / HQ 1st Battalion -- St Athan 2nd Battalion -- Colchester 3rd Battalion -- Colchester 4th Battalion -- Pudsey Nickname ( s ) The Paras Motto ( s ) `` Utrinque Paratus '' ( Latin ) `` Ready for Anything '' March Quick -- Ride of the Valkyries Slow -- Pomp and Circumstance No 4 Mascot ( s ) Shetland Pony ( Pegasus ) <Th_colspan="2"> Commanders Colonel - in - Chief HRH Prince of Wales Colonel Commandant Lieutenant General Sir John Lorimer KCB DSO MBE Notable commanders General Anthony Farrar - Hockley GBE KCB DSO MC ADC Gen General Roland Gibbs GCB CBE DSO MC ADC Gen General Mike Jackson KCB CBE DSO ADC Gen General Rupert Smith KCB DSO OBE QGM <Th_colspan="2"> Insignia Parachute Wings Drop zone flashes The Parachute Regiment , colloquially known as the Paras , is an elite airborne infantry regiment of the British Army . The regiment is one of the most elite units in the world . The first battalion is permanently under the command of the Director Special Forces in the Special Forces Support Group . The other battalions are the parachute infantry component of the British Army 's rapid response formation , 16 Air Assault Brigade . The Paras are the only line infantry regiment of the British Army that has not been amalgamated with another unit since the end of the Second World War . The Parachute Regiment was formed on 22 June 1940 during the Second World War and eventually raised 17 battalions . In Europe , these battalions formed part of the 1st Airborne Division , the 6th Airborne Division and the 2nd Independent Parachute Brigade Group . Another three battalions served with the British Indian Army in India and Burma . The regiment took part in six major parachute assault operations in North Africa , Italy , Greece , France , the Netherlands and Germany , often landing ahead of all other troops . At the end of the Second World War , the regiment was reduced to three regular army battalions first assigned to the 16th Parachute Brigade and later the 5th Airborne Brigade . The reserve 16th Airborne Division was formed using the regiment reserve battalions in the Territorial Army . Defence cuts gradually reduced the TA formations to a parachute brigade and then a single reserve battalion . In the same time period , the regular army battalions have taken part in operations in Suez , Cyprus , Borneo , Aden , Northern Ireland , the Falklands , the Kosovo War , the Balkans , Sierra Leone , Iraq and Afghanistan , at times being reinforced by men from the reserve battalion . Contents ( hide ) 1 Organisation 1.1 Selection 1.2 Parachute training 2 Formation 2.1 Training 2.2 Equipment 2.3 Post war formations and reductions 3 Operational history 3.1 Second World War 3.1. 1 North Africa 3.1. 2 Sicily 3.1. 3 Italy 3.1. 4 Normandy 3.1. 5 South of France 3.1. 6 Arnhem 3.1. 7 Ardennes 3.1. 8 Rhine crossing 3.2 Post war operations 3.2. 1 Far East 3.2. 2 Palestine 3.2. 3 1950s Cyprus and Suez 3.2. 4 1960s Kuwait , Aden and Malaysia 3.2. 5 1970s Northern Ireland 3.2. 6 Falklands War 3.2. 7 Balkans 3.2. 8 Sierra Leone 3.2. 9 Iraq 3.2. 10 Afghanistan 3.2. 11 Post-Afghanistan 4 Battle honours 5 Order of precedence 6 See also 7 Notes 8 References 9 Bibliography 10 External links Organisation ( edit ) A soldier from the 3rd Battalion in Iraq in 2003 , armed with an L85A2 The Parachute Regiment consists of three regular army battalions , the 1st , 2nd , and 3rd , and an Army Reserve battalion , the 4th . The 1st is based at St Athan , Wales , and is permanently attached to the Special Forces Support Group ( SFSG ) . They receive further training on additional weapons , communications equipment and specialist assault skills . All men within the Parachute Regiment can expect to serve with the SFSG on rotation . This ensures that the advanced military skills taught to the SFSG are maintained in the other two regular battalions . The 2nd and 3rd battalions are the parachute infantry component of the 16 Air Assault Brigade , the army 's rapid response brigade , and are based at Colchester Garrison . The reserve 4th Battalion has its headquarters at Pudsey and companies in Glasgow , Liverpool and London . Selection ( edit ) Volunteers for the Parachute Regiment are invited to a 3 - day insight course at the Parachute Regiment Assessment Course ( PRAC ) at Catterick Garrison . Over the three days , they have to pass a series of physical fitness assessments . All recruit training is then undertaken over a 30 - week course with 2nd Infantry Training Battalion at the Infantry Training Centre at Catterick . P company puts recruits through a number of physical assessments designed to test fitness , stamina and teamwork skills . At the end of P Company , recruits take part in eight pre-parachute selection tests . Those who are successful are awarded their maroon beret . Currently , recruits for the Parachute Regiment must be male and aged 16 to 33 for the regular Army , or 18 to 40 for the Army Reserve ( 4 PARA ) . Potential Officers must be aged 18 to 29 . After the British government removed the ban on women serving in Ground Close Combat ( GCC ) roles , women will be permitted to join all infantry units , including the Parachute Regiment and Royal Marines Commandos , by the end of 2018 . Parachute training ( edit ) On completion of his basic training and entry into his battalion , recruits are posted to RAF Brize Norton for a Basic Parachute Course . Since 1995 , all parachute jumps are carried out from powered aircraft . Prior to 1995 , the first jump in the Basic Parachute Course was undertaken from a modified Barrage balloon , but this has since been replaced with the Skyvan . Recruits must complete a minimum of five jumps in order to qualify as a military parachutist , with the last two jumps required to be from a C130 Hercules . The last time a British battalion sized unit parachuted into combat was in 1956 , but this is still considered a valid method of deployment . Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have interfered with parachute training ; however , with re-rolling of UK military into contingency operations , parachuting has come to the forefront again . Details for the 1st Battalion are not known , as the British government does not comment on special forces . But it is believed that in 2010 a company group from the Special Forces Support Group ( SFSG ) parachuted operationally into Afghanistan . Formation ( edit ) British parachute troops on exercise in Norwich 23 June 1941 . Impressed by the success of German airborne operations , during the Battle of France , the British Prime Minister , Winston Churchill , directed the War Office to investigate the possibility of creating a corps of 5,000 parachute troops . On 22 June 1940 , No. 2 Commando was turned over to parachute duties and on 21 November , re-designated the 11th Special Air Service Battalion , with a parachute and glider wing . It was these men who took part in the first British airborne operation , Operation Colossus , on 10 February 1941 . In September , the battalion was re-designated the 1st Parachute Battalion and assigned to the 1st Parachute Brigade . To fill out the brigade , the 2nd , 3rd and 4th Parachute Battalions were raised by calling for volunteers from all units in the British Army . The first operation by the Parachute Regiment was Operation Biting in February 1942 . The objective was to capture a Würzburg radar on the coast of France . The raid was carried out by ' C ' Company , 2nd Parachute Battalion , under the command of Major John Frost . The success of the raid prompted the War Office to expand the existing airborne force , setting up the Airborne Forces Depot and Battle School in Derbyshire in April 1942 , and creating the Parachute Regiment as well as converting a number of infantry battalions into airborne battalions in August 1942 . The 2nd Parachute Brigade was then formed from the 4th Battalion , transferred from the 1st Para Brigade , and two of the converted infantry battalions , the 5th Battalion from the 7th Queen 's Own Cameron Highlanders and 6th Battalion from the 10th Royal Welch Fusiliers . The Army Air Corps was created as the command formation of the Parachute Regiment and the Glider Pilot Regiment . With two parachute brigades now in the order of battle , the 1st Airborne Division commanded by Major - General Frederick Arthur Montague Browning was formed . By the end of the war , the regiment had raised 17 battalions . In India , the 50th Indian Parachute Brigade was raised on 27 October 1941 , comprising 151 ( British ) , 152 ( Indian ) and 153 ( Gurkha ) Parachute Battalions along with the brigade signals , sapper squadron and 80 Parachute Field Ambulance. 151 British Parachute Battalion moved to Egypt and then to England where it was redesignated 156 Parachute battalion and joined the 4th Parachute Brigade , 1st Airborne Division . The British battalion was composed of volunteers from the 27 infantry battalions of the British Army in India . The 2nd / 7th Gurkha Battalion was converted en bloc to the airborne role and renamed 154th ( Gurkha ) Parachute Battalion . Later , when the formation was to expand , 14th and 77th Indian Parachute Brigades from the Chindit operations were converted and comprised one airborne battalion each of British , Indian and Gurkha troops . They were part of the 44th Indian Airborne Division . Training ( edit ) Parachute training ( 1942 ) . Parachute training was a 12 - day course carried out at the No. 1 Parachute Training School , RAF Ringway . Recruits initially jumped from a converted barrage balloon and finished with five parachute jumps from an aircraft . Anyone failing to complete a parachute jump was returned to his old unit . At the end of the course , new Paras were presented with their maroon beret and parachute wings and posted to a parachute battalion . Parachute training was not without its dangers ; three men were killed in the first 2,000 parachute jumps at Ringway . Airborne soldiers were expected to fight against superior numbers of the enemy equipped with artillery and tanks . So training was designed to encourage a spirit of self - discipline , self - reliance and aggressiveness . Emphasis was given to physical fitness , marksmanship and fieldcraft . A large part of the training consisted of assault courses and route marching . Military exercises included capturing and holding airborne bridgeheads , road or rail bridges and coastal fortifications . At the end of most exercises , the battalion would march back to their barracks . An ability to cover long distances at speed was expected : airborne platoons were required to cover a distance of 50 miles ( 80 km ) in 24 hours , and battalions 32 miles ( 51 km ) . Equipment ( edit ) British paratrooper of the 8th Parachute Battalion armed with the Sten gun wearing the airborne forces steel helmet and the Denison Smock ( 1943 ) . The Parachute Regiment had their own distinctive uniform : the maroon beret at first with the Army Air Corps cap badge and from May 1943 the Parachute Regiment cap badge which is still in use today . Parachute wings were worn on the right shoulder above the airborne forces patch of Bellerophon riding the flying horse Pegasus . On operations , Paras wore the airborne forces pattern steel helmet instead of the normal Brodie helmet . Initially they wore a ' jump jacket ' modelled on the German Fallschirmjäger jacket . After 1942 , the Denison smock was issued as the first camouflaged uniform for the British Army . In 1943 , a green sleeveless jacket was designed to wear over the Denison smock when parachuting . British Paras did not use a reserve parachute , as the War Office considered the £ 60 cost a waste of money . The Parachute Regiment were not issued any special weapons . Their small arms were the same as the rest of the army 's : the bolt action Lee -- Enfield rifle and the Enfield or Webley revolver or the M1911 pistol . For a submachine gun , they used the British Sten in Northwest Europe , which was issued in higher numbers than to a normal infantry battalion . Paratroopers attached to Eighth Army used the Thompson submachine gun in the North African and Mediterranean theatre and during Operation Dragoon . Each section had a Bren light machine gun and the platoon had a 2 - inch mortar . The only battalion heavy weapons were eight 3 - inch mortars , four Vickers machine guns and after 1943 , ten PIAT anti tank weapons . Post War formations and reductions ( edit ) September 1953 parachute exercise by the 16th Airborne Division . The airborne divisions were disbanded after the Second World War , with only the 2nd Parachute Brigade ( 1st , 2nd and 3rd Battalions ) remaining . In February 1948 , it was renumbered the 16th Parachute Brigade and posted to the British Army on the Rhine . The brigade remained in Germany until October 1949 , when it relocated to Aldershot , which became the home of the Parachute Regiment for the next 50 years . The Territorial Army ( TA ) reformed after the war and raised the 16th Airborne Division with nine parachute battalions ( 10th to 18th ) in three parachute brigades . The division was disbanded in the 1956 defence cuts , leaving the 44th Independent Parachute Brigade as the only reserve parachute formation . The remaining reserve battalions were the 10th ( City of London ) , 12th ( Yorkshire ) , 13th ( Lancashire ) , 15th ( Scottish ) and 17th ( Durham Light Infantry ) . Further reductions resulted in the amalgamation of the 12th and 13th Battalions soon afterwards . In 1967 , the TA battalions were reduced again , the 12th , 13th and 17th being amalgamated to reform the 4th Battalion . The 44th Independent Parachute Brigade was disbanded in 1977 , leaving the reserve parachute battalions as independent units . Following the Falklands War in November 1983 , the 5th Airborne Brigade was formed for out - of - area operations . The brigade consisted of two of the parachute battalions and its own parachute trained artillery , engineers , medics , signals and logistics units . The Options for Change restructuring after the Cold War again reduced the number of TA battalions . The 4th and 15th Battalions were amalgamated in 1993 as the 4th Battalion , and the 10th Battalion was disbanded . The 5th Airborne Brigade lasted until the 1999 Strategic Defence Review , which recommended that the 5th Airborne and 24th Airmobile Brigade be amalgamated as the 16th Air Assault Brigade . Operational history ( edit ) Second World War ( edit ) North Africa ( edit ) British paratroops march away after landing at Algiers . In November 1942 the British First Army , with the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Parachute Battalions ( 1st Parachute Brigade ) attached , invaded French Morocco and Algeria ( Operation Torch ) . The British airborne operations in North Africa started on 12 November , when the 3rd Battalion carried out the first battalion sized parachute drop , on Bone airfield between Algiers and Tunis . The remainder of the brigade arrived by sea the next day . On 15 November , the 1st Battalion were ordered to parachute and capture a vital road junction at Béja 90 miles ( 140 km ) west of Tunis . The battalion captured both Béja and Mateur after an attack on a German armoured column and an Italian tank position . The 2nd Battalion , now commanded by Lieutenant Colonel John Frost , carried out a parachute drop on Depienne Airfield 30 miles ( 48 km ) south of Tunis . The airfield had been abandoned , so they marched 10 miles ( 16 km ) to capture Oudna Airfield . There , they were supposed to have been relieved by advancing British forces , but they had been held up by unexpected German resistance . Frost contacted First Army , only to be informed that , as they were trapped 50 miles ( 80 km ) behind the lines , they had been written off . The battalion headed for the British lines , but lost 266 men under constant German attack by the time they reached safety at Medjez el Bab . 2nd Battalion officers , Tunisia , 26 December 1942 . In February 1943 , the brigade deployed as normal infantry , serving in the front lines for the rest of the Tunisian Campaign . They fought notable actions at Bou Arada and Tamerza against their German counterparts , the Fallschirmjäger , where they earned the nickname `` Die Roten Teufel '' ( the Red Devils ) . Sicily ( edit ) The 1st , 2nd and 3rd Battalions ( 1st Parachute Brigade ) next took part in Operation Fustian . This was an airborne assault to seize and hold the Primosole Bridge over the River Simeto , south of Mount Etna on the island of Sicily , and hold until relieved by ground forces . Those that survived the flight landed on the same drop zone ( DZ ) chosen by the 1st Fallschirmjäger Division , which had landed moments before the British aircraft appeared . The two forces engaged in a bitter fight , and the Paras failed to secure the landing ground for the following glider force of the 1st Airlanding Brigade carrying their artillery and heavy equipment . Those gliders that did land were not unloaded before the bridge was captured at 04 : 40 . Later that day , the Germans counter-attacked with artillery support and , within hours , the Paras were driven off the bridge . Italy ( edit ) In September , the 4th , 5th and 6th Battalions ( 2nd Parachute Brigade ) and the 10th , 11th and 156th Battalions ( 4th Parachute Brigade ) took part in Operation Slapstick a landing from the sea near the port of Taranto in Italy . Their objective was to capture the port and several nearby airfields , and link up with the British Eighth Army , before pressing north to join the U.S. Fifth Army near Foggia . They landed unopposed on 9 September 1943 , the only losses being 58 men of the 6th Battalion , lost at sea when their ship struck a mine . Pushing inland , the Paras captured the town of Castellaneta and the town and airfield of Gioia del Colle before the 4th Parachute Brigade was withdrawn from the theatre . On 14 September 1943 , a company of the 11th Battalion carried out a parachute drop on the island of Kos . The Italian garrison surrendered , and the company was quickly reinforced by men from the 1st Battalion , Durham Light Infantry and Royal Air Force Regiment , before being withdrawn on 25 September and in December 1943 , the 11th Battalion rejoined the division in England . The 2nd Parachute Brigade fought on in Italy under command of several infantry divisions , including the 2nd New Zealand Division and 8th Indian Infantry Division . In June 1944 they carried out Operation Hasty , the only parachute drop on the Italian mainland . This was a 60 - man raid ahead of 2nd NZ Division 's area intended to disrupt the German demolition plan during the withdrawal from the Gothic Line . 2nd Parachute Brigade took part in Operation Dragoon in southern France , then returned to Italy briefly before being sent to Greece . Normandy ( edit ) Normandy 7 June 1944 , men of the 6th Airborne Division guarding a road junction near Ranville . Each is armed with a Mk V Sten submachine gun . The next operation for the regiment was in Normandy , France with the 6th Airborne Division . The 8th and 9th Battalions , along with the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion , from the ( 3rd Parachute Brigade ) and the 7th , 12th and 13th Battalions of the ( 5th Parachute Brigade ) were involved . The mission was Operation Tonga , capturing bridges over the River Orne and Caen Canal , and destroying the Merville Gun Battery and several other bridges to prevent the Germans reaching the landing beaches . The 7th Battalion had so many missing that , by 03 : 00 , only around 40 percent of the battalion had been accounted for . They did , however , manage to reinforce the glider troops of 2nd Battalion , Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry from the 6th Airlanding Brigade that had captured the Caen and Orne bridges in Operation Deadstick and held them until relieved by the 3rd Infantry Division . The 12th and 13th Battalions also had about 40 percent of their men go missing . The 12th had to capture the village of Le Bas de Ranville , whilst the 13th was to take the town of Ranville . Both battalions then helped secure the area around the captured bridges until relieved . Only about 150 men of the 9th Battalion had assembled when they launched their assault on the Merville Gun Battery . Their attack on the battery was successful , but with heavy casualties : 50 dead and 25 wounded . The 8th Battalion had to destroy two bridges near Bures and a third by Troarn . All bridges were destroyed and the battalion numbering around 190 men dug in around Troarn . The paras held the left flank of the invasion area until going onto the offensive on the night of 16 / 17 August . In nine days , they advanced to the mouth of the River Seine , capturing over 1,000 German prisoners . On 27 August , the division was withdrawn from the front line and embarked for England in September . The division 's casualties were 821 killed , 2,709 wounded and 927 missing . South of France ( edit ) Further information : 2nd Parachute Brigade in Southern France The 4th , 5th and 6th Parachute Battalions ( 2nd Independent Parachute Brigade ) had been left in Italy when the 1st Airborne Division returned to England . On 15 August 1944 , the 1st Airborne Task Force ( ATF ) , including the 2nd Independent Parachute Brigade , parachuted into the region between Fréjus and Cannes in the south of France . Their objective was to destroy all enemy positions in the area and hold until the U.S. Seventh Army came ashore . The ATF was preceded at 03 : 30 by nine pathfinder teams ; only three teams , all from the 2nd Independent Parachute Brigade , landed on the correct DZs . When the brigade starting landing on 04 : 50 , the drop was dispersed . Most of the 6th Battalion , half of the 4th , and one company of the 5th landed on their DZs . Most of the rest of the Paras were scattered over a 9 - mile ( 14 km ) area , but some landed 20 miles ( 32 km ) away at Cannes . The battalions achieved all their objectives apart from the town of Le Muy on the first day . The brigade remained in France until 26 August and then returned to Italy . Arnhem ( edit ) Men of the 1st Battalion , day one , 17 September 1944 . The 1st , 2nd and 3rd Battalions ( 1st Parachute Brigade ) and the 10th , 11th and 156th Battalions ( 4th Parachute Brigade ) were next in action in Operation Market Garden in the Netherlands with the 1st Airborne Division . The resulting Battle of Arnhem has since become a byword for the fighting spirit of British paratroops and set a standard for the Parachute Regiment . The division 's mission was to capture intact the road , rail and pontoon bridges over the Lower Rhine at Arnhem and hold them until relieved , which was expected to occur two or three days later . A shortage of transport aircraft hindered operations , and it would take two days for all three of the division 's brigades to arrive . It was decided that the 1st Parachute and the airlanding brigade would land on the first day . The DZs and LZs would be secured by the airlanding brigade , whilst the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Parachute battalions would head into Arnhem and capture the bridges . On the second day , the 4th Parachute Brigade would arrive . These battalions would dig in north and north - west of Arnhem . On day one 17 September 1944 , the 1st Parachute Brigade landed and headed towards Arnhem , but only the 2nd Battalion , largely unopposed , made it to the bridges . The railway bridge was blown up as they approached and the pontoon bridge was missing a section . By dusk , most of the 2nd Battalion and some supporting units , including the Brigade Headquarters , numbering about 740 men , had taken the northern end of the Arnhem road bridge . By the second day , the 9th SS Panzer Division arrived in Arnhem , deploying to the west of the city and cutting off access to the bridge . On day two attempts by the 1st and 3rd Battalions to fight through to the bridge were unsuccessful and , by 10 : 00 , they had been halted . At the bridge , the 2nd Battalion continued to hold out against German armoured and infantry attacks . Several hours later than expected , at 15 : 00 , the 4th Parachute Brigade landed under fire from the Germans . The 11th Battalion was sent towards Arnhem to assist in the attempt to break through to the bridge , linking up with the 1st and 3rd Battalions after dark . The 10th and 156th Battalions moved to take up their planned positions north - west of Arnhem . En route , in the dark , the 156th Battalion came under fire and halted for the night . In the morning of the third day , the 1st , 3rd , and 11th Battalions and the 2nd Battalion , South Staffords ( 1st Airlanding Brigade ) tried to fight through to the bridge . Crossing open ground , the 1st Battalion was engaged by heavy fire from three sides . Trapped in the open , the 1st Battalion was decimated , and the 3rd had to withdraw . The 11th , which until then had not been heavily involved , were now exposed by the withdrawal and overwhelmed . Unable to break through the German line , the remaining men retreated towards the main force , now at Oosterbeek . In the north , the 10th and 156th Battalions were spotted as they attempted to seize the high ground in the woods north of Oosterbeek . Both battalions came under German fire and were unable to advance any further . Ordered to fall back on Wolfheze and Oosterbeek , they had to fight all the way , with the Germans in close pursuit . At the bridge , the 2nd Battalion still held out , but short of supplies , their position was becoming untenable . The Germans , had started destroying the buildings the battalion occupied with tank , artillery and mortar fire . British paratroopers in Oosterbeek , September 1944 . By day four , the battered division was too weak to make any attempt to reach the bridge . Of the nine infantry battalions , only the 1st Battalion , Border Regiment , still existed as a unit ; the others were just remnants and battalions in name only . The division , unable to do anything for the 2nd Battalion at the bridge , dug in , forming a defensive perimeter around Oosterbeek with its base on the river . The remnants of the 10th and 156th battalions at Wolfheze began to fall back , but several elements were surrounded and captured . Some 150 men of 156th Battalion were pinned down just west of the Oosterbeek . These men broke out in the late afternoon , with 90 of them making it into the perimeter . At the bridge , Lieutenant Colonel Frost finally made radio contact with the division and was told that reinforcement was doubtful . Shortly afterwards , Frost was injured by a mortar bomb , and command passed to Major Frederick Gough . Gough arranged a two - hour truce to evacuate his wounded ( including Frost ) , who were taken into captivity . That night , some units managed to hold out for a while and several tried to break out towards Oosterbeek , but by 05 : 00 on day five , all resistance at the bridge had ceased . The division managed to hold on for nine days , until it was decided to withdraw back across the Rhine by rafts and boats . At 10 : 00 on the last day , the Germans launched an assault with infantry and tanks on the south - east portion of the perimeter . The assault penetrated the perimeter and threatened to cut off the division from the river . British counter-attacks , supported by artillery fire from south of the river , stopped the German assault . To prevent the Germans learning about the evacuation , the plan was kept secret until the afternoon , and some men ( mainly wounded ) remained behind to give covering fire through the night . By 05 : 00 , 2,163 men had been rescued and the evacuation was ended . The two parachute brigades had contained 3,082 men of the Parachute Regiment . Of these , 2,656 were killed or reported missing and only 426 made it to safety . The only awards of the Victoria Cross to the Parachute Regiment in the war were for the Battle of Arnhem . The two recipients were Captain John Hollington Grayburn of the 2nd Battalion , and Captain Lionel Ernest Queripel of the 10th Battalion ; both awards were posthumous . Sniper from the 6th Airborne Division , Ardennes , 14 January 1945 . Ardennes ( edit ) On 16 December 1944 , the German Army launched a surprise offensive against the U.S. First Army through the Ardennes the Battle of the Bulge . The 6th Airborne Division , refitting in England , was flown to Belgium on 22 December to help stop the German attack . By 26 December , the division was in the Dinant and Namur area . On 29 December , they received orders to launch a counter-attack on the leading German units . The 13th Battalion , part of the 5th Parachute Brigade , suffered the heaviest losses . Between 3 -- 5 January , the battalion fought to capture the village of Bure . After they had taken the village , the battalion had to fight off a number of counter-attacks . By the end of the battle , their casualties were 68 dead and 121 wounded or missing . Rhine crossing ( edit ) The airborne assault over the Rhine ( Operation Varsity ) , was the largest single airborne operation in the history of airborne warfare and also involved the U.S. 17th Airborne Division . Five battalions of the Parachute Regiment in the 6th Airborne Division took part . The first unit to land was the 3rd Parachute Brigade ( 8th , 9th and 1st Canadian Battalions ) . The brigade suffered a number of casualties as it engaged the German forces in the Diersfordter Wald , but by 11 : 00 , the DZ was almost cleared of German forces . The key town of Schnappenberg was captured by the 9th Battalion in conjunction with the 1st Canadian Battalion . Despite taking casualties , the brigade cleared the area of German forces , and by 13 : 45 , the brigade reported it had secured all of its objectives . The next unit to land was the 5th Parachute Brigade ( 7th , 12th and 13th Battalions ) . The poor visibility around the DZ made it difficult for the Paras to rally . The DZ came under heavy fire from German troops stationed nearby and was subjected to shellfire and mortaring which inflicted casualties in the battalion rendezvous areas . However , the 7th Battalion soon cleared the DZ of German troops , many of whom were situated in farms and houses , and the 12th and 13th secured the rest of the brigade 's objectives . The brigade was then ordered to move due east and clear an area near Schnappenberg , as well as to engage German forces gathered to the west of the farmhouse where the 6th Airborne Division Headquarters was established . By 15 : 30 , the brigade had secured all of its objectives and linked up with other British airborne units . By nightfall of 24 March , out of the 7,220 men of the 6th Airborne Division who had taken part in the operation , 1,400 men had been reported killed , wounded or missing . Post War operations ( edit ) Far East ( edit ) Men of the 12th Battalion , search suspects in Batavia ( Jakarta ) December 1945 In May 1945 , it was intended that the 6th Airborne Division should be deployed to the Far East . It was intended they would form an Airborne Corps with the 44th Indian Airborne Division . The first unit to leave was the 5th Parachute Brigade , under the command of Kenneth Darling . The brigade consisted of the 7th , 12th and 13th Battalions , 22nd Independent Parachute Company , and support units . The brigade arrived in India in June 1945 and started jungle training , but Japan surrendered before it was completed . The Japanese surrender changed British plans and it was decided the 6th Airborne Division would become the Imperial Strategic Reserve and stay in Europe . The Brigade was used on operations in Malaya , and Singapore restoring order after the Japanese occupation . In December , the brigade was part of Operation Pounce , a mission to disarm the remaining Japanese forces in Java until they could be relieved by Dutch forces in April 1946 . On their arrival in Batavia ( Jakarta ) they discovered that the Japanese had handed over their weapons to Indonesian nationalists who attacked the British force when they tried to wrest control , knowing that the British intended to return Batavia to the Dutch . The brigade dispersed rioters and patrolled the city until they were moved to Semarang on the coast between Batavia and Surabaya in January 1946 . To prevent nationalists entering the town , the three battalions established patrols on the outskirts of the town and seized the docks and the airport . Despite a number of guerrilla attacks , the Indonesians were defeated . In April 1946 , the British handed over control to the Dutch and returned to Singapore . Palestine ( edit ) Weapons , ammunition , and equipment discovered at the Jewish settlement near Gaza by the Parachute Regiment in September 1946 . As the Imperial reserve , the 6th Airborne Division was sent to Palestine in September 1945 . The division now consisted of the 2nd Parachute Brigade ( 4th , 5th and 6th Battalions ) , 3rd Parachute Brigade ( 3rd , 8th and 9th Battalions ) and 6th Airlanding Brigade . Their mission was to support the police in keeping the peace between the Arab and Jewish populations . In November , the 3rd Parachute Brigade had to intervene during Arab - Jewish riots in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv that had persisted for a number of days . The division also conducted a 48 - hour search in response to the King David Hotel bombing . While in Palestine , the division was subjected to numerous attacks by Jewish fighters ; in one such on 25 April 1947 , the Stern gang killed seven men of the 5th Battalion . Palestine was a time of change for the Paras . With the reduction in the army after the war , the 1st Airborne Division had been disbanded and the 1st Parachute Brigade ( 1st , 2nd and 17th Battalions ) joined the 6th Division on 1 April 1946 to replace the 6th Airlanding Brigade . In August , the 5th Parachute Brigade ( 7th , 12th and 13th Battalions ) rejoined the division from the Far East , but was soon disbanded and its men reassigned to the other battalions in the division . Further reductions saw the disbandment of the 3rd Parachute Brigade in October 1947 , leaving just the 1st and 2nd Brigades in the division . On 18 February 1948 , news that the division was to be disbanded was received , leaving only one regular army parachute brigade , the 2nd , soon renumbered the 16th Parachute Brigade . 1950s Cyprus and Suez ( edit ) Main articles : Operation Musketeer ( 1956 ) and Suez Crisis 3rd Battalion landing at El Gamil Airfield , Port Said , Suez 1956 . The last British battalion sized parachute operation . For most of the next 20 years , the Parachute Regiment was involved in numerous peacekeeping and small scale operations associated with the withdrawal from empire . In 1951 , the Prime Minister of Iran , Mohammad Mosaddegh , seized the oilfields in Abadan . The 16th Parachute Brigade was sent out to Cyprus in June to be ready to intervene should it be required . They were soon sent to reinforce the British troops in the Suez Canal Zone in response to Egyptian nationalists threatening the bases there . The brigade returned to Cyprus between January and July 1956 because of attacks on British forces by EOKA insurgents . On 5 November 1956 , the 3rd Battalion conducted what would become the last British battalion sized parachute assault . The objective was the El Gamil airfield in Port Said during the Suez Crisis . The battalion secured the airfield and dug in to wait the arrival of the rest of the assault forces by sea . The 1st and 2nd Battalions arrived at Port Said by Landing Ship Tank , the 2nd Battalion were delayed in starting to advance towards Ismailia . The battalion was supported by the tanks of the 6th Royal Tank Regiment , but due to the delay , they were still short of their objective when a ceasefire was announced . On 14 November , the brigade returned to Cyprus . 1960s Kuwait , Aden and Malaysia ( edit ) Main articles : Operation Vantage , Aden Emergency , Operation Vantage , Indonesia -- Malaysia confrontation , and Operation Claret In a statement on 25 June 1961 , President Abd al - Karim Qasim of Iraq claimed that Kuwait was part of his country and announced his intention to annexe it . On the strength of a formal defence commitment between the two countries , Kuwait appealed for help from Britain . A force was assembled ( Operation Vantage ) which included armour , artillery , commando , and infantry battalions , one being the 2nd Battalion , based in Cyprus . The battalion was not involved in any combat and remained just long enough for the Arab League to take over from them . All British forces had withdrawn by 19 October . Foot patrol by the 1st Battalion in Aden , 1956 . In 1960 , Britain decided to withdraw from Aden , which was then part of the Federation of South Arabia , with independence scheduled for 1968 . This decision started a campaign by the local tribes against the regular army . Supported by Egypt , communist infiltration reached a head in 1963 when Britain was forced to take action in support of the local government in what was called the Aden Emergency . The British force , known as Radforce , comprised a mixture of troops including a company from the 3rd Battalion . The rest of the 3rd Battalion , under the command of Lieutenant - Colonel Anthony Farrar - Hockley , was also sent to Aden to conduct operations in the Radfan mountains , capturing the Bkri ridge in May 1964 . Farrar - Hockley was awarded the bar for his Distinguished Service Order ( DSO ) for this operation . The rest of the battalion were awarded two Military Crosses ( MC ) and one Military Medal ( MM ) , and a number were mentioned in dispatches . By 1964 , the terrorist attacks had spread to Aden , south of Radfan ; to protect British servicemen and their dependents , the 1st Battalion was deployed on security duties throughout the areas of Crater and Khormasker . In January 1967 , the 1st Battalion returned to Aden on an emergency tour to cover the final withdrawal of British troops from the region . For a series of actions in June in the Sheik Othman and Al Mansura districts of Aden , the battalion 's commanding officer , Lieutenant - Colonel Michael J.H. Walsh , was awarded the DSO . The rest of the battalion were awarded three MCs and one MM , and a number were mentioned in dispatches . In 1965 , the 2nd Battalion , Parachute Regiment , was sent to Singapore for jungle training in response to the threat of invasion from Indonesian President Sukarno . By March , the battalion was established along the Malaysia - Indonesia border in Borneo and conducting 10 - day patrols in the jungle . On 27 April , ' B ' Company 's base on the hilltop village of Plamam Mapu , consisting of company headquarters , a mortar section , and one weak platoon of young soldiers , was attacked by 150 Indonesians supported by rocket launchers , mortars , rifle grenades , and machine guns from the surrounding hills . The accurate fire caused several casualties amongst the defenders . The Company Sergeant Major ( CSM ) , John Williams , was in command of the defence . He kept moving around the base , attending to the wounded , reorganising the defenders to counter each attack , and firing illumination rounds from a 2 - inch mortar . The Indonesians penetrated the wire , taking out a mortar position . CSM Williams crossed the open ground under fire to man a machine gun , which he used to engage the Indonesians inside the perimeter . Covered by the machine gun , the Paras counter-attacked and forced the Indonesians back . The Indonesians had located CSM Williams ' machine gun , and in a second attack , it was subjected to heavy fire at point - blank range . Wounded and blinded in one eye , CSM Williams returned fire , defeating the second attack . He then led a fighting patrol to attack two groups of Indonesians seen approaching the base . For the successful defence of the base , CSM Williams was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal ( DCM ) ; in the same action , Corporal Malcolm Baughan was awarded an MM . 1970s Northern Ireland ( edit ) Main articles : Operation Banner , Bloody Sunday ( 1972 ) , 1972 Aldershot Bombing , and Warrenpoint ambush Officer of the 1st Battalion Belfast December 1969 . The British Army during Operation Banner spent 38 years in Northern Ireland , during which the 2nd Battalion spent more time there than any other infantry battalion . Between 1971 and 1996 , 51 men of the Parachute Regiment were killed while serving in Northern Ireland . The first was Sergeant Michael Willetts , 3rd Battalion . On 24 May 1971 , he was killed during a bombing incident at the Springfield Road Police Station in Belfast . A hand - carried bomb in a suitcase was left at the front of the station . Sergeant Willetts held open a door allowing members of the public and police officers to escape and then stood in the doorway , shielding those taking cover . For his actions , he was awarded the George Cross . In what has since became known as Bloody Sunday , on 30 January 1972 , the 1st Battalion , stationed in Belfast , were flown to Derry to assist in policing a civil rights march demanding an end to internment . The Paras and other soldiers killed 13 civilians and wounded another 17 ( of which 1 later died of their wounds ) . Although the initial inquiry into the events of the day cleared the actions of the Paras it was accused of being a whitewash and a more detailed examination of the events of the day was carried out by Lord Saville ( Bloody Sunday Inquiry ) . After an exhaustive inquiry lasting over a decade he concluded that paratroopers had fired on fleeing unarmed civilians , and shot and killed one man who was already wounded . He also concluded that soldiers had come under fire from several members of the Official IRA and that it remained unclear who had fired first . It identified failures of leadership and command by the commanding officer , and individual failures by the soldiers involved ; the report has been criticised by representatives of the soldiers involved for being one sided . Prime Minister David Cameron addressed the House of Commons in 2010 after the publication of the report stating that the actions the Paras had committed that day were `` both unjustified and unjustifiable , it was wrong '' . The 1972 Aldershot Bombing was a revenge attack for Bloody Sunday carried out by the Official IRA . On 22 February 1972 , a car bomb was left outside the officers mess of the 16th Parachute Brigade in Aldershot . When the bomb exploded , a Roman Catholic priest serving in the army and five female kitchen staff were killed and 19 others were injured . On 27 August 1979 , 16 men of the 2nd Battalion , Parachute Regiment , and two from the Queen 's Own Highlanders ( QOH ) were killed in the Warrenpoint ambush . The first six Paras were killed while travelling in a small convoy of three vehicles . As it passed a roadside bomb hidden in a lorry by the Provisional Irish Republican Army ( PIRA ) , the bomb exploded . The PIRA had studied how the Army reacted after a bombing and correctly guessed that they would set up an incident command point in the nearby gatehouse . A second bomb detonated 32 minutes later , killing 10 Paras and two men from the QOH , one being Lieutenant - Colonel David Blair , their commanding officer . After the first explosion , the soldiers , believing that they had come under attack from the IRA , began firing across the narrow maritime border with the Republic of Ireland , a distance of only 57 m ( 187 feet ) . An uninvolved civilian , Michael Hudson ( an Englishman whose father was a coachman at Buckingham Palace ) was killed as a result , and his cousin Barry Hudson wounded . According to RUC researchers , the soldiers may have mistaken the sound of ammunition cooking off from the destroyed Land Rover for enemy gunfire from across the border . The Paras were under orders not to pursue their attackers into the Republic to avoid causing any diplomatic incidents . The death toll in the Warrenpoint ambush is the highest suffered by the British Army in a single incident in Northern Ireland . Falklands War ( edit ) Falklands campaign 1982 . On 2 April 1982 , the Falklands War began when Argentine forces began the invasion of the British Overseas Territories of the Falkland Islands and South Georgia . British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher announced on 3 April that a naval task force was being sent to the South Atlantic to `` restore British administration ' to the Falkland Islands '' . On 20 April , the British war cabinet ordered the repossession of the Falkland Islands and South Georgia . The force dispatched to carry this out was based on the 3 Commando Brigade , reinforced by the 2nd and 3rd Battalions , Parachute Regiment . At 04 : 40 21 May , the 2nd Battalion was the first major unit to land in the Falklands , just south of San Carlos on the eastern side of San Carlos Water . They immediately moved south to the Sussex Mountains to cover the landings . By daylight , all troops had landed with little opposition . The first battle in the campaign was the Battle of Goose Green , undertaken by the 2nd Battalion on 28 May . After a day long battle the Argentine commanders , agreed to surrender at 09 : 30 29 May . The battle had cost the battalion 15 dead and 37 wounded . The Argentinians had lost 55 dead , about 100 wounded and 1,500 were taken prisoner . Lieutenant - Colonel H. Jones was later awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross , amongst other awards , were one DSO , and two DCMs . Over the night 11 / 12 June , the 3rd Battalion fought the Battle of Mount Longdon . Longdon is a prominent feature to the north - west of the island 's capital , Port Stanley , which dominates the surrounding area . During the battle Sergeant Ian McKay , was killed in a single handed attack on a machine gun position . For his actions , he was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross , the second of only two such awards during the war . Other members of the battalion received a DSO , two DCMs . The last battle of the war was the Battle of Wireless Ridge by the 2nd Battalion . The ridge was taken with minimal casualties and an Argentinian counter-attack defeated . The Argentines now had their backs to the sea , and only the capital , Stanley , remained to be liberated . Later that day , 14 June 1982 , General Menéndez surrendered all Argentinian forces . The cost to the two battalions was 40 dead and 93 wounded . Balkans ( edit ) In May 1999 , the British government decided to send a force of 17,400 troops to take part in operations in Kosovo , saying that the troops would be needed to rebuild the infrastructure after the Kosovo War . An additional 12,000 troops joined the force of 5,400 already stationed in the Republic of Macedonia . On 6 June , the 5th Airborne Brigade , including the 1st Battalion and other units , were flown to Macedonia . On 12 June , the brigade spearheaded Operation Joint Guardian the advance into Kosovo by KFOR . The 1st Battalion and other brigade units secured the high ground above the road from Bace to Pristina . With the road covered , NATO forces could start their advance into the country . On 24 June , the 1st Battalion Battle Group assumed control of Pristina , the capital of Kosovo . On that first day , they had to deal with murder , kidnapping , torture , inter-communal gun - battles , house burnings , beatings , weapon finds and looting . The number of incidents reported required all the battalion 's subunits . By the afternoon , there were no reserves left . To relieve the problem , an ad - hoc patrol of headquarters staff , including the padre , was formed to assist . In August 2001 , the 2nd Battalion took part in NATO 's intervention in the Republic of Macedonia ( Operation Essential Harvest ) to disarm the rebel National Liberation Army , with the mission planned to last 30 days . Sierra Leone ( edit ) Sierra Leone In May 2000 , Operation Palliser was the name given to the evacuation of British , Commonwealth and European Union citizens from Sierra Leone . At the time , rebel activity was increasing and the capital city Freetown was in danger . A task force including the 1st Battalion , less ' A ' Company but reinforced by ' D ' Company , 2nd Battalion , and the Pathfinder Platoon , elements of the Special Air Service ( SAS ) , the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force were dispatched to the country . A forward operating base at Lungi Airport , to be used in the evacuation , was seized by ' C ' Company , 1st Battalion , arriving by C - 130 Hercules . On 17 May , the Pathfinder Platoon in the village of Lungi Lol , 12 miles ( 19 km ) from the airport , were attacked by the rebels . The fight lasted several hours , killing over 30 rebels without loss to the Pathfinders . At the end of May , the Parachute Regiment was relieved by 42 Commando and returned to the United Kingdom . The British Army agreed to provide a unit to train government forces and carry out foot and vehicle mounted patrols designed to ensure the security of areas where training bases were located . In August , this unit was based on the Royal Irish Regiment . On 25 August , a 12 - man vehicle patrol in the Occra Hills was ambushed and forced to surrender by an armed rebel group known as the West Side Boys . Negotiations led to the release of six of the men . The remainder were rescued during Operation Barras by a combined team from one Company of the 1st Battalion and the SAS . Iraq ( edit ) Pathfinder Platoon vehicles just before the invasion of Iraq . Further information : Operation Telic , 2003 invasion of Iraq , and List of British gallantry awards for the Iraq War In January 2003 , the British government announced that the 1st Armoured Division would be sent to the Persian Gulf for potential operations in Iraq . The division units would be the 7th Armoured Brigade , 3 Commando Brigade , and the 16 Air Assault Brigade with the 1st and 3rd Battalions , Parachute Regiment and the 1st Battalion , Royal Irish Regiment . The invasion began on 19 March . The battalions ' first objective was to secure the Rumaylah oilfields before heading north to secure the main supply route north of Basra . By the end of the month , the 3rd Battalion had entered Basra unopposed . The other two battalions crossed the Euphrates River and occupied El Qurna . As the fighting ended , the 1st Battalion occupied Maysan province and Al Amarah , less one company sent to Baghdad to secure the British Embassy . By July , the 16 Air Assault Brigade had returned to Britain . During the war , Sergeant Gordon Robertson became the first Para to be awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross for service in Al - Majar on 24 June 2003 . Afghanistan ( edit ) Further information : Siege of Sangin and List of British gallantry awards for the War in Afghanistan 3 Para in combat in Helmand Province , Afghanistan In May 2006 , as part of the 16 Air Assault Brigade , the 3rd Battalion were sent to Afghanistan for Operation Herrick . They were part of 3,300 British troops that would be deploying to Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan as a component of the NATO International Security Assistance Force . Not expecting to be involved in any fighting , they were the only infantry unit in the brigade involved . In December 2006 , it was announced that Corporal Bryan Budd 3rd Battalion had been awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross for two separate acts of `` inspirational leadership and the greatest valour '' which led to his death during actions against the Taliban in Afghanistan in July and August 2006 . In the same deployment , Corporal Mark Wright 3rd Battalion was awarded a posthumous George Cross . Wright was killed after entering a minefield to save a wounded colleague . The brigade returned to Afghanistan from April to October 2008 . This time , the three parachute battalions were reinforced by reservists from the 4th Battalion . In October 2010 , the 2nd and 3rd Battalions , reinforced by the 4th Battalion , 16 Air Assault Brigade , returned to Afghanistan for their third tour . Post-afghanistan ( edit ) 2 PARA and 3 PARA alternate every year to form the lead role of the Air Assault Task Force ( AATF ) , which is ready to deploy anywhere in the world at short notice to conduct the full spectrum of military operations , from non-combatant evacuation operations to war fighting . For example , 2nd Battalion in part of the AATF , conducting Exercise Active Eagle and Exercise Blue Raider . Battle honours ( edit ) In the British Army , battle honours are awarded to regiments that have seen active service in a significant engagement or campaign , generally with a victorious outcome . The Parachute Regiment has been awarded the following honours . North West Europe 1942 Bruneval North Africa 1942 -- 43 Oudna Soudia Djebel Azzag Djebel Alliliga El Hadjeba Tamera Dejebel Dahara Kefel Debna Sicily 1943 Primosole Bridge Italy 1943 -- 44 Taranto Orsogna Greece 1944 -- 45 Athens North West Europe 1944 -- 45 Normandy Landing Pegasus Bridge Merville Battery Breville Dives Crossing La Touques Crossing Southern France Arnhem Ourthe Rhine South Atlantic 1982 Falkland Islands Goose Green Mount Longdon Wireless Ridge Iraq 2003 Al Basra Order of precedence ( edit ) Preceded by The Royal Irish Regiment Infantry Order of Precedence Succeeded by Royal Gurkha Rifles See also ( edit ) List of battalions of the Parachute Regiment Parachute Regiment in the media Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces Museum Red Devils Parachute Display Team The Paras , a 1982 BBC documentary series List of former Parachute Regiment soldiers List of Second World War British airborne battalions Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ The SFSG is based upon the 1st Battalion , Parachute Regiment and draws manpower from all three services , including a Strike Company from the Royal Marines , a Strike Platoon from the RAF Regiment and a detachment of RAF Regiment , Forward air control and Chemical , biological , radiological , and nuclear specialists . Jump up ^ The airborne forces patch was chosen by Lieutenant - General Frederick Arthur Montague Browning . The emblem was designed by Major Edward Seago , to be worn on the arms of all Airborne soldiers . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Life as a paratrooper '' . BBC news . 23 August 2001 . Retrieved 3 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Those Magnificent Men , compact disc '' . The Band of the Parachute Regiment . Retrieved 3 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Special Relationships and Regiments '' . The Prince of Wales . Retrieved 3 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Memorial service General Sir Charles Harrington '' . London : The Times . 25 April 2007 . Retrieved 3 March 2011 . Jump up ^ Max Arthur ( 2017 - 10 - 29 ) . `` The Paras at war : Inside the most elite fighting unit in the world '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 11 - 20 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Parachute Regiment '' . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Archived from the original on 21 February 2011 . Retrieved 2 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` SFSG forms in Wales '' . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Archived from the original on 24 April 2006 . Retrieved 3 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Army Manpower '' . Hansard . Retrieved 4 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` 1PARA '' . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Retrieved 3 March 2011 . ^ Jump up to : `` PARA Brochure '' ( PDF ) . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Retrieved 18 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` 16 Air Assault Brigade '' . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Retrieved 11 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` 2PARA '' . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Retrieved 3 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` 3PARA '' . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Retrieved 3 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` 4PARA '' . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Retrieved 3 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` 2nd Infantry Training Battalion '' . Jump up ^ `` Soldier Recruiting '' . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Retrieved 3 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Rolefinder : paratrooper '' . 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Jump up ^ `` The Paras : Britain 's elite fighters '' . BBC . 11 June 1999 . Retrieved 18 March 2011 . Jump up ^ Brown , Colin ; MacIntyre , Donald ; Castle , Stephen ( 27 May 1999 ) . `` War in the Balkans '' . London : The Independent . Retrieved 15 March 2011 . Jump up ^ Norton - Taylor , Richard ( 7 June 1999 ) . `` Paras poised for airlift to Pristina '' . London : The Guardian . Retrieved 17 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Nato enters Kosovo '' . BBC . 12 June 1999 . Retrieved 17 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Peacekeeping Kosovo '' . Paradata . Retrieved 15 March 2011 . Jump up ^ Smith , Michael ( 31 August 2001 ) . `` British may be kept in Balkans '' . London : Daily Telegraph . Retrieved 14 March 2011 . Jump up ^ Dorman , pp. 90 -- 92 Jump up ^ Dorman , p. 92 Jump up ^ Dorman , p. 94 Jump up ^ Dorman , p. 101 Jump up ^ Dorman , p. 103 Jump up ^ `` Operation Telic , British Forces '' . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Archived from the original on 8 April 2010 . Retrieved 11 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Iraq ( Operation Telic ) '' . Paradata . Retrieved 15 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` No. 57269 '' . The London Gazette ( Supplement ) . 23 April 2004 . pp. 5132 -- 5133 . Jump up ^ `` 3 Para soldiers on their way to Afghanistan '' . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Archived from the original on 25 October 2012 . Retrieved 11 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Corporal Bryan Budd awarded the Victoria Cross '' . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Archived from the original on 17 August 2012 . Retrieved 11 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` No. 58182 '' . The London Gazette ( Supplement ) . 15 December 2006 . pp. 17352 -- 17353 . Jump up ^ `` 16 Air Assault Brigade to replace 52 Infantry Brigade '' . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Archived from the original on 25 October 2012 . Retrieved 11 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` 16 Air Assault Brigade to replace 4th Mechanized Brigade in Helmand '' . Ministry of Defence ( United Kingdom ) . Archived from the original on 20 January 2011 . Retrieved 11 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Paras carry out Exercise Blue Raider '' . British Forces Broadcasting Service . Jump up ^ Griffin , p. 187 Jump up ^ `` Telegraph style book : the Services '' . London : The Daily Telegraph . 12 April 2008 . Retrieved 11 March 2011 . Bibliography ( edit ) Brayley , Martin ( 2002 ) . The British Army 1939 -- 45 ( 3 ) : The Far East . Men at Arms . Oxford , England : Osprey Publishing . ISBN 1 - 84176 - 238 - 5 . Buckingham , William F. ( 2005 ) . D - Day The First 72 Hours . Stroud , Gloucestershire : Tempus Publishing . ISBN 0 - 7524 - 2842 - X . Churchill , Randolph ; Gilbert , Martin ( 1988 ) . Winston S. Churchill , Volume 3 . Boston , Massachusetts : Houghton Mifflin . ISBN 0 - 395 - 13153 - 7 . Devlin , Gerard M ( 1979 ) . Paratrooper -- The Saga of Parachute And Glider Combat Troops During World War II . London , England : Robson Books . ISBN 0 - 312 - 59652 - 9 . Dorman , Andrew ( 2009 ) . Blair 's successful war , British military intervention in Sierra Leone . Farnham , Surrey : Ashgate Publishing , Ltd . ISBN 978 - 0754672999 . Ellis , Major L.F. ; with Warhurst , Lieutenant - Colonel A.E. ( 2004 ) ( 1st . pub . HMSO 1968 ) . Victory in the West , Volume II : The Defeat of Germany . History of the Second World War United Kingdom Military Series . London , England : Naval & Military Press Ltd . ISBN 1 - 84574 - 059 - 9 . Evans , Martin ( 1998 ) . The Battle for Arnhem . Andover , Hampshire : Pitkin . ISBN 0 - 85372 - 888 - 7 . Flanagan , E.M. Jr ( 2002 ) . Airborne -- A Combat History of American Airborne Forces . New York , New York : The Random House Publishing Group . ISBN 0 - 89141 - 688 - 9 . Ferguson , Gregor ( 1984 ) . The Paras 1940 -- 84 , Volume 1 of Elite series . Oxford , England : Osprey Publishing . ISBN 0 - 85045 - 573 - 1 . Frost , Major General John ( 1980 ) . A Drop Too Many . London , England : Cassell . ISBN 0 - 85052 - 927 - 1 . Griffin , P.D ( 2006 ) . Encyclopedia of Modern British Army Regiments . Stroud , England : Sutton Publishing . ISBN 0 - 7509 - 3929 - X . Guard , Julie ( 2007 ) . Airborne : World War II Paratroopers in Combat . Oxford , England : Osprey Publishing . ISBN 1 - 84603 - 196 - 6 . Harclerode , Peter ( 2005 ) . Wings of War -- Airborne Warfare 1918 -- 1945 . London , England : Weidenfeld & Nicolson . ISBN 0 - 304 - 36730 - 3 . Harnden , Toby ( 1999 ) . Bandit Country . London , England : Hodder & Stoughton . ISBN 0 - 340 - 71736 - X . Kershaw , Robert ( 1990 ) . It Never Snows in September . Hinckley , Leicestershire : Ian Allan Publishing . ISBN 0 - 7110 - 2167 - 8 . Middlebrook , Martin ( 1994 ) . Arnhem 1944 : The Airborne Battle . New York , New York : Viking . ISBN 0 - 670 - 83546 - 3 . Moreman , Timothy Robert ( 2006 ) . British Commandos 1940 -- 46 . Oxford , England : Osprey Publishing . ISBN 1 - 84176 - 986 - X . Nigl , Alfred ( 2007 ) . Silent wings Savage death . St Anna , California : Graphic Publishers . ISBN 1 - 882824 - 31 - 8 . Norton , GG ( 1973 ) . The Red Devils , the story of the British Airborne Forces . London , England : Pan Books . ISBN 0 - 09 - 957400 - 4 . Otway , Lieutenant - Colonel T.B.H ( 1990 ) . The Second World War 1939 -- 1945 Army -- Airborne Forces . London , England : Imperial War Museum . ISBN 0 - 901627 - 57 - 7 . Reynolds , David ( 1998 ) . Paras : an illustrated history of Britain 's airborne forces . Stroud , England : Sutton . ISBN 0 - 7509 - 1723 - 7 . Rottman , Gordon ; Dennis , Peter ( 2006 ) . World War II Airborne Warfare Tactics Volume 136 of Elite Series . Oxford , England : Osprey Publishing . ISBN 1 - 84176 - 953 - 3 . Ryan , Mike ( 2003 ) . Secret Operations of the SAS . Minneapolis , Minnesota : Zenith Imprint . ISBN 0 - 7603 - 1414 - 4 . Shortt , James ; McBride , Angus ( 1981 ) . The Special Air Service . Oxford , England : Osprey Publishing . ISBN 0 - 85045 - 396 - 8 . Steer , Frank ( 2003 ) . Battleground Europe -- Market Garden . Arnhem -- The Bridge . Barnsley , Yorkshire : Leo Cooper . ISBN 0 - 85052 - 939 - 5 . Varble , Derek ( 2008 ) . The Suez Crisis . New York , New York : The Rosen Publishing Group . ISBN 9781435874978 . Waddy , John ( 1999 ) . A Tour of the Arnhem Battlefields . Barnsley , Yorkshire : Pen & Sword Books Limited . ISBN 0 - 85052 - 571 - 3 . Weeks , John ( 1978 ) . Assault from the sky : a history of airborne warfare . New York , New York : Putnam . ISBN 0 - 7153 - 7564 - 4 . Watson , Graham ; Rinaldi , Richard ( 2005 ) . The British Army in Germany : An Organizational History 1947 -- 2004 . Newport beach , California : Tiger Lily Publications LLC . ISBN 0 - 9720296 - 9 - 9 . External links ( edit ) Parachute Regiment -- British Army official website Parachute Regimental Association Regimental Association info -- British Army official website Wikimedia Commons has media related to Parachute Regiment ( United Kingdom ) . <Th_colspan="2"> British Airborne Forces Parachute Regiment 1st Battalion 2nd Battalion 3rd Battalion 4th Battalion Pathfinder Platoon Royal Artillery 7th Parachute Regiment Royal Horse Artillery Royal Signals 216 ( Parachute ) Signal Squadron Royal Engineers 23 Engineer Regiment ( Air Assault ) Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers 7 ( Close Support ) Company Royal Army Medical Corps 16 Medical Regiment Royal Military Police 156 Provost Company Higher Formations 16 Air Assault Brigade <Th_colspan="2"> British Army General Ministry of Defence Army Headquarters Army Board Chief of the General Staff Army Sergeant Major Joint Helicopter Command Structure Order of Precedence Installations Equipment ( Rifles ) Recruitment Training Ranks officer rank insignia other ranks other ranks rank insignia Medals Uniforms National Army Museum History Timeline Army 2020 Army Reserve United Kingdom Special Forces Regiments Household Cavalry Life Guards Blues and Royals Household Cavalry Regiment Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment Royal Armoured Corps 1st The Queen 's Dragoon Guards Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Royal Dragoon Guards Queen 's Royal Hussars Royal Lancers King 's Royal Hussars Light Dragoons Royal Tank Regiment Royal Yeomanry Royal Wessex Yeomanry Scottish and North Irish Yeomanry Queen 's Own Yeomanry Infantry Foot Guards Grenadier Guards Coldstream Guards Scots Guards Irish Guards Welsh Guards London Regiment Line Infantry Royal Regiment of Scotland Princess of Wales 's Royal Regiment Duke of Lancaster 's Regiment Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Royal Anglian Regiment Yorkshire Regiment Mercian Regiment Royal Welsh Royal Irish Regiment Rifles Royal Gurkha Rifles The Rifles Airborne Parachute Regiment Overseas Regiments Royal Gibraltar Regiment Royal Bermuda Regiment Royal Montserrat Defence Force Falkland Islands Defence Force Other Combat Arms Special Air Service Special Reconnaissance Regiment Army Air Corps Combat Support Arms Royal Artillery Royal Engineers Royal Corps of Signals Intelligence Corps Combat Services Royal Army Chaplains ' Department Royal Logistic Corps Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Small Arms School Corps Royal Army Physical Training Corps General Service Corps Corps of Army Music Army Medical Services Royal Army Medical Corps Royal Army Dental Corps Royal Army Veterinary Corps Queen Alexandra 's Royal Army Nursing Corps Adjutant General 's Corps Staff and Personnel Support Educational and Training Services Branch Army Legal Services Branch Royal Military Police Military Provost Staff Military Provost Guard Service <Td_colspan="2"> Category Portal <Th_colspan="2"> British Infantry Depots Current Guards Division Scottish , Welsh and Irish Division King 's Division Queen 's Division Parachute Regiment Brigade of Gurkhas The Rifles Former Scottish Division Prince of Wales ' Division Light Division Guards Brigade Lowland Brigade Highland Brigade Home Counties Brigade Fusilier Brigade East Anglian Brigade Forester Brigade Mercian Brigade Welsh Brigade Wessex Brigade Lancastrian Brigade Yorkshire Brigade North Irish Brigade Light Infantry Brigade Green Jackets Brigade Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Airborne units and formations of the United Kingdom Airborne infantry regiments Military units and formations established in 1941 Military units and formations of the Iraq War Military units and formations of the United Kingdom in the Falklands War Military units and formations of the United Kingdom in the War in Afghanistan ( 2001 -- present ) Parachute Regiment ( United Kingdom ) Regiments of the British Army in World War II 1941 establishments in the United Kingdom Hidden categories : Pages containing London Gazette template with parameter supp set to y Use British English from January 2013 Use dmy dates from January 2013 Pages using div col with deprecated parameters Talk Contents About Wikipedia Cymraeg Deutsch Français Gaeilge Italiano עברית 日本 語 Norsk Scots Slovenščina ไทย Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 6 February 2018 , at 19 : 51 . 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1. Parachute Regiment (United Kingdom) 2. Elite airborne infantry regiment 3. Special Forces Support Group 4. 16 Air Assault Brigade 5. Operational history in World War II and beyond
who sang the national anthem at the olympics
The Star - Spangled Banner - wikipedia The Star - Spangled Banner Jump to : navigation , search `` Star - Spangled Banner '' redirects here . For the flag that flew over Fort McHenry , see Star - Spangled Banner ( flag ) . For the present flag , see Flag of the United States . `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' <Td_colspan="2"> The earliest surviving sheet music of `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' , from 1814 . <Td_colspan="2"> National anthem of the United States Lyrics Francis Scott Key , 1814 Music John Stafford Smith , c. 1773 Adopted March 3 , 1931 ; 87 years ago ( 1931 - 03 - 03 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Audio sample <Td_colspan="2"> `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' instrumental file help <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' is the national anthem of the United States of America . The lyrics come from `` Defence of Fort M'Henry '' , a poem written on September 14 , 1814 , by the then 35 - year - old lawyer and amateur poet Francis Scott Key after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships of the Royal Navy in Baltimore Harbor during the Battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812 . Key was inspired by the large American flag , with 15 stars and 15 stripes , known as the Star - Spangled Banner , flying triumphantly above the fort during the American victory . The poem was set to the tune of a popular British song written by John Stafford Smith for the Anacreontic Society , a men 's social club in London . `` To Anacreon in Heaven '' ( or `` The Anacreontic Song '' ) , with various lyrics , was already popular in the United States . Set to Key 's poem and renamed `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' , it soon became a well - known American patriotic song . With a range of 19 semitones , it is known for being difficult to sing . Although the poem has four stanzas , only the first is commonly sung today . `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' was recognized for official use by the United States Navy in 1889 , and by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson in 1916 , and was made the national anthem by a congressional resolution on March 3 , 1931 ( 46 Stat. 1508 , codified at 36 U.S.C. § 301 ) , which was signed by President Herbert Hoover . Before 1931 , other songs served as the hymns of American officialdom . `` Hail , Columbia '' served this purpose at official functions for most of the 19th century . `` My Country , ' Tis of Thee '' , whose melody is identical to `` God Save the Queen '' , the British national anthem , also served as a de facto anthem . Following the War of 1812 and subsequent American wars , other songs emerged to compete for popularity at public events , among them `` America the Beautiful '' . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early history 1.1 Francis Scott Key 's lyrics 1.2 John Stafford Smith 's music 1.3 National anthem 2 Modern history 2.1 Performances 2.2 200th anniversary celebrations 2.3 Adaptations 3 Lyrics 3.1 Additional Civil War period lyrics 3.2 Alternative lyrics 4 References in film , television , literature 5 Customs and federal law 6 Protests 6.1 1968 Olympics Black Power salute 6.2 2016 protests 6.3 NAACP call to remove the national anthem 7 Translations 8 Media 9 See also 10 References 11 Further reading 12 External links 12.1 Historical audio Early history ( edit ) Francis Scott Key 's lyrics ( edit ) Francis Scott Key 's original manuscript copy of his `` Defence of Fort M'Henry '' poem . It is now on display at the Maryland Historical Society . On September 3 , 1814 , following the Burning of Washington and the Raid on Alexandria , Francis Scott Key and John Stuart Skinner set sail from Baltimore aboard the ship HMS Minden , flying a flag of truce on a mission approved by President James Madison . Their objective was to secure an exchange of prisoners , one of whom was Dr. William Beanes , the elderly and popular town physician of Upper Marlboro and a friend of Key 's who had been captured in his home . Beanes was accused of aiding the arrest of British soldiers . Key and Skinner boarded the British flagship HMS Tonnant on September 7 and spoke with Major General Robert Ross and Vice Admiral Alexander Cochrane over dinner while the two officers discussed war plans . At first , Ross and Cochrane refused to release Beanes but relented after Key and Skinner showed them letters written by wounded British prisoners praising Beanes and other Americans for their kind treatment . Because Key and Skinner had heard details of the plans for the attack on Baltimore , they were held captive until after the battle , first aboard HMS Surprise and later back on HMS Minden . After the bombardment , certain British gunboats attempted to slip past the fort and effect a landing in a cove to the west of it , but they were turned away by fire from nearby Fort Covington , the city 's last line of defense . An artist 's rendering of the battle at Fort McHenry During the rainy night , Key had witnessed the bombardment and observed that the fort 's smaller `` storm flag '' continued to fly , but once the shell and Congreve rocket barrage had stopped , he would not know how the battle had turned out until dawn . On the morning of September 14 , the storm flag had been lowered and the larger flag had been raised . During the bombardment , HMS Terror and HMS Meteor provided some of the `` bombs bursting in air '' . The 15 - star , 15 - stripe `` Star - Spangled Banner '' that inspired the poem Key was inspired by the American victory and the sight of the large American flag flying triumphantly above the fort . This flag , with fifteen stars and fifteen stripes , had been made by Mary Young Pickersgill together with other workers in her home on Baltimore 's Pratt Street . The flag later came to be known as the Star - Spangled Banner and is today on display in the National Museum of American History , a treasure of the Smithsonian Institution . It was restored in 1914 by Amelia Fowler , and again in 1998 as part of an ongoing conservation program . Aboard the ship the next day , Key wrote a poem on the back of a letter he had kept in his pocket . At twilight on September 16 , he and Skinner were released in Baltimore . He completed the poem at the Indian Queen Hotel , where he was staying , and titled it `` Defence of Fort M'Henry '' . Much of the idea of the poem , including the flag imagery and some of the wording , is derived from an earlier song by Key , also set to the tune of `` The Anacreontic Song '' . The song , known as `` When the Warrior Returns '' , was written in honor of Stephen Decatur and Charles Stewart on their return from the First Barbary War . Absent elaboration by Francis Scott Key prior to his death in 1843 , some have speculated in modern times about the meaning of phrases or verses . According to British historian Robin Blackburn , the words `` the hireling and slave '' allude to the thousands of ex-slaves in the British ranks organised as the Corps of Colonial Marines , who had been liberated by the British and demanded to be placed in the battle line `` where they might expect to meet their former masters . '' Nevertheless , Professor Mark Clague , a professor of musicology at the University of Michigan , argues that the `` middle two verses of Key 's lyric vilify the British enemy in the War of 1812 '' and `` in no way glorifies or celebrates slavery . '' Clague writes that `` For Key ... the British mercenaries were scoundrels and the Colonial Marines were traitors who threatened to spark a national insurrection . '' This harshly anti-British nature of Verse 3 led to its omission in sheet music in World War I , when Britain and the U.S. were allies . Responding to the assertion of writer Jon Schwarz of The Intercept that the song is a `` celebration of slavery , '' Clague said that : `` The reference to slaves is about the use and in some sense the manipulation , of black Americans to fight for the British , with the promise of freedom . The American forces included African - Americans as well as whites . The term ' freemen , ' whose heroism is celebrated in the fourth stanza , would have encompassed both . '' Others suggest that `` Key may have intended the phrase as a reference to the British Navy 's practice of impressment ( kidnapping sailors and forcing them to fight in defense of the crown ) , or as a semi-metaphorical slap at the British invading force as a whole ( which included a large number of mercenaries ) . '' John Stafford Smith 's music ( edit ) Sheet music version Play ( help info ) The memorial to John Stafford Smith in Gloucester Cathedral , Gloucester , England Key gave the poem to his brother - in - law Judge Joseph H. Nicholson who saw that the words fit the popular melody `` The Anacreontic Song '' , by English composer John Stafford Smith . This was the official song of the Anacreontic Society , an 18th - century gentlemen 's club of amateur musicians in London . Nicholson took the poem to a printer in Baltimore , who anonymously made the first known broadside printing on September 17 ; of these , two known copies survive . On September 20 , both the Baltimore Patriot and The American printed the song , with the note `` Tune : Anacreon in Heaven '' . The song quickly became popular , with seventeen newspapers from Georgia to New Hampshire printing it . Soon after , Thomas Carr of the Carr Music Store in Baltimore published the words and music together under the title `` The Star Spangled Banner '' , although it was originally called `` Defence of Fort M'Henry '' . Thomas Carr 's arrangement introduced the raised fourth which became the standard deviation from `` The Anacreontic Song '' . The song 's popularity increased and its first public performance took place in October when Baltimore actor Ferdinand Durang sang it at Captain McCauley 's tavern . Washington Irving , then editor of the Analectic Magazine in Philadelphia , reprinted the song in November 1814 . By the early 20th century , there were various versions of the song in popular use . Seeking a singular , standard version , President Woodrow Wilson tasked the U.S. Bureau of Education with providing that official version . In response , the Bureau enlisted the help of five musicians to agree upon an arrangement . Those musicians were Walter Damrosch , Will Earhart , Arnold J. Gantvoort , Oscar Sonneck and John Philip Sousa . The standardized version that was voted upon by these five musicians premiered at Carnegie Hall on December 5 , 1917 , in a program that included Edward Elgar 's Carillon and Gabriel Pierné 's The Children 's Crusade . The concert was put on by the Oratorio Society of New York and conducted by Walter Damrosch . An official handwritten version of the final votes of these five men has been found and shows all five men 's votes tallied , measure by measure . National anthem ( edit ) Commemorative plaque in Washington , D.C. marking the site at 601 Pennsylvania Avenue where `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' was first publicly sung One of two surviving copies of the 1814 broadside printing of the `` Defence of Fort M'Henry '' , a poem that later became the lyrics of `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' , the national anthem of the United States . The song gained popularity throughout the 19th century and bands played it during public events , such as July 4th celebrations . A plaque displayed at Fort Meade , South Dakota , claims that the idea of making `` The Star Spangled Banner '' the national anthem began on their parade ground in 1892 . Colonel Caleb Carlton , Post Commander , established the tradition that the song be played `` at retreat and at the close of parades and concerts . '' Carlton explained the custom to Governor Sheldon of South Dakota who `` promised me that he would try to have the custom established among the state militia . '' Carlton wrote that after a similar discussion , Secretary of War , Daniel E. Lamont issued an order that it `` be played at every Army post every evening at retreat . '' In 1899 , the US Navy officially adopted `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' . In 1916 , President Woodrow Wilson ordered that `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' be played at military and other appropriate occasions . The playing of the song two years later during the seventh - inning stretch of Game One of the 1918 World Series , and thereafter during each game of the series is often cited as the first instance that the anthem was played at a baseball game , though evidence shows that the `` Star - Spangled Banner '' was performed as early as 1897 at opening day ceremonies in Philadelphia and then more regularly at the Polo Grounds in New York City beginning in 1898 . In any case , the tradition of performing the national anthem before every baseball game began in World War II . On April 10 , 1918 , John Charles Linthicum , U.S. Congressman from Maryland , introduced a bill to officially recognize `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' as the national anthem . The bill did not pass . On April 15 , 1929 , Linthicum introduced the bill again , his sixth time doing so . On November 3 , 1929 , Robert Ripley drew a panel in his syndicated cartoon , Ripley 's Believe it or Not ! , saying `` Believe It or Not , America has no national anthem '' . In 1930 , Veterans of Foreign Wars started a petition for the United States to officially recognize `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' as the national anthem . Five million people signed the petition . The petition was presented to the United States House Committee on the Judiciary on January 31 , 1930 . On the same day , Elsie Jorss - Reilley and Grace Evelyn Boudlin sang the song to the Committee to refute the perception that it was too high pitched for a typical person to sing . The Committee voted in favor of sending the bill to the House floor for a vote . The House of Representatives passed the bill later that year . The Senate passed the bill on March 3 , 1931 . President Herbert Hoover signed the bill on March 4 , 1931 , officially adopting `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' as the national anthem of the United States of America . As currently codified , the United States Code states that `` ( t ) he composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star - Spangled Banner is the national anthem . '' Modern history ( edit ) Main article : Performances and adaptations of The Star - Spangled Banner Performances ( edit ) This section may contain indiscriminate , excessive , or irrelevant examples . Please improve the article by adding more descriptive text and removing less pertinent examples . See Wikipedia 's guide to writing better articles for further suggestions . ( November 2012 ) Crowd performing the U.S. national anthem before a baseball game at Coors Field The song is notoriously difficult for nonprofessionals to sing because of its wide range -- a 12th . Humorist Richard Armour referred to the song 's difficulty in his book It All Started With Columbus . In an attempt to take Baltimore , the British attacked Fort McHenry , which protected the harbor . Bombs were soon bursting in air , rockets were glaring , and all in all it was a moment of great historical interest . During the bombardment , a young lawyer named Francis Off Key ( sic ) wrote `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' , and when , by the dawn 's early light , the British heard it sung , they fled in terror . -- Richard Armour Professional and amateur singers have been known to forget the words , which is one reason the song is sometimes pre-recorded and lip - synced . Other times the issue is avoided by having the performer ( s ) play the anthem instrumentally instead of singing it . The pre-recording of the anthem has become standard practice at some ballparks , such as Boston 's Fenway Park , according to the SABR publication The Fenway Project . `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' is traditionally played at the beginning of public sports events and orchestral concerts in the United States , as well as other public gatherings . The National Hockey League and Major League Soccer both require venues in both the U.S. and Canada to perform both the Canadian and American national anthems at games that involve teams from both countries ( with the `` away '' anthem being performed first ) . It is also usual for both American and Canadian anthems ( done in the same way as the NHL and MLS ) to be played at Major League Baseball and National Basketball Association games involving the Toronto Blue Jays and the Toronto Raptors ( respectively ) , the only Canadian teams in those two major U.S. sports leagues , and in All Star Games on the MLB , NBA , and NHL . The Buffalo Sabres of the NHL , which play in a city on the Canada -- US border and have a substantial Canadian fan base , play both anthems before all home games regardless of where the visiting team is based . Two especially unusual performances of the song took place in the immediate aftermath of the United States September 11 attacks . On September 12 , 2001 , the Queen broke with tradition and allowed the Band of the Coldstream Guards to perform the anthem at Buckingham Palace , London , at the ceremonial Changing of the Guard , as a gesture of support for Britain 's ally . The following day at a St. Paul 's Cathedral memorial service , the Queen joined in the singing of the anthem , an unprecedented occurrence . 200th anniversary celebrations ( edit ) The 200th anniversary of the `` Star - Spangled Banner '' occurred in 2014 with various special events occurring throughout the United States . A particularly significant celebration occurred during the week of September 10 -- 16 in and around Baltimore , Maryland . Highlights included playing of a new arrangement of the anthem arranged by John Williams and participation of President Obama on Defender 's Day , September 12 , 2014 , at Fort McHenry . In addition , the anthem bicentennial included a youth music celebration including the presentation of the National Anthem Bicentennial Youth Challenge winning composition written by Noah Altshuler . Adaptations ( edit ) See also : The Star Spangled Banner ( Whitney Houston recording ) O'er the ramparts we watch in a 1945 United States Army Air Forces poster The first popular music performance of the anthem heard by the mainstream U.S. was by Puerto Rican singer and guitarist José Feliciano . He created a nationwide uproar when he strummed a slow , blues - style rendition of the song at Tiger Stadium in Detroit before game five of the 1968 World Series , between Detroit and St. Louis . This rendition started contemporary `` Star - Spangled Banner '' controversies . The response from many in the Vietnam War - era U.S. was generally negative . Despite the controversy , Feliciano 's performance opened the door for the countless interpretations of the `` Star - Spangled Banner '' heard in the years since . One week after Feliciano 's performance , the anthem was in the news again when American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos lifted controversial raised fists at the 1968 Olympics while the `` Star - Spangled Banner '' played at a medal ceremony . Marvin Gaye gave a soul - influenced performance at the 1983 NBA All - Star Game and Whitney Houston gave a soulful rendition before Super Bowl XXV in 1991 , which was released as a single that charted at number 20 in 1991 and number 6 in 2001 ( along with José Feliciano , the only times the anthem has been on the Billboard Hot 100 ) . In 1993 , Kiss did an instrumental rock version as the closing track on their album , Alive III . Another famous instrumental interpretation is Jimi Hendrix 's version , which was a set - list staple from autumn 1968 until his death in September 1970 , including a famous rendition at the Woodstock music festival in 1969 . Incorporating sonic effects to emphasize the `` rockets ' red glare '' , and `` bombs bursting in air '' , it became a late - 1960s emblem . Roseanne Barr gave a controversial performance of the anthem at a San Diego Padres baseball game at Jack Murphy Stadium on July 25 , 1990 . The comedian belted out a screechy rendition of the song , and afterward , she attempted a gesture of ballplayers by spitting and grabbing her crotch as if adjusting a protective cup . The performance offended some , including the sitting U.S. President , George H.W. Bush . Sufjan Stevens has frequently performed the `` Star - Spangled Banner '' in live sets , replacing the optimism in the end of the first verse with a new coda that alludes to the divisive state of the nation today . David Lee Roth both referenced parts of the anthem and played part of a hard rock rendition of the anthem on his song , `` Yankee Rose '' on his 1986 solo album , Eat ' Em and Smile . Steven Tyler also caused some controversy in 2001 ( at the Indianapolis 500 , to which he later issued a public apology ) and again in 2012 ( at the AFC Championship Game ) with a cappella renditions of the song with changed lyrics . A version of Aerosmith 's Joe Perry and Brad Whitford playing part of the song can be heard at the end of their version of `` Train Kept A-Rollin ' '' on the Rockin ' the Joint album . The band Boston gave an instrumental rock rendition of the anthem on their Greatest Hits album . The band Crush 40 made a version of the song as opening track from the album Thrill of the Feel ( 2000 ) . In March 2005 , a government - sponsored program , the National Anthem Project , was launched after a Harris Interactive poll showed many adults knew neither the lyrics nor the history of the anthem . Lyrics ( edit ) O say can you see , by the dawn 's early light , What so proudly we hailed at the twilight 's last gleaming , Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight , O'er the ramparts we watched , were so gallantly streaming ? And the rockets ' red glare , the bombs bursting in air , Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there ; O say does that star - spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ? On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep , Where the foe 's haughty host in dread silence reposes , What is that which the breeze , o'er the towering steep , As it fitfully blows , half conceals , half discloses ? Now it catches the gleam of the morning 's first beam , In full glory reflected now shines in the stream : ' Tis the star - spangled banner , O long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave . And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle 's confusion , A home and a country , should leave us no more ? Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps ' pollution . No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight , or the gloom of the grave : And the star - spangled banner in triumph doth wave , O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave . O thus be it ever , when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and the war 's desolation . Blest with vict'ry and peace , may the Heav'n rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation ! Then conquer we must , when our cause it is just , And this be our motto : ' In God is our trust . ' And the star - spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ! Cover of sheet music for `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' , transcribed for piano by Ch . Voss , Philadelphia : G. Andre & Co. , 1862 Additional Civil War period lyrics ( edit ) In indignation over the start of the American Civil War , Oliver Wendell Holmes , Sr. added a fifth stanza to the song in 1861 , which appeared in songbooks of the era . When our land is illumined with Liberty 's smile , If a foe from within strike a blow at her glory , Down , down with the traitor that dares to defile The flag of her stars and the page of her story ! By the millions unchained who our birthright have gained , We will keep her bright blazon forever unstained ! And the Star - Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave While the land of the free is the home of the brave . Alternative lyrics ( edit ) In a version hand - written by Francis Scott Key in 1840 , the third line reads `` Whose bright stars and broad stripes , through the clouds of the fight '' . References in film , television , literature ( edit ) Several films have their titles taken from the song 's lyrics . These include two films titled Dawn 's Early Light ( 2000 and 2005 ) ; two made - for - TV features titled By Dawn 's Early Light ( 1990 and 2000 ) ; two films titled So Proudly We Hail ( 1943 and 1990 ) ; a feature ( 1977 ) and a short ( 2005 ) titled Twilight 's Last Gleaming ; and four films titled Home of the Brave ( 1949 , 1986 , 2004 , and 2006 ) . A 1936 short titled `` The Song of a Nation '' from Warner Brothers shows a version of the origin of the song . Customs and federal law ( edit ) Plaque detailing how the custom of standing during the Anthem came about in Tacoma , Washington , on October 18 , 1893 , in the Bostwick building When the National Anthem was first recognized by law in 1931 , there was no prescription as to behavior during its playing . On June 22 , 1942 , the law was revised indicating that those in uniform should salute during its playing , while others should simply stand at attention , men removing their hats . ( The same code also required that women should place their hands over their hearts when the flag is displayed during the playing of the Anthem , but not if the flag was not present . ) On December 23 , 1942 , the law was again revised instructing men and women to stand at attention and face in the direction of the music when it was played . That revision also directed men and women to place their hands over their hearts only if the flag was displayed . Those in uniform were required to salute . On July 7 , 1976 , the law was simplified . Men and women were instructed to stand with their hands over their hearts , men removing their hats , irrespective of whether or not the flag was displayed and those in uniform saluting . On August 12 , 1998 , the law was rewritten keeping the same instructions , but differentiating between `` those in uniform '' and `` members of the Armed Forces and veterans '' who were both instructed to salute during the playing whether or not the flag was displayed . Because of the changes in law over the years and confusion between instructions for the Pledge of Allegiance versus the National Anthem , throughout most of the 20th century many people simply stood at attention or with their hands folded in front of them during the playing of the Anthem , and when reciting the Pledge they would hold their hand ( or hat ) over their heart . After 9 / 11 , the custom of placing the hand over the heart during the playing of the Anthem became nearly universal . Since 1998 , federal law ( viz. , the United States Code 36 U.S.C. § 301 ) states that during a rendition of the national anthem , when the flag is displayed , all present including those in uniform should stand at attention ; Non-military service individuals should face the flag with the right hand over the heart ; Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present and not in uniform may render the military salute ; Military service persons not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold the headdress at the left shoulder , the hand being over the heart ; and Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note . The law further provides that when the flag is not displayed , all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed . Military law requires all vehicles on the installation to stop when the song is played and all individuals outside to stand at attention and face the direction of the music and either salute , in uniform , or place the right hand over the heart , if out of uniform . The law was amended in 2008 , and since allows military veterans to salute out of uniform , as well . The text of 36 U.S.C. § 301 is suggestive and not regulatory in nature . Failure to follow the suggestions is not a violation of the law . This behavioral requirement for the national anthem is subject to the same First Amendment controversies that surround the Pledge of Allegiance . For example , Jehovah 's Witnesses do not sing the national anthem , though they are taught that standing is an `` ethical decision '' that individual believers must make based on their `` conscience . '' Protests ( edit ) Main article : U.S. national anthem protests 1968 Olympics Black Power salute ( edit ) Main article : 1968 Olympics Black Power salute The 1968 Olympics Black Power salute was a political demonstration conducted by African - American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos during their medal ceremony at the 1968 Summer Olympics in the Olympic Stadium in Mexico City . After having won gold and bronze medals respectively in the 200 - meter running event , they turned on the podium to face their flags , and to hear the American national anthem , `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' . Each athlete raised a black - gloved fist , and kept them raised until the anthem had finished . In addition , Smith , Carlos , and Australian silver medalist Peter Norman all wore human rights badges on their jackets . In his autobiography , Silent Gesture , Smith stated that the gesture was not a `` Black Power '' salute , but a `` human rights salute '' . The event is regarded as one of the most overtly political statements in the history of the modern Olympic Games . 2016 protests ( edit ) Main article : U.S. national anthem protests ( 2016 -- present ) Politically motivated protests of the national anthem began in the National Football League ( NFL ) after San Francisco 49ers quarterback ( QB ) Colin Kaepernick sat during the anthem , as opposed to the tradition of standing , in response to police brutality in America , before his team 's third preseason game of 2016 . Kaepernick also sat during the first two preseason games , but he went unnoticed . NAACP call to remove the National anthem ( edit ) In November 2017 , the California Chapter of the NAACP called on Congress to remove The Star - Spangled Banner as the national anthem . Alice Huffman , California NAACP president said : `` it 's racist ; it does n't represent our community , it 's anti-black . '' The third stanza of the anthem , which is rarely sung and few know , contains the words , `` No refuge could save the hireling and slave , From the terror of flight , or the gloom of the grave : '' , which some interpret as racist . The organization was still seeking a representative to sponsor the legislation in Congress at the time of their announcement . Translations ( edit ) As a result of immigration to the United States and the incorporation of non-English speaking people into the country , the lyrics of the song have been translated into other languages . In 1861 , it was translated into German . The Library of Congress also has record of a Spanish - language version from 1919 . It has since been translated into Hebrew and Yiddish by Jewish immigrants , Latin American Spanish ( with one version popularized during immigration reform protests in 2006 ) , French by Acadians of Louisiana , Samoan , and Irish . The third verse of the anthem has also been translated into Latin . With regard to the indigenous languages of North America , there are versions in Navajo and Cherokee . Media ( edit ) The Star - Spangled Banner ( 1915 ) A 1915 recording of the Star - Spangled Banner as sung by Margaret Woodrow Wilson , daughter of Woodrow Wilson The Star - Spangled Banner ( 1942 ) Fred Waring and His Pennsylvanians sing The Star - Spangled Banner in 1942 The Star - Spangled Banner ( 1953 ) A 1953 instrumental recording by the United States Marine Corps band The Star Spangled Banner ( circa 2000 ) An instrumental recording by the United States Navy Band . <Td_colspan="2"> Problems playing these files ? See media help . Play media ( 1944 ) Play media ( 1940 ) See also ( edit ) In God We Trust Sign - on and sign - off Music portal United States portal References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` '' Star - Spangled Banner '' Is Now Official Anthem `` . The Washington Post . March 5 , 1931 . p. 3 . Jump up ^ `` Defence of Fort M'Henry Library of Congress '' . . 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Jump up ^ Botting , Gary Norman Arthur ( 1993 ) . Fundamental freedoms and Jehovah 's Witnesses . University of Calgary Press . p. 27 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 895176 - 06 - 3 . Retrieved 2009 - 12 - 13 . Jump up ^ Chryssides , George D. ( 2008 ) . Historical Dictionary of Jehovah 's Witnesses . Scarecrow Press . p. 34 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8108 - 6074 - 2 . Retrieved 2014 - 01 - 24 . Jump up ^ Lewis , Richard ( 8 October 2006 ) . `` Caught in Time : Black Power salute , Mexico , 1968 '' . The Sunday Times . London . Retrieved 9 November 2008 . Jump up ^ Sandritter , Mark . `` A timeline of Colin Kaepernick 's national anthem protest and the NFL players who joined him '' . SB Nation . Retrieved 20 September 2016 . Jump up ^ `` National anthem lyrics prompt California NAACP to call for replacing song '' . Retrieved 2017 - 11 - 08 . Jump up ^ Das Star - Spangled Banner , US Library of Congress . Retrieved September 14 , 2007 . Jump up ^ La Bandera de las Estrellas , US Library of Congress . Retrieved May 31 , 2005 . Jump up ^ Hebrew Version Jump up ^ Abraham Asen , The Star Spangled Banner in pool , 1745 , Joe Fishstein Collection of Yiddish Poetry , McGill University Digital Collections Programme . Retrieved September 14 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Day to Day . `` A Spanish Version of ' The Star - Spangled Banner ' '' . NPR . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 14 . Jump up ^ David Émile Marcantel , La Bannière Étoilée Archived 2013 - 05 - 17 at the Wayback Machine . on Musique Acadienne . Retrieved September 14 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Zimmer , Benjamin ( 2006 - 04 - 29 ) . `` The ' ' Samoa News ' ' reporting of a Samoan version '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` ' ' An Bhratach Gheal - Réaltach ' ' -- Irish version '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 14 . Jump up ^ Christopher M. Brunelle , Third Verse in Latin , 1999 Jump up ^ `` Gallup Independent , 25 March 2005 '' . 2005 - 03 - 25 . Archived from the original on 3 February 2010 . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 14 . Jump up ^ ( 3 ) Jump up ^ `` Schedule for the Presidential Inauguration 2007 , Navajo Nation Government '' . 2007 - 01 - 09 . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Cherokee Phoenix , Accessed 2009 - 08 - 15 '' . . Archived from the original on 2009 - 09 - 08 . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 14 . Further reading ( edit ) Ferris , Marc . Star - Spangled Banner : The Unlikely Story of America 's National Anthem . Johns Hopkins University Press , 2014 . ISBN 9781421415185 OCLC 879370575 Leepson , Marc . What So Proudly We Hailed : Francis Scott Key , a Life . Palgrave Macmillan , 2014 . ISBN 9781137278289 OCLC 860395373 External links ( edit ) `` New book reveals the dark history behind the Star Spangled Banner , '' CBS This Morning , September 13 , 2014 . `` Star - Spangled History : 5 Facts About the Making of the National Anthem , '' . `` ' Star - Spangled Banner ' writer had a complex record on race , '' Mary Carole McCauley , ' ' Baltimore Sun , July 26 , 2014 . `` The Man Behind The National Anthem Paid Little Attention To It . '' NPR 's `` Hear and Now , '' July 4 , 2017 . Wikimedia Commons has media related to The Star - Spangled Banner . Wikisource has original text related to this article : The Star - Spangled Banner Look up haughty or rampart in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . Star - Spangled Banner ( Memory ) : American Treasures of the Library of Congress `` How the National Anthem Has Unfurled ; ' The Star - Spangled Banner ' Has Changed a Lot in 200 Years . '' By WILLIAM ROBIN JUNE 27 , 2014 The New York Times C - SPAN American History TV tour of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History Star - Spangled Banner exhibit Historical audio ( edit ) The Star Spangled Banner , The Diamond Four , 1898 The Star Spangled Banner , Margaret Woodrow Wilson , 1915 <Th_colspan="2"> National anthems of North America Independent countries Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Belize Canada Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic El Salvador Grenada Guatemala Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago United States Dependencies American West Indies Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands British West Indies Anguilla Bermuda British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Montserrat Turks and Caicos Islands Dutch Caribbean Aruba Bonaire Curaçao Saba Sint Eustatius ( Statia ) Sint Maarten French West Indies Guadeloupe Martinique Saint - Barthélemy Saint Martin Saint Pierre and Miquelon Kingdom of Denmark Greenland <Th_colspan="2"> National anthems of Oceania and the Pacific Islands National anthems Australia Fiji Kiribati Marshall Islands Federated States of Micronesia Nauru New Zealand Palau Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Regional anthems American Samoa ( U.S. ) Cook Islands ( N.Z. ) Easter Island ( Chile ) French Polynesia ( France ) Guam ( U.S. ) Hawaii ( U.S. ) New Caledonia ( France ) Niue ( N.Z. ) Northern Mariana Islands ( U.S. ) Pitcairn Islands ( U.K. ) Tokelau ( N.Z. ) United States Minor Outlying Islands ( U.S. ) Wallis and Futuna ( France ) Former anthems Marshall Islands ( 1977 -- 91 ) Federated States of Micronesia ( 1979 -- 91 ) <Th_colspan="4"> War of 1812 <Td_colspan="4"> Battles Campaigns Origins Chronology Results People Isaac Brock Andrew Jackson Francis Scott Key James Madison Laura Secord Tecumseh Places Fort Detroit / Shelby Illinois Indiana Kentucky Battles Baltimore Beaver Dams Chateauguay Crysler 's Farm Frenchtown Lundy 's Lane New Orleans Queenston Heights Spur 's Defeat Thames Washington Songs `` The Bold Canadian '' `` The Hunters of Kentucky '' `` The Star - 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1. The Star-Spangled Banner 2. National anthem of the United States 3. Francis Scott Key 4. Battle of Baltimore 5. American patriotic song
what is the story of beauty and the beast
Beauty and the Beast - wikipedia Beauty and the Beast This article is about the fairy tale . For other uses , see Beauty and the Beast ( disambiguation ) . Illustration for Beauty and the Beast by Walter Crane . Beauty and the Beast ( French : La Belle et la Bête ) is a fairy tale written by French novelist Gabrielle - Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve and published in 1740 in La Jeune Américaine et les contes marins ( The Young American and Marine Tales ) . Her lengthy version was abridged , rewritten , and published first by Jeanne - Marie Leprince de Beaumont in 1756 in Magasin des enfants ( Children 's Collection ) and by Andrew Lang in the Blue Fairy Book of his Fairy Book series in 1889 , to produce the version ( s ) most commonly retold . It was influenced by some earlier stories , such as `` Cupid and Psyche '' , The Golden Ass written by Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis in the 2nd century AD , and `` The Pig King '' , an Italian fairytale published by Giovanni Francesco Straparola in The Facetious Nights of Straparola . Variants of the tale are known across Europe . In France , for example , Zémire and Azor is an operatic version of the story , written by Marmontel and composed by Grétry in 1771 , which had enormous success well into the 19th century ; it is based on the second version of the tale . Amour pour amour ( Love for love ) , by Nivelle de la Chaussée , is a 1742 play based on de Villeneuve 's version . According to researchers at universities in Durham and Lisbon , the story originated around 4,000 years ago . Contents 1 Plot 2 Villeneuve 's version 3 Commentary 4 Modern uses and adaptations 4.1 Literature 4.2 Film 4.3 Television 4.4 Theatre 4.5 Other 5 See also 6 References 7 External links Plot ( edit ) A widower merchant lives in a mansion with his six children , three sons and three daughters . All his daughters are very beautiful , but the youngest , Beauty , is the most lovely , as well as kind , well - read , and pure of heart ; while the two elder sisters , in contrast , are wicked , selfish , vain , and spoiled . The merchant eventually loses all of his wealth in a tempest at sea , which sinks most of his merchant fleet . He and his children are consequently forced to live in a small farmhouse and work for their living . Beauty does most of the household work while her sisters taunt her . Some years later , the merchant hears that one of the trade ships he had sent has arrived back in port , having escaped the destruction of its companions . Before leaving , he asks his children if they wish for him to bring any gifts back for them . The sons ask for weaponry and horses to hunt with , whereas his oldest daughters ask for clothing , jewels , and the finest dresses possible as they think his wealth has returned . Beauty asks for nothing but her father to be safe , but when he insists on buying her a present , she is satisfied with the promise of a rose as none grow in their part of the country . The merchant , to his dismay , finds that his ship 's cargo has been seized to pay his debts , leaving him penniless and unable to buy his children 's presents . During his return , the merchant becomes lost during a storm . Seeking shelter , he comes upon a palace . A hidden figure opens the giant doors and silently invites him in . The merchant finds tables inside laden with food and drink , which seem to have been left for him by the palace 's invisible owner . The merchant accepts this gift and spends the night there . The next morning , as the merchant is about to leave , he sees a rose garden and recalls that Beauty had desired a rose . Upon picking the loveliest rose he can find , the merchant is confronted by a hideous `` Beast '' which tells him that for taking his most precious possession after accepting his hospitality , the merchant must die . The merchant begs to be set free , arguing that he had only picked the rose as a gift for his youngest daughter . The Beast agrees to let him give the rose to Beauty , but only if the merchant or one of his daughters will return . Beauty dines with the Beast in an illustration by Anne Anderson . The merchant is upset but accepts this condition . The Beast sends him on his way , with wealth , jewels and fine clothes for his sons and daughters , and stresses that Beauty must never know about his deal . The merchant , upon arriving home , tries to hide the secret from Beauty , but she pries it from him . Her brothers say they will go to the castle and fight the Beast , but the merchant dissuades them , saying they will stand no chance against the monster . Beauty then agrees to go to the Beast 's castle . The Beast receives her graciously and informs her that she is now mistress of the castle , and he is her servant . He gives her lavish clothing and food and carries on lengthy conversations with her . Every night , the Beast asks Beauty to marry him , only to be refused each time . After each refusal , Beauty dreams of a handsome prince who pleads with her to answer why she keeps refusing him , to which she replies that she can not marry the Beast because she loves him only as a friend . Beauty does not make the connection between the handsome prince and the Beast and becomes convinced that the Beast is holding the prince captive somewhere in the castle . She searches and discovers many enchanted rooms but never the prince from her dreams . For several months , Beauty lives a life of luxury at the Beast 's palace , having every whim catered to by invisible servants , with no end of riches to amuse her and an endless supply of exquisite finery to wear . Eventually , she becomes homesick and begs the Beast to allow her to go see her family . He allows it on the condition that she returns exactly a week later . Beauty agrees to this and sets off for home with an enchanted mirror and ring . The mirror allows her to see what is going on back at the Beast 's castle , and the ring allows her to return to the castle in an instant when turned three times around her finger . Her older sisters are surprised to find her well fed and dressed in finery . Beauty tries to share the magnificent gowns and jewels the Beast gave her with her sisters , but they turn into rags at her sisters ' touch , and are restored to their splendour when returned to Beauty , as the Beast meant them only for her . Her sisters are envious when they hear of her happy life at the castle , and , hearing that she must return to the Beast on a certain day , beg her to stay another day , even putting onion in their eyes to make it appear as though they are weeping . They hope that the Beast will be angry with Beauty for breaking her promise and eat her alive . Beauty 's heart is moved by her sisters ' false show of love , and she agrees to stay . Illustration by Warwick Goble . Beauty begins to feel guilty about breaking her promise to the Beast and uses the mirror to see him back at the castle . She is horrified to discover that the Beast is lying half - dead from heartbreak near the rose bushes from which her father plucked the rose , and she immediately uses the ring to return to the Beast . Beauty weeps over the Beast , saying that she loves him . When her tears strike him , the Beast is transformed into the handsome prince from Beauty 's dreams . The Prince informs her that long ago a fairy turned him into a hideous beast and that only by finding true love , despite his ugliness , could the curse be broken . He and Beauty are married and they live happily ever after together . Villeneuve 's version ( edit ) Villeneuve 's original tale includes several elements that Beaumont 's omits . Chiefly , the backstory of both Beauty and the Beast is given . The Beast was a prince who lost his father at a young age , and whose mother had to wage war to defend his kingdom . The queen left him in the care of an evil fairy , who tried to seduce him when he became an adult ; when he refused , she transformed him into a beast . Beauty 's story reveals that she is not really a merchant 's daughter but the offspring of a king and a good fairy . A wicked fairy had tried to murder Beauty so she could marry her father the king , and Beauty was put in the place of the merchant 's dead daughter to protect her . Villeneuve also gave the castle elaborate magic , which obscured the more vital pieces of it . Beaumont greatly pared down the cast of characters and simplified the tale to an almost archetypal simplicity . Commentary ( edit ) Painting of Petrus Gonsalvus ( c. 1580 ) Tatar ( 2017 ) compares the tale to the theme of `` animal brides and grooms '' found in folklore throughout the world , pointing out that the French tale was specifically intended for the preparation of young girls in 18th century France for arranged marriages . The urban opening is unusual in fairy tales , as is the social class of the characters , neither royal nor peasants ; it may reflect the social changes occurring at the time of its first writing . Hamburger ( 2015 ) points out that the design of the Beast in the 1946 film adaptation by Jean Cocteau was inspired by the portrait of Petrus Gonsalvus , a native of Tenerife who suffered from hypertrichosis , causing an abnormal growth of hair on his face and other parts , and who came under the protection of the French king and married a beautiful Parisian woman named Catherine . Modern uses and adaptations ( edit ) The tale has been notably adapted for screen , stage , prose , and television over the years . Literature ( edit ) The Pig King , by Giovanni Francesco Straparola , an Italian fairytale published in The Facetious Nights of Straparola . The Scarlet Flower ( 1858 ) , a Russian fairy tale by Sergey Aksakov . Beauty and the Beast ... The Story Retold ( 1886 ) , by Laura E. Richards . Beauty : A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast ( 1978 ) , by Robin McKinley . Rose Daughter ( 1997 ) by Robin McKinley . The Courtship of Mr. Lyon ( 1979 ) , from Angela Carter 's The Bloody Chamber , based on Madame Le Prince de Beaumont 's version . Beauty ( 1983 ) , a short story by Tanith Lee , a science fiction retelling of Beauty and the Beast . Fashion Beast , a 1985 screenplay by Alan Moore , adapted into a graphic novel in 2012 . A Grain of Truth ( 1993 ) , a short story by Andrzej Sapkowski in The Last Wish . Lord of Scoundrels ( 1995 ) by Loretta Chase , a Regency romance and retelling of Beauty and the Beast . The Fire Rose ( 1995 ) by Mercedes Lackey . The Quantum Rose by Catherine Asaro , a science fiction retelling of Beauty and the Beast . Beastly ( 2007 ) by Alex Flinn , a version that sets the story in modern - day Manhattan . Belle : An Amish Retelling of Beauty and the Beast ( 2017 ) by Sarah Price Film ( edit ) La Belle et la Bête ( 1946 ) , directed by Jean Cocteau , starring Jean Marais as the Beast and Josette Day as Beauty . The Scarlet Flower ( 1952 ) , an animated feature film directed by Lev Atamanov and produced at the Soyuzmultfilm . Beauty and the Beast ( 1962 ) , directed by Edward L. Cahn , starring Joyce Taylor and Mark Damon . Panna a netvor ( 1978 ) , a Czech film directed by Juraj Herz . Beauty and the Beast ( 1987 ) , a musical live - action version directed by Eugene Marner , starring John Savage as Beast , and Rebecca De Mornay as Beauty . Beauty and the Beast ( 1991 ) , an animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and directed by Kirk Wise and Gary Trousdale , with a screenplay by Linda Woolverton , and songs by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman . Beauty and the Beast ( 1992 ) , directed by Masakazu Higuchi and Chinami Namba . Blood of Beasts ( 2005 ) , a Viking period film directed by David Lister alternately known as Beauty and the Beast . Spike ( 2008 ) , directed by Robert Beaucage , a dark version of the fairy tale updated to modern times . Beastly ( 2011 ) , directed by Daniel Barnz and starring starring Alex Pettyfer as the beast ( named Kyle ) and Vanessa Hudgens as the love interest . Beauty and the Beast , ( 2014 ) , a French - German film . Beauty and the Beast ( 2017 ) , a Disney live - action adaptation of the 1991 animated film , starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens . Television ( edit ) Beauty and the Beast ( 1976 ) , a made for television movie starring George C. Scott and Trish Van Devere . Beauty and the Beast ( 1984 ) , an episode of Shelley Duvall 's Faerie Tale Theatre , starring Klaus Kinski and Susan Sarandon . Beauty and the Beast ( 1987 ) , a television series which centers around the relationship between Catherine ( played by Linda Hamilton ) , an attorney who lives in New York City , and Vincent ( played by Ron Perlman ) , a gentle but lion - faced `` beast '' who dwells in the tunnels beneath the city . Beauty & the Beast ( 2012 ) , a reworking of the 1987 TV series starring Jay Ryan and Kristin Kreuk . Grimm 's Fairy Tale Classics episode `` Beauty and the Beast '' ( The Story of the Summer Garden and the Winter Garden ( 1988 ) , in which the Beast has an ogre - like appearance . Happily Ever After : Fairy Tales for Every Child ( 1995 ) , episode `` Beauty and the Beast '' , featuring the voices of Vanessa L. Williams and Gregory Hines . The Beast is depicted as having a rhinoceros head , a lion - like mane and tail , a humanoid body , and a camel - like hump . Stories from My Childhood , episode `` Beauty and the Beast ( A Tale of the Crimson Flower '' ( 1998 ) , featuring the voices of Amy Irving as the Beauty , Tim Curry as the Beast , and Robert Loggia as Beauty 's father . Once Upon a Time episode `` Skin Deep '' ( 2012 ) , starring Emilie de Ravin and Robert Carlyle ) . Sofia the First episode `` Beauty is the Beast '' ( 2016 ) , in which Princess Charlotte of Isleworth ( voiced by Megan Hilty ) is turned into a beast ( a cross between a human and a wild boar with a wolf - like tail ) by a powerful enchantress . Theatre ( edit ) La Belle et la Bête ( 1994 ) , an opera by Philip Glass based on Cocteau 's film . Glass 's composition follows the film scene by scene , effectively providing a new original soundtrack for the movie . Beauty and the Beast ( 2002 ) , a musical adaptation of the Disney film by Linda Woolverton and Alan Menken , with additional lyrics by Tim Rice . Beauty and the Beast ( 2011 ) , a ballet by choreographed by David Nixon for Northern Ballet , including compositions by Bizet and Poulenc . Other ( edit ) A hidden object game , Mystery Legends : Beauty and the Beast , was released in 2012 . The narrative of the Sierra Entertainment adventure game King 's Quest VI follows several fairy tales , and Beauty and the Beast is the focus of one multiple part quest . Stevie Nicks recorded a song based on the fairy tale for her 1983 solo album , The Wild Heart . Real Life based the video for their signature hit `` Send Me an Angel '' on the fairy story . Disco producer Alec R. Costandinos released a twelve inch by his side project Love & Kisses with the theme of the fairy - tale set to a disco melody in 1978 . The interactive fiction work , Bronze by Emily Short , is a puzzle - oriented adaptation of Beauty and the Beast . See also ( edit ) Eros and Psyche East of the Sun and West of the Moon Noble savage Shapeshifting Jane Eyre References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Windling , Terri . `` Beauty and the Beast , Old and New '' . The Journal of Mythic Arts . The Endicott Studio . Archived from the original on 26 July 2014 . Jump up ^ Stouff , Jean . `` La Belle et la Bête '' . Biblioweb . Jump up ^ Harrison , `` Cupid and Psyche '' , Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome ' , ' p. 339 . Jump up ^ Heidi Anne Heiner , `` Tales Similar to Beauty and the Beast '' Jump up ^ Thomas , Downing . Aesthetics of Opera in the Ancien Régime , 1647 -- 1785 . Cambridge : Cambridge UP , 2002 . Jump up ^ BBC . `` Fairy tale origins thousands of years old , researchers say '' . BBC News . Retrieved 20 January 2016 . Jump up ^ Betsy Hearne , Beauty and the Beast : Visions and Revisions of An Old Tale , p 22 -- 23 ISBN 0 - 226 - 32239 - 4 ^ Jump up to : Betsy Hearne , Beauty and the Beast : Visions and Revisions of An Old Tale , p 25 ISBN 0 - 226 - 32239 - 4 Jump up ^ Tatar , Maria ( March 7 , 2017 ) . Beauty and the Beast : Classic Tales of Animal Brides and Grooms from Around the World . Random House Penguin . ISBN 9780143111696 . Jump up ^ Gilbert , Sophie ( March 31 , 2017 ) . `` The Dark Morality of Fairy - Tale Animal Brides '' . The Atlantic . Retrieved 31 March 2017 . `` Maria Tatar points ( ... ) the story of Beauty and the Beast was meant for girls who would likely have their marriages arranged '' . Jump up ^ Maria Tatar , p 45 , The Annotated Classic Fairy Tales , ISBN 0 - 393 - 05163 - 3 Jump up ^ Andreas Hamburger in : Andreas Hamburger ( ed . ) Women and Images of Men in Cinema : Gender Construction in La Belle et La Bete by Jean Cocteau chapter 3 ( 2015 ) . see also : `` La Bella y la Bestia '' : Una historia real inspirada por un hombre de carne y hueso ( 2016 ) Jump up ^ Crunelle - Vanrigh , Anny . `` The Logic of the Same and Différance : ' The Courtship of Mr. Lyon ' '' . In Roemer , Danielle Marie , and Bacchilega , Cristina , eds. ( 2001 ) . Angela Carter and the Fairy Tale , p. 128 . Wayne State University Press . Jump up ^ Wherry , Maryan ( 2015 ) . `` More than a Love Story : The Complexities of the Popular Romance '' . In Berberich , Christine . The Bloomsbury Introduction to Popular Fiction . Bloomsbury . p. 55 . ISBN 978 - 1441172013 . Jump up ^ David J. Hogan ( 1986 ) . Dark Romance : Sexuality In the Horror Film . Jefferson , North Carolina : McFarland & Company . p. 90 . ISBN 0 - 7864 - 0474 - 4 . Jump up ^ `` 50 's and 60 's Horror Movies B '' . The Missing Link . Retrieved 2010 - 04 - 21 . Jump up ^ Russell A. Peck . `` Cinderella Bibliography : Beauty and the Beast '' . The Camelot Project at the University of Rochester . Archived from the original on 6 April 2010 . Retrieved 2010 - 04 - 21 . Jump up ^ Janet Maslin ( 13 November 1991 ) . `` Disney 's ' Beauty and the Beast ' Updated In Form and Content '' . The New York Times . Retrieved 2010 - 04 - 21 . Jump up ^ `` Beauty and the Beast '' . Movie Review Film . Retrieved 2010 - 04 - 21 . Jump up ^ Maslin , Janet . `` Beauty and the Beast : Overview '' . The New York Times . Retrieved 2010 - 04 - 21 . Jump up ^ Calum Waddell . `` Spike '' . Total Sci - Fi . Archived from the original on 28 July 2011 . Retrieved 21 April 2010 . Jump up ^ Larry Carroll ( 30 March 2010 ) . `` Vanessa Hudgens And Alex Pettyfer Get ' Intense ' In ' Beastly ' '' . MTV . Archived from the original on 5 April 2010 . Retrieved 2010 - 04 - 21 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Beauty and the Beast ( 2017 ) '' . Retrieved 2017 - 03 - 06 . Jump up ^ `` Alternate Versions for La Belle et la Bête '' . IMDb . Archived from the original on 11 April 2010 . Retrieved 2010 - 04 - 21 . Jump up ^ Tale as Old as Time : The Making of Beauty and the Beast . ( VCD ) . Walt Disney Home Entertainment . 2002 . Jump up ^ Thompson , Laura ( 19 December 2011 ) . `` Beauty and the Beast , Northern Ballet , Grand Theatre , Leeds , review '' . Daily Telegraph . Retrieved 8 June 2016 . Jump up ^ Mystery Legends : Beauty and the Beast Collector 's Edition ( PC DVD ) Jump up ^ KQ6 Game Play video Jump up ^ Bronze homepage , including background information and download links External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Beauty and Beast . Wikisource has original text related to this article : Beauty and the Beast `` Beauty and the Beast : folktales of Aarne - Thompson type 425C Cinderella Bibliography -- includes an exhaustive list of B&tB productions in books , TV and recordings Original version and psychological analysis of Beauty and the Beast ( in French ) La Belle et la Bête , audio version <Th_colspan="2"> Gabrielle - Suzanne de Villeneuve 's Beauty and the Beast Film La Belle et la Bête ( 1946 ) The Scarlet Flower ( 1952 ) Beauty and the Beast ( 1962 ) Beauty and the Beast ( 1976 ) Panna a netvor ( 1978 ) Beauty and the Beast ( 1987 ) Beauty and the Beast ( 1991 ) soundtrack Beauty and the Beast ( 1992 ) Beauty and the Beast : The Enchanted Christmas ( 1997 ) Beauty and the Beast ( or Blood of Beasts , 2005 ) Beauty and the Beast ( 2009 ) Beastly ( 2011 ) Beauty and the Beast ( 2014 ) Little Miss Perfect ( 2016 ) Beauty and the Beast ( 2017 ) soundtrack Television Series Beauty and the Beast , ( 1987 ) Exile ( 2003 ) Beauty & the Beast ( 2012 ) episodes Brahmarakshas ( 2016 ) Episodes `` Reptar on Ice '' ( 1992 ) `` Skin Deep '' ( 2012 ) `` Her Handsome Hero '' ( 2016 ) Literature The Scarlet Flower ( 1858 ) Beauty : A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast ( 1978 ) Lord of Scoundrels ( 1995 ) Rose Daughter ( 1997 ) The Quantum Rose ( 2000 ) Beastly ( 2007 ) Fashion Beast ( 2012 ) Stage Zémire et Azor ( opera ) Beauty and the Beast Live on Stage ( stage ) Beauty and the Beast ( musical ) Songs `` Beauty and the Beast '' ( 1983 ) `` Election Day '' ( 1985 ) `` Beauty and the Beast '' ( 1991 ) Other Disney characters Disney 's Beauty and the Beast ( video game ) Beauty and the Beast ( Disney franchise ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Fiction about shapeshifting Literary duos 1740 works French fairy tales Beauty and the Beast Love stories Hidden categories : Use dmy dates from June 2012 Articles containing French - language text Articles with French - language external links Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikisource বাংলা Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Català Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული ລາວ Latina Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Simple English Suomi Svenska ไทย Українська Tiếng Việt 粵語 中文 27 more Edit links This page was last edited on 30 October 2018 , at 10 : 23 ( UTC ) . 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1. Fairy tale 2. Beauty and the Beast 3. Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve 4. Adaptations 5. Love story
where did the word cottage cheese come from
Cottage cheese - wikipedia Cottage cheese A tub of cottage cheese Homemade cottage cheese A bowl of cottage cheese Cottage cheese is a fresh cheese curd product with a mild flavor . Contents ( hide ) 1 Origin 2 Manufacture 3 Curd size 4 Consumption 5 Nutrition 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Origin ( edit ) The first known use of the term `` cottage cheese '' dates back to 1831 . It is believed to have originated because the simple cheese was usually made in cottages from any milk left over after making butter . Manufacture ( edit ) Cottage cheese is drained , but not pressed , so some whey remains and the individual curds remain loose . The curd is usually washed to remove acidity , giving sweet - curd cheese . It is not aged or colored . Different styles of cottage cheese are made from milk with different fat levels and in small - curd or large - curd preparations . Pressed cottage cheese becomes hoop cheese , farmer cheese , pot cheese , or queso blanco . Curd size ( edit ) Curd size is the size of the chunks in the cottage cheese . The two major types of cottage cheese are small - curd , high - acid cheese made without rennet , and large - curd , low - acid cheese made with rennet . Rennet is a natural complex of enzymes that speeds curdling and keeps the curd that forms from breaking up . Adding rennet shortens the cheese - making process , resulting in a lower acid and larger curd cheese , and reduces the amount of curd poured off with leftover liquid ( whey ) . Sometimes large - curd cottage cheese is called `` chunk style . '' Consumption ( edit ) Cottage cheese can be eaten in a variety of different ways : by itself , with fruit and sugar , with salt and pepper , with fruit puree , on toast , with tomatoes , with granola and cinnamon , in salads , as a chip dip , as a replacement for mayonnaise in tuna salad or used as an ingredient in recipes such as jello salad and various desserts . Cottage cheese with fruit such as pears , peaches , or mandarin oranges is a standard side dish in many `` home cooking '' or meat - and - three restaurants ' menus in the United States . It is also used in dishes such as lasagna where it takes the place of ricotta . Nutrition ( edit ) Cottage cheese <Th_colspan="2"> Nutritional value per 100 g ( 3.5 oz ) Energy 412 kJ ( 98 kcal ) <Td_colspan="2"> Carbohydrates 3.38 g Sugars 2.67 g <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> Fat 4.30 g <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> Protein 11.12 g <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> Vitamins Quantity % DV Vitamin A equiv . beta - Carotene 5 % 37 μg 0 % 12 μg <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> Minerals Quantity % DV Calcium 8 % 83 mg Iron 1 % 0.07 mg Magnesium 2 % 8 mg Phosphorus 23 % 159 mg Potassium 2 % 104 mg Sodium 24 % 364 mg Zinc 4 % 0.40 mg <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> Units μg = micrograms mg = milligrams IU = International units <Td_colspan="2"> Percentages are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults . Source : USDA Nutrient Database World War I poster encouraging U.S. citizens to consume cottage cheese as an alternative to meat products . A 113 - g ( 4 - oz ) serving of 4 % fat product has about 120 calories , 5 g fat ( 3 g saturated ) , 3 g carbohydrates , and 12 g protein . It also contains about 500 mg sodium , 70 mg calcium , and 20 mg cholesterol . Some manufacturers also produce low - fat and nonfat varieties . A fat - free kind of a similar serving size has 80 calories , 0 g fat ( 0 g saturated ) , 6 g carbohydrates , and 14 g protein . Cottage cheese is popular among dieters and some health food devotees . It is a favorite food among bodybuilders , runners , swimmers and weightlifters for its high content of casein protein ( a longer - lasting protein ) while being relatively low in fat . Pregnant women are advised that cottage cheese is safe to eat , whereas some cheese products are not recommended during pregnancy . See also ( edit ) Cottage cheese boycott , a consumer boycott in 2011 in Israel against the rise of food prices Faisselle , a French cheese , similar to cottage cheese Fromage blanc , a soft French cheese Mascarpone , an Italian cheese made from cream , coagulated with citric acid or acetic acid Chhena , an Indian cheese , similar to cottage cheese Ricotta , an Italian whey cheese Quark , a European curd and cheese Queso fresco , a Spanish and Latin American soft cheese References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Definition of cottage '' . Online Etymology Dictionary . Retrieved 2008 - 10 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` Making Cottage Cheese at Home '' ( PDF ) . United States Department of Agriculture Home and Garden Bulletin Number 129 . 1975 . Retrieved 2007 - 07 - 22 . Jump up ^ `` Eating cheese during pregnancy '' . Retrieved 2009 - 10 - 18 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Cottage cheese . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Acid - set cheeses Cottage cheese Curd Hidden categories : All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Español Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska עברית Latviešu Lietuvių Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Português Русский Simple English Suomi Svenska Українська 粵語 中文 22 more Edit links This page was last edited on 11 June 2018 , at 15 : 21 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Cottage cheese origin and manufacture 2. Curd size and types of cottage cheese 3. Ways to consume cottage cheese 4. Nutritional value of cottage cheese 5. Cottage cheese popularity and uses
who was the actor who played wilson on home improvement
Earl Hindman - wikipedia Earl Hindman This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( August 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) <Th_colspan="2"> Earl Hindman Earl John Hindman ( 1942 - 10 - 03 ) October 3 , 1942 Bisbee , Arizona , U.S. December 29 , 2003 ( 2003 - 12 - 29 ) ( aged 61 ) Stamford , Connecticut , U.S. Cause of death Lung cancer Occupation Film and television actor Years active 1967 -- 2003 Spouse ( s ) Molly McGreevey ( m . 1976 ) Earl John Hindman ( October 3 , 1942 -- December 29 , 2003 ) was an American film and television actor , best known for his role as the kindly unseen neighbor Wilson W. Wilson Jr. on the television sitcom Home Improvement ( 1991 -- 99 ) . Long before this role , however , he played villains in two 1974 thrillers , The Taking of Pelham One Two Three and The Parallax View . He also appeared in the films Who Killed Mary What 's ' Er Name ? ( 1971 ) , Greased Lightning ( 1977 ) , The Brink 's Job ( 1978 ) and Taps ( 1981 ) , and played the part of J.T. in the Lawrence Kasdan film Silverado ( 1985 ) . Hindman 's most famous and enduring pre-Home Improvement role was as Bob Reid in Ryan 's Hope . He played the role in 459 episodes during the years 1975 -- 89 . Ex-police officer Bob Reid was everybody 's best friend who never got the girl and was the long - suffering brother of the soap 's serial bride Delia Reid Ryan Ryan Coleridge . Hindman 's wife ( Molly McGreevey ) was also on the soap 1977 -- 81 as Polly Longworth , best friend to media tycoon Rae Woodard . His voice was heard on the Disneyland Railroad from 2002 until 2016 and on the Walt Disney World Railroad from 2002 until late 2010 . Contents 1 Personal life and death 2 Filmography 3 References 4 External links Personal life and death ( edit ) Hindman was born in Bisbee , Arizona , the son of Eula and Burl Latney Hindman , who worked in the oil pipeline business . He studied acting at the University of Arizona . On May 21 , 1976 , Hindman married Molly McGreevey , with whom he later acted on Ryan 's Hope . McGreevey later became an Episcopal priest . A longtime smoker , Hindman was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2003 . He died of the disease on December 29 of that year , aged 61 , in Stamford , Connecticut , where he was buried in Roxbury Cemetery . Filmography ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 1967 Teenage Mother 1968 The Kiss of Her Flesh Don 1969 The Ultimate Degenerate Bruno 1971 Who Killed Mary What 's ' Er Name ? Whitey The Parallax View Deputy Red Shoot It Black , Shoot It Blue Garrity The Taking of Pelham One Two Three George Steever aka Mr. Brown 1977 Greased Lightning Beau Welles 1978 The Brink 's Job FBI agent # 3 1981 Taps Lieutenant Hanson 1985 Silverado J.T. Three Men and a Baby Satch Talk Radio Chet / Black John / Jerry Voice 1991 The Ballad of the Sad Café Henry Macy 1991 Fires Within Sergeant 1991 - 1999 Home Improvement Wilson the neighbor 203 episodes Final Official References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jump up ^ New York Times obituary . Jump up ^ Notice of Earl Hindman 's death . External links ( edit ) Biography portal Earl Hindman on IMDb Earl Hindman at Find a Grave BNE : XX4617319 ISNI : 0000 0001 1585 6723 LCCN : no2006005035 VIAF : 2212259 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1942 births 2003 deaths People from Bisbee , Arizona American male film actors American male soap opera actors American male television actors Deaths from cancer in Connecticut Deaths from lung cancer Male actors from Arizona Male actors from Stamford , Connecticut Burials in Connecticut Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from August 2011 All articles needing additional references Articles with hCards Find a Grave template with ID same as Wikidata Wikipedia articles with BNE identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia تۆرکجه Deutsch فارسی Français Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Simple English Edit links This page was last edited on 25 August 2018 , at 02 : 05 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Earl Hindman - American film and television actor 2. Best known for role as Wilson W. Wilson Jr. on Home Improvement 3. Played villains in The Taking of Pelham One Two Three and The Parallax View 4. Appeared in films such as Greased Lightning and Silverado 5. Diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away in 2003
who voiced the pink alien in american dad
Blagsnarst , a Love Story - wikipedia Blagsnarst , a Love Story 3rd episode of the eleventh season of American Dad ! <Th_colspan="2"> `` Blagsnarst , a Love Story '' <Td_colspan="2"> American Dad ! episode Episode no . Season 11 Episode 3 Directed by Chris Bennett Written by Wes Lukey Featured music `` El Perro '' `` Ready to Take a Chance Again '' `` Thank You For Being a Friend '' Production code 8AJN22 Original air date September 21 , 2014 <Th_colspan="2"> Guest appearance ( s ) <Td_colspan="2"> Kim Kardashian as Qurchhhh / herself Paul Reubens as Wyatt Borden <Th_colspan="2"> Episode chronology <Td_colspan="2"> ← Previous `` A Boy Named Michael '' Next → `` Blonde Ambition '' <Td_colspan="2"> American Dad ! ( season 11 ) List of American Dad ! episodes `` Blagsnarst , a Love Story '' is the third episode and season finale of the tenth season of American Dad ! The episode aired on September 21 , 2014 , and is the final show to air on Fox 's Animation Domination lineup , as well as the final episode of the series to be aired on Fox as the show moved to TBS from the twelfth season onwards , which started a month later in October 2014 . The episode was written by Wes Lukey and directed by series regular Chris Bennett . Contents 1 Plot 2 Production 3 Cultural references 4 Reception 5 References 6 External links Plot ( edit ) On the way to work , Stan ( Seth MacFarlane ) gets annoyed by Roger 's surprise entrance and clinginess which affects the entire family . Accompanying Francine on a trip to the mall , Roger picks up a pheromone trail and follows it until he finds a crashed spaceship with a female alien ( Kim Kardashian ) who was also attracted by his scent . They take her home to meet Stan , who becomes afraid that the CIA will discover her . Even as he worries , the CIA is conducting an investigation of her crash site . Roger and the alien become sexually attracted to each other which distresses the entire family . But after their fling , Roger is ready to dump her only to find she is ready to settle down with him . Roger tries to claim he already has a girlfriend but the ruse fails . Despite her insistence that Roger make things work , he decides to take her into the countryside . Pulling over at a gas station , Roger calls the CIA to turn her over at a bed and breakfast for them . Stan gets word of the CIA on their trail and he admits that he called them as they can be heard approaching . Stan points out that she can lead them back to the family and Roger takes her away and proposes they go their separate ways . Handing her cash , he leaves her behind as Bullock spots her dog disguise from a helicopter and attempts to intercept her after it falls off as Roger cheers her on . But when the CIA corners her , he decides to intervene by building a high - powered rifle out of stones , sticks and his bubble gum . He manages to shoot down a tree which crashes onto the copter . As they leave together , she continues with her future plans together until Roger bails out of the car and it crashes in flames . The female alien crawls out as the fire burns off her fur , revealing a curvy woman in a fur bikini who walks away from the wreckage . The episodes ends with the reveal that the entire story ( and the series on FOX ) is from a book Stan is reading about how Kim Kardashian was born . Meanwhile , in prison , Marylin Thacker is executed for the murder of her husband . Her son returns to the family home in sadness as he prepares for an election as attorney general . As his son is hit by a car outside , he discovers a secret hiding place under the floorboards containing The Golden Turd . Ignoring everything else in his life , he calls Wyatt Borden ( voiced by Paul Reubens ) , a wealthy chemical dumper that pledges to help him and even make him president one day . Production ( edit ) Kim Kardashian ( pictured ) guest starred in this episode as Qurchhhh ; a love interest for Roger the alien In September 2013 , it was revealed that Kim Kardashian would appear in an upcoming episode as a `` love interest '' for Roger . Cultural references ( edit ) Steve says , `` He followed me to school one day , it was against the rules , it made the children laugh and play '' , which is a verse from the nursery rhyme `` Mary Had a Little Lamb '' . Roger prepares to shoot down the CIA helicopter by referencing Dick Cheney 's 2006 hunting accident in which he shot a friend . Roger and Klaus watch The Golden Girls . The theme song , `` Thank You for Being a Friend '' which can be heard , was written by Andrew Gold . Reception ( edit ) `` Blagsnarst , a Love Story '' first aired on Fox in the United States on September 21 , 2014 . This is the final episode of American Dad ! aired on Fox as part of the Animation Domination block , the show was quietly cancelled by Fox but was picked up by TBS for season 12 . Critical reception for `` Blagsnarst , a Love Story '' was mostly positive . Alasdair Wilkins of The A.V. Club gave this episode an A - stating : `` The episode features Kim Kardashian , a move that should feel like shameless stunt - casting , except she 's on hand to play a furry pink alien ; this is in keeping with American Dad 's admirable habit of reeling in impressive guest voices and casting them in unrecognizable roles . The episode features Roger and Stan at their most casually sociopathic , yet both find just enough hidden emotional depth for the episode to not feel completely mean - spirited . '' References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jump up ^ External links ( edit ) `` Blagsnarst , a Love Story '' on IMDb `` Blagsnarst , a Love Story '' at <Th_colspan="2"> American Dad ! Characters Stan Smith Francine Smith Steve Smith Hayley Smith Roger Klaus Episodes Season 1 `` Pilot '' Season 2 `` All About Steve '' `` Stan of Arabia : Part 1 '' `` Stan of Arabia : Part 2 '' `` Stannie Get Your Gun '' `` Finances with Wolves '' Season 3 `` Camp Refoogee '' `` The American Dad After School Special '' `` Lincoln Lover '' Season 4 `` The Vacation Goo '' `` Surro-Gate '' `` Tearjerker '' Season 5 `` The One That Got Away '' `` Pulling Double Booty '' Season 6 `` In Country ... Club '' `` Moon Over Isla Island '' `` My Morning Straitjacket '' `` G - String Circus '' `` Rapture 's Delight '' `` Do n't Look a Smith Horse in the Mouth '' `` Cops and Roger '' `` Bully for Steve '' Season 7 `` Best Little Horror House in Langley Falls '' `` Stan 's Food Restaurant '' `` White Rice '' `` For Whom the Sleigh Bell Tolls '' `` Fart - Break Hotel '' `` Stanny Boy and Frantastic '' `` A Piñata Named Desire '' `` You Debt Your Life '' `` I Am the Walrus '' `` Jenny Fromdabloc '' `` Home Wrecker '' `` Flirting with Disaster '' Season 8 `` Hot Water '' `` Hurricane ! '' `` A Ward Show '' `` Virtual In - Stanity '' `` The Scarlett Getter '' `` Ricky Spanish '' `` Toy Whorey '' Season 9 `` National Treasure 4 : Baby Franny : She 's Doing Well : The Hole Story '' `` The Missing Kink '' `` Lost in Space '' `` Da Flippity Flop '' Season 10 `` Minstrel Krampus '' Season 11 `` Blagsnarst , a Love Story '' Season 12 Season 13 `` The Two Hundred '' Season 14 Season 15 Related Night of the Hurricane Family Guy The Cleveland Show Animation Domination Retrieved from ``,_a_Love_Story&oldid=851568844 '' Categories : American Dad ! ( season 11 ) episodes 2014 American television episodes Extraterrestrial life in popular culture Hidden categories : Articles with short description Television episode articles with short description for single episodes template using numeric id Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 23 July 2018 , at 05 : 23 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
1. "Blagsnarst, a Love Story" - American Dad! episode 2. Kim Kardashian guest stars as Qurchhhh/herself 3. Roger and the female alien's fling and subsequent separation 4. Stan's fear of the CIA discovering the alien 5. The episode's cultural references and reception
who played freddy in my dream is yours
My Dream is Yours - wikipedia My Dream is Yours This article may be in need of reorganization to comply with Wikipedia 's layout guidelines . Please help by editing the article to make improvements to the overall structure . ( July 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) <Th_colspan="2"> My Dream Is Yours <Td_colspan="2"> Theatrical release poster Directed by Michael Curtiz Friz Freleng ( animated sequence ) Produced by George Amy Michael Curtiz Written by Laura Kerr ( adaptation ) Harry Kurnitz Dane Lussier Allen Rivken Paul Finder Moss ( story ) Jerry Wald ( story ) Starring Jack Carson Doris Day Lee Bowman Music by Harry Warren Cinematography Wilfred M. Cline Ernest Haller Edited by Folmar Blangsted Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures Release date April 16 , 1949 ( 1949 - 04 - 16 ) Running time 101 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $2 million or $2,087,000 Box office $1.7 million or $2,742,000 My Dream Is Yours is a 1949 musical romantic comedy film starring Jack Carson , Doris Day , and Lee Bowman . Contents 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Songs 4 Production 5 Reception 5.1 Box Office 5.2 Critical 6 Sources 7 References 8 External links Plot ( edit ) The film opens in Los Angeles , where Doug Blake is dumped as a manager by Gary Mitchell . He goes to New York City to find a new singer to replace Gary on the Hour of Enchantment radio show . While in New York , he discovers Martha Gibson turning records in a jukebox factory . He takes her to Los Angeles and tries to introduce her to Felix Hofer . His efforts lead to a series of communication failures . Meanwhile , Martha has begun to fall in love with Gary . Doug takes her to a party at Gary 's house where Gary gets drunk and is unable to sing on his radio program . Martha replaces him and becomes successful . Gary , whose ego has driven away all of the people who once helped him , can not find anyone who will hire or even represent him . Knowing how Martha feels about Gary , Doug helps him come back , but Gary goes back to his old ways and drives Martha away . Martha then realizes that she really loves Doug and makes up with him . Cast ( edit ) Jack Carson as Doug Blake Doris Day as Martha Gibson Lee Bowman as Gary Mitchell ( singing voice was dubbed by Hal Derwin ) Adolphe Menjou as Thomas Hutchins Eve Arden as Vivian Martin S.Z. Sakall as Felix Hofer Selena Royle as Freda Hofer Edgar Kennedy as Uncle Charlie Sheldon Leonard as Grimes Franklin Pangborn as Sourpuss Manager Ada Leonard as Herself Frankie Carle as Himself Iris Adrian as Peggy ( uncredited ) Mel Blanc as Bugs Bunny & Tweety Bird ( voice ) Songs ( edit ) The film features the following songs , mostly lyricized by Ralph Blane and composed by Harry Warren : `` My Dream Is Yours '' `` Someone Like You '' `` Love Finds a Way '' `` Tic , Tic , Tic '' , a song praising the virtue of Geiger counters and the similarities between love and radiation poisoning `` ( You May Not Be an Angel , but ) I 'll String Along With You '' `` Freddie , Get Ready '' with lyrics by Ralph Blane and Mel Blanc `` I 'll String Along with You '' with lyrics by Al Dubin `` You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby '' `` With Plenty of Money and You '' with lyrics by Johnny Mercer `` Nagasaki '' with lyrics by Mort Dixon , a 1928 song rather than a link between the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the radioactive ode `` Tic , Tic , Tic '' earlier in the film `` Canadian Capers ( Cuttin ' Capers ) '' with lyrics by Blane and Warren , music by Henry Cohen , Gus Chandler , and Bert White `` Someone like You '' , not to be confused with the song of the same name by Adele , has been subsequently recorded by Ella Fitzgerald in 1949 and Peggy Lee . Production ( edit ) The film serves as a remake of Twenty Million Sweethearts ( 1934 ) , in which the aspiring singer was male . The film Swing Hostess ( 1944 ) also had a similar plot , in which aspiring singer Judy Alvin ( Martha Titon ) is spinning records in a jukebox factory , and her roommate and friend Marge ( Irish Adrian ) tries to help her start her career . Eve Arden has a key supporting role as Vivian `` Vi '' Martin , Doug Blake 's co-worker in the radio show The Hour of Enchantment . She is depicted as a highly competent professional woman . She at first agrees to financially support Doug in exchange for half his business earnings . She then allows Martha and her son Freddie to move in with her . When more is needed to finance Martha 's career , Vivian has to sell her own mink coat . The film features a love triangle among Doug Blake , Martha Gibson , and Gary Mitchell . Vivian Martin has her own romantic subplot with Thomas Hutchins , though it is limited to a few suggestive glances . This was the third and last time that Arden co-worked with Adolphe Menjou . According to gossip columnist Sheilah Graham , Day missed three days of shooting in May 1948 , due to being sick with a fever . The film features the final , feature film appearance of comic actor Edgar Kennedy , who died on November 9 , 1948 . The film is perhaps best remembered today for an extended dream sequence combining animation and live action which featured a cameo appearance by Bugs Bunny , dancing with Jack Carson and Doris Day to the tune of Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 , as well as an appearance by Tweety , which was a favorite of animation director Friz Freleng . The sequence has an Easter theme and features the actors in bunny suits . Reception ( edit ) Box office ( edit ) According to Warner Bros records the film earned $1,994,000 domestically and $748,000 foreign . Critical ( edit ) Time magazine 's review was not favorable , finding that the film merely reused elements from older films . `` It has all been done before -- frequently much better '' . It did , however , find some positive aspects of the film . One was Doris Day 's singing , another the caustic lines of Eve Arden . John L. Scot , reviewer for the Los Angeles Times , found the basic story trite . But also praised the charm of Doris Day and her ability to sell a tune , while also favoring the comedy performance of Eve Arden . Richard L. Coe , reviewer of The Washington Post , called the film a `` supremely dull achievement '' . He found Arden 's character wittier and more human than that of Doris Day . Tom Santopietro , in a retrospective of the film , credits Arden with the best performance of the film , praising her comic timing . Sources ( edit ) Hemming , Roy ( 1999 ) , `` Harry Warren '' , The Melody Lingers on : The Great Songwriters and Their Movie Musicals , Newmarket Press , ISBN 978 - 1557043801 Tucker , David C. ( 2012 ) , `` My Dream Is Yours ( 1949 ) '' , Eve Arden : A Chronicle of All Film , Television , Radio and Stage Performances , McFarland & Company , ISBN 978 - 0786488100 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Variety 18 February 1948 p 14 ^ Jump up to : Warner Bros financial information in The William Shaefer Ledger . See Appendix 1 , Historical Journal of Film , Radio and Television , ( 1995 ) 15 : sup1 , 1 - 31 p 29 DOI : 10.1080 / 01439689508604551 Jump up ^ `` Top Grossers of 1949 '' . Variety . 4 January 1950 . p. 59 . ^ Jump up to : Hemming ( 1999 ) , p. 298 Jump up ^ `` '' . 26 July 2017 . Jump up ^ Christopher Young ( 1 January 1977 ) . The Films of Doris Day . Citadel Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8065 - 0583 - 1 . Jump up ^ J. Wilfred Johnson ( 5 August 2010 ) . Ella Fitzgerald : An Annotated Discography ; Including a Complete Discography of Chick Webb . McFarland . pp. 128 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7864 - 5039 - 8 . Jump up ^ Mark Lewisohn ( 29 October 2013 ) . Tune In : The Beatles : All These Years . Crown / Archetype . pp. 1350 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8041 - 3934 - 2 . ^ Jump up to : Tucker ( 2012 ) , p. 107 - 109 External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : My Dream Is Yours My Dream Is Yours at the TCM Movie Database My Dream Is Yours on IMDb <Th_colspan="2"> Films directed by Michael Curtiz 1910s The Last Bohemian Today and Tomorrow Captive Souls My Husband 's Getting Married The Exile The Borrowed Babies The Princess in a Nightrobe Prisoner of the Night Bánk Bán Golddigger One Who Is Loved By Two Seven of Spades The Strength of the Fatherland The Karthauzer The Black Rainbow The Wolf The Medic Mr. Doctor Master Zoard The Red Samson The Last Dawn Spring in Winter Tartar Invasion Secret of St. Job Forest Nobody 's Son The Charlatan A Penny 's History The Fishing Bell Earth 's Man The Colonel Peace 's Road Jean the Tenant The Merry Widow Magic Waltz A skorpió I . The Devil Lulu Lu , the Coquette Júdás The Ugly Boy Alraune 99 The Sunflower Woman Liliom ( unfinished ) The Lady with the Black Gloves 1920s Boccaccio The Star of Damascus The Scourge of God Mrs. Tutti Frutti Good and Evil Mrs. Dane 's Confession Labyrinth of Horror Sodom and Gomorrah Young Medardus Avalanche Nameless A Deadly Game General Babka Harun al Raschid The Moon of Israel Red Heels Cab No. 13 The Golden Butterfly The Third Degree A Million Bid The Desired Woman Good Time Charley Tenderloin Noah 's Ark Glad Rag Doll Madonna of Avenue A The Gamblers Hearts in Exile 1930s Mammy Under a Texas Moon The Matrimonial Bed Bright Lights A Soldier 's Plaything River 's End Demon of the Sea God 's Gift to Women The Mad Genius The Woman from Monte Carlo Alias the Doctor The Strange Love of Molly Louvain Doctor X The Cabin in the Cotton 20,000 Years in Sing Sing Mystery of the Wax Museum The Keyhole Private Detective 62 Goodbye Again The Kennel Murder Case Female Mandalay Jimmy the Gent The Key British Agent The Case of the Curious Bride Black Fury Front Page Woman Little Big Shot Captain Blood The Walking Dead The Charge of the Light Brigade Stolen Holiday Mountain Justice Kid Galahad The Perfect Specimen Gold Is Where You Find It The Adventures of Robin Hood ( with William Keighley ) Four 's a Crowd Four Daughters Angels with Dirty Faces Dodge City Daughters Courageous The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex Four Wives 1940s Virginia City The Sea Hawk Santa Fe Trail The Sea Wolf Dive Bomber Captains of the Clouds Yankee Doodle Dandy Casablanca Mission to Moscow This Is the Army Passage to Marseille Janie Roughly Speaking Mildred Pierce Night and Day Life with Father The Unsuspected Romance on the High Seas My Dream Is Yours ( with Friz Freleng ) Flamingo Road The Lady Takes a Sailor 1950s Young Man with a Horn Bright Leaf The Breaking Point Force of Arms Jim Thorpe -- All - American I 'll See You in My Dreams The Story of Will Rogers The Jazz Singer Trouble Along the Way The Boy from Oklahoma The Egyptian White Christmas We 're No Angels The Scarlet Hour The Vagabond King The Best Things in Life Are Free The Helen Morgan Story The Proud Rebel King Creole The Hangman The Man in the Net 1960s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn A Breath of Scandal Francis of Assisi The Comancheros Short films Jön az öcsém ( 1919 ) Sons of Liberty ( 1939 ) Productions Bright Lights ( 1935 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Looney Tunes films Theatrical Space Jam Looney Tunes : Back in Action Featurettes Adventures of the Road Runner Direct - to - video Tweety 's High - Flying Adventure Bah , Humduck ! A Looney Tunes Christmas Looney Tunes : Rabbits Run Documentaries Bugs Bunny : Superstar Chuck Amuck : The Movie Compilations Bugs Bunny The Bugs Bunny / Road Runner Movie The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie Bugs Bunny 's 3rd Movie : 1001 Rabbit Tales The Looney Tunes Hall of Fame Daffy Duck Daffy Duck 's Fantastic Island Daffy Duck 's Quackbusters Cameos Haunted Gold Alice in Wonderland When 's Your Birthday ? The Big Broadcast of 1938 She Married a Cop Love Thy Neighbor The Lady Eve Hi Diddle Diddle Two Guys from Texas My Dream Is Yours Who Framed Roger Rabbit Gremlins 2 : The New Batch Scooby - Doo 2 : Monsters Unleashed Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1949 films English - language films 1940s musical comedy films 1940s romantic comedy films Films directed by Michael Curtiz Films set in Los Angeles Films set in New York City Films with live action and animation Looney Tunes films American films American romantic musical films Warner Bros. films 1940s American animated films Screenplays by Harry Kurnitz Hidden categories : Wikipedia articles needing reorganization from July 2015 All articles that may contain original research Articles that may contain original research from July 2015 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Català فارسی Français Nederlands Português Русский Edit links This page was last edited on 23 July 2018 , at 03 : 00 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. My Dream Is Yours: A 1949 musical romantic comedy film 2. Starring Jack Carson, Doris Day, and Lee Bowman 3. Plot revolves around a love triangle and a radio show 4. Features a memorable animated dream sequence with Bugs Bunny 5. Received mixed reviews but was a box office success
name of the new fast and furious movie
The Fate of the Furious - wikipedia The Fate of the Furious Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> The Fate of the Furious <Td_colspan="2"> Theatrical release poster Directed by F. Gary Gray Produced by Neal H. Moritz Vin Diesel Michael Fottrell Chris Morgan Written by Chris Morgan Based on Characters by Gary Scott Thompson Starring Vin Diesel Dwayne Johnson Jason Statham Michelle Rodriguez Tyrese Gibson Chris `` Ludacris '' Bridges Scott Eastwood Nathalie Emmanuel Elsa Pataky Kurt Russell Charlize Theron Music by Brian Tyler Cinematography Stephen F. Windon Edited by Christian Wagner Paul Rubell Production company China Film Original Film One Race Films Distributed by Universal Pictures Release date April 4 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 04 ) ( Berlin ) April 14 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 14 ) ( United States ) Running time 136 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $250 million Box office $1.239 billion The Fate of the Furious ( alternatively known as Fast & Furious 8 and Fast 8 , and often stylized as F8 ) is a 2017 American action film directed by F. Gary Gray and written by Chris Morgan . It is the eighth installment in The Fast and the Furious franchise . The film stars Vin Diesel , Dwayne Johnson , Jason Statham , Michelle Rodriguez , Tyrese Gibson , Chris `` Ludacris '' Bridges , Scott Eastwood , Nathalie Emmanuel , Elsa Pataky , Kurt Russell and Charlize Theron . The Fate of the Furious follows Dominic Toretto ( Diesel ) , who has settled down with his wife Letty ( Rodriguez ) , until cyberterrorist Cipher ( Theron ) coerces him into working for her and turns him against his team , forcing them to find Dom and take down Cipher . The Fate of the Furious marks the first installment in the franchise since The Fast and the Furious : Tokyo Drift ( 2006 ) not to star both Paul Walker , who died in a single - vehicle crash on November 30 , 2013 while filming Furious 7 ( 2015 ) , and Jordana Brewster . Script rewrites to the seventh installment after Walker 's death completed the story arcs for both of their characters ( Brian O'Conner and Mia Toretto , respectively ) . Plans for an eighth installment were first announced in March 2015 when Diesel appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live ! and announced that the film would be set in New York City . Preparations for the film began immediately after the release of Furious 7 , with Diesel , Morgan and producer Neal H. Moritz re-signing . After setting an initial release date in the same month , casting took place between April and June 2015 . In October 2015 , Gray was announced to direct the film in the place of James Wan , who had directed the previous installment . Principal photography began in March 2016 in locations such as Mývatn , Havana , Atlanta , Cleveland and New York City , continuing the franchise 's tradition of filming in exotic locations around the world . The Fate of the Furious premiered on April 4 , 2017 in Berlin , and was theatrically released in the United States on April 14 , 2017 , playing in 3D , IMAX 3D and 4DX internationally . The film received mixed reviews from critics , who praised the action sequences and performances , while criticizing the storyline . The film has grossed over $1.2 billion worldwide , making it the thirtieth film ( and the second in the franchise , after Furious 7 ) to gross over $1 billion , the second highest - grossing film of 2017 and the eleventh highest - grossing film of all time . The film grossed $532 million worldwide during its opening weekend , setting the record for the highest - grossing opening of all time , ahead of Star Wars : The Force Awakens ( $529 million ) . A sequel is scheduled to be released on April 19 , 2019 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 3.1 Development 3.2 Casting 3.3 Filming 3.4 Music 4 Release 4.1 Home media 5 Reception 5.1 Box office 5.1. 1 North America 5.1. 2 Outside North America 5.2 Critical response 6 Sequel 7 Notes 8 References 9 External links Plot ( edit ) Dominic `` Dom '' Toretto and Letty Ortiz are on their honeymoon in Havana when Dom is challenged to a street race at an auto show by local racer Raldo . Dom races for Raldo 's car , intending to give it to his cousin Fernando , while wagering his own show car . After narrowly winning the race , Dom allows Raldo to keep his car , earning his respect , and instead leaves his cousin with his show car . The next day , Dom is approached by elusive cyberterrorist Cipher , who coerces him into working for her . Shortly after the encounter , Dom and his team , comprising Letty , Roman Pearce , Tej Parker , and Ramsey , are recruited by Diplomatic Security Service ( DSS ) agent Luke Hobbs to help him retrieve an EMP device from a military outpost in Berlin . During the getaway , Dom goes rogue , forcing Hobbs off the road and stealing the device for Cipher . Hobbs is arrested and locked up in the same high - security prison he helped imprison Deckard Shaw in . After escaping , both are recruited by intelligence operative Frank Petty / Mr. Nobody and his protégé , Eric Reisner / Little Nobody , to help the team find Dom and capture Cipher . Deckard reveals that Cipher was the mastermind of previous encounters with the team , such as employing his brother Owen Shaw to steal the Nightshade device and orchestrating the attempted theft of God 's Eye , Ramsey 's software program . The team tracks Dom and Cipher to their very location just as they attack the base and steal God 's Eye . When Dom begins to question Cipher 's motives , she reveals that she has held Dom 's ex-lover and DSS agent Elena Neves -- as well as their son , whose existence Dom was previously unaware of -- hostage in order to keep Dom loyal to her . Elena tells Dom that the child was born as a result of an unintended pregnancy , and that she wanted him to decide the child 's first name , having already given him the middle name Marcos . Cipher then sends Dom to New York City to retrieve a nuclear football held by the Russian Minister of Defence . Dom manages to evade her for a short time through a diversion created by Raldo , allowing him to meet with and persuade Deckard and Owen 's mother , Magdalene Shaw , to help . The team intercepts Dom after he steals the nuclear football , but Dom escapes , shooting and apparently killing Deckard in the process . Cipher facilitates Dom 's escape by hacking into all of the autonomous cars in the city and reprogramming them to auto - drive , wreaking havoc throughout the city . Letty catches up to Dom , but is ambushed and nearly killed by Cipher 's enforcer , Connor Rhodes , before Dom rescues her . In retaliation , Cipher has Rhodes kill Elena in front of Dom . Dom is then sent to Russia to use the EMP device to disable a nuclear submarine , enabling Cipher to hijack it and attempt to use its arsenal to trigger a nuclear war . They are once again intercepted by the team , provided with modified vehicles by Petty . Meanwhile , Deckard , who had faked his death and been extracted by Tego Leo and Rico Santos , former members of Dom 's team , infiltrates Cipher 's plane to rescue Dom 's son at Magdalene 's behest , with the help of Owen . Once Deckard reports that the child is safe , Dom turns on Cipher and kills Rhodes , avenging Elena 's death , before rejoining his team . Outraged , Cipher launches an infrared homing missile at Dom , but he breaks away from his team and maneuvers around it , causing the missile to hit the submarine instead . The team quickly forms a vehicular blockade around Dom , shielding him from the ensuing explosion . When Deckard reaches the front of the plane and confronts Cipher , she makes her escape by parachuting out of the plane . Petty and Reisner visit Dom and his team in New York City to report that Cipher is still at large . Hobbs is offered his DSS job back , but he declines in order to spend more time with his daughter . Deckard then arrives to return Dom 's son , putting his differences aside with Dom and Hobbs in the process , and is accepted into their family . Dom decides to name his son Brian , after his friend and brother - in - law Brian O'Conner , and they celebrate . Cast ( edit ) For more details on the characters , see List of The Fast and the Furious characters . Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto , a former criminal and professional street racer who has retired and settled down with his wife , Letty . He is coerced by Cipher to work against his team . Dwayne Johnson as Luke Hobbs , a Diplomatic Security Service ( DSS ) agent who allied with Dom and his team following their outings in Rio de Janeiro and Europe . Jason Statham as Deckard Shaw , a rogue special forces assassin who was imprisoned by Hobbs and the DSS after his defeat in Los Angeles , who serves as an ally to help Dom 's team take down Cipher . Michelle Rodriguez as Letty Ortiz , Dom 's wife and a former professional street racer . Tyrese Gibson as Roman Pearce , a former criminal from Barstow and a member of Dom 's team . Chris `` Ludacris '' Bridges as Tej Parker , a mechanic from Miami and a member of Dom 's team . Scott Eastwood as Eric Reisner / Little Nobody , a law enforcement agent working under Mr Nobody . Nathalie Emmanuel as Ramsey , a computer hacktivist and a member of Dom 's team . Elsa Pataky as Elena Neves , the mother of Dom 's child and a former Rio police officer who moved to the United States to become Hobbs ' new partner at the DSS . Kurt Russell as Frank Petty / Mr. Nobody , an intelligence operative and the leader of a covert ops team which previously aided Dom and his team in taking down Deckard in Abu Dhabi . Charlize Theron as Cipher , a criminal mastermind and cyberterrorist who coerces Dom into working against his team by holding Elena and their son hostage . Tego Calderón and Don Omar reprise their roles from previous films as Tego Leo and Rico Santos , former members of Dom 's team from the Dominican Republic and Rio de Janeiro , respectively . Luke Evans reprises his role from Fast & Furious 6 ( 2013 ) as Owen Shaw , Deckard 's younger brother and a former Special Air Service ( SAS ) soldier who formerly opposed Dom 's team in Europe , and who helps his brother in rescuing Dom 's son . Kristofer Hivju appears as Connor Rhodes , Cipher 's enforcer and right - hand man . Helen Mirren makes an uncredited cameo appearance as Magdalene Shaw , the mother of Deckard and Owen Shaw . Production ( edit ) Development ( edit ) Following the release of Furious 7 ( 2015 ) , Vin Diesel said regarding a possible sequel : I was trying to keep it close to the vest throughout the release . Paul Walker used to say that ( an eighth film ) was guaranteed . And in some ways , when your brother guarantees something , you sometimes feel like you have to make sure it comes to pass ... so if fate has it , then you 'll get this when you hear about it . ( Furious 7 ) was for Paul , ( the eighth film ) is from Paul . We 're trying to do what we always do , which is try to come at it from a character point of view and figure out where the characters would go from here . I think the thing that 's made The Fast and the Furious special is obviously we have incredible action and so on . But the thing that people really relate to the most is the characters . We 're lucky that we have a lot of great characters . Unfortunately , we do n't have Paul ( Walker ) anymore . His character ... has moved on . But we feel like there 's a lot still to be mined . That 's where we 're starting . We 're really talking about the characters , where they all sit right now . It 's a huge challenge . -- Neal H. Moritz , The Fast and the Furious franchise producer Diesel further hinted at an eighth film on Jimmy Kimmel Live ! when he stated that Kurt Russell 's character would span multiple films . He also stated that the next film would take place in New York City . Chris Morgan wrote his sixth script in the franchise , while Neal H. Moritz returned to produce . Moritz later stated , `` ( The story ) is going to have to be something enticing for all of us . It has to be as good as or better ( than Furious 7 ) '' . At the 2015 CinemaCon in Las Vegas , Diesel announced the film for an April 14 , 2017 release date . On August 16 , 2015 , at the 2015 Teen Choice Awards ( where Furious 7 received the award for Choice Movie -- Action and Walker received the award for Choice Movie Actor -- Action ) , Diesel gave the film the initial title Fast 8 . In September 2015 , Diesel stated that the script had almost been completed , and expressed interest in Rob Cohen , who directed the first film , to direct the eighth installment . On October 14 , 2015 , Diesel announced on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon that Straight Outta Compton director F. Gary Gray would direct the film . In July 2015 , Moritz said that Walker 's character , Brian O'Conner , would not appear in the film , following the use of CGI in the previous film after Walker died in a single - vehicle accident on November 30 , 2013 , with Moritz stating that his character had `` moved on '' . It had previously been reported that Paul 's younger brother , Cody Walker , would either join the cast in a new role , or replace his older brother in the role of O'Conner ; however , it was later announced that the character will not return to the franchise . Moritz also said that the film would shift the focus of the franchise from a series of heist films to a spy caper , following a similar change in focus from street racing in Fast Five ( 2011 ) . In December 2016 , the film was retitled The Fate of the Furious . Casting ( edit ) Diesel , Russell and Michelle Rodriguez were the first to confirm their involvement in the film , and Tyrese Gibson and Chris Bridges both confirmed their return soon after . Lucas Black had signed on to reprise his role from The Fast and the Furious : Tokyo Drift as Sean Boswell for Furious 7 , and two more installments in September 2013 , though he did not appear in Fate . In May 2015 , Dwayne Johnson confirmed his involvement in the film , additionally hinting at a possible spin - off film involving his character , Luke Hobbs . Jason Statham also confirmed his return . In April 2016 , Charlize Theron and Kristofer Hivju were confirmed as additions to the cast , in villainous roles , while Scott Eastwood also joined the film as a law enforcement agent . On May 17 , 2016 , Diesel posted a photo on his Instagram page of himself and Elsa Pataky on set , indicating that she had also returned for the film , and was followed two days later by a video on set with Nathalie Emmanuel , who also starred in the previous film . In June 2016 , Helen Mirren announced in an interview with Elle that she would appear in the film . In July 2016 , Don Omar tweeted that he and Tego Calderon would return to the franchise for the eighth picture . During an interview with Chris Mannix on July 21 , 2016 , Lucas Black confirmed he would not appear in the eighth installment , due to scheduling conflicts . Filming ( edit ) In keeping with the franchise 's penchant for filming in `` exotic '' locations , such as Dubai and Rio de Janeiro , in January 2016 it was announced that Universal was seeking approval from the United States and Cuban governments to shoot part of the film in Cuba . Principal photography began on March 14 , 2016 , in Mývatn , Iceland , where strong winds sent a plastic iceberg prop flying into a paddock . The prop struck two horses : one was wounded and the other mortally injured ; it was later euthanized . In late April , filming began in Cuba 's capital city , Havana . In May , filming also took place in Cleveland , Ohio . Franchise cinematographer Stephen F. Windon returned for the eighth installment . Filming also took place in Atlanta and New York City . Music ( edit ) Main articles : The Fate of the Furious ( score ) and The Fate of the Furious : The Album Brian Tyler , who scored the third , fourth , fifth , and seventh installments , was tapped to compose the film score for the eighth picture . A soundtrack album by Atlantic Records was released on April 14 , 2017 , coinciding with the film 's US theatrical release . The film 's score album was released on April 27 , by Back Lot Music . Release ( edit ) The Fate of the Furious had its world premiere in Berlin on April 4 , 2017 . The film was theatrically released in the United States on April 14 , 2017 , playing in 3D , IMAX 3D , and 4DX internationally , and received a day - and - date release across major markets such as Australia , the United Kingdom , China , and India , beginning on April 12 , 2017 . The film was released day - and - date in 1,074 IMAX screens around the world , making it the widest day - and - date opening in IMAX history . Home Media ( edit ) The Fate of the Furious was released on 4K , Blu - ray , DVD and Digital HD on July 11 , 2017 . Reception ( edit ) Box Office ( edit ) The Fate of the Furious grossed $225.8 million in the United States and Canada and $1.013 billion in other territories for a worldwide total of $1.239 billion , against a production budget of $250 million ( $350 million including marketing costs ) . It is Universal Pictures ' most ambitious worldwide distribution release in the studio 's history . The film was released day - and - date in 64 territories worldwide , including almost all major markets ( minus Japan ) , starting from April 12 , 2017 , and was projected to earn anywhere between $375 -- 440 million in its five - day opening weekend . By the end of the weekend , it ended up earning $539.9 million from nearly 23,000 screens , way above initial projections , to score the biggest global opening in cinematic history . It also marked the third time that a film earned over $500 million in a single weekend , after Star Wars : The Force Awakens ( $529 million ) and Jurassic World ( $525.5 million ) . In IMAX , the film made $31.1 million from 1,079 screens to record the biggest IMAX April debut and the fourth biggest overall . On April 30 , it crossed the $1 billion threshold , becoming the second release of 2017 ( following Beauty and the Beast ) , the fifth film released by Universal Pictures ( after Jurassic Park , Furious 7 , Jurassic World , and Minions ) and the thirtieth film overall in cinematic history to gross over $1 billion . It is currently the second highest - grossing film of the year , behind only Beauty and the Beast , the second - biggest action film that is not a fantasy or superhero movie , behind Furious 7 , and is Universal 's highest - grossing live - action release since Jurassic World back in June 2015 . North America ( edit ) Like many of its predecessors , The Fate of the Furious was released in the United States and Canada in the month of April , and like its immediate predecessor , occupied the lucrative Easter week holiday period slot , where it was expected to open with $100 -- 125 million . It received the widest pre-summer release ever , at an estimated 4,304 venues , besting the 4,242 opening theater count of Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice the previous March . The film made $10.4 million from Thursday night previews from 3,310 theaters , the second - highest of the franchise behind Furious 7 's $15.8 million . On its opening day it grossed $45.6 million , with Thursday previews making up 22.8 % of the amount , slightly better than the 23 % for Furious 7 . Earning a total of $98.8 million on its opening weekend , the film scored the second biggest opening in the franchise ( the third biggest adjusted for inflation ) and the third biggest April debut , behind Furious 7 and The Jungle Book . It posted an almost identical weekend multiplier like its immediate predecessor ( 2.166 x vs 2.18 x ) . However , this is not surprising considering how both films opened over Good Friday / Easter Sunday stretch . Scott Mendelson of Forbes magazine compared the opening to how Spectre ( 2015 ) opening fell from Skyfall ( 2012 ) . One notable record the film set was the best opening for a film with an African American director , with Gray besting his own record set with Straight Outta Compton in 2015 . Sticking to the franchise 's famous and lauded habit of including a multi-ethnic cast of characters , the film played to audiences of all ethnicities . Domestically , Caucasians made up 41 percent of the audience , followed by Hispanics ( 26 percent ) , African - Americans ( 21 ) percent , Asians ( 11 percent ) , and Native American / Other ( 3 percent ) , according to comScore 's exit polling service PostTrack . The pic skewed male at 58 percent , far more than the last film at 51 percent . 2D ticketbuyers repped 57 % of the film 's opening compared to its predecessor 's 71 % . This means more die - hard moviegoers came out to watch the eighth instalment rather than people who do not typically go to the movies . While The Fate of the Furious 's debut is 34 % less than its predecessor 's opening , critics have noted that the debut is still considered a massive success and not a big let down given how it is the eighth installment in an action franchise . Universal Pictures was well aware that the robust debut of Furious 7 could not be duplicated due to the wave of good reviews and publicity over the death of star Paul Walker , as well as the notion that the instalment was both a farewell to said actor and a kind of coronation for the franchise as a whole . Nevertheless , the film benefited from Easter holiday business with 74 % of all K - 12 schools off on Good Friday as well as a third of the nation 's colleges . The film comes out in the wake of its parent franchise celebrating 16 years of availability in cinemas . To wit , few film franchises which are close to 20 years old have demonstrated a box office ability to increase their openings with each installment over time or maintain them in close proximity in terms of debut numbers ; James Bond film series , Batman film series , Jurassic Park franchise , and Star Wars franchise . Its hefty opening was followed by the second - biggest April Monday gross ever with $8.5 million , behind the seventh instalment . Its Sunday to Monday drop was 60 % compared to its prequel 's 57 % drop which is far better than the Monday dropped witnessed by other April releases ; The Jungle Book ( - 76 % ) and Captain America : The Winter Soldier ( - 73 % ) , albeit without the advantage of a school holiday . Despite the entry of four new wide releases , critics and box office prognosticators kept a close watch on how much the film would drop in its second weekend . The film fell precipitously on its second Friday earning $11.17 million for a 76 % drop which is the biggest in the franchise 's history , besting the 72 % drops for both its two immediate predecessors . The steep decline maybe attributed not because of the onslaught of competitions , but rather due to the polarised reception received by the film and due to just 12 % K - 12 schools beings off compared to 74 % on Good Friday . It kept its hold at No. 1 , albeit dropping about 61 % in its sophomore frame for an estimated $38.4 million . That domestic drop is right in line with the 59 - 63 % drops of the six previous instalment in the franchise 's on their second weekend out . It topped the box office for three straight weekends , witnessing similar weekend - to - weekend percentage drops like its prequel , albeit earning lesser in terms of numbers . Outside north America ( edit ) Internationally , The Fate of the Furious secured a release in 69 countries . The film was projected to post an opening between $275 -- 330 million from over 20,000 screens , with some analysts believing it could go as high as $350 -- 400 million . It opened Wednesday , April 12 , 2017 , in 8 countries , earning $17.9 million ( including previews from 12 countries ) . It opened in 33 more countries on Thursday , April 2 , for a total of 41 countries , earning $58.4 million , marking Universal Pictures overseas ' highest - grossing Thursday ever , and for a two - day total of $82.2 million . It added 22 more countries on Friday , April 3 , earning $112.1 million to score Universal International 's highest grossing Friday of all time , for a three - day total of $194.8 million . The robust Friday take helped Universal push past $1 billion internationally in 2017 which is the second quickest ever and the studio 's eleventh consecutive year overall the pass the mark . Morever , on the same day , the franchise crossed the $4 billion milestone . In total , through Sunday , the film registered an opening of $441.1 million from 64 markets , setting new records for the biggest April international debut , Universal 's biggest , and the biggest of all time overall ( ahead of Jurassic World ) -- It is the first such film to open past $400 million in a single weekend with a bulk of it coming from China . Around $22.6 million came from ( 681 ) IMAX screens which is Universal 's second biggest behind only Jurassic World . It topped the international charts for a second consecutive term , adding another $158.1 million after which it was surpassed by Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 , another film starring Diesel and Russel , in its third weekend . In IMAX , the film has grossed north of $58 million . On May 28 , the film officially passed the $1 billion threshold to become the second film in the franchise , following Furious 7 , and the sixth film to pass the said mark . It set the record for the biggest opening day of 2017 in every territory it has been released at , the biggest opening day of all time in 16 markets , Universal 's biggest opening day ever in 22 territories and the biggest opening in the franchise in 38 markets . Moreover , it recorded the biggest paid previews of all time in Malaysia , Singapore , Venezuela , and Vietnam . In terms of opening weekend , the film debuted at No. 1 in all markets where it set the biggest opening weekend of all time in 20 markets ; Universal 's biggest opening weekend ever in 28 markets ; and the biggest opening in the franchise in 40 markets . The top openings were recorded in China ( $192 million ) , Mexico ( $17.7 million ) , the UK and Ireland ( $17.5 million ) , Russia ( $14.2 million ) , Germany ( $13.6 million ) , Brazil ( $12.8 million ) , India ( $10.7 million ) , Korea ( $10.6 million ) , Middle East combined ( $9.9 million ) , Taiwan ( $9.3 million ) , France ( $9.2 million ) , Australia ( $9.5 million ) , Argentina ( $9 million ) , Indonesia ( $8.5 million ) , Italy ( $6.7 million ) , Malaysia ( $6.3 million ) , Spain ( $6.1 million ) , Colombia ( $4.9 million ) , Thailand ( $4.9 million ) , Panama ( $4.8 million ) , and Romania ( $1.7 million ) . Comparing market - to - market performance , Furious 7 had an opening worth $250 million without China and Russia while The Fate of the Furious delivered $228.2 million debut , sans the two aforementioned markets . In Japan , the film debuted with $7.5 million . Although that 's a new record for the franchise , the film debuted at number three behind Disney 's Beauty and the Beast and local film Detective Conan : Crimson Love Letter -- their robust second weekend earnings blocked the former from taking the top spot , making Japan one of the few markets where the film did n't open at No. 1 . Expectations were high for the film 's performance in China , as its predecessor set notable records and went on to become the biggest film release there ( now the biggest Hollywood release ) . The film was rebranded in Chinese as The Fast and the Furious 8 to make clear its connection to Furious 7 . After ticket sales began on April 2 , the film pre-sold more than RMB 125 million ( $18.1 million ) worth of tickets before its release , breaking the previous record held by local film Journey to the West : Conquering the Demons three months prior . Moreover , it also set a record for the fastest IMAX advance sales , with RMB 16.5 million ( $2.4 million ) , breaking the previous record held by Captain America : Civil War , according to leading local movie site Mtime . In total , it pre-sold around $43.5 million tickets two hours before previews began , the biggest ever in the country . It earned a record - breaking RMB 59.8 million ( $8.7 million ) from Thursday paid previews ( $8 million excluding online ticketing surcharges which now count as grosses ) , breaking its predecessor 's former record of RMB 52.5 million ( $8.5 million in 2015 ; $7.6 million in 2017 exchange rates ) . On Friday , the film was screened in approximately 158,000 screens , a new record for any film , breaking Warcraft 's former 122,000 screen counts , and almost double the estimated 80,700 screen count of its predecessor . By Friday noon , it had already grossed $30 million . Buoyed by positive word - of - mouth -- 9.4 / 10 user rating on mobile ticketing platform Maoyan , and 7.4 / 10 from reviews aggregator Douban -- and effective marketing campaign , it set a new record for the biggest single - day ever at the Chinese box office , including previews . This was achieved at 7 p.m. local time . In total , the film grossed an estimated RMB 452.8 million ( $65.8 million ) on its opening day , inclusive of previews and online ticketing surcharges , compared to the RMB 398 million ( $57.8 million ) posted by its predecessor . It is the first film in Chinese history to register above RMB 400 million ( $58 million ) in a single day . Earning a total of RMB 1.323 billion ( $192.2 million ) , according to Chinese sources and 190 million , according to Universal , in its debut weekend , it set a new milestone for three day opening weekend and overall the second best debut ever behind only local pic The Mermaid , which had the benefit of four days of previews over the New Year period in February 2016 . An estimated $14 million came from 395 IMAX screens , the second biggest ever in the country , behind Warcraft . Its three - day debut alone made it the biggest Hollywood release of 2017 and the third biggest overall . Factoring out online ticketing surcharges , the total comes to a slightly less - hefty RMB 1.245 billion ( $182.2 million ) . In just nine days , the film passed the historic RMB 2 billion ( $300 million ) and thereby became the biggest release of the year . The film fell precipitously by 71.4 % in its second weekend ( from its $190 million debut ) , earning RMB 374 million ( $54.3 million ) for a massive 10 - day total of RMB 2.19 billion ( $318 million ) . On April 30 , it became the biggest Hollywood / foreign release of all - time with RMB 2.44 billion , surpassing its prequels former record of 2.41 billion . However , in terms of US currency , The Fate of the Furious ( $381 million ) is still behind Furious 7 ( $391 million ) . After three consecutive weeks of topping the charts , it slipped to fourth place after being dethroned by Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 from the top spot . It has so far grossed a total of RMB 2.648 billion ( $383.9 million ) and is the country 's second - biggest grosser ever , behind only The Mermaid . In India , the film secured a release across approximately 1,600 -- 1,800 screens ( 1,000 -- 1,200 screens less than its predecessor ) . Like other Hollywood releases , it was released in both 2K projections and normal projections , and dubbed in local languages such as Hindi , Tamil and Telugu . It is the first international film to be dubbed into the Kannada language . Despite clashing with local pic Begum Jaan , analysts believe the two films will not affect each other 's performance , as they appeal to distinct moviegoers . Universal had high hopes in the territory , after Furious 7 grossed an unprecedented $24.9 million in 2015 , and became the biggest foreign release ever in the country at the time of its release ( now the second biggest ) . The Central Board of Film Certification gave the film a UA rating ( parental guidance suggested for children under 12 ) , rather than an A for adults , after the studio agreed to cut several profanities ( CBFC was willing to pass the film with an A certificate with no cuts but Universal wanted a UA certificate leading to the board censoring all profanities with few cuts ) . It earned around ₹ 8.50 crore ( US $1.3 million ) net from Wednesday paid previews . The following day it grossed ₹ 22.50 crore ( US $3.5 million ) , including previews . On its official opening day , it grossed ₹ 16.10 crore ( US $2.5 million ) for a three - day total of ₹ 38.60 crore ( US $6.0 million ) . Earning a total of $10.7 million , it set a new record for the biggest ever foreign opening in the country , toppling its prequel 's former record . As such , it is the first foreign film to open north of $10 million . Following its record breaking opening , it fell about 58 % on its second weekend excluding previews , earning another $4 million for a two weekend total of over $17.4 million , With over $19.2 million it is currently the biggest foreign release of the year . However , in terms of net earnings -- which is the base for box office calculations in India -- the film was unable to break past the ₹ 100 crore ( US $16 million ) mark , stalling at around ₹ 85.59 crore ( US $13 million ) . Despite a record breaking opening , it lost significant amount of screen counts and audiences thereafter , partly due to the release of Baahubali : The Conclusion . The biggest earning markets are China ( $390.2 million ) , followed by Brazil ( $41.6 million ) , the UK and Ireland ( $37.4 million ) , Mexico ( $36.8 million ) and Germany ( $32.1 million ) . In Peru , it has become Universal 's highest - grossing film ever . With over $1 billion in international receipts and representing a boffo 82 % of the film 's total worldwide gross , it is currently the seventh - biggest overseas earner behind Avatar , Titanic , Furious 7 , Star Wars : The Force Awakens , and Jurassic World . Critical response ( edit ) The Fate of the Furious received mixed to positive reviews from critics . On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has an approval rating of 66 % based on 241 reviews , with an average rating of 6.1 / 10 . The site 's critical consensus reads , `` The Fate of the Furious opens a new chapter in the franchise , fueled by the same infectious cast chemistry and over-the - top action fans have come to expect . '' On Metacritic , which assigns a normalized rating , the film has a score 56 out of 100 , based on 45 critics , indicating `` mixed or average reviews '' . Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of `` A '' on an A+ to F scale . Mike Ryan of Uproxx gave the film a positive review , writing : `` This is n't my favorite of the series -- that 's still Furious 7 ( it 's hard to top those jumps from skyscraper to skyscraper , but this is a worthy entry ) . These movies know what they are . These movies know they are fun . These are fun movies ! '' Owen Gleiberman of Variety , in his positive review of the film , wrote : `` Most franchises , after eight films , are feeling a twinge of exhaustion , but this one has achieved a level of success -- and perpetual kinetic creative energy -- that 's a testament to its commercial / cultural / demographic resonance . '' He also wrote `` If this series , over the last 16 years , has taught us anything , it 's that just when you think it 's about to run out of gas , it gets outfitted with an even more elaborate fuel - injection system . '' Conversely , David Ehrlich of IndieWire gave the film a C − and called it the worst entry of the franchise , saying : `` As much a mess of conflicting tones and styles as it is of locations , this setpiece -- like the rest of Gray 's movie -- feels like a heap of random parts that were thrown together in the hopes that fate might somehow weld them into a roadworthy vehicle . It 's exhausting . '' J.R. Kinnard of PopMatters magazine gave a lukewarm review , writing : `` It 's unlikely that devotees will consider The Fate of the Furious one of the stronger entries in the series . Still , the filmmakers and actors are clearly dedicated to making a quality product , avoiding the complacency that often plagues action sequels . '' Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun - Times gave the film 2 out of 4 stars , saying : `` Moments after Dom has gone rogue and apparently wants to kill them , they 're making jokes . As they 're racing through the streets of New York City or skidding along the ice in Russia , killing bad guys and narrowly avoiding getting killed themselves , they 're crackin ' wise . Even within this ludicrous universe , it 's jarring to hear these supposedly smart folks , who refer to themselves as ' family , ' acting like idiots who do n't seem to care if they live or die , or if their friends survive . '' Professor of international political economy Richard E Feinberg has commented on the political significance of the film 's opening setting of Havana in the context of shifting US - Cuban relations , calling the eighth installment , `` Hollywood 's love letter to Havana '' . He writes , `` In the Cuban sequence 's dramatic climax , Dom wins his hard - fought one - mile race ( '' a Cuban mile `` ) against a tough local competitor , by a nose . The loser is gracious : ' You won my car and you earned my respect , ' he admits to the FF hero . Dom 's response is equally magnanimous : ' Keep your car , your respect is good enough for me . ' In this instance , FF8 captures the essence of the relations between the United States and Cuba : it 's all about mutual respect . '' Sequel ( edit ) On February 3 , 2016 , Universal Pictures set initial release dates for the two remaining films in the franchise . The first , tentatively titled Fast & Furious 9 , is scheduled to be released on April 19 , 2019 . Notes ( edit ) References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` The Fate of the Furious ( 2017 ) '' . Box Office Mojo . July 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Jones , Hazel ( April 1 , 2015 ) . `` Paul Walker died due to road accident '' . Daily Mail . Retrieved 25 May 2015 . Jump up ^ Naoreen , Nuzhat ( December 8 , 2016 ) . `` Jordana Brewster Confirms She 's Not In ' Fast 8 ' ( EXCLUSIVE VIDEO ) '' . People 's Choice . Retrieved April 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Where was The Fate of the Furious filmed ? '' . Atlas of Wonders . Retrieved April 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Critics Give Mixed Reviews To `` The Fate Of The Furious '' `` . . Retrieved April 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` ' Fate of the Furious ' Reviews : What the Critics Are Saying '' . Variety . 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Jump up ^ Roeper , Richard ( April 13 , 2017 ) . `` Overlong , idiotic ' Fate of the Furious ' drags down the franchise '' . Chicago Sun - Times . ^ Jump up to : External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : The Fate of the Furious Official website The Fate of the Furious on IMDb The Fate of the Furious at AllMovie <Th_colspan="2"> The Fast and the Furious Films The Fast and the Furious album 2nd album 2 Fast 2 Furious album The Fast and the Furious : Tokyo Drift Fast & Furious album score Fast Five album score Fast & Furious 6 album Furious 7 album score The Fate of the Furious album score Characters Dominic Toretto Brian O'Conner Han Lue Gisele Yashar Short films The Turbo Charged Prelude for 2 Fast 2 Furious Los Bandoleros Video games The Fast and the Furious ( arcade ) The Fast and the Furious ( PS2 / PSP ) Fast & Furious : Showdown Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious Attractions Fast & Furious : Supercharged Related `` Act a Fool '' `` See You Again '' video `` Gang Up '' <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Films directed by F. Gary Gray <Td_colspan="2"> Friday ( 1995 ) Set It Off ( 1996 ) The Negotiator ( 1998 ) A Man Apart ( 2003 ) The Italian Job ( 2003 ) Be Cool ( 2005 ) Law Abiding Citizen ( 2009 ) Straight Outta Compton ( 2015 ) The Fate of the Furious ( 2017 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Vin Diesel Director and writer Multi-Facial ( 1995 ) Strays ( 1997 ) Los Bandoleros ( 2009 ) Producer A Man Apart ( 2003 ) The Chronicles of Riddick ( 2004 ) Fast & Furious ( 2009 ) Fast Five ( 2011 ) Fast & Furious 6 ( 2013 ) Riddick ( 2013 ) Furious 7 ( 2015 ) xXx : Return of Xander Cage ( 2017 ) The Fate of the Furious ( 2017 ) Video games Wheelman ( 2009 , executive producer ) Related Dominic Toretto One Race Films Racetrack Records Tigon Studios <Th_colspan="2"> Ludacris <Td_colspan="2"> Discography Awards and nominations Filmography Studio albums Incognegro Back for the First Time Word of Mouf Chicken - n - Beer The Red Light District Release Therapy Theater of the Mind Battle of the Sexes Ludaversal Compilations Golden Grain Disturbing tha Peace Mixtapes DJ Drama Presents : The Preview Films The Wash 2 Fast 2 Furious Lil ' Pimp Paper Chasers Crash Hustle & Flow The Heart of the Game American Hustle Fred Claus RocknRolla Max Payne Ball Do n't Lie Gamer Fast Five No Strings Attached New Year 's Eve Fast & Furious 6 Furious 7 The Fate of the Furious Video games Def Jam : Vendetta The Chronicles of Riddick : Escape from Butcher Bay Def Jam : Fight for NY NBA Ballers Phenom Def Jam : Icon Related articles Disturbing tha Peace Def Jam Recordings Def Jam South Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2017 films English - language films American films American action thriller films 2010s action thriller films 2010s road movies American heist films American road movies American sequel films Auto racing films Chase films Film scores by Brian Tyler Films about terrorism Films directed by F. Gary Gray Films set in Berlin Films set in Havana Films set in Los Angeles Films set in New York City Films set in Russia Films set on airplanes Films set in prison Films set in the Arctic Films shot in Havana Films shot in Iceland Films shot in Atlanta Films shot in Cleveland Films shot in New York City IMAX films One Race Films films Screenplays by Chris Morgan Submarine films The Fast and the Furious Universal Pictures films China Film Group Corporation films Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from June 2015 All articles with failed verification Articles with failed verification from March 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Български Cebuano Čeština Deutsch Ελληνικά Español فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Кыргызча Latviešu Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский کوردی Српски / srpski Suomi Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 23 September 2017 , at 22 : 11 . 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1. The Fate of the Furious - plot summary 2. Cast of The Fate of the Furious 3. Production details of The Fate of the Furious 4. Box office performance of The Fate of the Furious 5. Home media release of The Fate of the Furious
how many seats at lambeau field are season tickets
Lambeau Field - Wikipedia Lambeau Field Jump to : navigation , search Lambeau Field <Td_colspan="2"> The Frozen Tundra , Titletown USA , The Shrine of Pro Football <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> Exterior in 2011 Former names City Stadium ( 1957 -- 1964 ) ( renamed August 3 , 1965 ) Address 1265 Lombardi Avenue Location Green Bay , Wisconsin Coordinates 44 ° 30 ′ 5 '' N 88 ° 3 ′ 44 '' W  /  44.50139 ° N 88.06222 ° W  / 44.50139 ; - 88.06222 Coordinates : 44 ° 30 ′ 5 '' N 88 ° 3 ′ 44 '' W  /  44.50139 ° N 88.06222 ° W  / 44.50139 ; - 88.06222 Owner City of Green Bay and Green Bay / Brown County Professional Football Stadium District Operator Green Bay Packers Executive suites 168 Capacity 81,441 Record attendance 79,704 ( January 11 , 2015 ) Surface Kentucky bluegrass reinforced with Desso GrassMaster since 2007 <Th_colspan="2"> Construction Broke ground October 11 , 1956 Opened ( 1957 - 09 - 29 ) September 29 , 1957 Renovated 2001 -- 2003 , 2012 -- 2015 Expanded 1961 , 1963 , 1965 , 1970 , 1985 , 1990 , 1995 , 2003 , 2013 Construction cost $ 960,000 ( $4.88 million in 2017 dollars ) $295 million ( 2003 Renovation ) ( $392 million in 2017 dollars ) Architect Somerville Associates Ellerbe Becket ( 2003 renovation ) General contractor Geo . M. Hougard & Sons <Th_colspan="2"> Tenants <Td_colspan="2"> Green Bay Packers ( NFL ) ( 1957 -- present ) Green Bay Location in the United States Green Bay Location in Wisconsin Lambeau Field is an outdoor athletic stadium in the north central United States , located in Green Bay , Wisconsin . The home field of the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League ( NFL ) , it opened 61 years ago in 1957 as City Stadium , replacing the original City Stadium at East High School as the Packers ' home field . Informally known as New City Stadium for its first eight seasons , it was renamed in August 1965 in memory of Packers founder , player , and long - time head coach , Curly Lambeau , who had died two months earlier . The stadium 's street address has been 1265 Lombardi Avenue since August 1968 , when Highland Avenue was renamed in honor of former head coach Vince Lombardi . It sits on a block bounded by Lombardi Avenue ( north ) ; Oneida Street ( east ) ; Stadium Drive and Valley View Road ( south ) ; and Ridge Road ( west ) . The playing field at the stadium has a conventional north - south alignment , at an elevation of 640 feet ( 195 m ) above sea level . The stadium completed its latest renovation in the summer of 2013 with the addition of 7,000 seats high in the south end zone . About 5,400 of the new seating is general , while the remaining 1,600 seats are club or terrace suite seating . With a capacity of 81,441 , Lambeau Field is the fifth - largest stadium in the NFL with standing room , but is fourth in normal capacity . It is now the largest venue in the state , edging out Camp Randall Stadium ( 80,321 ) at the University of Wisconsin in Madison . Lambeau Field is the oldest continually operating NFL stadium . In 2007 , the Packers completed their 51st season at Lambeau , breaking the all - time NFL record set by the Chicago Bears at Wrigley Field ( 1921 -- 70 ) . ( While Soldier Field in Chicago is older , it was not the home of the Bears until 1971 . ) Only the Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park and the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley have longer active home - field tenures in American professional sports . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Packers seek a modern facility 1.2 Expansion , 1961 -- 95 1.3 2001 -- 03 renovation 1.4 South end zone expansion , 2012 -- 13 1.5 Atrium renovation , 2013 -- 15 1.6 Lambeau Field Atrium 1.7 Hall of Fame 1.8 Titletown District , 2015 1.9 Packers record at Lambeau 2 Name and nickname 2.1 New City Stadium 2.2 Lambeau Field 2.3 Corporate naming rights 2.4 `` The Frozen Tundra '' 2.5 Titletown , USA 3 Postseason 4 Traditions 4.1 The `` Lambeau Leap '' 4.2 Stadium music 4.3 Packers shareholders meeting 4.4 High school and college football 4.5 Ice hockey 4.6 Snowmobile racing 4.7 Concerts 4.8 Fireworks 5 Seating capacity 6 Sustainability plans 7 References 8 Sources 9 External links History ( edit ) Packers seek a modern facility ( edit ) Since 1925 , the Packers had played at 25,000 - seat City Stadium , located behind Green Bay East High School . However , by the 1950s , it was considered inadequate for the times . It was built almost entirely of wood , and East High 's locker room facilities were considered inadequate even in the 1920s ; visiting teams often dressed at their hotel . Besides the school 's location which limited any expansion of the seating southward , its placement along the East River meant seating expansion on the north and east sides of the stadium was also impossible . Officials in Milwaukee , 120 miles ( 190 km ) to the south , where the Packers had played part of their schedule since 1933 , knew that City Stadium was less than ideal as an NFL venue . They built Milwaukee County Stadium in 1953 in hopes of luring the Packers there full - time . As originally built , County Stadium was double the size of City Stadium . Soon after County Stadium opened , the other NFL owners threatened to force the Packers to move to Milwaukee unless they built a new stadium . In August 1955 , the Packers announced plans for a new stadium in Green Bay , with a seating capacity of 32,000 . In April 1956 , Green Bay voters responded by approving ( 70.3 % ) a bond issue to finance the new stadium . The original cost in 1957 was $960,000 ( paid off in 1978 ) and its seating capacity was 32,500 . The new stadium was the first modern stadium built specifically for an NFL franchise . At the time , the eleven other NFL teams were playing either in facilities shared with major league baseball teams , or in other pre-existing shared facilities . The site , now bordered on three sides by the village of Ashwaubenon , was selected because it had a natural slope , ideal for creating the bowl shape , along with expansive parking . The nearby outdoor practice fields ( Clarke Hinkle Field and Ray Nitschke Field ) and Don Hutson Center are in Ashwaubenon , as was the Packers Hall of Fame until 2003 . The new City Stadium was officially opened in week one of the 1957 season on September 29 , as the Packers upset the rival Bears 21 -- 17 in front of a capacity crowd of 32,132 . In a ceremony at halftime , the stadium was dedicated by Vice President Richard Nixon . Also in attendance on the platform were reigning Miss America Marilyn Van Derbur , NFL commissioner Bert Bell , and Bears ' owner George Halas , on a brief leave from coaching . Although they now had a modern facility in Green Bay , the Packers continued to play two or three regular - season games in Milwaukee at County Stadium . Starting in 1995 , expansions to Lambeau Field ( see below ) made it financially realistic for the Packers to play their entire regular season in Green Bay for the first time in over 60 years . Former Milwaukee ticket holders receive tickets to a preseason game and games 2 and 5 of the regular season home schedule , in what is referred to as the `` Gold package '' . Green Bay season ticket holders receive tickets to the remaining home games as part of their `` Green package '' . Expansion , 1961 -- 95 ( edit ) Demand for tickets at the new stadium easily outstripped supply , not coincidentally after the arrival of coach Vince Lombardi in 1959 . In 1961 , four years after it opened , the stadium 's capacity was increased to 38,669 . Since then , the Packers have been regularly increasing the seating capacity . The bowl was increased to 42,327 in 1963 , to about 50,837 in 1965 with the enclosure of the south end zone , and to 56,263 in 1970 , when the north end zone was enclosed to form a continuous oval bowl . In the early 1980s , the team considered placing a dome on the stadium . ( 1 ) Construction of 72 private boxes in 1985 increased the seating capacity to 56,926 , and a 1990 addition of 36 additional boxes and 1,920 theatre - style club seats brought the number to 59,543 . In 1995 , a $4.7 million project put 90 more private boxes in the previously open north end zone , again giving the stadium the feel of a complete bowl and increasing capacity to 60,890 . 2001 -- 03 renovation ( edit ) The West side of Lambeau Field By the end of 1999 , the Packers believed that they needed to update the facility to remain financially competitive in the NFL . Rather than build a new stadium , Chairman / CEO Bob Harlan and President / COO John Jones unveiled a $295 million plan to renovate Lambeau Field in January 2000 . It was to be paid for partly by the team via the 1997 -- 98 stock sale , which netted more than $20 million . Most of the proceeds were to be paid through a 0.5 % sales tax in Brown County and personal seat license fees on season ticket holders . After their plan won approval by the Wisconsin State Legislature , it was ratified by Brown County voters on September 12 , 2000 by a 53 % -- 47 % margin . Construction began early in 2001 . The sales tax expired on September 30 , 2015 . The renovated Lambeau Field on game day Statues of Curly Lambeau and Vince Lombardi at Lambeau Field View of Lambeau Field from the South end zone The massive redevelopment plan was designed to update the facilities , add more premium and suite seating , yet preserve the seating bowl , keeping the storied natural grass playing field of the `` frozen tundra '' . The project was completed in time for the 2003 season , bringing the capacity to 72,515 . Construction management was conducted by Turner Construction Sports , and proved to be of remarkably little disruption to the 2001 and 2002 seasons . Lambeau Field on October 3 , 2004 Although the capacity has more than doubled since Lambeau Field was opened , demand for tickets remains high . The Packers have sold out every game since 1960 , and at least 115,000 names are on the waiting list ( with a reported average wait time of 30 years ) . The sell - out streak has had the effect ( intended or not ) of ensuring that all Packers home games are televised in Green Bay and Milwaukee , a streak that started in 1973 ( prior to that time , local telecasts of home games were disallowed regardless of how many tickets were sold ) ; the Packers are one of four NFL teams ( the others being the Washington Redskins , Denver Broncos , and Pittsburgh Steelers ) that have not had a home game blacked out since the 1973 blackout rules were put into place . During the 2007 season , Lambeau Field was voted the number one NFL stadium in game - day atmosphere and fan experience by a Sports Illustrated online poll . In 2009 , The Sports Turf Managers Association named Lambeau Field the 2009 Field of the Year . South end zone expansion , 2012 -- 13 ( edit ) A view of the 2013 Lambeau Field seating expansion in the south end zone and one of the new HD video boards In 2010 , plans were announced by the Green Bay Packers to install new high definition scoreboards in place of their current scoreboards ; plans for a new sound system were announced as well . Later the plans were expanded to include adding as many as 7,500 seats both inside and outside as well as viewing platforms and lounge areas . On May 5 , 2011 , the Packers sent out an online survey to 30,000 season - ticket holders , club - seat holders and individuals on the season - ticket waiting list to get feedback from the fans on several concepts being considered for the south end - zone development . On August 25 , 2011 plans were officially announced to add 7,500 new seats to the south end zone . The new seats are outdoors with the exception of one indoor row . The seats include heated areas that melt snow as it falls ( a concept tested on a small scale during winter 2010 ) , intending to solve the logistical problem of shoveling snow from an `` upper deck '' seating area . The snow that falls into the original bowl area is shoveled by compensated volunteers from the community using a system of temporary chutes placed in the aisles and carts to remove the snow from the stadium . The new sound system was completed in time for the 2011 -- 2012 NFL season . On August 25 , 2011 Packers president Mark Murphy announced that the expansion of Lambeau would not be paid by taxpayers but by the team itself . After construction was completed on the south end zone seating in the summer of 2013 , Lambeau became the 3rd largest stadium in the NFL , with a capacity of 80,750 . Additional construction included two new tower gates for the north and south end zone . Lambeau Field also installed Mitsubishi Diamond Vision Video Boards , as well as a rooftop viewing terrace in the north end zone for club seat holders during games . The rooftop viewing terrace and video boards were completed in time for the 2012 season . On December 12 , 2012 , Lambeau Field was damaged by a minor fire when construction workers were cutting a metal beam near the fourth floor . The sparks from the cutting landed inside a wall and ignited the foam insulation . The area was temporarily evacuated and a minor back injury to one of the responding firefighters was reported . Green Bay Fire Lt. Nick Craig says the fire was small but in an unwieldy area . He says fire officials had to proceed slowly because they did n't want to open the wall and allow the flames an oxygen supply until they had enough water on hand . The fire happened on Aaron Rodgers Day , a day the state proclaimed in honor of the Packers quarterback because Rodgers wears No. 12 , and the date that Wednesday was 12 - 12 - 12 . The fire damage cost $5,000 in repairs . Atrium renovation , 2013 -- 15 ( edit ) In 2013 , the Packers announced a new $140.5 million renovation project for the Lambeau Atrium entrance , that will be entirely paid by the Packers without public funding . The project began in March 2013 and was completed in June 2015 . The Packers removed ground between Bob Harlan Plaza and Lombardi Avenue , which is now the basement of the atrium . The Pro Shop has been moved to the new ground level , and a set of escalators were installed on the western side , leading to the atrium and the entrance of the Miller Gate . The Packers Hall of Fame moved to the second floor of the atrium where Curly 's Pub was originally located . Curly 's moved to the main floor where the Pro Shop was previously held . This renovation project was referred to as `` Phase II '' , with the first phase considered as the 7,500 seats that were installed previously . The new setup was made to be easier for fans to get to Curly 's as it was difficult for fans in the past . Phase II also included the following : The Oneida Nation gate was given an expanded plaza extending into the east parking lot . A tunnel under the plaza leads to a player parking area immediately east of the player facilities . Permanent rest rooms were installed under the plaza . A new entrance called the American Family Insurance gate was added at parking lot level on the east side , with an escalator providing access to the main floor of the atrium . The Pro Shop is also accessible here . Harlan Plaza in front of the Miller Gate facing Lombardi Avenue will remain , but its front now lines up with the North face of the atrium tower where the Pro Shop is situated . The Curly Lambeau and Vince Lombardi statues were repositioned and remain in the plaza . New player facilities in the lower level of the stadium , including strength and conditioning rooms and a 35 - by - 50 - yard practice walk - through area . The renovation project is expected to create approximately 1,500 jobs and pay more than $60 million in wages . Team president and CEO Mark Murphy said 95 % of spending on the project will be done in Wisconsin and 69 % in northeastern Wisconsin . A 50 - foot - tall replica Lombardi Trophy was unveiled on November 14 , 2014 on the east side of the stadium . Lambeau Field atrium ( edit ) The Lambeau Field Atrium houses the Green Bay Packers Pro Shop , the Packers Hall of Fame , Lambeau Field Stadium Tours , and the 1919 Kitchen & Tap . It also hosts special events , such as meetings , weddings , receptions , and social gatherings . Hall of Fame ( edit ) Main article : Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame The Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame is on the first level of the Atrium . The Hall of Fame is an independent , charitable association that promotes the history of the Green Bay Packers . Since 1970 , 157 Packers have been inducted into the Hall , which attracts over 170,000 visitors annually . Titletown District , 2015 ( edit ) On August 20 , 2015 , the Green Bay Packers presented the master plan for the Titletown District , an area that will be constructed on approximately 34 acres of land just west of Lambeau Field . Titletown will consist of three tenants including Lodge Kohler , a hotel built and managed by the Kohler Company ; a Bellin Health Sports Medicine Clinic ; and Hinterland Restaurant and Brewery . Development on the remaining 16 acres calls for commercial , retail , and residential elements . Completion is scheduled for Fall , 2017 . Packers record at Lambeau ( edit ) As of the end of the 2017 season , the Packers have compiled a 231 -- 120 -- 5 regular season mark at Lambeau Field . The Packers playoff record at home as of the 2017 season is 17 - 5 . There are two NFL teams that have never won a regular season game at Lambeau , which are the Arizona Cardinals ( 0 -- 7 ) and Denver Broncos ( 0 -- 4 ) . No team has an undefeated record at Lambeau Field . The last remaining team with an undefeated record , the Houston Texans , was beaten by the Packers in Week 13 of the 2016 NFL season . Name and nickname ( edit ) New City stadium ( edit ) Main article : City Stadium ( Green Bay ) The original name of Lambeau Field lasted through the 1964 season . Officially `` City Stadium '' , the name `` New City Stadium '' was used informally to distinguish it from its predecessor at East High School . Lambeau Field ( edit ) A statue of Curly Lambeau stands near the main entrance Two months after the death of Packers founder Curly Lambeau , New City Stadium was renamed `` Lambeau Field '' by the Green Bay city council on August 3 , 1965 . Besides founding the team in 1919 , Lambeau played for the Packers in their early years and was the team 's coach for 31 seasons through 1949 . He shares the distinction with rival George Halas of the Chicago Bears of coaching his team to the most NFL championships , with six . Lambeau was inducted as a charter member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton , Ohio in 1963 . Corporate naming rights ( edit ) On November 7 , 2000 , two months after Brown County voters approved a sales tax to fund Lambeau Field 's renovation , a second referendum was presented to the same Brown County voters . This referendum asked whether naming rights to the renovated stadium should be sold in order to retire earlier the 0.5 % sales tax created to cover construction costs . The referendum passed 53 % - 47 % , the exact percentage by which voters approved the sales tax . After the vote passed , the Packers entered talks with the city of Green Bay , which owns the stadium , to further explore the options . The City and team agreed to sell the rights if a price of $100 million could be realized , although no buyer has been found . The Packers , although agreeing to be bound by the will of the voters , have consistently stressed that they would prefer Lambeau Field keep its traditional name , honoring the club 's founder . The Packers have sold naming rights to the eight entrance gates . From the north going clockwise , they are : Bellin Health ( north gate ) , Miller Brewing ( atrium gate ) , American Family Insurance ( northeast gate at parking lot level ) , the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin ( east gate on elevated plaza facing Oneida Street ) , Shopko ( south gate ) , Mills Fleet Farm stores ( southwest gate ) , Associated Bank ( west gate and private box entrance ) , and Verizon ( northwest gate ) . Miller Brewing is also a sponsor of the atrium , and has a section in one end zone called the `` Miller Lite End Zone '' , giving away tickets in that area with various beer promotions . At the 2015 Packers shareholders meeting President Mark Murphy said `` We will not sell the naming rights to the stadium ... We will never do that . It will always be Lambeau Field '' . `` The Frozen Tundra '' ( edit ) An empty Lambeau Field . The stadium 's nickname was spawned by the Ice Bowl between the Packers and the Dallas Cowboys , played on December 31 , 1967 . The game was played in temperatures of − 15 ° F ( − 26 ° C ) with sharp winds . Journalist Tex Maule associated Lambeau Field with the term tundra in his article summarizing the game in Sports Illustrated . Lambeau Field is alleged to have gotten its nickname , The Frozen Tundra , from The Greatest Challenge , the Packers ' authorized version of the highlight film written by Steve Sabol . In the Cowboys ' authorized version of the highlight film , A Chilling Championship , also written by Sabol , Bill Woodson used the term the Frozen Tundra when narrating the film to describe Lambeau Field . Prior to the 1967 season , an underground electric heating system had been installed but it was not able to counter the effects of the cold front that hit Green Bay at the onset of the Ice Bowl . The field had been covered overnight with the heater on , but when the cover was removed in the sub-zero cold , the moisture atop the grass flash - froze . The underground heating and drainage system was redone in 1997 , with a system of pipes filled with a solution including antifreeze replacing the electric coils . After the 2006 season , the surface , heating , and drainage system was replaced . A new grass surface was installed , using the Desso GrassMaster system , which has synthetic fibers woven into the traditional Kentucky bluegrass sod . Even the new video boards , installed in 2004 , have been influenced by the field 's nickname , being called `` Tundra Vision '' . These video displays measure more than 25 feet ( 7.6 m ) high by 46 feet ( 14 m ) wide . An artificial lighting system , based on technology used in Dutch rose - growing greenhouses , was tested in 2010 and purchased for use in the 2011 season . It operates 24 hours a day from October to early December to extend the growing season for the field 's grass . The system is also used in some soccer stadiums where shade from stands and partial roofs are a problem for the turf , not the cold and short growing season found in Green Bay . Titletown , USA ( edit ) More famously a nickname for the city than its football field , `` Titletown , USA '' became popularized in 1961 , even before Vince Lombardi won any of his championships . At the 1961 NFL Championship Game against the New York Giants , which the Packers won 37 -- 0 , fans hung up signs around the stadium that read Welcome to Titletown , USA . Then - Giants quarterback Y.A. Tittle joked that the honor was for him , just that his name was misspelled . By the mid-60s , Titletown , USA was registered as a trademark of the Green Bay Packers , Inc . Lambeau Field has been home to seven NFL world championship seasons , five under Lombardi , one under Mike Holmgren and one under Mike McCarthy , surpassing the six world championship seasons witnessed by its predecessor , City Stadium , under Curly Lambeau . Postseason ( edit ) The Atrium inside Lambeau Field Lambeau Field has frequently given a significant postseason home - field advantage for the Packers . Playoff games at Lambeau Field typically feature cold Wisconsin winters . The most famous example is the aforementioned Ice Bowl . More recently , in the 1997 NFL playoffs both the San Francisco 49ers in the divisional playoffs and the Carolina Panthers in the NFC Championship Game struggled to adapt to the muddy and the cold conditions respectively . The temperatures during the 2007 NFC Championship Game ( in which the Packers lost in OT , 23 -- 20 , to the New York Giants ) reached as low as − 4 ° F ( − 20 ° C ) , with a wind chill of − 24 ° F ( − 31 ° C ) . From its opening in 1957 until January 2003 , when they fell 27 -- 7 to the Atlanta Falcons , the Packers had never lost a postseason game at Lambeau Field . However , the Packers hosted just one postseason game ( in the ad - hoc round - of - 16 in the strike - shortened 1982 season ) during a lean stretch of 27 years between the Ice Bowl of 1967 and a wild - card game in December 1994 . Although the Packers have won only five of their last ten playoff games at Lambeau Field , their overall home post-season record is a respectable 16 -- 5 . The stadium has hosted five championship contests : three NFL title games in 1961 , 1965 and 1967 ( the `` Ice Bowl '' ) ; two NFC championships after the 1996 and 2007 seasons . Traditions ( edit ) The `` Lambeau Leap '' ( edit ) James Starks doing the `` Lambeau Leap '' Many Packer players will jump into the end zone stands after scoring a touchdown , in a celebration affectionately known as the `` Lambeau Leap '' . The Lambeau Leap was invented by safety LeRoy Butler , who scored after a Reggie White fumble recovery and lateral against the L.A. Raiders on December 26 , 1993 . It was later popularized by wide receiver Robert Brooks . It 's not known precisely when the celebration was first coined the `` Lambeau Leap '' , but one of the first possible mentions was by broadcaster Al Michaels , who mentioned during a Monday Night Football broadcast in 1996 , `` It 's a new tradition in Green Bay , Robert Brooks leaping into the stands . '' When the NFL banned excessive celebrations in 2000 , the Lambeau Leap was grandfathered into the new rules , permitting it to continue . Occasionally , a visiting player will attempt a Lambeau Leap , only to be denied by Packers fans . This happened to then - Minnesota Vikings cornerback Fred Smoot when he intercepted a pass and returned it for a touchdown ; Packers fans proceeded to throw their beverages on Smoot . During the 2007 NFC Championship game , New York Giants running back Brandon Jacobs faked a Lambeau Leap after scoring a touchdown , angering many Green Bay faithful in the stands . Before a game against the Packers on September 20 , 2009 , Cincinnati Bengals wideout Chad Johnson , then known as Chad Ochocinco , announced he would do a Lambeau Leap if he scored a touchdown , and then followed through by leaping into the arms of pre-arranged fans wearing Bengals jerseys . In 2014 , a statue was made outside of Lambeau Field commemorating the Leap . Featuring a shortened replica of the end zone wall and 4 random Packers fans , the statue allows visitors to pose for pictures doing their own Lambeau Leap . The NFL Network countdown program , the NFL Top 10 , named the Lambeau Leap the 2nd greatest touchdown celebration of all time . Stadium music ( edit ) Welcome sign Originally , music at Lambeau Field was provided by the Packers ' Lumberjack Band . The live band has been replaced by recorded music . The Packers intro music for when they are introduced before each game is `` Get Ready for This '' by 2 Unlimited . PA announcer Bill Jartz ( also the main news anchor for WBAY - TV ( Channel 2 ) ) , accompanies this by saying , `` Ladies and gentlemen , here are your 13 - time World Champion Green Bay Packers . '' Whenever the Packers score a touchdown , the Todd Rundgren hit `` Bang the Drum All Day '' is played . This tradition began in 1985 . `` Go ! You Packers Go ! '' , the team 's fight song , is played at Lambeau Field immediately following the Packers ' player introductions and after each extra point scored by the Packers . The `` Go Pack Go '' jingle is usually played when the team is on defense or during the start of a drive on offense . A song built around this jingle is `` Go Pack Go ! '' by The 6 Packers . The House of Pain hit `` Jump Around '' is often played during one time - out at Lambeau , resulting in widespread jumping around by the crowd . This tradition began due to the popularity of the same song / crowd - participation tradition at University of Wisconsin football games . The polka standard `` Beer Barrel Polka '' ( also known as `` Roll Out The Barrel '' ) is also played at Lambeau Field , usually in the fourth quarter of games . `` I Gotta Feeling '' by the Black Eyed Peas is played when the Packers win a game . Packers shareholders meeting ( edit ) With the 1997 -- 98 sale of stock in the Packers corporation , swelling the number of owners to over 112,000 , a large venue was needed for the annual shareholders meeting . The event returned to Lambeau Field in 2006 after several thousand people were turned away from the 2005 meeting at the nearby Resch Center . High School and College football ( edit ) When built , Lambeau Field was also slated to be used by Green Bay 's public high schools , as old City Stadium had been . However , a key 1962 game between the Packers and Detroit Lions was affected when two high schools played in the rain the preceding Friday , damaging the field . After that , Lombardi asked the schools to avoid using Lambeau , however both Southwest High and West High played there until a west side high school stadium was built in the late 1970s . In 1973 , the WISAA Championship game was played there , the last at Lambeau , between Wisconsin Rapids Assumption and Marquette University High School . In 1982 and 1983 , St. Norbert College hosted Fordham University ( Lombardi 's alma mater ) in two Division III tilts , benefitting the Vince Lombardi Cancer Foundation . Shortly after the 2006 Wisconsin -- Ohio State hockey game ( see below ) , newspaper reports said the Wisconsin football team might be interested in moving a non-conference road game to Lambeau Field . In 2016 , Lambeau Field hosted the Wisconsin Badgers vs. LSU Tigers in the 2nd of a two - game series which started in 2014 , where the game was in Houston at NRG Stadium . The Badgers won in what was called a `` Historic upset '' by ESPN and Yahoo ! Sports , as the unranked Badgers defeated the # 5 ranked Tigers 16 - 14 . Ice hockey ( edit ) Lambeau Field hosting its first hockey game . Following the success of the `` Cold War '' , collegiate ice hockey game held in 2001 at Michigan State 's Spartan Stadium , hockey teams from Wisconsin and Ohio State met in the Frozen Tundra Hockey Classic , an outdoor game played on a temporary rink inside the stadium on February 11 , 2006 . The Badgers defeated the Buckeyes 4 -- 2 before a capacity crowd of 40,890 . There were some problems as the ice began to crack during play , but overall it was a success , ending with the Badgers doing the Lambeau Leap following their victory . Snowmobile racing ( edit ) In 2004 a snowmobile racing event was held in the parking lot due to a lack of snow . In 2005 the snowmobile racing event took place over the turf , with the right amount of snow cover . Concerts ( edit ) Not many concerts are held at Lambeau Field because the primary use of the stadium is football . The Lambeau Field lease between the city of Green Bay and the Packers allows for one non-football event a month between February and June , with the Packers having veto power . Date Artist Opening Act ( s ) Tour / Concert Names Attendance Revenue Notes June 21 , 1985 Survivor 13,000 June 11 , 2011 Kenny Chesney Zac Brown Band Billy Currington Uncle Kracker Goin ' Coastal Tour 45,446 / 45,446 $4,948,817 June 20 , 2015 Kenny Chesney Jason Aldean Brantley Gilbert Cole Swindell Old Dominion The Big Revival Tour Burn It Down Tour 53,363 / 53,363 $5,867,106 June 17 , 2017 Billy Joel Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness Billy Joel in Concert 45,602 / 45,602 $4,805,909 Billy Joel is an official shareholder of the Green Bay Packers Fireworks ( edit ) For many years , Lambeau hosted a popular annual Fourth of July fireworks display , sponsored by locally based retailer Shopko Stores , Inc . Seating capacity ( edit ) Lambeau Field is the fourth largest stadium in the NFL by seating capacity . Years Capacity 1957 -- 1960 32,500 1961 -- 1962 38,669 1963 -- 1964 42,327 1965 -- 1969 50,852 1970 -- 1984 56,263 1985 -- 1989 56,926 1990 -- 1994 59,543 1995 -- 2001 60,890 2002 65,290 / 66,110 Years Capacity 2003 72,515 72,569 2005 72,601 2006 72,922 2007 -- 2010 72,928 2012 73,094 2013 80,750 2015 -- 2016 81,435 2017 -- present 81,441 Sustainability plans ( edit ) The Green Bay Packers have made efforts to make Lambeau Field more environmentally sustainable . In fact , extra recycling bins will be placed around the field and biodegradable food - ware will be used at restaurants and other establishments within Lambeau Field . In addition , there are plans to power the field with wind energy and biogas . Similarly , more than 500 induction lighting fixtures have been installed within it , as well as 11 high - efficiency condensing boilers for space heating in the stadium , melting snow , and heating the field . Also , two high - efficiency electric chillers have been installed for the air - conditioned regions of Lambeau Field . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Packer board backs Lambeau Field idea '' . Milwaukee Journal . UPI . August 3 , 1965 . p. 18 - part 2 . ^ Jump up to : `` ' Lambeau Field ' voted by council '' . Milwaukee Sentinel . Associated Press . August 5 , 1965 . p. 3 - part 2 . Jump up ^ `` Suites '' . Green Bay Packers , Inc . Retrieved October 17 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` 2017 Green Bay Packers Media Guide '' ( PDF ) . Green Bay Packers. 2017 . Retrieved August 12 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Dallas Cowboys vs. Green Bay Packers - Box Score - January 11 , 2015 - ESPN '' . ESPN . Retrieved January 11 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : McGinn , Bob ( March 18 , 2007 ) . `` Team hopes new ground is n't shaky '' . Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . p. 12C . Jump up ^ `` Green Bay Bowl Digging Started '' . The Milwaukee Journal . October 11 , 1956 . Retrieved September 23 , 2011 . ^ Jump up to : Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Community Development Project . `` Consumer Price Index ( estimate ) 1800 -- '' . Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis . Retrieved January 2 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Green Bay Packers news Lambeau Field timeline Archived July 12 , 2012 , at ^ Jump up to : `` Crowd of 32,132 fills Green Bay 's new City Stadium , sees Packers upset Bears '' . Milwaukee Journal . September 30 , 1957 . p. 7 - part 2 . Jump up ^ `` It 's official , Lambeau Field Packers ' home '' . Chicago Tribune . Associated Press . August 5 , 1965 . p. 4 , section 3 . Jump up ^ `` Curly Lambeau is stricken and dies of a heart attack '' . Lawrence ( Kansas ) Daily Journal World . Associated Press . June 2 , 1965 . p. 18 . Jump up ^ `` Lambeau , Packer founder , dies ; led club to 6 pro league titles '' . Milwaukee Journal . June 2 , 1965 . p. 19 . Jump up ^ Lea , Bud ( August 8 , 1968 ) . `` Vince has gala festival '' . Milwaukee Sentinel . p. 1 - part 2 . Jump up ^ Greene , Bob ( September 4 , 1970 ) . `` Lombardi legend lives on in stories '' . Owosso Argus - Press . Owosso , Michigan . Associated Press . p. 10 . Jump up ^ Topographic map from USGS via Microsoft Research Maps Jump up ^ Spofford , Mike ( July 29 , 2013 ) . `` South End Zone Expansion Near Completion '' . Green Bay Packers . Retrieved July 29 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Stadium Info - History '' . Retrieved May 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Expansion Planned for Lambeau '' . The New York Times . Associated Press . August 26 , 2011 . Retrieved June 28 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` New grid stadium planned by Packers '' . Milwaukee Journal . United Press . August 25 , 1955 . p. 18 - part 2 . Jump up ^ `` Bay votes a big ' yes ' on stadium '' . Milwaukee Journal . United Press . April 4 , 1956 . p. 17 - part 2 . Jump up ^ `` Green Bay says yes to new stadium '' . Chicago Daily Tribune . April 4 , 1956 . p. 3 , part 4 . Jump up ^ Hollow , Cooper ( September 29 , 1957 ) . `` Packers open stadium , pro race against Bears today '' . Chicago Sunday Tribune . p. 3 , sec. 2 . Jump up ^ Hollow , Cooper ( September 30 , 1957 ) . `` Packers upset Bears , 21 - 17 ; Cards win '' . Chicago Daily Tribune . p. 1 , sec. 4 . Jump up ^ `` Capacity to be boosted at Green Bay stadium '' . Milwaukee Journal . March 9 , 1961 . p. 10 - part 2 . Jump up ^ `` Stadium grows at Green Bay '' . Milwaukee Journal . March 10 , 1965 . p. 18 - part 2 . Jump up ^ Johnson , Chuck ( August 12 , 1965 ) . `` Packers in shape for debut '' . Milwaukee Journal . p. 15 . Jump up ^ O'Brien , 1987 pg. 213 Jump up ^ Gruver , 1998 pg. 13 Jump up ^ `` Packers start stadium work '' . Milwaukee Journal . January 23 , 1970 . p. 15 - part 2 . Jump up ^ Miston , William ( September 30 , 2015 ) . `` After 15 years , Brown County Lambeau Field sales tax expires tonight '' . WLUK - TV , Green Bay . Retrieved December 7 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Expansions Lambeau Field Jump up ^ Fan Zone FAQ Jump up ^ `` -- NFL Fan Value Experience '' . CNN . November 7 , 2007 . Retrieved May 7 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Lambeau Named 2009 ' Field Of The Year ' Archived December 6 , 2009 , at the Wayback Machine . Green Bay Packers Jump up ^ `` Packers Unveil Plans for New Scoreboards '' . Milwaukee Business Journal . December 7 , 2010 . Retrieved December 7 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Fans help shovel Lambeau Field before Packers / Vikings game Saturday '' . . February 22 , 2016 . Retrieved May 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Survey seeks input on south end zone Green Bay Packers Jump up ^ Packers look to expand Lambeau , want to begin work in 2012 National Football League Jump up ^ Crabtree , Curtis ( December 13 , 2012 ) . `` Lambeau Field Fire Causes $5,000 in Damage '' . NBC Sports . Retrieved December 16 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Packers plan $140 million Lambeau atrium upgrade '' . Retrieved May 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Packers plan to renovate the Lambeau Atrium '' . USA Today Jump up ^ `` Packers unveil 50 - foot Lombardi Trophy at Lambeau Field '' . ' Green Bay Press Gazette Jump up ^ `` Lambeau Field Atrium '' . Retrieved May 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Danilov , Victor J. ( January 1 , 1997 ) . Hall of Fame Museums : A Reference Guide . Greenwood Publishing Group . ISBN 9780313300004 . Jump up ^ `` Titletown District '' . . Retrieved December 12 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Maraniss , 1999 pg. 388 Jump up ^ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel : `` Packers , Green Bay to discuss Lambeau naming rights '' June 19 , 2003 . ^ Jump up to : Walker , Don ( November 8 , 2000 ) . `` Packers to Start Shopping Lambeau Name Around '' . The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . Archived from the original on February 27 , 2009 . Retrieved August 9 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Packers will ' never ' sell naming rights to Lambeau Field , CEO says '' . Sporting News . Retrieved December 24 , 2016 Jump up ^ Maule , Tex ( January 8 , 1968 ) . `` The old pro goes in for six '' . Sports Illustrated . p. 10 . ^ Jump up to : Davis , 2008 , p. 159 . Jump up ^ `` Woodson Was First With ' Frozen Tundra ' '' . Press Box Online . Retrieved April 4 , 2011 . ^ Jump up to : Branch , John ( January 13 , 2012 ) . `` Tenderizing the Tundra With Some Light and Heat '' . The New York Times . Retrieved January 13 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Associated Press ( December 7 , 2006 ) . `` Lambeau Field Updates Include a New Surface '' . ESPN . Retrieved August 9 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Nickel , Lori ( June 2 , 2008 ) . `` Grass is greener : Lambeau surface bounces back '' . Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . Archived from the original on October 5 , 2015 . Retrieved October 3 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Lambeau Field , Stadium Facts '' . Green Bay Packers . Retrieved August 9 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Traditions '' . University of South Carolina Athletics . Retrieved August 9 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Lambeau Field Timeline Green Bay Packers news Jump up ^ `` Goalpost dunks will draw flags '' . ESPN . Retrieved January 12 , 2016 Jump up ^ YouTube -- Fred Smoot 's Lambeau Leap ! ! ! Jump up ^ Manning , Giants head to Super Bowl for rematch with Pats Jump up ^ ESPN -- Ochocinco finds end zone in Green Bay ESPN Jump up ^ Ochocinco had it planned out Jump up ^ `` Lambeau Leap Statue unveiled '' . . ^ Jump up to : Sandomir , Richard ( September 1 , 2016 ) . `` Lambeau Field Gives Football the Old College Try '' . The New York Times . Retrieved September 2 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Opening ouch : LSU sputters as Wisconsin lands historic upset '' . ESPN . Jump up ^ `` Wisconsin shocks LSU in historic upset '' . Yahoo . Retrieved December 24 , 2016 Jump up ^ `` Lambeau Field should host more concerts '' . Press Gazette Media . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Kendra Meinert . `` Ready to rock ? Packers resist Lambeau reuse '' . USA Today . Retrieved April 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Kenny Chesney and Jason Aldean at Lambeau Field '' . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Tickets on sale Friday for Billy Joel concert at Lambeau Field '' . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Billy Joel gets an opening act at Lambeau '' . Press Gazette Media . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ List of current National Football League stadiums Jump up ^ `` Lambeau Field Expansions '' . Green Bay Packers. 2015 . Retrieved November 18 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Green Bay Packers Launch Environmental Program '' . Jump up ^ `` Green Bay Packers , WPS focus on energy '' . Sources ( edit ) When Pride Still Mattered , A Life of Vince Lombardi , by David Maraniss , 1999 , ( ISBN 0 - 684 - 84418 - 4 ) South Carolina Hall Of Fame : Robert Brooks Davis , Jeff ( 2008 ) , Rozelle : Czar of the NFL . New York : McGraw - Hill . 0 - 07 - 159352 - 7 Gruver , Edward ( 1998 ) . The Ice Bowl : The Cold Truth About Football 's Most Unforgettable Game . Ithaca , New York : McBooks Press , Inc . ISBN 1 - 59013 - 080 - 4 O'Brien , Michael ( 1987 ) , Vince : A Personal Biography of Vince Lombardi . New York : William Morrow and Company , Inc . ISBN 978 - 0 - 688 - 07406 - 7 External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Lambeau Field . -- official website Lambeau Field at Green Bay Press Gazette -- Lambeau memories at 50 -- 2007 Lambeau Field timeline from -- Lambeau Field Packers yearly results Packers game results Lambeau Cam from Do n't bet on UW football at Lambeau , Green Bay Press - Gazette , Feb. 15 , 2006 Google Maps aerial photograph -- aerial photograph and topographic map , `` Lambeau or Bust : NFL Experience Incomplete Without a Trip to Green Bay '' College football at Lambeau Field from Lambeau Field Seating Chart <Th_colspan="3"> hide Events and tenants Preceded by City Stadium Home of the Green Bay Packers 1957 -- present Succeeded by Preceded by Texas Stadium Soldier Field Host of NFC Championship Game 1997 2008 Succeeded by Candlestick Park University of Phoenix Stadium <Th_colspan="2"> Current stadiums of the National Football League American Football Conference East Gillette Stadium Hard Rock Stadium MetLife Stadium New Era Field North FirstEnergy Stadium Heinz Field M&T Bank Stadium Paul Brown Stadium South Lucas Oil Stadium Nissan Stadium NRG Stadium TIAA Bank Field West Arrowhead Stadium Oakland -- Alameda County Coliseum Sports Authority Field at Mile High StubHub Center National Football Conference East AT&T Stadium FedExField Lincoln Financial Field MetLife Stadium North Ford Field Lambeau Field Soldier Field U.S. Bank Stadium South Bank of America Stadium Mercedes - Benz Stadium Mercedes - Benz Superdome Raymond James Stadium West CenturyLink Field Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Levi 's Stadium University of Phoenix Stadium Hall of Fame Game Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium International Series Wembley Stadium Twickenham Stadium Estadio Azteca <Td_colspan="2"> Both the New York Giants ( NFC ) and the New York Jets ( AFC ) share the same venue . <Th_colspan="2"> Green Bay Packers <Td_colspan="2"> Founded in 1919 Based and headquartered in Green Bay , Wisconsin Franchise Franchise Team history Green Bay Packers , Inc . Board of Directors Records Seasons Coaches Players A -- D E -- K L -- R S -- Z Starting quarterbacks Pro Football Hall of Famers Retired numbers First - round draft picks Records Pro Bowlers Stadiums Draft history Stadiums Hagemeister Park Bellevue Park City Stadium Borchert Field Wisconsin State Fair Park Marquette Stadium Milwaukee County Stadium Lambeau Field Training facilities Don Hutson Center Clarke Hinkle Field Ray Nitschke Field St. Norbert College ( training camp ) Rockwood Lodge ( former ) Culture Indian Packing Company Cheesehead Lambeau Leap Hall of Fame Fan Hall of Fame `` Bang the Drum All Day '' Cheerleaders Fight song Lumberjack Band Pigskin Champions Vernon Biever Hungry Five George Whitney Calhoun The Dope Sheet Curly Lambeau Vince Lombardi Ron Wolf Receiver ( statue ) That ' 70s Show Lombardi Pitch Perfect 2 Packers Heritage Trail Packers Pro Shop Lore Dolly Gray impostor The Ice Bowl The Snow Bowl The Mud Bowl 4th and 26 Fail Mary Miracle in Motown Rivalries Chicago Bears Detroit Lions Minnesota Vikings Dallas Cowboys Division championships ( 18 ) 1936 1938 1939 1944 1967 1972 1995 1997 2002 2003 2007 2011 2012 2013 2014 2016 Conference championships ( 9 ) 1960 1961 1962 1965 1966 1967 1997 League championships ( 13 ) 1929 1930 1931 1936 1939 1944 1961 1962 1965 1966 ( I ) 1967 ( II ) 1996 ( XXXI ) 2010 ( XLV ) does not include 1966 or 1967 NFL championships Retired numbers 14 15 66 92 Media Broadcasters Radio : Packers Radio Network WTMJ WKTI - HD2 WIXX WTAQ Television ( pre-season & official in - season team programming ) : WGBA - TV WTMJ - TV Personnel : Wayne Larrivee ( play - by - play ) Larry McCarren ( color / analysis ) Current league affiliations League : National Football League ( 1921 -- present ) Conference : National Football Conference Division : North Division Seasons ( 99 ) 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1990 1991 1993 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 <Td_colspan="2"> Championship seasons in bold <Th_colspan="2"> Green Bay Packers stadiums <Td_colspan="2"> Hagemeister Park ( 1919 -- 1922 ) Bellevue Park ( 1923 -- 1924 ) City Stadium ( 1925 -- 1956 ) Borchert Field ( 1933 ) Wisconsin State Fair Park ( 1934 -- 1951 ) Marquette Stadium ( 1952 ) Milwaukee County Stadium ( 1953 -- 1994 ) Lambeau Field ( 1957 -- present ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Sports venues completed in 1957 Green Bay Packers stadiums National Football League venues Outdoor ice hockey venues in the United States American football venues in Wisconsin College football venues Sports venues in Green Bay , Wisconsin Landmarks in Wisconsin Tourist attractions in Brown County , Wisconsin 1957 establishments in Wisconsin Hidden categories : Webarchive template archiveis links Webarchive template wayback links All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from December 2017 Articles with permanently dead external links Pages using deprecated image syntax Coordinates on Wikidata Pages using infobox venue with unknown parameters Wikipedia articles in need of updating from January 2018 All Wikipedia articles in need of updating Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Dansk Deutsch Español Euskara Français Galego 한국어 हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Simple English Svenska Українська 11 more Edit links This page was last edited on 19 May 2018 , at 06 : 54 . 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1. Lambeau Field - Green Bay Packers' home stadium 2. Stadium expansion and renovation 3. History and significance of Lambeau Field 4. The Frozen Tundra - nickname for Lambeau Field 5. Titletown District - development near Lambeau Field
difference between corpse party blood covered and repeated fear
Corpse Party - wikipedia Corpse Party Jump to : navigation , search For the live action film based on the video games , see Corpse Party ( film ) . <Th_colspan="2"> Corpse Party <Td_colspan="2"> Promotional artwork for Corpse Party Blood Covered : ... Repeated Fear . Characters featured ( clockwise from the top left ) : Sachiko Shinozaki , Satoshi Mochida , Yuka Mochida , Naomi Nakashima , and Seiko Shinohara . Genres Survival horror , adventure Developers Team GrisGris ( 1996 -- present ) 5pb. ( 2010 -- present ) MAGES. ( 2011 -- 2012 ) GrindHouse ( 2013 -- present ) Publishers Kenix Soft ( 1996 ) Team GrisGris ( 2008 ) 5pb. ( 2010 -- present ) Marvelous USA ( 2011 -- present ) GrindHouse ( 2013 -- present ) Platforms NEC PC - 9801 Microsoft Windows PlayStation Portable PlayStation Vita iOS Nintendo 3DS Android Platform of origin NEC PC - 9801 First release Corpse Party April 22 , 1996 ( Japan only ) Latest release Corpse Party May 23 , 2016 Corpse Party ( コープス パーティー , Kōpusu Pātī ) is a survival horror , adventure , and dōjin soft video game series originally created by Makoto Kedōin and developed by Team GrisGris . The first game in the series was developed using the RPG Maker software and released in 1996 for the PC - 9801 . It was followed by two remakes : Corpse Party Blood Covered , which was released for Microsoft Windows on March 8 , 2008 ; and Corpse Party Blood Covered : ... Repeated Fear , which was released for the PlayStation Portable on August 12 , 2010 , and iOS on February 9 , 2012 . The game was released in North America and Europe by Marvelous USA under the title Corpse Party . Marvelous USA planned to release a localized version Corpse Party Blood Covered for PC in North America in 2015 , but the title was delayed until 2016 . A 3DS version of the game , titled Corpse Party Blood Covered : ... Repeated Fear was released in Japan on July 30 , 2015 , and contains a new extra chapter not present in the PSP and iOS version . The PSP game was followed by a sequel , Corpse Party : Book of Shadows , which was released for the PSP on September 1 , 2011 in Japan , and on January 15 , 2013 in North America . A spin - off game , Corpse Party : Hysteric Birthday 2U , was released for the PSP in Japan on August 2 , 2012 . A direct sequel of Corpse Party : Book of Shadows , called Corpse Party : Blood Drive , was released in Japan on July 24 , 2014 on PlayStation Vita , and was released in North America by XSeed Games on October 13 , 2015 , and on October 20 , 2015 in Europe . Another sequel titled Corpse Party 2 : Dead Patient was created for the PC by GrindHouse , a dōjin circle founded by members affiliated with Team GrisGris . It is released episodically , with the first chapter released on May 29 , 2013 . The series has spawned several manga works , an anime OVA series , drama CDs , theme park attractions , and two live action films . Contents ( hide ) 1 Gameplay 2 Setting and plot 2.1 Blood Covered and Repeated Fear 2.2 Book of Shadows 2.3 Hysteric Birthday 2U 2.4 Blood Drive 3 Development 4 Media listing 4.1 Corpse Party : Another Child 4.2 Corpse Party 2 : Dead Patient 5 Music 6 Reception 7 Adaptations 8 Notes 9 References 10 External links Gameplay ( edit ) Corpse Party is a linear horror monster adventure game with some role - playing elements . It is played in a third - person view , top - down perspective . Players are tasked with exploring the haunted school grounds for a means of escape . To fulfill this task , characters must interact with the environment and surroundings such as picking up objects , talking to other characters , and inspecting documents while avoiding enemy - like entities . The game 's story is split into five chapters , each focusing on different characters and featuring multiple endings that are achieved based on the player 's in - game decisions : a `` True Ending '' required for the game 's progression ; and several `` Wrong Endings '' that are unlocked when the player performs events irrelevant to the main storyline . Characters also possess hit points ( HP ) , which measure how much damage they can take before dying , in some instances leading to a wrong ending . As players progress through the game , they will unlock ten optional `` Extra Chapters '' , vignettes that focus on the game 's side characters and expand the storyline . Setting and plot ( edit ) The plot of the Corpse Party series concerns a group of Japanese high school students who , after celebrating their school 's culture festival , are telling ghost stories when a sudden earthquake transports them to a dilapidated schoolhouse in an alternate dimension that is haunted by the ghosts of people who have been trapped there . The main playable character is Satoshi Mochida , a kindhearted high school student who is teased by his classmates for his cowardly nature . Three of the other characters are students from Satoshi 's class : Naomi Nakashima , Satoshi 's childhood friend ; Yoshiki Kishinuma , an intimidating yet good - natured student ; and Ayumi Shinozaki , the class representative . Rounding out the group is Yuka Mochida , Satoshi 's younger sister . The game 's antagonist is the red ghost of a teenage girl who seeks vengeance for her wrongful death . Blood Covered and Repeated Fear ( edit ) Blood Covered , released in 2008 , is an enhanced remake and port of the 1996 Corpse Party . It includes more characters , larger maps , updated graphics , and professional voice actors . It was later followed by another enhanced remake , Blood Covered : Repeated Fear , which was released internationally as Corpse Party . The remake thoroughly expands the plot and setting of the original game . Here , the haunted schoolhouse is named Heavenly Host Elementary School ( 天神 小学校 , Tenjin Shōgakkō ) , a fictional Fujisawa elementary school that was torn down following the murders and disappearances of several of its staff and students . In modern - day Japan , the main characters ' high school , Kisaragi Academy ( 如月 学園 , Kisaragi Gakuen ) , has been built over the elementary school site . The students are transported to Heavenly Host after performing a charm called Sachiko Ever After ( 幸せ の サチコ さん , Shiawase no Sachiko - san ) , which would supposedly allow them to remain friends for eternity . In addition to the five protagonists of the original game , Blood Covered introduces four characters to the playable cast : Seiko Shinohara , Naomi 's best friend ; Mayu Suzumoto , a popular student due to transfer out of Kisaragi ; Sakutaro Morishige , Mayu 's best friend ; and Yui Shishido , the class 's homeroom teacher . Blood Covered also includes several characters from other schools who are also trapped inside Heavenly Host and affect the story . Two notable characters are Naho Saenoki , a selfish but helpful paranormalist from Paulownia Academy ( 桐 章 学園 , Kirishō Gakuen ) who discovered the Sachiko Ever After charm and came to investigate Heavenly Host ; and Yuuya Kizami , a sadistic student from Byakudan Senior High School ( 白 壇 高等 学校 , Byakudan Kōtōgakkō ) who accompanies Yuka as she is separated from her brother . The red ghost is re-envisioned as a young child named Sachiko Shinozaki who kills the students of Heavenly Hosts in anger over her and her mother 's murder . Book of Shadows ( edit ) A sequel to Blood Covered , Book of Shadows features a series of nonlinear chapters that add new twists and backgrounds for various characters and details important to the storyline . The game mostly takes place during the same time the first game did , continuing from one of the `` wrong ends '' in Corpse Party , where Sachiko sends the Kisaragi Academy students back in time . For this purpose , she erases their memories except for Satoshi 's . He tries in a desperate attempt to dissuade his classmates from performing the charm , but he joins them , not wanting to let them go alone , sending them on alternative course of actions and encountering several supporting victims in Heavenly Host . The game 's prologue , Blood Drive , serves as the set up to the eponymous sequel . Two weeks after escaping Heavenly Host , Ayumi and Naomi go to investigate the Shinozaki estate , Sachiko 's birthplace , believing there is hope in reviving their dead friends since Naho and Kou Kibiki 's existences were not erased like the other victims . At the estate , Ayumi discovers that she is of the same lineage as Sachiko . Hearing an eerie voice , Ayumi uncovers a magical tome known as the Book of Shadows . Ayumi and Naomi perform a resurrection spell for Mayu , but fail . As compensation for using black magic , the book unleashes its rage upon Ayumi until her older sister Hinoe Shinozaki rushes in and saves Ayumi , at the cost of her own life . Hysteric birthday 2U ( edit ) On the day of Sachiko 's birth and death , the curse on her weakens and she gets 24 hours to celebrate her birthday as someone closer to the girl she was before her death . She uses the timeloops as established in Corpse Party : Book of Shadows to force all survivors at that point to participate in activities she has set up . Given it 's either that or die horribly again , something all are aware that they 've already experienced but ca n't remember in full , they go along with her demands . The game features almost all characters from the previous games and some new ones . While a pseudo-horror spin - off at best , it is part of the storyline , setting up a few details to prepare for Corpse Party : Blood Drive . As with Corpse Party : Book of Shadows , there is only one extra chapter . This extra chapter takes place during the previous game and is more conventional horror . It tells of Yoshiki 's and Ayumi 's encounter with four students from Sugatani Senior High School , notably Azusa Takai . Blood Drive ( edit ) Corpse Party : Blood Drive is the direct sequel to Corpse Party : Book of Shadows , and is the first game featuring settings and characters rendered in 3D . The game was released for the PlayStation Vita in Japan in July 2014 by 5pb . The characters are depicted in 3D chibi style , however traditional CG artwork appears during cutscenes , illustrated by Sakuya Kamishiro . Continuing from the prologue , Naomi manages to save Ayumi and takes her to a hospital . The Shinozaki estate and tome subsequently vanish without a trace . Ayumi had been severely ill for her misuse of the Book of Shadows ' black magic . In the hospital , a woman claiming to be a spiritual associate of Hinoe 's visits Ayumi . This woman belongs to the Wiccan Institute , an organization that worships spirits . She tells her Hinoe 's last wish , which is to regain the Book of Shadows or the world will fall into the abyss . This is partially a lie , as the woman is under threat of other organizations to get Ayumi to find the book , which they wish to use for their own gain . After being discharged from the hospital two months later , Ayumi returns to Kisaragi Academy where Satoshi and friends give her a warm welcome . However , the absence of their dead friends is a constant reminder of their inevitable reality . A new teacher 's assistant , Kuon Niwa , supervises their homeroom . Later , on her way home , a black hooded boy approaches Ayumi and tells her , `` If you reclaim the Book of Shadows and use it at Heavenly Host , those who have died there will be revived . '' Ayumi pledges that she will once more take back the Book of Shadows . The trail leads into the previous residence of Makina Shinozaki . To make matters worse , Heavenly Host 's curse is expanded by the `` new Sachiko '' , later named Sachi . Development ( edit ) Dummy head mics were utilized for Blood Covered , Book of Shadows , and Blood Drive to provide perceived three dimensional sound . Media listing ( edit ) List of Corpse Party video games Title Developer Publisher Platform <Th_colspan="3"> Release date Japan ( JP ) North America ( NA ) Europe ( EU ) Corpse Party Team GrisGris JP : Kenix Soft NEC PC - 9801 April 22 , 1996 N / A N / A Corpse Party : Blood Covered Team GrisGris JP : Team GrisGris NA : Marvelous USA EU : Marvelous USA Windows 2000 , XP , Vista , 7 , 8 March 8 , 2008 April 25 , 2016 April 25 , 2016 Corpse Party : Blood Covered ... Repeated Fear Team GrisGris , 5pb . JP : 5pb . NA : Marvelous USA EU : Marvelous USA PlayStation Portable August 12 , 2010 November 22 , 2011 December 14 , 2011 iOS February 9 , 2012 August 14 , 2012 August 14 , 2012 Nintendo 3DS July 30 , 2015 October 25 , 2016 October 26 , 2016 Corpse Party : Book of Shadows Team GrisGris , 5pb . JP : 5pb . NA : Marvelous USA EU : Marvelous USA PlayStation Portable September 1 , 2011 January 15 , 2013 January 23 , 2013 iOS December 17 , 2013 N / A N / A Corpse Party : Hysteric Birthday 2U Team GrisGris , 5pb . JP : 5pb . PlayStation Portable August 2 , 2012 N / A N / A Corpse Party 2 : Dead Patient GrindHouse JP : GrindHouse PC May 29 , 2013 N / A N / A Corpse Party : Blood Drive Team GrisGris , 5pb . JP : 5pb . NA : Marvelous USA EU : Marvelous USA PlayStation Vita July 24 , 2014 October 13 , 2015 October 20 , 2015 List of Corpse Party manga series Title Author Illustrator Publisher Magazine ( s ) Volumes Original run Corpse Party : Blood Covered Makoto Kedōin Toshimi Shinomiya Square Enix Gangan Powered , Gangan Joker 10 ( 47 chapters ) August 22 , 2008 -- October 22 , 2012 Corpse Party : Musume Makoto Kedōin Mika Orii Media Factory Monthly Comic Alive 3 ( 20 chapters ) August 27 , 2010 -- July 27 , 2012 Corpse Party : Another Child Makoto Kedōin Shunsuke Ogata Mag Garden Monthly Comic Blade 3 ( 17 chapters ) August 30 , 2011 -- February 28 , 2013 Corpse Party : Book of Shadows Makoto Kedōin Mika Orii Media Factory Monthly Comic Alive 3 ( 24 chapters ) August 23 , 2012 -- March 24 , 2014 Corpse Party : Hysteric Birthday 2U Makoto Kedōin Tsubakurou Shibata Enterbrain Famitsu Comic Clear 2 ( 12 chapters ) June 22 , 2013 -- January 15 , 2015 Corpse Party Cemetery 0 : Kaibyaku no Ars Moriendi Makoto Kedōin Ichihaya Takeshobo Manga Life Win 2 ( 19 chapters ) June 22 , 2013 -- April 17 , 2014 List of Corpse Party anime and film media Title Director Producer Run time Release date Corpse Party : Missing Footage Akira Iwanaga Asread 11 minutes August 2 , 2012 Corpse Party : Tortured Souls Akira Iwanaga Asread 117 minutes ( 4 episodes ) July 24 , 2013 Corpse Party ( film ) Masafumi Yamada Kadokawa Daiei 93 minutes August 1 , 2015 Corpse Party Book of Shadows Masafumi Yamada Kadokawa Daiei 93 minutes July 30 , 2016 Corpse Party : another child ( edit ) A spin - off manga that takes place during the events of Corpse Party . With their school , Satsukiyama Academy ( 皐月 山 学園 , Satsukiyama Gakuen ) , shutting down for good , the students of a small town were heading for different directions in life , not until they decide to perform the `` Sachiko Ever After '' charm swallowing the entire class to Heavenly Host Elementary , along with a mysterious girl 's spirit . In order to get out , they must track and get rid of the spirit . Corpse Party 2 : dead Patient ( edit ) The game takes place five years after the events of Corpse Party Heavenly Host Arc , implied to be the consequences of the Book of Shadows ' powers starting to bring about the end of the world by allowing the spirit realm and real world to start to converge together . The setting takes place at Amare Patriarcha Crucis Hospital ( 文 月 大 付属 ・ 慈愛 十字 ( パトリアーカル ) 病院 , Fumizuki Daifuzoku Patoriākaru Byōin , `` July University Patriarchal Hospital '' ) fallen into a dark abyss . Patient records and clinical charts are scattered all over the hospital , with zombies and a bizarre SWAT team roaming through the hallways . An amnesiac girl , Ayame Itou , wakes up on an operating table and encounters the dark happenings around her . Music ( edit ) The opening for Corpse Party Blood Covered : ... Repeated Fear is `` Shangri - La '' by Asami Imai , and the ending for Blood Covered is `` Confutatis no Inori '' by Artery Vein ( Imai & Eri Kitamura ) . An insert song , `` Yami ni Nureta Catastrophe '' , also sung by Artery Vein , plays at the end of the game . The opening theme for Corpse Party : Book of Shadows is `` Hana no Saku Basho '' by Imai , and the ending is `` Pandora no Yoru '' , by Artery Vein . The opening theme for Corpse Party : 2U is called `` Limited Love '' by Imai , and the ending theme is `` Tsukigen '' by ARTERY VEIN . An insert song , `` Hanabi '' , sung by Yumi Hara , plays at the final scene where Sachiko 's birthday has ended and she seemed to have only a brief memory of it , before screaming in agony and reverting to her malicious self . In Corpse Party : BloodDrive , there are two openings ; the first one being `` In the Rain '' , by Hara , and the second being `` Keshin '' by Imai , which plays at Chapter 7 after Ayumi 's retrieval of the Book of Shadows . The ending is `` Translucent Days '' by ARTERY VEIN . Reception ( edit ) Aggregate review scores As of November 27 , 2015 . Game GameRankings Metacritic Corpse Party ( PSP ) 72.95 % ( iOS ) 66.67 % ( PSP ) 71 Corpse Party : Book of Shadows ( PSP ) 67.94 % ( PSP ) 67 Corpse Party : Blood Drive ( Vita ) 63.00 % ( Vita ) 63 Although the series has received mixed to positive reviews as a whole , it is regarded as a `` cult favorite '' in Japan with a dedicated fan following . Famitsu gave Corpse Party : Blood Drive a score of 29 / 40 . Adaptations ( edit ) The video game has been adapted into four manga series : Corpse Party : Blood Covered , published by Square Enix ; Corpse Party : Musume and Corpse Party : Book of Shadows , published by Media Factory ; and Corpse Party : Another Child , published by Mag Garden . One original video animation ( OVA ) , Corpse Party : Missing Footage , was released on August 2 , 2012 . Another OVA consisting of four episodes titled Corpse Party : Tortured Souls , was released on July 24 , 2013 , and later licensed by Section23 Films . A movie adaptation was also made , which was released on August 1 , 2015 . Notes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Kōpusu Pātī BuraddoKabā ( コープス パーティー ブラッド カバー ) ^ Jump up to : Kōpusu Pātī : Buraddo Kabā -- Ripītiddo Fiā ( コープス パーティー ブラッド カバー リピー ティッド フィアー ) ^ Jump up to : Kōpusu Pātī Book of Shadows ( コープス パーティー Book of Shadows ) ^ Jump up to : Kōpusu Pātī the Anthology : Sachiko no Ren'ai Yūgi -- Hysteric Birthday 2U ( コープス パーティー - The Anthology - サチコ の 恋愛 遊戯 ♥ ヒステリック バースデー トゥーユー , lit . `` Corpse Party the Anthology : Sachiko 's Game of Love -- Hysteric Birthday 2U '' ) ^ Jump up to : Kōpusu Pātī Buraddo Doraibu ( コープス パーティー ブラッド ドライブ ) ^ Jump up to : Kōpusu Pātī Tsū Dead Patient ( コープス パーティー 2 DEAD PATIENT ) ^ Jump up to : Kōpusu Pātī ( コープス パーティー ) Jump up ^ Kōpusupātī ; Musume ( コープス パーティー ; 娘 , lit . `` Corpseparty ; The Girl '' ) Jump up ^ Kōpusu Pātī : Another Child ( コープス パーティー Another Child ) Jump up ^ Kōpusu Pātī : Sachiko no Ren'ai Yūgi -- Hysteric Birthday 2U ( コープス パーティー サチコ の 恋愛 遊戯 ♥ Hysteric Birthday 2U , lit . `` Corpse Party : Sachiko 's Game of Love -- Hysteric Birthday 2U '' ) Jump up ^ Kōpusu Pātī Cemetery 0 : Kaibyaku no Arusu Moriendi ( コープス パーティー CEMETERY0 〜 開闢 の アルス ・ モリエンディ 〜 , lit . `` Corpse Party Cemetery 0 : The Genesis of Ars Moriendi '' ) Jump up ^ Kōpusu Pātī Misshingu Futtiji ( コープス パーティー Missing Footage ) Jump up ^ Kōpusu Pātī Tortured Souls -- Bōgyakusareta Tamashī no Jukyō ( コープス パーティー Tortured Souls ― 暴虐 され た 魂 の 呪 叫 ― , lit . `` Corpse Party : Tortured Souls -- The Curse of Tortured Souls - '' ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Memories of Fear ... CORPSE PARTY - REBUILT - '' . . Jump up ^ ja : 祁答院 慎 Jump up ^ `` Team GrisGris Official Website - Products '' . Team GrisGris . Retrieved 24 October 2015 . ( in Japanese ) Jump up ^ `` Marvelous USA Licenses Corpse Party Horror PSP Game '' . Anime News Network . 2 September 2011 . Retrieved 3 September 2011 . Jump up ^ Ishaan ( 5 June 2014 ) . `` Xseed Bringing Corpse Party To PC In 2014 '' . Siliconera . Jump up ^ Romano , Sal ( 9 April 2015 ) . `` Corpse Party 3DS dated in Japan - Gematsu '' . Gematsu . Retrieved 24 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Corpse Party : Book of Shadows 2nd N. American Trailer Posted '' . Anime News Network . 2013 - 01 - 09 . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 28 . ^ Jump up to : `` Corpse Party Anthology PSP Game to Bundle Video Anime '' . Anime News Network . 11 April 2012 . Retrieved 28 March 2013 . Jump up ^ Ishaan ( 22 April 2013 ) . `` Corpse Party Continues On PS Vita With Corpse Party : Blood Drive '' . Siliconera . Retrieved 13 July 2013 . Jump up ^ Romano , Sal ( 4 October 2013 ) . `` Corpse Party : Blood Drive pushed to 2014 in Japan '' . Gematsu . Retrieved 24 October 2015 . Jump up ^ Orselli , Brandon ( 1 January 2015 ) . `` XSEED is Localizing Corpse Party : Blood Drive - Niche Gamer '' . . Retrieved 24 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Corpse Party 2 : Dead Patient PC Game Announced '' . Anime News Network . 16 August 2012 . Retrieved 3 September 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` More Details On Corpse Party : Blood Drive 's Story And New Characters '' . Siliconera. 20 March 2014 . Retrieved 24 October 2015 . Jump up ^ James , Thomas ( 28 March 2014 ) . `` Corpse Party : Blood Drive dated in Japan , new details '' . Gematsu . Retrieved 24 October 2015 . Jump up ^ Sato ( 19 March 2014 ) . `` Corpse Party : Blood Drive Will Be Released This July For PlayStation Vita '' . Siliconera . Retrieved 24 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Corpse Party : Blood Drive launches October 13 in North America '' . Gematsu . September 24 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Corpse Party : Blood Drive '' . Marvelous USA . October 2015 . Archived from the original on April 10 , 2016 . Retrieved October 19 , 2016 . CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown ( link ) Jump up ^ `` Corpse Party Reviews '' . GameRankings . Retrieved November 27 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Corpse Party Reviews '' . GameRankings . Retrieved November 27 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Corpse Party for PSP Reviews '' . Metacritic . Retrieved November 27 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Corpse Party : Book of Shadows Reviews '' . GameRankings . Retrieved November 27 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Corpse Party : Book of Shadows for PSP Reviews '' . Metacritic . Retrieved November 27 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Corpse Party : Blood Drive Reviews '' . GameRankings . Retrieved November 27 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Corpse Party : Blood Drive for PSP Reviews '' . Metacritic . Retrieved November 27 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Corpse Party Review '' . IGN . n.d . Retrieved 8 November 2015 . Jump up ^ Romano , Sal ( 15 July 2014 ) . `` Famitsu Review Scores : Issue 1336 '' . Gematsu . Retrieved 24 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Corpse Party Games Get New Tortured Souls Video Anime '' . Anime News Network . 2 August 2012 . Retrieved 4 August 2012 . External links ( edit ) 1990s portal 2000s portal 2010s portal Video games portal Horror fiction portal Team GrisGris official website ( in Japanese ) Official Corpse Party : Blood Covered website ( PC Doujin ) ( in Japanese ) Official Corpse Party Blood Covered : Repeated Fear website ( PSP ) ( in Japanese ) Official website ( manga ) ( in Japanese ) Official Corpse Party English website Official XSEED Games website CORPSE PARTY ( PC - 98 ) ( in Japanese ) CORPSE PARTY REBUILT , a faithful remake of the original PC - 98 game that has now received an English Translation <Th_colspan="2"> Gangan Comics Monthly Shōnen Gangan B. 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Gangan Online Barakamon Chivalry of a Failed Knight Chronicles of the Going Home Club Daily Lives of High School Boys Day Break Illusion The Legend of the Legendary Heroes Monthly Girls ' Nozaki - kun The Morose Mononokean Tanaka - kun is Always Listless Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle Monthly Gangan Joker Akame ga Kill ! Book Girl Corpse Party Dusk Maiden of Amnesia Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Gugure ! Kokkuri - san Hanasaku Iroha Imōto Sae Ireba Ii . Gaiden : Imōto ni Saenareba Ii ! Inu x Boku SS Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon ? : Sword Oratoria Kakegurui - Compulsive Gambler My Bride is a Mermaid Natsu no Arashi ! One Week Friends Oreshura Sengoku Strays Shitsurakuen The Case Study of Vanitas The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls Umineko When They Cry WataMote Monthly Big Gangan ACCA : 13 - Territory Inspection Dept . 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1. Corpse Party video game series 2. Survival horror adventure 3. Characters and plot 4. Remakes and sequels 5. Manga, anime, and film adaptations
describe the role of king of france before french revolution
Louis XVI of France - wikipedia Louis XVI of France <Th_colspan="2"> Louis XVI <Td_colspan="2"> Portrait by Antoine - François Callet <Th_colspan="2"> King of France Reign 10 May 1774 -- 4 September 1791 Coronation 11 June 1775 Reims Cathedral Predecessor Louis XV Successor Himself ( as King of the French ) <Th_colspan="2"> King of the French Reign 4 September 1791 -- 21 September 1792 Predecessor Himself ( as King of France ) Successor Monarchy abolished <Th_colspan="2"> ( 1754 - 08 - 23 ) 23 August 1754 Palace of Versailles , France 21 January 1793 ( 1793 - 01 - 21 ) ( aged 38 ) Place de la Révolution , Paris , France Burial 21 January 1815 Basilica of St Denis , north of Paris Spouse Marie Antoinette of Austria ( m . 1770 ) Issue Marie Thérèse , Queen of France Louis Joseph , Dauphin of France Louis XVII of France Princess Sophie <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Full name <Td_colspan="2"> Louis Auguste de France House Bourbon Father Louis , Dauphin of France Mother Maria Josepha of Saxony Religion Roman Catholicism Signature Louis XVI ( French pronunciation : ​ ( lwi sɛːz ) ; 23 August 1754 -- 21 January 1793 ) , born Louis - Auguste , was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution . He was referred to as Citizen Louis Capet during the four months before he was guillotined . In 1765 , at the death of his father , Louis , son and heir apparent of Louis XV , Louis - Auguste became the new Dauphin of France . Upon his grandfather 's death on 10 May 1774 , he assumed the title `` King of France and Navarre '' , which he used until 4 September 1791 , when he received the title of `` King of the French '' until the monarchy was abolished on 21 September 1792 . The first part of his reign was marked by attempts to reform France in accordance with Enlightenment ideas . These included efforts to abolish serfdom , remove the taille , and increase tolerance toward non-Catholics . The French nobility reacted to the proposed reforms with hostility , and successfully opposed their implementation . Louis implemented deregulation of the grain market , advocated by his liberal minister Turgot , but it resulted in an increase in bread prices . In periods of bad harvests , it would lead to food scarcity which would prompt the masses to revolt . From 1776 , Louis XVI actively supported the North American colonists , who were seeking their independence from Great Britain , which was realised in the 1783 Treaty of Paris . The ensuing debt and financial crisis contributed to the unpopularity of the Ancien Régime . This led to the convening of the Estates - General of 1789 . Discontent among the members of France 's middle and lower classes resulted in strengthened opposition to the French aristocracy and to the absolute monarchy , of which Louis and his wife , Queen Marie Antoinette , were viewed as representatives . Increasing tensions and violence marked by events such as the storming of the Bastille during which riots in Paris forced Louis to definitively recognize the legislative authority of the National Assembly . Louis 's indecisiveness and conservatism led some elements of the people of France to view him as a symbol of the perceived tyranny of the Ancien Régime , and his popularity deteriorated progressively . His disastrous flight to Varennes in June 1791 , four months before the constitutional monarchy was declared , seemed to justify the rumors that the king tied his hopes of political salvation to the prospects of foreign invasion . The credibility of the king was deeply undermined , and the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic became an ever - increasing possibility . Despite his lack of popular approbation , Louis XVI did abolish the death penalty for deserters , as well as the labor tax , which had compelled the French lower classes to spend two weeks out of the year working on buildings and roads . In a context of civil and international war , Louis XVI was suspended and arrested at the time of the Insurrection of 10 August 1792 ; one month later , the absolute monarchy was abolished ; the First French Republic was proclaimed on 21 September 1792 . He was tried by the National Convention ( self - instituted as a tribunal for the occasion ) , found guilty of high treason , and executed by guillotine on 21 January 1793 , as a desacralized French citizen under the name of `` Citizen Louis Capet , '' in reference to Hugh Capet , the founder of the Capetian dynasty -- which the revolutionaries interpreted as Louis 's family name . Louis XVI was the only King of France ever to be executed , and his death brought an end to more than a thousand years of continuous French monarchy . Both of his sons died in childhood , before the Bourbon Restoration ; his only child to reach adulthood , Marie Therese , was given over to the Austrians in exchange for French prisoners of war , eventually dying childless in 1851 . Contents 1 Childhood 2 Family life 3 Absolute monarch of France , 1774 -- 1789 4 Foreign policy 4.1 Concerning the American Revolution and Europe 4.2 Concerning Asia 5 Revolutionary constitutional reign , 1789 -- 1792 5.1 Flight to Varennes ( 1791 ) 5.2 Intervention by foreign powers 6 Imprisonment , execution and burial , 1792 -- 1793 7 Legacy 7.1 In film and literature 8 Ancestors 9 Titles , styles , honours and arms 9.1 Titles and styles 9.1. 1 Honours 9.2 Arms 10 References 11 Bibliography 11.1 Historiography 11.2 Primary sources 12 External links Childhood ( edit ) Louis - Auguste de France , who was given the title Duc de Berry at birth , was born in the Palace of Versailles . One of seven children , he was the second son of Louis , the Dauphin of France , and thus the grandson of Louis XV of France and of his consort , Maria Leszczyńska . His mother was Marie - Josèphe of Saxony , the daughter of Frederick Augustus II of Saxony , Prince - Elector of Saxony and King of Poland . Louis - Auguste was overlooked by his parents who favored his older brother , Louis , duc de Bourgogne , who was regarded as bright and handsome but who died at the age of nine in 1761 . Louis - Auguste , a strong and healthy boy but very shy , excelled in his studies and had a strong taste for Latin , history , geography , and astronomy and became fluent in Italian and English . He enjoyed physical activities such as hunting with his grandfather and rough play with his younger brothers , Louis - Stanislas , comte de Provence , and Charles - Philippe , comte d'Artois . From an early age , Louis - Auguste was encouraged in another of his interests , locksmithing , which was seen as a useful pursuit for a child . Upon the death of his father , who died of tuberculosis on 20 December 1765 , the eleven - year - old Louis - Auguste became the new Dauphin . His mother never recovered from the loss of her husband and died on 13 March 1767 , also from tuberculosis . The strict and conservative education he received from the Duc de La Vauguyon , `` gouverneur des Enfants de France '' ( governor of the Children of France ) , from 1760 until his marriage in 1770 , did not prepare him for the throne that he was to inherit in 1774 after the death of his grandfather , Louis XV . Throughout his education , Louis - Auguste received a mixture of studies particular to religion , morality , and humanities . His instructors may have also had a good hand in shaping Louis - Auguste into the indecisive king that he became . Abbé Berthier , his instructor , taught him that timidity was a value in strong monarchs , and Abbé Soldini , his confessor , instructed him not to let people read his mind . Family life ( edit ) Marie Antoinette , Queen of France , with her three eldest children , Marie - Thérèse , Louis - Charles and Louis - Joseph , by Marie Louise Élisabeth Vigée - Lebrun On 16 May 1770 , at the age of fifteen , Louis - Auguste married the fourteen - year - old Habsburg Archduchess Maria Antonia ( better known by the French form of her name , Marie Antoinette ) , his second cousin once removed and the youngest daughter of the Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and his wife , the formidable Empress Maria Theresa . This marriage was met with hostility from the French public . France 's alliance with Austria had pulled the country into the disastrous Seven Years ' War , in which it was defeated by the British and the Prussians , both in Europe and in North America . By the time that Louis - Auguste and Marie - Antoinette were married , the French people generally disliked the Austrian alliance , and Marie - Antoinette was seen as an unwelcome foreigner . For the young couple , the marriage was initially amiable but distant . Louis - Auguste 's shyness and , among other factors , the young age and inexperience of the newlyweds ( who were near total strangers to each other : they had met only two days before their wedding ) meant that the 15 - year - old bridegroom failed to consummate the union with his 14 - year - old bride . His fear of being manipulated by her for imperial purposes caused him to behave coldly towards her in public . Over time , the couple became closer , though while their marriage was reportedly consummated in July 1773 , it did not actually happen until 1777 . Louis XVI at the age of 20 Louis - Charles , the dauphin of France and future Louis XVII , by Marie Louise Élisabeth Vigée - Lebrun . The couple 's failure to produce any children for several years placed a strain upon their marriage , exacerbated by the publication of obscene pamphlets ( libelles ) mocking their infertility . One questioned , `` Can the King do it ? Ca n't the King do it ? '' The reasons for the couple 's initial failure to have children were debated at that time , and they have continued to be debated since . One suggestion is that Louis - Auguste suffered from a physiological dysfunction , most often thought to be phimosis , a suggestion first made in late 1772 by the royal doctors . Historians adhering to this view suggest that he was circumcised ( a common treatment for phimosis ) to relieve the condition seven years after their marriage . Louis 's doctors were not in favour of the surgery -- the operation was delicate and traumatic , and capable of doing `` as much harm as good '' to an adult male . The argument for phimosis and a resulting operation is mostly seen to originate from Stefan Zweig . Most modern historians agree that Louis had no surgery -- for instance , as late as 1777 , the Prussian envoy , Baron Goltz , reported that the King of France had definitely declined the operation . Louis was frequently declared to be perfectly capable of sexual intercourse , as confirmed by Joseph II , and during the time he was supposed to have had the operation , he went out hunting almost every day , according to his journal . This would not have been possible if he had undergone a circumcision ; at the very least , he would have been unable to ride to the hunt for a few weeks afterwards . The couple 's sexual problems are now attributed to other factors . Antonia Fraser 's biography of the queen discusses Joseph II 's letter on the matter to one of his brothers after he visited Versailles in 1777 . In the letter , Joseph describes in astonishingly frank detail Louis ' inadequate performance in the marriage bed and Antoinette 's lack of interest in conjugal activity . Joseph described the couple as `` complete fumblers '' ; however , with his advice , Louis began to apply himself more effectively to his marital duties , and in the third week of March 1777 Marie Antoinette became pregnant . Eventually , the royal couple became the parents of four children . According to Madame Campan , Marie Antoinette 's lady - in - waiting , the queen also suffered two miscarriages . The first one , in 1779 , a few months after the birth of her first child , is mentioned in a letter to her daughter , written in July by empress Maria Theresa . Madame Campan states that Louis spent an entire morning consoling his wife at her bedside , and swore to secrecy everyone who knew of the occurrence . Marie Antoinette suffered a second miscarriage on the night of 2 -- 3 November 1783 . Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were the parents of four live - born children : Marie - Thérèse - Charlotte ( 19 December 1778 -- 19 October 1851 ) Louis - Joseph - Xavier - François , the Dauphin ( 22 October 1781 -- 4 June 1789 ) Louis - Charles , Dauphin after the death of his elder brother , future titular king Louis XVII of France ( 27 March 1785 -- 8 June 1795 ) Sophie - Hélène - Béatrix , died in infancy ( 9 July 1786 -- 19 June 1787 ) In addition to his biological children , Louis XVI also adopted four children : `` Armand '' Francois - Michel Gagné ( c. 1771 - 1792 ) , a poor orphan adopted in 1776 ; Jean Amilcar ( c. 1781 - 1793 ) , a Senegalese slave boy given to the queen as a present by Chevalier de Boufflers in 1787 , but whom she instead had freed , baptized , adopted and placed in a pension ; Ernestine Lambriquet ( 1778 - 1813 ) , daughter of two servants at the palace , who was raised as the playmate of his daughter and whom he adopted after the death of her mother in 1788 ; and finally `` Zoe '' Jeanne Louise Victoire ( born in 1787 ) , who was adopted in 1790 along with her two older sisters when her parents , an usher and his wife in service of the king , had died . Of these , only Armand , Ernestine and Zoe actually lived with the royal family : Jean Amilcar , along with the elder siblings of Zoe and Armand who were also formally foster children of the royal couple , simply lived on the queen 's expense until her imprisonment , which proved fatal for at least Amilcar , as he was evicted from the boarding school when the fee was no longer paid , and reportedly starved to death on the street . Armand and Zoe had a position which was more similar to that of Ernestine : Armand lived at court with the king and queen until he left them at the outbreak of the revolution because of his republican sympathies , and Zoe was chosen to be the playmate of the Dauphin , just as Ernestine had once been selected as the playmate of Marie - Therese , and sent away to her sisters in a convent boarding school before the Flight to Varennes in 1791 . Absolute monarch of France , 1774 -- 1789 ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Louis XVI by Antoine - François Callet , 1786 When Louis XVI acceded to the throne in 1774 , he was nineteen years old . He had an enormous responsibility , as the government was deeply in debt , and resentment of `` despotic '' monarchy was on the rise . He himself felt woefully unqualified to resolve the situation . As king , Louis XVI focused primarily on religious freedom and foreign policy . While none doubted his intellectual ability to rule France , it was quite clear that , although raised as the Dauphin since 1765 , he lacked firmness and decisiveness . His desire to be loved by his people is evident in the prefaces of many of his edicts that would often explain the nature and good intention of his actions as benefiting the people , such as reinstating the parlements . When questioned about his decision , he said , `` It may be considered politically unwise , but it seems to me to be the general wish and I want to be loved . '' In spite of his indecisiveness , Louis XVI was determined to be a good king , stating that he `` must always consult public opinion ; it is never wrong . '' He , therefore , appointed an experienced advisor , Jean - Frédéric Phélypeaux , Comte de Maurepas who , until his death in 1781 , would take charge of many important ministerial functions . Among the major events of Louis XVI 's reign was his signing of the Edict of Versailles , also known as the Edict of Tolerance , on 7 November 1787 , which was registered in the parlement on 29 January 1788 . Granting non-Roman Catholics -- Huguenots and Lutherans , as well as Jews -- civil and legal status in France and the legal right to practice their faiths , this edict effectively nullified the Edict of Fontainebleau that had been law for 102 years . The Edict of Versailles did not legally proclaim freedom of religion in France -- this took two more years , with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789 -- however , it was an important step in eliminating religious tensions and it officially ended religious persecution within his realm . `` Le Couronnement de Louis XVI '' , by Benjamin Duvivier , honoring the 11 June 1775 coronation of Louis XVI Radical financial reforms by Turgot and Malesherbes angered the nobles and were blocked by the parlements who insisted that the King did not have the legal right to levy new taxes . So , in 1776 , Turgot was dismissed and Malesherbes resigned , to be replaced by Jacques Necker . Necker supported the American Revolution , and he carried out a policy of taking out large international loans instead of raising taxes . He attempted to gain public favor in 1781 when he had published the first ever statement of the French Crown 's expenses and accounts , the Compte - rendu au Roi . This allowed the people of France to view the king 's accounts in modest surplus . When this policy failed miserably , Louis dismissed him , and then replaced him in 1783 with Charles Alexandre de Calonne , who increased public spending to `` buy '' the country 's way out of debt . Again this failed , so Louis convoked the Assembly of Notables in 1787 to discuss a revolutionary new fiscal reform proposed by Calonne . When the nobles were informed of the extent of the debt , they were shocked into rejecting the plan . After this , Louis XVI tried , along with his new Controller - General des finances , Étienne - Charles de Loménie de Brienne , to force the Parlement de Paris to register the new laws and fiscal reforms . Upon the denial of the members of the Parlement , Louis XVI tried to use his absolute power to subjugate them by every means : enforcing in many occasions the registration of his reforms ( 6 August 1787 , 19 November 1787 , and 8 May 1788 ) , exiling all Parlement magistrates to Troyes as a punishment on 15 August 1787 , prohibiting six members from attending parliamentary sessions on 19 November , arresting two very important members of the Parlement , who opposed his reforms , on 6 May 1788 , and even dissolving and depriving of all power the `` Parlement , '' replacing it with a plenary court , on 8 May 1788 . The failure of these measures and displays of royal power is attributable to three decisive factors . First , the majority of the population stood in favor of the Parlement against the King , and thus continuously rebelled against him . Second , the royal treasury suffered crippling financial destitution , in which it was incapable of sustaining its own imposed reforms . Third , although the King enjoyed as much absolute power as his predecessors , he lacked the personal authority crucial for absolutism to function properly . Having become unpopular to both the commoners and the aristocracy , Louis XVI was , therefore , able to impose his decisions and reforms only for very short periods of time , ranging from 2 to 4 months , before revoking them . As authority drifted from him and reforms were becoming necessary , there were increasingly loud calls for him to convoke the Estates - General , which had not met since 1614 , at the beginning of the reign of Louis XIII . As a last - ditch attempt to get new monetary reforms approved , Louis XVI convoked the Estates - General on 8 August 1788 , setting the date of their opening on 1 May 1789 . With the convocation of the Estates - General , as in many other instances during his reign , Louis XVI placed his reputation and public image in the hands of those who were perhaps not as sensitive to the desires of the French population as he was . Because it had been so long since the Estates - General had been convened , there was some debate as to which procedures should be followed . Ultimately , the Parlement de Paris agreed that `` all traditional observances should be carefully maintained to avoid the impression that the Estates - General could make things up as it went along . '' Under this decision , the king agreed to retain many of the divisive customs which had been the norm in 1614 and before , but which was intolerable to a Third Estate buoyed by the recent proclamations of equality . For example , the First and Second Estates proceeded into the assembly wearing their finest garments , while the Third Estate was required to wear plain , oppressively somber black , an act of alienation that Louis XVI would likely have not condoned . He seemed to regard the deputies of the Estates - General with at least respect : in a wave of self - important patriotism , members of the Estates refused to remove their hats in the King 's presence , so Louis removed his to them . This convocation was one of the events that transformed the general economic and political malaise of the country into the French Revolution . In June 1789 , the Third Estate unilaterally declared itself the National Assembly . Louis XVI 's attempts to control it resulted in the Tennis Court Oath ( serment du jeu de paume ) , on 20 June , the declaration of the National Constituent Assembly on 9 July , and eventually led to the storming of the Bastille on 14 July , which started the French Revolution . ( Louis ' `` diary '' entry for 14 July , the single word rien ( nothing ) has been used to show how out of touch with reality he was , but the document was a hunting log , not a personal journal . When he did not go hunting , he wrote `` rien , '' which did not mean that nothing important had happened that day ) . Within three short months , the majority of the king 's executive authority had been transferred to the elected representatives of the Nation . Foreign policy ( edit ) Main articles : Franco - American alliance , Franco - Indian alliances , and French assistance to Nguyễn Ánh French involvement in the Seven Years ' War had left Louis XVI a disastrous inheritance . Britain 's victories had seen them capture most of France 's colonial territories . While some were returned to France at the 1763 Treaty of Paris a vast swath of North America was ceded to the British . This had led to a strategy amongst the French leadership of seeking to rebuild the French military in order to fight a war of revenge against Britain , in which it was hoped the lost colonies could be recovered . France still maintained a strong influence in the West Indies , and in India maintained five trading posts , leaving opportunities for disputes and power - play with Great Britain . Concerning the American Revolution and Europe ( edit ) Main article : France in the American Revolutionary War Surrender of Cornwallis to French ( left ) and American ( right ) troops , at the Siege of Yorktown in 1781 , by John Trumbull Louis XVI receives the ambassadors of Tippu Sultan in 1788 , Voyer after Emile Wattier , 19th century . In the spring of 1776 , Vergennes , the Foreign Secretary , saw an opportunity to humiliate France 's long - standing enemy , Great Britain , and to recover territory lost during the Seven Years ' War , by supporting the American Revolution . In the same year Louis was persuaded by Pierre Beaumarchais to send supplies , ammunition , and guns to the rebels secretly . Early in 1778 he signed a formal Treaty of Alliance , and later that year France went to war with Britain . In deciding in favor of war , despite France 's large financial problems , the King was materially influenced by alarmist reports after the Battle of Saratoga , which suggested that Britain was preparing to make huge concessions to the thirteen colonies and then , allied with them , to strike at French and Spanish possessions in the West Indies . Spain and the Netherlands soon joined the French in an anti-British coalition . After 1778 , Great Britain switched its focus to the West Indies , as defending the sugar islands was considered more important than trying to recover the thirteen colonies . France and Spain planned to invade the British Isles themselves with the Armada of 1779 , but the operation never went ahead . France 's initial military assistance to the American rebels was a disappointment , with defeats at Rhode Island and Savannah . In 1780 , France sent Rochambeau and Grasse to help the Americans , along with large land and naval forces . The French expeditionary force arrived in North America in July 1780 . The appearance of French fleets in the Caribbean was followed by the capture of a number of the sugar islands , including Tobago and Grenada . In October 1781 , the French naval blockade was instrumental in forcing a British army under Cornwallis to surrender at the Siege of Yorktown . When news of this reached London in March 1782 , the government of Lord North fell and Great Britain immediately sued for peace terms ; however , France delayed the end of the war until September 1783 in the hope of overrunning more British colonies in India and the West Indies . Great Britain recognised the independence of the thirteen colonies as the United States of America , and the French war ministry rebuilt its army . However , the British defeated the main French fleet in 1782 and successfully defended Jamaica and Gibraltar . France gained little from the 1783 Treaty of Paris that ended the war , except the colonies of Tobago and Senegal . Louis XVI was wholly disappointed in his aims of recovering Canada , India , and other islands in the West Indies from Britain , as they were too well defended and the Royal Navy made any attempted invasion of Britain impossible . The war cost 1,066 million livres , financed by new loans at high interest ( with no new taxes ) . Necker concealed the crisis from the public by explaining only that ordinary revenues exceeded ordinary expenses , and not mentioning the loans . After he was forced from office in 1781 , new taxes were levied . This intervention in America was not possible without France adopting a neutral position in European affairs in order not to be drawn into a continental war which would be simply a repetition of the French policy mistakes in the Seven Years ' War . Vergennes supported by King Louis refused to go to War to support Austria in the Bavarian Succession crisis in 1778 , when Austrian Holy Roman Emperor , Joseph , tried to control parts of Bavaria . Vergennes and Maurepas refused to support the Austrian position , but the intervention of Marie Antoinette in favor of Austria obliged France to adopt a position more favorable to Austria , which in the treaty of Teschen was able to get in compensation a territory whose population numbered around 100,000 persons . However , this intervention was a disaster for the image of the Queen , who was named `` l'Autrichienne '' ( a pun in French meaning `` Austrian '' , but the `` chienne '' suffix can mean `` bitch '' ) on account of it . Concerning asia ( edit ) Louis XVI giving La Pérouse his instructions , by Nicolas - André Monsiau Louis XVI hoped to use the American Revolutionary War as an opportunity to expel the British from India . In 1782 , he sealed an alliance with the Peshwa Madhu Rao Narayan . As a consequence , Bussy moved his troops to the Isle de France ( now Mauritius ) and later contributed to the French effort in India in 1783 . Suffren became the ally of Hyder Ali in the Second Anglo - Mysore War against British rule in India , in 1782 -- 1783 , fighting the British fleet along the coasts of India and Ceylon . France also intervened in Cochinchina following Mgr Pigneau de Béhaine 's intervention to obtain military aid . A France - Cochinchina alliance was signed through the Treaty of Versailles of 1787 , between Louis XVI and Prince Nguyễn Ánh . Louis XVI also encouraged major voyages of exploration . In 1785 , he appointed La Pérouse to lead a sailing expedition around the world . Revolutionary constitutional reign , 1789 -- 1792 ( edit ) There is a lack of scholarship on the subject of Louis XVI 's time as a constitutional monarch , though it was a significant length of time . The reason as to why many biographers have not elaborated extensively on this time in the king 's life is due to the uncertainty surrounding his actions during this period , as Louis XVI 's declaration that was left behind in the Tuileries stated that he regarded his actions during constitutional reign provisional ; he reflected that his `` palace was a prison '' . This time period was exemplary in its demonstration of an institution 's deliberation while in their last standing moments . Louis XVI 's time in his previous palace came to an end on 5 October 1789 , when an angry mob of Parisian working women was incited by revolutionaries and marched on the Palace of Versailles , where the royal family lived . At dawn , they infiltrated the palace and attempted to kill the queen , who was associated with a frivolous lifestyle that symbolized much that was despised about the Ancien Régime . After the situation had been defused by Lafayette , head of the Garde nationale , the king and his family were brought by the crowd to the Tuileries Palace in Paris , the reasoning being that the king would be more accountable to the people if he lived among them in Paris . One Louis d'or , 1788 , depicting Louis XVI The Revolution 's principles of popular sovereignty , though central to democratic principles of later eras , marked a decisive break from the centuries - old principle of divine right that was at the heart of the French monarchy . As a result , the Revolution was opposed by many of the rural people of France and by all the governments of France 's neighbors . Still , within the city of Paris and amongst the philosophers of the time , many of which sat in the National Assembly , the monarchy had next to no support . As the Revolution became more radical and the masses more uncontrollable , several of the Revolution 's leading figures began to doubt its benefits . Some , like Honoré Mirabeau , secretly plotted with the Crown to restore its power in a new constitutional form . Beginning in 1791 , Montmorin , Minister of Foreign Affairs , started to organize covert resistance to the revolutionary forces . Thus , the funds of the Liste Civile , voted annually by the National Assembly , were partially assigned to secret expenses in order to preserve the monarchy . Arnault Laporte , who was in charge of the Civil list , collaborated with both Montmorin and Mirabeau . After the sudden death of Mirabeau , Maximilien Radix de Sainte - Foix , a noted financier , took his place . In effect , he headed a secret council of advisers to Louis XVI , which tried to preserve the monarchy ; these schemes proved unsuccessful , and were exposed later when the armoire de fer was discovered . Regarding the financial difficulties facing France , the Assembly created the Comité des Finances , and while Louis XVI attempted to declare his concern and interest in remedying the economic situations , inclusively offering to melt crown silver as a dramatic measure , it appeared to the public that the king did not understand that such statements no longer held the same meaning as they did before and that doing such a thing could not restore the economy of a country . Mirabeau 's death on 7 April , and Louis XVI 's indecision , fatally weakened negotiations between the Crown and moderate politicians . The Third Estate leaders also had no desire in turning back or remaining moderate after their hard efforts to change the politics of the time , and so the plans for a constitutional monarchy did not last long . On one hand , Louis was nowhere near as reactionary as his brothers , the comte de Provence and the comte d'Artois , and he repeatedly sent messages to them requesting a halt to their attempts to launch counter-coups . This was often done through his secretly nominated regent , the Cardinal Loménie de Brienne . On the other hand , Louis was alienated from the new democratic government both by its negative reaction to the traditional role of the monarch and in its treatment of him and his family . He was particularly irked by being kept essentially as a prisoner in the Tuileries , and by the refusal of the new regime to allow him to have confessors and priests of his choice rather than ' constitutional priests ' pledged to the state and not the Roman Catholic Church . Flight to Varennes ( 1791 ) ( edit ) Main article : Flight to Varennes Tinted etching of Louis XVI , 1792 . The caption refers to the date of the Tennis Court Oath and concludes , `` The same Louis XVI who bravely waits until his fellow citizens return to their hearths to plan a secret war and exact his revenge . '' On 21 June 1791 , Louis XVI attempted to flee secretly with his family from Paris to the royalist fortress town of Montmédy on the northeastern border of France , where he would join the émigrés and be protected by Austria . The voyage was planned by the Swedish nobleman , and often assumed secret lover of Queen Marie - Antoinette , Axel von Fersen . While the National Assembly worked painstakingly towards a constitution , Louis and Marie - Antoinette were involved in plans of their own . Louis had appointed Breteuil to act as plenipotentiary , dealing with other foreign heads of state in an attempt to bring about a counter-revolution . Louis himself held reservations against depending on foreign assistance . Like his mother and father , he thought that the Austrians were treacherous and the Prussians were overly ambitious . As tensions in Paris rose and he was pressured to accept measures from the Assembly against his will , Louis XVI and the queen plotted to secretly escape from France . Beyond escape , they hoped to raise an `` armed congress '' with the help of the émigrés , as well as assistance from other nations with which they could return and , in essence , recapture France . This degree of planning reveals Louis ' political determination , but it was for this determined plot that he was eventually convicted of high treason . He left behind ( on his bed ) a 16 - page written manifesto , Déclaration du roi , adressée à tous les François , à sa sortie de Paris , traditionally known as the Testament politique de Louis XVI ( `` Political Testament of Louis XVI '' ) , explaining his rejection of the constitutional system as illegitimate ; it was printed in the newspapers . However , his indecision , many delays , and misunderstanding of France were responsible for the failure of the escape . Within 24 hours , the royal family was arrested at Varennes - en - Argonne shortly after Jean - Baptiste Drouet , who recognised the king from his profile on a 50 livres assignat ( paper money ) , had given the alert . Louis XVI and his family were taken back to Paris where they arrived on 25 June . Viewed suspiciously as traitors , they were placed under tight house arrest upon their return to the Tuileries . At the individual level , the failure of the escape plans was due to a series of misadventures , delays , misinterpretations , and poor judgments . In a wider perspective , the failure was attributable to the king 's indecision -- he repeatedly postponed the schedule , allowing for smaller problems to become severe . Furthermore , he totally misunderstood the political situation . He thought only a small number of radicals in Paris were promoting a revolution that the people as a whole rejected . He thought , mistakenly , that he was beloved by the peasants and the common folk . The king 's flight in the short term was traumatic for France , inciting a wave of emotions that ranged from anxiety to violence to panic . Everyone realized that war was imminent . The deeper realization , that the king had in fact repudiated the Revolution , was an even greater shock for people who until then had seen him as a good king who governed as a manifestation of God 's will . They felt betrayed , and as a result , Republicanism now burst out of the coffee houses and became a dominating philosophy of the rapidly radicalized French Revolution . Intervention by foreign powers ( edit ) The return of the royal family to Paris on 25 June 1791 , coloured copperplate after a drawing of Jean - Louis Prieur The other monarchies of Europe looked with concern upon the developments in France , and considered whether they should intervene , either in support of Louis or to take advantage of the chaos in France . The key figure was Marie Antoinette 's brother , the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II . Initially , he had looked on the Revolution with equanimity . However , he became more and more disturbed as it became more and more radical . Despite this , he still hoped to avoid war . On 27 August , Leopold and Frederick William II of Prussia , in consultation with émigrés French nobles , issued the Declaration of Pillnitz , which declared the interest of the monarchs of Europe in the well - being of Louis and his family , and threatened vague but severe consequences if anything should befall them . Although Leopold saw the Pillnitz Declaration as an easy way to appear concerned about the developments in France without committing any soldiers or finances to change them , the revolutionary leaders in Paris viewed it fearfully as a dangerous foreign attempt to undermine France 's sovereignty . In addition to the ideological differences between France and the monarchical powers of Europe , there were continuing disputes over the status of Austrian estates in Alsace , and the concern of members of the National Constituent Assembly about the agitation of émigrés nobles abroad , especially in the Austrian Netherlands and the minor states of Germany . The Storming of the Tuileries Palace , on 10 August 1792 ( Musée de la Révolution française ) In the end , the Legislative Assembly , supported by Louis XVI , declared war on Austria ( `` the King of Bohemia and Hungary '' ) first , voting for war on 20 April 1792 , after a long list of grievances was presented to it by the foreign minister , Charles François Dumouriez . Dumouriez prepared an immediate invasion of the Austrian Netherlands , where he expected the local population to rise against Austrian rule . However , the Revolution had thoroughly disorganised the army , and the forces raised were insufficient for the invasion . The soldiers fled at the first sign of battle and , in one case , on 28 April 1792 , murdered their general , Irish - born comte Théobald de Dillon , whom they accused of treason . While the revolutionary government frantically raised fresh troops and reorganised its armies , a Prussian - Austrian army under Charles William Ferdinand , Duke of Brunswick assembled at Coblenz on the Rhine . In July , the invasion began , with Brunswick 's army easily taking the fortresses of Longwy and Verdun . The duke then issued on 25 July a proclamation called the Brunswick Manifesto , written by Louis 's émigré cousin , the Prince de Condé , declaring the intent of the Austrians and Prussians to restore the king to his full powers and to treat any person or town who opposed them as rebels to be condemned to death by martial law . Contrary to its intended purpose of strengthening Louis XVI 's position against the revolutionaries , the Brunswick Manifesto had the opposite effect of greatly undermining his already highly tenuous position . It was taken by many to be the final proof of collusion between the king and foreign powers in a conspiracy against his own country . The anger of the populace boiled over on 10 August when an armed mob -- with the backing of a new municipal government of Paris that came to be known as the Insurrectional Paris Commune -- marched upon and invaded the Tuileries Palace . The royal family took shelter with the Legislative Assembly . Imprisonment , execution and burial , 1792 -- 1793 ( edit ) See also : Trial of Louis XVI and Execution of Louis XVI Louis XVI imprisoned at the Tour du Temple , by Jean - François Garneray ( 1755 -- 1837 ) Louis was officially arrested on 13 August 1792 and sent to the Temple , an ancient fortress in Paris that was used as a prison . On 21 September , the National Assembly declared France to be a Republic and abolished the monarchy . Louis was stripped of all of his titles and honours , and from this date was known as Citoyen Louis Capet . The Girondins were partial to keeping the deposed king under arrest , both as a hostage and a guarantee for the future . Members of the Commune and the most radical deputies , who would soon form the group known as the Mountain , argued for Louis 's immediate execution . The legal background of many of the deputies made it difficult for a great number of them to accept an execution without the due process of law , and it was voted that the deposed monarch be tried before the National Convention , the organ that housed the representatives of the sovereign people . In many ways , the former king 's trial represented the trial of the monarchy by the revolution . It was seen as if with the death of one came the life of the other . Michelet argued that the death of the former king would lead to the acceptance of violence as a tool for happiness . He said , `` If we accept the proposition that one person can be sacrificed for the happiness of the many , it will soon be demonstrated that two or three or more could also be sacrificed for the happiness of the many . Little by little , we will find reasons for sacrificing the many for the happiness of the many , and we will think it was a bargain . '' There were two events that led up to the trial for Louis XVI . First , after the Battle of Valmy on 22 September 1792 , General Dumouriez negotiated with the Prussians who evacuated France . Louis could no longer be considered a hostage or as leverage in negotiations with the invading forces . Second , in November 1792 , the armoire de fer ( iron chest ) incident took place at the Tuileries Palace , when the existence , in the king 's bedroom , of the hidden safe containing compromising documents and correspondence , was revealed by François Gamain , the Versailles locksmith who had installed it . Gamain went to Paris on 20 November and told Jean - Marie Roland , Girondinist Minister of the Interior , who ordered it opened . The resulting scandal served to discredit the king . Following these two events the Girondins could no longer keep the king from trial . On 11 December , among crowded and silent streets , the deposed king was brought from the Temple to stand before the Convention and hear his indictment , an accusation of high treason and crimes against the State . On 26 December , his counsel , Raymond Desèze , delivered Louis ' response to the charges , with the assistance of François Tronchet and Malesherbes . Before the trial started and Louis mounted his defense to the Convention , he told his lawyers that he knew he would be found guilty and be killed , but to prepare and act as though they could win . He was resigned to and accepted his fate before the verdict was determined , but he was willing to fight to be remembered as a good king for his people . The Convention would be voting on three questions : first , Is Louis guilty ; second , whatever the decision , should there be an appeal to the people ; and third , if found guilty , what punishment should Louis suffer ? The order of the voting on each question was a compromise within the Jacobin movement between the Girondins and Mountain ; neither were satisfied but both accepted . Execution of Louis XVI in the Place de la Révolution . The empty pedestal in front of him had supported an equestrian statue of his grandfather , Louis XV . When the monarchy was abolished on 11 August 1792 , the statue was torn down and sent to be melted . On 15 January 1793 , the Convention , composed of 721 deputies , voted on the verdict . Given overwhelming evidence of Louis 's collusion with the invaders , the verdict was a foregone conclusion -- with 693 deputies voting guilty , none for acquittal , with 23 abstaining . The next day , a roll - call vote was carried out to decide upon the fate of the former king , and the result was uncomfortably close for such a dramatic decision . 288 of the deputies voted against death and for some other alternative , mainly some means of imprisonment or exile . 72 of the deputies voted for the death penalty , but subject to a number of delaying conditions and reservations . The voting took a total of 36 hours . 361 of the deputies voted for Louis 's immediate execution . Louis was condemned to death by a majority of one vote . Philippe Égalité , formerly the duke of Orléans and Louis ' cousin , voted for Louis ' execution , a cause of much future bitterness among French monarchists ; he would himself be guillotined on the same scaffold , Place de la Révolution , before the end of the same year , on 6 November 1793 . The next day , a motion to grant Louis XVI reprieve from the death sentence was voted down : 310 of the deputies requested mercy , but 380 voted for the immediate execution of the death penalty . This decision would be final . Malesherbes wanted to break the news to Louis and bitterly lamented the verdict , but Louis told him he would see him again in a happier life and he would regret leaving a friend like Malesherbes behind . The last thing Louis said to him was that he needed to control his tears because all eyes would be upon him . Paul Wranitzky : `` Funeral March for the Death of the King Louis XVI '' from the Symphony Op. 31 `` The Revolution '' or `` La Paix '' , Mov. 2 Pt. 2 . Porticodoro / SmartCGArt Media Productions -- Classical Orchestra . <Td_colspan="2"> Problems playing this file ? See media help . On Monday , 21 January 1793 , Louis XVI was beheaded by guillotine on the Place de la Révolution . As Louis XVI mounted the scaffold , he appeared dignified and resigned . He delivered a short speech in which he pardoned `` ... those who are the cause of my death ... `` . He then declared himself innocent of the crimes of which he was accused , praying that his blood would not fall back on France . Many accounts suggest Louis XVI 's desire to say more , but Antoine - Joseph Santerre , a general in the National Guard , halted the speech by ordering a drum roll . The former king was then quickly beheaded . Some accounts of Louis 's beheading indicate that the blade did not sever his neck entirely the first time . There are also accounts of a blood - curdling scream issuing from Louis after the blade fell but this is unlikely , since the blade severed Louis 's spine . The executioner , Charles Henri Sanson , testified that the former king had bravely met his fate . Immediately after his execution , Louis XVI 's corpse was transported in a cart to the nearby Madeleine cemetery , located rue d'Anjou , where those guillotined at the Place de la Révolution were buried in mass graves . Before his burial , a short religious service was held in the Madeleine church ( destroyed in 1799 ) by two priests who had sworn allegiance to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy . Afterwards , Louis XVI , his severed head placed between his feet , was buried in an unmarked grave , with quicklime spread over his body . The Madeleine cemetery was closed in 1794 . In 1815 Louis XVIII had the remains of his brother Louis XVI and of his sister - in - law Marie - Antoinette transferred and buried in the Basilica of St Denis , the Royal necropolis of the Kings and Queens of France . Between 1816 and 1826 , a commemorative monument , the Chapelle expiatoire , was erected at the location of the former cemetery and church . While Louis 's blood dripped to the ground , several onlookers ran forward to dip their handkerchiefs in it . This account was proven true in 2012 , after a DNA comparison linked blood thought to be from Louis XVI 's beheading to DNA taken from tissue samples originating from what was long thought to be the mummified head of Henry IV of France . The blood sample was taken from a squash gourd carved to commemorate the heroes of the French Revolution that had , according to legend , been used to house one of the handkerchiefs dipped in Louis 's blood . Legacy ( edit ) Memorial to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette , sculptures by Edme Gaulle and Pierre Petitot in the Basilica of Saint - Denis The 19th - century historian Jules Michelet attributed the restoration of the French monarchy to the sympathy that had been engendered by the execution of Louis XVI . Michelet 's Histoire de la Révolution Française and Alphonse de Lamartine 's Histoire des Girondins , in particular , showed the marks of the feelings aroused by the revolution 's regicide . The two writers did not share the same sociopolitical vision , but they agreed that , even though the monarchy was rightly ended in 1792 , the lives of the royal family should have been spared . Lack of compassion at that moment contributed to a radicalization of revolutionary violence and to greater divisiveness among Frenchmen . For the 20th century novelist Albert Camus the execution signaled the end of the role of God in history , for which he mourned . For the 20th century philosopher Jean - François Lyotard the regicide was the starting point of all French thought , the memory of which acts as a reminder that French modernity began under the sign of a crime . 1827 Sculpture of Louis XVI in Louisville , Ky Louis ' daughter , Marie - Thérèse - Charlotte , the future Duchess of Angoulême , survived the French Revolution , and she lobbied in Rome energetically for the canonization of her father as a saint of the Catholic Church . Despite his signing of the `` Civil Constitution of the Clergy '' , Louis had been described as a martyr by Pope Pius VI in 1793 . In 1820 , however , a memorandum of the Congregation of Rites in Rome , declaring the impossibility of proving that Louis had been executed for religious rather than political reasons , put an end to hopes of canonization . The Requiem in C minor for mixed chorus by Luigi Cherubini was written in 1816 , in memory of Louis XVI . The city of Louisville , Kentucky , is named for Louis XVI . In 1780 , the Virginia General Assembly bestowed this name in honor of the French king , whose soldiers were aiding the American side in the Revolutionary War . The Virginia General Assembly saw the King as a noble man , but many other Continental delegates disagreed . ( At that time , Kentucky was a part of the Commonwealth of Virginia . Kentucky became the 15th State of the United States in 1792 . ) There are numerous other places named `` Louisville '' , such as Louisville , Alabama , Louisville , Colorado , Louisville , Georgia , Louisville , Illinois , Louisville , Kansas , Louisville , Nebraska , Louisville , New York , Louisville , Ohio , Louisville , Kentucky , and Louisville , Tennessee , all located in the United States . In film and literature ( edit ) King Louis XVI has been portrayed in numerous films . In Captain of the Guard ( 1930 ) , he is played by Stuart Holmes . In Marie Antoinette ( 1938 ) , he was played by Robert Morley . Jean - François Balmer portrayed him in the 1989 two - part miniseries La Révolution française . More recently , he was depicted in the 2006 film Marie Antoinette by Jason Schwartzman . In Sacha Guitry 's Si Versailles m'était conté , Louis was portrayed by one of the film 's producers , Gilbert Bokanowski , using the alias Gilbert Boka . Several portrayals have upheld the image of a bumbling , almost foolish king , such as that by Jacques Morel in the 1956 French film Marie - Antoinette reine de France and that by Terence Budd in the Lady Oscar live action film . In Start the Revolution Without Me , Louis XVI is portrayed by Hugh Griffith as a laughable cuckold . Mel Brooks played a comic version of Louis XVI in The History of the World Part 1 , portraying him as a libertine who has such distaste for the peasantry he uses them as targets in skeet shooting . In the 1996 film Ridicule ; Urbain Cancelier plays Louis . Louis XVI has been the subject of novels as well , including two of the alternate histories anthologized in If It Had Happened Otherwise ( 1931 ) : `` If Drouet 's Cart Had Stuck '' by Hilaire Belloc and `` If Louis XVI Had Had an Atom of Firmness '' by André Maurois , which tell very different stories but both imagine Louis surviving and still reigning in the early 19th century . Louis appears in the children 's book Ben and Me by Robert Lawson but does not appear in the 1953 animated short film based on the same book . Ancestors ( edit ) show Ancestors of Louis XVI of France <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> 16 . Louis , Dauphin of France <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 8 . Louis , Duke of Burgundy <Td_colspan="3"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 17 . Maria Anna Victoria of Bavaria <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 4 . Louis XV of France <Td_colspan="7"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 18 . Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 9 . Marie Adélaïde of Savoy <Td_colspan="3"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 19 . Anne Marie of Orléans <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 2 . Louis , Dauphin of France <Td_colspan="11"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 20 . Rafał Leszczyński <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 10 . Stanisław I Leszczyński <Td_colspan="3"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 21 . Anna Jabłonowska <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 5 . Marie Leszczyńska <Td_colspan="7"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 22 . Jan Karol Opaliński <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 11 . Katarzyna Opalińska <Td_colspan="3"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 23 . Zofia Czarnkowska <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 1 . Louis XVI of France <Td_colspan="15"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 24 . John George III , Elector of Saxony <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 12 . Augustus II of Poland <Td_colspan="3"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 25 . Anne Sophie of Denmark <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 6 . Augustus III of Poland <Td_colspan="7"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 26 . Christian Ernst , Margrave of Brandenburg - Bayreuth <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 13 . Christiane Eberhardine of Bayreuth <Td_colspan="3"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 27 . Sophie Luise of Württemberg <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 3 . Maria Josepha of Saxony <Td_colspan="11"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 28 . Leopold I , Holy Roman Emperor <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 14 . Joseph I , Holy Roman Emperor <Td_colspan="3"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 29 . Eleonor Magdalene of Neuburg <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 7 . Maria Josepha of Austria <Td_colspan="7"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 30 . John Frederick , Duke of Brunswick - Calenberg <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 15 . Wilhelmine Amalia of Brunswick <Td_colspan="3"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> 31 . Benedicta Henrietta of the Palatinate Titles , styles , honours and arms ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> Royal styles of King Louis XVI Par la grâce de Dieu , Roi de France et de Navarre <Td_colspan="2"> Reference style His Most Christian Majesty Spoken style Your Most Christian Majesty Alternative style Monsieur Le Roi Titles and styles ( edit ) 23 August 1754 -- 20 December 1765 : His Royal Highness The Duke of Berry 20 December 1765 -- 10 May 1774 : His Royal Highness The Dauphin of France 10 May 1774 -- 21 September 1792 : His Most Christian Majesty The King of France 21 September 1792 -- 21 January 1793 : Citizen Louis Capet Louis 's formal style before the revolution was `` Louis XVI , par la grâce de Dieu , roi de France et de Navarre '' , or `` Louis XVI , by the Grace of God , King of France and of Navarre '' . Honours ( edit ) Knight of the Order of the Holy Spirit . Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece . Arms ( edit ) Coat of arms of Louis XVI of France show Notes Upon his accession to the throne Louis assumed the royal coat of arms of France & Navarre . Adopted 1774 -- 1793 Crest The Royal crown of France Helm An opened gold helmet , with blue and gold mantling . Escutcheon Azure , three fleurs - de-lis Or ( for France ) impaling Gules on a chain in cross saltire and orle Or an emerald Proper ( for Navarre ) . Supporters The two supporters are two angels , acting as heralds for the two realms . The dexter angel carries a standard with the arms of France , and wearing a tabard with the same arms . The sinister angel also carries a standard and wears a tabard , but that of Navarre . Both are standing on puffs of cloud . Motto The motto is written in gold on a blue ribbon : MONTJOIE SAINT DENIS the war cry of France , Saint Denis was also the abbey where the oriflamme was kept . Orders The escutcheons are surrounded first by the chain of the Order of Saint Michael and by the chain of the Order of the Holy Spirit , both were known as the ordres du roi . Other elements Above all is a pavilion armoyé with the Royal crown . From it , is a royal blue mantle with a semis of fleurs - de-lis Or , lined on the inside with ermine . Banner Royal standard of the king References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Berkovich , Ilya . Motivation in War . p. 85 . Retrieved 11 December 2017 . Jump up ^ Delon , Michel . Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment . p. 1246 . Retrieved 11 December 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Louis XVI of France , King and Martyr '' . Jump up ^ Andress , David , The Terror : The Merciless War for Freedom in Revolutionary France , Farrar , Straus and Giroux , New York , 2005 , pp. 12 -- 13 . ISBN 978 - 0374530730 Jump up ^ Lever , Évelyne , Louis XVI , Librairie Arthème Fayard , Paris , 1985 Jump up ^ Hardman , John , Louis XVI , The Silent King , New York : Oxford University Press , 2000 , p. 10 . Jump up ^ Hardman , John , Louis XVI , The Silent King , New York : Oxford University Press , 2000 , p. 18 . Jump up ^ John Hardman ( 1994 ) . Louis XVI : The Silent King and the Estates . Yale University Press . p. 24 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 300 - 06077 - 5 . Jump up ^ Andress , David . The Terror , p. 12 Jump up ^ Fraser , Antonia , Marie Antoinette , pp. 100 -- 102 Jump up ^ Fraser , Antonia , Marie Antoinette , p. 127 Jump up ^ Fraser , Antonia , Marie Antoinette , pp. 166 -- 167 Jump up ^ Fraser , Antonia , Marie Antoinette , p. 164 Jump up ^ Francine du Plessix Gray ( 7 August 2000 ) . `` The New Yorker From the Archive Books '' . The Child Queen . Retrieved 17 October 2006 . Jump up ^ Fraser , Antonia , Marie Antoinette , p. 122 Jump up ^ Androutsos , George . `` The Truth About Louis XVI 's Marital Difficulties '' . Translated from French . Jump up ^ Fraser , Antonia ( 2001 ) . Marie Antoinette : The Journey . Jump up ^ Lever , Evelyne ( 2001 ) . Marie Antoinette : Last Queen of France . Jump up ^ Cronin , Vincent ( 1974 ) . Louis and Antoinette . Jump up ^ `` Dictionary of World Biography '' . Author : Barry Jones . Published in 1994 . ^ Jump up to : Philippe Huisman , Marguerite Jallut : Marie Antoinette , Stephens , 1971 Jump up ^ Hardman , John . Louis XVI , The Silent King . New York : Oxford University Press , 2000 . pp. 37 -- 39 . Jump up ^ Andress , David , ( 2005 ) The Terror , p. 13 Jump up ^ Encyclopedia of the Age of Political Ideals , Edict of Versailles ( 1787 ) Archived 14 July 2012 at the Wayback Machine. , downloaded 29 January 2012 Jump up ^ Doyle , William ( 2001 ) . The French Revolution : A Very Short Introduction . New York : Oxford University Press . pp. 26 -- 27 . Jump up ^ Baecque , Antoine de , From Royal Dignity to Republican Austerity : The Ritual for the Reception of Louis XVI in the French National Assembly ( 1789 -- 1792 ) , The Journal of Modern History , Vol. 66 , No. 4 ( December 1994 ) , p. 675 . Jump up ^ Johnson , Alison ( 2013 ) . Louis XVI and the French Revolution . McFarland . ISBN 978 - 0786473557 . ^ Jump up to : `` Tipu Sultan and the Scots in India '' . The Tiger and The Thistle . Archived from the original on 21 November 2008 . Retrieved 17 July 2011 . Jump up ^ Corwin , Edward Samuel , French Policy and the American Alliance ( 1916 ) pp. 121 -- 148 Jump up ^ The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Army ( 1994 ) p. 130 . Jump up ^ Jonathan R. Dull , The French Navy and American Independence : A Study of Arms and Diplomacy , 1774 -- 1787 ( 1975 ) . Jump up ^ On finance , see William Doyle , Oxford History of the French Revolution ( 1989 ) pp. 67 -- 74 . Jump up ^ Joel Felix & Louis Sixteen and Marie Antoinette 2006 , pp. 220 -- 225 Jump up ^ The influence of sea power upon history , 1660 -- 1783 , by Alfred Thayer Mahan , p. 461 : ( 1 ) Jump up ^ `` The History Project -- University of California , Davis '' . . Archived from the original on 29 September 2011 . Retrieved 17 July 2011 . Jump up ^ Black , Jeremy . Britain as a military power , 1688 -- 1815 . Retrieved 17 July 2011 . Jump up ^ TRAITÉ conclu à Versailles entre la France et la Cochinchine , représentée par Mgr Pigneau de Béhaine , évêque d'Adran , le 28 novembre 1787 ( in French ) Jump up ^ A. , Caiani , Ambrogio ( 2012 - 01 - 01 ) . Louis XVI and the French Revolution , 1789 - 1792 . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 9781107631014 . OCLC 802746106 . Jump up ^ A. , Caiani , Ambrogio ( 2012 - 01 - 01 ) . Louis XVI and the French Revolution , 1789 - 1792 . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 9781107631014 . OCLC 802746106 . Jump up ^ Swedish historian Herman Lindqvist in the Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet , found at ( 2 ) In Swedish , not far from the top `` Ändå är det historiskt dokumenterat att Marie - Antoinette + Axel von Fersen = sant . '' which in English becommes `` Still is it historically documented that Marie - Antoinetter + Axel von Fersen = true . '' Jump up ^ Barrington 1902 , p. 44 Jump up ^ Hardman , John , Louis XVI , The Silent King , New York : Oxford University Press , 2000 , p. 127 Jump up ^ Price , Munro , Louis XVI and Gustavus III : Secret Diplomacy and Counter-Revolution , 1791 -- 1792 , The Historical Journal , Vol. 42 , No. 2 ( June 1999 ) , p. 441 . Jump up ^ `` Déclaration du roi ( Louis XVI ) adressée à tous les Français , à sa sortie de ... '' Jump up ^ `` Assignat de 50 livres '' . Jump up ^ Guttner , Darius von ( 2015 ) . The French Revolution . Nelson Cengage . pp. 132 -- 133 . Jump up ^ J.M. Thompson , The French Revolution ( 1943 ) identifies a series of major and minor mistakes and mishaps , pp. 224 -- 227 Jump up ^ Timothy Tackett , When the King Took Flight ( 2003 ) ch. 3 Jump up ^ Timothy Tackett , When the King Took Flight ( 2003 ) , p. 222 Jump up ^ Liste chronologique des généraux français ou étrangers au service de France , morts sur le champ de bataille ... de 1792 à 1837 , A. Leneveu , rue des Grands - Augustins , n ° 18 , Paris , 1838 , p. 7 . Jump up ^ Dunn , Susan , The Deaths of Louis XVI : Regicide and the French Political Imagination , Princeton : Princeton University Press , 1994 , pp. 72 -- 76 . ^ Jump up to : Hardman , John ( 2000 ) . Louis XVI : The Silent King . Oxford University Press Inc . pp. 157 -- 158 . Jump up ^ G. Lenotre , Vieilles maisons , vieux papiers , Librairie académique Perrin , Paris , 1903 , pp. 321 -- 338 ( in French ) Jump up ^ Fay , Bernard ( 1968 ) . Louis XVI or The End of a World . Henry Regnery Company . p. 392 . ^ Jump up to : Jordan , David ( 1979 ) . The King 's Trial : The French Revolution vs. Louis XVI . Berkeley : University of California Press . p. 166 . Jump up ^ von Guttner , Darius ( 2015 ) . The French Revolution . Nelson Cengage . p. 225 . Jump up ^ von Guttner , Darius . The French Revolution , 2015 . Jump up ^ Hardman , John ( 2000 ) . Louis XVI : The Silent King . Oxford University Press Inc. p. 230 . Jump up ^ Hardman , John ( 1992 ) . Louis XVI . Yale University Press . p. 232 . Jump up ^ Louis XVI 's last words heard before the drums covered his voice : Je meurs innocent de tous les crimes qu'on m'impute ; je pardonne aux auteurs de ma mort ; je prie Dieu que le sang que vous allez répandre ne retombe pas sur la France . Jump up ^ Hardman 1992 , p. 232 . Jump up ^ Alberge , Dalya. What the King said to the executioner ... , The Times , 8 April 2006 . Retrieved 26 June 2008 . Jump up ^ Andress , David , The Terror , 2005 , p. 147 . Jump up ^ `` Blood of Louis XVI ' found in gourd container ' '' . BBC News . 1 January 2013 . Retrieved 3 January 2013 . Jump up ^ See Susan Dunn , The Deaths of Louis XVI : Regicide and the French Political Imagination. ( 1994 ) . Jump up ^ `` Pius VI : Quare Lacrymae '' . 29 January 2015 . Retrieved 20 April 2015 . Jump up ^ Genealogie ascendante jusqu'au quatrieme degre inclusivement de tous les Rois et Princes de maisons souveraines de l'Europe actuellement vivans ( Genealogy up to the fourth degree inclusive of all the Kings and Princes of sovereign houses of Europe currently living ) ( in French ) . Bourdeaux : Frederic Guillaume Birnstiel. 1768 . p. 11 . Jump up ^ ( ) Bibliography ( edit ) Baecque , Antoine De . `` From Royal Dignity to Republican Austerity : the Ritual for the Reception of Louis XVI in the French National Assembly ( 1789 -- 1792 ) . '' Journal of Modern History 1994 66 ( 4 ) : 671 -- 696 . Burley , Peter . `` A Bankrupt Regime . '' History Today ( January 1984 ) 34 : 36 -- 42. ISSN 0018 - 2753 Fulltext in EBSCO Doyle , William . Origins of the French Revolution ( 3rd ed. 1999 ) online edition Doyle , William . `` The Execution of Louis XVI and the End of the French Monarchy . '' History Review . ( 2000 ) pp 21 + , online edition Doyle , William ( 2002 ) . The Oxford History of the French Revolution . UK : Oxford University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 925298 - 5 . Pages 194 -- 196 deal with the trial of Louis XVI . Doyle , William , ed . Old Regime France ( 2001 ) . Dunn , Susan . The Deaths of Louis XVI : Regicide and the French Political Imagination. ( 1994 ) . 178 pp . Hardman , John . Louis XVI : The Silent King ( 2nd ed. 2016 ) 500 pages ; much expanded new edition ; now the standard scholarly biography Hardman , John . Louis XVI : The Silent King ( 1994 ) 224 pages , an older scholarly biography Hardman , John . French Politics , 1774 -- 1789 : From the Accession of Louis XVI to the Fall of the Bastille. ( 1995 ) . 283 pp . Jones , Colin . The Great Nation : France from Louis XV to Napoleon ( 2002 ) , excerpt and text search Mignet , François Auguste ( 1824 ) . `` History of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1814 '' . Project Gutenberg . See Chapter VI , The National Convention , for more details on the king 's trial and execution . Padover , Saul K . The Life and Death of Louis XVI ( 1939 ) , online edition Price , Munro . The Road from Versailles : Louis XVI , Marie Antoinette , and the Fall of the French Monarchy ( 2004 ) 425 pp. , excerpt and text search ; also published as The Fall of the French Monarchy : Louis XVI , Marie Antoinette and the Baron de Breteuil. ( 2002 ) Schama , Simon . Citizens . A Chronicle of the French Revolution ( 1989 ) , highly readable narrative by scholar , excerpt and text search Tackett , Timothy . When the King Took Flight . ( 2003 ) . 270 pp. , excerpt and text search Historiography ( edit ) McGill , Frank N. `` Execution of Louis XVI '' in McGill 's History of Europe ( 1993 ) 3 : 161 - 4 Moncure , James A. ed . Research Guide to European Historical Biography : 1450 -- Present ( 4 vol 1992 ) 3 : 1193 -- 1213 Rigney , Ann . `` Toward Varennes . '' New Literary History 1986 18 ( 1 ) : 77 -- 98 in JSTOR , on historiography Primary sources ( edit ) Campan , Jeanne - Louise - Henriette . Memoirs of Marie Antoinette , Queen of France and Wife of Louis XVI : Queen of France ( 1910 ) , complete edition online Full text of writings of Louis XVI in Ball State University 's Digital Media Repository . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Louis XVI of France . Wikisource has original works written by or about : Louis XVI of France Louis XVI at Encyclopædia Britannica Louis XVI of France at Find a Grave Full text of writings of Louis XVI in Ball State University 's Digital Media Repository Works by or about Louis XVI of France in libraries ( WorldCat catalog ) <Td_colspan="3"> Louis XVI of France House of Bourbon Cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty Born : 23 August 1754 Died : 21 January 1793 <Th_colspan="3"> Regnal titles Preceded by Louis XV King of France 10 May 1774 -- 21 September 1792 King of the French from 1791 Vacant National Convention Title next held by Napoleon I as emperor <Th_colspan="3"> French royalty Preceded by Louis Dauphin of France 20 December 1765 -- 10 May 1774 Succeeded by Louis - Joseph <Th_colspan="3"> Dauphins of France House of Bourbon Louis XIII Louis XIV Louis , Le Grand Dauphin Louis , Le Petit Dauphin Louis Louis XV Louis Louis Auguste Louis Joseph Louis Charles Louis Antoine <Th_colspan="3"> Princes of France <Td_colspan="3"> The first generation are the children of Henri IV ; these males held the rank of Son of France or Grand son of France ; 1st generation Louis XIII Nicolas Henri , Duke of Orléans * Gaston , Duke of Orléans * 2nd generation Louis XIV Philippe , Duke of Orléans Jean Gaston , Duke of Valois * 3rd generation Louis , Dauphin of France Philippe Charles , Duke of Anjou * Louis François , Duke of Anjou * Philippe Charles , Duke of Valois * Alexandre Louis , Duke of Valois * Philippe , Duke of Orléans 4th generation Louis , Duke of Burgundy King Felipe of Spain Charles , Duke of Berry * 5th generation Louis , Duke of Brittany * Louis , Duke of Brittany * Louis XV 6th generation Louis , Dauphin of France Philippe , Duke of Anjou * 7th generation Louis , Duke of Burgundy * Xavier , Duke of Aquitaine * Louis XVI * Louis XVIII * Charles X 8th generation Louis Joseph , Dauphin of France * Louis XVII * Louis Antoine , Duke of Angoulême ( Louis XIX ) * Charles Ferdinand , Duke of Berry 9th generation Henri , Count of Chambord ( Henry V ) * <Td_colspan="3"> * died without surviving issue <Th_colspan="2"> Heads of state of France <Td_colspan="2"> Styled President of the Republic after 1871 , except from 1940 to 1944 ( Chief of State ) and 1944 to 1947 ( Chairman of the Provisional Government ) . Detailed monarch family tree Simplified monarch family tree Carolingians , Robertians and Bosonids ( 751 -- 987 ) Charles II Louis II Louis III Carloman II Charles the Fat Odo Charles III Robert I Rudolph Louis IV Lothair Louis V House of Capet ( 987 -- 1328 ) Hugh Capet Robert II Henry I Philip I Louis VI Louis VII Philip II Louis VIII Louis IX Philip III Philip IV Louis X John I Philip V Charles IV House of Valois ( 1328 -- 1589 ) Philip VI John II Charles V Charles VI Charles VII Louis XI Charles VIII Louis XII Francis I Henry II Francis II Charles IX Henry III House of Lancaster ( 1422 -- 1453 ) Henry VI of England House of Bourbon ( 1589 -- 1792 ) Henry IV Louis XIII Louis XIV Louis XV Louis XVI Louis XVII First Republic ( 1792 -- 1804 ) National Convention Directory Consulate First Empire ( 1804 -- 1815 ) Napoleon I Napoleon II Bourbon Restoration ( 1815 -- 1830 ) Louis XVIII Charles X Louis XIX Henry V July Monarchy ( 1830 -- 1848 ) Louis Philippe I Second Republic ( 1848 -- 1852 ) Jacques - Charles Dupont de l'Eure Executive Commission Louis - Eugène Cavaignac Louis - Napoléon Bonaparte Second Empire ( 1852 -- 1870 ) Napoleon III Government of National Defense ( 1870 -- 1871 ) Louis - Jules Trochu Third Republic ( 1871 -- 1940 ) Adolphe Thiers Patrice de Mac - Mahon Jules Armand Dufaure * Jules Grévy Maurice Rouvier * Sadi Carnot Charles Dupuy * Jean Casimir - Perier Charles Dupuy * Félix Faure Charles Dupuy * Émile Loubet Armand Fallières Raymond Poincaré Paul Deschanel Alexandre Millerand Frédéric François - Marsal * Gaston Doumergue Paul Doumer André Tardieu * Albert Lebrun Vichy France ( 1940 -- 1944 ) Philippe Pétain Provisional Government ( 1944 -- 1947 ) Charles de Gaulle Félix Gouin Georges Bidault Vincent Auriol Léon Blum Fourth Republic ( 1947 -- 1958 ) Vincent Auriol René Coty Fifth Republic ( 1958 -- present ) Charles de Gaulle Alain Poher * Georges Pompidou Alain Poher * Valéry Giscard d'Estaing François Mitterrand Jacques Chirac Nicolas Sarkozy François Hollande Emmanuel Macron <Td_colspan="2"> Debatable or disputed rulers are in italics . Acting heads of state are denoted by an asterisk * . Millerand held the presidency in an acting capacity before being fully elected . <Th_colspan="2"> House of Bourbon <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Henry IV of France <Td_colspan="2"> Spouse ( s ) Margaret of Valois Marie de ' Medici Children Louis XIII Elisabeth , Queen of Spain Christine Marie , Duchess of Savoy Nicolas Henri , Duke of Orléans Gaston , Duke of Orléans Henriette Marie , Queen of England , Ireland and Scotland Siblings Henri , Duke of Beaumont ( 1551 -- 1553 ) Louis , Count of Marle ( 1555 -- 1557 ) Madeleine ( 1556 ) Catherine , Duchess of Lorraine Illegitimate children César , Duke of Vendôme Catherine Henriette , Duchess of Elbeuf Alexandre , Chevalier de Vendôme Henri , Duke of Verneuil Gabrielle Angelique , Duchess of La Valette and Epernon Antoine , Count of Moret Jeanne Baptiste , Abess of Fontevraud Marie Henriette , Abess of Chelles Grandchildren Anne Marie Louise , Duchess of Montpensier Marguerite Louise , Grand Duchess of Tuscany Élisabeth Marguerite , Duchess of Alençon and Angoulême Françoise Madeleine , Duchess of Savoy Princess Marie Anne Jean Gaston , Duke of Valois Louis XIV of France Philippe , Duke of Orléans <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Louis XIII of France <Td_colspan="2"> Spouse ( s ) Infanta Ana Maria Mauricia of Spain Children Louis XIV of France Philippe , Duke of Orléans Grandchildren Louis , Dauphin of France Princess Anne Élisabeth Princess Marie Anne Princess Marie Therèse , Madame Royale Philippe Charles , Duke of Anjou Louis François , Duke of Anjou Marie Louise , Queen of Spain Philippe Charles , Duke of Valois Anne Marie , Queen of Sardinia Alexandre Louis , Duke of Valois Philippe Charles , Duke of Orléans Élisabeth Charlotte , Duchess of Lorraine Great grandchildren Louis , Duke of Burgundy King Felipe of Spain Charles , Duke of Berry Louis , Duke of Orléans <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Louis XIV of France <Td_colspan="2"> Spouse ( s ) Infanta María Teresa of Spain Françoise d'Aubigné , Marchioness of Maintenon Children Louis , Dauphin of France Princess Anne Élisabeth Princess Marie Anne Princess Marie Therèse , Madame Royale Philippe Charles , Duke of Anjou Louis François , Duke of Anjou Illegitimate children Marie Anne , Princess of Conti Louis , Count of Vermandois Louis Auguste , Duke of Maine Louis César , Count of Vexin Louise Françoise , Duchess of Bourbon Louise Marie Anne , Mademoiselle de Tours Françoise Marie , Duchess of Orléans Louis Alexandre , Count of Toulouse Louise , Baroness of La Queue Grandchildren Louis , Duke of Burgundy King Felipe V of Spain Charles , Duke of Berry Louis Auguste , Prince of Dombes Louis Charles , Count of Eu Louise Françoise , Mademoiselle du Maine Louis Jean Marie , Duke of Penthièvre Great grandchildren Louis , Duke of Brittany Louis , Duke of Brittany Louis XV of France Louis I of Spain Felipe of Spain Felipe of Spain Ferdinand VI of Spain Charles III of Spain Francisco of Spain Mariana Víctoria , Queen of Portugal Philip , Duke of Parma Maria Teresa Rafaela , Dauphine of France Luis , Count of Chinchón Maria Antonietta , Queen of Sardinia Charles , Duke of Alençon Marie Louise Élisabeth d'Alençon Louis Alexandre , Prince of Lamballe <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Louis XV of France <Td_colspan="2"> Spouse ( s ) Maria Carolina Sophia Felicity Leszczyńska Children Louise Élisabeth , Duchess of Parma Princess Henriette Princess Louise ( 1728 -- 1733 ) Louis , Dauphin of France Philippe , Duke of Anjou Marie Adélaïde , Duchess of Louvois Princess Victoire Sophie , Duchess of Louvois Princess Thérèse Princess Louise ( 1737 -- 1787 ) Grandchildren Princess Marie Therèse , Madame Royale Princess Marie Zéphyrine Louis , Duke of Burgundy Xavier , Duke of Aquitaine Louis XVI of France Louis XVIII of France Charles X of France Clothilde , Queen of Sardinia Princess Élisabeth Illegitimate children included Charles de Vintimille Agathe Louise de Saint - Antoine Philippe , Duke of Narbonne - Lara Louis , comte de Narbonne - Lara <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Louis XVI of France <Td_colspan="2"> Spouse ( s ) Archduchess Maria Antonia of Austria Children Marie Thérèse , Duchess of Angoulême Louis Joseph , Dauphin of France Louis XVII of France Princess Sophie Hélène <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Louis XVII of France <Td_colspan="2"> Note Louis had no children ; he died aged 10 in 1795 . His uncle , the future Louis XVIII of France , proclaimed himself regent but both titles were disputed . See Bourbon Restoration . <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Louis XVIII of France <Td_colspan="2"> Spouse ( s ) Princess Marie Joséphine of Savoy <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Charles X of France <Td_colspan="2"> Spouse ( s ) Princess Maria Teresa of Savoy Children Louis Antoine , Duke of Angoulême Sophie , Mademoiselle Charles Ferdinand , Duke of Berry Marie Thérèse , Mademoiselle d'Angoulême Grandchildren Princess Louise Élisabeth Prince Louis Louise Marie Thérèse , Duchess of Parma Henri , Count of Chambord <Td_colspan="2"> Notes also an Infante or Infanta of Spain also an Archduchess of Austria both Philip was the first Bourbon king of Spain , the country 's present ruling house . <Th_colspan="2"> French Revolution <Td_colspan="2"> Causes Timeline Ancien Régime Revolution Constitutional monarchy Republic Directory Consulate Glossary Museum <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Significant civil and political events by year 1788 Day of the Tiles ( 7 Jun 1788 ) Assembly of Vizille ( 21 Jul 1788 ) 1789 What Is the Third Estate ? ( Jan 1789 ) Réveillon riots ( 28 Apr 1789 ) Convocation of the Estates - General ( 5 May 1789 ) National Assembly ( 17 Jun -- 9 Jul 1790 ) Tennis Court Oath ( 20 Jun 1789 ) National Constituent Assembly ( 9 Jul -- 30 Sep 1791 ) Storming of the Bastille ( 14 Jul 1789 ) Great Fear ( 20 Jul -- 5 Aug 1789 ) Abolition of Feudalism ( 4 - 11 Aug 1789 ) Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ( 27 Aug 1789 ) Women 's March on Versailles ( 5 Oct 1789 ) 1790 Abolition of the Parlements ( Feb -- Jul 1790 ) Abolition of the Nobility ( 19 Jun 1790 ) Civil Constitution of the Clergy ( 12 Jul 1790 ) Fête de la Fédération ( 14 Jul 1790 ) 1791 Flight to Varennes ( 20 -- 21 Jun 1791 ) Champ de Mars Massacre ( 17 Jul 1791 ) Declaration of Pillnitz ( 27 Aug 1791 ) The Constitution of 1791 ( 3 Sep 1791 ) Legislative Assembly ( 1 Oct 1791 -- Sep 1792 ) 1792 France declares war ( 20 Apr 1792 ) Brunswick Manifesto ( 25 Jul 1792 ) Paris Commune becomes insurrectionary ( Jun 1792 ) 10th of August ( 10 Aug 1792 ) September Massacres ( Sep 1792 ) National Convention ( 20 Sep 1792 -- 26 Oct 1795 ) First republic declared ( 22 Sep 1792 ) 1793 Execution of Louis XVI ( 21 Jan 1793 ) Revolutionary Tribunal ( 9 Mar 1793 -- 31 May 1795 ) Reign of Terror ( 27 Jun 1793 -- 27 Jul 1794 ) Committee of Public Safety Committee of General Security Fall of the Girondists ( 2 Jun 1793 ) Assassination of Marat ( 13 Jul 1793 ) Levée en masse ( 23 Aug 1793 ) The Death of Marat ( painting ) Law of Suspects ( 17 Sep 1793 ) Marie Antoinette is guillotined ( 16 Oct 1793 ) Anti-clerical laws ( throughout the year ) 1794 Danton and Desmoulins guillotined ( 5 Apr 1794 ) Law of 22 Prairial ( 10 Jun 1794 ) Thermidorian Reaction ( 27 Jul 1794 ) Robespierre guillotined ( 28 Jul 1794 ) White Terror ( Fall 1794 ) Closing of the Jacobin Club ( 11 Nov 1794 ) 1795 Constitution of the Year III ( 22 Aug 1795 ) Conspiracy of the Equals ( Nov 1795 ) Directoire ( 1795 -- 99 ) Council of Five Hundred Council of Ancients 13 Vendémiaire 5 Oct 1795 1797 Coup of 18 Fructidor ( 4 Sep 1797 ) Second Congress of Rastatt ( Dec 1797 ) 1799 Coup of 30 Prairial VII ( 18 Jun 1799 ) Coup of 18 Brumaire ( 9 Nov 1799 ) Constitution of the Year VIII ( 24 Dec 1799 ) Consulate <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Revolutionary campaigns 1792 Verdun Thionville Valmy Royalist Revolts Chouannerie Vendée Dauphiné Lille Siege of Mainz Jemappes Namur ( fr ) 1793 First Coalition Siege of Toulon ( 18 Sep -- 18 Dec 1793 ) War in the Vendée Battle of Neerwinden ) Battle of Famars ( 23 May 1793 ) Expédition de Sardaigne ( 21 Dec 1792 - 25 May 1793 ) Battle of Kaiserslautern Siege of Mainz Battle of Wattignies Battle of Hondschoote Siege of Bellegarde Battle of Peyrestortes ( Pyrenees ) First Battle of Wissembourg ( 13 Oct 1793 ) Battle of Truillas ( Pyrenees ) Second Battle of Wissembourg ( 26 -- 27 Dec 1793 ) 1794 Battle of Villers - en - Cauchies ( 24 Apr 1794 ) Battle of Boulou ( Pyrenees ) ( 30 Apr -- 1 May 1794 ) Battle of Tournay ( 22 May 1794 ) Battle of Fleurus ( 26 Jun 1794 ) Chouannerie Battle of Tourcoing ( 18 May 1794 ) Battle of Aldenhoven ( 2 Oct 1794 ) 1795 Peace of Basel 1796 Battle of Lonato ( 3 -- 4 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Castiglione ( 5 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Theiningen Battle of Neresheim ( 11 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Amberg ( 24 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Würzburg ( 3 Sep 1796 ) Battle of Rovereto ( 4 Sep 1796 ) First Battle of Bassano ( 8 Sep 1796 ) Battle of Emmendingen ( 19 Oct 1796 ) Battle of Schliengen ( 26 Oct 1796 ) Second Battle of Bassano ( 6 Nov 1796 ) Battle of Calliano ( 6 -- 7 Nov 1796 ) Battle of the Bridge of Arcole ( 15 -- 17 Nov 1796 ) The Ireland Expedition ( Dec 1796 ) 1797 Naval Engagement off Brittany ( 13 Jan 1797 ) Battle of Rivoli ( 14 -- 15 Jan 1797 ) Battle of the Bay of Cádiz ( 25 Jan 1797 ) Treaty of Leoben ( 17 Apr 1797 ) Battle of Neuwied ( 18 Apr 1797 ) Treaty of Campo Formio ( 17 Oct 1797 ) 1798 French invasion of Switzerland ( 28 January -- 17 May 1798 ) French Invasion of Egypt ( 1798 -- 1801 ) Irish Rebellion of 1798 ( 23 May -- 23 Sep 1798 ) Quasi-War ( 1798 -- 1800 ) Peasants ' War ( 12 Oct -- 5 Dec 1798 ) 1799 Second Coalition ( 1798 -- 1802 ) Siege of Acre ( 20 Mar -- 21 May 1799 ) Battle of Ostrach ( 20 -- 21 Mar 1799 ) Battle of Stockach ( 25 Mar 1799 ) Battle of Magnano ( 5 Apr 1799 ) Battle of Cassano ( 27 Apr 1799 ) First Battle of Zurich ( 4 -- 7 Jun 1799 ) Battle of Trebbia ( 19 Jun 1799 ) Battle of Novi ( 15 Aug 1799 ) Second Battle of Zurich ( 25 -- 26 Sep 1799 ) 1800 Battle of Marengo ( 14 Jun 1800 ) Battle of Hohenlinden ( 3 Dec 1800 ) League of Armed Neutrality ( 1800 -- 02 ) 1801 Treaty of Lunéville ( 9 Feb 1801 ) Treaty of Florence ( 18 Mar 1801 ) Algeciras Campaign ( 8 Jul 1801 ) 1802 Treaty of Amiens ( 25 Mar 1802 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Military leaders French Army Eustache Charles d'Aoust Pierre Augereau Alexandre de Beauharnais Jean - Baptiste Bernadotte Louis - Alexandre Berthier Jean - Baptiste Bessières Guillaume - Marie - Anne Brune Jean François Carteaux Jean Étienne Championnet Chapuis de Tourville Adam Philippe , Comte de Custine Louis - Nicolas Davout Louis Desaix Jacques François Dugommier Thomas - Alexandre Dumas Charles François Dumouriez Pierre Marie Barthélemy Ferino Louis - Charles de Flers Paul Grenier Emmanuel de Grouchy Jacques Maurice Hatry Lazare Hoche Jean - Baptiste Jourdan François Christophe de Kellermann Jean - Baptiste Kléber Pierre Choderlos de Laclos Jean Lannes Charles Leclerc Claude Lecourbe François Joseph Lefebvre Jacques MacDonald Jean - Antoine Marbot Jean Baptiste de Marbot François Séverin Marceau - Desgraviers Auguste de Marmont André Masséna Bon - Adrien Jeannot de Moncey Jean Victor Marie Moreau Édouard Mortier , duc de Trévise Joachim Murat Michel Ney Pierre - Jacques Osten ( fr ) Nicolas Oudinot Catherine - Dominique de Pérignon Jean - Charles Pichegru Józef Poniatowski Laurent de Gouvion Saint - Cyr Barthélemy Louis Joseph Schérer Jean - Mathieu - Philibert Sérurier Joseph Souham Jean - de-Dieu Soult Louis - Gabriel Suchet Belgrand de Vaubois Claude Victor - Perrin , Duc de Belluno French Navy Charles - Alexandre Linois Opposition Austria József Alvinczi Archduke Charles , Duke of Teschen Count of Clerfayt ( Walloon ) Karl Aloys zu Fürstenberg Friedrich Freiherr von Hotze ( Swiss ) Friedrich Adolf , Count von Kalckreuth Pál Kray ( Hungarian ) Charles Eugene , Prince of Lambesc ( French ) Maximilian Baillet de Latour ( Walloon ) Karl Mack von Leiberich Rudolf Ritter von Otto ( Saxon ) Prince Josias of Saxe - Coburg - Saalfeld Peter Vitus von Quosdanovich Prince Heinrich XV of Reuss - Plauen Johann Mészáros von Szoboszló ( Hungarian ) Karl Philipp Sebottendorf Dagobert von Wurmser Britain Sir Ralph Abercromby Admiral Sir James Saumarez Admiral Sir Edward Pellew Prince Frederick , Duke of York and Albany Dutch Republic William V , Prince of Orange Prussia Charles William Ferdinand , Duke of Brunswick - Wolfenbüttel Frederick Louis , Prince of Hohenlohe - Ingelfingen Russia Alexander Korsakov Alexander Suvorov Spain Luis Firmin de Carvajal Antonio Ricardos <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Other significant figures and factions Society of 1789 Jean Sylvain Bailly Gilbert du Motier , Marquis de Lafayette François Alexandre Frédéric , duc de la Rochefoucauld - Liancourt Isaac René Guy le Chapelier Honoré Gabriel Riqueti , comte de Mirabeau Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès Charles - Maurice de Talleyrand - Périgord Nicolas de Condorcet Feuillants and monarchiens Madame de Lamballe Madame du Barry Louis de Breteuil Loménie de Brienne Charles Alexandre de Calonne de Chateaubriand Jean Chouan Grace Elliott Arnaud de La Porte Jean - Sifrein Maury Jacques Necker François - Marie , marquis de Barthélemy Guillaume - Mathieu Dumas Antoine Barnave Lafayette Alexandre - Théodore - Victor , comte de Lameth Charles Malo François Lameth André Chénier Jean - François Rewbell Camille Jordan Madame de Staël Boissy d'Anglas Jean - Charles Pichegru Pierre Paul Royer - Collard Girondists Jacques Pierre Brissot Roland de La Platière Madame Roland Father Henri Grégoire Étienne Clavière Marquis de Condorcet Charlotte Corday Marie Jean Hérault Jean Baptiste Treilhard Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve Jean Debry Jean - Jacques Duval d'Eprémesnil Olympe de Gouges Jean - Baptiste Robert Lindet Louis Marie de La Révellière - Lépeaux The Plain Abbé Sieyès de Cambacérès Charles François Lebrun Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot Philippe Égalité Louis Philippe I Mirabeau Antoine Christophe Merlin de Thionville Jean Joseph Mounier Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours François de Neufchâteau Montagnards Maximilien Robespierre Georges Danton Jean - Paul Marat Camille Desmoulins Louis Antoine de Saint - Just Paul Nicolas , vicomte de Barras Louis Philippe I Louis Michel le Peletier de Saint - Fargeau Jacques - Louis David Marquis de Sade Georges Couthon Roger Ducos Jean - Marie Collot d'Herbois Jean - Henri Voulland Philippe - Antoine Merlin de Douai Antoine Quentin Fouquier - Tinville Philippe - François - Joseph Le Bas Marc - Guillaume Alexis Vadier Jean - Pierre - André Amar Prieur de la Côte - d'Or Prieur de la Marne Gilbert Romme Jean Bon Saint - André Jean - Lambert Tallien Pierre Louis Prieur Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac Antoine Christophe Saliceti Hébertists and Enragés Jacques Hébert Jacques Nicolas Billaud - Varenne Pierre Gaspard Chaumette Charles - Philippe Ronsin Antoine - François Momoro François - Nicolas Vincent François Chabot Jean Baptiste Noël Bouchotte Jean - Baptiste - Joseph Gobel François Hanriot Jacques Roux Stanislas - Marie Maillard Charles - Philippe Ronsin Jean - François Varlet Theophile Leclerc Claire Lacombe Pauline Léon Gracchus Babeuf Sylvain Maréchal Others Charles X Louis XVI Louis XVII Louis XVIII Louis Antoine , Duke of Enghien Louis Henri , Prince of Condé Louis Joseph , Prince of Condé Marie Antoinette Napoléon Bonaparte Lucien Bonaparte Joseph Bonaparte Joseph Fesch Joséphine de Beauharnais Joachim Murat Jean Sylvain Bailly Jacques - Donatien Le Ray Guillaume - Chrétien de Malesherbes Talleyrand Thérésa Tallien Gui - Jean - Baptiste Target Catherine Théot List of people associated with the French Revolution <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Influential thinkers <Td_colspan="2"> Les Lumières Beaumarchais Edmund Burke Anacharsis Cloots Charles - Augustin de Coulomb Pierre Claude François Daunou Diderot Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson Antoine Lavoisier Montesquieu Thomas Paine Jean - Jacques Rousseau Abbé Sieyès Voltaire Mary Wollstonecraft <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Cultural impact <Td_colspan="2"> La Marseillaise French Tricolour Liberté , égalité , fraternité Marianne Bastille Day Panthéon French Republican Calendar Cult of the Supreme Being Cult of Reason Temple of Reason Sans - culottes Metric system Phrygian cap Women in the French Revolution Symbolism in the French Revolution Historiography of the French Revolution Influence of the French Revolution <Th_colspan="3"> Pretenders to the French throne since 1792 Monarchy in exile ( 1792 -- 1815 ) 1792 Louis XVI 1793 Louis XVII 1795 Louis XVIII 1814 1815 Legitimist pretenders ( 1830 -- present ) 1830 Charles X 1836 Louis Antoine 1844 Henri 1883 Jean 1887 Charles 1909 Jacques 1931 Alphonse Charles 1936 Alphonse 1941 Jacques 1975 Alphonse 1989 Louis Alphonse present Orléanist pretenders ( 1848 -- present ) 1848 Louis Philippe I 1850 Philippe 1894 Philippe 1926 Jean 1940 Henri 1999 Henri present Unionist succession ( 1830 -- present ) 1830 Charles X 1836 Louis Antoine 1844 Henri 1883 Philippe 1894 Philippe 1926 Jean 1940 Henri 1999 Henri present Bonapartist Prince Imperial ( 1814 -- present ) 1814 1815 Napoléon I 1821 Napoléon II 1832 Joseph 1844 Louis 1846 Napoléon III ( Emperor 1852 -- 1870 ) 1873 Napoléon 1879 Victor 1926 Louis 1997 Charles / Jean - Christophe present ( disputed ) Bonapartist Prince Canino ( 1832 -- 1924 ) 1832 Lucien 1840 Charles 1857 Joseph 1865 Lucien 1895 Napoléon Charles 1899 Roland 1924 <Th_colspan="2"> France topics History Periods Timeline Prehistory Celtic Gaul Roman Gaul Kingdom of the Visigoths Francia West Francia Middle Ages Early modern era Long nineteenth century Revolutionary era Napoleonic era Belle Époque Twentieth century Regimes Absolute monarchy Ancien Régime First Republic First Empire Constitutional monarchy Bourbon Restoration July Monarchy Second Republic Second Empire Government of National Defense Third Republic France during the Second World War Free France Vichy France Provisional Government of the French Republic Fourth Republic Fifth Republic Geography <Td_colspan="2"> Administrative divisions Cities Islands Lakes Mountains Rivers Politics <Td_colspan="2"> Constitution Elections presidential Foreign relations Government Human rights Intersex LGBT Judiciary Law enforcement Military Parliament Political parties Economy <Td_colspan="2"> Agriculture Banking Central bank Economic history Energy Euro Exports Franc ( former currency ) French subdivisions by GDP Stock exchange Taxation Telecommunications Tourism Trade unions Transport Society <Td_colspan="2"> Crime Demographics Education Health care People Poverty Religion Social class Welfare Culture Architecture Art Cinema ( comedy ) Cuisine Cultural icons Fashion Gardens Language Literature Media Music Philosophy Public holidays Sport Symbols Theatre <Td_colspan="2"> Outline Book Portal WikiProject Kingdom of France portal Biography portal BNE : XX953502 BNF : cb120081657 ( data ) BPN : 04195830 GND : 118574949 ISNI : 0000 0001 2130 7691 LCCN : n80038425 NDL : 00621018 NKC : jn20000701092 NLA : 35410913 RKD : 435099 SELIBR : 208359 SUDOC : 028197631 ULAN : 500122357 VIAF : 212882453 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Louis XVI of France Kings of France 1754 births 1793 deaths 18th - 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1. Louis XVI of France 2. French Revolution 3. Reign of Louis XVI 4. Marie Antoinette 5. Execution of Louis XVI
who was donald fisher married to in home and away
Donald Fisher ( Home and Away ) - Wikipedia Donald Fisher ( Home and Away ) Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> Donald Fisher <Th_colspan="2"> Home and Away character Portrayed by Norman Coburn Duration 1988 -- 2005 , 2007 First appearance 17 January 1988 Last appearance 11 September 2007 Introduced by Alan Bateman ( 1988 ) Julie McGuaran ( 2003 -- 05 ) Cameron Welsh ( 2007 ) Book appearances The Bobby Simpson Story Scandal at Summer Bay Classification Former ; regular <Th_colspan="2"> Profile Occupation Deputy Principal of Summer Bay High Principal of Summer Bay High Retired Home Whitsunday Islands <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> ( show ) Family Mother Isobel Du Pre Brothers Clive Fisher Sisters Mary Croft Wife Barbara Stewart ( 1970s -- 1984 ) Marilyn Chambers ( 1996 -- 2001 ) June Reynolds ( 2003 -- 07 ) Sons Alan Fisher Byron Fisher Daughters Rebecca Nash Bobby Marshall Grandsons Seb Miller Nephews David Croft Nieces Lucinda Croft Other relatives Tamara Simpson Donald Fisher is a fictional character in the Australian television soap opera Home and Away played by actor Norman Coburn as a regular character , from the soap 's inception in 1988 to 2003 . He acts as the main antagonist in the show 's pilot episode , willing to go to any lengths to ensure local teen Bobby Simpson is locked up , however his character soon softens . He spends almost his entire tenure on the show as the Principal of Summer Bay ( at which he is given his iconic nickname `` Flathead '' ) , where he is stern but fair to all the students . Although departing as a main character in 2003 , Coburn has since returned for brief appearances in 2004 , 2005 and 2007 . Coburn 's long - running portrayal of Fisher earned him a place in the 2002 Guinness World Records alongside castmates Ray Meagher and Kate Ritchie . as the longest serving cast member of an Australian soap opera . Storylines ( edit ) Donald is first seen when he arrives at the Caravan Park of Summer Bay House and informs Neville McPhee ( Frank Lloyd ) that he was recently burgled and it is clear that he suspects local tearaway Bobby Simpson ( Nicolle Dickson ) of being the culprit . Donald welcomes the Fletcher family , on their arrival to Summer Bay and inadvertently manages to scare young Sally Keating ( Kate Ritchie ) . Donald later is accused of poisoning Eric , the Fletcher 's pet dog , and Jessie , Nico Pappas ) ' ( Nicholas Papademetriou ) cow , but these deeds are later revealed to be those of Donald 's superior , Walter Bertram ( Owen Weingott ) , who had been running around in the guise of `` The Nutter '' , following a brain tumour . With Walter out of action , Donald is promoted to headmaster of Summer Bay High . When Donald 's ex-wife Barbara ( Barbara Stevens ) arrives to take a teaching post at the school , he is surprised and when their son Alan ( Simon Kay ) arrives to repeat Year 12 , Donald becomes stressed as his relationship with Alan has deteriorated in the four years since they last saw each other . Alan begins acting up at school but Donald softens when he finds out Alan has a brain tumour , but lashes out when Alan provokes him one day . Just when it seems father and son have patched things up , Alan dies of an aneurysm . At the start of 1989 , Bobby begins searching for her biological parents . Donald , after finding out his former sister - in - law , Morag Bellingham ( Cornelia Frances ) is Bobby 's mother , visits Morag in hospital and asks if he is Bobby 's father . Morag confirms he is but Donald wants this kept a secret . After Donald refuses to sell his house to the Macklin development at Morag 's suggestion , she threatens to tell Bobby the truth . Donald remains unflappable and refuses to change his stance on the matter . After the truth comes out , Donald and Bobby have a shaky start but ultimately become close and she begins calling him `` Dad '' . The following Year , Tom Fletcher ( Roger Oakley ) dies and Donald offers support to his widow , Pippa ( Vanessa Downing ) . Donald soon begins making romantic advances but is rebuffed . When Lucinda Croft ( Dee Smart ) , Donald 's niece arrives , he is quick to play matchmaker between her and local constable Nick Parrish ( Bruce Roberts ) . After Nick 's relationship with Lou fizzles out , Donald and Nick remain friends after Nick stays on in the house with his wayward teenage brother , Shane ( Dieter Brummer ) . Donald later becomes the guardian of teenage runaway Angel Brooks ( Melissa George ) , who later begins dating Shane . Donald 's world is shattered when Bobby dies in a boating accident aged 22 and tries to take responsibility for his adoptive grandson , Sam Marshall ( Ryan Clark ( who calls him `` Uncle Donald '' ) but is unable to so sends him to live with Pippa and her new husband . Fisher celebrates his 50th birthday in February 1995 . When Shane and Angel marry , Donald is present to give Angel away . Later that year Donald loses his home and his last remaining photos of Bobby in a bushfire caused by Jack Wilson ( Daniel Amalm ) . Donald begins dating local beautician Marilyn Chambers ( Emily Symons ) , and they later become engaged despite Marilyn being 27 years old and him being 51 . They eventually marry in 1996 . Shortly after the wedding , Donald 's daughter Rebecca ( Belinda Emmett ) returns to the Bay full - time to teach at the school . When Rebecca marries Travis Nash ( Nic Testoni ) on the beach in the 1997 season finale , Donald is present as celebrant . After Pippa leaves , Donald becomes Sam 's guardian when he fails to adjust to Travis and Rebecca as his new foster parents Marilyn later falls pregnant and gives birth to a son , Byron Vincent , named after Vinnie Patterson ( Ryan Kwanten ) who illegally sped through traffic to get Marilyn to hospital . After suffering from post-natal depression and left Donald alone with Byron . When Marilyn returns a few months later , she feels inadequate as Donald has hired Nanny Ellen Porter ( Anne Grigg ) but later grow to love Byron . This is only to last a few months as Byron is diagnosed with cancer . The Fishers leave with Byron for America to get treatment , but Byron later dies . Marilyn , unable to cope , leaves Donald and he returns to Australia alone . In 2000 , Donald is pleased to be given the honour of walking Sally down the aisle at her wedding to Keiran Fletcher but ultimately hands the honour over to Sally 's foster brothers Steven Matheson and Frank Morgan . When the 2000 Olympics begin Donald has the honour of carrying the Olympic torch through Summer Bay , but has it switched with a fake by several students . Alf Stewart ( Ray Meagher ) notices and tells him `` Don , stop ! It 's the wrong flamin ' flame ! '' . Following Sam 's departure , Donald feels alone again . Seb Miller ( Mitch Firth ) , a dyslexic student , began questioning Fisher and asking questions about Alan . It is later revealed Seb 's mother Anna ( Elizabeth Maywald ) had a one - night stand with Alan at a party in 1985 , resulting in Seb 's conception , and Anna , who had been dying had wanted to tell Donald . Donald does not want to believe this at first but a DNA test confirms Seb is , in fact , his grandson . Donald and Seb later build a close relationship and live together . Later in the year , Donald goes to London along with Irene and her foster children , Will ( Zac Drayson ) , Hayley ( Bec Cartwright ) and Nick Smith ( Chris Egan ) to attend the launch of his book Letter to Byron . While there , Donald notices Marilyn watching from the shadows and runs after her . After catching up with Marilyn , the two have a conversation about the events of the last several years and agree to part amicably . In 2003 , Donald decides to retire from teaching and leaves the Bay for the Whitsundays with his new partner , June Reynolds ( Rowena Wallace ) . Later that year , Donald returns to be the celebrant at Sally 's wedding to local doctor , Flynn Saunders ( Joel McIlroy ) . Donald returns when he hears Seb and his girlfriend Jade Sutherland ( Kate Garven ) were injured in a car crash caused by Duncan ( Brendan McKensy ) , Alf 's son and Seb 's first cousin removed . Seb is left paralysed and Donald offers to fly him back to the Whitsundays and look after him . Donald also returns in 2005 for Alf 's 60th birthday party where he forgives Duncan after he apologizes about the accident he caused the previous year . In late 2007 , Donald returns to Summer Bay as the new Vice Principal of Summer Bay ( ironically working for Sally , who served under him during his tenure as Principal ) but he soon resigns , saying that he can not handle the students anymore . Donald reveals he has since divorced June and has gone bankrupt . After borrowing some money from Alf and Morag , Donald goes to visit his former wife , Marilyn , in England after learning she is suffering from cancer . Reception ( edit ) The episode featuring the earthquake where Donald and several other students were at risk in the school was nominated for an Australian Film Institute Award . The episode featuring Donald facing backlash over allowing Marat / Sade to be performed at the school won writer Linda Stainton the Australian Writers Guild Award in 1998 . Channel 5 chose Donald 's wedding to Marilyn , Donald 's disappearance at sea , his departure and 2007 return among their best episodes . Brian Courtis of The Age criticized Donald 's exit in 2003 : `` Don certainly merited more than this teary - eyed , Goodbye - Mr - Chips dismissal . Old `` Flathead '' , never happy at the cheeriest of times , has reason to look sad and sorry in his farewell episode of Home And Away ( 7pm , Seven ) . It is sloppy , sentimental , touching ... showing almost unspeakable verisimilitude to real life . There is a last dollop of poetry for his final class of kids , an endless minor - key tinkling of the piano as Fisher 's groper - wide mouth gulps at the thought of leaving his beloved waters , and then , with students , staff and locals , the big , emotional , surprise farewell party before he tootles off to Queensland , Valhalla of all Australian soapie greats . '' Virgin Media described Donald as having `` a fearsome demeanor '' and `` always had the interests of his pupils at heart . '' References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Guinness World Records 2002 . Guinness World Records Limited ;. 2001 . p. 34 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 85112 - 124 - 6 . Jump up ^ `` AFI Award Winners Feature Categories 1958 - 2009 '' . Australian Film Institute . 2009 . Archived from the original on 20 September 2009 . Retrieved 5 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Winners 1968 - 2006 '' ( PDF ) . Australian Writers Guild . Retrieved 3 February 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Episode 2036 - The One Where Marilyn Says I Do '' . Channel 5 . ( Northern & Shell ) . Retrieved 5 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Episode 2485 - The One Where Fisher Goes Overboard '' . Channel 5 . ( Northern & Shell ) . Retrieved 5 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Episode 3455 - The One Where Fisher Leaves '' . Channel 5 . ( Northern & Shell ) . Retrieved 5 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Episode 4469 The One Where Fisher Comes Back '' . Channel 5 . ( Northern & Shell ) . Retrieved 5 December 2012 . Jump up ^ Brian , Courtis ( 28 February 2003 ) . `` Where Soap Springs Eternal '' . The Age . Retrieved 5 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Home And Away : Who 's Who ? '' . . ( Virgin Media Inc . ) . 25 January 2007 . Retrieved 5 December 2012 . <Th_colspan="2"> Home and Away characters <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Present characters <Td_colspan="2"> Martin Ashford Ben Astoni Coco Astoni Maggie Astoni Ziggy Astoni Marilyn Chambers Hunter King Brody Morgan Justin Morgan Mason Morgan Tori Morgan Raffy Morrison John Palmer Leah Patterson - Baker Olivia Fraser Richards Irene Roberts Alf Stewart Roo Stewart <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Past characters <Td_colspan="2"> Charlotte Adams Tasha Andrews Rachel Armstrong Billie Ashford Gina Austin Xavier Austin Dan Baker Andy Barrett Josh Barrett Morag Bellingham Saul Bennett Sasha Bezmel Donna Bishop Shauna Bradley Casey Braxton Darryl Braxton Heath Braxton Kyle Braxton Charlie Buckton Ruby Buckton Adam Cameron Annie Campbell Geoff Campbell Kat Chapman Selina Cook Johnny Cooper Nate Cooper Miles Copeland Lucinda Croft Drew Curtis Jazz Curtis Ric Dalby Blake Dean Martin Dibble Donald Fisher Simon Fitzgerald Sally Fletcher Tom Fletcher Nicole Franklin James Fraser Lachlan Fraser Brodie Hanson Chris Harrington Jack Holden Lucas Holden Sam Holden Tony Holden Beth Hunter Kit Hunter Matilda Hunter Robbie Hunter Scott Hunter Kim Hyde Emma Jackson Jett James Peta Janossi Aden Jefferies Elijah Johnson Melody Jones Charlotte King Tamara Kingsley Jude Lawson Noah Lawson Ryan Lee Evelyn MacGuire Oscar MacGuire Zac MacGuire Martha MacKenzie Greg Marshall Sam Marshall Steven Matheson Mitch McColl Jesse McGregor Floss McPhee Denny Miller Roxy Miller Seb Miller Casey Mitchell Grant Mitchell Frank Morgan Carly Morris Liam Murphy Gypsy Nash Joel Nash Natalie Nash Rebecca Nash Tom Nash Travis Nash Viv Newton Tug O'Neale Phoebe Nicholson Maddy Osborne Matt Page Angel Parrish Nick Parrish Shane Parrish Vinnie Patterson VJ Patterson Kane Phillips Alex Poulos Joey Rainbow Curtis Reed Shannon Reed Harry Reynolds Chloe Richards Damian Roberts Finlay Roberts Angelo Rosetta Haydn Ross Pippa Ross Angie Russell Josie Russell Flynn Saunders Pippa Saunders April Scott Bianca Scott Ricky Sharpe Bobby Simpson Sophie Simpson Colleen Smart Lance Smart Narelle Smart Hayley Smith Ken Smith Nick Smith Romeo Smith Will Smith Ailsa Stewart Celia Stewart Duncan Stewart Rob Storey Hugh Sullivan Dani Sutherland Jade Sutherland Kirsty Sutherland Rhys Sutherland Shelley Sutherland Belle Taylor Sarah Thompson Cassie Turner Amanda Vale Dexter Walker Indi Walker Sid Walker Kelly Watson Justine Welles Josh West Hannah Wilson Jack Wilson Matt Wilson <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Characters by year <Td_colspan="2"> 1998 2005 2006 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Home and Away characters Fictional principals and headteachers Fictional schoolteachers Fictional characters introduced in 1988 Hidden categories : Use dmy dates from December 2012 Use Australian English from December 2012 All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English Talk About Wikipedia Español Français Edit links This page was last edited on 9 March 2018 , at 06 : 01 . 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1. Donald Fisher - Home and Away character 2. Norman Coburn - actor who portrayed Donald Fisher 3. Donald Fisher's role as Principal of Summer Bay High 4. Donald Fisher's relationships and family 5. Donald Fisher's storyline and departure from the show
which state of india has its own flag
Flag of Jammu and Kashmir - Wikipedia Flag of Jammu and Kashmir Jammu and Kashmir <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> Use State flag Adopted 1952 <Td_colspan="2"> The flag of Jammu and Kashmir is the official flag of the state of Jammu and Kashmir in northern India . It consists of a deep red field , representing labour , charged with a plough to represent agriculture . Three stripes are found on the hoist side and represent the three geographic regions of the state : Jammu , the Kashmir Valley and Ladakh . The region of Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed state . Jammu and Kashmir is ' permitted ' to fly its own ' state ' flag along with the national flag . Jammu and Kashmir also has a separate constitution which works under Article 370 of the Constitution of India . This is due to the state 's special status under the Indian Constitution . Contents 1 History 2 Description 3 2015 controversy 4 See also 5 References History ( edit ) The flag has its origin in events that took place on 13 July 1931 in Srinagar . During a demonstration against the Dogra rulers , the police opened fire and 21 people were killed . The blood - tainted shirt of one of the victims was then hoisted by the crowd as the new flag of Kashmir. 13 July is known as Martyrs ' Day and is an official holiday in Jammu and Kashmir . On 11 July 1939 , the flag was adopted by the Jammu & Kashmir National Conference , a political party . Then on 7 June 1952 , a resolution was passed by the Constituent Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir , making it the official flag of the State . Meanwhile , according to the Delhi Agreement between Nehru and Sheikh Abdullah , the flag of India has the same status in Jammu and Kashmir as in the rest of India . Description ( edit ) Article 144 states that flag of the state shall be rectangular 3 : 2 format . Its color is red , which originally represented the blood of the martyrs of the 13 July 1931 demonstration , but later came to symbolise workers and labourers . In the middle , a white plough further symbolises the peasants . Next to the staff , three vertical white stripes represent the three regions of Jammu , Kashmir valley and Ladakh . 2015 controversy ( edit ) The Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir makes it mandatory to hoist the state flag alongside the Union flag of India at all times . However , in 2015 , the newly elected Bharatiya Janata Party members in the Jammu and Kashmir legislative assembly refused to hoist the state flag in their offices . BJP Ministers did not hoist the State flag either , as they consider that it has no importance . The government led by Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed then issued a circular making it compulsory to hoist the state flag along with the national flag , stating that `` The state flag has the same sanctity and position as the Union flag has under the Indian Constitution and other statutory provisions . '' However , within 20 hours , the state government withdrew this circular . On withdrawal of the circular , the Jammu & Kashmir BJP spokesperson said , `` `` Our leaders can not have any other flag on their vehicles besides the Tricolour . We welcome the withdrawal of the circular . '' In December 2015 , the Jammu and Kashmir High Court ordered the government of the state to hoist the state flag along with national flag on official buildings and vehicles of constitutional authorities . However , this decision was contested by the Bharatiya Janata Party and in January 2016 Jammu and Kashmir High Court stayed their decision of hoisting state flag . Deputy Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Nirmal Kumar Singh said that no flag could be hoisted at an equal level of the national flag of India . Other parties alleged that the BJP is trying to impose its nationalist agenda on a state with special status . Despite the stance of the BJP , ministers of its coalition partner PDP continue to use the state flag alongside the national flag in official meetings . Youth wing of National Conference also launched a campaign encouraging people to use the state flag as the profile image on their social media accounts saying that `` the State flag of J&K does n't undermine or take away the protocol or status of the National Flag and is clearly provided for in our constitution . '' See also ( edit ) Flag of India Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Jammu and Kashmir ( India ) '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 01 - 06 . ^ Jump up to : `` Under BJP pressure , J&K withdraws flag order '' . The Hindu . 14 March 2015 . Retrieved 28 April 2015 . Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : Noorani , A.G. ( 4 September 2015 ) . `` Two flags , one State '' . Frontline . Retrieved 10 September 2015 . Jump up ^ `` J&K govt withdraws order on state flag '' . The Times of India . 14 March 2015 . Retrieved 28 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Mufti government withdraws controversial circular on state flag '' . India Today . 14 March 2015 . Retrieved 28 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` J&K High Court directs Mufti government to hoist state flag on buildings of constitutional authorities '' . IBNLive. 28 December 2015 . Retrieved 29 December 2015 . Jump up ^ Share on Twitter ( 1 January 2016 ) . `` Jammu and Kashmir high court stays its two - flag order - Times of India '' . Times of India . Retrieved 6 January 2016 . Jump up ^ `` BJP isolated as PDP ministers display J&K flag '' . The Hindu . 6 January 2016 . Retrieved 7 January 2016 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Flags of India Government of Jammu and Kashmir Hidden categories : Use dmy dates from July 2018 Use Indian English from July 2018 All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English Talk Contents About Wikipedia हिन्दी Nederlands ไทย 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 9 July 2018 , at 01 : 56 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Flag of Jammu and Kashmir 2. Official flag of Jammu and Kashmir 3. Symbolism of the Jammu and Kashmir flag 4. Controversy surrounding the Jammu and Kashmir flag 5. State flag of Jammu and Kashmir
group with 5 r and b hits in the 90s
Destiny 's Child - wikipedia Destiny 's Child Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the group . For the group 's eponymous album , see Destiny 's Child ( album ) . <Th_colspan="2"> Destiny 's Child <Td_colspan="2"> Destiny 's Child performing during the Super Bowl XLVII halftime show at Mercedes - Benz Superdome in New Orleans , Louisiana on February 3 , 2013 . From left to right : Kelly Rowland , Beyoncé Knowles , Michelle Williams <Th_colspan="2"> Background information Also known as Girl 's Tyme Origin Houston , Texas , U.S. Genres R&B Years active 1997 ( 1997 ) -- 2006 ( 2006 ) Labels Elektra Columbia Music World Website <Th_colspan="2"> Past members Beyoncé Knowles Kelly Rowland Michelle Williams LaTavia Roberson LeToya Luckett Farrah Franklin Destiny 's Child was an American girl group whose final and best - known line - up comprised Beyoncé Knowles , Kelly Rowland , and Michelle Williams . Formed in 1997 in Houston , Texas , Destiny 's Child members began their musical career as Girl 's Tyme , formed in 1990 , comprising Knowles , Rowland , LaTavia Roberson , and LeToya Luckett among others . After years of limited success , the quartet were signed in 1997 to Columbia Records and Music World Entertainment as Destiny 's Child . Destiny 's Child was launched into mainstream recognition following the release of their best - selling second album , The Writing 's on the Wall ( 1999 ) , which contained the number - one singles `` Bills , Bills , Bills '' and `` Say My Name '' . Despite critical and commercial success , the group was plagued by internal conflict and legal turmoil , as Roberson and Luckett attempted to split from the group 's manager Mathew Knowles , citing favoritism of Knowles and Rowland . In early 2000 , both Roberson and Luckett were replaced with Williams and Farrah Franklin ; however , Franklin quit after five months , leaving the group as a trio . Their third album , Survivor ( 2001 ) , which contains themes the public interpreted as a channel to the group 's experience , contains the worldwide hits `` Independent Women '' , `` Survivor '' and `` Bootylicious '' . In 2002 , they announced a hiatus and re-united two years later for the release of their fourth and final studio album , Destiny Fulfilled ( 2004 ) . Destiny 's Child has sold more than sixty million records worldwide to date . Billboard magazine ranks the group as one of the greatest musical trios of all time , the ninth most successful artist / band of the 2000s , placed the group 68th in its All - Time Hot 100 Artists list in 2008 and in December 2016 , the magazine ranked them as the 90th most successful dance club artist of all - time . The group was nominated for 14 Grammy Awards , winning twice for Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals and once for Best R&B Song . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 1990 -- 97 : Early beginnings and Girl 's Tyme 1.2 1998 -- 2000 : Breakthrough and lineup changes 1.3 2001 -- 2003 : Survivor , subsequent releases , hiatus and side projects 1.4 2004 -- 2006 : Destiny Fulfilled and # 1 's 2 Disbandment and aftermath 3 Artistry 3.1 Musical style and themes 3.2 Public image 4 Legacy 5 Member timeline 6 Discography 7 Tours 8 Grammy Award History 9 See also 10 References 11 External links History 1990 -- 97 : early beginnings and Girl 's Tyme In 1990 , Beyoncé Knowles met rapper LaTavia Roberson while auditioning for a girl group . Based in Houston , Texas , they were joined to a group that performed rapping and dancing . Kelly Rowland , who relocated to Knowles ' house because of family issues , joined them in 1992 . Originally named Girl 's Tyme , they were eventually cut down to six members including Támar Davis and sisters Nikki and Nina Taylor . With Knowles and Rowland , Girl 's Tyme attracted nationwide attention : west - coast R&B producer Arne Frager flew to Houston to see them . He brought them to his studio , The Plant Recording Studios , in Northern California , with focus on Knowles ' vocals because Frager thought she had personality and the ability to sing . With efforts to sign Girl 's Tyme to a major record deal , Frager 's strategy was to debut the group in Star Search , the biggest talent show on national TV at the time . However , they lost the competition because , according to Knowles , their choice of song was wrong ; they were actually rapping instead of singing . Because of the group 's defeat , Knowles ' father , Mathew , voluntarily dedicated his time to manage them . Mathew Knowles decided to cut the original lineup to four , with the removal of Davis and the Taylor sisters and the inclusion of LeToya Luckett in 1993 . Aside from spending time at their church in Houston , Girl 's Tyme practiced in their backyards and at Headliners Salon , owned by Knowles ' mother , Tina . The group would test routines in the salon , when it was on Montrose Boulevard in Houston , and sometimes would collect tips from the customers . Their try out would be critiqued by the people inside . During their school days , Girl 's Tyme performed at local gigs . When summer came , Mathew Knowles established a `` boot camp '' to train them in dance and vocal lessons . After rigorous training , they began performing as opening acts for established R&B groups of that time such as SWV , Dru Hill and Immature . Tina Knowles designed the group 's attire for their performances . Over the course of the early years in their career , Girl 's Tyme changed their name to Something Fresh , Cliché , the Dolls , and to Destiny . The group signed with Elektra Records with the name Destiny , but were dropped several months later before they could release an album . The pursuit of a record deal affected the Knowles family : in 1995 , Mathew Knowles resigned from his job as a medical - equipment salesman , a move that reduced Knowles ' family 's income by half , and her parents briefly separated due to the pressure . In 1996 , they changed their name to Destiny 's Child , which was taken from a passage in the Book of Isaiah . Mathew Knowles helped in negotiating a record deal with Columbia Records , which signed the group that same year . Prior to signing with Columbia , the group had recorded several tracks in Oakland , California produced by D'wayne Wiggins of Tony ! Toni ! Toné ! , including `` Killing Time '' , which upon the label 's recognition that Destiny 's Child had a `` unique quality '' , was included in the soundtrack to the 1997 film Men in Black . 1998 -- 2000 : breakthrough and lineup changes Wyclef Jean remixed the song `` No , No , No '' , which became Destiny 's Child 's first successful single . Destiny 's Child released their self - titled debut album in the United States on February 17 , 1998 , featuring productions by Tim & Bob , Rob Fusari , Jermaine Dupri , Wyclef Jean , Dwayne Wiggins and Corey Rooney . Destiny 's Child peaked at number sixty - seven on the Billboard 200 and number fourteen on the Billboard Top R&B / Hip - Hop Albums . It managed to sell over one million copies in the United States , earning a platinum certification by the Recording Industry Association of America ( RIAA ) . The remix version to the album 's lead single , `` No , No , No '' , reached number one on the Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Singles & Tracks and number three on the Billboard Hot 100 . Its follow - up single , `` With Me Part 1 '' failed to reproduce the success of `` No , No , No '' . Meanwhile , the group featured on a song from the soundtrack album of the romantic drama Why Do Fools Fall in Love and `` Get on the Bus '' had a limited release in Europe and other markets . In 1998 , Destiny 's Child garnered three Soul Train Lady of Soul awards including Best New Artist for `` No , No , No '' . Knowles considered their debut successful but not huge , claiming as a neo soul record it was too mature for the group at the time . After the success of their debut album , Destiny 's Child re-entered the studio quickly , bringing in a new lineup of producers , including Kevin `` She'kspere '' Briggs and Rodney Jerkins . Coming up with The Writing 's on the Wall , they released it on July 27 , 1999 and it eventually became their breakthrough album . The Writing 's on the Wall peaked at number five on the Billboard 200 and number two on R&B chart in early 2000 . `` Bills , Bills , Bills '' was released in 1999 as the album 's lead single and reached the top spot of the Billboard Hot 100 , becoming their first US number - one single . The Writing 's on the Wall has been credited as Destiny 's Child 's breakthrough album , spurring their career and introducing them to a wider audience . The main key to the group 's breakthrough was the album 's third single , `` Say My Name '' , which topped the Billboard Hot 100 for three consecutive weeks . The successful release of the singles bolstered the album 's sales , eventually selling over eight million copies in the United States , gaining eight - time platinum certification by the RIAA . The Writing 's on the Wall sold more than 11 million copies worldwide and was one of the top - selling albums of 2000 . Michelle Williams joined the group as a replacement for Luckett and Roberson . In December 1999 , Luckett and Roberson attempted to split with their manager , claiming that he kept a disproportionate share of the group 's profits and unfairly favored Knowles and Rowland . While they never intended to leave the group , when the video for `` Say My Name '' surfaced in February 2000 , Roberson and Luckett found out that two new members were joining Knowles and Rowland . Prior to the video premiere , Knowles announced on TRL that original members Luckett and Roberson had left the group . They were replaced by Michelle Williams , a former backup singer to Monica , and Farrah Franklin , an aspiring singer - actress . Shortly after her stint with Monica , Williams was introduced to Destiny 's Child by choreographer Braden Larson aka `` Peanut Orlando '' , and was flown to Houston where she stayed with the Knowles family . In March 2000 , Roberson and Luckett filed a lawsuit against Mathew Knowles and their former bandmates for breach of partnership and fiduciary duties . Following the suit , both sides were disparaging towards each other in the media . Five months after joining , Franklin left the group . The remaining members claimed that this was due to missed promotional appearances and concerts . According to Williams , Franklin could not handle stress . Franklin , however , disclosed that she left because of the negativity surrounding the strife and her inability to assert any control in the decision making . Her departure was seen as less controversial . Williams , on the other hand , disclosed that her inclusion in the group resulted in her `` battling insecurity '' : `` I was comparing myself to the other members , and the pressure was on me . '' Towards the end of 2000 , Roberson and Luckett dropped the portion of their lawsuit aimed at Rowland and Knowles in exchange for a settlement , though they continued the action against their manager . As part of the agreement , both sides were prohibited from speaking about each other publicly . Roberson and Luckett formed another girl group named Anjel but also left it due to issues with the record company . Although band members were affected by the turmoil , Destiny 's Child 's success continued . The following years of their career were seen as the group 's most successful stretch , becoming a pop culture phenomenon . `` Say My Name '' became their second number - one and biggest single to date . The fourth single from The Writing 's on the Wall , `` Jumpin ' , Jumpin ' '' , also became a top - ten hit . During this time , Destiny 's Child began performing as an opening act at the concerts of pop singers Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera . With Williams in the new lineup , Destiny 's Child released a theme song for the soundtrack to the film version of Charlie 's Angels . Released as a single in October 2000 , `` Independent Women Part 1 '' spent eleven consecutive weeks atop the Billboard Hot 100 from November 2000 to January 2001 , the longest - running number - one single of Destiny 's Child 's career and of that year in the United States . The successful release of the single boosted the sales of the soundtrack album to Charlie 's Angels to 1.5 million by 2001 . In 2000 , Destiny 's Child won Soul Train 's Sammy Davis Jr . Entertainer of the Year award . 2001 -- 2003 : Survivor , subsequent releases , hiatus and side projects At the 2001 Billboard Music Awards , Destiny 's Child won several accolades , including Artist of the Year and Duo / Group of the Year , and again won Artist of the Year among five awards they snagged in 2001 . In September 2000 , the group took home two at the sixth annual Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards , including R&B / Soul Album of the Year , Group for The Writing 's on the Wall . Destiny 's Child recorded their third album , Survivor , from mid-2000 until early 2001 . In the production process , Knowles assumed more control in co-producing and co-writing almost the entire album . Survivor hit record stores in the spring of 2001 and entered the Billboard 200 at number one , selling over 663,000 copies in its first week sales . The first three singles , `` Independent Women Part I '' , `` Survivor '' and `` Bootylicious '' reached the top three in the United States and were also successful in other countries ; the first two were consecutive number - one singles in the United Kingdom . The album was certified four - time platinum in the United States and double platinum in Australia . It sold 6 million copies as of July 27 , 2001 . In the wake of the September 11 attacks , Destiny 's Child canceled a European tour and performed in a concert benefit for the survivors . In October 2001 , the group released a holiday album , 8 Days of Christmas , which contained updated versions of several Christmas songs . The album managed to reach number thirty - four on the Billboard 200 . In February 2001 , Destiny 's Child won two Grammy awards for `` Say My Name '' : Best R&B Vocal Performance by a Duo or Group and Best R&B Song . They also earned an American Music Award for Favorite Soul / R&B Band / Duo . Also in 2001 , Destiny 's Child sang backup vocals for Solange Knowles , who was the lead , on the theme song to the animated Disney Channel series The Proud Family . In March 2002 , a remix compilation titled This Is the Remix was released to win fans over before a new studio album would be released . The remix album reached number 29 in the United States . The lead single `` Survivor '' was by some interpreted as a response to the strife between the band members , although Knowles claimed it was not directed at anybody . Seeing it as a breach of the agreement that barred each party from public disparagement , Roberson and Luckett once again filed a lawsuit against Destiny 's Child and Sony Music , shortly following the release of This Is the Remix . In June 2002 , remaining cases were settled in court . Beyoncé Knowles ' sister , Solange , who had recorded songs and performed with Destiny 's Child , was reported to join the group when they reunite , but this was later confirmed as only a test of the public 's reaction . In late 2000 , Destiny 's Child announced their plan to embark on individual side projects , including releases of solo albums , an idea by their manager . In 2002 , Williams released her solo album , Heart to Yours , a contemporary gospel collection . The album reached number one on the Billboard Top Gospel Albums chart . In the same date Heart to Yours hit stores , Destiny 's Child released their official autobiography , Soul Survivors . Rowland collaborated with hip hop artist Nelly on `` Dilemma '' , which became a worldwide hit and earned Rowland a Grammy ; she became the first member of Destiny 's Child to have achieved a US number - one single . In the same year , Knowles co-starred with Mike Myers in the box - office hit Austin Powers in Goldmember . She recorded her first solo single , `` Work It Out '' , for the film 's soundtrack . To capitalize on the success of `` Dilemma '' , Rowland 's solo debut album Simply Deep was brought forward from its early 2003 release to September 2002 . Rowland 's career took off internationally when Simply Deep hit number one on the UK Albums Chart . In the same year , she made her feature film debut in the horror film Freddy vs. Jason . Meanwhile , Knowles made her second film , The Fighting Temptations , and appeared as featured vocalist on her then - boyfriend Jay - Z 's single `` ' 03 Bonnie & Clyde '' , which paved the way for the release of her debut solo album . As an upshot from the success of `` Dilemma '' , Knowles ' debut album , Dangerously in Love , was postponed many times until June 2003 . Knowles was considered the most successful among the three solo releases . Dangerously in Love debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 , selling 317,000 copies . It yielded the number - one hits `` Crazy in Love '' , and `` Baby Boy '' ; and the top - five singles `` Me , Myself and I '' and `` Naughty Girl '' . The album was certified 4x platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America ( RIAA ) . It remains as Knowles ' best - selling album to date , with sales of 5 million copies in the United States , as of June 2016 . Worldwide , the album has sold more than eleven million copies . Knowles ' solo debut was well received by critics , earning five Grammy awards in one night for Dangerously in Love , tying the likes of Norah Jones , Lauryn Hill , and Alicia Keys for most Grammys received in one night by a female artist . In November 2003 , Williams appeared as Aida on Broadway . In January 2004 , she released her second gospel album , Do You Know . D'wayne Wiggins , who had produced their first recordings as Destiny 's Child , filed suit in 2002 against his former counsel ( Bloom , Hergott , Diemer & Cook LLP ) seeking $15 million in damages for lessening his contractual agreement with the group without his consent , effectively nullifying his original contract that offered Sony Music / Columbia Destiny 's Child 's exclusive recording services for an initial seven years , in exchange for `` certain royalties '' , instead of royalties only from the first three albums . The case was settled for an undisclosed amount . In June 2003 , Mathew Knowles announced that Destiny 's Child would expand back to a quartet , revealing Knowles ' younger sister , Solange , as the latest addition to the group . Destiny 's Child had previously recorded songs with Solange and shared the stage when she temporarily replaced Rowland after she broke her toes while performing . Their manager , however , said the idea was used to test reactions from the public . In August 2003 , Knowles herself confirmed that her sister would not be joining in the group , and instead promoted Solange 's debut album , Solo Star , released in January 2003 . 2004 -- 2006 : Destiny Fulfilled and # 1 's Three years after the hiatus , members of Destiny 's Child reunited to record their fourth and final studio album , Destiny Fulfilled . The album introduces the trio to a harder , `` urban '' sound , and songs featured are conceptually interrelated . Destiny Fulfilled saw equality in the trio : each member contributed to writing on the majority songs , as well as becoming executive producers aside from their manager . Released on November 15 , 2004 , Destiny Fulfilled failed to top Survivor ; the album reached number two the following week , selling 497,000 copies in its first week , compared to 663,000 for the previous album . Certified three - time platinum in the United States , it was still one of the best - selling albums of 2005 , selling over eight million copies worldwide ; it pushed the group back into the position of the best - selling female group and American group of the year . Four singles were released from the album : the lead `` Lose My Breath '' , `` Soldier '' , `` Cater 2 U '' and `` Girl '' ; the first two reached number three in the United States . `` Soldier '' `` Cater 2 U '' were certified platinum by the RIAA in 2006 . The final line - up of Destiny 's Child performing during their 2005 Destiny Fulfilled ... and Lovin ' It concert tour . To promote the album , Destiny 's Child embarked on their worldwide concert tour , Destiny Fulfilled ... and Lovin ' It Tour . On June 11 , 2005 , while at the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona , Spain , the group announced before 16,000 people their official breakup . Destiny 's Child claimed , however , that naming it Destiny Fulfilled was not a coincidence of sort . Right in the making of the album , they planned to part ways after their fourteen - year career as a group to facilitate their continued pursuit in individual aspirations . Knowles stated that their destinies were already fulfilled . The group exclusively sent a letter to MTV about the decision : We have been working together as Destiny 's Child since we were 9 , and touring together since we were 14 . After a lot of discussion and some deep soul searching , we realized that our current tour has given us the opportunity to leave Destiny 's Child on a high note , united in our friendship and filled with an overwhelming gratitude for our music , our fans , and each other . After all these wonderful years working together , we realized that now is the time to pursue our personal goals and solo efforts in earnest ... No matter what happens , we will always love each other as friends and sisters and will always support each other as artists . We want to thank all of our fans for their incredible love and support and hope to see you all again as we continue fulfilling our destinies . -- Destiny 's Child , MTV Destiny 's Child released their greatest hits album , # 1 's , on October 25 , 2005 . The compilation includes their number - one hits including `` Independent Woman Part 1 '' , `` Say My Name '' and `` Bootylicious '' . Three new tracks were recorded for the compilation including `` Stand Up for Love '' , which was recorded for the theme song to the World Children 's Day , and `` Check on It '' , a song Knowles recorded for The Pink Panther 's soundtrack . Record producer David Foster , his daughter Amy Foster - Gillies and Knowles wrote `` Stand Up for Love '' as the anthem to the World Children 's Day , an annual worldwide event to raise awareness and funds for children causes . Over the past three years , more than $50 million have been raised to benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities and other children 's organizations . Destiny 's Child lent their voices and support as global ambassadors for the 2005 program . # 1 's was also released as a DualDisc , featuring the same track listing , seven videos of selected songs and a trailer of the concert DVD Destiny 's Child : Live in Atlanta . The DVD was filmed during the Atlanta visit of the Destiny Fulfilled ... And Lovin ' It tour , and was released on March 28 , 2006 . It has been certified platinum by the RIAA , denoting shipments of over one million units . The title of the compilation fueled a ripple as it contained number - one singles , although not exclusively . While the liner notes of the compilation does not present any information regarding commercial performances of the songs featured , writer Keith Caulfield of Billboard magazine suggested that the name could only be `` a marketing angle '' . Despite this , journalist Chris Harris of MTV said that it `` lives up to its name '' . Disbandment and aftermath Destiny 's Child reunited for a farewell performance at the 2006 NBA All - Star Game on February 19 , 2006 in Houston , Texas ; however , Knowles commented , `` It 's the last album , but it 's not the last show . '' Their final televised performance was at the Fashion Rocks benefit concert in New York a few days later . On March 28 , 2006 , Destiny 's Child was inducted into the Hollywood Walk of Fame , the 2,035 th recipient of the coveted recognition . At the 2006 BET Awards , Destiny 's Child won Best Group , a category they also earned in 2005 and 2001 . After their formal disbandment , all members resumed their solo careers and have each experienced different levels of success . Since then , Knowles , Rowland and Williams have continued to collaborate on each other 's solo projects through song features , music video appearances , and live performances . Both Rowland and Williams , along with Knowles ' sister Solange , appeared in Knowles ' music video for her single `` Get Me Bodied '' ( 2007 ) . On June 26 , 2007 , the group made a mini-reunion at the 2007 BET Awards , where Knowles performed `` Get Me Bodied '' with Williams and Solange as her back - up dancers . After her performance , Knowles introduced Rowland who performed her single `` Like This '' ( 2007 ) with Eve . On the September 2 , 2007 Los Angeles stop of The Beyoncé Experience tour , Knowles sang a snippet of `` Survivor '' with Rowland and Williams , and the latter two rendered a `` Happy Birthday '' song to Knowles . The performance was featured in Knowles ' tour DVD , The Beyoncé Experience Live . In 2008 , Knowles recorded a cover of Billy Joel 's `` Honesty '' for Destiny 's Child 's compilation album Mathew Knowles & Music World Present Vol. 1 : Love Destiny , which was released only in Japan to celebrate the group 's tenth anniversary . Rowland made a cameo appearance in Knowles ' music video for her single `` Party '' ( 2011 ) , and the group 's third compilation album , Playlist : The Very Best of Destiny 's Child , was released in 2012 to mark the fifteenth anniversary since their formation . The fourth compilation album , Love Songs , was released on January 29 , 2013 , and included the newly recorded song `` Nuclear '' , produced by Pharrell Williams . `` Nuclear '' marked the first original music from Destiny 's Child in eight years . The following month , Rowland and Williams appeared as special guests for Knowles ' Super Bowl XLVII halftime show , where they performed `` Bootylicious '' , `` Independent Women '' and Knowles ' own song `` Single Ladies ( Put a Ring on It ) '' . A video album titled Destiny 's Child Video Anthology was released in May 2013 and featured sixteen of the group 's music videos . Knowles and Williams were then featured on Rowland 's song `` You Changed '' from her fourth solo album Talk a Good Game ( 2013 ) . Later that year , Rowland and Williams made cameo appearances in the music videos for Knowles ' songs `` Superpower '' and `` Grown Woman '' , which were both included on her self - titled fifth solo visual album . Williams released the single `` Say Yes '' in June 2014 , featuring Knowles and Rowland . They performed `` Say Yes '' together during the 2015 Stellar Awards , and the live version of the song was mastered for iTunes in April 2015 . On November 7 , 2016 , the group reunited in a video to try the Mannequin Challenge , which was posted on Rowland 's official Instagram account . Artistry Musical Style and themes Destiny 's Child recorded R&B songs with styles that encompasses urban , contemporary , and dance - pop . In the group 's original line - up , Knowles was the lead vocalist , Rowland was the second lead vocalist , Luckett was on soprano , and Roberson was on alto . Knowles remained as the lead vocalist in the group 's final line - up as a trio , however , Rowland and Williams also took turns in singing lead for the majority of their songs . Destiny 's Child cited R&B singer Janet Jackson as one of their influences . Ann Powers of The New York Times described Destiny 's Child music as `` fresh and emotional ... these ladies have the best mixes , the savviest samples and especially the most happening beats . '' In the same publication , Jon Pareles noted that the sound that defines Destiny 's Child , aside from Knowles ' voice , `` is the way its melodies jump in and out of double - time . Above brittle , syncopated rhythm tracks , quickly articulated verses alternate with smoother choruses . '' The group usually harmonize their vocals in their songs , especially on the ballads . In most instances of their songs , each member sings one verse and chimes in at the chorus . In their third album Survivor ( 2001 ) , each member sings lead in the majority of the songs . Knowles said , `` ... everybody is a part of the music ... Everybody is singing lead on every song , and it 's so great -- because now Destiny 's Child is at the point vocally and mentally that it should be at . '' Knowles , however , completely led songs like `` Brown Eyes '' and `` Dangerously in Love '' . The group explored their lyrics to man - to - woman relationship , sisterhood and female empowerment anthems . Survivor contains themes interpreted by the public as a reference to the group 's internal conflict . The title track , `` Survivor '' , which set the theme used throughout the album , features the lyrics `` I 'm not gon na blast you on the radio ... I 'm not gon na lie on you or your family ... I 'm not gon na hate you in the magazine '' caused Roberson and Luckett to file a lawsuit against the group ; the lyrics were perceived to be a violation over their agreement following a settlement in court . In an interview , Knowles commented : `` The lyrics to the single ' Survivor ' are Destiny 's Child 's story , because we 've been through a lot , ... We went through our drama with the members ... Any complications we 've had in our 10 - year period of time have made us closer and tighter and better . '' In another song called `` Fancy '' , which contains the lyrics `` You always tried to compete with me , girl ... find your own identity '' , was interpreted by critic David Browne , in his review of the album for Entertainment Weekly magazine , as a response to the lawsuit . Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic summarized Survivor as `` a determined , bullheaded record , intent on proving Destiny 's Child has artistic merit largely because the group survived internal strife ... It 's a record that tries to be a bold statement of purpose , but winds up feeling forced and artificial . '' Despite the album 's receiving critical praise , Knowles ' close involvement has occasionally generated criticism . Knowles wrote and co-produced the bulk of Survivor . Browne suggested that her help made Survivor a `` premature , but inevitable , growing pains album '' . In the majority of the songs on their final studio album Destiny Fulfilled ( 2004 ) , the verses are divided into three sections , with Knowles singing first , followed by Rowland , then Williams ; the three harmonize together during the choruses . Public image Diana Ross ( pictured ) , lead singer of The Supremes , whom Beyoncé Knowles was compared to . Destiny 's Child were compared to The Supremes , a 1960s American female singing group , with Knowles being compared to Supremes frontwoman Diana Ross ; Knowles , however , has dismissed the notion . Coincidentally , Knowles starred in the film adaptation of the 1981 Broadway musical Dreamgirls as Deena Jones , the front woman of the Dreams , a female singing group based on the Supremes . With Knowles ' wide role assumed in the production of Survivor , Gil Kaufman of MTV noted that `` it became clear that Beyoncé was emerging as DC 's unequivocal musical leader and public face '' . Her dominance to the creative input in the album made the album `` very much her work '' . For Lola Ogunnaike of The New York Times , `` It 's been a long - held belief in the music industry that Destiny 's Child was little more than a launching pad for Beyoncé Knowles ' inevitable solo career . '' In the wake of Knowles ' debut solo album Dangerously in Love ( 2003 ) , rumors spread about a possible split of Destiny 's Child after each member had experienced solo success and had ongoing projects . Comparisons were drawn to Justin Timberlake , who did not return to band NSYNC after his breakthrough debut solo album , Justified . Rowland responded to such rumors , announcing they were back in the studio together . The group claimed that the reunion was destined to happen and that their affinity to each other kept them cohesive . Margeaux Watson , arts editor at Suede magazine , suggested that Knowles `` does not want to appear disloyal to her former partners , '' and called her decision to return to the group `` a charitable one '' . Knowles ' mother , Tina , wrote a 2002 - published book , titled Destiny 's Style : Bootylicious Fashion , Beauty and Lifestyle Secrets From Destiny 's Child , an account of how fashion influenced Destiny 's Child 's success . Legacy Destiny 's Child 's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame . Destiny 's Child have been referred to as R&B icons , and have sold more than 60 million records worldwide . Following the disbandment of Destiny 's Child , MTV 's James Montgomery noted that `` they have left a fairly sizable legacy behind '' as `` one of the best - selling female pop vocal groups in history . '' Billboard observed that Destiny 's Child were `` defined by a combination of feisty female empowerment anthems , killer dance moves and an eviable fashion sense , '' while Essence noted that they `` set trends with their harmonious music and cutting - edge style . '' In 2015 , Daisy Jones of Dazed Digital published an article on how the group made a significant impact in R&B music , writing `` Without a hint of rose tint , Destiny 's Child legitimately transformed the sound of R&B forever ... their distinct influence can be found peppered all over today 's pop landscape , from Tinashe to Ariana Grande . '' Nicole Marrow of The Cut magazine believed that R&B music in the 1990s and early 2000s `` was virtually redefined by the success of powerhouse performers like TLC and Destiny 's Child , who preached a powerful litany of embracing womanhood and celebrating individuality . '' Hugh McIntyre of Forbes wrote that before The Pussycat Dolls and Danity Kane burst onto the music scene in the mid-2000s , Destiny 's Child were `` the reigning queens '' of the girl group genre . Destiny 's Child 's final line - up as a trio has been widely noted as the group 's most recognizable and successful line - up . Billboard recognized them as one of the greatest musical trios of all time ; they were also ranked as the third most successful girl group of all time on the Billboard charts , behind TLC and The Supremes . The group 's single `` Independent Women '' ( 2000 ) ranked second on Billboard 's list of the `` Top 40 Biggest Girl Group Songs of All Time on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart '' . `` Independent Women '' was also acknowledged by the Guinness World Records as the longest - running number - one song on the Hot 100 by a girl group . The term `` Bootylicious '' ( a combination of the words booty and delicious ) became popularized by Destiny 's Child 's single of the same and was later added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2006 . The term was also used to describe Beyoncé during the 2000s decade due to her curvacious figure . VH1 included `` Bootylicious '' on their `` 100 Greatest Songs of the ' 00s '' list in 2011 , and Destiny 's Child on their `` 100 Greatest Women in Music '' list the following year . Additionally , `` Independent Women '' was ranked as one of NME 's `` 100 Best Songs of the 00s '' . Destiny 's Child was honored at the 2005 World Music Awards with the World 's Best Selling Female Group of All Time Award , which included a 17 - minute tribute performance by Patti LaBelle , Usher , Babyface , Rihanna , Amerie and Teairra Mari . In 2006 , the group was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame . Destiny 's Child has been credited as a musical influence or inspiration by several artists including Rihanna , Meghan Trainor , Fifth Harmony , Little Mix , Girls Aloud , Haim , Jess Glynne , Katy B , and RichGirl . Ciara was inspired to pursue a career in music after seeing Destiny 's Child perform on television . Ariana Grande cited Destiny 's Child as one of her vocal inspirations , saying that listening to the group 's music is how she discovered her range and `` learned about harmonies and runs and ad - libs . '' Meghan Trainor stated that her single `` No '' ( 2016 ) was inspired by the late 1990s and early 2000s sounds of Destiny 's Child , NSYNC , and Britney Spears . Fifth Harmony cited Destiny 's Child as their biggest inspiration , and even paid tribute to the group by performing a medley of `` Say My Name '' , `` Independent Women '' , `` Bootylicious '' and `` Survivor '' on the television show Greatest Hits . Fifth Harmony also incorporated elements of the intro from `` Bootylicious '' for the intro to their own song `` Brave , Honest , Beautiful '' ( 2015 ) . Member timeline Discography Main article : Destiny 's Child discography Destiny 's Child ( 1998 ) The Writing 's on the Wall ( 1999 ) Survivor ( 2001 ) 8 Days of Christmas ( 2001 ) Destiny Fulfilled ( 2004 ) Tours Headlining 1999 European Tour ( 1999 ) 2002 World Tour ( 2002 ) Destiny Fulfilled ... and Lovin ' It ( 2005 -- 06 ) Co-headlining Total Request Live Tour ( with 3LW , Dream , Jessica Simpson , City High , Eve and Nelly with the St. Lunatics ) ( 2001 ) Opening act SWV World Tour ( opened for SWV ) ( 1996 ) Evolution Tour ( opened for Boyz II Men ) ( 1998 ) FanMail Tour ( opened for TLC ) ( 1999 ) Introducing IMx Tour ( opened for IMx ) ( 2000 ) Christina Aguilera in Concert ( opened for Christina Aguilera ) ( 2000 ) ( You Drive Me ) Crazy Tour ( opened for Britney Spears ) ( 2000 ) Grammy Award history The Grammy Awards are awarded annually by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences . Destiny 's Child has won three awards from fourteen nominations . Year Nominee / work Award Result 2000 `` Bills , Bills , Bills '' Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals Nominated Best R&B Song Nominated `` Independent Women '' Best Song Written for a Motion Picture , Television or Other Visual Media Nominated `` Say My Name '' Record of the Year Nominated Song of the Year Nominated Best R&B Song Won Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals Won 2002 `` Survivor '' Won Survivor Best R&B Album Nominated 2005 `` Lose My Breath '' Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals Nominated 2006 `` Cater 2 U '' Nominated Best R&B Song Nominated `` Soldier '' ( feat . T.I. and Lil Wayne ) Best Rap / Sung Collaboration Nominated Destiny Fulfilled Best Contemporary R&B Album Nominated See also Book : Destiny 's Child List of best - selling girl groups Houston portal Biography portal R&B and Soul Music portal References Jump up ^ `` Destiny 's Child 's Long Road To Fame ( The Song Is n't Called ' Survivor ' For Nothing ) '' . MTV . 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Jump up ^ Eisinger , Amy ( May 22 , 2009 ) . `` ' Bootylicious ' Beyoncé says it 's ' sexier ' to stay out of the gym '' . Daily News . New York . Archived from the original on January 30 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Anderson , Kyle ( September 29 , 2011 ) . `` U2 , Rihanna , Amy Winehouse , Foo Fighters fill out VH1 's ' 100 Greatest Songs of the ' 00s ' : An EW Exclusive ! '' . Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Graham , Mark ( February 13 , 2012 ) . `` VH1 's 100 Greatest Women in Music ( Complete List ) '' . VH1 . Archived from the original on March 4 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` 100 Best Songs of the 00s : 90 - 81 '' . NME . p. 2 . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Delta a shoe - in '' . The Age . September 2 , 2005 . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` 10 Most Insane # TBT Moments From Destiny 's Child 's 2005 WMA Tribute '' . MTV . April 24 , 2014 . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Spotlight on Rihanna '' . Vogue Italia . March 12 , 2010 . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Croteau , Lauren ( January 16 , 2009 ) . `` Destiny 's Child Influenced Rihanna '' . . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Copsey , Rob ( April 19 , 2016 ) . `` Meghan Trainor talks new album Thank You , Grammys backlash and working with her mum -- Interview '' . The Official UK Charts Company . Retrieved April 20 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Davis , Rachaell ( July 3 , 2016 ) . `` Fifth Harmony Pays Homage to Destiny 's Child with a Performance of Their Hits '' . . Retrieved February 13 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Little Mix 's Aspirations , Musical Influences & Collaboration Wish List '' . WBMP ( FM ) . March 27 , 2013 . Archived from the original on March 28 , 2013 . Retrieved March 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Artist Influences for Girls Aloud '' . MTV . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Dekel - Daks , Tal ( January 29 , 2013 ) . `` Ten Things About ... Destiny 's Child '' . Digital Spy . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Kaufman , Gil ( March 27 , 2013 ) . `` Haim are crushing on Aaliyah , Destiny 's Child '' . MTV . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Smyth , David ( September 23 , 2014 ) . `` Interview : Mobo shortlisted singer Jess Glynne on being pop 's brightest newcomer '' . London Evening Standard . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Corner , Lewis ( April 18 , 2011 ) . `` Katy B was brought up on Destiny 's Child '' . Digital Spy . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` RichGirl : Money in the Bank '' . Rap - Up . April 29 , 2009 . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ McMahon , James ( July 19 , 2013 ) . `` Flashback Friday : Ciara '' . Wonderland magazine . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Grande Dame '' . V magazine . February 20 , 2014 . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Schillaci , Sophie ( May 13 , 2016 ) . `` Exclusive : Meghan Trainor on Being Inspired by Britney Spears and * NSYNC , Her Hilarious Relationship Dealbreakers '' . Entertainment Tonight . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Roth , Madeline ( July 29 , 2016 ) . `` Fifth Harmony 's Full Destiny 's Child Medley Is Here , And It 's Flawless '' . MTV . Retrieved September 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Walker , John ( February 16 , 2015 ) . `` Are Fifth Harmony Really ' Like Mariah ' ? We Did the Math '' . MTV . Retrieved September 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` 48th Annual Grammy Awards - 2006 '' . Rock On The Net . Retrieved 2010 - 08 - 12 . External links Find more aboutDestiny 's Childat Wikipedia 's sister projects Media from Wikimedia Commons Data from Wikidata Official website Destiny 's Child discography at Discogs Destiny 's Child at AllMusic Destiny 's Child on IMDb <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) Destiny 's Child <Td_colspan="2"> Beyoncé Knowles Kelly Rowland Michelle Williams LaTavia Roberson LeToya Luckett Farrah Franklin Studio albums Destiny 's Child The Writing 's on the Wall Survivor 8 Days of Christmas Destiny Fulfilled Compilation albums This Is the Remix # 1 's Mathew Knowles & Music World Present Vol. 1 : Love Destiny Playlist : The Very Best of Destiny 's Child Love Songs Extended plays Love : Destiny Singles `` No , No , No '' `` With Me '' `` Get on the Bus '' `` Bills , Bills , Bills '' `` Bug a Boo '' `` Say My Name '' `` Jumpin ' , Jumpin ' '' `` Independent Women '' `` Survivor '' `` Bootylicious '' `` Emotion '' `` Nasty Girl '' `` 8 Days of Christmas '' `` Rudolph the Red - Nosed Reindeer '' `` Lose My Breath '' `` Soldier '' `` Girl '' `` Cater 2 U '' `` Stand Up for Love '' Featured singles `` Just Be Straight with Me '' `` Thug Love '' `` What 's Going On '' `` The Girl Is Mine '' Live and video releases The Platinum 's on the Wall Destiny 's Child World Tour Live in Atlanta Destiny 's Child Video Anthology Concert tours Total Request Live Tour Destiny Fulfilled ... and Lovin ' It Related topics Discography Awards and nominations Songs Mathew Knowles Super Bowl XLVII halftime show <Td_colspan="2"> Book <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) Destiny 's Child <Td_colspan="2"> Beyoncé Knowles Kelly Rowland Michelle Williams LaTavia Roberson LeToya Luckett Farrah Franklin Studio albums Destiny 's Child The Writing 's on the Wall Survivor 8 Days of Christmas Destiny Fulfilled Compilation albums This Is the Remix # 1 's Mathew Knowles & Music World Present Vol. 1 : Love Destiny Playlist : The Very Best of Destiny 's Child Love Songs Extended plays Love : Destiny Singles `` No , No , No '' `` With Me '' `` Get on the Bus '' `` Bills , Bills , Bills '' `` Bug a Boo '' `` Say My Name '' `` Jumpin ' , Jumpin ' '' `` Independent Women '' `` Survivor '' `` Bootylicious '' `` Emotion '' `` Nasty Girl '' `` 8 Days of Christmas '' `` Rudolph the Red - Nosed Reindeer '' `` Lose My Breath '' `` Soldier '' `` Girl '' `` Cater 2 U '' `` Stand Up for Love '' Featured singles `` Just Be Straight with Me '' `` Thug Love '' `` What 's Going On '' `` The Girl Is Mine '' Live and video releases The Platinum 's on the Wall Destiny 's Child World Tour Live in Atlanta Destiny 's Child Video Anthology Concert tours Total Request Live Tour Destiny Fulfilled ... and Lovin ' It Related topics Discography Awards and nominations Songs Mathew Knowles Super Bowl XLVII halftime show <Td_colspan="2"> Book <Th_colspan="2"> Navigation templates for individual members <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Beyoncé <Td_colspan="2"> Awards and nominations Discography Songs Performances Videography Studio albums Dangerously in Love B'Day I Am ... Sasha Fierce Beyoncé Lemonade EPs True Star : A Private Performance Irreemplazable Above and Beyoncé : Dance Mixes Heat 4 : The Remix More Only Compilations Speak My Mind Beyoncé : Platinum Edition Live and video releases Live at Wembley B'Day Anthology Video Album The Beyoncé Experience Live Above and Beyoncé : Video Collection I Am ... Yours : An Intimate Performance at Wynn Las Vegas I Am ... World Tour Live at Roseland : Elements of 4 Live in Atlantic City Live Concert tours Dangerously in Love Tour The Verizon Ladies First Tour The Beyoncé Experience I Am ... World Tour The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour On the Run Tour The Formation World Tour Concert residencies I Am ... Yours 4 Intimate Nights with Beyoncé Revel Presents : Beyoncé Live Television Super Bowl XLVII halftime show Life Is But a Dream On the Run Tour : Beyoncé and Jay Z Super Bowl 50 halftime show Lemonade Retail House of Deréon Heat Heat Rush Pulse Rise Tidal Ivy Park Related soundtracks Dreamgirls soundtrack Cadillac Records soundtrack Related topics Parkwood Entertainment Destiny 's Child Jay - Z ( husband ) Mathew Knowles ( father ) Tina Knowles ( mother ) Solange Knowles ( sister ) Frank Gatson Jr . Ashley Everett Bibi McGill True Star `` Kanyegate '' Let 's Move ! Flash Workout Scaptia beyonceae EveryBODYisflawless <Td_colspan="2"> Book Portal <Th_colspan="2"> Kelly Rowland <Td_colspan="2"> Discography Videography Tours Songs Awards and nominations Studio albums Simply Deep Ms. Kelly Here I Am Talk a Good Game Extended plays Ms. Kelly : Diva Deluxe Singles `` Dilemma '' `` Stole '' `` Ca n't Nobody '' `` Train on a Track '' `` Like This '' `` Ghetto '' `` Work '' `` Daylight '' `` Everywhere You Go '' `` Commander '' `` Rose Colored Glasses '' `` Grown Woman '' `` Forever and a Day '' `` Motivation '' `` Lay It on Me '' `` Down for Whatever '' `` Ice '' `` Kisses Down Low '' `` Dirty Laundry '' Featured singles `` Separated '' `` Une femme en prison '' `` Here We Go '' `` No Future in the Past '' `` Breathe Gentle '' `` When Love Takes Over '' `` Invincible '' `` Gone '' `` What a Feeling '' `` Favor '' `` Boo Thang '' `` Summer Dreaming 2012 '' `` How Deep Is Your Love '' `` Representin '' `` Mama Told Me '' `` Neva End '' `` Without Me '' `` One Life '' `` Love & Sex , Pt. 2 '' `` Say Yes '' Video albums BET Presents Kelly Rowland Concert tours Simply Deeper Tour Ms. Kelly Tour Lights Out Tour Related articles Destiny 's Child <Th_colspan="2"> Michelle Williams <Td_colspan="2"> Discography Studio albums Heart to Yours Do You Know Unexpected Journey to Freedom Singles `` Heard a Word '' `` Sun Will Shine Again '' `` Do You Know '' `` Let 's Stay Together '' `` We Break the Dawn '' `` The Greatest '' `` Hello Heartbreak '' `` If We Had Your Eyes '' `` Fire '' `` Say Yes '' `` Believe in Me '' Featured singles `` Waiting on You '' Theater Aida The Color Purple Chicago Fela ! Related topics Destiny 's Child <Th_colspan="2"> LeToya Luckett Studio albums LeToya Lady Love Back 2 Life Singles `` All Eyes on Me '' `` Torn '' `` She Do n't '' `` Obvious '' `` Not Anymore '' `` She Ai n't Got ... '' `` Regret '' `` Good to Me '' `` Do n't Make Me Wait '' `` Back 2 Life '' `` Used To '' `` Weekend '' `` Grey '' Featured singles `` Almost Made Ya '' `` I Miss You '' `` When I Had the Chance '' Related articles Discography Destiny 's Child VIAF : 150301399 LCCN : no00017286 ISNI : 0000 0001 2348 6849 GND : 5554955 - X SUDOC : 078974615 BNF : cb140120410 ( data ) MusicBrainz : a796b92e - c137 - 4895 - 9c89 - 10f900617a4f Retrieved from `` '' Categories : African - American girl groups American pop music groups American contemporary R&B musical groups Brit Award winners Feminist musicians Gold Star Records artists Grammy Award winners Musical groups disestablished in 2006 Musical groups established in 1997 Musical groups from Houston Musical trios Vocal trios World Music Awards winners Hidden categories : Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL CS1 Italian - language sources ( it ) Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Use mdy dates from July 2017 Articles with hCards Good articles Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Български Bosanski Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español فارسی Français Gaeilge 한국어 Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Basa Jawa Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Македонски Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 3 February 2018 , at 11 : 07 . 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1. Destiny's Child - American girl group 2. Formation and lineup changes 3. Success and hit albums 4. Internal conflict and legal issues 5. Solo careers and individual projects
is it bad to bite the skin off your fingers
Dermatophagia - Wikipedia Dermatophagia <Th_colspan="2"> Dermatophagia <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> Extreme nail biting / biting of skin to point of an obsessive compulsive disorder ( OCD ) or other condition leading to self mutilating behaviour such as autistic spectrum disorders ( as is the case in this example ) or Lesch - Nyhan Syndrome . A person with dermatophagia 's extremely bitten finger . The fingers of a person with dermatophagia . After some time , the repeated biting leaves the skin discolored and bloody . Dermatophagia ( from Ancient Greek δέρμα - skin - and φαγεία - eating ) is a compulsion disorder of gnawing , biting or eating one 's own skin , most commonly at the fingers . People with dermatophagia typically bite the skin around the nails , leading to bleeding and discoloration over time . Some people also bite on their skin on their finger knuckles which can lead to pain and bleeding just by moving their fingers . Some usually consume the flesh during an episode . Contemporary research suggests a link between impulse control disorders and obsessive -- compulsive disorders , and this may be addressed in the DSM - 5 , published in May 2013 . Further information on OCD , other anxiety disorders , and dermatophagia and other impulse - control disorders can be found in the DSM - IV TR . Contents 1 Behavior 2 Management 3 See also 4 Notes 5 External links Behavior ( edit ) People with dermatophagia chew their skin out of compulsion , and can do so on a variety of places on their body . Those with dermatophagia typically chew the skin surrounding their fingernails and joints . They also chew on the inside of their mouth , cheeks , and / or lips , causing blisters in and outside of the mouth . If the behavior is left unchecked for an extended period , calluses may start to develop where most of the biting is done . Skin chewing can be bolstered by times of apprehension and other unpleasant events . Blisters in particular can cause a feeling of desire to pull or bite off the affected skin and nails ( since the skin is dead , thus easily pulled off ) , which could be detrimental , causing infection . Another disorder , known as dermatillomania , the act of picking at one 's skin , can sometimes accompany dermatophagia . People who have dermatophagia can also be prone to infection as when they bite their fingers so frequently , they make themselves vulnerable to bacteria seeping in and causing infection . Dermatophagia can be considered a `` sister '' disorder to trichophagia , which involves compulsively biting and eating one 's hair . Management ( edit ) There is not yet a known way to remedy this tendency . Small things can be done to delay the urge a bit , such as chewing gum , and chewing on a soft drink straw . See also ( edit ) Dermatillomania Lesch - Nyhan Syndrome Body - focused repetitive behavior Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Grant ; et al. ( January 2010 ) . `` Impulse - control disorders in children and adolescents with obsessive - compulsive disorder '' . Psychiatry Res. 175 : 109 -- 13 . doi : 10.1016 / j. psychres. 2009.04. 006 . PMC 2815218 . PMID 20004481 . Jump up ^ `` Nail - Biting May Be Classified As OCD In New DSM '' . The Huffington Post . 1 November 2012 . Retrieved 8 February 2013 . Jump up ^ American Psychiatric Association . `` DSM - 5 : The Future of Psychiatric Diagnosis '' . Retrieved 8 February 2013 . Jump up ^ American Psychiatric Association ( 2000 ) . Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders ( 4th . ed. , text revision ) . Washington , DC . ^ Jump up to : Al Hawsawi , K. ; Al Aboud , K. ; Ramesh , V. ( 2003 ) . `` Dermatophagia Simulating Callosities '' ( pdf ) . Dermatology Psychosomatics. 4 : 42 -- 43 . doi : 10.1159 / 000070535 . Jump up ^ `` Dermatophagia '' . fingerfreak . . Retrieved April 27 , 2009 . External links ( edit ) The TLC Foundation for Body - Focused Repetitive Behaviors Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Body - focused repetitive behavior Conditions of the skin appendages Habit and impulse disorders Neurocutaneous conditions Pica ( disorder ) Psychiatric diagnosis Hidden categories : Infobox medical condition ( new ) Pages using infobox medical condition with unknown parameters Wikipedia articles in need of updating from November 2013 All Wikipedia articles in need of updating Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español Français Polski Türkçe Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 29 August 2018 , at 14 : 54 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Dermatophagia - compulsive skin biting disorder 2. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and dermatophagia 3. Symptoms and behavior of dermatophagia 4. Management and treatment options for dermatophagia 5. Dermatophagia and its relationship to other impulse control disorders
suits how did mike get out of jail
Suits ( season 6 ) - Wikipedia Suits ( season 6 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Suits ( season 6 ) <Td_colspan="2"> DVD Cover Starring Gabriel Macht Patrick J. Adams Rick Hoffman Meghan Markle Sarah Rafferty Gina Torres Country of origin United States No. of episodes 16 <Th_colspan="2"> Release Original network USA Network Original release July 13 , 2016 ( 2016 - 07 - 13 ) -- March 1 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 01 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Season chronology <Td_colspan="2"> ← Previous Season 5 Next → Season 7 <Td_colspan="2"> List of Suits episodes The sixth season of the American legal drama Suits was ordered on July 1 , 2015 , and began airing on USA Network in the United States July 13 , 2016 . The season is produced by Hypnotic Films & Television and Universal Cable Productions , and the executive producers are Doug Liman , David Bartis , and series creator Aaron Korsh . The season has six series regulars playing employees at the fictional Pearson Specter Litt law firm in Manhattan : Gabriel Macht , Patrick J. Adams , Rick Hoffman , Meghan Markle , Sarah Rafferty , and Gina Torres . Gina Torres left the show following the summer season due to her contract being up , and she starred in ABC 's The Catch . She returned for the season finale and was still credited as main cast for the episode . Contents 1 Cast 1.1 Regular cast 1.2 Recurring cast 2 Episodes 3 Ratings 4 References 5 External links Cast ( edit ) Main article : List of Suits characters Regular cast ( edit ) Gabriel Macht as Harvey Specter Patrick J. Adams as Mike Ross Rick Hoffman as Louis Litt Meghan Markle as Rachel Zane Sarah Rafferty as Donna Paulsen Gina Torres as Jessica Pearson Recurring cast ( edit ) Aloma Wright as Gretchen Bodinski Amanda Schull as Katrina Bennett Wendell Pierce as Robert Zane David Reale as Benjamin Leslie Hope as Anita Gibbs Paul Schulze as Frank Gallo Erik Palladino as Kevin Miller Malcolm - Jamal Warner as Julius Rowe Glenn Plummer as Leonard Bailey Ian Reed Kesler as Stu Buzzini Carly Pope as Tara Messer Neil McDonough as Sean Cahill Alan Rosenberg as William Sutter Peter Cambor as Nathan Jordan Johnson - Hinds as Oliver Episodes ( edit ) See also : List of Suits episodes No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 77 `` To Trouble '' Silver Tree Aaron Korsh July 13 , 2016 ( 2016 - 07 - 13 ) 1.85 <Td_colspan="7"> Mike enters the Federal prison in Danbury to face his two - year jail sentence for fraud . Rachel and Harvey struggle to cope personally , while Louis , Jessica , and Donna do n't know how to deal with an office empty of employees . It does n't take long before the firm is sued in a $100 million class - action lawsuit for every case Mike touched . When they learn that all their client files were also stolen , the three name partners agree to go all in for the sake of the firm . In jail , Mike discovers a new enemy in Frank Gallo , an inmate who has a great deal of influence with the guards . Gallo tricks Mike into giving him Rachel 's phone number , and promises trouble for Mike in his vendetta against Harvey . 78 `` Accounts Payable '' Michael Smith Ethan Drogin July 20 , 2016 ( 2016 - 07 - 20 ) 1.65 <Td_colspan="7"> Mike meets his actual cellmate , Kevin Miller , and is wary of being tricked a second time . Donna obtained visitation rights for Rachel , but Mike gets into a fight with Gallo that leads to his visitation rights being revoked for two weeks . When Harvey visits Mike in prison as his lawyer and learns about Gallo , he reveals that he put the man behind bars for racketeering for 15 years , three times the usual sentence . Rachel keeps receiving text messages from Gallo posing as Mike and learns the situation from Harvey , who hopes Sean Cahill can help . As the cost for allowing the settlement of the class - action lawsuit to move forward , A. Elliott Stemple demands Harvey 's duck painting , a clearly prized possession painted by his mother . In the midst of the firm 's money problems , Jack Soloff demands his buy - in back . Jessica refuses but helps him by negotiating for his buy - in with Robert Zane 's firm . Kevin earns some goodwill with Mike by opposing Gallo . 79 `` Back on the Map '' Cherie Nowlan Rick Muirragui July 27 , 2016 ( 2016 - 07 - 27 ) 1.78 <Td_colspan="7"> Mike tries to stay out of trouble to please Julius , the prison psychologist , but Kevin gets attacked . Sean Cahill informs Harvey that Gallo is an informant and will not be transferred . Through Mike , Harvey informs Gallo that he 'll be eligible for parole in six weeks . Jessica forces Harvey to meet with William Sutter as a potential client ; Harvey refuses to do business with a shady businessman , but Jessica demands a high - profile client for the firm 's future . When Harvey tries to sign Nathan Burns instead , Sutter interferes . Louis regretfully books an office tenant to pay the bills and clashes with Stu Buzzini , head of an investment company , as soon as they move in , but Harvey makes a deal with the investor to stave off Sutter , cementing them as new neighbors and gaining Burns as a client . Now in law school , Rachel engages in a debate with a classmate and uses the skills learned from her work experience to win . Cahill offers a deal for Mike if he can get Kevin to inform on his father - in - law and if he does then Mike will have an early release 80 `` Turn '' Christopher Misiano Daniel Arkin August 3 , 2016 ( 2016 - 08 - 03 ) 1.81 <Td_colspan="7"> Mike initially rejects Cahill 's offer , but Harvey and Cahill covertly sneak him out of prison for a few hours . Cahill believes this is to give him a chance to convince Mike , but Harvey sends Mike to Rachel behind Cahill 's back . Mike tells her about the deal and agrees to accept it . Rachel hears the story of a death row inmate who claims that he is innocent and impresses her professor with her fast work assembling evidence . Stu 's traders annoy both Louis and Jessica , but Jessica regains control of the office and lands the company as a new client . Louis consults architect Tara Messer about remodeling the office to separate him from the traders and instantly falls in love with her , but Jessica forbids him from pursuing the project . In order to stay close to her , he hires her to remodel his nonexistent summer home . 81 5 `` Trust '' Kate Dennis Kyle Long August 10 , 2016 ( 2016 - 08 - 10 ) 1.51 <Td_colspan="7"> Louis and Donna work together to find him a house in the Hamptons to cover up his lie to Tara . Rachel 's professor informs her that the Innocence Project case she chose does n't meet his requirements to take it on . Rachel does n't take the news well and tries to get Jessica 's support , convincing her that the pro bono case will be good for Pearson Specter Litt 's tattered reputation . Mike tells the prison warden Harvey 's plan to get him out of prison early and is warned about the dangers of gathering evidence . Mike also confronts Kevin to get him to reveal why he 's in prison . Kevin tells him about a drunk driving accident which followed an argument with his wife , but does not disclose the subject of the argument . 82 6 `` Spain '' Silver Tree Genevieve Sparling August 17 , 2016 ( 2016 - 08 - 17 ) 1.68 <Td_colspan="7"> Mike has a nightmare that Kevin killed Rachel in a car crash . He is relieved the dream is n't true , but because of his parents ' death , he is n't comfortable knowing Kevin did something similar . He continues to see counselor Julius Rowe , but Rowe is n't happy with Mike 's mindset toward his imprisonment . Louis and Donna arrange a house tour with Tara but their lie is discovered . However , when Louis admits that he did so much to spend time with her , not to scam her , she is impressed and agrees to a date . In the courtroom , Harvey has taken Sutter 's case , with Cahill prosecuting Sutter for insider trading . Harvey arranges a mock deposition and Kevin argues with Sutter . When Mike pursues the subject , Kevin discloses that he developed a trading program algorithm , but Sutter never used it other than as a cover . Kevin 's wife , Sutter 's daughter , knew about what was happening , and he does n't want to implicate her . On the Innocence Project case , Rachel must tell her client Leonard Bailey that his execution date has been set . 83 7 `` Shake the Trees '' Anton Cropper Rick Muirragui & Sandra Silverstein August 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 08 - 24 ) 1.83 <Td_colspan="7"> Rachel and Jessica ask for the execution to be postponed so that they can locate Leonard 's missing alibi witness . They are given a week and Rachel enlists her father 's help , but the witness is dead , leaving them with no options . On their dinner date , Tara tells Louis she is in a long - distance relationship that allows her to see other people , and Louis is not sure how to respond . Harvey fails to find a guilty party among Sutter 's employees , but Louis , with help from Stu 's financial database , locates the banker who is the common factor in Sutter 's insider trades . Just when the case seems solid , the banker cuts a separate deal with the SEC , and although Cahill agrees to honor his deal with Mike and include Kevin 's wife , his superiors at the SEC back out of the deal at the last second . 84 8 `` Borrowed Time '' Gabriel Macht Sharyn Rothstein August 31 , 2016 ( 2016 - 08 - 31 ) 1.88 <Td_colspan="7"> Jessica plans to delay Leonard 's execution by having Leonard 's infirm aunt , who raised him , say she is now unable to travel to attend . Rachel obtains the affidavit , but the woman 's belief in Leonard 's guilt and subsequent refusal to attend devastate him . Jessica has a chance meeting with Jeff Malone and is interested in reviving their relationship , but Jeff is moving to Chicago and knows that Jessica can not give up the firm to follow him . Louis has another date with Tara where he tells her that he can not share her with another man , but despite their growing intimacy , when Tara 's boyfriend decides to visit neither knows what to do . Harvey deposes Sutter 's banker and establishes that he dealt only with Kevin 's wife , Jill , and can not implicate Sutter directly . Cahill indicts Jill , and when Sutter refuses to make a deal to keep her out of jail , Kevin and Jill agree to turn on Sutter in return for immunity and Mike 's release . Harvey explains to Sutter that both Sutter and Kevin were his clients , and he was free to weigh their competing interests and negotiate the best possible deal . Rachel gets the news just as she discovers a way to re-open Leonard 's case . 85 9 `` The Hand That Feeds You '' Roger Kumble Daniel Arkin September 7 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 07 ) 1.87 <Td_colspan="7"> Mike learns that Cahill is seizing Jill 's and Kevin 's assets beyond the proceeds of the insider trading . He threatens Cahill with an abuse of power lawsuit for Kevin 's sake but only jeopardizes his own deal . When Harvey follows through with his promise to win parole for Gallo , Cameron Dennis intervenes , using Mike 's testimony of Gallo 's extortion and threats to get Kevin released as recompense . Mike delayed his own release one day in order to film Gallo threatening and attacking him in his cell . Donna helps Louis cope until Tara visits , telling him that she turned down her boyfriend 's proposal in order to continue dating Louis . Meanwhile , Rachel asks Leonard 's public defender to testify that she heard about his alibi , arguing that because the witness is dead this is not hearsay . The judge agrees to reopen the case on the grounds of inadequate representation and the DA offers Bailey a deal to get him released after seven more years in prison . Jessica advises him to accept , but he opts to fight for full exoneration . Together Harvey and Rachel meet Mike as he is released . 86 10 `` P.S.L. '' Kevin Bray Aaron Korsh & Genevieve Sparling September 14 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 14 ) 1.92 <Td_colspan="7"> Harvey offers Mike a position at the firm as a consultant , with the same salary he was making as a junior partner . Thanks to Robert Zane 's warning , Harvey learns that Jim Reynolds ' board is trying to remove him because of rumors that Harvey sold out Sutter to get Mike released . He goes straight to Sutter as the source of the rumors , threatening him to recant his statements . With Mike 's help , Rachel and Jessica exonerate Leonard Bailey . Throughout the trial , Jessica recalls her parents separating because of her father 's work , and her father 's anger when she decided to go to Harvard Law rather than become a doctor . Robert Zane approaches Jessica with an offer to merge their firms . Tara tells Louis that she is pregnant by her ex-boyfriend , and he proposes to her . Stu gives notice that his company is relocating , leaving the office empty again . And although Harvey and Louis want to celebrate keeping Reynolds , Jessica recognizes that none of them have put the firm first , and informs them she is leaving . She asks Jeff Malone if she can follow him to Chicago . 87 11 `` She 's Gone '' Patrick J. Adams Aaron Korsh & Rick Muirragui January 25 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 25 ) 1.37 <Td_colspan="7"> Rachel 's father offers her an associate position , but she stands by Harvey and Louis despite serious concerns regarding the ethical conduct evaluation required to pass the bar . Louis and Harvey 's management starts off well , but Zane 's repeated merger offer sparks Louis to drastic measures to prove his leadership ability . Mike refuses Harvey 's consultant job but , when every job application he fills out asks if he is a convicted felon , he doubts his chances of finding anything . Although Father Walker offers him a substitute teacher position , when the students ' parents learn of his criminal record , Mike loses even that opportunity . Louis , with Gretchen and Katrina 's help , picks a fight with Zane by trying to poach associates and clients , but Katrina convinces him that he is going too far against someone who is trying to help . Harvey asks Anita Gibbs to give Mike a good review if he returns to law , earning her distaste and Mike 's anger . He takes it out on Louis , proving that neither of them is ready to be managing partner . Gretchen convinces Louis to give Rachel a formal job offer and Donna tells Harvey that , with his corporate family falling apart , he needs to reconnect with his real family . 88 12 `` The Painting '' Gregor Jordan Sharyn Rothstein & Sandra Silverstein February 1 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 01 ) 1.53 <Td_colspan="7"> Harvey flashes back seven years to his father 's funeral , the last time he spoke to his family . Then , the presence of Bobby , the man with whom his mother cheated , caused Harvey to reject his family completely . Now , he reconnects with his brother 's family , but does n't understand why his mother blames him for leaving . His brother and Bobby remind him that he has n't been there to support his family . Harvey and his mother apologize to each other and she gives him a painting to replace the one he lost to Stemple . Meanwhile , Mike is suddenly offered a job at a legal clinic that recognizes his talent and appreciates his honesty . He learns he will be managing the staff . Facing hostility , Mike tells them the truth to prove he is n't `` slumming it '' because he could n't hack it in corporate law . He helps law student Marissa with a housing case , despite the frustration of being unable to represent the client himself , and uses his own money to buy the client time . Louis steps up to manage one of Harvey 's clients in his absence . Louis and Harvey agree to be interim managing partners and leave the firm 's name as Pearson Specter Litt . 89 13 `` Teeth , Nose , Teeth '' Silver Tree Kyle Long February 8 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 08 ) 1.28 <Td_colspan="7"> Rachel and Mike make plans to hold their wedding and Louis tries to cope with Tara 's ex being in their baby 's life . Rachel is derailed by a letter stating that she 's already been rejected by the bar on ethical grounds . When Harvey goes to make it right , a member of the ethics board , Craig Seidel ( Michael B. Silver ) insinuates that he will deny Rachel unless Harvey sues his business competitor Velocity . Louis does the research and gets Harvey the leverage to ensure support for both Rachel and Mike in front of the bar . The housing case at the legal clinic escalates , but Mike 's team members , Marissa and Oliver , seem too inexperienced to handle it . With Marissa out of town , Oliver freezing in court , Mike forbidden from acting as an attorney , and a boss who is tired of putting in overtime , Mike feels he ca n't help anyone from his current position . When the judge dismisses the case , Mike agrees to Harvey 's plan . In the office , IT guy Benjamin shows Donna a device that mimics her clever quips and proposes a business partnership , but she realizes that her heart is as much a part of her as her wit and turns him down . 90 14 `` Admission of Guilt '' Michael Smith Ethan Drogin February 15 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 15 ) 1.21 <Td_colspan="7"> Louis and Tara get to know each other better . Meanwhile , Mike uses the legal clinic to go after Velocity Data Solutions . Harvey demands that Seidel schedule a hearing for Mike before the ethics board as soon as possible . When Mike has to bring Pearson Specter Litt into the case , Oliver gets to work with the firm 's new associates , but others are suspicious of Mike 's motives and Oliver urges him to come clean to Nate , their boss at the clinic , upon learning Mike has more riding on this than initially stated . Harvey learns that Seidel has more at stake in the Velocity lawsuit than he revealed and refuses to take his demands . While helping Mike , Harvey neglects to support Louis with the firm 's clients , so Louis brings in Rachel and Katrina ; they lose a big client because of Harvey 's absence , but Rachel and Katrina become friends . Donna keeps experimenting with Benjamin 's project , but has trouble explaining empathy to him . 91 15 `` Quid Pro Quo '' Maurice Marable Aaron Korsh & Daniel Arkin February 22 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 22 ) 1.25 <Td_colspan="7"> Donna takes Benjamin 's `` The Donna '' to Stu before shopping around to other investors . Mike pulls out of the deal with Seidel to ensure his clients get paid but , with Velocity putting pressure on the firm 's clients , Pearson Specter Litt withdraws from the lawsuit , leaving Mike with no leverage . Rachel and Harvey use Seidel 's situation to find a new opening , but Mike wants nothing to do with Harvey 's less - than - legal methods . Through Rachel , Mike realizes that he ca n't give up being a lawyer , so he and Harvey use evidence of corporate espionage to force Velocity 's CEO into a settlement offer and reopen the deal to get Mike in front of the bar . When Donna and Benjamin meet with investors , she learns that they only respect Harvey 's name , not hers . She decides to take Stu 's offer , because he sees her as an equal . Louis worries about telling Tara that he knew Mike 's secret and used it to demand he become a name partner . Even though Rachel convinces him that telling her is better than her finding out later , Tara gets upset , Louis argues with her , and she walks out . 92 16 `` Character and Fitness '' Roger Kumble Genevieve Sparling March 1 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 01 ) 1.13 <Td_colspan="7"> Tara questions her future with Louis , knowing that he took his anger out on her . At the clinic , Mike gives Nate their cut of the settlement , smoothing over his request for a few days off , but renewing Oliver 's mistrust of his intentions . When Mike comes clean , Nate opts to fire him for his shady deals , but Oliver defends him . Mike tells Harvey he still does n't want to work at Pearson Specter Litt when he becomes a lawyer , but discussion is curtailed when Anita Gibbs takes a seat on the board for Mike 's hearing . Donna brings Louis a patent negotiation that turns into a lawsuit against Donna 's new business . She confides to Harvey that she wants more than money , but does n't know what that means yet . Mike enlists Julius , his prison counselor , to speak as his character witness ; Harvey tries to remove Anita Gibbs , who offers him the endorsement Mike needs in return for Harvey 's getting disbarred . However , Mike does n't trust her and accepts his fate . Jessica appears at the hearing and reminds Gibbs of a time she showed mercy . Mike is accepted . Tara breaks up with Louis . Mike agrees to work for Harvey again in return for funding the clinic for two years , extra money for him and Rachel as a soon - to - be married couple , maintaining a relationship with the clinic , amending the ' Harvard rule ' of only hiring Harvard graduates as associates at the firm and getting Harvey 's office , who in turn will take over Jessica Pearson 's . Ratings ( edit ) No . Title Original air date Time slot ( EST ) Viewers ( in millions ) Rating ( Adults 18 -- 49 ) 18 - 49 Rank on Cable Note `` To Trouble '' July 13 , 2016 ( 2016 - 07 - 13 ) Wednesdays 10 : 00 p.m. 1.85 0.5 # 3 `` Accounts Payable '' July 20 , 2016 ( 2016 - 07 - 20 ) 1.65 0.5 # 10 `` Back on the Map '' July 27 , 2016 ( 2016 - 07 - 27 ) 1.78 0.5 # 11 `` Turn '' August 3 , 2016 ( 2016 - 08 - 03 ) 1.81 0.5 # 5 5 `` Trust '' August 10 , 2016 ( 2016 - 08 - 10 ) 1.51 0.4 # 8 6 `` Spain '' August 17 , 2016 ( 2016 - 08 - 17 ) 1.68 0.4 # 6 7 `` Shake the Trees '' August 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 08 - 24 ) 1.83 0.4 # 9 8 `` Borrowed Time '' August 31 , 2016 ( 2016 - 08 - 31 ) 1.88 0.4 # 6 9 `` The Hand That Feeds You '' September 7 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 07 ) 1.87 0.5 # 8 10 `` P.S.L. '' September 14 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 14 ) 1.92 0.5 # 8 11 `` She 's Gone '' January 25 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 25 ) 1.37 0.3 # 34 12 `` The Painting '' February 1 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 01 ) 1.53 0.3 # 29 13 `` Teeth , Nose , Teeth '' February 8 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 08 ) TBD TBD TBD N / A 14 `` Admission of Guilt '' February 15 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 15 ) TBD TBD TBD N / A 15 `` Quid Pro Quo '' February 22 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 22 ) TBD TBD TBD N / A 16 `` Character and Fitness '' March 1 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 01 ) TBD TBD TBD N / A References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( July 1 , 2015 ) . `` ' Suits ' Renewed For Season 6 By USA '' . . Retrieved July 2 , 2015 . Jump up ^ SHATTUCK , KATHRYN ( September 15 , 2016 ) . `` Gina Torres on Why She Decided to Leave ' Suits ' '' . . Retrieved September 15 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Welch , Alex ( July 14 , 2016 ) . `` Wednesday cable ratings : ' Mr. Robot ' returns , ' Greenleaf ' dips '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved July 16 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Welch , Alex ( July 21 , 2016 ) . `` Wednesday cable ratings : ' Mr. Robot ' dips '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved July 22 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Welch , Alex ( July 28 , 2016 ) . `` Wednesday cable ratings : ' Mr. Robot ' and ' Greenleaf ' hold steady '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved July 29 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Welch , Alex ( August 4 , 2016 ) . `` Wednesday cable ratings : ' Mr. Robot ' falls '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 5 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Welch , Alex ( August 11 , 2016 ) . `` Wednesday cable ratings : Rio Olympics land on top '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 12 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Welch , Alex ( August 18 , 2016 ) . `` Wednesday cable ratings : ' Greenleaf ' holds steady '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 23 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Welch , Alex ( August 25 , 2016 ) . `` Wednesday cable ratings : ' Real Housewives of New York ' ticks up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved September 1 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Welch , Alex ( September 1 , 2016 ) . `` Wednesday cable ratings : ' Greenleaf ' ticks up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved September 1 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Wednesday cable ratings : ' Queen Sugar ' dips , ' Harley and the Davidsons ' stays high '' . ShowBuzzDaily . September 8 , 2016 . Retrieved September 13 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( September 15 , 2016 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 9.14. 2016 '' . ShowBuzzDaily . Retrieved September 17 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( January 25 , 2017 ) . `` ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Update : 1.25. 2017 '' . ShowBuzzDaily . Retrieved January 25 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( February 3 , 2017 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Update : 2.1. 2017 '' . ShowBuzzDaily . Retrieved February 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Welch , Alex ( February 9 , 2017 ) . `` Wednesday cable ratings : ' Legion ' premiere brings in strong numbers , ' The Magician ' holds steady '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Welch , Alex ( February 23 , 2017 ) . `` Wednesday cable ratings : ' Alaskan Bush People ' ticks up , ' Legion ' ticks up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Welch , Alex ( March 2 , 2017 ) . `` Wednesday cable ratings : ' Legion ' takes a hit , ' Six ' holds steady '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 2 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Suits season 6 episodes at USA Network List of Suits season 6 episodes at Internet Movie Database List of Suits season 6 episodes at <Th_colspan="2"> Suits Episodes Season 1 `` Pilot '' Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7 Season 8 Other Characters Second City South Korean remake Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2016 American television seasons 2017 American television seasons Hidden categories : Use American English from July 2016 All Wikipedia articles written in American English Use mdy dates from July 2016 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Français Italiano Edit links This page was last edited on 23 July 2018 , at 09 : 34 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
1. Suits season 6 2. American legal drama 3. Pearson Specter Litt law firm 4. Mike Ross in prison 5. Jessica Pearson leaving the show
describe the culture setting in which rome developed
Culture of ancient Rome - wikipedia Culture of ancient Rome Jump to : navigation , search `` Roman culture '' and `` Culture of Rome '' redirect here . For the culture of the modern city of Rome , see Culture of Rome , Italy . `` Roman society '' redirects here . For the learned society , see Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies . This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2010 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Wall painting ( 1st century AD ) from Pompeii depicting a multigenerational banquet The culture of ancient Rome existed throughout the almost 1200 - year history of the civilization of Ancient Rome . The term refers to the culture of the Roman Republic , later the Roman Empire , which at its peak covered an area from Lowland Scotland and Morocco to the Euphrates . Life in ancient Rome revolved around the city of Rome , its famed seven hills , and its monumental architecture such as the Colosseum , Trajan 's Forum , and the Pantheon . The city also had several theaters , gymnasia , and many taverns , baths , and brothels . Throughout the territory under ancient Rome 's control , residential architecture ranged from very modest houses to country villas , and in the capital city of Rome , there were imperial residences on the elegant Palatine Hill , from which the word palace is derived . The vast majority of the population lived in the city center , packed into insulae ( apartment blocks ) . The city of Rome was the largest megalopolis of that time , with a population that may well have exceeded one million people , with a high - end estimate of 3.6 million and a low - end estimate of 450,000 . A substantial proportion of the population under the city 's jurisdiction lived in innumerable urban centers , with population of at least 10,000 and several military settlements , a very high rate of urbanization by pre-industrial standards . The most urbanized part of the Empire was Italy , which had an estimated rate of urbanization of 32 % , the same rate of urbanization of England in 1800 . Most Roman towns and cities had a forum , temples and the same type of buildings , on a smaller scale , as found in Rome . The large urban population required an endless supply of food which was a complex logistical task , including acquiring , transporting , storing and distribution of food for Rome and other urban centers . Italian farms supplied vegetables and fruits , but fish and meat were luxuries . Aqueducts were built to bring water to urban centers and wine and oil were imported from Hispania , Gaul and Africa . There was a very large amount of commerce between the provinces of the Roman Empire , since its transportation technology was very efficient . The average costs of transport and the technology were comparable with 18th - century Europe . The later city of Rome did not fill the space within its ancient Aurelian walls until after 1870 . The majority of the population under the jurisdiction of ancient Rome lived in the countryside in settlements with less than 10 thousand inhabitants . Landlords generally resided in cities and their estates were left in the care of farm managers . The plight of rural slaves was generally worse than their counterparts working in urban aristocratic households . To stimulate a higher labor productivity most landlords freed a large number of slaves and many received wages ; but in some rural areas , poverty and overcrowding were extreme . Rural poverty stimulated the migration of population to urban centers until the early 2nd century when the urban population stopped growing and started to decline . Starting in the middle of the 2nd century BC , private Greek culture was increasingly in ascendancy , in spite of tirades against the `` softening '' effects of Hellenized culture from the conservative moralists . By the time of Augustus , cultured Greek household slaves taught the Roman young ( sometimes even the girls ) ; chefs , decorators , secretaries , doctors , and hairdressers all came from the Greek East . Greek sculptures adorned Hellenistic landscape gardening on the Palatine or in the villas , or were imitated in Roman sculpture yards by Greek slaves . The Roman cuisine preserved in the cookery books ascribed to Apicius is essentially Greek . Roman writers disdained Latin for a cultured Greek style . Only in law and governance was the Italic nature of Rome 's accretive culture supreme . Against this human background , both the urban and rural setting , one of history 's most influential civilizations took shape , leaving behind a cultural legacy that survives in part today . The Roman Empire , at its height ( c. 117 CE ) , was the most extensive political and social structure in western civilization . By 285 CE the empire had grown too vast to be ruled from the central government at Rome and so was divided by Emperor Diocletian into a Western and an Eastern Empire . The Roman Empire began when Augustus Caesar became the first emperor of Rome ( 31 BCE ) and ended , in the west , when the last Roman emperor , Romulus Augustulus , was deposed by the Germanic King Odoacer ( 476 CE ) . In the east , it continued as the Byzantine Empire until the death of Constantine XI and the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453 CE . The influence of the Roman Empire on western civilization was profound in its lasting contributions to virtually every aspect of western culture . Contents ( hide ) 1 Social structure 1.1 Clothing 1.2 Food 1.3 Education 2 Language 3 The arts 3.1 Literature 3.2 Visual art 3.3 Music 3.4 Architecture 4 Sports and entertainment 5 Religion 6 Philosophy 7 See also 8 References 9 Bibliography 10 External links Social structure ( edit ) Main article : Social class in ancient Rome A late Republican banquet scene in a fresco from Herculaneum , Italy , c. 50 BC ; the woman wears a transparent silk gown while the man to the left raises a rhyton drinking vessel A fresco portrait of a man holding a papyrus roll , Pompeii , Italy , 1st century AD Fresco of a seated woman from Stabiae , 1st century AD The center of the early social structure , dating from the time of the agricultural tribal city state , was the family , which was not only marked by blood relations but also by the legally constructed relation of patria potestas . The Pater familias was the absolute head of the family ; he was the master over his wife ( if she was given to him cum manu , otherwise the father of the wife retained patria potestas ) , his children , the wives of his sons ( again if married cum manu which became rarer towards the end of the Republic ) , the nephews , the slaves and the freedmen ( liberated slaves , the first generation still legally inferior to the freeborn ) , disposing of them and of their goods at will , even having them put to death . Slavery and slaves were part of the social order . The slaves were mostly prisoners of war . There were slave markets where they could be bought and sold . Roman law was not consistent about the status of slaves , except that they were considered like any other moveable property . Many slaves were freed by the masters for fine services rendered ; some slaves could save money to buy their freedom . Generally mutilation and murder of slaves was prohibited by legislation , although outrageous cruelty continued . Apart from these families ( called gentes ) and the slaves ( legally objects , mancipia i.e. `` kept in the ( master 's ) hand '' ) there were Plebeians that did not exist from a legal perspective . They had no legal capacity and were not able to make contracts , even though they were not slaves . To deal with this problem , the so - called clientela was created . By this institution , a plebeian joined the family of a patrician ( in a legal sense ) and could close contracts by mediation of his patrician pater familias . Everything the plebeian possessed or acquired legally belonged to the gens . He was not allowed to form his own gens . The authority of the pater familias was unlimited , be it in civil rights as well as in criminal law . The king 's duty was to be head over the military , to deal with foreign politics and also to decide on controversies between the gentes . The patricians were divided into three tribes ( Ramnenses , Titientes , Luceres ) . During the time of the Roman Republic ( founded in 509 BC ) Roman citizens were allowed to vote . These included patricians and plebeians . Women , slaves , and children were not allowed to vote . There were two assemblies , the assembly of centuries ( comitia centuriata ) and the assembly of tribes ( comitia tributa ) , which were made up of all the citizens of Rome . In the comitia centuriata the Romans were divided according to age , wealth and residence . The citizens in each tribe were divided into five classes based on property and then each group was subdivided into two centuries by age . All in all , there were 373 centuries . Like the assembly of tribes , each century had one vote . The Comitia Centuriata elected the praetors ( judicial magistrates ) , the censors , and the consuls . The comitia tributa comprised thirty - five tribes from Rome and the country . Each tribe had a single vote . The Comitia Tributa elected the Quaestors ( financial magistrates ) and the patrician Curule Aedile . Over time , Roman law evolved considerably , as well as social views , emancipating ( to increasing degrees ) family members . Justice greatly increased , as well . The Romans became more efficient at considering laws and punishments . Life in the ancient Roman cities revolved around the Forum , the central business district , where most of the Romans would go for marketing , shopping , trading , banking , and for participating in festivities and ceremonies . The Forum was also a place where orators would express themselves to mould public opinion , and elicit support for any particular issue of interest to them or others . Before sunrise , children would go to schools or tutoring them at home would commence . Elders would dress , take a breakfast by 11 o'clock , have a nap and in the afternoon or evening would generally go to the Forum . Going to a public bath at least once daily was a habit with most Roman citizens . There were separate baths for men and women . The main difference was that the women 's baths were smaller than the men 's , and did not have a frigidarium ( cold room ) or a palaestra ( exercise area ) . Different types of outdoor and indoor entertainment , free of cost , were available in ancient Rome . Depending on the nature of the events , they were scheduled during daytime , afternoons , evenings , or late nights . Huge crowds gathered at the Colosseum to watch events like gladiators , combats between men , or fights between men and wild animals . The Circus Maximus was used for chariot racing . Life in the countryside was slow but lively , with numerous local festivals and social events . Farms were run by the farm managers , but estate owners would sometimes take a retreat to the countryside for rest , enjoying the splendor of nature and the sunshine , including activities like fishing , hunting , and riding . On the other hand , slave labor slogged on continuously , for long hours and all seven days , and ensuring comforts and creating wealth for their masters . The average farm owners were better off , spending evenings in economic and social interactions at the village markets . The day ended with a meal , generally left over from the noontime preparations . Clothing ( edit ) Main article : Clothing in ancient Rome Toga - clad statue , restored with the head of the emperor Nerva In ancient Rome , the cloth and the dress distinguished one class of people from the other class . The tunic worn by plebeians ( common people ) like shepherds was made from coarse and dark material , whereas the tunic worn by patricians was of linen or white wool . A magistrate would wear the tunica angusticlavi ; senators wore tunics with purple stripes ( clavi ) , called tunica laticlavi . Military tunics were shorter than the ones worn by civilians . The many types of togas were also named . Boys , up until the festival of Liberalia , wore the toga praetexta , which was a toga with a crimson or purple border , also worn by magistrates in office . The toga virilis , ( or toga pura ) or man 's toga was worn by men over the age of 16 to signify their citizenship in Rome . The toga picta was worn by triumphant generals and had embroidery of their skill on the battlefield . The toga pulla was worn when in mourning . Even footwear indicated a person 's social status . Patricians wore red and orange sandals , senators had brown footwear , consuls had white shoes , and soldiers wore heavy boots . Women wore closed shoes of colors such as white , yellow , or green . The bulla was a locket - like amulet worn by children . When about to marry , the woman would donate her bulla ( sometimes called partha ) to the household gods , along with her toys , to signify maturity and womanhood . Men typically wore a toga , and women wore a stola . The woman 's stola was a dress worn over a tunic , and was usually brightly colored . A fibula ( or brooch ) would be used as ornamentation or to hold the stola in place . A palla , or shawl , was often worn with the stola . Food ( edit ) Main articles : Ancient Roman cuisine and Grain supply to the city of Rome Since the beginning of the Republic until 200 BC , ancient Romans had very simple food habits . Simple food was generally consumed at around 11 o'clock , and consisted of bread , salad , olives , cheese , fruits , nuts , and cold meat left over from the dinner the night before . Breakfast was called ientaculum , lunch was prandium , and dinner was called cena . Appetizers were called gustatio , and dessert was called secunda mensa ( or second table ) . Usually , a nap or rest followed this . The family ate together , sitting on stools around a table . Later on , a separate dining room with dining couches was designed , called a triclinium . Fingers were used to take foods which were prepared beforehand and brought to the diners . Spoons were used for soups . Eggs , thrushes , napkin , and vessels ( wall painting from the House of Julia Felix , Pompeii ) Wine in Rome did not become common or mass - produced until around 250 B.C. It was more commonly produced around the time of Cato the Elder who mentions in his book De Agri Cultura that the vineyard was the most important aspect of a good farm . Wine was considered a staple drink , consumed at all meals and occasions by all classes and was quite cheap ; however , it was always mixed with water . This was the case even during explicit evening drinking events ( comissatio ) where an important part of the festivity was choosing an arbiter bibendi ( Judge of Drinking ) who was , among other things , responsible for deciding the ratio of wine to water in the drinking wine . Wine to water ratios of 1 : 2 , 1 : 3 , or 1 : 4 were commonly used . Many types of drinks involving grapes and honey were consumed as well . Mulsum was honeyed wine , mustum was grape juice , mulsa was honeyed water . The per - person - consumption of wine per day in the city of Rome has been estimated at 0.8 to 1.1 gallons for males , and about 0.5 gallons for females . Even the notoriously strict Cato the Elder recommended distributing a daily ration of low quality wine of more than 0.5 gallons among the slaves forced to work on farms . Drinking non-watered wine on an empty stomach was regarded as boorish and a sure sign of alcoholism whose debilitating physical and psychological effects were already recognized in ancient Rome . An accurate accusation of being an alcoholic -- in the gossip - crazy society of the city bound to come to light and easily verified -- was a favorite and damaging way to discredit political rivals employed by some of Rome 's greatest orators like Cicero and Julius Caesar . Prominent Roman alcoholics include Mark Antony , Cicero 's own son Marcus ( Cicero Minor ) and the emperor Tiberius Claudius Nero whose soldiers gave him the unflattering nickname Biberius Caldius Mero ( lit . boozer of pure wine , Sueton Tib. 42 , 1 ) . Cato the Younger was also known as a heavy drinker , frequently found stumbling home disoriented and the worse for wear in the early hours of morning by fellow citizens . During the Imperial period , staple food of the lower class Romans ( plebeians ) was vegetable porridge and bread , and occasionally fish , meat , olives and fruits . Sometimes , subsidized or free foods were distributed in cities . The patrician 's aristocracy had elaborate dinners , with parties and wines and a variety of comestibles . Sometimes , dancing girls would entertain the diners . Women and children ate separately , but in the later Empire period , with permissiveness creeping in , even decent women would attend such dinner parties . Education ( edit ) Main article : Roman school Roman portraiture fresco of a young man with a papyrus scroll , from Herculaneum , 1st century AD Schooling in a more formal sense was begun around 200 BC . Education began at the age of around six , and in the next six to seven years , boys and girls were expected to learn the basics of reading , writing and counting . By the age of twelve , they would be learning Latin , Greek , grammar and literature , followed by training for public speaking . Oratory was an art to be practiced and learnt and good orators commanded respect ; to become an effective orator was one of the objectives of education and learning . Poor children could not afford education . In some cases , services of gifted slaves were utilized for imparting education . School was mostly for boys , however some wealthy girls were tutored at home , but could still go to school sometimes . Language ( edit ) Main articles : Latin and Languages of the Roman Empire Fragmentary military diploma from Carnuntum ; Latin was the language of the military throughout the Empire The native language of the Romans was Latin , an Italic language in the Indo - European family . Several forms of Latin existed , and the language evolved considerably over time , eventually becoming the Romance languages spoken today . Initially a highly inflectional and synthetic language , older forms of Latin rely little on word order , conveying meaning through a system of affixes attached to word stems . Like other Indo - European languages , Latin gradually became much more analytic over time and acquired conventionalized word orders as it lost more and more of its case system and associated inflections . Its alphabet , the Latin alphabet , is based on the Old Italic alphabet , which is in turn derived from the Greek alphabet . The Latin alphabet is still used today to write most European and many other languages . Most of the surviving Latin literature consists almost entirely of Classical Latin . In the eastern half of the Roman Empire , which became the Byzantine Empire ; Greek was the main lingua franca as it had been since the time of Alexander the Great , while Latin was mostly used by the Roman administration and its soldiers . Eventually Greek would supplant Latin as both the official written and spoken language of the Eastern Roman Empire , while the various dialects of Vulgar Latin used in the Western Roman Empire evolved into the modern Romance languages still used today . The expansion of the Roman Empire spread Latin throughout Europe , and over time Vulgar Latin evolved and dialectized in different locations , gradually shifting into a number of distinct Romance languages beginning in around the 9th century . Many of these languages , including French , Italian , Portuguese , Romanian , and Spanish , flourished , the differences between them growing greater over time . Although English is Germanic rather than Romanic in origin -- Britannia was a Roman province , but the Roman presence in Britain had effectively disappeared by the time of the Anglo - Saxon invasions -- English today borrows heavily from Latin and Latin - derived words . Old English borrowings were relatively sparse and drew mainly from ecclesiastical usage after the Christianization of England . When William the Conqueror invaded England from Normandy in 1066 , he brought with him a considerable number of retainers who spoke Anglo - Norman French , a Romance language derived from Latin . Anglo - Norman French remained the language of the English upper classes for centuries , and the number of Latinate words in English increased immensely through borrowing during this Middle English period . More recently , during the Modern English period , the revival of interest in classical culture during the Renaissance led to a great deal of conscious adaptation of words from Classical Latin authors into English . Although Latin is an extinct language with very few contemporary fluent speakers , it remains in use in many ways . In particular , Latin has survived through Ecclesiastical Latin , the traditional language of the Roman Catholic Church and one of the official languages of the Vatican City . Although distinct from both Classical and Vulgar Latin in a number of ways , Ecclesiastical Latin was more stable than typical Medieval Latin . More Classical sensibilities eventually re-emerged in the Renaissance with Humanist Latin . Due to both the prevalence of Christianity and the enduring influence of the Roman civilization , Latin became western Europe 's lingua franca , a language used to cross international borders , such as for academic and diplomatic usage . A deep knowledge of classical Latin was a standard part of the educational curriculum in many western countries until well into the 20th century , and is still taught in many schools today . Although it was eventually supplanted in this respect by French in the 19th century and English in the 20th , Latin continues to see heavy use in religious , legal , and scientific terminology , and in academia in general . The arts ( edit ) Literature ( edit ) Main article : Roman literature Mosaic depicting a theatrical troupe preparing for a performance Roman literature was from its very inception influenced heavily by Greek authors . Some of the earliest works currently discovered are of historical epics telling the early military history of Rome . As the Republic expanded , authors began to produce poetry , comedy , history , and tragedy . The Greeks and Romans founded history , and had great influence on the way history is written today . Cato the Elder was a Roman senator , as well as the first man to write history in Latin . Although theoretically opposed to Greek influence , Cato the Elder wrote the first Greek inspired rhetorical textbook in Latin ( 91 ) , and combined strains of Greek and Roman history into a method combining both . One of Cato the Elder 's great historical achievements was the Origines , which chronicles the story of Rome , from Aeneas to his own day , but this document is now lost . In the second and early first centuries BC an attempt was made , led by Cato the Elder , to use the records and traditions that were preserved , in order to reconstruct the entire . past of Rome . The historians engaged in this task are often referred to as the `` Annalists '' , implying that their writings more or less followed chronological order . In 123 BC and official endeavor was made to provide a record of the whole of Roman history . This work filled eighty books and was known as the Annales Maximi . The composition recorded the official events of the State , such as elections and commands , civic , provincial and cult business , set out in formal arrangements year by year . During the reign of the early emperors of Rome there was a golden age of historical literature . Works such as the ' Histories ' of Tacitus , the ' Gallic Wars ' by Julius Caesar and ' History of Rome ' by Livy have been passed down through generations . Unfortunately , in the case of Livy , much of the script has been lost and it is left with a few specific areas : the founding of the city , the war with Hannibal , and its aftermath . In the ancient world , poetry usually played a far more important part of daily life than it does today . In general , educated Greeks and Romans thought of poetry as playing a much more fundamental part of life than in modern times . Initially in Rome poetry was not considered a suitable occupation for important citizens , but the attitude changed in the second and first centuries BC . In Rome poetry considerably preceded prose writing in date . As Aristotle pointed out , poetry was the first sort of literate to arouse people 's interest in questions of style . The importance of poetry in the Roman Empire was so strong that Quintilian , the greatest authority on education , wanted secondary schools to focus on the reading and teaching of poetry , leaving prose writings to what would now be referred to as the university stage . Virgil represents the pinnacle of Roman epic poetry . His Aeneid was produced at the request of Maecenas and tells the story of flight of Aeneas from Troy and his settlement of the city that would become Rome . Lucretius , in his On the Nature of Things , attempted to explicate science in an epic poem . Some of his science seems remarkably modern , but other ideas , especially his theory of light , are no longer accepted . Later Ovid produced his Metamorphoses , written in dactylic hexameter verse , the meter of epic , attempting a complete mythology from the creation of the earth to his own time . He unifies his subject matter through the theme of metamorphosis . It was noted in classical times that Ovid 's work lacked the gravitas possessed by traditional epic poetry . Catullus and the associated group of neoteric poets produced poetry following the Alexandrian model , which experimented with poetic forms challenging tradition . Catullus was also the first Roman poet to produce love poetry , seemingly autobiographical , which depicts an affair with a woman called Lesbia . Under the reign of the Emperor Augustus , Horace continued the tradition of shorter poems , with his Odes and Epodes . Martial , writing under the Emperor Domitian , was a famed author of epigrams , poems which were often abusive and censured public figures . Roman prose developed its sonority , dignity , and rhythm in persuasive speech . Rhetoric had already been key to many great achievements in Athens , so after studying the Greeks the Romans ranked oratory highly as a subject and a profession . Written speeches were some of the first forms of prose writing in ancient Rome , and other forms of prose writing in the future were influenced by this . Sixteen books of Cicero 's letters have survived , all published by after Cicero 's death by his secretary , Tito . the letters provide a look at the social life in the days of the falling republic , providing pictures of the personalities of this epoch . The letters of Cicero are vast and varied , and provide pictures of the personalities of this epoch . Cicero 's personality is most clearly revealed , emerging as a vain vacillating , snobbish man . Cicero 's passion for the public life of the capital also emerges from his letters , most clearly when he was in exile and when he took on a provincial governorship in Asia Minor . The letters also contain much about Cicero 's family life , and its political and financial complications . Roman philosophical treatises have had great influence on the world , but the original thinking came from the Greeks . Roman philosophical writings are rooted in four ' schools ' from the age of the Hellenistic Greeks . The four ' schools ' were that of the Epicureans , Stocis , Peripatetics , and Academy . Epicureans believed in the guidance of the senses , and identified the supreme goal of life to be happiness , or the absence of pain . Stoicism was founded by Zeno of Citium , who taught that virtue was the supreme good , creating a new sense of ethical urgency . The Perpatetics were followers of Aristotle , guided by his science and philosophy . The Academy was founded by Plato and was based on the Sceptic Pyro 's idea that real knowledge could be acquired . The Academy also presented criticisms of the Epicurean and Stoic schools of philosophy . The genre of satire was traditionally regarded as a Roman innovation , and satires were written by , among others , Juvenal and Persius . Some of the most popular plays of the early Republic were comedies , especially those of Terence , a freed Roman slave captured during the First Punic War . A great deal of the literary work produced by Roman authors in the early Republic was political or satirical in nature . The rhetorical works of Cicero , a self - distinguished linguist , translator , and philosopher , in particular , were popular . In addition , Cicero 's personal letters are considered to be one of the best bodies of correspondence recorded in antiquity . Visual art ( edit ) Main article : Roman art This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( June 2008 ) Most early Roman painting styles show Etruscan influences , particularly in the practice of political painting . In the 3rd century BCE , Greek art taken as booty from wars became popular , and many Roman homes were decorated with landscapes by Greek artists . Evidence from the remains at Pompeii shows diverse influence from cultures spanning the Roman world . The so - called Primavera of Stabiae , perhaps the goddess Flora An early Roman style of note was `` Incrustation '' , in which the interior walls of houses were painted to resemble colored marble . Another style consisted of painting interiors as open landscapes , with highly detailed scenes of plants , animals , and buildings . Portrait sculpture during the period utilized youthful and classical proportions , evolving later into a mixture of realism and idealism . During the Antonine and Severan periods , more ornate hair and bearding became prevalent , created with deeper cutting and drilling . Advancements were also made in relief sculptures , usually depicting Roman victories . Music ( edit ) Main article : Music of ancient Rome Music was a major part everyday life in ancient Rome . Many private and public events were accompanied by music , ranging from nightly dining to military parades and manoeuvres . In a discussion of any ancient music , however , non-specialists and even many musicians have to be reminded that much of what makes our modern music familiar to us is the result of developments only within the last 1000 years ; thus , our ideas of melody , scales , harmony , and even the instruments we use would not be familiar to Romans who made and listened to music many centuries earlier . Some of the instruments used in Roman music are the Tuba , Cornu , Aulos , Askaules , Flute , Panpipes , Lyre , Lute , Cithara , Timpani , Aulos , Auloi , Drums , Hydraulis and the Sistrum . Architecture ( edit ) Main article : Roman architecture The Colosseum in Rome . In its initial stages , the ancient Roman architecture reflected elements of architectural styles of the Etruscans and the Greeks . Over a period of time , the style was modified in tune with their urban requirements , and civil engineering and building construction technology became developed and refined . The Roman concrete has remained a riddle , and even after more than two thousand years some ancient Roman structures still stand magnificently , like the Pantheon ( with one of the largest single span domes in the world ) located in the business district of today 's Rome . The architectural style of the capital city of ancient Rome was emulated by other urban centers under Roman control and influence , like the Verona Arena , Verona , Italy ; Arch of Hadrian , Athens , Greece ; Temple of Hadrian , Ephesos , Turkey ; a Theatre at Orange , France ; and at several other locations , for example , Lepcis Magna , located in Libya . Roman cities were well planned , efficiently managed and neatly maintained . Palaces , private dwellings and villas , were elaborately designed and town planning was comprehensive with provisions for different activities by the urban resident population , and for countless migratory population of travelers , traders and visitors passing through their cities . Marcus Vitruvius Pollio , a 1st - century BCE Roman architect 's treatise `` De architectura , '' with various sections , dealing with urban planning , building materials , temple construction , public and private buildings , and hydraulics , remained a classic text until the Renaissance . Sports and entertainment ( edit ) Musicians with horns and a water organ , detail from the Zliten mosaic , 2nd century AD The ancient city of Rome had a place called the Campus , a sort of drill ground for Roman soldiers , which was located near the Tiber river . Later , the Campus became Rome 's track and field playground , which even Julius Caesar and Augustus were said to have frequented . Imitating the Campus in Rome , similar grounds were developed in several other urban centers and military settlements . In the campus , the youth assembled to play , exercise , and indulge in appropriate sports , which included jumping , wrestling , boxing and racing . Riding , throwing , and swimming were also preferred physical activities . In the countryside , pastimes also included fishing and hunting . Females did not participate in these activities . Ball playing was a popular sport and ancient Romans had several ball games , which included Handball ( Expulsim Ludere ) , field hockey , catch , and some form of Football . Board games played in ancient Rome included dice ( Tesserae or tali ) , Roman chess ( Latrunculi ) , Roman Checkers ( Calculi ) , tic - tac - toe ( Terni Lapilli ) , and ludus duodecim scriptorum and tabula , predecessors of backgammon . There were several other activities to keep people engaged like chariot races , musical and theatrical performances , public executions and gladiatorial combat . In the Colosseum , Rome 's amphitheatre , 60,000 persons could be accommodated . There are also accounts of the Colosseum 's floor being flooded to hold mock naval battles for the public to watch . In addition to these , Romans also spent their share of time in bars and brothels , and graffiti carved into the walls of these buildings was common . Based on the number of messages found on bars , brothels , and bathhouses , it 's clear that they were popular places of leisure and people spent a deal of time there . Religion ( edit ) Main article : Religion in ancient Rome Religion in ancient Rome Marcus Aurelius ( head covered ) sacrificing at the Temple of Jupiter Practices and beliefs libation sacrifice votum temples festivals ludi funerals Imperial cult mystery religions Priesthoods Pontifices Augures Vestales Flamines Fetiales Epulones Fratres Arvales Deities List of Roman deities Twelve major gods Capitoline Triad Aventine Triad underworld gods indigitamenta Deified emperors Divus Julius Divus Augustus Related topics Glossary of ancient Roman religion Roman mythology Ancient Greek religion Etruscan religion Gallo - Roman religion Interpretatio graeca Decline of Greco - Roman polytheism The Romans thought of themselves as highly religious , and attributed their success as a world power to their collective piety ( pietas ) in maintaining good relations with the Gods . According to legendary history , most of Rome 's religious institutions could be traced to its founders , particularly Numa Pompilius , the Sabine second King of Rome , who negotiated directly with the Gods . This archaic religion was the foundation of the mos maiorum , `` the way of the ancestors '' or simply `` tradition '' , viewed as central to Roman identity . The priesthoods of public religion were held by members of the elite classes . There was no principle analogous to `` separation of church and state '' in ancient Rome . During the Roman Republic ( 509 -- 27 BC ) , the same men who were elected public officials served as augurs and pontiffs . Priests married , raised families , and led politically active lives . Julius Caesar became Pontifex Maximus before he was elected consul . The augurs read the will of the Gods and supervised the marking of boundaries as a reflection of universal order , thus sanctioning Roman expansionism as a matter of divine destiny . The Roman triumph was at its core a religious procession in which the victorious general displayed his piety and his willingness to serve the public good by dedicating a portion of his spoils to the Gods , especially Jupiter , who embodied just rule . As a result of the Punic Wars ( 264 -- 146 BC ) , when Rome struggled to establish itself as a dominant power , many new temples were built by magistrates in fulfillment of a vow to a deity for assuring their military success . A fresco from Herculaneum depicting Heracles and Achelous from Greco - Roman mythology , 1st century CE Roman religion was thus mightily pragmatic and contractual , based on the principle of do ut des , `` I give that you might give . '' Religion depended on knowledge and the correct practice of prayer , ritual , and sacrifice , not on faith or dogma , although Latin literature preserves learned speculation on the nature of the divine and its relation to human affairs . Even the most skeptical among Rome 's intellectual elite such as Cicero , who was an augur , saw religion as a source of social order . For ordinary Romans , religion was a part of daily life . Each home had a household shrine at which prayers and libations to the family 's domestic deities were offered . Neighborhood shrines and sacred places such as springs and groves dotted the city . The Roman calendar was structured around religious observances . In the Imperial Era , as many as 135 days of the year were devoted to religious festivals and games ( ludi ) . Women , slaves , and children all participated in a range of religious activities . Some public rituals could be conducted only by women , and women formed what is perhaps Rome 's most famous priesthood , the state - supported Vestal Virgins , who tended Rome 's sacred hearth for centuries , until disbanded under Christian domination . The Romans are known for the great number of deities they honored . The presence of Greeks on the Italian peninsula from the beginning of the historical period influenced Roman culture , introducing some religious practices that became as fundamental as the cult of Apollo . The Romans looked for common ground between their major gods and those of the Greeks , adapting Greek myths and iconography for Latin literature and Roman art . Etruscan religion was also a major influence , particularly on the practice of augury , since Rome had once been ruled by Etruscan kings . Mystery religions imported from the Near East ( Ptolemaic Egypt , Persia and Mesopotamia ) , which offered initiates salvation through a personal God and eternal life after the death , were a matter of personal choice for an individual , practiced in addition to carrying on one 's family rites and participating in public religion . The mysteries , however , involved exclusive oaths and secrecy , conditions that conservative Romans viewed with suspicion as characteristic of `` magic '' , conspiracy ( coniuratio ) , and subversive activity . Sporadic and sometimes brutal attempts were made to suppress religionists who seemed to threaten traditional Roman morality and unity , as with the senate 's efforts to restrict the Bacchanals in 186 BC . As the Romans extended their dominance throughout the Mediterranean world , their policy in general was to absorb the deities and cults of other peoples rather than try to eradicate them , since they believed that preserving tradition promoted social stability . Marble relief of Mithras slaying the bull ( 2nd century , Louvre - Lens ) ; Mithraism was among the most widespread mystery religions of the Roman Empire . One way that Rome incorporated diverse peoples was by supporting their religious heritage , building temples to local deities that framed their theology within the hierarchy of Roman religion . Inscriptions throughout the Empire record the side - by - side worship of local and Roman deities , including dedications made by Romans to local Gods . By the height of the Empire , numerous international deities were cultivated at Rome and had been carried to even the most remote provinces ( among them Cybele , Isis , Osiris , Serapis , Epona ) , and Gods of solar monism such as Mithras and Sol Invictus , found as far north as Roman Britain . Because Romans had never been obligated to cultivate one deity or one cult only , religious tolerance was not an issue in the sense that it is for competing monotheistic systems . The monotheistic rigor of Judaism posed difficulties for Roman policy that led at times to compromise and the granting of special exemptions , but sometimes to intractable conflict . In the wake of the Republic 's collapse , State religion had adapted to support the new regime of the Emperors . Augustus , the first Roman emperor , justified the novelty of one - man rule with a vast program of religious revivalism and reform . Public vows formerly made for the security of the Republic now were directed at the wellbeing of the Emperor . So - called `` Emperor worship '' expanded on a grand scale the traditional Roman veneration of the ancestral dead and of the Genius , the divine tutelary of every individual . Imperial cult became one of the major ways Rome advertised its presence in the provinces and cultivated shared cultural identity and loyalty throughout the Empire : rejection of the State religion was tantamount to treason . This was the context for Rome 's conflict with Christianity , which Romans variously regarded as a form of atheism and threat to the stability of the Empire , causing the prosecution of Anti-Christian policies ; under Emperor Trajan 's reign ( AD 98 -- 117 ) , Roman intellectuals and functionaries ( Lucian of Samosata , Tacitus , Suetonius , Pliny the Younger , and Celsus ) gained knowledge about the Jewish roots of Early Christians , therefore many of them considered Christianity to be some sort of superstitio Iudaica . From the 2nd century onward , the Church Fathers began to condemn the diverse religions practiced throughout the Empire collectively as `` Pagan '' . In the early 4th century , Constantine the Great and his half - brother Licinius stipulated an agreement known as the Edict of Milan ( 313 ) , which granted liberty to all religions to be freely practiced in the Roman Empire ; following the Edict 's proclamation , the conflict between the two Emperors exacerbated , ending with the execution of both Licinius and the co-Emperor Sextus Martinianus as ordered by Constantine after Licinius ' defeat in the Battle of Chrysopolis ( 324 ) . Head of Constantine the Great , part of a colossal statue . Bronze , 4th century , Musei Capitolini , Rome . Constantine ruled the Roman Empire as sole emperor for the remainder of his reign . Some scholars allege that his main objective was to gain unanimous approval and submission to his authority from all classes , and therefore chose Christianity to conduct his political propaganda , believing that it was the most appropriate religion that could fit with the Imperial cult ( see also Sol Invictus ) . Regardless , under Constantine 's rule Christianity expanded throughout the Empire , launching the era of Christian Church 's dominance under the Constantinian dynasty . However , if Constantine himself sincerely converted to Christian religion or remained loyal to Paganism is still a matter of debate between scholars ( see also Constantine 's Religious policy ) . His formal conversion to Christianity in 312 is almost universally acknowledged among historians , despite that he was baptized only on his deathbed by the Arian bishop Eusebius of Nicomedia ( 337 ) ; the real reasons behind it remain unknown and are debated too . According to Hans Pohlsander , Professor Emeritus of History at the University at Albany , SUNY , Constantine 's conversion was just another instrument of Realpolitik in his hands meant to serve his political interest in keeping the Empire united under his control : The prevailing spirit of Constantine 's government was one of conservatorism . His conversion to and support of Christianity produced fewer innovations than one might have expected ; indeed they served an entirely conservative end , the preservation and continuation of the Empire . -- Hans Pohlsander , The Emperor Constantine The Emperor and Neoplatonic philosopher Julian the Apostate made a short - lived attempt to restore traditional religion and Paganism , and to reaffirm the special status of Judaism , but in 391 , under Theodosius I , Nicene Christianity became the official State church of the Roman Empire to the exclusion of all other Christian churches and Hellenistic religions , including Roman religion itself . Pleas for religious tolerance from traditionalists such as the senator Symmachus ( d . 402 ) were rejected , and Christian monotheism became a feature of Imperial domination . Heretics as well as non-Christians were subject to exclusion from public life or persecution , but , despite the decline of Greco - Roman polytheism , Rome 's original religious hierarchy and many aspects of its ritual influenced Christian religion as a whole ; various pre-Christian beliefs and practices survived as well in Christian festivals and local traditions . Philosophy ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( October 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Mosaic from Pompeii depicting the Academy of Plato Two major philosophical schools of thought that derived from Greek religion and philosophy that became prominent in Rome in the 1st and 2nd century AD was Cynicism and Stoicism which , according to Cora Lutz were `` fairly well merged '' in the early years of the Roman Empire . Cynicism taught that civilization was corrupt and people needed to break away from it and its trappings and Stoicism taught that one must give up all earthly goods by remaining detached from civilization and help others . Because of their negative views on civilization and of their way of life , in where many of them just wore a dirty cloak , carried a staff , and a coin purse , and slept outdoors , they were the targets of the Roman aristocracy and of the emperor and many were persecuted by the Roman government for being `` subversive '' . The philosopher Lucian attacked the Cynics in his book `` The Philosophies for Sale '' in which he mocked the Cynics by stating `` First ... stripping you of your luxury ... I will put a cloak on you ... Next I will compel you to undergo pains and hardships , sleeping on the ground , drinking nothing but water ... Leading this life you will say that you are happier than the Great King ... Frequent the most crowded market place ... and in ( it ) desire to be solitary and uncommunicative ... '' See also ( edit ) Ancient Rome Classical antiquity Gallo - Roman culture Mos maiorum Roman Britain Romanization Romanization of Hispania Sexuality in ancient Rome Social class in ancient Rome Theatre of ancient Rome Roman graffiti References ( edit ) Jump up ^ For example , a Romano - Egyptian text attests to the sharing of one small farmhouse by 42 people ; elsewhere , six families held common interest in a single olive tree . See Alfoldy , Geza. , The Social History of Rome ( Routledge Revivals ) 2014 ( online e-edition , unpaginated : accessed October 11th , 2016 ) Jump up ^ E.M. Jellinek , Drinkers and Alcoholics in Ancient Rome . ^ Jump up to : Grant , Michael ( 1954 ) . Roman Literature . Cambridge England : University Press . pp. 91 -- 94 . ^ Jump up to : Grant , Michael ( 1954 ) . Roman Literature . Cambridge England : University Press . p. 134 . Jump up ^ Tenney , Frank ( 1930 ) . Life and Literature in the Roman Republic . Berkeley California : University of California Press . p. 132 . Jump up ^ Tenney , Frank ( 1930 ) . Life and Literature in the Roman Republic . Berkeley California : University of California Press . p. 35 . ^ Jump up to : Grant , Michael ( 1954 ) . Roman Literature . Cambridge England : University Press . pp. 78 -- 84 . ^ Jump up to : Grant , Michael ( 1954 ) . Roman Literature . Cambridge England : University Press . pp. 30 -- 45 . Jump up ^ Grant , Michael ( 1954 ) . Roman Literature . Cambridge England : University Press . pp. Notes . Jump up ^ The Riddle of Ancient Roman Concrete , By David Moore , P.E. , 1995 , Retired Professional Engineer , Bureau of Reclamation ( This article first appeared in `` The Spillway '' a newsletter of the US Dept. of the Interior , Bureau of Reclamation , Upper Colorado Region , February , 1993 ) Jump up ^ `` Roman Art and Architecture '' . . Archived from the original on September 8 , 2006 . Retrieved July 14 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Lepcis Magna - Window on the Roman World in North Africa Jump up ^ Harvey , Brian . `` Graffiti from Pompeii '' . Graffiti from Pompeii . Archived from the original on March 3 , 2016 . Retrieved February 23 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Jörg Rüpke , `` Roman Religion -- Religions of Rome , '' in A Companion to Roman Religion ( Blackwell , 2007 ) , p. 4 . Jump up ^ Matthew Bunson , A Dictionary of the Roman Empire ( Oxford University Press , 1995 ) , p. 246 . Jump up ^ `` This mentality '' , notes John T. Koch , `` lay at the core of the genius of cultural assimilation which made the Roman Empire possible '' ; entry on `` Interpretatio romana , '' in Celtic Culture : A Historical Encyclopedia ( ABC - Clio , 2006 ) , p. 974 . Jump up ^ Rüpke , `` Roman Religion -- Religions of Rome , '' p. 4 ; Benjamin H. Isaac , The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity ( Princeton University Press , 2004 , 2006 ) , p. 449 ; W.H.C. Frend , Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church : A Study of Conflict from the Maccabees to Donatus ( Doubleday , 1967 ) , p. 106 . Jump up ^ G.W. Bromiley ( ed . ) , The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia , Vol. 4 ( Eerdmans , 1988 ) , p. 116 . ISBN 0 - 8028 - 3784 - 0 . Jump up ^ Janet Huskinson , Experiencing Rome : Culture , Identity and Power in the Roman Empire ( Routledge , 2000 ) , p. 261 . Jump up ^ A classic essay on this topic is Arnaldo Momigliano , `` The Disadvantages of Monotheism for a Universal State '' , in Classical Philology , 81.4 ( 1986 ) , pp. 285 -- 297 . ^ Jump up to : Michael Frede , `` Origen 's Treatise Against Celsus '' , in M. Edwards , M. Goodman , S. Price and C. Rowland ( ed . ) , Apologetics in the Roman Empire : Pagans , Jews , and Christians ( Oxford University Press , 2002 ) , pp. 133 - 134 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 826986 - 2 ; Antonia Tripolitis , Religions of the Hellenistic - Roman Age ( Eerdmans , 2001 ) , pp. 99 - 101 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8028 - 4913 - 7 . ^ Jump up to : R.L. Wilken , The Christians as the Romans Saw Them ( Yale University Press , 2003 ) , pp. 32 - 50 . ISBN 978 - 03 - 00 - 09839 - 6 . Jump up ^ See Peter Brown in G.W. Bowersock , P. Brown and O. Grabar ( ed . ) ; Late Antiquity : A Guide to the Postclassical World ( Harvard University Press , 1999 ) , pp. 625 - 626 , for the epithet `` Pagan '' used as a mark of socio - religious inferiority in Latin Christian polemic and apologetics . ^ Jump up to : Wendy Doniger ( ed . ) , `` Constantine I '' , in Britannica Encyclopedia of World Religions ( Encyclopædia Britannica , 2006 ) , p. 262 . ^ Jump up to : Noel Lenski ( ed . ) , The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine ( Cambridge University Press , 2006 ) , `` Introduction '' . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 81838 - 4 . ^ Jump up to : A.H.M. Jones , Constantine and the Conversion of Europe ( University of Toronto Press , 2003 ) , p. 73 . ISBN 0 - 8020 - 6369 - 1 . Jump up ^ Hans A. Pohlsander , The Emperor Constantine ( Routledge , NY 2004 ) , pp. 82 -- 84 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 31938 - 2 ; Lenski , `` Reign of Constantine '' ( The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine ) , p. 82 . Jump up ^ Pohlsander , The Emperor Constantine , pp. 78 -- 79 . Jump up ^ Stefan Heid , `` The Romanness of Roman Christianity , '' in A Companion to Roman Religion ( Blackwell , 2007 ) , pp. 406 -- 426 ; on vocabulary in particular , Robert Schilling , `` The Decline and Survival of Roman Religion '' , in Roman and European Mythologies ( University of Chicago Press , 1992 , from the French edition of 1981 ) , p. 110 . Bibliography ( edit ) Elizabeth S. Cohen , Honor and Gender in the Streets of Early Modern Rome , The Journal of Interdisciplinary History , Vol. 22 , No. 4 ( Spring , 1992 ) , pp. 597 - 625 Edward Gibbon , The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Tom Holland , The Last Years of the Roman Republic ISBN 0 - 385 - 50313 - X Ramsay MacMullen , 2000 . Romanization in the Time of Augustus ( Yale University Press ) Paul Veyne , editor , 1992 . A History of Private Life : I From Pagan Rome to Byzantium ( Belknap Press of Harvard University Press ) Karl Wilhelm Weeber , 2008 . Nachtleben im Alten Rom ( Primusverlag ) Karl Wilhelm Weeber , 2005 . Die Weinkultur der Römer J.H. D'Arms , 1995 . Heavy drinking and drunkenness in the Roman world , in O. Murray In Vino Veritas External links ( edit ) An interactive Roman map Rome Reborn − A Video Tour through Ancient Rome based on a digital model <Th_colspan="2"> Ancient Rome topics <Td_colspan="2"> Outline Timeline Epochs <Td_colspan="2"> Foundation Kingdom overthrow Republic Empire Pax Romana Principate Dominate Western Empire fall historiography of the fall Byzantine Empire decline fall Constitution History Kingdom Republic Empire Late Empire Senate Legislative assemblies Curiate Centuriate Tribal Plebeian Executive magistrates SPQR Government Curia Forum Cursus honorum Collegiality Emperor Legatus Dux Officium Prefect Vicarius Vigintisexviri Lictor Magister militum Imperator Princeps senatus Pontifex Maximus Augustus Caesar Tetrarch Optimates Populares Province Magistrates Ordinary Consul Censor Praetor Tribune Tribune of the Plebs Military tribune Quaestor Aedile Promagistrate Governor Extraordinary Rex Interrex Dictator Magister Equitum Decemviri Consular Tribune Triumvir Law Twelve Tables Mos maiorum Citizenship Auctoritas Imperium Status Litigation Military Borders Establishment Structure Campaigns Political control Strategy Engineering Frontiers and fortifications castra Technology Army Legion Infantry tactics Personal equipment Siege engines Navy Auxiliaries Decorations and punishments Hippika gymnasia Economy Agriculture Deforestation Commerce Finance Currency Republican currency Imperial currency Technology Abacus Numerals Civil engineering Military engineering Military technology Aqueducts Bridges Circus Concrete Domes Forum Metallurgy Roads Sanitation Thermae Culture Architecture Art Bathing Calendar Clothing Cosmetics Cuisine Hairstyles Education Literature Music Mythology Religion Romanization Sexuality Theatre Wine Society Patricians Plebs Conflict of the Orders Secessio plebis Equites Gens Tribes Naming conventions Demography Women Marriage Adoption Slavery Bagaudae Latin History Alphabet Versions Old Classical Vulgar Late Medieval Renaissance New Contemporary Ecclesiastical Romance languages Writers Latin Ammianus Marcellinus Appian Appuleius Asconius Pedianus Augustine Aurelius Victor Ausonius Boëthius Caesar Catullus Cassiodorus Censorinus Cicero Claudian Columella Ennius Eutropius Fabius Pictor Festus Florus Frontinus Fulgentius Gellius Horace Jerome Juvenal Livy Lucan Lucretius Macrobius Marcus Aurelius Martial Orosius Ovid Petronius Phaedrus Plautus Pliny the Elder Pliny the Younger Priscian Propertius Quintilian Quintus Curtius Rufus Sallust Seneca the Elder Seneca the Younger Servius Sidonius Apollinaris Statius Suetonius Symmachus Tacitus Terence Tertullian Tibullus Valerius Antias Valerius Maximus Varro Velleius Paterculus Verrius Flaccus Virgil Vitruvius Greek Arrian Cassius Dio Diodorus Siculus Dionysius of Halicarnassus Dioscorides Eusebius of Caesaria Galen Herodian Josephus Pausanias Philostratus Phlegon of Tralles Photius Plutarch Polybius Porphyrius Procopius Strabo Zonaras Zosimus Major cities Alexandria Antioch Aquileia Berytus Bononia Carthage Constantinopolis Eboracum Leptis Magna Londinium Lutetia Mediolanum Pompeii Ravenna Roma Smyrna Vindobona Volubilis Lists and other topics Cities and towns Climate Consuls Distinguished women Emperors Generals Gentes Geographers Institutions Laws Legacy Legions Nomina Tribunes Wars and battles Fiction Films Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Ancient Roman culture Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from January 2010 All articles needing additional references All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from January 2012 Articles with unsourced statements from January 2010 Articles with unsourced statements from September 2008 Articles to be expanded from June 2008 All articles to be expanded Articles using small message boxes Articles with unsourced statements from October 2016 Articles needing additional references from October 2016 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Български Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español Galego 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Íslenska Italiano Қазақша Latina Македонски Nederlands Norsk Português Русский Simple English Slovenčina Suomi Українська Tiếng Việt Zazaki 中文 19 more Edit links This page was last edited on 21 March 2018 , at 23 : 00 . 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1. Ancient Roman culture 2. Roman society 3. Roman architecture 4. Roman cuisine 5. Roman education
create awareness of the role of financial institution from the point of view of day to day life
Techfest - Wikipedia Techfest Jump to : navigation , search Techfest , IIT Bombay <Td_colspan="2"> Duration 3 days Venue IIT , Bombay Location Mumbai , India Coordinates 19 ° 08 ′ 01.09 '' N 72 ° 54 ′ 55.29 '' E  /  19.1336361 ° N 72.9153583 ° E  / 19.1336361 ; 72.9153583 Coordinates : 19 ° 08 ′ 01.09 '' N 72 ° 54 ′ 55.29 '' E  /  19.1336361 ° N 72.9153583 ° E  / 19.1336361 ; 72.9153583 Type Non-Profit Student Organisation Patron ( s ) UNICEF , UNESCO , Centre for environment education ( CEE ) and South Asia Youth Environment Network ( SAYEN ) Organised by Student community of IIT Bombay Website Techfest is the annual science and technology festival of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay . It also refers to the independent body of students who organize this event along with many other social initiatives and outreach programs round the year . Techfest is known for hosting a variety of events that include competitions , exhibitions , lectures as well as workshops . Started in 1998 with the aim of providing a platform for the Indian student community to develop and showcase their technical prowess , it has now grown into Asia 's Largest Science and Technology Festival with a footfall of 1.65 lakhs in its latest edition . The activities culminate in a grand three day festival event in the campus of IIT Bombay which attracts people from all over the World , including students , academia , corporates and the general public . Contents ( hide ) 1 History and Growth 2 Patronages , Awards and Recognitions 3 Structure and Organisation 4 Events 4.1 Competitions 4.2 Exhibitions 4.3 Ideate 4.4 Lectures 4.5 Ozone 4.6 Technoholix 4.7 Smart City Challenge 4.8 Summit 4.9 Workshops 5 Social Initiatives 5.1 I SMOKE 5.2 ASK 5.3 ROAR 5.4 Reform'n'ation 5.5 Techfest Green Campus Challenge 5.6 Give - A-Coin 5.7 Ummeed - e-Milaap 5.8 ReCycle 5.9 Internet For All 5.10 Cured 5.11 Save The Souls 5.12 IAmPower 6 Associates and Partners 7 References 8 External links History and growth ( edit ) The very first edition of Techfest was in 1998 . The underlying spirit of Techfest was `` to promote technology and scientific thinking and innovation '' a motto that has been followed by every Techfest since . Techfest ' 98 also set the broad outlines of Techfest in the form of competitions , lectures , workshops and exhibitions which went on to become a standard feature at every Techfest . Entrepreneurship also made an appearance in the 1999 and 2000 editions . Technoholix -- Techfest in the Dark , showcasing technological entertainment at the end of each day as well as hub of on the spot activities , made their debut during these years . Techfest 2001 - 2002 saw the incorporation of IIT Bombay 's department based events like Yantriki , Chemsplash and Last Straw . Students from GH Raisoni College of Engineering got the Engineering Excellence Award for best design . Mr. Amit Shankar Choudhary , Mr. Fahad Azad , Mr. Bodhisatta Ganguly was in the team of designers from GHRCE , Nagpur . Techfest 2002 - 2003 launched the Techfest trophy to make the competitions more interesting . Colleges from all over India participated in multiple segments to win the trophy . Techfest 2003 - 2004 marked a big milestone in the growth of Techfest as this was the year Techfest became an International event with the introduction of International Machine design contest - Cliffhanger . It also saw the introduction of the renowned robotics competition , Micromouse for the first time in India . Teams from Nepal , Sri Lanka and Singapore also participated in Cliffhanger . Techfest 2004 - 2005 added challenging problem statements in the form of competitions like Survivor as well as Drishti , which was conceived with the National Association for the Blind ( NAB ) in order to provide aids for the visually challenged . The emphasis at Techfest 2006 was on technology and its applications rather than just engineering know -- how . With this view , a section of competitions held under the name E-Rustique had problem statements that encouraged the participants to come up with solutions to existing rural problems and hence contribute to the development of modern India . Techfest 2006 - 2007 introduced an event Nexus to take robotics to the masses via robotics workshops and subsequent competitions with easy problem statements in many cities other than Mumbai . In Techfest 2007 - 2008 , Nexus was conducted at 7 centers across India namely Indore , Calicut , Jaipur , New Delhi , Pune , Surat and Mumbai respectively . Techfest 2008 also returned to the trend of taking up of initiatives by the Techfest team for social and public causes through their campaign on Global Warming . Techfest 2008 - 2009 featured the iNexus taking Nexus international to Sri Lanka , UAE and Denmark , whose finalists were flown to India to compete with their counterparts from India , making Techfest the first ever student organization to go truly international . It also saw the creation of open innovation platform called Prayaas to try come up with implementable solutions to problems existing in rural India . Techfest 2009 - 2010 added a new segment to their festival called Scintillations . The segment consisted of night exhibitions and thrilling interactive shows . The exhibitions had quite a nationalistic flavor with hanger space devoted to ISRO , Indian Navy and National Disaster Management Authority . Techfest 2010 - 2011 added more entertainment events to the festival with a new section called Crossroads which featured Street Magic Shows , Stunt Shows etc . Some of the featured events at 2011 were the VirtuSphere and Laser Tag , lecture by the likes of Harold Kroto and Richard Stallman , exhibition of Science and inventions of Leonardo da Vinci and PR2 , energy - saving competition among all Indian Institutes of Technology . Technoholix saw world 's best Double Dutch ( jump rope ) crew . Techfest 2011 - 2012 took a unique initiative Ummeed - e-Milaap to step towards a peaceful future between India and Pakistan . WAVE - India was launched with the motto of spreading awareness about electric vehicles through a road - trip covering over 2500 kilometers through India . Great lecturers viz . Venki Ramakrishnan ( Nobel Laureate in Chemistry ) , Karlheinz Brandenburg ( Co-Inventor of MP3 ) and many amazing exhibits like Nao Robot ( France ) , Crazy file ( Sweden ) etc. were a part of the festival . Techfest 2012 - 2013 created a benchmark for itself with its lecture series , competitions and initiatives . This stint of Lecture Series at Techfest was graced by Amartya Sen , Ei - ichi Negishi ( Nobel Laureate in Chemistry ) , Rakesh Sharma and many more . International Robotics Challenge ( IRC ) , the flagship event of Techfest 2013 , witnessed participation from 8 countries . A new competition TechOlympics was launched which saw 240 teams from India participate to solve multiple problem statements and compete to be crowned the winner . The initiatives - Techfest Green Campus Challenge ( participation from 750 colleges and formation of 150 new Eco-clubs ) and Give - A-Coin aimed at awareness of financial child adoption were a huge success and well appreciated all over the country . Techfest 2013 - 2014 registered a participation of 1.35 lakhs which turned out to be the highest till that year . The lecture series witnessed Prof. C.N.R. Rao ( Bharat Ratna 2014 ) , Pranav Mistry ( Inventor of SixthSense Technology ) , Kiran Bedi and many renowned personalities . The technoholix segment witnessed the World Premiere of a 3D projection mapping play , June , covered in Indian as well as Italian media . An anti-smoking campaign , I SMOKE featured in Limca Book of Records for the most number of doodles collected . The 16th edition also saw the launch of 4G services for the first time in India by Reliance Jio . Techfest 2014 - 2015 recorded a footfall of 1.45 lakhs . The edition featured a stellar lineup of eminent lecturers like APJ Abdul Kalam , inventor of C++ , Bjarne Stroustrup and one of the founding fathers of internet Vint Cerf . The social initiatives Techfest had undertaken over the past years were nominated for Times of India Social Impact Award . Smart City Challenge , inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi 's vision of 100 smart cities in India , engaged college students to think of innovative ideas for making a smart city . ASK , the nationwide campaign of Techfest , with the partnership of NCPRI , was aimed at creating awareness of the Right to Information Act . Techfest 2015 - 2016 witnessed the highest ever footfall of 1.65 lakhs . The lecture series was graced by renowned personalities like Prof. Serge Haroche ( Physics Nobel Laureate ) , Eric Klinker ( CEO of BitTorrent ) and Dr. K. Radhakrishnan ( Former Chairman of ISRO ) . This edition included an International Summit to unite a dynamic community of global leaders and activists to discuss solutions for challenges and analyze the impact of technology . ReCycle , a college campaign of Techfest , aimed at creating awareness about physical fitness and environment protection among the youth in society . Internet for All , a social initiative , with association of NIELIT , aimed at improving digital literacy in India by teaching the basics of Internet to school students . Techfest 2016 - 2017 was based on the theme `` A Space Expedition ''. The lecture series were graced by Rakesh Sharma ( 1st Indian in Space ) , Bruce Allen ( American Physicist and Principal Investigator , LIGO Project ) , Mark Papermaster ( Former CTO , Apple Inc . ) and many more eminent personalities. This edition hosted World MUN with 525 delegates from all over the world . CURED ? , a social initiative to make the masses aware of the causes and effects of Diabetes for which over 200 + camps were set up all across India. Save The Souls was an initiative aimed at stopping the inhumane testing of Beagle dogs in laboratories for which an online petition campaign was run . IAmPower was initiated with an aim to empower girls to become leaders of technology , innovators in STEM and build their own future through exposure to computer science and technology . Techfest 2016 - 2017 Graffiti Wall Patronages , Awards and recognitions ( edit ) Techfest is among the very few student organizations to have received patronage from United Nations organisations . Among its various recognitions , prominent ones are listed below : UNESCO for promotion of technical knowledge UNICEF for the social causes taken up through Ideate competitions and other initiatives over the years Make In India for its Innovation challenge and Ideate Centre for environment education ( CEE ) and South Asia Youth Environment Network ( SAYEN ) for its approach and initiatives towards environment changes Techfest has also been nominated for the Times of India Social Impact Award 2015 for its unique social campaigns in the field of child education , women empowerment , encouraging Indo - Pak relations and creating awareness Structure and organisation ( edit ) All Team Meet of Techfest 2016 - 2017 Techfest is an entirely student organized body . The core committee has 23 members : one Overall Coordinator at the helm and 22 managers who overlook all the aspects and activities of Techfest . A team of over 800 Coordinators and Organizers along with 2500 + College ambassadors their respective managers work in sync to execute and implement the activities of the festival . Each Manager has a portfolio assigned to him which can be broadly categorized into two sections - administration and events . The administrative portfolios primarily include tasks like accounts , infrastructure , marketing , hospitality , publicity and media along with helping with the events . The events portfolios include responsibility for each of the numerous happenings and initiatives taken by Techfest each year . Each manager then has his own team of coordinators and organizers . The coordinators and organizers help the manager in looking into the finer details of the department and ensuring that ideas of the team are executed smoothly . Events ( edit ) Competitions ( edit ) Participants of International Robotics Challenge , Techfest Competitions serve the backbone for fulfilling the basic motto of Techfest - spreading science and technology . Over the years , this segment has evolved to become a stage for international exchange . Competitions such as Full Throttle , Submerge , Skylark , Skyscraper , Boeing Aeromodelling Competition and many more have been instrumental in encouraging students to work in the technical field . The International Robotics Challenge ( IRC ) is an international competition , which has participation from over 12 countries . The elimination rounds are held in the respective countries and the finals held at Techfest . Till date IRC has seen participation from France , Russia , Sweden , South Africa , Egypt , Bangladesh , Ethiopia , India , Nepal , Pakistan , Sri Lanka and Thailand . Techfest International Coding Challenge also saw participation from different countries . Techfest International Model United Nations ( MUN ) was launched with the aim of spreading political awareness on International affairs . It saw participation of more than 300 delegates in 2016 . Techfest organizes one of the biggest Robowars , Judged by Fahad Azad , since 2009 in India . With an enclosed arena and precise set of rules , opposing robots battle it out one - on - one in one of the most popular and thrilling event during the festival which witnesses a lot of spectators . In addition to the list of other competitions , the zonal competitions at Techfest 2016 , named Technorion included five nationwide zonal centres as Hyderabad , Jaipur , Bhopal , Mumbai And Bhubaneshwar competing in robotics and coding competitions namely Meshflare , Quantum Code , Galactic Trooper . Exhibitions ( edit ) Queue for exhibitions at Techfest IIT Bombay , Mumbai , India The exhibitions segment of Techfest started out in 2004 with Indian Navy Exhibitions feeling the need to motivate young Indian minds towards military research . It was re-initiated in 2006 with a plethora of exhibitions . Welcome To Mars was the first International Exhibition from Arizona State University and NASA . While 2007 witnessed a huge increase in the number of International Exhibits of which the most prominent were Mind Reading Machines and the life size exhibits of Pterosaur , 2008 had the first interactive exhibit in Techfest in Shadow Dexterous Hand . In 2009 Amphibot capable of moving without any limbs or wheels , face detection software on a robot security platform , rudders and flight control mechanics from Airbus , and DRDO ' s mobile autonomous launcher Brahmos . Alice the first robot smaller than a ping pong ball and eyewriter - writing by eye movement were the focus of Techfest Exhibitions 2010 . Da Vinci Robotics Exhibitions - conceptualized by Leonardo da Vinci , Open vibe - the brain - computer interface shows brain activity , PR2 Robot , Eccerobot 2 - an anthropomimetic robot acting as a human replica were the cynosure of all eyes in 2011 . Techfest 2013 saw the NAO Robot from France , exhibits from the MIT Media Lab like the EyeNetra , HIRO robot were among the highlights of the exhibitions . Exhibitions at Techfest 2014 witnessed the BINA48 , Fumanoids ( Germany ) , Solowheel ( United States ) , Cubli ( Vertex balancing cube , EPFL Switzerland ) and many other exhibits . Techfest 2015 featured innovative Sepios which mimics swimming through proper fins . Bionic Hand , an artificial bionic prosthesis using 3D printing technology . Some other exhibits at display were Beach Bot , Teegi , Tigers Mannheim , Thomas Li Vigni and many more . Jinn Bot ( robot which express moods such as joy and anger ) , Dutch Nao Team ) exhibits from BRAC University , ETH Zurich were among the highlights of Exhibitions in 2016 . Techfest 2016 saw Auto - show as a part of exhibitions showcasing BMW i8 , BMW M4 , Hayabusa , Ducati , Triumph Bikes and many more . Techfest 2016 - 17 showcased Bebionic hand , ISRO prototypes , Advanced Military Weaponry with Techconnect , an exclusive showcase of IIT Bombay research projects and Exhibits . Ideate ( edit ) Ideas are the basic stage for empowerment of the society . Ideate has successfully sparked the entrepreneur in young minds to solve social and industrial problems their innovative ideas . The motto of Ideate is to ignite new ideas from across the nation that would alter and revolutionize the present day situation in India . All achievements have their beginning in an idea . A good idea with proper work has the power to change the world . India needs a newly minted idea , a belief and a vision to spark a revolution . This segment aims at providing a platform to the ponderers to come up with the ideas that spark the revolution . In Techfest 2016 , Inspire India , Utkarsh , Vidyaarth , Pakriti , Unnat and Yojna ; all as a part of the segment provided a platform to the ponderers to come up with the ideas that spark the revolution . Techfest 2014 saw participation from over 300 colleges across the nation . More than 1000 ideas were planned and implemented over the period making a great impact to the society . Techfest 2015 - 16 saw participation from over 350 colleges across the nation . More than 1000 ideas for Inspire India , Manifest , Aahaar , Ujjawal & Acquanette were planned and implemented over the period making a great impact to the society . Some ideas were presented internationally and awarded patents . Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam at Techfest 2015 Lectures ( edit ) Lecture Series , the most distinguished segment of Techfest has the sole motive to give students an opportunity to interact with their role models . Every year Techfest plays host to a number of eminent personalities from a variety of fields , articulating their thoughts and elaborating on their well known works , ranging from current to the age old topics . Lectures at Techfest are known for informative and interactive sessions between speakers and the enthusiastic audience . The past speakers at Techfest include great personalities like : APJ Abdul Kalam ( Former president of India and Founder of India 's missile program ) Jimmy Wales ( Founder , Wikipedia ) Ada Yonath ( Nobel Laureate , Chemistry ) Michael Sandel ( Political Philosopher , Harvard University ) C.N.R. Rao ( Bharat Ratna 2013 - Highest Civilian Award of India ) Bjarne Stroustrup ( inventor of C++ ) Amartya Sen ( Nobel Laureate , Economics ) Michael Sandel , Political Philosopher , Harvard University at Techfest 2014 Vint Cerf ( one of the fathers of Internet ) Pranav Mistry ( Vice President of Research at Samsung , Inventor of SixthSense technology ) John Nash ( Nobel Laureate , Economics ) Harold Kroto ( Nobel Laureate , Chemistry ) Ei - ichi Negishi ( Nobel Laureate , Chemistry ) Robert E. Kahn ( One of the fathers of internet ) Manjul Bhargava ( Fields Medal and Padma Bhushan awardee , Mathematician ) Venkatraman Ramakrishnan ( Nobel Laureate , Chemistry ) Stephen Wolfram ( Developer of Mathematica ) Ryan Germick ( Google Doodle team leader ) Jaap Haartsen ( Inventor of Bluetooth ) Serge Haroche , French Physicist , Nobel Laureate , at Techfest , IIT Bombay Jaime Lagunez ( Scientist and Human Rights activist has accepted this year ′ s invitation ) Dr. K. Radhakrishnan ( Ex-Chairman , Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO ) ) Eric Klinker ( CEO , Bit Torrent ) Serge Haroche ( Nobel Laureate , Physics ) Rakesh Sharma ( 1st Indian in Space ) Sharmila Tagore ( UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador ) Peter Atkins ( British Chemist and renowned Author ) Bruce Allen ( American Physicist and Principal Investigator , LIGO Project ) Mark Papermaster ( Former CTO , Apple Inc . ) Ozone ( edit ) F1 Simulator in Techfest 2017 Ozone or ' On the Spot Zone ' reveals the fun part of Techfest . It is the place to hang around for all the festive excitement and adrenaline gushing events . Started in 2006 , it has proved to be an integral part of Techfest in the past few years . Through Ozone , Techfest has brought in various entertainment - based technical gadgetry for the first time in India , be it Lazer tag ( 2010 ) , VirtuSphere ( 2011 ) , Silent Disco ( 2013 ) , F1 Simulator ( 2014 ) or Oculus Rift ( 2015 ) . Events like Junkyard Wars , Paintball , Water Zorbing , 6D - XD Simulator , Flying Simulator , Go Karting , ATV rides and the Gaming Zone help keep the audience engrossed when they are not involved in the gruelling competitions and workshops . Ozone has also hosted a variety of street artists such as Zlwin Chew ( Malaysia ) , Hiyro ( Japan ) , Fabrizio Roseilli ( Italy ) , Kelvin Kalvus ( Germany ) , Matej Kodes ( Czech Republic ) , Csirmaz Andras ( Hungary ) and many more . Ozone also organises a variety of interesting workshops like paper sculpture , poi & juggling , handwriting analysis and Origami . SciTech Quiz started by Techfest in 2008 evolved into the largest inter-institute quiz in India , the Techfest National Open Quiz , hosted by Rohit Nair - a well known quizmaster in India . Technoholix ( edit ) 1st Project , Drummers from South Africa at Techfest - 2015 Immense Crowd attending Technoholix at Techfest , IIT Bombay Technoholix , the night segment of the festival features professional shows from the biggest names in entertainment from around the world . Technoholix acts as a perfect opportunity for an audience of 10,000 to rejuvenate by bringing forth a perfect blend of science , technology and entertainment . It has hosted magic , pyrotechnics , laser shows , acrobatics to even virtual 3D holographic displays and many other different forms . The Double Dutch Force that graced the stage of Athens Olympics subsequently performed here at Techfest . The stage has even played host to the parkour team from the sets of Casino Royale . Tony Chapek , an interactive illusionist from the States ; The Pa - li - Tchi fire dancers and pyrotechnicians from Czech Republic ; the Copenhagen Drummers ; Pep Bou , a renowned bubble artist from Spain are among the few that have graced the stage at IIT Bombay . In 2014 , Cait Lin ( Performer at FIFA World Cup ) , Tararam ( Performer at Athens Olympics ) , and June - The Immersive Musical from Italy performed at the OAT . June , a 3D projection mapping show received media coverage not only in India but also in Italy . In Technoholix 2015 performances such as 1st Project ( Percussionists from South Africa , Winners of World Music Awards ) , Flowmotion Dance Company ( Austria ) , Khawater AlDalam ( Saudi Arabia Winners of Arab 's Got Talent ) kept the crowd enthralled . Techfest 2015 - 2016 featured artist groups such as Afishal ( Visual DJ drummer ) , Alexis Arts ( Illusionist , 6 Guinness World Records holder ) , Kenneth Sebastian ( Stand up comedian ) and many more . Smart city Challenge ( edit ) Jury members of Smart City Challenge , Techfest - 2015 Smart City Challenge was an initiative inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi 's vision to develop 100 new smart cities to engage the youth of the country in the development of their city and prosperity of its citizens . The competition was designed with the vision of bringing together technology , government and the student fraternity to make the cities more efficient , sustainable and live - able and to improve the quality of life of rapidly urbanizing population . The challenge involved five segments which participants could work on : Infrastructure : Good infrastructure is the lifeline of a city Healthcare : Clean surroundings lead to healthier life Urban Aesthetics : Beautify city , promote local culture Trade & Commerce : Create wealth and dispense it wisely Law & Policy Making : Remove archaic laws which hamper the progress of cities 1000 teams participated across India involving students from IITs , IIMs , IISER , NITs and BITS . The expert panel of over 50 mentors consists of IPS officers , IIT professors , corporate professionals and eminent government officers . Besides the prize money of INR 5 lakhs for winners , another incentive to the participants was that their ideas would be forwarded to the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Project Corporation . They also got a chance to experiment and implement their ideas in Lavasa City ( Pune ) . Summit ( edit ) Bob Frankston at Techfest International Summit International summit on Internet of Things was held in techfest for two days . It focused on understanding how the business will be affected by IoT which is rapidly adopted all over the world and how the professionals may benefit from it as major technological companies and startups are embracing IoT strategies . The Inaugural IoT Summit brought together corporate , entrepreneurs and investors alike , under one roof , to explore the Internet of Things from business point of view . Professionals from the various IT / Software cells and techies of various organizations across all strata of industry were invited for the summit.It allowed one to hear from the stalwarts of the industry and get the real picture in India and in the World . The summit consisted of panel discussions , workshops and lectures by speakers like Mr. Bob Frankston , Mr. Jeff Demain , Mr. Ishwar Parulkar , Mr. Rishi Bhatnagar , Mrs. Vidya Mani , Mr. Kaustubh Nande , Mr. Rafiq Somani , Mr. Rajendra Pratap Gupta , Mr. Anil Mathur , Mr. Kartik Iyengar , Mr. Parvez Goiporia along with other names . Workshops ware conducted by Texas Instruments , giving hands on approach on various IoT applications . The Summit provided an ideal introduction to professionals & students wanting to pursue it as a career or integrate it into their work and an opportunity of networking session with professionals and like minded individuals to set the foundation on IoT Workshops ( edit ) Workshops play an important role in fulfilling Techfest vision of bringing the students face to face with the latest technology that is storming the world . These workshops are organized under expert guidance from various fields and are known to attract a lot of students owing to their repute and quality content . Over the past few years workshops in Android App Development , Ethical Hacking , r - Hex Robot ( all terrain six legged robot ) , Special Effects , Digital Photography , Humanoid Hand , Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics have given an enriching experience to participants . Apart from the workshops held during the three - day festival , Techfest also reaches out to many colleges across India through tie - ups with robotics companies and organizes workshops pertaining to spread the robotics culture among Indian youth . Social initiatives ( edit ) Bollywood actress Amrita Rao at the launch of ISMOKE campaign Each year Techfest undertakes social initiatives based on relevant issues in the society . Techfest having a diverse crowd and a large reach is an ideal platform for promoting social causes . Over the years , different teams have conducted various campaigns and sought to bring about a change through Techfest . I SMOKE ( edit ) I SMOKE or I Support Movement tO Kill cancEr was a doodle campaign against the ill effects of smoking and awareness about lung cancer . The campaign was launched by Amrita Rao and had the support of celebrities like Ayushmann Khurana , Prachi Desai and Darsheel Safary . The campaign was conducted in 64 colleges all over India , during which 21,383 doodles were collected between 26 August 2013 and 26 September 2013 . The number of doodles was recognized by the Limca Book of Records as a record number of doodles collected . ASK ( edit ) Bollywood actress Prachi Desai at the inauguration of ASK campaign Anxious ? Seek Know or ASK was a campaign in 50 colleges across India for spreading awareness about application of Right to Information Act . The initiative was inaugurated by Bollywood actress Prachi Desai . Being conducted in partnership with NCPRI , India 's leading non-governmental organization championing the RTI , ASK saw a slew of activities aimed at spreading awareness of the provisions in the act . This included workshops in key cities of India , citizen queries being answered online and offline , creating an online repository of available information on the issue . Roar ( edit ) ROAR aimed at upliftment and empowerment of women to bring about a change and make the world a better place to live in . It served to convene , unite and strengthen voices speaking out for girls and women around the world . ROAR contributed to making a change for the better of women and their communities . Famous scriptwriter and lyricist Javed Akhtar came to Techfest 2015 and gave a lecture supporting this campaign . Reform'n'ation ( edit ) Reform'n'ation was an initiative to involve people in holistic development of the society . The initiative involved a combination of 100 tasks which are broadly divided into - holistic development of child , sustainability , human rights and healthy living . These activities required the participating teams to create awareness as well as devise and implement practical solutions to the existing problem on these issues . Techfest Green Campus Challenge ( edit ) Techfest Green Campus Challenge was an initiative to involve people in Sustainable Development and make them aware of the effects of neglecting environmental issues . It was designed with a vision of making campuses across India more sustainable and green , and promote the idea and the necessity of the same among the college going youth of this country . Give - A-Coin ( edit ) Give - A-Coin was an initiative of IIT Bombay in joint association with Pratham Council For Vulnerable Children ( PCVC ) . It promoted financial child adoption . The campaign invited individuals to contribute a rupee each as a token symbol of willingness to contribute to financial adoption of underprivileged children . Ummeed - e-Milaap ( edit ) Ummeed - e-Milaap was an initiative taken by the core team of Techfest 2012 in partnership with LUMS - Spades , Lahore , AIESEC Karachi and FAST Karachi - NLR with a vision to promote healthy interaction between the neighboring students and build a future of harmony and partnership . A part of this initiative was the Indo - Pak Diary Campaign wherein a diary was circulated in over 30 colleges in Mumbai , Lahore and Karachi . Aimed at influencing the young minds for the cause , this diary invited ideas that have the potential to be the future of the Indo - Pak Peace Process . ReCycle ( edit ) Participants at Cyclothon as a part of ReCycle ReCycle was initiated to promote health and fitness among the youth . ReCycle consisted of three events an online campaign , a college campaign and the final Cyclothon . The online campaign included slogan , poster and photography competition to create awareness about Global Warming and promotion of cycling . Techfest , IIT Bombay reached out to over 20 colleges in Mumbai to conduct the college campaign . These college campaigns focused on involving the participants and spectators in sharing knowledge , ideas , views and finding better solutions on Global Warming through various activities . The final event Cyclothon was a marathon over cycle which had a participation count of over 1,300 , conducted in IIT Bombay . Internet for all ( edit ) IFA - Internet For All was a step taken by Techfest in collaboration with Nehru Science Centre to provide hands - on internet experience to students in rural areas in which volunteers trained by the students and faculty of IIT Bombay showed how content can be accessed with a click . A mobile science exhibition vehicle , equipped with exhibits using latest science and technology to inspire school children , traveled from Mumbai to Delhi . Besides giving hands - on internet experience , volunteers educated rural school students about the power of the internet in delivering services in areas like health , education , agriculture , banking etc. in rural areas . IFA covered 48 villages with 50 volunteers empowering 44840 people . This was initiated under the guidance of Global bodies such as UNICEF , UNESCO , CEE , and SAYEN . Cyclothon 2016 - 2017 `` Pedal For Diabetes '' Camp set up under CURED , campaign by Techfest , IIT Bombay Cured ( edit ) CURED ? or Can U Really Escape Diabetes was a movement aimed to make the masses aware of the causes and effects of Diabetes for which over 200 + camps were set up all across India. A Guinness World Record and Limca Book Record attempt was made for the maximum number of pledges signed and diabetes screenings respectively . Save the Souls ( edit ) STS or ( Save The Souls ) was an initiative aimed at stopping the inhumane testing of Beagle dogs in laboratories for which an online petition campaign was run . Apart from the online campaign there were intense on ground activities like the Vaccination Drive and the mounting of illuminating collars on stray dogs on a Pan Mumbai scale . IAmPower ( edit ) With an aim to empower girls to become leaders of technology , innovators in STEM and build their own future through exposure to computer science and technology , Techfest conducted the initiative IAmPower to support the young girls and women of India by involving them in STEM . Our initiative aims to redress an under - representation of women in employment and career progression in Science Tech Engineering and Maths discipline by attracting , retaining and advancing the women who are critical for the diverse and inclusive workplace , culminating in acceleration of global innovation . Associates and partners ( edit ) Techfest receives extensive coverage in print , television , digital as well as online media . Techfest has had Hindustan Times , DNA , Times of India , Discovery Channel , Big RTL Thrill , India Today , Big CBS Prime , 93.5 RED FM and 92.7 BIG FM as its media partners . In the past known organisations and embassies have supported Techfest in its endeavours . Techfest in the past had the support of the embassy / consulate of Italy , Netherlands , Israel , Germany , Australia , Austria , Canada and Indonesia . In terms of industrial association and sponsorship , Techfest receives sponsorship from Telecom , PSUs , Banking , Electronics , Automobile and a wide range of other such sectors . In the Past we 've had association with top firms like Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd , which had the national launch of its 4G Free Wifi in Techfest 2014 , Tata Docomo , Microsoft , Intel , GE , IBM , MMRDA , NTPC , Pepsi , RuPay , WD and more such sponsors . Organisations such as DAAD , Alliance Francaise , British Council , Goethe Institute , Polish Institute , Swissnex and India - Sri Lanka foundation have also partnered with Techfest for the promotion of Science and Technology , education , culture as well as tourism . Social initiatives of Techfest have received the support of esteemed NGOs like CRY , Smile Foundation , Pratham , Muktangan , Garbage Concern Welfare Society , Indian Cancer Society , Laadi , Akshara and The Candle Project . With a diverse participation , Techfest is a very good place for engaging and interacting with the youth of the country . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Akolawala , Tasneem ( 4 January 2012 ) . `` Techfest 2013 : The fun side of technology '' . DNA India . Retrieved 22 February 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Techfest 2015 - About Us '' . . Retrieved 26 November 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` Day one of IIT - B 's Techfest witnesses 30,000 visitors '' . Hindustan Times . 5 April 2015 . Retrieved 3 January 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` IIT - MUMBAI TECHFEST - Robowars , Kalam charm the audience on last day '' . The Times Of India . 5 January 2015 . Retrieved 26 April 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` IIT - B TECHFEST : DAY 2 - Grenade launchers , robot headstands and F1 racing simulators steal the show '' . Mumbai Mirror. 4 January 2015 . Retrieved 26 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Day 2 of IIT Techfest draws over 45,000 people in Mumbai '' . DNA . 5 January 2014 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Techfest beckons robotics buffs '' . The Times Of India . 25 December 2009 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` At IITB Techfest , a competition on finding solutions to day - to - day problems '' . Indian Express . 2 October 2008 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` Disaster management techniques grab eyeballs at IIT Mumbai Techfest '' . DNA India . 23 January 2010 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Scintillations showcase at IITB Techfest 2010 '' . . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` India , Pakistan students launch diary campaign '' . The Hindu . 1 September 2011 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` IIT - B launches diary for messages of unity '' . Hindustan Times . 1 September 2011 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` It 's the year of the robots '' . Hindustan Times . 3 January 2012 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Interactive session with Dr Amartya Sen at Techfest 2013 , IIT Bombay '' . IBN Live . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Platform for talent : IIT - Bombay launches ' TechOlympics ' '' . The Indian Express . 16 October 2012 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Supercars to rev up Techfest 's appeal this year '' . Indian Express . 30 December 2013 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` IIT - B Techfest 's anti-smoking message flies into Limca Book of Records '' . DNA India . 4 January 2014 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` IIT - B drive makes doodle record '' . The Times Of India . 2 January 2014 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Reliance Jio tests 4G network , Jio Television at IIT Mumbai Techfest '' . NDTV gadgets . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` IIT - Bombay to hold 200 camps across 8 states to test diabetes Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis '' . dna. 2016 - 09 - 04 . Retrieved 2017 - 05 - 06 . ^ Jump up to : `` IIT students launch drive to save beagles - Times of India '' . The Times of India . Retrieved 2017 - 05 - 06 . ^ Jump up to : `` IIT - Bombay ' Techfest ' launches three international competitions '' . DNA India . 30 September 2013 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` IIT Bombay 's Techfest to kick off tomorrow '' . Business Standard ( Mumbai ) . 1 January 2015 . Retrieved 26 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` IIT - Bombay starts Techfest preparation '' . The Asian Age . 29 April 2014 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Techfest International Model United Nations '' . UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` IIT - B Techfest : City team wins RoboWars in record time '' . Indian Express . 22 January 2013 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` city kids create a game for lonely astronauts '' . Sunday Express . 4 January 2015 . Retrieved 26 April 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Gadgets that will blow your mind '' . Hindustan Times . 31 December 2012 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Hi - tech marvels wow crowds at IIT - B 's Techfest '' . DNA India . 7 January 2012 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` Kiran Bedi targets netas , roots for transparency on Day 1 of IIT - B fest '' . The Times Of India . 4 January 2014 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Frenchman uses 3D technology to create ' inexpensive ' artificial bionic prosthesis '' . Indian Express . 5 April 2015 . Retrieved 3 January 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Robots lord it over IIT - B Techfest '' . the times of India . 3 January 2015 . Retrieved 26 April 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Kalam to attend IIT - Bombay Techfest '' . The Hindu . 16 December 2014 . Retrieved 26 April 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Techfest 2015 - 16 All the highlights from IIT Bombay '' . Digit . Retrieved 2016 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Robots , internet rule last day of IIT - B Techfest '' . Jump up ^ `` ' Research needs time and trust , ' says Nobel Laureate Serge Haroche at IIT - B 's Techfest '' . Jump up ^ `` Silent disco : IIT - B students to party past noise curfew '' . Hindustan Times . 12 November 2012 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` L'Italia che vince nel mondo . June -- The Immersive Musical , show ipertecnologico Made in Italy , debutta in India al Techfest di Mumbai '' . Artribune. 2 January 2014 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Kenneth Sebastian ( Kenny ) - Standup Comedy at Techfest IIT Bombay 2015 '' . Comedy Review . 2015 - 12 - 28 . Retrieved 2016 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` IIT Bombay 's Techfest focuses on robotics , yet again -- Tech2 '' . Tech2. 2015 - 12 - 29 . Retrieved 2016 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Attend Techfest 's Summit on ' Internet of Things ' in IIT Bombay this December '' . dna. 2015 - 11 - 23 . Retrieved 2016 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` ISMOKE '' . Techfest . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ' RTI a potent weapon to root out corruption ' '' . The Hindu . 26 September 2014 . Retrieved 26 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Mumbai College fests turn into tool to find India 's problems '' . Hindustan Times . 30 September 2013 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` TGCC '' . Techfest . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` VIT bags first prize in IIT - Bombay Techfest '' . The Hindu . 14 January 2013 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` IIT - B Techfest takes up social causes '' . DNA India . 24 August 2012 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ` ReCycle Cyclothon ' at IIT Techfest to save environment - Times of India '' . The Times of India . Retrieved 2016 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` IIT - B , Nehru Science Centre to bring internet to rural schools across state '' . The Indian Express . 2015 - 07 - 16 . Retrieved 2016 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` IIT Bombay conducts diabetes check - up camps for one lakh participants across Mumbai '' . The Indian Express . 2016 - 09 - 26 . Retrieved 2017 - 05 - 06 . Jump up ^ `` Techfest screens 1 lakh people for diabetes '' . 2016 - 09 - 26 . Retrieved 2017 - 05 - 06 . External link in work = ( help ) Jump up ^ `` Reliance Jio tests 4G network , Jio Television at IIT Mumbai Techfest '' . NDTV. 6 January 2015 . Retrieved 28 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Techfest Sponsors '' . Retrieved 28 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` IIT - B Techfest gets bigger , bags over ₹ 1.5 cr sponsorship '' . The Times Of India . 28 December 2013 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Sponsors shower ` 1 cr on IIT - B 's Techfest '' . Hindustan Times . 17 January 2011 . Retrieved 20 May 2014 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Techfest . Official IIT Bombay site Official Techfest website Official Techfest Facebook Page Official Techfest Youtube Channel Official Techfest Twitter Page Official Techfest Blog <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) Indian Institutes of Technology ( IITs ) <Td_colspan="2"> History of IITs Institutes IIT Bhilai IIT Bhubaneswar IIT Bombay IIT Dharwad IIT Delhi IIT ( ISM ) Dhanbad IIT Gandhinagar IIT Goa IIT Guwahati IIT Hyderabad IIT Indore IIT Jammu IIT Jodhpur IIT Kanpur IIT Kharagpur IIT Mandi IIT Madras IIT Palakkad IIT Patna IIT Roorkee IIT Ropar IIT Tirupati IIT ( BHU ) Varanasi Schools of Management Vinod Gupta School of Management , IIT Kharagpur Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management RNSoM , IIT Kanpur Department of Management Studies IIT Madras Department of Management Studies IIT Delhi Department of Management Studies , IIT ( ISM ) Dhanbad Admissions Joint Entrance Examination -- Advanced Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering Common Admission Test Joint Admission Test for M.Sc . Policy of Reservation Common Entrance Examination for Design Fests Cultural fests Alcheringa Alma Fiesta Antaragni Anwesha Exodia Fluxus Mood Indigo Performing Arts Festival Rendezvous Saarang Spring Fest Srijan Tryst Technical fests Kshitij Techfest Techkriti Technex Techniche Shaastra Wissenaire Notable alumni IIT Kharagpur IIT Madras Legal status Institutes of Technology Act Institutes of National Importance Related subjects Indian Institutes of Information Technology Indian Institutes of Management Indian Institute of Science Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research National Institute of Science Education and Research National Institutes of Technology <Td_colspan="2"> Commons Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Technical festivals in India Indian Institutes of Technology festivals Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Hidden categories : CS1 errors : external links Use dmy dates from August 2015 Use Indian English from August 2015 All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English Pages using deprecated image syntax Coordinates on Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 19 February 2018 , at 10 : 10 . 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1. Techfest - annual science and technology festival 2. IIT Bombay - location of Techfest 3. Competitions, exhibitions, lectures, workshops - events at Techfest 4. Social initiatives - I SMOKE, ASK, ROAR, etc. 5. Patronages and recognitions - UNICEF, UNESCO, Make In India, etc.
dude wheres my car what are they looking for
Dude , Where 's My Car ? - Wikipedia Dude , Where 's My Car ? Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> Dude , Where 's My Car ? <Td_colspan="2"> Theatrical release poster Directed by Danny Leiner Produced by Gil Netter Written by Philip Stark Starring Ashton Kutcher Seann William Scott Kristy Swanson Jennifer Garner Marla Sokoloff Music by David Kitay Cinematography Robert M. Stevens Edited by Kimberly Ray Production company Alcon Entertainment Distributed by 20th Century Fox Release date December 15 , 2000 ( 2000 - 12 - 15 ) Running time 82 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $13 million Box office $73.2 million Dude , Where 's My Car ? is a 2000 American comedy film directed by Danny Leiner . The film stars Ashton Kutcher and Seann William Scott as two young men who find themselves unable to remember where they parked their vehicle after a night of recklessness . Supporting cast members include Kristy Swanson , Jennifer Garner , and Marla Sokoloff . Though the film was panned by most critics , it was a box office success and has managed to achieve a cult status , partially from frequent airings on cable television . The film 's title became a minor pop culture saying , and was commonly reworked in various pop cultural contexts during the 2000s . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 4 Release 4.1 Critical reception 4.2 Box office 4.3 Home media 5 Soundtrack 5.1 Track listing 5.2 Other songs 6 Legacy 7 Cancelled sequel 8 References 9 External links Plot ( edit ) Jesse and Chester awaken with hangovers and no memory of the previous night . The television is on , showing an Animal Planet program about how animals use twigs and rocks as tools to get food . Their refrigerator is filled with containers of chocolate pudding , and the answering machine contains an angry message from their twin girlfriends Wilma and Wanda as to their whereabouts . They emerge from their home to find Jesse 's car missing , and with it their girlfriends ' first - anniversary presents . This prompts Jesse to ask the film 's titular question : `` Dude , where 's my car ? '' Because the girls have promised them a `` special treat '' , which Jesse and Chester take to mean sex , the men are desperate to retrieve their car . The duo begins retracing their steps in an attempt to discover where they left the car . Along the way , they encounter a transgender stripper , a belligerent speaker box operator at a Chinese restaurant 's drive - through , two appropriately - worded tattoos they discover on each other 's backs , UFO cultists led by Zoltan ( who later hold the twins hostage ) , a Cantonese - speaking Chinese tailor , the Zen - minded Nelson and his cannabis - loving dog , the attractive Christie Boner , the aggressive jock Tommy ( who is the boyfriend of Christie ) and his friends , a couple of hard - nosed police detectives , and a reclusive French ostrich farmer named Pierre . They also meet two groups of aliens , one group being five gorgeous women , the other being two Norwegian men , searching for the `` Continuum Transfunctioner '' ; a mysterious and powerful device , capable of destroying the universe , that the boys accidentally picked up last night . After Pierre releases the duo after they answered a question about ostriches correctly , Jesse and Chester head over to a local arcade named Captain Stu 's Space - O-Rama . Once inside , they encounter Zoltan and his cultists who give them Wilma and Wanda in exchange for the Continuum Transfunctioner ( which is a toy that Jesse and Chester tried to pass off as the Transfunctioner ) ; Tommy , Christie , and the jocks arrive along with Nelson and his dog ( whom they release after Tommy snatches the fake Transfunctioner from Zoltan ) . The two sets of aliens arrive and notify of the real Continuum Transfunctioner : a Rubik 's Cube that Chester has been working hard to solve , and eventually does ( thus activating it ) . They are warned that once the five lights stop flashing , the universe will be destroyed . Jesse and Chester must determine which of two sets of aliens is entitled to the device . One of the groups is there to protect the universe , the other is there to destroy it . Both claim to be the protectors of the universe , stating that they were with Jesse and Chester the previous night ( which Jesse and Chester still can not remember ) and ask for the Transfunctioner . The two correctly choose the men , because when the men were asked what they did the night before , they correctly respond that they got a hole in one at the 18th hole at the arcade 's miniature golf park , and won a lifetime supply of pudding . At the last second , they deactivate the Transfunctioner , saving the universe . Thwarted , the five alien women merge to become a giantess who swallows Tommy alive . The giantess then crawls out of the amusement center and chases Jesse and Chester . The cultists tell them to activate the Photon Accelerator Annihilation Beam on the Transfunctioner . However , the button that activates it is too far in to reach . At the last second , Chester remembers the nature show with the tool - using chimps and uses a straw to push the recessed button , thus destroying the alien ( Tommy survives , but Christie breaks up with him in favor of Nelson ) . The protectors thank Jesse , Chester and the twins for saving the world , and erase their minds concerning the events . The protectors park the duo 's car , a Renault Le Car , behind a mail truck for them to find the following morning . Jesse and Chester salvage their relationships with the twins and discover the special treat from the girls turns out to be matching knitted caps and scarves . The protectors leave a gift for their girlfriends ( and , for the two men ) : Breast Enhancement Necklaces . The film ends with Jesse , Chester , and the twins going in Jesse 's car out for Chinese food while arguing what the tattoo said on each other 's back . Cast ( edit ) Ashton Kutcher as Jesse Montgomery III Seann William Scott as Chester Greenburg Jennifer Garner as Wanda Marla Sokoloff as Wilma Kristy Swanson as Christie Boner David Herman as Nelson Hal Sparks as Zoltan Charlie O'Connell as Tommy John Toles - Bey as Mr. Pizzacoli James Vincent as Jeff Keone Young as Mr. Lee Brent Spiner as Pierre ( uncredited ) Andy Dick as Mark ( uncredited ) Jodi Ann Paterson as Giantess ( uncredited ) Production ( edit ) Filming took place from June 12 , 2000 to August 1 , 2000 . Release ( edit ) Critical reception ( edit ) Rotten Tomatoes , a review aggregator , reports that 18 % of 55 surveyed critics gave the film a positive review ; the average rating is 3.6 / 10 . The site 's critical consensus reads , `` The movie is n't funny , the plot is too thin , and the production values feel more like a TV sitcom than a movie . '' On Metacritic , the film has a score of 30 out of 100 based on 17 critics , indicating `` generally unfavorable reviews '' . Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of `` B − '' on an A+ to F scale . The BBC Film review gave it 1 star , calling the film `` a lame - brained travesty '' and `` intensely irritating '' and Kutcher and Scott 's routines `` painfully unamusing '' . USA Today said : `` Any civilization that can produce a movie this stupid probably deserves to be hit by famine and pestilence . '' The Chicago Tribune said : `` At the end of 83 unmerciful minutes , audiences will be exclaiming , ' Dude , I ca n't believe I sat through that movie ! ? ' '' and the New York Post said that it was : `` An almost chuckle - free mess , so amateurish and lame that the cast often has that embarrassed look you see on dogs given ridiculous haircuts . '' However , the New York Daily News did praise the `` surprisingly sweet - natured pairing '' of Kutcher and Scott . Box office ( edit ) The film opened at # 2 at the North American box office , grossing US $ 13.8 million in its opening weekend behind What Women Want , which opened at the top spot with US $ 33 million . Its overall gross came to $46 million in the US and $73.2 million in total worldwide from a $13 million budget . Home media ( edit ) The DVD was released on June 26 , 2001 with 7 deleted and extended scenes , an audio commentary with Kutcher , Scott , and Leiner , a behind - the - scenes featurette , the music video for Grand Theft Audio 's `` Stoopid Ass '' , TV spots , and the theatrical trailer . On TV in the USA , when Jesse and Chester first see Christie Boner , they say her name , but when they get to `` Bon - '' , the words are cut and the shot moves to Christie . Soundtrack ( edit ) The soundtrack for the film was released December 15 , 2000 by London Import . Track listing ( edit ) `` Stoopid Ass '' -- Grand Theft Audio `` Playmate Of The Year '' -- Zebrahead `` Lighting The Way '' -- Superdrag `` I 'm Afraid of Britney Spears '' -- Liveonrelease `` Authenticity '' -- Harvey Danger `` Voodoo Lady '' -- Ween `` Listen To The Music '' -- Dangerman `` So Cal Loco ( Party Like a Rockstar ) '' -- Sprung Monkey `` We Luv U '' -- Grand Theft Audio `` Lunatic '' -- Silt `` Sorry About Your Luck '' -- Spy `` Bust a Move '' -- Young MC Other songs ( edit ) Songs featured in the film but not included in the soundtrack `` It Could Be You '' -- Blur `` Come on , Come on , '' -- Smash Mouth `` You Sexy Thing '' -- Hot Chocolate `` Claire Danes Poster '' -- Size 14 `` Let it Ride '' -- Spy `` Right Now '' -- SR - 71 `` American Psycho '' -- Treble Charger `` Here We Go ( Radio Edit ) - Freestylers `` The Bubble Bunch '' -- Jimmy Spicer `` Zoltan 's Theme '' -- turtle ? `` Little Things '' -- Good Charlotte `` What I Believe '' -- Sum 41 `` Bakhuphuka Izwe Lonke '' -- Ladysmith Black Mambazo `` Sitar Dude '' -- Terry Wilson `` Canon written by Pachelbel '' -- arranged by Lee Ashley `` La Marseillaise '' -- written by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle Legacy ( edit ) See also : Zoltan ( hand gesture ) Dude , Where 's My Car ? is referenced widely in many different situations . Some examples are listed below . Author and filmmaker Michael Moore published a book titled Dude , Where 's My Country ? , criticizing the United States ' response to 9 / 11 . In 2012 , the Pittsburgh Pirates started using the `` Zoltan '' hand signal from the film as a way for players to congratulate their teammates after an accomplishment such as a home run or a double play . The habit started after the Pirates ( in particular Neil Walker ) were watching Dude , Where 's My Car ? in the visiting clubhouse at Turner Field in Atlanta during an April 2012 weekend series against the Atlanta Braves . After a Twitter campaign to encourage the `` real '' Zoltan to appear at a game , Hal Sparks flew to Pittsburgh on July 25 , 2012 to throw out the ceremonial first pitch , and was on hand to see the Pirates win 3 -- 2 over his hometown team , the Chicago Cubs . Also there to support the team was Hal 's girlfriend , Summer Soltis , whose family is from the area and are Pirates fans themselves . Despite picking up a cult following in Pittsburgh and helping the team contend in the playoff race well into September , the Pirates finished with a 79 -- 83 record , extending their major North American professional sports record to 20 consecutive losing seasons . Cancelled sequel ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) A sequel titled Seriously Dude , Where 's My Car ? was in development for years , but never came to be . The first movie was a breakthrough role for Ashton Kutcher , allowing him to transition from That ' 70s Show to movie stardom . The sequel was scheduled to begin filming in 2003 . Scott was interested in the sequel , but Kutcher shot the idea down before filming could begin . The film 's sequel would leave off where the first movie ended . Jesse , Chester , Wanda and Wilma would end up traveling in their flying car to a planet populated by giant women . During a 2 - day 2016 event in Paris however , Ashton Kutcher confirmed the existence of a script for Seriously Dude , Where 's My Car ? He further elaborated that he would not be completely against reprising his role in the sequel . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Dude , Where 's My Car ? ( 2000 ) - Box office / business Jump up ^ `` Dude , Where 's My Car ? ( 2000 ) '' . Box Office Mojo. 2002 - 08 - 28 . Retrieved 2011 - 04 - 20 . Jump up ^ Rotten Tomatoes . `` Dude , Where 's MyCar '' . ^ Jump up to : Metacritic . `` Dude , Where 's My Car '' . Jump up ^ `` CinemaScore '' . . Jump up ^ BBC Films . `` Dude , Where 's My Car '' . Jump up ^ New York Daily News . `` Dude , Where 's My Car '' . Daily News . Archived from the original on 2009 - 02 - 27 . ^ Jump up to : Jump up ^ Dude , Where 's My Car ? ( 2000 ) - Alternate versions Jump up ^ Majors , Dan ( July 4 , 2012 ) . `` Dude , what 's the ' Z ' ? Pirates explain - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette '' . Pittsburgh Post-Gazette . Jump up ^ Majors , Dan ( 2012 - 07 - 26 ) . `` Actor who played Zoltan on hand for Pirates win '' . Pittsburgh Post-Gazette . Jump up ^ Majors , Dan ( July 4 , 2012 ) . `` The Pirates believe in the power of Zoltan - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette '' . Pittsburgh Post-Gazette . Jump up ^ Stolworthy , Jacob ( 16 April 2016 ) . `` Dude , Where 's My Car ? 2 : Ashton Kutcher confirms there is a script for sequel and he 'd consider doing it '' . The Independent . London . External links ( edit ) United States portal Film portal 2000s portal Comedy portal LGBT portal Dude , Where 's My Car ? on IMDb Dude , Where 's My Car ? at AllMovie Dude , Where 's My Car ? at Box Office Mojo Dude , Where 's My Car ? at Rotten Tomatoes <Th_colspan="2"> Films directed by Danny Leiner <Td_colspan="2"> Time Expired ( 1992 ) Layin ' Low ( 1996 ) Dude , Where 's My Car ? ( 2000 ) Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle ( 2004 ) The Great New Wonderful ( 2005 ) Balls Out : Gary the Tennis Coach ( 2008 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Pittsburgh Pirates <Td_colspan="2"> Formerly the Pittsburgh Alleghenys Founded in 1882 Based in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania Franchise History Seasons Records No - hitters Awards Players Managers Owners and executives Broadcasters Opening Day starting pitchers First - round draft picks All articles Ballparks Exposition Park Recreation Park Exposition Park Forbes Field Three Rivers Stadium PNC Park Spring training Whittington Park Riverside Park Fogel Field Barrs Field Rickwood Field Whittington Park Perris Hill Park Tech Field Perris Hill Park McCulloch Park Perris Hill Park Flamingo Field Gilmore Field Gran Stadium Jaycee Park Terry Park Pirate City / LECOM Park Culture Pirate Parrot Great Pierogi Race Green Weenie `` Black and Yellow '' Zoltan Bob Prince Bob Gessner Vince Lascheid In the Name of the Law Angels in the Outfield The Odd Couple `` We Are Family '' The Natural The Winning Season Chasing 3000 Dude , Where 's My Car ? Million Dollar Arm No No : A Dockumentary Lore Pittsburgh Allegheny Pirates ' lore Wagner donates uniforms Lou Bierbauer Temple Cup Chronicle - Telegraph Cup Pittsburgh Stars Homer in the Gloamin ' 1960 Game 7 1985 drug trials Francisco Cabrera game National League Wild Card Games 2013 2014 2015 2017 MLB Little League Classic Rivalries Philadelphia Phillies Minors AAA Indianapolis Indians AA Altoona Curve A Adv . Bradenton Marauders West Virginia Power Short A West Virginia Black Bears Rookie Adv . 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1. Dude, Where's My Car? 2. Ashton Kutcher 3. Seann William Scott 4. Cult status 5. Box office success
how many seasons of live pd are there
Live PD - wikipedia Live PD <Th_colspan="2"> Live PD <Td_colspan="2"> Live PD Logo Genre Reality Documentary Presented by Dan Abrams Tom Morris Jr . Sergeant Sean `` Sticks '' Larkin Ashleigh Banfield Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons No. of episodes 143 aired , 1 cancelled ( list of episodes ) <Th_colspan="2"> Production Executive producer ( s ) Dan Cesareo David Doss George McTeague Kara Kurcz John Zito Elaine Frontain Bryant Shelly Tatro Sean Gottlieb Camera setup Multiple Production company ( s ) Big Fish Entertainment <Th_colspan="2"> Release Original network A&E Original release October 28 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 28 ) -- present <Th_colspan="2"> External links <Td_colspan="2"> Official website Live PD is a television series on the A&E network . It follows police officers in the course of their nighttime patrols live , broadcasting select encounters with the public . The series premiered on October 28 , 2016 , with an initial order from A&E for eight two - hour episodes . On February 1 , 2017 , A&E announced that the season would be expanded to 21 episodes . The first season concluded on August 19 , 2017 , with the second season premiering on October 6 , 2017 . The show is hosted by Dan Abrams with analysis provided by Tom Morris Jr. and usually one or two officers from a department that has been featured on the series . Contents 1 Overview 2 Notable incidents 3 Technology 4 Associated programs 5 Departments and Officers followed 6 Episodes 7 External links 8 References Overview ( edit ) Live PD is hosted by Dan Abrams , the chief legal affairs anchor for ABC News . The program features live video feeds from multiple ( usually six ) law enforcement agencies throughout the United States . Abrams is joined in - studio with former Washington DC special police officer and crime reporter Tom Morris Jr. and usually one or two guest analysts -- officers who have been featured on the show . Sgt . Sean `` Sticks '' Larkin of the Tulsa PD Gang Unit is a frequent guest analyst . Because of the risk of confidential or otherwise inappropriate material to make it to air , A&E imposes a broadcast delay on each department check - in segment which may range from several minutes to several hours . Notable incidents ( edit ) Due to the nature of live television , Live PD has captured incidents that may not have been aired on a traditional law enforcement program . One such event that received coverage was Bridgeport Police Department Sergeant Chris Robinson breaking down on camera after learning 13 - month - old Michael Citron , suffering from an adverse reaction to antihistamine medication , had died following Robinson escorting an ambulance carrying the child to a local hospital . A second event , involving a Tulsa , Oklahoma , man named Randy Wallace , featured Wallace accusing Sgt . Sean `` Sticks '' Larkin of `` profiling '' and `` stalking . '' Larkin had approached Wallace , inquiring what Wallace had in his open trunk while noting that Wallace 's attire was consistent with gang colors worn in the neighborhood . On Live PD , Wallace was seen giving an impassioned denunciation of Larkin and the Tulsa Police Department as Larkin remained seated in his patrol vehicle . Speaking at a press conference , Wallace alleged , `` he slandered me as far as being a gang member and affiliate , he slandered me really bad . '' In another incident , a family claimed to have recognized their loved one , 37 - year - old Benjamin Johnson , deceased on television after what the Richland County Sheriff 's Department said was a drug deal gone wrong . Two men were arrested in the case . In an incident on a July 8 , 2017 episode , Senior Deputy Chris Mastrianni was called to a fight in progress at a large house party when a car leaving the party went right past him going about 90 mph . S / D Mastrianni initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle , which then proceeded to evade him for several minutes . The car then turned a corner before jumping a curb , hitting a power pole 's support wire and rolling over . The driver then crawled out the window of his vehicle with his 2 - year - old daughter in his arms , and began fighting with S / D Mastrianni . The man released his child , who was taken to safety by the Live PD field producer . After several minutes , Cpl . Mark Laureano and S / D Katelyn Jasak arrived on scene and aided S / D Mastrianni in handcuffing and arresting the man , as well as pushing back the rapidly growing crowd of bystanders . The toddler received a broken arm in the incident . On April 27 , 2018 , Ashleigh Banfield subbed for Dan Abrams as host . On April 28 , 2018 , a clip was shown of an incident in Greene County , MO that had happened 10 days earlier . After a car chase , a pursuit on foot was initiated . After the suspect refused to drop his weapon , he was fatally shot . Technology ( edit ) In order to deliver live footage from the infield to A&E 's master control in New York City , the production team uses AVIWEST bonded cellular transmitters , receivers , and antenna arrays , provided by VidOvation Corp. , mounted on the trunk lid of the patrol cars capable of channel bonding on cellular networks . This allows far more mobility while also at a decreased production cost than would be possible using traditional satellite or microwave transmission technologies . Associated programs ( edit ) A few other associated programs have aired , including : Live PD : Rewind : A previous episode of Live PD that has been edited down to about one hour Live PD : Police Patrol : A half - hour , unhosted format that shows unaired footage and highlights from previous episodes Live PD : Roll Call : A six - minute preview that airs an hour before that night 's episode , includes that night 's lineup of departments and officers and a previously unaired clip Live PD Presents : Women On Patrol : A series depicting policing activities , focusing on the female members of law enforcement 's perspective . Live PD Presents : PD Cam : Features events captured by police body , dash , helicopter and associated surveillance cameras . Hosted by Sean ' Sticks ' Larkin . Each episode runs in half hour segments . PD Stories Podcast : A one hour podcast hosted by Tom Morris Jr . The show revolves around interviewing members of law enforcement and personnel from associated organizations . Departments and Officers followed ( edit ) Main article : Departments and Officers followed on Live PD Episodes ( edit ) Main article : List of Live PD episodes <Th_colspan="2"> Season <Th_colspan="2"> Episodes <Th_colspan="2"> Originally aired First aired Last aired <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="2"> 62 <Td_colspan="1"> October 28 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 28 ) August 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 19 ) <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="2"> 81 <Td_colspan="1"> October 6 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 06 ) August 25 , 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 25 ) <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="2"> 0 <Td_colspan="1"> September 21 , 2018 ( 2018 - 09 - 21 ) TBA External links ( edit ) Official website Live PD on IMDb References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Maglio , Tony ( 26 October 2017 ) . `` ' Live PD ' Host Dan Abrams Explains Why His Real - Time Police Work Show Is n't Just Another ' Cops ' '' . The Wrap . The Wrap News Inc . Retrieved 17 February 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Petski , Denise ( 3 October 2016 ) . `` A&E Sets Live Police Docuseries Hosted By Dan Abrams & Dallas PD Detectives '' . Deadline Hollywood . Penske Business Media , LLC . Retrieved 17 February 2017 . Jump up ^ `` On the crime beat with `` Live PD '' `` . Hearst Connecticut Media . Retrieved 17 February 2017 . Jump up ^ Umstead , R. Thomas ( 1 February 2017 ) . `` A&E Extends ' Live PD ' Season '' . Multichannel News . Newsbay Media . Retrieved 17 February 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Dan Abrams Named Nightline Anchor and Chief Legal Affairs Anchor for ABC News '' . ABC News . ABC News Internet Ventures . 19 June 2013 . Retrieved 17 February 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Alcinii , Daniele ( 28 October 2016 ) . `` A&E walks the police beat with `` Live PD '' `` . Realscreen . Brunico Communications Ltd . Retrieved 17 February 2017 . Jump up ^ Lockhart , Brian ( 30 December 2016 ) . `` Infant 's death on reality TV probed in Bridgeport '' . CT Post . Hearst Media Services Connecticut , LLC . Retrieved 17 February 2017 . Jump up ^ Remer , Jessica ( 15 February 2017 ) . `` Man featured on A&E 's ' Live PD ' says police profiled , stalked him '' . . SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP , INC . Retrieved 17 February 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Arrests in case of man seen dead on police reality TV show '' . CBS News . CBS Interactive Inc. 26 January 2017 . Retrieved 17 February 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Live PD Arrest Involving Child in Columbia Creates Stir '' . WLTX . July 9 , 2017 . Retrieved 6 January 2018 . Jump up ^ Gaither , Tanita . `` Doctors : 2 - year - old girl was injured in ' Live PD ' chase '' . Columbia , South Carolina : . Retrieved 6 January 2018 . Jump up ^ `` VidOvation , ' Live PD ' show and Jim Jachetta at NAB New York '' . Creative Cow. 7 November 2016 . Retrieved 17 February 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Live PD : Rewind TV Show : News , Videos , Full Episodes and More '' . TV Guide . Retrieved 19 March 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Live PD : Police Patrol TV Show : News , Videos , Full Episodes and More '' . TV Guide . Retrieved 19 March 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Live PD : Roll Call TV Show : News , Videos , Full Episodes and More '' . TV Guide . Retrieved 19 March 2018 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ 17 . `` Live PD Presents : Women On Patrol TV Show : News , Videos , Full Episodes and More '' . TV Guide . Retrieved 14 July 2018 . <Th_colspan="2"> A&E original programming Current Akil the Fugitive Hunter ( since 2017 ) Behind Bars : Rookie Year ( since 2015 ) Billy the Exterminator ( since 2009 ) Cold Case Files ( since 1999 ) The First 48 ( since 2004 ) The Frankenstein Chronicles ( since 2016 ) The Killing Season ( since 2016 ) Live PD ( since 2016 ) Storage Wars ( since 2010 ) Storage Wars : Miami ( since 2015 ) 60 Days In ( since 2016 ) Going Si - Ral ( since 2016 ) Wahlburgers ( since 2014 ) Former 1980s debuts An Evening at the Improv ( 1982 -- 96 ) Caroline 's Comedy Hour ( 1989 -- 95 ) 1990s debuts Agatha Christie 's Poirot ( 1990 -- 2004 ) America 's Castles ( 1998 -- 2005 ) American Justice ( 1992 -- 2005 ) Ancient Mysteries ( 1994 -- 98 ) Breakfast with the Arts ( 1991 -- 2007 ) City Confidential ( 1998 -- 2005 ) Live by Request ( 1996 -- 2004 ) Mysteries of the Bible ( 1994 -- 98 ) 2000s debuts 100 Centre Street ( 2001 -- 02 ) Airline ( 2004 -- 05 ) The Andromeda Strain ( 2008 ) Bearing Witness ( 2005 ) The Beast ( 2009 -- 10 ) Big Spender ( 2006 ) Billy the Exterminator ( 2009 -- 12 ) The Cleaner ( 2008 -- 09 ) Committed ( 2004 -- 05 ) Confessions of a Matchmaker ( 2007 -- 08 ) Crime 360 ( 2008 -- 09 ) Criss Angel Mindfreak ( 2005 -- 10 ) Dallas SWAT / Detroit SWAT ( 2006 -- 07 ) Dog the Bounty Hunter ( 2004 -- 12 ) Driving Force ( 2006 -- 07 ) Family Plots ( 2004 -- 05 ) Fatherhood ( 2005 -- 06 ) Flip This House ( 2005 -- 09 ) Gene Simmons Family Jewels ( 2006 -- 12 ) God or the Girl ( 2006 ) Hoarders ( 2009 -- 16 ) Inked ( 2005 -- 06 ) The Jacksons : A Family Dynasty ( 2009 -- 10 ) King of Cars ( 2006 -- 07 ) Manhunters : Fugitive Task Force ( 2008 ) Move This House ( 2005 -- 07 ) A Nero Wolfe Mystery ( 2001 -- 02 ) Obsessed ( 2009 -- 10 ) Paranormal State ( 2007 -- 11 ) Parking Wars ( 2008 -- 12 ) Private Sessions ( 2007 -- 11 ) Psychic Kids ( 2008 -- 10 ) Rollergirls ( 2006 ) Rookies ( 2008 -- 09 ) Sell This House ( 2003 -- 11 ) Sons of Hollywood ( 2007 ) Steven Seagal : Lawman ( 2009 -- 10 ) Tattoo Highway ( 2009 ) The Two Coreys ( 2007 -- 08 ) We Mean Business ( 2008 ) 2010s debuts 8 Minutes ( 2015 ) American Hoggers ( 2011 -- 13 ) Bad Ink ( 2013 -- 14 ) Barry 'd Treasure ( 2014 ) Barter Kings ( 2012 -- 13 ) Bates Motel ( 2013 -- 17 ) Be the Boss ( 2012 ) Beyond Scared Straight ( 2011 ) Big Smo ( 2014 ) Brandi & Jarrod : Married to the Job ( 2014 ) Breakout Kings ( 2011 -- 12 ) Cajun Justice ( 2012 ) Coma ( 2012 ) Country Bucks ( 2014 -- 15 ) Damien ( 2016 ) Donnie Loves Jenny ( 2015 -- 16 ) Duck Dynasty ( 2012 -- 2017 ) The First 48 : Missing Persons ( 2011 -- 13 ) Flipped Off ( 2012 ) Flipping Vegas ( 2011 -- 14 ) The Glades ( 2010 -- 13 ) The Governor 's Wife ( 2013 ) Growing Up Twisted ( 2010 ) Heavy ( 2011 ) The Killer Speaks ( 2013 ) Kirstie Alley 's Big Life ( 2010 ) Lachey 's Bar ( 2015 ) Longmire ( 2012 -- 14 ) Modern Dads ( 2013 ) Panic 911 ( 2012 -- 13 ) Paranormal Cops ( 2010 ) Relapse ( 2011 ) The Returned ( 2015 ) Shipping Wars ( 2012 - 15 ) Southie Rules ( 2013 ) Storage Wars : New York ( 2013 -- 14 ) Storage Wars : Texas ( 2011 -- 14 ) Teach : Tony Danza ( 2010 ) Those Who Kill ( 2014 ) Unforgettable ( 2015 - 16 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Live PD 2016 American television series debuts 2010s American television series American reality television series Law enforcement in the United States Documentary television series about policing American crime television series A&E ( TV channel ) shows English - language television programs Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 27 August 2018 , at 23 : 26 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
1. Live PD television series 2. Reality documentary 3. Police officers on nighttime patrols 4. A&E network 5. Notable incidents captured on Live PD
who was the first president born in the 19th century
List of presidents of the United States by date and place of birth - wikipedia List of presidents of the United States by date and place of birth This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 25 October 2017 . Jump to : navigation , search This is a list of Presidents of the United States by date and place of birth . Forty - four persons have served as President of the United States since the office came into existence in 1789 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Birth dates and birth places of U.S. Presidents 2 Presidential birthplace historic sites 3 References 4 External links Birth dates and birth places of U.S. presidents ( edit ) <Th_colspan="6"> Dates of birth sort by month and day = Colony , pre -- 1776 , rather than state . Birth Order President Date of birth Birthplace State of birth In office George Washington 02 - 22 February 22 , 1732 Westmoreland County virga ! Virginia 01 ! April 30 , 1789 -- March 4 , 1797 John Adams 10 - 30 October 30 , 1735 Braintree Massaa ! Massachusetts 02 ! March 4 , 1797 -- March 4 , 1801 Thomas Jefferson 04 - 13 April 13 , 1743 Shadwell Virginia 03 ! March 4 , 1801 -- March 4 , 1809 James Madison 03 - 16 March 16 , 1751 Port Conway Virginia 04 ! March 4 , 1809 -- March 4 , 1817 James Monroe 04 - 28 April 28 , 1758 Monroe Hall Virginia 05 ! March 4 , 1817 -- March 4 , 1825 6 Andrew Jackson 03 - 15 March 15 , 1767 Waxhaws Region Sou ! South / North Carolina 07 ! March 4 , 1829 -- March 4 , 1837 7 John Quincy Adams 07 - 11 July 11 , 1767 Braintree Massab ! Massachusetts 06 ! March 4 , 1825 -- March 4 , 1829 8 William Henry Harrison 02 - 09 February 9 , 1773 Charles City County Virginia 09 ! March 4 , 1841 -- April 4 , 1841 9 Martin Van Buren 12 - 05 December 5 , 1782 Kinderhook New York 08 ! March 4 , 1837 -- March 4 , 1841 10 Zachary Taylor 11 - 24 November 24 , 1784 Barboursville Virginia 12 ! March 4 , 1849 -- July 9 , 1850 11 John Tyler 03 - 29 March 29 , 1790 Charles City County Virginia 10 ! April 4 , 1841 -- March 4 , 1845 12 James Buchanan 04 - 23 April 23 , 1791 Cove Gap Pennsylvania 15 ! March 4 , 1857 -- March 4 , 1861 13 James K. Polk 11 - 02 November 2 , 1795 Pineville North Carolina 11 ! March 4 , 1845 -- March 4 , 1849 14 Millard Fillmore 01 - 07 January 7 , 1800 Summerhill New York 13 ! July 9 , 1850 -- March 4 , 1853 15 Franklin Pierce 11 - 23 November 23 , 1804 Hillsborough New Hampshire 14 ! March 4 , 1853 -- March 4 , 1857 16 Andrew Johnson 12 - 29 December 29 , 1808 Raleigh North Carolina 16 ! April 15 , 1865 -- March 4 , 1869 17 Abraham Lincoln 02 - 12 February 12 , 1809 Sinking ! Sinking Spring Kentucky 17 ! March 4 , 1861 -- April 15 , 1865 18 Ulysses S. Grant 04 - 27 April 27 , 1822 Point Pleasant Ohio 18 ! March 4 , 1869 -- March 4 , 1877 19 Rutherford B. Hayes 10 - 04 October 4 , 1822 Delaware Ohio 19 ! March 4 , 1877 -- March 4 , 1881 20 Chester A. Arthur 10 - 05 October 5 , 1829 Fairfield Vermont 21 ! September 19 , 1881 -- March 4 , 1885 21 James A. Garfield 11 - 19 November 19 , 1831 Moreland Hills Ohio 20 ! March 4 , 1881 -- September 19 , 1881 22 Benjamin Harrison 08 - 20 August 20 , 1833 North Bend Ohio 23 ! March 4 , 1889 -- March 4 , 1893 23 Grover Cleveland 03 - 18 March 18 , 1837 Caldwell New Jersey 22 ! March 4 , 1885 -- March 4 , 1889 24 ! March 4 , 1893 -- March 4 , 1897 24 William McKinley 01 - 29 January 29 , 1843 Niles Ohio 25 ! March 4 , 1897 -- September 14 , 1901 25 Woodrow Wilson 12 - 28 December 28 , 1856 Staunton Virginia 28 ! March 4 , 1913 -- March 4 , 1921 26 William H. Taft 09 - 15 September 15 , 1857 Cincinnati Ohio 27 ! March 4 , 1909 -- March 4 , 1913 27 Theodore Roosevelt 10 - 27 October 27 , 1858 New York City New York 26 ! September 14 , 1901 -- March 4 , 1909 28 Warren G. Harding 11 - 02 November 2 , 1865 Blooming Grove Ohio 29 ! March 4 , 1921 -- August 2 , 1923 29 Calvin Coolidge 07 - 04 July 4 , 1872 Plymouth Vermont 30 ! August 2 , 1923 -- March 4 , 1929 30 Herbert Hoover 08 - 10 August 10 , 1874 West Branch Iowa 31 ! March 4 , 1929 -- March 4 , 1933 31 Franklin D. Roosevelt 01 - 30 January 30 , 1882 Hyde Park New York 32 ! March 4 , 1933 -- April 12 , 1945 32 Harry S. Truman 05 - 08 May 8 , 1884 Lamar Missouri 33 ! April 12 , 1945 -- January 20 , 1953 33 Dwight D. Eisenhower 10 - 14 October 14 , 1890 Denison Texas 34 ! January 20 , 1953 -- January 20 , 1961 34 Lyndon B. Johnson 08 - 27 August 27 , 1908 Stonewall Texas 36 ! November 22 , 1963 -- January 20 , 1969 35 Ronald Reagan 02 - 06 February 6 , 1911 Tampico Illinois 40 ! January 20 , 1981 -- January 20 , 1989 36 Richard M. Nixon 01 - 09 January 9 , 1913 Yorba Linda California 37 ! January 20 , 1969 -- August 9 , 1974 37 Gerald R. Ford 07 - 14 July 14 , 1913 Omaha Nebraska 38 ! August 9 , 1974 -- January 20 , 1977 38 John F. Kennedy 05 - 29 May 29 , 1917 Brookline Massachusetts 35 ! January 20 , 1961 -- November 22 , 1963 39 George H.W. Bush 06 - 12 June 12 , 1924 Milton Massachusetts 41 ! January 20 , 1989 -- January 20 , 1993 40 Jimmy Carter 10 - 01 October 1 , 1924 Plains Georgia 39 ! January 20 , 1977 -- January 20 , 1981 41 Donald Trump 06 - 14 June 14 , 1946 New York City New York 45 ! January 20 , 2017 -- Incumbent 42 George W. Bush 07 - 06 July 6 , 1946 New Haven Connecticut 43 ! January 20 , 2001 -- January 20 , 2009 43 Bill Clinton 08 - 19 August 19 , 1946 Hope Arkansas 42 ! January 20 , 1993 -- January 20 , 2001 44 Barack Obama 08 - 04 August 4 , 1961 Honolulu Hawaii 44 ! January 20 , 2009 -- January 20 , 2017 Presidential Birthplace historic sites ( edit ) The birthplaces of many U.S. presidents have been preserved in some way or another , from the grand monuments , to replicas , or simple roadside markers . The first presidents not to be born `` at home '' were Donald Trump , George W. Bush , and Bill Clinton . Trump was born June 14 , 1946 , at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center in Queens , New York City . Bush was born July 6 , 1946 , at Grace - New Haven Hospital ( now Yale -- New Haven Hospital ) in New Haven , Connecticut . Clinton was born August 19 , 1946 at Julia Chester Hospital in Hope , Arkansas . The house in which he spent the first four years of his life is preserved as a National Historic Landmark . President Image Historic site George Washington 01 ! George Washington Birthplace National Monument , Colonial Beach , Virginia John Adams 02 ! John Adams Birthplace , Quincy , Massachusetts James Madison 03 ! Belle Grove Plantation , Port Conway , Virginia James Monroe 04 ! James Monroe Family Home Site , Colonial Beach , Virginia John Quincy Adams 05 ! John Quincy Adams Birthplace , Quincy , Massachusetts William Henry Harrison 06 ! Berkeley Plantation , Charles City County , Virginia James Buchanan 07 ! Buchanan 's Birthplace State Park , Cove Gap , Pennsylvania James K. Polk 08 ! President James K. Polk Historic Site , Pineville , North Carolina Franklin Pierce 08 ! Franklin Pierce Homestead , Hillsborough , New Hampshire Abraham Lincoln 09 ! Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park , Hodgenville , Kentucky Ulysses S. Grant 10 ! Grant Birthplace , Point Pleasant , Ohio Chester A. Arthur 11 ! Chester Alan Arthur State Historic Site , Fairfield , Vermont Grover Cleveland 12 ! Grover Cleveland Birthplace , Caldwell , New Jersey William McKinley 13 ! McKinley Birthplace Home and Research Center , Niles , Ohio Woodrow Wilson 14 ! Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library , Staunton , Virginia William Howard Taft 15 ! William Howard Taft National Historic Site , Cincinnati , Ohio Theodore Roosevelt 16 ! Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site , New York City , New York Calvin Coolidge 17 ! Calvin Coolidge Homestead District , Plymouth , Vermont Herbert Hoover 18 ! Herbert Hoover National Historic Site , West Branch , Iowa Franklin D. Roosevelt 19 ! Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site , Hyde Park , New York Harry S. Truman 20 ! Harry S Truman Birthplace State Historic Site , Lamar , Missouri Dwight D. Eisenhower 21 ! Eisenhower Birthplace State Historic Site , Denison , Texas Lyndon B. Johnson 22 ! Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park , Stonewall , Texas Ronald Reagan 23 ! Birthplace of Ronald Reagan , Tampico , Illinois Richard Nixon 24 ! Birthplace of Richard Nixon , Yorba Linda , California Gerald R. Ford 25 ! Gerald R. Ford Birthsite and Gardens , Omaha , Nebraska John F. Kennedy 26 ! John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site , Brookline , Massachusetts Bill Clinton 27 ! President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site , Hope , Arkansas References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Ahles , Dick ( December 24 , 2000 ) . `` Bush 's Birthplace ? It 's Deep in the Heart of ... New Haven '' . The New York Times . Archived from the original on October 26 , 2010 . Retrieved December 27 , 2010 . External links ( edit ) - Presidential museums , libraries , birthplaces , centers , and other notable places of historic importance . <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) Lists related to the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States <Td_colspan="2"> List of Presidents List of Vice Presidents Presidents Age Autobiographies Birth Burial places Death Historical rankings Lifespan timeline Number living Time in office Pension and benefits Portraits Professional careers Approval rating Assassination attempts and plots Campaign slogans Control of Congress Doctrines Inaugurations International trips Judicial appointments Libraries Military rank Military service Other offices held Pardons Previous experience Vetoes Personal life Coats of arms Deaths in office Education Facial hair Firsts Multilingualism Net worth Nicknames Pets Home state Previous occupation Religious affiliation Residences Slave owners Vice Presidents Age Coats of arms Education Number living Other offices held Place of primary affiliation Religious affiliation Tie - breaking votes Time in office Succession Acting President Designated survivor Line of succession Elections Electoral College margin Popular vote margin Summary Winner lost popular vote Candidates Democrat Republican Third party Progressive National Republican / Whig African American Female Received at least one electoral vote Height Lost their home state Families First Families First Ladies Second Ladies Children Namesakes , honors Memorial sites U.S. postage stamp appearances Educational institution names Currency appearances U.S. county names U.S. Senate vice presidential bust collection In fiction Presidents actors Vice Presidents actors Candidates Line of succession <Td_colspan="2"> US Government Portal Biography Portal Presidents of the United States Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists relating to the United States presidency Lists of presidents Historic sites in the United States Hidden categories : Wikipedia pending changes protected pages ( level 1 ) Talk Contents About Wikipedia Português Română 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 25 October 2017 , at 01 : 20 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. List of Presidents of the United States by date and place of birth 2. Birth dates and birth places of U.S. Presidents 3. Presidential birthplace historic sites 4. George Washington Birthplace National Monument 5. Birthplaces of U.S. presidents
what is the song dreams by the cranberries about
Dreams ( the Cranberries song ) - wikipedia Dreams ( the Cranberries song ) Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> `` Dreams '' <Td_colspan="2"> Artwork for 1994 European rerelease ( UK CD1 single pictured ) <Th_colspan="2"> Single by The Cranberries <Th_colspan="2"> from the album Everybody Else Is Doing It , So Why Ca n't We ? B - side `` What You Were '' `` Liar '' Released 29 September 1992 1 April 1994 ( reissue ) Format CD Recorded Genre Alternative rock dream pop Length 4 : 32 ( album version ) 4 : 15 ( UK radio edit ) 4 : 02 ( US radio edit ) Label Island Songwriter ( s ) Dolores O'Riordan Noel Hogan Producer ( s ) Stephen Street <Th_colspan="2"> The Cranberries singles chronology <Td_colspan="2"> `` Dreams '' ( 1992 ) `` Linger '' ( 1993 ) <Td_colspan="2"> `` Dreams '' ( 1992 ) `` Linger '' ( 1993 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Music video <Td_colspan="2"> `` Dreams '' on YouTube <Th_colspan="2"> Everybody Else Is Doing It , So Why Ca n't We ? track listing <Td_colspan="2"> `` I Still Do '' ( 1 ) `` Dreams '' ( 2 ) `` Sunday '' ( 3 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Audio sample <Td_colspan="2"> file help <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> USA CD single ( 1994 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> `` Dreams '' is a song by Irish rock band the Cranberries . It was released in 1992 as the band 's debut single , later appearing on the studio album Everybody Else Is Doing It , So Why Ca n't We ? A 1990 version was released in Ireland only in the summer of that year . It reached the top 40 on the US Hot 100 Airplay and the top 30 on the UK Singles Chart in early 1994 . The backing vocals on the song are sung by Mike Mahoney , ex-boyfriend of Cranberries lead singer Dolores O'Riordan . This hit was also a main feature of the Cranberries in the 1994 Woodstock Revival Festival . In 2017 , the song was released as an acoustic , stripped down version on the band 's Something Else album . Contents ( hide ) 1 Music videos 2 Track listings 3 Charts 4 Dario G version 4.1 Track listings 4.2 Chart performance 5 Other covers 6 In popular culture 7 References 8 External links Music videos ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) There are three versions of the video . The first version of the music video features Dolores O'Riordan donning her original hairstyle that is seen on the Everybody Else Is Doing It , So Why Ca n't We ? album cover . The video revolves around O'Riordan with the other band members flashing up throughout the video while she 's sitting on in a chair with a cross as a back or a close up of her face and eyes . The video shows a mirrored image of O'Riordan to show she does the background vocals and towards the end the band members fade in and out constantly in front of O'Riordan . The second version shows the Cranberries performing the song in a dimly lit aquatic - themed room interspersed with shots of geometric flowers hitting water . This video received high rotation on MTV 's 120 Minutes in 1993 before the release of the bands next single , `` Linger '' , and the re-release of `` Dreams '' worldwide . The third version , directed by Peter Scammell which was most commonly shown in America , shows the Cranberries performing the song in a nightclub . Afterward , Dolores O'Riordan heads out to a house where grave robbers dressed in black have placed a man in a very large tree pile . Dolores bathes the tree pile in water . The water frees him and in the final seconds of the video , the man awakens . Track listings ( edit ) UK and European 12 '' single / CD single ( 1992 ) `` Dreams '' ( radio edit ) -- 4 : 15 `` What You Were '' ( previously unreleased ) -- 3 : 41 `` Liar '' ( previously unreleased ) -- 2 : 22 `` What You Were '' is written by Dolores O'Riordan . `` Liar '' is written by Dolores O'Riordan and Noel Hogan . `` Liar '' was later featured in the 1995 film Empire Records . UK and European 7 '' single `` Dreams '' ( album version ) -- 4 : 32 `` What You Were '' ( previously unreleased ) -- 3 : 41 UK and European special edition 2 - disc CD single ( 1994 ) CD 1 `` Dreams '' ( radio edit ) -- 4 : 15 `` What You Were '' ( previously unreleased ) -- 3 : 41 `` Liar '' ( previously unreleased ) -- 2 : 22 CD 2 `` Not Sorry '' ( Live at The Record Plant , Hollywood ) -- 4 : 37 `` Wanted '' ( Live at The Record Plant , Hollywood ) -- 2 : 00 `` Dreams '' ( Live at The Record Plant , Hollywood ) -- 4 : 10 `` Liar '' ( Live at The Record Plant , Hollywood ) -- 3 : 17 US CD single `` Dreams '' ( album version ) -- 4 : 32 `` What You Were '' ( previously unreleased ) -- 3 : 41 `` Waltzing Back '' ( Live at The Record Plant , Hollywood ) -- 4 : 02 `` Pretty '' ( Live at The Record Plant , Hollywood ) -- 2 : 09 2 - track CD single `` Dreams '' ( album version ) -- 4 : 32 `` Linger '' ( album version ) -- 4 : 34 Charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1993 -- 94 ) Peak position Australia ( ARIA ) 30 Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) 27 Ireland ( IRMA ) 9 Scotland ( Official Charts Company ) 31 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 27 US Billboard Hot 100 42 US Billboard Hot 100 Airplay 38 US Billboard Hot 100 Singles Recurrents 14 US Billboard Hot Modern Rock Tracks 15 US Billboard Top 40 Mainstream 33 Chart ( 2018 ) Peak position Italy ( FIMI ) 59 Poland ( Polish Airplay Top 100 ) 75 Spain ( PROMUSICAE ) 8 Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) 77 US Digital Songs ( Billboard ) 16 Dario G version ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> `` Dream to Me '' <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Single by Dario G <Th_colspan="2"> from the album In Full Colour Released 22 January 2001 Format CD single Genre Trance Length 3 : 09 Songwriter ( s ) Noel Hogan Dolores O'Riordan Scott Rosser Paul Spencer Producer ( s ) Scott Rosser Paul Spencer <Th_colspan="2"> Dario G singles chronology <Td_colspan="2"> `` Voices '' ( 2000 ) `` Dream to Me '' ( 2001 ) `` Say What 's on Your Mind '' ( 2001 ) <Td_colspan="2"> `` Voices '' ( 2000 ) `` Dream to Me '' ( 2001 ) `` Say What 's on Your Mind '' ( 2001 ) English electronic music trio Dario G , whose lead singer is Ingrid Straumstøyl , covered the song as `` Dream to Me '' . It was released in January 2001 as the lead single from their second album , In Full Colour . The version reached the top 10 in Austria , Germany , the United Kingdom and it was a number - one hit in Romania . The song features on Now 48 , which climbed its way back into the charts when it featured on Peter Kay 's Car Share in 2017 . Track listings ( edit ) CD maxi - single ( Europe 2001 ) `` Dream to Me '' ( Radio Edit ) -- 3 : 09 `` Dream to Me '' ( Airscape Remix ) -- 8 : 58 `` Dream to Me '' ( Warrior Mix ) -- 7 : 48 `` Dream to Me '' ( Ian Wilkie Mix ) -- 8 : 05 Chart performance ( edit ) Chart ( 2001 ) Peak position Australia ( ARIA ) 96 Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 75 ) 8 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) 38 Germany ( Media Control Charts ) 9 Ireland ( IRMA ) 16 Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) 33 Norway ( VG - lista ) 13 Romania ( Romanian Top 100 ) Scotland ( Official Charts Company ) Spain ( PROMUSICAE ) 18 Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) 15 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 9 Other covers ( edit ) A Cantonese cover of the song , `` Dream Lover '' , with backing vocals by herself , was a hit single for Chinese singer Faye Wong , included in her 1994 album Random Thoughts . Passion Pit released a cover of Dreams on the deluxe version of their debut album , `` Manners '' in 2009 . Bella Ferraro performed the song on X Factor Australia in 2012 , that week the song re-entered the ARIA Charts just missing the top 50 at No. 51 . Bleachers covered the song at Lollapalooza in 2014 . Providence , RI dreampop band Littlefoot covered the song live in 2016 . Michael Whalen released a cover of Dreams featuring vocals by The New Tarot as the lead single to his album , `` Dream Impact '' in 2017 . Ohashi Trio covered the song in his 2010 album `` FAKE BOOK '' . In popular culture ( edit ) Movies Chungking Express ( 1994 ) Safe Passage ( 1994 ) Milk Money ( 1994 ) The Next Karate Kid ( 1994 ) Boys on the Side ( 1995 ) Mission : Impossible ( 1996 ) You 've Got Mail ( 1998 ) Shot Through the Heart ( 1998 ) The Baby - Sitters Club ( Trailer only ) ( 1995 ) Mona Lisa Smile ( Trailer only ) ( 2003 ) Sound of My Voice ( 2011 ) The To Do List ( 2013 ) Television series My So - Called Life , season 1 , episode 3 ( 1995 ) Being Erica , season 3 , episode 3 `` Two Wrongs '' ( 2010 ) Beverly Hills , 90210 , season 5 , episode 24 `` Unreal World '' ( 1995 ) 90210 JAG , Season 4 episode `` Yeah , Baby '' Beach Girls , Opening credits ( 2005 ) Derry Girls season 1 , episode 1 ; episode 6 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` The Cranberries Announce New Acoustic Album Something Else , Share `` Linger '' : Listen `` . Pitchfork. 14 March 2017 . Retrieved 23 March 2017 . Jump up ^ Discogs , Dreams UK & Europe 12 `` / CD ( 1992 ) . CID 548 / 864 437 - 2 , 12IS 548 / 864 437 - 1 . Jump up ^ Discogs , Dreams UK & Europe 7 '' ( 1992 ) . IS 548 / 864 436 - 7 . Jump up ^ Discogs , Dreams UK & Europe CD1 ( 1994 ) . IS 594 / 864 436 - 7 . Jump up ^ Discogs , Dreams UK & Europe CD2 ( 1994 ) . CIDX 594 / 854 009 - 2 . Jump up ^ Discogs , Dreams US CD ( 1994 ) . 422 - 858 487 - 2 . Jump up ^ Amazon , Dreams / Linger ( Single , Import ) , October 1994 . Universal / Polygram . Jump up ^ `` -- The Cranberries -- Dreams '' . ARIA Top 50 Singles . Jump up ^ `` Irish Singles Chart -- Search for song '' . Irish Recorded Music Association . Archived from the original on 3 June 2009 . Retrieved 6 July 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Official Scottish Singles Sales Chart Top 100 '' . Official Charts Company . Jump up ^ `` Official Singles Chart Top 100 '' . Official Charts Company . Jump up ^ `` Top Singoli -- Classifica settimanale WK 3 '' ( in Italian ) . Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana . Jump up ^ `` Listy bestsellerów , wyróżnienia : : Związek Producentów Audio - Video '' . Polish Airplay Top 100 . Retrieved 5 March 2018 . Jump up ^ `` -- The Cranberries -- Dreams '' Canciones Top 50 . Jump up ^ `` -- The Cranberries -- Dreams '' . Swiss Singles Chart . Jump up ^ `` The Cranberries Chart History ( Digital Songs ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved 24 January 2018 . Jump up ^ Ryan , Gavin ( 2011 ) . Australia 's Music Charts 1988 -- 2010 . Mt . Martha , VIC , Australia : Moonlight Publishing . ^ Jump up to : `` Dream to me '' , in various singles charts . . Retrieved 6 September 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 2001 '' . 9 December 2002 . Retrieved 15 January 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Official Scottish Singles Sales Chart Top 100 '' . Official Charts Company . Jump up ^ `` Official Singles Chart Top 100 '' . Official Charts Company . Jump up ^ An encore for Faye Wong , China Daily , 11 December 2009 . Jump up ^ Littlefoot Band ( 15 February 2016 ) . `` Littlefoot - Dreams ( The Cranberries ) '' . Retrieved 15 January 2018 -- via YouTube . Jump up ^ `` '' Dreams '' ( featuring The New Tarot ) ( Cranberries cover ) `` . Retrieved 15 January 2018 . Jump up ^ . Jump up ^ `` '' . . Retrieved 15 January 2018 . Jump up ^ `` '' . . Retrieved 15 January 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Beach Girls ( TV Mini-Series 2005 ) '' . Retrieved 15 January 2018 -- via . External links ( edit ) Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics . <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) The Cranberries <Td_colspan="2"> Mike Hogan Noel Hogan Fergal Lawler Niall Quinn Dolores O'Riordan Studio albums Everybody Else Is Doing It , So Why Ca n't We ? No Need to Argue To the Faithful Departed Bury the Hatchet Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Roses Something Else EPs Anything Water Circle Nothing Left at All Uncertain Doors and Windows Compilations Treasure Box -- The Complete Sessions 1991 -- 1999 Stars : The Best of 1992 -- 2002 Gold Live albums and EPs Bualadh Bos -- The Cranberries Live Singles `` Dreams '' `` Linger '' `` Zombie '' `` Ode to My Family '' `` I Ca n't Be with You '' `` Ridiculous Thoughts '' `` Salvation '' `` Free to Decide '' `` When You 're Gone '' `` Hollywood '' `` Promises '' `` Animal Instinct '' `` Just My Imagination '' `` Analyse '' `` Time Is Ticking Out '' Promotional singles `` Sunday '' `` Dreaming My Dreams '' `` I 'm Still Remembering '' `` Copycat '' Video albums Live Beneath the Skin -- Live in Paris Stars : The Best of Videos 1992 -- 2002 Related articles Discography Radio and television sessions Mono Band Arkitekt Steve DeMarchi Retrieved from `` '' Categories : The Cranberries songs 1992 singles 1994 singles Debut singles Songs written by Dolores O'Riordan Songs written by Noel Hogan Faye Wong songs Song recordings produced by Stephen Street 1992 songs Island Records singles 2001 singles 2001 songs Hidden categories : CS1 Italian - language sources ( it ) Use dmy dates from January 2018 Music infoboxes with deprecated parameters Articles with hAudio microformats Articles which use infobox templates with no data rows Articles needing additional references from December 2015 All articles needing additional references Singlechart usages for Australia Singlechart usages for Scotland Singlechart called without artist Singlechart called without song Singlechart usages for UK Singlechart usages for Poland Singlechart usages for Spain Singlechart usages for Switzerland Singlechart usages for Billboarddigitalsongs All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from June 2011 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Čeština Español Français Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Polski Русский Slovenčina Edit links This page was last edited on 10 March 2018 , at 00 : 19 . 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1. Dreams - The Cranberries song 2. Irish rock band 3. Debut single 4. Music video 5. Covers and popular culture references
when was the white house moved to d.c
White House - Wikipedia White House Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see White House ( disambiguation ) and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ( disambiguation ) . See also : Executive Office of the President of the United States , White House Office , and List of residences of Presidents of the United States <Th_colspan="2"> White House <Td_colspan="2"> Top : the northern facade with a columned portico facing Lafayette Square Bottom : the southern facade with a semi-circular portico facing The Ellipse <Td_colspan="2"> Show map of Central Washington , D.C. Show map of the US Show all Location in Washington , D.C. <Th_colspan="2"> General information Architectural style Neoclassical , Palladian Address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington , D.C. 20500 U.S. Coordinates 38 ° 53 ′ 52 '' N 77 ° 02 ′ 11 '' W  /  38.8977 ° N 77.0365 ° W  / 38.8977 ; - 77.0365 Coordinates : 38 ° 53 ′ 52 '' N 77 ° 02 ′ 11 '' W  /  38.8977 ° N 77.0365 ° W  / 38.8977 ; - 77.0365 Current tenants Donald Trump , President of the United States and the First Family Construction started October 13 , 1792 ; 224 years ago ( 1792 - 10 - 13 ) Completed November 1 , 1800 ; 216 years ago ( 1800 - 11 - 01 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Design and construction Architect James Hoban Aerial view of the White House complex , viewed from north . In the foreground is Pennsylvania Avenue , closed to traffic . Center : Executive Residence ( 1792 - 1800 ) with North Portico ( 1829 ) ; left : East Wing ( 1942 ) ; right : West Wing ( 1901 ) , with the Oval Office ( 1909 ) at the south - east corner White House complex , setting viewed from north with Potomac River , Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument to south The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States . It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington , D.C. , and has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800 . The term White House is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers , as in `` The White House announced that ... '' . The residence was designed by Irish - born architect James Hoban in the Neoclassical style . Construction took place between 1792 and 1800 using Aquia Creek sandstone painted white . When Thomas Jefferson moved into the house in 1801 , he ( with architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe ) added low colonnades on each wing that concealed stables and storage . In 1814 , during the War of 1812 , the mansion was set ablaze by the British Army in the Burning of Washington , destroying the interior and charring much of the exterior . Reconstruction began almost immediately , and President James Monroe moved into the partially reconstructed Executive Residence in October 1817 . Exterior construction continued with the addition of the semi-circular South portico in 1824 and the North portico in 1829 . Because of crowding within the executive mansion itself , President Theodore Roosevelt had all work offices relocated to the newly constructed West Wing in 1901 . Eight years later in 1909 , President William Howard Taft expanded the West Wing and created the first Oval Office , which was eventually moved as the section was expanded . In the main mansion , the third - floor attic was converted to living quarters in 1927 by augmenting the existing hip roof with long shed dormers . A newly constructed East Wing was used as a reception area for social events ; Jefferson 's colonnades connected the new wings . East Wing alterations were completed in 1946 , creating additional office space . By 1948 , the house 's load - bearing exterior walls and internal wood beams were found to be close to failure . Under Harry S. Truman , the interior rooms were completely dismantled and a new internal load - bearing steel frame constructed inside the walls . Once this work was completed , the interior rooms were rebuilt . The modern - day White House complex includes the Executive Residence , West Wing , East Wing , the Eisenhower Executive Office Building -- the former State Department , which now houses offices for the President 's staff and the Vice President -- and Blair House , a guest residence . The Executive Residence is made up of six stories -- the Ground Floor , State Floor , Second Floor , and Third Floor , as well as a two - story basement . The property is a National Heritage Site owned by the National Park Service and is part of the President 's Park . In 2007 , it was ranked second on the American Institute of Architects list of `` America 's Favorite Architecture '' . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early history 1.1 1789 -- 1800 1.2 Architectural competition 1.3 Design influences 1.4 Construction 1.5 Architectural description 1.6 Naming conventions 2 Evolution of the White House 2.1 Early use , the 1814 fire , and rebuilding 2.2 Overcrowding and building the West Wing 2.3 Truman reconstruction 2.4 Jacqueline Kennedy restoration 3 The White House since the Kennedy restoration 3.1 Layout and amenities 3.2 Executive Residence 3.3 West Wing 3.4 East Wing 3.5 Grounds 4 Public access and security 4.1 Historical accessibility 4.2 Aviation incidents 4.3 Closure of Pennsylvania Avenue 4.4 Protection 5 See also 6 References 7 Bibliography 8 Further reading 9 External links Early History 1789 -- 1800 Following his April 1789 inauguration , President George Washington occupied two executive mansions in New York City : the Samuel Osgood House at 3 Cherry Street ( April 1789 -- February 1790 ) , and the Alexander Macomb House at 39 -- 41 Broadway ( February -- August 1790 ) . In May 1790 , New York began construction of Government House for his official residence , but he never occupied it . The national capital moved to Philadelphia in December 1790 . The July 1790 Residence Act named Philadelphia , Pennsylvania the temporary national capital for a 10 - year period while the Federal City was under construction . The City of Philadelphia rented Robert Morris 's city house at 190 High Street ( now 524 -- 30 Market Street ) for Washington 's presidential residence . The first president occupied the Market Street mansion from November 1790 to March 1797 , and altered it in ways that may have influenced the design of the White House . As part of a futile effort to have Philadelphia named the permanent national capital , Pennsylvania built a much grander presidential mansion several blocks away , but Washington declined to occupy it . President John Adams also occupied the Market Street mansion from March 1797 to May 1800 . On Saturday , November 1 , 1800 , he became the first president to occupy the White House . The President 's House in Philadelphia became a hotel and was demolished in 1832 , while the unused presidential mansion became home to the University of Pennsylvania . First Presidential Mansion : Samuel Osgood House , Manhattan , New York . Occupied by Washington : April 1789 -- February 1790 . Second Presidential Mansion : Alexander Macomb House , Manhattan , New York . Occupied by Washington : February -- August 1790 . Third Presidential Mansion : President 's House , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania . Occupied by Washington : November 1790 -- March 1797 . Occupied by Adams : March 1797 -- May 1800 . Government House , Manhattan , New York ( 1790 -- 1791 ) . Built to be the permanent presidential mansion , Congress moved the national capital to Philadelphia before its completion . House intended for the President , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania ( 1790s ) . Built to be the permanent presidential mansion , neither Washington nor Adams would occupy it . Architectural competition Hoban 's Charleston County Courthouse , Charleston , South Carolina , 1790 -- 92 , was admired by Washington . A 1793 elevation by James Hoban . His 3 - story , 9 - bay original submission was altered into this 2 - story , 11 - bay design . Drawing of Andrea Palladio - Project for Francesco et Lodovico de Trissini - From the book : I quattro libri dell'architettura - Published in 1570 The North Portico of the White House compared to Leinster House The Château de Rastignac compared to the South Portico of the White House , ca . 1846 The President 's House was a major feature of Pierre ( Peter ) Charles L'Enfant's ' plan for the newly established federal city , Washington , D.C. ( see : L'Enfant Plan ) . The architect of the White House was chosen in a design competition which received nine proposals , including one submitted anonymously by Thomas Jefferson . President Washington visited Charleston , South Carolina in May 1791 on his `` Southern Tour '' , and saw the under - construction Charleston County Courthouse designed by Irish architect James Hoban . He is reputed to have met with Hoban then . The following year , he summoned the architect to Philadelphia and met with him in June 1792 . On July 16 , 1792 , the President met with the commissioners of the federal city to make his judgment in the architectural competition . His review is recorded as being brief , and he quickly selected Hoban 's submission . Washington was not entirely pleased with the original submission , however ; he found it too small , lacking ornament , and not monumental enough to house the nation 's president . On his recommendation , the house was changed from three stories to two , and was widened from a nine - bay facade to an 11 - bay facade . Hoban 's competition drawings do not survive . Design influences The building has classical inspiration sources , that could be found directly or indirectly in the Roman architect Vitruvius or in Andrea Palladio styles ; Palladio being an Italian architect of the Renaissance which had a considerable influence on the Western architecture ( Palladian architecture ) . The building Hoban designed is verifiably influenced by the upper floors of Leinster House , in Dublin , which later became the seat of the Oireachtas ( the Irish parliament ) . Several other Georgian - era Irish country houses have been suggested as sources of inspiration for the overall floor plan , details like the bow - fronted south front , and interior details like the former niches in the present Blue Room . These influences , though undocumented , are cited in the official White House guide , and in White House Historical Association publications . The first official White House guide , published in 1962 , suggested a link between Hoban 's design for the South Portico and Château de Rastignac , a neoclassical country house located in La Bachellerie in the Dordogne region of France and designed by Mathurin Salat . Construction on the French house was initially started before 1789 , interrupted by the French Revolution for twenty years and then finally built 1812 -- 1817 ( based on Salat 's pre-1789 design ) . The theoretical link between the two houses has been criticized because Hoban did not visit France . Supporters of a connection posit that Thomas Jefferson , during his tour of Bordeaux in 1789 , viewed Salat 's architectural drawings ( which were on - file at the College ) at the École Spéciale d'Architecture ( Bordeaux Architectural College ) . On his return to the U.S. he then shared the influence with Washington , Hoban , Monroe , and Benjamin Henry Latrobe . Construction Construction of the White House began with the laying of the cornerstone on October 13 , 1792 , although there was no formal ceremony . The main residence , as well as foundations of the house , were built largely by enslaved and free African - American laborers , as well as employed Europeans . Much of the other work on the house was performed by immigrants , many not yet with citizenship . The sandstone walls were erected by Scottish immigrants , employed by Hoban , as were the high - relief rose and garland decorations above the north entrance and the `` fish scale '' pattern beneath the pediments of the window hoods . The initial construction took place over a period of eight years , at a reported cost of $232,371.83 ( equal to $3,279,177 today ) . Although not yet completed , the White House was ready for occupancy circa November 1 , 1800 . Shortages , including material and labor , forced alterations to the earlier plan developed by French engineer Pierre Charles L'Enfant for a `` palace '' that was five times larger than the house that was eventually built . The finished structure contained only two main floors instead of the planned three , and a less costly brick served as a lining for the stone façades . When construction was finished , the porous sandstone walls were whitewashed with a mixture of lime , rice glue , casein , and lead , giving the house its familiar color and name . As it is a famed structure in America , several replicas of the White House have been constructed . Architectural description The north front is the principal façade of the White House and consists of three floors and eleven bays . The ground floor is hidden by a raised carriage ramp and parapet , thus the façade appears to be of two floors . The central three bays are behind a prostyle portico ( this was a later addition to the house , built circa 1830 ) serving , thanks to the carriage ramp , as a porte cochere . The windows of the four bays flanking the portico , at first - floor level , have alternating pointed and segmented pediments , while at second - floor level the pediments are flat . The principal entrance at the center of the portico is surmounted by a lunette fanlight . Above the entrance is a sculpted floral festoon . The roofline is hidden by a balustraded parapet . The mansion 's southern façade is a combination of the Palladian and neoclassical styles of architecture . It is of three floors , all visible . The ground floor is rusticated in the Palladian fashion . At the center of the façade is a neoclassical projecting bow of three bays . The bow is flanked by five bays , the windows of which , as on the north façade , have alternating segmented and pointed pediments at first - floor level . The bow has a ground floor double staircase leading to an Ionic colonnaded loggia ( with the Truman Balcony at second - floor level ) , known as the south portico . The more modern third floor is hidden by a balustraded parapet and plays no part in the composition of the façade . Naming conventions The building was originally variously referred to as the `` President 's Palace '' , `` Presidential Mansion '' , or `` President 's House '' . The earliest evidence of the public calling it the `` White House '' was recorded in 1811 . A myth emerged that during the rebuilding of the structure after the Burning of Washington , white paint was applied to mask the burn damage it had suffered , giving the building its namesake hue . The name `` Executive Mansion '' was used in official contexts until President Theodore Roosevelt established the formal name by having `` White House -- Washington '' engraved on the stationery in 1901 . The current letterhead wording and arrangement `` The White House '' with the word `` Washington '' centered beneath goes back to the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt . Although the structure was not completed until some years after the presidency of George Washington , there is speculation that the name of the traditional residence of the President of the United States may have derived from Martha Washington 's home , White House Plantation in Virginia , where the nation 's first President had courted the First Lady in the mid-18th century . Evolution of the White House Early use , the 1814 fire , and rebuilding On Saturday , November 1 , 1800 , John Adams became the first president to take residence in the building . During Adams ' second day in the house , he wrote a letter to his wife Abigail , containing a prayer for the house . Adams wrote : I pray Heaven to bestow the best of blessings on this House , and all that shall hereafter inhabit it . May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof . Franklin D. Roosevelt had Adams 's blessing carved into the mantel in the State Dining Room . Adams lived in the house only briefly before Thomas Jefferson moved into the `` pleasant country residence '' in 1801 . Despite his complaints that the house was too big ( `` big enough for two emperors , one pope , and the grand lama in the bargain '' ) , Jefferson considered how the White House might be added to . With Benjamin Henry Latrobe , he helped lay out the design for the East and West Colonnades , small wings that help conceal the domestic operations of laundry , a stable and storage . Today , Jefferson 's colonnades link the residence with the East and West Wings . In 1814 , during the War of 1812 , the White House was set ablaze by British troops during the Burning of Washington , in retaliation for burning Upper Canada 's Parliament Buildings in the Battle of York ; much of Washington was affected by these fires as well . Only the exterior walls remained , and they had to be torn down and mostly reconstructed because of weakening from the fire and subsequent exposure to the elements , except for portions of the south wall . Of the numerous objects taken from the White House when it was ransacked by British troops , only two have been recovered . Employees and slaves rescued a painting of George Washington , and in 1939 , a Canadian man returned a jewelry box to President Franklin D. Roosevelt , claiming that his grandfather had taken it from Washington . Some observers allege that most of these spoils were lost when a convoy of British ships led by HMS Fantome sank en route to Halifax off Prospect during a storm on the night of November 24 , 1814 , even though Fantome had no involvement in that action . After the fire , President James Madison resided in The Octagon House from 1814 to 1815 , and then the Seven Buildings from 1815 to the end of his term . Meanwhile , both architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe and Hoban contributed to the design and oversight of the reconstruction , which lasted from 1815 until 1817 . The south portico was constructed in 1824 during the James Monroe administration ; the north portico was built six years later . Though Latrobe proposed similar porticos before the fire in 1814 , both porticos were built as designed by Hoban . An elliptical portico at Château de Rastignac in La Bachellerie , France with nearly identical curved stairs is speculated as the source of inspiration due to its similarity with the South Portico , although this matter is one of great debate . Italian artisans , brought to Washington to help in constructing the U.S. Capitol , carved the decorative stonework on both porticos . Contrary to speculation , the North Portico was not modeled on a similar portico on another Dublin building , the Viceregal Lodge ( now Áras an Uachtaráin , residence of the President of Ireland ) , for its portico postdates the White House porticos ' design . For the North Portico , a variation on the Ionic Order was devised incorporating a swag of roses between the volutes . This was done to link the new portico with the earlier carved roses above the entrance . The White House as it looked following the conflagration of August 24 , 1814 Jefferson and Latrobe 's West Wing Colonnade in this nineteenth - century engraved view , is now the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room . Principal story plan for the white house by Benjamin Henry Latrobe , 1807 . Earliest known photograph of the White House , taken c. 1846 by John Plumbe during the administration of James K. Polk . Overcrowding and building the West Wing Entrance Hall in 1882 , showing the new Tiffany glass screen By the time of the American Civil War , the White House had become overcrowded . The location of the White House was questioned , just north of a canal and swampy lands , which provided conditions ripe for malaria and other unhealthy conditions . Brigadier General Nathaniel Michler was tasked to propose solutions to address these concerns . He proposed abandoning the use of the White House as a residence and designed a new estate for the first family at Meridian Hill in Washington , D.C. , but Congress rejected the plan . Proposed additions to the White House , drawn by architect Frederick D. Owen ( 1901 ) . The White House North Lawn in the 1860s , during the Abraham Lincoln administration When Chester Arthur took office in 1881 , he ordered renovations to the White House to take place as soon as the recently widowed Lucretia Garfield moved out . Arthur inspected the work almost nightly and made several suggestions . Louis Comfort Tiffany was asked to send selected designers to assist . Over twenty wagonloads of furniture and household items were removed from the building and sold at a public auction . All that was saved were bust portraits of John Adams and Martin Van Buren . A proposal was made to build a new residence south of the White House , but it failed to gain support . In the fall of 1882 work was done on the main corridor , including tinting the walls pale olive and adding squares of gold leaf , and decorating the ceiling in gold and silver , and colorful traceries woven to spell `` USA '' . The Red Room was painted a dull Pomeranian red , and its ceiling was decorated with gold , silver , and copper stars and stripes of red , white , and blue . A fifty - foot jeweled Tiffany glass screen , supported by imitation marble columns , replaced the glass doors that separated the main corridor from the north vestibule . In 1891 , First Lady Caroline Harrison proposed major extensions to the White House , including a National Wing on the east for a historical art gallery , and a wing on the west for official functions . A plan was devised by Colonel Theodore A. Bingham , which reflected the Harrison proposal . These plans were ultimately rejected . However , in 1902 Theodore Roosevelt hired McKim , Mead & White to carry out expansions and renovations in a neoclassical style suited to the building 's architecture , removing the Tiffany screen and all Victorian additions . Charles McKim himself designed and managed the project , which gave more living space to the President 's large family by removing a staircase in the West Hall and moving executive office staff from the second floor of the residence into the new West Wing . President William Howard Taft enlisted the help of architect Nathan C. Wyeth to add additional space to the West Wing , which included the addition of the Oval Office . In 1925 , Congress enacted legislation allowing the White House to accept gifts of furniture and art for the first time . The West Wing was damaged by fire in 1929 , but rebuilt during the remaining years of the Herbert Hoover presidency . In the 1930s , a second story was added , as well as a larger basement for White House staff , and President Franklin Roosevelt had the Oval Office moved to its present location : adjacent to the Rose Garden . Truman reconstruction Main article : White House Reconstruction Truman reconstruction , 1949 -- 1952 , a steel structure is built within the exterior shell Decades of poor maintenance , the construction of a fourth story attic during the Coolidge administration , and the addition of a second - floor balcony over the south portico for Harry S. Truman took a great toll on the brick and sandstone structure built around a timber frame . By 1948 , the house was declared to be in imminent danger of collapse , forcing President Truman to commission a reconstruction and to live across the street at Blair House from 1949 to 1951 . The work , done by the firm of Philadelphia contractor John McShain , required the complete dismantling of the interior spaces , construction of a new load - bearing internal steel frame and the reconstruction of the original rooms within the new structure . The total cost of the renovations was about $5.7 million ( US $ 53 million in 2017 ) . Some modifications to the floor plan were made , the largest being the repositioning of the grand staircase to open into the Entrance Hall , rather than the Cross Hall . Central air conditioning was added , as well as two additional sub-basements providing space for workrooms , storage , and a bomb shelter . The Trumans moved back into the White House on March 27 , 1952 . While the house 's structure was kept intact by the Truman reconstruction , much of the new interior finishes were generic , and of little historic value . Much of the original plasterwork , some dating back to the 1814 -- 1816 rebuilding , was too damaged to reinstall , as was the original robust Beaux Arts paneling in the East Room . President Truman had the original timber frame sawed into paneling ; the walls of the Vermeil Room , Library , China Room , and Map Room on the ground floor of the main residence were paneled in wood from the timbers . Jacqueline Kennedy restoration The Red Room as designed by Stéphane Boudin during the administration of John F. Kennedy Jacqueline Kennedy , wife of President John F. Kennedy ( 1961 -- 63 ) , directed a very extensive and historic redecoration of the house . She enlisted the help of Henry Francis du Pont of the Winterthur Museum to assist in collecting artifacts for the mansion , many of which had once been housed there . Other antiques , fine paintings , and improvements of the Kennedy period were donated to the White House by wealthy philanthropists , including the Crowninshield family , Jane Engelhard , Jayne Wrightsman , and the Oppenheimer family . Stéphane Boudin of the House of Jansen , a Paris interior - design firm that had been recognized worldwide , was employed by Mrs. Kennedy to assist with the decoration . Different periods of the early republic and world history were selected as a theme for each room : the Federal style for the Green Room , French Empire for the Blue Room , American Empire for the Red Room , Louis XVI for the Yellow Oval Room , and Victorian for the president 's study , renamed the Treaty Room . Antique furniture was acquired , and decorative fabric and trim based on period documents was produced and installed . The Kennedy restoration resulted in a more authentic White House of grander stature , which recalled the French taste of Madison and Monroe . In the Diplomatic Reception Room , Mrs. Kennedy installed an antique `` Vue de l'Amérique Nord '' wall paper which Zuber & Cie had designed in 1834 . The wallpaper had hung previously on the walls of another mansion until 1961 when that house was demolished for a grocery store . Just before the demolition , the wallpaper was salvaged and sold to the White House . The first White House guidebook was produced under the direction of curator Lorraine Waxman Pearce with direct supervision from Mrs. Kennedy . Sale of the guidebook helped finance the restoration . Kennedy showed her restoration of the White House to the public in a televised tour of the house on Valentine 's Day in 1962 . The White House since the Kennedy restoration President Kennedy and Vice President Johnson strolling along the Ellipse , outside the South Portico Congress enacted legislation in September 1961 declaring the White House a museum . Furniture , fixtures , and decorative arts could now be declared either historic or of artistic interest by the President . This prevented them from being sold ( as many objects in the executive mansion had been in the past 150 years ) . When not in use or display at the White House , these items were to be turned over to the Smithsonian Institution for preservation , study , storage , or exhibition . The White House retains the right to have these items returned . Out of respect for the historic character of the White House , no substantive architectural changes have been made to the house since the Truman renovation . Since the Kennedy restoration , every presidential family has made some changes to the private quarters of the White House , but the Committee for the Preservation of the White House must approve any modifications to the State Rooms . Charged with maintaining the historical integrity of the White House , the congressionally authorized committee works with each First Family -- usually represented by the First Lady , the White House Curator , and the Chief Usher -- to implement the family 's proposals for altering the house . During the Nixon administration ( 1969 -- 74 ) , First Lady Pat Nixon refurbished the Green Room , Blue Room , and Red Room , working with Clement Conger , the curator appointed by President Richard Nixon . Mrs. Nixon 's efforts brought more than 600 artifacts to the house , the largest acquisition by any administration . Her husband created the modern press briefing room over Franklin Roosevelt 's old swimming pool . Nixon also added a single - lane bowling alley to the White House basement . Computers and the first laser printer were added during the Carter administration , and the use of computer technology was expanded during the Reagan administration . A Carter - era innovation , a set of solar water heating panels that were mounted on the roof of the White House , was removed during Reagan 's presidency . Redecorations were made to the private family quarters and maintenance was made to public areas during the Reagan years . The house was accredited as a museum in 1988 . In the 1990s , Bill and Hillary Clinton refurbished some rooms with the assistance of Arkansas decorator Kaki Hockersmith , including the Oval Office , the East Room , Blue Room , State Dining Room , Lincoln Bedroom , and Lincoln Sitting Room . During the administration of George W. Bush , First Lady Laura Bush refurbished the Lincoln Bedroom in a style contemporary with the Lincoln era ; the Green Room , Cabinet Room , and theater were also refurbished . The White House became one of the first wheelchair - accessible government buildings in Washington when modifications were made during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt , who used a wheelchair because of his paralytic illness . In the 1990s , Hillary Clinton , at the suggestion of Visitors Office Director Melinda N. Bates , approved the addition of a ramp in the East Wing corridor . It allowed easy wheelchair access for the public tours and special events that enter through the secure entrance building on the east side . In 2003 , the Bush administration reinstalled solar thermal heaters . These units are used to heat water for landscape maintenance personnel and for the presidential pool and spa. 167 solar photovoltaic grid tied panels were installed at the same time on the roof of the maintenance facility . The changes were not publicized as a White House spokeswoman said the changes were an internal matter . The story was picked up by industry trade journals . In 2013 , President Barack Obama had a set of solar panels installed on the roof of the White House , making it the first time solar power would be used for the president 's living quarters . The president usually travels to and from the White House grounds via official motorcade or helicopter . The journey by helicopter was inaugurated in the 1950s , when President Dwight D. Eisenhower began traveling on Marine One to and from his official residence . Layout and amenities Today the group of buildings housing the presidency is known as the White House Complex . It includes the central Executive Residence flanked by the East Wing and West Wing . The Chief Usher coordinates day to day household operations . The White House includes : six stories and 55,000 ft ( 5,100 m ) of floor space , 132 rooms and 35 bathrooms , 412 doors , 147 windows , twenty - eight fireplaces , eight staircases , three elevators , five full - time chefs , a tennis court , a ( single - lane ) bowling alley ( officially called the Harry S. Truman Bowling Alley ) , a movie theater ( officially called the White House Family Theater ) , a jogging track , a swimming pool , and a putting green . It receives up to 30,000 visitors each week . Layout of entire site White House Complex West Wing Ground floor State floor Second floor ( residence ) Executive residence Main article : Executive Residence The original residence is in the center . Two colonnades -- one on the east and one on the west -- designed by Jefferson , now serve to connect the East and West Wings , added later . The Executive Residence houses the president 's dwelling , as well as rooms for ceremonies and official entertaining . The State Floor of the residence building includes the East Room , Green Room , Blue Room , Red Room , State Dining Room , Family Dining Room , Cross Hall , Entrance Hall , and Grand Staircase . The Ground Floor is made up of the Diplomatic Reception Room , Map Room , China Room , Vermeil Room , Library , the main kitchen , and other offices . The second floor family residence includes the Yellow Oval Room , East and West Sitting Halls , the White House Master Bedroom , President 's Dining Room , the Treaty Room , Lincoln Bedroom and Queens ' Bedroom , as well as two additional bedrooms , a smaller kitchen , and a private dressing room . The third floor consists of the White House Solarium , Game Room , Linen Room , a Diet Kitchen , and another sitting room ( previously used as President George W. Bush 's workout room ) . West Wing Main article : West Wing The West Wing houses the President 's office ( the Oval Office ) and offices of his senior staff , with room for about 50 employees . It also includes the Cabinet Room , where the president conducts business meetings and where the Cabinet meets , as well as the White House Situation Room , James S. Brady Press Briefing Room , and Roosevelt Room . In 2007 , work was completed on renovations of the press briefing room , adding fiber optic cables and LCD screens for the display of charts and graphs . The makeover took 11 months and cost $8 million , of which news outlets paid $2 million . In September 2010 , a two - year project began on the West Wing , creating a multistory underground structure ; this will be followed with additional renovation of the wing . The Oval Office , Roosevelt Room , and other portions of the West Wing were partially replicated on a sound stage and used as the setting for the popular television show The West Wing . East Wing Main article : East Wing The East Wing , which contains additional office space , was added to the White House in 1942 . Among its uses , the East Wing has intermittently housed the offices and staff of the First Lady , and the White House Social Office . Rosalynn Carter , in 1977 , was the first to place her personal office in the East Wing and to formally call it the `` Office of the First Lady '' . The East Wing was built during World War II in order to hide the construction of an underground bunker to be used in emergencies . The bunker has come to be known as the Presidential Emergency Operations Center . Grounds The White House and grounds cover just over 18 acres ( about 7.3 hectares ) . Before the construction of the North Portico , most public events were entered from the South Lawn , which was graded and planted by Thomas Jefferson . Jefferson also drafted a planting plan for the North Lawn that included large trees that would have mostly obscured the house from Pennsylvania Avenue . During the mid-to - late 19th century a series of ever larger greenhouses were built on the west side of the house , where the current West Wing is located . During this period , the North Lawn was planted with ornate carpet - style flowerbeds . The general layout of the White House grounds today is based on the 1935 design by Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. of the Olmsted Brothers firm , commissioned by President Franklin D. Roosevelt . During the Kennedy administration , the White House Rose Garden was redesigned by Rachel Lambert Mellon . The Rose Garden borders the West Colonnade . Bordering the East Colonnade is the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden , which was begun by Jacqueline Kennedy but completed after her husband 's assassination . On the weekend of June 23 , 2006 , a century - old American Elm ( Ulmus americana L . ) tree on the north side of the building , came down during one of the many storms amid intense flooding . Among the oldest trees on the grounds are several magnolias ( Magnolia grandiflora ) planted by Andrew Jackson . Michelle Obama planted the White House 's first organic garden and installed beehives on the South Lawn of the White House , which will supply organic produce and honey to the First Family and for state dinners and other official gatherings . The Cross Hall , connecting the State Dining Room and the East Room on the State Floor Marine One prepares for landing on the South Lawn where State Arrival Ceremonies for visiting heads of state take place . Yellow Oval Room in the private , second - floor family residence centered directly above the Blue Room The White House and surrounding grounds The White House with fountain and grounds White House from the north Public access and security See also : White House Visitors Office and List of White House security breaches Historical accessibility Like the English and Irish country houses it was modeled on , the White House was , from the start , open to the public until the early part of the 20th century . President Thomas Jefferson held an open house for his second inaugural in 1805 , and many of the people at his swearing - in ceremony at the Capitol followed him home , where he greeted them in the Blue Room . Those open houses sometimes became rowdy : in 1829 , President Andrew Jackson had to leave for a hotel when roughly 20,000 citizens celebrated his inauguration inside the White House . His aides ultimately had to lure the mob outside with washtubs filled with a potent cocktail of orange juice and whiskey . Even so , the practice continued until 1885 , when newly elected Grover Cleveland arranged for a presidential review of the troops from a grandstand in front of the White House instead of the traditional open house . Jefferson also permitted public tours of his house , which have continued ever since , except during wartime , and began the tradition of annual receptions on New Year 's Day and on the Fourth of July . Those receptions ended in the early 1930s , although President Bill Clinton would briefly revive the New Year 's Day open house in his first term . The White House remained accessible in other ways ; President Abraham Lincoln complained that he was constantly beleaguered by job seekers waiting to ask him for political appointments or other favors , or eccentric dispensers of advice like `` General '' Daniel Pratt , as he began the business day . Lincoln put up with the annoyance rather than risk alienating some associate or friend of a powerful politician or opinion maker . Aviation incidents This section needs to be updated . Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information . ( April 2015 ) In February 1974 , a stolen army helicopter landed without authorization on the White House 's grounds . Twenty years later , in 1994 , a light plane crashed on the White House grounds , and the pilot died instantly . As a result of increased security regarding air traffic in the capital , the White House was evacuated in May 2005 before an unauthorized aircraft could approach the grounds . Closure of Pennsylvania Avenue On May 20 , 1995 , primarily as a response to the Oklahoma City bombing of April 19 , 1995 , the United States Secret Service closed off Pennsylvania Avenue to vehicular traffic in front of the White House from the eastern edge of Lafayette Park to 17th Street . Later , the closure was extended an additional block to the east to 15th Street , and East Executive Avenue , a small street between the White House and the Treasury Building . After September 11 , 2001 , this was made permanent in addition to closing E Street between the South Portico of the White House and the Ellipse . In response to the Boston Marathon bombing the road was closed to the public in its entirety for a period of two days . The Pennsylvania Avenue closing has been opposed by organized civic groups in Washington , D.C. They argue that the closing impedes traffic flow unnecessarily and is inconsistent with the well - conceived historic plan for the city . As for security considerations , they note that the White House is set much farther back from the street than numerous other sensitive federal buildings are . Prior to its inclusion within the fenced compound that now includes the Old Executive Office Building to the west and the Treasury Building to the east , this sidewalk served as a queuing area for the daily public tours of the White House . These tours were suspended in the wake of the September 11 attacks . In September 2003 , they resumed on a limited basis for groups making prior arrangements through their Congressional representatives or embassies in Washington for foreign nationals and submitting to background checks , but the White House remained closed to the public . White House tours were suspended for most of 2013 due to budget constraints after sequestration . The White House reopened to the public in November 2013 . Protection The White House Complex is protected by the United States Secret Service and the United States Park Police . NASAMS ( Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile System ) were used to guard air space over Washington , D.C. during the 2005 presidential inauguration . The same NASAMS units have since been used to protect the president and all air space around the White House , which is strictly prohibited to aircraft . For security reasons , the section of Pennsylvania Avenue on the north side of the White House is closed to all vehicular traffic , except government officials . White House at night North front of the White House on the reverse ( back ) of the U.S. $20 bill . See also Camp David Germantown White House Graphics and Calligraphy Office List of largest houses in the United States List of National Historic Landmarks in Washington , D.C. List of residences of Presidents of the United States List of residences of Presidents of the United States # Western White House Number One Observatory Circle , residence of the Vice President Reported White House ghosts Category : Rooms in the White House White House Acquisition Trust White House Chief Calligrapher White House Chief Floral Designer White House Christmas tree White House Communications Agency White House Endowment Trust White House Executive Chef White House Fellows White House History White House Social Secretary Government of the United States portal Washington , D.C. portal References Jump up ^ `` John Adams moves into White House '' . . Jump up ^ `` Inside the White House : History '' . . Retrieved January 21 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Michael W. Fazio and Patrick A. Snadon ( 2006 ) . The Domestic Architecture of Benjamin Henry Latrobe . The Johns Hopkins University Press . pp. 364 -- 366 . Jump up ^ to the Empire State Building Jump up ^ Brandus , Paul ( 2015 ) . `` Nov. 1 , 1800 : The White House Welcomes Its First President -- John Adams '' . Under This Roof : A History of the White House and Presidency . Lyon Press . Archived from the original on November 23 , 2016 . Retrieved March 4 , 2017 -- via West Wing Reports . Jump up ^ `` John Adams '' . . Jump up ^ `` Timelines - Architecture '' ( PDF ) . White House Historical Association . p. 1 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on December 30 , 2006 . Retrieved November 13 , 2007 . Jump up ^ L'Enfant identified himself as `` Peter Charles L'Enfant '' during most of his life , while residing in the United States . He wrote this name on his `` Plan of the city intended for the permanent seat of the government of t ( he ) United States ... '' ( Washington , D.C. ) and on other legal documents . However , during the early 1900s , a French ambassador to the U.S. , Jean Jules Jusserand , popularized the use of L'Enfant's birth name , `` Pierre Charles L'Enfant '' . ( Reference : Bowling , Kenneth R ( 2002 ) . Peter Charles L'Enfant : vision , honor , and male friendship in the early American Republic . George Washington University , Washington , D.C. ISBN 978 - 0 - 9727611 - 0 - 9 ) . The United States Code states in 40 U.S.C. § 3309 : `` ( a ) In General. -- The purposes of this chapter shall be carried out in the District of Columbia as nearly as may be practicable in harmony with the plan of Peter Charles L'Enfant . '' The National Park Service identifies L'Enfant as `` Major Peter Charles L'Enfant '' and as `` Major Pierre ( Peter ) Charles L'Enfant '' on its website . Jump up ^ Frary , Ihna Thayer ( 1969 ) . They Built the Capitol . Ayer Publishing . p. 27 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8369 - 5089 - 2 . 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Huchet de Quénetain , Christophe.De quelques bronzes dorés français conservés à la Maison - Blanche à Washington D.C. in La Revue , Pierre Bergé & associés , n ° 6 , mars 2005 pp. 54 -- 5 . OCLC 62701407 . Kenny , Peter M. , Frances F. Bretter and Ulrich Leben . Honoré Lannuier Cabinetmaker from Paris : The Life and Work of French Ébiniste in Federal New York . The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York and Harry Abrams : 1998 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 87099 - 836 - 2 . Klara , Robert . The Hidden White House : Harry Truman and the Reconstruction of America 's Most Famous Residence . Thomas Dunne Books : 2013 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 2500 - 0027 - 9 . Kloss , William . Art in the White House : A Nation 's Pride . White House Historical Association in cooperation with the National Geographic Society , 1992 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8109 - 3965 - 3 . Leish , Kenneth . The White House . Newsweek Book Division : 1972 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 88225 - 020 - 5 . McKellar , Kenneth , Douglas W. Orr , Edward Martin , et al. Report of the Commission on the Renovation of the Executive Mansion . Commission on the Renovation of the Executive Mansion , Government Printing Office : 1952 . Monkman , Betty C. The White House : The Historic Furnishing & First Families . Abbeville Press : 2000 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7892 - 0624 - 4 . New York Life Insurance Company . The Presidents from 1789 to 1908 and the History of the White House . New York Life Insurance Company : 1908 . Penaud , Guy Dictionnaire des châteaux du Périgord . Editions Sud - Ouest : 1996 . ISBN 978 - 2 - 87901 - 221 - 6 . Phillips - Schrock , Patrick . The White House : An Illustrated Architectural History ( Jefferson , NC : McFarland , 2013 ) 196 pp . Seale , William . The President 's House . White House Historical Association and the National Geographic Society : 1986 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 912308 - 28 - 9 . Seale , William , The White House : The History of an American Idea . White House Historical Association : 1992 , 2001 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 912308 - 85 - 2 . West , J.B. with Mary Lynn Kotz . Upstairs at the White House : My Life with the First Ladies . Coward , McCann & Geoghegan : 1973 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 698 - 10546 - 1 . Wolff , Perry . A Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy . Doubleday & Company : 1962 . Exhibition Catalogue , Sale 6834 : The Estate of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis April 23 -- 26 , 1996 . Sothebys , Inc. : 1996 . The White House : An Historic Guide . White House Historical Association and the National Geographic Society : 2001 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 912308 - 79 - 1 . The White House . The First Two Hundred Years , ed. by Frank Freidel / William Pencak , Boston 1994 . External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to White House . Official website The White House Historical Association , with historical photos , online tours and exhibits , timelines , and facts President 's Park ( White House ) part of the National Park Service The White House Museum , a detailed online tour Detailed 3D computer model of White House and grounds Video tours : `` White House Holiday Tour with Laura Bush '' . C - SPAN . December 3 , 2008 . `` White House Tour '' . C - SPAN . July 7 , 1998 . `` Popular video tours '' . C - SPAN . Retrieved August 1 , 2015 . 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1. White House architecture 2. Construction and history of the White House 3. Presidential residence and workplace 4. Evolution and rebuilding of the White House 5. Design influences and architectural description
who does erin from the office end up with
Erin Hannon - wikipedia Erin Hannon <Th_colspan="2"> Kelly `` Erin '' Hannon <Td_colspan="2"> Ellie Kemper as Erin Hannon First appearance `` Michael Scott Paper Company '' Last appearance `` Finale '' Created by Greg Daniels Portrayed by Ellie Kemper <Th_colspan="2"> Information Gender Female Occupation Receptionist , Dunder Mifflin , Scranton , PA Receptionist , Dunder Mifflin Sabre , Scranton , PA Family Reed ( foster brother ) Mr. and Mrs. Hannon ( parents ) Significant other ( s ) Pete Miller ( boyfriend ) Andy Bernard ( ex-boyfriend ) Gabe Lewis ( ex-boyfriend ) Nationality American Kelly Erin Hannon ( born May 1 , 1986 ) is a fictional character from the U.S. comedy television series The Office . She is the office receptionist for the Scranton branch of the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company , Inc. , a position previously held by Pam Beesly before she quit to go work for the Michael Scott Paper Company . Erin is portrayed by Ellie Kemper . She is an original character , although her closest equivalent in the British version of the series would be Mel the receptionist , who appears briefly in The Office Christmas specials , as Dawn Tinsley 's replacement . Contents 1 Biography 2 Season 5 3 Season 6 4 Season 7 5 Season 8 6 Season 9 7 Behind the scenes 8 Reception 9 References Biography ( edit ) Erin Hannon is the receptionist hired to replace Pam Beesly ( after Kevin 's brief stint in the job ) in `` Dream Team '' . She first appears in `` Michael Scott Paper Company '' , and is referred to by her middle name , Erin , to distinguish her from Kelly Kapoor . Although at times rather intellectually challenged , with her cheerful , silly demeanor , and childlike naïveté , Erin is usually the most consistently nice , optimistic Dunder - Mifflin employee . Contrasting with her predecessor , Pam , she not only loves being a receptionist but admires her coworkers including Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute . In a deleted scene from `` Niagara '' , she admits she was born four months prematurely and could not eat hard foods until she turned 6 . `` St. Patrick 's Day '' reveals further that she was sick and in the hospital between the ages of 3 and 6 . She grew up in foster families and has said that when she was younger `` my hair was my room '' , i.e. , the place she hid from stress and trauma . In `` '' , she said all of her peers were getting their drivers licenses eight years ago which would give her a birth year of approximately 1986 . It is hinted that Erin was brought up in a very religious Christian household , as seen in `` Nepotism '' , when Michael argues with the staff about nepotism and defends it by saying the Person God sent to help Earth was His Son , Jesus Christ , which Erin claims is a `` really tight argument '' , and another example is in `` Dwight K. Schrute , ( Acting ) Manager '' , when she is shocked to learn Gabe is an atheist , and is even more shocked when he states there might be a God , but he does not believe it is just some `` guy with a long white beard . '' She is seen repeatedly following Dwight 's insane directions . Dwight and Andy both admit to being attracted to Erin , as does Ryan . Erin seems to have a fun - loving and bubbly personality similar to Kelly Kapoor , although Erin is much more naïve . She admires Kelly 's casual Friday outfit , commenting that she looks like J. Lo , and the two restart Michael 's Cafe Disco after he shuts it down . The two also ride to Pam and Jim 's wedding together with Andy , both listening to their iPods in the backseat . In `` Counseling '' , she took the term `` disposable camera '' literally as she throws a disposable camera away after taking the last picture , commenting that she thinks disposable cameras are wasteful and you never get to see the pictures . Erin also tells Michael she used to work at a Taco Bell Express but could not keep up when they turned it into a regular Taco Bell . In a deleted scene from `` Mafia '' , Meredith tells Erin that the office will always like Pam better than her , saddening Erin as she does not like conflicts . She also accidentally ruins Pam 's painting of the office building while trying to clean it . Later when asking Kelly to help her fix the painting , we find out Erin has a seizure condition -- because Kelly demands her medical alert bracelet as payment for her services . Erin may have attended Keystone College , as a pennant for the school can be seen at her desk in `` The Boat '' and in `` Pool Party '' . Season 5 ( edit ) After Kevin fails miserably as Pam 's replacement , Charles Miner hires Erin as the new receptionist , whose first name is Kelly but the office decided to call her by her middle name , Erin , to avoid confusion with Kelly Kapoor . She becomes good friends with Kelly and in `` Cafe Disco '' , they help to generate interest in Michael 's `` Cafe Disco . '' Erin greatly admires her predecessor , calling her `` a living legend '' to DeAngelo Vickers , and often asks her advice on various aspects of the job . However , Pam is at first somewhat impatient with Erin 's enthusiasm for a job she never took seriously and often dismisses her requests for approval by saying `` it looks great . '' Initially , Dwight and Andy compete for her attention , but Dwight withdraws in acknowledgment of his new friendship with Andy . For the remainder of the season , Andy awkwardly flirts with Erin . Season 6 ( edit ) In `` Koi Pond '' , Erin is shown to be self - conscious about being an orphan , and is attracted to Andy , whom she calls `` the coolest guy I 've ever met . '' She also does not know who Marlon Brando is , mistaking a reference to him for Marlon Wayans . In `` Murder '' , Andy asks her out on a real date while they are playing characters as a part of the Belles , Bourbon , and Bullets . Erin accepts , but then is disappointed when Andy tells her later there was no real date . It was `` just a part of the game '' , though both wanted to go out . Andy later begs to get Erin as his Secret Santa . He gives her gifts based on `` The 12 Days of Christmas '' . Unfortunately the first four gifts are all birds resulting in harm to herself , geese swarming her car and an incident where her cat ate one of the turtle doves . She asks her secret Santa to please stop . When asked if it is him Andy brushes it off , but later Michael reveals him and he is somewhat surprised to see her legitimately angry at him . At the end of the day , Andy has twelve drummers appear á la the last part of the song . Despite the fiasco of the earlier gifts , Erin easily forgives him and is seen enjoying the drummers and smiling warmly . Erin finally earns Michael 's respect in `` Scott 's Tots '' when she points out the benefit of the promise Michael could not fulfill to a group of underprivileged high school students . She eventually figures out Michael 's idiosyncratic habits ( such as having ants on a log served every day at 2 : 30 and being spun around in his desk chair until he is dizzy ) and , unlike Pam , gladly accommodates them , she seems disappointed when Jim Halpert declines to continue them during his brief tenure as branch manager . She also tells Michael that she would like to be an accountant someday , even though she is bad at math . After Andy 's massive effort for Erin 's Secret Santa gift , Andy thinks that the `` ball is in Erin 's court '' , while Erin assumes that after Andy 's last spectacular display involving a band drumline that he will surely be the one to ask . Andy , in `` Sabre '' , then awkwardly confronts Erin about her weekend plans , revealing that she has none . Andy exits with exasperation , hoping that his `` hint '' would be sufficient for her to ask . Later , in `` Manager and Salesman '' , Andy gives everyone in the office a card for Valentine 's Day to mask his affection for Erin . Kelly takes this card to heart and believes Andy is in love with her . Andy makes it clear that he does not love Kelly , and Erin begins to realize Andy really does have feelings for her . In `` The Delivery '' , Erin shows a knowledge of horse racing history as she names the Triple Crown winners to distract Pam before she goes to the hospital . Erin later has lunch with Kevin after Michael lied and told Kevin that Erin liked him . Erin feels sorry for Kevin because Michael told her Kevin had the heart of an actual elephant . Erin later confronts Michael and tells him that she likes Andy . Andy 's response is to snoop behind plants and spy on Kevin and Erin . Later in the same episode , Andy gives Erin a fax which asks her on a date . After getting confrontational about it , Andy admits that he wanted to take Erin on a date , which she happily accepts . In `` St. Patrick 's Day '' , Erin and Andy are set to go on their first date , but Erin gets very sick , prompting Jo Bennett to tell her to go home . Andy decides to see Erin anyway by showing up at her house . The two enjoy watching TV together until Erin 's foster brother Reed comes into the room and steals Andy 's spot on the couch next to Erin . Reed behaves with Erin in a way that makes Andy uncomfortable , but when Andy gets ready to leave , Erin kisses him on the cheek . In `` New Leads '' , after Michael distributes the sales leads to rest of the staff , Erin hides Andy 's leads . The Hot & Cold game she plays with him in the reception area turns into an uncomfortable situation where Andy almost fondles Erin 's chest . At the end of episode , Erin offers a cold Andy her jacket in a landfill where they share their first kiss . In `` Happy Hour '' , Erin and Andy tell the crew that they are trying to keep their relationship a secret because of Andy 's aversion to drama . This continues as they go to the Happy Hour with the other members of the Office . After several uncomfortable situations in which they continue to try to keep the secret and a rather animated argument in a photobooth , Andy declares to the entire building that he has been on `` two dates with Erin Hannon and they went well and there will probably be more . '' They tell the crew that they found more drama trying to keep it a secret . In `` Secretary 's Day '' , Andy plans the perfect Secretary 's Day for Erin , including a lunch with Michael . During the lunch , Michael reveals Andy 's prior year - long engagement with Angela , a fact which was previously concealed from Erin . When Erin speaks with Pam at her desk , a Keystone College pennant is visible . At the end of the episode , Erin informs Andy that she needs some time alone from him . Feeling bad over the whole affair , Michael smooths things over a bit with Erin and has a talk with her . And in `` Whistleblower '' , while the characters have not resumed dating yet , Erin does express concern when Andy tells her he is afraid for his safety ( because of the fire - catching printers , though he does not directly tell her about them ) and she agrees to distribute the `` demonstration video '' he made with Darryl if anything happens to him . Erin warmly pats Andy on the leg and tells him she thinks he did the right thing , after he is outed for leaking the printer story to a local paper and everyone else in the office shuns him . Season 7 ( edit ) In `` Nepotism '' , Erin reveals that Gabe asked her out over the summer . She only accepted because Gabe was her boss but eventually the two began seriously dating , much to Andy 's chagrin . Her relationship with Gabe has been presented as boring and lame , as highlighted by her unsuccessful efforts to defeat him at online Scrabble and avoid watching his favored horror films in `` The Seminar '' , his long - winded Valentine 's Day surprise for her that consists mostly of her bonding with Andy and getting a hand - kiss gesture in `` PDA '' , and letting the staff know she and Gabe were late to work because he fell in the shower and had to be rescued by the fire department in `` Todd Packer '' . In `` Andy 's Play '' , Andy is performing in a local production of Sweeney Todd . He pressures the entire office to go , but really just wants to get Erin to attend , in order to spend time with her and win her back from Gabe . Andy is delighted that Erin is coming without Gabe , however ultimately his plan backfires when she agrees to babysit Cecilia so Jim and Pam can attend . Ultimately Erin shows up to the play and the two spend time together , however Erin leaves to spend time with Gabe leaving Andy despondent . In `` Sex Ed '' , the Office believes Michael has herpes , and Andy uses the situation to host a Sex Ed class in the office . The class is in actuality an attempt by Andy to figure out if Gabe and Erin are having sex . Upset after realizing the two are possibly having sex , Andy throws a tantrum and storms off . Gabe admonishes Andy later , explaining he only asked Erin out after Andy gave him his blessing . In `` Christening '' , Erin expresses admiration over Michael 's spontaneous decision to go down to Mexico to help build a school for local children . In an effort to impress Erin , Andy goes along with Michael . After Michael and Andy start having cold feet and get off the bus , Erin picks them up and laughs with them about it . In `` Viewing Party '' , Erin and Gabe are hosting a Glee viewing party at Gabe 's apartment . Andy desperately attempts to get Erin 's attention during the party , however ultimately ends up getting sick and is comforted by Gabe . Meanwhile , Erin attempts to get Michael to bond with Gabe , however Michael 's insecurities over Gabe 's position cause him to sabotage the party . After Erin confronts Michael over his hostile feelings for Gabe , Michael angrily questions why she needs his approval as he is not her father . Erin is silent and Michael has an insightful moment , realizing Erin admires him and views him as a father figure . The two share a joke as they pointedly make fun of their developing father - daughter relationship . As he leaves the party , Michael warns Gabe that he will , both figuratively and literally , kill Gabe if he breaks Erin 's heart . In `` '' , Erin is annoyed with Ryan 's abuse of company property to fuel his own social networking company , . In `` Classy Christmas '' , Erin assists Michael in preparing for when Holly returns to Scranton . However , when she meets Holly for the first time , she is disappointed with her appearance after Michael spoke so highly of her . She admits in a talking head that she does not see why Michael is attracted to Holly , and when Holly tries to reason with Michael after he admits being upset with her , Erin shoos her away in defending Michael . She then tries to shoo Holly 's boyfriend A.J. away when he arrives to surprise Holly . Erin remains unkind to Holly in `` Ultimatum '' but finally warms to her when she sees the passionate kiss between Michael and Holly that came at the end of `` The Search '' . In `` Michael 's Last Dundies '' , Erin starts avoiding Gabe at work because she does not feel attracted to him anymore . Erin reveals how she feels to Pam and Jim , with Pam encouraging her to tell Gabe to avoid leading him on . She then breaks up with Gabe while accepting her Dundie in front of everyone at a packed restaurant . Gabe tells everyone he is upset with Erin but tries to joke it off , only to reveal he is genuinely upset and leaves the award show . Later she joins the rest of the office in serenading a teary - eyed Michael with a song . During `` Goodbye , Michael '' , a distraught Gabe is tenacious in trying to win Erin back , even following her into the women 's bathroom . Erin later has a heart - to - heart conversation with Michael about her love life , and admits that she might be in love with Andy . Michael dismisses both Gabe and Andy and advises Erin that the right guy will come along and she will know it . Michael then tells her that he is just a phone call away in Colorado if she needs advice , and kisses her on the head before walking away . At the end of `` The Inner Circle '' , when Deangelo escapes the hospital and returns to the office , Jim asks Erin to call 911 . She asks who should she say is calling , causing Jim to give her a deadpan look while flatly saying her name . In `` Dwight K. Schrute , ( Acting ) Manager '' , Erin and Andy are shown hanging out together again . However , after Gabe invites Andy to go to the conference room to speak in private , Gabe breaks down , and Andy promises he will not date Erin again . Later , at reception , Gabe confesses his love to Erin again , but it does not win her back . In a talking - head interview , Erin says she is taking a break from dating , and she admits that while Gabe was a great guy with many wonderful qualities , `` it was a challenge being touched by him '' . When Dwight accidentally fires the gun right by Andy , causing him temporary hearing loss , Erin is the most worried about him , and tries to accompany him to the hospital , but is stopped by Gabe , who , as an excuse , says that she needs to stay for her receptionist duties . When Andy comes back from the hospital , he and Erin hang out in the kitchen , only for Gabe to confront Andy with the promise , but Andy stands up for himself and embarrasses Gabe by describing Gabe 's crying fit to Erin . When asked whether or not he wants to date Erin , he does not give a straight answer , and eventually claims that it is between him and his diary . In `` Search Committee '' , Erin and Phyllis await the results of a DNA test to see if Erin is the daughter previously given up by Phyllis in high school . After some advice from Phyllis , Erin tells Andy in front of the entire Office that she still has feelings for him . Andy denies her , later stating to the camera that he is still hurt from being dumped in favor of Gabe . Phyllis finds out the results are negative , but holds off telling Erin and continues to show maternal affection toward her . Season 8 ( edit ) In Season 8 , Erin is on Robert 's loser side of the list . She helps Andy out with his challenges of being manager and is the only one to congratulate him on his new job . In `` Lotto '' , she helps out in the warehouse and suggests easier ways to move the boxes . In `` Spooked '' , Erin is in charge of the Halloween party , but is forced to make it more adult when co-workers think the decorations are childish . She also finds out that Andy is in a relationship with someone . During `` Christmas Wishes '' , Erin finally meets Jessica , Andy 's girlfriend . Erin tells her that she is welcome to the office and the party , but later on Robert California talks Erin into being an `` adult woman and a free spirit '' and having a drink . But this does not just stop at one , Erin tells Andy that she has had `` a thousand '' . Later that night , she tells Andy that she wants Jessica dead and that was her Christmas wish , which shows she still has feelings for Andy . She later gets a ride home from Robert , who tells her to take some aspirin and get some rest . Later on , Erin remains hopeful that Andy will end things with Jessica and reunite with her ( and it becomes clear Andy still has feelings for her ) but she later decides that this is not going to happen . As a result , when she ends up assigned to the team joining Dwight on the Sabre Store project in Tallahassee , she tells the camera that she is never returning to Scranton . In `` Test the Store '' Erin meets an elderly woman , Irene ( Georgia Engel ) , and she becomes her live in maid . In `` Get the Girl '' , Andy goes to Florida , to try to win her back . Erin initially wants to stay , but the two get back together and travel back to Scranton to find Nelly Bertram in Andy 's office . Andy then gets fired and Erin supports him For the rest of the season , Erin is seen supporting Andy in his attempts to move on , and eventually reclaim , his job at Dunder Mifflin . Season 9 ( edit ) This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( December 2012 ) Erin is excited to have Andy back from his Outward Bound program , but is surprised to see a more confident and cocky Andy . A new love interest for her is introduced in the new guy Pete . In the episode `` The Boat '' , Erin and Pete go out for drinks . There are multiple other instances in the beginning of season 9 in which Pete and Erin bond while Andy is on his boat trip . In the episode `` Customer Loyalty '' , Erin seems to miss Pete when they are split up by Nellie . Erin decides to break up with Andy prior to his return , but when he returns she can not find the confidence to break up . After telling Pete and giving him a kiss , she runs back up to Andy 's office and breaks up with him . By the time he decides to quit his job and seek fame and fortune , though , Erin feels kinder towards him and gives him sound advice before being greatly moved by his farewell rendition of `` I Will Remember '' . In `` Finale '' , she is reunited with her birth parents , who had seen the documentary and showed up at a Q&A forum with the office members . It is indicated that she is still dating Pete , as they are shown dancing at Dwight and Angela 's wedding . Behind the scenes ( edit ) `` Being on set with them is like being in a dream , except the dream is real and I can reach out and touch them . Except I am trying not to touch them too much , because I was raised right . '' -- Ellie Kemper , on The Office Starting in the fifth season of NBC 's The Office , Kemper was cast in a supporting role as the Dunder Mifflin office receptionist Erin Hannon . Kemper described herself as a `` huge fan '' of the show and was thrilled to be cast . In May 2009 , The Office screenwriter Jennifer Celotta described Kemper as a `` fun addition '' to the show . Reception ( edit ) Critics and fans have commented on Kemper 's addition to the show , mostly positive . Joshua Ostroff of Eye Weekly described Erin as one of the best new television characters of the 2008 -- 2009 season and said , `` Erin 's high - grade adorability , up - for - anything attitude and sheer niceness is unlike anyone else in the office , adding a welcome new wrinkle for next season . '' Andy Shaw of TV Fodder said she `` adds some freshness to the cast '' and Josh McAuliffe of The Times - Tribune in Scranton , Pennsylvania , said he liked Erin 's `` cheerful , appealingly goofy personality '' . Her performance was notably praised during the show 's eighth season , where she was the highlight of the season for many critics . Myles McNutt noted that `` regardless of how down I was on this or any other episode , Ellie Kemper really has been tremendous all season . '' In addition , Kemper 's performance in the episodes `` Spooked , '' `` Christmas Wishes , '' `` Pool Party , '' and `` Special Project , '' in particular , were praised by critics . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ In `` Search Committee '' , Phyllis indicates Erin was born the year the film Porky 's came out . But Phyllis may be thinking of Porky 's Revenge . In `` Couple 's Discount '' Erin said she technically did n't break up with her boyfriend when she was in first grade & it 's now their 20th anniversary . That would make her age around 26 , which indicates approximately 1986 . Episode `` '' also indicates her birthday to be approximately 1986 . Jump up ^ Mafia Jump up ^ -- `` Mafia '' deleted scene Jump up ^ Like The Office . `` The Office - All Videos : Newest - Videos '' . . Archived from the original on 2010 - 03 - 10 . Retrieved 2011 - 11 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : Tomlinson , Brett ( 2009 - 04 - 15 ) . `` Office Addition '' . Princeton Alumni Weekly . Archived from the original on 2009 - 04 - 29 . Retrieved 2009 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` '' Company Picnic '' Q&A with Jen Celotta `` . OfficeTally. 2009 - 05 - 22 . Retrieved 2009 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ Ostroff , Joshua ( 2009 - 05 - 20 ) . `` Leaders of the New School : Great performances in the margins brought a so - so season to life '' . Eye Weekly . Retrieved 2009 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ Shaw , Andy ( 2009 - 05 - 07 ) . `` The Office : `` Cafe Disco '' `` . TV Fodder . Retrieved 2009 - 05 - 08 . Jump up ^ McAuliffe , Josh ( 2009 - 05 - 08 ) . `` '' Cafe Disco '' Recap `` . The Times - Tribune . Scranton , Pennsylvania . Retrieved 2009 - 05 - 08 . Jump up ^ Myles , McNutt ( February 16 , 2012 ) . `` Tallahassee '' . The A.V. Club . Retrieved February 17 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Hertz , Barry ( October 28 , 2011 ) . `` The Office , Season 8 , Episode 5 : Recap '' . National Post . Retrieved October 29 , 2011 . Jump up ^ McNutt , Myles ( October 27 , 2011 ) . `` Spooked '' . The A.V. Club . Retrieved October 29 , 2011 . Jump up ^ McNutt , Myles ( December 8 , 2011 ) . `` Christmas Wishes '' . The A.V. Club . Retrieved December 8 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Mader , Jill . `` The Office -- Episode 8 - 12 Review -- `` A Party To Remember '' `` . InsidePulse . Retrieved February 17 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Tedder , Michael ( February 10 , 2012 ) . `` The Office Recap : Florida Facts '' . New York . Retrieved February 10 , 2012 . <Th_colspan="2"> The Office ( U.S. series ) Episodes Seasons 5 6 7 8 9 Webisodes The Accountants Kevin 's Loan The Outburst Blackmail Subtle Sexuality The Mentor The 3rd Floor The Podcast The Girl Next Door Characters Primary Michael Scott Dwight Schrute Jim Halpert Pam Beesly Ryan Howard Andy Bernard Secondary Jan Levinson Roy Anderson Stanley Hudson Kevin Malone Meredith Palmer Angela Martin Oscar Martinez Phyllis Vance Kelly Kapoor Toby Flenderson Creed Bratton Darryl Philbin Erin Hannon Gabe Lewis Robert California Holly Flax Nellie Bertram Pete Miller Clark Green Recurring Todd Packer David Wallace Other Dunder Mifflin Awards Worldwide editions Video game Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Fictional American people of Irish descent Fictional receptionists The Office ( U.S. TV series ) characters Fictional characters introduced in 2009 Fictional orphans Hidden categories : All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from December 2016 Articles with permanently dead external links Articles with dead external links from September 2017 Articles to be expanded from December 2012 All articles to be expanded Articles using small message boxes Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 8 August 2018 , at 20 : 29 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Erin Hannon - fictional character 2. Receptionist at Dunder Mifflin 3. Relationships with Andy Bernard and Gabe Lewis 4. Naïve and cheerful personality 5. Admiration for her coworkers
where does the phrase to get cold feet come from
Cold feet - wikipedia Cold feet Jump to : navigation , search This article 's lead section may not adequately summarize its contents . To comply with Wikipedia 's lead section guidelines , please consider modifying the lead to provide an accessible overview of the article 's key points in such a way that it can stand on its own as a concise version of the article . ( discuss ) . ( February 2014 ) Contents ( hide ) 1 Definitions ( psychological ) 2 Origin and history 3 Common uses 3.1 Marriage 4 References 5 External links Definitions ( psychological ) ( edit ) Apprehension or doubt strong enough to prevent a planned course of action . A loss or lack of courage or confidence ; an onset of uncertainty or fear . To `` have cold feet '' is to be too fearful to undertake or complete an action . A wave of timidity or fearfulness . Loss or lack of courage or confidence . Timidity that prevents the continuation of a course of action . Origin and history ( edit ) The origin of the term itself has been largely attributed to American author Stephen Crane , who added the phrase , in 1896 , to the second edition of his short novel , Maggie : A Girl of the Streets . Crane writes , `` I knew this was the way it would be . They got cold feet . '' The term is present in `` Seed Time and Harvest '' by Fritz Reuter published in 1862 . Kenneth McKenzie , a former professor of Italian at Princeton University attributed the first use of the phrase to the play Volpone produced by Ben Jonson in 1605 . The true origin and first usage of the phrase remains debated and unconfirmed as exemplified above . Common uses ( edit ) Marriage ( edit ) A common use of the phrase is when people fear the commitment of marriage and get `` cold feet '' before a wedding ceremony . This pre-marital doubt or fear may manifest for a variety of reasons and sometimes cause the bride or groom to back out of a planned marriage . Original research on the `` cold feet '' phenomenon is very limited and warrants further studies . However , a four - year study conducted by UCLA researchers found feelings of pre-marital doubt or uncertainty about an impending marriage were associated with future marital problems and a viable predictor of divorce . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Cold feet - Definition '' . Merriam - Webster Dictionary . Retrieved 22 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Cold feet '' . . Retrieved 22 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Cold feet definition '' . The American Heritage ® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy , Third Edition . Houghton Mifflin Company . Retrieved 22 December 2012 . Jump up ^ Spears , Richard . `` cold feet '' . Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions . McGraw Hill . Retrieved 22 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Cold feet '' . Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition . William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd . Jump up ^ `` Cold feet '' . Retrieved 22 December 2012 . Jump up ^ Barnhart , David K. ( 1997 ) . America in So Many Words : Words That Have Shaped America . Boston : Houghton Mifflin . p. 191 . ^ Jump up to : Engber , Daniel . `` When Did We Get `` Cold Feet '' ? The Germans had ' em first ! `` . Retrieved 24 December 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Zoulas , Peter . `` Take Our Word For It , Issue 77 '' . Retrieved 24 December 2012 . Jump up ^ Reuter , Fritz . `` Seed - time and Harvest '' . Retrieved 24 December 2012 . Jump up ^ Tony Mathews ( 2003 ) , There 's More Than One Color in the Pew ^ Jump up to : Hutson , Matthew . `` Brides and Grooms : Cold Feet '' . Retrieved 24 December 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Bride 's `` Cold feet '' May Predict Divorce `` . Retrieved 24 December 2012 . Jump up ^ Lavner , Justin ; Benjamin Karney ; Thomas Bradbury ( 2012 ) . `` Do Cold Feet Warn of Trouble Ahead ? Premarital Uncertainty and Four - Year Marital Outcomes '' . Journal of Family Psychology . 26 ( 6 ) : 1012 -- 1017 . doi : 10.1037 / a0029912 . External links ( edit ) Look up cold feet in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . `` Expert Advice on Cold Feet '' -- Article from Brides Magazine `` Cold Feet Common in Brides - to - Be '' ABC News Good Morning America , May 1 , 2005 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Human behavior Metaphors referring to body parts Hidden categories : Wikipedia introduction cleanup from February 2014 All pages needing cleanup Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from February 2014 All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify All articles that may contain original research Articles that may contain original research from February 2014 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 23 February 2018 , at 15 : 50 . About Wikipedia
1. Cold feet definition 2. Origin and history of cold feet 3. Psychological definitions of cold feet 4. Common uses of cold feet 5. Cold feet in marriage
believed that workers should own and control the means of production
Socialism - wikipedia Socialism For other uses , see Socialism ( disambiguation ) . Part of a series on Socialism Development ( show ) History of socialism Socialist calculation debate Socialist economics Ideas ( show ) Calculation in kind Collective ownership Cooperative Common ownership Commune ( model of government ) Economic democracy Economic planning Equal opportunity Free association Industrial democracy Input -- output model Internationalism Labor - time calculation Labour voucher Material balance planning Peer ‐ to ‐ peer economics ( Sharing economy ) Production for use Social dividend Social ownership Socialism in one country Socialist mode of production State ownership To each according to his contribution / needs Workplace democracy Workers ' self - management Models ( show ) Decentralized planning Participatory economics Market socialism Lange model Mutualism Planned economy Soviet - type OGAS Project Cybersyn Socialist market economy Socialist - oriented market Variants ( show ) 21st - century African Arab Agrarian Anarchist Authoritarian Blanquism Communism Conservative Democratic Ethical Ecological Feminist Gandhian Guild Liberal Libertarian Market Marhaenism Marxism Municipal Owenism Reformism Religious Revolutionary Ricardian Scientific Social democracy Socialist nationalism State Syndicalism Technocracy Third World Utopian Zionist History by country ( show ) Australia Bangladesh Brazil Canada China Estonia France Hong Kong India Iran Netherlands New Zealand Pakistan South Korea Tunisia United Kingdom United States People ( show ) Thomas More Henri de Saint - Simon François - Noël Babeuf Charles Hall Robert Owen Charles Fourier William Thompson Thomas Hodgskin Étienne Cabet Pierre - Joseph Proudhon Louis Blanc Mikhail Bakunin Karl Marx Friedrich Engels Ferdinand Lassalle William Morris Mary Harris Jones Peter Kropotkin Eduard Bernstein Errico Malatesta Fred M. Taylor Georgi Plekhanov John Dewey Enrico Barone W.E.B. Du Bois Emma Goldman Rosa Luxemburg Léon Blum Bertrand Russell Antonie Pannekoek Luis Emilio Recabarren Albert Einstein Clement Attlee Karl Polanyi Nestor Makhno G.D.H. Cole Imre Nagy Einar Gerhardsen George Orwell Léopold Sédar Senghor Tage Erlander Salvador Allende Michael Manley François Mitterrand Gamal Abdel Nasser Nelson Mandela Murray Bookchin Alexander Dubček Howard Zinn E.P. Thompson Noam Chomsky Martin Luther King Jr . Mikhail Gorbachev Jack Layton Bernie Sanders Tariq Ali Abdullah Öcalan Slavoj Žižek Jeremy Corbyn Cornel West Hugo Chávez Chris Hedges Yanis Varoufakis Organizations ( show ) First International ( International Workingmen 's Association ) Second International Third International ( Comintern ) Fourth International Fifth International Labour and Socialist International Socialist International World Federation of Democratic Youth International Union of Socialist Youth World Socialist Movement International Committee of the Fourth International Progressive Alliance Related topics ( show ) Anarchism Capitalism Communist society Criticism of capitalism Economic system French Left List of socialist economists Nanosocialism Progressivism Right - wing socialism Socialism and LGBT rights Socialist bloc Socialist Party Socialist state Socialism portal Economics portal Politics portal Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and workers ' self - management of the means of production as well as the political theories and movements associated with them . Social ownership may refer to forms of public , collective or cooperative ownership , or to citizen ownership of equity . There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them , though social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms . Socialist economic systems can be divided into non-market and market forms . Non-market socialism involves the substitution of factor markets and money , with engineering and technical criteria , based on calculation performed in - kind , thereby producing an economic mechanism that functions according to different economic laws from those of capitalism . Non-market socialism aims to circumvent the inefficiencies and crises traditionally associated with capital accumulation and the profit system . By contrast , market socialism retains the use of monetary prices , factor markets and in some cases the profit motive , with respect to the operation of socially owned enterprises and the allocation of capital goods between them . Profits generated by these firms would be controlled directly by the workforce of each firm , or accrue to society at large in the form of a social dividend . The socialist calculation debate discusses the feasibility and methods of resource allocation for a socialist system . The socialist political movement includes a set of political philosophies that originated in the revolutionary movements of the mid-to - late 18th century and of concern for the social problems that were associated with capitalism . In addition to the debate over markets and planning , the varieties of socialism differ in their form of social ownership , how management is to be organised within productive institutions and the role of the state in constructing socialism . Core dichotomies include reformism versus revolutionary socialism and state socialism versus libertarian socialism . Socialist politics has been both centralist and decentralised ; internationalist and nationalist in orientation ; organised through political parties and opposed to party politics ; at times overlapping with trade unions and at other times independent of -- and critical of -- unions ; and present in both industrialised and developing countries . While all tendencies of socialism consider themselves democratic , the term `` democratic socialism '' is often used to highlight its advocates ' high value for democratic processes in the economy and democratic political systems , usually to draw contrast to tendencies they may be perceived to be undemocratic in their approach . Democratic socialism is frequently used to draw contrast to the political system of the Soviet Union , which critics argue operated in an authoritarian fashion . By the late 19th century , after the work of Karl Marx and his collaborator Friedrich Engels , socialism had come to signify opposition to capitalism and advocacy for a post-capitalist system based on some form of social ownership of the means of production . By the 1920s , social democracy and communism had become the two dominant political tendencies within the international socialist movement . By this time , socialism emerged as `` the most influential secular movement of the twentieth century , worldwide . It is a political ideology ( or world view ) , a wide and divided political movement '' and while the emergence of the Soviet Union as the world 's first nominally socialist state led to socialism 's widespread association with the Soviet economic model , many economists and intellectuals argued that in practice the model functioned as a form of state capitalism or a non-planned administrative or command economy . Socialist parties and ideas remain a political force with varying degrees of power and influence on all continents , heading national governments in many countries around the world . Today , some socialists have also adopted the causes of other social movements , such as environmentalism , feminism and liberalism . Contents ( hide ) 1 Etymology 2 History 2.1 Early socialism 2.1. 1 Paris Commune 2.2 First International 2.3 Second International 2.4 Early 20th century 2.4. 1 Russian Revolution 2.4. 2 International Working Union of Socialist Parties 2.4. 3 Third International 2.4. 4 Fourth congress 2.4. 5 Spanish Civil War 2.5 Mid-20th century 2.5. 1 Post-World War II 2.5. 2 Nordic model 2.5. 3 Soviet Union and Eastern Europe 2.5. 4 Third World 2.5. 5 New Left 2.5. 6 Protests of 1968 2.6 Late 20th century 3 Contemporary socialist politics 3.1 Africa 3.2 Asia 3.3 Europe 3.4 North America 3.5 Latin America and Caribbean 3.6 International socialism 4 Social and political theory 4.1 Criticism of capitalism 4.2 Marxism 4.3 Role of the state 4.4 Utopian versus scientific 4.5 Reform versus revolution 5 Economics 5.1 Planned economy 5.2 Self - managed economy 5.3 State - directed economy 5.4 Market socialism 6 Politics 6.1 Anarchism 6.2 Democratic socialism 6.3 Leninism and precedents 6.4 Libertarian socialism 6.5 Religious socialism 6.6 Social democracy and liberal socialism 6.7 Socialism and modern progressive social movements 6.8 Syndicalism 7 Criticism 8 See also 9 Notes 10 References 11 Further reading 12 External links Etymology ( edit ) Utopian socialist pamphlet of Rudolf Sutermeister For Andrew Vincent , `` ( t ) he word ' socialism ' finds its root in the Latin sociare , which means to combine or to share . The related , more technical term in Roman and then medieval law was societas . This latter word could mean companionship and fellowship as well as the more legalistic idea of a consensual contract between freemen '' . The term `` socialism '' was created by Henri de Saint - Simon , one of the founders of what would later be labelled `` utopian socialism '' . Simon coined `` socialism '' as a contrast to the liberal doctrine of `` individualism '' , which stressed that people act or should act as if they are in isolation from one another . The original `` utopian '' socialists condemned liberal individualism for failing to address social concerns during the industrial revolution , including poverty , social oppression and gross inequalities in wealth , thus viewing liberal individualism as degenerating society into supporting selfish egoism that harmed community life through promoting a society based on competition . They presented socialism as an alternative to liberal individualism based on the shared ownership of resources , although their proposals for socialism differed significantly . Saint - Simon proposed economic planning , scientific administration and the application of modern scientific advancements to the organization of society . By contrast , Robert Owen proposed the organization of production and ownership in cooperatives . The term `` socialism '' is also attributed to Pierre Leroux and to Marie Roch Louis Reybaud in France ; and in Britain to Robert Owen in 1827 , father of the cooperative movement . The modern definition and usage of `` socialism '' settled by the 1860s , becoming the predominant term among the group of words `` co-operative '' , `` mutualist '' and `` associationist '' , which had previously been used as synonyms . The term `` communism '' also fell out of use during this period , despite earlier distinctions between socialism and communism from the 1840s . An early distinction between socialism and communism was that the former aimed to only socialise production while the latter aimed to socialise both production and consumption ( in the form of free access to final goods ) . However , Marxists employed the term `` socialism '' in place of `` communism '' by 1888 , which had come to be considered an old - fashion synonym for socialism . It was not until 1917 after the Bolshevik Revolution that `` socialism '' came to refer to a distinct stage between capitalism and communism , introduced by Vladimir Lenin as a means to defend the Bolshevik seizure of power against traditional Marxist criticisms that Russia 's productive forces were not sufficiently developed for socialist revolution . A distinction between `` communist '' and `` socialist '' as descriptors of political ideologies arose in 1918 after the Russian Social - Democratic Labour Party renamed itself to the All - Russian Communist Party , where communist came to specifically mean socialists who supported the politics and theories of Leninism , Bolshevism and later Marxism -- Leninism , although communist parties continued to describe themselves as socialists dedicated to socialism . The words `` socialism '' and `` communism '' eventually accorded with the adherents ' and opponents ' cultural attitude towards religion . In Christian Europe , communism was believed to be the atheist way of life . In Protestant England , the word `` communism '' was too culturally and aurally close to the Roman Catholic communion rite , hence English atheists denoted themselves socialists . Friedrich Engels argued that in 1848 , at the time when The Communist Manifesto was published , that `` socialism was respectable on the continent , while communism was not '' . The Owenites in England and the Fourierists in France were considered `` respectable '' socialists , while working - class movements that `` proclaimed the necessity of total social change '' denoted themselves communists . This latter branch of socialism produced the communist work of Étienne Cabet in France and Wilhelm Weitling in Germany . The British moral philosopher John Stuart Mill also came to advocate a form of economic socialism within a liberal context . In later editions of his Principles of Political Economy ( 1848 ) , Mill would argue that `` as far as economic theory was concerned , there is nothing in principle in economic theory that precludes an economic order based on socialist policies '' . While democrats looked to the Revolutions of 1848 as a democratic revolution , which in the long run ensured liberty , equality and fraternity , Marxists denounced 1848 as a betrayal of working - class ideals by a bourgeoisie indifferent to the legitimate demands of the proletariat . History ( edit ) Main article : History of socialism Early socialism ( edit ) Main articles : Utopian socialism , Revolutions of 1848 , Paris Commune , and History of anarchism § Early history Charles Fourier , influential early French socialist thinker Socialist models and ideas espousing common or public ownership have existed since antiquity . It has been claimed -- though controversially -- that there were elements of socialist thought in the politics of classical Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle . Mazdak the Younger ( died c. 524 or 528 CE ) , a Persian communal proto - socialist , instituted communal possessions and advocated the public good . Abū Dharr al - Ghifārī , a Companion of Prophet Muhammad , is credited by many as a principal antecedent of Islamic socialism . The teachings of Jesus the messiah of the Christian religion are frequently highlighted as socialist in nature. . Christian socialism was one of the founding threads of the UK Labour Party and is said to be a tradition going back 600 years to the uprising of Wat Tyler and John Ball . In the period right after the French Revolution , activists and theorists like François - Noël Babeuf , Étienne - Gabriel Morelly , Philippe Buonarroti and Auguste Blanqui influenced the early French labour and socialist movements . In Britain , Thomas Paine proposed a detailed plan to tax property owners to pay for the needs of the poor in Agrarian Justice while Charles Hall wrote The Effects of Civilization on the People in European States , denouncing capitalism 's effects on the poor of his time which influenced the utopian schemes of Thomas Spence . The first `` self - conscious socialist movements developed in the 1820s and 1830s . The Owenites , Saint - Simonians and Fourierists provided a series of coherent analyses and interpretations of society . They also , especially in the case of the Owenites , overlapped with a number of other working - class movements like the Chartists in the United Kingdom '' . The Chartists gathered significant numbers around the People 's Charter of 1838 , which demanded the extension of suffrage to all male adults . Leaders in the movement also called for a more equitable distribution of income and better living conditions for the working classes . The very first trade unions and consumers ' cooperative societies also emerged in the hinterland of the Chartist movement as a way of bolstering the fight for these demands . A later important socialist thinker in France was Pierre - Joseph Proudhon , who proposed his philosophy of mutualism in which `` everyone had an equal claim , either alone or as part of a small cooperative , to possess and use land and other resources as needed to make a living '' . There were also currents inspired by dissident Christianity of Christian socialism `` often in Britain and then usually coming out of left liberal politics and a romantic anti-industrialism '' which produced theorists such as Edward Bellamy , Frederick Denison Maurice and Charles Kingsley . The first advocates of socialism favoured social levelling in order to create a meritocratic or technocratic society based on individual talent . Count Henri de Saint - Simon is regarded as the first individual to coin the term `` socialism '' . Saint - Simon was fascinated by the enormous potential of science and technology and advocated a socialist society that would eliminate the disorderly aspects of capitalism and would be based on equal opportunities . He advocated the creation of a society in which each person was ranked according to his or her capacities and rewarded according to his or her work . The key focus of Saint - Simon 's socialism was on administrative efficiency and industrialism and a belief that science was the key to progress . This was accompanied by a desire to implement a rationally organised economy based on planning and geared towards large - scale scientific and material progress , thus embodied a desire for a more directed or planned economy . Other early socialist thinkers , such as Thomas Hodgkin and Charles Hall , based their ideas on David Ricardo 's economic theories . They reasoned that the equilibrium value of commodities approximated prices charged by the producer when those commodities were in elastic supply and that these producer prices corresponded to the embodied labour -- the cost of the labour ( essentially the wages paid ) that was required to produce the commodities . The Ricardian socialists viewed profit , interest and rent as deductions from this exchange - value . West European social critics , including Robert Owen , Charles Fourier , Pierre - Joseph Proudhon , Louis Blanc , Charles Hall , and Saint - Simon were the first modern socialists who criticised the excessive poverty and inequality of the Industrial Revolution . They advocated reform , with some such as Robert Owen advocating the transformation of society to small communities without private property . Robert Owen 's contribution to modern socialism was his understanding that actions and characteristics of individuals were largely determined by the social environment they were raised in and exposed to . On the other hand , Charles Fourier advocated phalansteres which were communities that respected individual desires ( including sexual preferences ) , affinities and creativity and saw that work has to be made enjoyable for people . The ideas of Owen and Fourier were tried in practice in numerous intentional communities around Europe and the American continent in the mid-19th century . Paris Commune ( edit ) The celebration of the election of the Commune on 28 March 1871 -- the Paris Commune was a major early implementation of socialist ideas The Paris Commune was a government that briefly ruled Paris from 18 March ( more formally , from 28 March ) to 28 May 1871 . The Commune was the result of an uprising in Paris after France was defeated in the Franco - Prussian War . The Commune elections held on 26 March elected a Commune council of 92 members , one member for each 20,000 residents . Despite internal differences , the council began to organise the public services essential for a city of two million residents . It also reached a consensus on certain policies that tended towards a progressive , secular and highly - democratic social democracy . Because the Commune was only able to meet on fewer than 60 days in all , only a few decrees were actually implemented . These included the separation of church and state ; the remission of rents owed for the entire period of the siege ( during which payment had been suspended ) ; the abolition of night work in the hundreds of Paris bakeries ; the granting of pensions to the unmarried companions and children of National Guards killed on active service ; and the free return , by the city pawnshops , of all workmen 's tools and household items valued up to 20 francs , pledged during the siege . The Commune was concerned that skilled workers had been forced to pawn their tools during the war ; the postponement of commercial debt obligations and the abolition of interest on the debts ; and the right of employees to take over and run an enterprise if it were deserted by its owner . The Commune nonetheless recognised the previous owner 's right to compensation . First International ( edit ) Mikhail Bakunin speaking to members of the International Workingmen 's Association at the Basel Congress in 1869 The International Workingmen 's Association ( IWA ) , often called the First International , was founded in London in 1864 . The International Workingmen 's Association united diverse revolutionary currents including French followers of Proudhon , Blanquists , Philadelphes , English trade unionists , socialists and social democrats . The IWA held a preliminary conference in 1865 and had its first congress at Geneva in 1866 . Due to the wide variety of philosophies present in the First International , there was conflict from the start . The first objections to Marx came from the mutualists who opposed communism and statism . However , shortly after Mikhail Bakunin and his followers ( called collectivists while in the International ) joined in 1868 , the First International became polarised into two camps headed by Marx and Bakunin respectively . The clearest differences between the groups emerged over their proposed strategies for achieving their visions of socialism . The First International became the first major international forum for the promulgation of socialist ideas . The followers of Bakunin were called collectivist anarchists and sought to collectivise ownership of the means of production while retaining payment proportional to the amount and kind of labor of each individual . Like Proudhonists , they asserted the right of each individual to the product of his labor and to be remunerated for their particular contribution to production . By contrast , anarcho - communists sought collective ownership of both the means and the products of labor . Errico Malatesta put it : `` ( I ) nstead of running the risk of making a confusion in trying to distinguish what you and I each do , let us all work and put everything in common . In this way each will give to society all that his strength permits until enough is produced for every one ; and each will take all that he needs , limiting his needs only in those things of which there is not yet plenty for every one '' . Anarcho - communism as a coherent , modern economic - political philosophy was first formulated in the Italian section of the First International by Carlo Cafiero , Emilio Covelli , Errico Malatesta , Andrea Costa and other ex Mazzinian republicans . Out of respect for Mikhail Bakunin , they did not make their differences with collectivist anarchism explicit until after Bakunin 's death . Syndicalism emerged in France inspired in part by the ideas of Pierre - Joseph Proudhon and later by Fernand Pelloutier and Georges Sorel . It developed at the end of the 19th century out of the French trade - union movement ( syndicat is the French word for trade union ) . It was a significant force in Italy and Spain in the early 20th century until it was crushed by the fascist regimes in those countries . In the United States , syndicalism appeared in the guise of the Industrial Workers of the World , or `` Wobblies '' , founded in 1905 . Syndicalism is an economic system where industries are organised into confederations ( syndicates ) and the economy is managed by negotiation between specialists and worker representatives of each field , comprising multiple non-competitive categorised units . Syndicalism is thus a form of communism and economic corporatism , but also refers to the political movement and tactics used to bring about this type of system . An influential anarchist movement based on syndicalist ideas is anarcho - syndicalism . The International Workers Association is an international anarcho - syndicalist federation of various labor unions from different countries . The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation which was established with the purpose of advancing the principles of socialism via gradualist and reformist means . The society laid many of the foundations of the Labour Party and subsequently affected the policies of states emerging from the decolonisation of the British Empire , most notably India and Singapore . Originally , the Fabian Society was committed to the establishment of a socialist economy , alongside a commitment to British imperialism as a progressive and modernising force . Today , the society functions primarily as a think tank and is one of fifteen socialist societies affiliated with the Labour Party . Similar societies exist in Australia ( the Australian Fabian Society ) , in Canada ( the Douglas - Coldwell Foundation and the now disbanded League for Social Reconstruction ) and in New Zealand . Guild socialism is a political movement advocating workers ' control of industry through the medium of trade - related guilds `` in an implied contractual relationship with the public '' . It originated in the United Kingdom and was at its most influential in the first quarter of the 20th century . Inspired by medieval guilds , theorists such as Samuel G. Hobson and G.D.H. Cole advocated the public ownership of industries and their organisation into guilds , each of which would be under the democratic control of its trade union . Guild socialists were less inclined than Fabians to invest power in a state . At some point , like the American Knights of Labor , guild socialism wanted to abolish the wage system . Second International ( edit ) As the ideas of Marx and Engels took on flesh , particularly in central Europe , socialists sought to unite in an international organisation . In 1889 ( the centennial of the French Revolution of 1789 ) , the Second International was founded , with 384 delegates from twenty countries representing about 300 labour and socialist organisations . It was termed the Socialist International and Engels was elected honorary president at the third congress in 1893 . Anarchists were ejected and not allowed in , mainly due to pressure from Marxists . It has been argued that at some point the Second International turned `` into a battleground over the issue of libertarian versus authoritarian socialism . Not only did they effectively present themselves as champions of minority rights ; they also provoked the German Marxists into demonstrating a dictatorial intolerance which was a factor in preventing the British labor movement from following the Marxist direction indicated by such leaders as H.M. Hyndman '' . Reformism arose as an alternative to revolution . Eduard Bernstein was a leading social democrat in Germany who proposed the concept of evolutionary socialism . Revolutionary socialists quickly targeted reformism : Rosa Luxemburg condemned Bernstein 's Evolutionary Socialism in her 1900 essay Social Reform or Revolution ? . Revolutionary socialism encompasses multiple social and political movements that may define `` revolution '' differently from one another . The Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) in Germany became the largest and most powerful socialist party in Europe , despite working illegally until the anti-socialist laws were dropped in 1890 . In the 1893 elections , it gained 1,787,000 votes , a quarter of the total votes cast , according to Engels . In 1895 , the year of his death , Engels emphasised the Communist Manifesto 's emphasis on winning , as a first step , the `` battle of democracy '' . Early 20th century ( edit ) Main articles : History of anarchism § 20th century , Russian Revolution , German Revolution , Biennio Rosso , and Spanish Revolution of 1936 Antonio Gramsci , member of the Italian Socialist Party and later leader and theorist of the Communist Party of Italy In 1904 , Australians elected Chris Watson as the first Australian Labor Party Prime Minister , becoming the first democratically elected social democrat . In 1909 , the first Kibbutz was established in Palestine by Russian Jewish Immigrants . The Kibbutz Movement would then expand through the 20th century following a doctrine of Zionist socialism . The British Labour Party first won seats in the House of Commons in 1902 . The International Socialist Commission ( ISC , also known as Berne International ) was formed in February 1919 at a meeting in Bern by parties that wanted to resurrect the Second International . By 1917 , the patriotism of World War I changed into political radicalism in most of Europe , the United States and Australia . Other socialist parties from around the world who were beginning to gain importance in their national politics in the early 20th century included the Italian Socialist Party , the French Section of the Workers ' International , the Spanish Socialist Workers ' Party , the Swedish Social Democratic Party , the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party , the Socialist Party of America in the United States , the Argentinian Socialist Party and the Chilean Partido Obrero Socialista . Russian Revolution ( edit ) Main article : Russian Revolution In February 1917 , revolution exploded in Russia . Workers , soldiers and peasants established soviets ( councils ) , the monarchy fell and a provisional government convoked pending the election of a constituent assembly . In April of that year , Vladimir Lenin , leader of the Bolshevik faction of socialists in Russia and known for his profound and controversial expansions of Marxism , was allowed to cross Germany to return to his country from exile in Switzerland . Lenin had published essays on his analysis of imperialism , the monopoly and globalisation phase of capitalism as predicted by Marx , as well as analyses on the social conditions of his contemporary time . He observed that as capitalism had further developed in Europe and America , the workers remained unable to gain class consciousness so long as they were too busy working and concerning with how to make ends meet . He therefore proposed that the social revolution would require the leadership of a vanguard party of class - conscious revolutionaries from the educated and politically active part of the population . Upon arriving in Petrograd , Lenin declared that the revolution in Russia was not over , but had only begun and that the next step was for the workers ' soviets to take full state authority . He issued a thesis outlining the Bolshevik 's party programme , including rejection of any legitimacy in the provisional government and advocacy for state power to be given to the peasant and working class through the soviets . The Bolsheviks became the most influential force in the soviets and on 7 November the capitol of the provisional government was stormed by Bolshevik Red Guards in what afterwards known as the `` Great October Socialist Revolution '' . The rule of the provisional government was ended and the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic -- the world 's first constitutionally socialist state -- was established . On 25 January 1918 at the Petrograd Soviet , Lenin declared `` Long live the world socialist revolution ! '' and proposed an immediate armistice on all fronts and transferred the land of the landed proprietors , the crown and the monasteries to the peasant committees without compensation . The day after assuming executive power on 25 January , Lenin wrote Draft Regulations on Workers ' Control , which granted workers control of businesses with more than five workers and office employees and access to all books , documents and stocks and whose decisions were to be `` binding upon the owners of the enterprises '' . Governing through the elected soviets and in alliance with the peasant - based Left Socialist - Revolutionaries , the Bolshevik government began nationalising banks and industry ; and disavowed the national debts of the deposed Romanov royal régime . It sued for peace , withdrawing from World War I and convoked a Constituent Assembly in which the peasant Socialist - Revolutionary Party ( SR ) won a majority . The Constituent Assembly elected Socialist - Revolutionary leader Victor Chernov President of a Russian republic , but rejected the Bolshevik proposal that it endorse the Soviet decrees on land , peace and workers ' control and acknowledge the power of the Soviets of Workers ' , Soldiers ' and Peasants ' Deputies . The next day , the Bolsheviks declared that the assembly was elected on outdated party lists and the All - Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets dissolved it . In March 1919 , world communist parties formed Comintern ( also known as the Third International ) at a meeting in Moscow . International working Union of socialist parties ( edit ) Main article : International Working Union of Socialist Parties Parties which did not want to be a part of the resurrected Second International ( ISC ) or Comintern formed the International Working Union of Socialist Parties ( IWUSP , also known as Vienna International / Vienna Union / Two - and - a-Half International ) on 27 February 1921 at a conference in Vienna . The ISC and the IWUSP joined to form the Labour and Socialist International ( LSI ) in May 1923 at a meeting in Hamburg Left - wing groups which did not agree to the centralisation and abandonment of the soviets by the Bolshevik Party led left - wing uprisings against the Bolsheviks -- such groups included Socialist Revolutionaries , Left Socialist Revolutionaries , Mensheviks and anarchists . Within this left - wing discontent , the most large - scale events were the worker 's Kronstadt rebellion and the anarchist led Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine uprising which controlled an area known as the Free Territory . Third International ( edit ) Main article : Communist International The Bolshevik Russian Revolution of January 1918 engendered communist parties worldwide and their concomitant revolutions of 1917 -- 1923 . Few communists doubted that the Russian success of socialism depended on successful , working - class socialist revolutions in developed capitalist countries . In 1919 , Lenin and Trotsky organised the world 's communist parties into a new international association of workers -- the Communist International ( Comintern ) , also called the Third International . The Russian Revolution also influenced uprisings in other countries around this time . The German Revolution of 1918 -- 1919 resulted in the replacing Germany 's imperial government with a republic . The revolutionary period lasted from November 1918 until the formal establishment of the Weimar Republic in August 1919 and included an episode known as the Bavarian Soviet Republic and the Spartacist uprising . In Italy , the events known as the Biennio Rosso were characterised by mass strikes , worker manifestations and self - management experiments through land and factory occupations . In Turin and Milan , workers ' councils were formed and many factory occupations took place led by anarcho - syndicalists organised around the Unione Sindacale Italiana . By 1920 , the Red Army under its commander Trotsky had largely defeated the royalist White Armies . In 1921 , War Communism was ended and under the New Economic Policy ( NEP ) private ownership was allowed for small and medium peasant enterprises . While industry remained largely state - controlled , Lenin acknowledged that the NEP was a necessary capitalist measure for a country unripe for socialism . Profiteering returned in the form of `` NEP men '' and rich peasants ( kulaks ) gained power in the countryside . Nevertheless , the role of Trotsky in this episode has been questioned by other socialists , including ex Trotskyists . In the United States , Dwight Macdonald broke with Trotsky and left the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party by raising the question of the Kronstadt rebellion , which Trotsky as leader of the Soviet Red Army and the other Bolsheviks had brutally repressed . He then moved towards democratic socialism . and anarchism . A similar critique of Trotsky 's role on the events around the Kronstadt rebellion was raised by the American anarchist Emma Goldman . In her essay `` Trotsky Protests Too Much '' , she says : `` I admit , the dictatorship under Stalin 's rule has become monstrous . That does not , however , lessen the guilt of Leon Trotsky as one of the actors in the revolutionary drama of which Kronstadt was one of the bloodiest scenes '' . Rosa Luxemburg , prominent Marxist revolutionary , leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany and martyr and leader of the German Spartacist uprising in 1919 Fourth Congress ( edit ) In 1922 , the fourth congress of the Communist International took up the policy of the United Front , urging communists to work with rank and file Social Democrats while remaining critical of their leaders , whom they criticised for betraying the working class by supporting the war efforts of their respective capitalist classes . For their part , the social democrats pointed to the dislocation caused by revolution and later the growing authoritarianism of the communist parties . When the Communist Party of Great Britain applied to affiliate to the Labour Party in 1920 , it was turned down . On seeing the Soviet State 's growing coercive power in 1923 , a dying Lenin said Russia had reverted to `` a bourgeois tsarist machine ... barely varnished with socialism '' . After Lenin 's death in January 1924 , the Communist Party of the Soviet Union -- then increasingly under the control of Joseph Stalin -- rejected the theory that socialism could not be built solely in the Soviet Union in favour of the concept of `` socialism in one country '' . Despite the marginalised Left Opposition 's demand for the restoration of Soviet democracy , Stalin developed a bureaucratic , authoritarian government that was condemned by democratic socialists , anarchists and Trotskyists for undermining the initial socialist ideals of the Bolshevik Russian Revolution . In 1924 , the Mongolian People 's Republic was established and was ruled by the Mongolian People 's Party . The Russian Revolution and the appearance of the Soviet State motivated a worldwide current of national communist parties which ended having varying levels of political and social influence . Among these there appeared the Communist Party of France , the Communist Party USA , the Italian Communist Party , the Chinese Communist Party , the Mexican Communist Party , the Brazilian Communist Party , the Chilean Communist Party and the Communist Party of Indonesia . Spanish Civil War ( edit ) Main article : Spanish Civil War Anarcha - feminist militia during the Spanish Revolution in 1936 In Spain in 1936 , the national anarcho - syndicalist trade union Confederación Nacional del Trabajo ( CNT ) initially refused to join a popular front electoral alliance and abstention by CNT supporters led to a right - wing election victory . In 1936 , the CNT changed its policy and anarchist votes helped bring the popular front back to power . Months later , the former ruling class responded with an attempted coup , sparking the Spanish Civil War ( 1936 -- 1939 ) . In response to the army rebellion , an anarchist - inspired movement of peasants and workers , supported by armed militias , took control of Barcelona and of large areas of rural Spain where they collectivised the land . The events known as the Spanish Revolution was a workers ' social revolution that began during the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 and resulted in the widespread implementation of anarchist and more broadly libertarian socialist organisational principles throughout various portions of the country for two to three years , primarily Catalonia , Aragon , Andalusia and parts of Levante . Much of Spain 's economy was put under worker control and in anarchist strongholds like Catalonia the figure was as high as 75 % , but lower in areas with heavy Communist Party of Spain influence , as the Soviet - allied party actively resisted attempts at collectivisation enactment . Factories were run through worker committees , agrarian areas became collectivised and run as libertarian communes . Anarchist historian Sam Dolgoff estimated that about eight million people participated directly or indirectly in the Spanish Revolution . Mid-20th century ( edit ) Further information : History of the People 's Republic of China ( 1949 -- 76 ) , Decolonization § Decolonization after 1945 , Eastern Bloc , and History of anarchism § Post-war years Post-world War II ( edit ) Leon Trotsky 's Fourth International was established in France in 1938 when Trotskyists argued that the Comintern or Third International had become irretrievably `` lost to Stalinism '' and thus incapable of leading the international working class to political power . The rise of Nazism and the start of World War II led to the dissolution of the LSI in 1940 . After the War , the Socialist International was formed in Frankfurt in July 1951 as a successor to the LSI . After World War II , social democratic governments introduced social reform and wealth redistribution via state welfare and taxation . Social democratic parties dominated post-war politics in countries such as France , Italy , Czechoslovakia , Belgium and Norway . At one point , France claimed to be the world 's most state - controlled capitalist country . The nationalised public utilities included Charbonnages de France ( CDF ) , Electricité de France ( EDF ) , Gaz de France ( GDF ) , Air France , Banque de France and Régie Nationale des Usines Renault . In 1945 , the British Labour Party led by Clement Attlee was elected to office based on a radical socialist programme . The Labour government nationalised major public utilities such as mines , gas , coal , electricity , rail , iron , steel and the Bank of England . British Petroleum was officially nationalised in 1951 . Anthony Crosland said that in 1956 25 % of British industry was nationalised and that public employees , including those in nationalised industries , constituted a similar proportion of the country 's total employed population . The Labour Governments of 1964 -- 1970 and 1974 -- 1979 intervened further . It re-nationalised steel ( 1967 , British Steel ) after the Conservatives had denationalised it and nationalised car production ( 1976 , British Leyland ) . The National Health Service provided taxpayer - funded health care to everyone , free at the point of service . Working - class housing was provided in council housing estates and university education became available via a school grant system . Nordic model ( edit ) Main article : Nordic model Olof Palme , Prime Minister of Sweden for the Swedish Social Democratic Party The Nordic model is the economic and social models of the Nordic countries ( Denmark , Iceland , Norway , Sweden and Finland ) . During most of the post-war era , Sweden was governed by the Swedish Social Democratic Party largely in cooperation with trade unions and industry . In Sweden , the Social Democratic Party held power from 1936 to 1976 , 1982 to 1991 , 1994 to 2006 and 2014 to present . Tage Erlander was the leader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party and led the government from 1946 to 1969 , an uninterrupted tenure of twenty - three years , one of the longest in any democracy . From 1945 to 1962 , the Norwegian Labour Party held an absolute majority in the parliament led by Einar Gerhardsen who was Prime Minister with seventeen years in office . This particular adaptation of the mixed market economy is characterised by more generous welfare states ( relative to other developed countries ) , which are aimed specifically at enhancing individual autonomy , ensuring the universal provision of basic human rights and stabilising the economy . It is distinguished from other welfare states with similar goals by its emphasis on maximising labour force participation , promoting gender equality , egalitarian and extensive benefit levels , large magnitude of redistribution and expansionary fiscal policy . Soviet Union and Eastern Europe ( edit ) Main article : History of the Soviet Union The Soviet Union played a decisive role in the Allied victory in World War II . After the war , the Soviet Union became a recognised superpower . The Soviet era saw some of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century , including the world 's first spacecraft and the first astronaut . The Soviet economy was the modern world 's first centrally planned economy . It was based on a system of state ownership of industry managed through Gosplan ( the State Planning Commission ) , Gosbank ( the State Bank ) and the Gossnab ( State Commission for Materials and Equipment Supply ) . Economic planning was conducted through a series of Five - Year Plans . The emphasis was on fast development of heavy industry and the nation became one of the world 's top manufacturers of a large number of basic and heavy industrial products , but it lagged in light industrial production and consumer durables . The Eastern Bloc was the group of former Communist states of Central and Eastern Europe , generally the Soviet Union and the countries of the Warsaw Pact which included the People 's Republic of Poland , the German Democratic Republic , the People 's Republic of Hungary , the People 's Republic of Bulgaria , the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic , the Socialist Republic of Romania , the People 's Socialist Republic of Albania and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia . The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 was a spontaneous nationwide revolt against the government of the People 's Republic of Hungary and its Soviet - imposed policies , lasting from 23 October until 10 November 1956 . Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev 's denunciation of the excesses of Stalin 's regime during the Twentieth Party Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on 1956 as well as the revolt in Hungary , produced ideological fractures and disagreements within the communist and socialist parties of Western Europe . Third World ( edit ) In the post-war years , socialism became increasingly influential throughout the so - called Third World . Embracing a new Third World socialism , countries in Africa , Asia and Latin America often nationalised industries held by foreign owners . The Chinese Kuomintang Party , the previous ruling party in Taiwan , was referred to as having a socialist ideology since Kuomintang 's revolutionary ideology in the 1920s incorporated unique Chinese socialism as part of its ideology . The Soviet Union trained Kuomintang revolutionaries in the Moscow Sun Yat - sen University . Movie theatres in the Soviet Union showed newsreels and clips of Chiang at Moscow Sun Yat - sen University portraits of Chiang were hung on the walls and in the Soviet May Day parades that year Chiang 's portrait was to be carried along with the portraits of Marx , Lenin , Stalin and other socialist leaders . The Chinese Revolution was the second stage in the Chinese Civil War which ended in the establishment of the People 's Republic of China led by the Chinese Communist Party . The term `` Third World '' was coined by French demographer Alfred Sauvy in 1952 on the model of the Third Estate , which according to the Abbé Sieyès represented everything , but was nothing `` because at the end this ignored , exploited , scorned Third World like the Third Estate , wants to become something too '' . The emergence of this new political entity in the frame of the Cold War was complex and painful . Several tentatives were made to organise newly independent states in order to oppose a common front towards both the United States ' and the Soviet Union 's influence on them , with the consequences of the Sino - Soviet split already at works . The Non-Aligned Movement constituted itself around the main figures of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India , President Sukarno of Indonesia , leader Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia and Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt who successfully opposed the French and British imperial powers during the 1956 Suez crisis . After the 1954 Geneva Conference which ended the French war against Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam , the 1955 Bandung Conference gathered Nasser , Nehru , Tito , Sukarno and Zhou Enlai , Premier of the People 's Republic of China . As many African countries gained independence during the 1960s , some of them rejected capitalism in favour of a more afrocentric economic model . The main architects of African socialism were Julius Nyerere of Tanzania , Léopold Senghor of Senegal , Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and Sékou Touré of Guinea . The Cuban Revolution ( 1953 -- 1959 ) was an armed revolt conducted by Fidel Castro 's 26th of July Movement and its allies against the government of Cuban President Fulgencio Batista . The revolution began in July 1953 and finally ousted Batista on 1 January 1959 , replacing his government with Castro 's revolutionary state . Castro 's government later reformed along communist lines , becoming the Communist Party of Cuba in October 1965 . In Indonesia , a right - wing military regime led by Suharto killed between 500,000 and one million people in 1965 and 1966 , mainly to crush the growing influence of the Communist Party of Indonesia and other leftist sectors , with support from the United States government , which provided kill lists containing thousands of names of suspected high - ranking Communists . New Left ( edit ) Main article : New Left The New Left was a term used mainly in the United Kingdom and United States in reference to activists , educators , agitators and others in the 1960s and 1970s who sought to implement a broad range of reforms on issues such as gay rights , abortion , gender roles and drugs in contrast to earlier leftist or Marxist movements that had taken a more vanguardist approach to social justice and focused mostly on labour unionisation and questions of social class . The New Left rejected involvement with the labour movement and Marxism 's historical theory of class struggle . In the United States , the New Left was associated with the Hippie movement and anti-war college campus protest movements as well as the black liberation movements such as the Black Panther Party . While initially formed in opposition to the `` Old Left '' Democratic Party , groups composing the New Left gradually became central players in the Democratic coalition . Protests of 1968 ( edit ) Main article : Protests of 1968 The protests of 1968 represented a worldwide escalation of social conflicts , predominantly characterised by popular rebellions against military , capitalist and bureaucratic elites who responded with an escalation of political repression . These protests marked a turning point for the civil rights movement in the United States , which produced revolutionary movements like the Black Panther Party ; the prominent civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. organised the `` Poor People 's Campaign '' to address issues of economic justice , while personally showing sympathy with democratic socialism . In reaction to the Tet Offensive , protests also sparked a broad movement in opposition to the Vietnam War all over the United States and even into London , Paris , Berlin and Rome . In 1968 in Carrara , Italy , the International of Anarchist Federations was founded during an international anarchist conference held there by the three existing European federations of France , the Italian and the Iberian Anarchist Federation as well as the Bulgarian federation in French exile . Mass socialist or communist movements grew not only in the United States , but also in most European countries . The most spectacular manifestation of this were the May 1968 protests in France in which students linked up with strikes of up to ten million workers and for a few days the movement seemed capable of overthrowing the government . In many other capitalist countries , struggles against dictatorships , state repression and colonisation were also marked by protests in 1968 , such as the beginning of the Troubles in Northern Ireland , the Tlatelolco massacre in Mexico City and the escalation of guerrilla warfare against the military dictatorship in Brazil . Countries governed by communist parties had protests against bureaucratic and military elites . In Eastern Europe there were widespread protests that escalated particularly in the Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia . In response , Soviet Union occupied Czechoslovakia , but the occupation was denounced by the Italian and French communist parties and the Communist Party of Finland . Few western European political leaders defended the occupation , among them the Portuguese communist secretary - general Álvaro Cunhal . along with the Luxembourg party and conservative factions of the Communist Party of Greece . In the Chinese Cultural Revolution , a social - political youth movement mobilised against `` bourgeois '' elements which were seen to be infiltrating the government and society at large , aiming to restore capitalism . This movement motivated Maoism - inspired movements around the world in the context of the Sino - Soviet split . Late 20th century ( edit ) Main articles : Eurocommunism , Nicaraguan Revolution , Dissolution of the Soviet Union , History of the People 's Republic of China ( 1976 -- 89 ) , Third Way , and History of anarchism § Late 20th century Salvador Allende , President of Chile and member of the Socialist Party of Chile , whose presidency and life was ended by a CIA - backed military coup In Latin America in the 1960s , a socialist tendency within the catholic church appeared which was called liberation theology which motivated even the Colombian priest Camilo Torres to enter the ELN guerrilla . In Chile , Salvador Allende , a physician and candidate for the Socialist Party of Chile , was elected president through democratic elections in 1970 . In 1973 , his government was ousted by the United States - backed military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet , which lasted until the late 1980s . In Jamaica , the democratic socialist Michael Manley served as the fourth Prime Minister of Jamaica from 1972 to 1980 and from 1989 to 1992 . According to opinion polls , he remains one of Jamaica 's most popular Prime Ministers since independence . The Nicaraguan Revolution encompassed the rising opposition to the Somoza dictatorship in the 1960s and 1970s , the campaign led by the Sandinista National Liberation Front ( FSLN ) to violently oust the dictatorship in 1978 -- 1979 , the subsequent efforts of the FSLN to govern Nicaragua from 1979 until 1990 and the socialist measures which included widescale agrarian reform and educational programs . The People 's Revolutionary Government was proclaimed on 13 March 1979 in Grenada which was overthrown by armed forces of the United States in 1983 . The Salvadoran Civil War ( 1979 -- 1992 ) was a conflict between the military - led government of El Salvador and the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) , a coalition or umbrella organisation of five socialist guerrilla groups . A coup on 15 October 1979 led to the killings of anti-coup protesters by the government as well as anti-disorder protesters by the guerillas , and is widely seen as the tipping point towards the civil war . In Italy , Autonomia Operaia was a leftist movement particularly active from 1976 to 1978 . It took an important role in the autonomist movement in the 1970s , aside earlier organisations such as Potere Operaio ( created after May 1968 ) and Lotta Continua . This experience prompted the contemporary socialist radical movement autonomism . In 1982 , the newly elected French socialist government of François Mitterrand made nationalisations in a few key industries , including banks and insurance companies . Eurocommunism was a trend in the 1970s and 1980s in various Western European communist parties to develop a theory and practice of social transformation that was more relevant for a Western European country and less aligned to the influence or control of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union . Outside Western Europe , it is sometimes called neocommunism . Some communist parties with strong popular support , notably the Italian Communist Party ( PCI ) and the Communist Party of Spain ( PCE ) adopted Eurocommunism most enthusiastically and the Communist Party of Finland was dominated by Eurocommunists . The French Communist Party ( PCF ) and many smaller parties strongly opposed Eurocommunism and stayed aligned with the Communist Party of the Soviet Union until the end of the Soviet Union . In the late 1970s and in the 1980s , the Socialist International ( SI ) had extensive contacts and discussion with the two powers of the Cold War , the United States and the Soviet Union , about East - West relations and arms control . Since then , the SI has admitted as member parties the Nicaraguan FSLN , the left - wing Puerto Rican Independence Party , as well as former communist parties such as the Democratic Party of the Left of Italy and the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique ( FRELIMO ) . The SI aided social democratic parties in re-establishing themselves when dictatorship gave way to democracy in Portugal ( 1974 ) and Spain ( 1975 ) . Until its 1976 Geneva Congress , the SI had few members outside Europe and no formal involvement with Latin America . Mikhail Gorbachev , General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991 After Mao 's death in 1976 and the arrest of the faction known as the Gang of Four , who were blamed for the excesses of the Cultural Revolution , Deng Xiaoping took power and led the People 's Republic of China to significant economic reforms . The Communist Party of China loosened governmental control over citizens ' personal lives and the communes were disbanded in favour of private land leases , thus China 's transition from a planned economy to a mixed economy named as `` socialism with Chinese characteristics '' which maintained state ownership rights over land , state or cooperative ownership of much of the heavy industrial and manufacturing sectors and state influence in the banking and financial sectors . China adopted its current constitution on 4 December 1982 . President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji led the nation in the 1990s . Under their administration , China 's economic performance pulled an estimated 150 million peasants out of poverty and sustained an average annual gross domestic product growth rate of 11.2 % . At the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in December 1986 , reformist politicians replaced the `` old guard '' government with new leadership . The reformers were led by 71 - year - old Nguyen Van Linh , who became the party 's new general secretary . Linh and the reformers implemented a series of free market reforms -- known as Đổi Mới ( `` Renovation '' ) -- which carefully managed the transition from a planned economy to a `` socialist - oriented market economy '' . Mikhail Gorbachev wished to move the Soviet Union towards of Nordic - style social democracy , calling it `` a socialist beacon for all mankind '' . Prior to its dissolution in 1991 , the Soviet Union had the second largest economy in the world after the United States . With the collapse of the Soviet Union , the economic integration of the Soviet republics was dissolved and overall industrial activity declined substantially . A lasting legacy remains in the physical infrastructure created during decades of combined industrial production practices , and widespread environmental destruction . Many social democratic parties , particularly after the Cold War , adopted neoliberal market policies including privatisation , deregulation and financialisation . They abandoned their pursuit of moderate socialism in favour of market liberalism . By the 1980s , with the rise of conservative neoliberal politicians such as Ronald Reagan in the United States , Margaret Thatcher in Britain , Brian Mulroney in Canada and Augusto Pinochet in Chile , the Western welfare state was attacked from within , but state support for the corporate sector was maintained . Monetarists and neoliberals attacked social welfare systems as impediments to private entrepreneurship . In the United Kingdom , Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock made a public attack against the entryist group Militant at the 1985 Labour Party conference . The Labour Party ruled that Militant was ineligible for affiliation with the Labour Party , and the party gradually expelled Militant supporters . The Kinnock leadership had refused to support the 1984 -- 1985 miner 's strike over pit closures , a decision that the party 's left wing and the National Union of Mineworkers blamed for the strike 's eventual defeat . In 1989 at Stockholm , the 18th Congress of the Socialist International adopted a new Declaration of Principles , saying : Democratic socialism is an international movement for freedom , social justice , and solidarity . Its goal is to achieve a peaceful world where these basic values can be enhanced and where each individual can live a meaningful life with the full development of his or her personality and talents , and with the guarantee of human and civil rights in a democratic framework of society . In the 1990s , the British Labour Party under Tony Blair enacted policies based on the free market economy to deliver public services via the private finance initiative . Influential in these policies was the idea of a `` Third Way '' which called for a re-evalutation of welfare state policies . In 1995 , the Labour Party re-defined its stance on socialism by re-wording Clause IV of its constitution , effectively rejecting socialism by removing all references to public , direct worker or municipal ownership of the means of production . The Labour Party stated : `` The Labour Party is a democratic socialist party . It believes that , by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone , so as to create , for each of us , the means to realise our true potential , and , for all of us , a community in which power , wealth , and opportunity are in the hands of the many , not the few '' . Kristen R. Ghodsee , Professor of Russian and East European Studies at the University of Pennsylvania , posits that the triumphalist attitudes of Western powers at the end of the Cold War , and the fixation with linking all leftist and socialist ideals with the excesses of Stalinism , allowed neoliberalism to fill the void , which undermined democratic institutions and reforms , leaving a trail of economic misery , unemployment , hopelessness and rising economic inequality throughout the former Eastern Bloc and much of the West in the following decades . According to Ghodsee , with democracy weakened and the anti-capitalist Left marginalized , the anger and resentment which followed the period of neoliberalism was channeled into extremist nationalist movements in both the former and the latter . Contemporary socialist politics ( edit ) Kwame Nkrumah , the first President of Ghana and theorist of African socialism , on a Soviet Union commemorative postage stamp Africa ( edit ) African socialism has been and continues to be a major ideology around the continent . Julius Nyerere was inspired by Fabian socialist ideals . He was a firm believer in rural Africans and their traditions and ujamaa , a system of collectivisation that according to Nyerere was present before European imperialism . Essentially he believed Africans were already socialists . Other African socialists include Jomo Kenyatta , Kenneth Kaunda , Nelson Mandela and Kwame Nkrumah . Fela Kuti was inspired by socialism and called for a democratic African republic . In South Africa the African National Congress ( ANC ) abandoned its partial socialist allegiances after taking power and followed a standard neoliberal route . From 2005 through to 2007 , the country was wracked by many thousands of protests from poor communities . One of these gave rise to a mass movement of shack dwellers , Abahlali baseMjondolo that despite major police suppression continues to work for popular people 's planning and against the creation of a market economy in land and housing . Asia ( edit ) In Asia , states with socialist economies -- such as the People 's Republic of China , North Korea , Laos and Vietnam -- have largely moved away from centralised economic planning in the 21st century , placing a greater emphasis on markets . Forms include the Chinese socialist market economy and the Vietnamese socialist - oriented market economy . They utilise state - owned corporate management models as opposed to modelling socialist enterprise on traditional management styles employed by government agencies . In China living standards continued to improve rapidly despite the late - 2000s recession , but centralised political control remained tight . Brian Reynolds Myers in his book The Cleanest Race , later supported by other academics , dismisses the idea that Juche is North Korea 's leading ideology , regarding its public exaltation as designed to deceive foreigners and that it exists to be praised and not actually read , pointing out that North Korea 's constitution of 2009 omits all mention of communism . Though the authority of the state remained unchallenged under Đổi Mới , the government of Vietnam encourages private ownership of farms and factories , economic deregulation and foreign investment , while maintaining control over strategic industries . The Vietnamese economy subsequently achieved strong growth in agricultural and industrial production , construction , exports and foreign investment . However , these reforms have also caused a rise in income inequality and gender disparities . Elsewhere in Asia , some elected socialist parties and communist parties remain prominent , particularly in India and Nepal . The Communist Party of Nepal in particular calls for multi-party democracy , social equality and economic prosperity . In Singapore , a majority of the GDP is still generated from the state sector comprising government - linked companies . In Japan , there has been a resurgent interest in the Japanese Communist Party among workers and youth . In Malaysia , the Socialist Party of Malaysia got its first Member of Parliament , Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj , after the 2008 general election . In 2010 , there were 270 kibbutzim in Israel . Their factories and farms account for 9 % of Israel 's industrial output , worth US $8 billion and 40 % of its agricultural output , worth over $1.7 billion . Some Kibbutzim had also developed substantial high - tech and military industries . Also in 2010 , Kibbutz Sasa , containing some 200 members , generated $850 million in annual revenue from its military - plastics industry . Europe ( edit ) The United Nations World Happiness Report 2013 shows that the happiest nations are concentrated in Northern Europe , where the Nordic model of social democracy is employed , with Denmark topping the list . This is at times attributed to the success of the Nordic model in the region . The Nordic countries ranked highest on the metrics of real GDP per capita , healthy life expectancy , having someone to count on , perceived freedom to make life choices , generosity and freedom from corruption . Indeed , the indicators of Freedom in the World have listed Scandinavian countries as ranking high on indicators such as press and economic freedom . The objectives of the Party of European Socialists , the European Parliament 's socialist and social democratic bloc , are now `` to pursue international aims in respect of the principles on which the European Union is based , namely principles of freedom , equality , solidarity , democracy , respect of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms , and respect for the Rule of Law '' . As a result , today the rallying cry of the French Revolution -- Liberté , égalité , fraternité -- is promoted as essential socialist values . To the left of the PES at the European level is the Party of the European Left ( PEL ) , also commonly abbreviated `` European Left '' ) , which is a political party at the European level and an association of democratic socialist , socialist and communist political parties in the European Union and other European countries . It was formed in January 2004 for the purposes of running in the 2004 European Parliament elections . PEL was founded on 8 -- 9 May 2004 in Rome . Elected MEPs from member parties of the European Left sit in the European United Left -- Nordic Green Left ( GUE / NGL ) group in the European parliament . Alexis Tsipras , socialist Prime Minister of Greece who led the Coalition of the Radical Left ( SYRIZA ) through a victory in the Greek legislative election , January 2015 The socialist Left Party in Germany grew in popularity due to dissatisfaction with the increasingly neoliberal policies of the SPD , becoming the fourth biggest party in parliament in the general election on 27 September 2009 . Communist candidate Dimitris Christofias won a crucial presidential runoff in Cyprus , defeating his conservative rival with a majority of 53 % . In Ireland , in the 2009 European election Joe Higgins of the Socialist Party took one of three seats in the capital Dublin European constituency . In Denmark , the Socialist People 's Party ( SF ) more than doubled its parliamentary representation to 23 seats from 11 , making it the fourth largest party . In 2011 , the Social Democrats , Socialist People 's Party and the Danish Social Liberal Party formed government , after a slight victory over the main rival political coalition . They were led by Helle Thorning - Schmidt , and had the Red - Green Alliance as a supporting party . In Norway , the Red - Green Coalition consists of the Labour Party ( Ap ) , the Socialist Left Party ( SV ) and the Centre Party ( Sp ) and governed the country as a majority government from the 2005 general election until 2013 . In the Greek legislative election of January 2015 , the Coalition of the Radical Left ( SYRIZA ) led by Alexis Tsipras won a legislative election for the first time while the Communist Party of Greece won 15 seats in parliament . SYRIZA has been characterised as an anti-establishment party , whose success has sent `` shock - waves across the EU '' . In the United Kingdom , the National Union of Rail , Maritime and Transport Workers put forward a slate of candidates in the 2009 European Parliament elections under the banner of No to EU -- Yes to Democracy , a broad left - wing alter - globalisation coalition involving socialist groups such as the Socialist Party , aiming to offer an alternative to the `` anti-foreigner '' and pro-business policies of the UK Independence Party . In the following May 2010 United Kingdom general election , the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition , launched in January 2010 and backed by Bob Crow , the leader of the National Union of Rail , Maritime and Transport Workers union ( RMT ) , other union leaders and the Socialist Party among other socialist groups , stood against Labour in 40 constituencies . The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition contested the 2011 local elections , having gained the endorsement of the RMT June 2010 conference , but gained no seats . Left Unity was also founded in 2013 after the film director Ken Loach appealed for a new party of the left to replace the Labour Party , which he claimed had failed to oppose austerity and had shifted towards neoliberalism . In 2015 , following a defeat at the 2015 United Kingdom general election , self - described socialist Jeremy Corbyn took over from Ed Miliband as leader of the Labour Party . In France , Olivier Besancenot , the Revolutionary Communist League ( LCR ) candidate in the 2007 presidential election , received 1,498,581 votes , 4.08 % , double that of the communist candidate . The LCR abolished itself in 2009 to initiate a broad anti-capitalist party , the New Anticapitalist Party , whose stated aim is to `` build a new socialist , democratic perspective for the twenty - first century '' . On 25 May 2014 , the Spanish left - wing party Podemos entered candidates for the 2014 European parliamentary elections , some of which were unemployed . In a surprise result , it polled 7.98 % of the vote and thus was awarded five seats out of 54 while the older United Left was the third largest overall force obtaining 10.03 % and 5 seats , 4 more than the previous elections . The current government of Portugal was established on 26 November 2015 as a Socialist Party ( PS ) minority government led by prime minister António Costa . Costa succeeded in securing support for a Socialist minority government by the Left Bloc ( B.E. ) , the Portuguese Communist Party ( PCP ) and the Ecologist Party `` The Greens '' ( PEV ) . All around Europe and in some places of Latin America there exists a social center and squatting movement mainly inspired by autonomist and anarchist ideas . North America ( edit ) See also : History of the socialist movement in the United States and Socialism in Canada Bernie Sanders , junior Senator of Vermont and self - described democratic socialist , at his 2016 presidential campaign kickoff in May 2015 According to a 2013 article in The Guardian , `` ( c ) ontrary to popular belief , Americans do n't have an innate allergy to socialism . Milwaukee has had several socialist mayors ( Frank Zeidler , Emil Seidel and Daniel Hoan ) , and there is currently an independent socialist in the US Senate , Bernie Sanders of Vermont '' . Sanders , once mayor of Vermont 's largest city , Burlington , has described himself as a democratic socialist and has praised Scandinavian - style social democracy . In 2016 , Sanders made a bid for the Democratic Party presidential candidate , thereby gaining considerable popular support , particularly among the younger generation , but lost the nomination to Hillary Clinton . Anti-capitalism , anarchism and the anti-globalisation movement rose to prominence through events such as protests against the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference of 1999 in Seattle . Socialist - inspired groups played an important role in these movements , which nevertheless embraced much broader layers of the population and were championed by figures such as Noam Chomsky . In Canada , the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation ( CCF ) , the precursor to the social democratic New Democratic Party ( NDP ) , had significant success in provincial politics . In 1944 , the Saskatchewan CCF formed the first socialist government in North America . At the federal level , the NDP was the Official Opposition , from 2011 through 2015 . Latin America and Caribbean ( edit ) For the Encyclopedia Britannica , `` the attempt by Salvador Allende to unite Marxists and other reformers in a socialist reconstruction of Chile is most representative of the direction that Latin American socialists have taken since the late 20th century . ( ... ) Several socialist ( or socialist - leaning ) leaders have followed Allende 's example in winning election to office in Latin American countries '' . Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez , Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega , Bolivian President Evo Morales and Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa refer to their political programmes as socialist and Chávez adopted the term `` socialism of the 21st century '' . After winning re-election in December 2006 , Chávez said : `` Now more than ever , I am obliged to move Venezuela 's path towards socialism '' . Chávez was also reelected in October 2012 for his third six - year term as President , but he died in March 2013 from cancer . After Chávez 's death on 5 March 2013 , Vice President from Chavez 's party Nicolás Maduro assumed the powers and responsibilities of the President . A special election was held on 14 April of the same year to elect a new President , which Maduro won by a tight margin as the candidate of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela and he was formally inaugurated on 19 April . `` Pink tide '' is a term being used in contemporary 21st - century political analysis in the media and elsewhere to describe the perception that leftist ideology in general and left - wing politics in particular are increasingly influential in Latin America . Presidents Fernando Lugo of Paraguay , Evo Morales of Bolivia , Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil , Rafael Correa of Ecuador and Hugo Chávez of Venezuela in World Social Forum for Latin America Foro de São Paulo is a conference of leftist political parties and other organisations from Latin America and the Caribbean . It was launched by the Workers ' Party ( Portuguese : Partido dos Trabalhadores -- PT ) of Brazil in 1990 in the city of São Paulo . The Forum of São Paulo was constituted in 1990 when the Brazilian Workers ' Party approached other parties and social movements of Latin America and the Caribbean with the objective of debating the new international scenario after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the consequences of the implementation of what were taken as neoliberal policies adopted at the time by contemporary right - leaning governments in the region , the stated main objective of the conference being to argue for alternatives to neoliberalism . Among its member include current socialist and social - democratic parties currently in government in the region such as Bolivia 's Movement for Socialism , Brazil 's Workers Party , the Communist Party of Cuba , the Ecuadorian PAIS Alliance , the Venezuelan United Socialist Party of Venezuela , the Socialist Party of Chile , the Uruguayan Broad Front , the Nicaraguan Sandinista National Liberation Front and the salvadorean Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front . International socialism ( edit ) The Progressive Alliance is a political international founded on 22 May 2013 by political parties , the majority of whom are current or former members of the Socialist International . The organisation states the aim of becoming the global network of `` the progressive '' , democratic , social - democratic , socialist and labour movement `` . Social and political theory ( edit ) Early socialist thought took influences from a diverse range of philosophies such as civic republicanism , Enlightenment rationalism , romanticism , forms of materialism , Christianity ( both Catholic and Protestant ) , natural law and natural rights theory , utilitarianism and liberal political economy . Another philosophical basis for a lot of early socialism was the emergence of positivism during the European Enlightenment . Positivism held that both the natural and social worlds could be understood through scientific knowledge and be analyzed using scientific methods . This core outlook influenced early social scientists and different types of socialists ranging from anarchists like Peter Kropotkin to technocrats like Saint Simon . Claude Henri de Rouvroy , comte de Saint - Simon , early French socialist The fundamental objective of socialism is to attain an advanced level of material production and therefore greater productivity , efficiency and rationality as compared to capitalism and all previous systems , under the view that an expansion of human productive capability is the basis for the extension of freedom and equality in society . Many forms of socialist theory hold that human behaviour is largely shaped by the social environment . In particular , socialism holds that social mores , values , cultural traits and economic practices are social creations and not the result of an immutable natural law . The object of their critique is thus not human avarice or human consciousness , but the material conditions and man - made social systems ( i.e. the economic structure of society ) that gives rise to observed social problems and inefficiencies . Bertrand Russell , often considered to be the father of analytic philosophy , identified as a socialist . Russell opposed the class struggle aspects of Marxism , viewing socialism solely as an adjustment of economic relations to accommodate modern machine production to benefit all of humanity through the progressive reduction of necessary work time . Socialists view creativity as an essential aspect of human nature and define freedom as a state of being where individuals are able to express their creativity unhindered by constraints of both material scarcity and coercive social institutions . The socialist concept of individuality is thus intertwined with the concept of individual creative expression . Karl Marx believed that expansion of the productive forces and technology was the basis for the expansion of human freedom and that socialism , being a system that is consistent with modern developments in technology , would enable the flourishing of `` free individualities '' through the progressive reduction of necessary labour time . The reduction of necessary labour time to a minimum would grant individuals the opportunity to pursue the development of their true individuality and creativity . Criticism of capitalism ( edit ) Socialists argue that the accumulation of capital generates waste through externalities that require costly corrective regulatory measures . They also point out that this process generates wasteful industries and practices that exist only to generate sufficient demand for products to be sold at a profit ( such as high - pressure advertisement ) , thereby creating rather than satisfying economic demand . Socialists argue that capitalism consists of irrational activity , such as the purchasing of commodities only to sell at a later time when their price appreciates , rather than for consumption , even if the commodity can not be sold at a profit to individuals in need and therefore a crucial criticism often made by socialists is that `` making money '' , or accumulation of capital , does not correspond to the satisfaction of demand ( the production of use - values ) . The fundamental criterion for economic activity in capitalism is the accumulation of capital for reinvestment in production , but this spurs the development of new , non-productive industries that do not produce use - value and only exist to keep the accumulation process afloat ( otherwise the system goes into crisis ) , such as the spread of the financial industry , contributing to the formation of economic bubbles . Socialists view private property relations as limiting the potential of productive forces in the economy . According to socialists , private property becomes obsolete when it concentrates into centralised , socialised institutions based on private appropriation of revenue -- but based on cooperative work and internal planning in allocation of inputs -- until the role of the capitalist becomes redundant . With no need for capital accumulation and a class of owners , private property in the means of production is perceived as being an outdated form of economic organization that should be replaced by a free association of individuals based on public or common ownership of these socialised assets . Private ownership imposes constraints on planning , leading to uncoordinated economic decisions that result in business fluctuations , unemployment and a tremendous waste of material resources during crisis of overproduction . Excessive disparities in income distribution lead to social instability and require costly corrective measures in the form of redistributive taxation , which incurs heavy administrative costs while weakening the incentive to work , inviting dishonesty and increasing the likelihood of tax evasion while ( the corrective measures ) reduce the overall efficiency of the market economy . These corrective policies limit the incentive system of the market by providing things such as minimum wages , unemployment insurance , taxing profits and reducing the reserve army of labor , resulting in reduced incentives for capitalists to invest in more production . In essence , social welfare policies cripple capitalism and its incentive system and are thus unsustainable in the long - run . Marxists argue that the establishment of a socialist mode of production is the only way to overcome these deficiencies . Socialists and specifically Marxian socialists argue that the inherent conflict of interests between the working class and capital prevent optimal use of available human resources and leads to contradictory interest groups ( labor and business ) striving to influence the state to intervene in the economy in their favor at the expense of overall economic efficiency . Early socialists ( utopian socialists and Ricardian socialists ) criticised capitalism for concentrating power and wealth within a small segment of society . In addition , they complained that capitalism does not utilise available technology and resources to their maximum potential in the interests of the public . Marxism ( edit ) Main article : Marxism At a certain stage of development , the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production or -- this merely expresses the same thing in legal terms -- with the property relations within the framework of which they have operated hitherto . Then begins an era of social revolution . The changes in the economic foundation lead sooner or later to the transformation of the whole immense superstructure . -- Karl Marx , Critique of the Gotha Program The writings of Karl Marx provided the basis for the development of Marxist political theory and Marxian economics Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels argued that socialism would emerge from historical necessity as capitalism rendered itself obsolete and unsustainable from increasing internal contradictions emerging from the development of the productive forces and technology . It was these advances in the productive forces combined with the old social relations of production of capitalism that would generate contradictions , leading to working - class consciousness . Marx and Engels held the view that the consciousness of those who earn a wage or salary ( the working class in the broadest Marxist sense ) would be moulded by their conditions of wage slavery , leading to a tendency to seek their freedom or emancipation by overthrowing ownership of the means of production by capitalists and consequently , overthrowing the state that upheld this economic order . For Marx and Engels , conditions determine consciousness and ending the role of the capitalist class leads eventually to a classless society in which the state would wither away . The Marxist conception of socialism is that of a specific historical phase that would displace capitalism and precede communism . The major characteristics of socialism ( particularly as conceived by Marx and Engels after the Paris Commune of 1871 ) are that the proletariat would control the means of production through a workers ' state erected by the workers in their interests . Economic activity would still be organised through the use of incentive systems and social classes would still exist , but to a lesser and diminishing extent than under capitalism . For orthodox Marxists , socialism is the lower stage of communism based on the principle of `` from each according to his ability , to each according to his contribution '' while upper stage communism is based on the principle of `` from each according to his ability , to each according to his need '' , the upper stage becoming possible only after the socialist stage further develops economic efficiency and the automation of production has led to a superabundance of goods and services . Marx argued that the material productive forces ( in industry and commerce ) brought into existence by capitalism predicated a cooperative society since production had become a mass social , collective activity of the working class to create commodities but with private ownership ( the relations of production or property relations ) . This conflict between collective effort in large factories and private ownership would bring about a conscious desire in the working class to establish collective ownership commensurate with the collective efforts their daily experience . Role of the state ( edit ) Socialists have taken different perspectives on the state and the role it should play in revolutionary struggles , in constructing socialism and within an established socialist economy . In the 19th century the philosophy of state socialism was first explicitly expounded by the German political philosopher Ferdinand Lassalle . In contrast to Karl Marx 's perspective of the state , Lassalle rejected the concept of the state as a class - based power structure whose main function was to preserve existing class structures . Thus Lassalle also rejected the Marxist view that the state was destined to `` wither away '' . Lassalle considered the state to be an entity independent of class allegiances and an instrument of justice that would therefore be essential for achieving socialism . Preceding the Bolshevik - led revolution in Russia , many socialists including reformists , orthodox Marxist currents such as council communism , anarchists and libertarian socialists criticised the idea of using the state to conduct central planning and own the means of production as a way to establish socialism . Following the victory of Leninism in Russia , the idea of `` state socialism '' spread rapidly throughout the socialist movement and eventually state socialism came to be identified with the Soviet economic model . Joseph Schumpeter rejected the association of socialism ( and social ownership ) with state ownership over the means of production because the state as it exists in its current form is a product of capitalist society and can not be transplanted to a different institutional framework . Schumpeter argued that there would be different institutions within socialism than those that exist within modern capitalism , just as feudalism had its own distinct and unique institutional forms . The state , along with concepts like property and taxation , were concepts exclusive to commercial society ( capitalism ) and attempting to place them within the context of a future socialist society would amount to a distortion of these concepts by using them out of context . Utopian versus scientific ( edit ) Main articles : Utopian socialism and Scientific socialism Utopian socialism is a term used to define the first currents of modern socialist thought as exemplified by the work of Henri de Saint - Simon , Charles Fourier and Robert Owen , which inspired Karl Marx and other early socialists . However , visions of imaginary ideal societies , which competed with revolutionary social democratic movements , were viewed as not being grounded in the material conditions of society and as reactionary . Although it is technically possible for any set of ideas or any person living at any time in history to be a utopian socialist , the term is most often applied to those socialists who lived in the first quarter of the 19th century who were ascribed the label `` utopian '' by later socialists as a negative term in order to imply naivete and dismiss their ideas as fanciful or unrealistic . Religious sects whose members live communally such as the Hutterites , for example , are not usually called `` utopian socialists '' , although their way of living is a prime example . They have been categorised as religious socialists by some . Likewise , modern intentional communities based on socialist ideas could also be categorised as `` utopian socialist '' . For Marxists , the development of capitalism in Western Europe provided a material basis for the possibility of bringing about socialism because according to The Communist Manifesto `` ( w ) hat the bourgeoisie produces above all is its own grave diggers '' , namely the working class , which must become conscious of the historical objectives set it by society . Reform versus Revolution ( edit ) Main articles : Revolutionary socialism and Reformism Revolutionary socialists believe that a social revolution is necessary to effect structural changes to the socioeconomic structure of society . Among revolutionary socialists there are differences in strategy , theory and the definition of `` revolution '' . Orthodox Marxists and left communists take an impossibilist stance , believing that revolution should be spontaneous as a result of contradictions in society due to technological changes in the productive forces . Lenin theorised that under capitalism the workers can not achieve class consciousness beyond organising into unions and making demands of the capitalists . Therefore , Leninists advocate that it is historically necessary for a vanguard of class conscious revolutionaries to take a central role in coordinating the social revolution to overthrow the capitalist state and eventually the institution of the state altogether . `` Revolution '' is not necessarily defined by revolutionary socialists as violent insurrection , but as a complete dismantling and rapid transformation of all areas of class society led by the majority of the masses : the working class . Reformism is generally associated with social democracy and gradualist democratic socialism . Reformism is the belief that socialists should stand in parliamentary elections within capitalist society and if elected utilise the machinery of government to pass political and social reforms for the purposes of ameliorating the instabilities and inequities of capitalism . Economics ( edit ) Main article : Socialist economics See also : Production for use Socialist economics starts from the premise that `` individuals do not live or work in isolation but live in cooperation with one another . Furthermore , everything that people produce is in some sense a social product , and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it . Society as a whole , therefore , should own or at least control property for the benefit of all its members '' . The original conception of socialism was an economic system whereby production was organised in a way to directly produce goods and services for their utility ( or use - value in classical and Marxian economics ) : the direct allocation of resources in terms of physical units as opposed to financial calculation and the economic laws of capitalism ( see law of value ) , often entailing the end of capitalistic economic categories such as rent , interest , profit and money . In a fully developed socialist economy , production and balancing factor inputs with outputs becomes a technical process to be undertaken by engineers . Market socialism refers to an array of different economic theories and systems that utilise the market mechanism to organise production and to allocate factor inputs among socially owned enterprises , with the economic surplus ( profits ) accruing to society in a social dividend as opposed to private capital owners . Variations of market socialism include libertarian proposals such as mutualism , based on classical economics , and neoclassical economic models such as the Lange Model . However , some economists such as Joseph Stiglitz , Mancur Olson and others not specifically advancing anti-socialists positions have shown that prevailing economic models upon which such democratic or market socialism models might be based have logical flaws or unworkable presuppositions . The ownership of the means of production can be based on direct ownership by the users of the productive property through worker cooperative ; or commonly owned by all of society with management and control delegated to those who operate / use the means of production ; or public ownership by a state apparatus . Public ownership may refer to the creation of state - owned enterprises , nationalisation , municipalisation or autonomous collective institutions . Some socialists feel that in a socialist economy , at least the `` commanding heights '' of the economy must be publicly owned . However , economic liberals and right libertarians view private ownership of the means of production and the market exchange as natural entities or moral rights which are central to their conceptions of freedom and liberty and view the economic dynamics of capitalism as immutable and absolute , therefore they perceive public ownership of the means of production , cooperatives and economic planning as infringements upon liberty . Management and control over the activities of enterprises are based on self - management and self - governance , with equal power - relations in the workplace to maximise occupational autonomy . A socialist form of organisation would eliminate controlling hierarchies so that only a hierarchy based on technical knowledge in the workplace remains . Every member would have decision - making power in the firm and would be able to participate in establishing its overall policy objectives . The policies / goals would be carried out by the technical specialists that form the coordinating hierarchy of the firm , who would establish plans or directives for the work community to accomplish these goals . The role and use of money in a hypothetical socialist economy is a contested issue . According to the Austrian school economist Ludwig von Mises , an economic system that does not use money , financial calculation and market pricing would be unable to effectively value capital goods and coordinate production and therefore these types of socialism are impossible because they lack the necessary information to perform economic calculation in the first place . Socialists including Karl Marx , Robert Owen , Pierre - Joseph Proudhon and John Stuart Mill advocated various forms of labour vouchers or labour credits , which like money would be used to acquire articles of consumption , but unlike money they are unable to become capital and would not be used to allocate resources within the production process . Bolshevik revolutionary Leon Trotsky argued that money could not be arbitrarily abolished following a socialist revolution . Money had to exhaust its `` historic mission '' , meaning it would have to be used until its function became redundant , eventually being transformed into bookkeeping receipts for statisticians and only in the more distant future would money not be required for even that role . The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is , in my opinion , the real source of the evil ... I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils , namely through the establishment of a socialist economy , accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals . In such an economy , the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilised in a planned fashion . A planned economy , which adjusts production to the needs of the community , would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man , woman , and child . The education of the individual , in addition to promoting his own innate abilities , would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society . -- Albert Einstein , Why Socialism ? , 1949 Planned economy ( edit ) Main article : Planned economy A planned economy is a type of economy consisting of a mixture of public ownership of the means of production and the coordination of production and distribution through economic planning . There are two major types of planning : decentralised - planning and centralised - planning . Enrico Barone provided a comprehensive theoretical framework for a planned socialist economy . In his model , assuming perfect computation techniques , simultaneous equations relating inputs and outputs to ratios of equivalence would provide appropriate valuations in order to balance supply and demand . The most prominent example of a planned economy was the economic system of the Soviet Union and as such the centralised - planned economic model is usually associated with the communist states of the 20th century , where it was combined with a single - party political system . In a centrally planned economy , decisions regarding the quantity of goods and services to be produced are planned in advance by a planning agency ( see also the analysis of Soviet - type economic planning ) . The economic systems of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc are further classified as `` command economies '' , which are defined as systems where economic coordination is undertaken by commands , directives and production targets . Studies by economists of various political persuasions on the actual functioning of the Soviet economy indicate that it was not actually a planned economy . Instead of conscious planning , the Soviet economy was based on a process whereby the plan was modified by localised agents and the original plans went largely unfulfilled . Planning agencies , ministries and enterprises all adapted and bargained with each other during the formulation of the plan as opposed to following a plan passed down from a higher authority , leading some economists to suggest that planning did not actually take place within the Soviet economy and that a better description would be an `` administered '' or `` managed '' economy . Although central planning was largely supported by Marxist -- Leninists , some factions within the Soviet Union before the rise of Stalinism held positions contrary to central planning . Leon Trotsky rejected central planning in favour of decentralised planning . He argued that central planners , regardless of their intellectual capacity , would be unable to coordinate effectively all economic activity within an economy because they operated without the input and tacit knowledge embodied by the participation of the millions of people in the economy . As a result , central planners would be unable to respond to local economic conditions . State socialism is unfeasible in this view because information can not be aggregated by a central body and effectively used to formulate a plan for an entire economy , because doing so would result in distorted or absent price signals . Self - managed economy ( edit ) See also : Decentralised planning , Economic democracy , and Workers ' self - management A self - managed , decentralised economy is based on autonomous self - regulating economic units and a decentralised mechanism of resource allocation and decision - making . This model has found support in notable classical and neoclassical economists including Alfred Marshall , John Stuart Mill and Jaroslav Vanek . There are numerous variations of self - management , including labour - managed firms and worker - managed firms . The goals of self - management are to eliminate exploitation and reduce alienation . Guild socialism is a political movement advocating workers ' control of industry through the medium of trade - related guilds `` in an implied contractual relationship with the public '' . It originated in the United Kingdom and was at its most influential in the first quarter of the 20th century . It was strongly associated with G.D.H. Cole and influenced by the ideas of William Morris . One such system is the cooperative economy , a largely free market economy in which workers manage the firms and democratically determine remuneration levels and labour divisions . Productive resources would be legally owned by the cooperative and rented to the workers , who would enjoy usufruct rights . Another form of decentralised planning is the use of cybernetics , or the use of computers to manage the allocation of economic inputs . The socialist - run government of Salvador Allende in Chile experimented with Project Cybersyn , a real - time information bridge between the government , state enterprises and consumers . Another , more recent variant is participatory economics , wherein the economy is planned by decentralised councils of workers and consumers . Workers would be remunerated solely according to effort and sacrifice , so that those engaged in dangerous , uncomfortable and strenuous work would receive the highest incomes and could thereby work less . A contemporary model for a self - managed , non-market socialism is Pat Devine 's model of negotiated coordination . Negotiated coordination is based upon social ownership by those affected by the use of the assets involved , with decisions made by those at the most localised level of production . Michel Bauwens identifies the emergence of the open software movement and peer - to - peer production as a new alternative mode of production to the capitalist economy and centrally planned economy that is based on collaborative self - management , common ownership of resources and the production of use - values through the free cooperation of producers who have access to distributed capital . Anarcho - communism is a theory of anarchism which advocates the abolition of the state , private property and capitalism in favour of common ownership of the means of production . Anarcho - syndicalism was practiced in Catalonia and other places in the Spanish Revolution during the Spanish Civil War . Sam Dolgoff estimated that about eight million people participated directly or at least indirectly in the Spanish Revolution . The economy of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia established a system based on market - based allocation , social ownership of the means of production and self - management within firms . This system substituted Yugoslavia 's Soviet - type central planning with a decentralised , self - managed system after reforms in 1953 . The Marxian economist Richard D. Wolff argues that `` re-organising production so that workers become collectively self - directed at their work - sites '' not only moves society beyond both capitalism and state socialism of the last century , but would also mark another milestone in human history , similar to earlier transitions out of slavery and feudalism . As an example , Wolff claims that Mondragon is `` a stunningly successful alternative to the capitalist organisation of production '' . State - directed economy ( edit ) See also : State socialism State socialism can be used to classify any variety of socialist philosophies that advocates the ownership of the means of production by the state apparatus , either as a transitional stage between capitalism and socialism , or as an end - goal in itself . Typically it refers to a form of technocratic management , whereby technical specialists administer or manage economic enterprises on behalf of society ( and the public interest ) instead of workers ' councils or workplace democracy . A state - directed economy may refer to a type of mixed economy consisting of public ownership over large industries , as promoted by various Social democratic political parties during the 20th century . This ideology influenced the policies of the British Labour Party during Clement Attlee 's administration . In the biography of the 1945 United Kingdom Labour Party Prime Minister Clement Attlee , Francis Beckett states : `` ( T ) he government ... wanted what would become known as a mixed economy '' . Nationalisation in the United Kingdom was achieved through compulsory purchase of the industry ( i.e. with compensation ) . British Aerospace was a combination of major aircraft companies British Aircraft Corporation , Hawker Siddeley and others . British Shipbuilders was a combination of the major shipbuilding companies including Cammell Laird , Govan Shipbuilders , Swan Hunter and Yarrow Shipbuilders , whereas the nationalisation of the coal mines in 1947 created a coal board charged with running the coal industry commercially so as to be able to meet the interest payable on the bonds which the former mine owners ' shares had been converted into . Market socialism ( edit ) Main article : Market socialism Market socialism consists of publicly owned or cooperatively owned enterprises operating in a market economy . It is a system that utilises the market and monetary prices for the allocation and accounting of the means of production , thereby retaining the process of capital accumulation . The profit generated would be used to directly remunerate employees , collectively sustain the enterprise or finance public institutions . In state - oriented forms of market socialism , in which state enterprises attempt to maximise profit , the profits can be used to fund government programs and services through a social dividend , eliminating or greatly diminishing the need for various forms of taxation that exist in capitalist systems . Neoclassical economist Léon Walras believed that a socialist economy based on state ownership of land and natural resources would provide a means of public finance to make income taxes unnecessary . Yugoslavia implemented a market socialist economy based on cooperatives and worker self - management . Pierre - Joseph Proudhon , main theorist of mutualism and influential French socialist thinker Mutualism is an economic theory and anarchist school of thought that advocates a society where each person might possess a means of production , either individually or collectively , with trade representing equivalent amounts of labour in the free market . Integral to the scheme was the establishment of a mutual - credit bank that would lend to producers at a minimal interest rate , just high enough to cover administration . Mutualism is based on a labour theory of value that holds that when labour or its product is sold , in exchange it ought to receive goods or services embodying `` the amount of labour necessary to produce an article of exactly similar and equal utility '' . The current economic system in China is formally referred to as a socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics . It combines a large state sector that comprises the commanding heights of the economy , which are guaranteed their public ownership status by law , with a private sector mainly engaged in commodity production and light industry responsible from anywhere between 33 % to over 70 % of GDP generated in 2005 . Although there has been a rapid expansion of private - sector activity since the 1980s , privatisation of state assets was virtually halted and were partially reversed in 2005 . The current Chinese economy consists of 150 corporatised state - owned enterprises that report directly to China 's central government . By 2008 , these state - owned corporations had become increasingly dynamic and generated large increases in revenue for the state , resulting in a state - sector led recovery during the 2009 financial crises while accounting for most of China 's economic growth . However , the Chinese economic model is widely cited as a contemporary form of state capitalism , the major difference between Western capitalism and the Chinese model being the degree of state - ownership of shares in publicly listed corporations . The Socialist Republic of Vietnam has adopted a similar model after the Doi Moi economic renovation , but slightly differs from the Chinese model in that the Vietnamese government retains firm control over the state sector and strategic industries , but allows for private - sector activity in commodity production . Politics ( edit ) Socialists in Union Square , New York City on May Day 1912 The major socialist political movements are described below . Independent socialist theorists , utopian socialist authors and academic supporters of socialism may not be represented in these movements . Some political groups have called themselves socialist while holding views that some consider antithetical to socialism . The term `` socialist '' has also been used by some politicians on the political right as an epithet against certain individuals who do not consider themselves to be socialists and against policies that are not considered socialist by their proponents . There are many variations of socialism and as such there is no single definition encapsulating all of socialism . However , there have been common elements identified by scholars . In his Dictionary of Socialism ( 1924 ) , Angelo S. Rappoport analysed forty definitions of socialism to conclude that common elements of socialism include : general criticisms of the social effects of private ownership and control of capital -- as being the cause of poverty , low wages , unemployment , economic and social inequality and a lack of economic security ; a general view that the solution to these problems is a form of collective control over the means of production , distribution and exchange ( the degree and means of control vary amongst socialist movements ) ; an agreement that the outcome of this collective control should be a society based upon social justice , including social equality , economic protection of people and should provide a more satisfying life for most people . In The Concepts of Socialism ( 1975 ) , Bhikhu Parekh identifies four core principles of socialism and particularly socialist society : sociality , social responsibility , cooperation and planning . In his study Ideologies and Political Theory ( 1996 ) , Michael Freeden states that all socialists share five themes : the first is that socialism posits that society is more than a mere collection of individuals ; second , that it considers human welfare a desirable objective ; third , that it considers humans by nature to be active and productive ; fourth , it holds the belief of human equality ; and fifth , that history is progressive and will create positive change on the condition that humans work to achieve such change . Anarchism ( edit ) Main article : Anarchism Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates stateless societies often defined as self - governed voluntary institutions , but that several authors have defined as more specific institutions based on non-hierarchical free associations . Anarchism holds the state to be undesirable , unnecessary or harmful . While anti-statism is central , some argue that anarchism entails opposing authority or hierarchical organisation in the conduct of human relations including , but not limited to , the state system . Mutualists advocate market socialism , collectivist anarchists workers cooperatives and salaries based on the amount of time contributed to production , anarcho - communists advocate a direct transition from capitalism to libertarian communism and a gift economy and anarcho - syndicalists worker 's direct action and the general strike . Democratic socialism ( edit ) Main article : Democratic socialism Modern democratic socialism is a broad political movement that seeks to promote the ideals of socialism within the context of a democratic system . Some democratic socialists support social democracy as a temporary measure to reform the current system while others reject reformism in favour of more revolutionary methods . Modern social democracy emphasises a program of gradual legislative modification of capitalism in order to make it more equitable and humane , while the theoretical end goal of building a socialist society is either completely forgotten or redefined in a pro-capitalist way . The two movements are widely similar both in terminology and in ideology , although there are a few key differences . The major difference between social democracy and democratic socialism is the object of their politics : contemporary social democrats support a welfare state and unemployment insurance as a means to `` humanise '' capitalism , whereas democratic socialists seek to replace capitalism with a socialist economic system , arguing that any attempt to `` humanise '' capitalism through regulations and welfare policies would distort the market and create economic contradictions . Democratic socialism generally refers to any political movement that seeks to establish an economy based on economic democracy by and for the working class . Democratic socialism is difficult to define and groups of scholars have radically different definitions for the term . Some definitions simply refer to all forms of socialism that follow an electoral , reformist or evolutionary path to socialism rather than a revolutionary one . You ca n't talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums . You 're really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then . You are messing with captains of industry . Now this means that we are treading in difficult water , because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong with capitalism . There must be a better distribution of wealth , and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism . -- Martin Luther King , Jr. , 1966 Leninism and precedents ( edit ) Main articles : Blanquism and Marxism -- Leninism Blanquism refers to a conception of revolution generally attributed to Louis Auguste Blanqui which holds that socialist revolution should be carried out by a relatively small group of highly organised and secretive conspirators . Having seized power , the revolutionaries would then use the power of the state to introduce socialism . It is considered a particular sort of `` putschism '' -- that is , the view that political revolution should take the form of a putsch or coup d'état . Rosa Luxemburg and Eduard Bernstein have criticised Vladimir Lenin that his conception of revolution was elitist and essentially Blanquist . Marxism -- Leninism is a political ideology combining Marxism ( the scientific socialist concepts theorised by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels ) and Leninism ( Lenin 's theoretical expansions of Marxism which include anti-imperialism , democratic centralism and party - building principles ) . Marxism -- Leninism was the official ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and of the Communist International ( 1919 -- 1943 ) and later it became the main guiding ideology for Trotskyists , Maoists and Stalinists . Libertarian socialism ( edit ) Main article : Libertarian socialism The first anarchist journal to use the term `` libertarian '' was Le Libertaire , Journal du Mouvement Social and it was published in New York City between 1858 and 1861 by French anarcho - communist Joseph Déjacque , the first recorded person to describe himself as `` libertarian '' Libertarian socialism ( sometimes called social anarchism , left - libertarianism and socialist libertarianism ) is a group of anti-authoritarian political philosophies inside the socialist movement that rejects socialism as centralised state ownership and control of the economy including criticism of wage labour relationships within the workplace , as well as the state itself . It emphasises workers ' self - management of the workplace and decentralised structures of political organization , asserting that a society based on freedom and equality can be achieved through abolishing authoritarian institutions that control certain means of production and subordinate the majority to an owning class or political and economic elite . Libertarian socialists generally place their hopes in decentralised means of direct democracy and federal or confederal associations such as libertarian municipalism , citizens ' assemblies , trade unions , and workers ' councils . Relatedly , anarcho - syndicalist Gaston Leval explained : `` We therefore foresee a Society in which all activities will be coordinated , a structure that has , at the same time , sufficient flexibility to permit the greatest possible autonomy for social life , or for the life of each enterprise , and enough cohesiveness to prevent all disorder ... In a well - organized society , all of these things must be systematically accomplished by means of parallel federations , vertically united at the highest levels , constituting one vast organism in which all economic functions will be performed in solidarity with all others and that will permanently preserve the necessary cohesion '' . All of this is generally done within a general call for libertarian and voluntary human relationships through the identification , criticism and practical dismantling of illegitimate authority in all aspects of human life . As such , libertarian socialism within the larger socialist movement seeks to distinguish itself both from Leninism / Bolshevism and from social democracy . Past and present political philosophies and movements commonly described as libertarian socialist include anarchism ( especially anarchist communism , anarchist collectivism , anarcho - syndicalism and mutualism ) as well as autonomism , Communalism , participism , revolutionary syndicalism and libertarian Marxist philosophies such as council communism and Luxemburgism ; as well as some versions of utopian socialism and individualist anarchism . Religious socialism ( edit ) Main article : Religious socialism Christian socialism is a broad concept involving an intertwining of the Christian religion with the politics and economic theories of socialism . Islamic socialism is a term coined by various Muslim leaders to describe a more spiritual form of socialism . Muslim socialists believe that the teachings of the Qur'an and Muhammad are compatible with principles of equality and public ownership drawing inspiration from the early Medina welfare state established by Muhammad . Muslim socialists are more conservative than their western contemporaries and find their roots in anti-imperialism , anti-colonialism and Arab nationalism . Islamic socialist leaders believe in democracy and deriving legitimacy from public mandate as opposed to religious texts . Social democracy and liberal socialism ( edit ) Main articles : Social democracy and Liberal socialism Social democracy is a political ideology which `` is derived from a socialist tradition of political thought . Many social democrats refer to themselves as socialists or democratic socialists , and some use these terms interchangeably . Others have opined that there are clear differences between the three terms , and preferred to describe their own political beliefs by using the term ' social democracy ' only '' . There are two main directions , either to establish democratic socialism , or to build a welfare state within the framework of the capitalist system . The first variant has officially its goal by establishing democratic socialism through reformist and gradualist methods . In the second variant , social democracy becomes a policy regime involving a welfare state , collective bargaining schemes , support for publicly financed public services and a capitalist - based economy like a mixed economy . It is often used in this manner to refer to the social models and economic policies prominent in Western and Northern Europe during the later half of the 20th century . It has been described by Jerry Mander as `` hybrid '' economics , an active collaboration of capitalist and socialist visions and while such systems are not perfect they tend to provide high standards of living . Numerous studies and surveys indicate that people tend to live happier lives in social democratic societies rather than neoliberal ones . Eduard Bernstein Social democrats supporting the first variant advocate for a peaceful , evolutionary transition of the economy to socialism through progressive social reform of capitalism . It asserts that the only acceptable constitutional form of government is representative democracy under the rule of law . It promotes extending democratic decision - making beyond political democracy to include economic democracy to guarantee employees and other economic stakeholders sufficient rights of co-determination . It supports a mixed economy that opposes the excesses of capitalism such as inequality , poverty and oppression of various groups , while rejecting both a totally free market or a fully planned economy . Common social democratic policies include advocacy of universal social rights to attain universally accessible public services such as education , health care , workers ' compensation and other services , including child care and care for the elderly . Social democracy is connected with the trade union labour movement and supports collective bargaining rights for workers . Most social democratic parties are affiliated with the Socialist International . Liberal socialism is a socialist political philosophy that includes liberal principles within it . Liberal socialism does not have the goal of abolishing capitalism with a socialist economy , instead it supports a mixed economy that includes both public and private property in capital goods . Although liberal socialism unequivocally favors a mixed market economy , it identifies legalistic and artificial monopolies to be the fault of capitalism and opposes an entirely unregulated economy . It considers both liberty and equality to be compatible and mutually dependent on each other . Principles that can be described as `` liberal socialist '' have been based upon or developed by the following philosophers : John Stuart Mill , Eduard Bernstein , John Dewey , Carlo Rosselli , Norberto Bobbio and Chantal Mouffe . Other important liberal socialist figures include Guido Calogero , Piero Gobetti , Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse , John Maynard Keynes and R.H. Tawney . Liberal socialism has been particularly prominent in British and Italian politics . Socialism and modern progressive social movements ( edit ) Further information : Socialist feminism , Socialism and LGBT rights , Eco-socialism , Anarcha - feminism , Green anarchism , and Queer anarchism Socialist feminist Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg in 1910 Socialist feminism is a branch of feminism that focuses upon both the public and private spheres of a woman 's life and argues that liberation can only be achieved by working to end both the economic and cultural sources of women 's oppression . Marxist feminism 's foundation is laid by Friedrich Engels in his analysis of gender oppression in The Origin of the Family , Private Property , and the State ( 1884 ) . August Bebel 's Woman under Socialism ( 1879 ) , the `` single work dealing with sexuality most widely read by rank - and - file members of the Social Democratic Party of Germany ( SPD ) '' . In the late 19th and early 20th centuries , both Clara Zetkin and Eleanor Marx were against the demonisation of men and supported a proletariat revolution that would overcome as many male - female inequalities as possible . As their movement already had the most radical demands in women 's equality , most Marxist leaders , including Clara Zetkin and Alexandra Kollontai , counterposed Marxism against liberal feminism rather than trying to combine them . Anarcha - feminism began with late 19th and early 20th century authors and theorists such as anarchist feminists Emma Goldman and Voltairine de Cleyre In the Spanish Civil War , an anarcha - feminist group , Mujeres Libres ( `` Free Women '' ) linked to the Federación Anarquista Ibérica , organised to defend both anarchist and feminist ideas . In 1972 , the Chicago Women 's Liberation Union published `` Socialist Feminism : A Strategy for the Women 's Movement '' , which is believed to be the first to use the term `` socialist feminism '' in publication . Edward Carpenter , philosopher and activist who was instrumental in the foundation of the Fabian Society and the Labour Party as well as in the early LGBTI western movements Many socialists were early advocates for LGBT rights . For early socialist Charles Fourier , true freedom could only occur without suppressing passions , as the suppression of passions is not only destructive to the individual , but to society as a whole . Writing before the advent of the term `` homosexuality '' , Fourier recognised that both men and women have a wide range of sexual needs and preferences which may change throughout their lives , including same - sex sexuality and androgénité . He argued that all sexual expressions should be enjoyed as long as people are not abused and that `` affirming one 's difference '' can actually enhance social integration . In Oscar Wilde 's The Soul of Man Under Socialism , he passionately advocates for an egalitarian society where wealth is shared by all , while warning of the dangers of social systems that crush individuality . Wilde 's libertarian socialist politics were shared by other figures who actively campaigned for homosexual emancipation in the late 19th century such as Edward Carpenter . The Intermediate Sex : A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women was a book from 1908 and an early work arguing for gay liberation written by Edward Carpenter who was also an influential personality in the foundation of the Fabian Society and the Labour Party . After the Russian Revolution under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky , the Soviet Union abolished previous laws against homosexuality . Harry Hay was an early leader in the American LGBT rights movement as well as a member of the Communist Party USA . He is known for his roles in helping to found several gay organisations , including the Mattachine Society , the first sustained gay rights group in the United States which in its early days had a strong marxist influence . The Encyclopedia of Homosexuality reports that `` ( a ) s Marxists the founders of the group believed that the injustice and oppression which they suffered stemmed from relationships deeply embedded in the structure of American society '' . Also emerging from a number of events , such as the May 1968 insurrection in France , the anti-Vietnam war movement in the United States and the Stonewall riots of 1969 , militant gay liberation organisations began to spring up around the world . Many saw their roots in left radicalism more than in the established homophile groups of the time , though the Gay Liberation Front took an anti-capitalist stance and attacked the nuclear family and traditional gender roles . Eco-socialism , green socialism or socialist ecology is a political position merging aspects of Marxism , socialism and / or libertarian socialism with that of green politics , ecology and alter - globalisation . Eco-socialists generally believe that the expansion of the capitalist system is the cause of social exclusion , poverty , war and environmental degradation through globalisation and imperialism , under the supervision of repressive states and transnational structures . Contrary to the depiction of Karl Marx by some environmentalists , social ecologists and fellow socialists as a productivist who favoured the domination of nature , eco-socialists have revisited Marx 's writings and believe that he `` was a main originator of the ecological world - view '' . Eco-socialist authors , like John Bellamy Foster and Paul Burkett , point to Marx 's discussion of a `` metabolic rift '' between man and nature , his statement that `` private ownership of the globe by single individuals will appear quite absurd as private ownership of one man by another '' and his observation that a society must `` hand it ( the planet ) down to succeeding generations in an improved condition '' . The English socialist William Morris is largely credited with developing key principles of what was later called eco-socialism . During the 1880s and 1890s , Morris promoted his eco-socialist ideas within the Social Democratic Federation and Socialist League . Green anarchism , or ecoanarchism , is a school of thought within anarchism which puts a particular emphasis on environmental issues . An important early influence was the thought of the American anarchist Henry David Thoreau and his book Walden and Élisée Reclus . In the late 19th century , there emerged anarcho - naturism as the fusion of anarchism and naturist philosophies within individualist anarchist circles in France , Spain , Cuba and Portugal . Social ecology is closely related to the work and ideas of Murray Bookchin and influenced by anarchist Peter Kropotkin . Bookchin 's first book , Our Synthetic Environment , was published under the pseudonym Lewis Herber in 1962 , a few months before Rachel Carson 's Silent Spring . His groundbreaking essay `` Ecology and Revolutionary Thought '' introduced ecology as a concept in radical politics . In the 1970s , Barry Commoner , suggesting a left - wing response to the Limits to Growth model that predicted catastrophic resource depletion and spurred environmentalism , postulated that capitalist technologies were chiefly responsible for environmental degradation as opposed to population pressures . The 1990s saw the socialist feminists Mary Mellor and Ariel Salleh address environmental issues within an eco-socialist paradigm . With the rising profile of the anti-globalisation movement in the Global South , an `` environmentalism of the poor '' combining ecological awareness and social justice has also become prominent . In 1994 , David Pepper also released his important work , Ecosocialism : From Deep Ecology to Social Justice , which critiques the current approach of many within green politics , particularly deep ecologists . Currently , many green parties around the world , such as the Dutch Green Left Party ( GroenLinks ) , contain strong eco-socialist elements . Radical red - green alliances have been formed in many countries by eco-socialists , radical greens and other radical left groups . In Denmark , the Red - Green Alliance was formed as a coalition of numerous radical parties . Within the European Parliament , a number of far - left parties from Northern Europe have organised themselves into the Nordic Green Left Alliance . Syndicalism ( edit ) Main article : Syndicalism Syndicalism is a social movement that operates through industrial trade unions and rejects state socialism and the use of establishment politics to establish or promote socialism . They reject using state power to construct a socialist society , favouring strategies such as the general strike . Syndicalists advocate a socialist economy based on federated unions or syndicates of workers who own and manage the means of production . Some Marxist currents advocate syndicalism , such as DeLeonism . Anarcho - syndicalism is a theory of anarchism which views syndicalism as a method for workers in capitalist society to gain control of an economy and with that control influence broader society . The Spanish Revolution largely orchestrated by the anarcho - syndicalist trade union CNT during the Spanish Civil War offers an historical example . The International Workers ' Association is an international federation of anarcho - syndicalist labor unions and initiatives . Criticism ( edit ) Main article : Criticism of socialism See also ( edit ) Book : Socialism List of anti-capitalist and communist parties with national parliamentary representation List of communist ideologies List of socialist countries List of socialist economists List of socialist songs Socialism by country Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Sinclair , Upton ( 1 January 1918 ) . Upton Sinclair 's : A Monthly Magazine : for Social Justice , by Peaceful Means If Possible . Socialism , you see , is a bird with two wings . The definition is ' social ownership and democratic control of the instruments and means of production . ' ^ Jump up to : Nove , Alec . `` Socialism '' . New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics , Second Edition ( 2008 ) . A society may be defined as socialist if the major part of the means of production of goods and services is in some sense socially owned and operated , by state , socialised or cooperative enterprises . The practical issues of socialism comprise the relationships between management and workforce within the enterprise , the interrelationships between production units ( plan versus markets ) , and , if the state owns and operates any part of the economy , who controls it and how . Jump up ^ Rosser , Mariana V. and J Barkley Jr. ( 23 July 2003 ) . Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy . MIT Press . p. 53 . ISBN 978 - 0262182348 . Socialism is an economic system characterised by state or collective ownership of the means of production , land , and capital . Jump up ^ `` What else does a socialist economic system involve ? Those who favor socialism generally speak of social ownership , social control , or socialization of the means of production as the distinctive positive feature of a socialist economic system '' N. Scott Arnold . The Philosophy and Economics of Market Socialism : A Critical Study . Oxford University Press . 1998 . p. 8 ^ Jump up to : Busky , Donald F. ( 20 July 2000 ) . Democratic Socialism : A Global Survey . Praeger . p. 2 . ISBN 978 - 0275968861 . Socialism may be defined as movements for social ownership and control of the economy . It is this idea that is the common element found in the many forms of socialism . Jump up ^ Bertrand Badie ; Dirk Berg - Schlosser ; Leonardo Morlino ( 2011 ) . International Encyclopedia of Political Science . SAGE Publications , Inc. p. 2456 . ISBN 978 - 1412959636 . Socialist systems are those regimes based on the economic and political theory of socialism , which advocates public ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources . Jump up ^ Zimbalist , Sherman and Brown , Andrew , Howard J. and Stuart ( October 1988 ) . Comparing Economic Systems : A Political - Economic Approach . Harcourt College Pub . p. 7 . ISBN 978 - 0155124035 . Pure socialism is defined as a system wherein all of the means of production are owned and run by the government and / or cooperative , nonprofit groups . Jump up ^ Brus , Wlodzimierz ( 5 November 2015 ) . The Economics and Politics of Socialism . Routledge . p. 87 . ISBN 978 - 0415866477 . This alteration in the relationship between economy and politics is evident in the very definition of a socialist economic system . The basic characteristic of such a system is generally reckoned to be the predominance of the social ownership of the means of production . Jump up ^ Michie , Jonathan ( 1 January 2001 ) . Readers Guide to the Social Sciences . Routledge . p. 1516 . ISBN 978 - 1579580919 . Just as private ownership defines capitalism , social ownership defines socialism . The essential characteristic of socialism in theory is that it destroys social hierarchies , and therefore leads to a politically and economically egalitarian society . Two closely related consequences follow . First , every individual is entitled to an equal ownership share that earns an aliquot part of the total social dividend ... Second , in order to eliminate social hierarchy in the workplace , enterprises are run by those employed , and not by the representatives of private or state capital . Thus , the well - known historical tendency of the divorce between ownership and management is brought to an end . The society -- i.e. every individual equally -- owns capital and those who work are entitled to manage their own economic affairs . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` 2 . ( Government , Politics & Diplomacy ) any of various social or political theories or movements in which the common welfare is to be achieved through the establishment of a socialist economic system '' `` Socialism '' at The Free dictionary Jump up ^ O'Hara , Phillip ( September 2003 ) . Encyclopedia of Political Economy , Volume 2 . Routledge . p. 71 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 24187 - 1 . In order of increasing decentralisation ( at least ) three forms of socialised ownership can be distinguished : state - owned firms , employee - owned ( or socially ) owned firms , and citizen ownership of equity . ^ Jump up to : Lamb & Docherty 2006 , p. 1 Jump up ^ Arnold , Scott ( 1994 ) . The Philosophy and Economics of Market Socialism : A Critical Study . Oxford University Press . pp. 7 -- 8 . ISBN 978 - 0195088274 . This term is harder to define , since socialists disagree among themselves about what socialism ' really is . ' It would seem that everyone ( socialists and nonsocialists alike ) could at least agree that it is not a system in which there is widespread private ownership of the means of production ... To be a socialist is not just to believe in certain ends , goals , values , or ideals . It also requires a belief in a certain institutional means to achieve those ends ; whatever that may mean in positive terms , it certainly presupposes , at a minimum , the belief that these ends and values can not be achieved in an economic system in which there is widespread private ownership of the means of production ... Those who favor socialism generally speak of social ownership , social control , or socialization of the means of production as the distinctive positive feature of a socialist economic system . Jump up ^ Hastings , Mason and Pyper , Adrian , Alistair and Hugh ( 21 December 2000 ) . The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought . Oxford University Press . p. 677 . ISBN 978 - 0198600244 . Socialists have always recognized that there are many possible forms of social ownership of which co-operative ownership is one ... Nevertheless , socialism has throughout its history been inseparable from some form of common ownership . By its very nature it involves the abolition of private ownership of capital ; bringing the means of production , distribution , and exchange into public ownership and control is central to its philosophy . It is difficult to see how it can survive , in theory or practice , without this central idea . Jump up ^ Kolb , Robert ( 19 October 2007 ) . Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society , First Edition . SAGE Publications , Inc. p. 1345 . ISBN 978 - 1412916523 . There are many forms of socialism , all of which eliminate private ownership of capital and replace it with collective ownership . These many forms , all focused on advancing distributive justice for long - term social welfare , can be divided into two broad types of socialism : nonmarket and market . Jump up ^ Bockman , Johanna ( 2011 ) . Markets in the name of Socialism : The Left - Wing origins of Neoliberalism . Stanford University Press . p. 20 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8047 - 7566 - 3 . socialism would function without capitalist economic categories -- such as money , prices , interest , profits and rent -- and thus would function according to laws other than those described by current economic science . While some socialists recognised the need for money and prices at least during the transition from capitalism to socialism , socialists more commonly believed that the socialist economy would soon administratively mobilise the economy in physical units without the use of prices or money . Jump up ^ Steele , David Ramsay ( September 1999 ) . From Marx to Mises : Post Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation . Open Court . pp. 175 -- 77 . ISBN 978 - 0875484495 . Especially before the 1930s , many socialists and anti-socialists implicitly accepted some form of the following for the incompatibility of state - owned industry and factor markets . A market transaction is an exchange of property titles between two independent transactors . Thus internal market exchanges cease when all of industry is brought into the ownership of a single entity , whether the state or some other organization ... the discussion applies equally to any form of social or community ownership , where the owning entity is conceived as a single organization or administration . Jump up ^ Is Socialism Dead ? A Comment on Market Socialism and Basic Income Capitalism , by Arneson , Richard J. 1992 . Ethics , vol. 102 , no . 3 , pp. 485 -- 511 . April 1992 : `` Marxian socialism is often identified with the call to organize economic activity on a nonmarket basis . '' Jump up ^ Market Socialism : The Debate Among Socialists , by Schweickart , David ; Lawler , James ; Ticktin , Hillel ; Ollman , Bertell. 1998 . From `` The Difference Between Marxism and Market Socialism '' ( pp. 61 -- 63 ) : `` More fundamentally , a socialist society must be one in which the economy is run on the principle of the direct satisfaction of human needs ... Exchange - value , prices and so money are goals in themselves in a capitalist society or in any market . There is no necessary connection between the accumulation of capital or sums of money and human welfare . Under conditions of backwardness , the spur of money and the accumulation of wealth has led to a massive growth in industry and technology ... It seems an odd argument to say that a capitalist will only be efficient in producing use - value of a good quality when trying to make more money than the next capitalist . It would seem easier to rely on the planning of use - values in a rational way , which because there is no duplication , would be produced more cheaply and be of a higher quality . '' Jump up ^ The Economics of Feasible Socialism Revisited , by Nove , Alexander . 1991 . p. 13 : `` Under socialism , by definition , it ( private property and factor markets ) would be eliminated . There would then be something like ' scientific management ' , ' the science of socially organized production ' , but it would not be economics . '' Jump up ^ Kotz , David M. `` Socialism and Capitalism : Are They Qualitatively Different Socioeconomic Systems ? '' ( PDF ) . University of Massachusetts . Retrieved 19 February 2011 . `` This understanding of socialism was held not just by revolutionary Marxist socialists but also by evolutionary socialists , Christian socialists , and even anarchists . At that time , there was also wide agreement about the basic institutions of the future socialist system : public ownership instead of private ownership of the means of production , economic planning instead of market forces , production for use instead of for profit . '' Jump up ^ Toward a Socialism for the Future , in the Wake of the Demise of the Socialism of the Past , by Weisskopf , Thomas E. 1992 . Review of Radical Political Economics , Vol. 24 , No. 3 - 4 , p. 2 : `` Socialism has historically been committed to the improvement of people 's material standards of living . Indeed , in earlier days many socialists saw the promotion of improving material living standards as the primary basis for socialism 's claim to superiority over capitalism , for socialism was to overcome the irrationality and inefficiency seen as endemic to a capitalist system of economic organization . '' Jump up ^ Prychito , David L. ( 31 July 2002 ) . Markets , Planning , and Democracy : Essays After the Collapse of Communism . Edward Elgar Publishing . p. 12 . ISBN 978 - 1840645194 . Socialism is a system based upon de facto public or social ownership of the means of production , the abolition of a hierarchical division of labor in the enterprise , a consciously organized social division of labor . Under socialism , money , competitive pricing , and profit - loss accounting would be destroyed . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Social Dividend versus Basic Income Guarantee in Market Socialism , by Marangos , John . 2004 . International Journal of Political Economy , vol. 34 , no . 3 , Fall 2004 . Jump up ^ O'Hara , Phillip ( September 2000 ) . Encyclopedia of Political Economy , Volume 2 . Routledge . p. 71 . ISBN 978 - 0415241878 . Market socialism is the general designation for a number of models of economic systems . On the one hand , the market mechanism is utilized to distribute economic output , to organize production and to allocate factor inputs . On the other hand , the economic surplus accrues to society at large rather than to a class of private ( capitalist ) owners , through some form of collective , public or social ownership of capital . Jump up ^ Pierson , Christopher ( August 1995 ) . Socialism After Communism : The New Market Socialism . Pennsylvania State Univ Press . p. 96 . ISBN 978 - 0271014784 . At the heart of the market socialist model is the abolition of the large - scale private ownership of capital and its replacement by some form of ' social ownership ' . Even the most conservative accounts of market socialism insist that this abolition of large - scale holdings of private capital is essential . This requirement is fully consistent with the market socialists ' general claim that the vices of market capitalism lie not with the institutions of the market but with ( the consequences of ) the private ownership of capital ... Jump up ^ `` In fact , socialism has been both centralist and local ; organized from above and built from below ; visionary and pragmatic ; revolutionary and reformist ; anti-state and statist ; internationalist and nationalist ; harnessed to political parties and shunning them ; an outgrowth of trade unionism and independent of it ; a feature of rich industrialized countries and poor peasant - based communities '' Michael Newman . Socialism : A very Short introduction . Oxford University Press . 2005 . p. 2 . Jump up ^ Often , this definition is invoked to distinguish democratic socialism from authoritarian socialism as in Malcolm Hamilton Democratic Socialism in Britain and Sweden ( St Martin 's Press 1989 ) , in Donald F. Busky , Democratic Socialism : A Global Survey Greenwood Publishing , 2000 , See pp. 7 -- 8. , Jim Tomlinson 's Democratic Socialism and Economic Policy : The Attlee Years , 1945 -- 1951 , Norman Thomas Democratic Socialism : a new appraisal or Roy Hattersley 's Choose Freedom : The Future of Democratic Socialism Jump up ^ Nicholas Guilhot , The democracy makers : human rights and international order , 2005 , p. 33 `` The opposition between the West and Soviet totalitarianism was often presented as an opposition both moral and epistemological between truth and falsehood . The democratic , social , and economic credentials of the Soviet Union were typically seen as `` lies '' and as the product of a deliberate and multiform propaganda ... In this context , the concept of totalitarianism was itself an asset . As it made possible the conversion of prewar anti-fascism into postwar anti-communism Jump up ^ David Caute , Politics and the novel during the Cold War , 2009 , pp. 95 -- 99 Jump up ^ George A Reisch , How the Cold War transformed philosophy of science : to the icy slopes of logic , 2005 , pp. 153 -- 54 Jump up ^ Gasper , Phillip ( October 2005 ) . The Communist Manifesto : a road map to history 's most important political document . Haymarket Books . p. 24 . ISBN 1 - 931859 - 25 - 6 . As the nineteenth century progressed , `` socialist '' came to signify not only concern with the social question , but opposition to capitalism and support for some form of social ownership . Jump up ^ Anthony Giddens . Beyond Left and Right : The Future of Radical Politics . 1998 edition . Cambridge , England , UK : Polity Press , 1994 , 1998 . p. 71 . Jump up ^ `` Chapter 1 looks at the foundations of the doctrine by examining the contribution made by various traditions of socialism in the period between the early 19th century and the aftermath of the First World War . The two forms that emerged as dominant by the early 1920s were social democracy and communism . '' Michael Newman . Socialism : A Very Short Introduction . Oxford University Press . 2005 . p. 5 Jump up ^ George Thomas Kurian ( ed ) . The Encyclopedia of Political Science CQ Press . Washington D.c. 2011 . p ... 1554 Jump up ^ ' State Capitalism ' in the Soviet Union , M.C. Howard and J.E. King Jump up ^ Richard D. Wolff ( 27 June 2015 ) . Socialism Means Abolishing the Distinction Between Bosses and Employees . Truthout . Retrieved 9 July 2015 . Jump up ^ Noam Chomsky ( 1986 ) . The Soviet Union Versus Socialism . . Jump up ^ Wilhelm , John Howard ( 1985 ) . `` The Soviet Union Has an Administered , Not a Planned , Economy '' . Soviet Studies . 37 ( 1 ) : 118 -- 30 . doi : 10.1080 / 09668138508411571 . Jump up ^ Ellman , Michael ( 2007 ) . `` The Rise and Fall of Socialist Planning '' . In Estrin , Saul ; Kołodko , Grzegorz W. ; Uvalić , Milica . Transition and Beyond : Essays in Honour of Mario Nuti . New York : Palgrave Macmillan . p. 22 . ISBN 0 - 230 - 54697 - 8 . In the USSR in the late 1980s the system was normally referred to as the ' administrative - command ' economy . What was fundamental to this system was not the plan but the role of administrative hierarchies at all levels of decision making ; the absence of control over decision making by the population ... Jump up ^ Garrett Ward Sheldon . Encyclopedia of Political Thought . Fact on File. Inc. 2001 . p. 280 . Jump up ^ Andrew Vincent . Modern political ideologies . Wiley - Blackwell publishing . 2010 . p. 83 ^ Jump up to : Marvin Perry , Myrna Chase , Margaret Jacob , James R. Jacob . Western Civilization : Ideas , Politics , and Society -- From 1600 , Volume 2 . Ninth Edition . Boston , Massachusetts , USA : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company , 2009 . p. 540 . Jump up ^ Gregory and Stuart , Paul and Robert ( 28 February 2013 ) . The Global Economy and its Economic Systems . South - Western College Pub . p. 159 . ISBN 978 - 1285055350 . Socialist writers of the nineteenth century proposed socialist arrangements for sharing as a response to the inequality and poverty of the industrial revolution . English socialist Robert Owen proposed that ownership and production take place in cooperatives , where all members shared equally . French socialist Henri Saint - Simon proposed to the contrary : socialism meant solving economic problems by means of state administration and planning , and taking advantage of new advances in science . Jump up ^ Leroux : socialism is `` the doctrine which would not give up any of the principles of Liberty , Equality , Fraternity '' of the French Revolution of 1789 . `` Individualism and socialism '' ( 1834 ) Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , etymology of socialism Jump up ^ Russell , Bertrand ( 1972 ) . A History of Western Philosophy . Touchstone . p. 781 Jump up ^ Williams , Raymond ( 1983 ) . `` Socialism '' . Keywords : A vocabulary of culture and society , revised edition . Oxford University Press . p. 288 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 520469 - 7 . Modern usage began to settle from the 1860s , and in spite of the earlier variations and distinctions it was socialist and socialism which came through as the predominant words ... Communist , in spite of the distinction that had been made in the 1840s , was very much less used , and parties in the Marxist tradition took some variant of social and socialist as titles . Jump up ^ Steele , David ( 1992 ) . From Marx to Mises : Post-Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation . Open Court Publishing Company . p. 43 . ISBN 978 - 0875484495 . One widespread distinction was that socialism socialised production only while communism socialised production and consumption . Jump up ^ Steele , David ( 1992 ) . From Marx to Mises : Post-Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation . Open Court Publishing Company . pp. 44 -- 45 . ISBN 978 - 0875484495 . By 1888 , the term ' socialism ' was in general use among Marxists , who had dropped ' communism ' , now considered an old fashioned term meaning the same as ' socialism ' ... At the turn of the century , Marxists called themselves socialists ... The definition of socialism and communism as successive stages was introduced into Marxist theory by Lenin in 1917 ... the new distinction was helpful to Lenin in defending his party against the traditional Marxist criticism that Russia was too backward for a socialist revolution . Jump up ^ Busky , Donald F. ( 20 July 2000 ) . Democratic Socialism : A Global Survey . Praeger . p. 9 . ISBN 978 - 0275968861 . In a modern sense of the word , communism refers to the ideology of Marxism - Leninism . Jump up ^ Williams , Raymond ( 1983 ) . `` Socialism '' . Keywords : A vocabulary of culture and society , revised edition . Oxford University Press . p. 289 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 520469 - 7 . The decisive distinction between socialist and communist , as in one sense these terms are now ordinarily used , came with the renaming , in 1918 , of the Russian Social - Democratic Labour Party ( Bolsheviks ) as the All - Russian Communist Party ( Bolsheviks ) . From that time on , a distinction of socialist from communist , often with supporting definitions such as social democrat or democratic socialist , became widely current , although it is significant that all communist parties , in line with earlier usage , continued to describe themselves as socialist and dedicated to socialism . Jump up ^ Williams , Raymond ( 1976 ) . Keywords : a vocabulary of culture and society . Fontana . ISBN 0 - 00 - 633479 - 2 . Jump up ^ Engels , Frederick , Preface to the 1888 English Edition of the Communist Manifesto , p. 202 . Penguin ( 2002 ) Jump up ^ Wilson , Fred . `` John Stuart Mill '' . Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy , 10 July 2007 . Retrieved 2 August 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Mill , in contrast , advances a form of liberal democratic socialism for the enlargement of freedom as well as to realise social and distributive justice . He offers a powerful account of economic injustice and justice that is centered on his understanding of freedom and its conditions . '' Bruce Baum , `` ( J.S. Mill and Liberal Socialism ) '' , Nadia Urbanati and Alex Zacharas , eds. , J.S. Mill 's Political Thought : A Bicentennial Reassessment ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2007 ) . Jump up ^ Robert Gildea , `` 1848 in European Collective Memory '' , in Evans and Strandmann , eds . The Revolutions in Europe , 1848 -- 1849 pp. 207 -- 235 Jump up ^ pp. 276 -- 77 , A.E. Taylor , Plato : The Man and His Work , Dover 2001 . Jump up ^ p. 257 , W.D. Ross , Aristotle , 6th ed . Jump up ^ A Short History of the World . Progress Publishers . Moscow , 1974 Jump up ^ Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World . New York : Oxford University Press . 1995 . p. 19 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 506613 - 8 . OCLC 94030758 . Jump up ^ `` Abu Dharr al - Ghifari '' . Oxford Islamic Studies Online . Retrieved 23 January 2010 . 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Jump up ^ Bonnett , Alastair ( 2007 ) . `` The Other Rights of Man : The Revolutionary Plan of Thomas Spence '' . History Today . 57 ( 9 ) : 42 -- 48 . Jump up ^ Andrew Vincent . Modern political ideologies . Wiley - Blackwell publishing . 2010 . p. 88 Jump up ^ Nik Brandal , Øivind Bratberg and Dag Einar Thorsen . The Nordic Model of Social Democracy . Pallgrave - Macmillan . 2013 . p. 20 ^ Jump up to : `` socialism '' . Encyclopedia Britannica . Jump up ^ `` The origins of socialism as a political movement lie in the Industrial Revolution . '' `` Socialism '' in Encyclopedia Britannica Online ^ Jump up to : `` Adam Smith '' . . Retrieved 2 June 2010 . Jump up ^ `` 2 : BIRTH OF THE SOCIALIST IDEA '' . . Retrieved 2 June 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Newman , Michael . ( 2005 ) Socialism : A Very Short Introduction , Oxford University Press , ISBN 0 - 19 - 280431 - 6 Jump up ^ `` In Fourier 's system of Harmony all creative activity including industry , craft , agriculture , etc. will arise from liberated passion -- this is the famous theory of `` attractive labour . '' Fourier sexualises work itself -- the life of the Phalanstery is a continual orgy of intense feeling , intellection , & activity , a society of lovers & wild enthusiasts ... The Harmonian does not live with some 1600 people under one roof because of compulsion or altruism , but because of the sheer pleasure of all the social , sexual , economic , `` gastrosophic , '' cultural , & creative relations this association allows & encourages `` . '' The Lemonade Ocean & Modern Times A Position Paper by Hakim Bey Jump up ^ Rougerie , Jacques , La Commune de Paris . Paris : Presses Universitaires de France . ISBN 978 - 2 - 13 - 062078 - 5 . ^ Jump up to : Milza , Pierre , La Commune . Jump up ^ Blin , Arnaud ( 2007 ) . The History of Terrorism . Berkeley : University of California Press . p. 116 . ISBN 0 - 520 - 24709 - 4 . Jump up ^ `` It is unnecessary to repeat the accounts of the Geneva and Hague Congresses of the International in which the issues between Marx and Bakunin were fought out and the organisation itself split apart into the dying Marxist rump centered around the New York General Council and the anti-authoritarian majority centred around the Bakuninist Jura Federation . But it is desirable to consider some of the factors underlying the final emergence of a predominantly anarchist International in 1872 . '' George Woodcock . Anarchism : A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements ( 1962 ) . p. 243 . Jump up ^ Errico Malatesta . `` A Talk About Anarchist Communism Between Two Workers '' . Anarchy Archives . Retrieved 14 April 2016 . Jump up ^ Nunzio Pernicone , `` Italian Anarchism 1864 -- 1892 '' , pp. 111 -- 13 , AK Press 2009 . 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Gustav Landauer 's participation as Minister of Culture , along with Silvio Gesell as Minister of Economics and other anti-authoritarian and extreme libertarian socialists such as the poet / playwrights Erich Mühsam and Ernst Toller , and Ret Marut ( the novelist B. Traven ) , gave the Soviet a distinct anarchist flavor . '' Hakim Bey . `` T.A.Z. : The Temporary Autonomous Zone , Ontological Anarchy , Poetic Terrorism '' Jump up ^ Gaab , Jeffrey S. ( 1 January 2006 ) . Munich : Hofbräuhaus & History : Beer , Culture , & Politics . Peter Lang . p. 59 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8204 - 8606 - 2 . Jump up ^ p. 365 Taylor , Edumund The Fall of the Dynasties : The Collapse of Old Order 1963 Weidenfeld & Nicolson Jump up ^ Paul Werner ( Paul Frölich ) , Die Bayerische Räterepublik . Tatsachen und Kritik , p. 144 Jump up ^ Brunella Dalla Casa , Composizione di classe , rivendicazioni e professionalità nelle lotte del `` biennio rosso '' a Bologna , in : AA . 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The name applied to the former communist states of eastern Europe , including Yugoslavia and Albania , as well as the countries of the Warsaw Pact Jump up ^ Satyendra , Kush ( 2003 ) , Encyclopaedic dictionary of political science , Sarup & Sons , p. 65 , ISBN 81 - 7890 - 071 - 8 , the countries of Eastern Europe under communism Jump up ^ Compare : Janzen , Jörg ; Taraschewski , Thomas ( 2009 ) . Shahshahānī , Suhaylā , ed . Cities of Pilgrimage . Iuaes - series . 4 . Münster : LIT Verlag . p. 190 . ISBN 978 - 3 - 8258 - 1618 - 6 . Retrieved 21 December 2012 . Until 1990 , despite being a formally independent state , Mongolia had de facto been an integral part of the Soviet dominated Eastern Bloc . Jump up ^ John Rettie , `` The day Khrushchev denounced Stalin '' , BBC , 18 February 2006 . Jump up ^ Within the Italian Communist Party ( PCI ) a split ensued : most ordinary members and the Party leadership , including Palmiro Togliatti and Giorgio Napolitano , regarded the Hungarian insurgents as counter-revolutionaries , as reported in l'Unità , the official PCI newspaper . The following are references in English on the conflicting positions of l'Unità , Antonio Giolitti and party boss Palmiro Togliatti , Giuseppe Di Vittorio and Pietro Nenni . Jump up ^ However , Giuseppe Di Vittorio ( chief of the Communist trade union CGIL ) repudiated the leadership position as did the prominent party members Antonio Giolitti , Loris Fortuna and many other influential communist intellectuals , who later were expelled or left the party . Pietro Nenni , the national secretary of the Italian Socialist Party , a close ally of the PCI , opposed the Soviet intervention as well . Napolitano , elected in 2006 as President of the Italian Republic , wrote in his 2005 political autobiography that he regretted his justification of Soviet action in Hungary and that at the time he believed in party unity and the international leadership of Soviet communism . Napolitano , Giorgio ( 2005 ) . Dal Pci al socialismo europeo . Un'autobiografia politica ( From the Communist Party to European Socialism . A political autobiography ) ( in Italian ) . Laterza . ISBN 88 - 420 - 7715 - 1 . Jump up ^ Within the Communist Party of Great Britain ( CPGB ) , dissent that began with the repudiation of Stalin by John Saville and E.P. Thompson , influential historians and members of the Communist Party Historians Group , culminated in a loss of thousands of party members as events unfolded in Hungary . Peter Fryer , correspondent for the CPGB newspaper The Daily Worker , reported accurately on the violent suppression of the uprising , but his dispatches were heavily censored ; Fryer resigned from the paper upon his return , and was later expelled from the Communist Party . Fryer , Peter ( 1957 ) . Hungarian Tragedy . London : D. Dobson . Chapter 9 ( The Second Soviet Intervention ) . ASIN B0007J7674 . Jump up ^ In France , moderate Communists , such as historian Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie , resigned , questioning the policy of supporting Soviet actions by the French Communist Party . The French anarchist philosopher and writer Albert Camus wrote an open letter , The Blood of the Hungarians , criticising the West 's lack of action . Even Jean - Paul Sartre , still a determined Communist Party member , criticised the Soviets in his article Le Fantôme de Staline , in Situations VII . 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Constructive Bloodbath in Indonesia : The United States , Great Britain and the Mass Killings of 1965 -- 1966 . Spokesman Books . ISBN 0851247679 Jump up ^ Roosa , John ( 2006 ) . Pretext for Mass Murder : 30 September Movement and Suharto 's Coup d'État in Indonesia . Madison , Wisconsin : The University of Wisconsin Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 299 - 22034 - 1 Jump up ^ Simpson , Bradley ( 2010 ) . Economists with Guns : Authoritarian Development and U.S. -- Indonesian Relations , 1960 -- 1968 . Stanford University Press . p. 193 . ISBN 0804771820 . Washington did everything in its power to encourage and facilitate the army - led massacre of alleged PKI members , and U.S. officials worried only that the killing of the party 's unarmed supporters might not go far enough , permitting Sukarno to return to power and frustrate the ( Johnson ) Administration 's emerging plans for a post-Sukarno Indonesia . Jump up ^ Mark Aarons ( 2007 ) . `` Justice Betrayed : Post-1945 Responses to Genocide . 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According to nineteenth - century socialist views , socialism would function without capitalist economic categories -- such as money , prices , interest , profits and rent -- and thus would function according to laws other than those described by current economic science . While some socialists recognised the need for money and prices at least during the transition from capitalism to socialism , socialists more commonly believed that the socialist economy would soon administratively mobilise the economy in physical units without the use of prices or money . Jump up ^ Gregory and Stuart , Paul and Robert ( 2004 ) . Comparing Economic Systems in the Twenty - First Century , Seventh Edition : `` Socialist Economy '' . George Hoffman . p. 117 . ISBN 0 - 618 - 26181 - 8 . In such a setting , information problems are not serious , and engineers rather than economists can resolve the issue of factor proportions . Jump up ^ O'Hara , Phillip ( September 2003 ) . Encyclopedia of Political Economy , Volume 2 . Routledge . p. 70 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 24187 - 1 . Market socialism is a general designation for a number of models of economic systems . On the one hand , the market mechanism is utilised to distribute economic output , to organise production and to allocate factor inputs . On the other hand , the economic surplus accrues to society at large rather than to a class of private ( capitalist ) owners , through some form of collective , public or social ownership of capital . Jump up ^ Stiglitz , Joseph ( January 1996 ) . Whither Socialism ? . The MIT Press . ISBN 978 - 0262691826 ... Jump up ^ Mancur Olson , Jr. , 1965 , 2nd ed. , 1971 . The Logic of Collective Action : Public Goods and the Theory of Groups , Harvard University Press , Description , Table of Contents , and preview . Jump up ^ `` Excerpt from Commanding Heights '' . . Retrieved 30 November 2010 . Jump up ^ `` On Milton Friedman , MGR & Annaism '' . . Retrieved 30 October 2011 . 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Such an organisation involves a clearly defined coordinating hierarchy but eliminates a power hierarchy . '' Jump up ^ Ludwig Von Mises , Socialism , p. 119 Jump up ^ Von Mises , Ludwig ( 1990 ) . Economic calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth ( PDF ) . Ludwig von Mises Institute . Retrieved 8 September 2008 . Jump up ^ Leon Trotsky : The Revolution Betrayed ( 1936 ) . Full Text . Chapter 4 : `` Having lost its ability to bring happiness or trample men in the dust , money will turn into mere bookkeeping receipts for the convenience of statisticians and for planning purposes . In the still more distant future , probably these receipts will not be needed . '' Jump up ^ Why Socialism ? by Albert Einstein , Monthly Review , May 1949 Jump up ^ Gregory and Stuart , Paul and Robert ( 2004 ) . Comparing Economic Systems in the Twenty - First Century , Seventh Edition . George Hoffman . pp. 120 -- 21 . ISBN 0 - 618 - 26181 - 8 . 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New York . 2006 . p. 7 Jump up ^ `` That is why Anarchy , when it works to destroy authority in all its aspects , when it demands the abrogation of laws and the abolition of the mechanism that serves to impose them , when it refuses all hierarchical organisation and preaches free agreement -- at the same time strives to maintain and enlarge the precious kernel of social customs without which no human or animal society can exist . '' Peter Kropotkin . Anarchism : its philosophy and ideal Jump up ^ `` anarchists are opposed to irrational ( e.g. , illegitimate ) authority , in other words , hierarchy -- hierarchy being the institutionalisation of authority within a society . '' `` B. 1 Why are anarchists against authority and hierarchy ? '' in An Anarchist FAQ Jump up ^ Malatesta , Errico . `` Towards Anarchism '' . MAN ! . Los Angeles : International Group of San Francisco . OCLC 3930443 . Archived from the original on 7 November 2012 . Agrell , Siri ( 14 May 2007 ) . `` Working for The Man '' . The Globe and Mail . Archived from the original on 16 May 2007 . Retrieved 14 April 2008 . `` Anarchism '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service . 2006 . Archived from the original on 14 December 2006 . Retrieved 29 August 2006 . `` Anarchism '' . The Shorter Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy : 14 . 2005 . Anarchism is the view that a society without the state , or government , is both possible and desirable . The following sources cite anarchism as a political philosophy : Mclaughlin , Paul ( 2007 ) . Anarchism and Authority . Aldershot : Ashgate . p. 59 . ISBN 0 - 7546 - 6196 - 2 . Johnston , R. ( 2000 ) . The Dictionary of Human Geography . Cambridge : Blackwell Publishers . p. 24 . ISBN 0 - 631 - 20561 - 6 . Jump up ^ Slevin , Carl . `` Anarchism . '' The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics . Ed . Iain McLean and Alistair McMillan . Oxford University Press , 2003 . Jump up ^ `` Anarchists do reject the state , as we will see . But to claim that this central aspect of anarchism is definitive is to sell anarchism short . '' Anarchism and Authority : A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism by Paul McLaughlin . AshGate. 2007 . p. 28 ^ Jump up to : `` Anarchism , then , really stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion ; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property ; liberation from the shackles and restraint of government . Anarchism stands for a social order based on the free grouping of individuals for the purpose of producing real social wealth ; an order that will guarantee to every human being free access to the earth and full enjoyment of the necessities of life , according to individual desires , tastes , and inclinations . '' Emma Goldman . `` What it Really Stands for Anarchy '' in Anarchism and Other Essays . ^ Jump up to : Ward , Colin ( 1966 ) . `` Anarchism as a Theory of Organization '' . Archived from the original on 25 March 2010 . Retrieved 1 March 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Brown , L. Susan ( 2002 ) . `` Anarchism as a Political Philosophy of Existential Individualism : Implications for Feminism '' . The Politics of Individualism : Liberalism , Liberal Feminism and Anarchism . Black Rose Books Ltd . Publishing . p. 106 . Jump up ^ `` Authority is defined in terms of the right to exercise social control ( as explored in the `` sociology of power '' ) and the correlative duty to obey ( as explored in the `` philosophy of practical reason '' ) . Anarchism is distinguished , philosophically , by its scepticism towards such moral relations -- by its questioning of the claims made for such normative power -- and , practically , by its challenge to those `` authoritative '' powers which can not justify their claims and which are therefore deemed illegitimate or without moral foundation. `` Anarchism and Authority : A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism by Paul McLaughlin . AshGate. 2007 . p. 1 Jump up ^ Individualist anarchist Benjamin Tucker defined anarchism as opposition to authority as follows `` They found that they must turn either to the right or to the left , -- follow either the path of Authority or the path of Liberty . Marx went one way ; Warren and Proudhon the other . Thus were born State Socialism and Anarchism ... Authority , takes many shapes , but , broadly speaking , her enemies divide themselves into three classes : first , those who abhor her both as a means and as an end of progress , opposing her openly , avowedly , sincerely , consistently , universally ; second , those who profess to believe in her as a means of progress , but who accept her only so far as they think she will subserve their own selfish interests , denying her and her blessings to the rest of the world ; third , those who distrust her as a means of progress , believing in her only as an end to be obtained by first trampling upon , violating , and outraging her . These three phases of opposition to Liberty are met in almost every sphere of thought and human activity . Good representatives of the first are seen in the Catholic Church and the Russian autocracy ; of the second , in the Protestant Church and the Manchester school of politics and political economy ; of the third , in the atheism of Gambetta and the socialism of Karl Marx . '' Benjamin Tucker . Individual Liberty . Jump up ^ Anarchist historian George Woodcock report of Mikhail Bakunin 's anti-authoritarianism and shows opposition to both state and non-state forms of authority as follows : `` All anarchists deny authority ; many of them fight against it . '' ( p. 9 ) ... Bakunin did not convert the League 's central committee to his full program , but he did persuade them to accept a remarkably radical recommendation to the Bern Congress of September 1868 , demanding economic equality and implicitly attacking authority in both Church and State . '' Jump up ^ Schweickart , David ( 2006 ) . `` Democratic Socialism '' . Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice . Archived from the original on 17 June 2012 . `` Social democrats supported and tried to strengthen the basic institutions of the welfare state -- pensions for all , public health care , public education , unemployment insurance . They supported and tried to strengthen the labour movement . The latter , as socialists , argued that capitalism could never be sufficiently humanised , and that trying to suppress the economic contradictions in one area would only see them emerge in a different guise elsewhere . ( E.g. , if you push unemployment too low , you 'll get inflation ; if job security is too strong , labour discipline breaks down ; etc . ) '' Jump up ^ This definition is captured in this statement by Anthony Crosland , who `` argued that the socialisms of the pre-war world ( not just that of the Marxists , but of the democratic socialists too ) were now increasingly irrelevant '' . Pierson , Chris ( June 2005 ) . `` Lost property : What the Third Way lacks '' . Journal of Political Ideologies. 10 ( 2 ) : 145 -- 63 . doi : 10.1080 / 13569310500097265 . Other texts which use the terms `` democratic socialism '' in this way include Malcolm Hamilton Democratic Socialism in Britain and Sweden ( St Martin 's Press 1989 ) . Jump up ^ Franklin , Robert Michael ( 1990 ) . Liberating Visions : Human Fulfillment and Social Justice in African - American Thought . Fortress Press . p. 125 . ISBN 0 - 8006 - 2392 - 4 . Jump up ^ Peter Dreier ( 20 January 2014 ) . Martin Luther King Was a Radical , Not a Saint . Truthout . Retrieved 20 January 2014 . Jump up ^ Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou ( 20 January 2014 ) . The radical gospel of Martin Luther King . Al Jazeera America . Retrieved 20 January 2014 . Jump up ^ definition of Blanquism , last retrieved 25 April 2007 Jump up ^ entry for Blanquism , last retrieved 25 April 2007 Jump up ^ Lenin ( 1917 ) . `` The State and Revolution '' . Jump up ^ Rosa Luxemburg as part of a longer section on Blanquism in her `` Organizational Questions of Russian Social Democracy '' ( later published as `` Leninism or Marxism ? '' ) , writes : `` For Lenin , the difference between the Social Democracy and Blanquism is reduced to the observation that in place of a handful of conspirators we have a class - conscious proletariat . He forgets that this difference implies a complete revision of our ideas on organisation and , therefore , an entirely different conception of centralism and the relations existing between the party and the struggle itself . Blanquism did not count on the direct action of the working class . It , therefore , did not need to organise the people for the revolution . The people were expected to play their part only at the moment of revolution . Preparation for the revolution concerned only the little group of revolutionists armed for the coup . Indeed , to assure the success of the revolutionary conspiracy , it was considered wiser to keep the mass at some distance from the conspirators. Rosa Luxemburg , Leninism or Marxism ? , , last retrieved 25 April 2007 Jump up ^ Marxism -- Leninism . The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language , Fourth Edition . Houghton Mifflin Company . Jump up ^ `` 150 years of Libertarian '' . . Jump up ^ Joseph Déjacque , De l'être - humain mâle et femelle -- Lettre à P.J. Proudhon par Joseph Déjacque ( in French ) Jump up ^ Ostergaard , Geoffrey . `` Anarchism '' . A Dictionary of Marxist Thought . Blackwell Publishing , 1991 . p. 21 . Jump up ^ Chomsky , Noam ( 2004 ) . Language and Politics . In Otero , Carlos Peregrín . AK Press . p. 739 Jump up ^ Bookchin , Murray and Janet Biehl . The Murray Bookchin Reader . Cassell , 1997 . p. 170 ISBN 0 - 304 - 33873 - 7 Jump up ^ Hicks , Steven V. and Daniel E. Shannon . The American journal of economics and sociolology . Blackwell Pub , 2003 . p. 612 Jump up ^ Miller , Wilbur R. ( 2012 ) . The social history of crime and punishment in America . An encyclopedia. 5 vols . London : Sage Publications . p. 1007 . ISBN 1412988764 . `` There exist three major camps in libertarian thought : right - libertarianism , socialist libertarianism , and ... '' Jump up ^ `` It implies a classless and anti-authoritarian ( i.e. libertarian ) society in which people manage their own affairs '' I. 1 Is n't libertarian socialism an oxymoron ? at An Anarchist FAQ Jump up ^ `` unlike other socialists , they tend to see ( to various different degrees , depending on the thinker ) to be skeptical of centralised state intervention as the solution to capitalist exploitation ... '' Roderick T. Long . `` Toward a libertarian theory of class . '' Social Philosophy and Policy . Volume 15 . Issue 02 . Summer 1998 . Pg. 305 Jump up ^ `` Therefore , rather than being an oxymoron , `` libertarian socialism '' indicates that true socialism must be libertarian and that a libertarian who is not a socialist is a phoney . As true socialists oppose wage labour , they must also oppose the state for the same reasons . Similarly , libertarians must oppose wage labour for the same reasons they must oppose the state . '' ( `` I1 . Isn _́ t libertarian socialism an oxymoron '' in An Anarchist FAQ ^ Jump up to : `` So , libertarian socialism rejects the idea of state ownership and control of the economy , along with the state as such . Through workers ' self - management it proposes to bring an end to authority , exploitation , and hierarchy in production . '' `` I1 . Isn _́ t libertarian socialism an oxymoron '' in An Anarchist FAQ Jump up ^ `` ... preferringa system of popular self governance via networks of decentralized , local voluntary , participatory , cooperative associations . Roderick T. Long . `` Toward a libertarian theory of class . '' Social Philosophy and Policy . Volume 15 . Issue 02 . Summer 1998 . Pg. 305 Jump up ^ Mendes , Silva . Socialismo Libertário ou Anarchismo Vol. 1 ( 1896 ) : `` Society should be free through mankind 's spontaneous federative affiliation to life , based on the community of land and tools of the trade ; meaning : Anarchy will be equality by abolition of private property ( while retaining respect for personal property ) and liberty by abolition of authority '' . Jump up ^ `` ... preferring a system of popular self governance via networks of decentralized , local , voluntary , participatory , cooperative associations - sometimes as a complement to and check on state power ... '' Jump up ^ Rocker , Rudolf ( 2004 ) . Anarcho - Syndicalism : Theory and Practice . AK Press . p. 65 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 902593 - 92 - 0 . Jump up ^ `` LibSoc share with LibCap an aversion to any interference to freedom of thought , expression or choicce of lifestyle . '' Roderick T. Long . `` Toward a libertarian theory of class . '' Social Philosophy and Policy . Volume 15 . Issue 02 . Summer 1998 . pp 305 Jump up ^ `` What is implied by the term ' libertarian socialism ' ? : The idea that socialism is first and foremost about freedom and therefore about overcoming the domination , repression , and alienation that block the free flow of human creativity , thought , and action ... An approach to socialism that incorporates cultural revolution , women 's and children 's liberation , and the critique and transformation of daily life , as well as the more traditional concerns of socialist politics . A politics that is completely revolutionary because it seeks to transform all of reality . We do not think that capturing the economy and the state lead automatically to the transformation of the rest of social being , nor do we equate liberation with changing our life - styles and our heads . Capitalism is a total system that invades all areas of life : socialism must be the overcoming of capitalist reality in its entirety , or it is nothing . '' `` What is Libertarian Socialism ? '' by Ulli Diemer . Volume 2 , Number 1 ( Summer 1997 issue ) of The Red Menace . Jump up ^ `` The Soviet Union Versus Socialism '' . . Retrieved 22 November 2015 . Libertarian socialism , furthermore , does not limit its aims to democratic control by producers over production , but seeks to abolish all forms of domination and hierarchy in every aspect of social and personal life , an unending struggle , since progress in achieving a more just society will lead to new insight and understanding of forms of oppression that may be concealed in traditional practice and consciousness . Jump up ^ `` Authority is defined in terms of the right to exercise social control ( as explored in the `` sociology of power '' ) and the correlative duty to obey ( as explred in the `` philosophy of practical reason '' ) . Anarchism is distinguished , philosophically , by its scepticism towards such moral relations -- by its questioning of the claims made for such normative power -- and , practically , by its challenge to those `` authoritative '' powers which can not justify their claims and which are therefore deemed illegitimate or without moral foundation . `` Anarchism and Authority : A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism by Paul McLaughlin . AshGate. 2007 . p. 1 Jump up ^ Individualist anarchist Benjamin Tucker defined anarchism as opposition to authority as follows `` They found that they must turn either to the right or to the left , -- follow either the path of Authority or the path of Liberty . Marx went one way ; Warren and Proudhon the other . Thus were born State Socialism and Anarchism ... Authority , takes many shapes , but , broadly speaking , her enemies divide themselves into three classes : first , those who abhor her both as a means and as an end of progress , opposing her openly , avowedly , sincerely , consistently , universally ; second , those who profess to believe in her as a means of progress , but who accept her only so far as they think she will subserve their own selfish interests , denying her and her blessings to the rest of the world ; third , those who distrust her as a means of progress , believing in her only as an end to be obtained by first trampling upon , violating , and outraging her . These three phases of opposition to Liberty are met in almost every sphere of thought and human activity . Good representatives of the first are seen in the Catholic Church and the Russian autocracy ; of the second , in the Protestant Church and the Manchester school of politics and political economy ; of the third , in the atheism of Gambetta and the socialism of Karl Marx . '' Benjamin Tucker . Individual Liberty . Jump up ^ Anarchist historian George Woodcock report of Mikhail Bakunin 's anti-authoritarianism and shows opposition to both state and non-state forms of authority as follows : `` All anarchists deny authority ; many of them fight against it . '' ( p. 9 ) ... Bakunin did not convert the League 's central committee to his full program , but he did persuade them to accept a remarkably radical recommendation to the Bern Congress of September 1868 , demanding economic equality and implicitly attacking authority in both Church and State . '' Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` It is forgotten that the early defenders of commercial society like ( Adam ) Smith were as much concerned with criticising the associational blocks to mobile labour represented by guilds as they were to the activities of the state . The history of socialist thought includes a long associational and anti-statist tradition prior to the political victory of the Bolshevism in the east and varieties of Fabianism in the west . John O _́ Neil . '' The Market : Ethics , knowledge and politics . Routledge. 1998 . p. 3 Jump up ^ Sims , Franwa ( 2006 ) . The Anacostia Diaries As It Is . Lulu Press . p. 160 . Jump up ^ `` A. 4 . ARE MUTUALISTS SOCIALISTS ? '' . . Archived from the original on 9 June 2009 . Jump up ^ Murray Bookchin , Ghost of Anarcho - Syndicalism ; Robert Graham , The General Idea of Proudhon 's Revolution Jump up ^ Kent Bromley , in his preface to Peter Kropotkin 's book The Conquest of Bread , considered early French utopian socialist Charles Fourier to be the founder of the libertarian branch of socialist thought , as opposed to the authoritarian socialist ideas of Babeuf and Buonarroti . '' Kropotkin , Peter . The Conquest of Bread , preface by Kent Bromley , New York and London , G.P. Putnam 's Sons , 1906 . Jump up ^ `` ( Benjamin ) Tucker referred to himself many times as a socialist and considered his philosophy to be `` Anarchistic socialism . '' An Anarchist FAQ by Various Authors Jump up ^ French individualist anarchist Émile Armand shows clearly opposition to capitalism and centralised economies when he said that the individualist anarchist `` inwardly he remains refractory -- fatally refractory -- morally , intellectually , economically ( The capitalist economy and the directed economy , the speculators and the fabricators of single are equally repugnant to him . ) '' `` Anarchist Individualism as a Life and Activity '' by Emile Armand Jump up ^ Anarchist Peter Sabatini reports that In the United States `` of early to mid-19th century , there appeared an array of communal and `` utopian '' counterculture groups ( including the so - called free love movement ) . William Godwin 's anarchism exerted an ideological influence on some of this , but more so the socialism of Robert Owen and Charles Fourier . After success of his British venture , Owen himself established a cooperative community within the United States at New Harmony , Indiana during 1825 . One member of this commune was Josiah Warren ( 1798 -- 1874 ) , considered to be the first individualist anarchist `` Peter Sabatini . `` Libertarianism : Bogus Anarchy '' Jump up ^ Nik Brandal , Øivind Bratberg , Dag Einar Thorsen . The Nordic Model of Social Democracy ( 2013 ) . Pallgrave MacMillan . p. 7 . ISBN 1137013265 ^ Jump up to : Busky , Donald F. ( 2000 ) . `` Democratic Socialism : A Global Survey '' . Westport , Connecticut , USA : Greenwood Publishing Group , Inc. , : 8 . The Frankfurt Declaration of the Socialist International , which almost all social democratic parties are members of , declares the goal of the development of democratic socialism Jump up ^ Sejersted and Adams and Daly , Francis and Madeleine and Richard ( 2011 ) . The Age of Social Democracy : Norway and Sweden in the Twentieth Century . Princeton University Press . ISBN 978 - 0691147741 . Jump up ^ Foundations of social democracy , 2004 . Friedrich - Ebert - Stiftung , p. 8 , November 2009 . Jump up ^ Jerry Mander ( 24 July 2013 ) . `` There Are Good Alternatives to US Capitalism , But No Way to Get There . '' Alternet . Retrieved 12 August 2013 . Jump up ^ Andrew Brown ( 12 September 2014 ) . Who are Europe 's happiest people -- progressives or conservatives ? The Guardian . Retrieved 20 October 2014 . Jump up ^ Richard Eskow ( 15 October 2014 ) . New Study Finds Big Government Makes People Happy , `` Free Markets '' Do n't . . Retrieved 20 October 2014 . Jump up ^ Benjamin Radcliff ( 25 September 2013 ) . Western nations with social safety net happier . CNN . Retrieved 20 October 2014 . Jump up ^ Craig Brown ( 11 May 2009 ) . World 's Happiest Countries ? Social Democracies . Commondreams . Retrieved 20 October 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Social democracy '' . . Retrieved 12 October 2013 . 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London , England , UK ; Thousand Oaks , California , USA ; New Delhi , India : SAGE Publications , 2004 . p. 420 . Jump up ^ Adams , Ian ( 1998 ) . Ideology and Politics in Britain Today . Manchester University Press . p. 127 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7190 - 5056 - 5 . Jump up ^ Stanislao G. Pugliese . Carlo Rosselli : socialist heretic and antifascist exile . Harvard University Press , 1999 . pp. 99 . Jump up ^ Noel W. Thompson . Political economy and the Labour Party : the economics of democratic socialism , 1884 -- 2005 . 2nd edition . Oxon , England , UK ; New York , New York , USA : Routledge , 2006 . pp. 60 -- 61 . Jump up ^ Roland Willey Bartlett , Roland Willey Bartlett . The success of modern private enterprise . Interstate Printers & Publishers , 1970 . pp. 32 . `` Liberal socialism , for example , is unequivocally in favour of the free market economy and of freedom of action for the individual and recognizes in legalistic and artificial monopolies the real evils of capitalism . '' ^ Jump up to : Steve Bastow , James Martin . Third way discourse : European ideologies in the twentieth century . Edinburgh , Scotland , UK : Edinburgh University Press , Ltd , 2003 . pp. 72 . Jump up ^ Nadia Urbinati . J.S. Mill 's political thought : a bicentennial reassessment . Cambridge , England , UK : Cambridge University Press , 2007 Pp. 101 . Jump up ^ What is Socialist Feminism ? , retrieved on 28 May 2007 . Jump up ^ Journal of Homosexuality , 1995 , Volume 29 , Issue 2 / 3 . ISSN 0091 - 8369 -- Simultaneously published as : Gay men and the sexual history of the political left , Gert Hekma et al. Eds . Harrington Park Press 1995 , ISBN 1 - 56023 - 067 - 3 . p. 14 Jump up ^ Stokes , John ( 2000 ) . Eleanor Marx ( 1855 -- 1898 ) : Life , Work , Contacts . Aldershot : Ashgate . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7546 - 0113 - 5 . Jump up ^ Zetkin , Clara , On a Bourgeois Feminist Petition ( 1895 ) . Jump up ^ Zetkin , Clara , Lenin On the Women 's Question . Jump up ^ Kollontai , Alexandra , The Social Basis of the Woman Question ( 1909 ) . Jump up ^ Kollontai , Alexandra , Women Workers Struggle For Their Rights ( 1919 ) . Jump up ^ Dunbar - Ortiz , Roxanne ( ed . ) . Quiet Rumours : An Anarcha - Feminist Reader , Dark Star : 2002 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 902593 - 40 - 1 . p. 9 . Jump up ^ Ackelsberg , Martha A. Free Women of Spain : Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women , AK Press , 2005 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 902593 - 96 - 8 . Jump up ^ Margeret `` Peg '' Strobel ; Sue Davenport ( 1999 ) . `` The Chicago Women 's Liberation Union : An Introduction '' . The CWLU Herstory Website . University of Illinois . Archived from the original on 4 November 2011 . Retrieved 25 November 2011 . Jump up ^ Charles Fourier , Le Nouveau Monde amoureux ( written 1816 -- 18 , not published widely until 1967 : Paris : Éditions Anthropos ) . pp. 389 , 391 , 429 , 458 , 459 , 462 , and 463 . Jump up ^ According to his biographer Neil McKenna , Wilde was part of a secret organisation that aimed to legalise homosexuality , and was known among the group as a leader of `` the Cause '' . ( McKenna , Neil . 2003 . The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde . ) Jump up ^ Flood , M. ( 2007 ) International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities , Routledge : Abingdon , p. 315 Jump up ^ Paul Russell ( 2002 ) . The Gay 100 : A Ranking of the Most Influential Gay Men and Lesbians , Past and Present . Kensington Publishing Corporation . p. 124 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7582 - 0100 - 3 . Jump up ^ `` Mattachine Society at Dynes , Wayne R. ( ed . ) '' ( PDF ) . Encyclopedia of Homosexuality . Jump up ^ Gay movement boosted by ' 79 march on Washington , Lou Chabarro 2004 for the Washington Blade . Jump up ^ `` Gay Liberation Front : Manifesto . London '' . 1978 ( 1971 ) . Jump up ^ Kovel , J. ; Löwy , M. ( 2001 ) . An ecosocialist manifesto . 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Jump up ^ `` Su obra más representativa es Walden , aparecida en 1854 , aunque redactada entre 1845 y 1847 , cuando Thoreau decide instalarse en el aislamiento de una cabaña en el bosque , y vivir en íntimo contacto con la naturaleza , en una vida de soledad y sobriedad . De esta experiencia , su filosofía trata de transmitirnos la idea que resulta necesario un retorno respetuoso a la naturaleza , y que la felicidad es sobre todo fruto de la riqueza interior y de la armonía de los individuos con el entorno natural . Muchos han visto en Thoreau a uno de los precursores del ecologismo y del anarquismo primitivista representado en la actualidad por John Zerzan . Para George Woodcock , esta actitud puede estar también motivada por una cierta idea de resistencia al progreso y de rechazo al materialismo creciente que caracteriza la sociedad norteamericana de mediados de siglo XIX . '' `` La Insumisión voluntaria . El Anarquismo individualista Español durante la Dictadura i la Segunda República ( 1923 -- 1938 ) '' by Xavier Diez Archived 26 May 2006 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 25 October 2012 . Retrieved 11 October 2013 . Jump up ^ `` A. 3 What types of anarchism are there ? '' . Anarchist Writers . Jump up ^ RA forum . `` R.A. Forum > SHAFFER , Kirwin R. Anarchism and countercultural politics in early twentieth - century Cuba '' . . Archived from the original on 12 October 2013 . Jump up ^ `` La Insumisión voluntaria . El Anarquismo individualista Español durante la Dictadura i la Segunda República ( 1923 -- 1938 ) '' by Xavier Diez Archived 26 May 2006 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` A Short Biography of Murray Bookchin by Janet Biehl '' . . Retrieved 11 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Ecology and Revolution '' . 16 June 2004 . Retrieved 11 May 2012 . Jump up ^ Commoner , B. , The Closing Circle , 1972 Jump up ^ Mellor , M. , Breaking the Boundaries : Towards a Feminist , Green Socialism , 1992 Jump up ^ Saller , A. , Ecofeminism as Politics : Nature , Marx and the Postmodern , 1997 Jump up ^ Guha , R. and Martinez - Alier , J. , Varieties of Environmentalism : Essays North and South , 1997 Jump up ^ Pepper , D. , Ecosocialism : From Deep Ecology to Social Justice , 1994 Jump up ^ Sam Dolgoff . The Anarchist Collectives Workers ' Self - management in the Spanish Revolution 1936 -- 1939 . Free Life Editions ; 1st edition ( 1974 ) References ( edit ) Berlau , A Joseph ( 1949 ) , The German Social Democratic Party , 1914 -- 1921 , New York : Columbia University Press . Lamb , Peter ; Docherty , J.C. ( 2006 ) . Historical Dictionary of Socialism ( 2nd ed . ) . Lanham : The Scarecrow Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8108 - 5560 - 1 . Further reading ( edit ) This article 's further reading may not follow Wikipedia 's content policies or guidelines . Please improve this article by removing less relevant or redundant publications with the same point of view ; or by incorporating the relevant publications into the body of the article through appropriate citations . ( January 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Sassoon , Donald . One Hundred Years of Socialism : The West European Left in the Twentieth Century . New Press . 1998 . ISBN 1 - 56584 - 486 - 6 . Guy Ankerl , Beyond Monopoly Capitalism and Monopoly Socialism , Cambridge , MA : Schenkman , 1978 . Beckett , Francis , Clem Attlee , Politico 's ( 2007 ) ISBN 978 - 1842751923 . Nik Brandal , Øivind Bratberg , Dag Einar Thorsen . The Nordic Model of Social Democracy ( 2013 ) Pallgrave MacMillan . ISBN 1137013265 . Gerald Cohen . Why Not Socialism ? Princeton University Press , 2009 . ISBN 0691143617 . G.D.H. Cole , History of Socialist Thought , in 7 volumes , Macmillan and St. Martin 's Press , 1965 ; Palgrave Macmillan , 2003 reprint ; 7 volumes , hardcover , 3160 pages , ISBN 1 - 4039 - 0264 - X . Michael Ellman ( 2014 ) . Socialist Planning . Cambridge University Press ; 3 edition . ISBN 1107427320 . Friedrich Engels , Socialism : Utopian and Scientific , Pathfinder ; 2r. e. edition ( December 1989 ) ISBN 978 - 0873485791 . Friedrich Engels , The Origin of the Family , Private Property and the State , Zurich , 1884 . LCC HQ504. E6 . Albert Fried and Ronald Sanders , eds. , Socialist Thought : A Documentary History , Garden City , NY : Doubleday Anchor , 1964 . LCCN 64 - 11312 . Frances Goldin , Debby Smith , Michael Smith . Imagine : Living in a Socialist USA . Harper Perennial , 2014 . ISBN 0062305573 . Élie Halévy , Histoire du Socialisme Européen . Paris : Gallimard , 1948 . Michael Harrington , Socialism , New York : Bantam , 1972 . LCCN 76 - 154260 . Michael Harrington . Socialism : Past and Future . Arcade Publishing , 2011 . ISBN 1611453356 . Hayes , Carlton J.H. `` The History of German Socialism Reconsidered , '' American Historical Review ( 1917 ) 23 # 1 pp. 62 -- 101 online . Jesús Huerta de Soto , Socialismo , cálculo económico y función empresarial ( Socialism , Economic Calculation , and Entrepreneurship ) , Unión Editorial , 1992 . ISBN 84 - 7209 - 420 - 0 . Makoto Itoh , Political Economy of Socialism . London : Macmillan , 1995 . ISBN 0 - 333 - 55337 - 3 . Kitching , Gavin ( 1983 ) . Rethinking Socialism . Meuthen . ISBN 0 - 416 - 35840 - 3 . Archived from the original on 18 January 2008 . Oskar Lange , On the Economic Theory of Socialism , Minneapolis , MN : University of Minnesota Press , 1938 . LCCN 38 - 12882 . Michael Lebowitz , Build It Now : Socialism for the 21st century , Monthly Review Press , 2006 . ISBN 1 - 58367 - 145 - 5 . George Lichtheim , A Short History of Socialism . Praeger Publishers , 1970 . Alan Maass . The Case for Socialism . Haymarket Books , 2010 ( Updated Edition ) . ISBN 1608460738 . Marx , Engels , The Communist Manifesto , Penguin Classics ( 2002 ) ISBN 978 - 0140447576 . Marx , Engels , Selected works in one volume , Lawrence and Wishart ( 1968 ) ISBN 978 - 0853151814 . Joshua Muravchik , Heaven on Earth : The Rise and Fall of Socialism , San Francisco : Encounter Books , 2002 . ISBN 1 - 893554 - 45 - 7 . Michael Newman , Socialism : A Very Short Introduction , Oxford University Press , 2005 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 280431 - 6 . Bertell Ollman , ed. , Market Socialism : The Debate among Socialists , Routledge , 1998 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 91967 - 3 . Leo Panitch , Renewing Socialism : Democracy , Strategy , and Imagination . ISBN 0 - 8133 - 9821 - 5 . Emile Perreau - Saussine , What remains of socialism ? , in Patrick Riordan ( dir . ) , Values in Public life : aspects of common goods ( Berlin , LIT Verlag , 2007 ) , pp. 11 -- 34 . Richard Pipes , Property and Freedom , Vintage , 2000 . ISBN 0 - 375 - 70447 - 7 . John Barkley Rosser and Marina V. Rosser , Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy . Cambridge , MA : MIT Press , 2004 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 262 - 18234 - 8 . Maximilien Rubel and John Crump , Non-Market Socialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries . ISBN 0 - 312 - 00524 - 5 . Bhaskar Sunkara ( editor ) , The ABCs of Socialism . Verso , 2016 . ISBN 978 - 1784787264 . Katherine Verdery , What Was Socialism , What Comes Next , Princeton . 1996 . ISBN 0 - 691 - 01132 - X . Webb , Sidney ( 1889 ) . `` The Basis of Socialism -- Historic '' . Library of Economics and Liberty . Missing or empty url = ( help ) James Weinstein , Long Detour : The History and Future of the American Left , Westview Press , 2003 , hardcover , 272 pages . ISBN 0 - 8133 - 4104 - 3 . Peter Wilberg , Deep Socialism : A New Manifesto of Marxist Ethics and Economics , 2003 . ISBN 1 - 904519 - 02 - 4 . Edmund Wilson , To the Finland Station : A Study in the Writing and Acting of History , Garden City , NY : Doubleday , 1940 . LCCN 40 - 34338 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Socialism . Socialism at Curlie ( based on DMOZ ) . `` Socialism '' . Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Cuban Socialism from the Dean Peter Krogh Foreign Affairs Digital Archives . Cole , G.D.H. ( 1922 ) . `` Socialism '' . Encyclopædia Britannica ( 12th ed . ) . Ely , Richard T. ; Adams , Thomas Sewall ( 1905 ) . `` Socialism '' . 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1. Social ownership and workers' self-management 2. Non-market and market socialism 3. Socialist political movements and philosophies 4. Feasibility and methods of resource allocation in socialism 5. Criticism and different interpretations of socialism
who is the lead singer of the spin doctors
Spin Doctors - Wikipedia Spin Doctors Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Spin ( public relations ) . <Th_colspan="2"> Spin Doctors <Td_colspan="2"> The Spin Doctors in 2017 <Th_colspan="2"> Background information Origin New York City , New York , United States Genres Rock blues rock funk rock jam rock Years active 1988 -- 1999 , 2001 -- present Labels Sony , Uptown Website <Th_colspan="2"> Members Chris Barron Aaron Comess Eric Schenkman Mark White <Th_colspan="2"> Past members Anthony Krizan Ivan Neville Eran Tabib Carl Carter Spin Doctors is a rock band from USA , formed in New York City , best known for their early 1990s hits , `` Two Princes '' and `` Little Miss Ca n't Be Wrong '' , which peaked on the Billboard Hot 100 chart at No. 7 and No. 17 , respectively . The current members are founders Chris Barron ( lead vocals ) , Eric Schenkman ( guitar and vocals ) , Aaron Comess ( drums and percussion ) , and Mark White ( bass guitar ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Members 3 Awards nominations 4 Discography 5 References 6 External links History ( edit ) The history of Spin Doctors can be traced back to the late 1980s in New York City , originally as a band called Trucking Company , which included Canadian guitarist Eric Schenkman , John Popper , and later Chris Barron , who was Popper 's Princeton , New Jersey high school friend . Popper left this side project to focus on his main gig with Blues Traveler full - time . With a name change to Spin Doctors , as well as the addition of Aaron Comess and Mark White , the classic lineup was in place by the spring of 1989 . Spin Doctors signed with Epic Records / Sony Music A&R executive Frankie LaRocka in 1991 . The band 's Epic debut EP Up for Grabs ... Live was recorded live at The Wetlands Preserve in lower Manhattan , and released in January 1991 . ( In November 1992 , these EP tracks were remixed and supplemented by additional live recordings to form the album Homebelly Groove ... Live . ) Spin Doctors were known for their somewhat lengthy live shows , sometimes jamming even more than is evident on their live releases . They also often performed double - bill gigs opening for Blues Traveler , with members of both bands all jamming together as the transition from Spin Doctors set into the Blues Traveler set . Spin Doctors have many songs from their early club days that were never officially released , but remain circulated via concert recordings . Spin Doctors 's debut studio album , Pocket Full of Kryptonite was released in August 1991 . The band continued to play extensive live shows , gaining grassroots fans , as the album was mostly ignored commercially . In summer 1992 , the band toured with the first lineup of the H.O.R.D.E. festival , sharing the stage with fellow jam bands Widespread Panic , Blues Traveler , and Phish . That summer , commercial popularity heated up , as radio and MTV began playing `` Little Miss Ca n't Be Wrong '' and `` Two Princes '' directed by filmmaker Rich Murray ( who directed many of the band 's videos ) . The album went Gold in September 1992 , and then received another boost in sales after the band 's appearance on Saturday Night Live in October 1992 . Additional videos and singles followed for `` What Time Is It , '' `` How Could You Want Him ( When You Know You Could Have Me ? ) , '' and `` Jimmy Olsen 's Blues . '' By June 1993 , the album went Triple Platinum . Ultimately it sold over five million copies in the U.S. and another five million overseas , and peaked at No. 3 on the Billboard 200 albums chart . Mark White in 2017 `` ( Their ) popularity is based on universal rock & roll virtues , '' said Rolling Stone , which put the band on the cover of its January 7 , 1993 issue . `` The Doctors are n't trying to blaze new trails . They know we 've been down this way with the Stones , Curtis Mayfield , and a few of their other touchstones . But the proof -- plenty of it -- is in the party . '' Spin Doctors made an appearance on Sesame Street , singing a modified version of `` Two Princes '' that emphasized the importance of sharing . In 1993 , they recorded covers of `` Have You Ever Seen the Rain ? '' , originally by Creedence Clearwater Revival , for the film Philadelphia and `` Spanish Castle Magic '' for Stone Free : A Tribute to Jimi Hendrix . Spin Doctors 's second studio album , Turn It Upside Down , released in June 1994 , was not quite as commercially successful as Pocket Full of Kryptonite , although it did sell a million copies in the United States and a million overseas . The second single , `` You Let Your Heart Go Too Fast '' , was a modest hit ( # 42 on the pop chart ) . This album also featured `` Cleopatra 's Cat '' , `` Mary Jane '' , `` Hungry Hamed 's '' , and `` Bags of Dirt '' . The band set out on a three - month headlining tour , and played to large crowds at Woodstock ' 94 and the Glastonbury Festival . Shortly after the release of Turn It Upside Down , original guitarist Eric Schenkman left the band in September 1994 by walking offstage during a concert in Berkeley , California citing musical and personal differences , and being weary of the road . Schenkman was replaced by Anthony Krizan . Featuring new guitarist Krizan , Spin Doctors released You 've Got to Believe in Something in May 1996 . It produced the single and video `` She Used to Be Mine '' . They performed on the Late Show with David Letterman and did some touring , with Ivan Neville joining the band on keyboards . During this period , Spin Doctors contributed the theme song to Seasons 2 and 3 of the television show Spin City . After touring wrapped up in the fall of 1996 , Krizan eventually left the band , for reasons that remain relatively unknown . He was replaced by Israeli musician Eran Tabib after auditioning nearly 200 candidates . You 've Got to Believe in Something did not live up to previous album sales , selling only 75,000 copies . Epic dropped the band in 1996 . Barron singing with Schenkman playing guitar In 1998 , Spin Doctors signed to Uptown / Universal and released Here Comes the Bride in June 1999 . During the recording of Here Comes the Bride , Mark White left the band . The bass tracks on the album were finished by original band member Aaron Comess . During the tour supporting Here Comes the Bride , Barron lost his voice due to a rare acute form of vocal cord paralysis that severely affected his ability to talk , let alone sing . He was told he had a 50 - 50 chance of ever talking or singing normally again . Keyboardist Ivan Neville also took over vocal duties for a few dates , but the band eventually cancelled the remainder of its tour . Barron 's voice came back in early 2000 ( first comeback ( solo ) shows in March 2000 ) , at which point he began performing with his band and the Give Daddy Five . Barron undertook what he calls `` a journeyman songwriting experience , '' composing tunes with Blues Traveler 's John Popper and with former BMI executive Jeff Cohen . Spin Doctors remained inactive as a band until September 2001 , when news about the closing of legendary NYC venue Wetlands sparked the original four members to reunite . On September 7 , 2001 , the original lineup took the stage for the first time since 1994 to play at Wetlands . It was the final closing week of the club . The landmark show was a great success for the fans and the band . Odd shows followed in 2002 through 2005 , which eventually led to a brand new studio album , Nice Talking to Me , released on September 13 , 2005 . The single `` Ca n't Kick the Habit '' was included on the soundtrack to the movie Grandma 's Boy . It received moderate radio airplay , along with the songs `` Margarita '' and the title track `` Nice Talking to Me '' . While the record received good reviews , follow - up proved difficult when the record company that released it went out of business . In 2008 , the band continued to play one - off live shows in the United States and Europe . Drummer Aaron Comess released an instrumental record of all his own compositions entitled Catskills Cry featuring bassist Tony Levin and guitarist Bill Dillon . In 2009 , Barron released the solo record Pancho and the Kid on Valley Entertainment . During the summer of 2010 , Barron released Songs from the Summer of Sangria . This five - song EP was his first official release with his band The Time Bandits . In 2011 , the band celebrated the 20 - year anniversary of Pocket Full of Kryptonite with a UK and US tour . Sony Legacy released a 20th anniversary edition with bonus material on August 29 , 2011 . In April 2013 , the band released If the River Was Whiskey , their sixth studio album . Members ( edit ) Aaron Comess in 2017 Current Chris Barron ( born February 5 , 1968 ) -- lead vocals , rhythm and acoustic guitars ( 1988 -- 1999 , 2001 -- present ) Aaron Comess ( born April 24 , 1968 ) -- drums , percussion , keyboards , bass guitar , guitars , chapman stick , accordion , backing vocals ( 1988 -- 1999 , 2001 -- present ) Eric Schenkman ( born December 12 , 1963 ) -- lead guitar , piano , backing and occasional lead vocals ( 1988 -- 1994 , 2001 -- present ) Mark White -- bass guitar , rhythm guitar , keyboards , backing vocals ( 1988 -- 1998 , 2001 -- present ) Former Anthony Krizan -- lead guitar , backing vocals ( 1994 -- 1996 ) Ivan Neville -- keyboards , backing vocals ( 1996 -- 1999 ) Eran Tabib -- lead guitar , backing vocals ( 1996 -- 1999 ) Carl Carter -- bass guitar , backing vocals ( 1998 -- 1999 ) Touring Shawn Pelton -- drums , percussion ( 2012 ) Timeline Awards nominations ( edit ) American Music Awards of 1994 Nominated for American Music Award for Favorite Pop / Rock Album for Pocket Full of Kryptonite 36th Grammy Awards Nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal for `` Two Princes '' Discography ( edit ) Main article : Spin Doctors discography Pocket Full of Kryptonite ( 1991 ) Turn It Upside Down ( 1994 ) You 've Got to Believe in Something ( 1996 ) Here Comes the Bride ( 1999 ) Nice Talking to Me ( 2005 ) If the River Was Whiskey ( 2013 ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Spin Doctors '' . allmusic . Retrieved November 28 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Spin Doctors '' . . Jump up ^ `` Eric Schenkman Interview '' . Guitarhoo ! . . December 18 , 2013 . Retrieved February 21 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Jeff Giles ( January 7 , 1993 ) . `` Miracle Cure '' . Rolling Stone . Archived from the original on December 30 , 2008 . Retrieved July 20 , 2008 . ^ Jump up to : Warren St. John ( September 25 , 2005 ) . `` ' That 90s Band ' Tries Again '' . New York Times . Retrieved July 20 , 2008 . ^ Jump up to : Donna Freydkin ( June 23 , 1999 ) . `` The Spin Doctors : Songs in the key of free '' . CNN . Retrieved July 21 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Soundtracks for `` Sesame Street '' `` . IMDB . Retrieved September 26 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` Soundtracks for `` Philadelphia '' `` . IMDB . Retrieved June 3 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Neil Strauss ( June 9 , 1994 ) . `` The Pop Life '' . New York Times . Retrieved July 20 , 2008 . ^ Jump up to : Anni Layne ( July 10 , 1998 ) . `` Spin Doctors Threaten A Sequel '' . Rolling Stone . Archived from the original on December 30 , 2008 . Retrieved July 20 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Spin Doctors ' Chris Barron Silenced By Paralyzed Vocal Cord '' . MTV News . August 19 , 1999 . Retrieved July 20 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Wayne Bledsoe ( November 30 , 2007 ) . `` Spin Doctor 's frontman says nearly losing voice good for him '' . Knoxville News Sentinel . Retrieved July 20 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Valley Entertainment Pancho And The Kid '' . . Retrieved November 7 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Legacy Recordings . `` Legacy '' . Sony Legacy . Jump up ^ `` iTunes - Music - If the River Was Whiskey by Spin Doctors '' . . Retrieved April 29 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` If The River Was Whiskey : Spin Doctors : Music '' . . January 1 , 1970 . Retrieved April 29 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` spindoctors archive '' . spindoctors archive . Retrieved April 25 , 2012 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Archived October 11 , 2013 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Filled - in for Aaron Comess on September 1 , 2012 . External links ( edit ) Official site Spin Doctors videos Spin Doctors collection at the Internet Archive 's live music archive More Than Meets The Ear - The Spin Doctors archive ( Fansite ) <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) Spin Doctors <Td_colspan="2"> Chris Barron Aaron Comess Eric Schenkman Mark White Anthony Krizan Ivan Neville Eran Tabib Carl Carter Studio albums Pocket Full of Kryptonite ( 1991 ) Turn It Upside Down ( 1994 ) You 've Got to Believe in Something ( 1996 ) Here Comes the Bride ( 1999 ) Nice Talking to Me ( 2005 ) If the River Was Whiskey ( 2013 ) Compilation albums Just Go Ahead Now : A Retrospective ( 2000 ) Live albums Up for Grabs ... Live ( 1991 ) Homebelly Groove ... Live ( 1992 ) Singles `` Little Miss Ca n't Be Wrong '' `` Two Princes '' `` Have You Ever Seen the Rain ? '' VIAF : 32145970328332252532 ISNI : 0000 0001 2324 8808 GND : 5521389 - 3 MusicBrainz : 1bcb61f3 - ca9c - 4a26 - b16e - 0547ad6c21be Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Spin Doctors Alternative rock groups from New York ( state ) Musical groups from New York ( state ) Musical groups established in 1988 Rock music groups from New York ( state ) Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Use mdy dates from July 2016 Use American English from July 2016 All Wikipedia articles written in American English Articles with hCards Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Български Čeština Deutsch Español Français 한국어 Italiano Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Slovenčina Suomi Svenska Edit links This page was last edited on 23 October 2017 , at 00 : 36 . 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1. Spin Doctors - rock band from New York City 2. Hits: "Two Princes" and "Little Miss Can't Be Wrong" 3. Band members: Chris Barron, Aaron Comess, Eric Schenkman, Mark White 4. Albums: Pocket Full of Kryptonite, Turn It Upside Down, Nice Talking to Me 5. Awards and nominations: American Music Awards, Grammy Awards
the first submarine was made in which country
History of submarines - wikipedia History of submarines Beginning in ancient times , humans sought to operate under the water . From simple submersibles to nuclear - powered underwater behemoths , humans have searched for a means to remain safely underwater to gain the advantage in warfare , resulting in the development of the submarine . It was first built in 1620 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Technology 1.1 Early submarines 1.2 Early military submarines 1.3 Mechanical power 1.4 Electric power 1.5 The modern submarine 1.6 Interwar developments 1.7 Nuclear propulsion and missile platforms 1.8 Recent 2 Associated technology 2.1 Sensors 2.2 Weapons and countermeasures 2.3 Safety 2.4 Communication and navigation 3 Military 3.1 American Civil War 3.2 Russo - Japanese War 3.3 World War I 3.4 World War II 3.4. 1 Germany 3.4. 2 Italy 3.4. 3 Britain 3.4. 4 Japan 3.4. 5 United States 3.5 Post-War 4 Major submarine incidents 5 See also 5.1 Articles on specific vessels 5.2 Articles on specific submarine classes 6 References 7 Further reading 8 External links Technology ( edit ) Early submarines ( edit ) A 16th - century Islamic painting depicting Alexander the Great being lowered in a glass submersible . The concept of underwater combat has roots deep in antiquity . There are images of men using hollow sticks to breathe underwater for hunting at the temples at Thebes , but the first known military use occurred during the siege of Syracuse ( 415 - 413 BC ) , where divers cleared obstructions , according to the History of the Peloponnesian War . At the siege of Tyre ( 332 BC ) , Alexander the Great used divers , according to Aristotle . Later legends from Alexandria , Egypt from the 12th century AD , suggested that Alexander conducted reconnaissance , using a primitive submersible in the form of a diving bell , as depicted in a 16th - century Islamic painting . According to a report attributed to Tahbir al - Tayseer in Opusculum Taisnieri published in 1562 : two Greeks submerged and surfaced in the river Tagus near the City of Toledo several times in the presence of The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V , without getting wet and with the flame they carried in their hands still alight . Submarine by William Bourne , in Inventions or devices , 1578 . Although there were various plans for submersibles or submarines during the Middle Ages , the Englishman William Bourne designed one of the first prototype submarines in 1578 . This was to be a completely enclosed boat that could be submerged and rowed beneath the surface . Comprising a completely enclosed wooden vessel sheathed in waterproofed leather , it was to be submerged by using hand operated wooden screw thread adjustable plungers pressing against flexible leather bags located at the sides in order to increase or decrease the volume of water to adjust the buoyancy of the craft . The sketch ( left ) suggests that the depth adjustment was by means of a crankset projecting above the surface . There is no obvious accommodation for crew . The first submersible to be actually built in modern times was constructed in 1605 by Magnus Pegelius . Its fate was to become buried in mud . In 1596 the Scottish mathematician and theologian John Napier wrote in his Secret Inventions the following : `` These inventions besides devises of sayling under water with divers , other devises and strategems for harming of the enemyes by the Grace of God and worke of expert Craftsmen I hope to perform . '' It 's unclear whether or not Napier ever carried out his plans . Henry Briggs , who was professor of mathematics at Gresham College , London , and later at Oxford , was a friend of Napier , whom he visited in 1615 and 1616 , and was also an acquaintance of Cornelius Van Drebbel , a Dutchman in the service of James I of England , who designed and built the first successful submarine in 1620 . Hence , it is not impossible that it was because of the interest taken by Napier in the submarine that Briggs came in touch with Drebbel . Submarine of Cornelius Jacobszoon Drebbel , 1620 and 1624 . Drebbel 's submarine was propelled by oars and is thought to have incorporated floats with tubes to allow air down to the rowers . The precise nature of this submarine is unclear , it may be possible that it resembled a bell towed by a boat . Two improved types were tested in the River Thames between 1620 and 1624 . Of one of these tests Constantijn Huygens reports in his autobiography of 1651 the following : Worth all the rest put together is the little ship , in which he calmly dived under the water , while he kept the king and several thousand Londoners in the greatest suspense . The great majority of these already thought that the man who had very cleverly remained invisible to them - for three hours , as rumour has it - had perished , when he suddenly rose to the surface a considerable distance from where he had dived down , bringing with him the several companions of his dangerous adventure to witness to the fact that they had experienced no trouble or fear under the water , but had sat on the bottom , when they so desired , and had ascended when they wished to do so ; that they had sailed whithersoever they had a mind , rising as much nearer the surface or again diving as much deeper as it pleased them to do , without even being deprived of light ; yea , even that they had done in the belly of that whale all the things people are used to do in the air , and this without any trouble . From all this it is not hard to imagine what would be the usefulness of this bold invention in time of war , if in this manner ( a thing which I have repeatedly heard Drebbel assert ) enemy ships lying safely at anchor could be secretly attacked and sunk unexpectedly by means of a battering ram -- an instrument of which hideous use is made now - a-days in the capturing of the gates and bridges of towns . His son Constantijn Huygens , Jr. commented in his diary on October 18 , 1690 on how Drebbel was able to measure the depth to which his boat had descended ( which was necessary to prevent the boat from sinking ) by means of a quicksilver barometer : Old Mistress Kuffler came to see me in the morning . She was still talking about a place at court or elsewhere ; I said I could not help her . She said that her father Cornelis Drebbel had a long tube of quicksilver in the boat in which he dived be under water . In order to solve the problem of the absence of oxygen , Drebbel was able to create oxygen out of saltpetre to refresh the air in his submarine . An indication of this can be found in Drebbels own work : On the Nature of the Elements ( 1604 ) , in the fifth chapter : Very dry , subtle or warm air , which then very quickly penetrates the coarse , heavy clouds , expands them , makes them subtle and thin , and again changes them into the nature of air , whereby its volume is increased an hundredfold in a moment , which brings forth the terrific motion which , cracking and bursting , sets the air alight and moves it , until volume and density are equal , when there is rest . Thus is the body of the saltpetre broken up and decomposed by the power of the fire and so changed in the nature of the air , or as when a wet hand or cloth is waved about on a hot iron , or molten lead , which by expansion or enlargement due to heat cracks and bursts with a noise like thunder . The introduction of Drebbel 's submarine concept seemed beyond conventional expectations of what science was thought to have been capable of at the time . Commenting on the scientific basis of Drebbel 's claims , renowned German astronomer Johannes Kepler was said to have remarked in 1607 : `` If ( Drebbel ) can create a new spirit , by means of which he can move and keep in motion his instrument without weights or propelling power , he will be Apollo in my opinion . '' Although the first submersible vehicles were tools for exploring under water , it did not take long for inventors to recognize their military potential . The strategic advantages of submarines were first set out by Bishop John Wilkins of Chester in Mathematical Magick in 1648 : Tis private : a man may thus go to any coast in the world invisibly , without discovery or prevented in his journey . Tis safe , from the uncertainty of Tides , and the violence of Tempests , which do never move the sea above five or six paces deep . From Pirates and Robbers which do so infest other voyages ; from ice and great frost , which do so much endanger the passages towards the Poles . It may be of great advantages against a Navy of enemies , who by this may be undermined in the water and blown up . It may be of special use for the relief of any place besieged by water , to convey unto them invisible supplies ; and so likewise for the surprisal of any place that is accessible by water . It may be of unspeakable benefit for submarine experiments . Denis Papin 's submarine , second design , 1690 . Sub Marine Explorer 2007 . Between 1690 and 1692 , the French physicist Denis Papin , designed and built two submarines . The first design ( 1690 ) was a strong and heavy metallic square box , equipped with an efficient pump that pumped air into the hull to raise the inner pressure . When the air pressure reached the required level , holes were opened to let in some water . This first machine was destroyed by accident . The second design ( 1692 ) had an oval shape and worked on similar principles . A water pump controlled the buoyancy of the machine . According to some sources , a spy of German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz called Haes reported that Papin had met with some success with his second design on the River Lahn . By the mid 18th century , over a dozen patents for submarines / submersible boats had been granted in England . In 1747 , Nathaniel Symons patented and built the first known working example of the use of a ballast tank for submersion . His design used leather bags that could fill with water to submerge the craft . A mechanism was used to twist the water out of the bags and cause the boat to resurface . In 1749 , the Gentlemen 's Magazine reported that a similar design had been proposed by Giovanni Borelli in 1680 . By this point of development , further improvement in design stagnated for over a century , until new industrial technologies for propulsion and stability could be applied . The first submarine to successfully dive , cruise below the water surface and emerge to the surface again by its own was the Sub Marine Explorer of the German American engineer Julius H. Kroehl ( in German , Kröhl ) , which already comprised many technologies that are still essential to modern submarines . After its public maiden dive in 1866 , the Sub Marine Explorer was used for pearl diving off the coast of Panama . Due to its very advanced design , it was capable of diving deeper than 31 meters ( 103 feet ) , remarkably deeper than any other submarine built before . Early military submarines ( edit ) The first military submarine was built in 1720 by carpenter Yefim Nikonov by order of Tsar Peter the Great in Russia . Nikonov armed his submarine with `` fire tubes '' , weapons akin to flame - throwers . The submarine was designed to approach an enemy vessel , put the ends of the `` tubes '' out of the water , and blow up the ship with a combustible mixture . In addition , he designed an airlock for aquanauts to come out of the submarine and to destroy the bilge of the ship . With the death of Peter I in January 1725 , Nikonov lost his principal patron and the Admiralty withdrew support for the project . A cutaway depiction of David Bushnell 's Turtle , 1776 . The first American military submarine was Turtle in 1776 , a hand - powered egg - shaped ( or acorn - shaped ) device designed by the American David Bushnell , to accommodate a single man . It was the first submarine capable of independent underwater operation and movement , and the first to use screws for propulsion . However , according to British naval historian Richard Compton - Hall , the problems of achieving neutral buoyancy would have rendered the vertical propeller of the Turtle useless . The route the Turtle must take to attack its intended target HMS Eagle was slightly across the tidal stream which would , in all probability , have resulted in Ezra Lee becoming exhausted . There are also no British records of an attack by a submarine during the war . In the face of these and other problems , Compton - Hall suggests that the entire story around the Turtle was fabricated as disinformation and morale - boosting propaganda , and that if Ezra Lee did carry out an attack , it was in a covered rowing boat rather than the Turtle . Replicas of Turtle have been built to test the design . One replica ( Acorn ) , created by Duke Riley and Jesse Bushnell ( claiming to be a descendant of David Bushnell ) , used the tide to get within 200 feet of the RMS Queen Mary 2 in New York City ( Acorn was stopped by a police boat for violating a security zone ) . Replicas of Turtle 's acknowledging its place in history are on display at the Connecticut River Museum , the U.S. Navy 's Submarine Force Library and Museum , Britain 's Royal Navy Submarine Museum and Monaco 's Oceanographic Museum . The Nautilus ( 1800 ) , built in France by Robert Fulton . An 1806 submarine design by Robert Fulton . In 1800 , the French Navy built a human - powered submarine designed by Robert Fulton , the Nautilus . It also had a sail for use on the surface and so was the first known use of dual propulsion on a submarine . It proved capable of using mines to destroy two warships during demonstrations . The French eventually gave up with the experiment in 1804 , as did the British , when Fulton later offered them the submarine design . The Submarino Hipopótamo was the first submarine in South America built and tested in Ecuador on September 18 , 1837 . It was designed by Jose Rodriguez Lavandera , who successfully crossed the Guayas River in Guayaquil accompanied by Jose Quevedo . Rodriguez Lavandera had enrolled in the Ecuadorian Navy in 1823 , becoming a Lieutenant by 1830 . The Hipopotamo crossed the Guayas on two more occasions , but it was abandoned , because of lack of funding and interest from the government . In 1851 , a Bavarian artillery corporal , Wilhelm Bauer , took a submarine designed by him called the Brandtaucher ( fire - diver ) to sea in Kiel Harbour . This submarine was built by August Howaldt and powered by a treadwheel . It sank , but the crew of three managed to escape . The `` Flach '' was commissioned in 1865 by the Chilean government during the Chincha Islands War between Chile and Peru against Spain ( 1864 -- 1866 ) . It was built by the German engineer Karl Flach . The submarine sank during tests in Valparaiso bay , on May 3 , 1866 , with the entire eleven - man crew . During the War of the Pacific in 1879 , the Peruvian government commissioned and built a submarine , the Toro Submarino . It never saw military action and was scuttled after Peru 's defeat to prevent its capture by the enemy . Mechanical power ( edit ) Plongeur , the first submarine that did not rely on human power for propulsion . The first submarine that did not rely on human power for propulsion was the French Navy submarine Plongeur , launched in 1863 , and equipped with a reciprocating engine using compressed air from 23 tanks at 180 psi . In practice , the submarine was virtually unmanageable underwater , with very poor speed and maneouverability . A replica of Monturiol 's wooden Ictineo II stands near Barcelona harbor . The first air independent and combustion powered submarine was the Ictineo II , designed by Narcís Monturiol . Originally launched in 1864 as a human - powered vessel , propelled by 16 men , it was converted to peroxide propulsion and steam in 1867 . The 14 meters ( 46 feet ) craft was designed for a crew of two , could dive to 30 metres ( 98 feet ) , and demonstrated dives of two hours . On the surface , it ran on a steam engine , but underwater such an engine would quickly consume the submarine 's oxygen . To solve this problem , Monturiol invented an air - independent propulsion system . As the air - independent power system drove the screw , the chemical process driving it also released oxygen into the hull for the crew and an auxiliary steam engine . Apart from being mechanically powered , Monturiol 's pioneering double hulled vessels also solved pressure , buoyancy , stability , diving and ascending problems that had bedeviled earlier designs . The submarine became a potentially viable weapon with the development of the first practical self - propelled torpedoes . The Whitehead torpedo was the first such weapon , and was designed in 1866 by British engineer Robert Whitehead . His ' mine ship ' was an 11 - foot long , 14 - inch diameter torpedo propelled by compressed air and carried an explosive warhead . The device had a speed of 7 knots ( 13 km / h ) and could hit a target 700 yards ( 640 m ) away . Many naval services procured the Whitehead torpedo during the 1870s and it first proved itself in combat during the Russo - Turkish War when , on January 16 , 1878 , the Turkish ship Intibah was sunk by Russian torpedo boats carrying Whiteheads . During the 1870s and 1880s , the basic contours of the modern submarine began to emerge , through the inventions of the English inventor and curate , George Garrett , and his industrialist financier Thorsten Nordenfelt , and the Irish inventor John Philip Holland . Sketch of the design of Resurgam II by George Garrett . In 1878 , Garrett built a 14 - foot ( 4.3 m ) long hand - cranked submarine of about 4.5 tons , which he named the Resurgam . This was followed by the second ( and more famous ) Resurgam of 1879 , built by Cochran & Co. at Birkenhead , England . The construction was of iron plates fastened to iron frames , with the central section of the vessel clad with wood secured by iron straps . As built , it was 45 feet ( 14 m ) long by 10 feet ( 3.0 m ) in diameter , weighed 30 long tons ( 30 t ) , and had a crew of 3 . Resurgam was powered by a closed cycle steam engine , which provided enough steam to turn the single propeller for up to 4 hours . It was designed to have positive buoyancy , and diving was controlled by a pair of hydroplanes amidships . At the time it cost £ 1,538 . Although his design was not very practical - the steam boiler generated intense heat in the cramped confines of the vessel , and it lacked longitudinal stability - it caught the attention of the Swedish industrialist Thorsten Nordenfelt . Discussions between the two led to the first practical steam - powered submarines , armed with torpedoes and ready for military use . The Nordenfelt - designed , Ottoman submarine Abdül Hamid The first such boat was the Nordenfelt I , a 56 tonne , 19.5 metres ( 64 feet ) vessel similar to Garret 's ill - fated Resurgam , with a range of 240 kilometres ( 150 miles ; 130 nautical miles ) , armed with a single torpedo , in 1885 . Like Resurgam , Nordenfelt I operated on the surface by steam , then shut down its engine to dive . While submerged the submarine released pressure generated when the engine was running on the surface to provide propulsion for some distance underwater . Greece , fearful of the return of the Ottomans , purchased it . Nordenfelt commissioned the Barrow Shipyard in England in 1886 to build Nordenfelt II ( Abdül Hamid ) and Nordenfelt III ( Abdül Mecid ) in 1887 . They were powered by a coal - fired 250 hp Lamm steam engine turning a single screw , and carried two 356mm torpedo tubes and two 35mm machine guns . They were loaded with a total of 8 tons of coal as fuel and could dive to a depth of 160 feet . It was 30.5 m long and 6m wide , and weighed 100 tons . It carried a normal crew of 7 . It had a maximum surface speed of 6 knots , and a maximum speed of 4 knots while submerged . Abdülhamid became the first submarine in history to fire a torpedo submerged . Nordenfelt 's efforts culminated in 1887 with Nordenfelt IV , which had twin motors and twin torpedoes . It was sold to the Russians , but soon ran aground and was scrapped . Garrett and Nordenfelt made significant advances in constructing the first modern , militarily capable submarines and fired up military and popular interest around the world for this new technology . However , the solution to fundamental technical problems , such as propulsion , quick submergence , and the maintenance of balance underwater was still lacking , and would only be solved in the 1890s . Electric power ( edit ) A reliable means of propulsion for the submerged vessel was only made possible in the 1880s with the advent of the necessary electric battery technology . The first electrically powered boats were built by Stefan Drzewiecki in Russia , James Franklin Waddington and the team of James Ash and Andrew Campbell in England , Dupuy de Lôme and Gustave Zédé in France and Isaac Peral in Spain . In 1884 , Polish - Russian naval engineer Stefan Drzewiecki converted 2 mechanical submarines , installed on each a 1 hp engine with the new , at the time , source of energy - batteries . On tests submarine went under the water against the flow of the Neva River at a rate of 4 knots . It was the first submarine in the world with electric propulsion . Ash and Campbell constructed their craft , the Nautilus , in 1886 . It was 60 feet ( 18 m ) long with a 9.7 kW ( 13 hp ) engine powered by 52 batteries . It was an advanced design for the time , but became stuck in the mud during trials and was discontinued . Waddington 's Porpoise vessel showed more promise . Waddington had formerly worked in the shipyard in which Garrett had been active . Waddignton 's vessel was similar in size to the Resurgam and its propulsion system used 45 accumulator cells with a capacity of 660 ampere hours each . These were coupled in series to a motor driving a propeller at about 750 rpm , giving the ship a sustained speed of 13 km / h ( 8 mph ) for at least 8 hours . The boat was armed with two externally mounted torpedoes as well as a mine torpedo that could be detonated electronically . Although the boat performed well at trials , Waddington was unable to attract further contracts and went bankrupt . The Peral Submarine , one of the first electrical powered submarines . Built in 1888 , now preserved in Cartagena . In France , early electric boats Goubet I and Goubet II were built by the civil engineer , Claude Goubet . These boats were also unsuccessful , but they inspired the renowned naval architect Dupuy de Lôme to begin work on his submarine -- an advanced electric - powered submarine almost 20 metres long . He did n't live to see his design constructed , but the craft was completed by Gustave Zédé in 1888 and named the Gymnote . It was one of the first truly successful electrically powered submarines , and was equipped with an early periscope and an electric gyrocompass for navigation . It completed over 2,000 successful dives using a 204 - cell battery . Although the Gymnote was scrapped for its limited range , its side hydroplanes became the standard for future submarine designs . The Peral Submarine , constructed by Isaac Peral , was launched by the Spanish Navy in the same year , 1888 . It had three Schwarzkopf torpedoes 14 in ( 360 mm ) and one torpedo tube in bow , new air systems , hull shape , propeller , and cruciform external controls anticipating much later designs . Peral was an all - electrical powered submarine . After two years of trials the project was scrapped by naval officialdom who cited , among other reasons , concerns over the range permitted by its batteries . Many more designs were built at this time by various inventors , but submarines were not put into service by navies until the turn of the 20th century . The modern submarine ( edit ) USS Holland ( SS - 1 ) was commissioned into the U.S. Navy in 1900 . The turn of century marked a pivotal time in the development of submarines , with a number of important technologies making their debut , as well as the widespread adoption and fielding of submarines by a number of nations . Diesel electric propulsion would become the dominant power system and instruments such as the periscope would become standardized . Batteries were used for running underwater and gasoline ( petrol ) or diesel engines were used on the surface and to recharge the batteries . Early boats used gasoline , but quickly gave way to kerosene , then diesel , because of reduced flammability . Effective tactics and weaponry were refined in the early part of the century , and the submarine would have a large impact on 20th century warfare . The Irish inventor John Philip Holland built a model submarine in 1876 and a full scale one in 1878 , followed by a number of unsuccessful ones . In 1896 , he designed the Holland Type VI submarine . This vessel made use of internal combustion engine power on the surface and electric battery power for submerged operations . Launched on 17 May 1897 at Navy Lt. Lewis Nixon 's Crescent Shipyard in Elizabeth , New Jersey , the Holland VI was purchased by the United States Navy on 11 April 1900 , becoming the United States Navy 's first commissioned submarine and renamed USS Holland . A prototype version of the A-class submarine ( Fulton ) was developed at Crescent Shipyard under the supervision of naval architect and shipbuilder from the United Kingdom , Arthur Leopold Busch , for the newly reorganized Electric Boat Company in 1900 . The Fulton was never commissioned by the United States Navy and was sold to the Imperial Russian Navy in 1905 . The submarines were built at two different shipyards on both coasts of the United States . In 1902 , Holland received U.S. Patent 708,553 for his relentless pursuit to perfect the modern submarine craft . Many countries became interested in Holland 's ( weapons ) product and purchased `` the rights '' to build them during this time . The Royal Navy commissioned the Holland - class submarine from Vickers , Barrow - in - Furness , under licence from the Holland Torpedo Boat Company during the years 1901 to 1903 . Construction of the boats took longer than anticipated , with the first only ready for a diving trial at sea on 6 April 1902 . Although the design had been purchased entirely from the US company , the actual design used was an untested improved version of the original Holland design using a new 180 hp petrol engine . The 1900 French submarine Narval . Meanwhile , the French steam and electric Narval was commissioned in June 1900 and introduced the classic double - hull design , with a pressure hull inside the outer shell . These 200 - ton ships had a range of over 100 miles ( 160 km ) underwater . The French submarine Aigrette in 1904 further improved the concept by using a diesel rather than a gasoline engine for surface power . Large numbers of these submarines were built , with seventy - six completed before 1914 . Although small numbers of submarines were built for the French Navy , Russian Navy and the US Navy , by 1914 the main submarine powers were the Kaiserliche Marine of Imperial Germany and the Royal Navy . At the start of World War One , the Royal Navy had the world 's largest submarine service by a considerable margin , with 74 boats of the B , C and D classes , of which 15 were oceangoing , with the rest capable of coastal patrols . The D - class , built 1907 - 1910 , were designed to be propelled by diesel motors on the surface to avoid the problems with petrol engines experienced with the A class . These boats were designed for foreign service with an endurance of 2500 nmi at 10 knots on the surface and much improved living conditions for a larger crew . They were fitted with twin screws for greater manoeuvrability and with innovative saddle tanks . They were also the first submarines to be equipped with deck guns forward of the conning tower . Armament also included three 18 inch torpedo tubes ( 2 vertically in the bow and 1 in the stern ) . D class was also the first class of submarine to be equipped with standard wireless transmitters . The aerial was attached to the mast of the conning tower that was lowered before diving . With their enlarged bridge structure the boat profile was recognisably that of the modern submarine . The D Class submarines were considered to be so innovative that the prototype D1 was built in utmost secrecy in a securely guarded building shed . The U-1 became the Kaiserliche Marine 's first commissioned submarine in 1906 . The British also experimented with other power sources . Oil - fired steam turbines powered the British `` K '' class submarines built during the First World War and in following years , but these were not very successful . The aim was to give them the necessary surface speed to keep up with the British battle fleet . The Germans were slower to recognize the importance of this new weapon . A submersible was initially ordered by the Imperial Russian Navy from the Kiel shipyard in 1904 , but cancelled after the Russo - Japanese War ended . One example was modified and improved , then commissioned into the Imperial German Navy in 1906 as its first U-boat , U-1 . It had a double hull , was powered by a Körting kerosene engine and was armed with a single torpedo tube . The fifty percent larger SM U-2 had two torpedo tubes . A diesel engine was not installed in a German navy boat until the U-19 class of 1912 -- 13 . At the start of World War I , Germany had 20 submarines of 13 classes in service with more under construction . Interwar developments ( edit ) Diesel submarines needed air to run their engines , and so carried very large batteries for submerged travel . These limited the speed and range of the submarines while submerged . An early submarine snorkel was designed by James Richardson , an Assistant Manager at Scotts Shipbuilding and Engineering Company , Greenock , Scotland as early as 1916 . The snorkel allowed the submarine to avoid detection for long periods by travelling under the water using non-electric powered propulsion . Although the company received a British Patent for the design , no further use was made of it -- the British Admiralty did not accept it for use in Royal Navy submarines . The first boat to be fitted with a snorkel was U-58 , which experimented with the equipment in the Baltic Sea during the summer of 1943 . The technology was based on pre-war Dutch experiments with a device named a snuiver ( sniffer ) . As early as 1938 , a simple pipe system was installed on the submarines O - 19 and O - 20 that enabled them to travel at periscope depth operating on its diesels with almost unlimited underwater range while charging the propulsion batteries . Boats began to use it operationally in early 1944 . By June 1944 , about half of the boats stationed in the French bases were fitted with snorkels . HMS M2 launches a specially designed Parnall Peto seaplane . It sank accidentally in 1932 . Various new submarine designs were developed during the interwar years . Among the most notable were submarine aircraft carriers , equipped with a waterproof hangar and steam catapult to launch and recover one or more small seaplanes . The submarine and its plane could then act as a reconnaissance unit ahead of the fleet , an essential role at a time when radar was not available . The first example was the British HMS M2 , followed by the French Surcouf , and numerous aircraft - carrying submarines in the Imperial Japanese Navy . Early submarine designs put the diesel engine and the electric motor on the same shaft , which also drove a propeller with clutches between each of them . This allowed the engine to drive the electric motor as a generator to recharge the batteries and also propel the submarine as required . The clutch between the motor and the engine would be disengaged when the boat dived so that the motor could be used to turn the propeller . The motor could have more than one armature on the shaft -- these would be electrically coupled in series for slow speed and parallel for high speed ( known as `` group down '' and `` group up '' respectively ) . In the 1930s , the principle was modified for some submarine designs , particularly those of the U.S. Navy and the British U-class . The engine was no longer attached to the motor / propeller drive shaft , but drove a separate generator , which would drive the motors on the surface and / or recharge the batteries . This diesel - electric propulsion allowed much more flexibility . For example , the submarine could travel slowly whilst the engines were running at full power to recharge the batteries as quickly as possible , reducing time on the surface , or use of its snorkel . Also , it was now possible to insulate the noisy diesel engines from the pressure hull making the submarine quieter . An early form of anaerobic propulsion had already been employed by the Ictineo II in 1864 . The engine used a chemical mix containing a peroxide compound , which generated heat for steam propulsion while at the same time solved the problem of oxygen renovation in an hermetic container for breathing purposes . This system was n't employed again until 1940 when the German Navy tested a system employing the same principles , the Walter turbine , on the experimental V - 80 submarine and later on the naval U-791 submarine . At the end of the Second World War , the British and Russians experimented with hydrogen peroxide / kerosene ( paraffin ) engines , which could be used both above and below the surface . The results were not encouraging enough for this technique to be adopted at the time , although the Russians deployed a class of submarines with this engine type code named Quebec by NATO . They were considered a failure . Today , several navies , notably Sweden , use air - independent propulsion boats , which substitute liquid oxygen for hydrogen peroxide . Nuclear propulsion and missile platforms ( edit ) For further information on nuclear powered submarines , see Nuclear submarine . The first launch of a cruise missile ( SSM - N - 8 Regulus ) from a submarine occurred in July 1953 from the deck of USS Tunny ( SSG - 282 ) , a World War II fleet boat modified to carry this missile with a nuclear warhead . Tunny and her sister boat USS Barbero ( SSG - 317 ) were the United States 's first nuclear deterrent patrol submarines . They were joined in 1958 by two purpose - built Regulus submarines , USS Grayback ( SSG - 574 ) , USS Growler ( SSG - 577 ) , and , later , by the nuclear - powered USS Halibut ( SSGN - 587 ) . So that no target would be left uncovered , four Regulus missiles had to be at sea at any given time . Thus , Barbero and Tunny , each of which carried two Regulus missiles , patrolled simultaneously . Growler and Grayback , with four missiles , or Halibut , with five , could patrol alone . These five submarines made 40 Regulus strategic deterrent patrols between October 1959 and July 1964 . They were replaced by the introduction of a greatly superior system beginning in 1961 : the Polaris missile launched from nuclear - powered ballistic missile submarines ( SSBNs ) . The Soviet Navy developed submarine - launched ballistic missiles launched from conventional submarines a few years before the US , and paralleled subsequent US development in this area . USN `` Nautilus '' 's reactor core prototype at a facility in Idaho . In the 1950s , nuclear power partially replaced diesel - electric propulsion . The sailing of the first nuclear - powered submarine , the USN `` Nautilus '' in 1955 was soon followed by similar British , French and Russian boats . Equipment was also developed to extract oxygen from sea water . These two innovations , together with inertial navigation systems , gave submarines the ability to remain submerged for weeks or months , and enabled previously impossible voyages such as the crossing of the North Pole beneath the Arctic ice cap by the USS Nautilus in 1958 . Most of the naval submarines built since that time in the United States and the Soviet Union and its successor state the Russian Federation have been powered by nuclear reactors . The limiting factors in submerged endurance for these vessels are food supply and crew morale in the space - limited submarine . The Soviet Navy attempted to use a very advanced lead cooled fast reactor on Project 705 `` Lira '' ( NATO Alfa - class ) beginning in the 1970s , but its maintenance was considered too expensive , and only six submarines of this class were completed . By removing the requirement for atmospheric oxygen all nuclear - powered submarines can stay submerged indefinitely so long as food supplies remain ( air is recycled and fresh water distilled from seawater ) . These vessels always have a small battery and diesel generator installation for emergency use when the reactors have to be shut down . While the greater endurance and performance of nuclear reactors mean that nuclear submarines are better for long distance missions or the protection of a carrier battle - force , both nuclear and non-nuclear powers continue produce conventional diesel - electric submarines , because they can be made stealthier , except when required to run the diesel engine to recharge the ship 's battery . Technological advances in sound dampening , noise isolation and cancellation have substantially eroded this advantage . Though far less capable regarding speed and weapons payload , conventional submarines are also cheaper to build . The introduction of air - independent propulsion boats led to increased sales numbers of such types of submarines . In 1958 the USN carried out a series of trials with the USS Albacore . Various hull and control configurations were tested to reduce drag and so allow greater underwater speed and maneuverability . The results of these trials were incorporated into the Skipjack class and later submarines . From the same era is the first SSBN , the USS George Washington . Recent ( edit ) The German Type 212 submarine was the first series production submarine to use fuel cells for air - independent propulsion . It is powered by nine 34 - kilowatt hydrogen fuel cells . Most small modern commercial submarines , that are not expected to operate independently , use batteries that can be recharged by a mother - ship after every dive . Towards the end of the 20th century , some submarines were fitted with pump - jet propulsors , instead of propellers . Although these are heavier , more expensive , and often less efficient than a propeller , they are significantly quieter , giving an important tactical advantage . A possible propulsion system for submarines is the magnetohydrodynamic drive , or `` caterpillar drive '' , which has no moving parts . It was popularized in the movie version of The Hunt for Red October , written by Tom Clancy , which portrayed it as a virtually silent system . ( In the book , a form of propulsor was used rather than an MHD . ) Although some experimental surface ships have been built with this propulsion system , speeds have not been as high as hoped . In addition , the noise created by bubbles , and the higher power settings a submarine 's reactor would need , mean that it is unlikely to be considered for any military purpose . Associated technology ( edit ) Sensors ( edit ) ASDIC display unit , 1944 . The first submarines had only a porthole to provide a view to aid navigation . An early periscope was patented by Simon Lake in 1893 . The modern periscope was developed by the industrialist Sir Howard Grubb in the early 20th century and was fitted onto most Royal Navy designs . Passive sonar was introduced in submarines during the First World War , but active sonar ASDIC did not come into service until the inter-war period . Today , the submarine may have a wide variety of sonar arrays , from bow mounted to trailing ones . There are often upward - looking under - ice sonars as well as depth sounders . Early experiments with the use of sound to ' echo locate ' underwater in the same way as bats use sound for aerial navigation began in the late 19th century . The first patent for an underwater echo ranging device was filed by English meteorologist Lewis Richardson a month after the sinking of the Titanic . The First World War stimulated research in this area . The British made early use of underwater hydrophones , while the French physicist Paul Langevin worked on the development of active sound devices for detecting submarines in 1915 using quartz . In 1916 , under the British Board of Invention and Research , Canadian physicist Robert William Boyle took on the active sound detection project with AB Wood , producing a prototype for testing in mid-1917 . This work , for the Anti-Submarine Division of the British Naval Staff , was undertaken in utmost secrecy , and used quartz piezoelectric crystals to produce the world 's first practical underwater active sound detection apparatus . By 1918 , both France and Britain had built prototype active systems . The British tested their ASDIC on HMS Antrim in 1920 , and started production in 1922 . The 6th Destroyer Flotilla had ASDIC - equipped vessels in 1923 . An anti-submarine school , HMS Osprey , and a training flotilla of four vessels were established on Portland in 1924 . The US Sonar QB set arrived in 1931 . Weapons and countermeasures ( edit ) Early submarines carried torpedoes mounted externally to the craft . Later designs incorporated the weapons into the internal structure of the submarine . Originally , both bow - mounted and stern - mounted tubes were used , but the latter eventually fell out of favour . Today , only bow - mounted installations are employed . The modern submarine is capable of firing many types of weapon from its launch tubes , including UAVs . Special mine laying submarines were also built . Up until the end of the Second World War , it was common to fit deck guns to submarines to allow them to sink ships without wasting their limited numbers of torpedoes . To aid in the weapons targeting mechanical calculators were employed to improve the fire control of the on - board weaponry . The firing calculus was determined by the targets ' course and speed through measurements of the angle and its range via the periscope . Today , these calculations are achieved by digital computers with display screens providing necessary information on the torpedo status and ship status . German submarines in World War II had rubber coatings and could launch chemical devices to provide a decoy when the boat came under attack . These proved to be ineffective , as sonar operators learned to distinguish between the decoy and the submarine . Modern submarines can launch a variety of devices for the same purpose . Safety ( edit ) Davis breathing apparatus tested at the submarine escape test tank at HMS Dolphin , Gosport , 14 December 1942 After the sinking of the A1 submarine in 1904 , lifting eyes were fitted to British submarines and in 1908 air - locks and escape helmets were provided . The RN experimented with various types of escape apparatus , but it was not until 1924 that the `` Davis Submerged Escape Apparatus '' was developed for crew members . The USN used the similar `` Momsen Lung '' . The French used `` Joubert 's apparatus '' and the Germans used `` Draeger 's apparatus '' . Rescue submarines for evacuating a disabled submarine 's crew were developed in the 1970s . A British unmanned vehicle was used for recovering an entangled Russian submarine crew in 2005 . A new NATO Submarine Rescue System entered service in 2007 . Communication and navigation ( edit ) Wireless was used to provide communication to and from submarines in the First World War . The D - class submarine was the first submarine class to be fitted with wireless transmitters in 1907 . With time the type , range and bandwidth of the communications systems have increased . With the danger of intercept , transmissions by a submarine are minimised . Various periscope - mounted aerials have been developed to allow communication without surfacing . The standard navigation system for early submarines was by eye , with use of a compass . The gyrocompass was introduced in the early part of the 20th century and inertial navigation in the 1950s . The use of satellite navigation is of limited use to submarines , except at periscope depth or when surfaced . Military ( edit ) The first military submarine was Turtle in 1776 . During the American Revolutionary War , Turtle ( operated by Sgt . Ezra Lee , Continental Army ) tried and failed to sink a British warship , HMS Eagle ( flagship of the blockaders ) in New York harbor on September 7 , 1776 . There is no record of any attack in the ships ' logs . During the War of 1812 , in 1814 Silas Halsey lost his life while using a submarine in an unsuccessful attack on a British warship stationed in New London harbor . American Civil war ( edit ) The French - designed 1862 Alligator , first submarine of the U.S. Navy . During the American Civil War , the Union was the first to field a submarine . The French - designed Alligator was the first U.S. Navy sub and the first to feature compressed air ( for air supply ) and an air filtration system . It was the first submarine to carry a diver lock , which allowed a diver to plant electrically detonated mines on enemy ships . Initially hand - powered by oars , it was converted after 6 months to a screw propeller powered by a hand crank . With a crew of 20 , it was larger than Confederate submarines . Alligator was 47 feet ( 14 m ) long and about 4 feet ( 1.2 m ) in diameter . It was lost in a storm off Cape Hatteras on April 1 , 1863 , while uncrewed and under tow to its first combat deployment at Charleston . The Intelligent Whale was built by Oliver Halstead and tested by the U.S. Navy after the American Civil War and caused the deaths of 39 men during trials . The Confederate States of America fielded several human - powered submarines , including CSS H.L. Hunley ( named for its designer and chief financier , Horace Lawson Hunley ) . The first Confederate submarine was the 30 - foot - long ( 9.1 m ) Pioneer , which sank a target schooner using a towed mine during tests on Lake Pontchartrain , but it was not used in combat . It was scuttled after New Orleans was captured and in 1868 was sold for scrap . The similar Bayou St. John submarine is preserved in the Louisiana State Museum . CSS Hunley was intended for attacking Union ships that were blockading Confederate seaports . The submarine had a long pole with an explosive charge in the bow , called a spar torpedo . The sub had to approach an enemy vessel , attach the explosive , move away , and then detonate it . It was extremely hazardous to operate , and had no air supply other than what was contained inside the main compartment . On two occasions , the sub sank ; on the first occasion half the crew died , and on the second , the entire eight - man crew ( including Hunley himself ) drowned . On February 17 , 1864 , Hunley sank USS Housatonic off the Charleston Harbor , the first time a submarine successfully sank another ship , though it sank in the same engagement shortly after signaling its success . Submarines did not have a major impact on the outcome of the war , but did portend their coming importance to naval warfare and increased interest in their use in naval warfare . Russo - Japanese war ( edit ) On 14 June 1904 , the Imperial Japanese Navy ( IJN ) placed an order for five Holland Type VII submersibles , which were built in Quincy , Massachusetts at the Fore River Yard , and shipped to Yokohama , Japan in sections . The five machines arrived on 12 December 1904 . Under the supervision of naval architect Arthur L. Busch , the imported Hollands were re-assembled , and the first submersibles were ready for combat operations by August 1905 , but hostilities were nearing the end by that date , and no submarines saw action during the war . Meanwhile , the Imperial Russian Navy ( IRN ) purchased German constructed submersibles built by the Germaniawerft shipyards out of Kiel . In 1903 Germany successfully completed its first fully functional engine - powered submarine , Forelle ( Trout ) , It was sold to Russia in 1904 and shipped via the Trans - Siberian Railway to the combat zone during the Russo - Japanese War . Due to the naval blockade of Port Arthur , Russia sent their remaining submarines to Vladivostok , and by the end of 1904 , seven subs were based there . On 1 January 1905 , the IRN created the world 's first operational submarine fleet around these seven submarines . The first combat patrol by the newly created IRN submarine fleet occurred on 14 February 1905 , and was carried out by Delfin and Som , with each patrol normally lasting about 24 hours . Som first made contact with the enemy on 29 April , when it was fired upon by IJN torpedo boats , which withdrew shortly after opening fire and resulting in no casualties or damage to either combatant . A second contact occurred on 1 July 1905 in the Tartar Strait when two IJN torpedo boats spotted the IRN sub Keta . Unable to submerge quick enough , Keta was unable to obtain a proper firing position , and both combatants broke contact . World war I ( edit ) German submarine U9 ( 1910 ) . It sank three British cruisers in a few minutes in September 1914 . The first time military submarines had significant impact on a war was in World War I. Forces such as the U-boats of Germany operated against Allied commerce ( Handelskrieg ) . The submarine 's ability to function as a practical war machine relied on new tactics , their numbers , and submarine technologies such as combination diesel / electric power system that had been developed in the preceding years . More like submersible ships than the submarines of today , submarines operated primarily on the surface using standard engines , submerging occasionally to attack under battery power . They were roughly triangular in cross-section , with a distinct keel , to control rolling while surfaced , and a distinct bow . Shortly before the outbreak of World War I , submarines were employed by the Italian Regia Marina during the Italo - Turkish War without seeing any naval action , and by the Greek Navy during the Balkan Wars , where notably the French - built Delfin became the first such vessel to launch a torpedo against an enemy ship ( albeit unsuccessfully ) . At the start of the war , Germany had 48 submarines in service or under construction , with 29 operational . These included vessels of the diesel - engined U-19 class with the range ( 5,000 miles ) and speed ( eight knots ) to operate effectively around the entire British coast . Initially , Germany followed the international `` Prize Rules '' , which required a ship 's crew to be allowed to leave before sinking their ship . The U-boats saw action in the First Battle of the Atlantic . After the British ordered transport ships to act as auxiliary cruisers , the German navy adopted unrestricted submarine warfare ; generally giving no warning of an attack . During the war , 360 submarines were built , but 178 were lost . The rest were surrendered at the end of the war . A German U-boat sunk RMS Lusitania and is often cited among the reasons for the entry of the United States into the war . R3 at sea . The R class was the first hunter - killer design , capable of destroying enemy submarines . In August 1914 , a flotilla of ten U-boats sailed from their base in Heligoland to attack Royal Navy warships in the North Sea in the first submarine war patrol in history . Their aim was to sink capital ships of the British Grand Fleet , and so reduce the Grand Fleet 's numerical superiority over the German High Seas Fleet . Depending more on luck than strategy , the first sortie was not a success . Only one attack was carried out , when U-15 fired a torpedo ( which missed ) at HMS Monarch , while two of the ten U-boats were lost . The SM U-9 had better luck . On 22 September 1914 while patrolling the Broad Fourteens , a region of the southern North Sea , U-9 found three obsolescent British Cressy - class armoured cruisers ( HMS Aboukir , Hogue , and Cressy ) , which were assigned to prevent German surface vessels from entering the eastern end of the English Channel . The U-9 fired all six of its torpedoes , reloading while submerged , and sank the three cruisers in less than an hour . The British had 77 operational submarines at the beginning of the war , with 15 under construction . The main type was the `` E class '' , but several experimental designs were built , including the `` K class '' , which had a reputation for bad luck , and the `` M class '' , which had a large deck - mounted gun . The `` R class '' was the first boat designed to attack other submarines . British submarines operated in the Baltic , North Sea and Atlantic , as well as in the Mediterranean and Black Sea . Over 50 were lost from various causes during the war . France had 62 submarines at the beginning of the war , in 14 different classes . They operated mainly in the Mediterranean , and in the course of the war , 12 were lost . The Russians started the war with 58 submarines in service or under construction . The main class was the `` Bars '' with 24 boats . Twenty - four submarines were lost during the war . World war II ( edit ) Germany ( edit ) Although Germany was banned from having submarines in the Treaty of Versailles , construction started in secret during the 1930s . When this became known , the Anglo - German Naval Agreement of 1936 allowed Germany to achieve parity in submarines with Britain . Germany started the war with only 65 submarines , with 21 at sea when war broke out . Germany soon built the largest submarine fleet during World War II . Due to the Treaty of Versailles limiting the surface navy , the rebuilding of the German surface forces had only begun in earnest a year before the outbreak of World War II . Having no hope of defeating the vastly superior Royal Navy decisively in a surface battle , the German High Command planned on fighting a campaign of `` Guerre de course '' ( Merchant warfare ) , and immediately stopped all construction on capital surface ships , save the nearly completed Bismarck - class battleships and two cruisers , and switched the resources to submarines , which could be built more quickly . Though it took most of 1940 to expand production facilities and to start mass production , more than a thousand submarines were built by the end of the war . Germany used submarines to devastating effect in World War II during the Battle of the Atlantic , attempting but ultimately failing to cut off Britain 's supply routes by sinking more ships than Britain could replace . The supply lines were vital to Britain for food and industry , as well as armaments from Canada and the United States . Although the U-boats had been updated in the intervening years , the major innovation was improved communications , encrypted using the famous Enigma cipher machine . This allowed for mass - attack tactics or `` wolfpacks '' ( Rudel ) , but was also ultimately the U-boats ' downfall . After putting to sea , the U-boats operated mostly on their own trying to find convoys in areas assigned to them by the High Command . If a convoy was found , the submarine did not attack immediately , but shadowed the convoy and radioed to the German Command to allow other submarines in the area to find the convoy . The submarines were then grouped into a larger striking force and attacked the convoy simultaneously , preferably at night while surfaced to avoid the ASDIC . During the first few years of World War II , the Ubootwaffe ( `` U-boat force '' ) scored unprecedented success with these tactics ( `` First Happy Time '' ) , but were too few to have any decisive success . By the spring of 1943 , German U-boat construction was at full capacity , but this was more than nullified by increased numbers of convoy escorts and aircraft , as well as technical advances like radar and sonar . High Frequency Direction Finding ( HF / DF , known as Huff - Duff ) and Ultra allowed the Allies to route convoys around wolfpacks when they detected radio transmissions from trailing boats . The results were devastating : from March to July of that year , over 130 U-boats were lost , 41 in May alone . Concurrent Allied losses dropped dramatically , from 750,000 tons in March to 188,000 in July . Although the Second Battle of the Atlantic would continue to the last day of the war , the U-boat arm was unable to stem the tide of personnel and supplies , paving the way for Operation Torch , Operation Husky , and ultimately , D - Day . Winston Churchill wrote the U-boat `` peril '' was the only thing to ever give him cause to doubt eventual Allied victory . By the end of the war , almost 3,000 Allied ships ( 175 warships , 2,825 merchantmen ) were sunk by U-boats . Of the 40,000 men in the U-boat service , 28,000 ( 70 % ) lost their lives . The Germans built some novel submarine designs , including the Type XVII , which used hydrogen peroxide in a Walther turbine ( named for its designer , Dr Hellmuth Walther ) for propulsion . They also produced the Type XXII , which had a large battery and mechanical torpedo handling . Italy ( edit ) Italy had 116 submarines in service at the start of the war , with 24 different classes . These operated mainly in the Mediterranean theatre . Some were sent to a base at Bordeaux in Occupied France . A flotilla of several submarines also operated out of the Eritrean colonial port of Massawa . Italian designs proved to be unsuitable for use in the Atlantic Ocean . Italian midget submarines were used in attacks against British shipping near the port of Gibraltar . Britain ( edit ) HMS Taurus of the T - class . The Royal Navy Submarine Service had 70 operational submarines in 1939 . Three classes were selected for mass production , the seagoing `` S class '' and the oceangoing `` T class '' as well as the coastal `` U class '' . All of these classes were built in large numbers during the war . The French submarine fleet consisted of 112 serviceable vessels at the beginning of the war . After the Fall of France , the French - German Armistice required the return of all French submarines to German - controlled ports in France . Many of these submarines were ( often forcibly ) commandeered by the British . The main operating theatres for British submarines were off the coast of Norway , in the Mediterranean , where a flotilla of submarines successfully disrupted the Axis replenishment route to North Africa from their base in Malta , as well as in the North Sea . As Germany was a Continental power , there was little opportunity for the British to sink German shipping in this theatre of the Atlantic . From 1940 , U-class submarines were stationed at Malta , to interdict enemy supplies bound for North Africa . Over a period of three years , this force sank over 1 million tons of shipping , and fatally undermined the attempts of the German High Command to adequately support General Erwin Rommel . Rommel 's Chief of Staff , Fritz Bayerlein conceded that `` We would have taken Alexandria and reached the Suez Canal , if it had not been for the work of your submarines '' . 45 vessels were lost during this campaign , and five Victoria Crosses were awarded to submariners serving in this theatre . In addition , British submarines attacked Japanese shipping in the Far East , during the Pacific campaign . The Eastern Fleet was responsible for submarine operations in the Bay of Bengal , Strait of Malacca as far as Singapore , and the western coast of Sumatra to the Equator . Few large Japanese cargo ships operated in this area , and the British submarines ' main targets were small craft operating in inshore waters . The submarines were deployed to conduct reconnaissance , interdict Japanese supplies travelling to Burma , and attack U-boats operating from Penang . The Eastern Fleet 's submarine force continued to expand during 1944 , and by October 1944 had sunk a cruiser , three submarines , six small naval vessels , 40,000 long tons ( 41,000 t ) of merchant ships , and nearly 100 small vessels . In this theatre , the only documented instance of a submarine sinking another submarine while both were submerged occurred . HMS Venturer engaged the U864 and the Venturer crew manually computed a successful firing solution against a three - dimensionally manoeveuring target using techniques which became the basis of modern torpedo computer targeting systems . By March 1945 , British boats had gained control of the Strait of Malacca , preventing any supplies from reaching the Japanese forces in Burma by sea . By this time , there were few large Japanese ships in the region , and the submarines mainly operated against small ships which they attacked with their deck guns . The submarine HMS Trenchant torpedoed and sank the heavy cruiser Ashigara in the Bangka Strait , taking down some 1,200 Japanese army troops . Three British submarines ( HMS Stonehenge , Stratagem , and Porpoise ) were sunk by the Japanese during the war . Japan ( edit ) Main article : Imperial Japanese Navy submarines Japanese I - 400 - class submarine , the largest submarine built in WW2 . Japan had the most varied fleet of submarines of World War II , including manned torpedoes ( Kaiten ) , midget submarines ( Ko - hyoteki , Kairyu ) , medium - range submarines , purpose - built supply submarines ( many for use by the Army ) , long - range fleet submarines ( many of which carried an aircraft ) , submarines with the highest submerged speeds of the conflict ( Sentaka I - 200 ) , and submarines that could carry multiple aircraft ( WWII 's largest submarine , the Sentoku I - 400 ) . These submarines were also equipped with the most advanced torpedo of the conflict , the oxygen - propelled Type 95 ( what U.S. historian Samuel E. Morison postwar called `` Long Lance '' ) . Overall , despite their technical prowess , Japanese submarines , having been incorporated into the Imperial Navy 's war plan of `` Guerre D ' Escadre '' ( Fleet Warfare ) , in contrast to Germany 's war plan of `` Guerre De Course '' , they were relatively unsuccessful . Japanese submarines were primarily used in the offensive roles against warships , which were fast , maneuverable and well - defended compared to merchant ships . In 1942 , Japanese submarines sank two fleet aircraft carriers , one cruiser , and several destroyers and other warships , and damaged many others , including two battleships . They were not able to sustain these results afterward , as Allied fleets were reinforced and became better organized . By the end of the war , submarines were instead often used to transport supplies to island garrisons . During the war , Japan managed to sink about 1 million tons of merchant shipping ( 184 ships ) , compared to 1.5 million tons for Great Britain ( 493 ships ) , 4.65 million tons for the U.S. ( 1,079 ships ) and 14.3 million tons for Germany ( 2,840 ships ) . Early models were not very maneuverable under water , could not dive very deep , and lacked radar . Later in the war units that were fitted with radar were in some instances sunk due to the ability of U.S. radar sets to detect their emissions . For example , Batfish ( SS - 310 ) sank three such equipped submarines in the span of four days . After the war , several of Japan 's most original submarines were sent to Hawaii for inspection in `` Operation Road 's End '' ( I - 400 , I - 401 , I - 201 and I - 203 ) before being scuttled by the U.S. Navy in 1946 , when the Soviets demanded access to the submarines as well . United States ( edit ) Tang off Mare Island in 1943 . After the attack on Pearl Harbor , many of the U.S. Navy 's front - line Pacific Fleet surface ships were destroyed or severely damaged . The submarines survived the attack and carried the war to the enemy . Lacking support vessels , the submarines were asked to independently hunt and destroy Japanese ships and submarines . They did so very effectively . During World War II , the submarine force was the most effective anti-ship and anti-submarine weapon in the entire American arsenal . Submarines , though only about 2 percent of the U.S. Navy , destroyed over 30 percent of the Japanese Navy , including 8 aircraft carriers , 1 battleship and 11 cruisers . U.S. submarines also destroyed over 60 percent of the Japanese merchant fleet , crippling Japan 's ability to supply its military forces and industrial war effort . Allied submarines in the Pacific War destroyed more Japanese shipping than all other weapons combined . This feat was considerably aided by the Imperial Japanese Navy 's failure to provide adequate escort forces for the nation 's merchant fleet . Of note , whereas Japanese submarine torpedoes of the war are considered the finest , those of U.S. Navy are considered the worst . For example , the U.S. Mark 14 torpedo typically ran ten feet too deep and was tipped with a Mk VI exploder , with both magnetic influence and contact features , neither reliable . The faulty depth control mechanism of the Mark 14 was corrected in August 1942 , but field trials for the exploders were not ordered until mid-1943 , when tests in Hawaii and Australia confirmed the flaws . In addition , the Mark 14 sometimes suffered circular runs , which sank at least one U.S. submarine , Tullibee . Fully operational Mark 14 torpedoes were not put into service until September 1943 . The Mark 15 torpedo used by U.S. surface combatants had the same Mk VI exploder and was not fixed until late 1943 . One attempt to correct the problems resulted in a wakeless , electric torpedo ( the Mark 18 ) being placed in submarine service . Tang was lost to a circular run by one of these torpedoes . Given the prevalence of circular runs , there were probably other losses among boats which simply disappeared . During World War II , 314 submarines served in the United States Navy , of which nearly 260 were deployed to the Pacific . On December 7 , 1941 , 111 boats were in commission and 203 submarines from the Gato , Balao , and Tench classes were commissioned during the war . During the war , 52 US submarines were lost to all causes , with 48 directly due to hostilities ; 3,505 sailors were lost , the highest percentage killed in action of any US service arm in World War II . U.S. submarines sank 1,560 enemy vessels , a total tonnage of 5.3 million tons ( 55 % of the total sunk ) , including 8 aircraft carriers , a battleship , three heavy cruisers , and over 200 other warships , and damaged several other ships including the battleships Yamato ( badly damaged by USS Skate ( SS - 305 ) ) and Musashi ( damaged by USS Tunny ( SS - 282 ) ) . In addition , the Japanese merchant marine lost 16,200 sailors killed and 53,400 wounded , of some 122,000 at the start of the war , due to submarines . Postwar ( edit ) During the Cold War , the United States and the Soviet Union maintained large submarine fleets that engaged in cat - and - mouse games . This continues today , on a much - reduced scale . The Soviet Union suffered the loss of at least four submarines during this period : K - 129 was lost in 1968 ( which the CIA attempted to retrieve from the ocean floor with the Howard Hughes - designed ship named Glomar Explorer ) , K - 8 in 1970 , K - 219 in 1986 ( subject of the film Hostile Waters ) , and Komsomolets ( the only Mike class submarine ) in 1989 ( which held a depth record among the military submarines -- 1000 m , or 1300 m according to the article K - 278 ) . Many other Soviet subs , such as K - 19 ( first Soviet nuclear submarine , and first Soviet sub at North Pole ) were badly damaged by fire or radiation leaks . The United States lost two nuclear submarines during this time : USS Thresher and Scorpion . The Thresher was lost due to equipment failure , and the exact cause of the loss of the Scorpion is not known . The sinking of PNS Ghazi in the Indo - Pakistani War of 1971 was the first submarine casualty in the South Asian region . The United Kingdom employed nuclear - powered submarines against Argentina during the 1982 Falklands War . The sinking of the cruiser ARA General Belgrano by HMS Conqueror was the first sinking by a nuclear - powered submarine in war . During this conflict , the conventional Argentinian submarine ARA Santa Fé was disabled by a Sea Skua missile , and the ARA San Luis claimed to have made unsuccessful attacks on the British fleet . Major submarine incidents ( edit ) Main article : Major submarine incidents since 2000 There have been a number of accidental sinkings , but also some collisions between submarines . Up to August 1914 , there were 68 submarine accidents . There were 23 collisions , 7 battery gas explosions , 12 gasoline explosions , and 13 sinkings due to hull openings not being closed . HMS Affray was lost in the English Channel in 1951 due to the snort mast fracturing and USS Thresher in 1963 due to a pipe weld failure during a test dive . Many other scenarios have been proven to be probable causes of sinking , most notably a battery malfunction causing a torpedo to detonate internally , and the loss of the Russian Kursk on 12 August 2000 probably due to a torpedo explosion . An example of the latter was the incident between the Russian K - 276 and the USS Baton Rouge in February 1992 . Since the year 2000 there have been 9 major naval incidents involving submarines . There were three Russian submarine incidents , in two of which the submarines in question were lost , along with three United States submarine incidents , one Chinese incident , one Canadian , and one Australian incident . In August 2005 , the Russian PRIZ , an AS - 28 rescue submarine was trapped by cables and / or nets off of Petropavlovsk , and saved when a British ROV cut them free in a massive international effort . See also ( edit ) List of submarine actions List of submarine museums List of sunken nuclear submarines Depth charge and Depth charge ( cocktail ) Nuclear navy Nuclear submarine Attack submarine List of countries with submarines Articles on specific vessels ( edit ) Nerwin ( NR - 1 ) Vesikko ( museum submarine ) ORP Orzeł Ships named Nautilus List of submarines of the Royal Navy List of submarines of the United States Navy List of Soviet submarines List of U-boats of Germany Kaikō ROV ( deepest submarine dive ) Bathyscaphe Trieste ( deepest manned dive ) Articles on specific submarine classes ( edit ) List of submarine classes List of submarine classes of the Royal Navy List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes List of United States submarine classes References ( edit ) This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2009 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Jump up ^ `` ABC ( Madrid ) - 07 / 03 / 1980 , p. 89 - Hemeroteca '' . Retrieved 23 October 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Love Submarines ? Here 's How They Were Invented '' . Retrieved 23 October 2016 . Jump up ^ G. L'E . Turner , ' Bourne , William ( c. 1535 -- 1582 ) ' , Oxford Dictionary of National Biography , Oxford University Press , 2004 . The first edition of this text is available at Wikisource : `` Bourne , William '' . Dictionary of National Biography . London : Smith , Elder & Co. 1885 -- 1900 . Jump up ^ Tierie , Gerrit ( 1932 ) Cornelius Drebbel ( 1572 - 1633 ) : : 63 Jump up ^ Tierie , Gerrit ( 1932 ) Cornelis Drebbel ( 1572 - 1633 ) : : 60 Jump up ^ Davis , RH ( 1955 ) . Deep Diving and Submarine Operations ( 6th ed . ) . Tolworth , Surbiton , Surrey : Siebe Gorman & Company Ltd. p. 693 . Jump up ^ Acott , C. ( 1999 ) . `` A brief history of diving and decompression illness '' . South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society Journal . 29 ( 2 ) . ISSN 0813 - 1988 . OCLC 16986801 . Retrieved 2009 - 03 - 17 . Jump up ^ Tierie , Gerrit ( 1932 ) Cornelis Drebbel ( 1572 - 1633 ) : : 59 Jump up ^ Tierie , Gerrit ( 1932 ) Cornelis Drebbel ( 1572 - 1633 ) : : 62 Jump up ^ Tierie , Gerrit ( 1932 ) Cornelis Drebbel ( 1572 - 1633 ) : : 65 Jump up ^ : 102 Jump up ^ by I.W.M.A. , London , printed by M.F. for Sa : Gellibrand at the brasen Serpent in Pauls Church - yard . 1648 . Quoted in Asbach - Schnitker , Brigitte : John Wilkins , Mercury ... Bibliography , 7.3 The Works of John Wilkins , n ° 24 Jump up ^ Acott , C. ( 1999 ) . `` A brief history of diving and decompression illness '' . South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society Journal . 29 ( 2 ) . ISSN 0813 - 1988 . OCLC 16986801 . Retrieved 2009 - 03 - 17 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Invention Of The Submarine '' . Retrieved 2012 - 12 - 17 . Jump up ^ James P. Delgado ( 2006 ) . `` Archaeological Reconnaissance of the 1865 American - Built Sub Marine Explorer at Isla San Telmo , Archipielago de las Perlas , Panama '' . International Journal of Nautical Archaeology Journal . 35 ( 2 ) : 230 -- 252 . Jump up ^ Delgado , James P. ( 6 March 2012 ) . Misadventures of a Civil War Submarine : Iron , Guns , and Pearls . Texas A&M University Press . p. 100 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 60344 - 472 - 9 . Retrieved 2012 - 08 - 23 . Jump up ^ Coggins , Jack ( 2002 ) . Ships and Seamen of the American Revolution . Mineola , NY : Courier Dover Publications . ISBN 978 - 0 - 486 - 42072 - 1 . OCLC 48795929 . Jump up ^ Compton - Hall , pp. 32 -- 40 Jump up ^ `` Makeshift submarine found in East River '' . August 3 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Egg - head skipper shore is n't upset Jotham Sederstrom and Christina Boyle , New York Daily News Jump up ^ An Artist and His Sub Surrender in Brooklyn Randy Kennedy , New York Times Jump up ^ Burgess , Robert Forrest ( 1975 ) . Ships Beneath the Sea . McGraw - Hill . ISBN 978 - 0 - 07 - 008958 - 7 . Jump up ^ Hipopotamo submarine : Scale model at the Museum of Maritime History of the Ecuadorian Navy ; Jump up ^ Elliott , David . `` A short history of submarine escape : The development of an extreme air dive '' . South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society Journal . 29 ( 2 ) . Retrieved 2009 - 09 - 21 . Jump up ^ `` Recovering Chile 's 19th Century Shipwrecks in Valparaiso 's Port '' . The Santiago Times . 2006 - 11 - 25 . Archived from the original on January 24 , 2008 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 17 . ^ Jump up to : Pike , John . `` Submarine History '' . Retrieved 23 October 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Torpedo History : Whitehead Torpedo Mk1 '' . Retrieved 2013 - 05 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` Cochran and Co 1878 - 1898 '' . Old Merseytimes . Retrieved 13 August 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Construction and launch of the Resurgam '' . E. Chambré Hardman Archive . Archived from the original on 2012 - 02 - 22 . Retrieved 2009 - 10 - 17 . ^ Jump up to : `` Submarine Heritage Centre - submarine history of Barrow - in - Furness '' . . Archived from the original on 2007 - 07 - 04 . Retrieved 2010 - 04 - 18 . Jump up ^ Paul Bowers ( 1999 ) . The Garrett Enigma : And the Early Submarine Pioneers . Airlife . p. 167 . Jump up ^ James P. Delgado ( 2011 ) . Silent Killers : Submarines and Underwater Warfare . Osprey Publishing . Retrieved 2013 - 02 - 07 . Jump up ^ `` French Sub Gymnote '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 08 - 22 . Jump up ^ Humble , Richard ( 1981 ) . Underwater warfare . Chartwell Books , p. 174 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 89009 - 424 - 2 Jump up ^ `` John Philip Holland - American inventor '' . Retrieved 23 October 2016 . Jump up ^ Galantin , Ignatius J. , Admiral , USN ( Ret . ) . Foreword to Submariner by Johnnie Coote , p. 1 . Jump up ^ Submarines , war beneath the waves , from 1776 to the present day , by Robert Hutchinson ^ Jump up to : Showell p. 29 Jump up ^ Showell p. 36 Jump up ^ Showell , p. 36 & 37 Jump up ^ `` GB 106330 ( A ) - Improvements in or relating to Submarine or Submersible Boats '' . Scott 's Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. , and Richardson , James . May 19 , 1916 . Jump up ^ JF Robb , Scotts of Greenock : A Family Enterprise , 1820 -- 1920 , p. 424 Jump up ^ Helgason , Guðmundur ( 2013 ) . `` HNMS O 20 '' . . Retrieved 9 October 2013 . Jump up ^ Karl G. Strecker : `` Vom Walter - U-Boot zum Waffelautomaten '' , Köster Berlin 2001 , ISBN 3 - 89574 - 438 - 7 Jump up ^ List of Project 705 submarines Archived 2015 - 01 - 09 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Eyes from the Deep : A History of U.S. Navy Submarine Periscopes '' . Undersea Warfare . Jump up ^ Hill , M.N. ( 1962 ) . Physical Oceanography . Allan R. Robinson . Harvard University Press . p. 498 . Jump up ^ Chuck Veit `` The Innovative Mysterious Alligator '' page 26 U.S. Naval Institute NAVAL HISTORY published August 2010 ISSN 1042 - 1920 Jump up ^ Jentschura p. 160 Jump up ^ Showell p. 201 Jump up ^ Olender p. 175 Jump up ^ Roger Chickering , Stig Förster , Bernd Greiner , German Historical Institute ( Washington , D.C. ) ( 2005 ) . `` A world at total war : global conflict and the politics of destruction , 1937 - 1945 '' . Cambridge University Press . p. 73 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 83432 - 2 Jump up ^ Douglas Botting , pages 18 - 19 `` The U-Boats '' , ISBN 978 - 0 - 7054 - 0630 - 7 Jump up ^ Thomas Adam . Germany and the Americas . p. 1155 . Jump up ^ Gibson and Prendergast , p. 2 Jump up ^ Crocker III , H.W. ( 2006 ) . Do n't Tread on Me . New York : Crown Forum . p. 310 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4000 - 5363 - 6 . Jump up ^ `` 1 . Royal Navy in World War 2 , Introductions '' . Retrieved 23 October 2016 . Jump up ^ `` '' Most Dangerous Service '' A Century of Royal Navy Submarines `` . Jump up ^ `` Submarine History : Submarine Service : Operations and Support : Royal Navy '' . Archived from the original on 9 June 2008 . Retrieved 23 October 2016 . Jump up ^ Mars ( 1971 ) , p. 216 . Jump up ^ McCartney ( 2006 ) , pp. 40 -- 42 . Jump up ^ McCartney ( 2006 ) , pp. 42 -- 43 . Jump up ^ Blair , p. 576 . Jump up ^ Blair , pp. 767 - 768 ; O'Kane , Clear the Bridge . Jump up ^ Blair , passim . ^ Jump up to : O'Kane , p. 333 . Jump up ^ Blair , Clay , Jr . Silent Victory , pp. 991 - 2 . The others were lost to accidents or , in the case of Seawolf , friendly fire . Jump up ^ Less the crews of S - 26 , R - 12 , and possibly Dorado lost to accident , and Seawolf , to friendly fire . S - 36 and Darter , lost to grounding , took no casualties . Blair , passim . ^ Jump up to : Blair , p. 878 . Further reading ( edit ) Blair , Clay Jr. , Silent Victory : The U.S. Submarine War Against Japan , ISBN 1 - 55750 - 217 - X Compton - Hall , Richard . Submarine Boats , the beginnings of underwater warfare , Windward , 1983 . Fontenoy , Paul . Submarines : An Illustrated History of Their Impact . ABC - CLIO , 2007 . ISBN 9781851095636 Harris , Brayton ( Captain , USN ret . ) . `` The Navy Times Book of Submarines : A Political , Social , and Military History . '' Berkley Books , 1997 Jentschura , Hansgeorg ; Dieter Jung , Peter Mickel . Warships of the Imperial Japanese Navy , 1869 -- 1945 . United States Naval Institute , 1977 . Annapolis , Maryland . ISBN 0 - 87021 - 893 - X . Lockwood , Charles A. ( VAdm , USN ret . ) , Sink ' Em All : Submarine Warfare in the Pacific , ( 1951 ) Polmar , Norman & Kenneth Moore . Cold War Submarines : The Design and Construction of U.S. and Soviet Submarines . Brassey 's , Washington DC , 2004 . ISBN 1574885944 Preston , Anthony . The World 's Greatest Submarines Greenwich Editions 2005 . Showell , Jak . The U-Boat Century - German Submarine Warfare 1906 -- 2006 . Great Britain ; Chatham Publishing , 2006 . ISBN 1 - 86176 - 241 - 0 . External links ( edit ) John Holland German Submarines of WWII Submarine Simulations Seehund - German Midget Submarine Submarines of WWI Molch - German Midget Submarine ( 1 ) Developed for the NOVA television series . Role of the Modern Submarine Submariners of WWII -- World War II Submarine Veterans History Project German submarines using peroxide record breaking Japanese Submarines German U-Boats 1935 -- 1945 U.S. ship photo archive Israeli missile trials The Sub Report The Invention of the Submarine Submersibles and Technology by Graham Hawkes Submarine of Karl Shilder Royal Navy submarine history A century of Royal Navy submarine operations Royal Navy submarines Still floating submarine Lembit ( 1936 ) Submarines , the Enemy Unseen , History Today American Society of Safety Engineers . Journal of Professional Safety . Submarine Accidents : A 60 - Year Statistical Assessment . C. Tingle . September 2009 . pp. 31 -- 39 . Ordering full article : ; or Reproduction less graphics / tables : . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Maritime history Submarines Hidden categories : Articles incorporating Cite DNB template Webarchive template wayback links All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from February 2011 Wikipedia articles needing clarification from September 2011 Articles with unsourced statements from February 2012 Articles with unsourced statements from January 2009 Articles needing additional references from January 2009 All articles needing additional references Pages using div col without cols and colwidth parameters Talk Contents About Wikipedia Български Français 한국어 Polski Русский Tiếng Việt Edit links This page was last edited on 4 June 2018 , at 15 : 25 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . 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1. History of submarines 2. Early submarine technology 3. Military use of submarines 4. Mechanical power in submarines 5. Development of modern submarines
who sang in the movie and so it goes
And So it Goes - wikipedia And So it Goes This article is about the 1990 Billy Joel song . For other uses , see And So It Goes ( disambiguation ) . <Th_colspan="2"> `` And So It Goes '' <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Single by Billy Joel <Th_colspan="2"> from the album Storm Front Released Format CD single Studio The Hit Factory , Times Square Studio , New York , United States Genre Rock Length 3 : 38 Label Columbia Songwriter ( s ) Billy Joel Producer ( s ) Billy Joel Mick Jones <Th_colspan="2"> Billy Joel singles chronology <Td_colspan="2"> `` That 's Not Her Style '' ( 1990 ) `` And So It Goes '' ( 1990 ) `` Shameless '' ( 1991 ) <Td_colspan="2"> `` That 's Not Her Style '' ( 1990 ) `` And So It Goes '' ( 1990 ) `` Shameless '' ( 1991 ) `` And So It Goes '' is a lyric poem written by Billy Joel in 1983 , though it was not released until six years later . It appeared as the tenth and final track of his 1989 studio album Storm Front . The original 1983 demo was released on the 2005 box set My Lives . Joel wrote the song about a doomed relationship with model Elle Macpherson . Their relationship was dramatic , as Macpherson was only a teenager while Joel was reaching his mid-30s . Joel dated Macpherson for a brief time shortly before becoming involved with model Christie Brinkley , who would ultimately become his second wife . The song is unique for Joel as it is written in iambic tetrameter . In the original demo version of `` And So It Goes , '' Joel sings the melody simply , accompanied by a simple piano backdrop , in a style very reminiscent of a hymn . On the 1989 album version , Joel sings and plays all the instrumentation ( piano and synthesizers ) . The official video is from a live performance in front of a concert audience . The single peaked at No. 37 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and No. 5 on the U.S. Adult Contemporary chart in 1990 . It has been covered by many subsequent artists ( see `` Cover Versions '' below ) . The King 's Singers and others have developed several vocal harmony arrangements of the song , which are often performed by high school and college choirs . The song was featured throughout the Boston Legal episode `` Son of the Defender '' . Contents 1 Cover versions 2 Charts 3 The expression 4 References Cover Versions ( edit ) The song is the 18th track on Betty Buckley 's 1996 An Evening at Carnegie Hall album . Alan Cumming performed it in his cabaret show , Alan Cumming Sings Sappy Songs , as broadcast on PBS in late 2016 . Former New York Yankee Bernie Williams covered the song on his jazz album , The Journey Within . The band Marianas Trench has covered the song live and they recorded the song for the `` Director 's Cut '' edition of their album Masterpiece Theatre . American bagpiper Jori Chisholm covered the song on his debut solo album , Bagpipe Revolution . Singer and former American Idol competitor Carmen Rasmusen has covered the song previously . Singer Sara Gazarek covered it on her Return to You album . The King 's Singers covered it on their album , Good Vibrations in an arrangement by Bob Chilcott . David Archuleta performed the song for the American Idol season 7 final three show . Independent singer / songwriter Kevin Wong covered it on his album , The Pink in the Grey . Jennifer Warnes covered the song on her 2001 album The Well . Australian independent guitarist Tommy Emmanuel performed an acoustic instrumental version of the song for his 2008 live album Center Stage Karrin Allyson covered the song with cello accompaniment on her 2009 album By Request : The Best of Karrin Allyson ( compilation ) . The cello part was written by Bill Mclaughlin . Mitchel Forman covered the song with vocalist Steven Santoro on his 2011 album Sing Along with Mitch . Vokalensemblen Urkraft covered the ballad at their concerts at The Stockholm Concert Hall in 2012 . Les Sirènes Female Chamber Choir covered the song in the Finals of the Choir of the Year 2012 . Emilia Martensson and Barry Green covered this song on the album ' And So it Goes ' 2012 . The a cappella group Six Appeal covered this song for their 2013 album Plan A . Canadian singer / songwriter Laila Biali covered this song on her album Tracing Light . On GENERAL HOSPITAL , Valentin Cassadine ( James Patrick Stuart ) covered this song during the Nurses Ball ( 5 / 24 / 2017 ) . Charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1990 -- 1991 ) Peak position Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) 30 Japanese Singles Chart 12 US Billboard Hot 100 37 US Adult Contemporary ( Billboard ) The expression ( edit ) In the 1969 novel Slaughterhouse - Five , Kurt Vonnegut used the phrase `` So it goes '' as a transitional phrase to another subject , as a reminder , and as comic relief . Generally the phrase was used after every time someone 's ( or something 's ) death is described or mentioned in the novel . From 1982 to 1983 , NBC News produced NBC News Overnight with anchors Linda Ellerbee , Lloyd Dobyns . They used the phrase ' And so it goes ' to transit from one news story to the next . In 1920 Carl Sandburg published the poem , `` Accomplished Facts , '' in Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1920 , edited by William Stanley Braithwaite . In line 13 of the poem , the phrase , `` So it goes . '' begins to be a refrain in the poem . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` '' . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` King 's Singers -- Male Chorus '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` And So It Goes , Pop Choral Series -- Hal Leonard Online '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 14 . Jump up ^ . `` Boston Legal : Son of the Defender -- Season 3 , Episode 18 '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Evening at Carnegie Hall ( Live ) '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 31 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ `` Carmen Rasmusen '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Return To You : Sara Gazarek : Music '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Good Vibrations : The King 's Singers : MP3 Downloads '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` The Pink In The Grey : Kevin Wong : MP3 Downloads '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` The Well : Jennifer Warnes : Music '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Top RPM Singles : Issue 1286 . '' RPM . Library and Archives Canada . Retrieved June 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Oricon Singles Chart Oricon Singles Chart ( Retrieved 2 November 2012 ) Jump up ^ `` Billy Joel Chart History ( Hot 100 ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved June 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Billy Joel Chart History ( Adult Contemporary ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved June 15 , 2017 . <Th_colspan="2"> Billy Joel Studio albums Cold Spring Harbor Piano Man Streetlife Serenade Turnstiles The Stranger 52nd Street Glass Houses The Nylon Curtain An Innocent Man The Bridge Storm Front River of Dreams Fantasies & Delusions Live albums Songs in the Attic KOHЦEPT 2000 Years : The Millennium Concert 12 Gardens Live Live at Shea Stadium : The Concert Compilations Greatest Hits , Vol. 1 -- 3 Souvenir : The Ultimate Collection The Ultimate Collection The Essential Billy Joel Piano Man : The Very Best of Billy Joel My Lives The Hits Singles `` She 's Got a Way '' `` Piano Man '' `` You 're My Home '' `` Worse Comes to Worst '' `` Travelin ' Prayer '' `` The Ballad of Billy the Kid '' `` The Entertainer '' `` Just the Way You Are '' `` Movin ' Out ( Anthony 's Song ) '' `` Only the Good Die Young '' `` She 's Always a Woman '' `` Vienna '' `` The Stranger '' `` My Life '' `` Big Shot '' `` Honesty '' `` Until the Night '' `` All for Leyna '' `` You May Be Right '' `` It 's Still Rock and Roll to Me '' `` Do n't Ask Me Why '' `` Sometimes a Fantasy '' `` Say Goodbye to Hollywood '' ( Live ) `` She 's Got a Way '' ( Live ) `` Pressure '' `` Allentown '' `` Goodnight Saigon '' `` Tell Her About It '' `` Uptown Girl '' `` An Innocent Man '' `` The Longest Time '' `` Leave a Tender Moment Alone '' `` This Night '' `` Keeping the Faith '' `` You 're Only Human ( Second Wind ) '' `` The Night Is Still Young '' `` Modern Woman '' `` A Matter of Trust '' `` This Is the Time '' `` Baby Grand '' `` Back in the U.S.S.R. '' ( Live ) `` We Did n't Start the Fire '' `` Leningrad '' `` I Go to Extremes '' `` The Downeaster ' Alexa ' '' `` That 's Not Her Style '' `` And So It Goes '' `` Shameless '' `` All Shook Up '' `` The River of Dreams '' `` All About Soul '' `` No Man 's Land '' `` Lullabye ( Goodnight , My Angel ) '' `` To Make You Feel My Love '' `` Hey Girl '' `` All My Life '' `` Christmas in Fallujah '' Other songs `` Everybody Loves You Now '' `` Captain Jack '' `` Los Angelenos '' `` Root Beer Rag '' `` New York State of Mind '' `` Prelude / Angry Young Man '' `` Miami 2017 ( Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway ) '' `` Scenes from an Italian Restaurant '' `` Zanzibar '' `` Laura '' `` Scandinavian Skies '' `` Big Man on Mulberry Street '' Tours An Innocent Man Tour Face to Face 1994 Face to Face 1995 Face to Face 1998 Face to Face 2001 Face to Face 2003 Face to Face 2009 Face to Face 2010 Billy Joel in Concert Film Oliver & Company The Last Play at Shea See also Discography Movin ' Out Billy Joel Band The Hassles Attila Alexa Ray Joel Christie Brinkley Katie Lee `` Movin ' Out '' ( Glee episode ) <Td_colspan="2"> Book Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1990 singles Billy Joel songs Songs written by Billy Joel Columbia Records singles 1989 songs Hidden categories : All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from January 2012 Articles with hAudio microformats Singlechart usages for Canadatopsingles Singlechart called without artist Singlechart called without song Singlechart usages for Billboardhot100 Singlechart usages for Billboardadultcontemporary Talk Contents About Wikipedia Italiano Norsk nynorsk Português Edit links This page was last edited on 9 May 2018 , at 23 : 53 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
1. "And So It Goes" - Billy Joel song 2. Relationship with model Elle Macpherson 3. Iambic tetrameter 4. Cover versions of the song 5. Use of the phrase "So it goes" in literature and media
how old are the earth wind and fire members
Earth , Wind & Fire - wikipedia Earth , Wind & Fire Jump to : navigation , search Not to be confused with Earth and Fire . For the elements , see classical element . <Th_colspan="2"> Earth , Wind & Fire <Td_colspan="2"> Earth , Wind & Fire performing in 2009 <Th_colspan="2"> Background information Origin Chicago , Illinois , U.S. Genres R&B , soul , funk Years active 1969 -- present Labels Warner Bros. , ARC , Columbia , Legacy , Sanctuary Associated acts Ramsey Lewis , The Emotions , Phenix Horns Website <Th_colspan="2"> Members Philip Bailey Verdine White Ralph Johnson B. David Whitworth Myron McKinley John Paris Morris O ' Connor Serg Dimitrijevic <Th_colspan="2"> Past members Maurice White Don Whitehead Wade Flemons Sherry Scott Michael Beal Chet Washington Alex Thomas Yackov Ben Israel Jessica Cleaves Ronnie Laws Roland Bautista Larry Dunn Andrew Woolfolk Al McKay Johnny Graham Fred White Phenix Horns Don Myrick Sheldon Reynolds Leslie Drayton Jeff Bowen Doug Carn Beloyd Taylor Sonny Emory Carl Carwell Vincent Canfield Dick Smith Vance Taylor Fred Ravel Morris Pleasure David Romero Mike McKnight Robert Brookins Gordon Campbell Bobby Gonzales Daniel de los Reyes Kimberly Brewer John Johnson Krystal Bailey Kim Johnson Greg `` G - Mo '' Moore Vadim Zilberstein Michael Harris Louis Satterfield Earth , Wind & Fire ( EWF ) is an American band that has spanned the musical genres of R&B , soul , funk , jazz , disco , pop , rock , Latin , and African . They were one of the most successful bands of the 1970s . Rolling Stone called them `` innovative , precise yet sensual , calculated yet galvanizing '' and declared that the band `` changed the sound of black pop '' . The kalimba ( African thumb piano ) is played on all of the band 's albums . The band was founded in Chicago by Maurice White in 1970 , having grown out of a previous band known as the Salty Peppers . Other members have included Philip Bailey , Verdine White , Fred White , Ralph Johnson , Larry Dunn , Al McKay and Andrew Woolfolk . The band has received 20 Grammy nominations ; they won six as a group and two of its members , Maurice White and Bailey , won separate individual awards . Earth , Wind & Fire has 12 American Music Awards nominations and four awards . They have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Vocal Group Hall of Fame , received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame , and have sold over 90 million records , making them one of the world 's best - selling bands of all time . Five members of Earth , Wind & Fire were also inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame : Maurice White , Philip Bailey , Verdine White , Larry Dunn , and Al McKay . The band received Lifetime Achievement awards from the American Society of Composers , Authors and Publishers ( Rhythm & Soul Heritage Award -- 2002 ) , NAACP ( Hall of Fame -- 1994 ) , and the BET Awards ( Lifetime Achievement Award -- 2002 ) . Earth , Wind & Fire is known for its horn section , energetic and elaborate stage shows , and the contrast between Philip Bailey 's falsetto vocals and Maurice White 's baritone . In the 1970s and early 1980s , the band 's hits `` Shining Star '' , `` That 's the Way of the World '' , `` Devotion '' , `` Reasons '' , `` Sing a Song '' , `` Ca n't Hide Love '' , `` Getaway '' , `` Fantasy '' , `` Love 's Holiday '' , `` September '' , `` Boogie Wonderland '' , `` After the Love Has Gone '' , and `` Let 's Groove '' . Two songs have been inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame : `` That 's the Way of the World '' ( 2004 ) and `` Shining Star '' ( 2007 ) . Earth , Wind & Fire is the first African - American act to sell out Madison Square Garden and to receive the MSG Gold Ticket Award . President Barack Obama invited Earth , Wind & Fire to perform at the White House . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 1969 -- 1970 : Beginnings 1.2 1970 -- 1973 : Formation and early years 1.3 1973 -- 1980 : Classic period 1.4 1981 -- 1992 : Electronic period 1.5 1993 -- present : Neo-classic period 2 Legacy 3 Members 4 Awards and nominations 5 Discography 5.1 Studio albums 5.2 Top 10 albums 5.3 Top 10 singles 6 See also 7 References 8 Further reading 9 External links History ( edit ) 1969 -- 1970 : beginnings ( edit ) In 1969 , Maurice White , a former session drummer for Chess Records and former member of the Ramsey Lewis Trio , joined two friends in Chicago , Wade Flemons and Don Whitehead , as a songwriting team composing songs and commercials in the Chicago area . The three friends got a recording contract with Capitol ; they called themselves `` The Salty Peppers '' and had a marginal hit in the Midwestern area called `` La La Time '' . The Salty Peppers ' second single , `` Uh Huh Yeah '' , did not fare as well , and Maurice moved from Chicago to Los Angeles . He then added to the band singer Sherry Scott and percussionist Yackov Ben Israel , both from Chicago , and then asked his younger brother Verdine how he would feel about heading out to the West Coast . On June 6 , 1970 , Verdine left Chicago to join the band as their new bassist . Maurice began shopping demo tapes of the band , featuring Donny Hathaway , around to different record labels and the band was thus signed to Warner Bros. Records . 1970 -- 1973 : formation and early years ( edit ) Maurice 's astrological sign , Sagittarius , has a primary elemental quality of Fire and seasonal qualities of Earth and Air , according to classical triplicities . ( Sagittarius in the northern hemisphere occurs in the autumn , whose element is earth , and in the southern hemisphere , it is spring , whose element is air . Hence the omission of Water , the fourth classical element . ) Based on this , he changed the band 's name , to `` Earth , Wind & Fire '' . Maurice held further auditions in L.A. adding Michael Beale on guitar , Chester Washington on reeds , and Leslie Drayton on trumpet ; Drayton also served as the group 's musical arranger . Trombonist Alex Thomas completed the then ten - man EWF lineup . The band 's self - titled debut album , Earth , Wind , & Fire , was released in February 1971 to critical acclaim , as was November 1971 's The Need of Love . Both albums were produced by Joe Wissert and a single , from The Need of Love called `` I Think About Lovin ' You '' , with Sherry Scott on lead vocals , provided EWF with their first Top 40 R&B hit . In 1971 , the group also recorded the soundtrack of the Melvin Van Peebles film Sweet Sweetback 's Baadasssss Song . The soundtrack was recorded at Paramount Recording Studios on Santa Monica Boulevard and released on Stax Records . The band developed a growing popularity on college campuses but , in spite of this , some members of EWF started to become restless and the band broke up after having been together less than six months . With only Verdine left , Maurice decided to re-form the group . In 1972 , Maurice added vocalist Helena Davis ( who was soon replaced by Jessica Cleaves , a former member of the R&B group The Friends of Distinction ) , Ronnie Laws on the flute and saxophone , rhythm guitarist Roland Bautista , keyboardist Larry Dunn , percussionist Ralph Johnson , and vocalist and Denver native Philip Bailey to the group . Warner Brothers did n't know how to promote this new combo as the only other funk band on their label was Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band . The band successfully auditioned for managers Bob Cavallo and Joe Ruffalo . Cavallo 's management of John Sebastian led to a series of gigs as the opening act for the pop / folk singer and The Lovin ' Spoonful founder . A performance at New York 's Rockefeller Center introduced EWF to Clive Davis , then the President of Columbia Records . Davis was very impressed with the band 's performance and bought their contract from Warner Bros. Their debut album on CBS / Columbia Records , Last Days and Time , featured mostly original material , but Bailey had recommended that the band cover the Pete Seeger song `` Where Have All the Flowers Gone ? '' , and the band also remade the Bread hit `` Make It with You '' . The album also includes the original ( Maurice - penned ) composition `` Power '' , an uptempo eight - minute instrumental . In stark contrast to the ballads , `` Power '' features extended fuzz guitar and soprano saxophone solos set against a driving funk beat . 1973 -- 1980 : classic period ( edit ) The band 's albums featured elaborate psychedelic art such as painting The Promise by Morito Suzuki featured on the 2003 album The Promise . The album Head to the Sky was released in the spring of 1973 and gave the group their first two legitimate hit singles , `` Evil '' , co-written by Maurice and Philip , and `` Keep Your Head to the Sky '' , both of which reached the top 30 and the top 60 on the R&B and pop charts , respectively . Prior to this album 's release some personnel changes took place as Roland Bautista and Ronnie Laws left the band to pursue new musical opportunities . Philip Bailey had recommended his former Denver East High School classmate , saxophonist Andrew Woolfolk , to the band as replacement for Laws ; Woolfolk had been busy in New York studying sax with sax maestro Joe Henderson and was about to start a career in banking when Bailey called . To fill the void created by Bautista 's departure , guitarists Al McKay ( who had performed with the Ike and Tina Turner Revue and The Watts 103rd St. Rhythm Band ) and Johnny Graham from R&B group New Birth were added to round out the new lineup . Jessica Cleaves left the band following the release of the album ; the album was also their last to be produced by Joe Wissert . As some of the band 's songs required lower register vocals than Bailey 's , and due to the success of `` Evil '' , Maurice altered his role in the group to incorporate that of lead vocalist . Recorded at Colorado 's Caribou Ranch Studio and released in 1974 , Open Our Eyes was a commercially successful LP , selling over a million copies in the US and thus was certified Platinum . At Maurice 's request , Open Our Eyes was co-produced by Charles Stepney with White . Stepney had previously worked with The Dells , The Rotary Connection , Terry Callier , Minnie Riperton , and the Ramsey Lewis Trio , to name a few . Released in May 1974 , the single `` Mighty Mighty '' became Earth , Wind & Fire 's first top 30 hit on the pop charts , peaking at No. 29 . Another single , `` Devotion '' , was a song with a strong spiritual message . Following the completion of this album Maurice 's younger brother , Fred White , joined the band . Fred had played in Chicago clubs as a drummer with Donny Hathaway and Little Feat . On April 6 , 1974 , Earth , Wind & Fire performed at the California Jam , a West Coast rock festival that attracted an audience of 200,000 . Also in 1974 , the band collaborated with Ramsey Lewis on his album Sun Goddess , which reached number one on the Billboard Jazz and Black Album charts and was certified Gold in the US by the RIAA . In 1975 , Earth , Wind & Fire was approached by Sig Shore , producer of the motion picture Super Fly , to record the soundtrack to a new film about the dark side of the recording industry , which he called That 's The Way Of The World . The film also starred EWF as a new recording act known as `` The Group '' ; they performed songs in the film and Maurice had a small speaking part , as leader of `` The Group '' . In the film Harvey Keitel 's character hears `` The Group '' performing and produces their first album . The film 's title is repeated throughout the film as a shrug of the shoulders to the music world . But when each member of the band saw the film , they were all convinced that the motion picture would be a box office bomb , which it eventually was . To avoid being connected with the movie they released the album 's soundtrack , also titled That 's the Way of the World , before the film 's premiere . Recorded at the Caribou Ranch Studio and co-produced by Maurice White and Charles Stepney , That 's the Way of the World became Earth , Wind & Fire 's breakthrough album , spending three weeks at number one on the Billboard Pop Albums Charts , five nonconsecutive weeks atop the Soul Albums chart . That 's the Way of the World was also warmly received critically . For instance , AllMusic 's Alex Henderson described the album as `` one of the strongest albums of the ( 1970s ) '' and `` EWF 's crowning achievement , '' and Billboard Magazine called it `` a very tightly produced and performed package . '' The album made EWF the first black act to top both the Billboard album and singles charts and was certified triple platinum in the US by the RIAA . Included on the album were the hit singles `` Shining Star '' -- which rose to number one on the R&B Singles and Billboard Hot 100 and won the band a Grammy Award for Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals -- and `` That 's the Way of the World , '' which went to number five and number 12 on the R&B Singles and Billboard Hot 100 , respectively . Because of the album 's tremendous commercial success , the band was able to hire a full horn section , which was dubbed the Phenix Horns . The Phenix Horns , who became an integral part of the band 's sound , were composed of saxophonist Don Myrick , trombonist Louis Satterfield , and trumpeters Rahmlee Davis and Michael Harris . Myrick and Satterfield both worked with Maurice during his days as a session drummer at Chess Records . Subsequent to EWF 's first tour of Europe , where they opened for the rock band Santana , Columbia Records wanted another album released as soon as possible . As a result , EWF returned to the studio in June 1975 and from these recording sessions two singles -- `` Sing a Song '' and `` Ca n't Hide Love '' , the latter written by Clarence `` Skip '' Scarborough -- were spawned . These and other studio recordings were included , along with mostly live concert material from their 1974 and 1975 tours , on the double album Gratitude , released in late 1975 . Gratitude rose to and stayed at number one on the pop and R&B charts for three weeks and six weeks respectively ; it was also the second bestselling R&B album of 1976 and is certified triple Platinum for sales of over 3,000,000 copies in the US by the RIAA . The band was nominated for Grammy Award for Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals for the title track , `` Gratitude . '' `` Ca n't Hide Love '' was also Grammy - nominated for Best Arrangement For Voices . Earth , Wind & Fire also won a Rock Music Award in the category of Best Soul Album for Gratitude and Down Beat magazine 's Readers Poll for favorite Rock / Blues Group in 1975 . Additionally , in 1975 , Maurice established a production company called Kalimba Productions to which he signed artists such as his former bandleader Ramsey Lewis , singer Deniece Williams , who had once been a member of Stevie Wonder 's `` Wonderlove '' backup group , and girl group The Emotions , who had a run of hits with Stax Records from 1969 to 1974 . Maurice loaned the band 's signature Phenix Horns and most of the other band members and put on tour with Earth , Wind & Fire these artists and others who were signed to Kalimba Productions . After helping co-produce and arrange Earth , Wind & Fire 's new album , Deniece Williams 's debut album , This Is Niecy , Ramsey Lewis 's Salongo , and The Emotions 's first Columbia Records album Flowers , Charles Stepney died of a heart attack on May 17 , 1976 in Chicago at the age of 43 . With Stepney 's passing Maurice took over and completed the production of the band 's new album , Spirit , which was released in October 1976 . EWF paid tribute to Stepney in the form of the album 's title . The album reached number 2 on the Billboard Pop and R&B Albums Chart and was certified double Platinum in the US by the RIAA ; additionally , Spirit spawned the hit singles `` Getaway '' and `` Saturday Nite . '' During this period EWF concerts started to become loaded with pyrotechnics , magic , laser lights , flying pyramids , levitating guitarists and elaborate production tricks that included the entire group ascending in a pyramid and a disappearing act . The stage magician Doug Henning directed many of their tours throughout the 1970s with his young assistant and eventual successor , David Copperfield . The band also began to be choreographed by George Faison . In 1977 , EWF released their album All ' n All . The album was a hit reaching triple platinum status and spawned the hit singles `` I 'll Write a Song For You , '' `` Serpentine Fire , '' `` Love 's Holiday , '' and `` Fantasy . '' The album was inspired by Maurice White 's month long trip through Argentina and Brazil . The album went on to win two Grammy awards and an American Music Award , and All ' n All became one of Earth , Wind & Fire 's most popular albums . The album went to 3 on the Pop Charts and 1 on the Black Albums chart respectively . In 1978 , EWF picked up three Grammy Awards , the third for their rendition of The Beatles 's `` Got to Get You into My Life . '' EWF 's performance of the song was included on the soundtrack for the movie Sgt . Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band . The film was a commercial failure , as That 's The Way Of The World had been years before ; however , EWF 's cover version of `` Got to Get You into My Life '' was the biggest hit from the movie 's soundtrack , reaching numbers one and nine on the R&B and Pop singles charts , respectively . The year 1978 was also the year when Maurice and EWF 's managers , Cavallo and Ruffalo , worked out a deal for the launch of a new record label called The American Recording Company ( ARC ) , to be distributed through CBS , and the creation of a recording studio , George Massenburg / ARC , also called `` The Complex , '' in West Los Angeles . The year ended with the release of another hit single , entitled `` September '' , which was added to the quintuple Platinum compilation album , The Best of Earth , Wind & Fire , Vol. 1 , released on November 23 , 1978 . At this time , Bobby Harris of the Dazz Band requested and got Philip Bailey to produce the group 's first album , Kinsman Dazz. Bailey had major input into the group 's vocal arrangements and would go on to co-produce the band 's second album , Dazz . The month of January 1979 saw the band perform `` September '' and `` That 's The Way Of The World '' at the Music for UNICEF Concert , which was broadcast worldwide from the United Nations General Assembly by NBC . Other artists performing at the event were ABBA , the Bee Gees , Olivia Newton - John , Donna Summer and Rod Stewart . Subsequent to this performance , the band donated the royalties from one of their songs to UNICEF and began a tour of Europe and Japan . The group 's ninth album overall , seventh for Columbia Records , and second released on the ARC label was I Am . It was another smash hit , going double Platinum and reaching numbers 3 and 1 on the R&B and Pop charts , respectively . Singles spawned from this album included `` In The Stone , '' `` Ca n't Let Go , '' and the sad David Foster / Bill Champlin - written ballad `` After the Love Has Gone , '' which rose to the number 2 spot on the Billboard Pop and R&B charts and won a Grammy for the Best R&B Vocal Performance by a Duo or Group in 1980 . Though the band had previously overlooked disco , the summer of 1979 saw EWF topping the dance music charts with their most disco - inspired single , `` Boogie Wonderland , '' which was produced by Maurice and Al McKay and featured The Emotions . ( Its lyrics detail the down side of the discothèque genre and lifestyle . ) Even with the song 's success , Verdine White claims that the band is not a disco band , saying : `` I guess you could say we were at the party but did n't get on the dance floor . '' In October 1980 , the double - album Faces was released and rose to number 2 and number 10 and the R&B and Pop charts , respectively ; it earned Gold status in the US . In a 2007 interview , when asked which EWF album was his favorite , Maurice White replied : `` Probably Faces because we were really in tune , playing together and it gave us the opportunity to explore new areas . '' After the release of this album , longtime rhythm guitarist Al McKay left the band for personal and professional reasons . He was replaced by returning rhythm guitarist Roland Bautista , who gave the band a bit of a hard rock sound with his style of playing . 1981 -- 1992 : electronic period ( edit ) White decided that , given the changing musical landscape , the band needed to incorporate into their work more of the electronic sound which was popular at the time . As a result , EWF 's eleventh album , Raise ! , was influenced by this new electronic sound and released in the fall of 1981 . It sold more than a million copies in the US . Raise ! featured the hit single `` Let 's Groove , '' which also went Platinum , and another single `` Wanna Be With You , '' which won EWF a Grammy for Best R&B Vocal Performance By A Duo Or Group . Earth , Wind & Fire appeared at American Bandstand 's 30th Anniversary Special , where they performed `` Let 's Groove '' on October 30 , 1981 . Earth , Wind , and Fire 's Maurice White and Philip Bailey performing in 1982 at the Ahoy Rotterdam , The Netherlands Two years after the release of Raise ! came Powerlight , which included the singles `` Fall In Love With Me , '' a number 17 pop hit , and `` Side By Side '' . `` Powerlight '' went Gold . Also in 1983 , the band contributed the song `` Dance , Dance , Dance '' to the soundtrack of the animated film Rock & Rule . After the fully synthesized album Electric Universe was released in late 1983 to a poor critical and commercial reception , Maurice believed the band needed a break so he put EWF on hiatus in early 1984 . During their hiatus , Philip Bailey released his second and most commercially successful solo project , the gold album Chinese Wall , featuring the Phenix Horns and produced by Phil Collins . The first single from that album , a duet with Collins called `` Easy Lover , '' sold over a million copies , rose to number 2 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and number 1 on the UK Singles Chart respectively , and was Grammy - nominated for Best Pop Vocal Performance By A Duo or Group . The song 's video went to the top of MTV 's video playlist and won an MTV Video Music Award for Best Overall Performance in 1985 . Bailey released four gospel albums in this period , and one of them , titled Triumph , won a Grammy Award for Best Gospel Vocal Performance , Male . Maurice White , during this time , produced for Barbra Streisand on her Platinum album Emotion and worked with Neil Diamond on his Gold album Headed for the Future and Cher on her 1987 Platinum album Cher . He also released the self - titled solo album Maurice White in 1985 , which included a cover of `` Stand by Me '' that went to number six on the R&B charts and number eleven on the Adult Contemporary charts . The album also featured an appearance by saxophonist Gerald Albright . Also , during the hiatus , Verdine White wrote and directed videos . He produced Standing in the Light , by the English pop rock and jazz - funk band Level 42 , with Larry Dunn , and promoted go - go bands like Trouble Funk and E.U. The compilation album The Collection was released May 1986 , stayed at number 5 on the UK singles charts for two weeks , and was certified Gold in the UK by the British Phonographic Industry . Phil Collins saw EWF on one of their European tours and became a fan of the band . He came in contact with the Phenix Horns and they eventually worked with his band Genesis on songs including `` No Reply At All '' and `` Paperlate , '' and on such Collins solo hits as `` I Missed Again '' and `` Sussudio '' . In 1987 , CBS Records convinced both Philip Bailey and Maurice White that a reunion of Earth , Wind & Fire would be fruitful . As a result , original members Verdine White , Ralph Johnson and Andrew Woolfolk returned to the band with new members guitarist / vocalist Sheldon Reynolds , lead guitarist Dick Smith , and drummer Sonny Emory . A new horn section dubbed the Earth , Wind & Fire Horns was also created , made up of Gary Bias on the saxophone , Raymond Lee Brown on the trumpet , and Reggie Young on the flugelhorn and trombone . The band 's reformation fostered the 1987 Gold album Touch the World , which was nominated for a Soul Train Award in the category of Best R&B / Soul Album of the Year and rose to number three on the Top R&B / Hip - Hop Albums chart and number 33 on The Billboard 200 . Featured on the album was a song penned by an unknown songwriter by the name of Skylark , titled `` System of Survival '' . Released as a single , the song became a hit , going to number one on the Billboard R&B charts and Dance charts . Another single titled `` Thinking Of You '' peaked at number one and number three on the R&B and Dance charts as well . In 1988 , the band released the compilation album The Best of Earth , Wind & Fire , Vol. 2 , which went Gold in the US . The group 's final album released by Columbia Records was 1990 's Heritage , which featured a collaboration with Sly Stone of Sly & the Family Stone . In 1992 , the band released a 55 - track anthology of their career up to that point entitled The Eternal Dance . 1993 -- present : neo-classic period ( edit ) EWF signed once again with Warner Bros. and following this came the release in 1993 of their 16th studio album , Millennium . The album featured the single `` Sunday Morning , '' which earned the band a Grammy nomination for Best R&B Vocal Performance by a Duo or Group , the Billboard top - 40 - charting single `` Spend The Night , '' and a track written by Prince called `` Super Hero . '' Tragedy befell the band in 1993 ; on July 30 , former Phenix Horns saxophonist Don Myrick was fatally shot by the Los Angeles Police Department in a case of mistaken identity . Then on October 13 , former lead vocalist Wade Flemons died from cancer in Battle Creek , Michigan . In 1994 , Earth , Wind & Fire were inducted into the NAACP Hall Of Fame . Earth , Wind & Fire star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Earth , Wind & Fire tribute , Munich Olympic Walk of Stars on 9 April 2011 The band received another tribute in the following year in the form of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame . All the original members of the group attended the inauguration ceremony , and in his speech Maurice White attributed EWF 's success to the support of all of their fans . In 1994 , White retired from touring with the band . At the time , he explained that he wanted to take a rest from the rigors of the road . Philip Bailey was given the role of onstage leader of the band . The studio album In the Name of Love was released on Pyramid Records in 1997 to a favorable critical reception . EWF performed at the 1997 Montreux Jazz Festival and gave an encore performance the following year . In 2004 , a DVD of their 1997 performance was released , entitled Earth , Wind & Fire : Live At Montreux 1997 . In 1999 , the group performed on the A&E Network show Live by Request , and in that same year Maurice revealed that the real reason for his ending his touring days in 1995 was because he had contracted Parkinson 's disease in the late 1980s , which made it increasingly difficult for him over the years to handle the rigors of touring . A website entitled was set up in 1999 to offer Maurice support with his health struggles and on it were published messages of encouragement from celebrities such as Steven Tyler of Aerosmith , Boyz II Men , Smokey Robinson , Isaac Hayes , Michael Jackson , Eric Clapton and Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine . Maurice , however , had the disease under control , so much so that he occasionally made appearances at Earth , Wind & Fire performances , and continued to write , record , produce and develop new recordings for Earth , Wind & Fire and other artists . On March 6 , 2000 , Earth , Wind & Fire was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to a standing ovation during the 15th annual induction dinner held at New York 's Waldorf - Astoria Hotel . All of the band 's original members from the 1973 -- 80 `` classic period '' , namely Maurice White , Philip Bailey , Verdine White , Ralph Johnson , Al McKay , Larry Dunn , Andrew Woofolk , Fred White and Johnny Graham , attended the ceremony , at which the nine of them played together for the first time in 20 years , performing `` Shining Star '' and `` That 's The Way Of the World '' . After their induction into the Hall of Fame an effort was made by the original band members to fully reunite , but it ultimately proved unfruitful . Earth , Wind & Fire were the specially invited music guests at the June 20 , 2000 White House state dinner hosted by President Bill Clinton on the South Lawn of the White House , in honor of His Majesty Mohammed VI , King of Morocco , and Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Meryem . So impressed was the King by the band 's performance that he made a successful personal request for EWF to perform in Morocco for his 37th birthday celebration , on August 21 , 2000 . In 2001 , a biographical documentary of the band entitled Shining Stars : The Official Story Of Earth , Wind & Fire was released , directed by Kathryn Arnold . Following the September 11 attacks of that year , the band members donated $25,000 to the American Red Cross at a September 13 show at Virginia 's Verizon Wireless Virginia Beach Amphitheater , the band 's first concert since those events took place . February 24 , 2002 saw Earth , Wind & Fire performing at the closing ceremonies of the 2002 Winter Olympics held in Salt Lake City , Utah . A live album from the band 's 1980 performance in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , entitled Live In Rio , was released on Maurice White 's Kalimba Records label in 2002 , and that same year EWF was honored with the Rhythm & Soul Heritage Award from the American Society of Composers , Authors and Publishers at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills , California . The award was presented to EWF by ASCAP President and Chairman Marilyn Bergman , Stevie Wonder , and Jimmy Jam . In addition , the band was inducted into the Vocal Group Hall of Fame and Hollywood 's RockWalk in 2003 . In 2003 , Kalimba Records released The Promise -- the band 's first studio album in six years . The Promise rose to number 19 on the Top R&B / Hip - Hop Albums charts and received critical acclaim upon its release , with People Magazine and Blender Magazine describing the album as `` musically rich '' and `` a classy collection '' , respectively . The track `` Hold Me '' produced and written by Tim & Bob , was Grammy - nominated for Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance . The album spawned a kalimba - laden track reminiscent of the classic EW&F sound , titled `` All in the Way '' , which reunited EWF with The Emotions . Featured on the album were two previously unreleased songs from the `` I Am '' recording sessions : `` Where Do We Go From Here '' and `` Dirty '' . On February 8 , 2004 , Earth , Wind & Fire performed in a tribute to funk at the 46th annual Grammy Awards held at the Staples Center , Los Angeles , California . Other artists performing at this tribute were Parliament Funkadelic , OutKast , and Robert Randolph and the Family Band . EWF sang `` Shining Star '' and then at Outkast 's request crooned `` The Way You Move '' with them . Robert Randolph and the Family Band performed their single `` I Need More Love '' and then all of the bands teamed to sing Parliament Funkadelic 's classic `` Give Up the Funk ( Tear the Roof off the Sucker ) '' . Earth , Wind & Fire contributed to the Jimi Hendrix tribute album Power of Soul : A Tribute to Jimi Hendrix , released on May 4 , 2004 , with their cover of `` Voodoo Child ( Slight Return ) '' . In the summer of 2004 Earth , Wind & Fire signed a record deal with Sanctuary Urban Records , owned by Mathew Knowles ( father and manager of r&b / pop singer Beyoncé ) . Gary Bias and Bob Burns , Jr. , of the Earth , Wind & Fire Horns were featured on Queen Latifah 's The Dana Owens Album , which was released on September 28 , 2004 , and reached 16 and 11 on the Billboard 200 and Top R&B / Hip - Hop Album charts , respectively , and was certified Gold . On September 27 , 2004 , former Phenix Horns trombonist Louis Satterfield died , aged 67 . Kenny G 's cover of `` The Way You Move '' , which was released in November 2004 and charted at number 12 on the Adult Contemporary singles chart , featured the band with Maurice and Philip on lead vocals . EWF and Kenny G performed `` The Way You Move '' on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno in January 2005 . On December 11 , 2004 , Earth , Wind & Fire were honored at the first annual Grammy Jam held at Los Angeles 's Wiltern Theater , where several artists such as Stevie Wonder , Yolanda Adams , Sheila E. , Miri Ben - Ari , George Duke , Kanye West , and Randy Jackson paid tribute to the band in the form of performances . Other celebrities who attended the event were Pamela Anderson , Tim Allen , Prince , Jimmy Jam , Terry Lewis , Nick Cannon , and Suzanne de Passe . EWF performed on Dick Clark 's New Year 's Rockin ' Eve on December 31 , 2004 . EWF released a single entitled `` Show Me The Way '' , on which they paired with neo soul artist Raphael Saadiq on Sanctuary Records in the fall of 2005 . The single garnered a Grammy nomination and was featured on Illumination , their 19th studio album , which was released on September 20 , 2005 . For this album EWF collaborated with artists such as , Kelly Rowland , Outkast 's Big Boi , and Brian McKnight . Illumination reached number eight on the Top R&B / Hip - Hop Album Chart and number 32 on the Billboard Hot 100 . Another single spawned from the album , dubbed `` Pure Gold '' , reached number 23 on the Adult Contemporary Charts . The album garnered the admiration of critics , with AllMusic 's Rob Theakston referring to the album as an `` outstanding record '' and Steve Jones of USA Today ' remarking that on the album EWF are as `` vibrant as ever '' . Illumination received a Grammy nomination for Best R&B Album and a Soul Train Music Award in the category R&B - soul album . EWF also received a NAACP Image Award nomination for Best Duo or Group . The February 6 , 2005 , Super Bowl XXXIX pregame show in Jacksonville , Florida saw the band teaming with The Black Eyed Peas to sing `` Where Is the Love ? '' and `` Shining Star '' . In March 2005 , EWF performed in Russia for the first time . In 2004 , Earth , Wind & Fire and Chicago embarked upon a joint national tour , which gave rise to a DVD of a concert that took place at Los Angeles ' Greek Theater entitled Chicago & Earth , Wind & Fire -- Live at the Greek Theatre . This DVD was released on June 28 , 2005 , and was certified Platinum two months afterward . Chicago and EWF once again toured together in 2005 and collaborated for a new recording of Chicago 's ballad `` If You Leave Me Now , '' that was included on Chicago 's 2005 compilation album Love Songs . As part of an opening act for the 57th Primetime Emmy Awards held on September 18 , 2005 , at Los Angeles ' Shrine Auditorium , the band once more collaborated with The Black Eyed Peas . This was first time a musical artist had opened at the annual awards show . In 2005 , EWF released their first Christmas - themed track entitled `` Gather Round , '' produced and arranged by David Foster and written by Maurice White , Foster , and Philip Bailey . In 2006 , Maurice worked with Maurice Hines ( the brother of famed entertainer Gregory Hines ) to release the Broadway play Hot Feet , which was a jukebox musical whose theme was the music of Earth , Wind & Fire . Maurice co-wrote with Allee Willis -- who wrote `` September , '' `` Boogie Wonderland , '' `` In the Stone , '' and `` Sunday Morning '' for the band -- several new songs for the play . EWF performed alongside Mary J. Blige and Ludacris `` Runaway Love '' at the 49th Grammy Awards held at Los Angeles 's Staples Center . Earth , Wind & Fire performing at the opening ceremony of the 2008 U.S. Open August 25 , 2008 Interpretations : Celebrating the Music of Earth , Wind & Fire , an album featuring cover versions of EWF 's material , was released on Stax Records on March 27 , 2007 . Executively produced by Maurice , the album featured artists such as Chaka Khan , Kirk Franklin , Lalah Hathaway , Mint Condition , Dwele , Meshell Ndegeocello , and Angie Stone . Dwele and Meshell Ndegeocello 's renditions of `` That 's The Way Of The World '' and `` Fantasy '' , respectively , were each nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Urban / Alternative Performance . The band was the opening act at a special edition of American Idol entitled `` Idol Gives Back '' ( which aired April 25 , 2007 ) and performed a medley of `` Boogie Wonderland '' , `` Shining Star '' and `` September '' . At the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo , Norway , on December 11 , 2007 , Earth , Wind & Fire performed `` Fantasy '' and `` September '' . Hosted by Kevin Spacey and Uma Thurman , the Nobel Peace Prize Concert was broadcast to over 100 countries . Other artists who performed included Melissa Etheridge , Alicia Keys , Annie Lennox , and Kylie Minogue . Earth , Wind & Fire performed on the opening night of one of the largest musical events in Latin America , Chile 's Viña del Mar Festival . The band so impressed the audience with their performance that the band was bestowed with the Gaviota de Plata ( English translation : the Silver Seagull ) , the highest award that can presented to an artist performing at the Viña del Mar Festival . The intro to EWF 's song `` In the Stone '' has been used for several years as the introductory theme for the event 's broadcasts . Maurice White , Ralph Johnson , Philip Bailey , and Verdine White each received an honorary degree from the Arts and Media College at Columbia College Chicago during the college 's 2008 commencement exercises . Verdine White and Bailey both gave brief speeches during the ceremony , followed by all four honorees ' giving an impromptu performance of `` Shining Star ''. , EWF performed at the opening ceremony of the 2008 US Open , which was hosted by Forest Whitaker and served to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the founding of tennis 's Open Era with a parade of more than 25 former US Open singles champions . Earth , Wind & Fire performed at the White House on February 22 , 2009 , for the Governors ' Dinner ; they were the first musical artists to perform there since Barack Obama took office . The band toured once more with Chicago in 2009 for a tour of thirty US cities . On April 26 , 2009 , EWF performed at the 39th New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival . Less than two weeks prior to this , former keyboard player Robert Brookins died from a heart attack ; aged 46 . In 2010 , EWF performed at the 40th New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival . In that same year , bandmembers Philip Bailey , Verdine White and Ralph Johnson participated in the recording of the `` We Are the World 25 for Haiti '' single . 2010 was also the year that saw Earth , Wind & Fire 's original members Maurice White , Phillip Bailey , Verdine White , Al McKay and Larry Dunn all inducted into the Songwriter 's Hall of Fame . In November 2011 , the band was given the Legend Award at the Soul Train Awards at Atlanta , Georgia 's Fox Theatre . In 2012 , EWF were bestowed with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 20th Annual Trumpet Awards , held at Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre in Atlanta . On February 29 , 2012 , early guitarist Roland Bautista died , aged 60 , of natural causes . On April 30 , 2013 , Earth Wind & Fire were featured vocalists on ' Something About You ' taken from LL Cool J 's new album `` Authentic ( LL Cool J album ) '' , along with former Pussycat Doll Melody Thornton and Charlie Wilson . Now , Then & Forever , the group 's first album in eight years , was released September 10 , 2013 . On January 13 , 2014 , former percussionist Beloyd Taylor , who co-wrote the band 's 1976 hit `` Getaway '' , died ; and on May 2 former vocalist Jessica Cleaves died , aged 65 , following complications from a stroke . On September 13 , 2014 , Earth , Wind & Fire performed at Proms in the Park at Hyde Park with the BBC Concert Orchestra On October 21 , 2014 , Earth , Wind & Fire released their first ever holiday album entitled Holiday . On December 8 , 2014 , Earth , Wind & Fire performed at the Kennedy Center Honors , honoring Al Green . On December 14 , 2014 , Earth , Wind & Fire performed at the Christmas in Washington event . Maurice White died on February 4 , 2016 , after a suffering for some years with Parkinson 's disease . He was survived by his wife , his two sons , daughter and his brothers Verdine and Fred . Legacy ( edit ) Earth , Wind & Fire 's songs have been covered by artists such as Nokaut , Point of Grace , D'Angelo , CDB , Dionne Warwick , The 5th Dimension , Pomplamoose Lenny White , Patti LaBelle , The Manhattans , Wynonna Judd , Yolanda Adams , New York Voices , Donny Osmond , Chaka Khan , 112 , the Vienna Boys ' Choir , Herb Alpert , Musiq Soulchild and Tito Puente . Earth , Wind & Fire 's songs have been sampled by numerous artists , including UGK , A Tribe Called Quest , Wyclef Jean , Missy Elliott , Snoop Dogg , Nas Jay Z , Amerie , The Fugees , LL Cool J , De La Soul , Common , Frank Zappa , Naughty by Nature , P Diddy , The Roots , Will Smith , Cee - Lo Green , Lisa `` Left Eye '' Lopes of TLC , Public Enemy , EPMD , Lupe Fiasco , Bone Thugs - N - Harmony , Tupac Shakur , Brand Nubian and MC Lyte . Earth , Wind & Fire have influenced artists such as Beyoncé , Usher , , Janelle Monáe , Mary J. Blige , Prince , Pharrell Williams , India. Arie , The Neptunes , Jon Secada , Wyclef Jean , Common , Phil Collins , Boney James , Angie Stone , Raphael Saadiq , The All - American Rejects , Jesse McCartney , Musiq Soulchild , Solange Knowles , Babyface , OutKast , Jamiroquai , Five for Fighting , Lenny Kravitz , Marc Broussard , Omarion , Rob Bourdon of Linkin Park , Eric Benét , Jill Scott , Justin Timberlake , Sheila E. , Marcus Miller , Erykah Badu , Jamie Foxx , Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy , Meshell Ndegeocello , Wynton Marsalis , DNCE , Meghan Trainor and Mario . Miles Davis described EWF as his `` all time favorite band '' saying , `` they have everything ( horns , electric guitar , singers and more ) in one band '' . Quincy Jones has proclaimed himself to be the `` biggest fan of Earth , Wind & Fire since day one . '' Dionne Warwick has named Earth , Wind & Fire as her favorite group of all time . David Foster has mentioned Earth , Wind & Fire as his favorite band of all time on the show Hit Man Returns : David Foster and friends ( 2011 ) . In this concert he showed his respect to Maurice White publicly . In the movie BAADASSSSS ! , the actor Khalil Kain portrayed a young Maurice White leading the early incarnation of Earth , Wind & Fire . Released at the Sundance Film Festival , the film was based on Melvin Van Peebles ' struggle to film and distribute the movie Sweet Sweetback 's Baadasssss Song and was directed by his son Mario Van Peebles . Earth , Wind & Fire 's songs have also been featured in many movies all over the world . These movies include Anchorman , Last Vegas , The Intouchables , Night at the Museum ( film series ) , and Caddyshack . Earth , Wind & Fire 's songs have also been featured in many television shows . These shows include The Mentalist , True Blood , The Office , Glee , Daredevil , and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno . Members ( edit ) Main article : List of Earth , Wind & Fire band members Maurice White -- vocals , conga , percussion , kalimba ( founding member -- 1970 -- 1984 ; 1987 -- 2005 -- he passed in 2016 ) Philip Bailey -- vocals , conga , percussion , kalimba ( 1972 -- 1984 ; 1987 -- present ) Verdine White -- bass , percussion , vocals ( 1970 -- 1984 ; 1987 -- present ) Ralph Johnson -- drums , percussion , vocals ( 1972 -- 1984 ; 1987 -- present ) B. David Whitworth -- percussion , vocals ( 1996 -- present ) Myron McKinley -- keyboards , musical director ( 2001 -- present ) John Paris -- drums , vocals ( 2001 -- present ) Philip Bailey , Jr. -- vocals , percussion ( 2008 -- present ) Morris O'Connor -- lead guitar , vocals ( 2008 -- present ) Serg Dimitrijevic -- rhythm guitar , vocals ( 2012 -- present ) Awards and nominations ( edit ) Main article : List of awards and nominations received by Earth , Wind , & Fire Discography ( edit ) Main article : Earth , Wind & Fire discography Studio albums ( edit ) Earth , Wind & Fire ( 1971 ) The Need of Love ( 1971 ) Last Days and Time ( 1972 ) Head to the Sky ( 1973 ) Open Our Eyes ( 1974 ) That 's the Way of the World ( 1975 ) Spirit ( 1976 ) All ' n All ( 1977 ) I Am ( 1979 ) Faces ( 1980 ) Raise ! ( 1981 ) Powerlight ( 1983 ) Electric Universe ( 1983 ) Touch the World ( 1987 ) Heritage ( 1990 ) Millennium ( 1993 ) In the Name of Love ( 1997 ) The Promise ( 2003 ) Illumination ( 2005 ) Now , Then & Forever ( 2013 ) Holiday ( 2014 ) Top 10 Albums ( edit ) The following albums reached the Top Ten on either the United States Billboard 200 pop albums chart or the United Kingdom UK Albums Chart . 1975 : That 's the Way of the World ( US # 1 ) 1975 : Gratitude ( US # 1 ) 1976 : Spirit ( US # 2 ) 1977 : All ' N All ( US # 3 ) 1979 : I Am ( US # 3 ; UK # 5 ) 1980 : Faces ( US # 10 ; UK # 10 ) 1981 : Raise ! ( US # 5 ) Top 10 singles ( edit ) The following singles reached the Top Ten on either the United States Billboard Hot 100 pop singles chart or the United Kingdom UK Singles Chart . 1975 : `` Shining Star '' ( US # 1 ) 1975 : `` Sing a Song '' ( US # 5 ) 1978 : `` Got to Get You into My Life '' ( US # 9 ) 1978 : `` September '' ( US # 8 ; UK # 3 ) 1979 : `` Boogie Wonderland '' ( featuring The Emotions ) ( US # 6 ; UK # 4 ) 1979 : `` After the Love Has Gone '' ( US # 2 ; UK # 4 ) 1981 : `` Let 's Groove '' ( US # 3 ; UK # 3 ) See also ( edit ) Book : Earth , Wind & Fire List of best - selling music artists List of number - one hits ( United States ) List of artists who reached number one in the United States List of number - one dance hits ( United States ) List of artists who reached number one on the U.S. dance chart References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Huey , Steve . `` Earth , Wind & Fire '' . AllMusic . Retrieved 26 November 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Maurice White '' . . 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( January 27 , 2000 ) . `` Eric Benet Honored To Be On New Earth , Wind & Fire Set '' . . Jump up ^ `` The Billboard Salute -- Earth , Wind & Fire 30th Anniversary '' . Billboard Magazine . 113 ( 28 ) . July 14 , 2001 . p. 45 . ISSN 0006 - 2510 . Jump up ^ VH1 Staff ( June 16 , 2003 ) . `` Justin Timberlake : Wanna Be Starting Somethin ' '' . vh1 . Retrieved May 4 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Craveonline ( October 24 , 2007 ) . `` Sheila E 's drums of steel '' . . Archived from the original on April 20 , 2008 . Retrieved February 10 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Marcus Miller '' . . Retrieved February 10 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Dave , DiMartino ( October 10 , 1997 ) . `` Badu To The Bone '' . . Jump up ^ Scaggs , Austin ( December 15 , 2005 ) . `` Jamie Foxx The man who played Ray on his secret desires : to serenade Mariah Carey and make music with Kenny G '' . Rolling Stone . Jump up ^ Hiatt , Brian ( February 24 , 2006 ) . `` Let 's Hear It for the Boy '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved February 10 , 2009 . 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Archived from the original on June 18 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Ty , Burr ( 4 June 2004 ) . `` Van Peebles scores with look back at ' Sweetback ' '' . Boston Globe . Jump up ^ `` How to Get the Man 's Foot Outta Your Ass '' . . ^ Jump up to : `` -- UK Album and Singles Database for Earth , Wind & Fire '' . . Archived from the original on July 24 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Earth , Wind & Fire -- Charts -- Billboard Albums and Awards on '' . . Jump up ^ `` Earth , Wind & Fire -- Charts -- Billboard Singles on '' . . Further reading ( edit ) Bailey , Philip ; Keith Zimmerman ; Kent Zimmerman ( 2014 ) . Shining Star : Braving the Elements of Earth , Wind & Fire . New York : Viking . ISBN 9780670785889 . OCLC 852221287 . Mulhern , Tom . Bass Heroes : Styles , Stories & Secrets of 30 Great Bass Players : from the Pages of Guitar Player Magazine . Backbeat Books , 1993 . ISBN 0 - 87930 - 274 - 7 Payne , Jim . Weinger , Harry . The Great Drummers of R&B , Funk & Soul . Mel Bay Publications , 2007 . ISBN 0 - 7866 - 7303 - 6 External Links ( edit ) Find more aboutEarth , Wind & Fireat Wikipedia 's sister projects Media from Wikimedia Commons Data from Wikidata Official website Earth , Wind & Fire at AllMusic Earth , Wind & Fire discography at Discogs <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) Earth , Wind & Fire <Td_colspan="2"> Philip Bailey Verdine White Ralph Johnson B. David Whitworth Myron McKinley John Paris Philip Bailey , Jr . Morris O'Connor Serg Dimitrijevic Maurice White Michael Beale Leslie Drayton Wade Flemons Yackov Ben Israel Sherry Scott Carl Carwell Alexander Thomas Chester Washington Don Whitehead Roland Bautista Jessica Cleaves Larry Dunn Ronnie Laws Johnny Graham Al McKay Andrew Woolfolk Fred White Beloyd Taylor Sonny Emory Sheldon Reynolds Dick Smith Vance Taylor Fred Ravel Morris Pleasure David Romero Mike McKnight Robert Brookins Gordon Campbell Bobby Gonzales Daniel de los Reyes Kimberly Brewer John Johnson Krystal Bailey Kim Johnson Greg `` G - Mo '' Moore Vadim Zilberstein Don Myrick Studio albums Earth , Wind & Fire The Need of Love Last Days and Time Head to the Sky Open Our Eyes That 's the Way of the World Spirit All ' n All I Am Faces Raise ! Powerlight Electric Universe Touch the World Heritage Millennium In the Name of Love The Promise Illumination Now , Then & Forever Holiday Compilations and live albums Another Time Gratitude The Best of Earth , Wind & Fire , Vol. 1 The Collection The Best of Earth , Wind & Fire , Vol. 2 The Eternal Dance Elements of Love : Ballads Greatest Hits Live Greatest Hits The Ultimate Collection The Essential Earth , Wind & Fire That 's the Way of the World : Alive in 75 Live in Rio Love Songs Ultimate Collection Singles `` Evil '' `` Keep Your Head to the Sky '' `` Mighty Mighty '' `` Devotion '' `` Shining Star '' `` That 's the Way of the World '' `` Reasons '' `` Sing a Song '' `` Ca n't Hide Love '' `` Getaway '' `` Saturday Nite '' `` Serpentine Fire '' `` Fantasy '' `` Got to Get You into My Life '' `` September '' `` Boogie Wonderland '' `` After the Love Has Gone '' `` In the Stone '' `` Let Me Talk '' `` And Love Goes On '' `` Let 's Groove '' `` Wanna Be with You '' `` I 've Had Enough '' `` Fall in Love with Me '' `` System of Survival '' `` Thinking of You '' `` Sunday Morning '' `` All in the Way '' `` Pure Gold '' Other albums Sweet Sweetback 's Baadasssss Song Videos Earth , Wind & Fire : In Concert The Eternal Vision Earth , Wind & Fire : Live Earth , Wind & Fire : Live By Request Chicago & Earth , Wind & Fire -- Live at the Greek Theatre Related articles Ramsey Lewis The Pharaohs Charles Stepney The Phenix Horns The Emotions Devoted Spirits : A Tribute to Earth Wind and Fire Interpretations : Celebrating the Music of Earth , Wind & Fire Lists Discography Awards and nominations Tribute albums Personnel <Td_colspan="2"> Book <Th_colspan="2"> Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Class of 2000 Performers Eric Clapton Earth , Wind & Fire ( Philip Bailey , Larry Dunn , Johnny Graham , Ralph Johnson , Al McKay , Fred White , Maurice White , Verdine White , Andrew Woolfolk ) The Lovin ' Spoonful ( Steve Boone , Joe Butler , John Sebastian , Zal Yanovsky ) The Moonglows ( Prentiss Barnes , Harvey Fuqua , Peter Graves , Billy Johnson , Bobby Lester ) Bonnie Raitt James Taylor Early influences Nat King Cole Billie Holiday Non-performers ( Ahmet Ertegun Award ) Clive Davis Sidemen Hal Blaine King Curtis James Jamerson Scotty Moore Earl Palmer VIAF : 125622002 LCCN : n91107833 ISNI : 0000 0001 2152 1145 GND : 10276699 - X SUDOC : 086230093 BNF : cb139033925 ( data ) MusicBrainz : 535afeda - 2538 - 435d - 9dd1 - 5e10be586774 Retrieved from ``,_Wind_%26_Fire&oldid=827972570 '' Categories : Earth , Wind & Fire Musical groups established in 1970 American funk musical groups Musical groups from Chicago African - American musical groups Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees Grammy Award winners American soul musical groups Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award winners 1970 establishments in Illinois Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Use mdy dates from April 2012 Articles with hCards Wikipedia articles in need of updating from December 2009 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from February 2012 Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español Esperanto فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ქართული Lumbaart Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Slovenčina Suomi Svenska Tagalog ไทย Türkçe Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 27 February 2018 , at 20 : 40 . 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1. Earth, Wind & Fire: A popular American band spanning multiple genres. 2. R&B, soul, funk: The musical genres associated with Earth, Wind & Fire. 3. Maurice White: The founder and leader of Earth, Wind & Fire. 4. Grammy Awards: The band's success and recognition in the music industry. 5. Hits and albums: The band's popular songs and albums throughout their career.
british words that use s instead of z
American and British English spelling differences - Wikipedia American and British English spelling differences Jump to : navigation , search `` Spelling differences '' redirects here . For other uses , see Category : Language comparison . For guidelines on dialects and spelling in the English - language version of Wikipedia , see Wikipedia : Manual of Style § National varieties of English . British and American spellings around the world : defence / labour / organise , English is official defence / labour / organise , English is not official Canadian defence / labour , but organize , etc . defense / labor / organize , English is official defense / labor / organize , English is not official Comparison of American and British English American English British English Computing Keyboards Orthography Spelling Speech Accent Pronunciation Vocabulary Glossary of American terms not widely used in the United Kingdom Glossary of British terms not widely used in the United States Lists of words having different meanings in American and British English : ( A -- L M -- Z ) Works Works with different titles in the UK and US Further information : Comparison of American and British English Many of the differences between American and British English date back to a time when spelling standards had not yet developed . For instance , some spellings seen as `` American '' today were once commonly used in Britain and some spellings seen as `` British '' were once commonly used in the United States . A `` British standard '' began to emerge following the 1755 publication of Samuel Johnson 's A Dictionary of the English Language , and an `` American standard '' started following the work of Noah Webster and in particular his An American Dictionary of the English Language , first published in 1828 . Webster 's efforts at spelling reform were somewhat effective in his native country , resulting in certain well - known patterns of spelling differences between the American and British varieties of English . However , English - language spelling reform has rarely been adopted otherwise and thus modern English orthography varies somewhat between countries and is far from phonemic in any country . Contents ( hide ) 1 Historical origins 2 Latin - derived spellings 2.1 - our , - or 2.1. 1 Derivatives and inflected forms 2.1. 2 Exceptions 2.1. 3 Commonwealth usage 2.2 - re , - er 2.2. 1 Exceptions 2.2. 2 Commonwealth usage 2.3 - ce , - se 2.4 - xion , - ction 3 Greek - derived spellings 3.1 - ise , - ize ( - isation , - ization ) 3.1. 1 Origin and recommendations 3.1. 2 Usage 3.1. 3 Exceptions 3.2 - yse , - yze 3.3 - ogue , - og 3.4 ae and oe 3.4. 1 Commonwealth usage 4 Doubled consonants 4.1 Doubled in British English 4.2 Doubled in American English 5 Dropped `` e '' 6 Hard and soft `` c '' 7 Past tense differences 8 Different spellings for different meanings 9 Different spellings for different pronunciations 10 Miscellaneous spelling differences 11 Compounds and hyphens 12 Acronyms and abbreviations 13 Punctuation 14 See also 15 Notes 16 References 17 External links Historical origins ( edit ) Extract from the Orthography section of the first edition ( 1828 ) of Webster 's `` ADEL '' , which popularized the `` American standard '' spellings of - er ( 6 ) ; - or ( 7 ) ; the dropped - e ( 8 ) ; - or ( 10 ) ; - se ( 11 ) ; and the doubling of consonants with a suffix ( 15 ) . An 1814 American medical text showing British English spellings that were still in use ( `` tumours '' , `` colour '' , `` centres '' , etc . ) . In the early 18th century , English spelling was inconsistent . These differences became noticeable after the publishing of influential dictionaries . Today 's British English spellings mostly follow Johnson 's A Dictionary of the English Language ( 1755 ) , while many American English spellings follow Webster 's An American Dictionary of the English Language ( `` ADEL '' , `` Webster 's Dictionary '' , 1828 ) . Webster was a proponent of English spelling reform for reasons both philological and nationalistic . In A Companion to the American Revolution ( 2008 ) , John Algeo notes : `` it is often assumed that characteristically American spellings were invented by Noah Webster . He was very influential in popularizing certain spellings in America , but he did not originate them . Rather ( ... ) he chose already existing options such as center , color and check for the simplicity , analogy or etymology '' . William Shakespeare 's first folios , for example , used spellings like center and color as much as centre and colour . Webster did attempt to introduce some reformed spellings , as did the Simplified Spelling Board in the early 20th century , but most were not adopted . In Britain , the influence of those who preferred the Norman ( or Anglo - French ) spellings of words proved to be decisive . Later spelling adjustments in the United Kingdom had little effect on today 's American spellings and vice versa . For the most part , the spelling systems of most Commonwealth countries and Ireland closely resemble the British system . In Canada , the spelling system can be said to follow both British and American forms , and Canadians are somewhat more tolerant of foreign spellings when compared with other English - speaking nationalities . Australian spelling has also strayed slightly from British spelling , with some American spellings incorporated as standard . New Zealand spelling is almost identical to British spelling , except in the word fiord ( instead of fjord ) . There is also an increasing use of macrons in words that originated in Māori and an unambiguous preference for - ise endings ( see below ) . Latin - derived spellings ( edit ) - Our , - or ( edit ) Most words ending in an unstressed - our in British English ( e.g. , colour , flavour , behaviour , harbour , honour , humour , labour , neighbour , rumour , splendour ) end in - or in American English ( color , flavor , behavior , harbor , honor , humor , labor , neighbor , rumor , splendor ) . Wherever the vowel is unreduced in pronunciation , e.g. , contour , velour , paramour and troubadour the spelling is consistent everywhere . Most words of this kind came from Latin , where the ending was spelled - or . They were first adopted into English from early Old French , and the ending was spelled - or or - ur . After the Norman conquest of England , the ending became - our to match the Old French spelling . The - our ending was not only used in new English borrowings , but was also applied to the earlier borrowings that had used - or . However , - or was still sometimes found , and the first three folios of Shakespeare 's plays used both spellings before they were standardised to - our in the Fourth Folio of 1685 . After the Renaissance , new borrowings from Latin were taken up with their original - or ending and many words once ending in - our ( for example , chancellour and governour ) went back to - or . Many words of the - our / or group do not have a Latin counterpart ; for example , armo ( u ) r , behavio ( u ) r , harbo ( u ) r , neighbo ( u ) r ; also arbo ( u ) r , meaning `` shelter '' , though senses `` tree '' and `` tool '' are always arbor , a false cognate of the other word . Some 16th - and early 17th - century British scholars indeed insisted that - or be used for words from Latin ( e.g. , color ) and - our for French loans ; but in many cases the etymology was not clear , and therefore some scholars advocated - or only and others - our only . Webster 's 1828 dictionary had only - or and is given much of the credit for the adoption of this form in the United States . By contrast , Johnson 's 1755 ( pre-U.S. independence and establishment ) dictionary used - our for all words still so spelled in Britain ( like colour ) , but also for words where the u has since been dropped : ambassadour , emperour , governour , perturbatour , inferiour , superiour ; errour , horrour , mirrour , tenour , terrour , tremour . Johnson , unlike Webster , was not an advocate of spelling reform , but chose the spelling best derived , as he saw it , from among the variations in his sources . He preferred French over Latin spellings because , as he put it , `` the French generally supplied us '' . English speakers who moved to America took these preferences with them , and H.L. Mencken notes that `` honor appears in the 1776 Declaration of Independence , but it seems to have got there rather by accident than by design . In Jefferson 's original draft it is spelled `` honour '' . In Britain , examples of color , flavor , behavior , harbor , and neighbor rarely appear in Old Bailey court records from the 17th and 18th centuries , whereas there are thousands of examples of their - our counterparts . One notable exception is honor . Honor and honour were equally frequent in Britain until the 17th century ; honor still is , in the UK , the usual spelling as a person 's name and appears in Honor Oak , a district of London . Derivatives and inflected forms ( edit ) In derivatives and inflected forms of the - our / or words , British usage depends on the nature of the suffix used . The u is kept before English suffixes that are freely attachable to English words ( for example in neighbourhood , humourless , and savoury ) and suffixes of Greek or Latin origin that have been adopted into English ( for example in favourite , honourable , and behaviourism ) . However , before Latin suffixes that are not freely attachable to English words , the u : may be dropped , for example in honorary , honorific , honorist , vigorous , humorous , laborious , and invigorate ; may be either dropped or kept , for example in colo ( u ) ration and colo ( u ) rize or colo ( u ) rise ; or may be kept , for example in colourist . In American usage , derivatives and inflected forms are built by simply adding the suffix in all cases ( for example , favorite , savory etc . ) since the u is absent to begin with . Exceptions ( edit ) American usage , in most cases , keeps the u in the word glamour , which comes from Scots , not Latin or French . Glamor is sometimes used in imitation of the spelling reform of other - our words to - or . Nevertheless , the adjective glamorous often drops the first `` u '' . Saviour is a somewhat common variant of savior in the US . The British spelling is very common for honour ( and favour ) in the formal language of wedding invitations in the US . The name of the Space Shuttle Endeavour has a u in it as the spacecraft was named after Captain James Cook 's ship , HMS Endeavour . The special car on Amtrak 's Coast Starlight train is known as the Pacific Parlour car , not Pacific Parlor . Proper names such as Pearl Harbor or Sydney Harbour are usually spelled according to their native - variety spelling vocabulary . The name of the herb savory is thus spelled everywhere , although the related adjective savo ( u ) ry , like savo ( u ) r , has a u in the UK . Honor ( the name ) and arbor ( the tool ) have - or in Britain , as mentioned above . As a general noun , rigour / ˈrɪɡə / or / - ər / has a u in the UK ; the medical term rigor ( often / ˈraɪɡə / or / - ər / ) does not , such as in rigor mortis , which is Latin . Derivations of rigour / rigor such as rigorous , however , are typically spelled without a u even in the UK . Words with the ending - irior , - erior or similar are spelled thus everywhere . The word armour was once somewhat common in American usage but has disappeared from the current language . Commonwealth usage ( edit ) Commonwealth countries normally follow British usage . Canadian English most commonly uses the - our ending and - our - in derivatives and inflected forms . However , owing to the close historic , economic , and cultural relationship with the United States , - or endings are also sometimes used . Throughout the late 19th and early to mid-20th century , most Canadian newspapers chose to use the American usage of - or endings , originally to save time and money in the era of manual movable type . However , in the 1990s , the majority of Canadian newspapers officially updated their spelling policies to the British usage of - our . This coincided with a renewed interest in Canadian English , and the release of the updated Gage Canadian Dictionary in 1997 and the first Oxford Canadian Dictionary in 1998 . Historically , most libraries and educational institutions in Canada have supported the use of the Oxford English Dictionary rather than the American Webster 's Dictionary . Today , the use of a distinctive set of Canadian English spellings is viewed by many Canadians as one of the cultural uniquenesses of Canada ( especially when compared to the United States ) . In Australia , - or endings enjoyed some use throughout the 19th century and in the early 20th century . Like in Canada though , most major Australian newspapers have switched from `` - or '' endings to `` - our '' endings . The `` - our '' spelling is taught in schools nationwide as part of the Australian curriculum . The most notable countrywide use of the - or ending is for the Australian Labor Party , which was originally called `` the Australian Labour Party '' ( name adopted in 1908 ) , but was frequently referred to as both `` Labour '' and `` Labor '' . The `` Labor '' was adopted from 1912 onward due to the influence of the American labor movement and King O'Malley . Aside from that , - our is now almost universal in Australia . New Zealand English , while sharing some words and syntax with Australian English , follows British usage . - Re , - er ( edit ) In British English , some words from French , Latin or Greek end with a consonant followed by an unstressed - re ( pronounced ( non-rhotic accent ) / ə ( ɹ ) / or ( rhotic accent ) / ɚ / ) . In American English , most of these words have the ending - er . The difference is most common for words ending - bre or - tre : British spellings calibre , centre , fibre , goitre , litre , lustre , manoeuvre , meagre , metre , mitre , nitre , ochre , reconnoitre , sabre , saltpetre , sepulchre , sombre , spectre , theatre ( see exceptions ) and titre all have - er in American spelling . In Britain , both - re and - er spellings were common before Johnson 's dictionary was published . In Shakespeare 's first folios , - er spellings are used the most . Most English words that today use - er were spelled - re at one time . In American English , almost all of these have become - er , but in British English only some of them have . Words that were once spelled - re include chapter , December , disaster , enter , filter , letter , member , minister , monster , November , number , October , oyster , powder , proper , September , sober and tender . Words using the `` - meter '' suffix ( from ancient Greek - μέτρον via post-Classical Latin meter ) have normally had the - er spelling from earliest use in English . Examples include thermometer and barometer . The e preceding the r is kept in American - derived forms of nouns and verbs , for example , fibers , reconnoitered , centering , which are fibres , reconnoitred , and centring respectively in British English . Centring is an interesting example , since , according to the OED , it is a `` word ... of 3 syllables ( in careful pronunciation ) '' ( i.e. , / ˈsɛntəɹɪŋ / ) , yet there is no vowel in the spelling corresponding to the second syllable ( / ə / ) . The three - syllable version is listed as only the American pronunciation of centering on the Oxford Dictionaries Online website . The e is dropped for other derivations , for example , central , fibrous , spectral . However , the existence of related words without e before the r is not proof for the existence of an - re British spelling : for example , entry and entrance come from enter , which has not been spelled entre for centuries . The difference relates only to root words ; - er rather than - re is universal as a suffix for agentive ( reader , winner , user ) and comparative ( louder , nicer ) forms . One outcome is the British distinction of meter for a measuring instrument from metre for the unit of length . However , while `` poetic metre '' is often - re , pentameter , hexameter etc. are always - er . Exceptions ( edit ) Many other words have - er in British English . These include Germanic words ; such as anger , mother , timber and water and Romance words danger , quarter and river . The ending - cre , as in acre , lucre , massacre , and mediocre , is used in both British and American English to show that the c is pronounced / k / rather than / s / . The spellings ogre and euchre are also the same in both British and American English . Theater is the prevailing American spelling used to refer to both the dramatic arts and buildings where stage performances and screenings of films take place ( i.e. , `` movie theaters '' ) ; for example , a national newspaper such as The New York Times would use theater in its entertainment section . However , the spelling theatre appears in the names of many New York City theaters on Broadway ( cf . Broadway theatre ) and elsewhere in the United States . In 2003 , the American National Theatre was referred to by The New York Times as the `` American National Theater '' , but the organization uses `` re '' in the spelling of its name . The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C. has the more common American spelling theater in its references to The Eisenhower Theater , part of the Kennedy Center . Some cinemas outside New York also use the theatre spelling . ( Note also that the word `` theater '' in American English is a place where stage performances and screenings of films take place , but in British English a `` theatre '' is where stage performances take place but not film screenings -- these take place in a cinema . ) Some placenames in the United States use Centre in their names . Examples include the Stonebriar Centre mall , the cities of Rockville Centre and Centreville , Centre County and Centre College . Sometimes , these places were named before spelling changes but more often the spelling merely serves as an affectation . For British accoutre , the American practice varies : the Merriam - Webster Dictionary prefers the - re spelling , but The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language prefers the - er spelling . More recent French loanwords keep the - re spelling in American English . These are not exceptions when a French - style pronunciation is used ( / ɹə / rather than / ə ( ɹ ) / or / ɚ / ) , as with double entendre , genre and oeuvre . However , the unstressed / ə ( ɹ ) / and / ɚ / pronunciation of an - er ending is used more ( or less ) often with some words , including cadre , macabre , maître d ' , Notre Dame , piastre , and timbre . Commonwealth usage ( edit ) The - re endings are mostly standard throughout the Commonwealth . The - er spellings are recognized as minor variants in Canada , partly due to American influence , and are sometimes used in proper names ( such as Toronto 's controversially named Centerpoint Mall ) . - Ce , - se ( edit ) For advice / advise and device / devise , American English and British English both keep the noun -- verb distinction both graphically and phonetically ( where the pronunciation is - ( s ) for the noun and - ( z ) for the verb ) . For licence / license or practice / practise , British English also keeps the noun -- verb distinction graphically ( although phonetically the two words in each pair are homophones with - ( s ) pronunciation ) . On the other hand , American English uses license and practice for both nouns and verbs ( with - ( s ) pronunciation in both cases too ) . American English has kept the Anglo - French spelling for defense and offense , which are defence and offence in British English . Likewise , there are the American pretense and British pretence ; but derivatives such as defensive , offensive , and pretension are always thus spelled in both systems . Australian and Canadian usage generally follows British . - Xion , - ction ( edit ) The spelling connexion is now rare in everyday British usage , its use lessening as knowledge of Latin lessens , and it is not used at all in the US : the more common connection has become the standard worldwide . According to the Oxford English Dictionary the older spelling is more etymologically conservative , since the original Latin word had - xio - . The American usage comes from Webster , who abandoned - xion in favour of - ction by analogy with verbs like connect . Connexion was still the house style of The Times of London until the 1980s and was still used by the British Post Office for its telephone services in the 1970s , but had by then been overtaken by connection in regular usage ( for example , in more popular newspapers ) . Complexion ( which comes from complex ) is standard worldwide and complection is rare . However , the adjective complected ( as in `` dark - complected '' ) , although sometimes objected to , is standard in the US as an alternative to complexioned , but is not used in this way in the UK , although there is a rare usage to mean complicated . In some cases , words with `` old - fashioned '' spellings are retained widely in the US for historical reasons ( cf . connexionalism ) . Greek - derived spellings ( edit ) - Ise , - ize ( - isation , - ization ) ( edit ) See also : Oxford spelling Origin and recommendations ( edit ) The - ize spelling is often incorrectly seen as an Americanism in Britain . However , the Oxford English Dictionary ( OED ) recommends - ize and notes that the - ise spelling is from French : `` The suffix ... whatever the element to which it is added , is in its origin the Greek - ιζειν , Latin - izāre ; and , as the pronunciation is also with z , there is no reason why in English the special French spelling should be followed , in opposition to that which is at once etymological and phonetic . '' The OED lists the - ise form separately , as an alternative . Publications by Oxford University Press ( OUP ) -- such as Henry Watson Fowler 's A Dictionary of Modern English Usage , Hart 's Rules , and The Oxford Guide to English Usage -- also recommend - ize . However , Robert Allan 's Pocket Fowler 's Modern English Usage considers either spelling to be acceptable anywhere but the US . Also , Oxford University itself does not agree with the OUP , but advocates - ise instead of - ize in its staff style guide . Usage ( edit ) American spelling avoids - ise endings in words like organize , realize and recognize . British spelling mostly uses - ise , while - ize is also used ( organise / organize , realise / realize , recognise / recognize ) : the ratio between - ise and - ize stood at 3 : 2 in the British National Corpus up to 2002 . The spelling - ise is more commonly used in UK mass media and newspapers , including The Times ( which switched conventions in 1992 ) , The Daily Telegraph and The Economist . Meanwhile , - ize is used in some British - based academic publications , such as Nature , the Biochemical Journal and The Times Literary Supplement . The dominant British English usage of - ise is preferred by Cambridge University Press . The minority British English usage of - ize is known as Oxford spelling and is used in publications of the Oxford University Press , most notably the Oxford English Dictionary . It can be identified using the IETF language tag en - GB - oxendict ( or , historically , by en - GB - oed ) . In Canada , the - ize ending is more common , whereas in Ireland , India , Australia and New Zealand - ise spellings strongly prevail : the - ise form is preferred in Australian English at a ratio of about 3 : 1 according to the Macquarie Dictionary . The same applies to derivatives and inflections such as colonisation / colonization , or modernisation / modernization Worldwide , - ize endings prevail in scientific writing and are commonly used by many international organizations , such as the United Nations Organizations ( such as the World Health Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization ) and the International Organization for Standardization ( but not by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ) . The European Union 's style guides require the usage of - ise . Proofreaders at the EU 's Publications Office ensure consistent spelling in official publications such as the Official Journal ( where legislation and other official documents are published ) , but the - ize spelling may be found in other documents . Exceptions ( edit ) Some verbs ending in - ize or - ise do not come from Greek - ιζειν , and their endings are therefore not interchangeable : Some words take only the - z - form worldwide , for example capsize , seize ( except in the legal phrases to be seised of or to stand seised to ) , size and prize ( only in the `` appraise '' sense ) . These , however , do not contain the suffix - ize . Others take only - s - worldwide : advertise , advise , arise , chastise , circumcise , comprise , compromise , demise , despise , devise , disguise , excise , exercise , franchise , guise , improvise , incise , reprise , revise , rise , supervise , surmise , surprise , televise , and wise . Some of these do not contain the suffix - ise , but some do . One special case is the verb to prise ( meaning `` to force '' or `` to lever '' ) , which is spelled prize in the US and prise everywhere else , including Canada , although in North American English it is almost always replaced by pry , a back - formation from or alteration of prise . A topsail schooner built in Australia in 1829 was called Enterprize , whereas there have been US ships and spacecraft named `` Enterprise '' . Some words spelled with - ize in American English are not used in British English , etc. , e.g. , the verb burglarize , regularly formed on the noun burglar , where the equivalent in British , and other versions of , English is the back - formation burgle and not burglarise . - Yse , - yze ( edit ) The ending - yse is British and - yze is American . Thus , in British English analyse , catalyse , hydrolyse and paralyse , but in American English analyze , catalyze , hydrolyze and paralyze . Analyse seems to have been the more common spelling in 17th - and 18th - century English , but many of the great dictionaries of that time -- John Kersey 's of 1702 , Nathan Bailey 's of 1721 and Samuel Johnson 's of 1755 -- prefer analyze . In Canada , - yze prevails , just as in the US . In South Africa , Australia and New Zealand , - yse stands alone . English verbs ending in - lyse or - lyze are not similar to the Greek verb , which is λύω lúō ( `` I release '' ) . Instead they come from the noun form λύσις lysis with the - ise or - ize suffix . For example , analyse comes from French analyser , formed by haplology from the French analysiser , which would be spelled analysise or analysize in English . Hart 's Rules for Compositors and Readers at the University Press , Oxford states : `` In verbs such as analyse , catalyse , paralyse , - lys - is part of the Greek stem ( corresponding to the element - lusis ) and not a suffix like - ize . The spelling - yze is therefore etymologically incorrect , and must not be used , unless American printing style is being followed . '' - Ogue , - og ( edit ) British and other Commonwealth English uses the ending - logue and - gogue while American English commonly uses the ending - log and - gog for words like analog ( ue ) , catalog ( ue ) , dialog ( ue ) , monolog ( ue ) , homolog ( ue ) , etc . The - gue spelling , as in catalogue , is used in the US , but catalog is more common . Additionally , in American English , dialogue is an extremely common spelling compared to dialog , although both are treated as acceptable ways to spell the word . ( thus the inflected forms , cataloged and cataloging vs. catalogued and cataloguing ) . Synagogue is seldom used without - ue . In Australia , analog is standard for the adjective , but both analogue and analog are current for the noun ; in all other cases the - gue endings strongly prevail , for example monologue , except for such expressions as dialog box in computing , which are also used in the UK . In Australia , analog is used in its technical and electronic sense , as in analog electronics . In Canada and New Zealand , analogue is used , but analog has some currency as a technical term ( e.g. , in electronics , as in `` analog electronics '' as opposed to `` digital electronics '' and some video - game consoles might have an analog stick ) . The - ue is absent worldwide in related words like analogy , analogous , and analogist . Both British and American English use the spelling - gue with a silent - ue for certain words that are not part of the - ogue set , such as tongue ( cf . tong ) , plague , vague , and league . In addition , when the - ue is not silent , as in the words argue , ague and segue , all varieties of English use - gue . Ae and oe ( edit ) See also : English orthography § Ligatures Many words that are written with ae / æ or oe / œ in British English are written with just an e in American English . The sounds in question are / iː / or / ɛ / ( or , unstressed , / i / or / ɪ / ) . Examples ( with non-American letter in bold ) : aeon , anaemia , anaesthesia , caecum , caesium , coeliac , diarrhoea , encyclopaedia , faeces , foetal , gynaecology , haemoglobin , haemophilia , leukaemia , oesophagus , oestrogen , orthopaedic , palaeontology , paediatric . Oenology is acceptable in American English but is deemed a minor variant of enology , whereas although archeology and ameba exist in American English , the British versions archaeology and amoeba are more common . The chemical haem ( named as a shortening of haemoglobin ) is spelled heme in American English , to avoid confusion with hem . Words that can be spelled either way in American English include aesthetics and archaeology ( which usually prevail over esthetics and archeology ) , as well as palaestra , for which the simplified form palestra is described by Merriam - Webster as `` chiefly Brit ( ish ) . '' Words that can be spelled either way in British English include encyclopaedia , homoeopathy , chamaeleon , mediaeval ( a minor variant in both AmE and BrE ) , foetid and foetus . The spellings foetus and foetal are Britishisms based on a mistaken etymology . The etymologically correct original spelling fetus reflects the Latin original and is the standard spelling in medical journals worldwide , the Oxford English Dictionary notes that `` In Latin manuscripts both fētus and foetus are used '' . The Ancient Greek diphthongs and were transliterated into Latin as and . The ligatures æ and œ were introduced when the sounds became monophthongs , and later applied to words not of Greek origin , in both Latin ( for example , cœli ) and French ( for example , œuvre ) . In English , which has adopted words from all three languages , it is now usual to replace Æ / æ with Ae / ae and Œ / œ with Oe / oe . In many words , the digraph has been reduced to a lone e in all varieties of English : for example , oeconomics , praemium , and aenigma . In others , it is kept in all varieties : for example , phoenix , and usually subpoena , but Phenix in Virginia . This is especially true of names : Caesar , Oedipus , Phoebe , etc . There is no reduction of Latin - ae plurals ( e.g. , larvae ) ; nor where the digraph / does not result from the Greek - style ligature : for example , maelstrom , toe . The British form aeroplane is an instance ( compare other aero - words such as aerosol ) . The now chiefly North American airplane is not a respelling but a recoining , modelled after airship and aircraft . The word airplane dates from 1907 , at which time the prefix aero - was trisyllabic , often written aëro - . Commonwealth usage ( edit ) In Canada , e is usually preferred over oe and often over ae , but oe and ae are sometimes found in the academic and scientific writing as well as government publications ( for example the fee schedule of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan ) . In Australia , encyclopedia and medieval are spelled with e rather than ae , as with American usage , and the Macquarie Dictionary also notes a growing tendency towards replacing ae and oe with e worldwide . Elsewhere , the British usage prevails , but the spellings with just e are increasingly used . Manoeuvre is the only spelling in Australia , and the most common one in Canada , where maneuver and manoeuver are also sometimes found . Doubled consonants ( edit ) Doubled in British English ( edit ) The final consonant of an English word is sometimes doubled in both American and British spelling when adding a suffix beginning with a vowel , for example strip / stripped , which prevents confusion with stripe / striped and shows the difference in pronunciation ( see digraph ) . Generally , this happens only when the word 's final syllable is stressed and when it also ends with a lone vowel followed by a lone consonant . In British English , however , a final - l is often doubled even when the final syllable is unstressed . This exception is no longer usual in American English , seemingly because of Noah Webster . The - ll - spellings are nevertheless still deemed acceptable variants by both Merriam - Webster Collegiate and American Heritage dictionaries . The British English doubling is used for all inflections ( - ed , - ing , - er , - est ) and for the noun suffixes - er and - or . Therefore , British English usage is cancelled , counsellor , cruellest , labelled , modelling , quarrelled , signalling , traveller , and travelling . Americans typically use canceled , counselor , cruelest , labeled , modeling , quarreled , signaling , traveler , and traveling . The word parallel keeps a single - l - in British English , as in American English ( paralleling , unparalleled ) , to avoid the unappealing cluster - llell - . Words with two vowels before a final l are also spelled with - ll - in British English before a suffix when the first vowel either acts as a consonant ( equalling and initialled ; in the United States , equaling or initialed ) , or belongs to a separate syllable ( British fu el ling and di alled ; American fu el ing and di aled ) . British woollen is a further exception due to the double vowel ( American : woolen ) . Also , wooly is accepted in American English , though woolly prevails in both systems . Endings - ize / - ise , - ism , - ist , - ish usually do not double the l in British English ; for example , normalise , dualism , novelist , and devilish . Exceptions : tranquillise ; duellist , medallist , panellist , and sometimes triallist in British English . For - ous , British English has a single l in scandalous and perilous , but the `` ll '' in marvellous and libellous . For - ee , British English has libellee . For - age , British English has pupillage but vassalage . American English sometimes has an unstressed - ll - , as in the UK , in some words where the root has - l . These are cases where the change happens in the source language , which was often Latin . ( Examples : bimetallism , cancellation , chancellor , crystallize , excellent , tonsillitis , and raillery . ) All forms of English have compelled , excelling , propelled , rebelling ( notice the stress difference ) ; revealing , fooling ( note the double vowel before the l ) ; and hurling ( consonant before the l ) . Canadian and Australian English mostly follow British usage . Among consonants other than l , practice varies for some words , such as where the final syllable has secondary stress or an unreduced vowel . In the United States , the spellings kidnaped and worshiped , which were introduced by the Chicago Tribune in the 1920s , are common , but kidnapped and worshipped prevail . Kidnapped and worshipped are the only standard British spellings . Miscellaneous : British calliper or caliper ; American caliper . British jewellery ; American jewelry . The word originates from the Old French word jouel ( whose contemporary French equivalent is joyau , with the same meaning ) . The standard pronunciation / ˈdʒuːəlri / does not reflect this difference , but the non-standard pronunciation / ˈdʒuːləri / ( which exists in New Zealand and Britain , hence the Cockney rhyming slang word tomfoolery / tɒmˈfuːləri / ) does . According to Fowler , jewelry used to be the `` rhetorical and poetic '' spelling in the UK , and was still used by The Times into the mid-20th century . Canada has both , but jewellery is more often used . Likewise , the Commonwealth ( including Canada ) has jeweller and the US has jeweler for a jewel ( le ) ry seller . Doubled in American English ( edit ) Conversely , there are words where British writers prefer a single l and Americans a double l . In American usage , the spelling of words is usually not changed when they form the main part ( not prefix or suffix ) of other words , especially in newly formed words and in words whose main part is in common use . Words with this spelling difference include wil ( l ) ful , skil ( l ) ful , thral ( l ) dom , appal ( l ) , fulfil ( l ) , fulfil ( l ) ment , enrol ( l ) ment , instal ( l ) ment . These words have monosyllabic cognates always written with - ll : will , skill , thrall , pall , fill , roll , stall . Cases where a single l nevertheless occurs in both American and British English include null → annul , annulment ; till → until ( although some prefer til to reflect the single l in until , sometimes using an apostrophe ( ' til ) ; this should be considered a hypercorrection as till predates the use of until ) ; and others where the connection is not clear or the monosyllabic cognate is not in common use in American English ( e.g. , null is used mainly as a technical term in law , mathematics , and computer science ) . In the UK , a single l is generally preferred in distil ( l ) , instil ( l ) , enrol ( l ) , and enthral ( l ) ment , and enthral ( l ) , although ll was formerly used ; these are always spelled with ll in American usage . The former British spellings instal , fulness , and dulness are now quite rare . The Scottish tolbooth is cognate with tollbooth , but it has a distinct meaning . In both American and British usages , words normally spelled - ll usually drop the second l when used as prefixes or suffixes , for example full → useful , handful ; all → almighty , altogether ; well → welfare , welcome ; chill → chilblain . Both the British fulfil and the American fulfill never use - ll - in the middle ( i.e. , * fullfill and * fullfil are incorrect ) . Johnson wavered on this issue . His dictionary of 1755 lemmatizes distil and instill , downhil and uphill . Dropped `` e '' ( edit ) British English sometimes keeps silent `` e '' when adding suffixes where American English does not . Generally speaking , British English drops it in only some cases in which it is needed to show pronunciation whereas American English only uses it where needed . British prefers ageing , American usually aging ( compare raging , ageism ) . For the noun or verb `` route '' , British English often uses routeing , but in America routing is used . The military term rout forms routing everywhere . However , all of these words form `` router '' , whether used in the context of carpentry , data communications , or military . ( e.g. , `` Attacus was the router of the Huns at ... '' ) Both forms of English keep the silent `` e '' in the words dyeing , singeing , and swingeing ( in the sense of dye , singe , and swinge ) , to distinguish from dying , singing , swinging ( in the sense of die , sing , and swing ) . In contrast , the verb bathe and the British verb bath both form bathing . Both forms of English vary for tinge and twinge ; both prefer cringing , hinging , lunging , syringing . Before - able , British English prefers likeable , liveable , rateable , saleable , sizeable , unshakeable , where American practice prefers to drop the `` - e '' ; but both British and American English prefer breathable , curable , datable , lovable , movable , notable , provable , quotable , scalable , solvable , usable , and those where the root is polysyllabic , like believable or decidable . Both systems keep the silent `` e '' when it is needed to preserve a soft `` c '' , `` ch '' , or `` g '' , such as in traceable , cacheable , changeable ; both usually keep the `` e '' after `` - dge '' , as in knowledgeable , unbridgeable , and unabridgeable ( `` These rights are unabridgeable '' ) . Both abridgment and the more regular abridgement are current in the US , only the latter in the UK . Likewise for the word lodg ( e ) ment . Both judgment and judgement are in use interchangeably everywhere , although the former prevails in the US and the latter prevails in the UK except in the practice of law , where judgment is standard . This also holds for abridgment and acknowledgment . Both systems prefer fledgling to fledgeling , but ridgeling to ridgling . Both acknowledgment , acknowledgement , abridgment and abridgement are used in Australia ; the shorter forms are endorsed by the Australian Capital Territory Government . Apart from when the `` e '' is dropped and in the word gaol and some pronunciations of margarine , `` g '' can only be soft when followed by an `` e '' , `` i '' , or `` y '' . The word `` blue '' always drops the `` e '' when forming `` bluish '' or `` bluing '' . Hard and soft `` c '' ( edit ) A `` c '' is generally soft when followed by an `` e '' , `` i '' , or `` y '' . One word with a pronunciation that is an exception in British English , `` sceptic '' , is spelled `` skeptic '' in American English . See Miscellaneous spelling differences below . Past tense differences ( edit ) This is a particular case of # Different spellings for different pronunciations . In the UK , Ireland , Australia , New Zealand and Canada , it is more common to end some past tense verbs with a `` t '' as in learnt or dreamt rather than learned or dreamed . However , such spellings are also found in American English . Several verbs have different past tenses or past participles in American and British English : The past tense of the verb `` to dive '' is most commonly found as `` dived '' in British , Australian , and New Zealand English . `` Dove '' is usually used in its place in American English . Both terms are understood in Canada , and may be found either in minority use or in regional dialect in America . The past participle and past tense of the verb `` to get '' is most commonly found as `` got '' in British and New Zealand English . `` Gotten '' is also used in its place in American and Canadian , and occasionally in Australian English , as a past participle , though `` got '' is widely used as a past tense . The main exception is in the phrase `` ill - gotten '' , which is widely used in British , Australian and New Zealand English . Both terms are understood , and may be found either in minority use or in regional dialect . This does not affect `` forget '' and `` beget '' , whose past participles are `` forgotten '' and `` begotten '' in all varieties . Different spellings for different meanings ( edit ) dependant or dependent ( noun ) : British dictionaries distinguish between dependent ( adjective ) and dependant ( noun ) . In the US , dependent is usual for both noun and adjective , regardless of dependant also being an acceptable variant for the noun form in the US . disc or disk : Traditionally , disc used to be British and disk American . Both spellings are etymologically sound ( Greek diskos , Latin discus ) , although disk is earlier . In computing , disc is used for optical discs ( e.g. , a CD , Compact Disc ; DVD , Digital Versatile / Video Disc ) , by choice of the group that coined and trademarked the name Compact Disc , while disk is used for products using magnetic storage ( e.g. , hard disks or floppy disks , also known as diskettes ) . For this limited application , these spellings are used in both the US and the Commonwealth . Solid - state devices also use the spelling `` disk '' . enquiry or inquiry : According to Fowler , inquiry should be used in relation to a formal inquest , and enquiry to the act of questioning . Many ( though not all ) British writers maintain this distinction ; the OED , in their entry dating from 1900 , lists inquiry and enquiry as equal alternatives , in that order ( with the addition of `` public inquiry '' in a 1993 addition ) . Some British dictionaries , such as Chambers 21st Century Dictionary , present the two spellings as interchangeable variants in the general sense , but prefer inquiry for the `` formal inquest '' sense . In the US , only inquiry is commonly used ; the title of the National Enquirer , as a proper name , is an exception . In Australia , inquiry and enquiry are often interchangeable . Both are current in Canada , where enquiry is often associated with scholarly or intellectual research . ensure or insure : In the UK ( and Australia and New Zealand ) , the word ensure ( to make sure , to make certain ) has a distinct meaning from the word insure ( often followed by against -- to guarantee or protect against , typically by means of an `` insurance policy '' ) . The distinction is only about a century old . In American usage , insure may also be used in the former sense , but ensure may not be used in the latter sense . According to Merriam - Webster 's usage notes , ensure and insure `` are interchangeable in many contexts where they indicate the making certain or ( making ) inevitable of an outcome , but ensure may imply a virtual guarantee < the government has ensured the safety of the refugees > , while insure sometimes stresses the taking of necessary measures beforehand < careful planning should insure the success of the party > . '' matt or matte : In the UK , matt refers to a non-glossy surface , and matte to the motion - picture technique ; in the US , matte covers both . programme or program : The British programme is from post-classical Latin programma and French programme . Program first appeared in Scotland in 1633 ( earlier than programme in England in 1671 ) and is the only spelling found in the US . The OED entry , updated in 2007 , says that program conforms to the usual representation of the Greek as in anagram , diagram , telegram etc . In British English , program is the common spelling for computer programs , but for other meanings programme is used . New Zealand also follows this pattern . In Australia , program has been endorsed by government writing standards for all meanings since the 1960s , and is listed as the official spelling in the Macquarie Dictionary ; see also the name of The Micallef P ( r ) ogram ( me ) . In Canada , program prevails , and the Canadian Oxford Dictionary makes no meaning - based distinction between it and programme . However , some Canadian government documents nevertheless use programme for all meanings of the word -- and also to match the spelling of the French equivalent . tonne or ton : In the UK , Australia , Canada , and New Zealand , the spelling tonne refers to the metric unit ( 1000 kilograms ) , which is the nomenclature used in SI units , whereas in the US the same unit is called a metric ton . The unqualified ton usually refers to the long ton ( 2,240 pounds or 1,016 kilograms ) in the UK and to the short ton ( 2,000 pounds or 907 kilograms ) in the US ( but note that the tonne and long ton differ by only 1.6 % , and are roughly interchangeable when accuracy is not critical ; ton and tonne are usually pronounced the same in speech ) . See also meter / metre , for which there is a British English distinction between these etymologically related forms with different meanings but the standard American spelling is `` meter '' . The spelling used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures is `` metre '' . This spelling is also the usual one for the unit of length in most English - speaking countries , but only the spelling `` meter '' is used in American English , and this is officially endorsed by the United States . Different spellings for different pronunciations ( edit ) In a few cases , essentially the same word has a different spelling that reflects a different pronunciation . As well as the miscellaneous cases listed in the following table , the past tenses of some irregular verbs differ in both spelling and pronunciation , as with smelt ( UK ) versus smelled ( US ) ( see American and British English differences : Verb morphology ) . UK US Notes aeroplane airplane Aeroplane , originally a French loanword with a different meaning , is the older spelling . The oldest recorded uses of the spelling airplane are British . According to the OED , `` ( a ) irplane became the standard American term ( replacing aeroplane ) after this was adopted by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in 1916 . Although A. Lloyd James recommended its adoption by the BBC in 1928 , it has until recently been no more than an occasional form in British English . '' In the British National Corpus , aeroplane outnumbers airplane by more than 7 : 1 in the UK . The case is similar for the British aerodrome and American airdrome ; Aerodrome is used merely as a technical term in Australia , Canada and New Zealand . The prefixes aero - and air - both mean air , with the first coming from the Ancient Greek word ἀήρ ( āēr ) . Thus , the prefix appears in aeronautics , aerostatics , aerodynamics , aeronautical engineering and so on , while the second occurs invariably in aircraft , airport , airliner , airmail etc . In Canada , airplane is more common than aeroplane , although aeroplane is used as part of the regulatory term `` ultra-light aeroplane '' . aluminium aluminum The spelling aluminium is the international standard in the sciences according to the IUPAC recommendations . Humphry Davy , the element 's discoverer , first proposed the name alumium , and then later aluminum . The name aluminium was finally adopted to conform with the - ium ending of metallic elements . Canada uses aluminum and Australia and New Zealand aluminium , according to their respective dictionaries . arse ass In vulgar senses `` buttocks '' ( `` anus '' / `` wretch '' / `` idiot '' ) ; unrelated sense `` donkey '' is ass in both . Arse is very rarely used in the US , though often understood . Whereas both are used in British English ( with arse being considered vulgar ) . Arse is also used in Newfoundland . behove behoove The 19th century had the spelling behove pronounced to rhyme with move . Subsequently , a pronunciation spelling with doubled oo was adopted in America , while in Britain a spelling pronunciation rhyming with rove was adopted . bogeyman boogeyman or boogerman It is pronounced / ˈboʊɡimæn / BOH - gee - man in the UK , so that the American form , boogeyman / ˈbʊɡimæn / , is reminiscent of musical `` boogie '' to the British ear . Boogerman / bʊɡɚmæn / is common in the Southern US and gives an association with the slang term booger for nasal mucus while the mainstream American spelling of boogeyman does not , but aligns more closely with the British meaning where a bogey is also nasal mucus . brent brant For the species of goose . carburettor carburetor UK : / ˌkɑːbəˈrɛtə / ; US : / ˈkɑːrbəreɪtər / . charivari shivaree , charivari In America , where both terms are mainly regional , charivari is usually pronounced as shivaree , which is also found in Canada and Cornwall , and is a corruption of the French word . eyrie aerie This noun ( not to be confused with the adjective eerie ) rhymes with weary and hairy respectively . Both spellings and pronunciations occur in America . fillet fillet , filet Meat or fish . Pronounced the French way ( approximately ) in the US ; Canada follows British pronunciation and distinguishes between fillet , especially as concerns fish , and filet , as concerns certain cuts of beef . McDonald 's in the UK and Australia use the US spelling `` filet '' for their Filet - O - Fish . furore furor Furore is a late 18th - century Italian loan - word that replaced the Latinate form in the UK in the following century , and is usually pronounced with a voiced e . The Canadian usage is the same as the American , and Australia has both . grotty grody Clippings of grotesque ; both are slang terms from the 1960s . haulier hauler Haulage contractor ; haulier is the older spelling . jemmy jimmy In the sense `` crowbar '' . moustache mustache moustache In America , according to the Merriam - Webster Collegiate Dictionary and The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language , the British spelling is an also - ran , yet the pronunciation with second - syllable stress is a common variant . In Britain the second syllable is usually stressed . mum ( my ) mom ( my ) Mother . Mom is sporadically regionally found in the UK ( e.g. , in West Midlands English ) . Some British and Irish dialects have mam , and this is often used in Northern English , Hiberno - English , and Welsh English . Scottish English may also use mam , ma , or maw . In the American region of New England , especially in the case of the Boston accent , the British pronunciation of mum is often retained , while it is still spelled mom . In Canada , there are both mom and mum ; Canadians often say mum and write mom . In Australia and New Zealand , mum is used . In the sense of a preserved corpse , mummy is always used . naivety , naïveté naïveté The American spelling is from French , and American speakers generally approximate the French pronunciation as / nɑːˈiːvəteɪ , - vteɪ / , whereas the British spelling conforms to English norms , as also the pronunciation / nɑːˈiːvəti , - vti / . In the UK , naïveté is a minor variant , used about 20 % of the time in the British National Corpus ; in America , naivete and naiveté are marginal variants , and naivety is almost unattested . oesophagus esophagus orientated oriented In the UK , Australia , and New Zealand , it is common to use orientated ( as in family - orientated ) , whereas in the US , oriented is used exclusively ( family - oriented ) . Both words have the same origins , coming from `` orient '' or its offshoot `` orientation '' . pyjamas pajamas The ' y ' represents the pronunciation of the original Urdu `` pāy - jāma '' , and in the 18th century spellings such as `` paijamahs '' and `` peijammahs '' appeared : this is reflected in the pronunciation / paɪˈdʒɑːməz / ( with the first syllable rhyming with `` pie '' ) offered as an alternative in the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary . Both `` pyjamas '' and `` pajamas '' are also known from the 18th century , but the latter became more or less confined to the US . Canada follows both British and American usage , with both forms commonplace . pernickety persnickety Persnickety is a late 19th - century American alteration of the Scots word pernickety . quin quint Abbreviations of quintuplet . scallywag scalawag scallywag In the United States ( where the word originated , as scalawag ) , scallywag is not unknown . sledge sled In American usage a sled is smaller and lighter than a sledge and is used only over ice or snow , especially for play by young people , whereas a sledge is used for hauling loads over ice , snow , grass , or rough terrain . speciality specialty In British English the standard usage is speciality , but specialty occurs in the field of medicine , and also as a legal term for a contract under seal . In Canada , specialty prevails . In Australia and New Zealand , both are current . titbit tidbit According to the Oxford English Dictionary , the oldest form was `` tyd bit '' , and the alteration to `` titbit '' was probably under the influence of the obsolete word `` tit '' , meaning a small horse or girl . Miscellaneous spelling differences ( edit ) In the table below , the main spellings are above the accepted alternative spellings . UK US Remarks annexe annex To annex is the verb in both British and American usage . However , the noun -- an annex ( e ) of a building -- the word is spelled with an - e at the end in the UK and Australia , but not in the US and New Zealand . artefact , artifact artifact In British English , artefact is the main spelling and artifact a minor variant . In American English , artifact is the usual spelling . Canadians prefer artifact and Australians artefact , according to their respective dictionaries . Artefact reflects Arte - fact ( um ) , the Latin source . axe ax , axe Both the noun and verb . The word comes from Old English æx . In the US , both spellings are acceptable and commonly used . The Oxford English Dictionary states that `` the spelling ax is better on every ground , of etymology , phonology , and analogy , than axe , which became prevalent in the 19th century ; but it ( '' ax `` ) is now disused in Britain '' . camomile , chamomile chamomile , camomile The word derives , via French and Latin , from Greek χαμαίμηλον ( `` earth apple '' ) . The more common British spelling `` camomile '' , corresponding to the immediate French source , is the older in English , while the spelling `` chamomile '' more accurately corresponds to the ultimate Latin and Greek source . In the UK , according to the OED , `` the spelling cha - is chiefly in pharmacy , after Latin ; that with ca - is literary and popular '' . In the US chamomile dominates in all senses . carat carat , karat The spelling with a `` k '' is used in the US only for the measure of purity of gold . The `` c '' spelling is universal for weight . cheque check In banking . Hence pay cheque and paycheck . Accordingly , the North American term for what is known as a current account or cheque account in the UK is spelled chequing account in Canada and checking account in the US . Some American financial institutions , notably American Express , use cheque , but this is merely a trademarking affectation . chequer checker As in chequerboard / checkerboard , chequered / checkered flag etc . In Canada as in the US . chilli chili , chile The original Mexican Spanish word is chile , itself derived from the Classical Nahuatl chilli . In Merriam - Webster 's Collegiate Dictionary , chile and chilli are given as also variants . cipher , cypher cipher coulter , colter colter cosy cozy In all senses ( adjective , noun , verb ) . dyke dike The spelling with `` i '' is sometimes found in the UK , but the `` y '' spelling is rare in the US , where the y distinguishes dike in this sense from dyke , a slang term for a lesbian . doughnut doughnut , donut In the US , both are used , with donut indicated as a variant of doughnut . draught draft draft British English usually uses draft for all senses as the verb ; for a preliminary version of a document ; for an order of payment ( bank draft ) , and for military conscription ( although this last meaning is not as common as in American English ) . It uses draught for drink from a cask ( draught beer ) ; for animals used for pulling heavy loads ( draught horse ) ; for a current of air ; for a ship 's minimum depth of water to float ; and for the game draughts , known as checkers in America . It uses either draught or draft for a plan or sketch ( but almost always draughtsman in this sense ; a draftsman drafts legal documents ) . American English uses draft in all these cases . Canada uses both systems ; in Australia , draft is used for technical drawings , is accepted for the `` current of air '' meaning , and is preferred by professionals in the nautical sense . The pronunciation is always the same for all meanings within a dialect ( RP / ˈdrɑːft / , General American / ˈdræft / ) . The spelling draught reflects the older pronunciation , drahkht . Draft emerged in the 16th century to reflect the change in pronunciation . gauge gauge , gage Both spellings have existed since Middle English . gauntlet gauntlet , gantlet When meaning `` ordeal '' , in the phrase running the ga ( u ) ntlet , some American style guides prefer gantlet . This spelling is unused in Britain and less usual in America than gauntlet . The word is an alteration of earlier gantlope by folk etymology with gauntlet ( `` armoured glove '' ) , always spelled thus . glycerine glycerin , glycerine Scientists use the term glycerol , but both spellings are used sporadically in the US . grey gray Grey became the established British spelling in the 20th century , pace Dr Johnson and others , and it is but a minor variant in American English , according to dictionaries . Canadians tend to prefer grey . The non-cognate greyhound was never grayhound given that grighund is the origin of the word . Both Grey and Gray are found in proper names everywhere in the English - speaking world . The two spellings are of equal antiquity , and the Oxford English Dictionary states that `` each of the current spellings has some analogical support '' . grill , grille grill , grille In the US , `` grille '' refers to that of an automobile , whereas `` grill '' refers to a device used for heating food . However , it is not uncommon to see both spellings used in the automotive sense , as well as in Australia and New Zealand . Grill is more common overall in both BrE and AmE . hearken harken The word comes from hark . The spelling hearken was probably influenced by hear . Both spellings are found everywhere . idyll idyl , idyll Idyl was the spelling of the word preferred in the US by the Merriam - Webster dictionary , for the same reason as the double consonant rule ; idyll , the original form from Greek eidullion , is now generally used in both the UK and US . jail , gaol jail In the UK , gaol and gaoler are used sometimes , apart from literary usage , chiefly to describe a medieval building and guard . Both spellings go back to Middle English : gaol was a loanword from Norman French , while jail was a loanword from central ( Parisian ) French . In Middle English the two spellings were associated with different pronunciations . In current English the word , however spelled , is always given the pronunciation originally associated only with the jail spelling / ˈdʒeɪl / . The survival of the gaol spelling in British English is `` due to statutory and official tradition '' . kerb curb For the noun designating the edge of a roadway ( or the edge of a British pavement / American sidewalk / Australian footpath ) . Curb is the older spelling , and in the UK and US it is still the proper spelling for the verb meaning restrain . ( kilo ) gram , ( kilo ) gramme ( kilo ) gram ( Kilo ) gramme is used sometimes in the UK but never in the US . ( Kilo ) gram is the only spelling used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures . liquorice licorice The American spelling is nearer the Old French source licorece , which is ultimately from Greek glykyrrhiza . The British spelling was influenced by the unrelated word liquor . Licorice prevails in Canada and it is common in Australia , but it is rarely found in the UK . Liquorice is all but nonexistent in the US ( `` Chiefly British '' , according to dictionaries ) . manoeuvre maneuver midriff midriff , midrif mollusc mollusk , mollusc The related adjective may be spelled molluscan or molluskan . mould mold In all senses of the word . Both spellings have been used since the 16th century . In Canada , both spellings are used . In New Zealand , `` mold '' refers to a form for casting a shape while `` mould '' refers to the fungus . moult molt neurone , neuron neuron omelette omelet , omelette The omelet spelling is the older of the two , in spite of the etymology ( French omelette ) . Omelette prevails in Canada and Australia . plough plow Both spellings have existed since Middle English . In England , plough became the main spelling in the 18th century . Although plow was Noah Webster 's pick , plough continued to have some currency in the US , as the entry in Webster 's Third ( 1961 ) implies . Newer dictionaries label plough as `` chiefly British '' . The word snowplough / snowplow , originally an Americanism , predates Webster 's dictionaries and was first recorded as snow plough . Canada has both plough and plow , although snowplow is more common . In the US , `` plough '' sometimes describes a horsedrawn kind while `` plow '' refers to a gasoline ( petrol ) powered kind . primaeval , primeval primeval Primeval is also common in the UK but etymologically ' ae ' is nearer the Latin source primus first + aevum age . programme , program program rack and ruin wrack and ruin Several words like `` rack '' and `` wrack '' have been conflated , with both spellings thus accepted as variants for senses connected to torture ( orig . rack ) and ruin ( orig . wrack , cf . wreck ) In `` ( w ) rack and ruin '' , the W-less variant is now prevalent in the UK but not the US . The term , however , is rare in the US . regime regimen sceptic , skeptic skeptic The American spelling , akin to Greek , is the earliest known spelling in English . It was preferred by Fowler , and is used by many Canadians , where it is the earlier form . Sceptic also pre-dates the European settlement of the US , and it follows the French sceptique and Latin scepticus . In the mid-18th century , Dr Johnson 's dictionary listed skeptic without comment or alternative , but this form has never been popular in the UK ; sceptic , an equal variant in the old Webster 's Third ( 1961 ) , has now become `` chiefly British '' . Australians generally follow the British usage ( with the notable exception of the Australian Skeptics ) . All of these versions are pronounced with a / k / ( a hard `` c '' ) , though in French that letter is silent and the word is pronounced like septique . slew , slue slue , slew Meaning `` to turn sharply ; a sharp turn '' , the preferred spelling differs . Meaning `` a great number '' is usually slew in all regions . smoulder smolder Both spellings go back to the 16th century , and have existed since Middle English . storey , storeys story , stories Level of a building . The letter `` e '' is used in the UK and Canada to differentiate between levels of buildings and a story as in a literary work . Story is the earlier spelling . The Oxford English Dictionary states that this word is `` probably the same word as story ( in its meaning of `` narrative '' ) though the development of sense is obscure . One of the first uses of the ( now British ) spelling `` storey '' was by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852 ( Uncle Tom 's Cabin xxxii ) . sulphate sulfate , sulphate sulphur , sulfur sulfur , sulphur Sulfur is the preferred spelling by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ( IUPAC ) and since 1992 by the UK 's Royal Society of Chemistry ( RSC ) . Sulphur is used by British and Irish scientists . However , sulfur has been actively taught in Chemistry in British schools since December 2000 . It prevails in Canada and Australia , and it is also found in some American place names ( e.g. , Sulphur , Louisiana and White Sulphur Springs , West Virginia ) . American English usage guides suggest sulfur for technical usage , and both sulfur and sulphur in common usage and in literature . The variation between f and ph spellings is also found in the word 's ultimate source : Latin sulfur , sulphur . through through , thru `` Thru '' is typically used in the US as shorthand . It may be acceptable in informal writing , but for formal documents , `` thru '' would generally be viewed as `` not correct English '' and `` not a real word '' . Because `` thru '' is much shorter than `` through '' , it may also carry a negative connotation , as though the writer of `` thru '' were `` cutting corners '' and was `` too lazy '' to fully spell out `` through '' . In the COBOL programming language , THRU is accepted as an abbreviation of the keyword THROUGH . Since programmers like to keep their code brief , THRU is generally the preferred form of this keyword . towards , toward toward , towards tyre tire The outer portion of a wheel . In Canada , as in the US , tire is the older spelling , but both were used in the 15th and 16th centuries ( for a metal tire ) . Tire became the settled spelling in the 17th century but tyre was revived in the UK in the 19th century for rubber / pneumatic tyres , possibly because it was used in some patent documents , though many continued to use tire for the iron variety . The Times newspaper was still using tire as late as 1905 . For the verb meaning `` to grow weary '' both American and British English use only the tire spelling . vice vise , vice For the two - jawed workbench tool , Americans and Canadians retain the very old distinction between vise ( the tool ) and vice ( the sin , and also the Latin prefix meaning a deputy ) , both of which are vice in the UK and Australia . Regarding the `` sin '' and `` deputy '' senses of vice , all varieties of English use - c - . Thus American English , just as other varieties , has vice admiral , vice president , and vice principal -- never vise for any of those . whisky ( Scotland ) , whiskey ( Ireland ) whiskey , whisky In the United States , the whiskey spelling is dominant ; whisky is encountered less frequently , but is used on the labels of some major brands ( e.g. , Early Times , George Dickel , Maker 's Mark , and Old Forester ) and is used in the relevant US federal regulations . In Canada , whisky is dominant . Often the spelling is selected based on the origin of the product rather than the location of the intended readership , so it may be considered a faux pas to refer to `` Scotch whiskey '' or `` Irish whisky '' . Both ultimately derive from `` uisce beatha '' ( Irish ) and `` uisge beatha '' ( Scottish ) meaning ' water of life ' . yoghurt , yogurt , yoghourt yogurt , yoghurt Yoghurt is an also - ran in the US , as is yoghourt in the UK . Although the Oxford Dictionaries have always preferred yogurt , in current British usage yoghurt seems to be prevalent . In Canada , yogurt prevails , despite the Canadian Oxford preferring yogourt , which has the advantage of satisfying bilingual ( English and French ) packaging requirements . Australian usage tends to follow the UK . Whatever the spelling is , the word has different pronunciations : / ˈjɒɡət / ( or / ˈjɒɡərt / ) in the UK , / ˈjoʊɡət / ( or / ˈjoʊɡərt / ) in New Zealand , America , Ireland , and Australia . Depending on the speaker 's accent , the pronunciation may be non-rhotic or rhotic and the / oʊ / sound may be pronounced / əʊ / . The word comes from the Turkish language word yoğurt . The voiced velar fricative represented by ğ in the modern Turkish ( Latinic ) alphabet was traditionally written gh in Latin script of the Ottoman Turkish ( Arabic ) alphabet used before 1928 . Compounds and hyphens ( edit ) British English often prefers hyphenated compounds , such as anti-smoking , whereas American English discourages the use of hyphens in compounds where there is no compelling reason , so antismoking is much more common . Many dictionaries do not point out such differences . Canadian and Australian usage is mixed , although Commonwealth writers generally hyphenate compounds of the form noun plus phrase ( such as editor - in - chief ) . Commander - in - chief prevails in all forms of English . any more or anymore : In sense `` any longer '' , the single - word form is usual in North America and Australia but unusual elsewhere , at least in formal writing . Other senses always have the two - word form ; thus Americans distinguish `` I could n't love you anymore ( so I left you ) '' from `` I could n't love you any more ( than I already do ) '' . In Hong Kong English , any more is always two words . for ever or forever : Traditional British English usage makes a distinction between for ever , meaning for eternity ( or a very long time into the future ) , as in `` If you are waiting for income tax to be abolished you will probably have to wait for ever '' ; and forever , meaning continually , always , as in `` They are forever arguing '' . In British usage today , however , forever prevails in the `` for eternity '' sense as well , in spite of several style guides maintaining the distinction . American writers usually use forever regardless of which sense they intend ( although forever in the sense of `` continually '' is comparatively rare in American English , having been displaced by always ) . near by or nearby : Some British writers make the distinction between the adverbial near by , which is written as two words , as in , `` No one was near by '' ; and the adjectival nearby , which is written as one , as in , `` The nearby house '' . In American English , the one - word spelling is standard for both forms . per cent or percent : It can be correctly spelled as either one or two words , depending on the Anglophone country , but either spelling must always be consistent with its usage . British English predominantly spells it as two words , so does English in Ireland and countries in the Commonwealth of Nations such as Australia , Canada , and New Zealand . American English predominantly spells it as one word . Historically , it used to be spelled as two words in the United States , but its usage is diminishing ; nevertheless it is a variant spelling in American English today . The spelling difference is reflected in the style guides of newspapers and other media agencies in the US , Ireland , and countries of the Commonwealth of Nations . In Canada ( and sometimes in the UK , Australia , New Zealand , other Commonwealth countries , and Ireland ) percent is also found , mostly sourced from American press agencies . Acronyms and abbreviations ( edit ) Acronyms pronounced as words are often written in title case by Commonwealth writers , but usually as upper case by Americans : for example , Nasa / NASA or Unicef / UNICEF . This does not apply to abbreviations that are pronounced as individual letters ( referred to by some as `` initialisms '' ) , such as US , IBM , or PRC ( the People 's Republic of China ) , which are virtually always written as upper case . However , sometimes title case is still used in the UK , such as Pc ( Police Constable ) . Contractions where the final letter is present are often written in British English without full stops / periods ( Mr , Mrs , Dr , St , Ave ) . Abbreviations where the final letter is not present generally do take full stops / periods ( such as vol. , etc. , i.e. , ed . ) ; British English shares this convention with the French : Mlle , Mme , Dr , Ste , but M. for Monsieur . In American and Canadian English , abbreviations like St. , Ave. , Mr. , Mrs. , Ms. , Dr. , and Jr. , always require full stops / periods . Some initials are usually upper case in the US but lower case in the UK : liter / litre and its compounds ( 2 L or 25 mL vs 2 l or 25 ml ) ; and ante meridiem and post meridiem ( 10 P.M. or 10 PM vs 10 p.m. or 10 pm ) . Both AM / PM and a.m. / p.m. are acceptable in American English , but U.S. style guides overwhelmingly favor a.m. / p.m. Punctuation ( edit ) Further information : Quotation marks in English § Typographical considerations , and Comparison of American and British English § Quoting The use of quotation marks , also called inverted commas or speech marks , is complicated by the fact that there are two kinds : single quotation marks ( ' ) and double quotation marks ( `` ) . British usage , at one stage in the recent past , preferred single quotation marks for ordinary use , but double quotation marks are again now increasingly common ; American usage has always preferred double quotation marks , as does Canadian , Australian , and New Zealand English . It is the practice to alternate the type of quotation marks used where there is a quotation within a quotation . The convention used to be , and in American English still is , to put full stops ( periods ) and commas inside the quotation marks , irrespective of the sense . British English has moved away from this style while American English has kept it . British style now prefers to punctuate according to the sense , in which punctuation marks only appear inside quotation marks if they were there in the original . Formal British English practice requires a full stop to be put inside the quotation marks if the quoted item is a full sentence that ends where the main sentence ends , but it is common to see the stop outside the ending quotation marks . See also ( edit ) Australian English Canadian English English language in England English in the Commonwealth of Nations English orthography Hong Kong English Hiberno - English Indian English Malaysian English Manx English New Zealand English Philippine English Scottish English Singaporean English South African English Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ David Micklethwait ( 1 January 2005 ) . Noah Webster and the American Dictionary . McFarland . p. 137 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7864 - 2157 - 2 . Jump up ^ Scragg , Donald ( 1974 ) . A history of English spelling . Manchester , England : Manchester University Press . pp. 82 -- 83 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 06 - 496138 - 7 . Johnson 's dictionary became the accepted standard for private spelling ... of a literate Englishman ... during the nineteenth century ... Webster had more success in influencing the development of American usage than Johnson had with British usage . Jump up ^ Algeo , John , `` The Effects of the Revolution on Language '' in A Companion to the American Revolution , John Wiley & Sons : 2008 , p. 599 . ^ Jump up to : - or . Online Etymology Dictionary . ^ Jump up to : Venezky , Richard . The American Way of Spelling : The Structure and Origins of American English Orthography . Guilford Press , 1999 . p. 26 ^ Jump up to : Clark , 2009 . Jump up ^ Chambers , 1998 . ^ Jump up to : The Macquarie Dictionary , Fourth Edition . The Macquarie Library Pty Ltd , 2005 . ^ Jump up to : Webster 's Third , p. 24a . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , colour , color . ^ Jump up to : Onions , CT , ed. ( 1987 ) ( 1933 ) . The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary ( Third Edition ( 1933 ) with corrections ( 1975 ) ed . ) . Oxford : Oxford University Press . p. 370 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 861126 - 9 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 397 . Jump up ^ Johnson 1755 -- preface Jump up ^ Mencken , HL ( 1919 ) . The American Language . New York : Knopf . ISBN 0 - 394 - 40076 - 3 . Jump up ^ Staff . `` The Proceedings of the Old Bailey , 1674 -- 1913 '' . Humanities Research Institute , University of Sheffield . Archived from the original on 23 July 2008 . Retrieved 19 June 2008 . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , honour , honor . Jump up ^ Baldrige , Letitia ( 1990 ) . Letitia Baldrige 's Complete Guide to the New Manners for the ' 90s : A Complete Guide to Etiquette . Rawson . p. 214 . ISBN 0 - 89256 - 320 - 6 . Jump up ^ `` rigor - definition of rigor in English - Oxford Dictionaries '' . Jump up ^ MacPherson , William ( 31 March 1990 ) . `` Practical concerns spelled the end for - our '' . Ottawa Citizen . p . B3 . Jump up ^ `` Australian Labor : History '' . . Jump up ^ Venezky , Richard L. ( 2001 ) . `` - re versus - er '' . In Algeo , John . The Cambridge History of the English Language . VI : English in North America . Cambridge , England : Cambridge University Press . p. 353 . ISBN 0 - 521 - 26479 - 0 . Jump up ^ Howard , Philip ( 1984 ) . The State of the Language -- English Observed . London : Hamish Hamilton . p. 148 . ISBN 0 - 241 - 11346 - 6 . Jump up ^ ( Oxford English Dictionary : Second edition ) . Jump up ^ From the OED cites , Chaucer used both forms , but the last usages of the `` re '' form were in the early 18th century . The Oxford English Dictionary : 1989 edition . Jump up ^ Except in a 1579 usage ( Oxford English Dictionary : 1989 edition ) . Jump up ^ Although acre was spelled æcer in Old English and aker in Middle English , the acre spelling of Middle French was introduced in the 15th century . Similarly , loover was respelled in the 17th century by influence of the unrelated Louvre . ( See OED , s.v. acre and louvre ) Jump up ^ Gove , Philip , ed. ( 1989 ) . `` - er / - re '' . Webster 's third new international dictionary of the English language . 2 ( 3 ed . ) . Springfield , MA : Merriam Webster . pp. 24a . ISBN 978 - 0 - 87779 - 302 - 1 . Jump up ^ Robin Pogrebin ( 3 September 2003 ) . `` Proposing an American Theater Downtown '' . The New York Times ( Arts section ) . The New York Times Company . Retrieved 22 September 2008 . Jump up ^ `` The American National Theatre ( ANT ) '' . ANT. 2008 -- 2009 . Archived from the original on 7 September 2008 . Retrieved 22 September 2008 . Jump up ^ `` The Kennedy Center '' . John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts . Archived from the original on 23 September 2008 . Retrieved 22 September 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Cinemark Theatres '' . . Retrieved 7 February 2010 . Jump up ^ `` accoutre '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ accouter Jump up ^ Peters , p 461 . Jump up ^ Style Manual for Authors , Editors and Printers of Australian Government Publications , Third Edition , Revised by John Pitson , Australian Government Publishing Service , Canberra , 1978 , page 10 , `` In general , follow the spellings given in the latest edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary . Jump up ^ Peters ( 2004 : 135 ) Jump up ^ 1989 Oxford English Dictionary : connexion , connection . Jump up ^ `` The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language : complection '' . New York : Houghton Mifflin. 2000 . Retrieved 12 May 2007 . Jump up ^ `` complected '' . Merriam - Webster 's Dictionary of English usage . Springfield , Mass : Merriam - Webster , Inc. 1994 . p. 271 . ISBN 0 - 87779 - 132 - 5 . not an error ... simply an Americanism Jump up ^ `` complect , v . '' . Oxford English Dictionary . Jump up ^ `` - ize or - ise ? '' . Oxford Dictionaries . Oxford University Press . Retrieved 9 August 2013 . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary `` - ise '' ^ Jump up to : Hart , Horace . Hart 's Rules for Compositors and Readers at the University Press , Oxford ( 39 ed . ) . Oxford , England : Oxford University Press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 212983 - X . Jump up ^ Weiner , E.S.C. ; Delahunty , Andrew ( 1994 ) . The Oxford Guide to English Usage ( paperback ) . Oxford University Press . p. 32 . ^ Jump up to : Allen , Robert , ed. ( 2008 ) . Pocket Fowler 's Modern English Usage . Oxford , England : Oxford University Press . p. 354 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 923258 - 1 . may be legitimately spelled with either - ize or - ise throughout the English - speaking world ( except in America , where - ize is always used ) ... Cambridge University Press and others prefer - ise Jump up ^ University of Oxford Style Guide : Word usage and spelling Linked 2013 - 07 - 14 ^ Jump up to : `` Are spellings like ' privatize ' and ' organize ' Americanisms ? '' . 2006 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 298 : `` ( With ) contemporary British writers the ise spellings outnumber those with ize in the ratio of about 3 : 2 '' ( emphasis as original ) Jump up ^ Richard Dixon , `` Questions answered '' , The Times , 13 January 2004 . Jump up ^ IANA language subtag registry , IANA , with `` en - GM - oed '' marked as added 2003 - 07 - 09 as grandfathered , and deprecated effective 2015 - 04 - 17 , with `` en - GB - oxendict '' preferred ( accessed 2015 - 08 - 08 ) . Jump up ^ `` 3.2 - is - / - iz - spelling '' . English Style Guide . A handbook for authors and translators in the European Commission ( PDF ) ( 8th ed . ) . 26 August 2016 . p. 14 . Jump up ^ `` prize '' . Webster 's Third New International Dictionary , Unabridged . Merriam - Webster , 2002 . Also , `` prize '' . Merriam - Webster 's Collegiate Dictionary , Eleventh Ed . Jump up ^ According to Merriam - Webster 's Collegiate Dictionary , Eleventh Ed. : prise is a `` chiefly Brit var of PRIZE '' . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 441 Jump up ^ Peters , p. 446 . Jump up ^ Garner , Bryan . A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage ( 2nd ed . ) . Oxford University Press . p. 122 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 514236 - 5 . Retrieved 18 December 2009 . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , analyse , - ze , v. ( 1 ) . Jump up ^ Both the Merriam - Webster 's Collegiate Dictionary and The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language have `` catalog '' as the main headword and `` catalogue '' as an equal variant . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 236 . Jump up ^ `` MSDN C#.NET OpenFileDialog Class '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 36 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 20 . Jump up ^ Webster 's Third New International Dictionary , copyright 1993 by Merriam - Webster , Inc . Jump up ^ `` Definition of MEDIEVAL '' . Jump up ^ Company , Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing . `` The American Heritage Dictionary entry : medieval '' . Jump up ^ `` medieval - definition of medieval in English - Oxford Dictionaries '' . Jump up ^ Aronson , Jeff ( 26 July 1997 ) . `` When I use a word ... : Oe no ! '' . British Medical Journal . 315 ( 7102 ) . doi : 10.1136 / bmj. 315.7102. 0h . Archived from the original on 20 April 2005 . Jump up ^ New Oxford Dictionary of English . Jump up ^ fetus , n. `` . OED Online . March 2017 . Oxford University Press . ( accessed April 10 , 2017 ) . Jump up ^ Webster 's Third , p. 23a . Jump up ^ Wilson , Kenneth G. ( 1993 ) . `` subpoena , subpena ( n. , v . ) '' . The Columbia Guide to Standard American English . New York : Columbia University Press . ISBN 0 - 231 - 06989 - 8 . Archived from the original on 9 November 2007 . Retrieved 8 November 2007 . Jump up ^ Merriam - Webster Collegiate Dictionary , airplane . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 20 , p. 389 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 338 . ^ Jump up to : Peters , p. 309 . Jump up ^ Cf . Oxford English Dictionary , traveller , traveler . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 581 Jump up ^ Zorn , Eric ( 8 June 1997 ) . `` Errant Spelling : Moves for simplification turn Inglish into another langwaj '' . Chicago Tribune . pp. Section 3A page 14 . Retrieved 17 March 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Definition of KIDNAPPED '' . Jump up ^ `` Definition of WORSHIPPED '' . Jump up ^ `` Jewelry vs. Jewellery '' . Lazaro Soho . Retrieved 23 November 2014 . Jump up ^ Cambridge Advanced Learner 's Dictionary , jewellery UK , American jewelry Jump up ^ OED Second Edition Jump up ^ Peters , p. 283 Jump up ^ `` fulfil '' . Collins English Dictionary . Retrieved 3 May 2013 . Jump up ^ `` fulfil '' . Oxford English Dictionary ( 3rd ed . ) . Oxford University Press . September 2005 . ( Subscription or UK public library membership required . ) Jump up ^ Peters , p. 501 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 22 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 480 . Also National Routeing Guide Jump up ^ In American English , swingeing is sometimes spelled swinging see American Heritage Dictionary entry , and the reader has to discern from the context which word and pronunciation is meant . ^ Jump up to : British National Corpus Jump up ^ Peters , p. 7 Jump up ^ Peters , p. 303 . Jump up ^ `` Spelling , Abbreviations and Symbols Guide '' ( pdf ) . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` BBC Mundo Questions about English '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Merriam - Webster Online . Retrieved 30 December 2007 . Jump up ^ Howarth , Lynne C ; others ( 14 June 1999 ) . `` '' Executive summary '' from review of `` International Standard Bibliographic Description for Electronic Resources '' `` . American Library Association . Archived from the original on 16 April 2007 . Retrieved 30 April 2007 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 282 . Jump up ^ `` Chambers Free English Dictionary '' . . Retrieved 7 February 2010 . Jump up ^ See Macquarie Dictionary ( 5th ed . ) 's explanation under - in . The dictionary also lists ' inquiry ' as the primary spelling , with ' enquiry ' being a cross-reference to the former ( denoting lower prevalence in Australian English ) . The British distinction between ' inquiry ' and ' enquiry ' is noted . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 285 Jump up ^ Merriam - Webster Online ... Retrieved 30 December 2007 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 340 . ^ Jump up to : Peters , p. 443 . Jump up ^ Bureau International des Poids et Mesures , 2006 , p. 124 . Jump up ^ The Metric Conversion Act of 1985 gives the Secretary of Commerce of the US the responsibility of interpreting or modifying the SI for use in the US The Secretary of Commerce delegated this authority to the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology ( NIST ) ( Turner , 2008 Archived 26 March 2009 at the Wayback Machine . ) . In 2008 , the NIST published the US version ( Taylor and Thompson , 2008a ) of the English text of the eighth edition of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures publication Le Système International d'Unités ( SI ) ( BIPM , 2006 ) . In the NIST publication , the spellings `` meter '' , `` liter '' , and `` deka '' are used rather than `` metre '' , `` litre '' , and `` deca '' as in the original BIPM English text ( Taylor and Thompson , 2008a , p. iii ) . The Director of the NIST officially acknowledged this publication , together with Taylor and Thompson ( 2008b ) , as the `` legal interpretation '' of the SI for the United States ( Turner , 2008 ) . ^ Jump up to : `` '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , airplane , draft revision March 2008 ; airplane is labelled `` chiefly North American '' Jump up ^ British National Corpus . Retrieved 1 April 2008 . Jump up ^ Merriam - Webster online , aerodrome . Retrieved 1 April 2008 . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , airdrome . Jump up ^ `` Ultra-light Aeroplane Transition Strategy -- Transport Canada '' . Retrieved 13 February 2015 . Jump up ^ `` History & Etymology of Aluminium '' . 1 October 2002 . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 32 . Jump up ^ Murray , James A.H. ( 1880 ) . Spelling Reform . Annual address of the President of the Philological Society . Bath : Isaac Pitman . p. 5 . Retrieved 3 May 2010 . Jump up ^ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language : Fourth Edition . Jump up ^ OED , shivaree Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , furore . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 221 . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , Grotty ; Grody Jump up ^ Peters , p. 242 Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , mom and mam Jump up ^ Added by Symphony on 15 October 2009 ( 15 October 2009 ) . `` Things I do n't Understand : Part 3 -- Canada ! '' . giantbomb . Archived from the original on 23 December 2009 . Retrieved 7 February 2010 . Jump up ^ `` naivety '' . Merriam - Webster Dictionary . Retrieved 2016 - 01 - 26 . Jump up ^ `` naivety '' . Unabridged . Random House . Retrieved 2016 - 01 - 26 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 364 . Jump up ^ Merriam Webster 's 11th Collegiate Dictionary , naïveté and naivety . Jump up ^ `` Grammar -- Oxford Dictionaries Online '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ OED , s.v. ' pyjamas ' Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , persnickety Jump up ^ Peters , p. 487 Jump up ^ In Webster 's New World College Dictionary , scalawag is lemmatized without alternative , while scallawag and scallywag are defined by cross-reference to it . All of them are marked as `` originally American '' . Jump up ^ See the respective definitions in the American Heritage Dictionary . Jump up ^ See , for example , the November 2006 BMA document titled Selection for Specialty Training Archived 30 October 2008 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 510 . Jump up ^ `` Annexes '' . Australiawide Annexes . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` Tui Eco Annex Accommodation in Northland , New Zealand '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` artefact '' . Oxford English Dictionary ( 3rd ed . ) . Oxford University Press . September 2005 . ( Subscription or UK public library membership required . ) Jump up ^ Peters , p. 49 . ^ Jump up to : Oxford English Dictionary . Oxford , England : Oxford University Press . March 2009 . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary online edition : entry `` axe ax '' Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , online edition , entry `` camomile chamomile '' ^ Jump up to : Peters , p. 104 . Jump up ^ Oxford Advanced Learner 's Dictionary . Retrieved 2009 - 4 - 19 . Jump up ^ Merriam - Webster Online ... Retrieved 1 January 2008 . Jump up ^ `` draught '' . Concise OED . Retrieved 1 April 2007 . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary 2nd Edition , draught ; draft ( the latter being used in an international marine context ) . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 165 . Jump up ^ Draft . Online Etymology Dictionary . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , draught . Jump up ^ `` Jump up ^ `` Online Etymology Dictionary : gage '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Garner , Bryan A. ( 1998 ) . A Dictionary of Modern American Usage . New York : OUP . p. 313 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 507853 - 5 . Jump up ^ `` gauntlet '' . Concise OED . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 235 Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , online edition : entry `` grey gray '' Jump up ^ . `` Custom Car & Truck Grills -- Billet & Mesh Grill Inserts '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 13 . Jump up ^ Williams , Brian ( 3 June 2011 ) . `` Kookaburra survives 700km trip after being stuck in car 's grille '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` Cat survives 35km wedged in car grille -- National -- NZ Herald News '' . 11 June 2012 . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` Google Ngram Viewer '' . . `` grill : eng_us_2012 / grille : eng_us_2012 , grill : eng_gb_2012 / grille : eng_gb_2012 '' . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` Online Etymology Dictionary '' . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , online edition : entry `` jail gaol '' Jump up ^ tiscali. reference Archived 3 January 2007 at the Wayback Machine ... Retrieved on 10 March 2007 . Jump up ^ OED entry and British Journal of Applied Physics Volume 13 page 456 Jump up ^ `` Online Etymology Dictionary : licorice '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Ernout , Alfred ; Meillet , Antoine ( 2001 ) . Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue latine . Paris : Klincksieck . p. 362 . ISBN 2 - 252 - 03359 - 2 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 321 . Jump up ^ `` The Century Dictionary Online in DjVu '' . Jump up ^ Definition for MIDRIF -- Webster 's 1844 dictionary . Emily Dickinson Lexicon . Brigham Young University . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , online edition : entry `` mould mold '' Jump up ^ Peters , p. 360 Jump up ^ Peters , p. 392 . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary : plough , plow . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 230 . Jump up ^ COED 11th Ed Jump up ^ `` Maven 's word of the day : rack / wrack '' . 20 April 1998 . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ `` Cald Rack '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , online edition : entry `` sceptic skeptic '' Jump up ^ Peters , p. 502 . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , sceptic , skeptic . Jump up ^ Berube , Margery S. ; Pickett , Joseph P. ; Leonesio , Christopher ( 28 September 2005 ) . `` slew / slough / slue '' . A Guide to Contemporary Usage & Style . Houghton Mifflin Harcourt . p. 435 . ISBN 9780618604999 . Retrieved 8 November 2012 . Jump up ^ `` ' ' A Concise Dictionary of Middle English ' ' '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Peters , Pam ( 2002 ) . `` storey or story '' . The Cambridge Guide to English Usage . Cambridge , England : Cambridge University Press . p. 517 . ISBN 0 - 521 - 62181 - X . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , online edition : entry `` story storey '' Jump up ^ `` Royal Society of Chemistry 1992 policy change '' . 1 January 1992 . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ `` Action over non-English spellings '' . BBC News . 24 November 2000 . Retrieved 29 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` The spelling sulfur predominates in United States technical usage , while both sulfur and sulphur are common in general usage . British usage tends to favor sulphur for all applications . The same pattern is seen in most of the words derived from sulfur . '' Usage note , Merriam - Webster Online ... Retrieved 1 January 2008 . Jump up ^ The contrasting spellings of the chemical elements Al and S mean that the American spelling aluminum sulfide becomes aluminum sulphide in Canada , and as aluminium sulphide in older British usage . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , online edition : entry `` sulphur sulfur '' Jump up ^ `` Browse 1913 = > Word Thru : : Search the 1913 Noah Webster 's Dictionary of the English Language ( Free ) '' . 16 October 2009 . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 553 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 566 . Jump up ^ `` US Code of Federal Regulations -- Title 27 : Alcohol , Tobacco Products and Firearms , Section 5.22 : Standards of Identity for Distilled Spirits '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 25 July 2014 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 587 . Yogourt is an accepted variant in French of the more normal Standard French yaourt . Jump up ^ `` Merriam - Webster Online -- Yogurt entry '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Peters , p. 258 Jump up ^ Peters , p. 41 . Jump up ^ Bunton , David . Common English Errors in Hong Kong . Hong Kong : Longman . p. 6 . ISBN 0 - 582 - 99914 - 6 . Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary , for ever . Jump up ^ AskOxford : forever . Retrieved 24 June 2008 . Cf . Peters , p. 214 . Jump up ^ For example , The Times , The Guardian , The Economist . Retrieved 24 June 2008 . Jump up ^ The Columbia Guide to Standard American English Jump up ^ Marsh , David ( 14 July 2004 ) . The Guardian Stylebook . Atlantic Books . ISBN 1 - 84354 - 991 - 3 . Archived from the original on 20 April 2007 . Retrieved 9 April 2007 . acronyms : take initial cap : Aids , Isa , Mori , Nato Jump up ^ See for example `` Pc bitten on face in Tube attack '' . BBC . 31 March 2007 . Retrieved 9 April 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Units outside the SI '' . Essentials of the SI . NIST . Archived from the original on 31 October 2009 . Retrieved 22 October 2009 . although both l and L are internationally accepted symbols for the liter , to avoid this risk the preferred symbol for use in the United States is L Jump up ^ `` Core learning in mathematics : Year 4 '' ( PDF ) . Review of the 1999 Framework . DCSF. 2006 . p. 4 . Retrieved 22 October 2009 . Use , read and write standard metric units ( km , m , cm , mm , kg , g , l , ml ) , including their abbreviations Jump up ^ `` PM '' . Merriam - Webster Online Dictionary . Merriam - Webster . 2009 . Retrieved 21 October 2009 . Jump up ^ `` P.M. '' . The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language ( 4th ed . ) . Houghton Mifflin. 2000 . Jump up ^ `` What is the correct or more usual written form when writing the time -- a.m. , am , or A.M. ? '' . AskOxford . Oxford University Press . Retrieved 21 October 2009 . Jump up ^ See , e.g. , The Associated Press Stylebook : 4 p.m. ; Microsoft Manual of Style : 4 P.M. ( however , Microsoft prefers 24 - hour time notations , in which 4 P.M. is 16 : 00 . ) ; The Chicago Manual of Style : 4 p.m. ( recommended ) , also 4 PM or 4 P.M. ( with PM in small capitals ) ; Garner 's Modern English Usage : 4 p.m. or 4 PM ( with PM in small capitals ) ; The Gregg Reference Manual : 4 p.m. or 4 P.M. ( with PM in small capitals ) . See . See also . Jump up ^ Trask , Larry ( 1997 ) . `` Quotation Marks and Direct Quotations '' . Guide to Punctuation . University of Sussex . Archived from the original on 15 December 2010 . Retrieved 9 December 2010 . Jump up ^ Quinion , Michael ( 2010 ) . `` Punctuation and Quotation Marks '' . World Wide Words . Archived from the original on 2 December 2010 . Retrieved 9 December 2010 . References ( edit ) Chambers , J.K. ( 1998 ) . `` Canadian English : 250 Years in the Making '' , in The Canadian Oxford Dictionary , 2nd ed. , p xi . Clark , Joe ( 2009 ) . Organizing Our Marvellous Neighbours : How to Feel Good About Canadian English ( e-book , version 1.1 ) . ISBN 978 - 0 - 9809525 - 0 - 6 . Fowler , Henry ; Winchester , Simon ( introduction ) ( 2003 reprint ) . A Dictionary of Modern English Usage ( Oxford Language Classics Series ) . Oxford Press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 860506 - 4 . Hargraves , Orin ( 2003 ) . Mighty Fine Words and Smashing Expressions . Oxford : Oxford University Press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 515704 - 4 Mencken , H.L. ( 1921 ) . `` Chapter 8 . American Spelling > 1 . The Two Orthographies '' . The American language : An inquiry into the development of English in the United States , ( 2nd ed. , rev. and enl . ed . ) . New York : A.A. Knopf . ISBN 1 - 58734 - 087 - 9 . Nicholson , Margaret ; ( 1957 ) . `` A Dictionary of American - English Usage Based on Fowler 's Modern English Usage '' . Signet , by arrangement with Oxford University Press . Oxford English Dictionary , 20 vols. ( 1989 ) Oxford University Press . Peters , Pam ( 2004 ) . The Cambridge Guide to English Usage . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 0 - 521 - 62181 - X . Webster 's Third New International Dictionary ( 1961 ; repr. 2002 ) Merriam - Webster , Inc . External links ( edit ) Look up Category : American English in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . Look up Category : British English in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . Wikivoyage has a travel guide for English language varieties . The Chicago Manual of Style The Guardian style guide Word substitution list , by the Ubuntu English ( United Kingdom ) Translators team What will the English language be like in 100 years ? ( future outlook ) Languages portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : American and British English differences English spelling Internationalization and localization Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Use dmy dates from June 2013 Articles containing non-English - language text Articles containing Greek - language text All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August 2008 Articles with unsourced statements from September 2009 All accuracy disputes Articles with disputed statements from March 2014 Articles with unsourced statements from February 2013 Articles with unsourced statements from January 2015 Articles with unsourced statements from April 2014 Articles with unsourced statements from October 2010 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia Simple English Edit links This page was last edited on 9 October 2017 , at 01 : 23 . 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1. American and British English spelling differences 2. Historical origins of spelling differences 3. Latin-derived spellings 4. Greek-derived spellings 5. Differences in past tense and pronunciation
is a description of how probabilities are distributed over the values of a random variable
Probability distribution - wikipedia Probability distribution This article is about probability distributions . For generalized functions in mathematical analysis , see Distribution ( mathematics ) . For other uses , see Distribution . hide This article has multiple issues . Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page . ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages ) This article includes a list of references , related reading or external links , but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations . ( July 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) In probability theory and statistics , a probability distribution is a mathematical function that provides the probabilities of occurrence of different possible outcomes in an experiment . In more technical terms , the probability distribution is a description of a random phenomenon in terms of the probabilities of events . For instance , if the random variable X is used to denote the outcome of a coin toss ( `` the experiment '' ) , then the probability distribution of X would take the value 0.5 for X = heads , and 0.5 for X = tails ( assuming the coin is fair ) . Examples of random phenomena can include the results of an experiment or survey . A probability distribution is defined in terms of an underlying sample space , which is the set of all possible outcomes of the random phenomenon being observed . The sample space may be the set of real numbers or a higher - dimensional vector space , or it may be a list of non-numerical values ; for example , the sample space of a coin flip would be ( heads , tails ) . Probability distributions are generally divided into two classes . A discrete probability distribution ( applicable to the scenarios where the set of possible outcomes is discrete , such as a coin toss or a roll of dice ) can be encoded by a discrete list of the probabilities of the outcomes , known as a probability mass function . On the other hand , a continuous probability distribution ( applicable to the scenarios where the set of possible outcomes can take on values in a continuous range ( e.g. real numbers ) , such as the temperature on a given day ) is typically described by probability density functions ( with the probability of any individual outcome actually being 0 ) . The normal distribution is a commonly encountered continuous probability distribution . More complex experiments , such as those involving stochastic processes defined in continuous time , may demand the use of more general probability measures . A probability distribution whose sample space is the set of real numbers is called univariate , while a distribution whose sample space is a vector space is called multivariate . A univariate distribution gives the probabilities of a single random variable taking on various alternative values ; a multivariate distribution ( a joint probability distribution ) gives the probabilities of a random vector -- a list of two or more random variables -- taking on various combinations of values . Important and commonly encountered univariate probability distributions include the binomial distribution , the hypergeometric distribution , and the normal distribution . The multivariate normal distribution is a commonly encountered multivariate distribution . Contents ( hide ) 1 Introduction 2 Terminology 2.1 Basic terms 3 Cumulative distribution function 4 Discrete probability distribution 4.1 Measure theoretic formulation 4.2 Cumulative distribution function 4.3 Delta - function representation 4.4 Indicator - function representation 5 Continuous probability distribution 6 Some properties 7 Kolmogorov definition 8 Random number generation 9 Applications 10 Common probability distributions 10.1 Related to real - valued quantities that grow linearly ( e.g. errors , offsets ) 10.2 Related to positive real - valued quantities that grow exponentially ( e.g. prices , incomes , populations ) 10.3 Related to real - valued quantities that are assumed to be uniformly distributed over a ( possibly unknown ) region 10.4 Related to Bernoulli trials ( yes / no events , with a given probability ) 10.5 Related to categorical outcomes ( events with K possible outcomes , with a given probability for each outcome ) 10.6 Related to events in a Poisson process ( events that occur independently with a given rate ) 10.7 Related to the absolute values of vectors with normally distributed components 10.8 Related to normally distributed quantities operated with sum of squares ( for hypothesis testing ) 10.9 Useful as conjugate prior distributions in Bayesian inference 11 See also 12 References 13 External links Introduction ( edit ) The probability mass function ( pmf ) p ( S ) specifies the probability distribution for the sum S of counts from two dice . For example , the figure shows that p ( 11 ) = 1 / 18 . The pmf allows the computation of probabilities of events such as P ( S > 9 ) = 1 / 12 + 1 / 18 + 1 / 36 = 1 / 6 , and all other probabilities in the distribution . To define probability distributions for the simplest cases , one needs to distinguish between discrete and continuous random variables . In the discrete case , it is sufficient to specify a probability mass function p ( \ displaystyle p ) assigning a probability to each possible outcome : for example , when throwing a fair dice , each of the six values 1 to 6 has the probability 1 / 6 . The probability of an event is then defined to be the sum of the probabilities of the outcomes that satisfy the event ; for example , the probability of the event `` the dice rolls an even value '' is p ( 2 ) + p ( 4 ) + p ( 6 ) = 1 / 6 + 1 / 6 + 1 / 6 = 1 / 2 . ( \ displaystyle p ( 2 ) + p ( 4 ) + p ( 6 ) = 1 / 6 + 1 / 6 + 1 / 6 = 1 / 2 . ) In contrast , when a random variable takes values from a continuum then typically , any individual outcome has probability zero and only events that include infinitely many outcomes , such as intervals , can have positive probability . For example , the probability that a given object weighs exactly 500 g is zero , because the probability of measuring exactly 500 g tends to zero as the accuracy of our measuring instruments increases . Nevertheless , in quality control one might demand that the probability of a `` 500 g '' package containing between 490 g and 510 g should be no less than 98 % , and this demand is less sensitive to the accuracy of measurement instruments . Continuous probability distributions can be described in several ways . The probability density function describes the infinitesimal probability of any given value , and the probability that the outcome lies in a given interval can be computed by integrating the probability density function over that interval . On the other hand , the cumulative distribution function describes the probability that the random variable is no larger than a given value ; the probability that the outcome lies in a given interval can be computed by taking the difference between the values of the cumulative distribution function at the endpoints of the interval . The cumulative distribution function is the antiderivative of the probability density function provided that the latter function exists . The probability density function ( pdf ) of the normal distribution , also called Gaussian or `` bell curve '' , the most important continuous random distribution . As notated on the figure , the probabilities of intervals of values correspond to the area under the curve . Terminology ( edit ) As probability theory is used in quite diverse applications , terminology is not uniform and sometimes confusing . The following terms are used for non-cumulative probability distribution functions : Frequency distribution : A frequency distribution is a table that displays the frequency of various outcomes in a sample . Relative frequency distribution : A frequency distribution where each value has been divided ( normalized ) by a number of outcomes in a sample i.e. sample size . Probability distribution : Sometimes used as an alias for Relative frequency distribution but most books use it as a limit to which Relative frequency distribution tends when sample size tends to population size . It 's a general term to indicate the way the total probability of 1 is distributed over all various possible outcomes ( i.e. over entire population ) . It may for instance refer to a table that displays the probabilities of various outcomes in a finite population or to the probability density of an uncountably infinite population . Cumulative distribution function : is a general functional form to describe a probability distribution . Probability distribution function : somewhat ambiguous term sometimes referring to a functional form of probability distribution table . Could be called a `` normalized frequency distribution function '' , where area under the graph equals to 1 . Probability mass , Probability mass function , p.m.f. , Discrete probability distribution function : for discrete random variables . Categorical distribution : for discrete random variables with a finite set of values . Probability density , Probability density function , p.d.f. , Continuous probability distribution function : most often reserved for continuous random variables . The following terms are somewhat ambiguous as they can refer to non-cumulative or cumulative distributions , depending on authors ' preferences : Probability distribution function : continuous or discrete , non-cumulative or cumulative . Probability function : even more ambiguous , can mean any of the above or other things . Basic terms ( edit ) Mode : for a discrete random variable , the value with highest probability ( the location at which the probability mass function has its peak ) ; for a continuous random variable , a location at which the probability density function has a local peak . Support : the smallest closed set whose complement has probability zero . Head : the range of values where the pmf or pdf is relatively high . Tail : the complement of the head within the support ; the large set of values where the pmf or pdf is relatively low . Expected value or mean : the weighted average of the possible values , using their probabilities as their weights ; or the continuous analog thereof . Median : the value such that the set of values less than the median , and the set greater than the median , each have probabilities no greater than one - half . Variance : the second moment of the pmf or pdf about the mean ; an important measure of the dispersion of the distribution . Standard deviation : the square root of the variance , and hence another measure of dispersion . Symmetry : a property of some distributions in which the portion of the distribution to the left of a specific value is a mirror image of the portion to its right . Skewness : a measure of the extent to which a pmf or pdf `` leans '' to one side of its mean . The third standardized moment of the distribution . Kurtosis : a measure of the `` fatness '' of the tails of a pmf or pdf . The fourth standardized moment of the distribution . Cumulative distribution function ( edit ) Because a probability distribution P on the real line is determined by the probability of a scalar random variable X being in a half - open interval ( − ∞ , x ) , the probability distribution is completely characterized by its cumulative distribution function : F ( x ) = P ⁡ ( X ≤ x ) for all x ∈ R . ( \ displaystyle F ( x ) = \ operatorname ( P ) ( X \ leq x ) \ qquad ( \ text ( for all ) ) x \ in \ mathbb ( R ) . ) Discrete probability distribution ( edit ) See also : Probability mass function and Categorical distribution The probability mass function of a discrete probability distribution . The probabilities of the singletons ( 1 ) , ( 3 ) , and ( 7 ) are respectively 0.2 , 0.5 , 0.3 . A set not containing any of these points has probability zero . The cdf of a discrete probability distribution , ... ... of a continuous probability distribution , ... ... of a distribution which has both a continuous part and a discrete part . A discrete probability distribution is a probability distribution characterized by a probability mass function . Thus , the distribution of a random variable X is discrete , and X is called a discrete random variable , if ∑ u P ⁡ ( X = u ) = 1 ( \ displaystyle \ sum _ ( u ) \ operatorname ( P ) ( X = u ) = 1 ) as u runs through the set of all possible values of X . A discrete random variable can assume only a finite or countably infinite number of values . For the number of potential values to be countably infinite , even though their probabilities sum to 1 , the probabilities have to decline to zero fast enough . For example , if P ⁡ ( X = n ) = 1 2 n ( \ displaystyle \ operatorname ( P ) ( X = n ) = ( \ tfrac ( 1 ) ( 2 ^ ( n ) ) ) ) for n = 1 , 2 , ... , we have the sum of probabilities 1 / 2 + 1 / 4 + 1 / 8 + ... = 1 . Well - known discrete probability distributions used in statistical modeling include the Poisson distribution , the Bernoulli distribution , the binomial distribution , the geometric distribution , and the negative binomial distribution . Additionally , the discrete uniform distribution is commonly used in computer programs that make equal - probability random selections between a number of choices . When a sample ( a set of observations ) is drawn from a larger population , the sample points have an empirical distribution that is discrete and that provides information about the population distribution . Measure theoretic formulation ( edit ) A measurable function X : A → B ( \ displaystyle X \ colon A \ to B ) between a probability space ( A , A , P ) ( \ displaystyle ( A , ( \ mathcal ( A ) ) , P ) ) and a measurable space ( B , B ) ( \ displaystyle ( B , ( \ mathcal ( B ) ) ) ) is called a discrete random variable provided its image is a countable set and the pre-image of singleton sets are measurable , i.e. , X − 1 ( b ) ∈ A ( \ displaystyle X ^ ( - 1 ) ( b ) \ in ( \ mathcal ( A ) ) ) for all b ∈ B ( \ displaystyle b \ in B ) . The latter requirement induces a probability mass function f X : X ( A ) → R ( \ displaystyle f_ ( X ) \ colon X ( A ) \ to \ mathbb ( R ) ) via f X ( b ) : = P ( X − 1 ( b ) ) ( \ displaystyle f_ ( X ) ( b ) : = P ( X ^ ( - 1 ) ( b ) ) ) . Since the pre-images of disjoint sets are disjoint ∑ b ∈ X ( A ) f X ( b ) = ∑ b ∈ X ( A ) P ( X − 1 ( b ) ) = P ( ⋃ b ∈ X ( A ) X − 1 ( b ) ) = P ( A ) = 1 . ( \ displaystyle \ sum _ ( b \ in X ( A ) ) f_ ( X ) ( b ) = \ sum _ ( b \ in X ( A ) ) P ( X ^ ( - 1 ) ( b ) ) = P \ left ( \ bigcup _ ( b \ in X ( A ) ) X ^ ( - 1 ) ( b ) \ right ) = P ( A ) = 1 . ) This recovers the definition given above . Cumulative distribution function ( edit ) Equivalently to the above , a discrete random variable can be defined as a random variable whose cumulative distribution function ( cdf ) increases only by jump discontinuities -- that is , its cdf increases only where it `` jumps '' to a higher value , and is constant between those jumps . The points where jumps occur are precisely the values which the random variable may take . Delta - function representation ( edit ) Consequently , a discrete probability distribution is often represented as a generalized probability density function involving Dirac delta functions , which substantially unifies the treatment of continuous and discrete distributions . This is especially useful when dealing with probability distributions involving both a continuous and a discrete part . Indicator - function representation ( edit ) For a discrete random variable X , let u , u , ... be the values it can take with non-zero probability . Denote Ω i = X − 1 ( u i ) = ( ω : X ( ω ) = u i ) , i = 0 , 1 , 2 , ... ( \ displaystyle \ Omega _ ( i ) = X ^ ( - 1 ) ( u_ ( i ) ) = \ ( \ omega : X ( \ omega ) = u_ ( i ) \ ) , \ , i = 0 , 1 , 2 , \ dots ) These are disjoint sets , and for such sets P ( ⋃ i Ω i ) = ∑ i P ( Ω i ) = ∑ i P ( X = u i ) = 1 . ( \ displaystyle P \ left ( \ bigcup _ ( i ) \ Omega _ ( i ) \ right ) = \ sum _ ( i ) P ( \ Omega _ ( i ) ) = \ sum _ ( i ) P ( X = u_ ( i ) ) = 1 . ) It follows that the probability that X takes any value except for u , u , ... is zero , and thus one can write X as X ( ω ) = ∑ i u i 1 Ω i ( ω ) ( \ displaystyle X ( \ omega ) = \ sum _ ( i ) u_ ( i ) 1_ ( \ Omega _ ( i ) ) ( \ omega ) ) except on a set of probability zero , where 1 A ( \ displaystyle 1_ ( A ) ) is the indicator function of A . This may serve as an alternative definition of discrete random variables . Continuous probability distribution ( edit ) See also : Probability density function A continuous probability distribution is a probability distribution that has a cumulative distribution function that is continuous . Most often they are generated by having a probability density function . Mathematicians call distributions with probability density functions absolutely continuous , since their cumulative distribution function is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure λ . If the distribution of X is continuous , then X is called a continuous random variable . There are many examples of continuous probability distributions : normal , uniform , chi - squared , and others . Intuitively , a continuous random variable is the one which can take a continuous range of values -- as opposed to a discrete distribution , where the set of possible values for the random variable is at most countable . While for a discrete distribution an event with probability zero is impossible ( e.g. , rolling π on a standard die has probability zero and is impossible ) , this is not so in the case of a continuous random variable . For example , if one measures the width of an oak leaf , the result of 31⁄2 cm is possible ; however , it has probability zero because uncountably many other potential values exist even between 3 cm and 4 cm . Each of these individual outcomes has probability zero , yet the probability that the outcome will fall into the interval ( 3 cm , 4 cm ) is nonzero . This apparent paradox is resolved by the fact that the probability that X attains some value within an infinite set , such as an interval , can not be found by naively adding the probabilities for individual values . Formally , each value has an infinitesimally small probability , which statistically is equivalent to zero . Formally , if X is a continuous random variable , then it has a probability density function ƒ ( x ) , and therefore its probability of falling into a given interval , say ( a , b ) is given by the integral P ⁡ ( a ≤ X ≤ b ) = ∫ a b f ( x ) d x ( \ displaystyle \ operatorname ( P ) ( a \ leq X \ leq b ) = \ int _ ( a ) ^ ( b ) f ( x ) \ , dx ) In particular , the probability for X to take any single value a ( that is a ≤ X ≤ a ) is zero , because an integral with coinciding upper and lower limits is always equal to zero . The definition states that a continuous probability distribution must possess a density , or equivalently , its cumulative distribution function be absolutely continuous . This requirement is stronger than simple continuity of the cumulative distribution function , and there is a special class of distributions , singular distributions , which are neither continuous nor discrete nor a mixture of those . An example is given by the Cantor distribution . Such singular distributions however are never encountered in practice . Note on terminology : some authors use the term `` continuous distribution '' to denote the distribution with continuous cumulative distribution function . Thus , their definition includes both the ( absolutely ) continuous and singular distributions . By one convention , a probability distribution μ ( \ displaystyle \ , \ mu ) is called continuous if its cumulative distribution function F ( x ) = μ ( − ∞ , x ) ( \ displaystyle F ( x ) = \ mu ( - \ infty , x ) ) is continuous and , therefore , the probability measure of singletons μ ( x ) = 0 ( \ displaystyle \ mu \ ( x \ ) \ , = \ , 0 ) for all x ( \ displaystyle \ , x ) . Another convention reserves the term continuous probability distribution for absolutely continuous distributions . These distributions can be characterized by a probability density function : a non-negative Lebesgue integrable function f ( \ displaystyle \ , f ) defined on the real numbers such that F ( x ) = μ ( − ∞ , x ) = ∫ − ∞ x f ( t ) d t . ( \ displaystyle F ( x ) = \ mu ( - \ infty , x ) = \ int _ ( - \ infty ) ^ ( x ) f ( t ) \ , dt . ) Discrete distributions and some continuous distributions ( like the Cantor distribution ) do not admit such a density . Some properties ( edit ) The probability distribution of the sum of two independent random variables is the convolution of each of their distributions . Probability distributions are not a vector space -- they are not closed under linear combinations , as these do not preserve non-negativity or total integral 1 -- but they are closed under convex combination , thus forming a convex subset of the space of functions ( or measures ) . Kolmogorov definition ( edit ) Main articles : Probability space and Probability measure In the measure - theoretic formalization of probability theory , a random variable is defined as a measurable function X from a probability space ( Ω , F , P ) ( \ displaystyle \ scriptstyle ( \ Omega , ( \ mathcal ( F ) ) , \ operatorname ( P ) ) ) to measurable space ( X , A ) ( \ displaystyle \ scriptstyle ( ( \ mathcal ( X ) ) , ( \ mathcal ( A ) ) ) ) . A probability distribution of X is the pushforward measure X P of X , which is a probability measure on ( X , A ) ( \ displaystyle \ scriptstyle ( ( \ mathcal ( X ) ) , ( \ mathcal ( A ) ) ) ) satisfying X P = PX . Random number generation ( edit ) Main article : Pseudo-random number sampling A frequent problem in statistical simulations ( the Monte Carlo method ) is the generation of pseudo-random numbers that are distributed in a given way . Most algorithms are based on a pseudorandom number generator that produces numbers X that are uniformly distributed in the half - open interval ( 0 , 1 ) . These random variates X are then transformed via some algorithm to create a new random variate having the required probability distribution . Applications ( edit ) The concept of the probability distribution and the random variables which they describe underlies the mathematical discipline of probability theory , and the science of statistics . There is spread or variability in almost any value that can be measured in a population ( e.g. height of people , durability of a metal , sales growth , traffic flow , etc . ) ; almost all measurements are made with some intrinsic error ; in physics many processes are described probabilistically , from the kinetic properties of gases to the quantum mechanical description of fundamental particles . For these and many other reasons , simple numbers are often inadequate for describing a quantity , while probability distributions are often more appropriate . As a more specific example of an application , the cache language models and other statistical language models used in natural language processing to assign probabilities to the occurrence of particular words and word sequences do so by means of probability distributions . Common probability distributions ( edit ) Main article : List of probability distributions The following is a list of some of the most common probability distributions , grouped by the type of process that they are related to . For a more complete list , see list of probability distributions , which groups by the nature of the outcome being considered ( discrete , continuous , multivariate , etc . ) Note also that all of the univariate distributions below are singly peaked ; that is , it is assumed that the values cluster around a single point . In practice , actually observed quantities may cluster around multiple values . Such quantities can be modeled using a mixture distribution . Related to real - valued quantities that grow linearly ( e.g. errors , offsets ) ( edit ) Normal distribution ( Gaussian distribution ) , for a single such quantity ; the most common continuous distribution Related to positive real - valued quantities that grow exponentially ( e.g. prices , incomes , populations ) ( edit ) Log - normal distribution , for a single such quantity whose log is normally distributed Pareto distribution , for a single such quantity whose log is exponentially distributed ; the prototypical power law distribution Related to real - valued quantities that are assumed to be uniformly distributed over a ( possibly unknown ) region ( edit ) Discrete uniform distribution , for a finite set of values ( e.g. the outcome of a fair die ) Continuous uniform distribution , for continuously distributed values Related to Bernoulli trials ( yes / no events , with a given probability ) ( edit ) Basic distributions : Bernoulli distribution , for the outcome of a single Bernoulli trial ( e.g. success / failure , yes / no ) Binomial distribution , for the number of `` positive occurrences '' ( e.g. successes , yes votes , etc . ) given a fixed total number of independent occurrences Negative binomial distribution , for binomial - type observations but where the quantity of interest is the number of failures before a given number of successes occurs Geometric distribution , for binomial - type observations but where the quantity of interest is the number of failures before the first success ; a special case of the negative binomial distribution Related to sampling schemes over a finite population : Hypergeometric distribution , for the number of `` positive occurrences '' ( e.g. successes , yes votes , etc . ) given a fixed number of total occurrences , using sampling without replacement Beta - binomial distribution , for the number of `` positive occurrences '' ( e.g. successes , yes votes , etc . ) given a fixed number of total occurrences , sampling using a Polya urn scheme ( in some sense , the `` opposite '' of sampling without replacement ) Related to categorical outcomes ( events with K possible outcomes , with a given probability for each outcome ) ( edit ) Categorical distribution , for a single categorical outcome ( e.g. yes / no / maybe in a survey ) ; a generalization of the Bernoulli distribution Multinomial distribution , for the number of each type of categorical outcome , given a fixed number of total outcomes ; a generalization of the binomial distribution Multivariate hypergeometric distribution , similar to the multinomial distribution , but using sampling without replacement ; a generalization of the hypergeometric distribution Related to events in a Poisson process ( events that occur independently with a given rate ) ( edit ) Poisson distribution , for the number of occurrences of a Poisson - type event in a given period of time Exponential distribution , for the time before the next Poisson - type event occurs Gamma distribution , for the time before the next k Poisson - type events occur Related to the absolute values of vectors with normally distributed components ( edit ) Rayleigh distribution , for the distribution of vector magnitudes with Gaussian distributed orthogonal components . Rayleigh distributions are found in RF signals with Gaussian real and imaginary components . Rice distribution , a generalization of the Rayleigh distributions for where there is a stationary background signal component . Found in Rician fading of radio signals due to multipath propagation and in MR images with noise corruption on non-zero NMR signals . Related to normally distributed quantities operated with sum of squares ( for hypothesis testing ) ( edit ) Chi - squared distribution , the distribution of a sum of squared standard normal variables ; useful e.g. for inference regarding the sample variance of normally distributed samples ( see chi - squared test ) Student 's t distribution , the distribution of the ratio of a standard normal variable and the square root of a scaled chi squared variable ; useful for inference regarding the mean of normally distributed samples with unknown variance ( see Student 's t - test ) F - distribution , the distribution of the ratio of two scaled chi squared variables ; useful e.g. for inferences that involve comparing variances or involving R - squared ( the squared correlation coefficient ) Useful as conjugate prior distributions in bayesian inference ( edit ) Main article : Conjugate prior Beta distribution , for a single probability ( real number between 0 and 1 ) ; conjugate to the Bernoulli distribution and binomial distribution Gamma distribution , for a non-negative scaling parameter ; conjugate to the rate parameter of a Poisson distribution or exponential distribution , the precision ( inverse variance ) of a normal distribution , etc . Dirichlet distribution , for a vector of probabilities that must sum to 1 ; conjugate to the categorical distribution and multinomial distribution ; generalization of the beta distribution Wishart distribution , for a symmetric non-negative definite matrix ; conjugate to the inverse of the covariance matrix of a multivariate normal distribution ; generalization of the gamma distribution See also ( edit ) Statistics portal Copula ( statistics ) Empirical probability Histogram Joint probability distribution Likelihood function List of statistical topics Kirkwood approximation Moment - generating function Quasiprobability distribution Riemann -- Stieltjes integral application to probability theory References ( edit ) B.S. Everitt : The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics , Cambridge University Press , Cambridge ( 3rd edition , 2006 ) . ISBN 0 - 521 - 69027 - 7 Bishop : Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning , Springer , ISBN 0 - 387 - 31073 - 8 den Dekker A.J. , Sijbers J. , ( 2014 ) `` Data distributions in magnetic resonance images : a review '' , Physica Medica , ( 1 ) External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Probability distribution . Hazewinkel , Michiel , ed. ( 2001 ) ( 1994 ) , `` Probability distribution '' , Encyclopedia of Mathematics , Springer Science + Business Media B.V. / Kluwer Academic Publishers , ISBN 978 - 1 - 55608 - 010 - 4 Field Guide to Continuous Probability Distributions , Gavin E. Crooks . <Th_colspan="2"> Probability distributions <Td_colspan="2"> List Discrete univariate with finite support Benford Bernoulli beta - binomial binomial categorical hypergeometric Poisson binomial Rademacher discrete uniform Zipf Zipf -- Mandelbrot Discrete univariate with infinite support beta negative binomial Borel Conway -- Maxwell -- Poisson discrete phase - type Delaporte extended negative binomial Gauss -- Kuzmin geometric logarithmic negative binomial parabolic fractal Poisson Skellam Yule -- Simon zeta Continuous univariate supported on a bounded interval arcsine ARGUS Balding -- Nichols Bates beta beta rectangular Irwin -- Hall Kumaraswamy logit - normal noncentral beta raised cosine reciprocal triangular U-quadratic uniform Wigner semicircle Continuous univariate supported on a semi-infinite interval Benini Benktander 1st kind Benktander 2nd kind beta prime Burr chi - squared chi Dagum Davis exponential - logarithmic Erlang exponential folded normal Flory -- Schulz Fréchet gamma gamma / Gompertz generalized inverse Gaussian Gompertz half - logistic half - normal Hotelling 's T - squared hyper - Erlang hyperexponential hypoexponential inverse chi - squared scaled inverse chi - squared inverse Gaussian inverse gamma Kolmogorov Lévy log - Cauchy log - Laplace log - logistic log - normal Lomax matrix - exponential Maxwell -- Boltzmann Maxwell -- Jüttner Mittag - Leffler Nakagami noncentral chi - squared Pareto phase - type poly - Weibull Rayleigh relativistic Breit -- Wigner Rice shifted Gompertz truncated normal type - 2 Gumbel Weibull Discrete Weibull Wilks 's lambda Continuous univariate supported on the whole real line Cauchy exponential power Fisher 's z Gaussian q generalized normal generalized hyperbolic geometric stable Gumbel Holtsmark hyperbolic secant Johnson 's S Landau Laplace asymmetric Laplace logistic noncentral t normal ( Gaussian ) normal - inverse Gaussian skew normal slash stable Student 's t type - 1 Gumbel Tracy -- Widom variance - gamma Voigt Continuous univariate with support whose type varies generalized extreme value generalized Pareto Marchenko -- Pastur q - exponential q - Gaussian q - Weibull shifted log - logistic Tukey lambda Mixed continuous - discrete univariate rectified Gaussian Multivariate ( joint ) Discrete Ewens multinomial Dirichlet - multinomial negative multinomial Continuous Dirichlet generalized Dirichlet multivariate Laplace multivariate normal multivariate stable multivariate t normal - inverse - gamma normal - gamma Matrix - valued inverse matrix gamma inverse - Wishart matrix normal matrix t matrix gamma normal - inverse - Wishart normal - Wishart Wishart Directional Univariate ( circular ) directional Circular uniform univariate von Mises wrapped normal wrapped Cauchy wrapped exponential wrapped asymmetric Laplace wrapped Lévy Bivariate ( spherical ) Kent Bivariate ( toroidal ) bivariate von Mises Multivariate von Mises -- Fisher Bingham Degenerate and singular Degenerate Dirac delta function Singular Cantor Families Circular compound Poisson elliptical exponential natural exponential location -- scale maximum entropy mixture Pearson Tweedie wrapped <Th_colspan="3"> hide Theory of probability distributions <Td_colspan="2"> probability mass function ( pmf ) probability density function ( pdf ) cumulative distribution function ( cdf ) quantile function <Td_colspan="2"> raw moment central moment mean variance standard deviation skewness kurtosis L - moment <Td_colspan="2"> moment - generating function ( mgf ) characteristic function probability - generating function ( pgf ) cumulant combinant <Th_colspan="2"> hide Statistics <Td_colspan="2"> Outline Index <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> hide Descriptive statistics <Td_colspan="2"> Continuous data Center Mean arithmetic geometric harmonic Median Mode Dispersion Variance Standard deviation Coefficient of variation Percentile Range Interquartile range Shape Central limit theorem Moments Skewness Kurtosis L - moments Count data Index of dispersion Summary tables Grouped data Frequency distribution Contingency table Dependence Pearson product - moment correlation Rank correlation Spearman 's rho Kendall 's tau Partial correlation Scatter plot Graphics Bar chart Biplot Box plot Control chart Correlogram Fan chart Forest plot Histogram Pie chart Q -- Q plot Run chart Scatter plot Stem - and - leaf display Radar chart <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Data collection <Td_colspan="2"> Study design Population Statistic Effect size Statistical power Sample size determination Missing data Survey methodology Sampling stratified cluster Standard error Opinion poll Questionnaire Controlled experiments Design control optimal Controlled trial Randomized Random assignment Replication Blocking Interaction Factorial experiment Uncontrolled studies Observational study Natural experiment Quasi-experiment <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Statistical inference <Td_colspan="2"> Statistical theory Population Statistic Probability distribution Sampling distribution Order statistic Empirical distribution Density estimation Statistical model L space Parameter location scale shape Parametric family Likelihood ( monotone ) Location -- scale family Exponential family Completeness Sufficiency Statistical functional Bootstrap U V Optimal decision loss function Efficiency Statistical distance divergence Asymptotics Robustness Frequentist inference Point estimation Estimating equations Maximum likelihood Method of moments M - estimator Minimum distance Unbiased estimators Mean - unbiased minimum - variance Rao -- Blackwellization Lehmann -- Scheffé theorem Median unbiased Plug - in Interval estimation Confidence interval Pivot Likelihood interval Prediction interval Tolerance interval Resampling Bootstrap Jackknife Testing hypotheses 1 - & 2 - tails Power Uniformly most powerful test Permutation test Randomization test Multiple comparisons Parametric tests Likelihood - ratio Wald Score Specific tests <Td_colspan="2"> Z - test ( normal ) Student 's t - test F - test Goodness of fit Chi - squared G - test Kolmogorov -- Smirnov Anderson -- Darling Lilliefors Jarque -- Bera Normality ( Shapiro -- Wilk ) Likelihood - ratio test Model selection Cross validation AIC BIC Rank statistics Sign Sample median Signed rank ( Wilcoxon ) Hodges -- Lehmann estimator Rank sum ( Mann -- Whitney ) Nonparametric anova 1 - way ( Kruskal -- Wallis ) 2 - way ( Friedman ) Ordered alternative ( Jonckheere -- Terpstra ) Bayesian inference Bayesian probability prior posterior Credible interval Bayes factor Bayesian estimator Maximum posterior estimator <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Correlation Regression analysis <Td_colspan="2"> Correlation Pearson product - moment Partial correlation Confounding variable Coefficient of determination Regression analysis Errors and residuals Regression model validation Mixed effects models Simultaneous equations models Multivariate adaptive regression splines ( MARS ) Linear regression Simple linear regression Ordinary least squares General linear model Bayesian regression Non-standard predictors Nonlinear regression Nonparametric Semiparametric Isotonic Robust Heteroscedasticity Homoscedasticity Generalized linear model Exponential families Logistic ( Bernoulli ) / Binomial / Poisson regressions Partition of variance Analysis of variance ( ANOVA , anova ) Analysis of covariance Multivariate ANOVA Degrees of freedom <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Categorical / Multivariate / Time - series / Survival analysis <Td_colspan="2"> Categorical Cohen 's kappa Contingency table Graphical model Log - linear model McNemar 's test Multivariate Regression Manova Principal components Canonical correlation Discriminant analysis Cluster analysis Classification Structural equation model Factor analysis Multivariate distributions Elliptical distributions Normal Time - 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1. Probability distribution 2. Discrete probability distribution 3. Continuous probability distribution 4. Probability mass function 5. Cumulative distribution function
india is the size of what us state
India - Wikipedia India This article is about the Republic of India . For other uses , see India ( disambiguation ) . Country in South Asia <Th_colspan="2"> Republic of India Bhārat Gaṇarājya <Td_colspan="2"> Flag State emblem <Td_colspan="2"> Motto : `` Satyameva Jayate '' ( Sanskrit ) `` Truth Alone Triumphs '' <Td_colspan="2"> Anthem : `` Jana Gana Mana '' ( Hindi ) `` Thou Art the Ruler of the Minds of All People '' <Td_colspan="2"> National song `` Vande Mataram '' ( Sanskrit ) `` I Bow to Thee , Mother '' <Td_colspan="2"> Area controlled by India shown in dark green ; claimed but uncontrolled regions shown in light green . Capital New Delhi 28 ° 36 ′ 50 '' N 77 ° 12 ′ 30 '' E  /  28.61389 ° N 77.20833 ° E  / 28.61389 ; 77.20833 Largest city Mumbai 18 ° 58 ′ 30 '' N 72 ° 49 ′ 40 '' E  /  18.97500 ° N 72.82778 ° E  / 18.97500 ; 72.82778 Official languages Hindi English Recognised regional languages State level and Eighth Schedule ( show ) Assamese Bengali Bodo Dogri Gujarati Kannada Kashmiri Kokborok Konkani Maithili Malayalam Manipuri Marathi Mizo Nepali Odia Punjabi Sanskrit Santali Sindhi Tamil Telugu Urdu National language None Religion 79.8 % Hinduism 14.2 % Islam 2.3 % Christianity 1.7 % Sikhism 0.7 % Buddhism 0.4 % Jainism 0.9 % others Demonym Indian Membership United Nations , World Trade Organisation , BRICS , South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation , Shanghai Cooperation Organisation , G8 + 5 , G20 , Commonwealth of Nations Government Federal parliamentary constitutional socialist republic <Td_colspan="2"> President Ram Nath Kovind Vice President Venkaiah Naidu Prime Minister Narendra Modi Chief Justice Dipak Misra Speaker of the Lok Sabha Sumitra Mahajan <Td_colspan="2"> Legislature Parliament Upper house Rajya Sabha Lower house Lok Sabha <Th_colspan="2"> Independence from the United Kingdom <Td_colspan="2"> Dominion 15 August 1947 Republic 26 January 1950 <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Area Total 3,287,263 km ( 1,269,219 sq mi ) ( 7th ) Water ( % ) 9.6 <Th_colspan="2"> Population 2016 estimate 1,324,171,354 ( 2nd ) 2011 census 1,210,854,977 ( 2nd ) Density 397.9 / km ( 1,030.6 / sq mi ) ( 31st ) GDP ( PPP ) 2018 estimate Total $10.385 trillion ( 3rd ) Per capita $7,783 ( 116th ) GDP ( nominal ) 2018 estimate Total $2.848 trillion ( 6th ) Per capita $2,134 ( 133rd ) Gini ( 2013 ) 33.9 medium 79th HDI ( 2015 ) 0.624 medium 131st Currency Indian rupee ( ₹ ) ( INR ) Time zone IST ( UTC + 05 : 30 ) DST is not observed Date format dd - mm - yyyy Drives on the left Calling code + 91 ISO 3166 code IN Internet TLD . in India ( IAST : Bhārat ) , also called the Republic of India ( IAST : Bhārat Gaṇarājya ) , is a country in South Asia . It is the seventh - largest country by area , the second-most populous country ( with over 1.2 billion people ) , and the most populous democracy in the world . It is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south , the Arabian Sea on the southwest , and the Bay of Bengal on the southeast . It shares land borders with Pakistan to the west ; China , Nepal , and Bhutan to the northeast ; and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east . In the Indian Ocean , India is in the vicinity of Sri Lanka and the Maldives . India 's Andaman and Nicobar Islands share a maritime border with Thailand and Indonesia . The Indian subcontinent was home to the urban Indus Valley Civilisation of the 3rd millennium BCE . In the following millennium , the oldest scriptures associated with Hinduism began to be composed . Social stratification , based on caste , emerged in the first millennium BCE , and Buddhism and Jainism arose . Early political consolidations took place under the Maurya and Gupta empires ; the later peninsular Middle Kingdoms influenced cultures as far as southeast Asia . In the medieval era , Judaism , Zoroastrianism , Christianity , and Islam arrived , and Sikhism emerged , all adding to the region 's diverse culture . Much of the north fell to the Delhi sultanate ; the south was united under the Vijayanagara Empire . The economy expanded in the 17th century in the Mughal Empire . In the mid-18th century , the subcontinent came under British East India Company rule , and in the mid-19th under British crown rule . A nationalist movement emerged in the late 19th century , which later , under Mahatma Gandhi , was noted for nonviolent resistance and led to India 's independence in 1947 . In 2017 , the Indian economy was the world 's sixth largest by nominal GDP and third largest by purchasing power parity . Following market - based economic reforms in 1991 , India became one of the fastest - growing major economies and is considered a newly industrialised country . However , it continues to face the challenges of poverty , corruption , malnutrition , and inadequate public healthcare . A nuclear weapons state and regional power , it has the second largest standing army in the world and ranks fifth in military expenditure among nations . India is a federal republic governed under a parliamentary system and consists of 29 states and 7 union territories . It is a pluralistic , multilingual and multi-ethnic society and is also home to a diversity of wildlife in a variety of protected habitats . Contents 1 Etymology 2 History 2.1 Ancient India 2.2 Medieval India 2.3 Early modern India 2.4 Modern India 3 Geography 4 Biodiversity 5 Politics and government 5.1 Politics 5.2 Government 5.3 Subdivisions 6 Foreign , economic and strategic relations 7 Economy 7.1 Industries 7.2 Socio - economic challenges 8 Demographics 8.1 Languages 8.2 Religions 9 Culture 9.1 Art and architecture 9.2 Literature 9.3 Performing arts 9.4 Motion pictures , television 9.5 Cuisine 9.6 Society 9.7 Clothing 9.8 Sports 10 See also 11 Notes 12 References 13 Bibliography 14 External links Etymology Main article : Names for India The name India is derived from Indus , which originates from the Old Persian word Hindu . The latter term stems from the Sanskrit word Sindhu , which was the historical local appellation for the Indus River . The ancient Greeks referred to the Indians as Indoi ( Ἰνδοί ) , which translates as `` The people of the Indus '' . The geographical term Bharat ( Bhārat , pronounced ( ˈbɦaːɾət̪ ) ( listen ) ) , which is recognised by the Constitution of India as an official name for the country , is used by many Indian languages in its variations . It is a modernisation of the historical name Bharatavarsha , which traditionally referred to the Indian subcontinent and gained increasing currency from the mid-19th century as a native name for India . Hindustan ( ( ɦɪnd̪ʊˈst̪aːn ) ( listen ) ) is a Persian name for India dating back to the 3rd century BCE . It was introduced into India by the Mughals and widely used since then . Its meaning varied , referring to a region that encompassed northern India and Pakistan or India in its entirety . Currently , the name may refer to either the northern part of India or the entire country . History Main articles : History of India and History of the Republic of India Ancient India The earliest authenticated human remains in South Asia date to about 30,000 years ago . Nearly contemporaneous Mesolithic rock art sites have been found in many parts of the Indian subcontinent , including at the Bhimbetka rock shelters in Madhya Pradesh . Around 7000 BCE , one of the first known Neolithic settlements appeared on the subcontinent in Mehrgarh and other sites in the subcontinent . These gradually developed into the Indus Valley Civilisation , the first urban culture in South Asia ; it flourished during 2500 -- 1900 BCE in northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India . Centred around cities such as Mohenjo - daro , Harappa , Dholavira , and Kalibangan , and relying on varied forms of subsistence , the civilisation engaged robustly in crafts production and wide - ranging trade . During the period 2000 -- 500 BCE , in terms of culture , many regions of the subcontinent transitioned from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Age . The Vedas , the oldest scriptures associated with Hinduism , were composed during this period , and historians have analysed these to posit a Vedic culture in the Punjab region and the upper Gangetic Plain . Most historians also consider this period to have encompassed several waves of Indo - Aryan migration into the subcontinent from the north - west . The caste system , which created a hierarchy of priests , warriors , and free peasants , but which excluded indigenous peoples by labeling their occupations impure , arose during this period . On the Deccan Plateau , archaeological evidence from this period suggests the existence of a chiefdom stage of political organisation . In South India , a progression to sedentary life is indicated by the large number of megalithic monuments dating from this period , as well as by nearby traces of agriculture , irrigation tanks , and craft traditions . Paintings at the Ajanta Caves in Aurangabad , Maharashtra , 6th century In the late Vedic period , around the 6th century BCE , the small states and chiefdoms of the Ganges Plain and the north - western regions had consolidated into 16 major oligarchies and monarchies that were known as the mahajanapadas . The emerging urbanisation gave rise to non-Vedic religious movements , two of which became independent religions . Jainism came into prominence during the life of its exemplar , Mahavira . Buddhism , based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha , attracted followers from all social classes excepting the middle class ; chronicling the life of the Buddha was central to the beginnings of recorded history in India . In an age of increasing urban wealth , both religions held up renunciation as an ideal , and both established long - lasting monastic traditions . Politically , by the 3rd century BCE , the kingdom of Magadha had annexed or reduced other states to emerge as the Mauryan Empire . The empire was once thought to have controlled most of the subcontinent excepting the far south , but its core regions are now thought to have been separated by large autonomous areas . The Mauryan kings are known as much for their empire - building and determined management of public life as for Ashoka 's renunciation of militarism and far - flung advocacy of the Buddhist dhamma . The Sangam literature of the Tamil language reveals that , between 200 BCE and 200 CE , the southern peninsula was being ruled by the Cheras , the Cholas , and the Pandyas , dynasties that traded extensively with the Roman Empire and with West and South - East Asia . In North India , Hinduism asserted patriarchal control within the family , leading to increased subordination of women . By the 4th and 5th centuries , the Gupta Empire had created in the greater Ganges Plain a complex system of administration and taxation that became a model for later Indian kingdoms . Under the Guptas , a renewed Hinduism based on devotion rather than the management of ritual began to assert itself . The renewal was reflected in a flowering of sculpture and architecture , which found patrons among an urban elite . Classical Sanskrit literature flowered as well , and Indian science , astronomy , medicine , and mathematics made significant advances . Medieval India The granite tower of Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur was completed in 1010 CE by Raja Raja Chola I . The Indian early medieval age , 600 CE to 1200 CE , is defined by regional kingdoms and cultural diversity . When Harsha of Kannauj , who ruled much of the Indo - Gangetic Plain from 606 to 647 CE , attempted to expand southwards , he was defeated by the Chalukya ruler of the Deccan . When his successor attempted to expand eastwards , he was defeated by the Pala king of Bengal . When the Chalukyas attempted to expand southwards , they were defeated by the Pallavas from farther south , who in turn were opposed by the Pandyas and the Cholas from still farther south . No ruler of this period was able to create an empire and consistently control lands much beyond his core region . During this time , pastoral peoples whose land had been cleared to make way for the growing agricultural economy were accommodated within caste society , as were new non-traditional ruling classes . The caste system consequently began to show regional differences . In the 6th and 7th centuries , the first devotional hymns were created in the Tamil language . They were imitated all over India and led to both the resurgence of Hinduism and the development of all modern languages of the subcontinent . Indian royalty , big and small , and the temples they patronised drew citizens in great numbers to the capital cities , which became economic hubs as well . Temple towns of various sizes began to appear everywhere as India underwent another urbanisation . By the 8th and 9th centuries , the effects were felt in South - East Asia , as South Indian culture and political systems were exported to lands that became part of modern - day Myanmar , Thailand , Laos , Cambodia , Vietnam , Philippines , Malaysia , and Java . Indian merchants , scholars , and sometimes armies were involved in this transmission ; South - East Asians took the initiative as well , with many sojourning in Indian seminaries and translating Buddhist and Hindu texts into their languages . After the 10th century , Muslim Central Asian nomadic clans , using swift - horse cavalry and raising vast armies united by ethnicity and religion , repeatedly overran South Asia 's north - western plains , leading eventually to the establishment of the Islamic Delhi Sultanate in 1206 . The sultanate was to control much of North India and to make many forays into South India . Although at first disruptive for the Indian elites , the sultanate largely left its vast non-Muslim subject population to its own laws and customs . By repeatedly repulsing Mongol raiders in the 13th century , the sultanate saved India from the devastation visited on West and Central Asia , setting the scene for centuries of migration of fleeing soldiers , learned men , mystics , traders , artists , and artisans from that region into the subcontinent , thereby creating a syncretic Indo - Islamic culture in the north . The sultanate 's raiding and weakening of the regional kingdoms of South India paved the way for the indigenous Vijayanagara Empire . Embracing a strong Shaivite tradition and building upon the military technology of the sultanate , the empire came to control much of peninsular India , and was to influence South Indian society for long afterwards . Early modern India Writing the will and testament of the Mughal king in Persian , 1590 -- 1595 In the early 16th century , northern India , being then under mainly Muslim rulers , fell again to the superior mobility and firepower of a new generation of Central Asian warriors . The resulting Mughal Empire did not stamp out the local societies it came to rule , but rather balanced and pacified them through new administrative practices and diverse and inclusive ruling elites , leading to more systematic , centralised , and uniform rule . Eschewing tribal bonds and Islamic identity , especially under Akbar , the Mughals united their far - flung realms through loyalty , expressed through a Persianised culture , to an emperor who had near - divine status . The Mughal state 's economic policies , deriving most revenues from agriculture and mandating that taxes be paid in the well - regulated silver currency , caused peasants and artisans to enter larger markets . The relative peace maintained by the empire during much of the 17th century was a factor in India 's economic expansion , resulting in greater patronage of painting , literary forms , textiles , and architecture . Newly coherent social groups in northern and western India , such as the Marathas , the Rajputs , and the Sikhs , gained military and governing ambitions during Mughal rule , which , through collaboration or adversity , gave them both recognition and military experience . Expanding commerce during Mughal rule gave rise to new Indian commercial and political elites along the coasts of southern and eastern India . As the empire disintegrated , many among these elites were able to seek and control their own affairs . By the early 18th century , with the lines between commercial and political dominance being increasingly blurred , a number of European trading companies , including the English East India Company , had established coastal outposts . The East India Company 's control of the seas , greater resources , and more advanced military training and technology led it to increasingly flex its military muscle and caused it to become attractive to a portion of the Indian elite ; these factors were crucial in allowing the company to gain control over the Bengal region by 1765 and sideline the other European companies . Its further access to the riches of Bengal and the subsequent increased strength and size of its army enabled it to annex or subdue most of India by the 1820s . India was then no longer exporting manufactured goods as it long had , but was instead supplying the British Empire with raw materials , and many historians consider this to be the onset of India 's colonial period . By this time , with its economic power severely curtailed by the British parliament and effectively having been made an arm of British administration , the company began to more consciously enter non-economic arenas such as education , social reform , and culture . Modern India The British Indian Empire , from the 1909 edition of The Imperial Gazetteer of India . Areas directly governed by the British are shaded pink ; the princely states under British suzerainty are in yellow . Historians consider India 's modern age to have begun sometime between 1848 and 1885 . The appointment in 1848 of Lord Dalhousie as Governor General of the East India Company set the stage for changes essential to a modern state . These included the consolidation and demarcation of sovereignty , the surveillance of the population , and the education of citizens . Technological changes -- among them , railways , canals , and the telegraph -- were introduced not long after their introduction in Europe . However , disaffection with the company also grew during this time , and set off the Indian Rebellion of 1857 . Fed by diverse resentments and perceptions , including invasive British - style social reforms , harsh land taxes , and summary treatment of some rich landowners and princes , the rebellion rocked many regions of northern and central India and shook the foundations of Company rule . Although the rebellion was suppressed by 1858 , it led to the dissolution of the East India Company and the direct administration of India by the British government . Proclaiming a unitary state and a gradual but limited British - style parliamentary system , the new rulers also protected princes and landed gentry as a feudal safeguard against future unrest . In the decades following , public life gradually emerged all over India , leading eventually to the founding of the Indian National Congress in 1885 . Jawaharlal Nehru ( left ) became India 's first prime minister in 1947 . Mahatma Gandhi ( right ) led the independence movement . The rush of technology and the commercialisation of agriculture in the second half of the 19th century was marked by economic setbacks -- many small farmers became dependent on the whims of far - away markets . There was an increase in the number of large - scale famines , and , despite the risks of infrastructure development borne by Indian taxpayers , little industrial employment was generated for Indians . There were also salutary effects : commercial cropping , especially in the newly canalled Punjab , led to increased food production for internal consumption . The railway network provided critical famine relief , notably reduced the cost of moving goods , and helped the nascent Indian - owned industry . About 14.5 million people lost their homes as a result of the partition of India in 1947 . After World War I , in which approximately one million Indians served , a new period began . It was marked by British reforms but also repressive legislations , by more strident Indian calls for self - rule , and by the beginnings of a nonviolent movement of non-co - operation , of which Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi would become the leader and enduring symbol . During the 1930s , slow legislative reform was enacted by the British ; the Indian National Congress won victories in the resulting elections . The next decade was beset with crises : Indian participation in World War II , the Congress 's final push for non-co - operation , and an upsurge of Muslim nationalism . All were capped by the advent of independence in 1947 , but tempered by the partition of India into two states : India and Pakistan . Vital to India 's self - image as an independent nation was its constitution , completed in 1950 , which put in place a secular and democratic republic . It has remained a democracy with civil liberties , an active Supreme Court , and a largely independent press . Economic liberalisation , which was begun in the 1990s , has created a large urban middle class , transformed India into one of the world 's fastest - growing economies , and increased its geopolitical clout . Indian movies , music , and spiritual teachings play an increasing role in global culture . Yet , India is also shaped by seemingly unyielding poverty , both rural and urban ; by religious and caste - related violence ; by Maoist - inspired Naxalite insurgencies ; and by separatism in Jammu and Kashmir and in Northeast India . It has unresolved territorial disputes with China and with Pakistan . The India -- Pakistan nuclear rivalry came to a head in 1998 . India 's sustained democratic freedoms are unique among the world 's newer nations ; however , in spite of its recent economic successes , freedom from want for its disadvantaged population remains a goal yet to be achieved . Geography Main article : Geography of India A topographic map of India India comprises the bulk of the Indian subcontinent , lying atop the Indian tectonic plate , and part of the Indo - Australian Plate . India 's defining geological processes began 75 million years ago when the Indian plate , then part of the southern supercontinent Gondwana , began a north - eastward drift caused by seafloor spreading to its south - west and , later , south and south - east . Simultaneously , the vast Tethyn oceanic crust , to its northeast , began to subduct under the Eurasian plate . These dual processes , driven by convection in the Earth 's mantle , both created the Indian Ocean and caused the Indian continental crust eventually to under - thrust Eurasia and to uplift the Himalayas . Immediately south of the emerging Himalayas , plate movement created a vast trough that rapidly filled with river - borne sediment and now constitutes the Indo - Gangetic Plain . Cut off from the plain by the ancient Aravalli Range lies the Thar Desert . The original Indian plate survives as peninsular India , the oldest and geologically most stable part of India . It extends as far north as the Satpura and Vindhya ranges in central India . These parallel chains run from the Arabian Sea coast in Gujarat in the west to the coal - rich Chota Nagpur Plateau in Jharkhand in the east . To the south , the remaining peninsular landmass , the Deccan Plateau , is flanked on the west and east by coastal ranges known as the Western and Eastern Ghats ; the plateau contains the country 's oldest rock formations , some over one billion years old . Constituted in such fashion , India lies to the north of the equator between 6 ° 44 ' and 35 ° 30 ' north latitude and 68 ° 7 ' and 97 ° 25 ' east longitude . The Kedar Range of the Greater Himalayas rises behind Kedarnath Temple ( Indian state of Uttarakhand ) , which is one of the twelve jyotirlinga shrines . India 's coastline measures 7,517 kilometres ( 4,700 mi ) in length ; of this distance , 5,423 kilometres ( 3,400 mi ) belong to peninsular India and 2,094 kilometres ( 1,300 mi ) to the Andaman , Nicobar , and Lakshadweep island chains . According to the Indian naval hydrographic charts , the mainland coastline consists of the following : 43 % sandy beaches ; 11 % rocky shores , including cliffs ; and 46 % mudflats or marshy shores . Major Himalayan - origin rivers that substantially flow through India include the Ganges and the Brahmaputra , both of which drain into the Bay of Bengal . Important tributaries of the Ganges include the Yamuna and the Kosi ; the latter 's extremely low gradient often leads to severe floods and course changes . Major peninsular rivers , whose steeper gradients prevent their waters from flooding , include the Godavari , the Mahanadi , the Kaveri , and the Krishna , which also drain into the Bay of Bengal ; and the Narmada and the Tapti , which drain into the Arabian Sea . Coastal features include the marshy Rann of Kutch of western India and the alluvial Sundarbans delta of eastern India ; the latter is shared with Bangladesh . India has two archipelagos : the Lakshadweep , coral atolls off India 's south - western coast ; and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands , a volcanic chain in the Andaman Sea . The Indian climate is strongly influenced by the Himalayas and the Thar Desert , both of which drive the economically and culturally pivotal summer and winter monsoons . The Himalayas prevent cold Central Asian katabatic winds from blowing in , keeping the bulk of the Indian subcontinent warmer than most locations at similar latitudes . The Thar Desert plays a crucial role in attracting the moisture - laden south - west summer monsoon winds that , between June and October , provide the majority of India 's rainfall . Four major climatic groupings predominate in India : tropical wet , tropical dry , subtropical humid , and montane . Biodiversity Main article : Wildlife of India The brahminy kite ( Haliastur indus ) hunts for fish and other prey near the coasts and around inland wetlands . India lies within the Indomalaya ecozone and contains three biodiversity hotspots . One of 17 megadiverse countries , it hosts 8.6 % of all mammalian , 13.7 % of all avian , 7.9 % of all reptilian , 6 % of all amphibian , 12.2 % of all piscine , and 6.0 % of all flowering plant species . About 21.2 % of the country 's landmass is covered by forests ( tree canopy density > 10 % ) , of which 12.2 % comprises moderately or very dense forests ( tree canopy density > 40 % ) . Endemism is high among plants , 33 % , and among ecoregions such as the shola forests . Habitat ranges from the tropical rainforest of the Andaman Islands , Western Ghats , and North - East India to the coniferous forest of the Himalaya . Between these extremes lie the moist deciduous sal forest of eastern India ; the dry deciduous teak forest of central and southern India ; and the babul - dominated thorn forest of the central Deccan and western Gangetic plain . The medicinal neem , widely used in rural Indian herbal remedies , is a key Indian tree . The luxuriant pipal fig tree , shown on the seals of Mohenjo - daro , shaded Gautama Buddha as he sought enlightenment . Many Indian species descend from taxa originating in Gondwana , from which the Indian plate separated more than 105 million years before present . Peninsular India 's subsequent movement towards and collision with the Laurasian landmass set off a mass exchange of species . Epochal volcanism and climatic changes 20 million years ago forced a mass extinction . Mammals then entered India from Asia through two zoogeographical passes flanking the rising Himalaya . Thus , while 45.8 % of reptiles and 55.8 % of amphibians are endemic , only 12.6 % of mammals and 4.5 % of birds are . Among them are the Nilgiri leaf monkey and Beddome 's toad of the Western Ghats . India contains 172 IUCN - designated threatened animal species , or 2.9 % of endangered forms . These include the Asiatic lion , the Bengal tiger , the snow leopard and the Indian white - rumped vulture , which , by ingesting the carrion of diclofenac - laced cattle , nearly became extinct . The pervasive and ecologically devastating human encroachment of recent decades has critically endangered Indian wildlife . In response , the system of national parks and protected areas , first established in 1935 , was substantially expanded . In 1972 , India enacted the Wildlife Protection Act and Project Tiger to safeguard crucial wilderness ; the Forest Conservation Act was enacted in 1980 and amendments added in 1988 . India hosts more than five hundred wildlife sanctuaries and thirteen biosphere reserves , four of which are part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves ; twenty - five wetlands are registered under the Ramsar Convention . Politics and government Politics Main article : Politics of India A parliamentary joint session being held in the Sansad Bhavan . India is the world 's most populous democracy . A parliamentary republic with a multi-party system , it has seven recognised national parties , including the Indian National Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP ) , and more than 40 regional parties . The Congress is considered centre - left in Indian political culture , and the BJP right - wing . For most of the period between 1950 -- when India first became a republic -- and the late 1980s , the Congress held a majority in the parliament . Since then , however , it has increasingly shared the political stage with the BJP , as well as with powerful regional parties which have often forced the creation of multi-party coalitions at the centre . In the Republic of India 's first three general elections , in 1951 , 1957 , and 1962 , the Jawaharlal Nehru - led Congress won easy victories . On Nehru 's death in 1964 , Lal Bahadur Shastri briefly became prime minister ; he was succeeded , after his own unexpected death in 1966 , by Indira Gandhi , who went on to lead the Congress to election victories in 1967 and 1971 . Following public discontent with the state of emergency she declared in 1975 , the Congress was voted out of power in 1977 ; the then - new Janata Party , which had opposed the emergency , was voted in . Its government lasted just over three years . Voted back into power in 1980 , the Congress saw a change in leadership in 1984 , when Indira Gandhi was assassinated ; she was succeeded by her son Rajiv Gandhi , who won an easy victory in the general elections later that year . The Congress was voted out again in 1989 when a National Front coalition , led by the newly formed Janata Dal in alliance with the Left Front , won the elections ; that government too proved relatively short - lived , lasting just under two years . Elections were held again in 1991 ; no party won an absolute majority . The Congress , as the largest single party , was able to form a minority government led by P.V. Narasimha Rao . The Rashtrapati Bhavan is the official residence of the President of India . A two - year period of political turmoil followed the general election of 1996 . Several short - lived alliances shared power at the centre . The BJP formed a government briefly in 1996 ; it was followed by two comparatively long - lasting United Front coalitions , which depended on external support . In 1998 , the BJP was able to form a successful coalition , the National Democratic Alliance ( NDA ) . Led by Atal Bihari Vajpayee , the NDA became the first non-Congress , coalition government to complete a five - year term . In the 2004 Indian general elections , again no party won an absolute majority , but the Congress emerged as the largest single party , forming another successful coalition : the United Progressive Alliance ( UPA ) . It had the support of left - leaning parties and MPs who opposed the BJP . The UPA returned to power in the 2009 general election with increased numbers , and it no longer required external support from India 's communist parties . That year , Manmohan Singh became the first prime minister since Jawaharlal Nehru in 1957 and 1962 to be re-elected to a consecutive five - year term . In the 2014 general election , the BJP became the first political party since 1984 to win a majority and govern without the support of other parties . The Prime Minister of India is Narendra Modi , who was formerly Chief Minister of Gujarat . On 20 July 2017 , Ram Nath Kovind was elected India 's 14th President and took the oath of office on 25 July 2017 . Government Main articles : Government of India and Constitution of India India is a federation with a parliamentary system governed under the Constitution of India , which serves as the country 's supreme legal document . It is a constitutional republic and representative democracy , in which `` majority rule is tempered by minority rights protected by law '' . Federalism in India defines the power distribution between the union , or central , government and the states . The government abides by constitutional checks and balances . The Constitution of India , which came into effect on 26 January 1950 , states in its preamble that India is a sovereign , socialist , secular , democratic republic . India 's form of government , traditionally described as `` quasi-federal '' with a strong centre and weak states , has grown increasingly federal since the late 1990s as a result of political , economic , and social changes . National symbols Flag Tiranga ( Tricolour ) Emblem Sarnath Lion Capital Language None Anthem Jana Gana Mana Song Vande Mataram Currency ₹ ( Indian rupee ) Calendar Saka Animal Tiger ( land ) River dolphin ( aquatic ) Bird Indian peafowl Flower Lotus Fruit Mango Tree Banyan River Ganga Game Not declared The Government of India comprises three branches : Executive : The President of India is the ceremonial head of state and is elected indirectly by a national electoral college for a five - year term . The Prime Minister of India is the head of government and exercises most executive power . Appointed by the president , the prime minister is by convention supported by the party or political alliance holding the majority of seats in the lower house of parliament . The executive of the Indian government consists of the president , the vice president , and the Council of Ministers -- the cabinet being its executive committee -- headed by the prime minister . Any minister holding a portfolio must be a member of one of the houses of parliament . In the Indian parliamentary system , the executive is subordinate to the legislature ; the prime minister and his council are directly responsible to the lower house of the parliament . The civil servants are permanent executives and all executive decisions are implemented by them . Legislature : The legislature of India is the bicameral parliament . It operates under a Westminster - style parliamentary system and comprises the upper house called the Rajya Sabha ( `` Council of States '' ) and the lower called the Lok Sabha ( `` House of the People '' ) . The Rajya Sabha is a permanent body that has 245 members who serve in staggered six - year terms . Most are elected indirectly by the state and union territorial legislatures in numbers proportional to their state 's share of the national population . All but two of the Lok Sabha 's 545 members are directly elected by popular vote ; they represent individual constituencies via five - year terms . The remaining two members are nominated by the president from among the Anglo - Indian community , in case the president decides that they are not adequately represented . Judiciary : India has a unitary three - tier unitary independent judiciary that comprises the supreme court , headed by the Chief Justice of India , 24 high courts , and a large number of trial courts . The supreme court has original jurisdiction over cases involving fundamental rights and over disputes between states and the centre ; it has appellate jurisdiction over the high courts . It has the power both to declare the law and to strike down union or state laws which contravene the constitution , as well as to invalidate any government action it deems unconstitutional . Subdivisions Main article : Administrative divisions of India See also : Political integration of India A clickable map of the 29 states and 7 union territories of India States ( 1 -- 29 ) & Union territories ( A-G ) 1 . Andhra Pradesh 19 . Nagaland 2 . Arunachal Pradesh 20 . Odisha 3 . Assam 21 . Punjab 4 . Bihar 22 . Rajasthan 5 . Chhattisgarh 23 . Sikkim 6 . Goa 24 . Tamil Nadu 7 . Gujarat 25 . Telangana 8 . Haryana 26 . Tripura 9 . Himachal Pradesh 27 . Uttar Pradesh 10 . Jammu and Kashmir 28 . Uttarakhand 11 . Jharkhand 29 . West Bengal 12 . Karnataka A. Andaman and Nicobar Islands 13 . Kerala B. Chandigarh 14 . Madhya Pradesh C. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 15 . Maharashtra D. Daman and Diu 16 . Manipur E. Lakshadweep 17 . Meghalaya F. National Capital Territory of Delhi 18 . Mizoram G. Puducherry India is a federation composed of 29 states and 7 union territories . All states , as well as the union territories of Puducherry and the National Capital Territory of Delhi , have elected legislatures and governments , both patterned on the Westminster model . The remaining five union territories are directly ruled by the centre through appointed administrators . In 1956 , under the States Reorganisation Act , states were reorganised on a linguistic basis . Since then , their structure has remained largely unchanged . Each state or union territory is further divided into administrative districts . The districts , in turn , are further divided into tehsils and ultimately into villages . Foreign , economic and strategic relations Main articles : Foreign relations of India and Indian Armed Forces Indian prime minister Narendra Modi and British prime minister , Theresa May at the India - UK Tech Summit in New Delhi Since its independence in 1947 , India has maintained cordial relations with most nations . In the 1950s , it strongly supported decolonisation in Africa and Asia and played a lead role in the Non-Aligned Movement . In the late 1980s , the Indian military twice intervened abroad at the invitation of neighbouring countries : a peace - keeping operation in Sri Lanka between 1987 and 1990 ; and an armed intervention to prevent a 1988 coup d'état attempt in the Maldives . India has tense relations with neighbouring Pakistan ; the two nations have gone to war four times : in 1947 , 1965 , 1971 , and 1999 . Three of these wars were fought over the disputed territory of Kashmir , while the fourth , the 1971 war , followed from India 's support for the independence of Bangladesh . After waging the 1962 Sino - Indian War and the 1965 war with Pakistan , India pursued close military and economic ties with the Soviet Union ; by the late 1960s , the Soviet Union was its largest arms supplier . Aside from ongoing special relationship with Russia , India has wide - ranging defence relations with Israel and France . In recent years , it has played key roles in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and the World Trade Organisation . The nation has provided 100,000 military and police personnel to serve in 35 UN peacekeeping operations across four continents . It participates in the East Asia Summit , the G8 + 5 , and other multilateral forums . India has close economic ties with South America , Asia , and Africa ; it pursues a `` Look East '' policy that seeks to strengthen partnerships with the ASEAN nations , Japan , and South Korea that revolve around many issues , but especially those involving economic investment and regional security . INS Vikramaditya , the Indian Navy 's biggest warship . China 's nuclear test of 1964 , as well as its repeated threats to intervene in support of Pakistan in the 1965 war , convinced India to develop nuclear weapons . India conducted its first nuclear weapons test in 1974 and carried out further underground testing in 1998 . Despite criticism and military sanctions , India has signed neither the Comprehensive Nuclear - Test - Ban Treaty nor the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty , considering both to be flawed and discriminatory . India maintains a `` no first use '' nuclear policy and is developing a nuclear triad capability as a part of its `` minimum credible deterrence '' doctrine . It is developing a ballistic missile defence shield and , in collaboration with Russia , a fifth - generation fighter jet . Other indigenous military projects involve the design and implementation of Vikrant - class aircraft carriers and Arihant - class nuclear submarines . Since the end of the Cold War , India has increased its economic , strategic , and military co-operation with the United States and the European Union . In 2008 , a civilian nuclear agreement was signed between India and the United States . Although India possessed nuclear weapons at the time and was not party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty , it received waivers from the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Nuclear Suppliers Group , ending earlier restrictions on India 's nuclear technology and commerce . As a consequence , India became the sixth de facto nuclear weapons state . India subsequently signed co-operation agreements involving civilian nuclear energy with Russia , France , the United Kingdom , and Canada . Leaders of the BRICS nations The President of India is the supreme commander of the nation 's armed forces ; with 1.395 million active troops , they compose the world 's second - largest military . It comprises the Indian Army , the Indian Navy , the Indian Air Force , and the Indian Coast Guard . The official Indian defence budget for 2011 was US $36.03 billion , or 1.83 % of GDP . For the fiscal year spanning 2012 -- 2013 , US $40.44 billion was budgeted . According to a 2008 SIPRI report , India 's annual military expenditure in terms of purchasing power stood at US $72.7 billion . In 2011 , the annual defence budget increased by 11.6 % , although this does not include funds that reach the military through other branches of government . As of 2012 , India is the world 's largest arms importer ; between 2007 and 2011 , it accounted for 10 % of funds spent on international arms purchases . Much of the military expenditure was focused on defence against Pakistan and countering growing Chinese influence in the Indian Ocean . In May 2017 , the Indian Space Research Organisation launched the South Asia Satellite , a gift from India to its neighbouring SAARC countries . Economy Main article : Economy of India See also : Economic History of India and Economic development in India A daily wage worker in a salt field . The average minimum wage of daily labourers is around Rs. 100 per day According to the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , the Indian economy in 2017 was nominally worth US $2.611 trillion ; it is the sixth - largest economy by market exchange rates , and is , at US $9.459 trillion , the third - largest by purchasing power parity , or PPP . With its average annual GDP growth rate of 5.8 % over the past two decades , and reaching 6.1 % during 2011 -- 12 , India is one of the world 's fastest - growing economies . However , the country ranks 140th in the world in nominal GDP per capita and 129th in GDP per capita at PPP . Until 1991 , all Indian governments followed protectionist policies that were influenced by socialist economics . Widespread state intervention and regulation largely walled the economy off from the outside world . An acute balance of payments crisis in 1991 forced the nation to liberalise its economy ; since then it has slowly moved towards a free - market system by emphasising both foreign trade and direct investment inflows . India has been a member of WTO since 1 January 1995 . The 513.7 - million - worker Indian labour force is the world 's second - largest , as of 2016 . The service sector makes up 55.6 % of GDP , the industrial sector 26.3 % and the agricultural sector 18.1 % . India 's foreign exchange remittances of US $70 billion in 2014 , the largest in the world , contributed to its economy by 25 million Indians working in foreign countries . Major agricultural products include rice , wheat , oilseed , cotton , jute , tea , sugarcane , and potatoes . Major industries include textiles , telecommunications , chemicals , pharmaceuticals , biotechnology , food processing , steel , transport equipment , cement , mining , petroleum , machinery , and software . In 2006 , the share of external trade in India 's GDP stood at 24 % , up from 6 % in 1985 . In 2008 , India 's share of world trade was 1.68 % ; In 2011 , India was the world 's tenth - largest importer and the nineteenth - largest exporter . Major exports include petroleum products , textile goods , jewellery , software , engineering goods , chemicals , and leather manufactures . Major imports include crude oil , machinery , gems , fertiliser , and chemicals . Between 2001 and 2011 , the contribution of petrochemical and engineering goods to total exports grew from 14 % to 42 % . India was the second largest textile exporter after China in the world in the calendar year 2013 . Averaging an economic growth rate of 7.5 % for several years prior to 2007 , India has more than doubled its hourly wage rates during the first decade of the 21st century . Some 431 million Indians have left poverty since 1985 ; India 's middle classes are projected to number around 580 million by 2030 . Though ranking 51st in global competitiveness , India ranks 17th in financial market sophistication , 24th in the banking sector , 44th in business sophistication , and 39th in innovation , ahead of several advanced economies , as of 2010 . With 7 of the world 's top 15 information technology outsourcing companies based in India , the country is viewed as the second-most favourable outsourcing destination after the United States , as of 2009 . India 's consumer market , the world 's eleventh - largest , is expected to become fifth - largest by 2030 . However , hardly 2 % of Indians pay income taxes . Agricultural workers in Tamilnadu involved in rice planting Driven by growth , India 's nominal GDP per capita has steadily increased from US $329 in 1991 , when economic liberalisation began , to US $1,265 in 2010 , to an estimated US $1,723 in 2016 , and is expected to grow to US $2,358 by 2020 ; however , it has remained lower than those of other Asian developing countries such as Indonesia , Malaysia , Philippines , Sri Lanka , and Thailand , and is expected to remain so in the near future . However , it is higher than Pakistan , Nepal , Afghanistan , Bangladesh and others . According to a 2011 PricewaterhouseCoopers report , India 's GDP at purchasing power parity could overtake that of the United States by 2045 . During the next four decades , Indian GDP is expected to grow at an annualised average of 8 % , making it potentially the world 's fastest - growing major economy until 2050 . The report highlights key growth factors : a young and rapidly growing working - age population ; growth in the manufacturing sector because of rising education and engineering skill levels ; and sustained growth of the consumer market driven by a rapidly growing middle - class . The World Bank cautions that , for India to achieve its economic potential , it must continue to focus on public sector reform , transport infrastructure , agricultural and rural development , removal of labour regulations , education , energy security , and public health and nutrition . According to the Worldwide Cost of Living Report 2017 released by the Economist Intelligence Unit ( EIU ) which was created by comparing more than 400 individual prices across 160 products and services , four of the cheapest cities were in India : Bangalore ( 3rd ) , Mumbai ( 5th ) , Chennai ( 5th ) and New Delhi ( 8th ) . Industries See also : Textile industry in India The Bombay Stock Exchange is Asia 's oldest and India 's largest bourse by market capitalisation . India 's telecommunication industry , the world 's fastest - growing , added 227 million subscribers during the period 2010 -- 11 , and after the third quarter of 2017 , India surpassed the US to become the second largest smartphone market in the world after China . The Indian automotive industry , the world 's second - fastest growing , increased domestic sales by 26 % during 2009 -- 10 , and exports by 36 % during 2008 -- 09 . India 's capacity to generate electrical power is 300 gigawatts , of which 42 gigawatts is renewable . At the end of 2011 , the Indian IT industry employed 2.8 million professionals , generated revenues close to US $100 billion equalling 7.5 % of Indian GDP and contributed 26 % of India 's merchandise exports . The pharmaceutical industry in India is among the significant emerging markets for the global pharmaceutical industry . The Indian pharmaceutical market is expected to reach $48.5 billion by 2020 . India 's R & D spending constitutes 60 % of the biopharmaceutical industry . India is among the top 12 biotech destinations in the world . The Indian biotech industry grew by 15.1 % in 2012 -- 13 , increasing its revenues from 204.4 billion INR ( Indian rupees ) to 235.24 billion INR ( 3.94 B US $ -- exchange rate June 2013 : 1 US $ approx. 60 INR ) . Socio - economic challenges Despite economic growth during recent decades , India continues to face socio - economic challenges . In 2006 , India contained the largest number of people living below the World Bank 's international poverty line of US $1.25 per day , the proportion having decreased from 60 % in 1981 to 42 % in 2005 ; under its later revised poverty line , it was 21 % in 2011 . 30.7 % of India 's children under the age of five are underweight . According to a Food and Agriculture Organization report in 2015 , 15 % of the population is undernourished . The Mid-Day Meal Scheme attempts to lower these rates . According to a Walk Free Foundation report in 2016 , there were an estimated 18.3 million people in India , or 1.4 % of the population , living in the forms of modern slavery , such as bonded labour , child labour , human trafficking , and forced begging , among others . According to the 2011 census , there were 10.1 million child labourers in the country , a decline of 2.6 million from 12.6 million child labourers in 2001 . Since 1991 , economic inequality between India 's states has consistently grown : the per - capita net state domestic product of the richest states in 2007 was 3.2 times that of the poorest . Corruption in India is perceived to have decreased . According to Corruption Perceptions Index , India ranked 76th out of 176 countries in 2016 , from 85th in 2014 . Demographics Main article : Demographics of India A handicraft seller in Hyderabad , Telangana <Th_colspan="4"> Population Year Million 1970 553.6 2000 1053.0 2016 1324.2 With 1,210,193,422 residents reported in the 2011 provisional census report , India is the world 's second-most populous country . Its population grew by 17.64 % during 2001 -- 2011 , compared to 21.54 % growth in the previous decade ( 1991 -- 2001 ) . The human sex ratio , according to the 2011 census , is 940 females per 1,000 males . The median age was 27.6 as of 2016 . The first post-colonial census , conducted in 1951 , counted 361.1 million people . Medical advances made in the last 50 years as well as increased agricultural productivity brought about by the `` Green Revolution '' have caused India 's population to grow rapidly . India continues to face several public health - related challenges . Life expectancy in India is at 68 years , with life expectancy for women being 69.6 years and for men being 67.3 . There are around 50 physicians per 100,000 Indians . Migration from rural to urban areas has been an important dynamic in the recent history of India . The number of Indians living in urban areas grew by 31.2 % between 1991 and 2001 . Yet , in 2001 , over 70 % still lived in rural areas . The level of urbanisation increased further from 27.81 % in the 2001 Census to 31.16 % in the 2011 Census . The slowing down of the overall growth rate of population was due to the sharp decline in the growth rate in rural areas since 1991 . According to the 2011 census , there are 53 million - plus urban agglomerations in India ; among them Mumbai , Delhi , Kolkata , Chennai , Bangalore , Hyderabad and Ahmedabad , in decreasing order by population . The literacy rate in 2011 was 74.04 % : 65.46 % among females and 82.14 % among males . The rural - urban literacy gap , which was 21.2 percentage points in 2001 , dropped to 16.1 percentage points in 2011 . The improvement in literacy rate in rural area is two times that in urban areas . Kerala is the most literate state with 93.91 % literacy ; while Bihar the least with 63.82 % . Languages Main article : Languages of India India is home to two major language families : Indo - Aryan ( spoken by about 74 % of the population ) and Dravidian ( spoken by 24 % of the population ) . Other languages spoken in India come from the Austroasiatic and Sino - Tibetan language families . India has no national language . Hindi , with the largest number of speakers , is the official language of the government . English is used extensively in business and administration and has the status of a `` subsidiary official language '' ; it is important in education , especially as a medium of higher education . Each state and union territory has one or more official languages , and the constitution recognises in particular 22 `` scheduled languages '' . The Constitution of India recognises 212 scheduled tribal groups which together constitute about 7.5 % of the country 's population . Religions Main article : Religion in India The 2011 census reported that the religion in India with the largest number of followers was Hinduism ( 79.80 % of the population ) , followed by Islam ( 14.23 % ) ; the remaining were Christianity ( 2.30 % ) , Sikhism ( 1.72 % ) , Buddhism ( 0.70 % ) , Jainism ( 0.36 % ) and others ( 0.9 % ) . India has the world 's largest Hindu , Sikh , Jain , Zoroastrian , and Bahá'í populations , and has the third - largest Muslim population -- the largest for a non-Muslim majority country . Culture Main article : Culture of India A Warli tribal painting by Jivya Soma Mashe from Thane , Maharashtra Indian cultural history spans more than 4,500 years . During the Vedic period ( c. 1700 -- 500 BCE ) , the foundations of Hindu philosophy , mythology , theology and literature were laid , and many beliefs and practices which still exist today , such as dhárma , kárma , yóga , and mokṣa , were established . India is notable for its religious diversity , with Hinduism , Buddhism , Sikhism , Islam , Christianity , and Jainism among the nation 's major religions . The predominant religion , Hinduism , has been shaped by various historical schools of thought , including those of the Upanishads , the Yoga Sutras , the Bhakti movement , and by Buddhist philosophy . Art and architecture Main article : Architecture of India Much of Indian architecture , including the Taj Mahal , other works of Mughal architecture , and South Indian architecture , blends ancient local traditions with imported styles . Vernacular architecture is also highly regional in it flavours . Vastu shastra , literally `` science of construction '' or `` architecture '' and ascribed to Mamuni Mayan , explores how the laws of nature affect human dwellings ; it employs precise geometry and directional alignments to reflect perceived cosmic constructs . As applied in Hindu temple architecture , it is influenced by the Shilpa Shastras , a series of foundational texts whose basic mythological form is the Vastu - Purusha mandala , a square that embodied the `` absolute '' . The Taj Mahal , built in Agra between 1631 and 1648 by orders of Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife , has been described in the UNESCO World Heritage List as `` the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world 's heritage '' . Indo - Saracenic Revival architecture , developed by the British in the late 19th century , drew on Indo - Islamic architecture . Literature Main article : Indian literature The earliest literary writings in India , composed between 1700 BCE and 1200 CE , were in the Sanskrit language . Prominent works of this Sanskrit literature include epics such as the Mahābhārata and the Ramayana , the dramas of Kālidāsa such as the Abhijñānaśākuntalam ( The Recognition of Śakuntalā ) , and poetry such as the Mahākāvya . Kamasutra , the famous book about sexual intercourse also originated in India . Developed between 600 BCE and 300 CE in South India , the Sangam literature , consisting of 2,381 poems , is regarded as a predecessor of Tamil literature . From the 14th to the 18th centuries , India 's literary traditions went through a period of drastic change because of the emergence of devotional poets such as Kabīr , Tulsīdās , and Guru Nānak . This period was characterised by a varied and wide spectrum of thought and expression ; as a consequence , medieval Indian literary works differed significantly from classical traditions . In the 19th century , Indian writers took a new interest in social questions and psychological descriptions . In the 20th century , Indian literature was influenced by the works of Bengali poet and novelist Rabindranath Tagore , who was a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature . Performing arts A Kuchipudi dance performance is accompanied by Carnatic vocalisations . Main articles : Music of India and Dance in India Indian music ranges over various traditions and regional styles . Classical music encompasses two genres and their various folk offshoots : the northern Hindustani and southern Carnatic schools . Regionalised popular forms include filmi and folk music ; the syncretic tradition of the bauls is a well - known form of the latter . Indian dance also features diverse folk and classical forms . Among the better - known folk dances are the bhangra of Punjab , the bihu of Assam , the chhau of Odisha , West Bengal and Jharkhand , garba and dandiya of Gujarat , ghoomar of Rajasthan , and the lavani of Maharashtra . Eight dance forms , many with narrative forms and mythological elements , have been accorded classical dance status by India 's National Academy of Music , Dance , and Drama . These are : bharatanatyam of the state of Tamil Nadu , kathak of Uttar Pradesh , kathakali and mohiniyattam of Kerala , kuchipudi of Andhra Pradesh , manipuri of Manipur , odissi of Odisha , and the sattriya of Assam . Theatre in India melds music , dance , and improvised or written dialogue . Often based on Hindu mythology , but also borrowing from medieval romances or social and political events , Indian theatre includes the bhavai of Gujarat , the jatra of West Bengal , the nautanki and ramlila of North India , tamasha of Maharashtra , burrakatha of Andhra Pradesh , terukkuttu of Tamil Nadu , and the yakshagana of Karnataka . India has a theatre training institute N.S.D that is situated at New Delhi It is an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Culture , Government of India . Motion pictures , television Main articles : Cinema of India and Television in India The Indian film industry produces the world 's most - watched cinema . Established regional cinematic traditions exist in the Assamese , Bengali , Bhojpuri , Hindi , Kannada , Malayalam , Punjabi , Gujarati , Marathi , Odia , Tamil , and Telugu languages . South Indian cinema attracts more than 75 % of national film revenue . Television broadcasting began in India in 1959 as a state - run medium of communication and had slow expansion for more than two decades . The state monopoly on television broadcast ended in the 1990s and , since then , satellite channels have increasingly shaped the popular culture of Indian society . Today , television is the most penetrative media in India ; industry estimates indicate that as of 2012 there are over 554 million TV consumers , 462 million with satellite and / or cable connections , compared to other forms of mass media such as press ( 350 million ) , radio ( 156 million ) or internet ( 37 million ) . Cuisine Main article : Indian cuisine An assortment of Indian spices Indian cuisine encompasses a wide variety of regional and traditional cuisines , often depending on a particular state ( such as Maharashtrian cuisine ) . Staple foods of Indian cuisine include pearl millet ( bājra ) , rice , whole - wheat flour ( aṭṭa ) , and a variety of lentils , such as masoor ( most often red lentils ) , toor ( pigeon peas ) , urad ( black gram ) , and mong ( mung beans ) . Lentils may be used whole , dehusked -- for example , dhuli moong or dhuli urad -- or split . Split lentils , or dal , are used extensively . The spice trade between India and Europe is often cited by historians as the primary catalyst for Europe 's Age of Discovery . Society Main article : Culture of India Muslims offer namaz at a mosque in Srinagar , Jammu and Kashmir . Traditional Indian society is sometimes defined by social hierarchy . The Indian caste system embodies much of the social stratification and many of the social restrictions found in the Indian subcontinent . Social classes are defined by thousands of endogamous hereditary groups , often termed as jātis , or `` castes '' . India declared untouchability to be illegal in 1947 and has since enacted other anti-discriminatory laws and social welfare initiatives . At the workplace in urban India and in international or leading Indian companies , the caste related identification has pretty much lost its importance . Family values are important in the Indian tradition , and multi-generational patriarchal joint families have been the norm in India , though nuclear families are becoming common in urban areas . An overwhelming majority of Indians , with their consent , have their marriages arranged by their parents or other elders in the family . Marriage is thought to be for life , and the divorce rate is extremely low . As of 2001 , just 1.6 percent of Indian women were divorced but this figure was rising due to their education and economic independence . Child marriages are common , especially in rural areas ; many women wed before reaching 18 , which is their legal marriageable age . Female infanticide and female foeticide in the country have caused a discrepancy in the sex ratio , as of 2005 it was estimated that there were 50 million more males than females in the nation . However a report from 2011 has shown improvement in the gender ratio . The payment of dowry , although illegal , remains widespread across class lines . Deaths resulting from dowry , mostly from bride burning , are on the rise , despite stringent anti-dowry laws . Many Indian festivals are religious in origin . The best known include Diwali , Ganesh Chaturthi , Thai Pongal , Holi , Durga Puja , Eid ul - Fitr , Bakr - Id , Christmas , and Vaisakhi . India has three national holidays which are observed in all states and union territories -- Republic Day , Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti . Other sets of holidays , varying between nine and twelve , are officially observed in individual states . Clothing Main article : Clothing in India Cotton was domesticated in India by 4000 BCE . Traditional Indian dress varies in colour and style across regions and depends on various factors , including climate and faith . Popular styles of dress include draped garments such as the sari for women and the dhoti or lungi for men . Stitched clothes , such as the shalwar kameez for women and kurta -- pyjama combinations or European - style trousers and shirts for men , are also popular . Use of delicate jewellery , modelled on real flowers worn in ancient India , is part of a tradition dating back some 5,000 years ; gemstones are also worn in India as talismans . Sports Main article : Sport in India Indian hockey team , captained by Dhyan Chand ( standing second from left ) , after winning the finals at the 1936 Summer Olympics -- their third of six consecutive Olympic golds . In India , several traditional indigenous sports remain fairly popular , such as kabaddi , kho kho , pehlwani and gilli - danda . Some of the earliest forms of Asian martial arts , such as kalarippayattu , musti yuddha , silambam , and marma adi , originated in India . Chess , commonly held to have originated in India as chaturaṅga , is regaining widespread popularity with the rise in the number of Indian grandmasters . Pachisi , from which parcheesi derives , was played on a giant marble court by Akbar . The improved results garnered by the Indian Davis Cup team and other Indian tennis players in the early 2010s have made tennis increasingly popular in the country . India has a comparatively strong presence in shooting sports , and has won several medals at the Olympics , the World Shooting Championships , and the Commonwealth Games . Other sports in which Indians have succeeded internationally include badminton ( Saina Nehwal and PV Sindhu are two of the top - ranked female badminton players in the world ) , boxing , and wrestling . Football is popular in West Bengal , Goa , Tamil Nadu , Kerala , and the north - eastern states . India was the host country for the 2017 FIFA U-17 World Cup . The matches were held from 6 to 28 October in the cities of New Delhi , Kolkata , Kochi , Navi Mumbai , Guwahati and Margao . Field hockey in India is administered by Hockey India . The Indian national hockey team won the 1975 Hockey World Cup and have , as of 2016 , taken eight gold , one silver , and two bronze Olympic medals , making it the sport 's most successful team in the Olympics . India has also played a major role in popularising cricket . Thus , cricket is , by far , the most popular sport in India . The Indian national cricket team won the 1983 and 2011 Cricket World Cup events , the 2007 ICC World Twenty20 , shared the 2002 ICC Champions Trophy with Sri Lanka , and won 2013 ICC Champions Trophy . Cricket in India is administered by the Board of Control for Cricket in India ( BCCI ) ; the Ranji Trophy , the Duleep Trophy , the Deodhar Trophy , the Irani Trophy , and the NKP Salve Challenger Trophy are domestic competitions . The BCCI also conducts an annual Twenty20 competition known as the Indian Premier League . India has hosted or co-hosted several international sporting events : the 1951 and 1982 Asian Games ; the 1987 , 1996 , and 2011 Cricket World Cup tournaments ; the 2003 Afro - Asian Games ; the 2006 ICC Champions Trophy ; the 2010 Hockey World Cup ; the 2010 Commonwealth Games ; and the 2017 FIFA U-17 World Cup . Major international sporting events held annually in India include the Chennai Open , the Mumbai Marathon , the Delhi Half Marathon , and the Indian Masters . The first Formula 1 Indian Grand Prix featured in late 2011 but has been discontinued from the F1 season calendar since 2014 . India has traditionally been the dominant country at the South Asian Games . An example of this dominance is the basketball competition where the Indian team won three out of four tournaments to date . The Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna and the Arjuna Award are the highest forms of government recognition for athletic achievement ; the Dronacharya Award is awarded for excellence in coaching . See also India portal Asia portal Outline of India Index of India - related articles Notes Jump up ^ `` ( ... ) Jana Gana Mana is the National Anthem of India , subject to such alterations in the words as the Government may authorise as occasion arises ; and the song Vande Mataram , which has played a historic part in the struggle for Indian freedom , shall be honoured equally with Jana Gana Mana and shall have equal status with it . '' ( Constituent Assembly of India 1950 ) . Jump up ^ Hindi in the Devanagari script is the official language of the Union . English is an additional official language for government work alongside Hindi . States and union territories can have a different official language of their own other than Hindi or English . ^ Jump up to : Besides specific religions , the last two categories in the 2011 Census were `` Other religions and persuasions '' ( 0.65 % ) and `` Religion not stated '' ( 0.23 % ) . 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( 12 September 2010 ) , Sushil Kumar Wins Gold in World Wrestling Championship , The Times of India , retrieved 5 October 2010 Yadav , S.S. ; McNeil , D. ; Stevenson , P.C. ( 23 October 2007 ) , Lentil : An Ancient Crop for Modern Times , Springer , ISBN 978 - 1 - 4020 - 6312 - 1 Zvelebil , K.V. ( 1 August 1997 ) , Companion Studies to the History of Tamil Literature , Brill Publishers , ISBN 978 - 90 - 04 - 09365 - 2 External links Find more aboutIndiaat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Travel guide from Wikivoyage Learning resources from Wikiversity Government Official website of Government of India Government of India Web Directory General information `` India '' . The World Factbook . Central Intelligence Agency . 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who was the first woman nominated of rajyasabha
List of nominated members of Rajya Sabha - wikipedia List of nominated members of Rajya Sabha Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Member of Parliament ( India ) . As per the Fourth Schedule ( Articles 4 ( 1 ) and 80 ( 2 ) ) of the Constitution of India , 12 members are nominated by President for term of six years for their contributions to art , literature , science , and social services . Current nominated members of Rajya Sabha ( edit ) This is a Current list of Members of the Rajya Sabha who have been nominated by the President . No . Name Field Affiliation Date of Appointment Date of Retirement Roopa Ganguly Art Bharatiya Janata Party 04 - Oct - 2016 03 - Oct - 2022 Sambhaji Raje Social work Bharatiya Janata Party 07 - Jun - 2016 03 - May - 2022 Suresh Gopi Art Bharatiya Janata Party 25 - Apr - 2016 24 - Apr - 2022 Subramanian Swamy Economics Bharatiya Janata Party 25 - Apr - 2016 24 - Apr - 2022 5 Narendra Jadhav Economics Nominated 25 - Apr - 2016 24 - Apr - 2022 6 Mary Kom Sport Nominated 25 - Apr - 2016 24 - Apr - 2022 7 Swapan Dasgupta Journalism Nominated 25 - Apr - 2016 24 - Apr - 2022 8 K.T.S. Tulsi Law Nominated 25 - Feb - 2014 24 - Feb - 2020 9 K. Parasaran Law Nominated 09 - Jun - 2012 28 - Jun - 2018 10 Rekha Art Nominated 27 - Apr - 2012 26 - Apr - 2018 11 Sachin Tendulkar Sport Nominated 27 - Apr - 2012 26 - Apr - 2018 12 Anu Aga Business Nominated 27 - Apr - 2012 26 - Apr - 2018 Complete list of nominated members of Rajya Sabha ( edit ) This is a Complete list of Members of the Rajya Sabha who have been nominated by the President . Sr. No . Image Name Tenure -- Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer 1952 -- 1953 Satyendranath Bose 1952 -- 1960 Prithviraj Kapoor 1952 -- 1960 -- Jagadisan Mohandas Kumarappa 1952 -- 1954 5 -- Kalidas Nag 1952 -- 1954 6 Rukmini Devi Arundale 1952 -- 1962 7 -- N.R. Malkani 1952 -- 1962 8 -- Sahib Singh Sokhey 1952 -- 1956 9 -- Zakir Hussain 1952 -- 1962 10 -- Maithili Sharan Gupt 1952 -- 1964 11 -- Kakasaheb Kalelkar 1952 -- 1964 12 -- Radha Kumud Mukherjee 1952 -- 1958 13 P.V. Kane 1953 -- 1964 14 -- Moturi Satyanarayana 1954 -- 1966 15 -- Ardeshir Ruttonji Wadia 1954 -- 1966 16 -- Bhargavram Vitthal Warerkar 1956 -- 1968 17 -- Tara Chand 1956 -- 1968 18 -- Ajudhia Nath Khosla 1958 -- 1964 19 -- K.M. Panikkar 1959 -- 1966 20 -- Jairamdas Daulatram 1959 -- 1976 21 -- Mohanlal Saksena 1959 -- 1964 22 -- Tarasankar Bandyopadhyay 1960 -- 1966 23 -- V.T. Krishnamachari 1961 -- 1967 24 -- R.R. Diwakar 1962 -- 1968 25 -- Gopal Singh 1962 -- 1968 26 -- M. Ajmal Khan 1964 -- 1972 27 -- Satyavrata Siddhantalankar 1964 -- 1968 28 Shakuntala Paranjpye 1964 -- 1970 29 -- Badri Nath Prasad 1964 -- 1970 30 -- G. Ramachandran 1964 -- 1970 31 -- M.N. Kaul 1964 -- 1972 32 -- Harivanshrai Bachchan 1966 -- 1972 33 -- Dhananjay Ramchandra Gadgil 1966 -- 1972 34 -- M.C. Setalvad 1966 -- 1972 35 G. Sankara Kurup 1968 -- 1972 36 Joachim Alva 1968 -- 1974 37 S. Nurul Hasan 1968 -- 1974 38 -- K. Ramiah 1968 -- 1974 39 -- Ganga Sharan Sinha 1968 -- 1974 40 -- Maragatham Chandrasekhar 1970 -- 1988 41 -- Umashankar Joshi 1970 -- 1976 42 -- Rasheeduddin Khan 1970 -- 1982 43 -- Vidya Prakash Dutt 1971 -- 1980 44 -- Abu Abraham 1972 -- 1978 45 -- Pramathanath Bishi 1972 -- 1978 46 -- C.K. Daphtary 1972 -- 1978 47 -- Habib Tanvir 1972 -- 1978 48 -- Krishna Kriplani 1974 -- 1980 49 Lokesh Chandra 1974 -- 1986 50 -- Scato Swu 1974 -- 1986 51 -- B.N. Banerjee 1976 -- 1982 52 -- Malcolm Adiseshiah 1978 -- 1984 53 -- Fathema Ismail 1978 -- 1984 54 -- Pandurang Dharmaji Jadhav 1978 -- 1984 55 -- Bhagwati Charan Varma 1978 -- 1984 56 Nargis Dutt 1980 -- 1986 57 Khushwant Singh 1980 -- 1986 58 -- Asima Chatterjee 1982 -- 1990 59 Sivaji Ganesan 1982 -- 1986 60 -- Hayatullah Ansari 1982 -- 1988 61 -- Madan Bhatia 1982 -- 1994 62 -- V.N. Tiwari 1982 -- 1984 63 -- Ghulam Rasool Kar 1984 -- 1987 64 -- Tindivanam K. Ramamurthy 1984 -- 1990 65 -- H.L. Kapur 1985 -- 1988 66 Salim Ali 1985 -- 1988 67 -- Purushottam Kakodkar 1985 -- 1991 68 Ela Bhatt 1986 -- 1988 69 -- Amrita Pritam 1986 -- 1992 70 M.F. Husain 1986 -- 1992 71 R.K. Narayan 1986 -- 1992 72 Ravi Shankar 1986 -- 1992 73 -- Syeda Anwara Taimur 1988 -- 1990 74 -- Sat Paul Mittal 1988 -- 1994 75 -- Bishambhar Nath Pande 1988 -- 1994 76 -- Mohammad Yunus 1989 -- 1995 77 Prakash Ambedkar 1990 -- 1996 78 Jagmohan 1990 -- 1996 79 -- Bhupinder Singh Mann 1990 -- 1996 80 -- Russi Karanjia 1991 -- 1997 81 -- Mahendra Prasad 1993 -- 1994 82 -- M. Aram 1993 -- 1999 83 Vyjayantimala Bali 1993 -- 1999 84 -- B.B. Dutta 1993 -- 1999 85 -- Maulana Habibur Rahman Nomani 1993 -- 1999 86 Nirmala Deshpande 1997 -- 1999 and 2004 -- 2010 87 Shabana Azmi 1997 -- 2003 88 -- P. Selvie Das 1997 -- 2003 89 -- Kartar Singh Duggal 1997 -- 2003 90 Kuldip Nayyar 1997 -- 2003 91 -- Raja Ramanna 1997 -- 2003 92 C. Narayana Reddy 1997 -- 2003 93 Mrinal Sen 1997 -- 2003 94 -- Chaudhary Harmohan Singh Yadav 1997 -- 2003 95 -- Nanaji Deshmukh 1999 -- 2005 96 Lata Mangeshkar 1999 -- 2005 97 -- Fali Nariman 1999 -- 2005 98 -- Cho Ramaswamy 1999 -- 2005 99 Hema Malini 2003 -- 2009 100 -- Bimal Jalan 2003 -- 2009 101 K. Kasturirangan 2003 -- 2009 102 -- Narayan Singh Manaklao 2003 -- 2009 103 -- Vidya Niwas Misra 2003 -- 2009 104 -- Chandan Mitra 2003 -- 2009 105 Dara Singh 2003 -- 2009 106 Kapila Vatsyayan 2006 -- 2012 107 Ram Jethmalani 2006 -- 2009 108 -- Shobhana Bhartia 2006 -- 2012 109 Shyam Benegal 2006 -- 2012 110 M.S. Swaminathan 2007 -- 2013 111 -- C. Rangarajan 2008 -- 2010 112 -- H.K. Dua 2009 -- 2015 113 -- Ashok Sekhar Ganguly 2009 -- 2015 114 -- Mani Shankar Aiyar 2010 -- 2016 115 Javed Akhtar 2010 -- 2016 116 B. Jayashree 2010 -- 2016 117 Ram Dayal Munda 2010 -- 2011 118 -- Bhalchandra Mungekar 2010 -- 2016 119 -- Mrinal Miri 2012 -- 2016 120 -- Anu Aga 2012 -- 2018 121 -- K. Parasaran 2012 -- 2018 122 Rekha 2012 -- 2018 123 Sachin Tendulkar 2012 -- 2018 124 -- K.T.S. Tulsi 2014 - 2020 125 Subramanian Swamy 2016 - 2022 126 MC Mary Kom 2016 - 2022 127 Narendra Jadhav 2016 - 2022 129 Suresh Gopi 2016 - 2022 130 -- Swapan Dasgupta 2016 - 2022 131 -- Sambhaji Raje 2016 - 2022 132 -- Roopa Ganguly 2016 - 2022 References ( edit ) Nominated Members since 1952 Narender Kumar Current list of Nominated Members Specific Jump up ^ `` Statewise List '' . 164.100. 47.5 . Retrieved 12 June 2016 . Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : `` Statewise Retirement '' . 164.100. 47.5 . Retrieved 12 June 2016 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Nominated members of the Rajya Sabha Lists of members of the Rajya Sabha Talk About Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia മലയാളം Edit links This page was last edited on 4 November 2017 , at 08 : 08 . About Wikipedia
1. Nominated members of Rajya Sabha 2. Contributions to art, literature, science, and social services 3. Current list of nominated members 4. Term of six years 5. Field affiliations and dates of appointment
the kuiper belt is an outer asteroid belt consisting of what types of solar system bodies
Kuiper belt - Wikipedia Kuiper belt Jump to : navigation , search `` KBOs '' redirects here . For other uses , see KBOS ( disambiguation ) . Known objects in the Kuiper belt beyond the orbit of Neptune . ( Scale in AU ; epoch as of January 2015 . ) Sun Jupiter trojans Giant planets : J S U N Centaurs Kuiper belt Scattered disc Neptune trojans Distances but not sizes are to scale Source : Minor Planet Center , and others Types of distant minor planets Cis - Neptunian objects Centaurs Neptune trojans Trans - Neptunian objects ( TNOs ) Kuiper belt objects ( KBOs ) Classical KBOs ( cubewanos ) Resonant KBOs Plutinos ( 2 : 3 resonance ) Scattered disc objects ( SDOs ) Resonant SDOs Detached objects Sednoids Oort cloud objects ( ICO / OCOs ) Trans - Neptunian dwarf planets are called `` plutoids '' The Kuiper belt ( / ˈkaɪpər / or Dutch pronunciation : ( ' kœy̯pər ) ) , occasionally called the Edgeworth -- Kuiper belt , is a circumstellar disc in the outer Solar System , extending from the orbit of Neptune ( at 30 AU ) to approximately 50 AU from the Sun . It is similar to the asteroid belt , but is far larger -- 20 times as wide and 20 to 200 times as massive . Like the asteroid belt , it consists mainly of small bodies or remnants from when the Solar System formed . While many asteroids are composed primarily of rock and metal , most Kuiper belt objects are composed largely of frozen volatiles ( termed `` ices '' ) , such as methane , ammonia and water . The Kuiper belt is home to three officially recognized dwarf planets : Pluto , Haumea and Makemake . Some of the Solar System 's moons , such as Neptune 's Triton and Saturn 's Phoebe , may have originated in the region . The Kuiper belt was named after Dutch - American astronomer Gerard Kuiper , though he did not predict its existence . In 1992 , Albion was discovered , the first Kuiper belt object ( KBO ) since Pluto and Charon . Since its discovery , the number of known KBOs has increased to over a thousand , and more than 100,000 KBOs over 100 km ( 62 mi ) in diameter are thought to exist . The Kuiper belt was initially thought to be the main repository for periodic comets , those with orbits lasting less than 200 years . Studies since the mid-1990s have shown that the belt is dynamically stable and that comets ' true place of origin is the scattered disc , a dynamically active zone created by the outward motion of Neptune 4.5 billion years ago ; scattered disc objects such as Eris have extremely eccentric orbits that take them as far as 100 AU from the Sun . The Kuiper belt is distinct from the theoretical Oort cloud , which is a thousand times more distant and is mostly spherical . The objects within the Kuiper belt , together with the members of the scattered disc and any potential Hills cloud or Oort cloud objects , are collectively referred to as trans - Neptunian objects ( TNOs ) . Pluto is the largest and most massive member of the Kuiper belt , and the largest and the second-most - massive known TNO , surpassed only by Eris in the scattered disc . Originally considered a planet , Pluto 's status as part of the Kuiper belt caused it to be reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006 . It is compositionally similar to many other objects of the Kuiper belt and its orbital period is characteristic of a class of KBOs , known as `` plutinos '' , that share the same 2 : 3 resonance with Neptune . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Hypotheses 1.2 Discovery 1.3 Name 2 Structure 2.1 Classical belt 2.2 Resonances 2.3 Kuiper cliff 3 Origin 4 Composition 5 Mass and size distribution 6 Scattered objects 6.1 Triton 7 Largest KBOs 7.1 Pluto 7.2 Satellites 8 Exploration 9 Extrasolar Kuiper belts 10 See also 11 Notes 12 References 12.1 Bibliography 13 External links History ( edit ) After the discovery of Pluto in 1930 , many speculated that it might not be alone . The region now called the Kuiper belt was hypothesized in various forms for decades . It was only in 1992 that the first direct evidence for its existence was found . The number and variety of prior speculations on the nature of the Kuiper belt have led to continued uncertainty as to who deserves credit for first proposing it . Hypotheses ( edit ) The first astronomer to suggest the existence of a trans - Neptunian population was Frederick C. Leonard . Soon after Pluto 's discovery by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 , Leonard pondered whether it was `` not likely that in Pluto there has come to light the first of a series of ultra-Neptunian bodies , the remaining members of which still await discovery but which are destined eventually to be detected '' . That same year , astronomer Armin O. Leuschner suggested that Pluto `` may be one of many long - period planetary objects yet to be discovered . '' Astronomer Gerard Kuiper , after whom the Kuiper belt is named In 1943 , in the Journal of the British Astronomical Association , Kenneth Edgeworth hypothesized that , in the region beyond Neptune , the material within the primordial solar nebula was too widely spaced to condense into planets , and so rather condensed into a myriad of smaller bodies . From this he concluded that `` the outer region of the solar system , beyond the orbits of the planets , is occupied by a very large number of comparatively small bodies '' and that , from time to time , one of their number `` wanders from its own sphere and appears as an occasional visitor to the inner solar system '' , becoming a comet . In 1951 , in a paper in Astrophysics : A Topical Symposium , Gerard Kuiper speculated on a similar disc having formed early in the Solar System 's evolution , but he did not think that such a belt still existed today . Kuiper was operating on the assumption , common in his time , that Pluto was the size of Earth and had therefore scattered these bodies out toward the Oort cloud or out of the Solar System . Were Kuiper 's hypothesis correct , there would not be a Kuiper belt today . The hypothesis took many other forms in the following decades . In 1962 , physicist Al G.W. Cameron postulated the existence of `` a tremendous mass of small material on the outskirts of the solar system '' . In 1964 , Fred Whipple , who popularised the famous `` dirty snowball '' hypothesis for cometary structure , thought that a `` comet belt '' might be massive enough to cause the purported discrepancies in the orbit of Uranus that had sparked the search for Planet X , or , at the very least , massive enough to affect the orbits of known comets . Observation ruled out this hypothesis . In 1977 , Charles Kowal discovered 2060 Chiron , an icy planetoid with an orbit between Saturn and Uranus . He used a blink comparator , the same device that had allowed Clyde Tombaugh to discover Pluto nearly 50 years before . In 1992 , another object , 5145 Pholus , was discovered in a similar orbit . Today , an entire population of comet - like bodies , called the centaurs , is known to exist in the region between Jupiter and Neptune . The centaurs ' orbits are unstable and have dynamical lifetimes of a few million years . From the time of Chiron 's discovery in 1977 , astronomers have speculated that the centaurs therefore must be frequently replenished by some outer reservoir . Further evidence for the existence of the Kuiper belt later emerged from the study of comets . That comets have finite lifespans has been known for some time . As they approach the Sun , its heat causes their volatile surfaces to sublimate into space , gradually dispersing them . In order for comets to continue to be visible over the age of the Solar System , they must be replenished frequently . One such area of replenishment is the Oort cloud , a spherical swarm of comets extending beyond 50,000 AU from the Sun first hypothesised by Dutch astronomer Jan Oort in 1950 . The Oort cloud is thought to be the point of origin of long - period comets , which are those , like Hale -- Bopp , with orbits lasting thousands of years . There is another comet population , known as short - period or periodic comets , consisting of those comets that , like Halley 's Comet , have orbital periods of less than 200 years . By the 1970s , the rate at which short - period comets were being discovered was becoming increasingly inconsistent with their having emerged solely from the Oort cloud . For an Oort cloud object to become a short - period comet , it would first have to be captured by the giant planets . In a paper published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1980 , Uruguayan astronomer Julio Fernández stated that for every short - period comet to be sent into the inner Solar System from the Oort cloud , 600 would have to be ejected into interstellar space . He speculated that a comet belt from between 35 and 50 AU would be required to account for the observed number of comets . Following up on Fernández 's work , in 1988 the Canadian team of Martin Duncan , Tom Quinn and Scott Tremaine ran a number of computer simulations to determine if all observed comets could have arrived from the Oort cloud . They found that the Oort cloud could not account for all short - period comets , particularly as short - period comets are clustered near the plane of the Solar System , whereas Oort - cloud comets tend to arrive from any point in the sky . With a `` belt '' , as Fernández described it , added to the formulations , the simulations matched observations . Reportedly because the words `` Kuiper '' and `` comet belt '' appeared in the opening sentence of Fernández 's paper , Tremaine named this hypothetical region the `` Kuiper belt '' . Discovery ( edit ) The array of telescopes atop Mauna Kea , with which the Kuiper belt was discovered In 1987 , astronomer David Jewitt , then at MIT , became increasingly puzzled by `` the apparent emptiness of the outer Solar System '' . He encouraged then - graduate student Jane Luu to aid him in his endeavour to locate another object beyond Pluto 's orbit , because , as he told her , `` If we do n't , nobody will . '' Using telescopes at the Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona and the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile , Jewitt and Luu conducted their search in much the same way as Clyde Tombaugh and Charles Kowal had , with a blink comparator . Initially , examination of each pair of plates took about eight hours , but the process was sped up with the arrival of electronic charge - coupled devices or CCDs , which , though their field of view was narrower , were not only more efficient at collecting light ( they retained 90 % of the light that hit them , rather than the 10 % achieved by photographs ) but allowed the blinking process to be done virtually , on a computer screen . Today , CCDs form the basis for most astronomical detectors . In 1988 , Jewitt moved to the Institute of Astronomy at the University of Hawaii . Luu later joined him to work at the University of Hawaii 's 2.24 m telescope at Mauna Kea . Eventually , the field of view for CCDs had increased to 1024 by 1024 pixels , which allowed searches to be conducted far more rapidly . Finally , after five years of searching , Jewitt and Luu announced on August 30 , 1992 the `` Discovery of the candidate Kuiper belt object '' 15760 Albion . Six months later , they discovered a second object in the region , ( 181708 ) 1993 FW . Studies conducted since the trans - Neptunian region was first charted have shown that the region now called the Kuiper belt is not the point of origin of short - period comets , but that they instead derive from a linked population called the scattered disc . The scattered disc was created when Neptune migrated outward into the proto - Kuiper belt , which at the time was much closer to the Sun , and left in its wake a population of dynamically stable objects that could never be affected by its orbit ( the Kuiper belt proper ) , and a population whose perihelia are close enough that Neptune can still disturb them as it travels around the Sun ( the scattered disc ) . Because the scattered disc is dynamically active and the Kuiper belt relatively dynamically stable , the scattered disc is now seen as the most likely point of origin for periodic comets . Name ( edit ) Astronomers sometimes use the alternative name Edgeworth -- Kuiper belt to credit Edgeworth , and KBOs are occasionally referred to as EKOs . Brian G. Marsden claims that neither deserves true credit : `` Neither Edgeworth nor Kuiper wrote about anything remotely like what we are now seeing , but Fred Whipple did '' . David Jewitt comments : `` If anything ... Fernández most nearly deserves the credit for predicting the Kuiper Belt . '' KBOs are sometimes called `` kuiperoids '' , a name suggested by Clyde Tombaugh . The term `` trans - Neptunian object '' ( TNO ) is recommended for objects in the belt by several scientific groups because the term is less controversial than all others -- it is not an exact synonym though , as TNOs include all objects orbiting the Sun past the orbit of Neptune , not just those in the Kuiper belt . Structure ( edit ) Play media Dust in the Kuiper belt creates a faint infrared disc . ( Click on the `` play '' button to watch the video . ) At its fullest extent ( but excluding the scattered disc ) , including its outlying regions , the Kuiper belt stretches from roughly 30 to 55 AU . The main body of the belt is generally accepted to extend from the 2 : 3 mean - motion resonance ( see below ) at 39.5 AU to the 1 : 2 resonance at roughly 48 AU . The Kuiper belt is quite thick , with the main concentration extending as much as ten degrees outside the ecliptic plane and a more diffuse distribution of objects extending several times farther . Overall it more resembles a torus or doughnut than a belt . Its mean position is inclined to the ecliptic by 1.86 degrees . The presence of Neptune has a profound effect on the Kuiper belt 's structure due to orbital resonances . Over a timescale comparable to the age of the Solar System , Neptune 's gravity destabilises the orbits of any objects that happen to lie in certain regions , and either sends them into the inner Solar System or out into the scattered disc or interstellar space . This causes the Kuiper belt to have pronounced gaps in its current layout , similar to the Kirkwood gaps in the asteroid belt . In the region between 40 and 42 AU , for instance , no objects can retain a stable orbit over such times , and any observed in that region must have migrated there relatively recently . Classical belt ( edit ) Main article : Classical Kuiper belt object Between the 2 : 3 and 1 : 2 resonances with Neptune , at approximately 42 -- 48 AU , the gravitational interactions with Neptune occur over an extended timescale , and objects can exist with their orbits essentially unaltered . This region is known as the classical Kuiper belt , and its members comprise roughly two thirds of KBOs observed to date . Because the first modern KBO discovered , ( 15760 ) 1992 QB 1 , is considered the prototype of this group , classical KBOs are often referred to as cubewanos ( `` Q-B - 1 - os '' ) . The guidelines established by the IAU demand that classical KBOs be given names of mythological beings associated with creation . The classical Kuiper belt appears to be a composite of two separate populations . The first , known as the `` dynamically cold '' population , has orbits much like the planets ; nearly circular , with an orbital eccentricity of less than 0.1 , and with relatively low inclinations up to about 10 ° ( they lie close to the plane of the Solar System rather than at an angle ) . The cold population also contain a concentration of objects , referred to as the kernel , with semi-major axes at 44 -- 44.5 AU . The second , the `` dynamically hot '' population , has orbits much more inclined to the ecliptic , by up to 30 ° . The two populations have been named this way not because of any major difference in temperature , but from analogy to particles in a gas , which increase their relative velocity as they become heated up . Not only are the two populations in different orbits , the cold population also differs in color and albedo , being redder and brighter , has a larger fraction of binary objects , has a different size distribution , and lacks very large objects . The difference in colors may be a reflection of different compositions , which suggests they formed in different regions . The hot population is proposed to have formed near Neptune 's original orbit and to have been scattered out during the migration of the giant planets . The cold population , on the other hand , has been proposed to have formed more or less in its current position because the loose binaries would be unlikely to survive encounters with Neptune . Although the Nice model appears to be able to at least partially explain a compositional difference , it has also been suggested the color difference may reflect differences in surface evolution . Resonances ( edit ) Main article : Resonant trans - Neptunian object Distribution of cubewanos ( blue ) , Resonant trans - Neptunian objects ( red ) , Sednoids ( yellow ) and scattered objects ( grey ) Orbit classification ( schematic of semi-major axes ) When an object 's orbital period is an exact ratio of Neptune 's ( a situation called a mean - motion resonance ) , then it can become locked in a synchronised motion with Neptune and avoid being perturbed away if their relative alignments are appropriate . If , for instance , an object orbits the Sun twice for every three Neptune orbits , and if it reaches perihelion with Neptune a quarter of an orbit away from it , then whenever it returns to perihelion , Neptune will always be in about the same relative position as it began , because it will have completed ​ 1 ⁄ orbits in the same time . This is known as the 2 : 3 ( or 3 : 2 ) resonance , and it corresponds to a characteristic semi-major axis of about 39.4 AU . This 2 : 3 resonance is populated by about 200 known objects , including Pluto together with its moons . In recognition of this , the members of this family are known as plutinos . Many plutinos , including Pluto , have orbits that cross that of Neptune , though their resonance means they can never collide . Plutinos have high orbital eccentricities , suggesting that they are not native to their current positions but were instead thrown haphazardly into their orbits by the migrating Neptune . IAU guidelines dictate that all plutinos must , like Pluto , be named for underworld deities . The 1 : 2 resonance ( whose objects complete half an orbit for each of Neptune 's ) corresponds to semi-major axes of ~ 47.7 AU , and is sparsely populated . Its residents are sometimes referred to as twotinos . Other resonances also exist at 3 : 4 , 3 : 5 , 4 : 7 and 2 : 5 . Neptune has a number of trojan objects , which occupy its Lagrangian points , gravitationally stable regions leading and trailing it in its orbit . Neptune trojans are in a 1 : 1 mean - motion resonance with Neptune and often have very stable orbits . Additionally , there is a relative absence of objects with semi-major axes below 39 AU that can not apparently be explained by the present resonances . The currently accepted hypothesis for the cause of this is that as Neptune migrated outward , unstable orbital resonances moved gradually through this region , and thus any objects within it were swept up , or gravitationally ejected from it . Kuiper cliff ( edit ) Histogram of the semi-major axes of Kuiper belt objects with inclinations above and below 5 degrees . Spikes from the plutinos and the ' kernel ' are visible at 39 -- 40 AU and 44 AU . The 1 : 2 resonance appears to be an edge beyond which few objects are known . It is not clear whether it is actually the outer edge of the classical belt or just the beginning of a broad gap . Objects have been detected at the 2 : 5 resonance at roughly 55 AU , well outside the classical belt ; predictions of a large number of bodies in classical orbits between these resonances have not been verified through observation . Based on estimations of the primordial mass required to form Uranus and Neptune , as well as bodies as large as Pluto ( see below ) , earlier models of the Kuiper belt had suggested that the number of large objects would increase by a factor of two beyond 50 AU , so this sudden drastic falloff , known as the Kuiper cliff , was unexpected , and to date its cause is unknown . In 2003 , Bernstein , Trilling , et al. found evidence that the rapid decline in objects of 100 km or more in radius beyond 50 AU is real , and not due to observational bias . Possible explanations include that material at that distance was too scarce or too scattered to accrete into large objects , or that subsequent processes removed or destroyed those that did . Patryk Lykawka of Kobe University claimed that the gravitational attraction of an unseen large planetary object , perhaps the size of Earth or Mars , might be responsible . Origin ( edit ) Simulation showing outer planets and Kuiper belt : a ) before Jupiter / Saturn 1 : 2 resonance , b ) scattering of Kuiper belt objects into the Solar System after the orbital shift of Neptune , c ) after ejection of Kuiper belt bodies by Jupiter The precise origins of the Kuiper belt and its complex structure are still unclear , and astronomers are awaiting the completion of several wide - field survey telescopes such as Pan-STARRS and the future LSST , which should reveal many currently unknown KBOs . These surveys will provide data that will help determine answers to these questions . The Kuiper belt is thought to consist of planetesimals , fragments from the original protoplanetary disc around the Sun that failed to fully coalesce into planets and instead formed into smaller bodies , the largest less than 3,000 kilometres ( 1,900 mi ) in diameter . Studies of the crater counts on Pluto and Charon revealed a scarcity of small craters suggesting that such objects formed directly as sizeable objects in the range of tens of kilometers in diameter rather than being accreted from much smaller , roughly kilometer scale bodies . Hypothetical mechanisms for the formation of these larger bodies include the gravitational collapse of clouds of pebbles concentrated between eddies in a turbulent protoplanetary disk or in streaming instabilities . These collapsing clouds may fragment , forming binaries . Modern computer simulations show the Kuiper belt to have been strongly influenced by Jupiter and Neptune , and also suggest that neither Uranus nor Neptune could have formed in their present positions , because too little primordial matter existed at that range to produce objects of such high mass . Instead , these planets are estimated to have formed closer to Jupiter . Scattering of planetesimals early in the Solar System 's history would have led to migration of the orbits of the giant planets : Saturn , Uranus , and Neptune drifted outwards , whereas Jupiter drifted inwards . Eventually , the orbits shifted to the point where Jupiter and Saturn reached an exact 1 : 2 resonance ; Jupiter orbited the Sun twice for every one Saturn orbit . The gravitational repercussions of such a resonance ultimately destabilized the orbits of Uranus and Neptune , causing them to be scattered outward onto high - eccentricity orbits that crossed the primordial planetesimal disc . While Neptune 's orbit was highly eccentric , its mean - motion resonances overlapped and the orbits of the planetesimals evolved chaotically , allowing planetesimals to wander outward as far as Neptune 's 1 : 2 resonance to form a dynamically cold belt of low - inclination objects . Later , after its eccentricity decreased , Neptune 's orbit expanded outward toward its current position . Many planetesimals were captured into and remain in resonances during this migration , others evolved onto higher - inclination and lower - eccentricity orbits and escaped from the resonances onto stable orbits . Many more planetesimals were scattered inward , with small fractions being captured as Jupiter trojans , as irregular satellites orbiting the giant planets , and as outer belt asteroids . The remainder were scattered outward again by Jupiter and in most cases ejected from the Solar System reducing the primordial Kuiper belt population by 99 % or more . The original version of the currently most popular model , the `` Nice model '' , reproduces many characteristics of the Kuiper belt such as the `` cold '' and `` hot '' populations , resonant objects , and a scattered disc , but it still fails to account for some of the characteristics of their distributions . The model predicts a higher average eccentricity in classical KBO orbits than is observed ( 0.10 -- 0.13 versus 0.07 ) and its predicted inclination distribution contains too few high inclination objects . In addition , the frequency of binary objects in the cold belt , many of which are far apart and loosely bound , also poses a problem for the model . These are predicted to have been separated during encounters with Neptune , leading some to propose that the cold disc formed at its current location , representing the only truly local population of small bodies in the solar system . A recent modification of the Nice model has the Solar System begin with five giant planets , including an additional ice giant , in a chain of mean - motion resonances . About 400 million years after the formation of the Solar System the resonance chain is broken . Instead of being scattered into the disc , the ice giants first migrate outward several AU . This divergent migration eventually leads to a resonance crossing , destabilizing the orbits of the planets . The extra ice giant encounters Saturn and is scattered inward onto a Jupiter - crossing orbit and after a series of encounters is ejected from the Solar System . The remaining planets then continue their migration until the planetesimal disc is nearly depleted with small fractions remaining in various locations . As in the original Nice model , objects are captured into resonances with Neptune during its outward migration . Some remain in the resonances , others evolve onto higher - inclination , lower - eccentricity orbits , and are released onto stable orbits forming the dynamically hot classical belt . The hot belt 's inclination distribution can be reproduced if Neptune migrated from 24 AU to 30 AU on a 30 Myr timescale . When Neptune migrates to 28 AU , it has a gravitational encounter with the extra ice giant . Objects captured from the cold belt into the 1 : 2 mean - motion resonance with Neptune are left behind as a local concentration at 44 AU when this encounter causes Neptune 's semi-major axis to jump outward . The objects deposited in the cold belt include some loosely bound ' blue ' binaries originating from closer than the cold belt 's current location . If Neptune 's eccentricity remains small during this encounter , the chaotic evolution of orbits of the original Nice model is avoided and a primordial cold belt is preserved . In the later phases of Neptune 's migration , a slow sweeping of mean - motion resonances removes the higher - eccentricity objects from the cold belt , truncating its eccentricity distribution . Composition ( edit ) The infrared spectra of both Eris and Pluto , highlighting their common methane absorption lines Being distant from the Sun and major planets , Kuiper belt objects are thought to be relatively unaffected by the processes that have shaped and altered other Solar System objects ; thus , determining their composition would provide substantial information on the makeup of the earliest Solar System . Due to their small size and extreme distance from Earth , the chemical makeup of KBOs is very difficult to determine . The principal method by which astronomers determine the composition of a celestial object is spectroscopy . When an object 's light is broken into its component colors , an image akin to a rainbow is formed . This image is called a spectrum . Different substances absorb light at different wavelengths , and when the spectrum for a specific object is unravelled , dark lines ( called absorption lines ) appear where the substances within it have absorbed that particular wavelength of light . Every element or compound has its own unique spectroscopic signature , and by reading an object 's full spectral `` fingerprint '' , astronomers can determine its composition . Analysis indicates that Kuiper belt objects are composed of a mixture of rock and a variety of ices such as water , methane , and ammonia . The temperature of the belt is only about 50 K , so many compounds that would be gaseous closer to the Sun remain solid . The densities and rock -- ice fractions are known for only a small number of objects for which the diameters and the masses have been determined . The diameter can be determined by imaging with a high - resolution telescope such as the Hubble Space Telescope , by the timing of an occultation when an object passes in front of a star or , most commonly , by using the albedo of an object calculated from its infrared emissions . The masses are determined using the semi-major axes and periods of satellites , which are therefore known only for a few binary objects . The densities range from less than 0.4 to 2.6 g / cm . The least dense objects are thought to be largely composed of ice and have significant porosity . The densest objects are likely composed of rock with a thin crust of ice . There is a trend of low densities for small objects and high densities for the largest objects . One possible explanation for this trend is that ice was lost from the surface layers when differentiated objects collided to form the largest objects . Initially , detailed analysis of KBOs was impossible , and so astronomers were only able to determine the most basic facts about their makeup , primarily their color . These first data showed a broad range of colors among KBOs , ranging from neutral grey to deep red . This suggested that their surfaces were composed of a wide range of compounds , from dirty ices to hydrocarbons . This diversity was startling , as astronomers had expected KBOs to be uniformly dark , having lost most of the volatile ices from their surfaces to the effects of cosmic rays . Various solutions were suggested for this discrepancy , including resurfacing by impacts or outgassing . Jewitt and Luu 's spectral analysis of the known Kuiper belt objects in 2001 found that the variation in color was too extreme to be easily explained by random impacts . The radiation from the Sun is thought to have chemically altered methane on the surface of KBOs , producing products such as tholins . Makemake has been shown to possess a number of hydrocarbons derived from the radiation - processing of methane , including ethane , ethylene and acetylene . Although to date most KBOs still appear spectrally featureless due to their faintness , there have been a number of successes in determining their composition . In 1996 , Robert H. Brown et al. acquired spectroscopic data on the KBO 1993 SC , which revealed that its surface composition is markedly similar to that of Pluto , as well as Neptune 's moon Triton , with large amounts of methane ice . For the smaller objects , only colors and in some cases the albedos have been determined . These objects largely fall into two classes : gray with low albedos , or very red with higher albedos . The difference in colors and albedos is hypothesized to be due to the retention or the loss of hydrogen sulfide ( H S ) on the surface of these objects , with the surfaces of those that formed far enough from the Sun to retain H S being reddened due to irradiation . The largest KBOs , such as Pluto and Quaoar , have surfaces rich in volatile compounds such as methane , nitrogen and carbon monoxide ; the presence of these molecules is likely due to their moderate vapor pressure in the 30 -- 50 K temperature range of the Kuiper belt . This allows them to occasionally boil off their surfaces and then fall again as snow , whereas compounds with higher boiling points would remain solid . The relative abundances of these three compounds in the largest KBOs is directly related to their surface gravity and ambient temperature , which determines which they can retain . Water ice has been detected in several KBOs , including members of the Haumea family such as 1996 TO , mid-sized objects such as 38628 Huya and 20000 Varuna , and also on some small objects . The presence of crystalline ice on large and mid-sized objects , including 50000 Quaoar where ammonia hydrate has also been detected , may indicate past tectonic activity aided by melting point lowering due to the presence of ammonia . Mass and size distribution ( edit ) Illustration of the power law Despite its vast extent , the collective mass of the Kuiper belt is relatively low . The total mass is estimated to range between 1 / 25 and 1 / 10 the mass of the Earth . Conversely , models of the Solar System 's formation predict a collective mass for the Kuiper belt of 30 Earth masses . This missing > 99 % of the mass can hardly be dismissed , because it is required for the accretion of any KBOs larger than 100 km ( 62 mi ) in diameter . If the Kuiper belt had always had its current low density , these large objects simply could not have formed by the collision and mergers of smaller planetesimals . Moreover , the eccentricity and inclination of current orbits makes the encounters quite `` violent '' resulting in destruction rather than accretion . It appears that either the current residents of the Kuiper belt have been created closer to the Sun , or some mechanism dispersed the original mass . Neptune 's current influence is too weak to explain such a massive `` vacuuming '' , though the Nice model proposes that it could have been the cause of mass removal in the past . Although the question remains open , the conjectures vary from a passing star scenario to grinding of smaller objects , via collisions , into dust small enough to be affected by solar radiation . The extent of mass loss by collisional grinding is limited by the presence of loosely bound binaries in the cold disk , which are likely to be disrupted in collisions . Bright objects are rare compared with the dominant dim population , as expected from accretion models of origin , given that only some objects of a given size would have grown further . This relationship between N ( D ) ( the number of objects of diameter greater than D ) and D , referred to as brightness slope , has been confirmed by observations . The slope is inversely proportional to some power of the diameter D: d N d D ∝ D − q ( \ displaystyle ( \ frac ( dN ) ( dD ) ) \ propto D ^ ( - q ) ) where the current measures give q = 4 ± 0.5 . This implies ( assuming q is not 1 ) that N ∝ D 1 − q + a constant . ( \ displaystyle N \ propto D ^ ( 1 - q ) + ( \ text ( a constant ) ) . ) ( The constant may be non-zero only if the power law does n't apply at high values of D . ) Less formally , if q is 4 , for example , there are 8 ( = 2 ) times more objects in the 100 -- 200 km range than in the 200 -- 400 km range , and for every object with a diameter between 1000 and 1010 km there should be around 1000 ( = 10 ) objects with diameter of 100 to 101 km . If q was 1 or less , the law would imply an infinite number and mass of large objects in the Kuiper belt . If 1 < q ≤ 4 there will be a finite number of objects greater than a given size , but the expected value of their combined mass would be infinite . If q is 4 or more , the law would imply an infinite mass of small objects . More accurate models find that the `` slope '' parameter q is in effect greater at large diameters and lesser at small diameters . It seems that Pluto is somewhat unexpectedly large , having several percent of the total mass of the Kuiper belt . It is not expected that anything larger than Pluto exists in the Kuiper belt , and in fact most of the brightest ( largest ) objects at inclinations less than 5 ° have probably been found . For most TNOs , only the absolute magnitude is actually known , the size is inferred assuming a given albedo ( not a safe assumption for larger objects ) . Recent research has revealed that the size distributions of the hot classical and cold classical objects have differing slopes . The slope for the hot objects is q = 5.3 at large diameters and q = 2.0 at small diameters with the change in slope at 110 km . The slope for the cold objects is q = 8.2 at large diameters and q = 2.9 at small diameters with a change in slope at 140 km . The size distributions of the scattering objects , the plutinos , and the Neptune trojans have slopes similar to the other dynamically hot populations , but may instead have a divot , a sharp decrease in the number of objects below a specific size . This divot is hypothesized to be due to either the collisional evolution of the population , or to be due to the population having formed with no objects below this size , with the smaller objects being fragments of the original objects . As of December 2009 , the smallest Kuiper belt object detected is 980 m across . It is too dim ( magnitude 35 ) to be seen by Hubble directly , but it was detected by Hubble 's star tracking system when it occulted a star . Scattered objects ( edit ) Comparison of the orbits of scattered disc objects ( black ) , classical KBOs ( blue ) , and 2 : 5 resonant objects ( green ) . Orbits of other KBOs are gray . ( Orbital axes have been aligned for comparison . ) Main articles : Scattered disc and Centaur ( minor planet ) The scattered disc is a sparsely populated region , overlapping with the Kuiper belt but extending to beyond 100 AU . Scattered disc objects ( SDOs ) have very elliptical orbits , often also very inclined to the ecliptic . Most models of Solar System formation show both KBOs and SDOs first forming in a primordial belt , with later gravitational interactions , particularly with Neptune , sending the objects outward , some into stable orbits ( the KBOs ) and some into unstable orbits , the scattered disc . Due to its unstable nature , the scattered disc is suspected to be the point of origin of many of the Solar System 's short - period comets . Their dynamic orbits occasionally force them into the inner Solar System , first becoming centaurs , and then short - period comets . According to the Minor Planet Center , which officially catalogues all trans - Neptunian objects , a KBO , strictly speaking , is any object that orbits exclusively within the defined Kuiper belt region regardless of origin or composition . Objects found outside the belt are classed as scattered objects . In some scientific circles the term `` Kuiper belt object '' has become synonymous with any icy minor planet native to the outer Solar System assumed to have been part of that initial class , even if its orbit during the bulk of Solar System history has been beyond the Kuiper belt ( e.g. in the scattered - disc region ) . They often describe scattered disc objects as `` scattered Kuiper belt objects '' . Eris , which is known to be more massive than Pluto , is often referred to as a KBO , but is technically an SDO . A consensus among astronomers as to the precise definition of the Kuiper belt has yet to be reached , and this issue remains unresolved . The centaurs , which are not normally considered part of the Kuiper belt , are also thought to be scattered objects , the only difference being that they were scattered inward , rather than outward . The Minor Planet Center groups the centaurs and the SDOs together as scattered objects . Triton ( edit ) Main article : Triton ( moon ) Neptune 's moon Triton During its period of migration , Neptune is thought to have captured a large KBO , Triton , which is the only large moon in the Solar System with a retrograde orbit ( it orbits opposite to Neptune 's rotation ) . This suggests that , unlike the large moons of Jupiter , Saturn and Uranus , which are thought to have coalesced from rotating discs of material around their young parent planets , Triton was a fully formed body that was captured from surrounding space . Gravitational capture of an object is not easy : it requires some mechanism to slow down the object enough to be caught by the larger object 's gravity . A possible explanation is that Triton was part of a binary when it encountered Neptune . ( Many KBOs are members of binaries . See below . ) Ejection of the other member of the binary by Neptune could then explain Triton 's capture . Triton is only 14 % larger than Pluto , and spectral analysis of both worlds shows that their surfaces are largely composed of similar materials , such as methane and carbon monoxide . All this points to the conclusion that Triton was once a KBO that was captured by Neptune during its outward migration . Largest KBOs ( edit ) See also : List of the brightest Kuiper belt objects Artistic comparison of Pluto , Eris , Makemake , Haumea , Sedna , 2002 MS , 2007 OR , Quaoar , Salacia , Orcus , and Earth along with the Moon . Since 2000 , a number of KBOs with diameters of between 500 and 1,500 km ( 932 mi ) , more than half that of Pluto ( diameter 2370 km ) , have been discovered . 50000 Quaoar , a classical KBO discovered in 2002 , is over 1,200 km across . Makemake and Haumea , both announced on July 29 , 2005 , are larger still . Other objects , such as 28978 Ixion ( discovered in 2001 ) and 20000 Varuna ( discovered in 2000 ) , measure roughly 500 km ( 311 mi ) across . Pluto ( edit ) Main article : Pluto The discovery of these large KBOs in orbits similar to Pluto 's led many to conclude that , aside from its relative size , Pluto was not particularly different from other members of the Kuiper belt . Not only are these objects similar to Pluto in size , but many also have satellites , and are of similar composition ( methane and carbon monoxide have been found both on Pluto and on the largest KBOs ) . Thus , just as Ceres was considered a planet before the discovery of its fellow asteroids , some began to suggest that Pluto might also be reclassified . The issue was brought to a head by the discovery of Eris , an object in the scattered disc far beyond the Kuiper belt , that is now known to be 27 % more massive than Pluto . ( Eris was originally thought to be larger than Pluto by volume , but the New Horizons mission found this not to be the case . ) In response , the International Astronomical Union ( IAU ) was forced to define what a planet is for the first time , and in so doing included in their definition that a planet must have `` cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit '' . As Pluto shares its orbit with many other sizable objects , it was deemed not to have cleared its orbit , and was thus reclassified from a planet to a dwarf planet , making it a member of the Kuiper belt . Although Pluto is currently the largest known KBO , there is at least one known larger object currently outside the Kuiper belt that probably originated in it : Neptune 's moon Triton ( which , as explained above , is probably a captured KBO ) . As of 2008 , only five objects in the Solar System ( Ceres , Eris , and the KBOs Pluto , Makemake and Haumea ) are listed as dwarf planets by the IAU . 90482 Orcus , 28978 Ixion and many other Kuiper - belt objects are large enough to be in hydrostatic equilibrium ; most of them will probably qualify when more is known about them . Satellites ( edit ) The six largest TNOs ( Eris , Pluto , 2007 OR , Makemake , Haumea and Quaoar ) are all known to have satellites , and two have more than one . A higher percentage of the larger KBOs have satellites than the smaller objects in the Kuiper belt , suggesting that a different formation mechanism was responsible . There are also a high number of binaries ( two objects close enough in mass to be orbiting `` each other '' ) in the Kuiper belt . The most notable example is the Pluto -- Charon binary , but it is estimated that around 11 % of KBOs exist in binaries . Exploration ( edit ) Main article : New Horizons Kuiper belt object -- possible target of New Horizons spacecraft ( artist 's concept ) The KBO 2014 MU 69 ( green circles ) , the selected target for the New Horizons Kuiper belt object mission Diagram showing the location of 2014 MU 69 and trajectory for rendezvous On January 19 , 2006 , the first spacecraft to explore the Kuiper belt , New Horizons , was launched , which flew by Pluto on July 14 , 2015 . Beyond the Pluto flyby , the mission 's goal was to locate and investigate other , farther objects in the Kuiper belt . On October 15 , 2014 , it was revealed that Hubble had uncovered three potential targets , provisionally designated PT1 ( `` potential target 1 '' ) , PT2 and PT3 by the New Horizons team . The objects ' diameters were estimated to be in the 30 -- 55 km range ; too small to be seen by ground telescopes , at distances from the Sun of 43 -- 44 AU , which would put the encounters in the 2018 -- 2019 period . The initial estimated probabilities that these objects were reachable within New Horizons ' fuel budget were 100 % , 7 % , and 97 % , respectively . All were members of the `` cold '' ( low - inclination , low - eccentricity ) classical Kuiper belt , and thus very different from Pluto . PT1 ( given the temporary designation `` 1110113Y '' on the HST web site ) , the most favorably situated object , was magnitude 26.8 , 30 -- 45 km in diameter , and will be encountered around January 2019 . Once sufficient orbital information was provided , the Minor Planet Center gave official designations to the three target KBOs : 2014 MU 69 ( PT1 ) , 2014 OS 393 ( PT2 ) , and 2014 PN 70 ( PT3 ) . By the fall of 2014 , a possible fourth target , 2014 MT 69 , had been eliminated by follow - up observations . PT2 was out of the running before the Pluto flyby . On August 26 , 2015 , the first target , 2014 MU 69 , was chosen . Course adjustment took place in late October and early November 2015 , leading to a flyby in January 2019 . On July 1 , 2016 , NASA approved additional funding for New Horizons to visit the object . On December 2 , 2015 , New Horizons detected 1994 JR 1 from 270 million kilometres ( 170 × 10 ^ mi ) away , and the photographs show the shape of the object and one or two details . Extrasolar Kuiper belts ( edit ) Main article : Debris disc Debris discs around the stars HD 139664 and HD 53143 -- black circle from camera hides star to display discs . By 2006 , astronomers had resolved dust discs thought to be Kuiper belt - like structures around nine stars other than the Sun . They appear to fall into two categories : wide belts , with radii of over 50 AU , and narrow belts ( tentatively like that of the Solar System ) with radii of between 20 and 30 AU and relatively sharp boundaries . Beyond this , 15 -- 20 % of solar - type stars have an observed infrared excess that is suggestive of massive Kuiper - belt - like structures . Most known debris discs around other stars are fairly young , but the two images on the right , taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in January 2006 , are old enough ( roughly 300 million years ) to have settled into stable configurations . The left image is a `` top view '' of a wide belt , and the right image is an `` edge view '' of a narrow belt . Computer simulations of dust in the Kuiper belt suggest that when it was younger , it may have resembled the narrow rings seen around younger stars . See also ( edit ) Book : Solar System List of possible dwarf planets List of trans - Neptunian objects Solar System portal Notes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : The literature is inconsistent in the usage of the terms scattered disc and Kuiper belt . For some , they are distinct populations ; for others , the scattered disc is part of the Kuiper belt . Authors may even switch between these two uses in one publication . Because the International Astronomical Union 's Minor Planet Center , the body responsible for cataloguing minor planets in the Solar System , makes the distinction , the editorial choice for Wikipedia articles on the trans - Neptunian region is to make this distinction as well . On Wikipedia , Eris , the most - massive known trans - Neptunian object , is not part of the Kuiper belt and this makes Pluto the most - massive Kuiper belt object . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Kuiper belt -- Jump up ^ Stern , Alan ; Colwell , Joshua E. ( 1997 ) . `` Collisional Erosion in the Primordial Edgeworth - Kuiper Belt and the Generation of the 30 -- 50 AU Kuiper Gap '' . The Astrophysical Journal . 490 ( 2 ) : 879 -- 82 . Bibcode : 1997ApJ ... 490 ... 879S . doi : 10.1086 / 304912 . ^ Jump up to : Delsanti , Audrey & Jewitt , David . `` The Solar System Beyond The Planets '' ( PDF ) . 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Jump up ^ Alexandersen , Mike ; Gladman , Brett ; Kavelaars , J.J. ; Petit , Jean - Marc ; Gwyn , Stephen ; Shankman , Cork ( 2014 ) . `` A carefully characterised and tracked Trans - Neptunian survey , the size - distribution of the Plutinos and the number of Neptunian Trojans '' : ( page needed ) . arXiv : 1411.7953 ( astro - ph. EP ) . Bibcode : 2014arXiv1411. 7953A . Jump up ^ `` Hubble Finds Smallest Kuiper Belt Object Ever Seen '' . HubbleSite . December 2009 . Retrieved June 29 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` List Of Centaurs and Scattered - Disk Objects '' . IAU : Minor Planet Center . Retrieved October 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ David Jewitt ( 2005 ) . `` The 1000 km Scale KBOs '' . University of Hawaii . Retrieved July 16 , 2006 . Jump up ^ Craig B. Agnor & Douglas P. Hamilton ( 2006 ) . `` Neptune 's capture of its moon Triton in a binary - planet gravitational encounter '' ( PDF ) . Nature . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on June 21 , 2007 . Retrieved October 29 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Encrenaz , Thérèse ; Kallenbach , R. ; Owen , T. ; Sotin , C. ( 2004 ) . TRITON , PLUTO , CENTAURS , AND TRANS - NEPTUNIAN BODIES . NASA Ames Research Center . Springer . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4020 - 3362 - 9 . Retrieved June 23 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Mike Brown ( 2007 ) . `` Dysnomia , the moon of Eris '' . Caltech . Retrieved June 14 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Resolution B5 and B6 '' ( PDF ) . International Astronomical Union . 2006 . Jump up ^ `` Ixion '' . . Archived from the original on October 3 , 2012 . Retrieved June 23 , 2007 . Jump up ^ John Stansberry ; Will Grundy ; Mike Brown ; Dale Cruikshank ; John Spencer ; David Trilling ; Jean - Luc Margot ( 2007 ) . `` Physical Properties of Kuiper Belt and Centaur Objects : Constraints from Spitzer Space Telescope '' . arXiv : astro - ph / 0702538 . Jump up ^ `` IAU Draft Definition of Planet '' . IAU . 2006 . Archived from the original on October 5 , 2011 . Retrieved October 26 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Brown , M.E. ; Van Dam , M.A. ; Bouchez , A.H. ; Le Mignant , D. ; Campbell , R.D. ; Chin , J.C.Y. ; Conrad , A. ; Hartman , S.K. ; Johansson , E.M. ; Lafon , R.E. ; Rabinowitz , D.L. Rabinowitz ; Stomski , P.J. , Jr. ; Summers , D.M. ; Trujillo , C.A. ; Wizinowich , P.L. ( 2006 ) . `` Satellites of the Largest Kuiper Belt Objects '' ( PDF ) . The Astrophysical Journal . 639 ( 1 ) : L43 -- L46 . arXiv : astro - ph / 0510029 . Bibcode : 2006ApJ ... 639L ... 43B . doi : 10.1086 / 501524 . Retrieved October 19 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Agnor , C.B. ; Hamilton , D.P. ( 2006 ) . `` Neptune 's capture of its moon Triton in a binary - planet gravitational encounter '' ( PDF ) . Nature . 441 ( 7090 ) : 192 -- 4 . Bibcode : 2006Natur. 441 ... 192A . doi : 10.1038 / nature04792 . PMID 16688170 . ^ Jump up to : Brown , Dwayne ; Villard , Ray ( October 15 , 2014 ) . `` RELEASE 14 - 281 NASA 's Hubble Telescope Finds Potential Kuiper Belt Targets for New Horizons Pluto Mission '' . NASA . Retrieved October 16 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` New Frontiers Program : New Horizons Science Objectives '' . NASA - New Frontiers Program . Archived from the original on April 15 , 2015 . Retrieved April 15 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Lakdawalla , Emily ( October 15 , 2014 ) . `` Finally ! New Horizons has a second target '' . Planetary Society blog . Planetary Society . Archived from the original on October 15 , 2014 . Retrieved October 15 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` NASA 's Hubble Telescope Finds Potential Kuiper Belt Targets for New Horizons Pluto Mission '' . press release . Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory . October 15 , 2014 . Archived from the original on October 16 , 2014 . Retrieved October 16 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Wall , Mike ( October 15 , 2014 ) . `` Hubble Telescope Spots Post-Pluto Targets for New Horizons Probe '' . . Archived from the original on October 15 , 2014 . Retrieved October 15 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Buie , Marc ( October 15 , 2014 ) . `` New Horizons HST KBO Search Results : Status Report '' ( PDF ) . Space Telescope Science Institute . p. 23 . Jump up ^ `` Hubble to Proceed with Full Search for New Horizons Targets '' . HubbleSite news release . Space Telescope Science Institute . July 1 , 2014 . Retrieved October 15 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Stromberg , Joseph ( April 14 , 2015 ) . `` NASA 's New Horizons probe was visiting Pluto -- and just sent back its first color photos '' . Vox . Retrieved April 14 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Corey S. Powell ( March 29 , 2015 ) . `` Alan Stern on Pluto 's Wonders , New Horizons ' Lost Twin , and That Whole `` Dwarf Planet '' Thing `` . Discover . Jump up ^ `` Orbits and Accessibility of Potential New Horizons KBO Encounter Targets '' ( PDF ) . USRA - Houston . 2015 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on March 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ McKinnon , Mika ( August 28 , 2015 ) . `` New Horizons Locks Onto Next Target : Let 's Explore the Kuiper Belt ! 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Bibcode : 2008ApJ ... 674.1086 T . doi : 10.1086 / 525514 . Jump up ^ `` Dusty Planetary Disks Around Two Nearby Stars Resemble Our Kuiper Belt '' . 2006 . Retrieved July 1 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Kuchner , M.J. ; Stark , C.C. ( 2010 ) . `` Collisional Grooming Models of the Kuiper Belt Dust Cloud '' . The Astronomical Journal . 140 ( 4 ) : 1007 -- 1019 . arXiv : 1008.0904 . Bibcode : 2010AJ ... 140.1007 K . doi : 10.1088 / 0004 - 6256 / 140 / 4 / 1007 . Bibliography ( edit ) Randall , Lisa ( 2015 ) . Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs . New York : Ecco / HarperCollins Publishers . ISBN 978 - 0 - 06 - 232847 - 2 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Kuiper belt . Dave Jewitt 's page @ UCLA The belt 's name List of short period comets by family Kuiper Belt Profile by NASA 's Solar System Exploration The Kuiper Belt Electronic Newsletter Wm . Robert Johnston 's TNO page Minor Planet Center : Plot of the Outer Solar System , illustrating Kuiper gap Website of the International Astronomical Union ( debating the status of TNOs ) XXVIth General Assembly 2006 article : diagram displaying inner solar system , Kuiper Belt , and Oort Cloud , taken from Alan Stern , S. ( 2003 ) . `` The evolution of comets in the Oort cloud and Kuiper belt '' . Nature . 424 ( 6949 ) : 639 -- 42 . doi : 10.1038 / nature01725 . PMID 12904784 . : Discovery Hints at a Quadrillion Space Rocks Beyond Neptune ( Sara Goudarzi ) August 15 , 2006 06 : 13 am ET The Outer Solar System Astronomy Cast episode No. 64 , includes full transcript . The Kuiper belt at Nine Planets ' webpage on the Edgeworth - Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud List of TNOS <Th_colspan="2"> Small Solar System bodies Minor planets <Td_colspan="2"> Designation Groups List Moon Meanings of names Asteroid Aten asteroid Asteroid belt Family Jupiter trojan Near - Earth Spectral types Distant minor planet Centaur Damocloid Neptune trojan Trans - Neptunian object Detached Kuiper belt Oort cloud Scattered disc Comets Extinct Great Halley - type Hyperbolic Long - period Lost Main - belt Near - parabolic Periodic Sungrazing Other Meteoroids <Th_colspan="3"> Dwarf planets Asteroid belt IAU : Ceres No longer rounded and therefore not dwarf planets ( Former candidates : Pallas Vesta Hygiea ) Centaurs Possibly : Chariklo Chiron Centaurs ( extended ) Possibly : 1995 SN 55 ( lost ) Ceto 2010 TY 53 Plutinos IAU : Pluto Additional objects proposed by Brown and Tancredi : Orcus Ixion 2003 AZ 2004 UX Huya Possibly : 2003 UZ 2003 VS 2002 VR 2004 PF 2002 XV 93 2007 JH 43 2001 QF 298 Twotinos Possibly : 2002 WC Other resonances / unknown resonances : IAU : Haumea Possibly : 2002 XW 1999 DE 1999 KR 2001 YH 2011 GM 27 2010 VK 201 2013 FZ 27 2014 UM 33 1999 CD 158 Cubewanos : IAU : Makemake Additional objects proposed by Brown and Tancredi : 2002 MS Salacia Quaoar Varuna Varda 2004 GV 2002 AW 2002 TX 2005 RR 2003 OP 2005 RN Possibly : Chaos Altjira Sila - Nunam 2002 UX 2007 JJ 2005 UQ 2004 TY 2003 QW 1998 SN 2002 KX Praamzius 2004 NT 2010 FX 86 2002 CY 248 2010 VR 11 Rhadamanthus Scattered disc IAU : Eris Additional objects proposed by Brown and Tancredi : 2007 OR 1996 TL 2001 UR 2005 RM Possibly : 2002 TC 2004 XA 2005 QU 2006 QH 181 2007 UK 2010 EK 139 2010 KZ 39 2010 RE 64 2010 RF 43 2010 TJ 2013 FY 27 2008 OG 19 1996 GQ 2012 HH 1999 CC 2010 VZ 98 Area uncertain Captured satellites that were once dwarf planets : Triton ( captured by Neptune ) Phoebe ( captured by Saturn , and no longer rounded ) Possibly : 2011 FW 62 ( lost ) 2000 YW V774104 Detached objects Possibly : 2004 XR 190 2010 GB 174 2008 ST 291 1995 TL 2005 TB 2003 QX 113 2003 FY 2004 VN 112 2000 CR Sednoids Objects proposed by Brown and Tancredi : Sedna Possibly : 2012 VP 113 <Td_colspan="3"> See also : Charon Vanth Dysnomia Hiʻiaka Mesoplanet Planemo List of trans - Neptunian objects List of possible dwarf planets List of Solar System objects List of Solar System objects by size <Th_colspan="2"> The Solar System <Td_colspan="2"> The Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Ceres Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Haumea Makemake Eris Planets Terrestrial planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars Giant planets Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Dwarf planets Ceres Pluto Haumea Makemake Eris Rings Jovian Saturnian ( Rhean ) Charikloan Chironean Uranian Neptunian Haumean Moons Terrestrial Moon other near - Earth objects Martian Phobos Deimos Jovian Ganymede Callisto Io Europa all 69 Saturnian Titan Rhea Iapetus Dione Tethys Enceladus Mimas Hyperion Phoebe all 62 Uranian Titania Oberon Umbriel Ariel Miranda all 27 Neptunian Triton Proteus Nereid all 14 Plutonian Charon Nix Hydra Kerberos Styx Haumean Hiʻiaka Namaka Makemakean S / 2015 ( 136472 ) 1 Eridian Dysnomia Lists Solar System objects By size By discovery date Minor planets Gravitationally rounded objects Possible dwarf planets Natural satellites Comets Small Solar System bodies Meteoroids Minor planets moons Comets Damocloids Mercury - crossers Venus - crossers Venus trojans Near - Earth objects Earth - crossers Earth trojans Mars - crossers Mars trojans Asteroid belt Asteroids first discovered : Ceres Pallas Juno Vesta Families Notable asteroids Kirkwood gap Main - belt comets Jupiter trojans Jupiter - crossers Centaurs Saturn - crossers Uranus trojans Uranus - crossers Neptune trojans Cis - Neptunian objects Trans - Neptunian objects Neptune - crossers Plutoids Kuiper belt Plutinos Cubewanos Scattered disc Detached objects Sednoids Hills cloud Oort cloud Hypothetical objects Vulcan Vulcanoids Phaeton Planet V Theia Fifth giant Planets beyond Neptune Tyche Nemesis Planet Nine Exploration ( outline ) Discovery Astronomy Timeline Spaceflight Robotic spacecraft Human spaceflight List of crewed spacecraft Colonization List of probes Timeline Mercury Venus Moon Mars Ceres Asteroids Mining Comets Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Deep space <Td_colspan="2"> Outline of the Solar System Portals Solar System Astronomy Earth sciences Mars Jupiter Uranus Cosmology Solar System → Local Interstellar Cloud → Local Bubble → Gould Belt → Orion Arm → Milky Way → Milky Way subgroup → Local Group → Virgo Supercluster → Laniakea Supercluster → Observable universe → Universe Each arrow ( → ) may be read as `` within '' or `` part of '' . VIAF : 247837532 LCCN : sh00004935 GND : 4621129 - 9 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Kuiper belt objects Trans - Neptunian region Astronomical objects discovered in 1992 Extraterrestrial water Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Use mdy dates from November 2016 Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Featured articles Articles containing video clips Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikinews Afrikaans Ænglisc Asturianu Avañe'ẽ Azərbaycanca বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Basa Banyumasan Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Boarisch Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Gaelg Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ಕನ್ನಡ Къарачай - малкъар ქართული Қазақша Kiswahili Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Lumbaart Magyar Македонски മലയാളം Malti मराठी მარგალური Bahasa Melayu မြန်မာဘာသာ Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan پنجابی Piemontèis Plattdüütsch Polski Português Ripoarisch Română Русский Scots Sicilianu සිංහල Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் Татарча / tatarça తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt Winaray 粵語 中文 81 more Edit links This page was last edited on 5 April 2018 , at 23 : 36 . 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1. Kuiper belt 2. Trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) 3. Dwarf planets 4. Scattered disc 5. Resonant objects
what is the latest version of adobe captivate
Adobe Captivate - wikipedia Adobe Captivate Jump to : navigation , search This article is about Adobe Captivate . For a definition of the word `` captivate '' , see the Wiktionary entry captivate . This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( November 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Adobe Captivate <Td_colspan="2"> Developer ( s ) Adobe Systems <Td_colspan="2"> Stable release 2017 / April 2017 ; 9 months ago ( 2017 - 04 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Operating system Microsoft Windows , Mac OS X Type eLearning and screencasting License Commercial Website Adobe Captivate is an authoring tool that is used for creating elearning content such as software demonstrations , software simulations , branched scenarios , and randomized quizzes in Small Web Formats (. swf ) and HTML5 formats . It can also convert Adobe Captivate - generated file formats (. swf ) to digital MP4 (. mp4 ) formats which can be played with media players or uploaded to video hosting websites . For software simulations , Captivate can use left or right mouse clicks , key presses and rollover images . It can also be used to create screencasts , and to convert Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to . swf and HTML5 formats . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Versions 3 File formats 3.1 Project files 3.2 Interim files 3.3 Output files 4 See also 5 References 6 External links History ( edit ) While the product started out as a pure screen recording utility known as Flashcam ( Nexus Concepts 2002 ) , it evolved into an E-learning authoring tool after San Diego - based eHelp Corporation acquired Flashcam and released it as RoboDemo . Eventually , software firm Macromedia acquired eHelp to gain RoboDemo . Shortly before Adobe Systems acquired Macromedia , they changed the name of the product to Captivate . Versions ( edit ) This article is in a list format that may be better presented using prose . You can help by converting this article to prose , if appropriate . Editing help is available . ( July 2016 ) This article appears to contain a large number of buzzwords . There might be a discussion about this on the talk page . Please help improve this article if you can . ( March 2016 ) Adobe Captivate 2017 ( April 2017 ) Adobe Captivate 2017 adds new features including improvements in responsive design through the use of Fluid Boxes and text scaling , the ability to save legacy non-responsive projects as responsive , integration of Adobe 's Typekit to increase the range of fonts available to users , and the ability to customize closed captioning Adobe Captivate 9 ( August 2015 ) Adobe Captivate 9 adds new features including multi state objects , improved effects and motion paths , creating a content draft on an iOS device , and publishing to the new Adobe LMS known as Captivate Prime . Adds the integration of eLearning Brothers Templates . Adobe Captivate 8 ( May 2014 ) Adobe Captivate 7.0 ( June 2013 ) Wide range of drag - and - drop components such as games , quizzes , and learning modules . HTML5 conversion for Microsoft PowerPoint projects . Newly bundled MathMagic equation editor for both Mac OS X and Windows versions . Enhanced accessibility support . Interactions library . Adobe Captivate 6.0 ( June 2012 ) Interactions ( pre-built widgets ) , actors ( pre-built images ) , themes and HTML 5 support . Adobe Captivate 5.5 ( May 2011 ) New features include gradients , shadows , and object rotation , enhanced quiz / assessment templates , MP4 output option , YouTube publishing option , pay - as - you go subscription licensing option . Available as a stand - alone product or as part of the Adobe eLearning Suite 2.5 bundle . Adobe Captivate 5 ( May 2010 ) Unlike previous versions that were derivative of Captivate 2 and carried over notable bugs and technological limitations , Captivate 5 was written from scratch . Features include a new GUI similar to other Adobe CS family products , built - in animation effects , extended Microsoft PowerPoint support , extended video embedding and control ( it functions similarly to audio in older versions ) , master slides and object styles . Developers are able to publish their content to and use it as a quasi-Learning management system . Adobe Captivate 5 is available separately or as part of Adobe eLearning Suite 2 . Adobe Captivate 4 ( Jan 2009 ) New features included SWF commenting , professional project templates , customizable widgets , roundtrip PowerPoint workflow , table of contents and aggregator , text - to - speech functionality , variables and advanced actions , expanded output options , Adobe Photoshop layer support . This version has features for collaboration , extends Adobe Captivate and interacts with other Adobe products like Bridge , Soundbooth , Photoshop , Adobe Device Central , etc . This version of Adobe Captivate is also part of the new Adobe eLearning Suite . Adobe Captivate 3 ( July 2007 ) New features included multimode recording , automatic rerecording , XML export / import ( XLIFF ) for localization , find and replace , audio recording with preview , randomized quizzes , answer shuffle , new question types ( sequence / hotspot ) , PPT import with animations , rollover slidelet , and slide transition effects . This version has an Adobe Captivate logo preloader added to the beginning of all simulations , but this can be changed to a generic preloader . It would eventually be included in the Adobe Technical Communication Suite . Adobe Captivate 2 ( October 2006 ) New features included branching view , simulation wizard , library , interaction dialog , zoom , skins and menus , Flash Video ( FLV ) support , export to Flash 8 , step - by - step documentation output , customization options , and PENS . Macromedia Captivate ( October 2004 ) New features included timeline , audio editing , demonstration and simulation recording modes , customizable quiz questions , export to Flash MX 2004 , smart full motion recording , 508 compliance , SCORM 2004 , and Breeze integration . RoboDemo 5 and eLearning Edition ( Fall 2003 by eHelp Corporation ) New features included tighter integration with Flash via FLA and SWF import , full - motion ( real - time ) recording , SCORM 1.2. , video import , multiple copy / paste , undo , shortcut controls , grid , alignment toolbar , filmstrip view , background audio , animated highlighters , and project resize . RoboDemo 4 and eLearning Edition ( Spring 2003 by eHelp Corporation ) New features included AutoText Captions , Animated Text Effects , PowerPoint style interface , publish as email attachment , customize capture key , SCORM , Quiz question slides , support for Questionmark Perception . RoboDemo 3 ( Fall 2002 by eHelp Corporation ) New features included Powerpoint and AVI import , interactive text entry boxes , interactive click boxes , JavaScript options , and scoring . RoboDemo 2 ( May 2002 by eHelp Corporation ) First version with major FlashCam bug fixes ( therefore , it was called version `` 2 '' ) . File formats ( edit ) Project files ( edit ) . cptx : Captivate 9. x , 8. x , 7. x , 6. x and 5. x project files , which can be edited with the Captivate software . Note that cptx files created using older versions of Captivate can be opened in newer versions of Captivate . However files from newer versions of Captivate can not be backported to older versions . . cpdx : Captivate 9. x , files that are created using the Captivate Draft application on the iPad . . cpvc : Captivate 6. x onwards , these are video project files ( when you create a video demo ) . . cptl : Captivate project template files . cptm : Captivate project Theme files . crev : Captivate Review File . In version 4 and later , a project can be reviewed in a collaborative way . This file is published when a project is sent out for review . A Review Application can open this file and can accept comments which can be seen in the main Captivate window . The Review Application is an Adobe AIR application and can be installed on any machine without requiring Adobe Captivate license . . aggr : Adobe Captivate Aggregator file format . The Aggregator is a new application that is installed along with Adobe Captivate 4 . It can take multiple Captivate modules and publish an aggregated course with a table of contents . . cp : Captivate project files which can be edited with the Captivate version 4.0 software . cpdt : Captivate design file which was available for Captivate version 4.0 only Interim files ( edit ) . cprr : XML file to store users action when recording scripts during re recording feature . This file can be used to automatically imitate users action in another session of Adobe Captivate recording . . fla : The project files of Adobe Flash Professional IDE . Flash authoring software can edit FLA files and compile them into . swf files . Output files ( edit ) . html : HTML5 output . This is a W3 specification file format that defines the fifth major version of HTML . . swf : Compiled Adobe Flash format that can be played with Adobe Flash Player . . mp4 : MP4 digital multimedia file format that is commonly used to store video and audio . . qml : An XML - based file format that is interoperable with QuestionMark Perception . It the basis of QTI . See also ( edit ) Comparison of screencasting software References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Adobe Captivate Help Publish projects as SWF files '' . . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` Adobe Captivate Help Publish projects as HTML5 files '' . . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` Adobe Integrates eLearning Brothers Templates into Captivate 9 '' . VentureBeat . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` Adobe Captivate 8 '' . Captivate ( blog ) . Adobe . 2013 - 06 - 03 . Retrieved 2013 - 06 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Everything You Need for eLearning with Amazing Adobe Captivate 7 '' . Captivate ( blog ) . Adobe . 2013 - 06 - 03 . Retrieved 2013 - 06 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Introducing Adobe Captivate 6 : Sensational eLearning Authoring '' . Captivate ( blog ) . Adobe . 2012 - 06 - 15 . Retrieved 2012 - 06 - 25 . Jump up ^ `` Read All About It -- Introducing Adobe Captivate 5.5 and Adobe eLearning Suite 2.5 '' . The m - Learning Revolution ( blog ) . R Jacquez. 2011 - 05 - 26 . Archived from the original on 2012 - 01 - 16 . Retrieved 2012 - 06 - 25 . Jump up ^ `` Just launched ! Captivate 5 and Adobe eLearning Suite 2 '' . Captivate ( blog ) . Adobe . 2010 - 05 - 04 . Retrieved 2012 - 06 - 25 . Jump up ^ . `` The all - new Adobe Captivate 9 : From storyboarding to storytelling '' . Jump up ^ `` Adobe Captivate 9 - Features '' . Adobe Captivate Features . Adobe Systems . External links ( edit ) Official website Captivate team ( blog ) , Adobe . <Th_colspan="2"> Adobe eLearning Suite Current products Captivate Flash Dreamweaver Photoshop Acrobat Presenter Soundbooth Shared applications Bridge Device Central <Th_colspan="2"> Adobe Technical Communication Suite Current products Acrobat Captivate FrameMaker Photoshop Presenter RoboHelp Shared applications Bridge Device Central 3D Reviewer <Th_colspan="3"> Adobe Systems Software Suites Creative Cloud ( Creative Suite ) eLearning Suite Technical Communication Suite Desktop Animate Acrobat After Effects Brackets Edge Code Edge Reflow Digital Editions Director Dreamweaver FrameMaker FreeHand Flash Player Flex Builder GoLive Illustrator InDesign Media Encoder Media Player Muse PageMaker Photoshop Photoshop Lightroom Premiere Pro Reader Shockwave Player Server LiveCycle Flash Media Server BlazeDS ColdFusion JRun PhoneGap Build Technologies ActionScript Adobe AIR Adobe Flash Adobe Flex Adobe Shockwave Adobe Font Folio Digital Negative ( DNG ) Authorware FlashPaper Portable Document Format ( PDF ) PostScript Web services Adobe Solutions Network Adobe Photoshop Express Adobe Premiere Express Adobe Spark Adobe Stock Acquisitions Aldus Macromedia Scene7 Omniture Behance Fotolia People Bruce Chizen Charles Geschke Shantanu Narayen John Warnock Del Yocam <Td_colspan="3"> Commons Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Adobe software Container formats Film and video technology Training Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from November 2011 All articles needing additional references Articles needing cleanup from July 2016 All pages needing cleanup Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose from July 2016 Wikipedia articles containing buzzwords from March 2016 All pages needing factual verification Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from November 2015 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español Italiano मराठी Português Русский தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 10 January 2018 , at 17 : 37 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Adobe Captivate - eLearning authoring tool 2. Software demonstrations and simulations 3. HTML5 and SWF formats 4. Screencasting and PowerPoint conversion 5. Versions and file formats
what are bacteria using for nutrients in t soy agar
Trypticase soy agar - Wikipedia Trypticase soy agar Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2009 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Trypticase soy agar or tryptone soya agar ( TSA ) and Trypticase soy broth or tryptone soya broth ( TSB ) with agar are growth media for the culturing of bacteria . They are general - purpose , nonselective media providing enough nutrients to allow for a wide variety of microorganisms to grow . They are used for a wide range of applications , including culture storage , enumeration ( counting ) , isolation of pure cultures , or simply general culture . TSA contains enzymatic digests of casein and soybean meal , which provide amino acids and other nitrogenous substances , making it a nutritious medium for a variety of organisms . Glucose is the energy source . Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic equilibrium , while dipotassium phosphate acts as buffer to maintain pH . Agar extracted from any number of organisms is used as a gelling agent . The medium may be supplemented with blood to facilitate the growth of more fastidious bacteria or antimicrobial agents to permit the selection of various microbial groups from pure microbiota . As with any media , minor changes may be made to suit specific circumstances . TSA is frequently the base medium of other agar plate types . For example , blood agar plates ( BAP ) are made by enriching TSA plates with defibrinated sheep blood , and chocolate agar is made through additional cooking of BAP . Nutrient agar is also similar to TSA . One liter of the agar contains : 15 g tryptone 5 g soytone -- enzymatic digest of soybean meal 5 g sodium chloride 15 g agar References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Trypticase soy agar Jump up ^ Trypticase soy broth Jump up ^ `` Sigma aldrich nonselective media '' . Jump up ^ `` Highlands Nonselective Media '' . Jump up ^ `` LSU Nonselective Media '' . Jump up ^ Japanese Government , Ministry of Health , Labour and Welfare ( 2009 , September 30 ) The Japanese Pharmacopeia 15th Edition Supplement 2 . Ministerial Notification No. 425 , p. 20 References ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> Growth media / agar plates Selective media Gram positive Actinobacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis Löwenstein -- Jensen medium Middlebrook 7H9 Broth Middlebrook 7H10 Agar Middlebrook 7H11 Agar Mycoplasma pneumoniae Eaton 's agar Firmicutes Corynebacterium diphtheriae Hoyle 's agar Enterococcus Bile esculin agar Lactobacillus MRS agar Lactococcus M17 agar Staphylococcus Mannitol salt agar Gram negative Alphaproteobacteria Brucella Brucella agar Farrell 's medium Betaproteobacteria Neisseria Thayer - Martin agar Gammaproteobacteria Bordetella Bordet - Gengou agar Enterobacteriaceae VRBD agar Haemophilus influenzae / Legionella pneumophila Buffered charcoal yeast extract agar Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cetrimide agar Salmonella XLT agar DCA agar Salmonella / Shigella XLD agar Differential media Lactose fermenting gram negative MacConkey agar / Sorbitol - MacConkey agar Eosin methylene blue Hektoen enteric agar sulfur Bismuth sulfite agar Fungal media Czapek medium Dermatophyte test medium Potato dextrose agar Sabouraud agar Nonselective media Chocolate agar Nutrient agar Plate count agar Other / ungrouped media Cystine lactose electrolyte deficient agar Cystine tryptic agar Endo agar Lysine iron agar slant Müller - Hinton agar / PNP agar R2a agar Simmons ' citrate agar Trypticase soy agar Tryptic soy broth TSI slant This microbiology - related article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Microbiological media Microbiology stubs Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from January 2009 All articles needing additional references All stub articles Talk About Wikipedia Deutsch Français Lietuvių 日本 語 Português ไทย Edit links This page was last edited on 8 December 2016 , at 16 : 28 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Trypticase soy agar - growth media for bacteria 2. Nutritious medium for a variety of organisms 3. Nonselective media for culturing bacteria 4. Supplemented with blood or antimicrobial agents for specific purposes 5. Base medium for other agar plate types
who called the revolt of 1857 as the first war of independence
Names of India 's First War of Independence - wikipedia Names of India 's First War of Independence Jump to : navigation , search The Indian Rebellion of 1857 has been variously termed as a war of independence , a rebellion , and a mutiny . Several Indian writers , who consider it as a part of the Indian independence movement that ultimately led to the country 's independence in 1947 , have termed it as `` The First War of Independence '' , the `` great revolution '' , the `` great rebellion '' , and the `` Indian freedom struggle '' . Several British writers , who view it as a military disturbance , have termed it as `` sepoy revolt '' , `` sepoy war '' , `` Indian rebellion '' , and the `` great revolt '' . Since the 19th century , a section of British writers have challenged the choice of the word `` mutiny '' to describe the events . Contents ( hide ) 1 British nomenclature 2 Indian nomenclature 3 References 4 Further reading British nomenclature ( edit ) The British and colonial press along with contemporary European referred to the events under a number of titles the most common being the Sepoy Mutiny or the Indian Mutiny . Contemporary ' anti-imperialists ' viewed this term as propaganda , and pushed to characterize it as more than just the actions of a few mutinous native soldiers although the term The Indian Insurrection was used in the British and colonial press at the time . Karl Marx was the first Western scholar to call the 1857 revolt a `` national revolt '' , though he used the term Sepoy Revolt to describe the event . Indian nomenclature ( edit ) In India , the term First War of Independence was first popularized by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in his 1909 book The History of the War of Indian Independence , which was originally written in Marathi . Jawaharlal Nehru , the first Prime Minister of India , insisted on using the term First War of Independence to refer to the event , and the terminology was adopted by the Government of India . Some South Indian historians have opposed the use of the term First War of Independence by the Government to describe the 1857 revolt , and have unsuccessfully taken the issue to the court . These historians insist that several other anti-British uprisings in South India , such as the Vellore Mutiny in 1806 had preceded the 1857 revolt , and should be called the First War of Indian independence . In 2006 , when the Indian postal department issued a postal stamp to commemorate the Vellore Mutiny of 1806 , M. Karunanidhi , the former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu , said that the move had given `` due recognition '' to India 's `` first war of independence '' . Some Sikh groups have also opposed the use of the term , they insist that the First Anglo - Sikh War ( 1845 -- 46 ) should be called the First War of Independence instead . In May 2007 , the Lok Sabha Deputy Speaker Charanjit Singh Atwal and three other MPs from Punjab protested against the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the 1857 revolt over this issue . Although many such wars had taken place before the First Anglo - Sikh war , like the First Anglo - Maratha War and First Anglo - Mysore War . Some Indian writers also insist that none of the armed uprisings against the British in India , including the 1857 uprising , should be termed as a `` war of independence '' , since they were not national in nature , not motivated by nationalist sentiment and only involving a minority of people or soldiers . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Nicola Frith ( 2014 ) . The French Colonial Imagination : Writing the Indian Uprisings , 1857 - 1858 , from Second Empire to Third Republic . Lexington Books . pp. 28 -- 29 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7391 - 8001 - 3 . Jump up ^ `` Indian History - British Period - First war of Independence '' . Jump up ^ `` Il ya cent cinquante ans , la révolte des cipayes '' . 1 August 2007 . Jump up ^ German National Geographic article Archived 2005 - 05 - 03 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ The Empire , Sydney , Australia , 11 July 1857 , or Taranaki Herald , New Zealand , 29 August 1857 Jump up ^ Marx , Karl ; Friedrich Engels ( 1959 ) . The first Indian war of independence , 1857 - 1859 . Moscow : Foreign Languages Pub . House . OCLC 9234264 . Jump up ^ Prakash Karat. 1857 : In The Hearts And Minds Of People ^ Jump up to : K. Natwar Singh ( 2004 - 08 - 23 ) . `` Marx , Nehru and Savarkar on 1857 '' . Asian Age . Retrieved 2008 - 03 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : Inder Malhotra . `` The First War of Independence '' . Asian Age . Archived from the original on 2009 - 08 - 16 . Retrieved 2008 - 03 - 10 . Jump up ^ Amberish K Diwanji ( 2004 - 08 - 23 ) . `` Who was Veer Savarkar ? The First War '' . The Rediff Special . . Retrieved 2008 - 03 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : S. Muthiah ( 2007 - 03 - 25 ) . `` The First War of Independence ? '' . The Hindu . Retrieved 2011 - 08 - 21 . Jump up ^ LR Jagadheesan ( 11 July 2006 ) . `` Tamils dispute India mutiny date '' . BBC News . Retrieved 2008 - 05 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` 1857 anniversary : Dy speaker creates flutter '' . The Hindu . 2004 - 05 - 10 . Retrieved 2008 - 03 - 10 . Jump up ^ Ganda Singh . The Truth About the Indian Mutiny of 1857 . Issue No. 17 , August 2004 . ( originally published in The Sikh Review , August , 1972 , pp. 32 - 44 . ) Further reading ( edit ) Marx , Karl ( 16 September 1857 ) . `` The Indian Revolt '' . . New - York Daily Tribune . Retrieved 2 December 2015 . Marx , Karl . `` The Revolt in the Indian Army '' . New - York Tribune 1857 . Retrieved 2 December 2015 . Vinayak Damodar Savarkar . The Indian War of Independence -- 1857 Embree , Ainslie Thomas ( 1963 ) . 1857 in India ; mutiny or war of independence ? . Boston : Heath . OCLC 870396 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Indian Rebellion of 1857 Naming controversies Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links CS1 : Julian -- Gregorian uncertainty Talk Contents About Wikipedia தமிழ் Edit links This page was last edited on 7 May 2018 , at 12 : 59 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Indian Rebellion of 1857 2. First War of Independence 3. Sepoy Mutiny 4. Indian Mutiny 5. Naming controversies
what does x stand for in roman numerals
Roman numerals - wikipedia Roman numerals Jump to : navigation , search `` Latin numerals '' redirects here . For counting in Latin , see Latin § Numbers . Roman numerals on stern of a British clipper ship showing draft in feet . The numbers range from 13 to 22 , from bottom to top . Numeral systems Hindu -- Arabic numeral system Western Arabic Eastern Arabic Bengali Gurmukhi Indian Sinhala Tamil Balinese Burmese Dzongkha Gujarati Javanese Khmer Lao Mongolian Thai East Asian Chinese Suzhou Hokkien Japanese Korean Vietnamese Counting rods Alphabetic Abjad Armenian Āryabhaṭa Cyrillic Ge'ez Georgian Greek Hebrew Roman Former Aegean Attic Babylonian Brahmi Chuvash Egyptian Etruscan Inuit Kharosthi Mayan Muisca Quipu Prehistoric Positional systems by base 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 60 Non-standard positional numeral systems Bijective numeration ( 1 ) Signed - digit representation ( Balanced ternary ) factorial negative Complex - base system ( 2i ) Non-integer representation ( φ ) mixed Asymmetric numeral systems List of numeral systems The numeric system represented by Roman numerals originated in ancient Rome and remained the usual way of writing numbers throughout Europe well into the Late Middle Ages . Numbers in this system are represented by combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet . Roman numerals , as used today , are based on seven symbols : Symbol V X Value 5 10 50 100 500 1,000 The use of Roman numerals continued long after the decline of the Roman Empire . From the 14th century on , Roman numerals began to be replaced in most contexts by the more convenient Hindu - Arabic numerals ; however , this process was gradual , and the use of Roman numerals persists in some minor applications to this day . Contents ( hide ) 1 Roman numeric system 1.1 Basic decimal pattern 1.2 Alternative forms 2 History 2.1 Pre-Roman times and ancient Rome 2.1. 1 Hypotheses about the origin of Roman numerals 2.1. 1.1 Tally marks 2.1. 1.2 Hand signals 2.1. 1.3 Intermediate symbols deriving from few original symbols 2.2 Middle Ages and Renaissance 2.3 Modern use 2.3. 1 Specific disciplines 2.3. 2 Modern use in continental Europe 3 Special values 3.1 Zero 3.2 Fractions 3.3 Large numbers 3.3. 1 Apostrophus 3.3. 2 Vinculum 4 See also 5 References 6 Sources 7 Further reading 8 External links Roman numeric system Basic decimal pattern The original pattern for Roman numerals used the symbols I , V. and X ( 1 , 5 , and 10 ) as simple tally marks . Each marker for 1 ( I ) added a unit value up to 5 ( V ) , and was then added to ( V ) to make the numbers from 6 to 9 : I , II , III , IIII , V , VI , VII , VIII , VIIII , X . The numerals for 4 ( IIII ) and 9 ( VIIII ) proved problematic ( among other things , they are easily confused with III and VIII ) , and are generally replaced with IV ( one less than 5 ) and IX ( one less than 10 ) . This feature of Roman numerals is called subtractive notation . The numbers from 1 to 10 ( including subtractive notation for 4 and 9 ) are expressed in Roman numerals as follows : I , II , III , IV , V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X . The system being basically decimal , tens and hundreds follow the same pattern : Thus 10 to 100 ( counting in tens , with X taking the place of I , L taking the place of V and C taking the place of X ) : X , XX , XXX , XL , L , LX , LXX , LXXX , XC , C . Note that 40 ( XL ) and 90 ( XC ) follow the same subtractive pattern as 4 and 9 . Similarly , 100 to 1000 ( counting in hundreds ) : C , CC , CCC , CD , D , DC , DCC , DCCC , CM , M . Many numbers include hundreds , units and tens . The Roman numeral system being basically decimal , each `` place '' is added separately , in descending sequence from left to right , as with `` arabic '' numbers . For example , the number 39 is XXXIX , ( three tens and a ten less one ) , 246 is CCXLVI ( two hundreds , a fifty less ten , a five and a one . As each place has its own notation there is no need for place keeping zeros , so `` missing places '' can be simply omitted : thus 207 , for instance , is written CCVII ( two hundreds , a five and two ones ) and 1066 becomes MLXVI ( a thousand , a fifty and a ten , a five and a one ) Roman numerals for large numbers are nowadays seen mainly in the form of year numbers ( other uses are detailed later in this article ) , as in these examples : 1776 as MDCCLXXVI , the date written on the book held by the Statue of Liberty . 1954 as MCMLIV , as in the trailer for the movie The Last Time I Saw Paris 1990 as MCMXC , used as the title of musical project Enigma 's debut album MCMXC a.D. , named after the year of its release . 2014 as MMXIV , the year of the games of the XXII ( 22nd ) Olympic Winter Games ( in Sochi ) Alternative forms A typical clock face with Roman numerals in Bad Salzdetfurth , Germany The `` standard '' forms described above reflect typical modern usage rather than a universally accepted convention . Usage in ancient Rome varied greatly and remained inconsistent in medieval and modern times . Inscriptions dating from the Roman period not infrequently use `` additive '' forms such as IIII and VIIII for `` 4 '' and `` 9 '' instead of IV and IX . There are even instances of both forms appearing within the same document . While in standard usage subtractive notation is limited to use of `` adjacent '' numerals , so that 99 ( for example ) is written XCIX , forms such as IC are not unknown . XIIX or IIXX are sometimes used for `` 18 '' instead of XVIII . The Latin word for `` eighteen '' is often rendered as the equivalent of `` twenty less two '' , ( duodeviginti ) which may be the source of this usage . Sometimes V and L are not used , with instances such as IIIIII and XXXXXX rather than VI or LX . An inscription on Admiralty Arch , London . The number is 1910 , for which MCMX would be more usual . Clock faces that use Roman numerals normally show IIII for four o'clock but IX for nine o'clock , a practice that goes back to very early clocks such as the Wells Cathedral clock of the late 14th century . However , this is far from universal : for example , the clock on the Palace of Westminster in London ( aka `` Big Ben '' ) uses a `` normal '' IV . At the beginning of the 20th century , different representations of 900 ( conventionally CM ) appeared in several inscribed dates . For instance , 1910 is shown on Admiralty Arch , London , as MDCCCCX rather than MCMX , while on the north entrance to the Saint Louis Art Museum , 1903 is inscribed as MDCDIII rather than MCMIII . History Pre-roman times and ancient Rome Although Roman numerals came to be written with letters of the Roman alphabet , they were originally independent symbols . The Etruscans , for example , used 𐌠 , 𐌡 , 𐌢 , 𐌣 , 𐌚 , and ⊕ for I , V , X , L , C , and M , of which only I and X happened to be letters in their alphabet . Hypotheses about the origin of Roman numerals Tally marks One hypothesis is that the Etrusco - Roman numerals actually derive from notches on tally sticks , which continued to be used by Italian and Dalmatian shepherds into the 19th century . Thus , ⟨ I ⟩ descends not from the letter ⟨ I ⟩ but from a notch scored across the stick . Every fifth notch was double cut i.e. ⋀ , ⋁ , ⋋ , ⋌ , etc . ) , and every tenth was cross cut ( X ) , IIIIΛIIIIXIIIIΛIIIIXII ... ) , much like European tally marks today . This produced a positional system : Eight on a counting stick was eight tallies , IIIIΛIII , or the eighth of a longer series of tallies ; either way , it could be abbreviated ΛIII ( or VIII ) , as the existence of a Λ implies four prior notches . By extension , eighteen was the eighth tally after the first ten , which could be abbreviated X , and so was XΛIII . Likewise , number four on the stick was the I - notch that could be felt just before the cut of the Λ ( V ) , so it could be written as either IIII or IΛ ( IV ) . Thus the system was neither additive nor subtractive in its conception , but ordinal . When the tallies were transferred to writing , the marks were easily identified with the existing Roman letters I , V and X . The tenth V or X along the stick received an extra stroke . Thus 50 was written variously as N , И , K , Ψ , ⋔ , etc. , but perhaps most often as a chicken - track shape like a superimposed V and I : ↆ . This had flattened to Ʇ ( an inverted T ) by the time of Augustus , and soon thereafter became identified with the graphically similar letter L. Likewise , 100 was variously Ж , ⋉ , ⋈ , H , or as any of the symbols for 50 above plus an extra stroke . The form Ж ( that is , a superimposed X and I like : 𐌟 ) came to predominate . It was written variously as > I < or ↃIC , was then abbreviated to Ↄ or C , with C variant finally winning out because , as a letter , it stood for centum , Latin for `` hundred '' . The hundredth V or X was marked with a box or circle . Thus 500 was like a Ↄ superimposed on a ⋌ or ⊢ , becoming D or Ð by the time of Augustus , under the graphic influence of the letter ⟨ D ⟩ . It was later identified as the letter D ; an alternative symbol for `` thousand '' was ( I ) ( or CIↃ or CꟾↃ ) , and half of a thousand or `` five hundred '' is the right half of the symbol , I ) ( or IↃ or ꟾↃ ) , and this may have been converted into ⟨ D ⟩ . This at least was the etymology given to it later on . Meanwhile , 1000 was a circled or boxed X : X , ⊗ , ⊕ , and by Augustinian times was partially identified with the Greek letter Φ phi . Over time , the symbol changed to Ψ and ↀ . The latter symbol further evolved into ∞ , then ⋈ , and eventually changed to M under the influence of the Latin word mille `` thousand '' . Hand signals Alfred Hooper has an alternative hypothesis for the origin of the Roman numeral system , for small numbers . Hooper contends that the digits are related to hand gestures for counting . For example , the numbers I , II , III , IIII correspond to the number of fingers held up for another to see . V , then represents that hand upright with fingers together and thumb apart . Numbers 6 -- 10 , are represented with two hands as follows ( left hand , right hand ) 6 = ( V , I ) , 7 = ( V , II ) , 8 = ( V , III ) , 9 = ( V , IIII ) , 10 = ( V , V ) and X results from either crossing of the thumbs , or holding both hands up in a cross . Another possibility is that each I represents a finger and V represents the thumb of one hand . This way the numbers between 1 -- 10 can be counted on one hand using the order : I = P , II = PR , III = PRM , IV = IT , V = T , VI = TP , VII = TPR , VIII = TPRM , IX = IN , X = N ( P = Pinky , R = Ring , M = Middle , I = Index , T = Thumb N = No Fingers / Other Hand ) . This pattern can also be continued using the other hand with the fingers representing X and the thumb L . Intermediate symbols deriving from few original symbols A third hypothesis about the origins states that the basic ciphers were I , X , C and Φ ( or ⊕ ) and that the intermediary ones were derived from taking half of those ( half an X is V , half a C is L and half a Φ / ⊕ is D ) . The Φ was later replaced with M , the initial of Mille ( the Latin word for `` thousand '' ) . Middle Ages and Renaissance Minuscule ( lower - case ) letters were developed in the Middle Ages , well after the demise of the Western Roman Empire , and since that time lower - case versions of Roman numbers have also been commonly used : i , ii , iii , iv , and so on . Since the Middle Ages , a `` j '' has sometimes been substituted for the final `` i '' of a `` lower - case '' Roman numeral , such as `` iij '' for 3 or `` vij '' for 7 . This `` j '' can be considered a swash variant of `` i '' ( see example ( 1 ) ) . The use of a final `` j '' is still used in medical prescriptions to prevent tampering with or misinterpretation of a number after it is written . Numerals in documents and inscriptions from the Middle Ages sometimes include additional symbols , which today are called `` medieval Roman numerals '' . Some simply substitute another letter for the standard one ( such as `` A '' for `` V '' , or `` Q '' for `` D '' ) , while others serve as abbreviations for compound numerals ( `` O '' for `` XI '' , or `` F '' for `` XL '' ) . Although they are still listed today in some dictionaries , they are long out of use . Number Medieval abbreviation Notes and etymology 5 Resembles an upside - down V. Also said to equal 500 . 6 ↅ Either from a ligature of VI , or the Greek numeral 6 : stigma ( Ϛ ) . 7 S , Z Presumed abbreviation of septem , Latin for 7 . 11 O Presumed abbreviation of onze , French for 11 . 40 Presumed abbreviation of English forty . 70 Also could stand for 7 , with the same derivation . 80 90 Presumed abbreviation of nonaginta , Latin for 90 . ( N.B. N is also used for `` nothing '' ( nullus ) ) . 150 Y Possibly derived from the lowercase y 's shape . 151 Unusual , origin unknown ; also said to stand for 250 . 160 Possibly derived from Greek tetra , as 4 × 40 = 160 . 200 Could also stand for 2 ( see also 𐆙 , the symbol for the dupondius ) . From a barring of two I 's . 250 300 400 P , G 500 Q Redundant with D ; abbreviates quingenti , Latin for 500 . 2000 Z Chronograms , messages with dates encoded into them , were popular during the Renaissance era . The chronogram would be a phrase containing the letters I , V , X , L , C , D , and M. By putting these letters together , the reader would obtain a number , usually indicating a particular year . Modern use By the 11th century , Hindu -- Arabic numerals had been introduced into Europe from al - Andalus , by way of Arab traders and arithmetic treatises . Roman numerals , however , proved very persistent , remaining in common use in the West well into the 14th and 15th centuries , even in accounting and other business records ( where the actual calculations would have been made using an abacus ) . Replacement by their more convenient `` Arabic '' equivalents was quite gradual , and Roman numerals are still used today in certain contexts . A few examples of their current use are : Spanish Real using `` IIII '' instead of `` IV '' as regnal number of Charles IV of Spain Names of monarchs and popes , e.g. Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom , Pope Benedict XVI . These are referred to as regnal numbers ; e.g. II is pronounced `` the second '' . This tradition began in Europe sporadically in the Middle Ages , gaining widespread use in England only during the reign of Henry VIII . Previously , the monarch was not known by numeral but by an epithet such as Edward the Confessor . Some monarchs ( e.g. Charles IV of Spain and Louis XIV of France ) seem to have preferred the use of IIII instead of IV on their coinage ( see illustration ) . Generational suffixes , particularly in the US , for people sharing the same name across generations , for example William Howard Taft IV . In the French Republican Calendar , initiated during the French Revolution , years were numbered by Roman numerals -- from the year I ( 1792 ) when this calendar was introduced to the year XIV ( 1805 ) when it was abandoned . The year of production of films , television shows and other works of art within the work itself . It has been suggested -- by BBC News , perhaps facetiously -- that this was originally done `` in an attempt to disguise the age of films or television programmes . '' Outside reference to the work will use regular Hindu -- Arabic numerals . Hour marks on timepieces . In this context , 4 is usually written IIII . The year of construction on building faces and cornerstones . Page numbering of prefaces and introductions of books , and sometimes of annexes , too . Book volume and chapter numbers , as well as the several acts within a play ( e.g. Act iii , Scene 2 ) . Sequels of some movies , video games , and other works ( as in Rocky II ) . Outlines that use numbers to show hierarchical relationships . Occurrences of a recurring grand event , for instance : The Summer and Winter Olympic Games ( e.g. the XXI Olympic Winter Games ; the Games of the XXX Olympiad ) The Super Bowl , the annual championship game of the National Football League ( e.g. Super Bowl XXXVII ; Super Bowl 50 is a one - time exception ) WrestleMania , the annual professional wrestling event for the WWE ( e.g. WrestleMania XXX ) . This usage has also been inconsistent . Specific disciplines Entrance to section LII ( 52 ) of the Colosseum , with numerals still visible In astronomy , the natural satellites or `` moons '' of the planets are traditionally designated by capital Roman numerals appended to the planet 's name . For example , Titan 's designation is Saturn VI . In chemistry , Roman numerals are often used to denote the groups of the periodic table . They are also used in the IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry , for the oxidation number of cations which can take on several different positive charges . They are also used for naming phases of polymorphic crystals , such as ice . In computing , Roman numerals may be used in identifiers which are limited to alphabetic characters by syntactic constraints of the programming language . In LaTeX , for instance , \ labelitemiii refers to the label of an item in the third level iii of a nested list environment . In military unit designation , Roman numerals are often used to distinguish between units at different levels . This reduces possible confusion , especially when viewing operational or strategic level maps . In particular , army corps are often numbered using Roman numerals ( for example the American XVIII Airborne Corps or the WW2 - era German III Panzerkorps ) with Hindu - Arabic numerals being used for divisions and armies . In music , Roman numerals are used in several contexts : Movements are often numbered using Roman numerals . In music theory , the diatonic functions are identified using Roman numerals . ( See : Roman numeral analysis ) Individual strings of stringed instruments , such as the violin , are often denoted by Roman numerals , with higher numbers denoting lower strings . In pharmacy , Roman numerals are used in some contexts , including S to denote `` one half '' and N to mean `` nothing '' . ( See the sections below on `` zero '' and `` fractions '' . ) In photography , Roman numerals ( with zero ) are used to denote varying levels of brightness when using the Zone System . In seismology , Roman numerals are used to designate degrees of the Mercalli intensity scale of earthquakes . In tarot , Roman numerals ( with zero ) are used to denote the cards of the Major Arcana . In theology and biblical scholarship , the Septuagint is often referred to as LXX , as this translation of the Old Testament into Greek is named for the legendary number of its translators ( septuaginta being Latin for `` seventy '' ) . In entomology , the broods of the thirteen and seventeen year periodical cicadas are identified by Roman numerals . In advanced mathematics ( including trigonometry , statistics , and calculus ) , when a graph includes negative numbers , its quadrants are named using I , II , III , and IV . These quadrant names signify positive numbers on both axes , negative numbers on the X axis , negative numbers on both axes , and negative numbers on the Y axis , respectively . The use of Roman numerals to designate quadrants avoids confusion , since Hindu - Arabic numerals are used for the actual data represented in the graph . Modern use in continental Europe Some uses that are rare or never seen in English speaking countries are relatively common in continental Europe . For instance : Capital or small capital Roman numerals are widely used in Romance languages to denote centuries , e.g. the French xviii siècle and the Spanish siglo XVIII mean `` 18th century '' . Slavic languages in and adjacent to Russia similarly favour Roman numerals ( XVIII век ) . On the other hand , in Slavic languages in Central Europe , like most Germanic languages , one writes `` 18 . '' ( with a period ) before the local word for `` century '' . Boris Yeltsin 's signature , dated 10 November 1988 . The month is specified by `` XI '' rather than `` 11 '' . Mixed Roman and Hindu - Arabic numerals are sometimes used in numeric representations of dates ( especially in formal letters and official documents , but also on tombstones ) . The month is written in Roman numerals , while the day is in Hindu - Arabic numerals : `` 14. VI. 1789 '' and `` VI. 14.1789 '' both refer unambiguously to 14 June 1789 . Timetable on a shop window in Vilnius Roman numerals are sometimes used to represent the days of the week in hours - of - operation signs displayed in windows or on doors of businesses , and also sometimes in railway and bus timetables . Monday , taken as the first day of the week , is represented by I. Sunday is represented by VII . The hours of operation signs are tables composed of two columns where the left column is the day of the week in Roman numerals and the right column is a range of hours of operation from starting time to closing time . In the example case ( left ) , the business opens from 10 AM to 7 PM on weekdays , 10 AM to 5 PM on Saturdays and is closed on Sundays . Note that the listing uses 24 - hour time . Sign at 17.9 km on route SS4 Salaria , north of Rome Roman numerals may also be used for floor numbering . For instance , apartments in central Amsterdam are indicated as 138 - III , with both a Hindu - Arabic numeral ( number of the block or house ) and a Roman numeral ( floor number ) . The apartment on the ground floor is indicated as ' 138 - huis ' . In Italy , where roads outside built - up areas have kilometre signs , major roads and motorways also mark 100 - metre subdivisionals , using Roman numerals from I to IX for the smaller intervals . The sign `` IX 17 '' thus marks kilometre 17.9 . A notable exception to the use of Roman numerals in Europe is in Greece , where Greek numerals ( based on the Greek alphabet ) are generally used in contexts where Roman numerals would be used elsewhere . Special values Zero The number zero does not have its own Roman numeral , but the word nulla ( the Latin word meaning `` none '' ) was used by medieval scholars in lieu of 0 . Dionysius Exiguus was known to use nulla alongside Roman numerals in 525 . About 725 , Bede or one of his colleagues used the letter N , the initial of nulla or of nihil ( the Latin word for `` nothing '' ) , in a table of epacts , all written in Roman numerals . Fractions A triens coin ( 1 / 3 or 4 / 12 of an as ) . Note the four dots indicating its value . A semis coin ( 1 / 2 or 6 / 12 of an as ) . Note the S indicating its value . Though the Romans used a decimal system for whole numbers , reflecting how they counted in Latin , they used a duodecimal system for fractions , because the divisibility of twelve ( 12 = 2 × 3 ) makes it easier to handle the common fractions of 1 / 3 and 1 / 4 than does a system based on ten ( 10 = 2 × 5 ) . On coins , many of which had values that were duodecimal fractions of the unit as , they used a tally - like notational system based on twelfths and halves . A dot ( ) indicated an uncia `` twelfth '' , the source of the English words inch and ounce ; dots were repeated for fractions up to five twelfths . Six twelfths ( one half ) was abbreviated as the letter S for semis `` half '' . Uncia dots were added to S for fractions from seven to eleven twelfths , just as tallies were added to V for whole numbers from six to nine . Each fraction from 1 / 12 to 12 / 12 had a name in Roman times ; these corresponded to the names of the related coins : Fraction Roman numeral Name ( nominative and genitive ) Meaning 1 / 12 Uncia , unciae `` Ounce '' 2 / 12 = 1 / 6 or : Sextans , sextantis `` Sixth '' 3 / 12 = 1 / 4 or ∴ Quadrans , quadrantis `` Quarter '' 4 / 12 = 1 / 3 or : : Triens , trientis `` Third '' 5 / 12 or : : Quincunx , quincuncis `` Five - ounce '' ( quinque unciae → quincunx ) 6 / 12 = 1 / 2 Semis , semissis `` Half '' 7 / 12 S Septunx , septuncis `` Seven - ounce '' ( septem unciae → septunx ) 8 / 12 = 2 / 3 S or S : Bes , bessis `` Twice '' ( as in `` twice a third '' ) 9 / 12 = 3 / 4 S or S : Dodrans , dodrantis or nonuncium , nonuncii `` Less a quarter '' ( de-quadrans → dodrans ) or `` ninth ounce '' ( nona uncia → nonuncium ) 10 / 12 = 5 / 6 S or S : : Dextans , dextantis or decunx , decuncis `` Less a sixth '' ( de-sextans → dextans ) or `` ten ounces '' ( decem unciae → decunx ) 11 / 12 S or S : : Deunx , deuncis `` Less an ounce '' ( de-uncia → deunx ) 12 / 12 = 1 As , assis `` Unit '' The arrangement of the dots was variable and not necessarily linear . Five dots arranged like ( ⁙ ) ( as on the face of a die ) are known as a quincunx , from the name of the Roman fraction / coin . The Latin words sextans and quadrans are the source of the English words sextant and quadrant . Other Roman fractional notations included the following : 1 / 8 sescuncia , sescunciae ( from sesqui - + uncia , i.e. 11⁄2 uncias ) , represented by a sequence of the symbols for the semuncia and the uncia . 1 / 24 semuncia , semunciae ( from semi - + uncia , i.e. 1⁄2 uncia ) , represented by several variant glyphs deriving from the shape of the Greek letter sigma ( Σ ) , one variant resembling the pound sign ( £ ) without the horizontal line ( s ) and another resembling the Cyrillic letter Є . 1 / 36 binae sextulae , binarum sextularum ( `` two sextulas '' ) or duella , duellae , represented by a sequence of two reversed Ss ( ƧƧ ) . 1 / 48 sicilicus , sicilici , represented by a reversed C ( Ɔ ) . 1 / 72 sextula , sextulae ( 1 / 6 of an uncia ) , represented by a reversed S ( Ƨ ) . 1 / 144 = 12 dimidia sextula , dimidiae sextulae ( `` half a sextula '' ) , represented by a reversed S crossed by a horizontal line ( 𐆔 ) . 1 / 288 scripulum , scripuli ( a scruple ) , represented by the symbol ℈ . 1 / 1728 = 12 siliqua , siliquae , represented by a symbol resembling closing guillemets ( 𐆕 ) . Large numbers A number of systems were developed for the expression of larger numbers that can not be conveniently expressed using the normal seven letter symbols of conventional Roman numerals . `` 1630 '' on the Westerkerk in Amsterdam , with the date expressed in `` apostrophus '' notation . Apostrophus One of these was the apostrophus , in which 500 ( usually written as `` D '' ) was written as Ɔ , while 1,000 was written as C Ɔ instead of `` M '' . This is a system of encasing numbers to denote thousands ( the Cs and Ɔs functioned in this case as the Roman equivalent of parentheses ) , and has its origins in Etruscan numeral usage . Each extra set of C combined with Ɔ , raises C Ɔ by a factor of ten , for example , CC ƆƆ is 10,000 and CCC ƆƆƆ is 100,000 . Whereas the Ɔ ( representing 500 ) is raised by a factor of ten by combining it with a Ɔ , for example , ƆƆ is 5,000 , and ƆƆƆ is 50,000 . The D and M used to represent 500 and 1,000 in conventional Roman numerals were probably derived from Ɔ and C Ɔ , respectively . For example : Base number C Ɔ = 1,000 CC ƆƆ = 10,000 CCC ƆƆƆ = 100,000 with Ɔ Ɔ = 500 C Ɔ Ɔ = 1,500 ( broken down as C Ɔ plus Ɔ ) CC ƆƆ Ɔ = 10,500 ( broken down as CC ƆƆ plus Ɔ ) CCC ƆƆƆ Ɔ = 100,500 ( broken down as CCC ƆƆƆ plus Ɔ ) with ƆƆ ƆƆ = 5,000 CC ƆƆ ƆƆ = 15,000 ( broken down as CC ƆƆ plus ƆƆ ) CCC ƆƆƆ ƆƆ = 105,000 ( broken down as CCC ƆƆƆ plus ƆƆ ) with ƆƆƆ ƆƆƆ = 50,000 CCC ƆƆƆ ƆƆƆ = 150,000 ( broken down as CCC ƆƆƆ plus ƆƆƆ ) Sometimes C Ɔ was reduced to ↀ for 1,000 . John Wallis is often credited for introducing the symbol for infinity ( modern ∞ ) , and one conjecture is that he based it on this usage , since 1,000 was hyperbolically used to represent very large numbers . Similarly , ƆƆ for 5,000 was reduced to ↁ ; CC ƆƆ for 10,000 to ↂ ; ƆƆƆ for 50,000 to ↇ ; and CCC ƆƆƆ for 100,000 to ↈ . Page from a 16th - century manual , showing a mixture of apostrophus and vinculum numbers ( see in particular the ways of writing 10,000 ) . Vinculum Another system is the vinculum , where a conventional Roman numeral is multiplied by 1,000 by adding an overline . Although mathematical historian David Eugene Smith disputes that this was part of ancient Roman usage , the notation was certainly in use in the Middle Ages , and is at least a convenient and `` conventional '' way to express numbers greater than 3,999 in Roman numerals . For instance : IV for 4,000 XXV for 25,000 Adding vertical lines ( or brackets ) before and after the numeral seems to have been used ( at least by late medieval times ) to multiply a Roman numeral by 10 : thus M for 10,000 rather than X ( perhaps under the influence of Arabic / Hindu numerals , which were by this time coming into use ) . In combination with the overline the bracketed forms might be used to raise the multiplier to ( say ) ten ( or one hundred ) thousand , thus : VIII for 80,000 ( or 800,000 ) XX for 200,000 ( or 2,000,000 ) This needs to be distinguished from the custom of adding both underline and overline to a Roman numeral , simply to make it clear that it is a number , e.g. MCMLXVII . See also Egyptian numerals Etruscan numerals Kharosthi numerals Roman abacus Proto - writing Roman numerals in Unicode Pentimal system References Jump up ^ Gordon , Arthur E. ( 1982 ) . Illustrated Introduction to Latin Epigraphy . Berkeley : University of California Press . ISBN 0520050797 . Alphabetic symbols for larger numbers , such as Q for 500,000 , have also been used to various degrees of standardization . Jump up ^ Reddy , Indra K. ; Khan , Mansoor A. ( 2003 ) . Essential Math and Calculations for Pharmacy Technicians . CRC Press . ISBN 9780203495346 . Jump up ^ Dela Cruz , M.L.P. ; Torres , H.D. ( 2009 ) . Number Smart Quest for Mastery : Teacher 's Edition . Rex Bookstore , Inc . ISBN 9789712352164 . Jump up ^ Martelli , Alex ; Ascher , David ( 2002 ) . Python Cookbook . O'Reilly Media Inc . ISBN 9780596001674 . Jump up ^ `` What book is the Statue of Liberty holding ? What is its significance ? '' . Quora . Jump up ^ Hayes , David P. `` Guide to Roman Numerals '' . Copyright Registration and Renewal Information Chart and Web Site . Jump up ^ Adams , Cecil ( February 23 , 1990 ) . `` What is the proper way to style Roman numerals for the 1990s ? '' . The Straight Dope . Jump up ^ Reynolds , Joyce Maire ; Spawforth , Anthony J.S. ( 1996 ) . `` numbers , Roman '' . In Hornblower , Simon ; Spawforth , Anthony . Oxford Classical Dictionary ( 3rd ed . ) . Oxford University Press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 866172 - X . Jump up ^ Kennedy , Benjamin Hall ( 1923 ) . The Revised Latin Primer . London : Longmans , Green & Co . Jump up ^ Milham , W.I. ( 1947 ) . Time & Timekeepers . New York : Macmillan . p. 196 . ^ Jump up to : Pickover , Clifford A. ( 2003 ) , Wonders of Numbers : Adventures in Mathematics , Mind , and Meaning , Oxford University Press , p. 282 , ISBN 9780195348002 . Jump up ^ Adams , Cecil ; Zotti , Ed ( 1988 ) . More of the straight dope . Ballantine Books . p. 154 . ISBN 9780345351456 ... Jump up ^ `` Gallery : Museum 's North Entrance ( 1910 ) '' . Saint Louis Art Museum . Archived from the original on August 23 , 2014 . Retrieved January 10 , 2014 . The inscription over the North Entrance to the Museum reads : `` Dedicated to Art and Free to All MDCDIII '' . These Roman numerals translate to 1903 , indicating that the engraving was part of the original building designed for the 1904 World 's Fair . ^ Jump up to : Ifrah , Georges ( 2000 ) . The Universal History of Numbers : From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer . Translated by David Bellos , E.F. Harding , Sophie Wood , Ian Monk . John Wiley & Sons . ^ Jump up to : Asimov , Isaac ( 1977 ) ( 1966 ) . Asimov On Numbers . Pocket Books , a division of Simon & Schuster , Inc. p. 9 . Jump up ^ Alfred Hooper . The River Mathematics ( New York , H. Holt , 1945 ) . Jump up ^ Keyser , Paul ( 1988 ) . `` The Origin of the Latin Numerals 1 to 1000 '' . American Journal of Archaeology. 92 : 529 -- 546 . JSTOR 505248 . Jump up ^ Sturmer , Julius W. Course in Pharmaceutical and Chemical Arithmetic , 3rd ed . ( LaFayette , IN : Burt - Terry - Wilson , 1906 ) . p25 Retrieved on 2010 - 03 - 15 . Jump up ^ Bastedo , Walter A. Materia Medica : Pharmacology , Therapeutics and Prescription Writing for Students and Practitioners , 2nd ed . ( Philadelphia , PA : W.B. Saunders , 1919 ) p582 Retrieved on 2010 - 03 - 15 . Jump up ^ Capelli , A. Dictionary of Latin Abbreviations. 1912 . Jump up ^ Perry , David J. Proposal to Add Additional Ancient Roman Characters to UCS . Jump up ^ Bang , Jørgen . Fremmedordbog , Berlingske Ordbøger , 1962 ( Danish ) Jump up ^ Owen , Rob ( 2012 - 01 - 13 ) . `` TV Q&A : ABC News , ' Storage Wars ' and ' The Big Bang Theory ' '' . Pittsburgh Post-Gazette . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 13 . Jump up ^ NFL wo n't use Roman numerals for Super Bowl 50 , , Retrieved November 5 , 2014 Jump up ^ Bachenheimer , Bonnie S. ( 2010 ) . Manual for Pharmacy Technicians . ISBN 158528307X . Jump up ^ Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l'imprimerie nationale ( in French ) ( 6th ed . ) . Paris : Imprimerie nationale . March 2011 . p. 126 . ISBN 978 - 2 - 7433 - 0482 - 9 . On composera en chiffres romains petites capitales les nombres concernant : ↲ 1 . Les siècles . Jump up ^ Beginners latin , , Retrieved December 1 , 2013 Jump up ^ Roman Arithmetic , Southwestern Adventist University , Retrieved December 1 , 2013 Jump up ^ Roman Numerals History , Retrieved December 1 , 2013 Jump up ^ Faith Wallis , trans . Bede : The Reckoning of Time ( 725 ) , Liverpool : Liverpool Univ . Pr. , 2004 . ISBN 0 - 85323 - 693 - 3 . Jump up ^ Byrhtferth 's Enchiridion ( 1016 ) . Edited by Peter S. Baker and Michael Lapidge . Early English Text Society 1995 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 722416 - 8 . Jump up ^ C.W. Jones , ed. , Opera Didascalica , vol . 123C in Corpus Christianorum , Series Latina . Jump up ^ Maher , David W. ; Makowski , John F. , `` Literary Evidence for Roman Arithmetic with Fractions '' , Classical Philology 96 ( 2011 ) : 376 -- 399 . Jump up ^ `` Merriam - Webster Unabridged Dictionary '' . Jump up ^ Smith , David Eugene ( 1958 ) ( 1925 ) , History of Mathematics , II , p. 60 , ISBN 0 - 486 - 20430 - 8 Sources Menninger , Karl ( 1992 ) . Number Words and Number Symbols : A Cultural History of Numbers . Dover Publications . ISBN 978 - 0 - 486 - 27096 - 8 . Library resources about Roman numerals Online books Resources in your library Resources in other libraries Further reading Aczel , Amir D. 2015 . Finding Zero : A Mathematician 's Odyssey to Uncover the Origins of Numbers . 1st edition . New York : Palgrave Macmillan . Goines , David Lance . A Constructed Roman Alphabet : A Geometric Analysis of the Greek and Roman Capitals and of the Arabic Numerals . Boston : D.R. Godine , 1982 . Houston , Stephen D. 2012 . The Shape of Script : How and Why Writing Systems Change . Santa Fe , NM : School for Advanced Research Press . Taisbak , Christian M. 1965 . `` Roman numerals and the abacus . '' Classica et medievalia 26 : 147 -- 60 . External links Look up Appendix : Roman numerals or roman numeral in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . Wikimedia Commons has media related to Roman numerals . FAQ : Why do clocks with Roman numerals use `` IIII '' instead of `` IV '' ? 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1. Roman numeral system 2. Origin of Roman numerals 3. Use of Roman numerals in ancient Rome 4. Evolution of Roman numerals in the Middle Ages and Renaissance 5. Modern use of Roman numerals
who is commentating hockey night in canada tonight
List of Hockey Night in Canada commentators - wikipedia List of Hockey Night in Canada commentators Main articles : Hockey Night in Canada and NHL on Sportsnet Contents ( hide ) 1 Current 1.1 Play - by - play 1.1. 1 Punjabi 1.2 Colour commentators 1.2. 1 Punjabi 1.3 Rinkside reporters 1.4 Studio hosts 1.5 Studio analysts 1.6 Current broadcast teams 2 Former 2.1 Play - by - play 2.2 Colour commentators 2.3 Rinkside reporters 2.4 Studio hosts 2.5 Studio analysts 2.6 Former broadcast teams 2.7 IDesk contributors 3 References 4 See also Current ( edit ) Play - by - play ( edit ) Jim Hughson : 1985 -- 1986 , 2005 -- present Bob Cole : 1973 -- present Rick Ball : 2011 -- present Paul Romanuk : 2014 -- present Dave Randorf : 2014 -- present . John Shorthouse : 2014 -- present Punjabi ( edit ) Harnarayan Singh : 2008 -- present Bhupinder Hundal : 2014 -- present Colour commentators ( edit ) Garry Galley : 2007 -- present Kelly Hrudey : 1998 -- present Greg Millen : 1995 -- 1998 , 1999 -- present Craig Simpson : 2007 -- present John Garrett : 1986 -- 1998 , 2006 -- 2008 , 2014 -- present Louie DeBrusk : 2016 -- present Cassie Campbell - Pascall : 2006 -- present Punjabi ( edit ) Randip Janda : 2014 -- present Harpreet Pandher : 2014 -- present Bhupinder Hundal : 2014 -- present Rinkside reporters ( edit ) David Amber : 2011 -- present Cassie Campbell - Pascall : 2006 -- present Elliotte Friedman : 2003 -- present Scott Oake : 1988 -- present Christine Simpson : 2014 -- present Studio hosts ( edit ) Ron MacLean : 1986 -- 2014 , 2016 -- present David Amber : 2016 -- present Studio analysts ( edit ) Don Cherry : 1981 -- present Elliotte Friedman : 2012 -- present Nick Kypreos : 2014 -- present Kelly Hrudey : 1998 -- 2012 , 2016 -- present Current broadcast teams ( edit ) Prior to the 2014 -- 15 season , Hockey Night in Canada was split regionally on various CBC stations . As of this season , it is now split with CBC Television , City , and selected Sportsnet channels . Before Sportsnet acquired national NHL broadcast rights , CBC Television used to have fixed broadcast teams . After Sportsnet acquired the rights to the quantity of nationally televised games have increased and there are no fixed broadcast teams . Sportsnet has mixed in its own broadcasters with some of the original crew and they all shuffle weekly for which Canadian market team they do play - by - play and colour commentary they do . Former ( edit ) Play - by - play ( edit ) Parminder Singh : 2008 -- 2010 Dean Brown : 2000 -- 2014 Chris Cuthbert : 1984 -- 2004 Ken Daniels : 1992 -- 1997 Don Wittman : 1979 -- 2008 Danny Gallivan : 1952 -- 1984 Bill Hewitt : 1958 -- 1982 Foster Hewitt : 1952 -- 1960 Dick Irvin , Jr. : 1966 -- 1999 Dan Kelly : 1977 -- 1980 Mark Lee : 1997 -- 2014 Jim Robson : 1970 -- 1985 Colour commentators ( edit ) Scotty Bowman : 1987 -- 1990 Guy Carbonneau : 2009 -- 2010 Don Cherry : 1980 -- 1984 Marc Crawford : 1998 -- 1999 , 2008 -- 2009 Keith Dancy : 1952 -- 1966 John Davidson : 1983 -- 1986 , 1995 -- 2006 Gary Dornhoefer : 1978 -- 1987 Elmer Ferguson John Ferguson : 1973 -- 1975 Gerry Pinder : 1978 -- 1981 Patrick Flatley : 1998 -- 2000 Bob Goldham : 1960 -- 1964 Glenn Healy : 2000 -- 2003 , 2009 -- 2016 Bobby Hull : 1980 -- 1983 Dick Irvin , Jr. : 1966 -- 1999 Mike Johnson : 2014 -- 2016 Doug MacLean Donnie Marshall : 1977 -- 1980 Pit Martin : 1979 -- 1980 Brian McFarlane : 1964 -- 1983 Howie Meeker : 1969 -- 1987 Lou Nanne : 1979 Harry Neale : 1986 -- 2008 Bobby Orr : 1977 -- 1980 Jim Peplinski : 1990 -- 1995 , 1997 Gerry Pinder : 1979 -- 1981 Walter Pratt : 1970 -- 1978 Daryl Reaugh : 2011 -- 2013 Mickey Redmond : 1980 -- 1987 Drew Remenda : 2006 -- 2007 Glenn Resch : 1978 playoffs , 1988 Steve Shutt : 1990 -- 1994 Ron Tugnutt : 2005 -- 2007 Kevin Weekes : 2009 -- 2014 Amarinder Singh : 2010 -- 2011 Inderpreet Cumo : 2011 -- 2014 Bhola Chauhan : 2011 -- 2014 Surinder Chahal : 2014 -- 2015 Rinkside reporters ( edit ) Chris Cuthbert : 1984 -- 2004 Scott Russell : 1989 -- 2003 Martine Gaillard : 1998 -- 2004 Brenda Irving : 2001 -- 2006 Jeff Marek : 2009 -- 2011 Andi Petrillo : 2011 -- 2014 John Wells : 1979 -- 1984 Mitch Peacock : 2010 -- 2014 Bruce Rainnie : 2003 -- 2014 Studio hosts ( edit ) Mike Anscombe : 1970 -- 1972 Ward Cornell : 1958 -- 1971 Ted Darling : 1955 -- 1970 Jack Dennett : 1959 -- 1975 Bill Good , Jr. : 1970 -- 1977 Dave Hodge : 1971 -- 1987 Dick Irvin , Jr. : 1966 -- 1999 Brian McFarlane : 1964 -- 1989 Wes McKnight : 1952 -- 1958 Ted Reynolds : 1970 -- 1976 Frank Selke , Jr. : 1960 -- 1965 George Stroumboulopoulos : 2014 -- 2016 Studio analysts ( edit ) Rick Bowness : 1993 -- 1996 playoffs Damien Cox : 2014 -- 2016 Glenn Healy : 2000 -- 2003 , 2009 -- 2016 Howie Meeker : 1969 -- 1987 Mike Milbury : 2008 -- 2012 Walter Pratt : 1970 -- 1980 P.J. Stock : 2007 -- 2016 Red Storey : 1970 -- 1977 Kevin Weekes : 2013 -- 2014 Former broadcast teams ( edit ) Jim Hughson , Craig Simpson , and Scott Oake ( 7 : 00 Toronto game ) Bob Cole , Garry Galley , and Cassie Campbell - Pascall ( 7 : 00 Montreal game ) Dean Brown , Greg Millen and Mitch Peacock ( 7 : 00 Ottawa game ) Mark Lee , Kelly Hrudey , Glenn Healy , and David Amber ( 10 : 00 game ) Rick Ball ( fill -- in play - by - play ) IDesk contributors ( edit ) Scott Morrison : 2009 -- 2011 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Hockey Night in Canada '' . Ottawa Citizen . November 3 , 1979 . Retrieved 2010 - 12 - 19 . See also ( edit ) List of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation personalities List of NHL on Sportsnet commentators <Th_colspan="2"> Hockey Night in Canada Related programs La Soirée du hockey Don Cherry 's Rock'Em Sock'em Hockey NHL on Sportsnet ( commentators ) Reality programs Making the Cut : Last Man Standing Kraft Hockeyville Non-NHL programs American Hockey League Howie Meeker 's Hockey School Olympics on CBC ( commentators ) Related articles Canada Russia ' 72 Stanley Cup Finals television ratings Canadian Broadcasting Centre Rogers Communications Television coverage CBC City FX Canada Omni Sportsnet Sportsnet One Sportsnet 360 TVA Production companies CNR Radio ( 1931 -- 1933 ) Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission ( 1933 -- 1936 ) CBC Sports ( 1936 -- 2014 ) Rogers Communications ( 2014 -- present ) Radio coverage CNR Radio ( 1931 -- 1933 ) Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission ( 1933 -- 1936 ) CBC Radio ( 1936 -- 1976 ) Rogers Radio ( 2014 -- present ) American simulcasters SportsChannel America NHL Network ( 1975 -- 79 ) NHL Network Commentators All - Star Game Outdoor games Postseason Stanley Cup playoffs ( Original Six era ) Stanley Cup Finals Commentators by season 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s Stanley Cup Finals 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 ( Games 1 -- 2 ) 1986 ( Games 3 -- 5 ) 1987 ( Games 1 -- 2 , 6 -- 7 ) 1988 ( Games 3 -- 4a , 4b ) 1989 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 All - Star Game 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1988 1989 1994 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2015 2016 2017 2018 Outdoor games Heritage Classic 2003 2011 2014 2016 Winter Classic 2008 2009 2011 2012 2014 2015 2016 Stadium Series 2014 2015 Music `` The Hockey Theme '' Sponsors Imperial Oil Labatt Molson Culture Coach 's Corner Doubleheader Peter Puck Three stars Lore 1976 Flyers -- Red Army game Easter Epic Good Friday Massacre Miracle on Manchester The Monday Night Miracle <Th_colspan="2"> hide NHL on Sportsnet Related programs Hockey Central NHL on CTV ( 1998 -- 2002 ) Hockey Night in Canada commentators ; 2014 -- present ) Related articles `` The Hockey Song '' Canada 's Olympic Broadcast Media Consortium Commentators Entry Draft Commentators by team Toronto Maple Leafs Vancouver Canucks Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists of National Hockey League broadcasters CBC Sports Sportsnet Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 16 June 2018 , at 15 : 37 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Hockey Night in Canada commentators 2. Current broadcast teams 3. Former play-by-play commentators 4. Studio hosts and analysts 5. Rinkside reporters
what was the outcome of the greensboro sit in
Greensboro sit - ins - wikipedia Greensboro sit - ins Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> Greensboro sit - ins <Td_colspan="2"> Part of the Civil Rights Movement <Td_colspan="2"> The Greensboro Four : ( left to right ) David Richmond , Franklin McCain , Ezell Blair , Jr. , and Joseph McNeil Date February 1 -- July 25 , 1960 Location Greensboro , North Carolina Caused by `` Gray 's only '' lunch counters at Woolworth Racial segregation in public accommodations Resulted in Catalyst to sit - in movement that spread to more than 55 cities in 13 U.S. states within three months Formation of Student Executive Committee for Justice ( SECJ ) Greensboro businesses desegregate lunch counters Catalyst to the formation of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee ( SNCC ) <Th_colspan="2"> Parties to the civil conflict <Td_colspan="2"> Students from : North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Bennett College for Women Dudley High School Woman 's College Congress of Racial Equality ( CORE ) Business lunch counters at : Woolworth Kress Walgreens Ku Klux Klan ( KKK ) <Th_colspan="2"> Lead figures <Td_colspan="2"> Students Joseph McNeil Franklin McCain Ezell Blair Jr . David Richmond Woolworth Clarence Harris KKK member George Dorsett The Greensboro sit - ins were a series of nonviolent protests in Greensboro , North Carolina , in 1960 , which was one of the sit - ins that later led to the Woolworth department store chain removing its policy of racial segregation in the Southern United States . While not the first sit - in of the Civil Rights Movement , the Greensboro sit - ins were an instrumental action , and also the most well - known sit - ins of the Civil Rights Movement . They are considered a catalyst to the subsequent sit - in movement . These sit - ins led to increased national sentiment at a crucial period in US history . The primary event took place at the Greensboro , North Carolina , Woolworth store , now the International Civil Rights Center and Museum . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 Activist 's Plan 3 Events at Woolworth 4 Impact 5 See also 6 References 7 Bibliography 8 Further reading 9 External links Background ( edit ) Main article : Sit - in movement While the Greensboro sit - in was the most influential and significant sit - in of the Civil Rights Movement , it was not the first . In August 1939 , black attorney Samuel Wilbert Tucker organized a sit - in at the then - segregated Alexandria , Virginia , library . In 1942 , the Congress of Racial Equality sponsored sit - ins in Chicago , as they did in St. Louis in 1949 and Baltimore in 1952 . Also , a 1958 sit - in in Wichita , Kansas was successful in ending segregation at every Dockum Drug Store in Kansas . Activist 's plan ( edit ) Days before the Woolworth sit - ins , the Greensboro Four ( as they would soon be known ) were debating on which way would be the best to get the media 's attention . They were Joseph McNeil , Franklin McCain , Ezell Blair Jr. , and David Richmond . All were young black students at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University . They were inspired by Martin Luther King , Jr. and his practice of nonviolent protest , and wanted to change the segregational policies of Woolworth in Greensboro , North Carolina . The plan was simple , but effective : the four men would occupy seats at the local Woolworth , ask to be served , and when they were inevitably denied service , they would not leave . They would repeat this process day in and day out , for as long as it would take . Their thinking was that , if they could attract widespread attention to the issue , Woolworth would feel pressured to desegregate . Events at Woolworth ( edit ) The protests took place at this Woolworth five - and - dime store . On February 1 , 1960 , at 4 : 30pm , the four sat down at the lunch counter inside the Woolworth store at 132 South Elm Street in Greensboro . The men , later also known as the A&T Four or the Greensboro Four , had purchased toothpaste and other products from a desegregated counter at the store with no problems , and then were refused service at the store 's lunch counter when they each asked for a cup of coffee . Following store policy , staff refused to serve the black men at the `` whites only '' counter and store manager Clarence Harris asked them to leave . However , the four freshmen stayed until the store closed that night . The next day , more than twenty black students , recruited from other campus groups , joined the sit - in . Students from Bennett College , a college for black women in Greensboro , also joined . White customers heckled the black students , who read books and studied to keep busy , while the lunch counter staff continued to refuse service . This 4 - seat section of lunch counter from the Greensboro , North Carolina Woolworth is at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington , D.C. The rest sits in its original footprint inside the International Civil Rights Center and Museum Greensboro , North Carolina Newspaper reporters and a TV filmographer covered the second day , and others in the community learned of the protests . On the third day , more than 60 people came to the Woolworth store . A statement issued by Woolworth national headquarters said that the company would `` abide by local custom '' and maintain its segregation policy . On the fourth day , more than 300 people took part . Organizers agreed to expand the sit - in protests to include the lunch counter at Greensboro 's Kress store . As early as one week after the Greensboro sit - ins began , students in other North Carolina towns launched their own . Winston - Salem , Durham , Raleigh , Charlotte , and out - of - state towns such as Lexington , Kentucky all saw protests . The sit - in movement then spread to other Southern cities , including Richmond , Virginia and Nashville , Tennessee , where students of the Nashville Student Movement were trained by civil rights activist James Lawson and had already started the process when Greensboro occurred . Most of these protests were peaceful , but there were instances of violence . In Chattanooga , Tennessee , tensions rose between blacks and whites and fights broke out . In Jackson , Mississippi , students from Tougaloo College staged a sit - in on May 28 , 1963 , recounted in the autobiography of Anne Moody , a participant . In Coming of Age in Mississippi Moody describes their treatment from whites who were at the counter when they sat down , the formation of the mob in the store and how they managed finally to leave . As the sit - ins continued , tensions started growing in Greensboro . Students began a far - reaching boycott of stores with segregated lunch counters . Sales at the boycotted stores dropped by a third , leading their owners to abandon segregation policies . On Monday , July 25 , 1960 , after nearly $200,000 in losses ( $1.7 million today ) , store manager Clarence Harris asked three black employees to change out of their work clothes and order a meal at the counter . They were , quietly , the first to be served at a Woolworth lunch counter . Most stores were soon desegregated , though in other Tennessee cities , such as Nashville and Jackson , Woolworth 's continued to be segregated until around 1965 , despite multiple protests . Impact ( edit ) The February One monument and sculpture stands on North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University 's campus and is dedicated to the actions taken by the Greensboro Four that helped spark the Civil Rights Movement in the South . Despite the sometimes violent reaction to the sit - ins , these demonstrations eventually led to positive results . For example , the sit - ins received significant media and government attention . When the Woolworth sit - in began , the Greensboro newspaper published daily articles on the growth and impact of the demonstration . The sit - ins made headlines in other cities as well , as the demonstrations spread throughout the Southern states . A Charlotte newspaper published an article on February 9 , 1960 , describing the statewide sit - ins and the resulting closures of dozens of lunch counters . Furthermore , on March 16 , 1960 , President Eisenhower expressed his concern for those who were fighting for their human and civil rights , saying that he was `` deeply sympathetic with the efforts of any group to enjoy the rights of equality that they are guaranteed by the Constitution . '' Also , this sit - in was a contributing factor in the formation of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee ( SNCC ) . In many towns , the sit - ins were successful in achieving the desegregation of lunch counters and other public places . Nashville 's students , who were already planning their sit - ins and started them a few days after the Greensboro group , attained desegregation of the downtown department store lunch counters in May , 1960 . The media picked up this issue and covered it nationwide , beginning with lunch counters and spreading to other forms of public accommodation , including transport facilities , art galleries , beaches , parks , swimming pools , libraries , and even museums around the South . The Civil Rights Act of 1964 mandated desegregation in public accommodations . Over 70,000 people took part in the sit - ins . They even spread to northern states such as Ohio and the western state of Nevada . Sit - ins protested about segregated swimming pools , lunch counters , libraries , transport facilities , museums , art galleries , parks and beaches . By simply highlighting such practices , the students can claim to have played a significant part in the history of the Civil Rights Movement . In 1993 , a four - seat portion of the lunch counter was acquired by the Smithsonian Institution . The International Civil Rights Center & Museum in Greensboro , North Carolina , contains the full rest of the lunch counter in its original footprint inside the store , along with photos of the original four protesters , a timeline of the events , and headlines from the media . The street south of the site was renamed February One Place , in commemoration of the date of the first Greensboro sit - in . See also ( edit ) Sit - in movement - list of sit - in 's American Civil Rights Movement Timeline February One : The Story of the Greensboro Four References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` The Sit - in Movement '' . International Civil Rights Center & Museum . Retrieved 20 March 2016 . ^ Jump up to : The Greensboro Sit - In , history , Retrieved February 25 , 2015 ^ Jump up to : `` Greensboro Lunch Counter Sit - In '' , Library of Congress . Retrieved November 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` We 'll see sit - in stamp first '' . ( in German ) . Retrieved 2018 - 02 - 04 . Jump up ^ First Southern Sit - in , Greensboro NC , Civil Rights Movement Veterans Jump up ^ `` America 's First Sit - Down Strike : The 1939 Alexandria Library Sit - In '' . City of Alexandria . Archived from the original on May 28 , 2010 . Retrieved August 22 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Kansas Sit - In Gets Its Due at Last ; NPR ; October 21 , 2006 '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 03 - 25 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Greensboroina History '' . . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 14 . Jump up ^ Wolff , Miles . Lunch at the 5 and 10 . Revised & expanded . Chicago : Elephant Paperbacks , 1990 . ISBN 0929587316 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Greensboro Chronology '' , International Civil Rights Center and Museum , Retrieved November 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ The Greensboro Four ( PDF ) , North Carolina Museum of History , archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2011 - 01 - 25 , retrieved 2010 - 11 - 26 Jump up ^ Schlosser , James ' Jim ' ( Feb 2 , 2009 ) , `` Timeline '' , in Prout , Teresa , Greensboro Sit - ins ( news & record ) Jump up ^ Wolff , Miles ( 1970 ) , Lunch at the Five and Ten , New York : Stein and Day . Jump up ^ Moody , Anne ( 1968 ) . `` 23 '' . Coming of Age in Mississippi . New York : Bantam Dell . Jump up ^ `` Civil Rights Greensboro '' . Jump up ^ `` Timeline of civil rights in Tennessee - October 1960 - Civil Rights - A Jackson Sun Special Report '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 03 - 25 . Jump up ^ Prout , Teresa , ed . ( Feb 2 , 2009 ) , `` NC Stores Close Down Counters '' , Greensboro Sit - ins ( news & record ) Jump up ^ Wilkinson , Doris Yvonne ( 1969 ) , Black Revolt : Strategies of Protest , Berkeley : McCutchan Jump up ^ Eisenhower , Dwight D. ( 1961 ) . `` 93 The President 's News Conference of March 16 , 1960 . '' . The Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States . Dwight D. Eisenhower . January 1 , 1960 , to January 20 , 1961 . Published by the Office of Federal Register National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration . p. 294 . Jump up ^ `` The Asheboro Sit - Ins '' . Notes on the History of Randolph County , NC . January 18 , 2013 . Retrieved September 4 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Sit - ins Spread Across the South , Civil Rights Movement Veterans Jump up ^ Civil Rights Act , Find US law , 1964 Jump up ^ `` Greensboro 1960 - History Learning Site '' . History Learning Site . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 16 . Jump up ^ Curtis , Mary C ( February 19 , 2011 ) . `` Museum Will Bring African American -- Make That ' American ' -- History to National Mall '' . Politics Daily . AOL . Archived from the original on February 21 , 2011 . Retrieved February 21 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Workers unearth bits of urban history at February One Place '' , News & Record , September 9 , 2009 Bibliography ( edit ) Wolff , Miles ( 1990 ) . Lunch at the 5 and 10 . Elephant Paperbacks . ISBN 0929587316 . Further reading ( edit ) Chafe , William Henry ( 1981 ) . Civilities and Civil Rights : Greensboro , North Carolina , and the Black Struggle for Freedom . New York : Oxford University Press . ISBN 9780195029192 . Kowal , Rebekah J. ( Winter 2004 ) . `` Staging the Greensboro Sit - Ins '' . TDR. 48 ( 4 ) : 135 -- 154 . Pollitt , Daniel H. ( Summer 1960 ) . `` Dime Store Demonstrations : Events and Legal Problems of First Sixty Days , 1960 '' . Duke Law Journal . 9 ( 1 ) : 315 -- 365 . Walzer , Michael ( Spring 1960 ) . `` A Cup of Coffee and a Seat '' . Dissent. 7 : 111 -- 120 . External links ( edit ) Civil Rights Greensboro : Greensboro sit - ins , UNCG . `` Greensboro Lunch Counter '' , Object of History . Greensboro Sit - Ins ( timeline ) , CRMVet . Greensboro 1960 , UK : History learning site . Sit - ins ( exhibit ) , Greensboro Historical Museum . `` Launch of a Civil Rights Movement '' , Greensboro sit - ins . Making Equality a Reality -- History of Sit ins , Core online . Sit - in movement , International Civil Rights Center & Museum . Guide to the Edward Raymond Zane Letters , Duke University . <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) Civil rights movement Notable events ( timeline ) Prior to 1954 Lynching in the United States Murder of Harry and Harriette Moore 1954 -- 1959 Brown v. Board of Education Bolling v. Sharpe Briggs v. Elliott Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County Gebhart v. Belton White America , Inc . Sarah Keys v. Carolina Coach Company Emmett Till Montgomery bus boycott Browder v. Gayle Tallahassee bus boycott Mansfield school desegregation 1957 Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom `` Give Us the Ballot '' Royal Ice Cream sit - in Little Rock Nine National Guard blockade Civil Rights Act of 1957 Kissing Case Biloxi wade - ins 1960 -- 1963 Greensboro sit - ins Nashville sit - ins Sit - in movement Civil Rights Act of 1960 Gomillion v. Lightfoot Boynton v. Virginia Rock Hill sit - ins Robert F. Kennedy 's Law Day Address Freedom Rides attacks Garner v. Louisiana Albany Movement University of Chicago sit - ins `` Second Emancipation Proclamation '' Meredith enrollment , Ole Miss riot `` Segregation now , segregation forever '' Stand in the Schoolhouse Door 1963 Birmingham campaign Letter from Birmingham Jail Children 's Crusade Birmingham riot 16th Street Baptist Church bombing John F. Kennedy 's Report to the American People on Civil Rights March on Washington `` I Have a Dream '' St. Augustine movement 1964 -- 1968 Twenty - fourth Amendment Bloody Tuesday Freedom Summer workers ' murders Civil Rights Act of 1964 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches `` How Long , Not Long '' Voting Rights Act of 1965 Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections March Against Fear White House Conference on Civil Rights Chicago Freedom Movement / Chicago open housing movement Memphis sanitation strike King assassination funeral riots Poor People 's Campaign Civil Rights Act of 1968 Green v. County School Board of New Kent County Activist groups Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights Atlanta Student Movement Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Congress of Racial Equality ( CORE ) Committee on Appeal for Human Rights Council for United Civil Rights Leadership Dallas County Voters League Deacons for Defense and Justice Georgia Council on Human Relations Highlander Folk School Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Montgomery Improvement Association Nashville Student Movement NAACP Youth Council Northern Student Movement National Council of Negro Women National Urban League Operation Breadbasket Regional Council of Negro Leadership Southern Christian Leadership Conference ( SCLC ) Southern Regional Council Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee ( SNCC ) The Freedom Singers Wednesdays in Mississippi Women 's Political Council Activists Ralph Abernathy Victoria Gray Adams Zev Aelony Mathew Ahmann William G. Anderson Gwendolyn Armstrong Arnold Aronson Ella Baker Marion Barry Daisy Bates Harry Belafonte James Bevel Claude Black Gloria Blackwell Randolph Blackwell Unita Blackwell Ezell Blair Jr . Joanne Bland Julian Bond Joseph E. Boone William Holmes Borders Amelia Boynton Raylawni Branch Ruby Bridges Aurelia Browder H. Rap Brown Guy Carawan Stokely Carmichael Johnnie Carr James Chaney J.L. Chestnut Colia Lafayette Clark Ramsey Clark Septima Clark Xernona Clayton Eldridge Cleaver Kathleen Cleaver Charles E. Cobb Jr . Annie Lee Cooper Dorothy Cotton Claudette Colvin Vernon Dahmer Jonathan Daniels Joseph DeLaine Dave Dennis Annie Devine Patricia Stephens Due Joseph Ellwanger Charles Evers Medgar Evers Myrlie Evers - Williams Chuck Fager James Farmer Walter E. Fauntroy James Forman Marie Foster Golden Frinks Andrew Goodman Fred Gray Jack Greenberg Dick Gregory Lawrence Guyot Prathia Hall Fannie Lou Hamer William E. Harbour Vincent Harding Dorothy Height Lola Hendricks Aaron Henry Oliver Hill Donald L. Hollowell James Hood Myles Horton Zilphia Horton T.R.M. Howard Ruby Hurley Jesse Jackson Jimmie Lee Jackson Richie Jean Jackson T.J. Jemison Esau Jenkins Barbara Rose Johns Vernon Johns Frank Minis Johnson Clarence Jones J. Charles Jones Matthew Jones Vernon Jordan Tom Kahn Clyde Kennard A.D. King C.B. King Coretta Scott King Martin Luther King Jr . Martin Luther King Sr . Bernard Lafayette James Lawson Bernard Lee Sanford R. Leigh Jim Letherer Stanley Levison John Lewis Viola Liuzzo Z. Alexander Looby Joseph Lowery Clara Luper Malcolm X Mae Mallory Vivian Malone Thurgood Marshall Benjamin Mays Franklin McCain Charles McDew Ralph McGill Floyd McKissick Joseph McNeil James Meredith William Ming Jack Minnis Amzie Moore Douglas E. Moore Harriette Moore Harry T. Moore William Lewis Moore Irene Morgan Bob Moses William Moyer Elijah Muhammad Diane Nash Charles Neblett Edgar Nixon Jack O'Dell James Orange Rosa Parks James Peck Charles Person Homer Plessy Adam Clayton Powell Jr . Fay Bellamy Powell Al Raby Lincoln Ragsdale A. Philip Randolph George Raymond Jr . Bernice Johnson Reagon Cordell Reagon James Reeb Frederick D. Reese Gloria Richardson David Richmond Bernice Robinson Jo Ann Robinson Bayard Rustin Bernie Sanders Michael Schwerner Cleveland Sellers Charles Sherrod Alexander D. Shimkin Fred Shuttlesworth Modjeska Monteith Simkins Glenn E. Smiley A. Maceo Smith Kelly Miller Smith Mary Louise Smith Maxine Smith Ruby Doris Smith - Robinson Charles Kenzie Steele Hank Thomas Dorothy Tillman A.P. Tureaud Hartman Turnbow Albert Turner C.T. Vivian Wyatt Tee Walker Hollis Watkins Walter Francis White Roy Wilkins Hosea Williams Kale Williams Robert F. Williams Andrew Young Whitney Young Sammy Younge Jr . James Zwerg Influences Nonviolence Padayatra Sermon on the Mount Mahatma Gandhi Ahimsa Satyagraha The Kingdom of God Is Within You Frederick Douglass W.E.B. Du Bois Mary McLeod Bethune Related Jim Crow laws Plessy v. Ferguson Separate but equal Buchanan v. Warley Hocutt v. Wilson Sweatt v. Painter Heart of Atlanta Motel , Inc. v. United States Katzenbach v. McClung Loving v. Virginia Fifth Circuit Four Brown Chapel Holt Street Baptist Church Edmund Pettus Bridge March on Washington Movement African - American churches attacked Journey of Reconciliation Freedom Songs `` Kumbaya '' `` Keep Your Eyes on the Prize '' `` Oh , Freedom '' `` This Little Light of Mine '' `` We Shall Not Be Moved '' `` We Shall Overcome '' Spring Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam `` Beyond Vietnam : A Time to Break Silence '' Watts riots Voter Education Project 1960s counterculture In popular culture King Memorial Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument Freedom Riders National Monument Civil Rights Memorial The New Jim Crow ( 2010 ) Noted historians Taylor Branch Clayborne Carson John Dittmer Michael Eric Dyson Chuck Fager Adam Fairclough David Garrow David Halberstam Vincent Harding Steven F. Lawson Doug McAdam Diane McWhorter Charles M. Payne Timothy Tyson Akinyele Umoja Movement photographers <Th_colspan="2"> F.W. Woolworth Company -- Foot Locker Company F.W. Woolworth Company Champs Sports Eastbay Foot Locker Kinney Shoes Woolco Other divisions and namesakes Buildings List of Woolworth buildings Woolworth Building Lexington Store St. Louis Office Shadow Lawn Watertown Store Wilmington Store Winfield Hall Winfield House Culture `` Love at the Five and Dime '' Seafoam salad Woolworth v. Contemporary Arts Events Foot Locker Cross Country Civil rights Greensboro sit - ins Ezell Blair Jr . Franklin McCain Joseph McNeil David Richmond International Civil Rights Center and Museum February One Clarence Harris Lexington Woolworths Nashville sit - ins Family Frank Winfield Woolworth Barbara Hutton Poor Little Rich Girl Lance Reventlow <Th_colspan="3"> North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University <Td_colspan="3"> Located in : Greensboro , North Carolina Academics Colleges & schools College of Arts & Sciences College of Engineering School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences School of Business and Economics School of Education Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering School of Nursing School of Technology School of Graduate Studies People Presidents and Chancellors Harold L. Martin Affiliations University of North Carolina Southeastern Universities Research Association Thurgood Marshall College Fund NC Research Campus Athletics Sports Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference ( MEAC ) North Carolina A&T Aggies Men 's Basketball Women 's Basketball Football Baseball Rivalries North Carolina Central South Carolina State Winston - Salem State Facilities Aggie Stadium Ellis F. Corbett Sports Center War Memorial Stadium People Earl M. Hilton III Rod Broadway Cy Alexander Duane Ross Jay Joyner Campus Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina Historic District Deese Clock Tower February One Observatory History 1969 Greensboro uprising A&T Four Jibreel Khazan formerly Ezell A. Blair Franklin McCain Joseph McNeil David Richmond Greensboro sit - ins Student life Alumni Blue and Gold Marching Machine `` Dear A&T '' ( Alma Mater ) Fraternities and Sororities `` NC A&T Aggie Fight Song '' `` Old Aggie Spirit '' A&T Register ( Newspaper ) WNAA 90.1 FM ( Radio ) <Td_colspan="3"> Founded by act of the North Carolina General Assembly , on March 9 , 1891 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Civil rights protests in the United States 1960 in North Carolina History of African - American civil rights Civil disobedience North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University History of Greensboro , North Carolina F.W. Woolworth Company 1960 protests History of racism in North Carolina Hidden categories : CS1 German - language sources ( de ) All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from February 2011 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Français Simple English Tiếng Việt Edit links This page was last edited on 23 May 2018 , at 18 : 09 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Greensboro sit-ins 2. Civil Rights Movement 3. Woolworth department store 4. Racial segregation 5. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
former world number one tennis player who coached roger federer in 2014
Stefan Edberg - wikipedia Stefan Edberg Jump to : navigation , search `` Edberg '' redirects here . For other uses , see Edberg ( disambiguation ) . This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification . Please help by adding reliable sources . Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately , especially if potentially libelous or harmful . ( January 2012 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Stefan Edberg <Td_colspan="2"> Full name Stefan Bengt Edberg Country ( sports ) Sweden Residence London , England , UK ( 1966 - 01 - 19 ) 19 January 1966 ( age 52 ) Västervik , Sweden Height 1.88 m ( 6 ft 2 in ) Turned pro Retired Plays Right - handed ( one - handed backhand ) Prize money US $ 20,630,941 Int . Tennis HoF 2004 ( member page ) <Th_colspan="2"> Singles Career record 801 -- 270 ( 74.7 % ) Career titles 41 Highest ranking No. 1 ( 13 August 1990 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Grand Slam Singles results Australian Open W ( 1985 , 1987 ) French Open F ( 1989 ) Wimbledon W ( 1988 , 1990 ) US Open W ( 1991 , 1992 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Other tournaments Tour Finals W ( 1989 ) Grand Slam Cup SF ( 1993 ) WCT Finals F ( 1988 ) Olympic Games SF ( 1988 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Doubles Career record 283 -- 153 Career titles 18 Highest ranking No. 1 ( 9 June 1986 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Grand Slam Doubles results Australian Open W ( 1987 , 1996 ) French Open F ( 1986 ) Wimbledon SF ( 1987 ) US Open W ( 1987 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Other doubles tournaments Olympic Games SF ( 1988 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Team competitions Davis Cup W ( 1984 , 1985 , 1987 , 1994 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Coaching career ( 2014 -- ) <Td_colspan="2"> Roger Federer ( 2014 -- 2015 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Coaching achievements Coachee Singles Titles total 10 <Td_colspan="2"> List of notable tournaments ( with champion ) 3x ATP World Tour Masters 1000 ( Federer ) Davis Cup ( Federer ) <Th_colspan="2"> Medal record ( hide ) <Th_colspan="3"> Men 's tennis <Th_colspan="3"> Representing Sweden <Th_colspan="3"> Olympic Games 1988 Seoul Singles 1988 Seoul Doubles Stefan Bengt Edberg ( Swedish pronunciation : ( ˈsteːfan ˈeːdˌbærj ) ; born 19 January 1966 ) is a Swedish former world no . 1 professional tennis player ( in both singles and doubles ) . A major proponent of the serve - and - volley style of tennis , he won six Grand Slam singles titles and three Grand Slam men 's doubles titles between 1985 and 1996 . He also won the Masters Grand Prix and was a part of the Swedish Davis Cup - winning - team four times . In addition he won four Masters Series titles , four Championship Series titles and the unofficial Olympic tournament 1984 , was ranked in the singles top 10 for ten successive years , 9 years in the top 5 , and is considered one of the greatest players of his era . Edberg began coaching Roger Federer in January 2014 , with this partnership ending in December 2015 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Career 2 Style of play 3 Equipment 4 Post-career competitive racquet sports 5 Coaching 6 Distinctions and honors 7 Personal life 8 Career statistics 8.1 Grand Slam tournament timeline 8.2 Records 9 Professional awards 10 See also 11 References 12 External links Career ( edit ) Edberg first came to the tennis world 's attention as a junior player . He won all four Grand Slam junior titles in 1983 to become the first ( and only ) player to achieve the `` Junior Grand Slam '' in the open era . Later that year as a professional , Edberg won his first career doubles title in Basel . Edberg accidentally caused the death of linesman Dick Wertheim with an errant serve during the 1983 US Open . In 1984 , Edberg won his first top - level singles title in Milan . Edberg also won the tennis tournament at the 1984 Summer Olympics when the sport was an exhibition event and partnered with fellow Swede Anders Järryd to reach the final of the US Open . Edberg also reached the French Open doubles final with Järryd in 1986 and consequently was World No. 1 in doubles in that year . U.S. fans first took notice of Edberg 's professional career when he won the U.S. Indoor in Memphis in February 1985 , defeating Yannick Noah in the final . Edberg 's first two Grand Slam singles titles came at the Australian Open . In December 1985 , he defeated Mats Wilander in straight sets to claim his first major title . In January 1987 , he defended his title by defeating local favourite Pat Cash in five sets to win the last Australian Open held on grass courts . Edberg also won the Australian Open and US Open men 's doubles titles in 1987 ( partnering fellow Swede Anders Järryd ) . In 1988 , Edberg reached the first of three consecutive finals at Wimbledon , but lost his ranking as Sweden 's number one player when Mats Wilander had his best year by winning the Australian , French and US Opens in 1988 , becoming the world 's number one ranked player . In all three of his consecutive Wimbledon finals , he played German Boris Becker in what became one of Wimbledon 's greatest rivalries . Edberg won their first encounter in a four - set match spread over two days because of rain delays . A year later , Becker won in straight sets . The closest of their matches came in the 1990 final , when Edberg won in five sets after being down a break in the fifth set . Edberg reached the French Open final in 1989 but lost in five sets to 17 - year - old Michael Chang , who became the youngest ever male winner of a Grand Slam singles title . This was the only Grand Slam singles title that Edberg never won , denying him the completion of a career Grand Slam at the senior level , to match his junior Grand Slam . In 1990 , an abdominal muscle injury forced Edberg to retire from the Australian Open final while trailing Ivan Lendl 5 -- 2 ( including two breaks of serve ) in the third set . Edberg nevertheless took the World No. 1 ranking from Lendl on 13 August 1990 by winning the Super 9 tournament in Cincinnati . He held it for the rest of that year and for much of 1991 and 1992 . Edberg spent a total of 72 weeks as World No. 1 . In 1991 Edberg again reached the Semi Finals of Wimbledon but lost to Michael Stich in a close match : 4 -- 6 , 7 -- 6 , 7 -- 6 , 7 -- 6 . Edberg 's final two Grand Slam singles triumphs came at the US Open , with wins over Jim Courier in the 1991 final and Pete Sampras in the 1992 final , who was just months away from being ranked No. 1 in the world . Edberg reached the Finals of Australian Open again in 1992 and 1993 , losing both times to Jim Courier in 4 sets . He was one of the few players who reached the finals for Australian Open 5 times . The 1993 Australian Open final was Edberg 's last Grand Slam singles final appearance . In 1996 , Edberg reached the finals of Queens club but lost the match to Boris Becker . He won his third and final Grand Slam doubles title at Australian Open with Petr Korda . He reached quarterfinals of his last US Open after defeating Richard Krajicek and Tim Henman , but lost the quarterfinals to Goran Ivanisevic . Edberg was most comfortable playing tennis on fast - playing surfaces . Of his six Grand Slam singles titles , four were won on grass courts at the Australian Open ( 1985 and 1987 ) and Wimbledon ( 1988 and 1990 ) and two were won on hardcourts at the US Open ( 1991 and 1992 ) . In December 2013 , Edberg began coaching Roger Federer . Style of play ( edit ) Edberg is noted as the finest serve - and - volley player of his era and arguably the greatest of all - time . Edberg did not possess a powerful dominating serve like Pete Sampras or Boris Becker , but his serve was still largely effective . Edberg often chose to use a less powerful serve , such as a kick or slice serve . The extra time from using a slower serve gave Edberg more time to get to the net , where he used his quick feet and athleticism to gain control of the point . Edberg 's volleying skills were the very best and could easily redirect powerfully struck balls to the open court . He had sufficient groundstrokes , and his one - handed backhand was one of his marquee shots . Edberg 's backhand was extremely effective and considered amongst the best of his era . Equipment ( edit ) Through his whole career , Edberg used Wilson Sporting Goods racquets and Adidas clothing and shoes . Post-career competitive racquet Sports ( edit ) Edberg began playing competitive squash after his retirement from professional tennis and soon became an elite player in Sweden . When racketlon emerged as a growing sport in Scandinavia , Edberg 's pro-level tennis ability and emerging squash prowess made him highly competitive , despite his relative inexperience in badminton and table tennis . In September 2008 , Stefan Edberg officially joined the Black Rock Tour of Champions , a tour for professional tennis players who have retired from the ATP Tour . Edberg won his first tournament in Paris held on clay , winning matches against clay court specialists Thomas Muster in the opening round and Sergi Bruguera in the finals . In January 2012 , Edberg played a one - set exhibition against Jo - Wilfried Tsonga in Doha , Qatar , and lost 7 -- 5 . Coaching ( edit ) Edberg signed a contract to become Roger Federer 's coach at the end of 2013 . Their collaboration officially started at the 2014 Australian Open . ( 1 ) Federer described Edberg 's role as `` more of a mentor than a coach '' ; nonetheless , his influence has been widely regarded as pivotal in the Swiss champion 's eventual resurgence , especially in bringing effective and more frequent serve - and - volley and net charging to his game . Distinctions and honors ( edit ) Edberg also played on 4 Swedish Davis Cup winning teams in 1984 , 1985 , 1987 and 1994 . He appeared in seven Davis Cup finals -- a record for a Swedish player . Since the Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) computer rankings began , Edberg and John McEnroe are the only men to be ranked world no . 1 in both singles and doubles . Edberg is also the only player to achieve the `` Junior Grand Slam '' in history of the game . Edberg is the only player to earn both Player of the Year and Doubles Team of the Year . Edberg won Player of the Year in 1990 and 1991 and Doubles Team of the Year ( with fellow Swede Anders Järryd ) in 1986 . Edberg and Boris Becker are the only male tennis players ever to receive the United Press International Athlete of the Year Award ( with Edberg having received the award in 1990 ) . Edberg was also a member of the Swedish teams that won the World Team Cup in 1988 , 1991 , and 1995 . At the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles , where tennis was a demonstration sport , Edberg won the men 's singles gold medal . Four years later , at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul , tennis became a full medal sport and Edberg won bronze medals in both the men 's singles and the men 's doubles . During his career , Edberg won a total of 41 top - level singles titles ( 6 majors ) and 18 doubles titles ( 3 majors ) and appeared in a then record 54 consecutive Grand Slam tournaments ( since then broken by Wayne Ferreira ) . He was ranked the world no . 1 in singles for a total of 72 weeks . Edberg was also a five - time recipient of the ATP Sportsmanship Award ( 1988 -- 90 , 1992 , and 1995 ) . In recognition of this achievement , the ATP renamed the award the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award in 1996 . In 2004 , Edberg was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport , Rhode Island , United States . Edberg won singles titles in 12 different countries : Australia , France , Germany , Italy , Japan , Netherlands , Qatar , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , the United Kingdom , and the United States . Edberg is considered by Tennis Magazine as the 14th greatest player , counting both male and female tennis players , of the Tennis Era . Counting men only , Edberg ranks eighth . Edberg was awarded the Svenska Dagbladet Gold Medal in 1990 . Edberg was a childhood hero of Roger Federer . Edberg is one of the few players who reached the final of all four Grand Slam tournaments , winning three of them . In the 1989 French Open final , Edberg led the match by two sets to one over Michael Chang and had numerous break points during the fourth and fifth sets . He eventually led the match by a break in the fifth set , but could not win it . Edberg won several Grand Slam matches after being down a break of service in the fifth and deciding set . Notable examples include the 1988 Wimbledon semifinal against Miloslav Mečíř , the 1989 French Open semifinal against Boris Becker , and the 1990 Wimbledon final against Becker . In the 1992 US Open , Edberg did it in three consecutive matches , against Richard Krajicek in the fourth round , Ivan Lendl in the quarterfinals , and Chang in the semifinals . In all these examples except the 1989 French Open final , Edberg went on to win the title . Personal life ( edit ) Edberg was born in Västervik , Sweden . He is married to Annette Hjort Olsen . They have two children , Emilie and Christopher . ( Olsen was once romantically linked to Edberg 's tennis rival Mats Wilander before her marriage to Edberg . ) Edberg is a supporter of English football team Leeds United and the Swedish ice hockey team Växjö Lakers . Career statistics ( edit ) Main article : Stefan Edberg career statistics Grand Slam tournament timeline ( edit ) Key SF QF # R RR Q # NH ( W ) Won ; ( F ) finalist ; ( SF ) semifinalist ; ( QF ) quarterfinalist ; ( # R ) rounds 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 ; ( RR ) round - robin stage ; ( Q # ) qualification round ; ( A ) absent ; ( NH ) not held . Tournament 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 SR W -- L Win % <Td_colspan="20"> Grand Slam tournaments Australian Open 2R QF NH SF QF SF SF 4R 2R 2 / 13 56 -- 10 84.85 French Open 2R QF 2R 2R 4R 1R QF 3R QF 1R 2R 4R 0 / 13 30 -- 13 69.77 Wimbledon 2R 2R 4R 3R SF SF QF SF 2R 2R 2R 2 / 14 49 -- 12 80.33 US Open 1R 2R 4R SF SF 4R 4R 1R 2R 3R 3R QF 2 / 14 43 -- 12 78.18 Win -- Loss 1 -- 3 6 -- 4 16 -- 3 8 -- 3 17 -- 3 18 -- 3 19 -- 3 13 -- 3 21 -- 3 19 -- 3 16 -- 4 8 -- 4 7 -- 4 9 -- 4 6 / 54 178 -- 47 79.11 Records ( edit ) These records were attained in Open Era of tennis . Records in bold indicate peer-less achievements . Championship Years Record accomplished Player tied No. 1 Ranking 1986 -- 1987 Achieved both in singles and doubles John McEnroe Fewest games match Triple bagel win ( 6 -- 0 , 6 -- 0 , 6 -- 0 ) Nikola Špear Karel Nováček Ivan Lendl Sergi Bruguera Andy Murray Japan Open 1987 , 1989 -- 1991 4 titles Stands alone Eurocard Open 1991 , 1994 2 titles Boris Becker Richard Krajicek Professional awards ( edit ) ITF World Champion : 1991 ATP Player of the Year : 1990 , 1991 See also ( edit ) Sweden portal Tennis portal Becker -- Edberg rivalry Edberg -- Lendl rivalry Tennis male players statistics World number 1 male tennis player rankings List of Swedish sportspeople Dick Wertheim , a linesman who died in 1983 after being struck by one of Edberg 's serves . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ -- 40 Greatest Players of the Tennis Era Retrieved 23 October 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Edberg to work with Federer for at least 10 weeks in 2014 '' . 27 December 2013 . Jump up ^ Weeks at Number One Jump up ^ `` Roger Federer hires Stefan Edberg to join coaching team '' . 27 December 2013 . Retrieved 27 December 2013 . Jump up ^ Stefan Edberg and the 15 Best Serve - and - Volleyers of the Open Era , Bleacher report , 9 July 2010 . Retrieved 28 July 2012 . Jump up ^ Edberg Hits Back For First BlackRock Title Archived 7 October 2008 at the Wayback Machine . BlackRock Tour Of Champions , 21 September 2008 . Retrieved 26 September 2008 . Jump up ^ Federer 's interview Daily Mail , 24 March 2014 Jump up ^ How much have Roger Federer 's new coach and racquet helped in his resurgence ? Abhishek Jain , Sportskeeda , 12 September 2015 Jump up ^ The Man Behind Federer 's Success Peter Bodo , ESPN 15 August 2014 Jump up ^ Federer looks for ' that little extra ' with return to serve - and - volley roots , 24 June 2014 Jump up ^ `` Video Analysis of Federer & Edberg 's Footwork '' Jump up ^ `` PowerShares Series Tennis -- Player Profile '' . . Jump up ^ -- 40 Greatest Players of the Tennis Era Archived 15 September 2008 at the Wayback Machine. , Retrieved 23 October 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Stefan Edberg : A Champion reflects '' , Rediff India Abroad . Retrieved 22 October 2008 . Jump up ^ Kirkpatrick , Curry . `` An Astonishing Net Result '' , Sports Illustrated . 14 June 1982 . Retrieved 22 October 2008 . Jump up ^ Baker , Andrew . Stefan Edberg returns to play Tim Henman , The Daily Telegraph ( London ) , 28 November 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Stefan Edberg : Jag vill sponsra Växjö '' . Aftonbladet . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Stefan Edberg . Stefan Edberg at the Association of Tennis Professionals Stefan Edberg at the International Tennis Federation Stefan Edberg at the Davis Cup Stefan Edberg at the International Tennis Hall of Fame Sunday Times article 29 November 2009 <Th_colspan="2"> Stefan Edberg ( Achievement predecessor & successor ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="3"> Sporting positions Preceded by Ivan Lendl Boris Becker Boris Becker Jim Courier Jim Courier World No. 1 13 August 1990 - 27 January 1991 18 February 1991 - 7 July 1991 9 September 1991 - 9 February 1992 23 March 1992 - 12 April 1992 14 September 1992 - 4 October 1992 Succeeded by Boris Becker Boris Becker Jim Courier Jim Courier Jim Courier <Th_colspan="3"> Awards and achievements Preceded by Nat . table tennis team Svenska Dagbladet Gold Medal 1990 Succeeded by Pernilla Wiberg Preceded by Boris Becker United Press International Athlete of the Year 1990 Succeeded by Sergey Bubka Preceded by Boris Becker ATP Player of the Year 1990 , 1991 Succeeded by Jim Courier Preceded by Ivan Lendl ITF World Champion 1991 Succeeded by Jim Courier <Th_colspan="3"> Olympic Games Preceded by Agneta Andersson Flagbearer for Sweden Barcelona 1992 Succeeded by Jan - Ove Waldner <Th_colspan="2"> Stefan Edberg in the Grand Slam Tournaments <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Australian Open boys ' singles champions <Td_colspan="2"> 1969 Allan McDonald 1970 John Alexander 1971 Cliff Letcher 1972 Paul Kronk 1973 Paul McNamee 1974 Harry Brittain 1975 Brad Drewett 1976 Ray Kelly 1977 ( Jan ) Brad Drewett 1977 ( Dec ) Ray Kelly 1978 Pat Serret 1979 Greg Whitecross 1980 Craig Miller 1981 Jörgen Windahl 1982 Mark Kratzmann 1983 Stefan Edberg 1984 Mark Kratzmann 1985 Shane Barr 1987 Jason Stoltenberg 1988 Johan Anderson 1989 Nicklas Kulti 1990 Dirk Dier 1991 Thomas Enqvist 1992 Grant Doyle 1993 James Baily 1994 Ben Ellwood 1995 Nicolas Kiefer 1996 Björn Rehnquist 1997 Daniel Elsner 1998 Julien Jeanpierre 1999 Kristian Pless 2000 Andy Roddick 2001 Janko Tipsarević 2002 Clément Morel 2003 Marcos Baghdatis 2004 Gaël Monfils 2005 Donald Young 2006 Alexandre Sidorenko 2007 Brydan Klein 2008 Bernard Tomic 2009 Yuki Bhambri 2010 Tiago Fernandes 2011 Jiří Veselý 2012 Luke Saville 2013 Nick Kyrgios 2014 Alexander Zverev 2015 Roman Safiullin 2016 Oliver Anderson 2017 Zsombor Piros 2018 Sebastian Korda <Th_colspan="2"> French Open boys ' singles champions <Td_colspan="2"> 1968 Phil Dent 1969 Antonio Muñoz 1970 Juan Herrera 1971 Corrado Barazzutti 1972 Buster Mottram 1973 Víctor Pecci 1974 Christophe Casa 1975 Christophe Roger - Vasselin 1976 Heinz Günthardt 1977 John McEnroe 1978 Ivan Lendl 1979 Ramesh Krishnan 1980 Henri Leconte 1981 Mats Wilander 1982 Tarik Benhabiles 1983 Stefan Edberg 1984 Kent Carlsson 1985 Jaime Yzaga 1986 Guillermo Pérez Roldán 1987 Guillermo Pérez Roldán 1988 Nicolás Pereira 1989 Fabrice Santoro 1990 Andrea Gaudenzi 1991 Andriy Medvedev 1992 Andrei Pavel 1993 Roberto Carretero 1994 Jacobo Díaz 1995 Mariano Zabaleta 1996 Alberto Martín 1997 Daniel Elsner 1998 Fernando González 1999 Guillermo Coria 2000 Paul - Henri Mathieu 2001 Carlos Cuadrado 2002 Richard Gasquet 2003 Stan Wawrinka 2004 Gaël Monfils 2005 Marin Čilić 2006 Martin Kližan 2007 Vladimir Ignatic 2008 Yang Tsung - hua 2009 Daniel Berta 2010 Agustín Velotti 2011 Bjorn Fratangelo 2012 Kimmer Coppejans 2013 Christian Garín 2014 Andrey Rublev 2015 Tommy Paul 2016 Geoffrey Blancaneaux 2017 Alexei Popyrin <Th_colspan="2"> Wimbledon ( Open Era ) boys ' singles champions <Td_colspan="2"> 1968 John Alexander 1969 Byron Bertram 1970 Byron Bertram 1971 Robert Kreiss 1972 Björn Borg 1973 Billy Martin 1974 Billy Martin 1975 Chris Lewis 1976 Heinz Günthardt 1977 Van Winitsky 1978 Ivan Lendl 1979 Ramesh Krishnan 1980 Thierry Tulasne 1981 Matt Anger 1982 Pat Cash 1983 Stefan Edberg 1984 Mark Kratzmann 1985 Leonardo Lavalle 1986 Eduardo Vélez 1987 Diego Nargiso 1988 Nicolás Pereira 1989 Nicklas Kulti 1990 Leander Paes 1991 Thomas Enqvist 1992 David Škoch 1993 Răzvan Sabău 1994 Scott Humphries 1995 Olivier Mutis 1996 Vladimir Voltchkov 1997 Wesley Whitehouse 1998 Roger Federer 1999 Jürgen Melzer 2000 Nicolas Mahut 2001 Roman Valent 2002 Todd Reid 2003 Florin Mergea 2004 Gaël Monfils 2005 Jérémy Chardy 2006 Thiemo de Bakker 2007 Donald Young 2008 Grigor Dimitrov 2009 Andrey Kuznetsov 2010 Márton Fucsovics 2011 Luke Saville 2012 Filip Peliwo 2013 Gianluigi Quinzi 2014 Noah Rubin 2015 Reilly Opelka 2016 Denis Shapovalov 2017 Alejandro Davidovich Fokina <Th_colspan="2"> US Open boys ' singles champions <Td_colspan="2"> 1973 Billy Martin 1974 Billy Martin 1975 Howard Schoenfield 1976 Ricardo Yzaga 1977 Van Winitsky 1978 Per Hjertquist 1979 Scott Davis 1980 Mike Falberg 1981 Thomas Högstedt 1982 Pat Cash 1983 Stefan Edberg 1984 Mark Kratzmann 1985 Tim Trigueiro 1986 Javier Sánchez 1987 David Wheaton 1988 Nicolás Pereira 1989 Jonathan Stark 1990 Andrea Gaudenzi 1991 Leander Paes 1992 Brian Dunn 1993 Marcelo Ríos 1994 Sjeng Schalken 1995 Nicolas Kiefer 1996 Daniel Elsner 1997 Arnaud Di Pasquale 1998 David Nalbandian 1999 Jarkko Nieminen 2000 Andy Roddick 2001 Gilles Müller 2002 Richard Gasquet 2003 Jo - Wilfried Tsonga 2004 Andy Murray 2005 Ryan Sweeting 2006 Dušan Lojda 2007 Ričardas Berankis 2008 Grigor Dimitrov 2009 Bernard Tomic 2010 Jack Sock 2011 Oliver Golding 2012 Filip Peliwo 2013 Borna Ćorić 2014 Omar Jasika 2015 Taylor Fritz 2016 Félix Auger - Aliassime 2017 Wu Yibing <Th_colspan="2"> Australian Open men 's singles champions <Td_colspan="2"> ( 1969 ) Rod Laver ( 1970 ) Arthur Ashe ( 1971 ) Ken Rosewall ( 1972 ) Ken Rosewall ( 1973 ) John Newcombe ( 1974 ) Jimmy Connors ( 1975 ) John Newcombe ( 1976 ) Mark Edmondson ( 1977 ( Jan ) ) Roscoe Tanner ( 1977 ( Dec ) ) Vitas Gerulaitis ( 1978 ) Guillermo Vilas ( 1979 ) Guillermo Vilas ( 1980 ) Brian Teacher ( 1981 ) Johan Kriek ( 1982 ) Johan Kriek ( 1983 ) Mats Wilander ( 1984 ) Mats Wilander ( 1985 ) Stefan Edberg ( 1986 ) Not Held ( 1987 ) Stefan Edberg ( 1988 ) Mats Wilander ( 1989 ) Ivan Lendl ( 1990 ) Ivan Lendl ( 1991 ) Boris Becker ( 1992 ) Jim Courier ( 1993 ) Jim Courier ( 1994 ) Pete Sampras ( 1995 ) Andre Agassi ( 1996 ) Boris Becker ( 1997 ) Pete Sampras ( 1998 ) Petr Korda ( 1999 ) Yevgeny Kafelnikov ( 2000 ) Andre Agassi ( 2001 ) Andre Agassi ( 2002 ) Thomas Johansson ( 2003 ) Andre Agassi ( 2004 ) Roger Federer ( 2005 ) Marat Safin ( 2006 ) Roger Federer ( 2007 ) Roger Federer ( 2008 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2009 ) Rafael Nadal ( 2010 ) Roger Federer ( 2011 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2012 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2013 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2014 ) Stanislas Wawrinka ( 2015 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2016 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2017 ) Roger Federer ( 2018 ) Roger Federer <Th_colspan="2"> Wimbledon ( Open Era ) gentlemen 's singles champions <Td_colspan="2"> ( 1968 ) Rod Laver ( 1969 ) Rod Laver ( 1970 ) John Newcombe ( 1971 ) John Newcombe ( 1972 ) Stan Smith ( 1973 ) Jan Kodeš ( 1974 ) Jimmy Connors ( 1975 ) Arthur Ashe ( 1976 ) Björn Borg ( 1977 ) Björn Borg ( 1978 ) Björn Borg ( 1979 ) Björn Borg ( 1980 ) Björn Borg ( 1981 ) John McEnroe ( 1982 ) Jimmy Connors ( 1983 ) John McEnroe ( 1984 ) John McEnroe ( 1985 ) Boris Becker ( 1986 ) Boris Becker ( 1987 ) Pat Cash ( 1988 ) Stefan Edberg ( 1989 ) Boris Becker ( 1990 ) Stefan Edberg ( 1991 ) Michael Stich ( 1992 ) Andre Agassi ( 1993 ) Pete Sampras ( 1994 ) Pete Sampras ( 1995 ) Pete Sampras ( 1996 ) Richard Krajicek ( 1997 ) Pete Sampras ( 1998 ) Pete Sampras ( 1999 ) Pete Sampras ( 2000 ) Pete Sampras ( 2001 ) Goran Ivanišević ( 2002 ) Lleyton Hewitt ( 2003 ) Roger Federer ( 2004 ) Roger Federer ( 2005 ) Roger Federer ( 2006 ) Roger Federer ( 2007 ) Roger Federer ( 2008 ) Rafael Nadal ( 2009 ) Roger Federer ( 2010 ) Rafael Nadal ( 2011 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2012 ) Roger Federer ( 2013 ) Andy Murray ( 2014 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2015 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2016 ) Andy Murray ( 2017 ) Roger Federer <Th_colspan="2"> US Open men 's singles champions <Td_colspan="2"> ( 1968 ) Arthur Ashe ( 1969 ) Rod Laver ( 1970 ) Ken Rosewall ( 1971 ) Stan Smith ( 1972 ) Ilie Năstase ( 1973 ) John Newcombe ( 1974 ) Jimmy Connors ( 1975 ) Manuel Orantes ( 1976 ) Jimmy Connors ( 1977 ) Guillermo Vilas ( 1978 ) Jimmy Connors ( 1979 ) John McEnroe ( 1980 ) John McEnroe ( 1981 ) John McEnroe ( 1982 ) Jimmy Connors ( 1983 ) Jimmy Connors ( 1984 ) John McEnroe ( 1985 ) Ivan Lendl ( 1986 ) Ivan Lendl ( 1987 ) Ivan Lendl ( 1988 ) Mats Wilander ( 1989 ) Boris Becker ( 1990 ) Pete Sampras ( 1991 ) Stefan Edberg ( 1992 ) Stefan Edberg ( 1993 ) Pete Sampras ( 1994 ) Andre Agassi ( 1995 ) Pete Sampras ( 1996 ) Pete Sampras ( 1997 ) Patrick Rafter ( 1998 ) Patrick Rafter ( 1999 ) Andre Agassi ( 2000 ) Marat Safin ( 2001 ) Lleyton Hewitt ( 2002 ) Pete Sampras ( 2003 ) Andy Roddick ( 2004 ) Roger Federer ( 2005 ) Roger Federer ( 2006 ) Roger Federer ( 2007 ) Roger Federer ( 2008 ) Roger Federer ( 2009 ) Juan Martín del Potro ( 2010 ) Rafael Nadal ( 2011 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2012 ) Andy Murray ( 2013 ) Rafael Nadal ( 2014 ) Marin Čilić ( 2015 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2016 ) Stan Wawrinka ( 2017 ) Rafael Nadal <Th_colspan="2"> Australian Open men 's doubles champions <Td_colspan="2"> 1969 Rod Laver / Roy Emerson 1970 Bob Lutz / Stan Smith 1971 John Newcombe / Tony Roche 1972 Ken Rosewall / Owen Davidson 1973 John Newcombe / Malcolm Anderson 1974 Ross Case / Geoff Masters 1975 John Alexander / Phil Dent 1976 John Newcombe / Tony Roche 1977 ( Jan ) Arthur Ashe / Tony Roche 1977 ( Dec ) Ray Ruffels / Allan Stone 1978 Wojciech Fibak / Kim Warwick 1979 Peter McNamara / Paul McNamee 1980 Mark Edmondson / Kim Warwick 1981 Mark Edmondson / Kim Warwick 1982 John Alexander / John Fitzgerald 1983 Mark Edmondson / Paul McNamee 1984 Mark Edmondson / Sherwood Stewart 1985 Paul Annacone / Christo van Rensburg 1987 Stefan Edberg / Anders Järryd 1988 Rick Leach / Jim Pugh 1989 Rick Leach / Jim Pugh 1990 Pieter Aldrich / Danie Visser 1991 Scott Davis / David Pate 1992 Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 1993 Danie Visser / Laurie Warder 1994 Jacco Eltingh / Paul Haarhuis 1995 Jared Palmer / Richey Reneberg 1996 Stefan Edberg / Petr Korda 1997 Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 1998 Jonas Björkman / Jacco Eltingh 1999 Jonas Björkman / Patrick Rafter 2000 Ellis Ferreira / Rick Leach 2001 Jonas Björkman / Todd Woodbridge 2002 Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 2003 Fabrice Santoro / Michaël Llodra 2004 Fabrice Santoro / Michaël Llodra 2005 Wayne Black / Kevin Ullyett 2006 Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2007 Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2008 Jonathan Erlich / Andy Ram 2009 Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2010 Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2011 Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2012 Leander Paes / Radek Štěpánek 2013 Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2014 Łukasz Kubot / Robert Lindstedt 2015 Simone Bolelli / Fabio Fognini 2016 Jamie Murray / Bruno Soares 2017 Henri Kontinen / John Peers 2018 Oliver Marach / Mate Pavić <Th_colspan="2"> US Open men 's doubles champions <Td_colspan="2"> ( 1968 ) Bob Lutz / Stan Smith ( 1969 ) Ken Rosewall / Fred Stolle ( 1970 ) Pierre Barthès / Nikola Pilić ( 1971 ) John Newcombe / Roger Taylor ( 1972 ) Cliff Drysdale / Roger Taylor ( 1973 ) Owen Davidson / John Newcombe ( 1974 ) Bob Lutz / Stan Smith ( 1975 ) Jimmy Connors / Ilie Năstase ( 1976 ) Tom Okker / Marty Riessen ( 1977 ) Bob Hewitt / Frew McMillan ( 1978 ) Bob Lutz / Stan Smith ( 1979 ) Peter Fleming / John McEnroe ( 1980 ) Bob Lutz / Stan Smith ( 1981 ) Peter Fleming / John McEnroe ( 1982 ) Kevin Curren / Steve Denton ( 1983 ) Peter Fleming / John McEnroe ( 1984 ) John Fitzgerald / Tomáš Šmíd ( 1985 ) Ken Flach / Robert Seguso ( 1986 ) Andrés Gómez / Slobodan Živojinović ( 1987 ) Stefan Edberg / Anders Järryd ( 1988 ) Sergio Casal / Emilio Sánchez ( 1989 ) John McEnroe / Mark Woodforde ( 1990 ) Pieter Aldrich / Danie Visser ( 1991 ) John Fitzgerald / Anders Järryd ( 1992 ) Jim Grabb / Richey Reneberg ( 1993 ) Ken Flach / Rick Leach ( 1994 ) Jacco Eltingh / Paul Haarhuis ( 1995 ) Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde ( 1996 ) Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde ( 1997 ) Yevgeny Kafelnikov / Daniel Vacek ( 1998 ) Sandon Stolle / Cyril Suk ( 1999 ) Sébastien Lareau / Alex O'Brien ( 2000 ) Lleyton Hewitt / Max Mirnyi ( 2001 ) Wayne Black / Kevin Ullyett ( 2002 ) Mahesh Bhupathi / Max Mirnyi ( 2003 ) Jonas Björkman / Todd Woodbridge ( 2004 ) Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor ( 2005 ) Mike Bryan / Bob Bryan ( 2006 ) Martin Damm / Leander Paes ( 2007 ) Simon Aspelin / Julian Knowle ( 2008 ) Mike Bryan / Bob Bryan ( 2009 ) Lukáš Dlouhý / Leander Paes ( 2010 ) Mike Bryan / Bob Bryan ( 2011 ) Jürgen Melzer / Philipp Petzschner ( 2012 ) Mike Bryan / Bob Bryan ( 2013 ) Leander Paes / Radek Štěpánek ( 2014 ) Mike Bryan / Bob Bryan ( 2015 ) Pierre - Hugues Herbert / Nicolas Mahut ( 2016 ) Jamie Murray / Bruno Soares ( 2017 ) Jean - Julien Rojer / Horia Tecău <Th_colspan="2"> Stefan Edberg Achievements <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) world No. 1 singles players <Td_colspan="2"> Ilie Năstase ( 1973 / 1974 -- 40 w ) John Newcombe ( 1974 -- 8 w ) Jimmy Connors ( 1974 / 1983 -- 268 w ) Björn Borg ( 1977 / 1981 -- 109 w ) John McEnroe ( 1980 / 1985 -- 170 w ) Ivan Lendl ( 1983 / 1990 -- 270 w ) Mats Wilander ( 1988 / 1989 -- 20 w ) Stefan Edberg ( 1990 / 1992 -- 72 w ) Boris Becker ( 1991 -- 12 w ) Jim Courier ( 1992 / 1993 -- 58 w ) Pete Sampras ( 1993 / 2000 -- 286 w ) Andre Agassi ( 1995 / 2003 -- 101 w ) Thomas Muster ( 1996 -- 6 w ) Marcelo Ríos ( 1998 -- 6 w ) Carlos Moyá ( 1999 -- 2 w ) Yevgeny Kafelnikov ( 1999 -- 6 w ) Patrick Rafter ( 1999 -- 1 w ) Marat Safin ( 2000 / 2001 -- 9 w ) Gustavo Kuerten ( 2000 / 2001 -- 43 w ) Lleyton Hewitt ( 2001 / 2003 -- 80 w ) Juan Carlos Ferrero ( 2003 -- 8 w ) Andy Roddick ( 2003 / 2004 -- 13 w ) Roger Federer ( 2004 / 2018 -- 305 w ) Rafael Nadal ( 2008 / 2018 -- 167 w ) Novak Djokovic ( 2011 / 2016 -- 223 w ) Andy Murray ( 2016 / 2017 -- 41 w ) <Td_colspan="2"> ATP singles rankings incepted on August 23 , 1973 ( year first held / year last held -- number of weeks ( w ) ) current No. 1 in bold , as of week of March 5 , 2018 <Th_colspan="2"> Association of Tennis Professionals ( ATP ) world No. 1 doubles players <Td_colspan="2"> Bob Hewitt ( 1976 -- 6 w ) Raúl Ramírez ( 1976 / 1977 -- 62 w ) Frew McMillan ( 1977 / 1979 -- 85 w ) Tom Okker ( 1979 -- 11 w ) John McEnroe ( 1979 / 1989 -- 269 w ) Stan Smith ( 1981 -- 8 w ) Paul McNamee ( 1981 -- 3 w ) Peter Fleming ( 1982 / 1984 -- 17 w ) Tomáš Šmíd ( 1984 / 1985 -- 34 w ) Anders Järryd ( 1985 / 1992 -- 107 w ) Robert Seguso ( 1985 / 1988 -- 62 w ) Ken Flach ( 1985 / 1986 -- 5 w ) Stefan Edberg ( 1986 / 1987 -- 15 w ) Yannick Noah ( 1986 / 1987 -- 19 w ) Slobodan Živojinović ( 1986 -- 7 w ) Andrés Gómez ( 1986 -- 13 w ) Emilio Sánchez ( 1989 -- 6 w ) Jim Grabb ( 1989 / 1993 -- 13 w ) Jim Pugh ( 1989 / 1990 -- 26 w ) Danie Visser ( 1990 -- 27 w ) Rick Leach ( 1990 -- 9 w ) Pieter Aldrich ( 1990 -- 19 w ) David Pate ( 1991 -- 25 w ) John Fitzgerald ( 1991 / 1992 -- 40 w ) Todd Woodbridge ( 1992 / 2001 -- 204 w ) Kelly Jones ( 1992 -- 1 w ) Mark Woodforde ( 1992 / 2000 -- 83 w ) Richey Reneberg ( 1993 -- 5 w ) Patrick Galbraith ( 1993 / 1994 -- 4 w ) Jonathan Stark ( 1994 -- 6 w ) Grant Connell ( 1993 / 1994 -- 17 w ) Paul Haarhuis ( 1994 / 1999 -- 71 w ) Byron Black ( 1994 -- 8 w ) Jacco Eltingh ( 1995 / 1998 -- 63 w ) Mahesh Bhupathi ( 1999 -- 4 w ) Leander Paes ( 1999 / 2000 -- 39 w ) Jared Palmer ( 2000 / 2002 -- 39 w ) Alex O'Brien ( 2000 -- 5 w ) Jonas Björkman ( 2000 / 2005 -- 74 w ) Donald Johnson ( 2002 -- 20 w ) Mark Knowles ( 2002 / 2005 -- 65 w ) Daniel Nestor ( 2002 / 2012 -- 108 w ) Max Mirnyi ( 2003 / 2012 -- 57 w ) Bob Bryan ( 2003 / 2015 -- 439 w ) Mike Bryan ( 2003 / 2015 -- 454 w ) Nenad Zimonjić ( 2008 / 2010 -- 40 w ) Marcelo Melo ( 2015 / 2018 -- 49 w ) Jamie Murray ( 2016 -- 9 w ) Nicolas Mahut ( 2016 / 2017 -- 39 w ) Henri Kontinen ( 2017 -- 26 w ) Łukasz Kubot ( 2018 -- 9 w ) <Td_colspan="2"> ATP doubles rankings incepted on 1 March 1976 ( year first held / year last held -- number of weeks ( w ) ) current No. 1 in bold , as of week of 5 March 2018 <Th_colspan="2"> Year - end championships winners singles <Td_colspan="2"> ( 1970 ) Stan Smith ( 1971 ) Ilie Năstase ( 1972 ) Ilie Năstase ( 1973 ) Ilie Năstase ( 1974 ) Guillermo Vilas ( 1975 ) Ilie Năstase ( 1976 ) Manuel Orantes ( 1977 ) Jimmy Connors ( 1978 ) John McEnroe ( 1979 ) Björn Borg ( 1980 ) Björn Borg ( 1981 ) Ivan Lendl ( 1982 ) Ivan Lendl ( 1983 ) John McEnroe ( 1984 ) John McEnroe ( 1985 ) Ivan Lendl ( 1986 ) Ivan Lendl ( 1987 ) Ivan Lendl ( 1988 ) Boris Becker ( 1989 ) Stefan Edberg ( 1990 ) Andre Agassi ( 1991 ) Pete Sampras ( 1992 ) Boris Becker ( 1993 ) Michael Stich ( 1994 ) Pete Sampras ( 1995 ) Boris Becker ( 1996 ) Pete Sampras ( 1997 ) Pete Sampras ( 1998 ) Alex Corretja ( 1999 ) Pete Sampras ( 2000 ) Gustavo Kuerten ( 2001 ) Lleyton Hewitt ( 2002 ) Lleyton Hewitt ( 2003 ) Roger Federer ( 2004 ) Roger Federer ( 2005 ) David Nalbandian ( 2006 ) Roger Federer ( 2007 ) Roger Federer ( 2008 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2009 ) Nikolay Davydenko ( 2010 ) Roger Federer ( 2011 ) Roger Federer ( 2012 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2013 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2014 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2015 ) Novak Djokovic ( 2016 ) Andy Murray ( 2017 ) Grigor Dimitrov <Th_colspan="2"> Year - end championships winners doubles <Td_colspan="2"> ( 1970 ) Stan Smith / Arthur Ashe ( 1975 ) Juan Gisbert / Manuel Orantes ( 1976 ) Fred McNair / Sherwood Stewart ( 1977 ) Bob Hewitt / Frew McMillan ( 1978 − 1984 ) Peter Fleming / John McEnroe ( 1985 − 1986 ) Stefan Edberg / Anders Järryd ( 1987 ) Miloslav Mečíř / Tomáš Šmíd ( 1988 ) Rick Leach / Jim Pugh ( 1989 ) Jim Grabb / Patrick McEnroe ( 1990 ) Guy Forget / Jakob Hlasek ( 1991 ) John Fitzgerald / Anders Järryd ( 1992 ) Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde ( 1993 ) Jacco Eltingh / Paul Haarhuis ( 1994 ) Jan Apell / Jonas Björkman ( 1995 ) Grant Connell / Patrick Galbraith ( 1996 ) Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde ( 1997 ) Rick Leach / Jonathan Stark ( 1998 ) Jacco Eltingh / Paul Haarhuis ( 1999 ) Sébastien Lareau / Alex O'Brien ( 2000 ) Donald Johnson / Piet Norval ( 2001 ) Ellis Ferreira / Rick Leach ( 2003 − 2004 ) Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan ( 2005 ) Michaël Llodra / Fabrice Santoro ( 2006 ) Jonas Björkman / Max Mirnyi ( 2007 ) Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor ( 2008 ) Daniel Nestor / Nenad Zimonjić ( 2009 ) Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan ( 2010 ) Daniel Nestor / Nenad Zimonjić ( 2011 ) Max Mirnyi / Daniel Nestor ( 2012 ) Marcel Granollers / Marc López ( 2013 ) David Marrero / Fernando Verdasco ( 2014 ) Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan ( 2015 ) Jean - Julien Rojer / Horia Tecău ( 2016 -- 2017 ) Henri Kontinen / John Peers <Th_colspan="2"> ATP Masters Series : Singles champions <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Indian Wells Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Stefan Edberg 1991 : Jim Courier 1992 : Michael Chang 1993 : Jim Courier 1994 : Pete Sampras 1995 : Pete Sampras 1996 : Michael Chang 1997 : Michael Chang 1998 : Marcelo Ríos 1999 : Mark Philippoussis 2000 : Àlex Corretja 2001 : Andre Agassi 2002 : Lleyton Hewitt 2003 : Lleyton Hewitt 2004 : Roger Federer 2005 : Roger Federer 2006 : Roger Federer 2007 : Rafael Nadal 2008 : Novak Djokovic 2009 : Rafael Nadal 2010 : Ivan Ljubičić 2011 : Novak Djokovic 2012 : Roger Federer 2013 : Rafael Nadal 2014 : Novak Djokovic 2015 : Novak Djokovic 2016 : Novak Djokovic 2017 : Roger Federer 2018 : Juan Martín del Potro <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Miami Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Andre Agassi 1991 : Jim Courier 1992 : Michael Chang 1993 : Pete Sampras 1994 : Pete Sampras 1995 : Andre Agassi 1996 : Andre Agassi 1997 : Thomas Muster 1998 : Marcelo Ríos 1999 : Richard Krajicek 2000 : Pete Sampras 2001 : Andre Agassi 2002 : Andre Agassi 2003 : Andre Agassi 2004 : Andy Roddick 2005 : Roger Federer 2006 : Roger Federer 2007 : Novak Djokovic 2008 : Nikolay Davydenko 2009 : Andy Murray 2010 : Andy Roddick 2011 : Novak Djokovic 2012 : Novak Djokovic 2013 : Andy Murray 2014 : Novak Djokovic 2015 : Novak Djokovic 2016 : Novak Djokovic 2017 : Roger Federer <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Monte - Carlo Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Andrei Chesnokov 1991 : Sergi Bruguera 1992 : Thomas Muster 1993 : Sergi Bruguera 1994 : Andriy Medvedev 1995 : Thomas Muster 1996 : Thomas Muster 1997 : Marcelo Ríos 1998 : Carlos Moyá 1999 : Gustavo Kuerten 2000 : Cédric Pioline 2001 : Gustavo Kuerten 2002 : Juan Carlos Ferrero 2003 : Juan Carlos Ferrero 2004 : Guillermo Coria 2005 : Rafael Nadal 2006 : Rafael Nadal 2007 : Rafael Nadal 2008 : Rafael Nadal 2009 : Rafael Nadal 2010 : Rafael Nadal 2011 : Rafael Nadal 2012 : Rafael Nadal 2013 : Novak Djokovic 2014 : Stan Wawrinka 2015 : Novak Djokovic 2016 : Rafael Nadal 2017 : Rafael Nadal <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Hamburg / Madrid Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Juan Aguilera 1991 : Karel Nováček 1992 : Stefan Edberg 1993 : Michael Stich 1994 : Andriy Medvedev 1995 : Andriy Medvedev 1996 : Roberto Carretero 1997 : Andriy Medvedev 1998 : Albert Costa 1999 : Marcelo Ríos 2000 : Gustavo Kuerten 2001 : Albert Portas 2002 : Roger Federer 2003 : Guillermo Coria 2004 : Roger Federer 2005 : Roger Federer 2006 : Tommy Robredo 2007 : Roger Federer 2008 : Rafael Nadal 2009 : Roger Federer 2010 : Rafael Nadal 2011 : Novak Djokovic 2012 : Roger Federer 2013 : Rafael Nadal 2014 : Rafael Nadal 2015 : Andy Murray 2016 : Novak Djokovic 2017 : Rafael Nadal <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Rome Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Thomas Muster 1991 : Emilio Sánchez 1992 : Jim Courier 1993 : Jim Courier 1994 : Pete Sampras 1995 : Thomas Muster 1996 : Thomas Muster 1997 : Àlex Corretja 1998 : Marcelo Ríos 1999 : Gustavo Kuerten 2000 : Magnus Norman 2001 : Juan Carlos Ferrero 2002 : Andre Agassi 2003 : Félix Mantilla 2004 : Carlos Moyá 2005 : Rafael Nadal 2006 : Rafael Nadal 2007 : Rafael Nadal 2008 : Novak Djokovic 2009 : Rafael Nadal 2010 : Rafael Nadal 2011 : Novak Djokovic 2012 : Rafael Nadal 2013 : Rafael Nadal 2014 : Novak Djokovic 2015 : Novak Djokovic 2016 : Andy Murray 2017 : Alexander Zverev Jr . <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Canada Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Michael Chang 1991 : Andrei Chesnokov 1992 : Andre Agassi 1993 : Mikael Pernfors 1994 : Andre Agassi 1995 : Andre Agassi 1996 : Wayne Ferreira 1997 : Chris Woodruff 1998 : Patrick Rafter 1999 : Thomas Johansson 2000 : Marat Safin 2001 : Andrei Pavel 2002 : Guillermo Cañas 2003 : Andy Roddick 2004 : Roger Federer 2005 : Rafael Nadal 2006 : Roger Federer 2007 : Novak Djokovic 2008 : Rafael Nadal 2009 : Andy Murray 2010 : Andy Murray 2011 : Novak Djokovic 2012 : Novak Djokovic 2013 : Rafael Nadal 2014 : Jo - Wilfried Tsonga 2015 : Andy Murray 2016 : Novak Djokovic 2017 : Alexander Zverev Jr . <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Cincinnati Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Stefan Edberg 1991 : Guy Forget 1992 : Pete Sampras 1993 : Michael Chang 1994 : Michael Chang 1995 : Andre Agassi 1996 : Andre Agassi 1997 : Pete Sampras 1998 : Patrick Rafter 1999 : Pete Sampras 2000 : Thomas Enqvist 2001 : Gustavo Kuerten 2002 : Carlos Moyá 2003 : Andy Roddick 2004 : Andre Agassi 2005 : Roger Federer 2006 : Andy Roddick 2007 : Roger Federer 2008 : Andy Murray 2009 : Roger Federer 2010 : Roger Federer 2011 : Andy Murray 2012 : Roger Federer 2013 : Rafael Nadal 2014 : Roger Federer 2015 : Roger Federer 2016 : Marin Čilić 2017 : Grigor Dimitrov <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Stockholm / Essen / Stuttgart / Madrid / Shanghai Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Boris Becker 1991 : Boris Becker 1992 : Goran Ivanišević 1993 : Michael Stich 1994 : Boris Becker 1995 : Thomas Muster 1996 : Boris Becker 1997 : Petr Korda 1998 : Richard Krajicek 1999 : Thomas Enqvist 2000 : Wayne Ferreira 2001 : Tommy Haas 2002 : Andre Agassi 2003 : Juan Carlos Ferrero 2004 : Marat Safin 2005 : Rafael Nadal 2006 : Roger Federer 2007 : David Nalbandian 2008 : Andy Murray 2009 : Nikolay Davydenko 2010 : Andy Murray 2011 : Andy Murray 2012 : Novak Djokovic 2013 : Novak Djokovic 2014 : Roger Federer 2015 : Novak Djokovic 2016 : Andy Murray 2017 : Roger Federer <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Paris Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Stefan Edberg 1991 : Guy Forget 1992 : Boris Becker 1993 : Goran Ivanišević 1994 : Andre Agassi 1995 : Pete Sampras 1996 : Thomas Enqvist 1997 : Pete Sampras 1998 : Greg Rusedski 1999 : Andre Agassi 2000 : Marat Safin 2001 : Sébastien Grosjean 2002 : Marat Safin 2003 : Tim Henman 2004 : Marat Safin 2005 : Tomáš Berdych 2006 : Nikolay Davydenko 2007 : David Nalbandian 2008 : Jo - Wilfried Tsonga 2009 : Novak Djokovic 2010 : Robin Söderling 2011 : Roger Federer 2012 : David Ferrer 2013 : Novak Djokovic 2014 : Novak Djokovic 2015 : Novak Djokovic 2016 : Andy Murray 2017 : Jack Sock <Th_colspan="2"> ATP Masters Series : Doubles champions <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Indian Wells Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Boris Becker / Guy Forget 1991 : Jim Courier / Javier Sánchez 1992 : Steve DeVries / David Macpherson 1993 : Guy Forget / Henri Leconte 1994 : Grant Connell / Patrick Galbraith 1995 : Tommy Ho / Brett Steven 1996 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 1997 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 1998 : Jonas Björkman / Patrick Rafter 1999 : Wayne Black / Sandon Stolle 2000 : Alex O'Brien / Jared Palmer 2001 : Wayne Ferreira / Yevgeny Kafelnikov 2002 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 2003 : Wayne Ferreira / Yevgeny Kafelnikov 2004 : Arnaud Clément / Sébastien Grosjean 2005 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 2006 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 2007 : Martin Damm / Leander Paes 2008 : Jonathan Erlich / Andy Ram 2009 : Mardy Fish / Andy Roddick 2010 : Marc López / Rafael Nadal 2011 : Alexandr Dolgopolov / Xavier Malisse 2012 : Marc López / Rafael Nadal 2013 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2014 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2015 : Vasek Pospisil / Jack Sock 2016 : Pierre - Hugues Herbert / Nicolas Mahut 2017 : Raven Klaasen / Rajeev Ram <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Miami Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Rick Leach / Jim Pugh 1991 : Wayne Ferreira / Piet Norval 1992 : Ken Flach / Todd Witsken 1993 : Richard Krajicek / Jan Siemerink 1994 : Jacco Eltingh / Paul Haarhuis 1995 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 1996 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 1997 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 1998 : Ellis Ferreira / Rick Leach 1999 : Wayne Black / Sandon Stolle 2000 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 2001 : Jiří Novák / David Rikl 2002 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 2003 : Roger Federer / Max Mirnyi 2004 : Wayne Black / Kevin Ullyett 2005 : Jonas Björkman / Max Mirnyi 2006 : Jonas Björkman / Max Mirnyi 2007 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2008 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2009 : Max Mirnyi / Andy Ram 2010 : Lukáš Dlouhý / Leander Paes 2011 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Leander Paes 2012 : Leander Paes / Radek Štěpánek 2013 : Aisam - ul - Haq Qureshi / Jean - Julien Rojer 2014 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2015 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2016 : Pierre - Hugues Herbert / Nicolas Mahut 2017 : Łukasz Kubot / Marcelo Melo <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Monte - Carlo Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Petr Korda / Tomáš Šmíd 1991 : Luke Jensen / Laurie Warder 1992 : Boris Becker / Michael Stich 1993 : Stefan Edberg / Petr Korda 1994 : Nicklas Kulti / Magnus Larsson 1995 : Jacco Eltingh / Paul Haarhuis 1996 : Ellis Ferreira / Jan Siemerink 1997 : Donald Johnson / Francisco Montana 1998 : Jacco Eltingh / Paul Haarhuis 1999 : Olivier Delaître / Tim Henman 2000 : Wayne Ferreira / Yevgeny Kafelnikov 2001 : Jonas Björkman / Todd Woodbridge 2002 : Jonas Björkman / Todd Woodbridge 2003 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Max Mirnyi 2004 : Tim Henman / Nenad Zimonjić 2005 : Leander Paes / Nenad Zimonjić 2006 : Jonas Björkman / Max Mirnyi 2007 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2008 : Rafael Nadal / Tommy Robredo 2009 : Daniel Nestor / Nenad Zimonjić 2010 : Daniel Nestor / Nenad Zimonjić 2011 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2012 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2013 : Julien Benneteau / Nenad Zimonjić 2014 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2015 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2016 : Pierre - Hugues Herbert / Nicolas Mahut 2017 : Rohan Bopanna / Pablo Cuevas <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Hamburg / Madrid Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Sergi Bruguera / Jim Courier 1991 : Sergio Casal / Emilio Sánchez 1992 : Sergio Casal / Emilio Sánchez 1993 : Paul Haarhuis / Mark Koevermans 1994 : Scott Melville / Piet Norval 1995 : Wayne Ferreira / Yevgeny Kafelnikov 1996 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 1997 : Luis Lobo / Javier Sánchez 1998 : Donald Johnson / Francisco Montana 1999 : Wayne Arthurs / Andrew Kratzmann 2000 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 2001 : Jonas Björkman / Todd Woodbridge 2002 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Jan - Michael Gambill 2003 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 2004 : Wayne Black / Kevin Ullyett 2005 : Jonas Björkman / Max Mirnyi 2006 : Paul Hanley / Kevin Ullyett 2007 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2008 : Daniel Nestor / Nenad Zimonjić 2009 : Daniel Nestor / Nenad Zimonjić 2010 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2011 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2012 : Mariusz Fyrstenberg / Marcin Matkowski 2013 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2014 : Daniel Nestor / Nenad Zimonjić 2015 : Rohan Bopanna / Florin Mergea 2016 : Jean - Julien Rojer / Horia Tecău 2017 : Łukasz Kubot / Marcelo Melo <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Rome Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Sergio Casal / Emilio Sánchez 1991 : Omar Camporese / Goran Ivanišević 1992 : Jakob Hlasek / Marc Rosset 1993 : Jacco Eltingh / Paul Haarhuis 1994 : Yevgeny Kafelnikov / David Rikl 1995 : Cyril Suk / Daniel Vacek 1996 : Byron Black / Grant Connell 1997 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 1998 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Leander Paes 1999 : Ellis Ferreira / Rick Leach 2000 : Martin Damm / Dominik Hrbatý 2001 : Wayne Ferreira / Yevgeny Kafelnikov 2002 : Martin Damm / Cyril Suk 2003 : Wayne Arthurs / Paul Hanley 2004 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Max Mirnyi 2005 : Michaël Llodra / Fabrice Santoro 2006 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 2007 : Fabrice Santoro / Nenad Zimonjić 2008 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2009 : Daniel Nestor / Nenad Zimonjić 2010 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2011 : John Isner / Sam Querrey 2012 : Marcel Granollers / Marc López 2013 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2014 : Daniel Nestor / Nenad Zimonjić 2015 : Pablo Cuevas / David Marrero 2016 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2017 : Pierre - Hugues Herbert / Nicolas Mahut <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Canada Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Paul Annacone / David Wheaton 1991 : Patrick Galbraith / Todd Witsken 1992 : Patrick Galbraith / Danie Visser 1993 : Jim Courier / Mark Knowles 1994 : Byron Black / Jonathan Stark 1995 : Yevgeny Kafelnikov / Andrei Olhovskiy 1996 : Patrick Galbraith / Paul Haarhuis 1997 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Leander Paes 1998 : Martin Damm / Jim Grabb 1999 : Jonas Björkman / Patrick Rafter 2000 : Sébastien Lareau / Daniel Nestor 2001 : Jiří Novák / David Rikl 2002 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2003 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Max Mirnyi 2004 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Leander Paes 2005 : Wayne Black / Kevin Ullyett 2006 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2007 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Pavel Vízner 2008 : Daniel Nestor / Nenad Zimonjić 2009 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Mark Knowles 2010 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2011 : Michaël Llodra / Nenad Zimonjić 2012 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2013 : Alexander Peya / Bruno Soares 2014 : Alexander Peya / Bruno Soares 2015 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2016 : Ivan Dodig / Marcelo Melo 2017 : Pierre - Hugues Herbert / Nicolas Mahut <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Cincinnati Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Darren Cahill / Mark Kratzmann 1991 : Ken Flach / Robert Seguso 1992 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 1993 : Andre Agassi / Petr Korda 1994 : Alex O'Brien / Sandon Stolle 1995 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 1996 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 1997 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 1998 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 1999 : Byron Black / Jonas Björkman 2000 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 2001 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Leander Paes 2002 : James Blake / Todd Martin 2003 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2004 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 2005 : Jonas Björkman / Max Mirnyi 2006 : Jonas Björkman / Max Mirnyi 2007 : Jonathan Erlich / Andy Ram 2008 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2009 : Daniel Nestor / Nenad Zimonjić 2010 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2011 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Leander Paes 2012 : Robert Lindstedt / Horia Tecău 2013 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2014 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2015 : Daniel Nestor / Édouard Roger - Vasselin 2016 : Ivan Dodig / Marcelo Melo 2017 : Pierre - Hugues Herbert / Nicolas Mahut <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Stockholm / Essen / Stuttgart / Madrid / Shanghai Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Guy Forget / Jakob Hlasek 1991 : John Fitzgerald / Anders Järryd 1992 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 1993 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 1994 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 1995 : Jacco Eltingh / Paul Haarhuis 1996 : Sébastien Lareau / Alex O'Brien 1997 : Todd Woodbridge / Mark Woodforde 1998 : Sébastien Lareau / Alex O'Brien 1999 : Byron Black / Jonas Björkman 2000 : Jiří Novák / David Rikl 2001 : Max Mirnyi / Sandon Stolle 2002 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 2003 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Max Mirnyi 2004 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 2005 : Mark Knowles / Daniel Nestor 2006 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2007 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2008 : Mariusz Fyrstenberg / Marcin Matkowski 2009 : Julien Benneteau / Jo - Wilfried Tsonga 2010 : Jürgen Melzer / Leander Paes 2011 : Max Mirnyi / Daniel Nestor 2012 : Leander Paes / Radek Štěpánek 2013 : Ivan Dodig / Marcelo Melo 2014 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2015 : Raven Klaasen / Marcelo Melo 2016 : John Isner / Jack Sock 2017 : Henri Kontinen / John Peers <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Paris Masters <Td_colspan="2"> 1990 : Scott Davis / David Pate 1991 : Anders Järryd / John Fitzgerald 1992 : John McEnroe / Patrick McEnroe 1993 : Byron Black / Jonathan Stark 1994 : Jacco Eltingh / Paul Haarhuis 1995 : Grant Connell / Patrick Galbraith 1996 : Jacco Eltingh / Paul Haarhuis 1997 : Jacco Eltingh / Paul Haarhuis 1998 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Leander Paes 1999 : Sébastien Lareau / Alex O'Brien 2000 : Nicklas Kulti / Max Mirnyi 2001 : Ellis Ferreira / Rick Leach 2002 : Nicolas Escudé / Fabrice Santoro 2003 : Wayne Arthurs / Paul Hanley 2004 : Jonas Björkman / Todd Woodbridge 2005 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2006 : Arnaud Clément / Michaël Llodra 2007 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2008 : Jonas Björkman / Kevin Ullyett 2009 : Daniel Nestor / Nenad Zimonjić 2010 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Max Mirnyi 2011 : Rohan Bopanna / Aisam - ul - Haq Qureshi 2012 : Mahesh Bhupathi / Rohan Bopanna 2013 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2014 : Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan 2015 : Ivan Dodig / Marcelo Melo 2016 : Henri Kontinen / John Peers 2017 : Łukasz Kubot / Marcelo Melo VIAF : 311581304 SELIBR : 378543 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1966 births Living people Australian Open ( tennis ) champions Australian Open ( tennis ) junior champions French Open junior champions International Tennis Hall of Fame inductees Olympic bronze medalists for Sweden Olympic medalists in tennis Olympic tennis players of Sweden People from Växjö People from Västervik Municipality Swedish male tennis players Tennis players at the 1984 Summer Olympics Tennis players at the 1988 Summer Olympics Tennis players at the 1992 Summer Olympics US Open ( tennis ) champions US Open ( tennis ) junior champions Wimbledon champions Wimbledon junior champions World No. 1 tennis players Grand Slam ( tennis ) champions in men 's singles Grand Slam ( tennis ) champions in men 's doubles Medalists at the 1988 Summer Olympics Swedish tennis coaches Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links BLP articles lacking sources from January 2012 All BLP articles lacking sources Use dmy dates from May 2011 Pages using infobox tennis biography with tennishofid All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from November 2013 Articles containing potentially dated statements from March 2018 All articles containing potentially dated statements Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers Talk 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About Wikipedia
1. Stefan Edberg's tennis career 2. Grand Slam titles won by Stefan Edberg 3. Stefan Edberg's coaching career with Roger Federer 4. Stefan Edberg's playing style and equipment 5. Stefan Edberg's personal life and achievements
is the lexus is 250 rear wheel drive
Lexus IS - wikipedia Lexus IS Jump to : navigation , search `` Altezza '' redirects here . For the type of after - market vehicle lights , see Altezza lights . <Th_colspan="2"> Lexus IS <Td_colspan="2"> 2014 Lexus IS 300h F Sport , Germany <Th_colspan="2"> Overview Manufacturer Lexus ( Toyota ) Also called Toyota Altezza ( Japan ; 1998 -- 2005 ) Production 1998 -- present <Th_colspan="2"> Body and chassis Class Compact executive car ( D ) The Lexus IS ( Japanese : レクサス ・ IS , Rekusasu IS ) is a compact executive car sold by Lexus since 1999 . The IS was originally sold under the Toyota Altezza nameplate in Japan from 1998 ( the word Altezza is Italian for `` highness '' ) . The IS was introduced as an entry - level sport model positioned below the ES in the Lexus lineup . The Altezza name is still used at times to refer to chromed car taillights like those fitted to the first - generation model , known as `` Altezza lights '' . The first - generation Altezza ( codename XE10 ) was launched in Japan in October 1998 , while the Lexus IS 200 ( GXE10 ) made its debut in Europe in 1999 and in North America as the IS 300 ( JCE10 ) in 2000 . The first - generation , inline - 6 - powered IS featured sedan and wagon variants . The second - generation IS ( codename XE20 ) was launched globally in 2005 with V6 - powered IS 250 ( GSE20 ) and IS 350 ( GSE21 ) sedan models , followed by a high - performance V8 sedan version , the IS F , in 2007 , and hardtop convertible versions , the IS 250 C and IS 350 C , in 2008 . The third - generation Lexus IS premiered in January 2013 and includes the V6 - powered IS 350 and IS 250 , hybrid IS 300h and performance - tuned F Sport variants . The IS designation stands for Intelligent Sport . Contents ( hide ) 1 First generation ( XE10 ; 1998 -- 2005 ) 1.1 1998 -- 2000 1.2 2000 -- 2003 1.3 2003 -- 2005 1.4 Powertrain and models 2 Second generation ( XE20 ; 2005 -- 2013 ) 2.1 2005 -- 2008 2.2 2008 -- 2010 2.3 2010 -- 2013 2.4 2013 -- 2015 2.5 Safety 2.6 Engines 3 Third generation ( XE30 ; 2013 -- present ) 3.1 Concept models 3.2 2013 -- 2016 3.3 2016 -- present 3.4 Equipment 3.5 Variants 3.6 Engines 3.7 Transmissions 3.8 Motorsport 3.9 Production 3.10 Marketing 4 Motorsport 5 Sales and production 6 Awards 7 References 8 External links First generation ( XE10 ; 1998 -- 2005 ) ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> First generation <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Overview Manufacturer Kanto Auto Works Also called Toyota Altezza ( Japan ) Production October 1998 -- August 2005 ( Toyota Altezza ) January 1999 -- August 2005 ( Lexus IS ) Assembly Japan : Kanegasaki , Iwate ( KAW ) Designer Tomoyasu Nishi ( exterior : 1995 ) 2003 refresh : Hiroyuki Tada ( 2002 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Body and chassis Body style 4 - door sedan 5 - door hatchback / station wagon Layout Front - engine , rear - wheel - drive Front - engine , four - wheel - drive ( Japan , Altezza Gita ) Platform Toyota N platform <Th_colspan="2"> Powertrain Engine 2.0 L 1G - FE I6 ( AS200 / IS 200 ) 2.0 L 3S - GE I4 ( RS200 ) 3.0 L 2JZ - GE I6 ( AS300 / IS 300 ) Transmission 4 - speed A47DE / A340H automatic 5 - speed W55 manual 5 - speed A650E automatic 6 - speed J160 manual <Th_colspan="2"> Dimensions Wheelbase 2,670 mm ( 105.1 in ) Length Sedan : 4,400 mm ( 173.2 in ) SportCross : 4,415 mm ( 173.8 in ) Width Sedan : 1,720 mm ( 67.7 in ) SportCross : 1,725 mm ( 67.9 in ) Height 1,410 mm ( 55.5 in ) 1,440 mm ( 56.7 in ) Curb weight IS 200 : 1,360 kg ( 3,000 lb ) IS 200 SportCross : 1,430 kg ( 3,150 lb ) IS 300 5 - Speed : 1,476 kg ( 3,255 lb ) IS 300 E-Shift : 1,490 kg ( 3,285 lb ) IS 300 SportCross : 1,550 kg ( 3,410 lb ) Produced as a direct competitor to the luxury sports sedans of the leading European luxury marques , the XE10 series Toyota Altezza and Lexus IS was designed with a greater performance emphasis than typically seen on prior Japanese luxury vehicles . The engineering work was led by Nobuaki Katayama from 1994 to 1998 under the 038T program code , who was responsible for the AE86 project . Design work by Tomoyasu Nishi was frozen in 1996 and filed under patent number 1030135 on December 5 , 1996 , at the Japan Patent Office . At its introduction to Japan , it was exclusive to Japanese dealerships called Toyota Netz Store , until Lexus was introduced to Japan in 2006 . The Japan - sold AS200 Altezza sedan and AS300 Altezza Gita formed the basis for the Lexus IS 200 and IS 300 models respectively , sold in markets outside Japan , primarily North America , Australia , and Europe . The Altezza Gita was a hatchback - station wagon version sold in Japan and was known in the US and Europe as the Lexus IS SportCross . The AS300 Altezza Gita was the only Altezza with the 2JZ - GE engine , while in export markets , this engine was available in the sedan models as well , as the Lexus IS300 Sedan . 1998 -- 2000 ( edit ) Introduced in 1998 with the AS200 ( Chassis code GXE10 ) and RS200 ( chassis code SXE10 ) sedans , the compact vehicle was produced using a shortened , front - engine , rear - wheel - drive midsize platform , allowing Japanese buyers to take advantage of tax savings imposed by Japanese government regulations concerning vehicle exterior dimensions and engine displacement , and adapted parts from the larger second - generation Aristo / GS . The 2.0 - liter 1G - FE inline - six powered AS200 ( GXE10 , sedan ) featured a five - speed manual transmission as standard , while a four - speed automatic was optional . The 2.0 - liter 3S - GE inline - four - powered RS200 ( SXE10 , sedan ) featured a six - speed manual transmission , while a five - speed automatic was optional . The different size engine choices gave Japanese buyers a choice of which annual road tax obligation they wanted to pay , and the larger engine offered more standard equipment as compensation . 1999 -- 2005 Lexus IS 200 sedan ( GXE10 ; Australia ) The design received critical acclaim at its 1998 launch and was awarded Japan 's `` Car of the Year '' honor for 1998 -- 1999 . A few months later , Lexus began marketing the IS 200 equivalent models in Europe . The IS 200 in Europe was listed as producing 153 brake horsepower ( 114 kW ) , with a top speed of 216 kilometres per hour ( 134 mph ) , and 0 to 100 kilometres per hour ( 0 -- 62 mph ) acceleration in 9.3 seconds . The styling cues of the rear light clusters on the first - generation models were copied by a number of after - market accessory manufacturers for applications on other vehicles . This iconic style of one or more internal lamp units , covered with a clear ( or tinted ) perspex cover made popular by Lexus , became known in many circles as ' Lexus - style ' or ' Altezza lights ' . The taillight style became so popular , that it influenced the development of clear - glass LED taillights . The XE10 's chief engineer was Nobuaki Katayama , while the chief test driver and test engineer was Hiromu Naruse . 2000 -- 2003 ( edit ) In July 2000 , a hatchback / station wagon model , the AS300 ( Chassis code JCE10 ) , was introduced featuring a 3.0 - liter 2JZ - GE inline - six engine . Equipped with rear - or all - wheel drive ( JCE10 , RWD Gita wagon ; JCE15 , 4WD Gita wagon ) , the AS300 was only available with an automatic gearbox ; a five - speed automatic for the RWD Gita wagon and a four - speed automatic for the 4WD Gita wagon . The six - cylinder version ( 2JZ - GE ) was only available in Japan on the Gita models . In the US , the IS 300 sedan debuted in 2000 as 2001 model and the wagon debuted in 2001 as a 2002 model with the same 3.0 - liter six - cylinder engine ( the 2.0 - liter six - cylinder was not available ) , while in Europe , the IS 300 joined the IS 200 in the model lineup . All IS 300 models in the US were initially only available with the five - speed automatic transmission ; this was also the case in Europe . However , a five - speed manual was made available in the US in 2001 for the 2002 model year ( not available on the SportCross wagon ) . Visually the exterior of the European IS 200 Sport and 300 were almost identical , the only differences being the boot insignia and the larger - engined model initially having clear front indicators ( later generalized to IS 200 range ) . Interior The first - generation IS interior featured unique elements not typically found in other Lexus models . These included a chrome metal ball shifter , pop - up navigation screen , and chronograph - style instrument panel ( with mini gauges for temperature , fuel economy , and volts ) . For the European market , the IS 300 gained full leather seats rather than the leather / escaine of the 200 , plus Auto - dimming rear view and side mirrors , and HID headlamps . In the US , the Environmental Protection Agency listed the IS 300 as a subcompact car ; although it technically had enough overall volume to be called a compact , rear seat room exhibited subcompact dimensions . The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA ) crash test results in 2001 gave the IS 300 the maximum five stars in the Side Driver and Side Rear Passenger categories , and four stars in the Frontal Driver and Frontal Passenger categories . The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety ( IIHS ) rated the IS `` Good '' overall for frontal collisions and `` Good '' in all six measured front impact categories . For the first - generation IS in the US market , sales hit a high of 22,486 units in 2001 ; subsequent sales years were less than forecast , and below the 10,000 - unit mark in 2004 . The IS 200 fared better relative to sales targets in Europe and Asia , while still well short of the sales volume achieved by the Mercedes - Benz C - Class and other , mostly German - made competitors . This trend was indicative of Lexus ' smaller global status ; while Lexus ' range of cars was very successful in North America , the marque 's sales lagged behind its German rivals in Europe . In Europe , the lack of a manual gearbox option for the IS 300 may have limited sales in contrast to its rivals , the BMW 3 Series and the Mercedes C - Class . In 2000 , TTE had released a compressor kit for the IS 200 on the European market . An Eaton supercharger at 0.3 - bar pressure boosted the power to 153 kilowatts ( 205 hp ) without sacrificing fuel consumption ( + 3.3 % ) . The kit was initially available as an aftermarket fitment , but could also be obtained as OEM Lexus accessory on new cars through the official Lexus dealer network and was fully covered by the standard warranty . This model variant was discontinued when the IS 300 was released on the European market . 2003 -- 2005 ( edit ) Toyota Altezza Gita ( JCE10 ; Japan ) ; exported as Lexus IS SportCross Toyota Altezza Gita AS300 ( JCE10 , Japan ) In 2003 for the 2004 model year , the IS line received a minor facelift ( designed by Hiroyuki Tada ) . On the exterior , was a new 11 - spoke wheel design , new fog lights , and smoked surrounding trim for the headlights and taillights . On the interior , a new 2 - position memory function was added for the driver seat , a maintenance indicator light , automatic drive - away door locking system , a new storage compartment on the dash ( for models without the navigation system ) and new trim highlights . An official concept model , the MillenWorks - built Lexus IS 430 was unveiled at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas , Nevada in 2003 . The IS 430 prototype was an IS 300 fitted with a 4.3 - liter V8 from the Lexus GS . Lexus dubbed the IS 430 a one - off with no plans for production . In Europe , Toyota Team Europe ( TTE ) shoehorned a supercharged 4.3 - liter V8 into an IS 300 bodyshell , the result was a 405 PS ( 298 kW ) ECE sedan . Powertrain and models ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> Engine <Th_colspan="3"> Lexus <Th_colspan="3"> Toyota Engine Power / torque Model Chassis code Drivetrain and transmission Model Chassis code Drivetrain and transmission 2.0 L inline - six ( 1G - FE ) 114 kW ( 153 hp ) ; 195 N ⋅ m ( 144 lb ⋅ ft ) @ 4600 rpm IS 200 ( sedan ) GXE10 RWD 6 - speed manual ( J160 ) 4 - speed automatic ( A47DE ) Altezza AS200 ( sedan ) GXE10 RWD 6 - speed manual ( J160 ) 4 - speed automatic ( A47DE ) IS 200 SportCross ( wagon ) GXE10 RWD 6 - speed manual ( J160 ) 4 - speed automatic ( A47DE ) Altezza Gita AS200 ( wagon ) GXE10W RWD 6 - speed manual ( J160 ) 4 - speed automatic ( A47DE ) GXE15W 4WD 4 - speed automatic ( A340H ) 2.0 L inline - four ( 3S - GE ) 154 kW ( 207 hp ) ; 216 N ⋅ m ( 159 lb ⋅ ft ) @ 6400 rpm <Td_colspan="3"> No equivalent Altezza RS200 ( sedan ) SXE10 RWD 6 - speed manual ( J160 ) 5 - speed automatic ( A650E ) 3.0 L inline - six ( 2JZ - GE ) 162 kW ( 217 hp ) ; 295 N ⋅ m ( 218 lb ⋅ ft ) @ 3800 rpm IS 300 ( sedan ) JCE10 RWD 5 - speed manual ( W55 , US only ) 5 - speed automatic ( A650E ) <Td_colspan="3"> No equivalent IS 300 SportCross ( wagon ) JCE10 RWD 5 - speed automatic ( A650E ) Altezza Gita AS300 ( wagon ) JCE10W RWD 5 - speed automatic ( A650E ) JCE15W 4WD 4 - speed automatic ( A340H ) Second generation ( XE20 ; 2005 -- 2013 ) ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> Second generation <Td_colspan="2"> Lexus IS 250 ( GSE20 , US ) <Th_colspan="2"> Overview Production September 2005 -- April 2013 ( sedan ) December 2007 -- 2014 ( IS F ) April 2009 -- 2015 ( IS C ) Model years 2006 -- 2013 Assembly Japan : Tahara , Aichi ( Tahara plant ) ; Miyawaka , Fukuoka ( Miyata plant ) Designer Kengo Matsumoto ( 2003 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Body and chassis Body style 2 - door convertible 4 - door sedan Layout Front - engine , rear - wheel - drive Front - engine , four - wheel - drive Platform Toyota N platform <Th_colspan="2"> Powertrain Engine 2.2 L 2AD - FHV I4 2.5 L 4GR - FSE V6 3.0 L 3GR - FE V6 3.5 L 2GR - FSE V6 5.0 L 2UR - GSE V8 Transmission 6 - speed manual 6 - speed automatic 8 - speed AA80E automatic <Th_colspan="2"> Dimensions Wheelbase 2730 mm ( 107.50 in ) Length 4,575 -- 4,590 mm ( 180.1 -- 180.7 in ) Width 1,800 -- 1,816 mm ( 70.9 -- 71.5 in ) Height 1,410 -- 1,425 mm ( 55.5 -- 56.1 in ) Curb weight 1,558 -- 1,600 kg ( 3,435 -- 3,527 lb ) Main article : Lexus IS ( XE20 ) 2005 -- 2008 ( edit ) The second - generation IS was introduced at the Geneva Motor Show in March 2005 as a pre-production model , with the production version debuting at the 2005 New York Auto Show that April . Sales of the sedan began worldwide in September and October 2005 as a 2006 model , with the Toyota Altezza name discontinued the introduction of the Lexus division in Japan , and the slow - selling SportCross station wagon version deleted from the lineup altogether . Lexus IS 250 ( GSE20 , Australia ) Production of the sedan commenced in September 2005 at the Miyata plant in Miyawaka , Fukuoka , supplemented in October 2005 with the Tahara plant at Tahara , Aichi . Production of the IS F started in December 2007 at Tahara . The facility at Miyata began manufacture of the IS C in April 2009 . In North America , IS models sold at launch included the IS 250 and IS 350 sedans ; in parts of Europe , the IS models sold by Lexus included the IS 250 and IS 220d sedans . The IS 250 was also available in Australia , New Zealand , Thailand , Singapore , Hong Kong , Taiwan , Chile ( automatic only ) , South Africa and South Korea . Interior All second - generation IS models offered a more typical Lexus interior compared to the previous generation with a focus on luxurious accouterments . The interior featured memory leather seats , lightsaber - like electroluminescent instrument display lighting and LED interior lighting accents , the choice of faux - metallic or optional Bird 's Eye Maple wood trim ( aluminum composite on the IS F ) , and SmartAccess keyless entry with push - button start . Options ranged from touchscreen navigation with backup camera to a Mark Levinson premium sound system and Dynamic Radar Cruise Control . Lexus IS F ( USE20 ; Australia ) Lexus IS F ( USE20 ; Australia ) On 6 December 2006 , Lexus officially confirmed the existence of a high - performance variant of the second - generation IS called the IS F. The Lexus IS F sedan ( USE20 ) premiered at the 2007 North American International Auto Show on 8 January 2007 as the launch product of Lexus ' F marque lineup of performance - focused vehicles . The IS F went on sale several months later in North America and Europe . The IS F was capable of 0 -- 60 mph ( 0 -- 97 km / h ) in 4.6 seconds , and had a top speed of 170 mph ( 270 km / h ) ( electronically limited ) . The introduction of the second - generation IS model marked a resurgence in sales for the IS line , with a 332 % increase overall in 2006 compared to the previous year . In its first year of sales , the IS sold over 49,000 units , making it one of the ten best - selling luxury cars in the US . The IS line later took a median position in the entry - luxury market ; in 2008 it sold behind the variants of the BMW 3 Series , new Mercedes - Benz C - Class , and Cadillac CTS , and ahead of the Acura TL , Audi A4 , and Infiniti G35 sedan . Outside the US , the Lexus IS spearheaded Lexus ' growing sales efforts in Europe , Australia , and South Africa , becoming the best - selling model in Lexus ' lineup in many of the aforementioned markets . In the US , as of 2011 , the Lexus IS was the third place best - selling vehicle from the marque after the Lexus RX and Lexus ES . 2008 -- 2010 ( edit ) Lexus IS 250 C ( GSE20 , Australia ) In 2008 , the IS line received a styling refresh , and the suspension and steering were retuned for improved stability and control . After three years with only one body style , the IS returned with a second body style , this time as a hardtop convertible , on 2 October 2008 when the IS 250 C debuted at the Paris Motor Show . A more powerful IS 350 C also became available , with engine specifications analogous to those on the sedan models . The IS convertible went on sale in Europe in 2009 , in North America in May 2009 , and an IS 300 C was also produced for certain regions . The mid-cycle refresh in 2008 saw slight styling revisions to the interior . 2010 -- 2013 ( edit ) Facelift Lexus IS 220d ( ALE20 , Europe ) Facelift Lexus IS 350 ( GSE21 , Australia ) In 2010 , coinciding with the second IS line refresh , the revised diesel IS 220d was detuned for improved fuel consumption figures but lowered power output by 27 bhp ( 20 kW ; 27 PS ) . Building on its `` F Sport '' line of parts and accessories for the IS 250 / 350 , Lexus added factory - produced F Sport IS models in 2010 . The second refresh also includes further interior updates for the IS line . 2013 -- 2015 ( edit ) Changes to IS C include Intelligent Transport Systems and Dedicated Short Range Communication units become standard equipment . Change to US model of F SPORT Package includes revised silver metallic interior trim . Change to Japan F SPORT Package includes new dark rose interior color , medium silver ornament panel . F SPORT performance accessories include 19 - inch forged wheels ( set of four ) , with hardware ; brake upgrades , front axle set , rear axle set , carbon fiber engine cover , carbon fiber leather shift knob , floor mats ( four - piece set ) , lowering spring set , performance air intake , performance dual exhaust , shock set ( set of four ) , sway bar set Japan models went on sale in 2013 - 08 - 22 . Early models include IS 250C , IS 350C . US models went on sale as 2014 model year vehicle . Early models include IS 250C , IS 350C . Changes to IS F include carbon rear spoiler , front LED fog lamp , all sports seats include embossed ' F ' logo at head rests , Alcantara upholstery at door trim and center console , standard Intelligent Transport Systems and Dedicated Short Range Communication unit . IS F Dynamic Sport Tuning model ( available in Japan ) includes 7 PS ( 5 kW ; 7 hp ) engine power boost via low - friction piston and pump , strengthened body contact , exclusive carbon front spoiler / rear diffuser , 7 kg ( 15 lb ) lower body weight via exclusive titanium muffler , exclusive orange colour brake caliper with LEXUS logo , exclusive orange accent engine head cover , exclusive carbon interior panel at centre console and door switch base with nameplate , choice of 7 body colours including exclusive starlight black glass flake . Japan models went on sale in 2013 - 09 - 05 . US models went on sale as 2014 model year vehicle . Safety ( edit ) Safety features on the IS models ranged from multiple airbags to stability control systems . A Pre-Collision System ( PCS ) was the first offered in the entry - luxury performance sedan market segment . NHTSA crash test results rated the second - generation IS the maximum five stars in the Side Driver and Rollover categories , and four stars in the Frontal Driver , Frontal Passenger , and Side Rear Passenger categories ; Insurance Institute for Highway Safety scores were `` Good '' overall score for all fourteen measured categories in the front and side impact crash tests . The second - generation IS marked the next introduction of Lexus ' new L - finesse design philosophy on a production vehicle , following the premiere of the 2006 Lexus GS performance sedan . The sedan 's exterior design featured sleeker , coupe - like contours , a fastback profile , and a repeated arrowhead motif in the front fascia and side windows . The IS sedans had a drag coefficient of Cd = 0.28 . The forward design was reminiscent of the earlier Lexus LF - C convertible coupe concept . Engines ( edit ) Petrol and diesel engines ( hide ) Calendar year ( s ) Model no ( s ) . Chassis code ( s ) Engine type Engine code Transmission ( s ) Power Torque 2010 -- 2012 IS 200d ALE20 2.2 L inline - 4 2AD - FTV 6 - speed MT 110 kW ( 150 hp ) 360 N ⋅ m ( 270 ft ⋅ lbf ) @ 2600 rpm 2005 -- 2012 IS 220d ALE20 2.2 L inline - 4 2AD - FHV 6 - speed MT 130 kW ( 170 hp ) 400 N ⋅ m ( 300 ft ⋅ lbf ) @ 2600 rpm 2005 -- 2013 IS 250 GSE20 2.5 L V6 4GR - FSE 6 - speed AT / MT 153 kW ( 205 hp ) 252 N ⋅ m ( 186 ft ⋅ lbf ) @ 4800 rpm IS 250 AWD GSE25 6 - speed AT 2005 -- 2013 IS 350 GSE21 3.5 L V6 2GR - FSE 6 - speed AT 228 kW ( 306 hp ) 375 N ⋅ m ( 277 ft ⋅ lbf ) @ 4800 rpm 2007 -- 2013 IS 300 GSE22 3.0 L V6 3GR - FE 6 - speed AT 170 kW ( 230 hp ) 300 N ⋅ m ( 220 ft ⋅ lbf ) @ 4400 rpm 2007 -- IS F USE20 5.0 L V8 2UR - GSE 8 - speed AT 311 kW ( 417 hp ) 503 N ⋅ m ( 371 ft ⋅ lbf ) @ 5200 rpm 2009 -- 2013 IS 250 C GSE20 2.5 L V6 4GR - FSE 6 - speed AT / MT 153 kW ( 205 hp ) 252 N ⋅ m ( 186 ft ⋅ lbf ) @ 4800 rpm 2009 -- IS 350 C GSE21 3.5 L V6 2GR - FSE 6 - speed AT 228 kW ( 306 hp ) 375 N ⋅ m ( 277 ft ⋅ lbf ) @ 4800 rpm 2009 -- IS 300 C GSE22 3.0 L V6 3GR - FE 6 - speed AT 170 kW ( 230 hp ) 300 N ⋅ m ( 220 ft ⋅ lbf ) @ 4400 rpm 2010 -- 2013 IS 350 AWD GSE26 3.5 L V6 2GR - FSE 6 - speed AT 228 kW ( 306 hp ) 375 N ⋅ m ( 277 ft ⋅ lbf ) @ 4800 rpm The IS 250 , IS 350 and IS F feature a D - 4 ( IS250 ) or D - 4S ( IS350 and IS F ) direct injection system with direct fuel injectors ( D - 4 and D - 4S ) and port fuel injectors ( D - 4S only ) . Certain Asian markets feature the IS 300 ( GSE22 ) without direct injection . Third generation ( XE30 ; 2013 -- present ) ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> Third generation <Td_colspan="2"> 2014 Lexus IS 250 F - Sport ( GSE30 , US ) <Th_colspan="2"> Overview Production 25 April 2013 -- present Model years 2014 -- present Assembly Japan : Tahara , Aichi ( Tahara plant ) ; Miyawaka , Fukuoka ( Miyata plant ) Designer Masanari Sakae ( 2010 ) Yuki Isogai ( 2011 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Body and chassis Body style 4 - door sedan Layout Front - engine , rear - wheel - drive Front - engine , four - wheel - drive Platform Toyota New N platform Related Lexus RC <Th_colspan="2"> Powertrain Engine 2.0 L 8AR - FTS I4 ( turbocharged ) 2.5 L 2AR - FSE I4 ( hybrid ) 2.5 L 4GR - FSE V6 3.5 L 2GR - FSE V6 3.5 L 2GR - FKS V6 ( 2018 - ) Transmission 6 - speed automatic 8 - speed AA81E automatic <Th_colspan="2"> Dimensions Wheelbase 2,800 mm ( 110.2 in ) Length 4,665 mm ( 183.7 in ) Width 1,810 mm ( 71.3 in ) Height 1,430 mm ( 56.3 in ) Concept models ( edit ) Lexus LF - CC concept Several concept models preceded the launch of the third - generation IS . The first was the LF - LC ( 2012 ) . It is a rear - wheel drive concept coupe with mesh pattern of the spindle grille in 3D sculpture form , daytime running lights shaped like an `` L '' , vertical front fog lamps in fading dot matrix pattern , glass roof with cantilevered pillar with a glass - to - glass juncture inspired by modern architecture , rear fog lamps , twin 12.3 - inch LCD screens provide information and navigation display , leather and suede interior upholstery with brushed metal trim and wood accents , race - inspired front seats are formed of multiple layers and repeat the interlacing curves that define the cabin interior , racing - style steering wheel upholstered in carbon fibre with integrated controls and start button . The vehicle was unveiled in 2012 North American International Auto Show . That concept was followed by the LF - LC Blue ( 2012 ) , which is a rear - wheel drive concept coupe based on the LF - LC , with Opal Blue body color , Atkinson cycle combustion engine , battery pack , white and brown interior . The vehicle was unveiled in 2012 Australian International Motor Show , and later in 2012 LA Auto Show . The LF - CC concept ( 2012 ) is a rear - wheel drive coupe incorporating designs from LF - LC concept and Lexus LFA . It included a 2.5 - litre 4 - cylinder Atkinson cycle petrol engine with D - 4S direct injection technology , water - cooled permanent magnet electric motor , 3 LED - projector headlamp design , Daytime Running Lights ( DRLs ) are integrated into the upper bumper surface , rear spoiler integrated within the boot lid , L - shaped combination lamps with three - dimensional design , Fluid Titanium body colour , 2 - zone dashboard , seats , door panels and instrument binnacle hood upholstered in amber leather . The vehicle was unveiled in 2012 Paris Motor Show , followed by Auto Shanghai 2013 . 2013 -- 2016 ( edit ) Lexus IS 300h ( AVE30 , Japan ) Exterior design work was done by Masanari Sakae during 2010 -- 2011 and Yuki Isogai ( F - Sport ) in 2011 . The IS F Sport models include enhanced handling and performance , Adaptive Variable Suspension and Variable Gear Ratio Steering ( IS 350 ) . Not only does the F Sport handle differently , but its more aggressive styling certainly sets it apart from the basic production model . F - Sport styling includes an edition specific F - Sport pattern front grill , F - Sport logo badges , and five spoke split graphite wheels . Inside the cabin , you 'll find bright , carbon fiber - like trim , extra bolstered performance seats , an all - black headliner , and an impressive moving vessel gauge cluster , inspired by the Lexus LFA , that displays navigation and audio information . The F - Sport models have an edition specific Ultra White exterior and vibrant , Rioja Red interior . The 2014 model year also served as the first year to offer all - wheel drive in the IS F Sport line up . The new IS sedan was unveiled at the January 2013 North American International Auto Show , followed by Auto Shanghai 2013 , Octagon Club in South Korea International models went on sale in mid-2013 . Early models included the IS 250 RWD , IS 250 AWD , IS 300h and IS 350 RWD . The hybrid IS 300h will be sold in Europe , Japan , and select international markets . US models went on sale as 2014 model year vehicles on June 28 , 2013 . Early models include IS 250 RWD , IS 250 AWD , IS 350 RWD , IS 350 AWD . In 2015 , for the 2016 model year , the IS 250 was discontinued and replaced by the rear wheel drive only IS 200t . The IS 300 is only offered with all - wheel drive , while the top of the line IS 350 can be ordered with either drivetrain . Chinese models went on sale in 2013 . Early models include IS 250 , IS 250 F SPORT . Japanese models went on sale on 16 May 2013 . Early models include IS 250 , IS 250 AWD , IS 350 , IS 300h . European models arrived at dealerships in 2013 June / July . Early models include IS 250 , IS 300h . South Korean models went on sale on 27 June 2013 . Early models include IS 250 Supreme , IS 250 Executive . Australian models went on sale in July 2013 . Only RWD versions were on offer , the models included the IS 250 , IS 300h and the IS 350 . The IS 250 was dropped from the line - up in September 2015 replaced with the IS 200t . 2016 -- present ( edit ) In April 2016 , Lexus teased an image of a revamped third generation model which includes new headlights , taillights , front fascia , and hood . It debuted at the April 2016 Beijing Auto Show with new interior technology improvements including 10.3 inch infotainment screen , new steering wheel , contrast stitching along the dash , and a lot more . Equipment ( edit ) Toyota Racing Development F SPORT parts for Japanese Lexus IS sedan included front spoiler , side spoiler , rear spoiler , sport muffler and rear diffuser , diamond - like carbon shock absorber , 19 - inch aluminium wheel set ( 19x8. 5J front and 19x9J rear rims , 45 mm front and 50 mm rear insets , 245 / 35ZR19 front and 265 / 30ZR19 rear tires ) , member brace , performance damper . Variants ( edit ) ( hide ) Model Years IS 200t ( ASE30 ) 2015 -- present IS 250 ( GSE30 ) 2013 -- 2015 IS 250 AWD ( GSE35 ) 2013 -- 2015 IS 300 AWD ( GSE37 ) 2015 -- present IS 350 ( GSE31 ) 2013 -- present IS 350 AWD ( GSE36 ) 2013 -- present IS 300h ( AVE30 ) 2013 -- present Engines ( edit ) Petrol and hybrid engines ( hide ) Model Years Type / code <Th_colspan="3"> Power at rpm <Th_colspan="3"> Torque at rpm PS kW hp kg m N m lb ft IS 300 / IS 200t ( formerly called ) 2015 -- 2017 ( 200 t ) / 2017 -- present ( 300 ) 1,998 cc ( 121.9 cu in ) I4 ( 8AR - FTS ) 244 179 241 4,800 -- 5,600 35.73 350 258 1,650 -- 4,800 IS 250 2013 -- 2015 2,499 cc ( 152.5 cu in ) V6 ( 4GR - FSE ) 207 152 204 6,400 25.5 250 184 4,800 IS 250 ( 215PS , DBA - GSE30 - AETLH ) 2013 -- 2015 2,499 cc ( 152.5 cu in ) V6 ( 4GR - FSE ) 215 158 212 6,400 26.5 260 192 3,800 IS 250 AWD 2013 -- 2015 2,499 cc ( 152.5 cu in ) V6 ( 4GR - FSE ) 207 152 204 6,400 25.5 250 184 4,800 IS 250 AWD ( 215PS , DBA - GSE35 - AETLH ) 2013 -- 2015 2,499 cc ( 152.5 cu in ) V6 ( 4GR - FSE ) 215 158 212 6,400 26.5 260 192 3,800 IS 300 AWD 2015 -- 3,456 cc ( 210.9 cu in ) V6 ( 2GR - FSE ) 259 190 255 6,400 32.6 320 236 2,000 -- 4,800 IS 350 2013 -- 3,456 cc ( 210.9 cu in ) V6 ( 2GR - FSE ) 310 228 306 6,400 38.2 375 276 4,800 IS 350 ( 318PS , DBA - GSE31 - AEZLH ) 2013 -- 3,456 cc ( 210.9 cu in ) V6 ( 2GR - FSE ) 318 234 314 6,400 38.72 380 280 4,800 IS 350 AWD 2013 -- 3,456 cc ( 210.9 cu in ) V6 ( 2GR - FSE ) 310 228 306 6,400 38.2 375 276 4,800 IS 300h 2013 -- 2,494 cc ( 152.2 cu in ) I4 ( 2AR - FSE ) 177 130 175 6,000 21.9 215 158 4,400 electric motor 143 105 141 30.6 300 221 combined 220 162 217 IS 300h ( 178PS , DAA - AVE30 - AEXLH ) 2013 -- 2,494 cc ( 152.2 cu in ) I4 ( 2AR - FSE ) 178 131 176 6,000 22.5 221 163 4,200 -- 4,800 electric motor 143 105 141 30.6 300 221 combined 220 162 217 Transmissions ( edit ) Petrol engines ( hide ) Model Years Types IS 200t 2015 -- 8 - speed automatic ( 8 - Speed Sport Direct Shift / ECT - i / SPDS ) ( AA81E ) IS 250 2013 -- 2015 6 - speed automatic ( 6 Super ECT / ECT - i ) ( A960 ) IS 250 AWD 2013 -- 2015 6 - speed automatic ( 6 Super ECT ) ( A760H ) IS 300 AWD 2015 -- 6 - speed automatic ( 6 Super ECT ) ( A760H ) IS 350 2013 -- 8 - speed automatic ( 8 - Speed Sport Direct Shift / ECT - i / SPDS ) ( AA81E ) IS 350 AWD 2013 -- 6 - speed automatic ( 6 Super ECT ) ( A760H ) IS 300h 2013 -- electronic CVT Motorsport ( edit ) A race car based on the Lexus LF - CC entered the 2014 Super GT GT500 class , replacing the SC 430 . Vehicle shakedown began at the Suzuka Circuit . Production ( edit ) Production at Tahara plant in Japan began on 25 April 2013 . As of June 2013 , sales of Lexus IS has reached 1919 units . Between 16 May 2013 and 16 June 2013 , the order of IS sedans reached approximately 7600 units , including 2100 IS 250 and IS 350 , 5500 IS 300h . Marketing ( edit ) As part of the 2014 Lexus IS sports sedan launch in the US , Lexus , and the Tony Hawk Foundation asked their fans and supporters to be part of a fan based decal to be featured on the Lexus IS F CCS - R race car competing in Pikes Peak International Hill Climb . Fans were able to enter their names via a Lexus Facebook post , Lexus Google+ post , comment on a Lexus YouTube IS F CCS - R video , or through Twitter and Instagram using # Lexus14K . As part of the 2014 Lexus IS sports sedan launch in the US , 2 new television ads ( Crowd , Color Shift ) were produced by Lexus ' agency of record , Team One , with Original music from Devo 's Mark Mothersbaugh , and directed by Jonas Åkerlund . The ' Crowd ' ad emphasizes that things designed to draw a crowd are good , but leaving the crowd behind is more rewarding . The ' Color Shift ' ad shows it 's more fun and exciting to blend out than blend in . The Two additional ads ( This is Your Move , Intense ) were created by Lexus ' multicultural agency , Walton Isaacson , as part of the campaign . ' This is Your Move ' was geared to the African - American audience , features Los Angeles Dodgers center fielder Matt Kemp as he searches for something that matches his ambitious and driven personality . ' Intense ' is targeted to the Hispanic audience and follows a young couple as they experience the thrills of driving the redesigned IS 250 . As part of the 2014 Lexus IS sports sedan launch in the US , Lexus outfitted respective editors of Motor Trend and with the first of Kogeto 's ' Joey ' panoramic cameras to showcase the `` performance and stunning design '' of the 2014 Lexus IS . As part of the 2014 Lexus IS sports sedan launch in the US , Lexus invited more than 200 followers on Instagram , along with their smartphones , to make a commercial of the 2014 Lexus IS using hundreds of their photos of the car strung together into a video . As part of the 2014 Lexus IS sport sedan launch in the US , Lexus created and hosted a MADE Fashion Week event in 2013 - 09 - 05 debuting a first - ever live holographic performance art experience titled ' Lexus Design Disrupted ' , featured supermodel Coco Rocha and a bold retrospective from the archives of designer Giles Deacon in a creative concept inspired by the IS and the brand 's commitment to design and technology . As part of the 2014 Lexus IS sports sedan launch in the US , Lexus partnered with NBCUniversal for the ' It 's Your Move After Dark ' campaign . The ads took advantage of real - time marketing by allowing viewers to contribute ad concepts via social networks to influence the creative for the Lexus advertisements . The campaign featured a series of live , improvisational short comedy ads that will run in the commercial pods during NBC 's Late Night with Jimmy Fallon . The ads were based on real - time viewer social media submissions each Thursday and performed by New York 's comedy troupes including Fun Young Guys , Magnet Theater Touring Company , MB 's Dream and Stone Cold Fox . Every Thursday night for four weeks beginning 19 September , as part of an early commercial break on NBC 's Late Night with Jimmy Fallon , improv comedians asked viewers to suggest ad concepts with the # LexusIS hashtag via social media platforms , including Facebook , Instagram , Tumblr and Twitter . Submissions would influence the content of the ad and a live , on - air improve performance based on the viewer 's ad suggestion will follow at the final commercial break . East and west coast live broadcasts of the commercials will be completely different each time based on their respective social media suggestions . Each Thursday 's advertisement would be broadcast live from under the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City . In anticipation of the campaign launch , a 15 - second promotional teaser was premiered on 18 September in NBC 's late night programming commercial pods . Additionally , the selected comedic concepts and submissions were made be available for viewing and sharing on a custom page at the day after each live broadcast . Fans can continue to engage in exclusive , behind - the - scenes content from the campaign on . As part of the 2014 Lexus IS sports sedan launch in the US , Lexus partnered with DeviantART to start a campaign to challenge the design community to show their vision for the 2014 IS with custom exterior treatments and modifications . The ultimate IS sports sedan concept would be modified by VIP Auto Salon in 10 weeks to reflect the rendering , and be displayed at the Lexus space at SEMA . In November 2016 , Lexus partnered with Huy Fong Foods to produce a Sriracha edition of the IS for the 2016 LA Auto Show . The car is painted red with chili - like flakes and has green accents that evoke a Sriracha bottle cap . In addition , the trunk is filled with 43 bottles of Sriracha sauce . Motorsport ( edit ) The first - generation IS 200 / 300 and RS200 series was used by many racing teams , including TRD , to race in various touring car racing series across Asia . In Europe , the Lexus IS 200 was raced in the British Touring Car Championship ( through organizations such as BTC Racing ) , and the IS 300 was raced in the US via the Motorola Cup North American Street Stock Championship touring car series ( with the manufacturer - sanctioned Team Lexus ) . IS 350 WedsSport race car which competed in the 2008 GT300 season and won the 2009 GT300 class In 2001 , Team Lexus entered three IS 300s in the third race of the 2001 Grand - Am Cup season at Phoenix , Arizona , and won their first IS 300 victory that year at the Virginia International Raceway . In 2002 , Team Lexus raced the IS 300 in the Grand - Am Cup ST1 ( Street Tuner ) class , winning both the Drivers ' and Team Championships , as well as a sweep of the top three finishes at Circuit Mont - Tremblant in Quebec , Canada . In 2008 , the second - generation IS 350 was entered in the Super GT race series in the GT300 class ( cars with approximately 300 horsepower ) . The No. 19 Team Racing Project Bandoh IS 350 driven by Manabu Orido and Tsubasa Abe achieved its first victory in its fifth race at the Motegi GT300 race . In 2009 , The Project Bandoh WedsSport IS 350 , driven by Manabu Orido and Tatsuya Kataoka , won both driver and team title in the GT300 class that season . In April 2009 , a Lexus IS F entered by Gazoo Racing finished second to the team 's Lexus LF - A in the SP8 class in the ADAC - Westfalenfahrt VLN 4h endurance race . An IS F was also entered in the 2009 24 Hours Nürburgring race and finished third in the SP8 class . In August 2009 , an IS F entered by Gazoo Racing and driven by Peter Lyon , Hideshi Matsuda , and Kazunori Yamauchi won the SP8 class at the DMV Grenzlandrennen VLN race . Kazunori Yamauchi is the developer of Gran Turismo series , of which the IS line is playable in several versions , and the IS F racer carried test equipment for future game modes . The 3 drivers , along with Owen Mildenhall , participated in the 2010 24 Hours Nürburgring and finished in 4th place in the SP8 class , behind the 1st place ranked Lexus LFA . In 2012 , Japanese drift racer Daigo Saito entered an IS 250 C in the Formula Drift Asia series . The car , which was a victim of the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami and due to be scrapped , was purchased by Saito and heavily customized for drift racing use . The most notable modification was the swapping of the stock engine to a 2JZ - GTE from a Mark IV Toyota Supra . With 1200 horsepower under the hood , Daigo obliterated the competition in that season , winning all the rounds and earning the championship in convincing fashion . Sales and production ( edit ) Sales data for Lexus IS generations are as follows , with chart numbers sourced from manufacturer yearly data . Generation ( chassis code ) Model nos Calendar year <Th_colspan="2"> Sales Total exports , production US Japan GXE10 , SXE10 , JCE10 IS 200 / 300 2000 15,540 ? ? 22,486 ? 30,475 GXE10 , SXE10 , JCE10 , JCE15 IS 200 / 300 / SportCross 2002 20,306 ? 23,749 2003 13,559 ? 14,187 9,972 ? 11,114 2005 15,789 , 3,911 10,253 GSE20 , GSE21 , GSE25 IS 250 / 350 2006 54,267 , 10,727 109,720 2007 54,933 , 9,514 110,907 GSE20 , GSE21 , GSE25 , USE20 IS 250 / 350 / F 2008 49,432 , 10,110 93,612 IS 250 / 350 / C / F 2009 38,077 , 5,278 43,369 IS 250 / 350 / C / F 34,129 ? ? IS 250 / 350 / C / F 2011 29,669 ? ? IS 250 / 350 / C / F 2012 27,708 ? ? IS 250 / 350 / C / F 2013 35,017 ? ? IS 250 / 350 / C / F 2014 51,358 ? ? 2015 46,430 2016 37,289 Awards ( edit ) J.D. Power and Associates named the second - generation IS 250 / IS 350 sedans the best vehicles in the entry luxury class in its 2006 Initial Quality Survey . J.D. Power and Associates named the first - generation IS 300 sedan and IS 300 SportCross the best vehicles in the entry luxury class in its 2005 Initial Quality Survey . Ward 's Auto bestowed the IS 350 V6 engine with one of its 10 Best Engines awards in 2006 . The IS 350 V6 engine was also named to Ward 's 10 Best Engines list in 2007 , 2008 , and 2009 . The 2007 Lexus IS was the winner of the Intellichoice / AutoPacific Motorist Choice Award for Aspirational Luxury Cars , referring to the vehicle owners most desired in the luxury segment . The Lexus IS was named the winner of the 2007 IF product design award from the International Forum Design group in Hannover , Germany . The 2007 Lexus IS was the winner of the Golden Steering Wheel Award in the Luxury category , according to German newspaper , Bild am Sonntag . This award , selected by a jury panel of 25 automotive experts , was presented to Lexus in a Berlin ceremony . British automotive magazine Top Gear named the second - generation Lexus IS as the Executive Car of the Year in 2006 . The Canadian Car of the Year Awards , selected by the Automobile Journalists Association of Canada , gave the IS 350 its Best New Technology award in 2006 . The Lexus IS was a finalist for Wheels magazine 's Car of the Year ( COTY ) awards and also the World Car of the Year ( WCOTY ) award in 2006 . Kelley Blue Book gave the first - generation IS 300 its Best to Hold Value Award in 2001 . The IS 250 was the winner in 2006 and 2007 of Best Prestige Car in the Australia 's Best Cars awards -- awarded by the conglomeration of all of Australia 's respective State Automotive Associations . The Lexus IS came second in the Top Gear Satisfaction Survey 2005 , beaten only by the Honda S2000 . The Lexus IS came first in the ' J.D. Power ' car satisfaction survey in 2011 and joint second in 2010 . 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Jump up ^ `` Number of Vehicles Registered in Japan '' ( PDF ) . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2009 - 06 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Number of Vehicles Produced in Japan by Model '' ( PDF ) ( Press release ) . Japan : Toyota . 2009 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2010 - 07 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Lexus sales figures 2009 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` Number of Vehicles Registered in Japan '' ( PDF ) ( Press release ) . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` Number of Vehicles Produced in Japan by Model '' ( PDF ) ( Press release ) . Japan : Toyota . 2010 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2010 - 07 - 09 . Jump up ^ `` Lexus sales figures 2010 '' ( Press release ) . USA : Toyota . Archived from the original on 2011 - 02 - 03 . Retrieved 2011 - 06 - 22 . Jump up ^ `` Lexus sales figures 2010 '' ( Press release ) . USA : Toyota . Retrieved 2012 - 02 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Lexus sales figures 2012 '' ( Press release ) . USA : Toyota . Retrieved 2013 - 01 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Lexus sales figuresfigures 2013 '' ( Press release ) . USA : Toyota . Retrieved 2014 - 09 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` December 2014 and Year - End Sales Chart '' ( Press release ) . Toyota USA Newsroom. 2015 - 01 - 05 . Retrieved 2015 - 01 - 06 . Jump up ^ Cain , Timothy . `` Lexus IS Sales Figures '' . GoodCarBadCar . Retrieved 2016 - 03 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` December 2016 and Year - End Sales Chart '' ( Press release ) . USA : Toyota . 2017 - 01 - 05 . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Lexus and Toyota Together Capture 11 of 19 Initial Quality Model Awards '' ( Press release ) . J.D. Power . 2006 - 06 - 07 . Jump up ^ `` Toyota , GM Garner Most Awards in 2005 Initial Quality Study '' ( Press release ) . J.D. Power . 2005 - 05 - 18 . Jump up ^ Visnic , Bill ( 2006 - 01 - 04 ) . `` Ward 's 10 Best Engines 2006 '' . WardsAuto . Jump up ^ `` 2007 Motorist 's Choice Awards '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 12 - 04 . Jump up ^ `` iF Design List of winners for the iF product design award 2007 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` 2006 Best Car , Best Truck , Best Design , Best Technology awards revealed '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` Lexus GS and IS Nominated for Wheels Car of the Year '' . . Archived from the original on 2012 - 07 - 01 . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` CARFAX -- Kelley Blue Book - Models to Best Hold Its Value '' . . Archived from the original on 2003 - 11 - 25 . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` J.D. Power '' . Archived from the original on 2011 - 12 - 05 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Lexus IS . Lexus IS international site Lexus IS F international site Lexus IS at Curlie ( based on DMOZ ) <Th_colspan="61"> Lexus , a division of Toyota Motor Corporation , vehicle production timeline Type Line <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="20"> 1990s <Td_colspan="20"> 2000s <Td_colspan="16"> 2010s <Td_colspan="2"> 9 <Td_colspan="2"> 0 <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> 5 <Td_colspan="2"> 6 <Td_colspan="2"> 7 <Td_colspan="2"> 8 <Td_colspan="2"> 9 <Td_colspan="2"> 0 <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> 5 <Td_colspan="2"> 6 <Td_colspan="2"> 7 <Td_colspan="2"> 8 <Td_colspan="2"> 9 <Td_colspan="2"> 0 <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> 5 <Td_colspan="2"> 6 <Td_colspan="2"> 7 Compact CT <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="14"> A10 IS <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="19"> <Td_colspan="12"> XE10 <Td_colspan="16"> XE20 <Td_colspan="9"> XE30 HS <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="13"> <Td_colspan="15"> ANF10 <Td_colspan="8"> Mid-size ES <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="4"> V20 <Td_colspan="10"> XV10 <Td_colspan="10"> XV20 <Td_colspan="10"> XV30 <Td_colspan="11"> XV40 <Td_colspan="12"> XV60 GS <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="7"> <Td_colspan="8"> S140 <Td_colspan="16"> S160 <Td_colspan="13"> S190 <Td_colspan="12"> L10 Full - size LS <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="10"> XF10 <Td_colspan="12"> XF20 <Td_colspan="12"> XF30 <Td_colspan="22"> XF40 <Td_colspan="1"> XF50 Crossover UX <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="16"> NX <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="7"> AZ10 RX <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="17"> <Td_colspan="10"> XU10 <Td_colspan="12"> XU30 <Td_colspan="12"> AL10 <Td_colspan="5"> AL20 SUV GX <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="14"> J120 <Td_colspan="17"> J150 LX <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="11"> <Td_colspan="6"> J80 <Td_colspan="18"> J100 <Td_colspan="21"> J200 Coupé RC <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="7"> XC10 SC <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="3"> <Td_colspan="20"> Z30 <Td_colspan="19"> Z40 <Td_colspan="14"> LC <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="14"> <Td_colspan="2"> Z100 LFA <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="20"> <Td_colspan="6"> LFA <Td_colspan="10"> <Th_colspan="35"> `` previous -- Toyota road cars timeline , 1985 -- present Type <Td_colspan="5"> 1980s <Td_colspan="10"> 1990s <Td_colspan="10"> 2000s <Td_colspan="9"> 2010s Calendar year 5 6 7 8 9 0 5 6 7 8 9 0 5 6 7 8 9 0 5 6 7 8 Subcompact car <Td_colspan="6"> Starlet P70 <Td_colspan="8"> Starlet P80 <Td_colspan="7"> Vitz XP10 <Td_colspan="5"> Vitz XP90 <Td_colspan="8"> Vitz XP130 <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="6"> <Td_colspan="4"> Starlet P90 <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="2"> Tercel , Corolla II , Corsa L20 <Td_colspan="4"> Tercel , Corolla II , Corsa L30 <Td_colspan="3"> Tercel , Corolla II , Corsa L40 <Td_colspan="5"> Tercel , Corolla II , Corsa L50 <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="6"> Platz XP10 <Td_colspan="7"> Belta XP90 <Td_colspan="6"> Vios XP150 <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="6"> FunCargo XP20 <Td_colspan="5"> Ractis XP100 <Td_colspan="8"> Ractis Verso - S XP120 <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="5"> bB XP30 <Td_colspan="12"> bB QNC2x <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="5"> ist XP60 <Td_colspan="10"> ist XP110 <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="8"> <Td_colspan="9"> iQ <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="9"> Aygo AB10 <Td_colspan="5"> Aygo AB40 Subcompact SUV <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="7"> <Td_colspan="2"> C - HR Compact car <Td_colspan="2"> Corolla , Sprinter E80 <Td_colspan="4"> Corolla , Sprinter E90 <Td_colspan="4"> Corolla , Sprinter E100 <Td_colspan="6"> Corolla , Sprinter E110 <Td_colspan="6"> Corolla E120 / 130 <Td_colspan="6"> Corolla E140 / 150 <Td_colspan="6"> Corolla E160 / 170 <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="4"> Cynos L40 <Td_colspan="5"> Cynos L50 <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="9"> Compact luxury car <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="8"> <Td_colspan="8"> Altezza XE10 <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="8"> <Td_colspan="10"> Progrès XG10 <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="7"> Brevis XG10 <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="9"> Compact wagon <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="4"> Altezza Gita XE10 <Td_colspan="6"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="5"> Voltz E130 <Td_colspan="1"> Voltz E140 <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="3"> Carina Surf T150 <Td_colspan="4"> Carina Surf T170 <Td_colspan="5"> Caldina T190 <Td_colspan="5"> Caldina T210 <Td_colspan="5"> Caldina T240 <Td_colspan="3"> <Td_colspan="9"> Mid-size car <Td_colspan="3"> Corona T150 <Td_colspan="4"> Corona T170 <Td_colspan="4"> Corona T190 <Td_colspan="5"> Corona T210 <Td_colspan="6"> Premio T240 <Td_colspan="12"> Premio T260 <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="4"> Corona EXIV T180 <Td_colspan="6"> Corona EXIV T200 <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="7"> <Td_colspan="6"> Avensis T220 <Td_colspan="7"> Avensis T250 <Td_colspan="9"> Avensis T270 <Td_colspan="1"> Camry , Vista V10 <Td_colspan="4"> Camry , Vista V20 <Td_colspan="4"> Camry , Vista V30 <Td_colspan="5"> Camry , Vista V40 <Td_colspan="5"> Camry , Vista V50 <Td_colspan="6"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="5"> Scepter , Camry XV10 <Td_colspan="5"> Camry XV20 <Td_colspan="5"> Camry XV30 <Td_colspan="5"> Camry XV40 <Td_colspan="5"> Camry XV50 <Td_colspan="2"> Camry XV70 <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="5"> Windom XV10 <Td_colspan="5"> Windom XV20 <Td_colspan="5"> Windom XV30 <Td_colspan="3"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="7"> Aristo S147 <Td_colspan="6"> Aristo S160 <Td_colspan="6"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="3"> Mark II , Cressida , Chaser , Cresta X70 <Td_colspan="4"> Mark II , Cressida , Chaser , Cresta X80 <Td_colspan="4"> Mark II , Chaser , Cresta X90 <Td_colspan="4"> Mark II , Chaser , Cresta X100 <Td_colspan="4"> Mark II , Verossa X110 <Td_colspan="6"> Mark X X120 <Td_colspan="9"> Mark X X130 Mid-size wagon <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="7"> <Td_colspan="5"> Mark II Qualis XV20 <Td_colspan="5"> Mark II Blit X110 <Td_colspan="7"> Mark X Zio AA10 <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="7"> <Td_colspan="5"> Camry Gracia XV20 <Td_colspan="8"> <Td_colspan="9"> Full - size car <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="5"> Avalon XX10 <Td_colspan="5"> Avalon XX20 <Td_colspan="8"> Avalon XX30 <Td_colspan="7"> Avalon XX40 <Td_colspan="3"> Crown S120 <Td_colspan="4"> Crown S130 <Td_colspan="4"> Crown S130 / S140 <Td_colspan="4"> Crown S150 <Td_colspan="4"> Crown S170 <Td_colspan="4"> Crown S180 <Td_colspan="5"> Crown S200 <Td_colspan="6"> Crown S210 <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="5"> Celsior XF10 <Td_colspan="6"> Celsior XF20 <Td_colspan="6"> Celsior XF30 <Td_colspan="3"> <Td_colspan="9"> Hybrid car <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="7"> <Td_colspan="3"> Prius XW10 <Td_colspan="3"> Prius XW11 <Td_colspan="6"> Prius XW20 <Td_colspan="7"> Prius XW30 <Td_colspan="3"> Prius XW40 Limousine <Td_colspan="12"> Century G40 <Td_colspan="22"> Century G50 Sport compact car <Td_colspan="1"> Celica A60 <Td_colspan="4"> Celica T160 <Td_colspan="4"> Celica T180 <Td_colspan="6"> Celica T200 <Td_colspan="6"> Celica T230 <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="3"> Carina A60 <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="6"> Cavalier <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="3"> Carina T150 <Td_colspan="5"> Carina T170 <Td_colspan="4"> Carina T190 <Td_colspan="5"> Carina T210 <Td_colspan="5"> Allion T240 <Td_colspan="12"> Allion T260 <Td_colspan="4"> Carina ED T160 <Td_colspan="5"> Carina ED T180 <Td_colspan="5"> Carina ED T200 <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="9"> Sports car <Td_colspan="1"> Soarer Z10 <Td_colspan="6"> Soarer Z20 <Td_colspan="9"> Soarer Z30 <Td_colspan="5"> Soarer Z40 <Td_colspan="4"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="2"> Celica Supra A60 <Td_colspan="6"> Supra A70 <Td_colspan="10"> Supra A80 <Td_colspan="7"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="10"> <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="7"> 86 ZN6 Roadster <Td_colspan="5"> MR2 W10 / 11 <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="5"> MR2 W20 <Td_colspan="3"> <Td_colspan="9"> MR - S W30 <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="9"> Limited edition <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="7"> Toyota Sera XY10 <Td_colspan="4"> Toyota Classic N80 <Td_colspan="4"> Toyota Origin XG10 <Td_colspan="5"> <Td_colspan="9"> <Th_colspan="2"> Lexus Current models Hatchbacks CT Sedans ES GS HS IS LS Coupes LC RC Crossovers NX RX UX SUVs GX LX Discontinued LFA SC Concept vehicles LF Series ( LF - A LF - AR LF - C LF - Ch LF - Gh LF - S LF - Sh LF - X LF - Xh ) Salone Milano ( Evolving Fiber Invisible Garden Elastic Diamond Crystallised Wind ) 2054 CT Umbra HB IS 430 IS F Racing IS F CCS LS ITS - Safety SC 430 CH FLV HPS HPX SLV Landau Motorsport F marque F - Sport Lexus Grand - Am ( Rolex 24 ) Super GT IS 350 ( GT300 ) Super GT SC 430 ( GT500 ) Team Lexus Team LFA Technology Active Power Stabilizer Suspension System ( APSSS ) Driver Monitoring System Electronically Controlled Brake ( ECB ) G - Link Intelligent Parking Assist ( IPAS ) Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System ( KDSS ) Lexus Enform Lexus Hybrid Drive Lexus Link Pre-Collision System ( PCS ) Remote Touch Safety Connect Sport Direct Shift Transmission ( SPDS ) VVT - iE Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management ( VDIM ) Key people Founder ( Eiji Toyoda ) Chief engineers ( Nobuaki Katayama Ichiro Suzuki Haruhiko Tanahashi Yukihiko Yaguchi ) Test driver / engineer ( Hiromu Naruse ) See also Lexus road vehicle timeline List of Lexus vehicles L - finesse L - Select Tahara plant The Pursuit of Perfection <Td_colspan="2"> A division of Toyota Motor Corporation ( Cars Commons ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lexus vehicles All - wheel - drive vehicles Compact cars Compact executive cars Euro NCAP large family cars Hardtop convertibles Rear - wheel - drive vehicles Sedans Station wagons Sports sedans Cars introduced in 1998 Touring cars Hybrid electric cars 1990s automobiles 2000s automobiles 2010s automobiles Hidden categories : All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from October 2010 Articles with dead external links from September 2017 Articles with permanently dead external links Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March 2014 Webarchive template wayback links CS1 Chinese - 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1. Lexus IS - compact executive car 2. Toyota Altezza - predecessor of Lexus IS 3. First generation (XE10; 1998-2005) - introduction and features 4. Second generation (XE20; 2005-2013) - updates and specifications 5. Third generation (XE30; 2013-present) - concept models and variants
what is the use of k lite codec pack
K - Lite Codec Pack - wikipedia K - Lite Codec Pack `` K - Lite '' redirects here . For the P2P file sharing program Kazaa Lite K++ , see Kazaa Lite . For the Philippine radio station with the K - Lite name , see DWKX . K - Lite Codec Pack <Td_colspan="2"> Developer ( s ) Codec Guide <Td_colspan="2"> Stable release 14.2. 4 ( June 13 , 2018 ; 1 day ago ( 2018 - 06 - 13 ) ) ( ± ) <Td_colspan="2"> Operating system Windows XP and later Platform IA - 32 and x64 Size Basic : 16.5 MB Standard : 42.2 MB Full : 45.6 MB Mega : 56.5 MB Type Software bundle of audio codecs and video codecs License Freeware Website The K - Lite Codec Pack is a collection of audio and video codecs for Microsoft Windows that enables an operating system and its software to play various audio and video formats generally not supported by the operating system itself . The K - Lite Codec Pack also includes several related tools , including Media Player Classic Home Cinema ( MPC - HC ) , Media Info Lite , and Codec Tweak Tool . Contents ( hide ) 1 Editions 1.1 Compatibility 2 Supported file formats 3 Critical reception 4 See also 5 References 6 External links Editions ( edit ) There are four editions of the K - Lite Codec Pack , all free of charge . Basic : The Basic edition is the smallest version and enables a Microsoft Windows computer to play the contents of AVI , Matroska ( MKV ) , MP4 , Ogg , Flash Video ( FLV ) and WebM files , etc . It only consists of LAV Video , LAV Audio , and LAV Splitter ( for audio and video decoding ) , DirectVobSub ( for subtitle decoding ) , Codec Tweak Tool , Icaros ThumbnailProvider , and Icaros PropertyHandler . Basic is the only edition that includes neither MPC - HC nor MediaInfo Lite . Standard : The Standard edition includes all features of the Basic edition plus madVR , MediaInfo Lite , and MPC - HC . This package is recommended for normal users . Full : The Full edition includes all features of the Standard edition plus ffdshow , DScaler5 MPEG - 2 decoder , DC - Bass Source Mod , Haali Media Splitter , Haali Video Renderer , and GraphStudioNext . Mega : The Mega edition includes all features of the Full edition plus ACM and VFW codecs for video encoding / editing , AC3Filter , Haali Matroska Muxer , FourCC Changer , and VobSubStrip . After version 10.0. 0 , 64 - bit codecs are integrated into the regular editions . Prior to this version there was a 64 - bit edition designed specifically for 64 - bit OSes . After version 11.3. 0 , the 32 - bit and 64 - bit versions of LAV Filters share their settings , and an option to install only 64 - bit codecs was added ( visible only in Expert install mode ) . After version 13.7. 5 , a user can remove installed components by deselecting them while running an updater . This also makes it possible to switch to a smaller variant of the codec pack without uninstalling first . In the past some editions of the K - Lite Codec Pack included BS. Player , until it was supplemented with an adware package . Compatibility ( edit ) K - Lite Codec Packs are compatible with Windows XP and later . Starting with K - Lite version 10.0. 0 , 64 - bit codecs were integrated into the regular K - Lite Codec Pack . Previously , a separate 64 - bit edition of the pack was available for x64 editions of Windows . Supported file formats ( edit ) The K - Lite Codec Pack supports the following file formats : File format Basic Standard Full Mega AVI . avi , . divx Yes Yes Yes Yes DVD - Video . vob , . evo Yes Yes Yes Yes Blu - ray video ( non-encrypted ) . m2ts Yes Yes Yes Yes Flash Video . flv Yes Yes Yes Yes Matroska . mkv , . mka Yes Yes Yes Yes MP3 . mp3 Yes Yes Yes Yes MPEG - 1 formats . mpg , . mpeg , . m1v Yes Yes Yes Yes MPEG - 2 formats . mpe , . m2v , . mpv2 , . mp2v , . m2p , . mod , . ts , . m2t , . mts , . pva , . tp , . tpr Yes Yes Yes Yes MPEG - 4 formats . mp4 , . m4v , . mp4v , . mpv4 , . m4a , . 3gp , . 3gpp , . 3g2 , . 3gp2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Ogg . ogg , . ogm , . ogv , . oga Yes Yes Yes Yes RealMedia . rm , . rmvb , . ra , . ram Yes Yes Yes Yes WebM . webm Yes Yes Yes Yes QuickTime . mov , . hdmov . qt Yes Yes Yes Yes FLAC . flac Yes Yes Yes Yes WavPack . wv Yes Yes Yes Yes AC3 / DTS . ac3 , . dts No No Yes Yes AMR . amr Yes Yes Yes Yes AMV . amv No No Yes Yes Apple Lossless Audio Codec . alac No No Yes Yes Monkey 's Audio . ape , . apl Yes Yes Yes Yes MPEG - 4 AAC . aac No No Yes Yes Musepack . mpc , . mpp No No Yes Yes Trackers . xm , . s3m , . it , . umx No No Yes Yes OptimFROG . ofr , . ofs No No Yes Yes File Format Basic Standard Full Mega Critical reception ( edit ) As of 27 October 2009 , CNET reported a total of 1,074,578 downloads for K - Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.2 since its release date of 12 October 2009 . User ratings gave it an average of 4.5 out of 5 stars , but it received only 87 reviews . Meanwhile , CNET reported only 122,552 downloads for K - Lite Codec Pack Full Edition 5.2 ( released on the same date ) ; however , it also received an average user rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars , albeit from only seven reviewers . No CNET editors had reviewed these products up until this time . On the same date , Betanews Fileforum reported a rating of 4.7 out of 5 , based on 2,346 votes for K - Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.2. 0 and 9,416,511 downloads . Fileforum did not have an entry for K - Lite Codec Pack 5.2 Full . In October 2009 , Softpedia reported K - Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.2 and K - Lite Codec Pack 5.2 Update had been downloaded a combined total of 2,011,113 times after their release on 12 October 2009 , and gave them a user rating of 4.4 out of 5 based on 2,281 votes . K - Lite Mega Codec Pack was chosen as a Softpedia Pick . Softpedia also reported K - Lite Codec Pack 5.2 Full , K - Lite Codec Pack Full 5.2 Update , and K - Lite Codec Pack 2.7 64 - bit Edition have been downloaded a combined total of 1,452,750 times up until this date , and have received a user rating of 4.3 out of 5 from 2,082 users . K - Lite Codec Pack Full 5.2 was also a Softpedia Pick . Also in October 2009 , SnapFiles also highly praised K - Lite Codec Pack Full edition , giving it five stars . See also ( edit ) Combined Community Codec Pack Comparison of video codecs QuickTime Alternative Real Alternative References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` K - Lite Codec Pack Major Release '' . Jump up ^ `` Update packs for the K - Lite Codec Pack '' . ^ Jump up to : `` About the K - Lite Codec Pack '' . Codec Guide . Retrieved 18 October 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Contents of K - Lite Codec Pack Basic '' . Codec Guide . Retrieved 2 June 2015 . ^ Jump up to : K - Lite Codec Pack : Comparison of contents Jump up ^ `` Contents of K - Lite Codec Pack Standard '' . Codec Guide . Retrieved 2 June 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Contents of K - Lite Codec Pack Full '' . Codec Guide . Retrieved 2 June 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Contents of K - Lite Mega Codec Pack '' . Codec Guide . Retrieved 2 June 2015 . Jump up ^ `` K - Lite Mega Codec Pack Update 8.7. 5 Build 2012.04. 27 / 8.7. 0 - Changelog '' . Softpedia . Retrieved 10 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Download K - Lite Codec Pack '' . Codec Guide . Retrieved 16 August 2013 . Jump up ^ `` K - Lite Codec Pack 64 - bit '' . Codec Guide . Retrieved 26 July 2011 . Jump up ^ `` K - Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.2 '' . CNET. 12 October 2009 . Retrieved 27 October 2009 . Jump up ^ `` K - Lite Codec Pack Full 5.2 '' . CNET. 12 October 2009 . Retrieved 27 October 2009 . Jump up ^ `` K - Lite Mega Codec Pack -- Free Download and Reviews '' . 13 October 2009 . Retrieved 27 October 2009 . Jump up ^ `` K - Lite Mega Codec Pack -- Softpedia '' . Softpedia. 13 October 2009 . Retrieved 27 October 2009 . Jump up ^ `` K - Lite Codec Pack Full Update 5.2. 0 Build 20091013 / 5.2. 0 / 2.7. 0 - x64 '' . Softpedia. 13 October 2009 . Retrieved 27 October 2009 . Jump up ^ `` K - Lite Codec Pack ( Full ) Freeware download and review - installs popular audio and video codecs from SnapFiles '' . SnapFiles. 29 October 2009 . Retrieved 14 November 2009 . External links ( edit ) Official website Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Codecs Windows multimedia software Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español فارسی Italiano 日本 語 Português Русский Türkçe Tiếng Việt 中文 3 more Edit links This page was last edited on 16 March 2018 , at 18 : 05 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . 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1. K-Lite Codec Pack 2. Audio and video codecs 3. Media Player Classic Home Cinema 4. Compatibility with Windows XP and later 5. Supported file formats
what are the different types of japanese language
Japanese language - wikipedia Japanese language Not to be confused with Javanese language . `` Nihongo '' redirects here . It is not to be confused with Nihonga . <Th_colspan="2"> Japanese <Td_colspan="2"> 日本 語 Nihongo <Td_colspan="2"> `` Nihongo '' ( `` Japanese '' ) in Japanese script Pronunciation / nihoɴɡo / : ( ɲihoŋɡo ) , ( ɲihoŋŋo ) Native to Japan Ethnicity Japanese ( Yamato ) Native speakers 125 million ( 2010 ) Language family Japonic Japanese Early forms Old Japanese Early Middle Japanese Late Middle Japanese Early Modern Japanese Writing system Chinese characters ( kanji ) Kana ( hiragana katakana ) Japanese Braille Signed forms Signed Japanese <Th_colspan="2"> Official status Official language in Japan ( de facto ) Recognised minority language in Palau ∟ Angaur <Th_colspan="2"> Language codes ISO 639 - 1 ja ISO 639 - 2 jpn ISO 639 - 3 jpn Glottolog nucl1643 excluding Hachijo Linguasphere 45 - CAA - a <Td_colspan="2"> This article contains IPA phonetic symbols . Without proper rendering support , you may see question marks , boxes , or other symbols instead of Unicode characters . For an introductory guide on IPA symbols , see Help : IPA . Japanese ( 日本 語 , Nihongo , ( ɲihoŋɡo ) ( listen ) or ( ɲihoŋŋo ) ) is an East Asian language spoken by about 128 million people , primarily in Japan , where it is the national language . It is a member of the Japonic ( or Japanese - Ryukyuan ) language family , and its relation to other languages , such as Korean , is debated . Japanese has been grouped with language families such as Ainu , Austroasiatic , and the now - discredited Altaic , but none of these proposals has gained widespread acceptance . Little is known of the language 's prehistory , or when it first appeared in Japan . Chinese documents from the 3rd century recorded a few Japanese words , but substantial texts did not appear until the 8th century . During the Heian period ( 794 -- 1185 ) , Chinese had considerable influence on the vocabulary and phonology of Old Japanese . Late Middle Japanese ( 1185 -- 1600 ) included changes in features that brought it closer to the modern language , and the first appearance of European loanwords . The standard dialect moved from the Kansai region to the Edo ( modern Tokyo ) region in the Early Modern Japanese period ( early 17th century -- mid-19th century ) . Following the end in 1853 of Japan 's self - imposed isolation , the flow of loanwords from European languages increased significantly . English loanwords , in particular , have become frequent , and Japanese words from English roots have proliferated . Japanese is an agglutinative , mora - timed language with simple phonotactics , a pure vowel system , phonemic vowel and consonant length , and a lexically significant pitch - accent . Word order is normally subject -- object -- verb with particles marking the grammatical function of words , and sentence structure is topic -- comment . Sentence - final particles are used to add emotional or emphatic impact , or make questions . Nouns have no grammatical number or gender , and there are no articles . Verbs are conjugated , primarily for tense and voice , but not person . Japanese equivalents of adjectives are also conjugated . Japanese has a complex system of honorifics with verb forms and vocabulary to indicate the relative status of the speaker , the listener , and persons mentioned . Japanese has no genetic relationship with Chinese , but it makes extensive use of Chinese characters , or kanji ( 漢字 ) , in its writing system , and a large portion of its vocabulary is borrowed from Chinese . Along with kanji , the Japanese writing system primarily uses two syllabic ( or moraic ) scripts , hiragana ( ひらがな or 平仮名 ) and katakana ( カタカナ or 片仮名 ) . Latin script is used in a limited fashion , such as for imported acronyms , and the numeral system uses mostly Arabic numerals alongside traditional Chinese numerals . Contents 1 History 1.1 Prehistory 1.2 Old Japanese 1.3 Early Middle Japanese 1.4 Late Middle Japanese 1.5 Early Modern Japanese 1.6 Modern Japanese 2 Geographic distribution 2.1 Official status 2.2 Dialects 3 Classification 3.1 Korean hypothesis 3.2 Altaic hypothesis 3.3 Southeast Asian languages 4 Phonology 5 Grammar 5.1 Sentence structure 5.2 Inflection and conjugation 5.3 Politeness 6 Vocabulary 7 Writing system 7.1 History 7.2 Hiragana 7.3 Katakana 8 Study by non-native speakers 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 12 Works cited 13 Further reading 14 External links History Prehistory A common ancestor of Japanese and Ryukyuan languages or dialects is thought to have been brought to Japan by settlers coming from either continental Asia or nearby Pacific islands sometime in the early - to mid-2nd century BC ( the Yayoi period ) , replacing the languages of the original Jōmon inhabitants , including the ancestor of the modern Ainu language . Very little is known about the Japanese of this period . Because writing like the `` Kanji '' which later devolved into the writing systems `` Hiragana '' and `` Katakana '' had yet to be introduced from China , there is no direct evidence , and anything that can be discerned about this period of Japanese must be based on the reconstructions of Old Japanese . Old Japanese A page from the Man'yōshū , the oldest anthology of classical Japanese poetry Main article : Old Japanese Old Japanese is the oldest attested stage of the Japanese language . Through the spread of Buddhism , the Chinese writing system was imported to Japan . The earliest texts found in Japan are written in Classical Chinese , but they may have been meant to be read as Japanese by the kanbun method . Some of these Chinese texts show the influences of Japanese grammar , such as the word order ( for example , placing the verb after the object ) . In these hybrid texts , Chinese characters are also occasionally used phonetically to represent Japanese particles . The earliest text , the Kojiki , dates to the early 8th century , and was written entirely in Chinese characters . The end of Old Japanese coincides with the end of the Nara period in 794 . Old Japanese uses the Man'yōgana system of writing , which uses kanji for their phonetic as well as semantic values . Based on the Man'yōgana system , Old Japanese can be reconstructed as having 88 distinct syllables . Texts written with Man'yōgana use two different kanji for each of the syllables now pronounced き ki , ひ hi , み mi , け ke , へ he , め me , こ ko , そ so , と to , の no , も mo , よ yo and ろ ro . ( The Kojiki has 88 , but all later texts have 87 . The distinction between mo and mo apparently was lost immediately following its composition . ) This set of syllables shrank to 67 in Early Middle Japanese , though some were added through Chinese influence . Due to these extra syllables , it has been hypothesized that Old Japanese 's vowel system was larger than that of Modern Japanese -- it perhaps contained up to eight vowels . According to Shinkichi Hashimoto , the extra syllables in Man'yōgana derive from differences between the vowels of the syllables in question . These differences would indicate that Old Japanese had an eight - vowel system , in contrast to the five vowels of later Japanese . The vowel system would have to have shrunk some time between these texts and the invention of the kana ( hiragana and katakana ) in the early 9th century . According to this view , the eight - vowel system of ancient Japanese would resemble that of the Uralic and Altaic language families . However , it is not fully certain that the alternation between syllables necessarily reflects a difference in the vowels rather than the consonants -- at the moment , the only undisputed fact is that they are different syllables . A newer reconstruction of ancient Japanese shows strikingly similarities with Southeast - Asian languages , especially with Austronesian languages . Old Japanese does not have / h / , but rather / ɸ / ( preserved in modern fu , / ɸɯ / ) , which has been reconstructed to an earlier * / p / . Man'yōgana also has a symbol for / je / , which merges with / e / before the end of the period . Several fossilizations of Old Japanese grammatical elements remain in the modern language -- the genitive particle tsu ( superseded by modern no ) is preserved in words such as matsuge ( `` eyelash '' , lit . `` hair of the eye '' ) ; modern mieru ( `` to be visible '' ) and kikoeru ( `` to be audible '' ) retain what may have been a mediopassive suffix - yu ( ru ) ( kikoyu → kikoyuru ( the attributive form , which slowly replaced the plain form starting in the late Heian period ) > kikoeru ( as all shimo - nidan verbs in modern Japanese did ) ) ; and the genitive particle ga remains in intentionally archaic speech . Early Middle Japanese Two pages from a 12th - century emaki scroll of The Tale of Genji from the 11th century Main article : Early Middle Japanese Early Middle Japanese is the Japanese of the Heian period , from 794 to 1185 . Early Middle Japanese sees a significant amount of Chinese influence on the language 's phonology -- length distinctions become phonemic for both consonants and vowels , and series of both labialised ( e.g. kwa ) and palatalised ( kya ) consonants are added . Intervocalic / ɸ / merges with / w / by the 11th century . The end of Early Middle Japanese sees the beginning of a shift where the attributive form ( Japanese rentaikei ) slowly replaces the uninflected form ( shūshikei ) for those verb classes where the two were distinct . Late Middle Japanese Main article : Late Middle Japanese Late Middle Japanese covers the years from 1185 to 1600 , and is normally divided into two sections , roughly equivalent to the Kamakura period and the Muromachi period , respectively . The later forms of Late Middle Japanese are the first to be described by non-native sources , in this case the Jesuit and Franciscan missionaries ; and thus there is better documentation of Late Middle Japanese phonology than for previous forms ( for instance , the Arte da Lingoa de Iapam ) . Among other sound changes , the sequence / au / merges to / ɔː / , in contrast with / oː / ; / p / is reintroduced from Chinese ; and / we / merges with / je / . Some forms rather more familiar to Modern Japanese speakers begin to appear -- the continuative ending - te begins to reduce onto the verb ( e.g. yonde for earlier yomite ) , the - k - in the final syllable of adjectives drops out ( shiroi for earlier shiroki ) ; and some forms exist where modern standard Japanese has retained the earlier form ( e.g. hayaku > hayau > hayɔɔ , where modern Japanese just has hayaku , though the alternative form is preserved in the standard greeting o - hayō gozaimasu `` good morning '' ; this ending is also seen in o - medetō `` congratulations '' , from medetaku ) . Late Middle Japanese has the first loanwords from European languages -- now - common words borrowed into Japanese in this period include pan ( `` bread '' ) and tabako ( `` tobacco '' , now `` cigarette '' ) , both from Portuguese . Early modern Japanese Main article : Early Modern Japanese Early Modern Japanese , not to be confused with Modern Japanese , was the dialect used after the Meiji Restoration . Because the two languages are extremely similar , Early Modern Japanese is commonly referred to as Modern Japanese . Early Modern Japanese gradually evolved into Modern Japanese during the 19th century . Only after 1945 , shortly after World War II , did Modern Japanese become the standard language , seeing use in most official communications . In this time period the Japanese in addition to their use of Katakana and Hiragana they also used traditional Chinese characters called `` Han '' which later developed in `` Kanji '' which is a form of writing used to express ideas in the Japanese and Chinese languages . Modern Japanese Modern Japanese is considered to begin with the Edo period , which lasted between 1603 and 1868 . Since Old Japanese , the de facto standard Japanese had been the Kansai dialect , especially that of Kyoto . However , during the Edo period , Edo ( now Tokyo ) developed into the largest city in Japan , and the Edo - area dialect became standard Japanese . Since the end of Japan 's self - imposed isolation in 1853 , the flow of loanwords from European languages has increased significantly . The period since 1945 has seen a large number of words borrowed from other languages -- such as German , Portuguese and English . Many English loan words especially relate to technology -- for example , pasokon ( short for `` personal computer '' ) , intānetto ( `` internet '' ) , and kamera ( `` camera '' ) . Due to the large quantity of English loanwords , modern Japanese has developed a distinction between / tɕi / and / ti / , and / dʑi / and / di / , with the latter in each pair only found in loanwords . Geographic distribution Although Japanese is spoken almost exclusively in Japan , it has been spoken outside . Before and during World War II , through Japanese annexation of Taiwan and Korea , as well as partial occupation of China , the Philippines , and various Pacific islands , locals in those countries learned Japanese as the language of the empire . As a result , many elderly people in these countries can still speak Japanese . Japanese emigrant communities ( the largest of which are to be found in Brazil , with 1.4 million to 1.5 million Japanese immigrants and descendants , according to Brazilian IBGE data , more than the 1.2 million of the United States ) sometimes employ Japanese as their primary language . Approximately 12 % of Hawaii residents speak Japanese , with an estimated 12.6 % of the population of Japanese ancestry in 2008 . Japanese emigrants can also be found in Peru , Argentina , Australia ( especially in the eastern states ) , Canada ( especially in Vancouver where 1.4 % of the population has Japanese ancestry ) , the United States ( notably Hawaii , where 16.7 % of the population has Japanese ancestry , and California ) , and the Philippines ( particularly in Davao and Laguna ) . Official status Japanese has no official status , but is the de facto national language of Japan . There is a form of the language considered standard : hyōjungo ( 標準 語 ) , meaning `` standard Japanese '' , or kyōtsūgo ( 共通 語 ) , `` common language '' . The meanings of the two terms are almost the same . Hyōjungo or kyōtsūgo is a conception that forms the counterpart of dialect . This normative language was born after the Meiji Restoration ( 明治 維新 , meiji ishin , 1868 ) from the language spoken in the higher - class areas of Tokyo ( see Yamanote ) . Hyōjungo is taught in schools and used on television and even in official communications . It is the version of Japanese discussed in this article . Formerly , standard Japanese in writing ( 文語 , bungo , `` literary language '' ) was different from colloquial language ( 口語 , kōgo ) . The two systems have different rules of grammar and some variance in vocabulary . Bungo was the main method of writing Japanese until about 1900 ; since then kōgo gradually extended its influence and the two methods were both used in writing until the 1940s . Bungo still has some relevance for historians , literary scholars , and lawyers ( many Japanese laws that survived World War II are still written in bungo , although there are ongoing efforts to modernize their language ) . Kōgo is the dominant method of both speaking and writing Japanese today , although bungo grammar and vocabulary are occasionally used in modern Japanese for effect . Dialects Main article : Japanese dialects Map of Japanese dialects and Japonic languages Dozens of dialects are spoken in Japan . The profusion is due to many factors , including the length of time the Japanese Archipelago has been inhabited , its mountainous island terrain , and Japan 's long history of both external and internal isolation . Dialects typically differ in terms of pitch accent , inflectional morphology , vocabulary , and particle usage . Some even differ in vowel and consonant inventories , although this is uncommon . The main distinction in Japanese accents is between Tokyo - type ( 東京 式 , Tōkyō - shiki ) and Kyoto - Osaka - type ( 京阪 式 , Keihan - shiki ) . Within each type are several subdivisions . Kyoto - Osaka - type dialects are in the central region , roughly formed by Kansai , Shikoku , and western Hokuriku regions . Dialects from peripheral regions , such as Tōhoku or Kagoshima , may be unintelligible to speakers from the other parts of the country . There are some language islands in mountain villages or isolated islands such as Hachijō - jima island whose dialects are descended from the Eastern dialect of Old Japanese . Dialects of the Kansai region are spoken or known by many Japanese , and Osaka dialect in particular is associated with comedy ( see Kansai dialect ) . Dialects of Tōhoku and North Kantō are associated with typical farmers . The Ryūkyūan languages , spoken in Okinawa and the Amami Islands ( politically part of Kagoshima ) , are distinct enough to be considered a separate branch of the Japonic family ; not only is each language unintelligible to Japanese speakers , but most are unintelligible to those who speak other Ryūkyūan languages . However , in contrast to linguists , many ordinary Japanese people tend to consider the Ryūkyūan languages as dialects of Japanese . This is the result of the official language policy of the Japanese government , which has declared these languages to be dialects and prohibited their use in schools . The imperial court also seems to have spoken an unusual variant of the Japanese of the time . Most likely being the spoken form of Classical Japanese language , a writing style that was prevalent during the Heian period , but began decline during the late Meiji period . Modern Japanese has become prevalent nationwide ( including the Ryūkyū islands ) due to education , mass media , and an increase of mobility within Japan , as well as economic integration . Classification See also : Classification of the Japonic languages Japanese is a member of the Japonic languages family , which also includes the languages spoken throughout the Ryūkyū Islands . As these closely related languages are commonly treated as dialects of the same language , Japanese is often called a language isolate . According to Martine Irma Robbeets , Japanese has been subject to more attempts to show its relation to other languages than any other language in the world . Since Japanese first gained the consideration of linguists in the late 19th century , attempts have been made to show its genealogical relation to languages or language families such as Ainu , Korean , Chinese , Tibeto - Burman , Ural - Altaic , Altaic , Uralic , Mon -- Khmer , Malayo - Polynesian and Ryukyuan . At the fringe , some linguists have suggested a link to Indo - European languages , including Greek , and to Lepcha . As it stands , only the link to Ryukyuan has wide support , though linguist Kurakichi Shiratori maintained that Japanese was a language isolate . Korean hypothesis Similarities between Korean and Japanese were noted by Arai Hakuseki in 1717 , and the idea that the two might be related was first proposed in 1781 by Japanese scholar Teikan Fujii . The idea received little attention until William George Aston proposed it again in 1879 . Japanese scholar Shōsaburō Kanazawa took it up in 1910 , as did Shinpei Ogura in 1934 . Shirō Hattori was nearly alone when he criticised these theories in 1959 . Samuel Martin furthered the idea in 1966 with his `` Lexical evidence relating Korean to Japanese '' , as did John Whitman with his dissertation on the subject in 1985 . Despite this , definitive proof of the relation has yet to be provided . Historical linguists studying Japanese and Korean tend to accept the genealogical relation , while general linguists and historical linguists in Japan and Korea have remained skeptical . Alexander Vovin suggests that , while typologically modern Korean and Japanese share similarities that sometimes allow word - to - word translations , studies of the pre-modern languages show greater differences . According to Vovin , this suggests linguistic convergence rather than divergence , which he believes is amongst the evidence of the languages not having a genealogical connection . Altaic hypothesis Distribution of the proposed Altaic languages across Eurasia , tentatively including Japanese and Korean The largely discredited Altaic family , which would include languages from far eastern Europe to northeastern Asia , has had its supporters and detractors over its history . The most controversial aspect of the hypothesis is the proposed inclusion of Korean and Japanese , which even some proponents of Altaic have rejected . Philipp Franz von Siebold suggested the connection in 1832 , but the inclusion first attracted significant attention in the early 1970s . Roy Andrew Miller published Japanese and the Other Altaic Languages , and dedicated much of his later career to the subject . Sergei Starostin published a 1991 monograph which was another significant stepping stone in Japanese -- Altaic research . A team of scholars made a database of Altaic etymologies available over the internet , from which the three - volume Etymological Dictionary of the Altaic Languages was published in 2003 . Scholars such as Yevgeny Polivanov and Yoshizo Itabashi , on the other hand , have proposed a hybrid origin of Japanese , in which Austronesian and Altaic elements became mixed . Skepticism over the Japanese relation to Altaic is widespread among Altaic 's proponents , in part because of a large number of unsuccessful attempts to establish genealogical relationships with Japanese and other languages . Opinions are polarized , with many strongly convinced of the Altaic relation , and others strongly convinced of the lack of one . While some sources are undecided , often strong proponents of either view will not even acknowledge the claims of the other side . Southeast Asian languages Japanese shows in its proto - form strong similarities to Southeast Asian languages . A 2015 analysis using the Automated Similarity Judgment Program resulted in the Japonic languages being grouped with the Ainu and then with the Austroasiatic languages . Phonology Main article : Japanese phonology This article contains IPA phonetic symbols . Without proper rendering support , you may see question marks , boxes , or other symbols instead of Unicode characters . For an introductory guide on IPA symbols , see Help : IPA . Spoken Japanese All Japanese vowels are pure -- that is , there are no diphthongs , only monophthongs . The only unusual vowel is the high back vowel / u / listen ( help info ) , which may be compressed rather than rounded and fronted . Japanese has five vowels , and vowel length is phonemic , with each having both a short and a long version . Elongated vowels are usually denoted with a line over the vowel ( a macron ) in rōmaji , a repeated vowel character in hiragana , or a chōonpu succeeding the vowel in katakana . Some Japanese consonants have several allophones , which may give the impression of a larger inventory of sounds . However , some of these allophones have since become phonemic . For example , in the Japanese language up to and including the first half of the 20th century , the phonemic sequence / ti / was palatalized and realized phonetically as ( tɕi ) , approximately chi listen ( help info ) ; however , now ( ti ) and ( tɕi ) are distinct , as evidenced by words like tī ( tiː ) `` Western style tea '' and chii ( tɕii ) `` social status '' . The `` r '' of the Japanese language is of particular interest , ranging between an apical central tap and a lateral approximant . The `` g '' is also notable ; unless it starts a sentence , it may be pronounced ( ŋ ) , in the Kanto prestige dialect and in other eastern dialects . The syllabic structure and the phonotactics are very simple : the only consonant clusters allowed within a syllable consist of one of a subset of the consonants plus / j / . This type of cluster only occurs in onsets . However , consonant clusters across syllables are allowed as long as the two consonants are a nasal followed by a homorganic consonant . Consonant length ( gemination ) is also phonemic . The phonology of Japanese also includes a pitch accent system , which is a system that helps differentiate words with identical Hiragana spelling or words in different Japanese dialects . An example of words with identical Hiragana would be the words ( haꜜ. ɕi ) ( `` chopsticks '' ) and ( ha. ɕiꜜ ) ( `` bridge '' ) , both spelled ( は し , hashi ) in Hiragana . The stresses differentiate the words . Grammar This section includes a list of references , related reading or external links , but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations . Please help to improve this section by introducing more precise citations . ( November 2013 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Main article : Japanese grammar Sentence structure Japanese word order is classified as subject -- object -- verb . Unlike many Indo - European languages , the only strict rule of word order is that the verb must be placed at the end of a sentence ( possibly followed by sentence - end particles ) . This is because Japanese sentence elements are marked with particles that identify their grammatical functions . The basic sentence structure is topic -- comment . For example , Kochira wa Tanaka - san desu ( こちら は 田中 さん です ) . kochira ( `` this '' ) is the topic of the sentence , indicated by the particle wa . The verb de aru ( desu is a contraction of its polite form de arimasu ) is a copula , commonly translated as `` to be '' or `` it is '' ( though there are other verbs that can be translated as `` to be '' ) , though technically it holds no meaning and is used to give a sentence ' politeness ' . As a phrase , Tanaka - san desu is the comment . This sentence literally translates to `` As for this person , ( it ) is Mr. / Ms. Tanaka . '' Thus Japanese , like many other Asian languages , is often called a topic - prominent language , which means it has a strong tendency to indicate the topic separately from the subject , and that the two do not always coincide . The sentence Zō wa hana ga nagai ( 象 は 鼻 が 長い ) literally means , `` As for elephant ( s ) , ( the ) nose ( s ) ( is / are ) long '' . The topic is zō `` elephant '' , and the subject is hana `` nose '' . In Japanese , the subject or object of a sentence need not be stated if it is obvious from context . As a result of this grammatical permissiveness , there is a tendency to gravitate towards brevity ; Japanese speakers tend to omit pronouns on the theory they are inferred from the previous sentence , and are therefore understood . In the context of the above example , hana - ga nagai would mean `` ( their ) noses are long , '' while nagai by itself would mean `` ( they ) are long . '' A single verb can be a complete sentence : Yatta ! ( やっ た ! ) `` ( I / we / they / etc ) did ( it ) ! '' . In addition , since adjectives can form the predicate in a Japanese sentence ( below ) , a single adjective can be a complete sentence : Urayamashii ! ( 羨ましい ! ) `` ( I 'm ) jealous ( of it ) ! '' . While the language has some words that are typically translated as pronouns , these are not used as frequently as pronouns in some Indo - European languages , and function differently . In some cases Japanese relies on special verb forms and auxiliary verbs to indicate the direction of benefit of an action : `` down '' to indicate the out - group gives a benefit to the in - group ; and `` up '' to indicate the in - group gives a benefit to the out - group . Here , the in - group includes the speaker and the out - group does not , and their boundary depends on context . For example , oshiete moratta ( 教え て もらっ た ) ( literally , `` explained '' with a benefit from the out - group to the in - group ) means `` ( he / she / they ) explained ( it ) to ( me / us ) '' . Similarly , oshiete ageta ( 教え て あげ た ) ( literally , `` explained '' with a benefit from the in - group to the out - group ) means `` ( I / we ) explained ( it ) to ( him / her / them ) '' . Such beneficiary auxiliary verbs thus serve a function comparable to that of pronouns and prepositions in Indo - European languages to indicate the actor and the recipient of an action . Japanese `` pronouns '' also function differently from most modern Indo - European pronouns ( and more like nouns ) in that they can take modifiers as any other noun may . For instance , one does not say in English : * The amazed he ran down the street . ( grammatically incorrect insertion of a pronoun ) But one can grammatically say essentially the same thing in Japanese : 驚い た 彼 は 道 を 走っ てい っ た . Odoroita kare wa michi o hashitte itta . ( grammatically correct ) This is partly because these words evolved from regular nouns , such as kimi `` you '' ( 君 `` lord '' ) , anata `` you '' ( あなた `` that side , yonder '' ) , and boku `` I '' ( 僕 `` servant '' ) . This is why some linguists do not classify Japanese `` pronouns '' as pronouns , but rather as referential nouns , much like Spanish usted ( contracted from vuestra merced , `` your ( ( flattering majestic ) plural ) grace '' ) or Portuguese o senhor . Japanese personal pronouns are generally used only in situations requiring special emphasis as to who is doing what to whom . The choice of words used as pronouns is correlated with the sex of the speaker and the social situation in which they are spoken : men and women alike in a formal situation generally refer to themselves as watashi ( 私 `` private '' ) or watakushi ( also 私 ) , while men in rougher or intimate conversation are much more likely to use the word ore ( 俺 `` oneself '' , `` myself '' ) or boku . Similarly , different words such as anata , kimi , and omae ( お前 , more formally 御前 `` the one before me '' ) may be used to refer to a listener depending on the listener 's relative social position and the degree of familiarity between the speaker and the listener . When used in different social relationships , the same word may have positive ( intimate or respectful ) or negative ( distant or disrespectful ) connotations . Japanese often use titles of the person referred to where pronouns would be used in English . For example , when speaking to one 's teacher , it is appropriate to use sensei ( 先生 , teacher ) , but inappropriate to use anata . This is because anata is used to refer to people of equal or lower status , and one 's teacher has higher status . Inflection and conjugation Japanese nouns have no grammatical number , gender or article aspect . The noun hon ( 本 ) may refer to a single book or several books ; hito ( 人 ) can mean `` person '' or `` people '' , and ki ( 木 ) can be `` tree '' or `` trees '' . Where number is important , it can be indicated by providing a quantity ( often with a counter word ) or ( rarely ) by adding a suffix , or sometimes by duplication ( e.g. 人 人 , hitobito , usually written with an iteration mark as 人々 ) . Words for people are usually understood as singular . Thus Tanaka - san usually means Mr. / Ms. Tanaka . Words that refer to people and animals can be made to indicate a group of individuals through the addition of a collective suffix ( a noun suffix that indicates a group ) , such as - tachi , but this is not a true plural : the meaning is closer to the English phrase `` and company '' . A group described as Tanaka - san - tachi may include people not named Tanaka . Some Japanese nouns are effectively plural , such as hitobito `` people '' and wareware `` we / us '' , while the word tomodachi `` friend '' is considered singular , although plural in form . Verbs are conjugated to show tenses , of which there are two : past and present ( or non-past ) which is used for the present and the future . For verbs that represent an ongoing process , the - te iru form indicates a continuous ( or progressive ) aspect , similar to the suffix ing in English . For others that represent a change of state , the - te iru form indicates a perfect aspect . For example , kite iru means `` He has come ( and is still here ) '' , but tabete iru means `` He is eating '' . Questions ( both with an interrogative pronoun and yes / no questions ) have the same structure as affirmative sentences , but with intonation rising at the end . In the formal register , the question particle - ka is added . For example , ii desu ( いい です ) `` It is OK '' becomes ii desu - ka ( いい です か . ) `` Is it OK ? '' . In a more informal tone sometimes the particle - no ( の ) is added instead to show a personal interest of the speaker : Dōshite konai - no ? `` Why are n't ( you ) coming ? '' . Some simple queries are formed simply by mentioning the topic with an interrogative intonation to call for the hearer 's attention : Kore wa ? `` ( What about ) this ? '' ; O - namae wa ? ( お 名前 は ? ) `` ( What 's your ) name ? '' . Negatives are formed by inflecting the verb . For example , Pan o taberu ( パン を 食べる . ) `` I will eat bread '' or `` I eat bread '' becomes Pan o tabenai ( パン を 食べ ない . ) `` I will not eat bread '' or `` I do not eat bread '' . Plain negative forms are actually i - adjectives ( see below ) and inflect as such , e.g. Pan o tabenakatta ( パン を 食べ なかっ た . ) `` I did not eat bread '' . The so - called - te verb form is used for a variety of purposes : either progressive or perfect aspect ( see above ) ; combining verbs in a temporal sequence ( Asagohan o tabete sugu dekakeru `` I 'll eat breakfast and leave at once '' ) , simple commands , conditional statements and permissions ( Dekakete - mo ii ? `` May I go out ? '' ) , etc . The word da ( plain ) , desu ( polite ) is the copula verb . It corresponds approximately to the English be , but often takes on other roles , including a marker for tense , when the verb is conjugated into its past form datta ( plain ) , deshita ( polite ) . This comes into use because only i - adjectives and verbs can carry tense in Japanese . Two additional common verbs are used to indicate existence ( `` there is '' ) or , in some contexts , property : aru ( negative nai ) and iru ( negative inai ) , for inanimate and animate things , respectively . For example , Neko ga iru `` There 's a cat '' , Ii kangae - ga nai `` ( I ) have n't got a good idea '' . The verb `` to do '' ( suru , polite form shimasu ) is often used to make verbs from nouns ( ryōri suru `` to cook '' , benkyō suru `` to study '' , etc . ) and has been productive in creating modern slang words . Japanese also has a huge number of compound verbs to express concepts that are described in English using a verb and an adverbial particle ( e.g. tobidasu `` to fly out , to flee , '' from tobu `` to fly , to jump '' + dasu `` to put out , to emit '' ) . There are three types of adjective ( see Japanese adjectives ) : 形容詞 keiyōshi , or i adjectives , which have a conjugating ending i ( い ) ( such as 暑い atsui `` to be hot '' ) which can become past ( 暑かっ た atsukatta `` it was hot '' ) , or negative ( 暑く ない atsuku nai `` it is not hot '' ) . Note that nai is also an i adjective , which can become past ( 暑く なかっ た atsuku nakatta `` it was not hot '' ) . 暑い 日 atsui hi `` a hot day '' . 形容 動詞 keiyōdōshi , or na adjectives , which are followed by a form of the copula , usually na . For example , hen ( strange ) 変 な ひと hen na hito `` a strange person '' . 連体詞 rentaishi , also called true adjectives , such as ano `` that '' あの 山 ano yama `` that mountain '' . Both keiyōshi and keiyōdōshi may predicate sentences . For example , ご飯 が 熱い . Gohan ga atsui . `` The rice is hot . '' 彼 は 変 だ . Kare wa hen da . `` He 's strange . '' Both inflect , though they do not show the full range of conjugation found in true verbs . The rentaishi in Modern Japanese are few in number , and unlike the other words , are limited to directly modifying nouns . They never predicate sentences . Examples include ookina `` big '' , kono `` this '' , iwayuru `` so - called '' and taishita `` amazing '' . Both keiyōdōshi and keiyōshi form adverbs , by following with ni in the case of keiyōdōshi : 変 に なる hen ni naru `` become strange '' , and by changing i to ku in the case of keiyōshi : 熱く なる atsuku naru `` become hot '' . The grammatical function of nouns is indicated by postpositions , also called particles . These include for example : が ga for the nominative case . 彼 が やっ た. Kare ga yatta . `` He did it . '' に ni for the dative case . 田中 さん に あげ て 下さい . Tanaka - san ni agete kudasai `` Please give it to Mr. Tanaka . '' It is also used for the lative case , indicating a motion to a location . 日本 に 行き たい . Nihon ni ikitai `` I want to go to Japan . '' However , へ e is more commonly used for the lative case . パーティー へ 行か ない か . pātī e ikanai ka ? `` Wo n't you go to the party ? '' の no for the genitive case , or nominalizing phrases . 私 の カメラ . watashi no kamera `` my camera '' スキー に 行く の が 好き です . Sukī - ni iku no ga suki desu `` ( I ) like going skiing . '' を o for the accusative case . 何 を 食べ ます か . Nani o tabemasu ka ? `` What will ( you ) eat ? '' は wa for the topic . It can co-exist with the case markers listed above , and it overrides ga and ( in most cases ) o . 私 は 寿司 が いい です . Watashi wa sushi ga ii desu . ( literally ) `` As for me , sushi is good . '' The nominative marker ga after watashi is hidden under wa . Note : The subtle difference between wa and ga in Japanese can not be derived from the English language as such , because the distinction between sentence topic and subject is not made there . While wa indicates the topic , which the rest of the sentence describes or acts upon , it carries the implication that the subject indicated by wa is not unique , or may be part of a larger group . Ikeda - san wa yonjū - ni sai da . `` As for Mr. Ikeda , he is forty - two years old . '' Others in the group may also be of that age . Absence of wa often means the subject is the focus of the sentence . Ikeda - san ga yonjū - ni sai da . `` It is Mr. Ikeda who is forty - two years old . '' This is a reply to an implicit or explicit question , such as `` who in this group is forty - two years old ? '' Politeness Main article : Honorific speech in Japanese Japanese has an extensive grammatical system to express politeness and formality . The Japanese language can express differing levels in social status . The differences in social position are determined by a variety of factors including job , age , experience , or even psychological state ( e.g. , a person asking a favour tends to do so politely ) . The person in the lower position is expected to use a polite form of speech , whereas the other person might use a plainer form . Strangers will also speak to each other politely . Japanese children rarely use polite speech until they are teens , at which point they are expected to begin speaking in a more adult manner . See uchi - soto . Whereas teineigo ( 丁寧 語 ) ( polite language ) is commonly an inflectional system , sonkeigo ( 尊敬 語 ) ( respectful language ) and kenjōgo ( 謙譲 語 ) ( humble language ) often employ many special honorific and humble alternate verbs : iku `` go '' becomes ikimasu in polite form , but is replaced by irassharu in honorific speech and ukagau or mairu in humble speech . The difference between honorific and humble speech is particularly pronounced in the Japanese language . Humble language is used to talk about oneself or one 's own group ( company , family ) whilst honorific language is mostly used when describing the interlocutor and their group . For example , the - san suffix ( `` Mr '' `` Mrs . '' or `` Miss '' ) is an example of honorific language . It is not used to talk about oneself or when talking about someone from one 's company to an external person , since the company is the speaker 's in - group . When speaking directly to one 's superior in one 's company or when speaking with other employees within one 's company about a superior , a Japanese person will use vocabulary and inflections of the honorific register to refer to the in - group superior and their speech and actions . When speaking to a person from another company ( i.e. , a member of an out - group ) , however , a Japanese person will use the plain or the humble register to refer to the speech and actions of their own in - group superiors . In short , the register used in Japanese to refer to the person , speech , or actions of any particular individual varies depending on the relationship ( either in - group or out - group ) between the speaker and listener , as well as depending on the relative status of the speaker , listener , and third - person referents . Most nouns in the Japanese language may be made polite by the addition of o - or go - as a prefix . o - is generally used for words of native Japanese origin , whereas go - is affixed to words of Chinese derivation . In some cases , the prefix has become a fixed part of the word , and is included even in regular speech , such as gohan ' cooked rice ; meal . ' Such a construction often indicates deference to either the item 's owner or to the object itself . For example , the word tomodachi ' friend , ' would become o - tomodachi when referring to the friend of someone of higher status ( though mothers often use this form to refer to their children 's friends ) . On the other hand , a polite speaker may sometimes refer to mizu ' water ' as o - mizu in order to show politeness . Most Japanese people employ politeness to indicate a lack of familiarity . That is , they use polite forms for new acquaintances , but if a relationship becomes more intimate , they no longer use them . This occurs regardless of age , social class , or gender . Vocabulary Further information : Yamato kotoba and Gairaigo There are three main sources of words in the Japanese language , the yamato kotoba ( 大和 言葉 ) or wago ( 和 語 ) , kango ( 漢語 ) , and gairaigo ( 外来 語 ) . The original language of Japan , or at least the original language of a certain population that was ancestral to a significant portion of the historical and present Japanese nation , was the so - called yamato kotoba ( 大和 言葉 or infrequently 大和 詞 , i.e. `` Yamato words '' ) , which in scholarly contexts is sometimes referred to as wago ( 和 語 or rarely 倭 語 , i.e. the `` Wa language '' ) . In addition to words from this original language , present - day Japanese includes a number of words that were either borrowed from Chinese or constructed from Chinese roots following Chinese patterns . These words , known as kango ( 漢語 ) , entered the language from the 5th century onwards via contact with Chinese culture . According to the Shinsen Kokugo Jiten ( 新選 国語 辞典 ) Japanese dictionary , kango comprise 49.1 % of the total vocabulary , wago make up 33.8 % , other foreign words or gairaigo ( 外来 語 ) account for 8.8 % , and the remaining 8.3 % constitute hybridized words or konshugo ( 混 種 語 ) that draw elements from more than one language . There are also a great number of words of mimetic origin in Japanese , with Japanese having a rich collection of sound symbolism , both onomatopoeia for physical sounds , and more abstract words . A small number of words have come into Japanese from the Ainu language . Tonakai ( reindeer ) , rakko ( sea otter ) and shishamo ( smelt , a type of fish ) are well - known examples of words of Ainu origin . Words of different origins occupy different registers in Japanese . Like Latin - derived words in English , kango words are typically perceived as somewhat formal or academic compared to equivalent Yamato words . Indeed , it is generally fair to say that an English word derived from Latin / French roots typically corresponds to a Sino - Japanese word in Japanese , whereas a simpler Anglo - Saxon word would best be translated by a Yamato equivalent . Incorporating vocabulary from European languages , gairaigo , began with borrowings from Portuguese in the 16th century , followed by words from Dutch during Japan 's long isolation of the Edo period . With the Meiji Restoration and the reopening of Japan in the 19th century , borrowing occurred from German , French , and English . Today most borrowings are from English . In the Meiji era , the Japanese also coined many neologisms using Chinese roots and morphology to translate European concepts ; these are known as wasei kango ( Japanese - made Chinese words ) . Many of these were then imported into Chinese , Korean , and Vietnamese via their kanji in the late 19th and early 20th centuries . For example , seiji 政治 ( `` politics '' ) , and kagaku 化学 ( `` chemistry '' ) are words derived from Chinese roots that were first created and used by the Japanese , and only later borrowed into Chinese and other East Asian languages . As a result , Japanese , Chinese , Korean , and Vietnamese share a large common corpus of vocabulary in the same way a large number of Greek - and Latin - derived words -- both inherited or borrowed into European languages , or modern coinages from Greek or Latin roots -- are shared among modern European languages -- see classical compound . In the past few decades , wasei - eigo ( `` made - in - Japan English '' ) has become a prominent phenomenon . Words such as wanpatān ワン パターン ( < one + pattern , `` to be in a rut '' , `` to have a one - track mind '' ) and sukinshippu スキン シップ ( < skin + - ship , `` physical contact '' ) , although coined by compounding English roots , are nonsensical in most non-Japanese contexts ; exceptions exist in nearby languages such as Korean however , which often use words such as skinship and rimokon ( remote control ) in the same way as in Japanese . The popularity of many Japanese cultural exports has made some native Japanese words familiar in English , including futon , haiku , judo , kamikaze , karaoke , karate , ninja , origami , rickshaw ( from 人力車 jinrikisha ) , samurai , sayonara , Sudoku , sumo , sushi , tsunami , tycoon . See list of English words of Japanese origin for more . Writing system Main articles : Japanese writing system and Japanese braille Calligraphy Arabic Chinese Filipino Georgian Indian Islamic Japanese Korean Mongolian Persian Tibetan Western History Literacy was introduced to Japan in the form of the Chinese writing system , by way of Baekje before the 5th century . Using this language , the Japanese king Bu presented a petition to Emperor Shun of Liu Song in AD 478 . After the ruin of Baekje , Japan invited scholars from China to learn more of the Chinese writing system . Japanese emperors gave an official rank to Chinese scholars ( 続 守 言 / 薩 弘 格 / 袁晋卿 ) and spread the use of Chinese characters from the 7th century to the 8th century . Table of Kana ( including Youon ) : Hiragana top , Katakana in the center and Romanized equivalents at the bottom At first , the Japanese wrote in Classical Chinese , with Japanese names represented by characters used for their meanings and not their sounds . Later , during the 7th century AD , the Chinese - sounding phoneme principle was used to write pure Japanese poetry and prose , but some Japanese words were still written with characters for their meaning and not the original Chinese sound . This is when the history of Japanese as a written language begins in its own right . By this time , the Japanese language was already very distinct from the Ryukyuan languages . An example of this mixed style is the Kojiki , which was written in AD 712 . They then started to use Chinese characters to write Japanese in a style known as man'yōgana , a syllabic script which used Chinese characters for their sounds in order to transcribe the words of Japanese speech syllable by syllable . Over time , a writing system evolved . Chinese characters ( kanji ) were used to write either words borrowed from Chinese , or Japanese words with the same or similar meanings . Chinese characters were also used to write grammatical elements , were simplified , and eventually became two syllabic scripts : hiragana and katakana which were developed based on Manyogana from Baekje . However this hypothesis `` Manyogana from Baekje '' is denied by other scholars . Hiragana and Katakana were first simplified from Kanji , and Hiragana , emerging somewhere around the 9th century , was mainly used by women . Hiragana was seen as an informal language , whereas Katakana and Kanji were considered more formal and was typically used by men and in official settings . However , because of hiragana 's easy of use , more and more people began using it . Eventually , by the 10th century , hiragana was used by everyone . Modern Japanese is written in a mixture of three main systems : kanji , characters of Chinese origin used to represent both Chinese loanwords into Japanese and a number of native Japanese morphemes ; and two syllabaries : hiragana and katakana . The Latin script ( or romaji in Japanese ) is used to a certain extent , such as for imported acronyms and to transcribe Japanese names and in other instances where non-Japanese speakers need to know how to pronounce a word ( such as `` ramen '' at a restaurant ) . Arabic numerals are much more common than the kanji when used in counting , but kanji numerals are still used in compounds , such as 統一 tōitsu ( `` unification '' ) . Historically , attempts to limit the number of kanji in use commenced in the mid-19th century , but did not become a matter of government intervention until after Japan 's defeat in the Second World War . During the period of post-war occupation ( and influenced by the views of some U.S. officials ) , various schemes including the complete abolition of kanji and exclusive use of rōmaji were considered . The jōyō kanji ( `` common use kanji '' , originally called tōyō kanji ( kanji for general use ) ) scheme arose as a compromise solution . Japanese students begin to learn kanji from their first year at elementary school . A guideline created by the Japanese Ministry of Education , the list of kyōiku kanji ( `` education kanji '' , a subset of jōyō kanji ) , specifies the 1,006 simple characters a child is to learn by the end of sixth grade . Children continue to study another 1,130 characters in junior high school , covering in total 2,136 jōyō kanji . The official list of jōyō kanji was revised several times , but the total number of officially sanctioned characters remained largely unchanged . As for kanji for personal names , the circumstances are somewhat complicated . Jōyō kanji and jinmeiyō kanji ( an appendix of additional characters for names ) are approved for registering personal names . Names containing unapproved characters are denied registration . However , as with the list of jōyō kanji , criteria for inclusion were often arbitrary and led to many common and popular characters being disapproved for use . Under popular pressure and following a court decision holding the exclusion of common characters unlawful , the list of jinmeiyō kanji was substantially extended from 92 in 1951 ( the year it was first decreed ) to 983 in 2004 . Furthermore , families whose names are not on these lists were permitted to continue using the older forms . Hiragana Hiragana are used for words without kanji representation , for words no longer written in kanji , and also following kanji to show conjugational endings . Because of the way verbs ( and adjectives ) in Japanese are conjugated , kanji alone can not fully convey Japanese tense and mood , as kanji can not be subject to variation when written without losing its meaning . For this reason , hiragana are suffixed to the ends of kanji to show verb and adjective conjugations . Hiragana used in this way are called okurigana . Hiragana can also be written in a superscript called furigana above or beside a kanji to show the proper reading . This is done to facilitate learning , as well as to clarify particularly old or obscure ( or sometimes invented ) readings . Katakana Katakana , like hiragana , are a syllabary ; katakana are primarily used to write foreign words , plant and animal names , and for emphasis . For example , `` Australia '' has been adapted as Ōsutoraria ( オーストラリア ) , and `` supermarket '' has been adapted and shortened into sūpā ( スーパー ) . Study by non-native speakers Many major universities throughout the world provide Japanese language courses , and a number of secondary and even primary schools worldwide offer courses in the language . This is much changed from before World War II ; in 1940 , only 65 Americans not of Japanese descent were able to read , write and understand the language . International interest in the Japanese language dates from the 19th century but has become more prevalent following Japan 's economic bubble of the 1980s and the global popularity of Japanese popular culture ( such as anime and video games ) since the 1990s . Close to 4 million people studied the language worldwide in 2012 : more than 1 million Chinese , 872,000 Indonesian , and 840,000 South Koreans studied Japanese in lower and higher educational institutions . In the three years from 2009 to 2012 the number of students studying Japanese in China increased by 26.5 percent / three years , and by 21.8 percent in Indonesia , but dropped 12.8 percent in South Korea . In Japan , more than 90,000 foreign students studied at Japanese universities and Japanese language schools , including 77,000 Chinese and 15,000 South Koreans in 2003 . In addition , local governments and some NPO groups provide free Japanese language classes for foreign residents , including Japanese Brazilians and foreigners married to Japanese nationals . In the United Kingdom , study of the Japanese language is supported by the British Association for Japanese Studies . In Ireland , Japanese is offered as a language in the Leaving Certificate in some schools . The Japanese government provides standardized tests to measure spoken and written comprehension of Japanese for second language learners ; the most prominent is the Japanese Language Proficiency Test ( JLPT ) , which features five levels of exams ( changed from four levels in 2010 ) , ranging from elementary ( N5 ) to advanced ( N1 ) . The JLPT is offered twice a year . The Japanese External Trade Organization JETRO organizes the Business Japanese Proficiency Test which tests the learner 's ability to understand Japanese in a business setting . The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation , which took over the BJT from JETRO in 2009 , announced in August 2010 that the test would be discontinued in 2011 due to financial pressures on the Foundation . However , it has since issued a statement to the effect that the test will continue to be available as a result of support from the Japanese government . See also Japan portal Language portal Aizuchi Culture of Japan Japanese dictionaries Japanese exonyms Japanese language and computers Japanese literature Japanese name Japanese orthography issues Japanese Sign Language family Japanese words and words derived from Japanese in other languages at Wiktionary , Wikipedia 's sibling project Rendaku Romanization of Japanese Hepburn romanization Shogakukan Progressive Japanese -- English Dictionary ( book ) Yojijukugo Notes Jump up ^ Book of Song 順帝 昇 明 二 年 , 倭 王 武 遣 使 上 表 曰 : 封 國 偏遠 , 作 藩 于 外 , 自 昔 祖 禰 , 躬 擐 甲冑 , 跋渉 山川 , 不遑 寧 處. 東征 毛 人 五 十 國 , 西服 衆 夷 六 十 六 國 , 渡 平 海北 九 十 五 國 , 王道 融 泰 , 廓 土 遐 畿 , 累 葉 朝宗 , 不 愆 于 歳. 臣 雖 下 愚 , 忝 胤 先 緒 , 驅 率 所 統 , 歸 崇 天極 , 道 逕 百 濟 , 裝 治 船 舫 , 而 句 驪 無道 , 圖 欲 見 吞 , 掠 抄 邊 隸 , 虔 劉 不已 , 毎 致 稽 滯 , 以 失 良 風. 雖 曰 進路 , 或 通 或 不. 臣 亡 考 濟 實 忿 寇 讎 , 壅塞 天 路 , 控 弦 百 萬 , 義 聲 感激 , 方 欲 大舉 , 奄 喪 父兄 , 使 垂 成 之 功 , 不 獲 一 簣. 居 在 諒闇 , 不動 兵 甲 , 是 以 偃 息 未 捷. 至今 欲 練 甲 治 兵 , 申 父兄 之 志 , 義士 虎賁 , 文武 效 功 , 白刃 交 前 , 亦 所 不顧. 若 以 帝 德 覆 載 , 摧 此 強敵 , 克 靖 方 難 , 無 替 前 功. 竊 自 假 開府 儀 同 三 司 , 其餘 咸 各 假 授 , 以 勸 忠節. 詔 除 武 使 持 節 督 倭 、 新羅 、 任 那 、 加 羅 、 秦 韓六國 諸 軍事 、 安 東大 將軍 、 倭 國王. 至 齊建元 中 , 及 梁 武帝 時 , 并 來 朝貢 . Jump up ^ Nihon shoki Chapter 30 : 持 統 五 年 九 月 己 巳 朔 壬 申. 賜 音 博士 大 唐 続 守 言. 薩 弘 恪. 書 博士 百済 末 士 善信 、 銀 人 二 十 両 . Jump up ^ Nihon shoki Chapter 30 : 持 統 六 年 十 二 月 辛酉朔 甲 戌. 賜 音 博士 続 守 言. 薩 弘 恪 水田 人 四 町 Jump up ^ Shoku Nihongi 宝亀 九 年 十 二 月 庚 寅. 玄蕃 頭 従 五 位 上 袁晋卿 賜 姓 清 村 宿禰. 晋 卿 唐人 也. 天平 七 年 随 我 朝 使 帰朝. 時 年 十 八 九. 学 得 文選 爾 雅 音. 為 大学 音 博士. 於 後. 歴 大学 頭 安房 守 . References Jump up ^ `` Världens 100 största språk 2010 '' ( The World 's 100 Largest Languages in 2010 ) , in Nationalencyklopedin Jump up ^ Hammarström , Harald ; Forkel , Robert ; Haspelmath , Martin , eds. ( 2017 ) . `` Nuclear Japanese '' . Glottolog 3.0 . Jena , Germany : Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History . ^ Jump up to : Deal , William E. ( 2005 ) . Handbook to Life in Medieval and Early Modern Japan . Infobase Publishing . p. 242 . ISBN 0816074852 . Japanese has no genetic affiliation with Chinese , but neither does it have any clear affiliation with any other language . Jump up ^ Wade , Nicholas ( 4 May 2011 ) . `` Finding on Dialects Casts New Light on the Origins of the Japanese People '' . The New York Times . Retrieved 7 May 2011 . Jump up ^ Shinkichi Hashimoto ( February 3 , 1918 ) 「 国語 仮名遣 研究 史上 の 一 発見 ― 石塚 龍 麿 の 仮名遣 奥 山路 について 」 『 帝国 文学 』 26 -- 11 ( 1949 ) 『 文字 及び 仮名遣 の 研究 ( 橋本 進吉 博士 著作 集 第 3 冊 ) 』 ( 岩波 書店 ) . Jump up ^ 大野 晋 ( 1953 ) 『 上代 仮名遣 の 研究 』 ( 岩波 書店 ) p. 126 Jump up ^ 大野 晋 ( 1982 ) 『 仮名遣い と 上代 語 』 ( 岩波 書店 ) p. 65 Jump up ^ 有坂 秀世 ( 1931 ) 「 国語 に あら は れる 一種 の 母音 交替 について 」 『 音声 の 研究 』 第 4 輯 ( 1957 年 の 『 国語 音韻 史 の 研究 増補 新版 』 ( 三省堂 ) Jump up ^ Alexander , Vovin , . `` Proto - Japanese beyond the accent system '' . Current Issues in Linguistic Theory . Jump up ^ Coulmas , Florian ( 1989 ) . Language Adaptation . Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge . p. 107 . ISBN 0 - 521 - 36255 - 5 . Jump up ^ SCHUESSLER , KARLGREN ( 2009 ) . Minimal Old Chinese and Later Han Chinese : A Companion to Grammata Serica Recensa . Honolulu : Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press . ISBN 9780824832643 . Jump up ^ Miura , Akira , English in Japanese , Weatherhill , 1998 . Jump up ^ Japanese is listed as one of the official languages of Angaur state , Palau ( Ethnologe , CIA World Factbook ) . However , very few Japanese speakers were recorded in the 2005 census . Jump up ^ `` IBGE traça perfil dos imigrantes -- Imigração -- Made in Japan '' . 2008 - 06 - 21 . Archived from the original on 2012 - 11 - 19 . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` American FactFinder '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 02 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` Japanese -- Source Census 2000 , Summary File 3 , STP 258 '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` Ethnocultural Portrait of Canada -- Data table '' . 2010 - 06 - 10 . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` Census 2000 Summary File 1 ( SF 1 ) 100 - Percent Data '' . American FactFinder . United States Census Bureau . Retrieved 8 July 2018 . Jump up ^ The Japanese in Colonial Southeast Asia - Google Books . . Retrieved on 2014 - 06 - 07 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Archived October 19 , 2014 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ ( 2 ) Archived July 1 , 2012 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` 法制 執務 コラム 集 「 法律 と 国語 ・ 日本 語 」 '' ( in Japanese ) . Legislative Bureau of the House of Councillors . Retrieved 9 November 2012 . Jump up ^ See the comments of George Kizaki in Stuky , Natalie - Kyoko . `` Exclusive : From Internment Camp to MacArthur 's Aide in Rebuilding Japan '' . The Daily Beast . Retrieved 4 October 2015 . Jump up ^ Coulmas , Florian ( 1989 ) . Language Adaptation . Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge . p. 106 . ISBN 0 - 521 - 36255 - 5 . ^ Jump up to : Robbeets 2005 , p. 20 . Jump up ^ Kindaichi & Hirano 1978 , pp. 30 -- 31 . Jump up ^ Robbeets 2005 , p. 25 . ^ Jump up to : Robbeets 2005 , p. 25 ; Vovin 2010 , p. 3 . ^ Jump up to : Vovin 2010 , p. 3 . Jump up ^ Vovin 2010 , p. 6 . Jump up ^ Robbeets 2005 , p. 18 . Jump up ^ Robbeets 2005 , p. 19 . Jump up ^ Robbeets 2005 , p. 22 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Robbeets 2005 , pp. 21 , 23 . Jump up ^ Robbeets 2005 , pp. 26 -- 27 . Jump up ^ Alexander , Vovin , . `` Proto - Japanese beyond the accent system '' . Current Issues in Linguistic Theory . Jump up ^ Gerhard Jäger , `` Support for linguistic macrofamilies from weighted sequence alignment . '' PNAS vol. 112 no . 41 , 12752 -- 12757 , doi : 10.1073 / pnas. 1500331112 . Published online before print September 24 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Bullock , Ben . `` What is Japanese pitch accent ? '' . Ben Bullock . Retrieved 17 July 2017 . Jump up ^ Koichi . `` Yamato Kotoba : The REAL Japanese Language '' . Tofugu . Retrieved 2016 - 03 - 26 . Jump up ^ 新選 国語 辞典 , 金田一 京助 , 小学館 , 2001 , ISBN 4 - 09 - 501407 - 5 Jump up ^ `` Buddhist Art of Korea & Japan Archived 2016 - 03 - 03 at the Wayback Machine. , '' Asia Society Museum ; `` Kanji , '' ; `` Pottery Archived 2009 - 10 - 31 at WebCite , '' MSN Encarta ; `` History of Japan , '' . Archived 2009 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ Heinrich , Patrick . `` What leaves a mark should no longer stain : Progressive erasure and reversing language shift activities in the Ryukyu Islands , '' First International Small Island Cultures Conference at Kagoshima University , Centre for the Pacific Islands , 7 -- 10 February 2005 ; citing Shiro Hattori. ( 1954 ) Gengo nendaigaku sunawachi goi tokeigaku no hoho ni tsuite ( `` Concerning the Method of Glottochronology and Lexicostatistics '' ) , Gengo kenkyu ( Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan ) , Vols. 26 / 27 . Jump up ^ John R. Bentley . `` '' The origin of Manyogana `` , Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies ( 2001 ) , 64 : 59 -- 73 '' . Cambridge University Press . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 20 . Jump up ^ Shunpei Mizuno , ed. ( 2002 ) . 韓国 人 の 日本 偽 史 ― 日本 人 は ビックリ ! ( in Japanese ) . Shogakukan . ISBN 4 - 09 - 402716 - 5 . Jump up ^ Shunpei Mizuno , ed. ( 2007 ) . 韓 vs 日 「 偽 史 ワールド 」 ( in Japanese ) . Shogakukan . ISBN 4 - 09 - 387703 - 3 . Jump up ^ Burlock , Ben ( 2017 ) . `` How did katakana and hiragana originate ? '' . sci. lang. japan . Retrieved 26 July 2017 . Jump up ^ Ager , Simon ( 2017 ) . `` Japanese Hiragana '' . Omniglot . Retrieved 26 July 2017 . Jump up ^ Beate Sirota Gordon commencement address at Mills College , 14 May 2011 . `` Sotomayor , Denzel Washington , GE CEO Speak to Graduates , '' C - SPAN ( US ) . 30 May 2011 ; retrieved 2011 - 05 - 30 Jump up ^ `` RI ranks No. 2 in learning Japanese language '' . 15 July 2013 . Jump up ^ `` BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` Relaunching of the Business Japanese Proficiency Test in FY 2012 and Temporary Measures in FY 2011 '' ( PDF ) . 25 November 2012 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 21 December 2012 . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 20 . Works cited Bloch , Bernard ( 1946 ) . Studies in colloquial Japanese I : Inflection . Journal of the American Oriental Society , 66 , pp. 97 -- 130 . Bloch , Bernard ( 1946 ) . Studies in colloquial Japanese II : Syntax . Language , 22 , pp. 200 -- 248 . Chafe , William L. ( 1976 ) . Giveness , contrastiveness , definiteness , subjects , topics , and point of view . In C. Li ( Ed . ) , Subject and topic ( pp. 25 -- 56 ) . New York : Academic Press . ISBN 0 - 12 - 447350 - 4 . Dalby , Andrew . ( 2004 ) . `` Japanese , '' in Dictionary of Languages : the Definitive Reference to More than 400 Languages . New York : Columbia University Press . ISBN 9780231115681 ; ISBN 9780231115698 ; OCLC 474656178 Frellesvig , Bjarke ( 2010 ) . A history of the Japanese language . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 65320 - 6 . Kindaichi , Haruhiko ; Hirano , Umeyo ( 1978 ) . The Japanese Language . Tuttle Publishing . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8048 - 1579 - 6 . Kuno , Susumu ( 1973 ) . The structure of the Japanese language . Cambridge , MA : MIT Press . ISBN 0 - 262 - 11049 - 0 . Kuno , Susumu. ( 1976 ) . `` Subject , theme , and the speaker 's empathy : A re-examination of relativization phenomena , '' in Charles N. Li ( Ed . ) , Subject and topic ( pp. 417 -- 444 ) . New York : Academic Press . ISBN 0 - 12 - 447350 - 4 . Martin , Samuel E. ( 1975 ) . A reference grammar of Japanese . New Haven : Yale University Press . ISBN 0 - 300 - 01813 - 4 . McClain , Yoko Matsuoka. ( 1981 ) . Handbook of modern Japanese grammar : 口語 日本 文法 便覧 ( Kōgo Nihon bumpō ) . Tokyo : Hokuseido Press . ISBN 4 - 590 - 00570 - 0 ; ISBN 0 - 89346 - 149 - 0 . Miller , Roy ( 1967 ) . The Japanese language . Chicago : University of Chicago Press . Miller , Roy ( 1980 ) . Origins of the Japanese language : Lectures in Japan during the academic year , 1977 -- 78 . Seattle : University of Washington Press . ISBN 0 - 295 - 95766 - 2 . Mizutani , Osamu ; & Mizutani , Nobuko ( 1987 ) . How to be polite in Japanese : 日本 語 の 敬語 ( Nihongo no keigo ) . Tokyo : The Japan Times . ISBN 4 - 7890 - 0338 - 8 . Robbeets , Martine Irma ( 2005 ) . Is Japanese Related to Korean , Tungusic , Mongolic and Turkic ? . Otto Harrassowitz Verlag . ISBN 978 - 3 - 447 - 05247 - 4 . Shibatani , Masayoshi ( 1990 ) . Japanese . In B. Comrie ( Ed . ) , The major languages of east and south - east Asia . London : Routledge . ISBN 0 - 415 - 04739 - 0 . Shibatani , Masayoshi ( 1990 ) . The languages of Japan . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 0 - 521 - 36070 - 6 ( hbk ) ; ISBN 0 - 521 - 36918 - 5 ( pbk ) . Shibamoto , Janet S. ( 1985 ) . Japanese women 's language . New York : Academic Press . ISBN 0 - 12 - 640030 - X . Graduate Level Tsujimura , Natsuko ( 1996 ) . An introduction to Japanese linguistics . Cambridge , MA : Blackwell Publishers . ISBN 0 - 631 - 19855 - 5 ( hbk ) ; ISBN 0 - 631 - 19856 - 3 ( pbk ) . Upper Level Textbooks Tsujimura , Natsuko ( Ed . ) ( 1999 ) . The handbook of Japanese linguistics . Malden , MA : Blackwell Publishers . ISBN 0 - 631 - 20504 - 7 . Readings / Anthologies Vovin , Alexander ( 2010 ) . Korea - Japonica : A Re-Evaluation of a Common Genetic Origin . University of Hawaii Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8248 - 3278 - 0 . Further reading Rudolf Lange ( 1907 ) . Christopher Noss , ed . A text - book of colloquial Japanese ( revised English ed . ) . TOKYO : Methodist publishing house . p. 588 . Retrieved 1 March 2012 . ( All rights reserved , copyright 1903 by Christopher Noss ; reprinted April 1907 by the Methodist Publishing House , Tokyo , Japan ) ( Original from the New York Public Library ) ( Digitized 2 April 2008 ) Rudolf Lange ( 1907 ) . Christopher Noss , ed . A text - book of colloquial Japanese ( revised English ed . ) . TOKYO : Methodist publishing house . p. 588 . Retrieved 1 March 2012 . ( All rights reserved ; copyright 1903 by Christopher Noss ; reprinted April 1907 by the Methodist Publishing House , Tokyo , Japan ) ( Original from Harvard University ) ( Digitized 10 October 2008 ) Rudolf Lange , Christopher Noss ( 1903 ) . A Text - book of Colloquial Japanese ( English ed . ) . The Kaneko Press , North Japan College , Sendai : Methodist Publishing House . p. 573 . Retrieved 1 March 2012 . ( Tokyo Methodist Publishing House 1903 ) Rudolf Lange ( 1903 ) . Christopher Noss , ed . A text - book of colloquial Japanese : based on the Lehrbuch der japanischen umgangssprache by Dr. Rudolf Lange ( revised English ed . ) . TOKYO : Methodist publishing house . p. 588 . Retrieved 1 March 2012 . ( All rights reserved ; copyright 1903 by Christopher Noss ; reprinted April 1907 by the Methodist Publishing House , Tokyo , Japan ) ( Original from the University of California ) ( Digitized 10 October 2007 ) Shibatani , Masayoshi. ( 1990 ) . The languages of Japan . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press `` Japanese Language '' . MIT . Retrieved 2009 - 05 - 13 . External links For a list of words relating to Japanese language , see the Japanese language category of words in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . Wikiversity has learning resources about Topic : Japanese Japanese edition of Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia Wikimedia Commons has media related to Japanese language . Wikibooks has more on the topic of : Japanese language Wikivoyage has a phrasebook for Japanese . National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics Japanese Language Student 's Handbook Japanese language at Curlie ( based on DMOZ ) <Th_colspan="2"> Japanese language Earlier forms Old Early Middle Late Middle Early Modern Dialects Hokkaidō Tōhoku Tsugaru Akita Kesen Yamagata Kantō Ibaraki Tokyo Tōkai -- Tōsan Nagaoka Nagoya Mikawa Mino Hida Hokuriku Kansai Awaji Banshū Chūgoku Umpaku Shikoku Iyo Tosa Sanuki Hōnichi Ōita Hichiku Hakata Saga Tsushima Satsugū Okinawan Japanese Pidgins and creoles Bamboo English Bonin English In Hawaiian Creole Kanbun Kyowa - go Pseudo-Chinese Yilan Creole Japanese Yokohama Pidgin Japanese Japonic languages Hachijō Ryukyuan Amami Ōshima Kikai Kunigami Miyako Okinawan Okinoerabu Tokunoshima Yaeyama Yonaguni Yoron Writing system Logograms Kanbun Kanji by concept by stroke count Kanji radicals by frequency by stroke count Ryakuji Kana Hiragana Katakana Furigana Okurigana Gojūon Man'yōgana Hentaigana Sōgana Kana ligature Orthography Braille Kanji Punctuation Orthographic issues Kanazukai Historical kana Modern kana Jōdai Tokushu Kanazukai Yotsugana Transcription into Japanese Encoding EUC EUC - JP ISO \ EIC 2022 JIS 0201 0208 0211 0212 0213 Shift JIS Unicode Hiragana Kana Extended - A Kana Supplement Katakana phonetic extensions Other ARIB STD B24 Enclosed EIS Extended shinjitai Half / Full Grammar and vocabulary Japanese grammar Verb and adjective conjugations Consonant and vowel verbs Irregular verbs Pronouns Adjectives Possessives Particles Topic marker Counter words Numerals Native words ( yamato kotoba ) Sino - Japanese vocabulary Loan words ( gairaigo ) from Dutch from Portuguese Wasei - eigo Engrish Honorific speech Honorifics Court lady language ( nyōbō kotoba ) Gender differences Dictionaries Phonology Pitch accent Rendaku Sound symbolism Transliteration Romanization Hepburn Nihon - shiki Kunrei JSL Wāpuro rōmaji In Esperanto Cyrillization Literature Books Poetry Writers Classical Japanese texts <Th_colspan="2"> Languages of Japan National language Japanese Variants Indigenous languages Ainu Hachijō Ryukyuan Amami Ōshima Kikai Kunigami Miyako Okinawan Okinoerabu Tokunoshima Yaeyama Yonaguni Yoron Non-Indigenous languages Portuguese Chinese Cantonese Hokkien Hoochew Mandarin English Russian Turkish Indonesian Vietnamese Zainichi Korean Creole languages Bonin English Sign languages Japanese Sign Language Amami Oshima Sign BNF : cb11932171r ( data ) GND : 4114069 - 2 LCCN : sh85069643 NARA : 10636482 NDL : 00568376 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Languages attested from the 8th century Japanese language Agglutinative languages Languages of Japan Languages of Palau Subject -- object -- verb languages Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links CS1 Japanese - language sources ( ja ) Webarchive template webcite links Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism Articles containing Japanese - language text Languages with ISO 639 - 2 code Languages with ISO 639 - 1 code Articles citing Nationalencyklopedin Articles with hAudio microformats All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from February 2011 Articles with unsourced statements from November 2012 Articles lacking in - text citations from November 2013 All articles lacking in - text citations Articles with unsourced statements from May 2010 All articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases Articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases from May 2018 All articles needing additional references Articles needing additional references from July 2017 Articles with unsourced statements from November 2013 Articles with Curlie links Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with NARA identifiers Wikipedia articles with NDL identifiers Talk Variants View source Contents About Wikipedia Wikibooks Wikiquote Wikiversity Wikivoyage Acèh Адыгэбзэ Afrikaans Alemannisch አማርኛ Ænglisc Аҧсшәа Aragonés ܐܪܡܝܐ Asturianu Avañe'ẽ Azərbaycanca تۆرکجه বাংলা Bahasa Banjar Bân - lâm - gú Basa Banyumasan Башҡортса Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ भोजपुरी Bikol Central Български Boarisch བོད ་ ཡིག Bosanski Brezhoneg Буряад Català Чӑвашла Cebuano Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Davvisámegiella Deutsch ދިވެހިބަސް Dolnoserbski Eesti Ελληνικά Эрзянь Español Esperanto Estremeñu Euskara فارسی Fiji Hindi Føroyskt Français Frysk Gaeilge Gaelg Gagauz Gàidhlig Galego 贛 語 客家 語 / Hak - kâ - ngî Хальмг 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hornjoserbsce Hrvatski Ido Ilokano Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua IsiZulu Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa Kalaallisut ಕನ್ನಡ Kapampangan ქართული Қазақша Kernowek Kinyarwanda Kiswahili Коми Kreyòl ayisyen Kurdî Кыргызча Ladino Лезги ລາວ Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Limburgs Lingála La . lojban . Lumbaart Magyar मैथिली Македонски Malagasy മലയാളം Māori मराठी მარგალური مصرى مازِرونی Bahasa Melayu Baso Minangkabau Mìng - dĕ̤ng - ngṳ̄ Mirandés Мокшень Монгол မြန်မာဘာသာ Nāhuatl Dorerin Naoero Nederlands Nedersaksies नेपाली नेपाल भाषा 日本 語 Нохчийн Nordfriisk Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan Олык марий ଓଡ଼ିଆ Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча ਪੰਜਾਬੀ پنجابی پښتو Patois ភាសា ខ្មែរ Picard Piemontèis Tok Pisin Polski Português Qaraqalpaqsha Reo tahiti Română Runa Simi Русиньскый Русский Саха тыла ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ Gagana Samoa संस्कृतम् Sardu Scots Shqip Sicilianu සිංහල Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Словѣньскъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡⰐⰠⰔⰍⰟ Ślůnski کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Basa Sunda Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் Taqbaylit Tarandíne Татарча / tatarça తెలుగు ไทย Тоҷикӣ Türkçe Türkmençe Українська اردو ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche Vahcuengh Vepsän kel ' Tiếng Việt Volapük Võro Walon 文言 Winaray 吴语 ייִדיש Yorùbá 粵語 Zazaki Žemaitėška 中文 ГӀалгӀай Kabɩyɛ Lingua Franca Nova 186 more Edit links This page was last edited on 8 July 2018 , at 06 : 39 ( UTC ) . 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1. Japanese language 2. History of Japanese language 3. Dialects of Japanese 4. Writing system of Japanese 5. Geographic distribution of Japanese
it's that little souvenir of a terrible year lyrics
Here 's Where the Story Ends - Wikipedia Here 's Where the Story Ends Jump to : navigation , search For the song by The Fray , see The Fray ( album ) . <Th_colspan="2"> `` Here 's Where the Story Ends '' <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Single by The Sundays <Th_colspan="2"> from the album Reading , Writing and Arithmetic Released Format Compact disc , 45 RPM record Recorded Genre Jangle pop Length 3 : 54 Label DGC , Rough Trade Songwriter ( s ) David Gavurin , Harriet Wheeler Producer ( s ) The Sundays , Ray Shulman <Th_colspan="2"> The Sundays singles chronology <Td_colspan="2"> `` Ca n't Be Sure '' ( 1989 ) `` Here 's Where the Story Ends '' ( 1990 ) `` Love '' ( 1992 ) <Td_colspan="2"> `` Ca n't Be Sure '' ( 1989 ) `` Here 's Where the Story Ends '' ( 1990 ) `` Love '' ( 1992 ) `` Here 's Where the Story Ends '' is a song by English alternative rock band The Sundays , released as the second single from their debut album Reading , Writing and Arithmetic . It has been categorized as jangle pop . Although it was the Sundays ' biggest hit internationally , topping the U.S. Modern Rock Tracks chart for one week , the track was never released as a single in the group 's native United Kingdom due to the collapse of the Rough Trade Records label . Nonetheless it achieved no . 36 placing in John Peel 's Festive Fifty for 1990 . Many artists have covered this song , including Chinese star Faye Wong as `` Being Criminal '' on Ingratiate Oneself in 1994 , and Tin Tin Out who reached number seven in the UK Singles Chart in 1998 , as well as no . 15 on the U.S. Hot Dance Music / Club Play chart . Tin Tin Out 's cover version also earned the song the 1999 Ivor Novello Award for `` Best Contemporary Song '' . Crystal Bowersox covered the song on her second album , All That for This . Contents ( hide ) 1 Tin Tin Out version 1.1 Chart performance 2 See also 3 References 4 External links Tin Tin Out version ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> `` Here 's Where the Story Ends '' <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Single by Tin Tin Out featuring Shelley Nelson <Th_colspan="2"> from the album Always Released March 16 , 1998 Format 12 '' single CD single CD maxi Genre Progressive house Length 4 : 03 Label VC Recordings Virgin Underground Songwriter ( s ) David Gavurin Harriet Wheeler Producer ( s ) Tin Tin Out <Th_colspan="2"> Tin Tin Out featuring Shelley Nelson singles chronology <Td_colspan="2"> `` Strings for Yasmin '' ( 1997 ) `` Here 's Where the Story Ends '' ( 1998 ) `` Sometimes '' ( 1998 ) <Td_colspan="2"> `` Strings for Yasmin '' ( 1997 ) `` Here 's Where the Story Ends '' ( 1998 ) `` Sometimes '' ( 1998 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Music video <Td_colspan="2"> `` Here 's Where the Story Ends '' on YouTube <Td_colspan="2"> English electronic music duo comprising Darren Stokes and Lindsay Edward recorded `` Here 's Where the Story Ends '' for their second album , Always in 1998 . It features vocals by singer Shelley Nelson . Chart performance ( edit ) Chart ( 1998 ) Peak position Iceland ( Íslenski Listinn Topp 40 ) 21 Scotland ( Official Charts Company ) 10 New Zealand ( RIANZ ) 45 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 7 UK ( Dance Singles Chart Top 40 ) US Billboard Hot Dance Club Play 15 See also ( edit ) List of Billboard number - one alternative singles of the 1990s References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Here 's Where the Story Ends '' . Retrieved 29 May 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Festive 50s 1990 '' . . Jump up ^ Roberts , David ( Ed . ) ( 2004 ) . British Hit Singles & Albums ( 17th ed . ) . London : Guinness World Records Limited . ISBN 0 - 85112 - 199 - 3 . Jump up ^ `` Entertainment Ivor Novello winners '' . BBC News . 1999 - 05 - 27 . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Íslenski Listinn Topp 40 ( 23.04. 1998 - 30.04. 1998 ) '' ( PDF ) ( in Icelandic ) . Dagblaðið Vísir - Tónlist . Retrieved 2018 - 02 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Scottish Singles Chart ( 22 March 1998 - 28 March 1998 ) '' . Official Charts Company . Retrieved 2018 - 02 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Tin Tin Out : Artist Chart History '' . Official Charts Company . Jump up ^ `` UK Dance Singles Chart Top 40 ( 22 March 1998 - 28 March 1998 ) '' . Official Charts Company . Retrieved 2018 - 02 - 14 . External links ( edit ) Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) The Sundays <Td_colspan="2"> Harriet Wheeler Studio albums Reading , Writing and Arithmetic Blind Static & Silence Singles `` Ca n't Be Sure '' `` Here 's Where the Story Ends '' This 1990s rock song - related article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1989 songs 1990 singles The Sundays songs Songs written by Harriet Wheeler Pop ballads 1990s ballads Rough Trade Records singles 1998 singles Billboard Alternative Songs number - one singles Jangle pop songs 1990s rock song stubs Hidden categories : CS1 Icelandic - language sources ( is ) Articles with hAudio microformats Singlechart usages for UKchartstats All stub articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Edit links This page was last edited on 14 February 2018 , at 06 : 15 . About Wikipedia
1. "Here's Where the Story Ends" - The Sundays 2. Jangle pop 3. Tin Tin Out version 4. Billboard Alternative Songs number-one singles 5. 1990s rock song stubs
what is the meaning of rbd in airline
Fare basis code - wikipedia Fare basis code A fare basis code ( often just referred to as a fare basis ) is an alphabetic or alpha - numeric code used by airlines to identify a fare type and allow airline staff and travel agents to find the rules applicable to that fare . Although airlines now set their own fare basis codes , there are some patterns that have evolved over the years and may still be in use . Fare codes start with a letter called a booking class ( indicating travel class among other things ) which almost always matches the letter code that the reservation is booked in . Other letters or numbers may follow . Typically a fare basis will be 3 to 7 characters long , but can be up to 8 . Contents 1 Booking class 2 Other common patterns 3 Airline - specific codes 4 Fare construction 5 Multiple fare basis 6 Global Distribution Systems 7 Tickets 8 References Booking class ( edit ) The first character of the fare basis code is always a letter , and will almost always match the booking class . Booking codes are the identifiers used by the airline 's revenue management department to control how many seats can be sold at a particular fare level . For example , a plane may have 25 economy seats still available and the airline may show it in a reservation system as Y7 K5 M4 T6 E3 which indicates how many of each booking class can be reserved . Some codes can not be sold by agents , and those seats may be reserved for international connections , loyalty programs , or airline staff relocation . Booking codes were defined by IATA , but airlines have deviated from the IATA standard and current booking codes are airline - specific . The same code may have different meanings for tickets issued by different airlines . Many airlines use nearly all letters of the alphabet to allow finer yield management . Nevertheless , certain booking codes have retained the same meaning across most airlines : Booking code Meaning full - fare First class , on airlines which have first class distinct from business class . full - fare Business class full - fare Premium economy Y full - fare Economy class Other common patterns ( edit ) Letters and numbers in other sections of the fare basis code may provide the following information : Code Standard position in fare basis code Meaning Second letter This often indicated that the fare was an `` Excursion Fare '' . These fares typically had a minimum and maximum stay requirement to encourage use by the holiday market and not business travellers . Numerals Latter parts of the fare basis Numerals often indicate the maximum stay the fare rules will allow at a destination . Thus a YE45 is an economy excursion fare with a maximum stay of 45 days . Similar patterns could be YE3M indicating a 3 - month maximum . H or L Other than first letter High or low season W or X Other than as the first letter These two letters are commonly used in airfares to state if a fare is valid on a weekday ( X ) or restricted to weekends ( W ) . The specific days of a weekend may vary , and can include Friday travel . OW On higher level fares , normally follows the initial booking code . One - way fare only RT On higher level fares , normally follows the initial booking code . Return fare Two - letter country codes Usually at the end of the code , except if followed by `` CH '' or `` IN '' Fare bases often end with two - letter country codes . This will be the case when an airline has an international fare in both directions . For example , a fare from Great Britain to Australia may be YE3MGB , and YE3MAU from Australia to Great Britain . This allows the fare to have similar rules , but may have some variations in change fees or to comply with local trade restrictions . CH Last two characters Child fare ( typically up to 11 years old , but 15 in some cases ) IN Last two characters Infant fare ( typically up to 2 years old , but 3 years in some cases ) Airline - specific codes ( edit ) There is an endless list of other codes on modern fares . These are not standardized in any way , and may often be for short - term use . The following are some examples : Codes that indicate an airline 's common name for a fare . As a hypothetical example , an airline selling what they refer to as their `` Super-Saver '' fare may use SPRSVR in the fare basis , or may use it as the entire code . Codes that limit a fare to a particular company or organisation . An airline may negotiate a fare with the XYZ company and include these letters in their fare basis . Negotiated fares are normally only visible to agents that have a contract to sell them , and are not publicly listed . Codes for use with military personnel , or federal government employees . These are commonly used in the United States , and often indicate fares with minimal or no restrictions on changes and refunds . ID and AD used for airline staff ( Industry Discount ) and travel agency staff ( Agent Discount ) . It may include a number indicating the percentage of discount from the full fare , e.g. , AD75 . Fare construction ( edit ) Fare construction refers to the application of fares which can cover the flights in the reservation , necessary to price the air ticket for issuance . It is commonly presented as a single line with standardized codes which can be used for travel agents to price the ticket in global distribution systems . For example , a fare construction may say : HKG SU X / MOW SU KGD 598.78 SCLA / - RIX SU X / MOW SU HKG 371.37 ACLA NUC 970.15 END ROE 7.849222 XT 160G3 120HK 45I5 105RI 33LV 61XM 713YQ from Hong Kong by Aeroflot transfer in Moscow by Aeroflot to Kaliningrad 598.78 on fare SCLA arrival unknown to Riga by Aeroflot transfer at Moscow by Aeroflot to Hong Kong 371.37 on fare ACLA total fare in NUC end of fare rate of exchange the various taxes , fees and charges added in ticketing currency Fare construction is a complicated task because each fare comes with a lot of rules regarding the usage , however the rules are designed to be validatable by computers so the system can decide to accept or reject easily . Most commonly fare construction is done by a computer automatically , but it is not guaranteed that the lowest fares can be found , therefore manual fare construction can also be done , which means finding the suitable fares manually and applying the fares to an itinerary in order to buy a ticket . Multiple fare basis ( edit ) It is common for a multi-sector air ticket to have more than one fare basis , particularly if it is for carriage on more than one airline , or different classes of travel are involved . The issuing airline may often have an interline agreement to allow other airlines on the ticket . One disadvantage of this system is that if any change is made , the most restrictive fare rule , and / or the highest change fee , may apply to the entire ticket , not just the portion being changed . Global Distribution systems ( edit ) In a Global Distribution System , the fare basis will typically display as part of a fare display , and will not normally be shown in an availability display . Some modern booking systems allow availability searches using parameters such as time of day and lowest fare , and may negate the need for an agent to firstly study the fare basis rules . Tickets ( edit ) The fare basis is normally shown on the air ticket . On older paper tickets , it was highlighted on the relevant coupon for that flight . On modern e-tickets , it is often printed under the flight details . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` The Cranky Flier , Fun with Fare Basis Codes '' . 2007 . Retrieved 19 December 2013 . Jump up ^ Todd / Ginger , Rice , Susan ( 2005 ) . A Guide to Becoming a Travel Professional . p. 244 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ Galileo 360 ( degrees ) . V1 Course book . Galileo Travelport. 2009 . p. 9 . Jump up ^ Galileo 360 ( degrees ) . V1 Course book . Galileo Travelport. 2009 . p. 12 . ^ Jump up to : Galileo 360 ( degrees ) . V1 Course book . Galileo Travelport. 2009 . 2009 . pp. 13 -- 16 . Jump up ^ on airlines that offer it , may be some discount economy on airlines without it such as Turkish Airlines Jump up ^ Fare Calculation Symbols and Explanations , Amadeus Jump up ^ `` What is a Fare Basis ( or fare code ) ? '' . 2014 - 03 - 03 . Retrieved 2014 - 04 - 24 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Airline tickets Aviation Pricing Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from February 2018 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Ελληνικά 日本 語 Português Edit links This page was last edited on 13 July 2018 , at 23 : 37 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Fare basis codes in airline industry 2. Booking class and fare types 3. Patterns and meanings of fare basis codes 4. Fare construction and ticket pricing 5. Multiple fare basis and global distribution systems
when did jack from on the buses die
Bob Grant ( actor ) - wikipedia Bob Grant ( actor ) Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) <Th_colspan="2"> Bob Grant <Td_colspan="2"> Bob Grant as Jack Harper in On the Buses Robert St Clair Grant ( 1932 - 04 - 21 ) 21 April 1932 Hammersmith , London , England 8 November 2003 ( 2003 - 11 - 08 ) ( aged 71 ) Twyning , Gloucestershire , England Cause of death Suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning Occupation Actor , comedian , writer Years active 1959 -- 1996 Spouse ( s ) Jean Hyett ( 1954 - ? ? ? ? , divorced ) Christine Sally Kemp ( 1962 - ? ? ? ? , divorced ) Kim Benwell ( m . 1971 -- 2003 , his death ) Children Robert St Clair `` Bob '' Grant ( 21 April 1932 -- 8 November 2003 ) was an English actor , comedian and writer , best known for playing bus conductor Jack Harper in the television sitcom On the Buses , as well as its film spin - offs and stage version . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Early career 3 On the Buses 4 Later years 5 Filmography 6 References 7 External links Early life ( edit ) He was born in Hammersmith , West London , the son of Albert George Grant ( 1909 - 1985 ) and Florence Grant ( née Burston ) ( born 1910 ) . Early career ( edit ) Grant trained as an actor at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art , working in his spare time as a frozen food salesman and also ( coincidentally , in view of his later career ) as a bus driver . After doing national service in the Royal Artillery , he made his stage debut in 1952 as Sydney in Worm 's Eye View at the Court Royal , Horsham . In 1954 he married Jean Hyett ; the marriage would end in divorce . Grant 's first London appearance was in The Good Soldier Schweik at the Duke of York 's Theatre in 1956 , and he spent several years at the Theatre Royal Stratford East before getting the lead role in the musical Blitz ! at the Adelphi Theatre in the West End for two years . In 1962 he married for the second time , to Christine Sally Kemp ; they later divorced . In 1964 he appeared at the Piccadilly Theatre in Instant Marriage , a musical farce , for which he wrote the book and lyrics , with music by Laurie Holloway . He had by now started to make film appearances , including Sparrows Ca n't Sing ( 1963 ) , the screen version of a play written by his future On the Buses co-star Stephen Lewis in which he had previously acted on stage , and the film version of Till Death Us Do Part ( 1969 ) . He returned to the Theatre Royal , Stratford , in 1967 , and starred in the satirical play Mrs Wilson 's Diary as George Brown , the Foreign Secretary in Harold Wilson 's Labour government ; this play later transferred to the West End . When the real - life Brown resigned in 1968 , Grant was so concerned that his unflattering portrayal of him as a drunk may have contributed to his resignation that he offered to stand down from the part , but reluctantly continued . On the Buses ( edit ) Grant is perhaps best remembered as the lecherous bus conductor Jack Harper in the television sitcom On the Buses , that ran for 74 episodes between 1969 and 1973 ; he co-wrote 12 episodes with co-star Stephen Lewis ( who played Blakey , the Inspector ) . Although some critics thought the show was unfunny and vulgar , it was an instant success with the viewers , and led to three feature films On the Buses ( 1971 ) , Mutiny on the Buses ( 1972 ) and Holiday on the Buses ( 1973 ) . The series was the peak of his career ; when Grant married for the third time in 1971 , there were huge crowds outside the register office , and the couple had to abandon their hired Rolls - Royce and walk to the reception . A double - decker bus had been provided for the guests , but they had to walk as well . Later years ( edit ) When On the Buses finished , Grant found himself heavily typecast as Jack Harper and struggled to get other parts . He toured Australia in the farce No Sex Please , We 're British , and continued to appear in musicals and pantomimes . In 1975 he starred in a one - off pilot Milk - O , an attempt to reinvigorate his career by means of a similar character , a milkman who spent his time fighting off amorous housewives he was delivering to . However , this did not lead to a series , and Grant never acted for television again . In 1981 he appeared in a touring production of the once - controversial revue Oh ! Calcutta ! , accompanied by a chorus line of naked men and women less than half his age . In 1980 , Grant played the title role in John Arden 's BBC radio adaptation of Don Quixote , with Bernard Cribbins as Sancho Panza . In the 1980s he suffered from bipolar disorder and other mental health problems , because of a lack of work and his vast debts . In 1987 he disappeared from his home in Leicestershire for five days ; it later emerged that he had taken the ferry to Dublin intending to kill himself . He returned only after a public appeal from his wife . In 1995 he attempted suicide again , and was treated for carbon monoxide poisoning after being found slumped over the wheel of a car filled with exhaust fumes . His last acting role was in the West End in Hobson 's Choice early in 1996 . Grant then moved with his wife to Church End Twyning , about a mile south of Twyning , near Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire . He lived very reclusively and neighbours would only see him when he was trimming his hedge . In 2003 Grant was found dead in his garage inside his fume - filled car with a hose attached to the exhaust pipe . He was 71 years old . Filmography ( edit ) Sparrows Ca n't Sing ( 1963 ) - Perce Help ! ( 1965 ) - Cameo ( uncredited ) Till Death Us Do Part ( 1968 ) - Man in Pub On the Buses ( 1971 ) - Jack Harper , Stan 's Conductor Mutiny on the Buses ( 1972 ) - Jack Harper , Stan 's Conductor Holiday on the Buses ( 1973 ) - Jack Harper , Stan 's Conductor References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Custom byline text : Brian Pendreigh ( 2003 - 11 - 24 ) . `` Bob Grant Actor and writer best remembered for his role as the lecherous bus conductor in On the Buses '' . Herald Scotland . Retrieved 2013 - 01 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` Entertainment On the Buses TV star found dead '' . BBC News . 2003 - 11 - 19 . Retrieved 2013 - 01 - 01 . Jump up ^ 19 Nov 2003 ( 2003 - 11 - 19 ) . `` Bob Grant '' . Telegraph . Retrieved 2013 - 01 - 01 . Jump up ^ Hayward , Anthony `` Bob Grant ( obituary ) '' , 21 Nov. 2003 . Accessed 14 Apr. 2007 . External links ( edit ) Bob Grant on IMDb VIAF : 100324427 ISNI : 0000 0001 2031 4988 SUDOC : 120010240 BNF : cb14433782v ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : English male actors who committed suicide Alumni of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art English male film actors English male television actors English male stage actors People from Hammersmith Suicides by carbon monoxide poisoning Suicides in England 1932 births 2003 deaths Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from April 2017 All articles needing additional references Use dmy dates from June 2012 Use British English from June 2012 Pages to import images to Wikidata Articles with hCards Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Nederlands Suomi Edit links This page was last edited on 9 August 2017 , at 20 : 50 . About Wikipedia
1. Bob Grant - English actor, comedian, and writer 2. On the Buses - Television sitcom starring Bob Grant 3. Suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning - Cause of Bob Grant's death 4. Career struggles - Bob Grant's difficulty in getting other acting roles 5. Filmography - List of films and TV shows featuring Bob Grant
who does juliette end up with on lost
Juliet Burke - wikipedia Juliet Burke Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> Dr. Juliet Burke <Td_colspan="2"> Lost character <Td_colspan="2"> Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet Burke in 2006 . First appearance `` A Tale of Two Cities '' Last appearance `` LA X '' ( alive ) `` The End '' ( afterlife ) Created by J.J. Abrams Damon Lindelof Portrayed by Elizabeth Mitchell Centric episode ( s ) `` A Tale of Two Cities '' `` Not in Portland '' `` One Of Us '' `` The Other Woman '' `` The Incident , Part 2 '' <Th_colspan="2"> Information Species Human Gender Female Occupation Fertility doctor and OB / GYN , auto mechanic Relatives Rachel Carlson ( sister ) Julian Carlson ( nephew ) Nationality American Former residence Miami , Florida , United States Dr. Juliet Burke ( née Carlson ) is a fictional character on the ABC television series Lost played by Elizabeth Mitchell . She is among the group of people referred to as the Others by the survivors of Flight 815 on the Island . She is a medical fertility specialist who is recruited to the Island by Richard Alpert to solve the problem of women dying during pregnancy after conceiving on the Island . Being unable to leave , she suffers from several breakdowns , wishing to see her sister again . Being unsuccessful with solving the fertility problem , she is sent as a mole to the survivors , but quickly turned on Ben , the Others , later becoming close to Jack and the remaining survivors of the crash . After Jack and five others are rescued , she forms a relationship with James `` Sawyer '' Ford . The anti-heroine of the third season , Mitchell describes Juliet as being the bridge between Benjamin Linus and the other characters , as well as a `` little salt in the oyster of Jack and Kate . '' The character was conceived by the writers as the next possible love interest for Jack . Although , with the progression of the story , the direction of the character changed . Despite being described as making morally questionable mistakes , Juliet is a compassionate and intelligent individual who dedicates her time to helping others , but often feels conflicted over her own needs . The character has received significant praise and is often referred to as the series ' best female character . Mitchell 's performance has been lauded by television commentators and she was nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series in 2010 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Character 's background 1.1 Prior to arrival on the island 1.2 On the island , prior to the crash 1.3 Following the crash 1.3. 1 Season 3 1.3. 2 Season 4 1.3. 3 Season 5 1.3. 4 Season 6 1.4 Afterlife 2 Reception 3 References 4 External links Character 's background ( edit ) Prior to arrival on the island ( edit ) As a child , Juliet Carlson was devastated and angry to learn that her parents ( Michael Trisler and Amy Stewart ) were divorcing . Her mother claimed that although she and Juliet 's father loved each other , they were not meant to be together . This statement seemed to affect Juliet 's later outlook on relationships . Before coming to the island , she was a doctor and medical researcher , living in Miami near her sister Rachel ( Robin Weigert ) . Now going by her married name of Juliet Burke , she was working for her ex-husband , Edmund Burke , ( Željko Ivanek ) as a fertility scientist at Miami Central University . Edmund bullied an acquiescent Juliet and flaunted his sexual conquests , but despite her docile nature , Juliet was performing unauthorized experiments on her sister . Rachel 's reproductive system had been ravaged by chemotherapy , rendering her sterile . Juliet was attempting to restore her fertility . In 2001 , Juliet was approached by Mittelos Bioscience and offered a job where she would `` lead a team of highly trained people , '' according to Richard Alpert ( Nestor Carbonell ) . Claiming her ex-husband would never allow her to leave , Juliet jokingly said she would not be able to accept the job offer unless he were hit by a bus , before breaking down into tears and rushing out . When Juliet got home from the interview , her sister revealed to her that she was pregnant . Later that day , Juliet told Edmund the news . During their discussion , Edmund stepped off the sidewalk and into the street , only to be hit by a bus and die of his injuries . Richard showed up at the morgue with Ethan Rom ( William Mapother ) . They expressed their condolences and again asked her to join their company . Juliet accepted , believing that her job would only last six months . Soon after this , Rachel 's cancer went into remission . Upon arriving at a private airfield to depart for her new position with Mittelos , Juliet was unsettled at the amount of secrecy involved -- especially considering she did n't even know where the company was located . Richard then offered her orange juice he admitted was filled with tranquilizer . Sensing reservation on Juliet 's part , Richard revealed that her expertise as a fertility specialist -- especially her miraculous treatment of her sister -- was the reason for her recruitment , promising she would see things on the island that she would never have believed possible . Persuaded , Juliet drank the juice and quickly fell unconscious . On the island , prior to the crash ( edit ) Juliet awakens aboard the Others ' submarine , strapped down for safety . She is freed by Ethan and then disembarks to the island where she meets Ben Linus ( Michael Emerson ) . A week after she arrives on the island , in mid-September 2001 , she begins therapy with the Others ' resident psychologist , Dr. Harper Stanhope ( Andrea Roth ) . Their first discussion is cut short by Ben presenting her with a newly furnished house in the Barracks . Juliet is very appreciative , but protests as she is only going to be on the island for six months . Ben brushes off this fact . Later , in the Staff , she meets Goodwin Stanhope ( Brett Cullen ) , who is attempting to find ointment for a chemical burn on his arm . It later becomes apparent Goodwin is Harper 's estranged husband . For the next three years , she treats pregnant mothers per Ben 's orders , but with uniformly fatal results . At some point she also begins an affair with Goodwin . Harper later finds out about their relationship and confronts Juliet in one of their sessions . However , instead of being angry at Juliet , she offers her a warning that if their relationship is not ended , then there will be consequences , not from her , but from Ben . It is then alluded that Ben might have a crush on Juliet . Later she is discouraged by the lack of results in her work , but is forced to remain on the island `` until her work is done . '' Juliet seeks to return to her sister Rachel , but Ben reveals her cancer had returned -- she would be dead before Juliet arrives . However , he promises if Juliet stays , he will cure Rachel 's cancer . She accepts this , but becomes suspicious of Ben when she discovers his spinal tumor on an x-ray . She then confronts him , upset over his deception about no one on the island getting cancer . She tearfully asks to go home to her dying sister -- who she believed was never going to be cured -- but Ben refuses to let her go , creating hostility . The next day , a distraught Juliet prepares to host a book club when she is visited by Amelia ( Julie Adams ) . In deleted extras only on DVD , just as she is about to show Amelia the contents of a hidden envelope , the rest of the book club arrive . While discussing Carrie , Juliet and the rest of the Others witness Oceanic Flight 815 breaking up in the air and crashing on the island . Following the crash ( edit ) Immediately after the crash , Ben sends Ethan and Goodwin to investigate the crash and infiltrate any survivors . After exchanging a meaningful look with Harper , it becomes apparent to Juliet that Ben sent Goodwin in order to get him out of the way . Ben then takes Juliet with him to see Mikhail Bakunin ( Andrew Divoff ) at the Flame , who opens a live satellite connection to North America , where her seemingly healthy sister is shown playing with her now two - year - old son , Julien . Juliet breaks down crying and begs Ben to let her return home , but again Ben refuses . Several weeks later , Ben invites Juliet to his house , under the pretense of having a dinner party , however , it turns out to be a date . Juliet asks Ben about Goodwin , and Ben attempts to sow discord between the two by implying Goodwin is interested in a relationship with Ana - Lucia Cortez ( Michelle Rodriguez ) . Ben also gives Juliet his thanks for how she has consoled tail section survivors Zach ( Mickey Graue ) and Emma ( Kiersten Havelock ) . Several days later , Ben leads Juliet into the woods and they eventually come upon Goodwin 's impaled corpse . Juliet is deeply distressed , and accuses Ben of wanting Goodwin to die . Ben does not deny this , and Juliet asks why . Ben becomes upset , telling her that she should know . He goes on to state it is because `` You 're mine . '' His attitude then abruptly changes , and he informs Juliet that she should take as much time as she needs with the corpse , and leaves her alone , even more distressed and upset . Later , Juliet and Ben enter the Pearl station , where they watch Jack Shephard ( Matthew Fox ) from one of the monitors . Juliet mentions she thinks Jack is cute . She soon questions Ben 's motives for the planned kidnapping of Jack , to which he reveals his methods of persuasion . They leave shortly after , leaving behind a walkie - talkie , picked up by Paulo ( Rodrigo Santoro ) . When Michael Dawson ( Harold Perrineau ) is in captivity , Juliet visits him and informs him the Others have granted him a boat to leave the island . She also comments on how Walt Lloyd ( Malcolm David Kelley ) is `` special . '' Later , Juliet tells Ben how dangerous Walt is becoming when he does something in `` Room 23 '' . Ben tells Juliet he 's only a child , but Juliet then takes Ben to a pile of dead birds and tells him no child would do that . Season 3 ( edit ) Juliet is assigned to interrogate a captured Jack in the underwater section of the Hydra station . At first , Jack refuses to cooperate , almost flooding the room , but Juliet manages to break through to him . She mostly brings him his food , but when she is called in to operate on Colleen ( Paula Malcomson ) , she soon seeks Jack 's help . Colleen dies , and Juliet attends the funeral , where Ben asks her why she showed Jack his x-rays . When she is told to convince Jack to operate on Ben , she plays Jack a video of her holding up cue - cards , telling Jack to `` accidentally '' kill Ben during surgery . When a desperate Jack holds Ben hostage during surgery and angrily reveals Juliet 's plan , she claims Jack is bluffing . Ben wakes up during surgery and bargains with her to help Kate Austen ( Evangeline Lilly ) and Sawyer ( Josh Holloway ) escape in exchange for her freedom off the island . She finds them held at gunpoint by Pickett ( Michael Bowen ) , and kills him on the spot . She is then tried for her crime , but via a deal made by Jack , is spared execution by Ben . Instead , she is marked on her lower back and treated by Jack before returning to the barracks . Since returning , and after the capture of Kate and Sayid Jarrah ( Naveen Andrews ) , Ben instructs her to infiltrate the survivors ' camp in order to gain information on Kate , as well as other potentially pregnant women . She is then handcuffed to Kate and placed in the jungle , where she pretends to have been gassed and abandoned with her . However , after being chased by the `` Monster '' , Juliet unlocks the handcuffs , and shuts out the `` Monster '' using the sonar panel fence . The two return to camp , where Juliet frees Sayid . She migrates with the survivors soon after , under the protection of Jack . However , en route to retrieving medication for Claire Littleton ( Emilie de Ravin ) , she narrowly avoids an interrogation from Sayid and Sawyer , and manages to help Claire . Juliet also takes Sun Kwon ( Yunjin Kim ) to the Staff station upon learning of her pregnancy , and uses the equipment to perform a scan on her fetus ; she confirms she conceived on the island , and informs her that she has until her second trimester , in roughly two months . Soon after , Juliet confesses to Jack about her purpose for being in the camp . Later , Kate informs Jack and Juliet of Naomi Dorrit 's ( Marsha Thomason ) arrival , prompting them to leave abruptly . They find Rousseau in the jungle and form a plan . When they return , they discover Sawyer has played Juliet 's dictophone to the camp , revealing the notes she made on Sun 's pregnancy . She then reveals the Others intend on invading the camp and abducting the pregnant women . Juliet and Jack lead the camp into the jungle to demonstrate their plan to defeat the Others . However , when Karl ( Blake Bashoff ) arrives to warn them of their immediate arrival , Juliet discloses information on the Looking Glass station , used for blocking outgoing signals , before heading off to the radio tower with the majority of the camp . After witnessing Sayid 's plan backfire , Juliet gives Jack a kiss before parting and joins Sawyer in his rescue effort on the beach . After Hurley ( Jorge Garcia ) runs over one of the surviving Others with the van , Juliet corners Tom ( M.C. Gainey ) while Sawyer unexpectedly shoots him in cold blood . Season 4 ( edit ) In the season premiere , Juliet along with Sayid , Sawyer , Bernard and Jin Kwon ( Daniel Dae Kim ) , question Desmond Hume ( Henry Ian Cusick ) about the warning Charlie Pace ( Dominic Monaghan ) had given before he died . However Hurley interrupts and questions Desmond of Charlie 's whereabouts , Desmond tells them all Charlie had died , leaving the castaways devastated . Juliet is later present when Jack confronts John Locke ( Terry O'Quinn ) for the killing of Naomi and when the survivors split into two groups . Some survivors such as Sawyer , Hurley and Claire go with Locke to the barracks because they believe the people arriving at the Island will not rescue them . However , the majority including Juliet remain with Jack in hopes of getting rescued . Juliet , along with Sayid , disarm Daniel Faraday ( Jeremy Davies ) and Miles Straume ( Ken Leung ) who had Jack and Kate at gunpoint . Later , Frank Lapidus ( Jeff Fahey ) figures out Juliet was not on the plane and asks her where Ben is . When Faraday and Charlotte Lewis ( Rebecca Mader ) disappear without note from the camp , Juliet and Jack run into the jungle in search for the newcomers . Juliet is confronted by Harper -- her former therapist -- and ordered to kill Faraday and Charlotte , accused by Ben of heading to The Tempest chemical station , to kill everyone on the island . Juliet and Jack find Kate on their road to The Tempest , but as Jack treats Kate who was tied up and knocked unconscious by Charlotte , Juliet vanishes and pursues the two freighter people on her own . She finds them executing their mission in the station , and takes Faraday at gun point , just until Charlotte attacks her . When it turns out they are securing the station to prevent Ben from killing everyone on the island , she leaves them alone . Upon reuniting outside -- and discussing the threat posed by a possessive Ben -- Juliet and Jack share a kiss . Once it is revealed Jack was suffering from appendicitis , Juliet operates on him . Following the operation , Juliet reveals to Kate they kissed and it was only for Jack to prove to himself that he did n't have feelings for someone else . Once Kate leaves , Juliet tells Jack she knows he is awake and he has overheard the conversation . Later , when Daniel is evacuating people to the Kahana by Zodiac , Juliet chooses to stay behind until everyone is safe . Later , Sawyer emerges from the ocean and encounters her on the beach , drinking a bottle of rum . He asks her what she is celebrating , and she replies she is not celebrating , and motions to a billow of smoke over the ocean . Sawyer then asks `` Is that our boat ? '' , and Juliet replies `` It was . '' Moments later , she disappears along with the rest of the island and its inhabitants when it 's moved to its new location . Season 5 ( edit ) Juliet remains with the Flight 815 survivors after the Island is moved , eventually staying with Sawyer and a few others after being separated from them during an attack by The Others . Juliet and Sawyer bond , which leads to Juliet deciding to stay with the other survivors once they join with the Dharma Initiative in the ' 70s . Over the next three years , she and Sawyer fall in love and develop a relationship , and are living together by the time Jack , Kate , and Hurley return . Once their cover is blown , Juliet and Sawyer attempt to flee Dharma . They are captured , and set to be shipped back to the mainland , but escape when they learn of Jack 's plan to destroy the Swan Station before it can be completed . Through flashbacks , it is revealed Juliet 's parents divorced when she was a child , telling her and her sister they still loved each other but were not meant to be together . Juliet later repeats this reason to Sawyer , believing he still has feelings for Kate . She decides instead to help Jack , hoping if his plan works , she will never meet Sawyer and thus never lose him . When the magnetic forces beneath the Swan become unstable in `` The Incident '' , Juliet is struck by a loose chain and pulled into the hole which has been drilled . Sawyer and Kate attempt to save her , but Juliet lets go to avoid having Sawyer and Kate die with her . Before she does , she admits she loves Sawyer more than anything . Juliet survives the fall , and - in the very last scene of season 5 - uses the last of her strength to strike the nuclear device Jack threw in earlier until it explodes . Season 6 ( edit ) Right at the moment of the blast of the `` Jughead '' bomb , Juliet and the survivors are thrown forward in time to 2007 . Juliet arrives buried under the rubble of the Hatch . Kate hears her cries for help and Sawyer and the others frantically begin to dig her out . Sawyer manages to reach her and Juliet says they should get a coffee sometime and reveals she has something important to tell him . However , before she can convey her message , she dies from her injuries . Sawyer emerges from the rubble carrying Juliet 's body and later he and Miles bury her . Sawyer forces Miles to ' read ' her ; he says the message is `` it worked '' but they do not understand what worked . In `` The Substitute , '' Juliet 's surname - Burke - was seen on Jacob 's wall , crossed out with the number 58 next to it . Afterlife ( edit ) Juliet appears as a doctor at the hospital where Jack works . She performed an ultrasound on Sun to confirm her child was all right as Sun recovered from a gunshot wound . Upon entering the room , Juliet says they do n't speak English so she 'll speak as little as possible . Juliet asked if they wanted to know the sex of the child . Sun and Jin remembered their lives and with it , remembered how to speak English and tell Juliet they know it 's a girl . Juliet tells them , for the record , their English is fine . Meeting Jack at St Sebastian , she takes David ( her and Jack 's son in the alternate time line ) with her to the concert . While waiting to gain entry , she receives a message , and she must return to the Hospital . Upon arrival , she meets Sawyer , at the hospital vending machines . Juliet explains to James how to get the candy he 'd just purchased out of the machine which did n't dispense correctly , by switching it off and back on . After James does this and the candy falls out of the machine , Juliet tells Sawyer `` it worked '' ( her dying words in the original timeline ) . As Juliet passes the candy retrieved from the machine they brush fingers , and have flashes of their lives together , where they were in love . Remembering each other , they embrace and kiss passionately . Juliet and Sawyer make their way to the church , where they reunite with other former denizens of the Island . After Christian Shephard opens the doors of the church , she moves on to the next reality while holding hands with Sawyer , her island lover . Reception ( edit ) Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune declared Juliet the `` Best female villain of the fall of 2006 '' , saying up until the third season she thought Benjamin Linus ( Michael Emerson ) , was the `` most chilling villain '' on Lost , but Juliet is even scarier . Entertainment Weekly describes `` scheming Juliet '' as a `` captivating minor character '' . BuddyTV Senior Writer Jon Lachonis commented Juliet 's centric episode `` One of Us '' was `` perhaps the most perfect episode of Lost ever produced , bar none . '' In this same review , he complimented Elizabeth Mitchell on her portrayal . Juliet has been considered by many critics and experts to be the strongest female character on the show , and is usually placed in the top ten outstanding characters of Lost by various critics and journalists , and is often placed in the top five . The character was listed in Wetpaint 's `` 10 Hottest Female Doctors on TV '' . Elizabeth Mitchell submitted the episode `` One of Us '' for consideration on her behalf in the category of `` Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series '' at the 2007 Emmy Awards , but was not nominated . In 2010 , she received an Emmy nomination for her appearance in the series finale , `` The End '' , this time in the guest actress category . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Dos Santos , Kristin , ( March 6 , 2008 ) `` Lost 's Elizabeth Mitchell Opens Up on Juliet , Jack and Her ' Constant ' Archived 2008 - 03 - 08 at the Wayback Machine . '' , E !. Retrieved on March 8 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Mahan , Colin , ( July 28 , 2006 ) `` Jack 's New Lost Love Archived 2011 - 06 - 04 at the Wayback Machine . '' , . Retrieved on March 9 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Mitchell , Elizabeth , ( April 8 , 2008 ) `` New Season Secrets ! : By the Fire '' . Lost : The Official Magazine , Titan Magazines . Issue # 16 . Jump up ^ DarkUFO Blogspot - Lost Mobisode , Episode 4 Archived 2007 - 11 - 29 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ DarkUFO Blogspot - Lost Mobisode , Episode 5 Archived 2007 - 12 - 05 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Lost - Episode Recaps - `` The Incident , pt. 2 '' `` . American Broadcasting Company . Archived from the original on June 27 , 2009 . Retrieved May 16 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Ryan , Maureen ( 2006 - 10 - 19 ) . `` Fall TV 's best new characters '' . The Watcher , Chicago Tribune . Archived from the original on 2008 - 01 - 21 . Retrieved 2008 - 11 - 08 . Jump up ^ Aubry D'Arminio , `` TV on DVD , '' Entertainment Weekly 1026 ( December 19 , 2008 ) : 58 . Jump up ^ Lachonis , Jon ( 2007 - 04 - 11 ) . `` Lost - 3.16 One of Us Recap '' . BuddyTV . Archived from the original on 2007 - 08 - 09 . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 03 . Jump up ^ Martin , Rebecca ( December 31 , 2011 ) . `` The 10 Hottest Female Doctors on TV '' . Wetpaint . The Cambio Network . Archived from the original on January 17 , 2013 . Retrieved January 25 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` 2007 Emmys CONFIRMED Episode Submissions '' . The Envelope Forum , Los Angeles Times . Archived from the original on 2007 - 08 - 22 . Retrieved 2007 - 06 - 18 . Jump up ^ Complete 2010 Primetime Emmy Nominations List Archived 2012 - 02 - 21 at WebCite External links ( edit ) Juliet Burke on Lostpedia , an external wiki <Th_colspan="2"> ( hide ) Lost <Td_colspan="2"> Awards and nominations Cast Soundtracks Episodes Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Characters Alex Rousseau Ana Lucia Cortez Ben Linus Boone Carlyle Charles Widmore Charlie Pace Charlotte Lewis Christian Shephard Claire Littleton Daniel Faraday Danielle Rousseau Desmond Hume Ethan Rom Frank Lapidus Hugo `` Hurley '' Reyes Ilana Verdansky Jack Shephard Jacob James `` Sawyer '' Ford Jin - Soo Kwon John Locke Juliet Burke Kate Austen Libby Smith Man in Black Martin Keamy Michael Dawson Miles Straume Mr. Eko Nikki and Paulo Penny Widmore Richard Alpert Rose and Bernard Nadler Sayid Jarrah Shannon Rutherford Sun - Hwa Kwon Tom Friendly Walt Lloyd Mythology Dharma Initiative Oceanic Airlines Related articles Find 815 Lost Experience Lost : Missing Pieces Lost : Via Domus <Td_colspan="2"> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lost ( TV series ) characters Fictional physicians Fictional obstetricians and gynaecologists Fictional mechanics Fictional characters from Miami Fictional murderers Fictional characters introduced in 2006 Time travelers Fictional female doctors Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Webarchive template webcite links Pages using deprecated image syntax All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from January 2013 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Български Dansk Español فارسی Français 한국어 Italiano Magyar Nederlands Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Suomi Svenska Türkçe Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 12 December 2017 , at 04 : 20 . 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1. Dr. Juliet Burke - Lost character 2. Elizabeth Mitchell - Portrayed Juliet Burke 3. Fertility doctor and OB/GYN 4. Recruited to the Island by Richard Alpert 5. Relationship with James "Sawyer" Ford
how many episodes of the last season of new girl
List of New Girl episodes - wikipedia List of New Girl episodes New Girl is an American television sitcom that premiered on Fox on September 20 , 2011 . Zooey Deschanel stars as Jessica `` Jess '' Day , a well - liked and bubbly woman who is trying to get over her surprise breakup with her boyfriend . With the help of her best friend Cece Parekh ( Hannah Simone ) , she finds a new place to stay when she moves in with three single guys : Nick Miller ( Jake Johnson ) , an underachieving bartender ; Schmidt ( Max Greenfield ) , who thinks of himself as a modern - day Casanova ; and Coach ( Damon Wayans , Jr . ) , who leaves the series in the next episode and is replaced by Winston Bishop ( Lamorne Morris ) , a former professional athlete who achieved modest success abroad and is adjusting to life back in the United States . Coach reappears in the series during seasons three , four , five and seven . On May 14 , 2017 , the series was renewed for a seventh and final season , which will feature eight episodes . On January 4 , 2018 , it was announced that the seventh and final season would premiere on April 10 , 2018 , and also it would end with a one - hour series finale , which was aired on May 15 , 2018 . During the course of the series , 146 episodes of New Girl aired over seven seasons . Contents 1 Series overview 2 Episodes 2.1 Season 1 ( 2011 -- 12 ) 2.2 Season 2 ( 2012 -- 13 ) 2.3 Season 3 ( 2013 -- 14 ) 2.4 Season 4 ( 2014 -- 15 ) 2.5 Season 5 ( 2016 ) 2.6 Season 6 ( 2016 -- 17 ) 2.7 Season 7 ( 2018 ) 3 References 4 External links Series overview ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> Season <Th_colspan="2"> Episodes <Th_colspan="2"> Originally aired First aired Last aired <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="2"> 24 <Td_colspan="1"> September 20 , 2011 ( 2011 - 09 - 20 ) May 8 , 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 08 ) <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="2"> 25 <Td_colspan="1"> September 25 , 2012 ( 2012 - 09 - 25 ) May 14 , 2013 ( 2013 - 05 - 14 ) <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="2"> 23 <Td_colspan="1"> September 17 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 17 ) May 6 , 2014 ( 2014 - 05 - 06 ) <Td_colspan="1"> <Td_colspan="2"> 22 <Td_colspan="1"> September 16 , 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 16 ) May 5 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 05 ) <Td_colspan="1"> 5 <Td_colspan="2"> 22 <Td_colspan="1"> January 5 , 2016 ( 2016 - 01 - 05 ) May 10 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 10 ) <Td_colspan="1"> 6 <Td_colspan="2"> 22 <Td_colspan="1"> September 20 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 20 ) April 4 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 04 ) <Td_colspan="1"> 7 <Td_colspan="2"> 8 <Td_colspan="1"> April 10 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 10 ) May 15 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 15 ) Episodes ( edit ) Season 1 ( 2011 -- 12 ) ( edit ) Main article : New Girl ( season 1 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) `` Pilot '' Jake Kasdan Elizabeth Meriwether September 20 , 2011 ( 2011 - 09 - 20 ) 1ATM79 10.28 `` Kryptonite '' Jake Kasdan Elizabeth Meriwether September 27 , 2011 ( 2011 - 09 - 27 ) 1ATM01 9.28 `` Wedding '' Jason Winer Donick Cary October 4 , 2011 ( 2011 - 10 - 04 ) 1ATM04 8.65 `` Naked '' Jake Kasdan J.J. Philbin November 1 , 2011 ( 2011 - 11 - 01 ) 1ATM02 7.42 5 5 `` Cece Crashes '' John Hamburg Rachel Axler November 8 , 2011 ( 2011 - 11 - 08 ) 1ATM03 6.84 6 6 `` Thanksgiving '' Miguel Arteta Berkley Johnson November 15 , 2011 ( 2011 - 11 - 15 ) 1ATM06 6.91 7 7 `` Bells '' Peyton Reed Luvh Rakhe November 29 , 2011 ( 2011 - 11 - 29 ) 1ATM05 7.59 8 8 `` Bad in Bed '' Jesse Peretz Josh Malmuth December 6 , 2011 ( 2011 - 12 - 06 ) 1ATM07 6.79 9 9 `` The 23rd '' Jason Winer Donick Cary December 13 , 2011 ( 2011 - 12 - 13 ) 1ATM10 6.82 10 10 `` The Story of the 50 '' Troy Miller Luvh Rakhe January 17 , 2012 ( 2012 - 01 - 17 ) 1ATM08 6.97 11 11 `` Jess and Julia '' Jake Kasdan Story by : Luvh Rakhe Teleplay by : Elizabeth Meriwether & Luvh Rakhe January 31 , 2012 ( 2012 - 01 - 31 ) 1ATM12 7.29 12 12 `` The Landlord '' Peyton Reed Story by : Joe Port & Joe Wiseman Teleplay by : Berkley Johnson & Josh Malmuth February 7 , 2012 ( 2012 - 02 - 07 ) 1ATM11 6.83 13 13 `` Valentine 's Day '' Tucker Gates Lesley Wake Webster February 14 , 2012 ( 2012 - 02 - 14 ) 1ATM13 6.47 14 14 `` Bully '' Dan Attias David Walpert February 21 , 2012 ( 2012 - 02 - 21 ) 1ATM15 6.27 15 15 `` Injured '' Lynn Shelton Story by : Joe Port & Joe Wiseman and J.J. Philbin Teleplay by : J.J. Philbin March 6 , 2012 ( 2012 - 03 - 06 ) 1ATM09 6.00 16 16 `` Control '' Jesse Peretz Brett Baer & Dave Finkel March 13 , 2012 ( 2012 - 03 - 13 ) 1ATM14 5.74 17 17 `` Fancyman '' ( Part 1 ) Peyton Reed J.J. Philbin & Nick Adams March 20 , 2012 ( 2012 - 03 - 20 ) 1ATM16 5.18 18 18 `` Fancyman '' ( Part 2 ) Matt Shakman Berkley Johnson & Kim Rosenstock March 27 , 2012 ( 2012 - 03 - 27 ) 1ATM17 4.96 19 19 `` Secrets '' David Wain Josh Malmuth April 3 , 2012 ( 2012 - 04 - 03 ) 1ATM18 4.59 20 20 `` Normal '' Jesse Peretz Luvh Rakhe April 10 , 2012 ( 2012 - 04 - 10 ) 1ATM19 5.23 21 21 `` Kids '' Tristram Shapeero Donick Cary & Lesley Wake Webster April 17 , 2012 ( 2012 - 04 - 17 ) 1ATM20 5.22 22 22 `` Tomatoes '' Michael Spiller David Walpert & Kim Rosenstock April 24 , 2012 ( 2012 - 04 - 24 ) 1ATM21 5.20 23 23 `` Backslide '' Nanette Burstein David Quandt May 1 , 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 01 ) 1ATM22 4.40 24 24 `` See Ya '' Michael Spiller Story by : Elizabeth Meriwether Teleplay by : Brett Baer & Dave Finkel May 8 , 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 08 ) 1ATM23 5.61 Season 2 ( 2012 -- 13 ) ( edit ) Main article : New Girl ( season 2 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) 25 `` Re-Launch '' Steve Pink Kay Cannon September 25 , 2012 ( 2012 - 09 - 25 ) 2ATM01 5.35 26 `` Katie '' Larry Charles Elizabeth Meriwether September 25 , 2012 ( 2012 - 09 - 25 ) 2ATM02 5.18 27 `` Fluffer '' Fred Goss J.J. Philbin October 2 , 2012 ( 2012 - 10 - 02 ) 2ATM04 4.99 28 `` Neighbors '' Steve Pink Berkley Johnson October 9 , 2012 ( 2012 - 10 - 09 ) 2ATM03 4.94 29 5 `` Models '' Eric Appel Josh Malmuth October 23 , 2012 ( 2012 - 10 - 23 ) 2ATM05 5.16 30 6 `` Halloween '' Jesse Peretz David Iserson October 30 , 2012 ( 2012 - 10 - 30 ) 2ATM06 4.75 31 7 `` Menzies '' Jason Woliner Kim Rosenstock November 13 , 2012 ( 2012 - 11 - 13 ) 2ATM07 4.35 32 8 `` Parents '' Jesse Peretz Ryan Koh November 20 , 2012 ( 2012 - 11 - 20 ) 2ATM08 4.11 33 9 `` Eggs '' Neal Brennan Kay Cannon November 27 , 2012 ( 2012 - 11 - 27 ) 2ATM09 4.12 34 10 `` Bathtub '' Tristram Shapeero Donick Cary December 4 , 2012 ( 2012 - 12 - 04 ) 2ATM10 4.10 35 11 `` Santa '' Craig Zisk Luvh Rakhe December 11 , 2012 ( 2012 - 12 - 11 ) 2ATM11 4.18 36 12 `` Cabin '' Alec Berg J.J. Philbin January 8 , 2013 ( 2013 - 01 - 08 ) 2ATM12 3.78 37 13 `` A Father 's Love '' Jake Kasdan Berkley Johnson & Josh Malmuth January 15 , 2013 ( 2013 - 01 - 15 ) 2ATM13 3.65 38 14 `` Pepperwood '' Lynn Shelton Nick Adams January 22 , 2013 ( 2013 - 01 - 22 ) 2ATM14 4.05 39 15 `` Cooler '' Max Winkler Rebecca Addelman January 29 , 2013 ( 2013 - 01 - 29 ) 2ATM15 4.74 40 16 `` Table 34 '' Tristram Shapeero David Iserson February 5 , 2013 ( 2013 - 02 - 05 ) 2ATM16 4.83 41 17 `` Parking Spot '' Fred Goss Rebecca Addelman February 19 , 2013 ( 2013 - 02 - 19 ) 2ATM17 4.31 42 18 `` TinFinity '' Max Winkler Kim Rosenstock & Josh Malmuth February 26 , 2013 ( 2013 - 02 - 26 ) 2ATM18 4.29 43 19 `` Quick Hardening Caulk '' Lorene Scafaria Story by : Brett Baer & Dave Finkel Teleplay by : Ryan Koh March 19 , 2013 ( 2013 - 03 - 19 ) 2ATM19 4.26 44 20 `` Chicago '' Jake Kasdan Luvh Rakhe March 26 , 2013 ( 2013 - 03 - 26 ) 2ATM20 4.19 45 21 `` First Date '' Lynn Shelton J.J. Philbin & Berkley Johnson April 4 , 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 04 ) 2ATM22 4.77 46 22 `` Bachelorette Party '' Matt Sohn Kay Cannon & Sophia Lear April 9 , 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 09 ) 2ATM21 4.09 47 23 `` Virgins '' Alec Berg Elizabeth Meriwether April 30 , 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 30 ) 2ATM23 3.57 48 24 `` Winston 's Birthday '' Max Winkler Brett Baer & Dave Finkel May 7 , 2013 ( 2013 - 05 - 07 ) 2ATM24 3.94 49 25 `` Elaine 's Big Day '' Jake Kasdan Christian Magalhães & Bob Snow May 14 , 2013 ( 2013 - 05 - 14 ) 2ATM25 4.07 Season 3 ( 2013 -- 14 ) ( edit ) Main article : New Girl ( season 3 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) 50 `` All In '' Max Winkler Elizabeth Meriwether September 17 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 17 ) 3ATM01 5.53 51 `` Nerd '' Fred Goss Kay Cannon September 24 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 24 ) 3ATM02 4.04 52 `` Double Date '' Max Winkler Luvh Rakhe October 1 , 2013 ( 2013 - 10 - 01 ) 3ATM03 3.85 53 `` The Captain '' Fred Goss J.J. Philbin October 8 , 2013 ( 2013 - 10 - 08 ) 3ATM04 3.96 54 5 `` The Box '' Andy Fleming Rob Rosell October 15 , 2013 ( 2013 - 10 - 15 ) 3ATM05 3.45 55 6 `` Keaton '' David Katzenberg Dave Finkel & Brett Baer October 22 , 2013 ( 2013 - 10 - 22 ) 3ATM06 3.74 56 7 `` Coach '' Russ Alsobrook David Feeney November 5 , 2013 ( 2013 - 11 - 05 ) 3ATM07 3.85 57 8 `` Menus '' Trent O'Donnell Matt Fusfeld & Alex Cuthbertson November 12 , 2013 ( 2013 - 11 - 12 ) 3ATM08 3.36 58 9 `` Longest Night Ever '' Nicholas Jasenovec Ryan Koh November 19 , 2013 ( 2013 - 11 - 19 ) 3ATM09 3.26 59 10 `` Thanksgiving III '' Max Winkler Josh Malmuth November 26 , 2013 ( 2013 - 11 - 26 ) 3ATM10 3.51 60 11 `` Clavado En Un Bar '' Eric Appel Berkley Johnson January 7 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 07 ) 3ATM11 3.20 61 12 `` Basketsball '' Lorene Scafaria Rebecca Addelman January 14 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 14 ) 3ATM13 3.24 62 13 `` Birthday '' Richie Keen Kim Rosenstock January 21 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 21 ) 3ATM12 3.75 63 14 `` Prince '' Fred Goss David Feeney & Rob Rosell February 2 , 2014 ( 2014 - 02 - 02 ) 3ATM15 26.30 64 15 `` Exes '' Alex Hardcastle Nina Pedrad February 4 , 2014 ( 2014 - 02 - 04 ) 3ATM14 3.48 65 16 `` Sister '' Max Winkler Matt Fusfeld & Alex Cuthbertson February 11 , 2014 ( 2014 - 02 - 11 ) 3ATM16 2.97 66 17 `` Sister II '' Bill Purple Ryan Koh & Luvh Rakhe February 25 , 2014 ( 2014 - 02 - 25 ) 3ATM17 2.84 67 18 `` Sister III '' Jay Chandrasekhar Camilla Blackett March 4 , 2014 ( 2014 - 03 - 04 ) 3ATM18 2.93 68 19 `` Fired Up '' Steve Welch Sophia Lear March 11 , 2014 ( 2014 - 03 - 11 ) 3ATM19 2.48 69 20 `` Mars Landing '' Lynn Shelton Josh Malmuth & Nina Pedrad March 25 , 2014 ( 2014 - 03 - 25 ) 3ATM20 2.49 70 21 `` Big News '' Steven Tsuchida Berkley Johnson & Kim Rosenstock April 15 , 2014 ( 2014 - 04 - 15 ) 3ATM21 2.19 71 22 `` Dance '' Trent O'Donnell Rebecca Addelman & Ryan Koh April 29 , 2014 ( 2014 - 04 - 29 ) 3ATM22 2.20 72 23 `` Cruise '' Elizabeth Meriwether Luvh Rakhe & Rob Rosell May 6 , 2014 ( 2014 - 05 - 06 ) 3ATM23 2.40 Season 4 ( 2014 -- 15 ) ( edit ) Main article : New Girl ( season 4 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) 73 `` The Last Wedding '' Trent O'Donnell J.J. Philbin September 16 , 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 16 ) 4ATM01 3.04 74 `` Dice '' Lynn Shelton Matt Fusfeld & Alex Cuthbertson September 23 , 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 23 ) 4ATM02 2.35 75 `` Julie Berkman 's Older Sister '' Fred Goss Nina Pedrad September 30 , 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 30 ) 4ATM03 2.37 76 `` Micro '' Jay Chandrasekhar Josh Malmuth October 7 , 2014 ( 2014 - 10 - 07 ) 4ATM04 2.61 77 5 `` Landline '' Trent O'Donnell Rob Rosell October 14 , 2014 ( 2014 - 10 - 14 ) 4ATM05 2.26 78 6 `` Background Check '' Lorene Scafaria Rebecca Addelman November 4 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 04 ) 4ATM06 3.38 79 7 `` Goldmine '' Russ Alsobrook Berkley Johnson November 11 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 11 ) 4ATM07 3.04 80 8 `` Teachers '' Trent O'Donnell Kim Rosenstock November 18 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 18 ) 4ATM08 2.83 81 9 `` Thanksgiving IV '' Fred Goss David Feeney November 25 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 25 ) 4ATM09 2.77 82 10 `` Girl Fight '' Bill Purple Danielle Sanchez - Witzel December 2 , 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 02 ) 4ATM10 3.00 83 11 `` LAXmas '' Trent O'Donnell Matt Fusfeld & Alex Cuthbertson December 9 , 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 09 ) 4ATM11 3.28 84 12 `` Shark '' Alex Hardcastle Jacob Brown & Rob Rosell January 6 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 06 ) 4ATM12 3.19 85 13 `` Coming Out '' Bill Purple Sophia Lear January 13 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 13 ) 4ATM13 2.90 86 14 `` Swuit '' Trent O'Donnell Noah Garfinkel February 3 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 03 ) 4ATM14 2.96 87 15 `` The Crawl '' Jay Chandrasekhar Kim Rosenstock February 10 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 10 ) 4ATM15 2.71 88 16 `` Oregon '' Russ Alsobrook Nina Pedrad February 17 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 17 ) 4ATM16 3.08 89 17 `` Spiderhunt '' Steve Welch Berkley Johnson February 24 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 24 ) 4ATM17 2.85 90 18 `` Walk of Shame '' Christine Gernon Danielle Sanchez - Witzel March 3 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 03 ) 4ATM18 2.53 91 19 `` The Right Thing '' Erin O'Malley Matt Fusfeld & Alex Cuthbertson March 31 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 31 ) 4ATM19 2.32 92 20 `` Par 5 '' Trent O'Donnell Lamorne Morris & Rob Rosell April 7 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 07 ) 4ATM20 2.14 93 21 `` Panty Gate '' Reginald Hudlin David Feeney & Veronica McCarthy April 28 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 28 ) 4ATM21 2.07 94 22 `` Clean Break '' Trent O'Donnell Story by : Rebecca Addelman Teleplay by : Rebecca Addelman & Kim Rosenstock May 5 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 05 ) 4ATM22 2.22 Season 5 ( 2016 ) ( edit ) Main article : New Girl ( season 5 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) 95 `` Big Mama P '' Erin O'Malley Berkley Johnson January 5 , 2016 ( 2016 - 01 - 05 ) 5ATM03 3.33 96 `` What About Fred '' Eric Appel Matt Fusfeld & Alex Cuthbertson January 12 , 2016 ( 2016 - 01 - 12 ) 5ATM01 3.25 97 `` Jury Duty '' Trent O'Donnell Josh Malmuth & Nina Pedrad January 19 , 2016 ( 2016 - 01 - 19 ) 5ATM02 2.95 98 `` No Girl '' Elizabeth Meriwether Rob Rosell January 26 , 2016 ( 2016 - 01 - 26 ) 5ATM04 2.84 99 5 `` Bob & Carol & Nick & Schmidt '' Jake Johnson Rob Rosell February 2 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 02 ) 5ATM05 2.94 100 6 `` Reagan '' Trent O'Donnell Kim Rosenstock February 9 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 09 ) 5ATM06 3.10 101 7 `` Wig '' Christine Gernon David Feeney February 16 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 16 ) 5ATM07 2.80 102 8 `` The Decision '' Trent O'Donnell Luvh Rakhe February 23 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 23 ) 5ATM08 2.68 103 9 `` Heat Wave '' Erin O'Malley Matt Fusfeld & Alex Cuthbertson March 1 , 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 01 ) 5ATM09 2.62 104 10 `` Goosebumps Walkaway '' Trent O'Donnell Berkley Johnson March 8 , 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 08 ) 5ATM10 2.65 105 11 `` The Apartment '' Christine Gernon Nina Pedrad March 15 , 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 15 ) 5ATM11 2.30 106 12 `` D - Day '' Michael Schultz Josh Malmuth March 22 , 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 22 ) 5ATM12 2.25 107 13 `` Sam , Again '' Steve Welch Ethan Sandler & Adrian Wenner March 29 , 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 29 ) 5ATM13 2.21 108 14 `` 300 Feet '' Trent O'Donnell Sophia Lear April 12 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 12 ) 5ATM14 2.65 109 15 `` Jeff Day '' Jay Chandrasekhar Joe Wengert April 19 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 19 ) 5ATM15 1.92 110 16 `` Helmet '' Josh Greenbaum Sarah Nevada Smith April 19 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 19 ) 5ATM18 1.92 111 17 `` Road Trip '' Trent O'Donnell Noah Garfinkel April 26 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 26 ) 5ATM16 2.42 112 18 `` A Chill Day In '' Erin O'Malley Sarah Tapscott April 26 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 26 ) 5ATM17 1.87 113 19 `` Dress '' Trent O'Donnell David Feeney & Josh Malmuth May 3 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 03 ) 5ATM19 2.27 114 20 `` Return to Sender '' Russ Alsobrook Veronica McCarthy May 3 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 03 ) 5ATM20 1.88 115 21 `` Wedding Eve '' Trent O'Donnell Nina Pedrad & Kim Rosenstock May 10 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 10 ) 5ATM21 2.34 116 22 `` Landing Gear '' Erin O'Malley Luvh Rakhe May 10 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 10 ) 5ATM22 2.17 Season 6 ( 2016 -- 17 ) ( edit ) Main article : New Girl ( season 6 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) 117 `` House Hunt '' Zooey Deschanel Luvh Rakhe September 20 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 20 ) 6ATM01 2.31 118 `` Hubbedy Bubby '' Steve Welch Sarah Tapscott September 27 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 27 ) 6ATM02 2.03 119 `` Single and Sufficient '' Michael Schultz Kim Rosenstock & Joe Wengert October 4 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 04 ) 6ATM03 2.03 120 `` Homecoming '' Trent O'Donnell Matt Fusfeld & Alex Cuthbertson October 11 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 11 ) 6ATM04 1.95 121 5 `` Jaipur Aviv '' Erin O'Malley Berkley Johnson October 18 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 18 ) 6ATM05 1.81 122 6 `` Ready '' Trent O'Donnell Noah Garfinkel November 15 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 15 ) 6ATM07 1.94 123 7 `` Last Thanksgiving '' Trent O'Donnell Joni Lefkowitz November 22 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 22 ) 6ATM08 1.76 124 8 `` James Wonder '' Trent O'Donnell Ethan Sandler & Adrian Wenner November 29 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 29 ) 6ATM06 1.81 125 9 `` Es Good '' Trent O'Donnell Rob Rosell December 6 , 2016 ( 2016 - 12 - 06 ) 6ATM09 1.73 126 10 `` Christmas Eve Eve '' Trent O'Donnell Sophia Lear December 13 , 2016 ( 2016 - 12 - 13 ) 6ATM10 1.62 127 11 `` Raisin 's Back '' Dana Fox Eliot Glazer January 3 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 03 ) 6ATM11 2.48 128 12 `` The Cubicle '' Jay Chandrasekhar Kim Rosenstock January 10 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 10 ) 6ATM12 2.48 129 13 `` Cece 's Boys '' Trent O'Donnell Joe Wengert January 17 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 17 ) 6ATM13 2.37 130 14 `` The Hike '' Josh Greenbaum Sarah Tapscott January 24 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 24 ) 6ATM14 2.35 131 15 `` Glue '' Trent O'Donnell Marquita J. Robinson February 7 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 07 ) 6ATM15 2.23 132 16 `` Operation : Bobcat '' Steve Welch Lamar Woods February 14 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 14 ) 6ATM16 2.13 133 17 `` Rumspringa '' Josh Greenbaum Sophia Lear & Noah Garfinkel February 21 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 21 ) 6ATM17 2.25 134 18 `` Young Adult '' Jay Chandrasekhar Jason Daugherity February 28 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 28 ) 6ATM18 2.09 135 19 `` Socalyalcon VI '' Trent O'Donnell Berkley Johnson March 14 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 14 ) 6ATM20 1.79 136 20 `` Misery '' Erin O'Malley Luvh Rakhe March 21 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 21 ) 6ATM21 1.98 137 21 `` San Diego '' Trent O'Donnell David Feeney & Rob Rosell March 28 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 28 ) 6ATM22 2.16 138 22 `` Five Stars for Beezus '' Erin O'Malley Elizabeth Meriwether April 4 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 04 ) 6ATM19 2.00 Season 7 ( 2018 ) ( edit ) Main article : New Girl ( season 7 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) 139 `` About Three Years Later '' Erin O'Malley Berkley Johnson April 10 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 10 ) 7ATM01 1.83 140 `` Tuesday Meeting '' Josh Greenbaum Sarah Tapscott April 17 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 17 ) 7ATM02 1.58 141 `` Lillypads '' Trent O'Donnell J.J. Philbin April 24 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 24 ) 7ATM03 1.51 142 `` Where the Road Goes '' Michael Schultz Noah Garfinkel May 1 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 01 ) 7ATM04 1.33 143 5 `` Godparents '' Lamorne Morris Lamar Woods May 8 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 08 ) 7ATM05 1.32 144 6 `` Mario '' Jay Chandrasekhar Joe Wengert May 8 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 08 ) 7ATM06 1.32 145 7 `` The Curse of the Pirate Bride '' Josh Greenbaum Ann Kim May 15 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 15 ) 7ATM07 1.47 146 8 `` Engram Pattersky '' Erin O'Malley Story by : Dave Finkel & Brett Baer Teleplay by : Elizabeth Meriwether May 15 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 15 ) 7ATM08 1.47 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Adreeva , Nellie . `` ' New Girl ' : Final Season Details & How Last - Minute Renewal Was Clinched '' . . Retrieved 15 May 2017 . Jump up ^ Schwartz , Ryan . `` New Girl Season 7 Premiere Date Set '' . TVLine . Retrieved 19 January 2018 . 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Jump up ^ Kondolojy , Amanda ( May 6 , 2015 ) . `` Tuesday Final Ratings : ' The Voice ' Adjusted Up ; ' iZombie ' Adjusted Down + No Adjustment for ' The Flash ' or ' Person of Interest ' '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 6 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 6 , 2015 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' NCIS ' and ' NCIS : New Orleans ' adjust up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 13 , 2015 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' New Girl ' adjusts up , ' Hollywood Game Night ' adjusts down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 13 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 21 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' Chicago Fire ' and ' Hollywood Game Night ' adjust up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 21 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 27 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' Chicago Med ' adjusts up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 27 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 3 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' The Muppets ' adjusts up , ' iZombie ' adjusts down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 10 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' Muppets , ' ' iZombie , ' ' NCIS : New Orleans ' and ' Grinder ' all adjust down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 10 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 17 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' Hollywood Game Night ' and ' iZombie ' adjust down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 17 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 24 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' Agent Carter ' adjusts up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 2 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday Final Ratings : ' New Girl ' adjusts up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 2 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 9 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday Final Ratings : ' Limitless ' and ' NCIS : New Orleans ' rerun adjust up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 9 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 16 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday Final Ratings : ' Crowded ' adjusts down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 16 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 23 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday Final Ratings : ' The Voice ' adjusts up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 23 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 30 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday Final Ratings : ' The Voice ' adjusts up , ' Chicago Fire ' and ' Beyond the Tank ' adjust down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 30 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 13 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' The Voice ' adjusts up , ' Game of Silence ' and ' Beyond the Tank ' adjust down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 13 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Porter , Rick ( April 20 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday Final Ratings : ' NCIS ' and ' The Flash ' adjust up , ' Containment ' adjusts down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 20 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Porter , Rick ( April 27 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' The Voice ' adjusts up , ' Containment ' adjusts down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 27 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Porter , Rick ( May 4 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' The Flash ' and ' Beyond the Tank ' adjust up , ' The Real O'Neals ' adjusts down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 5 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Porter , Rick ( May 11 , 2015 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' NCIS ' and ' NCIS : New Orleans ' adjust up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 11 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( September 21 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' NCIS , ' ' Brooklyn Nine - Nine ' adjust up , ' This Is Us ' & ' Bull ' steady '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved September 21 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( September 28 , 2016 ) . `` Tuesday final ratings : ' The Voice ' adjusts up , ' Scream Queens ' adjusts down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved September 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( October 5 , 2016 ) . `` ' NCIS ' and ' The Flash adjust up : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved October 5 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( October 12 , 2016 ) . `` ' The Voice , ' ' NCIS , ' ' Flash ' and ABC comedies adjust up , ' No Tomorrow ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved October 12 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( October 19 , 2016 ) . `` ' American Housewife ' and ' The Voice ' adjust up , ' Chicago Fire , ' ' SHIELD ' and ' Real O'Neals ' down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved October 19 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 16 , 2016 ) . `` ' New Girl ' adjusts up , all others hold : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 16 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 23 , 2016 ) . `` ' American Housewife ' adjusts up , everything else holds : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 23 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( December 1 , 2016 ) . `` ' Fresh Off the Boat ' & ' American Housewife ' adjust up , ' No Tomorrow ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 1 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( December 7 , 2016 ) . `` ' NCIS ' adjusts up , ' Agents of SHIELD ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( December 14 , 2016 ) . `` ' NCIS ' adjusts down , ' Voice ' finale holds : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 14 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 5 , 2017 ) . `` ' Chicago PD , ' ' The Mick ' and others unchanged : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 11 , 2017 ) . `` ' The Mick ' and ' This Is Us ' adjust up , ' Bones ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 11 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 19 , 2017 ) . `` ' Fresh Off the Boat ' adjusts up : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 25 , 2017 ) . `` ' Chicago Fire ' adjusts up , ' Agents of SHIELD ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 8 , 2017 ) . `` ' The Middle , ' ' The Wall , ' This Is Us , ' FOX comedies all adjust up : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 8 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 15 , 2017 ) . `` ' American Housewife ' adjusts up , ' Agents of SHIELD ' and ' Tough Mudder ' adjust down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 23 , 2017 ) . `` ' The Flash , ' ' NCIS , ' all others unchanged : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 23 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 1 , 2017 ) . `` ' Fresh Off the Boat , ' ' Real O'Neals ' adjust down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 16 , 2017 ) . `` ' This Is Us ' finishes with season highs : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 22 , 2017 ) . `` ' The Voice ' and ' The Flash ' adjust up : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 29 , 2017 ) . `` ' The Flash ' adjusts up and avoids new series low , ' Legends of Tomorrow ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 29 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 5 , 2017 ) . `` ' NCIS ' and ' The Middle ' adjust up : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 11 , 2018 ) . `` Roseanne , The Middle , Lethal Weapon adjust up , Black - ish down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 11 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 18 , 2018 ) . `` ' NCIS , ' ' Alex , Inc. , ' ' Lethal Weapon , ' ' The Flash ' adjust up , ' For the People ' down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 18 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 25 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Voice , ' ' Chicago Med , ' ' LA to Vegas ' adjust up , ' Rise ' and ' Deception ' down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 25 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( May 2 , 2018 ) . `` ' Roseanne ' and ' Chicago Med ' adjust up , ' The 100 ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 2 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Porter , Rick ( May 9 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Voice ' and ' Chicago Med ' adjust up , ' Bull ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 9 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Porter , Rick ( May 16 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Middle , ' ' NCIS , ' ' Chicago Med ' adjust up , ' The 100 ' adjusts down : Tuesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 16 , 2018 . External links ( edit ) Official website List of New Girl episodes on IMDb List of New Girl episodes at <Th_colspan="2"> New Girl <Td_colspan="2"> Awards and nominations Episodes Season 1 `` Pilot '' `` Normal '' `` Prince '' 5 6 7 Characters Jessica Day Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists of American romance television series episodes Lists of American sitcom television series episodes New Girl episodes Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from February 2015 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Čeština Deutsch Español Français Latviešu Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Српски / srpski 中文 4 more Edit links This page was last edited on 23 June 2018 , at 05 : 52 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
1. New Girl television sitcom 2. Zooey Deschanel as Jess Day 3. Roommates: Nick Miller, Schmidt, and Winston Bishop 4. Seven seasons and 146 episodes 5. Final season and series finale
who holds the nfl record for most rushing yards in a season
2,000 - yard club - wikipedia 2,000 - yard club Jump to : navigation , search Los Angeles Rams running back Eric Dickerson recorded an NFL - record 2,105 rushing yards in 1984 . The 2,000 - yard club is a group of seven National Football League ( NFL ) running backs that have rushed for 2,000 or more yards in a season . These seven rushing seasons rank as the highest single - season rushing totals in NFL history , and reaching the 2,000 - yard mark is considered a significant achievement for running backs . No running back has yet achieved this feat twice . The first 2,000 - yard season was recorded in 1973 by Buffalo Bills running back O.J. Simpson . He is the only player to have surpassed 2,000 yards in a 14 - game season , as all others occurred in 16 - game seasons ; he finished the season with 2,003 rushing yards , averaging six yards per carry and an NFL - record 143.1 rushing yards per game . Los Angeles Rams running back Eric Dickerson , who had broken the single - season rookie rushing record in 1983 , recorded the second 2,000 - yard season in 1984 . Dickerson rushed for 2,105 yards , the current NFL rushing record , and averaged 131.6 rushing yards per game . Detroit Lions running back Barry Sanders recorded the third 2,000 - yard season in 1997 , rushing for 2,053 yards . At the age of 29 , Sanders was the oldest back to surpass 2,000 yards . Sanders had opened the season with only 53 yards through two games , but ran for 100 yards or more in each of the last 14 games of the season and averaged 6.1 yards per carry during the season . In 1998 Denver Broncos running back Terrell Davis became the fourth player to rush for over 2,000 yards , running for 2,008 yards . Davis also recorded 21 rushing touchdowns in his 2,000 - yard season , the only 2,000 yard rusher to do so . Davis had reached the 1,000 - yard mark only seven games into the season . Baltimore Ravens running back Jamal Lewis surpassed 2,000 yards in the 2003 season , recording 2,066 yards over the course of the season . 500 of these yards were recorded in two games against the Cleveland Browns , with Lewis rushing for a then - NFL record 295 yards in the first and recording 205 rushing yards in the second . Tennessee Titans running back Chris Johnson ran for 2,006 yards in 2009 , averaging 5.6 yards per carry , and also recorded an NFL - record 2,509 yards from scrimmage . Minnesota Vikings back Adrian Peterson is the most recent player to have surpassed 2,000 yards rushing , having finished the 2012 NFL season with 2,097 yards rushing , just 8 yards short of Dickerson 's record . Peterson had torn two ligaments in his left knee the previous year , making him the only player to have surpassed 2,000 yards after having reconstructive knee surgery the prior season . Out of the seven players to have recorded 2,000 - yard rushing seasons , all but one ( Dickerson ) won the AP NFL Offensive Player of the Year Award ; Simpson , Sanders , Davis , and Peterson also won the AP Most Valuable Player ( MVP ) award . Simpson , Dickerson , Sanders and Davis are each members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame , which `` honor ( s ) individuals who have made outstanding contributions to professional football '' ; Lewis has not been voted in , and Johnson and Peterson are not yet eligible . Contents ( hide ) 1 Key 2 2,000 - yard rushers 3 Notes 4 General references 5 External links Key ( edit ) Buffalo Bills ' O.J. Simpson pictured in the game where he became the first running back to gain over 2,000 yards in a season on Dec. 16 , 1973 . Simpson led the NFL in rushing in 1972 , 1973 , 1975 , and 1976 . Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson is the most recent player to have recorded 2,000 rushing yards in a season . Key Symbol Meaning No . Number of the player , ranked by the time he surpassed 2,000 rushing yards Games Games in the season Att . Total rushing attempts Yds . Total rushing yards TD Total rushing touchdowns Y / A Rushing yards per attempt Y / G Rushing yards per game Fumb . Total fumbles MVP AP Most Valuable Player OPOY AP Offensive Player of the Year HOF Pro Football Hall of Fame member Active NFL player N / E Not yet eligible for the Pro Football Hall of Fame 2,000 - yard rushers ( edit ) List of players with 2,000 or more rushing yards in a season No . Season Player Team Games Att . Yds . TDs Y / A Y / G Fumb . MVP OPOY HOF Retired Ref 1973 O.J. Simpson Buffalo Bills 14 332 2,003 12 6.0 143.1 7 Yes Yes 1985 Yes 1984 Eric Dickerson Los Angeles Rams 16 379 2,105 14 5.6 131.6 14 No No 1999 Yes 1997 Barry Sanders Detroit Lions 16 335 2,053 11 6.1 128.3 Yes Yes Yes 1998 Terrell Davis Denver Broncos 16 392 2,008 21 5.1 125.5 Yes Yes 2017 Yes 5 2003 Jamal Lewis Baltimore Ravens 16 387 2,066 14 5.3 129.1 8 No Yes No Yes 6 2009 Chris Johnson Tennessee Titans 16 358 2,006 14 5.6 125.4 No Yes N / E No 7 2012 Adrian Peterson Minnesota Vikings 16 348 2,097 12 6.0 131.1 Yes Yes N / E No Notes ( edit ) Notes ^ Jump up to : To be eligible for induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame , the candidate must have been retired for at least five years . Footnotes ^ Jump up to : `` Minnesota Vikings ' Adrian Peterson joins the 2,000 - yard club '' . . December 30 , 2012 . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` NFL Single - Season Rushing Yards Leaders '' . . Retrieved March 17 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Adrian Peterson just misses record '' . . December 31 , 2012 . Retrieved March 17 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Bender , Bill ( December 23 , 2012 ) . `` Adrian Peterson has one more week to enter elite 2,000 yard club '' . Sporting News . . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` NFL Single - Season Rushing Leaders '' . Sports Illustrated . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Mission Statement '' . Pro Football Hall of Fame . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Hall of Famers : Selection Process FAQ '' . Pro Football Hall of Fame . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` O.J. Simpson AFL & NFL Football Statistics '' . . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Eric Dickerson NFL Football Statistics '' . . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Barry Sanders NFL Football Statistics '' . . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Terrell Davis NFL Football Statistics '' . . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Jamal Lewis NFL Football Statistics '' . . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Chris Johnson NFL Football Statistics '' . . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Adrian Peterson NFL Football Statistics '' . . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . General references ( edit ) `` AP MVP winners '' . . Archived from the original on March 5 , 2013 . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . `` AP Offensive Player of the Year winners '' . . Archived from the original on March 5 , 2013 . Retrieved March 3 , 2013 . External links ( edit ) National Football League 250 best American Football League ( AFL ) and NFL rushing seasons <Th_colspan="2"> National Football League ( 2017 ) AFC <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="1"> East <Td_colspan="1"> North <Td_colspan="1"> South <Td_colspan="1"> West Buffalo Bills Miami Dolphins New England Patriots New York Jets Baltimore Ravens Cincinnati Bengals Cleveland Browns Pittsburgh Steelers Houston Texans Indianapolis Colts Jacksonville Jaguars Tennessee Titans Denver Broncos Kansas City Chiefs Los Angeles Chargers Oakland Raiders NFC <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="1"> East <Td_colspan="1"> North <Td_colspan="1"> South <Td_colspan="1"> West Dallas Cowboys New York Giants Philadelphia Eagles Washington Redskins Chicago Bears Detroit Lions Green Bay Packers Minnesota Vikings Atlanta Falcons Carolina Panthers New Orleans Saints Tampa Bay Buccaneers Arizona Cardinals Los Angeles Rams San Francisco 49ers Seattle Seahawks <Td_colspan="2"> Seasons Seasons ( by team ) Preseason Hall of Fame Game American Bowl Regular season Kickoff game Monday Night Football International Series Thanksgiving games Christmas games Playoffs Streaks Droughts AFC Championship NFC Championship Super Bowl champions quarterbacks Pro Bowl History League history Executive history Championship history AFL Championship ( 1960 -- 1969 ) NFL Championship ( 1920 -- 1969 ) Playoff Bowl Other Owners Officials Properties Stadiums ( chronology ) Timeline Defunct franchises Franchise moves and mergers Los Angeles team history Records individual team Super Bowl All time win -- loss Last undefeated Awards All - Pro Numbers ( retired ) Hall of Fame Lore Nicknames AFL Merger International Foreign players London Toronto Bills Series List of games played outside the U.S. Media TV NFL Network Radio Management Council Competition Committee Collective Bargaining Agreement NFLPA Player conduct Suspensions Player misconduct Combine Draft Training camp Rivalries NFL Foundation Tied games Canceled games Lockouts Controversies Cheerleading Mascots Color Rush <Th_colspan="2"> National Football League running backs with 2,000 rushing yards in a single season <Td_colspan="2"> 1973 : O.J. Simpson 1984 : Eric Dickerson 1997 : Barry Sanders 1998 : Terrell Davis 2003 : Jamal Lewis 2009 : Chris Johnson 2012 : Adrian Peterson <Th_colspan="2"> National Football League records and leaders General Super Bowl records Team playoff records Team records Individual records Games played Consecutive games and starts 99 - yard pass play All - purpose yards Scoring Passing Career Touchdowns Regular season Playoffs Yards 5,000 passing yards Completions Passer rating Wins Playoff win -- loss records Consecutive starts Consecutive games with a TD pass Annual Touchdowns Yards Completion percentage Rating Game Touchdowns Perfect passer rating 400 passing yards Rushing Career Touchdowns Yards Attempts Annual Touchdowns Yards 2,000 - yard club 1,000 - yard duos Receiving Career Touchdowns Yards Receptions Annual Touchdowns Yards Receptions Defense Career Sacks Interceptions Annual Sacks Interceptions Special teams Annual Punting yards Punt return yards Kickoff return yards Retrieved from ``,000-yard_club&oldid=803511146 '' Categories : National Football League National Football League records and achievements National Football League lists American football - related lists Talk Contents About Wikipedia Italiano 日本 語 Edit links This page was last edited on 3 October 2017 , at 00 : 00 . About Wikipedia
1. 2,000-yard club 2. NFL rushing records 3. O.J. Simpson's 2,000-yard season 4. Eric Dickerson's 2,000-yard season 5. Adrian Peterson's 2,000-yard season
describe any five impacts of the french revolution in the world
Influence of the French Revolution - wikipedia Influence of the French Revolution Jump to : navigation , search The French Revolution had a major impact on Europe and the New World . Historians widely regard the Revolution as one of the most important events in human history . In the short - term , France lost thousands of her countrymen in the form of émigrés , or emigrants who wished to escape political tensions and save their lives . A number of individuals settled in the neighboring countries ( chiefly Great Britain , Germany , Austria , and Prussia ) , however quite a few also went to the United States . The displacement of these Frenchmen led to a spread of French culture , policies regulating immigration , and a safe haven for Royalists and other counterrevolutionaries to outlast the violence of the French Revolution . The long - term impact on France was profound , shaping politics , society , religion and ideas , and polarizing politics for more than a century . The closer other countries were , the greater and deeper was the French impact , bringing liberalism and the end of many feudal or traditional laws and practices . However , there was also a conservative counter-reaction that defeated Napoleon , reinstalled the Bourbon kings , and in some ways reversed the new reforms . Most of the new nations created by the French were abolished and returned to prewar owners in 1814 . However , Frederick Artz emphasizes the benefits the Italians gained from the French Revolution : For nearly two decades the Italians had the excellent codes of law , a fair system of taxation , a better economic situation , and more religious and intellectual toleration than they had known for centuries ... Everywhere old physical , economic , and intellectual barriers had been thrown down and the Italians had begun to be aware of a common nationality . Likewise in Switzerland the long - term impact of the French Revolution has been assessed by Martin : It proclaimed the equality of citizens before the law , equality of languages , freedom of thought and faith ; it created a Swiss citizenship , basis of our modern nationality , and the separation of powers , of which the old regime had no conception ; it suppressed internal tariffs and other economic restraints ; it unified weights and measures , reformed civil and penal law , authorized mixed marriages ( between Catholics and Protestants ) , suppressed torture and improved justice ; it developed education and public works . The greatest impact came of course in France itself . In addition to effects similar to those in Italy and Switzerland , France saw the introduction of the principle of legal equality , and the downgrading of the once powerful and rich Catholic Church to just a bureau controlled by the government . Power became centralized in Paris , with its strong bureaucracy and an army supplied by conscripting all young men . French politics were permanently polarized -- new names were given , ' left ' and ' right ' for the supporters and opponents of the principles of the Revolution . Contents ( hide ) 1 Impact on France 2 Impact on Europe 2.1 French emigration 2.2 French conquests 2.3 Nationalism 2.4 Britain 2.5 Ireland 2.6 Germany 2.7 Switzerland 2.8 Belgium 2.9 Netherlands 2.10 Denmark and Sweden 3 Impact on the New World and beyond 3.1 United States 3.2 Haiti and Latin America 3.3 Middle East 4 See also 5 Notes 6 Further reading Impact on France ( edit ) Main article : French Revolution § France The changes in France were enormous ; some were widely accepted and others were bitterly contested into the late 20th century . Before the Revolution , the people had little power or voice . The kings had so thoroughly centralized the system that most nobles spent their time at Versailles , and played only a small direct role in their home districts . Thompson says that the kings had : ruled by virtue of their personal wealth , their patronage of the nobility , their disposal of ecclesiastical offices , their provincial governors ( intendants ) , their control over the judges and magistrates , and their command of the Army . After the first year of revolution , this power had been stripped away . The king was a figurehead , the nobility had lost all their titles and most of their land , the Church lost its monasteries and farmlands , bishops , judges and magistrates were elected by the people , the army was almost helpless , with military power in the hands of the new revolutionary National Guard . The central elements of 1789 were the slogan `` Liberté , égalité , fraternité '' and `` The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen '' , which Lefebvre calls `` the incarnation of the Revolution as a whole . '' The long - term impact on France was profound , shaping politics , society , religion and ideas , and polarizing politics for more than a century . Historian François Aulard writes : From the social point of view , the Revolution consisted in the suppression of what was called the feudal system , in the emancipation of the individual , in greater division of landed property , the abolition of the privileges of noble birth , the establishment of equality , the simplification of life ... The French Revolution differed from other revolutions in being not merely national , for it aimed at benefiting all humanity . '' Impact on Europe ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Europe was wracked by two decades of war revolving around France 's efforts to spread its revolutionary ideals , and the opposition of reactionary royalty , led by Britain and Austria . War broke out in 1792 as Austria and Prussia invaded France , but were defeated at the Battle of Valmy ( 1792 ) . French emigration ( edit ) Main article : French emigration ( 1789 -- 1815 ) To escape political tensions and save their lives , a number of individuals , mostly men , emigrated from France . Many settled in neighboring countries ( chiefly Great Britain , Germany , Austria , and Prussia ) , and quite a few went to the United States . The presence of these thousands of Frenchmen of varying socioeconomic backgrounds who had just fled a hotbed of revolutionary activity posed a problem for the nations that extended refuge to the migrants . The fear was that they brought with them a plot to disrupt the political order , which did lead to increased regulation and documentation of the influx of immigrants in neighboring countries . Still , most nations such as Britain remained magnanimous and welcomed the French . French conquests ( edit ) In foreign affairs , the French Army at first was quite successful . It conquered Belgium and turned it into another province of France . It conquered the Netherlands , and made it a puppet state . It took control of the German areas on the left bank of the Rhine River and set up a puppet regime . It conquered Switzerland and most of Italy , setting up a series of puppet states . The result was glory for France , and an infusion of much needed money from the conquered lands , which also provided direct support to the French Army . However the enemies of France , led by Britain and funded by the inexhaustible British Treasury , formed a Second Coalition in 1799 ( with Britain joined by Russia , the Ottoman Empire , and Austria ) . It scored a series of victories that rolled back French successes , and The French Army trapped in Egypt . Napoleon himself slipped through the British blockade in October 1799 , returning to Paris . Napoleon conquered most of Italy in the name of the French Revolution in 1797 -- 99 . He consolidated old units and split up Austria 's holdings . He set up a series of new republics , complete with new codes of law and abolition of old feudal privileges . Napoleon 's Cisalpine Republic was centered on Milan . Genoa the city became a republic while its hinterland became the Ligurian Republic . The Roman Republic was formed out of the papal holdings while the pope himself was sent to France . The Neapolitan Republic was formed around Naples , but it lasted only five months before the enemy forces of the Coalition recaptured it . In 1805 he formed the Kingdom of Italy , with himself as king and his stepson as viceroy . In addition , France turned the Netherlands into the Batavian Republic , and Switzerland into the Helvetic Republic . All these new countries where satellites of France , and had to pay large subsidies to Paris , as well as provide military support for Napoleon 's wars . Their political and administrative systems were modernized , the metric system introduced , and trade barriers reduced . Jewish ghettos were abolished . Belgium and Piedmont became integral parts of France . The new nations were abolished and returned to prewar owners in 1814 . However , Artz emphasizes the benefits the Italians gained from the French Revolution : For nearly two decades the Italians had the excellent codes of law , a fair system of taxation , a better economic situation , and more religious and intellectual toleration than they had known for centuries ... Everywhere old physical , economic , and intellectual barriers had been thrown down and the Italians had begun to be aware of a common nationality . Nationalism ( edit ) Otto Dann and John Dinwiddy report , `` It has long been almost a truism of European history that the French Revolution gave a great stimulus to the growth of modern nationalism . '' Nationalism was emphasized by historian Carlton J.H. Hayes as a major result of the French Revolution across Europe . The impact on French nationalism was profound . Napoleon became such a heroic symbol of the nation that the glory was easily picked up by his nephew , who was overwhelmingly elected president ( and later became Emperor Napoleon III ) . The influence was great in the hundreds of small German states and elsewhere , where it was either inspired by the French example or in reaction against it . Britain ( edit ) At the beginning of the Revolution , Britain supported the constitutional monarchy , up until they de-instated the king Louis XVI . Britain saw minority support for the French Revolution , but the majority , especially the elite , were strongly opposed . Britain led and funded the series of coalitions that fought France from 1793 to 1815 , and then restored the Bourbons . Edmund Burke was the chief spokesman for the opposition . Ireland ( edit ) In Ireland , the effect was to transform what had been an attempt by Protestant settlers to gain some autonomy into a mass movement led by the Society of United Irishmen involving Catholics and Protestants . It stimulated the demand for further reform throughout Ireland , especially in Ulster . The upshot was a revolt in 1798 , led by Wolfe Tone , that was crushed by Britain . This revolt is seen as the foundation for modern Irish republicanism , which eventually led to the partition of Ireland and independence for 26 of its 32 counties . Germany ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Main article : History of Germany § French Revolution 1789 -- 1815 German reaction to the Revolution swung from favorable at first to antagonistic . At first it brought liberal and democratic ideas , the end of guilds , of serfdom and of the Jewish ghetto . It brought economic freedoms and agrarian and legal reform . German intellectuals celebrated the outbreak , hoping to see the triumph of Reason and The Enlightenment . There were enemies as well , as the royal courts in Vienna and Berlin denounced the overthrow of the king and the threatened spread of notions of liberty , equality , and fraternity . By 1793 , the execution of the French king and the onset of the Terror disillusioned the `` Bildungsbürgertum '' ( educated middle classes ) . Reformers said the solution was to have faith in the ability of Germans to reform their laws and institutions in peaceful fashion . The Confederation of the Rhine , composed of client states under Napoleon 's control , 1806 to 1813 ; most German states belonged except Prussia ( in the northeast ) and Austria ( in the southeast ) . The map text is in German After Prussia was humiliated by Napoleon opinion swung against France and stimulated and shaped German nationalism . France took direct control of the Rhineland 1794 -- 1814 and radically and permanently liberalized the government , society and economy . The French swept away centuries worth of outmoded restrictions and introduced unprecedented levels of efficiency . The chaos and barriers in a land divided and subdivided among many different petty principalities gave way to a rational , simplified , centralized system controlled by Paris and run by Napoleon 's relatives . The most important impact came from the abolition of all feudal privileges and historic taxes , the introduction of legal reforms of the Napoleonic Code , and the reorganization of the judicial and local administrative systems . The economic integration of the Rhineland with France increased prosperity , especially in industrial production , while business accelerated with the new efficiency and lowered trade barriers . The Jews were liberated from the ghetto . One sour point was the hostility of the French officials toward the Roman Catholic Church , the choice of most of the residents . Much of South Germany felt a similar but more muted influence of the French Revolution , while in Prussia and areas to the east there was far less impact . The reforms were permanent . Decades later workers and peasants in the Rhineland often appealed to Jacobinism to oppose unpopular government programs , while the intelligentsia demanded the maintenance of the Napoleonic Code ( which was stayed in effect for a century ) . Switzerland ( edit ) Main article : Helvetic Republic The French invaded Switzerland and turned it into an ally known as the `` Helvetic Republic '' ( 1798 -- 1803 ) . The interference with localism and traditional liberties was deeply resented , although some modernizing reforms took place . Resistance was strongest in the more traditional Catholic bastions , with armed uprisings breaking out in spring 1798 in the central part of Switzerland . Alois Von Reding , a powerful Swiss general , led an army of 10,000 men from the Cantons of Uri , Schwyz and Nidwalden against the French . This resulted in the Swiss regaining control of Lucerne , however due to the sheer greatness in size of the French army , Von Reding 's movement was eventually suppressed . The French Army suppressed the uprisings but support for revolutionary ideals steadily declined , as the Swiss resented their loss of local democracy , the new taxes , the centralization , and the hostility to religion . The instability of France resulted in the creation of two different revolutionary groups with different ideologies of revolt : The aristocrats , seeking the restoration of the Old Swiss Confederacy and a section of the population wanting a coup . Furthermore , Switzerland became a battleground between the armies of France , Austria and Russia . Ultimately , this instability , frequent coups within the government and the eventual Bourla - papey forced Napoleon to sign the Act of Medallion which led to the fall of the Helvetic Republic and the restoration of the Confederacy . The long - term impact of the French Revolution has been assessed by Martin : It proclaimed the equality of citizens before the law , equality of languages , freedom of thought and faith ; it created a Swiss citizenship , basis of our modern nationality , and the separation of powers , of which the old regime had no conception ; it suppressed internal tariffs and other economic restraints ; it unified weights and measures , reformed civil and penal law , authorized mixed marriages ( between Catholics and Protestants ) , suppressed torture and improved justice ; it developed education and public works . Belgium ( edit ) Main article : Belgium in the long nineteenth century § French rule French invaded the territory of modern - day Belgium and controlled it between 1794 -- 1814 . The French imposed reforms and incorporated the territory into France . New rulers were sent in by Paris . Belgian men were drafted into the French wars and heavily taxed . Nearly everyone was Catholic , but the Church was repressed . Resistance was strong in every sector , as Belgian nationalism emerged to oppose French rule . The French legal system , however , was adopted , with its equal legal rights , and abolition of class distinctions . Belgium now had a government bureaucracy selected by merit . Antwerp regained access to the sea and grew quickly as a major port and business center . France promoted commerce and capitalism , paving the way for the ascent of the bourgeoisie and the rapid growth of manufacturing and mining . In economics , therefore , the nobility declined while the middle class Belgian entrepreneurs flourished because of their inclusion in a large market , paving the way for Belgium 's leadership role after 1815 in the Industrial Revolution on the Continent . Netherlands ( edit ) Main article : Batavian Republic France turned the Netherlands into a puppet state that had to pay large indemnities . Denmark and Sweden ( edit ) Main article : History of Denmark § Reforms The Kingdom of Denmark adopted liberalizing reforms in line with those of the French Revolution , with no direct contact . Danes were aware of French ideas and agreed with them , as it moved from Danish absolutism to a liberal constitutional system between 1750 -- 1850 . The change of government in 1784 was caused by a power vacuum created when King Christian VII took ill , and power shifted to the crown prince ( who later became King Frederik VI ) and reform - oriented landowners . In contrast to Old Regime France , agricultural reform was intensified in Denmark , serfdom was abolished and civil rights were extended to the peasants , the finances of the Danish state were healthy , and there were no external or internal crises . That is , reform was gradual and the regime itself carried out agrarian reforms that had the effect of weakening absolutism by creating a class of independent peasant freeholders . Much of the initiative came from well - organized liberals who directed political change in the first half of the 19th century . In Sweden , King Gustav III ( reigned 1771 -- 92 ) was an enlightened despot , who weakened the nobility and promoted numerous major social reforms . He felt the Swedish monarchy could survive and flourish by achieving a coalition with the newly emerged middle classes against the nobility . He was close to King Louis XVI so he was disgusted with French radicalism . Nevertheless , he decided to promote additional antifeudal reforms to strengthen his hand among the middle classes . When the king was assassinated in 1792 his brother Charles became regent , but real power was with Gustaf Adolf Reuterholm , who bitterly opposed the French Revolution and all its supporters . Under King Gustav IV Adolf , Sweden joined various coalitions against Napoleon , but was badly defeated and lost much of its territory , especially Finland and Pomerania . The king was overthrown by the army , which in 1810 decided to bring in one of Napoleon 's marshals , Bernadotte , as the heir apparent and army commander . He had a Jacobin background and was well - grounded in revolutionary principles , but put Sweden in the coalition that opposed Napoleon . Bernadotte served as a quite conservative king Charles XIV John of Sweden ( 1818 -- 44 ) . Impact on the new world and beyond ( edit ) United States ( edit ) The French Revolution won widespread American support in its early phase , but when the king was executed it polarized American opinion and played a major role in shaping American politics . President George Washington declared neutrality in the European wars , but the polarization shaped the First Party System . In 1793 , the first `` Democratic societies '' were formed . They supported the French Revolution in the wake of the execution of the king . The word `` democrat '' was proposed by French Ambassador Citizen Genet for the societies , which he was secretly subsidizing . The emerging Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton began to ridicule the supporters of Thomas Jefferson as `` democrats '' . Genet now began mobilizing American voters using French money , for which he was expelled by President Washington . After President Washington denounced the societies as unrepublican , they faded away . In 1793 , as war broke out in Europe , the Jeffersonian Republican Party favored France and pointed to the 1778 treaty that was still in effect . Washington and his unanimous cabinet ( including Jefferson ) decided the treaty did not bind the U.S. to enter the war ; instead Washington proclaimed neutrality . Under President Adams , a Federalist , an undeclared naval war took place with France in 1798 -- 99 , called the `` Quasi War '' . Jefferson became president in 1801 , but was hostile to Napoleon as a dictator and emperor . Nevertheless , he did seize the opportunity to purchase Louisiana in 1803 . The broad similarities but different experiences between the French and American revolutions lead to a certain kinship between France and the United States , with both countries seeing themselves as pioneers of liberty and promoting republican ideals . This bond manifesting itself in such exchanges as the gift of the Statue of Liberty by France . Haiti and Latin America ( edit ) The call for modification of society was influenced by the revolution in France , and once the hope for change found a place in the hearts of the Haitian people , there was no stopping the radical reformation that was occurring . The Enlightenment ideals and the initiation of the French Revolution were enough to inspire the Haitian Revolution , which evolved into the most successful and comprehensive slave rebellion . Just as the French were successful in transforming their society , so were the Haitians . On April 4 , 1792 , The French National Assembly granted freedom to slaves in Haiti and the revolution culminated in 1804 ; Haiti was an independent nation solely of freed peoples . The activities of the revolutions sparked change across the world . France 's transformation was most influential in Europe , and Haiti 's influence spanned across every location that continued to practice slavery . John E. Baur honors Haiti as home of the most influential Revolution in history . As early as 1810 , the term `` liberal '' was coined in Spanish politics to indicate supporters of the French Revolution . This usage passed to Latin America and animated the independence movement against Spain . In the nineteenth century `` Liberalism '' was the dominant element in Latin American political thought . French liberal ideas were especially influential in Mexico , particularly as seen through the writings of Alexis de Tocqueville , Benjamin Constant and Édouard René de Laboulaye . The Latin American political culture oscillated between two opposite poles : the traditional , as based on highly specific personal and family ties to kin groups , communities , and religious identity ; and the modern , based on impersonal ideals of individualism , equality , legal rights , and secularism or anti-clericalism . The French Revolutionary model was the basis for the modern viewpoint , as explicated in Mexico in the writings of José María Luis Mora ( 1794 -- 1850 ) . In Mexico , modern liberalism was best expressed in the Liberal Party , the Constitution of 1857 , the policies of Benito Juárez , and finally by Francisco I. Madero 's democratic movement leading to the Revolution of 1911 . Middle East ( edit ) The impact of the French Revolution on the Middle East came in terms of the political and military impact of Napoleon 's invasion ; and in the eventual influence of revolutionary and liberal ideas and revolutionary movements or rebellions . In terms of Napoleon 's invasion in 1798 , the response by Ottoman officials was highly negative . They warned that traditional religion would be overthrown . Long - standing Ottoman friendship with France ended . Sultan Selim III immediately realized how far behind his empire was , and started to modernize both his army and his governmental system . In Egypt itself , the ruling elite of Mamluks was permanently displaced , speeding the reforms . In intellectual terms , the immediate impact of the French Revolutionary ideas was nearly invisible , but there was a long - range influence on liberal ideas and the ideal of legal equality , as well as the notion of opposition to a tyrannical government . In this regard , the French Revolution brought such influential themes as constitutionalism , parliamentarianism , individual liberty , legal equality , and the sense of ethnic nationalism . These came to fruition about 1876 . See also ( edit ) Edmund Burke # French Revolution : 1688 versus 1789 Liberalism # French revolution Romanticism and the French Revolution Papal States # French Revolution and Napoleonic era Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Linda S. Frey and Marsha L. Frey , The French Revolution ( 2004 ) , Foreword . Jump up ^ R.R. Palmer and Joel Colton , A History of the Modern World ( 5th ed. 1978 ) , p. 341 Jump up ^ Ferenc Fehér , The French Revolution and the Birth of Modernity , ( 1990 ) pp. 117 - 30 Jump up ^ Mike Rapport and Peter McPhee . `` The International Repercussions of the French Revolution '' , in A Companion to the French Revolution ( 2013 ) , pp 379 -- 96 . Jump up ^ Klaits , Joseph ; Haltzel , Michael H. ; Haltzel , Michael ( 2002 ) . Global Ramifications of the American Revolution . Cambridge UP . ^ Jump up to : Frederick B. Artz , Reaction & Revolution : 1814 -- 1832 ( Rise of Modern Europe ) ( 1934 ) , pp. 142 -- 43 Jump up ^ William Martin , Histoire de la Suisse ( Paris , 1926 ) , pp 187 -- 88 , quoted in Crane Brinson , A Decade of Revolution : 1789 -- 1799 ( 1934 ) , p. 235 . Jump up ^ John Hall Stewart , A Documentary Survey of the french revolution ( 1951 ) pp 783 -- 94 Jump up ^ J.M. Thompson , Robespierre and the French Revolution ( 1962 ) , p. 22 Jump up ^ Georges Lefebvre ( 2005 ) ( 1947 ) . The Coming of the French Revolution . Princeton UP . p. 212 . Jump up ^ A. Aulard in Arthur Tilley , ed. ( 1922 ) . Modern France . A Companion to French Studies . Cambridge UP . p. 115 . CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ William Doyle , The Oxford History of the French Revolution ( 1989 ) , pp 341 -- 68 Jump up ^ Steven T. Ross , European Diplomatic History , 1789 -- 1815 : France Against Europe ( 1969 ) Jump up ^ Alexander Grab , Napoleon and the Transformation of Europe ( 2003 ) pp 62 -- 65 , 78 -- 79 , 88 -- 96 , 115 -- 17 , 154 -- 59 Jump up ^ Palmer , The Age of the Democratic Revolution 2 : 293 -- 326 , 365 -- 94 Jump up ^ Dann , Otto ; Dinwiddy , John ( 1988 ) . Nationalism in the Age of the French Revolution . Continuum . p. 13 . Jump up ^ Beatrice Fry Hyslop , French Nationalism in 1789 ( 1968 ) especially chap. 7 Jump up ^ Carlton J.H. Hayes , The Historical Evolution of Modern Nationalism ( 1931 ) , ch 2 -- 3 Jump up ^ Keitner , Chimene I. ( 2007 ) . The Paradoxes of Nationalism : The French Revolution and Its Meaning for Contemporary Nation Building . SUNY Press . p. 12 . Jump up ^ Emma Vincent Macleod , A War of Ideas : British Attitudes to the War against Revolutionary France , 1792 -- 1802 ( 1999 ) Jump up ^ Palmer , The Age of the Democratic Revolution : The Struggle , Volume II ( 1970 ) , pp 459 -- 505 . Jump up ^ Nick Pelling ( 2002 ) . Anglo - Irish Relations : 1798 1922 . Routledge . pp. 5 -- 10 . Jump up ^ Palmer , The Age of the Democratic Revolution 2 : 491 -- 508 . Jump up ^ James J. Sheehan , German History , 1770 -- 1866 ( 1993 ) , pp. 207 -- 322 . Jump up ^ Palmer , The Age of the Democratic Revolution 2 : 425 - 58 Jump up ^ Blanning Blanning , `` The French Revolution and the Modernization of Germany '' , in Central European History ( 1989 ) 22 # 2 , pp 109 -- 29 . Jump up ^ Theodore S. Hamerow ( 1958 ) . Restoration , Revolution , Reaction : Economics and Politics in Germany , 1815 -- 1871 . Princeton UP . pp. 22 -- 24 , 44 -- 45 . Jump up ^ T.C.W. Blanning , The French Revolution in Germany : Occupation and Resistance in the Rhineland 1792 -- 1802 ( 1983 ) Jump up ^ Hajo Holborn , A History of Modern Germany , 1648 -- 1840 ( 1964 ) , pp 386 -- 87 . Jump up ^ Michael Rowe , From Reich to state : the Rhineland in the revolutionary age , 1780 -- 1830 ( 2003 ) Jump up ^ Lerner , Marc H. Lerner , `` The Helvetic Republic : An Ambivalent Reception of French Revolutionary Liberty '' , French History ( 2004 ) 18 # 1 , pp 50 -- 75 . Jump up ^ R.R. Palmer , The Age of the Democratic Revolution 2 : 394 -- 421 Jump up ^ Otto Dann and John Dinwiddy ( 1988 ) . Nationalism in the Age of the French Revolution . Continuum . pp. 190 -- 98 . Jump up ^ William Martin , Histoire de la Suisse ( Paris , 1926 ) , pp 187 -- 88 , quoted in Crane Brinson , A Decade of Revolution : 1789 -- 1799 ( 1934 ) , p. 235 . Jump up ^ E.H. Kossmann , The Low Countries : 1780 -- 1940 ( 1978 ) pp 65 -- 81 , 101 -- 02 . Jump up ^ Bernard A. Cook , Belgium ( 2005 ) pp 49 -- 54 Jump up ^ Samuel Clark , `` Nobility , Bourgeoisie and the Industrial Revolution in Belgium , '' Past & Present ( 1984 ) # 105 pp. 140 -- 175 ; in JSTOR Jump up ^ Palmer , The Age of the Democratic Revolution 2 : 394 -- 421 Jump up ^ Henrik Horstboll , and Uffe Ostergård , `` Reform and Revolution : The French Revolution and the Case of Denmark , '' Scandinavian Journal of History ( 1990 ) 15 # 3 pp 155 -- 79 Jump up ^ H. Arnold Barton , Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era , 1760 -- 1815 ( 1986 ) Jump up ^ Munro Price , `` Louis XVI and Gustavus III : Secret Diplomacy and Counter-Revolution , 1791 -- 1792 , '' Historical Journal ( 1999 ) 42 # 2 pp. 435 -- 466 in JSTOR Jump up ^ Alan Palmer , Bernadotte : Napoleon 's Marshal , Sweden 's King ( 1991 ) Jump up ^ Charles Downer Hazen ( 1897 ) . Contemporary American Opinion of the French Revolution . Johns Hopkins UP . Jump up ^ Genet would have been executed if he returned to Paris ; he stayed in New York , became an American citizen , and married the daughter of the governor of New York . Eugene R. Sheridan , `` The Recall of Edmond Charles Genet : A Study in Transatlantic Politics and Diplomacy '' , Diplomatic History ( 1994 ) 18 # 4 pp : 463 -- 88 . Jump up ^ Susan Dunn , Sister Revolutions : French Lightning , American Light ( 2000 ) Jump up ^ Lawrence S. Kaplan , `` Jefferson , the Napoleonic Wars , and the Balance of Power '' , William and Mary Quarterly ( 1957 ) 14 # 2 pp. 196 -- 217 in JSTOR Jump up ^ `` Similarities Between the American and French Revolutions : Western Civilization II Guides '' . Western Civilization II Guides . Retrieved 28 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The French Connection - Statue Of Liberty National Monument ( U.S. National Park Service ) '' . . Retrieved 28 January 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Rand , David . `` The Haitian Revolution . '' The Haitian Revolution . Accessed March 25 , 2015 . individual_essay / david. html . Jump up ^ Ghachem , Malick W . The Old Regime and the Haitian Revolution . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2012 . Jump up ^ Akamefula , Tiye , Camille Newsom , Burgey Marcos , and Jong Ho . `` Causes of the Haitian Revolution . '' Haitian Revolution . September 1 , 2012 . Accessed March 25 , 2015 . `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 2015 - 04 - 02 . Retrieved 2015 - 03 - 26 ... Jump up ^ Baur , John . `` International Repercussions of the Haitian Revolution . '' The Americas 26 , no . 4 ( 1970 ) . Jump up ^ Charles A. Hale , `` The revival of political history and the French Revolution in Mexico '' , in Joseph Klaits and Michael Haltzel , eds . Global Ramifications of the French Revolution ( 2002 ) , pp 158 -- 76 . Jump up ^ Nikki R. Keddied , `` The French Revolution in the Middle East '' , in Joseph Klaits and Michael Haltzel , eds . Global Ramifications of the French Revolution ( 2002 ) , pp 140 -- 57 . Further reading ( edit ) Amann , Peter H. , ed . The Eighteenth - Century Revolution : French or Western ? ( Heath , 1963 ) readings from historians Brinton , Crane . A Decade of Revolution 1789 -- 1799 ( 1934 ) the Revolution in European context Desan , Suzanne , et al. eds . The French Revolution in Global Perspective ( 2013 ) Desan , Suzanne . `` Internationalizing the French Revolution , '' French Politics , Culture & Society ( 2011 ) 29 # 2 pp 137 -- 160 . Fremont - Barnes , Gregory . ed . The Encyclopedia of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars : A Political , Social , and Military History ( ABC - CLIO : 3 vol 2006 ) Goodwin , A. , ed . The New Cambridge Modern History , Vol. 8 : The American and French Revolutions , 1763 -- 93 ( 1965 ) , 764pp Grab , Alexander . Napoleon and the Transformation of Europe ( Macmillan , 2003 ) , country by country analysis Mazlish , Bruce . `` The French Revolution in Comparative Perspective , '' Political Science Quarterly ( 1970 ) 85 # 2 pp. 240 -- 258 in JSTOR Palmer , R.R. `` The World Revolution of the West : 1763 -- 1801 , '' Political Science Quarterly ( 1954 ) 69 # 1 pp. 1 -- 14 in JSTOR Palmer , Robert R . The Age of the Democratic Revolution : A Political History of Europe and America , 1760 -- 1800 . ( 2 vol 1959 ) , highly influential comparative history ; vol 1 online Rapport , Mike , and Peter McPhee . `` The International Repercussions of the French Revolution . '' in A Companion to the French Revolution ( 2013 ) pp : 379 -- 396 . Ross , Steven T. European Diplomatic History , 1789 -- 1815 : France Against Europe ( 1969 ) Rothenberg , Gunther E. ( Spring 1988 ) . `` The Origins , Causes , and Extension of the Wars of the French Revolution and Napoleon '' . Journal of Interdisciplinary History . 18 ( 4 ) : 771 -- 93 . JSTOR 204824 . Rude , George F. and Harvey J. Kaye . Revolutionary Europe , 1783 -- 1815 ( 2000 ) , scholarly survey excerpt and text search Schroeder , Paul . The Transformation of European Politics , 1763 -- 1848 . 1996 ; Thorough coverage of diplomatic history ; hostile to Napoleon ; online edition Skocpol , Theda . States and social revolutions : A comparative analysis of France , Russia and China ( Cambridge University Press , 1979 . ) influential sociological comparison <Th_colspan="2"> French Revolution <Td_colspan="2"> Causes Timeline Ancien Régime Revolution Constitutional monarchy Republic Directory Consulate Glossary <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Significant civil and political events by year 1788 Day of the Tiles ( 7 Jun 1788 ) Assembly of Vizille ( 21 Jul 1788 ) 1789 What Is the Third Estate ? ( Jan 1789 ) Réveillon riots ( 28 Apr 1789 ) Convocation of the Estates - General ( 5 May 1789 ) National Assembly ( 17 Jun -- 9 Jul 1790 ) Tennis Court Oath ( 20 Jun 1789 ) National Constituent Assembly ( 9 Jul -- 30 Sep 1791 ) Storming of the Bastille ( 14 Jul 1789 ) Great Fear ( 20 Jul -- 5 Aug 1789 ) Abolition of Feudalism ( 4 - 11 Aug 1789 ) Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ( 27 Aug 1789 ) Women 's March on Versailles ( 5 Oct 1789 ) 1790 Abolition of the Parlements ( Feb -- Jul 1790 ) Abolition of the Nobility ( 19 Jun 1790 ) Civil Constitution of the Clergy ( 12 Jul 1790 ) 1791 Flight to Varennes ( 20 -- 21 Jun 1791 ) Champ de Mars Massacre ( 17 Jul 1791 ) Declaration of Pillnitz ( 27 Aug 1791 ) The Constitution of 1791 ( 3 Sep 1791 ) Legislative Assembly ( 1 Oct 1791 -- Sep 1792 ) 1792 France declares war ( 20 Apr 1792 ) Brunswick Manifesto ( 25 Jul 1792 ) Paris Commune becomes insurrectionary ( Jun 1792 ) 10th of August ( 10 Aug 1792 ) September Massacres ( Sep 1792 ) National Convention ( 20 Sep 1792 -- 26 Oct 1795 ) First republic declared ( 22 Sep 1792 ) 1793 Execution of Louis XVI ( 21 Jan 1793 ) Revolutionary Tribunal ( 9 Mar 1793 -- 31 May 1795 ) Reign of Terror ( 27 Jun 1793 -- 27 Jul 1794 ) Committee of Public Safety Committee of General Security Fall of the Girondists ( 2 Jun 1793 ) Assassination of Marat ( 13 Jul 1793 ) Levée en masse ( 23 Aug 1793 ) The Death of Marat ( painting ) Law of Suspects ( 17 Sep 1793 ) Marie Antoinette is guillotined ( 16 Oct 1793 ) Anti-clerical laws ( throughout the year ) 1794 Danton and Desmoulins guillotined ( 5 Apr 1794 ) Law of 22 Prairial ( 10 Jun 1794 ) Thermidorian Reaction ( 27 Jul 1794 ) Robespierre guillotined ( 28 Jul 1794 ) White Terror ( Fall 1794 ) Closing of the Jacobin Club ( 11 Nov 1794 ) 1795 Constitution of the Year III ( 22 Aug 1795 ) Conspiracy of the Equals ( Nov 1795 ) Directoire ( 1795 -- 99 ) Council of Five Hundred Council of Ancients 1797 Coup of 18 Fructidor ( 4 Sep 1797 ) Second Congress of Rastatt ( Dec 1797 ) 1799 Coup of 30 Prairial VII ( 18 Jun 1799 ) Coup of 18 Brumaire ( 9 Nov 1799 ) Constitution of the Year VIII ( 24 Dec 1799 ) Consulate <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Revolutionary campaigns 1792 Verdun Thionville Valmy Royalist Revolts Chouannerie Vendée Dauphiné Lille Siege of Mainz Jemappes Namur ( fr ) 1793 First Coalition Siege of Toulon ( 18 Sep -- 18 Dec 1793 ) War in the Vendée Battle of Neerwinden ) Battle of Famars ( 23 May 1793 ) Expédition de Sardaigne ( 21 Dec 1792 - 25 May 1793 ) Battle of Kaiserslautern Siege of Mainz Battle of Wattignies Battle of Hondschoote Siege of Bellegarde Battle of Peyrestortes ( Pyrenees ) First Battle of Wissembourg ( 13 Oct 1793 ) Battle of Truillas ( Pyrenees ) Second Battle of Wissembourg ( 26 -- 27 Dec 1793 ) 1794 Battle of Villers - en - Cauchies ( 24 Apr 1794 ) Battle of Boulou ( Pyrenees ) ( 30 Apr -- 1 May 1794 ) Battle of Tournay ( 22 May 1794 ) Battle of Fleurus ( 26 Jun 1794 ) Chouannerie Battle of Tourcoing ( 18 May 1794 ) Battle of Aldenhoven ( 2 Oct 1794 ) 1795 Peace of Basel 1796 Battle of Lonato ( 3 -- 4 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Castiglione ( 5 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Theiningen Battle of Neresheim ( 11 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Amberg ( 24 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Würzburg ( 3 Sep 1796 ) Battle of Rovereto ( 4 Sep 1796 ) First Battle of Bassano ( 8 Sep 1796 ) Battle of Emmendingen ( 19 Oct 1796 ) Battle of Schliengen ( 26 Oct 1796 ) Second Battle of Bassano ( 6 Nov 1796 ) Battle of Calliano ( 6 -- 7 Nov 1796 ) Battle of the Bridge of Arcole ( 15 -- 17 Nov 1796 ) The Ireland Expedition ( Dec 1796 ) 1797 Naval Engagement off Brittany ( 13 Jan 1797 ) Battle of Rivoli ( 14 -- 15 Jan 1797 ) Battle of the Bay of Cádiz ( 25 Jan 1797 ) Treaty of Leoben ( 17 Apr 1797 ) Battle of Neuwied ( 18 Apr 1797 ) Treaty of Campo Formio ( 17 Oct 1797 ) 1798 French invasion of Switzerland ( 28 January -- 17 May 1798 ) French Invasion of Egypt ( 1798 -- 1801 ) Irish Rebellion of 1798 ( 23 May -- 23 Sep 1798 ) Quasi-War ( 1798 -- 1800 ) Peasants ' War ( 12 Oct -- 5 Dec 1798 ) 1799 Second Coalition ( 1798 -- 1802 ) Siege of Acre ( 20 Mar -- 21 May 1799 ) Battle of Ostrach ( 20 -- 21 Mar 1799 ) Battle of Stockach ( 25 Mar 1799 ) Battle of Magnano ( 5 Apr 1799 ) Battle of Cassano ( 27 Apr 1799 ) First Battle of Zurich ( 4 -- 7 Jun 1799 ) Battle of Trebbia ( 19 Jun 1799 ) Battle of Novi ( 15 Aug 1799 ) Second Battle of Zurich ( 25 -- 26 Sep 1799 ) 1800 Battle of Marengo ( 14 Jun 1800 ) Battle of Hohenlinden ( 3 Dec 1800 ) League of Armed Neutrality ( 1800 -- 02 ) 1801 Treaty of Lunéville ( 9 Feb 1801 ) Treaty of Florence ( 18 Mar 1801 ) Algeciras Campaign ( 8 Jul 1801 ) 1802 Treaty of Amiens ( 25 Mar 1802 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Military leaders French Army Eustache Charles d'Aoust Pierre Augereau Alexandre de Beauharnais Jean - Baptiste Bernadotte Louis - Alexandre Berthier Jean - Baptiste Bessières Guillaume - Marie - Anne Brune Jean François Carteaux Jean Étienne Championnet Chapuis de Tourville Adam Philippe , Comte de Custine Louis - Nicolas Davout Louis Desaix Jacques François Dugommier Thomas - Alexandre Dumas Charles François Dumouriez Pierre Marie Barthélemy Ferino Louis - Charles de Flers Paul Grenier Emmanuel de Grouchy Jacques Maurice Hatry Lazare Hoche Jean - Baptiste Jourdan François Christophe de Kellermann Jean - Baptiste Kléber Pierre Choderlos de Laclos Jean Lannes Charles Leclerc Claude Lecourbe François Joseph Lefebvre Jacques MacDonald Jean - Antoine Marbot Jean Baptiste de Marbot François Séverin Marceau - Desgraviers Auguste de Marmont André Masséna Bon - Adrien Jeannot de Moncey Jean Victor Marie Moreau Édouard Mortier , duc de Trévise Joachim Murat Michel Ney Pierre - Jacques Osten ( fr ) Nicolas Oudinot Catherine - Dominique de Pérignon Jean - Charles Pichegru Józef Poniatowski Laurent de Gouvion Saint - Cyr Barthélemy Louis Joseph Schérer Jean - Mathieu - Philibert Sérurier Joseph Souham Jean - de-Dieu Soult Louis - Gabriel Suchet Belgrand de Vaubois Claude Victor - Perrin , Duc de Belluno French Navy Charles - Alexandre Linois Opposition Austria József Alvinczi Archduke Charles , Duke of Teschen Count of Clerfayt ( Walloon ) Karl Aloys zu Fürstenberg Friedrich Freiherr von Hotze ( Swiss ) Friedrich Adolf , Count von Kalckreuth Pál Kray ( Hungarian ) Charles Eugene , Prince of Lambesc ( French ) Maximilian Baillet de Latour ( Walloon ) Karl Mack von Leiberich Rudolf Ritter von Otto ( Saxon ) Prince Josias of Saxe - Coburg - Saalfeld Peter Vitus von Quosdanovich Prince Heinrich XV of Reuss - Plauen Johann Mészáros von Szoboszló ( Hungarian ) Karl Philipp Sebottendorf Dagobert von Wurmser Britain Sir Ralph Abercromby Admiral Sir James Saumarez Admiral Sir Edward Pellew Prince Frederick , Duke of York and Albany Dutch Republic William V , Prince of Orange Prussia Charles William Ferdinand , Duke of Brunswick - Wolfenbüttel Frederick Louis , Prince of Hohenlohe - Ingelfingen Russia Alexander Korsakov Alexander Suvorov Spain Luis Firmin de Carvajal Antonio Ricardos <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Other significant figures and factions Society of 1789 Jean Sylvain Bailly Gilbert du Motier , Marquis de Lafayette François Alexandre Frédéric , duc de la Rochefoucauld - Liancourt Isaac René Guy le Chapelier Honoré Gabriel Riqueti , comte de Mirabeau Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès Charles - Maurice de Talleyrand - Périgord Nicolas de Condorcet Feuillants and monarchiens Madame de Lamballe Madame du Barry Louis de Breteuil Loménie de Brienne Charles Alexandre de Calonne de Chateaubriand Jean Chouan Grace Elliott Arnaud de La Porte Jean - Sifrein Maury Jacques Necker François - Marie , marquis de Barthélemy Guillaume - Mathieu Dumas Antoine Barnave Lafayette Alexandre - Théodore - Victor , comte de Lameth Charles Malo François Lameth André Chénier Jean - François Rewbell Camille Jordan Madame de Staël Boissy d'Anglas Jean - Charles Pichegru Pierre Paul Royer - Collard Girondists Jacques Pierre Brissot Roland de La Platière Madame Roland Father Henri Grégoire Étienne Clavière Marquis de Condorcet Charlotte Corday Marie Jean Hérault Jean Baptiste Treilhard Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve Jean Debry Jean - Jacques Duval d'Eprémesnil Olympe de Gouges Jean - Baptiste Robert Lindet Louis Marie de La Révellière - Lépeaux The Plain Abbé Sieyès de Cambacérès Charles François Lebrun Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot Philippe Égalité Louis Philippe I Mirabeau Antoine Christophe Merlin de Thionville Jean Joseph Mounier Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours François de Neufchâteau Montagnards Maximilien Robespierre Georges Danton Jean - Paul Marat Camille Desmoulins Louis Antoine de Saint - Just Paul Nicolas , vicomte de Barras Louis Philippe I Louis Michel le Peletier de Saint - Fargeau Jacques - Louis David Marquis de Sade Jacques - Louis David Georges Couthon Roger Ducos Jean - Marie Collot d'Herbois Jean - Henri Voulland Philippe - Antoine Merlin de Douai Antoine Quentin Fouquier - Tinville Philippe - François - Joseph Le Bas Marc - Guillaume Alexis Vadier Jean - Pierre - André Amar Prieur de la Côte - d'Or Prieur de la Marne Gilbert Romme Jean Bon Saint - André Jean - Lambert Tallien Pierre Louis Prieur Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac Antoine Christophe Saliceti Hébertists and Enragés Jacques Hébert Jacques Nicolas Billaud - Varenne Pierre Gaspard Chaumette Charles - Philippe Ronsin Antoine - François Momoro François - Nicolas Vincent François Chabot Jean Baptiste Noël Bouchotte Jean - Baptiste - Joseph Gobel François Hanriot Jacques Roux Stanislas - Marie Maillard Charles - Philippe Ronsin Jean - François Varlet Theophile Leclerc Claire Lacombe Pauline Léon Gracchus Babeuf Sylvain Maréchal Others Charles X Louis XVI Louis XVII Louis XVIII Louis Antoine , Duke of Enghien Louis Henri , Prince of Condé Louis Joseph , Prince of Condé Marie Antoinette Napoléon Bonaparte Lucien Bonaparte Joseph Bonaparte Joseph Fesch Joséphine de Beauharnais Joachim Murat Jean Sylvain Bailly Jacques - 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1. French Revolution 2. Impact on Europe 3. French emigration 4. French conquests 5. Nationalism
who was the sultan of delhi when the taimur invaded the city
Timur - wikipedia Timur Turco - Mongol ruler `` Tamerlane '' , `` Tamerlan '' , and `` Taimur '' redirect here . For the poem , see Tamerlane ( poem ) . For the play , see Tamburlaine . For people named Tamerlan , see Tamerlan ( given name ) . For other uses , see Timur ( disambiguation ) . <Th_colspan="2"> Temür <Td_colspan="2"> Amir <Td_colspan="2"> A Timurid - era illustration of Timur Reign 9 April 1370 -- 14 February 1405 Coronation 9 April 1370 , Balkh Predecessor Amir Hussain Successor Khalil Sultan 9 April 1336 Kesh , Chagatai Khanate 19 February 1405 ( 1405 - 02 - 19 ) ( aged 68 ) Otrar , Farab , near Shymkent , Syr Darya Burial Gur - e-Amir , Samarkand Spouse Saray Mulk Khanum Chulpan Mulk Agha Aljaz Turkhan Agha Tukal Khanum Dil Shad Agha Touman Agha Other consorts Issue Detail Miran Shah Shahrukh Mirza <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Full name <Td_colspan="2"> Shuja - ud - din Timur House Barlas Timurid Father Amir Taraghai Mother Tekina Khatun Religion Islam <Th_colspan="2"> Timur 's conquests <Td_colspan="2"> Central Asia Balkh Kath Urganj Persia Fushanj Herat Kandahar Tehran Soltaniyeh Isfizar Zaranj Tabriz Maragha Van Isfahan Shiraz ( 1387 ) Shiraz ( 1393 ) Anjudan Tikrit Yazd Baghdad Tokhtamysh -- Timur war Kondurcha River Ryazan Sarai Shirvan Astrakhan Terek River Caucasus Tbilisi Nekresi Gori Birtvisi India Multan Delhi Levant Aleppo Damascus Anatolia Ankara Smyrna Timur ( Persian : تیمور ‎ Temūr , Chagatai : Temür ; 9 April 1336 -- 18 February 1405 ) , historically known as Amir Timur and Tamerlane ( Persian : تيمور لنگ ‎ Temūr ( - i ) Lang , `` Timur the Lame '' ) , was a Turco - Mongol conqueror . As the founder of the Timurid Empire in Persia and Central Asia , he became the first ruler in the Timurid dynasty . According to John Joseph Saunders , Timur was `` the product of an islamized and iranized society '' , and not steppe nomadic . Born into the Barlas confederation in Transoxiana ( in modern - day Uzbekistan ) on 9 April 1336 , Timur gained control of the western Chagatai Khanate by 1370 . From that base , he led military campaigns across Western , South and Central Asia , the Caucasus and southern Russia , and emerged as the most powerful ruler in the Muslim world after defeating the Mamluks of Egypt and Syria , the emerging Ottoman Empire , and the declining Delhi Sultanate . From these conquests , he founded the Timurid Empire , but this empire fragmented shortly after his death . Timur was the last of the great nomadic conquerors of the Eurasian Steppe , and his empire set the stage for the rise of the more structured and lasting Gunpowder Empires in the 16th and 17th centuries . Timur envisioned the restoration of the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan ( died 1227 ) . According to Beatrice Forbes Manz , `` in his formal correspondence Temur continued throughout his life to portray himself as the restorer of Chinggisid rights . He justified his Iranian , Mamluk , and Ottoman campaigns as a re-imposition of legitimate Mongol control over lands taken by usurpers . '' To legitimize his conquests , Timur relied on Islamic symbols and language , referred to himself as the `` Sword of Islam '' , and patronized educational and religious institutions . He converted nearly all the Borjigin leaders to Islam during his lifetime . Timur decisively defeated the Christian Knights Hospitaller at the Siege of Smyrna , styling himself a ghazi . By the end of his reign , Timur had gained complete control over all the remnants of the Chagatai Khanate , the Ilkhanate , and the Golden Horde , and even attempted to restore the Yuan dynasty in China . Timur 's armies were inclusively multi-ethnic and were feared throughout Asia , Africa , and Europe , sizable parts of which his campaigns laid to waste . Scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people , amounting to about 5 % of the world population at the time . He was the grandfather of the Timurid sultan , astronomer and mathematician Ulugh Beg , who ruled Central Asia from 1411 to 1449 , and the great - great - great - grandfather of Babur ( 1483 -- 1530 ) , founder of the Mughal Empire , which ruled parts of South Asia for over three centuries , from 1526 until 1857 . Timur is considered as a great patron of art and architecture , as he interacted with intellectuals such as Ibn Khaldun and Hafiz - i Abru . Contents 1 Ancestry 2 Early life 3 Personality 4 Military leader 5 Rise to power 6 Legitimization of Timur 's rule 7 Period of expansion 8 Conquest of Persia 8.1 Tokhtamysh -- Timur war 8.2 Ismailis 9 Campaign against the Tughlaq Dynasty 9.1 Capture of Delhi ( 1398 ) 10 Campaigns in the Levant 11 Attempts to attack the Ming dynasty 12 Death 13 Succession 14 Exchanges with Europe 15 Legacy 15.1 Historical sources 15.1. 1 Malfuzat - i Timuri 15.2 European views 15.3 Exhumation and alleged curse 15.4 In the arts 16 Gallery 17 Consorts 18 Descendants of Timur 18.1 Sons of Timur 18.2 Daughters of Timur 18.3 Sons of Jahangir 18.4 Sons of Umar Shaikh Mirza I 18.5 Sons of Miran Shah 18.6 Sons of Shahrukh Mirza 19 See also 20 Notes 21 References 22 External links Ancestry Genealogical relationship between Timur and Genghis Khan Through his father , Timur claimed to be a descendant of Tumanay Khan , a male - line ancestor he shared in common with Genghis Khan . Tuminai 's great - great grandson Karachar Noyan ( 1165 -- 1242 / 54 ) was a minister for the Emperor and was eventually transferred to assist his second son Chagatai in the governorship of Transoxiana . Though there are not many mentions of Karachar in 13th and 14th century records , later Timurid sources greatly emphasised his role in the early history of the Mongol Empire . These histories also state that Genghis Khan later `` established the bond of fatherhood and sonship '' by marrying Chagatai 's daughter to Karachar . Through his descent from this marriage , Timur claimed kinship with the Chagatai Khans . The origins of Timur 's mother , Tekina Khatun are less clear . The Zafarnama merely states her name without giving any information regarding her background . Writing in 1403 Jean , Archbishop of Sultaniyya claimed that she was of lowly origins . The Mu'izz al - Ansab , written decades later say that she was related to the Yasa'uri tribe , whose lands bordered that of the Barlas . Ibn Khaldun recounted that Timur himself described to him his mother 's descent from the legendary Persian hero Manuchehr . Ibn Arabshah suggested that she was a descendant of Genghis Khan . The 18th century Books of Timur identify her as the daughter of ' Sadr al - Sharia ' , believed to be referring to the Hanafi scholar Ubayd Allah al - Mahbubi of Bukhara . Early life Emir Timur feasts in the gardens of Samarkand . Timur was born in Transoxiana near the city of Kesh ( modern Shahrisabz , Uzbekistan ) some 80 kilometres ( 50 mi ) south of Samarkand , part of what was then the Chagatai Khanate . His father , Taraghai , was a minor noble of the Barlas , a Mongolian tribe that had been turkified in many aspects . Historian Beatrice Forbes Manz believes that Timur may have later understated the social position of his father so as to make his own successes appear more remarkable . She states that though he is not believed to be especially powerful , Taraghai was reasonalbly wealthy and influential . This is shown by Timur returning to his birthplace following the death of Taraghai in 1360 , suggesting concern over his estate . He is described by Arabshah as a magnate in the court of Amir Husayn Qara'unas . In addition to this the father of the great Amir Hamid Kereyid of Moghulistan is stated as a friend of Taraghai 's . According to Gérard Chaliand , Timur was a Muslim , and he saw himself as Genghis Khan 's heir . Though not a Borjigid or a descendent of Genghis Khan , he clearly sought to invoke the legacy of Genghis Khan 's conquests during his lifetime . His name Temur means `` Iron '' in the Chaghatay language , Timur 's mother - tongue ( cf . Uzbek Temir , Turkish Demir ) . Later Timurid dynastic histories claim that he was born on 8 April 1336 , but most sources from his lifetime give ages that are consistent with a birthdate in the late 1320s . Historian Beatrice Forbes Manz suspects the 1336 date was designed to tie Timur to the legacy of Abu Sa'id Bahadur Khan , the last ruler of the Ilkhanate descended from Hulagu Khan , who died in that year . At the age of eight or nine , Timur and his mother and brothers were carried as prisoners to Samarkand by an invading Mongol army . In his childhood , Timur and a small band of followers raided travelers for goods , especially animals such as sheep , horses , and cattle . Around 1363 , it is believed that Timur tried to steal a sheep from a shepherd but was shot by two arrows , one in his right leg and another in his right hand , where he lost two fingers . Both injuries crippled him for life . Some believe that Timur suffered his crippling injuries while serving as a mercenary to the khan of Sistan in Khorasan in what is today the Dashti Margo in southwest Afghanistan . Timur 's injuries have given him the names of Timur the Lame and Tamerlane by Europeans . Timur was a Muslim , possibly belonging to the Naqshbandi school of Sufism , which was influential in Transoxiana . However , his chief official religious counsellor and adviser was the Hanafi scholar ' Abdu ' l - Jabbar Khwarazmi . In Tirmidh , he had come under the influence of his spiritual mentor Sayyid Baraka , a leader from Balkh who is buried alongside Timur in Gur - e-Amir . Timur was known to hold Ali and the Ahl al - Bayt in high regard and has been noted by various scholars for his `` pro-Alid '' stance . Despite this , Timur was noted for attacking the Shia with Sunni apologism , while at other times he attacked Sunnis on religious ground as well . In contrast , Timur held the Seljuk Sultan Ahmad Sanjar in high regard for attacking the Ismailis at Alamut , while Timur 's own attack on Ismailis at Anjudan was equally brutal . Personality Timur facial reconstruction from skull Timur is regarded as a military genius and as a brilliant tactician with an uncanny ability to work within a highly fluid political structure to win and maintain a loyal following of nomads during his rule in Central Asia . He was also considered extraordinarily intelligent -- not only intuitively but also intellectually . In Samarkand and his many travels , Timur , under the guidance of distinguished scholars , was able to learn the Persian , Mongolian , and Turkish languages ( according to Ahmad ibn Arabshah , Timur could not speak Arabic ) . More importantly , Timur was characterized as an opportunist . Taking advantage of his Turco - Mongolian heritage , Timur frequently used either the Islamic religion or the law and traditions of the Mongol Empire to achieve his military goals or domestic political aims . Timur was a learned king , and enjoyed the company of scholars ; he was tolerant and generous to them . He was a contemporary of the Persian poet Hafez , and a story of their meeting explains that Timur summoned Hafiz , who had written a ghazal with the following verse : For the black mole on thy cheek I would give the cities of Samarkand and Bukhara . Timur upbraided him for this verse and said , `` By the blows of my well tempered sword I have conquered the greater part of the world to enlarge Samarkand and Bukhara , my capitals and residences ; and you , pitiful creature , would exchange these two cities for a mole . '' Hafez , undaunted , replied , `` It is by similar generosity that I have been reduced , as you see , to my present state of poverty . '' It is reported that the King was pleased by the witty answer and the poet departed with magnificent gifts . Timur used Persian expressions in his conversations often , and his motto was the Persian phrase rāstī rustī ( راستی رستی , meaning `` truth is safety '' or `` veritas salus '' ) . Military leader This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) About 1360 , Timur gained prominence as a military leader whose troops were mostly Turkic tribesmen of the region . He took part in campaigns in Transoxiana with the Khan of the Chagatai Khanate . Allying himself both in cause and by family connection with Qazaghan , the dethroner and destroyer of Volga Bulgaria , he invaded Khorasan at the head of a thousand horsemen . This was the second military expedition that he led , and its success led to further operations , among them the subjugation of Khwarezm and Urgench . Following Qazaghan 's murder , disputes arose among the many claimants to sovereign power . Tughlugh Timur of Kashgar , the Khan of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate , another descendant of Genghis Khan , invaded , interrupting this infighting . Timur was sent to negotiate with the invader but joined with him instead and was rewarded with Transoxania . At about this time , his father died and Timur also became chief of the Berlas . Tughlugh then attempted to set his son Ilyas Khoja over Transoxania , but Timur repelled this invasion with a smaller force . Rise to power Timur commanding the Siege of Balkh It was in this period that Timur reduced the Chagatai khans to the position of figureheads while he ruled in their name . Also during this period , Timur and his brother - in - law Amir Husayn , who were at first fellow fugitives and wanderers in joint adventures , became rivals and antagonists . The relationship between them began to become strained after Husayn abandoned efforts to carry out Timur 's orders to finish off Ilya Khoja ( former governor of Mawarannah ) close to Tishnet . Timur began to gain a following of people in Balkh , consisting of merchants , fellow tribesmen , Muslim clergy , aristocracy and agricultural workers , because of his kindness in sharing his belongings with them . This contrasted Timur 's behavior with that of Husayn , who alienated these people , took many possessions from them via his heavy tax laws and selfishly spent the tax money building elaborate structures . Around 1370 , Husayn surrendered to Timur and was later assassinated , which allowed Timur to be formally proclaimed sovereign at Balkh . He married Husayn 's wife Saray Mulk Khanum , a descendant of Genghis Khan , allowing him to become imperial ruler of the Chaghatay tribe . One day Aksak Temür spoke thusly : `` Khan Züdei ( in China ) rules over the city . We now number fifty to sixty men , so let us elect a leader . '' So they drove a stake into the ground and said : `` We shall run thither and he among us who is the first to reach the stake , may he become our leader '' . So they ran and Aksak Timur , as he was lame , lagged behind , but before the others reached the stake he threw his cap onto it . Those who arrived first said : `` We are the leaders . '' ( `` But , '' ) Aksak Timur said : `` My head came in first , I am the leader . '' Meanwhile , an old man arrived and said : `` The leadership should belong to Aksak Timur ; your feet have arrived but , before then , his head reached the goal . '' So they made Aksak Timur their prince . Legitimization of Timur 's rule Map of the Timurid Empire Timur 's Turco - Mongolian heritage provided opportunities and challenges as he sought to rule the Mongol Empire and the Muslim world . According to the Mongol traditions , Timur could not claim the title of khan or rule the Mongol Empire because he was not a descendant of Genghis Khan . Therefore , Timur set up a puppet Chaghatay Khan , Suyurghatmish , as the nominal ruler of Balkh as he pretended to act as a `` protector of the member of a Chinggisid line , that of Genghis Khan 's eldest son , Jochi '' . As a result , Timur never used the title of khan because the name khan could only be used by those who come from the same lineage as Genghis Khan himself . Timur instead used the title of amir meaning general , and acting in the name of the Chagatai ruler of Transoxania . To reinforce his position in the Mongol Empire , Timur managed to acquire the royal title of son - in - law when he married a princess of Chinggisid descent . Likewise , Timur could not claim the supreme title of the Islamic world , caliph , because the `` office was limited to the Quraysh , the tribe of the Prophet Muhammad '' . Therefore , Timur reacted to the challenge by creating a myth and image of himself as a `` supernatural personal power '' ordained by God . Since Timur had a successful career as a conqueror , it was easy to justify his rule as ordained and favored by God since no ordinary man could be a possessor of such good fortune that resistance would be seen as opposing the will of God . Moreover , the Islamic notion that military and political success was the result of Allah 's favor had long been successfully exploited by earlier rulers . Therefore , Timur 's assertions would not have seemed unbelievable to fellow Islamic people . Period of expansion Timur spent the next 35 years in various wars and expeditions . He not only consolidated his rule at home by the subjugation of his foes , but sought extension of territory by encroachments upon the lands of foreign potentates . His conquests to the west and northwest led him to the lands near the Caspian Sea and to the banks of the Ural and the Volga . Conquests in the south and south - West encompassed almost every province in Persia , including Baghdad , Karbala and Northern Iraq . One of the most formidable of Timur 's opponents was another Mongol ruler , a descendant of Genghis Khan named Tokhtamysh . After having been a refugee in Timur 's court , Tokhtamysh became ruler both of the eastern Kipchak and the Golden Horde . After his accession , he quarreled with Timur over the possession of Khwarizm and Azerbaijan . However , Timur still supported him against the Russians and in 1382 Tokhtamysh invaded the Muscovite dominion and burned Moscow . In 1395 , Tamerlane reached the frontier of Principality of Ryazan , took Elets and advancing towards Moscow came near the banks of the Don River . Great Prince Vasily I of Moscow went with an army to Kolomna and halted at the banks of the Oka River . The clergy brought the famed Theotokos of Vladimir icon from Vladimir to Moscow . Along the way people prayed kneeling : `` O Mother of God , save the land of Russia ! '' Suddenly , Tamerlane 's armies retreated . In memory of this miraculous deliverance of the Russian land from Tamerlane on August 26 , the all - Russian celebration in honor of the Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God was established . Conquest of Persia Timur besieges the historic city of Urganj . Timur orders campaign against Georgia . Emir Timur 's army attacks the survivors of the town of Nerges , in Georgia , in the spring of 1396 . After the death of Abu Sa'id , ruler of the Ilkhanate , in 1335 , there was a power vacuum in Persia . In the end , Persia was split amongst the Muzaffarids , Kartids , Eretnids , Chobanids , Injuids , Jalayirids , and Sarbadars . In 1383 , Timur started his lengthy military conquest of Persia , though he already ruled over much of Persian Khorasan by 1381 , after Khwaja Mas'ud , of the Sarbadar dynasty surrendered . Timur began his Persian campaign with Herat , capital of the Kartid dynasty . When Herat did not surrender he reduced the city to rubble and massacred most of its citizens ; it remained in ruins until Shahrukh Mirza ordered its reconstruction . Timur then sent a General to capture rebellious Kandahar . With the capture of Herat the Kartid kingdom surrendered and became vassals of Timur ; it would later be annexed outright less than a decade later in 1389 by Timur 's son Miran Shah . Timur then headed west to capture the Zagros Mountains , passing through Mazandaran . During his travel through the north of Persia , he captured the then town of Tehran , which surrendered and was thus treated mercifully . He laid siege to Soltaniyeh in 1384 . Khorasan revolted one year later , so Timur destroyed Isfizar , and the prisoners were cemented into the walls alive . The next year the kingdom of Sistan , under the Mihrabanid dynasty , was ravaged , and its capital at Zaranj was destroyed . Timur then returned to his capital of Samarkand , where he began planning for his Georgian campaign and Golden Horde invasion . In 1386 , Timur passed through Mazandaran as he had when trying to capture the Zagros . He went near the city of Soltaniyeh , which he had previously captured but instead turned north and captured Tabriz with little resistance , along with Maragha . He ordered heavy taxation of the people , which was collected by Adil Aqa , who was also given control over Soltaniyeh . Adil was later executed because Timur suspected him of corruption . Timur then went north to begin his Georgian and Golden Horde campaigns , pausing his full - scale invasion of Persia . When he returned , he found his generals had done well in protecting the cities and lands he had conquered in Persia . Though many rebelled , and his son Miran Shah , who may have been regent , was forced to annex rebellious vassal dynasties , his holdings remained . So he proceeded to capture the rest of Persia , specifically the two major southern cities of Isfahan and Shiraz . When he arrived with his army at Isfahan in 1387 , the city immediately surrendered ; he treated it with relative mercy as he normally did with cities that surrendered ( unlike Herat ) . However , after Isfahan revolted against Timur 's taxes by killing the tax collectors and some of Timur 's soldiers , he ordered the massacre of the city 's citizens ; the death toll is reckoned at between 100,000 and 200,000 . An eye - witness counted more than 28 towers constructed of about 1,500 heads each . This has been described as a `` systematic use of terror against towns ... an integral element of Tamerlane 's strategic element '' , which he viewed as preventing bloodshed by discouraging resistance . His massacres were selective and he spared the artistic and educated . This would later influence the next great Persian conqueror : Nader Shah . Timur then began a five - year campaign to the west in 1392 , attacking Persian Kurdistan . In 1393 , Shiraz was captured after surrendering , and the Muzaffarids became vassals of Timur , though prince Shah Mansur rebelled but was defeated , and the Muzafarids were annexed . Shortly after Georgia was devastated so that the Golden Horde could not use it to threaten northern Iran . In the same year , Timur caught Baghdad by surprise in August by marching there in only eight days from Shiraz . Sultan Ahmad Jalayir fled to Syria , where the Mamluk Sultan Barquq protected him and killed Timur 's envoys . Timur left the Sarbadar prince Khwaja Mas'ud to govern Baghdad , but he was driven out when Ahmad Jalayir returned . Ahmad was unpopular but got some dangerous help from Qara Yusuf of the Kara Koyunlu ; he fled again in 1399 , this time to the Ottomans . Tokhtamysh -- Timur war In the meantime , Tokhtamysh , now khan of the Golden Horde , turned against his patron and in 1385 invaded Azerbaijan . The inevitable response by Timur resulted in the Tokhtamysh -- Timur war . In the initial stage of the war , Timur won a victory at the Battle of the Kondurcha River . After the battle Tokhtamysh and some of his army were allowed to escape . After Tokhtamysh 's initial defeat , Timur invaded Muscovy to the north of Tokhtamysh 's holdings . Timur 's army burned Ryazan and advanced on Moscow . He was pulled away before reaching the Oka River by Tokhtamysh 's renewed campaign in the south . In the first phase of the conflict with Tokhtamysh , Timur led an army of over 100,000 men north for more than 700 miles into the steppe . He then rode west about 1,000 miles advancing in a front more than 10 miles wide . During this advance , Timur 's army got far enough north to be in a region of very long summer days causing complaints by his Muslim soldiers about keeping a long schedule of prayers . It was then that Tokhtamysh 's army was boxed in against the east bank of the Volga River in the Orenburg region and destroyed at the Battle of the Kondurcha River , in 1391 . In the second phase of the conflict , Timur took a different route against the enemy by invading the realm of Tokhtamysh via the Caucasus region . In 1395 , Timur defeated Tokhtamysh in the Battle of the Terek River , concluding the struggle between the two monarchs . Tokhtamysh was unable to restore his power or prestige , and he was killed about a decade later in the area of present - day Tyumen . During the course of Timur 's campaigns , his army destroyed Sarai , the capital of the Golden Horde , and Astrakhan , subsequently disrupting the Golden Horde 's Silk Road . The Golden Horde no longer held power after their losses to Timur . Ismailis In May 1393 , Timur 's army invaded the Anjudan , crippling the Ismaili village only a year after his assault on the Ismailis in Mazandaran . The village was prepared for the attack , evidenced by its fortress and system of underground tunnels . Undeterred , Timur 's soldiers flooded the tunnels by cutting into a channel overhead . Timur 's reasons for attacking this village are not yet well understood . However , it has been suggested that his religious persuasions and view of himself as an executor of divine will may have contributed to his motivations . The Persian historian Khwandamir explains that an Ismaili presence was growing more politically powerful in Persian Iraq . A group of locals in the region was dissatisfied with this and , Khwandamir writes , these locals assembled and brought up their complaint with Timur , possibly provoking his attack on the Ismailis there . Campaign against the Tughlaq dynasty Timur defeats the Sultan of Delhi , Nasir Al - Din Mahmud Tughluq , in the winter of 1397 -- 1398 , painting dated 1595 -- 1600 . In 1398 , Timur invaded northern India , attacking the Delhi Sultanate ruled by Sultan Nasir - ud - Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq of the Tughlaq Dynasty . He was opposed by Ahirs and faced some reversals from the Jats , but the Sultanate at Delhi did nothing to stop him . After crossing the Indus river on 30 September 1398 , he sacked Tulamba and massacred its inhabitants . Then he advanced and captured Multan by October . Timur crossed the Indus River at Attock ( now in Pakistan ) on 24 September 1398 . His invasion did not go unopposed and he encountered resistance from the Governor of Meerut during the march to Delhi . Timur was still able to continue his approach to Delhi , arriving in 1398 , to fight the armies of Sultan Nasir - ud - Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq , which had already been weakened by a succession struggle within the royal family . Capture of Delhi ( 1398 ) Delhi after sack of Timur Lang , 1398 The battle took place on 17 December 1398 . Sultan Nasir - ud - Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq and the army of Mallu Iqbal had war elephants armored with chain mail and poison on their tusks . As his Tatar forces were afraid of the elephants , Timur ordered his men to dig a trench in front of their positions . Timur then loaded his camels with as much wood and hay as they could carry . When the war elephants charged , Timur set the hay on fire and prodded the camels with iron sticks , causing them to charge at the elephants howling in pain : Timur had understood that elephants were easily panicked . Faced with the strange spectacle of camels flying straight at them with flames leaping from their backs , the elephants turned around and stampeded back toward their own lines . Timur capitalized on the subsequent disruption in the forces of Nasir - ud - Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq , securing an easy victory . Nasir - ud - Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq fled with remnants of his forces . Delhi was sacked and left in ruins . Before the battle for Delhi , Timur executed 100,000 captives . The capture of the Delhi Sultanate was one of Timur 's greatest victories , arguably surpassing the likes of Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan because of the harsh conditions of the journey and the achievement of taking down one of the richest cities at the time . After Delhi fell to Timur 's army , uprisings by its citizens against the Turkic - Mongols began to occur , causing a retaliatory bloody massacre within the city walls . After three days of citizens uprising within Delhi , it was said that the city reeked of the decomposing bodies of its citizens with their heads being erected like structures and the bodies left as food for the birds by Timur 's soldiers . Timur 's invasion and destruction of Delhi continued the chaos that was still consuming India , and the city would not be able to recover from the great loss it suffered for almost a century . Campaigns in the levant Timur defeating the Mamluk Sultan Nasir - ad - Din Faraj of Egypt Bayezid I being held captive by Timur Before the end of 1399 , Timur started a war with Bayezid I , sultan of the Ottoman Empire , and the Mamluk sultan of Egypt Nasir - ad - Din Faraj . Bayezid began annexing the territory of Turkmen and Muslim rulers in Anatolia . As Timur claimed sovereignty over the Turkmen rulers , they took refuge behind him . In 1400 , Timur invaded Christian Armenia and Georgia . Of the surviving population , more than 60,000 of the local people were captured as slaves , and many districts were depopulated . Then Timur turned his attention to Syria , sacking Aleppo and Damascus . The city 's inhabitants were massacred , except for the artisans , who were deported to Samarkand . Timur cited the killing of Hasan ibn Ali by the Umayyad caliph Muawiyah I and the killing of Husayn ibn Ali by Yazid I as the reason for his massacre of the inhabitants of Damascus . Timur invaded Baghdad in June 1401 . After the capture of the city , 20,000 of its citizens were massacred . Timur ordered that every soldier should return with at least two severed human heads to show him . When they ran out of men to kill , many warriors killed prisoners captured earlier in the campaign , and when they ran out of prisoners to kill , many resorted to beheading their own wives . In the meantime , years of insulting letters had passed between Timur and Bayezid . Finally , Timur invaded Anatolia and defeated Bayezid in the Battle of Ankara on 20 July 1402 . Bayezid was captured in battle and subsequently died in captivity , initiating the twelve - year Ottoman Interregnum period . Timur 's stated motivation for attacking Bayezid and the Ottoman Empire was the restoration of Seljuq authority . Timur saw the Seljuks as the rightful rulers of Anatolia as they had been granted rule by Mongol conquerors , illustrating again Timur 's interest with Genghizid legitimacy . After the Ankara victory , Timur 's army ravaged Western Anatolia , with Muslim writers complaining that the Timurid army acted more like a horde of savages than that of a civilized conqueror . But Timur did besiege and take the city of Smyrna , a stronghold of the Christian Knights Hospitalers , thus he referred to himself as ghazi or `` Warrior of Islam '' . A mass beheading was carried out in Smyrna by Timur 's soldiers . Timur was furious with the Genoese and Venetians , as their ships ferried the Ottoman army to safety in Thrace . As Lord Kinross reported in The Ottoman Centuries , the Italians preferred the enemy they could handle to the one they could not . Shakh - i Zindeh mosque , Samarkand While Timur invaded Anatolia , Qara Yusuf assaulted Baghdad and captured it in 1402 . Timur returned to Persia from Anatolia and sent his grandson Abu Bakr ibn Miran Shah to reconquer Baghdad , which he proceeded to do . Timur then spent some time in Ardabil , where he gave Ali Safavi , leader of the Safaviyya , a number of captives . Subsequently , he marched to Khorasan and then to Samarkhand , where he spent nine months celebrating and preparing to invade Mongolia and China . He ruled over an empire that , in modern times , extends from southeastern Turkey , Syria , Iraq , and Iran , through Central Asia encompassing part of Kazakhstan , Afghanistan , Armenia , Azerbaijan , Georgia , Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan , Kyrgyzstan , Pakistan , and even approached Kashgar in China . The conquests of Timur are claimed to have caused the deaths of up to 17 million people , an assertion impossible to verify . Of Timur 's four sons , two ( Jahangir and Umar Shaikh ) predeceased him . His third son , Miran Shah , died soon after Timur , leaving the youngest son , Shah Rukh . Although his designated successor was his grandson Pir Muhammad b . Jahangir , Timur was ultimately succeeded in power by his son Shah Rukh . His most illustrious descendant Babur founded the Islamic Mughal Empire and ruled over most of Afghanistan and North India . Babur 's descendants Humayun , Akbar , Jahangir , Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb , expanded the Mughal Empire to most of the Indian subcontinent . Markham , in his introduction to the narrative of Clavijo 's embassy , states that , after Timur died , his body `` was embalmed with musk and rose water , wrapped in linen , laid in an ebony coffin and sent to Samarkand , where it was buried '' . His tomb , the Gur - e Amir , still stands in Samarkand , though it has been heavily restored in recent years . Attempts to attack the Ming dynasty Timur had aligned himself with the remnants of the Yuan dynasty in his attempts to conquer Ming China . The fortress at Jiayu Pass was strengthened due to fear of an invasion by Timur . By 1368 , Han Chinese forces had driven the Mongols out of China . The first of the new Ming dynasty 's emperors , the Hongwu Emperor , and his son , the Yongle Emperor , produced tributary states of many Central Asian countries . The suzerain - vassal relationship between Ming empire and Timurid existed for a long time . In 1394 , Hongwu 's ambassadors eventually presented Timur with a letter addressing him as a subject . He had the ambassadors Fu An , Guo Ji , and Liu Wei detained . Neither Hongwu 's next ambassador , Chen Dewen ( 1397 ) , nor the delegation announcing the accession of the Yongle Emperor fared any better . Timur eventually planned to invade China . To this end Timur made an alliance with surviving Mongol tribes based in Mongolia and prepared all the way to Bukhara . Engke Khan sent his grandson Öljei Temür Khan , also known as `` Buyanshir Khan '' after he converted to Islam while at the court of Timur in Samarkand . Death Timur 's mausoleum is located in Samarkand , Uzbekistan . Timur preferred to fight his battles in the spring . However , he died en route during an uncharacteristic winter campaign . In December 1404 , Timur began military campaigns against Ming China and detained a Ming envoy . He suffered illness while encamped on the farther side of the Syr Daria and died at Farab on February 17 , 1405 , before ever reaching the Chinese border . After his death the Ming envoys such as Fu An and the remaining entourage were released by his grandson Khalil Sultan . Timur was buried in Gur - i Amir , his mausoleum in Samarkand . Succession Main article : Timurid Empire The Timurid Empire at Timur 's death in 1405 Just before his death , Timur designated his grandson Pir Muhammad ibn Jahangir as his successor . However , his other descendants did not abide by this wish , and spent the next fifteen years engaged in violent infighting . His son Shahrukh Mirza and grandson Khalil Sultan struggled for control until Shahrukh won . Exchanges with Europe Main article : Timurid relations with Europe Letter of Timur to Charles VI of France , 1402 , a witness to Timurid relations with Europe . Archives Nationales , Paris . Timur had numerous epistolary and diplomatic exchanges with various European states , especially Spain and France . Relations between the court of Henry III of Castile and that of Timur played an important part in medieval Castilian diplomacy . In 1402 , the time of the Battle of Ankara , two Spanish ambassadors were already with Timur : Pelayo de Sotomayor and Fernando de Palazuelos . Later , Timur sent to the court of the Kingdom of León and Castile a Chagatai ambassador named Hajji Muhammad al - Qazi with letters and gifts . In return , Henry III of Castile sent a famous embassy to Timur 's court in Samarkand in 1403 -- 06 , led by Ruy González de Clavijo , with two other ambassadors , Alfonso Paez and Gomez de Salazar . On their return , Timur affirmed that he regarded the king of Castile `` as his very own son '' . According to Clavijo , Timur 's good treatment of the Spanish delegation contrasted with the disdain shown by his host toward the envoys of the `` lord of Cathay '' ( i.e. , the Yongle Emperor ) , the Chinese ruler . Clavijo 's visit to Samarkand allowed him to report to the European audience on the news from Cathay ( China ) , which few Europeans had been able to visit directly in the century that had passed since the travels of Marco Polo . The French archives preserve : A 30 July 1402 letter from Timur to Charles VI of France , suggesting that he send traders to Asia . It is written in Persian . A May 1403 letter . This is a Latin transcription of a letter from Timur to Charles VI , and another from Miran Shah , his son , to the Christian princes , announcing their victory over Bayezid I at Smyrna . A copy has been kept of the answer of Charles VI to Timur , dated 15 June 1403 . Legacy Inside the mausoleum -- deep niches and diverse muqarnas decorate the inside of the Gur - e Amir . Timur 's legacy is a mixed one . While Central Asia blossomed under his reign , other places , such as Baghdad , Damascus , Delhi and other Arab , Georgian , Persian , and Indian cities were sacked and destroyed and their populations massacred . He was responsible for the effective destruction of the Nestorian Christian Church of the East in much of Asia . Thus , while Timur still retains a positive image in Muslim Central Asia , he is vilified by many in Arabia , Iraq , Persia , and India , where some of his greatest atrocities were carried out . However , Ibn Khaldun praises Timur for having unified much of the Muslim world when other conquerors of the time could not . The next great conqueror of the Middle East , Nader Shah , was greatly influenced by Timur and almost re-enacted Timur 's conquests and battle strategies in his own campaigns . Like Timur , Nader Shah conquered most of Caucasia , Persia , and Central Asia along with also sacking Delhi . Timur 's short - lived empire also melded the Turko - Persian tradition in Transoxiana , and in most of the territories that he incorporated into his fiefdom , Persian became the primary language of administration and literary culture ( diwan ) , regardless of ethnicity . In addition , during his reign , some contributions to Turkic literature were penned , with Turkic cultural influence expanding and flourishing as a result . A literary form of Chagatai Turkic came into use alongside Persian as both a cultural and an official language . Emir Timur and his forces advance against the Golden Horde , Khan Tokhtamysh . Tamerlane virtually exterminated the Church of the East , which had previously been a major branch of Christianity but afterwards became largely confined to a small area now known as the Assyrian Triangle . Timur became a relatively popular figure in Europe for centuries after his death , mainly because of his victory over the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid . The Ottoman armies were at the time invading Eastern Europe and Timur was ironically seen as an ally . Timur has now been officially recognized as a national hero in Uzbekistan . His monument in Tashkent now occupies the place where Karl Marx 's statue once stood . Muhammad Iqbal , a philosopher , poet and politician in British India who is widely regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movement , composed a notable poem entitled Dream of Timur , the poem itself was inspired by a prayer of the last Mughal emperor , Bahadur Shah II : The Sharif of the Hijaz suffers due to the divisive sectarian schisms of his faith , And lo ! that young Tatar ( Timur ) has boldly re-envisioned magnanimous victories of overwhelming conquest . In 1794 , Sake Dean Mahomed published his travel book , The Travels of Dean Mahomet . The book begins with the praise of Genghis Khan , Timur , and particularly the first Mughal emperor , Babur . He also gives important details on the then incumbent Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II . Historical sources Ahmad ibn Arabshah 's work on the Life of Timur The earliest known history of his reign was Nizam ad - Din Shami 's Zafarnama , which was written during Timur 's lifetime . Between 1424 and 1428 , Sharaf ad - Din Ali Yazdi wrote a second Zafarnama drawing heavily on Shami 's earlier work . Ahmad ibn Arabshah wrote a much less favorable history in Arabic . Arabshah 's history was translated into Latin by the Dutch Orientalist Jacobus Golius in 1636 . As Timurid - sponsored histories , the two Zafarnamas present a dramatically different picture from Arabshah 's chronicle . William Jones remarked that the former presented Timur as a `` liberal , benevolent and illustrious prince '' while the latter painted him as `` deformed and impious , of a low birth and detestable principles '' . Malfuzat - I Tīmūrī The Malfuzat - i Timurī and the appended Tuzūk - i Tīmūrī , supposedly Timur 's own autobiography , are almost certainly 17th - century fabrications . The scholar Abu Taleb Hosayni presented the texts to the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan , a distant descendant of Timur , in 1637 -- 38 , supposedly after discovering the Chagatai language originals in the library of a Yemeni ruler . Due to the distance between Yemen and Timur 's base in Transoxiana and the lack of any other evidence of the originals , most historians consider the story highly implausible , and suspect Hosayni of inventing both the text and its origin story . European views Timur arguably had a significant impact on the Renaissance culture and early modern Europe . His achievements both fascinated and horrified Europeans from the fifteenth century to the early nineteenth century . European views of Timur were mixed throughout the fifteenth century , with some European countries calling him an ally and others seeing him as a threat to Europe because of his rapid expansion and brutality . When Timur captured the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid at Ankara , he was often praised and seen as a trusted ally by European rulers , such as Charles VI of France and Henry IV of England , because they believed he was saving Christianity from the Turkish Empire in the Middle East . Those two kings also praised him because his victory at Ankara allowed Christian merchants to remain in the Middle East and allowed for their safe return home to both France and England . Timur was also praised because it was believed that he helped restore the right of passage for Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land . Other Europeans viewed Timur as a barbaric enemy who presented a threat to both European culture and the religion of Christianity . His rise to power moved many leaders , such as Henry III of Castile , to send embassies to Samarkand to scout out Timur , learn about his people , make alliances with him , and try to convince him to convert to Christianity in order to avoid war . In the introduction to a 1723 translation of Yazdi 's Zafarnama , the translator wrote : ( M. Petis de la Croix ) tells us , that there are calumnies and impostures , which have been published by authors of romances , and Turkish writers who were his enemies , and envious at his glory : among whom is Ahmed Bin Arabschah ... As Timur - Bec had conquered the Turks and Arabians of Syria , and had even taken the Sultan Bajazet prisoner , it is no wonder that he has been misrepresented by the historians of those nations , who , in despite of truth , and against the dignity of history , have fallen into great excesses on this subject . Exhumation and alleged curse Statue of Timur Timur 's body was exhumed from his tomb on 19 June 1941 and his remains examined by the Soviet anthropologist Mikhail M. Gerasimov , Lev V. Oshanin and V. Ia . Zezenkova . It was determined that Timur was a tall and broad - chested man with strong cheek bones . At 5 feet 8 inches ( 1.73 meters ) , Timur was tall for his era . The examinations confirmed that Timur was lame and had a withered right arm due to his injuries . His right thighbone had knitted together with his kneecap , and the configuration of the knee joint suggests that he had kept his leg bent at all times and therefore would have had a pronounced limp . Gerasimov reconstructed the likeness of Timur from his skull and found that Timur 's facial characteristics displayed Mongoloid features with some Caucasoid admixture . Oshanin also concluded that Timur 's cranium showed predominately the characteristics of a South Siberian Mongoloid type . It is alleged that Timur 's tomb was inscribed with the words , `` When I rise from the dead , the world shall tremble . '' It is also said that when Gerasimov exhumed the body , an additional inscription inside the casket was found , which read , `` Whomsoever opens my tomb shall unleash an invader more terrible than I . '' In any case , three days after Gerasimov began the exhumation , Adolf Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa , the largest military invasion of all time , upon the Soviet Union . Timur was re-buried with full Islamic ritual in November 1942 just before the Soviet victory at the Battle of Stalingrad . In the arts Tamburlaine the Great , Parts I and II ( English , 1563 -- 1594 ) : play by Christopher Marlowe Tamerlane ( 1701 ) : play by Nicholas Rowe ( English ) Tamerlano ( 1724 ) : opera by George Frideric Handel , in Italian , based on the 1675 play Tamerlan ou la mort de Bajazet by Jacques Pradon . Bajazet ( 1735 ) : opera by Antonio Vivaldi , portrays the capture of Bayezid I by Timur Il gran Tamerlano ( 1772 ) : opera by Josef Mysliveček that also portrays the capture of Bayezid I by Timur Tamerlane : first published poem of Edgar Allan Poe ( American , 1809 -- 1849 ) . Timur is the deposed , blind former King of Tartary and father of the protagonist Calaf in the opera Turandot ( 1924 ) by Giacomo Puccini , libretto by Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni . Tamerlane ( 1928 ) : historical novel by Harold Lamb . Timour appears in the story Lord of Samarkand by Robert E. Howard . Tamerlan : novel by Colombian writer Enrique Serrano in Spanish Tamburlaine : Shadow of God : a BBC Radio 3 play by John Fletcher , broadcast 2008 , is a fictitious account of an encounter between Tamburlaine , Ibn Khaldun , and Hafez . Gallery Geometric courtyard surrounding the tomb showing the Iwan , and dome . View of the Registan . Timurid Mosque in Herat . Goharshad Mosque , Timurid architecture Green Mosque ( Balkh ) is a Timurid mosque that inspired Shah Jahan . Bibi - Khanym Mosque Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi , a prime example of Timurid architecture . Consorts Timur had forty - three consorts : Turmish Agha , mother of Jahangir Mirza , Jahanshah Mirza and Aka Begi ; Oljay Turkhan Agha ( m . 1357 / 58 ) , daughter of Amir Mashlah and granddaughter of Amir Qazaghan ; Saray Mulk Khanum ( m . 1367 ) , widow of Amir Husain , and daughter of Qazan Khan ; Islam Agha ( m . 1367 ) , widow of Amir Husain , and daughter of Amir Bayan Salduz ; Ulus Agha ( m . 1367 ) , widow of Amir Husain , and daughter of Amir Khizr Yasuri ; Dilshad Agha ( m . 1374 ) , daughter of Shams ed - Din and his wife Bujan Agha ; Touman Agha ( m . 1377 ) , daughter of Amir Musa and his wife Arzu Mulk Agha , daughter of Amir Bayezid Jalayir ; Chulpan Mulk Agha , daughter of Haji Beg of Jetah ; Tukal Khanum ( m . 1395 ) , daughter of Mongol Khan Khizr Khawaja Oglan ; Tolun Agha , concubine , and mother of Umar Shaikh Mirza I ; Mengli Agha , concubine , and mother of Miran Shah ibn Timur ; Toghay Turkhan Agha , lady from the Kara Khitai , widow of Amir Husain , and mother of Shahrukh Mirza ibn Timur ; Tughdi Bey Agha , daughter of Aq Sufi Qongirat ; Sultan Aray Agha , a Nukuz lady ; Malikanshah Agha , a Filuni lady ; Khand Malik Agha , mother of Ibrahim Mirza ; Sultan Agha , mother of a son who died in infancy ; His other wives and concubines included : Dawlat Tarkan Agha , Burhan Agha , Jani Beg Agha , Tini Beg Agha , Durr Sultan Agha , Munduz Agha , Bakht Sultan Agha , Nowruz Agha , Jahan Bakht Agha , Nigar Agha , Ruhparwar Agha , Dil Beg Agha , Dilshad Agha , Murad Beg Agha , Piruzbakht Agha , Khoshkeldi Agha , Dilkhosh Agha , Barat Bey Agha , Sevinch Malik Agha , Arzu Bey Agha , Yadgar Sultan Agha , Khudadad Agha , Bakht Nigar Agha , Qutlu Bey Agha , and another Nigar Agha . Descendants of Timur Sons of Timur Jahangir Mirza ibn Timur -- with Turmish Agha ; Umar Shaikh Mirza I -- with Tolun Agha ; Miran Shah ibn Timur -- with Mengli Agha ; Shahrukh Mirza ibn Timur -- with Toghay Turkhan Agha . Daughters of Timur Aka Begi , married to Mohammad Bey , son of Amir Musa -- with Turmish Agha ; unknown , married to Solyman Mirza -- mother unknown ; unknown , married to Cumaleza Mirza -- mother unknown ; Sultan Bakht Begum , married firstly Mohammed Mireke , married secondly , 1389 / 90 , Soliman Shah -- with Oljay Turkhan Agha . Sons of Jahangir Muhammad Sultan bin Jahangir Mirza Pir Muhammad bin Jahangir Mirza Sons of Umar Shaikh Mirza I Pir Muhammad ibn Umar Shaikh Mirza I Iskandar ibn Umar Shaikh Mirza I Rustam ibn Umar Shaikh Mirza I Bayqarah ibn Umar Shaikh Mirza I Mansur ibn Bayqarah Husayn ibn Mansur bin Bayqarah Badi ' al - Zaman Muhammed Mu'min Muzaffar Hussein Ibrahim Hussein Sons of Miran Shah Khalil Sultan ibn Miran Shah Abu Bakr ibn Miran Shah Muhammad ibn Miran Shah Abu Sa'id Mirza Umar Shaikh Mirza II Zahir - ud - din Muhammad Babur the Mughals Jahangir Mirza II Sons of Shahrukh Mirza Mirza Muhammad Taraghay -- better known as Ulugh Beg Abdul - Latif Ghiyath - al - Din Baysonqor Ala - ud - Daulah Mirza ibn Baysonqor Ibrahim Mirza Sultan Muhammad ibn Baysonqor Yadigar Muhammad Mirza Abul - Qasim Babur ibn Baysonqor Sultan Ibrahim Mirza Abdullah Mirza Mirza Soyurghatmïsh Khan Mirza Mohammed Juki See also Ahmad Jalayir Global Empire Harold Lamb , author of the historical novel Tamerlane ( 1928 ) List of the Muslim Empires Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent Tamburlaine ( play ) Tamerlane chess Timurid dynasty Timurlengia Notes ^ Jump up to : Muntakhab - ul - Lubab , Khafi Khan Nizam - ul - Mulk , Vol I , p. 49 . Printed in Lahore , 1985 Jump up ^ W.M. Thackston , A Century of Princes : Sources on Timurid History and Art , ( 1989 ) , p. 239 Jump up ^ / tɪˈmʊər / Jump up ^ / ˈtæmərleɪn / Jump up ^ Josef W. Meri ( 2005 ) . Medieval Islamic Civilization . Routledge . p. 812 . Jump up ^ J.J. Saunders ( March 2001 ) . The History of the Mongol Conquests . University of Pennsylvania Press . pp. 173 -- . ISBN 0 - 8122 - 1766 - 7 . Jump up ^ `` Counterview : Taimur 's actions were uniquely horrific in Indian history '' . Jump up ^ Darwin , John ( 2008 ) . After Tamerlane : the rise and fall of global empires , 1400 -- 2000 . Bloomsbury Press . pp. 29 , 92 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 59691 - 760 - 6 . ^ Jump up to : Manz , Beatrice Forbes ( 1989 ) . The rise and rule of Tamerlane . Cambridge University Press . Jump up ^ Forbes Manz , Beatrice ( April 1998 ) . `` Temür and the Problem of a Conqueror 's Legacy '' . Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society . Third . 8 ( 1 ) : 25 . JSTOR 25183464 . ^ Jump up to : Marozzi , Justin ( 2004 ) . Tamerlane : Sword of Islam , conqueror of the world . HarperCollins . Jump up ^ Matthew White : Atrocitology : Humanity 's 100 Deadliest Achievements , Canongate Books , 2011 , ISBN 9780857861252 , section `` Timur '' Jump up ^ `` The Rehabilitation Of Tamerlane '' . Chicago Tribune . 17 January 1999 . Jump up ^ J.J. Saunders , The history of the Mongol conquests ( page 174 ) , Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. , 1971 , ISBN 0812217667 Jump up ^ `` Timur '' . Encyclopædia Britannica , Online Academic Edition . 2007 . ^ Jump up to : Beatrice F. Manz ( 2000 ) . `` Tīmūr Lang '' . Encyclopaedia of Islam . 10 ( 2nd ed . ) . Brill . Retrieved 24 April 2014 . Jump up ^ Harry N. Abrams , Turks : A Journey of a Thousand Years , 600 - 1600 ( 2005 ) , p. 196 Jump up ^ Martin Bernard Dickson , Michel M. Mazzaoui , Vera Basch Moreen , Intellectual studies on Islam : essays written in honor of Martin B. Dickson ( 1993 ) , p. 97 Jump up ^ Franklin Mackenzie , The Ocean and the Steppe : The Life and Times of the Mongol Conqueror Genghis Khan , 1155 - 1227 ( 1963 ) , p. 322 Jump up ^ Michael Biran , Chinggis Khan : Selected Readings ( 2012 ) , ch. 5 Jump up ^ Mansura Haidar , Indo - Central Asian relations : from early times to medieval period ( 2004 ) , p. 126 Jump up ^ Martin Bernard Dickson , Michel M. Mazzaoui , Vera Basch Moreen , Intellectual studies on Islam : essays written in honor of Martin B. Dickson ( 1990 ) , p. 97 Jump up ^ Mu'izz al - Ansab , Folio . 97a Jump up ^ W.J Fischel , Ibn Khaldun and Tamerlane ( 1952 ) , p. 37 ^ Jump up to : Ahmed ibn Arabshah , Tamerlane : The Life of the Great Amir , p. 4 Jump up ^ Ron Sela , The Legendary Biographies of Tamerlane : Islam and Heroic Apocrypha in Central Asia ( 2011 ) , p. 27 ^ Jump up to : `` Tamerlane '' . AsianHistory . Retrieved 1 November 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Central Asia , history of Timur '' , in Encyclopædia Britannica , Online Edition , 2007 . ( Quotation : `` Under his leadership , Timur united the Mongol tribes located in the basins of the two rivers . '' ) Jump up ^ `` Islamic world '' , in Encyclopædia Britannica , Online Edition , 2007 . Quotation : `` Timur ( Tamerlane ) was of Mongol descent and he aimed to restore Mongol power . '' Jump up ^ Carter V. Findley , The Turks in World History , Oxford University Press , 2005 , Oxford University Press , 2005 , ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 517726 - 8 , p. 101 . Jump up ^ G.R. Garthwaite , The Persians , Malden , ISBN 978 - 1 - 55786 - 860 - 2 , MA : Blackwell Pub. , 2007 . ( p. 148 ) Quotation : `` Timur 's tribe , the Barlas , had Mongol origins but had become Turkic - speaking ... However , the Barlus tribe is considered one of the original Mongol tribes and there are `` Barlus Ovogton '' people who belong to Barlus tribe in modern Mongolia . '' Jump up ^ M.S. Asimov & Clifford Edmund Bosworth , History of Civilizations of Central Asia , UNESCO Regional Office , 1998 , ISBN 92 - 3 - 103467 - 7 , p. 320 : `` One of his followers was ( ... ) Timur of the Barlas tribe . This Mongol tribe had settled ( ... ) in the valley of Kashka Darya , intermingling with the Turkish population , adopting their religion ( Islam ) and gradually giving up its own nomadic ways , like a number of other Mongol tribes in Transoxania ... '' Jump up ^ Beatrice Forbes Manz , Tamerlane and the Symbolism of Sovereignty ( 1988 ) , p. 116 Jump up ^ Sharaf ad - Din Ali Yazdi , Zafarnama ( 1424 - 1428 ) , p. 35 Jump up ^ Sharaf ad - Din Ali Yazdi , Zafarnama ( 1424 - 1428 ) , p. 75 ^ Jump up to : Gérard Chaliand , Nomadic Empires : From Mongolia to the Danube translated by A.M. Berrett , Transaction Publishers , 2004 . translated by A.M. Berrett . Transaction Publishers , p. 75 . ISBN 0 - 7658 - 0204 - X . Limited preview at Google Books . p. 75. , ISBN 0 - 7658 - 0204 - X , p. 75. , `` Timur Leng ( Tamerlane ) Timur , known as the lame ( 1336 -- 1405 ) was a Muslim Turk . He aspired to recreate the empire of his ancestors . He was a military genius who loved to play chess in his spare time to improve his military tactics and skill . And although he wielded absolute power , he never called himself more than an emir . '' , `` Timur Leng ( Tamerlane ) Timur , known as the lame ( 1336 -- 1405 ) was a Muslim Turk from the Umus of Chagatai who saw himself as Genghis Khan 's heir . '' Jump up ^ Justin Marozzi ( 2006 ) . Tamerlane : Sword of Islam , Conqueror of the World . Da Capo Press . p. 342 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 306 - 81465 - 5 . Jump up ^ Richard C. Martin , Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World A-L , Macmillan Reference USA , 2004 , ISBN 978 - 0 - 02 - 865604 - 5 , p. 134 . ^ Jump up to : Manz , Beatrice Forbes ( 1988 ) . `` Tamerlane and the symbolism of sovereignty '' . Iranian Studies . 21 ( 1 -- 2 ) : 105 -- 122 . doi : 10.1080 / 00210868808701711 . JSTOR 4310596 . Jump up ^ Beatrice Forbes Manz ( 25 March 1999 ) . The Rise and Rule of Tamerlane . Cambridge University Press . pp. 17 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 63384 - 0 . Jump up ^ `` The Descendants of Sayyid Ata and the Rank of Naqīb in Central Asia '' by Devin DeWeese Journal of the American Oriental Society , Vol. 115 , No. 4 ( Oct . -- Dec. , 1995 ) , pp. 612 -- 634 Jump up ^ Four studies on the history of Central Asia , Volume 1 By Vasilij Vladimirovič Bartold p. 19 Jump up ^ Islamic art By Barbara Brend p. 130 ^ Jump up to : Virani , Shafique N. The Ismailis in the Middle Ages : A History of Survival , A Search for Salvation ( New York : Oxford University Press ) , 2007 , p. 114 . ^ Jump up to : Walter Joseph Fischel , Ibn Khaldūn in Egypt : His Public Functions and His Historical Research , 1382 -- 1406 ; a Study in Islamic Historiography , University of California Press , 1967 , page 51 , footnote Jump up ^ Holden , Edward S. ( 2004 ) ( 1895 ) . The Mogul Emperors of Hindustan ( 1398 -- 1707 A.D ) . New Delhi , India : Westminster , Archibald Constable and Co. pp. 47 -- 48 . ISBN 81 - 206 - 1883 - 1 . Jump up ^ Cowell , Professor ( first name not given ) . MacMillan 's Magazine , vol . XXX ( via Google Books ) . London : MacMillan & Co. , 1874 , p. 252 . ^ Jump up to : Ian C. Hannah ( 1900 ) . A brief history of eastern Asia . T.F. Unwin . p. 92 . Retrieved 30 December 2015 . Jump up ^ Sinor , D. , `` XIV The Making of a Great Khan '' , page 242 , Studies in Medieval Inner Asia , Variorum , 1997 . ISBN 0 - 86078 - 632 - 3 Jump up ^ Radloff , W. , Proben der Volkslitteratur der türkischen stämme Süd - Sibiriens , IV . St Petersburg , page 308 ^ Jump up to : Manz , Beatrice Forbes ( 2002 ) . `` Tamerlane 's Career and Its Uses '' . Journal of World History . 13 : 3 . doi : 10.1353 / jwh. 2002.0017 . Jump up ^ Nicholas V. Raisanovsky ; Mark D. Steinberg : A History of Russia Seventh Edition , pg 93 Jump up ^ Commemoration of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and the deliverance of Moscow from the Invasion of Tamerlane Jump up ^ `` Mughal Gardens '' . . ^ Jump up to : Chaliand , Gerard ; Arnaud Blin ( 2007 ) . The History of Terrorism : From Antiquity to Al Qaeda . University of California Press . p. 87 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 520 - 24709 - 3 . Jump up ^ Fisher , W.B. ; Jackson , P. ; Lockhart , L. ; Boyle , J.A. : The Cambridge History of Iran , p55 . Jump up ^ Nicholas V. Raisanovsky ; Mark D. Steinberg : A History of Russia Seventh Edition , pg 94 ^ Jump up to : Virani , Shafique N. The Ismailis in the Middle Ages : A History of Survival , A Search for Salvation ( New York : Oxford University Press ) , 2007 , p. 116 . Jump up ^ Singh , Raj Pal . Rise of the Jat power . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 22 . Jump up ^ Kumāra , Mahendra ; Śarmā , Parameśa ; Siṃha , Rājapāla ( 1991 ) . Jāṭa balavāna : Jāṭa itihāsa ( in Hindi ) . Madhura - Prakāśana . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ Hunter , Sir William Wilson ( 1909 ) . `` The Indian Empire : Timur 's invasion 1398 '' . The Imperial Gazetteer of India . 2 . p. 366 . Jump up ^ Mallu , who later received the title of Iqbal Khan , was a noble in Siri and an ally of Muqarrab Khan , but later on betrayed him and Nusrat Khan , and allied with Nasir - ud - din Mahmud Shah . History Of Medieval India ; V.D. Mahajan p. 205 Jump up ^ `` The Turco - Mongol Invasions '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 22 . Jump up ^ Aleppo : the Ottoman Empire 's caravan city , Bruce Masters , The Ottoman City Between East and West : Aleppo , Izmir , and Istanbul , ed . Edhem Eldem , Daniel Goffman , Bruce Master , ( Cambridge University Press , 1999 ) , 20 . Jump up ^ `` Shlama -- Aleppo -- BELIEVING IN ALEPPO '' . Jump up ^ Margaret Meserve , Empires of Islam in Renaissance Historical Thought , ( Harvard University Press , 2008 ) , 207 . Jump up ^ `` Tamerlane in Damascus '' . Jump up ^ `` The Sack of Damascus -- History Today '' . Jump up ^ `` تيمور لنك ... بشار الأسد ... لافرق ! -- نور سورية '' . Jump up ^ Ibn Arabshah , Timur the Great Amir , p. 168 Jump up ^ Kevin Reilly ( 2012 ) . The Human Journey : A Concise Introduction to World History . Rowman & Littlefield . pp. 164 -- . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4422 - 1384 - 5 . Jump up ^ Henry Cabot Lodge ( 1913 ) . The History of Nations . P.F. Collier . pp. 51 -- . Jump up ^ Marina Belozerskaya ( 4 September 2012 ) . Medusas Gaze : The Extraordinary Journey of the Tazza Farnese . Oxford University Press . pp. 88 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 987642 - 6 . Jump up ^ Vertot ( abbé de ) ( 1856 ) . The History of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem : Styled Afterwards , the Knights of Rhodes , and at Present , the Knights of Malta . J.W. Leonard & Company . pp. 104 -- . Jump up ^ Stevens , John . The history of Persia . Containing , the lives and memorable actions of its kings from the first erecting of that monarchy to this time ; an exact Description of all its Dominions ; a curious Account of India , China , Tartary , Kermon , Arabia , Nixabur , and the Islands of Ceylon and Timor ; as also of all Cities occasionally mention 'd , as Schiras , Samarkand , Bokara , &c . Manners and Customs of those People , Persian Worshippers of Fire ; Plants , Beasts , Product , and Trade . With many instructive and pleasant digressions , being remarkable Stories or Passages , occasionally occurring , as Strange Burials ; Burning of the Dead ; Liquors of several Countries ; Hunting ; Fishing ; Practice of Physick ; famous Physicians in the East ; Actions of Tamerlan , &c . To which is added , an abridgment of the lives of the kings of Harmuz , or Ormuz . The Persian history written in Arabick , by Mirkond , a famous Eastern Author that of Ormuz , by Torunxa , King of that Island , both of them translated into Spanish , by Antony Teixeira , who liv 'd several Years in Persia and India ; and now render 'd into English . Jump up ^ Graziella Caselli , Gillaume Wunsch , Jacques Vallin ( 2005 ) . `` Demography : Analysis and Synthesis , Four Volume Set : A Treatise in Population '' . Academic Press . p. 34 . ISBN 0 - 12 - 765660 - X Jump up ^ Turnbull , Stephen ( 30 January 2007 ) . The Great Wall of China 221 BC - 1644 AD . Osprey Publishing . p. 23 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84603 - 004 - 8 . Retrieved 2010 - 03 - 26 . ^ Jump up to : Tsai , Shih - Shan Henry ( 2002 ) , Perpetual Happiness : The Ming Emperor Yongle ( 2 ed . ) , University of Washington Press , pp. 188 -- 189 , ISBN 0 - 295 - 98124 - 5 Jump up ^ C.P. Atwood - Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire , see : Northern Yuan Dynasty Jump up ^ Adela C.Y. Lee . `` Tamerlane ( 1336 -- 1405 ) -- ' ' The Last Great Nomad Power ' ' '' . Silkroad Foundation . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 22 . Jump up ^ Tsia 2002 , p. 161 Jump up ^ Document preserved at Le Musée de l'Histoire de France , code AE III 204 . Mentioned Dossier II , 7 , J936 Jump up ^ Mentioned Dossier II , 7 bis Jump up ^ Mentioned Dossier II , 7 ter Jump up ^ Frances Carney Gies ( September -- October 1978 ) . `` The Man Who Met Tamerlane '' . Saudi Aramco World . 29 ( 5 ) . Jump up ^ Manz , Beatrice Forbes ( 1999 ) . The Rise and Rule of Tamerlane . Cambridge University Press , p. 109 . ISBN 0 - 521 - 63384 - 2 . Limited preview at Google Books . p. 109 . `` In Temür 's government , as in those of most nomad dynasties , it is impossible to find a clear distinction between civil and military affairs , or to identify the Persian bureaucracy as solely civil or the Turko - Mongolian solely with military government . In fact , it is difficult to define the sphere of either side of the administration and we find Persians and Chaghatays sharing many tasks . ( In discussing the settled bureaucracy and the people who worked within it I use the word Persian in a cultural rather than ethnological sense . In almost all the territories which Temür incorporated into his realm Persian was the primary language of administration and literary culture . Thus the language of the settled ' diwan ' was Persian and its scribes had to be thoroughly adept in Persian culture , whatever their ethnic origin . ) Temür 's Chaghatay emirs were often involved in civil and provincial administration and even in financial affairs , traditionally the province of Persian bureaucracy . '' Jump up ^ Roy , Olivier ( 2007 ) . The new Central Asia . I.B. Tauris . p. 7 . ISBN 1 - 84511 - 552 - X . Jump up ^ `` History of the Nestorians '' . Jump up ^ `` Iqbal 'S Hindu Relations '' . The Telegraph . Calcutta , India . 30 June 2007 . ^ Jump up to : Hameed ud - Din ( 2011 ) . `` Abū Ṭāleb Ḥosaynī '' . Encyclopædia Iranica . Retrieved 17 September 2014 . Jump up ^ Milwright , Marcus ( 2006 ) . `` So Despicable a Vessel : Representations of Tamerlane in Printed Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries '' . Muqarnas. 23 : 317 . doi : 10.1163 / 22118993 - 90000105 . ^ Jump up to : Knobler , Adam ( November 1995 ) . `` The Rise of Timur and Western Diplomatic Response , 1390 -- 1405 '' . Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society . Third Series . 5 ( 3 ) . doi : 10.1017 / s135618630000660x . Jump up ^ The History of Timur - Bec. 1 . 1723 . pp. xii -- ix . Punctuation and spelling modernized . Jump up ^ Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Gerasimov ( 1971 ) . The face finder . Hutchinson . p. 135 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 09 - 105510 - 3 . ^ Jump up to : Lev Vasilʹevich Oshanin ( 1964 ) . Anthropological composition of the population of Central Asia : and the ethnogenesis of its peoples . 2 . Peabody Museum . p. 39 . Jump up ^ `` Uzbekistan : On the bloody trail of Tamerlane '' . The Independent . London . 9 July 2006 . Archived from the original on December 20 , 2013 . Retrieved 17 April 2016 . CS1 maint : Unfit url ( link ) Jump up ^ Mark & Ruth Dickens . `` Timurid Architecture in Samarkand '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 22 . Jump up ^ Marozzi 2004 Jump up ^ Enrique Serrano ( 2011 - 01 - 02 ) . Tamerlan ( Biblioteca Breve ) ( Spanish Edition ) . ISBN 9789584205407 . References Knobler , Adam ( 1995 ) . `` The Rise of Tīmūr and Western Diplomatic Response , 1390 -- 1405 '' . Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society ( Third Series ) . 5 ( 3 ) : 341 -- 349 . Knobler , Adam ( 2001 ) . `` Timur the ( Terrible / Tartar ) Trope : a Case of Repositioning in Popular Literature and History '' . Medieval Encounters. 7 ( 1 ) : 101 -- 112 . May , Timothy . `` Timur ( '' the Lame `` ) ( 1336 -- 1405 ) '' . The Encyclopedia of War . Marozzi , Justin , Tamerlane : sword of Islam , conqueror of the world , London : HarperCollins , 2004 Marozzi , Justin , `` Tamerlane '' , in : The Art of War : great commanders of the ancient and medieval world , Andrew Roberts ( editor ) , London : Quercus Military History , 2008 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84724 - 259 - 4 Beatrice Forbes Manz , `` Temür and the Problem of a Conqueror 's Legacy , '' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society , Third Series , Vol. 8 , No. 1 ( Apr. , 1998 ) Abazov , Rafis . `` Timur ( Tamerlane ) and the Timurid Empire in Central Asia . '' The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of Central Asia . Palgrave Macmillan US , 2008 . 56 -- 57 . YÜKSEL , Musa Şamil . `` Timur'un Yükselişi ve Batı'nın Diplomatik Cevabı , 1390 -- 1405 . '' Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi 1.18 ( 2005 ) : 231 -- 243 . Shterenshis , Michael V. `` Approach to Tamerlane : Tradition and Innovation . '' Central Asia and the Caucasus 2 ( 2000 ) . Marlowe , Christopher : Tamburlaine the Great . Ed . J.S. Cunningham . Manchester University Press , Manchester 1981 . Novosel'tsev , A.P. `` On the Historical Evaluation of Tamerlane . '' Soviet studies in history 12.3 ( 1973 ) : 37 -- 70 . Sykes , P.M. `` Tamerlane . '' Journal of the Central Asian Society 2.1 ( 1915 ) : 17 -- 33 . This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain : Chisholm , Hugh , ed. ( 1911 ) . `` Timūr '' . Encyclopædia Britannica. 26 ( 11th ed . ) . Cambridge University Press . External links Wikiquote has quotations related to : Timur Wikimedia Commons has media related to Timur . Timur at Encyclopædia Britannica Forbes , Andrew , & Henley , David : Timur 's Legacy : The Architecture of Bukhara and Samarkand ( CPA Media ) Narrative of the Embassy of Ruy Gonzalez De Clavijo to the Court of Timour , at Samarcand , A.D. 1403 - 6 -- Full text at Google Books . Ruy González de Clavijo , Embassy to Tamerlane , 1403 -- 1406 , translated by Guy Le Strange , with a new Introduction by Caroline Stone ( Hardinge Simpole , 2009 ) . Nationality or Religion : Views of Central Asian Islam <Td_colspan="3"> Timur Timurid dynasty Preceded by None Timurid Empire 1370 -- 1405 Succeeded by Pir Muhammad ibn Jahangir and Khalil Sultan <Th_colspan="2"> Timurid Empire Emperors Timur Pir Muhammad ibn Jahangir Khalil Sultan Shah Rukh Ulugh Beg Abdal - Latif Mirza Abdallah Mirza Sultan Muhammad bin Baysonqor Abul - Qasim Babur Mirza Abu Sa'id Mirza Sultan Ahmed Mirza Sultan Mahmud Mirza Mirza Shah Mahmud Ibrahim Mirza bin Ala - ud - Daulah Sultan Husayn Mirza Bayqara Yadgar Muhammad Mirza Badi ' al - Zaman Mirza Battles and conflicts Battle of Ankara ( 1402 ) Battle of Ab Darrah Pass ( 1511 ) Battle of Akhsi ( 1502 - 03 ) Battle of Algami Canal ( 1402 ) Battle of Bajaur ( 1519 ) Battle of Damghan ( 1447 ) Battle of Farhadgerd ( 1449 ) Battle of Ghazdewan ( 1512 ) Battle of Nakhchivan ( 1406 ) Battle of Nishapur ( 1447 ) Battle of Qalat - i - Ghilzai ( 1505 ) Battle of Qara - Derrah Pass ( 1395 ) Battle of Qarabagh ( 1469 ) Battle of Sar - e-Pul ( 1501 ) Battle of Sarakhs ( 1459 ) Battle of Tarnab ( 1448 ) Battle of the Chirciq River ( 1488 ) Battle of the Kondurcha River ( 1391 ) Battle of the Terek River ( 1395 ) Siege of Balkh ( 1370 ) Siege of Balkh ( 1447 ) Siege of Herat ( 1448 ) Siege of Kabul ( 1504 ) Siege of Samarkand ( 1494 ) Siege of Samarkand ( 1497 ) Siege of Samarkand ( 1501 ) Siege of Shahrukhiya ( 1461 ) Timurid Civil Wars Battle of Damghan ( 1447 ) Battle of Nishapur ( 1447 ) Battle of Tarnab ( 1448 ) Occupation of Balkh ( 1447 ) Revolt of Abdal - Latif Mirza ( 1449 ) Siege of Balkh ( 1447 ) Siege of Herat ( 1448 ) Urdu Bazar Revolt ( 1447 ) Architecture Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi Bibi - Khanym Mosque See also Turko - Persian tradition Timurid dynasty family tree <Th_colspan="2"> Ottoman Interregnum Background Rise of the Ottoman Empire Murad I Bayezid I Siege of Constantinople ( 1394 -- 1402 ) Crusade of Nicopolis Timur Battle of Ankara Events Siege of Smyrna Battle of Tripolje Treaty of Gallipoli Battle of Ermeni - beli Battle of Ulubad Battle of Karasi Battle of Kosmidion Battle of Edirne Siege of Constantinople ( 1411 ) Treaty of Selymbria Battle of İnceğiz Battle of Çamurlu Ottoman princes and leaders Mehmed I Süleyman Çelebi İsa Çelebi Musa Çelebi Mustafa Çelebi Çandarlı Ali Pasha Imamzade Halil Pasha Bayezid Pasha Evrenos Pasha Yiğit Bey Mihaloğlu Mehmed Bey Turahan Bey Sheikh Bedreddin Neighbouring rulers and leaders Junayd Bey ( Aydın ) Manuel II Palaiologos ( Byzantine Empire ) John VII Palaiologos ( Byzantine Empire ) Demetrios Laskaris Leontares ( Byzantine Empire ) Nasireddin Mehmed Bey ( Dulkadir ) Yakup II ( Germiyan ) Philibert de Naillac ( Hospitallers ) İsfendiyar Bey Mehmed II ( Karaman ) Stefan Lazarević ( Serbia ) Đurađ Branković ( Serbia ) Mircea I ( Wallachia ) <Th_colspan="2"> Seljuk Sultanate of Rum <Td_colspan="2"> Ancestor Qutalmish Founder Suleyman I Capital İznik , then Konya <Td_colspan="2"> Important centers and extension Konya Kayseri Sivas ( 1175 ) Malatya ( 1178 ) Alanya Antalya Dynasty Suleyman I ( 1077 -- 1086 ) Kilij Arslan I ( 1092 -- 1107 ) Melikshah ( 1107 -- 1116 ) Mesud I ( 1116 -- 1156 ) Kilij Arslan II ( 1156 -- 1192 ) Kaykhusraw I ( 1192 -- 1196 ) Süleymanshah II ( 1196 -- 1204 ) Kilij Arslan III ( 1204 -- 1205 ) Kaykhusraw I ( 2nd reign ) ( 1205 -- 1211 ) Kaykaus I ( 1211 -- 1220 ) Kayqubad I ( 1220 -- 1237 ) Kaykhusraw II ( 1237 -- 1246 ) Kaykaus II ( 1246 -- 1260 ) Kilij Arslan IV ( 1248 -- 1265 ) Kayqubad II ( 1249 -- 1257 ) Kaykhusraw III ( 1265 -- 1282 ) Mesud II ( 1282 -- 1284 ) Kayqubad III ( 1284 ) Mesud II ( 2nd reign ) ( 1284 -- 1293 ) Kayqubad III ( 2nd reign ) ( 1293 -- 1294 ) Mesud II ( 3rd reign ) ( 1294 -- 1301 ) Kayqubad III ( 3rd reign ) ( 1301 -- 1303 ) Mesud II ( 4th reign ) ( 1303 -- 1307 ) Mesud III ( 1307 ) Chronology 1243 Gradually vassalized to the Mongol Empire after the defeat suffered in the Battle of Köse Dağ 1307 Taken over by the Karamanids Palaces and castles Seljuk Palace in Konya ( 1190 -- 1220 ) Kubadabad Palace in Beyşehir ( 1220 -- 1230 ) Keykubadiye Palace in Kayseri ( 1220 -- 1230 ) Alanya Kızıl Kule ( Red Tower ) and Shipyard constructions and widescale extension of Alanya Castle Külliye ( `` complexes '' ) and dar al - shifa ( hospitals ) and medrese ( schools ) and mosques : Gevher Nesibe Külliye with Medical Center and Medical School and Mosque in Kayseri ( 1204 -- 1210 ) Battal Gazi Külliye in Seyitgazi ( 1208 ) Karatay Medrese in Konya ( 1225 ) Ince Minaret Medrese in Konya ( 1258 -- 1279 ) Atabeg Ferruh Darüşşifa in Çankırı ( 1236 ) Alâeddin Keykubad I Darüşşifa in Konya ( 1237 ) Torumtay Darüşşifa in Amasya ( 1266 ) Izzeddin Keykavus I Şifaiye Medrese and Medical Center ( Darüşşifa ) in Sivas ( 1218 ) Gökmedrese in Sivas ( 1271 ) Çifte Minaret Medrese in Sivas ( 1271 ) Alaeddin Mosque in Konya ( 1220 ) Alâeddin Mosque in Niğde ( 1220 ) Great Mosque of Malatya in Eskimalatya ( Battalgazi ) ( 1224 ) Hüsameddin Temurlu castle , caravanseai and medrese in Kalehisar , Alaca ( ~ 1250 ) Havadan Külliye in Develi ( ~ 1300 ) Caravanserais Ağzıkara Han caravanserai near Aksaray ( 1237 ) Ak Han caravanserai near Denizli ( 1254 ) Alaca Han caravanserai in Alacahan ( ~ 1280 ) Alara Han caravanserai near Manavgat Alay Han caravanserai near Aksaray ( 1190 ) Altınapa Han caravanserai between Beyşehir and Konya ( 1201 ) Angit Han caravanserai between Konya and Akşehir ( 1201 ) Burma Han caravanserai in Divriği ( 13th century ) Çakallı Han caravanserai near Samsun ( ~ 1250 ) Çardak Han ( Hanabad ) caravanserai in Çardak ( 1230 ) Çay Han caravanserai in Çay ( 1279 ) Dokuzun Han caravanserai in Konya ( 1210 ) Eğirdir Han caravanserai in Eğirdir ( 1238 ) Ertokuş Han caravanserai near Eğirdir ( 1224 ) Eshab - i Kehf Han caravanserai near Afşin -- Elbistan ( ~ 1225 ) Evdir Han caravanserai near Antalya ( 1224 ) Ezinepazar Han caravanserai near Amasya ( 1246 ) Goncalı Akhan caravanserai between Konya and Aksaray Hatun Han caravanserai between Amasya and Tokat Hekim Han caravanserai in Hekimhan ( 1220 ) Horozlu Han caravanserai near Konya ( 1249 ) Incir Han caravanserai near Bucak ( 1239 ) Kadın Han caravanserai in Kadınhanı ( 1223 ) Karatay Han caravanserai near Pınarbaşı ( 1241 ) Kargı Han caravanserai near Antalya ( 1246 ) Kesikköprü Han caravanserai near Kırşehir ( 1268 ) Kırkgöz Han caravanserai near Antalya ( 1246 ) Kızılören Han caravanserai near Konya ( 1206 ) Kuruçeşme Han caravanserai near Konya ( 1210 ) Melleç Han caravanserai near Anamur ( 13th century ) Mirçinge Han caravanserai near Divriği ( 13th century ) Obruk Han caravanserai near Konya ( 1230 ) Öresin Han caravanserai near Aksaray ( ~ 1275 ) Pazar Han caravanserai near Tokat ( 1239 ) Zazadın Han caravanserai near Konya ( 1236 ) Şarapsa Han caravanserai near Alanya ( 1246 ) Sarı Han caravanserai near Ürgüp ( 1249 ) Sevserek Han caravanserai between Malatya and Pötürge ( 13th century ) Sultan Han caravanserai between Konya and Aksaray ( 1229 ) Sultan Han caravanserai near Bünyan between Kayseri and Sivas ( 1236 ) Susuz Han caravanserai near Bucak ( 1246 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Anatolian beyliks <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Tzachas ( 1081 - 1092 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Tzachas Capital İzmir Chronology 1082 Submitted to the Seljuks of Turkey Important centers and extension : Ephesus Lesbos Chios <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Shah - Armens ( 1100 -- 1207 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Sökmen el Kutbi Capital Ahlat Chronology 1207 Submitted to the Ayyoubids Important centers and extension : Silvan Malazgirt Erciş Adilcevaz Başkale Eleşkirt Van Tatvan Bitlis Muş Hani Dynasty : Sökmen el Kutbi ( 1100 -- 1112 ) Ibrahim bin Sökmen ( ? - ? ) Ahmed bin Ibrahim ( ? - ? ) Sökmen the Second ( 1128 -- 1185 ) Seyfeddin Begtimur ( 1185 -- 1193 ) Aksungur ( 1193 -- 1197 ) Muhammed bin Begtimur ( 1185 -- 1207 ) Important works : Ahlat Tombs <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Artuqids ( 1102 - ) <Td_colspan="2"> Ancestors Eksük and his son Artuk , from Döğer Oghuz Türkmen clan Founder Muinüddin Sökmen Bey Capitals Three branches in Hasankeyf , Mardin and Harput Important centers and extension : Diyarbakır Hasankeyf Silvan Mardin Midyat Harput Palu Aleppo ( temporarily in 1117 ) Hasankeyf Dynasty or Sökmenli Dynasty : Müinüddin Sökmen Bey ( 1102 -- 1104 ) Sökmenli Ibrahim Bey ( 1104 -- 1131 ) Mardin Dynasty or Ilgazi Dynasty : Necmeddin Ilgazi ( 1106 -- 1122 ) Hüsameddin Timurtaş ( 1122 -- 1154 ) Necmeddin Alp ( 1154 -- 1176 ) Harput Dynasty : Belek Bey ( 1112 -- 1124 ) Nureddin Muhammed ( ? - ? ) Sökmen the Second ( ? - ? ) Important works : Artuqid Palace in Diyarbakır Widescale extension of Diyarbakır City Walls Malabadi Bridge Hasankeyf Bridge Sökmenli Nasirüddevle Bîmaristan - ı Farukî Medical Center ( Darüşşifa ) in Silvan ( 1108 ) Emineddin ( brother of Ilgazi ) Medical Center ( Darüşşifa ) in Mardin ( built between 1122 ) Great Mosque of Silvan Great Mosque of Mardin Older Great Mosque of Midyat ( Cami - i Kebir ) Great Mosque of Kızıltepe Great Mosque of Harput Artuqid Caravanserai in Mardin Ibrahim Shah Caravanserai near Keban between Elazığ and Çemişgezek <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Danishmends ( 1071 -- 1178 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Danishmend Gazi Capitals Sivas Niksar Chronology 1175 Capital city of Sivas incorporated into the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum 1178 Malatya branch incorporated into the Seljuk Sultanate Important centers and extension : Sivas Niksar Malatya Kayseri Tokat Amasya Kastamonu Ankara Dynasty : Danishmend Gazi ( 1071 -- 1105 ) Emir Gazi Gümüştekin ( 1105 -- 1134 ) Melik Mehmed ( 1134 -- 1146 ) Yağıbasan ( 1146 -- 1164 ) Melik Ismail ( 1164 -- 1175 ) Important works : Great Mosque of Niksar Great Mosque of Kayseri Kayseri Kölük Mosque Danishmend Gazi Tomb ( Melik Gazi Tomb ) in Niksar Denishmend Melik Mehmed Gazi Tomb in Kayseri <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Mengujekids ( 1071 -- 1277 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Mengücek Bey Capitals Erzincan , later also Divriği Important centers and extension : Erzincan Divriği Kemah Şebinkarahisar Dynasty : Mengücek Bey ( 1071 -- 1118 ) Mengücekli Ishak Bey ( 1118 -- 1120 ) 1120 -- 1142 Temporarily incorporated into the Beylik of Danishmends Erzincan and Kemah Branch Mengücekli Davud Shah ( 1142 - ? ) 1228 Incorporation into the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum Divriği Branch Mengücekli Süleyman Shah ( 1142 - ? ) 1277 Beylik destroyed by Abaka Important works : Divriği Great Mosque and Divriği Turan Melek Sultan Medical Center ( Darüşşifa ) ( 1229 ) Kale Mosque in Divriği <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Saltukids ( 1072 -- 1202 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Saltuk Bey Capital Erzurum Chronology 1202 Incorporation into the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum Important centers and extension : Erzurum Tercan Dynasty : Saltuk Bey ( 1072 -- 1102 ) Ali bin Ebu'l - Kâsım ( 1102 - ~ 1124 ) Ziyâüddin Gazi ( ~ 1124 -- 1132 ) Izzeddin Saltuk ( 1132 -- 1168 ) Nâsırüddin Muhammed ( 1168 -- 1191 ) Mama Hatun ( 1191 -- 1200 ) Melikshah bin Muhammed ( 1200 -- 1202 ) Important works : Great Mosque of Erzurum Emir Saltuk Tomb in Erzurum Mama Hatun Caravanserai in Tercan Mama Hatun Tomb in Tercan Kale Mosque in Erzurum Erzurum Medical Center ( Darüşşifa ) ( 1147 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Aydinids ( 1307 -- 1425 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Aydınoğlu Mehmed Bey Capitals Birgi , later Ayasluğ Important centers and extension : Tire İzmir Alaşehir Aydın Sakız / Chios ( between 1336 -- 1344 ) Dynasty : Aydınoğlu Mehmed Bey ( 1307 -- 1334 ) Umur Beg ( 1334 -- 1348 ) Aydınoğlu Hızır Bey ( ? - ? ) Aydınoğlu Isa Bey ( - 1390 ) Events 1390 First period of incorporation ( by marriage ) into the Ottoman Empire under Bayezid I the Thunderbolt 1402 -- 1414 Second period of Beylik reconstituted by Tamerlane to Aydınoğlu Musa Bey ( 1402 -- 1403 ) Aydınoğlu Umur Bey ( 1403 -- 1405 ) İzmiroğlu Cüneyd Bey ( 1405 -- 1425 with intervals ) 1425 Second and last incorporation ( by conquest ) into the Ottoman realm under Murad II Important works : Isabey Mosque in Selçuk ( 1375 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Isfendiyarids ( ~ 1300 -- 1461 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Şemseddin Yaman Candar , commander of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum Capital Kastamonu Chronology 1392 Incorporation ( by conquest ) of Kastamonu branch into the Ottoman Empire under Bayezid I Important centers and extension : Sinop Eflani Çankırı Kalecik Tosya Araç Samsun ( temporarily ) Dynasty : Candaroğlu Süleyman Pasha ( 1309 - ~ 1340 ) Candaroğlu Ibrahim Bey ( 1340 -- 1345 ) Candaroğlu Adil Bey ( 1340 -- 1361 ) Celaleddin Bayezid ( 1361 -- 1385 ) Candaroğlu Süleyman Pasha the Second ( 1384 -- 1392 ) Sinop Dynasty or Isfendiyarid Dynasty : Isfendiyar Bey ( 1385 -- 1440 ) Taceddin Ibrahim Bey ( 1440 -- 1443 ) Kemaleddin Ismail Bey ( 1443 -- 1461 ) Chronology 1461 Incorporation ( by surrender ) of Sinop branch into the Ottoman Empire under Mehmed II <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Chobanids ( 1227 -- 1309 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Hüsamettin Çoban Bey , commander from Kayı Oghuz clan of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum Capital Kastamonu Chronology 1309 Incorporation ( by conquest ) into the Beylik of Isfendiyarids Important centers and extension : Kastamonu Taşköprü Dynasty : Hüsamettin Çoban Bey ( 1309 - ? ) Alp Yürek ( ? - ? ) Muzafferüddin Yavlak Arslan ( ? - ? ) Çobanoğlu Mahmud Bey ( ? - 1309 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Dulkadirids ( 1348 - ~ 1525 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Ancestor Hasan Dulkadir Founder Zeyneddin Karaca Bey Capital Elbistan Chronology 1443 -- 1525 Increasingly tributary and gradually incorporated into the Ottoman Empire Important centers and extension : Maraş Malatya Harput Kayseri Antep Dynasty : Zeyneddin Karaca Bey ( 1348 -- 1348 ) Dulkadiroğlu Halil Bey ( 1348 -- 1386 ) Sûli Bey ( 1386 -- 1396 ) Nâsıreddin Mehmed Bey ( 1396 -- 1443 ) Dulkadiroğlu Süleyman Bey ( 1443 -- 1454 ) Melik Arslan ( ? - ? ) Shah Budak ( ? - 1492 ) Şahsuvar ( ? - ? ) Alaüddevle Bozkurt Bey ( 1492 -- 1507 ) Şahsuvaroğlu Ali Bey ( 1507 - ~ 1525 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Eretnids ( 1328 -- 1381 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Eretna Bey , brother - in - law of the Ilkhanid governor for Anatolia , Timurtash Capital Sivas , later Kayseri Chronology 1326 Beylik replaced by Mehmed Bey 's chancellor Kadı Burhaneddin Important centers and extension : Sivas Kayseri Niğde Tokat Amasya Erzincan Şebinkarahisar Niksar Dynasty : Eretna Bey ( 1328 -- 1352 ) Gıyasüddin Mehmed Bey ( 1352 -- 1365 ) Alâeddin Ali Bey ( 1365 -- 1380 ) Mehmed Bey the Second ( 1380 -- 1381 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Eshrefids ( 1288 -- 1326 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Seyfeddin Süleyman Bey , regent to the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum Capital Beyşehir Chronology 1326 Beylik destroyed by Demirtaş , the Ilkhanid governor for Anatolia Important centers and extension : Beyşehir Akşehir Bolvadin Dynasty : Seyfeddin Süleyman Bey ( 1288 -- 1302 ) Eşrefoğlu Mehmed Bey ( 1302 -- 1320 ) Eşrefoğlu Süleyman Bey the Second ( 1320 -- 1326 ) Important works : Eşrefoğlu Mosque in Beyşehir ( 1299 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Germiyanids ( 1300 -- 1429 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Ancestor Kerimüddin Alişir Founder Germiyanlı Yakub Bey the First Capital Kütahya Important centers and extension : Kula ( District ) , Manisa Simav Yenicekent Yenicekent ( Beylik of Lâdik between 1300 -- 1368 ) Dynasty : Germiyanlı Yakub Bey the First ( 1300 -- 1340 ) Germiyanlı Mehmed Bey ( 1340 -- 1361 ) Germiyanlı Süleyman Shah ( 1361 -- 1387 ) Chronology 1390 First period of incorporation ( by legation ) into the Ottoman Empire under Murad I 1402 -- 1414 Second period of Beylik restituted by Tamerlane to Germiyanoğlu Yakub Bey the Second ( 1402 -- 1429 ) 1414 Recognition of Ottoman sovereignty by Germiyanoğlu Yakub Bey the Second under Mehmed I 1429 Second and last incorporation ( by legation ) into the Ottoman realm under Murad II <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Hamidids ( ~ 1280 -- 1374 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Ancestors Hamid and his son Ilyas Bey , frontier rulers under Seljuk Sultanate of Rum Founder Hamidoğlu Feleküddin Dündar Bey Capital Isparta Chronology 1374 Incorporation ( by sale of territories ) into the Ottoman Empire under Murad I and also partially to the Karamanid dynasty . Important centers and extension : Eğirdir Uluborlu Gölhisar Korkuteli and Antalya transferred in 1301 to Dündar Bey 's brother Tekeoğlu Yunus Bey Dynasty : Hamidoğlu Feleküddin Dündar Bey ( ~ 1280 -- 1324 ) Hamidoğlu Hızır Bey ( 1324 -- 1330 ) Hamidoğlu Necmeddin Ishak Bey ( ? - ? ) Hamidoğlu Muzafferüddin Mustafa Bey ( ? - ? ) Hamidoğlu Hüsameddin Ilyas Bey ( ? - ? ) Hamidoğlu Kemaleddin Hüseyin Bey ( ? - 1391 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Karamanids ( ~ 1250 -- 1487 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Ancestor Nure Sûfi from Afshar Oghuz clan Founder Kerimeddin Karaman Bey Capitals successively Ereğli Ermenek Larende ( Karaman ) Konya Mut Chronology 1398 -- 1402 First incorporation ( by conquest ) into the Ottoman Empire under Bayezid I 1402 -- 1414 Second period of Beylik restituted by Tamerlane 1414 -- 1487 Gradual second incorporation into the Ottoman Empire under Mehmed I , Murad II and Mehmed II . Dynasty : Kerîmeddin Karaman ( 1256 -- 1261 ) Mehmet I ( 1261 -- 1283 ) Güneri ( 1283 -- 1300 ) Bedreddin Mahmut ( 1300 -- 1308 ) Yahşı Han ( 1308 -- 1312 ) Bedreddin Ibrahim I ( 1312 -- 1333 ) Alâeddin Halil Mirza ( 1333 -- 1348 ) Bedreddin Ibrahim I , 2nd reign ( 1348 -- 1349 ) Fahreddin Ahmed ( 1349 -- 1350 ) Şemseddin ( 1350 -- 1351 ) Burhaneddin Musa ( 1351 -- 1356 ) Seyfeddin Süleyman ( 1356 -- 1357 ) Alâeddin Ali ( 1357 -- 1398 ) Nasreddin Mehmed Bey ( 1398 -- 1399 ) Sultanzâde Mehmet II ( 1398 -- 1399 , 1402 -- 1420 , 1421 -- 1423 ) Bengi Alâeddin Ali ( 1418 -- 1424 ) Ibrahim II ( 1424 -- 1464 ) Sultanzâde Ishak ( 1464 ) Sultanzâde Pîr Ahmed ( 1464 -- 1469 ) Kasım ( 1469 -- 1483 ) Turgutoğlu Mahmud Bey ( 1483 -- 1487 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Karasids ( 1303 -- 1360 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Ancestor Melik Danişmend Gazi Founder Karesi Bey Capital Balıkesir Chronology 1374 Incorporation ( by conquest ) into the Ottoman Beylik under Orhan and Murad I Important centers and extension : Aydıncık Bergama Edremit Bigadiç Ezine Dynasty : Karesi Bey ( 1307 -- 1328 ) Demir Han ( 1328 -- 1345 ) Yahşı Han ( 1328 -- 1345 ) Süleyman Bey ( 1345 -- 1360 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Ladik ( ~ 1300 -- 1368 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Ancestor Germiyanlı Ali Bey Founder Inanç Bey Capital Denizli Chronology 1368 Re-incorporation ( by conquest ) into the Beylik of Germiyan Important centers and extension : Denizli Dynasty : Inanç Bey ( ~ 1300 - ~ 1314 ) Murad Arslan ( ~ 1314 - ? ) Inançoğlu Ishak Bey ( ? - ~ 1360 ) Süleyman Bey ( 1345 -- 1368 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Menteshe ( ~ 1261 -- 1424 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Menteshe Bey Capitals Beçin castle and nearby Milas , later also Balat Important centers and extension present - day Muğla Province Muğla Finike Kaş Çameli Acıpayam Tavas Bozdoğan Çine temporarily Aydın and Güzelhisar , also Rhodes between 1300 -- 1314 Dynasty : Menteshe Bey ( ~ 1261 - ~ 1282 ) Mesut ( ~ 1282 - ~ 1320 ) Orhan ( ~ 1320 - ~ 1340 ) Ibrahim ( ~ 1340 - ~ 1360 ) Chronology 1360 Division between the three sons of Ibrahim Bey : Musa , Mehmed , Ahmed 1390 First incorporation into the Ottoman Empire under Bayezid I the Thunderbolt 1402 -- 1414 Beylik reconstituted by Tamerlane to Ilyas Bey 1414 Recognition of Ottoman suzereignty under Mehmed I 1424 Final incorporation into the Ottoman realm under Murad II Important works : Firuz Bey Mosque in Milas İlyas Bey Mosque in Didim Great Mosque of Muğla ( 1344 ) Vakıflar Hamam ( Turkish bath ) in Muğla ( 1334 ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Pervâneoğlu ( 1261 -- 1322 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Ancestor Mühezzibeddin Ali Kâşî ( vizier of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum ) Founder Süleyman Pervâne Capital Sinop Chronology 1516 Incorporation into the Beylik of Isfendiyarids Important centers and extension : Sinop Dynasty : Süleyman Pervâne ( 1261 -- 1277 ) Pervâneoğlu Mehmed Bey ( 1277 -- 1296 ) Pervâneoğlu Mesud Bey ( 1296 -- 1300 ) Pervâneoğlu Gazi Çelebi ( 1300 -- 1326 ) Important works Muîneddin Pervâne Medical Center ( Darüşşifa ) in Tokat ( 1276 ) Pervâne Medrese in Sinop Durağan Han caravanserai in Durağan ( 1266 ) Eğret Han caravanserai near İhsaniye ( 1278 ) Pervâne Bey Medrese in Closed Bazaar in Kayseri Mosque in Merzifon <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Ramadanids ( 1352 -- 1516 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Ramazan Bey from Yüreğir Oghuz clan Capitals Adana Chronology 1516 Icorporation ( by submission ) into the Ottoman Empire under Selim I 1516 -- 1608 Dynasty members as Beys of Ottoman sanjak of Adana until 1608 . Important centers and extension : Adana Tarsus Dynasty : Ibrahim Bey ( 1344 - ? ) Ahmed Bey ( ? - 1416 ) Ibrahim Bey ( 1416 -- 1417 ) Hamza Bey ( 1417 -- 1427 ) Mehmed Bey ( 1427 - ? ) Eyluk Bey ( ? - ? ) Dündar Bey ( ? - ? ) Omer Bey ( ? - 1490 ) Giyas al - Din Halil Bey ( 1490 -- 1511 ) Hahmud Bey ( 1511 -- 1516 ) Selim Bey ( ? - ? ) Kubad Bey ( 1517 - ? ) <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Sahib Ataids ( 1275 -- 1341 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Sahib Ata Fahreddin Ali , vizier of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum Capital Afyonkarahisar Chronology 1341 Incorporation into the Beylik of Germiyan Important centers and extension : Akşehir Beyşehir Sandıklı Denizli Dynasty Sahib Ata Fahreddin Ali ( 1275 -- 1288 ) and sons Nusreddin Ahmed ( 1288 -- 1341 ) Important works : Sâhib Ata Caravanserai in Sultandağı <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Sarukhanids ( 1302 -- 1410 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Founder Saruhan Bey Capital Manisa Important centers and extension : Demirci Nif ( Kemalpaşa ) Akhisar Gördes Menemen Dynasty Saruhan Bey ( 1302 -- 1345 ) Fahreddin Ilyas Bey Muzafferuddin Ishak Bey ( - 1388 ) Hızır Shah ( 1388 -- 1390 ) Chronology 1390 First period of incorporation ( by submission ) into the Ottoman Empire under Bayezid I the Thunderbolt 1402 -- 1410 Second period of Beylik restituted by Tamerlane to Saruhanoğlu Orhan Bey ( 1402 -- 1403 ) Hızır Shah ( 1403 -- 1410 ) 1410 Second and last incorporation ( by conquest ) into the Ottoman realm under Mehmed I <Td_colspan="2"> <Th_colspan="2"> Teke ( 1301 -- 1423 ) <Td_colspan="2"> Ancestors Hamidoğlu dynasty Founder Tekeoğlu Yunus Bey Capitals Antalya Korkuteli Important centers and extension : Antalya ( lost to the Kingdom of Cyprus between 1361 -- 1373 ) Teke Peninsula Dynasty : Tekeoğlu Yunus Bey ( 1301 - ? ) Tekeoğlu Mehmud Bey ( ? - 1327 ) Tekeoğlu Hızır Bey ( ? - ? ) Tekeoğlu Dadı Bey ( ? - ? ) Zincirkıran Mehmed Bey ( ~ 1360 - ~ 1375 ) Tekeoğlu Osman Bey ( ~ 1375 -- 1390 ) Chronology 1390 First period of incorporation ( by conquest ) into the Ottoman Empire under Bayezid I the Thunderbolt 1402 -- 1423 Second period of Beylik restituted by Tamerlane to Tekeoğlu Osman Bey ( 1402 -- 1423 ) 1423 Second and last incorporation ( by conquest ) into the Ottoman realm under Murad II Important works : Yivli Minare Mosque in Antalya ( ~ 1375 ) WorldCat Identities BNE : XX1289010 BNF : cb11939835h ( data ) GND : 118622803 ISNI : 0000 0001 2136 280X LCCN : n50015000 LNB : 000197177 NDL : 00621564 NKC : jn20000720307 SELIBR : 259304 SNAC : w6418r4b SUDOC : 027333868 VIAF : 63984707 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Timur 1336 births 1405 deaths Muslim monarchs Genocide perpetrators Samarkand Royalty and nobility with disabilities Hidden categories : CS1 Hindi - language sources ( hi ) All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from May 2012 CS1 maint : Unfit url Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Articles with short description Articles containing Persian - language text Articles containing Chagatay - language text Articles needing additional references from December 2015 All articles needing additional references All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from November 2012 All articles lacking reliable references Articles lacking reliable references from May 2013 Articles with unsourced statements from April 2013 Articles with unsourced statements from September 2014 Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica Articles with Encyclopædia Britannica links Wikipedia articles with BNE identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with LNB identifiers Wikipedia articles with NDL identifiers Wikipedia articles with NKC identifiers Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers Wikipedia articles with SNAC - ID identifiers Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Afrikaans Alemannisch አማርኛ Aragonés Asturianu Azərbaycanca تۆرکجه বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Башҡортса Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Буряад Català Чӑвашла Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Fiji Hindi Français Frysk Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Ilokano Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Ирон Íslenska Italiano עברית ಕನ್ನಡ ქართული Қазақша Kiswahili Kurdî Кыргызча Лезги لۊری شومالی Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Ligure Magyar मैथिली Македонски Malagasy മലയാളം मराठी მარგალური مصرى مازِرونی Bahasa Melayu Baso Minangkabau Монгол Nederlands नेपाल भाषा 日本 語 Нохчийн Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча ਪੰਜਾਬੀ پنجابی پښتو Piemontèis Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Русиньскый Русский Саха тыла संस्कृतम् Scots Shqip Sicilianu Simple English سنڌي Slovenčina Slovenščina Soomaaliga کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் Татарча / tatarça తెలుగు ไทย Тоҷикӣ Türkçe Українська اردو ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche Tiếng Việt Võro Winaray 吴语 ייִדיש 粵語 Zazaki Žemaitėška 中文 Kabɩyɛ Lingua Franca Nova 114 more Edit links This page was last edited on 27 October 2018 , at 11 : 05 ( UTC ) . 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1. Timur Turco-Mongol ruler 2. Timurid Empire 3. Conquests and military campaigns 4. Legacy and descendants 5. Cultural patronage and intellectual pursuits
who came up with 7 days in a week
Week - wikipedia Week For other uses , see Week ( disambiguation ) and Weeks ( disambiguation ) . An Italian cameo bracelet representing the days of the week by their eponymous deities ( mid-19th century , Walters Art Museum ) Circular diagrams showing the division of the day and of the week , from a Carolingian ms . ( Clm 14456 fol . 71r ) of St. Emmeram Abbey . The week is divided into seven days , and each day into 96 puncta ( quarter - hours ) , 240 minuta ( tenths of an hour ) and 960 momenta ( 40th parts of an hour ) . A week is a time unit equal to seven days . It is the standard time period used for cycles of rest days in most parts of the world , mostly alongside -- although not strictly part of -- the Gregorian calendar . The days of the week were named after the classical planets ( derived from the astrological system of planetary hours ) in the Roman era . In English , the names are Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , and Saturday . ISO 8601 includes the ISO week date system , a numbering system for weeks within a given year -- each week begins on a Monday and is associated with the year that contains that week 's Thursday ( so that if a year starts in a long weekend Friday -- Sunday , week number one of the year will start after that ) . ISO 8601 assigns numbers to the days of the week , running from 1 to 7 for Monday through to Sunday . 5 6 7 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday The term `` week '' is sometimes expanded to refer to other time units comprising a few days , such as the nundinal cycle of the ancient Roman calendar , the `` work week '' , or `` school week '' referring only to the days spent on those activities . Contents 1 Name 2 Definition and duration 3 Days of the week 4 History 4.1 Ancient Near East 4.2 Achaemenid period 4.3 Hellenistic and Roman era 4.4 Adoption in Asia 4.4. 1 China 4.4. 2 India 4.5 Arabia 4.6 Christian Europe 5 Week numbering 6 `` Weeks '' in other calendars 6.1 Pre-modern calendars 6.2 Modern calendar reforms 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 Further reading Name ( edit ) The English word week comes from the Old English wice , ultimately from a Common Germanic * wikōn - , from a root * wik - `` turn , move , change '' . The Germanic word probably had a wider meaning prior to the adoption of the Roman calendar , perhaps `` succession series '' , as suggested by Gothic wikō translating taxis `` order '' in Luke 1 : 8 . The seven - day week is named in many languages by a word derived from `` seven '' . The archaism sennight ( `` seven - night '' ) preserves the old Germanic practice of reckoning time by nights , as in the more common fortnight ( `` fourteen - night '' ) . Hebdomad and hebdomadal week both derive from the Greek hebdomás ( ἑβδομάς , `` a seven '' ) . The obsolete septimane is cognate with the Romance terms derived from Latin septimana ( `` a seven '' ) . Slavic has a formation * tъ ( žь ) dьnь ( Serbian тједан , Croatian tjedan , Ukrainian тиждень , Czech týden , Polish tydzień ) , from * tъ `` this '' + * dьnь `` day '' . Chinese has 星期 , as it were `` planetary time unit '' . Definition and duration ( edit ) A week is defined as an interval of exactly seven days , so that technically , except at daylight saving time transitions or leap seconds , 1 week = 7 days = 168 hours = 10,080 minutes = 604,800 seconds . With respect to the Gregorian calendar : 1 Gregorian calendar year = 52 weeks + 1 day ( 2 days in a leap year ) 1 week = ​ ⁄ ≈ 22.9984 % of an average Gregorian month In a Gregorian mean year , there are 365.2425 days , and thus exactly ​ 52 ⁄ or 52.1775 weeks ( unlike the Julian year of 365.25 days or ​ 52 ⁄ ≈ 52.1786 weeks , which can not be represented by a finite decimal expansion ) . There are exactly 20,871 weeks in 400 Gregorian years , so 28 October 1618 was a Sunday just as was 28 October 2018 . Relative to the path of the Moon , a week is 23.659 % of an average lunation or 94.637 % of an average quarter lunation . Historically , the system of Dominical letters ( letters A to G identifying the weekday of the first day of a given year ) has been used to facilitate calculation of the day of week . The day of the week can be easily calculated given a date 's Julian day number ( JD , i.e. the integer value at noon UT ) : Adding one to the remainder after dividing the Julian day number by seven ( JD modulo 7 + 1 ) yields that date 's ISO 8601 day of the week ( for example , the Julian day number of 28 October 2018 is 2458420 . Calculating ( 2458420 mod 7 + 1 ) yields 7 , corresponding to Sunday . ) . Days of the week ( edit ) Main article : Names of the days of the week Schematic comparison of the ordering of the classical planets ( arranged in a circle ) and the sequence of days in the week ( forming a ( 7 / 3 ) heptagram within the circle ) . The days of the week were originally named for the classical planets . This naming system persisted alongside an `` ecclesiastical '' tradition of numbering the days , in ecclesiastical Latin beginning with dominica ( the Day of the Lord ) as the first day . The Greco - Roman gods associated with the classical planets were rendered in their interpretatio germanica at some point during the late Roman Empire , yielding the Germanic tradition of names based on indigenous deities . The ordering of the weekday names is not the classical order of the planets ( by distance in the planetary spheres model , nor , equivalently , by their apparent speed of movement in the night sky ) . Instead , the planetary hours systems resulted in succeeding days being named for planets that are three places apart in their traditional listing . This characteristic was apparently discussed in Plutarch in a treatise written in c . AD 100 , which is reported to have addressed the question of Why are the days named after the planets reckoned in a different order from the actual order ? ( the text of Plutarch 's treatise has been lost ) . Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Planet Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Greco - Roman deity Selene - Luna Ares - Mars Hermes - Mercury Zeus - Jupiter Aphrodite - Venus Cronus - Saturn Helios - Sol Greek : ἡμέρα Σελήνης ἡμέρα Ἄρεως ἡμέρα Ἑρμοῦ ἡμέρα Διός ἡμέρα Ἀφροδίτης ἡμέρα Κρόνου ἡμέρα Ἡλίου Latin : dies Lūnae dies Martis dies Mercuriī dies Iovis dies Veneris dies Saturnī dies Sōlis interpretatio germanica Moon Tiwaz Wodanaz Þunraz Frige -- Sun Old English mōnandæg tiwesdæg wōdnesdæg þunresdæg frīgedæg sæterndæg sunnandæg An ecclesiastical , non-astrological , system of numbering the days of the week was adopted in Late Antiquity . This model also seems to have influenced ( presumably via Gothic ) the designation of Wednesday as `` mid-week '' in Old High German ( mittawehha ) and Old Church Slavonic ( срѣда ) . Old Church Slavonic may have also modeled the name of Monday , понєдѣльникъ , after the Latin feria secunda . The ecclesiastical system became prevalent in Eastern Christianity , but in the Latin West it remains extant only in modern Icelandic , Galician and Portuguese . 1 . Monday 2 . Tuesday 3 . Wednesday 4 . Thursday 5 . Friday ( Muslim Sabbath ) 6 . Saturday ( Jewish Sabbath ) 7 . Sunday ( Christian Sabbath ) Greek Δευτέρα ἡμέρα / devtéra iméra / Τρίτη ἡμέρα / tríti iméra / Τετάρτη ἡμέρα / tetárti iméra / Πέμπτη ἡμέρα / pémpti iméra / Παρασκευὴ ἡμέρα / paraskevi iméra / Σάββατον / sáb : aton / Κυριακὴ ἡμέρα / kiriaki iméra / Latin feria secunda feria tertia feria quarta ; rarely media septimana feria quinta feria sexta Sabbatum ; dies sabbatinus , dies Sabbati ; rarely feria septima , feria Sabbati ( dies ) dominica ; rarely feria prima , feria dominica History ( edit ) A continuous seven - day cycle that runs throughout history paying no attention whatsoever to the phases of the moon was probably first practiced in Judaism , dated to the 6th century BC at the latest . There are several hypotheses concerning the origin of the biblical seven - day cycle . Friedrich Delitzsch and others suggested that the seven - day week being approximately a quarter of a lunation is the implicit astronomical origin of the seven - day week , and indeed the Babylonian calendar used intercalary days to synchronize the last week of a month with the new moon . According to this theory , the Jewish week was adopted from the Babylonians while removing the moon - dependency . However , Niels - Erik Andreasen , Jeffrey H. Tigay and others claimed that the sabbath is mentioned as a day of rest in some of the earliest layers of the Pentateuch dated to the 9th century BC at the latest , centuries before Judea 's Babylonian exile . They also find the resemblance between the biblical Sabbath and the Babylonian system to be weak . Therefore , they suggested that the seven - day week may reflect an independent Israelite tradition . Tigay writes : It is clear that among neighboring nations that were in position to have an influence over Israel -- and in fact which did influence it in various matters -- there is no precise parallel to the Israelite Sabbatical week . This leads to the conclusion that the Sabbatical week , which is as unique to Israel as the Sabbath from which it flows , is an independent Israelite creation . The seven - day week seems to have been adopted , at different stages , by the Persian Empire , in Hellenistic astrology , and ( via Greek transmission ) in Gupta India and Tang China . The Babylonian system was received by the Greeks in the 4th century BC ( notably via Eudoxus of Cnidus ) . However the designation of the seven days of the week to the seven planets is an innovation introduced in the time of Augustus . The astrological concept of planetary hours is rather an original innovation of Hellenistic astrology , probably first conceived in the 2nd century BC . The seven day week was widely known throughout the Roman Empire by the 1st century AD , along with references to the Jewish Sabbath by Roman scholars such as Seneca and Ovid . The seven day cycle ultimately replaced the older Roman system of the nundinal cycle , probably during the 4th century . Ancient near East ( edit ) The earliest evidence of an astrological significance of a seven - day period is connected to Gudea , priest - king of Lagash in Sumer during the Gutian dynasty , who built a seven - room temple , which he dedicated with a seven - day festival . In the flood story of the Assyro - Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh the storm lasts for seven days , the dove is sent out after seven days , and the Noah - like character of Utnapishtim leaves the ark seven days after it reaches firm ground . It seems likely that the Hebrew seven - day week is based on the Babylonian tradition , although going through certain adaptations . George Aaron Barton speculated that the seven - day creation account of Genesis is connected to the Babylonian creation epic , Enûma Eliš , which is recorded on seven tablets . Counting from the new moon , the Babylonians celebrated the 7th , 14th , 21st and 28th as `` holy - days '' , also called `` evil days '' ( meaning `` unsuitable '' for prohibited activities ) . On these days , officials were prohibited from various activities and common men were forbidden to `` make a wish '' , and at least the 28th was known as a `` rest - day '' . On each of them , offerings were made to a different god and goddess . In a frequently - quoted suggestion going back to the early 20th century , the Hebrew Sabbath is compared to the Sumerian sa - bat `` mid-rest '' , a term for the full moon . The Sumerian term has been reconstructed as rendered Sapattu or Sabattu in Babylonian , possibly present in the lost fifth tablet of the Enûma Eliš , tentatively reconstructed `` ( Sa ) bbath shalt thou then encounter , mid ( month ) ly '' . Achaemenid period ( edit ) The Zoroastrian calendar follows the Babylonian in relating the 7th , 14th , 21st , and 28th of the month to Ahura Mazda . The forerunner of all modern Zoroastrian calendars is the system used to determine dates in the Persian Empire , adopted from the Babylonian calendar by the 4th century BC . Frank C. Senn in his book Christian Liturgy : Catholic and Evangelical points to data suggesting evidence of an early continuous use of a seven - day week ; referring to the Jews during the Babylonian Captivity in the 6th century BC , after the destruction of the Temple of Solomon . While the seven - day week in Judaism is tied to Creation account in the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible ( where God creates the heavens and the earth in six days and rests on the seventh ; Genesis 1 : 1 -- 2 : 3 , in the Book of Exodus , the fourth of the Ten Commandments is to rest on the seventh day , Shabbat , which can be seen as implying a socially instituted seven - day week ) , it is not clear whether the Genesis narrative predates the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews in the 6th century BC . At least since the Second Temple period under Persian rule , Judaism relied on the seven - day cycle of recurring Sabbaths . Tablets from the Achaemenid period indicate that the lunation of 29 or 30 days basically contained three seven - day weeks , and a final week of eight or nine days inclusive , breaking the continuous seven - day cycle . The Babylonians additionally celebrated the 19th as a special `` evil day '' , the `` day of anger '' , because it was roughly the 49th day of the ( preceding ) month , completing a `` week of weeks '' , also with sacrifices and prohibitions . Difficulties with Friedrich Delitzsch 's origin theory connecting Hebrew Shabbat with the Babylonian lunar cycle include reconciling the differences between an unbroken week and a lunar week , and explaining the absence of texts naming the lunar week as Shabbat in any language . Hellenistic and Roman era ( edit ) Main article : Nundinae In Jewish sources by the time of the Septuagint , the term `` Sabbath '' ( Greek Sabbaton ) by synecdoche also came to refer to an entire seven - day week , the interval between two weekly Sabbaths . Jesus 's parable of the Pharisee and the Publican ( Luke 18 : 12 ) describes the Pharisee as fasting `` twice in the week '' ( Greek δὶς τοῦ σαββάτου dis tou sabbatou ) . The ancient Romans traditionally used the eight - day nundinum but , after the Julian calendar had come into effect in 45 BC , the seven - day week came into increasing use . For a while , the week and the nundinal cycle coexisted , but by the time the week was officially adopted by Constantine in AD 321 , the nundinal cycle had fallen out of use . The association of the days of the week with the Sun , the Moon and the five planets visible to the naked eye dates to the Roman era ( 2nd century ) . The continuous seven - day cycle of the days of the week can be traced back to the reign of Augustus ; the first identifiable date cited complete with day of the week is 6 February AD 60 , identified as a `` Sunday '' ( as viii idus Februarius dies solis `` eighth day before the ides of February , day of the Sun '' ) in a Pompeiian graffito . According to the ( contemporary ) Julian calendar , 6 February 60 was , however , a Wednesday . This is explained by the existence of two conventions of naming days of the weeks based on the planetary hours system : 6 February was a `` Sunday '' based on the sunset naming convention , and a `` Wednesday '' based on the sunrise naming convention . Adoption in Asia ( edit ) China ( edit ) The earliest known reference in Chinese writings to a seven - day week is attributed to Fan Ning , who lived in the late 4th century in the Jin Dynasty , while diffusions from the Manichaeans are documented with the writings of the Chinese Buddhist monk Yi Jing and the Ceylonese or Central Asian Buddhist monk Bu Kong of the 7th century ( Tang Dynasty ) . The Chinese variant of the planetary system was brought to Japan by the Japanese monk Kobo Daishi ( 9th century ) . Surviving diaries of the Japanese statesman Fujiwara Michinaga show the seven - day system in use in Heian Japan as early as 1007 . In Japan , the seven - day system was kept in use for astrological purposes until its promotion to a full - fledged Western - style calendrical basis during the Meiji era . India ( edit ) The seven - day week was known in India by the 6th century , referenced in the Pañcasiddhāntikā . Shashi ( 2000 ) mentions the Garga Samhita , which he places in the 1st century BC or AD , as a possible earlier reference to a seven - day week in India . He concludes `` the above references furnish a terminus ad quem ( viz . 1st century ) The terminus a quo can not be stated with certainty '' . Arabia ( edit ) In Arabia , a similar seven - week system was adopted , that may be influenced by the Hebrew week ( via Christianity ) . Christian europe ( edit ) Further information : Holy Week and Easter Week The seven - day weekly cycle has remained unbroken in Christendom , and hence in Western history , for almost two millennia , despite changes to the Coptic , Julian , and Gregorian calendars , demonstrated by the date of Easter Sunday having been traced back through numerous computistic tables to an Ethiopic copy of an early Alexandrian table beginning with the Easter of AD 311 . A tradition of divinations arranged for the days of the week on which certain feast days occur develops in the Early Medieval period . There are many later variants of this , including the German Bauern - Praktik and the versions of Erra Pater published in 16th to 17th century England , mocked in Samuel Butler 's Hudibras . South and East Slavic versions are known as koliadniki ( from koliada , a loan of Latin calendae ) , with Bulgarian copies dating from the 13th century , and Serbian versions from the 14th century . Medieval Christian traditions associated with the lucky or unlucky nature of certain days of the week survived into the modern period . This concerns primarily Friday , associated with the crucifixion of Jesus . Sunday , sometimes personified as Saint Anastasia , was itself an object of worship in Russia , a practice denounced in a sermon extant in copies going back to the 14th century . Sunday , in the ecclesiastical numbering system also counted as the feria prima or the first day of the week ; yet , at the same time , figures as the `` eighth day '' , and has occasionally been so called in Christian liturgy . Justin Martyr wrote : `` the first day after the Sabbath , remaining the first of all the days , is called , however , the eighth , according to the number of all the days of the cycle , and ( yet ) remains the first '' . A period of eight days , starting and ending on a Sunday , is called an octave , particularly in Roman Catholic liturgy . In German , the phrase in acht Tagen ( literally `` in eight days '' ) means one week from today . In Italian , the phrase ( oggi otto ( literally `` today eight '' ) also means one week from today . Week numbering ( edit ) Further information : Leap week calendar Weeks in a Gregorian calendar year can be numbered for each year . This style of numbering is commonly used ( for example , by schools and businesses ) in some European and Asian countries , but rare elsewhere . ISO 8601 includes the ISO week date system , a numbering system for weeks -- each week begins on a Monday and is associated with the year that contains that week 's Thursday ( so that if a year starts in a long weekend Friday -- Sunday , week number one of the year will start after that ) . For example , week 1 of 2004 ( 2004W01 ) ran from Monday , 29 December 2003 to Sunday , 4 January 2004 , because its Thursday was 1 January 2004 , whereas week 1 of 2005 ( 2005W01 ) ran from Monday , 3 January 2005 to Sunday , 9 January 2005 , because its Thursday was 6 January 2005 and so the first Thursday of 2005 . The highest week number in a year is either 52 or 53 ( it was 53 in the year 2004 ) . Schematically , this ISO convention translates as follows : <Th_colspan="7"> Weekdays and dates at the start of January <Th_colspan="4"> Effect <Th_colspan="7"> Weekdays and dates at the end of December ( in common years ) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Week no . 01 begins First week no . in the year ... Last week no . in the year Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 5 6 7 1 January 01 01 next year 31 5 6 31 December previous year 01 01 next year 30 31 5 30 December previous year 01 01 next year , 53 when leap year 29 30 31 29 December previous year 01 53 28 29 30 31 4 January 53 previous year 52 27 28 29 30 31 3 January 53 when leap year previous year , 52 when normal year previous year 52 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 January 52 previous year 52 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Use the dates on the next line when leap years . In some countries , though , the numbering system is different from the ISO standard . At least six numberings are in use : System First day of week <Th_colspan="3"> First week of year contains Can be last week of previous year Used by / in ISO - 8601 Monday 4 January 1st Thursday 4 -- 7 days of year yes EU and most of other European countries , most of Asia and Oceania ( Middle Eastern ) Saturday 1 January 1st Friday 1 -- 7 days of year yes Much of the Middle East ( North American and Islamic ) Sunday 1 January 1st Saturday 1 -- 7 days of year yes Canada , United States , India , Japan , Taiwan , Hong Kong , Macau , Israel , Egypt , South Africa , the Philippines , and most of Latin America The semiconductor package date code is often a 4 digit date code YYWW where the first two digits YY are the last 2 digits of the calendar year and the last two digits WW are the two - digit week number . The tire date code mandated by the US DOT is a 4 digit date code WWYY with two digits of the week number WW followed by the last two digits of the calendar year YY . `` Weeks '' in other calendars ( edit ) The term `` week '' is sometimes expanded to refer to other time units comprising a few days . Such `` weeks '' of between four and ten days have been used historically in various places . Intervals longer than 10 days are not usually termed `` weeks '' as they are closer in length to the fortnight or the month than to the seven - day week . Pre-modern calendars ( edit ) Calendars unrelated to the Chaldean , Hellenistic , Christian or Jewish traditions often have time cycles between the day and the month of varying lengths , sometimes also called `` weeks '' . An eight - day week was used in Ancient Rome and possibly in the pre-Christian Celtic calendar . Traces of a nine - day week are found in Baltic languages and in Welsh . The ancient Chinese calendar had a ten - day week , as did the ancient Egyptian calendar ( and , incidentally , the French Republican Calendar , dividing its 30 - day months into thirds ) . A six - day week is found in the Akan Calendar . Several cultures used a five - day week , including the 10th century Icelandic calendar , the Javanese calendar , and the traditional cycle of market days in Korea . The Igbo have a `` market week '' of four days . Evidence of a `` three - day week '' has been derived from the names of the days of the week in Guipuscoan Basque . The Aztecs and Mayas used the Mesoamerican calendars . The most important of these calendars divided a ritual cycle of 260 days ( known as Tonalpohualli in Nahuatl and Tzolk'in in Yucatec Maya ) into 20 weeks of 13 days ( known in Spanish as trecenas ) . They also divided the solar year into 18 periods of 20 days and five nameless days , creating a 20 - day month divided into four five - day weeks . The end of each five - day week was a market day . The Balinese Pawukon is a 210 - day calendar consisting of 10 different simultaneously running weeks of 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 days , of which the weeks of 4 , 8 and 9 days are interrupted to fit into the 210 - day cycle . Modern calendar reforms ( edit ) Further information : Decimal calendar , French Revolutionary Calendar § Ten days of the week , Bahá'í calendar , International Fixed Calendar , and Soviet calendar A 10 - day week , called décade , was used in France for nine and a half years from October 1793 to April 1802 ; furthermore , the Paris Commune adopted the Revolutionary Calendar for 18 days in 1871 . The Bahá'í calendar features a 19 - day period which some classify as a month and others classify as a week . The International Fixed Calendar ( also known as the `` Eastman plan '' ) fixed every date always on the same weekday . This plan kept a 7 - day week while defining a year of 13 months with 28 days each . It was the official calendar of the Eastman Kodak Company for decades . Soviet calendar , 1930 . Five colors of five - day work week repeat . Soviet calendar , 1933 . Rest day of six - day work week in blue . Days of each Gregorian month in both calendars are grouped vertically into seven - day weeks . In the Soviet Union between 1929 and 1940 , most factory and enterprise workers , but not collective farm workers , used five - and six - day work weeks while the entire country continued to use the traditional seven - day week . From 1929 to 1951 , five national holidays were days of rest ( 22 January , 1 -- 2 May , 7 -- 8 November ) . From autumn 1929 to summer 1931 , the remaining 360 days of the year were subdivided into 72 five - day work weeks beginning on 1 January . Workers were assigned any one of the five days as their day off , even if their spouse or friends might be assigned a different day off . Peak usage of the five - day work week occurred on 1 October 1930 at 72 % of industrial workers . From summer 1931 until 26 June 1940 , each Gregorian month was subdivided into five six - day work weeks , more - or-less , beginning with the first day of each month . The sixth day of each six - day work week was a uniform day of rest . On 1 July 1935 74.2 % of industrial workers were on non-continuous schedules , mostly six - day work weeks , while 25.8 % were still on continuous schedules , mostly five - day work weeks . The Gregorian calendar with its irregular month lengths and the traditional seven - day week were used in the Soviet Union during its entire existence , including 1929 -- 1940 ; for example , in the masthead of Pravda , the official Communist newspaper , and in both Soviet calendars displayed here . The traditional names of the seven - day week continued to be used , including `` Resurrection '' ( Воскресенье ) for Sunday and `` Sabbath '' ( Суббота ) for Saturday , despite the government 's officially atheistic policy . See also ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Week . Names of the days of the week Workweek and weekend Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ In pre-modern times , days were measured either from sunset to sunset , or from sunrise to sunrise , so that the length of the week ( and the day ) would be subject to slight variations depending upon the time of year and the observer 's geographical latitude . Jump up ^ It was transmitted to China in the 8th century by Manichaeans , via the country of Kang ( a Central Asian polity near Samarkand ) . Tang - era adoption is documented in the writings of the Chinese Buddhist monk Yi Jing and the Ceylonese Buddhist monk Bu Kong . According to the Chinese encyclopaedia Cihai ( 辞海 ) , there is some evidence that the system had been adopted twice , the first time already in the 4th century ( Jin dynasty ) , based on a reference by a Jin era astrologer , Fan Ning ( 范 寧 / 范 宁 ) . The Cihai under the entry for `` seven luminaries calendar '' ( 七曜 曆 / 七曜 历 , qī yào lì ) has : `` method of recording days according to the seven luminaries ( 七曜 qī yào ) . China normally observes the following order : Sun , Moon , Mars , Mercury , Jupiter , Venus , and Saturn . Seven days make one week , which is repeated in a cycle . Originated in ancient Babylon ( or ancient Egypt according to one theory ) . Used by the Romans at the time of the 1st century AD , later transmitted to other countries . This method existed in China in the 4th century . It was also transmitted to China by Manichaeans in the 8th century from the country of Kang ( 康 ) in Central Asia . '' Jump up ^ Copeland ( 1939 ) states as the date for Gudea `` as early as 2600 BC '' ; the modern estimate according to the short chronology places Gudea in the 22nd century BC . By contrast , Anthony R. Michaelis claims that `` the first great empire builder , King Sargon I of Akkad ( ( ruled ) 2335 to 2279 BC ( viz. , middle chronology ) ) , decreed a seven - day week in his empire . He lived for 56 years , established the first Semitic Dynasty , and defeated the Sumerian City States . Thus the Akkadian language spread , it was adopted by the Babylonians , and the seven - day week was similarly inherited from him . '' The number seven is significant in Sumerian mythology . Jump up ^ This is just a reflection of the system of ordinal numbers in the Greek and Latin languages , where today is the `` first '' day , tomorrow the `` second '' day , etc . Compare the nundinal cycle ( literally `` nine - days '' cycle , describing an eight - day week ) of the Roman calendar , or the Resurrection of Jesus ( after a period of less than 48 hours ) being described ( in texts derived from Latin ) as happening on the `` third day '' . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ sennight at ( retrieved 12 January 2017 ) Jump up ^ Richards , E.G. ( 2013 ) . `` Calendars '' . In S.E. Urban & P.K. Seidelmann , eds . Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac , 3rd ed . ( pp. 585 -- 624 ) . Mill Valley , Calif. : University Science Books . 2013 , pp. 592 , 618 . This is equivalent to saying that JD0 , i.e. 1 January 4713 BC of the proleptic Julian calendar , was a Monday . Jump up ^ E.G. Richards , Mapping Time , the Calendar and History , Oxford 1999 . p. 269 . Jump up ^ Max Vasmer , Russisches etymologisches Wörterbuch , s.v. понедельник ; however , the Slavic languages later introduced a secondary numbering system that names Tuesday as the `` second day '' . Jump up ^ the latter specifically due to the influence of Martin of Braga , 6th - century archbishop of Braga . Richard A. Fletcher ( 1999 ) . The Barbarian Conversion : From Paganism to Christianity . University of California Press . p. 257 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 520 - 21859 - 8 . McKenna , Stephen ( 1938 ) . `` Pagan Survivals in Galicia in the Sixth Century '' . Paganism and Pagan Survivals in Spain Up to the Fall of the Visigothic Kingdom . Catholic University of America . pp. 93 -- 94 . Retrieved 20 March 2013 . Jump up ^ `` day of preparation '' , i.e. the day before Sabbath , c.f. Luke 23 : 54 ( καὶ ἡμέρα ἦν Παρασκευῆς , καὶ σάββατον ἐπέφωσκεν . ) Jump up ^ Zerubavel ( 1989 ) , p. 11 . ^ Jump up to : Senn , Frank C. ( 1997 ) . Christian Liturgy : Catholic and Evangelical . Fortress Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8006 - 2726 - 3 . Jump up ^ Leland , S. Copeland ( April 1939 ) . `` Sources of the Seven - Day Week '' . Popular Astronomy . XLVII ( 4 ) : 176 ff . Bibcode : 1939PA ... 47 ... 175C . Jump up ^ a month consisted of three seven - day weeks and a fourth week of eight or nine days , thus breaking the seven - day cycle every month . Consequently , there is no evidence that the days of the week were given individual names in Babylonian tradition . Pinches , T.G. ( 2003 ) . `` Sabbath ( Babylonian ) '' . In Hastings , James . Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. 20 . Selbie , John A. , contrib . Kessinger Publishing . pp. 889 -- 891 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7661 - 3698 - 4 . Retrieved 2009 - 03 - 17 . Jump up ^ Andreasen , Niels - Erik A. ( 1972 ) . The Old Testament Sabbath : A Tradition - historical Investigation . Society of Biblical Literature . Jump up ^ Shafer , Byron E. ( 1974 ) . `` Reviewed Work : The Old Testament Sabbath : A Tradition - Historical Investigation by Niels - Erik A. Andreasen '' . Journal of Biblical Literature. 93 ( 2 ) : 300 -- 301 . doi : 10.2307 / 3263102 . JSTOR 3263102 . ^ Jump up to : Tigay , Jeffery H. ( 1998 ) . `` Shavua '' . Mo'adei Yisra'el : Time and Holy Days in the Biblical and Second Commonwealth Periods ( Heb . ) , ed . Jacob S. Licht : 22 -- 23 . Jump up ^ Hallo , William W. ( 1977 ) . `` New Moons and Sabbaths : A Case - Study in the Contrastive Approach '' . Hebrew Union College Annual . 48 : 1 -- 18 . JSTOR 23506909 . Jump up ^ Friedman , Allen ( Sep 2008 ) . `` Unnatural Time : Its History and Theological Significance '' . The Torah U-Madda Journal . 15 : 104 -- 105 . JSTOR 40914729 , Tigay 's citation . Jump up ^ `` Japanese Days of the Week : the ' Seven Luminaries ' '' . Days of the Week in Chinese , Japanese , Vietnamese & Mongolian . cjvlang . ^ Jump up to : Keegan , Peter ; Sears , Gareth ; Laurence , Ray ( 2013 - 09 - 12 ) . Written Space in the Latin West , 200 BC to AD 300 . A&C Black . ISBN 9781441123046 . Jump up ^ Zerubavel ( 1989 ) , p. 14 . Jump up ^ So , Ky - Chun ( Apr 6 , 2017 ) . Jesus in Q : The Sabbath and Theology of the Bible and Extracanonical Texts . Wipf and Stock Publishers . ISBN 9781498282116 . Jump up ^ Copeland , Leland S. ( 1939 ) . `` Sources of the Seven - Day Week '' . Popular Astronomy . 47 ( 4 ) : 176 . Bibcode : 1939PA ... 47 ... 175C . Jump up ^ Michaelis , Anthony R . `` The Enigmatic Seven '' ( PDF ) . Interdisciplinary Science Reviews . 7 : 373 . Jump up ^ `` The power of seven '' . The Economist. 20 December 2001 . Jump up ^ `` Each account is arranged in a series of sevens , the Babylonian in seven tablets , the Hebrew in seven days . Each of them places the creation of man in the sixth division of its series . '' cited after : Albert T. Clay , The Origin of Biblical Traditions : Hebrew Legends in Babylonia and Israel , 1923 , p. 74 . ^ Jump up to : Pinches , T.G. ( 2003 ) . `` Sabbath ( Babylonian ) '' . In Hastings , James . Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. 20 . Selbie , John A. , contrib . Kessinger Publishing . pp. 889 -- 891 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7661 - 3698 - 4 . Retrieved 2009 - 03 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` The Babylonian Sabbath '' . The American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal . Vol . XXX. 1908 . p. 181 . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 21 . Jump up ^ Boyce , Mary ( ed. & trans . ) . Textual Sources for the Study of Zoroastrianism . University of Chicago Press , 1984 , p. 19 - 20 . Jump up ^ Senn , Frank C. ( 1997 ) . Christian Liturgy : Catholic and Evangelical . Fortress Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8006 - 2726 - 3 . Jump up ^ Landau , Judah Leo . The Sabbath . Johannesburg , South Africa : Ivri Publishing Society , Ltd . pp. 2 , 12 . Retrieved 2009 - 03 - 26 . Jump up ^ Sampey , John Richard ( 1915 ) . `` Sabbath : Critical Theories '' . In Orr , James . The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia . Howard - Severance Company . p. 2630 . Jump up ^ Strong 's Concordance , 4521 . Jump up ^ Zerubavel ( 1989 ) , p. 45 . Jump up ^ Senn , Frank C. ( 1997 ) . Christian Liturgy : Catholic and Evangelical . Fortress Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8006 - 2726 - 3 . Jump up ^ Nerone Caesare Augusto Cosso Lentuol Cossil fil . Cos. VIII idus Febr ( u ) arius dies solis , luna XIIIIX nun ( dinae ) Cumis , V ( idus Februarias ) nun ( dinae ) Pompeis . Robert Hannah ( 2013 ) . `` Time in Written Spaces '' . In Peter Keegan ; Gareth Sears ; Ray Laurence . Written Space in the Latin West , 200 BC to AD 300 . A&C Black . p. 89 . Jump up ^ Shashi , Shyam Singh ( 2000 ) . Encyclopaedia Indica India , Pakistan , Bangladesh Vol. 76 Major dynasties of ancient Orissa : India , Pakistan , Bangladesh . Anmol Publications PVT . LTD . pp. 114 -- 115 . ISBN 978 - 81 - 7041 - 859 - 7 . Jump up ^ Pandurang Vaman Kane ( 1930 -- 1962 ) . History of Dharmaśāstra . Jump up ^ Neugebauer , Otto ( 1979 ) . Ethiopic astronomy and computus . Verl . d . Österr . Akad . d . Wiss . ISBN 978 - 3 - 7001 - 0289 - 2 . Jump up ^ Jayne Lutwyche ( 22 January 2013 ) . `` Why are there seven days in a week ? '' . Religion & Ethics . BBC . The Roman context of the spread of Christianity meant that Rome contributed a lot to the structure and calendar of the new faith Jump up ^ William Francis Ryan , The Bathhouse at Midnight : An Historical Survey of Magic and Divination in Russia , Penn State Press , 1999 p. 380 . Jump up ^ William Francis Ryan , The Bathhouse at Midnight : An Historical Survey of Magic and Divination in Russia , Penn State Press , 1999 p. 383 . Jump up ^ Peter Kirby . `` Saint Justin Martyr : Dialogue with Trypho '' . Early Christian Writings . Jump up ^ Peter Johann Haas ( 26 January 2002 ) . `` Weeknumber sorted by definition '' . . Jump up ^ `` Calendar Weeks '' . J.R. Stockton . Archived from the original on 2014 - 01 - 13 . CS1 maint : Unfit url ( link ) Jump up ^ `` Quality & Lead - free ( Pb - free ) : Marking Convention '' . Texas Instrument . Archived from the original on 2014 - 04 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Top Mark Convention -- 4 - Digit Date Code '' . Fairchild Semiconductor . Archived from the original on 2014 - 07 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` 49 CFR 574.5 -- Tire identification requirements '' . Legal Information Institute . Jump up ^ OED s.v. `` week n . '' , entry 1. c. : `` Sometimes applied transf. to other artificial cycles of a few days that have been employed various peoples '' Jump up ^ Astronomy and Basque Language , Henrike Knörr , Oxford VI and SEAC 99 `` Astronomy and Cultural Diversity '' , La Laguna , June 1999 . It references Alessandro Bausani , 1982 , The prehistoric Basque week of three days : archaeoastronomical notes , The Bulletin of the Center for Archaeoastronomy ( Maryland ) , v. 2 , 16 -- 22 . 1 . astelehena ( `` week - first '' , Monday ) , 2 . asteartea ( `` week - between '' , Tuesday ) , 3 . asteazkena ( `` week - last '' , Wednesday ) . Jump up ^ Zerubavel ( 1989 ) , pp. 50 -- 54 . Jump up ^ `` Aztec calendar stone '' . . Jump up ^ Zerubavel , Eviatar ( 1985 ) . The Seven - Day Circle . New York : The Free Press . pp. 48 -- 50 . ISBN 0029346800 . Jump up ^ Foss , Clive ( September 2004 ) . `` Stalin 's topsy - turvy work week '' . History Today . 54 ( 9 ) : 46 -- 47 . Jump up ^ `` La réforme en Russie : il faudra attendre ... plus de trois siècles '' ( The reform in Russia : it will be necessary to wait ... more than three centuries ) . iCalendrier ( in French ) . Jump up ^ Zerubavel , Eviatar ( 1985 ) . `` The Soviet five - day Nepreryvka '' . The Seven Day Circle . New York : Free Press . pp. 35 -- 43 . ISBN 0029346800 . Zerubavel , Eviatar ( 1989 ) . The Seven Day Circle : The History and Meaning of the Week . University of Chicago Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 226 - 98165 - 9 . Further reading ( edit ) Colson , Francis Henry ( 1926 ) . The Week : An Essay on the Origin and Development of the Seven - day Cycle . Cambridge University Press . OCLC 59110177 . Chisholm , Hugh , ed. ( 1911 ) . `` week '' . Encyclopædia Britannica ( 11th ed . ) . Cambridge University Press . <Th_colspan="2"> Time Key concepts Past history deep time Present Future Futures studies Far future in religion Far future in science fiction and popular culture Timeline of the far future Eternity Eternity of the world Measurement and standards Chronometry UTC UT TAI Unit of time Planck time Second Minute Hour Day Week Month Season Year Decade Century Millennium Tropical year Sidereal year Samvatsara Measurement systems Time zone Six - hour clock 12 - hour clock 24 - hour clock Daylight saving time Solar time Sidereal time Metric time Decimal time Hexadecimal time Calendars Gregorian Julian Hebrew Islamic Lunar Solar Hijri Mayan Intercalation Leap second Leap year Clocks Horology History of timekeeping devices Main types astrarium atomic quantum hourglass marine sundial sundial markup schema watch mechanical stopwatch water - based Cuckoo clock Digital clock Grandfather clock Chronology History Astronomical chronology Big History Calendar era Chronicle Deep time Periodization Regnal year Timeline Religion Mythology Dreamtime Kāla Kalachakra Prophecy Time and fate deities Wheel of time Immortality Philosophy of time A-series and B - series B - theory of time Causality Duration Endurantism Eternal return Eternalism Event Multiple time dimensions Perdurantism Presentism Static interpretation of time Temporal finitism Temporal parts The Unreality of Time Human experience and use of time Accounting period Chronemics Fiscal year Generation time Mental chronometry Music Procrastination Punctuality Temporal database Term Time discipline Time management Time perception Specious present Time - tracking software Time - use research Time - based currency ( time banking ) Time value of money Time clock Timesheet Yesterday -- Today -- Tomorrow Time in Geology Geological time age chron eon epoch era period Geochronology Geological history of Earth Physics Absolute time and space Arrow of time Chronon Coordinate time Imaginary time Planck epoch Planck time Proper time Rate Spacetime Theory of relativity Time dilation gravitational Time domain Time translation symmetry Time reversal symmetry other subject areas Chronological dating Chronobiology Circadian rhythms Dating methodologies in archaeology Time geography Related topics Carpe diem Clock position Space System time Tempus fugit Time capsule Time complexity Time signature Time travel <Td_colspan="2"> Time portal <Th_colspan="2"> Time measurement and standards <Td_colspan="2"> Chronometry Orders of magnitude Metrology International standards Coordinated Universal Time offset UT ΔT DUT1 International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service ISO 31 - 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8 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Weeks Units of time Hidden categories : Articles containing Chinese - language text Articles containing Ancient Greek - language text CS1 maint : Unfit url CS1 French - language sources ( fr ) Articles containing Proto - Germanic - language text All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from June 2017 All self - contradictory articles All articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases Articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases from April 2015 Articles with unsourced statements from April 2015 Articles with unsourced statements from April 2013 All accuracy disputes Articles with disputed statements from October 2015 Articles with unsourced statements from July 2015 Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference Use dmy dates from August 2010 Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Адыгэбзэ Afrikaans Alemannisch አማርኛ Aragonés ܐܪܡܝܐ Armãneashti Arpetan অসমীয়া Asturianu Avañe'ẽ Авар Azərbaycanca تۆرکجه বাংলা Bân - 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1. Week as a time unit 2. Days of the week 3. History of the seven-day week 4. Week numbering 5. Adoption of the week in different cultures
what is the origin of the name watson
Watson ( surname ) - wikipedia Watson ( surname ) Not to be confused with Watson ( forename ) . Watson is a patronymic surname of English and Scottish origin . Meaning `` son of Walter '' , the popular Old English given names Wat or Watt were pet forms of the name Walter . Watson is 46th-most common surname in England and 19th most common in Scotland . Contents : Top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Aaron Watson ( born 1977 ) , American singer Adam Watson ( 1914 -- 2007 ) , British international relations theorist and researcher Adam Watson ( scientist ) ( born 1930 ) , Scottish scientist A.J. Watson ( 1924 -- 2014 ) , American automotive engineer Alana Watson , English musician Albert Watson ( disambiguation ) Alberta Watson ( born 1955 ) , Canadian actress Alex Watson ( disambiguation ) Alexander Watson ( disambiguation ) Allen Watson ( born 1970 ) , American baseball player Alonzo Watson ( 1893 -- 1937 ) , African American Communist ; died in the Spanish Civil War Andrew Watson ( disambiguation ) Andy Watson ( disambiguation ) Angela Watson ( born 1975 ) , American actress Anthony Watson ( disambiguation ) Art Watson ( 1884 -- 1950 ) , American baseball catcher Arthur Watson ( disambiguation ) Austin Watson ( born 1986 ) , American professional wrestler better known as Xavier Woods or Consequences Creed B.B. Watson ( born 1953 ) , American country music singer Barrington Watson ( 1931 -- 2016 ) , Jamaican painter Barry Watson ( disambiguation ) Ben Watson ( disambiguation ) Brad Watson ( disambiguation ) Brook Watson ( 1735 -- 1807 ) , British merchant , soldier , and Lord Mayor of London Bruce Watson ( disambiguation ) Bryan Watson ( disambiguation ) Bubba Watson ( born 1978 ) , American golfer Chandra Watson ( born 1975 ) of The Watson Twins , American singer Charles Watson ( disambiguation ) Chris Watson ( disambiguation ) Clarence Wayland Watson ( 1864 -- 1940 ) , United States Senator and coal company executive Colin Watson ( disambiguation ) Craig Watson ( disambiguation ) David Watson ( disambiguation ) Debbie Watson ( disambiguation ) Deshaun Watson ( born 1995 ) , American football player Doc Watson ( 1923 -- 2012 ) , American musician Don Watson , Australian author Donald Watson , pioneer vegan E.L. Grant Watson ( 1885 -- 1970 ) , writer , anthropologist and biologist Ed Watson ( disambiguation ) Edward Watson ( disambiguation ) Elizabeth Watson ( disambiguation ) Ellen Watson ( 1861 -- 1889 ) , American pioneer of Wyoming Elmo Scott Watson ( 1892 -- 1951 ) , American journalist and university professor who specialized in the American West Emily Watson ( born 1967 ) , English actress Emma Watson ( born 1990 ) , English actress Eric Watson ( disambiguation ) Frank Watson ( disambiguation ) Fred Watson ( born 1944 ) , British astronomer Fred Watson ( Australian footballer ) ( 1882 -- 1968 ) , Australian rules footballer Fred Watson ( Scottish footballer ) , Scottish footballer G.N. Watson , English mathematician Gary Watson ( born 1930 ) , British actor Gary Watson ( cricketer ) ( born 1944 ) , South African cricketer George Watson ( disambiguation ) Graeme Watson ( disambiguation ) Gregory Watson , reviver of the Twenty - seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution Hannah Bunce Watson ( 1749 -- 1807 ) , American newspaper publisher Harold Watson ( disambiguation ) Harry Watson ( disambiguation ) Heather Watson ( born 1992 ) , British tennis player Helen Watson ( disambiguation ) Henry Watson ( disambiguation ) Homer Watson ( 1855 -- 1936 ) , Canadian landscape painter Ian Watson ( disambiguation ) J ( edit ) Jack Watson ( disambiguation ) James Watson ( disambiguation ) Jamie Watson ( disambiguation ) Jasmine Watson , New Zealand artist Jeffrey Watson ( disambiguation ) Jessica Watson ( born 1993 ) , Australian sailor Jim Watson ( disambiguation ) Jobe Watson , Australian rules footballer Joel Watson ( born 1986 ) , New Zealand figure skater John Watson ( disambiguation ) Jordan Watson ( born 1987 ) , English kickboxer Joseph Watson ( disambiguation ) Joshua Watson , settler Justin Watson ( wide receiver ) ( born 1995 ) , American football player Keith Watson ( disambiguation ) Kenneth Watson ( 1931 -- 1998 ) , British actor Larry Watson ( disambiguation ) Lewis Watson ( disambiguation ) Liam Watson ( disambiguation ) Lisa Watson ( born 1969 ) , Falkland Islands journalist Louis H. Watson ( 1907 -- 1936 ) , American bridge player Lyall Watson ( 1935 -- 2008 ) , writer , botanist , zoologist , biologist , anthropologist , ethologist . Leigh Watson ( born 1975 ) of The Watson Twins , American singer Luman Watson ( 1790 -- 1834 ) , Cincinnati clockmaker Mark Watson ( disambiguation ) Marvin Watson , better known by his stage name Messy Marv Matthew Watson ( disambiguation ) Maureen Thelma Watson ( 1925 -- 1994 ) , Rhodesian politician Michael Watson ( disambiguation ) Moray Watson ( 1928 -- 2017 ) , English actor Niall Watson ( born 2000 ) , English professional footballer Nicholas Watson ( born 1977 ) , writer and filmmaker Nicholas Watson ( academic ) , English - Canadian medievalist Nolan Watson ( born 1979 ) , Canadian businessman and philanthropist Patrick Watson ( disambiguation ) Paul Watson ( disambiguation ) Paula Watson ( 1927 -- 2003 ) , American singer Percival Watson ( 1881 -- 1959 ) , Congregationalist minister in South Australia and Queensland Peter Watson ( disambiguation ) Phebe Watson ( 1876 -- 1964 ) , South Australian educator and union activist Ralph Watson ( born 1936 ) , English actor Raymond Watson ( disambiguation ) Reatha Dale Watson , birth name of Barbara La Marr , American actress Rebecca Watson , a skeptical blogger and podcast host who founded the Skepchick blog Reg Watson , Australian television producer Richard Watson ( disambiguation ) Robert Watson ( disambiguation ) Rory Watson ( born 1996 ) , English footballer Russell Watson , English tenor Ruth Watson , English hotelier , broadcaster and food writer Ruth Watson , New Zealand artist Ryan Watson ( disambiguation ) Sam Watson ( disambiguation ) Scott Watson , New Zealander convicted of murder Sereno Watson , American botanist Shane Watson , Australian cricketer Sheila Watson ( disambiguation ) Steve Watson ( disambiguation ) Summer Watson , singer Sydney Watson ( 1903 -- 1991 ) , English church musician Susan Kelechi Watson , American Actress of Jamaican parents Thomas Watson ( disambiguation ) Tim Watson , Australian rules footballer Tom Watson ( 1932 -- 2001 ) , Scottish actor Travis Watson ( born 1981 ) , American professional basketball player Walter Mother Watson ( 1865 -- 1898 ) , Major League Baseball pitcher William Watson ( disambiguation ) Wingfield W. Watson , ( 1828 -- 1922 ) , religious leader Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Watson Surname Meaning & Statistics '' . Forebears . Retrieved 6 September 2015 . See also ( edit ) Watson ( disambiguation ) Surname list This page lists people with the surname Watson . If an internal link intending to refer to a specific person led you to this page , you may wish to change that link by adding the person 's given name ( s ) to the link . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Surnames English - language surnames Surnames of English origin Surnames of Scottish origin Scottish - language surnames Patronymic surnames Hidden categories : Articles with short description All set index articles Talk About Wikipedia Bân - lâm - gú Deutsch Lietuvių Edit links This page was last edited on 19 August 2018 , at 14 : 14 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
1. Watson surname origin 2. Popular given names associated with Watson surname 3. Notable individuals with the surname Watson 4. Watson as a patronymic surname 5. Frequency of the Watson surname in England and Scotland
who supported chile in 1973 to overturn the elected government and why
1973 Chilean coup d'état - wikipedia 1973 Chilean coup d'état <Th_colspan="2"> 1973 Chilean coup d'état <Td_colspan="2"> Part of Operation Condor , the history of Chile and the Cold War <Td_colspan="2"> The bombing of La Moneda on 11 September 1973 by the Junta 's Armed Forces <Td_colspan="2"> Date 11 September 1973 Location Chile Action Armed forces put the country under military control . Little and unorganised civil resistance . Result Popular Unity government overthrown Death of Salvador Allende ( suicide ) Military Junta Government led by General Augusto Pinochet assumed power <Th_colspan="2"> Belligerents Chilean Government Revolutionary Left Movement `` Group of Personal Friends '' Other working - class militants Chilean Armed Forces Chilean Army Chilean Navy Chilean Air Force Carabineros de Chile Fatherland and Liberty Supported by : Soviet Union Cuba Supported by : United States <Th_colspan="2"> Commanders and leaders Salvador Allende † Max Marambio Miguel Enríquez Augusto Pinochet José Toribio Merino Gustavo Leigh César Mendoza <Th_colspan="2"> Casualties and losses <Td_colspan="2"> 46 GAP <Td_colspan="2"> 60 in total during the coup Operation Condor Background histories Argentina Bolivia Brazil ( 1960s ) Chile ( 1973 coup d'état ) Paraguay Peru Uruguay Events Dirty War National Reorganization Process Operation Colombo Operation Charly Operation Gladio Night of the Pencils Operation Independence Ezeiza massacre Margarita Belén massacre Death flights Desaparecidos ( the `` disappeared '' ) 1973 Chilean coup d'état Government leaders Jorge Anaya Hugo Banzer Basilio Lami Dozo João Figueiredo Leopoldo Galtieri Augusto Pinochet Alfredo Stroessner Jorge Rafael Videla Targets civilian political oponents to neoliberal policies , including activists , journalists , students , union representatives , artists . Montoneros Tupamaros People 's Revolutionary Army ( ERP ) Revolutionary Left Movement ( MIR ) Principal operatives Alfredo Astiz Orlando Bosch Hugo Campos Hermida Manuel Contreras Stefano Delle Chiaie José López Rega Virgilio Paz Romero Luis Posada Carriles Paul Schäfer Michael Townley Organizations responsible Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional ( DINA ) Caravan of Death Batallón de Inteligencia 601 Coordination of United Revolutionary Organizations ( CORU ) National Intelligence Service of Brazil ( SNI ) School of the Americas ( SOA ) Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare ( SISMI ) Argentine Anticommunist Alliance ( `` Triple A '' ) Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) Places Esmeralda Estadio Nacional de Chile Villa Grimaldi Colonia Dignidad Navy Petty - Officers School of Mechanics ( ESMA ) Laws Full stop Due Obedience Archives and reports Archives of Terror Rettig Report Valech Report National Security Archive Reactions National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons ( CONADEP ) Trial of the Juntas Augusto Pinochet 's arrest and trial Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo Covert United States involvement in regime change 1949 Syrian coup d'état 1949 -- 1953 Albania 1951 -- 56 Tibet 1953 Iranian coup d'état 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état 1956 -- 57 Syria crisis 1957 -- 58 Indonesian rebellion 1959 -- 2000 Cuba , assassination attempts on Fidel Castro 1959 Cambodian `` Bangkok Plot '' 1960 Congo coup 1961 Cuba , Bay of Pigs Invasion 1961 Cuba , Operation Mongoose 1961 Dominican Republic 1963 South Vietnamese coup 1964 Bolivian coup d'état 1964 Brazilian coup d'état 1966 Ghana coup d'état 1970 Cambodian coup 1971 Bolivian coup d'état 1970 -- 73 Chile 1979 -- 89 Afghanistan , Operation Cyclone 1980 -- 92 Angola , UNITA 1981 -- 87 Nicaragua , Contras 1982 Chad 1991 Haiti 1996 Iraq coup attempt 2000 Yugoslavia 2004 Haiti 2011 -- 2017 Syria , Timber Sycamore view talk The 1973 Chilean coup d'état was a watershed moment in both the history of Chile and the Cold War . Following an extended period of social unrest and political tension between the opposition - controlled Congress of Chile and the socialist President Salvador Allende , as well as economic warfare ordered by US President Richard Nixon , Allende was overthrown by the armed forces and national police . The military deposed Allende 's Popular Unity government and later established a junta that suspended all political activity in Chile and repressed left - wing movements , especially the Communist and socialist parties and the Revolutionary Left Movement ( MIR ) . Allende 's appointed army chief , Augusto Pinochet , rose to supreme power within a year of the coup , formally assuming power in late - 1974 . The United States government , which had worked to create the conditions for the coup , promptly recognized the junta government and supported it in consolidating power . During the air raids and ground attacks that preceded the coup , Allende gave his final speech , in which he vowed to stay in the presidential palace , refusing offers of safe passage should he choose exile over confrontation . Direct witness accounts of Allende 's death agree that he killed himself in the palace . Before the coup , Chile had been hailed as a beacon of democracy and political stability for decades ; whilst the rest of South America had been plagued by military juntas and Caudillismo . The collapse of Chilean democracy ended a streak of democratic governments in Chile , which had held democratic elections since 1932 . Historian Peter Winn characterised the 1973 coup as one of the most violent events in the history of Chile . A weak insurgent movement against the Pinochet regime was maintained inside Chile by elements sympathetic to the former Allende government . An internationally supported plebiscite in 1988 held under the auspices of the military government was followed by a peaceful transition to an elected civilian government . Contents ( hide ) 1 Political background 1.1 The military prior to the coup 2 Crisis 2.1 Chamber of Deputies ' resolution 2.2 President Allende 's response 3 U.S. involvement 4 Australian involvement 5 Military action 6 Casualties 7 Allende 's death 8 Aftermath 8.1 Installing a new regime 8.2 Continued violence 8.3 International reaction 9 Commemoration 9.1 40th anniversary 10 See also 11 Notes 12 References 13 External links Political background ( edit ) History of Chile Early history ( show ) Monte Verde Early Mapuches Incas in Chile Colonial times ( show ) Conquest Colonial Chile Captaincy General Arauco War Nation - building ( show ) Patria Vieja War of Independence Reconquest Patria Nueva Civil war ( 1829 -- 30 ) War of the Confederation Republican period ( show ) Conservative Republic Liberal Republic War of the Pacific Parliamentary period ( show ) 1891 Chilean Civil War Parliamentary Republic 1924 coup d'état Presidential period ( show ) 1925 coup d'état Presidential Republic Radical governments Allende and UP era Pinochet regime ( show ) 1973 coup d'état Military dictatorship Contemporary ( show ) Transition to democracy Chilean protests Politics of Chile Related topics ( show ) Economic history Maritime history Mining history Chilean coups d'état Political scandals Main article : Presidency of Salvador Allende Allende contested the 1970 Chilean presidential election with Jorge Alessandri Rodriguez of the National Party and Radomiro Tomic of the Christian Democratic Party . Allende received 36.6 % of the vote . Alessandri was a very close second with 35.3 % , and Tomic third with 28.1 % . Although Allende received the highest number of votes , according to the Chilean constitution and since none of the candidates won by an absolute majority , the National Congress had to decide among the candidates . The Chilean constitution did not allow a person to sit as president for two consecutive terms so the incumbent president , Eduardo Frei Montalva , was thus ineligible as a candidate . The CIA 's `` Track I '' operation was a plan to influence the Congress to choose Alessandri , who would resign after a short time in office , forcing a second election . Frei would then be eligible to run . Alessandri announced on 9 September that if Congress chose him , he would resign . Congress then decided on Allende . Soon after hearing news of his win , Allende signed a Statute of Constitutional Guarantees , which stated that he would follow the constitution during his presidency . The U.S. feared the example of a `` well - functioning socialist experiment '' on the region and exerted diplomatic , economic , and covert pressure upon Chile 's elected socialist government . At the end of 1971 , the Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro made a four - week state visit to Chile , alarming Western observers worried about the `` Chilean Way to Socialism '' . In 1972 , economics minister Pedro Vuskovic adopted monetary policies that increased the amount of circulating currency and devalued the escudo , which increased inflation to 140 percent in 1972 and engendered a black market economy . In October 1972 , Chile suffered the first of many strikes . Among the participants were small - scale businessmen , some professional unions , and student groups . Its leaders -- Vilarín , Jaime Guzmán , Rafael Cumsille , Guillermo Elton , Eduardo Arriagada -- expected to depose the elected government . Other than damaging the national economy , the principal effect of the 24 - day strike was drawing Army head , Gen. Carlos Prats , into the government as Interior Minister , an appeasement to the right wing . ( Gen. Prats had succeeded Army head Gen. René Schneider after his assassination on 24 October 1970 by a group led by Gen. Roberto Viaux , whom the Central Intelligence Agency had not attempted to discourage . ) Gen. Prats supported the legalist Schneider Doctrine and refused military involvement in a coup d'état against President Allende . Despite the declining economy , President Allende 's Popular Unity coalition increased its vote to 43.2 % in the March 1973 parliamentary elections ; but , by then , the informal alliance between Popular Unity and the Christian Democrats ended . The Christian Democrats allied with the right - wing National Party , who were opposed to Allende 's government ; the two right - wing parties formed the Confederation of Democracy ( CODE ) . The internecine parliamentary conflict , between the legislature and the executive branch , paralyzed the activities of government . The CIA paid some U.S. $6.8 -- $8 million to right - wing opposition groups to `` create pressures , exploit weaknesses , magnify obstacles '' and hasten Allende 's ouster . Allende began to fear his opponents , convinced they were plotting his assassination . Using his daughter as a messenger , he explained the situation to Fidel Castro . Castro gave four pieces of advice : convince technicians to stay in Chile , only sell copper for US dollars , avoid extreme revolutionary acts which would give opponents an excuse to wreck or control the economy , and maintain a proper relationship with the Chilean military until local militias could be established and consolidated . Allende attempted to follow Castro 's advice , but the latter two recommendations proved difficult . The military prior to the coup ( edit ) Prior to the coup , the Chilean military had undergone a process of de-politicization since the 1920s , when military personnel participated in government positions . Subsequently , most military officers remained under - funded having only subsistence salaries . Because of the low salaries the military spent much time in military leisure - time facilities ( e.g. country clubs ) where they met other officers and their families . The military remained apart from society , being to some degree an endogamous group as officers frequently married the sisters of their comrades or the daughters of high - ranked older officers . Many officers had also relatives in the military . In 1969 elements of the military made their first act of rebellion in 40 years when they participated in the Tacnazo . The Tacnazo was not a proper coup but a protest against under - funding . In retrospect General Carlos Prats considered that Christian Democrats who were in power in 1969 committed the error of not taking the militaries grievances seriously . Governments of Argentina ( 1966 ) , Bolivia ( 1969 ) , Brazil ( 1964 ) and Peru ( 1968 ) were all overthrown in coups and replaced by military governments . In June 1973 Uruguay joined the coup d'état wave that swept through the region . The poor conditions of the Chilean military contrasted with the change of fortune the military of neighboring countries experienced as they came to power in coups . During the decades previous to the coup , the military became influenced by the United States ' anti-communist ideology in the context of various cooperation programs including the US Army School of the Americas . Crisis ( edit ) See also : Tanquetazo On 29 June 1973 , Colonel Roberto Souper surrounded the La Moneda presidential palace with his tank regiment and failed to depose the Allende Government . That failed coup d'état -- known as the Tanquetazo tank putsch -- organized by the nationalist `` Fatherland and Liberty '' paramilitary group . In August 1973 , a constitutional crisis occurred ; the Supreme Court publicly complained about the government 's inability to enforce the law of the land . On 22 August , the Chamber of Deputies ( with the Christian Democrats united with the National Party ) accused the government of unconstitutional acts and called upon the military to enforce constitutional order . For months , the government had feared calling upon the Carabineros national police , suspecting them of disloyalty . On 9 August , Allende appointed General Carlos Prats as Minister of Defence . He was forced to resign both as defence minister and as the Army commander - in - chief on 24 August 1973 , embarrassed by the Alejandrina Cox incident and a public protest of the wives of his generals at his house . General Augusto Pinochet replaced him as Army commander - in - chief the same day . In late August 1973 , 100,000 Chilean women congregated at Plaza de la Constitución to protest against the government for the rising cost and increasing shortages of food and fuels , but they were dispersed with tear gas . Chamber of Deputies ' resolution ( edit ) On 22 August 1973 , with the support of the Christian Democrats and National Party members , the Chamber of Deputies passed 81 -- 47 a resolution that asked `` the President of the Republic , Ministers of State , and members of the Armed and Police Forces '' to `` put an immediate end '' to `` breach ( es of ) the Constitution ... with the goal of redirecting government activity toward the path of Law and ensuring the Constitutional order of our Nation , and the essential underpinnings of democratic co-existence among Chileans . '' The resolution declared that the Allende Government sought `` ... to conquer absolute power with the obvious purpose of subjecting all citizens to the strictest political and economic control by the State ... ( with ) the goal of establishing a totalitarian system '' , claiming it had made `` violations of the Constitution ... a permanent system of conduct . '' Essentially , most of the accusations were about the government disregarding the separation of powers , and arrogating legislative and judicial prerogatives to the executive branch of government . Finally , the resolution condemned the creation and development of government - protected armed groups , which ... are headed towards a confrontation with the armed forces . President Allende 's efforts to re-organize the military and the police forces were characterised as notorious attempts to use the armed and police forces for partisan ends , destroy their institutional hierarchy , and politically infiltrate their ranks . It can be argued that the resolution called upon the armed forces to overthrow the government if it did not comply , as follows `` ... To present the President of the Republic , Ministers of State , and members of the Armed and Police Forces with the grave breakdown of the legal and constitutional order ... it is their duty to put an immediate end to all situations herein referred to that breach the Constitution and the laws of the land with the aim of redirecting government activity toward the path of Law . '' President Allende 's response ( edit ) Two days later , on 24 August 1973 , President Allende responded , characterising the Congress ' declaration as `` destined to damage the country 's prestige abroad and create internal confusion '' , predicting `` It will facilitate the seditious intention of certain sectors '' . He noted that the declaration had not obtained the two - thirds Senate majority `` constitutionally required '' to convict the president of abuse of power : essentially , the Congress was `` invoking the intervention of the armed forces and of Order against a democratically elected government '' and `` subordinat ( ing ) political representation of national sovereignty to the armed institutions , which neither can nor ought to assume either political functions or the representation of the popular will '' . Allende argued he had obeyed constitutional means for including military men to the cabinet `` at the service of civic peace and national security , defending republican institutions against insurrection and terrorism '' . In contrast , he said that Congress was promoting a coup d'état or a civil war with a declaration `` full of affirmations that had already been refuted before - hand '' and which , in substance and process ( directly handing it to the ministers rather than directly handing it to the President ) violated a dozen articles of the Constitution . He further argued that the legislature was usurping the government 's executive function . President Allende wrote : `` Chilean democracy is a conquest by all of the people . It is neither the work nor the gift of the exploiting classes , and it will be defended by those who , with sacrifices accumulated over generations , have imposed it ... With a tranquil conscience ... I sustain that never before has Chile had a more democratic government than that over which I have the honor to preside ... I solemnly reiterate my decision to develop democracy and a state of law to their ultimate consequences ... Parliament has made itself a bastion against the transformations ... and has done everything it can to perturb the functioning of the finances and of the institutions , sterilizing all creative initiatives '' . Adding that economic and political means would be needed to relieve the country 's current crisis , and that the Congress was obstructing said means -- having already `` paralyzed '' the State -- they sought to `` destroy '' it . He concluded by calling upon `` the workers , all democrats and patriots '' to join him in defending the Chilean Constitution and the `` revolutionary process '' . U.S. involvement ( edit ) See also : U.S. intervention in Chile § The 1973 coup Like Caesar peering into the colonies from distant Rome , Nixon said the choice of government by the Chileans was unacceptable to the president of the United States . The attitude in the White House seemed to be , `` If in the wake of Vietnam I can no longer send in the Marines , then I will send in the CIA . '' -- Senator Frank Church , 1976 Many people in different parts of the world immediately suspected U.S. of foul play . In early newspaper reports , the U.S. denied any involvement or previous knowledge of the coup . Prompted by an incriminating New York Times article , the U.S. Senate opened an investigation into possible U.S. interference in Chile . A report prepared by the United States Intelligence Community in 2000 , at the direction of the National Intelligence Council , that echoed the Church committee , states that Although CIA did not instigate the coup that ended Allende 's government on 11 September 1973 , it was aware of coup - plotting by the military , had ongoing intelligence collection relationships with some plotters , and -- because CIA did not discourage the takeover and had sought to instigate a coup in 1970 -- probably appeared to condone it . The report stated that the CIA `` actively supported the military Junta after the overthrow of Allende but did not assist Pinochet to assume the Presidency . '' After a review of recordings of telephone conversations between Nixon and Henry Kissinger , Robert Dallek concluded that both of them used the CIA to actively destabilize the Allende government . In one particular conversation about the news of Allende 's overthrow , Kissinger complains about the lack of recognition of the American role in the overthrow of a `` communist '' government , upon which Nixon remarked , `` Well , we did n't -- as you know -- our hand does n't show on this one . '' . A later CIA report contended that US agents maintained close ties with the Chilean military to collect intelligence but no effort was made to assist them and `` under no circumstances attempted to influence them . '' Historian Peter Winn found `` extensive evidence '' of United States complicity in the coup . He states that its covert support was crucial to engineering the coup , as well as for the consolidation of power by the Pinochet regime following the takeover . Winn documents an extensive CIA operation to fabricate reports of a coup against Allende , as justification for the imposition of military rule . Peter Kornbluh asserts that the CIA destabilized Chile and helped create the conditions for the coup , citing documents declassified by the Clinton administration . Other authors point to the involvement of the Defense Intelligence Agency , agents of which allegedly secured the missiles used to bombard the La Moneda Palace . The U.S. Government 's hostility to the election of Allende in Chile was substantiated in documents declassified during the Clinton administration , which show that CIA covert operatives were inserted in Chile in order to prevent a Marxist government from arising and for the purpose of spreading anti-Allende propaganda . As described in the Church Committee report , the CIA was involved in multiple plots designed to remove Allende and then let the Chileans vote in a new election where he would not be a candidate . The first , non-military , approach involved attempting a constitutional coup . This was known as the Track I approach , in which the CIA , with the approval of the 40 Committee , attempted to bribe the Chilean legislature , tried to influence public opinion against Allende , and provided funding to strikes designed to coerce him into resigning . It also attempted to get congress to confirm Jorge Alessandri as the winner of the presidential election . Alessandri , who was an accessory to the conspiracy , was ready to then resign and call for fresh elections . The other approach of the CIA , also known as the Track II approach , was an attempt to encourage a military coup by creating a climate of crisis across the country . False flag operatives contacted senior Chilean military officers and informed them that the U.S. would actively support a coup , but would revoke all military aid if such a coup did not happen . In addition , the CIA gave extensive support for black propaganda against Allende , channeled mostly through El Mercurio . Financial assistance was also given to Allende 's political opponents , and for organizing strikes and unrest to destabilize the government . By 1970 , the U.S. manufacturing company ITT Corporation owned 70 % of Chitelco ( the Chilean Telephone Company ) , and also funded El Mercurio . The CIA used ITT as a means of disguising the source of the illegitimate funding Allende 's opponents received . On 28 September 1973 , ITT 's headquarters in New York City was bombed , allegedly for its involvement in Allende 's overthrow . Australian involvement ( edit ) An Australian Secret Intelligence Service ( ASIS ) station was established in Chile out of the Australian embassy in July 1971 at the request of the CIA and authorised by then Liberal Party Foreign Minister William McMahon . Newly - elected Labor Prime Minister Gough Whitlam was informed of the operation in February 1973 and signed a document ordering the closure of the operation several weeks later . It appears , however , the last ASIS agent did not leave Chile until October 1973 , one month after the CIA - backed coup d'état had brought down the Allende Government . There were also two officers of Australian Security Intelligence Organisation ( ASIO ) , Australia 's internal security service , who were based in Santiago working as migration officers during this period . The failure of timely closure of Australia 's covert operations was one of the reasons for the sacking of the Director of ASIS on 21 October 1975 . This took effect on 7 November , just four days before Prime Minister 's Whitlam 's own dismissal in the 1975 Australian constitutional crisis with allegations of CIA political interference . Military action ( edit ) By 7 : 00 am on 11 September 1973 , the Navy captured Valparaíso , strategically stationing ships and marine infantry in the central coast and closed radio and television networks . The Province Prefect informed President Allende of the Navy 's actions ; immediately , the president went to the presidential palace with his bodyguards , the `` Group of Personal Friends '' ( GAP ) . By 8 : 00 am , the Army had closed most radio and television stations in Santiago city ; the Air Force bombed the remaining active stations ; the President received incomplete information , and was convinced that only a sector of the Navy conspired against him and his government . President Allende and Defence minister Orlando Letelier were unable to communicate with military leaders . Admiral Montero , the Navy 's commander and an Allende loyalist , was rendered incommunicado ; his telephone service was cut and his cars were sabotaged before the coup d'état , to ensure he could not thwart the opposition . Leadership of the Navy was transferred to José Toribio Merino , planner of the coup d'état and executive officer to Adm. Montero . Augusto Pinochet , General of the Army , and Gustavo Leigh , General of the Air Force , did not answer Allende 's telephone calls to them . The General Director of the Carabineros ( uniformed police ) , José María Sepúlveda , and the head of the Investigations Police ( plain clothes detectives ) , Alfredo Joignant answered Allende 's calls and immediately went to the La Moneda presidential palace . When Defence minister Letelier arrived at the Ministry of Defense , controlled by Adm. Patricio Carvajal , he was arrested as the first prisoner of the coup d'état . Despite evidence that all branches of the Chilean armed forces were involved in the coup , Allende hoped that some units remained loyal to the government . Allende was convinced of Pinochet 's loyalty , telling a reporter that the coup d'état leaders must have imprisoned the general . Only at 8 : 30 am , when the armed forces declared their control of Chile and that Allende was deposed , did the president grasp the magnitude of the military 's rebellion . Despite the lack of any military support , Allende refused to resign his office . At approx. 9 : 00 the carabineros of the La Moneda left the building . By 9 : 00 am , the armed forces controlled Chile , except for the city centre of the capital , Santiago . Allende refused to surrender , despite the military 's declaring they would bomb the La Moneda presidential palace if he resisted being deposed . The Socialist Party along with his Cuban advisors proposed to Allende that he escape to the San Joaquín industrial zone in southern Santiago , to later re-group and lead a counter-coup d'état ; the president rejected the proposition . According to Tanya Harmer , Allende 's refusal to lead an insurgency against the coup is evidence of his unrelenting desire to bring about change through non-violent methods . The military attempted negotiations with Allende , but the President refused to resign , citing his constitutional duty to remain in office . Finally , Allende gave a farewell speech , telling the nation of the coup d'état and his refusal to resign his elected office under threat . Leigh ordered the presidential palace bombed , but was told the Air Force 's Hawker Hunter jet aircraft would take forty minutes to arrive . Pinochet ordered an armoured and infantry force under General Sergio Arellano to advance upon the La Moneda presidential palace . When the troops moved forward , they were forced to retreat after coming under fire from GAP snipers perched on rooftops . General Arellano called for helicopter gunship support from the commander of the Chilean Army Puma helicopter squadron and the troops were able to advance again . Chilean Air Force aircraft soon arrived to provide close air support for the assault ( by bombing the Palace ) , but the defenders did not surrender until nearly 2 : 30 pm . First reports said the 65 - year - old president had died fighting troops , but later police sources reported he had committed suicide . Estadio Nacional de Chile after the coup . Casualties ( edit ) Main article : Forced disappearance § Chile In the first months after the coup d'état , the military killed thousands of Chilean leftists , both real and suspected , or forced their `` disappearance '' . The military imprisoned 40,000 political enemies in the National Stadium of Chile ; among the tortured and killed desaparecidos ( disappeared ) were the U.S. citizens Charles Horman , and Frank Teruggi . In October 1973 , the Chilean songwriter Víctor Jara , and 70 other political killings were perpetrated by the death squad , Caravan of Death ( Caravana de la Muerte ) . The government arrested some 130,000 people in a three - year period ; the dead and disappeared numbered thousands in the first months of the military government . Those include the British physician Sheila Cassidy , who survived to publicize to the UK the human rights violations in Chile . Among those detained was Alberto Bachelet ( father of future Chilean President Michelle Bachelet ) , an Air Force official ; he was tortured and died on 12 March 1974 , the right - wing newspaper , El Mercurio ( The Mercury ) , reported that Mr Bachelet died after a basketball game , citing his poor cardiac health . Michelle Bachelet and her mother were imprisoned and tortured in the Villa Grimaldi detention and torture centre on 10 January 1975 . After Gen. Pinochet lost the election in the 1988 plebiscite , the Rettig Commission , a multi-partisan truth commission , in 1991 reported the location of torture and detention centers , among others , Colonia Dignidad , the tall ship Esmeralda and Víctor Jara Stadium . Later , in November 2004 , the Valech Report confirmed the number as less than 3,000 killed , and reduced the number of cases of forced disappearance ; but some 28,000 people were arrested , imprisoned , and tortured . Sixty individuals died as a direct result of fighting on 11 September , although the MIR and GAP continued to fight the following day . In all , 46 of Allende 's guard ( the GAP , Grupo de Amigos Personales ) were killed , some of them in combat with the soldiers that took the Moneda . Allende 's Cuban - trained guard would have had about 300 elite commando - trained GAP fighters at the time of the coup , but the use of brute military force , especially the use of Hawker Hunters , may have handicapped many GAP fighters from further action . According to official reports prepared after the return of democracy , at La Moneda only two people died : President Allende and the journalist Augusto Olivares ( both by suicide ) . Two more were injured , Antonio Aguirre and Osvaldo Ramos , both members of President Allende 's entourage ; they would later be allegedly kidnapped from the hospital and disappeared . In November 2006 , the Associated Press noted that more than 15 bodyguards and aides were taken from the palace during the coup and are still unaccounted for ; in 2006 Augusto Pinochet was indicted for two of their deaths . On the military side , there were 34 deaths : two army sergeants , three army corporals , four army privates , 2 navy lieutenants , 1 navy corporal , 4 naval cadets , 3 navy conscripts and 15 carabineros . In mid-September , the Chilean military junta claimed its troops suffered another 16 dead and 100 injured by gunfire in mopping - up operations against Allende supporters , and Pinochet said : `` sadly there are still some armed groups who insist on attacking , which means that the military rules of wartime apply to them . '' A press photographer also died in the crossfire while attempting to cover the event . On 23 October 1973 , 23 - year - old army corporal Benjamín Alfredo Jaramillo Ruz , who was serving with the Cazadores , became the first fatal casualty of the counterinsurgency operations in the mountainous area of Alquihue in Valdivia after being shot by a sniper . The Chilean Army suffered 12 killed in various clashes with MIR guerrillas and GAP fighters in October 1973 . While fatalities in the battle during the coup might have been relatively small , the Chilean security forces sustained 162 dead in the three following months as a result of continued resistance , and tens of thousands of people were arrested during the coup and held in the National Stadium . This was because the plans for the coup called for the arrest of every man , woman and child on the streets the morning of 11 September . Of these approximately 40,000 to 50,000 perfunctory arrests , several hundred individuals would later be detained , questioned , tortured , and in some cases murdered . While these deaths did not occur before the surrender of Allende 's forces , they occurred as a direct result of arrests and round - ups during the coup 's military action . Allende 's death ( edit ) Main article : Death of Salvador Allende President Allende died in La Moneda during the coup . The junta officially declared that he committed suicide with a rifle given to him by Fidel Castro , two doctors from the infirmary of La Moneda stated that they witnessed the suicide , and an autopsy labelled Allende 's death a suicide . Vice Admiral Patricio Carvajal , one of the primary instigators of the coup , claimed that `` Allende committed suicide and is dead now . '' At the time , few of Allende 's supporters believed the explanation that Allende had killed himself . Allende 's body was exhumed in May 2011 . A scientific autopsy was performed and the autopsy team delivered a unanimous finding on 19 July 2011 that Allende committed suicide using an AK - 47 rifle . However , on 31 May 2011 , Chile 's state television station reported that a top - secret military account of Allende 's death had been discovered in the home of a former military justice official . The 300 - page document was only found when the house was destroyed in the 2010 Chilean earthquake . After reviewing the report , two forensic experts told TVN `` that they are inclined to conclude that Allende was assassinated . '' ( 21 ) Allende 's widow and family escaped the military government and were accepted for exile in Mexico , where they remained for 17 years . Aftermath ( edit ) Installing a New regime ( edit ) Main article : Government Junta of Chile ( 1973 ) Original members of the Government Junta of Chile ( 1973 ) On 13 September , the Junta dissolved Congress . At the same time , it outlawed the parties that had been part of the Popular Unity coalition , and all political activity was declared `` in recess '' . The military government took control of all media including the radio broadcasting that Allende attempted to use to give his final speech to the nation . It is not known how many Chileans actually heard the last words of Allende as he spoke them , but a transcript and audio of the speech survived the military government . Chilean scholar Lidia M. Baltra details how the military took control of the media platforms and turned them into their own `` propaganda machine . '' The only two newspapers that were allowed to continue publishing after the military takeover were El Mercurio and La Tercera de la Hora , both of which were anti-Allende under his leadership . The dictatorship 's silencing of the leftist point of view extended past the media and into `` every discourse that expressed any resistance to the regime . '' An example of this is the torturing and death of folk singer Victor Jara . The military government detained Jara in the days following the coup . He , along with many other leftists , was held in Estadio Nacional , or the National Stadium of Chile in the capital of Santiago . Initially , the Junta tried to silence him by crushing his hands but ultimately he was murdered . Immediately after the coup the military sought after television host Don Francisco to have him report on the events . Don Francisco declined the offer encouraging the captain that had approached him to take the role of reporter himself . Initially , there were four leaders of the junta : In addition to General Augusto Pinochet , from the Army , there were General Gustavo Leigh Guzmán , of the Air Force ; Admiral José Toribio Merino Castro , of the Navy ( who replaced Constitutionalist Admiral Raúl Montero ) ; and General Director César Mendoza Durán , of the National Police ( Carabineros de Chile ) ( who replaced Constitutionalist General Director José María Sepúlveda ) . Coup leaders soon decided against a rotating presidency and named General Pinochet permanent head of the junta . In the months that followed the coup , the junta , with authoring work by historian Gonzalo Vial and admiral Patricio Carvajal , published a book titled El Libro Blanco del cambio de gobierno en Chile ( commonly known as El Libro Blanco , `` The White Book of the Change of Government in Chile '' ) , where they attempted to justify the coup by claiming that they were in fact anticipating a self - coup ( the alleged Plan Zeta , or Plan Z ) that Allende 's government or its associates were purportedly preparing . Historian Peter Winn states that the Central Intelligence Agency had an extensive part to play in fabricating the conspiracy and in selling it to the press , both in Chile and internationally . Although later discredited and officially recognized as the product of political propaganda , some Chilean historians pointed to the similarities between the alleged Plan Z and other existing paramilitary plans of the Popular Unity parties in support of its legitimacy . Continued Violence ( edit ) See also : Armed resistance in Chile ( 1973 -- 90 ) Pictures of persons missing after the 1973 Chilean coup The newspaper La Tercera published on its front page a photograph showing prisoners at the Quiriquina Island Camp who had been captured during the fighting in Concepción . The photograph 's caption stated that some of the detained were local leaders of the `` Unidad Popular '' while others were `` extremists who had attacked the armed forces with firearms '' . The photo is reproduced in Docuscanner . This is consistent with reports in newspapers and broadcasts in Concepción about the activities of the Armed Forces , which mentioned clashes with `` extremists '' on several occasions from 11 to 14 September . Nocturnal skirmishes took place around the Hotel Alonso De Ercilla in Colo Colo and San Martino Street , one block away from the Army and military police administrative headquarters . A recently published testimony about the clashes in Concepcion offers several plausible explanations for the reticence of witnesses to these actions . Besides political leaders and participants , the coup also affected many everyday Chilean citizens . Thousands were killed , went missing , and were injured . Because of the political instability in their country , many relocated elsewhere . Canada , among other countries , became a main point of refuge for many Chilean citizens . Through an operation known as `` Special Movement Chile '' , more than 7,000 Chileans were relocated to Canada in the months following September 11 , 1973 . These refugees are now known as Chilean Canadian people and have a population of over 38,000 . The U.S. view of the coup continues to spark controversy . Beginning in late 2014 in response to a request by then Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Carl Levin , United States Southern Command ( USSOUTHCOM ) William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies ( CHDS ) , located at the National Defense University in Washington , D.C. , has been under investigation by the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General . Insider national security whistleblower complaints included that the Center knowingly protected a CHDS professor from Chile who was a former top advisor to Pinochet after belonging to the Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional / DINA state terrorist organization ( whose attack against a former Chilean foreign minister in 1976 in Washington , D.C. resulted in two deaths , including that of an American ) . `` Reports that NDU hired foreign military officers with histories of involvement in human rights abuses , including torture and extra-judicial killings of civilians , are stunning , and they are repulsive , '' said Sen. Patrick Leahy , D - Vermont , the author of the `` Leahy Law '' prohibiting U.S. assistance to military units and members of foreign security forces that violate human rights . Roberto Theime , the military leader of Fatherland and Liberty , who was imprisoned on September 11 was shocked to hear about the degree of violence the coup was carried out with . Despite being an arduous opponent of Unidad Popular he had expected a cleaner coup . International reaction ( edit ) President of Argentina Juan Domingo Perón condemned the coup calling it a `` fatality for the continent '' . Before the coup Perón had warned the more radical of his followers to stay calm and `` not do as Allende '' . Argentine students protested the coup at the Chilean embassy in Buenos Aires , where part of them chanted that they were `` available to cross the Andes '' ( dispuestos a cruzar la cordillera ) . Commemoration ( edit ) The commemoration of the coup is associated to competing narratives on its cause and effects . The coup has been commemorated by detractors and supporters in various ways . On September 11 of 1975 Pinochet lit the Llama de la Libertad ( lit . Flame of Liberty ) to commemorate the coup . This flame was extinguished in 2004 . Avenida Nueva Providencia in Providencia , Santiago , was renamed Avenida 11 de Septiembre in 1980 . In the 30th anniversary of the coup President Ricardo Lagos inaugurated the Morandé 80 entrance to La Moneda . This entrance to the presidential palace had been errased during the repairs the dictatorship did to the building after the bombing . 40th anniversary ( edit ) The 40th anniversary of the coup in 2013 was particularly intense . That year the name of Avenida 11 de Septiembre was reversed to the original Avenida Nueva Providencia . The Association of Chilean Magistrates issued a public statement in early September 2013 recognizing the past unwillingness of judges to protect those persecuted by dictatorship . On September 11 , 2013 hundreds of Chileans posed as dead in the streets of Santiago in remembrance of the ones `` disappeared '' by the dictatorship . The centre - left opposition refused to attend the commemoration event organized by Sebastián Piñera 's right - wing government organizing instead a separate event . Osvaldo Andrade of the Socialist Party explained that attendance was not viable as Piñera 's government was `` packed with passive accomplices '' of the dictatorship . Some right - wing politicians also declined the invitation . President candidate Michelle Bachelet planned to spend the day visiting Museum of Memory and Human Rights and commented that `` it is not fair to talk about the coup as something unavoidable '' . President Piñera held an unusual speech in which he denounced `` passive accomplices '' like news reporters who deliberately changed or omitted the truth and judges who rejected recursos de amparos that could have saved lives . People who knew things or could have known things but decided to stay quiet were also criticized as passive accomplices in Piñera 's speech . A number of new films , theatre plays and photography expositions were held to cast light on the abuses and censorship of the dictatorship . The number of new books published on the subject in 2013 was such that it constituted an editorial boom . Conferences and seminaries on the subject of coup were also held . Various series and interviews with politicians on the subject of the coup and the dictatorship were aired on Chilean TV in 2013 . See also ( edit ) Chilean presidential election , 1970 Cuban packages -- arms smuggling from Cuba Government Junta of Chile ( 1924 ) Government Junta of Chile ( 1973 ) Machuca Marjorie Agosín Missing ( 1982 film ) Operation Condor Operation TOUCAN ( KGB ) -- secret KGB operations in Chile Patio 29 Project FUBELT -- secret CIA operations to unseat Allende . René Schneider Rettig Report The Battle of Chile The Black Pimpernel The House of the Spirits United States intervention in Chile Valech Report Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Lawson , George ( 2005 ) . Negotiated Revolutions . p. 182 . The only armed resistance came in a handful of factories , the La Legua poblacion in Santiago and in isolated gunfights with MIR activists . Jump up ^ McSherry , J. Patrice ( 2011 ) . `` Chapter 5 : `` Industrial repression '' and Operation Condor in Latin America `` . In Esparza , Marcia ; Henry R. Huttenbach ; Daniel Feierstein . State Violence and Genocide in Latin America : The Cold War Years ( Critical Terrorism Studies ) . Routledge . p. 107 . ISBN 0415664578 . Jump up ^ Walter L. Hixson ( 2009 ) . The Myth of American Diplomacy : National Identity and U.S. Foreign Policy . Yale University Press . p. 223 . ISBN 0300151314 Jump up ^ Peter Kornbluh . `` Chile and the United States : Declassified Documents Relating to the Military Coup , September 11 , 1973 '' . Jump up ^ `` Controversial legacy of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet ... Gen. Augusto Pinochet , who overthrew Chile 's democratically elected Communist government in a 1973 coup ... '' Archived 16 May 2008 at the Wayback Machine. , The Christian Science Monitor , 11 December 2006 Jump up ^ `` CHILE : The Bloody End of a Marxist Dream '' , Time Magazine , Quote : `` ... Allende 's downfall had implications that reached far beyond the borders of Chile . His had been the first democratically elected Marxist government in Latin America ... '' Jump up ^ Genaro Arriagada Herrera ( 1988 ) . Pinochet : The Politics of Power . Allen & Unwin . p. 36 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 04 - 497061 - 3 . ^ Jump up to : Winn , Peter ( 2010 ) . Grandin & Joseph , Greg & Gilbert , ed . A Century of Revolution . Duke University Press . pp. 239 -- 275 . Jump up ^ Peter Kornbluh ( 19 September 2000 ) . `` CIA Acknowledges Ties to Pinochet 's Repression : Report to Congress Reveals U.S. Accountability in Chile '' . Chile Documentation Project . National Security Archive . Archived from the original on 28 November 2006 . Retrieved 26 November 2006 . Jump up ^ `` Salvador Allende 's Last Speech -- Wikisource '' . Wikisource . Retrieved 19 November 2011 . Jump up ^ Davison , Phil ( 20 June 2009 ) . `` Hortensia Bussi De Allende : Widow of Salvador Allende who helped lead opposition to Chile 's military dictatorship '' . The Independent . London . Retrieved 20 April 2010 . Jump up ^ Gott , Richard ( 12 September 2009 ) . `` From the archive : Allende ' dead ' as generals seize power '' . The Guardian . London . Retrieved 20 April 2010 . Jump up ^ Weimer , Tim ( 2007 ) . Legacy of Ashes : The History of the CIA . New York : Doubleday . Jump up ^ Winn , Peter ( 2010 ) . `` Furies of the Andes '' . In Grandin & Joseph , Greg & Gilbert . A Century of Revolution : Insurgent and Counterinsurgent Violence during Latin America 's Long Cold War . Durham , NC : Duke University Press . p. 259 . ISBN 0 - 8223 - 9285 - 2 . Jump up ^ `` El Partido Socialista de Chile Tomo II '' . Julio César Jobet ( in Spanish ) . p. 120 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 25 October 2009 . Retrieved 5 June 2009 . Jump up ^ Nohlen , D ( 2005 ) Elections in the Americas : A data handbook , Volume II , p259 ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 928358 - 3 Jump up ^ `` CIA Activities in Chile '' . Central Intelligence Agency . The political action program under consideration called for the Embassy and Station to influence the Chilean Congress as it took up the matter . This involved encouraging Congress to vote for Alessandri for President in spite of the fact Allende received a slightly higher popular vote . ( Allende won 36.3 percent of the vote on 4 September -- a plurality , not the majority required by the Constitution to avoid Congressional reaffirmation of the victory . ) The Station and the Embassy , working through intermediaries , urged Frei to use his influence with Congress to convince non-leftist forces to vote for Alessandri . The scenario was to have Congress elect Alessandri as President ; he would then resign , thereby allowing Frei to run as a candidate against Allende in a new election . Jump up ^ Régis Debray ( 1972 ) . The Chilean Revolution : Conversations with Allende . New York : Vintage Books . Jump up ^ Porpora , Douglas V. ; Nikolaev , Alexander G. ; May , Julia Hagemann ; Jenkins , Alexander ( 7 September 2013 ) . `` Post-Ethical Society : The Iraq War , Abu Ghraib , and the Moral Failure of the Secular '' . University of Chicago Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 226 - 06252 - 5 . Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 9 October 2016 . Retrieved 7 October 2016 . Jump up ^ Kristian C. Gustafson . `` CIA Machinations in Chile in 1970 : Reexamining the Record '' , CIA , Center for the Study of Intelligence . Retrieved 21 August 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Castro speech database '' , University of Texas : English translations of Castro speeches based upon the records of the ( United States ) Foreign Broadcast Information Service ( FBIS ) . See locations of speeches for November -- December 1971 . Retrieved 22 September 2006 . ^ Jump up to : ( in Spanish ) `` Comienzan los problemas '' . Archived from the original on 2007 - 08 - 02 . , part of series `` Icarito > Enciclopedia Virtual > Historia > Historia de Chile > Del gobierno militar a la democracia '' on . Retrieved 22 September 2006 . Jump up ^ `` mun6 '' . . Retrieved 19 November 2011 . Jump up ^ Development and Breakdown of Democracy , 1830 -- 1973 , United States Library of Congress Country Studies : Chile . Undated ; according to Preface , `` The body of the text reflects information available as of 31 March 1994 . '' Accessed 22 September 2006 . ^ Jump up to : ( in Spanish ) `` Se desata la crisis '' . Archived from the original on 9 November 2007 . Retrieved 2009 - 05 - 16 . , part of series `` Icarito > Enciclopedia Virtual > Historia > Historia de Chile > Del gobierno militar a la democracia '' on . Retrieved 22 September 2006 . Jump up ^ `` CIA , Operating Guidance Cable on Coup Plotting , 16 October 1970 '' , National Security Archive , George Washington University : Quote : In a secret cable , CIA deputy director of plans , Thomas Karamessines , conveys Kissinger 's orders to CIA station chief in Santiago , Henry Hecksher : `` It is firm and continuing policy that Allende be overthrown by a coup . '' The `` operating guidance '' makes it clear that these operations are to be conducted so as to hide the `` American hand , '' and that the CIA is to ignore any orders to the contrary from Ambassador Edward M. Korry , who has not been informed of Track II operations . Jump up ^ El paro que coronó el fin ó la rebelión de los patrones , El Periodista , 8 June 2003 ( in Spanish ) ^ Jump up to : CIA 2000 report , p. 12 , National Security Archive , George Washington University Jump up ^ Adams , Jerome R. ( 2010 ) . Liberators , patriots , and leaders of Latin America 32 biographies ( 2nd ed . ) . 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Pass - Smith ( Eds . ) , Development and Underdevelopment : The Political Economy of Inequality , Boulder : Lynnes Rienner , pp. 203 -- 216 . External links ( edit ) Wikisource has original text related to this article : Intelligence Memorandum : Allende 's Chile : The Widening Supply - Demand Gap CIA acknowledges involvement in Allende 's overthrow Pinochet 's rise , CNN . Cronología , , originally published in Archivo Salvador Allende , number 14 . An extensive Spanish - language site providing a day - by - day chronology of the Allende era . This is clearly a partisan , pro-Allende source , but the research and detail are enormous . ( in Spanish ) National Security Archive 's Chile Documentation Project which provides documents obtained from FOIA requests regarding U.S. involvement in Chile , beginning with attempts to promote a coup in 1970 and continuing through U.S. support for Pinochet US Dept. of State FOIA Church Report ( Covert Action in Chile ) 11 September 1973 , When US - Backed Pinochet Forces Took Power in Chile -- video report by Democracy Now ! The Coup in Chile . Jacobin. 11 September 2015 . Listen to this article ( info / dl ) This audio file was created from a revision of the article `` 1973 Chilean coup d'état '' dated 2017 - 11 - 27 , and does not reflect subsequent edits to the article . ( Audio help ) More spoken articles <Th_colspan="2"> 1973 Chilean coup d'état Background United States intervention in Chile Schneider Doctrine 1970 election Project FUBELT Presidency of Salvador Allende Carlos Prats Alejandrina Cox incident Carlos Altamirano Tanquetazo Participants Salvador Allende Augusto Pinochet José Toribio Merino Gustavo Leigh César Mendoza Aftermath Government Junta of Chile Miguel Enriquez Operation Condor Assassination of Carlos Prats Attempted assassination of Bernardo Leighton Assassination of Orlando Letelier Chile under Pinochet Chicago Boys Indictment and arrest of Pinochet Controversies Death of Salvador Allende Criticisms of Salvador Allende Human rights violations under Pinochet <Th_colspan="2"> Cold War <Td_colspan="2"> USA USSR ANZUS NATO Non-Aligned Movement SEATO Warsaw Pact Cold War II 1940s Morgenthau Plan Hukbalahap Rebellion Dekemvriana Percentages agreement Yalta Conference Guerrilla war in the Baltic states Forest Brothers Operation Priboi Operation Jungle Occupation of the Baltic states Cursed soldiers Operation Unthinkable Operation Downfall Potsdam Conference Gouzenko Affair Division of Korea Operation Masterdom Operation Beleaguer Operation Blacklist Forty Iran crisis of 1946 Greek Civil War Baruch Plan Corfu Channel incident Turkish Straits crisis Restatement of Policy on Germany First Indochina War Truman Doctrine Asian Relations Conference May 1947 Crises Marshall Plan Comecon 1948 Czechoslovak coup d'état Tito -- Stalin Split Berlin Blockade Western betrayal Iron Curtain Eastern Bloc Western Bloc Chinese Civil War ( Second round ) Malayan Emergency Albanian Subversion 1950s Papua conflict Bamboo Curtain Korean War McCarthyism Egyptian Revolution of 1952 1953 Iranian coup d'état Uprising of 1953 in East Germany Dirty War ( Mexico ) Bricker Amendment 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état Partition of Vietnam Vietnam War First Taiwan Strait Crisis Geneva Summit ( 1955 ) Bandung Conference Poznań 1956 protests Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Suez Crisis `` We will bury you '' Operation Gladio Arab Cold War Syrian Crisis of 1957 1958 Lebanon crisis Iraqi 14 July Revolution Sputnik crisis Second Taiwan Strait Crisis 1959 Tibetan uprising Cuban Revolution Kitchen Debate Sino - Soviet split 1960s Congo Crisis 1960 U-2 incident Bay of Pigs Invasion 1960 Turkish coup d'état Soviet -- Albanian split Berlin Crisis of 1961 Berlin Wall Portuguese Colonial War Angolan War of Independence Guinea - Bissau War of Independence Mozambican War of Independence Cuban Missile Crisis Sino - Indian War Communist insurgency in Sarawak Iraqi Ramadan Revolution Eritrean War of Independence Sand War North Yemen Civil War Aden Emergency 1963 Syrian coup d'état Vietnam War Shifta War Guatemalan Civil War Colombian conflict Nicaraguan Revolution 1964 Brazilian coup d'état Dominican Civil War South African Border War Transition to the New Order Domino theory ASEAN Declaration Laotian Civil War 1966 Syrian coup d'état Argentine Revolution Korean DMZ Conflict Greek military junta of 1967 -- 74 Years of Lead ( Italy ) USS Pueblo incident Six - Day War War of Attrition Dhofar Rebellion Al - Wadiah War Protests of 1968 French May Tlatelolco massacre Cultural Revolution Prague Spring 1968 Polish political crisis Communist insurgency in Malaysia Invasion of Czechoslovakia Iraqi Ba'athist Revolution Goulash Communism Sino - Soviet border conflict CPP -- NPA -- NDF rebellion Corrective Move 1970s Détente Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Black September in Jordan Corrective Movement ( Syria ) Cambodian Civil War Koza riot Realpolitik Ping - pong diplomacy Uganda -- Tanzania War 1971 Turkish military memorandum Corrective Revolution ( Egypt ) Four Power Agreement on Berlin Bangladesh Liberation War 1972 Nixon visit to China North Yemen - South Yemen Border conflict of 1972 Yemenite War of 1972 NDF Rebellion Eritrean Civil Wars 1973 Chilean coup d'état Yom Kippur War 1973 oil crisis Carnation Revolution Spanish transition Metapolitefsi Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Rhodesian Bush War Angolan Civil War Mozambican Civil War Oromo conflict Ogaden War Ethiopian Civil War Lebanese Civil War Sino - Albanian split Cambodian -- Vietnamese War Sino - Vietnamese War Operation Condor Dirty War ( Argentina ) 1976 Argentine coup d'état Korean Air Lines Flight 902 Yemenite War of 1979 Grand Mosque seizure Iranian Revolution Saur Revolution New Jewel Movement 1979 Herat uprising Seven Days to the River Rhine Struggle against political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union 1980s Soviet -- Afghan War 1980 and 1984 Summer Olympics boycotts 1980 Turkish coup d'état Peruvian conflict Casamance conflict Ugandan Bush War Lord 's Resistance Army insurgency Eritrean Civil Wars 1982 Ethiopian -- Somali Border War Ndogboyosoi War United States invasion of Grenada Able Archer 83 Star Wars Iran -- Iraq War Somali Rebellion 1986 Black Sea incident 1988 Black Sea bumping incident South Yemen Civil War Bougainville Civil War 8888 Uprising Solidarity Soviet reaction Contras Central American crisis RYAN Korean Air Lines Flight 007 People Power Revolution Glasnost Perestroika Nagorno - Karabakh War Afghan Civil War United States invasion of Panama 1988 Polish strikes Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 Revolutions of 1989 Fall of the Berlin Wall Velvet Revolution Romanian Revolution Peaceful Revolution Die Wende 1990s Mongolian Revolution of 1990 German reunification Yemeni unification Fall of communism in Albania Breakup of Yugoslavia Dissolution of the Soviet Union Dissolution of Czechoslovakia Frozen conflicts Abkhazia China - Taiwan Korea Nagorno - Karabakh South Ossetia Transnistria Sino - Indian border dispute North Borneo dispute Foreign policy Truman Doctrine Containment Eisenhower Doctrine Domino theory Hallstein Doctrine Kennedy Doctrine Peaceful coexistence Ostpolitik Johnson Doctrine Brezhnev Doctrine Nixon Doctrine Ulbricht Doctrine Carter Doctrine Reagan Doctrine Rollback Sovereignty of Puerto Rico during the Cold War Ideologies Capitalism Chicago school Keynesianism Monetarism Neoclassical economics Reaganomics Supply - side economics Thatcherism Communism Marxism -- Leninism Castroism Eurocommunism Guevarism Hoxhaism Juche Maoism Trotskyism Naxalism Stalinism Titoism Other Fascism Islamism Liberal democracy Social democracy Third - Worldism White supremacy Apartheid Organizations ASEAN CIA Comecon EEC KGB MI6 Non-Aligned Movement SAARC Safari Club Stasi Propaganda Active measures Crusade for Freedom Izvestia Pravda Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Red Scare TASS Voice of America Voice of Russia Races Arms race Nuclear arms race Space Race See also Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War Soviet espionage in the United States Soviet Union -- United States relations USSR -- USA summits Russian espionage in the United States American espionage in the Soviet Union and Russian Federation Russia -- NATO relations Brinkmanship CIA and the Cultural Cold War Cold War II <Td_colspan="2"> Category Commons Portal Timeline List of conflicts <Th_colspan="3"> Chile articles History Timeline Early Mapuches Inca rule Spanish invasion Colonial Chile Captaincy General Arauco War Independence Expansionism War of the Confederation Chincha Islands War War of the Pacific Occupation of Araucanía Parliamentary Era ( 1891 -- 1925 ) Arms race with Argentina Dreadnought race with Argentina , Brazil Presidential Republic ( 1925 -- 73 ) Presidency of Salvador Allende 1973 coup Pinochet regime Transition to democracy Geography <Td_colspan="2"> Cities Climate Earthquakes Environment Extreme points Fjords , channels , sounds and straits Geology Islands National parks Natural regions Provinces Regions Rivers Lakes Volcanoes Lighthouses Politics <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> National Congress Elections Foreign relations Government Political parties President Ministries Law Civil Code Constitution Copyright law Human rights LGBT Intersex LGBT history Law enforcement Nationality law Passport Supreme Court Constitutional Court Comptroller General of Chile Investigations Police of Chile Military Air Force Army Navy Carabineros Ministry of Defence Economy <Td_colspan="2"> Agriculture Central Bank Companies Economic history Peso ( currency ) Stock Exchange Telecommunications Tourism Transport Society <Td_colspan="2"> Crime Demographics Education Healthcare Immigration Languages People Religion Water supply and sanitation Women Culture Arts Beauty pageants Cinema Cuisine Literature Music Mythology Newspapers Public holidays Sports Television <Td_colspan="3"> Outline Index Category Portal <Th_colspan="3"> Augusto Pinochet Life and politics 1973 Chilean coup d'état Government Junta of Chile Rule over Chile Indictment and arrest Policies Miracle of Chile Economic policy 1980 Constitution DINA Operation Condor Operation Colombo Perceptions Chicago Boys Rettig Report Valech Report Caravan of Death Family Lucía Hiriart ( spouse ) Lucía Pinochet ( daughter ) <Th_colspan="2"> United States intervention in Latin America Policy Monroe Doctrine ( 1823 ) Platt Amendment ( 1901 -- 04 ) Roosevelt Corollary / Big Stick ideology ( 1904 ) Good Neighbor policy ( 1933 ) Dollar diplomacy Banana Wars Wars Mexican -- American War ( 1846 -- 48 ) Spanish -- American War ( 1898 ) Border War ( 1910 -- 19 ) United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution ( 1916 -- 19 ) Overt actions and occupations Paraguay expedition ( 1858 ) First Occupation of Cuba ( 1899 -- 1902 ) Panama -- Colombia separation and Hay -- Bunau - Varilla Treaty ( 1903 ) Second Occupation of Cuba ( 1906 -- 09 ) Occupations of Honduras Occupation of Nicaragua ( 1912 -- 33 ) Occupation of Veracruz ( 1914 ) Occupation of Haiti ( 1915 -- 34 ) Occupation of the Dominican Republic ( 1916 -- 24 ) Occupation of the Dominican Republic ( 1965 -- 66 ) Invasion of Grenada ( 1983 ) Invasion of Panama ( 1989 ) Covert actions 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état Bay of Pigs Invasion ( 1961 ) Operation MONGOOSE Project FUBELT 1973 Chilean coup d'état Disputed claims 2002 Venezuelan coup d'état attempt 2004 Haitian rebellion Other Cuban Missile Crisis ( 1962 ) United States involvement in regime change in Latin America <Td_colspan="2"> Foreign policy of the United States Latin America -- United States relations <Th_colspan="2"> Coups , self - coups , and attempted coups in Latin America since 1943 1940s Argentina ( 1943 ) Brazil ( 1945 ) Venezuela ( 1945 ) Venezuela ( 1948 ) 1950s Haiti ( 1950 ) Argentina ( 1951 ) Cuba ( 1952 ) Bolivia ( 1952 ) Colombia ( 1953 ) Paraguay ( 1954 ) Guatemala ( 1954 ) Argentina ( 1955 ) Honduras ( 1956 ) Colombia ( 1957 ) Venezuela ( 1958 ) Cuba ( 1959 ) Brazil ( 1959 ) 1960s El Salvador ( 1960 ) El Salvador ( 1961 ) Ecuador ( 1961 ) Argentina ( 1962 ) Peru ( 1962 ) Guatemala ( 1963 ) Ecuador ( 1963 ) Dominican Republic ( 1963 ) Honduras ( 1963 ) Bolivia ( 1964 ) Brazil ( 1964 ) Argentina ( 1966 ) Panama ( 1968 ) Peru ( 1968 ) Brazil ( 1969 ) 1970s Bolivia ( 1970 ) Honduras ( 1972 ) Ecuador ( 1972 ) Uruguay ( 1973 ) Chile ( June 1973 ) Chile ( Sep 1973 ) Peru ( 1975 ) Honduras ( 1975 ) Ecuador ( 1975 ) Argentina ( 1976 ) Ecuador ( 1976 ) Honduras ( 1978 ) El Salvador ( 1979 ) 1980s Bolivia ( 1980 ) Guatemala ( 1982 ) Guatemala ( 1983 ) Haiti ( Jun 1988 ) Haiti ( Sep 1988 ) Panama ( 1989 ) Paraguay ( 1989 ) 1990s Haiti ( 1991 ) Venezuela ( 1992 ) Peru ( 1992 ) Guatemala ( 1993 ) 2000s Ecuador ( 2000 ) Venezuela ( 2002 ) Haiti ( 2004 ) Honduras ( 2009 ) 2010s Ecuador ( 2010 ) Venezuela ( 2017 ) <Td_colspan="2"> coup attempt self - coup Retrieved from `` % 27état&oldid = 847066438 '' Categories : 1970s coups d'état and coup attempts 1973 in Chile Central Intelligence Agency operations Presidency of Salvador Allende Military dictatorship of Chile ( 1973 -- 90 ) Chile -- United States relations Imperialism Cold War conflicts Conflicts in 1973 Dirty wars Military coups in Chile Revolutions in Chile Cold War in Latin America False flag operations Henry Kissinger September 1973 events 1970s in Santiago , Chile Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links CS1 Spanish - language sources ( es ) Articles with Spanish - language external links CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from August 2017 Use dmy dates from January 2013 All accuracy disputes Articles with disputed statements from September 2013 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from May 2013 Articles with unsourced quotes Spoken articles Articles with hAudio microformats Talk Contents About Wikipedia Languages Asturianu Azərbaycanca Brezhoneg Català Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Español Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Latviešu Lietuvių Монгол Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 26 more Edit links This page was last edited on 22 June 2018 , at 17 : 56 ( UTC ) . 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1. 1973 Chilean coup d'état 2. Salvador Allende 3. Augusto Pinochet 4. US involvement in Chile 5. Cold War
who became the first governor general of pakistan
Governor - general of Pakistan - wikipedia Governor - general of Pakistan Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> Governor - General of Pakistan <Td_colspan="2"> Standard of the Governor - General <Td_colspan="2"> Muhammad Ali Jinnah Style His Excellency Residence Governor - General 's House Appointer Monarch of Pakistan Formation 14 August 1947 First holder Muhammad Ali Jinnah Final holder Iskander Mirza Abolished 23 March 1956 The Governor - General of Pakistan ( Urdu : گورنر جنرل پاکستان ‎ ) , was the representative in Pakistan of the British monarch , from the country 's independence in 1947 . When Pakistan was proclaimed a republic in 1956 , the office of governor - general was abolished . Contents ( hide ) 1 Key 2 Governors - General of Pakistan 3 Timeline 4 See also 5 References Key ( edit ) Key for governors - general ' list Party Pakistan Muslim League Republican Party Independent Governors - General of Pakistan ( edit ) List of Governors - General of Pakistan No Portrait Name ( Birth -- Death ) Took office Left office <Th_colspan="2"> Political party Muhammad Ali Jinnah ( 1876 -- 1948 ) 15 August 1947 11 September 1948 ( died in office ) Pakistan Muslim League Sir Khawaja Nazimuddin ( 1894 -- 1964 ) 14 September 1948 17 October 1951 Pakistan Muslim League Sir Ghulam Muhammad ( 1895 -- 1956 ) 17 October 1951 7 August 1955 Independent Iskander Mirza ( 1899 -- 1969 ) 7 August 1955 23 March 1956 Republican Party Timeline ( edit ) See also ( edit ) Governor - General of India President of Pakistan List of Presidents of Pakistan References ( edit ) <Th_colspan="3"> Governors - General of Pakistan <Td_colspan="2"> Muhammad Ali Jinnah Khawaja Nazimuddin Malik Ghulam Muhammad Iskander Mirza <Th_colspan="2"> Representatives of the monarch in Commonwealth realms and Dominions National Counsellors of State United Kingdom Governors - general Antigua and Barbuda Australia Bahamas Barbados Belize Canada Grenada Jamaica New Zealand Papua New Guinea Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Solomon Islands Tuvalu Sub-national Australia Governors New South Wales Queensland South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia Canada Lieutenant governors Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland Nova Scotia Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Realm of New Zealand Governor - general Niue , New Zealand Queen 's Representative Cook Islands Administrator Tokelau United Kingdom Lords lieutenant England , Wales , Scotland , Northern Ireland ( list Former Governors general Ceylon ( now Sri Lanka ) Fiji The Gambia Ghana Guyana India Irish Free State ( now Ireland ) Kenya Malawi Malta Mauritius Nigeria Pakistan Sierra Leone Union of South Africa Tanganyika Trinidad and Tobago Uganda Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Governors - General of Pakistan Lists of governors - general Pakistan - related lists Pakistan and the Commonwealth of Nations Hidden categories : Articles containing Urdu - language text Use dmy dates from June 2011 Talk Contents About Wikipedia বাংলা Čeština Français 한국어 हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Italiano मराठी 日本 語 پنجابی Polski Русский Simple English Suomi اردو Edit links This page was last edited on 23 September 2017 , at 12 : 25 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
1. Governor-General of Pakistan 2. Muhammad Ali Jinnah 3. Abolition of the office of Governor-General 4. List of Governors-General of Pakistan 5. Representative of the British monarch in Pakistan
what is the charge for killing an animal
Cruelty to animals - wikipedia Cruelty to animals Jump to : navigation , search D. omitian , one of the 17 macaque monkeys to be experimented on during the animal experiment in Silver Spring . Cruelty to animals , also called animal abuse , animal neglect or animal cruelty , is the infliction by omission ( animal neglect ) or by commission by humans of suffering or harm upon any non-human animal , regardless of whether the act is against the law . More narrowly , it can be the causing of harm or suffering for specific achievement , such as killing animals for food or for their fur ; opinions differ about the extent of cruelty associated with a given method of slaughter . Cruelty to animals sometimes encompasses inflicting harm or suffering as an end in itself , define as zoosadism . Divergent approaches to laws concerning animal cruelty occur in different jurisdictions throughout the world . For example , some laws govern methods of killing animals for food , clothing , or other products , and other laws concern the keeping of animals for entertainment , education , research , or pets . There are a number of conceptual approaches to the issue of cruelty to animals . For example , the animal welfare position holds that there is nothing inherently wrong with using animals for human purposes , such as food , clothing , entertainment , and research , but that it should be done in a way that minimizes unnecessary pain and suffering , sometimes referred to as `` humane '' treatment . Utilitarian advocates argue from the position of costs and benefits and vary in their conclusions as to the allowable treatment of animals . Some utilitarians argue for a weaker approach which is closer to the animal welfare position , whereas others argue for a position that is similar to animal rights . Animal rights theorists criticize these positions , arguing that the words `` unnecessary '' and `` humane '' are subject to widely differing interpretations , and that animals have basic rights . They say that the only way to ensure protection for animals is to end their status as property and to ensure that they are never used as commodities . Contents ( hide ) 1 Definition and viewpoints 2 Forms 2.1 Neglect 2.2 Industrial animal farming 2.3 Alleged link to human violence and psychological disorders 2.4 Cultural rituals 2.5 TV and film making 2.6 Circuses 2.7 Bullfighting 2.7. 1 Toro embolado 2.8 Warfare 2.9 Unnecessary scientific experiments or demonstrations 2.10 No pet policies and abandonment 3 Laws by country 3.1 Africa 3.1. 1 Egypt 3.1. 2 South Africa 3.1. 3 South Sudan 3.2 Americas 3.2. 1 Argentina 3.2. 2 Brazil 3.2. 3 Canada 3.2. 4 Chile 3.2. 5 Colombia 3.2. 6 Costa Rica 3.2. 7 Mexico 3.2. 8 United States 3.2. 8.1 State welfare laws 3.2. 9 Venezuela 3.3 Asia 3.3. 1 China 3.3. 2 Hong Kong 3.3. 3 India 3.3. 4 Israel 3.3. 5 Japan 3.3. 6 Malaysia 3.3. 7 Saudi Arabia 3.3. 8 South Korea 3.3. 9 Taiwan 3.3. 10 Thailand 3.4 Europe 3.4. 1 European Union 3.4. 2 France 3.4. 3 Germany 3.4. 4 Italy 3.4. 5 Ireland 3.4. 6 Portugal 3.4. 7 Sweden 3.4. 8 Switzerland 3.4. 9 Turkey 3.4. 10 United Kingdom 3.5 Oceania 3.5. 1 Australia 3.5. 2 New Zealand 4 See also 5 References 6 Further reading 7 External links Definition and viewpoints ( edit ) Main articles : Animal welfare and Animal rights Man beating a chained pitbull terrier with a strap . The strap is visible in the foreground . Throughout history individuals have condemned various practices that they considered to be cruel to animals . Renaissance polymath Leonardo da Vinci , for example , was troubled by the sight of birds in captivity , and ( according to biographer Giorgio Vasari ) once purchased caged birds in order to set them free . He also expressed anger within his notebooks with the fact that humans use their strength and power to raise animals for slaughter . René Descartes contrarily believed that non-humans are automata , complex machines with no soul , mind , or reason . In Cartesian dualism , consciousness was unique to human among all other animals and linked to physical matter by divine grace . However , close analysis shows that many human features such as complex sign usage , tool use , and self - consciousness can be found in some animals . Charles Darwin , by presenting the theory of evolution , revolutionized the way that humans viewed their relationship with other species . Darwin believed that not only did human beings have a direct kinship with other animals , but the latter had social , mental and moral lives too . Later , in The Descent of Man ( 1871 ) , he wrote : `` There is no fundamental difference between man and the higher mammals in their mental faculties . '' Some philosophers and intellectuals , such as Peter Singer and Tom Regan , have argued that animals ' ability to feel pain as humans do makes their well - being worthy of equal consideration . There are many precursors of this train of thought . Jeremy Bentham , the founder of utilitarianism , famously wrote in his An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation ( 1789 ) : `` The question is not , can they reason nor can they talk ? but , can they suffer ? '' These arguments have prompted some to suggest that animals ' well - being should enter a social welfare function directly , not just indirectly via its effect only on human well - being . In one survey of United States homeowners , 68 % of respondents said they actually consider the price of meat a more important issue . Forms ( edit ) Neglect ( edit ) A starved and bruised horse eating at a veterinary clinic after rescue . Animal cruelty can be broken down into two main categories : active and passive . Passive cruelty is typified by cases of neglect , in which the cruelty is a lack of action rather than the action itself . Examples of neglect are starvation , dehydration , parasite infestations , allowing a collar to grow into an animal 's skin , inadequate shelter in extreme weather conditions , and failure to seek veterinary care when necessary . In many cases of neglect in which an investigator believes that the cruelty occurred out of ignorance , the investigator may attempt to educate the pet owner , then revisit the situation . In more severe cases , exigent circumstances may require that the animal be removed for veterinary care . Industrial animal farming ( edit ) Egg laying hens in a crowded cage . A chicken egg production facility . Farm animals are generally produced in large , industrial facilities that house thousands of animals at high densities ; these are sometimes called factory farms . The industrial nature of these facilities means that many routine procedures or animal husbandry practices impinge on the welfare of the animals and could arguably be considered as `` cruelty '' , with Henry Stephen Salt claiming in 1899 that `` it is impossible to transport and slaughter vast numbers of large and highly - sensitive animals in a really humane manner '' . It has been suggested the number of animals hunted , kept as companions , used in laboratories , reared for the fur industry , raced , and used in zoos and circuses , is insignificant compared to farm animals , and therefore the `` animal welfare issue '' is numerically reducible to the `` farm animal welfare issue '' . Similarly , it has been suggested by campaign groups that chickens , cows , pigs , and other farm animals are among the most numerous animals subjected to cruelty . For example , because male chickens do not lay eggs , newly hatched males are culled using macerators or grinders . Worldwide meat overconsumption is another factor that contributes to the miserable situation of farm animals . Many undercover investigators have exposed the animal cruelty taking place inside the factory farming industry and there is evidence to show that consumers provided with accurate information about the process of meat productions and the abuse that accompanies it has led to changes in their attitudes . The American Veterinary Medical Association accepts maceration subject to certain conditions , but recommends alternative methods of culling as more humane . Egg - laying hens are then transferred to `` battery cages '' where they are kept in high densities . Matheny and Leahy attribute osteoporosis in hens to this caging method . Broiler chickens suffer similar situations , in which they are fed steroids to grow at a super-fast speed , so fast that their bones , heart and lungs often can not keep up . Broiler chickens under six weeks old suffer painful crippling due to fast growth rates , whilst one in a hundred of these very young birds dies of heart failure . To reduce aggression in overcrowded conditions , shortly after birth piglets are castrated , their tails are amputated , and their teeth clipped . Calves are sometimes raised in veal crates , which are small stalls that essentially immobilize calves during their growth , reducing costs and preventing muscle development , making the resulting meat a pale color , preferred by consumers . Animal cruelty such as soring , which is illegal , sometimes occurs on farms and ranches , as does lawful but cruel treatment such as livestock branding . Since Ag - gag laws prohibit video or photographic documentation of farm activities , these practices have been documented by secret photography taken by whistleblowers or undercover operatives from such organizations as Mercy for Animals and the Humane Society of the United States posing as employees . Agricultural organizations such as the American Farm Bureau Federation have successfully advocated for laws that tightly restrict secret photography or concealing information from farm employers . The following are lists of invasive procedures which cause pain , routinely performed on farm animals , and housing conditions that routinely cause animal welfare concerns . It is arguable whether these practices constitute cruelty to animals . Welfare concerns of farm animals Species Invasive procedures Housing Cattle Branding Castration Dehorning Ear tagging Nose ringing Restraint Tail docking Tongue resection ( calves ) High stocking density ( feedlots ) Restricted movement ( feedlots ) Veal crates Dairy Cows Restraint Artificial insemination Dehorning Ear tagging Tail docking Branding Nose ringing High stocking density Restricted movement Separation from born child ( calves ) Enslaved by milk machines Pigs Castration Ear docking Ear tagging Ear notching Nose ringing Tail docking Tattooing Teeth cutting Tusk trimming Gestation crates High stocking density Restricted movement Egg laying hens Beak - trimming Blinders Dubbing High stocking density Restricted movement Broiler chickens Beak - trimming High stocking density Restricted movement Domestic turkey Beak - trimming Desnooding Detoeing Devocalization Spur removal Toe clipping High stocking density Restricted movement Goats and sheep Ear tagging Ear notching Dehorning Marking Mulesing Tail docking Teeth grinding High stocking density ( fine wool industry , live export ) Restricted movement ( fine wool industry , live export ) Ducks and Goose Wing - clipping Feather plucking High stocking density Restricted movement Horses Castration Branding Chaining High stocking density Restricted movement Jump up ^ ' Blinders ' or ' spectacles ' are included as some versions require a pin to pierce the nasal septum . Jump up ^ ' Dubbing ' is the procedure of removing the comb , wattles and sometimes earlobes of poultry . Removing the wattles is sometimes called `` dewattling '' . Jump up ^ ' Desnooding ' is the removal of the snood , a fleshy appendage on the forehead of turkeys . Jump up ^ ' Marking ' is the simultaneous mulesing , castration and tail docking of lambs . Jump up ^ ' Mulesing ' is the removal of strips of wool - bearing skin from around the breech ( buttocks ) of a sheep to prevent flystrike ( myiasis ) Alleged link to human violence and psychological disorders ( edit ) There are studies providing evidence of a link between animal cruelty and violence towards humans . Conviction statistics are thought by some to show people convicted for animal cruelty to be more likely to be violent to humans , leading experts to believe that decreasing animal abuse will , in turn , decrease domestic violence . Meanwhile , others explain apparent correlation by criminal courts more often convicting the former for the latter crime as a self - fulfilling prophecy , without any actual link between the two types of actions . Others argue that psychiatry and other authorities outside of courts keep records of who have been cruel to animals and can make biased guesses about whether or not they did violence to humans thereafter and also that they conversely record people who have been violent to humans and can be more biased towards later assuming them to have been cruel to animals , explaining apparent links by institutional bias without link between the actions themselves . Another criticism of these studies is the definition of cruelty as `` socially disapproved behavior '' . Piers Bierne , for instance , has criticized existing studies for ignoring socially accepted practices ( such as animal slaughter and vivisection ) that might be linked to violence against humans . Intentional acts of cruelty can lead to multiple years behind bars . These acts ( of intentional animal cruelty or non-accidental injury ) may be indicators of serious psychological problems . According to the American Humane Association , 13 % of intentional animal abuse cases involve domestic violence . As many as 71 % of pet - owning women seeking shelter at safe houses have reported that their partner had threatened and / or actually hurt or killed one or more of their pets ; 32 % of these women reported that one or more of their children had also hurt or killed pets . Battered women report that they are prevented from leaving their abusers because they fear what will happen to the animals in their absence . Animal abuse is sometimes used as a form of intimidation in domestic disputes . A history of torturing pets and small animals , a behavior known as zoosadism , is considered one of the signs of certain psychopathologies , including antisocial personality disorder , also known as psychopathic personality disorder . According to The New York Times , `` ( t ) he FBI has found that a history of cruelty to animals is one of the traits that regularly appears in its computer records of serial rapists and murderers , and the standard diagnostic and treatment manual for psychiatric and emotional disorders lists cruelty to animals a diagnostic criterion for conduct disorders . '' `` A survey of psychiatric patients who had repeatedly tortured dogs and cats found all of them had high levels of aggression toward people as well , including one patient who had murdered a young boy . '' Robert K. Ressler , an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation 's behavioral sciences unit , studied serial killers and noted , `` Murderers like this ( Jeffrey Dahmer ) very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids . '' Cruelty to animals is one of the three components of the Macdonald triad , behavior considered to be one of the signs of violent antisocial behavior in children and adolescents . According to the studies used to form this model , cruelty to animals is a common ( but not universal ) behavior in children and adolescents who grow up to become serial killers and other violent criminals . It has also been found that children who are cruel to animals have often witnessed or been victims of abuse themselves . In two separate studies cited by the Humane Society of the United States , roughly one - third of families suffering from domestic abuse indicated that at least one child had hurt or killed a pet . Cultural rituals ( edit ) Many times , when Asiatic elephants are captured in Thailand , handlers use a technique known as the training crush , in which `` handlers use sleep - deprivation , hunger , and thirst to ' break ' the elephants ' spirit and make them submissive to their owners '' ; moreover , handlers drive nails into the elephants ' ears and feet . The practice of cruelty to animals for divination purposes is found in ancient cultures , and some modern religions such as Santeria continue to do animal sacrifices for healing and other rituals . Taghairm was performed by ancient Scots to summon devils . Tv and film making ( edit ) Animal cruelty has long been an issue with the art form of filmmaking , with even some big - budget Hollywood films receiving criticism for allegedly harmful -- and sometimes lethal -- treatment of animals during production . Court decisions have addressed films that harm animal such as videos that in part depict dogfighting . The American Humane Association ( AHA ) has been associated with monitoring American filmmaking since after the release of the 1939 film Jesse James , in which a horse was pushed off a plank and drowned in a body of water after having fallen 40 feet into it . Initially , monitoring of animal cruelty was a partnership between the AHA and officials in the Hays Office through the Motion Picture Production Code . Provisions in the code discouraged `` apparent cruelty to children and animals '' , and because the Hays Office had the power to enforce this clause , the American Humane Association ( AHA ) often had access to sets to assess adherence to it . However , because the American Humane Association 's Hollywood office depended on the Hays Office for the right to monitor sets , the closure of the Hays Office in 1966 corresponded with an increase in animal cruelty on movie sets . By 1977 , a three - year contract was in place between the Screen Actors Guild ( SAG ) and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists which specified that the American Humane Association should be `` consulted in the use of animals ' when appropriate ' '' , but the contract did not provide a structure for what `` appropriate '' meant , and had no enforcement powers . This contract expired in 1980 . One of the most infamous examples of animal cruelty in film was Michael Cimino 's flop Heaven 's Gate ( 1980 ) , in which numerous animals were brutalized and even killed during production . Cimino allegedly killed chickens and bled horses from the neck to gather samples of their blood to smear on actors for Heaven 's Gate , and also allegedly had a horse blown up with dynamite while shooting a battle sequence , the shot of which made it into the film . This film played a large part in renewed scrutiny of animal cruelty in films , and led to renewed official on - set jurisdiction to monitor the treatment of animals by the AHA in 1980 . After the release of the film Reds ( 1981 ) , the star and director of the picture , Warren Beatty apologized for his Spanish film crew 's use of tripwires on horses while filming a battle scene , when Beatty was n't present . Tripwires were used against horses when Rambo III ( 1988 ) and The 13th Warrior ( 1999 ) were being filmed . An ox was sliced nearly in half during production of Apocalypse Now ( 1979 ) , while a donkey was bled to death for dramatic effect for the Danish film Manderlay ( 2005 ) , in a scene later cut from the film . There is a case of cruelty to animals in the South Korean film The Isle ( 2000 ) , according to its director Kim Ki - Duk . In the film , a real frog is skinned alive while fish are mutilated . Seven animals were killed for the camera in the controversial Italian film Cannibal Holocaust ( 1980 ) . The images in the film include the slow and graphic beheading and ripping apart of a turtle , a monkey being beheaded and its brains being consumed by natives and a spider being chopped apart . Cannibal Holocaust was only one film in a collective of similarly themed movies ( cannibal films ) that featured unstaged animal cruelty . Their influences were rooted in the films of Mondo filmmakers , which sometimes contained similar content . In several countries , such as the UK , Cannibal Holocaust was only allowed for release with most of the animal cruelty edited out . More recently , the video sharing site YouTube has been criticized for hosting thousands of videos of real life animal cruelty , especially the feeding of one animal to another for the purposes of entertainment and spectacle . Although some of these videos have been flagged as inappropriate by users , YouTube has generally declined to remove them , unlike videos which include copyright infringement . The Screen Actors Guild ( SAG ) has contracted with the American Humane Association ( AHA ) for monitoring of animal use during filming or while on the set . Compliance with this arrangement is voluntary and only applies to films made in the United States . Films monitored by the American Humane Association may bear one of their end - credit messages . Many productions , including those made in the US , do not advise AHA or SAG of animal use in films , so there is no oversight . Simulations of animal cruelty exist on television , too . On 23 September 1999 edition of WWE Smackdown ! , a plot line had professional wrestler Big Boss Man trick fellow wrestler Al Snow into appearing to eat his pet chihuahua Pepper . Circuses ( edit ) The use of animals in the circus has been controversial since animal welfare groups have documented instances of animal cruelty during the training of performing animals . Numerous instances of animal abuse in circuses have been documented such as confining enclosures , lack of regular veterinary care , abusive training methods and lack of oversight by regulating bodies . Animal trainers have argued that some criticism is not based on fact , including beliefs that shouting makes the animals believe the trainer is going to hurt them , that caging is cruel and common , and the harm caused by the use of whips , chains or training implements . Some circuses now present animal - free acts . Bolivia has enacted what animal rights activists called the world 's first ban on all animals in circuses . Bullfighting ( edit ) A bull dying in a bullfight . Bullfighting is criticized by animal rights or animal welfare activists , referring to it as a cruel or barbaric blood sport in which the bull suffers severe stress and a slow , torturous death . A number of activist groups undertake anti-bullfighting actions in Spain and other countries . In Spanish , opposition to bullfighting is referred to as antitaurismo . The Bulletpoint Bullfight warns that bullfighting is `` not for the squeamish '' , advising spectators to `` be prepared for blood '' . It details prolonged and profuse bleeding caused by horse - mounted lancers , the charging by the bull of a blindfolded , armored horse who is `` sometimes doped up , and unaware of the proximity of the bull '' , the placing of barbed darts by banderilleros , followed by the matador 's fatal sword thrust . It stresses that these procedures are a normal part of bullfighting and that death is rarely instantaneous . It further warns those attending bullfights to `` be prepared to witness various failed attempts at killing the animal before it lies down . '' Toro embolado ( edit ) The Toro Jubilo , Madrid , 2014 . The `` Toro Jubilo '' or Toro embolado in Soria , Medinaceli , Spain , is a festival associated with animal cruelty . During this festival , balls of pitch are attached to a bull 's horns and set on fire . The bull is then released into the streets and can do nothing but run around in pain , often smashing into walls in an attempt to douse the fire . These fiery balls can burn for hours , and they burn the bull 's horns , body , and eyes -- all while spectators cheer and run around the victim . The animal rights group PACMA has described the fiesta as `` a clear example of animal mistreatment '' , and PETA calls it `` a sadistic festival '' . A horse with a gas mask during World War I . Warfare ( edit ) Military animals are creatures that have been employed by humankind for use in warfare . They are a specific application of working animals . Examples include horses , dogs and dolphins . Only recently has the involvement of animals in war been questioned , and practices such as using animals for fighting , as living bombs ( as in the use of exploding donkeys ) or for military testing purposes ( such as during the Bikini atomic experiments ) may now be criticised for being cruel . Princess Anne , the Princess Royal , the patron of the British Animals in War Memorial , stated that animals adapt to what humans want them to do , but that they will not do things that they do n't want to , despite training . Animal participation in human conflict was commemorated in the United Kingdom in 2004 with the erection of the Animals in War Memorial in Hyde Park , London . In 2008 a video of US Marine David Motari throwing a puppy over a cliff during the Iraq conflict was popularised as an internet phenomenon and attracted widespread criticism of the soldier 's actions for being an act of cruelty . Unnecessary scientific experiments or demonstrations ( edit ) Under all three of the conceptual approaches to animal cruelty discussed above , performing unnecessary experiments or demonstrations upon animals that cause them substantial pain or distress may be viewed as cruelty . Due to changes in ethical standards , this type of cruelty tends to be less common today than it used to be in the past . For example , schoolroom demonstrations of oxygen depletion routinely suffocated birds by placing them under a glass cover , and animals were suffocated in the Cave of Dogs to demonstrate the density and toxicity of carbon dioxide to curious travellers on the Grand Tour . No pet policies and abandonment ( edit ) Many apartment complexes and rental homes institute no pet policies . No pet policies are a leading cause of animal abandonment , which is considered a crime in many jurisdictions . In many cases , abandoned pets have to be euthanized due to the strain they put on animal shelters and rescue groups . Abandoned animals often become feral or contribute to feral populations . In particular , feral dogs can pose a serious threat to pets , children , and livestock . Feral cats are known to hunt endangered birds and have interbred with wild cat populations . In Ontario , Canada , no pet policies are outlawed under the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Act and are considered invalid even when a tenant signs a lease that includes a no pets clause . Similar legislation has also been considered in Manitoba . Laws by country ( edit ) Chest X-ray of a cat that has been shot . White spots are lead shot . Many jurisdictions around the world have enacted statutes which forbid cruelty to some animals but these vary by country and in some cases by the use or practice . Africa ( edit ) Egypt ( edit ) Main article : Animal welfare in Egypt Egyptian law states that anyone who inhumanely beats or intentionally kills any domesticated animal may be jailed or fined . The Egyptian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was established by the British over a hundred years ago , and is currently administered by the Egyptians . The SPCA was instrumental in promoting a 1997 ban on bullfighting in Egypt . In ancient Egyptian law , the killers of cats or dogs were executed . South Africa ( edit ) The Animal Protection Act No 71 of 1962 in South Africa covers `` farm animals , domestic animals and birds , and wild animals , birds , and reptiles that are in captivity or under the control of humans . '' The Act contains a detailed list of prohibited acts of cruelty including overloading , causing unnecessary suffering due to confinement , chaining or tethering , abandonment , unnecessarily denying food or water , keeping in a dirty or parasitic condition , or failing to provide veterinary assistance . There is also a general provision prohibiting wanton , unreasonable , or negligible commission or omission of acts resulting in unnecessary suffering . The Department of Agriculture , Forestry and Fisheries for 2013 / 14 to 2016 / 17 mentions updating animal protection legislation . The NSPCA is the largest and oldest animal welfare organisation in South Africa that enforces 90 % of all animal cruelty cases in the country by means of enforcing the Animals Protection Act . South Sudan ( edit ) The Criminal Code of South Sudan has laws against maltreatment of animals . The laws read : 196 . Ill - treatment of Domestic Animal . Whoever cruelly beats , tortures or otherwise willfully ill - treats any tame , domestic or wild animal , which has previously been deprived of its liberty , or arranges , promotes or organizes fights between cocks , rams , bulls or other domestic animals or encourages such acts , commits an offence , and upon conviction , shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two months or with a fine . 197 . Riding and Neglect of Animal . Whoever wantonly rides , overdrives or overloads any animal or intentionally drugs or employs any animal , which by reason of age , sickness , wounds or infirmity is not in a condition to work , or neglects any animal in such a manner as to cause it unnecessary suffering , commits an offence , and upon conviction , shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month or with a fine or with both . Americas ( edit ) Argentina ( edit ) In Argentina , National Law 14346 sanctions with from 15 days to one year in prison those who mistreat or inflict acts of cruelty on animals . Brazil ( edit ) Main article : Animal welfare and rights in Brazil Canada ( edit ) Main article : Animal welfare and rights in Canada In Canada , it is an offence under the Criminal Code to intentionally cause unnecessary pain , suffering or injury to an animal . Poisoning animals is specifically prohibited . It is also an offence to threaten to harm an animal belonging to someone else . Most provinces and Territories also have their own animal protection legislation . The Animal Legal Defense Fund releases an annual report ranking the animal protection laws of every province and territory based on their relative strength and general comprehensiveness . In 2014 , the top four jurisdictions were Manitoba , British Columbia , Ontario and Nova Scotia . The worst four were Saskatchewan , Northwest Territories , Quebec , and Nunavut . Chile ( edit ) Law 20380 established sanctions including fines , from 2 to 30 Mensual Tributary Units , and prison , from 541 days to 3 years , for those involved in acts of animal cruelty . Also , it promotes animal care through school education , and establishes a Bioethics Committee to define policies related to experiments with animals . A bull fight in Bogotá , a legacy of Spanish culture . Despite being criticized by numerous organizations in Colombia , the practice of bullfighting remains legal . Colombia ( edit ) Main article : Animal rights in Colombia In Colombia , there is little control over cruel behaviors against animals , and the government has proposed that bullfighting be declared a `` Cultural Heritage '' ; other cruel activities like cockfighting are given the same legal treatment . Costa Rica ( edit ) Toucan Grecia with 3D printed prosthetic beak after losing half its beak from a beating by youths . A new bill has been presented to the Costa Rican legisletive assembly to better define animal cruelty and establish harsher punishments for the abuse of animals . Exceptions for events deemed `` traditional '' , such as horse parades , rodeos and Tico - style bullfights are not provided in the bill 's draft which may see motions filed against its passing . The bill had stalled its motion through legislators until notorious toucan Grecia was found having lost half its top beak . The news and images of the injured toucan produced enough contributions to create a 3D printing prosthesis for the bird and rallies in the country 's capital for action in relation to the animal cruelty bill . Mexico ( edit ) The current policy of Mexico , in civil law , condemns physical harm to animals as property damage to the owners of the abused animal , considering the animals as owned property . In criminal law , the situation is different . In December 2012 , the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District reformed the existing Penal Code of Mexico City , establishing abuse and cruelty to animals as criminal offenses , provided the animals are not deemed to be plagues or pests . Abandoned animals are not considered to be plagues . A subsequent reform was entered into force on 31 January 2013 , by a decree published in the Official Gazette of the Federal District . The law provides penalties of 6 months to 2 years imprisonment , and a fine of 50 to 100 days at minimum wage , to persons who cause obvious injury to an animal , and the penalty is increased by one half if those injuries endanger its life . The penalty rises to 2 to 4 years of prison , and a fine of 200 to 400 days at minimum wage , if the person intentionally causes the death of an animal . This law is considered to extend throughout the rest of the 31 constituent states of the country . In addition , The Law of Animal Protection of the Federal District is wide - ranging , based on banning `` unnecessary suffering '' . Similar laws now exist in most states . United States ( edit ) Main article : Animal welfare in the United States The primary federal law relating to animal care and conditions in the US is the Animal Welfare Act of 1966 , amended in 1970 , 1976 , 1985 , 1990 , 2002 and 2007 . It is the only Federal law in the United States that regulates the treatment of animals in research , exhibition , transport , and by dealers . Other laws , policies , and guidelines may include additional species coverage or specifications for animal care and use , but all refer to the Animal Welfare Act as the minimum acceptable standard . The AWA has been criticized by animal rights groups for excluding birds , rats and mice bred for research , and animals raised for food or fiber as well as all cold - blooded animals . The Animal Legal Defense Fund releases an annual report ranking the animal protection laws of every state based on their relative strength and general comprehensiveness . In 2013 's report , the top five states for their strong anti-cruelty laws were Illinois , Maine , Michigan , Oregon , and California. The five states with the weakest animal cruelty laws in 2013 were Kentucky , Iowa , South Dakota , New Mexico , and Wyoming . In Massachusetts and New York , agents of humane societies and associations may be appointed as special officers to enforce statutes outlawing animal cruelty . In 2004 , a Florida legislator proposed a ban on `` cruelty to bovines , '' stating : `` A person who , for the purpose of practice , entertainment , or sport , intentionally fells , trips , or otherwise causes a cow to fall or lose its balance by means of roping , lassoing , dragging , or otherwise touching the tail of the cow commits a misdemeanor of the first degree . '' The proposal did not become law . In the United States , ear cropping , tail docking , rodeo sports , and other acts are legal and sometimes condoned . Penalties for cruelty can be minimal , if pursued . Currently , 46 of the 50 states have enacted felony penalties for certain forms of animal abuse . However , in most jurisdictions , animal cruelty is most commonly charged as a misdemeanor offense . In one recent California case , a felony conviction for animal cruelty could theoretically net a 25 - year to life sentence due to their three - strikes law , which increases sentences based on prior felony convictions . In 2003 , West Hollywood , California passed an ordinance banning declawing of house cats . In 2007 , Norfolk , Virginia passed legislation only allowing the procedure for medical reasons . However , most jurisdictions allow the procedure . In April 2013 , Texas Federal Court Judge Sim Lake ruled that the Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act of 2010 , which criminalized the recording , sale , and transport of videos depicting animal cruelty as obscenity , is in violation of the First Amendment . Judge Lake noted that obscenity tests require an explicitly sexual depiction , which the criminalized videos lack . This follows the precedent set by United States v. Stevens , which additionally held that restrictions on the possession of animal cruelty videos were unconstitutional . State Welfare laws ( edit ) Several states have enacted or considered laws in support of humane farming . On 5 November 2002 , Florida voters passed Amendment 10 by a margin of 55 % for , amending the Florida Constitution to ban the confinement of pregnant pigs in gestation crates . On 14 January 2004 , the bill AB - 732 died in the California Assembly 's Agriculture Committee . The bill would have banned gestation and veal crates , eventually being amended to include only veal crates . On 9 May 2007 , the bill AB - 594 was withdrawn from the California State Assembly . The bill had been effectively killed in the Assembly Agriculture Committee , by replacing the contents of the bill with language concerning tobacco cessation coverage under Medi - Cal . AB - 594 was very similar to the current language of Proposition 2 . On 7 November 2006 , Arizona voters passed Proposition 204 with 62 % support . The measure prohibits the confinement of calves in veal crates and breeding sows in gestation crates . On 28 June 2007 , Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski signed a measure into law prohibiting the confinement of pigs in gestation crates ( SB 694 , 74th Leg . Assembly , Regular Session ) . In January 2008 , Nebraska State Senate bill LB 1148 , to ban the use of gestation crates for pig farmers , was withdrawn within 5 days amidst controversy . On 14 May 2008 , Colorado Governor Bill Ritter signed into law a bill , SB 201 , that phases out gestation crates and veal crates . Venezuela ( edit ) Venezuela published a `` Law for Protection of Domestic Fauna free and in captivity '' in 2010 , defining responsibilities and sanctions about animal care and ownership . Animal cruelty acts are fined , but are not a cause for imprisonment . The law also forbids the possession , breeding and reproduction of pit bull dogs , among similar breeds that are alleged to be aggressive and dangerous . It elicited reactions from dog owners , who said that aggressiveness in dogs is determined more by treatment by the owner than by the breed itself . Asia ( edit ) China ( edit ) Main article : Animal welfare and rights in China As of 2006 there were no laws in China governing acts of cruelty to animals . There are no government supported charitable organizations like the RSPCA , which monitors the cases on animal cruelty . All kinds of animal abuses , such as to fish , tigers , and bears , are to be reported for law enforcement and animal welfare . Despite the absence of a unified law against animal mistreatment , the World Animal Protection notes that some legislation protecting the welfare of animals exists in certain contexts , especially ones used in research and in zoos . In September 2009 , legislation was drafted to address deliberate cruelty to animals in China . If passed , the legislation would offer some protection to pets , captive wildlife and animals used in laboratories , as well as regulating how farm animals are raised , transported and slaughtered . The People 's Republic of China is currently in the process of making changes to its stray - dog population laws in the capital city , Beijing . Mr. Zheng Gang who is the director of the Internal and Judicial Committee which comes under the Beijing Municipal People 's Congress ( BMPC ) , supports the new draft of the Beijing Municipal Regulation on Dogs from the local government . This new law is due to replace the current Beijing Municipal Regulation on Dog Ownership , introduced in 1989 . The current regulation talks of `` strictly '' limiting dog ownership and controlling the number of dogs in the city . The new draft focuses instead on `` strict management and combining restrictions with management . '' Hong Kong ( edit ) As of 2010 , Hong Kong has supplemented or replaced the laws against cruelty with a positive approach using laws that specify how animals should be treated . The government department primarily responsible for animal welfare in Hong Kong is the Agriculture , Fisheries and Conservation Department ( AFCD ) . Laws enforced by the AFCD include these : the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance ( also enforced by the police ) the Public Health ( Animals and Birds ) Ordinance ( including regulations for licences imposed on livestock keepers and animal traders and a Code of Standards for Licensed Animal Traders ) the Dogs and Cats Ordinance the Pounds Ordinance the Rabies Ordinance the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance In addition , the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department ( FEHD ) does the following : enforces the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance , which includes regulations for slaughterhouses and wet markets publishes a Code of Practice for the Welfare of Food Animals ( which describes their transport ) publishes Operational Guidelines for the Welfare of Food Animals at Slaughterhouses The Department of Health does the following : enforces the Animals ( Control of Experiments ) Ordinance . publishes a Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Experimental Purposes As of 2006 , Hong Kong has a law titled `` Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance '' , with a maximum 3 year imprisonment and fines of HKD $200,000 . India ( edit ) Main article : Animal welfare and rights in India The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act , 1960 was amended in the year 1982 . According to the newly amended Indian animal welfare act , 2011 cruelty to animals is an offence and is punishable with a fine which shall not be less than ten thousand Rupees , which may extend to twenty five thousand Rupees or with imprisonment up to two years or both in the case of a first offence . In the case of second or subsequent offence , with a fine which shall not be less than fifty thousand Rupees , but may extend to one lakh Rupees and with imprisonment with a term which shall not be less than one year but may extend to three years . This amendment is currently awaiting ratification from the Government of India . The 1962 Act in the meanwhile is the one that is practiced as of now . The maximum penalty under the 1962 Act is Rs. 50 ( under $1 ) . Many organizations , including ones such as the local SPCA , PFA and Fosterdopt are actively involved in assisting the general population in reporting cruelty cases to the police and helping bring the perpetrator to justice . Due to this , much of change has been observed through the subcontinent . Israel ( edit ) Main article : Animal welfare and rights in Israel Japan ( edit ) Main article : Animal welfare and rights in Japan In Japan , the 1973 Welfare and Management of Animals Act ( amended in 1999 and 2005 ) stipulates that `` no person shall kill , injure , or inflict cruelty to animals without due course '' , and in particular , criminalises cruelty to all mammals , birds , and reptiles possessed by persons ; as well as cattle , horses , goats , sheep , pigs , dogs , cats , pigeons , domestic rabbits , chickens , and domestic ducks regardless of whether they are in captivity . Killing or injuring without due reason : up to one year 's imprisonment with labour or a fine of up to one million yen Cruelty such as causing debilitation by discontinuing feeding or watering without due reason : a fine of up to five hundred thousand yen Abandonment : a fine of up to five hundred thousand yen Separate national and local ordinances exist with regards to ensuring health and safety of animals handled by pet shops and other businesses . Animal experiments are regulated by the 2000 Law for the Humane Treatment and Management of Animals , which was amended in 2006 . This law requires those using animals to follow the principles outlined in the 3Rs and use as few animals as possible , and cause minimal distress and suffering . Regulation is at a local level based on national guidelines , but there are no governmental inspections of institutions and no reporting requirement for the numbers of animals used . Malaysia ( edit ) Main article : Animal welfare and rights in Malaysia Saudi arabia ( edit ) Veterinarian Lana Dunn and several Saudi nationals report that there are no laws to protect animals from cruelty since the term is not well - defined within the Saudi legal system . They point to a lack of a governing body to supervise conditions for animals , particularly in pet stores and in the exotic animal trade with East Africa . South Korea ( edit ) Main article : Animal welfare and rights in South Korea South Korea 's animal welfare laws are weak by international standards . Taiwan ( edit ) The Taiwanese Animal Protection Act was passed in 1998 , imposing fines up to NT $250,000 for cruelty . Criminal penalties for animal cruelty were enacted in 2007 , including a maximum of 1 year imprisonment . Thailand ( edit ) Main article : Animal welfare in Thailand Thailand introduced its first animal welfare law in 2014 . The Cruelty Prevention and Welfare of Animal Act , B.E. 2557 ( 2014 ) came into being on 27 December 2014 . Europe ( edit ) European Union ( edit ) The European Union Council Directive 1999 / 74 / EC is a directive passed by the European Union on the minimum standards for keeping egg laying hens which effectively bans conventional battery cages . The directive , passed in 1999 , banned conventional battery cages in the EU from 1 January 2012 after a 13 - year phase - out . It is also illegal in many parts of Europe to declaw a cat . France ( edit ) In France , cruelty to animals is punishable by imprisonment of two years and a financial penalty ( 30,000 € ) . Germany ( edit ) A German stamp depicting a man beating a chained dog . In the upper left corner it reads : protect the animals . In Germany , killing animals or causing significant pain ( or prolonged or repeated pain ) to them is punishable by imprisonment of up to three years or a financial penalty . If the animal is of foreign origin , the act may also be punishable as criminal damage . Italy ( edit ) Acts of cruelty against animals can be punished with imprisonment , for a minimum of three months up to a maximum of three years , and with a fine ranging from a minimum of 3,000 Euros to a maximum of 160,000 Euros , as for the law n ° 189 / 2004 . Ireland ( edit ) The Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013 came into force in 2014 , improving animal protection . Portugal ( edit ) Since 1 October 2014 , violence against animals has been a crime in Portugal . Legislation published in the Diário da Républica on 29 August criminalizes the mistreatment of animals , and indicates that `` those who , without reasonable cause , inflict pain , suffering , or any other hardship to a companion animal abuse '' are to be subject to imprisonment of up to one year . If such acts result in the `` death of the animal '' , the `` deprivation of an important organ or member '' , or `` serious and permanent impairment of its capacity of locomotion '' , those responsible will be punished by imprisonment up to two years . As for pets , the new law provides that `` whoever , having the duty to store , monitor or pet watch , abandons them , thereby putting in danger their food and the provision of care owed '' faces up to six months imprisonment . Sweden ( edit ) In Sweden cruelty to animals is punishable by financial penalty and the owner will lose the right to own the animals , and the animals will be removed from the owner . Switzerland ( edit ) The Swiss animal protection laws are among the strictest in the world , comprehensively regulating the treatment of animals including the size of rabbit cages , and the amount of exercise that must be provided to dogs . In the canton of Zurich an animal lawyer , Antoine Goetschel , is employed by the canton government to represent the interests of animals in animal cruelty cases . Turkey ( edit ) Under Turkey 's Animal Protection Law No. 5199 , cruelty to animals is considered a misdemeanor , punishable by a fine only , with no jail time or a black mark on one 's criminal record . HAYTAP , the Animal Rights Federation in Turkey , believes that the present law does not contain a strong enough punishment for animal abusers . United Kingdom ( edit ) Main article : Animal welfare in the United Kingdom In the United Kingdom , cruelty to animals is a criminal offence for which one may be jailed for up to 6 months . On 18 August 1911 , the House of Commons introduced the Protection of Animals Act 1911 ( c. 27 ) following lobbying by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( RSPCA ) . The maximum punishment was 6 months of `` hard labour '' with a fine of 25 pounds . In the Metropolitan Police Act 1839 `` fighting or baiting Lions , Bears , Badgers , Cocks , Dogs , or other Animals '' was prohibited in London , with a penalty of up to one month imprisonment , with possible hard labour , or up to five pounds . The law laid numerous restrictions on how , when , and where animals could be driven , wagons unloaded , etc ... It also prohibited owners from letting mad dogs run loose and gave police the right to destroy any dog suspected of being rabid or any dog bitten by a suspected rabid dog . The same law prohibited the use of dogs for drawing carts . Up until then , dogs were used for delivering milk , bread , fish , meat , fruit , vegetables , animal food ( the cat 's - meat man ) , and other items for sale and for collecting refuse ( the rag - and - bone man ) . As Nigel Rothfels notes , the prohibition against dogs pulling carts in or near London caused most of the dogs to be killed by their owners as they went from being contributors to the family income to unaffordable expenses . Cart dogs were replaced by people with handcarts . About 150,000 dogs were killed or abandoned . Erica Fudge quotes Hilda Kean : At the heart of nineteenth - century animal welfare campaigns is the middle - class desire not to be able to see cruelty . -- Hilda Kean , Animal Rights , 1998 The Protection of Animals Act 1911 extended the ban on draft dogs to the rest of the kingdom . As many as 600,000 dogs were killed or abandoned . The Protection of Animals Act 1911 has since been largely superseded by the Animal Welfare Act 2006 , which also superseded and consolidated more than 20 other pieces of legislation , including the Protection of Animals Act 1934 and the Abandonment of Animals Act 1960 . The Act introduced the new welfare offence , which means that animal owners have a positive duty of care , and outlaws neglecting to provide for their animals ' basic needs , such as access to adequate nutrition and veterinary care . Under the Criminal Damage Act 1971 , domestic animals can be classed as property that is capable of being `` damaged or destroyed '' . A charge of criminal damage may be appropriate for the injury or death of an animal owned by someone other than the defendant , although prosecution under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 may also be appropriate . Oceania ( edit ) Australia ( edit ) In Australia , all states and territories have enacted legislation governing animal welfare . The legislations are : Animal Welfare Act 1992 ( ACT ) Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 ( NSW ) Animal Welfare Act ( NT ) Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 ( Qld ) Animal Welfare Act 1985 ( SA ) Animal Welfare Act 1993 ( Tas ) Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 ( Vic ) Animal Welfare Act 2002 ( WA ) Welfare laws have been criticized as not adequately protecting animals . Whilst police maintain an overall jurisdiction in prosecution of criminal matters , in many states officers of the RSPCA and other animal welfare charities are accorded authority to investigate and prosecute animal cruelty offenses . New Zealand ( edit ) Further information : Animal welfare in New Zealand The Animal Welfare Act 1999 protects animals from maltreatment . See also ( edit ) Animal cognition Animal consciousness Bear - baiting Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness Crush fetish Goat throwing Pain in animals Poaching Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` The life of Leonardo da Vinci by Giorgio Vasari '' . Yale University Library Digital Collections . Retrieved 21 August 2015 . Jump up ^ Jones , Jonathan ( 30 November 2011 ) . `` Leonardo da Vinci unleashed : the animal rights activist within the artist '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 21 August 2015 . Jump up ^ Midgley , Mary ( 24 May 1999 ) . `` Descartes ' prisoners '' . Newstatesman . ^ Jump up to : Cassuto , David N. ( 2007 ) . `` Bred Meat : The Cultural Foundation of the Factory Farm '' . Law and Contemporary Problems . 70 ( 1 ) : 59 -- 87 . Jump up ^ Darwin , Charles ( 1871 ) . The Descent of Man . p. 34 . Jump up ^ Rader , Priscilla , `` Virtue Ethics and Non-Human Animals : The Missing Link to the Animal Liberation Movement '' ( 2012 ) . 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Retrieved 15 December 2011 . Jump up ^ Dog Carts and the Extinction of Memory . 15 October 2008 ^ Jump up to : Rothfels , Nigel , Representing Animals , Indiana University Press , p. 12 , ISBN 0 - 253 - 34154 - X . Chapter : ' A Left - handed Blow : Writing the History of Animals ' by Erica Fudge Jump up ^ `` '' . Jump up ^ Animal Rights by Hilda Kean , 1998 , University of Chicago Press . Archived 11 November 2010 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Protection of Animals Act 1911 . ( 18 August 1911 ) . Retrieved on 2011 - 12 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Pet abuse law shake - up unveiled '' . BBC News Online . 14 October 2005 . Jump up ^ `` BBC -- Ethics -- Animal Ethics : Animal Welfare Act '' . BBC . Retrieved 24 April 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Cats And The Law -- Cats Away '' . Retrieved 13 January 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Offences involving Domestic and Captive Animals '' . The Crown Prosecution Service . Retrieved 13 January 2015 . Jump up ^ `` What is the Australian legislation governing animal welfare ? '' . Jump up ^ `` ACT legislation register -- Animal Welfare Act 1992 -- main page '' . Jump up ^ `` ANIMAL WELFARE ACT 1992 '' . Jump up ^ `` NSW Legislation '' . Jump up ^ `` PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT 1979 '' . Jump up ^ `` ANIMAL WELFARE ACT '' . Jump up ^ `` ANIMAL WELFARE ACT '' . Jump up ^ `` Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 ( Qld ) '' ( PDF ) . . Jump up ^ `` ANIMAL CARE AND PROTECTION ACT 2001 '' . Jump up ^ `` South Australian Legislation '' . Jump up ^ `` ANIMAL WELFARE ACT 1985 '' . Jump up ^ `` Legislation View Page '' . Jump up ^ `` ANIMAL WELFARE ACT 1993 '' . Jump up ^ `` Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 ( Vic ) '' ( PDF ) . . Jump up ^ `` PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT 1986 '' . Jump up ^ `` Western Australian Legislation '' . Jump up ^ `` ANIMAL WELFARE ACT 2002 '' . Jump up ^ Graeme McEwen . The fox is in charge of the chickens Animals Australia . Retrieved 4 July 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Animal Welfare Act 1999 '' . Further reading ( edit ) Arluke , Arnold . Brute Force : Animal Police and the Challenge of Cruelty , Purdue University Press ( 15 August 2004 ) , hardcover , 175 pages , ISBN 1 - 55753 - 350 - 4 . An ethnographic study of humane law enforcement officers . Lea , Suzanne Goodney ( 2007 ) . Delinquency and Animal Cruelty : Myths and Realities about Social Pathology , hardcover , 168 pages , ISBN 978 - 1 - 59332 - 197 - 0 . Lea challenges the argument made by animal rights activists that animal cruelty enacted during childhood is a precursor to human - directed violence . Munro H. ( The battered pet ( 1999 ) In F. Ascione & P. Arkow ( Eds . ) Child Abuse , Domestic Violence , and Animal Abuse . West Lafayette , IN : Purdue University Press , 199 -- 208 . Fiber - Ostrow , Pamela , Lovell , Jarret S. ( 2016 ) behind a veil of secrecy : animal abuse , factory farms , and Ag - Gag legislation . Contemporary Justice Review ( online ) . 19 ( 2 ) , 230 -- 249 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Animal welfare . Illustration of 3 - dog milk cart in Flanders , 1906 Goldfish used in art , to highlight morality , court finds no basis of cruelty ( 2003 ) From BBC News Pet-Abuse.Com -- Database of Criminal Animal Cruelty Cases Animal cruelty causes Awareness of the Gods ( Animal cruelty ) <Th_colspan="2"> Abuse Types Anti-social behaviour Bullying Child abuse neglect sexual military Cruelty to animals Domestic abuse Elder abuse Gaslighting Harassment Humiliation Incivility Institutional abuse Intimidation Neglect Persecution Professional abuse Proxy abuse Psychological abuse Physical abuse Religious abuse Sexual abuse Stalking Structural abuse Verbal abuse more ... 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1. Cruelty to animals 2. Animal abuse 3. Neglect of animals 4. Industrial animal farming 5. Link between animal cruelty and human violence
who plays the white queen alice in wonderland
Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 film ) - Wikipedia Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 film ) Jump to : navigation , search <Th_colspan="2"> Alice in Wonderland <Td_colspan="2"> Theatrical release poster Directed by Tim Burton Produced by Richard D. Zanuck Joe Roth Suzanne Todd Jennifer Todd Screenplay by Linda Woolverton Based on Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking - Glass by Lewis Carroll Starring Johnny Depp Anne Hathaway Helena Bonham Carter Crispin Glover Matt Lucas Mia Wasikowska Music by Danny Elfman Cinematography Dariusz Wolski Edited by Chris Lebenzon Production company Walt Disney Pictures Roth Films The Zanuck Company Team Todd Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Release date February 25 , 2010 ( 2010 - 02 - 25 ) ( London ) March 5 , 2010 ( 2010 - 03 - 05 ) ( United States ) Running time 109 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $150 -- $200 million Box office $1.025 billion Alice in Wonderland is a 2010 American fantasy adventure film directed by Tim Burton from a screenplay written by Linda Woolverton . The film stars Johnny Depp , Anne Hathaway , Helena Bonham Carter , Crispin Glover , Matt Lucas , and Mia Wasikowska and features the voices of Alan Rickman , Stephen Fry , Michael Sheen , and Timothy Spall . Based on Lewis Carroll 's fantasy novels , Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking - Glass . This film tells the story of a nineteen - year - old Alice Kingsley ( stated in the film to be a daughter of Charles Kingsley ) , who is told that she can restore the White Queen to her throne , with the help of the Mad Hatter . She is the only one who can slay the Jabberwock , a dragon - like creature that is controlled by the Red Queen and terrorizes Underland 's inhabitants . The film was produced by Walt Disney Pictures and shot in the United Kingdom and the United States . The film premiered in London at the Odeon Leicester Square on February 25 , 2010 , and was released in Australia on March 4 , 2010 , and the following day in the United Kingdom and the United States through the Disney Digital 3D , RealD 3D , and IMAX 3D formats as well as in conventional theaters . It is also the second highest grossing film of 2010 . Alice in Wonderland received mixed reviews upon release ; although praised for its visual style and special effects , the film was criticized for its lack of narrative coherence and overuse of computer - generated imagery ( CGI ) . At the 83rd Academy Awards , Alice in Wonderland won Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design , and was also nominated for Best Visual Effects . The film generated over $1 billion in ticket sales and became the fifth - highest - grossing film of all time during its theatrical run . The film started a trend of live - action fairy tale and fantasy films being green - lit , particularly from Walt Disney Studios . A sequel , titled Alice Through the Looking Glass , was released on May 27 , 2016 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 2.1 Voice cast 3 Production 4 Music 4.1 Score 4.2 Almost Alice 5 Release 5.1 Marketing 5.2 Video games 5.3 Home media 6 Reception 6.1 Box office 6.2 Critical reaction 6.3 Accolades 7 Impact 8 Sequel 9 References 10 External links Plot ( edit ) Troubled by a strange recurring dream and mourning the loss of her father , 19 - year - old Alice Kingsleigh attends a garden party at Lord Ascot 's estate . There , she is confronted by an unwanted marriage proposal to Hamish Ascot and the stifling expectations of the society in which she lives . Unsure of how to proceed , she pursues a rabbit wearing a blue waistcoat and accidentally falls into a large rabbit hole under a tree . She emerges in a forest where she is greeted by the White Rabbit , the Dormouse , the Dodo , the Talking Flowers , and Tweedledee and Tweedledum . They argue over whether Alice is `` the right Alice '' who must slay the Red Queen 's Jabberwocky and restore the White Queen to power , as foretold by Absolem the Caterpillar and his prophetic scroll . The group is then ambushed by the Bandersnatch and a group of playing - card soldiers led by the Knave of Hearts . Alice , Tweedledum and Tweedledee escape into the woods . The Knave steals the Caterpillar 's scroll . The Dormouse leaves the others behind with one of the Bandersnatch 's eyes in her possession . Tweedledum and Tweedledee are then captured by the Red Queen 's Jubjub bird . The Knave informs the Red Queen that Alice threatens her reign , and the soldiers and Bayard the Bloodhound are ordered to find Alice immediately . Meanwhile , the Cheshire Cat guides Alice to the March Hare and the Hatter . The Hatter helps Alice avoid capture by allowing himself to be seized instead . Later , Alice is found by Bayard the Bloodhound ; but Alice insists upon helping the Hatter . At the Red Queen 's citadel and palace ( which is named Salazan Grum ) , the Red Queen is unaware of Alice 's true identity and therefore welcomes her as a guest , named Um from Umbridge . Alice learns that the Vorpal Sword , the only weapon capable of killing the Jabberwock , is locked inside the den of the Bandersnatch . The Knave attempts to seduce Alice , but she rebuffs him , causing a jealous Red Queen to order that Alice be beheaded . Alice obtains the sword and befriends the Bandersnatch by returning its eye . She then escapes on the back of the grateful Bandersnatch and delivers the sword to the White Queen . The Cheshire Cat saves the Hatter from the executioner , and the Hatter calls for rebellion against the Red Queen . The rebellion is quickly put down by the Jubjub bird , but the resistance flees to the White Queen 's castle , and both armies prepare for battle . Former caterpillar Absolem advises Alice to fight the Jabberwocky just before completing his transformation into a pupa . On the appointed day , the White Queen and the Red Queen gather their armies on a chessboard - like battlefield and send Alice and the Jabberwocky to decide the battle in single combat . Encouraged by the advice of her late father , Alice fights the Jabberwocky among the ruins surrounding the battlefield and finally jumps from the remains of a spiral staircase onto the Jabberwocky 's neck and beheads it . During this fight , a falling masonry stone kills the Jubjub bird . The White Queen banishes the Red Queen and the Knave into exile . After the Hatter performs a celebration dance called Futterwacken , the White Queen gives Alice a vial of the Jabberwocky 's purple blood whose power will bring her whatever she wishes . She decides to rejoin the everyday world . Back in England , Lord Ascot takes Alice as his apprentice with the idea of establishing oceanic trade routes to Hong Kong . As the story closes , Alice prepares to set off on a trading ship . A light - blue butterfly with dark vein markings lands on her shoulder , and Alice recognizes him as Absolem . Cast ( edit ) Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen . Bonham Carter 's head was digitally increased to three times its original size in the film . Johnny Depp as Tarrant Hightopp , The Mad Hatter . Wasikowska said that the characters , `` both feel like outsiders and feel alone in their separate worlds , and have a special bond and friendship . '' Burton explained that Depp `` tried to find a grounding to the character ... as opposed to just being mad . '' Burton also said that , `` In a lot of versions it 's a very one - note kind of character and you know ( Depp 's ) goal was to try and bring out a human side to the strangeness of the character . '' The orange hair is an allusion to the mercury poisoning suffered by hatters who used mercury to cure felt ; Depp believes that the character `` was poisoned ... and it was coming out through his hair , through his fingernails and eyes '' . Depp and Burton decided that the Hatter 's clothes , skin , hair , personality and accent would change throughout the film to reflect his emotions . In an interview with Depp , the character was paralleled to `` a mood ring , ( as ) his emotions are very close to the surface '' . The Hatter is `` made up of different people and their extreme sides '' , with a gentle voice much like the character 's creator Lewis Carroll reflecting the lighter personality and with a Scottish Glaswegian accent ( which Depp modeled after Gregor Fisher 's Rab C. Nesbitt character ) reflecting a darker , more dangerous personality . Illusionary dancer David `` Elsewhere '' Bernal doubled for Depp during the `` Futterwacken '' sequence near the end of the film . Mia Wasikowska as Alice Kingsleigh . When creating the character , screenwriter Linda Woolverton researched how young women were expected to behave in the Victorian era and then made her the opposite . Wasikowska read Carroll 's books as a child and re-read them to prepare for her role . She also watched Jan Švankmajer 's Alice . She said , `` When we were kids , my mum would pop it in the VCR player . We would be disturbed , and would n't really understand it , but we could n't look away because it was too intriguing . So I had kept that feeling about Alice , a kind of haunting feeling . '' Although facing pressures to conform to society 's expectations , Alice grows into a stronger - willed and empowered heroine who chooses her own path ; Independent columnist Liz Hoggard praised Alice as a role model for girls , describing the character as `` stubborn , brave , ( and ) non-girlie '' . Mairi Ella Challen portrayed Alice as a six - year - old girl . Helena Bonham Carter as Iracebeth of Crims , the Red Queen . She is an amalgamation of two Carroll characters : the Red Queen and the Queen of Hearts . Her first name is a play on the word irascible because she is easily irritated , obstreperous , impatient , and quick to anger . Bonham Carter 's head was digitally increased to three times its original size on screen . The character hates animals , and chooses to use them as servants and furniture . It is implied that the Red Queen beheaded her former husband , the King . The actress took inspiration from her young daughter Nell , a toddler , stating that , `` The Red Queen is just like a toddler , because she 's got a big head and she 's a tyrant . '' Anne Hathaway as Mirana of Marmoreal , the White Queen . She was one of few characters that did not require digital manipulation . Hathaway summed up her character with a caption on a magnet of Happy Bunny holding a knife ; `` Cute but psycho . Things even out . '' According to Hathaway , `` She comes from the same gene pool as the Red Queen . She really likes the dark side , but she 's so scared of going too far into it that she 's made everything appear very light and happy . But she 's living in that place out of fear that she wo n't be able to control herself . '' Hathaway described her interpretation of the White Queen as `` a punk - rock vegan pacifist '' , with inspiration drawn from Debbie Harry , Greta Garbo , and the artwork of Dan Flavin . Burton said that the White Queen 's appearance was inspired by Nigella Lawson . Crispin Glover played Ilosovic Stayne , the Knave of Hearts . The Knave of Hearts is arrogant and tricky . While he follows the Red Queen 's every order , he is the only one capable of calming her dramatic mood swings . Glover said , `` The Red Queen has a fair amount of short - tempered reactions to things that people do , and so ( the Knave ) has to be quite diplomatic . '' The Red Queen believes that the Knave of Hearts is her lover , but this proves to be false . Matt Lucas portrayed both Tweedledee and Tweedledum . Burton commented on the mixture of animation and Lucas , saying that `` It 's a weird mixture of things which gives his characters the disturbing quality that they so richly deserve . '' The characters are portrayed through a combination of CGI and live - action , with Lucas ' face digitally composited to a full animated body . While performing the character , Lucas had to wear a teardrop - shaped motion capture suit and walk on stilts . In order to play both characters , Lucas was doubled by Ethan Cohn . Frances de la Tour as Imogene , Alice 's aunt . She is suffering from severe delusions and is constantly awaiting her fictional fiancé whom she believes to be a prince . Leo Bill as Hamish Ascot , Alice 's would - be fiancé . Marton Csokas makes a cameo appearance as Alice 's deceased father in the film 's opening scene and Alice 's mother is played by Lindsay Duncan . Lord and Lady Ascot are played by Tim Pigott - Smith and Geraldine James respectively . Eleanor Tomlinson and Eleanor Gecks play the Cathaway sisters , who bear a strong resemblance to Tweedledum and Tweedledee . Jemma Powell appears briefly as Alice 's sister , Margaret , while Margaret 's unfaithful husband Lowell is played by John Hopkins . Voice cast ( edit ) Michael Sheen voiced Nivens McTwisp , the White Rabbit . Sheen said the character `` is such an iconic character that ( he ) did n't feel like ( he ) should break the mold too much . '' Burton said the quality he wanted most in his clock - watching bunny was a twitchiness , also commenting that `` ( in ) any incarnation of the ( White Rabbit ) through the years , there 's that sort of nervousness of a rabbit . '' Alan Rickman voiced Absolem , the Caterpillar . Rickman was originally going to have his face composited onto the animated Caterpillar . He was filmed recording his voice in the studio , but the idea was eventually scrapped . The animators did , however , try to give Absolem 's face characteristics similar to Rickman 's . Stephen Fry voiced Chess , the Cheshire Cat . Burton stated that the character had a creepy quality in addition to tapping into his own hatred of cats . The role was intended to be played by Michael Sheen but he changed his role to the White Rabbit due to scheduling conflicts . Barbara Windsor voiced Mallymkun , the Dormouse . Burton said that he sought after Windsor for the role because he was a fan of her TV show EastEnders . Her voice sealed the deal for her role as the character . Timothy Spall voiced Bayard , the Bloodhound . Although Bayard does not appear in the book , a similar character named The Puppy is likely the inspiration for the character . Paul Whitehouse voiced Thackery Earwicket , the March Hare . Burton stated that because Whitehouse is a great comedic actor , a lot of his lines came from improvisation . Michael Gough voiced Uilleam , the Dodo . Burton said that Gough was the first person he thought of for the role of the Dodo because he has `` a full life quality to his voice '' . The character only speaks three lines , that Gough recorded in a day . This would be Gough 's final acting role ; he died a year after its release , aged 94 . Gough had previously portrayed the March Hare in the 1966 TV play of the book . Christopher Lee voiced the Jabberwocky . While it only had two lines , Burton said that he felt Lee to be a good match for the iconic character because he is `` an iconic guy '' . For the character , Lee had originally tried to make his voice `` burble '' ( as described in the poem `` Jabberwocky '' ) . However , Burton convinced him to use his actual voice , as he found it more intimidating and aggressive . Imelda Staunton voiced the Tall Flower Faces . Though there are many flowers that appear around Underland , only one of them speaks and one of them is clearly a caricature of Staunton . Staunton only speaks three lines that are heard very briefly at the beginning of the film . Jim Carter voiced the Red Queen 's executioner . The Executioner only speaks one line and appears extremely briefly , though Carter also voiced several other servants to the Red Queen . Frank Welker provided additional voices and vocal effects ; including roars of the Jabberwocky and Bandersnatch , squawks for the Jubjub bird , and Bayard barking . Rickman , Windsor , Fry , Gough , Lee , Staunton and Carter each took only a day to record their dialogue . Burton and Bonham Carter 's children Billy and Nell made cameo appearances as a boy and baby at the dock in the end of the film . Production ( edit ) Tim Burton signed with Walt Disney Pictures to direct two films in Disney Digital 3D , which included Alice in Wonderland and his remake of Frankenweenie . Burton developed the story because he never felt an emotional tie to the original book . He explained `` the goal is to try to make it an engaging movie where you get some of the psychology and kind of bring a freshness but also keep the classic nature of Alice . '' On prior versions , Burton said `` It was always a girl wandering around from one crazy character to another , and I never really felt any real emotional connection . '' His goal with the new film is to give the story `` some framework of emotional grounding '' and `` to try and make Alice feel more like a story as opposed to a series of events . '' Burton focused on the poem `` Jabberwocky '' as part of his structure , and refers to the described creature by the name of the poem rather than by the name `` Jabberwock '' used in the poem . Burton also stated that he does not see his version as either a sequel to any existing Alice film nor as a `` re-imagining '' . However , the idea of the climax of the story being Alice 's battle with the Queen 's champion , the Jabberwocky , was first added in the video game American McGee 's Alice , and the landscape , tower , weapons and appearance of Alice in those scenes of the film are very reminiscent of the same scenes in the game . We wanted somebody who had ... it 's hard to put into words , but just had a gravity to her , an internal life , something that you could see the wheels turning . It 's just a simple kind of power to her that we really liked . Not flamboyant , not very showy , but just somebody that 's got a lot of internal life to her . That 's why I picked her . -- Burton on casting Mia Wasikowska as Alice This film was originally set to be released in 2009 but was pushed back to March 5 , 2010 . Principal photography was scheduled for May 2008 , but did not begin until September and concluded in three months . Scenes set in the Victorian era were shot at Torpoint and Plymouth from September 1 to October 14 . Two hundred and fifty local extras were chosen in early August . Locations included Antony House in Torpoint , Charlestown , Cornwall and the Barbican , however , no footage from the Barbican was used . Motion capture filming began in early October at Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City , California , though the footage was later discarded . Filming also took place at Culver Studios . Burton said that he used a combination of live action and animation , without motion capture . He also noted that this was the first time he had filmed on a green screen . Filming of the green screen portions , comprising 90 % of the film , was completed after only 40 days . Many of the cast and crew felt nauseated as a result of the long hours surrounded by green , and Burton had lavender lenses fitted into his glasses to counteract the effect . Due to the constant need for digital effects to distort the actors ' physical appearances , such as the size of the Red Queen 's head or Alice 's height , visual effects supervisor Ken Ralston cited the film as being exhausting , saying it was `` The biggest show I 've ever done , ( and ) the most creatively involved I 've ever been . '' Sony Pictures Imageworks designed the visual effects sequences . Burton felt 3D was appropriate to the story 's environment . Burton and Zanuck chose to film with conventional cameras , and convert the footage into 3D during post-production ; Zanuck explained 3D cameras were too expensive and `` clumsy '' to use , and they felt that there was no difference between converted footage and those shot in the format . James Cameron , who released his 3D film Avatar in December 2009 , criticized the choice , stating , `` It does n't make any sense to shoot in 2 - D and convert to 3 - D '' . Music ( edit ) Score ( edit ) <Th_colspan="2"> Alice in Wonderland : An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack <Th_colspan="2"> Film score by Danny Elfman Released March 2 , 2010 Genre Orchestral , Classical , Pop Length 50 : 59 Label Walt Disney Longtime Burton collaborator Danny Elfman 's score was released March 2 , 2010 . It debuted at # 89 on the Billboard Top 200 albums chart . Almost Alice ( edit ) Main article : Almost Alice Almost Alice is a collection of various artists ' music inspired by the film . The lead single , `` Alice '' by Avril Lavigne , premiered on January 27 , 2010 on Ryan Seacrest 's radio program . Other singles include `` Follow Me Down '' by 3OH ! 3 , `` Her Name Is Alice '' by Shinedown , and `` Tea Party '' by Kerli . The album was released on March 2 , 2010 . Release ( edit ) On February 12 , 2010 , major UK cinema chains , Odeon , Vue and Cineworld , had planned to boycott the film because of a reduction of the interval between cinema and DVD release from the usual 17 weeks to 12 ( possibly to avoid the release of the DVD clashing with the 2010 FIFA World Cup , which was Disney 's pretext for cutting short Alice 's theatrical run but UK exhibitors protested that Alice would be less threatened by the World Cup than other titles ) . A week after the announcement , Cineworld , who has a 24 % share of UK box office , chose to play the film on more than 150 screens . Cineworld 's chief executive Steve Wiener stated , `` As leaders in 3D , we did not want the public to miss out on such a visual spectacle . As the success of Avatar has shown , there is currently a huge appetite for the 3D experience '' . Shortly after , the Vue cinema chain also reached an agreement with Disney , but Odeon had still chosen to boycott in Britain , Ireland and Italy . On February 25 , 2010 Odeon had reached an agreement and decided to show the film on March 5 , 2010 . The Royal premiere took place at the Odeon Leicester Square in London on February 25 , 2010 for the fundraiser The Prince 's Foundation for Children and The Arts where the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall attended . It also did not affect their plans to show the film in Spain , Germany , Portugal and Austria . The film was released in the U.S. and UK , in both Disney Digital 3D and IMAX 3D , as well as regular theaters on March 5 , 2010 . Marketing ( edit ) Mad T Party at California Adventure , showing the Dormouse on guitar , Cheshire Cat on drums , and Alice as lead singer . On June 22 , 2009 , the first pictures of the film were released , showing Depp as the Mad Hatter , Hathaway as the White Queen , Bonham Carter as the Red Queen and Lucas as Tweedledee and Tweedledum . A new image of Alice was also released . In July , new photos emerged of Alice holding a white rabbit , the Mad Hatter with a hare , the Red Queen holding a pig , and the White Queen with a mouse . On July 22 , 2009 , a teaser trailer from the Mad Hatter 's point of view was released on IGN but was shortly taken down because Disney claimed that the trailer was not supposed to be out yet . The teaser was also planned to premiere along with a trailer of Robert Zemeckis ' film adaptation of A Christmas Carol on July 24 , 2009 for G - Force . The following day , the teaser trailer premiered at Comic - Con but the trailer shown was different from the one that leaked . The ComicCon version did n't have the Mad Hatter 's dialogue . Instead , it featured `` Time to Pretend '' by MGMT , and the clips shown were in different order than in the leaked version . The leaked version was originally to be shown to one of the three Facebook groups used to promote the film that had the most members . The groups used to promote the film are `` The Loyal Subjects of the Red Queen '' , `` The Loyal Subjects of the White Queen '' and `` The Disloyal Subjects of the Mad Hatter '' . Also at ComicCon , props from the film were displayed in an `` Alice in Wonderland '' exhibit . Costumes featured in the exhibit included the Red Queen 's dress , chair , wig , spectacles and scepter ; the White Queen 's dress , wig and a small model of her castle ; the Mad Hatter 's suit , hat , wig , chair and table ; Alice 's dress and battle armor ( to slay the Jabberwocky ) . Other props included the `` DRINK ME '' bottles , the keys , an `` EAT ME '' pastry and stand - in models of the White Rabbit and March Hare . A nighttime party area at the Disney California Adventure theme park was created , called `` Mad T Party '' . Video Games ( edit ) Main article : Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 video game ) On July 23 , 2009 , Disney Interactive Studios announced that an Alice in Wonderland video game , developed by French game studio Étranges Libellules , would be released in the same week as the film for the Wii , Nintendo DS and Microsoft Windows . The soundtrack was composed by video games music composer Richard Jacques . The Wii , DS and PC versions were released on March 2 , 2010 . Disney Interactive released in 2013 the game Alice in Wonderland : A New Champion for iOS . Home Media ( edit ) Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released a 3 - disc Blu - ray combo pack ( which includes the Blu - ray , DVD and a digital copy ) , 1 - disc Blu - ray and 1 - disc DVD on June 1 , 2010 in the US and July 1 , 2010 in Australia . The DVD release includes three short features about the making of the film , focusing on Burton 's vision for Wonderland and the characters of Alice and the Mad Hatter . The Blu - ray version has nine additional featurettes centered on additional characters , special effects and other aspects of the film 's production . In some confusion , a small number of copies were put on shelves a week before schedule in smaller stores , but were quickly removed , although a handful of copies were confirmed purchased ahead of schedule . In its first week of release ( June 1 -- 6 , 2010 ) , it sold 2,095,878 DVD units ( equivalent to $35,441,297 ) and topped the DVD sales chart for two continuous weeks . By May 22 , 2011 , it had sold 4,313,680 units ( $76,413,043 ) . It failed to crack the 2010 top ten DVDs list in terms of units sold , but reached 10th place on that chart in terms of sales revenue . Reception ( edit ) Box Office ( edit ) Alice in Wonderland has grossed $334,191,110 in North America and $691,276,000 in other territories for a worldwide total of $1,025,467,110 against a budget of $200 million . Worldwide , it is currently the twenty - seventh - highest - grossing film and the second - highest - grossing 2010 film . It is the third - highest - grossing film starring Johnny Depp , the highest - grossing film directed by Tim Burton and the second - highest - grossing children 's book adaptation ( worldwide , as well as in North America and outside North America separately ) . On its first weekend , the film made $220.1 million worldwide , marking the second - largest opening ever for a movie not released during the summer or the holiday period ( behind The Hunger Games ) , the fourth - largest for a Disney - distributed film and the fourth - largest among 2010 films . It dominated for three consecutive weekends at the worldwide box office . On May 26 , 2010 , its 85th day of release , it became the sixth film ever to surpass the $1 - billion - mark and the second film that had been released by Walt Disney Studios that did so . In the United States and Canada Alice in Wonderland is the forty - fourth - highest - grossing film but out of the top 100 when adjusted for inflation . It is also the second - highest - grossing 2010 film , behind Toy Story 3 , the second - highest - grossing film starring Johnny Depp and the highest - grossing film directed by Tim Burton . The film opened on March 5 , 2010 , on approximately 7,400 screens at 3,728 theaters with $40,804,962 during its first day , $3.9 million of which came from midnight showings , ranking number one and setting a new March opening - day record . Alice earned $116.1 million on its opening weekend , breaking the record for the largest opening weekend in March ( previously held by 300 ) , the record for the largest opening weekend during springtime ( previously held by Fast and Furious ) , the largest opening weekend for a non-sequel ( previously held by Spider - Man ) and the highest one for the non-holiday , non-summer period . However , all of these records were broken by The Hunger Games ( $152.5 million ) in March 2012 . Alice made the seventeenth - highest - grossing opening weekend ever and the fifth - largest among 3D films . Opening - weekend grosses originating from 3D showings were $81.3 million ( 70 % of total weekend gross ) . This broke the record for the largest opening - weekend 3D grosses but it was later topped by Marvel 's The Avengers ( $108 million ) . It had the largest weekend per theater average of 2010 ( $31,143 per theater ) and the largest for a PG - rated film . It broke the IMAX opening - weekend record by earning $12.2 million on 188 IMAX screens , with an average of $64,197 per site . The record was first overtaken by Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 ( $15.2 million ) . Alice remained in first place for three consecutive weekends at the North American box office . Alice closed in theaters on July 8 , 2010 with $334.2 million . Outside North America , Alice is the thirteenth - highest - grossing film , the highest - grossing 2010 film , the fourth - highest - grossing Disney film , the second - highest - grossing film starring Johnny Depp and the highest - grossing film directed by Tim Burton . It began with an estimated $94 million , on top of the weekend box office , and remained at the summit for four consecutive weekends and five in total . Japan was the film 's highest - grossing country after North America , with $133.7 million , followed by the UK , Ireland and Malta ( $64.4 million ) , and France and the Maghreb region ( $45.9 million ) . Critical reaction ( edit ) Review aggregate Rotten Tomatoes reports that 51 % of critics have given the film a positive review based on 262 reviews ; the average score is 5.7 / 10 . The consensus is : `` Tim Burton 's Alice sacrifices the book 's minimal narrative coherence -- and much of its heart -- but it 's an undeniable visual treat '' . Metacritic rated it 53 / 100 based on 38 reviews . Todd McCarthy of Variety praised it for its `` moments of delight , humor and bedazzlement '' , but went on to say , `` But it also becomes more ordinary as it goes along , building to a generic battle climax similar to any number of others in CGI - heavy movies of the past few years '' . Michael Rechtshaffen of The Hollywood Reporter said `` Burton has delivered a subversively witty , brilliantly cast , whimsically appointed dazzler that also manages to hit all the emotionally satisfying marks '' , while as well praising its computer - generated imagery ( CGI ) , saying `` Ultimately , it 's the visual landscape that makes Alice 's newest adventure so wondrous , as technology has finally been able to catch up with Burton 's endlessly fertile imagination . '' Owen Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly said , `` But Burton 's Disneyfied 3 - D Alice in Wonderland , written by the girl - power specialist Linda Woolverton , is a strange brew indeed : murky , diffuse , and meandering , set not in a Wonderland that pops with demented life but in a world called Underland that 's like a joyless , bombed - out version of Wonderland . It looks like a CGI head trip gone post apocalyptic . In the film 's rather humdrum 3 - D , the place does n't dazzle -- it droops . '' Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun - Times awarded the film three out of four stars and wrote in his review that , `` Alice plays better as an adult hallucination , which is how Burton rather brilliantly interprets it until a pointless third act flies off the rails . '' The market research firm CinemaScore found that audiences gave the film an average rating of `` A - '' . Several reviews criticized the decision to turn Alice into a `` colonialist entrepreneur '' at the end of the film setting sail for China . Given Britain 's role in the First and Second Opium Wars during the Victorian era and the foreign domination of China through `` unequal treaties '' , China expert Kevin Slaten writes , `` Not only is it troubling imagery , for a female role model in a Disney movie , but it 's also a celebration of the exploitation that China suffered for a century . '' Game developer American McGee , best known for creating Alice and Alice : Madness Returns , was asked in a 2011 interview about Tim Burton 's interpretation of the title character since both versions share almost similar dark and twisted tone of Wonderland . McGee praised the film 's visuals and audio but criticized the lack of screen time Alice had compared to the other characters . He felt Alice did not have any purpose in the story and that she was merely used as a `` tool '' . Accolades ( edit ) Award Category Recipient Result 83rd Academy Awards Best Art Direction Robert Stromberg Karen O'Hara Won Best Visual Effects Ken Ralston David Schaub Carey Villegas Sean Phillips Nominated Best Costume Design Colleen Atwood Won 64th British Academy Film Awards Best Costume Design Won Best Film Music Danny Elfman Nominated Best Production Design Robert Stromberg Karen O'Hara Nominated Best Special Visual Effects Ken Ralston David Schaub Carey Villegas Sean Phillips Nominated Best Makeup and Hair Won 68th Golden Globe Awards Best Motion Picture -- Musical or Comedy Nominated Best Actor -- Motion Picture Musical or Comedy Johnny Depp Nominated Best Original Score Danny Elfman Nominated 53rd Grammy Awards Best Score Soundtrack Album For Motion Picture , Television Or Other Visual Media Nominated 9th Annual Visual Effects Society Awards ( VES Awards ) Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects - Driven Feature Motion Picture Ken Ralston Carey Villegas David Schaub Tom Peitzman Nominated Outstanding Compositing in a Feature Motion Picture ( Stolen Tarts ) Lisa Deaner Orde Stevanoski Aaron Kupferman Ruben Flores Nominated 15th Annual Satellite Awards Best Visual Effects Ken Ralston Carey Villegas David Schaub Sean Phillips Won Best Costume Design Colleen Atwood Won Best Art Direction & Production Design Robert Stromberg Stefan Dechant Nominated Best Motion Picture , Animated or Mixed Media Nominated Best Original Song Avril Lavigne Nominated 37th Saturn Awards Best Fantasy Film Won Best Costume Won Best Make - Up Nominated Best Production Design Nominated Best Special Effects Ken Ralston Carey Villegas David Schaub Tom Peitzman Nominated Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards Best Costume Design Colleen Atwood Won Best Makeup Jaremy Aiello Won Best Visual Effects Ken Ralston Carey Villegas David Schaub Tom Peitzman Nominated Best Art Direction Robert Stromberg Karen O'Hara Nominated 2011 Kids ' Choice Awards Favorite Movie Nominated Favorite Movie Actor Johnny Depp Won MTV Movie Awards Global Superstar Nominated Best Movie Nominated Best Villain Helena Bonham Carter Nominated National Movie Awards Best Performance Nominated Johnny Depp Nominated Best Fantasy Nominated People 's Choice Awards Favorite Movie Nominated Favorite Drama Movie Nominated Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie : Fantasy Nominated Choice Movie Actor : Fantasy Johnny Depp Nominated Choice Movie : Female Scene Stealer Anne Hathaway Nominated Choice Movie Actress : Fantasy Mia Wasikowska Nominated Choice Movie : Female Breakout Star Nominated Choice Movie : Fight Mia Wasikowska vs. The Jabberwock Won 2010 Scream Awards Ultimate Scream Nominated Best Fantasy Movie Nominated Best Director Tim Burton Nominated Best Fantasy Actress Mia Wasikowska Nominated Best Breakout Performance -- Female Nominated Best Fantasy Actor Johnny Depp Nominated Best Supporting Actress Anne Hathaway Won 3 - D Top Three Nominated AD First Half of the Year Awards Best Art Direction Nominated Best Visual Effects Won Best Make Up Nominated MTV Fan Music Awards Best Movie Song Avril Lavigne Won ChartAttack 's 16th Annual Year - End Readers ' Poll Best Song Avril Lavigne Won Impact ( edit ) After the release and success of the movie , Walt Disney Pictures has announced the development of several other live - action remakes from their Animated Classics series . Maleficent , Cinderella , The Jungle Book and Beauty and the Beast have followed to similar box - office results with the latter three also earning critical praise . Disney has also announced the development of live - action adaptations of Christopher Robin , Dumbo , Aladdin , The Lion King , Mulan , Pinocchio , Fantasia , The Sword in the Stone , The Black Cauldron , Peter Pan , The Little Mermaid , and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs . The company also has plans for live - action spin - offs of Peter Pan , One Hundred and One Dalmatians and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs along with a live - action prequel to Aladdin . Stage adaptation Walt Disney Theatrical is in early talks with Burton and screenwriter Linda Woolverton to develop the property as a Broadway musical . Woolverton authored the screenplay for Disney 's The Lion King and is also the Tony Award - nominated book writer of Beauty and the Beast , Aida and Lestat . Burton will also render the overall designs for the stage musical . Woolverton will adapt her screenplay for the stage production . Neither a composer nor songwriting team has been chosen yet . Direction and choreography will be done by Rob Ashford . The musical is aiming to make its world - premiere in London . Sequel ( edit ) Main article : Alice Through the Looking Glass ( 2016 film ) On December 7 , 2012 , Variety announced the development of a sequel to Alice in Wonderland . Linda Woolverton returned to write a screenplay . On May 31 , 2013 , James Bobin began talks to direct the sequel under the working title Alice in Wonderland : Into the Looking Glass . Johnny Depp returned as The Hatter , Mia Wasikowska reprised the role of Alice , and Helena Bonham Carter returned as the Red Queen . Several other cast - members from the 2010 film also reprised their roles in the sequel . On November 22 , 2013 , it was announced that the sequel will be released on May 27 , 2016 and that Bobin would direct the film . Rhys Ifans and Sacha Baron Cohen will be featured in the film . On January 21 , 2014 , the film was again retitled to Alice in Wonderland : Through the Looking Glass . The title was later reworked once again to Alice Through the Looking Glass . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 ) '' . British Film Institute . Retrieved June 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Verrier , Richard ; Fritz , Ben ; Eller , Claudia ( February 17 , 2010 ) . `` Trouble at the tea party : Alice in Wonderland faces theater owner revolt in U.K. '' . Los Angeles Times . Archived from the original on July 30 , 2010 . Retrieved August 19 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Grover , Ronald ( March 5 , 2010 ) . `` Joe Roth , Back in Wonderland '' . Bloomberg Businessweek . Archived from the original on July 30 , 2010 . Retrieved September 4 , 2010 . 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Wikiquote has quotations related to : Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 film ) Film in the United States portal Disney portal Film portal 2010s portal Official website Alice in Wonderland on IMDb Alice in Wonderland at AllMovie Alice in Wonderland at Box Office Mojo Alice in Wonderland at Rotten Tomatoes Alice in Wonderland at Metacritic <Th_colspan="2"> Tim Burton <Td_colspan="2"> Filmography Frequent collaborators Unproduced projects Tim Burton Productions Directorial works Feature films Pee - wee 's Big Adventure ( 1985 ) Beetlejuice ( 1988 ) Batman ( 1989 ) Edward Scissorhands ( 1990 ) Batman Returns ( 1992 ) Ed Wood ( 1994 ) Mars Attacks ! ( 1996 ) Sleepy Hollow ( 1999 ) Planet of the Apes ( 2001 ) Big Fish ( 2003 ) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ( 2005 ) Corpse Bride ( 2005 ) Sweeney Todd : The Demon Barber of Fleet Street ( 2007 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 ) Dark Shadows ( 2012 ) Frankenweenie ( 2012 ) Big Eyes ( 2014 ) Miss Peregrine 's Home for Peculiar Children ( 2016 ) Dumbo ( 2019 ) Short films The Island of Doctor Agor ( 1971 ) Stalk of the Celery Monster ( 1979 ) Hansel and Gretel ( 1982 ) Vincent ( 1982 ) Frankenweenie ( 1984 ) Stainboy ( 2000 ) Music videos `` Bones '' `` Here with Me '' Produced only The Nightmare Before Christmas ( 1993 ) Cabin Boy ( 1994 ) Batman Forever ( 1995 ) James and the Giant Peach ( 1996 ) 9 ( 2009 ) Abraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter ( 2012 ) Alice Through the Looking Glass ( 2016 ) Literature The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories ( 1997 ) Television series Alfred Hitchcock Presents ( `` The Jar '' , 1986 ) Faerie Tale Theatre ( `` Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp '' , 1986 ) Beetlejuice ( 1989 -- 91 ) Family Dog ( 1993 ) <Th_colspan="2"> Lewis Carroll 's Alice <Td_colspan="2"> Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Through the Looking - Glass The Nursery `` Alice '' The Hunting of the Snark Characters Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Alice The White Rabbit The Mouse The Dodo The Duck The Lory Eaglet Pat Bill the Lizard Puppy The Caterpillar The Duchess The Cheshire Cat The March Hare The Hatter Tarrant Hightopp The Dormouse The Queen of Hearts The King of Hearts The Knave of Hearts The Gryphon The Mock Turtle Through the Looking - Glass The Red Queen The White Queen The Red King The White King The White Knight Tweedledum and Tweedledee The Sheep Humpty Dumpty The Lion and the Unicorn Bandersnatch Jubjub Bird Related topics Alice Liddell Alice 's Shop John Tenniel Theophilus Carter The Annotated Alice Wonderland Looking - Glass Land Mischmasch Works based on Alice in Wonderland Films and television Disney franchise Translations of Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Translations of Through the Looking - Glass Adaptations Poems `` All in the golden afternoon ... '' `` How Doth the Little Crocodile '' `` The Mouse 's Tale '' `` Twinkle , Twinkle , Little Bat '' `` You Are Old , Father William '' `` ' Tis the Voice of the Lobster '' `` Jabberwocky '' `` The Walrus and the Carpenter '' `` Haddocks ' Eyes '' `` They told me you had been to her ... '' `` The Mock Turtle 's Song '' `` The Hunting of the Snark '' Sequels A New Alice in the Old Wonderland ( 1895 ) New Adventures of Alice ( 1917 ) Alice of Wonderland in Paris ( 1966 ) Alice Through the Needle 's Eye ( 1984 ) Automated Alice ( 1996 ) Wonderland Revisited and the Games Alice Played There ( 2009 ) Retellings Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland retold in words of one syllable ( 1905 ) Alice in Verse : The Lost Rhymes of Wonderland ( 2010 ) Parodies The Westminster Alice ( 1902 ) Clara in Blunderland ( 1902 ) Lost in Blunderland ( 1903 ) John Bull 's Adventures in the Fiscal Wonderland ( 1904 ) Alice in Blunderland : An Iridescent Dream ( 1904 ) Imitations Mopsa the Fairy ( 1869 ) Davy and the Goblin ( 1884 ) The Admiral 's Caravan ( 1891 ) Gladys in Grammarland ( 1896 ) A New Wonderland ( 1898 ) Rollo in Emblemland ( 1902 ) Justnowland ( 1912 ) Alice in Orchestralia ( 1925 ) Reimagining Alice in Wonderland or What 's a Nice Kid Like You Doing in a Place Like This ? ( 1966 ) Alice or the Last Escapade ( 1977 ) Adventures in Wonderland ( 1991 ) The Looking Glass Wars ( 2006 ) Alice ( 2009 ) Malice in Wonderland ( 2009 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 ) Alice Through the Looking Glass ( 2016 ) Film 1903 1910 1915 1931 1933 1949 1951 1966 1972 1976 1982 1985 1988 ( Czechoslovak ) 1988 ( Australian ) 1995 1999 Stage Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland ( ballet ) Alice in Wonderland ( musical ) Alice in Wonderland ( opera ) Peter and Alice ( 2013 play ) Wonder. land ( musical ) Television Fushigi no Kuni no Alice Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Literary Alice in Murderland Alice in the Country of Hearts Miyuki - chan in Wonderland Video games Alice no Paint Adventure ( 1995 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 2000 ) American McGee 's Alice ( 2000 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 ) Alice : Madness Returns ( 2011 ) Kingdom Hearts <Td_colspan="2"> Book Category <Th_colspan="2"> Saturn Award for Best Fantasy Film <Td_colspan="2"> The Golden Voyage of Sinbad ( 1973 ) Doc Savage : The Man of Bronze ( 1974 / 75 ) The Holes ( 1976 ) Oh , God ! ( 1977 ) Heaven Can Wait ( 1978 ) The Muppet Movie ( 1979 ) Somewhere in Time ( 1980 ) Raiders of the Lost Ark ( 1981 ) The Dark Crystal ( 1982 ) Something Wicked This Way Comes ( 1983 ) Ghostbusters ( 1984 ) Ladyhawke ( 1985 ) The Boy Who Could Fly ( 1986 ) The Princess Bride ( 1987 ) Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( 1988 ) Ghost ( 1989 / 90 ) Edward Scissorhands ( 1991 ) Aladdin ( 1992 ) The Nightmare Before Christmas ( 1993 ) Forrest Gump ( 1994 ) Babe ( 1995 ) Dragonheart ( 1996 ) Austin Powers ( 1997 ) The Truman Show ( 1998 ) Being John Malkovich ( 1999 ) Frequency ( 2000 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring ( 2001 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers ( 2002 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King ( 2003 ) Spider - Man 2 ( 2004 ) Batman Begins ( 2005 ) Superman Returns ( 2006 ) Enchanted ( 2007 ) The Curious Case of Benjamin Button ( 2008 ) Watchmen ( 2009 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 ) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 ( 2011 ) Life of Pi ( 2012 ) Her ( 2013 ) The Hobbit : The Battle of the Five Armies ( 2014 ) Cinderella ( 2015 ) The Jungle Book ( 2016 ) VIAF : 174883897 LCCN : no2010015477 GND : 7691842 - 7 BNF : cb16191897p ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2010 films English - language films 2010s fantasy films 2010 3D films American 3D films American films American fantasy films Disney film remakes Disney 's Alice in Wonderland Feminist films Films featuring anthropomorphic characters Films set in the 1870s Films set in castles Films set in England Films set in the Victorian era Films based on adaptations Films based on Alice in Wonderland Films based on multiple works Film scores by Danny Elfman Films directed by Tim Burton Films that won the Best Costume Design Academy Award Films whose art director won the Best Art Direction Academy Award Films shot in England High fantasy films IMAX films Films using computer - generated imagery Films produced by Joe Roth Films produced by Richard D. 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1. Alice in Wonderland (2010 film) 2. Tim Burton 3. Fantasy adventure 4. Johnny Depp 5. Box office success
the original reason for the rise of the kingdom of ghana was
History of Ghana - wikipedia History of Ghana Jump to : navigation , search Part of a series on the History of Ghana Akan people Kingdom of Ashanti Gold Coast region United Gold Coast Convention The Big Six Kwame Nkrumah Ghana Timeline Ghana portal The Republic of Ghana is named after the medieval West African Ghana Empire . The Empire became known in Europe and Arabia as the Ghana Empire after the title of its emperor , the Ghana . The Empire appears to have broken up following the 1076 conquest by the Almoravid General Abu - Bakr Ibn - Umar . An elevated kingdom continued to exist after Almoravid rule ended , and the kingdom was later incorporated into subsequent Sahelian empires , such as the Mali Empire several centuries later . Geographically , the ancient Ghana Empire was approximately 500 miles ( 800 km ) north and west of the modern state of Ghana , and controlled territories in the area of the Sénégal River and east towards the Niger rivers , in modern Senegal , Mauritania and Mali . For most of central sub-Saharan Africa , agricultural expansion marked the period before 500 AD . Farming began earliest on the southern tips of the Sahara , eventually giving rise to village settlements . Toward the end of the classical era , larger regional kingdoms had formed in West Africa , one of which was the Kingdom of Ghana , north of what is today the nation of Ghana . Before its fall at the beginning of the 10th century Ashanti migrants moved southward and founded several nation - states , including the first empire of Bono founded in the 11th century and for which the Brong - Ahafo ( Bono Ahafo ) region is named . Later Akan ethnic groups such as the Ashanti empire - kingdom and Fante states are thought to possibly have roots in the original Bono settlement at Bono manso . Much of the area was united under the Empire of Ashanti by the 16th century . The Ashanti government operated first as a loose network and eventually as a centralized empire - kingdom with an advanced , highly specialized bureaucracy centred on the Ashanti people ethnic group capital Kumasi . Contents ( hide ) 1 Precolonial period 2 Rise of the Ashanti 3 Early European contact and the slave trade 4 British Gold Coast 4.1 Britain and the Gold Coast : the early years 4.2 British rule of the Gold Coast : the colonial era 4.2. 1 Colonial administration 4.2. 2 Economic and social development 4.3 The growth of nationalism and the end of colonial rule 4.3. 1 Early manifestations of nationalism in Ghana 4.3. 2 Politics of the independence movements 5 Independent Ghana 5.1 Nkrumah , Ghana , and Africa 5.2 Growth of opposition to Nkrumah 5.2. 1 One - party state 5.2. 2 Fall of the Nkrumah regime and its aftermath 5.3 National Redemption Council years , 1972 -- 79 5.4 The Rawlings era 5.4. 1 The second coming of Rawlings : the first six years , 1982 -- 87 5.4. 2 District assemblies 5.4. 3 End of one - party state 5.5 The Fourth Republic 6 See also 7 References 8 Further reading 9 External links Pre-Colonial period ( edit ) 16th - 17th Century Akan Terracotta , Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York By the end of the 16th century , most of the ethnic groups constituting the modern Ghanaian population had settled in their present locations . Archaeological remains found in the coastal zone indicate that the area has been inhabited since the Bronze Age ( ca . 2000 BC ) , but these societies , based on fishing in the extensive lagoons and rivers , have left few traces . Archaeological work also suggests that central Ghana north of the forest zone was inhabited as early as 3,000 to 4,000 years ago . These migrations resulted in part from the formation and disintegration of a series of large states in the western Sudan ( the region north of modern Ghana drained by the Niger River ) . Strictly speaking , ghana was the title of the king , but the Arabs , who left records of the kingdom , applied the term to the king , the capital , and the state . The 9th - century Berber historian and geographer Al Yaqubi described ancient Ghana as one of the three most organized states in the region ( the others being Gao and Kanem in the central Sudan ) . Its rulers were renowned for their wealth in gold , the opulence of their courts , and their warrior / hunting skills . They were also masters of the trade in gold , which drew North African merchants to the western Sudan . The military achievements of these and later western Sudanic rulers , and their control over the region 's gold mines , constituted the nexus of their historical relations with merchants and rulers in North Africa and the Mediterranean . Image of an Ashanti home before British colonization Ghana succumbed to attacks by its neighbors in the 11th century , but its name and reputation endured . In 1957 , when the leaders of the former British colony of the Gold Coast sought an appropriate name for their newly independent state -- the first black African nation to gain its independence from colonial rule -- they named their new country after ancient Ghana . The choice was more than merely symbolic , because modern Ghana , like its namesake , was equally famed for its wealth and trade in gold . Although none of the states of the western Sudan controlled territories in the area that is modern Ghana , several small kingdoms that later developed such as Bonoman , were ruled by nobles believed to have immigrated from that region . The trans - Saharan trade that contributed to the expansion of kingdoms in the western Sudan also led to the development of contacts with regions in northern modern Ghana , and in the forest to the south . The growth of trade stimulated the development of early Akan states located on the trade route to the goldfields , in the forest zone of the south . The forest itself was thinly populated , but Akan - speaking peoples began to move into it toward the end of the 15th century , with the arrival of crops from South - east Asia and the New World that could be adapted to forest conditions . These new crops included sorghum , bananas , and cassava . By the beginning of the 16th century , European sources noted the existence of the gold - rich states of Akan and Twifu in the Ofin River Valley . A typical Dagomba household comprising husband , wife and three children in Yendi , 1957 According to oral traditions and archaeological evidence , the Dagomba states were the earliest kingdoms to emerge in present - day Ghana as early as the 11th century , being well established by the close of the 16th century . Although the rulers of the Dagomba states were not usually Muslim , they brought with them , or welcomed , Muslims as scribes and medicine men . As a result of their presence , Islam influenced the north and Muslim influence spread by the activities of merchants and clerics . In the broad belt of rugged country between the northern boundaries of the Muslim - influenced state of Dagomba , and the southernmost outposts of the Mossi Kingdoms ( of present - day northern Ghana and southern Burkina Faso ) , were peoples who were not incorporated into the Dagomba entity . Among these peoples were the Kassena agriculturalists . They lived in a so - called segmented society , bound together by kinship tie , and ruled by the head of their clan . Trade between Akan kingdoms and the Mossi kingdoms to the north flowed through their homeland , subjecting them to Islamic influence , and to the depredations of these more powerful neighbors . Rise of the Ashanti ( edit ) Under Chief Oti Akenten ( r . ca . 1630 -- 60 ) , a series of successful military operations against neighboring Akan states brought a larger surrounding territory into alliance with Ashanti . At the end of the 17th century , Osei Tutu ( died 1712 or 1717 ) became Asantehene ( king of Ashanti ) . Under Osei Tutu 's rule , the confederacy of Ashanti states was transformed into an empire with its capital at Kumasi . Political and military consolidation ensued , resulting in firmly established centralized authority . Osei Tutu was strongly influenced by the high priest , Anokye , who , tradition asserts , caused a stool of gold to descend from the sky to seal the union of Ashanti states . Stools already functioned as traditional symbols of chieftainship , but the Golden Stool represented the united spirit of all the allied states and established a dual allegiance that superimposed the confederacy over the individual component states . The Golden Stool remains a respected national symbol of the traditional past and figures extensively in Ashanti ritual . Osei Tutu permitted newly conquered territories that joined the confederation to retain their own customs and chiefs , who were given seats on the Ashanti state council . Tutu 's gesture made the process relatively easy and nondisruptive , because most of the earlier conquests had subjugated other Akan peoples . Within the Ashanti portions of the confederacy , each minor state continued to exercise internal self - rule , and its chief jealously guarded the state 's prerogatives against encroachment by the central authority . A strong unity developed , however , as the various communities subordinated their individual interests to central authority in matters of national concern . By the mid-18th century , Ashanti was a highly organized state . The wars of expansion that brought the northern states of Dagomba , Mamprusi , and Gonja under Ashanti influence were won during the reign of Opoku Ware I ( died 1750 ) , successor to Osei Kofi Tutu I. By the 1820s , successive rulers had extended Ashanti boundaries southward . Although the northern expansions linked Ashanti with trade networks across the desert and in Hausaland to the east , movements into the south brought the Ashanti into contact , sometimes antagonistic , with the coastal Fante , as well as with the various European merchants whose fortresses dotted the Gold Coast . Early European contact and the slave trade ( edit ) See also : Portuguese Gold Coast When the first Europeans arrived in the late 15th century , many inhabitants of the Gold Coast area were striving to consolidate their newly acquired territories and to settle into a secure and permanent environment . Initially , the Gold Coast did not participate in the export slave trade , rather as Ivor Wilks , a leading historian of Ghana , noted , the Akan purchased slaves from Portuguese traders operating from other parts of Africa , including the Congo and Benin in order to augment the labour needed for the state formation that was characteristic of this period . The Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive . By 1471 , they had reached the area that was to become known as the Gold Coast . The Gold Coast was so - named because it was an important source of gold . The Portuguese interest in trading for gold , ivory , and pepper so increased that in 1482 the Portuguese built their first permanent trading post on the western coast of present - day Ghana . This fortress , atrade castle called São Jorge da Mina ( later called Elmina Castle ) , was constructed to protect Portuguese trade from European competitors , and after frequent rebuildings and modifications , still stands . The Portuguese position on the Gold Coast remained secure for over a century . During that time , Lisbon sought to monopolize all trade in the region in royal hands , though appointed officials at São Jorge , and used force to prevent English , French , and Flemish efforts to trade on the coast . By 1598 , the Dutch began trading on the Gold Coast . The Dutch built forts at Komenda and Kormantsi by 1612 . In 1637 they captured Elmina Castle from the Portuguese and Axim in 1642 ( Fort St Anthony ) . Other European traders joined in by the mid-17th century , largely English , Danes , and Swedes . The coastline was dotted by more than 30 forts and castles built by Dutch , British , and Danish merchants primarily to protect their interests from other Europeans and pirates . The Gold Coast became the highest concentration of European military architecture outside of Europe . Sometimes they were also drawn into conflicts with local inhabitants as Europeans developed commercial alliances with local political authorities . These alliances , often complicated , involved both Europeans attempting to enlist or persuade their closest allies to attack rival European ports and their African allies , or conversely , various African powers seeking to recruit Europeans as mercenaries in their inter-state wars , or as diplomats to resolve conflicts . Historic map of the Swedish Gold Coast Forts were built , abandoned , attacked , captured , sold , and exchanged , and many sites were selected at one time or another for fortified positions by contending European nations . The Dutch West India Company operated throughout most of the 18th century . The British African Company of Merchants , founded in 1750 , was the successor to several earlier organizations of this type . These enterprises built and manned new installations as the companies pursued their trading activities and defended their respective jurisdictions with varying degrees of government backing . There were short - lived ventures by the Swedes and the Prussians . The Danes remained until 1850 , when they withdrew from the Gold Coast . The British gained possession of all Dutch coastal forts by the last quarter of the 19th century , thus making them the dominant European power on the Gold Coast . In the late 17th century , social changes within the polities of the Gold Coast led to transformations in warfare , and to the shift from being a gold exporting and slave importing economy to being a minor local slave exporting economy . To be sure , slavery and slave trading were already firmly entrenched in many African societies before their contact with Europe . In most situations , men as well as women captured in local warfare became slaves . In general , however , slaves in African communities were often treated as members of the society with specific rights , and many were ultimately absorbed into their masters ' families as full members . Given traditional methods of agricultural production in Africa , slavery in Africa was quite different from that which existed in the commercial plantation environments of the New World . Triangular Atlantic slave trade routes Some scholars have challenged the premise that rulers on the Gold Coast engaged in wars of expansion for the sole purpose of acquiring slaves for the export market . For example , the Ashanti waged war mainly to pacify territories that in were under Ashanti control , to exact tribute payments from subordinate kingdoms , and to secure access to trade routes -- particularly those that connected the interior with the coast . It is important to mention , however , that the supply of slaves to the Gold Coast was entirely in African hands . Most rulers , such as the kings of various Akan states engaged in the slave trade , as well as individual local merchants . A good number of the Slaves were also brought from various countries in the region and sold to middle men . The demographic impact of the slave trade on West Africa was probably substantially greater than the number actually enslaved because a significant number of Africans perished during wars and bandit attacks or while in captivity awaiting transshipment . All nations with an interest in West Africa participated in the slave trade . Relations between the Europeans and the local populations were often strained , and distrust led to frequent clashes . Disease caused high losses among the Europeans engaged in the slave trade , but the profits realized from the trade continued to attract them . The growth of anti-slavery sentiment among Europeans made slow progress against vested African and European interests that were reaping profits from the traffic . Although individual clergymen condemned the slave trade as early as the 17th century , major Christian denominations did little to further early efforts at abolition . The Quakers , however , publicly declared themselves against slavery as early as 1727 . Later in the century , the Danes stopped trading in slaves ; Sweden and the Netherlands soon followed . In 1807 , Britain used its naval power and its diplomatic muscle to outlaw trade in slaves by its citizens and to begin a campaign to stop the international trade in slaves . The importation of slaves into the United States was outlawed in 1808 . These efforts , however , were not successful until the 1860s because of the continued demand for plantation labour in the New World . Because it took decades to end the trade in slaves , some historians doubt that the humanitarian impulse inspired the abolitionist movement . According to historian Eric Williams , for example , Europe abolished the trans - Atlantic slave trade only because its profitability was undermined by the Industrial Revolution . Williams argued that mass unemployment caused by the new industrial machinery , the need for new raw materials , and European competition for markets for finished goods are the real factors that brought an end to the trade in human cargo and the beginning of competition for colonial territories in Africa . Other scholars , however , disagree with Williams , arguing that humanitarian concerns as well as social and economic factors were instrumental in ending the African slave trade . British Gold Coast ( edit ) Main article : Gold Coast ( British colony ) Britain and the Gold Coast : the early years ( edit ) Neighbouring British and Dutch forts at Sekondi By the later part of the 19th century the Dutch and the British were the only traders left and after the Dutch withdrew in 1874 , Britain made the Gold Coast a protectorate -- a British Crown Colony . During the previous few centuries parts of the area were controlled by British , Portuguese , and Scandinavian powers , with the British ultimately prevailing . These nation - states maintained varying alliances with the colonial powers and each other , which resulted in the 1806 Ashanti - Fante War , as well as an ongoing struggle by the Empire of Ashanti against the British , the four Anglo - Ashanti Wars . By the early 19th century the British acquired most of the forts along the coast . Two major factors laid the foundations of British rule and the eventual establishment of a colony on the Gold Coast : British reaction to the Ashanti wars and the resulting instability and disruption of trade , and Britain 's increasing preoccupation with the suppression and elimination of the slave trade . During most of the 19th century , Ashanti , the most powerful state of the Akan interior , sought to expand its rule and to promote and protect its trade . The first Ashanti invasion of the coastal regions took place in 1807 ; the Ashanti moved south again in 1811 and in 1814 . These invasions , though not decisive , disrupted trade in such products as gold , timber , and palm oil , and threatened the security of the European forts . Local British , Dutch , and Danish authorities were all forced to come to terms with Ashanti , and in 1817 the African Company of Merchants signed a treaty of friendship that recognized Ashanti claims to sovereignty over large areas of the coast and its peoples . Anglo - Ashanti wars The coastal people , primarily some of the Fante and the inhabitants of the new town of Accra came to rely on British protection against Ashanti incursions , but the ability of the merchant companies to provide this security was limited . The British Crown dissolved the company in 1821 , giving authority over British forts on the Gold Coast to Governor Charles MacCarthy , governor of Sierra Leone . The British forts and Sierra Leone remained under common administration for the first half of the century . MacCarthy 's mandate was to impose peace and to end the slave trade . He sought to do this by encouraging the coastal peoples to oppose Kumasi rule and by closing the great roads to the coast . Incidents and sporadic warfare continued , however . In 1823 , the First Anglo - Ashanti War broke out and lasted until 1831 . MacCarthy was killed , and most of his force was wiped out in a battle with Ashanti forces in 1824 . When the English government allowed control of the Gold Coast settlements to revert to the British African Company of Merchants in the late 1820s , relations with the Ashanti were still problematic . From the Ashanti point of view , the British had failed to control the activities of their local coastal allies . Had this been done , Ashanti might not have found it necessary to attempt to impose peace on the coastal peoples . MacCarthy 's encouragement of coastal opposition to Ashanti and the subsequent 1824 British military attack further indicated to the Ashanti authorities that the Europeans , especially the British , did not respect Ashanti . In 1830 a London committee of merchants chose Captain George Maclean to become president of a local council of merchants . Although his formal jurisdiction was limited , Maclean 's achievements were substantial ; for example , a peace treaty was arranged with the Ashanti in 1831 . Maclean also supervised the coastal people by holding regular court in Cape Coast where he punished those found guilty of disturbing the peace . Between 1830 and 1843 while Maclean was in charge of affairs on the Gold Coast , no confrontations occurred with Ashanti , and the volume of trade reportedly increased threefold . Maclean 's exercise of limited judicial power on the coast was so effective that a parliamentary committee recommended that the British government permanently administer its settlements and negotiate treaties with the coastal chiefs that would define Britain 's relations with them . The government did so in 1843 , the same year crown government was reinstated . Commander H. Worsley Hill was appointed first governor of the Gold Coast . Under Maclean 's administration , several coastal tribes had submitted voluntarily to British protection . Hill proceeded to define the conditions and responsibilities of his jurisdiction over the protected areas . He negotiated a special treaty with a number of Fante and other local chiefs that became known as the Bond of 1844 . This document obliged local leaders to submit serious crimes , such as murder and robbery , to British jurisdiction and laid the legal foundation for subsequent British colonization of the coastal area . Major General Sir Garnet Wolseley Additional coastal states as well as other states farther inland eventually signed the Bond , and British influence was accepted , strengthened , and expanded . Under the terms of the 1844 arrangement , the British gave the impression that they would protect the coastal areas ; thus , an informal protectorate came into being . As responsibilities for defending local allies and managing the affairs of the coastal protectorate increased , the administration of the Gold Coast was separated from that of Sierra Leone in 1850 . At about the same time , growing acceptance of the advantages offered by the British presence led to the initiation of another important step . In April 1852 , local chiefs and elders met at Cape Coast to consult with the governor on means of raising revenue . With the governor 's approval , the council of chiefs constituted itself as a legislative assembly . In approving its resolutions , the governor indicated that the assembly of chiefs should become a permanent fixture of the protectorate 's constitutional machinery , but the assembly was given no specific constitutional authority to pass laws or to levy taxes without the consent of the people . The Second Anglo - Ashanti War broke out in 1863 and lasted until 1864 . In 1872 , British influence over the Gold Coast increased further when Britain purchased Elmina Castle , the last of the Dutch forts along the coast . The Ashanti , who for years had considered the Dutch at Elmina as their allies , thereby lost their last trade outlet to the sea . To prevent this loss and to ensure that revenue received from that post continued , the Ashanti staged their last invasion of the coast in 1873 . After early successes , they finally came up against well - trained British forces who compelled them to retreat beyond the Pra River . Later attempts to negotiate a settlement of the conflict with the British were rejected by the commander of their forces , Major General Sir Garnet Wolseley . To settle the Ashanti problem permanently , the British invaded Ashanti with a sizable military force . This invasion initiated the Third Anglo - Ashanti War . The attack , which was launched in January 1874 by 2,500 British soldiers and large numbers of African auxiliaries , resulted in the occupation and burning of Kumasi , the Ashanti capital . The subsequent peace treaty of 1875 , required the Ashanti to renounce any claim to many southern territories . The Ashanti also had to keep the road to Kumasi open to trade . From this point on , Ashanti power steadily declined . The confederation slowly disintegrated as subject territories broke away and as protected regions defected to British rule . The warrior spirit of the nation was not entirely subdued , however , and enforcement of the treaty led to recurring difficulties and outbreaks of fighting . In 1896 , the British dispatched another expedition that again occupied Kumasi and that forced Ashanti to become a protectorate of the British Crown . This became the Fourth Anglo - Ashanti War which lasted from 1894 until 1896 . The position of `` Asantehene '' was abolished and the incumbent , Prempeh I , was exiled . A British resident was installed at Kumasi . The core of the Ashanti federation accepted these terms grudgingly . In 1900 the Ashanti rebelled again ( the War of the Golden Stool ) but were defeated the next year , and in 1902 the British proclaimed Ashanti a colony under the jurisdiction of the governor of the Gold Coast . The annexation was made with misgivings and recriminations on both sides . With Ashanti , and golden district subdued and annexed , British colonization of the region became a reality . British rule of the Gold Coast : the colonial era ( edit ) Main articles : West Africa Campaign ( World War I ) and West Africa Campaign ( World War II ) Military confrontations between Ashanti and the Fante contributed to the growth of British influence on the Gold Coast , as the Fante states -- concerned about Ashanti activities on the coast -- signed the Bond of 1844 at Fomena - Adansi , that allowed the British to usurp judicial authority from African courts . As a result of the exercise of ever - expanding judicial powers on the coast and also to ensure that the coastal peoples remained firmly under control , the British proclaimed the existence of the Gold Coast Colony on July 24 , 1874 , which extended from the coast inland to the edge of Ashanti territory . Though the coastal peoples were unenthusiastic about this development , there was no popular resistance , likely because the British made no claim to any rights to the land . 1896 Map of the British Gold Coast Colony . In 1896 , a British military force invaded Ashanti and overthrew the native Asantehene named Prempeh I . The deposed Ashanti leader was replaced by a British resident at Kumasi . The British sphere of influence was , thus , extended to include Ashanti following their defeat in 1896 . However , British Governor Hodgson went too far in his restrictions on the Ashanti , when , in 1900 , he demanded the `` Golden Stool , '' the symbol of Ashanti rule and independence for the Ashanti . This caused another Ashanti revolt against the British colonizers . However , the Ashanti were defeated again in 1901 . Once the Asantehene and his council had been exiled , the British appointed a resident commissioner to Ashanti . Each Ashanti state was administered as a separate entity and was ultimately responsible to the governor of the Gold Coast . In the meantime , the British became interested in the Northern Territories north of Ashanti , which they believed would forestall the advances of the French and the Germans . After 1896 protection was extended to northern areas whose trade with the coast had been controlled by Ashanti . In 1898 and 1899 , European colonial powers amicably demarcated the boundaries between the Northern Territories and the surrounding French and German colonies . The Northern Territories were proclaimed a British protectorate in 1902 . Like the Ashanti protectorate , the Northern Territories were placed under the authority of a resident commissioner who was responsible to the governor of the Gold Coast . The governor ruled both Ashanti and the Northern Territories by proclamations until 1946 . With the north under British control , the three territories of the Gold Coast -- the Colony ( the coastal regions ) , Ashanti , and the Northern Territories -- became , for all practical purposes , a single political unit , or crown colony , known as the Gold Coast . The borders of present - day Ghana were realized in May 1956 when the people of the Volta region , known as British Mandated Togoland , a vote was made in a plebiscite on whether British Togoland should become part of modern Ghana ; the Togoland Congress voted 42 % against . 58 % of votes opted for integration . Colonial administration ( edit ) Beginning in 1850 , the coastal regions increasingly came under control of the governor of the British fortresses , who was assisted by the Executive Council and the Legislative Council . The Executive Council was a small advisory body of European officials that recommended laws and voted taxes , subject to the governor 's approval . The Legislative Council included the members of the Executive Council and unofficial members initially chosen from British commercial interests . After 1900 three chiefs and three other Africans were added to the Legislative Council , though the inclusion of John Cena from Ashanti and the Northern Territories did not take place until much later . The gradual emergence of centralized colonial government brought about unified control over local services , although the actual administration of these services was still delegated to local authorities . Specific duties and responsibilities came to be clearly delineated , and the role of traditional states in local administration was also clarified . The structure of local government had its roots in traditional patterns of government . Village councils of chiefs and elders were responsible for the immediate needs of individual localities , including traditional law and order and the general welfare . The councils ruled by consent rather than by right : though chosen by the ruling class , a chief continued to rule because he was accepted by his people . The Portuguese - built Elmina Castle as purchased by Britain in 1873 . It is now a World Heritage Site British authorities adopted a system of indirect rule for colonial administration , wherein traditional chiefs maintained power but took instructions from their European supervisors . Indirect rule was cost - effective ( by reducing the number of European officials needed ) , minimized local opposition to European rule , and guaranteed law and order . Though theoretically decentralizing , indirect rule in practice caused chiefs to look to Accra ( the capital ) rather than to their people for decisions . Many chiefs , who were rewarded with honors , decorations , and knighthood by government commissioners , came to regard themselves as a ruling aristocracy . In its preservation of traditional forms of power , indirect rule failed to provide opportunities for the country 's growing population of educated young men . Other groups were dissatisfied because there was insufficient cooperation between the councils and the central government and because some felt that the local authorities were too dominated by the British district commissioners . In 1925 provincial councils of chiefs were established in all three territories of the colony , partly to give the chiefs a colony - wide function . The 1927 Native Administration Ordinance clarified and regulated the powers and areas of jurisdiction of chiefs and councils . In 1935 the Native Authorities Ordinance combined the central colonial government and the local authorities into a single governing system . New native authorities , appointed by the governor , were given wide powers of local government under the supervision of the central government 's provincial commissioners , who made sure that their policies would be those of the central government . The provincial councils and moves to strengthen them were not popular . Even by British standards , the chiefs were not given enough power to be effective instruments of indirect rule . Some Ghanaians believed that the reforms , by increasing the power of the chiefs at the expense of local initiative , permitted the colonial government to avoid movement toward any form of popular participation in the colony 's government . Economic and social development ( edit ) The years of British administration of the Gold Coast during the 20th century were an era of significant progress in social , economic , and educational development . Communications and railroads were greatly improved . New crops were introduced . A leading crop that was the result of an introduced crop was coffee . However , most spectacular among these introduced crops was the cacao tree which had been indigenous to the New World and had been introduced in Africa by the Spanish and Portuguese . Cacao had been introduced to the Gold Coast in 1879 by Tetteh Quashie a blacksmith from Gold Coast . Cacao tree raising and farming became widely accepted in the eastern part of the Gold Coast . In 1891 , the Gold Coast exported only 80 lbs. of cacao worth no more than 4 pounds sterling . However , by the 1920s cacao exports had passed 200,000 tons and had reached a value of 4.7 million pounds sterling . By 1928 , cacao exports had reached 11.7 million pounds sterling . Thus , cacao production became a major part of the economy of the Gold coast and later a major part of Ghana 's economy . The colony 's earnings increased further from the export of timber and gold . Revenue from export of the colony 's natural resources financed internal improvements in infrastructure and social services . The foundation of an educational system more advanced than any other else in West Africa also resulted from mineral export revenue . It was through British - style education that a new Ghanaian elite gained the means and the desire to strive for independence . From beginnings in missionary schools , the early part of the 20th century saw the opening of secondary schools and the country 's first institute of higher learning . Many of the economic and social improvements in the Gold Coast in the early part of the current century have been attributed to the Canadian - born Gordon Guggisberg , governor from 1919 to 1927 . Within the first six weeks of his governorship , he presented a ten - year development programme to the Legislative Council . He suggested first the improvement of transportation . Then , in order of priority , his prescribed improvements included water supply , drainage , hydroelectric projects , public buildings , town improvements , schools , hospitals , prisons , communication lines , and other services . Guggisberg also set a goal of filling half of the colony 's technical positions with Africans as soon as they could be trained . His programme has been described as the most ambitious ever proposed in West Africa up to that time . The colony assisted Britain in both World War I and World War II . In the ensuing years , however , postwar inflation and instability severely hampered readjustment for returning veterans , who were in the forefront of growing discontent and unrest . Their war service and veterans ' associations had broadened their horizons , making it difficult for them to return to the humble and circumscribed positions set aside for Africans by the colonial authorities . The growth of nationalism and the end of colonial rule ( edit ) As Ghana developed economically , education of the citizenry progressed apace . In 1890 there were only 5 government and 49 `` assisted '' mission schools in the whole of the Gold Coast with a total enrollment of only 5,000 . By 1920 there were 20 governmental schools , 188 `` assisted '' mission and 309 `` unassisted '' mission schools with a total enrollment of 43,000 pupils . By 1940 , there were 91,000 children attending Gold Coast schools . By 1950 , the 279,000 children attending some 3,000 schools in the Gold Coast . This meant that , in 1950 , 43.6 % of the school - age children in the Gold Coast colony were attending school . Thus by the end of the Second World War , the Gold Coast colony was the richest and most educated territories in West Africa . Within this educated environment , the focus of government power gradually shifted from the hands of the governor and his officials into those of Ghanaians , themselves . The changes resulted from the gradual development of a strong spirit of nationalism and were to result eventually in independence . The development of national consciousness accelerated quickly in the post-World War II era , when , in addition to ex-servicemen , a substantial group of urban African workers and traders emerged to lend mass support to the aspirations of a small educated minority . Early manifestations of nationalism in Ghana ( edit ) By the late 19th century , a growing number of educated Africans increasingly found unacceptable an arbitrary political system that placed almost all power in the hands of the governor through his appointment of council members . In the 1890s , some members of the educated coastal elite organized themselves into the Aborigines ' Rights Protection Society to protest a land bill that threatened traditional land tenure . This protest helped lay the foundation for political action that would ultimately lead to independence . In 1920 , one of the African members of the Legislative Council , Joseph E. Casely - Hayford , convened the National Congress of British West Africa . The National Congress demanded a wide range of reforms and innovations for British West Africa . The National Congress sent a delegation to London to urge the Colonial Office to consider the principle of elected representation . The group , which claimed to speak for all British West African colonies , represented the first expression of political solidarity between intellectuals and nationalists of the area . Though the delegation was not received in London ( on the grounds that it represented only the interests of a small group of urbanized Africans ) , its actions aroused considerable support among the African elite at home . Notwithstanding their call for elected representation as opposed to a system whereby the governor appointed council members , these nationalists insisted that they were loyal to the British Crown and that they merely sought an extension of British political and social practices to Africans . Notable leaders included Africanus Horton , the writer John Mensah Sarbah , and S.R.B. Attah - Ahoma . Such men gave the nationalist movement a distinctly elitist flavour that was to last until the late 1940s . The constitution of April 8 , 1925 , promulgated by Guggisberg , created provincial councils of paramount chiefs for all but the northern provinces of the colony . These councils in turn elected six chiefs as unofficial members of the Legislative Council , which however had an inbuilt British majority and whose powers were in any case purely advisory . Although the new constitution appeared to recognize some African sentiments , Guggisberg was concerned primarily with protecting British interests . For example , he provided Africans with a limited voice in the central government ; yet , by limiting nominations to chiefs , he drove a wedge between chiefs and their educated subjects . The intellectuals believed that the chiefs , in return for British support , had allowed the provincial councils to fall completely under control of the government . By the mid-1930s , however , a gradual rapprochement between chiefs and intellectuals had begun . Agitation for more adequate representation continued . Newspapers owned and managed by Africans played a major part in provoking this discontent -- six were being published in the 1930s . As a result of the call for broader representation , two more unofficial African members were added to the Executive Council in 1943 . Changes in the Legislative Council , however , had to await a different political climate in London , which came about only with the postwar election of a British Labour Party government . The new Gold Coast constitution of March 29 , 1946 ( also known as the Burns constitution after the governor of the time , Sir Alan Cuthbert Maxwell Burns ) was a bold document . For the first time , the concept of an official majority was abandoned . The Legislative Council was now composed of six ex-officio members , six nominated members , and eighteen elected members , however the Legislative Council continued to have purely advisory powers -- all executive power remained with the governor . The 1946 constitution also admitted representatives from Ashanti into the council for the first time . Even with a Labour Party government in power , however , the British continued to view the colonies as a source of raw materials that were needed to strengthen their crippled economy . Change that would place real power in African hands was not a priority among British leaders until after rioting and looting in Accra and other towns and cities in early 1948 over issues of pensions for ex-servicemen , the dominant role of foreigners in the economy , the shortage of housing , and other economic and political grievances . With elected members in a decisive majority , Ghana had reached a level of political maturity unequalled anywhere in colonial Africa . The constitution did not , however , grant full self - government . Executive power remained in the hands of the governor , to whom the Legislative Council was responsible . Hence , the constitution , although greeted with enthusiasm as a significant milestone , soon encountered trouble . World War II had just ended , and many Gold Coast veterans who had served in British overseas expeditions returned to a country beset with shortages , inflation , unemployment , and black - market practices . There veterans , along with discontented urban elements , formed a nucleus of malcontents ripe for disruptive action . They were now joined by farmers , who resented drastic governmental measures required to cut out diseased cacao trees in order to control an epidemic , and by many others who were unhappy that the end of the war had not been followed by economic improvements . Politics of the independence movements ( edit ) Although political organizations had existed in the British colony , the United Gold Coast Convention ( UGCC ) , founded on 4 August 1947 by educated Ghanaians known as The Big Six , was the first nationalist movement with the aim of self - government `` in the shortest possible time . '' It called for the replacement of chiefs on the Legislative Council with educated persons . They also demanded that , given their education , the colonial administration should respect them and accord them positions of responsibility . In particular , the UGCC leadership criticized the government for its failure to solve the problems of unemployment , inflation , and the disturbances that had come to characterize the society at the end of the war . Though they opposed the colonial administration , UGCC members did not seek drastic or revolutionary change . Public dissatisfaction with the UGCC expressed itself on February 28 , 1948 as a demonstration of ex-servicemen organized by the ex-serviceman's union paraded through Accra . To disperse the demonstrators , police fired on them killing three ex-servicemen and wounding sixty . Five days of violent disorder followed in Accra in response to the shooting and rioters broke into and looted the shops owned by Europeans and Syrians . Rioting also broke out in Kumasi and other towns across the Gold Coast . The Big Six including Nkrumah were imprisoned by the British authorities from 12 March to 12 April 1948 . The police shooting and the resultant riots indicated that the gentlemanly manner in which politics had been conducted by the UGCC was irrelevant in the new post-war world . This change in the dynamics of politics of the Gold Coast was not lost on Kwame Nkrumah who broke with the UGCC publicly during its Easter Convention in 1949 , and created his Convention People 's Party ( CPP ) on 12 June 1949 . After his brief tenure with the UGCC , the US - and British - educated Nkrumah broke with the organization over his frustration at the UGCC 's weak attempts to solve the problems of the Gold Coast colony by negotiating another new conciliatory colonial constitution with the British colonial authority . Unlike the UGCC 's call for self - government `` in the shortest possible time , '' Nkrumah and the CPP asked for `` self - government now . '' The party leadership identified itself more with ordinary working people than with the UGCC and its intelligentsia , and the movement found support among workers , farmers , youths , and market women . The politicized population consisted largely of ex-servicemen , literate persons , journalists , and elementary school teachers , all of whom had developed a taste for populist conceptions of democracy . A growing number of uneducated but urbanized industrial workers also formed part of the support group . By June 1949 , Nkrumah had a mass following . The constitution of January 1 , 1951 resulted from the report of the Coussey Committee , created because of disturbances in Accra and other cities in 1948 . In addition to giving the Executive Council a large majority of African ministers , it created an assembly , half the elected members of which were to come from the towns and rural districts and half from the traditional councils . Although it was an enormous step forward , the new constitution still fell far short of the CPP 's call for full self - government . Executive power remained in British hands , and the legislature was tailored to permit control by traditionalist interests . With increasing popular backing , the CPP in early 1950 initiated a campaign of `` Positive Action '' intended to instigate widespread strikes and nonviolent resistance . When some violent disorders occurred on January 20 , 1950 Nkrumah was arrested and imprisoned for sedition . This merely established him as a leader and hero , building popular support , and when the first elections were held for the Legislative Assembly under the new constitution from February 5 -- 10 , 1951 , Nkrumah ( still in jail ) won a seat , and the CPP won a two - thirds majority of votes cast winning 34 of the 38 elected seats in the Assembly . Nkrumah was released from jail on 11 February 1951 , and the following day accepted an invitation to form a government as `` leader of government business , '' a position similar to that of prime minister . The start of Nkrumah 's first term was marked by cooperation with the British governor . During the next few years , the government was gradually transformed into a full parliamentary system . The changes were opposed by the more traditionalist African elements , though opposition proved ineffective in the face of popular support for independence at an early date . On March 10 , 1952 the new position of prime minister was created , and Nkrumah was elected to the post by the Assembly . At the same time the Executive Council became the cabinet . The new constitution of 5 May 1954 ended the election of assembly members by the tribal councils . The Legislative Assembly increased in size , and all members were chosen by direct election from equal , single - member constituencies . Only defense and foreign policy remained in the hands of the governor ; the elected assembly was given control of virtually all internal affairs of the colony . The CPP won 71 of the 104 seats in the 15 June 1954 election . The CPP pursued a policy of political centralization , which encountered serious opposition . Shortly after the 15 June 1954 election , a new party , the Ashanti - based National Liberation Movement ( NLM ) , was formed . The NLM advocated a federal form of government , with increased powers for the various regions . NLM leaders criticized the CPP for perceived dictatorial tendencies . The new party worked in cooperation with another regionalist group , the Northern People 's Party . When these two regional parties walked out of discussions on a new constitution , the CPP feared that London might consider such disunity an indication that the colony was not yet ready for the next phase of self - government . The British constitutional adviser , however , backed the CPP position . The governor dissolved the assembly in order to test popular support for the CPP demand for immediate independence . On 11 May 1956 the British agreed to grant independence if so requested by a ' reasonable ' majority of the new legislature . New elections were held on 17 July 1956 . In keenly contested elections , the CPP won 57 percent of the votes cast , but the fragmentation of the opposition gave the CPP every seat in the south as well as enough seats in Ashanti , the Northern Territories , and the Trans - Volta Region to hold a two - thirds majority by winning 72 of the 104 seats . On May 9 , 1956 a plebiscite was conducted under United Nations ( UN ) auspices to decide the future disposition of British Togoland and French Togoland . The British trusteeship , the western portion of the former German colony , had been linked to the Gold Coast since 1919 and was represented in its parliament . The dominant ethnic group , the Ewe people , were divided between the two Togos . A majority ( 58 % ) of British Togoland inhabitants voted in favour of union , and the area was absorbed into Ashantiland and Dagbon . There was , however , vocal opposition to the incorporation from the Ewe people ( 42 % ) in British Togoland . Independent Ghana ( edit ) Play media Universal Newsreel about the independence of Ghana A postage stamp of Gold Coast overprinted for Ghanaian independence in 1957 . Further information : Ghana ( Commonwealth realm ) On August 3 , 1956 , the new assembly passed a motion authorizing the government to request independence within the British Commonwealth . The opposition did not attend the debate , and the vote was unanimous . The British government accepted this motion as clearly representing a reasonable majority , so on 18 September 1956 the British set 6 March 1957 , the 113th anniversary of the Bond of 1844 , as the date the former British colony of the Gold Coast was to become the independent state of Ghana , and the nation 's Legislative Assembly was to become the National Assembly . Nkrumah continued as prime minister , and Queen Elizabeth II as monarch , represented in the former colony by a governor general , Sir Charles Noble Arden - Clarke . This status of Ghana as a Commonwealth realm would continue until 1960 , when after a national referendum , Ghana was declared a republic . In 1945 a conference ( known as the 5th Pan-African Congress ) was held in Manchester to promote pan-African ideas . This was attended by Nkrumah of Ghana , Nnamdi Azikiwe of Nigeria and I.T.A. Wallace - Johnson of Sierra Leone . The India and Pakistani independence catalysed this desire . There was also the rejection of African culture to some extent . Some external forces also contributed to this feeling . African - Americans such as W.E.B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey ( Afro - Jamaican ) raised strong Pan-African conscience . Sir Alan Burns constitution of 1946 provided new legislative council that was made of the Governor as the President , 6 government officials , 6 nominated members and 18 elected members . The executive council was not responsible to the legislative council . They were only in advisory capacity , and the governor did not have to take notice . These forces made Dr J.B. Danquah form the United Gold Coast Conversion ( UGCC ) in 1947 , and Nkrumah was invited to be this party 's General Secretary . Other officers were George Alfred Grant ( Paa Grant ) , Edward Akufo - Addo , William Ofori Atta , Emmanuel Obetsebi - Lamptey , Ebenezer Ako - Adjei , and J. Tsiboe . Their aim was Independence for Ghana . They rejected the Burns constitution amendment of a number of its clauses . It also granted a voice to chiefs and their tribal councils by providing for the creation of regional assemblies . No bill amending the entrenched clauses of the constitution or affecting the powers of the regional bodies or the privileges of the chiefs could become law except by a two - thirds vote of the National Assembly and by simple majority approval in two - thirds of the regional assemblies . When local CPP supporters gained control of enough regional assemblies , however , the Nkrumah government promptly secured passage of an act removing the special entrenchment protection clause in the constitution , a step that left the National Assembly with the power to effect any constitutional change the CPP deemed necessary . Nkrumah , Ghana , and Africa ( edit ) Kwame Nkrumah , pictured in 1961 Nkrumah discussed his political views in his numerous writings , especially in Africa Must Unite ( 1963 ) and in NeoColonialism ( 1965 ) . These writings show the impact of his stay in Britain in the mid-1940s . The pan-Africanist movement , which had held one of its annual conferences , attended by Nkrumah , at Manchester in 1945 , was influenced by socialist ideologies . The movement sought unity among people of African descent and also improvement in the lives of workers who , it was alleged , had been exploited by capitalist enterprises in Africa . Western countries with colonial histories were identified as the exploiters . According to the socialists , `` oppressed '' people ought to identify with the socialist countries and organizations that best represented their interests ; however , all the dominant world powers in the immediate post-1945 period , except the Soviet Union and the United States , had colonial ties with Africa . Nkrumah asserted that even the United States , which had never colonized any part of Africa , was in an advantageous position to exploit independent Africa unless preventive efforts were taken . According to Nkrumah , his government , which represented the first black African nation to win independence , had an important role to play in the struggle against capitalist interests on the continent . As he put it , `` the independence of Ghana would be meaningless unless it was tied to the total liberation of Africa . '' It was important , then , he said , for Ghanaians to `` seek first the political kingdom . '' Economic benefits associated with independence were to be enjoyed later , proponents of Nkrumah 's position argued . But Nkrumah needed strategies to pursue his goals . On the domestic front , Nkrumah believed that rapid modernization of industries and communications was necessary and that it could be achieved if the workforce were completely Africanized and educated . Even more important , however , Nkrumah believed that this domestic goal could be achieved faster if it were not hindered by reactionary politicians -- elites in the opposition parties and traditional chiefs -- who might compromise with Western imperialists . From such an ideological position , Nkrumah supporters justified the Deportation Act of 1957 , the Detention Acts of 1958 , 1959 and 1962 , parliamentary intimidation of CPP opponents , the appointment of Nkrumah as president for life , the recognition of his party as the sole political organization of the state , the creation of the Young Pioneer Movement for the ideological education of the nation 's youth , and the party 's control of the civil service . Government expenditure on road building projects , mass education of adults and children , and health services , as well as the construction of the Akosombo Dam , were all important if Ghana were to play its leading role in Africa 's liberation from colonial and neo-colonial domination . On the continental level , Nkrumah sought to unite Africa so that it could defend its international economic interests and stand up against the political pressures from East and West that were a result of the Cold War . His dream for Africa was a continuation of the pan-Africanist dream as expressed at the Manchester conference . The initial strategy was to encourage revolutionary political movements in Africa . The CIA believed that Nkrumah 's government provided money and training for pro-socialist guerrillas in Ghana , aided after 1964 by the Chinese Communist government . Several hundred trainees passed through this program , administered by Nkrumah 's Bureau of African Affairs , and were sent on to countries such as Rhodesia , Angola , Mozambique , Niger and Congo . Politically , Nkrumah believed that a Ghana , Guinea , and Mali union would serve as the psychological and political impetus for the formation of a United States of Africa . When Nkrumah was criticized for paying little attention to Ghana or for wasting national resources in supporting external programmes , he reversed the argument and accused his opponents of being short - sighted . But the heavy financial burdens created by Nkrumah 's development policies and pan-African adventures created new sources of opposition . With the presentation in July 1961 of the country 's first austerity budget , Ghana 's workers and farmers became aware of and critical of the cost to them of Nkrumah 's programmes . Their reaction set the model for the protests over taxes and benefits that were to dominate Ghanaian political crises for the next thirty years . CPP backbenchers and UP representatives in the National Assembly sharply criticized the government 's demand for increased taxes and , particularly , for a forced savings programme . Urban workers began a protest strike , the most serious of a number of public outcries against government measures during 1961 . Nkrumah 's public demands for an end to corruption in the government and the party further undermined popular faith in the national government . A drop in the price paid to cocoa farmers by the government marketing board aroused resentment among a segment of the population that had always been Nkrumah 's major opponent . Growth of opposition to Nkrumah ( edit ) Nkrumah 's complete domination of political power had served to isolate lesser leaders , leaving each a real or imagined challenger to the ruler . After opposition parties were crushed , opponents came only from within the CPP hierarchy . Among its members was Tawia Adamafio , an Accra politician . Nkrumah had made him general secretary of the CPP for a brief time . Later , Adamafio was appointed minister of state for presidential affairs , the most important post in the president 's staff at Flagstaff House , which gradually became the centre for all decision making and much of the real administrative machinery for both the CPP and the government . The other leader with an apparently autonomous base was John Tettegah , leader of the Trade Union Congress . Neither , however , proved to have any power other than that granted to them by the president . By 1961 , however , the young and more radical members of the CPP leadership , led by Adamafio , had gained ascendancy over the original CPP leaders like Gbedemah . After a bomb attempt on Nkrumah 's life in August 1962 , Adamafio , Ako Adjei ( then minister of foreign affairs ) , and Cofie Crabbe ( all members of the CPP ) were jailed under the Preventive Detention Act . The first Inspector - General of Police , E.R. T Madjitey , from Asite in Manya - Krobo was also relieved of his post . The CPP newspapers charged them with complicity in the assassination attempt , offering as evidence only the fact that they had all chosen to ride in cars far behind the president 's when the bomb was thrown . For more than a year , the trial of the alleged plotters of the 1962 assassination attempt occupied centre stage . The accused were brought to trial before the three - judge court for state security , headed by the chief justice , Sir Arku Korsah . When the court acquitted the accused , Nkrumah used his constitutional prerogative to dismiss Korsah . Nkrumah then obtained a vote from the parliament that allowed retrial of Adamafio and his associates . A new court , with a jury chosen by Nkrumah , found all the accused guilty and sentenced them to death . These sentences , however , were commuted to twenty years ' imprisonment . One - party state ( edit ) In early 1964 , in order to prevent future challenges from the judiciary and after another national referendum , Nkrumah obtained a constitutional amendment allowing him to dismiss any judge . Ghana officially became a one - party state and an act of parliament ensured that there would be only one candidate for president . Other parties having already been outlawed , no non-CPP candidates came forward to challenge the party slate in the general elections announced for June 1965 . Nkrumah had been re-elected president of the country for less than a year when members of the National Liberation Council ( NLC ) overthrew the CPP government in a military coup on 24 February 1966 . At the time , Nkrumah was in China . He took up asylum in Guinea , where he remained until he died in 1972 . Fall of the Nkrumah regime and its Aftermath ( edit ) Main article : History of Ghana ( 1966 -- 1979 ) Leaders of the 1966 military coup justified their takeover by charging that the CPP administration was abusive and corrupt , that Nkrumah 's involvement in African politics was overly aggressive , and that the nation lacked democratic practices . They claimed that the military coup of 1966 was a nationalist one because it liberated the nation from Nkrumah 's dictatorship . Despite the vast political changes that were brought about by the overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah , many problems remained , including ethnic and regional divisions , the country 's economic burdens , and mixed emotions about a resurgence of an overly strong central authority . A considerable portion of the population had become convinced that effective , honest government was incompatible with competitive political parties . Many Ghanaians remained committed to nonpolitical leadership for the nation , even in the form of military rule . The problems of the Busia administration , the country 's first elected government after Nkrumah 's fall , illustrated the problems Ghana would continue to face . It has been argued that the coup was supported by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ; The National Liberation Council ( NLC ) , composed of four army officers and four police officers , assumed executive power . It appointed a cabinet of civil servants and promised to restore democratic government as quickly as possible . These moves culminated in the appointment of a representative assembly to draft a constitution for the Second Republic of Ghana . Political parties were allowed to operate beginning in late 1968 . In Ghana 's 1969 elections , the first competitive nationwide political contest since 1956 , the major contenders were the Progress Party ( PP ) , headed by Kofi Abrefa Busia , and the National Alliance of Liberals ( NAL ) , led by Komla A. Gbedemah . The PP found much of its support among the old opponents of Nkrumah 's CPP -- the educated middle class and traditionalists of the Ashanti Region and the North . The NAL was seen as the successor of the CPP 's right wing . Overall , the PP gained 59 percent of the popular vote and 74 percent of the seats in the National Assembly . Gbedemah , who was soon barred from taking his National Assembly seat by a Supreme Court decision , retired from politics , leaving the NAL without a strong leader . In October 1970 , the NAL absorbed the members of three other minor parties in the assembly to form the Justice Party ( JP ) under the leadership of Joseph Appiah . Their combined strength constituted what amounted to a southern bloc with a solid constituency among most of the Ewe and the peoples of the coastal cities . PP leader Busia became prime minister in September 1970 . After a brief period under an interim three - member presidential commission , the electoral college chose as president Chief Justice Edward Akufo - Addo , one of the leading nationalist politicians of the UGCC era and one of the judges dismissed by Nkrumah in 1964 . All attention , however , remained focused on Prime Minister Busia and his government . Much was expected of the Busia administration , because its parliamentarians were considered intellectuals and , therefore , more perceptive in their evaluations of what needed to be done . Many Ghanaians hoped that their decisions would be in the general interest of the nation , as compared with those made by the Nkrumah administration , which were judged to satisfy narrow party interests and , more important , Nkrumah 's personal agenda . The NLC had given assurances that there would be more democracy , more political maturity , and more freedom in Ghana , because the politicians allowed to run for the 1969 elections were proponents of Western democracy . In fact , these were the same individuals who had suffered under the old regime and were , therefore , thought to understand the benefits of democracy . Two early measures initiated by the Busia government were the expulsion of large numbers of non-citizens from the country and a companion measure to limit foreign involvement in small businesses . The moves were aimed at relieving the unemployment created by the country 's precarious economic situation . The policies were popular because they forced out of the retail sector of the economy those foreigners , especially Lebanese , Asians , and Nigerians , who were perceived as unfairly monopolizing trade to the disadvantage of Ghanaians . Many other Busia moves , however , were not popular . Busia 's decision to introduce a loan programme for university students , who had hitherto received free education , was challenged because it was interpreted as introducing a class system into the country 's highest institutions of learning . Some observers even saw Busia 's devaluation of the national currency and his encouragement of foreign investment in the industrial sector of the economy as conservative ideas that could undermine Ghana 's sovereignty . The opposition Justice Party 's basic policies did not differ significantly from those of the Busia administration . Still , the party attempted to stress the importance of the central government rather than that of limited private enterprise in economic development , and it continued to emphasize programmes of primary interest to the urban work force . The ruling PP emphasized the need for development in rural areas , both to slow the movement of population to the cities and to redress regional imbalance in levels of development . The JP and a growing number of PP members favoured suspension of payment on some foreign debts of the Nkrumah era . This attitude grew more popular as debt payments became more difficult to meet . Both parties favoured creation of a West African economic community or an economic union with the neighboring West African states . Despite broad popular support garnered at its inception and strong foreign connections , the Busia government fell victim to an army coup within twenty - seven months . Neither ethnic nor class differences played a role in the overthrow of the PP government . The crucial causes were the country 's continuing economic difficulties , both those stemming from the high foreign debts incurred by Nkrumah and those resulting from internal problems . The PP government had inherited US $580 million in medium - and long - term debts , an amount equal to 25 percent of the gross domestic product of 1969 . By 1971 the US $580 million had been further inflated by US $72 million in accrued interest payments and US $296 million in short - term commercial credits . Within the country , an even larger internal debt fueled inflation . Ghana 's economy remained largely dependent upon the often difficult cultivation of and market for cocoa . Cocoa prices had always been volatile , but exports of this tropical crop normally provided about half of the country 's foreign currency earnings . Beginning in the 1960s , however , a number of factors combined to limit severely this vital source of national income . These factors included foreign competition ( particularly from neighboring Côte d'Ivoire ) , a lack of understanding of free - market forces ( by the government in setting prices paid to farmers ) , accusations of bureaucratic incompetence in the Cocoa Marketing Board , and the smuggling of crops into Côte d'Ivoire . As a result , Ghana 's income from cocoa exports continued to fall dramatically . Austerity measures imposed by the Busia administration , although wise in the long run , alienated influential farmers , who until then had been PP supporters . These measures were part of Busia 's economic structural adjustment efforts to put the country on a sounder financial base . The austerity programmes had been recommended by the International Monetary Fund . The recovery measures also severely affected the middle class and the salaried work force , both of which faced wage freezes , tax increases , currency devaluations , and rising import prices . These measures precipitated protests from the Trade Union Congress . In response , the government sent the army to occupy the trade union headquarters and to block strike actions -- a situation that some perceived as negating the government 's claim to be operating democratically . The army troops and officers upon whom Busia relied for support were themselves affected , both in their personal lives and in the tightening of the defense budget , by these same austerity measures . As the leader of the anti-Busia coup declared on January 13 , 1972 , even those amenities enjoyed by the army during the Nkrumah regime were no longer available . Knowing that austerity had alienated the officers , the Busia government began to change the leadership of the army 's combat elements . This , however , was the last straw . Lieutenant Colonel Ignatius Kutu Acheampong , temporarily commanding the First Brigade around Accra , led a bloodless coup that ended the Second Republic . National Redemption Council years , 1972 -- 79 ( edit ) Despite its short existence , the Second Republic was significant in that the development problems the nation faced came clearly into focus . These included uneven distribution of investment funds and favouritism toward certain groups and regions . Important questions about developmental priorities remained unanswered , and after the failure of both the Nkrumah and the Busia regimes ( one a one - party state , and the other a multi-party parliamentary democracy ) Ghana 's path to political stability was obscure . Acheampong 's National Redemption Council ( NRC ) claimed that it had to act to remove the ill effects of the currency devaluation of the previous government and thereby , at least in the short run , to improve living conditions for individual Ghanaians . To justify their takeover , coup leaders leveled charges of corruption against Busia and his ministers . The NRC sought to create a truly military government and did not outline any plan for the return of the nation to democratic rule . In matters of economic policy , Busia 's austerity measures were reversed , the Ghanaian currency was revalued upward , foreign debt was repudiated or unilaterally rescheduled , and all large foreign - owned companies were nationalized . The government also provided price supports for basic food imports , while seeking to encourage Ghanaians to become self - reliant in agriculture and the production of raw materials . These measures , while instantly popular , did nothing to solve the country 's problems and in fact aggravated the problem of capital flow . Any economic successes were overridden by other basic economic factors . Industry and transportation suffered greatly as oil prices rose in 1974 , and the lack of foreign exchange and credit left the country without fuel . Basic food production continued to decline even as the population grew . Disillusionment with the government developed , and accusations of corruption began to surface . The reorganization of the NRC into the Supreme Military Council ( SMC ) in 1975 may have been part of a face - saving attempt . Little input from the civilian sector was allowed , and military officers were put in charge of all ministries and state enterprises down to the local level . During the NRC 's early years , these administrative changes led many Ghanaians to hope that the soldiers in command would improve the efficiency of the country 's bloated bureaucracies . Shortly after that time , the government sought to stifle opposition by issuing a decree forbidding the propagation of rumors and by banning a number of independent newspapers and detaining their journalists . Also , armed soldiers broke up student demonstrations , and the government repeatedly closed the universities , which had become important centres of opposition to NRC policies . The self - appointed Ashanti General I.K. Acheampong seemed to have much sympathy for women than his ailing economic policies . As the Commissioner ( Minister ) of Finance , he signed Government checks to concubines and other ladies he barely knew . VW Gulf cars were imported and given to beautiful ladies he came across . Import licenses were given out to friends and ethnic affiliates with impunity . The SMC by 1977 found itself constrained by mounting non-violent opposition . To be sure , discussions about the nation 's political future and its relationship to the SMC had begun in earnest . Although the various opposition groups ( university students , lawyers , and other organized civilian groups ) called for a return to civilian constitutional rule , Acheampong and the SMC favoured a union government -- a mixture of elected civilian and appointed military leaders -- but one in which party politics would be abolished . University students and many intellectuals criticized the union government idea , but others , such as Justice Gustav Koranteng - Addow , who chaired the seventeen - member ad hoc committee appointed by the government to work out details of the plan , defended it as the solution to the nation 's political problems . Supporters of the union government idea viewed multiparty political contests as the perpetrators of social tension and community conflict among classes , regions , and ethnic groups . Unionists argued that their plan had the potential to depoliticize public life and to allow the nation to concentrate its energies on economic problems . A national referendum was held in March 1978 to allow the people to accept or reject the union government concept . A rejection of the union government meant a continuation of military rule . Given this choice , it was surprising that so narrow a margin voted in favour of union government . Opponents of the idea organized demonstrations against the government , arguing that the referendum vote had not been free or fair . The Acheampong government reacted by banning several organizations and by jailing as many as 300 of its opponents . The agenda for change in the union government referendum called for the drafting of a new constitution by an SMC - appointed commission , the selection of a constituent assembly by November 1978 , and general elections in June 1979 . The ad hoc committee had recommended a nonparty election , an elected executive president , and a cabinet whose members would be drawn from outside a single - house National Assembly . The military council would then step down , although its members could run for office as individuals . In July 1978 , in a sudden move , the other SMC officers forced Acheampong to resign , replacing him with Lieutenant General Frederick W.K. Akuffo . The SMC apparently acted in response to continuing pressure to find a solution to the country 's economic dilemma . Inflation was estimated to be as high as 300 percent that year . There were shortages of basic commodities , and cocoa production fell to half its 1964 peak . The council was also motivated by Acheampong 's failure to dampen rising political pressure for changes . Akuffo , the new SMC chairman , promised publicly to hand over political power to a new government to be elected by 1 July 1979 . Despite Akuffo 's assurances , opposition to the SMC persisted . The call for the formation of political parties intensified . In an effort to gain support in the face of continuing strikes over economic and political issues , the Akuffo government at length announced that the formation of political parties would be allowed after January 1979 . Akuffo also granted amnesty to former members of both Nkrumah 's CPP and Busia 's PP , as well as to all those convicted of subversion under Acheampong . The decree lifting the ban on party politics went into effect on 1 January 1979 , as planned . The constitutional assembly that had been working on a new constitution presented an approved draft and adjourned in May . All appeared set for a new attempt at constitutional government in July , when a group of young army officers overthrew the SMC government in June 1979 . The Rawlings era ( edit ) On 15 May 1979 , less than five weeks before constitutional elections were to be held , a group of junior officers led by Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings attempted a coup . Initially unsuccessful , the coup leaders were jailed and held for court - martial . On 4 June , however , sympathetic military officers overthrew the Akuffo regime and released Rawlings and his cohorts from prison fourteen days before the scheduled election . Although the SMC 's pledge to return political power to civilian hands addressed the concerns of those who wanted civilian government , the young officers who had staged the June 4 coup insisted that issues critical to the image of the army and important for the stability of national politics had been ignored . Naomi Chazan , a leading analyst of Ghanaian politics , aptly assessed the significance of the 1979 coup in the following statement : Unlike the initial SMC II ( the Akuffo period , 1978 -- 1979 ) rehabilitation effort which focused on the power elite , this second attempt at reconstruction from a situation of disintegration was propelled by growing alienation . It strove , by reforming the guidelines of public behavior , to define anew the state power structure and to revise its inherent social obligations ... In retrospect the most irreversible outcome of this phase was the systematic eradication of the SMC leadership ... ( Their ) executions signaled not only the termination of the already fallacious myth of the nonviolence of Ghanaian politics , but , more to the point , the deadly serious determination of the new government to wipe the political slate clean . Rawlings and the young officers formed the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council ( AFRC ) . The armed forces were purged of senior officers accused of corrupting the image of the military . In carrying out its goal , however , the AFRC was caught between two groups with conflicting interests , Chazan observed . These included the `` soldier - supporters of the AFRC who were happy to lash out at all manifestations of the old regimes ; and the now organized political parties who decried the undue violence and advocated change with restraint . Despite the coup and the subsequent executions of former heads of military governments ( Afrifa of the NLC ; Acheampong and some of his associates of the NRC ; and Akuffo and leading members of the SMC ) , the planned elections took place , and Ghana had returned to constitutional rule by the end of September 1979 . Before power was granted to the elected government , however , the AFRC sent the unambiguous message that `` people dealing with the public , in whatever capacity , are subject to popular supervision , must abide by fundamental notions of probity , and have an obligation to put the good of the community above personal objective . '' The AFRC position was that the nation 's political leaders , at least those from within the military , had not been accountable to the people . The administration of Hilla Limann , inaugurated on 24 September 1979 , at the beginning of the Third Republic , was thus expected to measure up to the new standard advocated by the AFRC . Limann 's People 's National Party ( PNP ) began the Third Republic with control of only seventy - one of the 140 legislative seats . The opposition Popular Front Party ( PFP ) won forty - two seats , while twenty - six elective positions were distributed among three lesser parties . The percentage of the electorate that voted had fallen to 40 percent . Unlike the country 's previous elected leaders , Limann was a former diplomat and a noncharismatic figure with no personal following . As Limann himself observed , the ruling PNP included people of conflicting ideological orientations . They sometimes disagreed strongly among themselves on national policies . Many observers , therefore , wondered whether the new government was equal to the task confronting the state . The most immediate threat to the Limann administration , however , was the AFRC , especially those officers who organized themselves into the `` June 4 Movement '' to monitor the civilian administration . In an effort to keep the AFRC from looking over its shoulder , the government ordered Rawlings and several other army and police officers associated with the AFRC into retirement ; nevertheless , Rawlings and his associates remained a latent threat , particularly as the economy continued its decline . The first Limann budget , for fiscal year ( FY -- see Glossary ) 1981 , estimated the Ghanaian inflation rate at 70 percent for that year , with a budget deficit equal to 30 percent of the gross national product ( GNP -- see Glossary ) . The Trade Union Congress claimed that its workers were no longer earning enough to pay for food , let alone anything else . A rash of strikes , many considered illegal by the government , resulted , each one lowering productivity and therefore national income . In September the government announced that all striking public workers would be dismissed . These factors rapidly eroded the limited support the Limann government enjoyed among civilians and soldiers . The government fell on 31 December 1981 , in another Rawlings - led coup . Rawlings and his colleagues suspended the 1979 constitution , dismissed the president and his cabinet , dissolved the parliament , and proscribed existing political parties . They established the Provisional National Defense Council ( PNDC ) , initially composed of seven members with Rawlings as chairman , to exercise executive and legislative powers . The existing judicial system was preserved , but alongside it the PNDC created the National Investigation Committee to root out corruption and other economic offenses , the anonymous Citizens ' Vetting Committee to punish tax evasion , and the Public Tribunals to try various crimes . The PNDC proclaimed its intent to allow the people to exercise political power through defense committees to be established in communities , workplaces , and in units of the armed forces and police . Under the PNDC , Ghana remained a unitary government . In December 1982 , the PNDC announced a plan to decentralize government from Accra to the regions , the districts , and local communities , but it maintained overall control by appointing regional and district secretaries who exercised executive powers and also chaired regional and district councils . Local councils , however , were expected progressively to take over the payment of salaries , with regions and districts assuming more powers from the national government . In 1984 , the PNDC created a National Appeals Tribunal to hear appeals from the public tribunals , changed the Citizens ' Vetting Committee into the Office of Revenue Collection and replaced the system of defense committees with Committees for the Defense of the Revolution . In 1984 , the PNDC also created a National Commission on Democracy to study ways to establish participatory democracy in Ghana . The commission issued a `` Blue Book '' in July 1987 outlining modalities for district - level elections , which were held in late 1988 and early 1989 , for newly created district assemblies . One - third of the assembly members are appointed by the government . The Second coming of Rawlings : the first six years , 1982 -- 87 ( edit ) The new government that took power on 31 December 1981 , was the eighth in the fifteen years since the fall of Nkrumah . Calling itself the Provisional National Defense Council ( PNDC ) , its membership included Rawlings as chairman , Brigadier Joseph Nunoo - Mensah ( whom Limann had dismissed as army commander ) , two other officers , and three civilians . Despite its military connections , the PNDC made it clear that it was unlike other soldier - led governments . This was immediately proved by the appointment of fifteen civilians to cabinet positions . In a radio broadcast on 5 January 1982 , Rawlings presented a detailed statement explaining the factors that had necessitated termination of the Third Republic . The PNDC chairman assured the people that he had no intention of imposing himself on Ghanaians . Rather , he `` wanted a chance for the people , farmers , workers , soldiers , the rich and the poor , to be part of the decision - making process . '' He described the two years since the AFRC had handed over power to a civilian government as a period of regression during which political parties attempted to divide the people in order to rule them . The ultimate purpose for the return of Rawlings was , therefore , to `` restore human dignity to Ghanaians . '' In the chairman 's words , the dedication of the PNDC to achieving its goals was different from any the country had ever known . It was for that reason that the takeover was not a military coup , but rather a `` holy war '' that would involve the people in the transformation of the socioeconomic structure of the society . The PNDC also served notice to friends and foes alike that any interference in the PNDC agenda would be `` fiercely resisted . '' Opposition to the PNDC administration developed nonetheless in different sectors of the political spectrum . The most obvious groups opposing the government were former PNP and PFP members . They argued that the Third Republic had not been given time to prove itself and that the PNDC administration was unconstitutional . Further opposition came from the Ghana Bar Association ( GBA ) , which criticized the government 's use of people 's tribunals in the administration of justice . Members of the Trade Union Congress were also angered when the PNDC ordered them to withdraw demands for increased wages . The National Union of Ghanaian Students ( NUGS ) went even farther , calling on the government to hand over power to the attorney general , who would supervise new elections . By the end of June 1982 , an attempted coup had been discovered , and those implicated had been executed . Many who disagreed with the PNDC administration were driven into exile , where they began organizing their opposition . They accused the government of human rights abuses and political intimidation , which forced the country , especially the press , into a `` culture of silence . '' Meanwhile , the PNDC was subjected to the influence of contrasting political philosophies and goals . Although the revolutionary leaders agreed on the need for radical change , they differed on the means of achieving it . For example , John Ndebugre , secretary for agriculture in the PNDC government , who was later appointed northern regional secretary ( governor ) , belonged to the radical Kwame Nkrumah Revolutionary Guard , an extreme left - wing organization that advocated a Marxist -- Leninist course for the PNDC . He was detained and jailed for most of the latter part of the 1980s . Other members of the PNDC , including Kojo Tsikata , P.V. Obeng , and Kwesi Botchwey , were believed to be united only by their determination either to uplift the country from its desperate conditions or to protect themselves from vocal opposition . In keeping with Rawlings 's commitment to populism as a political principle , the PNDC began to form governing coalitions and institutions that would incorporate the populace at large into the machinery of the national government . Workers ' Defence Committees ( WDCs ) , People 's Defence Committees ( PDCs ) , Citizens ' Vetting Committees ( CVCs ) , Regional Defence Committees ( RDCs ) , and National Defence Committees ( NDCs ) were all created to ensure that those at the bottom of society were given the opportunity to participate in the decision - making process . These committees were to be involved in community projects and community decisions , and individual members were expected to expose corruption and `` anti-social activities '' . Public tribunals , which were established outside the normal legal system , were also created to try those accused of antigovernment acts . And a four - week workshop aimed at making these cadres morally and intellectually prepared for their part in the revolution was completed at the University of Ghana , Legon , in July and August 1983 . Various opposition groups criticized the PDCs and WDCs , however . The aggressiveness of certain WDCs , it was argued , interfered with management 's ability to make the bold decisions needed for the recovery of the national economy . In response to such criticisms , the PNDC announced on 1 December 1984 , the dissolution of all PDCs , WDCs , and NDCs , and their replacement with Committees for the Defence of the Revolution ( CDRs ) . With regard to public boards and statutory corporations , excluding banks and financial institutions , Joint Consultative Committees ( JCCs ) that acted as advisory bodies to managing directors were created . The public tribunals , however , despite their characterization as undemocratic by the GBA , were maintained . Although the tribunals had been established in 1982 , the law providing for the creation of a national public tribunal to hear and determine appeals from , and decisions of , regional public tribunals was not passed until August 1984 . Section 3 and Section 10 of the PNDC Establishment Proclamation limited public tribunals to cases of a political and an economic nature . The limitations placed on public tribunals by the government in 1984 may have been an attempt by the administration to redress certain weaknesses . The tribunals , however , were not abolished ; rather , they were defended as `` fundamental to a good legal system '' that needed to be maintained in response to `` growing legal consciousness on the part of the people . '' At the time when the foundations of these sociopolitical institutions were being laid , the PNDC was also engaged in a debate about how to finance the reconstruction of the national economy . The country had indeed suffered from what some described as the excessive and unwise , if not foolish , expenditures of the Nkrumah regime . The degree of decline under the NRC and the SMC had also been devastating . By December 1981 , when the PNDC came to power , the inflation rate topped 200 percent , while real GDP had declined by 3 percent per annum for seven years . Not only cocoa production but even diamonds and timber exports had dropped dramatically . Gold production had also fallen to half its preindependence level . Ghana 's sorry economic condition , according to the PNDC , had resulted in part from the absence of good political leadership . In fact , as early as the AFRC administration in 1979 , Rawlings and his associates had accused three former military leaders ( generals Afrifa , Acheampong , and Akuffo ) of corruption and greed and of thereby contributing to the national crisis and had executed them on the basis of this accusation . In other words , the AFRC in 1979 attributed the national crisis to internal , primarily political , causes . The overthrow of the Limann administration by the PNDC in 1981 was an attempt to prevent another inept administration from aggravating an already bad economic situation . By implication , the way to resolve some of the problems was to stabilize the political situation and to improve the economic conditions of the nation radically . At the end of its first year in power , the PNDC announced a four - year programme of economic austerity and sacrifice that was to be the first phase of an Economic Recovery Programme ( ERP ) . If the economy were to improve significantly , there was need for a large injection of capital -- a resource that could only be obtained from international financial institutions of the West . There were those on the PNDC 's ideological left , however , who rejected consultation with such agencies because these institutions were blamed in part for the nation 's predicament . Precisely because some members of the government also held such views , the PNDC secretary for finance and economic planning , Kwesi Botchwey , felt the need to justify World Bank ( see Glossary ) assistance to Ghana in 1983 : It would be naive and unrealistic for certain sections of the Ghanaian society to think that the request for economic assistance from the World Bank and its affiliates means a sell - out of the aims and objectives of the Ghanaian revolution to the international community ... It does not make sense for the country to become a member of the bank and the IMF and continue to pay its dues only to decline to utilize the resources of these two institutions . The PNDC recognized that it could not depend on friendly nations such as Libya to address the economic problems of Ghana . The magnitude of the crisis -- made worse by widespread bush fires that devastated crop production in 1983 -- 1984 and by the return of more than one million Ghanaians who had been expelled from Nigeria in 1983 , which had intensified the unemployment situation -- called for monetary assistance from institutions with bigger financial chests . Phase One of the ERP began in 1983 . Its goal was economic stability . In broad terms , the government wanted to reduce inflation and to create confidence in the nation 's ability to recover . By 1987 progress was clearly evident . The rate of inflation had dropped to 20 percent , and between 1983 and 1987 , Ghana 's economy reportedly grew at 6 percent per year . Official assistance from donor countries to Ghana 's recovery programmeaveraged US $430 million in 1987 , more than double that of the preceding years . The PNDC administration also made a remarkable payment of more than US $500 million in loan arrears dating to before 1966 . In recognition of these achievements , international agencies had pledged more than US $575 million to the country 's future programmes by May 1987 . With these accomplishments in place , the PNDC inaugurated Phase Two of the ERP , which envisioned privatization of state - owned assets , currency devaluation , and increased savings and investment , and which was to continue until 1990 . Notwithstanding the successes of Phase One of the ERP , many problems remained , and both friends and foes of the PNDC were quick to point them out . One commentator noted the high rate of Ghanaian unemployment as a result of the belt - tightening policies of the PNDC . In the absence of employment or redeployment policies to redress such problems , he wrote , the effects of the austerity programmes might create circumstances that could derail the PNDC recovery agenda . Unemployment was only one aspect of the political problems facing the PNDC government ; another was the size and breadth of the PNDC 's political base . The PNDC initially espoused a populist programme that appealed to a wide variety of rural and urban constituents . Even so , the PNDC was the object of significant criticism from various groups that in one way or another called for a return to constitutional government . Much of this criticism came from student organizations , the GBA , and opposition groups in self - imposed exile , who questioned the legitimacy of the military government and its declared intention of returning the country to constitutional rule . So vocal was the outcry against the PNDC that it appeared on the surface as if the PNDC enjoyed little support among those groups who had historically moulded and influenced Ghanaian public opinion . At a time when difficult policies were being implemented , the PNDC could ill afford the continued alienation and opposition of such prominent critics . By the mid-1980s , therefore , it had become essential that the PNDC demonstrate that it was actively considering steps towards constitutionalism and civilian rule . This was true notwithstanding the recognition of Rawlings as an honest leader and the perception that the situation he was trying to redress was not of his creation . To move in the desired direction , the PNDC needed to weaken the influence and credibility of all antagonistic groups while it created the necessary political structures that would bring more and more Ghanaians into the process of national reconstruction . The PNDC 's solution to its dilemma was the proposal for district assemblies . District assemblies ( edit ) Although the National Commission for Democracy ( NCD ) had existed as an agency of the PNDC since 1982 , it was not until September 1984 that Justice Daniel F. Annan , himself a member of the ruling council , was appointed chairman . The official inauguration of the NCD in January 1985 signaled PNDC determination to move the nation in a new political direction . According to its mandate , the NCD was to devise a viable democratic system , utilizing public discussions . Annan explained the necessity for the commission 's work by arguing that the political party system of the past lost track of the country 's socio - economic development processes . There was the need , therefore , to search for a new political order that would be functionally democratic . Constitutional rules of the past were not acceptable to the new revolutionary spirit , Annan continued , which saw the old political order as using the ballot box `` merely to ensure that politicians got elected into power , after which communication between the electorate and their elected representative completely broke down . '' After two years of deliberations and public hearings , the NCD recommended the formation of district assemblies as local governing institutions that would offer opportunities to the ordinary person to become involved in the political process . The PNDC scheduled elections of the proposed assemblies for the last quarter of 1988 . If , as Rawlings said , the PNDC revolution was a `` holy war , '' then the proposed assemblies were part of a PNDC policy intended to annihilate enemy forces or , at least , to reduce them to impotence . The strategy was to deny the opposition a legitimate political forum within which it could articulate its objections to the government . It was for this reason , as much as it was for those stated by Annan , that a five - member District Assembly Committee was created in each of the nation 's 110 administrative districts and was charged by the NCD with ensuring that all candidates followed electoral rules . The district committees were to disqualify automatically any candidate who had a record of criminal activity , insanity , or imprisonment involving fraud or electoral offenses in the past , especially after 1979 . Also barred from elections were all professionals accused of fraud , dishonesty , and malpractice . The ban on political parties , instituted at the time of the Rawlings coup , was to continue . By barring candidates associated with corruption and mismanagement of national resources from running for district assembly positions , the PNDC hoped to establish new values to govern political behaviour in Ghana . To do so effectively , the government also made it illegal for candidates to mount campaign platforms other than the one defined by the NCD . Every person qualified to vote in the district could propose candidates or be nominated as a candidate . Candidates could not be nominated by organizations and associations but had to run for district office on the basis of personal qualifications and service to their communities . Once in session , an assembly was to become the highest political authority in each district . Assembly members were to be responsible for deliberation , evaluation , coordination , and implementation of programmes accepted as appropriate for the district 's economic development ; however , district assemblies were to be subject to the general guidance and direction of the central government . To ensure that district developments were in line with national policies , one - third of assembly members were to be traditional authorities ( chiefs ) or their representatives ; these members were to be approved by the PNDC in consultation with the traditional authorities and other `` productive economic groups in the district . '' In other words , a degree of autonomy may have been granted to the assemblies in the determination of programmes most suited to the districts , but the PNDC left itself with the ultimate responsibility of making sure that such programmes were in line with the national economic recovery programme . District assemblies as outlined in PNDC documents were widely discussed by friends and foes of the government . Some hailed the proposal as compatible with the goal of granting the people opportunities to manage their own affairs , but others ( especially those of the political right ) accused the government of masking its intention to remain in power . If the government 's desire for democracy were genuine , a timetable for national elections should have been its priority rather than the preoccupation with local government , they argued . Some questioned the wisdom of incorporating traditional chiefs and the degree to which these traditional leaders would be committed to the district assembly idea , while others attacked the election guidelines as undemocratic and , therefore , as contributing to a culture of silence in Ghana . To such critics , the district assemblies were nothing but a move by the PNDC to consolidate its position . Rawlings , however , responded to such criticism by restating the PNDC strategy and the rationale behind it : Steps towards more formal political participation are being taken through the district - level elections that we will be holding throughout the country as part of our decentralisation policy . As I said in my nationwide broadcast on December 31 , if we are to see a sturdy tree of democracy grow , we need to learn from the past and nurture very carefully and deliberately political institutions that will become the pillars upon which the people 's power will be erected . A new sense of responsibility must be created in each workplace , each village , each district ; we already see elements of this in the work of the CDRs , the December 31 Women 's Movement , the June 4 Movement , Town and Village Development Committees , and other organizations through which the voice of the people is being heard . As for the categorization of certain PNDC policies as `` leftist '' and `` rightist , '' Rawlings dismissed such allegations as `` remarkably simplistic ... What is certain is that we are moving forward ! '' For the PNDC , therefore , the district elections constituted an obvious first step in a political process that was to culminate at the national level . Rawlings 's explanation notwithstanding , various opposition groups continued to describe the PNDC - proposed district assemblies as a mere public relations ploy designed to give political legitimacy to a government that had come to power by unconstitutional means . Longtime observers of the Ghanaian political scene , however , identified two major issues at stake in the conflict between the government and its critics : the means by which political stability was to be achieved , and the problem of attaining sustained economic growth . Both had preoccupied the country since the era of Nkrumah . The economic recovery programmes implemented by the PNDC in 1983 and the proposal for district assemblies in 1987 were major elements in the government 's strategy to address these fundamental and persistent problems . Both were very much part of the national debate in Ghana in the late 1980s . End of one - party state ( edit ) Ghana 's 50th Independence Anniversary parade in Accra , March 2007 . Under international and domestic pressure for a return to democracy , the PNDC allowed the establishment of a 258 - member Consultative Assembly made up of members representing geographic districts as well as established civic or business organizations . The assembly was charged to draw up a draft constitution to establish a fourth republic , using PNDC proposals . The PNDC accepted the final product without revision , and it was put to a national referendum on 28 April 1992 , in which it received 92 % approval . On 18 May 1992 , the ban on party politics was lifted in preparation for multi-party elections . The PNDC and its supporters formed a new party , the National Democratic Congress ( NDC ) , to contest the elections . Presidential elections were held on 3 November and parliamentary elections on 29 December that year . Members of the opposition boycotted the parliamentary elections , however , which resulted in a 200 - seat Parliament with only 17 opposition party members and two independents . The Fourth Republic ( edit ) The Constitution entered into force on 7 January 1993 , to found the Fourth Republic . On that day , Rawlings was inaugurated as President and members of Parliament swore their oaths of office . In 1996 , the opposition fully contested the presidential and parliamentary elections , which were described as peaceful , free , and transparent by domestic and international observers . Rawlings was re-elected with 57 % of the popular vote . In addition , Rawlings ' NDC party won 133 of the Parliament 's 200 seats , just one seat short of the two - thirds majority needed to amend the Constitution , although the election returns of two parliamentary seats faced legal challenges . In the presidential election of 2000 , Jerry Rawlings endorsed his vice president , John Atta - Mills , as the candidate for the ruling NDC . John Kufuor stood for the New Patriotic Party ( NPP ) , won the election , and became the president on 7 January 2001 . The vice president was Aliu Mahama . The presidential election of 2000 was viewed as free and fair . Kufuor won another term again in the presidential election in 2004 . In the presidency of Kufuor saw several social reforms , such as the reform in the system of National Health Insurance of Ghana in 2003 . In 2005 started the Ghana School Feeding Programme , in which a free hot meal per day was provided in public schools and kindergartens in the poorest area . Although some projects were criticised as unfinished or unfunded , the progress of Ghana was noted internationally . President Kufuor soon gave up power in 2008 . The ruling New Patriotic Party chose Nana Akufo - Addo , son of Edward Akufo - Addo , as their candidate while National Democratic Congress 's John Atta Mills stood for the third time . After a run - off , John Atta Mills won the election . On 24 July 2012 , Ghana suffered a shocking blow when their president died . Power was then given to his vice-president , John Dramani Mahama . He chose the then Governor of the Bank of Ghana , Mr Amissah Arthur , as his vice . The National Democratic Congress won the 2012 election , making John Mahama rule again , his first term . See also ( edit ) Heads of government of Ghana History of Africa History of West Africa List of Ghana governments List of heads of state of Ghana Politics of Ghana Accra history and timeline Trade & Pilgrimage Routes of Ghana References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Encarta article on Ghana : `` the new state took its name from that of the medieval empire of Ghana '' is third line down from the top . Archived 2009 - 11 - 01 . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` The Pre-Colonial . Peter is a national citizen of Ghana and is the dictator . Jump up ^ Levtzion , Nehemia ( 1973 ) . Ancient Ghana and Mali . New York : Methuen & Co Ltd. p. 3 . ISBN 0841904316 . Jump up ^ Robin Hallett , Africa to 1875 ( University of Michigan Press : Ann Arbor , 1970 ) p. 69 . Jump up ^ Hallett , Africa to 1875 , p. 153 . Jump up ^ Hallett , Africa to 1875 , pp. 153 - 154 . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` Early European Contact and the Slave Trade '' . ^ Jump up to : Hallett , Africa to 1875 , p. 164 . Jump up ^ Hallett , Africa to 1875 , p. 219 . Jump up ^ Walter Rodney , `` From Gold to Slaves on the Gold Coast '' , in Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana . ^ Jump up to : Hallett , Africa to 1875 , p. 188 . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` Britain and the Gold Coast : the Early Years '' . Jump up ^ Robin Hallett , Africa Since 1875 ( Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press , 1974 ) , p. 279 . ^ Jump up to : Hallett , Africa Since 1875 : A Modern History , p. 281 . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` The Colonial Era : British Rule of the Gold Coast '' . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` Colonial Administration '' . ^ Jump up to : Hallett , Africa Since 1875 : A Modern History , p. 327 . Jump up ^ Hallett , Africa Since 1875 : A Modern History , pp. 327 - 328 . Jump up ^ Hallett , Africa Since 1875 : A Modern History , p. 328 . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` Economic and Social Development '' . ^ Jump up to : Hallett , Africa Since 1875 : a Modern History , p. 303 . ^ Jump up to : Hallett , Africa Since 1875 : A Modern History , p. 341 . ^ Jump up to : Hallett , Africa Since 1875 : A Modern History , p. 353 . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` Early Manifestations of Nationalism '' . Jump up ^ Hallett , Africa Since 1875 : A Modern History , pp. 364 -- 365 . ^ Jump up to : Hallet , Africa Since 1875 : A Modern History , p. 365 . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` The Politics of the Independence Movements '' . Jump up ^ Kennett Love , `` BRITAIN PROMISES FREE GOLD COAST ; African Colony Is Offered Independence as Soon as New Legislature Asks It '' , The New York Times , 12 May 1956 . Jump up ^ Thomas F. Brady , `` GOLD COAST ASKS FOR ITS FREEDOM ; Accra Assembly , 72 - 0 , Under Opposition Boycott , Votes Formal Plea to Britain '' , The New York Times , 4 August 1956 . Jump up ^ `` British Set March 6 As Date of Freedom For the Gold Coast ; GOLD COAST GETS DATE OF FREEDOM Pledge Is Welcomed '' , The New York Times , 19 September 1956 . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` Independent Ghana '' . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` Nkrumah , Ghana , and Africa '' . Jump up ^ `` IM : GHANA 'S FREEDOM FIGHTERS ' CAMP AND THE CHINESE COMMUNISTS CIA FOIA ( ) '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 18 . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` The Growth of Opposition to Nkrumah '' . Jump up ^ McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` The Fall of the Nkrumah Regime and its Aftermath '' . Jump up ^ Interview with John Stockwell in Pandora 's Box : Black Power ( Adam Curtis , BBC Two , 22 June 1992 ) . Jump up ^ Foreign Relations of The United States 1964 -- 1968 , Volume XXIV . United States Department of State , Richard Helms ( CIA ) file on Nkrumah . , `` 4th February -- A Dark Day In Our National History '' . 24 February 2005 . On Nkrumah assassination by CIA : Kevin Gaines ( 2006 ) , American Africans in Ghana , Black expatriates and the Civil Rights Era , Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` The National Liberation Council and the Busia Years , 1966 -- 71 '' . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` The National Redemption Council Years , 1972 -- 79 '' . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` Ghana and the Rawlings Era '' . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` The second coming of Rawlings : the first six years , 1982 -- 87 '' . ^ Jump up to : McLaughlin & Owusu - Ansah ( 1994 ) , `` The District Assemblies '' . Jump up ^ Defending Democracy : A Global Survey of Foreign Policy Trends 1992 -- 2002 Democracy Coalition Project . . Jump up ^ Pflanz , Mike . Ghana says goodbye to President John Kufuor a good man in Africa . The Daily Telegraph . 7 December 2008 . Jump up ^ The Ghana School Feeding Programme . SNV Netherlands Development Organisation . Jump up ^ Ghana : From Kufuor to Mills . House of Commons Library . Further reading ( edit ) Apter , David . Ghana in transition ( Princeton University Press , 2015 ) Austin , Gareth ( 2005 ) . Labour , Land , and Capital in Ghana : From Slavery to Free Labour in Asante , 1807 - 1956 . Boydell & Brewer . Boahen , Adu . `` A new Look at the History of Ghana . '' African Affairs ( 1966 ) : 212 - 222 . in JSTOR Boahen , A. Adu . Mfantsipim and the Making of Ghana : a centenary history , 1876 - 1976 ( Sankofa Educational Pub , 1996 ) Buah , F.K. A history of Ghana ( London : Macmillan , 1998 ) Claridge , W.W. A History of the Gold Coast and Ashanti ( 1915 ) Graham , Charles Kwesi . The History of Education in Ghana : From the Earliest Times to the Declaration of Independence ( Routledge , 2013 ) Owusu - Ansah , David . Historical dictionary of Ghana ( Rowman & Littlefield , 2014 ) Szereszewski , R. Structural Changes in the Economy of Ghana , 1891 - 1911 ( London , Weidenfeld and Nicolson , 1965 ) Ward , W.E.F. A history of Ghana ( Allen & Unwin , 1966 ) External links ( edit ) Ghana , One Year Old : a First Independence Anniversary Review <Th_colspan="2"> History of Africa Sovereign states Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde ( Cabo Verde ) Central African Republic Chad Comoros Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon The Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea - Bissau Ivory Coast ( Côte d'Ivoire ) Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda São Tomé and Príncipe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa South Sudan Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe States with limited recognition Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Somaliland Dependencies and other territories Canary Islands / Ceuta / Melilla / ( see also plazas de soberanía ) ( Spain ) Madeira ( Portugal ) Mayotte / Réunion ( France ) Saint Helena / Ascension Island / Tristan da Cunha ( United Kingdom ) Western Sahara <Th_colspan="2"> Ghana articles <Td_colspan="2"> History Timeline Geography <Td_colspan="2"> Climate Rivers Settlements Fauna National parks Politics <Td_colspan="2"> <Td_colspan="2"> BNI Constitution Elections electoral system GAF Government Governments Ministers Parliament President Vice President Prime Minister Foreign relations LGBT history Nationality law Passport National I.D. 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1. Ghana Empire 2. Ashanti Kingdom 3. European colonization 4. Slave trade 5. British Gold Coast