import pandas as pd import os import time from minder_utils.configurations import config from .format_util import iter_dir from import Downloader from minder_utils.util.decorators import load_save from minder_utils.formatting.format_tihm import format_tihm_data import numpy as np from minder_utils.util.util import reformat_path from .label import label_dataframe class Formatting: """ Process the data to the following dataframe: Patient id, device type, time, value """ def __init__(self, path=os.path.join('./data', 'raw_data'), add_tihm=None): self.path = reformat_path(path) self.add_tihm = add_tihm self.activity_nice_locations = config['activity_nice_locations'] categories_check = ['device_types', 'homes', 'patients'] if not np.all([os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, category + '.csv')) for category in categories_check]): print('Downloading required files for formatting') dl = Downloader() dl.export(categories=['device_types', 'homes', 'patients'], reload=True, since=None, until=None, save_path=path, append=False) print('Required files downloaded') self.device_type = \ pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.path, 'device_types.csv'))[['id', 'type']].set_index('id').to_dict()['type'] self.config = config @property @load_save(**config['physiological']['save']) def physiological_data(self): add_tihm = config['physiological']['add_tihm'] if self.add_tihm is None else self.add_tihm if add_tihm: data = self.process_data('physiological') tihm_data = format_tihm_data() return label_dataframe(pd.concat([data, tihm_data['physiological']])) return label_dataframe(self.process_data('physiological').drop_duplicates()) @property @load_save(**config['activity']['save']) def activity_data(self): add_tihm = config['activity']['add_tihm'] if self.add_tihm is None else self.add_tihm if add_tihm: data = self.process_data('activity') tihm_data = format_tihm_data() return label_dataframe(pd.concat([data, tihm_data['activity']]).drop_duplicates().sort_values('time')) return label_dataframe(self.process_data('activity')).sort_values('time') @property @load_save(**config['environmental']['save']) def environmental_data(self): return label_dataframe(self.process_data('environmental')) @property @load_save(**config['sleep']['save']) def sleep_data(self): return label_dataframe(self.process_data('sleep')).sort_values('time').reset_index(drop=True) def process_data(self, datatype): assert datatype in ['physiological', 'activity', 'environmental', 'sleep'], 'not a valid type' process_func = getattr(self, 'process_{}_data'.format(datatype)) dataframe = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.config[datatype]['columns']) for name in iter_dir(self.path): start_time = time.time() print('Processing: {} -------> {}'.format(datatype, name).ljust(80, ' '), end='') if name in self.config[datatype]['type']: dataframe = process_func(name, dataframe) end_time = time.time() print('Finished in {:.2f} seconds'.format(end_time - start_time)) return dataframe def process_sleep_data(self, name, df): ''' This function will process the sleep data. ''' col_filter = ['patient_id', 'start_date'] categorical_columns = self.config['sleep']['categorical_columns'] value_columns = self.config['sleep']['value_columns'] data_adding = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.path, name + '.csv')) data_adding = data_adding[data_adding.start_date != 'start_date'] categorical_columns = [column for column in categorical_columns if column in list(data_adding.columns)] if len(categorical_columns) != 0: data_cat = data_adding[col_filter+categorical_columns].copy() data_cat.replace({False: 0, True: 1}, inplace=True) data_cat = pd.melt(data_cat.merge( pd.get_dummies(data_cat[categorical_columns]), left_index=True, right_index=True ).drop(categorical_columns, axis=1), id_vars=col_filter, var_name='location', value_name='value') data_cat = data_cat[data_cat.value != 0] data_cat = data_cat[data_cat['value'].notna()] data_cat.value = data_cat.value.astype(float) else: data_cat = None value_columns = [column for column in value_columns if column in list(data_adding.columns)] if len(value_columns) != 0: data_val = data_adding[col_filter+value_columns].copy() data_val.replace({False: 0, True: 1}, inplace=True) data_val = pd.melt(data_val, id_vars=col_filter, var_name='location', value_name='value') data_val = data_val[data_val['value'].notna()] data_val.value = data_val.value.astype(float) else: data_val = None if (data_val is None) and (data_cat is None): return df data_out = pd.concat([data_cat, data_val]) data_out.columns = self.config['sleep']['columns'] data_out.time =
pd.to_datetime(data_out.time, utc=True)
# previously we looked into numpy and its ndarrayobject in particular. Here # we build on that knowledge by looking at the data structures provided by the Pandas Library. # Pandas is a newer package built on top of NumPz and proveides an efficient # implementation of a DataFrame. # Here we will focus on the mechanics of using Series, DataFrame and related structures effectively. # We will use examples drawn from real datasets where appropriate, but these examples are not # necessarily the focus. import numpy as np import pandas as pd # Series # a pandas series is a one dimensional array of indeed data data =
pd.Series([0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0])
""" Data: Temperature and Salinity time series from SIO Scripps Pier Salinity: measured in PSU at the surface (~0.5m) and at depth (~5m) Temp: measured in degrees C at the surface (~0.5m) and at depth (~5m) - Timestamp included beginning in 1990 """ # imports import sys,os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import datetime import SIO_modules as SIO_mod from importlib import reload reload(SIO_mod) # read in temp and sal files sal_data = pd.read_csv('/Users/MMStoll/Python/Data/Ocean569_Data/SIO_Data/SIO_SALT_1916-201905.txt', sep='\t', skiprows = 27) temp_data = pd.read_csv('/Users/MMStoll/Python/Data/Ocean569_Data/SIO_Data/SIO_TEMP_1916_201905.txt', sep='\t', skiprows = 26) path_out = '/Users/MMStoll/Python/Output/Ocean569_Output/SIO_Output/' # convert year, month, day columns to single DATE column sal_data['DATE'] =
pd.to_datetime(sal_data[['YEAR', 'MONTH', 'DAY']])
# Arithmetic tests for DataFrame/Series/Index/Array classes that should # behave identically. # Specifically for datetime64 and datetime64tz dtypes from datetime import ( datetime, time, timedelta, ) from itertools import ( product, starmap, ) import operator import warnings import numpy as np import pytest import pytz from pandas._libs.tslibs.conversion import localize_pydatetime from pandas._libs.tslibs.offsets import shift_months from pandas.errors import PerformanceWarning import pandas as pd from pandas import ( DateOffset, DatetimeIndex, NaT, Period, Series, Timedelta, TimedeltaIndex, Timestamp, date_range, ) import pandas._testing as tm from pandas.core.arrays import ( DatetimeArray, TimedeltaArray, ) from pandas.core.ops import roperator from pandas.tests.arithmetic.common import ( assert_cannot_add, assert_invalid_addsub_type, assert_invalid_comparison, get_upcast_box, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Comparisons class TestDatetime64ArrayLikeComparisons: # Comparison tests for datetime64 vectors fully parametrized over # DataFrame/Series/DatetimeIndex/DatetimeArray. Ideally all comparison # tests will eventually end up here. def test_compare_zerodim(self, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array): # Test comparison with zero-dimensional array is unboxed tz = tz_naive_fixture box = box_with_array dti = date_range("20130101", periods=3, tz=tz) other = np.array(dti.to_numpy()[0]) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box) xbox = get_upcast_box(dtarr, other, True) result = dtarr <= other expected = np.array([True, False, False]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [ "foo", -1, 99, 4.0, object(), timedelta(days=2), # GH#19800, GH#19301 comparison raises to # match DatetimeIndex/Timestamp. This also matches the behavior # of stdlib datetime.datetime datetime(2001, 1, 1).date(), # GH#19301 None and NaN are *not* cast to NaT for comparisons None, np.nan, ], ) def test_dt64arr_cmp_scalar_invalid(self, other, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array): # GH#22074, GH#15966 tz = tz_naive_fixture rng = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10, tz=tz) dtarr = tm.box_expected(rng, box_with_array) assert_invalid_comparison(dtarr, other, box_with_array) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [ # GH#4968 invalid date/int comparisons list(range(10)), np.arange(10), np.arange(10).astype(np.float32), np.arange(10).astype(object), pd.timedelta_range("1ns", periods=10).array, np.array(pd.timedelta_range("1ns", periods=10)), list(pd.timedelta_range("1ns", periods=10)), pd.timedelta_range("1 Day", periods=10).astype(object), pd.period_range("1971-01-01", freq="D", periods=10).array, pd.period_range("1971-01-01", freq="D", periods=10).astype(object), ], ) def test_dt64arr_cmp_arraylike_invalid( self, other, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array ): tz = tz_naive_fixture dta = date_range("1970-01-01", freq="ns", periods=10, tz=tz)._data obj = tm.box_expected(dta, box_with_array) assert_invalid_comparison(obj, other, box_with_array) def test_dt64arr_cmp_mixed_invalid(self, tz_naive_fixture): tz = tz_naive_fixture dta = date_range("1970-01-01", freq="h", periods=5, tz=tz)._data other = np.array([0, 1, 2, dta[3], Timedelta(days=1)]) result = dta == other expected = np.array([False, False, False, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = dta != other tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, ~expected) msg = "Invalid comparison between|Cannot compare type|not supported between" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dta < other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dta > other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dta <= other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dta >= other def test_dt64arr_nat_comparison(self, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array): # GH#22242, GH#22163 DataFrame considered NaT == ts incorrectly tz = tz_naive_fixture box = box_with_array ts = Timestamp("2021-01-01", tz=tz) ser = Series([ts, NaT]) obj = tm.box_expected(ser, box) xbox = get_upcast_box(obj, ts, True) expected = Series([True, False], dtype=np.bool_) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) result = obj == ts tm.assert_equal(result, expected) class TestDatetime64SeriesComparison: # TODO: moved from tests.series.test_operators; needs cleanup @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pair", [ ( [Timestamp("2011-01-01"), NaT, Timestamp("2011-01-03")], [NaT, NaT, Timestamp("2011-01-03")], ), ( [Timedelta("1 days"), NaT, Timedelta("3 days")], [NaT, NaT, Timedelta("3 days")], ), ( [Period("2011-01", freq="M"), NaT, Period("2011-03", freq="M")], [NaT, NaT, Period("2011-03", freq="M")], ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("reverse", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [None, object]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "op, expected", [ (operator.eq, Series([False, False, True])), (, Series([True, True, False])), (, Series([False, False, False])), (, Series([False, False, False])), (, Series([False, False, True])), (operator.le, Series([False, False, True])), ], ) def test_nat_comparisons( self, dtype, index_or_series, reverse, pair, op, expected, ): box = index_or_series l, r = pair if reverse: # add lhs / rhs switched data l, r = r, l left = Series(l, dtype=dtype) right = box(r, dtype=dtype) result = op(left, right) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [Timestamp("2011-01-01"), NaT, Timestamp("2011-01-03")], [Timedelta("1 days"), NaT, Timedelta("3 days")], [Period("2011-01", freq="M"), NaT, Period("2011-03", freq="M")], ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [None, object]) def test_nat_comparisons_scalar(self, dtype, data, box_with_array): box = box_with_array left = Series(data, dtype=dtype) left = tm.box_expected(left, box) xbox = get_upcast_box(left, NaT, True) expected = [False, False, False] expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) if box is pd.array and dtype is object: expected = pd.array(expected, dtype="bool") tm.assert_equal(left == NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT == left, expected) expected = [True, True, True] expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) if box is pd.array and dtype is object: expected = pd.array(expected, dtype="bool") tm.assert_equal(left != NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT != left, expected) expected = [False, False, False] expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) if box is pd.array and dtype is object: expected = pd.array(expected, dtype="bool") tm.assert_equal(left < NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT > left, expected) tm.assert_equal(left <= NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT >= left, expected) tm.assert_equal(left > NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT < left, expected) tm.assert_equal(left >= NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT <= left, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("val", [datetime(2000, 1, 4), datetime(2000, 1, 5)]) def test_series_comparison_scalars(self, val): series = Series(date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10)) result = series > val expected = Series([x > val for x in series]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "left,right", [("lt", "gt"), ("le", "ge"), ("eq", "eq"), ("ne", "ne")] ) def test_timestamp_compare_series(self, left, right): # see gh-4982 # Make sure we can compare Timestamps on the right AND left hand side. ser = Series(date_range("20010101", periods=10), name="dates") s_nat = ser.copy(deep=True) ser[0] = Timestamp("nat") ser[3] = Timestamp("nat") left_f = getattr(operator, left) right_f = getattr(operator, right) # No NaT expected = left_f(ser, Timestamp("20010109")) result = right_f(Timestamp("20010109"), ser) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # NaT expected = left_f(ser, Timestamp("nat")) result = right_f(Timestamp("nat"), ser) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # Compare to Timestamp with series containing NaT expected = left_f(s_nat, Timestamp("20010109")) result = right_f(Timestamp("20010109"), s_nat) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # Compare to NaT with series containing NaT expected = left_f(s_nat, NaT) result = right_f(NaT, s_nat) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64arr_timestamp_equality(self, box_with_array): # GH#11034 ser = Series([Timestamp("2000-01-29 01:59:00"), Timestamp("2000-01-30"), NaT]) ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array) xbox = get_upcast_box(ser, ser, True) result = ser != ser expected = tm.box_expected([False, False, True], xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) warn = FutureWarning if box_with_array is pd.DataFrame else None with tm.assert_produces_warning(warn): # alignment for frame vs series comparisons deprecated result = ser != ser[0] expected = tm.box_expected([False, True, True], xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(warn): # alignment for frame vs series comparisons deprecated result = ser != ser[2] expected = tm.box_expected([True, True, True], xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = ser == ser expected = tm.box_expected([True, True, False], xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(warn): # alignment for frame vs series comparisons deprecated result = ser == ser[0] expected = tm.box_expected([True, False, False], xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(warn): # alignment for frame vs series comparisons deprecated result = ser == ser[2] expected = tm.box_expected([False, False, False], xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "datetimelike", [ Timestamp("20130101"), datetime(2013, 1, 1), np.datetime64("2013-01-01T00:00", "ns"), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "op,expected", [ (, [True, False, False, False]), (operator.le, [True, True, False, False]), (operator.eq, [False, True, False, False]), (, [False, False, False, True]), ], ) def test_dt64_compare_datetime_scalar(self, datetimelike, op, expected): # GH#17965, test for ability to compare datetime64[ns] columns # to datetimelike ser = Series( [ Timestamp("20120101"), Timestamp("20130101"), np.nan, Timestamp("20130103"), ], name="A", ) result = op(ser, datetimelike) expected = Series(expected, name="A") tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) class TestDatetimeIndexComparisons: # TODO: moved from tests.indexes.test_base; parametrize and de-duplicate def test_comparators(self, comparison_op): index = tm.makeDateIndex(100) element = index[len(index) // 2] element = Timestamp(element).to_datetime64() arr = np.array(index) arr_result = comparison_op(arr, element) index_result = comparison_op(index, element) assert isinstance(index_result, np.ndarray) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(arr_result, index_result) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [datetime(2016, 1, 1), Timestamp("2016-01-01"), np.datetime64("2016-01-01")], ) def test_dti_cmp_datetimelike(self, other, tz_naive_fixture): tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=2, tz=tz) if tz is not None: if isinstance(other, np.datetime64): # no tzaware version available return other = localize_pydatetime(other, dti.tzinfo) result = dti == other expected = np.array([True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = dti > other expected = np.array([False, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = dti >= other expected = np.array([True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = dti < other expected = np.array([False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = dti <= other expected = np.array([True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [None, object]) def test_dti_cmp_nat(self, dtype, box_with_array): left = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp("2011-01-01"), NaT, Timestamp("2011-01-03")]) right = DatetimeIndex([NaT, NaT, Timestamp("2011-01-03")]) left = tm.box_expected(left, box_with_array) right = tm.box_expected(right, box_with_array) xbox = get_upcast_box(left, right, True) lhs, rhs = left, right if dtype is object: lhs, rhs = left.astype(object), right.astype(object) result = rhs == lhs expected = np.array([False, False, True]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = lhs != rhs expected = np.array([True, True, False]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) expected = np.array([False, False, False]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(lhs == NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT == rhs, expected) expected = np.array([True, True, True]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(lhs != NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT != lhs, expected) expected = np.array([False, False, False]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(lhs < NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT > lhs, expected) def test_dti_cmp_nat_behaves_like_float_cmp_nan(self): fidx1 = pd.Index([1.0, np.nan, 3.0, np.nan, 5.0, 7.0]) fidx2 = pd.Index([2.0, 3.0, np.nan, np.nan, 6.0, 7.0]) didx1 = DatetimeIndex( ["2014-01-01", NaT, "2014-03-01", NaT, "2014-05-01", "2014-07-01"] ) didx2 = DatetimeIndex( ["2014-02-01", "2014-03-01", NaT, NaT, "2014-06-01", "2014-07-01"] ) darr = np.array( [ np.datetime64("2014-02-01 00:00"), np.datetime64("2014-03-01 00:00"), np.datetime64("nat"), np.datetime64("nat"), np.datetime64("2014-06-01 00:00"), np.datetime64("2014-07-01 00:00"), ] ) cases = [(fidx1, fidx2), (didx1, didx2), (didx1, darr)] # Check pd.NaT is handles as the same as np.nan with tm.assert_produces_warning(None): for idx1, idx2 in cases: result = idx1 < idx2 expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx2 > idx1 expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 <= idx2 expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx2 >= idx1 expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 == idx2 expected = np.array([False, False, False, False, False, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 != idx2 expected = np.array([True, True, True, True, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(None): for idx1, val in [(fidx1, np.nan), (didx1, NaT)]: result = idx1 < val expected = np.array([False, False, False, False, False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 > val tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 <= val tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 >= val tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 == val tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 != val expected = np.array([True, True, True, True, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) # Check pd.NaT is handles as the same as np.nan with tm.assert_produces_warning(None): for idx1, val in [(fidx1, 3), (didx1, datetime(2014, 3, 1))]: result = idx1 < val expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 > val expected = np.array([False, False, False, False, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 <= val expected = np.array([True, False, True, False, False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 >= val expected = np.array([False, False, True, False, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 == val expected = np.array([False, False, True, False, False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 != val expected = np.array([True, True, False, True, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) def test_comparison_tzawareness_compat(self, comparison_op, box_with_array): # GH#18162 op = comparison_op box = box_with_array dr = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=6) dz = dr.tz_localize("US/Pacific") dr = tm.box_expected(dr, box) dz = tm.box_expected(dz, box) if box is pd.DataFrame: tolist = lambda x: x.astype(object).values.tolist()[0] else: tolist = list if op not in [operator.eq,]: msg = ( r"Invalid comparison between dtype=datetime64\[ns.*\] " "and (Timestamp|DatetimeArray|list|ndarray)" ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dr, dz) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dr, tolist(dz)) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dr, np.array(tolist(dz), dtype=object)) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dz, dr) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dz, tolist(dr)) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dz, np.array(tolist(dr), dtype=object)) # The aware==aware and naive==naive comparisons should *not* raise assert np.all(dr == dr) assert np.all(dr == tolist(dr)) assert np.all(tolist(dr) == dr) assert np.all(np.array(tolist(dr), dtype=object) == dr) assert np.all(dr == np.array(tolist(dr), dtype=object)) assert np.all(dz == dz) assert np.all(dz == tolist(dz)) assert np.all(tolist(dz) == dz) assert np.all(np.array(tolist(dz), dtype=object) == dz) assert np.all(dz == np.array(tolist(dz), dtype=object)) def test_comparison_tzawareness_compat_scalars(self, comparison_op, box_with_array): # GH#18162 op = comparison_op dr = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=6) dz = dr.tz_localize("US/Pacific") dr = tm.box_expected(dr, box_with_array) dz = tm.box_expected(dz, box_with_array) # Check comparisons against scalar Timestamps ts = Timestamp("2000-03-14 01:59") ts_tz = Timestamp("2000-03-14 01:59", tz="Europe/Amsterdam") assert np.all(dr > ts) msg = r"Invalid comparison between dtype=datetime64\[ns.*\] and Timestamp" if op not in [operator.eq,]: with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dr, ts_tz) assert np.all(dz > ts_tz) if op not in [operator.eq,]: with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dz, ts) if op not in [operator.eq,]: # GH#12601: Check comparison against Timestamps and DatetimeIndex with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(ts, dz) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [datetime(2016, 1, 1), Timestamp("2016-01-01"), np.datetime64("2016-01-01")], ) # Bug in NumPy? # Raising in __eq__ will fallback to NumPy, which warns, fails, # then re-raises the original exception. So we just need to ignore. @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:elementwise comp:DeprecationWarning") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Converting timezone-aware:FutureWarning") def test_scalar_comparison_tzawareness( self, comparison_op, other, tz_aware_fixture, box_with_array ): op = comparison_op tz = tz_aware_fixture dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=2, tz=tz) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) xbox = get_upcast_box(dtarr, other, True) if op in [operator.eq,]: exbool = op is expected = np.array([exbool, exbool], dtype=bool) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) result = op(dtarr, other) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = op(other, dtarr) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) else: msg = ( r"Invalid comparison between dtype=datetime64\[ns, .*\] " f"and {type(other).__name__}" ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dtarr, other) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(other, dtarr) def test_nat_comparison_tzawareness(self, comparison_op): # GH#19276 # tzaware DatetimeIndex should not raise when compared to NaT op = comparison_op dti = DatetimeIndex( ["2014-01-01", NaT, "2014-03-01", NaT, "2014-05-01", "2014-07-01"] ) expected = np.array([op ==] * len(dti)) result = op(dti, NaT) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = op(dti.tz_localize("US/Pacific"), NaT) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) def test_dti_cmp_str(self, tz_naive_fixture): # GH#22074 # regardless of tz, we expect these comparisons are valid tz = tz_naive_fixture rng = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10, tz=tz) other = "1/1/2000" result = rng == other expected = np.array([True] + [False] * 9) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = rng != other expected = np.array([False] + [True] * 9) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = rng < other expected = np.array([False] * 10) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = rng <= other expected = np.array([True] + [False] * 9) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = rng > other expected = np.array([False] + [True] * 9) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = rng >= other expected = np.array([True] * 10) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) def test_dti_cmp_list(self): rng = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10) result = rng == list(rng) expected = rng == rng tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [ pd.timedelta_range("1D", periods=10), pd.timedelta_range("1D", periods=10).to_series(), pd.timedelta_range("1D", periods=10).asi8.view("m8[ns]"), ], ids=lambda x: type(x).__name__, ) def test_dti_cmp_tdi_tzawareness(self, other): # GH#22074 # reversion test that we _don't_ call _assert_tzawareness_compat # when comparing against TimedeltaIndex dti = date_range("2000-01-01", periods=10, tz="Asia/Tokyo") result = dti == other expected = np.array([False] * 10) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = dti != other expected = np.array([True] * 10) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) msg = "Invalid comparison between" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dti < other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dti <= other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dti > other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dti >= other def test_dti_cmp_object_dtype(self): # GH#22074 dti = date_range("2000-01-01", periods=10, tz="Asia/Tokyo") other = dti.astype("O") result = dti == other expected = np.array([True] * 10) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) other = dti.tz_localize(None) result = dti != other tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) other = np.array(list(dti[:5]) + [Timedelta(days=1)] * 5) result = dti == other expected = np.array([True] * 5 + [False] * 5) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) msg = ">=' not supported between instances of 'Timestamp' and 'Timedelta'" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dti >= other # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Arithmetic class TestDatetime64Arithmetic: # This class is intended for "finished" tests that are fully parametrized # over DataFrame/Series/Index/DatetimeArray # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Addition/Subtraction of timedelta-like @pytest.mark.arm_slow def test_dt64arr_add_timedeltalike_scalar( self, tz_naive_fixture, two_hours, box_with_array ): # GH#22005, GH#22163 check DataFrame doesn't raise TypeError tz = tz_naive_fixture rng = date_range("2000-01-01", "2000-02-01", tz=tz) expected = date_range("2000-01-01 02:00", "2000-02-01 02:00", tz=tz) rng = tm.box_expected(rng, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = rng + two_hours tm.assert_equal(result, expected) rng += two_hours tm.assert_equal(rng, expected) def test_dt64arr_sub_timedeltalike_scalar( self, tz_naive_fixture, two_hours, box_with_array ): tz = tz_naive_fixture rng = date_range("2000-01-01", "2000-02-01", tz=tz) expected = date_range("1999-12-31 22:00", "2000-01-31 22:00", tz=tz) rng = tm.box_expected(rng, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = rng - two_hours tm.assert_equal(result, expected) rng -= two_hours tm.assert_equal(rng, expected) # TODO: redundant with test_dt64arr_add_timedeltalike_scalar def test_dt64arr_add_td64_scalar(self, box_with_array): # scalar timedeltas/np.timedelta64 objects # operate with np.timedelta64 correctly ser = Series([Timestamp("20130101 9:01"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02")]) expected = Series( [Timestamp("20130101 9:01:01"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02:01")] ) dtarr = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = dtarr + np.timedelta64(1, "s") tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = np.timedelta64(1, "s") + dtarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) expected = Series( [Timestamp("20130101 9:01:00.005"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02:00.005")] ) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = dtarr + np.timedelta64(5, "ms") tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = np.timedelta64(5, "ms") + dtarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64arr_add_sub_td64_nat(self, box_with_array, tz_naive_fixture): # GH#23320 special handling for timedelta64("NaT") tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = date_range("1994-04-01", periods=9, tz=tz, freq="QS") other = np.timedelta64("NaT") expected = DatetimeIndex(["NaT"] * 9, tz=tz) obj = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = obj + other tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = other + obj tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = obj - other tm.assert_equal(result, expected) msg = "cannot subtract" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): other - obj def test_dt64arr_add_sub_td64ndarray(self, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array): tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=3, tz=tz) tdi = TimedeltaIndex(["-1 Day", "-1 Day", "-1 Day"]) tdarr = tdi.values expected = date_range("2015-12-31", "2016-01-02", periods=3, tz=tz) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = dtarr + tdarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = tdarr + dtarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) expected = date_range("2016-01-02", "2016-01-04", periods=3, tz=tz) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = dtarr - tdarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) msg = "cannot subtract|(bad|unsupported) operand type for unary" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): tdarr - dtarr # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Subtraction of datetime-like scalars @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ts", [ Timestamp("2013-01-01"), Timestamp("2013-01-01").to_pydatetime(), Timestamp("2013-01-01").to_datetime64(), ], ) def test_dt64arr_sub_dtscalar(self, box_with_array, ts): # GH#8554, GH#22163 DataFrame op should _not_ return dt64 dtype idx = date_range("2013-01-01", periods=3)._with_freq(None) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box_with_array) expected = TimedeltaIndex(["0 Days", "1 Day", "2 Days"]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = idx - ts tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64arr_sub_datetime64_not_ns(self, box_with_array): # GH#7996, GH#22163 ensure non-nano datetime64 is converted to nano # for DataFrame operation dt64 = np.datetime64("2013-01-01") assert dt64.dtype == "datetime64[D]" dti = date_range("20130101", periods=3)._with_freq(None) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) expected = TimedeltaIndex(["0 Days", "1 Day", "2 Days"]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = dtarr - dt64 tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = dt64 - dtarr tm.assert_equal(result, -expected) def test_dt64arr_sub_timestamp(self, box_with_array): ser = date_range("2014-03-17", periods=2, freq="D", tz="US/Eastern") ser = ser._with_freq(None) ts = ser[0] ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array) delta_series = Series([np.timedelta64(0, "D"), np.timedelta64(1, "D")]) expected = tm.box_expected(delta_series, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(ser - ts, expected) tm.assert_equal(ts - ser, -expected) def test_dt64arr_sub_NaT(self, box_with_array): # GH#18808 dti = DatetimeIndex([NaT, Timestamp("19900315")]) ser = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) result = ser - NaT expected = Series([NaT, NaT], dtype="timedelta64[ns]") expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) dti_tz = dti.tz_localize("Asia/Tokyo") ser_tz = tm.box_expected(dti_tz, box_with_array) result = ser_tz - NaT expected = Series([NaT, NaT], dtype="timedelta64[ns]") expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Subtraction of datetime-like array-like def test_dt64arr_sub_dt64object_array(self, box_with_array, tz_naive_fixture): dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=3, tz=tz_naive_fixture) expected = dti - dti obj = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): result = obj - obj.astype(object) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64arr_naive_sub_dt64ndarray(self, box_with_array): dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=3, tz=None) dt64vals = dti.values dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) expected = dtarr - dtarr result = dtarr - dt64vals tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = dt64vals - dtarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64arr_aware_sub_dt64ndarray_raises( self, tz_aware_fixture, box_with_array ): tz = tz_aware_fixture dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=3, tz=tz) dt64vals = dti.values dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) msg = "subtraction must have the same timezones or" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dtarr - dt64vals with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dt64vals - dtarr # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Addition of datetime-like others (invalid) def test_dt64arr_add_dt64ndarray_raises(self, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array): tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=3, tz=tz) dt64vals = dti.values dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) assert_cannot_add(dtarr, dt64vals) def test_dt64arr_add_timestamp_raises(self, box_with_array): # GH#22163 ensure DataFrame doesn't cast Timestamp to i8 idx = DatetimeIndex(["2011-01-01", "2011-01-02"]) ts = idx[0] idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box_with_array) assert_cannot_add(idx, ts) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Other Invalid Addition/Subtraction @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [ 3.14, np.array([2.0, 3.0]), # GH#13078 datetime +/- Period is invalid Period("2011-01-01", freq="D"), # time(1, 2, 3), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dti_freq", [None, "D"]) def test_dt64arr_add_sub_invalid(self, dti_freq, other, box_with_array): dti = DatetimeIndex(["2011-01-01", "2011-01-02"], freq=dti_freq) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) msg = "|".join( [ "unsupported operand type", "cannot (add|subtract)", "cannot use operands with types", "ufunc '?(add|subtract)'? cannot use operands with types", "Concatenation operation is not implemented for NumPy arrays", ] ) assert_invalid_addsub_type(dtarr, other, msg) @pytest.mark.parametrize("pi_freq", ["D", "W", "Q", "H"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dti_freq", [None, "D"]) def test_dt64arr_add_sub_parr( self, dti_freq, pi_freq, box_with_array, box_with_array2 ): # GH#20049 subtracting PeriodIndex should raise TypeError dti = DatetimeIndex(["2011-01-01", "2011-01-02"], freq=dti_freq) pi = dti.to_period(pi_freq) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) parr = tm.box_expected(pi, box_with_array2) msg = "|".join( [ "cannot (add|subtract)", "unsupported operand", "descriptor.*requires", "ufunc.*cannot use operands", ] ) assert_invalid_addsub_type(dtarr, parr, msg) def test_dt64arr_addsub_time_objects_raises(self, box_with_array, tz_naive_fixture): # tz = tz_naive_fixture obj1 = date_range("2012-01-01", periods=3, tz=tz) obj2 = [time(i, i, i) for i in range(3)] obj1 = tm.box_expected(obj1, box_with_array) obj2 = tm.box_expected(obj2, box_with_array) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # pandas.errors.PerformanceWarning: Non-vectorized DateOffset being # applied to Series or DatetimeIndex # we aren't testing that here, so ignore. warnings.simplefilter("ignore", PerformanceWarning) # If `x + y` raises, then `y + x` should raise here as well msg = ( r"unsupported operand type\(s\) for -: " "'(Timestamp|DatetimeArray)' and 'datetime.time'" ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): obj1 - obj2 msg = "|".join( [ "cannot subtract DatetimeArray from ndarray", "ufunc (subtract|'subtract') cannot use operands with types " r"dtype\('O'\) and dtype\('<M8\[ns\]'\)", ] ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): obj2 - obj1 msg = ( r"unsupported operand type\(s\) for \+: " "'(Timestamp|DatetimeArray)' and 'datetime.time'" ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): obj1 + obj2 msg = "|".join( [ r"unsupported operand type\(s\) for \+: " "'(Timestamp|DatetimeArray)' and 'datetime.time'", "ufunc (add|'add') cannot use operands with types " r"dtype\('O'\) and dtype\('<M8\[ns\]'\)", ] ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): obj2 + obj1 class TestDatetime64DateOffsetArithmetic: # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Tick DateOffsets # TODO: parametrize over timezone? def test_dt64arr_series_add_tick_DateOffset(self, box_with_array): # GH#4532 # operate with pd.offsets ser = Series([Timestamp("20130101 9:01"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02")]) expected = Series( [Timestamp("20130101 9:01:05"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02:05")] ) ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = ser + pd.offsets.Second(5) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result2 = pd.offsets.Second(5) + ser tm.assert_equal(result2, expected) def test_dt64arr_series_sub_tick_DateOffset(self, box_with_array): # GH#4532 # operate with pd.offsets ser = Series([Timestamp("20130101 9:01"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02")]) expected = Series( [Timestamp("20130101 9:00:55"), Timestamp("20130101 9:01:55")] ) ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = ser - pd.offsets.Second(5) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result2 = -pd.offsets.Second(5) + ser tm.assert_equal(result2, expected) msg = "(bad|unsupported) operand type for unary" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): pd.offsets.Second(5) - ser @pytest.mark.parametrize( "cls_name", ["Day", "Hour", "Minute", "Second", "Milli", "Micro", "Nano"] ) def test_dt64arr_add_sub_tick_DateOffset_smoke(self, cls_name, box_with_array): # GH#4532 # smoke tests for valid DateOffsets ser = Series([Timestamp("20130101 9:01"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02")]) ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array) offset_cls = getattr(pd.offsets, cls_name) ser + offset_cls(5) offset_cls(5) + ser ser - offset_cls(5) def test_dti_add_tick_tzaware(self, tz_aware_fixture, box_with_array): # GH#21610, GH#22163 ensure DataFrame doesn't return object-dtype tz = tz_aware_fixture if tz == "US/Pacific": dates = date_range("2012-11-01", periods=3, tz=tz) offset = dates + pd.offsets.Hour(5) assert dates[0] + pd.offsets.Hour(5) == offset[0] dates = date_range("2010-11-01 00:00", periods=3, tz=tz, freq="H") expected = DatetimeIndex( ["2010-11-01 05:00", "2010-11-01 06:00", "2010-11-01 07:00"], freq="H", tz=tz, ) dates = tm.box_expected(dates, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) # TODO: sub? for scalar in [pd.offsets.Hour(5), np.timedelta64(5, "h"), timedelta(hours=5)]: offset = dates + scalar tm.assert_equal(offset, expected) offset = scalar + dates tm.assert_equal(offset, expected) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # RelativeDelta DateOffsets def test_dt64arr_add_sub_relativedelta_offsets(self, box_with_array): # GH#10699 vec = DatetimeIndex( [ Timestamp("2000-01-05 00:15:00"), Timestamp("2000-01-31 00:23:00"), Timestamp("2000-01-01"), Timestamp("2000-03-31"), Timestamp("2000-02-29"), Timestamp("2000-12-31"), Timestamp("2000-05-15"), Timestamp("2001-06-15"), ] ) vec = tm.box_expected(vec, box_with_array) vec_items = vec.iloc[0] if box_with_array is pd.DataFrame else vec # DateOffset relativedelta fastpath relative_kwargs = [ ("years", 2), ("months", 5), ("days", 3), ("hours", 5), ("minutes", 10), ("seconds", 2), ("microseconds", 5), ] for i, (unit, value) in enumerate(relative_kwargs): off = DateOffset(**{unit: value}) expected = DatetimeIndex([x + off for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, vec + off) expected = DatetimeIndex([x - off for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, vec - off) off = DateOffset(**dict(relative_kwargs[: i + 1])) expected = DatetimeIndex([x + off for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, vec + off) expected = DatetimeIndex([x - off for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, vec - off) msg = "(bad|unsupported) operand type for unary" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): off - vec # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Non-Tick, Non-RelativeDelta DateOffsets # TODO: redundant with test_dt64arr_add_sub_DateOffset? that includes # tz-aware cases which this does not @pytest.mark.parametrize( "cls_and_kwargs", [ "YearBegin", ("YearBegin", {"month": 5}), "YearEnd", ("YearEnd", {"month": 5}), "MonthBegin", "MonthEnd", "SemiMonthEnd", "SemiMonthBegin", "Week", ("Week", {"weekday": 3}), "Week", ("Week", {"weekday": 6}), "BusinessDay", "BDay", "QuarterEnd", "QuarterBegin", "CustomBusinessDay", "CDay", "CBMonthEnd", "CBMonthBegin", "BMonthBegin", "BMonthEnd", "BusinessHour", "BYearBegin", "BYearEnd", "BQuarterBegin", ("LastWeekOfMonth", {"weekday": 2}), ( "FY5253Quarter", { "qtr_with_extra_week": 1, "startingMonth": 1, "weekday": 2, "variation": "nearest", }, ), ("FY5253", {"weekday": 0, "startingMonth": 2, "variation": "nearest"}), ("WeekOfMonth", {"weekday": 2, "week": 2}), "Easter", ("DateOffset", {"day": 4}), ("DateOffset", {"month": 5}), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("normalize", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("n", [0, 5]) def test_dt64arr_add_sub_DateOffsets( self, box_with_array, n, normalize, cls_and_kwargs ): # GH#10699 # assert vectorized operation matches pointwise operations if isinstance(cls_and_kwargs, tuple): # If cls_name param is a tuple, then 2nd entry is kwargs for # the offset constructor cls_name, kwargs = cls_and_kwargs else: cls_name = cls_and_kwargs kwargs = {} if n == 0 and cls_name in [ "WeekOfMonth", "LastWeekOfMonth", "FY5253Quarter", "FY5253", ]: # passing n = 0 is invalid for these offset classes return vec = DatetimeIndex( [ Timestamp("2000-01-05 00:15:00"), Timestamp("2000-01-31 00:23:00"), Timestamp("2000-01-01"), Timestamp("2000-03-31"), Timestamp("2000-02-29"), Timestamp("2000-12-31"), Timestamp("2000-05-15"), Timestamp("2001-06-15"), ] ) vec = tm.box_expected(vec, box_with_array) vec_items = vec.iloc[0] if box_with_array is pd.DataFrame else vec offset_cls = getattr(pd.offsets, cls_name) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # pandas.errors.PerformanceWarning: Non-vectorized DateOffset being # applied to Series or DatetimeIndex # we aren't testing that here, so ignore. warnings.simplefilter("ignore", PerformanceWarning) offset = offset_cls(n, normalize=normalize, **kwargs) expected = DatetimeIndex([x + offset for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, vec + offset) expected = DatetimeIndex([x - offset for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, vec - offset) expected = DatetimeIndex([offset + x for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, offset + vec) msg = "(bad|unsupported) operand type for unary" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): offset - vec def test_dt64arr_add_sub_DateOffset(self, box_with_array): # GH#10699 s = date_range("2000-01-01", "2000-01-31", name="a") s = tm.box_expected(s, box_with_array) result = s + DateOffset(years=1) result2 = DateOffset(years=1) + s exp = date_range("2001-01-01", "2001-01-31", name="a")._with_freq(None) exp = tm.box_expected(exp, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(result, exp) tm.assert_equal(result2, exp) result = s - DateOffset(years=1) exp = date_range("1999-01-01", "1999-01-31", name="a")._with_freq(None) exp = tm.box_expected(exp, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(result, exp) s = DatetimeIndex( [ Timestamp("2000-01-15 00:15:00", tz="US/Central"), Timestamp("2000-02-15", tz="US/Central"), ], name="a", ) s = tm.box_expected(s, box_with_array) result = s + pd.offsets.Day() result2 = pd.offsets.Day() + s exp = DatetimeIndex( [ Timestamp("2000-01-16 00:15:00", tz="US/Central"), Timestamp("2000-02-16", tz="US/Central"), ], name="a", ) exp = tm.box_expected(exp, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(result, exp) tm.assert_equal(result2, exp) s = DatetimeIndex( [ Timestamp("2000-01-15 00:15:00", tz="US/Central"), Timestamp("2000-02-15", tz="US/Central"), ], name="a", ) s = tm.box_expected(s, box_with_array) result = s + pd.offsets.MonthEnd() result2 = pd.offsets.MonthEnd() + s exp = DatetimeIndex( [ Timestamp("2000-01-31 00:15:00", tz="US/Central"), Timestamp("2000-02-29", tz="US/Central"), ], name="a", ) exp = tm.box_expected(exp, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(result, exp) tm.assert_equal(result2, exp) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [ np.array([pd.offsets.MonthEnd(), pd.offsets.Day(n=2)]), np.array([pd.offsets.DateOffset(years=1), pd.offsets.MonthEnd()]), np.array( # matching offsets [pd.offsets.DateOffset(years=1), pd.offsets.DateOffset(years=1)] ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("op", [operator.add, roperator.radd, operator.sub]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("box_other", [True, False]) def test_dt64arr_add_sub_offset_array( self, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array, box_other, op, other ): # GH#18849 # GH#10699 array of offsets tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = date_range("2017-01-01", periods=2, tz=tz) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) other = np.array([pd.offsets.MonthEnd(), pd.offsets.Day(n=2)]) expected = DatetimeIndex([op(dti[n], other[n]) for n in range(len(dti))]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) if box_other: other = tm.box_expected(other, box_with_array) with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): res = op(dtarr, other) tm.assert_equal(res, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "op, offset, exp, exp_freq", [ ( "__add__", DateOffset(months=3, days=10), [ Timestamp("2014-04-11"), Timestamp("2015-04-11"), Timestamp("2016-04-11"), Timestamp("2017-04-11"), ], None, ), ( "__add__", DateOffset(months=3), [ Timestamp("2014-04-01"), Timestamp("2015-04-01"), Timestamp("2016-04-01"), Timestamp("2017-04-01"), ], "AS-APR", ), ( "__sub__", DateOffset(months=3, days=10), [ Timestamp("2013-09-21"), Timestamp("2014-09-21"), Timestamp("2015-09-21"), Timestamp("2016-09-21"), ], None, ), ( "__sub__", DateOffset(months=3), [ Timestamp("2013-10-01"), Timestamp("2014-10-01"), Timestamp("2015-10-01"), Timestamp("2016-10-01"), ], "AS-OCT", ), ], ) def test_dti_add_sub_nonzero_mth_offset( self, op, offset, exp, exp_freq, tz_aware_fixture, box_with_array ): # GH 26258 tz = tz_aware_fixture date = date_range(start="01 Jan 2014", end="01 Jan 2017", freq="AS", tz=tz) date = tm.box_expected(date, box_with_array, False) mth = getattr(date, op) result = mth(offset) expected = DatetimeIndex(exp, tz=tz) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array, False) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) class TestDatetime64OverflowHandling: # TODO: box + de-duplicate def test_dt64_overflow_masking(self, box_with_array): # GH#25317 left = Series([Timestamp("1969-12-31")]) right = Series([NaT]) left = tm.box_expected(left, box_with_array) right = tm.box_expected(right, box_with_array) expected = TimedeltaIndex([NaT]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = left - right tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64_series_arith_overflow(self): # GH#12534, fixed by GH#19024 dt = Timestamp("1700-01-31") td = Timedelta("20000 Days") dti = date_range("1949-09-30", freq="100Y", periods=4) ser = Series(dti) msg = "Overflow in int64 addition" with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): ser - dt with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): dt - ser with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): ser + td with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): td + ser ser.iloc[-1] = NaT expected = Series( ["2004-10-03", "2104-10-04", "2204-10-04", "NaT"], dtype="datetime64[ns]" ) res = ser + td tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = td + ser tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) ser.iloc[1:] = NaT expected = Series(["91279 Days", "NaT", "NaT", "NaT"], dtype="timedelta64[ns]") res = ser - dt tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = dt - ser tm.assert_series_equal(res, -expected) def test_datetimeindex_sub_timestamp_overflow(self): dtimax = pd.to_datetime(["now", Timestamp.max]) dtimin = pd.to_datetime(["now", Timestamp.min]) tsneg = Timestamp("1950-01-01") ts_neg_variants = [ tsneg, tsneg.to_pydatetime(), tsneg.to_datetime64().astype("datetime64[ns]"), tsneg.to_datetime64().astype("datetime64[D]"), ] tspos = Timestamp("1980-01-01") ts_pos_variants = [ tspos, tspos.to_pydatetime(), tspos.to_datetime64().astype("datetime64[ns]"), tspos.to_datetime64().astype("datetime64[D]"), ] msg = "Overflow in int64 addition" for variant in ts_neg_variants: with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): dtimax - variant expected = Timestamp.max.value - tspos.value for variant in ts_pos_variants: res = dtimax - variant assert res[1].value == expected expected = Timestamp.min.value - tsneg.value for variant in ts_neg_variants: res = dtimin - variant assert res[1].value == expected for variant in ts_pos_variants: with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): dtimin - variant def test_datetimeindex_sub_datetimeindex_overflow(self): # GH#22492, GH#22508 dtimax = pd.to_datetime(["now", Timestamp.max]) dtimin = pd.to_datetime(["now", Timestamp.min]) ts_neg = pd.to_datetime(["1950-01-01", "1950-01-01"]) ts_pos = pd.to_datetime(["1980-01-01", "1980-01-01"]) # General tests expected = Timestamp.max.value - ts_pos[1].value result = dtimax - ts_pos assert result[1].value == expected expected = Timestamp.min.value - ts_neg[1].value result = dtimin - ts_neg assert result[1].value == expected msg = "Overflow in int64 addition" with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): dtimax - ts_neg with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): dtimin - ts_pos # Edge cases tmin = pd.to_datetime([Timestamp.min]) t1 = tmin + Timedelta.max + Timedelta("1us") with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): t1 - tmin tmax = pd.to_datetime([Timestamp.max]) t2 = tmax + Timedelta.min - Timedelta("1us") with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): tmax - t2 class TestTimestampSeriesArithmetic: def test_empty_series_add_sub(self): # GH#13844 a = Series(dtype="M8[ns]") b = Series(dtype="m8[ns]") tm.assert_series_equal(a, a + b) tm.assert_series_equal(a, a - b) tm.assert_series_equal(a, b + a) msg = "cannot subtract" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): b - a def test_operators_datetimelike(self): # ## timedelta64 ### td1 = Series([timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3)] * 3) td1.iloc[2] = np.nan # ## datetime64 ### dt1 = Series( [ Timestamp("20111230"), Timestamp("20120101"), Timestamp("20120103"), ] ) dt1.iloc[2] = np.nan dt2 = Series( [ Timestamp("20111231"), Timestamp("20120102"), Timestamp("20120104"), ] ) dt1 - dt2 dt2 - dt1 # datetime64 with timetimedelta dt1 + td1 td1 + dt1 dt1 - td1 # timetimedelta with datetime64 td1 + dt1 dt1 + td1 def test_dt64ser_sub_datetime_dtype(self): ts = Timestamp(datetime(1993, 1, 7, 13, 30, 00)) dt = datetime(1993, 6, 22, 13, 30) ser = Series([ts]) result = pd.to_timedelta(np.abs(ser - dt)) assert result.dtype == "timedelta64[ns]" # ------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: This next block of tests came from tests.series.test_operators, # needs to be de-duplicated and parametrized over `box` classes def test_operators_datetimelike_invalid(self, all_arithmetic_operators): # these are all TypeEror ops op_str = all_arithmetic_operators def check(get_ser, test_ser): # check that we are getting a TypeError # with 'operate' (from core/ for the ops that are not # defined op = getattr(get_ser, op_str, None) # Previously, _validate_for_numeric_binop in core/indexes/ # did this for us. with pytest.raises( TypeError, match="operate|[cC]annot|unsupported operand" ): op(test_ser) # ## timedelta64 ### td1 = Series([timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3)] * 3) td1.iloc[2] = np.nan # ## datetime64 ### dt1 = Series( [Timestamp("20111230"), Timestamp("20120101"), Timestamp("20120103")] ) dt1.iloc[2] = np.nan dt2 = Series( [Timestamp("20111231"), Timestamp("20120102"), Timestamp("20120104")] ) if op_str not in ["__sub__", "__rsub__"]: check(dt1, dt2) # ## datetime64 with timetimedelta ### # TODO(jreback) __rsub__ should raise? if op_str not in ["__add__", "__radd__", "__sub__"]: check(dt1, td1) # 8260, 10763 # datetime64 with tz tz = "US/Eastern" dt1 = Series(date_range("2000-01-01 09:00:00", periods=5, tz=tz), name="foo") dt2 = dt1.copy() dt2.iloc[2] = np.nan td1 = Series(pd.timedelta_range("1 days 1 min", periods=5, freq="H")) td2 = td1.copy() td2.iloc[1] = np.nan if op_str not in ["__add__", "__radd__", "__sub__", "__rsub__"]: check(dt2, td2) def test_sub_single_tz(self): # GH#12290 s1 = Series([Timestamp("2016-02-10", tz="America/Sao_Paulo")]) s2 = Series([Timestamp("2016-02-08", tz="America/Sao_Paulo")]) result = s1 - s2 expected = Series([Timedelta("2days")]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s2 - s1 expected = Series([Timedelta("-2days")]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64tz_series_sub_dtitz(self): # GH#19071 subtracting tzaware DatetimeIndex from tzaware Series # (with same tz) raises, fixed by #19024 dti = date_range("1999-09-30", periods=10, tz="US/Pacific") ser = Series(dti) expected = Series(TimedeltaIndex(["0days"] * 10)) res = dti - ser tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = ser - dti tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) def test_sub_datetime_compat(self): # see GH#14088 s = Series([datetime(2016, 8, 23, 12, tzinfo=pytz.utc), NaT]) dt = datetime(2016, 8, 22, 12, tzinfo=pytz.utc) exp = Series([Timedelta("1 days"), NaT]) tm.assert_series_equal(s - dt, exp) tm.assert_series_equal(s - Timestamp(dt), exp) def test_dt64_series_add_mixed_tick_DateOffset(self): # GH#4532 # operate with pd.offsets s = Series([Timestamp("20130101 9:01"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02")]) result = s + pd.offsets.Milli(5) result2 = pd.offsets.Milli(5) + s expected = Series( [Timestamp("20130101 9:01:00.005"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02:00.005")] ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) tm.assert_series_equal(result2, expected) result = s + pd.offsets.Minute(5) + pd.offsets.Milli(5) expected = Series( [Timestamp("20130101 9:06:00.005"), Timestamp("20130101 9:07:00.005")] ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_datetime64_ops_nat(self): # GH#11349 datetime_series = Series([NaT, Timestamp("19900315")]) nat_series_dtype_timestamp = Series([NaT, NaT], dtype="datetime64[ns]") single_nat_dtype_datetime = Series([NaT], dtype="datetime64[ns]") # subtraction tm.assert_series_equal(-NaT + datetime_series, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) msg = "bad operand type for unary -: 'DatetimeArray'" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): -single_nat_dtype_datetime + datetime_series tm.assert_series_equal( -NaT + nat_series_dtype_timestamp, nat_series_dtype_timestamp ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): -single_nat_dtype_datetime + nat_series_dtype_timestamp # addition tm.assert_series_equal( nat_series_dtype_timestamp + NaT, nat_series_dtype_timestamp ) tm.assert_series_equal( NaT + nat_series_dtype_timestamp, nat_series_dtype_timestamp ) tm.assert_series_equal( nat_series_dtype_timestamp + NaT, nat_series_dtype_timestamp ) tm.assert_series_equal( NaT + nat_series_dtype_timestamp, nat_series_dtype_timestamp ) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Invalid Operations # TODO: this block also needs to be de-duplicated and parametrized @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dt64_series", [ Series([Timestamp("19900315"), Timestamp("19900315")]), Series([NaT, Timestamp("19900315")]),
Series([NaT, NaT], dtype="datetime64[ns]")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Date: 2022/2/14 18:19 Desc: 新浪财经-股票期权 期权-中金所-沪深 300 指数 期权-上交所-50ETF 期权-上交所-300ETF """ import json import datetime from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pandas as pd # 期权-中金所-沪深300指数 def option_cffex_hs300_list_sina() -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """ 新浪财经-中金所-沪深300指数-所有合约, 返回的第一个合约为主力合约 目前新浪财经-中金所只有 沪深300指数 一个品种的数据 :return: 中金所-沪深300指数-所有合约 :rtype: dict """ url = "" r = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") symbol = soup.find(attrs={"id": "option_symbol"}).find("li").text temp_attr = soup.find(attrs={"id": "option_suffix"}).find_all("li") contract = [item.text for item in temp_attr] return {symbol: contract} def option_cffex_hs300_spot_sina(symbol: str = "io2104") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 中金所-沪深300指数-指定合约-实时行情 :param symbol: 合约代码; 用 option_cffex_hs300_list_sina 函数查看 :type symbol: str :return: 中金所-沪深300指数-指定合约-看涨看跌实时行情 :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ url = "" params = { "type": "futures", "product": "io", "exchange": "cffex", "pinzhong": symbol, } r = requests.get(url, params=params) data_text = r.text data_json = json.loads(data_text[data_text.find("{") : data_text.rfind("}") + 1]) option_call_df = pd.DataFrame( data_json["result"]["data"]["up"], columns=[ "看涨合约-买量", "看涨合约-买价", "看涨合约-最新价", "看涨合约-卖价", "看涨合约-卖量", "看涨合约-持仓量", "看涨合约-涨跌", "行权价", "看涨合约-标识", ], ) option_put_df = pd.DataFrame( data_json["result"]["data"]["down"], columns=[ "看跌合约-买量", "看跌合约-买价", "看跌合约-最新价", "看跌合约-卖价", "看跌合约-卖量", "看跌合约-持仓量", "看跌合约-涨跌", "看跌合约-标识", ], ) data_df = pd.concat([option_call_df, option_put_df], axis=1) data_df['看涨合约-买量'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看涨合约-买量']) data_df['看涨合约-买价'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看涨合约-买价']) data_df['看涨合约-最新价'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看涨合约-最新价']) data_df['看涨合约-卖价'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看涨合约-卖价']) data_df['看涨合约-卖量'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看涨合约-卖量']) data_df['看涨合约-持仓量'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看涨合约-持仓量']) data_df['看涨合约-涨跌'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看涨合约-涨跌']) data_df['行权价'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['行权价']) data_df['看跌合约-买量'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看跌合约-买量']) data_df['看跌合约-买价'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看跌合约-买价']) data_df['看跌合约-最新价'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看跌合约-最新价']) data_df['看跌合约-卖价'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看跌合约-卖价']) data_df['看跌合约-卖量'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看跌合约-卖量']) data_df['看跌合约-持仓量'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看跌合约-持仓量']) data_df['看跌合约-涨跌'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['看跌合约-涨跌']) return data_df def option_cffex_hs300_daily_sina(symbol: str = "io2202P4350") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 新浪财经-中金所-沪深300指数-指定合约-日频行情 :param symbol: 具体合约代码(包括看涨和看跌标识), 可以通过 ak.option_cffex_hs300_spot_sina 中的 call-标识 获取 :type symbol: str :return: 日频率数据 :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ year = month = day = url = f"{symbol}{year}_{month}_{day}=/FutureOptionAllService.getOptionDayline" params = {"symbol": symbol} r = requests.get(url, params=params) data_text = r.text data_df = pd.DataFrame( eval(data_text[data_text.find("[") : data_text.rfind("]") + 1]) ) data_df.columns = ["open", "high", "low", "close", "volume", "date"] data_df = data_df[[ "date", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume", ]] data_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(data_df['date']) data_df['open'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['open']) data_df['high'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['high']) data_df['low'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['low']) data_df['close'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['close']) data_df['volume'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['volume']) return data_df # 期权-上交所-50ETF def option_sse_list_sina(symbol: str = "50ETF", exchange: str = "null") -> List[str]: """ 新浪财经-期权-上交所-50ETF-合约到期月份列表 :param symbol: 50ETF or 300ETF :type symbol: str :param exchange: null :type exchange: str :return: 合约到期时间 :rtype: list """ url = "" params = {"exchange": f"{exchange}", "cate": f"{symbol}"} r = requests.get(url, params=params) data_json = r.json() date_list = data_json["result"]["data"]["contractMonth"] return ["".join(i.split("-")) for i in date_list][1:] def option_sse_expire_day_sina( trade_date: str = "202102", symbol: str = "50ETF", exchange: str = "null" ) -> Tuple[str, int]: """ 指定到期月份指定品种的剩余到期时间 :param trade_date: 到期月份: 202002, 20203, 20206, 20209 :type trade_date: str :param symbol: 50ETF or 300ETF :type symbol: str :param exchange: null :type exchange: str :return: (到期时间, 剩余时间) :rtype: tuple """ url = "" params = { "exchange": f"{exchange}", "cate": f"{symbol}", "date": f"{trade_date[:4]}-{trade_date[4:]}", } r = requests.get(url, params=params) data_json = r.json() data = data_json["result"]["data"] if int(data["remainderDays"]) < 0: url = "" params = { "exchange": f"{exchange}", "cate": f"{'XD' + symbol}", "date": f"{trade_date[:4]}-{trade_date[4:]}", } r = requests.get(url, params=params) data_json = r.json() data = data_json["result"]["data"] return data["expireDay"], int(data["remainderDays"]) def option_sse_codes_sina(symbol: str = "看涨期权", trade_date: str = "202202", underlying: str = "510050") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 上海证券交易所-所有看涨和看跌合约的代码 :param symbol: choice of {"看涨期权", "看跌期权"} :type symbol: str :param trade_date: 期权到期月份 :type trade_date: "202002" :param underlying: 标的产品代码 华夏上证 50ETF: 510050 or 华泰柏瑞沪深 300ETF: 510300 :type underlying: str :return: 看涨看跌合约的代码 :rtype: Tuple[List, List] """ if symbol == "看涨期权": url = "".join( ["", underlying, str(trade_date)[-4:]] ) else: url = "".join( ["", underlying, str(trade_date)[-4:]] ) headers = { 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Host': '', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Referer': '', 'sec-ch-ua': '" Not;A Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="97", "Chromium";v="97"', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'script', 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'no-cors', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'cross-site', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36' } r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) data_text = r.text data_temp = data_text.replace('"', ",").split(",") temp_list = [i[7:] for i in data_temp if i.startswith("CON_OP_")] temp_df = pd.DataFrame(temp_list) temp_df.reset_index(inplace=True) temp_df['index'] = temp_df.index + 1 temp_df.columns = [ '序号', '期权代码', ] return temp_df def option_sse_spot_price_sina(symbol: str = "10003720") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 新浪财经-期权-期权实时数据 :param symbol: 期权代码 :type symbol: str :return: 期权量价数据 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ url = f"{symbol}" headers = { 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Host': '', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Referer': '', 'sec-ch-ua': '" Not;A Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="97", "Chromium";v="97"', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'script', 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'no-cors', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'cross-site', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36' } r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) data_text = r.text data_list = data_text[data_text.find('"') + 1 : data_text.rfind('"')].split(",") field_list = [ "买量", "买价", "最新价", "卖价", "卖量", "持仓量", "涨幅", "行权价", "昨收价", "开盘价", "涨停价", "跌停价", "申卖价五", "申卖量五", "申卖价四", "申卖量四", "申卖价三", "申卖量三", "申卖价二", "申卖量二", "申卖价一", "申卖量一", "申买价一", "申买量一 ", "申买价二", "申买量二", "申买价三", "申买量三", "申买价四", "申买量四", "申买价五", "申买量五", "行情时间", "主力合约标识", "状态码", "标的证券类型", "标的股票", "期权合约简称", "振幅", "最高价", "最低价", "成交量", "成交额", ] data_df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(field_list, data_list)), columns=["字段", "值"]) return data_df def option_sse_underlying_spot_price_sina(symbol: str = "sh510300") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 期权标的物的实时数据 :param symbol: sh510050 or sh510300 :type symbol: str :return: 期权标的物的信息 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ url = f"{symbol}" headers = { 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Host': '', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Proxy-Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Referer': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36' } r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) data_text = r.text data_list = data_text[data_text.find('"') + 1 : data_text.rfind('"')].split(",") field_list = [ "证券简称", "今日开盘价", "昨日收盘价", "最近成交价", "最高成交价", "最低成交价", "买入价", "卖出价", "成交数量", "成交金额", "买数量一", "买价位一", "买数量二", "买价位二", "买数量三", "买价位三", "买数量四", "买价位四", "买数量五", "买价位五", "卖数量一", "卖价位一", "卖数量二", "卖价位二", "卖数量三", "卖价位三", "卖数量四", "卖价位四", "卖数量五", "卖价位五", "行情日期", "行情时间", "停牌状态", ] data_df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(field_list, data_list)), columns=["字段", "值"]) return data_df def option_sse_greeks_sina(symbol: str = "10003045") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 期权基本信息表 :param symbol: 合约代码 :type symbol: str :return: 期权基本信息表 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ url = f"{symbol}" headers = { 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Host': '', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Proxy-Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Referer': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36' } r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) data_text = r.text data_list = data_text[data_text.find('"') + 1: data_text.rfind('"')].split(",") field_list = [ "期权合约简称", "成交量", "Delta", "Gamma", "Theta", "Vega", "隐含波动率", "最高价", "最低价", "交易代码", "行权价", "最新价", "理论价值", ] data_df = pd.DataFrame( list(zip(field_list, [data_list[0]] + data_list[4:])), columns=["字段", "值"] ) return data_df def option_sse_minute_sina(symbol: str = "10003720") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 指定期权品种在当前交易日的分钟数据, 只能获取当前交易日的数据, 不能获取历史分钟数据 :param symbol: 期权代码 :type symbol: str :return: 指定期权的当前交易日的分钟数据 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ url = "" params = {"symbol": f"CON_OP_{symbol}"} headers = { 'accept': '*/*', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'accept-language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'referer': '', 'sec-ch-ua': '" Not;A Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="97", "Chromium";v="97"', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'script', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'no-cors', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36', } r = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers) data_json = r.json() temp_df = data_json["result"]["data"] data_df = pd.DataFrame(temp_df) data_df.columns = ["时间", "价格", "成交", "持仓", "均价", "日期"] data_df = data_df[[ "日期", "时间", "价格", "成交", "持仓", "均价" ]] data_df['日期'] = pd.to_datetime(data_df['日期']) data_df['日期'].ffill(inplace=True) data_df['价格'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['价格']) data_df['成交'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['成交']) data_df['持仓'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['持仓']) data_df['均价'] = pd.to_numeric(data_df['均价']) return data_df def option_sse_daily_sina(symbol: str = "10003889") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 指定期权的日频率数据 :param symbol: 期权代码 :type symbol: str :return: 指定期权的所有日频率历史数据 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ url = "" params = {"symbol": f"CON_OP_{symbol}"} headers = { 'accept': '*/*', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'accept-language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'referer': '', 'sec-ch-ua': '" Not;A Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="97", "Chromium";v="97"', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'script', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'no-cors', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36', } r = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers) data_text = r.text data_json = json.loads(data_text[data_text.find("(") + 1 : data_text.rfind(")")]) temp_df =
import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import os breakout_index = 0 prev_breakout_index = 0 num_samples = 90 month = "july" num_samples_split = 10 path = str(num_samples_split) + "_normalized_refined_lfc/" #filename_breakout = "normalized datasets 2/normalized_breakout_" + month + ".xls" filename_goodcast = "normalized datasets 2/normalized_goodcasts_" + month + ".xls" #filename_aug = "normalized_breakout_aug.xls" sample = 0 num_intervals_gc = 0 num_intervals_bo = 0 def split_goodcast(filename, num_intervals_gc): data = pd.read_excel(filename) data = pd.DataFrame(data) data = data.values.tolist() nan_index = [-1] sizes = [] data_required = [] for i in range(0,len(data)): if(np.isnan(data[i][0])): nan_index += [i] for i in range(0, len(nan_index)-1): sizes += [nan_index[i+1] - nan_index[i] - 2] for i in range(1,len(nan_index)): print(i) for index in range(nan_index[i-1]+1, nan_index[i],num_samples_split): print(index) if(nan_index[i] == index + 1): continue data_required = data[index:index+num_samples_split] num_intervals_gc += 1
from BoostInference_no_parallelization import Booster import sys, pandas as pd, numpy as np import glob, pickle from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, precision_recall_curve, auc if len(sys.argv)<5: print('python df-val-PhyloPGM-input df-test-PhyloPGM-output info_tree fname_df_pgm_output') exit(0) fname_dtrain = sys.argv[1] fname_dtest = sys.argv[2] info_tree = sys.argv[3] fname_df_pgm_output = sys.argv[4] # given_pseudo_count = float(sys.argv[3]) print('fname_dtrain:', fname_dtrain, 'fname_dtest:', fname_dtest, # 'given_pseudo_count:', given_pseudo_count ) dtrain =
pd.read_csv(fname_dtrain, index_col=0)
# Import libraries import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer # Parameters n = 10 # the # of article headlines displayed per ticker tickers = ['AAPL', 'TSLA', 'AMZN'] # Get Data finwiz_url = '' news_tables = {} for ticker in tickers: url = finwiz_url + ticker req = Request(url=url, headers={'user-agent': 'my-app/0.0.1'}) resp = urlopen(req) html = BeautifulSoup(resp, features="lxml") news_table = html.find(id='news-table') news_tables[ticker] = news_table try: for ticker in tickers: df = news_tables[ticker] df_tr = df.findAll('tr') print('\n') print('Recent News Headlines for {}: '.format(ticker)) for i, table_row in enumerate(df_tr): a_text = table_row.a.text td_text = td_text = td_text.strip() print(a_text, '(', td_text, ')') if i == n - 1: break except KeyError: pass # Iterate through the news parsed_news = [] for file_name, news_table in news_tables.items(): for x in news_table.findAll('tr'): text = x.a.get_text() date_scrape = if len(date_scrape) == 1: time = date_scrape[0] else: date = date_scrape[0] time = date_scrape[1] ticker = file_name.split('_')[0] parsed_news.append([ticker, date, time, text]) # Sentiment Analysis analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() columns = ['Ticker', 'Date', 'Time', 'Headline'] news = pd.DataFrame(parsed_news, columns=columns) scores = news['Headline'].apply(analyzer.polarity_scores).tolist() df_scores =
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from twitter.twitter_data_model import User import pandas as pd def get_most_likely_author(usernames, tweet_to_classify, nlp): vects = [] # Puts vectorized tweets in dataframe for each user for username in usernames: user = User.query.filter( == username).one() user_vects = pd.DataFrame([tweet.vect for tweet in user.tweets]) user_vects['name'] = username vects.append(user_vects) # Puts all the above together in single dataframe df = pd.concat(vects) # Create training sets, fit model le = LabelEncoder() y_train = le.fit_transform(df['name']) X_train = df[[c for c in df.columns if not c == 'name']] model = LogisticRegression(), y_train) # Predict for given tweet, return predicted class X_pred = [nlp(tweet_to_classify).vector] y_pred = model.predict(X_pred)[0] return usernames[y_pred - 1] def compare_two_tweets(user0, user1, tweet_to_classify, nlp): vects = [] user_0 = User.query.filter( == user0).one() user_0_vects =
pd.DataFrame([tweet.vect for tweet in user_0.tweets])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import pytest from numpy.random import RandomState from numpy import nan from datetime import datetime from itertools import permutations from pandas import (Series, Categorical, CategoricalIndex, Timestamp, DatetimeIndex, Index, IntervalIndex) import pandas as pd from pandas import compat from pandas._libs import (groupby as libgroupby, algos as libalgos, hashtable as ht) from pandas._libs.hashtable import unique_label_indices from pandas.compat import lrange, range import pandas.core.algorithms as algos import pandas.core.common as com import pandas.util.testing as tm import pandas.util._test_decorators as td from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import CategoricalDtype as CDT from pandas.compat.numpy import np_array_datetime64_compat from pandas.util.testing import assert_almost_equal class TestMatch(object): def test_ints(self): values = np.array([0, 2, 1]) to_match = np.array([0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0]) result = algos.match(to_match, values) expected = np.array([0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, -1, 0], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = Series(algos.match(to_match, values, np.nan)) expected = Series(np.array([0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, np.nan, 0])) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) s = Series(np.arange(5), dtype=np.float32) result = algos.match(s, [2, 4]) expected = np.array([-1, -1, 0, -1, 1], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = Series(algos.match(s, [2, 4], np.nan)) expected = Series(np.array([np.nan, np.nan, 0, np.nan, 1])) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_strings(self): values = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] to_match = ['bar', 'foo', 'qux', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux'] result = algos.match(to_match, values) expected = np.array([1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 2, -1], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = Series(algos.match(to_match, values, np.nan)) expected = Series(np.array([1, 0, np.nan, 0, 1, 2, np.nan])) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) class TestFactorize(object): def test_basic(self): labels, uniques = algos.factorize(['a', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'c', 'c', 'c']) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal( uniques, np.array(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=object)) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(['a', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'c', 'c', 'c'], sort=True) exp = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp) exp = np.array(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=object) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(uniques, exp) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(list(reversed(range(5)))) exp = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp) exp = np.array([4, 3, 2, 1, 0], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(uniques, exp) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(list(reversed(range(5))), sort=True) exp = np.array([4, 3, 2, 1, 0], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp) exp = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(uniques, exp) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(list(reversed(np.arange(5.)))) exp = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp) exp = np.array([4., 3., 2., 1., 0.], dtype=np.float64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(uniques, exp) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(list(reversed(np.arange(5.))), sort=True) exp = np.array([4, 3, 2, 1, 0], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp) exp = np.array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4.], dtype=np.float64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(uniques, exp) def test_mixed(self): # doc example reshaping.rst x = Series(['A', 'A', np.nan, 'B', 3.14, np.inf]) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(x) exp = np.array([0, 0, -1, 1, 2, 3], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp) exp = Index(['A', 'B', 3.14, np.inf]) tm.assert_index_equal(uniques, exp) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(x, sort=True) exp = np.array([2, 2, -1, 3, 0, 1], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp) exp = Index([3.14, np.inf, 'A', 'B']) tm.assert_index_equal(uniques, exp) def test_datelike(self): # M8 v1 = Timestamp('20130101 09:00:00.00004') v2 = Timestamp('20130101') x = Series([v1, v1, v1, v2, v2, v1]) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(x) exp = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp) exp = DatetimeIndex([v1, v2]) tm.assert_index_equal(uniques, exp) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(x, sort=True) exp = np.array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp) exp = DatetimeIndex([v2, v1]) tm.assert_index_equal(uniques, exp) # period v1 = pd.Period('201302', freq='M') v2 = pd.Period('201303', freq='M') x = Series([v1, v1, v1, v2, v2, v1]) # periods are not 'sorted' as they are converted back into an index labels, uniques = algos.factorize(x) exp = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp) tm.assert_index_equal(uniques, pd.PeriodIndex([v1, v2])) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(x, sort=True) exp = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp) tm.assert_index_equal(uniques, pd.PeriodIndex([v1, v2])) # GH 5986 v1 = pd.to_timedelta('1 day 1 min') v2 = pd.to_timedelta('1 day') x = Series([v1, v2, v1, v1, v2, v2, v1]) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(x) exp = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp) tm.assert_index_equal(uniques, pd.to_timedelta([v1, v2])) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(x, sort=True) exp = np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp) tm.assert_index_equal(uniques, pd.to_timedelta([v2, v1])) def test_factorize_nan(self): # nan should map to na_sentinel, not reverse_indexer[na_sentinel] # rizer.factorize should not raise an exception if na_sentinel indexes # outside of reverse_indexer key = np.array([1, 2, 1, np.nan], dtype='O') rizer = ht.Factorizer(len(key)) for na_sentinel in (-1, 20): ids = rizer.factorize(key, sort=True, na_sentinel=na_sentinel) expected = np.array([0, 1, 0, na_sentinel], dtype='int32') assert len(set(key)) == len(set(expected)) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(pd.isna(key), expected == na_sentinel) # nan still maps to na_sentinel when sort=False key = np.array([0, np.nan, 1], dtype='O') na_sentinel = -1 # TODO(wesm): unused? ids = rizer.factorize(key, sort=False, na_sentinel=na_sentinel) # noqa expected = np.array([2, -1, 0], dtype='int32') assert len(set(key)) == len(set(expected)) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(pd.isna(key), expected == na_sentinel) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data,expected_label,expected_level", [ ( [(1, 1), (1, 2), (0, 0), (1, 2), 'nonsense'], [0, 1, 2, 1, 3], [(1, 1), (1, 2), (0, 0), 'nonsense'] ), ( [(1, 1), (1, 2), (0, 0), (1, 2), (1, 2, 3)], [0, 1, 2, 1, 3], [(1, 1), (1, 2), (0, 0), (1, 2, 3)] ), ( [(1, 1), (1, 2), (0, 0), (1, 2)], [0, 1, 2, 1], [(1, 1), (1, 2), (0, 0)] ) ]) def test_factorize_tuple_list(self, data, expected_label, expected_level): # GH9454 result = pd.factorize(data) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result[0], np.array(expected_label, dtype=np.intp)) expected_level_array = com._asarray_tuplesafe(expected_level, dtype=object) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result[1], expected_level_array) def test_complex_sorting(self): # gh 12666 - check no segfault # Test not valid numpy versions older than 1.11 if pd._np_version_under1p11: pytest.skip("Test valid only for numpy 1.11+") x17 = np.array([complex(i) for i in range(17)], dtype=object) pytest.raises(TypeError, algos.factorize, x17[::-1], sort=True) def test_uint64_factorize(self): data = np.array([2**63, 1, 2**63], dtype=np.uint64) exp_labels = np.array([0, 1, 0], dtype=np.intp) exp_uniques = np.array([2**63, 1], dtype=np.uint64) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(data) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp_labels) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(uniques, exp_uniques) data = np.array([2**63, -1, 2**63], dtype=object) exp_labels = np.array([0, 1, 0], dtype=np.intp) exp_uniques = np.array([2**63, -1], dtype=object) labels, uniques = algos.factorize(data) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(labels, exp_labels) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(uniques, exp_uniques) def test_deprecate_order(self): # gh 19727 - check warning is raised for deprecated keyword, order. # Test not valid once order keyword is removed. data = np.array([2**63, 1, 2**63], dtype=np.uint64) with tm.assert_produces_warning(expected_warning=FutureWarning): algos.factorize(data, order=True) with tm.assert_produces_warning(False): algos.factorize(data) @pytest.mark.parametrize('data', [ np.array([0, 1, 0], dtype='u8'), np.array([-2**63, 1, -2**63], dtype='i8'), np.array(['__nan__', 'foo', '__nan__'], dtype='object'), ]) def test_parametrized_factorize_na_value_default(self, data): # arrays that include the NA default for that type, but isn't used. l, u = algos.factorize(data) expected_uniques = data[[0, 1]] expected_labels = np.array([0, 1, 0], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(l, expected_labels) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(u, expected_uniques) @pytest.mark.parametrize('data, na_value', [ (np.array([0, 1, 0, 2], dtype='u8'), 0), (np.array([1, 0, 1, 2], dtype='u8'), 1), (np.array([-2**63, 1, -2**63, 0], dtype='i8'), -2**63), (np.array([1, -2**63, 1, 0], dtype='i8'), 1), (np.array(['a', '', 'a', 'b'], dtype=object), 'a'), (np.array([(), ('a', 1), (), ('a', 2)], dtype=object), ()), (np.array([('a', 1), (), ('a', 1), ('a', 2)], dtype=object), ('a', 1)), ]) def test_parametrized_factorize_na_value(self, data, na_value): l, u = algos._factorize_array(data, na_value=na_value) expected_uniques = data[[1, 3]] expected_labels = np.array([-1, 0, -1, 1], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(l, expected_labels) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(u, expected_uniques) class TestUnique(object): def test_ints(self): arr = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=50) result = algos.unique(arr) assert isinstance(result, np.ndarray) def test_objects(self): arr = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=50).astype('O') result = algos.unique(arr) assert isinstance(result, np.ndarray) def test_object_refcount_bug(self): lst = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'] for i in range(1000): len(algos.unique(lst)) def test_on_index_object(self): mindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([np.arange(5).repeat(5), np.tile( np.arange(5), 5)]) expected = mindex.values expected.sort() mindex = mindex.repeat(2) result = pd.unique(mindex) result.sort() tm.assert_almost_equal(result, expected) def test_datetime64_dtype_array_returned(self): # GH 9431 expected = np_array_datetime64_compat( ['2015-01-03T00:00:00.000000000+0000', '2015-01-01T00:00:00.000000000+0000'], dtype='M8[ns]') dt_index = pd.to_datetime(['2015-01-03T00:00:00.000000000+0000', '2015-01-01T00:00:00.000000000+0000', '2015-01-01T00:00:00.000000000+0000']) result = algos.unique(dt_index) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) assert result.dtype == expected.dtype s = Series(dt_index) result = algos.unique(s) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) assert result.dtype == expected.dtype arr = s.values result = algos.unique(arr) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) assert result.dtype == expected.dtype def test_timedelta64_dtype_array_returned(self): # GH 9431 expected = np.array([31200, 45678, 10000], dtype='m8[ns]') td_index = pd.to_timedelta([31200, 45678, 31200, 10000, 45678]) result = algos.unique(td_index) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) assert result.dtype == expected.dtype s = Series(td_index) result = algos.unique(s) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) assert result.dtype == expected.dtype arr = s.values result = algos.unique(arr) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) assert result.dtype == expected.dtype def test_uint64_overflow(self): s = Series([1, 2, 2**63, 2**63], dtype=np.uint64) exp = np.array([1, 2, 2**63], dtype=np.uint64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(algos.unique(s), exp) def test_nan_in_object_array(self): l = ['a', np.nan, 'c', 'c'] result = pd.unique(l) expected = np.array(['a', np.nan, 'c'], dtype=object) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) def test_categorical(self): # we are expecting to return in the order # of appearance expected = Categorical(list('bac'), categories=list('bac')) # we are expecting to return in the order # of the categories expected_o = Categorical( list('bac'), categories=list('abc'), ordered=True) # GH 15939 c = Categorical(list('baabc')) result = c.unique() tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected) result = algos.unique(c) tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected) c = Categorical(list('baabc'), ordered=True) result = c.unique() tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected_o) result = algos.unique(c) tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected_o) # Series of categorical dtype s = Series(Categorical(list('baabc')), name='foo') result = s.unique() tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected) result = pd.unique(s) tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected) # CI -> return CI ci = CategoricalIndex(Categorical(list('baabc'), categories=list('bac'))) expected = CategoricalIndex(expected) result = ci.unique() tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = pd.unique(ci) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_datetime64tz_aware(self): # GH 15939 result = Series( Index([Timestamp('20160101', tz='US/Eastern'), Timestamp('20160101', tz='US/Eastern')])).unique() expected = np.array([Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:00:00-0500', tz='US/Eastern')], dtype=object) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = Index([Timestamp('20160101', tz='US/Eastern'), Timestamp('20160101', tz='US/Eastern')]).unique() expected = DatetimeIndex(['2016-01-01 00:00:00'], dtype='datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]', freq=None) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = pd.unique( Series(Index([Timestamp('20160101', tz='US/Eastern'), Timestamp('20160101', tz='US/Eastern')]))) expected = np.array([Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:00:00-0500', tz='US/Eastern')], dtype=object) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = pd.unique(Index([Timestamp('20160101', tz='US/Eastern'), Timestamp('20160101', tz='US/Eastern')])) expected = DatetimeIndex(['2016-01-01 00:00:00'], dtype='datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]', freq=None) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_order_of_appearance(self): # 9346 # light testing of guarantee of order of appearance # these also are the doc-examples result = pd.unique(Series([2, 1, 3, 3])) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, np.array([2, 1, 3], dtype='int64')) result = pd.unique(Series([2] + [1] * 5)) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, np.array([2, 1], dtype='int64')) result = pd.unique(Series([Timestamp('20160101'), Timestamp('20160101')])) expected = np.array(['2016-01-01T00:00:00.000000000'], dtype='datetime64[ns]') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = pd.unique(Index( [Timestamp('20160101', tz='US/Eastern'), Timestamp('20160101', tz='US/Eastern')])) expected = DatetimeIndex(['2016-01-01 00:00:00'], dtype='datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]', freq=None) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = pd.unique(list('aabc')) expected = np.array(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=object) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = pd.unique(Series(Categorical(list('aabc')))) expected = Categorical(list('abc')) tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg ,expected", [ (('1', '1', '2'), np.array(['1', '2'], dtype=object)), (('foo',), np.array(['foo'], dtype=object)) ]) def test_tuple_with_strings(self, arg, expected): # see GH 17108 result = pd.unique(arg) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) class TestIsin(object): def test_invalid(self): pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: algos.isin(1, 1)) pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: algos.isin(1, [1])) pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: algos.isin([1], 1)) def test_basic(self): result = algos.isin([1, 2], [1]) expected = np.array([True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.isin(np.array([1, 2]), [1]) expected = np.array([True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.isin(Series([1, 2]), [1]) expected = np.array([True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.isin(Series([1, 2]), Series([1])) expected = np.array([True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.isin(Series([1, 2]), set([1])) expected = np.array([True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.isin(['a', 'b'], ['a']) expected = np.array([True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.isin(Series(['a', 'b']), Series(['a'])) expected = np.array([True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.isin(Series(['a', 'b']), set(['a'])) expected = np.array([True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.isin(['a', 'b'], [1]) expected = np.array([False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) def test_i8(self): arr = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3).values result = algos.isin(arr, [arr[0]]) expected = np.array([True, False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.isin(arr, arr[0:2]) expected = np.array([True, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.isin(arr, set(arr[0:2])) expected = np.array([True, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) arr = pd.timedelta_range('1 day', periods=3).values result = algos.isin(arr, [arr[0]]) expected = np.array([True, False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.isin(arr, arr[0:2]) expected = np.array([True, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.isin(arr, set(arr[0:2])) expected = np.array([True, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) def test_large(self): s = pd.date_range('20000101', periods=2000000, freq='s').values result = algos.isin(s, s[0:2]) expected = np.zeros(len(s), dtype=bool) expected[0] = True expected[1] = True tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) def test_categorical_from_codes(self): # GH 16639 vals = np.array([0, 1, 2, 0]) cats = ['a', 'b', 'c'] Sd = Series(Categorical(1).from_codes(vals, cats)) St = Series(Categorical(1).from_codes(np.array([0, 1]), cats)) expected = np.array([True, True, False, True]) result = algos.isin(Sd, St) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(expected, result) @pytest.mark.parametrize("empty", [[], Series(), np.array([])]) def test_empty(self, empty): # see gh-16991 vals = Index(["a", "b"]) expected = np.array([False, False]) result = algos.isin(vals, empty) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(expected, result) class TestValueCounts(object): def test_value_counts(self): np.random.seed(1234) from pandas.core.reshape.tile import cut arr = np.random.randn(4) factor = cut(arr, 4) # assert isinstance(factor, n) result = algos.value_counts(factor) breaks = [-1.194, -0.535, 0.121, 0.777, 1.433] index = IntervalIndex.from_breaks(breaks).astype(CDT(ordered=True)) expected = Series([1, 1, 1, 1], index=index) tm.assert_series_equal(result.sort_index(), expected.sort_index()) def test_value_counts_bins(self): s = [1, 2, 3, 4] result = algos.value_counts(s, bins=1) expected = Series([4], index=IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(0.996, 4.0)])) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = algos.value_counts(s, bins=2, sort=False) expected = Series([2, 2], index=IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(0.996, 2.5), (2.5, 4.0)])) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_value_counts_dtypes(self): result = algos.value_counts([1, 1.]) assert len(result) == 1 result = algos.value_counts([1, 1.], bins=1) assert len(result) == 1 result = algos.value_counts(Series([1, 1., '1'])) # object assert len(result) == 2 pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda s: algos.value_counts(s, bins=1), ['1', 1]) def test_value_counts_nat(self): td = Series([np.timedelta64(10000), pd.NaT], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') dt = pd.to_datetime(['NaT', '2014-01-01']) for s in [td, dt]: vc = algos.value_counts(s) vc_with_na = algos.value_counts(s, dropna=False) assert len(vc) == 1 assert len(vc_with_na) == 2 exp_dt = Series({Timestamp('2014-01-01 00:00:00'): 1}) tm.assert_series_equal(algos.value_counts(dt), exp_dt) # TODO same for (timedelta) def test_value_counts_datetime_outofbounds(self): # GH 13663 s = Series([datetime(3000, 1, 1), datetime(5000, 1, 1), datetime(5000, 1, 1), datetime(6000, 1, 1), datetime(3000, 1, 1), datetime(3000, 1, 1)]) res = s.value_counts() exp_index = Index([datetime(3000, 1, 1), datetime(5000, 1, 1), datetime(6000, 1, 1)], dtype=object) exp = Series([3, 2, 1], index=exp_index) tm.assert_series_equal(res, exp) # GH 12424 res = pd.to_datetime(Series(['2362-01-01', np.nan]), errors='ignore') exp = Series(['2362-01-01', np.nan], dtype=object) tm.assert_series_equal(res, exp) def test_categorical(self): s = Series(Categorical(list('aaabbc'))) result = s.value_counts() expected = Series([3, 2, 1], index=CategoricalIndex(['a', 'b', 'c'])) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected, check_index_type=True) # preserve order? s = result = s.value_counts() expected.index = expected.index.as_ordered() tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected, check_index_type=True) def test_categorical_nans(self): s = Series(Categorical(list('aaaaabbbcc'))) # 4,3,2,1 (nan) s.iloc[1] = np.nan result = s.value_counts() expected = Series([4, 3, 2], index=CategoricalIndex( ['a', 'b', 'c'], categories=['a', 'b', 'c'])) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected, check_index_type=True) result = s.value_counts(dropna=False) expected = Series([ 4, 3, 2, 1 ], index=CategoricalIndex(['a', 'b', 'c', np.nan])) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected, check_index_type=True) # out of order s = Series(Categorical( list('aaaaabbbcc'), ordered=True, categories=['b', 'a', 'c'])) s.iloc[1] = np.nan result = s.value_counts() expected = Series([4, 3, 2], index=CategoricalIndex( ['a', 'b', 'c'], categories=['b', 'a', 'c'], ordered=True)) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected, check_index_type=True) result = s.value_counts(dropna=False) expected = Series([4, 3, 2, 1], index=CategoricalIndex( ['a', 'b', 'c', np.nan], categories=['b', 'a', 'c'], ordered=True)) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected, check_index_type=True) def test_categorical_zeroes(self): # keep the `d` category with 0 s = Series(Categorical( list('bbbaac'), categories=list('abcd'), ordered=True)) result = s.value_counts() expected = Series([3, 2, 1, 0], index=Categorical( ['b', 'a', 'c', 'd'], categories=list('abcd'), ordered=True)) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected, check_index_type=True) def test_dropna(self): # tm.assert_series_equal( Series([True, True, False]).value_counts(dropna=True), Series([2, 1], index=[True, False])) tm.assert_series_equal( Series([True, True, False]).value_counts(dropna=False), Series([2, 1], index=[True, False])) tm.assert_series_equal( Series([True, True, False, None]).value_counts(dropna=True), Series([2, 1], index=[True, False])) tm.assert_series_equal( Series([True, True, False, None]).value_counts(dropna=False), Series([2, 1, 1], index=[True, False, np.nan])) tm.assert_series_equal( Series([10.3, 5., 5.]).value_counts(dropna=True), Series([2, 1], index=[5., 10.3])) tm.assert_series_equal( Series([10.3, 5., 5.]).value_counts(dropna=False), Series([2, 1], index=[5., 10.3])) tm.assert_series_equal( Series([10.3, 5., 5., None]).value_counts(dropna=True), Series([2, 1], index=[5., 10.3])) # 32-bit linux has a different ordering if not compat.is_platform_32bit(): result = Series([10.3, 5., 5., None]).value_counts(dropna=False) expected = Series([2, 1, 1], index=[5., 10.3, np.nan]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_value_counts_normalized(self): # GH12558 s = Series([1, 2, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]) dtypes = (np.float64, np.object, 'M8[ns]') for t in dtypes: s_typed = s.astype(t) result = s_typed.value_counts(normalize=True, dropna=False) expected = Series([0.6, 0.2, 0.2], index=Series([np.nan, 2.0, 1.0], dtype=t)) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s_typed.value_counts(normalize=True, dropna=True) expected = Series([0.5, 0.5], index=Series([2.0, 1.0], dtype=t)) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_value_counts_uint64(self): arr = np.array([2**63], dtype=np.uint64) expected = Series([1], index=[2**63]) result = algos.value_counts(arr) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) arr = np.array([-1, 2**63], dtype=object) expected = Series([1, 1], index=[-1, 2**63]) result = algos.value_counts(arr) # 32-bit linux has a different ordering if not compat.is_platform_32bit(): tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) class TestDuplicated(object): def test_duplicated_with_nas(self): keys = np.array([0, 1, np.nan, 0, 2, np.nan], dtype=object) result = algos.duplicated(keys) expected = np.array([False, False, False, True, False, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.duplicated(keys, keep='first') expected = np.array([False, False, False, True, False, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.duplicated(keys, keep='last') expected = np.array([True, False, True, False, False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.duplicated(keys, keep=False) expected = np.array([True, False, True, True, False, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) keys = np.empty(8, dtype=object) for i, t in enumerate(zip([0, 0, np.nan, np.nan] * 2, [0, np.nan, 0, np.nan] * 2)): keys[i] = t result = algos.duplicated(keys) falses = [False] * 4 trues = [True] * 4 expected = np.array(falses + trues) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.duplicated(keys, keep='last') expected = np.array(trues + falses) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = algos.duplicated(keys, keep=False) expected = np.array(trues + trues) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('case', [ np.array([1, 2, 1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6]), np.array([1.1, 2.2, 1.1, np.nan, 3.3, 2.2, 4.4, 1.1, np.nan, 6.6]), pytest.param(np.array([1 + 1j, 2 + 2j, 1 + 1j, 5 + 5j, 3 + 3j, 2 + 2j, 4 + 4j, 1 + 1j, 5 + 5j, 6 + 6j]), marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Complex bug. GH 16399") ), np.array(['a', 'b', 'a', 'e', 'c', 'b', 'd', 'a', 'e', 'f'], dtype=object), np.array([1, 2**63, 1, 3**5, 10, 2**63, 39, 1, 3**5, 7], dtype=np.uint64), ]) def test_numeric_object_likes(self, case): exp_first = np.array([False, False, True, False, False, True, False, True, True, False]) exp_last = np.array([True, True, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False]) exp_false = exp_first | exp_last res_first = algos.duplicated(case, keep='first') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res_first, exp_first) res_last = algos.duplicated(case, keep='last') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res_last, exp_last) res_false = algos.duplicated(case, keep=False) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res_false, exp_false) # index for idx in [Index(case), Index(case, dtype='category')]: res_first = idx.duplicated(keep='first') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res_first, exp_first) res_last = idx.duplicated(keep='last') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res_last, exp_last) res_false = idx.duplicated(keep=False) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res_false, exp_false) # series for s in [Series(case), Series(case, dtype='category')]: res_first = s.duplicated(keep='first') tm.assert_series_equal(res_first, Series(exp_first)) res_last = s.duplicated(keep='last') tm.assert_series_equal(res_last, Series(exp_last)) res_false = s.duplicated(keep=False) tm.assert_series_equal(res_false, Series(exp_false)) def test_datetime_likes(self): dt = ['2011-01-01', '2011-01-02', '2011-01-01', 'NaT', '2011-01-03', '2011-01-02', '2011-01-04', '2011-01-01', 'NaT', '2011-01-06'] td = ['1 days', '2 days', '1 days', 'NaT', '3 days', '2 days', '4 days', '1 days', 'NaT', '6 days'] cases = [np.array([Timestamp(d) for d in dt]), np.array([Timestamp(d, tz='US/Eastern') for d in dt]), np.array([pd.Period(d, freq='D') for d in dt]), np.array([np.datetime64(d) for d in dt]), np.array([pd.Timedelta(d) for d in td])] exp_first = np.array([False, False, True, False, False, True, False, True, True, False]) exp_last = np.array([True, True, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False]) exp_false = exp_first | exp_last for case in cases: res_first = algos.duplicated(case, keep='first') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res_first, exp_first) res_last = algos.duplicated(case, keep='last') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res_last, exp_last) res_false = algos.duplicated(case, keep=False) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res_false, exp_false) # index for idx in [Index(case), Index(case, dtype='category'), Index(case, dtype=object)]: res_first = idx.duplicated(keep='first') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res_first, exp_first) res_last = idx.duplicated(keep='last') tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res_last, exp_last) res_false = idx.duplicated(keep=False) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res_false, exp_false) # series for s in [Series(case), Series(case, dtype='category'), Series(case, dtype=object)]: res_first = s.duplicated(keep='first') tm.assert_series_equal(res_first, Series(exp_first)) res_last = s.duplicated(keep='last') tm.assert_series_equal(res_last, Series(exp_last)) res_false = s.duplicated(keep=False) tm.assert_series_equal(res_false, Series(exp_false)) def test_unique_index(self): cases = [Index([1, 2, 3]), pd.RangeIndex(0, 3)] for case in cases: assert case.is_unique tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(case.duplicated(), np.array([False, False, False])) @pytest.mark.parametrize('arr, unique', [ ([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)], [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]), ([('b', 'c'), ('a', 'b'), ('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c')], [('b', 'c'), ('a', 'b')]), ([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('a', 3), ('a', 1)], [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('a', 3)]), ]) def test_unique_tuples(self, arr, unique): # expected = np.empty(len(unique), dtype=object) expected[:] = unique result = pd.unique(arr) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) class GroupVarTestMixin(object): def test_group_var_generic_1d(self): prng = RandomState(1234) out = (np.nan * np.ones((5, 1))).astype(self.dtype) counts = np.zeros(5, dtype='int64') values = 10 * prng.rand(15, 1).astype(self.dtype) labels = np.tile(np.arange(5), (3, )).astype('int64') expected_out = (np.squeeze(values) .reshape((5, 3), order='F') .std(axis=1, ddof=1) ** 2)[:, np.newaxis] expected_counts = counts + 3 self.algo(out, counts, values, labels) assert np.allclose(out, expected_out, self.rtol) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(counts, expected_counts) def test_group_var_generic_1d_flat_labels(self): prng = RandomState(1234) out = (np.nan * np.ones((1, 1))).astype(self.dtype) counts = np.zeros(1, dtype='int64') values = 10 * prng.rand(5, 1).astype(self.dtype) labels = np.zeros(5, dtype='int64') expected_out = np.array([[values.std(ddof=1) ** 2]]) expected_counts = counts + 5 self.algo(out, counts, values, labels) assert np.allclose(out, expected_out, self.rtol) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(counts, expected_counts) def test_group_var_generic_2d_all_finite(self): prng = RandomState(1234) out = (np.nan * np.ones((5, 2))).astype(self.dtype) counts = np.zeros(5, dtype='int64') values = 10 * prng.rand(10, 2).astype(self.dtype) labels = np.tile(np.arange(5), (2, )).astype('int64') expected_out = np.std(values.reshape(2, 5, 2), ddof=1, axis=0) ** 2 expected_counts = counts + 2 self.algo(out, counts, values, labels) assert np.allclose(out, expected_out, self.rtol) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(counts, expected_counts) def test_group_var_generic_2d_some_nan(self): prng = RandomState(1234) out = (np.nan * np.ones((5, 2))).astype(self.dtype) counts = np.zeros(5, dtype='int64') values = 10 * prng.rand(10, 2).astype(self.dtype) values[:, 1] = np.nan labels = np.tile(np.arange(5), (2, )).astype('int64') expected_out = np.vstack([values[:, 0] .reshape(5, 2, order='F') .std(ddof=1, axis=1) ** 2, np.nan * np.ones(5)]).T.astype(self.dtype) expected_counts = counts + 2 self.algo(out, counts, values, labels) tm.assert_almost_equal(out, expected_out, check_less_precise=6) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(counts, expected_counts) def test_group_var_constant(self): # Regression test from GH 10448. out = np.array([[np.nan]], dtype=self.dtype) counts = np.array([0], dtype='int64') values = 0.832845131556193 * np.ones((3, 1), dtype=self.dtype) labels = np.zeros(3, dtype='int64') self.algo(out, counts, values, labels) assert counts[0] == 3 assert out[0, 0] >= 0 tm.assert_almost_equal(out[0, 0], 0.0) class TestGroupVarFloat64(GroupVarTestMixin): __test__ = True algo = libgroupby.group_var_float64 dtype = np.float64 rtol = 1e-5 def test_group_var_large_inputs(self): prng = RandomState(1234) out = np.array([[np.nan]], dtype=self.dtype) counts = np.array([0], dtype='int64') values = (prng.rand(10 ** 6) + 10 ** 12).astype(self.dtype) values.shape = (10 ** 6, 1) labels = np.zeros(10 ** 6, dtype='int64') self.algo(out, counts, values, labels) assert counts[0] == 10 ** 6 tm.assert_almost_equal(out[0, 0], 1.0 / 12, check_less_precise=True) class TestGroupVarFloat32(GroupVarTestMixin): __test__ = True algo = libgroupby.group_var_float32 dtype = np.float32 rtol = 1e-2 class TestHashTable(object): def test_lookup_nan(self): xs = np.array([2.718, 3.14, np.nan, -7, 5, 2, 3]) m = ht.Float64HashTable() m.map_locations(xs) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(m.lookup(xs), np.arange(len(xs), dtype=np.int64)) def test_lookup_overflow(self): xs = np.array([1, 2, 2**63], dtype=np.uint64) m = ht.UInt64HashTable() m.map_locations(xs) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(m.lookup(xs), np.arange(len(xs), dtype=np.int64)) def test_get_unique(self): s = Series([1, 2, 2**63, 2**63], dtype=np.uint64) exp = np.array([1, 2, 2**63], dtype=np.uint64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(s.unique(), exp) def test_vector_resize(self): # Test for memory errors after internal vector # reallocations (pull request #7157) def _test_vector_resize(htable, uniques, dtype, nvals, safely_resizes): vals = np.array(np.random.randn(1000), dtype=dtype) # get_labels may append to uniques htable.get_labels(vals[:nvals], uniques, 0, -1) # to_array() set an external_view_exists flag on uniques. tmp = uniques.to_array() oldshape = tmp.shape # subsequent get_labels() calls can no longer append to it # (for all but StringHashTables + ObjectVector) if safely_resizes: htable.get_labels(vals, uniques, 0, -1) else: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: htable.get_labels(vals, uniques, 0, -1) assert str(excinfo.value).startswith('external reference') uniques.to_array() # should not raise here assert tmp.shape == oldshape test_cases = [ (ht.PyObjectHashTable, ht.ObjectVector, 'object', False), (ht.StringHashTable, ht.ObjectVector, 'object', True), (ht.Float64HashTable, ht.Float64Vector, 'float64', False), (ht.Int64HashTable, ht.Int64Vector, 'int64', False), (ht.UInt64HashTable, ht.UInt64Vector, 'uint64', False)] for (tbl, vect, dtype, safely_resizes) in test_cases: # resizing to empty is a special case _test_vector_resize(tbl(), vect(), dtype, 0, safely_resizes) _test_vector_resize(tbl(), vect(), dtype, 10, safely_resizes) def test_quantile(): s = Series(np.random.randn(100)) result = algos.quantile(s, [0, .25, .5, .75, 1.]) expected = algos.quantile(s.values, [0, .25, .5, .75, 1.]) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, expected) def test_unique_label_indices(): a = np.random.randint(1, 1 << 10, 1 << 15).astype('i8') left = unique_label_indices(a) right = np.unique(a, return_index=True)[1] tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(left, right, check_dtype=False) a[np.random.choice(len(a), 10)] = -1 left = unique_label_indices(a) right = np.unique(a, return_index=True)[1][1:] tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(left, right, check_dtype=False) class TestRank(object): @td.skip_if_no_scipy def test_scipy_compat(self): from scipy.stats import rankdata def _check(arr): mask = ~np.isfinite(arr) arr = arr.copy() result = libalgos.rank_1d_float64(arr) arr[mask] = np.inf exp = rankdata(arr) exp[mask] = nan assert_almost_equal(result, exp) _check(np.array([nan, nan, 5., 5., 5., nan, 1, 2, 3, nan])) _check(np.array([4., nan, 5., 5., 5., nan, 1, 2, 4., nan])) def test_basic(self): exp = np.array([1, 2], dtype=np.float64) for dtype in np.typecodes['AllInteger']: s = Series([1, 100], dtype=dtype) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(algos.rank(s), exp) def test_uint64_overflow(self): exp = np.array([1, 2], dtype=np.float64) for dtype in [np.float64, np.uint64]: s = Series([1, 2**63], dtype=dtype) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(algos.rank(s), exp) def test_too_many_ndims(self): arr = np.array([[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]]) msg = "Array with ndim > 2 are not supported" with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg): algos.rank(arr) def test_pad_backfill_object_segfault(): old = np.array([], dtype='O') new = np.array([datetime(2010, 12, 31)], dtype='O') result = libalgos.pad_object(old, new) expected = np.array([-1], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = libalgos.pad_object(new, old) expected = np.array([], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = libalgos.backfill_object(old, new) expected = np.array([-1], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = libalgos.backfill_object(new, old) expected = np.array([], dtype=np.int64)
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
# MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2021. <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # Reference: # # import the necessary packages import sys import os import unidecode from colorama import Fore, Style import re import numpy as np, cv2, imutils import pandas as pd from keras.models import load_model from pdf2image import convert_from_path from PIL import Image from datetime import datetime from process_copy.config import re_mat from process_copy.config import MoodleFields as MF from process_copy.mcc import get_name, load_csv allowed_decimals = ['0', '25', '5', '75'] corrected_decimals = ['5', '75'] # for length 1, use first one, lenght 2, use second one ... len_mat = 7 RED = (225,6,0) GREEN = (0,154,23) ORANGE = (255,127,0) BLACK=(0,0,0) ph = 0 pw = 0 half_dpi = 0 quarter_dpi = 0 one_height_dpi = 0 def refresh(dpi=300): global ph, pw, half_dpi, quarter_dpi, one_height_dpi ph = int(11 * dpi) pw = int(8.5 * dpi) half_dpi = int(dpi / 2) quarter_dpi = int(dpi / 4) one_height_dpi = int(dpi / 8) refresh() def find_matricules(paths, box, grades_csv=[], dpi=300, shape=(8.5, 11)): shape = (int(dpi * shape[0]), int(dpi * shape[1])) # loading our CNN model classifier = load_model('digit_recognizer.h5') # load csv grades_dfs, grades_names = load_csv(grades_csv) root_dir = None # list files and directories matricules_data = {} duplicates = set() invalid = [] for path in paths: r = os.path.dirname(path) if not root_dir: root_dir = r elif root_dir.count('/') > r.count('/'): root_dir = r for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: if not f.endswith('.pdf'): continue file = os.path.join(root, f) if os.path.isfile(file): grays = gray_images(file, shape=shape) if grays is None: print(Fore.RED + "%s: No valid pdf" % f + Style.RESET_ALL) continue mat, id_box, id_group = find_matricule(grays, box['front'], box['regular'], classifier, grades_dfs, separate_box=box['separate_box']) name = grades_dfs[id_group].at[mat,] if id_group is not None else mat if name: name = unidecode.unidecode(name) if not mat: print(Fore.RED + "No matricule found for %s" % f + Style.RESET_ALL) else: print("Matricule %s found for %s. Name: %s" % (mat, f, name)) m = mat if mat else "NA" if m not in matricules_data: matricules_data[m] = [] # if no valid matricule has been found if m != "NA" and grades_dfs and id_group is None: invalid.append(m) elif m != "NA": duplicates.add(m) matricules_data[m].append((id_box, name, file)) sumarries = [] csvf = "Id,Matricule,NomComplet,File\n" def add_summary(mat, id_box, name, file, invalid=False, initial_index=1): i = len(sumarries)+initial_index l_csv = '%d,%s,%s,%s\n' % (i, mat if mat else '', name if name else '', file) sumarry = create_summary(id_box, name, None, None, "%d: %s" % (i, file.rsplit('/')[-1]), dpi, align_matricule_left=False, name_bottom=False, invalid=invalid) sumarries.append(sumarry) return l_csv print(Fore.RED) if 'NA' in matricules_data: for id_box, name, file in matricules_data['NA']: print("No matricule found for %s" % file) csvf += add_summary(None, id_box, None, file) matricules_data.pop('NA') for m in sorted(invalid): print("No valid matricule %s for:" % m) for id_box, name, file in matricules_data[m]: print(" " + file) csvf += add_summary(m, id_box, None, file, invalid=True) matricules_data.pop(m) for m in sorted(duplicates): print("Duplicate files found for matricule %s:" % m) for id_box, name, file in matricules_data[m]: print(" " + file) csvf += add_summary(m, id_box, name, file, invalid=True) matricules_data.pop(m) print(Style.RESET_ALL) for m in sorted(matricules_data): if len(matricules_data[m]) != 1: raise ValueError('The list should contain only one element associated to a given matricule (%s)' % m) id_box, name, file = matricules_data[m][0] csvf += add_summary(m, id_box, name, file) # save summary pdf and grades pages = create_whole_summary(sumarries) save_pages(pages, os.path.join(root_dir, "matricule_summary.pdf")) with open(os.path.join(root_dir, "matricules.csv"), 'w') as wf: wf.write(csvf) def grade_all(paths, grades_csv, box, id_box=None, dpi=300, shape=(8.5,11)): shape = (int(dpi * shape[0]), int(dpi * shape[1])) # load csv grades_dfs, grades_names = load_csv(grades_csv) # load max grade if available max_grade = None for df in grades_dfs: for idx, row in df.iterrows(): s = row[MF.max] if pd.isna(s): continue if isinstance(s, str): s = s.replace(',', '.') try: s = float(s) except: continue if max_grade is None or s < max_grade: max_grade = s # loading our CNN model classifier = load_model('digit_recognizer.h5') # grade files grades_data = [] dt = get_date() trim = box['trim'] if 'trim' in box else None for path in paths: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: if not f.endswith('.pdf'): continue # search matricule m =, f) if not m: print("Matricule wasn't found in "+f) continue m = # try to recognize each grade and verify the total file = os.path.join(root, f) if os.path.isfile(file): grays = gray_images(file, [0], straighten=False, shape=shape) if grays is None: print(Fore.RED + "%s: No valid pdf" % f + Style.RESET_ALL) continue gray = grays[0] total_matched, numbers, grades = grade(gray, box['grade'], classifier=classifier, trim=trim, max_grade=max_grade) i, name = get_name(m, grades_dfs) if i < 0: print(Fore.RED + "%s: Matricule (%s) not found in csv files" % (f, m) + Style.RESET_ALL) # fill moodle csv file if numbers: if pd.isna(grades_dfs[i].at[m, MF.grade]): print("%s: %.2f" % (f, numbers[-1])) grades_dfs[i].at[m, MF.grade] = numbers[-1] grades_dfs[i].at[m, MF.mdate] = dt elif grades_dfs[i].at[m, MF.grade] != numbers[-1]: print(Fore.RED + "%s: there is already a grade (%.2f) different of %.2f" % (f, grades_dfs[i].at[m, MF.grade], numbers[-1]) + Style.RESET_ALL) else: print("%s: found same grade %.2f" % (f, numbers[-1])) else: print(Fore.GREEN + "%s: No valid grade" % f + Style.RESET_ALL) grades_dfs[i].at[m, MF.mdate] = dt # Display in the summary the identity box if provided id_img = None if id_box: # find the id box cropped = fetch_box(gray, id_box['front']) cnts = cv2.findContours(find_edges(cropped, thick=0), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = imutils.grab_contours(cnts) imwrite_contours("id_gray", cropped, cnts, thick=5) # Find the biggest contour for the front box pos, biggest_c = max(enumerate(cnts), key=lambda cnt: cv2.contourArea(cnt[1])) id_img = get_image_from_contour(cropped, biggest_c) grades_data.append((m, i, f, grades, numbers, total_matched, id_img)) # check the number of files that have benn dropped on moodle if any n = 0 for df in grades_dfs: for idx, row in df.iterrows(): s = row[MF.status] if pd.isna(s): continue if s.startswith(MF.status_start_filter): n += 1 if n > 0 and n != len(grades_data): print(Fore.RED + "%d copies have been uploaded on moodle, but %d have been graded" % (n, len(grades_data)) + Style.RESET_ALL) # add summarry sumarries = [[] for f in grades_csv] def add_summary(file, grades, mat, numbers, total_matched, id_group, id_img=None, initial_index=2): lsum = sumarries[id_group] # rename file name = "%d: %s" % (len(lsum)+initial_index, file) # recover id box if provided if id_img is not None: sumarry = create_summary2(id_img, grades, mat, numbers, total_matched, name, dpi) else: sumarry = create_summary(grades, mat, numbers, total_matched, name, dpi) lsum.append(sumarry) grades_data = sorted(grades_data) for mat, id_group, file, grades, numbers, total_matched, id_img in grades_data: add_summary(file, grades, mat, numbers, total_matched, id_group, id_img) # write summary for i, f in enumerate(grades_csv): pages = create_whole_summary(sumarries[i]) gname = f.split('.')[0] save_pages(pages, gname + "_summary.pdf") # store grades df = grades_dfs[i] # sort by status (Remis in first) then matricules (index) status = np.array([not
import re import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest import cudf from cudf import melt as cudf_melt from cudf.core import DataFrame from cudf.tests.utils import ( ALL_TYPES, DATETIME_TYPES, NUMERIC_TYPES, assert_eq, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_id_vars", [0, 1, 2, 10]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_value_vars", [0, 1, 2, 10]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_rows", [1, 2, 1000]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", NUMERIC_TYPES + DATETIME_TYPES) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nulls", ["none", "some", "all"]) def test_melt(nulls, num_id_vars, num_value_vars, num_rows, dtype): if dtype not in ["float32", "float64"] and nulls in ["some", "all"]: pytest.skip(msg="nulls not supported in dtype: " + dtype) pdf = pd.DataFrame() id_vars = [] for i in range(num_id_vars): colname = "id" + str(i) data = np.random.randint(0, 26, num_rows).astype(dtype) if nulls == "some": idx = np.random.choice( num_rows, size=int(num_rows / 2), replace=False ) data[idx] = np.nan elif nulls == "all": data[:] = np.nan pdf[colname] = data id_vars.append(colname) value_vars = [] for i in range(num_value_vars): colname = "val" + str(i) data = np.random.randint(0, 26, num_rows).astype(dtype) if nulls == "some": idx = np.random.choice( num_rows, size=int(num_rows / 2), replace=False ) data[idx] = np.nan elif nulls == "all": data[:] = np.nan pdf[colname] = data value_vars.append(colname) gdf = DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) got = cudf_melt(frame=gdf, id_vars=id_vars, value_vars=value_vars) got_from_melt_method = gdf.melt(id_vars=id_vars, value_vars=value_vars) expect = pd.melt(frame=pdf, id_vars=id_vars, value_vars=value_vars) # pandas' melt makes the 'variable' column of 'object' type (string) # cuDF's melt makes it Categorical because it doesn't support strings expect["variable"] = expect["variable"].astype("category") assert_eq(expect, got) assert_eq(expect, got_from_melt_method) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_cols", [1, 2, 10]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_rows", [1, 2, 1000]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dtype", list(NUMERIC_TYPES + DATETIME_TYPES) + [pytest.param("str", marks=pytest.mark.xfail())], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nulls", ["none", "some"]) def test_df_stack(nulls, num_cols, num_rows, dtype): if dtype not in ["float32", "float64"] and nulls in ["some"]: pytest.skip(msg="nulls not supported in dtype: " + dtype) pdf = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(num_cols): colname = str(i) data = np.random.randint(0, 26, num_rows).astype(dtype) if nulls == "some": idx = np.random.choice( num_rows, size=int(num_rows / 2), replace=False ) data[idx] = np.nan pdf[colname] = data gdf = DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) got = gdf.stack() expect = pdf.stack() if {None} == set(expect.index.names): expect.rename_axis( list(range(0, len(expect.index.names))), inplace=True ) assert_eq(expect, got) pass @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_rows", [1, 2, 10, 1000]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_cols", [1, 2, 10]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dtype", NUMERIC_TYPES + DATETIME_TYPES + ["category"] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nulls", ["none", "some"]) def test_interleave_columns(nulls, num_cols, num_rows, dtype): if dtype not in ["float32", "float64"] and nulls in ["some"]: pytest.skip(msg="nulls not supported in dtype: " + dtype) pdf = pd.DataFrame(dtype=dtype) for i in range(num_cols): colname = str(i) data = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0, 26, num_rows)).astype(dtype) if nulls == "some": idx = np.random.choice( num_rows, size=int(num_rows / 2), replace=False ) data[idx] = np.nan pdf[colname] = data gdf = DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) if dtype == "category": with pytest.raises(ValueError): assert gdf.interleave_columns() else: got = gdf.interleave_columns() expect = pd.Series(np.vstack(pdf.to_numpy()).reshape((-1,))).astype( dtype ) assert_eq(expect, got) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_cols", [1, 2, 10]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_rows", [1, 2, 1000]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("count", [1, 2, 10]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", ALL_TYPES) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nulls", ["none", "some"]) def test_tile(nulls, num_cols, num_rows, dtype, count): if dtype not in ["float32", "float64"] and nulls in ["some"]: pytest.skip(msg="nulls not supported in dtype: " + dtype) pdf = pd.DataFrame(dtype=dtype) for i in range(num_cols): colname = str(i) data = pd.Series(np.random.randint(num_cols, 26, num_rows)).astype( dtype ) if nulls == "some": idx = np.random.choice( num_rows, size=int(num_rows / 2), replace=False ) data[idx] = np.nan pdf[colname] = data gdf = DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) got = gdf.tile(count) expect = pd.DataFrame(pd.concat([pdf] * count)) assert_eq(expect, got) def _prepare_merge_sorted_test( size, nparts, keys, add_null=False, na_position="last", ascending=True, series=False, index=False, ): if index: df = ( cudf.datasets.timeseries()[:size] .reset_index(drop=False) .set_index(keys, drop=True) ) else: df = cudf.datasets.timeseries()[:size].reset_index(drop=False) if add_null: df.iloc[1, df.columns.get_loc(keys[0])] = None chunk = int(size / nparts) indices = [i * chunk for i in range(0, nparts)] + [size] if index: dfs = [ df.iloc[indices[i] : indices[i + 1]] .copy() .sort_index(ascending=ascending) for i in range(nparts) ] elif series: df = df[keys[0]] dfs = [ df.iloc[indices[i] : indices[i + 1]] .copy() .sort_values(na_position=na_position, ascending=ascending) for i in range(nparts) ] else: dfs = [ df.iloc[indices[i] : indices[i + 1]] .copy() .sort_values(keys, na_position=na_position, ascending=ascending) for i in range(nparts) ] return df, dfs @pytest.mark.parametrize("ascending", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("na_position", ["first", "last"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("keys", [None, ["id"], ["name", "timestamp"]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nparts", [2, 10]) def test_df_merge_sorted(nparts, keys, na_position, ascending): size = 100 keys_1 = keys or ["timestamp"] # Null values NOT currently supported with Categorical data # or when `ascending=False` add_null = keys_1[0] not in ("name") df, dfs = _prepare_merge_sorted_test( size, nparts, keys_1, add_null=add_null, na_position=na_position, ascending=ascending, ) expect = df.sort_values( keys_1, na_position=na_position, ascending=ascending ) result = cudf.merge_sorted( dfs, keys=keys, na_position=na_position, ascending=ascending ) if keys: expect = expect[keys] result = result[keys] assert expect.index.dtype == result.index.dtype assert_eq(expect.reset_index(drop=True), result.reset_index(drop=True)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ascending", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("index", ["id", "x"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nparts", [2, 10]) def test_df_merge_sorted_index(nparts, index, ascending): size = 100 df, dfs = _prepare_merge_sorted_test( size, nparts, index, ascending=ascending, index=True ) expect = df.sort_index(ascending=ascending) result = cudf.merge_sorted(dfs, by_index=True, ascending=ascending) assert_eq(expect.index, result.index) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ascending", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("na_position", ["first", "last"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("keys", [None, ["name", "timestamp"]]) def test_df_merge_sorted_ignore_index(keys, na_position, ascending): size = 100 nparts = 3 keys_1 = keys or ["timestamp"] # Null values NOT currently supported with Categorical data # or when `ascending=False` add_null = keys_1[0] not in ("name") df, dfs = _prepare_merge_sorted_test( size, nparts, keys_1, add_null=add_null, na_position=na_position, ascending=ascending, ) expect = df.sort_values( keys_1, na_position=na_position, ascending=ascending ) result = cudf.merge_sorted( dfs, keys=keys, na_position=na_position, ascending=ascending, ignore_index=True, ) if keys: expect = expect[keys] result = result[keys] assert_eq(expect.reset_index(drop=True), result) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ascending", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("na_position", ["first", "last"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("key", ["id", "name", "timestamp"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nparts", [2, 10]) def test_series_merge_sorted(nparts, key, na_position, ascending): size = 100 df, dfs = _prepare_merge_sorted_test( size, nparts, [key], na_position=na_position, ascending=ascending, series=True, ) expect = df.sort_values(na_position=na_position, ascending=ascending) result = cudf.merge_sorted( dfs, na_position=na_position, ascending=ascending ) assert_eq(expect.reset_index(drop=True), result.reset_index(drop=True)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "index, column, data", [ ([], [], []), ([0], [0], [0]), ([0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 2.0]), ([0, 1], [0, 0], [1, 2.0]), ([0, 1], [0, 1], [1, 2.0]), (["a", "a", "b", "b"], ["c", "d", "c", "d"], [1, 2, 3, 4]), ( ["a", "a", "b", "b", "a"], ["c", "d", "c", "d", "e"], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ), ], ) def test_pivot_simple(index, column, data): pdf = pd.DataFrame({"index": index, "column": column, "data": data}) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) expect = pdf.pivot("index", "column") got = gdf.pivot("index", "column") check_index_and_columns = expect.shape != (0, 0) assert_eq( expect, got, check_dtype=False, check_index_type=check_index_and_columns, check_column_type=check_index_and_columns, ) def test_pivot_multi_values(): # from Pandas docs: # pdf = pd.DataFrame( { "foo": ["one", "one", "one", "two", "two", "two"], "bar": ["A", "B", "C", "A", "B", "C"], "baz": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "zoo": ["x", "y", "z", "q", "w", "t"], } ) gdf = cudf.from_pandas(pdf) assert_eq( pdf.pivot(index="foo", columns="bar", values=["baz", "zoo"]), gdf.pivot(index="foo", columns="bar", values=["baz", "zoo"]), check_dtype=False, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "level", [ 0, 1, 2, "foo", "bar", "baz", [], [0, 1], ["foo"], ["foo", "bar"], pytest.param( [0, 1, 2], marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Pandas behaviour unclear"), ), pytest.param( ["foo", "bar", "baz"], marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Pandas behaviour unclear"), ), ], ) def test_unstack_multiindex(level): pdf = pd.DataFrame( { "foo": ["one", "one", "one", "two", "two", "two"], "bar": ["A", "B", "C", "A", "B", "C"], "baz": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "zoo": ["x", "y", "z", "q", "w", "t"], } ).set_index(["foo", "bar", "baz"]) gdf = cudf.from_pandas(pdf) assert_eq( pdf.unstack(level=level), gdf.unstack(level=level), check_dtype=False, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [{"A": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], "B": [11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0]}], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "index", [ pd.Index(range(0, 5), name=None), pd.Index(range(0, 5), name="row_index"), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "col_idx", [ pd.Index(["a", "b"], name=None), pd.Index(["a", "b"], name="col_index"),
pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([("c", 1), ("c", 2)], names=[None, None])
"""Test attributing simple impact.""" import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from import EventTypes from nbaspa.player_rating.tasks import SimplePlayerImpact @pytest.mark.parametrize( "evt", [ EventTypes.REBOUND, EventTypes.FREE_THROW, EventTypes.VIOLATION, EventTypes.FIELD_GOAL_MISSED ] ) def test_basic_impact(evt): """Test attributing simple impact.""" df = pd.DataFrame( { "EVENTMSGTYPE": evt, "NBA_WIN_PROB_CHANGE": [0.1, 0.1], "HOMEDESCRIPTION": ["DESCRIPTION", None], "VISITORDESCRIPTION": [None, "DESCRIPTION"], "PLAYER1_ID": [123, 456], "PLAYER2_ID": 0, "HOME_TEAM_ID": [161, 161], "VISITOR_TEAM_ID": [162, 162], "SHOT_VALUE": np.nan, "HOME_OFF_RATING": 100, "VISITOR_OFF_RATING": 100, "TIME": [1, 2] } ) tsk = SimplePlayerImpact() output =, mode="nba") assert output["PLAYER1_IMPACT"].equals(pd.Series([0.1, -0.1])) assert output["PLAYER2_IMPACT"].equals(pd.Series([0.0, 0.0])) assert output["PLAYER3_IMPACT"].equals(
pd.Series([0.0, 0.0])
# coding=utf-8 # pylint: disable-msg=E1101,W0612 from datetime import datetime, timedelta import operator from itertools import product, starmap from numpy import nan, inf import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import (Index, Series, DataFrame, isnull, bdate_range, NaT, date_range, timedelta_range, _np_version_under1p8) from pandas.tseries.index import Timestamp from pandas.tseries.tdi import Timedelta import pandas.core.nanops as nanops from pandas.compat import range, zip from pandas import compat from pandas.util.testing import assert_series_equal, assert_almost_equal import pandas.util.testing as tm from .common import TestData class TestSeriesOperators(TestData, tm.TestCase): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def test_comparisons(self): left = np.random.randn(10) right = np.random.randn(10) left[:3] = np.nan result = nanops.nangt(left, right) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): expected = (left > right).astype('O') expected[:3] = np.nan assert_almost_equal(result, expected) s = Series(['a', 'b', 'c']) s2 = Series([False, True, False]) # it works! exp = Series([False, False, False]) tm.assert_series_equal(s == s2, exp) tm.assert_series_equal(s2 == s, exp) def test_op_method(self): def check(series, other, check_reverse=False): simple_ops = ['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'floordiv', 'truediv', 'pow'] if not compat.PY3: simple_ops.append('div') for opname in simple_ops: op = getattr(Series, opname) if op == 'div': alt = operator.truediv else: alt = getattr(operator, opname) result = op(series, other) expected = alt(series, other) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, expected) if check_reverse: rop = getattr(Series, "r" + opname) result = rop(series, other) expected = alt(other, series) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, expected) check(self.ts, self.ts * 2) check(self.ts, self.ts[::2]) check(self.ts, 5, check_reverse=True) check(tm.makeFloatSeries(), tm.makeFloatSeries(), check_reverse=True) def test_neg(self): assert_series_equal(-self.series, -1 * self.series) def test_invert(self): assert_series_equal(-(self.series < 0), ~(self.series < 0)) def test_div(self): with np.errstate(all='ignore'): # no longer do integer div for any ops, but deal with the 0's p = DataFrame({'first': [3, 4, 5, 8], 'second': [0, 0, 0, 3]}) result = p['first'] / p['second'] expected = Series( p['first'].values.astype(float) / p['second'].values, dtype='float64') expected.iloc[0:3] = np.inf assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = p['first'] / 0 expected = Series(np.inf, index=p.index, name='first') assert_series_equal(result, expected) p = p.astype('float64') result = p['first'] / p['second'] expected = Series(p['first'].values / p['second'].values) assert_series_equal(result, expected) p = DataFrame({'first': [3, 4, 5, 8], 'second': [1, 1, 1, 1]}) result = p['first'] / p['second'] assert_series_equal(result, p['first'].astype('float64'), check_names=False) self.assertTrue( is None) self.assertFalse(np.array_equal(result, p['second'] / p['first'])) # inf signing s = Series([np.nan, 1., -1.]) result = s / 0 expected = Series([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # float/integer issue # GH 7785 p = DataFrame({'first': (1, 0), 'second': (-0.01, -0.02)}) expected = Series([-0.01, -np.inf]) result = p['second'].div(p['first']) assert_series_equal(result, expected, check_names=False) result = p['second'] / p['first'] assert_series_equal(result, expected) # GH 9144 s = Series([-1, 0, 1]) result = 0 / s expected = Series([0.0, nan, 0.0]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s / 0 expected = Series([-inf, nan, inf]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s // 0 expected = Series([-inf, nan, inf]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_operators(self): def _check_op(series, other, op, pos_only=False, check_dtype=True): left = np.abs(series) if pos_only else series right = np.abs(other) if pos_only else other cython_or_numpy = op(left, right) python = left.combine(right, op) tm.assert_series_equal(cython_or_numpy, python, check_dtype=check_dtype) def check(series, other): simple_ops = ['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'truediv', 'floordiv', 'mod'] for opname in simple_ops: _check_op(series, other, getattr(operator, opname)) _check_op(series, other, operator.pow, pos_only=True) _check_op(series, other, lambda x, y: operator.add(y, x)) _check_op(series, other, lambda x, y: operator.sub(y, x)) _check_op(series, other, lambda x, y: operator.truediv(y, x)) _check_op(series, other, lambda x, y: operator.floordiv(y, x)) _check_op(series, other, lambda x, y: operator.mul(y, x)) _check_op(series, other, lambda x, y: operator.pow(y, x), pos_only=True) _check_op(series, other, lambda x, y: operator.mod(y, x)) check(self.ts, self.ts * 2) check(self.ts, self.ts * 0) check(self.ts, self.ts[::2]) check(self.ts, 5) def check_comparators(series, other, check_dtype=True): _check_op(series, other,, check_dtype=check_dtype) _check_op(series, other,, check_dtype=check_dtype) _check_op(series, other, operator.eq, check_dtype=check_dtype) _check_op(series, other,, check_dtype=check_dtype) _check_op(series, other, operator.le, check_dtype=check_dtype) check_comparators(self.ts, 5) check_comparators(self.ts, self.ts + 1, check_dtype=False) def test_operators_empty_int_corner(self): s1 = Series([], [], dtype=np.int32) s2 = Series({'x': 0.}) tm.assert_series_equal(s1 * s2, Series([np.nan], index=['x'])) def test_operators_timedelta64(self): # invalid ops self.assertRaises(Exception, self.objSeries.__add__, 1) self.assertRaises(Exception, self.objSeries.__add__, np.array(1, dtype=np.int64)) self.assertRaises(Exception, self.objSeries.__sub__, 1) self.assertRaises(Exception, self.objSeries.__sub__, np.array(1, dtype=np.int64)) # seriese ops v1 = date_range('2012-1-1', periods=3, freq='D') v2 = date_range('2012-1-2', periods=3, freq='D') rs = Series(v2) - Series(v1) xp = Series(1e9 * 3600 * 24, rs.index).astype('int64').astype('timedelta64[ns]') assert_series_equal(rs, xp) self.assertEqual(rs.dtype, 'timedelta64[ns]') df = DataFrame(dict(A=v1)) td = Series([timedelta(days=i) for i in range(3)]) self.assertEqual(td.dtype, 'timedelta64[ns]') # series on the rhs result = df['A'] - df['A'].shift() self.assertEqual(result.dtype, 'timedelta64[ns]') result = df['A'] + td self.assertEqual(result.dtype, 'M8[ns]') # scalar Timestamp on rhs maxa = df['A'].max() tm.assertIsInstance(maxa, Timestamp) resultb = df['A'] - df['A'].max() self.assertEqual(resultb.dtype, 'timedelta64[ns]') # timestamp on lhs result = resultb + df['A'] values = [Timestamp('20111230'), Timestamp('20120101'), Timestamp('20120103')] expected = Series(values, name='A') assert_series_equal(result, expected) # datetimes on rhs result = df['A'] - datetime(2001, 1, 1) expected = Series( [timedelta(days=4017 + i) for i in range(3)], name='A') assert_series_equal(result, expected) self.assertEqual(result.dtype, 'm8[ns]') d = datetime(2001, 1, 1, 3, 4) resulta = df['A'] - d self.assertEqual(resulta.dtype, 'm8[ns]') # roundtrip resultb = resulta + d assert_series_equal(df['A'], resultb) # timedeltas on rhs td = timedelta(days=1) resulta = df['A'] + td resultb = resulta - td assert_series_equal(resultb, df['A']) self.assertEqual(resultb.dtype, 'M8[ns]') # roundtrip td = timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3) resulta = df['A'] + td resultb = resulta - td assert_series_equal(df['A'], resultb) self.assertEqual(resultb.dtype, 'M8[ns]') # inplace value = rs[2] + np.timedelta64(timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=1)) rs[2] += np.timedelta64(timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=1)) self.assertEqual(rs[2], value) def test_operator_series_comparison_zerorank(self): # GH 13006 result = np.float64(0) > pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) expected = 0.0 > pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) self.assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) < np.float64(0) expected = pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) < 0.0 self.assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = np.array([0, 1, 2])[0] > pd.Series([0, 1, 2]) expected = 0.0 > pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) self.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_timedeltas_with_DateOffset(self): # GH 4532 # operate with pd.offsets s = Series([Timestamp('20130101 9:01'), Timestamp('20130101 9:02')]) result = s + pd.offsets.Second(5) result2 = pd.offsets.Second(5) + s expected = Series([Timestamp('20130101 9:01:05'), Timestamp( '20130101 9:02:05')]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) assert_series_equal(result2, expected) result = s - pd.offsets.Second(5) result2 = -pd.offsets.Second(5) + s expected = Series([Timestamp('20130101 9:00:55'), Timestamp( '20130101 9:01:55')]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) assert_series_equal(result2, expected) result = s + pd.offsets.Milli(5) result2 = pd.offsets.Milli(5) + s expected = Series([Timestamp('20130101 9:01:00.005'), Timestamp( '20130101 9:02:00.005')]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) assert_series_equal(result2, expected) result = s + pd.offsets.Minute(5) + pd.offsets.Milli(5) expected = Series([Timestamp('20130101 9:06:00.005'), Timestamp( '20130101 9:07:00.005')]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # operate with np.timedelta64 correctly result = s + np.timedelta64(1, 's') result2 = np.timedelta64(1, 's') + s expected = Series([Timestamp('20130101 9:01:01'), Timestamp( '20130101 9:02:01')]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) assert_series_equal(result2, expected) result = s + np.timedelta64(5, 'ms') result2 = np.timedelta64(5, 'ms') + s expected = Series([Timestamp('20130101 9:01:00.005'), Timestamp( '20130101 9:02:00.005')]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) assert_series_equal(result2, expected) # valid DateOffsets for do in ['Hour', 'Minute', 'Second', 'Day', 'Micro', 'Milli', 'Nano']: op = getattr(pd.offsets, do) s + op(5) op(5) + s def test_timedelta_series_ops(self): # GH11925 s = Series(timedelta_range('1 day', periods=3)) ts = Timestamp('2012-01-01') expected = Series(date_range('2012-01-02', periods=3)) assert_series_equal(ts + s, expected) assert_series_equal(s + ts, expected) expected2 = Series(date_range('2011-12-31', periods=3, freq='-1D')) assert_series_equal(ts - s, expected2) assert_series_equal(ts + (-s), expected2) def test_timedelta64_operations_with_DateOffset(self): # GH 10699 td = Series([timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3)] * 3) result = td + pd.offsets.Minute(1) expected = Series([timedelta(minutes=6, seconds=3)] * 3) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = td - pd.offsets.Minute(1) expected = Series([timedelta(minutes=4, seconds=3)] * 3) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = td + Series([pd.offsets.Minute(1), pd.offsets.Second(3), pd.offsets.Hour(2)]) expected = Series([timedelta(minutes=6, seconds=3), timedelta( minutes=5, seconds=6), timedelta(hours=2, minutes=5, seconds=3)]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = td + pd.offsets.Minute(1) + pd.offsets.Second(12) expected = Series([timedelta(minutes=6, seconds=15)] * 3) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # valid DateOffsets for do in ['Hour', 'Minute', 'Second', 'Day', 'Micro', 'Milli', 'Nano']: op = getattr(pd.offsets, do) td + op(5) op(5) + td td - op(5) op(5) - td def test_timedelta64_operations_with_timedeltas(self): # td operate with td td1 = Series([timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3)] * 3) td2 = timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=4) result = td1 - td2 expected = Series([timedelta(seconds=0)] * 3) - Series([timedelta( seconds=1)] * 3) self.assertEqual(result.dtype, 'm8[ns]') assert_series_equal(result, expected) result2 = td2 - td1 expected = (Series([timedelta(seconds=1)] * 3) - Series([timedelta( seconds=0)] * 3)) assert_series_equal(result2, expected) # roundtrip assert_series_equal(result + td2, td1) # Now again, using pd.to_timedelta, which should build # a Series or a scalar, depending on input. td1 = Series(pd.to_timedelta(['00:05:03'] * 3)) td2 = pd.to_timedelta('00:05:04') result = td1 - td2 expected = Series([timedelta(seconds=0)] * 3) - Series([timedelta( seconds=1)] * 3) self.assertEqual(result.dtype, 'm8[ns]') assert_series_equal(result, expected) result2 = td2 - td1 expected = (Series([timedelta(seconds=1)] * 3) - Series([timedelta( seconds=0)] * 3)) assert_series_equal(result2, expected) # roundtrip assert_series_equal(result + td2, td1) def test_timedelta64_operations_with_integers(self): # GH 4521 # divide/multiply by integers startdate = Series(date_range('2013-01-01', '2013-01-03')) enddate = Series(date_range('2013-03-01', '2013-03-03')) s1 = enddate - startdate s1[2] = np.nan s2 = Series([2, 3, 4]) expected = Series(s1.values.astype(np.int64) / s2, dtype='m8[ns]') expected[2] = np.nan result = s1 / s2 assert_series_equal(result, expected) s2 = Series([20, 30, 40]) expected = Series(s1.values.astype(np.int64) / s2, dtype='m8[ns]') expected[2] = np.nan result = s1 / s2 assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s1 / 2 expected = Series(s1.values.astype(np.int64) / 2, dtype='m8[ns]') expected[2] = np.nan assert_series_equal(result, expected) s2 = Series([20, 30, 40]) expected = Series(s1.values.astype(np.int64) * s2, dtype='m8[ns]') expected[2] = np.nan result = s1 * s2 assert_series_equal(result, expected) for dtype in ['int32', 'int16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'uint32', 'uint16', 'uint8']: s2 = Series([20, 30, 40], dtype=dtype) expected = Series( s1.values.astype(np.int64) * s2.astype(np.int64), dtype='m8[ns]') expected[2] = np.nan result = s1 * s2 assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s1 * 2 expected = Series(s1.values.astype(np.int64) * 2, dtype='m8[ns]') expected[2] = np.nan assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s1 * -1 expected = Series(s1.values.astype(np.int64) * -1, dtype='m8[ns]') expected[2] = np.nan assert_series_equal(result, expected) # invalid ops assert_series_equal(s1 / s2.astype(float), Series([Timedelta('2 days 22:48:00'), Timedelta( '1 days 23:12:00'), Timedelta('NaT')])) assert_series_equal(s1 / 2.0, Series([Timedelta('29 days 12:00:00'), Timedelta( '29 days 12:00:00'), Timedelta('NaT')])) for op in ['__add__', '__sub__']: sop = getattr(s1, op, None) if sop is not None: self.assertRaises(TypeError, sop, 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, sop, s2.values) def test_timedelta64_conversions(self): startdate = Series(date_range('2013-01-01', '2013-01-03')) enddate = Series(date_range('2013-03-01', '2013-03-03')) s1 = enddate - startdate s1[2] = np.nan for m in [1, 3, 10]: for unit in ['D', 'h', 'm', 's', 'ms', 'us', 'ns']: # op expected = s1.apply(lambda x: x / np.timedelta64(m, unit)) result = s1 / np.timedelta64(m, unit) assert_series_equal(result, expected) if m == 1 and unit != 'ns': # astype result = s1.astype("timedelta64[{0}]".format(unit)) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # reverse op expected = s1.apply( lambda x: Timedelta(np.timedelta64(m, unit)) / x) result = np.timedelta64(m, unit) / s1 # astype s = Series(date_range('20130101', periods=3)) result = s.astype(object) self.assertIsInstance(result.iloc[0], datetime) self.assertTrue(result.dtype == np.object_) result = s1.astype(object) self.assertIsInstance(result.iloc[0], timedelta) self.assertTrue(result.dtype == np.object_) def test_timedelta64_equal_timedelta_supported_ops(self): ser = Series([Timestamp('20130301'), Timestamp('20130228 23:00:00'), Timestamp('20130228 22:00:00'), Timestamp( '20130228 21:00:00')]) intervals = 'D', 'h', 'm', 's', 'us' # TODO: unused # npy16_mappings = {'D': 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000000, # 'h': 60 * 60 * 1000000, # 'm': 60 * 1000000, # 's': 1000000, # 'us': 1} def timedelta64(*args): return sum(starmap(np.timedelta64, zip(args, intervals))) for op, d, h, m, s, us in product([operator.add, operator.sub], *([range(2)] * 5)): nptd = timedelta64(d, h, m, s, us) pytd = timedelta(days=d, hours=h, minutes=m, seconds=s, microseconds=us) lhs = op(ser, nptd) rhs = op(ser, pytd) try: assert_series_equal(lhs, rhs) except: raise AssertionError( "invalid comparsion [op->{0},d->{1},h->{2},m->{3}," "s->{4},us->{5}]\n{6}\n{7}\n".format(op, d, h, m, s, us, lhs, rhs)) def test_operators_datetimelike(self): def run_ops(ops, get_ser, test_ser): # check that we are getting a TypeError # with 'operate' (from core/ for the ops that are not # defined for op_str in ops: op = getattr(get_ser, op_str, None) with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'operate'): op(test_ser) # ## timedelta64 ### td1 = Series([timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3)] * 3) td1.iloc[2] = np.nan td2 = timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=4) ops = ['__mul__', '__floordiv__', '__pow__', '__rmul__', '__rfloordiv__', '__rpow__'] run_ops(ops, td1, td2) td1 + td2 td2 + td1 td1 - td2 td2 - td1 td1 / td2 td2 / td1 # ## datetime64 ### dt1 = Series([Timestamp('20111230'), Timestamp('20120101'), Timestamp('20120103')]) dt1.iloc[2] = np.nan dt2 = Series([Timestamp('20111231'), Timestamp('20120102'), Timestamp('20120104')]) ops = ['__add__', '__mul__', '__floordiv__', '__truediv__', '__div__', '__pow__', '__radd__', '__rmul__', '__rfloordiv__', '__rtruediv__', '__rdiv__', '__rpow__'] run_ops(ops, dt1, dt2) dt1 - dt2 dt2 - dt1 # ## datetime64 with timetimedelta ### ops = ['__mul__', '__floordiv__', '__truediv__', '__div__', '__pow__', '__rmul__', '__rfloordiv__', '__rtruediv__', '__rdiv__', '__rpow__'] run_ops(ops, dt1, td1) dt1 + td1 td1 + dt1 dt1 - td1 # TODO: Decide if this ought to work. # td1 - dt1 # ## timetimedelta with datetime64 ### ops = ['__sub__', '__mul__', '__floordiv__', '__truediv__', '__div__', '__pow__', '__rmul__', '__rfloordiv__', '__rtruediv__', '__rdiv__', '__rpow__'] run_ops(ops, td1, dt1) td1 + dt1 dt1 + td1 # 8260, 10763 # datetime64 with tz ops = ['__mul__', '__floordiv__', '__truediv__', '__div__', '__pow__', '__rmul__', '__rfloordiv__', '__rtruediv__', '__rdiv__', '__rpow__'] tz = 'US/Eastern' dt1 = Series(date_range('2000-01-01 09:00:00', periods=5, tz=tz), name='foo') dt2 = dt1.copy() dt2.iloc[2] = np.nan td1 = Series(timedelta_range('1 days 1 min', periods=5, freq='H')) td2 = td1.copy() td2.iloc[1] = np.nan run_ops(ops, dt1, td1) result = dt1 + td1[0] exp = (dt1.dt.tz_localize(None) + td1[0]).dt.tz_localize(tz) assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = dt2 + td2[0] exp = (dt2.dt.tz_localize(None) + td2[0]).dt.tz_localize(tz) assert_series_equal(result, exp) # odd numpy behavior with scalar timedeltas if not _np_version_under1p8: result = td1[0] + dt1 exp = (dt1.dt.tz_localize(None) + td1[0]).dt.tz_localize(tz) assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = td2[0] + dt2 exp = (dt2.dt.tz_localize(None) + td2[0]).dt.tz_localize(tz) assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = dt1 - td1[0] exp = (dt1.dt.tz_localize(None) - td1[0]).dt.tz_localize(tz) assert_series_equal(result, exp) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: td1[0] - dt1) result = dt2 - td2[0] exp = (dt2.dt.tz_localize(None) - td2[0]).dt.tz_localize(tz) assert_series_equal(result, exp) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: td2[0] - dt2) result = dt1 + td1 exp = (dt1.dt.tz_localize(None) + td1).dt.tz_localize(tz) assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = dt2 + td2 exp = (dt2.dt.tz_localize(None) + td2).dt.tz_localize(tz) assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = dt1 - td1 exp = (dt1.dt.tz_localize(None) - td1).dt.tz_localize(tz) assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = dt2 - td2 exp = (dt2.dt.tz_localize(None) - td2).dt.tz_localize(tz) assert_series_equal(result, exp) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: td1 - dt1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: td2 - dt2) def test_sub_single_tz(self): # GH12290 s1 = Series([pd.Timestamp('2016-02-10', tz='America/Sao_Paulo')]) s2 = Series([pd.Timestamp('2016-02-08', tz='America/Sao_Paulo')]) result = s1 - s2 expected = Series([Timedelta('2days')]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s2 - s1 expected = Series([Timedelta('-2days')]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_ops_nat(self): # GH 11349 timedelta_series = Series([NaT, Timedelta('1s')]) datetime_series = Series([NaT, Timestamp('19900315')]) nat_series_dtype_timedelta = Series( [NaT, NaT], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') nat_series_dtype_timestamp = Series([NaT, NaT], dtype='datetime64[ns]') single_nat_dtype_datetime = Series([NaT], dtype='datetime64[ns]') single_nat_dtype_timedelta = Series([NaT], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') # subtraction assert_series_equal(timedelta_series - NaT, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(-NaT + timedelta_series, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(timedelta_series - single_nat_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(-single_nat_dtype_timedelta + timedelta_series, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(datetime_series - NaT, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(-NaT + datetime_series, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(datetime_series - single_nat_dtype_datetime, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): -single_nat_dtype_datetime + datetime_series assert_series_equal(datetime_series - single_nat_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(-single_nat_dtype_timedelta + datetime_series, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) # without a Series wrapping the NaT, it is ambiguous # whether it is a datetime64 or timedelta64 # defaults to interpreting it as timedelta64 assert_series_equal(nat_series_dtype_timestamp - NaT, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(-NaT + nat_series_dtype_timestamp, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(nat_series_dtype_timestamp - single_nat_dtype_datetime, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): -single_nat_dtype_datetime + nat_series_dtype_timestamp assert_series_equal(nat_series_dtype_timestamp - single_nat_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(-single_nat_dtype_timedelta + nat_series_dtype_timestamp, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): timedelta_series - single_nat_dtype_datetime # addition assert_series_equal(nat_series_dtype_timestamp + NaT, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(NaT + nat_series_dtype_timestamp, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(nat_series_dtype_timestamp + single_nat_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(single_nat_dtype_timedelta + nat_series_dtype_timestamp, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(nat_series_dtype_timedelta + NaT, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(NaT + nat_series_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(nat_series_dtype_timedelta + single_nat_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(single_nat_dtype_timedelta + nat_series_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(timedelta_series + NaT, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(NaT + timedelta_series, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(timedelta_series + single_nat_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(single_nat_dtype_timedelta + timedelta_series, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(nat_series_dtype_timestamp + NaT, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(NaT + nat_series_dtype_timestamp, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(nat_series_dtype_timestamp + single_nat_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(single_nat_dtype_timedelta + nat_series_dtype_timestamp, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(nat_series_dtype_timedelta + NaT, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(NaT + nat_series_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(nat_series_dtype_timedelta + single_nat_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(single_nat_dtype_timedelta + nat_series_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(nat_series_dtype_timedelta + single_nat_dtype_datetime, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) assert_series_equal(single_nat_dtype_datetime + nat_series_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) # multiplication assert_series_equal(nat_series_dtype_timedelta * 1.0, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(1.0 * nat_series_dtype_timedelta, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(timedelta_series * 1, timedelta_series) assert_series_equal(1 * timedelta_series, timedelta_series) assert_series_equal(timedelta_series * 1.5, Series([NaT, Timedelta('1.5s')])) assert_series_equal(1.5 * timedelta_series, Series([NaT, Timedelta('1.5s')])) assert_series_equal(timedelta_series * nan, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) assert_series_equal(nan * timedelta_series, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): datetime_series * 1 with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): nat_series_dtype_timestamp * 1 with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): datetime_series * 1.0 with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): nat_series_dtype_timestamp * 1.0 # division assert_series_equal(timedelta_series / 2, Series([NaT, Timedelta('0.5s')])) assert_series_equal(timedelta_series / 2.0, Series([NaT, Timedelta('0.5s')])) assert_series_equal(timedelta_series / nan, nat_series_dtype_timedelta) with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): nat_series_dtype_timestamp / 1.0 with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): nat_series_dtype_timestamp / 1 def test_ops_datetimelike_align(self): # GH 7500 # datetimelike ops need to align dt = Series(date_range('2012-1-1', periods=3, freq='D')) dt.iloc[2] = np.nan dt2 = dt[::-1] expected = Series([timedelta(0), timedelta(0), pd.NaT]) # name is reset result = dt2 - dt assert_series_equal(result, expected) expected = Series(expected, name=0) result = (dt2.to_frame() - dt.to_frame())[0] assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_object_comparisons(self): s = Series(['a', 'b', np.nan, 'c', 'a']) result = s == 'a' expected = Series([True, False, False, False, True]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s < 'a' expected = Series([False, False, False, False, False]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s != 'a' expected = -(s == 'a') assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_comparison_tuples(self): # GH11339 # comparisons vs tuple s = Series([(1, 1), (1, 2)]) result = s == (1, 2) expected = Series([False, True]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s != (1, 2) expected = Series([True, False]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s == (0, 0) expected = Series([False, False]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s != (0, 0) expected = Series([True, True]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) s = Series([(1, 1), (1, 1)]) result = s == (1, 1) expected = Series([True, True]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s != (1, 1) expected = Series([False, False]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) s = Series([frozenset([1]), frozenset([1, 2])]) result = s == frozenset([1]) expected = Series([True, False]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_comparison_operators_with_nas(self): s = Series(bdate_range('1/1/2000', periods=10), dtype=object) s[::2] = np.nan # test that comparisons work ops = ['lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'eq', 'ne'] for op in ops: val = s[5] f = getattr(operator, op) result = f(s, val) expected = f(s.dropna(), val).reindex(s.index) if op == 'ne': expected = expected.fillna(True).astype(bool) else: expected = expected.fillna(False).astype(bool) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu # result = f(val, s) # expected = f(val, s.dropna()).reindex(s.index) # assert_series_equal(result, expected) # boolean &, |, ^ should work with object arrays and propagate NAs ops = ['and_', 'or_', 'xor'] mask = s.isnull() for bool_op in ops: f = getattr(operator, bool_op) filled = s.fillna(s[0]) result = f(s < s[9], s > s[3]) expected = f(filled < filled[9], filled > filled[3]) expected[mask] = False assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_comparison_object_numeric_nas(self): s = Series(np.random.randn(10), dtype=object) shifted = s.shift(2) ops = ['lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'eq', 'ne'] for op in ops: f = getattr(operator, op) result = f(s, shifted) expected = f(s.astype(float), shifted.astype(float)) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_comparison_invalid(self): # GH4968 # invalid date/int comparisons s = Series(range(5)) s2 = Series(date_range('20010101', periods=5)) for (x, y) in [(s, s2), (s2, s)]: self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: x == y) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: x != y) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: x >= y) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: x > y) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: x < y) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: x <= y) def test_more_na_comparisons(self): for dtype in [None, object]: left = Series(['a', np.nan, 'c'], dtype=dtype) right = Series(['a', np.nan, 'd'], dtype=dtype) result = left == right expected = Series([True, False, False]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = left != right expected = Series([False, True, True]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = left == np.nan expected = Series([False, False, False]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = left != np.nan expected = Series([True, True, True]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_nat_comparisons(self): data = [([pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01'), pd.NaT, pd.Timestamp('2011-01-03')], [pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.Timestamp('2011-01-03')]), ([pd.Timedelta('1 days'), pd.NaT, pd.Timedelta('3 days')], [pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.Timedelta('3 days')]), ([pd.Period('2011-01', freq='M'), pd.NaT, pd.Period('2011-03', freq='M')], [pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.Period('2011-03', freq='M')])] # add lhs / rhs switched data data = data + [(r, l) for l, r in data] for l, r in data: for dtype in [None, object]: left = Series(l, dtype=dtype) # Series, Index for right in [Series(r, dtype=dtype), Index(r, dtype=dtype)]: expected = Series([False, False, True]) assert_series_equal(left == right, expected) expected = Series([True, True, False]) assert_series_equal(left != right, expected) expected = Series([False, False, False]) assert_series_equal(left < right, expected) expected = Series([False, False, False]) assert_series_equal(left > right, expected) expected = Series([False, False, True]) assert_series_equal(left >= right, expected) expected = Series([False, False, True]) assert_series_equal(left <= right, expected) def test_nat_comparisons_scalar(self): data = [[pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01'), pd.NaT, pd.Timestamp('2011-01-03')], [pd.Timedelta('1 days'), pd.NaT, pd.Timedelta('3 days')], [pd.Period('2011-01', freq='M'), pd.NaT, pd.Period('2011-03', freq='M')]] for l in data: for dtype in [None, object]: left = Series(l, dtype=dtype) expected = Series([False, False, False]) assert_series_equal(left == pd.NaT, expected) assert_series_equal(pd.NaT == left, expected) expected = Series([True, True, True]) assert_series_equal(left != pd.NaT, expected) assert_series_equal(pd.NaT != left, expected) expected = Series([False, False, False]) assert_series_equal(left < pd.NaT, expected) assert_series_equal(pd.NaT > left, expected) assert_series_equal(left <= pd.NaT, expected) assert_series_equal(pd.NaT >= left, expected) assert_series_equal(left > pd.NaT, expected) assert_series_equal(pd.NaT < left, expected) assert_series_equal(left >= pd.NaT, expected) assert_series_equal(pd.NaT <= left, expected) def test_comparison_different_length(self): a = Series(['a', 'b', 'c']) b = Series(['b', 'a']) self.assertRaises(ValueError, a.__lt__, b) a = Series([1, 2]) b = Series([2, 3, 4]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, a.__eq__, b) def test_comparison_label_based(self): # GH 4947 # comparisons should be label based a = Series([True, False, True], list('bca')) b = Series([False, True, False], list('abc')) expected = Series([False, True, False], list('abc')) result = a & b assert_series_equal(result, expected) expected = Series([True, True, False], list('abc')) result = a | b assert_series_equal(result, expected) expected = Series([True, False, False], list('abc')) result = a ^ b assert_series_equal(result, expected) # rhs is bigger a = Series([True, False, True], list('bca')) b = Series([False, True, False, True], list('abcd')) expected = Series([False, True, False, False], list('abcd')) result = a & b assert_series_equal(result, expected) expected = Series([True, True, False, False], list('abcd')) result = a | b assert_series_equal(result, expected) # filling # vs empty result = a & Series([]) expected = Series([False, False, False], list('bca')) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = a | Series([]) expected = Series([True, False, True], list('bca')) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # vs non-matching result = a & Series([1], ['z']) expected = Series([False, False, False, False], list('abcz')) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = a | Series([1], ['z']) expected = Series([True, True, False, False], list('abcz')) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # identity # we would like s[s|e] == s to hold for any e, whether empty or not for e in [Series([]), Series([1], ['z']), Series(np.nan, b.index), Series(np.nan, a.index)]: result = a[a | e] assert_series_equal(result, a[a]) for e in [Series(['z'])]: if compat.PY3: with tm.assert_produces_warning(RuntimeWarning): result = a[a | e] else: result = a[a | e] assert_series_equal(result, a[a]) # vs scalars index = list('bca') t = Series([True, False, True]) for v in [True, 1, 2]: result = Series([True, False, True], index=index) | v expected = Series([True, True, True], index=index) assert_series_equal(result, expected) for v in [np.nan, 'foo']: self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: t | v) for v in [False, 0]: result = Series([True, False, True], index=index) | v expected = Series([True, False, True], index=index) assert_series_equal(result, expected) for v in [True, 1]: result = Series([True, False, True], index=index) & v expected = Series([True, False, True], index=index) assert_series_equal(result, expected) for v in [False, 0]: result = Series([True, False, True], index=index) & v expected = Series([False, False, False], index=index) assert_series_equal(result, expected) for v in [np.nan]: self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: t & v) def test_comparison_flex_basic(self): left = pd.Series(np.random.randn(10)) right = pd.Series(np.random.randn(10)) tm.assert_series_equal(left.eq(right), left == right) tm.assert_series_equal(, left != right) tm.assert_series_equal(left.le(right), left < right) tm.assert_series_equal(, left <= right) tm.assert_series_equal(, left > right) tm.assert_series_equal(, left >= right) # axis for axis in [0, None, 'index']: tm.assert_series_equal(left.eq(right, axis=axis), left == right) tm.assert_series_equal(, axis=axis), left != right) tm.assert_series_equal(left.le(right, axis=axis), left < right) tm.assert_series_equal(, axis=axis), left <= right) tm.assert_series_equal(, axis=axis), left > right) tm.assert_series_equal(, axis=axis), left >= right) # msg = 'No axis named 1 for object type' for op in ['eq', 'ne', 'le', 'le', 'gt', 'ge']: with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): getattr(left, op)(right, axis=1) def test_comparison_flex_alignment(self): left = Series([1, 3, 2], index=list('abc')) right = Series([2, 2, 2], index=list('bcd')) exp = pd.Series([False, False, True, False], index=list('abcd')) tm.assert_series_equal(left.eq(right), exp) exp = pd.Series([True, True, False, True], index=list('abcd')) tm.assert_series_equal(, exp) exp = pd.Series([False, False, True, False], index=list('abcd')) tm.assert_series_equal(left.le(right), exp) exp = pd.Series([False, False, False, False], index=list('abcd')) tm.assert_series_equal(, exp) exp = pd.Series([False, True, True, False], index=list('abcd')) tm.assert_series_equal(, exp) exp = pd.Series([False, True, False, False], index=list('abcd')) tm.assert_series_equal(, exp) def test_comparison_flex_alignment_fill(self): left = Series([1, 3, 2], index=list('abc')) right = Series([2, 2, 2], index=list('bcd')) exp = pd.Series([False, False, True, True], index=list('abcd')) tm.assert_series_equal(left.eq(right, fill_value=2), exp) exp = pd.Series([True, True, False, False], index=list('abcd')) tm.assert_series_equal(, fill_value=2), exp) exp = pd.Series([False, False, True, True], index=list('abcd')) tm.assert_series_equal(left.le(right, fill_value=0), exp) exp = pd.Series([False, False, False, True], index=list('abcd')) tm.assert_series_equal(, fill_value=0), exp) exp = pd.Series([True, True, True, False], index=list('abcd')) tm.assert_series_equal(, fill_value=0), exp) exp = pd.Series([True, True, False, False], index=list('abcd')) tm.assert_series_equal(, fill_value=0), exp) def test_operators_bitwise(self): # GH 9016: support bitwise op for integer types index = list('bca') s_tft = Series([True, False, True], index=index) s_fff = Series([False, False, False], index=index) s_tff = Series([True, False, False], index=index) s_empty = Series([]) # TODO: unused # s_0101 = Series([0, 1, 0, 1]) s_0123 = Series(range(4), dtype='int64') s_3333 = Series([3] * 4) s_4444 = Series([4] * 4) res = s_tft & s_empty expected = s_fff assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = s_tft | s_empty expected = s_tft assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = s_0123 & s_3333 expected = Series(range(4), dtype='int64') assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = s_0123 | s_4444 expected = Series(range(4, 8), dtype='int64') assert_series_equal(res, expected) s_a0b1c0 = Series([1], list('b')) res = s_tft & s_a0b1c0 expected = s_tff.reindex(list('abc')) assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = s_tft | s_a0b1c0 expected = s_tft.reindex(list('abc')) assert_series_equal(res, expected) n0 = 0 res = s_tft & n0 expected = s_fff assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = s_0123 & n0 expected = Series([0] * 4) assert_series_equal(res, expected) n1 = 1 res = s_tft & n1 expected = s_tft assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = s_0123 & n1 expected = Series([0, 1, 0, 1]) assert_series_equal(res, expected) s_1111 = Series([1] * 4, dtype='int8') res = s_0123 & s_1111 expected = Series([0, 1, 0, 1], dtype='int64') assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = s_0123.astype(np.int16) | s_1111.astype(np.int32) expected = Series([1, 1, 3, 3], dtype='int32') assert_series_equal(res, expected) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: s_1111 & 'a') self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: s_1111 & ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: s_0123 & np.NaN) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: s_0123 & 3.14) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: s_0123 & [0.1, 4, 3.14, 2]) # s_0123 will be all false now because of reindexing like s_tft if compat.PY3: # unable to sort incompatible object via .union. exp = Series([False] * 7, index=['b', 'c', 'a', 0, 1, 2, 3]) with tm.assert_produces_warning(RuntimeWarning): assert_series_equal(s_tft & s_0123, exp) else: exp = Series([False] * 7, index=[0, 1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c']) assert_series_equal(s_tft & s_0123, exp) # s_tft will be all false now because of reindexing like s_0123 if compat.PY3: # unable to sort incompatible object via .union. exp = Series([False] * 7, index=[0, 1, 2, 3, 'b', 'c', 'a']) with tm.assert_produces_warning(RuntimeWarning): assert_series_equal(s_0123 & s_tft, exp) else: exp = Series([False] * 7, index=[0, 1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c']) assert_series_equal(s_0123 & s_tft, exp) assert_series_equal(s_0123 & False, Series([False] * 4)) assert_series_equal(s_0123 ^ False, Series([False, True, True, True])) assert_series_equal(s_0123 & [False], Series([False] * 4)) assert_series_equal(s_0123 & (False), Series([False] * 4)) assert_series_equal(s_0123 & Series([False, np.NaN, False, False]), Series([False] * 4)) s_ftft = Series([False, True, False, True]) assert_series_equal(s_0123 & Series([0.1, 4, -3.14, 2]), s_ftft) s_abNd = Series(['a', 'b', np.NaN, 'd']) res = s_0123 & s_abNd expected = s_ftft assert_series_equal(res, expected) def test_scalar_na_cmp_corners(self): s = Series([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) def tester(a, b): return a & b self.assertRaises(TypeError, tester, s, datetime(2005, 1, 1)) s = Series([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, datetime(2005, 1, 1)]) s[::2] = np.nan expected = Series(True, index=s.index) expected[::2] = False assert_series_equal(tester(s, list(s)), expected) d = DataFrame({'A': s}) # TODO: Fix this exception - needs to be fixed! (see GH5035) # (previously this was a TypeError because series returned # NotImplemented # this is an alignment issue; these are equivalent # self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: d.__and__(s, axis='columns')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, tester, s, d) # this is wrong as its not a boolean result # result = d.__and__(s,axis='index') def test_operators_corner(self): series = self.ts empty = Series([], index=Index([])) result = series + empty self.assertTrue(np.isnan(result).all()) result = empty + Series([], index=Index([])) self.assertEqual(len(result), 0) # TODO: this returned NotImplemented earlier, what to do? # deltas = Series([timedelta(1)] * 5, index=np.arange(5)) # sub_deltas = deltas[::2] # deltas5 = deltas * 5 # deltas = deltas + sub_deltas # float + int int_ts = self.ts.astype(int)[:-5] added = self.ts + int_ts expected = Series(self.ts.values[:-5] + int_ts.values, index=self.ts.index[:-5], name='ts') self.assert_series_equal(added[:-5], expected) def test_operators_reverse_object(self): # GH 56 arr = Series(np.random.randn(10), index=np.arange(10), dtype=object) def _check_op(arr, op): result = op(1., arr) expected = op(1., arr.astype(float)) assert_series_equal(result.astype(float), expected) _check_op(arr, operator.add) _check_op(arr, operator.sub) _check_op(arr, operator.mul) _check_op(arr, operator.truediv) _check_op(arr, operator.floordiv) def test_arith_ops_df_compat(self): # GH 1134 s1 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=list('ABC'), name='x') s2 = pd.Series([2, 2, 2], index=list('ABD'), name='x') exp = pd.Series([3.0, 4.0, np.nan, np.nan], index=list('ABCD'), name='x') tm.assert_series_equal(s1 + s2, exp) tm.assert_series_equal(s2 + s1, exp) exp = pd.DataFrame({'x': [3.0, 4.0, np.nan, np.nan]}, index=list('ABCD')) tm.assert_frame_equal(s1.to_frame() + s2.to_frame(), exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(s2.to_frame() + s1.to_frame(), exp) # different length s3 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=list('ABC'), name='x') s4 = pd.Series([2, 2, 2, 2], index=list('ABCD'), name='x') exp = pd.Series([3, 4, 5, np.nan], index=list('ABCD'), name='x') tm.assert_series_equal(s3 + s4, exp) tm.assert_series_equal(s4 + s3, exp) exp = pd.DataFrame({'x': [3, 4, 5, np.nan]}, index=list('ABCD')) tm.assert_frame_equal(s3.to_frame() + s4.to_frame(), exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(s4.to_frame() + s3.to_frame(), exp) def test_comp_ops_df_compat(self): # GH 1134 s1 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=list('ABC'), name='x') s2 = pd.Series([2, 2, 2], index=list('ABD'), name='x') s3 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=list('ABC'), name='x') s4 = pd.Series([2, 2, 2, 2], index=list('ABCD'), name='x') for l, r in [(s1, s2), (s2, s1), (s3, s4), (s4, s3)]: msg = "Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects" with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): l == r with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): l != r with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): l < r msg = "Can only compare identically-labeled DataFrame objects" with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): l.to_frame() == r.to_frame() with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): l.to_frame() != r.to_frame() with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): l.to_frame() < r.to_frame() def test_bool_ops_df_compat(self): # GH 1134 s1 = pd.Series([True, False, True], index=list('ABC'), name='x') s2 = pd.Series([True, True, False], index=list('ABD'), name='x') exp = pd.Series([True, False, False, False], index=list('ABCD'), name='x') tm.assert_series_equal(s1 & s2, exp) tm.assert_series_equal(s2 & s1, exp) # True | np.nan => True exp = pd.Series([True, True, True, False], index=list('ABCD'), name='x') tm.assert_series_equal(s1 | s2, exp) # np.nan | True => np.nan, filled with False exp = pd.Series([True, True, False, False], index=list('ABCD'), name='x') tm.assert_series_equal(s2 | s1, exp) # DataFrame doesn't fill nan with False exp = pd.DataFrame({'x': [True, False, np.nan, np.nan]}, index=list('ABCD')) tm.assert_frame_equal(s1.to_frame() & s2.to_frame(), exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(s2.to_frame() & s1.to_frame(), exp) exp = pd.DataFrame({'x': [True, True, np.nan, np.nan]}, index=list('ABCD')) tm.assert_frame_equal(s1.to_frame() | s2.to_frame(), exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(s2.to_frame() | s1.to_frame(), exp) # different length s3 = pd.Series([True, False, True], index=list('ABC'), name='x') s4 = pd.Series([True, True, True, True], index=list('ABCD'), name='x') exp = pd.Series([True, False, True, False], index=list('ABCD'), name='x') tm.assert_series_equal(s3 & s4, exp) tm.assert_series_equal(s4 & s3, exp) # np.nan | True => np.nan, filled with False exp = pd.Series([True, True, True, False], index=list('ABCD'), name='x') tm.assert_series_equal(s3 | s4, exp) # True | np.nan => True exp = pd.Series([True, True, True, True], index=list('ABCD'), name='x') tm.assert_series_equal(s4 | s3, exp) exp = pd.DataFrame({'x': [True, False, True, np.nan]}, index=list('ABCD')) tm.assert_frame_equal(s3.to_frame() & s4.to_frame(), exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(s4.to_frame() & s3.to_frame(), exp) exp = pd.DataFrame({'x': [True, True, True, np.nan]}, index=list('ABCD')) tm.assert_frame_equal(s3.to_frame() | s4.to_frame(), exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(s4.to_frame() | s3.to_frame(), exp) def test_series_frame_radd_bug(self): # GH 353 vals = Series(tm.rands_array(5, 10)) result = 'foo_' + vals expected = x: 'foo_' + x) assert_series_equal(result, expected) frame = DataFrame({'vals': vals}) result = 'foo_' + frame expected = DataFrame({'vals': x: 'foo_' + x)}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # really raise this time with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): + self.ts with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): self.ts + def test_series_radd_more(self): data = [[1, 2, 3], [1.1, 2.2, 3.3], [pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02'), pd.NaT], ['x', 'y', 1]] for d in data: for dtype in [None, object]: s = Series(d, dtype=dtype) with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): 'foo_' + s for dtype in [None, object]: res = 1 + pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype=dtype) exp = pd.Series([2, 3, 4], dtype=dtype) tm.assert_series_equal(res, exp) res = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype=dtype) + 1 tm.assert_series_equal(res, exp) res = np.nan + pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype=dtype) exp = pd.Series([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], dtype=dtype) tm.assert_series_equal(res, exp) res = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype=dtype) + np.nan tm.assert_series_equal(res, exp) s = pd.Series([pd.Timedelta('1 days'), pd.Timedelta('2 days'), pd.Timedelta('3 days')], dtype=dtype) exp = pd.Series([pd.Timedelta('4 days'), pd.Timedelta('5 days'), pd.Timedelta('6 days')]) tm.assert_series_equal(pd.Timedelta('3 days') + s, exp) tm.assert_series_equal(s + pd.Timedelta('3 days'), exp) s = pd.Series(['x', np.nan, 'x']) tm.assert_series_equal('a' + s, pd.Series(['ax', np.nan, 'ax'])) tm.assert_series_equal(s + 'a', pd.Series(['xa', np.nan, 'xa'])) def test_frame_radd_more(self): data = [[1, 2, 3], [1.1, 2.2, 3.3], [pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02'), pd.NaT], ['x', 'y', 1]] for d in data: for dtype in [None, object]: s = DataFrame(d, dtype=dtype) with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): 'foo_' + s for dtype in [None, object]: res = 1 + pd.DataFrame([1, 2, 3], dtype=dtype) exp = pd.DataFrame([2, 3, 4], dtype=dtype)
tm.assert_frame_equal(res, exp)
import os import pytz import logging import pymongo import multiprocessing import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime from collections import Counter, defaultdict from typing import List, Set, Tuple # For non-docker use, change to your url (e.g., localhost:27017) MONGO_URL = "mongodb://localhost:27017" CACHE_DIR = "cache/" if not os.path.exists(CACHE_DIR): os.mkdir(CACHE_DIR) def get_data() -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Returns (projects, libraries, migrations, rules, dep_changes). This function should be used get the required data for analysis, to avoid data scope inconsistencies in different analysis modules. """ projects = select_projects_from_libraries_io() libraries = select_libraries() migrations = select_migrations() lib_names = set(libraries["name"]) rules = select_rules(lib_names) dep_changes = select_dependency_changes_all(lib_names) migrations.startCommitTime = pd.to_datetime(migrations.startCommitTime, utc=True) migrations.endCommitTime = pd.to_datetime(migrations.endCommitTime, utc=True) return projects, libraries, migrations, rules, dep_changes def select_projects_from_libraries_io() -> pd.DataFrame: """Select a project dataframe as our research subject""" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "projects.csv")): return pd.read_csv(os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "projects.csv")) db = pymongo.MongoClient(MONGO_URL).migration_helper projects = pd.DataFrame(list(db.lioRepository.find({ "hostType": "GitHub", "fork": False, "language": "Java", "starsCount": {"$gt": 10}, }))) logging.debug( f"{len(projects)} non-fork GitHub Java projects with stars > 10") name_to_pom_count = Counter() name_to_pom_commits = defaultdict(set) for seq in db.wocDepSeq3.find(): name = seq["repoName"].replace("_", "/") if len(seq["seq"]) >= 1: name_to_pom_count[name] += 1 for item in seq["seq"]: name_to_pom_commits[name].add(item["commit"]) projects = projects[projects["nameWithOwner"].isin( name_to_pom_count.keys())] projects["pomFilesCount"] = projects["nameWithOwner"].map( lambda n: name_to_pom_count[n]) projects["pomFileModifyingCommitsCount"] = projects["nameWithOwner"].map( lambda n: len(name_to_pom_commits[n])) logging.debug( f"{len(projects)} non-fork GitHub Java projects with stars > 10 and one pom.xml file") projects["commitsCount"] = projects["_id"].map( lambda i: len(db.wocRepository.find_one({"_id": i})["commits"])) projects.to_csv(os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "projects.csv"), index=False) return projects def select_libraries_from_libraries_io() -> pd.DataFrame: """Select a library dataframe as our research subject""" db = pymongo.MongoClient(MONGO_URL).migration_helper libraries = pd.DataFrame(list(db.lioProject.find({ "platform": "Maven", "dependentRepositoriesCount": {"$gt": 10} }))) logging.debug( f"{len(libraries)} libraries with dependent repository count > 10") return libraries def select_libraries() -> pd.DataFrame: """Only keep libraries that has been added more than 10 times in our repository dataset""" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "libraries.csv")): return pd.read_csv(os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "libraries.csv")) libraries = select_libraries_from_libraries_io() dep_changes = select_dependency_changes_all() added_projects = defaultdict(set) for idx, chg in dep_changes[dep_changes["type"] == "add"].iterrows(): added_projects[chg["lib2"]].add(chg["project"]) libraries["addedProjects"] = libraries["name"].map(lambda x: len(added_projects[x])) libraries["versionsCount"] = libraries["name"].map(lambda x: len(select_library_versions(x))) libraries = libraries[libraries.addedProjects > 10].copy() libraries.to_csv(os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "libraries.csv"), index=False) return libraries def select_rules(valid_libs: Set[str]) -> pd.DataFrame: """Select a migration rule dataframe as our research subject""" rules =
pd.read_excel("data/rules.xlsx", engine="openpyxl")
import os from multiprocessing import Value, context import pandas as pd import socket import threading import multiprocessing import re from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path import json from portalocker import RLock, AlreadyLocked import shutil import pytest from aljpy import humanhash from fnmatch import fnmatch import uuid from . import tests from logging import getLogger log = getLogger(__name__) ROOT = 'output/pavlov' ### Basic file stuff def root(): root = Path(ROOT) if not root.exists(): root.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) return root def path(run, res=True): if res: run = resolve(run) return root() / run def delete(run): assert run != '' shutil.rmtree(path(run)) @contextmanager def lock(run, res=True): # It's tempting to lock on the _info.json file, since that's where # all the run state is kept. But that leads to some confusion about # how to handle race conditions when *creating* the _info.json file, # and also about how to handle global operations that aren't exclusively # about that file. # # Better to just lock on a purpose-made lock file. p = path(run, res) if not p.exists(): raise ValueError('Can\'t take lock as run doesn\'t exist') with RLock(p / '_lock'): yield ### Info file stuff def infopath(run, res=True): return path(run, res) / '_info.json' def info(run, res=True): with lock(run, res): path = infopath(run, res) if not path.exists(): raise ValueError(f'Run "{run}" info file has not been created yet') return json.loads(path.read_text()) def new_info(run, val={}, res=True): path = infopath(run, res) path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) with lock(run, res): if path.exists(): raise ValueError('Info file already exists') if not isinstance(val, dict): raise ValueError('Info value must be a dict') path.write_text(json.dumps(val)) return path @contextmanager def update(run): global _cache with lock(run): path = infopath(run) i = json.loads(path.read_text()) yield i path.write_text(json.dumps(i)) # Invalidate the cache _cache = {} ### Run stuff def new_name(suffix='', now=None): now = (now or tests.timestamp()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S') hash = humanhash(str(uuid.uuid4()), n=2) return f'{now} {hash} {suffix}'.strip() def new_run(suffix='', **kwargs): now = tests.timestamp() run = new_name(suffix, now) kwargs = {**kwargs, '_created': str(now), '_host': socket.gethostname(), '_files': {}, '_env': dict(os.environ)}'Created run {run}') new_info(run, kwargs, res=False) return run _cache = {} def runs(name=None, **kwargs): if name is not None or kwargs: res = set(resolutions(name, **kwargs)) return {k: v for k, v in runs().items() if k in res} global _cache cache = {} for dir in root().iterdir(): if in _cache: cache[] = _cache[] else: try: cache[] = info(, res=False) except ValueError: # We'll end up here if the run's dir has been created, but # not the info file. That usually happens if we create a # run in another process. pass order = sorted(cache, key=lambda n: cache[n]['_created']) _cache = {n: cache[n] for n in order} return _cache def pandas(name=None, **kwargs): df = {} for run, info in runs(name, **kwargs).items(): df[run] = {k: v for k, v in info.items()} df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df, orient='index') if '_created' in df: df['_created'] =
import json import numpy as np import pandas as pd import requests def get_state_fips_codes(): """ Returns dataframe of state FIPS codes and state names from the BLS JT series reference """ url = "" data = requests.get(url) data_fmt = data.content.decode("utf-8").split("\r\n") df = pd.DataFrame( [x.split("\t") for x in data_fmt[1:-1]], columns=data_fmt[0].split("\t"), ).loc[:, ["state_code", "state_text"]] return df def construct_jolts_id( prefix="JT", sa="S", industry="000000", state="00", area="00000", size_class="00", element="QU", rate_level="R", ): """Helper function for constructing a JOLTS ID for API requests""" return ( prefix + sa + industry + state + area + size_class + element + rate_level ) def batch(iterable, n=1): l = len(iterable) for ndx in range(0, l, n): yield iterable[ndx : min(ndx + n, l)] def build_jolts_dataframe( registration_key, element="QU", rate_level="R", sa="S", industry="000000", start_year=2018, end_year=2022, name="Quit Rate (Seasonally Adjusted)", annual=True, ): """Download JOLTS Data from the BLS API Parameters ---------- registration_key : str BLS API registration key element : str Element of JOLTS Survey to download rate_level : str Rate ("R") or Level ("L") sa : str Seasonally Adjusted ("S") or not ("U") industry : str Industry code (e.g. "000000" for all industries) start_year : int Starting year of JOLTS data to download end_year : int Ending year of JOLTS data to download name : str Name to give to the downloaded series annual : bool If true, include annual estimates Returns ------- pandas.DaraFrame DataFrame of specified JOLTS series with columns for FIPS code, state name, year, date, name, footnotes, series id """ fips = get_state_fips_codes() codes = [ construct_jolts_id( state=x, element=element, rate_level=rate_level, sa=sa, industry=industry, ) for x in fips["state_code"] ] codes_iter = batch(codes, n=20) # API Call to BLS response_series = [] for z in codes_iter: headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"} payload = { "seriesid": z, "startyear": f"{start_year}", "endyear": f"{end_year}", } payload.update({"registrationKey": registration_key}) if annual: payload.update({"annualaverage": "true"}) payload = json.dumps(payload) response = "", data=payload, headers=headers, ) response.raise_for_status() response_series.extend(response.json()["Results"]["series"]) # Parse Response into DataFrame dfs = [] # Build a pandas series from the API results, bls_series for s in response_series: series_id = s["seriesID"] data = s["data"] data = pd.DataFrame(data) data["series"] = series_id dfs.append(data) df_full =
""" Msgpack serializer support for reading and writing pandas data structures to disk portions of msgpack_numpy package, by <NAME> were incorporated into this module (and License ======= Copyright (c) 2013, <NAME>. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of <NAME> nor the names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta from io import BytesIO import os from textwrap import dedent import warnings from dateutil.parser import parse import numpy as np from pandas.errors import PerformanceWarning from pandas.util._move import ( BadMove as _BadMove, move_into_mutable_buffer as _move_into_mutable_buffer) from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( is_categorical_dtype, is_datetime64tz_dtype, is_object_dtype, needs_i8_conversion, pandas_dtype) from pandas import ( # noqa:F401 Categorical, CategoricalIndex, DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, Float64Index, Index, Int64Index, Interval, IntervalIndex, MultiIndex, NaT, Panel, Period, PeriodIndex, RangeIndex, Series, TimedeltaIndex, Timestamp) from pandas.core import internals from pandas.core.arrays import DatetimeArray, IntervalArray, PeriodArray from pandas.core.arrays.sparse import BlockIndex, IntIndex from pandas.core.generic import NDFrame from pandas.core.internals import BlockManager, _safe_reshape, make_block from pandas.core.sparse.api import SparseDataFrame, SparseSeries from import _stringify_path, get_filepath_or_buffer from import ExtType, Packer as _Packer, Unpacker as _Unpacker # check which compression libs we have installed try: import zlib def _check_zlib(): pass except ImportError: def _check_zlib(): raise ImportError('zlib is not installed') _check_zlib.__doc__ = dedent( """\ Check if zlib is installed. Raises ------ ImportError Raised when zlib is not installed. """, ) try: import blosc def _check_blosc(): pass except ImportError: def _check_blosc(): raise ImportError('blosc is not installed') _check_blosc.__doc__ = dedent( """\ Check if blosc is installed. Raises ------ ImportError Raised when blosc is not installed. """, ) # until we can pass this into our conversion functions, # this is pretty hacky compressor = None def to_msgpack(path_or_buf, *args, **kwargs): """ msgpack (serialize) object to input file path THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL LIBRARY and the storage format may not be stable until a future release. Parameters ---------- path_or_buf : string File path, buffer-like, or None if None, return generated string args : an object or objects to serialize encoding : encoding for unicode objects append : boolean whether to append to an existing msgpack (default is False) compress : type of compressor (zlib or blosc), default to None (no compression) """ global compressor compressor = kwargs.pop('compress', None) append = kwargs.pop('append', None) if append: mode = 'a+b' else: mode = 'wb' def writer(fh): for a in args: fh.write(pack(a, **kwargs)) path_or_buf = _stringify_path(path_or_buf) if isinstance(path_or_buf, str): with open(path_or_buf, mode) as fh: writer(fh) elif path_or_buf is None: buf = BytesIO() writer(buf) return buf.getvalue() else: writer(path_or_buf) def read_msgpack(path_or_buf, encoding='utf-8', iterator=False, **kwargs): """ Load msgpack pandas object from the specified file path THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL LIBRARY and the storage format may not be stable until a future release. Parameters ---------- path_or_buf : string File path, BytesIO like or string encoding : Encoding for decoding msgpack str type iterator : boolean, if True, return an iterator to the unpacker (default is False) Returns ------- obj : same type as object stored in file """ path_or_buf, _, _, should_close = get_filepath_or_buffer(path_or_buf) if iterator: return Iterator(path_or_buf) def read(fh): unpacked_obj = list(unpack(fh, encoding=encoding, **kwargs)) if len(unpacked_obj) == 1: return unpacked_obj[0] if should_close: try: path_or_buf.close() except IOError: pass return unpacked_obj # see if we have an actual file if isinstance(path_or_buf, str): try: exists = os.path.exists(path_or_buf) except (TypeError, ValueError): exists = False if exists: with open(path_or_buf, 'rb') as fh: return read(fh) if isinstance(path_or_buf, bytes): # treat as a binary-like fh = None try: fh = BytesIO(path_or_buf) return read(fh) finally: if fh is not None: fh.close() elif hasattr(path_or_buf, 'read') and callable( # treat as a buffer like return read(path_or_buf) raise ValueError('path_or_buf needs to be a string file path or file-like') dtype_dict = {21: np.dtype('M8[ns]'), 'datetime64[ns]': np.dtype('M8[ns]'), 'datetime64[us]': np.dtype('M8[us]'), 22: np.dtype('m8[ns]'), 'timedelta64[ns]': np.dtype('m8[ns]'), 'timedelta64[us]': np.dtype('m8[us]'), # this is platform int, which we need to remap to np.int64 # for compat on windows platforms 7: np.dtype('int64'), 'category': 'category' } def dtype_for(t): """ return my dtype mapping, whether number or name """ if t in dtype_dict: return dtype_dict[t] return np.typeDict.get(t, t) c2f_dict = {'complex': np.float64, 'complex128': np.float64, 'complex64': np.float32} # windows (32 bit) compat if hasattr(np, 'float128'): c2f_dict['complex256'] = np.float128 def c2f(r, i, ctype_name): """ Convert strings to complex number instance with specified numpy type. """ ftype = c2f_dict[ctype_name] return np.typeDict[ctype_name](ftype(r) + 1j * ftype(i)) def convert(values): """ convert the numpy values to a list """ dtype = values.dtype if is_categorical_dtype(values): return values elif is_object_dtype(dtype): return values.ravel().tolist() if needs_i8_conversion(dtype): values = values.view('i8') v = values.ravel() if compressor == 'zlib': _check_zlib() # return string arrays like they are if dtype == np.object_: return v.tolist() # convert to a bytes array v = v.tostring() return ExtType(0, zlib.compress(v)) elif compressor == 'blosc': _check_blosc() # return string arrays like they are if dtype == np.object_: return v.tolist() # convert to a bytes array v = v.tostring() return ExtType(0, blosc.compress(v, typesize=dtype.itemsize)) # ndarray (on original dtype) return ExtType(0, v.tostring()) def unconvert(values, dtype, compress=None): as_is_ext = isinstance(values, ExtType) and values.code == 0 if as_is_ext: values = if is_categorical_dtype(dtype): return values elif is_object_dtype(dtype): return np.array(values, dtype=object) dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype).base if not as_is_ext: values = values.encode('latin1') if compress: if compress == 'zlib': _check_zlib() decompress = zlib.decompress elif compress == 'blosc': _check_blosc() decompress = blosc.decompress else: raise ValueError("compress must be one of 'zlib' or 'blosc'") try: return np.frombuffer( _move_into_mutable_buffer(decompress(values)), dtype=dtype, ) except _BadMove as e: # Pull the decompressed data off of the `_BadMove` exception. # We don't just store this in the locals because we want to # minimize the risk of giving users access to a `bytes` object # whose data is also given to a mutable buffer. values = e.args[0] if len(values) > 1: # The empty string and single characters are memoized in many # string creating functions in the capi. This case should not # warn even though we need to make a copy because we are only # copying at most 1 byte. warnings.warn( 'copying data after decompressing; this may mean that' ' decompress is caching its result', PerformanceWarning, ) # fall through to copying `np.fromstring` # Copy the bytes into a numpy array. buf = np.frombuffer(values, dtype=dtype) buf = buf.copy() # required to not mutate the original data buf.flags.writeable = True return buf def encode(obj): """ Data encoder """ tobj = type(obj) if isinstance(obj, Index): if isinstance(obj, RangeIndex): return {'typ': 'range_index', 'klass': obj.__class__.__name__, 'name': getattr(obj, 'name', None), 'start': getattr(obj, '_start', None), 'stop': getattr(obj, '_stop', None), 'step': getattr(obj, '_step', None)} elif isinstance(obj, PeriodIndex): return {'typ': 'period_index', 'klass': obj.__class__.__name__, 'name': getattr(obj, 'name', None), 'freq': getattr(obj, 'freqstr', None), 'dtype':, 'data': convert(obj.asi8), 'compress': compressor} elif isinstance(obj, DatetimeIndex): tz = getattr(obj, 'tz', None) # store tz info and data as UTC if tz is not None: tz = obj = obj.tz_convert('UTC') return {'typ': 'datetime_index', 'klass': obj.__class__.__name__, 'name': getattr(obj, 'name', None), 'dtype':, 'data': convert(obj.asi8), 'freq': getattr(obj, 'freqstr', None), 'tz': tz, 'compress': compressor} elif isinstance(obj, (IntervalIndex, IntervalArray)): if isinstance(obj, IntervalIndex): typ = 'interval_index' else: typ = 'interval_array' return {'typ': typ, 'klass': obj.__class__.__name__, 'name': getattr(obj, 'name', None), 'left': getattr(obj, 'left', None), 'right': getattr(obj, 'right', None), 'closed': getattr(obj, 'closed', None)} elif isinstance(obj, MultiIndex): return {'typ': 'multi_index', 'klass': obj.__class__.__name__, 'names': getattr(obj, 'names', None), 'dtype':, 'data': convert(obj.values), 'compress': compressor} else: return {'typ': 'index', 'klass': obj.__class__.__name__, 'name': getattr(obj, 'name', None), 'dtype':, 'data': convert(obj.values), 'compress': compressor} elif isinstance(obj, Categorical): return {'typ': 'category', 'klass': obj.__class__.__name__, 'name': getattr(obj, 'name', None), 'codes':, 'categories': obj.categories, 'ordered': obj.ordered, 'compress': compressor} elif isinstance(obj, Series): if isinstance(obj, SparseSeries): raise NotImplementedError( 'msgpack sparse series is not implemented' ) # d = {'typ': 'sparse_series', # 'klass': obj.__class__.__name__, # 'dtype':, # 'index': obj.index, # 'sp_index': obj.sp_index, # 'sp_values': convert(obj.sp_values), # 'compress': compressor} # for f in ['name', 'fill_value', 'kind']: # d[f] = getattr(obj, f, None) # return d else: return {'typ': 'series', 'klass': obj.__class__.__name__, 'name': getattr(obj, 'name', None), 'index': obj.index, 'dtype':, 'data': convert(obj.values), 'compress': compressor} elif issubclass(tobj, NDFrame): if isinstance(obj, SparseDataFrame): raise NotImplementedError( 'msgpack sparse frame is not implemented' ) # d = {'typ': 'sparse_dataframe', # 'klass': obj.__class__.__name__, # 'columns': obj.columns} # for f in ['default_fill_value', 'default_kind']: # d[f] = getattr(obj, f, None) # d['data'] = dict([(name, ss) # for name, ss in obj.items()]) # return d else: data = obj._data if not data.is_consolidated(): data = data.consolidate() # the block manager return {'typ': 'block_manager', 'klass': obj.__class__.__name__, 'axes': data.axes, 'blocks': [{'locs': b.mgr_locs.as_array, 'values': convert(b.values), 'shape': b.values.shape, 'dtype':, 'klass': b.__class__.__name__, 'compress': compressor} for b in data.blocks] } elif isinstance(obj, (datetime, date, np.datetime64, timedelta, np.timedelta64)) or obj is NaT: if isinstance(obj, Timestamp): tz = obj.tzinfo if tz is not None: tz = freq = obj.freq if freq is not None: freq = freq.freqstr return {'typ': 'timestamp', 'value': obj.value, 'freq': freq, 'tz': tz} if obj is NaT: return {'typ': 'nat'} elif isinstance(obj, np.timedelta64): return {'typ': 'timedelta64', 'data': obj.view('i8')} elif isinstance(obj, timedelta): return {'typ': 'timedelta', 'data': (obj.days, obj.seconds, obj.microseconds)} elif isinstance(obj, np.datetime64): return {'typ': 'datetime64', 'data': str(obj)} elif isinstance(obj, datetime): return {'typ': 'datetime', 'data': obj.isoformat()} elif isinstance(obj, date): return {'typ': 'date', 'data': obj.isoformat()} raise Exception( "cannot encode this datetimelike object: {obj}".format(obj=obj)) elif isinstance(obj, Period): return {'typ': 'period', 'ordinal': obj.ordinal, 'freq': obj.freqstr} elif isinstance(obj, Interval): return {'typ': 'interval', 'left': obj.left, 'right': obj.right, 'closed': obj.closed} elif isinstance(obj, BlockIndex): return {'typ': 'block_index', 'klass': obj.__class__.__name__, 'blocs': obj.blocs, 'blengths': obj.blengths, 'length': obj.length} elif isinstance(obj, IntIndex): return {'typ': 'int_index', 'klass': obj.__class__.__name__, 'indices': obj.indices, 'length': obj.length} elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return {'typ': 'ndarray', 'shape': obj.shape, 'ndim': obj.ndim, 'dtype':, 'data': convert(obj), 'compress': compressor} elif isinstance(obj, np.number): if np.iscomplexobj(obj): return {'typ': 'np_scalar', 'sub_typ': 'np_complex', 'dtype':, 'real': obj.real.__repr__(), 'imag': obj.imag.__repr__()} else: return {'typ': 'np_scalar', 'dtype':, 'data': obj.__repr__()} elif isinstance(obj, complex): return {'typ': 'np_complex', 'real': obj.real.__repr__(), 'imag': obj.imag.__repr__()} return obj def decode(obj): """ Decoder for deserializing numpy data types. """ typ = obj.get('typ') if typ is None: return obj elif typ == 'timestamp': freq = obj['freq'] if 'freq' in obj else obj['offset'] return
Timestamp(obj['value'], tz=obj['tz'], freq=freq)
import datetime import logging import os import shutil import geopandas as gpd import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytz from berlin_hp import electricity from demandlib import bdew as bdew from demandlib import particular_profiles as profiles from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib import dates as mdates from matplotlib import image as mpimg from matplotlib import patches as patches from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap from matplotlib.colors import Normalize from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable from import logger from reegis import bmwi from reegis import coastdat from reegis import config as cfg from reegis import demand_elec from reegis import energy_balance from reegis import entsoe from reegis import geometries from reegis import inhabitants from reegis import powerplants from reegis import storages from scenario_builder import feedin from reegis_phd import data_analysis from reegis_phd.figures.figures_base import create_subplot from reegis_phd.figures.figures_base import show_download_image def fig_patch_offshore(**kwargs): ax = create_subplot((12, 4), **kwargs) federal_states = geometries.load( cfg.get("paths", "geometry"), cfg.get("geometry", "federalstates_polygon"), ) # federal_states.drop(['P0'], inplace=True) mydf = powerplants.patch_offshore_wind(pd.DataFrame(), []) mygdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(mydf) fs = federal_states.set_index("iso").loc[ ["NI", "SH", "HH", "MV", "BB", "BE", "HB", "ST", "NW"] ] offshore = federal_states.set_index("iso").loc[["N0", "N1", "O0"]] fs["geometry"] = fs["geometry"].simplify(0.01) offshore["geometry"] = offshore["geometry"].simplify(0.01) ax = fs.plot( ax=ax, facecolor="#badd69", edgecolor="#777777", aspect="equal" ) ax = offshore.plot( ax=ax, facecolor="#ffffff", edgecolor="#777777", aspect="equal" ) mygdf.plot( markersize=mydf.capacity, alpha=0.5, ax=ax, legend=True, aspect="equal" ) plt.ylim(bottom=52.5) ax.set_axis_off() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, top=1, right=1) ax.legend() return "patch_offshore", None def fig_powerplants(**kwargs): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 14}) geo = geometries.load( cfg.get("paths", "geometry"), cfg.get("geometry", "federalstates_polygon"), ) my_name = "my_federal_states" # doctest: +SKIP my_year = 2015 # doctest: +SKIP pp_reegis = powerplants.get_powerplants_by_region(geo, my_year, my_name) data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../data", "static") fn_bnetza = os.path.join(data_path, cfg.get("plot_data", "bnetza")) pp_bnetza = pd.read_csv(fn_bnetza, index_col=[0], skiprows=2, header=[0]) ax = create_subplot((10, 5), **kwargs) see = "sonst. erneuerb." my_dict = { "Bioenergy": see, "Geothermal": see, "Hard coal": "Kohle", "Hydro": see, "Lignite": "Kohle", "Natural gas": "Erdgas", "Nuclear": "Nuklear", "Oil": "sonstige fossil", "Other fossil fuels": "sonstige fossil", "Other fuels": "sonstige fossil", "Solar": "Solar", "Waste": "sonstige fossil", "Wind": "Wind", "unknown from conventional": "sonstige fossil", } my_dict2 = { "Biomasse": see, "Braunkohle": "Kohle", "Erdgas": "Erdgas", "Kernenergie": "Nuklear", "Laufwasser": see, "Solar": "Solar", "Sonstige (ne)": "sonstige fossil", "Steinkohle": "Kohle", "Wind": "Wind", "Sonstige (ee)": see, "Öl": "sonstige fossil", } my_colors = [ "#555555", "#6c3012", "#db0b0b", "#ffde32", "#335a8a", "#163e16", "#501209", ] # pp_reegis.capacity_2015.unstack().to_excel('/home/uwe/shp/wasser.xls') pp_reegis = ( pp_reegis.capacity_2015.unstack().groupby(my_dict, axis=1).sum() ) pp_reegis = pp_reegis.merge( geo["iso"], left_index=True, right_index=True ).set_index("iso") pp_reegis.loc["AWZ"] = ( pp_reegis.loc["N0"] + pp_reegis.loc["N1"] + pp_reegis.loc["O0"] ) pp_reegis.drop(["N0", "N1", "O0", "P0"], inplace=True) pp_bnetza = pp_bnetza.groupby(my_dict2, axis=1).sum() ax = ( pp_reegis.sort_index() .sort_index(1) .div(1000) .plot( kind="bar", stacked=True, position=1.1, width=0.3, legend=False, color=my_colors, ax=ax, ) ) pp_bnetza.sort_index().sort_index(1).div(1000).plot( kind="bar", stacked=True, position=-0.1, width=0.3, ax=ax, color=my_colors, alpha=0.9, ) plt.xlabel("Bundesländer / AWZ") plt.ylabel("Installierte Leistung [GW]") plt.xlim(left=-0.5) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.17, top=0.98, left=0.08, right=0.96) b_sum = pp_bnetza.sum() / 1000 b_total = int(round(b_sum.sum())) b_ee_sum = int(round(b_sum.loc[["Wind", "Solar", see]].sum())) b_fs_sum = int( round( b_sum.loc[["Erdgas", "Kohle", "Nuklear", "sonstige fossil"]].sum() ) ) r_sum = pp_reegis.sum() / 1000 r_total = int(round(r_sum.sum())) r_ee_sum = int(round(r_sum.loc[["Wind", "Solar", see]].sum())) r_fs_sum = int( round( r_sum.loc[["Erdgas", "Kohle", "Nuklear", "sonstige fossil"]].sum() ) ) text = { "reegis": (2.3, 42, "reegis"), "BNetzA": (3.9, 42, "BNetzA"), "b_sum1": (0, 39, "gesamt"), "b_sum2": (2.5, 39, "{0} {1}".format(r_total, b_total)), "b_fs": (0, 36, "fossil"), "b_fs2": (2.5, 36, " {0} {1}".format(r_fs_sum, b_fs_sum)), "b_ee": (0, 33, "erneuerbar"), "b_ee2": (2.5, 33, " {0} {1}".format(r_ee_sum, b_ee_sum)), } for t, c in text.items(): plt.text(c[0], c[1], c[2], size=14, ha="left", va="center") b = patches.Rectangle((-0.2, 31.8), 5.7, 12, color="#cccccc") ax.add_patch(b) ax.add_patch(patches.Shadow(b, -0.05, -0.2)) return "vergleich_kraftwerke_reegis_bnetza", None def fig_storage_capacity(**kwargs): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 12}) ax = create_subplot((6, 4), **kwargs) federal_states = geometries.load( cfg.get("paths", "geometry"), cfg.get("geometry", "federalstates_polygon"), ) federal_states.set_index("iso", drop=True, inplace=True) federal_states["geometry"] = federal_states["geometry"].simplify(0.02) phes = storages.pumped_hydroelectric_storage_by_region( federal_states, 2014, "federal_states" ) fs = federal_states.merge( phes, left_index=True, right_index=True, how="left" ).fillna(0) fs.drop(["N0", "N1", "O0", "P0"], inplace=True) fs["energy"] = fs["energy"].div(1000) # colormap = "YlGn" colormap = "Greys" ax = fs.plot(column="energy", cmap=colormap, ax=ax, aspect="equal") ax = fs.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color="#777777", aspect="equal") coords = { "NI": (9.7, 52.59423440995961), "SH": (9.8, 53.9), "ST": (11.559203329244966, 51.99003282648907), "NW": (7.580292138948966, 51.4262307721131), "BW": (9.073099768325736, 48.5), "BY": (11.5, 48.91810114600406), "TH": (10.9, 50.8), "HE": (9.018890328297207, 50.52634809768823), "SN": (13.3, 50.928277090542124), } for idx, row in fs.iterrows(): if row["energy"] > 0: if row["energy"] > 10: color = "#dddddd" else: color = "#000000" plt.annotate( s=round(row["energy"], 1), xy=coords[idx], horizontalalignment="center", color=color, ) ax.set_axis_off() scatter = ax.collections[0] cbar = plt.colorbar(scatter, ax=ax) cbar.set_label("Speicherkapazität [GWh]", rotation=270, labelpad=15) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0.05, top=0.95) return "storage_capacity_by_federal_states", None def fig_inhabitants(): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 18}) f, ax_ar = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 5.6)) df = pd.DataFrame() for year in range(2011, 2018): df[year] = inhabitants.get_ew_by_federal_states(year) df.sort_values(2017, inplace=True) df.transpose().div(1000).plot( kind="bar", stacked=True, cmap="tab20b_r", ax=ax_ar[0] ) print(df) handles, labels = ax_ar[0].get_legend_handles_labels() ax_ar[0].legend( handles[::-1], labels[::-1], loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1.025), ) # plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.14, bottom=0.15, top=0.9, right=0.8) ax_ar[0].set_ylabel("Tsd. Einwohner") ax_ar[0].set_xticklabels(ax_ar[0].get_xticklabels(), rotation=0) plt.xticks(rotation=0) ew = inhabitants.get_ew_geometry(2017, polygon=True) ew["ew_area"] = ew["EWZ"].div(ew["KFL"]).fillna(0) ew["geometry"] = ew["geometry"].simplify(0.01) ew.plot( column="ew_area", vmax=800, cmap="cividis", ax=ax_ar[1], aspect="equal" ) ax_ar[1].set_axis_off() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax_ar[1]) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2) norm = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=800) n_cmap = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap="cividis") n_cmap.set_array(np.array([])) cbar = plt.colorbar(n_cmap, ax=ax_ar[1], extend="max", cax=cax) cbar.set_label("Einwohner pro km²", rotation=270, labelpad=30) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.09, top=0.98, bottom=0.06, right=0.93) # plt.xticks(rotation=0) return "inhabitants_by_ferderal_states", None def fig_average_weather(): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 20}) f, ax_ar = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 4.5), sharey=True) my_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "mycmap", [ (0, "#dddddd"), (1 / 7, "#c946e5"), (2 / 7, "#ffeb00"), (3 / 7, "#26a926"), (4 / 7, "#c15c00"), (5 / 7, "#06ffff"), (6 / 7, "#f24141"), (7 / 7, "#1a2663"), ], ) weather_path = cfg.get("paths", "coastdat") # Download missing weather files pattern = "coastDat2_de_{0}.h5" for year in range(1998, 2015): fn = os.path.join(weather_path, pattern.format(year)) if not os.path.isfile(fn): coastdat.download_coastdat_data(filename=fn, year=year) pattern = "average_data_{data_type}.csv" dtype = "v_wind" fn = os.path.join(weather_path, pattern.format(data_type=dtype)) if not os.path.isfile(fn): coastdat.store_average_weather(dtype, out_file_pattern=pattern) df = pd.read_csv(fn, index_col=[0]) coastdat_poly = geometries.load( cfg.get("paths", "geometry"), cfg.get("coastdat", "coastdatgrid_polygon"), ) coastdat_poly = coastdat_poly.merge(df, left_index=True, right_index=True) ax = coastdat_poly.plot( column="v_wind_avg", cmap=my_cmap, vmin=1, vmax=8, ax=ax_ar[0], aspect="equal", ) ax = ( geometries.get_germany_with_awz_polygon() .simplify(0.05) .boundary.plot(ax=ax, color="#555555", aspect="equal") ) ax.set_axis_off() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2) norm = Normalize(vmin=1, vmax=8) n_cmap = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=my_cmap) n_cmap.set_array(np.array([])) cbar = plt.colorbar(n_cmap, ax=ax, extend="both", cax=cax) cbar.set_label("Windgeschwindigkeit [m/s]", rotation=270, labelpad=30) weather_path = cfg.get("paths", "coastdat") dtype = "temp_air" fn = os.path.join(weather_path, pattern.format(data_type=dtype)) if not os.path.isfile(fn): coastdat.store_average_weather( dtype, out_file_pattern=pattern, years=[2014, 2013, 2012] ) df = pd.read_csv(fn, index_col=[0]) - 273.15 print(df.mean()) coastdat_poly = geometries.load( cfg.get("paths", "geometry"), cfg.get("coastdat", "coastdatgrid_polygon"), ) coastdat_poly = coastdat_poly.merge(df, left_index=True, right_index=True) ax = coastdat_poly.plot( column="temp_air_avg", cmap="rainbow", vmin=7, vmax=11, ax=ax_ar[1], aspect="equal", ) ax = ( geometries.get_germany_with_awz_polygon() .simplify(0.05) .boundary.plot(ax=ax, color="#555555", aspect="equal") ) ax.set_axis_off() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2) norm = Normalize(vmin=5, vmax=11) n_cmap = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap="rainbow") n_cmap.set_array(np.array([])) cbar = plt.colorbar(n_cmap, ax=ax, extend="both", cax=cax) cbar.set_label("Temperatur [°C]", rotation=270, labelpad=30) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, top=0.97, bottom=0.03, right=0.93, wspace=0.1) return "average_weather", None def fig_strahlungsmittel(): return show_download_image("strahlungsmittel_dwd_coastdat", ["svg"]) def fig_module_comparison(): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 15}), 5))) df = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(cfg.get("paths", "data_my_reegis"), "module_feedin.csv"), index_col=0, )["dc_norm"] print(df) print(df.sort_values()) # df = df[df > 943] df.sort_values().plot(linewidth=5, ylim=(0, df.max() + 20)) print("avg:", df.mean()) print("std div:", df.std()) plt.plot((0, len(df)), (df.mean(), df.mean()), "k-") plt.plot((0, len(df)), (df.mean() - df.std(), df.mean() - df.std()), "k-.") plt.plot((0, len(df)), (df.mean() + df.std(), df.mean() + df.std()), "k-.") plt.plot((253, 253), (0, df.max() + 20), "k-") plt.plot((479, 479), (0, df.max() + 20), "r-") plt.plot((394, 394), (0, df.max() + 20), "r-") plt.plot((253, 253), (0, df.max() + 20), "r-") plt.plot((62, 62), (0, df.max() + 20), "r-") plt.text( 479, 800, "SF 160S", ha="center", bbox={"facecolor": "white", "alpha": 1, "pad": 5, "linewidth": 0}, ) plt.text( 394, 800, "LG290N1C", ha="center", bbox={"facecolor": "white", "alpha": 1, "pad": 5, "linewidth": 0}, ) plt.text( 253, 800, "STP280S", ha="center", bbox={"facecolor": "white", "alpha": 1, "pad": 5, "linewidth": 0}, ) plt.text( 62, 800, "BP2150S", ha="center", bbox={"facecolor": "white", "alpha": 1, "pad": 5, "linewidth": 0}, ) plt.xticks(np.arange(0, len(df), 40), range(0, len(df), 40)) plt.ylim(500, 1400) plt.xlim(0, len(df)) plt.ylabel("Volllaststunden") plt.xlabel("ID des Moduls") plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.98, left=0.09, bottom=0.12, top=0.95) return "module_comparison", None def fig_analyse_multi_files(): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 10}) path = os.path.join(cfg.get("paths", "data_my_reegis")) fn = os.path.join(path, "multiyear_yield_sum.csv") df = pd.read_csv(fn, index_col=[0, 1]) gdf = data_analysis.get_coastdat_onshore_polygons() gdf.geometry = gdf.buffer(0.005) for key in gdf.index: s = df[str(key)] pt = gdf.loc[key] gdf.loc[key, "tilt"] = s[s == s.max()].index.get_level_values("tilt")[ 0 ] gdf.loc[key, "azimuth"] = s[s == s.max()].index.get_level_values( "azimuth" )[0] gdf.loc[key, "longitude"] = pt.geometry.centroid.x gdf.loc[key, "latitude"] = pt.geometry.centroid.y gdf.loc[key, "tilt_calc"] = round(pt.geometry.centroid.y - 15) gdf.loc[key, "tilt_diff"] = abs( gdf.loc[key, "tilt_calc"] - gdf.loc[key, "tilt"] ) gdf.loc[key, "tilt_diff_c"] = abs(gdf.loc[key, "tilt"] - 36.5) gdf.loc[key, "azimuth_diff"] = abs(gdf.loc[key, "azimuth"] - 178.5) cmap_t = plt.get_cmap("viridis", 8) cmap_az = plt.get_cmap("viridis", 7) cm_gyr = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "mycmap", [(0, "green"), (0.5, "yellow"), (1, "red")], 6 ) f, ax_ar = plt.subplots(3, 2, sharey=True, sharex=True, figsize=(7, 8)) ax_ar[0][0].set_title("Azimuth (optimal)", loc="center", y=1) gdf.plot( "azimuth", legend=True, cmap=cmap_az, vmin=173, vmax=187, ax=ax_ar[0][0], aspect="equal", ) ax_ar[1][0].set_title("Neigung (optimal)", loc="center", y=1) gdf.plot( "tilt", legend=True, vmin=32.5, vmax=40.5, cmap=cmap_t, ax=ax_ar[1][0], aspect="equal", ) ax_ar[2][0].set_title("Neigung (nach Breitengrad)", loc="center", y=1) gdf.plot( "tilt_calc", legend=True, vmin=32.5, vmax=40.5, cmap=cmap_t, ax=ax_ar[2][0], aspect="equal", ) ax_ar[0][1].set_title( "Azimuth (Differenz - optimal zu 180°)", loc="center", y=1, ) gdf.plot( "azimuth_diff", legend=True, vmin=-0.5, vmax=5.5, cmap=cm_gyr, ax=ax_ar[0][1], aspect="equal", ) ax_ar[1][1].set_title( "Neigung (Differenz - optimal zu Breitengrad)", loc="center", y=1 ) gdf.plot( "tilt_diff", legend=True, vmin=-0.5, vmax=5.5, cmap=cm_gyr, ax=ax_ar[1][1], aspect="equal", ) ax_ar[2][1].set_title( "Neigung (Differenz - optimal zu 36,5°)", loc="center", y=1 ) gdf.plot( "tilt_diff_c", legend=True, vmin=-0.5, vmax=5.5, cmap=cm_gyr, ax=ax_ar[2][1], aspect="equal", ) plt.subplots_adjust(right=1, left=0.05, bottom=0.05, top=0.95, wspace=0.11) return "analyse_optimal_orientation", None def fig_polar_plot_pv_orientation(): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 14}) key = 1129089 path = os.path.join(cfg.get("paths", "data_my_reegis")) fn = os.path.join(path, "{0}_combined_c.csv".format(key)) df = pd.read_csv(fn, index_col=[0, 1]) df.reset_index(inplace=True) df["rel"] = df["2"] / df["2"].max() azimuth_opt = float(df[df["2"] == df["2"].max()]["1"]) tilt_opt = float(df[df["2"] == df["2"].max()]["0"]) print(azimuth_opt, tilt_opt) print(tilt_opt - 5) print(df[(df["1"] == azimuth_opt + 5) & (df["0"] == tilt_opt + 5)]) print(df[(df["1"] == azimuth_opt - 5) & (df["0"] == tilt_opt + 5)]) print( df[(df["1"] == azimuth_opt + 5) & (df["0"] == round(tilt_opt - 5, 1))] ) print( df[(df["1"] == azimuth_opt - 5) & (df["0"] == round(tilt_opt - 5, 1))] ) # Data tilt = df["0"] azimuth = df["1"] / 180 * np.pi colors = df["2"] / df["2"].max() # Colormap cmap = plt.get_cmap("viridis", 20) # Plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="polar") sc = ax.scatter(azimuth, tilt, c=colors, cmap=cmap, alpha=1, vmin=0.8) ax.tick_params(pad=10) # Colorbar label = "Anteil vom maximalen Ertrag" cax = fig.add_axes([0.89, 0.15, 0.02, 0.75]) fig.colorbar(sc, cax=cax, label=label, ticks=[0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1]) ax.set_theta_zero_location("S", offset=0) # Adjust radius # ax.set_rmax(90) ax.set_rlabel_position(110) t_upper = tilt_opt + 5 t_lower = tilt_opt - 5 az_upper = azimuth_opt + 5 az_lower = azimuth_opt - 5 bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="white", alpha=0.5, lw=0) ax.annotate( ">0.996", xy=((az_upper - 5) / 180 * np.pi, t_upper), xytext=((az_upper + 3) / 180 * np.pi, t_upper + 3), # textcoords='figure fraction', arrowprops=dict(facecolor="black", arrowstyle="-"), horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="bottom", bbox=bbox_props, ) print(az_upper) print(t_upper) ax.text( 238 / 180 * np.pi, 60, "Ausrichtung (Süd=180°)", rotation=50, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", ) ax.text( 65 / 180 * np.pi, 35, "Neigungswinkel (horizontal=0°)", rotation=0, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", ) az = ( np.array([az_lower, az_lower, az_upper, az_upper, az_lower]) / 180 * np.pi ) t = np.array([t_lower, t_upper, t_upper, t_lower, t_lower]) ax.plot(az, t) ax.set_rmax(50) ax.set_rmin(20) ax.set_thetamin(90) ax.set_thetamax(270) # Adjust margins plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.94, left=0, bottom=-0.15, top=1.2) return "polar_plot_pv_orientation.png", None def fig_windzones(): # ax.set_axis_off() path = cfg.get("paths", "geometry") filename = "windzones_germany.geojson" df = geometries.load(path=path, filename=filename) df.set_index("zone", inplace=True) geo_path = cfg.get("paths", "geometry") geo_file = cfg.get("coastdat", "coastdatgrid_polygon") coastdat_geo = geometries.load(path=geo_path, filename=geo_file) coastdat_geo["poly"] = coastdat_geo.geometry coastdat_geo["geometry"] = coastdat_geo.centroid points = geometries.spatial_join_with_buffer(coastdat_geo, df, "windzone") polygons = points.set_geometry("poly") cmap_bluish = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "bluish", [(0, "#8fbbd2"), (1, "#00317a")], 4 ) ax = polygons.plot( column="windzone", edgecolor="#666666", linewidth=0.5, cmap=cmap_bluish, vmin=0.5, vmax=4.5, aspect="equal", ) ax.set_axis_off() df.boundary.simplify(0.01).plot( edgecolor="black", alpha=1, ax=ax, linewidth=1.5, aspect="equal", ) text = {"1": (9, 50), "2": (12, 52), "3": (9.8, 54), "4": (6.5, 54.6)} for t, c in text.items(): plt.text( c[0], c[1], t, size=15, ha="center", va="center", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", alpha=0.5, ec=(1, 1, 1), fc=(1, 1, 1)), ) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, top=1, bottom=0, right=1) return "windzones", None def fig_show_hydro_image(): create_subplot((12, 4.4)) file = "abflussregime.png" fn = os.path.join(cfg.get("paths", "figure_source"), file) fn_target = os.path.join(cfg.get("paths", "figures"), file) shutil.copy(fn, fn_target) img = mpimg.imread(fn) plt.imshow(img) plt.axis("off") plt.title( "Image source:" "Dokumente/Fachberichte/DE/rp_De_0248.pdf; S.16" ) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, top=0.93, bottom=0, right=1) return "abflussregime", None def fig_compare_re_capacity_years(): # from reegis import bmwi plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 18}) f, ax_ar = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 5)) years = [2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019] my_bmwi = bmwi.bmwi_re_energy_capacity().loc[years].div(1000) my_bmwi.set_index( pd.to_datetime(my_bmwi.index.astype(str) + "-12-31") + pd.DateOffset(1), inplace=True, ) bmwi_solar = my_bmwi["solar", "capacity"] = "Solar (BMWI)" bmwi_wind = my_bmwi["wind", "capacity"] = "Wind (BMWI)" ax_ar[0] = bmwi_solar.plot( marker="D", ax=ax_ar[0], linestyle="None", markersize=10, color="#ff5500", alpha=0.7, legend=True, ) ax_ar[1] = bmwi_wind.plot( marker="D", ax=ax_ar[1], linestyle="None", markersize=10, color="#111539", alpha=0.7, legend=True, ) my_re = entsoe.get_entsoe_renewable_data(version="2019-06-05").div(1000) my_re = my_re.resample("D").mean() print(my_re.index) rn = { "DE_solar_capacity": "Solar (OPSD)", "DE_wind_capacity": "Wind (OPSD)", } my_re.rename(columns=rn, inplace=True) ax_ar[0] = my_re["Solar (OPSD)"].plot( ax=ax_ar[0], color="#ffba00", legend=True ) ax_ar[1] = my_re["Wind (OPSD)"].plot( ax=ax_ar[1], color="#4254ff", legend=True ) fs = geometries.get_federal_states_polygon() df = pd.DataFrame() for y in years: my_pp = powerplants.get_powerplants_by_region(fs, y, "federal_states") for cat in ["Solar", "Wind"]: dt = datetime.datetime(y, 1, 1) cat_name = "{0} (reegis)".format(cat) col = "capacity_{0}".format(y) df.loc[dt, cat_name] = my_pp.groupby(level=1).sum().loc[cat, col] df = df.div(1000) ax_ar[0] = df["Solar (reegis)"].plot( drawstyle="steps-post", ax=ax_ar[0], color="#ff7000", legend=True ) ax_ar[1] = df["Wind (reegis)"].plot( drawstyle="steps-post", ax=ax_ar[1], color=["#1b2053"], legend=True ) ax_ar[0].set_xlim( left=datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1), right=datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1) ) plt.ylim((25, 60)) ax_ar[0].set_ylabel("Installierte Leistung [GW]") ax_ar[0].set_xlabel(" ") ax_ar[1].set_xlabel(" ") ax_ar[0].legend(loc="upper left") ax_ar[1].legend(loc="upper left") plt.subplots_adjust( right=0.98, left=0.06, bottom=0.11, top=0.94, wspace=0.16 ) return "compare_re_capacity_years", None def fig_compare_full_load_hours(): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 18}) f, ax_ar = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 7)) # # colors greyscale # wind1 = "#999999" # wind2 = "#333333" # solar1 = "#999999" # solar2 = "#333333" # colors wind1 = "#4254ff" wind2 = "#1b2053" solar1 = "#ffba00" solar2 = "#ff7000" fn = os.path.join( cfg.get("paths", "data_my_reegis"), "full_load_hours_re_bdew_states.csv", ) flh = pd.read_csv(fn, index_col=[0], header=[0, 1]) regions = geometries.get_federal_states_polygon() for y in [2014, 2012]: re_rg = feedin.scenario_feedin(regions, y, "fs").swaplevel(axis=1) flh["Wind (reegis)", str(y)] = re_rg["wind"].sum() flh["Solar (reegis)", str(y)] = re_rg["solar"].sum() ax_ar[0, 0] = flh[ [("Wind (BDEW)", "2012"), ("Wind (reegis)", "2012")] ].plot(kind="bar", ax=ax_ar[0, 0], color=[wind1, wind2], legend=False) ax_ar[0, 1] = flh[ [("Wind (BDEW)", "2014"), ("Wind (reegis)", "2014")] ].plot(kind="bar", ax=ax_ar[0, 1], color=[wind1, wind2], legend=False) ax_ar[1, 0] = flh[ [("Solar (BDEW)", "2012"), ("Solar (reegis)", "2012")] ].plot(kind="bar", ax=ax_ar[1, 0], color=[solar1, solar2], legend=False) ax_ar[1, 1] = flh[ [("Solar (BDEW)", "2014"), ("Solar (reegis)", "2014")] ].plot(kind="bar", ax=ax_ar[1, 1], color=[solar1, solar2], legend=False) ax_ar[0, 0].set_title("2012") ax_ar[0, 1].set_title("2014") ax_ar[0, 1].legend( loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), labels=["BDEW", "reegis"] ) ax_ar[1, 1].legend( loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), labels=["BDEW", "reegis"] ) ax_ar[0, 0].set_ylabel("Volllaststunden\nWindkraft") ax_ar[1, 0].set_ylabel("Volllaststunden\nPhotovoltaik") plt.subplots_adjust( right=0.871, left=0.098, bottom=0.11, top=0.94, wspace=0.16, hspace=0.1 ) return "compare_full_load_hours", None def fig_compare_feedin_solar(): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 18}) f, ax_ar = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharey=True, figsize=(15, 6)) # Get feedin time series from reegis regions = geometries.get_federal_states_polygon() re_rg = feedin.scenario_feedin(regions, 2014, "fs").set_index( pd.date_range( "31/12/2013 23:00:00", periods=8760, freq="H", tz="Europe/Berlin" ) ) # Get entsoe time series for pv profiles from opsd url = ( "" "=time_series&version={version}&action=customDownload&resource=3" "&filter%5B_contentfilter_cet_cest_timestamp%5D%5Bfrom%5D=2005-01" "-01&filter%5B_contentfilter_cet_cest_timestamp%5D%5Bto%5D=2019-05" "-01&filter%5BRegion%5D%5B%5D=DE&filter%5BVariable%5D%5B%5D" "=solar_capacity&filter%5BVariable%5D%5B%5D=solar_generation_actual" "&filter%5BVariable%5D%5B%5D=solar_profile&downloadCSV=Download+CSV" ) my_re = entsoe.get_filtered_file( url=url, name="solar_de_2019-06-05", version="2019-06-05" ) # Convert index to datetime my_re.set_index( pd.to_datetime(my_re["utc_timestamp"], utc=True).dt.tz_convert( "Europe/Berlin" ), inplace=True, ) my_re.drop(["cet_cest_timestamp", "utc_timestamp"], axis=1, inplace=True) # Convert columns to numeric for c in my_re.columns: my_re[c] = pd.to_numeric(my_re[c]).div(1000) # Plot opsd data cso = "#ff7e00" csr = "#500000" my_re["DE_solar_profile"].multiply(1000) ax = my_re["DE_solar_profile"].multiply(1000).plot(ax=ax_ar[0], color=cso) ax2 = my_re["DE_solar_profile"].multiply(1000).plot(ax=ax_ar[1], color=cso) fs = geometries.get_federal_states_polygon() pp = powerplants.get_powerplants_by_region(fs, 2014, "federal_states") total_capacity = pp.capacity_2014.swaplevel().loc["Solar"].sum() re_rg = re_rg.swaplevel(axis=1)["solar"].mul( pp.capacity_2014.swaplevel().loc["Solar"] ) # Plot reegis time series # June ax = ( re_rg.sum(axis=1) .div(total_capacity) .plot( ax=ax, rot=0, color=csr, xlim=( datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 1), datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30), ), ) ) # December ax2 = ( re_rg.sum(axis=1) .div(total_capacity) .plot( ax=ax2, rot=0, color=csr, xlim=( datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 1), datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 30), ), ) ) # x-ticks for June dates = [ datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 1), datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 5), datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 9), datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 13), datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 17), datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 21), datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 25), datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 29), ] ax.set_xticks([pandas_datetime for pandas_datetime in dates]) labels = [pandas_datetime.strftime("%d. %b.") for pandas_datetime in dates] labels[0] = "" ax.set_xticklabels(labels, ha="center", rotation=0) # xticks for December dates = [ datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 1), datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 5), datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 9), datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 13), datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 17), datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 21), datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 25), datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 29), ] ax2.set_xticks([pandas_datetime for pandas_datetime in dates]) labels = [pandas_datetime.strftime("%d. %b.") for pandas_datetime in dates] labels[0] = "" ax2.set_xticklabels(labels, ha="center", rotation=0) ax.legend(labels=["OPSD", "reegis"]) ax.set_xlabel("") ax.set_ylim((0, 1.1)) ax2.set_xlabel("Juni/Dezember 2014") ax2.xaxis.labelpad = 20 # Plot Text x0 = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 1, 5, 0) x1 = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 1, 8, 0) x2 = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 3, 1, 0) start = datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1) end = datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1) # BMWI # # erneuerbare-energien-in-zahlen-2017.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=27 bmwi_sum = round(36.056) reegis_sum = round(re_rg.sum().sum() / 1000000) opsd_sum = round( my_re.DE_solar_generation_actual.loc[start:end].sum() / 1000 ) text = { "title": (x1, 1, " Summe 2014"), "op1": (x1, 0.85, "OPSD"), "op2": (x2, 0.85, "{0} GWh".format(int(opsd_sum))), "reg1": (x1, 0.70, "reegis"), "reg2": (x2, 0.70, "{0} GWh".format(int(reegis_sum))), "bmwi1": (x1, 0.55, "BMWi"), "bmwi2": (x2, 0.55, "{0} GWh".format(int(bmwi_sum))), } for t, c in text.items(): if t == "title": w = "bold" else: w = "normal" ax2.text(c[0], c[1], c[2], weight=w, size=16, ha="left", va="center") # Plot Box x3 = mdates.date2num(x0) b = patches.Rectangle((x3, 0.5), 3.9, 0.57, color="#cccccc") ax2.add_patch(b) ax2.add_patch(patches.Shadow(b, -0.05, -0.01)) plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.99, left=0.05, bottom=0.16, top=0.97) return "compare_feedin_solar", None def fig_compare_feedin_wind_absolute(): fig_compare_feedin_wind(scale_reegis=False) return "compare_feedin_wind_absolute", None def fig_compare_feedin_wind_scaled(): fig_compare_feedin_wind(scale_reegis=True) return "compare_feedin_wind_scaled", None def fig_compare_feedin_wind(scale_reegis): plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 18}) f, ax_ar = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharey=True, figsize=(15, 6)) # colors cwo = "#665eff" cwr = "#0a085e" # Get entsoe time series for wind profiles from opsd url = ( "" "=time_series&version={version}&action=customDownload&resource=3" "&filter%5B_contentfilter_cet_cest_timestamp%5D%5Bfrom%5D=2005-01" "-01&filter%5B_contentfilter_cet_cest_timestamp%5D%5Bto%5D=2019-05" "-01&filter%5BRegion%5D%5B%5D=DE&filter%5BVariable%5D%5B%5D" "=wind_capacity&filter%5BVariable%5D%5B%5D=wind_generation_actual" "&filter%5BVariable%5D%5B%5D=wind_profile&downloadCSV=Download+CSV" ) re_en = entsoe.get_filtered_file( url=url, name="wind_de_2019-06-05", version="2019-06-05" ) # Convert index to datetime re_en.set_index(
pd.to_datetime(re_en["utc_timestamp"], utc=True)
""" The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 <NAME> Copyright (c) 2019 <NAME> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import logging import tempfile import gym import numpy as np import pandas as pd from gym import spaces from gym.utils import seeding from sklearn.preprocessing import scale logging.basicConfig() log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(logging.INFO)'%s logger started.', __name__) class DataSource: """ Data source for TradingEnvironment Loads & preprocesses daily price & volume data Provides data for each new episode. Stocks with longest history: ticker # obs KO 14155 GE 14155 BA 14155 CAT 14155 DIS 14155 """ def __init__(self, trading_days=252, ticker='AAPL', normalize=True, min_perc_days=100): self.ticker = ticker self.trading_days = trading_days + 1 self.normalize = normalize self.min_perc_days = min_perc_days = self.load_data() self.preprocess_data() self.min_values = self.max_values = self.step = 0 self.idx = None def load_data(self):'loading data for {}...'.format(self.ticker)) idx = pd.IndexSlice with pd.HDFStore('../data/assets.h5') as store: df = (store['quandl/wiki/prices'] .loc[idx[:, self.ticker], ['adj_close', 'adj_volume']] .dropna()) df.columns = ['close', 'volume']'got data for {}...'.format(self.ticker)) return df @staticmethod def rsi(data, window=14): diff = data.diff().dropna() up, down = diff.copy(), diff.copy() up[up < 0] = 0 down[down > 0] = 0 rolling_up = up.rolling(window).mean() rolling_down = down.abs().rolling(window).mean() RS2 = rolling_up / rolling_down return 100 - (100 / (1 + RS2)) def momentum(self, data, window=100): def pct_rank(x): return pd.Series(x).rank(pct=True).iloc[-1] return data.rolling(window).apply(pct_rank, raw=True) def preprocess_data(self): """calculate returns and percentiles, then removes missing values""" # make volume positive and pre-scale = np.log(, 1))['returns'] =['close_pct_100'] = self.momentum(, window=100)['volume_pct_100'] = self.momentum(, window=100)['close_pct_20'] = self.momentum(, window=20)['volume_pct_20'] = self.momentum(, window=20)['return_5'] =['return_21'] =['rsi'] = self.rsi( =, -np.inf), np.nan).dropna() r = if self.normalize: = pd.DataFrame(scale(,,['returns'] = r # don't scale returns def reset(self): """Provides starting index for time series and resets step""" high = len( - self.trading_days self.idx = np.random.randint(low=0, high=high) self.step = 0 def take_step(self): """Returns data for current trading day and done signal""" obs =[self.idx].values self.idx += 1 self.step += 1 done = self.step >= self.trading_days return obs, done class TradingSimulator: """ Implements core trading simulator for single-instrument univ """ def __init__(self, steps, trading_cost_bps, time_cost_bps): # invariant for object life self.trading_cost_bps = trading_cost_bps self.time_cost_bps = time_cost_bps self.steps = steps # change every step self.step = 0 self.actions = np.zeros(self.steps) self.navs = np.ones(self.steps) self.market_navs = np.ones(self.steps) self.strategy_returns = np.ones(self.steps) self.positions = np.zeros(self.steps) self.costs = np.zeros(self.steps) self.trades = np.zeros(self.steps) self.market_returns = np.zeros(self.steps) def reset(self): self.step = 0 self.actions.fill(0) self.navs.fill(1) self.market_navs.fill(1) self.strategy_returns.fill(0) self.positions.fill(0) self.costs.fill(0) self.trades.fill(0) self.market_returns.fill(0) def take_step(self, action, market_return): """ Calculates NAVs, trading costs and reward based on an action and latest market return etc and returns the reward and a summary of the day's activity. """ bod_position = 0.0 if self.step == 0 else self.positions[self.step - 1] bod_nav = 1.0 if self.step == 0 else self.navs[self.step - 1] bod_market_nav = 1.0 if self.step == 0 else self.market_navs[self.step - 1] self.market_returns[self.step] = market_return self.actions[self.step] = action self.positions[self.step] = action - 1 self.trades[self.step] = self.positions[self.step] - bod_position trade_costs_pct = abs(self.trades[self.step]) * self.trading_cost_bps self.costs[self.step] = trade_costs_pct + self.time_cost_bps reward = ((bod_position * market_return) - self.costs[self.step]) self.strategy_returns[self.step] = reward if self.step != 0: self.navs[self.step] = bod_nav * (1 + self.strategy_returns[self.step - 1]) self.market_navs[self.step] = bod_market_nav * (1 + self.market_returns[self.step - 1]) info = {'reward': reward, 'nav' : self.navs[self.step], 'costs' : self.costs[self.step]} self.step += 1 return reward, info def result(self): """returns current state as pd.DataFrame """ return pd.DataFrame({'action' : self.actions, # current action 'nav' : self.navs, # starting Net Asset Value (NAV) 'market_nav' : self.market_navs, 'market_return' : self.market_returns, 'strategy_return': self.strategy_returns, 'position' : self.positions, # eod position 'cost' : self.costs, # eod costs 'trade' : self.trades}) # eod trade) class TradingEnvironment(gym.Env): """A simple trading environment for reinforcement learning. Provides daily observations for a stock price series An episode is defined as a sequence of 252 trading days with random start Each day is a 'step' that allows the agent from three actions: SHORT (0) FLAT (1) LONG (2) Trades cost 10bps of the change in position value. Going from short to long implies two trades. Not trading also a default time cost of 1bps per step. An episode begins with a starting Net Asset Value (NAV) of 1 unit of cash. If the NAV drops to 0, the episode is ends with a loss. If the NAV hits 2.0, the agent wins. The trading simulator tracks a buy-and-hold strategy as benchmark. """ metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']} def __init__(self, trading_days=252, trading_cost_bps=1e-3, time_cost_bps=1e-4, ticker='AAPL'): self.trading_days = trading_days self.ticker = ticker self.trading_cost_bps = trading_cost_bps self.time_cost_bps = time_cost_bps self.src = DataSource(trading_days=self.trading_days, ticker=ticker) self.sim = TradingSimulator(steps=self.trading_days, trading_cost_bps=self.trading_cost_bps, time_cost_bps=self.time_cost_bps) self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(3) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(self.src.min_values, self.src.max_values) self.reset() def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def step(self, action): """Returns state observation, reward, done and info""" assert self.action_space.contains(action), '{} {} invalid'.format(action, type(action)) observation, done = self.src.take_step() reward, info = self.sim.take_step(action=action, market_return=observation[2]) return observation, reward, done, info def reset(self): """Resets DataSource and TradingSimulator; returns first observation""" self.src.reset() self.sim.reset() return self.src.take_step()[0] # TODO def render(self, mode='human'): """Not implemented""" pass def run_strategy(self, strategy, return_df=True): """Runs strategy, returns DataFrame with all steps""" observation = self.reset() done = False while not done: action = strategy(observation, self) # call strategy observation, reward, done, info = self.step(action) return self.sim.result() if return_df else None def run_strategy_episodes(self, strategy, episodes=1, write_log=True, return_df=True): """ run provided strategy the specified # of times, possibly writing a log and possibly returning a dataframe summarizing activity. Note that writing the log is expensive and returning the df is more so. For training purposes, you might not want to set both. """ logfile = None if write_log: logfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode='w+')'writing log to %s', need_df = write_log or return_df alldf = None for i in range(episodes): df = self.run_strategy(strategy, return_df=need_df) if write_log: df.to_csv(logfile, mode='ab') if return_df: alldf = df if alldf is None else
pd.concat([alldf, df], axis=0)
import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import copy from pprint import pprint def work(pres): count = [0, 0] for i in pres: count[i] += 1 out = count.index(max(count)) return out def simple_vote(model_name, date, dataset, pseudo=False): if pseudo: DATA_DIR = '../predict_data/{}_{}_pseudo/{}/'.format(model_name, date, dataset) else: DATA_DIR = '../predict_data/{}_{}/{}/'.format(model_name, date, dataset) files = os.listdir(DATA_DIR) files = [i for i in files] i = 0 for fname in files: tmp_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR + fname) tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(tmp_df, columns=['ID', 'Label']) if i == 0: df_merged = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR + fname) df_merged = pd.DataFrame(df_merged, columns=['ID', 'Label']) if i > 0: df_merged = df_merged.merge(tmp_df, how='left', on='ID') print(df_merged.shape) i += 1 tmp_label = np.array(df_merged.iloc[:, 1:]) voted_label = [work(line) for line in tmp_label] df_summit = df_merged[['ID']] df_summit = df_summit.copy() df_summit['Label'] = voted_label if pseudo: save_path = '../predict_data/{}_{}_pseudo/vote'.format(model_name, date) else: save_path = '../predict_data/{}_{}/vote'.format(model_name, date) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path, mode=0o777) file_path = '{}/{}-{}-voted.csv'.format(save_path, model_name, dataset) df_summit.to_csv(file_path, index=None) print("写入成功!") def aug_vote(model_name, date, dataset, pseudo=False): if pseudo: DATA_DIR = '../predict_data/aug_data/{}_{}_pseudo/{}/'.format(model_name, date, dataset) else: DATA_DIR = '../predict_data/aug_data/{}_{}/{}/'.format(model_name, date, dataset) files = os.listdir(DATA_DIR) files = [i for i in files] i = 0 for fname in files: tmp_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR + fname) tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(tmp_df, columns=['ID', 'Label']) if i == 0: df_merged = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR + fname) df_merged = pd.DataFrame(df_merged, columns=['ID', 'Label']) if i > 0: df_merged = df_merged.merge(tmp_df, how='left', on='ID') print(df_merged.shape) i += 1 df_data = pd.read_csv('../data/test_data/cn_test.csv', sep=',') # df_data = pd.read_csv('../data/test_data/cn_test.csv', sep='\t', names=["ID", "Speaker", "Sentence"]) ID_list = [i for i in range(df_data.shape[0])] df_data['ID'] = pd.Series(ID_list) df_merged = df_merged.merge(df_data, how='left', on='ID') speaker_list, sentence_list, label_list = [], [], [] humor_speaker_list, humor_sentence_list, humor_label_list = [], [], [] un_speaker_list, un_sentence_list, un_label_list = [], [], [] for index, line in df_merged.iterrows(): label_1 = int(line[1]) label_2 = int(line[2]) label_3 = int(line[3]) label_4 = int(line[4]) label_5 = int(line[5]) speaker = line[8] sentence = line[9] label = None if label_1 + label_2 + label_3 + label_4 + label_5 == 5: label = 1 humor_speaker_list.append(speaker) humor_sentence_list.append(sentence) humor_label_list.append(label) elif label_1 == label_2 == label_3 == label_4 == label_5 == 0: label = 0 un_speaker_list.append(speaker) un_sentence_list.append(sentence) un_label_list.append(label) if label is not None: speaker_list.append(speaker) sentence_list.append(sentence) label_list.append(label) print(len(speaker_list), len(sentence_list), len(label_list)) print(len(humor_speaker_list), len(humor_sentence_list), len(humor_label_list)) print(len(un_speaker_list), len(un_sentence_list), len(un_label_list)) idx_list = [i for i in range(len(speaker_list))] humor_idx_list = [i for i in range(len(humor_speaker_list))] un_idx_list = [i for i in range(len(un_speaker_list))] # * tsv格式 final_data = list(zip(idx_list, speaker_list, sentence_list, label_list)) final_data = pd.DataFrame(final_data, columns=['ID', 'Speaker', 'Sentence', 'Label']) humor_final_data = list(zip(humor_idx_list, humor_speaker_list, humor_sentence_list, humor_label_list)) humor_final_data =
pd.DataFrame(humor_final_data, columns=['ID', 'Speaker', 'Sentence', 'Label'])
import re import logging from functools import reduce, partial from concurrent import futures from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed import pandas as pd import numpy as np from pandas.api.types import is_numeric_dtype from influxdb.resultset import ResultSet from requests.exceptions import RequestException from .connection import get_client, InfluxDBException, _timeout from .util import aslist, asstr from .db import _check_table, _CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS, AGGREGATE from . import db __all__ = ['query', 'query_async', 'getdf'] log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def query(query: str, **kwargs) -> ResultSet: """ Fetch results of a raw SQL query. Parameters ---------- query : str An SQL query to fetch results for. kwargs : Passed to ``influxdb.client.InfluxDBClient``. Returns ------- influxdb.resultset.ResultSet """ try: client = get_client() except InfluxDBException: log.exception('Failed to instantiate InfluxDB client:') raise kwargs.setdefault('epoch', 'ms') try: log.debug('Executing query: %s', query) result = client.query(query, **kwargs) log.debug('Result set size: %d, %d rows', len(result), len(tuple(result.get_points()))) return result except RequestException: log.error('Failed to execute query in %d seconds: %s', _timeout, query) raise except InfluxDBException: log.error('Failed to execute query: %s', query) raise def query_async(queries: list, callback=None, **kwargs) -> ResultSet: """ Generator fetching results of SQL queries in an asynchronous manner. Parameters ---------- queries : list of str An list of SQL queries to fetch results for. callback : callable The function to call after each successfully executed query. kwargs : Passed to ``influxdb.client.InfluxDBClient``. Yields ------ influxdb.resultset.ResultSet """ if isinstance(queries, str): queries = [queries] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(queries)) as executor: try: for future in as_completed((executor.submit(query, query_str, **kwargs) for query_str in queries), # +1 to allow InfluxDBClient (requests) to fail first timeout=_timeout + 1): yield future.result() if callback: callback() except (futures.TimeoutError, RequestException): log.error("Failed to execute all queries in %d seconds: %s", _timeout, queries) raise def _query_str(table, *, freq, columns='', where='', resample='', limit=1000): parts = ['SELECT {columns} FROM {table}_{freq}'.format( columns=asstr(columns) or (table._select_agg() if resample else '*'), table=str(table), freq=freq)] if where: where = aslist(where, str) parts.append('WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(where)) if resample: resample = 'time({}), '.format(resample) parts.append('GROUP BY ' + (resample + table._groupby()).lstrip(',')) if limit: parts.append('LIMIT ' + str(int(limit))) query_str = ' '.join(parts) return query_str def merge_asof_helper (left, right, tolerance=None): # pandas doesnt allow multiple pd.Categorical "by" values?, dirty hacks if 'time' in left.columns.values.tolist(): left.time = pd.to_datetime(left.time, unit='ms') left.set_index('time', inplace=True) left.sort_index(inplace=True) right.time =
pd.to_datetime(right.time, unit='ms')
import os import pandas as pd import mysql.connector as mysql from mysql.connector import Error def DBConnect(dbName=None): """ Parameters ---------- dbName : Default value = None) Returns ------- """ conn = mysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='<PASSWORD>', database=dbName, buffered=True) cur = conn.cursor() return conn, cur def emojiDB(dbName: str) -> None: conn, cur = DBConnect(dbName) dbQuery = f"ALTER DATABASE {dbName} CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;" cur.execute(dbQuery) conn.commit() def createDB(dbName: str) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- dbName : str: dbName : str: dbName:str : Returns ------- """ conn, cur = DBConnect() cur.execute(f"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {dbName};") conn.commit() cur.close() def createTables(dbName: str) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- dbName : str: dbName : str: dbName:str : Returns ------- """ conn, cur = DBConnect(dbName) sqlFile = 'mysql/I80_davis_schema.sql' fd = open(sqlFile, 'r') readSqlFile = fd.close() sqlCommands = readSqlFile.split(';') for command in sqlCommands: try: res = cur.execute(command) except Exception as ex: print("Command skipped: ", command) print(ex) conn.commit() cur.close() return # def preprocess_df(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: # """ # Parameters # ---------- # df : # pd.DataFrame: # df : # pd.DataFrame: # df:pd.DataFrame : # Returns # ------- # """ # cols_2_drop = ['Unnamed: 0', 'timestamp', 'sentiment', 'possibly_sensitive', 'original_text'] # try: # df = df.drop(columns=cols_2_drop, axis=1) # df = df.fillna(0) # except KeyError as e: # print("Error:", e) # return df def insert_to_I80_davis_t_table(dbName: str, df: pd.DataFrame, table_name: str) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- dbName : str: df : pd.DataFrame: table_name : str: dbName : str: df : pd.DataFrame: table_name : str: dbName:str : df:pd.DataFrame : table_name:str : Returns ------- """ conn, cur = DBConnect(dbName) # df = preprocess_df(df) for _, row in df.iterrows(): sqlQuery = f"""INSERT INTO {table_name} (timestamp,ID,avg_speed,avg_flow,avg_occ,avg_freeflow_speed,samples_below_100pct_ff, samples_below_95pct_ff,samples_below_90pct_ff,samples_below_85pct_ff,samples_below_80pct_ff, samples_below_75pct_ff,samples_below_70pct_ff,samples_below_65pct_ff,samples_below_60pct_ff, samples_below_55pct_ff,samples_below_50pct_ff,samples_below_45pct_ff,samples_below_40pct_ff, samples_below_35pct_ff,samples_below_30pct_ff,samples_below_20pct_ff,samples_below_25pct_ff, samples_below_15pct_ff,samples_below_10pct_ff) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);""" data = (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], (row[4]), (row[5]), row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[15],row[16], row[17], row[18], (row[19]), (row[20]), row[21],row[22], row[23], row[24]) try: # Execute the SQL command cur.execute(sqlQuery, data) # Commit your changes in the database conn.commit() print("Data Inserted Successfully") except Exception as e: conn.rollback() print("Error: ", e) return def insert_to_richards_table(dbName: str, df: pd.DataFrame, table_name: str) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- dbName : str: df : pd.DataFrame: table_name : str: dbName : str: df : pd.DataFrame: table_name : str: dbName:str : df:pd.DataFrame : table_name:str : Returns ------- """ conn, cur = DBConnect(dbName) # df = preprocess_df(df) for _, row in df.iterrows(): sqlQuery = f"""INSERT INTO {table_name} (timestamp,flow1,occupancy1,flow2,occupancy2,flow3,occupancy3,totalflow,weekday,hour,minute,second) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);""" data = (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], (row[4]), (row[5]), row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11]) try: # Execute the SQL command cur.execute(sqlQuery, data) # Commit your changes in the database conn.commit() print("Data Inserted Successfully") except Exception as e: conn.rollback() print("Error: ", e) return def insert_to_station_summary_table(dbName: str, df: pd.DataFrame, table_name: str) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- dbName : str: df : pd.DataFrame: table_name : str: dbName : str: df : pd.DataFrame: table_name : str: dbName:str : df:pd.DataFrame : table_name:str : Returns ------- """ conn, cur = DBConnect(dbName) # df = preprocess_df(df) for _, row in df.iterrows(): sqlQuery = f"""INSERT INTO {table_name} (ID,flow_99,flow_max,flow_median,flow_total,n_obs) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);""" data = (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5]) try: # Execute the SQL command cur.execute(sqlQuery, data) # Commit your changes in the database conn.commit() print("Data Inserted Successfully") except Exception as e: conn.rollback() print("Error: ", e) return def insert_to_weekday_table(dbName: str, df: pd.DataFrame, table_name: str) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- dbName : str: df : pd.DataFrame: table_name : str: dbName : str: df : pd.DataFrame: table_name : str: dbName:str : df:pd.DataFrame : table_name:str : Returns ------- """ conn, cur = DBConnect(dbName) # df = preprocess_df(df) for _, row in df.iterrows(): sqlQuery = f"""INSERT INTO {table_name} (ID,hour,minute,second,Unnamed: 4,totalflow) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);""" data = (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5]) try: # Execute the SQL command cur.execute(sqlQuery, data) # Commit your changes in the database conn.commit() print("Data Inserted Successfully") except Exception as e: conn.rollback() print("Error: ", e) return def insert_to_I80_median_table(dbName: str, df: pd.DataFrame, table_name: str) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- dbName : str: df : pd.DataFrame: table_name : str: dbName : str: df : pd.DataFrame: table_name : str: dbName:str : df:pd.DataFrame : table_name:str : Returns ------- """ conn, cur = DBConnect(dbName) # df = preprocess_df(df) for _, row in df.iterrows(): sqlQuery = f"""INSERT INTO {table_name} (ID,weekday,hour,minute,second,flow1,occupancy1,mph1,flow2, occupancy2,mph2,flow3,occupancy3,mph3,flow4,occupancy4,mph4,flow5,occupancy5,mph5,totalflow) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);""" data = (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], (row[4]), (row[5]), row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[15],row[16], row[17], row[18], row[19], row[20]) try: # Execute the SQL command cur.execute(sqlQuery, data) # Commit your changes in the database conn.commit() print("Data Inserted Successfully") except Exception as e: conn.rollback() print("Error: ", e) return def insert_to_I80_stations_table(dbName: str, df: pd.DataFrame, table_name: str) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- dbName : str: df : pd.DataFrame: table_name : str: dbName : str: df : pd.DataFrame: table_name : str: dbName:str : df:pd.DataFrame : table_name:str : Returns ------- """ conn, cur = DBConnect(dbName) # df = preprocess_df(df) for _, row in df.iterrows(): sqlQuery = f"""INSERT INTO {table_name} (ID,Fwy,Dir,District,County,City,State_PM,Abs_PM,Latitude, Longitude,Length,Type,Lanes,Name,User_ID_1,User_ID_2,User_ID_3,User_ID_4) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);""" data = (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], (row[4]), (row[5]), row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[15],row[16], row[17]) try: # Execute the SQL command cur.execute(sqlQuery, data) # Commit your changes in the database conn.commit() print("Data Inserted Successfully") except Exception as e: conn.rollback() print("Error: ", e) return def db_execute_fetch(*args, many=False, tablename='', rdf=True, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Parameters ---------- *args : many : (Default value = False) tablename : (Default value = '') rdf : (Default value = True) **kwargs : Returns ------- """ connection, cursor1 = DBConnect(**kwargs) if many: cursor1.executemany(*args) else: cursor1.execute(*args) # get column names field_names = [i[0] for i in cursor1.description] # get column values res = cursor1.fetchall() # get row count and show info nrow = cursor1.rowcount if tablename: print(f"{nrow} records fetched from {tablename} table") cursor1.close() connection.close() # return result if rdf: return pd.DataFrame(res, columns=field_names) else: return res if __name__ == "__main__": createDB(dbName='I80_davis') emojiDB(dbName='I80_davis') createTables(dbName='I80_davis') richards = pd.read_csv('data/richards.csv') I80_stations = pd.read_csv('data/I80_stations.csv') station =
import itertools import warnings import networkx as nx import numpy as np import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm from AppGenerator import AppGenerator from ServerlessAppWorkflow import ServerlessAppWorkflow warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") class PerfOpt: def __init__(self, Appworkflow, generate_perf_profile=True, mem_list=None): self.App = Appworkflow self.appgenerator = AppGenerator(seed=16, type='4PL') if mem_list is None: self.mem_list = [128, 192, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640, 704, 768, 832, 896, 960, 1024, 1088, 1152, 1216, 1280, 1344, 1408, 1472, 1536, 1600, 1664, 1728, 1792, 1856, 1920, 1984, 2048, 2112, 2176, 2240, 2304, 2368, 2432, 2496, 2560, 2624, 2688, 2752, 2816, 2880, 2944, 3008] else: self.mem_list = mem_list if generate_perf_profile: self.generate_perf_profile() self.minimal_mem_configuration, self.maximal_mem_configuration, self.maximal_cost, self.minimal_avg_rt, self.minimal_cost, self.maximal_avg_rt = self.get_optimization_boundary() self.update_BCR() self.all_simple_paths = [path for path in nx.all_simple_paths(self.App.deloopedG, self.App.startPoint, self.App.endPoint)] self.simple_paths_num = len(self.all_simple_paths) self.CPcounter = 0 # Generate performance curve for each node in the workflow def generate_perf_profile(self): node_list = [item for item in self.App.workflowG.nodes] node_list.remove('Start') node_list.remove('End') nx.set_node_attributes(self.App.workflowG, {}, 'perf_profile') for node in node_list: self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['perf_profile'] = self.appgenerator.gen_rt_mem_data(node) # Update mem and rt attributes of each node in the workflow def update_mem_rt(self, G, mem_dict): for node in mem_dict: G.nodes[node]['mem'] = mem_dict[node] G.nodes[node]['rt'] = G.nodes[node]['perf_profile'][mem_dict[node]] # Update mem and rt attributes of each node in the workflow def update_App_workflow_mem_rt(self, App, mem_dict): self.update_mem_rt(App.workflowG, mem_dict) App.updateRT() def get_perf_cost_table(self, file, start_iterations=1, end_iterations=None): ''' Enumerate all possible combinations of memory. For each combination, calculate the end-to-end response time and average cost. Save the results into a csv. Args: file (string): the name of the output csv to be saved start_iterations (int): the start iterations e.g. 1 == start from the first iteration, 2 == start from the second iteration end_iterations (int): the end iterations e.g. 10 == end after finishing the 10th iteration ''' data = pd.DataFrame() self.App.update_NE() node_list = [item for item in self.App.workflowG.nodes] node_list.remove('Start') node_list.remove('End') all_available_mem_list = [] for node in node_list: all_available_mem_list.append( [item for item in np.sort(list(self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['perf_profile'].keys()))]) if (end_iterations != None): task_size = end_iterations - start_iterations + 1 else: task_size =[len(item) for item in all_available_mem_list]) - start_iterations + 1 mem_configurations = itertools.product(*all_available_mem_list) for i in range(start_iterations - 1): next(mem_configurations) iterations_count = start_iterations - 1 print('Get Performance Cost Table - Task Size: {}'.format(task_size)) if (end_iterations != None): with tqdm(total=task_size) as pbar: for mem_config in mem_configurations: iterations_count += 1 current_mem_config = dict(zip(node_list, mem_config)) self.update_App_workflow_mem_rt(self.App, current_mem_config) current_cost = self.App.get_avg_cost() self.App.get_simple_dag() current_rt = self.App.get_avg_rt() aRow = current_mem_config aRow['Cost'] = current_cost aRow['RT'] = current_rt aRow = pd.Series(aRow).rename(iterations_count) data = data.append(aRow) pbar.update() if (iterations_count >= end_iterations): break else: with tqdm(total=task_size) as pbar: for mem_config in mem_configurations: iterations_count += 1 current_mem_config = dict(zip(node_list, mem_config)) self.update_App_workflow_mem_rt(self.App, current_mem_config) current_cost = self.App.get_avg_cost() self.App.get_simple_dag() current_rt = self.App.get_avg_rt() aRow = current_mem_config aRow['Cost'] = current_cost aRow['RT'] = current_rt aRow = pd.Series(aRow).rename(iterations_count) data = data.append(aRow) pbar.update() data.to_csv(file, index=True) def get_optimization_boundary(self): node_list = [item for item in self.App.workflowG.nodes] minimal_mem_configuration = {node: min(self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['perf_profile'].keys()) for node in node_list} maximal_mem_configuration = {node: max(self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['perf_profile'].keys()) for node in node_list} self.App.update_NE() self.update_App_workflow_mem_rt(self.App, maximal_mem_configuration) maximal_cost = self.App.get_avg_cost() self.App.get_simple_dag() minimal_avg_rt = self.App.get_avg_rt() self.update_App_workflow_mem_rt(self.App, minimal_mem_configuration) minimal_cost = self.App.get_avg_cost() self.App.get_simple_dag() maximal_avg_rt = self.App.get_avg_rt() return (minimal_mem_configuration, maximal_mem_configuration, maximal_cost, minimal_avg_rt, minimal_cost, maximal_avg_rt) # Get the Benefit Cost Ratio (absolute value) of each function def update_BCR(self): node_list = [item for item in self.App.workflowG.nodes] for node in node_list: available_mem_list = [item for item in np.sort(list(self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['perf_profile'].keys()))] available_rt_list = [self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['perf_profile'][item] for item in available_mem_list] slope, intercept = np.linalg.lstsq(np.vstack([available_mem_list, np.ones(len(available_mem_list))]).T, np.array(available_rt_list), rcond=None)[0] self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['BCR'] = np.abs(slope) # Find the probability refined critical path in self.App def find_PRCP(self, order=0, leastCritical=False): self.CPcounter += 1 tp_list = self.App.getTP(self.App.deloopedG, self.all_simple_paths) rt_list = self.App.sumRT_with_NE(self.all_simple_paths, includeStartNode=True, includeEndNode=True) prrt_list = np.multiply(tp_list, rt_list) if (leastCritical): PRCP = np.argsort(prrt_list)[order] else: PRCP = np.argsort(prrt_list)[-1 - order] return (self.all_simple_paths[PRCP]) # Update the list of available memory configurations in ascending order def update_available_mem_list(self, BCR=False, BCRthreshold=0.1, BCRinverse=False): node_list = [item for item in self.App.workflowG.nodes] for node in node_list: if (BCR): available_mem_list = [item for item in np.sort(list(self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['perf_profile'].keys()))] mem_zip = [item for item in zip(available_mem_list, available_mem_list[1:])] if (BCRinverse): available_mem_list = [item for item in mem_zip if np.abs((item[1] - item[0]) / ( self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['perf_profile'][item[1]] - self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['perf_profile'][item[0]])) > 1.0 / ( self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['BCR']) * BCRthreshold] else: available_mem_list = [item for item in mem_zip if np.abs((self.App.workflowG.nodes[node][ 'perf_profile'][item[1]] - self.App.workflowG.nodes[node][ 'perf_profile'][item[0]]) / ( item[1] - item[0])) > self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['BCR'] * BCRthreshold] available_mem_list = list(np.sort(list(set(itertools.chain(*available_mem_list))))) else: available_mem_list = [item for item in np.sort(list(self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['perf_profile'].keys()))] self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['available_mem'] = available_mem_list # Sorted list def PRCPG_BPBC(self, budget, BCR=False, BCRtype="RT/M", BCRthreshold=0.1): ''' Probability Refined Critical Path Algorithm - Minimal end-to-end response time under a budget constraint Best Performance under budget constraint Args: budget (float): the budge constraint BCR (bool): True - use benefit-cost ratio optimization False - not use BCR optimization BCRtype (string): 'RT/M' - Benefit is RT, Cost is Mem. Eliminate mem configurations which do not conform to BCR limitations. The greedy strategy is to select the config with maximal RT reduction. 'ERT/C' - Benefit is the reduction on end-to-end response time, Cost is increased cost. The greedy strategy is to select the config with maximal RT reduction. 'MAX' - Benefit is the reduction on end-to-end response time, Cost is increased cost. The greedy strategy is to select the config with maximal BCR BCRthreshold (float): The threshold of BCR cut off ''' if BCRtype == 'rt-mem': BCRtype = 'RT/M' elif BCRtype == 'e2ert-cost': BCRtype = 'ERT/C' elif BCRtype == 'max': BCRtype = 'MAX' if (BCR and BCRtype == "RT/M"): self.update_available_mem_list(BCR=True, BCRthreshold=BCRthreshold, BCRinverse=False) else: self.update_available_mem_list(BCR=False) if (BCR): cost = self.minimal_cost cost = self.minimal_cost surplus = budget - cost self.update_App_workflow_mem_rt(self.App, self.minimal_mem_configuration) current_avg_rt = self.maximal_avg_rt current_cost = self.minimal_cost last_e2ert_cost_BCR = 0 order = 0 iterations_count = 0 while (round(surplus, 4) >= 0): iterations_count += 1 cp = self.find_PRCP(order=order, leastCritical=False) max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node = {} mem_backup = nx.get_node_attributes(self.App.workflowG, 'mem') for node in cp: avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config = {} for mem in reversed(self.App.workflowG.nodes[node]['available_mem']): if (mem <= mem_backup[node]): break self.update_App_workflow_mem_rt(self.App, {node: mem}) increased_cost = self.App.get_avg_cost() - current_cost if (increased_cost < surplus): self.App.get_simple_dag() rt_reduction = current_avg_rt - self.App.get_avg_rt() if (rt_reduction > 0): avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config[mem] = (rt_reduction, increased_cost) self.update_App_workflow_mem_rt(self.App, {node: mem_backup[node]}) if (BCR and BCRtype == "ERT/C"): avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config = {item: avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item] for item in avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config.keys() if avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item][0] / avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item][ 1] > last_e2ert_cost_BCR * BCRthreshold} if (BCR and BCRtype == "MAX"): avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config = {item: ( avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item][0], avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item][1], avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item][0] / avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item][1]) for item in avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config.keys()} if (len(avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config) != 0): if (BCR and BCRtype == "MAX"): max_BCR = np.max([item[2] for item in avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values()]) max_rt_reduction_under_MAX_BCR = np.max( [item[0] for item in avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values() if item[2] == max_BCR]) min_increased_cost_under_MAX_rt_reduction_MAX_BCR = np.min( [item[1] for item in avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values() if item[0] == max_rt_reduction_under_MAX_BCR and item[2] == max_BCR]) reversed_dict = dict(zip(avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values(), avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config.keys())) max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node[node] = (reversed_dict[( max_rt_reduction_under_MAX_BCR, min_increased_cost_under_MAX_rt_reduction_MAX_BCR, max_BCR)], max_rt_reduction_under_MAX_BCR, min_increased_cost_under_MAX_rt_reduction_MAX_BCR, max_BCR) else: max_rt_reduction = np.max([item[0] for item in avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values()]) min_increased_cost_under_MAX_rt_reduction = np.min( [item[1] for item in avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values() if item[0] == max_rt_reduction]) reversed_dict = dict(zip(avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values(), avg_rt_reduction_of_each_mem_config.keys())) max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node[node] = ( reversed_dict[(max_rt_reduction, min_increased_cost_under_MAX_rt_reduction)], max_rt_reduction, min_increased_cost_under_MAX_rt_reduction) if (len(max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node) == 0): if (order >= self.simple_paths_num - 1): break else: order += 1 continue if (BCR and BCRtype == "MAX"): max_BCR = np.max([item[3] for item in max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node.values()]) max_rt_reduction_under_MAX_BCR = np.max( [item[1] for item in max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node.values() if item[3] == max_BCR]) target_node = [key for key in max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node if max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node[key][3] == max_BCR and max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node[key][1] == max_rt_reduction_under_MAX_BCR][0] target_mem = max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node[target_node][0] else: max_rt_reduction = np.max([item[1] for item in max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node.values()]) min_increased_cost_under_MAX_rt_reduction = np.min( [item[2] for item in max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node.values() if item[1] == max_rt_reduction]) target_mem = np.min([item[0] for item in max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node.values() if item[1] == max_rt_reduction and item[ 2] == min_increased_cost_under_MAX_rt_reduction]) target_node = [key for key in max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node if max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node[key] == ( target_mem, max_rt_reduction, min_increased_cost_under_MAX_rt_reduction)][0] self.update_App_workflow_mem_rt(self.App, {target_node: target_mem}) max_rt_reduction = max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node[target_node][1] min_increased_cost_under_MAX_rt_reduction = max_avg_rt_reduction_of_each_node[target_node][2] current_avg_rt = current_avg_rt - max_rt_reduction surplus = surplus - min_increased_cost_under_MAX_rt_reduction current_cost = self.App.get_avg_cost() current_e2ert_cost_BCR = max_rt_reduction / min_increased_cost_under_MAX_rt_reduction if (current_e2ert_cost_BCR == float('Inf')): last_e2ert_cost_BCR = 0 else: last_e2ert_cost_BCR = current_e2ert_cost_BCR current_mem_configuration = nx.get_node_attributes(self.App.workflowG, 'mem') del current_mem_configuration['Start'] del current_mem_configuration['End'] print('Optimized Memory Configuration: {}'.format(current_mem_configuration)) print('Average end-to-end response time: {}'.format(current_avg_rt)) print('Average Cost: {}'.format(current_cost)) print('PRCP_BPBC Optimization Completed.') return (current_avg_rt, current_cost, current_mem_configuration, iterations_count) def PRCPG_BCPC(self, rt_constraint, BCR=False, BCRtype="M/RT", BCRthreshold=0.1): ''' Probability Refined Critical Path Algorithm - Minimal cost under an end-to-end response time constraint Best cost under performance (end-to-end response time) constraint Args: rt_constraint (float): End-to-end response time constraint BCR (bool): True - use benefit-cost ratio optimization False - not use BCR optimization BCRtype (string): 'M/RT' - Benefit is Mem, Cost is RT. (inverse) Eliminate mem configurations which do not conform to BCR limitations 'C/ERT' - Benefit is the cost reduction, Cost is increased ERT. 'MAX' - Benefit is the cost reduction, Cost is increased ERT. The greedy strategy is to select the config with maximal BCR BCRthreshold (float): The threshold of BCR cut off ''' if BCRtype == 'rt-mem': BCRtype = 'M/RT' elif BCRtype == 'e2ert-cost': BCRtype = 'C/ERT' elif BCRtype == 'max': BCRtype = 'MAX' if (BCR and BCRtype == "M/RT"): self.update_available_mem_list(BCR=True, BCRthreshold=BCRthreshold, BCRinverse=True) else: self.update_available_mem_list(BCR=False) self.update_App_workflow_mem_rt(self.App, self.maximal_mem_configuration) current_avg_rt = self.minimal_avg_rt performance_surplus = rt_constraint - current_avg_rt current_cost = self.maximal_cost last_e2ert_cost_BCR = 0 order = 0 iterations_count = 0 while (round(performance_surplus, 4) >= 0): iterations_count += 1 cp = self.find_PRCP(leastCritical=True, order=order) max_cost_reduction_of_each_node = {} mem_backup = nx.get_node_attributes(self.App.workflowG, 'mem') for node in cp: cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config = {} for mem in self.App.workflowG.nodes[node][ 'available_mem']: if (mem >= mem_backup[node]): break self.update_App_workflow_mem_rt(self.App, {node: mem}) self.App.get_simple_dag() temp_avg_rt = self.App.get_avg_rt() increased_rt = temp_avg_rt - current_avg_rt cost_reduction = current_cost - self.App.get_avg_cost() if (increased_rt < performance_surplus and cost_reduction > 0): cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config[mem] = (cost_reduction, increased_rt) self.update_App_workflow_mem_rt(self.App, {node: mem_backup[node]}) if (BCR and BCRtype == 'C/ERT'): cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config = {item: cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item] for item in cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config.keys() if cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item][0] / cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item][ 1] > last_e2ert_cost_BCR * BCRthreshold} elif (BCR and BCRtype == "MAX"): cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config = {item: ( cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item][0], cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item][1], cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item][0] / cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config[item][1]) for item in cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config.keys()} if (len(cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config) != 0): if (BCR and BCRtype == "MAX"): max_BCR = np.max([item[2] for item in cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values()]) max_cost_reduction_under_MAX_BCR = np.max( [item[0] for item in cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values() if item[2] == max_BCR]) min_increased_rt_under_MAX_rt_reduction_MAX_BCR = np.min( [item[1] for item in cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values() if item[0] == max_cost_reduction_under_MAX_BCR and item[2] == max_BCR]) reversed_dict = dict(zip(cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values(), cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config.keys())) max_cost_reduction_of_each_node[node] = (reversed_dict[( max_cost_reduction_under_MAX_BCR, min_increased_rt_under_MAX_rt_reduction_MAX_BCR, max_BCR)], max_cost_reduction_under_MAX_BCR, min_increased_rt_under_MAX_rt_reduction_MAX_BCR, max_BCR) else: max_cost_reduction = np.max([item[0] for item in cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values()]) min_increased_rt_under_MAX_cost_reduction = np.min( [item[1] for item in cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values() if item[0] == max_cost_reduction]) reversed_dict = dict( zip(cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config.values(), cost_reduction_of_each_mem_config.keys())) max_cost_reduction_of_each_node[node] = ( reversed_dict[(max_cost_reduction, min_increased_rt_under_MAX_cost_reduction)], max_cost_reduction, min_increased_rt_under_MAX_cost_reduction) if (len(max_cost_reduction_of_each_node) == 0): if (order >= self.simple_paths_num - 1): break else: order += 1 continue if (BCR and BCRtype == "MAX"): max_BCR = np.max([item[3] for item in max_cost_reduction_of_each_node.values()]) max_cost_reduction_under_MAX_BCR = np.max( [item[1] for item in max_cost_reduction_of_each_node.values() if item[3] == max_BCR]) target_node = [key for key in max_cost_reduction_of_each_node if max_cost_reduction_of_each_node[key][3] == max_BCR and max_cost_reduction_of_each_node[key][1] == max_cost_reduction_under_MAX_BCR][0] target_mem = max_cost_reduction_of_each_node[target_node][0] else: max_cost_reduction = np.max([item[1] for item in max_cost_reduction_of_each_node.values()]) min_increased_rt_under_MAX_cost_reduction = np.min( [item[2] for item in max_cost_reduction_of_each_node.values() if item[1] == max_cost_reduction]) target_mem = np.min([item[0] for item in max_cost_reduction_of_each_node.values() if item[1] == max_cost_reduction and item[ 2] == min_increased_rt_under_MAX_cost_reduction]) target_node = [key for key in max_cost_reduction_of_each_node if max_cost_reduction_of_each_node[key] == ( target_mem, max_cost_reduction, min_increased_rt_under_MAX_cost_reduction)][0] self.update_App_workflow_mem_rt(self.App, {target_node: target_mem}) max_cost_reduction = max_cost_reduction_of_each_node[target_node][1] min_increased_rt_under_MAX_cost_reduction = max_cost_reduction_of_each_node[target_node][2] current_cost = current_cost - max_cost_reduction performance_surplus = performance_surplus - min_increased_rt_under_MAX_cost_reduction current_avg_rt = current_avg_rt + min_increased_rt_under_MAX_cost_reduction current_e2ert_cost_BCR = max_cost_reduction / min_increased_rt_under_MAX_cost_reduction if (current_e2ert_cost_BCR == float('Inf')): last_e2ert_cost_BCR = 0 else: last_e2ert_cost_BCR = current_e2ert_cost_BCR current_mem_configuration = nx.get_node_attributes(self.App.workflowG, 'mem') del current_mem_configuration['Start'] del current_mem_configuration['End'] print('Optimized Memory Configuration: {}'.format(current_mem_configuration)) print('Average end-to-end response time: {}'.format(current_avg_rt)) print('Average Cost: {}'.format(current_cost)) print('PRCPG_BCPC Optimization Completed.') return (current_avg_rt, current_cost, current_mem_configuration, iterations_count) def get_opt_curve(self, filenameprefix, budget_list, performance_constraint_list, BCRthreshold=0.2): ''' Get the Optimization Curve and save as csv Args: nop_cost (int): the number of evenly spaced budgets in the range of Cost nop_rt (int): the number of evenly spaced performance constraints in the range of RT ''' BPBC_data = pd.DataFrame() for budget in budget_list: aRow = {'Budget': budget, 'BCR_threshold': BCRthreshold} rt, cost, config, iterations = self.PRCPG_BPBC(budget, BCR=False) aRow['BCR_disabled_RT'] = rt aRow['BCR_disabled_Cost'] = cost aRow['BCR_disabled_Config'] = config aRow['BCR_disabled_Iterations'] = iterations rt, cost, config, iterations = self.PRCPG_BPBC(budget, BCR=True, BCRtype='RT/M', BCRthreshold=BCRthreshold) aRow['BCR_RT/M_RT'] = rt aRow['BCR_RT/M_Cost'] = cost aRow['BCR_RT/M_Config'] = config aRow['BCR_RT/M_Iterations'] = iterations rt, cost, config, iterations = self.PRCPG_BPBC(budget, BCR=True, BCRtype='ERT/C', BCRthreshold=BCRthreshold) aRow['BCR_ERT/C_RT'] = rt aRow['BCR_ERT/C_Cost'] = cost aRow['BCR_ERT/C_Config'] = config aRow['BCR_ERT/C_Iterations'] = iterations rt, cost, config, iterations = self.PRCPG_BPBC(budget, BCR=True, BCRtype='MAX') aRow['BCR_MAX_RT'] = rt aRow['BCR_MAX_Cost'] = cost aRow['BCR_MAX_Config'] = config aRow['BCR_MAX_Iterations'] = iterations aRow = pd.Series(aRow) BPBC_data = BPBC_data.append(aRow, ignore_index=True) BPBC_data = BPBC_data[ ['Budget', 'BCR_disabled_RT', 'BCR_RT/M_RT', 'BCR_ERT/C_RT', 'BCR_MAX_RT', 'BCR_disabled_Cost', 'BCR_RT/M_Cost', 'BCR_ERT/C_Cost', 'BCR_MAX_Cost', 'BCR_disabled_Config', 'BCR_RT/M_Config', 'BCR_ERT/C_Config', 'BCR_MAX_Config', 'BCR_disabled_Iterations', 'BCR_RT/M_Iterations', 'BCR_ERT/C_Iterations', 'BCR_MAX_Iterations', 'BCR_threshold']] BPBC_data.to_csv(filenameprefix + '_BPBC.csv', index=False) BCPC_data = pd.DataFrame() for perf_constraint in performance_constraint_list: aRow = {'Performance_Constraint': perf_constraint, 'BCR_threshold': BCRthreshold} rt, cost, config, iterations = self.PRCPG_BCPC(rt_constraint=perf_constraint, BCR=False) aRow['BCR_disabled_RT'] = rt aRow['BCR_disabled_Cost'] = cost aRow['BCR_disabled_Config'] = config aRow['BCR_disabled_Iterations'] = iterations rt, cost, config, iterations = self.PRCPG_BCPC(rt_constraint=perf_constraint, BCR=True, BCRtype='RT/M', BCRthreshold=BCRthreshold) aRow['BCR_M/RT_RT'] = rt aRow['BCR_M/RT_Cost'] = cost aRow['BCR_M/RT_Config'] = config aRow['BCR_M/RT_Iterations'] = iterations rt, cost, config, iterations = self.PRCPG_BCPC(rt_constraint=perf_constraint, BCR=True, BCRtype='ERT/C', BCRthreshold=BCRthreshold) aRow['BCR_C/ERT_RT'] = rt aRow['BCR_C/ERT_Cost'] = cost aRow['BCR_C/ERT_Config'] = config aRow['BCR_C/ERT_Iterations'] = iterations rt, cost, config, iterations = self.PRCPG_BCPC(rt_constraint=perf_constraint, BCR=True, BCRtype='MAX') aRow['BCR_MAX_RT'] = rt aRow['BCR_MAX_Cost'] = cost aRow['BCR_MAX_Config'] = config aRow['BCR_MAX_Iterations'] = iterations aRow =
# Copyright 2021 Rikai Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import numpy as np import pandas as pd from rikai.pytorch.pandas import PandasDataset from rikai.types.geometry import Box2d def test_pandas_dataframe(): data = [{"id": i, "value": str(i * 10)} for i in range(10)] df =
""" # Part of localization phase # suspected bug detection: # 1. Tensorflow,Theano,CNTK # 2. Tensorflow,Theano,MXNET # # voting process # -> a. inconsistency -> error backend,error layer. # b. check error backend in new container(whether inconsistency disappears). # """ # import numpy as np import os import sys import configparser from import filter_bugs import pickle import pandas as pd from itertools import combinations,product from datetime import datetime np.random.seed(20200501) def get_model_inputs(idntfrs): idntfrs_set = set() for idntfr in idntfrs: idntfr_splits = idntfr.split("_") model_input = "{}_{}_{}".format(idntfr_splits[0], idntfr_splits[1], idntfr_splits[-1]) idntfrs_set.add(model_input) return idntfrs_set def voted_by_inconsistency(res_dict): votes = {} for back_pair,incon_value in res_dict.items(): if incon_value >= threshold: back1,back2 = back_pair.split("_") votes[back1] = votes.setdefault(back1, 0) + 1 votes[back2] = votes.setdefault(back2, 0) + 1 for bk, cnt in votes.items(): if cnt == 2: return bk def get_metrics_of_exp(exp_id,exp_dir): res_dict = dict() metrics_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, "metrics_result") file_name = f"{exp_id}_D_MAD_result.csv" with open(os.path.join(metrics_dir, file_name), "r") as fr: fr.readline() for line in fr.readlines(): line = line.rstrip("\n").split(",") res_dict[line[0]] = float(line[1]) return res_dict def get_metrics_of_model_input(model_input,backend_pairs,exp_metrics_dict): mis = model_input.split("_") res_dict = dict() for backend_pair in backend_pairs: model_idntfr = f"{mis[0]}_{mis[1]}_{backend_pair}_{mis[-1]}" res_dict[backend_pair] = exp_metrics_dict[model_idntfr] return res_dict def choose_error_layer(localize_res: dict): def get_common_layer(res, error_layer): bk_dict = {} for bk_pair, tu in res.items(): if tu[0] == error_layer: bk1, bk2 = bk_pair.split("_")[0], bk_pair.split("_")[1] bk_dict[bk1] = bk_dict.setdefault(bk1, 0) + 1 bk_dict[bk2] = bk_dict.setdefault(bk2, 0) + 1 for bk, cnt in bk_dict.items(): if cnt == 2: return bk layers_list = list(localize_res.values()) unique_layer_dict = dict() for layer_tuple in layers_list: unique_layer_dict[layer_tuple[0]] = unique_layer_dict.setdefault(layer_tuple[0], 0) + 1 unique_layer_dict = list(unique_layer_dict.items()) if len(unique_layer_dict) == 1: return unique_layer_dict[0][0], "-".join(backends) if len(unique_layer_dict) == 2: error_layer = unique_layer_dict[0][0] if unique_layer_dict[0][1] == 2 else unique_layer_dict[1][0] return error_layer, get_common_layer(localize_res, error_layer) if len(unique_layer_dict) == 3: return None, None def get_layer_values(bk_res: dict, layer_name): values = list() for bk_p in backend_pairs: df = bk_res[bk_p] select_row = df[df['current_layer'].isin([layer_name])] values.append("{}:{}".format(bk_p, select_row['Rl'].values[0])) return "|".join(values) def get_rate(value:str): """ v:values:'tensorflow_theano:325317.28125-tensorflow_cntk:325317.28125-tensorflow_mxnet:325317.28125-theano_cntk:0.07708668-theano_mxnet:0.09217975-cntk_mxnet:0.0887682' rate: max_Rl """ if 'inf' in value: return 'inf' else: try: value_splits = value.split("|") value_list = [abs(float(val.split(":")[1])) for val in value_splits] except ValueError as e: print(value) raise e max_rl,min_rl = max(value_list),min(value_list) return max_rl / (min_rl + 1e-10) def update_suspected_bugs(res_dict:dict, row:dict): """ select suspected bugs from inconsistencies by their rate rate: max_Rl / min_Rl row is like: {error_backend:theano,error_layer:conv2d_copy_LA1, model_input:'alexnet-cifar10_origin0-NAI1-LS6-WS4-NS1-ARep8_input228', values:'tensorflow_theano:325317.28125-tensorflow_cntk:325317.28125-tensorflow_mxnet:325317.28125-theano_cntk:0.07708668-theano_mxnet:0.09217975-cntk_mxnet:0.0887682'} """ # if not exists;add # else update error_bk,layer_name = row['error_backend'],simplify_layer_name(row['error_layer']) if (error_bk,layer_name) not in res_dict.keys(): res_dict[(error_bk,layer_name)] = set() res_dict[(error_bk,layer_name)].add(row['model_input']) # print(row['error_layer'],simplify_layer_name(row['error_layer'])) return res_dict def simplify_layer_name(layer_name:str): """ simplify layer name 'conv2d_copy_LA' -> conv2d """ if 'copy' in layer_name: layer_name = layer_name.split("_copy_")[0] if 'insert' in layer_name: layer_name = layer_name.split("_insert_")[0] # '_' in str and str doesn't endwiths '_' if "_" in layer_name: last_chr = layer_name.rfind("_") if last_chr == len(layer_name) -1 or layer_name[last_chr+1].isdigit(): layer_name = layer_name[:last_chr] return layer_name def get_inconsistency_value(bk_values): res_list = [] for bk,values in bk_values.items(): res_list.append(f"{bk}:{values}") return "|".join(res_list) def get_largest_error_layer(error_bk,bk_local_res,top_layers): def get_layer_value_other_bkp(layer_name,layer_stacks): for idx, row in layer_stacks.iterrows(): if row['current_layer'] == layer_name: return float(row['Rl']) layerset = set() layer_value_dict = dict() error_bk_pairs = [bkp for bkp in backend_pairs if error_bk in bkp] # length == 1 other_pair = [bkp for bkp in backend_pairs if error_bk not in bkp] for bkp in error_bk_pairs: layerset.add(top_layers[bkp][0]) layer_value_dict[bkp] = (top_layers[bkp][0],get_layer_value_other_bkp(top_layers[bkp][0],bk_local_res[other_pair[0]])) if len(layerset) == 1: return list(layerset)[0] else: if layer_value_dict[error_bk_pairs[0]][1] < layer_value_dict[error_bk_pairs[1]][1]: return layer_value_dict[error_bk_pairs[0]][0] else: return layer_value_dict[error_bk_pairs[1]][0] def get_higher_value_count(l): higher_cnt = 0 for val in l: if val >= threshold: higher_cnt += 1 return higher_cnt def get_another_tuple(idntfr,unique_incon_dict:list): """unique_incon_dict is list of ('theano_cntk','O&M',('lenet5-mnist_origin0_theano_cntk_input1',0.35))""" idntfr_splits = idntfr.split("_") bkp = f"{idntfr_splits[2]}_{idntfr_splits[3]}" if idntfr_splits[1] == 'origin0': # mutated should be added for iu in unique_incon_dict: iu_idntfr = iu[2][0] iu_idntfr_splits = iu_idntfr.split("_") if iu[0] == bkp and iu[1] =='O&M' and idntfr_splits[0] == iu_idntfr_splits[0] and iu_idntfr_splits[1] != 'origin0' and idntfr_splits[-1] == iu_idntfr_splits[-1]: return iu[2] else: raise Exception(f"Can't find equivalent mutated inconsistency for {idntfr}") else: # origin should be added origin_idntfr = f"{idntfr_splits[0]}_origin0_{idntfr_splits[2]}_{idntfr_splits[3]}_{idntfr_splits[-1]}" for iu in unique_incon_dict: if iu[0] == bkp and iu[1] == 'O&M' and origin_idntfr == iu[2][0]: return iu[2] else: print(origin_idntfr) raise Exception(f"Can't find equivalent origin inconsistency for {idntfr}") def is_all_original(model_inputs): for mi in model_inputs: mi_splits = mi.split("_") if mi_splits[1] != 'origin0': return False else: return True def is_all_original_on_exp(model_inputs,exp): for mi in model_inputs: mi_splits = mi.split("_") if mi_splits[0] == exp and mi_splits[1] != 'origin0': return False else: return True def is_all_mutant(model_inputs): for mi in model_inputs: mi_splits = mi.split("_") if mi_splits[1] == 'origin0': return False else: return True def is_all_mutant_on_exp(model_inputs,exp): for mi in model_inputs: mi_splits = mi.split("_") if mi_splits[0] == exp and mi_splits[1] == 'origin0': return False else: return True def is_exp_bug(model_inputs,exp): for mi in model_inputs: mi_splits = mi.split("_") if mi_splits[0] == exp: return True else: return False if __name__ == '__main__': start_time = config_name = sys.argv[1] lemon_cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()"./config/{config_name}") parameters = lemon_cfg['parameters'] output_dir = parameters['output_dir'] output_dir = output_dir[:-1] if output_dir.endswith("/") else output_dir threshold = parameters.getfloat('threshold') current_container = output_dir.rstrip("/").split("/")[-1] backend_choices = [1, 2, 3] print("current_container",current_container) exps = parameters['exps'].lstrip().rstrip().split(" ") exps.sort(key=lambda x:x) global_backend_pairs = [f"{pair[0]}_{pair[1]}" for pair in combinations(['tensorflow', 'theano', 'cntk','mxnet'], 2)] pd_exps = list() success_cnt = fail_cnt = 0 fail_model_inputs = list() reduced_bugs = dict() columns_cnt = int(3*(len(exps) + 1)) content = np.zeros((6,columns_cnt),dtype='int64') # create an empty DataFrame dict_exps = list() for e in exps: dict_exps.append(f"{e}+O-M") dict_exps.append(f"{e}+M-O") dict_exps.append(f"{e}+O&M") pd_exps.append(f"{e}+LE") pd_exps.append(f"{e}+Mu") pd_exps.append(f"{e}+In") pd_exps.append(f"Total+LE") pd_exps.append(f"Total+Mu") pd_exps.append(f"Total+In") bug_analysis_keys = list(product(dict_exps, global_backend_pairs)) exp_bkp_tuples = list(product(pd_exps, global_backend_pairs)) bug_analysis = {t:set() for t in bug_analysis_keys} bug_df = pd.DataFrame(content,columns=pd_exps,index=global_backend_pairs) model_input_localize = {} for backend_choice in backend_choices: if backend_choice == 1: backends = ['tensorflow', 'theano', 'cntk'] elif backend_choice == 2: backends = ['tensorflow', 'theano', 'mxnet'] else: backends = ['tensorflow', 'cntk', 'mxnet'] backend_str = "-".join(backends) backend_pairs = [f"{pair[0]}_{pair[1]}" for pair in combinations(backends, 2)] """Get all exps""" unsolved_columns = backend_pairs.copy() unsolved_columns.insert(0,'model_input') unsolved_df =
import numpy as np from scipy.special import softmax import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim import as tdata import pandas as pd import time from tqdm import tqdm from utils import validate, get_logits_targets, sort_sum import pdb # Conformalize a model with a calibration set. # Save it to a file in .cache/modelname # The only difference is that the forward method of ConformalModel also outputs a set. class ConformalModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self, model, calib_loader, alpha, kreg=None, lamda=None, randomized=True, allow_zero_sets=False, pct_paramtune = 0.3, batch_size=32, lamda_criterion='size'): super(ConformalModel, self).__init__() self.model = model self.alpha = alpha self.T = torch.Tensor([1.3]) #initialize (1.3 is usually a good value) self.T, calib_logits = platt(self, calib_loader) self.randomized=randomized self.allow_zero_sets=allow_zero_sets self.num_classes = len(calib_loader.dataset.dataset.classes) if kreg == None or lamda == None: kreg, lamda, calib_logits = pick_parameters(model, calib_logits, alpha, kreg, lamda, randomized, allow_zero_sets, pct_paramtune, batch_size, lamda_criterion) self.penalties = np.zeros((1, self.num_classes)) self.penalties[:, kreg:] += lamda calib_loader = tdata.DataLoader(calib_logits, batch_size = batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) self.Qhat = conformal_calibration_logits(self, calib_loader) def forward(self, *args, randomized=None, allow_zero_sets=None, **kwargs): if randomized == None: randomized = self.randomized if allow_zero_sets == None: allow_zero_sets = self.allow_zero_sets logits = self.model(*args, **kwargs) with torch.no_grad(): logits_numpy = logits.detach().cpu().numpy() scores = softmax(logits_numpy/self.T.item(), axis=1) I, ordered, cumsum = sort_sum(scores) S = gcq(scores, self.Qhat, I=I, ordered=ordered, cumsum=cumsum, penalties=self.penalties, randomized=randomized, allow_zero_sets=allow_zero_sets) return logits, S # Computes the conformal calibration def conformal_calibration(cmodel, calib_loader): print("Conformal calibration") with torch.no_grad(): E = np.array([]) for x, targets in tqdm(calib_loader): logits = cmodel.model(x.cuda()).detach().cpu().numpy() scores = softmax(logits/cmodel.T.item(), axis=1) I, ordered, cumsum = sort_sum(scores) E = np.concatenate((E,giq(scores,targets,I=I,ordered=ordered,cumsum=cumsum,penalties=cmodel.penalties,randomized=True, allow_zero_sets=True))) Qhat = np.quantile(E,1-cmodel.alpha,interpolation='higher') return Qhat # Temperature scaling def platt(cmodel, calib_loader, max_iters=10, lr=0.01, epsilon=0.01): print("Begin Platt scaling.") # Save logits so don't need to double compute them logits_dataset = get_logits_targets(cmodel.model, calib_loader) logits_loader =, batch_size = calib_loader.batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) T = platt_logits(cmodel, logits_loader, max_iters=max_iters, lr=lr, epsilon=epsilon) print(f"Optimal T={T.item()}") return T, logits_dataset """ INTERNAL FUNCTIONS """ ### Precomputed-logit versions of the above functions. class ConformalModelLogits(nn.Module): def __init__(self, model, calib_loader, alpha, kreg=None, lamda=None, randomized=True, allow_zero_sets=False, naive=False, LAC=False, pct_paramtune = 0.3, batch_size=32, lamda_criterion='size'): super(ConformalModelLogits, self).__init__() self.model = model self.alpha = alpha self.randomized = randomized self.LAC = LAC self.allow_zero_sets = allow_zero_sets self.T = platt_logits(self, calib_loader) if (kreg == None or lamda == None) and not naive and not LAC: kreg, lamda, calib_logits = pick_parameters(model, calib_loader.dataset, alpha, kreg, lamda, randomized, allow_zero_sets, pct_paramtune, batch_size, lamda_criterion) calib_loader = tdata.DataLoader(calib_logits, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) self.penalties = np.zeros((1, calib_loader.dataset[0][0].shape[0])) if not (kreg == None) and not naive and not LAC: self.penalties[:, kreg:] += lamda self.Qhat = 1-alpha if not naive and not LAC: self.Qhat = conformal_calibration_logits(self, calib_loader) elif not naive and LAC: gt_locs_cal = np.array([np.where(np.argsort(x[0]).flip(dims=(0,)) == x[1])[0][0] for x in calib_loader.dataset]) scores_cal = 1-np.array([np.sort(torch.softmax(calib_loader.dataset[i][0]/self.T.item(), dim=0))[::-1][gt_locs_cal[i]] for i in range(len(calib_loader.dataset))]) self.Qhat = np.quantile( scores_cal , np.ceil((scores_cal.shape[0]+1) * (1-alpha)) / scores_cal.shape[0] ) def forward(self, logits, randomized=None, allow_zero_sets=None): if randomized == None: randomized = self.randomized if allow_zero_sets == None: allow_zero_sets = self.allow_zero_sets with torch.no_grad(): logits_numpy = logits.detach().cpu().numpy() scores = softmax(logits_numpy/self.T.item(), axis=1) if not self.LAC: I, ordered, cumsum = sort_sum(scores) S = gcq(scores, self.Qhat, I=I, ordered=ordered, cumsum=cumsum, penalties=self.penalties, randomized=randomized, allow_zero_sets=allow_zero_sets) else: S = [ np.where( (1-scores[i,:]) < self.Qhat )[0] for i in range(scores.shape[0]) ] return logits, S def conformal_calibration_logits(cmodel, calib_loader): with torch.no_grad(): E = np.array([]) for logits, targets in calib_loader: logits = logits.detach().cpu().numpy() scores = softmax(logits/cmodel.T.item(), axis=1) I, ordered, cumsum = sort_sum(scores) E = np.concatenate((E,giq(scores,targets,I=I,ordered=ordered,cumsum=cumsum,penalties=cmodel.penalties,randomized=True,allow_zero_sets=True))) Qhat = np.quantile(E,1-cmodel.alpha,interpolation='higher') return Qhat def platt_logits(cmodel, calib_loader, max_iters=10, lr=0.01, epsilon=0.01): nll_criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda() T = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([1.3]).cuda()) optimizer = optim.SGD([T], lr=lr) for iter in range(max_iters): T_old = T.item() for x, targets in calib_loader: optimizer.zero_grad() x = x.cuda() x.requires_grad = True out = x/T loss = nll_criterion(out, targets.long().cuda()) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if abs(T_old - T.item()) < epsilon: break return T ### CORE CONFORMAL INFERENCE FUNCTIONS # Generalized conditional quantile function. def gcq(scores, tau, I, ordered, cumsum, penalties, randomized, allow_zero_sets): penalties_cumsum = np.cumsum(penalties, axis=1) sizes_base = ((cumsum + penalties_cumsum) <= tau).sum(axis=1) + 1 # 1 - 1001 sizes_base = np.minimum(sizes_base, scores.shape[1]) # 1-1000 if randomized: V = np.zeros(sizes_base.shape) for i in range(sizes_base.shape[0]): V[i] = 1/ordered[i,sizes_base[i]-1] * \ (tau-(cumsum[i,sizes_base[i]-1]-ordered[i,sizes_base[i]-1])-penalties_cumsum[0,sizes_base[i]-1]) # -1 since sizes_base \in {1,...,1000}. sizes = sizes_base - (np.random.random(V.shape) >= V).astype(int) else: sizes = sizes_base if tau == 1.0: sizes[:] = cumsum.shape[1] # always predict max size if alpha==0. (Avoids numerical error.) if not allow_zero_sets: sizes[sizes == 0] = 1 # allow the user the option to never have empty sets (will lead to incorrect coverage if 1-alpha < model's top-1 accuracy S = list() # Construct S from equation (5) for i in range(I.shape[0]): S = S + [I[i,0:sizes[i]],] return S # Get the 'p-value' def get_tau(score, target, I, ordered, cumsum, penalty, randomized, allow_zero_sets): # For one example idx = np.where(I==target) tau_nonrandom = cumsum[idx] if not randomized: return tau_nonrandom + penalty[0] U = np.random.random() if idx == (0,0): if not allow_zero_sets: return tau_nonrandom + penalty[0] else: return U * tau_nonrandom + penalty[0] else: return U * ordered[idx] + cumsum[(idx[0],idx[1]-1)] + (penalty[0:(idx[1][0]+1)]).sum() # Gets the histogram of Taus. def giq(scores, targets, I, ordered, cumsum, penalties, randomized, allow_zero_sets): """ Generalized inverse quantile conformity score function. E from equation (7) in Romano, Sesia, Candes. Find the minimum tau in [0, 1] such that the correct label enters. """ E = -np.ones((scores.shape[0],)) for i in range(scores.shape[0]): E[i] = get_tau(scores[i:i+1,:],targets[i].item(),I[i:i+1,:],ordered[i:i+1,:],cumsum[i:i+1,:],penalties[0,:],randomized=randomized, allow_zero_sets=allow_zero_sets) return E ### AUTOMATIC PARAMETER TUNING FUNCTIONS def pick_kreg(paramtune_logits, alpha): gt_locs_kstar = np.array([np.where(np.argsort(x[0]).flip(dims=(0,)) == x[1])[0][0] for x in paramtune_logits]) kstar = np.quantile(gt_locs_kstar, 1-alpha, interpolation='higher') + 1 return kstar def pick_lamda_size(model, paramtune_loader, alpha, kreg, randomized, allow_zero_sets): # Calculate lamda_star best_size = iter(paramtune_loader).__next__()[0][1].shape[0] # number of classes # Use the paramtune data to pick lamda. Does not violate exchangeability. for temp_lam in [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5]: # predefined grid, change if more precision desired. conformal_model = ConformalModelLogits(model, paramtune_loader, alpha=alpha, kreg=kreg, lamda=temp_lam, randomized=randomized, allow_zero_sets=allow_zero_sets, naive=False) top1_avg, top5_avg, cvg_avg, sz_avg = validate(paramtune_loader, conformal_model, print_bool=False) if sz_avg < best_size: best_size = sz_avg lamda_star = temp_lam return lamda_star def pick_lamda_adaptiveness(model, paramtune_loader, alpha, kreg, randomized, allow_zero_sets, strata=[[0,1],[2,3],[4,6],[7,10],[11,100],[101,1000]]): # Calculate lamda_star lamda_star = 0 best_violation = 1 # Use the paramtune data to pick lamda. Does not violate exchangeability. for temp_lam in [0, 1e-5, 1e-4, 8e-4, 9e-4, 1e-3, 1.5e-3, 2e-3]: # predefined grid, change if more precision desired. conformal_model = ConformalModelLogits(model, paramtune_loader, alpha=alpha, kreg=kreg, lamda=temp_lam, randomized=randomized, allow_zero_sets=allow_zero_sets, naive=False) curr_violation = get_violation(conformal_model, paramtune_loader, strata, alpha) if curr_violation < best_violation: best_violation = curr_violation lamda_star = temp_lam return lamda_star def pick_parameters(model, calib_logits, alpha, kreg, lamda, randomized, allow_zero_sets, pct_paramtune, batch_size, lamda_criterion): num_paramtune = int(np.ceil(pct_paramtune * len(calib_logits))) paramtune_logits, calib_logits = tdata.random_split(calib_logits, [num_paramtune, len(calib_logits)-num_paramtune]) calib_loader = tdata.DataLoader(calib_logits, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) paramtune_loader = tdata.DataLoader(paramtune_logits, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) if kreg == None: kreg = pick_kreg(paramtune_logits, alpha) if lamda == None: if lamda_criterion == "size": lamda = pick_lamda_size(model, paramtune_loader, alpha, kreg, randomized, allow_zero_sets) elif lamda_criterion == "adaptiveness": lamda = pick_lamda_adaptiveness(model, paramtune_loader, alpha, kreg, randomized, allow_zero_sets) return kreg, lamda, calib_logits def get_violation(cmodel, loader_paramtune, strata, alpha): df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['size', 'correct']) for logit, target in loader_paramtune: # compute output output, S = cmodel(logit) # This is a 'dummy model' which takes logits, for efficiency. # measure accuracy and record loss size = np.array([x.size for x in S]) I, _, _ = sort_sum(logit.numpy()) correct = np.zeros_like(size) for j in range(correct.shape[0]): correct[j] = int( target[j] in list(S[j]) ) batch_df =
pd.DataFrame({'size': size, 'correct': correct})
import cv2 from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import itertools from datetime import datetime from configparser import ConfigParser, MissingSectionHeaderError, NoOptionError, NoSectionError import pandas as pd import os import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") def shap_summary_calculations(INIFILE, shap_df, classifier_name, BASELINE_VAL, save_path): dateTime ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') config = ConfigParser() configFile = str(INIFILE) try: except MissingSectionHeaderError: print('ERROR: Not a valid project_config file. Please check the project_config.ini path.') pose_estimation_body_parts = config.get('create ensemble settings', 'pose_estimation_body_parts') if (pose_estimation_body_parts == '14') or (pose_estimation_body_parts == '16'): projectPath = config.get('General settings', 'project_path') shap_logs_path = os.path.join(projectPath, 'logs', 'shap') if not os.path.exists(shap_logs_path): os.makedirs(shap_logs_path) simba_cw = os.getcwd() simba_feat_cat_dir = os.path.join(simba_cw, 'simba', 'assets', 'shap', 'feature_categories') feat_cat_csv_path = os.path.join(simba_feat_cat_dir, 'shap_feature_categories.csv') simba_assets_path = os.path.join(simba_cw, 'simba', 'assets', 'shap') scale_dict = {'baseline_scale': os.path.join(simba_assets_path, 'baseline_scale.jpg'), 'small_arrow': os.path.join(simba_assets_path, 'down_arrow.jpg'), 'side_scale': os.path.join(simba_assets_path, 'side_scale.jpg'), 'color_bar': os.path.join(simba_assets_path, 'color_bar.jpg')} category_dict = {'Animal distances': {'icon': os.path.join(simba_assets_path, 'animal_distances.jpg')}, 'Intruder movement': {'icon': os.path.join(simba_assets_path, 'intruder_movement.jpg')}, 'Resident+intruder movement': {'icon': os.path.join(simba_assets_path, 'resident_intruder_movement.jpg')}, 'Resident movement': {'icon': os.path.join(simba_assets_path, 'resident_movement.jpg')}, 'Intruder shape': {'icon': os.path.join(simba_assets_path, 'intruder_shape.jpg')}, 'Resident intruder shape': {'icon': os.path.join(simba_assets_path, 'resident_intruder_shape.jpg')}, 'Resident shape': {'icon': os.path.join(simba_assets_path, 'resident_shape.jpg')}} pos_boxarrow_colors = [(253,141,60), (252,78,42), (227,26,28), (189,0,38), (128,0,38)] neg_boxarrow_colors = [(65,182,196), (29,145,192), (34,94,168), (37,52,148), (8,29,88)] ranges_lists = [list(range(0,20)), list(range(20,40)), list(range(40,60)), list(range(60,80)), list(range(80,101))] colCats =
pd.read_csv(feat_cat_csv_path, header=[0, 1])
from import MySQLPriceDataSource as SQLTable from qfengine.asset import assetClasses import pandas as pd from typing import Union, List, Dict import os import numpy as np import logging import functools from qfengine import settings import concurrent.futures logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # todo: MOVE THESE TO RESPECTIVE DIR MODULE class DataVendorMySQL(SQLTable): create_schema = ( ''' CREATE TABLE `%s` ( `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `website_url` varchar(255) NULL, `api_endpoint_url` varchar(255) NULL, `api_key_id` varchar(255) NULL, `api_key` varchar(255) NULL, `created_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), `last_updated_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ''' ) def __init__( self, db_credentials:Dict=None, name:str = 'data_vendor', **kwargs ): super().__init__( (db_credentials if db_credentials is not None else settings.MYSQL_CREDENTIALS), name, (DataVendorMySQL.create_schema %name), **kwargs ) from import vendor_api import pandas as pd #---| init all availables _vendorAPIs = {api:getattr(vendor_api,api) for api in vendor_api.__all__} currentInfo = [] _to_pop = [] for api_name, API in _vendorAPIs.items(): _i = {'name':api_name} for f in self.all_accepted_columns: try: f_dat = getattr(API,f) except: pass else: if callable(f_dat): f_dat = f_dat() _i[f] = f_dat missing_required = [c for c in self.required_columns if c not in _i] if len(missing_required) != 0: _to_pop.append(api_name) else: currentInfo.append(_i) currentInfo = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(currentInfo) currentInfo = currentInfo.where(pd.notnull(currentInfo),None) upserted = self.upsertDF(currentInfo,["name"]) for p in _to_pop: _vendorAPIs.pop(p) self._APIs = { API for _,API in _vendorAPIs.items()} #---| check all init for essential funcs def get_vendor_API(self,vendor:str): assert vendor in self.List return self._APIs[vendor]() @property def DF(self): return self._fullDF().set_index("name").reindex(list(self._APIs.keys())) @property def List(self): return list(self._APIs.keys()) class ExchangeMySQL(SQLTable): create_schema = ( ''' CREATE TABLE `%s` ( `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ref_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `currency` varchar(64) NULL, `region` varchar(255) NULL, `created_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), `last_updated_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ''' ) def __init__( self, db_credentials:Dict = None, vendors:DataVendorMySQL = None, name:str = 'exchange', **kwargs ): super().__init__( (db_credentials if db_credentials is not None else settings.MYSQL_CREDENTIALS), name, (ExchangeMySQL.create_schema %name), **kwargs ) self.vendors = vendors or DataVendorMySQL(db_credentials,mdb_conn = self._conn) def UPDATE(self, vendor:str = 'IEX', DF:pd.DataFrame=None): if DF is None: DF = self.vendors.get_vendor_API(vendor).exchangesDF() upserted = self.upsertDF(DF,['ref_id']) for i,_count in upserted.items(): if _count > 0: logger.warning("%s %s Exchanges" %(str(i).upper(), str(_count))) @property def DF(self): return self._fullDF().set_index("ref_id") @property def List(self): return [e[0] for e in self.executeSQL("select ref_id from %s" %self._name)] class SecurityMySQL(SQLTable): create_schema = ( ''' CREATE TABLE `%s` ( `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `exchange_id` int NOT NULL, `symbol` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `type` varchar(10) NULL, `name` varchar(255) NULL, `sector` varchar(255) NULL, `industry` varchar(255) NULL, `currency` varchar(32) NULL, `region` varchar(32) NULL, `figi` varchar(255) NULL, `created_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), `last_updated_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `exchange_id` (`exchange_id` ASC), KEY `symbol` (`symbol` ASC), CONSTRAINT `fk_exchange_id` FOREIGN KEY (`exchange_id`) REFERENCES `exchange` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ''' ) def __init__( self, db_credentials:Dict = None, exchanges:ExchangeMySQL=None, vendors:DataVendorMySQL=None, name:str = 'security', **kwargs ): super().__init__( (db_credentials if db_credentials is not None else settings.MYSQL_CREDENTIALS), name, (SecurityMySQL.create_schema %name), **kwargs ) self.exchanges = exchanges or ExchangeMySQL(db_credentials, mdb_conn = self._conn) self.vendors = vendors or self.exchanges.vendors def UPDATE(self, vendor:str = 'IEX', DF:pd.DataFrame = None,): if DF is None: DF = self.vendors.get_vendor_API(vendor).symbolsDF() if 'exchange_id' not in DF.columns: potential_exch_cols = [c for c in DF.columns if 'exchange' in c.lower()] db_exch_id = self.exchanges.DF['id'] for c in potential_exch_cols: db_exch = db_exch_id.reindex(DF[c].unique()) if len(db_exch.dropna()) == len(db_exch): db_exch = db_exch.where(pd.notnull(db_exch),None) DF['exchange_id'] = [db_exch[i] for i in DF[c].values] break assert 'exchange_id' in DF.columns, ("unidentified exchange(s) in DF") DF = DF.drop(columns=potential_exch_cols) if not isinstance(DF.index, pd.RangeIndex): DF.reset_index(inplace=True) assert set(DF.columns).issubset(set(self.all_accepted_columns)), "Unrecognized column(s): %s" %str([c for c in DF.columns if c not in self.all_accepted_columns]) upserted = self.upsertDF(DF,['symbol','exchange_id']) for i,_count in upserted.items(): if _count > 0: logger.warning("%s %s Security Symbols" %(str(i).upper(), str(_count))) @property def DF(self): return self._fullDF().set_index("symbol") @property def List(self): return [e[0] for e in self.executeSQL("select symbol from %s" %self._name)] class DailyPriceMySQL(SQLTable): create_schema = ( ''' CREATE TABLE `%s` ( `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `data_vendor_id` int NOT NULL, `symbol_id` int NOT NULL, `price_date` date NOT NULL, `open` decimal(19,4) NULL, `high` decimal(19,4) NULL, `low` decimal(19,4) NULL, `close` decimal(19,4) NULL, `volume` bigint NULL, `created_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), `last_updated_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `price_date` (`price_date` ASC), KEY `data_vendor_id` (`data_vendor_id`), KEY `symbol_id` (`symbol_id`), CONSTRAINT `fk_symbol_id ` FOREIGN KEY (`symbol_id`) REFERENCES `security` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT `fk_data_vendor_id` FOREIGN KEY (`data_vendor_id`) REFERENCES `data_vendor` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ''' ) def __init__( self, asset_type:assetClasses, db_credentials:Dict=None, symbols:SecurityMySQL=None, vendors:DataVendorMySQL=None, name:str = 'daily_price', by_vendor:str = None, symbols_list:List[str] = None, **kwargs ): super().__init__( db_credentials = (db_credentials if db_credentials is not None else settings.MYSQL_CREDENTIALS), price_table_name = name, price_table_schema = (DailyPriceMySQL.create_schema %name), **kwargs ) self.symbols = symbols or SecurityMySQL(db_credentials, mdb_conn = self._conn) self.vendors = vendors or self.symbols.vendors self.asset_type = asset_type self.symbols_list = symbols_list self.by_vendor = by_vendor if self.by_vendor: assert self.by_vendor in self.vendors.List self.symbols_list = self._query_available_symbols_in_database_by_vendor(self.by_vendor) if settings.PRINT_EVENTS: print("Initialized DailyPriceMySQL DataSource From Vendor '%s' | Available Symbols Count = %s" %(str(self.by_vendor), str(len(self.symbols_list)))) self._cached_copies = [] #!----------| ABSTRACTED METHODS OF A PRICE DATA SOURCE |------------# #---| Self-Copy def create_price_source_copy(self, cache_copy:bool = False, ): copy = DailyPriceMySQL( asset_type = self.asset_type, db_credentials = self._db_credentials.copy(), name = self._full_credentials['table_name'], by_vendor = None, ) copy.by_vendor = self.by_vendor #--| skip SQL vetting copy.symbols_list = (self.symbols_list.copy() if self.symbols_list else self.symbols_list) if cache_copy: self._cached_copies.append(copy) return copy #---------------------------| #------| Assets/Universe def assetsDF(self, **kwargs )->pd.DataFrame: df = self.symbols.DF.astype(str) if self.symbols_list: df = df.reindex(self.symbols_list) if 'sector' in kwargs: assert isinstance(kwargs['sector'],str) df = df[df.sector == kwargs['sector']] return df def assetsList(self, **kwargs )->list: return list(self.assetsDF(**kwargs).index.values) @property def sectorsList(self)->list: return self.symbols.DF.sector.dropna().unique() #---------------------------| #-----------| Price def get_assets_bid_ask_dfs(self, asset:str, *assets:str, start_dt=None, end_dt=None, )->pd.DataFrame: return self._price_dfs_to_bid_ask_dfs( self.get_assets_historical_price_dfs(asset, *assets, start_dt = start_dt, end_dt = end_dt ) ) def get_assets_historical_price_dfs(self, asset:str, *assets:str, price:str = None, start_dt = None, end_dt = None, adjusted = None, **kwargs )->pd.DataFrame: if price: assert price in [ "open", "high", "low", "close","volume" ] #--| parallelizing queries for performance symbols = [asset] + [s for s in assets] result = self._assets_daily_price_DF(*symbols) if price: result = result[ [col for col in result.columns if price in col] ] result.columns = result.columns.get_level_values('symbols') if start_dt: result = result[result.index >= self._format_dt(start_dt)] if end_dt: result = result[result.index <= self._format_dt(end_dt)] return result #---------------------------| #----| Price Date Ranges @functools.lru_cache(maxsize = 1024 * 1024) def get_assets_price_date_ranges_df(self, asset:str, *assets:str, )->pd.DataFrame: symbols = [asset] + [s for s in assets] if self.symbols_list: assert set(symbols).issubset(self.symbols_list) def _get_result(source, symbol, vendor): return { 'symbol': symbol, 'start_dt': self._format_dt(source._asset_symbol_min_price_date_by_vendor(symbol, vendor)), 'end_dt': self._format_dt(source._asset_symbol_max_price_date_by_vendor(symbol,vendor)), } final_df = pd.DataFrame() for vendor in self.vendorsList: result = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( list( concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor().map( _get_result, *zip(*( ( self.create_price_source_copy(cache_copy = True), symbol, vendor, ) for symbol in symbols )) ) ) ).set_index('symbol').dropna() self._close_cached_copies() final_df = final_df.append(result) symbols = [s for s in symbols if s not in final_df.index] if len(symbols) == 0: break return final_df def get_assets_minimum_start_dt(self, asset:str, *assets:str, )->pd.Timestamp: return self._format_dt(max( self.get_assets_price_date_ranges_df( asset, *assets ).start_dt.values )) def get_assets_maximum_end_dt(self, asset:str, *assets:str, )->pd.Timestamp: return self._format_dt(min( self.get_assets_price_date_ranges_df( asset, *assets ).end_dt.values )) #---------------------------| #!----------------------------------------------------------------# def update_assets_daily_price(self, vendor:str, batch_size:int=100, symbols_to_update:List[str] = None, skip_empty_update:bool = True, DF:pd.DataFrame=None, ): assert vendor in self.vendors.List vendor_id =[vendor] symbols_id = self.symbols.DF['id'] inserted_count = 0 updated_count = 0 t0 = if DF is not None: #---| UPSERT ONCE WITH GIVEN DATAFRAME (NO API CALLS WILL BE MADE) self._upsert_daily_price_DF(DF,['price_date', 'symbol_id', 'data_vendor_id']) else: #---| PERFORM UPSERT IN BATCHES OF SYMBOLS BY MAKING API CALLS if symbols_to_update is not None: omitted = [s for s in symbols_to_update if s not in symbols_id.index] if len(omitted) > 0: logger.warning("Omitting %s given symbols that are not in database universe" %str(len(omitted))) logger.warning(str(omitted)) symbols_id = symbols_id.reindex([s for s in symbols_to_update if s not in omitted]) symbols_id = dict(symbols_id) assert len(symbols_id) != 0, "No symbols in Symbol table, code out schematic or manually prepare it (symbol.csv)" logger.warning("----------------------------------------------------------------") logger.warning("---------------| Updating Equities Daily Prices |---------------") logger.warning("----------------------------------------------------------------") logger.warning("Checking database for latest available price_date from '%s' of %s symbols..." %(vendor,str(len(symbols_id)))) #!---| Query for all symbols to get their max price_dates from SQL Database symbols_by_max_dates = {} for s in symbols_id: d = self._asset_symbol_max_price_date_by_vendor(s,vendor) if d not in symbols_by_max_dates: symbols_by_max_dates[d] = [] if s not in symbols_by_max_dates[d]: symbols_by_max_dates[d].append(s) #!---| Download latest daily price for symbols with their respective start dates & process for upsert to Database logger.warning("Performing Update in batches of %s" %str(batch_size)) for start_date,symbols in symbols_by_max_dates.items(): logger.warning("For %s symbols with '%s' as start_date:" %(str(len(symbols)),str(start_date))) i = 0 batch_number = 1 while True: symbols_batch = symbols[i:i+batch_size] batch_data = self.vendors.get_vendor_API(vendor).get_barset(symbols_batch,"1D",start_date) try: batch_data = self._transform_DF_for_daily_price_upsert(batch_data, vendor = vendor, start_date=start_date) except Exception: logger.warning("Cannot transform, skipping this batch of symbols: %s" %str(symbols_batch)) pass else: upserted = self.upsertDF(batch_data,no_filter=True) for a,_count in upserted.items(): if _count > 0: if a == 'inserted': logger.warning(" Batch #%s : %s New Data Points Inserted" %(str(batch_number),_count)) inserted_count += _count elif a == 'updated': logger.warning(" Batch #%s : %s Existing Data Points Updated" %(str(batch_number),_count)) updated_count += _count if (upserted['inserted'] == upserted['updated'] == 0) and skip_empty_update: logger.warning(" No New Data Upserted. Skipping remaining symbols (set skip_empty_update=False for otherwise)") break #---| Loop Breaker if symbols_batch[-1] == symbols[-1]: break else: i += batch_size batch_number += 1 print("Update Completed:") print("--Total Data Points Inserted: %s" %(str(inserted_count))) print("--Total Data Points Updated: %s" %(str(updated_count))) print("--Total Time Elapsed: %s" %(str( - t0))) @property def vendorsDF(self,)->pd.DataFrame: return self.vendors.DF.reindex(self.vendorsList) @property def vendorsList(self,)->list: return self.vendors.List if self.by_vendor is None else [self.by_vendor] #!---| BACKEND def _transform_DF_for_daily_price_upsert(self, upsert_df:pd.DataFrame, **kwargs ): df = upsert_df.copy() #---| Case I: Basic DF with no MultiIndex columns if not isinstance(df.columns,pd.MultiIndex): assert 'symbol_id' in df.columns if 'price_date' not in df.columns: assert not isinstance(df.index, pd.RangeIndex) df.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(df.index) df['price_date'] = df.index.values df.index = range(len(df)) if 'data_vendor_id' not in df.columns: vendor_id = int([kwargs['vendor']]) if 'vendor' in kwargs else ( int(kwargs['vendor_id']) if 'vendor_id' in kwargs else None ) assert isinstance(vendor_id, int) df['data_vendor_id'] = vendor_id return df.where(pd.notnull(df), None) #---| Case II: MultiIndex Columns of (symbols, columns) else: assert not isinstance(df.index, pd.RangeIndex) df.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(df.index) symbols_id = dict(kwargs['symbols_id']) if 'symbols_id' in kwargs else dict(self.symbols.DF['id']) vendor_id = int([kwargs['vendor']]) if 'vendor' in kwargs else ( int(kwargs['vendor_id']) if 'vendor_id' in kwargs else None ) assert isinstance(vendor_id, int) assert isinstance(symbols_id, dict) try: df_symbols = list(df.columns.get_level_values('symbols').unique()) except KeyError: if settings.PRINT_EVENTS: print("Daily Price columns does not contain 'symbols' as name. " "Attempting to grab the first index locations..." ) df_symbols = list(pd.Series([i[0] for i in df.columns]).unique()) assert set(df_symbols).issubset(set(symbols_id.keys())), ( "Daily Price data contains unidentified symbol(s) without id(s): %s" %( str([ s for s in df_symbols if s not in symbols_id ]) ) ) start_date = pd.Timestamp(kwargs['start_date']) if ('start_date' in kwargs) else None transformed_df = pd.DataFrame() for s in df_symbols: _df = df[s] _df.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(_df.index) if start_date: _df = _df[_df.index > start_date] _df['symbol_id'] = symbols_id[s] _df['price_date'] = _df.index.values _df.index = range(len(_df)) transformed_df = transformed_df.append(_df) transformed_df['data_vendor_id'] = vendor_id transformed_df.index = range(len(transformed_df)) transformed_df = transformed_df.where(pd.notnull(transformed_df), None) return transformed_df def _upsert_daily_price_DF(self, DF:pd.DataFrame, filter_columns:List[str] = None, **kwargs ): if settings.PRINT_EVENTS: print("Upserting Equities Daily Price with given DF.") upserted = self.upsertDF(self._transform_DF_for_daily_price_upsert(DF, **kwargs), filter_columns) for a,_count in upserted.items(): if _count > 0: if a == 'inserted': logger.warning("%s New Data Points Inserted" %(str(_count))) elif a == 'updated': logger.warning("%s Existing Data Points Updated" %(str(_count))) if (upserted['inserted'] == upserted['updated'] == 0): logger.warning("No New Data Upserted from DF given.") @functools.lru_cache(maxsize = 1024 * 1024) def _assets_daily_price_DF(self, asset:str, *assets:str ): symbols = [asset] + [s for s in assets] if self.symbols_list: assert set(symbols).issubset(self.symbols_list) result = pd.DataFrame() for vendor in self.vendorsList: all_dfs = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor().map( self.__class__._query_asset_symbol_daily_price_DF, *zip(*( ( self.create_price_source_copy(cache_copy = True), symbol, vendor, ) for symbol in symbols )) ) final_df = pd.concat([ d.where(pd.notna(d), np.nan) for d in all_dfs if ( not d.where(pd.notna(d), np.nan).dropna().empty ) ], axis=1) self._close_cached_copies() final_df.columns.names = ('symbols','columns') final_df = final_df.set_index(final_df.index.tz_localize(settings.TIMEZONE)) result = pd.concat([result,final_df], axis=1) symbols = [s for s in symbols if s not in result.columns.get_level_values('symbols')] if len(symbols) == 0: break if len(symbols) > 0: if settings.PRINT_EVENTS: print("Warning: Queried Daily Prices DataFrame is missing %s symbols:" %len(symbols)) print(symbols) return result @functools.lru_cache(maxsize = 1024 * 1024) def _asset_symbol_max_price_date_by_vendor(self, asset:str, vendor:str ): dat = self.executeSQL( ''' SELECT max(price_date) FROM %s dp INNER JOIN %s sym INNER JOIN %s vendor ON dp.symbol_id = AND dp.data_vendor_id = WHERE sym.symbol = '%s' AND = '%s' AND dp.close IS NOT NULL AND IS NOT NULL ''' %( self._name, self.symbols._name, self.vendors._name, asset, vendor ) ) return None if len(dat) == 0 else dat[0][0] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize = 1024 * 1024) def _asset_symbol_min_price_date_by_vendor(self, asset:str, vendor:str ): dat = self.executeSQL( ''' SELECT min(price_date) FROM %s dp INNER JOIN %s sym INNER JOIN %s vendor ON dp.symbol_id = AND dp.data_vendor_id = WHERE sym.symbol = '%s' AND = '%s' AND dp.close IS NOT NULL AND IS NOT NULL ''' %( self._name, self.symbols._name, self.vendors._name, asset, vendor ) ) return None if len(dat) == 0 else dat[0][0] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize = 1024 * 1024) def _query_available_symbols_in_database_by_vendor(self, vendor:str): assert vendor in self.vendors.List sqlDF = self.assetsDF().reset_index().set_index('id') sqlDF.index = sqlDF.index.astype(int) df = sqlDF.reindex( [ int(i[0]) for i in self.executeSQL( 'select distinct symbol_id from %s where data_vendor_id = %s' %( self._name,[vendor] ) ) ] ) df = df.reindex(df[['symbol']].dropna().index) return [] if df.empty else list(df.set_index('symbol').sort_index().index.values) def _convert_dt_to_date(self, dt): return pd.Timestamp( self._format_dt(dt).date(), tz = settings.TIMEZONE ) def _format_dt(self, dt): try: return pd.Timestamp(dt).tz_convert(settings.TIMEZONE) except TypeError: try: return pd.Timestamp(dt).tz_localize(settings.TIMEZONE) except: raise def _close_cached_copies(self): for source in self._cached_copies: source._conn.close() self._cached_copies = [] def _query_asset_symbol_daily_price_DF(self, asset:str, vendor:str, )->pd.DataFrame: df_cols = [ "open", "high", "low", "close","volume" ] select_str = "dp.price_date, " + str( [ ".".join(["dp",p]) for p in df_cols ] )[1:-1].replace("'","") cond_str = " = '%s' AND sym.symbol = '%s'" %(vendor, asset) sql = ( ''' SELECT %s FROM %s as sym INNER JOIN %s AS dp INNER JOIN %s AS vendor ON dp.symbol_id = AND dp.data_vendor_id = WHERE %s ORDER BY dp.price_date ASC '''%( select_str, self.symbols._name, self._name, self.vendors._name, cond_str ) ) dat = np.array(self.executeSQL(sql)) cols = [ np.array([asset for _ in df_cols]), np.array(df_cols) ] if len(dat) == 0: return pd.DataFrame(columns = cols) else: df = pd.DataFrame( data = dat[:,1:], index = pd.DatetimeIndex(dat[:,0]), columns = cols ) for c in df.columns: df[c] = pd.to_numeric(df[c]) return df def _price_dfs_to_bid_ask_dfs(self, price_df:pd.DataFrame ): def _symbol_price_to_bid_ask(bar_df, symbol): cols = [ np.array([symbol, symbol]), np.array(['bid', 'ask']) ] if bar_df.dropna().empty: return pd.DataFrame(columns = cols) bar_df = bar_df.sort_index() oc_df = bar_df.loc[:, ['open', 'close']] oc_df['pre_market'] = oc_df['close'].shift(1) oc_df['post_market'] = oc_df['close'] oc_df = oc_df.dropna() # Convert bars into separate rows for open/close prices # appropriately timestamped seq_oc_df = oc_df.T.unstack(level=0).reset_index() seq_oc_df.columns = ['datetime', 'market', 'price'] seq_oc_df.loc[seq_oc_df['market'] == 'open', 'datetime'] +=
pd.Timedelta(hours=9, minutes=30)
# cheat sheet # import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import time # title st.title('Uber pickups in NYC') st.write(f" Streamlit version:{st.__version__}") # get data DATE_COLUMN = 'date/time' DATA_URL = '' @st.cache def load_data(nrows): data = pd.read_csv(DATA_URL, nrows=nrows) lowercase = lambda x: str(x).lower() data.rename(lowercase, axis='columns', inplace=True) data[DATE_COLUMN] =
# this program breaks down into a csv where phosphosite orthologs could be lost in the PhosphositeOrthology program # PhosphositePlus is being used to verify that my orthologs are correct but PSP does not have everything which is the # reason for using dbPAF # we want to make sure that the UniprotIDs contained in BOTH PSP and dbPAF end up in the orthologs list (ID_in_dbPAF) # possible reasons why the candidates may not make it through are: # dbPAF-OMA conversion table does not contain uniprotID -- see about checking both rev & unrev ID (ID_in_dbPAF_OMA_conversion_table) # **** issues with having both reviewed and unreviewed ids in conversion table # OMA program does not actually identify ortholog that PSP does -- in this case no fix (in_OMA_orthologs) # or my alignment does not work well to identify phos orthologs (in_griffin_phos_orthologs) import pandas as pd from sqlalchemy import create_engine import os # Don't use excel file, interprets genes as dates dbPAF_df = pd.read_table('../TOTAL.elm', dtype=object) psp_df = pd.read_table('', dtype=object) psp_df = psp_df.loc[psp_df['ORGANISM'].isin(['human', 'mouse', 'rat', 'fruit fly'])] # filter out animals not in this list comparison_df = psp_df[['SITE_GRP_ID', 'ORGANISM', 'ACC_ID', 'PROTEIN', 'MOD_RSD']].copy() # copy only necessary columns comparison_df.rename(columns={'SITE_GRP_ID': 'PSP_SITE_GRP_ID', 'ACC_ID': 'Uniprot_ACC_ID'}, inplace=True) # give cols more specific names comparison_df['Position'] = comparison_df.MOD_RSD.str[1:-2] # 'S23-p' --> '23' # Position is also str in dbPAF_df comparison_df['Type'] = comparison_df.MOD_RSD.str[0] # 'S23-p' --> 'S' # check if the UniprotIDs in PhosphositePlus are also in dbPAF comparison_df['ID_in_dbPAF'] = comparison_df['Uniprot_ACC_ID'].isin(dbPAF_df['Uniprot']) # check if UniprotID, site, and amino acid type from PSP are also in dbPAF comparison_df['ID_and_site_in_dbPAF'] = comparison_df['Uniprot_ACC_ID'].isin(dbPAF_df['Uniprot']) \ & comparison_df['Position'].isin(dbPAF_df['Position']) \ & comparison_df['Type'].isin(dbPAF_df['Type']) # check if the UniprotIDs from PSP are in the dbPAF to OMA conversion table oma_uniprot_df =
pd.read_table('oma-uniprot_clean.txt', dtype=object)
import seaborn as sns import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import os import argparse from pathlib import Path parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Analyse the logs produced by torchbeast") parser.add_argument("--dir", type=str, default="~/logs/torchbeast", help="Directory for log files.") parser.add_argument("--mode", type=str, default="table", choices=["table", "plot", "joint_plot", "group_plot"]) parser.add_argument("--idx", "--index", nargs="+", required=True) parser.add_argument("--repeats", default=3, type=int) parser.add_argument("--steps", default=float('inf'), type=float) parser.add_argument("--baseline", default=0.0, type=float) parser.add_argument("--labels",nargs="+") parser.add_argument("--name", type=str, default="") def joint_plot(indexes, labels, dir, steps, name): plt.figure() dfs = [] for index, label in zip(indexes, labels): df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dir, index, "logs.csv"), index_col="# _tick") df = df[df["step"] < steps] df["label"] = label df["smoothed return"] = df["mean_episode_return"].ewm(span=200).mean() dfs.append(df) data =
import torch import pandas as pd import numpy as np import os #os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '2' import transformers as ppb from transformers import BertForSequenceClassification, AdamW, BertConfig from import TensorDataset,DataLoader, RandomSampler, SequentialSampler from keras.utils import to_categorical import time import datetime import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import seaborn as sns def format_time(elapsed): elapsed_rounded = int(round((elapsed))) return str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=elapsed_rounded)) def get_accuracy(preds, labels): pred_flat = np.argmax(preds, axis=1).flatten() labels_flat = labels.flatten() return np.sum(pred_flat == labels_flat) / len(labels_flat) def tokenize_data(tokenizer, sentences, max_len): # Tokenize all of the sentences and map the tokens to thier word IDs. input_ids = [] attention_masks = [] # For every sentence... for sent in sentences: # `encode_plus` will: # (1) Tokenize the sentence. # (2) Prepend the `[CLS]` token to the start. # (3) Append the `[SEP]` token to the end. # (4) Map tokens to their IDs. # (5) Pad or truncate the sentence to `max_length` # (6) Create attention masks for [PAD] tokens. encoded_dict = tokenizer.encode_plus( sent, # Sentence to encode. add_special_tokens = True, # Add '[CLS]' and '[SEP]' max_length = max_len, # Pad & truncate all sentences. pad_to_max_length = True, return_attention_mask = True, # Construct attn. masks. return_tensors = 'pt', # Return pytorch tensors. ) # Add the encoded sentence to the list. input_ids.append(encoded_dict['input_ids']) # And its attention mask (simply differentiates padding from non-padding). attention_masks.append(encoded_dict['attention_mask']) # Convert the lists into tensors. return, dim=0),, dim=0) if torch.cuda.is_available(): # Tell PyTorch to use the GPU. device = torch.device("cuda") print('There are %d GPU(s) available.' % torch.cuda.device_count()) print('We will use the GPU:', torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)) # If not... else: print('No GPU available, using the CPU instead.') device = torch.device("cpu") # data train = pd.read_csv('/kaggle/input/jigsaw-multilingual-toxic-comment-classification/jigsaw-toxic-comment-train.csv') validation = pd.read_csv('/kaggle/input/jigsaw-multilingual-toxic-comment-classification/validation.csv') test = pd.read_csv('/kaggle/input/jigsaw-multilingual-toxic-comment-classification/test.csv') sub =pd.read_csv('/kaggle/input/jigsaw-multilingual-toxic-comment-classification/sample_submission.csv') # unccoment train2.drop train.drop(train.columns.difference(['id','comment_text','toxic']),axis=1,inplace=True) #train2.drop(train2.columns.difference(['id','comment_text','toxic']),axis=1,inplace=True) # uncomment train2['toxic'] = # Uncomment train = train.append print(set(list(train.toxic.values))) #train2['toxic'] = train2['toxic'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x>0.5 else 0) #print(set(list(train2.toxic.values))) print(train.shape) #train = train.append(train2, ignore_index=True) print(train.shape) train_labels=train.toxic.values dev_labels= validation.toxic.values #test_labels = test.toxic.values # For DistilBERT: tokenizer_class, pretrained_weights = (ppb.DistilBertTokenizer, 'distilbert-base-multilingual-cased') # Load pretrained model/tokenizer tokenizer = tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_weights) #model = model_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_weights) max_len = 256 #for sent in train.comment_text: # max_len = max(max_len, len(tokenizer.encode(sent, add_special_tokens=True))) print('Max sentence length: ', max_len) # Prepare data print("Preparing training and development datasets") batch_size = 32 train_input_ids, train_attention_masks = tokenize_data(tokenizer, train.comment_text, max_len) train_labels = torch.tensor(train_labels) train_dataset = TensorDataset(train_input_ids, train_attention_masks, train_labels) train_dataloader = DataLoader( train_dataset, # The training samples. sampler = RandomSampler(train_dataset), # Select batches randomly batch_size = batch_size # Trains with this batch size. ) dev_input_ids, dev_attention_masks = tokenize_data(tokenizer, validation.comment_text, max_len) dev_labels = torch.tensor(dev_labels) dev_dataset = TensorDataset(dev_input_ids, dev_attention_masks, dev_labels) dev_dataloader = DataLoader( dev_dataset, # The validation samples. sampler = SequentialSampler(dev_dataset), # Pull out batches sequentially. batch_size = batch_size # Evaluate with this batch size. ) #model print("Load Pretrained model") model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained( pretrained_weights, # Use the 12-layer BERT model, with an uncased vocab. num_labels = 2, # The number of output labels--2 for binary classification. # You can increase this for multi-class tasks. output_attentions = False, # Whether the model returns attentions weights. output_hidden_states = False, # Whether the model returns all hidden-states. ) optimizer = AdamW(model.parameters(),lr = 2e-5, eps = 1e-8) epochs = 5 total_steps = len(train_dataloader) * epochs # learning rate scheduler scheduler = ppb.get_linear_schedule_with_warmup(optimizer, num_warmup_steps = 0,num_training_steps = total_steps) training_stats = [] total_t0 = time.time() min_val_loss = 100000 # just a very big value print("Start training") for epoch_i in range(0, epochs): print("") print('======== Epoch {:} / {:} ========'.format(epoch_i + 1, epochs)) print('Training...') t0 = time.time() total_train_loss = 0 model.train() for step, batch in enumerate(train_dataloader): if step % 40 == 0 and not step == 0: elapsed = format_time(time.time() - t0) print(' Batch {:>5,} of {:>5,}. Elapsed: {:}.'.format(step, len(train_dataloader), elapsed)) b_input_ids = batch[0].to(device) b_input_mask = batch[1].to(device) b_labels = batch[2].to(device) model.zero_grad() loss, logits = model(b_input_ids, token_type_ids=None, attention_mask=b_input_mask, labels=b_labels) total_train_loss += loss.item() loss.backward() # Clip the norm of the gradients to 1.0. # This is to help prevent the "exploding gradients" problem. torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 1.0) optimizer.step() scheduler.step() avg_train_loss = total_train_loss / len(train_dataloader) training_time = format_time(time.time() - t0) print("") print(" Average training loss: {0:.2f}".format(avg_train_loss)) print(" Training epcoh took: {:}".format(training_time)) print("") print("Running Validation...") t0 = time.time() model.eval() total_eval_accuracy = 0 total_eval_loss = 0 nb_eval_steps = 0 for batch in dev_dataloader: b_input_ids = batch[0].to(device) b_input_mask = batch[1].to(device) b_labels = batch[2].to(device) with torch.no_grad(): (loss, logits) = model(b_input_ids, token_type_ids=None, attention_mask=b_input_mask, labels=b_labels) total_eval_loss += loss.item() logits = logits.detach().cpu().numpy() label_ids ='cpu').numpy() total_eval_accuracy +=get_accuracy(logits, label_ids) avg_val_accuracy = total_eval_accuracy / len(dev_dataloader) print(" Accuracy: {0:.2f}".format(avg_val_accuracy)) avg_val_loss = total_eval_loss / len(dev_dataloader) validation_time = format_time(time.time() - t0) if avg_val_loss < min_val_loss: print("Saving the model, validatin loss imporoved from", min_val_loss, "to", avg_val_loss) min_val_loss = avg_val_loss model_to_save = model.module if hasattr(model, 'module') else model # Take care of distributed/parallel training model_to_save.save_pretrained(".") tokenizer.save_pretrained(".") print(" Validation Loss: {0:.2f}".format(avg_val_loss)) print(" Validation took: {:}".format(validation_time)) training_stats.append( { 'epoch': epoch_i + 1, 'Training Loss': avg_train_loss, 'Valid. Loss': avg_val_loss, 'Valid. Accur.': avg_val_accuracy, 'Training Time': training_time, 'Validation Time': validation_time } ) print("") print("Training complete!") print("Total training took {:} (h:mm:ss)".format(format_time(time.time()-total_t0))) pd.set_option('precision', 2) df_stats =
import pandas as pd import pytest from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from hcrystalball.feature_extraction import HolidayTransformer @pytest.mark.parametrize( "X_y_with_freq, country_code, country_code_column, country_code_column_value, extected_error", [ ("series_with_freq_D", "DE", None, None, None), ("series_with_freq_D", None, "holiday_col", "DE", None), ("series_with_freq_M", "DE", None, None, ValueError), # not daily freq ("series_with_freq_Q", "DE", None, None, ValueError), # not daily freq ("series_with_freq_Y", "DE", None, None, ValueError), # not daily freq ( "series_with_freq_D", None, "holiday_colsssss", "DE", KeyError, ), # there needs to be holiday_col in X ( "series_with_freq_D", None, None, None, ValueError, ), # needs to have country_code or country_code_column ( "series_with_freq_D", "LALA", "LALA", None, ValueError, ), # cannot have country_code and country_code_column in the same time ( "series_with_freq_D", "LALA", None, None, ValueError, ), # country_code needs to be proper country ( "series_with_freq_D", None, "holiday_col", "Lala", ValueError, ), # country_code needs to be proper country ], indirect=["X_y_with_freq"], ) def test_holiday_transformer_inputs( X_y_with_freq, country_code, country_code_column, country_code_column_value, extected_error, ): X, _ = X_y_with_freq if extected_error is not None: with pytest.raises(extected_error): holiday_transformer = HolidayTransformer( country_code=country_code, country_code_column=country_code_column ) if country_code_column: X["holiday_col"] = country_code_column_value holiday_transformer.fit_transform(X) else: holiday_transformer = HolidayTransformer( country_code=country_code, country_code_column=country_code_column ) if country_code_column: X[country_code_column] = country_code_column_value holiday_transformer.fit_transform(X) if country_code_column: assert holiday_transformer.get_params()["country_code"] is None @pytest.mark.parametrize( "country_code, country_code_column, country_code_column_value, exp_col_name", [ ("CZ", None, None, "_holiday_CZ"), (None, "holiday_col", "CZ", "_holiday_holiday_col"), ], ) def test_holiday_transformer_transform( country_code, country_code_column, country_code_column_value, exp_col_name ): expected = {exp_col_name: ["Labour Day", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Liberation Day", "", ""]} X = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range(start="2019-05-01", periods=10)) df_expected = pd.DataFrame(expected, index=X.index) if country_code_column: X[country_code_column] = country_code_column_value df_result = HolidayTransformer( country_code=country_code, country_code_column=country_code_column ).fit_transform(X) assert_frame_equal(df_result, df_expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "country_code_first, country_code_column_first, country_code_column_first_value, " "country_code_second, country_code_column_second, country_code_column_second_value", [ ("CZ", None, None, "SK", None, None), (None, "czech", "CZ", None, "slovak", "SK"), ("CZ", None, None, None, "slovak", "SK"), (None, "czech", "CZ", "SK", None, None), ], ) def test_two_transformers( country_code_first, country_code_column_first, country_code_column_first_value, country_code_second, country_code_column_second, country_code_column_second_value, ): first_suffix = country_code_first or country_code_column_first second_suffix = country_code_second or country_code_column_second expected = { f"_holiday_{first_suffix}": [ "Labour Day", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Liberation Day", "", "", ], f"_holiday_{second_suffix}": [ "Labour Day", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Liberation Day", "", "", ], } X = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range(start="2019-05-01", periods=10)) df_expected =
pd.DataFrame(expected, index=X.index)
"""Helper Functions to Support Pairs Trading This file can be imported as a module and contains the following functions: * create_and_save_historicals - returns a df with all coin information * binance_data_to_df - historical information for a single coin * two_coin_pricing - historical log pricing of two coins and their difference in log pricing * single_stationarity_test - stationarity test for a pd series * pair_stationarity_test - stationarity test for the difference in log pricing between two coins * potential_pairs - list of all coin pairs that are stationary and have sufficient trade volume * ranked_crossing - ranked list of coin pairs based on how often they mean reverted * ranked_volatility - ranked list of coin pairs based on volatility * composite_ranking - ranked list of coin pairs combining ranked_crossing and ranked_volatility """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import math import os import os.path from datetime import datetime, timedelta, datetime from dateutil import parser from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import coint, adfuller from itertools import combinations import binance from binance.client import Client from typing import Union, Optional BINANCE_CLIENT = Client(os.getenv('BINANCE_KEY'), os.getenv('BINANCE_SECRET_KEY')) BINSIZES = {"1m": 1, "5m": 5, "1h": 60, "1d": 1440} # batch_size = 750 # BINANCE_SYMBOLS = ['YOYOBTC', 'SNGLSBTC', 'FUNBTC', 'SNMBTC', 'XVGBTC', 'SNTBTC', 'MTHBTC', 'VIBBTC', 'TRXBTC', 'XRPBTC', 'AMBBTC', 'CDTBTC', 'QSPBTC', 'BTSBTC', 'ADABTC', 'XLMBTC', 'CNDBTC', 'TNBBTC', 'GTOBTC', 'OSTBTC', 'VIBEBTC', 'IOSTBTC', 'ZILBTC', 'XEMBTC', 'WPRBTC', 'LOOMBTC', 'IOTXBTC', 'QKCBTC', 'DATABTC', 'SCBTC', 'VETBTC', 'DOCKBTC', 'GOBTC', 'RVNBTC', 'MITHBTC', 'FETBTC', 'CELRBTC', 'MATICBTC', 'PHBBTC', 'TFUELBTC', 'ONEBTC', 'FTMBTC', 'DOGEBTC', 'ANKRBTC', 'COSBTC', 'PERLBTC', 'CHZBTC', 'HBARBTC', 'NKNBTC', 'ARPABTC', 'TROYBTC', 'VITEBTC', 'DREPBTC', 'TCTBTC', 'COTIBTC', 'STPTBTC', 'CHRBTC', 'MDTBTC', 'STMXBTC', 'DGBBTC', 'JSTBTC', 'RSRBTC', 'NBSBTC', 'AKROBTC', 'FORBTC', 'ROSEBTC', 'REEFBTC', 'CKBBTC', 'LINABTC', 'TLMBTC'] # BINANCE_SYMBOLS = [x['symbol'] for x in BINANCE_CLIENT.get_all_tickers() if x['symbol'][-3:]=="BTC"] BINANCE_SYMBOLS = ['1INCHBTC', 'AAVEBTC', 'ADABTC', 'ALGOBTC', 'ALICEBTC', 'ALPHABTC', 'AMBBTC', 'ANKRBTC', 'ASTBTC', 'ATOMBTC', 'AVAXBTC', 'BATBTC', 'BCHBTC', 'BLZBTC', 'BNBBTC', 'BQXBTC', 'CELRBTC', 'CHRBTC', 'CHZBTC', 'COTIBTC', 'DEGOBTC', 'DIABTC', 'DOGEBTC', 'DOTBTC', 'DREPBTC', 'DUSKBTC', 'ENJBTC', 'EOSBTC', 'ETHBTC', 'FETBTC', 'FILBTC', 'FTMBTC', 'HBARBTC', 'IOSTBTC', 'JSTBTC', 'KAVABTC', 'KNCBTC', 'LINKBTC', 'LRCBTC', 'LTCBTC', 'LUNABTC', 'MANABTC', 'MATICBTC', 'MDTBTC', 'MITHBTC', 'NEOBTC', 'OGNBTC', 'ONEBTC', 'ONTBTC', 'REEFBTC', 'ROSEBTC', 'RVNBTC', 'SANDBTC', 'SCBTC', 'SOLBTC', 'STMXBTC', 'SUSHIBTC', 'SXPBTC', 'TFUELBTC', 'THETABTC', 'TROYBTC', 'TRXBTC', 'TVKBTC', 'UNIBTC', 'VETBTC', 'WBTCBTC', 'XEMBTC', 'XLMBTC', 'XMRBTC', 'XRPBTC', 'XTZBTC', 'XVGBTC', 'ZILBTC'] def create_and_save_historicals(kline_size: str, start_date: Optional[str] = '1 Feb 2020', end_date: Optional[str] = None, save_compiled: Optional[bool] = False, save_individual: Optional[bool] = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Pools historical information of all coins in BINANCE_SYMBOLS using the Binance API Parameters ---------- kline_size : str How often the data should be pulled. Options are: 1m, 5m, 1h, 1d start_date : str, optional The first day of data collection. Format: '%d %b %Y' (defaults is '1 Feb 2021') end_date : str, optional Last day of data collections. Format: '%d %b %Y' (defaults is today's date) save_compiled : bool, optional An option to save the full dataframe in a CSV file named 'full_data.csv' (default is False) save_individual : bool, optional An option to save the individual coins' data in CSV files (default is False) Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame with the historical information and statistics of the coins listed in BINANCE_SYMBOLS """ df = pd.DataFrame() for symbol in BINANCE_SYMBOLS: try: df1 = binance_data_to_df(symbol=symbol, kline_size=kline_size, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, save=save_individual) df1['coin'] = symbol df = df.append(df1, True) except: pass # convert all except the following columns to numeric type cols = [i for i in df.columns if i not in ["coin", "close_time"]] for col in cols: df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col]) df['log_close'] = np.log10(df['close']) df['%change'] = (df['close'] - df['open']) / df['open'] if save_compiled: df.to_csv('data/full_data.csv', index=None) return df def binance_data_to_df(symbol: str, kline_size: str, start_date: str, end_date: str, save: bool) -> pd.DataFrame: """Helper function for create_and_save_historicals. It queries the Binance API to grab historical information on one coin Parameters ---------- symbol : str The coin's symbol as listed in Binance kline_size : str How often the data should be pulled. Options are: '1m', '5m', '1h', '1d' start_date : str The first day of data collection. Format: '%d %b %Y' end_date : str Last day of data collections. Format: '%d %b %Y' save : bool An option to save the coin's data in a CSV file Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame with the historical information of a coin """ filename = '%s-%s-data.csv' % (symbol, kline_size) # get the start date as oldest_point and newest_point as the last datapoint available oldest_point = datetime.strptime(start_date, '%d %b %Y') if end_date is None: newest_point = pd.to_datetime(BINANCE_CLIENT.get_klines(symbol=symbol, interval=kline_size)[-1][0], unit='ms') else: newest_point = datetime.strptime(end_date, '%d %b %Y') # calculate number of minutes between start and end point delta_min = (newest_point - oldest_point).total_seconds() / 60 #create a bucket for each time segment by dividing total minutes by the corresponding binsize (no. of min in each bucket) available_data = math.ceil(delta_min / BINSIZES[kline_size]) if oldest_point == datetime.strptime(start_date, '%d %b %Y'): print('Downloading all available %s data for %s. Be patient..!' % (kline_size, symbol)) else: print('Downloading %d minutes of new data available for %s, i.e. %d instances of %s data.' % (delta_min, symbol, available_data, kline_size)) klines = BINANCE_CLIENT.get_historical_klines(symbol, kline_size, oldest_point.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"), newest_point.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")) data =
pd.DataFrame(klines, columns = ['timestamp', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'close_time', 'quote_av', 'trades', 'tb_base_av', 'tb_quote_av', 'ignore' ])
import numpy as np import numpy.testing as npt import pandas as pd from stumpy import aampi, core, config import pytest import naive substitution_locations = [(slice(0, 0), 0, -1, slice(1, 3), [0, 3])] substitution_values = [np.nan, np.inf] def test_aampi_int_input(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): aampi(np.arange(10), 5) def test_aampi_self_join(): m = 3 zone = int(np.ceil(m / 4)) seed = np.random.randint(100000) np.random.seed(seed) n = 30 T = np.random.rand(n) stream = aampi(T, m, egress=False) for i in range(34): t = np.random.rand() stream.update(t) right_P = stream.P_ right_I = stream.I_ right_left_P = stream.left_P_ right_left_I = stream.left_I_ left = naive.aamp(stream.T_, m) left_P = left[:, 0] left_I = left[:, 1] left_left_P = np.full(left_P.shape, np.inf) left_left_I = left[:, 2] for i, j in enumerate(left_left_I): if j >= 0: D = core.mass_absolute(stream.T_[i : i + m], stream.T_[j : j + m]) left_left_P[i] = D[0] naive.replace_inf(left_P) naive.replace_inf(left_left_P) naive.replace_inf(right_P) naive.replace_inf(right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_P, right_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_I, right_I) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_P, right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_I, right_left_I) np.random.seed(seed) n = 30 T = np.random.rand(n) T = pd.Series(T) stream = aampi(T, m, egress=False) for i in range(34): t = np.random.rand() stream.update(t) right_P = stream.P_ right_I = stream.I_ right_left_P = stream.left_P_ right_left_I = stream.left_I_ naive.replace_inf(right_P) naive.replace_inf(right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_P, right_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_I, right_I) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_P, right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_I, right_left_I) def test_aampi_self_join_egress(): m = 3 zone = int(np.ceil(m / 4)) seed = np.random.randint(100000) np.random.seed(seed) n = 30 T = np.random.rand(n) left = naive.aampi_egress(T, m) left_P = left.P_.copy() left_I = left.I_ left_left_P = left.left_P_.copy() left_left_I = left.left_I_ stream = aampi(T, m, egress=True) right_P = stream.P_.copy() right_I = stream.I_ right_left_P = stream.left_P_.copy() right_left_I = stream.left_I_ naive.replace_inf(left_P) naive.replace_inf(left_left_P) naive.replace_inf(right_P) naive.replace_inf(right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_P, right_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_I, right_I) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_P, right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_I, right_left_I) for i in range(34): t = np.random.rand() left.update(t) stream.update(t) right_P = stream.P_.copy() right_I = stream.I_ right_left_P = stream.left_P_.copy() right_left_I = stream.left_I_ left_P = left.P_.copy() left_I = left.I_ left_left_P = left.left_P_.copy() left_left_I = left.left_I_ naive.replace_inf(left_P) naive.replace_inf(left_left_P) naive.replace_inf(right_P) naive.replace_inf(right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_P, right_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_I, right_I) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_P, right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_I, right_left_I) np.random.seed(seed) T = np.random.rand(n) T = pd.Series(T) left = naive.aampi_egress(T, m) left_P = left.P_.copy() left_I = left.I_ stream = aampi(T, m, egress=True) right_P = stream.P_.copy() right_I = stream.I_ naive.replace_inf(left_P) naive.replace_inf(right_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_P, right_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_I, right_I) for i in range(34): t = np.random.rand() left.update(t) stream.update(t) right_P = stream.P_.copy() right_I = stream.I_ right_left_P = stream.left_P_.copy() right_left_I = stream.left_I_ left_P = left.P_.copy() left_I = left.I_ left_left_P = left.left_P_.copy() left_left_I = left.left_I_ naive.replace_inf(left_P) naive.replace_inf(left_left_P) naive.replace_inf(right_P) naive.replace_inf(right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_P, right_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_I, right_I) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_P, right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_I, right_left_I) @pytest.mark.parametrize("substitute", substitution_values) @pytest.mark.parametrize("substitution_locations", substitution_locations) def test_aampi_init_nan_inf_self_join(substitute, substitution_locations): m = 3 zone = int(np.ceil(m / 4)) seed = np.random.randint(100000) # seed = 58638 for substitution_location in substitution_locations: np.random.seed(seed) n = 30 T = np.random.rand(n) if substitution_location == -1: substitution_location = T.shape[0] - 1 T[substitution_location] = substitute stream = aampi(T, m, egress=False) for i in range(34): t = np.random.rand() stream.update(t) right_P = stream.P_ right_I = stream.I_ stream.T_[substitution_location] = substitute left = naive.aamp(stream.T_, m) left_P = left[:, 0] left_I = left[:, 1] naive.replace_inf(left_P) naive.replace_inf(right_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_P, right_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_I, right_I) np.random.seed(seed) n = 30 T = np.random.rand(n) if substitution_location == -1: substitution_location = T.shape[0] - 1 T[substitution_location] = substitute T = pd.Series(T) stream = aampi(T, m, egress=False) for i in range(34): t = np.random.rand() stream.update(t) right_P = stream.P_ right_I = stream.I_ naive.replace_inf(right_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_P, right_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_I, right_I) @pytest.mark.parametrize("substitute", substitution_values) @pytest.mark.parametrize("substitution_locations", substitution_locations) def test_aampi_init_nan_inf_self_join_egress(substitute, substitution_locations): m = 3 zone = int(np.ceil(m / 4)) seed = np.random.randint(100000) # seed = 58638 for substitution_location in substitution_locations: np.random.seed(seed) n = 30 T = np.random.rand(n) if substitution_location == -1: substitution_location = T.shape[0] - 1 T[substitution_location] = substitute left = naive.aampi_egress(T, m) left_P = left.P_.copy() left_I = left.I_ left_left_P = left.left_P_.copy() left_left_I = left.left_I_ stream = aampi(T, m, egress=True) right_P = stream.P_.copy() right_I = stream.I_ right_left_P = stream.left_P_.copy() right_left_I = stream.left_I_ naive.replace_inf(left_P) naive.replace_inf(right_P) naive.replace_inf(left_left_P) naive.replace_inf(right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_P, right_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_I, right_I) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_P, right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_I, right_left_I) for i in range(34): t = np.random.rand() left.update(t) stream.update(t) right_P = stream.P_.copy() right_I = stream.I_ right_left_P = stream.left_P_.copy() right_left_I = stream.left_I_ left_P = left.P_.copy() left_I = left.I_ left_left_P = left.left_P_.copy() left_left_I = left.left_I_ naive.replace_inf(left_P) naive.replace_inf(left_left_P) naive.replace_inf(right_P) naive.replace_inf(right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_P, right_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_I, right_I) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_P, right_left_P) npt.assert_almost_equal(left_left_I, right_left_I) np.random.seed(seed) n = 30 T = np.random.rand(n) T =
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Starbucks Capstone Challenge # # ### Introduction # # This data set contains simulated data that mimics customer behavior on the Starbucks rewards mobile app. Once every few days, Starbucks sends out an offer to users of the mobile app. An offer can be merely an advertisement for a drink or an actual offer such as a discount or BOGO (buy one get one free). Some users might not receive any offer during certain weeks. # # Not all users receive the same offer, and that is the challenge to solve with this data set. # # Your task is to combine transaction, demographic and offer data to determine which demographic groups respond best to which offer type. This data set is a simplified version of the real Starbucks app because the underlying simulator only has one product whereas Starbucks actually sells dozens of products. # # Every offer has a validity period before the offer expires. As an example, a BOGO offer might be valid for only 5 days. You'll see in the data set that informational offers have a validity period even though these ads are merely providing information about a product; for example, if an informational offer has 7 days of validity, you can assume the customer is feeling the influence of the offer for 7 days after receiving the advertisement. # # You'll be given transactional data showing user purchases made on the app including the timestamp of purchase and the amount of money spent on a purchase. This transactional data also has a record for each offer that a user receives as well as a record for when a user actually views the offer. There are also records for when a user completes an offer. # # Keep in mind as well that someone using the app might make a purchase through the app without having received an offer or seen an offer. # # ### Example # # To give an example, a user could receive a discount offer buy 10 dollars get 2 off on Monday. The offer is valid for 10 days from receipt. If the customer accumulates at least 10 dollars in purchases during the validity period, the customer completes the offer. # # However, there are a few things to watch out for in this data set. Customers do not opt into the offers that they receive; in other words, a user can receive an offer, never actually view the offer, and still complete the offer. For example, a user might receive the "buy 10 dollars get 2 dollars off offer", but the user never opens the offer during the 10 day validity period. The customer spends 15 dollars during those ten days. There will be an offer completion record in the data set; however, the customer was not influenced by the offer because the customer never viewed the offer. # # ### Cleaning # # This makes data cleaning especially important and tricky. # # You'll also want to take into account that some demographic groups will make purchases even if they don't receive an offer. From a business perspective, if a customer is going to make a 10 dollar purchase without an offer anyway, you wouldn't want to send a buy 10 dollars get 2 dollars off offer. You'll want to try to assess what a certain demographic group will buy when not receiving any offers. # # ### Final Advice # # Because this is a capstone project, you are free to analyze the data any way you see fit. For example, you could build a machine learning model that predicts how much someone will spend based on demographics and offer type. Or you could build a model that predicts whether or not someone will respond to an offer. Or, you don't need to build a machine learning model at all. You could develop a set of heuristics that determine what offer you should send to each customer (i.e., 75 percent of women customers who were 35 years old responded to offer A vs 40 percent from the same demographic to offer B, so send offer A). # # Data Sets # # The data is contained in three files: # # * portfolio.json - containing offer ids and meta data about each offer (duration, type, etc.) # * profile.json - demographic data for each customer # * transcript.json - records for transactions, offers received, offers viewed, and offers completed # # Here is the schema and explanation of each variable in the files: # # **portfolio.json** # * id (string) - offer id # * offer_type (string) - type of offer ie BOGO, discount, informational # * difficulty (int) - minimum required spend to complete an offer # * reward (int) - reward given for completing an offer # * duration (int) - time for offer to be open, in days # * channels (list of strings) # # **profile.json** # * age (int) - age of the customer # * became_member_on (int) - date when customer created an app account # * gender (str) - gender of the customer (note some entries contain 'O' for other rather than M or F) # * id (str) - customer id # * income (float) - customer's income # # **transcript.json** # * event (str) - record description (ie transaction, offer received, offer viewed, etc.) # * person (str) - customer id # * time (int) - time in hours since start of test. The data begins at time t=0 # * value - (dict of strings) - either an offer id or transaction amount depending on the record # # **Note:** If you are using the workspace, you will need to go to the terminal and run the command `conda update pandas` before reading in the files. This is because the version of pandas in the workspace cannot read in the transcript.json file correctly, but the newest version of pandas can. You can access the termnal from the orange icon in the top left of this notebook. # # You can see how to access the terminal and how the install works using the two images below. First you need to access the terminal: # # <img src="pic1.png"/> # # Then you will want to run the above command: # # <img src="pic2.png"/> # # Finally, when you enter back into the notebook (use the jupyter icon again), you should be able to run the below cell without any errors. # In[1]: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import math import json get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # read in the json files portfolio = pd.read_json('data/portfolio.json', orient='records', lines=True) profile =
pd.read_json('data/profile.json', orient='records', lines=True)
import inspect import os from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest import woodwork as ww from evalml.model_understanding.graphs import visualize_decision_tree from evalml.pipelines.components import ComponentBase from evalml.utils.gen_utils import ( SEED_BOUNDS, _convert_to_woodwork_structure, _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper, _rename_column_names_to_numeric, classproperty, convert_to_seconds, drop_rows_with_nans, get_importable_subclasses, get_random_seed, import_or_raise, infer_feature_types, jupyter_check, pad_with_nans, save_plot ) @patch('importlib.import_module') def test_import_or_raise_errors(dummy_importlib): def _mock_import_function(library_str): if library_str == "_evalml": raise ImportError("Mock ImportError executed!") if library_str == "attr_error_lib": raise Exception("Mock Exception executed!") dummy_importlib.side_effect = _mock_import_function with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="Missing optional dependency '_evalml'"): import_or_raise("_evalml") with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="Missing optional dependency '_evalml'. Please use pip to install _evalml. Additional error message"): import_or_raise("_evalml", "Additional error message") with pytest.raises(Exception, match="An exception occurred while trying to import `attr_error_lib`: Mock Exception executed!"): import_or_raise("attr_error_lib") def test_import_or_raise_imports(): math = import_or_raise("math", "error message") assert math.ceil(0.1) == 1 def test_convert_to_seconds(): assert convert_to_seconds("10 s") == 10 assert convert_to_seconds("10 sec") == 10 assert convert_to_seconds("10 second") == 10 assert convert_to_seconds("10 seconds") == 10 assert convert_to_seconds("10 m") == 600 assert convert_to_seconds("10 min") == 600 assert convert_to_seconds("10 minute") == 600 assert convert_to_seconds("10 minutes") == 600 assert convert_to_seconds("10 h") == 36000 assert convert_to_seconds("10 hr") == 36000 assert convert_to_seconds("10 hour") == 36000 assert convert_to_seconds("10 hours") == 36000 with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="Invalid unit."): convert_to_seconds("10 years") def test_get_random_seed_rng(): def make_mock_random_state(return_value): class MockRandomState(np.random.RandomState): def __init__(self): self.min_bound = None self.max_bound = None super().__init__() def randint(self, min_bound, max_bound): self.min_bound = min_bound self.max_bound = max_bound return return_value return MockRandomState() rng = make_mock_random_state(42) assert get_random_seed(rng) == 42 assert rng.min_bound == SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound assert rng.max_bound == SEED_BOUNDS.max_bound def test_get_random_seed_int(): # ensure the invariant "min_bound < max_bound" is enforced with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_random_seed(0, min_bound=0, max_bound=0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_random_seed(0, min_bound=0, max_bound=-1) # test default boundaries to show the provided value should modulate within the default range assert get_random_seed(SEED_BOUNDS.max_bound - 2) == SEED_BOUNDS.max_bound - 2 assert get_random_seed(SEED_BOUNDS.max_bound - 1) == SEED_BOUNDS.max_bound - 1 assert get_random_seed(SEED_BOUNDS.max_bound) == SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound assert get_random_seed(SEED_BOUNDS.max_bound + 1) == SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound + 1 assert get_random_seed(SEED_BOUNDS.max_bound + 2) == SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound + 2 assert get_random_seed(SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound - 2) == SEED_BOUNDS.max_bound - 2 assert get_random_seed(SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound - 1) == SEED_BOUNDS.max_bound - 1 assert get_random_seed(SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound) == SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound assert get_random_seed(SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound + 1) == SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound + 1 assert get_random_seed(SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound + 2) == SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound + 2 # vectorize get_random_seed via a wrapper for easy evaluation default_min_bound = inspect.signature(get_random_seed).parameters['min_bound'].default default_max_bound = inspect.signature(get_random_seed).parameters['max_bound'].default assert default_min_bound == SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound assert default_max_bound == SEED_BOUNDS.max_bound def get_random_seed_vec(min_bound=None, max_bound=None): # passing None for either means no value is provided to get_random_seed def get_random_seed_wrapper(random_seed): return get_random_seed(random_seed, min_bound=min_bound if min_bound is not None else default_min_bound, max_bound=max_bound if max_bound is not None else default_max_bound) return np.vectorize(get_random_seed_wrapper) # ensure that regardless of the setting of min_bound and max_bound, the output of get_random_seed always stays # between the min_bound (inclusive) and max_bound (exclusive), and wraps neatly around that range using modular arithmetic. vals = np.arange(-100, 100) def make_expected_values(vals, min_bound, max_bound): return np.array([i if (min_bound <= i and i < max_bound) else ((i - min_bound) % (max_bound - min_bound)) + min_bound for i in vals]) np.testing.assert_equal(get_random_seed_vec(min_bound=None, max_bound=None)(vals), make_expected_values(vals, min_bound=SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound, max_bound=SEED_BOUNDS.max_bound)) np.testing.assert_equal(get_random_seed_vec(min_bound=None, max_bound=10)(vals), make_expected_values(vals, min_bound=SEED_BOUNDS.min_bound, max_bound=10)) np.testing.assert_equal(get_random_seed_vec(min_bound=-10, max_bound=None)(vals), make_expected_values(vals, min_bound=-10, max_bound=SEED_BOUNDS.max_bound)) np.testing.assert_equal(get_random_seed_vec(min_bound=0, max_bound=5)(vals), make_expected_values(vals, min_bound=0, max_bound=5)) np.testing.assert_equal(get_random_seed_vec(min_bound=-5, max_bound=0)(vals), make_expected_values(vals, min_bound=-5, max_bound=0)) np.testing.assert_equal(get_random_seed_vec(min_bound=-5, max_bound=5)(vals), make_expected_values(vals, min_bound=-5, max_bound=5)) np.testing.assert_equal(get_random_seed_vec(min_bound=5, max_bound=10)(vals), make_expected_values(vals, min_bound=5, max_bound=10)) np.testing.assert_equal(get_random_seed_vec(min_bound=-10, max_bound=-5)(vals), make_expected_values(vals, min_bound=-10, max_bound=-5)) def test_class_property(): class MockClass: name = "MockClass" @classproperty def caps_name(cls): return assert MockClass.caps_name == "MOCKCLASS" def test_get_importable_subclasses_wont_get_custom_classes(): class ChildClass(ComponentBase): pass assert ChildClass not in get_importable_subclasses(ComponentBase) @patch('importlib.import_module') def test_import_or_warn_errors(dummy_importlib): def _mock_import_function(library_str): if library_str == "_evalml": raise ImportError("Mock ImportError executed!") if library_str == "attr_error_lib": raise Exception("Mock Exception executed!") dummy_importlib.side_effect = _mock_import_function with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="Missing optional dependency '_evalml'"): import_or_raise("_evalml", warning=True) with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="Missing optional dependency '_evalml'. Please use pip to install _evalml. Additional error message"): import_or_raise("_evalml", "Additional error message", warning=True) with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="An exception occurred while trying to import `attr_error_lib`: Mock Exception executed!"): import_or_raise("attr_error_lib", warning=True) @patch('evalml.utils.gen_utils.import_or_raise') def test_jupyter_check_errors(mock_import_or_raise): mock_import_or_raise.side_effect = ImportError assert not jupyter_check() mock_import_or_raise.side_effect = Exception assert not jupyter_check() @patch('evalml.utils.gen_utils.import_or_raise') def test_jupyter_check(mock_import_or_raise): mock_import_or_raise.return_value = MagicMock() mock_import_or_raise().core.getipython.get_ipython.return_value = True assert jupyter_check() mock_import_or_raise().core.getipython.get_ipython.return_value = False assert not jupyter_check() mock_import_or_raise().core.getipython.get_ipython.return_value = None assert not jupyter_check() def _check_equality(data, expected, check_index_type=True): if isinstance(data, pd.Series): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(data, expected, check_index_type) else: pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(data, expected, check_index_type) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data,num_to_pad,expected", [(pd.Series([1, 2, 3]), 1, pd.Series([np.nan, 1, 2, 3])), (pd.Series([1, 2, 3]), 0, pd.Series([1, 2, 3])), (pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], index=pd.date_range("2020-10-01", "2020-10-04")), 2, pd.Series([np.nan, np.nan, 1, 2, 3, 4])), (pd.DataFrame({"a": [1., 2., 3.], "b": [4., 5., 6.]}), 0, pd.DataFrame({"a": [1., 2., 3.], "b": [4., 5., 6.]})), (pd.DataFrame({"a": [4, 5, 6], "b": ["a", "b", "c"]}), 1, pd.DataFrame({"a": [np.nan, 4, 5, 6], "b": [np.nan, "a", "b", "c"]})), (pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 0, 1]}), 2, pd.DataFrame({"a": [np.nan, np.nan, 1, 0, 1]}))]) def test_pad_with_nans(data, num_to_pad, expected): padded = pad_with_nans(data, num_to_pad) _check_equality(padded, expected) def test_pad_with_nans_with_series_name(): name = "data to pad" data = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], name=name) padded = pad_with_nans(data, 1) _check_equality(padded, pd.Series([np.nan, 1, 2, 3], name=name)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data, expected", [([pd.Series([None, 1., 2., 3]), pd.DataFrame({"a": [1., 2., 3, None]})], [pd.Series([1., 2.], index=pd.Int64Index([1, 2])), pd.DataFrame({"a": [2., 3.]}, index=pd.Int64Index([1, 2]))]), ([pd.Series([None, 1., 2., 3]), pd.DataFrame({"a": [3., 4., None, None]})], [pd.Series([1.], index=pd.Int64Index([1])), pd.DataFrame({"a": [4.]}, index=pd.Int64Index([1]))]), ([pd.DataFrame(), pd.Series([None, 1., 2., 3.])], [pd.DataFrame(), pd.Series([1., 2., 3.], index=pd.Int64Index([1, 2, 3]))]), ([pd.DataFrame({"a": [1., 2., None]}), pd.Series([])], [pd.DataFrame({"a": [1., 2.]}), pd.Series([])]) ]) def test_drop_nan(data, expected): no_nan_1, no_nan_2 = drop_rows_with_nans(*data) _check_equality(no_nan_1, expected[0], check_index_type=False) _check_equality(no_nan_2, expected[1], check_index_type=False) def test_rename_column_names_to_numeric(): X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(_rename_column_names_to_numeric(X), pd.DataFrame(X)) X = pd.DataFrame({"<>": [1, 2], ">>": [2, 4]}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(_rename_column_names_to_numeric(X), pd.DataFrame({0: [1, 2], 1: [2, 4]})) X = ww.DataTable(pd.DataFrame({"<>": [1, 2], ">>": [2, 4]}), logical_types={"<>": "categorical", ">>": "categorical"}) X_renamed = _rename_column_names_to_numeric(X) X_expected = pd.DataFrame({0: pd.Series([1, 2], dtype="category"), 1: pd.Series([2, 4], dtype="category")}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X_renamed.to_dataframe(), X_expected) assert X_renamed.logical_types == {0: ww.logical_types.Categorical, 1: ww.logical_types.Categorical} def test_convert_woodwork_types_wrapper_with_nan(): y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(pd.Series([1, 2, None], dtype="Int64")) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(y, pd.Series([1, 2, np.nan], dtype="float64")) y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(pd.array([1, 2, None], dtype="Int64")) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(y, pd.Series([1, 2, np.nan], dtype="float64")) y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(pd.Series(["a", "b", None], dtype="string")) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(y, pd.Series(["a", "b", np.nan], dtype="object")) y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(pd.array(["a", "b", None], dtype="string")) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(y, pd.Series(["a", "b", np.nan], dtype="object")) y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(pd.Series([True, False, None], dtype="boolean")) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(y, pd.Series([True, False, np.nan])) y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(pd.array([True, False, None], dtype="boolean")) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(y, pd.Series([True, False, np.nan])) def test_convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(): y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype="Int64")) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(y, pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype="int64")) y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(pd.array([1, 2, 3], dtype="Int64")) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(y, pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype="int64")) y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(pd.Series(["a", "b", "a"], dtype="string")) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(y, pd.Series(["a", "b", "a"], dtype="object")) y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(pd.array(["a", "b", "a"], dtype="string")) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(y, pd.Series(["a", "b", "a"], dtype="object")) y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(pd.Series([True, False, True], dtype="boolean")) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(y, pd.Series([True, False, True], dtype="bool")) y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(pd.array([True, False, True], dtype="boolean")) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(y, pd.Series([True, False, True], dtype="bool")) def test_convert_woodwork_types_wrapper_series_name(): name = "my series name" series_with_name = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], name=name) y = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(series_with_name) assert == name def test_convert_woodwork_types_wrapper_dataframe(): X = pd.DataFrame({"Int series": pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype="Int64"), "Int array": pd.array([1, 2, 3], dtype="Int64"), "Int series with nan": pd.Series([1, 2, None], dtype="Int64"), "Int array with nan": pd.array([1, 2, None], dtype="Int64"), "string series": pd.Series(["a", "b", "a"], dtype="string"), "string array": pd.array(["a", "b", "a"], dtype="string"), "string series with nan": pd.Series(["a", "b", None], dtype="string"), "string array with nan": pd.array(["a", "b", None], dtype="string"), "boolean series": pd.Series([True, False, True], dtype="boolean"), "boolean array": pd.array([True, False, True], dtype="boolean"), "boolean series with nan": pd.Series([True, False, None], dtype="boolean"), "boolean array with nan": pd.array([True, False, None], dtype="boolean") }) X_expected = pd.DataFrame({"Int series": pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype="int64"), "Int array": pd.array([1, 2, 3], dtype="int64"), "Int series with nan": pd.Series([1, 2, np.nan], dtype="float64"), "Int array with nan": pd.array([1, 2, np.nan], dtype="float64"), "string series": pd.Series(["a", "b", "a"], dtype="object"), "string array": pd.array(["a", "b", "a"], dtype="object"), "string series with nan": pd.Series(["a", "b", np.nan], dtype="object"), "string array with nan": pd.array(["a", "b", np.nan], dtype="object"), "boolean series": pd.Series([True, False, True], dtype="bool"), "boolean array": pd.array([True, False, True], dtype="bool"), "boolean series with nan": pd.Series([True, False, np.nan], dtype="object"), "boolean array with nan": pd.array([True, False, np.nan], dtype="object") }) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X_expected, _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(X)) def test_convert_to_woodwork_structure(): X_dt = ww.DataTable(pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X_dt.to_dataframe(), _convert_to_woodwork_structure(X_dt).to_dataframe()) X_dc = ww.DataColumn(pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4])) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(X_dc.to_series(), _convert_to_woodwork_structure(X_dc).to_series()) X_pd = pd.DataFrame({0: pd.Series([1, 2], dtype="Int64"), 1: pd.Series([3, 4], dtype="Int64")}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X_pd, _convert_to_woodwork_structure(X_pd).to_dataframe()) X_pd = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype="Int64") pd.testing.assert_series_equal(X_pd, _convert_to_woodwork_structure(X_pd).to_series()) X_list = [1, 2, 3, 4] X_expected = ww.DataColumn(pd.Series(X_list)) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(X_expected.to_series(), _convert_to_woodwork_structure(X_list).to_series()) assert X_list == [1, 2, 3, 4] X_np = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) X_expected = ww.DataColumn(pd.Series(X_np)) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(X_expected.to_series(), _convert_to_woodwork_structure(X_np).to_series()) assert np.array_equal(X_np, np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])) X_np = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) X_expected = ww.DataTable(pd.DataFrame(X_np)) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X_expected.to_dataframe(), _convert_to_woodwork_structure(X_np).to_dataframe()) assert np.array_equal(X_np, np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) def test_convert_to_woodwork_structure_series_name(): name = "column with name" X_pd = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype="Int64", name=name) X_dc = _convert_to_woodwork_structure(X_pd) assert == name pd.testing.assert_series_equal(X_pd, X_dc.to_series()) def test_infer_feature_types_dataframe(): X_pd = pd.DataFrame({0: pd.Series([1, 2]), 1: pd.Series([3, 4])}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X_pd, infer_feature_types(X_pd).to_dataframe(), check_dtype=False) X_pd = pd.DataFrame({0: pd.Series([1, 2], dtype="Int64"), 1: pd.Series([3, 4], dtype="Int64")}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X_pd, infer_feature_types(X_pd).to_dataframe()) X_expected = X_pd.copy() X_expected[0] = X_expected[0].astype("category") pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X_expected, infer_feature_types(X_pd, {0: "categorical"}).to_dataframe()) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X_expected, infer_feature_types(X_pd, {0: ww.logical_types.Categorical}).to_dataframe()) def test_infer_feature_types_series(): X_pd = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) X_expected = X_pd.astype("Int64") pd.testing.assert_series_equal(X_expected, infer_feature_types(X_pd).to_series()) X_pd = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype="Int64") pd.testing.assert_series_equal(X_pd, infer_feature_types(X_pd).to_series()) X_pd =
pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype="Int64")
""" Functions to scrape by season, games, and date range """ import hockey_scraper.json_schedule as json_schedule import hockey_scraper.game_scraper as game_scraper import hockey_scraper.shared as shared import pandas as pd import time import random # This hold the scraping errors in a string format. # This may seem pointless but I have a personal reason for it (I think...) errors = '' def print_errors(): """ Print errors with scraping. Also puts errors in the "error" string (would just print the string but it would look like shit on one line. I could store it as I "should" print it but that isn't how I want it). :return: None """ global errors if game_scraper.broken_pbp_games: print('\nBroken pbp:') errors += 'Broken pbp:' for x in game_scraper.broken_pbp_games: print(x[0], x[1]) errors = ' '.join([errors, str(x[0]), ","]) if game_scraper.broken_shifts_games: print('\nBroken shifts:') errors += 'Broken shifts:' for x in game_scraper.broken_shifts_games: print(x[0], x[1]) errors = ' '.join([errors, str(x[0]), ","]) if game_scraper.players_missing_ids: print("\nPlayers missing ID's:") errors += "Players missing ID's:" for x in game_scraper.players_missing_ids: print(x[0], x[1]) errors = ' '.join([errors, str(x[0]), ","]) if game_scraper.missing_coords: print('\nGames missing coordinates:') errors += 'Games missing coordinates:' for x in game_scraper.missing_coords: print(x[0], x[1]) errors = ' '.join([errors, str(x[0]), ","]) print('\n') # Clear them all out for the next call game_scraper.broken_shifts_games = [] game_scraper.broken_pbp_games = [] game_scraper.players_missing_ids = [] game_scraper.missing_coords = [] def check_data_format(data_format): """ Checks if data_format specified (if it is at all) is either None, 'Csv', or 'pandas'. It exits program with error message if input isn't good. :param data_format: data_format provided :return: Boolean - True if good """ if not data_format or data_format.lower() not in ['csv', 'pandas']: raise shared.HaltException('{} is an unspecified data format. The two options are Csv and Pandas ' '(Csv is default)\n'.format(data_format)) def check_valid_dates(from_date, to_date): """ Check if it's a valid date range :param from_date: date should scrape from :param to_date: date should scrape to :return: None """ try: if time.strptime(to_date, "%Y-%m-%d") < time.strptime(from_date, "%Y-%m-%d"): raise shared.HaltException("Error: The second date input is earlier than the first one") except ValueError: raise shared.HaltException("Error: Incorrect format given for dates. They must be given like 'yyyy-mm-dd' " "(ex: '2016-10-01').") def to_csv(file_name, pbp_df, shifts_df): """ Write DataFrame(s) to csv file(s) :param file_name: name of file :param pbp_df: pbp DataFrame :param shifts_df: shifts DataFrame :return: None """ if pbp_df is not None: print("\nPbp data deposited in file - " + 'nhl_pbp{}.csv'.format(file_name)) pbp_df.to_csv('nhl_pbp{}.csv'.format(file_name), sep=',', encoding='utf-8',index=False) if shifts_df is not None: print("Shift data deposited in file - " + 'nhl_shifts{}.csv'.format(file_name)) shifts_df.to_csv('nhl_shifts{}.csv'.format(file_name), sep=',', encoding='utf-8',index=False) def scrape_list_of_games(games, if_scrape_shifts): """ Given a list of game_id's (and a date for each game) it scrapes them :param games: list of [game_id, date] :param if_scrape_shifts: Boolean indicating whether to also scrape shifts :return: DataFrame of pbp info, also shifts if specified """ pbp_dfs = [] shifts_dfs = [] for game in games: pbp_df, shifts_df = game_scraper.scrape_game(str(game["game_id"]), game["date"], if_scrape_shifts) if pbp_df is not None: pbp_dfs.extend([pbp_df]) if shifts_df is not None: shifts_dfs.extend([shifts_df]) # Check if any games...if not let's get out of here if len(pbp_dfs) == 0: return None, None else: pbp_df = pd.concat(pbp_dfs) pbp_df = pbp_df.reset_index(drop=True) pbp_df.apply(lambda row: game_scraper.check_goalie(row), axis=1) if if_scrape_shifts: shifts_df = pd.concat(shifts_dfs) shifts_df = shifts_df.reset_index(drop=True) else: shifts_df = None # Print all errors associated with scrape call print_errors() return pbp_df, shifts_df def scrape_date_range(from_date, to_date, if_scrape_shifts, data_format='csv', preseason=False, rescrape=False, docs_dir=None): """ Scrape games in given date range :param from_date: date you want to scrape from :param to_date: date you want to scrape to :param if_scrape_shifts: Boolean indicating whether to also scrape shifts :param data_format: format you want data in - csv or pandas (csv is default) :param preseason: Boolean indicating whether to include preseason games (default if False) This is may or may not work!!! I don't give a shit. :param rescrape: If you want to rescrape pages already scraped. Only applies if you supply a docs dir. (def. = None) :param docs_dir: Directory that either contains previously scraped docs or one that you want them to be deposited in after scraping. (default is None) :return: Dictionary with DataFrames and errors or None """ # First check if the inputs are good check_data_format(data_format) check_valid_dates(from_date, to_date) # Check on the docs_dir and re_scrape shared.add_dir(docs_dir) shared.if_rescrape(rescrape) games = json_schedule.scrape_schedule(from_date, to_date, preseason) pbp_df, shifts_df = scrape_list_of_games(games, if_scrape_shifts) if data_format.lower() == 'csv': to_csv(from_date+'--'+to_date, pbp_df, shifts_df) else: return {"pbp": pbp_df, "shifts": shifts_df, "errors": errors} if if_scrape_shifts else {"pbp": pbp_df, "errors": errors} def scrape_seasons(seasons, if_scrape_shifts, data_format='csv', preseason=False, rescrape=False, docs_dir=None): """ Given list of seasons it scrapes all the seasons :param seasons: list of seasons :param if_scrape_shifts: Boolean indicating whether to also scrape shifts :param data_format: format you want data in - csv or pandas (csv is default) :param preseason: Boolean indicating whether to include preseason games (default if False) This is may or may not work!!! I don't give a shit. :param rescrape: If you want to rescrape pages already scraped. Only applies if you supply a docs dir. :param docs_dir: Directory that either contains previously scraped docs or one that you want them to be deposited in after scraping :return: Dictionary with DataFrames and errors or None """ # First check if the inputs are good check_data_format(data_format) # Check on the docs_dir and re_scrape shared.add_dir(docs_dir) shared.if_rescrape(rescrape) # Holds all seasons scraped (if not csv) master_pbps, master_shifts = [], [] for season in seasons: from_date = '-'.join([str(season), '9', '1']) to_date = '-'.join([str(season + 1), '7', '1']) games = json_schedule.scrape_schedule(from_date, to_date, preseason) pbp_df, shifts_df = scrape_list_of_games(games, if_scrape_shifts) if data_format.lower() == 'csv': to_csv(str(season)+str(season+1), pbp_df, shifts_df) else: master_pbps.append(pbp_df) master_shifts.append(shifts_df) if data_format.lower() == 'pandas': if if_scrape_shifts: return {"pbp":
# %% import airtablecache.airtablecache as AC import pandas as pd import os import sys testDataLoc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.modules['airtablecache'].__file__), 'data/testData.csv') sampleDF = pd.DataFrame([ ['Alpha', 10, 'India'], ['Beta', 15, 'Australia'] ], columns=['Name', 'Age', 'Country']) newDF = pd.DataFrame([ ['Gamma', 20, 'Canada'], ['Beta', 12, 'Australia'], ['Alpha', 10, 'India'] ], columns=['Name', 'Age', 'Country']) appendDF = pd.DataFrame([ ['Alpha', 10, 'India'], ['Beta', 15, 'Australia'], ['Gamma', 20, 'Canada'], ['Beta', 12, 'Australia'], ['Alpha', 10, 'India'] ], columns=['Name', 'Age', 'Country']) appendDFDropDupl = pd.DataFrame([ ['Alpha', 10, 'India'], ['Beta', 15, 'Australia'], ['Gamma', 20, 'Canada'], ['Beta', 12, 'Australia'], ], columns=['Name', 'Age', 'Country']) partitionByNameDF = pd.DataFrame([ ['Gamma', 20, 'Canada'], ['Beta', 12, 'Australia'], ['Alpha', 10, 'India'], ], columns=['Name', 'Age', 'Country']) partitionByNameAgeDF = pd.DataFrame([ ['Beta', 15, 'Australia'], ['Gamma', 20, 'Canada'], ['Beta', 12, 'Australia'], ['Alpha', 10, 'India'], ], columns=['Name', 'Age', 'Country']) class TestClass: def test_readExistingDataCSV(self): ac = AC.Cacher('csv', location=testDataLoc) df = ac.readExistingData()
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df, sampleDF)
import random import timeit from decimal import Decimal import h5py import hdf5plugin import numpy as np import pandas as pd import gym from gym import logger from gym import spaces import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os from decimal import getcontext os.environ['KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK'] = 'True'
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.10f' % x)
from datetime import datetime from pandas.compat import range, long, zip from pandas import compat import re import numpy as np from pandas.core.algorithms import unique from pandas.tseries.offsets import DateOffset from pandas.util.decorators import cache_readonly import pandas.tseries.offsets as offsets import pandas.core.common as com import pandas.lib as lib import pandas.tslib as tslib class FreqGroup(object): FR_ANN = 1000 FR_QTR = 2000 FR_MTH = 3000 FR_WK = 4000 FR_BUS = 5000 FR_DAY = 6000 FR_HR = 7000 FR_MIN = 8000 FR_SEC = 9000 FR_MS = 10000 FR_US = 11000 FR_NS = 12000 class Resolution(object): RESO_US = tslib.US_RESO RESO_MS = tslib.MS_RESO RESO_SEC = tslib.S_RESO RESO_MIN = tslib.T_RESO RESO_HR = tslib.H_RESO RESO_DAY = tslib.D_RESO _reso_str_map = { RESO_US: 'microsecond', RESO_MS: 'millisecond', RESO_SEC: 'second', RESO_MIN: 'minute', RESO_HR: 'hour', RESO_DAY: 'day'} _str_reso_map = dict([(v, k) for k, v in
# Title: Weather Data Aggregator # Description: Aggregates data from the weather station on Cockcroft from the OnCall API. # Author: <NAME> # Date: 17/12/2020 # Version: 1.0 # Import libraries import pandas as pd from pandas import json_normalize import json import requests from datetime import datetime, timedelta from app import csvDump import os # Variable Declarations URL = "" ENDPOINT = "/dailypollarchive" DEVICE = "0FF00FFA2DBB4A029D2902CD33A43364" # Cockcroft Weather Station GUID ACTION_IDENT_TEMP = "AD7396F9F28D4DA798F0370934C368A9" # Air Tempertaure in C endpoint GUID ACTION_IDENT_HUM = "8C5DAA6DB83E4E5C8310A27F6E549527" # Relative Humidity endpoint GUID ACTION_IDENT_PRE = "E589656878094D03A1554197DC90B5B5" # Pressure endpoint GUID ACTION_IDENT_RF_MM = "90828B8769E74A5B9F74761335CB1676" # Rainfall in mm endpoint GUID ACTION_IDENT_WS_MS = "B04BE963E74F467A875C534B90BE05A0" # Windspeed in ms endpoint GUID ACTION_IDENT_WD_D = "752FC7FCFE584FBF980E2FFCAD991D87" # Wind direction endpoint GUID ACTION_IDENT_SOL_KWM2 = "4EF9B920C87444939DE8069D37ECA200" # Solar Radiation endpoint GUID START = "2021-03-01T00:00:00" END = "2021-09-08T23:00:00" dropCols = ['RECID','Limit','DeviceGUID','ActionGUID','PollType','RV'] # POST credentials with open("./config/.onCallAPI.json") as f: accessToken = json.load(f) API_KEY = accessToken['TOKEN'] DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" # Date format for parsing datetime returned by OnCall API sd =
import typer import spotipy import pandas as pd import os from loguru import logger from spotify_smart_playlists.helpers import spotify_auth from toolz import thread_last, mapcat, partition_all from typing import List def main(library_file: str, artists_file: str):"Initializing Spotify client.") spotify = spotipy.Spotify(client_credentials_manager=spotify_auth())"Reading library from {library_file}.") library_frame = pd.read_csv(library_file) if not os.path.exists(artists_file): logger.warning( f"{artists_file} doesn't exist. " "Obtaining all artists." ) artists_frame = pd.DataFrame() artists_with_data = set() else:"Reading existing artists from {artists_file}.") artists_frame =
from datetime import datetime, timedelta import unittest from pandas.core.datetools import ( bday, BDay, BQuarterEnd, BMonthEnd, BYearEnd, MonthEnd, DateOffset, Week, YearBegin, YearEnd, Hour, Minute, Second, format, ole2datetime, to_datetime, normalize_date, getOffset, getOffsetName, inferTimeRule, hasOffsetName) from import assert_raises #### ## Misc function tests #### def test_format(): actual = format(datetime(2008, 1, 15)) assert actual == '20080115' def test_ole2datetime(): actual = ole2datetime(60000) assert actual == datetime(2064, 4, 8) assert_raises(Exception, ole2datetime, 60) def test_to_datetime1(): actual = to_datetime(datetime(2008, 1, 15)) assert actual == datetime(2008, 1, 15) actual = to_datetime('20080115') assert actual == datetime(2008, 1, 15) # unparseable s = 'Month 1, 1999' assert to_datetime(s) == s def test_normalize_date(): actual = normalize_date(datetime(2007, 10, 1, 1, 12, 5, 10)) assert actual == datetime(2007, 10, 1) ##### ### DateOffset Tests ##### class TestDateOffset(object): def setUp(self): self.d = datetime(2008, 1, 2) def test_repr(self): repr(DateOffset()) repr(DateOffset(2)) repr(2 * DateOffset()) repr(2 * DateOffset(months=2)) def test_mul(self): assert DateOffset(2) == 2 * DateOffset(1) assert DateOffset(2) == DateOffset(1) * 2 def test_constructor(self): assert((self.d + DateOffset(months=2)) == datetime(2008, 3, 2)) assert((self.d - DateOffset(months=2)) == datetime(2007, 11, 2)) assert((self.d + DateOffset(2)) == datetime(2008, 1, 4)) assert not DateOffset(2).isAnchored() assert DateOffset(1).isAnchored() d = datetime(2008, 1, 31) assert((d + DateOffset(months=1)) == datetime(2008, 2, 29)) def test_copy(self): assert(DateOffset(months=2).copy() == DateOffset(months=2)) class TestBusinessDay(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.d = datetime(2008, 1, 1) self.offset = BDay() self.offset2 = BDay(2) def test_repr(self): assert repr(self.offset) == '<1 BusinessDay>' assert repr(self.offset2) == '<2 BusinessDays>' expected = '<1 BusinessDay: offset=datetime.timedelta(1)>' assert repr(self.offset + timedelta(1)) == expected def test_with_offset(self): offset = self.offset + timedelta(hours=2) assert (self.d + offset) == datetime(2008, 1, 2, 2) def testEQ(self): self.assertEqual(self.offset2, self.offset2) def test_mul(self): pass def test_hash(self): self.assertEqual(hash(self.offset2), hash(self.offset2)) def testCall(self): self.assertEqual(self.offset2(self.d), datetime(2008, 1, 3)) def testRAdd(self): self.assertEqual(self.d + self.offset2, self.offset2 + self.d) def testSub(self): off = self.offset2 self.assertRaises(Exception, off.__sub__, self.d) self.assertEqual(2 * off - off, off) self.assertEqual(self.d - self.offset2, self.d + BDay(-2)) def testRSub(self): self.assertEqual(self.d - self.offset2, (-self.offset2).apply(self.d)) def testMult1(self): self.assertEqual(self.d + 10*self.offset, self.d + BDay(10)) def testMult2(self): self.assertEqual(self.d + (-5*BDay(-10)), self.d + BDay(50)) def testRollback1(self): self.assertEqual(BDay(10).rollback(self.d), self.d) def testRollback2(self): self.assertEqual(BDay(10).rollback(datetime(2008, 1, 5)), datetime(2008, 1, 4)) def testRollforward1(self): self.assertEqual(BDay(10).rollforward(self.d), self.d) def testRollforward2(self): self.assertEqual(BDay(10).rollforward(datetime(2008, 1, 5)), datetime(2008, 1, 7)) def test_onOffset(self): tests = [(BDay(), datetime(2008, 1, 1), True), (BDay(), datetime(2008, 1, 5), False)] for offset, date, expected in tests: assertOnOffset(offset, date, expected) def test_apply(self): tests = [] tests.append((bday, {datetime(2008, 1, 1): datetime(2008, 1, 2), datetime(2008, 1, 4): datetime(2008, 1, 7), datetime(2008, 1, 5): datetime(2008, 1, 7), datetime(2008, 1, 6): datetime(2008, 1, 7), datetime(2008, 1, 7): datetime(2008, 1, 8)})) tests.append((2*bday, {datetime(2008, 1, 1): datetime(2008, 1, 3), datetime(2008, 1, 4): datetime(2008, 1, 8), datetime(2008, 1, 5): datetime(2008, 1, 8), datetime(2008, 1, 6): datetime(2008, 1, 8), datetime(2008, 1, 7): datetime(2008, 1, 9)})) tests.append((-bday, {datetime(2008, 1, 1): datetime(2007, 12, 31), datetime(2008, 1, 4): datetime(2008, 1, 3), datetime(2008, 1, 5): datetime(2008, 1, 4), datetime(2008, 1, 6): datetime(2008, 1, 4), datetime(2008, 1, 7): datetime(2008, 1, 4), datetime(2008, 1, 8): datetime(2008, 1, 7)})) tests.append((-2*bday, {datetime(2008, 1, 1): datetime(2007, 12, 28), datetime(2008, 1, 4): datetime(2008, 1, 2), datetime(2008, 1, 5): datetime(2008, 1, 3), datetime(2008, 1, 6): datetime(2008, 1, 3), datetime(2008, 1, 7): datetime(2008, 1, 3), datetime(2008, 1, 8): datetime(2008, 1, 4), datetime(2008, 1, 9): datetime(2008, 1, 7)})) tests.append((BDay(0), {datetime(2008, 1, 1): datetime(2008, 1, 1), datetime(2008, 1, 4): datetime(2008, 1, 4), datetime(2008, 1, 5): datetime(2008, 1, 7), datetime(2008, 1, 6): datetime(2008, 1, 7), datetime(2008, 1, 7): datetime(2008, 1, 7)})) for dateOffset, cases in tests: for baseDate, expected in cases.iteritems(): assertEq(dateOffset, baseDate, expected) def test_apply_corner(self): self.assertRaises(Exception, BDay().apply, BMonthEnd()) def assertOnOffset(offset, date, expected): actual = offset.onOffset(date) assert actual == expected class TestWeek(unittest.TestCase): def test_corner(self): self.assertRaises(Exception, Week, weekday=7) self.assertRaises(Exception, Week, weekday=-1) def test_isAnchored(self): self.assert_(Week(weekday=0).isAnchored()) self.assert_(not Week().isAnchored()) self.assert_(not Week(2, weekday=2).isAnchored()) self.assert_(not Week(2).isAnchored()) def test_offset(self): tests = [] tests.append((Week(), # not business week {datetime(2008, 1, 1): datetime(2008, 1, 8), datetime(2008, 1, 4): datetime(2008, 1, 11), datetime(2008, 1, 5): datetime(2008, 1, 12), datetime(2008, 1, 6): datetime(2008, 1, 13), datetime(2008, 1, 7): datetime(2008, 1, 14)})) tests.append((Week(weekday=0), # Mon {datetime(2007, 12, 31): datetime(2008, 1, 7), datetime(2008, 1, 4): datetime(2008, 1, 7), datetime(2008, 1, 5): datetime(2008, 1, 7), datetime(2008, 1, 6): datetime(2008, 1, 7), datetime(2008, 1, 7): datetime(2008, 1, 14)})) tests.append((Week(0, weekday=0), # n=0 -> roll forward. Mon {datetime(2007, 12, 31): datetime(2007, 12, 31), datetime(2008, 1, 4): datetime(2008, 1, 7), datetime(2008, 1, 5): datetime(2008, 1, 7), datetime(2008, 1, 6): datetime(2008, 1, 7), datetime(2008, 1, 7): datetime(2008, 1, 7)})) tests.append((Week(-2, weekday=1), # n=0 -> roll forward. Mon {datetime(2010, 4, 6): datetime(2010, 3, 23), datetime(2010, 4, 8): datetime(2010, 3, 30), datetime(2010, 4, 5): datetime(2010, 3, 23)})) for dateOffset, cases in tests: for baseDate, expected in cases.iteritems(): assertEq(dateOffset, baseDate, expected) def test_onOffset(self): tests = [(Week(weekday=0), datetime(2008, 1, 1), False), (Week(weekday=0), datetime(2008, 1, 2), False), (Week(weekday=0), datetime(2008, 1, 3), False), (Week(weekday=0), datetime(2008, 1, 4), False), (Week(weekday=0), datetime(2008, 1, 5), False), (Week(weekday=0), datetime(2008, 1, 6), False), (Week(weekday=0), datetime(2008, 1, 7), True), (Week(weekday=1), datetime(2008, 1, 1), True), (Week(weekday=1), datetime(2008, 1, 2), False), (Week(weekday=1), datetime(2008, 1, 3), False), (Week(weekday=1), datetime(2008, 1, 4), False), (Week(weekday=1), datetime(2008, 1, 5), False), (Week(weekday=1), datetime(2008, 1, 6), False), (Week(weekday=1), datetime(2008, 1, 7), False), (Week(weekday=2), datetime(2008, 1, 1), False), (Week(weekday=2), datetime(2008, 1, 2), True), (
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of CbM ( # Author : <NAME> # Credits : GTCAP Team # Copyright : 2021 European Commission, Joint Research Centre # License : 3-Clause BSD import pandas as pd import matplotlib.dates as mdates from matplotlib import pyplot import matplotlib.ticker as ticker import datetime import calendar import os import time import numpy as np def get_ndvi_profiles_from_csv(csv_file): ndvi_profile = pd.read_csv(csv_file) return ndvi_profile def get_current_list_of_months(first_year_month, number_of_year_months): textstrs_tuples = [ ("201701", "2017\nJAN"), ("201702", "2017\nFEB"), ("201703", "2017\nMAR"), ("201704", "2017\nAPR"), ("201705", "2017\nMAY"), ("201706", "2017\nJUN"), ("201707", "2017\nJUL"), ("201708", "2017\nAUG"), ("201709", "2017\nSEP"), ("201710", "2017\nOCT"), ("201711", "2017\nNOV"), ("201712", "2017\nDEC"), ("201801", "2018\nJAN"), ("201802", "2018\nFEB"), ("201803", "2018\nMAR"), ("201804", "2018\nAPR"), ("201805", "2018\nMAY"), ("201806", "2018\nJUN"), ("201807", "2018\nJUL"), ("201808", "2018\nAUG"), ("201809", "2018\nSEP"), ("201810", "2018\nOCT"), ("201811", "2018\nNOV"), ("201812", "2018\nDEC"), ("201901", "2019\nJAN"), ("201902", "2019\nFEB"), ("201903", "2019\nMAR"), ("201904", "2019\nAPR"), ("201905", "2019\nMAY"), ("201906", "2019\nJUN"), ("201907", "2019\nJUL"), ("201908", "2019\nAUG"), ("201909", "2019\nSEP"), ("201910", "2019\nOCT"), ("201911", "2019\nNOV"), ("201912", "2019\nDEC"), ("202001", "2020\nJAN"), ("202002", "2020\nFEB"), ("202003", "2020\nMAR"), ("202004", "2020\nAPR"), ("202005", "2020\nMAY"), ("202006", "2020\nJUN"), ("202007", "2020\nJUL"), ("202008", "2020\nAUG"), ("202009", "2020\nSEP"), ("202010", "2020\nOCT"), ("202011", "2020\nNOV"), ("202012", "2020\nDEC"), ("202101", "2021\nJAN"), ("202102", "2021\nFEB"), ("202103", "2021\nMAR"), ("202104", "2021\nAPR"), ("202105", "2021\nMAY"), ("202106", "2021\nJUN"), ("202107", "2021\nJUL"), ("202108", "2021\nAUG"), ("202109", "2021\nSEP"), ("202110", "2021\nOCT"), ("202111", "2021\nNOV"), ("202112", "2021\nDEC"), ] # find the index of the first occurrence of first_year_month in textstrs_tuples # and return the rest secend elements of the tuples of the list i = 0 first_year_month_index = i for textstrs_tuple in textstrs_tuples: if first_year_month == textstrs_tuple[0]: first_year_month_index = i i+=1 current_textstrs = [] for i in range(first_year_month_index, first_year_month_index + number_of_year_months): current_textstrs.append(textstrs_tuples[i][1]) return current_textstrs def diff_month(d1, d2): return (d1.year - d2.year) * 12 + d1.month - d2.month def display_ndvi_profiles(parcel_id, crop, plot_title, out_tif_folder_base, logfile, add_error_bars = False): """ this function plots the NDVI profile and saves the figures to the outputFolder """ y_tick_spacing = 0.1 fout = open(logfile, 'a') start = time.time() chip_folder = str(parcel_id) + '_' + crop ndvi_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/ndvi" ndvi_csv_file = ndvi_folder + "/" + chip_folder + "_ndvi.csv" output_graph_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/ndvi_graphs" if not os.path.exists(output_graph_folder): os.makedirs(output_graph_folder) ndvi_profile = pd.read_csv(ndvi_csv_file) ndvi_profile['acq_date'] = pd.to_datetime(ndvi_profile.acq_date) ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile.sort_values(by=['acq_date']) # rename the column names from 'ndvi_mean' to more meaningful name ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile.rename(columns={'ndvi_mean': 'S2 NDVI'}) ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile.rename(columns={'acq_date': 'date'}) ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile[ndvi_profile['S2 NDVI']!='None'] ndvi_profile['S2 NDVI'] = ndvi_profile['S2 NDVI'].apply(pd.to_numeric) ndvi_profile['ndvi_std'] = ndvi_profile['ndvi_std'].apply(pd.to_numeric) # check if there are real NDVI values and stdev values in the dataframe # (for very small parcels the values in the csv can be None which evaluates as object in # the dataframe, insted of dtype float64 # if not ndvi_profile['S2 NDVI'].dtypes == "float64" or \ # not ndvi_profile['ndvi_std'].dtypes == "float64": # return # plot the time series ax0 = pyplot.gca() if not ndvi_profile.empty: if add_error_bars: ndvi_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S2 NDVI', yerr='ndvi_std', color = 'blue', ax=ax0, capsize=4, ecolor='grey', barsabove = 'True') else: ndvi_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S2 NDVI', color = 'blue', ax=ax0) # format the graph a little bit pyplot.ylabel('NDVI') parcelNumber = ndvi_profile.iloc[0]['Field_ID'] pyplot.title(plot_title + ", Parcel id: " + str(parcelNumber) + " " + crop) ax0.set_ylim([0,1]) ax0.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.MonthLocator(interval=1)) ax0.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')) ax0.xaxis.grid() # horizontal lines ax0.yaxis.grid() # vertical lines fig = pyplot.gcf() fig.autofmt_xdate() # Rotation fig_size_x = 13 fig_size_y = 7 fig.set_size_inches(fig_size_x, fig_size_y) min_month = min(ndvi_profile['date']).date().month min_year = min(ndvi_profile['date']).date().year max_month = max(ndvi_profile['date']).date().month max_year = max(ndvi_profile['date']).date().year number_of_months = diff_month(max(ndvi_profile['date']).date(), min(ndvi_profile['date']).date()) + 1 ax0.set_xlim([, min_month, 1),, max_month, calendar.monthrange(max_year, max_month)[1])]) min_year_month = str(min_year) + ('0' + str(min_month))[-2:] # start_x = 0.045 step_x = 1/number_of_months start_x = step_x/2 # positions are in graph coordinate system between 0 and 1 # so first year_month label is at half the size of the widht of # one month loc_y = 0.915 current_year_month_text = get_current_list_of_months(min_year_month, number_of_months) for current_year_month_index in range (0, number_of_months): t = current_year_month_text[current_year_month_index] loc_x = start_x + (current_year_month_index) * step_x ax0.text(loc_x, loc_y, t, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax0.transAxes, color='blue', fontsize=13) ax0.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(y_tick_spacing)) # save the figure to a jpg file fig.savefig(output_graph_folder + '/parcel_id_' + str(parcel_id) + '_NDVI.jpg') pyplot.close(fig) print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "\t", parcel_id, "\traph_utils.display_ndvi_profiles:\t", "{0:.3f}".format(time.time() - start), file=fout) fout.close() return ndvi_profile def display_ndwi_profiles(parcel_id, crop, plot_title, out_tif_folder_base, logfile, add_error_bars = False): """ this function plots the NDWI profile and saves the figures to the outputFolder """ y_tick_spacing = 0.1 fout = open(logfile, 'a') start = time.time() chip_folder = str(parcel_id) + '_' + crop ndwi_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/ndwi" ndwi_csv_file = ndwi_folder + "/" + chip_folder + "_ndwi.csv" output_graph_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/ndwi_graphs" if not os.path.exists(output_graph_folder): os.makedirs(output_graph_folder) ndwi_profile = pd.read_csv(ndwi_csv_file) ndwi_profile['acq_date'] = pd.to_datetime(ndwi_profile.acq_date) ndwi_profile = ndwi_profile.sort_values(by=['acq_date']) # rename the column names from 'ndwi_mean' to more meaningful name ndwi_profile = ndwi_profile.rename(columns={'ndwi_mean': 'S2 NDWI'}) ndwi_profile = ndwi_profile.rename(columns={'acq_date': 'date'}) # check if there are real ndwi values and stdev values in the dataframe # (for very small parcels the values in the csv can be None which evaluates as object in # the dataframe, insted of dtype float64 if not ndwi_profile['S2 NDWI'].dtypes == "float64" or \ not ndwi_profile['ndwi_std'].dtypes == "float64": return # plot the time series ax0 = pyplot.gca() if not ndwi_profile.empty: if add_error_bars: ndwi_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S2 NDWI', yerr='ndwi_std', color = 'blue', ax=ax0, capsize=4, ecolor='grey', barsabove = 'True') else: ndwi_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S2 NDWI', color = 'blue', ax=ax0) # format the graph a little bit pyplot.ylabel('NDWI') parcelNumber = ndwi_profile.iloc[0]['Field_ID'] pyplot.title(plot_title + ", Parcel id: " + str(parcelNumber) + " " + crop) ax0.set_ylim([-1,1]) ax0.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.MonthLocator(interval=1)) ax0.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')) ax0.xaxis.grid() # horizontal lines ax0.yaxis.grid() # vertical lines fig = pyplot.gcf() fig.autofmt_xdate() # Rotation fig_size_x = 13 fig_size_y = 7 fig.set_size_inches(fig_size_x, fig_size_y) min_month = min(ndwi_profile['date']).date().month min_year = min(ndwi_profile['date']).date().year max_month = max(ndwi_profile['date']).date().month max_year = max(ndwi_profile['date']).date().year number_of_months = diff_month(max(ndwi_profile['date']).date(), min(ndwi_profile['date']).date()) + 1 ax0.set_xlim([, min_month, 1),, max_month, calendar.monthrange(max_year, max_month)[1])]) min_year_month = str(min_year) + ('0' + str(min_month))[-2:] # start_x = 0.045 step_x = 1/number_of_months start_x = step_x/2 # positions are in graph coordinate system between 0 and 1 # so first year_month label is at half the size of the widht of # one month loc_y = 0.915 current_year_month_text = get_current_list_of_months(min_year_month, number_of_months) for current_year_month_index in range (0, number_of_months): t = current_year_month_text[current_year_month_index] loc_x = start_x + (current_year_month_index) * step_x ax0.text(loc_x, loc_y, t, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax0.transAxes, color='blue', fontsize=13) ax0.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(y_tick_spacing)) # save the figure to a jpg file fig.savefig(output_graph_folder + '/parcel_id_' + str(parcel_id) + '_ndwi.jpg') pyplot.close(fig) print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "\t", parcel_id, "\traph_utils.display_ndwi_profiles:\t", "{0:.3f}".format(time.time() - start), file=fout) fout.close() return ndwi_profile def display_ndvi_profiles_with_mean_profile_of_the_crop(parcel_id, crop, plot_title, out_tif_folder_base, logfile, add_error_bars = False): """ this function plots the NDVI profile and saves the figures to the outputFolder """ mean_profile_folder = "c:/Users/Csaba/ownCloud/GTCAP/cbm_qa/be_fl/notebooks/output_csv_selected_v02" fout = open(logfile, 'a') start = time.time() chip_folder = str(parcel_id) + '_' + crop ndvi_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/ndvi" ndvi_csv_file = ndvi_folder + "/" + chip_folder + "_ndvi.csv" mean_ndvi_csv_file = mean_profile_folder + "/" + crop #+ ".csv" output_graph_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/ndvi_graphs_with_mean" if not os.path.exists(output_graph_folder): os.makedirs(output_graph_folder) ndvi_profile = pd.read_csv(ndvi_csv_file) ndvi_profile['acq_date'] = pd.to_datetime(ndvi_profile.acq_date) ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile.sort_values(by=['acq_date']) # rename the column names from 'ndvi_mean' to more meaningful name ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile.rename(columns={'ndvi_mean': 'S2 NDVI'}) ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile.rename(columns={'acq_date': 'date'}) mean_ndvi_csv_file_exists = False if os.path.isfile(mean_ndvi_csv_file): mean_ndvi_csv_file_exists = True mean_ndvi_profile = pd.read_csv(mean_ndvi_csv_file) mean_ndvi_profile['acq_date'] = pd.to_datetime(mean_ndvi_profile.acq_date) mean_ndvi_profile = mean_ndvi_profile.sort_values(by=['acq_date']) # rename the column names from 'ndvi_mean' to more meaningful name mean_ndvi_profile = mean_ndvi_profile.rename(columns={'ndvi_mean': 'S2 NDVI mean'}) mean_ndvi_profile = mean_ndvi_profile.rename(columns={'acq_date': 'date'}) # check if there are real NDVI values and stdev values in the dataframe # (for very small parcels the values in the csv can be None which evaluates as object in # the dataframe, insted of dtype float64 if not ndvi_profile['S2 NDVI'].dtypes == "float64" or \ not ndvi_profile['ndvi_std'].dtypes == "float64": return # plot the time series ax0 = pyplot.gca() if not ndvi_profile.empty: if add_error_bars: ndvi_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S2 NDVI', yerr='ndvi_std', color = 'blue', ax=ax0, capsize=4, ecolor='grey', barsabove = 'True') else: ndvi_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S2 NDVI', color = 'blue', ax=ax0) if mean_ndvi_csv_file_exists: mean_ndvi_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S2 NDVI mean', color = 'red', ax=ax0) # format the graph a little bit pyplot.ylabel('NDVI') parcelNumber = ndvi_profile.iloc[0]['Field_ID'] pyplot.title(plot_title + ", Parcel id: " + str(parcelNumber) + " " + crop) ax0.set_ylim([0,1]) ax0.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.MonthLocator(interval=1)) ax0.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')) ax0.xaxis.grid() # horizontal lines ax0.yaxis.grid() # vertical lines fig = pyplot.gcf() fig.autofmt_xdate() # Rotation fig_size_x = 13 fig_size_y = 7 fig.set_size_inches(fig_size_x, fig_size_y) min_month = min(ndvi_profile['date']).date().month min_year = min(ndvi_profile['date']).date().year max_month = max(ndvi_profile['date']).date().month max_year = max(ndvi_profile['date']).date().year number_of_months = diff_month(max(ndvi_profile['date']).date(), min(ndvi_profile['date']).date()) + 1 ax0.set_xlim([, min_month, 1),, max_month, calendar.monthrange(max_year, max_month)[1])]) min_year_month = str(min_year) + ('0' + str(min_month))[-2:] step_x = 1/number_of_months start_x = step_x/2 # positions are in graph coordinate system between 0 and 1 # so first year_month label is at half the size of the widht of # one month loc_y = 0.915 current_year_month_text = get_current_list_of_months(min_year_month, number_of_months) for current_year_month_index in range (0, number_of_months): t = current_year_month_text[current_year_month_index] loc_x = start_x + (current_year_month_index) * step_x ax0.text(loc_x, loc_y, t, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax0.transAxes, color='blue', fontsize=13) # save the figure to a jpg file fig.savefig(output_graph_folder + '/parcel_id_' + str(parcel_id) + '_NDVI.jpg') pyplot.close(fig) print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "\t", parcel_id, "\graph_utils.display_ndvi_profiles_with_mean_profile_of_the_crop:\t", "{0:.3f}".format(time.time() - start), file=fout) fout.close() return ndvi_profile def display_ndvi_profiles_with_mean_profile_of_the_crop_with_std(parcel_id, crop, plot_title, out_tif_folder_base, logfile, mean_profile_folder, add_error_bars = False, mean_color = 'green', current_color = 'magenta'): """ this function plots the NDVI profile and saves the figures to the outputFolder """ fout = open(logfile, 'a') start = time.time() chip_folder = str(parcel_id) + '_' + crop ndvi_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/ndvi" ndvi_csv_file = ndvi_folder + "/" + chip_folder + "_ndvi.csv" mean_ndvi_csv_file = mean_profile_folder + "/" + crop + ".csv" output_graph_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/ndvi_graphs_with_mean" if not os.path.exists(output_graph_folder): os.makedirs(output_graph_folder) ndvi_profile = pd.read_csv(ndvi_csv_file) ndvi_profile['acq_date'] = pd.to_datetime(ndvi_profile.acq_date) ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile.sort_values(by=['acq_date']) # rename the column names from 'ndvi_mean' to more meaningful name ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile.rename(columns={'ndvi_mean': 'S2 NDVI'}) ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile.rename(columns={'acq_date': 'date'}) mean_ndvi_csv_file_exists = False if os.path.isfile(mean_ndvi_csv_file): mean_ndvi_csv_file_exists = True mean_ndvi_profile = pd.read_csv(mean_ndvi_csv_file) mean_ndvi_profile['acq_date'] = pd.to_datetime(mean_ndvi_profile.acq_date) mean_ndvi_profile = mean_ndvi_profile.sort_values(by=['acq_date']) # rename the column names from 'ndvi_mean' to more meaningful name mean_ndvi_profile = mean_ndvi_profile.rename(columns={'ndvi_mean': 'S2 NDVI mean'}) mean_ndvi_profile = mean_ndvi_profile.rename(columns={'acq_date': 'date'}) # check if there are real NDVI values and stdev values in the dataframe # (for very small parcels the values in the csv can be None which evaluates as object in # the dataframe, insted of dtype float64 if not ndvi_profile['S2 NDVI'].dtypes == "float64" or \ not ndvi_profile['ndvi_std'].dtypes == "float64": return # plot the time series ax0 = pyplot.gca() if not ndvi_profile.empty: if add_error_bars: ndvi_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S2 NDVI', yerr='ndvi_std', color = current_color, ax=ax0, capsize=4, ecolor='magenta', barsabove = 'True') else: ndvi_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S2 NDVI', color = current_color, ax=ax0) if mean_ndvi_csv_file_exists: mean_ndvi_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S2 NDVI mean', color = mean_color, ax=ax0) pyplot.fill_between(mean_ndvi_profile['date'], mean_ndvi_profile['S2 NDVI mean']-mean_ndvi_profile['ndvi_stdev'], mean_ndvi_profile['S2 NDVI mean']+mean_ndvi_profile['ndvi_stdev'], alpha=0.2, color = mean_color) # format the graph a little bit pyplot.ylabel('NDVI') parcelNumber = ndvi_profile.iloc[0]['Field_ID'] pyplot.title(plot_title + ", Parcel id: " + str(parcelNumber) + " " + crop) ax0.set_ylim([0,1]) ax0.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.MonthLocator(interval=1)) ax0.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')) ax0.xaxis.grid() # horizontal lines ax0.yaxis.grid() # vertical lines fig = pyplot.gcf() fig.autofmt_xdate() # Rotation fig_size_x = 13 fig_size_y = 7 fig.set_size_inches(fig_size_x, fig_size_y) min_month = min(ndvi_profile['date']).date().month min_year = min(ndvi_profile['date']).date().year max_month = max(ndvi_profile['date']).date().month max_year = max(ndvi_profile['date']).date().year number_of_months = diff_month(max(ndvi_profile['date']).date(), min(ndvi_profile['date']).date()) + 1 ax0.set_xlim([, min_month, 1),, max_month, calendar.monthrange(max_year, max_month)[1])]) min_year_month = str(min_year) + ('0' + str(min_month))[-2:] step_x = 1/number_of_months start_x = step_x/2 # positions are in graph coordinate system between 0 and 1 # so first year_month label is at half the size of the widht of # one month loc_y = 0.915 current_year_month_text = get_current_list_of_months(min_year_month, number_of_months) for current_year_month_index in range (0, number_of_months): t = current_year_month_text[current_year_month_index] loc_x = start_x + (current_year_month_index) * step_x ax0.text(loc_x, loc_y, t, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax0.transAxes, color='blue', fontsize=13) # save the figure to a jpg file fig.savefig(output_graph_folder + '/parcel_id_' + str(parcel_id) + '_NDVI.jpg') pyplot.close(fig) print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "\t", parcel_id, "\graph_utils.display_ndvi_profiles_with_mean_profile_of_the_crop:\t", "{0:.3f}".format(time.time() - start), file=fout) fout.close() return ndvi_profile def display_s1_bs_profiles(parcel_id, crop, plot_title, out_tif_folder_base, logfile, add_error_bars, polarisation, orbit_orientation): """ this function plots the backscatter profile and saves the figures to the outputFolder """ y_tick_spacing = 0.1 fout = open(logfile, 'a') start = time.time() chip_folder = str(parcel_id) + '_' + crop s1_bs_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/s1_bs" s1_bs_csv_file = s1_bs_folder + "/" + chip_folder + "_s1bs_" + polarisation + "_" + orbit_orientation + ".csv" output_graph_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/s1_bs_graphs_" + polarisation + "_" + orbit_orientation if not os.path.exists(output_graph_folder): os.makedirs(output_graph_folder) s1_bs_profile = pd.read_csv(s1_bs_csv_file) s1_bs_profile['acq_date'] = pd.to_datetime(s1_bs_profile.acq_date) s1_bs_profile = s1_bs_profile.sort_values(by=['acq_date']) # rename the column names from 'bs_mean' to more meaningful name s1_bs_profile = s1_bs_profile.rename(columns={'bs_mean': 'S1 BS'}) s1_bs_profile = s1_bs_profile.rename(columns={'acq_date': 'date'}) # check if there are real backscatter values and stdev values in the dataframe # (for very small parcels the values in the csv can be None which evaluates as object in # the dataframe, insted of dtype float64 if not s1_bs_profile['S1 BS'].dtypes == "float64" or \ not s1_bs_profile['bs_std'].dtypes == "float64": return # plot the time series ax0 = pyplot.gca() if not s1_bs_profile.empty: if add_error_bars: s1_bs_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S1 BS', yerr='bs_std', color = 'blue', ax=ax0, capsize=4, ecolor='grey', barsabove = 'True') else: s1_bs_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S1 BS', color = 'blue', ax=ax0) # format the graph a little bit pyplot.ylabel('Backscatter') # pyplot.ylabel(r'Backscattering coefficient, $\gamma\degree$ (dB)') parcelNumber = s1_bs_profile.iloc[0]['Field_ID'] pyplot.title(plot_title + ", Parcel id: " + str(parcelNumber) + " " + crop) ax0.set_ylim([0,1]) ax0.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.MonthLocator(interval=1)) ax0.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')) ax0.xaxis.grid() # horizontal lines ax0.yaxis.grid() # vertical lines fig = pyplot.gcf() fig.autofmt_xdate() # Rotation fig_size_x = 13 fig_size_y = 7 fig.set_size_inches(fig_size_x, fig_size_y) min_month = min(s1_bs_profile['date']).date().month min_year = min(s1_bs_profile['date']).date().year max_month = max(s1_bs_profile['date']).date().month max_year = max(s1_bs_profile['date']).date().year number_of_months = diff_month(max(s1_bs_profile['date']).date(), min(s1_bs_profile['date']).date()) + 1 ax0.set_xlim([, min_month, 1),, max_month, calendar.monthrange(max_year, max_month)[1])]) min_year_month = str(min_year) + ('0' + str(min_month))[-2:] step_x = 1/number_of_months start_x = step_x/2 # positions are in graph coordinate system between 0 and 1 # so first year_month label is at half the size of the widht of # one month loc_y = 0.915 current_year_month_text = get_current_list_of_months(min_year_month, number_of_months) for current_year_month_index in range (0, number_of_months): t = current_year_month_text[current_year_month_index] loc_x = start_x + (current_year_month_index) * step_x ax0.text(loc_x, loc_y, t, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax0.transAxes, color='blue', fontsize=13) ax0.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(y_tick_spacing)) # save the figure to a jpg file fig.savefig(output_graph_folder + '/parcel_id_' + str(parcel_id) + '_NDVI.jpg') pyplot.close(fig) print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "\t", parcel_id, "\tgraph_utils.display_s1_bs_profiles:\t", "{0:.3f}".format(time.time() - start), file=fout) fout.close() return s1_bs_profile def display_s1_bs_profiles_together(parcel_id, crop, plot_title, out_tif_folder_base, logfile, add_error_bars): """ this function plots the Sentinel-1 backscatter profile and saves the figures to the output_graph_folder """ fout = open(logfile, 'a') start = time.time() chip_folder = str(parcel_id) + '_' + crop s1_bs_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/s1_bs" output_graph_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/s1_bs_graphs_together" if not os.path.exists(output_graph_folder): os.makedirs(output_graph_folder) polarisations = ["VV", "VH"] orbit_orientations = ["D", "A"] for polarisation in polarisations: for orbit_orientation in orbit_orientations: s1_bs_csv_file = s1_bs_folder + "/" + chip_folder + "_s1bs_" + polarisation + "_" + orbit_orientation + ".csv" s1_bs_profile = pd.read_csv(s1_bs_csv_file) s1_bs_profile['acq_date'] = pd.to_datetime(s1_bs_profile.acq_date) s1_bs_profile = s1_bs_profile.sort_values(by=['acq_date']) profile_name = 'S1 BS ' + polarisation + " " + orbit_orientation s1_bs_profile = s1_bs_profile.rename(columns={'bs_mean': profile_name}) s1_bs_profile = s1_bs_profile.rename(columns={'acq_date': 'date'}) s1_bs_profile[profile_name] = s1_bs_profile[profile_name].map(lambda s: 10.0*np.log10(s)) # check if there are real backscatter and stdev values in the dataframe # (for very small parcels the values in the csv can be None which evaluates as object in # the dataframe, insted of dtype float64 if not s1_bs_profile[profile_name].dtypes == "float64" or \ not s1_bs_profile['bs_std'].dtypes == "float64": return # plot the time series ax0 = pyplot.gca() if not s1_bs_profile.empty: if add_error_bars: s1_bs_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y=profile_name, yerr='bs_std', ax=ax0, capsize=4, ecolor='grey', barsabove = 'True') else: s1_bs_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y=profile_name, ax=ax0) # format the graph a little bit pyplot.ylabel(r'Backscattering coefficient, $\gamma\degree$ (dB)') parcelNumber = s1_bs_profile.iloc[0]['Field_ID'] pyplot.title(plot_title + ", Parcel id: " + str(parcelNumber) + " " + crop) ax0.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.MonthLocator(interval=1)) ax0.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%m-%d')) ax0.xaxis.grid() # horizontal lines ax0.yaxis.grid() # vertical lines fig = pyplot.gcf() fig_size_x = 13 fig_size_y = 7 fig.set_size_inches(fig_size_x, fig_size_y) min_month = min(s1_bs_profile['date']).date().month min_year = min(s1_bs_profile['date']).date().year max_month = max(s1_bs_profile['date']).date().month max_year = max(s1_bs_profile['date']).date().year number_of_months = diff_month(max(s1_bs_profile['date']).date(), min(s1_bs_profile['date']).date()) + 1 ax0.set_xlim([, min_month, 1),, max_month, calendar.monthrange(max_year, max_month)[1])]) min_year_month = str(min_year) + ('0' + str(min_month))[-2:] step_x = 1/number_of_months start_x = step_x/2 # positions are in graph coordinate system between 0 and 1 # so first year_month label is at half the size of the width of # one month loc_y = 0.915 current_year_month_text = get_current_list_of_months(min_year_month, number_of_months) for current_year_month_index in range (0, number_of_months): t = current_year_month_text[current_year_month_index] loc_x = start_x + (current_year_month_index) * step_x ax0.text(loc_x, loc_y, t, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax0.transAxes, color='blue', fontsize=13) # save the figure to a jpg file fig.savefig(output_graph_folder + '/parcel_id_' + str(parcel_id) + '_BS.jpg') pyplot.close(fig) print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "\t", parcel_id, "\tgraph_utils.display_s1_bs_profiles:\t", "{0:.3f}".format(time.time() - start), file=fout) fout.close() return s1_bs_profile def display_s1_coh6_profiles_together(parcel_id, crop, plot_title, out_tif_folder_base, logfile, add_error_bars): """ this function plots the Sentinel-1 backscatter profile and saves the figures to the output_graph_folder """ there_is_on_valid_profile = False fout = open(logfile, 'a') start = time.time() chip_folder = str(parcel_id) + '_' + crop s1_coh6_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/s1_coh6" output_graph_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/s1_coh6_graphs_together" if not os.path.exists(output_graph_folder): os.makedirs(output_graph_folder) polarisations = ["VV", "VH"] orbit_orientations = ["D", "A"] for polarisation in polarisations: for orbit_orientation in orbit_orientations: s1_coh6_csv_file = s1_coh6_folder + "/" + chip_folder + "_s1coh6_" + polarisation + "_" + orbit_orientation + ".csv" s1_coh6_profile = pd.read_csv(s1_coh6_csv_file) s1_coh6_profile['acq_date'] = pd.to_datetime(s1_coh6_profile.acq_date) s1_coh6_profile = s1_coh6_profile.sort_values(by=['acq_date']) profile_name = 'S1 COH6 ' + polarisation + " " + orbit_orientation s1_coh6_profile = s1_coh6_profile.rename(columns={'coh6_mean': profile_name}) s1_coh6_profile = s1_coh6_profile.rename(columns={'acq_date': 'date'}) # s1_coh6_profile[profile_name] = s1_coh6_profile[profile_name].map(lambda s: 10.0*np.log10(s)) # check if there are real backscatter and stdev values in the dataframe # (for very small parcels the values in the csv can be None which evaluates as object in # the dataframe, insted of dtype float64 # if not s1_coh6_profile[profile_name].dtypes == "float64" or \ # not s1_coh6_profile['coh6_std'].dtypes == "float64": # return # plot the time series ax0 = pyplot.gca() if not s1_coh6_profile.empty: # set this for later getting the min_month and other paramegters for the graph s1_coh6_for_min_month = s1_coh6_profile there_is_on_valid_profile = True if add_error_bars: s1_coh6_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y=profile_name, yerr='coh6_std', ax=ax0, capsize=4, ecolor='grey', barsabove = 'True') else: s1_coh6_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y=profile_name, ax=ax0) # format the graph a little bit if not there_is_on_valid_profile: return pyplot.ylabel(r'Coherence') # parcelNumber = s1_coh6_profile.iloc[0]['Field_ID'] pyplot.title(plot_title + ", Parcel id: " + str(parcel_id) + " " + crop) ax0.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.MonthLocator(interval=1)) ax0.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%m-%d')) ax0.xaxis.grid() # horizontal lines ax0.yaxis.grid() # vertical lines fig = pyplot.gcf() fig_size_x = 13 fig_size_y = 7 fig.set_size_inches(fig_size_x, fig_size_y) min_month = min(s1_coh6_for_min_month['date']).date().month min_year = min(s1_coh6_for_min_month['date']).date().year max_month = max(s1_coh6_for_min_month['date']).date().month max_year = max(s1_coh6_for_min_month['date']).date().year number_of_months = diff_month(max(s1_coh6_for_min_month['date']).date(), min(s1_coh6_for_min_month['date']).date()) + 1 ax0.set_xlim([, min_month, 1),, max_month, calendar.monthrange(max_year, max_month)[1])]) min_year_month = str(min_year) + ('0' + str(min_month))[-2:] step_x = 1/number_of_months start_x = step_x/2 # positions are in graph coordinate system between 0 and 1 # so first year_month label is at half the size of the width of # one month loc_y = 0.915 current_year_month_text = get_current_list_of_months(min_year_month, number_of_months) for current_year_month_index in range (0, number_of_months): t = current_year_month_text[current_year_month_index] loc_x = start_x + (current_year_month_index) * step_x ax0.text(loc_x, loc_y, t, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax0.transAxes, color='blue', fontsize=13) # save the figure to a jpg file fig.savefig(output_graph_folder + '/parcel_id_' + str(parcel_id) + '_COH6.jpg') pyplot.close(fig) print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "\t", parcel_id, "\tgraph_utils.display_s1_coh6_profiles_together:\t", "{0:.3f}".format(time.time() - start), file=fout) fout.close() return s1_coh6_profile def display_ndvi_profiles_with_fixed_date_range(parcel_id, crop, plot_title, out_tif_folder_base, logfile, x_start_date, x_end_date, parcel_area_ha, add_error_bars = False): """ this function plots the NDVI profile and saves the figures to the outputFolder """ y_tick_spacing = 0.1 fout = open(logfile, 'a') start = time.time() chip_folder = str(parcel_id) + '_' + crop ndvi_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/ndvi" ndvi_csv_file = ndvi_folder + "/" + chip_folder + "_ndvi.csv" output_graph_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/ndvi_graphs_fixed_date_range" if not os.path.exists(output_graph_folder): os.makedirs(output_graph_folder) ndvi_profile = pd.read_csv(ndvi_csv_file) ndvi_profile['acq_date'] = pd.to_datetime(ndvi_profile.acq_date) ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile.sort_values(by=['acq_date']) # rename the column names from 'ndvi_mean' to more meaningful name ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile.rename(columns={'ndvi_mean': 'S2 NDVI'}) ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile.rename(columns={'acq_date': 'date'}) ndvi_profile = ndvi_profile[ndvi_profile['S2 NDVI']!='None'] ndvi_profile['S2 NDVI'] = ndvi_profile['S2 NDVI'].apply(pd.to_numeric) ndvi_profile['ndvi_std'] = ndvi_profile['ndvi_std'].apply(pd.to_numeric) # check if there are real NDVI values and stdev values in the dataframe # (for very small parcels the values in the csv can be None which evaluates as object in # the dataframe, insted of dtype float64 # if not ndvi_profile['S2 NDVI'].dtypes == "float64" or \ # not ndvi_profile['ndvi_std'].dtypes == "float64": # return # plot the time series ax0 = pyplot.gca() if not ndvi_profile.empty: if add_error_bars: ndvi_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S2 NDVI', yerr='ndvi_std', color = 'blue', ax=ax0, capsize=4, ecolor='grey', barsabove = 'True') else: ndvi_profile.plot(kind='line', marker='+', x='date',y='S2 NDVI', color = 'blue', ax=ax0) # format the graph a little bit pyplot.ylabel('NDVI') parcelNumber = ndvi_profile.iloc[0]['Field_ID'] pyplot.title(plot_title + ", Parcel id: " + str(parcelNumber) + " (" + crop + ", " + parcel_area_ha + " ha)") ax0.set_ylim([0,1]) ax0.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.MonthLocator(interval=1)) ax0.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')) ax0.xaxis.grid() # horizontal lines ax0.yaxis.grid() # vertical lines fig = pyplot.gcf() fig.autofmt_xdate() # Rotation fig_size_x = 13 fig_size_y = 7 fig.set_size_inches(fig_size_x, fig_size_y) x_start_date_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(x_start_date, '%Y-%m-%d').date() x_end_date_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(x_end_date, '%Y-%m-%d').date() min_month = x_start_date_date.month min_year = x_start_date_date.year max_month = x_end_date_date.month max_year = x_end_date_date.year number_of_months = diff_month(x_end_date_date, x_start_date_date) + 1 ax0.set_xlim([, min_month, 1),, max_month, calendar.monthrange(max_year, max_month)[1])]) min_year_month = str(min_year) + ('0' + str(min_month))[-2:] # start_x = 0.045 step_x = 1/number_of_months start_x = step_x/2 # positions are in graph coordinate system between 0 and 1 # so first year_month label is at half the size of the widht of # one month loc_y = 0.915 current_year_month_text = get_current_list_of_months(min_year_month, number_of_months) for current_year_month_index in range (0, number_of_months): t = current_year_month_text[current_year_month_index] loc_x = start_x + (current_year_month_index) * step_x ax0.text(loc_x, loc_y, t, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax0.transAxes, color='blue', fontsize=13) ax0.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(y_tick_spacing)) # save the figure to a jpg file fig.savefig(output_graph_folder + '/parcel_id_' + str(parcel_id) + '_NDVI.jpg') pyplot.close(fig) print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "\t", parcel_id, "\traph_utils.display_ndvi_profiles:\t", "{0:.3f}".format(time.time() - start), file=fout) fout.close() return ndvi_profile def display_index_profiles_with_fixed_date_range(parcel_id, crop, plot_title, out_tif_folder_base, logfile, x_start_date, x_end_date, index_name, add_error_bars = False): """ this function plots the Index profile and saves the figures to the outputFolder """ y_tick_spacing = 0.1 fout = open(logfile, 'a') start = time.time() chip_folder = str(parcel_id) + '_' + crop index_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/" + index_name index_csv_file = index_folder + "/" + chip_folder + "_" + index_name + ".csv" output_graph_folder = out_tif_folder_base + "/" + index_name + "_graphs" if not os.path.exists(output_graph_folder): os.makedirs(output_graph_folder) index_profile =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from dramkit.gentools import isnull from dramkit.iotools import load_csv from dramkit.datetimetools import today_date from dramkit.datetimetools import get_date_format from dramkit.datetimetools import date_reformat from dramkit.datetimetools import get_recent_workday_chncal from dramkit.datetimetools import get_recent_inweekday_chncal from dramkit.fintools.utils_chn import get_recent_trade_date_chncal #%% def find_target_dir(dir_name): ''' 从不同磁盘分区中搜索dir_name文件夹所做的路径,并返回完整路径 ''' prefix_dirs = [ 'D:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/', 'E:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/', 'F:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/', 'G:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/', 'C:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/', '/media/glhyy/DATA/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/' ] for dr in prefix_dirs: if os.path.exists(dr+dir_name): return dr + dir_name raise ValueError('未找到文件夹`{}`路径,请检查!'.format(dir_name)) #%% def get_15s_dir(): '''查找15秒K线数据存放路径''' dirs = ['D:/Genlovy_Hoo/ProjectsSL/data/quotes/cf/', 'E:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/ProjectsSL/data/quotes/cf/', 'F:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/ProjectsSL/data/quotes/cf/', 'G:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/ProjectsSL/data/quotes/cf/', 'C:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/ProjectsSL/data/quotes/cf/', '/media/glhyy/DATA/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/ProjectsSL/data/quotes/cf/'] for dr in dirs: if os.path.exists(dr): return dr raise ValueError('未找到数据文件夹路径,请设置15秒K线数据路径!') def get_1min_dir1(): '''查找1分钟K线数据存放路径''' dirs = ['D:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/fund_minute/', 'E:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/fund_minute/', 'F:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/fund_minute/', 'G:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/fund_minute/', 'C:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/fund_minute/', '/media/glhyy/DATA/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/fund_minute/'] for dr in dirs: if os.path.exists(dr): return dr raise ValueError('未找到数据文件夹路径,请设置1分钟K线数据路径!') def get_1min_dir2(): '''查找1分钟K线数据存放路径''' dirs = ['D:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/stocks_minute/qfq/', 'E:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/stocks_minute/qfq/', 'F:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/stocks_minute/qfq/', 'G:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/stocks_minute/qfq/', 'C:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/stocks_minute/qfq/', '/media/glhyy/DATA/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/stocks_minute/qfq/'] for dr in dirs: if os.path.exists(dr): return dr raise ValueError('未找到数据文件夹路径,请设置1分钟K线数据路径!') def get_daily_dir1(): '''查找日K线数据存放路径''' dirs = ['D:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/stocks_daily/qfq/', 'E:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/stocks_daily/qfq/', 'F:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/stocks_daily/qfq/', 'G:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/stocks_daily/qfq/', 'C:/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/stocks_daily/qfq/', '/media/glhyy/DATA/Genlovy_Hoo/HooProjects/HooFin/data/Archive/stocks_daily/qfq/'] for dr in dirs: if os.path.exists(dr): return dr raise ValueError('未找到数据文件夹路径,请设置1分钟K线数据路径!') #%% def load_15s_data(code, start_date=None, end_date=None): '''读取15s数据''' data_dir = get_15s_dir() files = [x for x in os.listdir(data_dir) if code in x and '15s' in x] if start_date: files = [x for x in files if x[7:15] >= start_date] if end_date: files = [x for x in files if x[7:15] <= end_date] data = [] for file in files: fpath = data_dir + file df = load_csv(fpath) data.append(df) data = pd.concat(data, axis=0) # data['date'] = data['date'].apply(lambda x: date_reformat(str(x))) data['date'] = data['date'].astype(str) data['time'] = data['date'] + ' ' + data['time'] return data #%% def load_minute_data(code, start_date=None, end_date=None): '''读取分钟数据''' if code in ['510050', '510030', '159919']: fpath = get_1min_dir1() + code + '.csv' else: fpath = get_1min_dir2() + code + '.csv' data = load_csv(fpath) data['date'] = data['time'].apply(lambda x: x[:10]) data['minute'] = data['time'].apply(lambda x: x[11:]) if not isnull(start_date): data = data[data['date'] >= start_date] if not isnull(end_date): data = data[data['date'] <= end_date] return data def handle_minute_930(df_minute): '''处理9.30分开盘行情''' def get_start(df): date = df['date'].iloc[0] start =
pd.DataFrame(df.iloc[0, :])
# from IPython.core.display import display, HTML # display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>")) _ = None import argparse import json as J import os import shutil import tempfile import joblib import mlflow import functools as F from importlib import reload as rl import copy import pandas as pd import numpy as np import scipy.stats import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pathlib import Path from collections import Counter as C from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from pylab import ma, cm from sklearn.utils import Bunch from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder import lightgbm from tqdm import tqdm from pymfe.mfe import MFE import src.models as M import src.mstream as MS import src.aux as A np.random.seed(42) #<br><br> from import get_cmap n = "Accent" cmap = get_cmap(n) # type: matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap colors = cmap.colors # type: list PATH = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) os.makedirs(PATH/'png') os.makedirs(PATH/'csv') os.makedirs(PATH/'joblib') par = argparse.ArgumentParser() par.add_argument('--base', type=str, help='Database to use', default='elec2') par.add_argument('--nrows', type=int, help='How many samples will be used at most', default=30_000) par.add_argument('--train', type=int, help='Size of train set', default=300) par.add_argument('--horizon', type=int, help='Size of horizon set', default=0) par.add_argument('--test', type=int, help='Size of test window', default=10) # par.add_argument('--metric', help='Metric to use on base models') par.add_argument('--metabase_initial_size', type=int, help='Size of initial metabase', default=410) par.add_argument('--online_size', type=int, help='How many metaexamples to test (online phase)', default=100) par.add_argument('--offline_size', type=int, help='How many metaexamples to test (online phase)', default=100) par.add_argument('--meta_retrain_interval', type=int, help='How many new metaexample til retrain', default=1) par.add_argument('--base_retrain_interval', type=int, help='How many new base examples til retrain', default=10) par.add_argument('--meta_train_window', type=int, help='How many metaexamples to train on', default=300) par.add_argument('--gamma', type=int, help='Batch size. Zero means to predict one algorithm to whole window', default=0) par.add_argument('--is_incremental', type=int, help='To use or not the incremental metamodel', default=0) par.add_argument('--reverse_models', type=int, help='To use or not reverse models order', default=0) par.add_argument('--supress_warning', type=int, help='Whether to supress warnings', default=1) par.add_argument('--choice', type=str, help='Which model will have preference when Tie happens', default='NysSvm') par.add_argument('--tune', type=int, help='Whether or not to fine tune base models', default=1) args, rest = par.parse_known_args() params = Bunch(**args.__dict__) print(*params.items(), sep='\n') if args.supress_warning: A.IGNORE_WARNING() del args.supress_warning # args.online_size = 2000 # args.meta_retrain_interval = 1 # args.is_incremental = 0 labelizer = F.partial(A.biggest_labelizer_arbitrary, choice=args.choice) joblib.dump(labelizer, PATH/'joblib'/'labelizer.joblib') BASE=Path('csv') # mapa = { ex.experiment_id for ex in mlflow.list_experiments()} EXPERIMENT_NAME = f'{args.base}_meta' exp = mlflow.get_experiment_by_name(EXPERIMENT_NAME) if not exp: print(f"Criando experimento {EXPERIMENT_NAME} pela primeira vez") experiment_id = mlflow.create_experiment(name=EXPERIMENT_NAME) else: experiment_id = exp.experiment_id run = mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=experiment_id) mlflow.log_params(args.__dict__) META_MODEL='LgbCustomSkWrapper' MODELS=[ 'NysSvm', 'Rf', ] mlflow.set_tag('meta_model', META_MODEL) METRIC='acc' META_METRICS=['acc', 'kappa_custom', 'geometric_mean'] META_RETRAIN_INTERVAL=args.meta_retrain_interval MT_TRAIN_FEATURES = [ "best_node","elite_nn","linear_discr", "naive_bayes","one_nn","random_node","worst_node", "can_cor","cor", "cov","g_mean", "gravity","h_mean","iq_range","kurtosis", "lh_trace", "mad", "max","mean", "median", "min", "nr_cor_attr","nr_disc","nr_norm","nr_outliers", "p_trace","range","roy_root","sd","sd_ratio", "skewness","sparsity","t_mean","var","w_lambda" ] MT_HOR_FEATURES = [] MT_TEST_FEATURES = [] HP_GRID_LIS = [ {"svm__C": [1,10,100], "nys__kernel": ['poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid'] }, { "max_depth": [3, 5, None], "n_estimators": [100, 200, 300], "min_samples_split": scipy.stats.randint(2, 11), "bootstrap": [True, False], "criterion": ["gini", "entropy"] } ] HP_META_MODEL = { 'boosting_type': 'dart', 'learning_rate': 0.01, 'tree_learner': 'feature', 'metric': 'multi_error,multi_logloss', 'objective': 'multiclassova', 'num_class': len(MODELS), 'is_unbalance': True, 'verbose': -1, 'seed': 42, } if args.reverse_models: print("reversing..") MODELS = MODELS[::-1] HP_GRID_LIS = HP_GRID_LIS[::-1] mlflow.set_tag('models', MODELS) mlflow.set_tag('strategy', 'incremental' if args.is_incremental else 'nao-incremental') mlflow.set_tag('meta-retreinamento', args.meta_retrain_interval) joblib.dump(HP_META_MODEL, PATH/'joblib'/'hp_meta.joblib') mlflow.log_params(A.prefixify(HP_META_MODEL, 'metaHp')) df = pd.read_csv( BASE / f'{args.base}.csv', nrows=args.nrows) X, y = df.iloc[:, 1:-1].fillna(0), df.iloc[:, -1] lbe = LabelEncoder() yt = lbe.fit_transform(y) # runinfo_lis = mlflow.list_run_infos(EXPERIMENT_ID) # df_lis = [] # for rinfo in runinfo_lis: # try: # df_lis.append(pd.read_csv( # 'mlruns/{}/{}/artifacts/metabase.csv'.format( # EXPERIMENT_ID, rinfo.run_id), # index_col=False) # ) # except: # pass # df_cache = pd.concat(df_lis, axis=1) # class CacheMtF: # def extractor(self, df_cache, prefix='tr'): # test_cols = [i for i in df_cache.columns # if i.startswith(prefix)] # df = df_cache[test_cols] # df = df.rename(lambda x: '_'.join(x.split('_')[1:]), axis=1) # for mtf in df.apply(lambda x: x.to_dict(), axis=1): # yield mtf # def __init__(self, df_cache, prefix): # self.generator = self.extractor(df_cache, prefix) # def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # return next(self.generator) # train_extractor = CacheMtF(df_cache, 'tr') # test_extractor = CacheMtF(df_cache, 'tes') rl(M) rl(A) train_extractor = F.partial(A.su_extractor, ext=MFE( features=MT_TRAIN_FEATURES, random_state=42, )) horizon_extractor = lambda x: {} test_extractor = lambda x: {} meta_model = M.CLF[META_MODEL]( fit_params=HP_META_MODEL, classes=[m for m in MODELS], ) models = [ Bunch(name=n, model=M.CLF[n]()) for n in MODELS ] opt_params = A.random_params.copy() opt_params['cv'] = args.test def fun(model, x, y, retrain_window = META_RETRAIN_INTERVAL): x = x[-retrain_window:] y = y[-retrain_window:], y, incremental=True) return model incremental_trainer = fun if args.is_incremental else None if args.tune: print("SOME TUNING...") optmize_data = args.metabase_initial_size * args.test + args.train for m, hp in zip(models, HP_GRID_LIS): A.random_tuner( model=m.model, params=hp, opt_params=opt_params, X=X[:optmize_data], y=yt[:optmize_data], ) else: print("NO TUNING AT ALL") for m in models: mlflow.sklearn.log_model(m.model, # # - Nota: faz sentido rodar uma vez com tudo e, depois, só carregar isso (ocupa espaço, poupa tempo) METABASE_INITIAL_SIZE=args.metabase_initial_size init_params = dict( meta_model=meta_model, base_models=models, base_tuners=[], train_extractor=train_extractor, horizon_extractor=horizon_extractor, test_extractor=test_extractor, labelizer=labelizer, scorer=A.accuracy_score, meta_retrain_interval=META_RETRAIN_INTERVAL, is_incremental=args.is_incremental, incremental_trainer=incremental_trainer, # POHA PARA DE SER BIZONHO ) fit_params = dict( X=X, Y=yt, meta_window=args.meta_train_window, train=args.train, horizon=args.horizon, test=args.test, metabase_initial_size=METABASE_INITIAL_SIZE, ) rl(MS) FT_HISTORY = [] ms = MS.MetaStream(**init_params)**fit_params, verbose=True, skip_tune=True); FT_HISTORY.append(meta_model.lgb.feature_importance()) # In[31]: # Backup para poder recomeçar a fase online sem gerar a metabase novamente meta_x = ms.meta_x.copy() meta_y = ms.meta_y.copy() nxtr, nytr = ms.next_x_train.copy(), ms.next_y_train.copy() nxhr, nyhr = ms.next_y_horizon.copy(), ms.next_y_horizon.copy() cached_metafeatures = ms.cached_metafeatures.copy() base_evals = ms._base_evals.copy() stream = copy.deepcopy(ms.current_stream) counter_labels = copy.deepcopy(ms._counter_labels) # # PAra testar com implementação do # rl(MS) # FT_HISTORY = [] # ms2 = MS.MetaStream(**init_params) #**fit_params, verbose=True, skip_tune=True); # # FT_HISTORY.append(meta_model.lgb.feature_importance()) rl(M) rl(A) mmetrics_fun = [M.METRICS_CLF[met] for met in META_METRICS] off_meta_eval = [] off_preds = [] off_targets = [] print("FASE OFFLINE") mm = M.CLF[META_MODEL]( fit_params=HP_META_MODEL, classes=[m for m in MODELS], ) train_idx_lis, test_idx_lis = A.TimeSeriesCVWindows( n=args.offline_size, train=args.train, test=args.test ) df_meta_x = pd.DataFrame(ms.meta_x) fnames = df_meta_x.columns meta_x_off = df_meta_x.values meta_y_off =pd.Series(ms.meta_y).values for (train_idx, test_idx) in tqdm(zip(train_idx_lis, test_idx_lis)): xtrain, ytrain = meta_x_off[train_idx], meta_y_off[train_idx] xtest, ytest = meta_x_off[test_idx], meta_y_off[test_idx], columns=fnames), ytrain) predictions = mm.predict(xtest) off_preds.append(predictions) off_targets.append(ytest) off_meta_eval.append( [m(y_true=ytest, y_pred=mm.label_encoder.inverse_transform(predictions)) for m in mmetrics_fun] ) del fnames, df_meta_x, meta_x_off, meta_y_off, mm print("FIM FASE OFFLINE") print("gamma:", args.gamma) FT_HISTORY = [] lis = [] true_lis = [] online_size = args.online_size predict_lis = [] processed = ms._processed print("INÍCIO FASE ONLINE") for i in tqdm(range(1, online_size+1)): if not ms.current_stream.has_more_samples(): print(f"Acabaram os dados no índice {i}") break xtest, ytest = ( i.tolist() for i in ms.current_stream.next_sample(args.test) ) # Predição (nível meta) pred=ms.predict(xtest, sel=args.gamma) lis.extend(pred) pre_dict = { 'true': np.array(ytest), } # Predição nível base for m in models: pre_dict[] = m.model.predict( xtest ) predict_lis.append(pre_dict) try: ms.update_stream( xtest, ytest, sel=args.gamma, base_retrain=True, # verbose=True, ) true_lis.append(ms.meta_y[-1]) except Exception as e: print("Acabaram-se os generators") raise e break FT_HISTORY.append(meta_model.lgb.feature_importance()) df_fti = pd.DataFrame(FT_HISTORY, columns=ms.meta_model.lgb.feature_name()) df_fti.to_csv(PATH/'csv'/'df_fti.csv', index=False,) # Motivo: lgbm trabalha com números, então pegamos o nome # do modelo usando o transformação inversa lis = ms.meta_model.label_encoder.inverse_transform( lis ) joblib.dump(lis, PATH/'joblib'/'meta_predicts.joblib') joblib.dump(ms.meta_y, PATH/'joblib'/'meta_labels.joblib') joblib.dump(ms._base_evals, PATH/'joblib'/'base_evals.joblib') print("FIM FASE ONLINE") print("DAQUI PARA BAIXO SÃO APENAS DUMPS E PLOTS") df_base_online_predict = pd.DataFrame(predict_lis) aux = df_base_online_predict.apply( lambda x: [accuracy_score(i, x[0]) for i in x], axis=1, ) df_online_scores = pd.DataFrame(aux.to_list(), columns=df_base_online_predict.columns) df_online_scores.to_csv(PATH/'csv'/'df_online_scores.csv', index=False) def log_meta_offline_metrics(off_meta_eval): def inner(s): mean, std = np.mean(s), np.std(s) mean, std = np.round(np.mean(s), 3), np.round(np.std(s), 3) res = f"{}: {mean:.3} ± {std:.3}" print(res) return mean, std df_offline_meta_eval = pd.DataFrame(off_meta_eval, columns=META_METRICS) mts = df_offline_meta_eval.apply(inner) mts.index = ['mean', 'std'] mts.to_csv(PATH/'csv'/'meta_offline_metrics.csv', index='index') # Para ler: # pd.read_csv('offline_metrics.csv', index_col=0) return mts log_meta_offline_metrics(off_meta_eval) def log_meta_online_metrics(y_true, y_pred): mp = dict() for mtr, mtr_name in zip(mmetrics_fun, META_METRICS): mp[mtr_name] = (np.round(mtr(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred), 3)) mp =
# coding=utf-8 # pylint: disable-msg=E1101,W0612 from datetime import timedelta from numpy import nan import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import (Series, isnull, date_range, MultiIndex, Index) from pandas.tseries.index import Timestamp from pandas.compat import range from pandas.util.testing import assert_series_equal import pandas.util.testing as tm from .common import TestData def _skip_if_no_pchip(): try: from scipy.interpolate import pchip_interpolate # noqa except ImportError: import nose raise nose.SkipTest('scipy.interpolate.pchip missing') def _skip_if_no_akima(): try: from scipy.interpolate import Akima1DInterpolator # noqa except ImportError: import nose raise nose.SkipTest('scipy.interpolate.Akima1DInterpolator missing') class TestSeriesMissingData(TestData, tm.TestCase): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def test_timedelta_fillna(self): # GH 3371 s = Series([Timestamp('20130101'), Timestamp('20130101'), Timestamp( '20130102'), Timestamp('20130103 9:01:01')]) td = s.diff() # reg fillna result = td.fillna(0) expected = Series([timedelta(0), timedelta(0), timedelta(1), timedelta( days=1, seconds=9 * 3600 + 60 + 1)]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # interprested as seconds result = td.fillna(1) expected = Series([timedelta(seconds=1), timedelta(0), timedelta(1), timedelta(days=1, seconds=9 * 3600 + 60 + 1)]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = td.fillna(timedelta(days=1, seconds=1)) expected = Series([timedelta(days=1, seconds=1), timedelta( 0), timedelta(1), timedelta(days=1, seconds=9 * 3600 + 60 + 1)]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = td.fillna(np.timedelta64(int(1e9))) expected = Series([timedelta(seconds=1), timedelta(0), timedelta(1), timedelta(days=1, seconds=9 * 3600 + 60 + 1)]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) from pandas import tslib result = td.fillna(tslib.NaT) expected = Series([tslib.NaT, timedelta(0), timedelta(1), timedelta(days=1, seconds=9 * 3600 + 60 + 1)], dtype='m8[ns]') assert_series_equal(result, expected) # ffill td[2] = np.nan result = td.ffill() expected = td.fillna(0) expected[0] = np.nan assert_series_equal(result, expected) # bfill td[2] = np.nan result = td.bfill() expected = td.fillna(0) expected[2] = timedelta(days=1, seconds=9 * 3600 + 60 + 1) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_datetime64_fillna(self): s = Series([Timestamp('20130101'), Timestamp('20130101'), Timestamp( '20130102'), Timestamp('20130103 9:01:01')]) s[2] = np.nan # reg fillna result = s.fillna(Timestamp('20130104')) expected = Series([Timestamp('20130101'), Timestamp( '20130101'), Timestamp('20130104'), Timestamp('20130103 9:01:01')]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) from pandas import tslib result = s.fillna(tslib.NaT) expected = s assert_series_equal(result, expected) # ffill result = s.ffill() expected = Series([Timestamp('20130101'), Timestamp( '20130101'), Timestamp('20130101'), Timestamp('20130103 9:01:01')]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # bfill result = s.bfill() expected = Series([Timestamp('20130101'), Timestamp('20130101'), Timestamp('20130103 9:01:01'), Timestamp( '20130103 9:01:01')]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # GH 6587 # make sure that we are treating as integer when filling # this also tests inference of a datetime-like with NaT's s = Series([pd.NaT, pd.NaT, '2013-08-05 15:30:00.000001']) expected = Series( ['2013-08-05 15:30:00.000001', '2013-08-05 15:30:00.000001', '2013-08-05 15:30:00.000001'], dtype='M8[ns]') result = s.fillna(method='backfill')
assert_series_equal(result, expected)
import os from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join import re from path import Path import numpy as np import pandas as pd from poor_trader import utils from poor_trader.utils import quotes_range from poor_trader.config import INDICATORS_OUTPUT_PATH def _true_range(df_quotes, indices): cur = df_quotes.iloc[indices[1]] prev = df_quotes.iloc[indices[0]] high, low, prev_close = cur.High, cur.Low, prev.Close a = utils.roundn(high - low, 4) b = utils.roundn(abs(high - prev_close), 4) c = utils.roundn(abs(low - prev_close), 4) return max(a, b, c) def true_range(df_quotes): df = pd.DataFrame(index=df_quotes.index) df['n_index'] = range(len(df_quotes)) _trf = lambda x: _true_range(df_quotes, [int(i) for i in x]) df['true_range'] = df.n_index.rolling(2).apply(_trf) return df.filter(like='true_range') def SMA(df_quotes, period, field='Close', symbol=None): if symbol: outpath = INDICATORS_OUTPUT_PATH / '{}/{}_{}_SMA_{}.pkl'.format(symbol, quotes_range(df_quotes), field, period) if os.path.exists(outpath): return pd.read_pickle(outpath) df = pd.DataFrame(index=df_quotes.index) df['SMA'] = df_quotes[field].rolling(period).mean() df = utils.round_df(df) if symbol: if not os.path.exists(outpath.parent): os.makedirs(outpath.parent) df.to_pickle(outpath) return df def STDEV(df_quotes, period, field='Close', symbol=None): if symbol: outpath = INDICATORS_OUTPUT_PATH / '{}/{}_{}_STDEV_{}.pkl'.format(symbol, quotes_range(df_quotes), field, period) if os.path.exists(outpath): return pd.read_pickle(outpath) df = pd.DataFrame(index=df_quotes.index) df['STDEV'] = df_quotes[field].rolling(period).std() df = utils.round_df(df) if symbol: if not os.path.exists(outpath.parent): os.makedirs(outpath.parent) df.to_pickle(outpath) return df def _ema(i, df_quotes, df_ema, period, field='Close'): i = [int(_) for _ in i] prev_ema, price = df_ema.iloc[i[0]], df_quotes.iloc[i[1]] if pd.isnull(prev_ema.EMA): return prev_ema.EMA else: c = 2. / (period + 1.) return c * price[field] + (1. - c) * prev_ema.EMA def EMA(df_quotes, period, field='Close', symbol=None): if symbol: outpath = INDICATORS_OUTPUT_PATH / '{}/{}_{}_EMA_{}.pkl'.format(symbol, quotes_range(df_quotes), field, period) if os.path.exists(outpath): return pd.read_pickle(outpath) c = 2./(period + 1.) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['EMA'], index=df_quotes.index) sma = SMA(df_quotes, period, field) _sma = sma.dropna() if len(_sma.index.values) == 0: print('ts') df.loc[_sma.index.values[0], 'EMA'] = _sma.SMA.values[0] for i in range(1, len(df_quotes)): prev_ema = df.iloc[i-1] if pd.isnull(prev_ema.EMA): continue price = df_quotes.iloc[i] ema_value = c * price[field] + (1. - c) * prev_ema.EMA df.loc[df_quotes.index.values[i], 'EMA'] = ema_value df = utils.round_df(df) if symbol: if not os.path.exists(outpath.parent): os.makedirs(outpath.parent) df.to_pickle(outpath) return df def ATR(df_quotes, period=10, symbol=None): if symbol: outpath = INDICATORS_OUTPUT_PATH / '{}/{}_ATR_{}.pkl'.format(symbol, quotes_range(df_quotes), period) if os.path.exists(outpath): return pd.read_pickle(outpath) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['ATR'], index=df_quotes.index) df_true_range = true_range(df_quotes) for i in range(1+len(df_quotes)-period): if pd.isnull(df_true_range.iloc[i].true_range): continue start = i end = i+period last_index = end - 1 trs = df_true_range[start:end] prev_atr = df.iloc[last_index-1].ATR if pd.isnull(prev_atr): atr = np.mean([tr for tr in trs.true_range.values]) else: atr = (prev_atr * (period-1) + df_true_range.iloc[last_index].true_range) / period df.loc[df_quotes.index.values[last_index], 'ATR'] = atr if symbol: if not os.path.exists(outpath.parent): os.makedirs(outpath.parent) df.to_pickle(outpath) return utils.round_df(df) def atr_channel(df_quotes, top=7, bottom=3, sma=150, symbol=None): if symbol: outpath = INDICATORS_OUTPUT_PATH / '{}/{}_atr_channel_{}_{}_{}.pkl'.format(symbol, quotes_range(df_quotes), top, bottom, sma) if os.path.exists(outpath): return pd.read_pickle(outpath) df_top_atr = ATR(df_quotes, period=top, symbol=symbol) df_bottom_atr = ATR(df_quotes, period=bottom, symbol=symbol) df_sma = SMA(df_quotes, period=sma, symbol=symbol) df =
pd.DataFrame(columns=['top', 'mid', 'bottom'], index=df_quotes.index)
# coding: utf-8 # In[ ]: import numpy as np import numpy.matlib as npml import pandas as pd import statistics as st from copy import deepcopy import networkx as nx import simpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from simplekml import Kml, Style # for graph_kml import math import shapely.geometry import pyproj import pandas as pd from opentisim.liquidbulk.hydrogen_defaults import * from opentisim.liquidbulk.hydrogen_objects import * import opentisim # In[ ]: def cashflow_data_pipe(terminal, element): #(Terminal, element): """Place cashflow data in element dataframe Elements that take two years to build are assign 60% to year one and 40% to year two.""" # years years = terminal.modelframe #years = list(range(Terminal.startyear, Terminal.startyear + Terminal.lifecycle)) # capex capex = element.capex #capex_material = element.capex_material # opex maintenance = element.maintenance insurance = labour = element.labour energy = #purchaseH2 = element.purchaseH2 #purchase_material = element.purchase_material # year online year_online = element.year_online year_delivery = element.delivery_time df = pd.DataFrame() # years df["year"] = years # capex if year_delivery > 1: df.loc[df["year"] == year_online - 2, "capex"] = 0.6 * capex df.loc[df["year"] == year_online - 1, "capex"] = 0.4 * capex else: df.loc[df["year"] == year_online - 1, "capex"] = capex #if capex_material: #df.loc[df["year"] == year_online, "capex_material"] = capex_material # opex if maintenance: df.loc[df["year"] >= year_online, "maintenance"] = maintenance if insurance: df.loc[df["year"] >= year_online, "insurance"] = insurance if labour: df.loc[df["year"] >= year_online, "labour"] = labour if energy: df.loc[df["year"] >= year_online, "energy"] = energy # if insurance: # df.loc[df["year"] >= year_online, "purchaseH2"] = purchaseH2 # if labour: # df.loc[df["year"] >= year_online, "purchase_material"] = purchase_material df.fillna(0, inplace=True) element.df = df return element def cashflow_data(terminal, element): #(Terminal, element): """Place cashflow data in element dataframe Elements that take two years to build are assign 60% to year one and 40% to year two.""" # years years = terminal.modelframe #years = list(range(Terminal.startyear, Terminal.startyear + Terminal.lifecycle)) # capex capex = element.capex #capex_material = element.capex_material # opex maintenance = element.maintenance insurance = labour = element.labour fuel = element.fuel #purchaseH2 = element.purchaseH2 #purchase_material = element.purchase_material # year online year_online = element.year_online year_delivery = element.delivery_time df =
# --- # jupyter: # jupytext: # text_representation: # extension: .py # format_name: light # format_version: '1.5' # jupytext_version: 1.3.4 # kernelspec: # display_name: Python 3 # language: python # name: python3 # --- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import numpy as np from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem import AllChem import rankaggregation as ra #Get list of all compound-sars-cov-2 viral protein interactions compound_viral_df = pd.read_csv("../data/COVID-19/sars_cov_2_Compound_Viral_interactions_for_Supervised_Learning_full_metadata.csv",header='infer') print("Loaded compound viral protein interactions for SARS-COV-2 viral proteins") print(compound_viral_df.shape) #For a given viral protein get ranked list of drugs for a particular ML method def get_ranked_list(df,proteins,rev_drug_info,protein_mapping_dict,ranked_list_proteins): for i in range(len(proteins)): #Subset to single sars-cov-2 viral protein temp_df = df[df["uniprot_accession"]==proteins[i]].copy() #Order by predictions temp_df = temp_df.sort_values(by="predictions",ascending=False) #Subset to the same single sars-cov-2 viral protein temp_rev_drug_info = rev_drug_info[rev_drug_info["uniprot_accession"]==proteins[i]].copy() #Merge the two data frames to get compound names temp2_df = pd.merge(temp_df,temp_rev_drug_info,on=["uniprot_accession","standard_inchi_key"],how='left') temp2_df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) temp2_df = temp2_df.sort_values(by="predictions",ascending=False) drug_info = temp2_df["compound_name"].values.tolist() ranked_list_proteins[protein_mapping_dict[proteins[i]]].append(drug_info) return(ranked_list_proteins) #Aggregate the ranked list of drugs to get final set of ordered list of drugs def per_protein_rank(ranked_list_proteins, protein_name): temp_list = ranked_list_proteins[protein_name] agg = ra.RankAggregator() return(agg.average_rank(temp_list)) # + #Use compound_viral_df and results from ML methods to generate ranked list rf_smiles_predictions = pd.read_csv("../results/rf_LS_Compound_LS_Protein_supervised_sars_cov_2_predictions.csv",header='infer',sep=",") svm_smiles_predictions = pd.read_csv("../results/svm_LS_Compound_LS_Protein_supervised_sars_cov_2_predictions.csv",header='infer',sep=",") xgb_smiles_predictions = pd.read_csv("../results/xgb_LS_Compound_LS_Protein_supervised_sars_cov_2_predictions.csv",header='infer',sep=",") rf_mfp_predictions = pd.read_csv("../results/rf_MFP_Compound_LS_Protein_supervised_sars_cov_2_predictions.csv",header='infer',sep=",") svm_mfp_predictions = pd.read_csv("../results/svm_MFP_Compound_LS_Protein_supervised_sars_cov_2_predictions.csv",header='infer',sep=",") xgb_mfp_predictions = pd.read_csv("../results/xgb_MFP_Compound_LS_Protein_supervised_sars_cov_2_predictions.csv",header='infer',sep=",") cnn_predictions = pd.read_csv("../results/cnn_supervised_sars_cov_2_predictions.csv",header='infer',sep=",") lstm_predictions = pd.read_csv("../results/lstm_supervised_sars_cov_2_predictions.csv",header='infer',sep=",") cnn_lstm_predictions = pd.read_csv("../results/cnn_lstm_supervised_sars_cov_2_predictions.csv",header='infer',sep=",") gat_cnn_predictions = pd.read_csv("../results/gat_cnn_supervised_sars_cov_2_predictions.csv",header='infer',sep=',') #Get a list of the unique proteins all_proteins = rf_smiles_predictions["uniprot_accession"].unique() #Create a dictionary of ranked list based on the 3 protein names ranked_list_proteins = {} protein_mapping_dict = {} for i in range(len(all_proteins)): protein_fragment=compound_viral_df[compound_viral_df["uniprot_accession"]==all_proteins[i]]["Protein_Fragment"].unique() protein_fragment=protein_fragment[0] protein_mapping_dict[all_proteins[i]]=protein_fragment ranked_list_proteins[protein_fragment]=[] #Get ranked list for each protein using ML methods except GLM #ranked_list_proteins = get_ranked_list(rf_smiles_predictions, all_proteins, compound_viral_df, protein_mapping_dict, ranked_list_proteins) #ranked_list_proteins = get_ranked_list(svm_smiles_predictions,all_proteins,compound_viral_df,protein_mapping_dict,ranked_list_proteins) ranked_list_proteins = get_ranked_list(xgb_smiles_predictions,all_proteins,compound_viral_df,protein_mapping_dict,ranked_list_proteins) #ranked_list_proteins = get_ranked_list(rf_mfp_predictions,all_proteins,compound_viral_df, protein_mapping_dict, ranked_list_proteins) ranked_list_proteins = get_ranked_list(svm_mfp_predictions,all_proteins,compound_viral_df, protein_mapping_dict, ranked_list_proteins) ranked_list_proteins = get_ranked_list(xgb_mfp_predictions,all_proteins,compound_viral_df, protein_mapping_dict, ranked_list_proteins) ranked_list_proteins = get_ranked_list(cnn_predictions,all_proteins,compound_viral_df, protein_mapping_dict, ranked_list_proteins) #ranked_list_proteins = get_ranked_list(lstm_predictions,all_proteins, compound_viral_df,protein_mapping_dict,ranked_list_proteins) #ranked_list_proteins = get_ranked_list(cnn_lstm_predictions,all_proteins, compound_viral_df, protein_mapping_dict,ranked_list_proteins) ranked_list_proteins = get_ranked_list(gat_cnn_predictions,all_proteins, compound_viral_df, protein_mapping_dict,ranked_list_proteins) # + ##Perform rank aggregation per protein: this ranking strategy is not used #protein_names=[] #for i in range(len(all_proteins)): # protein_names.append(protein_mapping_dict[all_proteins[i]]) #print(protein_names) ##Get ranked list for each viral protein #rankings = per_protein_rank(ranked_list_proteins,protein_names[0]) #rankings_df = pd.DataFrame(rankings,columns=['Drug','Overall Weight']) #rankings_df['Protein_Fragment']=protein_names[0] #rankings_df # - #Combine predictions to get rankings based on average predictions def combined_df(df1,df2,df3,df4,df5,protein_id): temp_df1=df1[df1["uniprot_accession"]==protein_id] temp_df1=temp_df1.sort_values(by="standard_inchi_key") temp_df1 = temp_df1.reset_index(drop=True) temp_df2=df2[df2["uniprot_accession"]==protein_id] temp_df2=temp_df2.sort_values(by="standard_inchi_key") temp_df2 = temp_df2.reset_index(drop=True) temp_df3=df3[df3["uniprot_accession"]==protein_id] temp_df3=temp_df3.sort_values(by="standard_inchi_key") temp_df3 = temp_df3.reset_index(drop=True) temp_df4=df4[df4["uniprot_accession"]==protein_id] temp_df4=temp_df4.sort_values(by="standard_inchi_key") temp_df4 = temp_df4.reset_index(drop=True) temp_df5=df5[df5["uniprot_accession"]==protein_id] temp_df5=temp_df5.sort_values(by="standard_inchi_key") temp_df5 = temp_df5.reset_index(drop=True) final_df=pd.concat([temp_df1.iloc[:,0:3],temp_df2.iloc[:,2], temp_df3.iloc[:,2],temp_df4.iloc[:,2], temp_df5.iloc[:,2]],axis=1,join='inner',ignore_index=True) return(final_df) #Combine predictions of models and rank based on average predicted pChEMBL values def get_results_with_pchembl(final_combined_df,rev_drug_info,protein_name): average_combined_df = final_combined_df.iloc[:,[0,1]].copy() average_combined_df.columns=["uniprot_accession","standard_inchi_key"] average_combined_df["avg_predictions"]=final_combined_df.iloc[:,[2,3,4,5,6]].mean(axis=1) final_output_df =
""" This file process the IO for the Text similarity index processor """ import math import os import pandas as pd from similarity_processor.similarity_core import get_cosine from similarity_processor.similarity_core import text_to_vector import similarity_processor.similarity_logging as cl LOG = cl.get_logger() def is_nan(value): """ Function which identifies the "nan" on empty cells """ try: return math.isnan(float(value)) except ValueError: return False class SimilarityIO: """ This class is used for IO Processing the text similarity index processing tool. User input file is fetched here, also intermediate file as well as the final recommendation creating are tasks for this class """ def __init__(self, file_path, uniq_id, col_int, is_new_text, new_text=None): """constructor for SimilarityIO, which initializes the the input variables needed IO processing """"\nSimilarity_UI \nValues passed:\n") self.file_path = file_path"Path:%s", str(self.file_path)) self.uniq_id = uniq_id"\nUnique ID Column:%s", str(self.uniq_id)) self.col_int = col_int"\nColumns of Interest:%s", str(self.col_int)) self.is_new_text = is_new_text self.new_text = new_text"\nNew_text:%s", str(self.new_text)) self.data_frame = None self.uniq_header = None def __get_file_path(self): """ Function used for getting the file path where the results can be stored / from where input is provided""" return str(os.path.dirname(self.file_path)) def __get_file_name(self): """ Function used for getting the input file name which can be further used for naming the result """ file_path = self.file_path.split("/") return os.path.splitext(file_path[-1])[0] def __get_header(self): """ Function to fetch the header from the inputfile read in the dataframe """ return list(self.data_frame.columns.values) def __set_uniq_header(self): """ Function to fetch the unique ID header """ sheet_headers = self.__get_header() self.uniq_header = sheet_headers[int(self.uniq_id)] def __get_duplicate_id(self): """ Function which identifies if any duplicate ID present in the input file """ # List the duplicate ID __duplicated_list = list(self.data_frame.duplicated()) __du_list = [] __data = [[]] # Remove the 'NaN' in case of empty cell and filter only IDs for key, item in enumerate(__duplicated_list): if item: __du_list.append(self.data_frame[self.uniq_header][key]) du_list = list(map(lambda x: 0 if is_nan(x) else x, __du_list)) __data = {'Duplicate ID': [nonzero for nonzero in du_list if nonzero != 0]} # Create DataFrame and write self.__write_xlsx(pd.DataFrame(__data), "Duplicate_ID") def __read_to_panda_df(self): """ Function which read the input data/xlsx to a pandas Data frame """ if not os.path.exists(self.file_path): LOG.error("\nFile path is invalid") return False self.data_frame = pd.read_excel(self.file_path) if self.data_frame.empty: LOG.error("\nInput data is incorrect/ file is invalid/" "It has more than one sheet") return False return True def __get_needed_df_header(self, uniq_id_header, sheet_headers): """ Function to fetch only the Uniq ID + column of interest as per user input """ self.col_int = list(self.col_int.split(',')) __column_of_interest_header = [sheet_headers[int(i)] for i in self.col_int] __all_col_int = ",".join(str(potion) for potion in __column_of_interest_header) return (uniq_id_header + "," + __all_col_int).split(",") def __refine_df(self): """ Create/Modify data frame with only needed contents as per user input """ sheet_headers = self.__get_header() self.data_frame[sheet_headers[int(self.uniq_id)]] = self.data_frame[ sheet_headers[int(self.uniq_id)]].ffill() self.data_frame = self.data_frame[self.__get_needed_df_header( sheet_headers[int(self.uniq_id)], sheet_headers)] def __create_merged_df(self): """ Merge the text so as to form two column one with unique ID , other with merged content in steps """ self.data_frame = (self.data_frame.set_index([self.uniq_header]) .apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x.dropna()), axis=1) .reset_index(name='Steps')) self.data_frame = self.data_frame.groupby(self.uniq_header)['Steps']\ .apply(' '.join).reset_index() def __create_mergrd_file(self): """ Create a copy of the merged content so that user can analyse """ self.__write_xlsx(self.data_frame, "merged_steps") def __write_xlsx(self, data_f, name): """ Function which write the dataframe to xlsx """ file_path = os.path.join(self.__get_file_path(), self.__get_file_name() + "_" + name) # Github open ticket for the abstract method writer =
pd.ExcelWriter('%s.xlsx' % file_path, engine='xlsxwriter')
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # *****************************************************************************/ # * Authors: <NAME> # *****************************************************************************/ """ This module contains the basic functions for creating the content of a configuration file from CSV. Args: --inFile: Path for the configuration file where the time series data values CSV --outFile: Path for the configuration file where the time series data values INI --debug: Boolean flag to activate verbose printing for debug use Example: Default usage: $ python Specific usage: $ python --inFile C:\raad\src\software\time-series.csv --outFile C:\raad\src\software\time-series.ini --debug True """ import sys import datetime import optparse import traceback import pandas import numpy import os import pprint import csv if sys.version_info.major > 2: import configparser as cF else: import ConfigParser as cF class TransformMetaData(object): debug = False fileName = None fileLocation = None columnsList = None analysisFrameFormat = None uniqueLists = None analysisFrame = None def __init__(self, inputFileName=None, debug=False, transform=False, sectionName=None, outFolder=None, outFile='time-series-madness.ini'): if isinstance(debug, bool): self.debug = debug if inputFileName is None: return elif os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(inputFileName)): self.fileName = inputFileName self.fileLocation = os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(inputFileName)) (analysisFrame, analysisFrameFormat, uniqueLists, columnNamesList) = self.CSVtoFrame( inputFileName=self.fileName) self.analysisFrame = analysisFrame self.columnsList = columnNamesList self.analysisFrameFormat = analysisFrameFormat self.uniqueLists = uniqueLists if transform: passWrite = self.frameToINI(analysisFrame=analysisFrame, sectionName=sectionName, outFolder=outFolder, outFile=outFile) print(f"Pass Status is : {passWrite}") return def getColumnList(self): return self.columnsList def getAnalysisFrameFormat(self): return self.analysisFrameFormat def getuniqueLists(self): return self.uniqueLists def getAnalysisFrame(self): return self.analysisFrame @staticmethod def getDateParser(formatString="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"): return (lambda x: pandas.datetime.strptime(x, formatString)) # 2020-06-09 19:14:00.000 def getHeaderFromFile(self, headerFilePath=None, method=1): if headerFilePath is None: return (None, None) if method == 1: fieldnames = pandas.read_csv(headerFilePath, index_col=0, nrows=0).columns.tolist() elif method == 2: with open(headerFilePath, 'r') as infile: reader = csv.DictReader(infile) fieldnames = list(reader.fieldnames) elif method == 3: fieldnames = list(pandas.read_csv(headerFilePath, nrows=1).columns) else: fieldnames = None fieldDict = {} for indexName, valueName in enumerate(fieldnames): fieldDict[valueName] = pandas.StringDtype() return (fieldnames, fieldDict) def CSVtoFrame(self, inputFileName=None): if inputFileName is None: return (None, None) # Load File print("Processing File: {0}...\n".format(inputFileName)) self.fileLocation = inputFileName # Create data frame analysisFrame = pandas.DataFrame() analysisFrameFormat = self._getDataFormat() inputDataFrame = pandas.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=inputFileName, sep='\t', names=self._getDataFormat(), # dtype=self._getDataFormat() # header=None # float_precision='round_trip' # engine='c', # parse_dates=['date_column'], # date_parser=True, # na_values=['NULL'] ) if self.debug: # Preview data. print(inputDataFrame.head(5)) # analysisFrame.astype(dtype=analysisFrameFormat) # Cleanup data analysisFrame = inputDataFrame.copy(deep=True) analysisFrame.apply(pandas.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # Fill in bad data with Not-a-Number (NaN) # Create lists of unique strings uniqueLists = [] columnNamesList = [] for columnName in analysisFrame.columns: if self.debug: print('Column Name : ', columnName) print('Column Contents : ', analysisFrame[columnName].values) if isinstance(analysisFrame[columnName].dtypes, str): columnUniqueList = analysisFrame[columnName].unique().tolist() else: columnUniqueList = None columnNamesList.append(columnName) uniqueLists.append([columnName, columnUniqueList]) if self.debug: # Preview data. print(analysisFrame.head(5)) return (analysisFrame, analysisFrameFormat, uniqueLists, columnNamesList) def frameToINI(self, analysisFrame=None, sectionName='Unknown', outFolder=None, outFile='nil.ini'): if analysisFrame is None: return False try: if outFolder is None: outFolder = os.getcwd() configFilePath = os.path.join(outFolder, outFile) configINI = cF.ConfigParser() configINI.add_section(sectionName) for (columnName, columnData) in analysisFrame: if self.debug: print('Column Name : ', columnName) print('Column Contents : ', columnData.values) print("Column Contents Length:", len(columnData.values)) print("Column Contents Type", type(columnData.values)) writeList = "[" for colIndex, colValue in enumerate(columnData): writeList = f"{writeList}'{colValue}'" if colIndex < len(columnData) - 1: writeList = f"{writeList}, " writeList = f"{writeList}]" configINI.set(sectionName, columnName, writeList) if not os.path.exists(configFilePath) or os.stat(configFilePath).st_size == 0: with open(configFilePath, 'w') as configWritingFile: configINI.write(configWritingFile) noErrors = True except ValueError as e: errorString = ("ERROR in {__file__} @{framePrintNo} with {ErrorFound}".format(__file__=str(__file__), framePrintNo=str( sys._getframe().f_lineno), ErrorFound=e)) print(errorString) noErrors = False return noErrors @staticmethod def _validNumericalFloat(inValue): """ Determines if the value is a valid numerical object. Args: inValue: floating-point value Returns: Value in floating-point or Not-A-Number. """ try: return numpy.float128(inValue) except ValueError: return numpy.nan @staticmethod def _calculateMean(x): """ Calculates the mean in a multiplication method since division produces an infinity or NaN Args: x: Input data set. We use a data frame. Returns: Calculated mean for a vector data frame. """ try: mean = numpy.float128(numpy.average(x, weights=numpy.ones_like(numpy.float128(x)) / numpy.float128(x.size))) except ValueError: mean = 0 pass return mean def _calculateStd(self, data): """ Calculates the standard deviation in a multiplication method since division produces a infinity or NaN Args: data: Input data set. We use a data frame. Returns: Calculated standard deviation for a vector data frame. """ sd = 0 try: n = numpy.float128(data.size) if n <= 1: return numpy.float128(0.0) # Use multiplication version of mean since numpy bug causes infinity. mean = self._calculateMean(data) sd = numpy.float128(mean) # Calculate standard deviation for el in data: diff = numpy.float128(el) - numpy.float128(mean) sd += (diff) ** 2 points = numpy.float128(n - 1) sd = numpy.float128(numpy.sqrt(numpy.float128(sd) / numpy.float128(points))) except ValueError: pass return sd def _determineQuickStats(self, dataAnalysisFrame, columnName=None, multiplierSigma=3.0): """ Determines stats based on a vector to get the data shape. Args: dataAnalysisFrame: Dataframe to do analysis on. columnName: Column name of the data frame. multiplierSigma: Sigma range for the stats. Returns: Set of stats. """ meanValue = 0 sigmaValue = 0 sigmaRangeValue = 0 topValue = 0 try: # Clean out anomoly due to random invalid inputs. if (columnName is not None): meanValue = self._calculateMean(dataAnalysisFrame[columnName]) if meanValue == numpy.nan: meanValue = numpy.float128(1) sigmaValue = self._calculateStd(dataAnalysisFrame[columnName]) if float(sigmaValue) is float(numpy.nan): sigmaValue = numpy.float128(1) multiplier = numpy.float128(multiplierSigma) # Stats: 1 sigma = 68%, 2 sigma = 95%, 3 sigma = 99.7 sigmaRangeValue = (sigmaValue * multiplier) if float(sigmaRangeValue) is float(numpy.nan): sigmaRangeValue = numpy.float128(1) topValue = numpy.float128(meanValue + sigmaRangeValue) print("Name:{} Mean= {}, Sigma= {}, {}*Sigma= {}".format(columnName, meanValue, sigmaValue, multiplier, sigmaRangeValue)) except ValueError: pass return (meanValue, sigmaValue, sigmaRangeValue, topValue) def _cleanZerosForColumnInFrame(self, dataAnalysisFrame, columnName='cycles'): """ Cleans the data frame with data values that are invalid. I.E. inf, NaN Args: dataAnalysisFrame: Dataframe to do analysis on. columnName: Column name of the data frame. Returns: Cleaned dataframe. """ dataAnalysisCleaned = None try: # Clean out anomoly due to random invalid inputs. (meanValue, sigmaValue, sigmaRangeValue, topValue) = self._determineQuickStats( dataAnalysisFrame=dataAnalysisFrame, columnName=columnName) # dataAnalysisCleaned = dataAnalysisFrame[dataAnalysisFrame[columnName] != 0] # When the cycles are negative or zero we missed cleaning up a row. # logicVector = (dataAnalysisFrame[columnName] != 0) # dataAnalysisCleaned = dataAnalysisFrame[logicVector] logicVector = (dataAnalysisCleaned[columnName] >= 1) dataAnalysisCleaned = dataAnalysisCleaned[logicVector] # These timed out mean + 2 * sd logicVector = (dataAnalysisCleaned[columnName] < topValue) # Data range dataAnalysisCleaned = dataAnalysisCleaned[logicVector] except ValueError: pass return dataAnalysisCleaned def _cleanFrame(self, dataAnalysisTemp, cleanColumn=False, columnName='cycles'): """ Args: dataAnalysisTemp: Dataframe to do analysis on. cleanColumn: Flag to clean the data frame. columnName: Column name of the data frame. Returns: cleaned dataframe """ try: replacementList = [pandas.NaT, numpy.Infinity, numpy.NINF, 'NaN', 'inf', '-inf', 'NULL'] if cleanColumn is True: dataAnalysisTemp = self._cleanZerosForColumnInFrame(dataAnalysisTemp, columnName=columnName) dataAnalysisTemp = dataAnalysisTemp.replace(to_replace=replacementList, value=numpy.nan) dataAnalysisTemp = dataAnalysisTemp.dropna() except ValueError: pass return dataAnalysisTemp @staticmethod def _getDataFormat(): """ Return the dataframe setup for the CSV file generated from server. Returns: dictionary data format for pandas. """ dataFormat = { "Serial_Number": pandas.StringDtype(), "LogTime0": pandas.StringDtype(), # @todo force rename "Id0": pandas.StringDtype(), # @todo force rename "DriveId": pandas.StringDtype(), "JobRunId": pandas.StringDtype(), "LogTime1": pandas.StringDtype(), # @todo force rename "Comment0": pandas.StringDtype(), # @todo force rename "CriticalWarning": pandas.StringDtype(), "Temperature": pandas.StringDtype(), "AvailableSpare": pandas.StringDtype(), "AvailableSpareThreshold": pandas.StringDtype(), "PercentageUsed": pandas.StringDtype(), "DataUnitsReadL": pandas.StringDtype(), "DataUnitsReadU": pandas.StringDtype(), "DataUnitsWrittenL": pandas.StringDtype(), "DataUnitsWrittenU": pandas.StringDtype(), "HostReadCommandsL": pandas.StringDtype(), "HostReadCommandsU": pandas.StringDtype(), "HostWriteCommandsL": pandas.StringDtype(), "HostWriteCommandsU": pandas.StringDtype(), "ControllerBusyTimeL": pandas.StringDtype(), "ControllerBusyTimeU": pandas.StringDtype(), "PowerCyclesL": pandas.StringDtype(), "PowerCyclesU": pandas.StringDtype(), "PowerOnHoursL": pandas.StringDtype(), "PowerOnHoursU": pandas.StringDtype(), "UnsafeShutdownsL": pandas.StringDtype(), "UnsafeShutdownsU": pandas.StringDtype(), "MediaErrorsL": pandas.StringDtype(), "MediaErrorsU": pandas.StringDtype(), "NumErrorInfoLogsL": pandas.StringDtype(), "NumErrorInfoLogsU": pandas.StringDtype(), "ProgramFailCountN": pandas.StringDtype(), "ProgramFailCountR": pandas.StringDtype(), "EraseFailCountN": pandas.StringDtype(), "EraseFailCountR": pandas.StringDtype(), "WearLevelingCountN": pandas.StringDtype(), "WearLevelingCountR": pandas.StringDtype(), "E2EErrorDetectCountN": pandas.StringDtype(), "E2EErrorDetectCountR": pandas.StringDtype(), "CRCErrorCountN": pandas.StringDtype(), "CRCErrorCountR": pandas.StringDtype(), "MediaWearPercentageN": pandas.StringDtype(), "MediaWearPercentageR": pandas.StringDtype(), "HostReadsN": pandas.StringDtype(), "HostReadsR": pandas.StringDtype(), "TimedWorkloadN": pandas.StringDtype(), "TimedWorkloadR": pandas.StringDtype(), "ThermalThrottleStatusN": pandas.StringDtype(), "ThermalThrottleStatusR": pandas.StringDtype(), "RetryBuffOverflowCountN": pandas.StringDtype(), "RetryBuffOverflowCountR": pandas.StringDtype(), "PLLLockLossCounterN": pandas.StringDtype(), "PLLLockLossCounterR": pandas.StringDtype(), "NandBytesWrittenN": pandas.StringDtype(), "NandBytesWrittenR": pandas.StringDtype(), "HostBytesWrittenN": pandas.StringDtype(), "HostBytesWrittenR": pandas.StringDtype(), "SystemAreaLifeRemainingN": pandas.StringDtype(), "SystemAreaLifeRemainingR": pandas.StringDtype(), "RelocatableSectorCountN": pandas.StringDtype(), "RelocatableSectorCountR": pandas.StringDtype(), "SoftECCErrorRateN": pandas.StringDtype(), "SoftECCErrorRateR": pandas.StringDtype(), "UnexpectedPowerLossN": pandas.StringDtype(), "UnexpectedPowerLossR": pandas.StringDtype(), "MediaErrorCountN": pandas.StringDtype(), "MediaErrorCountR": pandas.StringDtype(), "NandBytesReadN": pandas.StringDtype(), "NandBytesReadR": pandas.StringDtype(), "WarningCompTempTime": pandas.StringDtype(), "CriticalCompTempTime": pandas.StringDtype(), "TempSensor1": pandas.StringDtype(), "TempSensor2": pandas.StringDtype(), "TempSensor3": pandas.StringDtype(), "TempSensor4": pandas.StringDtype(), "TempSensor5": pandas.StringDtype(), "TempSensor6": pandas.StringDtype(), "TempSensor7": pandas.StringDtype(), "TempSensor8": pandas.StringDtype(), "ThermalManagementTemp1TransitionCount": pandas.StringDtype(), "ThermalManagementTemp2TransitionCount": pandas.StringDtype(), "TotalTimeForThermalManagementTemp1": pandas.StringDtype(), "TotalTimeForThermalManagementTemp2": pandas.StringDtype(), "Core_Num": pandas.StringDtype(), "Id1": pandas.StringDtype(), # @todo force rename "Job_Run_Id": pandas.StringDtype(), "Stats_Time": pandas.StringDtype(), "HostReads": pandas.StringDtype(), "HostWrites": pandas.StringDtype(), "NandReads": pandas.StringDtype(), "NandWrites": pandas.StringDtype(), "ProgramErrors": pandas.StringDtype(), "EraseErrors": pandas.StringDtype(), "ErrorCount": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost1": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost2": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost3": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost4": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost5": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost6": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost7": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost8": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost9": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost10": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost11": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost12": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost13": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost14": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost15": pandas.StringDtype(), "ECCFail": pandas.StringDtype(), "GrownDefects": pandas.StringDtype(), "FreeMemory": pandas.StringDtype(), "WriteAllowance": pandas.StringDtype(), "ModelString": pandas.StringDtype(), "ValidBlocks": pandas.StringDtype(), "TokenBlocks": pandas.StringDtype(), "SpuriousPFCount": pandas.StringDtype(), "SpuriousPFLocations1": pandas.StringDtype(), "SpuriousPFLocations2": pandas.StringDtype(), "SpuriousPFLocations3": pandas.StringDtype(), "SpuriousPFLocations4": pandas.StringDtype(), "SpuriousPFLocations5": pandas.StringDtype(), "SpuriousPFLocations6": pandas.StringDtype(), "SpuriousPFLocations7": pandas.StringDtype(), "SpuriousPFLocations8": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost1": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost2": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost3": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost4": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost5": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost6": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost7": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost8": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost9": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost10": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost11": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost12": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost13": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost14": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsNonHost15": pandas.StringDtype(), "ECCFailNonHost": pandas.StringDtype(), "NSversion": pandas.StringDtype(), "numBands": pandas.StringDtype(), "minErase": pandas.StringDtype(), "maxErase": pandas.StringDtype(), "avgErase": pandas.StringDtype(), "minMVolt": pandas.StringDtype(), "maxMVolt": pandas.StringDtype(), "avgMVolt": pandas.StringDtype(), "minMAmp": pandas.StringDtype(), "maxMAmp": pandas.StringDtype(), "avgMAmp": pandas.StringDtype(), "comment1": pandas.StringDtype(), # @todo force rename "minMVolt12v": pandas.StringDtype(), "maxMVolt12v": pandas.StringDtype(), "avgMVolt12v": pandas.StringDtype(), "minMAmp12v": pandas.StringDtype(), "maxMAmp12v": pandas.StringDtype(), "avgMAmp12v": pandas.StringDtype(), "nearMissSector": pandas.StringDtype(), "nearMissDefect": pandas.StringDtype(), "nearMissOverflow": pandas.StringDtype(), "replayUNC": pandas.StringDtype(), "Drive_Id": pandas.StringDtype(), "indirectionMisses": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost16": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost17": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost18": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost19": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost20": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost21": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost22": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost23": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost24": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost25": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost26": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost27": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost28": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost29": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost30": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost31": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost32": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost33": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost34": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost35": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost36": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost37": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost38": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost39": pandas.StringDtype(), "BitErrorsHost40": pandas.StringDtype(), "XORRebuildSuccess": pandas.StringDtype(), "XORRebuildFail": pandas.StringDtype(), "BandReloForError": pandas.StringDtype(), "mrrSuccess": pandas.StringDtype(), "mrrFail": pandas.StringDtype(), "mrrNudgeSuccess": pandas.StringDtype(), "mrrNudgeHarmless": pandas.StringDtype(), "mrrNudgeFail": pandas.StringDtype(), "totalErases": pandas.StringDtype(), "dieOfflineCount": pandas.StringDtype(), "curtemp": pandas.StringDtype(), "mintemp": pandas.StringDtype(), "maxtemp": pandas.StringDtype(), "oventemp": pandas.StringDtype(), "allZeroSectors": pandas.StringDtype(), "ctxRecoveryEvents": pandas.StringDtype(), "ctxRecoveryErases": pandas.StringDtype(), "NSversionMinor": pandas.StringDtype(), "lifeMinTemp": pandas.StringDtype(), "lifeMaxTemp": pandas.StringDtype(), "powerCycles": pandas.StringDtype(), "systemReads": pandas.StringDtype(), "systemWrites": pandas.StringDtype(), "readRetryOverflow": pandas.StringDtype(), "unplannedPowerCycles": pandas.StringDtype(), "unsafeShutdowns": pandas.StringDtype(), "defragForcedReloCount": pandas.StringDtype(), "bandReloForBDR": pandas.StringDtype(), "bandReloForDieOffline": pandas.StringDtype(), "bandReloForPFail": pandas.StringDtype(), "bandReloForWL": pandas.StringDtype(), "provisionalDefects": pandas.StringDtype(), "uncorrectableProgErrors": pandas.StringDtype(), "powerOnSeconds": pandas.StringDtype(), "bandReloForChannelTimeout": pandas.StringDtype(), "fwDowngradeCount": pandas.StringDtype(), "dramCorrectablesTotal": pandas.StringDtype(), "hb_id": pandas.StringDtype(), "dramCorrectables1to1": pandas.StringDtype(), "dramCorrectables4to1":
""" """ __version__='' import sys import os import logging import pandas as pd import re import numpy as np import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages logger = logging.getLogger('PT3S') try: from PT3S import Rm except ImportError: logger.debug("{0:s}{1:s}".format('ImportError: ','from PT3S import Rm - trying import Rm instead ... maybe pip install -e . is active ...')) import Rm try: from PT3S import Lx except ImportError: logger.debug("{0:s}{1:s}".format('ImportError: ','from PT3S import Lx - trying import Lx instead ... maybe pip install -e . is active ...')) import Lx def addResVecToDfAlarmEreignisse( dfAlarmEreignisse ,TCsLDSRes1=pd.DataFrame() ,TCsLDSRes2=pd.DataFrame() ): """ dfAlarmEreignisse: Nr: lfd. Nr (gebildet gem. NrBy und NrAsc) tA: Anfangszeit tE: Endezeit tD: Dauer des Alarms ZHKNR: ZHKNR (die zeitlich 1., wenn der Alarm sich über mehrere ZHKNRn erstreckt) tD_ZHKNR: Lebenszeit der ZHKNR; x-Annotationen am Anfang/Ende, wenn ZHK beginnt bei Res12-Anfang / andauert bei Res12-Ende; '-1', wenn Lebenszeit nicht ermittelt werden konnte ZHKNRn: sortierte Liste der ZHKNRn des Alarms; eine davon ist ZHKNR; typischerweise die 1. der Liste LDSResBaseType: SEG oder Druck OrteIDs: OrteIDs des Alarms Orte: Kurzform von OrteIDs des Alarms Ort: der 1. Ort von Orte SEGName: Segment zu dem der 1. Ort des Alarms gehört DIVPipelineName: Voralarm: ermittelter Vorlalarm des Alarms; -1, wenn kein Voralarm in Res12 gefunden werden konnte Type: Typ des Kontrollraumns; z.B. p-p für vollständige Flussbilanzen; '', wenn kein Typ gefunden werden konnte Name: Name des Bilanzraumes NrSD: lfd. Nr Alarm BaseType NrName: lfd. Nr Alarm Name NrSEGName: lfd. Nr Alarm SEGName AlarmEvent: AlarmEvent-Objekt BZKat: Betriebszustandskategorie des Alarms Returns: dfAlarmEreignisse with 2 Cols added: resIDBase: die 1. OrtID von OrteIDs dfResVec: der resVec des Alarms """ logStr = "{0:s}.{1:s}: ".format(__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) logger.debug("{0:s}{1:s}".format(logStr,'Start.')) try: dfAlarmEreignisse['resIDBase']=dfAlarmEreignisse['OrteIDs'].apply(lambda x: x[0]) ### Ergebnisvektor fuer alle Orte bestimmen dfResVecs={} dfResVecsLst=[] for indexAlarm, rowAlarm in dfAlarmEreignisse.iterrows(): resIDBase=rowAlarm['resIDBase'] if resIDBase in dfResVecs.keys(): # resIDBase schon behandelt dfResVecsLst.append(dfResVecs[resIDBase]) continue # Spalten basierend auf resIDBase bestimmen ErgIDs=[resIDBase+ext for ext in Rm.ResChannelTypesAll] IMDIErgIDs=['IMDI.'+ID for ID in ErgIDs] # jede Spalte koennte anstatt "normal" als IMDI. vorhanden sein ErgIDsAll=[*ErgIDs,*IMDIErgIDs] # Ergebnisspalten if rowAlarm['LDSResBaseType']=='SEG': dfFiltered=TCsLDSRes1.filter(items=ErgIDsAll,axis=1) else: dfFiltered=TCsLDSRes2.filter(items=ErgIDsAll,axis=1) # Ergebnisspalten umbenennen colDct={} for col in dfFiltered.columns:,col) colDct[col]'E') dfResVec=dfFiltered.rename(columns=colDct) # Ergebnisvektor merken dfResVecs[resIDBase]=dfResVec dfResVecsLst.append(dfResVec) logger.debug("{:s}resIDBase: {:50s} Anzahl gefundener Spalten in TCsLDSRes: {:d}".format(logStr, resIDBase, len(dfResVec.columns.to_list()))) dfAlarmEreignisse['dfResVec']=dfResVecsLst except Exception as e: logStrFinal="{:s}Exception: Line: {:d}: {!s:s}: {:s}".format(logStr,sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno,type(e),str(e)) logger.error(logStrFinal) raise e finally: logger.debug("{0:s}{1:s}".format(logStr,'_Done.')) return dfAlarmEreignisse def fGenAlarmVisTimeSpan( tA ,tE # alle nachfolgenden Werte sollten dieselbe Einheit haben und in dieser Einheit ganzzahlig sein ,timeSpan=pd.Timedelta('25 Minutes') ,timeRoundStr='1T' ,timeBoundaryMin=pd.Timedelta('3 Minutes') ,timeRef='A' # Alarme die laenger sind: Anfang oder Ende werden mit timeSpan dargestellt ): """ erzeugt eine Zeitspanne in welcher ein Alarm Zwecks Analyse dargestellt wird tA, tE sind Anfang und Ende des Alarms diese werden ab- (tA) bzw. aufgerundet (tE) mit timeRoundStr zwischen den gerundeten Zeiten und tA/tE soll mindestens timeBoundaryMin liegen wenn nicht, wird timeBoundaryMin auf tA/tE angewendet und dann wird gerundet timeSpan ist die gewuenschte minimale Zeitspanne Alarme die kuerzer sind werden mit timeSpan dargestellt Alarme die laenger sind: Anfang oder Ende wird mit timeSpan dargestellt """ # Zeiten ab- und aufrunden timeStart=tA.floor(freq=timeRoundStr) timeEnd=tE.ceil(freq=timeRoundStr) # gerundete Zeiten auf Mindestabstand pruefen if tA-timeStart < timeBoundaryMin: timeStart=tA-timeBoundaryMin timeStart= timeStart.floor(freq=timeRoundStr) if timeEnd-tE < timeBoundaryMin: timeEnd=tE+timeBoundaryMin timeEnd= timeEnd.ceil(freq=timeRoundStr) # gerundete Zeiten auf Zeitspanne pruefen timeLeft=timeSpan-(timeEnd-timeStart) if timeLeft > pd.Timedelta('0 Seconds'): # die aufgerundete Alarmzeit ist kuerzer als timeSpan; timeSpan wird dargestellt timeStart=timeStart-timeLeft/2 timeStart= timeStart.floor(freq=timeRoundStr) timeEnd=timeEnd+timeLeft/2 timeEnd= timeEnd.ceil(freq=timeRoundStr) else: # die aufgerundete Alarmzeit ist laenger als timeSpan; A oder E wird mit timeSpan wird dargestellt if timeRef=='A': timeM=tA.floor(freq=timeRoundStr) else: timeM=tE.ceil(freq=timeRoundStr) timeStart=timeM-timeSpan/2 timeEnd=timeM+timeSpan/2 if timeEnd-timeStart > timeSpan: timeEnd=timeStart+timeSpan ZeitbereichSel=timeEnd-timeStart if ZeitbereichSel <= pd.Timedelta('1 Minutes'): bysecond=list(np.arange(0,60,1)) byminute=None elif ZeitbereichSel <= pd.Timedelta('3 Minutes'): bysecond=list(np.arange(0,60,5)) byminute=None elif ZeitbereichSel > pd.Timedelta('3 Minutes') and ZeitbereichSel <= pd.Timedelta('5 Minutes'): bysecond=list(np.arange(0,60,15)) byminute=None elif ZeitbereichSel > pd.Timedelta('5 Minutes') and ZeitbereichSel <= pd.Timedelta('20 Minutes'): bysecond=list(np.arange(0,60,30)) byminute=None elif ZeitbereichSel > pd.Timedelta('20 Minutes') and ZeitbereichSel <= pd.Timedelta('30 Minutes'): bysecond=None byminute=list(np.arange(0,60,1)) else: bysecond=None byminute=list(np.arange(0,60,3)) return timeStart, timeEnd, byminute, bysecond def rptAlarms( pdfErgFile='rptAlarms.pdf' ,figsize=Rm.DINA2q ,dpi=Rm.dpiSize ,dfAlarmStatistik=pd.DataFrame() # 1 Zeile pro SEG; Spalten mit Alarm-Informationen zum SEG ,dfAlarmEreignisse=pd.DataFrame() # 1 Zeile pro Alarm; Spalten mit Informationen zum Alarm ,TCsLDSRes1=pd.DataFrame() ,TCsLDSRes2=pd.DataFrame() ,TCsLDSIn=pd.DataFrame() ,TCsOPC=pd.DataFrame() ,TCsSIDEvents=pd.DataFrame() ,IDSetsDctAlNr={} # AlNr-Keyed dct with ColIDs ,timeSpanMin={} # AlNr-Keyed dct with Timespan-Para ,QDct={} # AlNr-Keyed dct with QDct-Para ,pDct={} # AlNr-Keyed dct with pDct-Para ,QDctOPC={} # AlNr-Keyed dct with pDct-Para ,pDctOPC={} # AlNr-Keyed dct with pDctOPC-Para ,attrsDct=Rm.attrsDct ,plotOnlyAlNrn=None # zu Testzwecken; Liste der zu reportenden Alarme ,*args ,**kwds ): """ # ueber alle Segmente mit Alarmen # alle Alarme eines SEGS in der Reihenfolge ihrer Nummerierung (also i.d.R. zeitlich) hintereinander # jeden Alarm mit HYD und LDS in einem Bild darstellen # es werden Einzelbilder und ein PDF erzeugt """ logStr = "{0:s}.{1:s}: ".format(__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) logger.debug("{0:s}{1:s}".format(logStr,'Start.')) try: rptAlarmsResults={} # (gsHYD,gsLDS,pltLDSpQAndEventsResults,pltLDSErgVecResults) # PDF - DokAnfang pdf=PdfPages(pdfErgFile) (fileNameBase,ext)= os.path.splitext(pdfErgFile) # ueber alle Segmente for indexSEG,rowSEG in dfAlarmStatistik.iterrows(): strSEG="LfdNr {:2d} - {!s:3s}: {!s:15s}".format( indexSEG+1 ,rowSEG.DIVPipelineName ,rowSEG['SEGName'] # ,rowSEG['SEGResIDBase'] ) if rowSEG['FörderZeitenAlAnz']==0 and rowSEG['RuheZeitenAlAnz']==0:"{:s}: FörderZeitenAlAnz=0 und RuheZeitenAlAnz=0".format(strSEG)) continue # Segmente mit Alarmen ... # Alarmnummern AlNrn=sorted(rowSEG['FörderZeitenAlNrn']+rowSEG['RuheZeitenAlNrn'])"{:s}: AlNrn: {!s:s}".format(strSEG, AlNrn)) # über alle Alarme des SEGs for idxAlarm,AlNr in enumerate(AlNrn): # der Alarm s=dfAlarmEreignisse[dfAlarmEreignisse['Nr']==AlNr].iloc[0] titleStr="{:s}: AlNrn: {!s:s}: AlNr.: {:d} ({:s}: {:s})".format(strSEG, AlNrn, AlNr,s.LDSResBaseType,s.resIDBase) if plotOnlyAlNrn != None: if AlNr not in plotOnlyAlNrn:"{:s}: nicht in plotOnlyAlNrn ...".format(titleStr)) continue # sein Ergebnisvektor resIDBase=s.resIDBase dfResVec=s.dfResVec # FIG fig=plt.figure(figsize=figsize,dpi=dpi) # SEG- oder Druck-Alarm if s.LDSResBaseType=='SEG': dfSegReprVec=dfResVec dfDruckReprVec=pd.DataFrame() else: dfSegReprVec=pd.DataFrame() dfDruckReprVec=dfResVec timeStart, timeEnd, byminute, bysecond = fGenAlarmVisTimeSpan(s.tA,s.tE ,timeSpan=pd.Timedelta('25 Minutes') ,timeRoundStr='1T' ,timeBoundaryMin=pd.Timedelta('1 Minutes') ) xlims=[(timeStart, timeEnd)] byminute=byminute bysecond=bysecond vAreasX=[[(s.tA,s.tE)]] gsHYD,gsLDS,pltLDSpQAndEventsResults,pltLDSErgVecResults=Rm.plotTimespans( xlims=xlims ,sectionTitles=["{:s}".format(s.DIVPipelineName)] ,sectionTitlesLDS=["tA={!s:s}".format(s.tA)] ,byminute=byminute ,bysecond=bysecond ,orientation='portrait' ,vAreasX=vAreasX ,vLinesXLDS=[] ,vAreasXLDS=[] # --- Args Fct. ---: ,TCsLDSIn=TCsLDSIn ,TCsOPC=TCsOPC ,TCsOPCScenTimeShift=pd.Timedelta('0 seconds') ,TCsSIDEvents=TCsSIDEvents.filter(items=IDSetsDctAlNr[s.Nr]['I'] if s.Nr in IDSetsDctAlNr.keys() else []) ,TCsSIDEventsTimeShift=
pd.Timedelta('0 seconds')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=W0612,E1101 from datetime import datetime import operator import nose from functools import wraps import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import Series, DataFrame, Index, isnull, notnull, pivot, MultiIndex from pandas.core.datetools import bday from pandas.core.nanops import nanall, nanany from pandas.core.panel import Panel from pandas.core.series import remove_na import pandas.core.common as com from pandas import compat from pandas.compat import range, lrange, StringIO, OrderedDict, signature from pandas import SparsePanel from pandas.util.testing import (assert_panel_equal, assert_frame_equal, assert_series_equal, assert_almost_equal, assert_produces_warning, ensure_clean, assertRaisesRegexp, makeCustomDataframe as mkdf, makeMixedDataFrame) import pandas.core.panel as panelm import pandas.util.testing as tm def ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning(func): """ decorator to ignore FutureWarning if we have a SparsePanel can be removed when SparsePanel is fully removed """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(self.panel, SparsePanel): with assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): return func(self, *args, **kwargs) else: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper class PanelTests(object): panel = None def test_pickle(self): unpickled = self.round_trip_pickle(self.panel) assert_frame_equal(unpickled['ItemA'], self.panel['ItemA']) def test_rank(self): self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, lambda: self.panel.rank()) def test_cumsum(self): cumsum = self.panel.cumsum() assert_frame_equal(cumsum['ItemA'], self.panel['ItemA'].cumsum()) def not_hashable(self): c_empty = Panel() c = Panel(Panel([[[1]]])) self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, c_empty) self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, c) class SafeForLongAndSparse(object): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def test_repr(self): repr(self.panel) @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_copy_names(self): for attr in ('major_axis', 'minor_axis'): getattr(self.panel, attr).name = None cp = self.panel.copy() getattr(cp, attr).name = 'foo' self.assertIsNone(getattr(self.panel, attr).name) def test_iter(self): tm.equalContents(list(self.panel), self.panel.items) def test_count(self): f = lambda s: notnull(s).sum() self._check_stat_op('count', f, obj=self.panel, has_skipna=False) def test_sum(self): self._check_stat_op('sum', np.sum) def test_mean(self): self._check_stat_op('mean', np.mean) def test_prod(self): self._check_stat_op('prod', def test_median(self): def wrapper(x): if isnull(x).any(): return np.nan return np.median(x) self._check_stat_op('median', wrapper) def test_min(self): self._check_stat_op('min', np.min) def test_max(self): self._check_stat_op('max', np.max) def test_skew(self): try: from scipy.stats import skew except ImportError: raise nose.SkipTest("no scipy.stats.skew") def this_skew(x): if len(x) < 3: return np.nan return skew(x, bias=False) self._check_stat_op('skew', this_skew) # def test_mad(self): # f = lambda x: np.abs(x - x.mean()).mean() # self._check_stat_op('mad', f) def test_var(self): def alt(x): if len(x) < 2: return np.nan return np.var(x, ddof=1) self._check_stat_op('var', alt) def test_std(self): def alt(x): if len(x) < 2: return np.nan return np.std(x, ddof=1) self._check_stat_op('std', alt) def test_sem(self): def alt(x): if len(x) < 2: return np.nan return np.std(x, ddof=1) / np.sqrt(len(x)) self._check_stat_op('sem', alt) # def test_skew(self): # from scipy.stats import skew # def alt(x): # if len(x) < 3: # return np.nan # return skew(x, bias=False) # self._check_stat_op('skew', alt) def _check_stat_op(self, name, alternative, obj=None, has_skipna=True): if obj is None: obj = self.panel # # set some NAs # obj.ix[5:10] = np.nan # obj.ix[15:20, -2:] = np.nan f = getattr(obj, name) if has_skipna: def skipna_wrapper(x): nona = remove_na(x) if len(nona) == 0: return np.nan return alternative(nona) def wrapper(x): return alternative(np.asarray(x)) for i in range(obj.ndim): result = f(axis=i, skipna=False) assert_frame_equal(result, obj.apply(wrapper, axis=i)) else: skipna_wrapper = alternative wrapper = alternative for i in range(obj.ndim): result = f(axis=i) if not tm._incompat_bottleneck_version(name): assert_frame_equal(result, obj.apply(skipna_wrapper, axis=i)) self.assertRaises(Exception, f, axis=obj.ndim) # Unimplemented numeric_only parameter. if 'numeric_only' in signature(f).args: self.assertRaisesRegexp(NotImplementedError, name, f, numeric_only=True) class SafeForSparse(object): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True @classmethod def assert_panel_equal(cls, x, y): assert_panel_equal(x, y) def test_get_axis(self): assert (self.panel._get_axis(0) is self.panel.items) assert (self.panel._get_axis(1) is self.panel.major_axis) assert (self.panel._get_axis(2) is self.panel.minor_axis) def test_set_axis(self): new_items = Index(np.arange(len(self.panel.items))) new_major = Index(np.arange(len(self.panel.major_axis))) new_minor = Index(np.arange(len(self.panel.minor_axis))) # ensure propagate to potentially prior-cached items too item = self.panel['ItemA'] self.panel.items = new_items if hasattr(self.panel, '_item_cache'): self.assertNotIn('ItemA', self.panel._item_cache) self.assertIs(self.panel.items, new_items) # TODO: unused? item = self.panel[0] # noqa self.panel.major_axis = new_major self.assertIs(self.panel[0].index, new_major) self.assertIs(self.panel.major_axis, new_major) # TODO: unused? item = self.panel[0] # noqa self.panel.minor_axis = new_minor self.assertIs(self.panel[0].columns, new_minor) self.assertIs(self.panel.minor_axis, new_minor) def test_get_axis_number(self): self.assertEqual(self.panel._get_axis_number('items'), 0) self.assertEqual(self.panel._get_axis_number('major'), 1) self.assertEqual(self.panel._get_axis_number('minor'), 2) def test_get_axis_name(self): self.assertEqual(self.panel._get_axis_name(0), 'items') self.assertEqual(self.panel._get_axis_name(1), 'major_axis') self.assertEqual(self.panel._get_axis_name(2), 'minor_axis') def test_get_plane_axes(self): # what to do here? index, columns = self.panel._get_plane_axes('items') index, columns = self.panel._get_plane_axes('major_axis') index, columns = self.panel._get_plane_axes('minor_axis') index, columns = self.panel._get_plane_axes(0) @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_truncate(self): dates = self.panel.major_axis start, end = dates[1], dates[5] trunced = self.panel.truncate(start, end, axis='major') expected = self.panel['ItemA'].truncate(start, end) assert_frame_equal(trunced['ItemA'], expected) trunced = self.panel.truncate(before=start, axis='major') expected = self.panel['ItemA'].truncate(before=start) assert_frame_equal(trunced['ItemA'], expected) trunced = self.panel.truncate(after=end, axis='major') expected = self.panel['ItemA'].truncate(after=end) assert_frame_equal(trunced['ItemA'], expected) # XXX test other axes def test_arith(self): self._test_op(self.panel, operator.add) self._test_op(self.panel, operator.sub) self._test_op(self.panel, operator.mul) self._test_op(self.panel, operator.truediv) self._test_op(self.panel, operator.floordiv) self._test_op(self.panel, operator.pow) self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: y + x) self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: y - x) self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: y * x) self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: y / x) self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: y ** x) self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: x + y) # panel + 1 self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: x - y) # panel - 1 self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: x * y) # panel * 1 self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: x / y) # panel / 1 self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: x ** y) # panel ** 1 self.assertRaises(Exception, self.panel.__add__, self.panel['ItemA']) @staticmethod def _test_op(panel, op): result = op(panel, 1) assert_frame_equal(result['ItemA'], op(panel['ItemA'], 1)) def test_keys(self): tm.equalContents(list(self.panel.keys()), self.panel.items) def test_iteritems(self): # Test panel.iteritems(), aka panel.iteritems() # just test that it works for k, v in self.panel.iteritems(): pass self.assertEqual(len(list(self.panel.iteritems())), len(self.panel.items)) @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_combineFrame(self): def check_op(op, name): # items df = self.panel['ItemA'] func = getattr(self.panel, name) result = func(df, axis='items') assert_frame_equal(result['ItemB'], op(self.panel['ItemB'], df)) # major xs = self.panel.major_xs(self.panel.major_axis[0]) result = func(xs, axis='major') idx = self.panel.major_axis[1] assert_frame_equal(result.major_xs(idx), op(self.panel.major_xs(idx), xs)) # minor xs = self.panel.minor_xs(self.panel.minor_axis[0]) result = func(xs, axis='minor') idx = self.panel.minor_axis[1] assert_frame_equal(result.minor_xs(idx), op(self.panel.minor_xs(idx), xs)) ops = ['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'truediv', 'floordiv'] if not compat.PY3: ops.append('div') # pow, mod not supported for SparsePanel as flex ops (for now) if not isinstance(self.panel, SparsePanel): ops.extend(['pow', 'mod']) else: idx = self.panel.minor_axis[1] with assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "Simple arithmetic.*scalar"): self.panel.pow(self.panel.minor_xs(idx), axis='minor') with assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "Simple arithmetic.*scalar"): self.panel.mod(self.panel.minor_xs(idx), axis='minor') for op in ops: try: check_op(getattr(operator, op), op) except: com.pprint_thing("Failing operation: %r" % op) raise if compat.PY3: try: check_op(operator.truediv, 'div') except: com.pprint_thing("Failing operation: %r" % 'div') raise @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_combinePanel(self): result = self.panel.add(self.panel) self.assert_panel_equal(result, self.panel * 2) @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_neg(self): self.assert_panel_equal(-self.panel, self.panel * -1) # issue 7692 def test_raise_when_not_implemented(self): p = Panel(np.arange(3 * 4 * 5).reshape(3, 4, 5), items=['ItemA', 'ItemB', 'ItemC'], major_axis=pd.date_range('20130101', periods=4), minor_axis=list('ABCDE')) d = p.sum(axis=1).ix[0] ops = ['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'truediv', 'floordiv', 'div', 'mod', 'pow'] for op in ops: with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): getattr(p, op)(d, axis=0) @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_select(self): p = self.panel # select items result = x: x in ('ItemA', 'ItemC'), axis='items') expected = p.reindex(items=['ItemA', 'ItemC']) self.assert_panel_equal(result, expected) # select major_axis result = x: x >= datetime(2000, 1, 15), axis='major') new_major = p.major_axis[p.major_axis >= datetime(2000, 1, 15)] expected = p.reindex(major=new_major) self.assert_panel_equal(result, expected) # select minor_axis result = x: x in ('D', 'A'), axis=2) expected = p.reindex(minor=['A', 'D']) self.assert_panel_equal(result, expected) # corner case, empty thing result = x: x in ('foo', ), axis='items') self.assert_panel_equal(result, p.reindex(items=[])) def test_get_value(self): for item in self.panel.items: for mjr in self.panel.major_axis[::2]: for mnr in self.panel.minor_axis: result = self.panel.get_value(item, mjr, mnr) expected = self.panel[item][mnr][mjr] assert_almost_equal(result, expected) @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_abs(self): result = self.panel.abs() result2 = abs(self.panel) expected = np.abs(self.panel) self.assert_panel_equal(result, expected) self.assert_panel_equal(result2, expected) df = self.panel['ItemA'] result = df.abs() result2 = abs(df) expected = np.abs(df) assert_frame_equal(result, expected) assert_frame_equal(result2, expected) s = df['A'] result = s.abs() result2 = abs(s) expected = np.abs(s) assert_series_equal(result, expected) assert_series_equal(result2, expected) self.assertEqual(, 'A') self.assertEqual(, 'A') class CheckIndexing(object): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def test_getitem(self): self.assertRaises(Exception, self.panel.__getitem__, 'ItemQ') def test_delitem_and_pop(self): expected = self.panel['ItemA'] result = self.panel.pop('ItemA') assert_frame_equal(expected, result) self.assertNotIn('ItemA', self.panel.items) del self.panel['ItemB'] self.assertNotIn('ItemB', self.panel.items) self.assertRaises(Exception, self.panel.__delitem__, 'ItemB') values = np.empty((3, 3, 3)) values[0] = 0 values[1] = 1 values[2] = 2 panel = Panel(values, lrange(3), lrange(3), lrange(3)) # did we delete the right row? panelc = panel.copy() del panelc[0] assert_frame_equal(panelc[1], panel[1]) assert_frame_equal(panelc[2], panel[2]) panelc = panel.copy() del panelc[1] assert_frame_equal(panelc[0], panel[0]) assert_frame_equal(panelc[2], panel[2]) panelc = panel.copy() del panelc[2] assert_frame_equal(panelc[1], panel[1]) assert_frame_equal(panelc[0], panel[0]) def test_setitem(self): # LongPanel with one item lp = self.panel.filter(['ItemA', 'ItemB']).to_frame() with tm.assertRaises(ValueError): self.panel['ItemE'] = lp # DataFrame df = self.panel['ItemA'][2:].filter(items=['A', 'B']) self.panel['ItemF'] = df self.panel['ItemE'] = df df2 = self.panel['ItemF'] assert_frame_equal(df, df2.reindex(index=df.index, columns=df.columns)) # scalar self.panel['ItemG'] = 1 self.panel['ItemE'] = True self.assertEqual(self.panel['ItemG'].values.dtype, np.int64) self.assertEqual(self.panel['ItemE'].values.dtype, np.bool_) # object dtype self.panel['ItemQ'] = 'foo' self.assertEqual(self.panel['ItemQ'].values.dtype, np.object_) # boolean dtype self.panel['ItemP'] = self.panel['ItemA'] > 0 self.assertEqual(self.panel['ItemP'].values.dtype, np.bool_) self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.panel.__setitem__, 'foo', self.panel.ix[['ItemP']]) # bad shape p = Panel(np.random.randn(4, 3, 2)) with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "shape of value must be \(3, 2\), " "shape of given object was \(4, 2\)"): p[0] = np.random.randn(4, 2) def test_setitem_ndarray(self): from pandas import date_range, datetools timeidx = date_range(start=datetime(2009, 1, 1), end=datetime(2009, 12, 31), freq=datetools.MonthEnd()) lons_coarse = np.linspace(-177.5, 177.5, 72) lats_coarse = np.linspace(-87.5, 87.5, 36) P = Panel(items=timeidx, major_axis=lons_coarse, minor_axis=lats_coarse) data = np.random.randn(72 * 36).reshape((72, 36)) key = datetime(2009, 2, 28) P[key] = data assert_almost_equal(P[key].values, data) def test_set_minor_major(self): # GH 11014 df1 = DataFrame(['a', 'a', 'a', np.nan, 'a', np.nan]) df2 = DataFrame([1.0, np.nan, 1.0, np.nan, 1.0, 1.0]) panel = Panel({'Item1': df1, 'Item2': df2}) newminor = notnull(panel.iloc[:, :, 0]) panel.loc[:, :, 'NewMinor'] = newminor assert_frame_equal(panel.loc[:, :, 'NewMinor'], newminor.astype(object)) newmajor = notnull(panel.iloc[:, 0, :]) panel.loc[:, 'NewMajor', :] = newmajor assert_frame_equal(panel.loc[:, 'NewMajor', :], newmajor.astype(object)) def test_major_xs(self): ref = self.panel['ItemA'] idx = self.panel.major_axis[5] xs = self.panel.major_xs(idx) result = xs['ItemA'] assert_series_equal(result, ref.xs(idx), check_names=False) self.assertEqual(, 'ItemA') # not contained idx = self.panel.major_axis[0] - bday self.assertRaises(Exception, self.panel.major_xs, idx) def test_major_xs_mixed(self): self.panel['ItemD'] = 'foo' xs = self.panel.major_xs(self.panel.major_axis[0]) self.assertEqual(xs['ItemA'].dtype, np.float64) self.assertEqual(xs['ItemD'].dtype, np.object_) def test_minor_xs(self): ref = self.panel['ItemA'] idx = self.panel.minor_axis[1] xs = self.panel.minor_xs(idx) assert_series_equal(xs['ItemA'], ref[idx], check_names=False) # not contained self.assertRaises(Exception, self.panel.minor_xs, 'E') def test_minor_xs_mixed(self): self.panel['ItemD'] = 'foo' xs = self.panel.minor_xs('D') self.assertEqual(xs['ItemA'].dtype, np.float64) self.assertEqual(xs['ItemD'].dtype, np.object_) def test_xs(self): itemA = self.panel.xs('ItemA', axis=0) expected = self.panel['ItemA'] assert_frame_equal(itemA, expected) # get a view by default itemA_view = self.panel.xs('ItemA', axis=0) itemA_view.values[:] = np.nan self.assertTrue(np.isnan(self.panel['ItemA'].values).all()) # mixed-type yields a copy self.panel['strings'] = 'foo' result = self.panel.xs('D', axis=2) self.assertIsNotNone(result.is_copy) def test_getitem_fancy_labels(self): p = self.panel items = p.items[[1, 0]] dates = p.major_axis[::2] cols = ['D', 'C', 'F'] # all 3 specified assert_panel_equal(p.ix[items, dates, cols], p.reindex(items=items, major=dates, minor=cols)) # 2 specified assert_panel_equal(p.ix[:, dates, cols], p.reindex(major=dates, minor=cols)) assert_panel_equal(p.ix[items, :, cols], p.reindex(items=items, minor=cols)) assert_panel_equal(p.ix[items, dates, :], p.reindex(items=items, major=dates)) # only 1 assert_panel_equal(p.ix[items, :, :], p.reindex(items=items)) assert_panel_equal(p.ix[:, dates, :], p.reindex(major=dates)) assert_panel_equal(p.ix[:, :, cols], p.reindex(minor=cols)) def test_getitem_fancy_slice(self): pass def test_getitem_fancy_ints(self): p = self.panel # #1603 result = p.ix[:, -1, :] expected = p.ix[:, p.major_axis[-1], :] assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_getitem_fancy_xs(self): p = self.panel item = 'ItemB' date = p.major_axis[5] col = 'C' # get DataFrame # item assert_frame_equal(p.ix[item], p[item]) assert_frame_equal(p.ix[item, :], p[item]) assert_frame_equal(p.ix[item, :, :], p[item]) # major axis, axis=1 assert_frame_equal(p.ix[:, date], p.major_xs(date)) assert_frame_equal(p.ix[:, date, :], p.major_xs(date)) # minor axis, axis=2 assert_frame_equal(p.ix[:, :, 'C'], p.minor_xs('C')) # get Series assert_series_equal(p.ix[item, date], p[item].ix[date]) assert_series_equal(p.ix[item, date, :], p[item].ix[date]) assert_series_equal(p.ix[item, :, col], p[item][col]) assert_series_equal(p.ix[:, date, col], p.major_xs(date).ix[col]) def test_getitem_fancy_xs_check_view(self): item = 'ItemB' date = self.panel.major_axis[5] # make sure it's always a view NS = slice(None, None) # DataFrames comp = assert_frame_equal self._check_view(item, comp) self._check_view((item, NS), comp) self._check_view((item, NS, NS), comp) self._check_view((NS, date), comp) self._check_view((NS, date, NS), comp) self._check_view((NS, NS, 'C'), comp) # Series comp = assert_series_equal self._check_view((item, date), comp) self._check_view((item, date, NS), comp) self._check_view((item, NS, 'C'), comp) self._check_view((NS, date, 'C'), comp) def test_ix_setitem_slice_dataframe(self): a = Panel(items=[1, 2, 3], major_axis=[11, 22, 33], minor_axis=[111, 222, 333]) b = DataFrame(np.random.randn(2, 3), index=[111, 333], columns=[1, 2, 3]) a.ix[:, 22, [111, 333]] = b assert_frame_equal(a.ix[:, 22, [111, 333]], b) def test_ix_align(self): from pandas import Series b = Series(np.random.randn(10), name=0) b.sort() df_orig = Panel(np.random.randn(3, 10, 2)) df = df_orig.copy() df.ix[0, :, 0] = b assert_series_equal(df.ix[0, :, 0].reindex(b.index), b) df = df_orig.swapaxes(0, 1) df.ix[:, 0, 0] = b assert_series_equal(df.ix[:, 0, 0].reindex(b.index), b) df = df_orig.swapaxes(1, 2) df.ix[0, 0, :] = b assert_series_equal(df.ix[0, 0, :].reindex(b.index), b) def test_ix_frame_align(self): p_orig = tm.makePanel() df = p_orig.ix[0].copy() assert_frame_equal(p_orig['ItemA'], df) p = p_orig.copy() p.ix[0, :, :] = df assert_panel_equal(p, p_orig) p = p_orig.copy() p.ix[0] = df assert_panel_equal(p, p_orig) p = p_orig.copy() p.iloc[0, :, :] = df assert_panel_equal(p, p_orig) p = p_orig.copy() p.iloc[0] = df assert_panel_equal(p, p_orig) p = p_orig.copy() p.loc['ItemA'] = df assert_panel_equal(p, p_orig) p = p_orig.copy() p.loc['ItemA', :, :] = df assert_panel_equal(p, p_orig) p = p_orig.copy() p['ItemA'] = df assert_panel_equal(p, p_orig) p = p_orig.copy() p.ix[0, [0, 1, 3, 5], -2:] = df out = p.ix[0, [0, 1, 3, 5], -2:] assert_frame_equal(out, df.iloc[[0, 1, 3, 5], [2, 3]]) # GH3830, panel assignent by values/frame for dtype in ['float64', 'int64']: panel = Panel(np.arange(40).reshape((2, 4, 5)), items=['a1', 'a2'], dtype=dtype) df1 = panel.iloc[0] df2 = panel.iloc[1] tm.assert_frame_equal(panel.loc['a1'], df1) tm.assert_frame_equal(panel.loc['a2'], df2) # Assignment by Value Passes for 'a2' panel.loc['a2'] = df1.values tm.assert_frame_equal(panel.loc['a1'], df1) tm.assert_frame_equal(panel.loc['a2'], df1) # Assignment by DataFrame Ok w/o loc 'a2' panel['a2'] = df2 tm.assert_frame_equal(panel.loc['a1'], df1) tm.assert_frame_equal(panel.loc['a2'], df2) # Assignment by DataFrame Fails for 'a2' panel.loc['a2'] = df2 tm.assert_frame_equal(panel.loc['a1'], df1) tm.assert_frame_equal(panel.loc['a2'], df2) def _check_view(self, indexer, comp): cp = self.panel.copy() obj = cp.ix[indexer] obj.values[:] = 0 self.assertTrue((obj.values == 0).all()) comp(cp.ix[indexer].reindex_like(obj), obj) def test_logical_with_nas(self): d = Panel({'ItemA': {'a': [np.nan, False]}, 'ItemB': {'a': [True, True]}}) result = d['ItemA'] | d['ItemB'] expected = DataFrame({'a': [np.nan, True]}) assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # this is autodowncasted here result = d['ItemA'].fillna(False) | d['ItemB'] expected = DataFrame({'a': [True, True]}) assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_neg(self): # what to do? assert_panel_equal(-self.panel, -1 * self.panel) def test_invert(self): assert_panel_equal(-(self.panel < 0), ~(self.panel < 0)) def test_comparisons(self): p1 = tm.makePanel() p2 = tm.makePanel() tp = p1.reindex(items=p1.items + ['foo']) df = p1[p1.items[0]] def test_comp(func): # versus same index result = func(p1, p2) self.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, func(p1.values, p2.values)) # versus non-indexed same objs self.assertRaises(Exception, func, p1, tp) # versus different objs self.assertRaises(Exception, func, p1, df) # versus scalar result3 = func(self.panel, 0) self.assert_numpy_array_equal(result3.values, func(self.panel.values, 0)) test_comp(operator.eq) test_comp( test_comp( test_comp( test_comp( test_comp(operator.le) def test_get_value(self): for item in self.panel.items: for mjr in self.panel.major_axis[::2]: for mnr in self.panel.minor_axis: result = self.panel.get_value(item, mjr, mnr) expected = self.panel[item][mnr][mjr] assert_almost_equal(result, expected) with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "There must be an argument for each axis"): self.panel.get_value('a') def test_set_value(self): for item in self.panel.items: for mjr in self.panel.major_axis[::2]: for mnr in self.panel.minor_axis: self.panel.set_value(item, mjr, mnr, 1.) assert_almost_equal(self.panel[item][mnr][mjr], 1.) # resize res = self.panel.set_value('ItemE', 'foo', 'bar', 1.5) tm.assertIsInstance(res, Panel) self.assertIsNot(res, self.panel) self.assertEqual(res.get_value('ItemE', 'foo', 'bar'), 1.5) res3 = self.panel.set_value('ItemE', 'foobar', 'baz', 5) self.assertTrue(com.is_float_dtype(res3['ItemE'].values)) with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "There must be an argument for each axis" " plus the value provided"): self.panel.set_value('a') _panel = tm.makePanel() tm.add_nans(_panel) class TestPanel(tm.TestCase, PanelTests, CheckIndexing, SafeForLongAndSparse, SafeForSparse): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True @classmethod def assert_panel_equal(cls, x, y): assert_panel_equal(x, y) def setUp(self): self.panel = _panel.copy() = None = None = None def test_panel_warnings(self): with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): shifted1 = self.panel.shift(lags=1) with tm.assert_produces_warning(False): shifted2 = self.panel.shift(periods=1) tm.assert_panel_equal(shifted1, shifted2) with
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from yews.cpic import pick def detects2table(results_dict, wl, g, include_all=False, starttime=None): ''' Converts dictionary of results from detect() function to pandas DataFrame object. Columns include starttime, endtime, p probability and s probability for each window. If include_all==True, all windows will be included in the table, (not just those detected probability > threshold). Default is False. If starttime argument is specified, the starttime and endtime columns will contain datetime strings. Else, these columns contain values which are the number of seconds since the start of the array. Inputs: results_dict: dictionary of results from detect function detected_windows_only: Boolean starttime: obspy UTCDateTime object Output: df: pandas data frame with probabilities of detection for each window ''' data = [] cols = ('window start', 'window end', 'p prob', 's prob') for i in range(len(results_dict['detect_p'])): if results_dict['detect_p'][i] or results_dict['detect_s'][i] \ or include_all: # log row in data table if starttime: window_start = str(starttime + i*g) # UTCDateTime object window_end = str(starttime + i*g + wl) else: window_start = i*g # time in seconds since start of array window_end = window_start + wl p_prob = results_dict['detect_p'][i] s_prob = results_dict['detect_s'][i] row_entry = (window_start, window_end, p_prob, s_prob) data.append(dict(zip(cols, row_entry))) df = pd.DataFrame(data) df = df[list(cols)] return df def find_runs_with_gaps(results_dict, max_gap): ''' Find runs within results_dict from detect function where either the detection probability for p or s is above the probability threshold, allowing for max_gap 0's in between detected windows. Inputs: results_dict: dictionary of results from yews detect function max_gap: max number of consecutive 0's allowable within runs Output: run_indices: list of pairs describing start and end of run windows ''' scan_for_start = True zero_count = 0 run_indices = [] for i in range(len(results_dict['detect_p'])): if scan_for_start: if results_dict['detect_p'][i] or results_dict['detect_s'][i]: start_index = i most_recent_nonzero = i scan_for_start = False else: if results_dict['detect_p'][i] or results_dict['detect_s'][i]: most_recent_nonzero = i zero_count = 0 else: if zero_count == max_gap: run_indices.append([start_index, most_recent_nonzero]) zero_count = 0 scan_for_start = True else: zero_count += 1 return run_indices def yield_pick_windows(array, fs, wl, g, results_dict, max_gap, buffer): ''' Yield windows to run cpic picker over given detection results. ''' run_indices = find_runs_with_gaps(results_dict, max_gap) for run in run_indices: start_index = int(fs*(run[0]*g - buffer)) if start_index < 0: start_index = 0 end_index = int(fs*(run[1]*g + wl + buffer)) if end_index > (len(array[0]) - 1): end_index = len(array[0]) - 1 yield start_index, array[:, start_index:end_index] def generate_picks(array, model, transform, fs, wl, g_detect, g_pick, results_dict, max_gap, buffer): p_picks = [] p_confs = [] s_picks = [] s_confs = [] for start_index, window in yield_pick_windows(array, fs, wl, g_detect, results_dict, max_gap, buffer): pick_results = pick(window, fs, wl, model, transform, g_pick) if type(pick_results['p']) == np.ndarray: for i in range(len(pick_results['p'])): picktime = pick_results['p'][i] p_picks.append(start_index/fs + picktime) p_confs.append(pick_results['p_conf'][i]) if type(pick_results['s']) == np.ndarray: for i in range(len(pick_results['s'])): picktime = pick_results['s'][i] s_picks.append(start_index/fs + picktime) s_confs.append(pick_results['s_conf'][i]) return {'p picks': p_picks, 'p confs': p_confs, 's picks': s_picks, 's confs': s_confs} def picks2table(picks, starttime=None): data = [] cols = ('phase', 'pick time', 'confidence') for i in range(len(picks['p picks'])): phase = 'p' if starttime: picktime = str(starttime + picks['p picks'][i]) else: picktime = picks['p picks'][i] conf = picks['p confs'][i] row_entry = (phase, picktime, conf) data.append(dict(zip(cols, row_entry))) for i in range(len(picks['s picks'])): phase = 's' if starttime: picktime = str(starttime + picks['s picks'][i]) else: picktime = picks['s picks'][i] conf = picks['s confs'][i] row_entry = (phase, picktime, conf) data.append(dict(zip(cols, row_entry))) df =
import os, random import pandas as pd import re import sys import codecs from shutil import copyfile from datetime import datetime def clean_text(text): text = text.replace("<p>", "").replace("</p>", "\n") return re.sub('\.+', ".", text) def filecount(dir): return len([f for f in os.listdir(dir)]) def main(gnm_articles, article_input_dir, sample_output_dir, articles_file, comments_output_dir, comments_file): '''For writing article text with atleast one comment to txt files''' articles_df = pd.read_csv(gnm_articles) # comments_df = pd.read_csv(comments_file) articles_with_comm = list(comments_df['article_id'].unique()) articles_df = articles_df[articles_df['article_id'].isin(articles_with_comm)] for idx, article in articles_df.iterrows(): date = datetime.strptime(article['published_date'].split()[0], '%Y-%m-%d') folder_name = article_input_dir + str(date.year) if not os.path.exists(folder_name): os.makedirs(folder_name) file_name = folder_name + "/" + str(article['article_id']) + ".txt" text_file =, "w", "utf-8") cleaned_text = clean_text(article['article_text']) text_file.write(cleaned_text) text_file.close() print("Articles with atleast one comment written to files.") '''Getting sample articles''' files = set() count = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(articles_file, index_col=None, header=None) dir = article_input_dir output_dir = sample_output_dir for idx, row in count.iterrows(): folder_name = dir + str(row[0]) num_of_articles = row[1] num_of_files = filecount(folder_name) for i in range(num_of_articles): if num_of_files == len(files): break file_name = random.choice(os.listdir(folder_name)) while file_name in files: file_name = random.choice(os.listdir(folder_name)) files.add(file_name) year_folder = output_dir + str(row[0]) if not os.path.exists(year_folder): os.makedirs(year_folder) source = folder_name + "/" + file_name copyfile(source, year_folder + "/" + file_name) '''Getting comments from sampled articles''' article_ids =
pd.DataFrame(columns=['article_id', 'year'])
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import warnings as w import math from scipy.signal import savgol_filter from copy import deepcopy, copy from fO2calculate import core from fO2calculate import fO2bufferplotter from fO2calculate import tavern as tv def calc_dIW_from_fO2(P, T, fO2): """Translates from absolute (not Log) fO2 value into number of log units away from the Iron-Wüstite buffer (dIW). Parameters ---------- P float Pressure in bars T float Temperature in degrees C fO2 float Absolute fO2 value Returns ------- float fO2 in terms of dIW """ if fO2 <= 0: return np.nan else: P_GPa = P / 10000 T_K = T + 273.15 log_fO2 = math.log10(fO2) log_IW_value = fO2bufferplotter.buffers.calc_IW(P_GPa, T_K) dIW = log_fO2 - log_IW_value return dIW def calc_dIW_from_fO2_Francis(T, fO2): """Uses Francis McCubbin spreadsheet for equation for IW buffer Parameters ---------- T float Temperature in degrees C fO2 float Absolute fO2 value Returns ------- float fO2 in terms of dIW """ if fO2 <= 0: return np.nan else: T_K = T + 273.15 log_fO2 = math.log10(fO2) log_IW_value = (2 * math.log10((math.exp((-275723 + 126.3154 * T_K - 8.11767 * T_K * math.log(T_K))/ (8.314*T_K))))) dIW = log_fO2 - log_IW_value return dIW def calc_gammas(temp, press, species='all'): """Returns fugacity coefficients calculated using the Redlich Kwong Equation of State. Code derived from - <NAME> 30 October 2003. Parameters ---------- temp: float Temperature in degrees C. press: float Pressure in bars. species: str Choose which species to calculate. Options are: 'CH4', CO', 'CO2', 'H2', 'H2O', 'H2S', 'O2', 'S2', 'SO2', or all. If all is passed, a dictionary of values is returned. Default value is 'all'. Returns ------- float or dict Fugacity coefficient for passed species. If single species is passed, float. If "all" is passed, dictionary with keys 'CH4', CO', 'CO2', 'H2', 'H2O', 'H2S', 'O2', 'S2', 'SO2' """ tempK = temp + 273.15 R = 8.3145 gamma_dict = {} for species in core.fluid_species_names: #Calculate a and b parameters (depend only on critical parameters)... a = 0.42748 * R**2.0 * core.critical_params[species]["cT"]**(2.5) / (core.critical_params[species]["cP"] * 10.0**5) b = 0.08664 * R * core.critical_params[species]["cT"] / (core.critical_params[species]["cP"] * 10.0**5) kappa = 0.0 #Calculate coefficients in the cubic equation of state... #coeffs: (C0, C1, C2, A, B) A = a * press * 10.0**5 / (math.sqrt(tempK) * (R * tempK)**2.0) B = b * press * 10.0**5 / (R * tempK) C2 = -1.0 C1 = A - B - B * B C0 = -A * B #Solve the cubic equation for Z0 - Z2, D... Q1 = C2 * C1 / 6.0 - C0 / 2.0 - C2**3.0 / 27.0 P1 = C2**2.0 / 9.0 - C1 / 3.0 D = Q1**2.0 - P1**3.0 if D >= 0: kOneThird = 1.0 / 3.0 absQ1PSqrtD = math.fabs(Q1 + math.sqrt(D)) temp1 = absQ1PSqrtD**kOneThird temp1 *= (Q1 + math.sqrt(D)) / absQ1PSqrtD absQ1MSqrtD = math.fabs(Q1 - math.sqrt(D)) temp2 = absQ1MSqrtD**kOneThird temp2 *= (Q1 - math.sqrt(D)) / absQ1MSqrtD Z0 = temp1 + temp2 - C2 / 3.0 else: temp1 = Q1**2.0 / (P1**3.0) temp2 = math.sqrt(1.0 - temp1) / math.sqrt(temp1) temp2 *= Q1 / math.fabs(Q1) gamma = math.atan(temp2) if gamma < 0: gamma = gamma + math.pi Z0 = 2.0 * math.sqrt(P1) * math.cos(gamma/3.0) - C2 / 3.0 Z1 = 2.0 * math.sqrt(P1) * math.cos((gamma + 2.0 * math.pi) / 3.0) - C2/3.0 Z2 = 2.0 * math.sqrt(P1) * math.cos((gamma + 4.0 * math.pi) / 3.0) - C2/3.0 if Z0 < Z1: temp0 = Z0 Z0 = Z1 Z1 = temp0 if Z1 < Z2: temp0 = Z1 Z1 = Z2 Z2 = temp0 if Z0 < Z1: temp0 = Z0 Z0 = Z1 Z1 = temp0 #Determine the fugacity coefficient of first root and departure functions... #calcdepfns(coeffs[3], coeffs[4], paramsab[0], Z[0]) #calcdepfns(A, B, kappa, Z) #Calculate Departure Functions gamma = math.exp(Z0 - 1.0 - math.log(Z0-B) - A * math.log(1.0+B/Z0)/B) Hdep = R * tempK * (Z0 - 1.0 - 1.5*A*math.log(1.0+B/Z0)/B) Sdep = R * (math.log(Z0-B) - 0.5*A*math.log(1.0+B/Z0)/B) gamma_dict[species] = gamma if species is 'all': return gamma_dict elif isinstance(species, str): try: return gamma_dict[species] except: raise core.InputError('Passed species not recognized.') else: raise core.InputError('species must be type string.') class Fluid(object): """ Creates a Fluid object with parameters defined here. """ def __init__(self, folder_name, DSC_filename='DSC.txt', masses_filename='masses.txt', TG_filename='TG.txt', highT=False): """ Initiates the Fluid class Parameters ---------- folder_name str Path to folder containing three text files with DSC, mass, and TG data. This is the standard data format for Netchze gas files. DSC_filename str OPTIONAL. Default is 'DSC.txt'. Name of file with DSC data. masses_filename str OPTIONAL. Default is 'masses.txt'. Name of file with masses data. TG_filename str OPTIONAL. Default is 'TG.txt'. Name of file with TG data. highT float OPTIONAL. Default is False. If float, this value will be used as the minimum temperature at which to keep gas data. """ # Read in files dsc_data = pd.read_csv(folder_name + '/' + DSC_filename, delimiter="\t") # DSC file masses_data = pd.read_csv(folder_name + '/' + masses_filename, delimiter="\t") # masses file tg_data = pd.read_csv(folder_name + '/' + TG_filename, delimiter="\t") # TG file # drop last column of masses (should be empty) masses_data = masses_data.iloc[:, :-1] # remove white space in column names dsc_data.columns = dsc_data.columns.str.replace(' ', '') masses_data.columns = masses_data.columns.str.replace(' ', '') tg_data.columns = tg_data.columns.str.replace(' ', '') # coerce all data to numeric dsc_data = dsc_data.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') masses_data = masses_data.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') tg_data = tg_data.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # drop all rows with any NaN dsc_data = dsc_data.dropna() masses_data = masses_data.dropna() tg_data = tg_data.dropna() # delete trailing data from cool-down phase max_temp_val = masses_data['temp_2'].max() max_temp_val = max_temp_val//1 # get floor (round down) masses_data = masses_data.loc[(masses_data['temp_2']<max_temp_val)] tg_data = tg_data.loc[(tg_data['temp_TG']<max_temp_val)] dsc_data = dsc_data.loc[(dsc_data['temp_DSC']<max_temp_val)] # if requested, drop all low temp data if isinstance(highT, float) or isinstance(highT, int): minT = highT masses_data = masses_data.loc[(masses_data['temp_2']>=minT)] tg_data = tg_data.loc[(tg_data['temp_TG']>=minT)] dsc_data = dsc_data.loc[(dsc_data['temp_DSC']>=minT)] self.max_temp_round = int(5 * round(max_temp_val/5)) #save max temp val rounded to nearest 5 # normalize small numbers to large masses_data['ic_2'] = masses_data['ic_2'].apply(lambda x: x/10**-10) masses_data['ic_16'] = masses_data['ic_16'].apply(lambda x: x/10**-10) masses_data['ic_18'] = masses_data['ic_18'].apply(lambda x: x/10**-10) masses_data['ic_28'] = masses_data['ic_28'].apply(lambda x: x/10**-10) masses_data['ic_32'] = masses_data['ic_32'].apply(lambda x: x/10**-10) masses_data['ic_34'] = masses_data['ic_34'].apply(lambda x: x/10**-10) masses_data['ic_44'] = masses_data['ic_44'].apply(lambda x: x/10**-10) masses_data['ic_64'] = masses_data['ic_64'].apply(lambda x: x/10**-10) self.dsc_data = dsc_data self.masses_data = masses_data self.tg_data = tg_data self.highT = highT # subtract background from all masses we care about self.masses_data = self._subtract_gas_background() def get_smoothed_masses(self, window_length=11, polyorder=2): """ Applies scipy.signal.savgol_filter to all gas data Parameters ---------- window_length: int After scipy.signal.savgol_filter. The length of the filter window (i.e., the number of coefficients). window_length must be a positive odd integer. If mode is ‘interp’, window_length must be less than or equal to the size of x. polyorder: int After scipy.signal.savgol_filter. The order of the polynomial used to fit the samples. polyorder must be less than window_length. Returns ------- pandas DataFrame """ _masses_data = self.masses_data.copy() for i, col_name in enumerate(core.fluid_col_names): x = _masses_data['temp_2'].tolist() gas = _masses_data[col_name].tolist() gas_smooth = savgol_filter(gas, window_length, polyorder) # drop non_smoothed column values _masses_data.drop(col_name, axis=1, inplace=True) # add smoothed values in place of dropped ones _masses_data[col_name] = gas_smooth return _masses_data def _subtract_gas_background(self): """ Finds minimum cps value for all species and subtracts this from all values in that species curve. Returns ------- pandas DataFrame """ _masses_data = self.masses_data.copy() for i, col_name in enumerate(core.fluid_col_names): minvalue = _masses_data[col_name].min() _masses_data[col_name] -= minvalue return _masses_data def calc_fO2_from_gas_ratios(self, oxidized_species): """ Returns fO2 value of gas calculated using molar ratios of redox couples. Parameters ---------- oxidized_species str Name of the oxidized species in the redox couple. Currently can take one of 'CO2' or 'H2O'. 'CO2' will perform calculation on reaction: CO + 1/2O2 = CO2. 'H2O' will perform calculation on reaction: H2 + 1/2O2 = H2O. Returns ------- pandas DataFrame With temperature and computed fO2 values """ if oxidized_species is 'CO2': reduced_species = 'CO' temp_col = 'temp_28' ox_mass_col = 'ic_44' red_mass_col = 'ic_28' ox_MW = 44.01 red_MW = 28 elif oxidized_species is 'H2O': reduced_species = 'H2' temp_col = 'temp_2' ox_mass_col = 'ic_18' red_mass_col = 'ic_2' ox_MW = 18.02 red_MW = 2.02 else: raise core.InputError("oxidized_species must be one of 'CO2' or 'H2O'.") # Calculate absolute fO2 values fO2_vals = [] temps = [] for index, row in self.masses_data.iterrows(): K_F = tv.calc_Ks(row[temp_col], species=oxidized_species) gamma_oxidized = calc_gammas(row[temp_col], press=1, species=oxidized_species) gamma_reduced = calc_gammas(row[temp_col], press=1, species=reduced_species) ox_moles = row[ox_mass_col] #* ox_MW red_moles = row[red_mass_col] #* red_MW molar_ratio = ox_moles / red_moles fO2_vals.append((molar_ratio * gamma_oxidized/gamma_reduced * 1/K_F)**2) temps.append(row[temp_col]) abs_data = pd.DataFrame({'temp': temps, 'fO2': fO2_vals}) # Calculate dIW values as well dIW_vals = [] for index, row in abs_data.iterrows(): dIW_vals.append(calc_dIW_from_fO2_Francis(row['temp'], row['fO2'])) return_data = abs_data.copy() return_data['dIW'] = dIW_vals return return_data def calc_fCO(self): """ Calculate fCO as: fCO = KF * (XCH4/XH2)*(XH2O/XH2**2) * gammaCH4 * gammaH2O / gammaH2**3 Derivation: ----------- CH4 + H2O = CO + 3H2 KF = XCO*gammaCO * (XH2*gammaH2)**3 / XCH4*gammaCH4 * XH2O*gammaH2O KF = fCO * (XH2*gammaH2)**3 / XCH4*gammaCH4 * XH2O*gammaH2O KF = fCO * (XH2/XCH4) * (gammaH2/gammaCH4) * (XH2**2/XH2O) * (gammaH2**2/gammaH2O) KF = fCO * (XH2/XCH4) * (XH2**2/XH2O) * (gammaH2**3/gammaCH4*gammaH2O) fCO = KF * (XCH4/XH2) * (XH2O/XH2**2) * gammaCH4 * gammaH2O / gammaH2**3 Returns ------- pandas DataFrame With temperature and computed fCO values """ fCO_vals = [] temp_vals = [] for index, row in self.masses_data.iterrows(): temp = row['temp_16'] K_F = tv.calc_Ks(temp, species='CH4') gammaH2 = calc_gammas(temp, press=1, species='H2') gammaCH4 = calc_gammas(temp, press=1, species='CH4') gammaH2O = calc_gammas(temp, press=1, species='H2O') temp_vals.append(temp) fCO = (K_F * (row['ic_16']/row['ic_2']) * (row['ic_18']/(row['ic_2']**2)) * gammaCH4 * gammaH2O / (gammaH2**3)) fCO_vals.append(fCO) return_data = pd.DataFrame({'temp': temp_vals, 'fCO': fCO_vals}) return return_data def calc_fCO_alt(self, fO2_how='CO2'): """ Calculate fCO as: fCO = KF * sqrt(fO2) * (XCH4/XH2**2) * (gammaCH4/gammaH2**2) Derivation: ----------- CH4 + 1/2O2 = CO + 2H2 KF = (fCO * XH2**2*gammaH2**2)/(XCH4*gammaCH4 * sqrt(fO2)) KF = fCO * (1/sqrt(fO2)) * (XH2**2/XCH4) * (gammaH2**2)/(gammaCH4) fCO = KF * sqrt(fO2) * (XCH4/XH2**2) * (gammaCH4/gammaH2**2) Parameters: ----------- fO2_how: str Method to calculate fO2. Default is 'CO2', which uses calc_fO2_from_gas_ratios('CO2'). Can also be 'H2O', which uses calc_fO2_from_gas_ratios('H2O'). Returns ------- pandas DataFrame With temperature and computed fCO values """ # get fO2 values fO2_data = self.calc_fO2_from_gas_ratios(fO2_how) # copy over masses_data _masses_data = self.masses_data.copy() # add fO2 values to masses_data data =
pd.concat([_masses_data, fO2_data], axis=1)
import pandas as pd import glob import os import numpy as np import time import fastparquet import argparse from multiprocessing import Pool import multiprocessing as mp from os.path import isfile parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Program to run google compounder for a particular file and setting') parser.add_argument('--data', type=str, help='location of the pickle file') # don't use this for now parser.add_argument('--word', action='store_true', help='Extracting context for words only?') parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='directory to save dataset in') args = parser.parse_args() with open('/mnt/dhr/CreateChallenge_ICC_0821/no_ner_0_50000.txt','r') as f:"\n") contexts=contexts[:-1] def left_side_parser(df): # N N _ _ _ cur_df=df.copy() try: cur_df[['modifier','head','w1','w2','w3']]=cur_df.lemma_pos.str.split(' ',expand=True) except ValueError: compound_df=pd.DataFrame() modifier_df=pd.DataFrame() head_df=pd.DataFrame() return compound_df,modifier_df,head_df compound_df=pd.melt(cur_df,id_vars=['modifier','head','year','count'],value_vars=['w1','w2','w3'],value_name='context') compound_df=compound_df.loc[compound_df.context.isin(contexts)] modifier_df=pd.melt(cur_df,id_vars=['modifier','year','count'],value_vars=['head','w1','w2'],value_name='context') modifier_df=modifier_df.loc[modifier_df.context.isin(contexts)] head_df=pd.melt(cur_df,id_vars=['head','year','count'],value_vars=['modifier','w1','w2','w3'],value_name='context') head_df=head_df.loc[head_df.context.isin(contexts)] return compound_df,modifier_df,head_df def mid1_parser(df): # _ N N _ _ cur_df=df.copy() try: cur_df[['w1','modifier','head','w2','w3']]=cur_df.lemma_pos.str.split(' ',expand=True) except ValueError: compound_df=pd.DataFrame() modifier_df=pd.DataFrame() head_df=pd.DataFrame() return compound_df,modifier_df,head_df compound_df=pd.melt(cur_df,id_vars=['modifier','head','year','count'],value_vars=['w1','w2','w3'],value_name='context') compound_df=compound_df.loc[compound_df.context.isin(contexts)] modifier_df=pd.melt(cur_df,id_vars=['modifier','year','count'],value_vars=['head','w1','w2','w3'],value_name='context') modifier_df=modifier_df.loc[modifier_df.context.isin(contexts)] head_df=pd.melt(cur_df,id_vars=['head','year','count'],value_vars=['modifier','w1','w2','w3'],value_name='context') head_df=head_df.loc[head_df.context.isin(contexts)] return compound_df,modifier_df,head_df def mid2_parser(df): # _ _ N N _ cur_df=df.copy() try: cur_df[['w1','w2','modifier','head','w3']]=cur_df.lemma_pos.str.split(' ',expand=True) except ValueError: compound_df=pd.DataFrame() modifier_df=pd.DataFrame() head_df=pd.DataFrame() return compound_df,modifier_df,head_df compound_df=pd.melt(cur_df,id_vars=['modifier','head','year','count'],value_vars=['w1','w2','w3'],value_name='context') compound_df=compound_df.loc[compound_df.context.isin(contexts)] modifier_df=pd.melt(cur_df,id_vars=['modifier','year','count'],value_vars=['head','w1','w2','w3'],value_name='context') modifier_df=modifier_df.loc[modifier_df.context.isin(contexts)] head_df=
from django.shortcuts import render from django.views.generic import FormView, UpdateView from django.http import HttpResponse, JsonResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from common.mixins import JSONResponseMixin, AdminUserRequiredMixin from common.utils import get_object_or_none from import iter_regression4allxy from import show_all_confids from django import forms as oforms from .. import forms from django.views import View import codecs import xlrd import xlwt import uuid import datetime import pandas as pd import os from io import StringIO, BytesIO import re import copy # Create your views here. global gdatas # 文件名:pandas gdatas = {} # 数据间的关系 global rdatas rdatas = {} # 数据的置信度 global cdatas cdatas = {} global ccollist ccollist=[] # 数据的拟合 global fdatas fdatas = {} def btUrldecode(urldata, colnames): trim = dict() trim['query'] = dict() # 分片 trim['start'] = int(urldata.get('offset', 0)) # offset 偏移位置 entries = urldata.get('limit', 25) # 每页显示条目数 trim['offset'] = int(trim['start']) + int(entries) # 偏移条数位置 # 排序 order_type = urldata.get('orderType', 'asc') order_col = urldata.get('orderName', 'pk') trim['orderName'] = order_col if order_type == u'asc' else u'-' + order_col # 查找表 每列 for colname in colnames: tqur = urldata.get("search_{}".format(colname)) if tqur: trim['query'][colname] = tqur return trim def index(request): return render(request, 'data_analy/index.html') # @login_required def data_index(request): "数据 原始输出 表头" context = {} context["collist"] = [] if len(gdatas.keys()) > 0: tclist = gdatas[list(gdatas.keys())[0]].columns context["collist"] = tclist return render(request, 'data_analy/data_index.html', context) def data_list(request): "数据 原始输出 内容" if len(gdatas.keys()) > 0: tpd = gdatas[list(gdatas.keys())[0]] qd = btUrldecode(request.GET, tpd.columns) # 筛选+排序 outjson = data_list_core(tpd, qd) outjson['_'] = request.GET.get('_', 0) return JsonResponse(outjson) else: return JsonResponse({}) def data_list_core(inpandas, qd): "数据筛选排序通用核心: 数据frame, 请求json" # 筛选 newtpd = copy.deepcopy(inpandas) newtpd = newtpd.applymap(str) indlist = set(newtpd.index) for coln in inpandas.columns: if coln in qd['query']: tind = newtpd[coln].str.find(qd['query'][coln]) tind = tind[tind > -1].index indlist = indlist & set(tind) indlist = sorted(indlist) totals = len(indlist) # 取转为str前的 pandas newtpd = inpandas.iloc[indlist, :] # 排序分页 if qd['orderName'] != "pk": if qd['orderName'].startswith("-"): qd['orderName'] = qd['orderName'].lstrip("-") newtpd = newtpd.sort_values(by=[qd['orderName']], ascending=[False]) else: newtpd = newtpd.sort_values(by=[qd['orderName']]) newtpd = newtpd.iloc[qd['start']:qd['offset'], :] return { 'total': totals, 'data': query2dict(newtpd), } def prob_check_v(request): "指标 汇总输出 表头" context = {} # 1. 列名 2. 平稳性 3. context["collist"] = ["names", "mean", "std"] return render(request, 'data_analy/prob_check_index.html', context) def data_prob_check(request): "指标 汇总输出 内容" if len(rdatas.keys()) > 0: tpd = rdatas[list(rdatas.keys())[0]] return JsonResponse({ 'total': tpd.shape[0], 'data': query2dict(tpd), '_': request.GET.get('_', 0) }) else: return JsonResponse({}) def relation_v(request): "相关性 汇总输出 表头" context = {} # 1. 关系对名字 2. context["collist"] = ["names", "a c", "b c"] return render(request, 'data_analy/relation_index.html', context) def data_relation(request): "相关性 汇总输出 内容" if len(rdatas.keys()) > 0: tpd = rdatas[list(rdatas.keys())[0]] return JsonResponse({ 'total': tpd.shape[0], 'data': query2dict(tpd), '_': request.GET.get('_', 0) }) else: return JsonResponse({}) def confidence_v(request): "置信度 汇总输出 表头" context = {} context["collist"] = [] if len(cdatas.keys()) > 0: ccollist = cdatas[list(gdatas.keys())[0]].columns context["collist"] = ccollist return render(request, 'data_analy/confidence_index.html', context) def data_confidence(request): "置信度 汇总输出 内容" if len(gdatas.keys()) > 0: # if len(cdatas) > 0: # ttnewtpd = cdatas[list(gdatas.keys())[0]] # else: tpd = gdatas[list(gdatas.keys())[0]] tprob = request.GET.get("reply_prob") tposit = request.GET.get("reply_posit") if tposit == "": tposit = None else: tposit = float(tposit) if tprob == "": tprob = 0.95 else: tprob = float(tprob) showjson = show_all_confids(tpd, prob=tprob, posit=tposit) cdatas[list(gdatas.keys())[0]] = pd.DataFrame(showjson) ttnewtpd = cdatas[list(gdatas.keys())[0]] ccollist =ttnewtpd.columns qd = btUrldecode(request.GET, ccollist) outjson = data_list_core(ttnewtpd, qd) outjson['_'] = request.GET.get('_', 0) # print(outjson) return JsonResponse(outjson) else: return JsonResponse({}) def fit_v(request): "拟合 汇总输出 表头" context = {} context["collist"] = [] if len(fdatas.keys()) > 0: tclist = fdatas[list(gdatas.keys())[0]].columns context["collist"] = tclist return render(request, 'data_analy/fit_index.html', context) def data_fit(request): "拟合 汇总输出 内容" if len(gdatas.keys()) > 0: if len(fdatas) > 0: ttnewtpd = fdatas[list(gdatas.keys())[0]] else: # 判断生成拟合信息 tpd = gdatas[list(gdatas.keys())[0]] showjson = iter_regression4allxy(tpd, max_combnum=2, test_size=0.2) fdatas[list(gdatas.keys())[0]] =
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Python Script related to: Deep Neural Network model to predict the electrostatic parameters in the polarizable classical Drude oscillator force field <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> and <NAME>. Copyright (c) 2022, University of Maryland Baltimore """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from tensorflow import keras from collections import OrderedDict def load_train_charge(): charge_fea_train=pd.read_pickle('dgenff_dataset.2021/train_charge_feature.pkl') charge_target_train=pd.read_pickle('dgenff_dataset.2021/train_charge_target.pkl') train_charge_dataset=charge_fea_train.iloc[:,1:].values train_charge_target=charge_target_train.iloc[:,1].values train_charge_molid=np.array(charge_fea_train.index) train_charge_atomid=charge_fea_train.iloc[:,0].values return train_charge_molid,train_charge_atomid,train_charge_dataset,train_charge_target def load_test_charge(): charge_fea_test=pd.read_pickle('dgenff_dataset.2021/test_charge_feature.pkl') charge_target_test=pd.read_pickle('dgenff_dataset.2021/test_charge_target.pkl') test_charge_dataset=charge_fea_test.iloc[:,1:].values test_charge_target=charge_target_test.iloc[:,1].values test_charge_molid=np.array(charge_fea_test.index) test_charge_atomid=charge_fea_test.iloc[:,0].values return test_charge_molid,test_charge_atomid,test_charge_dataset,test_charge_target def load_train_pol(): alphathole_fea_train=pd.read_pickle('dgenff_dataset.2021/train_alphathole_feature.pkl') alphathole_target_train=pd.read_pickle('dgenff_dataset.2021/train_alphathole_target.pkl') train_alphathole_dataset=alphathole_fea_train.iloc[:,1:].values train_alpha_target=alphathole_target_train.iloc[:,1].values train_thole_target=alphathole_target_train.iloc[:,2].values train_alphathole_molid=np.array(alphathole_fea_train.index) train_alphathole_atomid=alphathole_fea_train.iloc[:,0].values return train_alphathole_molid,train_alphathole_atomid,train_alphathole_dataset,train_alpha_target,train_thole_target def load_test_pol(): alphathole_fea_test=pd.read_pickle('dgenff_dataset.2021/test_alphathole_feature.pkl') alphathole_target_test=
# coding=utf-8 # pylint: disable-msg=E1101,W0612 from datetime import datetime, timedelta import operator from itertools import product, starmap from numpy import nan, inf import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import (Index, Series, DataFrame, isnull, bdate_range, NaT, date_range, timedelta_range, _np_version_under1p8) from pandas.tseries.index import Timestamp from pandas.tseries.tdi import Timedelta import pandas.core.nanops as nanops from pandas.compat import range, zip from pandas import compat from pandas.util.testing import assert_series_equal, assert_almost_equal import pandas.util.testing as tm from .common import TestData class TestSeriesOperators(TestData, tm.TestCase): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def test_comparisons(self): left = np.random.randn(10) right = np.random.randn(10) left[:3] = np.nan result = nanops.nangt(left, right) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): expected = (left > right).astype('O') expected[:3] = np.nan assert_almost_equal(result, expected) s = Series(['a', 'b', 'c']) s2 = Series([False, True, False]) # it works! exp =
Series([False, False, False])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Oct 29 09:20:13 2021 @author: bw98j """ import prose as pgx import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as colors import seaborn as sns import numpy as np import itertools import glob import os import random from tqdm import tqdm import scipy.stats import gtfparse import itertools from pylab import * import collections from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler import pickle from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import umap from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, f1_score, roc_curve, auc from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler from operator import itemgetter #plot parameters plt.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'custom' plt.rcParams[''] = 'Arial:italic' plt.rcParams['mathtext.rm'] = 'Arial' plt.rc('font',family='arial',size=40) plt.rc('hatch',linewidth = 2.0) #%% conv=pd.read_csv('databases/ensembl_uniprot_conversion.tsv', sep='\t', comment='#', ) conv = conv.rename(columns={'ID':'gene', 'Entry': 'uniprot'}) conv = conv[['gene','uniprot']] conv = dict(zip(conv.gene,conv.uniprot)) validGenes = conv.keys() #set of genes with associated protein names tpm = pd.read_csv('klijn_rna_seq/E-MTAB-2706-query-results.tpms.tsv', sep='\t',comment='#') tpm.columns = [i.split(', ')[-1] for i in tpm.columns] tpm = tpm.fillna(0) tpm['protein'] = tpm.apply(lambda x: conv[x['Gene ID']] if x['Gene ID'] in validGenes else np.nan, axis=1) tpm = tpm.dropna() hela = tpm[['HeLa','protein']].set_index('protein') #%% ibaq = pd.read_csv('klijn_rna_seq/bekker_jensen_2017_ibaq_s3_mmc4.csv', skiprows=2) ibaq = ibaq[['Protein IDs','Median HeLa iBAQ']] ibaq['Protein IDs'] = ibaq.apply(lambda x: list(set([i.split('-')[0] for i in x['Protein IDs'].split(';')])),axis=1) ibaq['matches'] = ibaq.apply(lambda x: len(x['Protein IDs']),axis=1) ibaq = ibaq[ibaq.matches == 1] ibaq['Protein IDs'] = ibaq.apply(lambda x: x[0][0], axis=1) ibaq = ibaq.set_index('Protein IDs').drop(columns=['matches']) ibaq = ibaq.dropna().drop_duplicates() ibaq = np.log10(ibaq) ibaq = ibaq[~ibaq.index.duplicated(keep='first')] #%% Get HeLa DDA protein lists with open('interim_files/HeLa_DDA_sample.pkl', 'rb') as handle: testdata = pickle.load(handle) #%% panel_corr =
pd.read_csv('interim_files/klijn_panel_spearmanCorr.tsv', sep='\t',index_col=0)
from distutils.util import execute import sqlite3 from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo from importlib import resources from pathlib import Path from sqlite3.dbapi2 import OperationalError, Row from typing import Any, Dict, List import numpy as np import pandas as pd from DailyData import __version__ from import TimelogIO from DailyData.time_management.recorded_activity import RecordedActivity from dateutil import tz from pandas.core import series SCHEMA = 'schema.sql' def apply_tz(row: pd.Series, offset_col_name='timezone_offset', tzname_col_name='timezone_name', time_col_name='time' ) -> datetime: if np.isfinite(row[offset_col_name]): return apply_tz_single(row, offset_col_name, tzname_col_name, time_col_name) else: return row[time_col_name].tz_localize(tz.tzlocal()) def apply_tz_single(row, offset_col_name='timezone_offset', tzname_col_name='timezone_name', time_col_name='time' ): tz_inst = tz.tzoffset(row[tzname_col_name], timedelta(seconds=row[offset_col_name])) non_naive_datetime = tz_inst.fromutc( row[time_col_name].replace(tzinfo=tz_inst)) return non_naive_datetime def dict_factory(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, row): d = {} for i, col in enumerate(cursor.description): d[col[0]] = row[i] return d class DatabaseWrapper(TimelogIO): """ A Handler that performs common timelog operations on a sqlite3 database. """ def __init__(self, db_path: Path = None): if not db_path: db_path = ':memory:' self.db = sqlite3.connect( db_path, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) self.db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row n_tables = self.db.execute( 'SELECT COUNT(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table" AND name NOT LIKE "sqlite_%";').fetchone()[0] try: if n_tables == 0 or self.db.execute('SELECT version FROM metadata').fetchone()[0] != __version__: # Run the schema script to create/update the tables if they do not exist, or are not the same version as the current program. print('Updating database') self.run_schema() except ( sqlite3.OperationalError, TypeError )as err: if isinstance(err, TypeError) or 'no such table: metadata' in ';'.join(err.args): print('Updating database') self.run_schema() def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_val, ex_tb): self.db.close() # Re-raise any exceptions if ex_val is not None: return False def new_user(self, user: str): self.db.execute('INSERT INTO user VALUES (:usr)', {'usr': user}) self.db.commit() def new_activity(self, activity: str, parent: str = None, is_alias: bool = None): if parent is not None: if not self.db.execute('SELECT * FROM activity WHERE name=:parent', {'parent': parent}).fetchone(): raise ValueError( 'Parent activity {} does not exist'.format(parent)) elif not isinstance(parent, str): raise TypeError('parent must be a string') if is_alias is not None and parent is None: raise ValueError( 'Activity cannot be an alias if there is no parent') elif is_alias is not None and not isinstance(is_alias, bool): raise TypeError('is_alias must be a boolean') self.db.execute('INSERT INTO activity VALUES (:act, :parent, :alias)', {'act': activity, 'parent': parent, 'alias': is_alias}) self.db.commit() def get_activity_or_parent(self, activity): activity_exists = self.db.execute( 'SELECT * FROM activity WHERE name=:activity', {'activity': activity}).fetchone() if not activity_exists: return None if activity_exists['parent'] is not None and activity_exists['alias']: return activity_exists['parent'] else: return activity def record_time(self, activity: str, user: str, timestamp: datetime, backdated=False): super().record_time(activity, user, timestamp, backdated) last = self.get_last_record() insert_cmd = '''INSERT INTO timelog (time, timezone_name, timezone_offset, activity, user, backdated) VALUES(:time, :tz_name, :tz_offset, :act, :user, :backdated); ''' # Make sure any values given with pandas datatypes can be recorded if isinstance(timestamp, pd.Timestamp): timestamp = timestamp.to_pydatetime() old_act = activity activity = self.get_activity_or_parent(activity) if activity is None: raise ValueError( 'Activity {} not found'.format(old_act)) self.db.execute(insert_cmd, { # Convert the time to UTC if there is timezone information 'time': timestamp - (timestamp.tzinfo.utcoffset(timestamp) if timestamp.tzinfo else timedelta(0)), 'tz_name': timestamp.tzinfo.tzname(timestamp) if timestamp.tzinfo else None, 'tz_offset': timestamp.tzinfo.utcoffset(timestamp).total_seconds() if timestamp.tzinfo else None, 'activity': activity, 'act': activity, 'user': user, 'backdated': backdated }) self.db.commit() return last def get_timestamps(self, earliest: datetime, latest: datetime) -> pd.DataFrame: columns = ['time', 'timezone_offset', 'timezone_name', 'activity'] cmd = '''SELECT :cols FROM timelog WHERE time >= :min AND time < :max '''.replace(':cols', ', '.join(columns)) old_row_factory = self.db.row_factory self.db.row_factory = None fetch = self.db.execute(cmd, { 'min': earliest, 'max': latest }).fetchall() self.db.row_factory = old_row_factory if len(fetch) == 0: return pd.DataFrame(columns=['time', 'activity']) frame =
pd.DataFrame(fetch, columns=columns)
import numpy as np import cvxpy as cp import pandas as pd from scoring import * # %% def main(): year = int(input('Enter Year: ')) week = int(input('Enter Week: ')) budget = int(input('Enter Budget: ')) source = 'NFL' print(f'Source = {source}') df = read_data(year=year, week=week, source=source) df = get_costs(df) lineup, proj_pts, cost = get_optimal_lineup(df, budget) print('---------- \n Lineup: \n', lineup) print('---------- \n Projected Points: \n', proj_pts) print(f'--------- \n Cost={cost}, Budget={budget}, Cap Room={budget-cost}') return def read_data(year, week, source): POS = 'QB RB WR TE K DST'.split() d = {'QB': scoring_QB, 'RB': scoring_RB, 'WR': scoring_WR, 'TE': scoring_TE, 'K': scoring_K, 'DST': scoring_DST} player_dfs = {} for pos in POS: filepath = f'../data/{year}/{week}/{pos}/' df = pd.read_csv(filepath+source+'.csv') df = d[pos](df) player_dfs[pos] = df df = pd.concat(player_dfs).reset_index(drop=True) df = df.join(
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Tests the usecols functionality during parsing for all of the parsers defined in """ import nose import numpy as np import pandas.util.testing as tm from pandas import DataFrame, Index from pandas.lib import Timestamp from pandas.compat import StringIO class UsecolsTests(object): def test_raise_on_mixed_dtype_usecols(self): # See gh-12678 data = """a,b,c 1000,2000,3000 4000,5000,6000 """ msg = ("The elements of 'usecols' must " "either be all strings, all unicode, or all integers") usecols = [0, 'b', 2] with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): self.read_csv(StringIO(data), usecols=usecols) def test_usecols(self): data = """\ a,b,c 1,2,3 4,5,6 7,8,9 10,11,12""" result = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), usecols=(1, 2)) result2 = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), usecols=('b', 'c')) exp = self.read_csv(StringIO(data)) self.assertEqual(len(result.columns), 2) self.assertTrue((result['b'] == exp['b']).all()) self.assertTrue((result['c'] == exp['c']).all()) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, result2) result = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), usecols=[1, 2], header=0, names=['foo', 'bar']) expected = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), usecols=[1, 2]) expected.columns = ['foo', 'bar'] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) data = """\ 1,2,3 4,5,6 7,8,9 10,11,12""" result = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), names=['b', 'c'], header=None, usecols=[1, 2]) expected = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), names=['a', 'b', 'c'], header=None) expected = expected[['b', 'c']] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result2 = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), names=['a', 'b', 'c'], header=None, usecols=['b', 'c']) tm.assert_frame_equal(result2, result) # see gh-5766 result = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), names=['a', 'b'], header=None, usecols=[0, 1]) expected = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), names=['a', 'b', 'c'], header=None) expected = expected[['a', 'b']] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # length conflict, passed names and usecols disagree self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.read_csv, StringIO(data), names=['a', 'b'], usecols=[1], header=None) def test_usecols_index_col_False(self): # see gh-9082 s = "a,b,c,d\n1,2,3,4\n5,6,7,8" s_malformed = "a,b,c,d\n1,2,3,4,\n5,6,7,8," cols = ['a', 'c', 'd'] expected = DataFrame({'a': [1, 5], 'c': [3, 7], 'd': [4, 8]}) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(s), usecols=cols, index_col=False) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, df) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(s_malformed), usecols=cols, index_col=False) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, df) def test_usecols_index_col_conflict(self): # see gh-4201: test that index_col as integer reflects usecols data = 'a,b,c,d\nA,a,1,one\nB,b,2,two' expected = DataFrame({'c': [1, 2]}, index=Index( ['a', 'b'], name='b')) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), usecols=['b', 'c'], index_col=0) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, df) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), usecols=['b', 'c'], index_col='b') tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, df) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), usecols=[1, 2], index_col='b') tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, df) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), usecols=[1, 2], index_col=0) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, df) expected = DataFrame( {'b': ['a', 'b'], 'c': [1, 2], 'd': ('one', 'two')}) expected = expected.set_index(['b', 'c']) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), usecols=['b', 'c', 'd'], index_col=['b', 'c']) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, df) def test_usecols_implicit_index_col(self): # see gh-2654 data = 'a,b,c\n4,apple,bat,5.7\n8,orange,cow,10' result = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), usecols=['a', 'b']) expected = DataFrame({'a': ['apple', 'orange'], 'b': ['bat', 'cow']}, index=[4, 8]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_usecols_regex_sep(self): # see gh-2733 data = 'a b c\n4 apple bat 5.7\n8 orange cow 10' df = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep='\s+', usecols=('a', 'b')) expected = DataFrame({'a': ['apple', 'orange'], 'b': ['bat', 'cow']}, index=[4, 8]) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_usecols_with_whitespace(self): data = 'a b c\n4 apple bat 5.7\n8 orange cow 10' result = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), delim_whitespace=True, usecols=('a', 'b')) expected = DataFrame({'a': ['apple', 'orange'], 'b': ['bat', 'cow']}, index=[4, 8]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_usecols_with_integer_like_header(self): data = """2,0,1 1000,2000,3000 4000,5000,6000 """ usecols = [0, 1] # column selection by index expected = DataFrame(data=[[1000, 2000], [4000, 5000]], columns=['2', '0']) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), usecols=usecols) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) usecols = ['0', '1'] # column selection by name expected = DataFrame(data=[[2000, 3000], [5000, 6000]], columns=['0', '1']) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(data), usecols=usecols) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_usecols_with_parse_dates(self): # See gh-9755 s = """a,b,c,d,e 0,1,20140101,0900,4 0,1,20140102,1000,4""" parse_dates = [[1, 2]] cols = { 'a': [0, 0], 'c_d': [ Timestamp('2014-01-01 09:00:00'), Timestamp('2014-01-02 10:00:00') ] } expected = DataFrame(cols, columns=['c_d', 'a']) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(s), usecols=[0, 2, 3], parse_dates=parse_dates) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(s), usecols=[3, 0, 2], parse_dates=parse_dates) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_usecols_with_parse_dates_and_full_names(self): # See gh-9755 s = """0,1,20140101,0900,4 0,1,20140102,1000,4""" parse_dates = [[1, 2]] names = list('abcde') cols = { 'a': [0, 0], 'c_d': [ Timestamp('2014-01-01 09:00:00'), Timestamp('2014-01-02 10:00:00') ] } expected = DataFrame(cols, columns=['c_d', 'a']) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(s), names=names, usecols=[0, 2, 3], parse_dates=parse_dates) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(s), names=names, usecols=[3, 0, 2], parse_dates=parse_dates) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_usecols_with_parse_dates_and_usecol_names(self): # See gh-9755 s = """0,1,20140101,0900,4 0,1,20140102,1000,4""" parse_dates = [[1, 2]] names = list('acd') cols = { 'a': [0, 0], 'c_d': [ Timestamp('2014-01-01 09:00:00'), Timestamp('2014-01-02 10:00:00') ] } expected = DataFrame(cols, columns=['c_d', 'a']) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(s), names=names, usecols=[0, 2, 3], parse_dates=parse_dates) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) df = self.read_csv(StringIO(s), names=names, usecols=[3, 0, 2], parse_dates=parse_dates) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_usecols_with_unicode_strings(self): # see gh-13219 s = '''AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD 0.056674973,8,True,a 2.613230982,2,False,b 3.568935038,7,False,a ''' data = { 'AAA': { 0: 0.056674972999999997, 1: 2.6132309819999997, 2: 3.5689350380000002 }, 'BBB': {0: 8, 1: 2, 2: 7} } expected = DataFrame(data) df = self.read_csv(
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @time:2019/5/6 16:42 @author:Tangj @software:Pycharm @Desc """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import gc import time name = ['log_0_1999', 'log_2000_3999', 'log_4000_5999','log_6000_7999', 'log_8000_9999', 'log_10000_19999', 'log_20000_29999', 'log_30000_39999','log_40000_49999', 'log_50000_59999','log_60000_69999','log_70000_79999','log_80000_89999','log_90000_99999', 'log_100000_109999','log_110000_119999','log_120000_129999','log_130000_139999'] def group_split(list_values): new_values = [] for values in list_values: vals = values.split(',') for i in vals: if i not in new_values: new_values.append(i) new_values.sort() if 'all' in new_values: return 'all' str_val = new_values[0] flag = 1 for i in new_values: if flag == 1: str_val = str(i) flag = 0 else: str_val = str_val + ',' + str(i) return str_val def putting_time_process(put_time): bi_val = [0] * 48 for time in put_time: time = int(time) bi_time = bin(time) j = 0 num = len(bi_time) - 1 while num > 1: bi_val[j] += int(bi_time[num]) num -= 1 j += 1 n = 47 flag = 1 times = '0' total = 0 while n >= 0: if bi_val[n] >= 1: val = 1 total += 1 else: val = 0 if flag == 1: flag = 0 times = str(val) else: times = times + str(val) n -= 1 re_times1 = int(times, 2) return re_times1, times, total def disstatus(train, option): print("status processing") distime = [] opstatus = option[option['changeField'] == 1] opstatus.index = opstatus['statime'] opstatus.sort_index() opstatus.index = range(opstatus.shape[0]) values = opstatus['changeValue'] optime = opstatus['statime'].values flag = 1 j = 0 for i in values: if (i == '0') & (flag == 1): distime.append(optime[j]) flag = 0 if (i == '1') & (flag == 0): distime.append(optime[j]) flag = 1 j += 1 j = 0 if len(distime) == 0: return train elif (len(distime) % 2 == 0): for i in range(int(len(distime) / 2)): Train = pd.DataFrame() t1 = distime[j] t2 = distime[j + 1] # print(t1) # print(t2) j += 2 train1 = train[train['statime'] < t1] # print(train1['Reqday'].unique()) Train = pd.concat([Train, train1]) train1 = train[train['statime'] > t2] # print(train1['Reqday'].unique()) Train = pd.concat([Train, train1]) train = Train else: t1 = distime[-1] train = train[train['statime'] < t1] Train = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(int(len(distime) / 2)): Train = pd.DataFrame() t1 = distime[j] t2 = distime[j + 1] j += 2 train1 = train[train['statime'] < t1] Train = pd.concat([Train, train1]) train2 = train[train['statime'] > t2] Train = pd.concat([Train, train2]) train = Train # print(train.shape) del Train gc.collect() return train def initValue(train, operate): print("initing processing") ope = operate[operate['optionType'] == 2] # 初始化bid print("initing bid") inb = ope[ope['changeField'] == 2]['changeValue'] if inb.shape[0] == 0: train.loc[:, 'adBid'] = 88 else: inbid = '-1' for i in inb: inbid = i break train.loc[:, 'adBid'] = int(inbid) # 初始化人群 print("initing peo") train.loc[:, 'age'] = 'all' train.loc[:, 'gender'] = 'all' train.loc[:, 'area'] = 'all' train.loc[:, 'status'] = 'all' train.loc[:, 'education'] = 'all' train.loc[:, 'consuptionAbility'] = 'all' train.loc[:, 'device'] = 'all' train.loc[:, 'work'] = 'all' train.loc[:, 'connectionType'] = 'all' train.loc[:, 'behavior'] = 'all' if ope[ope['changeField'] == 3].shape[0] != 0: inpeo = ope[ope['changeField'] == 3]['changeValue'].values[0] peofea = inpeo.split("|") for fea in peofea: l = fea.split(':') if (len(l) < 2): continue feas = l[1].split(',') feas.sort() if (feas is None): continue flags = 1 feature = '0' for i in feas: if (flags == 1): feature = str(i) flags = 0 continue feature = feature + ',' + str(i) # feature = str(feas) if l[0].lower() == 'age': if (len(feas) < 100): # print(feature) train.loc[:, 'age'] = feature if l[0].lower() == 'gender': # print(feature) train.loc[:, 'gender'] = feature if l[0].lower() == 'area': # print(feature) train.loc[:, 'area'] = feature if l[0].lower() == 'status': # print(feature) train.loc[:, 'status'] = feature if l[0].lower() == 'education': # print(feature) train.loc[:, 'education'] = feature if l[0].lower() == 'consuptionability': # print(feature) train.loc[:, 'consuptionAbility'] = feature if l[0].lower() == 'os': # print(feature) train.loc[:, 'device'] = feature if l[0].lower() == 'work': # print(feature) train.loc[:, 'work'] = feature if l[0].lower() == 'connectiontype': # print(feature) train.loc[:, 'connectionType'] = feature if l[0].lower() == 'behavior': # print(feature) train.loc[:, 'behavior'] = feature # 初始化投放时间 inti = ope[ope['changeField'] == 4]['changeValue'].values[0] putting = inti.split(',') len_inti = ope[ope['changeField'] == 4].shape[0] # print(putting) if (len(putting) != 7) or (len_inti == 0): train.loc['puttingTime'] = '281474976710655' else: train.loc[train['week'] == 0, 'puttingTime'] = putting[0] train.loc[train['week'] == 1, 'puttingTime'] = putting[1] train.loc[train['week'] == 2, 'puttingTime'] = putting[2] train.loc[train['week'] == 3, 'puttingTime'] = putting[3] train.loc[train['week'] == 4, 'puttingTime'] = putting[4] train.loc[train['week'] == 5, 'puttingTime'] = putting[5] train.loc[train['week'] == 6, 'puttingTime'] = putting[6] return train def changeBid(train, operate): print("changebid processing") option = operate[operate['optionType'] == 1] opbid = option[option['changeField'] == 2] if opbid.shape[0] == 0: return train opbid.index = opbid['statime'] opbid.sort_index() opbid.index = range(opbid.shape[0]) values = opbid['changeValue'] optime = opbid['statime'].values j = 0 for ti in optime: Train = pd.DataFrame() train1 = train[train['statime'] <= ti] # print(ti) # print(train1['Reqday'].unique()) Train = pd.concat([Train, train1]) train2 = train[train['statime'] > ti] # print(train2['Reqday'].unique()) train2.loc[:, 'adBid'] = int(values[j]) # print(train2.shape) Train =
pd.concat([Train, train2])
import pandas as pd import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog from tkinter import messagebox import os import joblib import json, codecs import numpy as np from sklearn.cross_decomposition import PLSRegression from datetime import date import Classes.Configurations as cfg from Classes import Configurations def import_excel_data(): try: root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() messagebox.showinfo("Import data (Excel file)", "Choose your matrix of inputs.") file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename() file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) labels = pd.read_excel(file_path, 0) label_df = pd.DataFrame(labels) xdata = pd.read_excel(file_path, 1) x_df = pd.DataFrame(xdata) ydata = pd.read_excel(file_path, 2) y_df = pd.DataFrame(ydata) return label_df, x_df, y_df, file_name except: print("An exception occurred while importing excel file.") def import_excel_data_single(): try: root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() messagebox.showinfo("Import data (Excel file)", "Choose your matrix of inputs.") file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename() file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) data = pd.read_excel(file_path, 0) data_df = pd.DataFrame(data) return data_df except: print("An exception occurred while importing excel file.") def import_excel_data_epo(): try: root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() messagebox.showinfo("Import data (Excel file)", "Choose your matrix of inputs.") file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename() file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) labels = pd.read_excel(file_path, 0) label_df = pd.DataFrame(labels) xdatau = pd.read_excel(file_path, 1) x_df_u = pd.DataFrame(xdatau) xdatas = pd.read_excel(file_path, 2) x_df_s = pd.DataFrame(xdatas) ydata = pd.read_excel(file_path, 3) y = pd.DataFrame(ydata) return label_df, x_df_u, x_df_s, y, file_name except: print("An exception occurred while importing excel file.") def data_to_excel(file_name, all_df, outliers_df): path = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop") + '/foodscienceml' + '/' + file_name.replace('.xlsx', '').replace('.xls', '') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(path + '\Mahalanobis_report.xlsx') all_data = pd.DataFrame(all_df) all_data.to_excel(writer, 'Selected data') stats_all = pd.DataFrame(all_data.describe()) stats_all.to_excel(writer, 'Stats selected data') outliers_data = pd.DataFrame(outliers_df) outliers_data.to_excel(writer, 'Outliers data') stats_outliers = pd.DataFrame(outliers_data.describe()) stats_outliers.to_excel(writer, 'Stats Outliers data') def sigma_data_to_excel(file_name, all_df): path = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop") + '/foodscienceml' + '/' + file_name.replace('.xlsx', '').replace('.xls', '') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(path + '\Sigma_report.xlsx') all_data = pd.DataFrame(all_df) all_data.to_excel(writer, 'Selected data') stats_all = pd.DataFrame(all_data.describe()) stats_all.to_excel(writer, 'Stats selected data') def summary_data_to_excel(df, file_name): path = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop") + '/foodscienceml' + '/' + file_name.replace('.xlsx', '').replace('.xls', '') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(path + '\PLS_Report.xlsx') all_data = pd.DataFrame(df) all_data.to_excel(writer, 'PLS SUMMARY') def summary_outlier_to_excel(df, file_name): path = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop") + '/foodscienceml' + '/' + file_name.replace('.xlsx', '').replace('.xls', '') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(path + '\Outliers_Report.xlsx') all_data = pd.DataFrame(df) all_data.to_excel(writer, 'OUTLIERS SUMMARY') def data_describe_to_excel(df, df_outliers, file_name): path = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop") + '/foodscienceml' + '/' + file_name.replace('.xlsx', '').replace('.xls', '') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(path + '\PCA_stats_report.xlsx') df_describe = pd.DataFrame(df.describe()) df_describe.to_excel(writer, 'Descriptive statistics inliers') df_describe_out = pd.DataFrame(df_outliers.describe()) df_describe_out.to_excel(writer, 'Descriptive statistics outliers') def save_model_to_pkl(model, model_name, file_name): path = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop") + '/foodscienceml' + '/' + file_name.replace('.xlsx', '').replace('.xls', '') + '/PKL' if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) file_name_pls_final = os.path.join(path, str(model_name) + '.pkl') joblib.dump(model, file_name_pls_final, protocol=2) def save_model_to_json(model, model_name, file_name, df_model_resume, df_y_resume): path = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop") + '/foodscienceml' + '/' + file_name.replace('.xlsx', '').replace('.xls', '') + '/JSON' if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) file_name_jsonfy = os.path.join(path, str(model_name) + '.json') coef = np.array(model.coef_).tolist() x_mean = np.array(model.x_mean_).tolist() x_std = np.array(model.x_std_).tolist() y_mean = np.array(model.y_mean_).tolist()[0] coef_list = [] for value in coef: coef_list.append(value[0]) train_resume = [] df_y_resume =
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import os import pandas as pd HTML_FOLDER = 'yeet/' file_names = os.listdir(HTML_FOLDER) final_list = [] # TODO: find some other solution other than a global variable def extract_data(soup): ''' Function that takes in a single HTML file and returns a DataFrame with the required data :param soup: ''' global final_list for company in soup.div.children: if company['class'] != ['ad_campaign_search']: # A div in the list is not a company. Something related to ads. # We'll skip that div company_name = company.contents[0].div.string as_code = company.contents[0]['href'][1:] as_site = "" + as_code # company_site = company.contents[1].div.contents[1].a['href'] company_employees = company.contents[2].div.div.contents[1].lstrip() company_location = company.contents[3].string company_id = company.contents[3]['data-id'] company_row = [company_id, company_name, company_employees, company_location, as_site, as_code] # single row of data final_list.append(company_row) # at the end of the loop, we'll have all agencies info from a single HTML page # final_list = pd.DataFrame() for file in file_names: with open(HTML_FOLDER + file) as fp: soup = BeautifulSoup(fp, "lxml") print("Parsing " + file) extract_data(soup) headings = ['id', 'name', 'employee strength', 'location', 'agency spotter website', 'agency spotter code'] df =
pd.DataFrame(final_list, columns=headings)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Sep 1 15:26:36 2020 @author: <NAME> """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np data_ME = pd.read_csv("Portfolios_Formed_on_ME_monthly_EW.csv", index_col = 0) def returns_anual(data_col): returns = data_col / 100 n_months = returns.shape[0] returns_annualized = (returns + 1).prod()**(12/n_months) return returns_annualized lo_20 = returns_anual(data_ME['Lo 20']) hi_20 = returns_anual(data_ME['Hi 20']) def vol_anual(data_col, n =12): returns = data_col / 100 vol_annualized = returns.std()*np.sqrt(n) return vol_annualized vol_lo_20 = vol_anual(data_ME['Lo 20']) vol_hi_20 = vol_anual(data_ME['Hi 20']) data_ME.index = pd.to_datetime(data_ME.index, format="%Y%m") data_ME.index = data_ME.index.to_period("M") lo_20_date = returns_anual(data_ME['1999':'2015']['Lo 20']) hi_20_date = returns_anual(data_ME['1999':'2015']['Hi 20']) vol_lo_20_date = vol_anual(data_ME['1999':'2015']['Lo 20']) vol_hi_20_date = vol_anual(data_ME['1999':'2015']['Hi 20']) def drawdown(data_col): rets = data_col / 100 wealth_index = 1000*(1 + rets).cumprod() previous_peak = wealth_index.cummax() drawdown = (wealth_index - previous_peak) / previous_peak return drawdown drawdown_lo20 = drawdown(data_ME['Lo 20']) max_drawdown = drawdown_lo20['1999':'2015'].min() time_md = drawdown_lo20['1999':'2015'].idxmin() print(time_md) month_max_drawdown = drawdown(data_ME['1999':'2015']['Lo 20']).idxmin() drawdown_hi20 = drawdown(data_ME['Hi 20']) max_drawdown_hi = drawdown_hi20['1999':'2015'].min() time_md_hi = drawdown_hi20['1999':'2015'].idxmin() print(time_md_hi) month_max_drawdown = drawdown(data_ME['1999':'2015']['Lo 20']).idxmin() edhec_data = pd.read_csv("edhec-hedgefundindices.csv", index_col = 0) hfi = edhec_data hfi.index = pd.to_datetime(hfi.index, format="%d/%m/%Y") hfi.index = hfi.index.to_period('M') def semideviation(data): is_negative = data < 0 return data[is_negative].std(ddof = 0) semi_indexs = semideviation(hfi['2009':'2018']) max_semid_index = semi_indexs.idxmax() min_semid_index = semi_indexs.idxmin() hfi_analysis = hfi['2000':] def skewness(r): """ Alternative to scipy.stats.skew() Computes the skewness of the supplied Series or DataFrame Returns a float or a Series """ demeaned_r = r - r.mean() # use the population standard deviation, so set dof=0 sigma_r = r.std(ddof=0) exp = (demeaned_r**3).mean() return exp/sigma_r**3 def kurtosis(r): """ Alternative to scipy.stats.kurtosis() Computes the kurtosis of the supplied Series or DataFrame Returns a float or a Series """ demeaned_r = r - r.mean() # use the population standard deviation, so set dof=0 sigma_r = r.std(ddof=0) exp = (demeaned_r**4).mean() return exp/sigma_r**4 from scipy.stats import norm def var_gaussian(r, level=5, modified=False): """ Returns the Parametric Gauusian VaR of a Series or DataFrame If "modified" is True, then the modified VaR is returned, using the Cornish-Fisher modification """ # compute the Z score assuming it was Gaussian z = norm.ppf(level/100) if modified: # modify the Z score based on observed skewness and kurtosis s = skewness(r) k = kurtosis(r) z = (z + (z**2 - 1)*s/6 + (z**3 -3*z)*(k-3)/24 - (2*z**3 - 5*z)*(s**2)/36 ) return -(r.mean() + z*r.std(ddof=0)) def var_historic(r, level=5): """ Returns the historic Value at Risk at a specified level i.e. returns the number such that "level" percent of the returns fall below that number, and the (100-level) percent are above """ if isinstance(r, pd.DataFrame): return r.aggregate(var_historic, level=level) elif isinstance(r, pd.Series): return -np.percentile(r, level) else: raise TypeError("Expected r to be a Series or DataFrame") var_modified = var_gaussian(hfi_analysis["Distressed Securities"], level = 1, modified = True) historical_var = var_historic(hfi_analysis["Distressed Securities"], level = 1) ind = pd.read_csv("data/ind30_m_vw_rets.csv", header=0, index_col=0)/100 ind.index =
pd.to_datetime(ind.index, format="%Y%m")
# coding=utf-8 # pylint: disable-msg=E1101,W0612 import nose import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import (Index, Series, _np_version_under1p9) from pandas.tseries.index import Timestamp from pandas.types.common import is_integer import pandas.util.testing as tm from .common import TestData class TestSeriesQuantile(TestData, tm.TestCase): def test_quantile(self): from numpy import percentile q = self.ts.quantile(0.1) self.assertEqual(q, percentile(self.ts.valid(), 10)) q = self.ts.quantile(0.9) self.assertEqual(q, percentile(self.ts.valid(), 90)) # object dtype q = Series(self.ts, dtype=object).quantile(0.9) self.assertEqual(q, percentile(self.ts.valid(), 90)) # datetime64[ns] dtype dts = self.ts.index.to_series() q = dts.quantile(.2) self.assertEqual(q, Timestamp('2000-01-10 19:12:00')) # timedelta64[ns] dtype tds = dts.diff() q = tds.quantile(.25) self.assertEqual(q, pd.to_timedelta('24:00:00')) # GH7661 result = Series([np.timedelta64('NaT')]).sum() self.assertTrue(result is pd.NaT) msg = 'percentiles should all be in the interval \\[0, 1\\]' for invalid in [-1, 2, [0.5, -1], [0.5, 2]]: with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): self.ts.quantile(invalid) def test_quantile_multi(self): from numpy import percentile qs = [.1, .9] result = self.ts.quantile(qs) expected = pd.Series([percentile(self.ts.valid(), 10), percentile(self.ts.valid(), 90)], index=qs, tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) dts = self.ts.index.to_series() = 'xxx' result = dts.quantile((.2, .2)) expected = Series([Timestamp('2000-01-10 19:12:00'), Timestamp('2000-01-10 19:12:00')], index=[.2, .2], name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = self.ts.quantile([]) expected = pd.Series([],, index=Index( [], dtype=float)) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_quantile_interpolation(self): # GH #10174 if _np_version_under1p9: raise nose.SkipTest("Numpy version is under 1.9") from numpy import percentile # interpolation = linear (default case) q = self.ts.quantile(0.1, interpolation='linear') self.assertEqual(q, percentile(self.ts.valid(), 10)) q1 = self.ts.quantile(0.1) self.assertEqual(q1, percentile(self.ts.valid(), 10)) # test with and without interpolation keyword self.assertEqual(q, q1) def test_quantile_interpolation_dtype(self): # GH #10174 if _np_version_under1p9: raise nose.SkipTest("Numpy version is under 1.9") from numpy import percentile # interpolation = linear (default case) q = pd.Series([1, 3, 4]).quantile(0.5, interpolation='lower') self.assertEqual(q, percentile(np.array([1, 3, 4]), 50)) self.assertTrue(is_integer(q)) q = pd.Series([1, 3, 4]).quantile(0.5, interpolation='higher') self.assertEqual(q, percentile(np.array([1, 3, 4]), 50)) self.assertTrue(is_integer(q)) def test_quantile_interpolation_np_lt_1p9(self): # GH #10174 if not _np_version_under1p9: raise nose.SkipTest("Numpy version is greater than 1.9") from numpy import percentile # interpolation = linear (default case) q = self.ts.quantile(0.1, interpolation='linear') self.assertEqual(q, percentile(self.ts.valid(), 10)) q1 = self.ts.quantile(0.1) self.assertEqual(q1, percentile(self.ts.valid(), 10)) # interpolation other than linear expErrMsg = "Interpolation methods other than " with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, expErrMsg): self.ts.quantile(0.9, interpolation='nearest') # object dtype with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, expErrMsg): q = Series(self.ts, dtype=object).quantile(0.7, interpolation='higher') def test_quantile_nan(self): # GH 13098 s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, np.nan]) result = s.quantile(0.5) expected = 2.5 self.assertEqual(result, expected) # all nan/empty cases = [Series([]), Series([np.nan, np.nan])] for s in cases: res = s.quantile(0.5) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(res)) res = s.quantile([0.5]) tm.assert_series_equal(res, pd.Series([np.nan], index=[0.5])) res = s.quantile([0.2, 0.3]) tm.assert_series_equal(res, pd.Series([np.nan, np.nan], index=[0.2, 0.3])) def test_quantile_box(self): cases = [[pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-03')], [pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz='US/Eastern'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02', tz='US/Eastern'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-03', tz='US/Eastern')], [pd.Timedelta('1 days'), pd.Timedelta('2 days'), pd.Timedelta('3 days')], # NaT [pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-03'), pd.NaT], [pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz='US/Eastern'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02', tz='US/Eastern'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-03', tz='US/Eastern'), pd.NaT], [pd.Timedelta('1 days'), pd.Timedelta('2 days'), pd.Timedelta('3 days'), pd.NaT]] for case in cases: s = pd.Series(case, name='XXX') res = s.quantile(0.5) self.assertEqual(res, case[1]) res = s.quantile([0.5]) exp = pd.Series([case[1]], index=[0.5], name='XXX') tm.assert_series_equal(res, exp) def test_datetime_timedelta_quantiles(self): # covers #9694 self.assertTrue(pd.isnull(Series([], dtype='M8[ns]').quantile(.5))) self.assertTrue(pd.isnull(Series([], dtype='m8[ns]').quantile(.5))) def test_quantile_nat(self): res = Series([pd.NaT, pd.NaT]).quantile(0.5) self.assertTrue(res is pd.NaT) res = Series([pd.NaT, pd.NaT]).quantile([0.5]) tm.assert_series_equal(res, pd.Series([pd.NaT], index=[0.5])) def test_quantile_empty(self): # floats s = Series([], dtype='float64') res = s.quantile(0.5) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(res)) res = s.quantile([0.5]) exp = Series([np.nan], index=[0.5]) tm.assert_series_equal(res, exp) # int s = Series([], dtype='int64') res = s.quantile(0.5) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(res)) res = s.quantile([0.5]) exp =
Series([np.nan], index=[0.5])
from preprocessing.utils_communes import ( build_and_clean_df, label_encoders_generator, encode_df, decode_df, ) import pandas as pd from preprocessing.preprocessing import ( standardize_education_level, standardize_date, standardize_tailmen, standardize_bool_hors_nk, standardize_moughataa_commune_float, ) from config.preprocessing import preprocessing_FSMS_files_with_yields_types from pathlib import Path from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier feature_cols = [ "numquest", "ident", "enqu", "wilaya", "numen", "hors nk", "Tailmen", "Nb_hom", "Nb_fem", "TxDep", "Equiv_ad", "moughataa", "commune", ] def impute_communes(features=feature_cols, aggregated_file=None): if aggregated_file is None: aggregated_file = ( str(Path.home()) + "/last_drive_version_standardized_aggregated_dataset.csv" ) df_aggregated_file =
pd.read_csv(aggregated_file, low_memory=False)
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler from sklearn import metrics from log import logger def split_train_test(x, y, test_size, seed): idx_norm = y == 0 idx_out = y == 1 n_f = x.shape[1] del_list = [] for i in range(n_f): if np.std(x[:, i]) == 0: del_list.append(i) if len(del_list) > 0:"Pre-process: Delete %d features as every instances have the same behaviour: " % len(del_list)) x = np.delete(x, del_list, axis=1) # keep outlier ratio, norm is normal out is outlier if seed == -1: rs = None else: rs = seed x_train_norm, x_test_norm, y_train_norm, y_test_norm = train_test_split(x[idx_norm], y[idx_norm], test_size=test_size, random_state=rs) x_train_out, x_test_out, y_train_out, y_test_out = train_test_split(x[idx_out], y[idx_out], test_size=test_size, random_state=rs) x_train = np.concatenate((x_train_norm, x_train_out)) x_test = np.concatenate((x_test_norm, x_test_out)) y_train = np.concatenate((y_train_norm, y_train_out)) y_test = np.concatenate((y_test_norm, y_test_out)) # Standardize data (per feature Z-normalization, i.e. zero-mean and unit variance) # scaler = StandardScaler().fit(x_train) # x_train = scaler.transform(x_train) # x_test = scaler.transform(x_test) # Scale to range [0,1] minmax_scaler = MinMaxScaler().fit(x_train) x_train = minmax_scaler.transform(x_train) x_test = minmax_scaler.transform(x_test) return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test def semi_setting(x_train, y_train, ratio_known_outliers, seed): outlier_indices = np.where(y_train == 1)[0] n_outliers = len(outlier_indices) if seed == -1: rng = np.random.RandomState(None) else: rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) n_known_outliers = int(round(n_outliers * ratio_known_outliers)) known_idx = rng.choice(outlier_indices, n_known_outliers, replace=False) new_y_train = np.zeros(x_train.shape[0], dtype=int) new_y_train[known_idx] = 1 return new_y_train def get_sorted_index(score, order='descending'): ''' :param score: :return: index of sorted item in descending order e.g. [8,3,4,9] return [3,0,2,1] ''' score_map = [] size = len(score) for i in range(size): score_map.append({'index':i, 'score':score[i]}) if order == "descending": reverse = True elif order == "ascending": reverse = False score_map.sort(key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=reverse) keys = [x['index'] for x in score_map] return keys def get_rank(score): ''' :param score: :return: e.g. input: [0.8, 0.4, 0.6] return [0, 2, 1] ''' sort = np.argsort(score) size = score.shape[0] rank = np.zeros(size) for i in range(size): rank[sort[i]] = size - i - 1 return rank def min_max_norm(array): array = np.array(array) _min_, _max_ = np.min(array), np.max(array) if _min_ == _max_: raise ValueError("Given a array with same max and min value in normalisation") norm_array = np.array([(a - _min_) / (_max_ - _min_) for a in array]) return norm_array def sum_norm(array): array = np.array(array) sum = np.sum(array) norm_array = array / sum return norm_array def get_performance(score, y_true): auc_roc = metrics.roc_auc_score(y_true, score) precision, recall, _ = metrics.precision_recall_curve(y_true, score) auc_pr = metrics.auc(recall, precision) return auc_roc, auc_pr def ensemble_scores(score1, score2): ''' :param score1: :param score2: :return: ensemble score @@ ensemble two score functions we use a non-parameter way to dynamically get the tradeoff between two estimated scores. It is much more important if one score function evaluate a object with high outlier socre, which should be paid more attention on these scoring results. instead of using simple average, median or other statistics ''' objects_num = len(score1) [_max, _min] = [np.max(score1), np.min(score1)] score1 = (score1 - _min) / (_max - _min) [_max, _min] = [np.max(score2), np.min(score2)] score2 = (score2 - _min) / (_max - _min) rank1 = get_rank(score1) rank2 = get_rank(score2) alpha_list = (1. / (2 * (objects_num - 1))) * (rank2 - rank1) + 0.5 combine_score = alpha_list * score1 + (1. - alpha_list) * score2 return combine_score def mat2csv(in_path, out_root_path): from scipy import io import pandas as pd data = io.loadmat(in_path) x = np.array(data['X']) y = np.array(data['y'], dtype=int) n_f = x.shape[1] columns = ["A" + str(i) for i in range(n_f)] columns.append("class") matrix = np.concatenate([x, y], axis=1) df = pd.DataFrame(matrix, columns=columns) name = in_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] df.to_csv(out_root_path + name + ".csv", index=False) return def get_summary(in_path): import pandas as pd name = in_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] df = pd.read_csv(in_path) x = df.values[:, :-1] y = df.values[:, -1] n_x = x.shape[0] n_f = x.shape[1] n_ano = np.sum(y) print("%s, %d, %d, %d" % (name, n_x, n_f, n_ano)) def mnist_od(org_df, out_root_path, a): from numpy.random import RandomState x = org_df.values[:, :-1] y = org_df.values[:, -1] n_f = x.shape[1] if a == 1: # use one class as normal, and sampling anomalies from other classes, imbalance rate=1% for i in range(10): normal_ids = np.where(y == i)[0] n_normal = len(normal_ids) n_anomaly = int(n_normal * 0.01) for j in range(10): candidate_ids = np.where(y != i)[0] anomaly_ids = RandomState(None).choice(candidate_ids, n_anomaly, replace=False) normal_data = x[normal_ids] anomaly_data = x[anomaly_ids] n_all = n_normal + n_anomaly out_y = np.concatenate([np.zeros(n_normal, dtype=int), np.ones(n_anomaly, dtype=int)]).reshape([n_all, 1]) out_x = np.concatenate([normal_data, anomaly_data], axis=0) print(out_x.shape, out_y.shape) matrix = np.concatenate([out_x, out_y], axis=1) columns = ["A" + str(i) for i in range(n_f)] columns.append("class") df = pd.DataFrame(matrix, columns=columns) df.to_csv(out_root_path + "mnist_" + str(i) + "-" + str(j) + ".csv", index=False) elif a == 2: # use one class as anomaly (100), and sampling inliers from other classes, imbalance rate=1% for i in range(10): for j in range(10): n_anomaly = 100 anomaly_ids = RandomState(None).choice(np.where(y == i)[0], n_anomaly, replace=False) n_normal = 50 * n_anomaly normal_ids = RandomState(None).choice(np.where(y != i)[0], n_normal, replace=False) normal_data = x[normal_ids] anomaly_data = x[anomaly_ids] n_all = n_normal + n_anomaly out_y = np.concatenate([np.zeros(n_normal, dtype=int), np.ones(n_anomaly, dtype=int)]).reshape([n_all, 1]) out_x = np.concatenate([normal_data, anomaly_data], axis=0) print(out_x.shape, out_y.shape) matrix = np.concatenate([out_x, out_y], axis=1) columns = ["A" + str(i) for i in range(n_f)] columns.append("class") df =
pd.DataFrame(matrix, columns=columns)
import os os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL']='2' import numpy as np # linear algebra import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg import keras from keras.datasets import mnist from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Dropout,Flatten,Conv2D, MaxPooling2D train_ds = pd.read_csv("./train.csv") test_ds = pd.read_csv("./test.csv") y_train =
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # !/usr/bin/env python """ Date: 2021/11/2 21:08 Desc: 同花顺-数据中心-技术选股 """ import pandas as pd import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from py_mini_racer import py_mini_racer from tqdm import tqdm from akshare.datasets import get_ths_js def _get_file_content_ths(file: str = "ths.js") -> str: """ 获取 JS 文件的内容 :param file: JS 文件名 :type file: str :return: 文件内容 :rtype: str """ setting_file_path = get_ths_js(file) with open(setting_file_path) as f: file_data = return file_data def stock_rank_cxg_ths(symbol: str = "创月新高") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 同花顺-数据中心-技术选股-创新高 :param symbol: choice of {"创月新高", "半年新高", "一年新高", "历史新高"} :type symbol: str :return: 创新高数据 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ symbol_map = { "创月新高": "4", "半年新高": "3", "一年新高": "2", "历史新高": "1", } js_code = py_mini_racer.MiniRacer() js_content = _get_file_content_ths("ths.js") js_code.eval(js_content) v_code ="v") headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.90 Safari/537.36", "Cookie": f"v={v_code}", } url = f"{symbol_map[symbol]}/field/stockcode/order/asc/page/1/ajax/1/free/1/" r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") try: total_page = soup.find("span", attrs={"class": "page_info"}).text.split("/")[1] except AttributeError as e: total_page = 1 big_df = pd.DataFrame() for page in tqdm(range(1, int(total_page) + 1), leave=False): v_code ="v") headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.90 Safari/537.36", "Cookie": f"v={v_code}", } url = f"{symbol_map[symbol]}/field/stockcode/order/asc/page/{page}/ajax/1/free/1/" r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) temp_df = pd.read_html(r.text)[0] big_df = big_df.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True) big_df.columns = ["序号", "股票代码", "股票简称", "涨跌幅", "换手率", "最新价", "前期高点", "前期高点日期"] big_df["股票代码"] = big_df["股票代码"].astype(str).str.zfill(6) big_df["涨跌幅"] = big_df["涨跌幅"].str.strip("%") big_df["换手率"] = big_df["换手率"].str.strip("%") big_df["前期高点日期"] = pd.to_datetime(big_df["前期高点日期"]) big_df["涨跌幅"] = pd.to_numeric(big_df["涨跌幅"]) big_df["换手率"] = pd.to_numeric(big_df["换手率"]) big_df["最新价"] = pd.to_numeric(big_df["最新价"]) big_df["前期高点"] = pd.to_numeric(big_df["前期高点"]) return big_df def stock_rank_cxd_ths(symbol: str = "创月新低") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 同花顺-数据中心-技术选股-创新低 :param symbol: choice of {"创月新低", "半年新低", "一年新低", "历史新低"} :type symbol: str :return: 创新低数据 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ symbol_map = { "创月新低": "4", "半年新低": "3", "一年新低": "2", "历史新低": "1", } js_code = py_mini_racer.MiniRacer() js_content = _get_file_content_ths("ths.js") js_code.eval(js_content) v_code ="v") headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.90 Safari/537.36", "Cookie": f"v={v_code}", } url = f"{symbol_map[symbol]}/field/stockcode/order/asc/page/1/ajax/1/free/1/" r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") try: total_page = soup.find("span", attrs={"class": "page_info"}).text.split("/")[1] except AttributeError as e: total_page = 1 big_df =
# Authors: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # License: BSD 3 clause import pandas as pd import pytest from categorical_encoder import CategoricalEncoder, RareLabelEncoder def test_CategoricalEncoder_count(): df = {'category': ['A'] * 10 + ['B'] * 6 + ['C'] * 4, 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0,]} df = pd.DataFrame(df) transf_df = {'category': [10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,6,6,6,6,6,6,4,4,4,4], 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0]} transf_df = pd.DataFrame(transf_df) encoder = CategoricalEncoder(encoding_method='count'), variables = ['category']) X = encoder.transform(df) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X, transf_df) assert encoder.variables_ == ['category'] assert encoder.encoder_dict_ == {'category': {'A':10, 'B':6, 'C':4}} assert encoder.input_shape_ == (20,2) def test_CategoricalEncoder_frequency(): df = {'category': ['A'] * 10 + ['B'] * 6 + ['C'] * 4, 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0,]} df = pd.DataFrame(df) transf_df = {'category': [0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.3,0.3, 0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2], 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0]} transf_df = pd.DataFrame(transf_df) encoder = CategoricalEncoder(encoding_method='frequency'), variables = ['category']) X = encoder.transform(df) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X, transf_df) assert encoder.variables_ == ['category'] assert encoder.encoder_dict_ == {'category': {'A':0.5, 'B':0.3, 'C':0.2}} assert encoder.input_shape_ == (20,2) def test_CategoricalEncoder_ordinal(): df = {'category': ['A'] * 10 + ['B'] * 6 + ['C'] * 4, 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0,]} df = pd.DataFrame(df) transf_df = {'category': [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2], 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0]} transf_df = pd.DataFrame(transf_df) encoder = CategoricalEncoder(encoding_method='ordinal')['category'].to_frame(), df['target'] ) X = encoder.transform(df['category'].to_frame()) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X, transf_df['category'].to_frame()) assert encoder.variables_ == ['category'] assert encoder.encoder_dict_ == {'category': {'A':0, 'B':1, 'C':2}} assert encoder.input_shape_ == (20,1) def test_CategoricalEncoder_mean(): df = {'category': ['A'] * 10 + ['B'] * 6 + ['C'] * 4, 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0,]} df = pd.DataFrame(df) transf_df = {'category': [0.200000,0.200000,0.200000,0.200000,0.200000, 0.200000,0.200000,0.200000,0.200000,0.200000, 0.333333,0.333333,0.333333,0.333333,0.333333, 0.333333,0.500000,0.500000,0.500000,0.500000], 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0]} transf_df = pd.DataFrame(transf_df) encoder = CategoricalEncoder(encoding_method='mean')['category'].to_frame(), df['target'] ) X = encoder.transform(df['category'].to_frame()) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X, transf_df['category'].to_frame()) assert encoder.variables_ == ['category'] assert encoder.encoder_dict_ == {'category': {'A':0.20000000000000001, 'B':0.33333333333333331, 'C':0.5}} assert encoder.input_shape_ == (20,1) def test_CategoricalEncoder_ratio(): df = {'category': ['A'] * 10 + ['B'] * 6 + ['C'] * 4, 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0,]} df = pd.DataFrame(df) transf_df = {'category': [0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25, 0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25, 0.50,0.50,0.50,0.50,0.50, 0.50,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00], 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0]} transf_df = pd.DataFrame(transf_df) encoder = CategoricalEncoder(encoding_method='ratio')['category'].to_frame(), df['target'] ) X = encoder.transform(df['category'].to_frame()) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X, transf_df['category'].to_frame()) assert encoder.variables_ == ['category'] assert encoder.encoder_dict_ == {'category': {'A':0.25, 'B':0.49999999999999994, 'C':1.0}} assert encoder.input_shape_ == (20,1) # when one of the probabilities is zero df = {'category': ['A'] * 10 + ['B'] * 6 + ['C'] * 4, 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1,]} df = pd.DataFrame(df) transf_df = {'category': [0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25, 0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25, 0.50,0.50,0.50,0.50,0.50, 0.50,10000.00,10000.00,10000.00,10000.00], 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0]} transf_df = pd.DataFrame(transf_df) encoder = CategoricalEncoder(encoding_method='ratio')['category'].to_frame(), df['target'] ) X = encoder.transform(df['category'].to_frame()) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X, transf_df['category'].to_frame()) def test_CategoricalEncoder_woe(): df = {'category': ['A'] * 10 + ['B'] * 6 + ['C'] * 4, 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0, 1,1,0,0,]} df = pd.DataFrame(df) transf_df = {'category': [-1.386294,-1.386294,-1.386294,-1.386294,-1.386294, -1.386294,-1.386294,-1.386294,-1.386294,-1.386294, 0.693147,0.693147,0.693147,0.693147,0.693147, 0.693147,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0]} transf_df = pd.DataFrame(transf_df) encoder = CategoricalEncoder(encoding_method='woe')['category'].to_frame(), df['target'] ) X = encoder.transform(df['category'].to_frame()) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(X, transf_df['category'].to_frame()) assert encoder.variables_ == ['category'] assert encoder.encoder_dict_ == {'category': {'A':-1.3862943611198906, 'B':0.69314718055994518, 'C':0.0}} assert encoder.input_shape_ == (20,1) # prob(1)==1 df = {'category': ['A'] * 10 + ['B'] * 6 + ['C'] * 4, 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0, 1,1,1,1,]} df = pd.DataFrame(df) transf_df = {'category': [-1.386294,-1.386294,-1.386294,-1.386294,-1.386294, -1.386294,-1.386294,-1.386294,-1.386294,-1.386294, 0.693147,0.693147,0.693147,0.693147,0.693147, 0.693147,9.210340,9.210340,9.210340,9.210340], 'target' : [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0]} transf_df =
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # /usr/bin/env python """ Date: 2021/7/12 15:47 Desc: 东方财富-沪深板块-概念板块 """ import requests import pandas as pd def stock_board_concept_name_em() -> pd.DataFrame: """ 东方财富-沪深板块-概念板块-名称 :return: 概念板块-名称 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ url = "" params = { "pn": "1", "pz": "2000", "po": "1", "np": "1", "ut": "bd1d9ddb04089700cf9c27f6f7426281", "fltt": "2", "invt": "2", "fid": "f3", "fs": "m:90 t:3 f:!50", "fields": "f2,f3,f4,f8,f12,f14,f15,f16,f17,f18,f20,f21,f24,f25,f22,f33,f11,f62,f128,f124,f107,f104,f105,f136", "_": "1626075887768", } r = requests.get(url, params=params) data_json = r.json() temp_df = pd.DataFrame(data_json["data"]["diff"]) temp_df.reset_index(inplace=True) temp_df["index"] = range(1, len(temp_df) + 1) temp_df.columns = [ "排名", "最新价", "涨跌幅", "涨跌额", "换手率", "_", "板块代码", "板块名称", "_", "_", "_", "_", "总市值", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "上涨家数", "下跌家数", "_", "_", "领涨股票", "_", "_", "领涨股票-涨跌幅", ] temp_df = temp_df[ [ "排名", "板块名称", "板块代码", "最新价", "涨跌额", "涨跌幅", "总市值", "换手率", "上涨家数", "下跌家数", "领涨股票", "领涨股票-涨跌幅", ] ] temp_df["最新价"] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df["最新价"]) temp_df["涨跌额"] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df["涨跌额"]) temp_df["涨跌幅"] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df["涨跌幅"]) temp_df["总市值"] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df["总市值"]) temp_df["换手率"] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df["换手率"]) temp_df["上涨家数"] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df["上涨家数"]) temp_df["下跌家数"] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df["下跌家数"]) temp_df["领涨股票-涨跌幅"] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df["领涨股票-涨跌幅"]) return temp_df def stock_board_concept_hist_em(symbol: str = "数字货币", adjust: str = "") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 东方财富-沪深板块-概念板块-历史行情 :param symbol: 板块名称 :type symbol: str :param adjust: choice of {'': 不复权, "qfq": 前复权, "hfq": 后复权} :type adjust: str :return: 历史行情 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ stock_board_concept_em_map = stock_board_concept_name_em() stock_board_code = stock_board_concept_em_map[ stock_board_concept_em_map["板块名称"] == symbol ]["板块代码"].values[0] adjust_map = {"": "0", "qfq": "1", "hfq": "2"} url = "" params = { "secid": f"90.{stock_board_code}", "ut": "fa5fd1943c7b386f172d6893dbfba10b", "fields1": "f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6", "fields2": "f51,f52,f53,f54,f55,f56,f57,f58,f59,f60,f61", "klt": "101", "fqt": adjust_map[adjust], "beg": "0", "end": "20500101", "smplmt": "10000", "lmt": "1000000", "_": "1626079488673", } r = requests.get(url, params=params) data_json = r.json() temp_df = pd.DataFrame([item.split(",") for item in data_json["data"]["klines"]]) temp_df.columns = [ "日期", "开盘", "收盘", "最高", "最低", "成交量", "成交额", "振幅", "涨跌幅", "涨跌额", "换手率", ] temp_df = temp_df[ [ "日期", "开盘", "收盘", "最高", "最低", "涨跌幅", "涨跌额", "成交量", "成交额", "振幅", "换手率", ] ] temp_df["开盘"] = pd.t
import os import pickle import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Union import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from Bio import pairwise2 from scipy import interp from scipy.stats import linregress from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc, precision_recall_curve import thoipapy import thoipapy.validation.bocurve from thoipapy.utils import make_sure_path_exists def collect_indiv_validation_data(s, df_set, logging, namedict, predictors, THOIPA_predictor_name, subsets): """ Parameters ---------- s df_set logging namedict predictors THOIPA_predictor_name Returns ------- """"start collect_indiv_validation_data THOIPA_PREDDIMER_TMDOCK") ROC_AUC_df = pd.DataFrame() PR_AUC_df = pd.DataFrame() mean_o_minus_r_by_sample_df = pd.DataFrame() AUBOC_from_complete_data_ser = pd.Series() AUC_AUBOC_name_list = [] linechar_name_list = [] AUBOC_list = [] df_o_minus_r_mean_df = pd.DataFrame() roc_auc_mean_list = [] roc_auc_std_list = [] # indiv_validation_dir: Path = Path(s["data_dir"]) / f"results/{s['setname']}/crossvalidation/indiv_validation" indiv_validation_data_xlsx = Path(s["data_dir"]) / f"results/{s['setname']}/crossvalidation/indiv_validation/bocurve/indiv_validation_data.xlsx" thoipapy.utils.make_sure_path_exists(indiv_validation_data_xlsx, isfile=True) # if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(BOAUC10_barchart_pdf)): # os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(BOAUC10_barchart_pdf)) for predictor in predictors: BO_data_df = pd.DataFrame() xv_dict = {} ROC_AUC_dict = {} PR_AUC_dict = {} mean_tpr = 0.0 mean_fpr = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) auc_pkl = Path(s["data_dir"]) / f"results/{s['setname']}/crossvalidation/indiv_validation/roc_auc/{predictor}/ROC_AUC_data.pkl" BO_curve_data_csv = Path(s["data_dir"]) / f"results/{s['setname']}/crossvalidation/indiv_validation/bocurve/data/{predictor}/BO_Curve_data.csv" bocurve_data_xlsx = Path(s["data_dir"]) / f"results/{s['setname']}/crossvalidation/indiv_validation/bocurve/data/{predictor}/bocurve_data.xlsx" BO_linechart_png = Path(s["data_dir"]) / f"results/{s['setname']}/crossvalidation/indiv_validation/bocurve/data/{predictor}/BO_linechart.png" BO_barchart_png = Path(s["data_dir"]) / f"results/{s['setname']}/crossvalidation/indiv_validation/bocurve/data/{predictor}/AUBOC_barchart.png" df_o_minus_r_mean_csv = Path(s["data_dir"]) / f"results/{s['setname']}/crossvalidation/indiv_validation/bocurve/data/{predictor}/df_o_minus_r_mean.csv" thoipapy.utils.make_sure_path_exists(auc_pkl, isfile=True) thoipapy.utils.make_sure_path_exists(BO_curve_data_csv, isfile=True) for i in df_set.index: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() acc = df_set.loc[i, "acc"] database = df_set.loc[i, "database"] acc_db = acc + "-" + database merged_data_csv_path: Union[Path, str] = Path(s["data_dir"]) / f"results/{s['setname']}/predictions/merged/{database}.{acc}.merged.csv" merged_data_df = pd.read_csv(merged_data_csv_path, engine="python") # invert some predictors so that a high number always indicates a predicted interface residue merged_data_df["LIPS_L*E"] = -1 * merged_data_df["LIPS_L*E"] merged_data_df["PREDDIMER"] = -1 * merged_data_df["PREDDIMER"] merged_data_df["TMDOCK"] = -1 * merged_data_df["TMDOCK"] if database == "crystal" or database == "NMR": # invert the interface score of structural data so that a high number indicates an interface residue merged_data_df["interface_score"] = -1 * merged_data_df["interface_score"] # toggle whether to use boolean (interface) or continuous data (interface_score). Here we want continuous data experiment_col = "interface_score" BO_single_prot_df = thoipapy.validation.bocurve.calc_best_overlap_from_selected_column_in_df(acc_db, merged_data_df, experiment_col, predictor) if BO_data_df.empty: BO_data_df = BO_single_prot_df else: BO_data_df = pd.concat([BO_data_df, BO_single_prot_df], axis=1, join="outer") df_for_roc = merged_data_df.dropna(subset=[experiment_col, predictor]) fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(df_for_roc.interface, df_for_roc[predictor], drop_intermediate=False) precision, recall, thresholds_PRC = precision_recall_curve(df_for_roc.interface, df_for_roc[predictor]) pr_auc = auc(recall, precision) PR_AUC_dict[acc_db] = pr_auc roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr) ROC_AUC_dict[acc_db] = roc_auc mean_tpr += interp(mean_fpr, fpr, tpr) mean_tpr[0] = 0.0 xv_dict[acc_db] = {"fpr": fpr, "tpr": tpr, "roc_auc": roc_auc, "precision": precision, "recall": recall, "pr_auc": pr_auc} # save dict as pickle with open(auc_pkl, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(xv_dict, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) BO_data_df.to_csv(BO_curve_data_csv) # parse BO data csv # print out mean values thoipapy.validation.bocurve.parse_BO_data_csv_to_excel(BO_curve_data_csv, bocurve_data_xlsx, s["n_residues_AUBOC_validation"], logging, predictor) # ROC AUC validation ROC_AUC_ser = pd.Series(ROC_AUC_dict) ROC_AUC_ser.sort_values(inplace=True, ascending=False) roc_auc_mean_list.append(ROC_AUC_ser.mean()) roc_auc_std_list.append(ROC_AUC_ser.std()) # precision-recall AUC validation PR_AUC_ser =
import pandas as pd from glob import glob from collections import defaultdict import csv import time import subprocess import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('start_well_index', help='key to identify which wells to do') args = parser.parse_args() start_well_index = int(args.start_well_index) sam_cols = ['QNAME', 'FLAG', 'RNAME', 'POS', 'MAPQ', 'CIGAR', 'RNEXT', 'PNEXT', 'TLEN', 'SEQ', 'QUAL'] + ['EXTRA'+str(i) for i in range(7)] # this is lenient, not all of these reads will actually be used, but that's ok, just showing everything close is fine def is_evidence(row, cmp): left = int(row['POS']) right = left+150 mut_matches = [] for pos in cmp[row['RNAME']]: if pos > left and pos < right: mut_matches.append(row['RNAME']+str(pos)) return ';'.join(mut_matches) def alignment(r): # uses the cigar to format the sequence to show in an alignment # adds - for deletions, puts insertions in parentheses (will be shown only by a red line that shows the insertion on hover) seq, cigar = r['SEQ'], r['CIGAR'] new_seq = '' current_nums = '' current_spot = 0 for character in cigar: if character in ['M', 'D', 'I', 'S', 'H', '=', 'X']: if character in ['H', '=', 'X']: return new_seq elif character == 'M': new_seq += seq[current_spot:current_spot+int(current_nums)] current_spot += int(current_nums) elif character == 'D': new_seq += '-'*int(current_nums) else: new_seq += '(' + seq[current_spot:current_spot+int(current_nums)] + ')' current_spot += int(current_nums) current_nums = '' else: current_nums += character return new_seq wells = ['P1B02', 'P1B03', 'P1B04', 'P1B07', 'P1B11', 'P1C02', 'P1C04', 'P1C05', 'P1C06', 'P1C07', 'P1C08', 'P1C09', 'P1C11', 'P1D03', 'P1D09', 'P1E04', 'P1E09', 'P1E11', 'P1F05', 'P1F07', 'P1F08', 'P1F10', 'P1F11', 'P1G04', 'P1G05', 'P1G08', 'P1G09', 'P1G10', 'P1G11', 'P1H11', 'P2B04', 'P2B05', 'P2B07', 'P2B08', 'P2B09', 'P2B10', 'P2B11', 'P2C02', 'P2C04', 'P2C05', 'P2C06', 'P2C10', 'P2C11', 'P2D03', 'P2D06', 'P2D08', 'P2D11', 'P2E06', 'P2E08', 'P2E11', 'P2F02', 'P2F07', 'P2F09', 'P2F11', 'P2G04', 'P2G05', 'P2G08', 'P2G09', 'P2G10', 'P2G11', 'P3B07', 'P3B08', 'P3B10', 'P3B11', 'P3C03', 'P3C04', 'P3C05', 'P3C07', 'P3C10', 'P3C11', 'P3D02', 'P3D03', 'P3D05', 'P3D09', 'P3D10', 'P3D11', 'P3E02', 'P3E08', 'P3E11', 'P3F03', 'P3F05', 'P3F07', 'P3F09', 'P3F11', 'P3G02', 'P3G05', 'P3G06', 'P3G09', 'P3G10', 'P3G11'] gens = [70, 1410, 2640, 5150, 7530, 10150] chromo_mut_positions = defaultdict(list) chromos = ['chrI', 'chrII', 'chrIII', 'chrIV', 'chrIX', 'chrMito', 'chrV', 'chrVI', 'chrVII', 'chrVIII', 'chrX', 'chrXI', 'chrXII', 'chrXIII', 'chrXIV', 'chrXV', 'chrXVI', '2-micron'] #done_wells = [i.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] for i in glob('../../Output/Browser/evidence_sams/*.tsv')] for well in wells[start_well_index*10:start_well_index*10+10]: f = '../../Output/WGS/combined_option/well_output/' + well + '_filtered.tsv' otime = time.time() #if well not in done_wells: print(well) td = pd.read_csv(f, delimiter='\t') td['pos2'] = td['POS'] bedfile = '../../Output/Browser/evidence_sams/tmp'+well+'_mut_regions.bed' td[['CHROM', 'POS', 'pos2']].to_csv(bedfile, sep='\t', index=False, header=False) for entry in td.as_matrix(['CHROM', 'POS']): chromo_mut_positions[entry[0]].append(entry[1]) dats = [] for gen in gens: try: outsam = '../../Output/Browser/evidence_sams/tmp/G'+str(gen)+'_'+well+'.tsv'['samtools view ../../Output/WGS/work/G' + str(gen) + '_' + well + '.sam' + ' -L ' + bedfile + ' -o ' + outsam], shell=True) td = pd.read_csv(outsam, delimiter='\t', header=None, names=sam_cols, index_col=False) if gen in [70, 2640, 7530]: outsam2 = '../../Output/Browser/evidence_sams/tmp/G'+str(gen)+'_'+well+'_2.tsv'['samtools view ../../Output/WGS/lane_w_R2_issues_work/G' + str(gen) + '_' + well + '.sam' + ' -L ' + bedfile + ' -o ' + outsam2], shell=True) td = pd.concat([td, pd.read_csv(outsam2, delimiter='\t', header=None, names=sam_cols, index_col=False)]) td['Gen'] = [gen]*len(td) td['Evidence_for'] = td.apply(lambda r: is_evidence(r, chromo_mut_positions), axis=1) td['Aligned'] = td.apply(lambda r: alignment(r), axis=1) dats.append(td[['RNAME', 'POS', 'Gen', 'Aligned']]) except FileNotFoundError: print('File missing for', str(gen), well) full_dat =
import os import pandas as pd import pytest from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal from .. import read_sql @pytest.fixture(scope="module") # type: ignore def mssql_url() -> str: conn = os.environ["MSSQL_URL"] return conn @pytest.mark.xfail def test_on_non_select(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "CREATE TABLE non_select(id INTEGER NOT NULL)" df = read_sql(mssql_url, query) def test_aggregation(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = ( "SELECT test_bool, SUM(test_float) as sum FROM test_table GROUP BY test_bool" ) df = read_sql(mssql_url, query) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(3), data={ "test_bool": pd.Series([None, False, True], dtype="boolean"), "sum": pd.Series([10.9, 5.2, -10.0], dtype="float64"), }, ) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_partition_on_aggregation(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = ( "SELECT test_bool, SUM(test_int) AS test_int FROM test_table GROUP BY test_bool" ) df = read_sql(mssql_url, query, partition_on="test_int", partition_num=2) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(3), data={ "test_bool": pd.Series([None, False, True], dtype="boolean"), "test_int": pd.Series([4, 5, 1315], dtype="Int64"), }, ) df.sort_values(by="test_int", inplace=True, ignore_index=True) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_aggregation2(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "select DISTINCT(test_bool) from test_table" df = read_sql(mssql_url, query) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(3), data={ "test_bool": pd.Series([None, False, True], dtype="boolean"), }, ) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_partition_on_aggregation2(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "select MAX(test_int) as max, MIN(test_int) as min from test_table" df = read_sql(mssql_url, query, partition_on="max", partition_num=2) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(1), data={ "max": pd.Series([1314], dtype="Int64"), "min": pd.Series([0], dtype="Int64"), }, ) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_udf(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = ( "SELECT dbo.increment(test_int) AS test_int FROM test_table ORDER BY test_int" ) df = read_sql(mssql_url, query, partition_on="test_int", partition_num=2) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(6), data={ "test_int": pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1315], dtype="Int64"), }, ) df.sort_values(by="test_int", inplace=True, ignore_index=True) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_manual_partition(mssql_url: str) -> None: queries = [ "SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE test_int < 2", "SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE test_int >= 2", ] df = read_sql(mssql_url, query=queries) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(6), data={ "test_int": pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1314], dtype="int64"), "test_nullint": pd.Series([5, 3, None, 7, 9, 2], dtype="Int64"), "test_str": pd.Series( ["a", "str1", "str2", "b", "c", None], dtype="object" ), "test_float": pd.Series([3.1, None, 2.2, 3, 7.8, -10], dtype="float64"), "test_bool": pd.Series( [None, True, False, False, None, True], dtype="boolean" ), }, ) df.sort_values(by="test_int", inplace=True, ignore_index=True) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_mssql_without_partition(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "SELECT * FROM test_table" df = read_sql(mssql_url, query) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(6), data={ "test_int": pd.Series([1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 1314], dtype="int64"), "test_nullint": pd.Series([3, None, 5, 7, 9, 2], dtype="Int64"), "test_str": pd.Series( ["str1", "str2", "a", "b", "c", None], dtype="object" ), "test_float": pd.Series([None, 2.2, 3.1, 3, 7.8, -10], dtype="float64"), "test_bool": pd.Series( [True, False, None, False, None, True], dtype="boolean" ), }, ) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_mssql_limit_without_partition(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "SELECT top 3 * FROM test_table" df = read_sql(mssql_url, query) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(3), data={ "test_int": pd.Series([1, 2, 0], dtype="int64"), "test_nullint": pd.Series([3, None, 5], dtype="Int64"), "test_str": pd.Series(["str1", "str2", "a"], dtype="object"), "test_float": pd.Series([None, 2.2, 3.1], dtype="float64"), "test_bool": pd.Series([True, False, None], dtype="boolean"), }, ) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_mssql_limit_large_without_partition(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "SELECT top 10 * FROM test_table" df = read_sql(mssql_url, query) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(6), data={ "test_int": pd.Series([1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 1314], dtype="int64"), "test_nullint": pd.Series([3, None, 5, 7, 9, 2], dtype="Int64"), "test_str": pd.Series( ["str1", "str2", "a", "b", "c", None], dtype="object" ), "test_float": pd.Series([None, 2.2, 3.1, 3, 7.8, -10], dtype="float64"), "test_bool": pd.Series( [True, False, None, False, None, True], dtype="boolean" ), }, ) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_mssql_with_partition(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "SELECT * FROM test_table" df = read_sql( mssql_url, query, partition_on="test_int", partition_range=(0, 2000), partition_num=3, ) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(6), data={ "test_int": pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1314], dtype="int64"), "test_nullint": pd.Series([5, 3, None, 7, 9, 2], dtype="Int64"), "test_str": pd.Series( ["a", "str1", "str2", "b", "c", None], dtype="object" ), "test_float": pd.Series([3.1, None, 2.2, 3, 7.8, -10], dtype="float64"), "test_bool": pd.Series( [None, True, False, False, None, True], dtype="boolean" ), }, ) df.sort_values(by="test_int", inplace=True, ignore_index=True) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_mssql_limit_with_partition(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "SELECT top 3 * FROM test_table" df = read_sql( mssql_url, query, partition_on="test_int", partition_range=(0, 2000), partition_num=3, ) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(3), data={ "test_int": pd.Series([0, 1, 2], dtype="int64"), "test_nullint": pd.Series([5, 3, None], dtype="Int64"), "test_str": pd.Series(["a", "str1", "str2"], dtype="object"), "test_float": pd.Series([3.1, None, 2.20], dtype="float64"), "test_bool": pd.Series([None, True, False], dtype="boolean"), }, ) df.sort_values(by="test_int", inplace=True, ignore_index=True) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_mssql_limit_large_with_partition(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "SELECT top 10 * FROM test_table" df = read_sql( mssql_url, query, partition_on="test_int", partition_range=(0, 2000), partition_num=3, ) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(6), data={ "test_int": pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1314], dtype="int64"), "test_nullint": pd.Series([5, 3, None, 7, 9, 2], dtype="Int64"), "test_str": pd.Series( ["a", "str1", "str2", "b", "c", None], dtype="object" ), "test_float": pd.Series([3.1, None, 2.2, 3, 7.8, -10], dtype="float64"), "test_bool": pd.Series( [None, True, False, False, None, True], dtype="boolean" ), }, ) df.sort_values(by="test_int", inplace=True, ignore_index=True) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_mssql_with_partition_without_partition_range(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "SELECT * FROM test_table where test_float > 3" df = read_sql( mssql_url, query, partition_on="test_int", partition_num=3, ) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(2), data={ "test_int": pd.Series([0, 4], dtype="int64"), "test_nullint": pd.Series([5, 9], dtype="Int64"), "test_str": pd.Series(["a", "c"], dtype="object"), "test_float": pd.Series([3.1, 7.8], dtype="float64"), "test_bool": pd.Series([None, None], dtype="boolean"), }, ) df.sort_values(by="test_int", inplace=True, ignore_index=True) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_mssql_with_partition_and_selection(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE 1 = 3 OR 2 = 2" df = read_sql( mssql_url, query, partition_on="test_int", partition_range=(0, 2000), partition_num=3, ) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(6), data={ "test_int": pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1314], dtype="int64"), "test_nullint": pd.Series([5, 3, None, 7, 9, 2], dtype="Int64"), "test_str": pd.Series( ["a", "str1", "str2", "b", "c", None], dtype="object" ), "test_float": pd.Series([3.1, None, 2.2, 3, 7.8, -10], dtype="float64"), "test_bool": pd.Series( [None, True, False, False, None, True], dtype="boolean" ), }, ) df.sort_values(by="test_int", inplace=True, ignore_index=True) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_mssql_with_partition_and_projection(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "SELECT test_int, test_float, test_str FROM test_table" df = read_sql( mssql_url, query, partition_on="test_int", partition_range=(0, 2000), partition_num=3, ) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(6), data={ "test_int": pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1314], dtype="int64"), "test_float": pd.Series([3.1, None, 2.2, 3, 7.8, -10], dtype="float64"), "test_str": pd.Series( ["a", "str1", "str2", "b", "c", None], dtype="object" ), }, ) df.sort_values(by="test_int", inplace=True, ignore_index=True) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_mssql_with_partition_and_spja(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = """ SELECT test_bool, AVG(test_float) AS avg, SUM(test_int) AS sum FROM test_table AS a, test_str AS b WHERE a.test_int = AND test_nullint IS NOT NULL GROUP BY test_bool ORDER BY sum """ df = read_sql(mssql_url, query, partition_on="sum", partition_num=2) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(3), data={ "test_bool": pd.Series([True, False, None], dtype="boolean"), "avg": pd.Series([None, 3, 5.45], dtype="float64"), "sum": pd.Series([1, 3, 4], dtype="Int64"), }, ) df = df.sort_values("sum").reset_index(drop=True) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_empty_result(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "SELECT * FROM test_table where test_int < -100" df = read_sql(mssql_url, query) expected = pd.DataFrame( data={ "test_int": pd.Series([], dtype="int64"), "test_nullint": pd.Series([], dtype="Int64"), "test_str": pd.Series([], dtype="object"), "test_float": pd.Series([], dtype="float64"), "test_bool": pd.Series([], dtype="boolean"), } ) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_empty_result_on_partition(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "SELECT * FROM test_table where test_int < -100" df = read_sql(mssql_url, query, partition_on="test_int", partition_num=3) expected = pd.DataFrame( data={ "test_int": pd.Series([], dtype="int64"), "test_nullint": pd.Series([], dtype="Int64"), "test_str": pd.Series([], dtype="object"), "test_float": pd.Series([], dtype="float64"), "test_bool": pd.Series([], dtype="boolean"), } ) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_empty_result_on_some_partition(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "SELECT * FROM test_table where test_int < 1" df = read_sql(mssql_url, query, partition_on="test_int", partition_num=3) expected = pd.DataFrame( data={ "test_int": pd.Series([0], dtype="int64"), "test_nullint": pd.Series([5], dtype="Int64"), "test_str": pd.Series(["a"], dtype="object"), "test_float": pd.Series([3.1], dtype="float"), "test_bool": pd.Series([None], dtype="boolean"), } ) assert_frame_equal(df, expected, check_names=True) def test_mssql_types(mssql_url: str) -> None: query = "SELECT * FROM test_types" df = read_sql(mssql_url, query) expected = pd.DataFrame( index=range(3), data={ "test_int1": pd.Series([0, 255, None], dtype="Int64"), "test_int2": pd.Series([-32768, 32767, None], dtype="Int64"), "test_int4": pd.Series([-2147483648, 2147483647, None], dtype="Int64"), "test_int8": pd.Series( [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807, None], dtype="Int64" ), "test_float24": pd.Series([None, 1.18e-38, 3.40e38], dtype="float"), "test_float53":
pd.Series([None, -2.23e-308, 1.79e308], dtype="float")
import pandas as pd class BarBase(object): pass class Current_bar(BarBase): def __init__(self): self._cur_bar_list = [] def add_new_bar(self, new_bar): "添加新行情,会缓存第n条当前行情,和第n+1条行情,共两条" self._cur_bar_list.pop(0) if len(self._cur_bar_list) == 2 else None self._cur_bar_list.append(new_bar) @property def cur_data(self): return self._cur_bar_list[0] @property def next_data(self): return self._cur_bar_list[1] @property def cur_date(self): return self._cur_bar_list[0]["date"] @property def cur_open(self): return self._cur_bar_list[0]["open"] @property def cur_high(self): return self._cur_bar_list[0]["high"] @property def cur_low(self): return self._cur_bar_list[0]["low"] @property def cur_close(self): return self._cur_bar_list[0]["close"] @property def next_date(self): return self._cur_bar_list[1]["date"] @property def next_open(self): return self._cur_bar_list[1]["open"] @property def next_high(self): return self._cur_bar_list[1]["high"] @property def next_low(self): return self._cur_bar_list[1]["low"] @property def next_close(self): return self._cur_bar_list[1]["close"] class Bar(BarBase): """ Bar主要存储所有Feed的OHLC数据,会在onepy.py中整合 在feed中每次添加new_bar前需先set_insrument,以便识别添加了哪个feed """ def __init__(self, instrument): self._bar_dict = {instrument: []} self._instrument = instrument self._data_name = None # 用来定义getitem的返回值 def __getitem__(self, item): return self._bar_dict def _initialize(self): """将数据清空""" self._bar_dict = {} def _combine_all_feed(self, new_bar_dict): """只运行一次,将所有feed整合到一起""" self._bar_dict.update(new_bar_dict) def __getitem_func(self, given): if isinstance(given, slice): # do your handling for a slice object: start = given.start if given.start is not None else 0 stop = given.stop if given.stop is not None else len( # 处理切片为负的情况 length = len( start = length + start if start < 0 else start stop = length + stop if stop < 0 else stop original_data =[start:stop] # 格式为[{},{},{}...] data = [i[self._data_name] for i in original_data] return data else: # Do your handling for a plain index return self._bar_dict[self.instrument][given]["close"] def __create_data_cls(self): cls = type("OHLC", (), {}) = self._bar_dict[self.instrument] cls.__getitem__ = self.__getitem_func return cls def set_instrument(self, instrument): self._instrument = instrument def add_new_bar(self, new_bar): "添加新行情" self._bar_dict[self.instrument].append(new_bar) @property def instrument(self): return self._instrument @property def data(self): return self._bar_dict[self.instrument] @property def total_dict(self): return self._bar_dict @property def df(self): return
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit import time import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import pandas as pd import numpy as np import ast from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error,mean_squared_error from statsmodels.tsa import arima_model from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.sarimax import SARIMAX import statsmodels.api as sm from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARIMA from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor from copy import deepcopy import joblib from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler import itertools from numba import jit import sys from sklearn.externals import joblib import pandas as pd from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor import datetime import os import argparse from itertools import product import glob np.random.seed(0) import logging logging.captureWarnings(True) import datetime from pathlib import Path import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def forecastr(data,forecast_settings,column_headers,freq_val,build_settings): """ Background: This function will take the data from the csv and forecast out x number of days. Input: data: This is a pandas dataframe containing time series data, datetime first column forecast_settings: This is a list containing values for model type, forecast period length,test_period and seasonality parameters column_headers: List containing the name of the date and metric freq_val: String containing "D","M","Y" build_settings: String determining whether this is an initial or updated forecast. Output: [y_hat,dates,m,csv_ready_for_export]: A list containing forecasted data, dimension, model and data for the csv export """ ##### Variables, Model Settings & Facebook Prophet Hyper Parameters ##### # Initial Variables build = build_settings # Determine the build_setting - either initial or update forecast settings. dimension = column_headers[0] # date metric = column_headers[1] # metric name # Rename the columns so we can use FB Prophet data.rename(columns={dimension: "ds", metric: "y"}, inplace=True) # Hyper-parameters fs_model_type = forecast_settings[0] # linear or logistic fs_forecast_period = int(forecast_settings[1]) # forecast period fs_test_period=int(forecast_settings[2])# test period if fs_model_type=="Moving_Average": my_type="ma" elif fs_model_type=="SARIMA": my_type="sarima" d = range(0,2) p = q = range(0, 3) pdq = list(itertools.product(p, d, q)) m_1= range(0,13) seasonal_pdq = [(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]) for x in list(itertools.product(p, d, q,m_1))] pdq = pdq[1:] # Instantiate with prophet_arg_vals that are not auto, 0 or False. model=prediction_func(data,pdq=pdq,seasonal_pdq=seasonal_pdq,test_day=fs_test_period,model_type=my_type) # Status update emit('processing', {'data': 'model has been fit'}) # Let's create a new data frame for the forecast which includes how long the user requested to forecast out in time units and by time unit type (eg. "D", "M","Y") #future = m.make_future_dataframe(periods=fs_period, freq=freq_val) # If fs_model_type = 'logistic', create a column in future for carrying_capacity and saturated_minimum ''' if fs_model_type == 'logistic': future['cap'] = fs_carrying_capacity future['floor'] = fs_saturated_minimum else: print('no cap or floor needed as it is a linear model.') ''' # Let's predict the future :) y_forecast=model.forecast(fs_forecast_period+2).tolist() y_hat=model.predict().tolist() y_hat=y_hat[1:] preds=y_hat+y_forecast print("forecast length",len(y_forecast)) print("actual length",len(y_hat)) print("total pred length",len(preds)) ##### Send y_hat and dates to a list, so that they can be graphed easily when set in ChartJS data_new=data.append(pd.DataFrame({"ds": [str(a).split(" ")[0] for a in pd.date_range(start=pd.to_datetime(data.ds.iloc[-1]),periods=fs_forecast_period,freq="MS")] })) print("data new shape: ",data_new.shape) data_new=data_new.reset_index(drop=True) data_new["yhat"]=preds data_new["yhat_upper"]=preds data_new["yhat_lower"]=preds #y_hat = data_new['preds'].tolist() dates = data_new['ds'].apply(lambda x: str(x).split(' ')[0]).tolist() ##### Lets see how the forecast compares to historical performance ##### # First, lets sum up the forecasted metric forecast_sum = sum(y_hat) forecast_mean = np.mean(y_hat) # Now lets sum up the actuals for the same time interval as we predicted actual_sum = data_new["y"].sum() actual_mean = data_new["y"].mean() difference = '{0:.1%}'.format(((forecast_sum - actual_sum) / forecast_sum)) difference_mean = '{0:.1%}'.format(((forecast_mean - actual_mean) / forecast_mean)) forecasted_vals = ['{0:.1f}'.format(forecast_sum),'{0:.1f}'.format(actual_sum),difference] forecasted_vals_mean = ['{0:.1f}'.format(forecast_mean),'{0:.1f}'.format(actual_mean),difference_mean] ####### Formatting data for CSV Export Functionality ########## # First, let's merge the original and forecast dataframes #data_for_csv_export = pd.merge(forecast,data,on='date',how='left') # Select the columns we want to include in the export data_new = data_new[['ds','y','yhat','yhat_upper','yhat_lower']] # Rename y and yhat to the actual metric names data_new.rename(index=str, columns={'ds': 'date', 'y': metric, 'yhat': metric + '_forecast','yhat_upper':metric + '_upper_forecast','yhat_lower':metric + '_lower_forecast'}, inplace=True) # replace NaN with an empty val data_new = data_new.replace(np.nan, '', regex=True) # Format timestamp data_new['date'] = data_new['date'].apply(lambda x: str(x).split(' ')[0]) # Create dictionary format for sending to csv #csv_ready_for_export = export_formatted.to_dict('records') csv_ready_for_export = data_new.to_dict('records') print(data_new.tail()) # print(y_hat) # print(csv_ready_for_export) return [preds,dates,model,csv_ready_for_export,forecasted_vals, forecasted_vals_mean,data_new] def validate_model(model,dates): """ Background: This model validation function is still under construction and will be updated during a future release. """ count_of_time_units = len(dates) #print(count_of_time_units) initial_size = str(int(count_of_time_units * 0.20)) + " days" horizon_size = str(int(count_of_time_units * 0.10)) + " days" period_size = str(int(count_of_time_units * 0.05)) + " days" df_cv = cross_validation(model, initial=initial_size, horizon=horizon_size, period=period_size) #df_cv = cross_validation(model,initial='730 days', period='180 days', horizon = '365 days') df_p = performance_metrics(df_cv) #print(df_cv.head(100)) #print(df_p.head(100)) mape_score_avg = str(round(df_p['mape'].mean()*100,2)) + "%" return mape_score_avg def check_val_of_forecast_settings(param): """ Background: This function is used to check to see if there is a value (submitted from the user in the UI) for a given Prophet Hyper Parameter. If there is no value or false or auto, return that, else we'll return a float of the param given that the value may be a string. If the param value is blank, false or auto, it will eventually be excluding from the dictionary being passed in when instantiating Prophet. """ # Check hyper parameter value and return appropriate value. if (param == "") or (param == False) or (param == 'auto'): new_arg = param return new_arg else: new_arg = float(param) return new_arg def get_summary_stats(data,column_headers): """ Background: This function will get some summary statistics about the original dataset being uploaded. Input: data: a dataframe with the data from the uploaded csv containing a dimension and metric column_headers: string of column names for the dimension and metric Output: sum_stats: a list containing the count of time units, the mean, std, min and max values of the metric. This data is rendered on step 2 of the UI. """ # Set the dimension and metrics dimension = column_headers[0] metric = column_headers[1] time_unit_count = str(data[dimension].count()) print(data[metric].mean()) mean = str(round(data[metric].mean(),2)) print('string of the mean is ' + mean) std = str(round(data[metric].std(),2)) minimum = str(round(data[metric].min(),2)) maximum = str(round(data[metric].max(),2)) sum_stats = [time_unit_count,mean,std,minimum,maximum] print(sum_stats) return sum_stats def preprocessing(data): """ Background: This function will determine which columns are dimensions (time_unit) vs metrics, in addition to reviewing the metric data to see if there are any objects in that column. Input: data (df): A dataframe of the parsed data that was uploaded. Output: [time_unit,metric_unit]: the appropriate column header names for the dataset. """ # Get list of column headers column_headers = list(data) # Let's determine the column with a date col1 = column_headers[0] col2 = column_headers[-1] #last column print('the first column is ' + col1) print("target column is" +col2) # Get the first value in column 1, which is what is going to be checked. col1_val = data[col1][0] print(type(col1_val)) print(data.shape) # Check to see if the data has any null values #print('Is there any null values in this data? ' + str(data.isnull().values.any())) # If there is a null value in the dataset, locate it and emit the location of the null value back to the client, else continue: #print(data.tail()) print('Is there any null values in this data? ' + str(data.isnull().values.any())) do_nulls_exist = data.isnull().values.any() if do_nulls_exist == True: print('found a null value') null_rows =
import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import requests import numpy as np import wordcloud import itertools # Try this? # ... pyLDAvis num_words = 150 document_limit = 5000 st_time_to_live = 4 * 3600 # Display options st.set_page_config( layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="expanded", page_title=("Topic-Model Explorer"), ) st.title("Topic model explorer") st.sidebar.title("Options") n_topics = st.sidebar.slider("Number of Topics", 5, 40, value=30) n_sort_topic = st.sidebar.slider("Topic sort order by", 0, n_topics - 1) # Custom fileupload st.sidebar.markdown("## Custom dataset") f_upload = st.sidebar.file_uploader('Upload a CSV, with the target column named "text"') if f_upload is None: f_dataset = "example_data/reddit_suicide_data.csv" else: f_dataset = f_upload limit_documents = st.sidebar.checkbox(f"Limit to {document_limit}", value=True) if not limit_documents: document_limit = None df = pd.read_csv(f_dataset, nrows=document_limit, error_bad_lines=False) n_documents = len(df) if f_upload: st.write(f"Loaded {len(df):,} documents from `{}`") else: st.write(f"Loaded {len(df):,} documents from `{f_dataset}`") @st.cache(ttl=st_time_to_live) def preprocess_input(f_dataset): with st.spinner("*Preprocessing text with spaCy*"): url = "" params = {"text_input": df["text"].values.tolist()} r = requests.get(url, json=params) js = r.json() return js @st.cache(ttl=st_time_to_live) def train_tokenized(tokenized, n_topics): data_input = { "text_tokenized": tokenized["text_tokenized"], "n_topics": n_topics, } with st.spinner("*Running MALLET*"): url = "" r = requests.get(url, json=data_input) js = r.json() words = pd.read_json(js["words"], orient="split") topics =
pd.read_json(js["topics"], orient="split")
import pandas as pd import numpy as np DATA_PATH = 'rawdata/' #where the raw data files are ALT_OUTPUT_PATH = 'alt_output/' #there will be many files produced -- the files that are not "the main ones" # are placed in this directory feasDF = pd.read_csv(DATA_PATH+"mipdev_feasibility.csv") #read the feasibilty file into a data frame feasible_DF = feasDF[feasDF['Code'] != 'inf'].groupby('Problem Name').count() infeasible_DF = feasDF[feasDF['Code'] == 'inf'].groupby('Problem Name').count() feasible_instances = set(feasible_DF.index) infeasible_instances = set(infeasible_DF.index) #some of the instances do not have a complete set of labels # (all are missing data from either emphasis_optimality or seperate_aggressive or both) # and when a seed is missing any time data at all, the PDInt is also missing instances_with_incomplete_data = set([ 'buildingenergy', 'neos-565672', 'neos-848589', 'neos-872648', 'neos-873061', 'netdiversion', 'npmv07', 'ns1758913', 'ofi', 'opm2-z11-s8', 'sing245', 'wnq-n100-mw99-14']) feasible_instances = feasible_instances.difference(instances_with_incomplete_data) infeasible_instances = infeasible_instances.difference(instances_with_incomplete_data) STATUS_COLS = range(1,15) #which columns contain the completion status of an algorithm DATA_COLS = range(15,29) #which columns contain the PD Ints COL_OFFSET = 14 #the number of columns offsetting the completion status from PD Ints PD = pd.read_csv(DATA_PATH+"mipdev_integral_data.csv") #read the PD Int file into a data frame PD = PD.drop([0,1]) #remove the extraneous header rows PD = PD.drop(PD.columns[1], axis=1) #drop seed # Times = pd.read_csv(DATA_PATH+"mipdev_time_data.csv") #read the time data file into a data frame Times = Times.drop([0,1]) #remove the extraneous header rows Times = Times.drop(Times.columns[1], axis=1) #drop seed # #in the time data files, the status and data columns are opposite that of the PDInt file for some reason # the next line switches them back so that the status cols are in front of the data cols Times = Times[[Times.columns[0]]+Times.columns[DATA_COLS].tolist()+Times.columns[STATUS_COLS].tolist()] Regions =
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import remixt.bamreader import os empty_data = { 'fragments': remixt.bamreader.create_fragment_table(0), 'alleles': remixt.bamreader.create_allele_table(0), } def _get_key(record_type, chromosome): return '/{}/chromosome_{}'.format(record_type, chromosome) def _unique_index_append(store, key, data): try: nrows = store.get_storer(key).nrows except (AttributeError, KeyError): nrows = 0 data.index = pd.Series(data.index) + nrows if nrows == 0: store.put(key, data, format='table') else: store.append(key, data) def merge_overlapping_seqdata(outfile, infiles, chromosomes): out_store = pd.HDFStore(outfile, 'w', complevel=9, complib='blosc') index_offsets = pd.Series(0, index=chromosomes, dtype=np.int64) for _id, infile in infiles.items(): store = pd.HDFStore(infile) tables = store.keys() for chromosome in chromosomes: allele_table = '/alleles/chromosome_{}'.format(chromosome) fragment_table = '/fragments/chromosome_{}'.format(chromosome) if allele_table not in tables: print("missing table {}".format(allele_table)) continue if fragment_table not in tables: print("missing table {}".format(fragment_table)) continue alleles = store[allele_table] fragments = store[fragment_table] alleles['fragment_id'] = alleles['fragment_id'].astype(np.int64) fragments['fragment_id'] = fragments['fragment_id'].astype(np.int64) alleles['fragment_id'] += index_offsets[chromosome] fragments['fragment_id'] += index_offsets[chromosome] index_offsets[chromosome] = max(alleles['fragment_id'].max(), fragments['fragment_id'].max()) + 1 out_store.append('/alleles/chromosome_{}'.format(chromosome), alleles) out_store.append('/fragments/chromosome_{}'.format(chromosome), fragments) store.close() out_store.close() def create_chromosome_seqdata(seqdata_filename, bam_filename, snp_filename, chromosome, max_fragment_length, max_soft_clipped, check_proper_pair): """ Create seqdata from bam for one chromosome. Args: seqdata_filename(str): seqdata hdf store to write to bam_filename(str): bam from which to extract read information snp_filename(str): TSV chromosome, position file listing SNPs chromosome(str): chromosome to extract max_fragment_length(int): maximum length of fragments generating paired reads max_soft_clipped(int): maximum soft clipping for considering a read concordant check_proper_pair(boo): check proper pair flag """ reader = remixt.bamreader.AlleleReader( bam_filename, snp_filename, chromosome, max_fragment_length, max_soft_clipped, check_proper_pair, ) with pd.HDFStore(seqdata_filename, 'w', complevel=9, complib='zlib') as store: while reader.ReadAlignments(10000000): _unique_index_append(store, _get_key('fragments', chromosome), reader.GetFragmentTable()) _unique_index_append(store, _get_key('alleles', chromosome), reader.GetAlleleTable()) def create_seqdata(seqdata_filename, bam_filename, snp_filename, max_fragment_length, max_soft_clipped, check_proper_pair, tempdir, chromosomes): try: os.makedirs(tempdir) except: pass all_seqdata = {} for chrom in chromosomes: chrom_seqdata = os.path.join(tempdir, "{}_seqdata.h5".format(chrom)) all_seqdata[chrom] = chrom_seqdata create_chromosome_seqdata( chrom_seqdata, bam_filename, snp_filename, chrom, max_fragment_length, max_soft_clipped, check_proper_pair ) merge_seqdata(seqdata_filename, all_seqdata) def merge_seqdata(out_filename, in_filenames): """ Merge seqdata files for non-overlapping sets of chromosomes Args: out_filename(str): seqdata hdf store to write to out_filename(dict): seqdata hdf store to read from """ with pd.HDFStore(out_filename, 'w', complevel=9, complib='zlib') as out_store: for in_filename in in_filenames.values(): with
pd.HDFStore(in_filename, 'r')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Apr 9 18:48:55 2019 @author: shday """ import math from collections import namedtuple import pandas as pd import numpy as np from dateutil import parser import dash_html_components as html import as px import pytz import plotly.graph_objects as go import urllib import string #import pkuseg from wordcloud import WordCloud import json import re import ast import os # selected_features_tweetjs = ['created_at', 'favorite_count', 'favorited', 'id_str', # 'in_reply_to_screen_name', 'in_reply_to_status_id_str', 'lang', # 'retweet_count', 'retweeted', 'source', 'full_text'] pretty_weekday_dict = {0: 'Mon', 1: 'Tue', 2: 'Wed', 3: 'Thurs', 4: 'Fri', 5: 'Sat', 6: 'Sun'} # load zh stopwords for wordcloud # zh_stopword_list_url = '' # zh_stopwords = urllib.request.urlopen(zh_stopword_list_url).read().decode('utf-8').split('\n') def parse_source_text(text): return text.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] def convert_tweet_json_to_df_row(json_data, selected_feature): temp_list = [] for f in selected_feature: if f == 'source': cleaned_source = parse_source_text(json_data[f]) temp_list.append(cleaned_source) elif f in ['friends_count', 'followers_count', 'protected']: if 'user' in json_data: temp_list.append(json_data['user'][f]) else: temp_list.append(0) if f in ['friends_count', 'followers_count'] else temp_list.append(False) elif f == 'created_at': # parsed at the display time instead dt_object = parser.parse(json_data[f]) temp_list.append(dt_object) # TODO: get the in reply to link working # elif f == 'in_reply_to_status_id_str': # if json_data[f] is not None: # html_link = ""+json_data['in_reply_to_screen_name']+'/status/'+ json_data[f] # temp_list.append(html_link) # else: # temp_list.append(None) else: temp_list.append(json_data[f]) if f in json_data else temp_list.append("") return pd.DataFrame([temp_list], columns = selected_feature, index=[0]) def tweet2dt(json_list, selected_features): for i in range(len(json_list)): if i == 0: processed_df = convert_tweet_json_to_df_row(json_list[i], selected_features) else: temp = convert_tweet_json_to_df_row(json_list[i], selected_features) processed_df = processed_df.append(temp, ignore_index=True) # remove duplicates processed_df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) return processed_df def extract_owner_from_json(): res = read_json_file(os.environ.get('PARSED_TWEETS_PATH', '')) first_tweet = res[0] if 'user' not in first_tweet: # from official twitter archive - only tweets objects are in it user_info = {} base_path, filename = os.path.split(os.environ.get('ACCOUNT_INFO_PATH', '')) account_info = simple_parse_twitter_archive_json(base_path, filename) user_info['screen_name'] = account_info['account']['username'] user_info['id_str'] = account_info['account']['accountId'] return user_info else: return first_tweet['user'] def retrieve_data_from_db(db_object, user_id): query = "SELECT * FROM tweets where user_id = {};".format(user_id) tweet_data = pd.read_sql(query, con=db_object.get_connection(), parse_dates=[1]) tweet_data['created_at'] =
pd.to_datetime(tweet_data['created_at'], errors='coerce')
import numpy as np import pandas as pd def load(path): df = pd.read_csv(path, encoding="utf-8", delimiter=";", quotechar="'").rename( columns={ "Text": "text", "Label": "label" }) train, dev, test = split_df(df, 'label', 0.8, 0.1, 0.1) train_x = list(train["text"]) train_y_dummies =
# functions to run velocyto and scvelo import numpy as np import pandas as pd # import velocyto as vcy # import scvelo as scv from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from .moments import * from anndata import AnnData def vlm_to_adata(vlm, n_comps=30, basis="umap", trans_mats=None, cells_ixs=None): """ Conversion function from the velocyto world to the dynamo world. Code original from scSLAM-seq repository Parameters ---------- vlm: VelocytoLoom Object The VelocytoLoom object that will be converted into adata. n_comps: `int` (default: 30) The number of pc components that will be stored. basis: `str` (default: `umap`) The embedding that will be used to store the vlm.ts attribute. Note that velocyto doesn't usually use umap as embedding although `umap` as set as default for the convenience of dynamo itself. trans_mats: None or dict A dict of all relevant transition matrices cell_ixs: list of int These are the indices of the subsampled cells Returns ------- adata: AnnData object """ from collections import OrderedDict # set obs, var obs, var = pd.DataFrame(, pd.DataFrame(vlm.ra) if "CellID" in obs.keys(): obs["obs_names"] = obs.pop("CellID") if "Gene" in var.keys(): var["var_names"] = var.pop("Gene") if hasattr(vlm, "q"): var["gamma_b"] = vlm.q if hasattr(vlm, "gammas"): var["gamma"] = vlm.gammas if hasattr(vlm, "R2"): var["gamma_r2"] = vlm.R2 # rename clusters to louvain try: ix = np.where(obs.columns == "Clusters")[0][0] obs_names = list(obs.columns) obs_names[ix] = "louvain" obs.columns = obs_names # make louvain a categorical field obs["louvain"] = pd.Categorical(obs["louvain"]) except: print("Could not find a filed 'Clusters' in") # set layers basics layers = OrderedDict( unspliced=csr_matrix(vlm.U.T), spliced=csr_matrix(vlm.S.T), velocity_S=csr_matrix(vlm.velocity.T), ) # set X_spliced / X_unspliced if hasattr(vlm, "S_norm"): layers["X_spliced"] = csr_matrix(2**vlm.S_norm - 1).T if hasattr(vlm, "U_norm"): layers["X_unspliced"] = csr_matrix(2**vlm.U_norm - 1).T if hasattr(vlm, "S_sz") and not hasattr(vlm, "S_norm"): layers["X_spliced"] = csr_matrix(vlm.S_sz).T if hasattr(vlm, "U_sz") and hasattr(vlm, "U_norm"): layers["X_unspliced"] = csr_matrix(vlm.U_sz).T # set M_s / M_u if hasattr(vlm, "Sx"): layers["M_s"] = csr_matrix(vlm.Sx).T if hasattr(vlm, "Ux"): layers["M_u"] = csr_matrix(vlm.Ux).T if hasattr(vlm, "Sx_sz") and not hasattr(vlm, "Sx"): layers["M_s"] = csr_matrix(vlm.Sx_sz).T if hasattr(vlm, "Ux_sz") and hasattr(vlm, "Ux"): layers["M_u"] = csr_matrix(vlm.Ux_sz).T # set obsm obsm = {} obsm["X"] = vlm.pcs[:, : min(n_comps, vlm.pcs.shape[1])] # set basis and velocity on the basis if basis is not None: obsm["X_" + basis] = vlm.ts obsm["velocity_" + basis] = vlm.delta_embedding # set transition matrix: uns = {} if hasattr(vlm, "corrcoef"): uns["transition_matrix"] = vlm.corrcoef if hasattr(vlm, "colorandum"): uns["louvain_colors"] = list(np.unique(vlm.colorandum)) # add uns annotations if trans_mats is not None: for key, value in trans_mats.items(): uns[key] = trans_mats[key] if cells_ixs is not None: uns["cell_ixs"] = cells_ixs if hasattr(vlm, "embedding_knn"): from .connectivity import adj_to_knn n_neighbors = np.unique((vlm.embedding_knn > 0).sum(1)).min() ind_mat, dist_mat = adj_to_knn( vlm.emedding_knn, n_neighbors ) uns["neighbors"] = {"indices": ind_mat} obsp = {'distances': dist_mat, "connectivities": vlm.emedding_knn} uns["dynamics"] = { "filter_gene_mode": None, "t": None, "group": None, "X_data": None, "X_fit_data": None, "asspt_mRNA": "ss", "experiment_type": "conventional", "normalized": True, "model": "deterministic", "est_method": "ols", "has_splicing": True, "has_labeling": False, "has_protein": False, "use_smoothed": True, "NTR_vel": False, "log_unnormalized": True, } # set X if hasattr(vlm, "S_norm"): X = csr_matrix(vlm.S_norm.T) else: X = csr_matrix(vlm.S_sz.T) if hasattr(vlm, "S_sz") else csr_matrix(vlm.S.T) # create an anndata object with Dynamo characteristics. dyn_adata = AnnData(X=X, obs=obs, obsp=obsp, obsm=obsm, var=var, layers=layers, uns=uns) return dyn_adata def converter(data_in, from_type="adata", to_type="vlm", dir="."): """ convert adata to loom object - we may save_fig to a temp directory automatically - we may write a on-the-fly converter which doesn't involve saving and reading files """ if from_type == "adata": if to_type == "vlm": file = dir + "/data.loom" data_in.write_loom(file) data_out = vcy.VelocytoLoom(file) elif from_type == "vlm": if to_type == "adata": data_out = vlm_to_adata(vlm) data_out.ra["Gene"] = data_out.ra["var_names"] # required by plot_phase_portraits colors20 = np.vstack( (, 1, 20))[::2],, 1, 20))[1::2], ) ) def colormap_fun(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return colors20[np.mod(x, 20)] data_out.colorandum = colormap_fun([1] * data_out.S.shape[1]) return data_out def run_velocyto(adata): """ 1. convert adata to vlm data 2. set up PCA, UMAP, etc. 3. estimate the gamma parameter """ vlm = converter(adata) # U_norm: log2(U_sz + pcount) # vlm.U_sz: norm_factor * U # S_norm: log2(S_sz + pcount) # vlm.S_sz norm_factor * S # vlm.Ux: smoothed unspliced # vlm.Sx: smoothed spliced # vlm.Ux_sz: smoothed unspliced -- old code # vlm.Sx_sz: smoothed spliced -- old code vlm.normalize() # add U_norm, U_sz, S_norm, S_sz vlm.perform_PCA() vlm.knn_imputation() # Ux, Sx, Ux_sz, Sx_sz vlm.pcs = adata.X # pcs: cell x npcs ndarray # vlm.Sx = vlm.S_sz # vlm.Ux = vlm.U_sz # vlm.Sx_sz = vlm.S_sz # vlm.Ux_sz = vlm.U_sz # gamma fit vlm.fit_gammas() # limit_gamma = False, fit_offset = True, use_imputed_data = False, use_size_norm = False # estimate velocity vlm.predict_U() vlm.calculate_velocity() # predict future state after dt vlm.calculate_shift() # assumption = 'constant_velocity' vlm.extrapolate_cell_at_t() # delta_t = 1. return vlm def run_scvelo(adata): """ 1. set up PCA, UMAP, etc. 2. estimate gamma and all other parameters 3. return results (adata.var['velocity_gamma']) """ # scv.pp.filter_and_normalize(adata, min_counts=2, min_counts_u=1, n_top_genes=3000) scv.pp.moments(adata) # , n_pcs = 12, n_neighbors = 15, mode = 'distances' # how to fit other parameters, beta, etc.? return adata def mean_var_by_time(X, Time): import pandas as pd exp_data = pd.DataFrame(X) exp_data["Time"] = Time mean_val = exp_data.groupby(["Time"]).mean() var_val = exp_data.groupby(["Time"]).var() return mean_val.values, var_val.values def run_dynamo(adata, normalize=True, init_num=1, sample_method="lhs"): time = adata.obs["Step"].values uniqe_time = list(set(time)) gene_num = adata.X.shape[1] # prepare data import numpy as np x_data = np.zeros((8, len(uniqe_time), gene_num)) # use unique time uu, ul, su, sl = ( adata.layers["uu"].toarray(), adata.layers["ul"].toarray(), adata.layers["su"].toarray(), adata.layers["sl"].toarray(), ) uu = np.log2(uu + 1) if normalize else uu ul = np.log2(ul + 1) if normalize else ul su = np.log2(su + 1) if normalize else su sl = np.log2(sl + 1) if normalize else sl x_data[0], x_data[4] = mean_var_by_time(uu, time) x_data[1], x_data[5] = mean_var_by_time(ul, time) x_data[2], x_data[6] = mean_var_by_time(su, time) x_data[3], x_data[7] = mean_var_by_time(sl, time) # estimation all parameters p0_range = { "a": [0, 1], "b": [0, 1], "la": [0, 1], "alpha_a": [10, 1000], "alpha_i": [0, 10], "sigma": [0, 1], "beta": [0, 10], "gamma": [0, 10], } estm = estimation(list(p0_range.values())) param_out = pd.DataFrame( index=adata.var.index, columns=["a", "b", "la", "alpha_a", "alpha_i", "sigma", "beta", "gamma"], ) for i in range(gene_num): cur_x_data = x_data[:, :, i].squeeze() param_out.iloc[i, :], cost = estm.fit_lsq( uniqe_time, cur_x_data, p0=None, n_p0=init_num, sample_method=sample_method ) # estimate only on the spliced and unspliced dataset # estimate on the labeled and unlabeled dataset # store the fitting result in adata.uns adata.uns.update({"dynamo": param_out}) return adata def run_dynamo_simple_fit(adata, log=True): ncells, gene_num = adata.X.shape # estimation all parameters param_out = pd.DataFrame(index=adata.var.index, columns=["alpha", "gamma"]) u, s = adata.layers["unspliced"], adata.layers["spliced"] velocity_u, velocity_s = u, s for i in range(gene_num): cur_u, cur_s = u[:, i], s[:, i] gamma = fit_gamma(cur_u.toarray().squeeze(), cur_s.toarray().squeeze()) alpha = np.mean(cur_s) velocity_u[:, i] = cur_u - cur_s * gamma velocity_s[:, i] = cur_s / (1 - np.exp(-1)) - cur_u param_out.iloc[i, :] = [alpha, gamma] adata.layers["velocity_u"] = velocity_u adata.layers["velocity_s"] = velocity_s adata.uns.update({"dynamo_simple_fit": param_out}) return adata def run_dynamo_labelling(adata, log=True, group=False): ncells, gene_num = adata.X.shape # estimation all parameters T = adata.obs["Time"] groups = [""] if group == False else np.unique(adata.obs[group]) param_out = pd.DataFrame( index=adata.var.index, columns=[i + "_" + j for j in groups for i in ["alpha", "gamma", "u0", "l0"]], ) L, U = adata.layers["L"], adata.layers["U"] velocity_u, velocity_s = L, U for i in range(gene_num): all_parm = [] for cur_grp in groups.tolist(): cur_L, cur_U = ( (L[:, i], U[:, i]) if cur_grp == "" else ( L[adata.obs[group] == cur_grp, i], U[adata.obs[group] == cur_grp, i], ) ) if log: cur_U, cur_L = ( np.log(cur_U.toarray().squeeze() + 1), np.log(cur_L.toarray().squeeze() + 1), ) else: cur_U, cur_L = cur_U.toarray().squeeze(), cur_L.toarray().squeeze() gamma, l0 = fit_gamma_labelling(T, cur_L, mode=None) alpha, u0 = fit_alpha_labelling(T, cur_U, gamma, mode=None) tmp = [alpha, gamma, u0, l0] all_parm.extend(tmp) velocity_u[:, i] = (cur_L - cur_U * gamma)[:, None] velocity_s[:, i] = (cur_U / (1 - np.exp(-1)) - cur_L)[:, None] adata.layers[cur_grp + "velocity_u"] = velocity_u adata.layers[cur_grp + "velocity_s"] = velocity_s param_out.iloc[i, :] = all_parm adata.uns.update({"dynamo_labelling": param_out}) return adata def compare_res( adata, velocyto_res, svelo_res, dynamo_res, a_val, b_val, la_val, alpha_a_val, alpha_i_val, sigma_val, beta_val, gamma_val, ): """ function to compare results from velocyto and scvelo with our new method 0. retrieve gamm or gamma with other parameters from velocyto result or scvelo 1. plot the correlation between parameters estimated with different methods 2. calculate the correltion between those parameters """ # self._offset, self._offset2, self._beta, self._gamma, self._r2, self._velocity_genes velocyto_gammas = velocyto_res.gammas scvelo_gammas = svelo_res.var["velocity_gamma"] # scatter plot the true gammas with our result plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5)) plt.plot() plt.subplot(131) plt.plot(gamma_val, velocyto_gammas, "o") plt.xlabel(r"True $\gamma$") plt.ylabel(r"$\gamma$ (velocyto)") plt.subplot(132) plt.plot(gamma_val, scvelo_gammas, "o") plt.xlabel(r"True $\gamma$") plt.ylabel(r"$\gamma$ (scvelo)") plt.subplot(133) plt.plot(gamma_val, dynamo_res.uns["dynamo"]["gamma"], "o") plt.xlabel(r"True $\gamma$") plt.ylabel(r"$\gamma$ (dynamo)") # what if we only have a small number of parameters? plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5)) plt.plot() plt.subplot(131) plt.plot(alpha_a_val, svelo_res.var["fit_alpha"], "o") plt.xlabel(r"True alpha") plt.ylabel(r"$\alpha$ (scvelo)") plt.subplot(132) plt.plot(beta_val, svelo_res.var["fit_beta"], "o") plt.xlabel(r"True $\beta$") plt.ylabel(r"$\beta$ (scvelo)") plt.subplot(133) plt.plot(gamma_val, svelo_res.var["fit_gamma"], "o") plt.xlabel(r"True $\gamma$") plt.ylabel(r"$\gamma$ (scvelo)") # param_out = pd.DataFrame(index=adata.var.index, columns=['a', 'b', 'la', 'alpha_a', 'alpha_i', 'sigma', 'beta', 'gamma']) # what if we only have a small number of parameters? plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15)) plt.subplot(331) plt.plot(a_val, adata.uns["dynamo"]["a"], "o") plt.xlabel(r"True $a$") plt.ylabel(r"$a$ (dynamo)") plt.subplot(332) plt.plot(b_val, adata.uns["dynamo"]["b"], "o") plt.xlabel(r"True $b$") plt.ylabel(r"$b$ (dynamo)") plt.subplot(333) plt.plot(la_val, adata.uns["dynamo"]["la"], "o") plt.xlabel(r"True $l_a$") plt.ylabel(r"$l_a$ (dynamo)") plt.subplot(334) plt.plot(alpha_a_val, adata.uns["dynamo"]["alpha_a"], "o") plt.xlabel(r"True $\alpha_a$") plt.ylabel(r"$\alpha_a$ (dynamo)") plt.subplot(335) plt.plot(alpha_i_val, adata.uns["dynamo"]["alpha_i"], "o") plt.xlabel(r"True $\alpha_i$") plt.ylabel(r"$\alpha_i$ (dynamo)") plt.subplot(336) plt.plot(sigma_val, adata.uns["dynamo"]["sigma"], "o") plt.xlabel(r"True $\sigma$") plt.ylabel(r"$\sigma$ (dynamo)") plt.subplot(337) plt.plot(beta_val, adata.uns["dynamo"]["beta"], "o") plt.xlabel(r"True $\beta$") plt.ylabel(r"$\beta$ (dynamo)") plt.subplot(338) plt.plot(gamma_val, adata.uns["dynamo"]["gamma"], "o") plt.xlabel(r"True $\gamma$") plt.ylabel(r"$\gamma$ (dynamo)") velocyto_coef = {"gamma": np.corrcoef(gamma_val, velocyto_gammas)[1, 0]} scvelo_coef = { "alpha": np.corrcoef(alpha_a_val, svelo_res.var["fit_alpha"])[1, 0], "beta": np.corrcoef(beta_val, svelo_res.var["fit_beta"])[1, 0], "gamma": np.corrcoef(gamma_val, svelo_res.var["fit_gamma"])[1, 0], } dynamo_coef = { "a": np.corrcoef(a_val, list(dynamo_res.uns["dynamo"]["a"]))[1, 0], "b": np.corrcoef(b_val, list(dynamo_res.uns["dynamo"]["b"]))[1, 0], "la": np.corrcoef(la_val, list(dynamo_res.uns["dynamo"]["la"]))[1, 0], "alpha_a": np.corrcoef(alpha_a_val, list(dynamo_res.uns["dynamo"]["alpha_a"]))[ 1, 0 ], "alpha_i": np.corrcoef(alpha_i_val, list(dynamo_res.uns["dynamo"]["alpha_i"]))[ 1, 0 ], "sigma": np.corrcoef(sigma_val, list(dynamo_res.uns["dynamo"]["sigma"]))[1, 0], "beta": np.corrcoef(beta_val, list(dynamo_res.uns["dynamo"]["beta"]))[1, 0], "gamma": np.corrcoef(gamma_val, list(dynamo_res.uns["dynamo"]["gamma"]))[1, 0], } return { "velocyto": pd.DataFrame.from_dict(velocyto_coef, orient="index").T, "scvelo":
pd.DataFrame.from_dict(scvelo_coef, orient="index")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Date: 2021/12/30 11:31 Desc: 股票数据-总貌-市场总貌 股票数据-总貌-成交概括 """ import warnings from io import BytesIO from akshare.utils import demjson import pandas as pd import requests warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') def stock_szse_summary(date: str = "20200619") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 深证证券交易所-总貌 :param date: 最近结束交易日 :type date: str :return: 深证证券交易所-总貌 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ url = "" params = { "SHOWTYPE": "xlsx", "CATALOGID": "1803_sczm", "TABKEY": "tab1", "txtQueryDate": "-".join([date[:4], date[4:6], date[6:]]), "random": "0.39339437497296137", } r = requests.get(url, params=params) temp_df = pd.read_excel(BytesIO(r.content)) temp_df["证券类别"] = temp_df["证券类别"].str.strip() temp_df.iloc[:, 2:] = temp_df.iloc[:, 2:].applymap(lambda x: x.replace(",", "")) temp_df.columns = [ '证券类别', '数量', '成交金额', '成交量', '总股本', '总市值', '流通股本', '流通市值'] temp_df['数量'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df['数量']) temp_df['成交金额'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df['成交金额']) temp_df['成交量'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df['成交量']) temp_df['总股本'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df['总股本'], errors="coerce") temp_df['总市值'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df['总市值'], errors="coerce") temp_df['流通股本'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df['流通股本'], errors="coerce") temp_df['流通市值'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df['流通市值'], errors="coerce") return temp_df def stock_sse_summary() -> pd.DataFrame: """ 上海证券交易所-总貌 :return: 上海证券交易所-总貌 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ url = "" params = { 'sqlId': 'COMMON_SSE_SJ_GPSJ_GPSJZM_TJSJ_L', 'PRODUCT_NAME': '股票,主板,科创板', 'type': 'inParams', '_': '1640855495128', } headers = { "Referer": "", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.90 Safari/537.36", } r = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers) data_json = r.json() data_json.keys() temp_df = pd.DataFrame(data_json['result']).T temp_df.reset_index(inplace=True) temp_df['index'] = [ "流通股本", "总市值", "平均市盈率", "上市公司", "上市股票", "流通市值", "报告时间", "-", "总股本", "项目", ] temp_df = temp_df[temp_df['index'] != '-'].iloc[:-1, :] temp_df.columns = [ '项目', '股票', '科创板', '主板', ] return temp_df def stock_sse_deal_daily(date: str = "20220225") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 上海证券交易所-数据-股票数据-成交概况-股票成交概况-每日股票情况 :return: 每日股票情况 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ if int(date) <= 20211224: url = "" params = { "searchDate": "-".join([date[:4], date[4:6], date[6:]]), "sqlId": "COMMON_SSE_SJ_GPSJ_CJGK_DAYCJGK_C", "stockType": "90", "_": "1616744620492", } headers = { "Referer": "", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.90 Safari/537.36", } r = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers) data_json = r.json() temp_df = pd.DataFrame(data_json["result"]) temp_df = temp_df.T temp_df.reset_index(inplace=True) temp_df.columns = [ "单日情况", "主板A", "股票", "主板B", "_", "股票回购", "科创板", ] temp_df = temp_df[ [ "单日情况", "股票", "主板A", "主板B", "科创板", "股票回购", ] ] temp_df["单日情况"] = [ "流通市值", "流通换手率", "平均市盈率", "_", "市价总值", "_", "换手率", "_", "挂牌数", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "成交笔数", "成交金额", "成交量", "次新股换手率", "_", "_", ] temp_df = temp_df[temp_df["单日情况"] != "_"] temp_df["单日情况"] = temp_df["单日情况"].astype("category") list_custom_new = [ "挂牌数", "市价总值", "流通市值", "成交金额", "成交量", "成交笔数", "平均市盈率", "换手率", "次新股换手率", "流通换手率", ] temp_df["单日情况"].cat.set_categories(list_custom_new) temp_df.sort_values("单日情况", ascending=True, inplace=True) temp_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) temp_df['股票'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df['股票'], errors="coerce") temp_df['主板A'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df['主板A'], errors="coerce") temp_df['主板B'] = pd.t
o_numeric(temp_df['主板B'], errors="coerce")
import numpy as np import pytest from pandas import DataFrame, Series, concat, isna, notna import pandas._testing as tm import pandas.tseries.offsets as offsets @pytest.mark.parametrize( "compare_func, roll_func, kwargs", [ [np.mean, "mean", {}], [np.nansum, "sum", {}], [lambda x: np.isfinite(x).astype(float).sum(), "count", {}], [np.median, "median", {}], [np.min, "min", {}], [np.max, "max", {}], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=1), "std", {}], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=0), "std", {"ddof": 0}], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=1), "var", {}], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=0), "var", {"ddof": 0}], ], ) def test_series(series, compare_func, roll_func, kwargs): result = getattr(series.rolling(50), roll_func)(**kwargs) assert isinstance(result, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(result.iloc[-1], compare_func(series[-50:])) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "compare_func, roll_func, kwargs", [ [np.mean, "mean", {}], [np.nansum, "sum", {}], [lambda x: np.isfinite(x).astype(float).sum(), "count", {}], [np.median, "median", {}], [np.min, "min", {}], [np.max, "max", {}], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=1), "std", {}], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=0), "std", {"ddof": 0}], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=1), "var", {}], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=0), "var", {"ddof": 0}], ], ) def test_frame(raw, frame, compare_func, roll_func, kwargs): result = getattr(frame.rolling(50), roll_func)(**kwargs) assert isinstance(result, DataFrame) tm.assert_series_equal( result.iloc[-1, :], frame.iloc[-50:, :].apply(compare_func, axis=0, raw=raw), check_names=False, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "compare_func, roll_func, kwargs, minp", [ [np.mean, "mean", {}, 10], [np.nansum, "sum", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.isfinite(x).astype(float).sum(), "count", {}, 0], [np.median, "median", {}, 10], [np.min, "min", {}, 10], [np.max, "max", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=1), "std", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=0), "std", {"ddof": 0}, 10], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=1), "var", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=0), "var", {"ddof": 0}, 10], ], ) def test_time_rule_series(series, compare_func, roll_func, kwargs, minp): win = 25 ser = series[::2].resample("B").mean() series_result = getattr(ser.rolling(window=win, min_periods=minp), roll_func)( **kwargs ) last_date = series_result.index[-1] prev_date = last_date - 24 * offsets.BDay() trunc_series = series[::2].truncate(prev_date, last_date) tm.assert_almost_equal(series_result[-1], compare_func(trunc_series)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "compare_func, roll_func, kwargs, minp", [ [np.mean, "mean", {}, 10], [np.nansum, "sum", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.isfinite(x).astype(float).sum(), "count", {}, 0], [np.median, "median", {}, 10], [np.min, "min", {}, 10], [np.max, "max", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=1), "std", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=0), "std", {"ddof": 0}, 10], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=1), "var", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=0), "var", {"ddof": 0}, 10], ], ) def test_time_rule_frame(raw, frame, compare_func, roll_func, kwargs, minp): win = 25 frm = frame[::2].resample("B").mean() frame_result = getattr(frm.rolling(window=win, min_periods=minp), roll_func)( **kwargs ) last_date = frame_result.index[-1] prev_date = last_date - 24 * offsets.BDay() trunc_frame = frame[::2].truncate(prev_date, last_date) tm.assert_series_equal( frame_result.xs(last_date), trunc_frame.apply(compare_func, raw=raw), check_names=False, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "compare_func, roll_func, kwargs", [ [np.mean, "mean", {}], [np.nansum, "sum", {}], [np.median, "median", {}], [np.min, "min", {}], [np.max, "max", {}], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=1), "std", {}], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=0), "std", {"ddof": 0}], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=1), "var", {}], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=0), "var", {"ddof": 0}], ], ) def test_nans(compare_func, roll_func, kwargs): obj = Series(np.random.randn(50)) obj[:10] = np.NaN obj[-10:] = np.NaN result = getattr(obj.rolling(50, min_periods=30), roll_func)(**kwargs) tm.assert_almost_equal(result.iloc[-1], compare_func(obj[10:-10])) # min_periods is working correctly result = getattr(obj.rolling(20, min_periods=15), roll_func)(**kwargs) assert isna(result.iloc[23]) assert not isna(result.iloc[24]) assert not isna(result.iloc[-6]) assert isna(result.iloc[-5]) obj2 = Series(np.random.randn(20)) result = getattr(obj2.rolling(10, min_periods=5), roll_func)(**kwargs) assert isna(result.iloc[3]) assert notna(result.iloc[4]) if roll_func != "sum": result0 = getattr(obj.rolling(20, min_periods=0), roll_func)(**kwargs) result1 = getattr(obj.rolling(20, min_periods=1), roll_func)(**kwargs)
tm.assert_almost_equal(result0, result1)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys sys.stderr = open(snakemake.log[0], "w") import numpy as np import pandas as pd import allel chroms = snakemake.params['chroms'] for chrom in chroms: vcf = allel.read_vcf(f"results/variants/vcfs/annot.missense.{chrom}.vcf") pos = vcf['variants/POS'] pos1 = pos+1 data = {'chrom':chrom, 'start':pos, 'stop':pos1} bed =
import unittest import pandas as pd from data_profiler.profilers import OrderColumn from . import test_utils from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock from collections import defaultdict # This is taken from: # undo when cpython#4800 is merged. = test_utils.patched_assert_warns class TestOrderColumn(unittest.TestCase): @staticmethod def _update_order(data): df = pd.Series(data).apply(str) profiler = OrderColumn( profiler.update(df) return profiler.order def test_base_case(self): data = pd.Series([], dtype=object) profiler = OrderColumn( profiler.update(data) self.assertEqual(profiler.sample_size, 0) self.assertIsNone(profiler.order) def test_descending(self): data = ['za', 'z', 'c', 'a'] order = self._update_order(data) self.assertEqual(order, 'descending') data = [5, 3, 2] order = self._update_order(data) self.assertEqual(order, 'descending') def test_ascending(self): data = ['a', 'b', 'z', 'za'] order = self._update_order(data) self.assertEqual(order, 'ascending') data = [2, 3, 11] order = self._update_order(data) self.assertEqual(order, 'ascending') def test_constant_value(self): data = ['a'] order = self._update_order(data) self.assertEqual(order, 'constant value') data = ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a'] order = self._update_order(data) self.assertEqual(order, 'constant value') def test_random(self): data = ['a', 'b', 'ab'] order = self._update_order(data) self.assertEqual(order, 'random') data = [1, 11, 4] order = self._update_order(data) self.assertEqual(order, 'random') def test_batch_updates(self): data = ['a', 'a', 'a'] df = pd.Series(data) profiler = OrderColumn( profiler.update(df) self.assertEqual(profiler.order, 'constant value') data = ['a', 'b', 'c'] df = pd.Series(data) profiler.update(df) self.assertEqual(profiler.order, 'ascending') # previous was ascending, should stay ascending bc now receiving const data = ['c', 'c', 'c'] df = pd.Series(data) profiler.update(df) self.assertEqual(profiler.order, 'ascending') # previous was ascending, should be random now receiving descending data = ['c', 'b', 'a'] df = pd.Series(data) profiler.update(df) self.assertEqual(profiler.order, 'random') def test_profile(self): data = [1] df = pd.Series(data).apply(str) profiler = OrderColumn( expected_profile = dict( order='constant value', times={'order' : 2.0} ) time_array = [float(x) for x in range(4, 0, -1)] with patch('time.time', side_effect = lambda: time_array.pop()): profiler.update(df) profile = profiler.profile # key and value populated correctly self.assertDictEqual(expected_profile, profile) def test_profile_merge(self): data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] df = pd.Series(data).apply(str) profiler = OrderColumn("placeholder_name") profiler.update(df) data2 = [7, 8, 9, 10] df2 = pd.Series(data2).apply(str) profiler2 = OrderColumn("placeholder_name") profiler2.update(df2) data3 = [2, 3, 4] df3 =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ These the test the public routines exposed in types/ related to inference and not otherwise tested in types/ """ from warnings import catch_warnings, simplefilter import collections import re from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta, time from decimal import Decimal from numbers import Number from fractions import Fraction import numpy as np import pytz import pytest import pandas as pd from pandas._libs import lib, iNaT, missing as libmissing from pandas import (Series, Index, DataFrame, Timedelta, DatetimeIndex, TimedeltaIndex, Timestamp, Panel, Period, Categorical, isna, Interval, DateOffset) from pandas import compat from pandas.compat import u, PY2, StringIO, lrange from pandas.core.dtypes import inference from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( is_timedelta64_dtype, is_timedelta64_ns_dtype, is_datetime64_dtype, is_datetime64_ns_dtype, is_datetime64_any_dtype, is_datetime64tz_dtype, is_number, is_integer, is_float, is_bool, is_scalar, is_scipy_sparse, ensure_int32, ensure_categorical) from pandas.util import testing as tm import pandas.util._test_decorators as td @pytest.fixture(params=[True, False], ids=str) def coerce(request): return request.param # collect all objects to be tested for list-like-ness; use tuples of objects, # whether they are list-like or not (special casing for sets), and their ID ll_params = [ ([1], True, 'list'), # noqa: E241 ([], True, 'list-empty'), # noqa: E241 ((1, ), True, 'tuple'), # noqa: E241 (tuple(), True, 'tuple-empty'), # noqa: E241 ({'a': 1}, True, 'dict'), # noqa: E241 (dict(), True, 'dict-empty'), # noqa: E241 ({'a', 1}, 'set', 'set'), # noqa: E241 (set(), 'set', 'set-empty'), # noqa: E241 (frozenset({'a', 1}), 'set', 'frozenset'), # noqa: E241 (frozenset(), 'set', 'frozenset-empty'), # noqa: E241 (iter([1, 2]), True, 'iterator'), # noqa: E241 (iter([]), True, 'iterator-empty'), # noqa: E241 ((x for x in [1, 2]), True, 'generator'), # noqa: E241 ((x for x in []), True, 'generator-empty'), # noqa: E241 (Series([1]), True, 'Series'), # noqa: E241 (Series([]), True, 'Series-empty'), # noqa: E241 (Series(['a']).str, True, 'StringMethods'), # noqa: E241 (Series([], dtype='O').str, True, 'StringMethods-empty'), # noqa: E241 (Index([1]), True, 'Index'), # noqa: E241 (Index([]), True, 'Index-empty'), # noqa: E241 (DataFrame([[1]]), True, 'DataFrame'), # noqa: E241 (DataFrame(), True, 'DataFrame-empty'), # noqa: E241 (np.ndarray((2,) * 1), True, 'ndarray-1d'), # noqa: E241 (np.array([]), True, 'ndarray-1d-empty'), # noqa: E241 (np.ndarray((2,) * 2), True, 'ndarray-2d'), # noqa: E241 (np.array([[]]), True, 'ndarray-2d-empty'), # noqa: E241 (np.ndarray((2,) * 3), True, 'ndarray-3d'), # noqa: E241 (np.array([[[]]]), True, 'ndarray-3d-empty'), # noqa: E241 (np.ndarray((2,) * 4), True, 'ndarray-4d'), # noqa: E241 (np.array([[[[]]]]), True, 'ndarray-4d-empty'), # noqa: E241 (np.array(2), False, 'ndarray-0d'), # noqa: E241 (1, False, 'int'), # noqa: E241 (b'123', False, 'bytes'), # noqa: E241 (b'', False, 'bytes-empty'), # noqa: E241 ('123', False, 'string'), # noqa: E241 ('', False, 'string-empty'), # noqa: E241 (str, False, 'string-type'), # noqa: E241 (object(), False, 'object'), # noqa: E241 (np.nan, False, 'NaN'), # noqa: E241 (None, False, 'None') # noqa: E241 ] objs, expected, ids = zip(*ll_params) @pytest.fixture(params=zip(objs, expected), ids=ids) def maybe_list_like(request): return request.param def test_is_list_like(maybe_list_like): obj, expected = maybe_list_like expected = True if expected == 'set' else expected assert inference.is_list_like(obj) == expected def test_is_list_like_disallow_sets(maybe_list_like): obj, expected = maybe_list_like expected = False if expected == 'set' else expected assert inference.is_list_like(obj, allow_sets=False) == expected def test_is_sequence(): is_seq = inference.is_sequence assert (is_seq((1, 2))) assert (is_seq([1, 2])) assert (not is_seq("abcd")) assert (not is_seq(u("abcd"))) assert (not is_seq(np.int64)) class A(object): def __getitem__(self): return 1 assert (not is_seq(A())) def test_is_array_like(): assert inference.is_array_like(Series([])) assert inference.is_array_like(Series([1, 2])) assert inference.is_array_like(np.array(["a", "b"])) assert inference.is_array_like(Index(["2016-01-01"])) class DtypeList(list): dtype = "special" assert inference.is_array_like(DtypeList()) assert not inference.is_array_like([1, 2, 3]) assert not inference.is_array_like(tuple()) assert not inference.is_array_like("foo") assert not inference.is_array_like(123) @pytest.mark.parametrize('inner', [ [], [1], (1, ), (1, 2), {'a': 1}, {1, 'a'}, Series([1]), Series([]), Series(['a']).str, (x for x in range(5)) ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('outer', [ list, Series, np.array, tuple ]) def test_is_nested_list_like_passes(inner, outer): result = outer([inner for _ in range(5)]) assert inference.is_list_like(result) @pytest.mark.parametrize('obj', [ 'abc', [], [1], (1,), ['a'], 'a', {'a'}, [1, 2, 3], Series([1]), DataFrame({"A": [1]}), ([1, 2] for _ in range(5)), ]) def test_is_nested_list_like_fails(obj): assert not inference.is_nested_list_like(obj) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ll", [{}, {'A': 1}, Series([1])]) def test_is_dict_like_passes(ll): assert inference.is_dict_like(ll) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ll", ['1', 1, [1, 2], (1, 2), range(2), Index([1])]) def test_is_dict_like_fails(ll): assert not inference.is_dict_like(ll) @pytest.mark.parametrize("has_keys", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("has_getitem", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("has_contains", [True, False]) def test_is_dict_like_duck_type(has_keys, has_getitem, has_contains): class DictLike(object): def __init__(self, d): self.d = d if has_keys: def keys(self): return self.d.keys() if has_getitem: def __getitem__(self, key): return self.d.__getitem__(key) if has_contains: def __contains__(self, key): return self.d.__contains__(key) d = DictLike({1: 2}) result = inference.is_dict_like(d) expected = has_keys and has_getitem and has_contains assert result is expected def test_is_file_like(mock): class MockFile(object): pass is_file = inference.is_file_like data = StringIO("data") assert is_file(data) # No read / write attributes # No iterator attributes m = MockFile() assert not is_file(m) MockFile.write = lambda self: 0 # Write attribute but not an iterator m = MockFile() assert not is_file(m) # gh-16530: Valid iterator just means we have the # __iter__ attribute for our purposes. MockFile.__iter__ = lambda self: self # Valid write-only file m = MockFile() assert is_file(m) del MockFile.write = lambda self: 0 # Valid read-only file m = MockFile() assert is_file(m) # Iterator but no read / write attributes data = [1, 2, 3] assert not is_file(data) assert not is_file(mock.Mock()) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ll", [collections.namedtuple('Test', list('abc'))(1, 2, 3)]) def test_is_names_tuple_passes(ll): assert inference.is_named_tuple(ll) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ll", [(1, 2, 3), 'a', Series({'pi': 3.14})]) def test_is_names_tuple_fails(ll): assert not inference.is_named_tuple(ll) def test_is_hashable(): # all new-style classes are hashable by default class HashableClass(object): pass class UnhashableClass1(object): __hash__ = None class UnhashableClass2(object): def __hash__(self): raise TypeError("Not hashable") hashable = (1, 3.14, np.float64(3.14), 'a', tuple(), (1, ), HashableClass(), ) not_hashable = ([], UnhashableClass1(), ) abc_hashable_not_really_hashable = (([], ), UnhashableClass2(), ) for i in hashable: assert inference.is_hashable(i) for i in not_hashable: assert not inference.is_hashable(i) for i in abc_hashable_not_really_hashable: assert not inference.is_hashable(i) # numpy.array is no longer collections.Hashable as of #, just test # is_hashable() assert not inference.is_hashable(np.array([])) # old-style classes in Python 2 don't appear hashable to # collections.Hashable but also seem to support hash() by default if PY2: class OldStyleClass(): pass c = OldStyleClass() assert not isinstance(c, compat.Hashable) assert inference.is_hashable(c) hash(c) # this will not raise @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ll", [re.compile('ad')]) def test_is_re_passes(ll): assert inference.is_re(ll) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ll", ['x', 2, 3, object()]) def test_is_re_fails(ll): assert not inference.is_re(ll) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ll", [r'a', u('x'), r'asdf', re.compile('adsf'), u(r'\u2233\s*'), re.compile(r'')]) def test_is_recompilable_passes(ll): assert inference.is_re_compilable(ll) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ll", [1, [], object()]) def test_is_recompilable_fails(ll): assert not inference.is_re_compilable(ll) class TestInference(object): def test_infer_dtype_bytes(self): compare = 'string' if PY2 else 'bytes' # string array of bytes arr = np.array(list('abc'), dtype='S1') assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == compare # object array of bytes arr = arr.astype(object) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == compare # object array of bytes with missing values assert lib.infer_dtype([b'a', np.nan, b'c'], skipna=True) == compare def test_isinf_scalar(self): # GH 11352 assert libmissing.isposinf_scalar(float('inf')) assert libmissing.isposinf_scalar(np.inf) assert not libmissing.isposinf_scalar(-np.inf) assert not libmissing.isposinf_scalar(1) assert not libmissing.isposinf_scalar('a') assert libmissing.isneginf_scalar(float('-inf')) assert libmissing.isneginf_scalar(-np.inf) assert not libmissing.isneginf_scalar(np.inf) assert not libmissing.isneginf_scalar(1) assert not libmissing.isneginf_scalar('a') def test_maybe_convert_numeric_infinities(self): # see gh-13274 infinities = ['inf', 'inF', 'iNf', 'Inf', 'iNF', 'InF', 'INf', 'INF'] na_values = {'', 'NULL', 'nan'} pos = np.array(['inf'], dtype=np.float64) neg = np.array(['-inf'], dtype=np.float64) msg = "Unable to parse string" for infinity in infinities: for maybe_int in (True, False): out = lib.maybe_convert_numeric( np.array([infinity], dtype=object), na_values, maybe_int) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(out, pos) out = lib.maybe_convert_numeric( np.array(['-' + infinity], dtype=object), na_values, maybe_int) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(out, neg) out = lib.maybe_convert_numeric( np.array([u(infinity)], dtype=object), na_values, maybe_int) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(out, pos) out = lib.maybe_convert_numeric( np.array(['+' + infinity], dtype=object), na_values, maybe_int) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(out, pos) # too many characters with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): lib.maybe_convert_numeric( np.array(['foo_' + infinity], dtype=object), na_values, maybe_int) def test_maybe_convert_numeric_post_floatify_nan(self, coerce): # see gh-13314 data = np.array(['1.200', '-999.000', '4.500'], dtype=object) expected = np.array([1.2, np.nan, 4.5], dtype=np.float64) nan_values = {-999, -999.0} out = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(data, nan_values, coerce) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(out, expected) def test_convert_infs(self): arr = np.array(['inf', 'inf', 'inf'], dtype='O') result = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(arr, set(), False) assert result.dtype == np.float64 arr = np.array(['-inf', '-inf', '-inf'], dtype='O') result = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(arr, set(), False) assert result.dtype == np.float64 def test_scientific_no_exponent(self): # See PR 12215 arr = np.array(['42E', '2E', '99e', '6e'], dtype='O') result = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(arr, set(), False, True) assert np.all(np.isnan(result)) def test_convert_non_hashable(self): # GH13324 # make sure that we are handing non-hashables arr = np.array([[10.0, 2], 1.0, 'apple']) result = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(arr, set(), False, True) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, np.array([np.nan, 1.0, np.nan])) def test_convert_numeric_uint64(self): arr = np.array([2**63], dtype=object) exp = np.array([2**63], dtype=np.uint64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_numeric(arr, set()), exp) arr = np.array([str(2**63)], dtype=object) exp = np.array([2**63], dtype=np.uint64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_numeric(arr, set()), exp) arr = np.array([np.uint64(2**63)], dtype=object) exp = np.array([2**63], dtype=np.uint64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_numeric(arr, set()), exp) @pytest.mark.parametrize("arr", [ np.array([2**63, np.nan], dtype=object), np.array([str(2**63), np.nan], dtype=object), np.array([np.nan, 2**63], dtype=object), np.array([np.nan, str(2**63)], dtype=object)]) def test_convert_numeric_uint64_nan(self, coerce, arr): expected = arr.astype(float) if coerce else arr.copy() result = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(arr, set(), coerce_numeric=coerce) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, expected) def test_convert_numeric_uint64_nan_values(self, coerce): arr = np.array([2**63, 2**63 + 1], dtype=object) na_values = {2**63} expected = (np.array([np.nan, 2**63 + 1], dtype=float) if coerce else arr.copy()) result = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(arr, na_values, coerce_numeric=coerce) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("case", [ np.array([2**63, -1], dtype=object), np.array([str(2**63), -1], dtype=object), np.array([str(2**63), str(-1)], dtype=object), np.array([-1, 2**63], dtype=object), np.array([-1, str(2**63)], dtype=object), np.array([str(-1), str(2**63)], dtype=object)]) def test_convert_numeric_int64_uint64(self, case, coerce): expected = case.astype(float) if coerce else case.copy() result = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(case, set(), coerce_numeric=coerce) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("value", [-2**63 - 1, 2**64]) def test_convert_int_overflow(self, value): # see gh-18584 arr = np.array([value], dtype=object) result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(arr, result) def test_maybe_convert_objects_uint64(self): # see gh-4471 arr = np.array([2**63], dtype=object) exp = np.array([2**63], dtype=np.uint64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp) # NumPy bug: can't compare uint64 to int64, as that # results in both casting to float64, so we should # make sure that this function is robust against it arr = np.array([np.uint64(2**63)], dtype=object) exp = np.array([2**63], dtype=np.uint64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp) arr = np.array([2, -1], dtype=object) exp = np.array([2, -1], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp) arr = np.array([2**63, -1], dtype=object) exp = np.array([2**63, -1], dtype=object) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(lib.maybe_convert_objects(arr), exp) def test_mixed_dtypes_remain_object_array(self): # GH14956 array = np.array([datetime(2015, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc), 1], dtype=object) result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(array, convert_datetime=1) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, array) class TestTypeInference(object): # Dummy class used for testing with Python objects class Dummy(): pass def test_inferred_dtype_fixture(self, any_skipna_inferred_dtype): # see pandas/ inferred_dtype, values = any_skipna_inferred_dtype # make sure the inferred dtype of the fixture is as requested assert inferred_dtype == lib.infer_dtype(values, skipna=True) def test_length_zero(self): result = lib.infer_dtype(np.array([], dtype='i4')) assert result == 'integer' result = lib.infer_dtype([]) assert result == 'empty' # GH 18004 arr = np.array([np.array([], dtype=object), np.array([], dtype=object)]) result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'empty' def test_integers(self): arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, np.int64(4), np.int32(5)], dtype='O') result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'integer' arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, np.int64(4), np.int32(5), 'foo'], dtype='O') result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'mixed-integer' arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype='i4') result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'integer' def test_bools(self): arr = np.array([True, False, True, True, True], dtype='O') result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'boolean' arr = np.array([np.bool_(True), np.bool_(False)], dtype='O') result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'boolean' arr = np.array([True, False, True, 'foo'], dtype='O') result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'mixed' arr = np.array([True, False, True], dtype=bool) result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'boolean' arr = np.array([True, np.nan, False], dtype='O') result = lib.infer_dtype(arr, skipna=True) assert result == 'boolean' def test_floats(self): arr = np.array([1., 2., 3., np.float64(4), np.float32(5)], dtype='O') result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'floating' arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, np.float64(4), np.float32(5), 'foo'], dtype='O') result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'mixed-integer' arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype='f4') result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'floating' arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype='f8') result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'floating' def test_decimals(self): # GH15690 arr = np.array([Decimal(1), Decimal(2), Decimal(3)]) result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'decimal' arr = np.array([1.0, 2.0, Decimal(3)]) result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'mixed' arr = np.array([Decimal(1), Decimal('NaN'), Decimal(3)]) result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'decimal' arr = np.array([Decimal(1), np.nan, Decimal(3)], dtype='O') result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'decimal' def test_string(self): pass def test_unicode(self): arr = [u'a', np.nan, u'c'] result = lib.infer_dtype(arr) assert result == 'mixed' arr = [u'a', np.nan, u'c'] result = lib.infer_dtype(arr, skipna=True) expected = 'unicode' if PY2 else 'string' assert result == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype, missing, skipna, expected', [ (float, np.nan, False, 'floating'), (float, np.nan, True, 'floating'), (object, np.nan, False, 'floating'), (object, np.nan, True, 'empty'), (object, None, False, 'mixed'), (object, None, True, 'empty') ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [pd.Series, np.array]) def test_object_empty(self, box, missing, dtype, skipna, expected): # GH 23421 arr = box([missing, missing], dtype=dtype) result = lib.infer_dtype(arr, skipna=skipna) assert result == expected def test_datetime(self): dates = [datetime(2012, 1, x) for x in range(1, 20)] index = Index(dates) assert index.inferred_type == 'datetime64' def test_infer_dtype_datetime(self): arr = np.array([Timestamp('2011-01-01'), Timestamp('2011-01-02')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime' arr = np.array([np.datetime64('2011-01-01'), np.datetime64('2011-01-01')], dtype=object) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime64' arr = np.array([datetime(2011, 1, 1), datetime(2012, 2, 1)]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime' # starts with nan for n in [pd.NaT, np.nan]: arr = np.array([n, pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime' arr = np.array([n, np.datetime64('2011-01-02')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime64' arr = np.array([n, datetime(2011, 1, 1)]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime' arr = np.array([n, pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02'), n]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime' arr = np.array([n, np.datetime64('2011-01-02'), n]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime64' arr = np.array([n, datetime(2011, 1, 1), n]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime' # different type of nat arr = np.array([np.timedelta64('nat'), np.datetime64('2011-01-02')], dtype=object) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' arr = np.array([np.datetime64('2011-01-02'), np.timedelta64('nat')], dtype=object) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' # mixed datetime arr = np.array([datetime(2011, 1, 1), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime' # should be datetime? arr = np.array([np.datetime64('2011-01-01'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' arr = np.array([pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02'), np.datetime64('2011-01-01')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' arr = np.array([np.nan, pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02'), 1]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed-integer' arr = np.array([np.nan, pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02'), 1.1]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' arr = np.array([np.nan, '2011-01-01', pd.Timestamp('2011-01-02')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' def test_infer_dtype_timedelta(self): arr = np.array([pd.Timedelta('1 days'), pd.Timedelta('2 days')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'timedelta' arr = np.array([np.timedelta64(1, 'D'), np.timedelta64(2, 'D')], dtype=object) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'timedelta' arr = np.array([timedelta(1), timedelta(2)]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'timedelta' # starts with nan for n in [pd.NaT, np.nan]: arr = np.array([n, Timedelta('1 days')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'timedelta' arr = np.array([n, np.timedelta64(1, 'D')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'timedelta' arr = np.array([n, timedelta(1)]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'timedelta' arr = np.array([n, pd.Timedelta('1 days'), n]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'timedelta' arr = np.array([n, np.timedelta64(1, 'D'), n]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'timedelta' arr = np.array([n, timedelta(1), n]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'timedelta' # different type of nat arr = np.array([np.datetime64('nat'), np.timedelta64(1, 'D')], dtype=object) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' arr = np.array([np.timedelta64(1, 'D'), np.datetime64('nat')], dtype=object) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' def test_infer_dtype_period(self): # GH 13664 arr = np.array([pd.Period('2011-01', freq='D'), pd.Period('2011-02', freq='D')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'period' arr = np.array([pd.Period('2011-01', freq='D'), pd.Period('2011-02', freq='M')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'period' # starts with nan for n in [pd.NaT, np.nan]: arr = np.array([n, pd.Period('2011-01', freq='D')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'period' arr = np.array([n, pd.Period('2011-01', freq='D'), n]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'period' # different type of nat arr = np.array([np.datetime64('nat'), pd.Period('2011-01', freq='M')], dtype=object) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' arr = np.array([pd.Period('2011-01', freq='M'), np.datetime64('nat')], dtype=object) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [datetime(2017, 6, 12, 19, 30), datetime(2017, 3, 11, 1, 15)], [Timestamp("20170612"), Timestamp("20170311")], [Timestamp("20170612", tz='US/Eastern'), Timestamp("20170311", tz='US/Eastern')], [date(2017, 6, 12), Timestamp("20170311", tz='US/Eastern')], [np.datetime64("2017-06-12"), np.datetime64("2017-03-11")], [np.datetime64("2017-06-12"), datetime(2017, 3, 11, 1, 15)] ] ) def test_infer_datetimelike_array_datetime(self, data): assert lib.infer_datetimelike_array(data) == "datetime" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [timedelta(2017, 6, 12), timedelta(2017, 3, 11)], [timedelta(2017, 6, 12), date(2017, 3, 11)], [np.timedelta64(2017, "D"), np.timedelta64(6, "s")], [np.timedelta64(2017, "D"), timedelta(2017, 3, 11)] ] ) def test_infer_datetimelike_array_timedelta(self, data): assert lib.infer_datetimelike_array(data) == "timedelta" def test_infer_datetimelike_array_date(self): arr = [date(2017, 6, 12), date(2017, 3, 11)] assert lib.infer_datetimelike_array(arr) == "date" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ ["2017-06-12", "2017-03-11"], [20170612, 20170311], [20170612.5, 20170311.8], [Dummy(), Dummy()], [Timestamp("20170612"), Timestamp("20170311", tz='US/Eastern')], [Timestamp("20170612"), 20170311], [timedelta(2017, 6, 12), Timestamp("20170311", tz='US/Eastern')] ] ) def test_infer_datetimelike_array_mixed(self, data): assert lib.infer_datetimelike_array(data) == "mixed" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "first, expected", [ [[None], "mixed"], [[np.nan], "mixed"], [[pd.NaT], "nat"], [[datetime(2017, 6, 12, 19, 30), pd.NaT], "datetime"], [[np.datetime64("2017-06-12"), pd.NaT], "datetime"], [[date(2017, 6, 12), pd.NaT], "date"], [[timedelta(2017, 6, 12), pd.NaT], "timedelta"], [[np.timedelta64(2017, "D"), pd.NaT], "timedelta"] ] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("second", [None, np.nan]) def test_infer_datetimelike_array_nan_nat_like(self, first, second, expected): first.append(second) assert lib.infer_datetimelike_array(first) == expected def test_infer_dtype_all_nan_nat_like(self): arr = np.array([np.nan, np.nan]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'floating' # nan and None mix are result in mixed arr = np.array([np.nan, np.nan, None]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' arr = np.array([None, np.nan, np.nan]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' # pd.NaT arr = np.array([pd.NaT]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime' arr = np.array([pd.NaT, np.nan]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime' arr = np.array([np.nan, pd.NaT]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime' arr = np.array([np.nan, pd.NaT, np.nan]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime' arr = np.array([None, pd.NaT, None]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime' # np.datetime64(nat) arr = np.array([np.datetime64('nat')]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime64' for n in [np.nan, pd.NaT, None]: arr = np.array([n, np.datetime64('nat'), n]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime64' arr = np.array([pd.NaT, n, np.datetime64('nat'), n]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'datetime64' arr = np.array([np.timedelta64('nat')], dtype=object) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'timedelta' for n in [np.nan, pd.NaT, None]: arr = np.array([n, np.timedelta64('nat'), n]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'timedelta' arr = np.array([pd.NaT, n, np.timedelta64('nat'), n]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'timedelta' # datetime / timedelta mixed arr = np.array([pd.NaT, np.datetime64('nat'), np.timedelta64('nat'), np.nan]) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' arr = np.array([np.timedelta64('nat'), np.datetime64('nat')], dtype=object) assert lib.infer_dtype(arr) == 'mixed' def test_is_datetimelike_array_all_nan_nat_like(self): arr = np.array([np.nan, pd.NaT, np.datetime64('nat')]) assert lib.is_datetime_array(arr) assert lib.is_datetime64_array(arr) assert not lib.is_timedelta_or_timedelta64_array(arr) arr = np.array([np.nan, pd.NaT, np.timedelta64('nat')]) assert not lib.is_datetime_array(arr) assert not lib.is_datetime64_array(arr) assert lib.is_timedelta_or_timedelta64_array(arr) arr = np.array([np.nan, pd.NaT, np.datetime64('nat'), np.timedelta64('nat')]) assert not lib.is_datetime_array(arr) assert not
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import csv import os from datetime import datetime class Console_export(object): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path + "_sim_summary.txt" def printLog(self, *args, **kwargs): print(*args, **kwargs) with open(self.path,'a') as file: print(*args, **kwargs, file=file) def export_statistics_logging(statistics, parameters, resources): if parameters['EXPORT_NO_LOGS']: return None statistics['sim_end_time'] = path = parameters['PATH_TIME'] ce = Console_export(path) ce.printLog("Start logger ", """ Statistics & Logging """ # Cut-off last processes at end of simulation for mach in range(parameters['NUM_MACHINES']): list_of_stats = ['stat_machines_working', 'stat_machines_changeover', 'stat_machines_broken', 'stat_machines_idle'] for stat in list_of_stats: if stat == 'stat_machines_working': if resources['machines'][mach].last_process_start > statistics['time_end']: resources['machines'][mach].last_process_start -= resources['machines'][mach].last_broken_time if resources['machines'][mach].last_process_start + resources['machines'][mach].last_process_time > statistics['time_end']: statistics[stat][mach] -= resources['machines'][mach].last_process_start + resources['machines'][mach].last_process_time - statistics['time_end'] if stat == 'stat_machines_broken': if resources['machines'][mach].last_broken_start + resources['machines'][mach].last_broken_time > statistics['time_end']: statistics[stat][mach] -= resources['machines'][mach].last_broken_start + resources['machines'][mach].last_broken_time - statistics['time_end'] statistics['stat_machines_working'] = np.true_divide(statistics['stat_machines_working'], statistics['time_end']) statistics['stat_machines_changeover'] = np.true_divide(statistics['stat_machines_changeover'], statistics['time_end']) statistics['stat_machines_broken'] = np.true_divide(statistics['stat_machines_broken'], statistics['time_end']) statistics['stat_machines_idle'] = np.true_divide(statistics['stat_machines_idle'], statistics['time_end']) statistics['stat_transp_working'] = np.true_divide(statistics['stat_transp_working'], statistics['time_end']) statistics['stat_transp_walking'] = np.true_divide(statistics['stat_transp_walking'], statistics['time_end']) statistics['stat_transp_handling'] = np.true_divide(statistics['stat_transp_handling'], statistics['time_end']) statistics['stat_transp_idle'] = np.true_divide(statistics['stat_transp_idle'], statistics['time_end']) ce.printLog("##########################") ce.printLog("Simulation") ce.printLog("##########################") ce.printLog("Start time: ", statistics['sim_start_time']) ce.printLog("End time: ", statistics['sim_end_time']) duration = statistics['sim_end_time'] - statistics['sim_start_time'] ce.printLog("Duration [min]: ", duration.total_seconds() / 60.0) ce.printLog("##########################") ce.printLog("Orders") ce.printLog("##########################") ce.printLog('Finished orders: ', len(statistics['orders_done'])) ce.printLog('Prefilled orders: ', statistics['stat_prefilled_orders']) cycle_time = 0.0 for order in statistics['orders_done']: cycle_time += order.eop - order.sop ce.printLog('Average order cycle time: ', cycle_time / len(statistics['orders_done'])) ce.printLog("##########################") ce.printLog("Maschines") ce.printLog("##########################") ce.printLog("Working - Changeover - Broken - Idle || Total") for i in range(parameters['NUM_MACHINES']): ce.printLog("{0:.3f}".format(statistics['stat_machines_working'][i]), "{0:.3f}".format(statistics['stat_machines_changeover'][i]), "{0:.3f}".format(statistics['stat_machines_broken'][i]), "{0:.3f}".format(statistics['stat_machines_idle'][i]), " || ", "{0:.3f}".format(statistics['stat_machines_working'][i]+statistics['stat_machines_changeover'][i]+statistics['stat_machines_broken'][i]+statistics['stat_machines_idle'][i])) ce.printLog("--------------------------") ce.printLog("{0:.3f}".format(np.mean(statistics['stat_machines_working'])), "{0:.3f}".format(np.mean(statistics['stat_machines_changeover'])), "{0:.3f}".format(np.mean(statistics['stat_machines_broken'])), "{0:.3f}".format(np.mean(statistics['stat_machines_idle'])), " || ", "{0:.3f}".format(np.mean(statistics['stat_machines_working']) + np.mean(statistics['stat_machines_changeover']) + np.mean(statistics['stat_machines_broken']) + np.mean(statistics['stat_machines_idle']))) ce.printLog("##########################") ce.printLog("Transport") ce.printLog("##########################") ce.printLog("Working - Walking - Handling - Idle || Total") for i in range(parameters['NUM_TRANSP_AGENTS']): ce.printLog("{0:.3f}".format(statistics['stat_transp_working'][i]), "{0:.3f}".format(statistics['stat_transp_walking'][i]), "{0:.3f}".format(statistics['stat_transp_handling'][i]), "{0:.3f}".format(statistics['stat_transp_idle'][i]), " || ", "{0:.3f}".format(statistics['stat_transp_walking'][i]+statistics['stat_transp_handling'][i]+statistics['stat_transp_idle'][i])) ce.printLog("--------------------------") ce.printLog("{0:.3f}".format(np.mean(statistics['stat_transp_working'])), "{0:.3f}".format(np.mean(statistics['stat_transp_walking'])), "{0:.3f}".format(np.mean(statistics['stat_transp_handling'])), "{0:.3f}".format(np.mean(statistics['stat_transp_idle'])), " || ", "{0:.3f}".format(np.mean(statistics['stat_transp_walking']) + np.mean(statistics['stat_transp_handling']) + np.mean(statistics['stat_transp_idle']))) ce.printLog("##########################") # Close report file statistics['agent_reward_log'].close() statistics['episode_log'].close() # Calculate statistics of last quarter pd_episode_log = pd.read_csv(parameters['PATH_TIME'] + "_episode_log.txt", sep=",", header=0, index_col=0) last_quarter = int(len(pd_episode_log.index) / 4) dt_weights_time = pd_episode_log['dt'].tail(last_quarter).tolist() dt_weights_orders = pd_episode_log['finished_orders'].tail(last_quarter).tolist() lq_stats = dict() for kpi in pd_episode_log.columns: if kpi in ['dt', 'dt_real_time', 'valid_actions', 'total_reward', 'machines_total', 'selected_idle', 'forced_idle', 'threshold_waiting', 'finished_orders', 'processed_orders']: lq_stats.update({kpi: np.average(pd_episode_log[kpi].tail(last_quarter).tolist())}) elif kpi in ['machines_working', 'machines_changeover', 'machines_broken', 'machines_idle', 'machines_processed_orders', 'transp_working', 'transp_walking', 'transp_handling', 'transp_idle', 'alpha', 'inventory']: lq_stats.update({kpi: np.average(pd_episode_log[kpi].tail(last_quarter).tolist(), weights=dt_weights_time)}) elif kpi in ['order_waiting_time']: lq_stats.update({kpi: np.average(pd_episode_log[kpi].tail(last_quarter).tolist(), weights=dt_weights_orders)}) else: lq_stats.update({kpi: 0.0}) pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lq_stats, orient="index").to_csv(parameters['PATH_TIME'] + "_kpi_log.txt", sep=",", header=0) ce.printLog("Export order log ", export_df = [] for x in statistics['orders_done']: export_df.append(x.order_log) pd.DataFrame(export_df).to_csv(str(path) + '_order_log.txt', header=None, index=None, sep=',', mode='a') ce.printLog("Export transport log ", export_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = None) for x in resources['transps']: temp_df = pd.DataFrame(x.transp_log) new_header = temp_df.iloc[0] temp_df = temp_df[1:] temp_df.columns = new_header temp_df = temp_df.add_prefix("transp_" + str( + "_") export_df = pd.concat([export_df, temp_df], axis=1) export_df.to_csv(str(path) + '_transport_log.txt', index=None, sep=',', mode='a') ce.printLog("Export machine log ", export_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = None) for x in resources['machines']: temp_df = pd.DataFrame(x.machine_log) new_header = temp_df.iloc[0] temp_df = temp_df[1:] temp_df.columns = new_header temp_df = temp_df.add_prefix("machine_" + str( + "_") export_df =
pd.concat([export_df, temp_df], axis=1)
# Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Probability Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================ """Tests for holiday_effects.""" from absl.testing import parameterized import pandas as pd from tensorflow_probability.python.internal import test_util from tensorflow_probability.python.sts import holiday_effects HOLIDAY_FILE_FIELDS = ['geo', 'holiday', 'date'] class HolidayEffectsTest(test_util.TestCase): def test_get_default_holidays_invalid_country(self): times =
pd.to_datetime(['2012-12-25', '2013-01-01'])
import datetime as dt import pandas as pd import numpy as np import re # Begin User Input Data report_date = dt.datetime(2020, 8, 31) wscf_market_value = 194719540.46 aqr_market_value = 182239774.63 delaware_market_value = 151551731.17 wellington_market_value = 149215529.22 qic_cash_market_value = 677011299.30 input_directory = 'U:/' output_directory = 'U:/' jpm_filepath = input_directory + 'CIO/#Data/input/jpm/holdings/2020/08/Priced Positions - All.csv' wscf_filepath = input_directory + 'CIO/#Data/input/lgs/holdings/unitprices/2020/08/wscf_holdings.xlsx' aqr_filepath = input_directory + 'CIO/#Data/input/lgs/holdings/unitprices/2020/08/aqr_holdings.xls' delaware_filepath = input_directory + 'CIO/#Data/input/lgs/holdings/unitprices/2020/08/delaware_holdings.xlsx' wellington_filepath = input_directory + 'CIO/#Data/input/lgs/holdings/unitprices/2020/08/wellington_holdings.xlsx' qic_cash_filepath = input_directory + 'CIO/#Data/input/lgs/holdings/unitprices/2020/07/qic_cash_holdings.xlsx' tickers_filepath = input_directory + 'CIO/#Holdings/Data/input/tickers/tickers_201909.xlsx' asx_filepath = input_directory + 'CIO/#Data/input/asx/ASX300/20200501-asx300.csv' aeq_filepath = input_directory + 'CIO/#Holdings/Data/input/exclusions/LGS Exclusions List_December 2018_AEQ_Manager Version.xlsx' ieq_filepath = input_directory + 'CIO/#Holdings/Data/input/exclusions/LGS Exclusions List_December 2018_IEQ_Manager Version.xlsx' aeq_exclusions_filepath = input_directory + 'CIO/#Holdings/Data/output/exclusions/aeq_exclusions_' + str( + '.csv' ieq_exclusions_filepath = input_directory + 'CIO/#Holdings/Data/output/exclusions/ieq_exclusions_' + str( + '.csv' # End User Input Data # Account Name to LGS Name dictionary australian_equity_managers_dict = { 'LGS AUSTRALIAN EQUITIES - BLACKROCK': 'BlackRock', 'LGS AUSTRALIAN EQUITIES - ECP': 'ECP', 'LGS AUSTRALIAN EQUITIES DNR CAPITAL': 'DNR', 'LGS AUSTRALIAN EQUITIES - PENDAL': 'Pendal', 'LGS AUSTRALIAN EQUITIES - SSGA': 'SSGA', 'LGS AUSTRALIAN EQUITIES - UBIQUE': 'Ubique', 'LGS AUSTRALIAN EQUITIES - WSCF': 'First Sentier', 'LGS AUSTRALIAN EQUITIES REBALANCE': 'Rebalance', 'LGS AUST EQUITIES - ALPHINITY': 'Alphinity' } international_equity_managers_dict = { 'LGS INTERNATIONAL EQUITIES - WCM': 'WCM', 'LGS INTERNATIONAL EQUITIES - AQR': 'AQR', 'LGS INTERNATIONAL EQUITIES - HERMES': 'Hermes', 'LGS INTERNATIONAL EQUITIES - IMPAX': 'Impax', 'LGS INTERNATIONAL EQUITIES - LONGVI EW': 'Longview', 'LGS INTERNATIONAL EQUITIES - LSV': 'LSV', 'LGS INTERNATIONAL EQUITIES - MFS': 'MFS', 'LGS INTERNATIONAL EQUITIES - MACQUARIE': 'Macquarie', 'LGS INTERNATIONAL EQUITIES - WELLINGTON': 'Wellington', 'LGS GLOBAL LISTED PROPERTY - RESOLUTION': 'Resolution', } # Imports JPM Mandates holdings data df_jpm = pd.read_csv( jpm_filepath, skiprows=[0, 1, 2, 3], header=0, usecols=[ 'Account Number', 'Account Name', 'Security ID', 'ISIN', 'Security Name', 'Asset Type Description', 'Price Date', 'Market Price', 'Total Units', 'Total Market Value (Local)', 'Total Market Value (Base)', 'Local Currency' ], parse_dates=['Price Date'], infer_datetime_format=True ) # Renames the columns into LGS column names df_jpm = df_jpm.rename( columns={ 'Security ID': 'SEDOL', 'Asset Type Description': 'Asset Type', 'Price Date': 'Date', 'Market Price': 'Purchase Price Local', 'Total Units': 'Quantity', 'Total Market Value (Local)': 'Market Value Local', 'Total Market Value (Base)': 'Market Value AUD', 'Local Currency': 'Currency' } ) df_jpm['Purchase Price AUD'] = df_jpm['Market Value AUD'] / df_jpm['Quantity'] # Imports WSCF holdings data df_wscf = pd.read_excel( pd.ExcelFile(wscf_filepath), sheet_name='Holdings', skiprows=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8], header=0, usecols=[ 'Security SEDOL', 'Security ISIN', 'Security Name', 'Unit Holdings', 'Market Value (Local Currency)', 'Market Value (Base Currency)', 'Security Currency' ] ) # Renames the columns into LGS column names df_wscf = df_wscf.rename( columns={ 'Security SEDOL': 'SEDOL', 'Security ISIN': 'ISIN', 'Unit Holdings': 'Quantity', 'Market Value (Local Currency)': 'Market Value Local', 'Market Value (Base Currency)': 'Market Value AUD', 'Security Currency': 'Currency' } ) # Scales holdings by market value wscf_scaling_factor = wscf_market_value/df_wscf['Market Value AUD'].sum() df_wscf['Market Value Local'] = wscf_scaling_factor * df_wscf['Market Value Local'] df_wscf['Market Value AUD'] = wscf_scaling_factor * df_wscf['Market Value AUD'] df_wscf['Quantity'] = wscf_scaling_factor * df_wscf['Quantity'] df_wscf['Purchase Price Local'] = df_wscf['Market Value Local'] / df_wscf['Quantity'] df_wscf['Purchase Price AUD'] = df_wscf['Market Value AUD'] / df_wscf['Quantity'] df_wscf['Account Number'] = 'WSCF' df_wscf['Account Name'] = 'LGS AUSTRALIAN EQUITIES - WSCF' df_wscf['Date'] = report_date df_wscf['Asset Type'] = np.nan # Imports AQR holdings data df_aqr = pd.read_excel( pd.ExcelFile(aqr_filepath), sheet_name='Holdings', skiprows=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], header=0, usecols=[ 'Sedol', 'Isin', 'Investment Description', 'Asset Type', 'Price Local', 'Base Price', 'Quantity', 'MV Local', 'MV Base', 'Ccy' ] ) # Renames the columns into LGS column names df_aqr = df_aqr.rename( columns={ 'Sedol': 'SEDOL', 'Isin': 'ISIN', 'Investment Description': 'Security Name', 'Price Local': 'Purchase Price Local', 'Base Price': 'Purchase Price AUD', 'MV Local': 'Market Value Local', 'MV Base': 'Market Value AUD', 'Ccy': 'Currency' } ) # Scales holdings by market value aqr_scaling_factor = aqr_market_value/df_aqr['Market Value AUD'].sum() df_aqr['Market Value Local'] = aqr_scaling_factor * df_aqr['Market Value Local'] df_aqr['Market Value AUD'] = aqr_scaling_factor * df_aqr['Market Value AUD'] df_aqr['Quantity'] = aqr_scaling_factor * df_aqr['Quantity'] df_aqr['Account Number'] = 'AQR' df_aqr['Account Name'] = 'LGS INTERNATIONAL EQUITIES - AQR' df_aqr['Date'] = report_date # Imports Delaware holdings data df_delaware = pd.read_excel( pd.ExcelFile(delaware_filepath), sheet_name='EM SICAV holdings 7-31-2020', header=0, usecols=[ 'Security SEDOL', 'Security ISIN', 'Security Description (Short)', 'Position Date', 'Shares/Par', 'Trading Currency', 'Traded Market Value (Local)', 'Traded Market Value (AUD)' ] ) # Renames the columns into LGS column names df_delaware = df_delaware.rename( columns={ 'Security SEDOL': 'SEDOL', 'Security ISIN': 'ISIN', 'Security Description (Short)': 'Security Name', 'Position Date': 'Date', 'Shares/Par': 'Quantity', 'Trading Currency': 'Currency', 'Traded Market Value (Local)': 'Market Value Local', 'Traded Market Value (AUD)': 'Market Value AUD' } ) # Scales holdings by market value delaware_scaling_factor = delaware_market_value/df_delaware['Market Value AUD'].sum() df_delaware['Market Value Local'] = delaware_scaling_factor * df_delaware['Market Value Local'] df_delaware['Market Value AUD'] = delaware_scaling_factor * df_delaware['Market Value AUD'] df_delaware['Quantity'] = delaware_scaling_factor * df_aqr['Quantity'] df_delaware['Purchase Price Local'] = df_delaware['Market Value Local'] / df_delaware['Quantity'] df_delaware['Purchase Price AUD'] = df_delaware['Market Value AUD'] / df_delaware['Quantity'] df_delaware['Account Number'] = 'MACQUARIE' df_delaware['Account Name'] = 'LGS INTERNATIONAL EQUITIES - MACQUARIE' df_delaware['Date'] = report_date # Imports Wellington holdings data df_wellington = pd.read_excel( pd.ExcelFile(wellington_filepath), sheet_name='wellington_holdings', header=0, usecols=[ 'SEDOL', 'ISIN', 'Security', 'Shares or Par Value', 'ISO Code', 'Market Value (Local)', 'Market Value (Report Currency)' ] ) # Renames the columns into LGS column names df_wellington = df_wellington.rename( columns={ 'Security': 'Security Name', 'Shares or Par Value': 'Quantity', 'ISO Code': 'Currency', 'Market Value (Local)': 'Market Value Local', 'Market Value (Report Currency)': 'Market Value AUD' } ) # Scales holdings by market value wellington_scaling_factor = wellington_market_value/df_wellington['Market Value AUD'].sum() df_wellington['Market Value Local'] = wellington_scaling_factor * df_wellington['Market Value Local'] df_wellington['Market Value AUD'] = wellington_scaling_factor * df_wellington['Market Value AUD'] df_wellington['Quantity'] = wellington_scaling_factor * df_wellington['Quantity'] df_wellington['Purchase Price Local'] = df_wellington['Market Value Local'] / df_wellington['Quantity'] df_wellington['Purchase Price AUD'] = df_wellington['Market Value AUD'] / df_wellington['Quantity'] df_wellington['Account Number'] = 'WELLINGTON' df_wellington['Account Name'] = 'LGS INTERNATIONAL EQUITIES - WELLINGTON' df_wellington['Date'] = report_date df_qic_cash = pd.read_excel( pd.ExcelFile(qic_cash_filepath), sheet_name='Risk and Exposure', header=4, usecols=[ 'ISIN', 'Security Description', 'Security Type', 'Currency', 'Market Value %' ] ) df_qic_cash = df_qic_cash.rename( columns={ 'Security Description': 'Security Name', 'Security Type': 'Asset Type' } ) df_qic_cash['Market Value Local'] = [np.nan for i in range(0,len(df_qic_cash))] df_qic_cash['Market Value AUD'] = df_qic_cash['Market Value %'] * qic_cash_market_value df_qic_cash['Quantity'] = [np.nan for i in range(0,len(df_qic_cash))] df_qic_cash['Purchase Price Local'] = [np.nan for i in range(0,len(df_qic_cash))] df_qic_cash['Purchase Price AUD'] = [np.nan for i in range(0,len(df_qic_cash))] df_qic_cash['Account Number'] = 'QIC Cash' df_qic_cash['Account Name'] = 'LGS CASH - QIC CASH' df_qic_cash['Date'] = report_date df_qic_cash = df_qic_cash.drop(columns=['Market Value %'], axis=1) df_qic_cash = df_qic_cash[~df_qic_cash['Security Name'].isin([np.nan])].reset_index(drop=True) # Joins all the dataframes df_main = pd.concat([df_jpm, df_wscf, df_aqr, df_delaware, df_wellington], axis=0, sort=True).reset_index(drop=True) # Outputs all of the holdings df_main_all = df_main.copy() df_main_all = df_main_all.drop(['Date'], axis=1) df_main_all.to_csv(output_directory + 'CIO/#Data/output/holdings/all_holdings.csv', index=False) # <NAME> Spreadsheet df_cp = df_main_all[['Account Name', 'Security Name', 'Market Value AUD']] df_cp.to_csv(output_directory + 'CIO/#Data/output/holdings/craigpete.csv', index=False) # Selects Australian Equity and International Equity managers only JANA df_main_all_aeq = df_main_all[df_main_all['Account Name'].isin(australian_equity_managers_dict)].reset_index(drop=True) df_main_all_ieq = df_main_all[df_main_all['Account Name'].isin(international_equity_managers_dict)].reset_index(drop=True) # Writes to excel file for JANA writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output_directory + 'CIO/#Data/output/holdings/jana/aeq_holdings.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') account_to_dataframe_dict = dict(list(df_main_all_aeq.groupby('Account Name'))) for account, dataframe in account_to_dataframe_dict.items(): dataframe.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=australian_equity_managers_dict[account], index=False) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output_directory + 'CIO/#Data/output/holdings/jana/ieq_holdings.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') account_to_dataframe_dict = dict(list(df_main_all_ieq.groupby('Account Name'))) for account, dataframe in account_to_dataframe_dict.items(): dataframe.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=international_equity_managers_dict[account], index=False) # Starts top holdings section # Removes SEDOLS with np.nan value df_main_nan = df_main[df_main['SEDOL'].isin([np.nan])] df_main = df_main[~df_main['SEDOL'].isin([np.nan])].reset_index(drop=True) df_main = df_main[~df_main['ISIN'].isin([np.nan])].reset_index(drop=True) # Cleans the SEDOL and ISIN strings df_main['SEDOL'] = [str(df_main['SEDOL'][i]).replace(" ", "").upper() for i in range(0, len(df_main))] df_main['ISIN'] = [str(df_main['ISIN'][i]).replace(" ", "").upper() for i in range(0, len(df_main))] # Selects Australian Equity and International Equity managers only df_main_aeq = df_main[df_main['Account Name'].isin(australian_equity_managers_dict)].reset_index(drop=True) df_main_ieq = df_main[df_main['Account Name'].isin(international_equity_managers_dict)].reset_index(drop=True) # Calculates % of portfolio within each asset class df_main_aeq['(%) of Portfolio'] = (df_main_aeq['Market Value AUD'] / df_main_aeq['Market Value AUD'].sum()) * 100 df_main_ieq['(%) of Portfolio'] = (df_main_ieq['Market Value AUD'] / df_main_ieq['Market Value AUD'].sum()) * 100 # Sums all the security market values by their SEDOL df_main_aeq = df_main_aeq.groupby(['SEDOL']).sum().sort_values(['Market Value AUD'], ascending=[False])[['Market Value AUD', '(%) of Portfolio']] df_main_ieq = df_main_ieq.groupby(['SEDOL']).sum().sort_values(['Market Value AUD'], ascending=[False])[['Market Value AUD', '(%) of Portfolio']] # Selects SEDOLS and Security names df_security_names = df_main[['SEDOL', 'Security Name']].drop_duplicates(subset=['SEDOL'], keep='first').reset_index(drop=True) # Merges security names back onto df_main_aeq df_main_aeq = pd.merge( left=df_main_aeq, right=df_security_names, left_on=['SEDOL'], right_on=['SEDOL'], how='outer', indicator=True ) df_main_aeq = df_main_aeq[df_main_aeq['_merge'].isin(['left_only', 'both'])].drop(columns=['_merge'], axis=1) # Merges security names back onto df_main_ieq df_main_ieq = pd.merge( left=df_main_ieq, right=df_security_names, left_on=['SEDOL'], right_on=['SEDOL'], how='outer', indicator=True ) df_main_ieq = df_main_ieq[df_main_ieq['_merge'].isin(['left_only', 'both'])].drop(columns=['_merge'], axis=1) # Remove AUD df_main_ieq = df_main_ieq[~df_main_ieq['SEDOL'].isin(['--'])].reset_index(drop=True) # Creates SEDOL to LGS friendly names dictionary for the top 10 holdings table for AE and IE. sedol_to_common_name_dict = { '6215035': 'CBA', '6144690': 'BHP', '6185495': 'CSL', '6624608': 'NAB', '6076146': 'Westpac', 'B28YTC2': 'Macquarie', '6065586': 'ANZ', '6087289': 'Telstra', '6948836': 'Westfarmers', '6220103': '<NAME>', '6981239': 'Woolworths', 'BTN1Y11': 'Medtronic', 'B2PZN04': 'Visa', '2661568': 'Oracle', '2886907': '<NAME>', '2842040': 'State Street', 'B4BNMY3': 'Accenture', '2044545': 'Comcast', '2270726': '<NAME>', 'BD6K457': 'Compass', '2210959': 'Canadian Rail', '7123870': 'Nestle', '2588173': 'Microsoft', 'B4MGBG6': 'HCA', 'BMMV2K8': 'Tencent', '2046251': 'Apple', '6066608': 'Amcor', 'B44WZD7': 'Prologis', '2000019': 'Amazon', '--': 'AUD' } # Selects top 10 holdings for AE and IE df_main_aeq_top10 = df_main_aeq.head(10)[['SEDOL', 'Market Value AUD', '(%) of Portfolio']] df_main_ieq_top10 = df_main_ieq.head(10)[['SEDOL', 'Market Value AUD', '(%) of Portfolio']] # Applies SEDOL to company name dictionary df_main_aeq_top10['Company'] = [sedol_to_common_name_dict[df_main_aeq_top10['SEDOL'][i]] for i in range(0, len(df_main_aeq_top10))] df_main_ieq_top10['Company'] = [sedol_to_common_name_dict[df_main_ieq_top10['SEDOL'][i]] for i in range(0, len(df_main_ieq_top10))] # Divides market value by a million df_main_aeq_top10['Market Value'] = df_main_aeq_top10['Market Value AUD'] / 1000000 df_main_ieq_top10['Market Value'] = df_main_ieq_top10['Market Value AUD'] / 1000000 # Selects columns for output into latex df_main_aeq_top10 = df_main_aeq_top10[['Company', 'Market Value', '(%) of Portfolio']].round(2) df_main_ieq_top10 = df_main_ieq_top10[['Company', 'Market Value', '(%) of Portfolio']].round(2) # Outputs the tables into latex with open(output_directory + 'CIO/#Data/output/investment/holdings/top10_local.tex', 'w') as tf: tf.write(df_main_aeq_top10.to_latex(index=False)) with open(output_directory + 'CIO/#Data/output/investment/holdings/top10_foreign.tex', 'w') as tf: tf.write(df_main_ieq_top10.to_latex(index=False)) # Writes to excel writer =
pd.ExcelWriter(output_directory + 'CIO/#Data/output/holdings/top_holdings.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
import os import csv import pandas as pd def main(dataset_path, dataset_mode): data_label_pairs = [] data_path = 'leftImg8bit/' label_path = 'gtFine/' for subdirectory in os.listdir(dataset_path + '/' + data_path + dataset_mode): for image_path in os.listdir(dataset_path + '/' + data_path + dataset_mode + '/' + subdirectory): image_label_path = image_path.split('_')[0:-1] image_label_path.append('gtFine_labelIds.png') image_label_path = '_'.join(image_label_path) data_label_pairs.append(data_path + dataset_mode + '/' + subdirectory + '/' + image_path+','+ label_path + dataset_mode + '/' + subdirectory + '/' + image_label_path) df =
import pandas as pd from clr import AddReference AddReference("System") AddReference("QuantConnect.Algorithm") AddReference("QuantConnect.Common") AddReference("QuantConnect.Indicators") from System import * from QuantConnect import * from QuantConnect.Algorithm import * from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework import * from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Risk import * from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import * from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Execution import * from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio import * from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Selection import * from QuantConnect.Data import SubscriptionDataSource from QuantConnect.Python import PythonData from datetime import timedelta, datetime, date from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.utils import resample, shuffle class RunConfig: """This class contains major parameters for running algorithm """ # Start date for back-testing StartDate = date(2009, 5, 1) # End date for backtesting EndDate = date(2019, 12, 1) # Initial Cash StrategyCash = 200000 # Selection of long only (True) or long-short (False) LongOnly = True # Position holding period, days PositionLifetime = timedelta(days=25) # Vertical barrier, days (25 or 35 days for QC platform) VertBarDays = 25 # For running on LEAN locally please provide a path to folder with data PathToLocalFolder = "" class QCTickDataStrategy(QCAlgorithm): """ This algo implements RF triple barrier strategy based on raw tick data. """ def __init__(self): # symbols of assets from MOEX self.assets_keys = ['AFKS', 'ALRS', 'CHMF', 'GAZP', 'GMKN', 'LKOH', 'MGNT', 'MTSS', 'NVTK', 'ROSN', 'RTKM', 'SBER', 'SNGS', 'TATN', 'VTBR', 'YNDX'] # features to store in dataframe for ML self.colsU = ['Logret', 'Momone', 'Momtwo', 'Momthree', 'Momfour', 'Momfive', 'Volatilityfifty', 'Volatilitythirtyone', 'Volatilityfifteen', 'Autocorrone', 'Autocorrtwo', 'Autocorrthree', 'Autocorrfour', 'Autocorrfive', 'Logtone', 'Logttwo', 'Logtthree', 'Logtfour', 'Logtfive', 'Bin', 'Side'] # dictionary to store custom asset objects self.assets = {} # dictionary to store pandas DataFrames with features for ML self.features_dict = {} # dictionary to store ML classifier (RandomForest) self.clf_dict = {} # dictionary to store end holding time for each position self.stop_time_dict = {} def Initialize(self): # setting start and end date to run algorithm self.SetStartDate(RunConfig.StartDate) self.SetEndDate(RunConfig.EndDate) # setting initial funds self.SetCash(RunConfig.StrategyCash) # creating custom assets from AdvancedBars class for each symbol self.assets = {i: self.AddData(AdvancedBars, i) for i in self.assets_keys} # creating empty dataframes for each symbol self.features_dict = {i:
import pandas as pd import os from upload_dados import * import as px import numpy as np os.system('cls') #4. Qual a antecedência média das reservas? # filtrando todos os dados dos anuncios alugados data_df = data_df.loc[data_df['booked_on'] != 'blank'] data_df = pd.DataFrame(data_df) #convertendo os dados para o tipo data data_df['date'] =