import math from datetime import date, datetime import pandas as pd from airflow.models import Variable from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator from minio import Minio from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine from airflow import DAG DEFAULT_ARGS = { "owner": "Airflow", "depends_on_past": False, "start_date": datetime(2021, 1, 13), } dag = DAG( "etl_time_in_company_att", default_args=DEFAULT_ARGS, schedule_interval="@once", ) data_lake_server = Variable.get("data_lake_server") data_lake_login = Variable.get("data_lake_login") data_lake_password = Variable.get("data_lake_password") database_server = Variable.get("database_server") database_login = Variable.get("database_login") database_password = Variable.get("database_password") database_name = Variable.get("database_name") url_connection = "mysql+pymysql://{}:{}@{}/{}".format( str(database_login), str(database_password), str(database_server), str(database_name), ) engine = create_engine(url_connection) client = Minio( data_lake_server, access_key=data_lake_login, secret_key=data_lake_password, secure=False, ) def extract(): # query para consultar os dados. query = """SELECT hire_date FROM employees;""" df_ = pd.read_sql_query(query, engine) # persiste os arquivos na área de Staging. df_.to_csv("/tmp/time_in_company.csv", index=False) def transform(): # carrega os dados a partir da área de staging. df_ = pd.read_csv("/tmp/time_in_company.csv") # converte os dados para o formato datetime. df_["hire_date"] =
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # ./ course_id # # outputs a summary of the files in a course # also outputs an xlsx file of the form: files-course_id.xlsx # # # # with the option "-v" or "--verbose" you get lots of output - showing in detail the operations of the program # # Can also be called with an alternative configuration file: # ./ --config config-test.json # # Example: # ./ # # ./ --config config-test.json 11 # # for testing - skips some files: # ./ -t # # ./ -t --config config-test.json # # documentation about using xlsxwriter to insert images can be found at: # <NAME>, "Example: Inserting images into a worksheet", web page, 10 November 2018, # # <NAME>. # # based on earlier # # 2019.01.17 # import requests, time import pprint import optparse import sys import json # Use Python Pandas to create XLSX files import pandas as pd ############################# ###### EDIT THIS STUFF ###### ############################# global baseUrl # the base URL used for access to Canvas global header # the header for all HTML requests global payload # place to store additionally payload when needed for options to HTML requests # Based upon the options to the program, initialize the variables used to access Canvas gia HTML requests def initialize(options): global baseUrl, header, payload # styled based upon if options.config_filename: config_file=options.config_filename else: config_file='config.json' try: with open(config_file) as json_data_file: configuration = json.load(json_data_file) access_token=configuration["canvas"]["access_token"] baseUrl="https://"+configuration["canvas"]["host"]+"/api/v1" header = {'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + access_token} payload = {} except: print("Unable to open configuration file named {}".format(config_file)) print("Please create a suitable configuration file, the default name is config.json") sys.exit() def list_files(course_id): files_found_thus_far=[] # Use the Canvas API to get the list of files for the course #GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/files url = "{0}/courses/{1}/files".format(baseUrl, course_id) if Verbose_Flag: print("url: {}".format(url)) r = requests.get(url, headers = header) if Verbose_Flag: print("result of getting files: {}".format(r.text)) if r.status_code == page_response=r.json() for p_response in page_response: files_found_thus_far.append(p_response) # the following is needed when the reponse has been paginated # i.e., when the response is split into pieces - each returning only some of the list of files # see "Handling Pagination" - Discussion created by <EMAIL> on Apr 27, 2015, while r.links['current']['url'] != r.links['last']['url']: r = requests.get(r.links['next']['url'], headers=header) if Verbose_Flag: print("result of getting files for a paginated response: {}".format(r.text)) page_response = r.json() for p_response in page_response: files_found_thus_far.append(p_response) return files_found_thus_far def list_folders(course_id): folders_found_thus_far=[] # Use the Canvas API to get the list of folders for the course #GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/folders url = "{0}/courses/{1}/folders".format(baseUrl, course_id) if Verbose_Flag: print("url: {}".format(url)) r = requests.get(url, headers = header) if Verbose_Flag: print("result of getting folders: {}".format(r.text)) if r.status_code == page_response=r.json() for p_response in page_response: folders_found_thus_far.append(p_response) # the following is needed when the reponse has been paginated # i.e., when the response is split into pieces - each returning only some of the list of folders # see "Handling Pagination" - Discussion created by <EMAIL> on Apr 27, 2015, while r.links['current']['url'] != r.links['last']['url']: r = requests.get(r.links['next']['url'], headers=header) if Verbose_Flag: print("result of getting folders for a paginated response: {}".format(r.text)) page_response = r.json() for p_response in page_response: folders_found_thus_far.append(p_response) return folders_found_thus_far def main(): global Verbose_Flag default_picture_size=128 parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest="verbose", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print lots of output to stdout" ) parser.add_option("--config", dest="config_filename", help="read configuration from FILE", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option('-t', '--testing', dest="testing", default=False, action="store_true", help="testing mode for skipping files for some courses" ) options, remainder = parser.parse_args() Verbose_Flag=options.verbose if Verbose_Flag: print("ARGV : {}".format(sys.argv[1:])) print("VERBOSE : {}".format(options.verbose)) print("REMAINING : {}".format(remainder)) print("Configuration file : {}".format(options.config_filename)) initialize(options) if (len(remainder) < 1): print("Insuffient arguments\n must provide course_id\n") return course_id=remainder[0] folders=list_folders(course_id) folders_df=pd.json_normalize(folders) output=list_files(course_id) if output and len(output) > 0 and Verbose_Flag: print("number of files in course is {}".format(len(output))) # the following was inspired by the section "Using XlsxWriter with Pandas" on # set up the output write writer = pd.ExcelWriter('files-'+str(course_id)+'.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') if (output): # create a Panda dataframe from the output df=
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter hfont = {'fontname':'Helvetica'} # plt.rcParams['figure.figsize']=(10,8) # plt.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' # plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Tahoma', 'DejaVu Sans','Lucida Grande', 'Verdana'] plt.rcParams['font.size']=6 # plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [12, 8] plt.rcParams['image.cmap']='Purples' # plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth']=0.8 import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_regression from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesRegressor,GradientBoostingRegressor import os root_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('__file__')) graphs_path = root_path+'/graphs/' import sys sys.path.append(root_path) h_modwt_1 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_modwt/data-wddff/db1-4/single_hybrid_1_ahead_lag12_mi_ts0.1/cal_samples.csv') h_modwt_3 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_modwt/data-wddff/db1-4/single_hybrid_3_ahead_lag12_mi_ts0.1/cal_samples.csv') h_modwt_5 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_modwt/data-wddff/db1-4/single_hybrid_5_ahead_lag12_mi_ts0.1/cal_samples.csv') h_modwt_7 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_modwt/data-wddff/db1-4/single_hybrid_7_ahead_lag12_mi_ts0.1/cal_samples.csv') h_dwt_1 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_dwt/data/db10-2/one_step_1_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_dwt_3 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_dwt/data/db10-2/one_step_3_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_dwt_5 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_dwt/data/db10-2/one_step_5_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_dwt_7 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_dwt/data/db10-2/one_step_7_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_vmd_1 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_vmd/data/one_step_1_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_vmd_3 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_vmd/data/one_step_3_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_vmd_5 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_vmd/data/one_step_5_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_vmd_7 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_vmd/data/one_step_7_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_eemd_1 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_eemd/data/one_step_1_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_eemd_3 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_eemd/data/one_step_3_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_eemd_5 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_eemd/data/one_step_5_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_eemd_7 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_eemd/data/one_step_7_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_ssa_1 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_ssa/data/one_step_1_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_ssa_3 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_ssa/data/one_step_3_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_ssa_5 = pd.read_csv(root_path+'/Huaxian_ssa/data/one_step_5_ahead_forecast_pacf/train_samples.csv') h_ssa_7 =
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Script to interpolate atmospheric data from UERRA: increase temporal resolution, and save into speed, cosine of angle and sine of angle, pressure and pressure gradient Created on Mon Apr 11 15:01:26 2022 @author: <NAME> (<EMAIL>) """ #%% import pandas as pd import time import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.interpolate import interp1d import datetime #%% Load date W = pd.read_csv('../data/uerra_1h_c.csv') speed = np.array(W['wind_speed']) angle = np.array(W['wind_direction']) press = np.array(W['pressure']) px = np.array(W['pressure']) py = np.array(W['pressure']) W.time = pd.to_datetime(W.time, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') t = np.array((W.time - W.time.dt.floor('D')[0]).dt.total_seconds()) #%% Useful definitions dt = 600 #dt for the new time series in seconds gdr = np.pi/180 # useful to transform from degrees to radians #%% # Define interpolating functions # For speed and pressure linear interpolation is used # For the angle, the cosine of the angle is interpolated using the nearest neighbour. # Then, the angle is recomputed and used to compute the sine fs = interp1d(t,speed) fp = interp1d(t,press) fd = interp1d(t,np.cos(angle),kind='nearest') #fpx = fp = interp1d(t,px) #fpy = fp = interp1d(t,px) # Perform the interpolation t_i = np.arange(t[0],t[-1:],dt) # New time vector speed_i = fs(t_i) press_i = fp(t_i) #px_i = fpx(t_i) #py_i = fpy(t_i) c_angle_i = fd(t_i) angle_i = np.arccos(c_angle_i) s_angle_i = np.sin(angle_i) #%% time = pd.to_datetime(t_i + W.time[0].timestamp()-3600, unit='s') # %% d = {'time': time, 'wind_speed': speed_i, 'sine_wind_angle': s_angle_i, 'cosine_wind_angle': c_angle_i, 'pressure': press_i}#, 'pressure_x_g': px_i, 'pressure_y_g': py_i} df =
# Project: GBS Tool # Author: <NAME>, <EMAIL> # Date: October 24, 2017 # License: MIT License (see LICENSE file of this package for more information) #Reads a dataframe and ouputs a new dataframe with the specified sampling time interval. #interval is a string with time units. (i.e. '30s' for 30 seconds, '1T' for 1 minute) #If interval is less than the interval within the dataframe mean values are used to create a down-sampled dataframe #DataClass, String -> DataClass def fixDataInterval(data, interval): ''' data is a DataClass with a pandas dataframe with datetime index. interval is the desired interval of data samples. If this is less than what is available in the df a langevin estimator will be used to fill in missing times. If the interval is greater than the original time interval the mean of values within the new interval will be generated''' import pandas as pd import numpy as np #integer, numeric, numeric, numeric -> numeric array #uses the Langevin equation to estimate records based on provided mean (mu) and standard deviation and a start value def getValues(records, start, sigma, timestep): ''' Uses the Langevin equation to estimate records based on provided mean (mu) and standard deviation and a start value :param records: [Array of Integers] the number of timesteps to estimate values for :param start: [Array of numeric] the start value to initiate the estimator for a given record :param sigma: [Array of numeric] the standard deviation to use in the estimator :param timestep: [Array of integer] the timestep to use in the estimator :return: [Array of timestamps], [Array of numeric] the timestamp and estimated values for each record ''' # sigma is the the standard deviation for 1000 samples at timestep interval import numpy as np #number of steps n = (records / timestep) + 1 # time constant. This value was empirically determined to result in a mean value between tau = records*.2 tau[tau<1] = 1 #renormalized variables # sigma scaled takes into account the difference in STD for different number of samples of data. Given a STD for # 1000 data samples (sigma) the mean STD that will be observed is sigmaScaled, base empirically off of 1 second sigma_bis = 0.4 * sigma * np.sqrt(2.0/(900*timestep)) sqrtdt = np.sqrt(timestep) # find the 95th percentile of number of steps n95 = int(np.percentile(n,95)) # find where over the 95th percentile idxOver95 = np.where(n > n95)[0] #x is the array that will contain the new values x = np.zeros(shape=(len(start), int(n95))) # steps is an array of timesteps in seconds with length = max(records) steps = np.arange(0, int(n95)*timestep, timestep) # t is the numeric value of the dataframe timestamps t = pd.to_timedelta(pd.Series(pd.to_datetime(start.index.values, unit='s'), index=start.index)).dt.total_seconds() # intervals is the steps array repeated for every row of time intervals = np.repeat(steps, len(t), axis=0) # reshape the interval matrix so each row has every timestep intervals_reshaped = intervals.reshape(len(steps), len(t)) tr = t.repeat(len(steps)) rs = tr.values.reshape(len(t), len(steps)) time_matrix = rs + intervals_reshaped.transpose() # put all the times in a single array #the starter value x[:, 0] = start # use the next step in the time series as the average value for the synthesized data. The values will asympotically reach this value, resulting in a smooth transition. mu = start.shift(-1) mu.iloc[-1] = mu.iloc[-2] #TODO replace for loops for i in range(n95-1): x[:, i + 1] = x[:, i] + timestep * (-(x[:, i] - mu) / tau) + np.multiply(sigma_bis.values * sqrtdt, np.random.randn(len(mu))) # remove extra values to avoid improper mixing of values when sorting for row in range(time_matrix.shape[0]): time_matrix[row,int(n[row]):] = None x[row,int(n[row]):] = None timeArray = np.concatenate(time_matrix) values = np.concatenate(x) # this can only work as long as fixBadData removes any None values values = values[values != None] timeArray = timeArray[timeArray != None] # individually calc the rest for idx in idxOver95: # find remaining values to be calculated nRemaining = int(max([n[idx] - n95, 0])) # calc remaining values x0 = np.zeros(shape = (nRemaining,)) # first value is last value of array x0[0] = x[idx, -1] # corresponding time matrix time_matrix0 = time_matrix[idx,-1] + np.arange(0,nRemaining*timestep,timestep) for idx0 in range(1,nRemaining): x0[idx0] = x0[idx0-1] + timestep * (-(x0[idx0-1] - mu[idx]) / tau[idx]) + np.multiply(sigma_bis.values[idx] * sqrtdt, np.random.randn()) # append to already calculated values values = np.append(values, x0) timeArray = np.append(timeArray,time_matrix0) # TODO: sort values and timeArray by TimeArray. tv = np.array(list(zip(timeArray,values))) tv = tv[tv[:,0].argsort()] # sort by timeArray t, v = zip(*tv) return t,v #dataframe -> integer array, integer array #returns arrays of time as seconds and values estimated using the Langevin equation #for all gaps of data within a dataframe def estimateDistribution(df,interval,col): import numpy as np #feeders for the langevin estimate mu = df[col+'_mu'] start = df[col] sigma = df[col+'_sigma'] records = df['timediff'] / pd.to_timedelta(interval) timestep = pd.Timedelta(interval).seconds #handle memory error exceptions by working with smaller subsets try: #return an array of arrays of values timeArray, values = getValues(records, start, sigma,timestep) return timeArray, values except MemoryError: handleMemory() return #steps is an array of timesteps in seconds with length = max(records) for idx in range(len(data.fixed)): # df contains the non-upsampled records. Means and standard deviation come from non-upsampled data. df = data.fixed[idx].copy() # create a list of individual loads, total of power components and environmental measurements to fix interval on fixColumns = [] fixColumns.extend(data.loads) fixColumns.extend(data.eColumns) #if there are power components fix intervals based on total power and scale to each component if df['total_p'].first_valid_index() != None: fixColumns.append('total_p') print('before upsamping dataframe is: %s' %len(data.fixed[idx])) # up or down sample to our desired interval # down sampling results in averaged values #this changes the size fo data.fixed[idx], so it no longer matches df rowcount. data.fixed[idx] = data.fixed[idx].resample(pd.to_timedelta(interval[0])).mean() print('after upsamping dataframe is: %s' % len(data.fixed[idx])) for col in fixColumns: df0 = df[[col]].copy() # remove rows that are nan for this column, except for the first and last, in order to keep the same first and last # time stamps df0 = pd.concat([df0.iloc[[0]], df0.iloc[1:-2].dropna(), df0.iloc[[-1]]]) # get first and last non nan indecies idx0 = df0[col].first_valid_index() if idx0 != None: df0[col][0] = df0[col][idx0] idx1 = df0[col].last_valid_index() if idx1 != None: df0[col][-1] = df0[col][idx1] # time interval between consecutive records df0['timediff'] = pd.Series(pd.to_datetime(df0.index, unit='s'), index=df0.index).diff(1).shift(-1) df0['timediff'] = df0['timediff'].fillna(0) # get the median number of steps in a 24 hr period. steps1Day = int(
pd.to_timedelta(1, unit='d')
import argparse import pandas as pd import numpy as np from datetime import timedelta def set_interval(df, interval, agg): df_sampled = df.resample(interval).agg(agg) period = {"H": 24, "30min": 48, "10min": 144, "min": 1440} return df_sampled, period[interval] """Script for generating cluster sequence file""" def parse_sequence(dir): date_range = ('2020-04-01 00:00:00', '2020-09-28 23:59:00') log = pd.read_csv(f'{dir}/cluster_log.csv', parse_dates=['submit_time', 'start_time', 'end_time']) cluster_gpu = pd.read_csv( f'{dir}/cluster_gpu_number.csv', parse_dates=['date']) df = pd.DataFrame(pd.date_range( start=date_range[0], end=date_range[1], freq='T'), columns=['time']) columns = ['running_gpujob_num', 'total_gpu_num', 'running_gpu_num', 'running_gpu_multi', 'running_gpu_single', 'gpu_utilization', 'gpu_utilization_multi', 'gpu_utilization_single'] df[columns] = 0 log = log[log['gpu_num'] > 0] # parse each job for _, job in log.iterrows(): gnum = job['gpu_num'] job['submit_time'] = job['submit_time'].replace(second=0) job['start_time'] = job['start_time'].replace(second=0) job['end_time'] = job['end_time'].replace(second=0) run = (df['time'] >= job['start_time']) & ( df['time'] <= job['end_time']) if gnum > 0: df.loc[run, 'running_gpujob_num'] += 1 df.loc[run, 'running_gpu_num'] += gnum if gnum > 1: df.loc[run, 'running_gpu_multi'] += gnum else: df.loc[run, 'running_gpu_single'] += gnum cluster_gpu = cluster_gpu[['date', 'total']] cluster_gpu = cluster_gpu[(cluster_gpu['date'] >= pd.Timestamp( date_range[0])) & (cluster_gpu['date'] <= pd.Timestamp(date_range[1]))] cluster_gpu = pd.concat([cluster_gpu]*1440).sort_index() df['total_gpu_num'] = cluster_gpu['total'].values df['running_gpu_num'] = df['running_gpu_num'].combine( df['total_gpu_num'], min) df['gpu_utilization'] = (df['running_gpu_num'] / df['total_gpu_num']).round(3) df['gpu_utilization_multi'] = (df['running_gpu_multi'] / df['total_gpu_num']).round(3) df['gpu_utilization_single'] = (df['running_gpu_single'] / df['total_gpu_num']).round(3) df.set_index('time', inplace=True, drop=True) return df """Script for generating cluster throughput file""" def parse_throughput(dir): date_range = ("2020-04-01 00:00:00", "2020-09-28 23:50:00") log = pd.read_csv( f"{dir}/cluster_log.csv", parse_dates=["submit_time", "start_time", "end_time"] ) df = pd.DataFrame( pd.date_range(start=date_range[0], end=date_range[1], freq="10T"), columns=["time"], ) df[ [ "submit_job_all", "start_job_all", "end_job_all", "submit_gpu_job", "start_gpu_job", "end_gpu_job", "submit_gpu_num", "start_gpu_num", "end_gpu_num", ] ] = 0 df.set_index("time", inplace=True, drop=True) for i in range(len(df)): for kind in ("submit", "start", "end"): jobs = log[ (log[kind + "_time"] >= df.index[i]) & (log[kind + "_time"] < df.index[i] + timedelta(minutes=10)) ] df[kind + "_job_all"][i] = len(jobs) df[kind + "_gpu_job"][i] = len(jobs[jobs["gpu_num"] != 0]) df[kind + "_gpu_num"][i] = jobs["gpu_num"].agg(sum) return df """Script for generating cluster user file""" def parse_user(dir, helios=False): # df : contain cpu and gpu jobs # dfgpu: only gpu jobs # helios: analyze the whole data center users if helios: df = pd.read_csv( f"{dir}/all_cluster_log.csv", parse_dates=["submit_time", "start_time", "end_time"], ) else: df = pd.read_csv( f"{dir}/cluster_log.csv", parse_dates=["submit_time", "start_time", "end_time"], ) dfgpu = df[df["gpu_num"] > 0] users = df["user"].unique() users_gpu = dfgpu["user"].unique() user_df = pd.DataFrame({"user": users}) user_df = user_df.set_index("user") user_df["cpu_only"] = False user_df[["vc_list", "vc_list_gpu"]] = None for u in users: data = df[df["user"] == u] datagpu = dfgpu[dfgpu["user"] == u] if u in users_gpu: cpu_job_num = len(data) - len(datagpu) plist = data["vc"].unique().tolist()[u, "vc_list"] = plist[u, "vc_num"] = len(plist) glist = datagpu["vc"].unique().tolist()[u, "vc_list_gpu"] = glist[u, "vc_num_gpu"] = len(glist)[u, "job_num"] = len(data)[u, "gpu_job_num"] = len(datagpu)[u, "cpu_job_num"] = cpu_job_num[u, "avg_run_time"] = data["duration"].mean()[u, "avg_gpu_run_time"] = datagpu["duration"].mean()[u, "avg_cpu_run_time"] = ( 0 if cpu_job_num == 0 else (data["duration"].sum() - datagpu["duration"].sum()) / cpu_job_num )[u, "avg_pend_time"] = data["queue"].mean()[u, "avg_gpu_pend_time"] = datagpu["queue"].mean()[u, "avg_cpu_pend_time"] = ( 0 if cpu_job_num == 0 else (data["queue"].sum() - datagpu["queue"].sum()) / cpu_job_num )[u, "avg_gpu_num"] = data["gpu_num"].mean()[u, "avg_cpu_num"] = data["cpu_num"].mean()[u, "total_gpu_time"] = ( datagpu["gpu_num"] * datagpu["duration"] ).sum()[u, "total_cpu_time"] = ( data["cpu_num"] * data["duration"]).sum()[u, "total_cpu_only_time"] = ([u, "total_cpu_time"] - (datagpu["cpu_num"] * datagpu["duration"]).sum() )[u, "total_gpu_pend_time"] = datagpu["queue"].sum()[u, "completed_percent"] = len( data[data["state"] == "COMPLETED"] ) / len(data)[u, "completed_gpu_percent"] = len( datagpu[datagpu["state"] == "COMPLETED"] ) / len(datagpu)[u, "completed_cpu_percent"] = ( 0 if cpu_job_num == 0 else ( len(data[data["state"] == "COMPLETED"]) - len(datagpu[datagpu["state"] == "COMPLETED"]) ) / cpu_job_num )[u, "cencelled_percent"] = len( data[data["state"] == "CANCELLED"] ) / len(data)[u, "cencelled_gpu_percent"] = len( datagpu[datagpu["state"] == "CANCELLED"] ) / len(datagpu)[u, "cencelled_cpu_percent"] = ( 0 if cpu_job_num == 0 else ( len(data[data["state"] == "CANCELLED"]) - len(datagpu[datagpu["state"] == "CANCELLED"]) ) / cpu_job_num )[u, "failed_percent"] = len( data[data["state"] == "FAILED"] ) / len(data)[u, "failed_gpu_percent"] = len( datagpu[datagpu["state"] == "FAILED"] ) / len(datagpu)[u, "failed_cpu_percent"] = ( 0 if cpu_job_num == 0 else ( len(data[data["state"] == "FAILED"]) - len(datagpu[datagpu["state"] == "FAILED"]) ) / cpu_job_num ) else:[u, "cpu_only"] = True plist = data["vc"].unique().tolist()[u, "vc_list"] = plist[u, "vc_num"] = len(plist)[u, "vc_list_gpu"] = [][u, "vc_num_gpu"] = 0[u, "job_num"] = len(data)[u, "gpu_job_num"] = 0[u, "cpu_job_num"] = len(data)[u, "avg_run_time"] = data["duration"].mean()[u, "avg_gpu_run_time"] = 0[u, "avg_cpu_run_time"] =[u, "avg_run_time"][u, "avg_pend_time"] = data["queue"].mean()[u, "avg_gpu_pend_time"] = 0[u, "avg_cpu_pend_time"] =[u, "avg_pend_time"][u, "avg_gpu_num"] = 0[u, "avg_cpu_num"] = data["cpu_num"].mean()[u, "total_gpu_time"] = 0[u, "total_cpu_time"] = ( data["cpu_num"] * data["duration"]).sum()[u, "total_cpu_only_time"] =[u, "total_cpu_time"][u, "total_gpu_pend_time"] = 0[u, "completed_percent"] = len( data[data["state"] == "COMPLETED"] ) / len(data)[u, "completed_gpu_percent"] = 0[u, "completed_cpu_percent"] =[u, "completed_percent"][u, "cencelled_percent"] = len( data[data["state"] == "CANCELLED"] ) / len(data)[u, "cencelled_gpu_percent"] = 0[u, "cencelled_cpu_percent"] =[u, "cencelled_percent"][u, "failed_percent"] = len( data[data["state"] == "FAILED"] ) / len(data)[u, "failed_gpu_percent"] = 0[u, "failed_cpu_percent"] =[u, "failed_percent"] user_df.sort_values(by="job_num", ascending=False, inplace=True) user_df[ ["vc_num", "vc_num_gpu", "job_num", "gpu_job_num", "cpu_job_num"] ] = user_df[ ["vc_num", "vc_num_gpu", "job_num", "gpu_job_num", "cpu_job_num"] ].astype( int ) return user_df """Script for generating a all cluster trace file""" def parse_all_cluster_log(clusters): logall = pd.DataFrame() for cluster in clusters: print(f'Parsing {cluster}') data_dir = f'../data/{cluster}' log = pd.read_csv(f'{data_dir}/cluster_log.csv', parse_dates=['submit_time', 'start_time', 'end_time']) log['c'] = cluster logall = pd.concat([logall, log]) logall.insert(1, 'cluster', logall['c']) logall.drop(columns='c', inplace=True) logall.to_csv('../data/all_cluster_log.csv', index=False) """Script for generating all cluster monthly file""" def parse_monthly_job(cluster_name): df = pd.DataFrame(cluster_name, columns=['id']) df.set_index('id', drop=True, inplace=True) for cluster in cluster_name: data_dir = f'../data/{cluster}' log = pd.read_csv(f'{data_dir}/cluster_log.csv', parse_dates=['submit_time', 'start_time', 'end_time']) log['month'] = getattr(log['submit_time'].dt, 'month').astype(np.int16) glog = log[log['gpu_num'] > 0] clog = log[log['gpu_num'] == 0] for m in range(4, 10): month_glog = glog[glog['month'] == m][cluster, str(m) + ' Job Num'] = len(log[log['month'] == m])[cluster, str( m) + ' CPU Job Num'] = len(clog[clog['month'] == m])[cluster, str(m) + ' GPU Job Num'] = len(month_glog)[cluster, str( m) + ' GJobNum 1'] = len(month_glog[month_glog['gpu_num'] == 1])[cluster, str( m) + ' GJobNum g1'] = len(month_glog[month_glog['gpu_num'] > 1]) df = df.astype(int) df.to_csv('../data/all_cluster_monthly_job_num.csv') def parse_monthly_util(cluster_list): df =
"""Pre-process accessibility-based provincial OD matrix Purpose ------- Create province scale OD matrices between roads connecting villages to nearest communes: - Net revenue estimates of commune villages - IFPRI crop data at 1km resolution Input data requirements ----------------------- 1. Correct paths to all files and correct input parameters 2. Geotiff files with IFPRI crop data: - tons - Float values of production tonnage at each grid cell - geometry - Raster grid cell geometry 3. Shapefile of RiceAtlas data: - month production columns - tonnage of rice for each month - geometry - Shapely Polygon geometry of Provinces 4. Shapefile of Provinces - od_id - Integer Province ID corresponding to OD ID - name_eng - String name of Province in English - geometry - Shapely Polygon geometry of Provinces 5. Shapefile of Communes - population - Float values of populations in Communes - nfrims - Float values of number of firms in Provinces - netrevenue - Float values of Net Revenue in Provinces - argi_prop - Float values of proportion of agrivculture firms in Provinces - geometry - Shapely Polygon geometry of Communes 6. Shapefiles of network nodes - node_id - String node ID - geometry - Shapely point geometry of nodes 7. Shapefiles of network edges - vehicle_co - Count of vehiles only for roads - geometry - Shapely LineString geometry of edges 8. Shapefiles of Commune center points - object_id - Integer ID of point - geometry - Shapely point geometry of points 9. Shapefiles of Village center points - object_id - Integer ID of points - geometry - Shapely point geometry of points Results ------- 1. Excel workbook with sheet of province-wise OD flows - origin - String node ID of origin node - destination - String node ID of destination node - crop_names - Float values of daily tonnages of IFPRI crops (except rice) between OD nodes - min_rice - Float values of minimum daily tonnages of rice between OD nodes - max_rice - Float values of maximum daily tonnages of rice between OD nodes - min_croptons - Float values of minimum daily tonnages of crops between OD nodes - max_croptons - Float values of maximum daily tonnages of crops between OD nodes - min_agrirev - Float value of Minimum daily revenue of agriculture firms between OD nodes - max_agrirev - Float value of Maximum daily revenue of agriculture firms between OD nodes - min_noagrirev - Float value of Minimum daily revenue of non-agriculture firms between OD nodes - max_noagrirev - Float value of Maximum daily revenue of non-agriculture firms between OD nodes - min_netrev - Float value of Minimum daily revenue of all firms between OD nodes - max_netrev - Float value of Maximum daily revenue of all firms between OD nodes References ---------- 1. <NAME>., <NAME>., <NAME>., <NAME>. & <NAME>. (2018). Analysis and development of model for addressing climate change/disaster risks in multi-modal transport networks in Vietnam. Final Report, Oxford Infrastructure Analytics Ltd., Oxford, UK. 2. All input data folders and files referred to in the code below. """ import os import subprocess import sys import geopandas as gpd import igraph as ig import numpy as np import pandas as pd from shapely.geometry import Point from vtra.utils import * def netrev_od_pairs(start_points, end_points): """Assign crop tonnages to OD pairs Parameters - start_points - GeoDataFrame of start points for Origins - end_points - GeoDataFrame of potential end points for Destinations Outputs od_pairs_df - Pandas DataFrame with columns: - origin - Origin node ID - destination - Destination node ID - netrev_argi - Net revenue of agriculture firms - netrev_noargi - Net revenue of non-agriculture firms """ save_paths = [] for iter_, place in start_points.iterrows(): try: closest_center = end_points.loc[end_points['OBJECTID'] == place['NEAREST_C_CENTER']]['NEAREST_G_NODE'].values[0] save_paths.append( (closest_center, place['NEAREST_G_NODE'], place['netrev_agri'], place['netrev_noagri'])) except: print(iter_) od_pairs_df = pd.DataFrame( save_paths, columns=['origin', 'destination', 'netrev_agri', 'netrev_noagri']) od_pairs_df = od_pairs_df.groupby(['origin', 'destination'])[ 'netrev_agri', 'netrev_noagri'].sum().reset_index() return od_pairs_df def crop_od_pairs(start_points, end_points, crop_name): """Assign crop tonnages to OD pairs Parameters - start_points - GeoDataFrame of start points for Origins - end_points - GeoDataFrame of potential end points for Destinations - crop_name - String name of crop Outputs od_pairs_df - Pandas DataFrame wit columns: - origin - Origin node ID - destination - Destination node ID - crop - Tonnage values for the named crop - netrev_argi - Daily Net revenue of agriculture firms in USD - netrev_noargi - Daily Net revenue of non-agriculture firms in USD """ save_paths = [] for iter_, place in start_points.iterrows(): try: closest_center = end_points.loc[end_points['OBJECTID'] == place['NEAREST_C_CENTER']]['NEAREST_G_NODE'].values[0] save_paths.append((closest_center, place['NEAREST_G_NODE'], place['tons'])) except: print(iter_) od_pairs_df = pd.DataFrame(save_paths, columns=['origin', 'destination', crop_name]) od_pairs_df = od_pairs_df.groupby(['origin', 'destination'])[crop_name].sum().reset_index() return od_pairs_df def assign_monthly_tons_crops(x,rice_prod_file,crop_month_fields,province,x_cols): """Assign crop tonnages to OD pairs Parameters - x - Pandas DataFrame of values - rice_prod_file - Shapefile of RiceAtlas monthly production value - crop_month_fields - Lsit of strings of month columns in Rice Atlas shapefile - province - Stirng name of province - x_cols - List of string names of crops Outputs - min_croptons - Float value of Minimum daily tonnages of crops - max_croptons - Float value of Maximum daily tonnages of crops """ # find the crop production months for the province rice_prod_months = gpd.read_file(rice_prod_file) rice_prod_months = rice_prod_months.loc[rice_prod_months.SUB_REGION == province] rice_prod_months = rice_prod_months[crop_month_fields].values.tolist() rice_prod_months = np.array(rice_prod_months[0])/sum(rice_prod_months[0]) rice_prod_months = rice_prod_months[rice_prod_months > 0] rice_prod_months = rice_prod_months.tolist() min_croptons = 0 max_croptons = 0 for x_name in x_cols: if x_name == 'rice': min_croptons += (1.0*min(rice_prod_months)*x[x_name])/30.0 max_croptons += (1.0*max(rice_prod_months)*x[x_name])/30.0 else: min_croptons += (1.0*x[x_name])/365.0 max_croptons += (1.0*x[x_name])/365.0 return min_croptons, max_croptons def assign_io_rev_costs_crops(x, cost_dataframe,rice_prod_file,crop_month_fields,province, x_cols, ex_rate): """Assign crop tonnages to daily net revenues Parameters - x - Pandas DataFrame of values - cost_dataframe - Pandas DataFrame of conversion of tonnages to net revenues - rice_prod_file - Shapefile of RiceAtlas monthly production value - province - Stirng name of province - x_cols - List of string names of crops - ex_rate - Exchange rate from VND millions to USD Outputs - min_croprev - Float value of Minimum daily revenue of crops - max_croprev - Float value of Maximum daily revenue of crops """ # find the crop production months for the province rice_prod_months = gpd.read_file(rice_prod_file) rice_prod_months = rice_prod_months.loc[rice_prod_months.SUB_REGION == province] rice_prod_months = rice_prod_months[crop_month_fields].values.tolist() rice_prod_months = np.array(rice_prod_months[0])/sum(rice_prod_months[0]) rice_prod_months = rice_prod_months[rice_prod_months > 0] rice_prod_months = rice_prod_months.tolist() min_croprev = 0 max_croprev = 0 cost_list = list(cost_dataframe.itertuples(index=False)) for cost_param in cost_list: if cost_param.crop_code in x_cols: if cost_param.crop_code == 'rice': min_croprev += (1.0*min(rice_prod_months)*ex_rate*cost_param.est_net_rev * (x[cost_param.crop_code]/cost_param.tot_tons))/30.0 max_croprev += (1.0*max(rice_prod_months)*ex_rate*cost_param.est_net_rev * (x[cost_param.crop_code]/cost_param.tot_tons))/30.0 else: min_croprev += 1.0/365.0 * \ (ex_rate*cost_param.est_net_rev * (x[cost_param.crop_code]/cost_param.tot_tons)) max_croprev += 1.0/365.0 * \ (ex_rate*cost_param.est_net_rev * (x[cost_param.crop_code]/cost_param.tot_tons)) return min_croprev, max_croprev def netrevenue_values_to_province_od_nodes(province_ods_df,prov_communes,commune_sindex,netrevenue, n_firms,agri_prop,prov_pop,prov_pop_sindex,nodes,sindex_nodes,prov_commune_center, sindex_commune_center,node_id,object_id,exchange_rate): """Assign commune level netrevenue values to OD nodes in provinces - Based on finding nearest nodes to village points with netrevenues as Origins - And finding nearest commune centers as Destinations Parameters - province_ods_df - List of lists of Pandas dataframes - prov_communes - GeoDataFrame of commune level statistics - commune_sindex - Spatial index of communes - netrevenue - String name of column for netrevenue of communes in VND millions - nfirm - String name of column for numebr of firms in communes - agri_prop - Stirng name of column for proportion of agriculture firms in communes - prov_pop - GeoDataFrame of population points in Province - prov_pop_sindex - Spatial index of population points in Province - nodes - GeoDataFrame of province road nodes - sindex_nodes - Spatial index of province road nodes - prov_commune_center - GeoDataFrame of province commune center points - sindex_commune_center - Spatial index of commune center points - node_id - String name of Node ID column - object_id - String name of commune ID column - exchange_rate - Float value for exchange rate from VND million to USD Outputs province_ods_df - List of Lists of Pandas dataframes with columns: - origin - Origin node ID - destination - Destination node ID - netrev_argi - Net revenue of agriculture firms - netrev_noargi - Net revenue of non-agriculture firms """ # create new column in prov_communes with amount of villages prov_communes['n_villages'] = prov_communes.geometry.apply( lambda x: count_points_in_polygon(x, prov_pop_sindex)) prov_communes['netrev_village'] = exchange_rate * \ (prov_communes[netrevenue]*prov_communes[n_firms])/prov_communes['n_villages'] # also get the net revenue of the agriculture sector which is called nongnghiep prov_communes['netrev_village_agri'] = 1.0/365.0 * \ (prov_communes[agri_prop]*prov_communes['netrev_village']) prov_communes['netrev_village_noagri'] = 1.0/365.0 * \ (prov_communes['netrev_village'] - prov_communes['netrev_village_agri']) # give each village a net revenue based on average per village in commune prov_pop['netrev_agri'] = prov_pop.geometry.apply(lambda x: extract_value_from_gdf( x, commune_sindex, prov_communes, 'netrev_village_agri')) prov_pop['netrev_noagri'] = prov_pop.geometry.apply(lambda x: extract_value_from_gdf( x, commune_sindex, prov_communes, 'netrev_village_noagri')) # get nearest node in network for all start and end points prov_pop['NEAREST_G_NODE'] = prov_pop.geometry.apply( lambda x: get_nearest_node(x, sindex_nodes, nodes, node_id)) prov_pop['NEAREST_C_CENTER'] = prov_pop.geometry.apply( lambda x: get_nearest_node(x, sindex_commune_center, prov_commune_center, object_id)) # find all OD pairs of the revenues netrev_ods = netrev_od_pairs(prov_pop, prov_commune_center) province_ods_df.append(netrev_ods) return province_ods_df def crop_values_to_province_od_nodes(province_ods_df,province_geom,calc_path, crop_data_path,crop_names,nodes,sindex_nodes,prov_commune_center,sindex_commune_center,node_id,object_id): """Assign IFPRI crop values to OD nodes in provinces - Based on finding nearest nodes to crop production sites as Origins - And finding nearest commune centers as Destinations Parameters - province_ods_df - List of lists of Pandas dataframes - province_geom - Shapely Geometry of province - calc_path - Path to store intermediary calculations - crop_data_path - Path to crop datasets - crop_names - List of string of crop names in IFPRI datasets - nodes - GeoDataFrame of province road nodes - sindex_nodes - Spatial index of province road nodes - prov_commune_center - GeoDataFrame of province commune center points - sindex_commune_center - Spatial index of commune center points - node_id - String name of Node ID column - object_id - String name of commune ID column Outputs province_ods_df - List of Lists of Pandas dataframes with columns: - origin - Origin node ID - destination - Destination node ID - crop - Tonnage values for the named crop """ # all the crop OD pairs for file in os.listdir(crop_data_path): if file.endswith(".tif") and 'spam_p' in file.lower().strip(): fpath = os.path.join(crop_data_path, file) crop_name = [cr for cr in crop_names if cr in file.lower().strip()][0] outCSVName = os.path.join(calc_path, 'crop_concentrations.csv')["", '-csv', fpath, outCSVName]) # Load points and convert to geodataframe with coordinates load_points = pd.read_csv(outCSVName, header=None, names=[ 'x', 'y', 'tons'], index_col=None) load_points = load_points[load_points['tons'] > 0] geometry = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(load_points.x, load_points.y)] load_points = load_points.drop(['x', 'y'], axis=1) crop_points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(load_points, crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'}, geometry=geometry) del load_points # clip all to province prov_crop = gdf_geom_clip(crop_points, province_geom) if len(prov_crop.index) > 0: prov_crop_sindex = prov_crop.sindex prov_crop['NEAREST_G_NODE'] = prov_crop.geometry.apply( lambda x: get_nearest_node(x, sindex_nodes, nodes, node_id)) prov_crop['NEAREST_C_CENTER'] = prov_crop.geometry.apply( lambda x: get_nearest_node(x, sindex_commune_center, prov_commune_center, object_id)) crop_ods = crop_od_pairs(prov_crop, prov_commune_center, crop_name) province_ods_df.append(crop_ods) return province_ods_df def main(): """Pre-process provincial-scale OD 1. Specify the paths from where to read and write: - Input data - Intermediate calcuations data - Output results 2. Supply input data and parameters - Names of the Provinces: List of strings - Exchange rate to convert 2012 Net revenue in million VND values to USD in 2016 - Names of crops in IFPRI crop data - Names of months in Rice Atlas data - Name of column for netrevenue of communes in VND millions - Name of column for numebr of firms in communes - Name of column for proportion of agriculture firms in communes - Name of Node ID column - Name of commune ID column 3. Give the paths to the input data files: - Network nodes files - IFPRI crop data files - Rice Atlas data shapefile - Province boundary and stats data shapefile - Commune boundary and stats data shapefile - Population points shapefile for locations of villages - Commune center points shapefile """ data_path, calc_path, output_path = load_config()['paths']['data'], load_config()[ 'paths']['calc'], load_config()['paths']['output'] # Supply input data and parameters province_list = ['Lao Cai', 'Binh Dinh', 'Thanh Hoa'] exchange_rate = 1.05*(1000000/21000) crop_names = ['rice', 'cash', 'cass', 'teas', 'maiz', 'rubb', 'swpo', 'acof', 'rcof', 'pepp'] crop_month_fields = ['P_Jan', 'P_Feb', 'P_Mar', 'P_Apr', 'P_May', 'P_Jun', 'P_Jul', 'P_Aug', 'P_Sep', 'P_Oct', 'P_Nov', 'P_Dec'] netrevenue = 'netrevenue' n_firms = 'nfirm' agri_prop = 'nongnghiep' node_id = 'NODE_ID' object_id = 'OBJECTID' # Give the paths to the input data files network_data_path = os.path.join(data_path,'post_processed_networks') crop_data_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'Agriculture_crops', 'crop_data') rice_month_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'rice_atlas_vietnam', 'rice_production.shp') province_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'Vietnam_boundaries', 'boundaries_stats', 'province_level_stats.shp') commune_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'Vietnam_boundaries', 'boundaries_stats', 'commune_level_stats.shp') population_points_in = os.path.join( data_path, 'Points_of_interest', 'population_points.shp') commune_center_in = os.path.join( data_path, 'Points_of_interest', 'commune_committees_points.shp') # Specify the output files and paths to be created output_dir = os.path.join(output_path, 'flow_ods') if os.path.exists(output_dir) == False: os.mkdir(output_dir) flow_output_excel = os.path.join( output_dir, 'province_roads_commune_center_flow_ods.xlsx') excl_wrtr =
#--------------------------------------------------------------- Imports from dotenv import load_dotenv import alpaca_trade_api as tradeapi import os from pathlib import Path import string import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import panel as pn from panel.interact import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual from panel import widgets import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots import as px pn.extension('plotly') from pytrends.request import TrendReq #--------------------------------------------------------------- Environment # Loads .env load_dotenv() # Sets Alpaca API key and secret alpaca_key = os.getenv('ALPACA_API_KEY') alpaca_secret = os.getenv('ALPACA_API_SECRET') # Creates the Alpaca API object alpaca = tradeapi.REST(alpaca_key, alpaca_secret, api_version = "v2") timeframe = "1D" start = pd.Timestamp('2016-05-26', tz = 'US/Pacific').isoformat() end = pd.Timestamp('2021-06-6', tz = 'US/Pacific').isoformat() #--------------------------------------------------------------- Global Variables pytrend = TrendReq() sectors = [ 'Communications', 'Consumer Discretionary', 'Consumer Staples', 'Energy', 'Financial', 'Healthcare', 'Industrial', 'Information Technology', 'Materials', 'Real Estate', 'Utilities' ] beta = ['Min', 'Max', 'Median', 'Mutual Fund'] z_field = ['Close', 'Volume'] sector_tickers = { 'Communications': {'Min': 'VZ', 'Max': 'LYV', 'Median': 'TMUS', 'Mutual Fund': 'VOX'}, 'Consumer Discretionary': {'Min': 'NVR', 'Max': 'F', 'Median': 'HLT', 'Mutual Fund': 'VCR'}, 'Consumer Staples': {'Min': 'CLX', 'Max': 'SYY', 'Median': 'PM', 'Mutual Fund': 'VDC'}, 'Energy': {'Min': 'COG', 'Max': 'OXY', 'Median': 'SLB', 'Mutual Fund': 'VDE'}, 'Financial': {'Min': 'CBOE', 'Max': 'LNC', 'Median': 'BAC', 'Mutual Fund': 'VFH'}, 'Healthcare': {'Min': 'DGX', 'Max': 'ALGN', 'Median': 'CAH', 'Mutual Fund': 'VHT'}, 'Industrial': {'Min': 'DGX', 'Max': 'TDG', 'Median': 'DE', 'Mutual Fund': 'VIS'}, 'Information Technology': {'Min': 'ORCL', 'Max': 'ENPH', 'Median': 'NTAP', 'Mutual Fund': 'VGT'}, 'Materials': {'Min': 'NEM', 'Max': 'FCX', 'Median': 'AVY', 'Mutual Fund': 'VAW'}, 'Real Estate': {'Min': 'PSA', 'Max': 'SPG', 'Median': 'UDR', 'Mutual Fund': 'VNQ'}, 'Utilities': {'Min': 'ED', 'Max': 'AES', 'Median': 'SRE', 'Mutual Fund': 'VPU'} } member_picks = { 'Boomer': ['VDC', 'VNQ', 'VOX', 'VAW'], 'Stonks': ['GME', 'AMC', 'PSLV', 'BB'], 'Pro Gamer': ['AAPL', 'TSLA', 'AMC', 'WMT'], 'Real American': ['LMT', 'TAP', 'PM', 'HAL'] } #--------------------------------------------------------------- Functions # Generates Correlation Heatmap of Sector Mutual Funds & Index def df_to_plotly(df): return {'z': df.values.tolist(), 'x': df.columns.tolist(), 'y': df.index.tolist()} @interact(Beta = beta) def heatmap(Beta): df = pd.DataFrame() sp_file = Path('../Data/SP500.csv') sp_df = pd.read_csv(sp_file, infer_datetime_format=True, parse_dates=True, index_col='Date') df['SP500'] = sp_df['Close'] for k, v in sector_tickers.items(): ticker = sector_tickers[k][Beta] file = Path('../Data/{}.csv'.format(ticker)) ticker_df = pd.read_csv(file, infer_datetime_format=True, parse_dates=True, index_col='Date') df[k] = ticker_df['Close'] df = df.pct_change() df.dropna(inplace = True) corr = df.corr() fig = go.Figure(data=go.Heatmap( df_to_plotly(corr), colorscale='blues')) fig.update_layout(title = 'Heatmap',width=1000, height=500) return fig # Generates Candlestick Chart of Sector Ticker @interact(Sector = sectors, Beta = beta) def candlestick(Sector, Beta): ticker = sector_tickers[Sector][Beta] file = Path('../Data/{}.csv'.format(ticker)) df = pd.read_csv(file, infer_datetime_format=True, parse_dates=True, index_col='Date') fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Candlestick( x = df.index, open = df['Open'], high = df['High'], low = df['Low'], close = df['Close'] )]) fig.update_layout(title = ticker, width=1000, height=500) return fig # Generates Comparison Line Graph of Sector Ticker & SPY @interact(Sector = sectors, Beta = beta) def v_spy(Sector, Beta): ticker = sector_tickers[Sector][Beta] file = Path('../Data/{}.csv'.format(ticker)) df = pd.read_csv(file, infer_datetime_format=True, parse_dates=True, index_col='Date') spy = pd.read_csv('../Data/SPY.csv', infer_datetime_format=True, parse_dates=True, index_col='Date') fig = make_subplots() trace1 = go.Scatter( x = df.index, y = df['Close'], mode = 'lines', name = ticker) trace2 = go.Scatter( x = spy.index, y = spy['Close'], mode = 'lines', name = 'SPY') fig.add_trace(trace1) fig.add_trace(trace2) fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, 700]) fig.update_layout(title = ticker + " versus SPY", width=1000, height=500) return fig # Generates Comparison Line Graph of Sector Ticker and its Google Search Interest @interact(Sector = sectors, Beta = beta, Column = z_field) def trend(Sector, Beta, Column): ticker = sector_tickers[Sector][Beta] file = Path('../Data/{}.csv'.format(ticker)) pytrend.build_payload(kw_list=[ticker], timeframe='today 5-y') trend_df = pytrend.interest_over_time().rename_axis('Date') trend_df.index = pd.to_datetime(trend_df.index) df = pd.read_csv(file, infer_datetime_format=True, parse_dates=True, index_col='Date') overlay = pd.merge(trend_df, df[Column], how = 'outer', left_index = True, right_index=True) overlay = overlay.loc['2020-06-05':] overlay.fillna(method = 'ffill', inplace = True) fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]]) trace1 = go.Scatter( x = overlay.index, y = overlay[Column], mode = 'lines', name = Column) trace2 = go.Scatter( x = overlay.index, y = overlay[ticker], mode = 'lines', name = 'Search Interest') fig.add_trace(trace1, secondary_y=False) fig.add_trace(trace2, secondary_y=True) fig.update_yaxes(range=[overlay[Column].min()-(overlay[Column].std()*.2),overlay[Column].max()+(overlay[Column].std()*.2)], secondary_y=False) fig.update_yaxes(range=[0,100], secondary_y=True) fig.update_layout(title = ticker + " Closing Price vs Search Interest", width=1000, height=500) return fig # Builds Portfolio from 3 Tickers via Alpaca API, Displays Returns @interact(Stock_1 = 'GOOG', Amount_1 = (0, 10000), Stock_2 = 'MSFT', Amount_2 = (0, 10000), Stock_3 = 'GME', Amount_3 = (0, 10000)) def api_call(Stock_1, Amount_1, Stock_2, Amount_2, Stock_3, Amount_3): x1 = Stock_1.upper() x2 = Stock_2.upper() x3 = Stock_3.upper() tickers = [x1, x2, x3] df = alpaca.get_barset( tickers, timeframe, start = start, end = end, limit = 1000 ).df close = pd.DataFrame() close[x1] = df[x1]['close'] close[x2] = df[x2]['close'] close[x3] = df[x3]['close'] portfolio_df = pd.DataFrame() shares1 = Amount_1 / df[x1]['close'][0] shares2 = Amount_2 / df[x2]['close'][0] shares3 = Amount_3 / df[x3]['close'][0] portfolio_df[x1] = df[x1]['close'] * shares1 portfolio_df[x2] = df[x2]['close'] * shares2 portfolio_df[x3] = df[x3]['close'] * shares3 fig = px.line(portfolio_df, width=1000, height=500) return fig # Generates a Boxplot Showing Risk for Each Sector @interact(Beta = beta) def boxplot(Beta): df = pd.DataFrame() sp_file = Path('../Data/SP500.csv') sp_df = pd.read_csv(sp_file, infer_datetime_format=True, parse_dates=True, index_col='Date') df['SP500'] = sp_df['Close'] for k, v in sector_tickers.items(): ticker = sector_tickers[k][Beta] file = Path('../Data/{}.csv'.format(ticker)) ticker_df = pd.read_csv(file, infer_datetime_format=True, parse_dates=True, index_col='Date') df[k] = ticker_df['Close'] df = df.pct_change() df.dropna(inplace = True) fig =, width=1000, height=500) return fig # Generates Bar Graph Displaying Sharpe Ratios for Portfolios Designed by Group Members @interact(Portfolio = member_picks) def sharpe(Portfolio): df = alpaca.get_barset( Portfolio, timeframe, start = start, end = end, limit = 504).df df.dropna(inplace = True) close =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # run in py3 !! import os os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "1"; import tensorflow as tf config = tf.ConfigProto() # config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.5 config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True tf.Session(config=config) import numpy as np from sklearn import preprocessing import tensorflow as tf import time import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.datasets import load_boston from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error import pandas as pd from keras import backend as K import keras.layers.convolutional as conv from keras.layers import merge from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasRegressor from keras import utils from keras.layers.pooling import MaxPooling1D, MaxPooling2D from keras.layers import pooling from keras.models import Sequential, Model from keras.regularizers import l1, l2 from keras import layers from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation, Flatten, Input, Convolution1D, Convolution2D, LSTM from keras.optimizers import SGD, RMSprop from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization from keras import initializers from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping from keras import callbacks from keras import backend as K from keras.utils import to_categorical from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint, Callback from keras.models import Model from keras import initializers, layers from keras.optimizers import SGD, Adadelta, Adam from keras.regularizers import l1, l2 from keras import regularizers import sys sys.path.append('.') from hist_figure import his_figures if len(sys.argv) > 1: prefix = sys.argv[1] else: prefix = time.time() DATAPATH = '5fold/' RESULT_PATH = './results/' feature_num = 25 batch_num = 2 # batch_size = 32 batch_size = 512 SEQ_LENGTH = 20 STATEFUL = False scaler = None # tmp, for fit_transform # id,usage,date,com_date,week,month,year # com_date,date,id,month,usage,week,year def get_data(path_to_dataset='df_dh.csv', sequence_length=20, stateful=False, issplit=True): fold_index = 1 ### dtypes = {'sub': 'float', 'super': 'float', 'error': 'float', 'com_date': 'int', 'week': 'str', 'month': 'str', 'year': 'str', 'numbers': 'int', 'log': 'float', 'id': 'str', 'usage': 'float'} parse_dates = ['date'] print(path_to_dataset) df = pd.read_csv(DATAPATH + path_to_dataset, header=0, dtype=dtypes, parse_dates=parse_dates, encoding="utf-8") # print(path_to_dataset) print(df.columns) df = df[df['error'] >= 0] # df_test = pd.read_csv(DATAPATH+"test"+str(fold_index)+".csv", header = 0, dtype=dtypes, parse_dates=parse_dates,encoding="utf-8") def helper(x): split = list(map(int, x.strip('[').strip(']').split(','))) d = {} for counter, value in enumerate(split): k = str(len(split)) + "-" + str(counter) d[k] = value return d # df_train_temp = df_train['week'].apply(helper).apply(pd.Series) df_week = df['week'].apply(helper).apply(pd.Series).as_matrix() # 7 df_month = df['month'].apply(helper).apply(pd.Series).as_matrix() # 12 df_year = df['year'].apply(helper).apply(pd.Series).as_matrix() # 3 df_empty = df[['super', 'com_date', 'error', 'numbers']].copy() # print(df_empty) df_super = df_empty.ix[:, [0]] df_com_date = df_empty.ix[:, [1]] df_error = df_empty.ix[:, [2]] df_numbers = df_empty.ix[:, [3]] X_train_ = np.column_stack((df_super, df_com_date, df_numbers, df_week, df_month)) Y_train_ = df_error.as_matrix() ss_x = preprocessing.MaxAbsScaler() ss_y = preprocessing.MaxAbsScaler() global scaler scaler = ss_y # ss_x = preprocessing.StandardScaler() array_new = ss_x.fit_transform(df_empty.ix[:, [0]]) df_super = pd.DataFrame(array_new) array_new = ss_x.fit_transform(df_empty.ix[:, [1]]) df_com_date = pd.DataFrame(array_new) array_new = ss_x.fit_transform(df_empty.ix[:, [3]]) df_numbers = pd.DataFrame(array_new) array_new = ss_y.fit_transform(df_empty.ix[:, [2]]) df_error = pd.DataFrame(array_new) df_week = ss_x.fit_transform(df_week) df_week = pd.DataFrame(df_week) df_month = ss_x.fit_transform(df_month) df_month = pd.DataFrame(df_month) X_train = np.column_stack((df_super, df_com_date, df_numbers, df_week, df_month)) Y_train = df_error.as_matrix() print('Xshape:' + str(X_train.shape)) print('Yshape:' + str(Y_train.shape)) y_arr = Y_train.T.tolist() # print(y_arr) try: y_arr = ss_y.inverse_transform(y_arr) #draw_error_line(y_arr[0], df) #draw_error_bar(y_arr[0]) except Exception as e: print(e) if not issplit: print('Xshape:' + str(X_train.shape)) print('Yshape:' + str(Y_train.shape)) X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X_train_, Y_train_, test_size=0.1, shuffle=False) X_train, X_val, Y_train, Y_val = train_test_split(X_train, Y_train, test_size=0.1, shuffle=False) return X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, X_val, Y_val else: return split_CV(X_train, Y_train, sequence_length=sequence_length, stateful=False) import datetime def get_data_single_user(path_to_dataset='df_dh.csv', sequence_length=20, stateful=False, issplit=True): fold_index = 1 ### dtypes = {'sub': 'float', 'super': 'float', 'error': 'float', 'com_date': 'int', 'week': 'str', 'month': 'str', 'year': 'str', 'numbers': 'int', 'log': 'float', 'id': 'str', 'usage': 'float'} parse_dates = ['date'] print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' + path_to_dataset) df = pd.read_csv(DATAPATH + path_to_dataset, header=0, dtype=dtypes, parse_dates=parse_dates, encoding="utf-8") # print(path_to_dataset) print(df.columns) df = df[df['usage'] >= 0] # df_test = pd.read_csv(DATAPATH+"test"+str(fold_index)+".csv", header = 0, dtype=dtypes, parse_dates=parse_dates,encoding="utf-8") def helper(x): split = list(map(int, x.strip('[').strip(']').split(','))) d = {} for counter, value in enumerate(split): k = str(len(split)) + "-" + str(counter) d[k] = value return d # df_train_temp = df_train['week'].apply(helper).apply(pd.Series) df_week = df['week'].apply(helper).apply(pd.Series).as_matrix() # 7 df_month = df['month'].apply(helper).apply(pd.Series).as_matrix() # 12 df_year = df['year'].apply(helper).apply(pd.Series).as_matrix() # 3 df_empty = df[['com_date', 'usage']].copy() # print(df_empty) df_com_date = df_empty.ix[:, [0]] df_usage = df_empty.ix[:, [1]] ss_x = preprocessing.MaxAbsScaler() ss_y = preprocessing.MaxAbsScaler() global scaler scaler = ss_y # ss_x = preprocessing.StandardScaler() array_new = ss_x.fit_transform(df_empty.ix[:, [0]]) df_com_date = pd.DataFrame(array_new) array_new = ss_y.fit_transform(df_empty.ix[:, [1]]) df_usage = pd.DataFrame(array_new) df_week = ss_x.fit_transform(df_week) df_week = pd.DataFrame(df_week) df_month = ss_x.fit_transform(df_month) df_month = pd.DataFrame(df_month) X_train = np.column_stack((df_week, df_month)) Y_train = df_usage.as_matrix() print(X_train) print(Y_train.shape) y_arr = Y_train.T.tolist() # print(y_arr) print(df) y_arr = ss_y.inverse_transform(y_arr) draw_error_line(y_arr[0], df) draw_error_bar(y_arr[0]) # try: # # except Exception as e: # print(e) if not issplit: return X_train, Y_train else: return split_CV(X_train, Y_train, sequence_length=sequence_length, stateful=False) def inverse_xy_transform(scaler, *para): temp = [] for i in para: print(i.reshape(-1, 1)) temp.append(scaler.inverse_transform(i.reshape(-1, 1))) return temp def split_CV(X_train, Y_train, sequence_length=20, stateful=False): """return ndarray """ print(X_train) print(Y_train.shape[0]) result_x = [] result_y = [] for index in range(len(Y_train) - sequence_length): result_x.append(X_train[index: index + sequence_length]) # result_y.append(Y_train[index: index + sequence_length]) result_y.append(Y_train[index + sequence_length]) X_train = np.array(result_x) Y_train = np.array(result_y) print(X_train.shape) # (705, 20, 24) print(Y_train.shape) # (705, 1) print('##################################################################') if stateful == True: # X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X_train, Y_train, test_size=0.1,shuffle=False) cp_X_train = X_train.copy() cp_Y_train = Y_train.copy() X_train = cp_X_train[:640, ...] X_test = cp_X_train[640:, ...] Y_train = cp_Y_train[:640, ...] Y_test = cp_Y_train[640:, ...] print(X_test.shape[0]) # print(Y_test.shape[0]) # X_train, X_val, Y_train, Y_val = train_test_split(X_train, Y_train, test_size=0.1, shuffle=False) print('##################################################################') if stateful == False: X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X_train, Y_train, test_size=0.1, shuffle=False) X_train, X_val, Y_train, Y_val = train_test_split(X_train, Y_train, test_size=0.1, shuffle=False) # print(X_train.shape)#(705, 20, 24) # print(Y_train.shape)#(705, 1) # train_x_disorder = X_train.reshape((X_train.shape[0],X_train.shape[1] , feature_num)) # test_x_disorder = X_test.reshape((X_test.shape[0],X_test.shape[1], feature_num )) # X_val = X_val.reshape((X_val.shape[0], X_val.shape[1] , feature_num)) # print(train_x_disorder.dtype) train_y_disorder = Y_train.reshape(-1, 1) test_y_disorder = Y_test.reshape(-1, 1) Y_val = Y_val.reshape(-1, 1) print(X_train.shape[0]) # (705, 20, 24) print(Y_train.shape[0]) # (705, 1) print('@' * 40) # print(X_test) print(train_y_disorder.shape) print('@' * 40) return [X_train, train_y_disorder, X_test, test_y_disorder, X_val, Y_val] # ndarray def LSTM2(X_train): model = Sequential() # layers = [1, 50, 100, 1] layers = [1, 30, 30, 1] if STATEFUL == False: model.add(LSTM( layers[1], input_shape=(X_train.shape[1], X_train.shape[2]), stateful=STATEFUL, return_sequences=True, kernel_initializer='he_normal' # , kernel_regularizer=l2(0.01) )) else: model.add(LSTM( layers[1], # input_shape=(X_train.shape[1], X_train.shape[2]), batch_input_shape=(batch_size, X_train.shape[1], X_train.shape[2]), stateful=STATEFUL, return_sequences=True, kernel_initializer='he_normal' # , kernel_regularizer=l2(0.01) )) # model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(LSTM( layers[2], stateful=STATEFUL, return_sequences=False, kernel_initializer='he_normal' # ,kernel_regularizer=l2(0.01) )) model.add(Dropout(0.2)) # model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense( layers[3] , kernel_initializer='he_normal' , kernel_regularizer=l2(0.01) , activity_regularizer=l1(0.01) )) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(Activation("linear")) start = time.time() sgd = SGD(lr=1e-3, decay=1e-8, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) ada = Adadelta(lr=1e-4, rho=0.95, epsilon=1e-6) rms = RMSprop(lr=0.001, rho=0.9, epsilon=1e-6, decay=1e-8) adam = Adam(lr=1e-3) # model.compile(loss="mse", optimizer=sgd) # try: # model.load_weights("./lstm.h5") # except Exception as ke: # print(str(ke)) model.compile(loss="mse", optimizer=adam) print("Compilation Time : ", time.time() - start) return model def draw_error_bar(y_array): fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) x = list(range(len(y_array))), y_array, label='error') # plt.legend(handles=[line1, line2,line3]) plt.legend() plt.title('error bar') # axes.grid() fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(RESULT_PATH + str(batch_size) + 'bar_error.png', dpi=300) def draw_error_line(y_array, df): fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) x = list(range(len(y_array))) plt.plot(x, y_array, label='error') x = list(range(len(df['error']))) plt.plot(x, df['error'], label='error') # plt.legend(handles=[line1, line2,line3]) plt.legend() plt.title('error plot') # axes.grid() fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(RESULT_PATH + str(batch_size) + 'line_error.png', dpi=300) def draw_scatter(predicted, y_test, X_test, x_train, y_train, data_file): fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) x = list(range(len(predicted))) total_width, n = 0.8, 2 width = total_width / n, y_test.T[0], width=width, label='truth', fc='y') for i in range(len(x)): x[i] = x[i] + width, predicted, width=width, label='predict', fc='r') # plt.legend(handles=[line1, line2,line3]) plt.legend() plt.title('lstm') # axes.grid() fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(RESULT_PATH + str(batch_size) + data_file + str(prefix) + 'bar_lstm.png', dpi=300) fig = plt.figure() plt.scatter(y_test.T[0], predicted) # plt.plot(y_test.T[0], predicted, linewidth =0.3, color='red') plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.xlabel('truth') plt.ylabel('predict') # fig.savefig(RESULT_PATH + str(batch_size) + data_file + str(prefix) + '_scatter_lstm.png', dpi=300) def draw_line(predicted, y_test, X_test, x_train, y_train, data_file): fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) x = list(range(len(predicted))) total_width, n = 0.8, 2 width = total_width / n, y_test.T[0], width=width, label='True', fc='y') for i in range(len(x)): x[i] = x[i] + width, predicted, width=width, label='Predicted', fc='r') # plt.legend(handles=[line1, line2,line3]) plt.legend() plt.title('lstm') # axes.grid() axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(RESULT_PATH + str(batch_size) + data_file + str(prefix) + 'bar_lstm.png', dpi=300) fig = plt.figure() plt.scatter(y_test.T[0], predicted) # plt.plot(y_test.T[0], predicted, linewidth =0.3, color='red') plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.xlabel('True') plt.ylabel('Predicted') # fig.savefig(RESULT_PATH + str(batch_size) + data_file + str(prefix) + '_scatter_lstm.png', dpi=300) fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.plot(x, y_test.T[0], label='True') for i in range(len(x)): x[i] = x[i] + width plt.plot(x, predicted, label='Predicted') plt.legend() axes.grid() fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(RESULT_PATH + str(batch_size) + data_file + str(prefix) + 'line_lstm.png', dpi=300) def stat_metrics(X_test, y_test, predicted): predicted = np.reshape(predicted, y_test.shape[0]) train_error = np.abs(y_test - predicted) mean_error = np.mean(train_error) min_error = np.min(train_error) max_error = np.max(train_error) std_error = np.std(train_error) print(predicted) print(y_test.T[0]) print(np.mean(X_test)) print("#" * 20) print(mean_error) print(std_error) print(max_error) print(min_error) print("#" * 20) print(X_test[:, 1]) # 0.165861394194 # #################### # 0.238853857898 # 0.177678269353 # 0.915951014937 # 5.2530646691e-0 pass def run_regressor(model=LSTM2, sequence_length = SEQ_LENGTH, data=None, data_file='df_dh.csv', isload_model=True, testonly=False): epochs = 1000 path_to_dataset = data_file global mses if data is None: X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, X_val, Y_val = get_data(sequence_length=sequence_length, stateful=STATEFUL, path_to_dataset=data_file) else: X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, X_val, Y_val = data if STATEFUL: X_test = X_test[:int(X_test.shape[0] / batch_size) * batch_size] y_test = y_test[:int(y_test.shape[0] / batch_size) * batch_size] estimator = KerasRegressor(build_fn=lambda x=X_train: model(x)) # if testonly == True: # # predicted = model.predict(X_test, verbose=1,batch_size=batch_size) # prediction = estimator.predict(X_test) # stat_metrics(X_test, y_test, prediction) # draw_scatter(predicted_arr[0], y_test, X_test, X_train, y_train, data_file) # return early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', verbose=1, patience=40) checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint("./lstm.h5", monitor='val_loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True) ################ hist =, y_train, validation_data=(X_val, Y_val), callbacks=[checkpoint, early_stopping], epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=1) # prediction = estimator.predict(X_test) score = mean_squared_error(y_test, estimator.predict(X_test)) estimator_score = estimator.score(X_test, y_test) print(score) mses.append(score) prediction = estimator.predict(X_test) print(prediction) print(X_test) print("##############################################") # predicted_arr = prediction.T.tolist() # print(predicted_arr) global scaler prediction_, y_test_, y_train_ = inverse_xy_transform(scaler, prediction, y_test, y_train) predicted_df = pd.DataFrame(prediction_) y_test_df =
# Copyright 2019 Verily Life Sciences LLC # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import datetime import unittest from re import escape from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union, cast # noqa: F401 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import six from ddt import data, ddt, unpack from purplequery.binary_expression import BinaryExpression from purplequery.bq_abstract_syntax_tree import (EMPTY_CONTEXT, EMPTY_NODE, # noqa: F401 AbstractSyntaxTreeNode, EvaluatableNode, EvaluationContext, Field, GroupedBy, _EmptyNode) from purplequery.bq_types import (BQArray, BQScalarType, BQStructType, BQType, # noqa: F401 PythonType, TypedDataFrame, TypedSeries) from purplequery.dataframe_node import QueryExpression, Select, TableReference from purplequery.evaluatable_node import LiteralType # noqa: F401 from purplequery.evaluatable_node import (Case, Cast, Exists, Extract, FunctionCall, If, InCheck, Not, NullCheck, Selector, UnaryNegation, Value) from purplequery.grammar import select as select_rule from purplequery.grammar import query_expression from purplequery.query_helper import apply_rule from import DatasetTableContext from purplequery.tokenizer import tokenize @ddt class EvaluatableNodeTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # type: () -> None self.small_table_context = DatasetTableContext({ 'my_project': { 'my_dataset': { 'my_table': TypedDataFrame( pd.DataFrame([[1], [2]], columns=['a']), types=[BQScalarType.INTEGER] ) } } }) self.large_table_context = DatasetTableContext({ 'my_project': { 'my_dataset': { 'my_table': TypedDataFrame( pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 3]], columns=['a', 'b', 'c']), types=[BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.INTEGER] ) } } }) def test_selector(self): # type: () -> None selector = Selector(Field(('a',)), 'field_alias') context = EvaluationContext(self.small_table_context) context.add_table_from_node(TableReference(('my_project', 'my_dataset', 'my_table')), EMPTY_NODE) typed_series = selector.evaluate(context) assert isinstance(typed_series, TypedSeries) self.assertEqual(list(typed_series.series), [1, 2]) self.assertEqual(list(typed_series.dataframe), ['field_alias']) self.assertEqual(typed_series.types, [BQScalarType.INTEGER]) def test_selector_group_by_success(self): # type: () -> None selector = Selector(Field(('c',)), EMPTY_NODE) selector.position = 1 context = EvaluationContext(self.large_table_context) context.add_table_from_node(TableReference(('my_project', 'my_dataset', 'my_table')), EMPTY_NODE) context.exclude_aggregation = True updated_selector, = context.do_group_by([selector], [Field(('my_table', 'c'))]) typed_series = updated_selector.evaluate(context) assert isinstance(typed_series, TypedSeries) self.assertEqual(list(typed_series.series), [3]) @data((5, BQScalarType.INTEGER), (1.23, BQScalarType.FLOAT), ("something", BQScalarType.STRING), (True, BQScalarType.BOOLEAN), (None, None)) @unpack def test_value_repr(self, value, type_): # type: (Optional[LiteralType], Optional[BQScalarType]) -> None '''Check Value's string representation''' node = Value(value, type_) representation = 'Value(type_={}, value={})'.format(type_.__repr__(), value.__repr__()) self.assertEqual(node.__repr__(), representation) @data((5, None), (None, BQScalarType.INTEGER)) @unpack def test_invalid_value(self, value, type_): # type: (Optional[LiteralType], Optional[BQScalarType]) -> None '''Check that None is only allowed as both value and type_ or neither.''' with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Value(value, type_) def test_value_eval(self): # type: () -> None # A constant is repeated for each row in the context table. value = Value(12345, BQScalarType.INTEGER) context = EvaluationContext(self.small_table_context) context.add_table_from_node(TableReference(('my_project', 'my_dataset', 'my_table')), 'foo') typed_series = value.evaluate(context) assert isinstance(typed_series, TypedSeries) self.assertEqual(list(typed_series.series), [12345, 12345]) def test_field(self): # type: () -> None field = Field(('a',)) context = EvaluationContext(self.small_table_context) context.add_table_from_node(TableReference(('my_project', 'my_dataset', 'my_table')), EMPTY_NODE) typed_series = field.evaluate(context) assert isinstance(typed_series, TypedSeries) self.assertEqual(list(typed_series.series), [1, 2]) self.assertEqual(, 'a') @data( dict(function_name='sum', args=[Field(('a',))], expected_result=[3], is_aggregating=True), dict(function_name='max', args=[Field(('a',))], expected_result=[2], is_aggregating=True), dict(function_name='min', args=[Field(('a',))], expected_result=[1], is_aggregating=True), dict(function_name='concat', args=[Value('foo', BQScalarType.STRING), Value('bar', BQScalarType.STRING)], expected_result=['foobar'] * 2), # two copies to match length of context table. dict(function_name='mod', args=[Field(('a',)), Value(2, BQScalarType.INTEGER)], expected_result=[1, 0]), dict(function_name='mod', args=[Value(1.0, BQScalarType.FLOAT), Value(2, BQScalarType.INTEGER)], expected_result=[1.0, 1.0]), dict(function_name='timestamp', args=[Value("2019-04-22", BQScalarType.STRING)], expected_result=[datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 22)] * 2), # two copies to match table len ) @unpack def test_functions(self, function_name, args, expected_result, is_aggregating=False): # type: (str, List[EvaluatableNode], List[PythonType], bool) -> None context = EvaluationContext(self.small_table_context) context.add_table_from_node(TableReference(('my_project', 'my_dataset', 'my_table')), EMPTY_NODE) if is_aggregating: context.do_group_by((), []) result = FunctionCall.create(function_name, args, EMPTY_NODE).evaluate(context) assert isinstance(result, TypedSeries) self.assertEqual( [result.type_.convert(elt) for elt in result.series], expected_result) def test_current_timestamp(self): # type: () -> None node, leftover = apply_rule(query_expression, tokenize( 'select current_timestamp(), a from unnest([struct(1 as a), struct(2), struct(3)])')) assert isinstance(node, QueryExpression) self.assertFalse(leftover) result, _ = node.get_dataframe(DatasetTableContext({})) table = cast(List[List[datetime.datetime]], result.to_list_of_lists()) self.assertEqual(len(table), 3) # CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() returns a very recent timestamp self.assertLess(( - table[0][0]).seconds, 2) # All rows have the same timestamp value. self.assertEqual(table[0][0], table[1][0]) self.assertEqual(table[0][0], table[2][0]) @data( # These expressions are ones whose EvaluatableNode subclass constructs a # new pandas Series rather than computing on existing ones. See below: # this runs the risk of constructing it with an incorrect index. dict(query='select 10, c', expected_result=[[10, 6], [10, 9]]), dict(query='select [a, b], c', expected_result=[[(4, 5), 6], [(7, 8), 9]]), dict(query='select (a, b), c', expected_result=[[(4, 5), 6], [(7, 8), 9]]), dict(query='select exists(select 1), c', expected_result=[[True, 6], [True, 9]]), dict(query='select a in (1, 4), c', expected_result=[[True, 6], [False, 9]]), dict(query='select row_number() over (), c', expected_result=[[1, 6], [2, 9]]), dict(query='select current_timestamp() > timestamp("2019-01-01"), c', expected_result=[[True, 6], [True, 9]]), ) @unpack def test_constructed_column_has_correct_index(self, query, expected_result): # type: (str, List[List[int]]) -> None '''Checks that manually constructed columns have the same index as the data. A manually constructed column will usually have an index 0, 1, 2, ... (e.g. pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c']) has index 0, 1, 2). The data may not; filtering, sorting or other changes might result in an index of different numbers. If one column's index doesn't match the index of other columns, it can't be compared or joined with them properly. ''' table_context = DatasetTableContext( {'my_project': {'my_dataset': {'my_table': TypedDataFrame( pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, -1], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], columns=['a', 'b', 'c']), types=[BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.INTEGER])}}}) # Skip the first row of the table, so that the index of the table that # the test queries operate on is [1, 2]; this makes sure that the index is # different from the default index you would get for a two-row column, # which would be [0, 1], to test that expressions are not incorrectly # using that default index. node, leftover = select_rule(tokenize(query + ' from (select * from my_table where c > 0)')) assert isinstance(node, Select) result, unused_table_name = node.get_dataframe(table_context) self.assertFalse(leftover) self.assertEqual(result.to_list_of_lists(), expected_result) self.assertEqual(list(result.dataframe.index), [1, 2]) def test_bad_function(self): # type: () -> None context = EvaluationContext(self.small_table_context) context.add_table_from_node(TableReference(('my_project', 'my_dataset', 'my_table')), EMPTY_NODE) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(NotImplementedError, 'NOT_A_FUNCTION not implemented'): FunctionCall.create('not_a_function', [], EMPTY_NODE).evaluate(context) @data( # Explore each aggregate function, along with a non-aggregate function to make sure we # can compute both at once. dict(selectors='sum(a), b+10', expected_result=[[6, 11], [5, 12]]), dict(selectors='sum(a), 20+10', expected_result=[[6, 30], [5, 30]]), dict(selectors='sum(a+1), b+10', expected_result=[[8, 11], [6, 12]]), dict(selectors='max(a), b+10', expected_result=[[4, 11], [5, 12]]), dict(selectors='min(a), b+10', expected_result=[[2, 11], [5, 12]]), dict(selectors='count(a), b+10', expected_result=[[2, 11], [1, 12]]), dict(selectors='count(*), b+10', expected_result=[[2, 11], [2, 12]]), dict(selectors='array_agg(a), []', expected_result=[[(2, 4), ()], [(5, None), ()]]), dict(selectors='array_agg(a), [b]', expected_result=[[(2, 4), (1,)], [(5, None), (2,)]]), dict(selectors='array_agg(a), [7, 8]', expected_result=[[(2, 4), (7, 8)], [(5, None), (7, 8)]]), dict(selectors='array_agg(a), b+10', expected_result=[[(2, 4), 11], [(5, None), 12]]), ) @unpack def test_aggregate_functions_in_group_by(self, selectors, expected_result): # type: (str, List[List[int]]) -> None table_context = DatasetTableContext( {'my_project': {'my_dataset': {'my_table': TypedDataFrame( pd.DataFrame([[2, 1], [4, 1], [5, 2], [np.nan, 2]], columns=['a', 'b']), types=[BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.INTEGER])}}}) tokens = tokenize('select {} from my_table group by b'.format(selectors)) node, leftover = select_rule(tokens) assert isinstance(node, Select) result, unused_table_name = node.get_dataframe(table_context) self.assertFalse(leftover) self.assertEqual(result.to_list_of_lists(), expected_result) @data( dict(query='select sum(a + 1) + 2, count(*) + 3, 4 from my_table', expected_result=[[11, 6, 4]]), ) @unpack def test_aggregate_functions_in_expressions(self, query, expected_result): # type: (str, List[List[int]]) -> None table_context = DatasetTableContext( {'my_project': {'my_dataset': {'my_table': TypedDataFrame( pd.DataFrame([[1], [2], [3]], columns=['a']), types=[BQScalarType.INTEGER])}}}) node, leftover = select_rule(tokenize(query)) assert isinstance(node, Select) result, unused_table_name = node.get_dataframe(table_context) self.assertFalse(leftover) self.assertEqual(result.to_list_of_lists(), expected_result) @data( # Test all variations of creating a struct (typed, typeless, tuple), # with and without named fields, with one field, and then with two # fields. dict(query='SELECT STRUCT<INTEGER>(1)', expected_result=(1,), expected_type=BQStructType([None], [BQScalarType.INTEGER])), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT<a INTEGER>(1)', expected_result=(1,), expected_type=BQStructType(['a'], [BQScalarType.INTEGER])), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT(1 AS a)', expected_result=(1,), expected_type=BQStructType(['a'], [BQScalarType.INTEGER])), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT(1)', expected_result=(1,), expected_type=BQStructType([None], [BQScalarType.INTEGER])), # Note: no test of single-element tuple syntax, as that would just be a # parenthesized expression, there's no analogue to Python's trailing comma. dict(query='SELECT STRUCT<INTEGER, STRING>(1, "a")', expected_result=(1, 'a'), expected_type=BQStructType([None, None], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING])), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT<a INTEGER, STRING>(1, "a")', expected_result=(1, 'a'), expected_type=BQStructType(['a', None], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING])), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT<INTEGER, b STRING>(1, "a")', expected_result=(1, 'a'), expected_type=BQStructType([None, 'b'], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING])), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT<a INTEGER, b STRING>(1, "a")', expected_result=(1, 'a'), expected_type=BQStructType(['a', 'b'], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING])), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT(1 AS a, "a" as b)', expected_result=(1, 'a'), expected_type=BQStructType(['a', 'b'], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING])), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT(1, "a" as b)', expected_result=(1, 'a'), expected_type=BQStructType([None, 'b'], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING])), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT(1 AS a, "a")', expected_result=(1, 'a'), expected_type=BQStructType(['a', None], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING])), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT(1, "a")', expected_result=(1, 'a'), expected_type=BQStructType([None, None], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING])), dict(query='SELECT (1, "a")', expected_result=(1, 'a'), expected_type=BQStructType([None, None], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING])), ) @unpack def test_struct_constant_expressions(self, query, expected_result, expected_type): # type: (str, Tuple[Optional[int], ...], BQStructType) -> None table_context = DatasetTableContext({}) node, leftover = select_rule(tokenize(query)) self.assertFalse(leftover) assert isinstance(node, Select) result, unused_table_name = node.get_dataframe(table_context) self.assertEqual(result.to_list_of_lists(), [[expected_result]]) self.assertEqual(result.types, [expected_type]) @data( # Test all three struct syntaxes, selecting a column as one field, a # constant as the other. dict(query='SELECT (a, "a") FROM my_table', expected_result=[[(1, 'a')], [(2, 'a')]], expected_types=[ BQStructType([None, None], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING])]), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT(a as x, "a" as y) FROM my_table', expected_result=[[(1, 'a')], [(2, 'a')]], expected_types=[ BQStructType(['x', 'y'], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING])]), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT<x INTEGER, y STRING>(a, "a") FROM my_table', expected_result=[[(1, 'a')], [(2, 'a')]], expected_types=[ BQStructType(['x', 'y'], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING])]), ) @unpack def test_struct_field_and_constant(self, query, expected_result, expected_types): # type: (str, List[List[Tuple[Optional[int], ...]]], Sequence[BQStructType]) -> None node, leftover = select_rule(tokenize(query)) self.assertFalse(leftover) assert isinstance(node, Select) result, unused_table_name = node.get_dataframe(self.small_table_context) self.assertEqual(result.to_list_of_lists(), expected_result) self.assertEqual(result.types, expected_types) @data( # Test combination types of arrays and structs. dict(query='SELECT ([1], "a")', expected_result=((1,), 'a'), expected_type=BQStructType([None, None], [BQArray(BQScalarType.INTEGER), BQScalarType.STRING])), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT<x ARRAY<INTEGER>, y STRING>(ARRAY<INTEGER>[1], "a")', expected_result=((1,), 'a'), expected_type=BQStructType(['x', 'y'], [BQArray(BQScalarType.INTEGER), BQScalarType.STRING])), dict(query='SELECT [(1, "a")]', expected_result=((1, 'a'), ), expected_type=BQArray(BQStructType([None, None], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING]))), dict(query='SELECT [STRUCT<a INTEGER, b STRING>(1, "a"), (2, "b")]', expected_result=((1, 'a'), (2, 'b')), expected_type=BQArray(BQStructType(['a', 'b'], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.STRING]))), # Test that an array of structs merges and coerces the types of the # structs. dict(query='SELECT [STRUCT<a FLOAT, STRING>(1.0, "a"), STRUCT<INTEGER, b STRING>(2, "b")]', expected_result=((1.0, 'a'), (2.0, 'b')), expected_type=BQArray(BQStructType(['a', 'b'], [BQScalarType.FLOAT, BQScalarType.STRING]))), dict(query='SELECT [STRUCT<a INTEGER, b ARRAY<STRING> >(1, ["a"]), (2, ["b", "c"])]', expected_result=((1, ('a',)), (2, ('b', 'c'))), expected_type=BQArray(BQStructType(['a', 'b'], [BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQArray(BQScalarType.STRING)]))), ) @unpack def test_complex_types(self, query, expected_result, expected_type): # type: (str, Tuple[Optional[int], ...], BQType) -> None table_context = DatasetTableContext({}) node, leftover = select_rule(tokenize(query)) self.assertFalse(leftover) assert isinstance(node, Select) result, unused_table_name = node.get_dataframe(table_context) self.assertEqual(result.to_list_of_lists(), [[expected_result]]) self.assertEqual(result.types, [expected_type]) @data( dict(query='SELECT ARRAY_AGG(a)', expected_result=(1, 1, 2, None)), dict(query='SELECT ARRAY_AGG(a RESPECT NULLS)', expected_result=(1, 1, 2, None)), dict(query='SELECT ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT a)', expected_result=(1, 2, None)), dict(query='SELECT ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT a RESPECT NULLS)', expected_result=(1, 2, None)), dict(query='SELECT ARRAY_AGG(a IGNORE NULLS)', expected_result=(1, 1, 2)), dict(query='SELECT ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT a IGNORE NULLS)', expected_result=(1, 2)), ) @unpack def test_array_agg_arguments(self, query, expected_result): # type: (str, Tuple[Optional[int], ...]) -> None table_context = DatasetTableContext( {'p': {'d': {'t': TypedDataFrame(pd.DataFrame([[1], [1], [2], [None]], columns=['a']), types=[BQScalarType.INTEGER])}}}) node, leftover = select_rule(tokenize(query + ' FROM p.d.t')) self.assertFalse(leftover) assert isinstance(node, Select) result, unused_table_name = node.get_dataframe(table_context) self.assertEqual(result.to_list_of_lists(), [[expected_result]]) @data( dict(query='SELECT [1,2,"a"]', error='Cannot implicitly coerce the given types'), dict(query='SELECT STRUCT<INT64>(3.7)', error='Struct field 1 has type .*FLOAT which does not coerce to .*INTEGER'), dict(query='SELECT ARRAY<INT64>[3.7]', error='Array specifies type .*INTEGER, incompatible with values of type .*FLOAT'), dict(query='SELECT ARRAY<INT64>[1,2,"a"]', error='Cannot implicitly coerce the given types'), dict(query='SELECT ARRAY<string>[1,2]', error='Cannot implicitly coerce the given types'), dict(query='SELECT [[1]]', error='Cannot create arrays of arrays'), dict(query='SELECT [(1, 2), (3, 4, 5)]', error='Cannot merge .* number of fields varies'), dict(query='SELECT [STRUCT(1 as a, 2 as b), STRUCT(3 as x, 4 as b)]', error='Cannot merge Structs; field names .* do not match'), # same types in different orders can't merge. dict(query='SELECT [(1, "a"), ("b", 2)]', error='Cannot implicitly coerce the given types'), # same names in different orders can't merge dict(query='SELECT [STRUCT(1 as a, 2 as b), STRUCT(3 as b, 4 as a)]', error='Cannot merge Structs; field names .* do not match'), ) @unpack def test_complex_type_errors(self, query, error): # type: (str, str) -> None node, leftover = select_rule(tokenize(query)) self.assertFalse(leftover) assert isinstance(node, Select) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, error): node.get_dataframe(self.small_table_context) @data( # Row number over whole dataset; order is not guaranteed dict(selectors='row_number() over ()', expected_result=[[1], [2], [3], [4]]), dict(selectors='row_number() over (order by a), a', expected_result=[[1, 10], [2, 20], [3, 30], [4, 30]]), dict(selectors='row_number() over (order by a asc), a', expected_result=[[1, 10], [2, 20], [3, 30], [4, 30]]), dict(selectors='row_number() over (order by a desc), a', expected_result=[[4, 10], [3, 20], [2, 30], [1, 30]]), dict(selectors='row_number() over (partition by b order by a), a', expected_result=[[1, 10], [2, 20], [1, 30], [2, 30]]), dict(selectors='sum(a) over (), a', expected_result=[[90, 10], [90, 20], [90, 30], [90, 30]]), dict(selectors='sum(a) over (partition by b), a', expected_result=[[30, 10], [30, 20], [60, 30], [60, 30]]), dict(selectors='count(*) over (), a', expected_result=[[4, 10], [4, 20], [4, 30], [4, 30]]), dict(selectors='count(a) over (), a', expected_result=[[4, 10], [4, 20], [4, 30], [4, 30]]), dict(selectors='count(*) over (partition by b), a', expected_result=[[2, 10], [2, 20], [2, 30], [2, 30]]), dict(selectors='count(a) over (partition by b), a', expected_result=[[2, 10], [2, 20], [2, 30], [2, 30]]), dict(selectors='sum(count(*)) over ()', expected_result=[[4]]), ) @unpack def test_analytic_function(self, selectors, expected_result): table_context = DatasetTableContext( {'my_project': {'my_dataset': {'my_table': TypedDataFrame( pd.DataFrame([[20, 200], [10, 200], [30, 300], [30, 300]], columns=['a', 'b']), types=[BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.INTEGER])}}}) tokens = tokenize('select {} from my_table'.format(selectors)) node, leftover = select_rule(tokens) result, unused_table_name = node.get_dataframe(table_context) self.assertFalse(leftover) # Note: BQ docs say if ORDER BY clause (for the select as a whole) is not present, order of # results is undefined, so we do not assert on the order. six.assertCountEqual(self, result.to_list_of_lists(), expected_result) @data( dict(selectors='sum(count(*)) over (), count(*)', expected_result=[[5, 2], [5, 3]]), ) @unpack def test_analytic_function_with_group_by(self, selectors, expected_result): table_context = DatasetTableContext( {'my_project': {'my_dataset': {'my_table': TypedDataFrame( pd.DataFrame([[20, 2], [10, 2], [30, 3], [31, 3], [32, 3]], columns=['a', 'b']), types=[BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.INTEGER])}}}) tokens = tokenize('select {} from my_table group by b'.format(selectors)) node, leftover = select_rule(tokens) result, unused_table_name = node.get_dataframe(table_context) self.assertFalse(leftover) # Note: BQ docs say if ORDER BY clause (for the select as a whole) is not present, order of # results is undefined, so we do not assert on the order. six.assertCountEqual(self, result.to_list_of_lists(), expected_result) def test_non_aggregate_function_in_group_by(self): table_context = DatasetTableContext( {'my_project': {'my_dataset': {'my_table': TypedDataFrame( pd.DataFrame([['one', '1'], ['two', '1'], ['three', '2'], ['four', '2']], columns=['a', 'b']), types=[BQScalarType.STRING, BQScalarType.INTEGER])}}}) tokens = tokenize('select max(concat(b, "hi")) from my_table group by b') node, leftover = select_rule(tokens) self.assertFalse(leftover) result, unused_table_name = node.get_dataframe(table_context) self.assertEqual(result.to_list_of_lists(), [['1hi'], ['2hi']]) @data( dict(count='COUNT(*)', expected_result=[[2]]), dict(count='COUNT(c)', expected_result=[[2]]), dict(count='COUNT(DISTINCT c)', expected_result=[[1]]), dict(count='COUNT(b)', expected_result=[[2]]), dict(count='COUNT(DISTINCT b)', expected_result=[[2]]), dict(count='COUNT(a)', expected_result=[[1]]), ) @unpack def test_count(self, count, expected_result): # type: (str, List[List[int]]) -> None count_table_context = DatasetTableContext({ 'my_project': { 'my_dataset': { 'my_table': TypedDataFrame( pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [None, 4, 3]], columns=['a', 'b', 'c']), types=[BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.INTEGER] ) } } }) select, leftover = select_rule(tokenize('SELECT {} FROM my_table'.format(count))) self.assertFalse(leftover) assert isinstance(select, Select) dataframe, unused_table_name = select.get_dataframe(count_table_context) self.assertEqual(dataframe.to_list_of_lists(), expected_result) @data(('IS_NULL', [True, False]), ('IS_NOT_NULL', [False, True])) @unpack def test_null_check(self, direction, result): # type: (str, List[bool]) -> None table_context = DatasetTableContext({ 'my_project': { 'my_dataset': { 'my_table': TypedDataFrame( pd.DataFrame([[1, None], [2, 3]], columns=['a', 'b']), types=[BQScalarType.INTEGER, BQScalarType.INTEGER] ) } } }) context = EvaluationContext(table_context) context.add_table_from_node(TableReference(('my_project', 'my_dataset', 'my_table')), EMPTY_NODE) expression = Field(('b',)) null_check = NullCheck(expression, direction) typed_series = null_check.evaluate(context) assert isinstance(typed_series, TypedSeries) self.assertEqual(list(typed_series.series), result) @data(('IN', [True, False]), ('NOT_IN', [False, True])) @unpack def test_in_check(self, direction, result): # type: (str, List[bool]) -> None expression = Field(('a',)) elements = (Value(1, type_=BQScalarType.INTEGER), Value(3, type_=BQScalarType.INTEGER)) in_check = InCheck(expression, direction, elements) context = EvaluationContext(self.small_table_context) context.add_table_from_node(TableReference(('my_project', 'my_dataset', 'my_table')), EMPTY_NODE) typed_series = in_check.evaluate(context) assert isinstance(typed_series, TypedSeries) self.assertEqual(list(typed_series.series), result) @data( (True, 0), (False, 1) ) @unpack def test_if_empty_context(self, condition_bool, result): # type: (bool, int) -> None condition = Value(condition_bool, BQScalarType.BOOLEAN) then = Value(0, BQScalarType.INTEGER) else_ = Value(1, BQScalarType.INTEGER) # IF [condition] THEN 0 ELSE 1 if_expression = If(condition, then, else_) typed_series = if_expression.evaluate(EMPTY_CONTEXT) assert isinstance(typed_series, TypedSeries) self.assertEqual(list(typed_series.series), [result]) def test_if(self): condition = BinaryExpression(Field(('a',)), '>', Value(1, BQScalarType.INTEGER)) then = Value('yes', BQScalarType.STRING) else_ = Value('no', BQScalarType.STRING) # IF a > 1 THEN "yes" ELSE "no" if_expression = If(condition, then, else_) context = EvaluationContext(self.small_table_context) context.add_table_from_node(TableReference(('my_project', 'my_dataset', 'my_table')), EMPTY_NODE) typed_series = if_expression.evaluate(context) assert isinstance(typed_series, TypedSeries) self.assertEqual(list(typed_series.series), ['no', 'yes']) def test_if_different_types(self): condition = Value(True, BQScalarType.BOOLEAN) then = Value('yes', BQScalarType.STRING) else_ = Value(1, BQScalarType.INTEGER) if_expression = If(condition, then, else_) error = (r"Cannot implicitly coerce the given types: " r"\(BQScalarType.STRING, BQScalarType.INTEGER\)") with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, error): if_expression.evaluate(EMPTY_CONTEXT) def test_if_error(self): condition = Value(5, BQScalarType.INTEGER) then = Value(0, BQScalarType.INTEGER) else_ = Value(1, BQScalarType.INTEGER) if_expression = If(condition, then, else_) error = escape("IF condition isn't boolean! Found: {}".format( str(condition.evaluate(EMPTY_CONTEXT)))) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, error): if_expression.evaluate(EMPTY_CONTEXT) def test_not(self): expression = Value(True, BQScalarType.BOOLEAN) not_expression = Not(expression) typed_series = not_expression.evaluate(EMPTY_CONTEXT) assert isinstance(typed_series, TypedSeries) self.assertEqual(list(typed_series.series), [False]) def test_not_type_error(self): expression = Value(5, BQScalarType.INTEGER) not_expression = Not(expression) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, ""): not_expression.evaluate(EMPTY_CONTEXT) @data( (1, BQScalarType.INTEGER, -1), (1.0, BQScalarType.FLOAT, -1.0), ) @unpack def test_unary_negation(self, initial_value, value_type, result_value): # type: (Any, BQScalarType, Any) -> None expression = Value(initial_value, value_type) negation = UnaryNegation(expression) typed_series = negation.evaluate(EMPTY_CONTEXT) assert isinstance(typed_series, TypedSeries) self.assertEqual(list(typed_series.series), [result_value]) @data( ("abc", BQScalarType.STRING), (True, BQScalarType.BOOLEAN), ) @unpack def test_unary_negation_error(self, value, value_type): # type: (Any, BQScalarType) -> None expression = Value(value, value_type) negation = UnaryNegation(expression) error = ("UnaryNegation expression supports only integers and floats, got: {}" .format(value_type)) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, error): negation.evaluate(EMPTY_CONTEXT) @data( dict( comparand=Field(('a',)), whens=[(Value(1, BQScalarType.INTEGER), Value("one", BQScalarType.STRING)), (Value(2, BQScalarType.INTEGER), Value("two", BQScalarType.STRING))], else_=Value("other", BQScalarType.STRING), result=["one", "two"] ), dict( comparand=Field(('a',)), whens=[(Value(1, BQScalarType.INTEGER), Value("one", BQScalarType.STRING))], else_=Value("other", BQScalarType.STRING), result=["one", "other"] ), dict( comparand=EMPTY_NODE, whens=[(Value(True, BQScalarType.BOOLEAN), Value("yes", BQScalarType.STRING)), (Value(False, BQScalarType.BOOLEAN), Value("no", BQScalarType.STRING))], else_=EMPTY_NODE, result=["yes", "yes"] ), dict( comparand=Field(('a',)), whens=[(Value(1, BQScalarType.INTEGER), Value("one", BQScalarType.STRING))], else_=EMPTY_NODE, result=["one", None] ), ) @unpack def test_case_with_comparand( self, comparand, # type: Union[_EmptyNode, EvaluatableNode] whens, # type: List[Tuple[AbstractSyntaxTreeNode, EvaluatableNode]] else_, # type: EvaluatableNode result # type: List[str] ): # type: (...) -> None case = Case(comparand, whens, else_) context = EvaluationContext(self.small_table_context) context.add_table_from_node(TableReference(('my_project', 'my_dataset', 'my_table')), EMPTY_NODE) typed_series = case.evaluate(context) assert isinstance(typed_series, TypedSeries) self.assertEqual(list(typed_series.series), result) def test_case_no_whens(self): comparand = EMPTY_NODE whens = [] else_ = EMPTY_NODE error = "Must provide at least one WHEN for a CASE" with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, error): Case(comparand, whens, else_) @data( dict( comparand=EMPTY_NODE, whens=[(Value(1, BQScalarType.INTEGER), Value("one", BQScalarType.STRING))], else_=EMPTY_NODE, error="CASE condition isn't boolean! Found: {!r}".format( TypedSeries(pd.Series([1, 1]), BQScalarType.INTEGER)) ), dict( comparand=Field(('a',)), whens=[(Value(1, BQScalarType.INTEGER), Value("one", BQScalarType.STRING))], else_=Value(100, BQScalarType.INTEGER), error="Cannot implicitly coerce the given types: " "(BQScalarType.STRING, BQScalarType.INTEGER)" ), ) @unpack def test_case_error(self, comparand, # type: Union[_EmptyNode, EvaluatableNode] whens, # type: List[Tuple[AbstractSyntaxTreeNode, EvaluatableNode]] else_, # type: EvaluatableNode error # type: str ): # type: (...) -> None case = Case(comparand, whens, else_) context = EvaluationContext(self.small_table_context) context.add_table_from_node(TableReference(('my_project', 'my_dataset', 'my_table')), EMPTY_NODE) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, escape(error)): case.evaluate(context) @data( dict( value=Value(1, BQScalarType.INTEGER), cast_type='STRING', result='1' ), dict( value=Value(1, BQScalarType.INTEGER), cast_type='FLOAT', result=1.0 ), dict( value=Value(1, BQScalarType.INTEGER), cast_type='BOOLEAN', result=True ), dict( value=Value(1.0, BQScalarType.FLOAT), cast_type='STRING', result='1.0' ), dict( value=Value(1.0, BQScalarType.FLOAT), cast_type='INTEGER', result=1 ), dict( value=Value(True, BQScalarType.BOOLEAN), cast_type='STRING', result='True' ), dict( value=Value(True, BQScalarType.BOOLEAN), cast_type='INTEGER', result=1 ), dict( value=Value('1', BQScalarType.STRING), cast_type='INTEGER', result=1 ), dict( value=Value('1.0', BQScalarType.STRING), cast_type='FLOAT', result=1.0 ), dict( value=Value('TRUE', BQScalarType.STRING), cast_type='BOOLEAN', result=True ), dict( value=Value('2019-12-01', BQScalarType.STRING), cast_type='DATETIME', result=datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 1), ), dict( value=Value('2019-12-01', BQScalarType.STRING), cast_type='DATE',, 12, 1), ), dict( value=Value('2019-12-01 01:02:03', BQScalarType.STRING), cast_type='TIMESTAMP', result=datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 1, 1, 2, 3), ), dict( value=Value(pd.Timestamp('2019-12-01'), BQScalarType.DATE), cast_type='DATETIME', result=datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 1), ), dict( value=Value(
import dash from dash import html from dash import dcc import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc from dash.dependencies import Input, Output ### plot and layout import pandas as pd import altair as alt import geopandas as gpd from si_prefix import si_format data =
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, r2_score from sklearn import model_selection from sklearn import preprocessing import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates from math import sqrt import seaborn as sns from scipy import stats from math import sqrt,fabs from keras import backend as K import os import h5py import argparse from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout,RepeatVector from keras.layers import LSTM, TimeDistributed, Masking from keras.callbacks import Callback,ModelCheckpoint from keras.models import load_model from keras import regularizers from keras.optimizers import SGD import tensorflow as tf import tensorboard # tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) # np.random.seed(1337) # Prepare data def rnn_data(data, time_steps, labels=False): """ creates new data frame based on previous observation * example: l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] time_steps = 2 -> labels == False [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]] #Data frame for input with 2 timesteps -> labels == True [3, 4, 5] # labels for predicting the next timestep """ rnn_df = [] for i in range(len(data) - time_steps): if labels: try: rnn_df.append(data.iloc[i + time_steps].as_matrix()) except AttributeError: rnn_df.append(data.iloc[i + time_steps]) else: data_ = data.iloc[i: i + time_steps].as_matrix() rnn_df.append(data_ if len(data_.shape) > 1 else [[i] for i in data_]) return np.array(rnn_df, dtype=np.float64) def change_predictive_interval(train,label,predictiveinterval): label = label[predictiveinterval-1:] train = train[:len(label)] return train,label def load_csvdata(rawdata, time_steps,mode,scalardic): data = rawdata if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data = pd.DataFrame(data) train_x = rnn_data(data['DO_mg'], time_steps, labels=False) train_y = rnn_data(data['DO_mg'], time_steps, labels=True) train_x_two = rnn_data(data['EC_uScm'], time_steps, labels=False) train_y_two = rnn_data(data['EC_uScm'], time_steps, labels=True) train_x_three = rnn_data(data['Temp_degC'], time_steps, labels=False) train_y_three = rnn_data(data['Temp_degC'], time_steps, labels=True) train_x_four = rnn_data(data['pH'], time_steps, labels=False) train_y_four = rnn_data(data['pH'], time_steps, labels=True) train_x_five = rnn_data(data['Chloraphylla_ugL'], time_steps, labels=False) train_y_five = rnn_data(data['Chloraphylla_ugL'], time_steps, labels=True) train_x = np.squeeze(train_x) train_x_two = np.squeeze(train_x_two) train_x_three = np.squeeze(train_x_three) train_x_four = np.squeeze(train_x_four) train_x_five = np.squeeze(train_x_five) # Scale data (training set) to 0 mean and unit standard deviation. if(mode=='train'): scaler_do = scalardic['scaler_one'] scaler_ec = scalardic['scaler_two'] scaler_temp = scalardic['scaler_three'] scaler_ph = scalardic['scaler_four'] scaler_chlo = scalardic['scaler_five'] train_x = scaler_do.fit_transform(train_x) train_x_two = scaler_ec.fit_transform(train_x_two) train_x_three = scaler_temp.fit_transform(train_x_three) train_x_four = scaler_ph.fit_transform(train_x_four) train_x_five = scaler_chlo.fit_transform(train_x_five) elif (mode=='test'): scaler_do = scalardic['scaler_one'] scaler_ec = scalardic['scaler_two'] scaler_temp = scalardic['scaler_three'] scaler_ph = scalardic['scaler_four'] scaler_chlo = scalardic['scaler_five'] train_x = scaler_do.transform(train_x) train_x_two = scaler_ec.transform(train_x_two) train_x_three = scaler_temp.transform(train_x_three) train_x_four = scaler_ph.transform(train_x_four) train_x_five = scaler_chlo.transform(train_x_five) all_train = np.stack((train_x, train_x_two, train_x_three,train_x_four,train_x_five), axis=-1) all_train = all_train.reshape(-1,time_steps*5) return dict(train=all_train,scalerone=scaler_do,scalertwo=scaler_ec,scalerthree=scaler_temp,scalerfour=scaler_ph,scalerfive=scaler_chlo), dict(trainyone=train_y,trainytwo=train_y_two,trainythree=train_y_three) def data_together(filepath): csvs = [] dfs = [] for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(filepath): for file in files: # print os.path.join(subdir, file) filepath = subdir + os.sep + file if filepath.endswith(".hdf5"): csvs.append(filepath) return csvs def generate_data(filepath, num_sample, timestamp, start, mode, scalardic): """ :param filepath: data set for the model :param start: start row for training set, for training, start=0 :param num_sample: how many samples used for training set, in this case, 2928 samples from 1st Oct-30th Nov, two month :param timestamp: timestamp used for LSTM :return: training set, train_x and train_y """ dataset =
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import math from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from pydoc import locate from raymon.globals import ( Buildable, Serializable, DataException, ) N_SAMPLES = 500 from raymon.tags import Tag, CTYPE_TAGTYPES class Stats(Serializable, Buildable, ABC): @abstractmethod def sample(self, n): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def report_drift(self, other, threshold): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def report_mean_diff(self, other, threshold, use_abs=False): raise NotImplementedError def report_invalid_diff(self, other, threshold): if other.samplesize == 0: return {"invalids": "_", "alert": False, "valid": False} invalidsdiff = other.invalids - self.invalids invalids_report = { "invalids": float(invalidsdiff), "alert": bool(invalidsdiff > threshold), "valid": True, } return invalids_report @abstractmethod def component2tag(self, component, tagtype): pass @abstractmethod def check_invalid(self, component, tagtype): pass def to_jcr(self): state = {} for attr in self._attrs: state[attr] = getattr(self, attr) data = {"class": self.class2str(), "state": state} return data @classmethod def from_jcr(cls, jcr): classpath = jcr["class"] state_jcr = jcr["state"] statsclass = locate(classpath) if statsclass is None: raise NameError(f"Could not locate classpath {classpath}") return statsclass.from_jcr(state_jcr) class NumericStats(Stats): _attrs = ["min", "max", "mean", "std", "invalids", "percentiles", "samplesize"] def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, mean=None, std=None, invalids=None, percentiles=None, samplesize=None): self.min = min self.max = max self.mean = mean self.std = std self.invalids = invalids self.percentiles = percentiles self.samplesize = samplesize """MIN""" @property def min(self): return self._min @min.setter def min(self, value): if value is not None and math.isnan(value): raise DataException("stats.min cannot be NaN") self._min = value """MAX""" @property def max(self): return self._max @max.setter def max(self, value): if value is not None and math.isnan(value): raise DataException("stats.max cannot be NaN") self._max = value """MEAN""" @property def mean(self): return self._mean @mean.setter def mean(self, value): if value is not None and math.isnan(value): raise DataException("stats.mean cannot be NaN") self._mean = value """STD""" @property def std(self): return self._std @std.setter def std(self, value): if value is not None and math.isnan(value): raise DataException("stats.std cannot be NaN") self._std = value """PINV""" @property def invalids(self): return self._invalids @invalids.setter def invalids(self, value): if value is not None and math.isnan(value): raise DataException("stats.invalids cannot be NaN") self._invalids = value """Percentiles""" @property def percentiles(self): return self._percentiles @percentiles.setter def percentiles(self, value): if value is None: self._percentiles = None elif len(value) == 101: self._percentiles = list(value) else: raise DataException("stats.percentiles must be None or a list of length 101.") """Size of the sample that was analyzed""" @property def samplesize(self): return self._samplesize @samplesize.setter def samplesize(self, value): if value is not None and math.isnan(value): raise DataException("stats.samplesize cannot be NaN") self._samplesize = value @property def range(self): return self.max - self.min """Buildable Interface""" def build(self, data, domain=None): """ Parameters ---------- data : [type] [description] domain : [type], optional For numericstats, the domain is the range of values: (min, max). One or both can also be None. by default None """ data = np.array(data) self.samplesize = len(data) nan = np.isnan(data) n_nans = len(data[nan]) data = data[~nan] if domain and domain[0] is not None: self.min = domain[0] else: self.min = float(np.min(data)) if domain and domain[1] is not None: self.max = domain[1] else: self.max = float(np.max(data)) valid = (self.min <= data) & (self.max >= data) n_invalids = len(data[~valid]) data = data[valid] self.mean = float(data.mean()) self.std = float(data.std()) # Build cdf estimate based on percentiles q = np.arange(start=0, stop=101, step=1) self.percentiles = [float(a) for a in np.percentile(a=data, q=q, interpolation="higher")] # Check the invalid self.invalids = (n_invalids + n_nans) / self.samplesize def is_built(self): return all(getattr(self, attr) is not None for attr in self._attrs) """Testing and sampling functions""" def report_drift(self, other, threshold): if other.samplesize == 0: return {"drift": -1, "drift_idx": -1, "alert": False, "valid": False} p1 = self.percentiles p2 = other.percentiles data_all = np.concatenate([p1, p2]) # interp = np.sort(data_all) # If certain values cause jumps of multiple percentiles, that value should be associated with the maximum percentile cdf1 = np.searchsorted(p1, p1, side="right") cdf2 = np.searchsorted(p2, p2, side="right") interpolator_1 = interp1d(x=p1, y=cdf1, fill_value=(0, 100), bounds_error=False) interpolator_2 = interp1d(x=p2, y=cdf2, fill_value=(0, 100), bounds_error=False) interpolated_1 = interpolator_1(data_all) interpolated_2 = interpolator_2(data_all) drift = min(np.max(np.abs(interpolated_1 - interpolated_2)), 100) / 100 drift_idx = int(np.argmax(np.abs(interpolated_1 - interpolated_2))) drift_report = {"drift": float(drift), "drift_idx": drift_idx, "alert": bool(drift > threshold), "valid": True} return drift_report def report_mean_diff(self, other, threshold, use_abs): if other.samplesize == 0: return {"mean": -1, "alert": False, "valid": False} meandiff = other.mean - self.mean meandiff_perc = meandiff / self.mean if use_abs: alert = bool(abs(meandiff_perc) > abs(threshold)) else: alert = bool(meandiff_perc > threshold) invalids_report = { "mean": float(meandiff_perc), "alert": alert, "valid": True, } return invalids_report def sample(self, n=N_SAMPLES, dtype="float"): # Sample floats in range 0 - len(percentiles) samples = np.random.random(n) * 100 # We will lineraly interpolate the sample between the percentiles, so get their integer floor and ceil percentile, and the relative diztance from the floor (between 0 and 1) floor_percentiles = np.floor(samples).astype("uint8") ceil_percentiles = np.ceil(samples).astype("uint8") percentiles_alpha = samples - np.floor(samples) percentiles = np.array(self.percentiles) px = percentiles[floor_percentiles] * (1 - percentiles_alpha) + percentiles[ceil_percentiles] * ( percentiles_alpha ) if dtype == "int": return px.astype( else: return px class IntStats(NumericStats): def component2tag(self, name, value, tagtype): if not math.isnan(value): return Tag(name=name, value=int(value), type=tagtype) else: return None def check_invalid(self, name, value, tagtype): tagname = f"{name}-error" if value is None: return Tag(name=tagname, value="Value None", type=tagtype) elif math.isnan(value): return Tag(name=tagname, value="Value NaN", type=tagtype) elif value > self.max: return Tag(name=tagname, value="UpperBoundError", type=tagtype) elif value < self.min: return Tag(name=tagname, value="LowerBoundError", type=tagtype) else: return None @classmethod def from_jcr(cls, data): return cls(**data) class FloatStats(NumericStats): def component2tag(self, name, value, tagtype): if not math.isnan(value): return Tag(name=name, value=float(value), type=tagtype) else: return None def check_invalid(self, name, value, tagtype): tagname = f"{name}-error" if value is None: return Tag(name=tagname, value="Value None", type=tagtype) elif math.isnan(value): return Tag(name=tagname, value="Value NaN", type=tagtype) elif value > self.max: return Tag(name=tagname, value="UpperBoundError", type=tagtype) elif value < self.min: return Tag(name=tagname, value="LowerBoundError", type=tagtype) else: return None @classmethod def from_jcr(cls, data): return cls(**data) class CategoricStats(Stats): _attrs = ["frequencies", "invalids", "samplesize"] def __init__(self, frequencies=None, invalids=None, samplesize=None): self.frequencies = frequencies self.invalids = invalids self.samplesize = samplesize """frequencies""" @property def frequencies(self): return self._frequencies @frequencies.setter def frequencies(self, value): if value is None: self._frequencies = value elif isinstance(value, dict): for key, keyvalue in value.items(): if keyvalue < 0: raise DataException(f"Domain count for {key} is < 0") self._frequencies = value else: raise DataException(f"stats.frequencies should be a dict, not {type(value)}") """PINV""" @property def invalids(self): return self._invalids @invalids.setter def invalids(self, value): if value is not None and math.isnan(value): raise DataException("stats.invalids cannot be NaN") self._invalids = value @property def samplesize(self): return self._samplesize @samplesize.setter def samplesize(self, value): if value is not None and math.isnan(value): raise DataException("stats.samplesize cannot be NaN") self._samplesize = value @property def range(self): return 1 def build(self, data, domain=None): """[summary] Parameters ---------- data : [type] [description] domain : [type], optional The domain of the featrue. A list or set, by default None """ data = pd.Series(data) self.samplesize = len(data) nan = pd.isna(data) n_nans = len(data[nan]) data = data[~nan] if domain: domain = set(domain) valid = data.isin(domain) n_invalids = len(data[~valid]) data = data[valid] else: n_invalids = 0 self.frequencies = data.value_counts(normalize=True).to_dict() self.invalids = (n_nans + n_invalids) / self.samplesize def is_built(self): return all(getattr(self, attr) is not None for attr in self._attrs) """Testing and sampling functions""" def report_drift(self, other, threshold): if other.samplesize == 0: return {"drift": -1, "drift_idx": -1, "alert": False, "valid": False} self_f, other_f, full_domain = equalize_domains(self.frequencies, other.frequencies) f_sorted_self = [] f_sorted_other = [] for k in full_domain: f_sorted_self.append(self_f[k]) f_sorted_other.append(other_f[k]) f_sorted_self = np.array(f_sorted_self) f_sorted_other = np.array(f_sorted_other) # Chebyshev drift = min(np.max(np.abs(f_sorted_self - f_sorted_other)), 100) drift_idx = full_domain[np.argmax(np.abs(f_sorted_self - f_sorted_other))] drift_report = {"drift": float(drift), "drift_idx": drift_idx, "alert": bool(drift > threshold), "valid": True} return drift_report def report_mean_diff(self, other, threshold, use_abs=False): return {"mean": -1, "alert": False, "valid": False} def sample(self, n): domain = sorted(list(self.frequencies.keys())) # Let's be absolutely sure the domain is always in the same order p = [self.frequencies[k] for k in domain] return np.random.choice(a=domain, size=n, p=p) def sample_counts(self, domain_freq, keys, n=N_SAMPLES): domain = sorted(list(keys)) # Le's be absolutely sure the domain is always in the same order p = [domain_freq.get(k, 0) for k in domain] counts = (np.array(p) * (n - len(domain))).astype("int") counts += 1 # make sure there are no zeros return counts def component2tag(self, name, value, tagtype): if isinstance(value, str): return Tag(name=name, value=str(value), type=tagtype) else: return None def check_invalid(self, name, value, tagtype): tagname = f"{name}-error" if value is None: return Tag(name=tagname, value="Value None", type=tagtype) elif
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from dash_website.utils.aws_loader import load_feather from dash_website.utils.graphs import heatmap_by_sorted_dimensions from dash_website import DOWNLOAD_CONFIG, GRAPH_SIZE def get_data_upper_comparison(uni_or_multi, category): return load_feather( f"xwas/{uni_or_multi}_correlations/correlations/categories/correlations_{category}.feather" ).to_dict() def get_graph_comparison(data_comparison_upper, data_comparison_lower): table_correlations_upper, customdata_upper, _ = get_table_and_customdata(data_comparison_upper) np.fill_diagonal(table_correlations_upper.values, np.nan) table_correlations_lower, customdata_lower, _ = get_table_and_customdata(data_comparison_lower) np.fill_diagonal(table_correlations_lower.values, np.nan) subdimension_order = ["*", "FullBody", "Spine", "Hips", "Knees", "Scalars"] sorted_dimensions = table_correlations_lower.sort_index( axis=0, level=1, key=lambda subdimensions: list(map(lambda subdimension: subdimension_order.index(subdimension), subdimensions)), ).index sorted_table_correlations_upper = table_correlations_upper.loc[sorted_dimensions, sorted_dimensions] sorted_table_correlations_lower = table_correlations_lower.loc[sorted_dimensions, sorted_dimensions] sorted_customdata_upper = customdata_upper.loc[sorted_dimensions, sorted_dimensions] sorted_customdata_lower = customdata_lower.loc[sorted_dimensions, sorted_dimensions] triangular_heatmap_values = np.triu(sorted_table_correlations_upper) triangular_heatmap_values += np.tril(sorted_table_correlations_lower, k=-1) triangular_heatmap = pd.DataFrame( triangular_heatmap_values, index=sorted_table_correlations_upper.index, columns=sorted_table_correlations_upper.columns, ) customdata_triangular_values = np.triu(sorted_customdata_upper) customdata_triangular_values += np.tril(sorted_customdata_lower, k=-1) customdata_triangular = pd.DataFrame( customdata_triangular_values, index=sorted_customdata_upper.index, columns=sorted_customdata_upper.columns ) hovertemplate_triangular = "Correlation: %{z:.3f} <br><br>Dimensions 1: %{x} <br>R²: %{customdata[0]:.3f} +- %{customdata[1]:.3f} <br>Dimensions 2: %{y}<br>R²: %{customdata[2]:.3f} +- %{customdata[3]:.3f} <br>Number variables: %{customdata[4]}<br><extra></extra>" fig_triangular = heatmap_by_sorted_dimensions(triangular_heatmap, hovertemplate_triangular, customdata_triangular) fig_triangular.update_layout( yaxis={ "title": "Phenotypic correlation", "showgrid": False, "zeroline": False, "title_font": {"size": 25}, "ticktext": [elem[1] for elem in triangular_heatmap.columns.values], }, xaxis={ "title": "Genetics correlation", "showgrid": False, "zeroline": False, "title_font": {"size": 25}, "ticktext": [elem[1] for elem in triangular_heatmap.index.values], "tickangle": 90, }, width=GRAPH_SIZE, height=GRAPH_SIZE, margin={"l": 0, "r": 0, "b": 0, "t": 0}, ) return fig_triangular def get_table_and_customdata(data_comparison): correlations_raw = pd.DataFrame(data_comparison).set_index( ["dimension_1", "subdimension_1", "r2_1", "r2_std_1", "dimension_2", "subdimension_2", "r2_2", "r2_std_2"] ) correlations_raw.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( list(map(eval, correlations_raw.columns.tolist())), names=["method", "correlation_type"] ) correlations = correlations_raw[[("union", "pearson"), ("union", "number_variables")]] correlations.columns = ["correlation", "number_variables"] correlations.reset_index(inplace=True) correlations = correlations[ (correlations["dimension_1"] == "Musculoskeletal") & (correlations["dimension_2"] == "Musculoskeletal") ] table_correlations = correlations.pivot( index=["dimension_1", "subdimension_1"], columns=["dimension_2", "subdimension_2"], values="correlation", ).loc[ORDER_DIMENSIONS, ORDER_DIMENSIONS] customdata_list = [] for customdata_item in ["r2_1", "r2_std_1", "r2_2", "r2_std_2", "number_variables"]: customdata_list.append( correlations.pivot( index=["dimension_1", "subdimension_1"], columns=["dimension_2", "subdimension_2"], values=customdata_item, ) .loc[ORDER_DIMENSIONS, ORDER_DIMENSIONS] .values ) stacked_customdata = list(map(list, np.dstack(customdata_list))) customdata =
pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=ORDER_DIMENSIONS, columns=ORDER_DIMENSIONS)
# ########################################################################### # # CLOUDERA APPLIED MACHINE LEARNING PROTOTYPE (AMP) # (C) Cloudera, Inc. 2020 # All rights reserved. # # Applicable Open Source License: Apache 2.0 # # NOTE: Cloudera open source products are modular software products # made up of hundreds of individual components, each of which was # individually copyrighted. Each Cloudera open source product is a # collective work under U.S. Copyright Law. Your license to use the # collective work is as provided in your written agreement with # Cloudera. Used apart from the collective work, this file is # licensed for your use pursuant to the open source license # identified above. # # This code is provided to you pursuant a written agreement with # (i) Cloudera, Inc. or (ii) a third-party authorized to distribute # this code. If you do not have a written agreement with Cloudera nor # with an authorized and properly licensed third party, you do not # have any rights to access nor to use this code. # # Absent a written agreement with Cloudera, Inc. (“Cloudera”) to the # contrary, A) CLOUDERA PROVIDES THIS CODE TO YOU WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY # KIND; (B) CLOUDERA DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED # WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THIS CODE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE; (C) CLOUDERA IS NOT LIABLE TO YOU, # AND WILL NOT DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, NOR HOLD YOU HARMLESS FOR ANY CLAIMS # ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THE CODE; AND (D)WITH RESPECT TO YOUR EXERCISE # OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED TO YOU FOR THE CODE, CLOUDERA IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES # RELATED TO LOST REVENUE, LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF INCOME, LOSS OF # BUSINESS ADVANTAGE OR UNAVAILABILITY, OR LOSS OR CORRUPTION OF # DATA. # # ########################################################################### import argparse from utils import data_utils from utils.eval_utils import load_metrics import numpy as np import pandas as pd from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, render_template # from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin from import AutoencoderModel import logging import os logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def load_autoencoder(): ae_kwargs = {} ae_kwargs["latent_dim"] = 2 ae_kwargs["hidden_dim"] = [15, 7] ae_kwargs["epochs"] = 14 ae_kwargs["batch_size"] = 128 ae = AutoencoderModel(in_train.shape[1], **ae_kwargs) ae.load_model() metrics = load_metrics("metrics/" + ae.model_name + "/metrics.json") return ae, metrics def data_to_json(data, label): data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=list(col_names)) data["label"] = label return data # Point Flask to the front end directory root_file_path = os.getcwd() + "/app/frontend" print(root_file_path, os.getcwd()) # root_file_path = root_file_path.replace("backend", "frontend") static_folder_root = os.path.join(root_file_path, "build") print(static_folder_root) app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='', static_folder=static_folder_root, template_folder=static_folder_root) # cors = CORS(app) app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type' test_data_partition = "8020" in_train, out_train, scaler, col_names = data_utils.load_kdd( data_path="data/kdd/", dataset_type="train", partition=test_data_partition) in_test, out_test, _, _ = data_utils.load_kdd( data_path="data/kdd/", dataset_type="test", partition=test_data_partition, scaler=scaler) ae, metrics = load_autoencoder() @app.route('/') def hello(): return render_template('index.html') # @app.route('/build') # def build(): # return app.send_static_file('build/index.html') @app.route('/data') def data(): data_size = request.args.get("n") data_size = 10 if data_size == None else int(data_size) inlier_size = int(0.8 * data_size) outlier_size = int(0.3 * data_size) in_liers = data_to_json( in_test[np.random.randint(5, size=inlier_size), :], 0) out_liers = data_to_json( out_test[np.random.randint(5, size=outlier_size), :], 1) response =
pd.concat([in_liers, out_liers], axis=0)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This file combines all data loading methods into a central location. Each type of data has a class that retrieves, processes, and checks it. Each class has the following methods: get - retrieves raw data from a source adapt - transforms from the raw data to the common processed format check - performs some format checking to see if the processed data looks right process - does all the above Additionally, each class then has source specific handlers. E.g. there might be a get_url and a get_csv for a given class and then an adapt_phe and an adapt_hps method to format the data If pulled from an external source (e.g. url), the raw data can be stored by setting the config['GenerateOutput']['storeInputs'] flag to be True. These will be stored in the data/ folder The processed output can be stored by setting the config['GenerateOutput']['storeProcessedInputs'] flag to be true, which will store the data in processed_data/ @authors: <NAME>, <NAME> """ import os import sys import yaml import pandas as pd import re import requests import io import json import zipfile from http import HTTPStatus from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime import pickle import h5py import numpy as np from covid import data as LancsData # import model_spec # DTYPE = model_spec.DTYPE DTYPE = np.float64 def CovarData(config): # Return data and covar data structs data = {} data['areas'] = AreaCodeData.process(config) data['commute'] = InterLadCommuteData.process(config) data['cases_tidy'] = CasesData.process(config) data['cases_wide'] = data['cases_tidy'].pivot(index="lad19cd", columns="date", values="cases") data['mobility'] = MobilityTrendData.process(config) data['population'] = PopulationData.process(config) data['tier'] = TierData.process(config) # Check dimensions are consistent check_aligned(data) print('Data passes allignment check') # put it into covar data form covar_data = dict( C=data['commute'].to_numpy().astype(DTYPE), W=data['mobility'].to_numpy().astype(DTYPE), N=data['population'].to_numpy().astype(DTYPE), L=data['tier'].astype(DTYPE), weekday=config['dates']['weekday'].astype(DTYPE), ) return data, covar_data class TierData: def get(config): """ Retrieve an xarray DataArray of the tier data """ settings = config['TierData'] if settings['input'] == 'csv': df = TierData.getCSV(settings['address']) else: invalidInput(settings['input']) return df def getCSV(file): """ Read TierData CSV from file """ return pd.read_csv(file) def check(xarray, config): """ Check the data format """ return True def adapt(df, config): """ Adapt the dataframe to the desired format. """ global_settings = config["Global"] settings = config["TierData"] # this key might not be stored in the config file # if it's not, we need to grab it using AreaCodeData if 'lad19cds' not in config: _df = AreaCodeData.process(config) areacodes = config["lad19cds"] # Below is assuming inference_period dates date_low, date_high = get_date_low_high(config) if settings['format'].lower() == 'tidy': xarray = TierData.adapt_xarray(df, date_low, date_high, areacodes, settings) return xarray def adapt_xarray(tiers, date_low, date_high, lads, settings): """ Adapt to a filtered xarray object """ tiers["date"] = pd.to_datetime(tiers["date"], format="%Y-%m-%d") tiers["code"] = merge_lad_codes(tiers["code"]) # Separate out December tiers date_mask = tiers["date"] > np.datetime64("2020-12-02") tiers.loc[ date_mask & (tiers["tier"] == "three"), "tier", ] = "dec_three" tiers.loc[ date_mask & (tiers["tier"] == "two"), "tier", ] = "dec_two" tiers.loc[ date_mask & (tiers["tier"] == "one"), "tier", ] = "dec_one" # filter down to the lads if len(lads) > 0: tiers = tiers[tiers.code.isin(lads)] # add in fake LADs to ensure all lockdown tiers are present for filtering # xarray.loc does not like it when the values aren't present # this seems to be the cleanest way # we drop TESTLAD after filtering down #lockdown_states = ["two", "three", "dec_two", "dec_three"] lockdown_states = settings['lockdown_states'] for (i, t) in enumerate(lockdown_states): tiers.loc[tiers.shape[0]+i+1] = ['TESTLAD','TEST','LAD',date_low,t] index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(tiers[["date", "code", "tier"]]) index = index.sort_values() index = index[~index.duplicated()] ser =
pd.Series(1.0, index=index, name="value")
''' ''' from importlib.util import find_spec import numpy as np import pandas as pd from . import __validation as valid from .__validation import ValidationError def prep_X(data): """ Ensures that data are in the correct format Returns: pd.DataFrame: formatted "X" data (test data) """ if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): if isinstance(data, pd.Series): X = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=[]) else: X =
pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['X'])
# -------------- import pandas as pd import scipy.stats as stats import math import numpy as np import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') #Sample_Size sample_size=2000 #Z_Critical Score z_critical = stats.norm.ppf(q = 0.95) # path [File location variable] data=pd.read_csv(path) #Code starts here data_sample=data.sample(n=sample_size,random_state=0) sample_mean=data_sample['installment'].mean() sample_std=data_sample['installment'].std() margin_of_error=z_critical*(sample_std/(sample_size**(1/2))) confidence_interval=(sample_mean-margin_of_error,sample_mean+margin_of_error) true_mean=data['installment'].mean() if (true_mean in confidence_interval ): print('Yes') else: print('No') # -------------- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #Different sample sizes to take sample_size=np.array([20,50,100]) #Code starts here #Creating different subplots fig,axes=plt.subplots(3,1, figsize=(10,20)) #Running loop to iterate through rows for i in range(len(sample_size)): #Initialising a list m=[] #Loop to implement the no. of samples for j in range(1000): #Finding mean of a random sample mean=data['installment'].sample(sample_size[i]).mean() #Appending the mean to the list m.append(mean) #Converting the list to series mean_series=pd.Series(m) #Plotting the histogram for the series axes[i].hist(mean_series, normed=True) #Displaying the plot #Code ends here # -------------- #Importing header files from statsmodels.stats.weightstats import ztest #Code starts here data['int.rate']= data['int.rate'].map(lambda x: x.strip('%')).astype('float64') data['int.rate'] = data['int.rate'] / 100 z_statistic, p_value = ztest(x1=data[data['purpose']=='small_business']['int.rate'], value=data['int.rate'].mean(), alternative='larger') print("z_statistic", z_statistic) print("p_value", p_value) # -------------- #Importing header files from statsmodels.stats.weightstats import ztest #Code starts here z_statistic, p_value = ztest(x1=data[data['']=='No']['installment'], x2=data[data['']=='Yes']['installment']) print(p_value) # -------------- #Importing header files from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency #Critical value critical_value = stats.chi2.ppf(q = 0.95, # Find the critical value for 95% confidence* df = 6) # Df = number of variable categories(in purpose) - 1 #Code starts here yes = data[data[''] == 'Yes']['purpose'].value_counts() no = data[data[''] == 'No']['purpose'].value_counts() observed =
pd.concat([yes.T, no.T], axis=1, keys=['Yes', 'No'])
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from anndata import AnnData import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex from matplotlib.patches import ConnectionPatch from typing import Union, Optional from scanpy.plotting._utils import savefig_or_show from scFates.plot.dendrogram import dendrogram from adjustText import adjust_text from matplotlib import gridspec from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances from .. import get def slide_cors( adata: AnnData, root_milestone, milestones, col: Union[None, list] = None, basis: str = "umap", win_keep: Union[None, list] = None, frame_emb: bool = True, focus=None, top_focus=4, labels: Union[None, tuple] = None, fig_height: float = 6, fontsize: int = 16, fontsize_focus: int = 18, point_size: int = 20, show: Optional[bool] = None, save: Union[str, bool, None] = None, kwargs_text: dict = {}, kwargs_con: dict = {}, kwargs_adjust: dict = {}, **kwargs, ): """\ Plot results generated from tl.slide_cors. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data matrix. root_milestone tip defining progenitor branch. milestones tips defining the progenies branches. genesetA plot correlation with custom geneset. genesetB plot correlation with custom geneset. col specify color for the two modules, by default according to their respective milestones. basis Name of the `obsm` basis to use. win_keep plot only a subset of windows. frame_emb add frame around emb plot. focus add on the right side a scatter focusing one defined window. top_focus highlight n top markers for each module, having the greatest distance to 0,0 coordinates. labels labels defining the two modules, named after the milestones if None, or 'A' and 'B' if less than two milestones is used. fig_height figure height. fontsize repulsion score font size. fontsize_focus fontsize of x and y labels in focus plot. point_size correlation plot point size. show show the plot. save save the plot. kwargs_text parameters for the text annotation of the labels. kwargs_con parameters passed on the ConnectionPatch linking the focused plot to the rest. kwargs_adjust parameters passed to adjust_text. **kwargs if `basis=dendro`, arguments passed to :func:`` Returns ------- If `show==False` a matrix of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` """ if "milestones_colors" not in adata.uns or len(adata.uns["milestones_colors"]) == 1: from . import palette_tools palette_tools._set_default_colors_for_categorical_obs(adata, "milestones") mlsc = np.array(adata.uns["milestones_colors"].copy()) if mlsc.dtype == "float": mlsc = list(map(rgb2hex, mlsc)) name = root_milestone + "->" + "<>".join(milestones) freqs = adata.uns[name]["cell_freq"] nwin = len(freqs) corAB = adata.uns[name]["corAB"].copy() if len(milestones) > 1: genesetA = corAB[milestones[0]]["genesetA"].index genesetB = corAB[milestones[0]]["genesetB"].index corA = pd.concat(adata.uns[name]["corAB"][milestones[0]]) corB = pd.concat(adata.uns[name]["corAB"][milestones[1]]) if labels is None: labelA, labelB = milestones if labels is None else labels else: genesetA = corAB["A"]["genesetA"].index genesetB = corAB["A"]["genesetB"].index corA = pd.concat(adata.uns[name]["corAB"]["A"]) corB =
# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: DataPipelineNotebooks/3.PrepMLData.ipynb (unless otherwise specified). __all__ = ['PrepML'] # Cell import xarray as xr import numpy as np import pandas as pd from joblib import Parallel, delayed import time from functools import partial from datetime import datetime import datetime import os import pickle # Cell class PrepML: def __init__(self, data_root, interpolate=1, date_start='2015-11-01', date_end='2020-04-30', date_train_test_cutoff='2019-11-01'): """ Initialize the class Keyword Arguments data_root: the root path of the data folders which contains the 4.GFSFiltered1xInterpolationZarr interpolate: the amount of interpolation applied in in the previous ParseGFS notebook (used for finding the correct input/output paths) date_start: Earlist date to include in label set (default: '2015-11-01') date_end: Latest date to include in label set (default: '2020-04-30') date_train_test_cutoff: Date to use as a cutoff between the train and test labels (default: '2019-11-01') """ self.data_root = data_root self.interpolation = interpolate self.date_start = date_start self.date_end = date_end self.date_train_test_cutoff = date_train_test_cutoff self.nc_path = data_root + '/3.GFSFiltered'+ str(self.interpolation) + 'xInterpolation/' self.processed_path = data_root + '/4.GFSFiltered'+ str(self.interpolation) + 'xInterpolationZarr/' self.path_to_labels = data_root + 'CleanedForecastsNWAC_CAIC_UAC.V1.2013-2020.csv' self.ml_path = data_root + '/5.MLData' self.date_col = 'Day1Date' self.region_col = 'UnifiedRegion' self.parsed_date_col = 'parsed_date' if not os.path.exists(self.ml_path): os.makedirs(self.ml_path) #map states to regions for purposes of data lookup self.regions = { 'Utah': ['Abajos', 'Logan', 'Moab', 'Ogden', 'Provo', 'Salt Lake', 'Skyline', 'Uintas'], 'Colorado': ['Grand Mesa Zone', 'Sangre de Cristo Range', 'Steamboat Zone', 'Front Range Zone', 'Vail Summit Zone', 'Sawatch Zone', 'Aspen Zone', 'North San Juan Mountains', 'South San Juan Mountains', 'Gunnison Zone'], 'Washington': ['Mt Hood', 'Olympics', 'Snoqualmie Pass', 'Stevens Pass', 'WA Cascades East, Central', 'WA Cascades East, North', 'WA Cascades East, South', 'WA Cascades West, Central', 'WA Cascades West, Mt Baker', 'WA Cascades West, South' ] } @staticmethod def lookup_forecast_region(label_region): """ mapping between region names as the labels and the forecasts have slightly different standards TODO: could add a unified mapping upstream in parseGFS files or in the label generation Keyword Arguments: label_region: region as defined in the labels file returns the region as defined in the features """ if label_region == 'Mt Hood': return 'Mt Hood' elif label_region == 'Olympics': return 'Olympics' elif label_region == 'Cascade Pass - Snoq. Pass': return 'Snoqualmie Pass' elif label_region == 'Cascade Pass - Stevens Pass': return 'Stevens Pass' elif label_region == 'Cascade East - Central': return 'WA Cascades East, Central' elif label_region == 'Cascade East - North': return 'WA Cascades East, North' elif label_region == 'Cascade East - South': return 'WA Cascades East, South' elif label_region == 'Cascade West - Central': return 'WA Cascades West, Central' elif label_region == 'Cascade West - North': return 'WA Cascades West, Mt Baker' elif label_region == 'Cascade West - South': return 'WA Cascades West, South' elif label_region == 'Abajo': return 'Abajos' elif label_region == 'Logan': return 'Logan' elif label_region == 'Moab': return 'Moab' elif label_region == 'Ogden': return 'Ogden' elif label_region == 'Provo': return 'Provo' elif label_region == 'Salt Lake': return 'Salt Lake' elif label_region == 'Skyline': return 'Skyline' elif label_region == 'Uintas': return 'Uintas' elif label_region == 'Grand Mesa': return 'Grand Mesa Zone' elif label_region == 'Sangre de Cristo': return 'Sangre de Cristo Range' elif label_region == 'Steamboat & Flat Tops': return 'Steamboat Zone' elif label_region == 'Front Range': return 'Front Range Zone' elif label_region == 'Vail & Summit County': return 'Vail Summit Zone' elif label_region == 'Sawatch Range': return 'Sawatch Zone' elif label_region == 'Aspen': return 'Aspen Zone' elif label_region == 'Northern San Juan': return 'North San Juan Mountains' elif label_region == 'Southern San Juan': return 'South San Juan Mountains' elif label_region == 'Gunnison': return 'Gunnison Zone' else: return 'Got region ' + label_region + ' but its an unknown region' @staticmethod def date_to_season(d): """ mapping of date to season Keyword Arguments d: datetime64 returns season indicator """ if d >= np.datetime64('2014-11-01') and d <= np.datetime64('2015-04-30'): return (np.datetime64('2014-11-01'), '14-15') elif d >= np.datetime64('2015-11-01') and d <= np.datetime64('2016-04-30'): return (np.datetime64('2015-11-01'), '15-16') elif d >= np.datetime64('2016-11-01') and d <= np.datetime64('2017-04-30'): return (np.datetime64('2016-11-01'), '16-17') elif d >= np.datetime64('2017-11-01') and d <= np.datetime64('2018-04-30'): return (np.datetime64('2017-11-01'), '17-18') elif d >= np.datetime64('2018-11-01') and d <= np.datetime64('2019-04-30'): return (np.datetime64('2018-11-01'), '18-19') elif d >= np.datetime64('2019-11-01') and d <= np.datetime64('2020-04-30'): return (np.datetime64('2019-11-01'), '19-20') else: #print('Unknown season ' + str(d)) return (None,'Unknown') def get_state_for_region(self, region): """ Returns the state for a given region Keywork Arguments region: region we want to lookup the state for """ for k in self.regions.keys(): if region in self.regions[k]: return k raise Exception('No region with name ' + region) def prep_labels(self, overwrite_cache=True): """ Preps the data and lable sets in to two sets, train & test Keyword Arguments overwrite_cache: True indicates we want to recalculate the lat/lon combos, False indicates use the values if they exist in the cache file (otherwise calcualte and cache it) returns the train & test sets """ #find the season nc_date = np.datetime64(self.date_start) nc_season = PrepML.date_to_season(nc_date)[1] #maintaining this as a dict since the arrays are ragged and its more efficient this way #storing one sample for each region to get the lat/lon layout region_zones = [] region_data = {} for region in self.regions.keys(): for r in self.regions[region]: region_zones.append(r) region_data[r] = xr.open_dataset(self.nc_path + nc_season + '/Region_' + r + '_' + pd.to_datetime(nc_date).strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.nc') #Read in all the label data self.labels = pd.read_csv(self.path_to_labels, low_memory=False, dtype={'Day1Danger_OctagonAboveTreelineEast': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonAboveTreelineNorth': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonAboveTreelineNorthEast': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonAboveTreelineNorthWest': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonAboveTreelineSouth': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonAboveTreelineSouthEast': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonAboveTreelineSouthWest': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonAboveTreelineWest': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonBelowTreelineEast': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonBelowTreelineNorth': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonBelowTreelineNorthEast': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonBelowTreelineNorthWest': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonBelowTreelineSouth': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonBelowTreelineSouthEast': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonBelowTreelineSouthWest': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonBelowTreelineWest': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonNearTreelineEast': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonNearTreelineNorth': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonNearTreelineNorthEast': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonNearTreelineNorthWest': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonNearTreelineSouth': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonNearTreelineSouthEast': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonNearTreelineSouthWest': 'object', 'Day1Danger_OctagonNearTreelineWest': 'object', 'SpecialStatement': 'object', 'image_paths': 'object', 'image_types': 'object', 'image_urls': 'object'}) self.labels['parsed_date'] = pd.to_datetime(self.labels[self.date_col], format='%Y%m%d') metadata_cols = [self.date_col, self.region_col] #ensure we are only using label data for regions we are looking at #return region_zones self.labels[self.region_col] = self.labels.apply(lambda x : PrepML.lookup_forecast_region(x[self.region_col]), axis=1) self.labels = self.labels[self.labels[self.region_col].isin(region_zones)] self.labels = self.labels[self.labels[self.region_col]!='Unknown region'] #add a season column tmp = pd.DataFrame.from_records(self.labels[self.parsed_date_col].apply(PrepML.date_to_season).reset_index(drop=True)) self.labels.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self.labels['season'] = tmp[1] #some region/seasons have excessive errors in the data, remove those self.labels = self.labels[self.labels['season'].isin(['15-16', '16-17', '17-18', '18-19', '19-20'])] self.labels = self.labels[~self.labels.index.isin(self.labels[(self.labels['season']=='15-16') & (self.labels[self.region_col]=='Steamboat Zone')].index)] self.labels = self.labels[~self.labels.index.isin(self.labels[(self.labels['season']=='16-17') & (self.labels[self.region_col]=='Front Range Zone')].index)] lat_lon_union = pd.DataFrame() lat_lon_path = self.processed_path + 'lat_lon_union.csv' if overwrite_cache or not os.path.exists(lat_lon_path): #find union of all lat/lon/region to just grids with values #the process to filter the lat/lon is expensive but we need to do it here (1-5 seconds per region) #as the helps the batch process select relevant data for r in region_data.keys(): print(r) region_df = region_data[r].stack(lat_lon = ('latitude', 'longitude')).lat_lon.to_dataframe() tmp_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(region_df['lat_lon'], columns=['latitude', 'longitude']) indexes_to_drop = [] for index, row in tmp_df.iterrows(): #TODO: there might be a more efficient way than doing this one by one? if 0 == np.count_nonzero(region_data[r].to_array().sel(latitude=row['latitude'], longitude=row['longitude']).stack(time_var = ('time', 'variable')).dropna(dim='time_var', how='all').values): indexes_to_drop.append(index) tmp_df.drop(indexes_to_drop, axis=0, inplace=True) tmp_df[self.region_col] = r lat_lon_union = pd.concat([lat_lon_union, tmp_df]) #cache the data lat_lon_union.to_csv(lat_lon_path) else: #load the cached data lat_lon_union = pd.read_csv(lat_lon_path,float_precision='round_trip') #join in with the labels so we have a label per lat/lon pair lat_lon_union = lat_lon_union.set_index(self.region_col, drop=False).join(self.labels.set_index(self.region_col, drop=False), how='left', lsuffix='left', rsuffix='right') #define the split between train and test date_min = np.datetime64(self.date_start) date_max = np.datetime64(self.date_end) train_date_cutoff = np.datetime64(self.date_train_test_cutoff) #split the train/test data labels_data_union = lat_lon_union[lat_lon_union[self.parsed_date_col] >= date_min] labels_data_union = labels_data_union[labels_data_union[self.parsed_date_col] <= date_max] #copy so we can delete the overall data and only keep the filtered labels_data_train = labels_data_union[labels_data_union[self.parsed_date_col] <= train_date_cutoff].copy() labels_data_test = labels_data_union[labels_data_union[self.parsed_date_col] > train_date_cutoff].copy() labels_data_train.reset_index(inplace=True) labels_data_test.reset_index(inplace=True) return labels_data_train, labels_data_test def augment_labels_with_trends(self, label_to_add_trend_info='Day1DangerAboveTreelineValue'): raise NotImplementedError('Method is not fully implemented or tested') #add extra labels which also allow us to have labels which indicate the trend in the avy direction #the thought here is that predicting a rise or flat danger is usually easier than predicting when #to lower the danger so seperating these in to seperate clases #TODO: this should be dynamic based on label passed in, not hard coded to above treeline labels_trends = pd.DataFrame() for r in self.labels[self.region_col].unique(): for s in self.labels['season'].unique(): region_season_df = self.labels[self.labels['season']==s] region_season_df = region_season_df[region_season_df[self.region_col]==r] if(len(region_season_df) == 0): continue region_season_df.sort_values(by='parsed_date', inplace=True) region_season_df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) region_season_df[label_to_add_trend_info] = region_season_df['Day1DangerAboveTreeline'].map({'Low':0, 'Moderate':1, 'Considerable':2, 'High':3}) region_season_df.loc[0,'Day1DangerAboveTreelineWithTrend'] = region_season_df.iloc[0]['Day1DangerAboveTreeline'] + '_Initial' for i in range(1,len(region_season_df)): prev = region_season_df.iloc[i-1]['Day1DangerAboveTreelineValue'] cur = region_season_df.loc[i,'Day1DangerAboveTreelineValue'] trend = '_Unknown' if prev == cur: trend = '_Flat' elif prev < cur: trend = '_Rising' elif prev > cur: trend = '_Falling' region_season_df.loc[i,'Day1DangerAboveTreelineWithTrend'] = region_season_df.iloc[i]['Day1DangerAboveTreeline'] + trend labels_trends = pd.concat([labels_trends,region_season_df]) assert(len(labels_trends)==len(self.labels)) self.labels = labels_trends def get_data_zarr(self, region, lat, lon, lookback_days, date, variables=None): """ utility to get data for a specific point Keyword Arguments region: the region the point exists in lat: the latitude of the point to lookup lon: the longitude of the point to lookup lookback_days: the number of days prior to the date to also return date: the date which marks the end of the dataset (same date as the desired label) variables: filter to just these variables (default: None indicates return all variables) """ #print(region + ' ' + str(lat) + ', ' + str(lon) + ' ' + str(date)) state = self.get_state_for_region(region) earliest_data, season = PrepML.date_to_season(date) path = self.processed_path + '/' + season + '/' + state + '/Region_' + region + '.zarr' #print('*Opening file ' + path) tmp_ds = xr.open_zarr(path, consolidated=True) #filter to just the variables we want #TODO: this may be more efficient if we use the open_zarr drop to not even read the variables if variables is not None: tmp_ds = tmp_ds.sel(variable=tmp_ds.variable.isin(variables)) start_day = date - np.timedelta64(lookback_days-1, 'D') #print('start day ' + str(start_day)) tmp_ds = tmp_ds.sel(latitude=lat, longitude=lon, method='nearest').sel(time=slice(start_day, date)) date_values_pd = pd.date_range(start_day, periods=lookback_days, freq='D') #reindex should fill missing values with NA tmp_ds = tmp_ds.reindex({'time': date_values_pd}) tmp_ds = tmp_ds.reset_index(dims_or_levels='time', drop=True).load() return tmp_ds def get_data_zarr_batch(self, region, season, df, lookback_days, variables=None): """ utility to get data for a set of points Keyword Arguments region: the region the point exists in season: the season the data is in df: DataFrame of label rows to pull the data for (should all be from the same region and season) lookback_days: the number of days prior to the date to also return variables: filter to just these variables (default: None indicates return all variables) """ state = self.get_state_for_region(region) path = self.processed_path + '/' + season + '/' + state + '/Region_' + region + '.zarr' #print('*Opening file ' + path) tmp_ds = xr.open_zarr(path, consolidated=True) #finds the minimal set of values for the single zarr collection and then appends #the individaul data to results results = [] lats = df['latitude'].unique() lons = df['longitude'].unique() tmp_ds = xr.open_zarr(path, consolidated=True) min_ds = tmp_ds.sel(latitude=lats, longitude=lons) #filter to just the variables we want #TODO: this may be more efficient if we use the open_zarr drop to not even read the variables if variables is not None: min_ds = min_ds.sel(variable=min_ds.variable.isin(variables)) for d in df.iterrows(): d = d[1] date = d['parsed_date'] start_day = date - np.timedelta64(lookback_days-1, 'D') result_df = min_ds.sel(latitude=d['latitude'], longitude=d['longitude']).sel(time=slice(start_day, date)) #print(str(d['latitude']) + ' ' + str(d['longitude']) + ' ' + str(start_day) + ' ' + str(date)) #return result_df date_values_pd = pd.date_range(start_day, periods=lookback_days, freq='D') #reindex should fill missing values with NA result_df = result_df.reindex({'time': date_values_pd}) result_df = result_df.assign_coords({'sample': date.strftime('%Y%m%d') + ' ' + region}).expand_dims('sample') results.append(result_df.reset_index(dims_or_levels='time', drop=True).load()) return results def process_sample(self, iter_tuple, lookback_days, variables=None): """ Convienience method to take a tuple and pull the data for it from the zarr files Keyword Arguments iter_tuple: lookback_days: the number of days prior to the date to also return """ row = iter_tuple[1] d = row[self.parsed_date_col] print('date : ' + str(d)) lat = row['latitude'] print('lat ' + str(lat)) lon = row['longitude'] print('lon ' + str(lon)) reg = row[self.region_col] print('reg ' + reg) ds = self.get_data_zarr(reg, lat, lon, lookback_days, d, variables) #print("actual data") if ds.time.shape[0] != lookback_days: print(ds) print('Need to drop! Error, incorrect shape ' + str(ds.time.shape[0]) + ' on time ' + str(d)) return (ds) def process_sample2(self, iter_tuple, df, lookback_days, variables): region = iter_tuple[1]['UnifiedRegion'] season = iter_tuple[1]['season'] df_r = df[df['UnifiedRegion']==region] df_r_s = df_r[df_r['season']==season] return self.get_data_zarr_batch(region=region, season=season, df=df_r_s, lookback_days=lookback_days, variables=variables) def get_xr_batch(self, labels, lookback_days=14, batch_size=64, y_column='Day1DangerAboveTreeline', label_values=['Low', 'Moderate', 'Considerable', 'High'], oversample={'Low':True, 'Moderate':False, 'Considerable':False, 'High':True}, random_state=1, variables = None, n_jobs=-1): """ Primary method to take a set of labels and pull the data for it the data is large so generally this needs to be done it batches and then stored on disk For a set of labels and a target column from the labels set create the ML data Keyword Arguments labels: the set of labels we will randomly choose from lookback_days: the number of days prior to the date in the label to also return which defines the timeseries (default: 14) batch_size: the size of the data batch to return (default: 64) y_column: the column in the label set to use as the label (default: Day1DangerAboveTreeline) label_values: possible values for the y label (default: ['Low', 'Moderate', 'Considerable', 'High']) oversample: dictionary defining which labels from the label_values set to apply naive oversampling to (default: {'Low':True, 'Moderate':False, 'Considerable':False, 'High':True}) random_state: define a state to force datasets to be returned in a reproducable fashion (deafault: 1) varaibles: variables to include (default: None which indicates include all variables) n_jobs: number of processes to use (default: -1) """ print('Getting a batch for label ' + y_column) labels_data = labels X = None y = None first = True first_y = True num_in_place = 0 error_files = [] while num_in_place < batch_size: if not first: #if we didn't meet the full batch size #continue appending until its full #if num_in_place % 5 == 0: print('Filling remaining have ' + str(num_in_place)) sample_size = batch_size-num_in_place if sample_size < len(label_values): sample_size = len(label_values) else: sample_size = batch_size batch_lookups = [] size = int(sample_size/len(label_values)) #copy this so we can modify label_values during the loop without affecting the iteration label_iter = label_values.copy() for l in label_iter: print(' on label: ' + l + ' with samplesize: ' + str(size)) label_len = len(labels_data[labels_data[y_column]==l]) print(' len: ' + str(label_len)) if label_len == 0: #we don't have any more of this label, remove it from the list so we can continue efficiently print(' No more values for label: ' + l) label_values.remove(l) continue label_slice = labels_data[labels_data[y_column]==l] #ensure the propose sample is larger than the available values pick_size = size if len(label_slice) < pick_size: pick_size = len(label_slice) if pick_size > 0: batch_lookups.append(label_slice.sample(pick_size, random_state=random_state)) if not oversample[l]: labels_data = labels_data.drop(batch_lookups[-1].index, axis=0) #sample frac=1 causes the data to be shuffled if len(batch_lookups) == 0: #no more data left break batch_lookup = pd.concat(batch_lookups).sample(frac=1, random_state=random_state) #print('lookup shape: ' + str(batch_lookup.shape)) batch_lookup.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) print('have n_jobs ' + str(n_jobs)) tuples = batch_lookup[['UnifiedRegion', 'season']].drop_duplicates() func = partial(self.process_sample2, df=batch_lookup, lookback_days=lookback_days, variables=variables) data2 = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(map(delayed(func), tuples.iterrows())) data = [item for sublist in data2 for item in sublist] if first and len(data) > 0: X = xr.concat(data, dim='sample') y = batch_lookup first = False elif not first and len(data) > 0: X_t = xr.concat(data, dim='sample') X = xr.concat([X, X_t], dim='sample')#, coords='all', compat='override') y = pd.concat([y, batch_lookup], axis=0) num_in_place = y.shape[0] X = X.sortby(['sample', 'latitude', 'longitude']) y['sample'] = y['parsed_date'].dt.strftime('%Y%m%d') + ': ' + y['UnifiedRegion'] y = y.sort_values(['sample', 'latitude', 'longitude']).reset_index(drop=True) return X, y, labels_data @staticmethod def prepare_batch_simple(X, y): """ ensure, X and y indexes are aligned Keyword Arguments X: The X dataframe y: the y dataframe """ X = X.sortby(['sample', 'latitude', 'longitude']) sample = y.apply(lambda row: '{}: {}'.format(row['parsed_date'], row['UnifiedRegion']), axis=1) y['sample'] = sample y = y.set_index(['sample', 'latitude', 'longitude']) y.sort_index(inplace=True) y.reset_index(drop=False, inplace=True) return X, y #def cache_batches(self, labels, batch_size=64, total_rows=6400, train_or_test='train', lookback_days=14, n_jobs=14): """ method to enable batches to be generated based on total amount of data as well as batch size batches stores as zarr & parquet Keyword Arguments labels: the set of labels to choose from batch_size: the number of samples to cache in a single batch (default: 64) total_rows: the total number of rows to cache made up of multiple batches (default: 6400) train_or_test: is this a train or test set--used in the file label (default: train) lookback_days: number of days prior to the label date to include in the timeseries (default: 14) n_jobs: number of processes to use (default: 14) Returns: remaining labels (labels which weren't used in the dataset creation) """ #remaining_labels = labels #for i in range(0, total_rows, batch_size): # print(str( + ' On ' + str(i) + ' of ' + str(total_rows)) # X, y, remaining_labels = self.get_xr_batch(remaining_labels, # lookback_days=lookback_days, # batch_size=batch_size, # n_jobs=n_jobs) # X.to_zarr(self.ml_path + 'X_' + train_or_test + '_' + str(i/batch_size) + '.zarr') # y.to_parquet(self.ml_path + 'y_' + train_or_test + '_' + str(i/batch_size) + '.parquet') #return remaining_labels #def cache_batches_np(self, # labels, # batch_size=50, # total_rows=10000, # train_or_test='train', # lookback_days=180, # y_column='Day1DangerAboveTreeline', # label_values=['Low', 'Moderate', 'Considerable', 'High'], # oversample={'Low':True, 'Moderate':False, 'Considerable':False, 'High':True}, # variables = None, # n_jobs=14): """ method to enable batches to be generated based on total amount of data as well as batch size batches returned for further processing Keyword Arguments labels: the set of labels to choose from batch_size: the number of samples to cache in a single batch (default: 64) total_rows: the total number of rows to cache made up of multiple batches (default: 6400) train_or_test: is this a train or test set--used in the file label (default: train) lookback_days: number of days prior to the label date to include in the timeseries (default: 14) y_column: the column in the label set to use as the label (default: Day1DangerAboveTreeline) label_values: possible values for the y label (default: ['Low', 'Moderate', 'Considerable', 'High']) oversample: dictionary defining which labels from the label_values set to apply naive oversampling to (default: {'Low':True, 'Moderate':False, 'Considerable':False, 'High':True}) varaibles: variables to include (default: None which indicates include all variables) n_jobs: number of processes to use (default: 14) Returns: tuple containing the batch *X,y) and remaining labels (labels which weren't used in the dataset creation) """ # remaining_labels = labels # Xs = [] # ys = [] # for i in range(0, total_rows, batch_size): # print(str( + ' *On ' + str(i) + ' of ' + str(total_rows)) # X, y, remaining_labels = self.get_xr_batch(remaining_labels, # lookback_days=lookback_days, # batch_size=batch_size, # y_column=y_column, # label_values=label_values, # oversample=oversample, # variables=variables, # n_jobs=n_jobs) # Xs.append(X) # ys.append(y) # # # X = xr.concat(Xs, dim='sample') # y = pd.concat(ys, axis=0) # return PrepML.prepare_batch_simple(X, y), remaining_labels #TODO: derive lookback_days from the input set #TODO: only write out one y file per X file def create_memmapped(self, remaining_labels, variables, train_or_test = 'train', num_rows = 10000, lookback_days=180, batch=0, batch_size=500, y_column='Day1DangerAboveTreeline', label_values=['Low', 'Moderate', 'Considerable', 'High'], oversample={'Low':True, 'Moderate':False, 'Considerable':False, 'High':True}, file_label='', n_jobs=14): """ Generate a set of batches and store them in a memmapped numpy array this is the technique used to prep data for timeseriesai notebook Will store a single numpy X file in the ML directory as well as several y parquet files (one per batch size) Keyword Arguments remaining_labels: the set of labels to draw from variables: the variables to include, required train_or_test: is this a train or test set--used in the file label (default: train) num_variables: number of variables in the X set (default: 1131) num_rows: total number of rows to store in the file (deafult: 10000) lookback_days: number of days before the label date to include in the timeseries (default: 180) batch: batch number to start in (default: 0) used in case you are generating multiple files batch_size: number of rows to process at once to accomodate memory limitations (default: 500) y_column: the column in the label set to use as the label (default: Day1DangerAboveTreeline) label_values: possible values for the y label (default: ['Low', 'Moderate', 'Considerable', 'High']) oversample: dictionary defining which labels from the label_values set to apply naive oversampling to (default: {'Low':True, 'Moderate':False, 'Considerable':False, 'High':True}) file_label: optional label for files to distinguish different datasets n_jobs: number of parallel jobs to run """ num_variables = len(variables) # Save a small empty array X_temp_fn = self.ml_path + '/temp_X.npy', np.empty(1)) # Create a np.memmap with desired dtypes and shape of the large array you want to save. # It's just a placeholder that doesn't contain any data X_fn = self.ml_path + '/X' + train_or_test + '_batch_' + str(batch) + '_' + file_label + '_on_disk.npy' X = np.memmap(X_temp_fn, dtype='float32', shape=(num_rows, num_variables, lookback_days)) # We are going to create a loop to fill in the np.memmap start = 0 y = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(0, num_rows, batch_size): print('On ' + str(i) + ' of ' + str(num_rows)) # You now grab a chunk of your data that fits in memory # This could come from a pandas dataframe for example X_df, y_df, remaining_labels = self.get_xr_batch(remaining_labels, lookback_days=lookback_days, batch_size=batch_size, y_column=y_column, label_values=label_values, oversample=oversample, variables=variables, n_jobs=n_jobs) X_df, y_df = PrepML.prepare_batch_simple(X_df, y_df) #need to make sure all the variables are in the same order (there was an issue that they weren't between train and test sets) X_df = X_df.sortby('variable') end = start + batch_size print('start: ' + str(start) + ' end: ' + str(end)) #print(str(X.shape)) print(str(X_df.vars.values.shape)) print(str(batch_size)) # I now fill a slice of the np.memmap X[start:end] = X_df.vars.values[:batch_size] #sometimes the process will add a few extras, filter them #y_df[:batch_size].to_parquet(self.ml_path + '/y_' + train_or_test + '_batch_' + str(batch) + '_' + file_label + '_' + str(i/batch_size) + '.parquet') y = pd.concat([y, y_df[:batch_size]]) start = end del X_df, y_df #I can now remove the temp file I created os.remove(X_temp_fn) # Once the data is loaded on the np.memmap, I save it as a normal np.array, X) y.to_parquet(self.ml_path + '/y_' + train_or_test + '_batch_' + str(batch) + '_' + file_label + '.parquet') return remaining_labels, X_fn def concat_memapped(self, to_concat_filenames, file_label='', dim_1_size=1131, dim_2_size=180, temp_destination_path=None): """ concat multiple numpy files on disk in to a single file required for timeseriesai notebook as input to that is a single memmapped file containing X train and test data Keyword Arguments: to_concat_filenames: the files to concat dim_1_size: number of variables in the files (default: 1131) dim_2_size: number of lookback dates in the files (length of timeseries) (default: 180) destination_path: alternate path to put the concat file """ if temp_destination_path is None: temp_destination_path = self.ml_path to_concat = [] for i in range(len(to_concat_filenames)): to_concat.append(np.load(to_concat_filenames[i], mmap_mode='r')) dim_0_size = 0 for i in range(len(to_concat)): dim_0_size += to_concat[i].shape[0] assert(to_concat[i].shape[1] == dim_1_size) assert(to_concat[i].shape[2] == dim_2_size) X_temp_fn = temp_destination_path + '/temp_X.npy', np.empty(1)) X_fn = self.ml_path + '/X_all' + '_' + file_label + '.npy' X = np.memmap(X_temp_fn, dtype='float32', shape=(dim_0_size, dim_1_size, dim_2_size)) dim_0_start = 0 for i in range(len(to_concat)): print('On file ' + str(i) + ' of ' + str(len(to_concat))) dim_0 = to_concat[i].shape[0] X[dim_0_start:dim_0_start+dim_0] = to_concat[i] dim_0_start += dim_0 #I can now remove the temp file I created os.remove(X_temp_fn) # Once the data is loaded on the np.memmap, I save it as a normal np.array, X) del to_concat #TODO: add the ability to restart from a cached label file def generate_train_test_local(self, train_labels, test_labels, num_train_files=1, num_test_files=1, num_train_rows_per_file=1000, num_test_rows_per_file=500, batch_size=500, y_column='Day1DangerAboveTreeline', label_values=['Low', 'Moderate', 'Considerable', 'High'], oversample={'Low':True, 'Moderate':False, 'Considerable':False, 'High':True}, file_label = '', temp_destination_path=None, n_jobs=14): """ create several memapped files we do this as the technique to create one has some memory limitations also due to the memory limitations sometimes this process runs out of memory and crashes which is why we cache the label state after every iteration so we can restart at that state 15 mins for 10000 rows using all 16 cores on my machine I can generate a max of ~50000 rows per batch with 48 gb of ram before running out of memory Keyword Arguments: y_column: the column in the label set to use as the label (default: Day1DangerAboveTreeline) label_values: possible values for the y label (default: ['Low', 'Moderate', 'Considerable', 'High']) oversample: dictionary defining which labels from the label_values set to apply naive oversampling to (default: {'Low':True, 'Moderate':False, 'Considerable':False, 'High':True}) file_label: optional file label to add to the on disk files to distinguish between data sets temp_destination_path: alternate path to put the concat file temporarily (improves disk throughput) """ assert num_train_rows_per_file % batch_size == 0, 'num_train_rows_per_file needs to be a multiple of batch_size' assert batch_size <= num_train_rows_per_file, 'num_train_rows_per_file needs to be greater than batch_size' assert num_test_rows_per_file % batch_size == 0, 'num_test_rows_per_file needs to be a multiple of batch_size' assert batch_size <= num_test_rows_per_file, 'num_test_rows_per_file needs to be greater than batch_size' #not all seasons have the same # of variables so find the common subset first train_seasons = train_labels['season'].unique() test_seasons = test_labels['season'].unique() #find the common vars for each season #pull one sample of data for each season data = {} for s in train_seasons: label = train_labels[train_labels['season'] == s].sample(n = 1) assert(len(label==1)) data[s] = self.get_data_zarr(label.iloc[0]['UnifiedRegion'], label.iloc[0]['latitude'], label.iloc[0]['longitude'], 7, label.iloc[0]['parsed_date']) for s in test_seasons: label = test_labels[test_labels['season'] == s].sample(n = 1) assert(len(label==1)) data[s] = self.get_data_zarr(label.iloc[0]['UnifiedRegion'], label.iloc[0]['latitude'], label.iloc[0]['longitude'], 7, label.iloc[0]['parsed_date']) v = [] for d in data.keys(): v.append(set(data[d].variable.values)) final_vars = list(set.intersection(*v)) #get a sample so we can dump the feature labels X, _, _ = self.get_xr_batch(train_labels, variables=final_vars, lookback_days=7, batch_size=4)
from datetime import datetime import numpy as np from pandas.tseries.frequencies import get_freq_code as _gfc from pandas.tseries.index import DatetimeIndex, Int64Index from import parse_time_string import pandas.tseries.frequencies as _freq_mod import pandas.core.common as com import pandas.core.datetools as datetools from pandas._tseries import Timestamp import pandas._tseries as lib #--------------- # Period logic def to_period(arg, freq=None): """ Attempts to convert arg to timestamp """ if arg is None: return arg if type(arg) == float: raise TypeError("Cannot convert a float to period") return Period(arg, freq=freq) class Period(object): def __init__(self, value=None, freq=None, year=None, month=1, quarter=None, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0): """ Represents an period of time Parameters ---------- value : Period or basestring, default None The time period represented (e.g., '4Q2005') freq : str, default None e.g., 'B' for businessday, ('T', 5) or '5T' for 5 minutes year : int, default None month : int, default 1 quarter : int, default None day : int, default 1 hour : int, default 0 minute : int, default 0 second : int, default 0 """ # freq points to a tuple (base, mult); base is one of the defined # periods such as A, Q, etc. Every five minutes would be, e.g., # ('T', 5) but may be passed in as a string like '5T' self.freq = None # ordinal is the period offset from the gregorian proleptic epoch self.ordinal = None if value is None: if freq is None: raise ValueError("If value is None, freq cannot be None") if year is None: raise ValueError("If value is None, year cannot be None") if quarter is not None: month = (quarter - 1) * 3 + 1 base, mult = _gfc(freq) self.ordinal = lib.period_ordinal(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, base, mult) elif isinstance(value, Period): other = value if freq is None or _gfc(freq) == _gfc(other.freq): self.ordinal = other.ordinal freq = other.freq else: converted = other.asfreq(freq) self.ordinal = converted.ordinal elif isinstance(value, basestring): value = value.upper() dt, parsed, reso = parse_time_string(value) if freq is None: if reso == 'year': freq = 'A' elif reso == 'quarter': freq = 'Q' elif reso == 'month': freq = 'M' elif reso == 'day': freq = 'D' elif reso == 'hour': freq = 'H' elif reso == 'minute': freq = 'T' elif reso == 'second': freq = 'S' else: raise ValueError("Could not infer frequency for period") elif isinstance(value, datetime): dt = value if freq is None: raise ValueError('Must supply freq for datetime value') elif isinstance(value, (int, long)): if value <= 0: raise ValueError("Value must be positive") self.ordinal = value if freq is None: raise ValueError('Must supply freq for ordinal value') else: msg = "Value must be Period, string, integer, or datetime" raise ValueError(msg) base, mult = _gfc(freq) if self.ordinal is None: self.ordinal = lib.period_ordinal(dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, base, mult) self.freq = _freq_mod._get_freq_str(base, mult) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Period): return (self.ordinal == other.ordinal and _gfc(self.freq) == _gfc(other.freq)) return False def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, long)): return Period(self.ordinal + other, self.freq) raise ValueError("Cannot add with non-integer value") def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, long)): return Period(self.ordinal - other, self.freq) if isinstance(other, Period): if other.freq != self.freq: raise ValueError("Cannot do arithmetic with " "non-conforming periods") return self.ordinal - other.ordinal raise ValueError("Cannot sub with non-integer value") def asfreq(self, freq=None, how='E'): """ Parameters ---------- freq : how : Returns ------- resampled : Period """ how = _validate_end_alias(how) base1, mult1 = _gfc(self.freq) base2, mult2 = _gfc(freq) new_ordinal = lib.period_asfreq(self.ordinal, base1, mult1, base2, mult2, how) return Period(new_ordinal, (base2, mult2)) def start_time(self): return self.to_timestamp(which_end='S') def end_time(self): return self.to_timestamp(which_end='E') def to_timestamp(self, which_end='S'): """ Return the Timestamp at the start/end of the period Parameters ---------- which_end: str, default 'S' (start) 'S', 'E'. Can be aliased as case insensitive 'Start', 'Finish', 'Begin', 'End' Returns ------- Timestamp """ which_end = _validate_end_alias(which_end) new_val = self.asfreq('S', which_end) base, mult = _gfc(new_val.freq) return Timestamp(lib.period_ordinal_to_dt64(new_val.ordinal, base, mult)) @property def year(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_year(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def month(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_month(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def qyear(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_qyear(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def quarter(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_quarter(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def day(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_day(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def week(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_week(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def weekday(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_weekday(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def day_of_week(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_dow(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def day_of_year(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_doy(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def hour(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_hour(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def minute(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_minute(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def second(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_second(self.ordinal, base, mult) @classmethod def now(cls, freq=None): return Period(, freq=freq) def __repr__(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) formatted = lib.period_ordinal_to_string(self.ordinal, base, mult) freqstr = _freq_mod._reverse_period_code_map[base] if mult == 1: return "Period('%s', '%s')" % (formatted, freqstr) return ("Period('%s', '%d%s')" % (formatted, mult, freqstr)) def __str__(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) formatted = lib.period_ordinal_to_string(self.ordinal, base, mult) return ("%s" % formatted) def strftime(self, fmt): """ Returns the string representation of the :class:`Period`, depending on the selected :keyword:`format`. :keyword:`format` must be a string containing one or several directives. The method recognizes the same directives as the :func:`time.strftime` function of the standard Python distribution, as well as the specific additional directives ``%f``, ``%F``, ``%q``. (formatting & docs originally from scikits.timeries) +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | Directive | Meaning | Notes | +===========+================================+=======+ | ``%a`` | Locale's abbreviated weekday | | | | name. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%A`` | Locale's full weekday name. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%b`` | Locale's abbreviated month | | | | name. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%B`` | Locale's full month name. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%c`` | Locale's appropriate date and | | | | time representation. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%d`` | Day of the month as a decimal | | | | number [01,31]. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%f`` | 'Fiscal' year without a | \(1) | | | century as a decimal number | | | | [00,99] | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%F`` | 'Fiscal' year with a century | \(2) | | | as a decimal number | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%H`` | Hour (24-hour clock) as a | | | | decimal number [00,23]. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%I`` | Hour (12-hour clock) as a | | | | decimal number [01,12]. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%j`` | Day of the year as a decimal | | | | number [001,366]. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%m`` | Month as a decimal number | | | | [01,12]. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%M`` | Minute as a decimal number | | | | [00,59]. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%p`` | Locale's equivalent of either | \(3) | | | AM or PM. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%q`` | Quarter as a decimal number | | | | [01,04] | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%S`` | Second as a decimal number | \(4) | | | [00,61]. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%U`` | Week number of the year | \(5) | | | (Sunday as the first day of | | | | the week) as a decimal number | | | | [00,53]. All days in a new | | | | year preceding the first | | | | Sunday are considered to be in | | | | week 0. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%w`` | Weekday as a decimal number | | | | [0(Sunday),6]. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%W`` | Week number of the year | \(5) | | | (Monday as the first day of | | | | the week) as a decimal number | | | | [00,53]. All days in a new | | | | year preceding the first | | | | Monday are considered to be in | | | | week 0. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%x`` | Locale's appropriate date | | | | representation. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%X`` | Locale's appropriate time | | | | representation. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%y`` | Year without century as a | | | | decimal number [00,99]. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%Y`` | Year with century as a decimal | | | | number. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%Z`` | Time zone name (no characters | | | | if no time zone exists). | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ | ``%%`` | A literal ``'%'`` character. | | +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+ .. note:: (1) The ``%f`` directive is the same as ``%y`` if the frequency is not quarterly. Otherwise, it corresponds to the 'fiscal' year, as defined by the :attr:`qyear` attribute. (2) The ``%F`` directive is the same as ``%Y`` if the frequency is not quarterly. Otherwise, it corresponds to the 'fiscal' year, as defined by the :attr:`qyear` attribute. (3) The ``%p`` directive only affects the output hour field if the ``%I`` directive is used to parse the hour. (4) The range really is ``0`` to ``61``; this accounts for leap seconds and the (very rare) double leap seconds. (5) The ``%U`` and ``%W`` directives are only used in calculations when the day of the week and the year are specified. .. rubric:: Examples >>> a = Period(freq='Q@JUL', year=2006, quarter=1) >>> a.strftime('%F-Q%q') '2006-Q1' >>> # Output the last month in the quarter of this date >>> a.strftime('%b-%Y') 'Oct-2005' >>> >>> a = Period(freq='D', year=2001, month=1, day=1) >>> a.strftime('%d-%b-%Y') '01-Jan-2006' >>> a.strftime('%b. %d, %Y was a %A') 'Jan. 01, 2001 was a Monday' """ base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) if fmt is not None: return lib.period_strftime(self.ordinal, base, mult, fmt) else: return lib.period_ordinal_to_string(self.ordinal, base, mult) def _period_unbox(key, check=None): ''' Period-like => int64 ''' if not isinstance(key, Period): key = Period(key, freq=check) elif check is not None: if key.freq != check: raise ValueError("%s is wrong freq" % key) return np.int64(key.ordinal) def _period_unbox_array(arr, check=None): if arr is None: return arr unboxer = np.frompyfunc(lambda x: _period_unbox(x, check=check), 1, 1) return unboxer(arr) def _period_box(val, freq): return Period(val, freq=freq) def _period_box_array(arr, freq): if arr is None: return arr if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): return arr boxfunc = lambda x: _period_box(x, freq) boxer = np.frompyfunc(boxfunc, 1, 1) return boxer(arr) def dt64arr_to_periodarr(data, freq): if data is None: return data if isinstance(freq, basestring): base, mult = _gfc(freq) else: base, mult = freq return lib.dt64arr_to_periodarr(data.view('i8'), base, mult) # --- Period index sketch class PeriodIndex(Int64Index): """ Immutable ndarray holding ordinal values indicating regular periods in time such as particular years, quarters, months, etc. A value of 1 is the period containing the Gregorian proleptic datetime Jan 1, 0001 00:00:00. This ordinal representation is from the scikits.timeseries project. For instance, # construct period for day 1/1/1 and get the first second i = Period(year=1,month=1,day=1,freq='D').asfreq('S', 'S') i.ordinal ===> 1 Index keys are boxed to Period objects which carries the metadata (eg, frequency information). Parameters ---------- data : array-like (1-dimensional), optional Optional period-like data to construct index with dtype : NumPy dtype (default: i8) copy : bool Make a copy of input ndarray freq : string or period object, optional One of pandas period strings or corresponding objects start : starting value, period-like, optional If data is None, used as the start point in generating regular period data. periods : int, optional, > 0 Number of periods to generate, if generating index. Takes precedence over end argument end : end value, period-like, optional If periods is none, generated index will extend to first conforming period on or just past end argument """ def __new__(cls, data=None, freq=None, start=None, end=None, periods=None, copy=False, name=None): if isinstance(freq, Period): freq = freq.freq else: freq = datetools.get_standard_freq(freq) if data is None: if start is None and end is None: raise ValueError('Must specify start, end, or data') start = to_period(start, freq) end = to_period(end, freq) is_start_intv = isinstance(start, Period) is_end_intv = isinstance(end, Period) if (start is not None and not is_start_intv): raise ValueError('Failed to convert %s to period' % start) if (end is not None and not is_end_intv): raise ValueError('Failed to convert %s to period' % end) if is_start_intv and is_end_intv and (start.freq != end.freq): raise ValueError('Start and end must have same freq') if freq is None: if is_start_intv: freq = start.freq elif is_end_intv: freq = end.freq else: raise ValueError('Could not infer freq from start/end') if periods is not None: if start is None: data = np.arange(end.ordinal - periods + 1, end.ordinal + 1, dtype=np.int64) else: data = np.arange(start.ordinal, start.ordinal + periods, dtype=np.int64) else: if start is None or end is None: msg = 'Must specify both start and end if periods is None' raise ValueError(msg) data = np.arange(start.ordinal, end.ordinal+1, dtype=np.int64) subarr = data.view(cls) = name subarr.freq = freq return subarr if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): if np.isscalar(data): raise ValueError('PeriodIndex() must be called with a ' 'collection of some kind, %s was passed' % repr(data)) if isinstance(data, Period): data = [data] # other iterable of some kind if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): data = list(data) try: data = np.array(data, dtype='i8') except: data = np.array(data, dtype='O') if freq is None: raise ValueError('freq cannot be none') data = _period_unbox_array(data, check=freq) else: if isinstance(data, PeriodIndex): if freq is None or freq == data.freq: freq = data.freq data = data.values else: base1, mult1 = _gfc(data.freq) base2, mult2 = _gfc(freq) data = lib.period_asfreq_arr(data.values, base1, mult1, base2, mult2, 'E') else: if freq is None: raise ValueError('freq cannot be none') if data.dtype == np.datetime64: data = dt64arr_to_periodarr(data, freq) elif data.dtype == np.int64: pass else: data = data.astype('i8') data = np.array(data, dtype=np.int64, copy=False) if (data <= 0).any(): raise ValueError("Found illegal (<= 0) values in data") subarr = data.view(cls) = name subarr.freq = freq return subarr @property def is_all_dates(self): return True def asfreq(self, freq=None, how='E'): how = _validate_end_alias(how) base1, mult1 = _gfc(self.freq) if isinstance(freq, basestring): base2, mult2 = _gfc(freq) else: base2, mult2 = freq new_data = lib.period_asfreq_arr(self.values, base1, mult1, base2, mult2, how) return PeriodIndex(new_data, freq=freq) @property def year(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_year_arr(self.values, base, mult) @property def month(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_month_arr(self.values, base, mult) @property def qyear(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_qyear_arr(self.values, base, mult) @property def quarter(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_quarter_arr(self.values, base, mult) @property def day(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_day_arr(self.values, base, mult) @property def week(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_week_arr(self.values, base, mult) @property def weekday(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_weekday_arr(self.values, base, mult) @property def day_of_week(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_dow_arr(self.values, base, mult) @property def day_of_year(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_doy_arr(self.values, base, mult) @property def hour(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_hour_arr(self.values, base, mult) @property def minute(self): base, mult =
from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify, request from flask_pymongo import PyMongo from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin import json import collections import numpy as np import re from numpy import array from statistics import mode import pandas as pd import warnings import copy from joblib import Memory from itertools import chain import ast import timeit from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier # 1 neighbors from sklearn.svm import SVC # 1 svm from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB # 1 naive bayes from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier # 1 neural network from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression # 1 linear model from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis, QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis # 2 discriminant analysis from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier, AdaBoostClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier # 4 ensemble models from joblib import Parallel, delayed import multiprocessing from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn import model_selection from sklearn.manifold import MDS from sklearn.manifold import TSNE from sklearn.metrics import matthews_corrcoef from sklearn.metrics import log_loss from sklearn.metrics import fbeta_score from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.metrics import precision_score from sklearn.metrics import recall_score from sklearn.metrics import f1_score from imblearn.metrics import geometric_mean_score import umap from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from sklearn.preprocessing import scale import eli5 from eli5.sklearn import PermutationImportance from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2 from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from mlxtend.classifier import StackingCVClassifier from mlxtend.feature_selection import ColumnSelector from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit from scipy.spatial import procrustes # This block of code == for the connection between the server, the database, and the client (plus routing). # Access MongoDB app = Flask(__name__) app.config["MONGO_URI"] = "mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb" mongo = PyMongo(app) cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/data/*": {"origins": "*"}}) # Retrieve data from client @cross_origin(origin='localhost',headers=['Content-Type','Authorization']) @app.route('/data/Reset', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def Reset(): global DataRawLength global DataResultsRaw global previousState previousState = [] global filterActionFinal filterActionFinal = '' global keySpecInternal keySpecInternal = 1 global dataSpacePointsIDs dataSpacePointsIDs = [] global previousStateActive previousStateActive = [] global StanceTest StanceTest = False global status status = True global factors factors = [1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1] global KNNModelsCount global SVCModelsCount global GausNBModelsCount global MLPModelsCount global LRModelsCount global LDAModelsCount global QDAModelsCount global RFModelsCount global ExtraTModelsCount global AdaBModelsCount global GradBModelsCount global keyData keyData = 0 KNNModelsCount = 0 SVCModelsCount = 576 GausNBModelsCount = 736 MLPModelsCount = 1236 LRModelsCount = 1356 LDAModelsCount = 1996 QDAModelsCount = 2196 RFModelsCount = 2446 ExtraTModelsCount = 2606 AdaBModelsCount = 2766 GradBModelsCount = 2926 global XData XData = [] global yData yData = [] global XDataStored XDataStored = [] global yDataStored yDataStored = [] global detailsParams detailsParams = [] global algorithmList algorithmList = [] global ClassifierIDsList ClassifierIDsList = '' # Initializing models global resultsList resultsList = [] global RetrieveModelsList RetrieveModelsList = [] global allParametersPerformancePerModel allParametersPerformancePerModel = [] global all_classifiers all_classifiers = [] global crossValidation crossValidation = 5 # models global KNNModels KNNModels = [] global RFModels RFModels = [] global scoring scoring = {'accuracy': 'accuracy', 'precision_micro': 'precision_micro', 'precision_macro': 'precision_macro', 'precision_weighted': 'precision_weighted', 'recall_micro': 'recall_micro', 'recall_macro': 'recall_macro', 'recall_weighted': 'recall_weighted', 'roc_auc_ovo_weighted': 'roc_auc_ovo_weighted'} global loopFeatures loopFeatures = 2 global results results = [] global resultsMetrics resultsMetrics = [] global parametersSelData parametersSelData = [] global target_names target_names = [] global target_namesLoc target_namesLoc = [] return 'The reset was done!' # Retrieve data from client and select the correct data set @cross_origin(origin='localhost',headers=['Content-Type','Authorization']) @app.route('/data/ServerRequest', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def RetrieveFileName(): global DataRawLength global DataResultsRaw global DataResultsRawTest global DataRawLengthTest fileName = request.get_data().decode('utf8').replace("'", '"') global keySpecInternal keySpecInternal = 1 global filterActionFinal filterActionFinal = '' global dataSpacePointsIDs dataSpacePointsIDs = [] global RANDOM_SEED RANDOM_SEED = 42 global keyData keyData = 0 global XData XData = [] global previousState previousState = [] global previousStateActive previousStateActive = [] global status status = True global yData yData = [] global XDataStored XDataStored = [] global yDataStored yDataStored = [] global filterDataFinal filterDataFinal = 'mean' global ClassifierIDsList ClassifierIDsList = '' global algorithmList algorithmList = [] global detailsParams detailsParams = [] # Initializing models global RetrieveModelsList RetrieveModelsList = [] global resultsList resultsList = [] global allParametersPerformancePerModel allParametersPerformancePerModel = [] global all_classifiers all_classifiers = [] global scoring scoring = {'accuracy': 'accuracy', 'precision_micro': 'precision_micro', 'precision_macro': 'precision_macro', 'precision_weighted': 'precision_weighted', 'recall_micro': 'recall_micro', 'recall_macro': 'recall_macro', 'recall_weighted': 'recall_weighted', 'roc_auc_ovo_weighted': 'roc_auc_ovo_weighted'} global loopFeatures loopFeatures = 2 # models global KNNModels global SVCModels global GausNBModels global MLPModels global LRModels global LDAModels global QDAModels global RFModels global ExtraTModels global AdaBModels global GradBModels KNNModels = [] SVCModels = [] GausNBModels = [] MLPModels = [] LRModels = [] LDAModels = [] QDAModels = [] RFModels = [] ExtraTModels = [] AdaBModels = [] GradBModels = [] global results results = [] global resultsMetrics resultsMetrics = [] global parametersSelData parametersSelData = [] global StanceTest StanceTest = False global target_names target_names = [] global target_namesLoc target_namesLoc = [] DataRawLength = -1 DataRawLengthTest = -1 data = json.loads(fileName) if data['fileName'] == 'HeartC': CollectionDB = mongo.db.HeartC.find() elif data['fileName'] == 'StanceC': StanceTest = True CollectionDB = mongo.db.StanceC.find() CollectionDBTest = mongo.db.StanceCTest.find() elif data['fileName'] == 'DiabetesC': CollectionDB = mongo.db.diabetesC.find() elif data['fileName'] == 'BreastC': CollectionDB = mongo.db.breastC.find() elif data['fileName'] == 'WineC': CollectionDB = mongo.db.WineC.find() elif data['fileName'] == 'ContraceptiveC': CollectionDB = mongo.db.ContraceptiveC.find() elif data['fileName'] == 'VehicleC': CollectionDB = mongo.db.VehicleC.find() elif data['fileName'] == 'BiodegC': StanceTest = True CollectionDB = mongo.db.biodegC.find() CollectionDBTest = mongo.db.biodegCTest.find() else: CollectionDB = mongo.db.IrisC.find() DataResultsRaw = [] for index, item in enumerate(CollectionDB): item['_id'] = str(item['_id']) item['InstanceID'] = index DataResultsRaw.append(item) DataRawLength = len(DataResultsRaw) DataResultsRawTest = [] if (StanceTest): for index, item in enumerate(CollectionDBTest): item['_id'] = str(item['_id']) item['InstanceID'] = index DataResultsRawTest.append(item) DataRawLengthTest = len(DataResultsRawTest) DataSetSelection() return 'Everything is okay' def Convert(lst): it = iter(lst) res_dct = dict(zip(it, it)) return res_dct # Retrieve data set from client @cross_origin(origin='localhost',headers=['Content-Type','Authorization']) @app.route('/data/SendtoSeverDataSet', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def SendToServerData(): uploadedData = request.get_data().decode('utf8').replace("'", '"') uploadedDataParsed = json.loads(uploadedData) DataResultsRaw = uploadedDataParsed['uploadedData'] DataResults = copy.deepcopy(DataResultsRaw) for dictionary in DataResultsRaw: for key in dictionary.keys(): if (key.find('*') != -1): target = key continue continue DataResultsRaw.sort(key=lambda x: x[target], reverse=True) DataResults.sort(key=lambda x: x[target], reverse=True) for dictionary in DataResults: del dictionary[target] global AllTargets global target_names global target_namesLoc AllTargets = [o[target] for o in DataResultsRaw] AllTargetsFloatValues = [] previous = None Class = 0 for i, value in enumerate(AllTargets): if (i == 0): previous = value target_names.append(value) if (value == previous): AllTargetsFloatValues.append(Class) else: Class = Class + 1 target_names.append(value) AllTargetsFloatValues.append(Class) previous = value ArrayDataResults =
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import sklearn import os import sys sys.path.append('../../code/scripts') from dataset_chunking_fxns import add_stratified_kfold_splits # Load data into pd dataframes and adjust feature names data_dir = '../../data/adult' file_train = os.path.join(data_dir, '') file_test = os.path.join(data_dir, 'adult.test') train_df = pd.read_csv(file_train, header=None, na_values='?') test_df = pd.read_csv(file_test, header=None, na_values='?',skiprows=[0]) features = ['age', 'workclass', 'final-weight', 'education', 'education-num', 'marital-status', 'occupation', 'relationship', 'race', 'sex', 'capital-gain', 'capital-loss', 'hours-per-week', 'native-country', 'label'] train_df.columns = features test_df.columns = features print("Original number of points in training:", len(train_df)) print("Original number of points in test:", len(test_df)) print() #drop final-weight feature because it's a measure of population proportion represented by the profile train_df = train_df.drop(['final-weight'], axis=1) test_df = test_df.drop(['final-weight'], axis=1) feat_list = list(train_df.keys()) feat_list.remove('label') print('number of features before one-hot encoding:', len(feat_list)) # train data: one hot encode non-binary discontinuous features print("One hot encoding the following non-binary, discontinuous features:") one_hot_columns = ['workclass', 'education', 'marital-status', 'occupation', 'relationship', 'race', 'native-country'] for col in one_hot_columns: print(col) print() one_hot_workclass = pd.get_dummies(train_df['workclass']) for feature in one_hot_columns: one_hot_encoding = pd.get_dummies(train_df[feature]) if ' ?' in one_hot_encoding.columns: one_hot_encoding = one_hot_encoding.drop([' ?'], axis=1) train_df = train_df.join(one_hot_encoding) train_df = train_df.drop(one_hot_columns, axis=1) # train data: change binary features to 0/1 binary_columns = ['sex', 'label'] for feature in binary_columns: one_hot_encoding = pd.get_dummies(train_df[feature]) binary_encoding = one_hot_encoding.drop([one_hot_encoding.columns[0]], axis=1) train_df = train_df.join(binary_encoding) train_df = train_df.drop(binary_columns, axis=1) print('New name of train labels column:', train_df.columns[len(train_df.columns)-1]) # test data: one hot encode non-binary discontinuous features one_hot_workclass =
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd # Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning: 1 capa LSTM y 4 capas Dense, Funcion de activacion tanh, 12 episodes, 50 iteraciones drnnLSTMtanhMakespan0=[799, 798, 799, 799, 805, 806, 799, 805, 805, 800, 798, 798] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan1=[800, 798, 796, 800, 796, 794, 795, 798, 800, 798, 805, 798] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan2=[796, 800, 798, 804, 800, 798, 798, 798, 800, 800, 802, 797] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan3=[805, 800, 800, 803, 794, 802, 800, 798, 799, 804, 799, 806] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan4=[796, 798, 795, 798, 796, 799, 800, 796, 796, 798, 806, 800] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan5=[798, 798, 799, 800, 800, 808, 798, 798, 801, 796, 799, 798] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan6=[800, 796, 805, 798, 798, 796, 799, 800, 803, 800, 798, 800] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan7=[799, 805, 802, 805, 800, 799, 800, 799, 805, 800, 794, 796] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan8=[799, 798, 800, 798, 798, 800, 800, 800, 804, 799, 800, 804] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan9=[795, 800, 795, 796, 798, 796, 797, 800, 797, 798, 796, 795] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan10=[804, 799, 805, 798, 798, 798, 805, 800, 796, 804, 796, 799] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan11=[795, 803, 805, 798, 795, 801, 798, 798, 804, 803, 799, 804] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan12=[798, 798, 799, 800, 798, 798, 799, 799, 801, 796, 799, 798] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan13=[798, 798, 799, 797, 796, 796, 800, 797, 805, 800, 800, 794] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan14=[800, 798, 798, 796, 800, 800, 798, 798, 802, 798, 802, 798] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan15=[796, 796, 800, 801, 800, 800, 796, 794, 796, 800, 796, 798] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan16=[798, 798, 795, 797, 795, 799, 800, 796, 795, 796, 800, 800] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan17=[794, 795, 800, 798, 795, 796, 798, 796, 795, 794, 798, 796] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan18=[797, 795, 794, 794, 800, 796, 796, 795, 798, 795, 798, 794] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan19=[797, 795, 795, 796, 798, 799, 795, 799, 795, 794, 795, 795] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan20=[796, 794, 798, 797, 798, 799, 795, 795, 797, 795, 795, 792] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan21=[797, 795, 797, 793, 794, 794, 800, 794, 798, 795, 797, 795] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan22=[794, 800, 798, 795, 795, 796, 796, 799, 795, 794, 795, 795] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan23=[795, 795, 794, 795, 794, 794, 797, 799, 796, 794, 794, 795] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan24=[798, 795, 795, 795, 792, 794, 795, 794, 794, 795, 795, 795] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan25=[794, 792, 794, 795, 795, 794, 794, 794, 794, 795, 794, 793] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan26=[794, 794, 795, 796, 798, 795, 794, 794, 794, 794, 795, 794] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan27=[795, 794, 795, 795, 795, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 795, 795] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan28=[795, 794, 794, 795, 794, 795, 795, 795, 795, 794, 795, 794] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan29=[792, 794, 795, 794, 794, 795, 794, 793, 795, 794, 795, 792] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan30=[795, 794, 795, 795, 794, 794, 794, 795, 794, 794, 794, 794] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan31=[794, 794, 795, 794, 795, 793, 795, 795, 795, 792, 794, 794] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan32=[795, 795, 794, 793, 795, 795, 795, 795, 794, 794, 795, 794] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan33=[793, 794, 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drnnLSTMtanhRewards2=[-0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17653532907770195, -0.17562802996914942] drnnLSTMtanhRewards3=[-0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17671654929577466, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17653532907770195, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1768976897689769, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17725973169122497] drnnLSTMtanhRewards4=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17725973169122497, -0.17617264919621228] drnnLSTMtanhRewards5=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1776214552648934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765] drnnLSTMtanhRewards6=[-0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17671654929577466, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228] drnnLSTMtanhRewards7=[-0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934, -0.17653532907770195, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387] drnnLSTMtanhRewards8=[-0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1768976897689769, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1768976897689769] drnnLSTMtanhRewards9=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMtanhRewards10=[-0.1768976897689769, -0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1759911894273128] drnnLSTMtanhRewards11=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17671654929577466, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17671654929577466, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1768976897689769] drnnLSTMtanhRewards12=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765] drnnLSTMtanhRewards13=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17562802996914942, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMtanhRewards14=[-0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17653532907770195, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17653532907770195, -0.17580964970257765] drnnLSTMtanhRewards15=[-0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765] drnnLSTMtanhRewards16=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228] drnnLSTMtanhRewards17=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387] drnnLSTMtanhRewards18=[-0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMtanhRewards19=[-0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMtanhRewards20=[-0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224] drnnLSTMtanhRewards21=[-0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMtanhRewards22=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMtanhRewards23=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMtanhRewards24=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMtanhRewards25=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221] drnnLSTMtanhRewards26=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, 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-0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224] drnnLSTMtanhRewards30=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMtanhRewards31=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMtanhRewards32=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMtanhRewards33=[-0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, 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-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMtanhRewards44=[-0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMtanhRewards45=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMtanhRewards46=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMtanhRewards47=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMtanhRewards48=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMtanhRewards49=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] # Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning: 1 capa LSTM y 4 capas Dense, Funcion de activacion relu, 12 episodes, 50 iteraciones drnnLSTMreluMakespan0=[805, 800, 800, 800, 794, 800, 798, 809, 795, 800, 798, 798] drnnLSTMreluMakespan1=[798, 798, 796, 799, 800, 796, 796, 798, 798, 794, 798, 800] drnnLSTMreluMakespan2=[805, 805, 798, 799, 806, 799, 806, 799, 800, 798, 805, 795] drnnLSTMreluMakespan3=[800, 800, 800, 796, 800, 800, 799, 806, 808, 798, 797, 798] drnnLSTMreluMakespan4=[805, 805, 795, 796, 799, 804, 798, 794, 798, 794, 796, 810] drnnLSTMreluMakespan5=[798, 798, 798, 795, 800, 798, 796, 802, 800, 800, 805, 801] drnnLSTMreluMakespan6=[800, 798, 798, 795, 800, 796, 800, 798, 799, 796, 805, 800] drnnLSTMreluMakespan7=[800, 800, 800, 799, 798, 798, 800, 805, 800, 799, 800, 801] drnnLSTMreluMakespan8=[799, 800, 800, 799, 795, 795, 805, 795, 798, 800, 798, 800] drnnLSTMreluMakespan9=[800, 796, 805, 798, 798, 795, 805, 800, 799, 795, 800, 805] drnnLSTMreluMakespan10=[805, 798, 805, 800, 801, 805, 799, 805, 798, 800, 800, 798] drnnLSTMreluMakespan11=[798, 803, 800, 797, 795, 796, 794, 799, 800, 800, 800, 796] drnnLSTMreluMakespan12=[799, 798, 799, 795, 798, 795, 798, 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794, 795, 794, 795, 795, 795, 794, 794, 795, 795, 794] drnnLSTMreluMakespan49=[795, 795, 795, 794, 795, 795, 794, 795, 793, 793, 792, 792] drnnLSTMreluRewards0=[-0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1778021978021978, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765] drnnLSTMreluRewards1=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228] drnnLSTMreluRewards2=[-0.177078750549934, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17725973169122497, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17725973169122497, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards3=[-0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17725973169122497, -0.1776214552648934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765] drnnLSTMreluRewards4=[-0.177078750549934, -0.177078750549934, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17798286090969018] drnnLSTMreluRewards5=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17653532907770195, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.1763540290620872] drnnLSTMreluRewards6=[-0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17544633017412387, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228] drnnLSTMreluRewards7=[-0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1763540290620872] drnnLSTMreluRewards8=[-0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.177078750549934, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228] drnnLSTMreluRewards9=[-0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934] drnnLSTMreluRewards10=[-0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765] drnnLSTMreluRewards11=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17671654929577466, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387] drnnLSTMreluRewards12=[-0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765] drnnLSTMreluRewards13=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards14=[-0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17725973169122497, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228] drnnLSTMreluRewards15=[-0.17725973169122497, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17798286090969018, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228] drnnLSTMreluRewards16=[-0.1759911894273128, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17798286090969018, -0.17544633017412387, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards17=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765] drnnLSTMreluRewards18=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMreluRewards19=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17653532907770195, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17544633017412387] drnnLSTMreluRewards20=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765] drnnLSTMreluRewards21=[-0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMreluRewards22=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMreluRewards23=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards24=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards25=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMreluRewards26=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards27=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards28=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards29=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards30=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMreluRewards31=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards32=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards33=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.1749007498897221, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards34=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMreluRewards35=[-0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards36=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards37=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221] drnnLSTMreluRewards38=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942] drnnLSTMreluRewards39=[-0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMreluRewards40=[-0.17471872931833224, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards41=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMreluRewards42=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards43=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards44=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMreluRewards45=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMreluRewards46=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMreluRewards47=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026] drnnLSTMreluRewards48=[-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drnnLSTMreluRewards49=[-0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1749007498897221, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17471872931833224] # Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning: 1 capa GRU y 4 capas Dense, Funcion de activacion tanh, 12 episodes, 50 iteraciones drnnGRUtanhMakespan0 = [798, 799, 798, 804, 805, 799, 801, 801, 801, 799, 798, 796] drnnGRUtanhMakespan1 = [800, 798, 798, 798, 798, 798, 801, 798, 795, 796, 800, 796] drnnGRUtanhMakespan2 = [795, 804, 805, 800, 800, 796, 804, 800, 795, 798, 798, 801] drnnGRUtanhMakespan3 = [806, 796, 794, 797, 798, 800, 800, 808, 805, 798, 800, 809] drnnGRUtanhMakespan4 = [805, 801, 795, 798, 798, 800, 796, 796, 805, 798, 799, 798] drnnGRUtanhMakespan5 = [804, 799, 798, 804, 796, 799, 798, 805, 796, 805, 798, 800] drnnGRUtanhMakespan6 = [800, 799, 794, 801, 799, 796, 800, 804, 797, 796, 800, 798] drnnGRUtanhMakespan7 = [798, 800, 810, 810, 805, 800, 795, 798, 800, 805, 799, 800] drnnGRUtanhMakespan8 = [798, 797, 800, 800, 804, 805, 798, 798, 801, 795, 798, 809] drnnGRUtanhMakespan9 = [803, 800, 800, 805, 805, 798, 804, 803, 805, 801, 810, 801] drnnGRUtanhMakespan10 = [798, 799, 798, 798, 805, 804, 805, 798, 799, 798, 800, 800] drnnGRUtanhMakespan11 = [796, 795, 805, 800, 800, 798, 795, 804, 805, 798, 800, 800] drnnGRUtanhMakespan12 = [799, 799, 809, 800, 799, 799, 797, 805, 799, 800, 798, 795] drnnGRUtanhMakespan13 = [805, 800, 800, 805, 800, 799, 798, 801, 798, 797, 805, 800] drnnGRUtanhMakespan14 = [800, 798, 800, 800, 800, 804, 804, 799, 799, 800, 798, 798] drnnGRUtanhMakespan15 = [805, 800, 795, 800, 804, 795, 800, 798, 799, 798, 800, 796] drnnGRUtanhMakespan16 = [806, 795, 801, 799, 799, 796, 796, 794, 802, 796, 800, 802] drnnGRUtanhMakespan17 = [796, 800, 798, 800, 794, 800, 804, 805, 798, 810, 800, 798] drnnGRUtanhMakespan18 = [798, 800, 794, 794, 797, 798, 800, 805, 798, 798, 804, 798] drnnGRUtanhMakespan19 = [796, 800, 806, 799, 796, 800, 798, 805, 798, 799, 797, 805] drnnGRUtanhMakespan20 = [805, 800, 799, 796, 805, 805, 805, 794, 809, 796, 800, 797] drnnGRUtanhMakespan21 = [798, 800, 800, 800, 798, 801, 796, 801, 801, 801, 795, 799] drnnGRUtanhMakespan22 = [798, 801, 797, 800, 799, 795, 799, 799, 800, 801, 800, 799] drnnGRUtanhMakespan23 = [800, 798, 799, 805, 794, 800, 798, 796, 796, 804, 800, 794] drnnGRUtanhMakespan24 = [800, 800, 798, 805, 804, 799, 798, 801, 800, 798, 798, 798] drnnGRUtanhMakespan25 = [798, 798, 798, 795, 800, 803, 798, 798, 800, 799, 796, 798] drnnGRUtanhMakespan26 = [796, 798, 798, 798, 805, 796, 798, 798, 805, 795, 801, 796] drnnGRUtanhMakespan27 = [794, 796, 796, 800, 800, 798, 800, 798, 802, 798, 797, 798] drnnGRUtanhMakespan28 = [799, 799, 800, 800, 798, 802, 799, 798, 795, 795, 794, 798] drnnGRUtanhMakespan29 = [798, 796, 796, 797, 796, 798, 800, 800, 796, 798, 800, 795] drnnGRUtanhMakespan30 = [799, 798, 795, 795, 800, 795, 798, 798, 799, 798, 805, 799] drnnGRUtanhMakespan31 = [795, 799, 794, 794, 796, 795, 795, 794, 798, 797, 798, 795] drnnGRUtanhMakespan32 = [797, 798, 795, 796, 798, 795, 797, 798, 795, 794, 795, 796] drnnGRUtanhMakespan33 = [799, 795, 794, 794, 798, 795, 798, 797, 800, 796, 795, 794] drnnGRUtanhMakespan34 = [798, 795, 798, 796, 798, 794, 796, 798, 798, 798, 796, 797] drnnGRUtanhMakespan35 = [795, 798, 796, 798, 794, 801, 795, 800, 795, 800, 794, 800] drnnGRUtanhMakespan36 = [798, 799, 796, 797, 795, 794, 800, 795, 795, 794, 795, 795] drnnGRUtanhMakespan37 = [799, 798, 795, 795, 794, 795, 795, 796, 805, 795, 798, 796] drnnGRUtanhMakespan38 = [798, 794, 795, 795, 795, 796, 795, 796, 800, 798, 797, 796] drnnGRUtanhMakespan39 = [794, 795, 795, 797, 795, 795, 794, 794, 798, 795, 794, 798] drnnGRUtanhMakespan40 = [795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 794, 794, 793, 797, 794, 795] drnnGRUtanhMakespan41 = [794, 794, 795, 793, 795, 795, 792, 794, 795, 794, 794, 794] drnnGRUtanhMakespan42 = [795, 795, 795, 796, 794, 797, 795, 795, 792, 795, 796, 793] drnnGRUtanhMakespan43 = [794, 795, 795, 794, 795, 794, 798, 794, 797, 795, 794, 794] drnnGRUtanhMakespan44 = [795, 795, 793, 794, 795, 794, 795, 795, 794, 794, 795, 794] drnnGRUtanhMakespan45 = [794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 795, 794, 794, 794, 796, 795] drnnGRUtanhMakespan46 = [795, 794, 795, 794, 794, 794, 793, 794, 795, 795, 794, 797] drnnGRUtanhMakespan47 = [794, 794, 794, 794, 795, 794, 795, 792, 794, 795, 794, 794] drnnGRUtanhMakespan48 = [795, 794, 794, 794, 795, 798, 794, 794, 794, 795, 794, 794] drnnGRUtanhMakespan49 = [795, 795, 794, 795, 793, 795, 796, 794, 795, 794, 794, 797] drnnGRUtanhRewards0 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1768976897689769, -0.177078750549934, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387] drnnGRUtanhRewards1 = [-0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387] drnnGRUtanhRewards2 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.1768976897689769, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1763540290620872] drnnGRUtanhRewards3 = [-0.17725973169122497, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1776214552648934, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1778021978021978] drnnGRUtanhRewards4 = [-0.177078750549934, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUtanhRewards5 = [-0.1768976897689769, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.17544633017412387, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228] drnnGRUtanhRewards6 = [-0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUtanhRewards7 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17798286090969018, -0.177078750549934, -0.17798286090969018, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228] drnnGRUtanhRewards8 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1768976897689769, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1778021978021978] drnnGRUtanhRewards9 = [-0.17671654929577466, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17671654929577466, -0.177078750549934, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17798286090969018, -0.1763540290620872] drnnGRUtanhRewards10 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.1768976897689769, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228] drnnGRUtanhRewards11 = [-0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1768976897689769, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228] drnnGRUtanhRewards12 = [-0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1778021978021978, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17562802996914942, -0.177078750549934, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026] drnnGRUtanhRewards13 = [-0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228] drnnGRUtanhRewards14 = [-0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1768976897689769, -0.1768976897689769, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUtanhRewards15 = [-0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387] drnnGRUtanhRewards16 = [-0.17725973169122497, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17653532907770195, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17653532907770195] drnnGRUtanhRewards17 = [-0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1768976897689769, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17798286090969018, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUtanhRewards18 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUtanhRewards19 = [-0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17725973169122497, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934] drnnGRUtanhRewards20 = [-0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17544633017412387, -0.177078750549934, -0.177078750549934, -0.177078750549934, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1778021978021978, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17562802996914942] drnnGRUtanhRewards21 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128] drnnGRUtanhRewards22 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128] drnnGRUtanhRewards23 = [-0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108] drnnGRUtanhRewards24 = [-0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUtanhRewards25 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17671654929577466, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUtanhRewards26 = [-0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17544633017412387] drnnGRUtanhRewards27 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17653532907770195, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUtanhRewards28 = [-0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17653532907770195, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUtanhRewards29 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026] drnnGRUtanhRewards30 = [-0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.1759911894273128] drnnGRUtanhRewards31 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026] drnnGRUtanhRewards32 = [-0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026] drnnGRUtanhRewards33 = [-0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drnnGRUtanhRewards34 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17562802996914942] drnnGRUtanhRewards35 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228] drnnGRUtanhRewards36 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026] drnnGRUtanhRewards37 = [-0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.177078750549934, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387] drnnGRUtanhRewards38 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17544633017412387] drnnGRUtanhRewards39 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUtanhRewards40 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026] drnnGRUtanhRewards41 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drnnGRUtanhRewards42 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1749007498897221] drnnGRUtanhRewards43 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drnnGRUtanhRewards44 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drnnGRUtanhRewards45 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026] drnnGRUtanhRewards46 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942] drnnGRUtanhRewards47 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drnnGRUtanhRewards48 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drnnGRUtanhRewards49 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942] # Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning: 1 capa GRU y 4 capas Dense, Funcion de activacion relu, 12 episodes, 50 iteraciones drnnGRUreluMakespan0 = [800, 799, 798, 797, 798, 800, 800, 796, 800, 794, 800, 800] drnnGRUreluMakespan1 = [798, 800, 805, 795, 799, 808, 795, 800, 796, 798, 799, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan2 = [799, 800, 806, 800, 800, 805, 805, 798, 799, 807, 800, 800] drnnGRUreluMakespan3 = [798, 795, 799, 800, 800, 796, 798, 800, 800, 804, 805, 800] drnnGRUreluMakespan4 = [811, 800, 799, 800, 805, 798, 798, 799, 796, 804, 805, 804] drnnGRUreluMakespan5 = [799, 795, 797, 800, 798, 800, 800, 798, 800, 797, 800, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan6 = [798, 800, 798, 799, 797, 798, 800, 796, 801, 799, 795, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan7 = [800, 804, 795, 801, 796, 806, 805, 798, 800, 799, 799, 804] drnnGRUreluMakespan8 = [800, 799, 799, 800, 805, 796, 800, 800, 810, 796, 800, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan9 = [794, 800, 799, 805, 800, 800, 798, 798, 796, 795, 798, 796] drnnGRUreluMakespan10 = [798, 800, 798, 801, 795, 802, 796, 809, 800, 800, 798, 795] drnnGRUreluMakespan11 = [804, 800, 799, 799, 798, 803, 798, 798, 805, 803, 800, 796] drnnGRUreluMakespan12 = [800, 799, 805, 797, 798, 796, 799, 794, 799, 805, 799, 800] drnnGRUreluMakespan13 = [796, 800, 798, 800, 795, 799, 800, 804, 800, 794, 805, 805] drnnGRUreluMakespan14 = [800, 795, 796, 798, 798, 801, 805, 794, 800, 801, 801, 796] drnnGRUreluMakespan15 = [798, 800, 796, 796, 798, 794, 797, 800, 796, 801, 795, 799] drnnGRUreluMakespan16 = [800, 805, 794, 800, 799, 800, 805, 801, 798, 800, 801, 799] drnnGRUreluMakespan17 = [797, 803, 801, 808, 794, 799, 799, 800, 805, 796, 801, 796] drnnGRUreluMakespan18 = [805, 800, 800, 804, 799, 798, 800, 799, 804, 796, 800, 804] drnnGRUreluMakespan19 = [804, 798, 800, 799, 799, 799, 805, 795, 801, 799, 799, 805] drnnGRUreluMakespan20 = [799, 804, 796, 798, 796, 798, 800, 805, 799, 810, 800, 800] drnnGRUreluMakespan21 = [798, 799, 799, 805, 798, 798, 805, 798, 794, 799, 798, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan22 = [799, 798, 798, 796, 798, 805, 799, 798, 798, 799, 796, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan23 = [798, 805, 808, 798, 798, 805, 810, 796, 804, 799, 800, 799] drnnGRUreluMakespan24 = [798, 796, 798, 795, 800, 798, 799, 798, 797, 805, 798, 800] drnnGRUreluMakespan25 = [799, 796, 799, 798, 805, 798, 798, 800, 796, 794, 810, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan26 = [799, 798, 805, 800, 802, 798, 799, 799, 799, 794, 802, 797] drnnGRUreluMakespan27 = [798, 800, 805, 796, 798, 795, 802, 796, 798, 800, 798, 794] drnnGRUreluMakespan28 = [796, 805, 798, 800, 800, 798, 810, 798, 798, 798, 796, 796] drnnGRUreluMakespan29 = [800, 798, 798, 802, 794, 798, 796, 808, 800, 800, 798, 799] drnnGRUreluMakespan30 = [798, 796, 798, 798, 794, 798, 794, 800, 796, 794, 800, 800] drnnGRUreluMakespan31 = [794, 802, 797, 799, 798, 800, 799, 799, 796, 796, 798, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan32 = [799, 798, 794, 795, 798, 805, 804, 797, 795, 800, 796, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan33 = [803, 799, 805, 796, 794, 798, 797, 798, 798, 794, 794, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan34 = [810, 796, 795, 798, 799, 798, 796, 795, 795, 797, 798, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan35 = [799, 799, 799, 799, 795, 798, 795, 800, 796, 795, 795, 796] drnnGRUreluMakespan36 = [795, 797, 798, 799, 799, 799, 800, 794, 796, 795, 798, 800] drnnGRUreluMakespan37 = [800, 798, 799, 794, 800, 796, 798, 798, 797, 800, 794, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan38 = [800, 799, 794, 796, 795, 800, 796, 804, 800, 795, 800, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan39 = [794, 798, 795, 804, 805, 799, 798, 800, 796, 798, 795, 794] drnnGRUreluMakespan40 = [799, 798, 796, 798, 798, 799, 800, 796, 798, 798, 799, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan41 = [796, 798, 800, 797, 799, 796, 797, 796, 799, 804, 805, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan42 = [798, 794, 795, 799, 799, 798, 797, 798, 798, 798, 798, 795] drnnGRUreluMakespan43 = [799, 798, 794, 794, 795, 794, 795, 799, 799, 800, 799, 794] drnnGRUreluMakespan44 = [795, 796, 795, 799, 794, 795, 794, 796, 795, 794, 795, 796] drnnGRUreluMakespan45 = [794, 797, 794, 795, 796, 795, 794, 799, 795, 794, 798, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan46 = [795, 795, 794, 795, 794, 794, 792, 794, 795, 797, 794, 794] drnnGRUreluMakespan47 = [798, 796, 797, 798, 794, 798, 794, 797, 794, 803, 798, 798] drnnGRUreluMakespan48 = [795, 794, 796, 798, 795, 794, 796, 795, 796, 794, 796, 796] drnnGRUreluMakespan49 = [798, 798, 796, 798, 798, 796, 796, 798, 798, 798, 796, 798] drnnGRUreluRewards0 = [-0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228] drnnGRUreluRewards1 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1776214552648934, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUreluRewards2 = [-0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17725973169122497, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1774406332453826, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228] drnnGRUreluRewards3 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1768976897689769, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228] drnnGRUreluRewards4 = [-0.1781634446397188, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1768976897689769, -0.177078750549934, -0.1768976897689769] drnnGRUreluRewards5 = [-0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUreluRewards6 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUreluRewards7 = [-0.17617264919621228, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17725973169122497, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1768976897689769] drnnGRUreluRewards8 = [-0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17798286090969018, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUreluRewards9 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387] drnnGRUreluRewards10 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17653532907770195, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1778021978021978, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026] drnnGRUreluRewards11 = [-0.1768976897689769, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17671654929577466, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.17671654929577466, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387] drnnGRUreluRewards12 = [-0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228] drnnGRUreluRewards13 = [-0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.177078750549934, -0.177078750549934] drnnGRUreluRewards14 = [-0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1763540290620872, -0.177078750549934, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17544633017412387] drnnGRUreluRewards15 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128] drnnGRUreluRewards16 = [-0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1759911894273128] drnnGRUreluRewards17 = [-0.17562802996914942, -0.17671654929577466, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1776214552648934, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17544633017412387] drnnGRUreluRewards18 = [-0.177078750549934, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1768976897689769, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1768976897689769] drnnGRUreluRewards19 = [-0.1768976897689769, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934] drnnGRUreluRewards20 = [-0.1759911894273128, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17617264919621228, -0.177078750549934, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17798286090969018, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228] drnnGRUreluRewards21 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765] drnnGRUreluRewards22 = [-0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, 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Funcion de activacion tanh, 12 episodios, 50 iteraciones drlTanhMakespan0 = [794, 794, 805, 799, 810, 800, 794, 810, 804, 806, 812, 808] drlTanhMakespan1 = [796, 795, 795, 798, 799, 800, 800, 795, 797, 796, 797, 799] drlTanhMakespan2 = [800, 797, 798, 801, 799, 800, 796, 795, 797, 796, 794, 798] drlTanhMakespan3 = [800, 795, 799, 796, 799, 798, 795, 799, 795, 799, 798, 796] drlTanhMakespan4 = [809, 795, 795, 800, 797, 795, 798, 798, 799, 799, 798, 798] drlTanhMakespan5 = [795, 795, 795, 799, 795, 798, 795, 800, 795, 796, 795, 805] drlTanhMakespan6 = [794, 800, 795, 793, 798, 795, 794, 798, 795, 799, 795, 796] drlTanhMakespan7 = [795, 795, 795, 795, 798, 795, 797, 797, 795, 795, 798, 797] drlTanhMakespan8 = [795, 795, 795, 794, 800, 800, 794, 795, 794, 794, 797, 795] drlTanhMakespan9 = [793, 794, 796, 795, 796, 800, 794, 797, 793, 795, 798, 795] drlTanhMakespan10 = [795, 795, 797, 794, 795, 798, 797, 795, 798, 794, 794, 794] drlTanhMakespan11 = [795, 795, 795, 795, 797, 795, 795, 794, 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-0.17526455026455026, -0.177078750549934, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387] drlReluRewards16 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128] drlReluRewards17 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.1763540290620872] drlReluRewards18 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1763540290620872, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228] drlReluRewards19 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387] drlReluRewards20 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026] drlReluRewards21 = [-0.17653532907770195, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1768976897689769, -0.17671654929577466, -0.17562802996914942] drlReluRewards22 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17671654929577466, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drlReluRewards23 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.1759911894273128] drlReluRewards24 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765] drlReluRewards25 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765] drlReluRewards26 = [-0.1763540290620872, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387] drlReluRewards27 = [-0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387] drlReluRewards28 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026] drlReluRewards29 = [-0.1749007498897221, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108] drlReluRewards30 = [-0.17653532907770195, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.177078750549934, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108] drlReluRewards31 = [-0.17562802996914942, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765] drlReluRewards32 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765] drlReluRewards33 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1763540290620872, -0.1749007498897221] drlReluRewards34 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026] drlReluRewards35 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17725973169122497, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1759911894273128] drlReluRewards36 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026] drlReluRewards37 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17562802996914942] drlReluRewards38 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026] drlReluRewards39 = [-0.17562802996914942, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765] drlReluRewards40 = [-0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17508269018743108] drlReluRewards41 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221] drlReluRewards42 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drlReluRewards43 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108] drlReluRewards44 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17580964970257765, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387] drlReluRewards45 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108] drlReluRewards46 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.1759911894273128, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drlReluRewards47 = [-0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.1749007498897221, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17544633017412387, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drlReluRewards48 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108] drlReluRewards49 = [-0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17562802996914942, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17508269018743108, -0.17471872931833224, -0.17617264919621228, -0.17526455026455026, -0.17526455026455026] if __name__ == "__main__": ############################################## ############################################## ############################################## # Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning with 1 GRU layer and 4 Dense layers drnnGRUtanhMakespan = [] drnnGRUtanhRewards = [] drnnGRUtanhMakespanList = [] drnnGRUtanhRewardsList = [] drnnGRUtanhMakespanValues = [] drnnGRUtanhRewardsValues = [] drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan0)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan1)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan2)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan3)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan4)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan5)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan6)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan7)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan8)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan9)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan10)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan11)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan12)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan13)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan14)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan15)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan16)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan17)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan18)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan19)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan20)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan21)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan22)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan23)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan24)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan25)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan26)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan27)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan28)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan29)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan30)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan31)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan32)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan33)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan34)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan35)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan36)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan37)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan38)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan39)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan40)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan41)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan42)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan43)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan44)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan45)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan46)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan47)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan48)) drnnGRUtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhMakespan49)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards0)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards1)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards2)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards3)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards4)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards5)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards6)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards7)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards8)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards9)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards10)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards11)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards12)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards13)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards14)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards15)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards16)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards17)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards18)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards19)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards20)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards21)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards22)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards23)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards24)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards25)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards26)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards27)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards28)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards29)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards30)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards31)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards32)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards33)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards34)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards35)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards36)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards37)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards38)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards39)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards40)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards41)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards42)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards43)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards44)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards45)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards46)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards47)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards48)) drnnGRUtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUtanhRewards49)) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan0) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan1) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan2) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan3) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan4) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan5) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan6) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan7) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan8) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan9) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan10) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan11) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan12) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan13) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan14) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan15) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan16) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan17) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan18) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan19) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan20) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan21) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan22) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan23) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan24) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan25) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan26) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan27) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan28) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan29) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan30) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan31) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan32) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan33) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan34) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan35) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan36) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan37) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan38) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan39) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan40) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan41) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan42) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan43) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan44) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan45) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan46) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan47) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan48) drnnGRUtanhMakespanList.append(drnnGRUtanhMakespan49) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards0) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards1) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards2) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards3) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards4) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards5) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards6) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards7) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards8) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards9) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards10) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards11) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards12) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards13) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards14) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards15) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards16) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards17) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards18) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards19) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards20) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards21) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards22) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards23) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards24) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards25) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards26) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards27) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards28) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards29) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards30) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards31) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards32) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards33) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards34) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards35) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards36) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards37) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards38) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards39) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards40) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards41) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards42) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards43) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards44) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards45) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards46) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards47) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards48) drnnGRUtanhRewardsList.append(drnnGRUtanhRewards49) drnnGRUreluMakespan = [] drnnGRUreluRewards = [] drnnGRUreluMakespanList = [] drnnGRUreluRewardsList = [] drnnGRUreluMakespanValues = [] drnnGRUreluRewardsValues = [] drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan0)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan1)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan2)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan3)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan4)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan5)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan6)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan7)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan8)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan9)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan10)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan11)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan12)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan13)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan14)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan15)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan16)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan17)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan18)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan19)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan20)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan21)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan22)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan23)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan24)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan25)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan26)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan27)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan28)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan29)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan30)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan31)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan32)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan33)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan34)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan35)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan36)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan37)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan38)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan39)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan40)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan41)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan42)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan43)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan44)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan45)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan46)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan47)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan48)) drnnGRUreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluMakespan49)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards0)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards1)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards2)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards3)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards4)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards5)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards6)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards7)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards8)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards9)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards10)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards11)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards12)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards13)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards14)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards15)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards16)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards17)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards18)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards19)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards20)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards21)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards22)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards23)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards24)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards25)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards26)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards27)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards28)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards29)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards30)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards31)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards32)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards33)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards34)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards35)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards36)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards37)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards38)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards39)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards40)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards41)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards42)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards43)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards44)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards45)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards46)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards47)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards48)) drnnGRUreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnGRUreluRewards49)) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan0) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan1) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan2) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan3) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan4) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan5) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan6) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan7) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan8) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan9) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan10) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan11) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan12) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan13) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan14) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan15) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan16) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan17) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan18) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan19) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan20) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan21) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan22) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan23) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan24) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan25) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan26) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan27) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan28) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan29) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan30) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan31) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan32) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan33) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan34) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan35) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan36) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan37) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan38) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan39) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan40) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan41) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan42) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan43) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan44) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan45) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan46) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan47) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan48) drnnGRUreluMakespanList.append(drnnGRUreluMakespan49) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards0) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards1) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards2) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards3) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards4) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards5) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards6) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards7) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards8) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards9) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards10) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards11) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards12) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards13) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards14) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards15) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards16) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards17) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards18) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards19) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards20) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards21) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards22) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards23) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards24) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards25) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards26) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards27) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards28) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards29) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards30) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards31) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards32) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards33) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards34) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards35) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards36) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards37) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards38) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards39) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards40) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards41) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards42) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards43) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards44) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards45) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards46) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards47) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards48) drnnGRUreluRewardsList.append(drnnGRUreluRewards49) for vector in drnnGRUtanhMakespanList: for element in vector: drnnGRUtanhMakespanValues.append(element) for vector in drnnGRUtanhRewardsList: for element in vector: drnnGRUtanhRewardsValues.append(element) ################## for vector in drnnGRUreluMakespanList: for element in vector: drnnGRUreluMakespanValues.append(element) for vector in drnnGRUreluRewardsList: for element in vector: drnnGRUreluRewardsValues.append(element) ##################### smoothGRUtanhMakespanValues = pd.Series(drnnGRUtanhMakespanValues).rolling(12).mean() plt.plot(smoothGRUtanhMakespanValues) plt.xlabel("Episodios") plt.ylabel("Segundos") plt.title("'Makespan' con red neuronal profunda que incluye 1 capa GRU") smoothGRUtanhRewardsValues = pd.Series(drnnGRUtanhRewardsValues).rolling(12).mean() plt.plot(smoothGRUtanhRewardsValues) plt.xlabel("Episodios") plt.ylabel("Premio") plt.title("'Reward' con red neuronal profunda que incluye 1 capa GRU") ##################### smoothGRUreluMakespanValues = pd.Series(drnnGRUreluMakespanValues).rolling(12).mean() plt.plot(smoothGRUreluMakespanValues) plt.xlabel("Episodios") plt.ylabel("Segundos") plt.title("'Makespan' con red neuronal profunda que incluye 1 capa GRU y ReLU") smoothGRUreluRewardsValues = pd.Series(drnnGRUreluRewardsValues).rolling(12).mean() plt.plot(smoothGRUreluRewardsValues) plt.xlabel("Episodios") plt.ylabel("Premio") plt.title("'Reward' con red neuronal profunda que incluye 1 capa GRU y ReLU") ################### plt.plot(smoothGRUtanhMakespanValues, color='blue', label='tanh') plt.plot(smoothGRUreluMakespanValues, color='orange', label='relu') plt.xlabel("Episodios") plt.ylabel("Segundos") plt.title("'Makespan' con red neuronal profunda que incluye 1 capa GRU") plt.legend() ################### plt.plot(smoothGRUtanhRewardsValues, color='blue', label='tanh') plt.plot(smoothGRUreluRewardsValues, color='orange', label='relu') plt.xlabel("Episodios") plt.ylabel("Premio") plt.title("'Reward' con red neuronal profunda que incluye 1 capa GRU") plt.legend() ################### drnnLSTMtanhMakespan = [] drnnLSTMtanhRewards = [] drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList = [] drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList = [] drnnLSTMtanhMakespanValues = [] drnnLSTMtanhRewardsValues = [] drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan0)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan1)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan2)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan3)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan4)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan5)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan6)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan7)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan8)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan9)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan10)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan11)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan12)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan13)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan14)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan15)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan16)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan17)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan18)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan19)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan20)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan21)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan22)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan23)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan24)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan25)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan26)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan27)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan28)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan29)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan30)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan31)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan32)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan33)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan34)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan35)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan36)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan37)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan38)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan39)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan40)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan41)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan42)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan43)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan44)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan45)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan46)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan47)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan48)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan49)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards0)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards1)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards2)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards3)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards4)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards5)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards6)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards7)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards8)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards9)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards10)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards11)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards12)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards13)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards14)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards15)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards16)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards17)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards18)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards19)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards20)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards21)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards22)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards23)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards24)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards25)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards26)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards27)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards28)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards29)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards30)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards31)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards32)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards33)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards34)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards35)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards36)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards37)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards38)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards39)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards40)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards41)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards42)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards43)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards44)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards45)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards46)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards47)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards48)) drnnLSTMtanhRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMtanhRewards49)) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan0) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan1) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan2) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan3) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan4) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan5) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan6) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan7) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan8) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan9) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan10) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan11) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan12) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan13) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan14) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan15) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan16) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan17) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan18) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan19) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan20) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan21) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan22) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan23) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan24) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan25) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan26) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan27) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan28) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan29) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan30) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan31) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan32) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan33) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan34) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan35) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan36) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan37) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan38) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan39) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan40) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan41) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan42) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan43) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan44) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan45) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan46) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan47) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan48) drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMtanhMakespan49) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards0) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards1) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards2) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards3) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards4) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards5) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards6) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards7) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards8) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards9) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards10) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards11) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards12) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards13) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards14) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards15) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards16) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards17) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards18) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards19) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards20) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards21) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards22) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards23) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards24) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards25) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards26) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards27) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards28) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards29) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards30) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards31) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards32) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards33) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards34) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards35) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards36) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards37) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards38) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards39) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards40) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards41) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards42) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards43) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards44) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards45) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards46) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards47) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards48) drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMtanhRewards49) for vector in drnnLSTMtanhMakespanList: for element in vector: drnnLSTMtanhMakespanValues.append(element) for vector in drnnLSTMtanhRewardsList: for element in vector: drnnLSTMtanhRewardsValues.append(element) smoothLSTMtanhMakespanValues = pd.Series(drnnLSTMtanhMakespanValues).rolling(12).mean() plt.plot(smoothLSTMtanhMakespanValues) plt.xlabel("Episodios") plt.ylabel("Segundos") plt.title("'Makespan' utilizando LSTM con tanh") smoothLSTMtanhRewardsValues = pd.Series(drnnLSTMtanhRewardsValues).rolling(12).mean() plt.plot(smoothLSTMtanhRewardsValues) plt.xlabel("Episodios") plt.ylabel("Premio") plt.title("'Reward' utilizando LSTM con tanh") #################### drnnLSTMreluMakespan = [] drnnLSTMreluRewards = [] drnnLSTMreluMakespanList = [] drnnLSTMreluRewardsList = [] drnnLSTMreluMakespanValues = [] drnnLSTMreluRewardsValues = [] drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan0)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan1)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan2)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan3)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan4)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan5)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan6)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan7)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan8)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan9)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan10)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan11)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan12)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan13)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan14)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan15)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan16)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan17)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan18)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan19)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan20)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan21)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan22)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan23)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan24)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan25)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan26)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan27)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan28)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan29)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan30)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan31)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan32)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan33)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan34)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan35)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan36)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan37)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan38)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan39)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan40)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan41)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan42)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan43)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan44)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan45)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan46)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan47)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan48)) drnnLSTMreluMakespan.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluMakespan49)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards0)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards1)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards2)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards3)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards4)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards5)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards6)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards7)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards8)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards9)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards10)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards11)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards12)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards13)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards14)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards15)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards16)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards17)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards18)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards19)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards20)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards21)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards22)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards23)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards24)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards25)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards26)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards27)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards28)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards29)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards30)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards31)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards32)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards33)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards34)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards35)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards36)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards37)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards38)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards39)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards40)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards41)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards42)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards43)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards44)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards45)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards46)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards47)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards48)) drnnLSTMreluRewards.append(np.mean(drnnLSTMreluRewards49)) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan0) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan1) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan2) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan3) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan4) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan5) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan6) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan7) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan8) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan9) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan10) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan11) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan12) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan13) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan14) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan15) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan16) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan17) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan18) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan19) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan20) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan21) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan22) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan23) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan24) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan25) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan26) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan27) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan28) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan29) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan30) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan31) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan32) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan33) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan34) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan35) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan36) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan37) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan38) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan39) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan40) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan41) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan42) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan43) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan44) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan45) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan46) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan47) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan48) drnnLSTMreluMakespanList.append(drnnLSTMreluMakespan49) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards0) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards1) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards2) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards3) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards4) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards5) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards6) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards7) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards8) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards9) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards10) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards11) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards12) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards13) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards14) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards15) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards16) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards17) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards18) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards19) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards20) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards21) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards22) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards23) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards24) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards25) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards26) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards27) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards28) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards29) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards30) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards31) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards32) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards33) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards34) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards35) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards36) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards37) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards38) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards39) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards40) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards41) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards42) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards43) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards44) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards45) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards46) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards47) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards48) drnnLSTMreluRewardsList.append(drnnLSTMreluRewards49) for vector in drnnLSTMreluMakespanList: for element in vector: drnnLSTMreluMakespanValues.append(element) for vector in drnnLSTMreluRewardsList: for element in vector: drnnLSTMreluRewardsValues.append(element) smoothLSTMreluMakespanValues = pd.Series(drnnLSTMreluMakespanValues).rolling(12).mean() plt.plot(smoothLSTMreluMakespanValues) plt.xlabel("Episodios") plt.ylabel("Segundos") plt.title("'Makespan' utilizando LSTM con relu") smoothLSTMreluRewardsValues = pd.Series(drnnLSTMreluRewardsValues).rolling(12).mean() plt.plot(smoothLSTMreluRewardsValues) plt.xlabel("Episodios") plt.ylabel("Premio") plt.title("'Reward' utilizando LSTM con relu") ################## plt.plot(smoothLSTMtanhMakespanValues, color='blue', label='tanh') plt.plot(smoothLSTMreluMakespanValues, color='orange', label='relu') plt.xlabel("Episodios") plt.ylabel("Segundos") plt.title("'Makespan' con red neuronal profunda que incluye 1 capa LSTM") plt.legend() ################## plt.plot(smoothLSTMtanhRewardsValues, color='blue', label='tanh') plt.plot(smoothLSTMreluRewardsValues, color='orange', label='relu') plt.xlabel("Episodios") plt.ylabel("Premio") plt.title("'Reward' con red neuronal profunda que incluye 1 capa LSTM") plt.legend() ################## ################## ################## drlTanhMakespan = [] drlTanhRewards = [] drlTanhMakespanList = [] drlTanhRewardsList = [] drlTanhMakespanValues = [] drlTanhRewardsValues = [] drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan0)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan1)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan2)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan3)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan4)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan5)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan6)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan7)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan8)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan9)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan10)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan11)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan12)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan13)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan14)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan15)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan16)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan17)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan18)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan19)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan20)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan21)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan22)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan23)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan24)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan25)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan26)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan27)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan28)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan29)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan30)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan31)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan32)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan33)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan34)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan35)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan36)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan37)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan38)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan39)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan40)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan41)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan42)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan43)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan44)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan45)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan46)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan47)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan48)) drlTanhMakespan.append(np.mean(drlTanhMakespan49)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards0)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards1)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards2)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards3)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards4)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards5)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards6)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards7)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards8)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards9)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards10)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards11)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards12)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards13)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards14)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards15)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards16)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards17)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards18)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards19)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards20)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards21)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards22)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards23)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards24)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards25)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards26)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards27)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards28)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards29)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards30)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards31)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards32)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards33)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards34)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards35)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards36)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards37)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards38)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards39)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards40)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards41)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards42)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards43)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards44)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards45)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards46)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards47)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards48)) drlTanhRewards.append(np.mean(drlTanhRewards49)) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan0) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan1) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan2) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan3) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan4) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan5) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan6) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan7) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan8) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan9) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan10) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan11) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan12) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan13) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan14) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan15) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan16) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan17) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan18) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan19) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan20) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan21) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan22) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan23) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan24) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan25) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan26) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan27) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan28) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan29) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan30) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan31) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan32) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan33) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan34) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan35) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan36) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan37) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan38) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan39) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan40) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan41) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan42) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan43) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan44) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan45) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan46) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan47) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan48) drlTanhMakespanList.append(drlTanhMakespan49) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards0) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards1) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards2) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards3) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards4) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards5) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards6) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards7) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards8) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards9) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards10) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards11) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards12) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards13) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards14) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards15) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards16) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards17) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards18) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards19) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards20) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards21) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards22) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards23) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards24) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards25) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards26) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards27) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards28) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards29) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards30) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards31) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards32) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards33) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards34) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards35) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards36) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards37) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards38) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards39) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards40) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards41) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards42) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards43) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards44) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards45) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards46) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards47) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards48) drlTanhRewardsList.append(drlTanhRewards49) for vector in drlTanhMakespanList: for element in vector: drlTanhMakespanValues.append(element) for vector in drlTanhRewardsList: for element in vector: drlTanhRewardsValues.append(element) smoothdrlTanhMakespanValues = pd.Series(drlTanhMakespanValues).rolling(12).mean() plt.plot(smoothdrlTanhMakespanValues) plt.xlabel("Episodios") plt.ylabel("Segundos") plt.title("'Makespan' utilizando feedforward con tanh") smoothdrlTanhRewardsValues =
""" .. module:: text_processing_methods :synopsis: Holding processing classes! .. moduleauthor:: <NAME> """ import os import re from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import List import gensim import pandas as pd import numpy as np from nltk.util import ngrams from pattern.en import parse from difflib import SequenceMatcher from pycontractions import Contractions from segtok.segmenter import split_single from segtok.tokenizer import split_contractions from segtok.tokenizer import word_tokenizer from mtc.helpers.text2digits import Text2Digits from mtc.settings import NLP_MODELS_PATH from mtc.mtc_properties import STOP_WORDS def TextProcessing(name, *args, **kwargs): """ All text processing classes should be called via this method """ for cls in TextProcessingBaseClass.__subclasses__(): if cls.__name__ == name: return cls(*args, **kwargs) raise ValueError('No text processing named %s' % name) class TextProcessingBaseClass(ABC): """ Any text processing class must inherit from this class """ def preprocess(self, sentence_list: List): if self.processing_type == 'corpus': return self._process_internal(sentence_list) else: processed_texts = [] for text_element in sentence_list: text_element = self._process_internal(text_element) processed_texts.append(text_element) return processed_texts @property def processing_type(self): return 'sentence_level' @abstractmethod def level(self) -> str: pass @abstractmethod def _process_internal(self, sentence_list: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Private method to process a piece of text""" pass class ContractionExpander(TextProcessingBaseClass): ''' Removes contractions from the text and uses the full version instead (unification). Example: I'll walk down the road --> I will walk down the road ''' model_contraction_expander = None def __init__(self, model=None): ''' :param model: Pretrained word embedding model. ''' super().__init__() if model is None: # If no model is given, use the default one and store it as a static class variable to avoid multiple loadings if ContractionExpander.model_contraction_expander is None: model_path = os.path.join(NLP_MODELS_PATH, 'pretrained', 'word_embeddings', 'pubmed2018_w2v_400D', 'pubmed2018_w2v_400D.bin') ContractionExpander.model_contraction_expander = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(model_path, binary=True) model = ContractionExpander.model_contraction_expander self.cont = Contractions(kv_model=model) def level(self) -> str: return "text" def _process_internal(self, text: str) -> str: ''' :param text: Input string. :return: The string without contractions. ''' return list(self.cont.expand_texts([text], precise=True))[0] class NumberUnifier(TextProcessingBaseClass): ''' Unifies number representations in the text. Example: One capsule mouth two times day --> 1 capsule mouth 2 times day ''' def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.t2n = Text2Digits() def level(self) -> str: return "text" def _process_internal(self, text: str) -> str: ''' :param text: Input string. :return: The string without any numbers written-out. ''' text = re.sub(r'(?:one)?-?half\b', '0.5', text) text = re.sub(r'(\d)\s*(?:to|-)\s*(\d)', r'\1-\2', text) text = self.t2n.convert(text) return text class SpellingCorrector(TextProcessingBaseClass): ''' Tries to correct some common spelling errors specific to the sts training dataset. Note that the case of the spell-corrected words is not preserved. Example: Pleast let me know --> Please let me know ''' def __init__(self): self.errors = { 'Pleast': 'please', 'Locaation': 'location', 'CURRENTand': 'current and', 'LocationEmergency': 'location emergency', 'refil': 'refill', 'EDUCATIONReady': 'education ready', 'd aily': 'daily' } def level(self) -> str: return "text" def _process_internal(self, text: str) -> str: for error, correction in self.errors.items(): text = re.sub(r'\b' + error + r'\b', correction, text) return text class RemoveActiveIngredients(TextProcessingBaseClass): ''' Removes active ingredients: i.e: aw [aber] -> aw ''' def level(self) -> str: return "text" def _process_internal(self, text: str) -> str: text = re.sub(r'\[([^]]+)\]', '', text) #text = re.sub(r'\b' + error + r'\b', correction, text) return text class SentenceTokenizer(TextProcessingBaseClass): ''' Tokenizes a piece of text into sentences. Note that this does also remove the whitespace between the sentences. Example: Hello there. How are you? --> [Hello there., How are you?] ''' def level(self) -> str: return "text" def _process_internal(self, text: str) -> List[str]: return split_single(text) class WordTokenizer(TextProcessingBaseClass): ''' Tokenizes sentences into words. Example: [Hello there., How are you?] --> [[Hello, there, .], [How, are, you, ?]] ''' def level(self) -> str: return "sentence" def _process_internal(self, sentences: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]: return [split_contractions(word_tokenizer(sen)) for sen in sentences] class PunctuationRemover(TextProcessingBaseClass): ''' Removes punctuation tokens. Example: [[Hello, there, .], [How, are, you, ?]] --> [[Hello, there], [How, are, you]] ''' def level(self) -> str: return "token" def _is_punctuation(self, token): if'\d-\d', token): # Keep number ranges return False elif'\d\.', token) or'\.\d', token): # Keep numbers return False else: return bool('[^a-zA-Z0-9äÄöÖüÜß\s]', token)) def _process_internal(self, tokenized_sentences: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]: sentences = [] for sen in tokenized_sentences: words = [token for token in sen if not self._is_punctuation(token)] if words: sentences.append(words) return sentences class MedicationRemover(TextProcessingBaseClass): ''' ''' def level(self) -> str: return "text" def _process_internal(self, text: str) -> str: return re.sub(r'\[[^]]+\]', '', text) class DrugsStandardize(TextProcessingBaseClass): ''' Removes punctuation tokens. Example: [['lasix']] --> ['FUROSEMIDE'] ''' def level(self) -> str: return "token" def _process_internal(self, tokenized_sentences: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]: import mtc.drugstandards as drugs sentences = [] for tokens in tokenized_sentences: std_tokens = drugs.standardize(tokens, thresh=1) std_sentence = [] for std_token, token in zip(std_tokens, tokens): if std_token is None: std_sentence.append(token) else: std_sentence.append(std_token) sentences.append(std_sentence) return sentences class StopWordsRemover(TextProcessingBaseClass): ''' Removes stop word tokens. Example: [[Hello, there], [How, are, you]] --> [[Hello]] ''' def level(self) -> str: return "token" def _process_internal(self, tokenized_sentences: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]: sentences = [] for sen in tokenized_sentences: words = [word for word in sen if word not in STOP_WORDS] if words: sentences.append(words) return sentences class LowerCaseTransformer(TextProcessingBaseClass): ''' Transforms every string to lowercase. Example: [[Hello]] --> [[hello]] ''' def level(self) -> str: return "text or token" def _process_internal(self, text): if type(text) == str: return text.lower() else: sentences = [] for sen in text: words = [word.lower() for word in sen] sentences.append(words) return sentences class Lemmatizer(TextProcessingBaseClass): ''' Lemmatizes tokens, i.e. transforms every word to its base form. Example: [[obtains]] --> [[obtain]] ''' def level(self) -> str: return "token" def _process_internal(self, tokenized_sentences: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]: sentences = [] for sen in tokenized_sentences: # Unfortunately, the lemma() method does not yield the same result as parse (try e.g. with 'mice') words = [parse(token, lemmata=True).split('/')[-1] for token in sen] sentences.append(words) return sentences class RemoveLowHighFrequencyWords(TextProcessingBaseClass): ''' Removes words of high or low frequency. :param frequency: Number of occurrences. :param low_frequency: Low or high frequency ''' def __init__(self, frequency: int, low_frequency: str): self.frequency = frequency self.low_frequency = low_frequency @property def processing_type(self): return 'corpus' def level(self) -> str: return "token" def _process_internal(self, sentence_list: List) -> List: print('up to know did not help a lot') new_sentence_list = [] all_tokens = [] for tokenized_sentences in sentence_list: for sen in tokenized_sentences: all_tokens = all_tokens + sen df_all_tokens =
pd.DataFrame(all_tokens, columns=['tokens'])
import sys import os import csv import math import json from datetime import datetime import cv2 import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.decomposition import FastICA from sklearn.manifold import MDS from sklearn.manifold import TSNE from sklearn.cross_decomposition import PLSRegression from sklearn.cluster import KMeans ################################ # clustering related functions # ################################ def label_groundTruthFixationMap(_gt, _x, _y): if np.array_equal(_gt[_y][_x], np.array([0, 0, 0])): return 0 else: return 1 def generate_discrete_groundTruthFixationMap(_gt): _dgtfmPath = "./static/__cache__/discrete_ground_truth_fixation_map.png" gtCopy = _gt.copy() mapHeight, mapWidth = gtCopy.shape[:2] for i in range(0, len(gtCopy)): for j in range(0, len(gtCopy[i])): replaceArr = np.array([255, 255, 255]) if np.array_equal(gtCopy[i][j], np.array([0, 0, 0])): replaceArr = np.array([0, 0, 0]) gtCopy[i][j] = replaceArr gtCopy.imwrite(_dgtfmPath) def getFeatureMeanVal(_featDF, _x, _y, _stiWidth, _stiHeight, _patchSize): meanVal = 0 min_x = int(_x - _patchSize/2) max_x = int(_x + _patchSize/2) if min_x < 0: min_x = 0 if max_x > _stiWidth-1: max_x = int(_stiWidth-1) min_y = int(_y - _patchSize/2) max_y = int(_y + _patchSize/2) if min_y < 0: min_y = 0 if max_y > _stiHeight-1: max_y = int(_stiHeight-1) featNP = _featDF.to_numpy() # print("top: %d, bottom: %d, left: %d, right: %d"%(min_y, max_y, min_x, max_x)) patch = featNP[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x] # print(patch.shape) meanVal = patch.mean() return meanVal def dataTransformation(tMethod, df, featureList): # print("Data transformation method: "+tMethod) if tMethod == "raw": return df elif tMethod == "min_max": return dt_minMax(df, featureList) elif tMethod == "z_score": return dt_zScore(df, featureList) elif tMethod == "yeo_johonson": return dt_yeoJohnson(df, featureList) elif tMethod == "yeo_johonson_min_max": return dt_yeoJohnson_minMax(df, featureList) else: print("ERROR: unavailable data transformation method selected") return df def dt_minMax(df, featureList): getColNames = df.columns tfDF = df[[getColNames[0], getColNames[1], getColNames[2], getColNames[3]]] colCount = 3 for featureName in featureList: colCount = colCount+1 colFeatDF = df[featureName] scaler = MinMaxScaler() _tf = scaler.fit_transform(colFeatDF.values.reshape(-1, 1)) tfDF.insert(colCount, featureName, _tf, True) # tfDF[featureName] = _tf return tfDF def dt_zScore(df, featureList): getColNames = df.columns tfDF = df[[getColNames[0], getColNames[1], getColNames[2], getColNames[3]]] colCount = 3 for featureName in featureList: colCount = colCount+1 colFeatDF = df[featureName] scaler = StandardScaler() _tf = scaler.fit_transform(colFeatDF.values.reshape(-1, 1)) tfDF.insert(colCount, featureName, _tf, True) # tfDF[featureName] = _tf return tfDF def dt_yeoJohnson(df, featureList): getColNames = df.columns tfDF = df[[getColNames[0], getColNames[1], getColNames[2], getColNames[3]]] colCount = 3 for featureName in featureList: colCount = colCount+1 colFeatDF = df[featureName] scaler = PowerTransformer(method='yeo-johnson') _tf = scaler.fit_transform(colFeatDF.values.reshape(-1, 1)) tfDF.insert(colCount, featureName, _tf, True) # tfDF[featureName] = _tf return tfDF def dt_yeoJohnson_minMax(df, featureList): _df_1 = dt_yeoJohnson(df, featureList) _df_2 = dt_minMax(_df_1, featureList) return _df_2 def dataClustering(cMethod): # print("Data clustering method: "+cMethod) if cMethod == "random_forest": return dc_randomForest() elif cMethod == "dbscan": return dc_dbscan() elif cMethod == "hdbscan": return dc_hdbscan() elif cMethod == "k_means": return dc_kMeans() else: print("ERROR: unavailable data clustering method selected") def dc_randomForest(): return 0 def dc_dbscan(): return 0 def dc_hdbscan(): return 0 def dc_kMeans(): return 0 def dimensionReduction(drMethod, df, featureList): # print("Dimension reduction method: "+drMethod) if drMethod == "MDS": return dr_MDS(df, featureList) elif drMethod == "PCA": return dr_PCA(df, featureList) elif drMethod == "ICA": return dr_ICA(df, featureList) elif drMethod == "t_SNE": return dr_TSNE(df, featureList) elif drMethod == "PLS": return dr_PLS(df, featureList) else: print("ERROR: unavailable dimension reduction method selected") return df[['x', 'y']] def dr_MDS(df, featureList): drm = MDS(n_components=2, random_state=0) drDF = drm.fit_transform(df[featureList]) return drDF def dr_PCA(df, featureList): drm = PCA(n_components=2, random_state=0) drDF = drm.fit_transform(df[featureList]) return drDF def dr_ICA(df, featureList): drm = FastICA(n_components=2, random_state=0) drDF = drm.fit_transform(df[featureList]) return drDF def dr_TSNE(df, featureList): drm = TSNE(learning_rate=100, random_state=0) drDF = drm.fit_transform(df[featureList]) return drDF def dr_PLS(df, featureList): drm = PLSRegression(n_components=2) drDF, _ = drm.fit_transform(df[featureList], df["label"]) return drDF FEATURE_ordered = ["intensity", "color", "orientation", "curvature", "center_bias", "entropy_rate", "log_spectrum", "HOG"] DATA_TRANSFORMATION_LIST = ["min_max"] DIMENSION_REDUCTION_LIST = ["MDS", "PCA"] PATCH_SIZE = 20 FIX_DATA_DIR = "./fix/" DATASET_LIST = os.listdir(FIX_DATA_DIR) MID_FILE_GEN_PATH = "" CACHE_FILE_GEN_PATH = "" # midCacheFlag = True ERROR_LOG = [] for dt in DATA_TRANSFORMATION_LIST: for dr in DIMENSION_REDUCTION_LIST: for dataName in DATASET_LIST: path = FIX_DATA_DIR + dataName +"/" STI_CLASS_LIST = os.listdir(path) for stiClass in STI_CLASS_LIST: path = FIX_DATA_DIR + dataName +"/"+ stiClass +"/" STI_DIR_LIST = os.listdir(path) for stiDirName in STI_DIR_LIST: stiNameWithoutExe = "" stiDirNameSplit = stiDirName.split("_") if len(stiDirNameSplit) == 2: stiNameWithoutExe = stiDirNameSplit[0] else: for i in range(0, len(stiDirNameSplit)): if i==0: stiNameWithoutExe = stiDirNameSplit[i] elif i==len(stiDirNameSplit)-1: break else: stiNameWithoutExe = stiNameWithoutExe +"_"+ stiDirNameSplit[i] path = FIX_DATA_DIR + dataName +"/"+ stiClass +"/"+ stiDirName +"/" FIX_FILE_LIST = os.listdir(path) # MID_FILE_GEN_PATH = "./cache_mid/midcache-"+ dataName +"-"+ stiClass +"-"+ stiDirName +"-"+ dt +"-"+ dr +"-"+ str(len(FIX_FILE_LIST)) +".csv" CACHE_FILE_GEN_PATH = "./cache/cache_"+ dataName +"-"+ stiClass +"-"+ stiDirName +"-"+ dt +"-"+ dr +"-"+ str(len(FIX_FILE_LIST)) +".csv" if os.path.exists(CACHE_FILE_GEN_PATH): print("CACHE: Already exists: "+CACHE_FILE_GEN_PATH) continue # midCacheFag = True # if os.path.exists(MID_FILE_GEN_PATH): # print("MID: Already exists: "+MID_FILE_GEN_PATH) # midCacheFlag = False # break print(CACHE_FILE_GEN_PATH) # print("start time: ""%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S")) gtFixMapPath = "./ground_truth/" + dataName +"/"+ stiClass +"/"+ stiNameWithoutExe +".jpg" groundTruthFixMap = cv2.imread(gtFixMapPath) fmHeight, fmWidth = groundTruthFixMap.shape[:2] loadedFeatureDataMatrix = [] for _f in FEATURE_ordered: featureFilePath = "./feature/" + _f +"/"+ dataName +"/"+ stiClass +"/"+ stiNameWithoutExe +".csv" featureDF = pd.read_csv(featureFilePath) loadedFeatureDataMatrix.append(featureDF) aggregatedDataList = [] for fixFileName in FIX_FILE_LIST: path = FIX_DATA_DIR + dataName +"/"+ stiClass +"/"+ stiDirName +"/"+ fixFileName df =
pd.read_csv(path, header=None)
import numpy as np from numpy import where from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, render_template import pandas as pd from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest from pyod.models.knn import KNN import json from flask import send_from_directory from flask import current_app app = Flask(__name__) class Detect: def __init__(self, file, non_num): self.file = file self.non_num = non_num def IQR(self): # anomaly=pd.DataFrame() data =
from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import pandas as pd from .helpers import Interval from .helpers import path_leaf from .fasta import FastaReader from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna def counts_to_tpm(counts, sizes): """Counts to TPM Parameters ---------- counts: array like Series/array of counts sizes: array like Series/array of region sizes """ rate = np.log(counts).subtract(np.log(sizes)) denom = np.log(np.sum(np.exp(rate))) tpm = np.exp(rate - denom + np.log(1e6)) return tpm def featurecounts_to_tpm(fc_f, outfile): """Convert htseq-counts file to tpm Parameters ---------- fc_f: string Path to htseq-count output outfile: string Path to output file with tpm values """ feature_counts = pd.read_csv(fc_f, sep="\t") feature_counts = feature_counts.set_index("Geneid") feature_counts = feature_counts.drop(columns=["Chr", "Start", "End", "Strand"]) lengths = feature_counts["Length"] feature_counts = feature_counts.drop(columns=["Length"]) tpm = feature_counts.apply(lambda x: counts_to_tpm(x, lengths), axis=0) tpm.columns = [ col.replace("bams_unique/", "").replace(".bam", "") for col in tpm.columns ] tpm.to_csv(outfile, sep="\t", index=True, header=True) def read_ribocounts_raw_count(filepath): """Read ribotricer counts as a dataframe""" df = pd.read_csv(filepath, sep="\t") df = df.sort_values(by=["gene_id"]) df = df.set_index("gene_id") return df[["count"]] def read_ribocounts_length_normalized_count(filepath): """Read ribotricer counts divided by length as a dataframe""" df = pd.read_csv(filepath, sep="\t") if "length" not in df.columns: raise Exception("length column missing in input {}".format(filepath)) df["normalized_count"] = np.divide(1 + df["count"], df["length"]) df = df.sort_values(by=["gene_id"]) df = df.set_index("gene_id") return df[["normalized_count"]] def read_raw_counts_into_matrix(count_files): """Read ribotricer raw counts for multiple files in a dataframe""" counts_df = pd.DataFrame() for f in count_files: filename = path_leaf(f) filename = filename.replace("_counts_cnt.txt", "") df = read_ribocounts_raw_count(f) df.columns = [filename] counts_df = counts_df.join(df, how="outer") return counts_df def ribotricer_index_to_fasta(ribotricer_index, fasta_file): """Convert ribotricer index to fasta. Parameters ---------- ribotricer_index: str or pd.DataFrame Path to ribotricer index file or read_csv version fasta_file: str Location of fasta Returns ------- sequences: list list of list with orf_id and corresponding sequence """ fasta = FastaReader(fasta_file) if isinstance(ribotricer_index, str): ribotricer_index = pd.read_csv(ribotricer_index, sep="\t").set_index("ORF_ID") sequences = [] for idx, row in ribotricer_index.iterrows(): intervals = [] for coordinate in row.coordinate.split(","): start, stop = coordinate.split("-") start = int(start) stop = int(stop) interval = Interval(row.chrom, start, stop) intervals.append(interval) sequence = fasta.query(intervals) sequence = "".join(sequence) if row.strand == "-": sequence = fasta.reverse_complement(sequence) sequences.append([idx, sequence]) return sequences def get_translated_sequence(sequence): """Translate a sequence""" translated_seq = str(Seq(sequence, generic_dna).translate()) return translated_seq def get_translated_sequences_row(sequences): """Translate a sequence for a given row from ribotricer index df""" for idx, row in enumerate(sequences): orf_id, dna_seq = row translated_seq = str(Seq(dna_seq, generic_dna).translate()) sequences[idx].append(translated_seq) return sequences def ribotricer_index_row_to_fasta(row, fasta_file): """Convert ribotricer index to fasta (just one row). Parameters ---------- ribotricer_index: str or pd.DataFrame Path to ribotricer index file or read_csv version fasta_file: str Location of fasta Returns ------- sequences: list list of list with orf_id and corresponding sequence """ fasta = FastaReader(fasta_file) # sequences = [] # idx = row.index intervals = [] for coordinate in row.coordinate.split(","): start, stop = coordinate.split("-") start = int(start) stop = int(stop) interval = Interval(row.chrom, start, stop) intervals.append(interval) sequence = fasta.query(intervals) sequence = "".join(sequence) if row.strand == "-": sequence = fasta.reverse_complement(sequence) return sequence def read_orf_lengths_into_matrix(count_files): """Read gene lengths into a matrix""" lengths_dict = OrderedDict() for f in count_files: df = pd.read_csv(f, sep="\t").set_index("gene_id") lengths = df[["length"]].to_dict()["length"] for key, value in lengths.items(): if key not in lengths_dict: lengths_dict[key] = value lengths = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lengths_dict, orient="index", columns=["length"]) = "gene_id" return lengths.sort_index() def count_matrix_to_tpm(counts_matrix, gene_lengths): """Convert counts matrix to TPM matrix""" gene_lengths = gene_lengths.loc[counts_matrix.index] tpm_matrix = counts_matrix.copy() if "gene_id" in tpm_matrix.columns: tpm_matrix = tpm_matrix.set_index("gene_id") tpm_matrix = tpm_matrix.fillna(0) for col in tpm_matrix.columns: tpm_matrix[col] = counts_to_tpm(tpm_matrix[col], gene_lengths["length"]) return tpm_matrix def get_orf_hits(ribotricer_index, chrom, target_range): max_intersection = 0 target_orfid = "" chr_orfs = ribotricer_index.loc[ribotricer_index["chrom"] == chrom] for idx, row in chr_orfs.iterrows(): coordinates = row.coordinate coordinates = coordinates.split(",") for coordinate in coordinates: start, end = coordinate.split("-") start = int(start) end = int(end) if start > target_range[1]: continue if end < target_range[0]: continue query_range = range(start, end + 1) query_length = len(query_range) intersection = set(query_range).intersection(target_range) intersection_length = len(intersection) if intersection_length > max_intersection: max_intersection = intersection_length target_orfid = row.ORF_ID return max_intersection, target_orfid def coordlist_to_length(coordlist): "Given a list of coordinates get the length of the region" "" all_coords = dict() for coords in coordlist: for coord in coords.split(","): start, stop = coord.split("-") start = int(start) stop = int(stop) for x in range(start, stop + 1): if x not in all_coords: all_coords[x] = 0 return len(all_coords.keys()) def ribotricer_index_to_gene_length(indexfile, outfile): """Collapse index to gene level lengths for different ORF types""" df =
pd.read_csv(indexfile, sep="\t", usecols=["gene_id", "ORF_type", "coordinate"])
import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_feature_importances(rf, cols, model_dir='.'): importances =
import numpy as np import cv2 import csv import os import pandas as pd import time def calcuNearestPtsDis2(ptList1): ''' Find the nearest point of each point in ptList1 & return the mean min_distance Parameters ---------- ptList1: numpy array points' array, shape:(x,2) Return ---------- mean_Dis: float the mean value of the minimum distances ''' if len(ptList1)<=1: print('error!') return 'error' minDis_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList1)): currentPt = ptList1[i,0:2] ptList2 = np.delete(ptList1,i,axis=0) disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList2)**2, axis=1).astype(np.float32) ) minDis = disMat.min() minDis_list.append(minDis) minDisArr = np.array(minDis_list) mean_Dis = np.mean(minDisArr) return mean_Dis def calcuNearestPtsDis(ptList1, ptList2): ''' Find the nearest point of each point in ptList1 from ptList2 & return the mean min_distance Parameters ---------- ptList1: numpy array points' array, shape:(x,2) ptList2: numpy array points' array, shape:(x,2) Return ---------- mean_Dis: float the mean value of the minimum distances ''' if (not len(ptList2)) or (not len(ptList1)): print('error!') return 'error' minDis_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList1)): currentPt = ptList1[i,0:2] disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList2)**2, axis=1).astype(np.float32) ) minDis = disMat.min() minDis_list.append(minDis) minDisArr = np.array(minDis_list) mean_Dis = np.mean(minDisArr) return mean_Dis def calcuNearestPts(csvName1, csvName2): ptList1_csv = pd.read_csv(csvName1,usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) ptList2_csv = pd.read_csv(csvName2,usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) ptList1 = ptList1_csv.values[:,:2] ptList2 = ptList2_csv.values[:,:2] minDisInd_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList1)): currentPt = ptList1[i,0:2] disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList2)**2, axis=1)) minDisInd = np.argmin(disMat) minDisInd_list.append(minDisInd) minDisInd = np.array(minDisInd_list).reshape(-1,1) ptList1_csv = pd.concat([ptList1_csv, pd.DataFrame( columns=['nearestInd'],data = minDisInd)], axis=1) ptList1_csv.to_csv(csvName1,index=False) return minDisInd def drawDisPic(picInd): picName = 'patients_dataset/image/'+ picInd +'.png' img = cv2.imread(picName) csvName1='patients_dataset/data_csv/'+picInd+'other_tumour_pts.csv' csvName2='patients_dataset/data_csv/'+picInd+'other_lymph_pts.csv' ptList1_csv = pd.read_csv(csvName1) ptList2_csv = pd.read_csv(csvName2) ptList1 = ptList1_csv.values ptList2 = ptList2_csv.values for i in range(len(ptList1)): img =, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]), 3 , (0, 0, 255), -1 ) img = cv2.line(img, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]) , tuple(ptList2[ ptList1[i,2] ,:2]), (0,255,0), 1) for i in range(len(ptList2)): img =, tuple(ptList2[i,:2]), 3 , (255, 0, 0), -1 ) cv2.imwrite( picInd+'_dis.png',img) def drawDistancePic(disName1, disName2, picID): ''' Draw & save the distance pics Parameters ---------- disName1,disName2: str such as 'positive_lymph', 'all_tumour' picID: str the patient's ID ''' cellName_color = {'other_lymph': (255, 0, 0), 'positive_lymph': (255, 255, 0), 'other_tumour': (0, 0, 255), 'positive_tumour': (0, 255, 0)} ptline_color = {'positive_lymph': (0,0,255), 'positive_tumour': (0,0,255), 'ptumour_plymph': (51, 97, 235), 'other_tumour': (0, 255, 0)} if (disName1 == 'all_tumour' and disName2 == 'all_lymph') or (disName1 == 'all_tumour' and disName2 == 'positive_lymph'): line_color = (0,255,255) elif disName1 == 'positive_tumour' and disName2 == 'positive_lymph': line_color = (51, 97, 235) else: line_color = ptline_color[disName1] csv_dir = '/data/Datasets/MediImgExp/data_csv' img_dir = '/data/Datasets/MediImgExp/image' if disName1 == 'all_tumour' and disName2 == 'positive_lymph': dis1_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + 'positive_tumour' + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) dis2_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + 'other_tumour' + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) dis3_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + 'positive_lymph' + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) ptList1 = dis1_csv.values[:,:2] ptList2 = dis2_csv.values[:,:2] ptList3 = dis3_csv.values[:,:2] # positive tumour: find the nearest lymph cell minDisInd_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList1)): currentPt = ptList1[i,:] disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList3)**2, axis=1)) minDisInd = np.argmin(disMat) minDisInd_list.append(minDisInd) minDisInd = np.array(minDisInd_list).reshape(-1,1) dis1_csv = pd.concat([dis1_csv, pd.DataFrame(columns=['nearestInd'], data=minDisInd)], axis=1) # other tumour: find the nearest lymph cell minDisInd_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList2)): currentPt = ptList2[i,:] disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList3)**2, axis=1)) minDisInd = np.argmin(disMat) minDisInd_list.append(minDisInd) minDisInd = np.array(minDisInd_list).reshape(-1,1) dis2_csv = pd.concat([dis2_csv, pd.DataFrame(columns=['nearestInd'], data=minDisInd)], axis=1) img = cv2.imread(img_dir + '/' + picID + '.jpg') ptList1 = dis1_csv.values for i in range(len(ptList1)): img = cv2.line(img, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]), tuple(ptList3[ptList1[i, 2],:2]), line_color, 1) ptList2 = dis2_csv.values for i in range(len(ptList2)): img = cv2.line(img, tuple(ptList2[i,:2]), tuple(ptList3[ptList2[i, 2],:2]), line_color, 1) for i in range(len(ptList1)): img =, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]), 4, (0, 255, 0), -1) for i in range(len(ptList2)): img =, tuple(ptList2[i,:2]), 4, (0, 0, 255), -1) for i in range(len(ptList3)): img =, tuple(ptList3[i,:2]), 4, (255, 255, 0), -1) cv2.imwrite(picID + disName1 + '_' + disName2 + '_dis.png', img) elif disName1 == 'all_tumour' and disName2 == 'all_lymph': dis1_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + 'positive_tumour' + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) dis2_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + 'other_tumour' + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) dis3_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + 'positive_lymph' + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) dis4_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + 'other_lymph' + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) ptList1 = dis1_csv.values[:,:2] ptList2 = dis2_csv.values[:,:2] ptList3 = dis3_csv.values[:,:2] ptList4 = dis4_csv.values[:,:2] ptList6 = np.concatenate((ptList3, ptList4), axis=0) minDisInd_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList1)): currentPt = ptList1[i,:] disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList6)**2, axis=1)) minDisInd = np.argmin(disMat) minDisInd_list.append(minDisInd) minDisInd = np.array(minDisInd_list).reshape(-1,1) dis1_csv = pd.concat([dis1_csv, pd.DataFrame(columns=['nearestInd'], data=minDisInd)], axis=1) minDisInd_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList2)): currentPt = ptList2[i,:] disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList6)**2, axis=1)) minDisInd = np.argmin(disMat) minDisInd_list.append(minDisInd) minDisInd = np.array(minDisInd_list).reshape(-1,1) dis2_csv = pd.concat([dis2_csv, pd.DataFrame(columns=['nearestInd'], data=minDisInd)], axis=1) img = cv2.imread(img_dir + '/' + picID + '.jpg') ptList1 = dis1_csv.values for i in range(len(ptList1)): img = cv2.line(img, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]), tuple(ptList6[ptList1[i, 2],:2]), line_color, 1) ptList2 = dis2_csv.values for i in range(len(ptList2)): img = cv2.line(img, tuple(ptList2[i,:2]), tuple(ptList6[ptList2[i, 2],:2]), line_color, 1) for i in range(len(ptList1)): img =, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]), 4, (0, 255, 0), -1) for i in range(len(ptList2)): img =, tuple(ptList2[i,:2]), 4, (0, 0, 255), -1) for i in range(len(ptList3)): img =, tuple(ptList3[i,:2]), 4, (255, 255, 0), -1) for i in range(len(ptList4)): img =, tuple(ptList4[i,:2]), 4, (255, 0, 0), -1) cv2.imwrite(picID + disName1 + '_' + disName2 + '_dis.png', img) elif disName1 != disName2: dis1_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + disName1 + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) dis2_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + disName2 + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) ptList1 = dis1_csv.values[:,:2] ptList2 = dis2_csv.values[:,:2] minDisInd_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList1)): currentPt = ptList1[i,:] disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList2)**2, axis=1)) minDisInd = np.argmin(disMat) minDisInd_list.append(minDisInd) minDisInd = np.array(minDisInd_list).reshape(-1,1) dis1_csv = pd.concat([dis1_csv, pd.DataFrame( columns=['nearestInd'],data = minDisInd)], axis=1) img = cv2.imread(img_dir + '/' + picID + '.jpg') img[:,:, 0] = 255 img[:,:, 1] = 255 img[:,:, 2] = 255 ptList1 = dis1_csv.values for i in range(len(ptList1)): img = cv2.line(img, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]) , tuple(ptList2[ ptList1[i,2] ,:2]), line_color, 1) for i in range(len(ptList1)): img =, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]), 5, cellName_color[disName1], -1) for i in range(len(ptList2)): img =, tuple(ptList2[i,:2]), 5, cellName_color[disName2], -1) cv2.imwrite(picID + disName1 + '_' + disName2 + '_dis.png', img) elif disName1 == disName2: dis1_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + disName1 + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) ptList1 = dis1_csv.values[:,:2] minDisInd_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList1)): currentPt = ptList1[i, :2] disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList1)** 2, axis=1).astype(np.float32)) minDisInd = np.argmin(disMat) disMat[minDisInd] = 1000.0 minDisInd = np.argmin(disMat) minDisInd_list.append(minDisInd) minDisInd = np.array(minDisInd_list).reshape(-1,1) dis1_csv = pd.concat([dis1_csv, pd.DataFrame( columns=['nearestInd'],data = minDisInd)], axis=1) img = cv2.imread(img_dir + '/' + picID + '.jpg') img[:,:, 0] = 255 img[:,:, 1] = 255 img[:,:, 2] = 255 ptList1 = dis1_csv.values for i in range(len(ptList1)): img = cv2.line(img, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]), tuple(ptList1[ptList1[i, 2],:2]), line_color, 1) for i in range(len(ptList1)): img =, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]), 5, cellName_color[disName1], -1) cv2.imwrite(picID + disName1 + '_dis.png', img) def getAllPicsDisCSV(): ''' Get all distance data from the saved csv files (get from the above functions) ''' base_dir = '/data/Datasets/MediImgExp' f = open( base_dir + '/' + 'AllDisData.csv','w',encoding='utf-8',newline="") csv_writer = csv.writer(f) csv_writer.writerow([ 'Ind','PosiTumourRatio','PosiLymphRatio', 'DisTumourLymph','DisPosiTumour','DisPosiLymph', 'DisPosiTumourPosiLymph','DisTumourPosiLymph']) process_dir = base_dir + '/process' csv_dir = base_dir + '/data_csv' pic_name = os.listdir(process_dir) picIDList = [] for pic_name_ in pic_name: picIDList.append( pic_name_.split('_')[0] ) for picID in picIDList: list_data = [] list_data.append(picID) # PosiTumourRatio PosiTumourCsv = pd.read_csv( csv_dir+'/'+ picID +'positive_tumour_pts.csv') OtherTumourCsv = pd.read_csv( csv_dir+'/'+ picID +'other_tumour_pts.csv') Num_PosiTumour = PosiTumourCsv.shape[0] Num_OtherTumour = OtherTumourCsv.shape[0] if (Num_PosiTumour + Num_OtherTumour)!=0 : PosiTumourRatio = Num_PosiTumour / (Num_PosiTumour + Num_OtherTumour) else: PosiTumourRatio = 'error' list_data.append(PosiTumourRatio) # PosiLymphRatio PosiLymphCsv = pd.read_csv( csv_dir+'/'+ picID +'positive_lymph_pts.csv') OtherLymphCsv =
pd.read_csv( csv_dir+'/'+ picID +'other_lymph_pts.csv')
import itertools import pandas import logging import requests import json from datetime import datetime _BASE_CRYPTO_COMPARE_URL = '' def load_crypto_compare_data(currencies, reference_currencies, exchange, time_scale): """ :param currencies: list of currency pairs to retrieve :param reference_currencies: for quoting each currency in terms of reference currencies :param exchange: exchange as referenced by CryptoCompare :param time_scale: one of ('day', 'hour', 'minute', 'spot') :return: DataFrame of historical prices """ cross_product = itertools.product(set(reference_currencies).union(set(currencies)), reference_currencies) pairs = [pair for pair in cross_product if pair[0] != pair[1]] if time_scale == 'spot': prices = load_pairs_spot(pairs, exchange) elif time_scale == 'minute': prices = load_pairs_histo_minute(pairs, exchange) elif time_scale == 'hour': prices = load_pairs_histo_hourly(pairs, exchange) elif time_scale == 'day': prices = load_pairs_histo_daily(pairs, exchange) else: raise NotImplementedError('unavailable time scale: "{}"'.format(time_scale)) return prices.pivot_table(index='date', columns='currency', values='price').reset_index() def load_pairs_spot(pairs, exchange): """ :param pairs: :param exchange: exchange as referenced by CryptoCompare :return: """ logging.debug('loading spot data for pairs: {}'.format(str(pairs))) session = requests.Session() spot_prices = dict() for from_currency, to_currency in pairs: payload = {'fsym': from_currency, 'tsyms': to_currency, 'e': exchange } results = session.get('{}/price'.format(_BASE_CRYPTO_COMPARE_URL), params=payload) json_result = results.json() if 'Message' in json_result: json_message = json_result['Message'] message = 'Error occurred while loading prices from exchange {}: {} ({}/{})' raise Exception(message.format(exchange, json_message, from_currency, to_currency)) spot_prices[(from_currency, to_currency)] = json_result[to_currency] now = timestamps = list() currencies = list() prices = list() for source, target in spot_prices: timestamps.append(now) currencies.append('{}/{}'.format(source, target)) prices.append(spot_prices[(source, target)]) spot_df = pandas.DataFrame({'date': timestamps, 'currency': currencies, 'price': prices}) return spot_df def load_pairs_histo_minute(pairs, exchange): """ :param pairs: :param exchange: exchange as referenced by CryptoCompare :return: """ logging.debug('loading minute data for pairs: {}'.format(str(pairs))) session = requests.Session() output = dict() for from_currency, to_currency in pairs: payload = {'fsym': from_currency, 'tsym': to_currency, 'e': exchange, 'limit': 1000 } results = session.get('{}/histominute'.format(_BASE_CRYPTO_COMPARE_URL), params=payload) output[(from_currency, to_currency)] = json.loads(results.text)['Data'] output = { key: [ {'time': datetime.fromtimestamp(price_data['time']), 'close': price_data['close']} for price_data in values] for key, values in output.items() } data = list() for source, target in output: for hist_data in output[(source, target)]: entry = dict() entry['currency'] = '{}/{}'.format(source, target) entry['date'] = hist_data['time'] entry['price'] = hist_data['close'] data.append(entry) minute_df = pandas.DataFrame(data) return minute_df def load_pairs_histo_hourly(pairs, exchange): """ :param pairs: :param exchange: exchange as referenced by CryptoCompare :return: """ logging.debug('loading hourly data for pairs: {}'.format(str(pairs))) session = requests.Session() output = dict() for from_currency, to_currency in pairs: payload = {'fsym': from_currency, 'tsym': to_currency, 'e': exchange, 'limit': 1000 } results = session.get('{}/histohour'.format(_BASE_CRYPTO_COMPARE_URL), params=payload) output[(from_currency, to_currency)] = json.loads(results.text)['Data'] output = { key: [ {'time': datetime.fromtimestamp(price_data['time']), 'close': price_data['close']} for price_data in values] for key, values in output.items() } data = list() for source, target in output: for hist_data in output[(source, target)]: entry = dict() entry['currency'] = '{}/{}'.format(source, target) entry['date'] = hist_data['time'] entry['price'] = hist_data['close'] data.append(entry) hourly_df =
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import sys import scipy from numpy import * from scipy import stats import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import glob import re import networkx as nx from itertools import combinations, product from scipy.interpolate import interp1d import argparse import logging #logging setup console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') console.setFormatter(formatter) LOG = logging.getLogger("Align RT of spectral libraries") LOG.addHandler(console) LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO) def align_libs(reference, other, rsq_treshold): # read first library, groupby modified sequence and charge and store RTs df = reference df_rt = df.groupby(['ModifiedPeptideSequence', 'PrecursorCharge'])['NormalizedRetentionTime'].apply( median).reset_index() df_rt['Key'] = df_rt['ModifiedPeptideSequence'] + df_rt['PrecursorCharge'].apply(str) df_rt = df_rt[['Key', 'NormalizedRetentionTime']] # read second library, groupby modified sequence and charge and store RTs df_II = other df_rt_II = df_II.groupby(['ModifiedPeptideSequence', 'PrecursorCharge'])['NormalizedRetentionTime'].apply( median).reset_index() df_rt_II['Key'] = df_rt_II['ModifiedPeptideSequence'] + df_rt_II['PrecursorCharge'].apply(str) df_rt_II = df_rt_II[['Key', 'NormalizedRetentionTime']] # calibrate rt alignment df_rt_merged = pd.merge(df_rt, df_rt_II, on='Key') slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(df_rt_merged['NormalizedRetentionTime_x'], df_rt_merged['NormalizedRetentionTime_y']) (a, b) = (slope, intercept) rsq = r_value ** 2 if rsq < rsq_threshold: raise Exception("Error: R-squared " + str(rsq) + " is below the threshold of " + str(rsq_threshold) + ".") # apply rt transformation for i, row in df_II.iterrows(): rt = row["NormalizedRetentionTime"] new_rt = scipy.polyval([a, b], rt) df_II.loc[i, "NormalizedRetentionTime"] = new_rt return df_II def compute_MST(libs): file_combs = combinations(libs, 2) G=nx.Graph() for file_comb in file_combs: lib_I=pd.read_csv(file_comb[0], sep='\t') #.split('/')[-1].split('_Class')[0][3:] lib_II=
pd.read_csv(file_comb[1], sep='\t')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pandas as pd import json from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np # Configuration anomaly_color = 'sandybrown' prediction_color = 'yellowgreen' training_color = 'yellowgreen' validation_color = 'gold' test_color = 'coral' figsize=(12, 4) def load_series(file_name, data_folder): # Load the input data data_path = f'{data_folder}/data/{file_name}' data = pd.read_csv(data_path) data['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(data['timestamp']) data.set_index('timestamp', inplace=True) # Load the labels label_path = f'{data_folder}/labels/combined_labels.json' with open(label_path) as fp: labels = pd.Series(json.load(fp)[file_name]) labels =
import re import numpy as np import pytest import pandas as pd import pandas._testing as tm from pandas.core.arrays import IntervalArray class TestSeriesReplace: def test_replace_explicit_none(self): # GH#36984 if the user explicitly passes value=None, give it to them ser = pd.Series([0, 0, ""], dtype=object) result = ser.replace("", None) expected = pd.Series([0, 0, None], dtype=object) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((3, 3))) df.iloc[2, 2] = "" result = df.replace("", None) expected = pd.DataFrame( { 0: np.zeros(3), 1: np.zeros(3), 2: np.array([0.0, 0.0, None], dtype=object), } ) assert expected.iloc[2, 2] is None tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # GH#19998 same thing with object dtype ser = pd.Series([10, 20, 30, "a", "a", "b", "a"]) result = ser.replace("a", None) expected = pd.Series([10, 20, 30, None, None, "b", None]) assert expected.iloc[-1] is None tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace_noop_doesnt_downcast(self): # GH#44498 ser = pd.Series([None, None, pd.Timestamp("2021-12-16 17:31")], dtype=object) res = ser.replace({np.nan: None}) # should be a no-op tm.assert_series_equal(res, ser) assert res.dtype == object # same thing but different calling convention res = ser.replace(np.nan, None) tm.assert_series_equal(res, ser) assert res.dtype == object def test_replace(self): N = 100 ser = pd.Series(np.random.randn(N)) ser[0:4] = np.nan ser[6:10] = 0 # replace list with a single value return_value = ser.replace([np.nan], -1, inplace=True) assert return_value is None exp = ser.fillna(-1) tm.assert_series_equal(ser, exp) rs = ser.replace(0.0, np.nan) ser[ser == 0.0] = np.nan tm.assert_series_equal(rs, ser) ser = pd.Series(np.fabs(np.random.randn(N)), tm.makeDateIndex(N), dtype=object) ser[:5] = np.nan ser[6:10] = "foo" ser[20:30] = "bar" # replace list with a single value rs = ser.replace([np.nan, "foo", "bar"], -1) assert (rs[:5] == -1).all() assert (rs[6:10] == -1).all() assert (rs[20:30] == -1).all() assert (pd.isna(ser[:5])).all() # replace with different values rs = ser.replace({np.nan: -1, "foo": -2, "bar": -3}) assert (rs[:5] == -1).all() assert (rs[6:10] == -2).all() assert (rs[20:30] == -3).all() assert (pd.isna(ser[:5])).all() # replace with different values with 2 lists rs2 = ser.replace([np.nan, "foo", "bar"], [-1, -2, -3]) tm.assert_series_equal(rs, rs2) # replace inplace return_value = ser.replace([np.nan, "foo", "bar"], -1, inplace=True) assert return_value is None assert (ser[:5] == -1).all() assert (ser[6:10] == -1).all() assert (ser[20:30] == -1).all() def test_replace_nan_with_inf(self): ser = pd.Series([np.nan, 0, np.inf]) tm.assert_series_equal(ser.replace(np.nan, 0), ser.fillna(0)) ser = pd.Series([np.nan, 0, "foo", "bar", np.inf, None, pd.NaT]) tm.assert_series_equal(ser.replace(np.nan, 0), ser.fillna(0)) filled = ser.copy() filled[4] = 0 tm.assert_series_equal(ser.replace(np.inf, 0), filled) def test_replace_listlike_value_listlike_target(self, datetime_series): ser = pd.Series(datetime_series.index) tm.assert_series_equal(ser.replace(np.nan, 0), ser.fillna(0)) # malformed msg = r"Replacement lists must match in length\. Expecting 3 got 2" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): ser.replace([1, 2, 3], [np.nan, 0]) # ser is dt64 so can't hold 1 or 2, so this replace is a no-op result = ser.replace([1, 2], [np.nan, 0]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, ser) ser = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) result = ser.replace([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, pd.Series([4, 3, 2, 1, 0])) def test_replace_gh5319(self): # API change from 0.12? # GH 5319 ser = pd.Series([0, np.nan, 2, 3, 4]) expected = ser.ffill() result = ser.replace([np.nan]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) ser = pd.Series([0, np.nan, 2, 3, 4]) expected = ser.ffill() result = ser.replace(np.nan) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace_datetime64(self): # GH 5797 ser = pd.Series(pd.date_range("20130101", periods=5)) expected = ser.copy() expected.loc[2] = pd.Timestamp("20120101") result = ser.replace({pd.Timestamp("20130103"): pd.Timestamp("20120101")}) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = ser.replace(pd.Timestamp("20130103"), pd.Timestamp("20120101")) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace_nat_with_tz(self): # GH 11792: Test with replacing NaT in a list with tz data ts = pd.Timestamp("2015/01/01", tz="UTC") s = pd.Series([pd.NaT, pd.Timestamp("2015/01/01", tz="UTC")]) result = s.replace([np.nan, pd.NaT], pd.Timestamp.min) expected = pd.Series([pd.Timestamp.min, ts], dtype=object) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_replace_timedelta_td64(self): tdi = pd.timedelta_range(0, periods=5) ser = pd.Series(tdi) # Using a single dict argument means we go through replace_list result = ser.replace({ser[1]: ser[3]}) expected = pd.Series([ser[0], ser[3], ser[2], ser[3], ser[4]]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace_with_single_list(self): ser = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) result = ser.replace([1, 2, 3]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, pd.Series([0, 0, 0, 0, 4])) s = ser.copy() return_value = s.replace([1, 2, 3], inplace=True) assert return_value is None tm.assert_series_equal(s, pd.Series([0, 0, 0, 0, 4])) # make sure things don't get corrupted when fillna call fails s = ser.copy() msg = ( r"Invalid fill method\. Expecting pad \(ffill\) or backfill " r"\(bfill\)\. Got crash_cymbal" ) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): return_value = s.replace([1, 2, 3], inplace=True, method="crash_cymbal") assert return_value is None tm.assert_series_equal(s, ser) def test_replace_mixed_types(self): ser = pd.Series(np.arange(5), dtype="int64") def check_replace(to_rep, val, expected): sc = ser.copy() result = ser.replace(to_rep, val) return_value = sc.replace(to_rep, val, inplace=True) assert return_value is None tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, sc) # 3.0 can still be held in our int64 series, so we do not upcast GH#44940 tr, v = [3], [3.0] check_replace(tr, v, ser) # Note this matches what we get with the scalars 3 and 3.0 check_replace(tr[0], v[0], ser) # MUST upcast to float e = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3.5, 4]) tr, v = [3], [3.5] check_replace(tr, v, e) # casts to object e = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3.5, "a"]) tr, v = [3, 4], [3.5, "a"] check_replace(tr, v, e) # again casts to object e = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3.5, pd.Timestamp("20130101")]) tr, v = [3, 4], [3.5, pd.Timestamp("20130101")] check_replace(tr, v, e) # casts to object e = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3.5, True], dtype="object") tr, v = [3, 4], [3.5, True] check_replace(tr, v, e) # test an object with dates + floats + integers + strings dr = pd.Series(pd.date_range("1/1/2001", "1/10/2001", freq="D")) result = dr.astype(object).replace([dr[0], dr[1], dr[2]], [1.0, 2, "a"]) expected = pd.Series([1.0, 2, "a"] + dr[3:].tolist(), dtype=object) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace_bool_with_string_no_op(self): s = pd.Series([True, False, True]) result = s.replace("fun", "in-the-sun") tm.assert_series_equal(s, result) def test_replace_bool_with_string(self): # nonexistent elements s = pd.Series([True, False, True]) result = s.replace(True, "2u") expected = pd.Series(["2u", False, "2u"]) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_replace_bool_with_bool(self): s = pd.Series([True, False, True]) result = s.replace(True, False) expected = pd.Series([False] * len(s)) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_replace_with_dict_with_bool_keys(self): s = pd.Series([True, False, True]) result = s.replace({"asdf": "asdb", True: "yes"}) expected = pd.Series(["yes", False, "yes"]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace_Int_with_na(self, any_int_ea_dtype): # GH 38267 result = pd.Series([0, None], dtype=any_int_ea_dtype).replace(0, pd.NA) expected = pd.Series([pd.NA, pd.NA], dtype=any_int_ea_dtype) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = pd.Series([0, 1], dtype=any_int_ea_dtype).replace(0, pd.NA) result.replace(1, pd.NA, inplace=True) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace2(self): N = 100 ser = pd.Series(np.fabs(np.random.randn(N)), tm.makeDateIndex(N), dtype=object) ser[:5] = np.nan ser[6:10] = "foo" ser[20:30] = "bar" # replace list with a single value rs = ser.replace([np.nan, "foo", "bar"], -1) assert (rs[:5] == -1).all() assert (rs[6:10] == -1).all() assert (rs[20:30] == -1).all() assert (pd.isna(ser[:5])).all() # replace with different values rs = ser.replace({np.nan: -1, "foo": -2, "bar": -3}) assert (rs[:5] == -1).all() assert (rs[6:10] == -2).all() assert (rs[20:30] == -3).all() assert (pd.isna(ser[:5])).all() # replace with different values with 2 lists rs2 = ser.replace([np.nan, "foo", "bar"], [-1, -2, -3]) tm.assert_series_equal(rs, rs2) # replace inplace return_value = ser.replace([np.nan, "foo", "bar"], -1, inplace=True) assert return_value is None assert (ser[:5] == -1).all() assert (ser[6:10] == -1).all() assert (ser[20:30] == -1).all() def test_replace_with_dictlike_and_string_dtype(self, nullable_string_dtype): # GH 32621, GH#44940 ser = pd.Series(["one", "two", np.nan], dtype=nullable_string_dtype) expected = pd.Series(["1", "2", np.nan], dtype=nullable_string_dtype) result = ser.replace({"one": "1", "two": "2"}) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_replace_with_empty_dictlike(self): # GH 15289 s = pd.Series(list("abcd")) tm.assert_series_equal(s, s.replace({})) with
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This file is part of the Shotgun Lipidomics Assistant (SLA) project. Copyright 2020 <NAME> (UCLA), <NAME> (UCLA), <NAME> (UW). Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ # import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pyopenms import * import os # import glob # import re import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg # from matplotlib.figure import Figure import seaborn as sns # from scipy import stats from tkinter import * # import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk # from tkinter import messagebox # from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo from tkinter import filedialog import datetime def get_tune1(tunef1): tunef1.configure(state="normal") tunef1.delete(1.0, END) filedir = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("mzML Files", "*.mzML"), ("all files", "*.*"))) tunef1.insert(INSERT, filedir) tunef1.configure(state="disabled") def get_tune2(tunef2): # setdir = filedialog.askdirectory() tunef2.configure(state="normal") tunef2.delete(1.0, END) filedir = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("mzML Files", "*.mzML"), ("all files", "*.*"))) tunef2.insert(INSERT, filedir) tunef2.configure(state="disabled") def imp_tunekey(maploc_tune): # map1 = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("excel Files", "*.xlsx"),("all files", "*.*"))) maploc_tune.configure(state="normal") maploc_tune.delete(1.0, END) map1 = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("excel Files", "*.xlsx"), ("all files", "*.*"))) maploc_tune.insert(INSERT, map1) maploc_tune.configure(state="disabled") def exportdata(covlist, covlist_dict, maploc_tune): """export result to excel file""" exp_temp_loc = maploc_tune.get('1.0', 'end-1c') # 'Tuning_spname_dict' neg_temp = pd.read_excel(exp_temp_loc, sheet_name='NEG', header=0, index_col=None, na_values='.') pos_temp = pd.read_excel(exp_temp_loc, sheet_name='POS', header=0, index_col=None, na_values='.') sst_temp = pd.read_excel(exp_temp_loc, sheet_name='SST', header=0, index_col=None, na_values='.') covlist_neg = list(neg_temp['Group'].unique()) # + list(pos_temp['Group'].unique()) covlist_pos = list(pos_temp['Group'].unique()) # fill in for i in range(0, len(covlist_neg)): # tvar = covlist_dict[i].get('1.0', 'end-1c') tvar = covlist_dict[i].get() neg_temp.loc[neg_temp['Group'] == covlist_neg[i], 'volt'] = float(tvar) # messagebox.showinfo(tvar) # auto compute when any LPC/LPE entered 0 try: if any(neg_temp.loc[neg_temp['Group'] == 'LPC16', 'volt'] == 0): neg_temp.loc[neg_temp['Group'] == 'LPC16', 'volt'] = \ neg_temp.loc[neg_temp['Group'] == 'LPC18', 'volt'].iloc[0] - 1 elif any(neg_temp.loc[neg_temp['Group'] == 'LPC18', 'volt'] == 0): neg_temp.loc[neg_temp['Group'] == 'LPC18', 'volt'] = \ neg_temp.loc[neg_temp['Group'] == 'LPC16', 'volt'].iloc[0] + 1 except Exception: pass try: if any(neg_temp.loc[neg_temp['Group'] == 'LPE16', 'volt'] == 0): neg_temp.loc[neg_temp['Group'] == 'LPE16', 'volt'] = \ neg_temp.loc[neg_temp['Group'] == 'LPE18', 'volt'].iloc[0] - 1.5 elif any(neg_temp.loc[neg_temp['Group'] == 'LPE18', 'volt'] == 0): neg_temp.loc[neg_temp['Group'] == 'LPE18', 'volt'] = \ neg_temp.loc[neg_temp['Group'] == 'LPE16', 'volt'].iloc[0] + 1.5 except Exception: pass for i in range(0, len(covlist_pos)): # tvar = covlist_dict[i+len(covlist_neg)].get('1.0', 'end-1c') tvar = covlist_dict[i + len(covlist_neg)].get() pos_temp.loc[pos_temp['Group'] == covlist_pos[i], 'volt'] = float(tvar) # SST result for i in sst_temp['Group'].unique(): sst_temp.loc[sst_temp['Group'] == i, 'volt'] = float(covlist_dict[covlist.index(i)].get()) # save fname = 'TuneResult_' +"%Y%m%d%H%M") + '.xlsx' master = pd.ExcelWriter(fname) neg_temp.to_excel(master, 'NEG', index=True) pos_temp.to_excel(master, 'POS', index=True) sst_temp.to_excel(master, 'SST', index=True) os.startfile(fname) # os.system(fname) # messagebox.showinfo("Information","Done") def fetchLPC(covlist_dict): """ not in use. originally designed to auto update LPC peak """ covlist_dict[3].configure(state=NORMAL) covlist_dict[3].delete(0, END) try: covlist_dict[3].insert(0, float(covlist_dict[2].get()) + 1) covlist_dict[3].configure(state=DISABLED) except Exception: covlist_dict[3].insert(0, float(0)) covlist_dict[3].configure(state=DISABLED) def fetchLPE(covlist_dict): """ not in use. originally designed to auto update LPE peak """ covlist_dict[4].configure(state=NORMAL) covlist_dict[4].delete(0, END) try: covlist_dict[4].insert(0, float(covlist_dict[5].get()) - 1.5) covlist_dict[4].configure(state=DISABLED) except Exception: covlist_dict[4].insert(0, float(0)) covlist_dict[4].configure(state=DISABLED) def TuningFun(tunef1, tunef2, maploc_tune, out_text, variable_peaktype, tab1, covlist, covlist_label, covlist_dict): global bmid, tvar, bvar, idc5, idc9 out_text.configure(state="normal") sp_dict1_loc = maploc_tune.get('1.0', 'end-1c') # std_dict_loc = # 'C:/Users/baolongsu/Desktop/Projects/StdUnkRatio/standard_dict - LipidizerSimulate_102b_MW_dev2.xlsx' file = tunef1.get('1.0', 'end-1c') os.chdir(file[0:file.rfind('/')]) ##get name all files list_of_files = [tunef1.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), tunef2.get('1.0', 'end-1c')] def spName(row): return (sp_dict[method].loc[ (pd.Series(sp_dict[method]['Q1'] == row['Q1']) & pd.Series(sp_dict[method]['Q3'] == row['Q3']))].index[0]) ##create all variable # all_df_dict = {'1': {}, '2': {}} # out_df2 = pd.DataFrame() # out_df2 = {'1': pd.DataFrame(), '2': pd.DataFrame()} # out_df2_con = pd.DataFrame() # out_df2_con = {'1': pd.DataFrame(), '2': pd.DataFrame()} # out_df2_intensity = {'1': pd.DataFrame(), '2': pd.DataFrame()} sp_df3 = {'A': 0} ##read dicts sp_dict = {'1': pd.read_excel(sp_dict1_loc, sheet_name='1', header=0, index_col=-1, na_values='.'), '2': pd.read_excel(sp_dict1_loc, sheet_name='2', header=0, index_col=-1, na_values='.'), 'NEG': pd.read_excel(sp_dict1_loc, sheet_name='NEG', header=0, index_col=None, na_values='.'), 'POS':
pd.read_excel(sp_dict1_loc, sheet_name='POS', header=0, index_col=None, na_values='.')
from datetime import datetime, timedelta import warnings import operator from textwrap import dedent import numpy as np from pandas._libs import (lib, index as libindex, tslib as libts, algos as libalgos, join as libjoin, Timedelta) from pandas._libs.lib import is_datetime_array from pandas.compat import range, u, set_function_name from pandas.compat.numpy import function as nv from pandas import compat from pandas.core.accessor import CachedAccessor from pandas.core.arrays import ExtensionArray from pandas.core.dtypes.generic import ( ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame, ABCMultiIndex, ABCPeriodIndex, ABCTimedeltaIndex, ABCDateOffset) from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import isna, array_equivalent from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( _ensure_int64, _ensure_object, _ensure_categorical, _ensure_platform_int, is_integer, is_float, is_dtype_equal, is_dtype_union_equal, is_object_dtype, is_categorical, is_categorical_dtype, is_interval_dtype, is_period_dtype, is_bool, is_bool_dtype, is_signed_integer_dtype, is_unsigned_integer_dtype, is_integer_dtype, is_float_dtype, is_datetime64_any_dtype, is_datetime64tz_dtype, is_timedelta64_dtype, is_hashable, needs_i8_conversion, is_iterator, is_list_like, is_scalar) from pandas.core.base import PandasObject, IndexOpsMixin import pandas.core.common as com from pandas.core import ops from pandas.util._decorators import ( Appender, Substitution, cache_readonly, deprecate_kwarg) from pandas.core.indexes.frozen import FrozenList import pandas.core.dtypes.concat as _concat import pandas.core.missing as missing import pandas.core.algorithms as algos import pandas.core.sorting as sorting from import ( pprint_thing, default_pprint, format_object_summary, format_object_attrs) from pandas.core.ops import make_invalid_op from pandas.core.strings import StringMethods __all__ = ['Index'] _unsortable_types = frozenset(('mixed', 'mixed-integer')) _index_doc_kwargs = dict(klass='Index', inplace='', target_klass='Index', unique='Index', duplicated='np.ndarray') _index_shared_docs = dict() def _try_get_item(x): try: return x.item() except AttributeError: return x def _make_comparison_op(op, cls): def cmp_method(self, other): if isinstance(other, (np.ndarray, Index, ABCSeries)): if other.ndim > 0 and len(self) != len(other): raise ValueError('Lengths must match to compare') # we may need to directly compare underlying # representations if needs_i8_conversion(self) and needs_i8_conversion(other): return self._evaluate_compare(other, op) if is_object_dtype(self) and self.nlevels == 1: # don't pass MultiIndex with np.errstate(all='ignore'): result = ops._comp_method_OBJECT_ARRAY(op, self.values, other) else: # numpy will show a DeprecationWarning on invalid elementwise # comparisons, this will raise in the future with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): with np.errstate(all='ignore'): result = op(self.values, np.asarray(other)) # technically we could support bool dtyped Index # for now just return the indexing array directly if is_bool_dtype(result): return result try: return Index(result) except TypeError: return result name = '__{name}__'.format(name=op.__name__) # TODO: docstring? return set_function_name(cmp_method, name, cls) def _make_arithmetic_op(op, cls): def index_arithmetic_method(self, other): if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)): return NotImplemented elif isinstance(other, ABCTimedeltaIndex): # Defer to subclass implementation return NotImplemented other = self._validate_for_numeric_binop(other, op) # handle time-based others if isinstance(other, (ABCDateOffset, np.timedelta64, timedelta)): return self._evaluate_with_timedelta_like(other, op) elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)): return self._evaluate_with_datetime_like(other, op) values = self.values with np.errstate(all='ignore'): result = op(values, other) result = missing.dispatch_missing(op, values, other, result) attrs = self._get_attributes_dict() attrs = self._maybe_update_attributes(attrs) if op is divmod: result = (Index(result[0], **attrs), Index(result[1], **attrs)) else: result = Index(result, **attrs) return result name = '__{name}__'.format(name=op.__name__) # TODO: docstring? return set_function_name(index_arithmetic_method, name, cls) class InvalidIndexError(Exception): pass _o_dtype = np.dtype(object) _Identity = object def _new_Index(cls, d): """ This is called upon unpickling, rather than the default which doesn't have arguments and breaks __new__ """ # required for backward compat, because PI can't be instantiated with # ordinals through __new__ GH #13277 if issubclass(cls, ABCPeriodIndex): from pandas.core.indexes.period import _new_PeriodIndex return _new_PeriodIndex(cls, **d) return cls.__new__(cls, **d) class Index(IndexOpsMixin, PandasObject): """ Immutable ndarray implementing an ordered, sliceable set. The basic object storing axis labels for all pandas objects Parameters ---------- data : array-like (1-dimensional) dtype : NumPy dtype (default: object) If dtype is None, we find the dtype that best fits the data. If an actual dtype is provided, we coerce to that dtype if it's safe. Otherwise, an error will be raised. copy : bool Make a copy of input ndarray name : object Name to be stored in the index tupleize_cols : bool (default: True) When True, attempt to create a MultiIndex if possible Notes ----- An Index instance can **only** contain hashable objects Examples -------- >>> pd.Index([1, 2, 3]) Int64Index([1, 2, 3], dtype='int64') >>> pd.Index(list('abc')) Index(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype='object') See Also --------- RangeIndex : Index implementing a monotonic integer range CategoricalIndex : Index of :class:`Categorical` s. MultiIndex : A multi-level, or hierarchical, Index IntervalIndex : an Index of :class:`Interval` s. DatetimeIndex, TimedeltaIndex, PeriodIndex Int64Index, UInt64Index, Float64Index """ # To hand over control to subclasses _join_precedence = 1 # Cython methods _left_indexer_unique = libjoin.left_join_indexer_unique_object _left_indexer = libjoin.left_join_indexer_object _inner_indexer = libjoin.inner_join_indexer_object _outer_indexer = libjoin.outer_join_indexer_object _typ = 'index' _data = None _id = None name = None asi8 = None _comparables = ['name'] _attributes = ['name'] _is_numeric_dtype = False _can_hold_na = True # would we like our indexing holder to defer to us _defer_to_indexing = False # prioritize current class for _shallow_copy_with_infer, # used to infer integers as datetime-likes _infer_as_myclass = False _engine_type = libindex.ObjectEngine _accessors = set(['str']) str = CachedAccessor("str", StringMethods) def __new__(cls, data=None, dtype=None, copy=False, name=None, fastpath=False, tupleize_cols=True, **kwargs): if name is None and hasattr(data, 'name'): name = if fastpath: return cls._simple_new(data, name) from .range import RangeIndex # range if isinstance(data, RangeIndex): return RangeIndex(start=data, copy=copy, dtype=dtype, name=name) elif isinstance(data, range): return RangeIndex.from_range(data, copy=copy, dtype=dtype, name=name) # categorical if is_categorical_dtype(data) or is_categorical_dtype(dtype): from .category import CategoricalIndex return CategoricalIndex(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy, name=name, **kwargs) # interval if is_interval_dtype(data) or is_interval_dtype(dtype): from .interval import IntervalIndex closed = kwargs.get('closed', None) return IntervalIndex(data, dtype=dtype, name=name, copy=copy, closed=closed) # index-like elif isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, Index, ABCSeries)): if (is_datetime64_any_dtype(data) or (dtype is not None and is_datetime64_any_dtype(dtype)) or 'tz' in kwargs): from pandas.core.indexes.datetimes import DatetimeIndex result = DatetimeIndex(data, copy=copy, name=name, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) if dtype is not None and is_dtype_equal(_o_dtype, dtype): return Index(result.to_pydatetime(), dtype=_o_dtype) else: return result elif (is_timedelta64_dtype(data) or (dtype is not None and is_timedelta64_dtype(dtype))): from pandas.core.indexes.timedeltas import TimedeltaIndex result = TimedeltaIndex(data, copy=copy, name=name, **kwargs) if dtype is not None and _o_dtype == dtype: return Index(result.to_pytimedelta(), dtype=_o_dtype) else: return result if dtype is not None: try: # we need to avoid having numpy coerce # things that look like ints/floats to ints unless # they are actually ints, e.g. '0' and 0.0 # should not be coerced # GH 11836 if is_integer_dtype(dtype): inferred = lib.infer_dtype(data) if inferred == 'integer': try: data = np.array(data, copy=copy, dtype=dtype) except OverflowError: # gh-15823: a more user-friendly error message raise OverflowError( "the elements provided in the data cannot " "all be casted to the dtype {dtype}" .format(dtype=dtype)) elif inferred in ['floating', 'mixed-integer-float']: if isna(data).any(): raise ValueError('cannot convert float ' 'NaN to integer') # If we are actually all equal to integers, # then coerce to integer. try: return cls._try_convert_to_int_index( data, copy, name, dtype) except ValueError: pass # Return an actual float index. from .numeric import Float64Index return Float64Index(data, copy=copy, dtype=dtype, name=name) elif inferred == 'string': pass else: data = data.astype(dtype) elif is_float_dtype(dtype): inferred = lib.infer_dtype(data) if inferred == 'string': pass else: data = data.astype(dtype) else: data = np.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: msg = str(e) if 'cannot convert float' in msg: raise # maybe coerce to a sub-class from pandas.core.indexes.period import ( PeriodIndex, IncompatibleFrequency) if isinstance(data, PeriodIndex): return PeriodIndex(data, copy=copy, name=name, **kwargs) if is_signed_integer_dtype(data.dtype): from .numeric import Int64Index return Int64Index(data, copy=copy, dtype=dtype, name=name) elif is_unsigned_integer_dtype(data.dtype): from .numeric import UInt64Index return UInt64Index(data, copy=copy, dtype=dtype, name=name) elif is_float_dtype(data.dtype): from .numeric import Float64Index return Float64Index(data, copy=copy, dtype=dtype, name=name) elif issubclass(data.dtype.type, np.bool) or is_bool_dtype(data): subarr = data.astype('object') else: subarr = com._asarray_tuplesafe(data, dtype=object) # _asarray_tuplesafe does not always copy underlying data, # so need to make sure that this happens if copy: subarr = subarr.copy() if dtype is None: inferred = lib.infer_dtype(subarr) if inferred == 'integer': try: return cls._try_convert_to_int_index( subarr, copy, name, dtype) except ValueError: pass return Index(subarr, copy=copy, dtype=object, name=name) elif inferred in ['floating', 'mixed-integer-float']: from .numeric import Float64Index return Float64Index(subarr, copy=copy, name=name) elif inferred == 'interval': from .interval import IntervalIndex return IntervalIndex(subarr, name=name, copy=copy) elif inferred == 'boolean': # don't support boolean explicitly ATM pass elif inferred != 'string': if inferred.startswith('datetime'): if (lib.is_datetime_with_singletz_array(subarr) or 'tz' in kwargs): # only when subarr has the same tz from pandas.core.indexes.datetimes import ( DatetimeIndex) try: return DatetimeIndex(subarr, copy=copy, name=name, **kwargs) except libts.OutOfBoundsDatetime: pass elif inferred.startswith('timedelta'): from pandas.core.indexes.timedeltas import ( TimedeltaIndex) return TimedeltaIndex(subarr, copy=copy, name=name, **kwargs) elif inferred == 'period': try: return PeriodIndex(subarr, name=name, **kwargs) except IncompatibleFrequency: pass return cls._simple_new(subarr, name) elif hasattr(data, '__array__'): return Index(np.asarray(data), dtype=dtype, copy=copy, name=name, **kwargs) elif data is None or is_scalar(data): cls._scalar_data_error(data) else: if tupleize_cols and is_list_like(data) and data: if is_iterator(data): data = list(data) # we must be all tuples, otherwise don't construct # 10697 if all(isinstance(e, tuple) for e in data): from .multi import MultiIndex return MultiIndex.from_tuples( data, names=name or kwargs.get('names')) # other iterable of some kind subarr = com._asarray_tuplesafe(data, dtype=object) return Index(subarr, dtype=dtype, copy=copy, name=name, **kwargs) """ NOTE for new Index creation: - _simple_new: It returns new Index with the same type as the caller. All metadata (such as name) must be provided by caller's responsibility. Using _shallow_copy is recommended because it fills these metadata otherwise specified. - _shallow_copy: It returns new Index with the same type (using _simple_new), but fills caller's metadata otherwise specified. Passed kwargs will overwrite corresponding metadata. - _shallow_copy_with_infer: It returns new Index inferring its type from passed values. It fills caller's metadata otherwise specified as the same as _shallow_copy. See each method's docstring. """ @classmethod def _simple_new(cls, values, name=None, dtype=None, **kwargs): """ we require the we have a dtype compat for the values if we are passed a non-dtype compat, then coerce using the constructor Must be careful not to recurse. """ if not hasattr(values, 'dtype'): if (values is None or not len(values)) and dtype is not None: values = np.empty(0, dtype=dtype) else: values = np.array(values, copy=False) if is_object_dtype(values): values = cls(values, name=name, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)._ndarray_values result = object.__new__(cls) result._data = values = name for k, v in compat.iteritems(kwargs): setattr(result, k, v) return result._reset_identity() _index_shared_docs['_shallow_copy'] = """ create a new Index with the same class as the caller, don't copy the data, use the same object attributes with passed in attributes taking precedence *this is an internal non-public method* Parameters ---------- values : the values to create the new Index, optional kwargs : updates the default attributes for this Index """ @Appender(_index_shared_docs['_shallow_copy']) def _shallow_copy(self, values=None, **kwargs): if values is None: values = self.values attributes = self._get_attributes_dict() attributes.update(kwargs) if not len(values) and 'dtype' not in kwargs: attributes['dtype'] = self.dtype return self._simple_new(values, **attributes) def _shallow_copy_with_infer(self, values=None, **kwargs): """ create a new Index inferring the class with passed value, don't copy the data, use the same object attributes with passed in attributes taking precedence *this is an internal non-public method* Parameters ---------- values : the values to create the new Index, optional kwargs : updates the default attributes for this Index """ if values is None: values = self.values attributes = self._get_attributes_dict() attributes.update(kwargs) attributes['copy'] = False if not len(values) and 'dtype' not in kwargs: attributes['dtype'] = self.dtype if self._infer_as_myclass: try: return self._constructor(values, **attributes) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass return Index(values, **attributes) def _deepcopy_if_needed(self, orig, copy=False): """ .. versionadded:: 0.19.0 Make a copy of self if data coincides (in memory) with orig. Subclasses should override this if self._base is not an ndarray. Parameters ---------- orig : ndarray other ndarray to compare self._data against copy : boolean, default False when False, do not run any check, just return self Returns ------- A copy of self if needed, otherwise self : Index """ if copy: # Retrieve the "base objects", i.e. the original memory allocations if not isinstance(orig, np.ndarray): # orig is a DatetimeIndex orig = orig.values orig = orig if orig.base is None else orig.base new = self._data if self._data.base is None else self._data.base if orig is new: return self.copy(deep=True) return self def _update_inplace(self, result, **kwargs): # guard when called from IndexOpsMixin raise TypeError("Index can't be updated inplace") def _sort_levels_monotonic(self): """ compat with MultiIndex """ return self _index_shared_docs['_get_grouper_for_level'] = """ Get index grouper corresponding to an index level Parameters ---------- mapper: Group mapping function or None Function mapping index values to groups level : int or None Index level Returns ------- grouper : Index Index of values to group on labels : ndarray of int or None Array of locations in level_index uniques : Index or None Index of unique values for level """ @Appender(_index_shared_docs['_get_grouper_for_level']) def _get_grouper_for_level(self, mapper, level=None): assert level is None or level == 0 if mapper is None: grouper = self else: grouper = return grouper, None, None def is_(self, other): """ More flexible, faster check like ``is`` but that works through views Note: this is *not* the same as ``Index.identical()``, which checks that metadata is also the same. Parameters ---------- other : object other object to compare against. Returns ------- True if both have same underlying data, False otherwise : bool """ # use something other than None to be clearer return self._id is getattr( other, '_id', Ellipsis) and self._id is not None def _reset_identity(self): """Initializes or resets ``_id`` attribute with new object""" self._id = _Identity() return self # ndarray compat def __len__(self): """ return the length of the Index """ return len(self._data) def __array__(self, dtype=None): """ the array interface, return my values """ return self._data.view(np.ndarray) def __array_wrap__(self, result, context=None): """ Gets called after a ufunc """ if is_bool_dtype(result): return result attrs = self._get_attributes_dict() attrs = self._maybe_update_attributes(attrs) return Index(result, **attrs) @cache_readonly def dtype(self): """ return the dtype object of the underlying data """ return self._data.dtype @cache_readonly def dtype_str(self): """ return the dtype str of the underlying data """ return str(self.dtype) @property def values(self): """ return the underlying data as an ndarray """ return self._data.view(np.ndarray) @property def _values(self): # type: () -> Union[ExtensionArray, Index] # TODO(EA): remove index types as they become extension arrays """The best array representation. This is an ndarray, ExtensionArray, or Index subclass. This differs from ``_ndarray_values``, which always returns an ndarray. Both ``_values`` and ``_ndarray_values`` are consistent between ``Series`` and ``Index``. It may differ from the public '.values' method. index | values | _values | _ndarray_values | ----------------- | -------------- -| ----------- | --------------- | CategoricalIndex | Categorical | Categorical | codes | DatetimeIndex[tz] | ndarray[M8ns] | DTI[tz] | ndarray[M8ns] | For the following, the ``._values`` is currently ``ndarray[object]``, but will soon be an ``ExtensionArray`` index | values | _values | _ndarray_values | ----------------- | --------------- | ------------ | --------------- | PeriodIndex | ndarray[object] | ndarray[obj] | ndarray[int] | IntervalIndex | ndarray[object] | ndarray[obj] | ndarray[object] | See Also -------- values _ndarray_values """ return self.values def get_values(self): """ Return `Index` data as an `numpy.ndarray`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A one-dimensional numpy array of the `Index` values. See Also -------- Index.values : The attribute that get_values wraps. Examples -------- Getting the `Index` values of a `DataFrame`: >>> df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], ... index=['a', 'b', 'c'], columns=['A', 'B', 'C']) >>> df A B C a 1 2 3 b 4 5 6 c 7 8 9 >>> df.index.get_values() array(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=object) Standalone `Index` values: >>> idx = pd.Index(['1', '2', '3']) >>> idx.get_values() array(['1', '2', '3'], dtype=object) `MultiIndex` arrays also have only one dimension: >>> midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']], ... names=('number', 'letter')) >>> midx.get_values() array([(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')], dtype=object) >>> midx.get_values().ndim 1 """ return self.values @Appender(IndexOpsMixin.memory_usage.__doc__) def memory_usage(self, deep=False): result = super(Index, self).memory_usage(deep=deep) # include our engine hashtable result += self._engine.sizeof(deep=deep) return result # ops compat @deprecate_kwarg(old_arg_name='n', new_arg_name='repeats') def repeat(self, repeats, *args, **kwargs): """ Repeat elements of an Index. Returns a new index where each element of the current index is repeated consecutively a given number of times. Parameters ---------- repeats : int The number of repetitions for each element. **kwargs Additional keywords have no effect but might be accepted for compatibility with numpy. Returns ------- pandas.Index Newly created Index with repeated elements. See Also -------- Series.repeat : Equivalent function for Series numpy.repeat : Underlying implementation Examples -------- >>> idx = pd.Index([1, 2, 3]) >>> idx Int64Index([1, 2, 3], dtype='int64') >>> idx.repeat(2) Int64Index([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3], dtype='int64') >>> idx.repeat(3) Int64Index([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], dtype='int64') """ nv.validate_repeat(args, kwargs) return self._shallow_copy(self._values.repeat(repeats)) _index_shared_docs['where'] = """ .. versionadded:: 0.19.0 Return an Index of same shape as self and whose corresponding entries are from self where cond is True and otherwise are from other. Parameters ---------- cond : boolean array-like with the same length as self other : scalar, or array-like """ @Appender(_index_shared_docs['where']) def where(self, cond, other=None): if other is None: other = self._na_value dtype = self.dtype values = self.values if is_bool(other) or is_bool_dtype(other): # bools force casting values = values.astype(object) dtype = None values = np.where(cond, values, other) if self._is_numeric_dtype and np.any(isna(values)): # We can't coerce to the numeric dtype of "self" (unless # it's float) if there are NaN values in our output. dtype = None return self._shallow_copy_with_infer(values, dtype=dtype) def ravel(self, order='C'): """ return an ndarray of the flattened values of the underlying data See also -------- numpy.ndarray.ravel """ return self._ndarray_values.ravel(order=order) # construction helpers @classmethod def _try_convert_to_int_index(cls, data, copy, name, dtype): """ Attempt to convert an array of data into an integer index. Parameters ---------- data : The data to convert. copy : Whether to copy the data or not. name : The name of the index returned. Returns ------- int_index : data converted to either an Int64Index or a UInt64Index Raises ------ ValueError if the conversion was not successful. """ from .numeric import Int64Index, UInt64Index if not is_unsigned_integer_dtype(dtype): # skip int64 conversion attempt if uint-like dtype is passed, as # this could return Int64Index when UInt64Index is what's desrired try: res = data.astype('i8', copy=False) if (res == data).all(): return Int64Index(res, copy=copy, name=name) except (OverflowError, TypeError, ValueError): pass # Conversion to int64 failed (possibly due to overflow) or was skipped, # so let's try now with uint64. try: res = data.astype('u8', copy=False) if (res == data).all(): return UInt64Index(res, copy=copy, name=name) except (OverflowError, TypeError, ValueError): pass raise ValueError @classmethod def _scalar_data_error(cls, data): raise TypeError('{0}(...) must be called with a collection of some ' 'kind, {1} was passed'.format(cls.__name__, repr(data))) @classmethod def _string_data_error(cls, data): raise TypeError('String dtype not supported, you may need ' 'to explicitly cast to a numeric type') @classmethod def _coerce_to_ndarray(cls, data): """coerces data to ndarray, raises on scalar data. Converts other iterables to list first and then to array. Does not touch ndarrays. """ if not isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, Index)): if data is None or is_scalar(data): cls._scalar_data_error(data) # other iterable of some kind if not isinstance(data, (ABCSeries, list, tuple)): data = list(data) data = np.asarray(data) return data def _get_attributes_dict(self): """ return an attributes dict for my class """ return {k: getattr(self, k, None) for k in self._attributes} def view(self, cls=None): # we need to see if we are subclassing an # index type here if cls is not None and not hasattr(cls, '_typ'): result = self._data.view(cls) else: result = self._shallow_copy() if isinstance(result, Index): result._id = self._id return result def _coerce_scalar_to_index(self, item): """ we need to coerce a scalar to a compat for our index type Parameters ---------- item : scalar item to coerce """ dtype = self.dtype if self._is_numeric_dtype and isna(item): # We can't coerce to the numeric dtype of "self" (unless # it's float) if there are NaN values in our output. dtype = None return Index([item], dtype=dtype, **self._get_attributes_dict()) _index_shared_docs['copy'] = """ Make a copy of this object. Name and dtype sets those attributes on the new object. Parameters ---------- name : string, optional deep : boolean, default False dtype : numpy dtype or pandas type Returns ------- copy : Index Notes ----- In most cases, there should be no functional difference from using ``deep``, but if ``deep`` is passed it will attempt to deepcopy. """ @Appender(_index_shared_docs['copy']) def copy(self, name=None, deep=False, dtype=None, **kwargs): if deep: new_index = self._shallow_copy(self._data.copy()) else: new_index = self._shallow_copy() names = kwargs.get('names') names = self._validate_names(name=name, names=names, deep=deep) new_index = new_index.set_names(names) if dtype: new_index = new_index.astype(dtype) return new_index def __copy__(self, **kwargs): return self.copy(**kwargs) def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None): if memo is None: memo = {} return self.copy(deep=True) def _validate_names(self, name=None, names=None, deep=False): """ Handles the quirks of having a singular 'name' parameter for general Index and plural 'names' parameter for MultiIndex. """ from copy import deepcopy if names is not None and name is not None: raise TypeError("Can only provide one of `names` and `name`") elif names is None and name is None: return deepcopy(self.names) if deep else self.names elif names is not None: if not is_list_like(names): raise TypeError("Must pass list-like as `names`.") return names else: if not is_list_like(name): return [name] return name def __unicode__(self): """ Return a string representation for this object. Invoked by unicode(df) in py2 only. Yields a Unicode String in both py2/py3. """ klass = self.__class__.__name__ data = self._format_data() attrs = self._format_attrs() space = self._format_space() prepr = (u(",%s") % space).join(u("%s=%s") % (k, v) for k, v in attrs) # no data provided, just attributes if data is None: data = '' res = u("%s(%s%s)") % (klass, data, prepr) return res def _format_space(self): # using space here controls if the attributes # are line separated or not (the default) # max_seq_items = get_option('display.max_seq_items') # if len(self) > max_seq_items: # space = "\n%s" % (' ' * (len(klass) + 1)) return " " @property def _formatter_func(self): """ Return the formatter function """ return default_pprint def _format_data(self, name=None): """ Return the formatted data as a unicode string """ # do we want to justify (only do so for non-objects) is_justify = not (self.inferred_type in ('string', 'unicode') or (self.inferred_type == 'categorical' and is_object_dtype(self.categories))) return format_object_summary(self, self._formatter_func, is_justify=is_justify, name=name) def _format_attrs(self): """ Return a list of tuples of the (attr,formatted_value) """ return format_object_attrs(self) def to_series(self, index=None, name=None): """ Create a Series with both index and values equal to the index keys useful with map for returning an indexer based on an index Parameters ---------- index : Index, optional index of resulting Series. If None, defaults to original index name : string, optional name of resulting Series. If None, defaults to name of original index Returns ------- Series : dtype will be based on the type of the Index values. """ from pandas import Series if index is None: index = self._shallow_copy() if name is None: name = return Series(self._to_embed(), index=index, name=name) def to_frame(self, index=True): """ Create a DataFrame with a column containing the Index. .. versionadded:: 0.21.0 Parameters ---------- index : boolean, default True Set the index of the returned DataFrame as the original Index. Returns ------- DataFrame DataFrame containing the original Index data. See Also -------- Index.to_series : Convert an Index to a Series. Series.to_frame : Convert Series to DataFrame. Examples -------- >>> idx = pd.Index(['Ant', 'Bear', 'Cow'], name='animal') >>> idx.to_frame() animal animal Ant Ant Bear Bear Cow Cow By default, the original Index is reused. To enforce a new Index: >>> idx.to_frame(index=False) animal 0 Ant 1 Bear 2 Cow """ from pandas import DataFrame result = DataFrame(self._shallow_copy(), columns=[ or 0]) if index: result.index = self return result def _to_embed(self, keep_tz=False, dtype=None): """ *this is an internal non-public method* return an array repr of this object, potentially casting to object """ if dtype is not None: return self.astype(dtype)._to_embed(keep_tz=keep_tz) return self.values.copy() _index_shared_docs['astype'] = """ Create an Index with values cast to dtypes. The class of a new Index is determined by dtype. When conversion is impossible, a ValueError exception is raised. Parameters ---------- dtype : numpy dtype or pandas type copy : bool, default True By default, astype always returns a newly allocated object. If copy is set to False and internal requirements on dtype are satisfied, the original data is used to create a new Index or the original Index is returned. .. versionadded:: 0.19.0 """ @Appender(_index_shared_docs['astype']) def astype(self, dtype, copy=True): if is_dtype_equal(self.dtype, dtype): return self.copy() if copy else self elif is_categorical_dtype(dtype): from .category import CategoricalIndex return CategoricalIndex(self.values,, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) try: return Index(self.values.astype(dtype, copy=copy),, dtype=dtype) except (TypeError, ValueError): msg = 'Cannot cast {name} to dtype {dtype}' raise TypeError(msg.format(name=type(self).__name__, dtype=dtype)) def _to_safe_for_reshape(self): """ convert to object if we are a categorical """ return self def _assert_can_do_setop(self, other): if not is_list_like(other): raise TypeError('Input must be Index or array-like') return True def _convert_can_do_setop(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Index): other = Index(other, result_name = else: result_name = if == else None return other, result_name def _convert_for_op(self, value): """ Convert value to be insertable to ndarray """ return value def _assert_can_do_op(self, value): """ Check value is valid for scalar op """ if not is_scalar(value): msg = "'value' must be a scalar, passed: {0}" raise TypeError(msg.format(type(value).__name__)) @property def nlevels(self): return 1 def _get_names(self): return FrozenList((, )) def _set_names(self, values, level=None): """ Set new names on index. Each name has to be a hashable type. Parameters ---------- values : str or sequence name(s) to set level : int, level name, or sequence of int/level names (default None) If the index is a MultiIndex (hierarchical), level(s) to set (None for all levels). Otherwise level must be None Raises ------ TypeError if each name is not hashable. """ if not is_list_like(values): raise ValueError('Names must be a list-like') if len(values) != 1: raise ValueError('Length of new names must be 1, got %d' % len(values)) # GH 20527 # All items in 'name' need to be hashable: for name in values: if not is_hashable(name): raise TypeError('{}.name must be a hashable type' .format(self.__class__.__name__)) = values[0] names = property(fset=_set_names, fget=_get_names) def set_names(self, names, level=None, inplace=False): """ Set new names on index. Defaults to returning new index. Parameters ---------- names : str or sequence name(s) to set level : int, level name, or sequence of int/level names (default None) If the index is a MultiIndex (hierarchical), level(s) to set (None for all levels). Otherwise level must be None inplace : bool if True, mutates in place Returns ------- new index (of same type and class...etc) [if inplace, returns None] Examples -------- >>> Index([1, 2, 3, 4]).set_names('foo') Int64Index([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype='int64', name='foo') >>> Index([1, 2, 3, 4]).set_names(['foo']) Int64Index([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype='int64', name='foo') >>> idx = MultiIndex.from_tuples([(1, u'one'), (1, u'two'), (2, u'one'), (2, u'two')], names=['foo', 'bar']) >>> idx.set_names(['baz', 'quz']) MultiIndex(levels=[[1, 2], [u'one', u'two']], labels=[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1]], names=[u'baz', u'quz']) >>> idx.set_names('baz', level=0) MultiIndex(levels=[[1, 2], [u'one', u'two']], labels=[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1]], names=[u'baz', u'bar']) """ from .multi import MultiIndex if level is not None and not isinstance(self, MultiIndex): raise ValueError('Level must be None for non-MultiIndex') if level is not None and not is_list_like(level) and is_list_like( names): raise TypeError("Names must be a string") if not is_list_like(names) and level is None and self.nlevels > 1: raise TypeError("Must pass list-like as `names`.") if not is_list_like(names): names = [names] if level is not None and not is_list_like(level): level = [level] if inplace: idx = self else: idx = self._shallow_copy() idx._set_names(names, level=level) if not inplace: return idx def rename(self, name, inplace=False): """ Set new names on index. Defaults to returning new index. Parameters ---------- name : str or list name to set inplace : bool if True, mutates in place Returns ------- new index (of same type and class...etc) [if inplace, returns None] """ return self.set_names([name], inplace=inplace) @property def _has_complex_internals(self): # to disable groupby tricks in MultiIndex return False def _summary(self, name=None): """ Return a summarized representation Parameters ---------- name : str name to use in the summary representation Returns ------- String with a summarized representation of the index """ if len(self) > 0: head = self[0] if (hasattr(head, 'format') and not isinstance(head, compat.string_types)): head = head.format() tail = self[-1] if (hasattr(tail, 'format') and not isinstance(tail, compat.string_types)): tail = tail.format() index_summary = ', %s to %s' % (pprint_thing(head), pprint_thing(tail)) else: index_summary = '' if name is None: name = type(self).__name__ return '%s: %s entries%s' % (name, len(self), index_summary) def summary(self, name=None): """ Return a summarized representation .. deprecated:: 0.23.0 """ warnings.warn("'summary' is deprecated and will be removed in a " "future version.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self._summary(name) def _mpl_repr(self): # how to represent ourselves to matplotlib return self.values _na_value = np.nan """The expected NA value to use with this index.""" # introspection @property def is_monotonic(self): """ alias for is_monotonic_increasing (deprecated) """ return self.is_monotonic_increasing @property def is_monotonic_increasing(self): """ return if the index is monotonic increasing (only equal or increasing) values. Examples -------- >>> Index([1, 2, 3]).is_monotonic_increasing True >>> Index([1, 2, 2]).is_monotonic_increasing True >>> Index([1, 3, 2]).is_monotonic_increasing False """ return self._engine.is_monotonic_increasing @property def is_monotonic_decreasing(self): """ return if the index is monotonic decreasing (only equal or decreasing) values. Examples -------- >>> Index([3, 2, 1]).is_monotonic_decreasing True >>> Index([3, 2, 2]).is_monotonic_decreasing True >>> Index([3, 1, 2]).is_monotonic_decreasing False """ return self._engine.is_monotonic_decreasing @property def _is_strictly_monotonic_increasing(self): """return if the index is strictly monotonic increasing (only increasing) values Examples -------- >>> Index([1, 2, 3])._is_strictly_monotonic_increasing True >>> Index([1, 2, 2])._is_strictly_monotonic_increasing False >>> Index([1, 3, 2])._is_strictly_monotonic_increasing False """ return self.is_unique and self.is_monotonic_increasing @property def _is_strictly_monotonic_decreasing(self): """return if the index is strictly monotonic decreasing (only decreasing) values Examples -------- >>> Index([3, 2, 1])._is_strictly_monotonic_decreasing True >>> Index([3, 2, 2])._is_strictly_monotonic_decreasing False >>> Index([3, 1, 2])._is_strictly_monotonic_decreasing False """ return self.is_unique and self.is_monotonic_decreasing def is_lexsorted_for_tuple(self, tup): return True @cache_readonly def is_unique(self): """ return if the index has unique values """ return self._engine.is_unique @property def has_duplicates(self): return not self.is_unique def is_boolean(self): return self.inferred_type in ['boolean'] def is_integer(self): return self.inferred_type in ['integer'] def is_floating(self): return self.inferred_type in ['floating', 'mixed-integer-float'] def is_numeric(self): return self.inferred_type in ['integer', 'floating'] def is_object(self): return is_object_dtype(self.dtype) def is_categorical(self): """ Check if the Index holds categorical data. Returns ------- boolean True if the Index is categorical. See Also -------- CategoricalIndex : Index for categorical data. Examples -------- >>> idx = pd.Index(["Watermelon", "Orange", "Apple", ... "Watermelon"]).astype("category") >>> idx.is_categorical() True >>> idx = pd.Index([1, 3, 5, 7]) >>> idx.is_categorical() False >>> s = pd.Series(["Peter", "Victor", "Elisabeth", "Mar"]) >>> s 0 Peter 1 Victor 2 Elisabeth 3 Mar dtype: object >>> s.index.is_categorical() False """ return self.inferred_type in ['categorical'] def is_interval(self): return self.inferred_type in ['interval'] def is_mixed(self): return self.inferred_type in ['mixed'] def holds_integer(self): return self.inferred_type in ['integer', 'mixed-integer'] _index_shared_docs['_convert_scalar_indexer'] = """ Convert a scalar indexer. Parameters ---------- key : label of the slice bound kind : {'ix', 'loc', 'getitem', 'iloc'} or None """ @Appender(_index_shared_docs['_convert_scalar_indexer']) def _convert_scalar_indexer(self, key, kind=None): assert kind in ['ix', 'loc', 'getitem', 'iloc', None] if kind == 'iloc': return self._validate_indexer('positional', key, kind) if len(self) and not isinstance(self, ABCMultiIndex,): # we can raise here if we are definitive that this # is positional indexing (eg. .ix on with a float) # or label indexing if we are using a type able # to be represented in the index if kind in ['getitem', 'ix'] and is_float(key): if not self.is_floating(): return self._invalid_indexer('label', key) elif kind in ['loc'] and is_float(key): # we want to raise KeyError on string/mixed here # technically we *could* raise a TypeError # on anything but mixed though if self.inferred_type not in ['floating', 'mixed-integer-float', 'string', 'unicode', 'mixed']: return self._invalid_indexer('label', key) elif kind in ['loc'] and is_integer(key): if not self.holds_integer(): return self._invalid_indexer('label', key) return key _index_shared_docs['_convert_slice_indexer'] = """ Convert a slice indexer. By definition, these are labels unless 'iloc' is passed in. Floats are not allowed as the start, step, or stop of the slice. Parameters ---------- key : label of the slice bound kind : {'ix', 'loc', 'getitem', 'iloc'} or None """ @Appender(_index_shared_docs['_convert_slice_indexer']) def _convert_slice_indexer(self, key, kind=None): assert kind in ['ix', 'loc', 'getitem', 'iloc', None] # if we are not a slice, then we are done if not isinstance(key, slice): return key # validate iloc if kind == 'iloc': return slice(self._validate_indexer('slice', key.start, kind), self._validate_indexer('slice', key.stop, kind), self._validate_indexer('slice', key.step, kind)) # potentially cast the bounds to integers start, stop, step = key.start, key.stop, key.step # figure out if this is a positional indexer def is_int(v): return v is None or is_integer(v) is_null_slicer = start is None and stop is None is_index_slice = is_int(start) and is_int(stop) is_positional = is_index_slice and not self.is_integer() if kind == 'getitem': """ called from the getitem slicers, validate that we are in fact integers """ if self.is_integer() or is_index_slice: return slice(self._validate_indexer('slice', key.start, kind), self._validate_indexer('slice', key.stop, kind), self._validate_indexer('slice', key.step, kind)) # convert the slice to an indexer here # if we are mixed and have integers try: if is_positional and self.is_mixed(): # TODO: i, j are not used anywhere if start is not None: i = self.get_loc(start) # noqa if stop is not None: j = self.get_loc(stop) # noqa is_positional = False except KeyError: if self.inferred_type == 'mixed-integer-float': raise if is_null_slicer: indexer = key elif is_positional: indexer = key else: try: indexer = self.slice_indexer(start, stop, step, kind=kind) except Exception: if is_index_slice: if self.is_integer(): raise else: indexer = key else: raise return indexer def _convert_listlike_indexer(self, keyarr, kind=None): """ Parameters ---------- keyarr : list-like Indexer to convert. Returns ------- tuple (indexer, keyarr) indexer is an ndarray or None if cannot convert keyarr are tuple-safe keys """ if isinstance(keyarr, Index): keyarr = self._convert_index_indexer(keyarr) else: keyarr = self._convert_arr_indexer(keyarr) indexer = self._convert_list_indexer(keyarr, kind=kind) return indexer, keyarr _index_shared_docs['_convert_arr_indexer'] = """ Convert an array-like indexer to the appropriate dtype. Parameters ---------- keyarr : array-like Indexer to convert. Returns ------- converted_keyarr : array-like """ @Appender(_index_shared_docs['_convert_arr_indexer']) def _convert_arr_indexer(self, keyarr): keyarr = com._asarray_tuplesafe(keyarr) return keyarr _index_shared_docs['_convert_index_indexer'] = """ Convert an Index indexer to the appropriate dtype. Parameters ---------- keyarr : Index (or sub-class) Indexer to convert. Returns ------- converted_keyarr : Index (or sub-class) """ @Appender(_index_shared_docs['_convert_index_indexer']) def _convert_index_indexer(self, keyarr): return keyarr _index_shared_docs['_convert_list_indexer'] = """ Convert a list-like indexer to the appropriate dtype. Parameters ---------- keyarr : Index (or sub-class) Indexer to convert. kind : iloc, ix, loc, optional Returns ------- positional indexer or None """ @Appender(_index_shared_docs['_convert_list_indexer']) def _convert_list_indexer(self, keyarr, kind=None): if (kind in [None, 'iloc', 'ix'] and is_integer_dtype(keyarr) and not self.is_floating() and not isinstance(keyarr, ABCPeriodIndex)): if self.inferred_type == 'mixed-integer': indexer = self.get_indexer(keyarr) if (indexer >= 0).all(): return indexer # missing values are flagged as -1 by get_indexer and negative # indices are already converted to positive indices in the # above if-statement, so the negative flags are changed to # values outside the range of indices so as to trigger an # IndexError in maybe_convert_indices indexer[indexer < 0] = len(self) from pandas.core.indexing import maybe_convert_indices return maybe_convert_indices(indexer, len(self)) elif not self.inferred_type == 'integer': keyarr = np.where(keyarr < 0, len(self) + keyarr, keyarr) return keyarr return None def _invalid_indexer(self, form, key): """ consistent invalid indexer message """ raise TypeError("cannot do {form} indexing on {klass} with these " "indexers [{key}] of {kind}".format( form=form, klass=type(self), key=key, kind=type(key))) def get_duplicates(self): """ Extract duplicated index elements. Returns a sorted list of index elements which appear more than once in the index. .. deprecated:: 0.23.0 Use idx[idx.duplicated()].unique() instead Returns ------- array-like List of duplicated indexes. See Also -------- Index.duplicated : Return boolean array denoting duplicates. Index.drop_duplicates : Return Index with duplicates removed. Examples -------- Works on different Index of types. >>> pd.Index([1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4]).get_duplicates() [2, 3] >>> pd.Index([1., 2., 2., 3., 3., 3., 4.]).get_duplicates() [2.0, 3.0] >>> pd.Index(['a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'd']).get_duplicates() ['b', 'c'] Note that for a DatetimeIndex, it does not return a list but a new DatetimeIndex: >>> dates = pd.to_datetime(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03', ... '2018-01-03', '2018-01-04', '2018-01-04'], ... format='%Y-%m-%d') >>> pd.Index(dates).get_duplicates() DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-03', '2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None) Sorts duplicated elements even when indexes are unordered. >>> pd.Index([1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3]).get_duplicates() [2, 3] Return empty array-like structure when all elements are unique. >>> pd.Index([1, 2, 3, 4]).get_duplicates() [] >>> dates = pd.to_datetime(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03'], ... format='%Y-%m-%d') >>> pd.Index(dates).get_duplicates() DatetimeIndex([], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None) """ warnings.warn("'get_duplicates' is deprecated and will be removed in " "a future release. You can use " "idx[idx.duplicated()].unique() instead", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self[self.duplicated()].unique() def _cleanup(self): self._engine.clear_mapping() @cache_readonly def _constructor(self): return type(self) @cache_readonly def _engine(self): # property, for now, slow to look up return self._engine_type(lambda: self._ndarray_values, len(self)) def _validate_index_level(self, level): """ Validate index level. For single-level Index getting level number is a no-op, but some verification must be done like in MultiIndex. """ if isinstance(level, int): if level < 0 and level != -1: raise IndexError("Too many levels: Index has only 1 level," " %d is not a valid level number" % (level, )) elif level > 0: raise IndexError("Too many levels:" " Index has only 1 level, not %d" % (level + 1)) elif level != raise KeyError('Level %s must be same as name (%s)' % (level, def _get_level_number(self, level): self._validate_index_level(level) return 0 @cache_readonly def inferred_type(self): """ return a string of the type inferred from the values """ return lib.infer_dtype(self) def _is_memory_usage_qualified(self): """ return a boolean if we need a qualified .info display """ return self.is_object() def is_type_compatible(self, kind): return kind == self.inferred_type @cache_readonly def is_all_dates(self): if self._data is None: return False return is_datetime_array(_ensure_object(self.values)) def __reduce__(self): d = dict(data=self._data) d.update(self._get_attributes_dict()) return _new_Index, (self.__class__, d), None def __setstate__(self, state): """Necessary for making this object picklable""" if isinstance(state, dict): self._data = state.pop('data') for k, v in compat.iteritems(state): setattr(self, k, v) elif isinstance(state, tuple): if len(state) == 2: nd_state, own_state = state data = np.empty(nd_state[1], dtype=nd_state[2]) np.ndarray.__setstate__(data, nd_state) = own_state[0] else: # pragma: no cover data = np.empty(state) np.ndarray.__setstate__(data, state) self._data = data self._reset_identity() else: raise Exception("invalid pickle state") _unpickle_compat = __setstate__ def __nonzero__(self): raise ValueError("The truth value of a {0} is ambiguous. " "Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all()." .format(self.__class__.__name__)) __bool__ = __nonzero__ _index_shared_docs['__contains__'] = """ return a boolean if this key is IN the index Parameters ---------- key : object Returns ------- boolean """ @Appender(_index_shared_docs['__contains__'] % _index_doc_kwargs) def __contains__(self, key): hash(key) try: return key in self._engine except (OverflowError, TypeError, ValueError): return False _index_shared_docs['contains'] = """ return a boolean if this key is IN the index Parameters ---------- key : object Returns ------- boolean """ @Appender(_index_shared_docs['contains'] % _index_doc_kwargs) def contains(self, key): hash(key) try: return key in self._engine except (TypeError, ValueError): return False def __hash__(self): raise TypeError("unhashable type: %r" % type(self).__name__) def __setitem__(self, key, value): raise TypeError("Index does not support mutable operations") def __getitem__(self, key): """ Override numpy.ndarray's __getitem__ method to work as desired. This function adds lists and Series as valid boolean indexers (ndarrays only supports ndarray with dtype=bool). If resulting ndim != 1, plain ndarray is returned instead of corresponding `Index` subclass. """ # There's no custom logic to be implemented in __getslice__, so it's # not overloaded intentionally. getitem = self._data.__getitem__ promote = self._shallow_copy if is_scalar(key): return getitem(key) if isinstance(key, slice): # This case is separated from the conditional above to avoid # pessimization of basic indexing. return promote(getitem(key)) if com.is_bool_indexer(key): key = np.asarray(key) key = com._values_from_object(key) result = getitem(key) if not is_scalar(result): return promote(result) else: return result def _can_hold_identifiers_and_holds_name(self, name): """ Faster check for ``name in self`` when we know `name` is a Python identifier (e.g. in NDFrame.__getattr__, which hits this to support . key lookup). For indexes that can't hold identifiers (everything but object & categorical) we just return False. """ if self.is_object() or self.is_categorical(): return name in self return False def append(self, other): """ Append a collection of Index options together Parameters ---------- other : Index or list/tuple of indices Returns ------- appended : Index """ to_concat = [self] if isinstance(other, (list, tuple)): to_concat = to_concat + list(other) else: to_concat.append(other) for obj in to_concat: if not isinstance(obj, Index): raise TypeError('all inputs must be Index') names = { for obj in to_concat} name = None if len(names) > 1 else return self._concat(to_concat, name) def _concat(self, to_concat, name): typs = _concat.get_dtype_kinds(to_concat) if len(typs) == 1: return self._concat_same_dtype(to_concat, name=name) return
_concat._concat_index_asobject(to_concat, name=name)
# coding=utf-8 # Author: <NAME> # Date: Jul 05, 2019 # # Description: Maps DE genes to String-DB. Keeps only those genes that we want. # # NOTE: For some reason, "dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl" did not retrieve all gene names. Some were manually added at the end. # import math import pandas as pd pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 100) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500) pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) from utils import open_undefined_last_column_files, ensurePathExists from pybiomart import Dataset def combine_id_string_x_with_id_string_y(r): x = r['id_string_x'] y = r['id_string_y'] if isinstance(x, list): return x elif not pd.isna(x): return x else: return y if __name__ == '__main__': # # [H]omo [S]apiens (9606) - [A]liases # print('Mapping HS') # Query bioMart for Gene Name/Description ds_HS = Dataset(name='hsapiens_gene_ensembl', host='') df_HS_G = ds_HS.query(attributes=['ensembl_gene_id', 'external_gene_name', 'gene_biotype', 'description']).set_index('Gene stable ID') rCSVFileCG = "../01-diff-gene-exp/results/HS/HS-DGE_Cyte_vs_Gonia.csv" rCSVFileCT = "../01-diff-gene-exp/results/HS/HS-DGE_Tid_vs_Cyte.csv" df_HS_CG = pd.read_csv(rCSVFileCG, index_col=0).loc[:, ['logFC', 'logCPM', 'FDR']] = 'id_gene' df_HS_CG.index = x: x.split('.')[0]) df_HS_CG.columns = [x + '_CyteGonia' for x in df_HS_CG.columns] df_HS_CT = pd.read_csv(rCSVFileCT, index_col=0).loc[:, ['logFC', 'logCPM', 'FDR']] df_HS_CT.columns = [x + '_TidCyte' for x in df_HS_CT.columns] = 'id_gene' df_HS_CT.index = x: x.split('.')[0]) # Map: id_gene <-> id_string df_SA = open_undefined_last_column_files('../data/StringDB/9606/9606.protein.aliases.v11.0.txt.gz', skiprows=1, n_fixed_cols=2, names=["id_string", "alias", "source"]) # Parse String Data - Note some genes have multiple id_string, others have no match df_SA = df_SA.loc[df_SA['alias'].isin(df_HS_CG.index.to_list() + df_HS_CT.index.to_list()), ["alias", "id_string"]].rename(columns={"alias": "id_gene"}) df_SAg = df_SA.groupby('id_gene').agg({'id_string': lambda x: x if len(x) == 1 else list(x)}) # Up df_HS_CG['id_string'] = df_SAg['id_string'] df_HS_CG['Cyte_vs_Gonia'] = True # Down df_HS_CT['id_string'] = df_SAg['id_string'] df_HS_CT['Tid_vs_Cyte'] = True # Merge Up/Down df_HS = pd.merge(df_HS_CG, df_HS_CT, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_HS['id_string'] = df_HS.apply(combine_id_string_x_with_id_string_y, axis='columns') df_HS['gene'] = df_HS_G['Gene name'] df_HS['biotype'] = df_HS_G['Gene type'] df_HS[['Cyte_vs_Gonia', 'Tid_vs_Cyte']] = df_HS[['Cyte_vs_Gonia', 'Tid_vs_Cyte']].fillna(False) # Index Rows/Cols maskcols = [ 'id_string', 'gene', 'Cyte_vs_Gonia', 'Tid_vs_Cyte', 'logCPM_CyteGonia', 'logFC_CyteGonia', 'FDR_CyteGonia', 'logCPM_TidCyte', 'logFC_TidCyte', 'FDR_TidCyte', 'biotype' ] df_HS = df_HS.loc[:, maskcols] # To CSV df_HS.to_csv('results/HS-DE_genes.csv.gz') # # !!Mitosis!! [H]omo [S]apiens (9606) - [A]liases # rCSVFileMP = "../01-diff-gene-exp/results/HS/HS-GE_Mitotic_vs_PreMitotic.csv" rCSVFilePM = "../01-diff-gene-exp/results/HS/HS-GE_PostMitotic_vs_Mitotic.csv" df_HS_MP = pd.read_csv(rCSVFileMP, index_col=0).loc[:, []] = 'id_gene' df_HS_MP.index = x: x.split('.')[0]) df_HS_MP.columns = [x + '_MitPre' for x in df_HS_MP.columns] df_HS_PM = pd.read_csv(rCSVFilePM, index_col=0).loc[:, []] df_HS_PM.columns = [x + '_PosMit' for x in df_HS_PM.columns] = 'id_gene' df_HS_PM.index = x: x.split('.')[0]) # Map: id_gene <-> id_string df_SA = open_undefined_last_column_files('../data/StringDB/9606/9606.protein.aliases.v11.0.txt.gz', skiprows=1, n_fixed_cols=2, names=["id_string", "alias", "source"]) # Parse String Data - Note some genes have multiple id_string, others have no match df_SA = df_SA.loc[df_SA['alias'].isin(df_HS_MP.index.to_list() + df_HS_PM.index.to_list()), ["alias", "id_string"]].rename(columns={"alias": "id_gene"}) df_SAg = df_SA.groupby('id_gene').agg({'id_string': lambda x: x if len(x) == 1 else list(x)}) # Up df_HS_MP['id_string'] = df_SAg['id_string'] df_HS_MP['Mit_vs_Pre'] = True # Down df_HS_PM['id_string'] = df_SAg['id_string'] df_HS_PM['Pos_vs_Mit'] = True # Merge Up/Down df_HSmit = pd.merge(df_HS_MP, df_HS_PM, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_HSmit['id_string'] = df_HSmit.apply(combine_id_string_x_with_id_string_y, axis='columns') df_HSmit['gene'] = df_HS_G['Gene name'] df_HSmit['biotype'] = df_HS_G['Gene type'] df_HSmit[['Mit_vs_Pre', 'Pos_vs_Mit']] = df_HSmit[['Mit_vs_Pre', 'Pos_vs_Mit']].fillna(False) # Index Rows/Cols maskcols = [ 'id_string', 'gene', 'Mit_vs_Pre', 'Pos_vs_Mit', 'biotype' ] df_HSmit = df_HSmit.loc[:, maskcols] # To CSV df_HSmit.to_csv('results/DE/HS-E_mitotic_genes.csv.gz') # # [M]us [M]usculus (10090) - [A]liases # print('Mapping MM') # Query bioMart for Gene Name/Description ds_MM = Dataset(name='mmusculus_gene_ensembl', host='') df_MM_G = ds_MM.query(attributes=['ensembl_gene_id', 'external_gene_name', 'gene_biotype', 'description']).set_index('Gene stable ID') rCSVFileCG = "../01-diff-gene-exp/results/MM/MM-DGE_Cyte_vs_Gonia.csv" rCSVFileCT = "../01-diff-gene-exp/results/MM/MM-DGE_Tid_vs_Cyte.csv" df_MM_CG = pd.read_csv(rCSVFileCG, index_col=0).loc[:, ['logFC', 'logCPM', 'FDR']] = 'id_gene' df_MM_CG.index = x: x.split('.')[0]) df_MM_CG.columns = [x + '_CyteGonia' for x in df_MM_CG.columns] df_MM_CT =
pd.read_csv(rCSVFileCT, index_col=0)
from context import dero import pandas as pd from pandas.util.testing import assert_frame_equal from pandas import Timestamp from numpy import nan import numpy class DataFrameTest: df = pd.DataFrame([ (10516, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.01), (10516, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.02), (10516, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.03), (10516, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.04), (10516, 'b', '1/1/2000', 1.05), (10516, 'b', '1/2/2000', 1.06), (10516, 'b', '1/3/2000', 1.07), (10516, 'b', '1/4/2000', 1.08), (10517, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.09), (10517, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.10), (10517, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.11), (10517, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.12), ], columns = ['PERMNO','byvar','Date', 'RET']) df_duplicate_row = pd.DataFrame([ (10516, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.01), (10516, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.02), (10516, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.03), (10516, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.03), #this is a duplicated row (10516, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.04), (10516, 'b', '1/1/2000', 1.05), (10516, 'b', '1/2/2000', 1.06), (10516, 'b', '1/3/2000', 1.07), (10516, 'b', '1/4/2000', 1.08), (10517, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.09), (10517, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.10), (10517, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.11), (10517, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.12), ], columns = ['PERMNO','byvar','Date', 'RET']) df_weight = pd.DataFrame(data = [ (10516, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.01, 0), (10516, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.02, 1), (10516, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.03, 1), (10516, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.04, 0), (10516, 'b', '1/1/2000', 1.05, 1), (10516, 'b', '1/2/2000', 1.06, 1), (10516, 'b', '1/3/2000', 1.07, 1), (10516, 'b', '1/4/2000', 1.08, 1), (10517, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.09, 0), (10517, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.1, 0), (10517, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.11, 0), (10517, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.12, 1), ], columns = ['PERMNO', 'byvar', 'Date', 'RET', 'weight']) df_nan_byvar = pd.DataFrame(data = [ ('a', 1), (nan, 2), ('b', 3), ('b', 4), ], columns = ['byvar', 'val']) df_nan_byvar_and_val = pd.DataFrame(data = [ ('a', 1), (nan, 2), ('b', nan), ('b', 4), ], columns = ['byvar', 'val']) single_ticker_df = pd.DataFrame(data = [ ('a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), ], columns = ['byvar', 'Date', 'TICKER']) df_datetime = df.copy() df_datetime['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_datetime['Date']) df_datetime_no_ret = df_datetime.copy() df_datetime_no_ret.drop('RET', axis=1, inplace=True) df_gvkey_str = pd.DataFrame([ ('001076','3/1/1995'), ('001076','4/1/1995'), ('001722','1/1/2012'), ('001722','7/1/2012'), ('001722', nan), (nan ,'1/1/2012') ], columns=['GVKEY','Date']) df_gvkey_str['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_gvkey_str['Date']) df_gvkey_num = df_gvkey_str.copy() df_gvkey_num['GVKEY'] = df_gvkey_num['GVKEY'].astype('float64') df_gvkey_str2 = pd.DataFrame([ ('001076','2/1/1995'), ('001076','3/2/1995'), ('001722','11/1/2011'), ('001722','10/1/2011'), ('001722', nan), (nan ,'1/1/2012') ], columns=['GVKEY','Date']) df_gvkey_str2['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_gvkey_str2['Date']) df_fill_data = pd.DataFrame( data=[ (4, 'c', nan, 'a'), (1, 'd', 3, 'a'), (10, 'e', 100, 'a'), (2, nan, 6, 'b'), (5, 'f', 8, 'b'), (11, 'g', 150, 'b'), ], columns=['y', 'x1', 'x2', 'group'] ) class TestCumulate(DataFrameTest): expect_between_1_3 = pd.DataFrame(data = [ (10516, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.01, 1.01), (10516, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.02, 1.02), (10516, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.03, 1.0506), (10516, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.04, 1.04), (10516, 'b', '1/1/2000', 1.05, 1.05), (10516, 'b', '1/2/2000', 1.06, 1.06), (10516, 'b', '1/3/2000', 1.07, 1.1342), (10516, 'b', '1/4/2000', 1.08, 1.08), (10517, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.09, 1.09), (10517, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.1, 1.1), (10517, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.11, 1.2210000000000003), (10517, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.12, 1.12), ], columns = ['PERMNO', 'byvar', 'Date', 'RET', 'cum_RET']) expect_first = pd.DataFrame([ (10516, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.01, 1.01), (10516, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.02, 1.02), (10516, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.03, 1.0506), (10516, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.04, 1.092624), (10516, 'b', '1/1/2000', 1.05, 1.05), (10516, 'b', '1/2/2000', 1.06, 1.06), (10516, 'b', '1/3/2000', 1.07, 1.1342), (10516, 'b', '1/4/2000', 1.08, 1.224936), (10517, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.09, 1.09), (10517, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.10, 1.10), (10517, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.11, 1.221), (10517, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.12, 1.36752), ], columns = ['PERMNO','byvar','Date', 'RET', 'cum_RET']) def test_method_between_1_3(self): cum_df = dero.pandas.cumulate(self.df, 'RET', 'between', periodvar='Date', byvars=['PERMNO','byvar'], time=[1,3]) assert_frame_equal(self.expect_between_1_3, cum_df, check_dtype=False) def test_method_between_m2_0(self): cum_df = dero.pandas.cumulate(self.df, 'RET', 'between', periodvar='Date', byvars=['PERMNO','byvar'], time=[-2,0]) #Actually same result as [1,3] assert_frame_equal(self.expect_between_1_3, cum_df, check_dtype=False) def test_shifted_index(self): df = self.df.copy() df.index = df.index + 10 cum_df = dero.pandas.cumulate(df, 'RET', 'between', periodvar='Date', byvars=['PERMNO','byvar'], time=[-2,0]) assert_frame_equal(self.expect_between_1_3, cum_df, check_dtype=False) def test_method_first(self): cum_df = dero.pandas.cumulate(self.df, 'RET', 'first', periodvar='Date', byvars=['PERMNO','byvar']) assert_frame_equal(self.expect_first, cum_df, check_dtype=False) def test_grossify(self): df = self.df.copy() #don't overwrite original df['RET'] -= 1 #ungrossify expect_first_grossify = self.expect_first.copy() expect_first_grossify['cum_RET'] -= 1 expect_first_grossify['RET'] -= 1 cum_df = dero.pandas.cumulate(df, 'RET', 'first', periodvar='Date', byvars=['PERMNO','byvar'], grossify=True) assert_frame_equal(expect_first_grossify, cum_df, check_dtype=False) class TestGroupbyMerge(DataFrameTest): def test_subset_max(self): byvars = ['PERMNO','byvar'] out = dero.pandas.groupby_merge(self.df, byvars, 'max', subset='RET') expect_df = pd.DataFrame( [(10516, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.01, 1.04), (10516, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.02, 1.04), (10516, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.03, 1.04), (10516, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.04, 1.04), (10516, 'b', '1/1/2000', 1.05, 1.08), (10516, 'b', '1/2/2000', 1.06, 1.08), (10516, 'b', '1/3/2000', 1.07, 1.08), (10516, 'b', '1/4/2000', 1.08, 1.08), (10517, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.09, 1.12), (10517, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.10, 1.12), (10517, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.11, 1.12), (10517, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.12, 1.12)], columns = ['PERMNO','byvar','Date', 'RET', 'RET_max']) assert_frame_equal(expect_df, out) def test_subset_std(self): byvars = ['PERMNO','byvar'] out = dero.pandas.groupby_merge(self.df, byvars, 'std', subset='RET') expect_df = pd.DataFrame( [(10516, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.01, 0.012909944487358068), (10516, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.02, 0.012909944487358068), (10516, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.03, 0.012909944487358068), (10516, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.04, 0.012909944487358068), (10516, 'b', '1/1/2000', 1.05, 0.012909944487358068), (10516, 'b', '1/2/2000', 1.06, 0.012909944487358068), (10516, 'b', '1/3/2000', 1.07, 0.012909944487358068), (10516, 'b', '1/4/2000', 1.08, 0.012909944487358068), (10517, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.09, 0.012909944487358068), (10517, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.10, 0.012909944487358068), (10517, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.11, 0.012909944487358068), (10517, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.12, 0.012909944487358068)], columns = ['PERMNO','byvar','Date', 'RET', 'RET_std']) assert_frame_equal(expect_df, out) def test_nan_byvar_transform(self): expect_df = self.df_nan_byvar.copy() expect_df['val_transform'] = expect_df['val'] out = dero.pandas.groupby_merge(self.df_nan_byvar, 'byvar', 'transform', (lambda x: x)) assert_frame_equal(expect_df, out) def test_nan_byvar_and_nan_val_transform_numeric(self): non_standard_index = self.df_nan_byvar_and_val.copy() non_standard_index.index = [5,6,7,8] expect_df = self.df_nan_byvar_and_val.copy() expect_df['val_transform'] = expect_df['val'] + 1 expect_df.index = [5,6,7,8] out = dero.pandas.groupby_merge(non_standard_index, 'byvar', 'transform', (lambda x: x + 1)) assert_frame_equal(expect_df, out) def test_nan_byvar_and_nan_val_and_nonstandard_index_transform_numeric(self): expect_df = self.df_nan_byvar_and_val.copy() expect_df['val_transform'] = expect_df['val'] + 1 def test_nan_byvar_sum(self): expect_df = pd.DataFrame(data = [ ('a', 1, 1.0), (nan, 2, nan), ('b', 3, 7.0), ('b', 4, 7.0), ], columns = ['byvar', 'val', 'val_sum']) out = dero.pandas.groupby_merge(self.df_nan_byvar, 'byvar', 'sum') assert_frame_equal(expect_df, out) class TestLongToWide: expect_df_with_colindex = pd.DataFrame(data = [ (10516, 'a', 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04), (10516, 'b', 1.05, 1.06, 1.07, 1.08), (10517, 'a', 1.09, 1.1, 1.11, 1.12), ], columns = ['PERMNO', 'byvar', 'RET1/1/2000', 'RET1/2/2000', 'RET1/3/2000', 'RET1/4/2000']) expect_df_no_colindex = pd.DataFrame(data = [ (10516, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04), (10516, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04), (10516, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04), (10516, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04), (10516, 'b', '1/1/2000', 1.05, 1.06, 1.07, 1.08), (10516, 'b', '1/2/2000', 1.05, 1.06, 1.07, 1.08), (10516, 'b', '1/3/2000', 1.05, 1.06, 1.07, 1.08), (10516, 'b', '1/4/2000', 1.05, 1.06, 1.07, 1.08), (10517, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.09, 1.1, 1.11, 1.12), (10517, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.09, 1.1, 1.11, 1.12), (10517, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.09, 1.1, 1.11, 1.12), (10517, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.09, 1.1, 1.11, 1.12), ], columns = ['PERMNO', 'byvar', 'Date', 'RET0', 'RET1', 'RET2', 'RET3']) input_data = DataFrameTest() ltw_no_dup_colindex = dero.pandas.long_to_wide(input_data.df, ['PERMNO', 'byvar'], 'RET', colindex='Date') ltw_dup_colindex = dero.pandas.long_to_wide(input_data.df_duplicate_row, ['PERMNO', 'byvar'], 'RET', colindex='Date') ltw_no_dup_no_colindex = dero.pandas.long_to_wide(input_data.df, ['PERMNO', 'byvar'], 'RET') ltw_dup_no_colindex = dero.pandas.long_to_wide(input_data.df_duplicate_row, ['PERMNO', 'byvar'], 'RET') df_list = [ltw_no_dup_colindex, ltw_dup_colindex, ltw_no_dup_no_colindex, ltw_dup_no_colindex] def test_no_duplicates_with_colindex(self): assert_frame_equal(self.expect_df_with_colindex, self.ltw_no_dup_colindex) def test_duplicates_with_colindex(self): assert_frame_equal(self.expect_df_with_colindex, self.ltw_dup_colindex) def test_no_duplicates_no_colindex(self): assert_frame_equal(self.expect_df_no_colindex, self.ltw_no_dup_no_colindex) def test_duplicates_no_colindex(self): assert_frame_equal(self.expect_df_no_colindex, self.ltw_dup_no_colindex) def test_no_extra_vars(self): for df in self.df_list: assert ('__idx__','__key__') not in df.columns class TestPortfolioAverages: input_data = DataFrameTest() expect_avgs_no_wt = pd.DataFrame(data = [ (1, 'a', 1.0250000000000001), (1, 'b', 1.0550000000000002), (2, 'a', 1.1050000000000002), (2, 'b', 1.0750000000000002), ], columns = ['portfolio', 'byvar', 'RET']) expect_avgs_wt = pd.DataFrame(data = [ (1, 'a', 1.0250000000000001, 1.025), (1, 'b', 1.0550000000000002, 1.0550000000000002), (2, 'a', 1.1050000000000002, 1.12), (2, 'b', 1.0750000000000002, 1.0750000000000002), ], columns = ['portfolio', 'byvar', 'RET', 'RET_wavg']) expect_ports = pd.DataFrame(data = [ (10516, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.01, 0, 1), (10516, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.02, 1, 1), (10516, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.03, 1, 1), (10516, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.04, 0, 1), (10516, 'b', '1/1/2000', 1.05, 1, 1), (10516, 'b', '1/2/2000', 1.06, 1, 1), (10516, 'b', '1/3/2000', 1.07, 1, 2), (10516, 'b', '1/4/2000', 1.08, 1, 2), (10517, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.09, 0, 2), (10517, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.1, 0, 2), (10517, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.11, 0, 2), (10517, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.12, 1, 2), ], columns = ['PERMNO', 'byvar', 'Date', 'RET', 'weight', 'portfolio']) avgs, ports = dero.pandas.portfolio_averages(input_data.df_weight, 'RET', 'RET', ngroups=2, byvars='byvar') w_avgs, w_ports = dero.pandas.portfolio_averages(input_data.df_weight, 'RET', 'RET', ngroups=2, byvars='byvar', wtvar='weight') def test_simple_averages(self): assert_frame_equal(self.expect_avgs_no_wt, self.avgs, check_dtype=False) def test_weighted_averages(self): assert_frame_equal(self.expect_avgs_wt, self.w_avgs, check_dtype=False) def test_portfolio_construction(self): print(self.ports) assert_frame_equal(self.expect_ports, self.ports, check_dtype=False) assert_frame_equal(self.expect_ports, self.w_ports, check_dtype=False) class TestWinsorize(DataFrameTest): def test_winsor_40_subset_byvars(self): expect_df = pd.DataFrame(data = [ (10516, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.022624), (10516, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.022624), (10516, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.02672), (10516, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.02672), (10516, 'b', '1/1/2000', 1.062624), (10516, 'b', '1/2/2000', 1.062624), (10516, 'b', '1/3/2000', 1.06672), (10516, 'b', '1/4/2000', 1.06672), (10517, 'a', '1/1/2000', 1.102624), (10517, 'a', '1/2/2000', 1.102624), (10517, 'a', '1/3/2000', 1.10672), (10517, 'a', '1/4/2000', 1.10672), ], columns = ['PERMNO', 'byvar', 'Date', 'RET']) wins = dero.pandas.winsorize(self.df, .4, subset='RET', byvars=['PERMNO','byvar']) assert_frame_equal(expect_df, wins, check_less_precise=True) class TestRegBy(DataFrameTest): def create_indf(self): indf = self.df_weight.copy() indf['key'] = indf['PERMNO'].astype(str) + '_' + indf['byvar'] return indf def test_regby_nocons(self): indf = self.create_indf() expect_df = pd.DataFrame(data = [ (0.48774684748988806, '10516_a'), (0.9388636664168903, '10516_b'), (0.22929206076239614, '10517_a'), ], columns = ['coef_RET', 'key']) rb = dero.pandas.reg_by(indf, 'weight', 'RET', 'key', cons=False) print('Reg by: ', rb) assert_frame_equal(expect_df, rb) def test_regby_cons(self): indf = self.create_indf() expect_df = pd.DataFrame(data = [ (0.49999999999999645, 5.329070518200751e-15, '10516_a'), (0.9999999999999893, 1.0658141036401503e-14, '10516_b'), (-32.89999999999997, 29.999999999999982, '10517_a'), ], columns = ['const', 'coef_RET', 'key']) rb = dero.pandas.reg_by(indf, 'weight', 'RET', 'key') print('Reg by: ', rb) assert_frame_equal(expect_df, rb) def test_regby_cons_low_obs(self): indf = self.create_indf().loc[:8,:] #makes it so that one byvar only has one obs expect_df = pd.DataFrame(data = [ (0.49999999999999645, 5.329070518200751e-15, '10516_a'), (0.9999999999999893, 1.0658141036401503e-14, '10516_b'), (nan, nan, '10517_a'), ], columns = ['const', 'coef_RET', 'key']) rb = dero.pandas.reg_by(indf, 'weight', 'RET', 'key') print('Reg by: ', rb) assert_frame_equal(expect_df, rb) class TestExpandMonths(DataFrameTest): def test_expand_months_tradedays(self): expect_df = pd.DataFrame(data = [ (Timestamp('2000-01-03 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-04 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-05 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-06 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-07 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-10 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-11 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-12 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-13 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-14 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-18 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-19 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-20 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-21 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-24 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-25 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-26 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-27 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-28 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-31 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), ], columns = ['Daily Date', 'byvar', 'Date', 'TICKER']) em = dero.pandas.expand_months(self.single_ticker_df) assert_frame_equal(expect_df.sort_index(axis=1), em.sort_index(axis=1)) def test_expand_months_calendardays(self): expect_df = pd.DataFrame(data = [ (Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-02 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-03 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-04 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-05 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-06 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-07 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-08 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-09 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-10 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-11 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-12 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-13 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-14 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-15 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-16 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-17 00:00:00'), 'a', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), 'ADM'), (Timestamp('2000-01-18 00:00:00'), 'a',
Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00')
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: import os, sys import pandas as pd import numpy as np from glob import glob # In[2]: days = sorted( glob('./huabei/wanlong/*'), key = lambda x: int( os.path.basename(x) ) ) # In[3]: for day in days: print (os.path.basename(day) ) files = sorted( glob( os.path.join(day,'*.pkl') ), key = lambda x: int( os.path.basename(x)[:-4] ) ) sum_df = pd.DataFrame() for file in files: df = pd.read_pickle(file) sum_df = sum_df.append(df, ignore_index=True) sum_df.astype( { 'x1' : np.int16, 'x2' : np.int16, 'y1' : np.int16, 'y2' : np.int16, } ).to_pickle( os.path.join('bulk',os.path.basename(day)+'.pkl') ) # break # In[4]: days = sorted( [os.path.basename(i) for i in glob('./huabei/wanlong/*')] ) for idx,day in enumerate(days): data_df =
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ 此脚本用于展示内生性对模型的影响 """ # 保证脚本与Python3兼容 from __future__ import print_function import sys import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from import scatter_matrix import statsmodels.api as sm from statsmodels.sandbox.regression.gmm import IV2SLS import scipy.stats.stats as scss def generateLinearData(n): """ 产生有内生变量的线性回归模型数据 """ data =
# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: nbs/dev-05-price-moe.ipynb (unless otherwise specified). __all__ = ['construct_dispatchable_lims_df', 'construct_pred_mask_df', 'AxTransformer', 'set_ticks', 'set_date_ticks', 'construct_df_pred', 'construct_pred_ts', 'calc_error_metrics', 'get_model_pred_ts', 'weighted_mean_s'] # Cell import json import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pickle import scipy from sklearn import linear_model from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from import Iterable from tqdm import tqdm from moepy import lowess, eda from .surface import PicklableFunction # Cell def construct_dispatchable_lims_df(s_dispatchable, rolling_w=3, daily_quantiles=[0.001, 0.999]): """Identifies the rolling limits to be used in masking""" df_dispatchable_lims = (s_dispatchable .resample('1d') .quantile(daily_quantiles) .unstack() .rolling(rolling_w*7) .mean() .bfill() .ffill() .iloc[:-1, :] ) df_dispatchable_lims.index = pd.to_datetime(df_dispatchable_lims.index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) return df_dispatchable_lims def construct_pred_mask_df(df_pred, df_dispatchable_lims): """Constructs a DataFrame mask for the prediction""" df_pred = df_pred[df_dispatchable_lims.index] df_pred_mask = pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(df_pred.columns, [df_pred.index]*df_pred.shape[1])), index=df_pred.index) df_pred_mask = (df_pred_mask > df_dispatchable_lims.iloc[:, 0].values) & (df_pred_mask < df_dispatchable_lims.iloc[:, 1].values) df_pred.columns = pd.to_datetime(df_pred.columns) df_pred_mask.columns =
# coding: utf-8 # CS FutureMobility Tool # See full license in LICENSE.txt. import numpy as np import pandas as pd #import openmatrix as omx from IPython.display import display from openpyxl import load_workbook,Workbook from time import strftime import os.path import mode_choice.model_defs as md import mode_choice.matrix_utils as mtx import config ''' Utilities to summarize the outputs of Mode Choice ''' def display_mode_share(mc_obj): ''' This displays a mode share summary by market segment (with / without vehicle, peak / off-peak) on the IPython notebook. :param mc_obj: mode choice module object as defined in the IPython notebook ''' # display mode share tables avg_trips_by_mode = pd.DataFrame(None) for purpose in ['HBW','HBO', 'NHB', 'HBSc1', 'HBSc2', 'HBSc3']: avg_trips_by_mode = avg_trips_by_mode.add(pd.DataFrame({pv:{mode:(mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[pv][mode].sum()) for mode in mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[pv]} for pv in ['0_PK','1_PK','0_OP','1_OP']}).T, fill_value = 0) avg_mode_share = avg_trips_by_mode.divide(avg_trips_by_mode.sum(1),axis = 0) display("{:.2%}")) def write_boston_neighbortown_mode_share_to_excel(mc_obj): ''' Writes mode share summary by purpose and market segment to an Excel workbook. Applies only to trips to/from Boston :param mc_obj: mode choice module object as defined in the IPython notebook :param out_excel_fn: output Excel filename, by default in the output path defined in ''' out_excel_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + "mode_share_bosNB_{0}.xlsx".format(strftime("%Y%m%d")) # check if file exists. if os.path.isfile(out_excel_fn): book = load_workbook(out_excel_fn) else: book = Workbook() writer = pd.ExcelWriter(out_excel_fn,engine = 'openpyxl') = book for purp in md.purposes: mode_share = pd.DataFrame(columns = md.peak_veh) trip_table = mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purp) for pv in md.peak_veh: for mode in trip_table[pv].keys(): #study area zones might not start at zone 0 and could have discontinous TAZ IDs trip_table_o = mtx.OD_slice(trip_table[pv][mode], O_slice = md.taz['BOSTON'], D_slice = md.taz['BOS_AND_NEI']) trip_table_d = mtx.OD_slice(trip_table[pv][mode], O_slice = md.taz['BOS_AND_NEI'], D_slice = md.taz['BOSTON']) trip_table_b = mtx.OD_slice(trip_table[pv][mode], O_slice = md.taz['BOSTON'], D_slice = md.taz['BOSTON']) trip_table_bos = trip_table_o + trip_table_d - trip_table_b mode_share.loc[mode,pv] = trip_table_bos.sum() mode_share['Total'] = mode_share.sum(1) mode_share['Share'] = mode_share['Total'] / mode_share['Total'].sum() if purp in book.sheetnames: # if sheetname exists, delete book.remove(book[purp]) mode_share.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = purp) def write_study_area_mode_share_to_excel(mc_obj, out_excel_fn = None): ''' Writes mode share summary by purpose and market segment to an Excel workbook. Applies only to trips to/from study area :param mc_obj: mode choice module object as defined in the IPython notebook :param out_excel_fn: output Excel filename, by default in the output path defined in ''' if out_excel_fn is None: out_excel_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + "mode_share_study_area_{0}.xlsx".format(strftime("%Y%m%d")) # check if file exists. if os.path.isfile(out_excel_fn): book = load_workbook(out_excel_fn) else: book = Workbook() writer = pd.ExcelWriter(out_excel_fn,engine = 'openpyxl') = book for purp in md.purposes: mode_share = pd.DataFrame(columns = md.peak_veh) trip_table = mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purp) for pv in md.peak_veh: for mode in trip_table[pv].keys(): trip_table_o = mtx.OD_slice(trip_table[pv][mode], O_slice = md.study_area) trip_table_d = mtx.OD_slice(trip_table[pv][mode], D_slice = md.study_area) trip_table_ii = mtx.OD_slice(trip_table[pv][mode], O_slice = md.study_area, D_slice = md.study_area) trip_table_sa = trip_table_o + trip_table_d - trip_table_ii mode_share.loc[mode,pv] = trip_table_sa.sum() mode_share['Total'] = mode_share.sum(1) mode_share['Share'] = mode_share['Total'] / mode_share['Total'].sum() if purp in book.sheetnames: # if sheetname exists, delete book.remove(book[purp]) mode_share.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = purp) def write_mode_share_to_excel(mc_obj,purpose, out_excel_fn = None): ''' Writes mode share summary by purpose and market segment to an Excel workbook. :param mc_obj: mode choice module object as defined in the IPython notebook :param purpose: can be a single purpose or 'all', in which case the Excel workbook has six sheets, one for each purpose. :param out_excel_fn: output Excel filename, by default in the output path defined in ''' if out_excel_fn is None: out_excel_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + "MC_mode_share_{0}_{1}.xlsx".format(purpose, strftime("%Y%m%d")) if purpose == 'all': # check if file exists. if os.path.isfile(out_excel_fn): book = load_workbook(out_excel_fn) else: book = Workbook() writer = pd.ExcelWriter(out_excel_fn,engine = 'openpyxl') = book for purp in md.purposes: trip_table = mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purp) mode_share = pd.DataFrame(columns = md.peak_veh) for pv in md.peak_veh: for mode in trip_table[pv].keys(): mode_share.loc[mode,pv] = trip_table[pv][mode].sum() mode_share['Total'] = mode_share.sum(1) mode_share['Share'] = mode_share['Total'] / mode_share['Total'].sum() if purp in book.sheetnames: # if sheetname exists, delete book.remove(book[purp]) mode_share.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = purp) elif purpose in md.purposes: # check if file exists. if os.path.isfile(out_excel_fn): book = load_workbook(out_excel_fn) else: book = Workbook() writer = pd.ExcelWriter(out_excel_fn,engine = 'openpyxl') = book mode_share = pd.DataFrame(columns = md.peak_veh) for pv in md.peak_veh: for mode in mc_obj.trips_by_mode[pv].keys(): mode_share.loc[mode,pv] = mc_obj.trips_by_mode[pv][mode].sum() mode_share['Total'] = mode_share.sum(1) mode_share['Share'] = mode_share['Total'] / mode_share['Total'].sum() if purpose in book.sheetnames: # if sheetname exists, delete book.remove(book[purpose]) mode_share.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = purpose) def __mt_prod_attr_nhood(mc_obj, trip_table, skim): # miles traveled. For VMT and PMT, by neighborhood # sum prodct of trip_table - skims mt_total = trip_table * skim['Length (Skim)'] # calculate marginals prod = pd.DataFrame(np.sum(mt_total,axis = 1)/2, columns = ['Production']) attr = pd.DataFrame(np.sum(mt_total,axis = 0) / 2, columns = ['Attraction']) towns = mc_obj.taz.sort_values(md.taz_ID_field).iloc[0:md.max_zone] mt_taz = pd.concat([towns[[md.taz_ID_field,'BOSTON_NB']],prod,attr],axis = 1,join = 'inner') mt_taz.index.names=['Boston Neighborhood'] return mt_taz.groupby(['BOSTON_NB']).sum()[['Production','Attraction']].reset_index() def __trip_prod_attr_nhood(mc_obj, trip_table): mt_total = trip_table # calculate marginals prod = pd.DataFrame(np.sum(mt_total,axis = 1), columns = ['Production']) attr = pd.DataFrame(np.sum(mt_total,axis = 0), columns = ['Attraction']) towns = mc_obj.taz.sort_values(md.taz_ID_field).iloc[0:md.max_zone] mt_taz = pd.concat([towns[[md.taz_ID_field,'BOSTON_NB']],prod,attr],axis = 1,join = 'inner') mt_taz.index.names=['Boston Neighborhood'] return mt_taz.groupby(['BOSTON_NB']).sum()[['Production','Attraction']].reset_index() def sm_vmt_by_neighborhood(mc_obj, out_fn = None, by = None, sm_mode = 'SM_RA'): ''' Summarizes VMT production and attraction by the 26 Boston neighborhoods for Shared Mobility Modes. :param mc_obj: mode choice module object as defined in the IPython notebook :param out_fn: output csv filename; if None specified, in the output path defined in :param by: grouping used for the summary; if None specified, only aggregate production and attraction will be provided. ''' if out_fn is None and by is None: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + sm_mode + f'_vmt_by_neighborhood.csv' elif out_fn is None and by: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + sm_mode + f'_vmt_by_neighborhood_by_{by}.csv' skim_dict = {'PK': mc_obj.drive_skim_PK,'OP':mc_obj.drive_skim_OP} if by in ['peak','veh_own','purpose'] == False: print('Only supports VMT by neighborhood, peak / vehicle ownership, purpose.') return else: vmt_master_table = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Production','Attraction','peak','veh_own','purpose']) for purpose in md.purposes: for peak in ['PK','OP']: for veh_own in ['0','1']: if mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose): auto_trip_table = mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'][sm_mode] / md.AO_dict[sm_mode] vmt_table = __mt_prod_attr_nhood(mc_obj,auto_trip_table,skim_dict[peak]) vmt_table['peak'] = peak vmt_table['veh_own'] = veh_own vmt_table['purpose'] = purpose vmt_master_table = vmt_master_table.append(vmt_table, sort = True) if by == None: vmt_summary = vmt_master_table.groupby('BOSTON_NB').sum() elif by == 'peak': vmt_summary = pd.concat([ vmt_master_table.groupby(['peak','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[peak] for peak in ['PK','OP']], axis = 1, keys = ['PK','OP']) elif by == 'veh_own': vmt_summary = pd.concat([ vmt_master_table.groupby(['veh_own','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[veh_own] for veh_own in ['0','1']], axis = 1, keys = ['No car', 'With car'] ) elif by == 'purpose': vmt_summary = pd.concat([ vmt_master_table.groupby(['purpose','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[purpose] for purpose in vmt_master_table.purpose.unique()],axis = 1, keys= vmt_master_table.purpose.unique()) vmt_summary.to_csv(out_fn) def vmt_by_neighborhood(mc_obj, out_fn = None, by = None): ''' Summarizes VMT production and attraction by the 26 Boston neighborhoods. :param mc_obj: mode choice module object as defined in the IPython notebook :param out_fn: output csv filename; if None specified, in the output path defined in :param by: grouping used for the summary; if None specified, only aggregate production and attraction will be provided. ''' if out_fn is None and by is None: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + f'vmt_by_neighborhood.csv' elif out_fn is None and by: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + f'vmt_by_neighborhood_by_{by}.csv' skim_dict = {'PK': mc_obj.drive_skim_PK,'OP':mc_obj.drive_skim_OP} if by in ['peak','veh_own','purpose'] == False: print('Only supports VMT by neighborhood, peak / vehicle ownership, purpose.') return else: vmt_master_table = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Production','Attraction','peak','veh_own','purpose']) for purpose in md.purposes: for peak in ['PK','OP']: for veh_own in ['0','1']: if mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose): drive_modes = mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'].keys() auto_trip_table = sum([ mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'][mode] / md.AO_dict[mode] for mode in ['DA','SR2','SR3+','SM_RA','SM_SH'] if mode in drive_modes]) vmt_table = __mt_prod_attr_nhood(mc_obj,auto_trip_table,skim_dict[peak]) vmt_table['peak'] = peak vmt_table['veh_own'] = veh_own vmt_table['purpose'] = purpose vmt_master_table = vmt_master_table.append(vmt_table, sort = True) if by == None: vmt_summary = vmt_master_table.groupby('BOSTON_NB').sum() elif by == 'peak': vmt_summary = pd.concat([ vmt_master_table.groupby(['peak','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[peak] for peak in ['PK','OP']], axis = 1, keys = ['PK','OP']) elif by == 'veh_own': vmt_summary = pd.concat([ vmt_master_table.groupby(['veh_own','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[veh_own] for veh_own in ['0','1']], axis = 1, keys = ['No car', 'With car'] ) elif by == 'purpose': vmt_summary = pd.concat([ vmt_master_table.groupby(['purpose','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[purpose] for purpose in vmt_master_table.purpose.unique()],axis = 1, keys= vmt_master_table.purpose.unique()) vmt_summary.to_csv(out_fn) def pmt_by_neighborhood(mc_obj, out_fn = None, by = None): ''' Summarizes PMT production and attraction by the 26 Boston neighborhoods. :param mc_obj: mode choice module object as defined in the IPython notebook :param out_fn: output csv filename; if None specified, in the output path defined in :param by: grouping used for the summary; if None specified, only aggregate production and attraction will be provided. ''' if out_fn is None and by is None: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + f'pmt_by_neighborhood.csv' elif out_fn is None and by: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + f'pmt_by_neighborhood_by_{by}.csv' skim_dict = {'PK': mc_obj.drive_skim_PK,'OP':mc_obj.drive_skim_OP} if by in ['peak','veh_own','purpose'] == False: print('Only supports PMT by neighborhood, peak / vehicle ownership, purpose.') return else: pmt_master_table = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Production','Attraction','peak','veh_own','purpose']) for purpose in md.purposes: for peak in ['PK','OP']: for veh_own in ['0','1']: if mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose): drive_modes = mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'].keys() person_trip_table = sum([mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'][mode] for mode in md.modes if mode in drive_modes]) pmt_table = __mt_prod_attr_nhood(mc_obj,person_trip_table,skim_dict[peak]) pmt_table['peak'] = peak pmt_table['veh_own'] = veh_own pmt_table['purpose'] = purpose pmt_master_table = pmt_master_table.append(pmt_table, sort = True) if by == None: pmt_summary = pmt_master_table.groupby('BOSTON_NB').sum() elif by == 'peak': pmt_summary = pd.concat([ pmt_master_table.groupby(['peak','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[peak] for peak in ['PK','OP']], axis = 1, keys = ['PK','OP']) elif by == 'veh_own': pmt_summary = pd.concat([ pmt_master_table.groupby(['veh_own','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[veh_own] for veh_own in ['0','1']], axis = 1, keys = ['No car', 'With car'] ) elif by == 'purpose': pmt_summary = pd.concat([ pmt_master_table.groupby(['purpose','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[purpose] for purpose in pmt_master_table.purpose.unique()],axis = 1, keys= pmt_master_table.purpose.unique()) pmt_summary.to_csv(out_fn) def act_pmt_by_neighborhood(mc_obj, out_fn = None, by = None): ''' Summarizes PMT production and attraction by the 26 Boston neighborhoods for active modes. :param mc_obj: mode choice module object as defined in the IPython notebook :param out_fn: output csv filename; if None specified, in the output path defined in :param by: grouping used for the summary; if None specified, only aggregate production and attraction will be provided. ''' if out_fn is None and by is None: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + f'act_pmt_by_neighborhood.csv' elif out_fn is None and by: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + f'act_pmt_by_neighborhood_by_{by}.csv' skim_dict = {'PK': mc_obj.drive_skim_PK,'OP':mc_obj.drive_skim_OP} if by in ['peak','veh_own','purpose'] == False: print('Only supports PMT by neighborhood, peak / vehicle ownership, purpose.') return else: pmt_master_table = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Production','Attraction','peak','veh_own','purpose']) for purpose in md.purposes: for peak in ['PK','OP']: for veh_own in ['0','1']: if mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose): drive_modes = mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'].keys() person_trip_table = sum([mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'][mode] for mode in ['Walk','Bike'] if mode in drive_modes]) pmt_table = __mt_prod_attr_nhood(mc_obj,person_trip_table,skim_dict[peak]) pmt_table['peak'] = peak pmt_table['veh_own'] = veh_own pmt_table['purpose'] = purpose pmt_master_table = pmt_master_table.append(pmt_table, sort = True) if by == None: pmt_summary = pmt_master_table.groupby('BOSTON_NB').sum() elif by == 'peak': pmt_summary = pd.concat([ pmt_master_table.groupby(['peak','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[peak] for peak in ['PK','OP']], axis = 1, keys = ['PK','OP']) elif by == 'veh_own': pmt_summary = pd.concat([ pmt_master_table.groupby(['veh_own','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[veh_own] for veh_own in ['0','1']], axis = 1, keys = ['No car', 'With car'] ) elif by == 'purpose': pmt_summary = pd.concat([ pmt_master_table.groupby(['purpose','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[purpose] for purpose in pmt_master_table.purpose.unique()],axis = 1, keys= pmt_master_table.purpose.unique()) pmt_summary.to_csv(out_fn) def sm_trips_by_neighborhood(mc_obj, out_fn = None, by = None, sm_mode = 'SM_RA'): ''' Summarizes PMT production and attraction by the 26 Boston neighborhoods for Shared Mobility Modes. :param mc_obj: mode choice module object as defined in the IPython notebook :param out_fn: output csv filename; if None specified, in the output path defined in :param by: grouping used for the summary; if None specified, only aggregate production and attraction will be provided. :param sm_mode: Smart Mobility Mode name ''' if out_fn is None and by is None: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + sm_mode + f'_trips_by_neighborhood.csv' elif out_fn is None and by: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + sm_mode + f'_trips_by_neighborhood_by_{by}.csv' if by in ['peak','veh_own','purpose'] == False: print('Only supports Trips by neighborhood, peak / vehicle ownership, purpose.') return else: trp_master_table = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Production','Attraction','peak','veh_own','purpose']) for purpose in md.purposes: for peak in ['PK','OP']: for veh_own in ['0','1']: if mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose): person_trip_table = mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'][sm_mode] trp_table = __trip_prod_attr_nhood(mc_obj,person_trip_table) trp_table['peak'] = peak trp_table['veh_own'] = veh_own trp_table['purpose'] = purpose trp_master_table = trp_master_table.append(trp_table, sort = True) if by == None: trp_summary = trp_master_table.groupby('BOSTON_NB').sum() elif by == 'peak': trp_summary = pd.concat([ trp_master_table.groupby(['peak','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[peak] for peak in ['PK','OP']], axis = 1, keys = ['PK','OP']) elif by == 'veh_own': trp_summary = pd.concat([ trp_master_table.groupby(['veh_own','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[veh_own] for veh_own in ['0','1']], axis = 1, keys = ['No car', 'With car'] ) elif by == 'purpose': trp_summary = pd.concat([ trp_master_table.groupby(['purpose','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[purpose] for purpose in trp_master_table.purpose.unique()],axis = 1, keys= trp_master_table.purpose.unique()) trp_summary.to_csv(out_fn) def trips_by_neighborhood(mc_obj, out_fn = None, by = None): ''' Summarizes PMT production and attraction by the 26 Boston neighborhoods. :param mc_obj: mode choice module object as defined in the IPython notebook :param out_fn: output csv filename; if None specified, in the output path defined in :param by: grouping used for the summary; if None specified, only aggregate production and attraction will be provided. ''' if out_fn is None and by is None: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + f'trips_by_neighborhood.csv' elif out_fn is None and by: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + f'trips_by_neighborhood_by_{by}.csv' if by in ['peak','veh_own','purpose'] == False: print('Only supports Trips by neighborhood, peak / vehicle ownership, purpose.') return else: trp_master_table = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Production','Attraction','peak','veh_own','purpose']) for purpose in md.purposes: for peak in ['PK','OP']: for veh_own in ['0','1']: if mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose): drive_modes = mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'].keys() person_trip_table = sum([mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'][mode] for mode in md.modes if mode in drive_modes]) trp_table = __trip_prod_attr_nhood(mc_obj,person_trip_table) trp_table['peak'] = peak trp_table['veh_own'] = veh_own trp_table['purpose'] = purpose trp_master_table = trp_master_table.append(trp_table, sort = True) if by == None: trp_summary = trp_master_table.groupby('BOSTON_NB').sum() elif by == 'peak': trp_summary = pd.concat([ trp_master_table.groupby(['peak','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[peak] for peak in ['PK','OP']], axis = 1, keys = ['PK','OP']) elif by == 'veh_own': trp_summary = pd.concat([ trp_master_table.groupby(['veh_own','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[veh_own] for veh_own in ['0','1']], axis = 1, keys = ['No car', 'With car'] ) elif by == 'purpose': trp_summary = pd.concat([ trp_master_table.groupby(['purpose','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[purpose] for purpose in trp_master_table.purpose.unique()],axis = 1, keys= trp_master_table.purpose.unique()) trp_summary.to_csv(out_fn) def mode_share_by_neighborhood(mc_obj, out_fn = None, by = None): ''' Summarizes mode share as the average of trips to/from the 26 Boston neighborhoods, in three categories - drive, non-motorized and transit. :param mc_obj: mode choice module object as defined in the IPython notebook :param out_fn: output csv filename; if None specified, in the output path defined in :param by: grouping used for the summary ''' if out_fn is None and by is None: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + f'mode_share_by_neighborhood.csv' elif out_fn is None and by: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + f'mode_share_by_neighborhood_by_{by}.csv' if by in ['peak','veh_own','purpose'] == False: print('Only supports mode share by neighborhood, peak / vehicle ownership, purpose.') return else: share_master_table = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['drive','non-motorized','transit','peak','veh_own','purpose']) for purpose in md.purposes: for peak in ['PK','OP']: for veh_own in ['0','1']: if mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose): share_table = pd.DataFrame(index = range(0,md.max_zone),columns = ['drive','non-motorized','transit','smart mobility']).fillna(0) for mode in mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}']: trip_table = mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'][mode] category = md.mode_categories[mode] share_table[category] += (trip_table.sum(axis = 1)+trip_table.sum(axis = 0))/2 towns = mc_obj.taz.sort_values(md.taz_ID_field).iloc[0:md.max_zone] trips = pd.concat([towns[[md.taz_ID_field,'BOSTON_NB']],share_table],axis = 1,join = 'inner').groupby(['BOSTON_NB']).sum().drop([md.taz_ID_field],axis = 1) trips['peak'] = peak trips['veh_own'] = veh_own trips['purpose'] = purpose share_master_table = share_master_table.append(trips.reset_index(), sort = True) if by == None: trip_summary = share_master_table.groupby('BOSTON_NB').sum() share_summary = trip_summary.divide(trip_summary.sum(axis = 1),axis = 0) elif by == 'peak': share_summary = pd.concat([ share_master_table.groupby(['peak','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[peak].divide( share_master_table.groupby(['peak','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[peak].sum(axis=1),axis = 0) for peak in ['PK','OP'] ], axis = 1, keys = ['PK','OP']) elif by == 'veh_own': share_summary = pd.concat([ share_master_table.groupby(['veh_own','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[veh_own].divide( share_master_table.groupby(['veh_own','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[veh_own].sum(axis=1),axis = 0) for veh_own in ['0','1'] ], axis = 1, keys = ['No car', 'With car']) elif by == 'purpose': share_summary = pd.concat([ share_master_table.groupby(['purpose','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[purpose].divide( share_master_table.groupby(['purpose','BOSTON_NB']).sum().loc[purpose].sum(axis=1),axis = 0) for purpose in share_master_table.purpose.unique() ],axis = 1, keys= share_master_table.purpose.unique()) share_summary.to_csv(out_fn) # Seaport method def mode_share_by_subarea(mc_obj, out_fn = None, by = None): ''' Summarizes mode share as the average of trips to/from the 7 Seaport sub-areas, in three categories - drive, non-motorized and transit. :param mc_obj: mode choice module object as defined in the IPython notebook :param out_fn: output csv filename; if None specified, in the output path defined in :param by: grouping used for the summary ''' if out_fn is None and by is None: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + f'mode_share_by_subarea.csv' elif out_fn is None and by: out_fn = mc_obj.config.out_path + f'mode_share_by_subarea_by_{by}.csv' if by in ['peak','veh_own','purpose'] == False: print('Only supports mode share by subarea, peak / vehicle ownership, purpose.') return else: share_master_table = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['drive','non-motorized','transit','peak','veh_own','purpose']) for purpose in md.purposes: for peak in ['PK','OP']: for veh_own in ['0','1']: if mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose): share_table = pd.DataFrame(index = range(0,md.max_zone),columns = ['drive','non-motorized','transit','smart mobility']).fillna(0) for mode in mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}']: trip_table = mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'][mode] category = md.mode_categories[mode] share_table[category] += (trip_table.sum(axis = 1)+trip_table.sum(axis = 0))/2 towns = mc_obj.taz.sort_values(md.taz_ID_field).iloc[0:md.max_zone] towns['REPORT_AREA'] = towns['REPORT_AREA'][towns['REPORT_AREA'].isin(['South Station', 'Seaport Blvd', 'Design Center', 'Southeast Seaport', 'BCEC', 'Fort Point', 'Broadway'])] trips = pd.concat([towns[[md.taz_ID_field,'REPORT_AREA']],share_table],axis = 1,join = 'inner').groupby(['REPORT_AREA']).sum().drop([md.taz_ID_field],axis = 1) trips['peak'] = peak trips['veh_own'] = veh_own trips['purpose'] = purpose share_master_table = share_master_table.append(trips.reset_index(), sort = True) if by == None: trip_summary = share_master_table.groupby('REPORT_AREA').sum() share_summary = trip_summary.divide(trip_summary.sum(axis = 1),axis = 0) elif by == 'peak': share_summary = pd.concat([ share_master_table.groupby(['peak','REPORT_AREA']).sum().loc[peak].divide( share_master_table.groupby(['peak','REPORT_AREA']).sum().loc[peak].sum(axis=1),axis = 0) for peak in ['PK','OP'] ], axis = 1, keys = ['PK','OP']) elif by == 'veh_own': share_summary = pd.concat([ share_master_table.groupby(['veh_own','REPORT_AREA']).sum().loc[veh_own].divide( share_master_table.groupby(['veh_own','REPORT_AREA']).sum().loc[veh_own].sum(axis=1),axis = 0) for veh_own in ['0','1'] ], axis = 1, keys = ['No car', 'With car']) elif by == 'purpose': share_summary = pd.concat([ share_master_table.groupby(['purpose','REPORT_AREA']).sum().loc[purpose].divide( share_master_table.groupby(['purpose','REPORT_AREA']).sum().loc[purpose].sum(axis=1),axis = 0) for purpose in share_master_table.purpose.unique() ],axis = 1, keys= share_master_table.purpose.unique()) share_summary.to_csv(out_fn) def __sm_compute_summary_by_subregion(mc_obj,metric = 'VMT',subregion = 'neighboring', sm_mode='SM_RA'): ''' Computing function used by write_summary_by_subregion(), does not produce outputs''' if metric.lower() not in ('vmt','pmt','mode share','trip', 'pmt_act'): print('Only supports trip, VMT, PMT and mode share calculations.') return if subregion.lower() not in ('boston','neighboring','i93','i495','region'): print('Only supports within boston, "neighboring" for towns neighboring Boston, I93, I495 or Region.') return subregion_dict = {'boston':'BOSTON','neighboring':'BOS_AND_NEI','i93':'in_i95i93','i495':'in_i495'} if metric.lower() == 'vmt': skim_dict = {'PK': mc_obj.drive_skim_PK,'OP':mc_obj.drive_skim_OP} vmt_table = np.zeros((md.max_zone,md.max_zone)) for purpose in md.purposes: for peak in ['PK','OP']: for veh_own in ['0','1']: if mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose): trip_table = mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'][sm_mode] / md.AO_dict[sm_mode] vmt_table += trip_table * skim_dict[peak]['Length (Skim)'] if subregion.lower() in subregion_dict: field = subregion_dict[subregion.lower()] boston_o_auto_vmt = mtx.OD_slice(vmt_table,O_slice = md.taz['BOSTON'], D_slice = md.taz[field]== True) boston_d_auto_vmt = mtx.OD_slice(vmt_table,md.taz[field]== True,D_slice = md.taz['BOSTON']) #boston_o_auto_vmt = vmt_table[md.taz['BOSTON'],:][:, md.taz[field]== True] #boston_d_auto_vmt = vmt_table[md.taz[field]== True,:][:,md.taz['BOSTON']] town_definition = md.taz[md.taz[field]== True] elif subregion.lower() == 'region': boston_o_auto_vmt = mtx.OD_slice(vmt_table,O_slice = md.taz['BOSTON']) boston_d_auto_vmt = mtx.OD_slice(vmt_table,D_slice = md.taz['BOSTON']) #boston_o_auto_vmt = vmt_table[md.taz['BOSTON'],:] #boston_d_auto_vmt = vmt_table[:][:,md.taz['BOSTON']] town_definition = md.taz zone_vmt_daily_o = pd.DataFrame(np.sum(boston_o_auto_vmt,axis=1)/2 ,columns=["VMT"]) zone_vmt_daily_d = pd.DataFrame(np.sum(boston_d_auto_vmt,axis=0)/2 ,columns=["VMT"]) town_vmt_o=pd.concat([town_definition,zone_vmt_daily_o],axis=1,join='inner') town_vmt_d=pd.concat([town_definition,zone_vmt_daily_d],axis=1,join='inner') vmt_sum_o = town_vmt_o[town_vmt_o['TOWN']=='BOSTON,MA'].groupby(['TOWN']).sum()['VMT'] vmt_sum_d = town_vmt_d[town_vmt_d['TOWN']=='BOSTON,MA'].groupby(['TOWN']).sum()['VMT'] subregion_vmt = (vmt_sum_o + vmt_sum_d).values[0] return subregion_vmt elif metric.lower() == 'trip': skim_dict = {'PK': mc_obj.drive_skim_PK,'OP':mc_obj.drive_skim_OP} tripsum_table = np.zeros((md.max_zone,md.max_zone)) for purpose in md.purposes: for peak in ['PK','OP']: for veh_own in ['0','1']: if mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose): trip_table = mc_obj.table_container.get_table(purpose)[f'{veh_own}_{peak}'][sm_mode] tripsum_table += trip_table if subregion.lower() in subregion_dict: field = subregion_dict[subregion.lower()] boston_o_trip = mtx.OD_slice(tripsum_table, O_slice = md.taz['BOSTON'],D_slice = md.taz[field]== True) boston_d_trip = mtx.OD_slice(tripsum_table, O_slice = md.taz[field]== True, D_slice = md.taz['BOSTON']) #boston_o_trip = tripsum_table[md.taz['BOSTON'],:][:, md.taz[field]== True] #boston_d_trip = tripsum_table[md.taz[field]== True,:][:,md.taz['BOSTON']] town_definition = md.taz[md.taz[field]== True] elif subregion.lower() == 'region': boston_o_trip = mtx.OD_slice(tripsum_table, O_slice = md.taz['BOSTON']) boston_d_trip = mtx.OD_slice(tripsum_table, D_slice = md.taz['BOSTON']) #boston_o_trip = tripsum_table[md.taz['BOSTON'],:] #boston_d_trip = tripsum_table[:][:,md.taz['BOSTON']] town_definition = md.taz zone_daily_o = pd.DataFrame(np.sum(boston_o_trip,axis=1) ,columns=["trips"]) zone_daily_d = pd.DataFrame(np.sum(boston_d_trip,axis=0) ,columns=["trips"]) town_o=
import os import cv2 import glob import csv import argparse import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm import linecache, shutil from joblib import Parallel, delayed parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='cropping by class') parser.add_argument('-cn', '--change_name', help='change "OO_checked" to "OO_cropped" (y/n) ', default = 'n') args = parser.parse_args() folder = "pocari-cm.mp4" # must be "OO_output" PWD = os.getcwd() + "/" path = PWD + folder + "_output" files2=glob.glob(path + "/*") csvpath_read = os.path.join(path, folder) + ".csv" global total, fcnt, width, height, x_gap, y_gap, thorn, info total = 0 fcnt = 1 ## change setting here ## width = 256 # cropped image's width height = 256 # cropped image's height x_gap = 30 # gap between cropped images' left side y_gap = 30 # gap between cropped images' upper side ######################### thorn = 0 #always be 0 info = 'width={} \nheight={} \nx_gap={} \ny_gap={} \nthorn={}'.format(width, height, x_gap, y_gap, thorn) print('--directories to be cropped--') for cname in files2: if cname.endswith("_checked"): print(os.path.basename(cname)) total+=1 print('-----------------------------') print('-----Total:{} directories-----'.format(total)) def cropping(cname): global total, fcnt, width, height, x_gap, y_gap, thorn, info break_check2 = 0 if not cname.endswith("_checked"): break_check2=1 if break_check2 == 0: if args.change_name == 'n': shutil.copytree(cname, path + "/" + os.path.basename(cname) + "_" + str(width) + "_" + str(height) + "_" + str(x_gap) + "_" + str(y_gap) + "_" + str(thorn)) cname = path + "/" + os.path.basename(cname) + "_" + str(width) + "_" + str(height) + "_" + str(x_gap) + "_" + str(y_gap) + "_" + str(thorn) csvimgcnt=0 row = 0 start_of_newimg_index = 0 csvpath_write = cname + "/" + os.path.basename(cname[:-8]) + "_cropped.csv" cw = pd.DataFrame(columns=['image', 'num of ppl']) cw.to_csv(csvpath_write) df = pd.read_csv(csvpath_read, index_col=0) splited = cname.split("_") namecheck = splited[0] + "_" + splited[1] + "_" + splited[2] for pt in range(len(df)): # if df.loc[pt, 'image'] == namecheck: csvimgcnt+=1 row=pt start_of_newimg_index = row - csvimgcnt + 1 basename = os.path.basename(cname) #crpimg = cv2.imread(cname[:-16] + "/" + basename[:-28] + "_annotated.jpg") #this is for checking. need to changed basename num every time. !!! DO NOT DELETE IT !!! crpimg = cv2.imread(cname + "/LAST/0.jpg") pbar = tqdm(total=int(((crpimg.shape[0]-height-100)/y_gap)*((crpimg.shape[1]-width-100)/x_gap))) pbar.set_description("{}: {}".format(fcnt, os.path.basename(cname))) fcnt+=1 with open(cname + "/crop_info.txt", mode='w') as f: f.write(info) for i in range(50, crpimg.shape[0]-height-50, y_gap): # y for j in range(50, crpimg.shape[1]-width-50, x_gap): # x x_list = [] y_list = [] cropped=crpimg[i:i+height, j:j+width] df =
pd.read_csv(csvpath_read, index_col=0)
from __future__ import print_function import pandas as pd import os import logging import argparse ''' This file reads in data related E. coli levels in Chicago beaches. It is based on the files analysis.R and split_sheets.R, and is written such that the dataframe loaded here will match the R dataframe code exactly. ''' # This is an adaptation of previous so that it runs on Python3 # Some variable names changed. Notably, Client.ID is now Beach # Added day of week and month variables # Also adds columns to dataframe: # YesterdayEcoli : prior days reading # DayBeforeYesterdayEcoli : two days prior reading # actual_elevated : where Escherichia_coli >=235 # predicted_elevated : where Drek_Prediction >=235 # # TODO: verbose # TODO: use multi-level index on date/beach ? # TODO: standardize on inplace=True or not inplace # TODO: how much consistency do we want between python columns # and the R columns? # TODO: create better docstrings # TODO: remove print statements and the import # TODO: loyola/leone the same? # TODO: repeats on 2015-06-16 ? # and some of 2012? # Just check for these everywhere, why is it happening? def split_sheets(file_name, year, verbose=False): ''' Reads in all sheets of an excel workbook, concatenating all of the information into a single dataframe. The excel files were unfortunately structured such that each day had its own sheet. ''' xls = pd.ExcelFile(file_name) dfs = [] standardized_col_names = [ 'Date', 'Laboratory_ID', 'Beach', 'Reading1', 'Reading2', 'Escherichia_coli', 'Units', 'Sample_Collection_Time' ] for i, sheet_name in enumerate(xls.sheet_names): if not # Older versions of ExcelFile.parse threw an error if the sheet # was empty, explicitly check for this condition. logging.debug('sheet "{0}" from {1} is empty'.format(sheet_name, year)) continue df = xls.parse(sheet_name) if i == 0 and len(df.columns) > 30: # This is the master/summary sheet logging.debug('ignoring sheet "{0}" from {1}'.format(sheet_name, year)) continue if df.index.dtype == 'object': # If the first column does not have a label, then the excel # parsing engine will helpfully use the first column as # the index. This is *usually* helpful, but there are two # days when the first column is missing the typical label # of 'Laboratory ID'. In this case, peel that index off # and set its name. msg = '1st column in sheet "{0}" from {1} is missing title'.format( sheet_name, year) logging.debug(msg) df.reset_index(inplace=True) df.columns = ['Laboratory ID'] + df.columns.tolist()[1:] # Insert name of sheet as first column, the sheet name is the date df.insert(0, u'Date', sheet_name) for c in df.columns.tolist(): if 'Reading' in c: # There are about 10 days that have >2 readings for some reason if int(c[8:]) > 2:'sheet "{0}" from {1} has >2 readings'.format( sheet_name, year) ) df.drop(c, 1, inplace=True) # Only take the first 8 columns, some sheets erroneously have >8 cols df = df.ix[:,0:8] # Standardize the column names df.columns = standardized_col_names dfs.append(df) df =
# Copyright 2020, Sophos Limited. All rights reserved. # # 'Sophos' and 'Sophos Anti-Virus' are registered trademarks of # Sophos Limited and Sophos Group. All other product and company # names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their # respective owners. import torch import baker from nets import PENetwork from generators import get_generator import tqdm import os from config import device import config from dataset import Dataset import pickle from logzero import logger from copy import deepcopy import pandas as pd import numpy as np all_tags = Dataset.tags def detach_and_copy_array(array): if isinstance(array, torch.Tensor): return deepcopy(array.cpu().detach().numpy()).ravel() elif isinstance(array, np.ndarray): return deepcopy(array).ravel() else: raise ValueError("Got array of unknown type {}".format(type(array))) def normalize_results(labels_dict, results_dict, use_malware=True, use_count=True, use_tags=True): """ Take a set of results dicts and break them out into a single dict of 1d arrays with appropriate column names that pandas can convert to a DataFrame. """ # we do a lot of deepcopy stuff here to avoid a FD "leak" in the dataset generator # see here: rv = {} if use_malware: rv['label_malware'] = detach_and_copy_array(labels_dict['malware']) rv['pred_malware'] = detach_and_copy_array(results_dict['malware']) if use_count: rv['label_count'] = detach_and_copy_array(labels_dict['count']) rv['pred_count'] = detach_and_copy_array(results_dict['count']) if use_tags: for column, tag in enumerate(all_tags): rv[f'label_{tag}_tag'] = detach_and_copy_array(labels_dict['tags'][:, column]) rv[f'pred_{tag}_tag']=detach_and_copy_array(results_dict['tags'][:, column]) return rv @baker.command def evaluate_network(results_dir, checkpoint_file, db_path=config.db_path, evaluate_malware=True, evaluate_count=True, evaluate_tags=True, remove_missing_features='scan'): """ Take a trained feedforward neural network model and output evaluation results to a csv in the specified location. :param results_dir: The directory to which to write the 'results.csv' file; WARNING -- this will overwrite any existing results in that location :param checkpoint_file: The checkpoint file containing the weights to evaluate :param db_path: the path to the directory containing the meta.db file; defaults to the value in :param evaluate_malware: defaults to True; whether or not to record malware labels and predictions :param evaluate_count: defaults to True; whether or not to record count labels and predictions :param evaluate_tags: defaults to True; whether or not to record individual tag labels and predictions :param remove_missing_features: See help for remove_missing_features in / train_network """ os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(results_dir)) model = PENetwork(use_malware=True, use_counts=True, use_tags=True, n_tags=len(Dataset.tags), feature_dimension=2381) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint_file)) generator = get_generator(mode='test', path=db_path, use_malicious_labels=evaluate_malware, use_count_labels=evaluate_count, use_tag_labels=evaluate_tags, return_shas=True, remove_missing_features=remove_missing_features)'...running network evaluation') f = open(os.path.join(results_dir,'results.csv'),'w') first_batch = True for shas, features, labels in tqdm.tqdm(generator): features = predictions = model(features) results = normalize_results(labels, predictions) pd.DataFrame(results, index=shas).to_csv(f, header=first_batch) first_batch=False f.close() print('...done') import lightgbm as lgb @baker.command def evaluate_lgb(lightgbm_model_file, results_dir, db_path=config.db_path, remove_missing_features='scan' ): """ Take a trained lightGBM model and perform an evaluation on it. Results will be saved to results.csv in the path specified in results_dir :param lightgbm_model_file: Full path to the trained lightGBM model :param results_dir: The directory to which to write the 'results.csv' file; WARNING -- this will overwrite any existing results in that location :param db_path: the path to the directory containing the meta.db file; defaults to the value in :param remove_missing_features: See help for remove_missing_features in / train_network """ os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(results_dir))'Loading lgb model from {lightgbm_model_file}') model = lgb.Booster(model_file=lightgbm_model_file) generator = get_generator(mode='test', path=db_path, use_malicious_labels=True, use_count_labels=False, use_tag_labels=False, return_shas=True, remove_missing_features=remove_missing_features)'running lgb evaluation') f = open(os.path.join(results_dir, 'results.csv'), 'w') first_batch = True for shas, features, labels in tqdm.tqdm(generator): predictions = {'malware':model.predict(features)} results = normalize_results(labels, predictions, use_malware=True, use_count=False, use_tags=False)
pd.DataFrame(results, index=shas)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import pandas as pd # import random # from datetime import datetime, timedelta # import time # import re # from sklearn.externals import joblib # import requests # import sys # from unit import Distance1 # import xlrd from unit import * from crawl_data import * base_path_1 = "./dataset/" base_path_2 = "./dataset/tmp/" base_path_3 = "./output/" nearst = { "bj": {'miyunshuiku_aq': 'beijing_grid_414', 'tiantan_aq': 'beijing_grid_303', 'yizhuang_aq': 'beijing_grid_323', 'pingchang_aq': 'beijing_grid_264', 'zhiwuyuan_aq': 'beijing_grid_262', 'qianmen_aq': 'beijing_grid_303', 'pinggu_aq': 'beijing_grid_452', 'beibuxinqu_aq': 'beijing_grid_263', 'shunyi_aq': 'beijing_grid_368', 'tongzhou_aq': 'beijing_grid_366', 'yungang_aq': 'beijing_grid_239', 'yufa_aq': 'beijing_grid_278', 'wanshouxigong_aq': 'beijing_grid_303', 'mentougou_aq': 'beijing_grid_240', 'dingling_aq': 'beijing_grid_265', 'donggaocun_aq': 'beijing_grid_452', 'nongzhanguan_aq': 'beijing_grid_324', 'liulihe_aq': 'beijing_grid_216', 'xizhimenbei_aq': 'beijing_grid_283', 'fangshan_aq': 'beijing_grid_238', 'nansanhuan_aq': 'beijing_grid_303', 'huairou_aq': 'beijing_grid_349', 'dongsi_aq': 'beijing_grid_303', 'badaling_aq': 'beijing_grid_224', 'yanqin_aq': 'beijing_grid_225', 'gucheng_aq': 'beijing_grid_261', 'fengtaihuayuan_aq': 'beijing_grid_282', 'wanliu_aq': 'beijing_grid_283', 'yongledian_aq': 'beijing_grid_385', 'aotizhongxin_aq': 'beijing_grid_304', 'dongsihuan_aq': 'beijing_grid_324', 'daxing_aq': 'beijing_grid_301', 'miyun_aq': 'beijing_grid_392', 'guanyuan_aq': 'beijing_grid_282', 'yongdingmennei_aq': 'beijing_grid_303' }, "ld": {'KC1': 'london_grid_388', 'CD1': 'london_grid_388', 'HV1': 'london_grid_472', 'CD9': 'london_grid_409', 'TD5': 'london_grid_366', 'GR4': 'london_grid_451', 'RB7': 'london_grid_452', 'TH4': 'london_grid_430', 'HR1': 'london_grid_368', 'BL0': 'london_grid_409', 'GR9': 'london_grid_430', 'ST5': 'london_grid_408', 'LH0': 'london_grid_346', 'KF1': 'london_grid_388', 'MY7': 'london_grid_388', 'BX9': 'london_grid_472', 'GN3': 'london_grid_451', 'GN0': 'london_grid_451', 'CT2': 'london_grid_409', 'CT3': 'london_grid_409', 'BX1': 'london_grid_472', 'CR8': 'london_grid_408', 'LW2': 'london_grid_430', 'GB0': 'london_grid_451' } } nearst_wounder_station = { 'ld': {'london_grid_451': 'ILONDON1169', 'london_grid_452': 'IROMFORD7', 'london_grid_409': 'IGLAYIEW96', 'london_grid_430': 'IGLAYIEW96', 'london_grid_408': 'ILONDONM4', 'london_grid_388': 'IGLAYIEW96', 'london_grid_366': 'ILONDON633', 'london_grid_368': 'IGLAYIEW96', 'london_grid_472': 'IBEXLEY16', 'london_grid_346': 'IGLAYIEW96'}, 'bj': {'beijing_grid_282': 'IBEIJING355', 'beijing_grid_283': 'I11HAIDI3', 'beijing_grid_385': 'ITONGZHO3', 'beijing_grid_414': 'I11HOUSH2', 'beijing_grid_239': 'IBEIJING250', 'beijing_grid_238': 'IBEIJING250', 'beijing_grid_216': 'IBEIJING250', 'beijing_grid_278': 'I11BAIZH2', 'beijing_grid_262': 'I11HAIDI3', 'beijing_grid_263': 'ICHANGPI3', 'beijing_grid_324': 'ICHAOYAN11', 'beijing_grid_392': 'I11HOUSH2', 'beijing_grid_349': 'I11HOUSH2', 'beijing_grid_452': 'ITONGZHO3', 'beijing_grid_224': 'ICHANGPI3', 'beijing_grid_225': 'ICHANGPI3', 'beijing_grid_264': 'ICHANGPI3', 'beijing_grid_265': 'ICHANGPI3', 'beijing_grid_304': 'IHAIDIAN9', 'beijing_grid_303': 'IXICHENG8', 'beijing_grid_261': 'IBEIJING250', 'beijing_grid_301': 'I11BAIZH2', 'beijing_grid_366': 'ITONGZHO3', 'beijing_grid_368': 'I11HOUSH2', 'beijing_grid_240': 'IBEIJING250', 'beijing_grid_323': 'I11BAIZH2'}} # 从网站下载数据 def get_data(city, start_time, end_time, current_day=False): # if city == "bj": # link2 = '' + city + '/' + start_time + '/' + end_time + '/2k0d1d8' # respones = requests.get(link2) # if current_day == False: # with open(base_path_2 + city + "_meteorology_" + start_time + "_" + end_time + ".csv", 'w') as f: # f.write(respones.text) # else: # with open(base_path_2 + city + "_meteorology_current_day.csv", 'w') as f: # f.write(respones.text) if current_day == True: end_time = "2018-07-01-23" link3 = '' + city + '_grid/' + start_time + '/' + end_time + '/2k0d1d8' respones = requests.get(link3) if current_day == False: with open(base_path_2 + city + "_meteorology_grid_" + start_time + "_" + end_time + ".csv", 'w') as f: f.write(respones.text) else: with open(base_path_2 + city + "_meteorology_grid_current_day.csv", 'w') as f: f.write(respones.text) # 加载最近的网格站点 def load_nearst_contrary(): nearst_contrary = {} for city in nearst.keys(): nearst_contrary[city] = {} for station1, station2 in nearst[city].items(): nearst_contrary[city][station2] = station1 return nearst_contrary # 加载 历史数据 2018年3月27号之前 def load_data(city, flag=False): if city == "bj": filename = base_path_2 + "bj_historical_meo_grid.csv" else: filename = base_path_2 + "ld_historical_meo_grid.csv" df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=',') nearst_contrary = load_nearst_contrary() df = df[df["station_id"].isin(nearst_contrary[city].keys())] # df = df["stationName"].replace(nearst_contrary[city].keys(), nearst[city].keys()) df.rename(columns={'station_id': 'station_id', 'time': 'time', 'wind_speed': 'wind_speed'}, inplace=True) df['time'] =
import argparse import json import os import random from pprint import pprint import pandas as pd import soundfile as sf import torch import yaml from tqdm import tqdm from import MetricGAN from asteroid.losses import PITLossWrapper, pairwise_neg_sisdr from asteroid.metrics import get_metrics from asteroid.utils import tensors_to_device from asteroid.utils.torch_utils import load_state_dict_in from generator import make_generator_and_optimizer parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--test_dir', type=str, default="data/wav16k/min/test", help='Test directory including the csv files') parser.add_argument('--use_gpu', type=int, default=0, help='Whether to use the GPU for model execution') parser.add_argument('--exp_dir', default='exp/tmp', help='Experiment root') parser.add_argument('--n_save_ex', type=int, default=10, help='Number of audio examples to save, -1 means all') compute_metrics = ['si_sdr', 'sdr', 'sir', 'sar', 'stoi', 'pesq'] def main(conf): # Make the model model, _, _ = make_generator_and_optimizer(conf['train_conf']) # Load best model with open(os.path.join(conf['exp_dir'], 'best_k_models.json'), "r") as f: best_k = json.load(f) best_model_path = min(best_k, key=best_k.get) # Load checkpoint checkpoint = torch.load(best_model_path, map_location='cpu') state = checkpoint['state_dict'] state_copy = state.copy() # # Remove unwanted keys for keys, values in state.items(): if keys.startswith('discriminator'): del state_copy[keys] if keys.startswith('validation'): del state_copy[keys] if keys.startswith('generator'): state_copy[keys.replace('generator.', '')] = state_copy.pop(keys) model = load_state_dict_in(state_copy, model) # Handle device placement if conf['use_gpu']: model.cuda() model_device = next(model.parameters()).device test_set = MetricGAN(csv_dir=conf['test_dir'], task=conf['train_conf']['data']['task'], sample_rate=conf['sample_rate'], n_src=conf['train_conf']['data']['n_src'], segment=None) # Uses all segment length # Randomly choose the indexes of sentences to save. eval_save_dir = os.path.join(conf['exp_dir']) ex_save_dir = os.path.join(eval_save_dir, 'examples/') if conf['n_save_ex'] == -1: conf['n_save_ex'] = len(test_set) save_idx = random.sample(range(len(test_set)), conf['n_save_ex']) series_list = [] torch.no_grad().__enter__() for idx in tqdm(range(len(test_set))): # Forward the network on the mixture. mix, sources = tensors_to_device(test_set[idx], device=model_device) sources = sources.unsqueeze(0) est_sources = model(mix) mix_np = mix.cpu().data.numpy() sources_np = sources.cpu().squeeze(0).data.numpy() est_sources_np = est_sources.cpu().squeeze(0).data.numpy() # For each utterance, we get a dictionary with the mixture path, # the input and output metrics utt_metrics = get_metrics(mix_np, sources_np, est_sources_np, sample_rate=conf['sample_rate'], metrics_list=compute_metrics) utt_metrics['mix_path'] = test_set.mixture_path series_list.append(pd.Series(utt_metrics)) # Save some examples in a folder. Wav files and metrics as text. if idx in save_idx: local_save_dir = os.path.join(ex_save_dir, 'ex_{}/'.format(idx)) os.makedirs(local_save_dir, exist_ok=True) sf.write(local_save_dir + "mixture.wav", mix_np[0], conf['sample_rate']) # Loop over the sources and estimates for src_idx, src in enumerate(sources_np): sf.write(local_save_dir + "s{}.wav".format(src_idx), src, conf['sample_rate']) for src_idx, est_src in enumerate(est_sources_np): sf.write(local_save_dir + "s{}_estimate.wav".format(src_idx), est_src, conf['sample_rate']) # Write local metrics to the example folder. with open(local_save_dir + 'metrics.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(utt_metrics, f, indent=0) # Save all metrics to the experiment folder. all_metrics_df =
import pandas as pd from import Client def fetch_eth_blocks(client: Client, start_date: str, end_date: str): sql = f""" SELECT blocks.timestamp, blocks.number, blocks.transaction_count, blocks.gas_limit, blocks.gas_used, AVG(txs.gas_price) AS mean_gas_price, MIN(txs.gas_price) AS min_gas_price, MAX(txs.gas_price) AS max_gas_price FROM `bigquery-public-data.ethereum_blockchain.blocks` AS blocks INNER JOIN `bigquery-public-data.ethereum_blockchain.transactions` AS txs ON blocks.timestamp=txs.block_timestamp WHERE DATE(blocks.timestamp) >= DATE('{start_date}') and DATE(blocks.timestamp) <= DATE('{end_date}') GROUP BY blocks.timestamp, blocks.number, blocks.transaction_count, blocks.gas_limit, blocks.gas_used ORDER BY blocks.timestamp """ df = client.query(sql).to_dataframe() df[["mean_gas_price", "min_gas_price", "max_gas_price"]] = df[["mean_gas_price", "min_gas_price", "max_gas_price"]] / 1000000000 df["gas_used"] = df["gas_used"] / 100000 df["gas_limit"] = df["gas_limit"] / 100000 df = df.rename(columns={'gas_used': 'gas_used_percentage'}) df["timestamp"] =
from datetime import timedelta from functools import partial from operator import attrgetter import dateutil import numpy as np import pytest import pytz from pandas._libs.tslibs import OutOfBoundsDatetime, conversion import pandas as pd from pandas import ( DatetimeIndex, Index, Timestamp, date_range, datetime, offsets, to_datetime) from pandas.core.arrays import DatetimeArray, period_array import pandas.util.testing as tm class TestDatetimeIndex(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize('dt_cls', [DatetimeIndex, DatetimeArray._from_sequence]) def test_freq_validation_with_nat(self, dt_cls): # GH#11587 make sure we get a useful error message when generate_range # raises msg = ("Inferred frequency None from passed values does not conform " "to passed frequency D") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): dt_cls([pd.NaT, pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01')], freq='D') with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): dt_cls([pd.NaT, pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01').value], freq='D') def test_categorical_preserves_tz(self): # GH#18664 retain tz when going DTI-->Categorical-->DTI # TODO: parametrize over DatetimeIndex/DatetimeArray # once CategoricalIndex(DTA) works dti = pd.DatetimeIndex( [pd.NaT, '2015-01-01', '1999-04-06 15:14:13', '2015-01-01'], tz='US/Eastern') ci = pd.CategoricalIndex(dti) carr = pd.Categorical(dti) cser = pd.Series(ci) for obj in [ci, carr, cser]: result = pd.DatetimeIndex(obj) tm.assert_index_equal(result, dti) def test_dti_with_period_data_raises(self): # GH#23675 data = pd.PeriodIndex(['2016Q1', '2016Q2'], freq='Q') with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="PeriodDtype data is invalid"): DatetimeIndex(data) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="PeriodDtype data is invalid"): to_datetime(data) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="PeriodDtype data is invalid"): DatetimeIndex(period_array(data)) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="PeriodDtype data is invalid"): to_datetime(period_array(data)) def test_dti_with_timedelta64_data_deprecation(self): # GH#23675 data = np.array([0], dtype='m8[ns]') with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): result = DatetimeIndex(data) assert result[0] == Timestamp('1970-01-01') with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result = to_datetime(data) assert result[0] == Timestamp('1970-01-01') with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): result = DatetimeIndex(pd.TimedeltaIndex(data)) assert result[0] == Timestamp('1970-01-01') with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result = to_datetime(pd.TimedeltaIndex(data)) assert result[0] == Timestamp('1970-01-01') def test_construction_caching(self): df = pd.DataFrame({'dt': pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3), 'dttz': pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3, tz='US/Eastern'), 'dt_with_null': [pd.Timestamp('20130101'), pd.NaT, pd.Timestamp('20130103')], 'dtns': pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3, freq='ns')}) assert == 'US/Eastern' @pytest.mark.parametrize('kwargs', [ {'tz': ''}, {'dtype': 'dtype'}, {'dtype': 'dtype', 'tz': ''}]) def test_construction_with_alt(self, kwargs, tz_aware_fixture): tz = tz_aware_fixture i = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=5, freq='H', tz=tz) kwargs = {key: attrgetter(val)(i) for key, val in kwargs.items()} result = DatetimeIndex(i, **kwargs) tm.assert_index_equal(i, result) @pytest.mark.parametrize('kwargs', [ {'tz': ''}, {'dtype': 'dtype'}, {'dtype': 'dtype', 'tz': ''}]) def test_construction_with_alt_tz_localize(self, kwargs, tz_aware_fixture): tz = tz_aware_fixture i = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=5, freq='H', tz=tz) kwargs = {key: attrgetter(val)(i) for key, val in kwargs.items()} if str(tz) in ('UTC', 'tzutc()'): warn = None else: warn = FutureWarning with tm.assert_produces_warning(warn, check_stacklevel=False): result = DatetimeIndex(i.tz_localize(None).asi8, **kwargs) expected = DatetimeIndex(i, **kwargs) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) # localize into the provided tz i2 = DatetimeIndex(i.tz_localize(None).asi8, tz='UTC') expected = i.tz_localize(None).tz_localize('UTC') tm.assert_index_equal(i2, expected) # incompat tz/dtype pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: DatetimeIndex( i.tz_localize(None).asi8, dtype=i.dtype, tz='US/Pacific')) def test_construction_index_with_mixed_timezones(self): # gh-11488: no tz results in DatetimeIndex result = Index([Timestamp('2011-01-01'), Timestamp('2011-01-02')], name='idx') exp = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp('2011-01-01'), Timestamp('2011-01-02')], name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) assert is None # same tz results in DatetimeIndex result = Index([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo')], name='idx') exp = DatetimeIndex( [Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00'), Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00') ], tz='Asia/Tokyo', name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) assert is not None assert == # same tz results in DatetimeIndex (DST) result = Index([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='US/Eastern'), Timestamp('2011-08-01 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], name='idx') exp = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00'), Timestamp('2011-08-01 10:00')], tz='US/Eastern', name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) assert is not None assert == # Different tz results in Index(dtype=object) result = Index([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00'), Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], name='idx') exp = Index([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00'), Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], dtype='object', name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert not isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) result = Index([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], name='idx') exp = Index([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], dtype='object', name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert not isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) # length = 1 result = Index([Timestamp('2011-01-01')], name='idx') exp = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp('2011-01-01')], name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) assert is None # length = 1 with tz result = Index( [Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo')], name='idx') exp = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00')], tz='Asia/Tokyo', name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) assert is not None assert == def test_construction_index_with_mixed_timezones_with_NaT(self): # see gh-11488 result = Index([pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-01'), pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-02')], name='idx') exp = DatetimeIndex([pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-01'), pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-02')], name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) assert is None # Same tz results in DatetimeIndex result = Index([pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo')], name='idx') exp = DatetimeIndex([pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00'), pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00')], tz='Asia/Tokyo', name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) assert is not None assert == # same tz results in DatetimeIndex (DST) result = Index([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='US/Eastern'), pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-08-01 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], name='idx') exp = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00'), pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-08-01 10:00')], tz='US/Eastern', name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) assert is not None assert == # different tz results in Index(dtype=object) result = Index([pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00'), pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], name='idx') exp = Index([pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00'), pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], dtype='object', name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert not isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) result = Index([pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], name='idx') exp = Index([pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], dtype='object', name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert not isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) # all NaT result = Index([pd.NaT, pd.NaT], name='idx') exp = DatetimeIndex([pd.NaT, pd.NaT], name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) assert is None # all NaT with tz result = Index([pd.NaT, pd.NaT], tz='Asia/Tokyo', name='idx') exp = DatetimeIndex([pd.NaT, pd.NaT], tz='Asia/Tokyo', name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) assert is not None assert == def test_construction_dti_with_mixed_timezones(self): # GH 11488 (not changed, added explicit tests) # no tz results in DatetimeIndex result = DatetimeIndex( [Timestamp('2011-01-01'), Timestamp('2011-01-02')], name='idx') exp = DatetimeIndex( [Timestamp('2011-01-01'), Timestamp('2011-01-02')], name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) # same tz results in DatetimeIndex result = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo')], name='idx') exp = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00'), Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00')], tz='Asia/Tokyo', name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) # same tz results in DatetimeIndex (DST) result = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='US/Eastern'), Timestamp('2011-08-01 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], name='idx') exp = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00'), Timestamp('2011-08-01 10:00')], tz='US/Eastern', name='idx') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp, exact=True) assert isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex) # tz mismatch affecting to tz-aware raises TypeError/ValueError with pytest.raises(ValueError): DatetimeIndex([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], name='idx') msg = 'cannot be converted to datetime64' with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): DatetimeIndex([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00'), Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], tz='Asia/Tokyo', name='idx') with pytest.raises(ValueError): DatetimeIndex([Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], tz='US/Eastern', name='idx') with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): # passing tz should results in DatetimeIndex, then mismatch raises # TypeError Index([pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00'), pd.NaT, Timestamp('2011-01-02 10:00', tz='US/Eastern')], tz='Asia/Tokyo', name='idx') def test_construction_base_constructor(self): arr = [pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01'), pd.NaT, pd.Timestamp('2011-01-03')] tm.assert_index_equal(pd.Index(arr), pd.DatetimeIndex(arr)) tm.assert_index_equal(pd.Index(np.array(arr)), pd.DatetimeIndex(np.array(arr))) arr = [np.nan, pd.NaT, pd.Timestamp('2011-01-03')] tm.assert_index_equal(pd.Index(arr), pd.DatetimeIndex(arr)) tm.assert_index_equal(pd.Index(np.array(arr)), pd.DatetimeIndex(np.array(arr))) def test_construction_outofbounds(self): # GH 13663 dates = [datetime(3000, 1, 1), datetime(4000, 1, 1), datetime(5000, 1, 1), datetime(6000, 1, 1)] exp = Index(dates, dtype=object) # coerces to object tm.assert_index_equal(Index(dates), exp) with pytest.raises(OutOfBoundsDatetime): # can't create DatetimeIndex DatetimeIndex(dates) def test_construction_with_ndarray(self): # GH 5152 dates = [datetime(2013, 10, 7), datetime(2013, 10, 8), datetime(2013, 10, 9)] data = DatetimeIndex(dates, freq=pd.offsets.BDay()).values result = DatetimeIndex(data, freq=pd.offsets.BDay()) expected = DatetimeIndex(['2013-10-07', '2013-10-08', '2013-10-09'], freq='B') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_verify_integrity_deprecated(self): # GH#23919 with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): DatetimeIndex(['1/1/2000'], verify_integrity=False) def test_range_kwargs_deprecated(self): # GH#23919 with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): DatetimeIndex(start='1/1/2000', end='1/10/2000', freq='D') def test_integer_values_and_tz_deprecated(self): # GH-24559 values = np.array([946684800000000000]) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): result = DatetimeIndex(values, tz='US/Central') expected = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-01T00:00:00'], tz="US/Central") tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) # but UTC is *not* deprecated. with tm.assert_produces_warning(None): result = DatetimeIndex(values, tz='UTC') expected = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-01T00:00:00'], tz="US/Central") def test_constructor_coverage(self): rng = date_range('1/1/2000', periods=10.5) exp = date_range('1/1/2000', periods=10) tm.assert_index_equal(rng, exp) msg = 'periods must be a number, got foo' with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): date_range(start='1/1/2000', periods='foo', freq='D') with pytest.raises(ValueError): with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): DatetimeIndex(start='1/1/2000', end='1/10/2000') with pytest.raises(TypeError): DatetimeIndex('1/1/2000') # generator expression gen = (datetime(2000, 1, 1) + timedelta(i) for i in range(10)) result = DatetimeIndex(gen) expected = DatetimeIndex([datetime(2000, 1, 1) + timedelta(i) for i in range(10)]) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) # NumPy string array strings = np.array(['2000-01-01', '2000-01-02', '2000-01-03']) result = DatetimeIndex(strings) expected = DatetimeIndex(strings.astype('O')) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) from_ints = DatetimeIndex(expected.asi8) tm.assert_index_equal(from_ints, expected) # string with NaT strings = np.array(['2000-01-01', '2000-01-02', 'NaT']) result = DatetimeIndex(strings) expected = DatetimeIndex(strings.astype('O')) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) from_ints = DatetimeIndex(expected.asi8) tm.assert_index_equal(from_ints, expected) # non-conforming pytest.raises(ValueError, DatetimeIndex, ['2000-01-01', '2000-01-02', '2000-01-04'], freq='D') pytest.raises(ValueError, date_range, start='2011-01-01', freq='b') pytest.raises(ValueError, date_range, end='2011-01-01', freq='B') pytest.raises(ValueError, date_range, periods=10, freq='D') @pytest.mark.parametrize('freq', ['AS', 'W-SUN']) def test_constructor_datetime64_tzformat(self, freq): # see GH#6572: ISO 8601 format results in pytz.FixedOffset idx = date_range('2013-01-01T00:00:00-05:00', '2016-01-01T23:59:59-05:00', freq=freq) expected = date_range('2013-01-01T00:00:00', '2016-01-01T23:59:59', freq=freq, tz=pytz.FixedOffset(-300)) tm.assert_index_equal(idx, expected) # Unable to use `US/Eastern` because of DST expected_i8 = date_range('2013-01-01T00:00:00', '2016-01-01T23:59:59', freq=freq, tz='America/Lima') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(idx.asi8, expected_i8.asi8) idx = date_range('2013-01-01T00:00:00+09:00', '2016-01-01T23:59:59+09:00', freq=freq) expected = date_range('2013-01-01T00:00:00', '2016-01-01T23:59:59', freq=freq, tz=pytz.FixedOffset(540)) tm.assert_index_equal(idx, expected) expected_i8 = date_range('2013-01-01T00:00:00', '2016-01-01T23:59:59', freq=freq, tz='Asia/Tokyo') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(idx.asi8, expected_i8.asi8) # Non ISO 8601 format results in idx = date_range('2013/1/1 0:00:00-5:00', '2016/1/1 23:59:59-5:00', freq=freq) expected = date_range('2013-01-01T00:00:00', '2016-01-01T23:59:59', freq=freq, tz=pytz.FixedOffset(-300)) tm.assert_index_equal(idx, expected) # Unable to use `US/Eastern` because of DST expected_i8 = date_range('2013-01-01T00:00:00', '2016-01-01T23:59:59', freq=freq, tz='America/Lima') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(idx.asi8, expected_i8.asi8) idx = date_range('2013/1/1 0:00:00+9:00', '2016/1/1 23:59:59+09:00', freq=freq) expected = date_range('2013-01-01T00:00:00', '2016-01-01T23:59:59', freq=freq, tz=pytz.FixedOffset(540)) tm.assert_index_equal(idx, expected) expected_i8 = date_range('2013-01-01T00:00:00', '2016-01-01T23:59:59', freq=freq, tz='Asia/Tokyo') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(idx.asi8, expected_i8.asi8) def test_constructor_dtype(self): # passing a dtype with a tz should localize idx = DatetimeIndex(['2013-01-01', '2013-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]') expected = DatetimeIndex(['2013-01-01', '2013-01-02'] ).tz_localize('US/Eastern') tm.assert_index_equal(idx, expected) idx = DatetimeIndex(['2013-01-01', '2013-01-02'], tz='US/Eastern') tm.assert_index_equal(idx, expected) # if we already have a tz and its not the same, then raise idx = DatetimeIndex(['2013-01-01', '2013-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]') pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: DatetimeIndex(idx, dtype='datetime64[ns]')) # this is effectively trying to convert tz's pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: DatetimeIndex(idx, dtype='datetime64[ns, CET]')) pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: DatetimeIndex( idx, tz='CET', dtype='datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')) result = DatetimeIndex(idx, dtype='datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]') tm.assert_index_equal(idx, result) def test_constructor_name(self): idx = date_range(start='2000-01-01', periods=1, freq='A', name='TEST') assert == 'TEST' def test_000constructor_resolution(self): # 2252 t1 = Timestamp((1352934390 * 1000000000) + 1000000 + 1000 + 1) idx = DatetimeIndex([t1]) assert idx.nanosecond[0] == t1.nanosecond def test_disallow_setting_tz(self): # GH 3746 dti = DatetimeIndex(['2010'], tz='UTC') with pytest.raises(AttributeError): = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific') @pytest.mark.parametrize('tz', [ None, 'America/Los_Angeles', pytz.timezone('America/Los_Angeles'), Timestamp('2000', tz='America/Los_Angeles').tz]) def test_constructor_start_end_with_tz(self, tz): # GH 18595 start = Timestamp('2013-01-01 06:00:00', tz='America/Los_Angeles') end = Timestamp('2013-01-02 06:00:00', tz='America/Los_Angeles') result = date_range(freq='D', start=start, end=end, tz=tz) expected = DatetimeIndex(['2013-01-01 06:00:00', '2013-01-02 06:00:00'], tz='America/Los_Angeles') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) # Especially assert that the timezone is consistent for pytz assert pytz.timezone('America/Los_Angeles') is @pytest.mark.parametrize('tz', ['US/Pacific', 'US/Eastern', 'Asia/Tokyo']) def test_constructor_with_non_normalized_pytz(self, tz): # GH 18595 non_norm_tz = Timestamp('2010', tz=tz).tz result = DatetimeIndex(['2010'], tz=non_norm_tz) assert pytz.timezone(tz) is def test_constructor_timestamp_near_dst(self): # GH 20854 ts = [Timestamp('2016-10-30 03:00:00+0300', tz='Europe/Helsinki'), Timestamp('2016-10-30 03:00:00+0200', tz='Europe/Helsinki')] result = DatetimeIndex(ts) expected = DatetimeIndex([ts[0].to_pydatetime(), ts[1].to_pydatetime()]) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) # TODO(GH-24559): Remove the xfail for the tz-aware case. @pytest.mark.parametrize('klass', [Index, DatetimeIndex]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ np.array, partial(np.array, dtype=object), list]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('tz, dtype', [ pytest.param('US/Pacific', 'datetime64[ns, US/Pacific]', marks=[pytest.mark.xfail(), pytest.mark.filterwarnings( "ignore:\\n Passing:FutureWarning")]), [None, 'datetime64[ns]'], ]) def test_constructor_with_int_tz(self, klass, box, tz, dtype): # GH 20997, 20964 ts = Timestamp('2018-01-01', tz=tz) result = klass(box([ts.value]), dtype=dtype) expected = klass([ts]) assert result == expected # This is the desired future behavior @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Future behavior", strict=False) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:\\n Passing:FutureWarning") def test_construction_int_rountrip(self, tz_naive_fixture): # GH 12619 # TODO(GH-24559): Remove xfail tz = tz_naive_fixture result = 1293858000000000000 expected = DatetimeIndex([1293858000000000000], tz=tz).asi8[0] assert result == expected def test_construction_from_replaced_timestamps_with_dst(self): # GH 18785 index = pd.date_range(pd.Timestamp(2000, 1, 1), pd.Timestamp(2005, 1, 1), freq='MS', tz='Australia/Melbourne') test = pd.DataFrame({'data': range(len(index))}, index=index) test = test.resample('Y').mean() result = pd.DatetimeIndex([x.replace(month=6, day=1) for x in test.index]) expected = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2000-06-01 00:00:00', '2001-06-01 00:00:00', '2002-06-01 00:00:00', '2003-06-01 00:00:00', '2004-06-01 00:00:00', '2005-06-01 00:00:00'], tz='Australia/Melbourne') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_construction_with_tz_and_tz_aware_dti(self): # GH 23579 dti = date_range('2016-01-01', periods=3, tz='US/Central') with pytest.raises(TypeError): DatetimeIndex(dti, tz='Asia/Tokyo') def test_construction_with_nat_and_tzlocal(self): tz = result = DatetimeIndex(['2018', 'NaT'], tz=tz) expected = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp('2018', tz=tz), pd.NaT]) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) class TestTimeSeries(object): def test_dti_constructor_preserve_dti_freq(self): rng = date_range('1/1/2000', '1/2/2000', freq='5min') rng2 = DatetimeIndex(rng) assert rng.freq == rng2.freq def test_dti_constructor_years_only(self, tz_naive_fixture): tz = tz_naive_fixture # GH 6961 rng1 = date_range('2014', '2015', freq='M', tz=tz) expected1 = date_range('2014-01-31', '2014-12-31', freq='M', tz=tz) rng2 = date_range('2014', '2015', freq='MS', tz=tz) expected2 = date_range('2014-01-01', '2015-01-01', freq='MS', tz=tz) rng3 = date_range('2014', '2020', freq='A', tz=tz) expected3 = date_range('2014-12-31', '2019-12-31', freq='A', tz=tz) rng4 = date_range('2014', '2020', freq='AS', tz=tz) expected4 = date_range('2014-01-01', '2020-01-01', freq='AS', tz=tz) for rng, expected in [(rng1, expected1), (rng2, expected2), (rng3, expected3), (rng4, expected4)]: tm.assert_index_equal(rng, expected) def test_dti_constructor_small_int(self, any_int_dtype): # see gh-13721 exp = DatetimeIndex(['1970-01-01 00:00:00.00000000', '1970-01-01 00:00:00.00000001', '1970-01-01 00:00:00.00000002']) arr = np.array([0, 10, 20], dtype=any_int_dtype) tm.assert_index_equal(DatetimeIndex(arr), exp) def test_ctor_str_intraday(self): rng = DatetimeIndex(['1-1-2000 00:00:01']) assert rng[0].second == 1 def test_is_(self): dti = date_range(start='1/1/2005', end='12/1/2005', freq='M') assert dti.is_(dti) assert dti.is_(dti.view()) assert not dti.is_(dti.copy()) def test_index_cast_datetime64_other_units(self): arr = np.arange(0, 100, 10, dtype=np.int64).view('M8[D]') idx = Index(arr) assert (idx.values == conversion.ensure_datetime64ns(arr)).all() def test_constructor_int64_nocopy(self): # GH#1624 arr = np.arange(1000, dtype=np.int64) index = DatetimeIndex(arr) arr[50:100] = -1 assert (index.asi8[50:100] == -1).all() arr = np.arange(1000, dtype=np.int64) index = DatetimeIndex(arr, copy=True) arr[50:100] = -1 assert (index.asi8[50:100] != -1).all() @pytest.mark.parametrize('freq', ['M', 'Q', 'A', 'D', 'B', 'BH', 'T', 'S', 'L', 'U', 'H', 'N', 'C']) def test_from_freq_recreate_from_data(self, freq): org = date_range(start='2001/02/01 09:00', freq=freq, periods=1) idx = DatetimeIndex(org, freq=freq) tm.assert_index_equal(idx, org) org = date_range(start='2001/02/01 09:00', freq=freq, tz='US/Pacific', periods=1) idx = DatetimeIndex(org, freq=freq, tz='US/Pacific') tm.assert_index_equal(idx, org) def test_datetimeindex_constructor_misc(self): arr = ['1/1/2005', '1/2/2005', 'Jn 3, 2005', '2005-01-04'] pytest.raises(Exception, DatetimeIndex, arr) arr = ['1/1/2005', '1/2/2005', '1/3/2005', '2005-01-04'] idx1 = DatetimeIndex(arr) arr = [datetime(2005, 1, 1), '1/2/2005', '1/3/2005', '2005-01-04'] idx2 = DatetimeIndex(arr) arr = [Timestamp(datetime(2005, 1, 1)), '1/2/2005', '1/3/2005', '2005-01-04'] idx3 = DatetimeIndex(arr) arr = np.array(['1/1/2005', '1/2/2005', '1/3/2005', '2005-01-04'], dtype='O') idx4 = DatetimeIndex(arr) arr = to_datetime(['1/1/2005', '1/2/2005', '1/3/2005', '2005-01-04']) idx5 = DatetimeIndex(arr) arr = to_datetime(['1/1/2005', '1/2/2005', 'Jan 3, 2005', '2005-01-04' ]) idx6 = DatetimeIndex(arr) idx7 = DatetimeIndex(['12/05/2007', '25/01/2008'], dayfirst=True) idx8 = DatetimeIndex(['2007/05/12', '2008/01/25'], dayfirst=False, yearfirst=True) tm.assert_index_equal(idx7, idx8) for other in [idx2, idx3, idx4, idx5, idx6]: assert (idx1.values == other.values).all() sdate = datetime(1999, 12, 25) edate = datetime(2000, 1, 1) idx = date_range(start=sdate, freq='1B', periods=20) assert len(idx) == 20 assert idx[0] == sdate + 0 * offsets.BDay() assert idx.freq == 'B' idx = date_range(end=edate, freq=('D', 5), periods=20) assert len(idx) == 20 assert idx[-1] == edate assert idx.freq == '5D' idx1 =
date_range(start=sdate, end=edate, freq='W-SUN')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import nose from numpy import nan from pandas import Timestamp from pandas.core.index import MultiIndex from pandas.core.api import DataFrame from pandas.core.series import Series from pandas.util.testing import (assert_frame_equal, assert_series_equal ) from pandas.compat import (lmap) from pandas import compat import pandas.core.common as com import numpy as np import pandas.util.testing as tm import pandas as pd class TestGroupByFilter(tm.TestCase): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def setUp(self): self.ts = tm.makeTimeSeries() self.seriesd = tm.getSeriesData() self.tsd = tm.getTimeSeriesData() self.frame = DataFrame(self.seriesd) self.tsframe = DataFrame(self.tsd) self.df = DataFrame( {'A': ['foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'foo'], 'B': ['one', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'two', 'two', 'one', 'three'], 'C': np.random.randn(8), 'D': np.random.randn(8)}) self.df_mixed_floats = DataFrame( {'A': ['foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'foo'], 'B': ['one', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'two', 'two', 'one', 'three'], 'C': np.random.randn(8), 'D': np.array( np.random.randn(8), dtype='float32')}) index = MultiIndex(levels=[['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux'], ['one', 'two', 'three']], labels=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]], names=['first', 'second']) self.mframe = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 3), index=index, columns=['A', 'B', 'C']) self.three_group = DataFrame( {'A': ['foo', 'foo', 'foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'bar', 'bar', 'bar', 'foo', 'foo', 'foo'], 'B': ['one', 'one', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'one', 'one', 'two', 'two', 'two', 'one'], 'C': ['dull', 'dull', 'shiny', 'dull', 'dull', 'shiny', 'shiny', 'dull', 'shiny', 'shiny', 'shiny'], 'D': np.random.randn(11), 'E': np.random.randn(11), 'F': np.random.randn(11)}) def test_filter_series(self): s = pd.Series([1, 3, 20, 5, 22, 24, 7]) expected_odd = pd.Series([1, 3, 5, 7], index=[0, 1, 3, 6]) expected_even = pd.Series([20, 22, 24], index=[2, 4, 5]) grouper = s.apply(lambda x: x % 2) grouped = s.groupby(grouper) assert_series_equal( grouped.filter(lambda x: x.mean() < 10), expected_odd) assert_series_equal( grouped.filter(lambda x: x.mean() > 10), expected_even) # Test dropna=False. assert_series_equal( grouped.filter(lambda x: x.mean() < 10, dropna=False), expected_odd.reindex(s.index)) assert_series_equal( grouped.filter(lambda x: x.mean() > 10, dropna=False), expected_even.reindex(s.index)) def test_filter_single_column_df(self): df = pd.DataFrame([1, 3, 20, 5, 22, 24, 7]) expected_odd = pd.DataFrame([1, 3, 5, 7], index=[0, 1, 3, 6]) expected_even = pd.DataFrame([20, 22, 24], index=[2, 4, 5]) grouper = df[0].apply(lambda x: x % 2) grouped = df.groupby(grouper) assert_frame_equal( grouped.filter(lambda x: x.mean() < 10), expected_odd) assert_frame_equal( grouped.filter(lambda x: x.mean() > 10), expected_even) # Test dropna=False. assert_frame_equal( grouped.filter(lambda x: x.mean() < 10, dropna=False), expected_odd.reindex(df.index)) assert_frame_equal( grouped.filter(lambda x: x.mean() > 10, dropna=False), expected_even.reindex(df.index)) def test_filter_multi_column_df(self): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 12, 12, 1], 'B': [1, 1, 1, 1]}) grouper = df['A'].apply(lambda x: x % 2) grouped = df.groupby(grouper) expected = pd.DataFrame({'A': [12, 12], 'B': [1, 1]}, index=[1, 2]) assert_frame_equal( grouped.filter(lambda x: x['A'].sum() - x['B'].sum() > 10), expected) def test_filter_mixed_df(self): df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 12, 12, 1], 'B': 'a b c d'.split()}) grouper = df['A'].apply(lambda x: x % 2) grouped = df.groupby(grouper) expected = pd.DataFrame({'A': [12, 12], 'B': ['b', 'c']}, index=[1, 2]) assert_frame_equal( grouped.filter(lambda x: x['A'].sum() > 10), expected) def test_filter_out_all_groups(self): s = pd.Series([1, 3, 20, 5, 22, 24, 7]) grouper = s.apply(lambda x: x % 2) grouped = s.groupby(grouper) assert_series_equal(grouped.filter(lambda x: x.mean() > 1000), s[[]]) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 12, 12, 1], 'B': 'a b c d'.split()}) grouper = df['A'].apply(lambda x: x % 2) grouped = df.groupby(grouper) assert_frame_equal( grouped.filter(lambda x: x['A'].sum() > 1000), df.loc[[]]) def test_filter_out_no_groups(self): s = pd.Series([1, 3, 20, 5, 22, 24, 7]) grouper = s.apply(lambda x: x % 2) grouped = s.groupby(grouper) filtered = grouped.filter(lambda x: x.mean() > 0) assert_series_equal(filtered, s) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 12, 12, 1], 'B': 'a b c d'.split()}) grouper = df['A'].apply(lambda x: x % 2) grouped = df.groupby(grouper) filtered = grouped.filter(lambda x: x['A'].mean() > 0) assert_frame_equal(filtered, df) def test_filter_out_all_groups_in_df(self): # GH12768 df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 1, 2], 'b': [1, 2, 0]}) res = df.groupby('a') res = res.filter(lambda x: x['b'].sum() > 5, dropna=False) expected = pd.DataFrame({'a': [nan] * 3, 'b': [nan] * 3}) assert_frame_equal(expected, res) df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 1, 2], 'b': [1, 2, 0]}) res = df.groupby('a') res = res.filter(lambda x: x['b'].sum() > 5, dropna=True) expected = pd.DataFrame({'a': [], 'b': []}, dtype="int64") assert_frame_equal(expected, res) def test_filter_condition_raises(self): def raise_if_sum_is_zero(x): if x.sum() == 0: raise ValueError else: return x.sum() > 0 s = pd.Series([-1, 0, 1, 2]) grouper = s.apply(lambda x: x % 2) grouped = s.groupby(grouper) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: grouped.filter(raise_if_sum_is_zero)) def test_filter_with_axis_in_groupby(self): # issue 11041 index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([range(10), [0, 1]]) data = pd.DataFrame( np.arange(100).reshape(-1, 20), columns=index, dtype='int64') result = data.groupby(level=0, axis=1).filter(lambda x: x.iloc[0, 0] > 10) expected = data.iloc[:, 12:20] assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_filter_bad_shapes(self): df = DataFrame({'A': np.arange(8), 'B': list('aabbbbcc'), 'C': np.arange(8)}) s = df['B'] g_df = df.groupby('B') g_s = s.groupby(s) f = lambda x: x self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: g_df.filter(f)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: g_s.filter(f)) f = lambda x: x == 1 self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: g_df.filter(f)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: g_s.filter(f)) f = lambda x: np.outer(x, x) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: g_df.filter(f)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: g_s.filter(f)) def test_filter_nan_is_false(self): df = DataFrame({'A': np.arange(8), 'B': list('aabbbbcc'), 'C': np.arange(8)}) s = df['B'] g_df = df.groupby(df['B']) g_s = s.groupby(s) f = lambda x: np.nan assert_frame_equal(g_df.filter(f), df.loc[[]]) assert_series_equal(g_s.filter(f), s[[]]) def test_filter_against_workaround(self): np.random.seed(0) # Series of ints s = Series(np.random.randint(0, 100, 1000)) grouper = s.apply(lambda x: np.round(x, -1)) grouped = s.groupby(grouper) f = lambda x: x.mean() > 10 old_way = s[grouped.transform(f).astype('bool')] new_way = grouped.filter(f) assert_series_equal(new_way.sort_values(), old_way.sort_values()) # Series of floats s = 100 * Series(np.random.random(1000)) grouper = s.apply(lambda x: np.round(x, -1)) grouped = s.groupby(grouper) f = lambda x: x.mean() > 10 old_way = s[grouped.transform(f).astype('bool')] new_way = grouped.filter(f) assert_series_equal(new_way.sort_values(), old_way.sort_values()) # Set up DataFrame of ints, floats, strings. from string import ascii_lowercase letters = np.array(list(ascii_lowercase)) N = 1000 random_letters = letters.take(np.random.randint(0, 26, N)) df = DataFrame({'ints': Series(np.random.randint(0, 100, N)), 'floats': N / 10 * Series(np.random.random(N)), 'letters': Series(random_letters)}) # Group by ints; filter on floats. grouped = df.groupby('ints') old_way = df[grouped.floats. transform(lambda x: x.mean() > N / 20).astype('bool')] new_way = grouped.filter(lambda x: x['floats'].mean() > N / 20) assert_frame_equal(new_way, old_way) # Group by floats (rounded); filter on strings. grouper = df.floats.apply(lambda x: np.round(x, -1)) grouped = df.groupby(grouper) old_way = df[grouped.letters. transform(lambda x: len(x) < N / 10).astype('bool')] new_way = grouped.filter(lambda x: len(x.letters) < N / 10) assert_frame_equal(new_way, old_way) # Group by strings; filter on ints. grouped = df.groupby('letters') old_way = df[grouped.ints. transform(lambda x: x.mean() > N / 20).astype('bool')] new_way = grouped.filter(lambda x: x['ints'].mean() > N / 20) assert_frame_equal(new_way, old_way) def test_filter_using_len(self): # BUG GH4447 df = DataFrame({'A': np.arange(8), 'B': list('aabbbbcc'), 'C': np.arange(8)}) grouped = df.groupby('B') actual = grouped.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 2) expected = DataFrame( {'A': np.arange(2, 6), 'B': list('bbbb'), 'C': np.arange(2, 6)}, index=np.arange(2, 6)) assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) actual = grouped.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 4) expected = df.loc[[]] assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) # Series have always worked properly, but we'll test anyway. s = df['B'] grouped = s.groupby(s) actual = grouped.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 2) expected = Series(4 * ['b'], index=np.arange(2, 6), name='B') assert_series_equal(actual, expected) actual = grouped.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 4) expected = s[[]] assert_series_equal(actual, expected) def test_filter_maintains_ordering(self): # Simple case: index is sequential. #4621 df = DataFrame({'pid': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], 'tag': [23, 45, 62, 24, 45, 34, 25, 62]}) s = df['pid'] grouped = df.groupby('tag') actual = grouped.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = df.iloc[[1, 2, 4, 7]] assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) grouped = s.groupby(df['tag']) actual = grouped.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = s.iloc[[1, 2, 4, 7]] assert_series_equal(actual, expected) # Now index is sequentially decreasing. df.index = np.arange(len(df) - 1, -1, -1) s = df['pid'] grouped = df.groupby('tag') actual = grouped.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = df.iloc[[1, 2, 4, 7]] assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) grouped = s.groupby(df['tag']) actual = grouped.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = s.iloc[[1, 2, 4, 7]] assert_series_equal(actual, expected) # Index is shuffled. SHUFFLED = [4, 6, 7, 2, 1, 0, 5, 3] df.index = df.index[SHUFFLED] s = df['pid'] grouped = df.groupby('tag') actual = grouped.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = df.iloc[[1, 2, 4, 7]] assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) grouped = s.groupby(df['tag']) actual = grouped.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = s.iloc[[1, 2, 4, 7]] assert_series_equal(actual, expected) def test_filter_multiple_timestamp(self): # GH 10114 df = DataFrame({'A': np.arange(5, dtype='int64'), 'B': ['foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'bar', 'bar'], 'C': Timestamp('20130101')}) grouped = df.groupby(['B', 'C']) result = grouped['A'].filter(lambda x: True) assert_series_equal(df['A'], result) result = grouped['A'].transform(len) expected = Series([2, 3, 2, 3, 3], name='A') assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = grouped.filter(lambda x: True) assert_frame_equal(df, result) result = grouped.transform('sum') expected = DataFrame({'A': [2, 8, 2, 8, 8]}) assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = grouped.transform(len) expected = DataFrame({'A': [2, 3, 2, 3, 3]}) assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_filter_and_transform_with_non_unique_int_index(self): # GH4620 index = [1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1] df = DataFrame({'pid': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], 'tag': [23, 45, 62, 24, 45, 34, 25, 62]}, index=index) grouped_df = df.groupby('tag') ser = df['pid'] grouped_ser = ser.groupby(df['tag']) expected_indexes = [1, 2, 4, 7] # Filter DataFrame actual = grouped_df.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = df.iloc[expected_indexes] assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) actual = grouped_df.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1, dropna=False) expected = df.copy() expected.iloc[[0, 3, 5, 6]] = np.nan assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) # Filter Series actual = grouped_ser.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = ser.take(expected_indexes) assert_series_equal(actual, expected) actual = grouped_ser.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1, dropna=False) NA = np.nan expected = Series([NA, 1, 1, NA, 2, NA, NA, 3], index, name='pid') # ^ made manually because this can get confusing! assert_series_equal(actual, expected) # Transform Series actual = grouped_ser.transform(len) expected = Series([1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2], index, name='pid') assert_series_equal(actual, expected) # Transform (a column from) DataFrameGroupBy actual = assert_series_equal(actual, expected) def test_filter_and_transform_with_multiple_non_unique_int_index(self): # GH4620 index = [1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1] df = DataFrame({'pid': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], 'tag': [23, 45, 62, 24, 45, 34, 25, 62]}, index=index) grouped_df = df.groupby('tag') ser = df['pid'] grouped_ser = ser.groupby(df['tag']) expected_indexes = [1, 2, 4, 7] # Filter DataFrame actual = grouped_df.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = df.iloc[expected_indexes] assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) actual = grouped_df.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1, dropna=False) expected = df.copy() expected.iloc[[0, 3, 5, 6]] = np.nan assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) # Filter Series actual = grouped_ser.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = ser.take(expected_indexes) assert_series_equal(actual, expected) actual = grouped_ser.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1, dropna=False) NA = np.nan expected = Series([NA, 1, 1, NA, 2, NA, NA, 3], index, name='pid') # ^ made manually because this can get confusing! assert_series_equal(actual, expected) # Transform Series actual = grouped_ser.transform(len) expected = Series([1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2], index, name='pid') assert_series_equal(actual, expected) # Transform (a column from) DataFrameGroupBy actual = assert_series_equal(actual, expected) def test_filter_and_transform_with_non_unique_float_index(self): # GH4620 index = np.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1], dtype=float) df = DataFrame({'pid': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], 'tag': [23, 45, 62, 24, 45, 34, 25, 62]}, index=index) grouped_df = df.groupby('tag') ser = df['pid'] grouped_ser = ser.groupby(df['tag']) expected_indexes = [1, 2, 4, 7] # Filter DataFrame actual = grouped_df.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = df.iloc[expected_indexes] assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) actual = grouped_df.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1, dropna=False) expected = df.copy() expected.iloc[[0, 3, 5, 6]] = np.nan assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) # Filter Series actual = grouped_ser.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = ser.take(expected_indexes) assert_series_equal(actual, expected) actual = grouped_ser.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1, dropna=False) NA = np.nan expected = Series([NA, 1, 1, NA, 2, NA, NA, 3], index, name='pid') # ^ made manually because this can get confusing! assert_series_equal(actual, expected) # Transform Series actual = grouped_ser.transform(len) expected = Series([1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2], index, name='pid') assert_series_equal(actual, expected) # Transform (a column from) DataFrameGroupBy actual = assert_series_equal(actual, expected) def test_filter_and_transform_with_non_unique_timestamp_index(self): # GH4620 t0 = Timestamp('2013-09-30 00:05:00') t1 = Timestamp('2013-10-30 00:05:00') t2 = Timestamp('2013-11-30 00:05:00') index = [t1, t1, t1, t2, t1, t1, t0, t1] df = DataFrame({'pid': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], 'tag': [23, 45, 62, 24, 45, 34, 25, 62]}, index=index) grouped_df = df.groupby('tag') ser = df['pid'] grouped_ser = ser.groupby(df['tag']) expected_indexes = [1, 2, 4, 7] # Filter DataFrame actual = grouped_df.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = df.iloc[expected_indexes] assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) actual = grouped_df.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1, dropna=False) expected = df.copy() expected.iloc[[0, 3, 5, 6]] = np.nan assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) # Filter Series actual = grouped_ser.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = ser.take(expected_indexes) assert_series_equal(actual, expected) actual = grouped_ser.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1, dropna=False) NA = np.nan expected = Series([NA, 1, 1, NA, 2, NA, NA, 3], index, name='pid') # ^ made manually because this can get confusing! assert_series_equal(actual, expected) # Transform Series actual = grouped_ser.transform(len) expected = Series([1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2], index, name='pid') assert_series_equal(actual, expected) # Transform (a column from) DataFrameGroupBy actual = assert_series_equal(actual, expected) def test_filter_and_transform_with_non_unique_string_index(self): # GH4620 index = list('bbbcbbab') df = DataFrame({'pid': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], 'tag': [23, 45, 62, 24, 45, 34, 25, 62]}, index=index) grouped_df = df.groupby('tag') ser = df['pid'] grouped_ser = ser.groupby(df['tag']) expected_indexes = [1, 2, 4, 7] # Filter DataFrame actual = grouped_df.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = df.iloc[expected_indexes] assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) actual = grouped_df.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1, dropna=False) expected = df.copy() expected.iloc[[0, 3, 5, 6]] = np.nan assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) # Filter Series actual = grouped_ser.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) expected = ser.take(expected_indexes) assert_series_equal(actual, expected) actual = grouped_ser.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1, dropna=False) NA = np.nan expected = Series([NA, 1, 1, NA, 2, NA, NA, 3], index, name='pid') # ^ made manually because this can get confusing! assert_series_equal(actual, expected) # Transform Series actual = grouped_ser.transform(len) expected = Series([1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2], index, name='pid') assert_series_equal(actual, expected) # Transform (a column from) DataFrameGroupBy actual = assert_series_equal(actual, expected) def test_filter_has_access_to_grouped_cols(self): df =
DataFrame([[1, 2], [1, 3], [5, 6]], columns=['A', 'B'])
import pickle import numpy as np import pandas as pd ## plot conf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 7}) width = 8.5/2.54 height = width*(3/4) ### import os script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) plot_path = './' male_rarities, female_rarities = pickle.load(open(script_dir+'/plot_pickles/raritys.p', 'rb')) ## Load DPVI fits epsilons = [0.74] epsilons = np.array(epsilons) n_runs = 100 # Load DP results syn_dpvi_coef_female_dict = pickle.load(open(script_dir+'/plot_pickles/female_coef_dict.p', 'rb')) syn_dpvi_p_value_female_dict = pickle.load(open(script_dir+'/plot_pickles/female_p_value_dict.p', 'rb')) syn_dpvi_coef_male_dict = pickle.load(open(script_dir+'/plot_pickles/male_coef_dict.p', 'rb')) syn_dpvi_p_value_male_dict = pickle.load(open(script_dir+'/plot_pickles/male_p_value_dict.p', 'rb')) ## load bootstrap results female_names = list(
pd.read_csv('../R/original_bootstrapped/female_bootstrapped.csv', index_col=0)
import pathlib import pandas as pd from palmnet.visualization.utils import get_palminized_model_and_df, get_df import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import logging import plotly.graph_objects as go import as pio mpl_logger = logging.getLogger('matplotlib') mpl_logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) pio.templates.default = "plotly_white" dataset = { "Cifar10": "--cifar10", "Cifar100": "--cifar100", # "SVHN": "--svhn", "MNIST": "--mnist" } models_data = { "Cifar10": ["--cifar10-vgg19"], # "Cifar100": ["--cifar100-resnet20", "--cifar100-resnet50"], "Cifar100": ["--cifar100-vgg19", "--cifar100-resnet20", "--cifar100-resnet50"], "SVHN": ["--svhn-vgg19"], "MNIST":["--mnist-lenet"], } color_bars_sparsity = { 2: "g", 3: "c", 4: "b", 5: "y" } tasks = { "nb-param-compressed-total", "finetuned-score", "param-compression-rate-total" } ylabel_task = { "nb-param-compressed-total": "log(# non-zero value)", "finetuned-score": "Accuracy", "param-compression-rate-total": "Compression Rate" } scale_tasks = { "nb-param-compressed-total": "log", "finetuned-score": "linear", "param-compression-rate-total": "linear" } def get_tucker_results(): results_path_tucker = "2020/04/0_1_compression_tucker_tensortrain" src_results_path_tucker = root_source_dir / results_path_tucker / "results.csv" df_tucker_tt = pd.read_csv(src_results_path_tucker, header=0) df_tucker_tt = df_tucker_tt.fillna("None") df_tucker_tt = df_tucker_tt.assign(**{"only-dense": False, "use-pretrained": False}) df_tucker_tt = df_tucker_tt[df_tucker_tt["compression"] == "tucker"] return df_tucker_tt def get_deepfried_results(): results_path_tucker = "2020/05/5_6_compression_baselines" src_results_path_tucker = root_source_dir / results_path_tucker / "results.csv" df_tucker_tt =
pd.read_csv(src_results_path_tucker, header=0)
import os import argparse import sys sys.path.append('../') from load_paths import load_box_paths from processing_helpers import * import pandas as pd import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.dates as mdates import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import numpy as np mpl.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 sns.set_style('whitegrid', {'axes.linewidth': 0.5}) def parse_args(): description = "Simulation run for modeling Covid-19" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--stem", type=str, help="Name of simulation experiment" ) parser.add_argument( "-loc", "--Location", type=str, help="Local or NUCLUSTER", default="Local" ) parser.add_argument( "-perc", "--overflow_threshold_percents", type=float, nargs='+', help="Calculate probability for specified percent of capacity limit", default=99 ) return parser.parse_args() def get_latest_filedate(file_path=os.path.join(datapath, 'covid_IDPH', 'Corona virus reports', 'hospital_capacity_thresholds'), extraThresholds=False): files = os.listdir(file_path) files = sorted(files, key=len) if extraThresholds == False: files = [name for name in files if not 'extra_thresholds' in name] if extraThresholds == True: files = [name for name in files if 'extra_thresholds' in name] filedates = [item.replace('capacity_weekday_average_', '') for item in files] filedates = [item.replace('.csv', '') for item in filedates] latest_filedate = max([int(x) for x in filedates]) fname = f'capacity_weekday_average_{latest_filedate}.csv' if extraThresholds == True: fname = f'capacity_weekday_average_{latest_filedate}__extra_thresholds.csv' return fname def get_probs(ems_nr, channels=['total_hosp_census', 'crit_det', 'ventilators'], overflow_threshold_percents=[1, 0.8], param=None, save_csv=False, plot=True): """Define columns and labels""" if ems_nr == 0: region_suffix = "_All" region_label = 'Illinois' else: region_suffix = "_EMS-" + str(ems_nr) region_label = region_suffix.replace('_EMS-', 'COVID-19 Region ') column_list = ['scen_num', 'sample_num', 'time', 'startdate'] grp_channels = ['date'] if param is not None: column_list = column_list + param grp_channels = ['date'] + param column_list_t = column_list for channel in ['hosp_det', 'crit_det']: column_list_t.append(channel + region_suffix) """ Load dataframes""" df = load_sim_data(exp_name, region_suffix=region_suffix, column_list=column_list, add_incidence=False) df['total_hosp_census'] = df['hosp_det'] + df['crit_det'] df['ventilators'] = get_vents(df['crit_det']) capacity_df = load_capacity(ems_nr) len(df['scen_num'].unique()) df['N_scen_num'] = df.groupby(grp_channels)['scen_num'].transform('count') df_all = pd.DataFrame() for channel in channels: if channel == "crit_det": channel_label = 'icu_availforcovid' if channel == "hosp_det": channel_label = 'hb_availforcovid' if channel == "total_hosp_census": channel_label = 'hb_availforcovid' if channel == "ventilators": channel_label = 'vent_availforcovid' for overflow_threshold_percent in overflow_threshold_percents: thresh = capacity_df[f'{channel}'] * overflow_threshold_percent mdf = df.copy() mdf.loc[df[f'{channel}'] < thresh, 'above_yn'] = 0 mdf.loc[df[f'{channel}'] >= thresh, 'above_yn'] = 1 mdf = mdf.groupby(grp_channels)['above_yn'].agg(['sum', 'count', 'nunique']).rename_axis(None, axis=0) mdf = mdf.reset_index() mdf['prob'] = mdf['sum'] / mdf['count'] mdf = mdf.rename(columns={'sum': 'n_above', 'count': 'N_scen_num', 'index': 'date'}) mdf['overflow_threshold_percent'] = overflow_threshold_percent mdf['capacity_channel'] = channel_label mdf['availforcovid'] = capacity_df[f'{channel}'] mdf['region'] = ems_nr del thresh if df_all.empty: df_all = mdf else: df_all = pd.concat([df_all, mdf]) del mdf if plot: plot_probs(df=df_all, region_label=region_label) if save_csv: filename = f'overflow_probabilities_over_time_region_{ems_nr}.csv' df_all.to_csv(os.path.join(sim_output_path, filename), index=False, date_format='%Y-%m-%d') return df_all def plot_probs(df, region_label): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4)) fig.suptitle(region_label, y=0.97, fontsize=14) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.98, wspace=0.2, left=0.05, hspace=0.4, top=0.84, bottom=0.13) palette = sns.color_palette('Set1', 12) axes = [fig.add_subplot(1, 3, x + 1) for x in range(3)] linestyles = ['solid', 'dashed'] for c, channel in enumerate(df.capacity_channel.unique()): mdf = df[df['capacity_channel'] == channel] ax = axes[c] ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.set_title(channel) ax.set_ylabel(f'Probability of overflow') for e, t in enumerate(list(df.overflow_threshold_percent.unique())): line_label = f'{channel} ({t * 100})%' adf = mdf[mdf['overflow_threshold_percent'] == t] ax.plot(adf['date'], adf['prob'], linestyle=linestyles[e], color=palette[c], label=line_label) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d\n%b\n%Y')) axes[-1].legend() plotname = f'overflow_probabilities_{region_label}' plt.savefig(os.path.join(plot_path, f'{plotname}.png')) plt.savefig(os.path.join(plot_path, 'pdf', f'{plotname}.pdf')) def write_probs_to_template(df, plot=True): fname_capacity = get_latest_filedate() civis_template = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(datapath, 'covid_IDPH', 'Corona virus reports', 'hospital_capacity_thresholds', fname_capacity)) civis_template = civis_template.drop_duplicates() civis_template['date_window_upper_bound'] = pd.to_datetime(civis_template['date_window_upper_bound']) civis_template_all = pd.DataFrame() for index, row in civis_template.iterrows(): upper_limit = row['date_window_upper_bound'] lower_limit = upper_limit - pd.Timedelta(7, 'days') df_sub = df[df['date'].between(lower_limit, upper_limit)] df_sub = df_sub[df_sub['region'] == int(row['geography_modeled'].replace("covidregion_", ""))] df_sub = df_sub[df_sub['capacity_channel'] == row['resource_type']] df_sub = df_sub[df_sub['overflow_threshold_percent'] == row['overflow_threshold_percent']] """Take maximum of previous 7 days""" civis_template.loc[index, 'percent_of_simulations_that_exceed'] = df_sub['prob'].max() if civis_template_all.empty: civis_template_all = civis_template else: civis_template_all =
pd.concat([civis_template_all, civis_template])
import pathlib import pytest import pandas as pd import numpy as np import gradelib EXAMPLES_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "examples" GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE = gradelib.Gradebook.from_gradescope( EXAMPLES_DIRECTORY / "gradescope.csv" ) CANVAS_EXAMPLE = gradelib.Gradebook.from_canvas(EXAMPLES_DIRECTORY / "canvas.csv") # the canvas example has Lab 01, which is also in Gradescope. Let's remove it CANVAS_WITHOUT_LAB_EXAMPLE = gradelib.Gradebook( points=CANVAS_EXAMPLE.points.drop(columns="lab 01"), maximums=CANVAS_EXAMPLE.maximums.drop(index="lab 01"), late=CANVAS_EXAMPLE.late.drop(columns="lab 01"), dropped=CANVAS_EXAMPLE.dropped.drop(columns="lab 01"), ) # given ROSTER = gradelib.read_egrades_roster(EXAMPLES_DIRECTORY / "egrades.csv") def assert_gradebook_is_sound(gradebook): assert gradebook.points.shape == gradebook.dropped.shape == gradebook.late.shape assert (gradebook.points.columns == gradebook.dropped.columns).all() assert (gradebook.points.columns == gradebook.late.columns).all() assert (gradebook.points.index == gradebook.dropped.index).all() assert (gradebook.points.index == gradebook.late.index).all() assert (gradebook.points.columns == gradebook.maximums.index).all() # assignments property # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_assignments_are_produced_in_order(): assert list(GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.assignments) == list( GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.points.columns ) # keep_pids() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_keep_pids(): # when actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.keep_pids(ROSTER.index) # then assert len(actual.pids) == 3 assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) def test_keep_pids_raises_if_pid_does_not_exist(): # given pids = ["A12345678", "ADNEDNE00"] # when with pytest.raises(KeyError): actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.keep_pids(pids) # keep_assignments() and remove_assignments() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_keep_assignments(): # when actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.keep_assignments(["homework 01", "homework 02"]) # then assert set(actual.assignments) == {"homework 01", "homework 02"} assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) def test_keep_assignments_raises_if_assignment_does_not_exist(): # given assignments = ["homework 01", "this aint an assignment"] # then with pytest.raises(KeyError): GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.keep_assignments(assignments) def test_remove_assignments(): # when actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.remove_assignments( GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.assignments.starting_with("lab") ) # then assert set(actual.assignments) == { "homework 01", "homework 02", "homework 03", "homework 04", "homework 05", "homework 06", "homework 07", "project 01", "project 02", } assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) def test_remove_assignments_raises_if_assignment_does_not_exist(): # given assignments = ["homework 01", "this aint an assignment"] # then with pytest.raises(KeyError): GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.remove_assignments(assignments) # combine() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_combine_with_keep_pids(): # when combined = gradelib.Gradebook.combine( [GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE, CANVAS_WITHOUT_LAB_EXAMPLE], keep_pids=ROSTER.index ) # then assert "homework 01" in combined.assignments assert "midterm exam" in combined.assignments assert_gradebook_is_sound(combined) def test_combine_raises_if_duplicate_assignments(): # the canvas example and the gradescope example both have lab 01. # when with pytest.raises(ValueError): combined = gradelib.Gradebook.combine([GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE, CANVAS_EXAMPLE]) def test_combine_raises_if_indices_do_not_match(): # when with pytest.raises(ValueError): combined = gradelib.Gradebook.combine( [CANVAS_WITHOUT_LAB_EXAMPLE, GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE] ) # number_of_lates() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_number_of_lates(): # when labs = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.assignments.starting_with("lab") actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.number_of_lates(within=labs) # then assert list(actual) == [1, 4, 2, 2] def test_number_of_lates_with_empty_assignment_list_raises(): # when with pytest.raises(ValueError): actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.number_of_lates(within=[]) def test_number_of_lates_with_no_assignment_list_uses_all_assignments(): # when actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.number_of_lates() # then assert list(actual) == [1, 5, 2, 2] # forgive_lates() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_forgive_lates(): # when labs = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.assignments.starting_with("lab") actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.forgive_lates(n=3, within=labs) # then assert list(actual.number_of_lates(within=labs)) == [0, 1, 0, 0] assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) def test_forgive_lates_with_empty_assignment_list_raises(): # when with pytest.raises(ValueError): actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.forgive_lates(n=3, within=[]) def test_forgive_lates_forgives_the_first_n_lates(): # by "first", we mean in the order specified by the `within` argument # student A10000000 had late lab 01, 02, 03, and 07 assignments = ["lab 02", "lab 07", "lab 01", "lab 03"] # when actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.forgive_lates(n=2, within=assignments) # then assert not actual.late.loc["A10000000", "lab 02"] assert not actual.late.loc["A10000000", "lab 07"] assert actual.late.loc["A10000000", "lab 01"] assert actual.late.loc["A10000000", "lab 03"] def test_forgive_lates_does_not_forgive_dropped(): # given labs = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.assignments.starting_with("lab") dropped = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.dropped.copy() dropped.iloc[:, :] = True example = gradelib.Gradebook( points=GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.points, maximums=GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.maximums, late=GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.late, dropped=dropped, ) # when actual = example.forgive_lates(n=3, within=labs) # then assert list(actual.number_of_lates(within=labs)) == [1, 4, 2, 2] assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) # drop_lowest() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_drop_lowest_on_simple_example_1(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw02", "hw03", "lab01"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[2, 7, 15, 20], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([2, 50, 100, 20], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) homeworks = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw") # if we are dropping 1 HW, the right strategy is to drop the 50 point HW # for A1 and to drop the 100 point homework for A2 # when actual = gradebook.drop_lowest(1, within=homeworks) # then assert actual.dropped.iloc[0, 1] assert actual.dropped.iloc[1, 2] assert list(actual.dropped.sum(axis=1)) == [1, 1] assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) def test_drop_lowest_on_simple_example_2(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw02", "hw03", "lab01"] p1 =
pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1")
""" Module for calculating a list of vegetation indices from a datacube containing bands without a user having to implement callback functions """ from import DataCube from openeo.processes import ProcessBuilder, array_modify, power, sqrt, if_, multiply, divide, arccos, add, subtract, linear_scale_range from shapely.geometry import Point import numpy as np import netCDF4 as nc import glob import seaborn as sns from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter import geopandas as gpd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, BoundaryNorm import earthpy.plot as ep import pandas as pd import rasterio WL_B04 = 0.6646 WL_B08 = 0.8328 WL_B11 = 1.610 one_over_pi = 1. / np.pi # source: ndvi = lambda B04, B08: (B08 - B04) / (B08 + B04) ndmi = lambda B08, B11: (B08 - B11) / (B08 + B11) ndgi = lambda B03, B04: (B03 - B04) / (B03 + B04) def anir(B04, B08, B11): a = sqrt(np.square(WL_B08 - WL_B04) + power(B08 - B04, 2)) b = sqrt(np.square(WL_B11 - WL_B08) + power(B11 - B08, 2)) c = sqrt(np.square(WL_B11 - WL_B04) + power(B11 - B04, 2)) # calculate angle with NIR as reference (ANIR) site_length = (power(a, 2) + power(b, 2) - power(c, 2)) / (2 * a * b) site_length = if_(, -1, site_length) site_length = if_(, 1, site_length) return multiply(one_over_pi, arccos(site_length)) ndre1 = lambda B05, B08: (B08 - B05) / (B08 + B05) ndre2 = lambda B06, B08: (B08 - B06) / (B08 + B06) ndre5 = lambda B05, B07: (B07 - B05) / (B07 + B05) indices = { "NDVI": [ndvi, (0,1)], "NDMI": [ndmi, (-1,1)], "NDGI": [ndgi, (-1,1)], "ANIR": [anir, (0,1)], "NDRE1": [ndre1, (-1,1)], "NDRE2": [ndre2, (-1,1)], "NDRE5": [ndre5, (-1,1)] } def _callback(x: ProcessBuilder, index_list: list, datacube: DataCube, scaling_factor: int) -> ProcessBuilder: index_values = [] x_res = x for index_name in index_list: if index_name not in indices: raise NotImplementedError("Index " + index_name + " has not been implemented.") index_fun, index_range = indices[index_name] band_indices = [ datacube.metadata.get_band_index(band) for band in index_fun.__code__.co_varnames[:index_fun.__code__.co_argcount] ] index_result = index_fun(*[x.array_element(i) for i in band_indices]) if scaling_factor is not None: index_result = index_result.linear_scale_range(*index_range, 0, scaling_factor) index_values.append(index_result) if scaling_factor is not None: x_res = x_res.linear_scale_range(0,8000,0,scaling_factor) return array_modify(data=x_res, values=index_values, index=len(datacube.metadata._band_dimension.bands)) def compute_indices(datacube: DataCube, index_list: list, scaling_factor: int = None) -> DataCube: """ Computes a list of indices from a datacube param datacube: an instance of param index_list: a list of indices. The following indices are currently implemented: NDVI, NDMI, NDGI, ANIR, NDRE1, NDRE2 and NDRE5 return: the datacube with the indices attached as bands """ return datacube.apply_dimension(dimension="bands", process=lambda x: _callback(x, index_list, datacube, scaling_factor)).rename_labels('bands', target=datacube.metadata.band_names + index_list) def lin_scale_range(x,inputMin,inputMax,outputMin,outputMax): return add(multiply(divide(subtract(x,inputMin), subtract(inputMax, inputMin)), subtract(outputMax, outputMin)), outputMin) def _random_point_in_shp(shp): within = False while not within: x = np.random.uniform(shp.bounds[0], shp.bounds[2]) y = np.random.uniform(shp.bounds[1], shp.bounds[3]) within = shp.contains(Point(x, y)) return Point(x,y) def point_sample_fields(crop_samples, nr_iterations): points = {"name":[], "geometry":[]} for name,crop_df in crop_samples.items(): for num in range(nr_iterations): points["name"] += [name]*len(crop_df) points["geometry"] += np.asarray(crop_df['geometry'].apply(_random_point_in_shp)).tolist() gpd_points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(points, crs="EPSG:4326") gpd_points_utm = gpd_points.to_crs("EPSG:32631") points_per_type = {} for i in set(gpd_points_utm["name"]): crop = gpd_points_utm[gpd_points_utm["name"]==i].buffer(1).to_crs("EPSG:4326").to_json() points_per_type[i] = crop return points_per_type def prep_boxplot(year, bands): df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Crop type","Date","Band","Iteration nr","Band value"]) for file in glob.glob('.\\data\\300_*\\*.nc'): ds_orig = nc.Dataset(file) dt_rng = pd.date_range("01-01-"+str(year), "31-12-"+str(year),freq="MS") spl = file.split("\\") f_name = spl[-1].split(".")[0] crop_type = spl[-2].split("_")[-1] for band in bands: try: ds = ds_orig[band][:] except: print("File "+file+" is corrupt. Please remove it from your folder.") vals = None if ds.shape[1:3] == (1,2): vals = np.mean(ds,axis=2).flatten().tolist() elif ds.shape[1:3] == (2,1): vals = np.mean(ds,axis=1).flatten().tolist() elif ds.shape[1:3] == (1,1): vals = ds.flatten().tolist() elif ds.shape[1:3] == (2,2): vals = np.mean(np.mean(ds,axis=1),axis=1).tolist() else: print(file) df = df.append(pd.DataFrame({ "Crop type": crop_type, "Date": dt_rng, "Band": band, "Iteration nr": [f_name]*12, "Band value": vals }), ignore_index=True) df["Band value"] /= 250 return df def create_boxplots(crop_df=None, year=2019): bands = ["B08", "B11", "NDVI", "ratio"] if crop_df is None: crop_df = prep_boxplot(year, bands) x_dates = crop_df["Date"].dt.strftime("%m-%d-%y").unique() for crop in set(crop_df["Crop type"]): fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(18,18)) fig.suptitle(crop,y=0.91) axes = [ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4] df_m = crop_df[crop_df["Crop type"]==crop] for i in range(4): df_m_n = df_m[df_m["Band"]==bands[i]] sns.boxplot(ax=axes[i],data=df_m_n, x="Date",y="Band value") axes[i].set_xticklabels(labels=x_dates, rotation=45, ha='right') axes[i].title.set_text(str(bands[i])+" per month") axes[i].set_ylim(0,1) comb = { 0: "none", 1: "corn", 2: "barley", 3: "corn barley", 4: "sugarbeet", 5: "sugarbeet corn", 6: "sugarbeet barley", 7: "sugarbeet barley corn", 8: "potato", 9: "potato corn", 10: "potato barley", 11: "potato barley corn", 12: "potato sugarbeet", 13: "potato sugarbeet corn", 14: "potato sugarbeet barley", 15: "potato sugarbeet barley corn", 16: "soy", 17: "soy corn", 18: "soy barley", 19: "soy barley corn", 20: "soy sugarbeet", 21: "soy sugarbeet corn", 22: "soy sugarbeet barley", 23: "soy sugarbeet barley corn", 24: "soy potato", 25: "soy potato corn", 26: "soy potato barley", 27: "soy potato barley corn", 28: "soy potato sugarbeet", 29: "soy potato sugarbeet corn", 30: "soy potato sugarbeet barley", 31: "soy potato sugarbeet barley corn" } col_palette = ['linen', 'chartreuse', 'tomato', 'olivedrab', 'maroon', 'whitesmoke', 'wheat', 'palevioletred', 'darkturquoise', 'tomato', 'thistle', 'teal', 'darkgoldenrod', 'darkmagenta', 'darkorange', 'sienna', 'black', 'silver', 'tan', 'seagreen', 'mediumspringgreen', 'lightseagreen', 'royalblue', 'mediumpurple', 'plum', 'darkcyan', 'moccasin', 'rosybrown', 'gray', 'sandybrown', 'm', 'navy'] def plot_croptypes(fn='./data/total.tif',only_unique_classes=True): with,mode="r+",{"init": "epsg:4326"})) as dataset: ds = if only_unique_classes: ds = np.where(np.isin(ds, [1,2,4,8,16]), ds, 0) keys = np.unique(ds).astype(int) height_class_labels = [comb[key] for key in comb.keys() if key in keys] colors = col_palette[0:len(height_class_labels)] cmap = ListedColormap(colors) class_bins = [-0.5]+[i+0.5 for i in keys] norm = BoundaryNorm(class_bins, len(colors)) f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8)) im = ax.imshow(ds, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) ep.draw_legend(im, titles=height_class_labels) ax.set(title="Rule-based crop classification") ax.set_axis_off() def get_classification_colors(): cmap = ListedColormap(col_palette) classification_colors = {x:cmap(x) for x in range(0, len(col_palette))} return classification_colors def get_trained_model(): year = 2019 bands = ["B08", "B11", "NDVI", "ratio"] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Crop type","Date","Iteration nr"]+bands) for file in glob.glob('.\\data\\300_*\\*.nc'): ds_orig = nc.Dataset(file) dt_rng = pd.date_range("01-01-"+str(year), "01-01-"+str(year+1),freq="MS") spl = file.split("\\") f_name = spl[-1].split(".")[0] crop_type = spl[-2].split("_")[-1] df_row = { "Crop type": crop_type[0:12], "Date": dt_rng[0:12], "Iteration nr": [f_name]*12, } for band in bands: try: ds = ds_orig[band][:] except: print("File "+file+" is corrupt. Please remove it from your folder.") vals = None if ds.shape[1:3] == (1,2): vals = np.mean(ds,axis=2).flatten().tolist() elif ds.shape[1:3] == (2,1): vals = np.mean(ds,axis=1).flatten().tolist() elif ds.shape[1:3] == (1,1): vals = ds.flatten().tolist() elif ds.shape[1:3] == (2,2): vals = np.mean(np.mean(ds,axis=1),axis=1).tolist() else: print(file) df_row[band] = vals[0:12] #[x/250 if x is not None else x for x in vals] df = df.append(pd.DataFrame(df_row), ignore_index=True) df = df[pd.notnull(df["B08"])] X = df[["NDVI","B08","B11","ratio"]] y = df["Crop type"] from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3) clf=RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100),y_train) return clf def prep_df(year, bands): df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Crop type","Iteration nr"]+bands) for file in glob.glob('.\\data\\rf_300_*\\*.nc'): ds_orig = nc.Dataset(file) spl = file.split("\\") f_name = spl[-1].split(".")[0] crop_type = spl[-2].split("_")[-1] df_row = { "Crop type": [crop_type], "Iteration nr": [f_name], } for band in bands: try: ds = ds_orig[band][:] except: print("File "+file+" is corrupt. Please remove it from your folder.") vals = None ds[ds.mask] = np.nan if ds.shape in [(1,2),(2,1),(1,1),(2,2)]: vals = np.mean(ds) else: print(file) df_row[band] = [vals] df = df.append(
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import glob import data.normalise as nm from data.duplicates import group_duplicates from data.features import compute_features nw_features_disc = { 'Time': { 'func': nm.change_time, 'input': 'time' }, 'Date': { 'func': nm.has_dates, 'input': 'message' }, 'Number': { 'func': nm.has_numbers, 'input': 'message' }, 'Decimal': { 'func': nm.has_decimals, 'input': 'message' }, 'URL': { 'func': nm.has_urls, 'input': 'message' } } if __name__ == '__main__': all_files = glob.glob('data/raw_db' + '/*.csv') li = [] for filename in all_files: df = pd.read_csv(filename) df.columns = ['sender', 'time', 3, 'message'] li.append(df) data = pd.concat(li, axis=0) sms = data.iloc[:, [0, 1, 3]] sms = sms.drop(sms.columns[0], axis=1) # doubt sms['message'] = sms['message'].apply(nm.remove_newlines) human = pd.read_csv('data/pruned_db/old_human.csv') human.columns = ['index', 'sender', 'message', 'label'] human =
pd.concat(human, [sms.iloc[:, [0, 1, 2]]])
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from numba import njit from datetime import datetime import pytest from itertools import product from sklearn.model_selection import TimeSeriesSplit import vectorbt as vbt from vectorbt.generic import nb seed = 42 day_dt = np.timedelta64(86400000000000) df = pd.DataFrame({ 'a': [1, 2, 3, 4, np.nan], 'b': [np.nan, 4, 3, 2, 1], 'c': [1, 2, np.nan, 2, 1] }, index=pd.DatetimeIndex([ datetime(2018, 1, 1), datetime(2018, 1, 2), datetime(2018, 1, 3), datetime(2018, 1, 4), datetime(2018, 1, 5) ])) group_by = np.array(['g1', 'g1', 'g2']) @njit def i_or_col_pow_nb(i_or_col, x, pow): return np.power(x, pow) @njit def pow_nb(x, pow): return np.power(x, pow) @njit def nanmean_nb(x): return np.nanmean(x) @njit def i_col_nanmean_nb(i, col, x): return np.nanmean(x) @njit def i_nanmean_nb(i, x): return np.nanmean(x) @njit def col_nanmean_nb(col, x): return np.nanmean(x) # ############# ############# # class TestAccessors: def test_shuffle(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.shuffle(seed=seed), pd.Series( np.array([2.0, np.nan, 3.0, 1.0, 4.0]), index=df['a'].index, name=df['a'].name ) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df['a'].vbt.shuffle(seed=seed).values, nb.shuffle_1d_nb(df['a'].values, seed=seed) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.shuffle(seed=seed), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [2., 2., 2.], [np.nan, 4., 1.], [3., 3., 2.], [1., np.nan, 1.], [4., 1., np.nan] ]), index=df.index, columns=df.columns ) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_value", [-1, 0., np.nan], ) def test_fillna(self, test_value): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.fillna(test_value), df['a'].fillna(test_value)) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.fillna(test_value), df.fillna(test_value)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_n", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ) def test_bshift(self, test_n): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.bshift(test_n), df['a'].shift(-test_n)) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df['a'].vbt.bshift(test_n).values, nb.bshift_nb(df['a'].values, test_n) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.bshift(test_n), df.shift(-test_n)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_n", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ) def test_fshift(self, test_n): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.fshift(test_n), df['a'].shift(test_n)) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df['a'].vbt.fshift(test_n).values, nb.fshift_1d_nb(df['a'].values, test_n) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.fshift(test_n), df.shift(test_n)) def test_diff(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.diff(), df['a'].diff()) np.testing.assert_array_equal(df['a'].vbt.diff().values, nb.diff_1d_nb(df['a'].values)) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.diff(), df.diff()) def test_pct_change(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.pct_change(), df['a'].pct_change(fill_method=None)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(df['a'].vbt.pct_change().values, nb.pct_change_1d_nb(df['a'].values)) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.pct_change(), df.pct_change(fill_method=None)) def test_ffill(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.ffill(), df['a'].ffill()) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.ffill(), df.ffill()) def test_product(self): assert df['a'].vbt.product() == df['a'].product() np.testing.assert_array_equal(df.vbt.product(), df.product()) def test_cumsum(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.cumsum(), df['a'].cumsum()) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.cumsum(), df.cumsum()) def test_cumprod(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.cumprod(), df['a'].cumprod()) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.cumprod(), df.cumprod()) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None])) ) def test_rolling_min(self, test_window, test_minp): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.rolling_min(test_window, minp=test_minp), df['a'].rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).min() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_min(test_window, minp=test_minp), df.rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).min() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_min(test_window), df.rolling(test_window).min() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None])) ) def test_rolling_max(self, test_window, test_minp): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.rolling_max(test_window, minp=test_minp), df['a'].rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).max() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_max(test_window, minp=test_minp), df.rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).max() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_max(test_window), df.rolling(test_window).max() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None])) ) def test_rolling_mean(self, test_window, test_minp): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.rolling_mean(test_window, minp=test_minp), df['a'].rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).mean() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_mean(test_window, minp=test_minp), df.rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).mean() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_mean(test_window), df.rolling(test_window).mean() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp,test_ddof", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None], [0, 1])) ) def test_rolling_std(self, test_window, test_minp, test_ddof): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.rolling_std(test_window, minp=test_minp, ddof=test_ddof), df['a'].rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).std(ddof=test_ddof) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_std(test_window, minp=test_minp, ddof=test_ddof), df.rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).std(ddof=test_ddof) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_std(test_window), df.rolling(test_window).std() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp,test_adjust", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None], [False, True])) ) def test_ewm_mean(self, test_window, test_minp, test_adjust): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.ewm_mean(test_window, minp=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust), df['a'].ewm(span=test_window, min_periods=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust).mean() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.ewm_mean(test_window, minp=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust), df.ewm(span=test_window, min_periods=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust).mean() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.ewm_mean(test_window), df.ewm(span=test_window).mean() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp,test_adjust,test_ddof", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None], [False, True], [0, 1])) ) def test_ewm_std(self, test_window, test_minp, test_adjust, test_ddof): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.ewm_std(test_window, minp=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust, ddof=test_ddof), df['a'].ewm(span=test_window, min_periods=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust).std(ddof=test_ddof) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.ewm_std(test_window, minp=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust, ddof=test_ddof), df.ewm(span=test_window, min_periods=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust).std(ddof=test_ddof) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.ewm_std(test_window), df.ewm(span=test_window).std() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_minp", [1, 3] ) def test_expanding_min(self, test_minp): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.expanding_min(minp=test_minp), df['a'].expanding(min_periods=test_minp).min() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_min(minp=test_minp), df.expanding(min_periods=test_minp).min() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_min(), df.expanding().min() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_minp", [1, 3] ) def test_expanding_max(self, test_minp): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.expanding_max(minp=test_minp), df['a'].expanding(min_periods=test_minp).max() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_max(minp=test_minp), df.expanding(min_periods=test_minp).max() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_max(), df.expanding().max() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_minp", [1, 3] ) def test_expanding_mean(self, test_minp): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.expanding_mean(minp=test_minp), df['a'].expanding(min_periods=test_minp).mean() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_mean(minp=test_minp), df.expanding(min_periods=test_minp).mean() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_mean(), df.expanding().mean() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_minp,test_ddof", list(product([1, 3], [0, 1])) ) def test_expanding_std(self, test_minp, test_ddof): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.expanding_std(minp=test_minp, ddof=test_ddof), df['a'].expanding(min_periods=test_minp).std(ddof=test_ddof) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_std(minp=test_minp, ddof=test_ddof), df.expanding(min_periods=test_minp).std(ddof=test_ddof) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_std(), df.expanding().std() ) def test_apply_along_axis(self): pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.apply_along_axis(i_or_col_pow_nb, 2, axis=0), df.apply(pow_nb, args=(2,), axis=0, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.apply_along_axis(i_or_col_pow_nb, 2, axis=1), df.apply(pow_nb, args=(2,), axis=1, raw=True) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None])) ) def test_rolling_apply(self, test_window, test_minp): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.rolling_apply(test_window, i_col_nanmean_nb, minp=test_minp), df['a'].rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).apply(nanmean_nb, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_apply(test_window, i_col_nanmean_nb, minp=test_minp), df.rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).apply(nanmean_nb, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_apply(test_window, i_col_nanmean_nb), df.rolling(test_window).apply(nanmean_nb, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_apply(3, i_nanmean_nb, on_matrix=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [2.75, 2.75, 2.75], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] ]), index=df.index, columns=df.columns ) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_minp", [1, 3] ) def test_expanding_apply(self, test_minp): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.expanding_apply(i_col_nanmean_nb, minp=test_minp), df['a'].expanding(min_periods=test_minp).apply(nanmean_nb, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_apply(i_col_nanmean_nb, minp=test_minp), df.expanding(min_periods=test_minp).apply(nanmean_nb, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_apply(i_col_nanmean_nb), df.expanding().apply(nanmean_nb, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_apply(i_nanmean_nb, on_matrix=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [2.2857142857142856, 2.2857142857142856, 2.2857142857142856], [2.4, 2.4, 2.4], [2.1666666666666665, 2.1666666666666665, 2.1666666666666665] ]), index=df.index, columns=df.columns ) ) def test_groupby_apply(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.groupby_apply(np.asarray([1, 1, 2, 2, 3]), i_col_nanmean_nb), df['a'].groupby(np.asarray([1, 1, 2, 2, 3])).apply(lambda x: nanmean_nb(x.values)) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.groupby_apply(np.asarray([1, 1, 2, 2, 3]), i_col_nanmean_nb), df.groupby(np.asarray([1, 1, 2, 2, 3])).agg({ 'a': lambda x: nanmean_nb(x.values), 'b': lambda x: nanmean_nb(x.values), 'c': lambda x: nanmean_nb(x.values) }), # any clean way to do column-wise grouping in pandas? ) def test_groupby_apply_on_matrix(self): pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.groupby_apply(np.asarray([1, 1, 2, 2, 3]), i_nanmean_nb, on_matrix=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [2., 2., 2.], [2.8, 2.8, 2.8], [1., 1., 1.] ]), index=pd.Int64Index([1, 2, 3], dtype='int64'), columns=df.columns ) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_freq", ['1h', '3d', '1w'], ) def test_resample_apply(self, test_freq): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.resample_apply(test_freq, i_col_nanmean_nb), df['a'].resample(test_freq).apply(lambda x: nanmean_nb(x.values)) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.resample_apply(test_freq, i_col_nanmean_nb), df.resample(test_freq).apply(lambda x: nanmean_nb(x.values)) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.resample_apply('3d', i_nanmean_nb, on_matrix=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [2.28571429, 2.28571429, 2.28571429], [2., 2., 2.] ]), index=pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='3D'), columns=df.columns ) ) def test_applymap(self): @njit def mult_nb(i, col, x): return x * 2 pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.applymap(mult_nb), df['a'].map(lambda x: x * 2) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.applymap(mult_nb), df.applymap(lambda x: x * 2) ) def test_filter(self): @njit def greater_nb(i, col, x): return x > 2 pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.filter(greater_nb), df['a'].map(lambda x: x if x > 2 else np.nan) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.filter(greater_nb), df.applymap(lambda x: x if x > 2 else np.nan) ) def test_apply_and_reduce(self): @njit def every_nth_nb(col, a, n): return a[::n] @njit def sum_nb(col, a, b): return np.nansum(a) + b assert df['a'].vbt.apply_and_reduce(every_nth_nb, sum_nb, apply_args=(2,), reduce_args=(3,)) == \ df['a'].iloc[::2].sum() + 3 pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.apply_and_reduce(every_nth_nb, sum_nb, apply_args=(2,), reduce_args=(3,)), df.iloc[::2].sum().rename('apply_and_reduce') + 3 ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.apply_and_reduce( every_nth_nb, sum_nb, apply_args=(2,), reduce_args=(3,), wrap_kwargs=dict(time_units=True)), (df.iloc[::2].sum().rename('apply_and_reduce') + 3) * day_dt ) def test_reduce(self): @njit def sum_nb(col, a): return np.nansum(a) assert df['a'].vbt.reduce(sum_nb) == df['a'].sum() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.reduce(sum_nb), df.sum().rename('reduce') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.reduce(sum_nb, wrap_kwargs=dict(time_units=True)), df.sum().rename('reduce') * day_dt ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.reduce(sum_nb, group_by=group_by), pd.Series([20.0, 6.0], index=['g1', 'g2']).rename('reduce') ) @njit def argmax_nb(col, a): a = a.copy() a[np.isnan(a)] = -np.inf return np.argmax(a) assert df['a'].vbt.reduce(argmax_nb, to_idx=True) == df['a'].idxmax() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.reduce(argmax_nb, to_idx=True), df.idxmax().rename('reduce') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.reduce(argmax_nb, to_idx=True, flatten=True, group_by=group_by), pd.Series(['2018-01-02', '2018-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', index=['g1', 'g2']).rename('reduce') ) @njit def min_and_max_nb(col, a): out = np.empty(2) out[0] = np.nanmin(a) out[1] = np.nanmax(a) return out pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.reduce( min_and_max_nb, to_array=True, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['min', 'max'])), pd.Series([np.nanmin(df['a']), np.nanmax(df['a'])], index=['min', 'max'], name='a') ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.reduce( min_and_max_nb, to_array=True, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['min', 'max'])), df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(np.asarray([np.nanmin(x), np.nanmax(x)]), index=['min', 'max']), axis=0) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.reduce( min_and_max_nb, to_array=True, group_by=group_by, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['min', 'max'])), pd.DataFrame([[1.0, 1.0], [4.0, 2.0]], index=['min', 'max'], columns=['g1', 'g2']) ) @njit def argmin_and_argmax_nb(col, a): # nanargmin and nanargmax out = np.empty(2) _a = a.copy() _a[np.isnan(_a)] = np.inf out[0] = np.argmin(_a) _a = a.copy() _a[np.isnan(_a)] = -np.inf out[1] = np.argmax(_a) return out pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.reduce( argmin_and_argmax_nb, to_idx=True, to_array=True, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'])), pd.Series([df['a'].idxmin(), df['a'].idxmax()], index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'], name='a') ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.reduce( argmin_and_argmax_nb, to_idx=True, to_array=True, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'])), df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(np.asarray([x.idxmin(), x.idxmax()]), index=['idxmin', 'idxmax']), axis=0) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.reduce(argmin_and_argmax_nb, to_idx=True, to_array=True, flatten=True, order='C', group_by=group_by, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'])), pd.DataFrame([['2018-01-01', '2018-01-01'], ['2018-01-02', '2018-01-02']], dtype='datetime64[ns]', index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'], columns=['g1', 'g2']) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.reduce(argmin_and_argmax_nb, to_idx=True, to_array=True, flatten=True, order='F', group_by=group_by, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'])), pd.DataFrame([['2018-01-01', '2018-01-01'], ['2018-01-04', '2018-01-02']], dtype='datetime64[ns]', index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'], columns=['g1', 'g2']) ) def test_squeeze_grouped(self): pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.squeeze_grouped(i_col_nanmean_nb, group_by=group_by), pd.DataFrame([ [1.0, 1.0], [3.0, 2.0], [3.0, np.nan], [3.0, 2.0], [1.0, 1.0] ], index=df.index, columns=['g1', 'g2']) ) def test_flatten_grouped(self): pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.flatten_grouped(group_by=group_by, order='C'), pd.DataFrame([ [1.0, 1.0], [np.nan, np.nan], [2.0, 2.0], [4.0, np.nan], [3.0, np.nan], [3.0, np.nan], [4.0, 2.0], [2.0, np.nan], [np.nan, 1.0], [1.0, np.nan] ], index=np.repeat(df.index, 2), columns=['g1', 'g2']) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.flatten_grouped(group_by=group_by, order='F'), pd.DataFrame([ [1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0], [3.0, np.nan], [4.0, 2.0], [np.nan, 1.0], [np.nan, np.nan], [4.0, np.nan], [3.0, np.nan], [2.0, np.nan], [1.0, np.nan] ], index=np.tile(df.index, 2), columns=['g1', 'g2']) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_name,test_func,test_func_nb", [ ('min', lambda x, **kwargs: x.min(**kwargs), nb.nanmin_nb), ('max', lambda x, **kwargs: x.max(**kwargs), nb.nanmax_nb), ('mean', lambda x, **kwargs: x.mean(**kwargs), nb.nanmean_nb), ('median', lambda x, **kwargs: x.median(**kwargs), nb.nanmedian_nb), ('std', lambda x, **kwargs: x.std(**kwargs, ddof=0), nb.nanstd_nb), ('count', lambda x, **kwargs: x.count(**kwargs), nb.nancnt_nb), ('sum', lambda x, **kwargs: x.sum(**kwargs), nb.nansum_nb) ], ) def test_funcs(self, test_name, test_func, test_func_nb): # numeric assert test_func(df['a'].vbt) == test_func(df['a']) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(df.vbt), test_func(df).rename(test_name) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(df.vbt, group_by=group_by), pd.Series([ test_func(df[['a', 'b']].stack()), test_func(df['c']) ], index=['g1', 'g2']).rename(test_name) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal(test_func(df).values, test_func_nb(df.values)) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(df.vbt, wrap_kwargs=dict(time_units=True)), test_func(df).rename(test_name) * day_dt ) # boolean bool_ts = df == df assert test_func(bool_ts['a'].vbt) == test_func(bool_ts['a']) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(bool_ts.vbt), test_func(bool_ts).rename(test_name) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(bool_ts.vbt, wrap_kwargs=dict(time_units=True)), test_func(bool_ts).rename(test_name) * day_dt ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_name,test_func", [ ('idxmin', lambda x, **kwargs: x.idxmin(**kwargs)), ('idxmax', lambda x, **kwargs: x.idxmax(**kwargs)) ], ) def test_arg_funcs(self, test_name, test_func): assert test_func(df['a'].vbt) == test_func(df['a']) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(df.vbt), test_func(df).rename(test_name) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(df.vbt, group_by=group_by), pd.Series([ test_func(df[['a', 'b']].stack())[0], test_func(df['c']) ], index=['g1', 'g2'], dtype='datetime64[ns]').rename(test_name) ) def test_describe(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.describe(), df['a'].describe() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.describe(percentiles=None), df.describe(percentiles=None) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.describe(percentiles=[]), df.describe(percentiles=[]) ) test_against = df.describe(percentiles=np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.describe(percentiles=np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)), test_against ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.describe(percentiles=np.arange(0, 1, 0.1), group_by=group_by), pd.DataFrame({ 'g1': df[['a', 'b']].stack().describe(percentiles=np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)).values, 'g2': df['c'].describe(percentiles=np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)).values }, index=test_against.index) ) def test_drawdown(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.drawdown(), df['a'] / df['a'].expanding().max() - 1 ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.drawdown(), df / df.expanding().max() - 1 ) def test_drawdowns(self): assert type(df['a'].vbt.drawdowns) is vbt.Drawdowns assert df['a'].vbt.drawdowns.wrapper.freq == df['a'].vbt.wrapper.freq assert df['a'].vbt.drawdowns.wrapper.ndim == df['a'].ndim assert df.vbt.drawdowns.wrapper.ndim == df.ndim def test_to_mapped_array(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( df.vbt.to_mapped_array().values, np.array([1., 2., 3., 4., 4., 3., 2., 1., 1., 2., 2., 1.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df.vbt.to_mapped_array().col_arr, np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df.vbt.to_mapped_array().idx_arr, np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 3, 4]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df.vbt.to_mapped_array(dropna=False).values, np.array([1., 2., 3., 4., np.nan, np.nan, 4., 3., 2., 1., 1., 2., np.nan, 2., 1.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df.vbt.to_mapped_array(dropna=False).col_arr, np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df.vbt.to_mapped_array(dropna=False).idx_arr, np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) ) def test_zscore(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.zscore(), (df['a'] - df['a'].mean()) / df['a'].std(ddof=0) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.zscore(), (df - df.mean()) / df.std(ddof=0) ) def test_split(self): splitter = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=2) (train_df, train_indexes), (test_df, test_indexes) = df['a'].vbt.split(splitter) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( train_df, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0], [np.nan, 4.0] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03', '2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( train_indexes[i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( test_df, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [4.0, np.nan] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=1, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-05'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( test_indexes[i], target[i] ) (train_df, train_indexes), (test_df, test_indexes) = df.vbt.split(splitter) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( train_df, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1.0, np.nan, 1.0, 1.0, np.nan, 1.0], [2.0, 4.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0, np.nan, 3.0, 3.0, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 4.0, 2.0, 2.0] ]), index=
pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: import requests import json import pandas as pd import numpy as np from import json_normalize import folium import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from folium.plugins import MarkerCluster import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore') # In[2]: address=
# # # # import time import warnings from collections import defaultdict from typing import Callable, Tuple import joblib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.cluster import hierarchy from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform from scipy.stats import spearmanr from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier, RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.inspection import permutation_importance from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, train_test_split from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier def evaluate_cv(model, dataset_x, dataset_y, cv=None): start_time = time.time() scores = cross_val_score(model, dataset_x, dataset_y, cv=cv) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time # print(f"mean CV score: {np.mean(scores):.3f} (in {elapsed_time:.3f} seconds)") return scores def check_class_imbalance(dataset_y): _, occurrences = np.unique(dataset_y, return_counts=True) print(f"{occurrences = }") # highest fraction of class over samples imbalance = np.max(occurrences / dataset_y.size) print(f"{np.max(occurrences / dataset_y.size) = :.4f}") print(f"{np.min(occurrences / dataset_y.size) = :.4f}") print(f". . . . . . . . . . . . 1 / #classes = {1/(np.max(dataset_y)+1):.4f}") return imbalance def compare_score_imbalance(score: float, imbalance: float): if score < 1.5 * imbalance: warnings.warn( f"{score = :.3f} is below {1.5*imbalance:.3f}, results may not be " f"indicative (class_{imbalance = :.3f})" ) else: print(f"{score = :.3f} ({imbalance = :.3f})") def check_correlation(dataset_x): for i in range(dataset_x.shape[1]): for j in range(i + 1, dataset_x.shape[1]): coeff = np.corrcoef(dataset_x[:, i], dataset_x[:, j])[0, 1] if np.abs(coeff) > 0.8: # dataset_x[:, j] = np.random.rand(dataset_x.shape[0]) print(f"{i=} {j=} {coeff=}") def new_model( random_state, n_estimators: int = 1000, max_features: int = None, max_depth: int = None, ) -> ExtraTreesClassifier: return ExtraTreesClassifier( n_estimators=n_estimators, max_features=max_features, max_depth=max_depth, random_state=random_state, ) def get_feature_idx(dataset_x, dataset_y, start=(), random_state=48): cv = 5 def get_score_partial_features(indices: tuple): partial_x = dataset_x[:, indices] # model = new_model(random_state) # model = new_model(random_state=random_state) model = ExtraTreesClassifier(random_state=random_state) return indices[-1], np.mean(evaluate_cv(model, partial_x, dataset_y, cv)) delayed_score = joblib.delayed(get_score_partial_features) last_score = 0.0 selected = tuple(start) candidates = list(set(range(dataset_x.shape[1])) - set(selected)) while True: results = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=-1)( delayed_score(selected + (c,)) for c in candidates ) best_idx, best_score = results[0] for idx_, score_ in results[1:]: if score_ > best_score: best_score = score_ best_idx = idx_ if best_score - last_score < 0.01: break selected += (best_idx,) candidates.remove(best_idx) print(f"{best_score=:.3f} {selected=}") last_score = best_score return selected def add_input_noise(dataset_x: np.ndarray, rel_scale: float): scale = rel_scale * np.mean(np.abs(dataset_x), axis=1) # numpy needs the first axis to be the same as the scale size = dataset_x.shape[::-1] noise = np.random.normal(scale=scale, size=size).T return dataset_x + noise def do_plot(dataset_x, dataset_y, stratify_classes=True, random_state=48): model = new_model(random_state) cv = 10 # check_correlation(dataset_x) # imbalance = check_class_imbalance(dataset_y) # split dataset stratify = dataset_y if stratify_classes else None X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split( dataset_x, dataset_y, test_size=0.33, random_state=random_state, stratify=stratify, ) # cv_scores = evaluate_cv(model, dataset_x, dataset_y, cv) # print( # f"{np.min(cv_scores)=}", # f"{np.mean(cv_scores)=}", # f"{np.median(cv_scores)=}", # f"{np.max(cv_scores)=}", # ) # compare_score_imbalance(np.mean(cv_scores), imbalance), Y_train) ts_score = model.score(X_test, Y_test) print(f"{ts_score=}") feature_names = list(map(str, range(dataset_x.shape[1]))) # find the most important features (see sklearn doc) # result = permutation_importance( # model, X_train, Y_train, n_repeats=10, random_state=42 # ) # perm_sorted_idx = result.importances_mean.argsort() # tree_importance_sorted_idx = np.argsort(model.feature_importances_) # tree_indices = np.arange(0, len(model.feature_importances_)) + 0.5 # fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 8)) # ax1.barh( # tree_indices, model.feature_importances_[tree_importance_sorted_idx], height=0.7 # ) # ax1.set_yticks(tree_indices) # ax1.set_yticklabels([feature_names[i] for i in tree_importance_sorted_idx]) # ax1.set_ylim((0, len(model.feature_importances_))) # ax2.boxplot( # result.importances[perm_sorted_idx].T, # vert=False, # labels=[feature_names[i] for i in perm_sorted_idx], # ) # fig.tight_layout() # # find the correlated features # fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 8)) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 8)) corr = spearmanr(dataset_x).correlation # Ensure the correlation matrix is symmetric corr = (corr + corr.T) / 2 np.fill_diagonal(corr, 1) # We convert the correlation matrix to a distance matrix before performing # hierarchical clustering using Ward's linkage. distance_matrix = 1 - np.abs(corr) dist_linkage = hierarchy.ward(squareform(distance_matrix)) dendro = hierarchy.dendrogram( dist_linkage, labels=feature_names, ax=ax1, leaf_rotation=90 ) # dendro_idx = np.arange(0, len(dendro["ivl"])) # ax2.imshow(corr[dendro["leaves"], :][:, dendro["leaves"]]) # ax2.set_xticks(dendro_idx) # ax2.set_yticks(dendro_idx) # ax2.set_xticklabels(dendro["ivl"], rotation="vertical") # ax2.set_yticklabels(dendro["ivl"]) fig.tight_layout() # for threshold in [3.5, 2.5, 1.5, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05]: for threshold in [0.4]: cluster_ids = hierarchy.fcluster(dist_linkage, threshold, criterion="distance") cluster_id_to_feature_ids = defaultdict(list) for idx, cluster_id in enumerate(cluster_ids): cluster_id_to_feature_ids[cluster_id].append(idx) selected_features = [v[0] for v in cluster_id_to_feature_ids.values()] X_train_sel = X_train[:, selected_features] X_test_sel = X_test[:, selected_features] clf_sel = new_model(random_state=random_state), Y_train) score = clf_sel.score(X_test_sel, Y_test) print(f"{threshold=:.3f} {score=:.3f} {len(selected_features)=}") print(f"{selected_features=}") def get_mdi_importance(ds_x, ds_y, model):, ds_y) try: importances = model.feature_importances_ if hasattr(model, "estimators_"): std = np.std( [tree.feature_importances_ for tree in model.estimators_], axis=0 ) else: std = np.full_like(importances, np.nan) return importances, std except AttributeError as _: return None def get_permutation_importance(ds_x, ds_y, model, random_state): # permutation importance X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split( ds_x, ds_y, test_size=0.33, random_state=random_state ), Y_train) result = permutation_importance( model, X_test, Y_test, random_state=random_state, n_repeats=10, n_jobs=-1, ) return (result.importances_mean, result.importances_std) def get_feature_importances(ds_x, ds_y, model_fn: Callable, random_state): return ( get_permutation_importance(ds_x, ds_y, model_fn(random_state), random_state), get_mdi_importance(ds_x, ds_y, model_fn(random_state)), ) def study_model(ds_x, ds_y, random_state): model_builders = [ lambda: ExtraTreesClassifier( n_estimators=1000, max_features=None, n_jobs=-1, random_state=random_state ), lambda: RandomForestClassifier( n_estimators=1000, max_features=None, n_jobs=-1, random_state=random_state ), lambda: MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(128, 128), random_state=random_state), ] df = pd.DataFrame() # TODO def add_features( dataset_x: np.ndarray, *, n_comb_lin_droppout: int = 0, n_noise: int = 0, n_lin_comb: int = 0, n_redundant: int = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """add some correlated or noisy features to a dataset. Args: dataset_x (np.ndarray): original dataset n_comb_lin_droppout (int): first apply a 30% dropout to the dataset and then apply a linear combination with a small noise (scale=0.1*std) n_noise (int): number of gaussian noise features to add (scale=1.0) n_lin_comb (int): linear combination of the features with added gaussian noise (scale=0.1*std) to add n_redundant (int): number of redundant features to add with a gaussian noise (scale=0.1*std) Returns: np.ndarray: the dataset, columns are added in order, at the right edge """ def _dropout() -> np.ndarray: "compute one correlated noisy feature column" weights = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=(dataset_x.shape[1], 1)) dropout = np.copy(dataset_x) dropout[np.random.rand(*dropout.shape) < 0.3] = 0 feature =, weights) return feature + 0.1 * np.std(feature) * _noise() def _noise() -> np.ndarray: "compute one complete noise feature column" return np.random.normal(size=(dataset_x.shape[0], 1)) def _lin_comb() -> np.ndarray: weights = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=(dataset_x.shape[1], 1)) feature =, weights) return feature + 0.1 * np.std(feature) * _noise() def _redundant() -> np.ndarray: idx = np.random.randint(dataset_x.shape[1]) feature = dataset_x[:, idx : idx + 1] return feature + 0.1 * np.std(feature) * _noise() feature_columns = [dataset_x] feature_columns.extend(_dropout() for _ in range(n_comb_lin_droppout)) feature_columns.extend(_noise() for _ in range(n_noise)) feature_columns.extend(_lin_comb() for _ in range(n_lin_comb)) feature_columns.extend(_redundant() for _ in range(n_redundant)) merged = np.concatenate(feature_columns, axis=1) assert ( dataset_x.shape[0] == merged.shape[0] ), "invalid number of objects after transformation" assert ( dataset_x.shape[1] + n_comb_lin_droppout + n_noise + n_lin_comb + n_redundant == merged.shape[1] ), "invalid number of features after transformation" return merged def _compare_mdi_perm( dataset_x, dataset_y, feature_names, model_fn, random_state ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: # two series: one for MDI, one for MDA (mda_mean, mda_std), (mdi_mean, mdi_std) = get_feature_importances( dataset_x, dataset_y, model_fn, random_state ) mean =
""" This is the dashboard of CEA """ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import json import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import cea.config import cea.inputlocator from cea.plots.optimization.cost_analysis_curve_centralized import cost_analysis_curve_centralized from cea.plots.optimization.pareto_capacity_installed import pareto_capacity_installed from cea.plots.optimization.pareto_curve import pareto_curve from cea.optimization.lca_calculations import lca_calculations from cea.plots.optimization.pareto_curve_over_generations import pareto_curve_over_generations from cea.analysis.multicriteria.optimization_post_processing.individual_configuration import supply_system_configuration from import calc_Cinv_pv from cea.optimization.constants import SIZING_MARGIN from cea.analysis.multicriteria.optimization_post_processing.locating_individuals_in_generation_script import locating_individuals_in_generation_script from math import ceil, log __author__ = "<NAME>" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2018, Architecture and Building Systems - ETH Zurich" __credits__ = ["<NAME>", "<NAME>"] __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = "0.1" __maintainer__ = "<NAME>" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" __status__ = "Production" def plots_main(locator, config): # local variables generation = config.plots_optimization.generation categories = config.plots_optimization.categories scenario = config.scenario type_of_network = config.plots_optimization.network_type # generate plots category = "optimization-overview" if not os.path.exists(locator.get_address_of_individuals_of_a_generation(generation)): data_address = locating_individuals_in_generation_script(generation, locator) else: data_address = pd.read_csv(locator.get_address_of_individuals_of_a_generation(generation)) # initialize class plots = Plots(locator, generation, config, type_of_network, data_address) if "pareto_curve" in categories: plots.pareto_curve_for_one_generation(category) if "system_sizes" in categories: plots.cost_analysis_central_decentral(category) if config.plots_optimization.network_type == 'DH': plots.comparison_capacity_installed_heating_supply_system_one_generation(category) if config.plots_optimization.network_type == 'DC': plots.comparison_capacity_installed_cooling_supply_system_one_generation(category) if "costs_analysis" in categories: plots.cost_analysis_central_decentral(category) if config.plots_optimization.network_type == 'DH': plots.comparison_capex_opex_heating_supply_system_for_one_generation_per_production_unit(category) if config.plots_optimization.network_type == 'DC': plots.comparison_capex_opex_cooling_supply_system_for_one_generation_per_production_unit(category) return class Plots(): def __init__(self, locator, generation, config, type_of_network, data_address): # local variables self.locator = locator self.config = config self.generation = generation self.network_type = type_of_network self.final_generation = [generation] self.data_address = data_address # fields of loads in the systems of heating, cooling and electricity self.analysis_fields_cost_cooling_centralized = ["Capex_a_ACH", "Capex_a_CCGT", "Capex_a_CT", "Capex_a_Tank", "Capex_a_VCC", "Capex_a_VCC_backup", "Capex_a_pump", "Capex_a_PV", "Network_costs", "Substation_costs", "Opex_var_ACH", "Opex_var_CCGT", "Opex_var_CT", "Opex_var_Lake", "Opex_var_VCC", "Opex_var_VCC_backup", "Opex_var_pumps", "Opex_var_PV", "Electricitycosts_for_appliances", "Electricitycosts_for_hotwater"] self.analysis_fields_cost_central_decentral = ["Capex_Centralized", "Capex_Decentralized", "Opex_Centralized", "Opex_Decentralized"] self.analysis_fields_cost_heating_centralized = ["Capex_SC", "Capex_PVT", "Capex_furnace", "Capex_Boiler_Total", "Capex_CHP", "Capex_Lake", "Capex_Sewage", "Capex_pump", "Opex_HP_Sewage", "Opex_HP_Lake", "Opex_GHP", "Opex_CHP_Total", "Opex_Furnace_Total", "Opex_Boiler_Total", "Electricity_Costs"] self.analysis_fields_individual_heating = ['Base_boiler_BG_capacity_W', 'Base_boiler_NG_capacity_W', 'CHP_BG_capacity_W', 'CHP_NG_capacity_W', 'Furnace_dry_capacity_W', 'Furnace_wet_capacity_W', 'GHP_capacity_W', 'HP_Lake_capacity_W', 'HP_Sewage_capacity_W', 'PVT_capacity_W', 'PV_capacity_W', 'Peak_boiler_BG_capacity_W', 'Peak_boiler_NG_capacity_W', 'SC_ET_capacity_W', 'SC_FP_capacity_W', 'Disconnected_Boiler_BG_capacity_W', 'Disconnected_Boiler_NG_capacity_W', 'Disconnected_FC_capacity_W', 'Disconnected_GHP_capacity_W'] self.analysis_fields_individual_cooling = ['Lake_kW', 'VCC_LT_kW', 'VCC_HT_kW', 'single_effect_ACH_LT_kW', 'single_effect_ACH_HT_kW', 'DX_kW', 'CHP_CCGT_thermal_kW', 'Storage_thermal_kW'] self.data_processed = self.preprocessing_generations_data() self.data_processed_cost_centralized = self.preprocessing_final_generation_data_cost_centralized(self.locator, self.data_processed, self.config, self.data_address, self.generation) self.data_processed_capacities = self.preprocessing_capacities_data(self.locator, self.data_processed, self.generation, self.network_type, config, self.data_address) def preprocessing_generations_data(self): generation = self.final_generation[0] data_processed = [] with open(self.locator.get_optimization_checkpoint(generation), "rb") as fp: data = json.load(fp) # get lists of data for performance values of the population costs_Mio = [round(objectives[0] / 1000000, 2) for objectives in data['population_fitness']] # convert to millions individual_names = ['ind' + str(i) for i in range(len(costs_Mio))] individual_barcode = [[str(ind) if type(ind) == float else str(ind) for ind in individual] for individual in data['population']] def_individual_barcode = pd.DataFrame({'Name': individual_names, 'individual_barcode': individual_barcode}).set_index("Name") data_processed = {'individual_barcode': def_individual_barcode} return data_processed def preprocessing_capacities_data(self, locator, data_generation, generation, network_type, config, data_address): column_names = ['Lake_kW', 'VCC_LT_kW', 'VCC_HT_kW', 'single_effect_ACH_LT_kW', 'single_effect_ACH_HT_kW', 'DX_kW', 'CHP_CCGT_thermal_kW', 'Storage_thermal_kW', 'CT_kW', 'Buildings Connected Share'] individual_index = data_generation['individual_barcode'].index.values capacities_of_generation =pd.DataFrame(np.zeros([len(individual_index), len(column_names)]), columns=column_names) for i, ind in enumerate(individual_index): data_address_individual = data_address[data_address['individual_list'] == ind] generation_pointer = data_address_individual['generation_number_address'].values[0] # points to the correct file to be referenced from optimization folders individual_pointer = data_address_individual['individual_number_address'].values[0] district_supply_sys, building_connectivity = supply_system_configuration(generation_pointer, individual_pointer, locator, network_type, config) for name in column_names: if name is 'Buildings Connected Share': connected_buildings = len(building_connectivity.loc[building_connectivity.Type == "CENTRALIZED"]) total_buildings = connected_buildings + len( building_connectivity.loc[building_connectivity.Type == "DECENTRALIZED"]) capacities_of_generation.iloc[i][name] = np.float(connected_buildings * 100 / total_buildings) else: capacities_of_generation.iloc[i][name] = district_supply_sys[name].sum() capacities_of_generation['indiv'] = individual_index capacities_of_generation.set_index('indiv', inplace=True) return {'capacities_of_final_generation': capacities_of_generation} def preprocessing_final_generation_data_cost_centralized(self, locator, data_raw, config, data_address, generation): total_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_total_demand()) building_names = total_demand.Name.values df_all_generations = pd.read_csv(locator.get_optimization_all_individuals()) preprocessing_costs = pd.read_csv(locator.get_preprocessing_costs()) # The current structure of CEA has the following columns saved, in future, this will be slightly changed and # correspondingly these columns_of_saved_files needs to be changed columns_of_saved_files = ['CHP/Furnace', 'CHP/Furnace Share', 'Base Boiler', 'Base Boiler Share', 'Peak Boiler', 'Peak Boiler Share', 'Heating Lake', 'Heating Lake Share', 'Heating Sewage', 'Heating Sewage Share', 'GHP', 'GHP Share', 'Data Centre', 'Compressed Air', 'PV', 'PV Area Share', 'PVT', 'PVT Area Share', 'SC_ET', 'SC_ET Area Share', 'SC_FP', 'SC_FP Area Share', 'DHN Temperature', 'DHN unit configuration', 'Lake Cooling', 'Lake Cooling Share', 'VCC Cooling', 'VCC Cooling Share', 'Absorption Chiller', 'Absorption Chiller Share', 'Storage', 'Storage Share', 'DCN Temperature', 'DCN unit configuration'] for i in building_names: # DHN columns_of_saved_files.append(str(i) + ' DHN') for i in building_names: # DCN columns_of_saved_files.append(str(i) + ' DCN') individual_index = data_raw['individual_barcode'].index.values if config.plots_optimization.network_type == 'DH': data_activation_path = os.path.join( locator.get_optimization_slave_investment_cost_detailed(1, 1)) df_heating_costs =
import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import yfinance as yf @st.experimental_memo(max_entries=1000, show_spinner=False) def get_asset_splits(ticker, cache_date): return yf.Ticker(ticker).actions.loc[:, 'Stock Splits'] @st.experimental_memo(max_entries=50, show_spinner=False) def get_historical_prices(tickers, start, cache_date): assert len(tickers) == len(set(tickers)) # fix for penny sterling edgecase if 'GBXUSD=X' in tickers: index = tickers.index('GBXUSD=X') if 'GBPUSD=X' not in tickers: tickers[index] = 'GBPUSD=X' return (, start=start) .loc[:, 'Close'] .assign(**{'GBXUSD=X': lambda x: x['GBPUSD=X'] / 100}) .drop(columns='GBPUSD=X') ) else: del tickers[index] return (, start=start) .loc[:, 'Close'] .assign(**{'GBXUSD=X': lambda x: x['GBPUSD=X'] / 100}) ) return, start=start).loc[:, 'Close'] def correct_asset_amount_affected_by_split(df: pd.DataFrame, ticker_types: pd.Series): df = df.copy() for ticker in df.ticker.unique(): if ticker_types[ticker] == 'CRYPTO': continue # there can only be one split a day, so cache_date ensures we only download split data once a day splits = get_asset_splits(ticker, cache_date=str(
#%% [markdown] #-------------------------------------------------- ## Equity Premium and Machine #%% #-------------------------------------------------- import warnings import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 5] import math import time import datetime import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['patch.force_edgecolor'] = True import seaborn as sns sns.set() from pandas.tseries.offsets import MonthEnd # To Determine the End of the Corresponding Month import sys # To caclulate memory usage import os dir = os.getcwd()+'\\notebooks\\first_analysis' # dir = 'C:\Research\Google Search Volume' #dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) #os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]) #'E:/Research/Equity Premium and Machine Learning' #dir = "C:/Users/vonNe/Google Drive/Data Science/Projects/Equity Premium and Machine Learning" #dir = 'D:/Ravenpack' os.chdir(dir) os.makedirs(dir + '\\temp', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs(dir + '\\out\\temp', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs(dir + '\\in', exist_ok = True) # Cross-validation Parameter K = 10 # Share of Sample as Test TsizeInv = 15 test_size= 1/TsizeInv # Add interactions or not Poly = 1 # Period Period = 1974 #Test New Line #%% #-------------------------------------------------- df = pd.read_csv('in/rapach_2013.csv', na_values = ['NaN']) df.rename( index=str, columns={"date": "ym"}, inplace=True) df['date'] =
"""For training the comment spam classifier. """ import os import numpy from pandas import DataFrame from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, f1_score from sklearn.externals import joblib from pygameweb.db import _get_session from pygameweb.comment.models import CommentPost def get_comment_data(): trans, session = _get_session() spam = session.query(CommentPost).filter(CommentPost.is_spam == True).all() ham = session.query(CommentPost).filter(CommentPost.is_spam != True).all() return [(spam, 'spam'), (ham, 'ham')] def build_df(comments, classification): """Creates a dataframe from the comments. :param classification: either 'spam', or 'ham'. """ rows = [] index = [] for comment in comments: rows.append({'text': comment.message, 'class': classification}) index.append( return DataFrame(rows, index=index) def process_comment_data(comment_data): data =
DataFrame({'text': [], 'class': []})
from __future__ import print_function try: input = raw_input except NameError: pass import argparse import pc_lib_api import pc_lib_general import json import pandas import time import sys from datetime import datetime, date # --Execution Block-- # # --Parse command line arguments-- # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='rltoolbox') parser.add_argument( '-u', '--username', type=str, help='*Required* - Prisma Cloud API Access Key ID that you want to set to access your Prisma Cloud account.') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--password', type=str, help='*Required* - Prisma Cloud API Secret Key that you want to set to access your Prisma Cloud account.') parser.add_argument( '-url', '--uiurl', type=str, help='*Required* - Base URL used in the UI for connecting to Prisma Cloud. ' 'Formatted as or or, etc. ' 'You can also input the api version of the URL if you know it and it will be passed through.') parser.add_argument( '-y', '--yes', action='store_true', help='(Optional) - Override user input for verification (auto answer for yes).') parser.add_argument( '--detailed', action='store_true', help='(Optional) - Detailed alerts response.') parser.add_argument( '--matrixmode', action='store_true', help='(Optional) - Print out JSON responses.') parser.add_argument( '-fas', '--alertstatus', type=str, help='(Optional) - Filter - Alert Status.') parser.add_argument( '-aid', '--alertid', type=str, help='(Optional) - Filter - Alert ID.') parser.add_argument( '-fpt', '--policytype', type=str, help='(Optional) - Filter - Policy Type.') parser.add_argument( '-fpcs', '--policycomplianceStandard', type=str, help='(Optional) - Filter - Policy Compliance Standard.') parser.add_argument( '-fps', '--policyseverity', type=str, help='(Optional) - Filter - Policy Severity.') parser.add_argument( '-fct', '--cloudtype', type=str, help='(Optional) - Filter - Cloud Type.') parser.add_argument( '-fca', '--cloudaccount', type=str, help='(Optional) - Filter - Cloud Account.') parser.add_argument( '-fcaid', '--cloudaccountid', type=str, help='(Optional) - Filter - Cloud Account ID.') parser.add_argument( '-fcr', '--cloudregion', type=str, help='(Optional) - Filter - Cloud Region.') parser.add_argument( '-tr', '--timerange', type=int, default=30, help='(Optional) - Time Range in days. Defaults to 30.') parser.add_argument( '-l', '--limit', type=int, default=500, help='(Optional) - Return values limit (Default to 500).') parser.add_argument( '-fagt', '--accountgroup', type=str, help='(Optional) - Filter - Account Group.') parser.add_argument( '-fpid', '--policyid', type=str, help='(Optional) - Filter - Policy ID.') parser.add_argument( '-frid', '--resourceid', type=str, help='(Optional) - Filter - Resource ID.') args = parser.parse_args() # --End parse command line arguments-- # print('User login') pc_settings = pc_lib_general.pc_login_get(args.username, args.password, args.uiurl) print('Done') # Verification (override with -y) if not args.yes: print() print('Ready to excute commands aginst your Prisma Cloud tenant.') verification_response = str(input('Would you like to continue (y or yes to continue)?')) continue_response = {'yes', 'y'} print() if verification_response not in continue_response: pc_lib_general.pc_exit_error(400, 'Verification failed due to user response. Exiting...') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- print('API - Data Call 1 - Getting authentication token..') pc_settings = pc_lib_api.pc_jwt_get(pc_settings) print('Done.') #current time/date utilized in CSV output filesnames now ="%m_%d_%Y-%I_%M_%p") print ('Cloud Type Specified in CLI =', args.cloudtype) print('Building the filters for JSON package.') alerts_filter = {} if args.detailed: alerts_filter['detailed'] = True else: alerts_filter['detailed'] = False alerts_filter['timeRange'] = {} alerts_filter['timeRange']['type'] = "relative" alerts_filter['timeRange']['value'] = {} alerts_filter['timeRange']['value']['unit'] = "day" alerts_filter['timeRange']['value']['amount'] = args.timerange alerts_filter['sortBy'] = ["id:asc"] alerts_filter['offset'] = 0 alerts_filter['limit'] = args.limit alerts_filter['filters'] = [] if args.alertstatus is not None: temp_filter = {} temp_filter['operator'] = "=" temp_filter['name'] = "alert.status" temp_filter['value'] = args.alertstatus alerts_filter['filters'].append(temp_filter) if args.alertid is not None: temp_filter = {} temp_filter['operator'] = "=" temp_filter['name'] = "" temp_filter['value'] = args.alertid alerts_filter['filters'].append(temp_filter) if args.cloudaccount is not None: temp_filter = {} temp_filter['operator'] = "=" temp_filter['name'] = "cloud.account" temp_filter['value'] = args.cloudaccount alerts_filter['filters'].append(temp_filter) if args.cloudregion is not None: temp_filter = {} temp_filter['operator'] = "=" temp_filter['name'] = "cloud.region" temp_filter['value'] = args.cloudregion alerts_filter['filters'].append(temp_filter) if args.accountgroup is not None: temp_filter = {} temp_filter['operator'] = "=" temp_filter['name'] = "" temp_filter['value'] = args.accountgroup alerts_filter['filters'].append(temp_filter) if args.cloudaccountid is not None: temp_filter = {} temp_filter['operator'] = "=" temp_filter['name'] = "cloud.accountId" temp_filter['value'] = args.cloudaccountid alerts_filter['filters'].append(temp_filter) if args.cloudtype is not None: temp_filter = {} temp_filter['operator'] = "=" temp_filter['name'] = "cloud.type" temp_filter['value'] = args.cloudtype alerts_filter['filters'].append(temp_filter) if args.policytype is not None: temp_filter = {} temp_filter['operator'] = "=" temp_filter['name'] = "policy.type" temp_filter['value'] = args.policytype alerts_filter['filters'].append(temp_filter) if args.policycomplianceStandard is not None: temp_filter = {} temp_filter['operator'] = "=" temp_filter['name'] = "policy.complianceStandard" temp_filter['value'] = args.policycomplianceStandard alerts_filter['filters'].append(temp_filter) if args.policyseverity is not None: temp_filter = {} temp_filter['operator'] = "=" temp_filter['name'] = "policy.severity" temp_filter['value'] = args.policyseverity alerts_filter['filters'].append(temp_filter) if args.policyid is not None: temp_filter = {} temp_filter['operator'] = "=" temp_filter['name'] = "" temp_filter['value'] = args.policyid alerts_filter['filters'].append(temp_filter) if args.resourceid is not None: temp_filter = {} temp_filter['operator'] = "=" temp_filter['name'] = "" temp_filter['value'] = args.policyid alerts_filter['filters'].append(temp_filter) print('Done building filters specified in CLI.') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- print('API - Data Call 2 - Plugging in filters, a granular JSON response is now being prepared by Prisma. A job ID will be provided.') pc_settings, response_package = pc_lib_api.api_async_alerts_job(pc_settings, data=alerts_filter) alerts_job_number = response_package print('Putting JSON response inside a dataframe - job_id') job_id_json =
''' nose tests for ''' import unittest import networkx as nx import pandas as pd import json from ..sigma_addon_methods import * from ..exceptions import IPySigmaGraphDataFrameValueError, \ IPySigmaGraphEdgeIndexError, IPySigmaGraphNodeIndexError, \ IPySigmaNodeTypeError, IPySigmaLabelError from .mocks import InjectedGraph import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestSigmaAddOns(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): nx.Graph.sigma_make_graph = sigma_make_graph nx.Graph.sigma_export_json = sigma_export_json nx.Graph.sigma_add_degree_centrality = sigma_add_degree_centrality nx.Graph.sigma_add_betweenness_centrality = sigma_add_betweenness_centrality nx.Graph.sigma_add_pagerank = sigma_add_pagerank nx.Graph.sigma_node_add_extra = sigma_node_add_extra nx.Graph.sigma_choose_edge_color = sigma_choose_edge_color nx.Graph.sigma_build_pandas_dfs = sigma_build_pandas_dfs nx.Graph.sigma_edge_weights = sigma_edge_weights nx.Graph.sigma_node_add_color_node_type = sigma_node_add_color_node_type nx.Graph.sigma_node_add_label = sigma_node_add_label nx.Graph.sigma_color_picker = sigma_color_picker nx.Graph.sigma_assign_node_colors = sigma_assign_node_colors def setUp(self): self.graph = nx.complete_graph(10) self.weighted_graph =nx.Graph() self.weighted_graph.add_edge('a','b',weight=0.6) self.weighted_graph.add_edge('a','c',weight=0.2) self.weighted_graph.add_edge('c','d',weight=0.1) self.weighted_graph.add_edge('c','e',weight=0.7) self.graph_attr = nx.Graph() self.graph_attr.add_edge(0,1) self.graph_attr.add_edge(1,2) self.graph_attr.add_edge(3,0) self.graph_attr.add_node(0,{'node_type':'A', 'label':'node0'}) self.graph_attr.add_node(1,{'node_type':'A', 'label':'node1'}) self.graph_attr.add_node(2,{'node_type': 'B', 'label':'node2'}) self.graph_attr.add_node(3,{'node_type': 'C', 'label':'node2'}) def tearDown(self): self.graph = None self.weighted_graph = None self.graph_attr = None def test_make_graph(self): self.graph.sigma_make_graph() self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.graph, 'sigma_edges')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.graph, 'sigma_nodes')) def test_degree_centrality_is_added_to_graph_obj(self): self.graph.sigma_add_degree_centrality() node_data = self.graph.nodes(data=True) for node in node_data: self.assertIn('sigma_deg_central',node[1]) def test_betweenness_centrality_is_added_to_graph_obj(self): self.graph.sigma_add_betweenness_centrality() node_data = self.graph.nodes(data=True) for node in node_data: self.assertIn('sigma_between_central',node[1]) def test_pagerank_is_added_to_graph_obj(self): self.graph.sigma_add_pagerank() node_data = self.graph.nodes(data=True) for node in node_data: self.assertIn('sigma_pagerank',node[1]) def test_sigma_build_pandas_dfs_edges_nodes_exist(self): self.graph.sigma_nodes, self.graph.sigma_edges = self.graph.sigma_build_pandas_dfs() self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.graph, 'sigma_edges')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.graph, 'sigma_nodes')) self.weighted_graph.sigma_nodes, self.weighted_graph.sigma_edges = self.weighted_graph.sigma_build_pandas_dfs() self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.weighted_graph, 'sigma_edges')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.weighted_graph, 'sigma_nodes')) def test_sigma_build_pandas_dfs_edges_nodes_not_none(self): self.graph.sigma_nodes, self.graph.sigma_edges = self.graph.sigma_build_pandas_dfs() self.assertIsNotNone(self.graph.sigma_nodes) self.assertIsNotNone(self.graph.sigma_edges) self.weighted_graph.sigma_nodes, self.weighted_graph.sigma_edges = self.weighted_graph.sigma_build_pandas_dfs() self.assertIsNotNone(self.weighted_graph.sigma_nodes) self.assertIsNotNone(self.weighted_graph.sigma_edges) def test_extras_are_added_to_graph_obj(self): self.graph.sigma_make_graph() self.assertIn('y',self.graph.sigma_nodes) self.assertIn('color',self.graph.sigma_nodes) self.assertIn('size',self.graph.sigma_nodes) self.assertIn('x', self.graph.sigma_nodes) def test_edge_weight_color_size_are_set_if_exist(self): self.weighted_graph.sigma_nodes, self.weighted_graph.sigma_edges = self.weighted_graph.sigma_build_pandas_dfs() self.weighted_graph.sigma_edge_weights() self.assertIn('size', self.weighted_graph.sigma_edges) self.assertIn('color', self.weighted_graph.sigma_edges) def test_sigma_node_df_has_id(self): self.graph.sigma_nodes, self.graph.sigma_edges = self.graph.sigma_build_pandas_dfs() self.assertIn('id',self.graph.sigma_nodes) def test_sigma_make_graph_produces_neccesary_columns(self): correct_nodes = ['id','x','y','label','node_type','color','size', 'sigma_deg_central', 'sigma_pagerank', 'sigma_between_central'] correct_edges = ['id','source', 'target', 'color'] correct_edges_weighted = ['id', 'source','target','color','weight','size'] self.graph.sigma_make_graph() self.weighted_graph.sigma_make_graph() node_col_list = self.graph.sigma_nodes.columns.tolist() edge_col_list = self.graph.sigma_edges.columns.tolist() weight_edge_col_list = self.weighted_graph.sigma_edges.columns.tolist() for n in node_col_list: self.assertIn(n, correct_nodes) for e in edge_col_list: self.assertIn(e, correct_edges) for w in weight_edge_col_list: self.assertIn(w, correct_edges_weighted) def test_sigma_node_df_contains_additional_columns_if_available(self): nx.set_node_attributes(self.graph, 'some_attr', 'xxx') self.graph.sigma_make_graph() self.assertIn('some_attr',self.graph.sigma_nodes) def test_sigma_build_pandas_dfs_raise_node_index_error_if_blank(self): blank_graph = InjectedGraph() self.assertRaises(IPySigmaGraphNodeIndexError, blank_graph.sigma_make_graph) def test_sigma_build_pandas_dfs_raise_edge_index_error_if_blank(self): blank_graph = InjectedGraph() blank_graph.add_nodes_from(['a','b','c']) self.assertRaises(IPySigmaGraphEdgeIndexError, blank_graph.sigma_make_graph) def test_sigma_build_pandas_dfs_raise_error_if_none(self): def sigma_build_pandas_dfs_none(): ''' this simulates a bogus override of the sigma_build_pandas_df method ''' return pd.DataFrame(None), pd.DataFrame(None) self.graph.sigma_build_pandas_dfs = sigma_build_pandas_dfs_none self.assertRaises(IPySigmaGraphDataFrameValueError, self.graph.sigma_make_graph) def test_export_json_flag_if_empty(self): def sigma_build_pandas_dfs_none(): ''' this simulates a bogus override of the sigma_build_pandas_df method ''' return
import logging import sys import pandas as pd import pytest import awswrangler as wr logging.getLogger("awswrangler").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ext", ["xlsx", "xlsm", "xls", "odf"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("use_threads", [True, False, 2]) def test_excel(path, ext, use_threads): df = pd.DataFrame({"c0": [1, 2, 3], "c1": ["foo", "boo", "bar"]}) file_path = f"{path}0.{ext}" pandas_kwargs = {} if sys.version_info < (3, 7): pandas_kwargs["engine"] = "xlwt" if ext == "xls" else "openpyxl" wr.s3.to_excel(df, file_path, use_threads=use_threads, index=False, **pandas_kwargs) if sys.version_info < (3, 7): pandas_kwargs["engine"] = "xlrd" if ext == "xls" else "openpyxl" df2 = wr.s3.read_excel(file_path, use_threads=use_threads, **pandas_kwargs) assert df.equals(df2) def test_read_xlsx_versioned(path) -> None: path_file = f"{path}0.xlsx" dfs = [
pd.DataFrame({"c0": [0, 1, 2], "c1": [3, 4, 5]})
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ """ from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import pandas as pd def load_market_quality_statistics(filepath: Path,) -> pd.DataFrame: """ """ daily_stats = pd.read_csv(filepath) daily_stats["date"] = pd.to_datetime(daily_stats["date"], format="%Y-%m-%d") daily_stats.set_index("date", inplace=True) daily_stats.sort_index(inplace=True) # After non-equivalence dummy daily_stats["after_nonequivalence"] = daily_stats.index >= pd.Timestamp( "2019-07-01" ) daily_stats["order_to_trade"] = ( daily_stats["num_orders_total"] / daily_stats["num_transactions"] ) daily_stats["num_orders_filled_percent"] = ( daily_stats["num_orders_filled"] / daily_stats["num_orders_total"] ) daily_stats["num_orders_deleted_percent"] = ( daily_stats["num_orders_deleted"] / daily_stats["num_orders_total"] ) daily_stats["message_counts_add_to_delete"] = ( daily_stats["message_counts_add_order"] / daily_stats["message_counts_delete_order"] ) daily_stats["log_turnover"] = np.log(daily_stats["turnover"]) daily_stats["min_tick_size"] = daily_stats["tick_size_mean"] daily_stats.drop(columns="tick_size_mean", inplace=True) daily_stats["min_tick_size_relative"] = daily_stats["min_tick_size"] / daily_stats["price_mean"] daily_stats["price_reciprocal"] = 1 / daily_stats["price_mean"] daily_stats["price_log"] = np.log(daily_stats["price_mean"]) daily_stats["AT_proxy"] = ( (daily_stats["turnover"] / 100) / (daily_stats["message_counts_sum"]) * -1 ) # Hendershott et al. 2011 JF p. 7 print(f"Initial number of stocks {daily_stats['isin'].nunique()}\n") print("Filter to not include delisted stocks") last_date_avail = daily_stats.reset_index()[["date", "isin"]].groupby("isin").max() last_date_avail = last_date_avail.groupby("isin").max() last_date_avail = last_date_avail[ last_date_avail["date"] != daily_stats.index.max() ] delisted_isins = last_date_avail.index.to_list() daily_stats = daily_stats[~daily_stats["isin"].isin(delisted_isins)] print(f"Num remaining stocks {daily_stats['isin'].nunique()}\n") print("Exclude all stocks that had an IPO later than January 1st 2019") daily_stats.set_index("isin", append=True, inplace=True) first_traded = daily_stats.reset_index().groupby("isin")["date"].min() first_traded = first_traded.reset_index() bad_isins = first_traded.loc[ first_traded["date"] >= pd.Timestamp("20190101"), "isin" ] for isin in bad_isins: daily_stats.drop(index=isin, level="isin", inplace=True) # print("also dropping Panalpina, because it was taken-over in August, but continued trading") # daily_stats.drop(index="CH0002168083", level="isin", inplace=True) # exclude entries with no messages sent daily_stats.dropna(subset=["message_counts_sum"], inplace=True) daily_stats.reset_index("isin", inplace=True) print(f"Num remaining stocks {daily_stats['isin'].nunique()}\n") # join VSMI vsmi = load_vsmi() daily_stats = daily_stats.join(vsmi["VSMI"], how="left", on="date") return daily_stats def load_vsmi() -> pd.DataFrame: """ """ vsmi = pd.read_csv("../statistics/h_vsmi_30.csv", sep=";") vsmi.columns = vsmi.columns.str.lower() vsmi.rename(columns={"indexvalue": "VSMI"}, inplace=True) vsmi["date"] = pd.to_datetime(vsmi["date"], format="%d.%m.%Y") vsmi.set_index("date", inplace=True) return vsmi def load_copustat(): path = Path("/Users/simon/data/turnover_per_venue/20200118_compustat.csv") variables = dict( isin="isin", datadate="date", cshoc="shares_outstanding", cshtrd="trading_volume", prccd="price_close", exchg="exchange_code", # prchd="price_high", # prcld="price_low", ) compu = pd.read_csv(path) compu.rename(columns=variables, inplace=True) compu.drop( columns=[col for col in compu.columns if col not in variables.values()], inplace=True, ) compu = compu[compu["exchange_code"] == 151] compu["date"] = pd.to_datetime(compu["date"], format="%Y%m%d") compu.set_index(["date", "isin"], inplace=True) return compu def load_frag_data() -> pd.DataFrame: mapping: pd.DataFrame = load_mapping() frag: pd.DataFrame = load_bloomberg_data() frag = frag.join(mapping).sort_index() frag = frag.groupby("figi").transform(lambda x: x.ffill()) frag.reset_index("figi", inplace=True) frag.set_index(["share_class_id_bb_global"], append=True, inplace=True) # calculate fragmentation index (similar to Gresse, 2017, JFM, p. 6) frag["market_volume"] = frag.groupby(["date", "share_class_id_bb_global"])[ "volume" ].sum() frag["market_share"] = frag["volume"] / frag["market_volume"] frag["market_share_squared"] = frag["market_share"] ** 2 frag["lit_frag"] = frag.groupby( ["date", "share_class_id_bb_global"] )["market_share_squared"].sum() ** -1 # frag["inverse_market_share"] = 1 / (frag["volume"] / frag["market_volume"]) frag.reset_index("share_class_id_bb_global", inplace=True) del frag["market_share_squared"] # keep only six data frag = frag[frag["mic"].isin(["xvtx", "xswx"])] return frag def load_bloomberg_data() -> pd.DataFrame: bloomi = pd.read_csv( f"~/data/turnover_per_venue/20191231_turnover_bloomberg.csv", sep=";" ) bloomi = ( bloomi.iloc[1:].rename(columns={"Unnamed: 0": "date"}).set_index("date").stack() ) bloomi = (
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# """ BLIS - Balancing Load of Intermittent Solar: A characteristic-based transient power plant model Copyright (C) 2020. University of Virginia Licensing & Ventures Group (UVA LVG). All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # Note: This code uses the results generated from run_monte_carlo1,run_monte_carlo2,run_monte_carlo3 and run_single_case_sCO2 # General imports import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import numpy as np # Set Color Palette colors = sns.color_palette("colorblind") # Set resolution for saving figures DPI = 1200 #%%=============================================================================# # Figure 5 - Control Scheme results_filename1 = "Results_SampleDay_Oct30th_sCO2_30.csv" results_filename2 = "Results_SampleDay_Oct30th_sCO2_60.csv" savename = "Fig5_ControlScheme.png" #=============================================================================# sns.set_style('white') # Customize Time Shown #file_t_start = -4.0 t_start = 4.0 t_end = 22.0 # Import results df = pd.read_csv(results_filename1) #df2 = pd.read_csv(results_filename2) #f,a=plt.subplots(nrows=3,ncols=2,sharex=True) #count = 0 for n in range(3): x = df.index/60.0 if n ==0: y1 = df.loc[:,'PowerOutput'] y2 = df.loc[:,'solar'] y3 = df.loc[:,'battDischargeRate'] y = np.vstack((y1,y2,y3)) pal = [colors[2],colors[1],colors[0]] labels = ['Natural Gas','Solar PV','Battery'] y_label = "Generation (MW)" # Don't label bottom labelbottom = 'off' yticks = [10,30,50] elif n==1: y1 = df.loc[:,'demand'] y2 = df.loc[:,'solar']-df.loc[:,'solarUsed'] y3 = df.loc[:,'battChargeRate'] # y4 = df.loc[:,'loadShed'] # y = np.vstack((y1,y2,y3,y4)) y = np.vstack((y1,y2,y3)) pal = [colors[7],colors[1],colors[0],colors[2]] labels = ['Demand','Solar Curtailment','Battery','NG Load Shed'] y_label = 'Use (MW)' # Don't label bottom labelbottom = 'off' yticks = [10,30,50] elif n==2: y = df.loc[:,'battCharge']/60.0 labels = ['Battery'] pal = [colors[0]] y_label = 'Storage (MWh)' labelbottom = 'on' yticks = [0,20,40] ax = plt.subplot(3 ,1, n ++ 1) # ax = a[n][i] if n==0 or n==1: ax.stackplot(x, y, labels=labels,colors=pal) ax.set_ylim(bottom=10.0,top = 50.0) else: ax.plot(x,y,label=labels[0]) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0.0,top = 30.0) # plt.title(v) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) plt.xlim(left=t_start,right=t_end) # Legend ax.legend(loc='center left',bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5),fancybox=True) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height, box.width*0.8, box.height]) ax.legend(loc='center left',bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5),fancybox=True,fontsize=12) # ax.legend(loc='left',ncol=len(labels),fancybox=True) plt.tick_params(labelbottom=labelbottom) if len(yticks)>2: ax.set_yticks(yticks) # Set aspect ratio ratio = 0.25 xleft, xright = ax.get_xlim() # the abs method is used to make sure that all numbers are positive ybottom, ytop = ax.get_ylim() # because x and y axis of an axes maybe inversed. ax.set_aspect(abs((xright-xleft)/(ybottom-ytop))*ratio) # Caption labels caption_labels = ['A','B','C','D','E','F'] plt.text(0.05, 0.85, caption_labels[n], horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes,fontsize='medium',fontweight='bold') # count = count + 1 # Adjust layout plt.tight_layout() # Save Figure plt.savefig(savename,dpi=DPI,bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() #%%=============================================================================# # Figure 6 - LCOE results_filename = "results_monte_carlo.csv" savename = "Fig6_LCOE.png" #=============================================================================# sns.reset_orig sns.set_style('white') # Import results df =
# Arithmetic tests for DataFrame/Series/Index/Array classes that should # behave identically. from datetime import datetime, timedelta import numpy as np import pytest from pandas.errors import ( NullFrequencyError, OutOfBoundsDatetime, PerformanceWarning) import pandas as pd from pandas import ( DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, NaT, Series, Timedelta, TimedeltaIndex, Timestamp, timedelta_range) import pandas.util.testing as tm def get_upcast_box(box, vector): """ Given two box-types, find the one that takes priority """ if box is DataFrame or isinstance(vector, DataFrame): return DataFrame if box is Series or isinstance(vector, Series): return Series if box is pd.Index or isinstance(vector, pd.Index): return pd.Index return box # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Timedelta64[ns] dtype Comparisons class TestTimedelta64ArrayLikeComparisons: # Comparison tests for timedelta64[ns] vectors fully parametrized over # DataFrame/Series/TimedeltaIndex/TimedeltaArray. Ideally all comparison # tests will eventually end up here. def test_compare_timedelta64_zerodim(self, box_with_array): # GH#26689 should unbox when comparing with zerodim array box = box_with_array xbox = box_with_array if box_with_array is not pd.Index else np.ndarray tdi = pd.timedelta_range('2H', periods=4) other = np.array(tdi.to_numpy()[0]) tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) res = tdi <= other expected = np.array([True, False, False, False]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(res, expected) with pytest.raises(TypeError): # zero-dim of wrong dtype should still raise tdi >= np.array(4) class TestTimedelta64ArrayComparisons: # TODO: All of these need to be parametrized over box def test_compare_timedelta_series(self): # regression test for GH#5963 s = pd.Series([timedelta(days=1), timedelta(days=2)]) actual = s > timedelta(days=1) expected = pd.Series([False, True]) tm.assert_series_equal(actual, expected) def test_tdi_cmp_str_invalid(self, box_with_array): # GH#13624 xbox = box_with_array if box_with_array is not pd.Index else np.ndarray tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['1 day', '2 days']) tdarr = tm.box_expected(tdi, box_with_array) for left, right in [(tdarr, 'a'), ('a', tdarr)]: with pytest.raises(TypeError): left > right with pytest.raises(TypeError): left >= right with pytest.raises(TypeError): left < right with pytest.raises(TypeError): left <= right result = left == right expected = np.array([False, False], dtype=bool) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = left != right expected = np.array([True, True], dtype=bool) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', [None, object]) def test_comp_nat(self, dtype): left = pd.TimedeltaIndex([pd.Timedelta('1 days'), pd.NaT, pd.Timedelta('3 days')]) right = pd.TimedeltaIndex([pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.Timedelta('3 days')]) lhs, rhs = left, right if dtype is object: lhs, rhs = left.astype(object), right.astype(object) result = rhs == lhs expected = np.array([False, False, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = rhs != lhs expected = np.array([True, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) expected = np.array([False, False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lhs == pd.NaT, expected) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(pd.NaT == rhs, expected) expected = np.array([True, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lhs != pd.NaT, expected) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(pd.NaT != lhs, expected) expected = np.array([False, False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lhs < pd.NaT, expected) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(pd.NaT > lhs, expected) def test_comparisons_nat(self): tdidx1 = pd.TimedeltaIndex(['1 day', pd.NaT, '1 day 00:00:01', pd.NaT, '1 day 00:00:01', '5 day 00:00:03']) tdidx2 = pd.TimedeltaIndex(['2 day', '2 day', pd.NaT, pd.NaT, '1 day 00:00:02', '5 days 00:00:03']) tdarr = np.array([np.timedelta64(2, 'D'), np.timedelta64(2, 'D'), np.timedelta64('nat'), np.timedelta64('nat'), np.timedelta64(1, 'D') + np.timedelta64(2, 's'), np.timedelta64(5, 'D') + np.timedelta64(3, 's')]) cases = [(tdidx1, tdidx2), (tdidx1, tdarr)] # Check pd.NaT is handles as the same as np.nan for idx1, idx2 in cases: result = idx1 < idx2 expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx2 > idx1 expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 <= idx2 expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx2 >= idx1 expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 == idx2 expected = np.array([False, False, False, False, False, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 != idx2 expected = np.array([True, True, True, True, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) # TODO: better name def test_comparisons_coverage(self): rng = timedelta_range('1 days', periods=10) result = rng < rng[3] expected = np.array([True, True, True] + [False] * 7) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) # raise TypeError for now with pytest.raises(TypeError): rng < rng[3].value result = rng == list(rng) exp = rng == rng tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, exp) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Timedelta64[ns] dtype Arithmetic Operations class TestTimedelta64ArithmeticUnsorted: # Tests moved from type-specific test files but not # yet sorted/parametrized/de-duplicated def test_ufunc_coercions(self): # normal ops are also tested in tseries/ idx = TimedeltaIndex(['2H', '4H', '6H', '8H', '10H'], freq='2H', name='x') for result in [idx * 2, np.multiply(idx, 2)]: assert isinstance(result, TimedeltaIndex) exp = TimedeltaIndex(['4H', '8H', '12H', '16H', '20H'], freq='4H', name='x') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.freq == '4H' for result in [idx / 2, np.divide(idx, 2)]: assert isinstance(result, TimedeltaIndex) exp = TimedeltaIndex(['1H', '2H', '3H', '4H', '5H'], freq='H', name='x') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.freq == 'H' idx = TimedeltaIndex(['2H', '4H', '6H', '8H', '10H'], freq='2H', name='x') for result in [-idx, np.negative(idx)]: assert isinstance(result, TimedeltaIndex) exp = TimedeltaIndex(['-2H', '-4H', '-6H', '-8H', '-10H'], freq='-2H', name='x') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.freq == '-2H' idx = TimedeltaIndex(['-2H', '-1H', '0H', '1H', '2H'], freq='H', name='x') for result in [abs(idx), np.absolute(idx)]: assert isinstance(result, TimedeltaIndex) exp = TimedeltaIndex(['2H', '1H', '0H', '1H', '2H'], freq=None, name='x') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.freq is None def test_subtraction_ops(self): # with datetimes/timedelta and tdi/dti tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['1 days', pd.NaT, '2 days'], name='foo') dti = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3, name='bar') td = Timedelta('1 days') dt = Timestamp('20130101') msg = "cannot subtract a datelike from a TimedeltaArray" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): tdi - dt with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): tdi - dti msg = (r"descriptor '__sub__' requires a 'datetime\.datetime' object" " but received a 'Timedelta'") with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): td - dt msg = "bad operand type for unary -: 'DatetimeArray'" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): td - dti result = dt - dti expected = TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', '-1 days', '-2 days'], name='bar') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = dti - dt expected = TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', '1 days', '2 days'], name='bar') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = tdi - td expected = TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', pd.NaT, '1 days'], name='foo') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected, check_names=False) result = td - tdi expected = TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', pd.NaT, '-1 days'], name='foo') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected, check_names=False) result = dti - td expected = DatetimeIndex( ['20121231', '20130101', '20130102'], name='bar') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected, check_names=False) result = dt - tdi expected = DatetimeIndex(['20121231', pd.NaT, '20121230'], name='foo') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_subtraction_ops_with_tz(self): # check that dt/dti subtraction ops with tz are validated dti = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3) ts = Timestamp('20130101') dt = ts.to_pydatetime() dti_tz = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3).tz_localize('US/Eastern') ts_tz = Timestamp('20130101').tz_localize('US/Eastern') ts_tz2 = Timestamp('20130101').tz_localize('CET') dt_tz = ts_tz.to_pydatetime() td = Timedelta('1 days') def _check(result, expected): assert result == expected assert isinstance(result, Timedelta) # scalars result = ts - ts expected = Timedelta('0 days') _check(result, expected) result = dt_tz - ts_tz expected = Timedelta('0 days') _check(result, expected) result = ts_tz - dt_tz expected = Timedelta('0 days') _check(result, expected) # tz mismatches msg = ("Timestamp subtraction must have the same timezones or no" " timezones") with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dt_tz - ts msg = "can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dt_tz - dt msg = ("Timestamp subtraction must have the same timezones or no" " timezones") with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dt_tz - ts_tz2 msg = "can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dt - dt_tz msg = ("Timestamp subtraction must have the same timezones or no" " timezones") with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): ts - dt_tz with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): ts_tz2 - ts with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): ts_tz2 - dt with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): ts_tz - ts_tz2 # with dti with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dti - ts_tz with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dti_tz - ts with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dti_tz - ts_tz2 result = dti_tz - dt_tz expected = TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', '1 days', '2 days']) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = dt_tz - dti_tz expected = TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', '-1 days', '-2 days']) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = dti_tz - ts_tz expected = TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', '1 days', '2 days']) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = ts_tz - dti_tz expected = TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', '-1 days', '-2 days']) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = td - td expected = Timedelta('0 days') _check(result, expected) result = dti_tz - td expected = DatetimeIndex( ['20121231', '20130101', '20130102'], tz='US/Eastern') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_dti_tdi_numeric_ops(self): # These are normally union/diff set-like ops tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['1 days', pd.NaT, '2 days'], name='foo') dti = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3, name='bar') # TODO(wesm): unused? # td = Timedelta('1 days') # dt = Timestamp('20130101') result = tdi - tdi expected = TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', pd.NaT, '0 days'], name='foo')
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
import decimal import numpy as np from numpy import iinfo import pytest import pandas as pd from pandas import to_numeric from pandas.util import testing as tm class TestToNumeric(object): def test_empty(self): # see gh-16302 s = pd.Series([], dtype=object) res = to_numeric(s) expected = pd.Series([], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) # Original issue example res = to_numeric(s, errors='coerce', downcast='integer') expected = pd.Series([], dtype=np.int8) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) def test_series(self): s = pd.Series(['1', '-3.14', '7']) res = to_numeric(s) expected = pd.Series([1, -3.14, 7]) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) s = pd.Series(['1', '-3.14', 7]) res = to_numeric(s) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) def test_series_numeric(self): s = pd.Series([1, 3, 4, 5], index=list('ABCD'), name='XXX') res = to_numeric(s) tm.assert_series_equal(res, s) s = pd.Series([1., 3., 4., 5.], index=list('ABCD'), name='XXX') res = to_numeric(s) tm.assert_series_equal(res, s) # bool is regarded as numeric s = pd.Series([True, False, True, True], index=list('ABCD'), name='XXX') res = to_numeric(s) tm.assert_series_equal(res, s) def test_error(self): s = pd.Series([1, -3.14, 'apple']) msg = 'Unable to parse string "apple" at position 2' with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): to_numeric(s, errors='raise') res = to_numeric(s, errors='ignore') expected = pd.Series([1, -3.14, 'apple']) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = to_numeric(s, errors='coerce') expected = pd.Series([1, -3.14, np.nan]) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) s = pd.Series(['orange', 1, -3.14, 'apple']) msg = 'Unable to parse string "orange" at position 0' with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): to_numeric(s, errors='raise') def test_error_seen_bool(self): s = pd.Series([True, False, 'apple']) msg = 'Unable to parse string "apple" at position 2' with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): to_numeric(s, errors='raise') res = to_numeric(s, errors='ignore') expected = pd.Series([True, False, 'apple']) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) # coerces to float res = to_numeric(s, errors='coerce') expected = pd.Series([1., 0., np.nan]) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) def test_list(self): s = ['1', '-3.14', '7'] res = to_numeric(s) expected = np.array([1, -3.14, 7]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res, expected) def test_list_numeric(self): s = [1, 3, 4, 5] res = to_numeric(s) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res, np.array(s, dtype=np.int64)) s = [1., 3., 4., 5.] res = to_numeric(s) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res, np.array(s)) # bool is regarded as numeric s = [True, False, True, True] res = to_numeric(s) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res, np.array(s)) def test_numeric(self): s = pd.Series([1, -3.14, 7], dtype='O') res = to_numeric(s) expected = pd.Series([1, -3.14, 7]) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) s = pd.Series([1, -3.14, 7]) res = to_numeric(s) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) # GH 14827 df = pd.DataFrame(dict( a=[1.2, decimal.Decimal(3.14), decimal.Decimal("infinity"), '0.1'], b=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], )) expected = pd.DataFrame(dict( a=[1.2, 3.14, np.inf, 0.1], b=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], )) # Test to_numeric over one column df_copy = df.copy() df_copy['a'] = df_copy['a'].apply(to_numeric) tm.assert_frame_equal(df_copy, expected) # Test to_numeric over multiple columns df_copy = df.copy() df_copy[['a', 'b']] = df_copy[['a', 'b']].apply(to_numeric) tm.assert_frame_equal(df_copy, expected) def test_numeric_lists_and_arrays(self): # Test to_numeric with embedded lists and arrays df = pd.DataFrame(dict( a=[[decimal.Decimal(3.14), 1.0], decimal.Decimal(1.6), 0.1] )) df['a'] = df['a'].apply(to_numeric) expected = pd.DataFrame(dict( a=[[3.14, 1.0], 1.6, 0.1], )) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) df = pd.DataFrame(dict( a=[np.array([decimal.Decimal(3.14), 1.0]), 0.1] )) df['a'] = df['a'].apply(to_numeric) expected = pd.DataFrame(dict( a=[[3.14, 1.0], 0.1], )) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_all_nan(self): s = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c']) res = to_numeric(s, errors='coerce') expected = pd.Series([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("errors", [None, "ignore", "raise", "coerce"]) def test_type_check(self, errors): # see gh-11776 df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, -3.14, 7], "b": ["4", "5", "6"]}) kwargs = dict(errors=errors) if errors is not None else dict() error_ctx = pytest.raises(TypeError, match="1-d array") with error_ctx: to_numeric(df, **kwargs) def test_scalar(self): assert pd.to_numeric(1) == 1 assert pd.to_numeric(1.1) == 1.1 assert pd.to_numeric('1') == 1 assert pd.to_numeric('1.1') == 1.1 with pytest.raises(ValueError): to_numeric('XX', errors='raise') assert to_numeric('XX', errors='ignore') == 'XX' assert np.isnan(to_numeric('XX', errors='coerce')) def test_numeric_dtypes(self): idx = pd.Index([1, 2, 3], name='xxx') res = pd.to_numeric(idx) tm.assert_index_equal(res, idx) res = pd.to_numeric(pd.Series(idx, name='xxx')) tm.assert_series_equal(res, pd.Series(idx, name='xxx')) res = pd.to_numeric(idx.values) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res, idx.values) idx = pd.Index([1., np.nan, 3., np.nan], name='xxx') res = pd.to_numeric(idx) tm.assert_index_equal(res, idx) res = pd.to_numeric(pd.Series(idx, name='xxx')) tm.assert_series_equal(res, pd.Series(idx, name='xxx')) res = pd.to_numeric(idx.values) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res, idx.values) def test_str(self): idx = pd.Index(['1', '2', '3'], name='xxx') exp = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype='int64') res = pd.to_numeric(idx) tm.assert_index_equal(res, pd.Index(exp, name='xxx')) res = pd.to_numeric(pd.Series(idx, name='xxx')) tm.assert_series_equal(res, pd.Series(exp, name='xxx')) res = pd.to_numeric(idx.values) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res, exp) idx = pd.Index(['1.5', '2.7', '3.4'], name='xxx') exp = np.array([1.5, 2.7, 3.4]) res = pd.to_numeric(idx) tm.assert_index_equal(res, pd.Index(exp, name='xxx')) res = pd.to_numeric(pd.Series(idx, name='xxx')) tm.assert_series_equal(res, pd.Series(exp, name='xxx')) res = pd.to_numeric(idx.values) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res, exp) def test_datetime_like(self, tz_naive_fixture): idx = pd.date_range("20130101", periods=3, tz=tz_naive_fixture, name="xxx") res = pd.to_numeric(idx) tm.assert_index_equal(res, pd.Index(idx.asi8, name="xxx")) res = pd.to_numeric(pd.Series(idx, name="xxx")) tm.assert_series_equal(res, pd.Series(idx.asi8, name="xxx")) res = pd.to_numeric(idx.values) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res, idx.asi8) def test_timedelta(self): idx = pd.timedelta_range('1 days', periods=3, freq='D', name='xxx') res = pd.to_numeric(idx) tm.assert_index_equal(res, pd.Index(idx.asi8, name='xxx')) res = pd.to_numeric(pd.Series(idx, name='xxx')) tm.assert_series_equal(res, pd.Series(idx.asi8, name='xxx')) res = pd.to_numeric(idx.values) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res, idx.asi8) def test_period(self): idx = pd.period_range('2011-01', periods=3, freq='M', name='xxx') res = pd.to_numeric(idx) tm.assert_index_equal(res, pd.Index(idx.asi8, name='xxx')) # TODO: enable when we can support native PeriodDtype # res = pd.to_numeric(pd.Series(idx, name='xxx')) # tm.assert_series_equal(res, pd.Series(idx.asi8, name='xxx')) def test_non_hashable(self): # Test for Bug #13324 s = pd.Series([[10.0, 2], 1.0, 'apple']) res = pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce') tm.assert_series_equal(res, pd.Series([np.nan, 1.0, np.nan])) res = pd.to_numeric(s, errors='ignore') tm.assert_series_equal(res, pd.Series([[10.0, 2], 1.0, 'apple'])) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Invalid object type"): pd.to_numeric(s) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", [ ["1", 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], np.array(["1970-01-02", "1970-01-03", "1970-01-04"], dtype="datetime64[D]") ]) def test_downcast_basic(self, data): # see gh-13352 invalid_downcast = "unsigned-integer" msg = "invalid downcasting method provided" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): pd.to_numeric(data, downcast=invalid_downcast) expected = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int64) # Basic function tests. res =
# - Process JSON files from AWS S3 to PostgreSQL Database # forked from Joinville Smart Mobility Project and Louisville WazeCCPProcessor # modified by <EMAIL> for City of Los Angeles CCP import os import sys import json import numpy as np import pandas as pd from import json_normalize import hashlib from sqlalchemy import create_engine, exc, MetaData, select from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL from sqlalchemy.sql import or_, and_ from sqlalchemy.types import JSON as typeJSON from geoalchemy2 import Geometry, Geography from pathlib import Path from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time #import boto3 # airflow config import logging from airflow import DAG #from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator from airflow.sensors.s3_key_sensor import S3KeySensor from airflow.operators.email_operator import EmailOperator from airflow.hooks.S3_hook import S3Hook from airflow.hooks.postgres_hook import PostgresHook from airflow.models import Variable #db schema and s3 bucket names stored in Variables default_args = { 'owner': 'airflow', 'depends_on_past': False, 'start_date': datetime(2018, 12, 3), 'email': ['<EMAIL>','<EMAIL>'], 'email_on_failure': True, 'email_on_retry': False, 'retries': 1 #'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5), # 'queue': 'bash_queue', # 'pool': 'backfill', # 'priority_weight': 10, # 'end_date': datetime(2016, 1, 1), } dag = DAG('waze-s3-to-sql', description='DAG for moving Waze data from S3 to RDS', catchup=False, default_args=default_args,schedule_interval="*/1 * * * *",concurrency=3,max_active_runs=3) #"@hourly") # *****=run every minute def s3keyCheck():"s3keyCheck called") print ('s3keyCheck') hook = S3Hook(aws_conn_id="s3_conn") if (hook.check_for_wildcard_key(wildcard_key="*",bucket_name=bucket_source_name)):"wildcard found key") return True else:"no key found") return False def logTest():'logTest called') def connect_database(connection_id): ("connect_database called") dbhook = PostgresHook(postgres_conn_id=connection_id) ("got hook") pgconn = dbhook.get_connection(conn_id=connection_id) ("got connection") # DATABASE = database_dict # db_url = URL(**DATABASE) db_url = 'postgresql://{c.login}:{c.password}@{}:{c.port}/{c.schema}'.format(c=pgconn) ("url: "+db_url) engine = create_engine(db_url) meta = MetaData() meta.bind = engine return meta def tab_raw_data(s3_key_obj): #read data file #doc = open(datafile_s3_key) # old local file method # get file from S3 #obj = client.get_object(Bucket=bucket_source_name,Key=datafile_s3_key) records = json.loads(s3_key_obj.get()['Body'].read()) #doc) raw_data = json_normalize(records) #clean date fields raw_data['startTime'] = pd.to_datetime(raw_data['startTime'].str[:-4]) raw_data['endTime'] = pd.to_datetime(raw_data['endTime'].str[:-4]) raw_data['startTime'] = raw_data['startTime'].astype(pd.Timestamp) raw_data['endTime'] = raw_data['endTime'].astype(pd.Timestamp) #get creation time raw_data['date_created'] = pd.to_datetime('today') #during creation time, date_updated equals date_created raw_data['date_updated'] = raw_data['date_created'] #get_file_name raw_data['file_name'] = s3_key_obj.key #datafile_s3_key #get AJI hash aji_list = [json.dumps(raw_data['alerts'].iloc[0],sort_keys=True) if 'alerts' in raw_data else '', json.dumps(raw_data['jams'].iloc[0],sort_keys=True) if 'jams' in raw_data else '', json.dumps(raw_data['irregularities'].iloc[0],sort_keys=True) if 'irregularities' in raw_data else '', ] aji_string = "".join(aji_list) raw_data['json_hash'] = hashlib.md5(aji_string.encode()).hexdigest() return raw_data def tab_jams(raw_data): if 'jams' not in raw_data: #print("No jams in this data file.") return df_jams = json_normalize(raw_data['jams'].iloc[0]) col_dict = { 'blockingAlertUuid': "blocking_alert_id", 'startNode': "start_node", 'endNode': "end_node", 'pubMillis': "pub_millis", 'roadType': "road_type", 'speedKMH': "speed_kmh", 'turnType': "turn_type", } other_cols = ['city', 'country','delay', 'length', 'uuid', 'street', 'level', 'line', 'type','speed','id'] #segments df_jams.rename(columns=col_dict, inplace=True) col_list = list(col_dict.values()) col_list = col_list + other_cols all_columns = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=[0], columns=col_list) df_jams,_ = df_jams.align(all_columns, axis=1) df_jams = df_jams[col_list] df_jams["pub_utc_date"] = pd.to_datetime(df_jams["pub_millis"], unit='ms') #id_string = str(df_jams["pub_millis"])+str(raw_data["json_hash"]) #print(id_string) #df_jams["id"] = id_string; return df_jams def tab_irregularities(raw_data): if 'irregularities' not in raw_data: #print("No irregularities in this data file.") return df_irregs = json_normalize(raw_data['irregularities'].iloc[0]) col_dict = { 'detectionDateMillis': "detection_date_millis", 'detectionDate': "detection_date", 'updateDateMillis': "update_date_millis", 'updateDate': "update_date", 'regularSpeed': "regular_speed", 'delaySeconds': "delay_seconds", 'jamLevel': "jam_level", 'driversCount': "drivers_count", 'alertsCount': "alerts_count", 'nThumbsUp': "n_thumbs_up", 'nComments': "n_comments", 'nImages': "n_images", 'endNode': "end_node", 'startNode': "start_node", 'highway': "is_highway" } other_cols = ['street', 'city', 'country', 'speed', 'seconds', 'length', 'trend', 'type', 'severity', 'line','id'] df_irregs.rename(columns=col_dict, inplace=True) col_list = list(col_dict.values()) col_list = col_list + other_cols all_columns =
pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=[0], columns=col_list)
"""Main module # Resources - Reference google sheets: - Source data: - Source data (old): - Output example:<EMAIL>&actionButton=1#gid=435465078 """ import json import os import pickle import sys from copy import copy from datetime import datetime, timezone from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, OrderedDict from uuid import uuid4 import pandas as pd try: import ArgumentParser except ModuleNotFoundError: from argparse import ArgumentParser from vsac_wrangler.config import CACHE_DIR, DATA_DIR, PROJECT_ROOT from vsac_wrangler.definitions.constants import FHIR_JSON_TEMPLATE from vsac_wrangler.google_sheets import get_sheets_data from vsac_wrangler.vsac_api import get_ticket_granting_ticket, get_value_sets from vsac_wrangler.interfaces._cli import get_parser # USER1: This is an actual ID to a valid user in palantir, who works on our BIDS team. PROJECT_NAME = 'RP-4A9E27' PALANTIR_ENCLAVE_USER_ID_1 = 'a39723f3-dc9c-48ce-90ff-06891c29114f' PARSE_ARGS = get_parser().parse_args() # for convenient access later OUTPUT_NAME ='palantir-three-file' # currently this is the only value used SOURCE_NAME ='vsac' def get_runtime_provenance() -> str: """Get provenance info related to this runtime operation""" return f'oids from {PARSE_ARGS.input_path} => VSAC trad API => 3-file dir {get_out_dir()}' def format_label(label, verbose_prefix=False) -> str: """Adds prefix and trims whitespace""" label = label.strip() prefix = 'VSAC' if not verbose_prefix else get_runtime_provenance() return f'[{prefix}] {label}' def get_out_dir(output_name=OUTPUT_NAME, source_name=SOURCE_NAME) -> str: date_str ='%Y.%m.%d') out_dir = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, output_name, source_name, date_str, 'output') return out_dir # to-do: Shared lib for this stuff? # noinspection DuplicatedCode def _save_csv(df: pd.DataFrame, filename, output_name=OUTPUT_NAME, source_name=SOURCE_NAME, field_delimiter=','): """Side effects: Save CSV""" out_dir = get_out_dir(output_name=output_name, source_name=source_name) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) output_format = 'csv' if field_delimiter == ',' else 'tsv' if field_delimiter == '\t' else 'txt' outpath = os.path.join(out_dir, f'{filename}.{output_format}') df.to_csv(outpath, sep=field_delimiter, index=False) def _datetime_palantir_format() -> str: """Returns datetime str in format used by palantir data enclave e.g. 2021-03-03T13:24:48.000Z (milliseconds allowed, but not common in observed table)""" return"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")[:-4] + 'Z' def save_json(value_sets, output_structure, json_indent=4) -> List[Dict]: """Save JSON""" # Populate JSON objs d_list: List[Dict] = [] for value_set in value_sets: value_set2 = {} if output_structure == 'fhir': value_set2 = vsac_to_fhir(value_set) elif output_structure == 'vsac': value_set2 = vsac_to_vsac(value_set) elif output_structure == 'atlas': raise NotImplementedError('For "atlas" output-structure, output-format "json" not yet implemented.') d_list.append(value_set2) # Save file for d in d_list: if 'name' in d: valueset_name = d['name'] else: valueset_name = d['Concept Set Name'] valueset_name = valueset_name.replace('/', '|') filename = valueset_name + '.json' filepath = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, filename) with open(filepath, 'w') as fp: if json_indent: json.dump(d, fp, indent=json_indent) else: json.dump(d, fp) return d_list # TODO: repurpose this to use VSAC format # noinspection DuplicatedCode def vsac_to_fhir(value_set: Dict) -> Dict: """Convert VSAC JSON dict to FHIR JSON dict""" # TODO: cop/paste FHIR_JSON_TEMPLATE literally here instead and use like other func d: Dict = copy(FHIR_JSON_TEMPLATE) d['id'] = int(value_set[''][0]) d['text']['div'] = d['text']['div'].format(value_set['valueSet.description'][0]) d['url'] = d['url'].format(str(value_set[''][0])) d['name'] = value_set[''][0] d['title'] = value_set[''][0] d['status'] = value_set['valueSet.status'][0] d['description'] = value_set['valueSet.description'][0] d['compose']['include'][0]['system'] = value_set['valueSet.codeSystem'][0] d['compose']['include'][0]['version'] = value_set['valueSet.codeSystemVersion'][0] concepts = [] d['compose']['include'][0]['concept'] = concepts return d # TODO: def vsac_to_vsac(v: Dict, depth=2) -> Dict: """Convert VSAC JSON dict to OMOP JSON dict This is the format @DaveraGabriel specified by looking at the VSAC web interface.""" # Attempt at regexp # Clinical Focus: Asthma conditions which suggest applicability of NHLBI NAEPP EPR3 Guidelines for the Diagnosis and # Management of Asthma (2007) and the 2020 Focused Updates to the Asthma Management Guidelines),(Data Element Scope: # FHIR Condition.code),(Inclusion Criteria: SNOMEDCT concepts in "Asthma SCT" and ICD10CM concepts in "Asthma # ICD10CM" valuesets.),(Exclusion Criteria: none) # import re # regexer = re.compile('\((.+): (.+)\)') # fail # regexer = re.compile('\((.+): (.+)\)[,$]') # found = regexer.match(value_sets['ns0:Purpose']) # x1 = found.groups()[0] purposes = v['ns0:Purpose'].split('),') d = { "Concept Set Name": v['@displayName'], "Created At": 'vsacToOmopConversion:{}; vsacRevision:{}'.format('%Y/%m/%d'), v['ns0:RevisionDate']), "Created By": v['ns0:Source'], # "Created By": "", "Intention": { "Clinical Focus": purposes[0].split('(Clinical Focus: ')[1], "Inclusion Criteria": purposes[2].split('(Inclusion Criteria: ')[1], "Data Element Scope": purposes[1].split('(Data Element Scope: ')[1], "Exclusion Criteria": purposes[3].split('(Exclusion Criteria: ')[1], }, "Limitations": { "Exclusion Criteria": "", "VSAC Note": None, # VSAC Note: (exclude if null) }, "Provenance": { "Steward": "", "OID": "", "Code System(s)": [], "Definition Type": "", "Definition Version": "", } } # TODO: use depth to make this either nested JSON, or, if depth=1, concatenate # ... all intention sub-fields into a single string, etc. if depth == 1: d['Intention'] = '' elif depth < 1 or depth > 2: raise RuntimeError(f'vsac_to_vsac: depth parameter valid range: 1-2, but depth of {depth} was requested.') return d def get_vsac_csv( value_sets: List[OrderedDict], google_sheet_name=None, field_delimiter=',', code_delimiter='|', filename='vsac_csv' ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Convert VSAC hiearchical XML in a VSAC-oriented tabular file""" rows = [] for value_set in value_sets: code_system_codes = {} name = value_set['@displayName'] purposes = value_set['ns0:Purpose'].split('),') purposes2 = [] for p in purposes: i1 = 1 if p.startswith('(') else 0 i2 = -1 if p[len(p) - 1] == ')' else len(p) purposes2.append(p[i1:i2]) concepts = value_set['ns0:ConceptList']['ns0:Concept'] concepts = concepts if type(concepts) == list else [concepts] for concept in concepts: code = concept['@code'] code_system = concept['@codeSystemName'] if code_system not in code_system_codes: code_system_codes[code_system] = [] code_system_codes[code_system].append(code) for code_system, codes in code_system_codes.items(): row = { 'name': name, 'nameVSAC': '[VSAC] ' + name, 'oid': value_set['@ID'], 'codeSystem': code_system, 'limitations': purposes2[3], 'intention': '; '.join(purposes2[0:3]), 'provenance': '; '.join([ 'Steward: ' + value_set['ns0:Source'], 'OID: ' + value_set['@ID'], 'Code System(s): ' + ','.join(list(code_system_codes.keys())), 'Definition Type: ' + value_set['ns0:Type'], 'Definition Version: ' + value_set['@version'], 'Accessed: ' + str([0:-7] ]), } if len(codes) < 2000: row['codes'] = code_delimiter.join(codes) else: row['codes'] = code_delimiter.join(codes[0:1999]) if len(codes) < 4000: row['codes2'] = code_delimiter.join(codes[2000:]) else: row['codes2'] = code_delimiter.join(codes[2000:3999]) row['codes3'] = code_delimiter.join(codes[4000:]) row2 = {} for k, v in row.items(): row2[k] = v.replace('\n', ' - ') if type(v) == str else v row = row2 rows.append(row) # Create/Return DF & Save CSV df = pd.DataFrame(rows) _save_csv(df, filename=filename, source_name=google_sheet_name, field_delimiter=field_delimiter) return df def get_ids_for_palantir3file(value_sets: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict[str, int]: oid_enclave_code_set_id_map_csv_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'data', 'cset.csv') oid_enclave_code_set_id_df = pd.read_csv(oid_enclave_code_set_id_map_csv_path) missing_oids = set(value_sets['@ID']) - set(oid_enclave_code_set_id_df['oid']) if len(missing_oids) > 0: google_sheet_url = PARSE_ARGS.google_sheet_url new_ids = [ id for id in oid_enclave_code_set_id_df.internal_id.max() + 1 + range(0, len(missing_oids))] missing_recs = pd.DataFrame(data={ 'source_id_field': ['oid' for i in range(0, len(missing_oids))], 'oid': [oid for oid in missing_oids], 'ccsr_code': [None for i in range(0, len(missing_oids))], 'internal_id': new_ids, 'internal_source': [google_sheet_url for i in range(0, len(missing_oids))], 'cset_source': ['VSAC' for i in range(0, len(missing_oids))], 'grouped_by_bids': [None for i in range(0, len(missing_oids))], 'concept_id': [None for i in range(0, len(missing_oids))], }) oid_enclave_code_set_id_df = pd.concat([oid_enclave_code_set_id_df, missing_recs]) oid_enclave_code_set_id_df.to_csv(oid_enclave_code_set_id_map_csv_path, index=False) oid__codeset_id_map = dict(zip( oid_enclave_code_set_id_df['oid'], oid_enclave_code_set_id_df['internal_id'])) return oid__codeset_id_map def get_palantir_csv( value_sets: pd.DataFrame, source_name='vsac', field_delimiter=',', filename1='concept_set_version_item_rv_edited', filename2='code_sets', filename3='concept_set_container_edited' ) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Convert VSAC hiearchical XML to CSV compliant w/ Palantir's OMOP-inspired concept set editor data model""" # I. Create IDs that will be shared between files oid__codeset_id_map = get_ids_for_palantir3file(value_sets) # II. Create & save exports _all = {} # 1. Palantir enclave table: concept_set_version_item_rv_edited rows1 = [] for i, value_set in value_sets.iterrows(): codeset_id = oid__codeset_id_map[value_set['@ID']] for concept in value_set['concepts']: code = concept['@code'] code_system = concept['@codeSystemName'] # The 3 fields isExcluded, includeDescendants, and includeMapped, are from OMOP but also in VSAC. If it has # ...these 3 options, it is intensional. And when you execute these 3, it is now extensional / expansion. row = { 'codeset_id': codeset_id, 'concept_id': '', # leave blank for now # <non-palantir fields> 'code': code, 'codeSystem': code_system, # </non-palantir fields> 'isExcluded': False, 'includeDescendants': True, 'includeMapped': False, 'item_id': str(uuid4()), # will let palantir verify ID is indeed unique # TODO: @Stephanie: Is there any annotation we want at all? # 'annotation': json.dumps({ # 'when': str('%Y-%m-%d')), # 'who': 'Data Ingest & Harmonization (DIH)', # 'project': 'N3C-enclave-import', # 'oids-source': PARSE_ARGS.input_path, # 'generation-process': get_runtime_provenance(), # 'valueset-source': 'VSAC', # }), # 'annotation': '; '.join([ # 'when: ' + str('%Y-%m-%d')), # 'who: ' + 'Data Ingest & Harmonization (DIH)', # 'project: ' + 'N3C-enclave-import', # 'oids-source: ' + PARSE_ARGS.input_path, # 'generation-process: ' + get_runtime_provenance(), # 'valueset-source: ' + 'VSAC', # ]), 'annotation': '', # 'created_by': 'DI&H Bulk Import', 'created_by': PALANTIR_ENCLAVE_USER_ID_1, 'created_at': _datetime_palantir_format() } row2 = {} for k, v in row.items(): row2[k] = v.replace('\n', ' - ') if type(v) == str else v row = row2 rows1.append(row) df1 = pd.DataFrame(rows1) _all[filename1] = df1 _save_csv( df1, filename=filename1, source_name=source_name, field_delimiter=field_delimiter) # 2. Palantir enclave table: code_sets rows2 = [] for i, value_set in value_sets.iterrows(): codeset_id = oid__codeset_id_map[value_set['@ID']] concept_set_name = format_label(value_set['@displayName']) purposes = value_set['ns0:Purpose'].split('),') purposes2 = [] for p in purposes: i1 = 1 if p.startswith('(') else 0 i2 = -1 if p[len(p) - 1] == ')' else len(p) purposes2.append(p[i1:i2]) code_system_codes = {} code_systems = [] for concept in value_set['concepts']: code = concept['@code'] code_system = concept['@codeSystemName'] if code_system not in code_system_codes: code_system_codes[code_system] = [] if code_system not in code_systems: code_systems.append(code_system) code_system_codes[code_system].append(code) # concept_set_name = concept_set_name + ' ' + '(' + ';'.join(code_systems) + ')' row = { # 'codeset_id': oid__codeset_id_map[value_set['@ID']], # 'codeset_id': value_set['@displayName'], 'codeset_id': codeset_id, 'concept_set_name': concept_set_name, 'concept_set_version_title': concept_set_name + ' (v1)', 'project': PROJECT_NAME, # always use this project id for bulk import 'source_application': 'EXTERNAL VSAC', 'source_application_version': '', # nullable 'created_at': _datetime_palantir_format(), 'atlas_json': '', # nullable 'is_most_recent_version': True, 'version': 1, 'comments': 'Exported from VSAC and bulk imported to N3C.', 'intention': '; '.join(purposes2[0:3]), # nullable 'limitations': purposes2[3], # nullable 'issues': '', # nullable 'update_message': 'Initial version.', # nullable (maybe?) # status field stats as appears in the code_set table 2022/01/12: # 'status': [ # '', # null # 'Finished', # 'In Progress', # 'Awaiting Review', # 'In progress', # ][2], # status field doesn't show this in stats in code_set table, but UI uses this value by default: 'status': 'Under Construction', 'has_review': '', # boolean (nullable) 'reviewed_by': '', # nullable 'created_by': PALANTIR_ENCLAVE_USER_ID_1, 'authority': value_set['ns0:Source'], 'provenance': '; '.join([ 'Steward: ' + value_set['ns0:Source'], 'OID: ' + value_set['@ID'], 'dih_id: ' + str(codeset_id), 'Code System(s): ' + ','.join(list(code_system_codes.keys())), 'Definition Type: ' + value_set['ns0:Type'], 'Definition Version: ' + value_set['@version'], 'Accessed: ' + str([0:-7] ]), 'atlas_json_resource_url': '', # nullable # null, initial version will not have the parent version so this field would be always null: 'parent_version_id': '', # nullable # True ( after the import view it from the concept set editor to review the concept set and click done. # We can add the comments like we imported from VSAC and reviewed it from the concept set editor. ) # 1. import 2. manual check 3 click done to finish the definition. - if we want to manually review them # first and click Done: 'is_draft': True, } row2 = {} for k, v in row.items(): row2[k] = v.replace('\n', ' - ') if type(v) == str else v row = row2 rows2.append(row) df2 =
from .tdx_parser import TDXParser import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json from collections import deque class Formula(object): buy_kw = [r'买入', r'买', 'BUY', 'BUYIN', 'ENTERLONG'] sell_kw = [r'卖出', r'卖', 'SELL', 'SELLOUT', 'EXITLONG'] FIGURE_DATA_LEN = 200 def __init__(self, text, param_desc='', **kwargs): self.figure_data_len = Formula.FIGURE_DATA_LEN if 'json_len' in kwargs: self.figure_data_len = kwargs['json_len'] self.text = text self.param_desc = param_desc parser = TDXParser() self.ast = parser.parse(text) self.const = { 'PERCENT_HLINE' : [0, 20, 50, 80, 100], } self._df = None self.local = {} = None self.sell = None self.builtin = { 'HHV': (self.HHV, r'%s的%s日内的最高价', 2), 'LLV': (self.LLV, r'%s的%s日内的最低价', 2), 'SUM': (self.SUM, r'%s的%s日数值之和', 2), 'REF': (self.REF, r'%s的%s日前的参考值', 2), 'CROSS': (self.CROSS, r'在%s上穿%s时触发', 2), 'NOT': (self.NOT, r'对%s取反逻辑', 1), 'IF' : (self.IF, r'IF(%s, %s, %s)', 3), 'IFF' : (self.IF, r'IFF(%s, %s, %s)', 3), 'EVERY' : (self.EVERY, r'%s周期内均满足%s', 2), 'EXIST' : (self.EXIST, r'EXIST(%s, %s)', 2), 'STD': (self.STD, r'%s周期%s的样本标准差', 2), 'VAR': (self.VAR, r'%s周期%s的样本方差', 2), 'STDP': (self.STDP, r'%s周期%s的总体标准差', 2), 'VARP': (self.VARP, r'%s周期%s的总体方差', 2), 'MAX': (self.MAX, r'取最大值(%s, %s)', 2), 'MIN': (self.MIN, r'取最小值(%s, %s)', 2), 'COUNT': (self.COUNT, r'满足条件%s在统计周期%s内的个数', 2), 'ABS': (self.ABS, r'%s的绝对值', 1), 'SQRT': (self.SQRT, r'%s的平方根', 1), 'POW': (self.POW, r'%s的%s次方', 2), 'LOG': (self.LOG, r'%s的对数', 1), 'CONST': (self.CONST, r'%s的最后值为常量', 1), 'INSIST': (self.INSIST, r'%s在周期%s到周期%s全为真', 3), 'LAST': (self.INSIST, r'%s在周期%s到周期%s全为真', 3), 'FILTER': (self.FILTER, r'过滤%s连续出现的%s个信号', 2), 'BARSLAST': (self.BARSLAST, r'满足条件%s到当前的周期数', 1), 'AVEDEV' : (self.AVEDEV, r'%s的周期%s的平均绝对偏差', 2), 'MA': (self.MA, r'%s的%s日简单移动平均', 2), 'EMA': (self.EMA, r'%s的%s日指数移动平均', 2), 'EXPEMA': (self.EMA, r'%s的%s日指数移动平均', 2), 'MEMA' : (self.MEMA, r'%s的%s周期平滑指数移动平均', 2), 'EXPMEMA' : (self.MEMA, r'%s的%s周期平滑指数移动平均', 2), 'DMA' : (self.DMA, r'%s的%s周期动态平均', 2), 'SMA' : (self.SMA, r'%s的%s周期(权重:%s)动态平均', 3), 'CONV': (self.CONV, r'%s与%s的%s周期卷积', 3), 'SAR' : (self.SAR, r'周期为%s步长为%s极值为%s的抛物转向', 3), 'SLOPE': (self.SLOPE, r'%s的周期为%s的线性回归斜率', 2), 'CLAMP': (self.CLAMP, r'限定%s的输出在(%s, %s)之间', 3), 'FORCAST': (self.FORCAST, r'%s的周期为%s的线性预测', 2), 'DRAWFUNC': (self.DRAWFUNC, r'DRAWFUNC(%s, %s, %s)', 3), 'DRAWICON': (self.DRAWICON, r'DRAWICON(%s, %s, %s)', 3), 'DRAWICONF': (self.DRAWICONF, r'DRAWICONF(%s, %s, %s)', 3), 'STICKLINE': (self.STICKLINE, r'STICKLINE(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', 5), 'DRAWKLINE' : (self.DRAWKLINE, r'DRAWKLINE(%s, %s, %s, %s)', 4), 'DRAWSKLINE' : (self.DRAWSKLINE, r'DRAWSKLINE(%s, %s, %s, %s)', 4), 'DRAWPKLINE' : (self.DRAWPKLINE, r'DRAWPKLINE(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', 5), 'DRAWNUMBER' : (self.DRAWNUMBER, r'DRAWNUMBER(%s, %s, %s)', 3), 'DRAWTEXT' : (self.DRAWTEXT, r'DRAWTEXT(%s, %s, %s)', 3), 'DRAWNULL' : (np.NaN, r'DRAWNULL', 0), 'DRAWGRID' : (self.DRAWGRID, r'DRAWGRID(%s)', 1), 'DRAWVOL' : (self.DRAWVOL, r'DRAWVOL(%s, %s)', 2), 'SIGNAL': (self.SIGNAL, r'从仓位数据%s导出指定的买入%s卖出%s信号指示',3), 'BASE': (self.BASE, r'创建%s的基准', 1), 'ASSET': (self.ASSET, r'根据价格%s,仓位%s和建仓比例%s创建资产', 3), 'SUGAR': (self.SUGAR, r'根据盈利情况进行调仓操作(仓位:%s, 价格:%s, 资产:%s)', 3), 'REMEMB': (self.REMEMB, r'记录价格(条件:%s, 值:%s)', 2), 'STOP':(self.STOP, r'止盈止损点(条件:%s, 价格:%s, 比例1:%s, 比例2:%s)', 4), 'HORIZON':(self.HORIZON, r'%s的周期为%s的地平线', 2) } def __mergeParam(self, param): self.local = {} #for k, v in self.const.items(): # self.local[k] = v self.local.update(self.const) if param is None: return #for k, v in param.items(): # self.local[k] = v self.local.update(param) def annotate(self, param = None): """ 取注解, 返回文符串 """ if self.ast is None: print('This formula failed to be parsed.') return None self.__mergeParam(param) return self.ast.annotate(self) def paramDesc(self): """ 取参数描述,返回参数名与描述 """ if self.param_desc is None: return '' if self.param_desc == '': return '' return json.dumps(self.param_desc) def get_figure(self): """ 取绘图数据 在调用这个函数前,需要调用求值函数 调用求值函数,也可用于图表数据的刷新 """ if self.ast is None: print('This formula failed to be parsed.') return None return self.ast.figure(self) def evaluate(self, param, fields = None, is_last_value = False): """ 求值,设置股票代码,参数 param: 参数以dict形式给出,键名为参数的变量名 """ if self.ast is None: print('This formula failed to be parsed.') raise ValueError('The formula failed to be parsed') if isinstance(param, dict): self.__mergeParam(param) if isinstance(param, pd.DataFrame): self._df = param default_retval = self.ast.evaluate(self) if default_retval is None: raise ValueError('Failed to evaluate. The formula failed to be parsed.') if fields is None: return default_retval retv = {} for col in fields: retv[col] = self.resolveSymbol(col, 0) if not is_last_value: return retv last_values = np.array([v.iloc[-1] for k, v in retv.items()]) return last_values def asDataFrame(self, columns, data_index = None): if data_index is None: close = self.resolveSymbol('CLOSE', 0) if close is None or len(close) == 0: return None df = pd.DataFrame(index = close.index) else: df = pd.DataFrame(index = data_index) for col in columns: s = self.resolveSymbol(col, 0) if s is not None: df[col] = s return df def setSymbol(self, symbol, func_def): old_def = None if symbol in self.builtin: old_def = self.builtin[symbol] self.builtin[symbol] = func_def return old_def def resolveSymbol(self, symbol, n): if n == 0: if self._df is not None: if symbol in self._df.columns: return self._df[symbol] if symbol in self.local: variable = self.local[symbol] if type(variable) == tuple: variable = variable[0] if variable is not None: if hasattr(variable, '__call__'): return variable() return variable symdef = None if symbol in self.builtin: symdef = self.builtin[symbol] if n == symdef[2]: return symdef[0] if symdef is not None: print('function: %s is resolved, expect %d parameters, but %d is given.' % (symbol, symdef[2], n)) if symbol in self.local: funcdef = self.local[symbol] if type(funcdef) == tuple: if n == funcdef[2]: func = funcdef[0] else: print('function: %s is resolved, expect %d parameters, but %d is given.' % (symbol, funcdef[2], n)) else: func = funcdef return func return None def resolveAnnotate(self, symbol): if symbol in self.local: variable = self.local[symbol] if type(variable) != tuple: return '[%s]' % symbol return variable[1] if symbol in self.builtin: symdef = self.builtin[symbol] return symdef[1] return None def registerFunctor(self, name, func, n): self.builtin[name] = (func, 'DefineFunction', n) ############# 内部函数 ################# def addSymbol(self, symbol, value): self.local[symbol] = value if symbol in Formula.buy_kw: if isinstance(value, pd.core.series.Series): if value.dtype == bool: = value if symbol in Formula.sell_kw: if isinstance(value, pd.core.series.Series): if value.dtype == bool: self.sell = value ### Formula Function Implementation ### #引用函数 def HHV(self, param): if param[1] == 0: return pd.expanding_max(param[0]) return pd.rolling_max(param[0], param[1]) def LLV(self, param): if param[1] == 0: return pd.expanding_min(param[0]) return pd.rolling_min(param[0], param[1]) def REF(self, param): return param[0].shift(param[1]) def EMA(self, param): return pd.ewma(param[0], span=param[1], adjust = True) def MA(self, param): if param[1] == 0: return pd.rolling_mean(param[0]) return pd.rolling_mean(param[0], param[1]) def SUM(self, param): if param[1] == 0: return pd.expanding_sum(param[0]) return pd.rolling_sum(param[0], param[1]) def CONST(self, param): ret = pd.Series(index = param[0].index) ret[:] = param[0][-1:].values[0] return ret def MEMA(self, param): return pd.ewma(param[0], span=param[1] * 2 - 1, adjust = False) def DMA(self, param): df = pd.DataFrame(index = param[0].index) df['X'] = param[0] df['A'] = param[1] class Averager: def __init__(self): self.Y = 0 self.start = True def handleInput(self, row): if self.start: self.start = False self.Y = row['X'] return self.Y X = row['X'] A = row['A'] if A > 1: A = 1 if A < 0: A = 0 self.Y = A * X + (1 - A) * self.Y return self.Y avger = Averager() result = df.apply(avger.handleInput, axis = 1, reduce = True) return result def SMA(self, param): M = param[2] if param[2] == 0: M = 1 return pd.ewma(param[0], span = 2 * param[1] / M - 1) def CONV(self, param): df = pd.DataFrame(index = param[0].index) df['X'] = param[0] df['W'] = param[1] class Convolution: def __init__(self, N): self.N = N self.q = deque([], self.N) self.tq = deque([], self.N) self.s = 0 self.t = 0 def handleInput(self, row): if len(self.q) < self.N: if pd.isnull(row['W']) or pd.isnull(row['X']): return np.NaN self.q.append(row['W'] * row['X']) self.tq.append(row['W']) self.s += row['W'] * row['X'] self.t += row['W'] return np.NaN ret = self.s / self.t self.s -= self.q[0] self.t -= self.tq[0] delta_s = row['W'] * row['X'] delta_t = row['W'] self.s += delta_s self.t += delta_t self.q.append(delta_s) self.tq.append(delta_t) return ret conv = Convolution(param[2]) result = df.apply(conv.handleInput, axis = 1, reduce = True) return result #算术逻辑函数 EPSLON = 0.0000001 def CROSS(self, param): if not isinstance(param[0], pd.core.series.Series) and not isinstance(param[1], pd.core.series.Series): print('Invalid data type is detected.') return False if not isinstance(param[0], pd.core.series.Series): x1 = param[0] x2 = param[0] y1 = param[1].shift(1) y2 = param[1] if not isinstance(param[1], pd.core.series.Series): x1 = param[0].shift(1) x2 = param[0] y1 = param[1] y2 = param[1] if isinstance(param[0], pd.core.series.Series) and isinstance(param[1], pd.core.series.Series): x1 = param[0].shift(1) x2 = param[0] y1 = param[1].shift(1) y2 = param[1] return (x1 <= y1) & (x2 > y2) def NOT(self, param): if not isinstance(param[0], pd.core.series.Series): if type(param[0]) != bool: return (param[0] == 0) else: return not param[0] if param[0].dtype == bool: return (param[0] == False) if param[0].dtype == float: return (param[0] > -Formula.EPSLON) & (param[0] < Formula.EPSLON) return (param[0] == 0) def IF(self, param): EPSLON = 0.0000001 if not isinstance(param[0], pd.core.series.Series): if type(param[0]) == bool: if param[0]: return param[1] else: return param[2] elif type(param[0]) == int: if param[0] != 0: return param[1] else: return param[2] elif type(param[0]) == float: if (param[0] < -Formula.EPSLON) or (param[0] > Formula.EPSLON): return param[1] else: return param[2] df = pd.DataFrame(index = param[0].index) if param[0].dtype == bool: df['X'] = param[0] elif param[0].dtype == float: df['X'] = ~ ((param[0] > -EPSLON) & (param[0] < EPSLON)) else: df['X'] = (param[0] != 0) df['A'] = param[1] df['B'] = param[2] def callback(row): if row['X']: return row['A'] else: return row['B'] result = df.apply(callback, axis=1, reduce = True) return result def EVERY(self, param): norm = self.IF([param[0], 1, 0]) result = pd.rolling_sum(norm, param[1]) return result == param[1] def EXIST(self, param): norm = self.IF([param[0], 1, 0]) result = pd.rolling_sum(norm, param[1]) return result > 0 def COUNT(self, param): norm = self.IF([param[0], 1, 0]) result = pd.rolling_sum(norm, param[1]) return result def INSIST(self, param): norm = self.IF([param[0], 1, 0]) x1 =
pd.rolling_sum(norm, param[1])
import logging import uuid from typing import Optional import fire import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from core import Simulator, Simulation from settings import * from utils import list_dir logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Main: @staticmethod def show_strategies(): return "\n".join(f"* {strategy}" for strategy in SOCIAL_DISTANCING_VAR_STRATEGIES) @staticmethod def simulate(days=100, show=False, filename=""): simulation = Simulation(days=days) results_confirmed, results_interactions = df =
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union, Callable, Tuple, List, Iterable import pandas as pd from scipy import stats from .db import engine import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import warnings import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class Error(Exception): """Base class for exceptions in this module.""" pass class InputError(Error): """Exception raised for errors in the input. Attributes: expression -- input expression in which the error occurred message -- explanation of the error """ def __init__(self, expression, message): self.expression = expression self.message = message # ========================================================================== # Utility functions # ========================================================================== def calculate_timestep( start_year: int, start_month: int, end_year: int, end_month: int ) -> int: """ Utility function that converts a time range given a start date and end date into a integer value. Args: start_year: The starting year (ex: 2012) start_month: Starting month (1-12) end_year: Ending year end_month: Ending month Returns: The computed time step. """ assert start_year <= end_year, "Starting date cannot exceed ending date." if start_year == end_year: assert ( start_month <= end_month ), "Starting date cannot exceed ending date." diff_year = end_year - start_year year_to_month = diff_year * 12 return year_to_month - (start_month - 1) + (end_month - 1) def get_data_value( indicator: str, country: Optional[str] = "South Sudan", state: Optional[str] = None, county: Optional[str] = None, year: int = 2015, month: int = 1, unit: Optional[str] = None, use_heuristic: bool = False, ) -> List[float]: """ Get a indicator value from the delphi database. Args: indicator: Name of the target indicator variable. country: Specified Country to get a value for. state: Specified State to get value for. year: Specified Year to get a value for. month: Specified Month to get a value for. unit: Specified Units to get a value for. use_heuristic: a boolean that indicates whether or not use a built-in heurstic for partially missing data. In cases where data for a given year exists but no monthly data, setting this to true divides the yearly value by 12 for any month. Returns: Specified float value given the specified parameters. """ query_base = " ".join( [f"select * from indicator", f"where `Variable` like '{indicator}'"] #[f"select Country, Year, Month, avg(Value) as Value, Unit from indicator", f"where `Variable` like '{indicator}'"] ) query_parts = {"base": query_base} if country is not None: check_q = query_parts["base"] + f"and `Country` is '{country}'" check_r = list(engine.execute(check_q)) if check_r == []: warnings.warn( f"Selected Country not found for {indicator}! Using default settings (South Sudan)!" ) query_parts["country"] = f"and `Country` is 'South Sudan'" else: query_parts["country"] = f"and `Country` is '{country}'" else: query_parts["country"] = f"and `Country` is 'None'" if state is not None: check_q = query_parts["base"] + f"and `State` is '{state}'" check_r = list(engine.execute(check_q)) if check_r == []: warnings.warn( ( f"Selected State not found for {indicator}! Using default ", "settings (Getting data at Country level only instead of State ", "level)!", ) ) query_parts["state"] = f"and `State` is 'None'" else: query_parts["state"] = f"and `State` is '{state}'" #else: # query_parts["state"] = f"and `State` is 'None'" if county is not None: check_q = query_parts["base"] + f"and `County` is '{county}'" check_r = list(engine.execute(check_q)) if check_r == []: warnings.warn( ( f"Selected County not found for {indicator}! Using default ", "settings (Attempting to get data at state level instead)!", ) ) query_parts["county"] = f"and `County` is 'None'" else: query_parts["county"] = f"and `County` is '{county}'" #else: # query_parts["county"] = f"and `County` is 'None'" if unit is not None: check_q = query_parts["base"] + f" and `Unit` is '{unit}'" check_r = list(engine.execute(check_q)) if check_r == []: warnings.warn( f"Selected units not found for {indicator}! Falling back to default units!" ) query_parts["unit"] = "" else: query_parts["unit"] = f"and `Unit` is '{unit}'" query_parts["year"] = f"and `Year` is '{year}'" query_parts["month"] = f"and `Month` is '{month}'" #query_parts["groupby"] = f"group by `Year`, `Month`" query = " ".join(query_parts.values()) #print(query) results = list(engine.execute(query)) #print(results) if results != []: unit = sorted(list({r["Unit"] for r in results}))[0] vals = [float(r["Value"]) for r in results if r["Unit"] == unit] return vals if not use_heuristic: return [] query_parts["month"] = f"and `Month` is '0'" query = " ".join(query_parts.values()) results = list(engine.execute(query)) if results != []: unit = sorted(list({r["Unit"] for r in results}))[0] vals = [float(r["Value"]) for r in results if r["Unit"] == unit] return list(map(lambda x: x / 12, vals)) return [] # ========================================================================== # Inference Output functions # ========================================================================== def data_to_list( indicator: str, start_year: int, start_month: int, end_year: int, end_month: int, use_heuristic: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[List[int]]]: """ Get the true values of the indicator variable given a start date and end data. Allows for other specifications as well. Args: variable: Name of target indicator variable. start_year: An integer, designates the starting year (ex: 2012). start_month: An integer, starting month (1-12). end_year: An integer, ending year. end_month: An integer, ending month. use_heuristic: a boolean that indicates whether or not use a built-in heurstic for partially missing data. In cases where data for a given year exists but no monthly data, setting this to true divides the yearly value by 12 for any month. **kwargs: These are options for which you can specify country, state, units. Returns: Returns a tuple where the first element is a list of the specified dates in year-month format and the second element is a list of lists of the true data for a given indicator. Each element of the outer list represents a time step and the inner lists contain the data for that time point. """ country = kwargs.get("country", "South Sudan") state = kwargs.get("state") county = kwargs.get("county") unit = kwargs.get("unit") n_timesteps = calculate_timestep( start_year, start_month, end_year, end_month ) vals = [] year = start_year month = start_month date = [] for j in range(n_timesteps + 1): vals.append( get_data_value( indicator, country, state, county, year, month, unit, use_heuristic, ) ) date.append(f"{year}-{month}") if month == 12: year = year + 1 month = 1 else: month = month + 1 return date, vals def mean_data_to_df( indicator: str, start_year: int, start_month: int, end_year: int, end_month: int, use_heuristic: bool = False, ci: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get the true values of the indicator variable given a start date and end data. Allows for other specifications as well. variable: Name of target indicator variable. start_year: An integer, designates the starting year (ex: 2012). start_month: An integer, starting month (1-12). end_year: An integer, ending year. end_month: An integer, ending month. use_heuristic: a boolean that indicates whether or not use a built-in heurstic for partially missing data. In cases where data for a given year exists but no monthly data, setting this to true divides the yearly value by 12 for any month. ci: confidence level. Only the mean is reported if left as None. **kwargs: These are options for which you can specify country, state, units. Returns: Pandas Dataframe containing true values for target node's indicator variable. The values are indexed by date. """ date, vals = data_to_list( indicator, start_year, start_month, end_year, end_month, use_heuristic, **kwargs, ) if ci is not None: data_mean = np.zeros((len(date), 3)) for i, obs in enumerate(vals): if len(obs) > 1: mean, _, _ = stats.bayes_mvs(obs, ci) data_mean[i, 0] = mean[0] data_mean[i, 1] = mean[1][0] data_mean[i, 2] = mean[2][1] else: data_mean[i, 0] = np.mean(obs) data_mean[i, 1] = np.nan data_mean[i, 2] = np.nan return pd.DataFrame( data_mean, date, columns=[ f"{indicator}(True)", f"{indicator}(True)(Lower Confidence Bound)", f"{indicator}(True)(Upper Confidence Bound)", ], ) else: data_mean = np.zeros((len(date), 1)) for i, obs in enumerate(vals): data_mean[i] = np.mean(obs) return pd.DataFrame(data_mean, date, columns=[f"{indicator}(True)"]) def pred_to_array( preds: Tuple[ Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]], List[str], List[List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]], ], indicator: str, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Outputs raw predictions for a given indicator that were generated by generate_prediction(). Each column is a time step and the rows are the samples for that time step. Args: preds: This is the entire prediction set returned by the generate_prediction() method in AnalysisGraph.cpp. indicator: A string representing the indicator variable for which we want predictions printed. Returns: np.ndarray """ _, pred_range, predictions = preds time_range = len(pred_range) m_samples = len(predictions) pred_raw = np.zeros((m_samples, time_range)) for i in range(m_samples): for j in range(time_range): for _, inds in predictions[i][j].items(): if indicator in inds.keys(): pred_raw[i][j] = float(inds[indicator]) return pred_raw def mean_pred_to_df( preds: Tuple[ Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]], List[str], List[List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]], ], indicator: str, ci: Optional[float] = 0.95, true_vals: bool = False, use_heuristic_for_true: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Outputs mean predictions for a given indicator that were generated by generate_prediction(). The rows are indexed by date. Other output includes the confidence intervals for the mean predictions and with true_vals = True, the true data values, residual error, and error bounds. Setting true_vals = True, assumes that real data exists for the given prediction range. A heuristic estimate is calculated for each missing data value in the true dateset. Args: preds: This is the entire prediction set returned by the generate_prediction() method in AnalysisGraph.cpp. indicator: A string representing the indicator variable for which we want mean predictions,etc printed. ci: Confidence Level (as decimal). Default is 0.95 or 95%. true_vals: A boolean, if set to True then the true data values, residual errors, and error bounds are return in the dataframe. If set to False (default), then only the mean predictions and confidence intervals (for the mean predictions) are returned. **kwargs: Here country, state, and units can be specified. The same kwargs (excluding k), should have been passed to train_model. Returns: np.ndarray """ if ci is not None: pred_raw = pred_to_array(preds, indicator) _, pred_range, _ = preds pred_stats = np.apply_along_axis(stats.bayes_mvs, 1, pred_raw.T, ci)[ :, 0 ] pred_mean = np.zeros((len(pred_range), 3)) for i, (mean, interval) in enumerate(pred_stats): pred_mean[i, 0] = mean pred_mean[i, 1] = interval[0] pred_mean[i, 2] = interval[1] mean_df = pd.DataFrame( pred_mean, columns=[ f"{indicator}(Mean Prediction)", f"{indicator}(Lower Confidence Bound)", f"{indicator}(Upper Confidence Bound)", ], ) if true_vals == True: warnings.warn( "The selected output settings assume that real data exists " "for the given prediction time range. Any missing data values are " "filled with a heuristic estimate based on existing data." ) start_date = pred_range[0] start_year = int(start_date[0:4]) start_month = int(start_date[5:7]) end_date = pred_range[-1] end_year = int(end_date[0:4]) end_month = int(end_date[5:7]) true_data_df = mean_data_to_df( indicator, start_year, start_month, end_year, end_month, use_heuristic_for_true, ci, **kwargs, ) mean_df = mean_df.set_index(true_data_df.index) error = mean_df.values - true_data_df.values[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1) error_df = pd.DataFrame( error, columns=["Error", "Lower Error Bound", "Upper Error Bound"], ) error_df = error_df.set_index(true_data_df.index) return pd.concat( [mean_df, true_data_df, error_df], axis=1, join_axes=[true_data_df.index], ) else: mean_df = mean_df.set_index(pd.Index(pred_range)) return mean_df else: pred_raw = pred_to_array(preds, indicator) _, pred_range, _ = preds pred_mean = np.mean(pred_raw, axis=0).reshape(-1, 1) mean_df = pd.DataFrame( pred_mean, columns=[f"{indicator}(Mean Prediction)"] ) if true_vals == True: warnings.warn( "The selected output settings assume that real data exists " "for the given prediction time range. Any missing data values are " "filled with a heuristic estimate based on existing data." ) start_date = pred_range[0] start_year = int(start_date[0:4]) start_month = int(start_date[5:7]) end_date = pred_range[-1] end_year = int(end_date[0:4]) end_month = int(end_date[5:7]) true_data_df = mean_data_to_df( indicator, start_year, start_month, end_year, end_month, use_heuristic_for_true, ci, **kwargs, ) mean_df = mean_df.set_index(pd.Index(pred_range)) error = mean_df.values - true_data_df.values.reshape(-1, 1) error_df =
pd.DataFrame(error, columns=["Error"])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Analyzes code age in a git repository Writes reports in the following locations e.g. For repository "cpython" [root] Defaults to ~/git.stats ├── cpython Directory for │   └── reports │   ├── 2011-03-06.d68ed6fc.2_0 Revision `d68ed6fc` which was created on 2011-03-06 on │   │ │   branch `2.0`. │   │   └── __c.__cpp.__h Report on *.c, *.cpp and *.h files in this revision │   │   ├── Guido_van_Rossum Sub-report on author `<NAME>` │   │   │   ├── code-age.png Graph of code age. LoC / day vs date │   │   │   ├── code-age.txt List of commits in the peaks in the code-age.png graph │   │   │   ├── details.csv LoC in each directory in for these files and authors │   │   │   ├── newest-commits.txt List of newest commits for these files and authors │   │   │   └── oldest-commits.txt List of oldest commits for these files and authors """ from __future__ import division, print_function import subprocess from subprocess import CalledProcessError from collections import defaultdict, Counter import sys import time import re import os import stat import glob import errno import numpy as np from scipy import signal import pandas as pd from pandas import Series, DataFrame, Timestamp import matplotlib import matplotlib.pylab as plt from matplotlib.pylab import cycler import bz2 from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool import pygments from pygments import lex from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Punctuation, Literal from pygments.lexers import guess_lexer_for_filename # Python 2 / 3 stuff PY2 = sys.version_info[0] < 3 try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle try: reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') except: pass # # Configuration. # CACHE_FILE_VERSION = 3 # Update when making incompatible changes to cache file format TIMEZONE = 'Australia/Melbourne' # The timezone used for all commit times. TODO Make configurable SHA_LEN = 8 # The number of characters used when displaying git SHA-1 hashes STRICT_CHECKING = False # For validating code. N_BLAME_PROCESSES = max(1, cpu_count() - 1) # Number of processes to use for blaming N_SHOW_THREADS = 8 # Number of threads for running the many git show commands DO_MULTIPROCESSING = True # For test non-threaded performance # Set graphing style'ggplot') plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', ['b', 'y', 'k', '#707040', '#404070']) plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 300 PATH_MAX = 255 # Files that we don't analyze. These are files that don't have lines of code so that blaming # doesn't make sense. IGNORED_EXTS = { '.air', '.bin', '.bmp', '.cer', '.cert', '.der', '.developerprofile', '.dll', '.doc', '.docx', '.exe', '.gif', '.icns', '.ico', '.jar', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.keychain', '.launch', '.pdf', '.pem', '.pfx', '.png', '.prn', '.so', '.spc', '.svg', '.swf', '.tif', '.tiff', '.xls', '.xlsx', '.tar', '.zip', '.gz', '.7z', '.rar', '.patch', '.dump', '.h5' } def _is_windows(): """Returns: True if running on a MS-Windows operating system.""" try: sys.getwindowsversion() except: return False else: return True IS_WINDOWS = _is_windows() if IS_WINDOWS: import win32api import win32process import win32con def lowpriority(): """ Set the priority of the process to below-normal. """ pid = win32api.GetCurrentProcessId() handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, True, pid) win32process.SetPriorityClass(handle, win32process.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) else: def lowpriority(): os.nice(1) class ProcessPool(object): """Package of Pool and ThreadPool for 'with' usage. """ SINGLE = 0 THREAD = 1 PROCESS = 2 def __init__(self, process_type, n_pool): if not DO_MULTIPROCESSING: process_type = ProcessPool.SINGLE self.process_type = process_type if process_type != ProcessPool.SINGLE: clazz = ThreadPool if process_type == ProcessPool.THREAD else Pool self.pool = clazz(n_pool) def __enter__(self): return self def imap_unordered(self, func, args_iter): if self.process_type != ProcessPool.SINGLE: return self.pool.imap_unordered(func, args_iter) else: return map(func, args_iter) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if self.process_type != ProcessPool.SINGLE: self.pool.terminate() def sha_str(sha): """The way we show git SHA-1 hashes in reports.""" return sha[:SHA_LEN] def date_str(date): """The way we show dates in reports.""" return date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') DAY = pd.Timedelta('1 days') # 24 * 3600 * 1e9 in pandas nanosec time # Max date accepted for commits. Clearly a sanity check MAX_DATE = Timestamp('today').tz_localize(TIMEZONE) + DAY def to_timestamp(date_s): """Convert string `date_s' to pandas Timestamp in `TIMEZONE` NOTE: The idea is to get all times in one timezone. """ return Timestamp(date_s).tz_convert(TIMEZONE) def delta_days(t0, t1): """Returns: time from `t0` to `t1' in days where t0 and t1 are Timestamps Returned value is signed (+ve if t1 later than t0) and fractional """ return (t1 - t0).total_seconds() / 3600 / 24 concat = ''.join path_join = os.path.join def decode_to_str(bytes): """Decode byte list `bytes` to a unicode string trying utf-8 encoding first then latin-1. """ if bytes is None: return None try: return bytes.decode('utf-8') except: return bytes.decode('latin-1') def save_object(path, obj): """Save object `obj` to `path` after bzipping it """ # existing_pkl is for recovering from bad pickles existing_pkl = '%s.old.pkl' % path if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.exists(existing_pkl): os.rename(path, existing_pkl) with bz2.BZ2File(path, 'w') as f: # protocol=2 makes pickle usable by python 2.x pickle.dump(obj, f, protocol=2) # Delete existing_pkl if load_object succeeds load_object(path) if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.exists(existing_pkl): os.remove(existing_pkl) def load_object(path, default=None): """Load object from `path` """ if default is not None and not os.path.exists(path): return default try: with bz2.BZ2File(path, 'r') as f: return pickle.load(f) except: print('load_object(%s, %s) failed' % (path, default), file=sys.stderr) raise def mkdir(path): """Create directory `path` including all intermediate-level directories and ignore "already exists" errors. """ try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if not (e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path)): raise def df_append_totals(df_in): """Append row and column totals to Pandas DataFrame `df_in`, remove all zero columns and sort rows and columns by total. """ assert 'Total' not in df_in.index assert 'Total' not in df_in.columns rows, columns = list(df_in.index), list(df_in.columns) df = DataFrame(index=rows + ['Total'], columns=columns + ['Total']) df.iloc[:-1, :-1] = df_in df.iloc[:, -1] = df.iloc[:-1, :-1].sum(axis=1) df.iloc[-1, :] = df.iloc[:-1, :].sum(axis=0) row_order = ['Total'] + sorted(rows, key=lambda r: -df.loc[r, 'Total']) column_order = ['Total'] + sorted(columns, key=lambda c: -df.loc['Total', c]) df = df.reindex_axis(row_order, axis=0) df = df.reindex_axis(column_order, axis=1) empties = [col for col in df.columns if df.loc['Total', col] == 0] df.drop(empties, axis=1, inplace=True) return df def moving_average(series, window): """Returns: Weighted moving average of pandas Series `series` as a pandas Series. Weights are a triangle of width `window`. NOTE: If window is greater than the number of items in series then smoothing may not work well. See first few lines of function code. """ if len(series) < 10: return series window = min(window, len(series)) weights = np.empty(window, dtype=np.float) radius = (window - 1) / 2 for i in range(window): weights[i] = radius + 1 - abs(i - radius) ma = np.convolve(series, weights, mode='same') assert ma.size == series.size, ([ma.size, ma.dtype], [series.size, series.dtype], window) sum_raw = series.sum() sum_ma = ma.sum() if sum_ma: ma *= sum_raw / sum_ma return Series(ma, index=series.index) def procrustes(s, width=100): """Returns: String `s` fitted `width` or fewer chars, removing middle characters if necessary. """ width = max(20, width) if len(s) > width: notch = int(round(width * 0.6)) - 5 end = width - 5 - notch return '%s ... %s' % (s[:notch], s[-end:]) return s RE_EXT = re.compile(r'^\.\w+$') RE_EXT_NUMBER = re.compile(r'^\.\d+$') def get_ext(path): """Returns: extension of file `path` """ parts = os.path.splitext(path) if not parts: ext = '[None]' else: ext = parts[-1] if not or ext = '' return ext def exec_output(command, require_output): """Executes `command` which is a list of strings. If `require_output` is True then raise an exception is there is no stdout. Returns: The stdout of the child process as a string. """ # TODO save stderr and print it on error try: output = subprocess.check_output(command) except: print('exec_output failed: command=%s' % ' '.join(command), file=sys.stderr) raise if require_output and not output: raise RuntimeError('exec_output: command=%s' % command) return decode_to_str(output) def exec_output_lines(command, require_output, sep=None): """Executes `command` which is a list of strings. If `require_output` is True then raise an exception is there is no stdout. Returns: The stdout of the child process as a list of strings, one string per line. """ if sep is not None: return exec_output(command, require_output).split(sep) else: return exec_output(command, require_output).splitlines() def exec_headline(command): """Execute `command` which is a list of strings. Returns: The first line stdout of the child process. """ return exec_output(command, True).splitlines()[0] def git_file_list(path_patterns=()): """Returns: List of files in current git revision matching `path_patterns`. This is basically git ls-files. """ # git ls-files -z returns a '\0' separated list of files terminated with '\0\0' bin_list = exec_output_lines(['git', 'ls-files', '-z', '--exclude-standard'] + path_patterns, False, '\0') file_list = [] for path in bin_list: if not path: break file_list.append(path) return file_list def git_pending_list(path_patterns=()): """Returns: List of git pending files matching `path_patterns`. """ return exec_output_lines(['git', 'diff', '--name-only'] + path_patterns, False) def git_file_list_no_pending(path_patterns=()): """Returns: List of non-pending files in current git revision matching `path_patterns`. """ file_list = git_file_list(path_patterns) pending = set(git_pending_list(path_patterns)) return [path for path in file_list if path not in pending] def git_diff(rev1, rev2): """Returns: List of files that differ in git revisions `rev1` and `rev2`. """ return exec_output_lines(['git', 'diff', '--name-only', rev1, rev2], False) def git_show_oneline(obj): """Returns: One-line description of a git object `obj`, which is typically a commit. """ return exec_headline(['git', 'show', '--oneline', '--quiet', obj]) def git_date(obj): """Returns: Date of a git object `obj`, which is typically a commit. NOTE: The returned date is standardized to timezone TIMEZONE. """ date_s = exec_headline(['git', 'show', '--pretty=format:%ai', '--quiet', obj]) return to_timestamp(date_s) RE_REMOTE_URL = re.compile(r'(https?://.*/[^/]+(?:\.git)?)\s+\(fetch\)') RE_REMOTE_NAME = re.compile(r'https?://.*/(.+?)(\.git)?$') def git_remote(): """Returns: The remote URL and a short name for the current repository. """ # $ git remote -v # origin (fetch) # origin (push) try: output_lines = exec_output_lines(['git', 'remote', '-v'], True) except Exception as e: print('git_remote error: %s' % e) return 'unknown', 'unknown' for line in output_lines: m = if not m: continue remote_url = remote_name = return remote_url, remote_name raise RuntimeError('No remote') def git_describe(): """Returns: git describe of current revision. """ return exec_headline(['git', 'describe', '--always']) def git_name(): """Returns: git name of current revision. """ return ' '.join(exec_headline(['git', 'name-rev', 'HEAD']).split()[1:]) def git_current_branch(): """Returns: git name of current branch or None if there is no current branch (detached HEAD). """ branch = exec_headline(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']) if branch == 'HEAD': # Detached HEAD? branch = None return branch def git_current_revision(): """Returns: SHA-1 of current revision. """ return exec_headline(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']) def git_revision_description(): """Returns: Our best guess at describing the current revision""" description = git_current_branch() if not description: description = git_describe() return description RE_PATH = re.compile(r'''[^a-z^0-9^!@#$\-+=_\[\]\{\}\(\)^\x7f-\xffff]''', re.IGNORECASE) RE_SLASH = re.compile(r'[\\/]+') def normalize_path(path): """Returns: `path` without leading ./ and trailing / . \ is replaced by / """ path = RE_SLASH.sub('/', path) if path.startswith('./'): path = path[2:] if path.endswith('/'): path = path[:-1] return path def clean_path(path): """Returns: `path` with characters that are illegal in filenames replaced with '_' """ return RE_PATH.sub('_', normalize_path(path)) def git_blame_text(path): """Returns: git blame text for file `path` """ if PY2: path = path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) return exec_output(['git', 'blame', '-l', '-f', '-w', '-M', path], False) RE_BLAME = re.compile(r''' \^*([0-9a-f]{4,})\s+ .+?\s+ \( (.+?)\s+ (\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s+[+-]\d{4}) \s+(\d+) \)''', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE) def _debug_check_dates(max_date, sha_date_author, path_sha_loc): """Debug code to validate dates in `sha_date_author`, `path_sha_loc` """ if not STRICT_CHECKING: return assert max_date <= MAX_DATE, max_date for path, sha_loc in path_sha_loc.items(): for sha, loc in sha_loc.items(): if loc <= 1: continue assert sha in sha_date_author, '%s not in sha_date_author' % [sha, path] date, _ = sha_date_author[sha] assert date <= max_date, ('date > max_date', sha, loc, [date, max_date], path) class GitException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg=None): super(GitException, self).__init__(msg) self.git_msg = msg if IS_WINDOWS: RE_LINE = re.compile(r'(?:\r\n|\n)+') else: RE_LINE = re.compile(r'[\n]+') def _parse_blame(max_date, text, path): """Parses git blame output `text` and extracts LoC for each git hash found max_date: Latest valid date for a commit text: A string containing the git blame output of file `path` path: Path of blamed file. Used only for constructing error messages in this function Returns: line_sha_date_author {line_n: (sha, date, author)} over all lines in the file """ line_sha_date_author = {} lines = RE_LINE.split(text) while lines and not lines[-1]: lines.pop() if not lines: raise GitException('is empty') for i, ln in enumerate(lines): if not ln: continue m = RE_BLAME.match(ln) if not m: raise GitException('bad line') if == 'Not Committed Yet': continue sha = author = date_s = line_n = int( author = author.strip() if author == '': author = '<>' assert line_n == i + 1, 'line_n=%d,i=%d\n%s\n%s' % (line_n, i, path, assert author.strip() == author, 'author="%s\n%s:%d\n%s",' % ( author, path, i + 1, ln[:200]) date = to_timestamp(date_s) if date > max_date: raise GitException('bad date. sha=%s,date=%s' % (sha, date)) line_sha_date_author[line_n] = sha, date, author if not line_sha_date_author: raise GitException('is empty') return line_sha_date_author def _compute_author_sha_loc(line_sha_date_author, sloc_lines): """ line_sha_date_author: {line_n: (sha, date, author)} sloc_lines: {line_n} for line_n in line_sha_date_author that are source code or None Returns: sha_date_author, sha_aloc, sha_sloc sha_date_author: {sha: (date, author)} over all SHA-1 hashes in `line_sha_date_author` sha_aloc: {sha: aloc} over all SHA-1 hashes found in `line_sha_date_author`. aloc is "all lines of code" sha_sloc: {sha: sloc} over SHA-1 hashes found in `line_sha_date_author` that are in `sloc_lines`. sloc is "source lines of code". If sloc_lines is None then sha_sloc is None. """ sha_date_author = {} sha_aloc = Counter() sha_sloc = None for sha, date, author in line_sha_date_author.values(): sha_aloc[sha] += 1 sha_date_author[sha] = (date, author) if not sha_aloc: raise GitException('is empty') if sloc_lines is not None: sha_sloc = Counter() counted_lines = set(line_sha_date_author.keys()) & sloc_lines for line_n in counted_lines: sha, _, _ = line_sha_date_author[line_n] sha_sloc[sha] += 1 return sha_date_author, sha_aloc, sha_sloc def get_ignored_files(gitstatsignore): if gitstatsignore is None: gitstatsignore = 'gitstatsignore' else: assert os.path.exists(gitstatsignore), 'gitstatsignore file "%s"' % gitstatsignore if not gitstatsignore or not os.path.exists(gitstatsignore): return set() ignored_files = set() with open(gitstatsignore, 'rt') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip('\n').strip() if not line: continue ignored_files.update(git_file_list([line])) return ignored_files class Persistable(object): """Base class that a) saves to disk, catalog: a dict of objects summary: a dict describing catalog manifest: a dict of sizes of objects in a catalog b) loads them from disk Derived classes must contain a dict data member called `TEMPLATE` that gives the keys of the data members to save / load and default constructors for each key. """ @staticmethod def make_data_dir(path): return path_join(path, 'data') @staticmethod def update_dict(base_dict, new_dict): for k, v in new_dict.items(): if k in base_dict: base_dict[k].update(v) else: base_dict[k] = v return base_dict def _make_path(self, name): return path_join(self.base_dir, name) def __init__(self, summary, base_dir): """Initialize the data based on TEMPLATE and set summary to `summary`. summary: A dict giving a summary of the data to be saved base_dir: Directory that summary, data and manifest are to be saved to """ assert 'TEMPLATE' in self.__class__.__dict__, 'No TEMPLATE in %s' % self.__class__.__dict__ self.base_dir = base_dir self.data_dir = Persistable.make_data_dir(base_dir) self.summary = summary.copy() self.catalog = {k: v() for k, v in self.__class__.TEMPLATE.items()} for k, v in self.catalog.items(): assert hasattr(v, 'update'), '%s.TEMPLATE[%s] does not have update(). type=%s' % ( self.__class__.__name__, k, type(v)) def _load_catalog(self): catalog = load_object(self._make_path('data.pkl'), {}) if catalog.get('CACHE_FILE_VERSION', 0) != CACHE_FILE_VERSION: return {} del catalog['CACHE_FILE_VERSION'] return catalog def load(self): catalog = self._load_catalog() if not catalog: return False Persistable.update_dict(self.catalog, catalog) # !@#$ Use toolz path = self._make_path('summary') if os.path.exists(path): self.summary = eval(open(path, 'rt').read()) return True def save(self): # Load before saving in case another instance of this script is running path = self._make_path('data.pkl') if os.path.exists(path): catalog = self._load_catalog() self.catalog = Persistable.update_dict(catalog, self.catalog) # Save the data, summary and manifest mkdir(self.base_dir) self.catalog['CACHE_FILE_VERSION'] = CACHE_FILE_VERSION save_object(path, self.catalog) open(self._make_path('summary'), 'wt').write(repr(self.summary)) manifest = {k: len(v) for k, v in self.catalog.items() if k != 'CACHE_FILE_VERSION'} manifest['CACHE_FILE_VERSION'] = CACHE_FILE_VERSION open(self._make_path('manifest'), 'wt').write(repr(manifest)) def __repr__(self): return repr([self.base_dir, {k: len(v) for k, v in self.catalog.items()}]) class BlameRepoState(Persistable): """Repository level persisted data structures Currently this is just sha_date_author. """ TEMPLATE = {'sha_date_author': lambda: {}} class BlameRevState(Persistable): """Revision level persisted data structures The main structures are path_sha_aloc and path_sha_sloc. """ TEMPLATE = { 'path_sha_aloc': lambda: {}, # aloc for all LoC 'path_sha_sloc': lambda: {}, # sloc for source LoC 'path_set': lambda: set(), 'bad_path_set': lambda: set(), } def get_lexer(path, text): try: return guess_lexer_for_filename(path, text[:1000]) except pygments.util.ClassNotFound: return None COMMMENTS = { Comment, Literal.String.Doc, Comment.Multiline, } class LineState(object): def __init__(self): self.sloc = set() self.tokens = [] self.lnum = 0 self.ltype = None def tokens_to_lines(self, has_eol): is_comment = self.ltype in COMMMENTS is_blank = self.ltype == Text text = concat(self.tokens) if has_eol: lines = text[:-1].split('\n') else: lines = text.spit('\n') for line in lines: self.lnum += 1 if not (is_comment or is_blank): self.sloc.add(self.lnum) self.tokens = [] self.ltype = None def get_sloc_lines(path): """Determine the lines in file `path` that are source code. i.e. Not space or comments. This requires a parser for this file type, which exists for most source code files in the Pygment module. Returns: If a Pygment lexer can be found for file `path` {line_n} i.e. set of 1-offset line number for lines in `path` that are source. Otherwise None """ with open(path, 'rb') as f: text = decode_to_str( lexer = get_lexer(path, text) if lexer is None: return None line_state = LineState() for ttype, value in lex(text, lexer): if not line_state.ltype: line_state.ltype = ttype elif line_state.ltype == Text: if ttype is not None: line_state.ltype = ttype elif line_state.ltype == Punctuation: if ttype is not None and ttype != Text: line_state.ltype = ttype if value: line_state.tokens.append(value) if value.endswith('\n'): line_state.tokens_to_lines(True) return line_state.sloc def _task_extract_author_sha_loc(args): """Wrapper around blame and comment detection code to allow it to be executed by a multiprocessing Pool. Runs git blame and parses output to extract LoC by sha for all the sha's (SHA-1 hashes) in the blame output. Runs a Pygment lexer over the file if there is a matching lexer and combines this with the blame parse to extract SLoC for each git hash found args: max_date, path max_date: Latest valid date for a commit path: path of file to analyze Returns: path, sha_date_author, sha_loc, sha_sloc, exception path: from `args` sha_date_author: {sha: (date, author)} over all SHA-1 hashes found in `path` sha_aloc: {sha: aloc} over all SHA-1 hashes found in `path`. aloc = all lines counts sha_sloc: {sha: sloc} over all SHA-1 hashes found in `path`. sloc = source lines counts """ max_date, path = args sha_date_author, sha_aloc, sha_sloc, exception = None, None, None, None try: text = git_blame_text(path) line_sha_date_author = _parse_blame(max_date, text, path) sloc_lines = get_sloc_lines(path) sha_date_author, sha_aloc, sha_sloc = _compute_author_sha_loc(line_sha_date_author, sloc_lines) except Exception as e: exception = e if not DO_MULTIPROCESSING and not isinstance(e, (GitException, CalledProcessError, IsADirectoryError)): print('_task_extract_author_sha_loc: %s: %s' % (type(e), e), file=sys.stderr) raise return path, sha_date_author, sha_aloc, sha_sloc, exception class BlameState(object): """A BlameState contains data from `git blame` that are used to compute reports. This data can take a long time to generate so we allow it to be saved to and loaded from disk so that it can be reused between runs. Data members: (All are read-only) repo_dir sha_date_author path_sha_aloc path_sha_sloc path_set bad_path_set Typical usage: blame_state.load() # Load existing data from disk changed = blame_state.update_data(file_set) # Blame files in file_set to update data if changed: # Save updated data to disk Internal members: 'repo_dir', '_repo_state', '_rev_state', '_repo_base_dir' Disk storage ------------ <repo_base_dir> Defaults to ~/git.stats/<repository name> └── cache ├── 241d0c54 Data for revision 241d0c54 │   ├── data.pkl The data in a bzipped pickle. │   ├── manifest Python file with dict of data keys and lengths │   └── summary Python file with dict of summary date ... ├ ├── e7a3e5c4 Data for revision e7a3e5c4 │   ├── data.pkl │   ├── manifest │   └── summary ├── data.pkl Repository level data ├── manifest └── summary """ def _debug_check(self): """Debugging code to check consistency of the data in a BlameState """ if not STRICT_CHECKING: return assert 'path_sha_aloc' in self._rev_state.catalog path_sha_loc = self.path_sha_aloc path_set = self.path_set for path, sha_loc in path_sha_loc.items(): assert path in path_set, '%s not in self.path_set' % path for sha, loc in sha_loc.items(): date, author = self.sha_date_author[sha] if set(self.path_sha_aloc.keys()) | self.bad_path_set != self.path_set: for path in sorted((set(self.path_sha_aloc.keys()) | self.bad_path_set) - self.path_set)[:20]: print('!@!', path in self.path_sha_aloc, path in self.bad_path_set) assert set(self.path_sha_aloc.keys()) | self.bad_path_set == self.path_set, ( 'path sets wrong %d %d\n' '(path_sha_aloc | bad_path_set) - path_set: %s\n' 'path_set - (path_sha_aloc | bad_path_set): %s\n' % ( len((set(self.path_sha_aloc.keys()) | self.bad_path_set) - self.path_set), len(self.path_set - (set(self.path_sha_aloc.keys()) | self.bad_path_set)), sorted((set(self.path_sha_aloc.keys()) | self.bad_path_set) - self.path_set)[:20], sorted(self.path_set - (set(self.path_sha_aloc.keys()) | self.bad_path_set))[:20] )) def __init__(self, repo_base_dir, repo_summary, rev_summary): """ repo_base_dir: Root of data saved for this repository. This is <repo_dir> in the storage diagram. Typically ~/git.stats/<repository name> repo_summary = { 'remote_url': remote_url, 'remote_name': remote_name, } rev_summary = { 'revision_sha': revision_sha, 'branch': git_current_branch(), 'description': description, 'name': git_name(), 'date': revision_date, } """ self._repo_base_dir = repo_base_dir self._repo_dir = path_join(repo_base_dir, 'cache') self._repo_state = BlameRepoState(repo_summary, self.repo_dir) rev_dir = path_join(self._repo_state.base_dir, sha_str(rev_summary['revision_sha'])) self._rev_state = BlameRevState(rev_summary, rev_dir) def copy(self, rev_dir): """Returns: A copy of self with its rev_dir member replaced by `rev_dir` """ blame_state = BlameState(self._repo_base_dir, self._repo_state.summary, self._rev_state.summary) blame_state._rev_state.base_dir = rev_dir return blame_state def load(self, max_date): """Loads a previously saved copy of it data from disk. Returns: self """ valid_repo = self._repo_state.load() valid_rev = self._rev_state.load() if STRICT_CHECKING: if max_date is not None: _debug_check_dates(max_date, self.sha_date_author, self.path_sha_aloc) assert 'path_sha_aloc' in self._rev_state.catalog, self._rev_state.catalog.keys() assert 'path_sha_sloc' in self._rev_state.catalog, self._rev_state.catalog.keys() self._debug_check() return self, valid_repo and valid_rev def save(self): """Saves a copy of its data to disk """ if STRICT_CHECKING: self.load(None) def __repr__(self): return repr({k: repr(v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()}) @property def repo_dir(self): """Returns top directory for this repo's cached data. Typically ~/git.stats/<repository name>/cache """ return self._repo_dir @property def sha_date_author(self): """Returns: {sha: (date, author)} for all commits that have been found in blaming this repository. sha is SHA-1 hash of commit This is a per-repository dict. """ return self._repo_state.catalog['sha_date_author'] @property def path_sha_aloc(self): """Returns: {path: [(sha, loc)]} for all files that have been found in blaming this revision of this repository. path_sha_loc[path] is a list of (sha, loc) where sha = SHA-1 hash of commit and loc = lines of code from that commit in file `path` This is a per-revision dict. """ return self._rev_state.catalog['path_sha_aloc'] @property def path_sha_sloc(self): """Returns: {path: [(sha, loc)]} for all files that have been found in blaming this revision of this repository. path_sha_aloc[path] is a list of (sha, loc) where sha = SHA-1 hash of commit and loc = lines of code from that commit in file `path` This is a per-revision dict. """ return self._rev_state.catalog['path_sha_sloc'] @property def path_sha_sloc(self): """Returns: {path: [(sha, loc)]} for all files that have been found in blaming this revision of this repository. path_sha_sloc[path] is a list of (sha, loc) where sha = SHA-1 hash of commit and loc = lines of code from that commit in file `path` This is a per-revision dict. """ return self._rev_state.catalog['path_sha_sloc'] @property def path_set(self): """Returns: set of paths of files that have been attempted to blame in this revision. This is a per-revision dict. """ return self._rev_state.catalog['path_set'] @property def bad_path_set(self): """Returns: set of paths of files that have been unsuccessfully attempted to blame in this revision. bad_path_set ∪ path_sha_aloc.keys() == path_set This is a per-revision dict. """ return self._rev_state.catalog['bad_path_set'] def _get_peer_revisions(self): """Returns: data dicts of all revisions that have been blamed for this repository except this revision. """ peer_dirs = (rev_dir for rev_dir in glob.glob(path_join(self.repo_dir, '*')) if rev_dir != self._rev_state.base_dir and os.path.exists(path_join(rev_dir, 'data.pkl'))) for rev_dir in peer_dirs: rev, valid = self.copy(rev_dir).load(None) if valid: yield rev_dir, rev def _update_from_existing(self, file_set): """Updates state of this repository / revision with data saved from blaming earlier revisions in this repository. """ assert isinstance(file_set, set), type(file_set) # remaining_path_set = files in `file_set` that we haven't yet loaded remaining_path_set = file_set - self.path_set print('-' * 80) print('Update data from previous blames. %d remaining of %d files' % ( len(remaining_path_set), len(file_set))) if not remaining_path_set: return peer_revisions = list(self._get_peer_revisions()) print('Checking up to %d peer revisions for blame data' % len(peer_revisions)) this_sha = self._rev_state.summary['revision_sha'] this_date = self._rev_state.summary['date'] peer_revisions.sort(key=lambda dir_rev: dir_rev[1]._rev_state.summary['date']) for i, (that_dir, that_rev) in enumerate(peer_revisions): if not remaining_path_set: break print('%2d: %s,' % (i, that_dir), end=' ') that_date = that_rev._rev_state.summary['date'] sign = '> ' if that_date > this_date else '<=' print('%s %s %s' % (date_str(that_date), sign, date_str(this_date)), end=' ') # This is important. git diff can report 2 versions of a file as being identical while # git blame reports different commits for 1 or more lines in the file # In these cases we use the older commits. if that_date > this_date: print('later') continue that_sha = that_rev._rev_state.summary['revision_sha'] that_path_set = that_rev.path_set that_bad_path_set = that_rev.bad_path_set try: diff_set = set(git_diff(this_sha, that_sha)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print('git_diff(%s, %s) failed. Has someone deleted an old revision %s?' % ( this_sha, that_sha, that_sha), file=sys.stderr) continue self.bad_path_set.update(that_bad_path_set - diff_set) # existing_path_set: files in remaining_path_set that we already have data for existing_path_set = remaining_path_set & (that_path_set - diff_set) for path in existing_path_set: if path in that_rev.path_sha_aloc: self.path_sha_aloc[path] = that_rev.path_sha_aloc[path] if STRICT_CHECKING: for sha in self.path_sha_aloc[path].keys(): assert sha in self.sha_date_author, '\n%s\nthis=%s\nthat=%s' % ( (sha, path), self._rev_state.summary, that_rev._rev_state.summary) if path in that_rev.path_sha_sloc: self.path_sha_sloc[path] = that_rev.path_sha_sloc[path] self.path_set.add(path) remaining_path_set.remove(path) print('%d files of %d remaining, diff=%d, used=%d' % ( len(remaining_path_set), len(file_set), len(diff_set), len(existing_path_set))) print() bad_path_set = self.bad_path_set bad_path_set -= set(self.path_sha_aloc.keys()) path_set = self.path_set path_set |= set(self.path_sha_aloc.keys()) | bad_path_set self._debug_check() def _update_new_files(self, file_set, force): """Computes base statistics over whole revision Blames all files in `file_set` Updates: sha_date_author, path_sha_loc for files that are not already in path_sha_loc """ rev_summary = self._rev_state.summary sha_date_author = self.sha_date_author if not force: file_set = file_set - self.path_set n_files = len(file_set) print('-' * 80) print('Update data by blaming %d files' % len(file_set)) loc0 = sum(sum(sha_loc.values()) for sha_loc in self.path_sha_aloc.values()) commits0 = len(sha_date_author) start = time.time() blamed = 0 last_loc = loc0 last_i = 0 for path in file_set: self.path_set.add(path) if os.path.basename(path) in {'.gitignore'}: self.bad_path_set.add(path) max_date = rev_summary['date'] args_list = [(max_date, path) for path in file_set] args_list.sort(key=lambda dip: -os.path.getsize(dip[1])) with ProcessPool(ProcessPool.PROCESS, N_BLAME_PROCESSES) as pool: for i, (path, h_d_a, sha_loc, sha_sloc, e) in enumerate( pool.imap_unordered(_task_extract_author_sha_loc, args_list)): if e is not None: apath = os.path.abspath(path) self.bad_path_set.add(path) if isinstance(e, GitException): if e.git_msg: if e.git_msg != 'is empty': print(' %s %s' % (apath, e.git_msg), file=sys.stderr) else: print(' %s cannot be blamed' % apath, file=sys.stderr) continue elif isinstance(e, (subprocess.CalledProcessError, IsADirectoryError)): if not os.path.exists(path): print(' %s no longer exists' % apath, file=sys.stderr) continue elif os.path.isdir(path): print(' %s is a directory' % apath, file=sys.stderr) continue elif stat.S_IXUSR & os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE]: print(' %s is an executable. e=%s' % (apath, e), file=sys.stderr) continue raise else: if path in self.bad_path_set: self.bad_path_set.remove(path) self.sha_date_author.update(h_d_a) self.path_sha_aloc[path] = sha_loc if sha_sloc: self.path_sha_sloc[path] = sha_sloc if i - last_i >= 100: duration = time.time() - start loc = sum(sum(sha_loc.values()) for sha_loc in self.path_sha_aloc.values()) if loc != last_loc: print('%d of %d files (%.1f%%), %d bad, %d LoC, %d commits, %.1f secs, %s' % (i, n_files, 100 * i / n_files, i - blamed, loc - loc0, len(sha_date_author) - commits0, duration, procrustes(path, width=65))) sys.stdout.flush() last_loc = loc last_i = i blamed += 1 if STRICT_CHECKING: _debug_check_dates(max_date, sha_date_author, self.path_sha_aloc) assert path in self.path_sha_aloc, os.path.abspath(path) assert self.path_sha_aloc[path], os.path.abspath(path) assert sum(self.path_sha_aloc[path].values()), os.path.abspath(path) if STRICT_CHECKING: for path in file_set - self.bad_path_set: if os.path.basename(path) in {'.gitignore'}: continue assert path in self.path_sha_aloc, os.path.abspath(path) print('~' * 80) duration = time.time() - start aloc = sum(sum(sha_loc.values()) for sha_loc in self.path_sha_aloc.values()) sloc = sum(sum(sha_loc.values()) for sha_loc in self.path_sha_sloc.values()) print('%d files,%d blamed,%d lines, %d source lines,%d commits,%.1f seconds' % (len(file_set), blamed, aloc, sloc, len(sha_date_author), duration)) def update_data(self, file_set, force): """Updates blame state for this revision for this repository over files in 'file_set' If `force` is True then blame all files in file_set, otherwise try tp re-use as much existing blame data as possible. Updates: repository: sha_date_author revision: path_sha_aloc, path_sha_sloc, file_set, bad_path_set """ assert isinstance(file_set, set), type(file_set) n_paths0 = len(self.path_set) print('^' * 80) print('Update data for %d files. Previously %d files for this revision' % ( len(file_set), n_paths0)) self._debug_check() if not force: self._update_from_existing(file_set) self._debug_check() self._update_new_files(file_set, force) self._debug_check() if STRICT_CHECKING: for path in set(file_set) - self.bad_path_set: assert path in self.path_sha_aloc, path return len(self.path_set) > n_paths0 def _filter_strings(str_iter, pattern): """Returns: Subset of strings in iterable `str_iter` that match regular expression `pattern`. """ if pattern is None: return None assert isinstance(str_iter, set), type(str_iter) regex = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE) return {s for s in str_iter if} def filter_path_sha_loc(blame_state, path_sha_loc, file_set=None, author_set=None): """ blame_state: BlameState of revision path_sha_loc: {path: {sha: loc}} over all files in revisions file_set: files to filter on or None author_set: authors to filter on or None Returns: dict of items in `path_sha_loc` that match files in `file_set` and authors in `author_set`. NOTE: Does NOT modify path_sha_loc """ assert file_set is None or isinstance(file_set, set), type(file_set) assert author_set is None or isinstance(author_set, set), type(author_set) if file_set: path_sha_loc = {path: sha_loc for path, sha_loc in path_sha_loc.items() if path in file_set} if STRICT_CHECKING: for path in path_sha_loc: assert path_sha_loc[path], path assert sum(path_sha_loc[path].values()), path if author_set: sha_set = {sha for sha, (_, author) in blame_state.sha_date_author.items() if author in author_set} path_sha_loc = {path: {sha: loc for sha, loc in sha_loc.items() if sha in sha_set} for path, sha_loc in path_sha_loc.items()} path_sha_loc = {path: sha_loc for path, sha_loc in path_sha_loc.items() if sha_loc} if STRICT_CHECKING: for path in path_sha_loc: assert path_sha_loc[path], path assert sum(path_sha_loc[path].values()), path return path_sha_loc def _task_show_oneline(sha): """Wrapper around git_show_oneline() to allow it to be executed by a multiprocessing Pool. """ text, exception = None, None try: text = git_show_oneline(sha) except Exception as e: exception = e if not DO_MULTIPROCESSING: raise return sha, text, exception def parallel_show_oneline(sha_iter): """Run git_show_oneline() on SHA-1 hashes in `sha_iter` in parallel sha_iter: Iterable for some SHA-1 hashes Returns: {sha: text} over SHA-1 hashes sha in `sha_iter`. text is git_show_oneline output """ sha_text = {} exception = None with ProcessPool(ProcessPool.THREAD, N_SHOW_THREADS) as pool: for sha, text, e in pool.imap_unordered(_task_show_oneline, sha_iter): if e: exception = e break sha_text[sha] = text if exception: raise exception return sha_text def make_sha_path_loc(path_sha_loc): """Make a re-organized version of `path_sha_loc` path_sha_loc: {path: {sha: loc}} Returns: {sha: {path: loc}} """ sha_path_loc = defaultdict(dict) for path, sha_loc in path_sha_loc.items(): for sha, loc in sha_loc.items(): sha_path_loc[sha][path] = loc return sha_path_loc def make_report_name(default_name, components): if not components: return default_name elif len(components) == 1: return list(components)[0] else: return ('(%s)' % ','.join(sorted(components))) if components else default_name def make_report_dir(base_dir, default_name, components, max_len=None): if max_len is None: max_len = PATH_MAX name = '.'.join(clean_path(cpt) for cpt in sorted(components)) if components else default_name return path_join(base_dir, name)[:max_len] def get_totals(path_sha_loc): """Returns: total numbers of files, commits, LoC for files in `path_sha_loc` """ all_commits = set() total_loc = 0 for sha_loc in path_sha_loc.values(): all_commits.update(sha_loc.keys()) total_loc += sum(sha_loc.values()) return len(path_sha_loc), len(all_commits), total_loc def write_manifest(blame_state, path_sha_loc, report_dir, name_description, title): """Write a README file in `report_dir` """ total_files, total_commits, total_loc = get_totals(path_sha_loc) totals = 'Totals: %d files, %d commits, %d LoC' % (total_files, total_commits, total_loc) repo_summary = blame_state._repo_state.summary rev_summary = blame_state._rev_state.summary details = 'Revision Details\n'\ '----------------\n'\ 'Repository: %s (%s)\n'\ 'Date: %s\n'\ 'Description: %s\n'\ 'SHA-1 hash %s\n' % ( repo_summary['remote_name'], repo_summary['remote_url'], date_str(rev_summary['date']), rev_summary['description'], rev_summary['revision_sha']) with open(path_join(report_dir, 'README'), 'wt') as f: def put(s=''): f.write('%s\n' % s) put(title) put('=' * len(title)) put() put(totals) put() if details: put(details) put() put('Files in this Directory') put('-----------------------') for name, description in sorted(name_description.items()): put('%-12s: %s' % (name, description)) def compute_tables(blame_state, path_sha_loc): """Compute summary tables over whole report showing number of files and LoC by author and file extension. blame_state: BlameState of revision path_sha_loc: {path: {sha: loc}} over files being reported Returns: df_author_ext_files, df_author_ext_loc where df_author_ext_files: DataFrame of file counts df_author_ext_loc:: DataFrame of file counts with both having columns of authors rows of file extensions. """ sha_date_author = blame_state.sha_date_author exts = sorted({get_ext(path) for path in path_sha_loc.keys()}) authors = sorted({author for _, author in sha_date_author.values()}) assert '.patch' not in exts assert '.dump' not in exts author_ext_files = np.zeros((len(authors), len(exts)), dtype=np.int64) author_ext_loc = np.zeros((len(authors), len(exts)), dtype=np.int64) author_index = {author: i for i, author in enumerate(authors)} ext_index = {ext: i for i, ext in enumerate(exts)} if STRICT_CHECKING: for path, v in path_sha_loc.items(): assert sum(v.values()), (path, len(v)) for i, e in enumerate(exts): assert '--' not in e, e assert '.' not in e[1:], e for path, sha_loc in path_sha_loc.items(): ext = get_ext(path) for sha, loc in sha_loc.items(): _, author = sha_date_author[sha] a = author_index[author] e = ext_index[ext] author_ext_files[a, e] += 1 author_ext_loc[a, e] += loc df_author_ext_files = DataFrame(author_ext_files, index=authors, columns=exts) df_author_ext_loc =
DataFrame(author_ext_loc, index=authors, columns=exts)
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. import numpy as np import pandas as pd _MESSAGE_X_NONE = "Must supply X" _MESSAGE_Y_NONE = "Must supply y" _MESSAGE_X_Y_ROWS = "X and y must have same number of rows" _MESSAGE_X_SENSITIVE_ROWS = "X and the sensitive features must have same number of rows" _KW_SENSITIVE_FEATURES = "sensitive_features" def _validate_and_reformat_reductions_input(X, y, enforce_binary_sensitive_feature=False, **kwargs): if X is None: raise ValueError(_MESSAGE_X_NONE) if y is None: raise ValueError(_MESSAGE_Y_NONE) if _KW_SENSITIVE_FEATURES not in kwargs: msg = "Must specify {0} (for now)".format(_KW_SENSITIVE_FEATURES) raise RuntimeError(msg) # Extract the target attribute sensitive_features_vector = _make_vector(kwargs[_KW_SENSITIVE_FEATURES], _KW_SENSITIVE_FEATURES) if enforce_binary_sensitive_feature: unique_labels = np.unique(sensitive_features_vector) if len(unique_labels) > 2: raise RuntimeError("Sensitive features contain more than two unique values") # Extract the Y values y_vector = _make_vector(y, "y") X_rows, _ = _get_matrix_shape(X, "X") if X_rows != y_vector.shape[0]: raise RuntimeError(_MESSAGE_X_Y_ROWS) if X_rows != sensitive_features_vector.shape[0]: raise RuntimeError(_MESSAGE_X_SENSITIVE_ROWS) return pd.DataFrame(X), y_vector, sensitive_features_vector def _make_vector(formless, formless_name): formed_vector = None if isinstance(formless, list): formed_vector = pd.Series(formless) elif isinstance(formless, pd.DataFrame): if len(formless.columns) == 1: formed_vector = formless.iloc[:, 0] else: msgfmt = "{0} is a DataFrame with more than one column" raise RuntimeError(msgfmt.format(formless_name)) elif isinstance(formless, pd.Series): formed_vector = formless elif isinstance(formless, np.ndarray): if len(formless.shape) == 1: formed_vector =
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import pandas from pandas.compat import string_types from pandas.core.dtypes.cast import find_common_type from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( is_list_like, is_numeric_dtype, is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype, ) from pandas.core.index import ensure_index from pandas.core.base import DataError from modin.engines.base.frame.partition_manager import BaseFrameManager from modin.error_message import ErrorMessage from modin.backends.base.query_compiler import BaseQueryCompiler class PandasQueryCompiler(BaseQueryCompiler): """This class implements the logic necessary for operating on partitions with a Pandas backend. This logic is specific to Pandas.""" def __init__( self, block_partitions_object, index, columns, dtypes=None, is_transposed=False ): assert isinstance(block_partitions_object, BaseFrameManager) = block_partitions_object self.index = index self.columns = columns if dtypes is not None: self._dtype_cache = dtypes self._is_transposed = int(is_transposed) # Index, columns and dtypes objects _dtype_cache = None def _get_dtype(self): if self._dtype_cache is None: def dtype_builder(df): return df.apply(lambda row: find_common_type(row.values), axis=0) map_func = self._prepare_method( self._build_mapreduce_func(lambda df: df.dtypes) ) reduce_func = self._build_mapreduce_func(dtype_builder) # For now we will use a pandas Series for the dtypes. if len(self.columns) > 0: self._dtype_cache = ( self._full_reduce(0, map_func, reduce_func).to_pandas().iloc[0] ) else: self._dtype_cache = pandas.Series([]) # reset name to None because we use "__reduced__" internally = None return self._dtype_cache dtypes = property(_get_dtype) def compute_index(self, axis, data_object, compute_diff=True): """Computes the index after a number of rows have been removed. Note: In order for this to be used properly, the indexes must not be changed before you compute this. Args: axis: The axis to extract the index from. data_object: The new data object to extract the index from. compute_diff: True to use `self` to compute the index from self rather than data_object. This is used when the dimension of the index may have changed, but the deleted rows/columns are unknown. Returns: A new pandas.Index object. """ def pandas_index_extraction(df, axis): if not axis: return df.index else: try: return df.columns except AttributeError: return pandas.Index([]) index_obj = self.index if not axis else self.columns old_blocks = if compute_diff else None new_indices = data_object.get_indices( axis=axis, index_func=lambda df: pandas_index_extraction(df, axis), old_blocks=old_blocks, ) return index_obj[new_indices] if compute_diff else new_indices def _validate_set_axis(self, new_labels, old_labels): new_labels = ensure_index(new_labels) old_len = len(old_labels) new_len = len(new_labels) if old_len != new_len: raise ValueError( "Length mismatch: Expected axis has %d elements, " "new values have %d elements" % (old_len, new_len) ) return new_labels _index_cache = None _columns_cache = None def _get_index(self): return self._index_cache def _get_columns(self): return self._columns_cache def _set_index(self, new_index): if self._index_cache is None: self._index_cache = ensure_index(new_index) else: new_index = self._validate_set_axis(new_index, self._index_cache) self._index_cache = new_index def _set_columns(self, new_columns): if self._columns_cache is None: self._columns_cache = ensure_index(new_columns) else: new_columns = self._validate_set_axis(new_columns, self._columns_cache) self._columns_cache = new_columns columns = property(_get_columns, _set_columns) index = property(_get_index, _set_index) # END Index, columns, and dtypes objects # Internal methods # These methods are for building the correct answer in a modular way. # Please be careful when changing these! def _prepare_method(self, pandas_func, **kwargs): """Prepares methods given various metadata. Args: pandas_func: The function to prepare. Returns Helper function which handles potential transpose. """ if self._is_transposed: def helper(df, internal_indices=[]): if len(internal_indices) > 0: return pandas_func( df.T, internal_indices=internal_indices, **kwargs ) return pandas_func(df.T, **kwargs) else: def helper(df, internal_indices=[]): if len(internal_indices) > 0: return pandas_func(df, internal_indices=internal_indices, **kwargs) return pandas_func(df, **kwargs) return helper def numeric_columns(self, include_bool=True): """Returns the numeric columns of the Manager. Returns: List of index names. """ columns = [] for col, dtype in zip(self.columns, self.dtypes): if is_numeric_dtype(dtype) and ( include_bool or (not include_bool and dtype != np.bool_) ): columns.append(col) return columns def numeric_function_clean_dataframe(self, axis): """Preprocesses numeric functions to clean dataframe and pick numeric indices. Args: axis: '0' if columns and '1' if rows. Returns: Tuple with return value(if any), indices to apply func to & cleaned Manager. """ result = None query_compiler = self # If no numeric columns and over columns, then return empty Series if not axis and len(self.index) == 0: result = pandas.Series(dtype=np.int64) nonnumeric = [ col for col, dtype in zip(self.columns, self.dtypes) if not is_numeric_dtype(dtype) ] if len(nonnumeric) == len(self.columns): # If over rows and no numeric columns, return this if axis: result = pandas.Series([np.nan for _ in self.index]) else: result = pandas.Series([0 for _ in self.index]) else: query_compiler = self.drop(columns=nonnumeric) return result, query_compiler # END Internal methods # Metadata modification methods def add_prefix(self, prefix, axis=1): if axis == 1: new_columns = x: str(prefix) + str(x)) if self._dtype_cache is not None: new_dtype_cache = self._dtype_cache.copy() new_dtype_cache.index = new_columns else: new_dtype_cache = None new_index = self.index else: new_index = x: str(prefix) + str(x)) new_columns = self.columns new_dtype_cache = self._dtype_cache return self.__constructor__(, new_index, new_columns, new_dtype_cache, self._is_transposed ) def add_suffix(self, suffix, axis=1): if axis == 1: new_columns = x: str(x) + str(suffix)) if self._dtype_cache is not None: new_dtype_cache = self._dtype_cache.copy() new_dtype_cache.index = new_columns else: new_dtype_cache = None new_index = self.index else: new_index = x: str(x) + str(suffix)) new_columns = self.columns new_dtype_cache = self._dtype_cache return self.__constructor__(, new_index, new_columns, new_dtype_cache, self._is_transposed ) # END Metadata modification methods # Copy # For copy, we don't want a situation where we modify the metadata of the # copies if we end up modifying something here. We copy all of the metadata # to prevent that. def copy(self): return self.__constructor__(, self.index.copy(), self.columns.copy(), self._dtype_cache, self._is_transposed, ) # END Copy # Append/Concat/Join (Not Merge) # The append/concat/join operations should ideally never trigger remote # compute. These operations should only ever be manipulations of the # metadata of the resulting object. It should just be a simple matter of # appending the other object's blocks and adding np.nan columns for the new # columns, if needed. If new columns are added, some compute may be # required, though it can be delayed. # # Currently this computation is not delayed, and it may make a copy of the # DataFrame in memory. This can be problematic and should be fixed in the # future. TODO (devin-petersohn): Delay reindexing def _join_index_objects(self, axis, other_index, how, sort=True): """Joins a pair of index objects (columns or rows) by a given strategy. Args: axis: The axis index object to join (0 for columns, 1 for index). other_index: The other_index to join on. how: The type of join to join to make (e.g. right, left). Returns: Joined indices. """ if isinstance(other_index, list): joined_obj = self.columns if not axis else self.index # TODO: revisit for performance for obj in other_index: joined_obj = joined_obj.join(obj, how=how) return joined_obj if not axis: return self.columns.join(other_index, how=how, sort=sort) else: return self.index.join(other_index, how=how, sort=sort) def join(self, other, **kwargs): """Joins a list or two objects together. Args: other: The other object(s) to join on. Returns: Joined objects. """ if not isinstance(other, list): other = [other] return self._join_list_of_managers(other, **kwargs) def concat(self, axis, other, **kwargs): """Concatenates two objects together. Args: axis: The axis index object to join (0 for columns, 1 for index). other: The other_index to concat with. Returns: Concatenated objects. """ return self._append_list_of_managers(other, axis, **kwargs) def _append_list_of_managers(self, others, axis, **kwargs): if not isinstance(others, list): others = [others] if self._is_transposed: # If others are transposed, we handle that behavior correctly in # `copartition`, but it is not handled correctly in the case that `self` is # transposed. return ( self.transpose() ._append_list_of_managers( [o.transpose() for o in others], axis ^ 1, **kwargs ) .transpose() ) assert all( isinstance(other, type(self)) for other in others ), "Different Manager objects are being used. This is not allowed" sort = kwargs.get("sort", None) join = kwargs.get("join", "outer") ignore_index = kwargs.get("ignore_index", False) new_self, to_append, joined_axis = self.copartition( axis ^ 1, others, join, sort, force_repartition=any(obj._is_transposed for obj in [self] + others), ) new_data = new_self.concat(axis, to_append) if axis == 0: # The indices will be appended to form the final index. # If `ignore_index` is true, we create a RangeIndex that is the # length of all of the index objects combined. This is the same # behavior as pandas. new_index = ( self.index.append([other.index for other in others]) if not ignore_index else pandas.RangeIndex( len(self.index) + sum(len(other.index) for other in others) ) ) return self.__constructor__(new_data, new_index, joined_axis) else: # The columns will be appended to form the final columns. new_columns = self.columns.append([other.columns for other in others]) return self.__constructor__(new_data, joined_axis, new_columns) def _join_list_of_managers(self, others, **kwargs): assert isinstance( others, list ), "This method is for lists of QueryCompiler objects only" assert all( isinstance(other, type(self)) for other in others ), "Different Manager objects are being used. This is not allowed" # Uses join's default value (though should not revert to default) how = kwargs.get("how", "left") sort = kwargs.get("sort", False) lsuffix = kwargs.get("lsuffix", "") rsuffix = kwargs.get("rsuffix", "") new_self, to_join, joined_index = self.copartition( 0, others, how, sort, force_repartition=any(obj._is_transposed for obj in [self] + others), ) new_data = new_self.concat(1, to_join) # This stage is to efficiently get the resulting columns, including the # suffixes. if len(others) == 1: others_proxy = pandas.DataFrame(columns=others[0].columns) else: others_proxy = [pandas.DataFrame(columns=other.columns) for other in others] self_proxy = pandas.DataFrame(columns=self.columns) new_columns = self_proxy.join( others_proxy, lsuffix=lsuffix, rsuffix=rsuffix ).columns return self.__constructor__(new_data, joined_index, new_columns) # END Append/Concat/Join # Copartition def copartition(self, axis, other, how_to_join, sort, force_repartition=False): """Copartition two QueryCompiler objects. Args: axis: The axis to copartition along. other: The other Query Compiler(s) to copartition against. how_to_join: How to manage joining the index object ("left", "right", etc.) sort: Whether or not to sort the joined index. force_repartition: Whether or not to force the repartitioning. By default, this method will skip repartitioning if it is possible. This is because reindexing is extremely inefficient. Because this method is used to `join` or `append`, it is vital that the internal indices match. Returns: A tuple (left query compiler, right query compiler list, joined index). """ if isinstance(other, type(self)): other = [other] index_obj = ( [o.index for o in other] if axis == 0 else [o.columns for o in other] ) joined_index = self._join_index_objects( axis ^ 1, index_obj, how_to_join, sort=sort ) # We have to set these because otherwise when we perform the functions it may # end up serializing this entire object. left_old_idx = self.index if axis == 0 else self.columns right_old_idxes = index_obj # Start with this and we'll repartition the first time, and then not again. reindexed_self = reindexed_other_list = [] def compute_reindex(old_idx): """Create a function based on the old index and axis. Args: old_idx: The old index/columns Returns: A function that will be run in each partition. """ def reindex_partition(df): if axis == 0: df.index = old_idx new_df = df.reindex(index=joined_index) new_df.index = pandas.RangeIndex(len(new_df.index)) else: df.columns = old_idx new_df = df.reindex(columns=joined_index) new_df.columns = pandas.RangeIndex(len(new_df.columns)) return new_df return reindex_partition for i in range(len(other)): # If the indices are equal we can skip partitioning so long as we are not # forced to repartition. See note above about `force_repartition`. if i != 0 or (left_old_idx.equals(joined_index) and not force_repartition): reindex_left = None else: reindex_left = self._prepare_method(compute_reindex(left_old_idx)) if right_old_idxes[i].equals(joined_index) and not force_repartition: reindex_right = None else: reindex_right = compute_reindex(right_old_idxes[i]) reindexed_self, reindexed_other = reindexed_self.copartition_datasets( axis, other[i].data, reindex_left, reindex_right, other[i]._is_transposed, ) reindexed_other_list.append(reindexed_other) return reindexed_self, reindexed_other_list, joined_index # Data Management Methods def free(self): """In the future, this will hopefully trigger a cleanup of this object. """ # TODO create a way to clean up this object. return # END Data Management Methods # To/From Pandas def to_pandas(self): """Converts Modin DataFrame to Pandas DataFrame. Returns: Pandas DataFrame of the QueryCompiler. """ df = if df.empty: if len(self.columns) != 0: df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=self.columns).astype(self.dtypes) else: df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=self.columns, index=self.index) else: ErrorMessage.catch_bugs_and_request_email( len(df.index) != len(self.index) or len(df.columns) != len(self.columns) ) df.index = self.index df.columns = self.columns return df @classmethod def from_pandas(cls, df, block_partitions_cls): """Improve simple Pandas DataFrame to an advanced and superior Modin DataFrame. Args: cls: DataManger object to convert the DataFrame to. df: Pandas DataFrame object. block_partitions_cls: BlockParitions object to store partitions Returns: Returns QueryCompiler containing data from the Pandas DataFrame. """ new_index = df.index new_columns = df.columns new_dtypes = df.dtypes new_data = block_partitions_cls.from_pandas(df) return cls(new_data, new_index, new_columns, dtypes=new_dtypes) # END To/From Pandas # To NumPy def to_numpy(self): """Converts Modin DataFrame to NumPy Array. Returns: NumPy Array of the QueryCompiler. """ arr = ErrorMessage.catch_bugs_and_request_email( len(arr) != len(self.index) or len(arr[0]) != len(self.columns) ) return arr # END To NumPy # Inter-Data operations (e.g. add, sub) # These operations require two DataFrames and will change the shape of the # data if the index objects don't match. An outer join + op is performed, # such that columns/rows that don't have an index on the other DataFrame # result in NaN values. def _inter_manager_operations(self, other, how_to_join, func): """Inter-data operations (e.g. add, sub). Args: other: The other Manager for the operation. how_to_join: The type of join to join to make (e.g. right, outer). Returns: New QueryCompiler with new data and index. """ reindexed_self, reindexed_other_list, joined_index = self.copartition( 0, other, how_to_join, sort=False ) # unwrap list returned by `copartition`. reindexed_other = reindexed_other_list[0] new_columns = self._join_index_objects( 0, other.columns, how_to_join, sort=False ) # THere is an interesting serialization anomaly that happens if we do # not use the columns in `inter_data_op_builder` from here (e.g. if we # pass them in). Passing them in can cause problems, so we will just # use them from here. self_cols = self.columns other_cols = other.columns def inter_data_op_builder(left, right, func): left.columns = self_cols right.columns = other_cols # We reset here to make sure that the internal indexes match. We aligned # them in the previous step, so this step is to prevent mismatches. left.index = pandas.RangeIndex(len(left.index)) right.index = pandas.RangeIndex(len(right.index)) result = func(left, right) result.columns = pandas.RangeIndex(len(result.columns)) return result new_data = reindexed_self.inter_data_operation( 1, lambda l, r: inter_data_op_builder(l, r, func), reindexed_other ) return self.__constructor__(new_data, joined_index, new_columns) def _inter_df_op_handler(self, func, other, **kwargs): """Helper method for inter-manager and scalar operations. Args: func: The function to use on the Manager/scalar. other: The other Manager/scalar. Returns: New QueryCompiler with new data and index. """ axis = kwargs.get("axis", 0) axis =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import mando try: from mando.rst_text_formatter import RSTHelpFormatter as HelpFormatter except ImportError: from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter as HelpFormatter import pandas as pd import typic from tstoolbox import tsutils from tsgettoolbox.ulmo.twc.kbdi.core import get_data def twc_ulmo_df(county=None, start_date=None, end_date=None): df = get_data( county=county, start=
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from spacekit.builder.architect import BuilderEnsemble from spacekit.analyzer.compute import ComputeBinary from spacekit.skopes.hst.svm.train import make_ensembles from spacekit.generator.augment import training_data_aug, training_img_aug from spacekit.preprocessor.transform import ( normalize_training_images, ) from spacekit.preprocessor.transform import PowerX from spacekit.extractor.load import load_datasets import pandas as pd import numpy as np import os HOME = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) DATA = os.path.join(HOME, "data") SVMDIR = os.path.join(DATA, "2021-07-28") # fname = os.path.join(SVMDIR, "svm_combined_v3.csv") fname = os.path.join(SVMDIR, "svm_combined_v4.csv") # paths to labeled image directories # img_path = os.path.join(SVMDIR, 'img') img_path_npz = os.path.join(DATA, "training_img.npz") img_path_png = os.path.join(SVMDIR, "img") DIM = 3 CH = 3 WIDTH = 128 HEIGHT = 128 DEPTH = DIM * CH SHAPE = (DIM, WIDTH, HEIGHT, CH) TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL = 2 params = dict( batch_size=32, epochs=200, lr=1e-4, decay=[100000, 0.96], early_stopping=None, verbose=2, ensemble=True, ) import datetime as dt timestring =[:-7] # 2022-01-19T21:31:21 timestamp = int(dt.datetime.fromisoformat(timestring).timestamp()) dtstring = timestring.split("T")[0] + "-" + str(timestamp) output_path = f"{DATA}/{dtstring}" # 2022-02-14-1644850390 os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True) img_size = 128 dim = 3 ch = 3 depth = dim * ch cols = ["numexp", "rms_ra", "rms_dec", "nmatches", "point", "segment", "gaia"] ncols = list(range(len(cols))) model_name = "svm_ensemble" df = load_datasets([fname]) from spacekit.extractor.load import SVMFileIO ((X_train, X_test, X_val), (y_train, y_test, y_val)), (train, test, val) = SVMFileIO( img_path_npz, w=img_size, h=img_size, d=dim * ch, inference=False, data=df, v=0.85 ).load() X_train = pd.concat([X_train, X_val], axis=0) y_train =
pd.concat([y_train, y_val], axis=0)
import decimal import numpy as np from numpy import iinfo import pytest import pandas as pd from pandas import to_numeric from pandas.util import testing as tm class TestToNumeric(object): def test_empty(self): # see gh-16302 s = pd.Series([], dtype=object) res = to_numeric(s) expected = pd.Series([], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) # Original issue example res = to_numeric(s, errors='coerce', downcast='integer') expected = pd.Series([], dtype=np.int8) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) def test_series(self): s = pd.Series(['1', '-3.14', '7']) res = to_numeric(s) expected = pd.Series([1, -3.14, 7]) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) s = pd.Series(['1', '-3.14', 7]) res = to_numeric(s) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) def test_series_numeric(self): s = pd.Series([1, 3, 4, 5], index=list('ABCD'), name='XXX') res = to_numeric(s) tm.assert_series_equal(res, s) s = pd.Series([1., 3., 4., 5.], index=list('ABCD'), name='XXX') res = to_numeric(s) tm.assert_series_equal(res, s) # bool is regarded as numeric s = pd.Series([True, False, True, True], index=list('ABCD'), name='XXX') res = to_numeric(s) tm.assert_series_equal(res, s) def test_error(self): s = pd.Series([1, -3.14, 'apple']) msg = 'Unable to parse string "apple" at position 2' with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): to_numeric(s, errors='raise') res = to_numeric(s, errors='ignore') expected = pd.Series([1, -3.14, 'apple']) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = to_numeric(s, errors='coerce') expected = pd.Series([1, -3.14, np.nan]) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) s = pd.Series(['orange', 1, -3.14, 'apple']) msg = 'Unable to parse string "orange" at position 0' with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): to_numeric(s, errors='raise') def test_error_seen_bool(self): s = pd.Series([True, False, 'apple']) msg = 'Unable to parse string "apple" at position 2' with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): to_numeric(s, errors='raise') res = to_numeric(s, errors='ignore') expected = pd.Series([True, False, 'apple']) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) # coerces to float res = to_numeric(s, errors='coerce') expected = pd.Series([1., 0., np.nan]) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) def test_list(self): s = ['1', '-3.14', '7'] res = to_numeric(s) expected = np.array([1, -3.14, 7]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res, expected) def test_list_numeric(self): s = [1, 3, 4, 5] res =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Mar 31 17:21:26 2020 @author: <NAME> """ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Nov 21 21:23:55 2018 @author: <NAME> """ import os import itertools from operator import itemgetter import pandas as pd import numpy as np from support_modules import nn_support as nsup from support_modules import role_discovery as rl from support_modules.readers import log_reader as lr def calculate_resource_dedication(one_timestamp, log, df_resources): """Main method of intercase features calculations. Args: args (dict): parameters for training the network. """ # Event indexing log['event_id'] = log.index log = calculate_event_duration(log, one_timestamp) # splitt events in start and complete splitted_events = splitt_events(log, one_timestamp) # Matching events with slices ranges = match_slices(splitted_events) # Reshaping of ranges simplified = dict() for i in range(0, len(ranges)): simplified[i] = list(ranges[i]['events']) ranges_df =
pd.DataFrame.from_dict(ranges, orient='index')
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # UCI # # Drug Review Dataset # In[ ]: import pandas as pd # In[2]: data_train = pd.read_csv('.....\\drugsCom_raw\\drugsComTrain_raw.tsv',delimiter='\t') data_test = pd.read_csv('......\\drugsCom_raw\\drugsComTest_raw.tsv' ,delimiter='\t') # In[ ]: # In[3]: df = pd.concat([data_train,data_test]) # combine the two dataFrames into one for a bigger data size and ease of preprocessing # In[4]: data_train.shape # In[5]: data_test.shape # In[6]: df.head() # In[7]: df.columns = ['Id','drugName','condition','review','rating','date','usefulCount'] #rename columns # In[8]: df.head() # In[9]: df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) #convert date to datetime eventhough we are not using date in this # In[10]: df['date'].head() #confirm conversion # In[11]: df2 = df[['Id','review','rating']].copy() # create a new dataframe with just review and rating for sentiment analysis # In[12]: df.head() #confirm conversion # In[13]: df2.head() # In[14]: df2.isnull().any().any() # check for null # In[15]: #another way to check for null # In[16]: #check for datatype, also shows null # In[17]: df2['Id'].unique() # shows unique Id as array # In[18]: df2['Id'].count() #count total number of items in the Id column # In[19]: df2['Id'].nunique() #shows unique Id values # In[20]: df['review'][1] # access indivdual value # In[21]:[1] # another method to assess individual value in a Series # In[22]: import nltk['punkt','stopwords']) # In[23]: from nltk.corpus import stopwords stopwords = stopwords.words('english') # In[24]: df2['cleanReview'] = df2['review'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join([item for item in x.split() if item not in stopwords])) # remove stopwords from review # In[26]: df2['cleanReview'] = df2['review'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join([item for item in x.split() if item not in stopwords])) # remove stopwords from review # In[56]: import vaderSentiment from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() # In[57]: df2['vaderReviewScore'] = df2['cleanReview'].apply(lambda x: analyzer.polarity_scores(x)['compound']) # In[59]: positive_num = len(df2[df2['vaderReviewScore'] >=0.05]) neutral_num = len(df2[(df2['vaderReviewScore'] >-0.05) & (df2['vaderReviewScore']<0.05)]) negative_num = len(df2[df2['vaderReviewScore']<=-0.05]) # In[60]: positive_num,neutral_num, negative_num # In[61]: df2['vaderSentiment']= df2['vaderReviewScore'].map(lambda x:int(2) if x>=0.05 else int(1) if x<=-0.05 else int(0) ) # In[62]: df2['vaderSentiment'].value_counts() # In[63]: Total_vaderSentiment = positive_num + neutral_num + negative_num Total_vaderSentiment # In[64]: df2.loc[df2['vaderReviewScore'] >=0.05,"vaderSentimentLabel"] ="positive" df2.loc[(df2['vaderReviewScore'] >-0.05) & (df2['vaderReviewScore']<0.05),"vaderSentimentLabel"]= "neutral" df2.loc[df2['vaderReviewScore']<=-0.05,"vaderSentimentLabel"] = "negative" # In[65]: df2.shape # In[66]: positive_rating = len(df2[df2['rating'] >=7.0]) neutral_rating = len(df2[(df2['rating'] >=4) & (df2['rating']<7)]) negative_rating = len(df2[df2['rating']<=3]) # In[67]: positive_rating,neutral_rating,negative_rating # In[68]: Total_rating = positive_rating+neutral_rating+negative_rating Total_rating # In[69]: df2['ratingSentiment']= df2['rating'].map(lambda x:int(2) if x>=7 else int(1) if x<=3 else int(0) ) # In[70]: df2['ratingSentiment'].value_counts() # In[72]: df2.loc[df2['rating'] >=7.0,"ratingSentimentLabel"] ="positive" df2.loc[(df2['rating'] >=4.0) & (df2['rating']<7.0),"ratingSentimentLabel"]= "neutral" df2.loc[df2['rating']<=3.0,"ratingSentimentLabel"] = "negative" # In[98]: df2 = df2[['Id','review','cleanReview','rating','ratingSentiment','ratingSentimentLabel','vaderReviewScore','vaderSentimentLabel','vaderSentiment']] # # ============================= # In[104]: data_df=df2.drop(['review','cleanReview'],axis=1) # In[149]: data_df.head() # In[150]: # In[145]: #data_df=df2.drop(['ratingSentimentLabel'],axis=1) # In[169]: from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder # In[188]: encoder = LabelEncoder() data_cat = data_df["review"] data_cat_encod = encoder.fit_transform(data_cat) data_cat_encod = pd.DataFrame(data_cat_encod,columns=["review"]) data_cat_encod.head() # In[152]: encoder = LabelEncoder() data_cat = data_df["cleanReview"] data_cat_encod = encoder.fit_transform(data_cat) data_cat_encod = pd.DataFrame(data_cat_encod,columns=["cleanReview"]) data_cat_encod.head() # In[153]: encoder = LabelEncoder() data_cat = data_df["vaderSentimentLabel"] data_cat_encod = encoder.fit_transform(data_cat) data_cat_encod =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Seaborn_and_Linear_Regression_(start).ipynb Automatically generated by Colaboratory. Original file is located at # Introduction Do higher film budgets lead to more box office revenue? Let's find out if there's a relationship using the movie budgets and financial performance data that I've scraped from []( on **May 1st, 2018**. <img src=> # Import Statements """ import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import seaborn as sns from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression """# Notebook Presentation""" pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
import os from typing import Any, Optional import gspread import pandas as pd from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials import socket from datetime import datetime from time import sleep import traceback _current_experiment = None # type: Optional[ExperimentParams] def _check_experiment(): if _current_experiment is None: raise Exception("No experiment is running!") def log_experiment_id(experiment_id: str): """ Sets experiment id :param experiment_id: :return: """ _check_experiment() _current_experiment.log_experiment_id(experiment_id) def log_status(status: str): """ Sets status of the current experiment :param status: """ _check_experiment() _current_experiment.log_status(status) def log_comment(text: str): """ Sets comment of the current experiment """ _check_experiment() _current_experiment.log_comment(text) def log_progress(current: int, max_value: int): """ Sets progress of the current experiment """ _check_experiment() _current_experiment.log_progress(current, max_value) def log_metric(metric: str, value: Any): """ Logs metric of the current experiment :param metric: metric name :param value: metric value """ _check_experiment() _current_experiment.log_metric(metric, value) class ParamsException(Exception): pass class ParamsSheet(object): client_credentials = None params_sheet_id = None def __init__(self, parser, writable_column_types=None, experiment_id_column='experiment_id', server_name=None): """ ParamsSheet object represents state of google spreadsheet with parameters and all methods to access it. :param parser: Argparse parser object with no positional arguments :param writable_column_types: dict of names of model metric columns and their types :param experiment_id_column: str name of experiment id column """ assert isinstance(writable_column_types, dict), "writable_column_types has to be a dict" self.parser = parser self.experiment_id_column = experiment_id_column self.writable_column_types = writable_column_types self.column_types = writable_column_types.copy() self.update_type_from_parser() self.defaults = self.get_defaults_from_parser() if server_name is None: self.server = os.environ.get('SERVERNAME', None) if self.server is None: self.server = socket.gethostname() else: self.server = server_name + "_" + socket.gethostname() self._generate_credentials() def _generate_credentials(self): if isinstance(self.client_credentials, dict): credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials._from_parsed_json_keyfile(self.client_credentials, ['']) else: credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(self.client_credentials, ['']) gc = gspread.authorize(credentials) self.sheet = gc.open_by_key(self.params_sheet_id).sheet1 first_cell = self.sheet.cell(1, 1).value try: self.column_row_id = int(first_cell) except ValueError: self.column_row_id = 1 self.columns = self.sheet.row_values(self.column_row_id) def get_params_for_training(self): full_params = self.get_table() params_to_process = full_params[ (full_params.status == "") & (full_params.server == "")] params_for_this_server = full_params[ (full_params.status == "") & (full_params.server == self.server)] if len(params_for_this_server): params_to_process = params_for_this_server if len(params_to_process) == 0: raise ParamsException("No params to process!") return ExperimentParams( params_to_process.index[0], dict(params_to_process.iloc[0]), self) def get_table(self): recs = self.sheet.get_all_records(head=self.column_row_id, default_blank="") return
import mysql.connector as conn import pandas as pd def remove_address(roll,password): try: cnx=conn.connect(user='root',password='<PASSWORD>',host='',database='library') cur_address=cnx.cursor() cur_address.execute("select add_id,address from address where roll=%s",(roll,)) temp=cur_address.fetchall() print("the total addresses you have register are......") frame=pd.DataFrame(temp,columns=['address id','address']) print(frame) addid=input("Enter address id which you want to remove:") cur_address.execute("delete from address where add_id=%s",(addid,)) cnx.commit() print("address removed successfully...?") cnx.close() except: pass def remove_phone(roll,password): try: cnx=conn.connect(user='root',password='<PASSWORD>',host='',database='library') cur_phone=cnx.cursor() cur_phone.execute("select phone_id,phone from phone where roll=%s",(roll,)) temp=cur_phone.fetchall() print("the total contacts you have register are......") frame=pd.DataFrame(temp,columns=['phone id','phone number']) print(frame) phoneid=input("Enter phone_id which you want to remove:") cur_phone.execute("delete from phone where phone_id=%s",(phoneid,)) cnx.commit() print("phone number removed successfully...?") cnx.close() except: pass def remove_book(roll,password): try: cnx=conn.connect(user='root',password='<PASSWORD>',host='',database='library') cur_book=cnx.cursor() cur_borrow=cnx.cursor() cur_book_bank=cnx.cursor() cur_student=cnx.cursor() cur_book.execute("select book_id,book_name from book") temp=cur_book.fetchall() frame=pd.DataFrame(temp,columns=['BOOK-ID','BOOK-NAME']) print("total books we have......") print(frame) bookid=int(input("Enter the book-id for which book you want to remove:")) try: cur_borrow.execute("select roll from borrow where book_id=%s",(bookid,)) rolls=[] stu=[] for i in cur_borrow: rolls.append(i[0]) if len(rolls)==0: raise ValueError() print("You cannot remove this book.......\nsome peoples have borrowed this book") print("the peoples are.........") for i in rolls: cur_student.execute("select roll,f_name,l_name from student where roll=%s",(i,)) temp=cur_student.fetchone() stu.append(temp) frame2=pd.DataFrame(stu,columns=['ROLL','FNAME','LNAME']) print(frame2) cnx.close() except: cur_book_bank.execute("delete from book_bank where book_id=%s",(bookid,)) cnx.commit() cur_book.execute("delete from book where book_id=%s",(bookid,)) cnx.commit() print("book removed successfully from the record.....") cnx.close() except: pass def remove_student(roll,password): try: cnx=conn.connect(user='root',password='<PASSWORD>',host='',database='library') cur_book=cnx.cursor() cur_borrow=cnx.cursor() cur_phone=cnx.cursor() cur_address=cnx.cursor() cur_course_batch_stu=cnx.cursor() cur_login=cnx.cursor() cur_student=cnx.cursor() cur_student.execute("select roll,f_name,l_name from student") temp=cur_student.fetchall() frame=
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function import json import pandas as pd from datetimewidget.widgets import DateTimeWidget from django import forms from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from dataops import pandas_db, ops from ontask import ontask_prefs, is_legal_name from ontask.forms import RestrictedFileField, dateTimeOptions from .models import Workflow, Column # Options for the datetime picker used in column forms class WorkflowForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.user = kwargs.pop('workflow_user', None) super(WorkflowForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Meta: model = Workflow fields = ('name', 'description_text',) class AttributeForm(forms.Form): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.form_fields = kwargs.pop('form_fields') super(AttributeForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Create the set of fields for key, val_field, val in self.form_fields: # Field for the key self.fields[key] = forms.CharField( max_length=1024, initial=key, strip=True, label='') # Field for the value self.fields[val_field] = forms.CharField( max_length=1024, initial=val, label='') def clean(self): data = super(AttributeForm, self).clean() new_keys = [data[x] for x, _, _ in self.form_fields] # Check that there were not duplicate keys given if len(set(new_keys)) != len(new_keys): raise forms.ValidationError( 'Repeated names are not allowed' ) return data class AttributeItemForm(forms.Form): # Key field key = forms.CharField(max_length=1024, strip=True, required=True, label='Name') # Field for the value value = forms.CharField(max_length=1024, label='Value') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.keys = kwargs.pop('keys') key = kwargs.pop('key', '') value = kwargs.pop('value', '') super(AttributeItemForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['key'].initial = key self.fields['value'].initial = value def clean(self): data = super(AttributeItemForm, self).clean() # Name is legal msg = is_legal_name(data['key']) if msg: self.add_error('key', msg) return data if data['key'] in self.keys: self.add_error( 'key', 'Name has to be different from all existing ones.') return data return data class ColumnBasicForm(forms.ModelForm): # Raw text for the categories raw_categories = forms.CharField( strip=True, required=False, label='Comma separated list of allowed values') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.workflow = kwargs.pop('workflow', None) self.data_frame = None super(ColumnBasicForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['raw_categories'].initial = \ ', '.join([str(x) for x in self.instance.get_categories()]) def clean(self): data = super(ColumnBasicForm, self).clean() # Load the data frame from the DB for various checks and leave it in # the form for future use self.data_frame = pandas_db.load_from_db( # Column name must be a legal variable name if 'name' in self.changed_data: # Name is legal msg = is_legal_name(data['name']) if msg: self.add_error('name', msg) return data # Check that the name is not present already if next((c for c in self.workflow.columns.all() if != and == data['name']), None): # New column name collides with existing one self.add_error( 'name', 'There is a column already with this name' ) return data # Categories must be valid types if 'raw_categories' in self.changed_data: if data['raw_categories']: # Condition 1: Values must be valid for the type of the column category_values = [x.strip() for x in data['raw_categories'].split(',')] try: valid_values = Column.validate_column_values( data['data_type'], category_values) except ValueError: self.add_error( 'raw_categories', 'Incorrect list of values' ) return data # Condition 2: The values in the dataframe column must be in # these categories (only if the column is being edited, though if and \ not all([x in valid_values for x in self.data_frame[] if x and not
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Jan 11 18:29:39 2021 @author: Clement """ import pandas import numpy import os import sys import geopandas as gpd import tqdm sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))) from gen_fct import df_fct from gen_fct import file_fct class WorldDataSet: def __init__ (self): self.df_cases = pandas.DataFrame() self.df_death = pandas.DataFrame() self.df_fra =
import math from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import datetime import pytest from rpy2 import rinterface from rpy2 import robjects from rpy2.robjects import vectors from rpy2.robjects import conversion class MockNamespace(object): def __getattr__(self, name): return None has_pandas = False try: import pandas has_pandas = True except: pandas = MockNamespace() has_numpy = False try: import numpy has_numpy = True except: numpy = MockNamespace() if has_pandas: import rpy2.robjects.pandas2ri as rpyp from rpy2.robjects import default_converter from rpy2.robjects.conversion import localconverter @pytest.mark.skipif(not has_pandas, reason='Package pandas is not installed.') class TestPandasConversions(object): def testActivate(self): #FIXME: is the following still making sense ? assert rpyp.py2rpy != robjects.conversion.py2rpy l = len(robjects.conversion.py2rpy.registry) k = set(robjects.conversion.py2rpy.registry.keys()) rpyp.activate() assert len(conversion.py2rpy.registry) > l rpyp.deactivate() assert len(conversion.py2rpy.registry) == l assert set(conversion.py2rpy.registry.keys()) == k def testActivateTwice(self): #FIXME: is the following still making sense ? assert rpyp.py2rpy != robjects.conversion.py2rpy l = len(robjects.conversion.py2rpy.registry) k = set(robjects.conversion.py2rpy.registry.keys()) rpyp.activate() rpyp.deactivate() rpyp.activate() assert len(conversion.py2rpy.registry) > l rpyp.deactivate() assert len(conversion.py2rpy.registry) == l assert set(conversion.py2rpy.registry.keys()) == k def test_dataframe(self): # Content for test data frame l = ( ('b', numpy.array([True, False, True], dtype=numpy.bool_)), ('i', numpy.array([1, 2, 3], dtype='i')), ('f', numpy.array([1, 2, 3], dtype='f')), # ('s', numpy.array([b'b', b'c', b'd'], dtype='S1')), ('u', numpy.array([u'a', u'b', u'c'], dtype='U')), ('dates', [datetime(2012, 5, 2), datetime(2012, 6, 3), datetime(2012, 7, 1)]) ) od = OrderedDict(l) # Pandas data frame pd_df = pandas.core.frame.DataFrame(od) # Convert to R with localconverter(default_converter + rpyp.converter) as cv: rp_df = robjects.conversion.py2rpy(pd_df) assert pd_df.shape[0] == rp_df.nrow assert pd_df.shape[1] == rp_df.ncol # assert tuple(rp_df.rx2('s')) == (b'b', b'c', b'd') assert tuple(rp_df.rx2('u')) == ('a', 'b', 'c') def test_dataframe_columnnames(self): pd_df = pandas.DataFrame({'the one': [1, 2], 'the other': [3, 4]}) # Convert to R with localconverter(default_converter + rpyp.converter) as cv: rp_df = robjects.conversion.py2rpy(pd_df) assert tuple(rp_df.names) == ('the one', 'the other') def test_series(self): Series = pandas.core.series.Series s = Series(numpy.random.randn(5), index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']) with localconverter(default_converter + rpyp.converter) as cv: rp_s = robjects.conversion.py2rpy(s) assert isinstance(rp_s, rinterface.FloatSexpVector) @pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', ('i', numpy.int32 if has_pandas else None, numpy.int8 if has_pandas else None, numpy.int16 if has_pandas else None, numpy.int32 if has_pandas else None, numpy.int64 if has_pandas else None, numpy.uint8 if has_pandas else None, numpy.uint16 if has_pandas else None, pandas.Int32Dtype if has_pandas else None, pandas.Int64Dtype if has_pandas else None)) def test_series_int(self, dtype): Series = pandas.core.series.Series s = Series(range(5), index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], dtype=dtype) with localconverter(default_converter + rpyp.converter) as cv: rp_s = robjects.conversion.py2rpy(s) assert isinstance(rp_s, rinterface.IntSexpVector) @pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', (pandas.Int32Dtype() if has_pandas else None,
from abc import abstractmethod from analizer.abstract.expression import Expression from enum import Enum from storage.storageManager import jsonMode from analizer.typechecker.Metadata import Struct from analizer.typechecker import Checker import pandas as pd from analizer.symbol.symbol import Symbol from analizer.symbol.environment import Environment class SELECT_MODE(Enum): ALL = 1 PARAMS = 2 # carga de datos Struct.load() # variable encargada de almacenar la base de datos a utilizar dbtemp = "" class Instruction: """ Esta clase representa una instruccion """ def __init__(self, row, column) -> None: self.row = row self.column = column @abstractmethod def execute(self, environment): """ Metodo que servira para ejecutar las expresiones """ class SelectOnlyParams(Instruction): def __init__(self, params, row, column): Instruction.__init__(self, row, column) self.params = params def execute(self, environment): value = [p.execute(environment).value for p in self.params] labels = [p.temp for p in self.params] return labels, value class SelectParams(Instruction): def __init__(self, mode, params, row, column): Instruction.__init__(self, row, column) self.mode = mode self.params = params def execute(self, environment): pass class WhereClause(Instruction): def __init__(self, series, row, column): super().__init__(row, column) self.series = series def execute(self, environment): filt = self.series.execute(environment) return environment.dataFrame.loc[filt.value] class Select(Instruction): def __init__(self, params, fromcl, wherecl, row, column): Instruction.__init__(self, row, column) self.params = params self.wherecl = wherecl self.fromcl = fromcl def execute(self, environment): newEnv = Environment(environment, dbtemp) self.fromcl.execute(newEnv) value = [p.execute(newEnv).value for p in self.params] labels = [p.temp for p in self.params] for i in range(len(labels)): newEnv.dataFrame[labels[i]] = value[i] if self.wherecl == None: return newEnv.dataFrame.filter(labels) wh = self.wherecl.execute(newEnv) w2 = wh.filter(labels) return w2 class Drop(Instruction): """ Clase que representa la instruccion DROP TABLE and DROP DATABASE Esta instruccion es la encargada de eliminar una base de datos en el DBMS """ def __init__(self, structure, name, exists): self.structure = structure = name self.exists = exists def execute(self, environment): if self.structure == "TABLE": if dbtemp != "": valor = jsonMode.dropTable(dbtemp, if valor == 2: return "La base de datos no existe" if valor == 3: return "La tabla no existe en la base de datos" if valor == 1: return "Hubo un problema en la ejecucion de la sentencia" if valor == 0: Struct.dropTable(dbtemp, return "Instruccion ejecutada con exito DROP TABLE" return "El nombre de la base de datos no esta especificado operacion no realizada" else: valor = jsonMode.dropDatabase( if valor == 1: return "Hubo un problema en la ejecucion de la sentencia" if valor == 2: return "La base de datos no existe" if valor == 0: Struct.dropDatabase( return "Instruccion ejecutada con exito DROP DATABASE" return "Fatal Error: DropTable" class AlterDataBase(Instruction): def __init__(self, option, name, newname): self.option = option # define si se renombra o se cambia de dueño = name # define el nombre nuevo de la base de datos o el nuevo dueño self.newname = newname def execute(self, environment): if self.option == "RENAME": valor = jsonMode.alterDatabase(, self.newname) if valor == 2: return "La base de datos no existe" if valor == 3: return "El nuevo nombre para la base de datos existe" if valor == 1: return "Hubo un problema en la ejecucion de la sentencia" if valor == 0: Struct.alterDatabaseRename(, self.newname) return "Instruccion ejecutada con exito ALTER DATABASE RENAME" return "Error ALTER DATABASE RENAME" elif self.option == "OWNER": valor = Struct.alterDatabaseOwner(, self.newname) if valor == 0: return "Instruccion ejecutada con exito ALTER DATABASE OWNER" return "Error ALTER DATABASE OWNER" return "Fatal Error ALTER DATABASE" class Truncate(Instruction): def __init__(self, name): = name def execute(self, environment): valor = jsonMode.truncate(dbtemp, if valor == 2: return "La base de datos no existe" if valor == 3: return "El nombre de la tabla no existe" if valor == 1: return "Hubo un problema en la ejecucion de la sentencia" if valor == 0: return "Instruccion ejecutada con exito" class InsertInto(Instruction): def __init__(self, tabla, columns, parametros): self.tabla = tabla self.parametros = parametros self.columns = columns def execute(self, environment): lista = [] params = [] tab = self.tabla for p in self.parametros: params.append(p.execute(environment)) result = Checker.checkInsert(dbtemp, self.tabla, self.columns, params) if result[0] == None: for p in result[1]: if p == None: lista.append(p) else: lista.append(p.value) res = jsonMode.insert(dbtemp, tab, lista) if res == 2: return "No existe la base de datos" elif res == 3: return "No existe la tabla" elif res == 5: return "Columnas fuera de los limites" elif res == 4: return "Llaves primarias duplicadas" elif res == 1: return "Error en la operacion" elif res == 0: return "Fila Insertada correctamente" else: return result[0] class useDataBase(Instruction): def __init__(self, db): self.db = db def execute(self, environment): global dbtemp # environment.database = self.db dbtemp = self.db class showDataBases(Instruction): def __init__(self, like): if like != None: = like[1 : len(like) - 1] else: = None def execute(self, environment): lista = [] if != None: for l in jsonMode.showDatabases(): if in l: lista.append(l) else: lista = jsonMode.showDatabases() if len(lista) == 0: print("No hay bases de datos") else: return lista class CreateDatabase(Instruction): """ Clase que representa la instruccion CREATE DATABASE Esta instruccion es la encargada de crear una nueva base de datos en el DBMS """ def __init__(self, replace, exists, name, owner, mode): self.exists = exists = name self.mode = mode self.owner = owner self.replace = replace def execute(self, environment): result = jsonMode.createDatabase( """ 0: insert 1: error 2: exists """ if self.mode == None: self.mode = 1 if result == 0: Struct.createDatabase(, self.mode, self.owner) report = "Base de datos insertada" elif result == 1: report = "Error al insertar la base de datos" elif result == 2 and self.replace: Struct.replaceDatabase(, self.mode, self.owner) report = "Base de datos reemplazada" elif result == 2 and self.exists: report = "Base de datos no insertada, la base de datos ya existe" else: report = "Error: La base de datos ya existe" return report class CreateTable(Instruction): def __init__(self, exists, name, inherits, columns=[]): self.exists = exists = name self.columns = columns self.inherits = inherits def execute(self, environment): nCol = self.count() result = jsonMode.createTable(dbtemp,, nCol) """ Result 0: insert 1: error 2: not found database 3: exists table """ if result == 0: insert = Struct.insertTable(dbtemp,, self.columns, self.inherits) if insert == None: report = "Tabla " + + " creada" else: jsonMode.dropTable(dbtemp, Struct.dropTable(dbtemp, report = insert elif result == 1: report = "Error: No se puedo crear la tabla: " + elif result == 2: report = "Error: Base de datos no encontrada: " + dbtemp elif result == 3 and self.exists: report = "Tabla no creada, ya existe en la base de datos" else: report = "Error: ya existe la tabla " + return report def count(self): n = 0 for column in self.columns: if not column[0]: n += 1 return n class CreateType(Instruction): def __init__(self, exists, name, values=[]): self.exists = exists = name self.values = values def execute(self, environment): lista = [] for value in self.values: lista.append(value.execute(environment).value) result = Struct.createType(self.exists,, lista) if result == None: report = "Type creado" else: report = result return report # TODO: Operacion Check class CheckOperation(Instruction): """ Clase encargada de la instruccion CHECK que almacena la condicion a desarrollar en el CHECK """ def __init__(self, exp1, exp2, operator, row, column): Instruction.__init__(self, row, column) self.exp1 = exp1 self.exp2 = exp2 self.operator = operator def execute(self, environment, value1, value2, type_): exp1 = self.exp1.execute(environment) exp2 = self.exp2.execute(environment) operator = self.operator if exp1.type == "ID" and exp2.type != "ID": value2 = exp2.value elif exp1.type != "ID" and exp2.type == "ID": value1 = exp1.value elif exp1.type == "ID" and exp2.type == "ID": pass else: print("Error en el CHECK") return None if type_ == "MONEY": value1 = str(value1) value2 = str(value2) try: comps = { "<": value1 < value2, ">": value1 > value2, ">=": value1 >= value2, "<=": value1 <= value2, "=": value1 == value2, "!=": value1 != value2, "<>": value1 != value2, "ISDISTINCTFROM": value1 != value2, "ISNOTDISTINCTFROM": value1 == value2, } value = comps.get(operator, None) if value == None: return Expression.ErrorBinaryOperation( exp1.value, exp2.value, self.row, self.column ) return value except: print("Error fatal CHECK") # ---------------------------- FROM --------------------------------- class FromClause(Instruction): """ Clase encargada de la clausa FROM para la obtencion de datos """ def __init__(self, tables, aliases, row, column): Instruction.__init__(self, row, column) self.tables = tables self.aliases = aliases def crossJoin(self, tables): if len(tables) <= 1: return tables[0] for t in tables: t["____tempCol"] = 1 new_df = tables[0] i = 1 while i < len(tables): new_df = pd.merge(new_df, tables[i], on=["____tempCol"]) i += 1 new_df = new_df.drop("____tempCol", axis=1) return new_df def execute(self, environment): tempDf = None for i in range(len(self.tables)): data = self.tables[i].execute(environment) print("---------------------------------------") print(self.aliases[i]) if isinstance(self.tables[i], Select): newNames = {} subqAlias = self.aliases[i] for columnName in data.iteritems(): colSplit = columnName.split(".") if len(colSplit) >= 2: newNames[columnName] = subqAlias + "." + colSplit[1] else: newNames[columnName] = subqAlias + "." + colSplit[0] data.rename(columns=newNames, inplace=True) environment.addVar(subqAlias, subqAlias, "TABLE", self.row, self.column) else: sym = Symbol( self.tables[i].name, self.tables[i].type_, self.tables[i].row, self.tables[i].column, ) environment.addSymbol(self.tables[i].name, sym) if self.aliases[i]: environment.addSymbol(self.aliases[i], sym) if i == 0: tempDf = data else: tempDf = self.crossJoin([tempDf,data]) environment.dataFrame = tempDf return class TableID(Expression): """ Esta clase representa un objeto abstracto para el manejo de las tablas """ type_ = None def __init__(self, name, row, column): Expression.__init__(self, row, column) = name def execute(self, environment): result = jsonMode.extractTable(dbtemp, if result == None: return "FATAL ERROR TABLE ID" # Almacena una lista con con el nombre y tipo de cada columna lst = Struct.extractColumns(dbtemp, columns = [ for l in lst] newColumns = [ + "." + col for col in columns] df =
pd.DataFrame(result, columns=newColumns)
from itertools import repeat, chain import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from scipy import sparse import scanpy as sc def test_obs_df(): adata = sc.AnnData( X=np.ones((2, 2)), obs=pd.DataFrame({"obs1": [0, 1], "obs2": ["a", "b"]}, index=["cell1", "cell2"]), var=pd.DataFrame({"gene_symbols": ["genesymbol1", "genesymbol2"]}, index=["gene1", "gene2"]), obsm={"eye": np.eye(2), "sparse": sparse.csr_matrix(np.eye(2))}, layers={"double": np.ones((2, 2)) * 2} ) adata.raw = sc.AnnData( X=np.zeros((2, 2)), var=pd.DataFrame({"gene_symbols": ["raw1", "raw2"]}, index=["gene1", "gene2"]) ) assert np.all(np.equal( sc.get.obs_df(adata, keys=["gene2", "obs1"], obsm_keys=[("eye", 0), ("sparse", 1)]), pd.DataFrame({"gene2": [1, 1], "obs1": [0, 1], "eye-0": [1, 0], "sparse-1": [0, 1]}, index=adata.obs_names) )) assert np.all(np.equal( sc.get.obs_df(adata, keys=["genesymbol2", "obs1"], obsm_keys=[("eye", 0), ("sparse", 1)], gene_symbols="gene_symbols"),
pd.DataFrame({"genesymbol2": [1, 1], "obs1": [0, 1], "eye-0": [1, 0], "sparse-1": [0, 1]}, index=adata.obs_names)
# -------------- # Importing Necessary libraries import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 8) import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn import preprocessing from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer # Load the train data stored in path variable train = pd.read_csv(path) # Load the test data stored in path1 variable test =
from __future__ import division #brings in Python 3.0 mixed type calculation rules import datetime import inspect import numpy as np import numpy.testing as npt import os.path import pandas as pd import sys from tabulate import tabulate import unittest ##find parent directory and import model #parentddir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)) #sys.path.append(parentddir) from ..agdrift_exe import Agdrift test = {} class TestAgdrift(unittest.TestCase): """ IEC unit tests. """ def setUp(self): """ setup the test as needed e.g. pandas to open agdrift qaqc csv Read qaqc csv and create pandas DataFrames for inputs and expected outputs :return: """ pass def tearDown(self): """ teardown called after each test e.g. maybe write test results to some text file :return: """ pass def create_agdrift_object(self): # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for testing df_empty = pd.DataFrame() # create an empty agdrift object agdrift_empty = Agdrift(df_empty, df_empty) return agdrift_empty def test_validate_sim_scenarios(self): """ :description determines if user defined scenarios are valid for processing :param application_method: type of Tier I application method employed :param aquatic_body_def: type of endpoint of concern (e.g., pond, wetland); implies whether : endpoint of concern parameters (e.g.,, pond width) are set (i.e., by user or EPA standard) :param drop_size_*: qualitative description of spray droplet size for aerial & ground applications :param boom_height: qualitative height above ground of spray boom :param airblast_type: type of orchard being sprayed :NOTE we perform an additional validation check related to distances later in the code just before integration :return """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest agdrift_empty = self.create_agdrift_object() agdrift_empty.out_sim_scenario_chk = pd.Series([], dtype='object') expected_result = pd.Series([ 'Valid Tier I Aquatic Aerial Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Terrestrial Aerial Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Aquatic Aerial Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Terrestrial Aerial Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Aquatic Aerial Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Terrestrial Ground Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Aquatic Ground Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Terrestrial Ground Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Aquatic Ground Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Terrestrial Airblast Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Aquatic Airblast Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Terrestrial Airblast Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Aquatic Airblast Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Terrestrial Airblast Scenario', 'Invalid Tier I Aquatic Aerial Scenario', 'Invalid Tier I Aquatic Ground Scenario', 'Invalid Tier I Aquatic Airblast Scenario', 'Invalid Tier I Terrestrial Aerial Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Terrestrial Ground Scenario', 'Valid Tier I Terrestrial Airblast Scenario', 'Invalid scenario ecosystem_type', 'Invalid Tier I Aquatic Assessment application method', 'Invalid Tier I Terrestrial Assessment application method'],dtype='object') try: #set test data agdrift_empty.num_simulations = len(expected_result) agdrift_empty.application_method = pd.Series( ['tier_1_aerial', 'tier_1_aerial', 'tier_1_aerial', 'tier_1_aerial', 'tier_1_aerial', 'tier_1_ground', 'tier_1_ground', 'tier_1_ground', 'tier_1_ground', 'tier_1_airblast', 'tier_1_airblast', 'tier_1_airblast', 'tier_1_airblast', 'tier_1_airblast', 'tier_1_aerial', 'tier_1_ground', 'tier_1_airblast', 'tier_1_aerial', 'tier_1_ground', 'tier_1_airblast', 'tier_1_aerial', 'Tier II Aerial', 'Tier III Aerial'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.ecosystem_type = pd.Series( ['aquatic_assessment', 'terrestrial_assessment', 'aquatic_assessment', 'terrestrial_assessment', 'aquatic_assessment', 'terrestrial_assessment', 'aquatic_assessment', 'terrestrial_assessment', 'aquatic_assessment', 'terrestrial_assessment', 'aquatic_assessment', 'terrestrial_assessment', 'aquatic_assessment', 'terrestrial_assessment', 'aquatic_assessment', 'aquatic_assessment', 'aquatic_assessment', 'terrestrial_assessment', 'terrestrial_assessment', 'terrestrial_assessment', 'Field Assessment', 'aquatic_assessment', 'terrestrial_assessment'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.aquatic_body_type = pd.Series( ['epa_defined_pond', 'NaN', 'epa_defined_wetland', 'NaN', 'user_defined_pond', 'NaN', 'user_defined_wetland', 'NaN', 'epa_defined_wetland', 'NaN', 'user_defined_pond', 'NaN', 'user_defined_wetland', 'NaN', 'Defined Pond', 'user_defined_pond', 'epa_defined_pond', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'epa_defined_pond', 'user_defined_wetland', 'user_defined_pond'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.terrestrial_field_type = pd.Series( ['NaN', 'user_defined_terrestrial', 'NaN', 'epa_defined_terrestrial', 'NaN', 'user_defined_terrestrial', 'NaN', 'user_defined_terrestrial', 'NaN', 'epa_defined_terrestrial', 'NaN', 'user_defined_terrestrial', 'NaN', 'user_defined_terrestrial', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'user_defined_terrestrial', 'user_defined_terrestrial', 'user_defined_terrestrial', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'user_defined_terrestrial'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.drop_size_aerial = pd.Series( ['very_fine_to_fine', 'fine_to_medium', 'medium_to_coarse', 'coarse_to_very_coarse', 'fine_to_medium', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'medium_to_coarse', 'NaN', 'very_fine_to_medium', 'NaN', 'very_fine Indeed', 'NaN', 'very_fine_to_medium', 'medium_to_coarse', 'NaN'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.drop_size_ground = pd.Series( ['NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'very_fine', 'fine_to_medium-coarse', 'very_fine', 'fine_to_medium-coarse', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'very_fine', 'NaN', 'fine_to_medium-coarse', 'very_fine', 'NaN', 'very_fine_to_medium', 'NaN', 'very_fine'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.boom_height = pd.Series( ['NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'high', 'low', 'high', 'low', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'high', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN'],dtype='object') agdrift_empty.airblast_type = pd.Series( ['NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'normal', 'dense', 'sparse', 'orchard', 'vineyard', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'vineyard', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.validate_sim_scenarios() result = agdrift_empty.out_sim_scenario_chk npt.assert_array_equal(result, expected_result, err_msg="", verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_result] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_set_sim_scenario_id(self): """ :description provides scenario ids per simulation that match scenario names (i.e., column_names) from SQL database :param out_sim_scenario_id: scenario name as assigned to individual simulations :param num_simulations: number of simulations to assign scenario names :param out_sim_scenario_chk: from previous method where scenarios were checked for validity :param application_method: application method of scenario :param drop_size_*: qualitative description of spray droplet size for aerial and ground applications :param boom_height: qualitative height above ground of spray boom :param airblast_type: type of airblast application (e.g., vineyard, orchard) :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest agdrift_empty = self.create_agdrift_object() expected_result = pd.Series(['aerial_vf2f', 'aerial_f2m', 'aerial_m2c', 'aerial_c2vc', 'ground_low_vf', 'ground_low_fmc', 'ground_high_vf', 'ground_high_fmc', 'airblast_normal', 'airblast_dense', 'airblast_sparse', 'airblast_vineyard', 'airblast_orchard', 'Invalid'], dtype='object') try: agdrift_empty.num_simulations = len(expected_result) agdrift_empty.out_sim_scenario_chk = pd.Series(['Valid Tier I Aerial', 'Valid Tier I Aerial', 'Valid Tier I Aerial', 'Valid Tier I Aerial', 'Valid Tier I Ground', 'Valid Tier I Ground', 'Valid Tier I Ground', 'Valid Tier I Ground', 'Valid Tier I Airblast', 'Valid Tier I Airblast', 'Valid Tier I Airblast', 'Valid Tier I Airblast', 'Valid Tier I Airblast', 'Invalid Scenario'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.application_method = pd.Series(['tier_1_aerial', 'tier_1_aerial', 'tier_1_aerial', 'tier_1_aerial', 'tier_1_ground', 'tier_1_ground', 'tier_1_ground', 'tier_1_ground', 'tier_1_airblast', 'tier_1_airblast', 'tier_1_airblast', 'tier_1_airblast', 'tier_1_airblast', 'tier_1_aerial'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.drop_size_aerial = pd.Series(['very_fine_to_fine', 'fine_to_medium', 'medium_to_coarse', 'coarse_to_very_coarse', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.drop_size_ground = pd.Series(['NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'very_fine', 'fine_to_medium-coarse', 'very_fine', 'fine_to_medium-coarse', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.boom_height = pd.Series(['NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'low', 'low', 'high', 'high', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.airblast_type = pd.Series(['NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'normal', 'dense', 'sparse', 'vineyard', 'orchard', 'NaN'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.set_sim_scenario_id() result = agdrift_empty.out_sim_scenario_id npt.assert_array_equal(result, expected_result, err_msg="", verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_result] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_assign_column_names(self): """ :description assigns column names (except distaqnce column) from sql database to internal scenario names :param column_name: short name for pesiticide application scenario for which distance vs deposition data is provided :param scenario_name: internal variable for holding scenario names :param scenario_number: index for scenario_name (this method assumes the distance values could occur in any column :param distance_name: internal name for the column holding distance data :NOTE to test both outputs of this method I simply appended them together :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest agdrift_empty = self.create_agdrift_object() agdrift_empty.scenario_name = pd.Series([], dtype='object') expected_result = pd.Series(['aerial_vf2f', 'aerial_f2m', 'aerial_m2c', 'aerial_c2vc', 'ground_low_vf', 'ground_low_fmc', 'ground_high_vf', 'ground_high_fmc', 'airblast_normal', 'airblast_dense', 'airblast_sparse', 'airblast_vineyard', 'airblast_orchard'], dtype='object') try: agdrift_empty.column_names = pd.Series(['aerial_vf2f', 'aerial_f2m', 'aerial_m2c', 'aerial_c2vc', 'ground_low_vf', 'ground_low_fmc', 'ground_high_vf', 'ground_high_fmc', 'airblast_normal', 'airblast_dense', 'airblast_sparse', 'airblast_vineyard', 'airblast_orchard', 'distance_ft']) #call method to assign scenario names agdrift_empty.assign_column_names() result = agdrift_empty.scenario_name npt.assert_array_equal(result, expected_result, err_msg="", verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_result] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_get_distances(self): """ :description retrieves distance values for deposition scenario datasets : all scenarios use same distances :param num_db_values: number of distance values to be retrieved :param distance_name: name of column in sql database that contains the distance values :NOTE any blank fields are filled with 'nan' :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest agdrift_empty = self.create_agdrift_object() location = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__))) agdrift_empty.db_name = os.path.join(location, 'sqlite_agdrift_distance.db') agdrift_empty.db_table = 'output' expected_result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') try: expected_result = [0.,0.102525,0.20505,0.4101,0.8202,1.6404,3.2808,4.9212,6.5616,9.8424,13.1232,19.6848,26.2464, 32.808,39.3696,45.9312,52.4928,59.0544,65.616,72.1776,78.7392,85.3008,91.8624,98.424,104.9856, 111.5472,118.1088,124.6704,131.232,137.7936,144.3552,150.9168,157.4784,164.04,170.6016,177.1632, 183.7248,190.2864,196.848,203.4096,209.9712,216.5328,223.0944,229.656,236.2176,242.7792,249.3408, 255.9024,262.464,269.0256,275.5872,282.1488,288.7104,295.272,301.8336,308.3952,314.9568,321.5184, 328.08,334.6416,341.2032,347.7648,354.3264,360.888,367.4496,374.0112,380.5728,387.1344,393.696, 400.2576,406.8192,413.3808,419.9424,426.504,433.0656,439.6272,446.1888,452.7504,459.312,465.8736, 472.4352,478.9968,485.5584,492.12,498.6816,505.2432,511.8048,518.3664,524.928,531.4896,538.0512, 544.6128,551.1744,557.736,564.2976,570.8592,577.4208,583.9824,590.544,597.1056,603.6672,610.2288, 616.7904,623.352,629.9136,636.4752,643.0368,649.5984,656.16,662.7216,669.2832,675.8448,682.4064, 688.968,695.5296,702.0912,708.6528,715.2144,721.776,728.3376,734.8992,741.4608,748.0224,754.584, 761.1456,767.7072,774.2688,780.8304,787.392,793.9536,800.5152,807.0768,813.6384,820.2,826.7616, 833.3232,839.8848,846.4464,853.008,859.5696,866.1312,872.6928,879.2544,885.816,892.3776,898.9392, 905.5008,912.0624,918.624,925.1856,931.7472,938.3088,944.8704,951.432,957.9936,964.5552,971.1168, 977.6784,984.24,990.8016,997.3632] agdrift_empty.distance_name = 'distance_ft' agdrift_empty.num_db_values = len(expected_result) result = agdrift_empty.get_distances(agdrift_empty.num_db_values) npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_result, rtol=1e-5, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_result] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_get_scenario_deposition_data(self): """ :description retrieves deposition data for all scenarios from sql database : and checks that for each the first, last, and total number of values : are correct :param scenario: name of scenario for which data is to be retrieved :param num_values: number of values included in scenario datasets :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest agdrift_empty = self.create_agdrift_object() #scenario_data = pd.Series([[]], dtype='float') result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') #changing expected values to the 161st expected_result = [0.50013,0.041273,161.0, #aerial_vf2f 0.49997,0.011741,161.0, #aerial_f2m 0.4999,0.0053241,161.0, #aerial_m2c 0.49988,0.0031189,161.0, #aerial_c2vc 1.019339,9.66E-04,161.0, #ground_low_vf 1.007885,6.13E-04,161.0, #ground_low_fmc 1.055205,1.41E-03,161.0, #ground_high_vf 1.012828,7.72E-04,161.0, #ground_high_fmc 8.91E-03,3.87E-05,161.0, #airblast_normal 0.1155276,4.66E-04,161.0, #airblast_dense 0.4762651,5.14E-05,161.0, #airblast_sparse 3.76E-02,3.10E-05,161.0, #airblast_vineyard 0.2223051,3.58E-04,161.0] #airblast_orchard try: agdrift_empty.num_db_values = 161 #set number of data values in sql db location = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__))) agdrift_empty.db_name = os.path.join(location, 'sqlite_agdrift_distance.db') agdrift_empty.db_table = 'output' #agdrift_empty.db_name = 'sqlite_agdrift_distance.db' #this is the list of scenario names (column names) in sql db (the order here is important because #the expected values are ordered in this manner agdrift_empty.scenario_name = ['aerial_vf2f', 'aerial_f2m', 'aerial_m2c', 'aerial_c2vc', 'ground_low_vf', 'ground_low_fmc', 'ground_high_vf', 'ground_high_fmc', 'airblast_normal', 'airblast_dense', 'airblast_sparse', 'airblast_vineyard', 'airblast_orchard'] #cycle through reading scenarios and building result list for i in range(len(agdrift_empty.scenario_name)): #get scenario data scenario_data = agdrift_empty.get_scenario_deposition_data(agdrift_empty.scenario_name[i], agdrift_empty.num_db_values) print(scenario_data) #extract 1st and last values of scenario data and build result list (including how many values are #retrieved for each scenario if i == 0: #fix this result = [scenario_data[0], scenario_data[agdrift_empty.num_db_values - 1], float(len(scenario_data))] else: result.extend([scenario_data[0], scenario_data[agdrift_empty.num_db_values - 1], float(len(scenario_data))]) npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_result, rtol=1e-5, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_result] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_get_column_names(self): """ :description retrieves column names from sql database (sqlite_agdrift_distance.db) : (each column name refers to a specific deposition scenario; : the scenario name is used later to retrieve the deposition data) :parameter output name of sql database table from which to retrieve requested data :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest agdrift_empty = self.create_agdrift_object() location = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__))) agdrift_empty.db_name = os.path.join(location, 'sqlite_agdrift_distance.db') agdrift_empty.db_table = 'output' result = pd.Series([], dtype='object') expected_result = ['distance_ft','aerial_vf2f', 'aerial_f2m', 'aerial_m2c', 'aerial_c2vc', 'ground_low_vf', 'ground_low_fmc', 'ground_high_vf', 'ground_high_fmc', 'airblast_normal', 'airblast_dense', 'airblast_sparse', 'airblast_vineyard', 'airblast_orchard'] try: result = agdrift_empty.get_column_names() npt.assert_array_equal(result, expected_result, err_msg="", verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_result] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_filter_arrays(self): """ :description eliminate blank data cells (i.e., distances for which no deposition value is provided) (and thus reduce the number of x,y values to be used) :parameter x_in: array of distance values associated with values for a deposition scenario (e.g., Aerial/EPA Defined Pond) :parameter y_in: array of deposition values associated with a deposition scenario (e.g., Aerial/EPA Defined Pond) :parameter x_out: processed array of x_in values eliminating indices of blank distance/deposition values :parameter y_out: processed array of y_in values eliminating indices of blank distance/deposition values :NOTE y_in array is assumed to be populated by values >= 0. except for the blanks as 'nan' entries :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest agdrift_empty = self.create_agdrift_object() expected_result_x = pd.Series([0.,1.,4.,5.,6.,7.], dtype='float') expected_result_y = pd.Series([10.,11.,14.,15.,16.,17.], dtype='float') try: x_in = pd.Series([0.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.], dtype='float') y_in = pd.Series([10.,11.,'nan','nan',14.,15.,16.,17.], dtype='float') x_out, y_out = agdrift_empty.filter_arrays(x_in, y_in) result_x = x_out result_y = y_out npt.assert_allclose(result_x, expected_result_x, rtol=1e-5, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) npt.assert_allclose(result_y, expected_result_y, rtol=1e-5, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result_x, expected_result_x] tab = [result_y, expected_result_y] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_list_sims_per_scenario(self): """ :description scan simulations and count number and indices of simulations that apply to each scenario :parameter num_scenarios number of deposition scenarios included in SQL database :parameter num_simulations number of simulations included in this model execution :parameter scenario_name name of deposition scenario as recorded in SQL database :parameter out_sim_scenario_id identification of deposition scenario specified per model run simulation :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest agdrift_empty = self.create_agdrift_object() expected_num_sims = pd.Series([2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2], dtype='int') expected_sim_indices = pd.Series([[0,13,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [1,14,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [2,15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [3,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [4,17,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [5,18,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [6,19,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [7,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [8,21,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [9,22,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [10,23,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [11,24,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [12,25,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]], dtype='int') try: agdrift_empty.scenario_name = pd.Series(['aerial_vf2f', 'aerial_f2m', 'aerial_m2c', 'aerial_c2vc', 'ground_low_vf', 'ground_low_fmc', 'ground_high_vf', 'ground_high_fmc', 'airblast_normal', 'airblast_dense', 'airblast_sparse', 'airblast_vineyard', 'airblast_orchard'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.out_sim_scenario_id = pd.Series(['aerial_vf2f', 'aerial_f2m', 'aerial_m2c', 'aerial_c2vc', 'ground_low_vf', 'ground_low_fmc', 'ground_high_vf', 'ground_high_fmc', 'airblast_normal', 'airblast_dense', 'airblast_sparse', 'airblast_vineyard', 'airblast_orchard','aerial_vf2f', 'aerial_f2m', 'aerial_m2c', 'aerial_c2vc', 'ground_low_vf', 'ground_low_fmc', 'ground_high_vf', 'ground_high_fmc', 'airblast_normal', 'airblast_dense', 'airblast_sparse', 'airblast_vineyard', 'airblast_orchard'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.num_simulations = len(agdrift_empty.out_sim_scenario_id) agdrift_empty.num_scenarios = len(agdrift_empty.scenario_name) result_num_sims, result_sim_indices = agdrift_empty.list_sims_per_scenario() npt.assert_array_equal(result_num_sims, expected_num_sims, err_msg='', verbose=True) npt.assert_array_equal(result_sim_indices, expected_sim_indices, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result_num_sims, expected_num_sims, result_sim_indices, expected_sim_indices] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_determine_area_dimensions(self): """ :description determine relevant area/length/depth of waterbody or terrestrial area :param i: simulation number :param ecosystem_type: type of assessment to be conducted :param aquatic_body_type: source of dimensional data for area (EPA or User defined) :param terrestrial_field_type: source of dimensional data for area (EPA or User defined) :param *_width: default or user specified width of waterbody or terrestrial field :param *_length: default or user specified length of waterbody or terrestrial field :param *_depth: default or user specified depth of waterbody or terrestrial field :NOTE all areas, i.e., ponds, wetlands, and terrestrial fields are of 1 hectare size; the user can elect to specify a width other than the default width but it won't change the area size; thus for user specified areas the length is calculated and not specified by the user) :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest agdrift_empty = self.create_agdrift_object() expected_width = pd.Series([208.7, 208.7, 100., 400., 150., 0.], dtype='float') expected_length = pd.Series([515.8, 515.8, 1076.39, 269.098, 717.593, 0.], dtype='float') expected_depth = pd.Series([6.56, 0.4921, 7., 23., 0., 0.], dtype='float') try: agdrift_empty.ecosystem_type = pd.Series(['aquatic_assessment', 'aquatic_assessment', 'aquatic_assessment', 'aquatic_assessment', 'terrestrial_assessment', 'terrestrial_assessment'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.aquatic_body_type = pd.Series(['epa_defined_pond', 'epa_defined_wetland', 'user_defined_pond', 'user_defined_wetland', 'NaN', 'NaN'], dtype='object') agdrift_empty.terrestrial_field_type = pd.Series(['NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'user_defined_terrestrial', 'epa_defined_terrestrial'], dtype='object') num_simulations = len(agdrift_empty.ecosystem_type) agdrift_empty.default_width = 208.7 agdrift_empty.default_length = 515.8 agdrift_empty.default_pond_depth = 6.56 agdrift_empty.default_wetland_depth = 0.4921 agdrift_empty.user_pond_width = pd.Series(['NaN', 'NaN', 100., 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN'], dtype='float') agdrift_empty.user_pond_depth = pd.Series(['NaN', 'NaN', 7., 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN'], dtype='float') agdrift_empty.user_wetland_width = pd.Series(['NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 400., 'NaN', 'NaN'], dtype='float') agdrift_empty.user_wetland_depth = pd.Series(['NaN','NaN', 'NaN', 23., 'NaN', 'NaN'], dtype='float') agdrift_empty.user_terrestrial_width = pd.Series(['NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 'NaN', 150., 'NaN'], dtype='float') width_result = pd.Series(num_simulations * ['NaN'], dtype='float') length_result =
pd.Series(num_simulations * ['NaN'], dtype='float')
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 """Global sequencing data for the home page Author: <NAME> - Vector Engineering Team (<EMAIL>) """ import argparse import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json from pathlib import Path def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--case-data", type=str, required=True, help="Path to case data CSV file", ) parser.add_argument( "--location-map", type=str, required=True, help="Path to location map JSON file", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", type=str, required=True, help="Path to output directory", ) args = parser.parse_args() out_path = Path(args.output) # Load case counts by country case_count_df = pd.read_csv( "" ) case_count_df.rename(columns={"Country/Region": "country"}, inplace=True) # Upgrade some province/states to country/regions upgrade_provinces = [ "Hong Kong", "Macau", "Faroe Islands", "Greenland", "French Guiana", "French Polynesia", "Guadeloupe", "Martinique", "Mayotte", "New Caledonia", "Reunion", "Saint Barthelemy", "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "St Martin", "Aruba", "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", "Curacao", "Sint Maarten", "Anguilla", "Bermuda", "British Virgin Islands", "Cayman Islands", "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "Gibraltar", "Isle of Man", "Channel Islands", "Montserrat", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "American Samoa", "Guam", "Northern Mariana Islands", "Virgin Islands", "Puerto Rico", ] upgrade_province_inds = case_count_df["Province/State"].isin(upgrade_provinces) case_count_df.loc[upgrade_province_inds, "country"] = case_count_df.loc[ upgrade_province_inds, "Province/State" ] # Group by country/region case_count_df = ( case_count_df.drop(columns=["Lat", "Long"]) .groupby("country") .agg(np.sum) .reset_index() ) # Unpivot table case_count_df = pd.melt( case_count_df, id_vars=["country"], var_name="date", value_name="cumulative_cases", ) # Convert date strings to datetime objects case_count_df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(case_count_df["date"]) case_count_df["month"] = case_count_df["date"].dt.to_period("M") JHU_rename_map = { "US": "USA", "Congo (Kinshasa)": "DRC", "Congo (Brazzaville)": "Republic of the Congo", "Korea, South": "South Korea", "Taiwan*": "Taiwan", "Burma": "Myanmar", # "Aruba": "Netherlands", # "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "Netherlands", # "Curacao": "Netherlands", # "Sint Maarten": "Netherlands", # "British Virgin Islands": "United Kingdom", # "Channel Islands": "United Kingdom", # "Cayman Islands": "United Kingdom", # "Gibraltar": "United Kingdom", # "Isle of Man": "United Kingdom", # "Montserrat": "United Kingdom", # "Turks and Caicos Islands": "United Kingdom", # "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "United Kingdom", # "Diamond Princess": "Japan", # "Faroe Islands": "Denmark", # "French Polynesia": "France", # "Guadeloupe": "France", # "Martinique": "France", # "Mayotte": "France", # "Reunion": "France", # "New Caledonia": "France", # "<NAME>": "France", # "<NAME> and Miquelon": "France", # "<NAME>": "France", # "<NAME>": "Saint Martin", # "MS Zaandam": "USA", # "Marshall Islands": "USA", # "Macau": "China", } def rename_countries(country): if country in JHU_rename_map.keys(): return JHU_rename_map[country] else: return country case_count_df["country"] = case_count_df["country"].apply(rename_countries) case_count_df = ( case_count_df.groupby(["country", "month"])["cumulative_cases"] .agg(np.max) .reset_index() ) case_count_df["month"] = case_count_df["month"].dt.start_time case_count_df.to_json(str(out_path / "case_count.json"), orient="records") case_df = pd.read_json(args.case_data).set_index("Accession ID") case_df = case_df[["collection_date", "submission_date", "location_id"]] location_map = pd.read_json(args.location_map) case_df = case_df.join(location_map, on="location_id", how="left") case_df["collection_date"] = pd.to_datetime( case_df["collection_date"], errors="coerce" ) case_df["submission_date"] = pd.to_datetime( case_df["submission_date"], errors="coerce" ) # Remove failed date parsing case_df = case_df.loc[ (~pd.isnull(case_df["collection_date"])) & (~pd.isnull(case_df["submission_date"])) ] # Only take dates from 2019-12-15 case_df = case_df.loc[case_df["collection_date"] > pd.to_datetime("2019-12-15")] # Calculate time deltas case_df["turnaround_days"] = ( case_df["submission_date"] - case_df["collection_date"] ).dt.days # Extract month case_df["month"] = case_df["collection_date"].dt.to_period("M") case_df["submission_month"] = case_df["submission_date"].dt.to_period("M") # Remove invalid submission dates (negative turnaround times) case_df = case_df.loc[case_df["turnaround_days"] >= 0] # Upgrade provinces to countries upgrade_inds = case_df["division"].isin(upgrade_provinces) case_df.loc[upgrade_inds, "country"] = case_df.loc[upgrade_inds, "division"] sequences_per_month = ( case_df.reset_index() .groupby(["country", "month"])["Accession ID"] .size() .rename({"Palestine": "West Bank and Gaza"}) .rename("new_sequences") .reset_index() ) sequences_per_month["month"] = sequences_per_month["month"].dt.start_time sequences_per_month.to_json( str(out_path / "sequences_per_month.json"), orient="records" ) turnaround_per_month = ( case_df.reset_index() .groupby(["country", "submission_month"])["turnaround_days"] .agg( q5=lambda x: np.quantile(x, 0.05), q25=lambda x: np.quantile(x, 0.25), q50=lambda x: np.quantile(x, 0.50), q75=lambda x: np.quantile(x, 0.75), q95=lambda x: np.quantile(x, 0.95), ) .reset_index() ) turnaround_per_month["submission_month"] = turnaround_per_month[ "submission_month" ].dt.start_time turnaround_per_month.to_json( str(out_path / "turnaround_per_month.json"), orient="records" ) # Load UID ISO FIPS lookup table iso_lookup_df = pd.read_csv( "" ) # Upgrade provinces to country/regions upgrade_inds = iso_lookup_df["Province_State"].isin(upgrade_provinces) iso_lookup_df.rename(columns={"Country_Region": "country"}, inplace=True) iso_lookup_df.loc[upgrade_inds, "country"] = iso_lookup_df.loc[ upgrade_inds, "Province_State" ] # Only take countries, then set as the index iso_lookup_df = ( iso_lookup_df.loc[ (upgrade_inds & pd.isnull(iso_lookup_df["Admin2"])) | (
import datetime as dt import unittest import pandas as pd import numpy as np import numpy.testing as npt import seaice.nasateam as nt import as de class Test_BoundingDateRange(unittest.TestCase): def test_standard(self): today =, 9, 22) month_bounds = (-3, 1) expected_bounds = (, 6, 1),, 10, 31)) actual = de._bounding_date_range(today, *month_bounds) self.assertEqual(expected_bounds, actual) def test_bounding_dates_overlap_year(self): today =, 1, 15) month_bounds = (-1, 1) expected_bounds = (, 12, 1),, 2, 28)) actual = de._bounding_date_range(today, *month_bounds) self.assertEqual(expected_bounds, actual) def test_bounding_dates_overlap_leap_year(self): today =, 1, 15) month_bounds = (-1, 1) expected_bounds = (, 12, 1),, 2, 29)) actual = de._bounding_date_range(today, *month_bounds) self.assertEqual(expected_bounds, actual) class Test_GetRecordYear(unittest.TestCase): start_date = nt.BEGINNING_OF_SATELLITE_ERA end_date =, 12, 31) date_index = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date) base_series = pd.Series(index=date_index).fillna(5) def _series(self, low=None, high=None, next_highest=None, next_lowest=None): """Return a series for easily testing record values. All the values are 5, with different values set to the dates passed in as low, next_lowest, high, and next_highest. The index of the returned series is from the beginning of the satellite era to the end of 2015 (since that happens to be the last complete year at the time of this writing). """ series = self.base_series.copy() if high: series[high] = 10 if next_highest: series[next_highest] = 7 if next_lowest: series[next_lowest] = 2 if low: series[low] = 0 return series def test_max(self): """Date: 4/2014, range: 1/2014 -> 5/2014, record:9/2002 , recordline:2002""" series = self._series(high='2002-09-15') date = pd.to_datetime('2014-04-15') month_bounds = (-3, 1) # expectation expected = 2002 # execute actual = de._get_record_year(series, date, month_bounds, 'max') self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_min(self): """Date: 4/2014, range: 1/2014 -> 5/2014, record:9/2002(min) , recordline:2002""" series = self._series(low='2002-09-15') date = pd.to_datetime('2014-04-15') month_bounds = (-3, 1) # expectation expected = 2002 # execute actual = de._get_record_year(series, date, month_bounds, 'min') self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_max_current_year_is_record(self): """Date: 4/2014, range: 1/2014 -> 5/2014, record:3/2014, recordline:2010""" series = self._series(high='2014-03-15', next_highest='2010-09-15') date = pd.to_datetime('2014-04-15') month_bounds = (-3, 1) # expectation expected = 2010 # execute actual = de._get_record_year(series, date, month_bounds, 'max') self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_min_current_year_is_record(self): """Date: 4/2014, range: 1/2014 -> 5/2014, record:3/2014(min), recordline:2010""" series = self._series(low='2014-03-15', next_lowest='2010-09-15') date = pd.to_datetime('2014-04-15') month_bounds = (-3, 1) # expectation expected = 2010 # execute actual = de._get_record_year(series, date, month_bounds, 'min') self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_min_record_year_is_included_in_month_bounds(self): """Date: 2/2015, range: 10/2014 -> 3/2015, record: 1/2014, recordline: 2013-2014""" series = self._series(low='2014-04-20', next_lowest='1999-09-15') date = pd.to_datetime('2015-02-15') month_bounds = (-4, 1) # expectation expected = 2014 # execute actual = de._get_record_year(series, date, month_bounds, 'min') self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_min_record_year_before_and_crossover_forward(self): """Date: 12/2015, range: 8/2015 -> 1/2016, record: 12/2014, recordline: 2014-2015""" series = self._series(low='2014-09-20', next_lowest='1999-09-15') date = pd.to_datetime('2015-12-15') month_bounds = (-4, 1) # expectation expected = 2014 # execute actual = de._get_record_year(series, date, month_bounds, 'min') self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_max_year_changeover_record_is_plotted_and_aligned(self): """Date: 1/2010, range: 10/2009 -> 2/2010, record:1/2004, recordline:2004""" series = self._series(high='2004-01-27') date = pd.to_datetime('2010-01-15') month_bounds = (-3, 1) # expectation expected = 2004 # execute actual = de._get_record_year(series, date, month_bounds, 'max') self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_min_year_changeover_record_is_plotted_and_aligned(self): """Date: 1/2010, range: 10/2009 -> 2/2010, record:1/2004(min), recordline:2003-2004""" series = self._series(low='2004-01-27') date = pd.to_datetime('2010-01-15') month_bounds = (-3, 1) # expectation expected = 2004 # execute actual = de._get_record_year(series, date, month_bounds, 'min') self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_max_year_changeover_record_is_plotted_not_aligned(self): """Date: 1/2010, range: 10/2009 -> 2/2010, record:11/2007 , recordline:2007-2008""" series = self._series(high='2007-11-27') date = pd.to_datetime('2010-01-15') month_bounds = (-3, 1) # expectation expected = 2008 # execute actual = de._get_record_year(series, date, month_bounds, 'max') self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_min_year_changeover_record_is_plotted_not_aligned(self): """Date: 1/2010, range: 10/2009 -> 2/2010, record:11/2007 , recordline:2007-2008""" series = self._series(low='2007-11-27') date = pd.to_datetime('2010-01-15') month_bounds = (-3, 1) # expectation expected = 2008 # execute actual = de._get_record_year(series, date, month_bounds, 'min') self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_max_year_changeover_record_is_plotted_with_current_year_plots_next_highest(self): """Date: 1/2010, range: 10/2009 -> 2/2010, record:11/2009 , recordline:2004-2005""" series = self._series(high='2009-11-27', next_highest='2004-11-27') date = pd.to_datetime('2010-01-15') month_bounds = (-3, 1) # expectation expected = 2005 # execute actual = de._get_record_year(series, date, month_bounds, 'max') self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_min_year_changeover_record_is_plotted_with_current_year_plots_next_highest(self): """Date: 1/2010, range: 10/2009 -> 2/2010, record:11/2009 , recordline:2004-2005""" series = self._series(low='2009-11-27', next_lowest='2004-11-27') date =
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from IPython import embed from keras.models import load_model from keras import backend as K from qlknn.models.ffnn import determine_settings, _prescale, clip_to_bounds def rmse(y_true, y_pred): return K.sqrt(K.mean(K.square( y_true-y_pred ))) class KerasNDNN(): def __init__(self, model, feature_names, target_names, feature_prescale_factor, feature_prescale_bias, target_prescale_factor, target_prescale_bias, feature_min=None, feature_max=None, target_min=None, target_max=None, target_names_mask=None, ): self.model = model self._feature_names = feature_names self._target_names = target_names self._feature_prescale_factor = feature_prescale_factor self._feature_prescale_bias = feature_prescale_bias self._target_prescale_factor = target_prescale_factor self._target_prescale_bias = target_prescale_bias if feature_min is None: feature_min = pd.Series({var: -np.inf for var in self._feature_names}) self._feature_min = feature_min if feature_max is None: feature_max = pd.Series({var: np.inf for var in self._feature_names}) self._feature_max = feature_max if target_min is None: target_min = pd.Series({var: -np.inf for var in self._target_names}) self._target_min = target_min if target_max is None: target_max = pd.Series({var: np.inf for var in self._target_names}) self._target_max = target_max self._target_names_mask = target_names_mask def get_output(self, inp, clip_low=False, clip_high=False, low_bound=None, high_bound=None, safe=True, output_pandas=True, shift_output_by=0): """ This should accept a pandas dataframe, and should return a pandas dataframe """ nn_input, safe, clip_low, clip_high, low_bound, high_bound = \ determine_settings(self, inp, safe, clip_low, clip_high, low_bound, high_bound) nn_input = _prescale(nn_input, self._feature_prescale_factor.values, self._feature_prescale_bias.values) # Apply all NN layers an re-scale the outputs branched_in = [nn_input.loc[:, self._branch1_names].values, nn_input.loc[:, self._branch2_names].values] nn_out = self.model.predict(branched_in) # Get prediction output = (nn_out - np.atleast_2d(self._target_prescale_bias)) / np.atleast_2d(self._target_prescale_factor) output -= shift_output_by output = clip_to_bounds(output, clip_low, clip_high, low_bound, high_bound) if output_pandas: output = pd.DataFrame(output, columns=self._target_names) if self._target_names_mask is not None: output.columns = self._target_names_mask return output class Daniel7DNN(KerasNDNN): _branch1_names = ['Ati', 'An', 'q', 'smag', 'x', 'Ti_Te'] _branch2_names = ['Ate'] def __init__(self, model, feature_names, target_names, feature_prescale_factor, feature_prescale_bias, target_prescale_factor, target_prescale_bias, feature_min=None, feature_max=None, target_min=None, target_max=None, target_names_mask=None, ): super().__init__(model, feature_names, target_names, feature_prescale_factor, feature_prescale_bias, target_prescale_factor, target_prescale_bias, feature_min=feature_min, feature_max=feature_max, target_min=target_min, target_max=target_max, target_names_mask=target_names_mask, ) self.shift = self.find_shift() @classmethod def from_files(cls, model_file, standardization_file): model = load_model(model_file, custom_objects={'rmse': rmse}) stds = pd.read_csv(standardization_file) feature_names = pd.Series(cls._branch1_names + cls._branch2_names) target_names = pd.Series(['efeETG_GB']) stds.set_index('name', inplace=True) # Was normalised to s=1, m=0 s_t = 1 m_t = 0 s_sf = stds.loc[feature_names, 'std'] s_st = stds.loc[target_names, 'std'] m_sf = stds.loc[feature_names, 'mean'] m_st = stds.loc[target_names, 'mean'] feature_scale_factor = s_t / s_sf feature_scale_bias = -m_sf * s_t / s_sf + m_t target_scale_factor = s_t / s_st target_scale_bias = -m_st * s_t / s_st + m_t return cls(model, feature_names, target_names, feature_scale_factor, feature_scale_bias, target_scale_factor, target_scale_bias, ) def get_output(self, inp, clip_low=False, clip_high=False, low_bound=None, high_bound=None, safe=True, output_pandas=True, shift_output=True): if shift_output: shift_output_by = self.shift else: shift_output_by = 0 output = super().get_output(inp, clip_low=clip_low, clip_high=clip_high, low_bound=low_bound, high_bound=high_bound, safe=safe, output_pandas=output_pandas, shift_output_by=shift_output_by) return output def find_shift(self): # Define a point where the relu is probably 0 nn_input = pd.DataFrame({'Ati': 0, 'An': 0, 'q': 3, 'smag': 3.5, 'x': 0.69, 'Ti_Te': 1, 'Ate': -100}, index=[0]) branched_in = [nn_input.loc[:, self._branch1_names].values, nn_input.loc[:, self._branch2_names].values] # Get a function to evaluate the network up until the relu layer try: func = K.function(self.model.input, [self.model.get_layer('TR').output]) except ValueError: raise Exception("'TR' layer not defined, shifting only relevant for new-style NNs") relu_out = func(branched_in) if relu_out[0][0, 0] != 0: raise Exception('Relu is not zero at presumed stable point! Cannot find shift') nn_out = self.model.predict(branched_in) output = (nn_out - np.atleast_2d(self._target_prescale_bias)) / np.atleast_2d(self._target_prescale_factor) shift = output[0][0] return shift if __name__ == '__main__': # Test the function nn = Daniel7DNN.from_files('../../../IPP-Neural-Networks/Saved-Networks/2018-11-25_Run0161a.h5', 'standardizations_training.csv') shift = nn.find_shift() scann = 200 input =
#!/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import shutil import csv import zipfile import tarfile import configparser import collections import statistics import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx from datetime import datetime # Type of printing. OK = 'ok' # [*] NOTE = 'note' # [+] FAIL = 'fail' # [-] WARNING = 'warn' # [!] NONE = 'none' # No label. # Type of train data. OS = 0 WEB = 1 FRAMEWORK = 2 CMS = 3 class Creator: def __init__(self, utility): # Read config.ini. self.utility = utility config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.file_name = os.path.basename(__file__) self.full_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.root_path = os.path.join(self.full_path, '../'), 'config.ini')) # Define master signature file path. master_sig_dir = os.path.join(self.root_path, config['Common']['signature_path']) self.master_prod_sig = os.path.join(master_sig_dir, config['VersionChecker']['signature_file']) self.master_cont_sig = os.path.join(master_sig_dir, config['ContentExplorer']['signature_file']) self.pd_prod_sig = pd.read_csv(self.master_prod_sig, delimiter='@', encoding='utf-8', header=None, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) self.pd_cont_sig = pd.read_csv(self.master_cont_sig, delimiter='@', encoding='utf-8', header=None, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) self.delete_prod_row_index = [] self.delete_cont_row_index = [] # Define master train data path. self.train_categories = config['VersionCheckerML']['category'].split('@') train_dir = os.path.join(self.full_path, config['VersionCheckerML']['train_path']) self.train_os_in = os.path.join(train_dir, config['VersionCheckerML']['train_os_in']) self.train_web_in = os.path.join(train_dir, config['VersionCheckerML']['train_web_in']) self.train_framework_in = os.path.join(train_dir, config['VersionCheckerML']['train_framework_in']) self.train_cms_in = os.path.join(train_dir, config['VersionCheckerML']['train_cms_in']) for category in self.train_categories: if category == 'OS': self.pd_train_os = pd.read_csv(self.train_os_in, delimiter='@', encoding='utf-8', header=None, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) elif category == 'WEB': self.pd_train_web = pd.read_csv(self.train_web_in, delimiter='@', encoding='utf-8', header=None, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) elif category == 'FRAMEWORK': self.pd_train_fw = pd.read_csv(self.train_framework_in, delimiter='@', encoding='utf-8', header=None, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) elif category == 'CMS': self.pd_train_cms = pd.read_csv(self.train_cms_in, delimiter='@', encoding='utf-8', header=None, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) else: self.utility.print_message(FAIL, 'Choose category is not found.') exit(1) self.delete_train_os_row_index = [] self.delete_train_web_row_index = [] self.delete_train_fw_row_index = [] self.delete_train_cms_row_index = [] self.compress_dir = os.path.join(self.root_path, config['Creator']['compress_dir']) self.signature_dir = os.path.join(self.root_path, config['Creator']['signature_dir']) self.prohibit_ext_list = config['Creator']['prohibit_ext'].split('@') self.save_file = config['Creator']['result_file'].replace('*','%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) self.save_path = os.path.join(self.signature_dir, self.save_file) self.header = str(config['Creator']['header']).split('@') self.score_table_path = os.path.join(self.full_path, config['Exploit']['data_path']) self.score_table = os.path.join(self.score_table_path, config['Creator']['score_table']) self.threshold = float(config['Creator']['threshold']) self.unknown_score = float(config['Creator']['unknown_score']) self.turn_inside_num = int(config['Creator']['turn_inside_num']) if self.turn_inside_num > 2: self.turn_inside_num = 2 self.try_othello_num = int(config['Creator']['try_othello_num']) self.del_open_root_dir = int(config['Creator']['del_open_root_dir']) # Check necessary directories. self.is_dir_existance(self.compress_dir) self.is_dir_existance(self.signature_dir) # Load score table. self.pd_score_table = pd.read_csv(self.score_table) # Check necessary directory. def is_dir_existance(self, target_dir): if os.path.exists(target_dir) is False: os.mkdir(target_dir) self.utility.print_message(WARNING, 'Directory is not found: {}.'.format(target_dir)) self.utility.print_message(WARNING, 'Maked directory: {}.'.format(target_dir)) # Count directory layer. def count_dir_layer(self, target_dir): # Count directory number. split_symbol = '/' if == 'nt': split_symbol = '\\' tmp_dir_list = os.path.splitdrive(target_dir)[1].split(split_symbol) tmp_dir_list.remove('') return len(tmp_dir_list), tmp_dir_list # Grep. def execute_grep(self, target_product, target_dir): base_index = 0 report = [] if os.path.exists(target_dir): for root, _, files in os.walk(target_dir): file_count = 0 ext_list = [] for file in files: msg = 'Check file : {}/{}'.format(root.replace(target_dir, '').replace('\\', '/'), file) self.utility.print_message(OK, msg) _, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if ext[1:] not in self.prohibit_ext_list: # Count file number and target extension. file_count += 1 ext_list.append(ext[1:]) # Save information each directory. record = [] record.insert(0, base_index) record.insert(1, target_product) record.insert(2, root.replace(target_dir, '')) record.insert(3, list(set(ext_list))) record.insert(4, collections.Counter(ext_list)) record.insert(5, list(set(files))) report.append(record) base_index += 1 # Save extracted information. pd.DataFrame(report).to_csv(self.save_path, mode='a', header=False, index=False) else: self.utility.print_message(FAIL, 'Path or file is not found.\n=> {}'.format(target_dir)) sys.exit(1) return report # Show graph. def show_graph(self, target, graph): self.utility.print_message(NOTE, 'Creating network image...') plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) nx.draw_networkx(graph) plt.axis('off') file_name = os.path.join(self.full_path, target + '.png') plt.savefig(file_name) # Calculate score of node. def calc_score(self, ext_type): score_list = [] for ext in ext_type: # Get defined score from score table. pd_score = self.pd_score_table[self.pd_score_table['extension'] == ext.lower()] # Calculate score. if len(pd_score) != 0: if pd_score['probability'].values[0] == 1.0: return 1.0 elif pd_score['probability'].values[0] == 0.0: return 0.0 else: score_list.append(pd_score['probability'].values[0]) else: score_list.append(self.unknown_score) return statistics.median(score_list) # Return score of extension. def return_score(self, files): total_file_score = 0.0 for file in files: _, ext = os.path.splitext(file) pd_score = self.pd_score_table[self.pd_score_table['extension'] == ext[1:].lower()] if len(pd_score) > 0: total_file_score += pd_score['probability'].values[0] return total_file_score # Set node label. def set_node_label(self, score): label = 0.0 if score == 0.0: label = 0.00 elif 0.1 <= score <= 0.3: label = 0.25 elif 0.4 <= score <= 0.6: label = 0.50 elif 0.7 < score <= 0.9: label = 0.75 elif score == 1.0: label = 1.00 return label # Create Network using networkx. def create_network(self, records): # Create direction graph. graph = nx.DiGraph() dir_pool = {} node_index = 0 for index, record in enumerate(records): self.utility.print_message(NOTE, '{}/{} Analyzing "{}"'.format(index + 1, len(records), record[2])) _, dirs = self.count_dir_layer(record[2]) parent_dir = '' label = '\\' for layer_index, dir_name in enumerate(dirs): label += str(dir_name) + '\\' # Set parent node. if label in dir_pool.keys(): parent_dir = label else: # Calculate score and classification. score = 0.0 if len(record[3]) != 0: score = self.calc_score(record[3]) rank = self.set_node_label(score) # Add new node within attributes. dir_pool[label] = node_index graph.add_node(node_index, path=record[2], ext_type=record[3], ext_count=record[4], files=record[5], score=score, rank=rank) node_index += 1 # Create edge that connecting two nodes. if parent_dir != '' and label != parent_dir: graph.add_edge(dir_pool[parent_dir], dir_pool[label]) msg = 'Create edge node.{} <-> node.{}'.format(dir_pool[parent_dir], dir_pool[label]) self.utility.print_message(OK, msg) return graph # Extract tar file. def extract_tar(self, file, path): with as tf: tf.extractall(path) # Extract zip file. def extract_zip(self, file, path): with zipfile.ZipFile(file) as zf: zf.extractall(os.path.join(path)) # Decompress compressed package file. def decompress_file(self, package_path): # Extract path and file name from target directory. self.utility.print_message(NOTE, 'Starting decompress: {}.'.format(package_path)) # Create extraction directory name. extract_dir_name = '' if '.tar' in os.path.splitext(package_path)[0]: extract_dir_name = os.path.splitext(package_path)[0] else: extract_dir_name = os.path.splitext(package_path)[0].replace('.tar', '') try: # Execute extraction. if '.tar' in package_path: self.utility.print_message(OK, 'Decompress... : {}'.format(package_path)) self.extract_tar(package_path, extract_dir_name) elif '.zip' in package_path: self.utility.print_message(OK, 'Decompress... : {}'.format(package_path)) self.extract_zip(package_path, extract_dir_name) except Exception as e: self.utility.print_exception(e, '{}'.format(e.args)) return extract_dir_name # Explore open path. def explore_open_path(self, graph, all_paths): open_paths = [] for idx, path in enumerate(all_paths): tmp_open_paths = [] close_path_index = len(path) - 1 self.utility.print_message(NOTE, '{}/{} Explore path: {}'.format(idx + 1, len(all_paths), path)) for idx2, node_index in enumerate(path[::-1]): msg = 'Checking turn inside node.{}:{}'.format(node_index, graph.nodes[node_index]['path']) self.utility.print_message(OK, msg) # Add open path. rank = graph.nodes[node_index]['rank'] if graph.nodes[node_index]['rank'] >= self.threshold: self.utility.print_message(OK, 'Add node {} to open path list.'.format(node_index)) tmp_open_paths.append([node_index, graph.nodes[node_index]['path'], rank]) # Set close path index. close_path_index = len(path) - idx2 - 2 # Execute "Othello". elif 0 < (len(path) - idx2 - 1) < len(path) - 1: # Extract ranks of parent and child node. parent_node_rank = graph.nodes[path[len(path) - idx2 - 2]]['rank'] child_node_rank = graph.nodes[path[len(path) - idx2]]['rank'] # Checking turn inside the node rank. if parent_node_rank >= self.threshold and child_node_rank >= self.threshold: msg = 'Turned inside rank={} -> 1.0.'.format(graph.nodes[node_index]['rank']) self.utility.print_message(WARNING, msg) self.utility.print_message(WARNING, 'Add node {} to open path list.'.format(node_index)) tmp_open_paths.append([node_index, graph.nodes[node_index]['path'], 1.0]) graph.nodes[node_index]['rank'] = 1.0 # Set close path index. close_path_index = len(path) - idx2 - 2 else: if close_path_index < len(path) - idx2 - 1: # Set close path index. close_path_index = len(path) - idx2 - 1 # Do not execute "Othello". else: if close_path_index < len(path) - idx2 - 1: # Set close path index. close_path_index = len(path) - idx2 - 1 # Cut unnecessary path (root path -> open path). if close_path_index != -1: for tmp_path in tmp_open_paths: delete_seq = len(graph.nodes[path[close_path_index]]['path']) open_paths.append([tmp_path[0], tmp_path[1][delete_seq:], tmp_path[2]]) else: open_paths.extend(tmp_open_paths) return list(map(list, set(map(tuple, open_paths)))) # Add train data. def add_train_data(self, category, vendor, prod_name, prod_ver, files, target_path): category_list = [] vendor_list = [] prod_name_list = [] version_list = [] path_list = [] # Add train data info to temporally buffer. if '@' not in target_path: category_list.append(category) vendor_list.append(vendor) prod_name_list.append(prod_name) version_list.append(prod_ver) path_list.append('(' + target_path + ')') # Add file path signature info to temporally buffer. for file in files: target_file = '(' + target_path + file + ')' if '@' in target_file: continue category_list.append(category) vendor_list.append(vendor) prod_name_list.append(prod_name) version_list.append(prod_ver) path_list.append(target_file) else: self.utility.print_message(WARNING, 'This path is included special character "@": {}'.format(target_path)) return category_list, vendor_list, prod_name_list, version_list, path_list # Push path signature to temporally buffer. def push_path_sig(self, sig_path, category, vendor, prod, version, target_path): if '@' not in target_path: sig_path[0].append(category) sig_path[1].append(vendor) sig_path[2].append(prod) sig_path[3].append(version) sig_path[4].append(target_path) sig_path[5].append('*') sig_path[6].append('*') sig_path[7].append('0') else: self.utility.print_message(WARNING, 'This path is included special character "@": {}'.format(target_path)) # Push file signature to temporally buffer. def push_file_sig(self, sig_file, category, vendor, prod, version, target_file): if '@' not in target_file: sig_file[0].append(category) sig_file[1].append(vendor) sig_file[2].append(prod) sig_file[3].append(version) sig_file[4].append(target_file) else: self.utility.print_message(WARNING, 'This path is included special character "@": {}'.format(target_file)) # Push train data to temporally buffer. def push_train_data(self, train, category, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets): train[category][0].extend(categories) train[category][1].extend(vendors) train[category][2].extend(prods) train[category][3].extend(versions) train[category][4].extend(targets) # Check existing signature of same product. def is_existing_same_product(self, category, vendor, prod_name, version): ret = True # Check file signature. df_extract_sig = self.pd_prod_sig[(self.pd_prod_sig[1] == vendor) & (self.pd_prod_sig[2] == prod_name) & (self.pd_prod_sig[3] == version)] if len(df_extract_sig) != 0: msg = 'Existing same product signature: {}/{}/{}'.format(vendor, prod_name, version) self.utility.print_message(FAIL, msg) ret = False # Check path signature. df_extract_sig = self.pd_cont_sig[(self.pd_cont_sig[1] == vendor) & (self.pd_cont_sig[2] == prod_name) & (self.pd_cont_sig[3] == version)] if len(df_extract_sig) != 0: msg = 'Existing same path signature: {}/{}/{}'.format(vendor, prod_name, version) self.utility.print_message(FAIL, msg) ret = False # Check train data. if category == 'OS': df_extract_sig = self.pd_train_os[(self.pd_train_os[1] == vendor) & (self.pd_train_os[2] == prod_name) & (self.pd_train_os[3] == version)] if len(df_extract_sig) != 0: msg = 'Existing same {} train data: {}/{}/{}'.format(category, vendor, prod_name, version) self.utility.print_message(FAIL, msg) ret = False elif category == 'WEB': df_extract_sig = self.pd_train_web[(self.pd_train_web[1] == vendor) & (self.pd_train_web[2] == prod_name) & (self.pd_train_web[3] == version)] if len(df_extract_sig) != 0: msg = 'Existing same {} train data: {}/{}/{}'.format(category, vendor, prod_name, version) self.utility.print_message(FAIL, msg) ret = False elif category == 'FRAMEWORK': df_extract_sig = self.pd_train_fw[(self.pd_train_fw[1] == vendor) & (self.pd_train_fw[2] == prod_name) & (self.pd_train_fw[3] == version)] if len(df_extract_sig) != 0: msg = 'Existing same {} train data: {}/{}/{}'.format(category, vendor, prod_name, version) self.utility.print_message(FAIL, msg) ret = False elif category == 'CMS': df_extract_sig = self.pd_train_cms[(self.pd_train_cms[1] == vendor) & (self.pd_train_cms[2] == prod_name) & (self.pd_train_cms[3] == version)] if len(df_extract_sig) != 0: msg = 'Existing same {} train data: {}/{}/{}'.format(category, vendor, prod_name, version) self.utility.print_message(FAIL, msg) ret = False return ret # Main control. def extract_file_structure(self, category, vendor, package): # Check package path. package_path = os.path.join(self.compress_dir, package) if os.path.exists(package_path) is False: self.utility.print_message(FAIL, 'Package is not found: {}.'.format(package_path)) return # Extract product name and version. # ex) Package name must be "wordpress_4.9.8_.tar.gz". package_info = package.split('@') prod_name = '' prod_ver = '' if len(package_info) < 2: prod_name = package_info[0] prod_ver = 'unknown' else: prod_name = package_info[0] prod_ver = package_info[1] # Check existing same product signature. if self.is_existing_same_product(category, vendor, prod_name, prod_ver) is False: return # Decompress compressed package file. extract_path = self.decompress_file(package_path) # Create unique root directory. root_dir = os.path.join(self.compress_dir, prod_name + '_' + prod_ver) if os.path.exists(root_dir): shutil.rmtree(root_dir) os.mkdir(root_dir) shutil.move(extract_path, root_dir) # Create report header. pd.DataFrame([], columns=self.header).to_csv(self.save_path, mode='w', index=False) # Extract file structures. try: # Extract file path each products. target_name = prod_name + ' ' + prod_ver self.utility.print_message(NOTE, 'Extract package {}'.format(root_dir)) record = self.execute_grep(target_name, root_dir) graph = self.create_network(record) # Extract all paths to end node from root node. all_paths = [] node_num = len(graph._adj) for end_node_idx in range(node_num): msg = '{}/{} Analyzing node={}'.format(end_node_idx + 1, node_num, end_node_idx) self.utility.print_message(OK, msg) if len(graph._adj[end_node_idx]) == 0: for path in nx.all_simple_paths(graph, source=0, target=end_node_idx): msg = 'Extract path that source={} <-> target={}, path={}'.format(0, end_node_idx, path) self.utility.print_message(OK, msg) all_paths.append(path) # Execute "Othello". open_paths = [] for try_num in range(self.try_othello_num): self.utility.print_message(OK, '{}/{} Execute "Othello".'.format(try_num + 1, self.try_othello_num)) open_paths.extend(self.explore_open_path(graph, all_paths)) # Create signature. open_paths = list(map(list, set(map(tuple, open_paths)))) # Initialize temporally buffer. sig_file = [] for _ in range(len(self.pd_prod_sig.columns)): sig_file.append([]) sig_path = [] for _ in range(len(self.pd_cont_sig.columns)): sig_path.append([]) train = [] for _ in range(len(self.train_categories)): temp = [] for _ in range(len(self.pd_train_os.columns)): temp.append([]) train.append(temp) for idx, item in enumerate(open_paths): # Create signature. files = graph.nodes[item[0]]['files'] if item[2] == 1.0 and len(files) > 0: # Create target path. target_path = item[1].replace('\\', '/') if target_path.endswith('/') is False: target_path += '/' # Add signature to master signature file. if self.return_score(files) / len(files) == 1.0: # Add path signature info to temporally buffer. self.push_path_sig(sig_path, category, vendor, prod_name, prod_ver, target_path) self.utility.print_message(OK, '{}/{} Add path signature: {}.'.format(idx + 1, len(open_paths), target_path)) # Add file path signature info to temporally buffer. for file in files: target_file = '(' + target_path + file + ')' self.push_file_sig(sig_file, category, vendor, prod_name, prod_ver, target_file) self.utility.print_message(OK, '{}/{} Add file signature: {}.'.format(idx + 1, len(open_paths), target_file)) # Add extra path signature to master signature file. tmp_target_path = target_path.split('/') tmp_target_path = [s for s in tmp_target_path if s] if len(tmp_target_path) > 1: for path_idx in range(self.del_open_root_dir): extra_target_path = '/'.join(tmp_target_path[path_idx + 1:]) extra_target_path = '/' + extra_target_path + '/' self.push_path_sig(sig_path, category, vendor, prod_name, prod_ver, extra_target_path) self.utility.print_message(OK, '{}/{} Add path signature: {}.' .format(idx + 1, len(open_paths), extra_target_path)) # Add extra file path signature info to temporally buffer. for file in files: extra_target_file = '(' + extra_target_path + file + ')' self.push_file_sig(sig_file, category, vendor, prod_name, prod_ver, extra_target_file) self.utility.print_message(OK, '{}/{} Add file signature: {}.' .format(idx + 1, len(open_paths), extra_target_file)) else: # Add train data info to temporally buffer. categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets = self.add_train_data(category, vendor, prod_name, prod_ver, files, target_path) if len(categories) == 0: continue if category == 'OS': self.push_train_data(train, OS, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) elif category == 'WEB': self.push_train_data(train, WEB, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) elif category == 'FRAMEWORK': self.push_train_data(train, FRAMEWORK, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) elif category == 'CMS': self.push_train_data(train, CMS, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) self.utility.print_message(OK, '{}/{} Add train data: {}.'.format(idx + 1, len(open_paths), target_path)) # Add extra path signature to master signature file. tmp_target_path = target_path.split('/') tmp_target_path = [s for s in tmp_target_path if s] if len(tmp_target_path) > 1: for path_idx in range(self.del_open_root_dir): extra_target_path = '/'.join(tmp_target_path[path_idx + 1:]) extra_target_path = '/' + extra_target_path + '/' categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets = self.add_train_data(category, vendor, prod_name, prod_ver, files, extra_target_path) if len(categories) == 0: continue if category == 'OS': self.push_train_data(train, OS, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) elif category == 'WEB': self.push_train_data(train, WEB, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) elif category == 'FRAMEWORK': self.push_train_data(train, FRAMEWORK, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) elif category == 'CMS': self.push_train_data(train, CMS, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) self.utility.print_message(OK, '{}/{} Add train data: {}.'.format(idx + 1, len(open_paths), target_path)) # Create train data. elif item[2] >= self.threshold: target_path = item[1].replace('\\', '/') if target_path.endswith('/') is False: target_path += '/' categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets = self.add_train_data(category, vendor, prod_name, prod_ver, files, target_path) if len(categories) == 0: continue if category == 'OS': self.push_train_data(train, OS, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) elif category == 'WEB': self.push_train_data(train, WEB, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) elif category == 'FRAMEWORK': self.push_train_data(train, FRAMEWORK, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) elif category == 'CMS': self.push_train_data(train, CMS, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) self.utility.print_message(OK, '{}/{} Add train data: {}.'.format(idx + 1, len(open_paths), target_path)) # Add extra path signature to master signature file. tmp_target_path = target_path.split('/') tmp_target_path = [s for s in tmp_target_path if s] if len(tmp_target_path) > 1: for path_idx in range(self.del_open_root_dir): extra_target_path = '/'.join(tmp_target_path[path_idx + 1:]) extra_target_path = '/' + extra_target_path + '/' categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets = self.add_train_data(category, vendor, prod_name, prod_ver, files, extra_target_path) if len(categories) == 0: continue if category == 'OS': self.push_train_data(train, OS, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) elif category == 'WEB': self.push_train_data(train, WEB, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) elif category == 'FRAMEWORK': self.push_train_data(train, FRAMEWORK, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) elif category == 'CMS': self.push_train_data(train, CMS, categories, vendors, prods, versions, targets) self.utility.print_message(OK, '{}/{} Add train data: {}.'.format(idx + 1, len(open_paths), target_path)) # Write path signature to master signature file. if len(sig_path[0]) != 0: series_category = pd.Series(sig_path[0]) series_vendor = pd.Series(sig_path[1]) series_prod = pd.Series(sig_path[2]) series_version = pd.Series(sig_path[3]) series_signature = pd.Series(sig_path[4]) series_dummy1 = pd.Series(sig_path[5]) series_dummy2 = pd.Series(sig_path[6]) series_dummy3 = pd.Series(sig_path[7]) temp_df = pd.DataFrame({0: series_category, 1: series_vendor, 2: series_prod, 3: series_version, 4: series_signature, 5: series_dummy1, 6: series_dummy2, 7: series_dummy3}, columns=None) origin_num = len(self.pd_cont_sig) self.pd_cont_sig = pd.concat([self.pd_cont_sig, temp_df]) self.pd_cont_sig = self.pd_cont_sig.drop_duplicates(subset=4, keep=False) add_signature_num = len(self.pd_cont_sig) - origin_num self.pd_cont_sig.sort_values(by=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]).to_csv(self.master_cont_sig, sep='@', encoding='utf-8', header=False, index=False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) self.utility.print_message(NOTE, 'Add Path signature: {} items.'.format(add_signature_num)) # Write file signature to master signature file. if len(sig_file[0]) != 0: series_category = pd.Series(sig_file[0]) series_vendor = pd.Series(sig_file[1]) series_prod = pd.Series(sig_file[2]) series_version = pd.Series(sig_file[3]) series_signature = pd.Series(sig_file[4]) temp_df = pd.DataFrame({0: series_category, 1: series_vendor, 2: series_prod, 3: series_version, 4: series_signature}, columns=None) origin_num = len(self.pd_prod_sig) self.pd_prod_sig = pd.concat([self.pd_prod_sig, temp_df]) self.pd_prod_sig = self.pd_prod_sig.drop_duplicates(subset=4, keep=False) add_signature_num = len(self.pd_prod_sig) - origin_num self.pd_prod_sig.sort_values(by=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]).to_csv(self.master_prod_sig, sep='@', encoding='utf-8', header=False, index=False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) self.utility.print_message(NOTE, 'Add File signature: {} items.'.format(add_signature_num)) # Write OS train data to master train data. if len(train[OS][0]) != 0: series_category = pd.Series(train[OS][0]) series_vendor = pd.Series(train[OS][1]) series_prod = pd.Series(train[OS][2]) series_version =
# Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from pandas.api import types as ptypes import cudf from cudf.api import types as types @pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj, expect", ( # Base Python objects. (bool(), False), (int(), False), (float(), False), (complex(), False), (str(), False), ("", False), (r"", False), (object(), False), # Base Python types. (bool, False), (int, False), (float, False), (complex, False), (str, False), (object, False), # NumPy types. (np.bool_, False), (np.int_, False), (np.float64, False), (np.complex128, False), (np.str_, False), (np.unicode_, False), (np.datetime64, False), (np.timedelta64, False), # NumPy scalars. (np.bool_(), False), (np.int_(), False), (np.float64(), False), (np.complex128(), False), (np.str_(), False), (np.unicode_(), False), (np.datetime64(), False), (np.timedelta64(), False), # NumPy dtype objects. (np.dtype("bool"), False), (np.dtype("int"), False), (np.dtype("float"), False), (np.dtype("complex"), False), (np.dtype("str"), False), (np.dtype("unicode"), False), (np.dtype("datetime64"), False), (np.dtype("timedelta64"), False), (np.dtype("object"), False), # NumPy arrays. (np.array([], dtype=np.bool_), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.int_), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.float64), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.complex128), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.str_), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.unicode_), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.datetime64), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.timedelta64), False), (np.array([], dtype=object), False), # Pandas dtypes. (pd.core.dtypes.dtypes.CategoricalDtypeType, True), (pd.CategoricalDtype, True), # Pandas objects. (pd.Series(dtype="bool"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="int"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="float"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="complex"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="str"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="unicode"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="datetime64[s]"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="timedelta64[s]"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="category"), True), (pd.Series(dtype="object"), False), # cuDF dtypes. (cudf.CategoricalDtype, True), (cudf.ListDtype, False), (cudf.StructDtype, False), (cudf.Decimal128Dtype, False), (cudf.Decimal64Dtype, False), (cudf.Decimal32Dtype, False), (cudf.IntervalDtype, False), # cuDF dtype instances. (cudf.CategoricalDtype("a"), True), (cudf.ListDtype(int), False), (cudf.StructDtype({"a": int}), False), (cudf.Decimal128Dtype(5, 2), False), (cudf.Decimal64Dtype(5, 2), False), (cudf.Decimal32Dtype(5, 2), False), (cudf.IntervalDtype(int), False), # cuDF objects (cudf.Series(dtype="bool"), False), (cudf.Series(dtype="int"), False), (cudf.Series(dtype="float"), False), (cudf.Series(dtype="str"), False), (cudf.Series(dtype="datetime64[s]"), False), (cudf.Series(dtype="timedelta64[s]"), False), (cudf.Series(dtype="category"), True), (cudf.Series(dtype=cudf.Decimal128Dtype(5, 2)), False), (cudf.Series(dtype=cudf.Decimal64Dtype(5, 2)), False), (cudf.Series(dtype=cudf.Decimal32Dtype(5, 2)), False), # TODO: Currently creating an empty Series of list type ignores the # provided type and instead makes a float64 Series. (cudf.Series([[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]), False), # TODO: Currently creating an empty Series of struct type fails because # it uses a numpy utility that doesn't understand StructDtype. (cudf.Series([{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"c": 3}]), False), (cudf.Series(dtype=cudf.IntervalDtype(int)), False), ), ) def test_is_categorical_dtype(obj, expect): assert types.is_categorical_dtype(obj) == expect @pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj, expect", ( # Base Python objects. (bool(), False), (int(), False), (float(), False), (complex(), False), (str(), False), ("", False), (r"", False), (object(), False), # Base Python types. (bool, True), (int, True), (float, True), (complex, True), (str, False), (object, False), # NumPy types. (np.bool_, True), (np.int_, True), (np.float64, True), (np.complex128, True), (np.str_, False), (np.unicode_, False), (np.datetime64, False), (np.timedelta64, False), # NumPy scalars. (np.bool_(), True), (np.int_(), True), (np.float64(), True), (np.complex128(), True), (np.str_(), False), (np.unicode_(), False), (np.datetime64(), False), (np.timedelta64(), False), # NumPy dtype objects. (np.dtype("bool"), True), (np.dtype("int"), True), (np.dtype("float"), True), (np.dtype("complex"), True), (np.dtype("str"), False), (np.dtype("unicode"), False), (np.dtype("datetime64"), False), (np.dtype("timedelta64"), False), (np.dtype("object"), False), # NumPy arrays. (np.array([], dtype=np.bool_), True), (np.array([], dtype=np.int_), True), (np.array([], dtype=np.float64), True), (np.array([], dtype=np.complex128), True), (np.array([], dtype=np.str_), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.unicode_), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.datetime64), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.timedelta64), False), (np.array([], dtype=object), False), # Pandas dtypes. (pd.core.dtypes.dtypes.CategoricalDtypeType, False), (pd.CategoricalDtype, False), # Pandas objects. (pd.Series(dtype="bool"), True), (pd.Series(dtype="int"), True), (pd.Series(dtype="float"), True), (pd.Series(dtype="complex"), True), (pd.Series(dtype="str"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="unicode"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="datetime64[s]"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="timedelta64[s]"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="category"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="object"), False), # cuDF dtypes. (cudf.CategoricalDtype, False), (cudf.ListDtype, False), (cudf.StructDtype, False), (cudf.Decimal128Dtype, True), (cudf.Decimal64Dtype, True), (cudf.Decimal32Dtype, True), (cudf.IntervalDtype, False), # cuDF dtype instances. (cudf.CategoricalDtype("a"), False), (cudf.ListDtype(int), False), (cudf.StructDtype({"a": int}), False), (cudf.Decimal128Dtype(5, 2), True), (cudf.Decimal64Dtype(5, 2), True), (cudf.Decimal32Dtype(5, 2), True), (cudf.IntervalDtype(int), False), # cuDF objects (cudf.Series(dtype="bool"), True), (cudf.Series(dtype="int"), True), (cudf.Series(dtype="float"), True), (cudf.Series(dtype="str"), False), (cudf.Series(dtype="datetime64[s]"), False), (cudf.Series(dtype="timedelta64[s]"), False), (cudf.Series(dtype="category"), False), (cudf.Series(dtype=cudf.Decimal128Dtype(5, 2)), True), (cudf.Series(dtype=cudf.Decimal64Dtype(5, 2)), True), (cudf.Series(dtype=cudf.Decimal32Dtype(5, 2)), True), (cudf.Series([[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]), False), (cudf.Series([{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"c": 3}]), False), (cudf.Series(dtype=cudf.IntervalDtype(int)), False), ), ) def test_is_numeric_dtype(obj, expect): assert types.is_numeric_dtype(obj) == expect @pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj, expect", ( # Base Python objects. (bool(), False), (int(), False), (float(), False), (complex(), False), (str(), False), ("", False), (r"", False), (object(), False), # Base Python types. (bool, False), (int, True), (float, False), (complex, False), (str, False), (object, False), # NumPy types. (np.bool_, False), (np.int_, True), (np.float64, False), (np.complex128, False), (np.str_, False), (np.unicode_, False), (np.datetime64, False), (np.timedelta64, False), # NumPy scalars. (np.bool_(), False), (np.int_(), True), (np.float64(), False), (np.complex128(), False), (np.str_(), False), (np.unicode_(), False), (np.datetime64(), False), (np.timedelta64(), False), # NumPy dtype objects. (np.dtype("bool"), False), (np.dtype("int"), True), (np.dtype("float"), False), (np.dtype("complex"), False), (np.dtype("str"), False), (np.dtype("unicode"), False), (np.dtype("datetime64"), False), (np.dtype("timedelta64"), False), (np.dtype("object"), False), # NumPy arrays. (np.array([], dtype=np.bool_), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.int_), True), (np.array([], dtype=np.float64), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.complex128), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.str_), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.unicode_), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.datetime64), False), (np.array([], dtype=np.timedelta64), False), (np.array([], dtype=object), False), # Pandas dtypes. (pd.core.dtypes.dtypes.CategoricalDtypeType, False), (pd.CategoricalDtype, False), # Pandas objects. (pd.Series(dtype="bool"), False), (pd.Series(dtype="int"), True), (pd.Series(dtype="float"), False), (
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import lightgbm as lgb from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') train_df = pd.read_csv('../input/train.csv') test_df = pd.read_csv('../input/test.csv') features = [c for c in train_df.columns if c not in ['ID_code', 'target']] target = train_df['target'] param = { 'bagging_freq': 5, 'bagging_fraction': 0.331, 'boost_from_average':'false', 'boost': 'gbdt', 'feature_fraction': 0.0405, 'learning_rate': 0.0083, 'max_depth': -1, 'metric':'auc', 'min_data_in_leaf': 80, 'min_sum_hessian_in_leaf': 10.0,'num_leaves': 13, 'num_threads': 8, 'tree_learner': 'serial', 'objective': 'binary', 'verbosity': 1 } folds = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=15, shuffle=False, random_state=2319) oof = np.zeros(len(train_df)) predictions = np.zeros(len(test_df)) for fold_, (trn_idx, val_idx) in enumerate(folds.split(train_df.values, target.values)): print("Fold {}".format(fold_)) trn_data = lgb.Dataset(train_df.iloc[trn_idx][features], label=target.iloc[trn_idx]) val_data = lgb.Dataset(train_df.iloc[val_idx][features], label=target.iloc[val_idx]) clf = lgb.train(param, trn_data, 1000000, valid_sets = [trn_data, val_data], verbose_eval=5000, early_stopping_rounds = 4000) oof[val_idx] = clf.predict(train_df.iloc[val_idx][features], num_iteration=clf.best_iteration) predictions += clf.predict(test_df[features], num_iteration=clf.best_iteration) / folds.n_splits print("CV score: {:<8.5f}".format(roc_auc_score(target, oof))) sub =
pd.DataFrame({"ID_code": test_df.ID_code.values})
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ..utils import get_drift, get_offset, verify_series def rsi(close, length=None, drift=None, offset=None, **kwargs): """Indicator: Relative Strength Index (RSI)""" # Validate arguments close = verify_series(close) length = int(length) if length and length > 0 else 14 drift = get_drift(drift) offset = get_offset(offset) # Calculate Result negative = close.diff(drift) positive = negative.copy() positive[positive < 0] = 0 # Make negatives 0 for the postive series negative[negative > 0] = 0 # Make postives 0 for the negative series positive_avg = positive.ewm(com=length, adjust=False).mean() negative_avg = negative.ewm(com=length, adjust=False).mean().abs() rsi = 100 * positive_avg / (positive_avg + negative_avg) # Offset if offset != 0: rsi = rsi.shift(offset) # Handle fills if 'fillna' in kwargs: rsi.fillna(kwargs['fillna'], inplace=True) if 'fill_method' in kwargs: rsi.fillna(method=kwargs['fill_method'], inplace=True) # Name and Categorize it = f"RSI_{length}" rsi.category = 'momentum' return rsi rsi.__doc__ = \ """Relative Strength Index (RSI) The Relative Strength Index is popular momentum oscillator used to measure the velocity as well as the magnitude of directional price movements. Sources: Calculation: Default Inputs: length=14, drift=1 ABS = Absolute Value EMA = Exponential Moving Average positive = close if close.diff(drift) > 0 else 0 negative = close if close.diff(drift) < 0 else 0 pos_avg = EMA(positive, length) neg_avg = ABS(EMA(negative, length)) RSI = 100 * pos_avg / (pos_avg + neg_avg) Args: close (pd.Series): Series of 'close's length (int): It's period. Default: 1 drift (int): The difference period. Default: 1 offset (int): How many periods to offset the result. Default: 0 Kwargs: fillna (value, optional): pd.DataFrame.fillna(value) fill_method (value, optional): Type of fill method Returns: pd.Series: New feature generated. """ from pandas import DataFrame from ..overlap.sma import sma def stoch_rsi(close, length=None, smoothK=None, smoothD=None, drift=None, offset=None, **kwargs): """Indicator: Stochastic RSI (Stoch RSI)""" # Validate arguments close = verify_series(close) length = int(length) if length and length > 0 else 14 smoothK = int(smoothK) if smoothK and smoothK > 0 else 3 smoothD = int(smoothD) if smoothD and smoothD > 0 else 3 # Calculate RSI data_rsi = rsi(close, length=length, drift=drift,offset=offset, **kwargs) # Calculate Result min = data_rsi.rolling(length).min() max = data_rsi.rolling(length).max() stoch_rsi = 100 * (data_rsi - min) / (max - min) stoch_rsi_k = sma(stoch_rsi, smoothK) stoch_rsi_d = sma(stoch_rsi_k, smoothD) = f"STOCH_RSI_K_{smoothK}_{smoothD}_{length}" = f"STOCH_RSI_D_{smoothK}_{smoothD}_{length}" stoch_rsi_k.category = stoch_rsi_d.category = 'momentum' # Prepare DataFrame to return data = { stoch_rsi_k, stoch_rsi_d} stoch_rsif =