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What are three ways to camp. | Tent camping, car camping, cabin camping | brainstorming | Lager gurmagyň üç usuly bar. | Çadyr düşelgesi, awtoulag düşelgesi, kabina düşelgesi |
Provide a list of signs that you have won at life | 1. Your house is paid off
2. Your student loans are paid off
3. You are emotionally and physically healthy
4. You have meaningful relationships
5. You respect and love yourself
6. Your kids and spouse are content
7. You are comfortably retired | brainstorming | Durmuşda ýeňen alamatlaryňyzyň sanawyny beriň | 1. Jaýyňyz tölegli
2. Talyp karzlaryňyz tölenýär
3. Siz emosional we fiziki taýdan sagdyn
4. Siziň manyly gatnaşyklaryňyz bar
5. Özüňizi hormatlaýarsyňyz we söýýärsiňiz
6. Çagalaryňyz we ýanýoldaşyňyz razy
7. Siz rahat pensiýa çykdyňyz |
What are the words of House Mooton? | "Wisdom and Strength" | open_qa | House Mootonyň sözleri näme? | "Paýhas we güýç" |
What kind of activity do good sales people do? | Good sales people build good relationships first by questioning and finding their interest. Then, they stat discovery questions. They don’t start product presentation until they finish discovery and find a space to listen in their customers. When they give some discovery questions they often use SPIN. S stands for situational questions, P stands for problem questions, I stands for Implication questions, N stands for need questions.
When they talk about their products they always how this product solves customers problems. They mention “You” or customer name frequently so that the customer imagine how they can change by that product. | general_qa | Gowy satyjylar haýsy iş bilen meşgullanýarlar? | Gowy satuw adamlary sorag etmek we gyzyklanmalaryny tapmak bilen ilki bilen gowy gatnaşyk gurýarlar. Soň bolsa, açyş soraglaryny görkezýärler. Müşderilerinde diňlemek üçin ýer tapýançalar, önümi hödürläp başlamazlar. Käbir açyş soraglaryny berenlerinde, köplenç SPIN ulanýarlar. S situasiýa soraglaryny, P problema soraglaryny, Implication soraglaryny, N zerur soraglary aňladýar.
Önümleri barada gürlänlerinde, bu önümiň müşderileriň meselelerini nädip çözýändigini elmydama aýdýarlar. Müşderi şol önüm bilen nädip üýtgäp biljekdigini göz öňüne getirmek üçin “Siz” ýa-da müşderiniň adyny ýygy-ýygydan ýatlaýarlar. |
What is the minimum weight of a coswain? | It is an advantage for the coxswain to be light as this requires less effort for the crew to propel the boat. In many competitive events there is a minimum weight, 55 kilograms (121 lb) under World Rowing rules, set for the coxswain to prevent unfair advantage. If a coxswain is under the minimum weight allowance (underweight), they may have to carry weights in the boat such as sandbags. | The minimum weight of a coxswain if 55 kilograms (121 pounds) under World Rowing rules. | summarization | Bir koswanyň iň pes agramy näçe? | “Coxswain” -iň ýeňil bolmagy artykmaçlykdyr, sebäbi munuň üçin ekipa for üçin gaýyk sürmek üçin az tagalla gerek. Bäsleşikli çäreleriň köpüsinde kokswain adalatsyz artykmaçlygyň öňüni almak üçin kesgitlenen iň az agram, 55 kilogram (121 funt) bar. “Coxswain” iň pes agram derejesinden (agramy pes) bolsa, gum torbalary ýaly gaýykda agram götermeli bolup biler. | Bütindünýä küreklemek düzgüni boýunça 55 kilograma (121 funt) bolsa, iň az agramy. |
Who is the best all-time soccer player? | It is hard to say and very subjective among fans of different clubs and nationalities. But, it would be safe to say that the best all-time soccer player is among the following list: Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Maradona, and Pele. | open_qa | Döwrüň iň gowy futbolçysy kim? | Dürli klublaryň we milletleriň muşdaklarynyň arasynda muny aýtmak kyn we gaty subýektiw. Emma, iň oňat futbolçynyň aşakdaky sanawyň hataryndadygyny aýdyp bileris: Messi, Kristiano Ronaldo, Maradona we Pele. |
What was Elvis Presley's first No. 1 hit in the United States? | "Heartbreak Hotel". | open_qa | Elwis Presliniň ABŞ-da ilkinji 1-nji urgusy näme? | "Heartürek gysýan myhmanhana". |
List some of the minor houses in the series "A Song of Ice and Fire." | Florent, Caron, Graceford, Jordayne, Piper, Penrose, Waxley, Wydman, Wensington | open_qa | "Buz we ot aýdymy" seriýasyndaky käbir ownuk jaýlary sanaň. | Florent, Karon, Greýsford, Jordayne, Piper, Penrose, Waksli, Wydman, Wensington |
Based on the above passage name some of the companies which specialize in large-scale construction of the infrastructure to support oil field exploitation. Display the results in a comma separated format. | An oil field is an area of accumulation of liquid oil underground in multiple (potentially linked) reservoirs, trapped as it rises by impermeable rock formations. In industrial terms, an oil field implies that there is economic benefit worthy of commercial attention. Oil fields themselves may extend up to several hundred kilometers across the surface, meaning that extraction efforts can be large and spread out across the area. In addition to extraction equipment, there may be exploratory wells probing the edges to find more reservoir area, pipelines to transport the oil elsewhere, and support facilities.
Oil fields can occur anywhere that the geology of the underlying rock allows, meaning that certain fields can be far away from civilization, including at sea. Creating an operation at an oil field can be a logistically complex undertaking, as it involves not only the equipment associated with extraction and transportation, but infrastructure such as roads and housing for workers. This infrastructure has to be designed with the lifespan of the oil field in mind, as production can last many years. Several companies, such as Hill International, Bechtel, Esso, Weatherford International, Schlumberger Limited, Baker Hughes and Halliburton, have organizations that specialize in the large-scale construction of the infrastructure to support oil field exploitation. | Hill International, Bechtel, Esso, Weatherford International, Schlumberger Limited, Baker Hughes, Halliburton | information_extraction | Aboveokardaky bölümden ugur alyp, nebit ýataklarynyň ekspluatasiýasyny goldamak üçin infrastrukturanyň uly göwrümli gurluşygyna ýöriteleşen käbir kompaniýalaryň adyny aýdyň. Netijeleri yzygiderli bölünen görnüşde görkeziň. | Nebit ýatagy, geçip bolmaýan gaýalaryň emele gelmegi bilen duzaga düşen köp (ähtimal baglanyşykly) suw howdanlarynda ýer astyndaky suwuk ýagyň toplanýan ýeridir. Senagat nukdaýnazaryndan, bir nebit ýatagy täjirçilik ünsi çekmäge mynasyp ykdysady peýdanyň bardygyny aňladýar. Nebit ýataklarynyň özleri ýer ýüzünden birnäçe ýüz kilometre çenli uzap bilerler, bu bolsa gazuw-agtaryş işleriniň uly bolup, tutuş sebitde ýaýramagynyň mümkindigini aňladýar. Gazyp almak enjamlaryndan başga-da, has köp suw howdanyny tapmak üçin gyralary barlaýan gözleg guýulary, nebiti başga ýere daşamak üçin turbageçirijiler we goldaw desgalary bolup biler.
Nebit ýataklary, esasy gaýanyň geologiýasynyň rugsat berýän islendik ýerinde bolup biler, ýagny käbir ýataklar siwilizasiýadan, şol sanda deňizde-de uzak bolup biler. Nebit ýatagynda iş döretmek logistik taýdan çylşyrymly iş bolup biler, sebäbi bu diňe bir gazyp almak we daşamak bilen baglanyşykly enjamlary däl, eýsem işçiler üçin ýol we ýaşaýyş jaýy ýaly infrastrukturany hem öz içine alýar. Bu infrastruktura, nebit ýatagynyň ömrüni göz öňünde tutup dizaýn edilmeli, sebäbi önümçilik köp ýyllap dowam edip biler. “Hill International”, “Bechtel”, “Esso”, “Weatherford International”, “Schlumberger Limited”, “Baker Hughes” we “Halliburton” ýaly birnäçe kompaniýanyň nebit ýataklarynyň ulanylmagyny goldamak üçin infrastrukturanyň uly göwrümli gurluşygynda ýöriteleşen guramalary bar. | Hill International, Bechtel, Esso, Weatherford International, Schlumberger Limited, Baker Hughes, Halliburton |
Which team was relegated from the league at the conclusion of the 1991 Season? | Waterside Karori were relegated at the end of the 1990 season, to be replaced by the winner of a play-off series between teams from the northern, central, and southern leagues (Mount Albert-Ponsonby, Nelson United, and Burndale United respectively). Nelson United won the series to gain promotion, but there is some controversy about their participation in the play-offs as they had only finished second in the central regional league, which was won by Petone.
Gisborne City were relegated at the end of the 1991 season | Gisborne City were relegated at the end of the 1991 season. | closed_qa | 1991-nji ýyl möwsüminiň ahyrynda haýsy topar ligadan çykaryldy? | Waterside Karori 1990-njy ýyl möwsüminiň ahyrynda demirgazyk, merkezi we günorta ligalaryň (degişlilikde Albert-Ponsonbi dagy, Nelson Unitedunaýted we Burndale Unitedunaýted) toparlarynyň arasyndaky pleý-off tapgyrynyň ýeňijisi bilen çalşyldy. Nelson Unitedunaýted öňe saýlanmak üçin ýeňiş gazandy, ýöne pleý-offa gatnaşmagy barada käbir jedeller bar, sebäbi Petone tarapyndan ýeňilen merkezi sebit ligasynda diňe ikinji orny eýeledi.
Gisborne şäheri 1991-nji ýyl möwsüminiň ahyrynda göçürildi | Gisborne şäheri 1991-nji ýyl möwsüminiň ahyrynda göçürildi. |
Which is the best soccer team of all time? | It is hard to say since there could be multiple rankings to answer this question.
Assuming the best soccer players end up playing in Europe, we could take into consideration the European Champions League winners. Using this ranking, Real Madrid, having won 14 trophies, could be considered the best soccer team in the world.
Alternatively, Fifa awarded Real Madrid the “soccer club of the 20th century” after winning a popular poll with 42.35% of the votes.
Everything around soccer teams is very subjective and feelings could play a big part for everyone's answer. | open_qa | Döwrüň iň gowy futbol topary haýsy? | Bu soraga jogap bermek üçin birnäçe reýting bolup biljekdigini aýtmak kyn.
Iň oňat futbolçylaryň Europeewropada oýnap gutarýandygyny çaklasak, Europeanewropa Çempionlar ligasynyň ýeňijilerini göz öňünde tutup bileris. Bu reýtingden peýdalanyp, 14 kubok gazanan Real Madrid dünýäniň iň gowy futbol topary hasaplanyp bilner.
Alterna-da bolmasa, Fifa 42,35% ses alyp, köpçülikleýin pikir soralyşykda ýeňiş gazanyp, Real Madride "20-nji asyryň futbol kluby" baýragyny berdi.
Futbol toparlarynyň töweregindäki hemme zat gaty subýektiw we duýgular her kimiň jogaby üçin uly rol oýnap biler. |
Which of the following countries do not follow the rectangular-shaped flag standard that most every other country does: Nepal, South Africa, Japan, South Korea, Vatican City, Switzerland, Vietnam, Australia | Nepal, Vatican City, Switzerland | classification | Aşakdaky ýurtlaryň haýsy beýleki ýurtlaryň köpüsiniň edýän gönüburç şekilli baýdak standartyna eýermeýär: Nepal, Günorta Afrika, Japanaponiýa, Günorta Koreýa, Watikan şäheri, Şweýsariýa, Wýetnam, Awstraliýa | Nepal, Watikan şäheri, Şweýsariýa |
I am thinking of going to yoga. What type of class is good for me? | It depends upon many factors. If you are a beginner there are low heat classes like yin or hatha or restore. If you would like a good workout, you can go to a high heat vinyasa class. | general_qa | Gaoga gitmek hakda pikir edýärin. Haýsy synp meniň üçin gowy? | Köp faktorlara bagly. Bir öwrenje bolsaňyz, yin ýa-da hatha ýa-da dikeltmek ýaly pes ýylylyk synplary bar. Gowy türgenleşik isleseňiz, ýokary gyzgyn winýasa synpyna girip bilersiňiz. |
What is the best skill in judo? | Judo is a martial art, consistency, and dedication should be your doctrine if you want to succeed. In Japan, you could stay white belt for ten years before reaching the first dan grade, which stands for black belt level 1. This could be a bit disappointing for common standards, so in the rest of the world, to encourage practitioners and demonstrate progress, a belt colors system has been created.
Anyone can practice, at any age. Strength is important in competition, but the real spirit would be to rely on using the strength of the opponent, breaking balance with swift movements, and using your body to block, push, rotate, and endless combinations of posture to conclude the movement by a clean and controlled projection. | general_qa | Dzýudo boýunça iň gowy ussatlyk näme? | Dzýudo söweş sungaty, yzygiderlilik we üstünlik gazanmak isleýän bolsaňyz, taglymatyňyz bolmaly. Japanaponiýada, gara guşak 1-nji derejäni aňladýan birinji dan synpyna ýetmezden ozal on ýyllap ak guşak bolup bilersiňiz, bu umumy standartlar üçin birneme lapykeç bolup biler, şonuň üçin dünýäniň beýleki ýurtlarynda praktikleri höweslendirmek we ösüşi görkezmek üçin , kemer reňk ulgamy döredildi.
Islendik adam, islendik ýaşda tejribe edip biler. Güýç bäsdeşlikde möhümdir, ýöne hakyky ruh garşydaşyň güýjüni ulanmak, çalt hereketler bilen deňagramlylygy bozmak we hereketiňizi gutarmak üçin bedeniňizi blokirlemek, iteklemek, aýlamak we tükeniksiz kombinasiýalary ulanmak bolar. arassa we gözegçilikli proýeksiýa. |
What is called a Capital charge in finance? | If a unit trust manager takes the management charges out of the fund's capital instead of the income it has generated, it is called a capital charge. | open_qa | Maliýe üçin maýa tölegi näme diýilýär? | Bölüm ynamdar menejeri dolandyryş girdejisini gazanan girdejisiniň ýerine gaznanyň maýasyndan alsa, oňa maýa tölegi diýilýär. |
Extract the most recent owner of the Seattle Storm from this Wikipedia article. | Owners
Further information: Category:Seattle Storm owners
Barry and Ginger Ackerley, owners of the Seattle SuperSonics (2000–2001)
Howard Schultz, owner of the Seattle SuperSonics (2001–2006)
Clay Bennett, owner of the Seattle SuperSonics (2007)
Force 10 Hoops LLC, composed of Dawn Trudeau, Lisa Brummel, Ginny Gilder (2008–present) | The current owner of the Seattle Storm is Force | information_extraction | Sietl tupanynyň iň soňky eýesini bu Wikipediýa makalasyndan göçüriň. | Eýeleri
Goşmaça maglumat: Kategoriýa: Sietl tupanynyň eýeleri
Sietl SuperSoniksiniň eýeleri Barri we Jinjer Akkerli (2000–2001)
Howard Schultz, “Seattle SuperSonics” -iň eýesi (2001–2006)
Sietl SuperSoniksiniň eýesi Kleý Bennet (2007)
“Force 10 Hoops” LLC, Dawn Trudeau, Lisa Brummel, Ginny Gilder (2008 - häzirki) | Sietl tupanynyň häzirki eýesi Force |
Give me a bulleted list of the past 10 Masters Tournament Champions. | Scottie Scheffler
Hideki Matsuyama
Dustin Johnson
Tiger Woods
Patrick Reed
Sergio García
Danny Willett
Jordan Spieth
Bubba Watson
Adam Scott | brainstorming | Maňa geçen 10 ussat ýaryşynyň çempionlarynyň sanawyny beriň. | Skotti Şeffler
Hideki Matsuýama
Dustin Jonson
Tiger Woods
Patrik Rid
Serjio Garsiýa
Danny Willett
Iordaniýa Spieth
Bubba Watson
Adam Skott |
What is COBOL used for? | COBOL was designed for business computer programs in industries such as finance and human resources. Unlike some high-level computer programming languages, COBOL uses English words and phrases to make it easier for ordinary business users to understand. | open_qa | COBOL näme üçin ulanylýar? | COBOL maliýe we adam resurslary ýaly pudaklarda işewür kompýuter programmalary üçin döredildi. Käbir ýokary derejeli kompýuter programmirleme dillerinden tapawutlylykda, COBOL adaty işewür ulanyjylara düşünmegi aňsatlaşdyrmak üçin iňlis sözlerini we sözlemlerini ulanýar. |
Who amongst these are cricketers: Virat Kohli, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal,
Novak Djokovic, Serena Williams, Andre Agassi, Sachin Tendulkar, Ricky Ponting, Anil Kumble, Harmanpreet Kaur, Mithali Raj, Sarah Taylor. | Virat Kohli, Sachin Tendulkar, Ricky Ponting, Anil Kumble, Harmanpreet Kaur, Mithali Raj, Sarah Taylor are cricketers. | classification | Bularyň arasynda kriketçiler bar: Wirat Kohli, Rojer Federer, Rafael Nadal,
Nowak Jokowiç, Serena Williams, Andre Agassi, Saçin Tendulkar, Riki Ponting, Anil Kumble, Harmanpreet Kaur, Mithali Raj, Sarah Teýlor. | Wirat Kohli, Saçin Tendulkar, Riki Ponting, Anil Kumble, Harmanpreet Kaur, Mithali Raj, Sarah Teýlor kriketçiler. |
What are the chess pieces that a player starts out with? | Chess pieces are divided into two different colored sets. While the sets might not be literally white and black (e.g. the light set may be a yellowish or off-white color, the dark set may be brown or red), they are always referred to as "white" and "black". The players of the sets are referred to as White and Black, respectively. Each set consists of sixteen pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. Chess sets come in a wide variety of styles; for competition, the Staunton pattern is preferred.
The game is played on a square board of eight rows (called ranks) and eight columns (called files). By convention, the 64 squares alternate in color and are referred to as light and dark squares; common colors for chessboards are white and brown, or white and dark green. | 8 pawns, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, 1 queen, and 1 king | information_extraction | Oýunçynyň başlaýan küşt bölekleri haýsylar? | Küşt bölekleri iki dürli reňkli toplumlara bölünýär. Toplumlar göni manyda ak we gara bolup bilmese-de (meselem, ýagtylyk toplumy sarymtyl ýa-da ak reňkde, gara reňk goňur ýa-da gyzyl bolup biler), elmydama "ak" we "gara" diýilýär. Toplumyň oýunçylaryna degişlilikde Ak we Gara diýilýär. Her toplum on alty bölekden ybarat: bir patyşa, bir şa aýal, iki çeňňek, iki ýepiskop, iki rysar we sekiz lombard. Küşt toplumlary dürli görnüşde gelýär; bäsdeşlik üçin Staunton nagşy ileri tutulýar.
Oýun sekiz hatardan (hatar diýilýär) we sekiz sütünden (faýl diýilýär) inedördül tagtada oýnalýar. Konwensiýa boýunça 64 inedördül reňkde gezekleşýär we açyk we garaňky kwadratlar diýilýär; küşt tagtalary üçin umumy reňkler ak we goňur, ýa-da ak we goýy ýaşyl. | 8 lombard, 2 rysar, 2 ýepiskop, 2 çeňňek, 1 şa aýal we 1 patyşa |
How to evict a tenant in California | 1. Give the tenant the initial notice which clearly state the issue and what is required of them to resolve it. There must be a valid reason for eviction such as failure to pay rent, lease violation, unlawful activities, property damages.
2. Post the notice with a deadline for the tenant to respond
3. Once the deadline has passed, you can file with the court by filling out the Summons and Complaint for unlawful detainer forms
4. Once your tenant is notified, they will have five days to respond. If they do not respond, you can ask for default judgement which allow you to order the sheriff to remove the tenant from the property and the court will order the tenant to pay for court and attorney fees. If the tenant files a response or you do not receive default judgement, you will go to trial.
5. The judge will make a decision after hearing both sides. The judge will either ask the tenant to vacate or allow them to remain in the property. | general_qa | Kaliforniýada kärendeçini nädip kowmaly | 1. Kärendeçä meseläni aç-açan görkezýän we ony çözmek üçin nämäni talap edýändigi barada ilkinji habary beriň. Kärende tölemezlik, kärendäni bozmak, bikanun işler, emläk zyýany ýaly göçürmek üçin esasly sebäp bolmaly.
2. Kärendeçiniň jogap bermegi üçin habarnamany iberiň
3. Giriş möhleti geçensoň, bikanun tussag astyna almak üçin Çagyryş we arzany dolduryp, kazyýete ýüz tutup bilersiňiz.
4. Kärendeçiňize habar berilenden soň, jogap bermek üçin bäş gün bolar. Eger jogap bermeseler, şerifiň kärendeçini emläkden aýyrmagyny buýurmaga mümkinçilik berýän kazyýet kararyny sorap bilersiňiz we kazyýet kärendeçä kazyýet we adwokat töleglerini tölemegi buýurýar. Kärendeçi jogap berse ýa-da deslapky hökümi almasaňyz, kazyýete çykarsyňyz.
5. Kazy iki tarapy diňläninden soň karar berer. Kazy kärendeçiden boşadylmagyny ýa-da emläkde galmagyna rugsat bermegini soraýar. |
From this passage, what is the main benefit of TCP? | At the lower levels of the protocol stack, due to network congestion, traffic load balancing, or unpredictable network behaviour, IP packets may be lost, duplicated, or delivered out of order. TCP detects these problems, requests re-transmission of lost data, rearranges out-of-order data and even helps minimize network congestion to reduce the occurrence of the other problems. If the data still remains undelivered, the source is notified of this failure. Once the TCP receiver has reassembled the sequence of octets originally transmitted, it passes them to the receiving application. Thus, TCP abstracts the application's communication from the underlying networking details. | TCP attempts to ensure that data is sent in the proper order under non-optimal and unpredictable network conditions, and informs the source if it was not successful. | summarization | Bu bölümden TCP-iň esasy peýdasy näme? | Ulgam dyknyşygy, ulag ýüküniň deňagramlylygy ýa-da toruň öňünden aýdyp bolmajak hereketi sebäpli protokol toplumynyň aşaky derejelerinde IP paketleri ýitip, köpeldilip ýa-da tertipden çykarylyp bilner. TCP bu problemalary ýüze çykarýar, ýitirilen maglumatlary täzeden geçirmegi haýyş edýär, tertipsiz maglumatlary täzeden düzýär we beýleki meseleleriň ýüze çykmagyny azaltmak üçin ulgam dyknyşygyny azaltmaga kömek edýär. Maglumat henizem berilmese, çeşmä bu şowsuzlyk barada habar berilýär. TCP kabul edijisi başda iberilen oktetleriň yzygiderliligini täzeden gurnandan soň, olary kabul ediş arzasyna geçirýär. Şeýlelik bilen, TCP programmanyň aragatnaşygyny esasy ulgam jikme-jikliklerinden gysgaça beýan edýär. | TCP, optimal däl we öňünden aýdyp bolmajak tor şertlerinde maglumatlaryň dogry tertipde iberilmegini üpjün etmäge synanyşýar we şowly bolmasa çeşmä habar berýär. |
Is black hole truly black? | A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, including light or other electromagnetic waves, has enough energy to escape its event horizon. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole. The boundary of no escape is called the event horizon. Although it has a great effect on the fate and circumstances of an object crossing it, it has no locally detectable features according to general relativity. In many ways, a black hole acts like an ideal black body, as it reflects no light. Moreover, quantum field theory in curved spacetime predicts that event horizons emit Hawking radiation, with the same spectrum as a black body of a temperature inversely proportional to its mass. This temperature is of the order of billionths of a kelvin for stellar black holes, making it essentially impossible to observe directly. | According to general relativity, a black hole emits no lights at all. Thus it is 100% black by definition. However, when quantum effects are included, a black hole has finite temperature, emitting lights called Hawking radiation. In this sense, a black hole is not truly black. | closed_qa | Gara deşik hakykatdanam garamy? | Gara deşik, agyrlyk güýjüniň şeýle bir güýçli sebitidir, ýagtylyk ýa-da beýleki elektromagnit tolkunlary goşmak bilen hiç zat hadysanyň gözýetiminden gaçmak üçin ýeterlik energiýa alyp bilmeýär. Umumy otnositellik teoriýasy ýeterlik derejede ykjam massanyň gara deşik emele getirmek üçin giňişlik wagtyny üýtgedip biljekdigini çaklaýar. Gaçmagyň araçägine hadysanyň gorizonty diýilýär. Bir jisimiň ykbalyna we üstünden geçýän ýagdaýlara uly täsir etse-de, umumy otnositellige görä ýerli kesgitlenýän aýratynlyklary ýok. Gara deşik, köp ýagtylygy görkezmeýänligi üçin, ideal gara beden ýaly hereket edýär. Mundan başga-da, egri giňişlikde kwant meýdan teoriýasy hadysanyň gözýetimleriniň Hawking radiasiýasyny çykarýandygyny, temperaturanyň gara bedeni bilen birmeňzeş spektr bilen massasyna ters proporsionaldygyny çaklaýar. Bu temperatura ýyldyz gara deşikler üçin kelwiniň milliarddan bir bölegi bolup, gönüden-göni synlamak mümkin däl bolýar. | Umumy otnositellige görä, gara deşik asla yşyk çykarmaýar. Şeýlelik bilen kesgitleme boýunça 100% gara bolýar. Şeýle-de bolsa, kwant effektleri goşulanda, Hawking radiasiýasy diýilýän çyralary çykaryp, gara deşik çäkli temperatura bolýar. Bu nukdaýnazardan gara deşik hakykatdanam gara däl. |
Why do people need sleep? | Sleep is necessary for your overall health and well-being. Sleep is even so important not enough sleep can actually kill you. Sleep enables the body engage in processes that help rejuvenate the body through better mental and physical performance. A good night of rest will give you higher energy levels, better mood, clearer thinking and concentration. | open_qa | Adamlara näme üçin uky gerek? | Uky umumy saglyk we abadançylyk üçin zerurdyr. Uky gaty möhümdir, ýeterlik uky sizi öldürip bilmez. Uky, bedeni has gowy akyl we beden öndürijiligi arkaly ýaşartmaga kömek edýän proseslere gatnaşmaga mümkinçilik berýär. Gowy dynç alyş gijesi size has ýokary energiýa derejesini, has gowy keýp, has aýdyň pikirlenmek we ünsüňizi berer. |
What are some quick dinners that I can make during the week? | Some good ideas for quick dinners that you can make in 15-30 min or less include several pasta dishes like carbonara, basil pesto and pasta Alfredo or dishes that come quickly together like Chinese style fried rice to which you can add different proteins like shrimp, chicken or meat or tofu if you'd rather go for a vegetarian option. Salads are also a good candidate for quick dinners since you can be quite flexible in your combinations and usually do not require to heat up or cook any of the ingredients. | brainstorming | Hepdäniň dowamynda çalt nahar edinip bilerinmi? | 15-30 minutdan ýa-da ondanam az wagtyň içinde taýýarlap boljak çalt naharlanmak üçin käbir gowy pikirlerde karbonara, reyhan pesto we makaron Alfredo ýaly makaron tagamlary ýa-da hytaý stilindäki gowrulan tüwi ýaly çalt birleşýän tagamlar, gysga ýaly dürli beloklary goşup bilersiňiz, wegetarian görnüşini saýlamak isleseňiz, towuk ýa-da et ýa-da tofu. Salatlar çalt naharlanmak üçin hem gowy kandidat, sebäbi kombinasiýalaryňyzda gaty çeýe bolup bilersiňiz we adatça haýsydyr bir maddany gyzdyrmak ýa-da bişirmek talap edilmeýär. |
How many continents are in the world? | There are seven continents in the world | open_qa | Dünýäde näçe yklym bar? | Dünýäde ýedi yklym bar |
Who is the St Louis Cardinals? | The St Louis Cardinals is a major league baseball team that play's in the national league central division. | general_qa | Sent-Luis kardinallary kim? | Sent-Luis Kardinallar milli liganyň merkezi bölüminde oýnaýan esasy liganyň beýsbol toparydyr. |
How can I get people to like me? | It's important to remember that not everyone will like you in this world, no matter how great you are. So don't be discouraged if you find someone doesn't like you as much as you think they should.
Here are some tips for getting people to like you:
- Ask them questions about themselves: People enjoy talking about themselves and if you ask them thoughtful questions they will see that you are a caring person who pays attention to them.
- Read social cues: It's important to be able to understand when someone is not interested in what you are talking about. If you find someone you're talking to is looking around the room and giving you short responses, you should try and steer the conversation in a different direction to see if you can engage them.
- Have a sense of humor: Laughing with other people is a great way to create bonds. You can try to be a little self-deprecating or just make innocent jokes about your situation. But be careful to not alienate people with humor if you don't know them well. Jokes about religion, politics, and other people might not go over well with some people. | brainstorming | Adamlary nädip halamaly? | Näçe beýik bolsaňyzam, bu dünýäde hemmeleriň sizi halamajakdygyny ýatdan çykarmaly däldiris. Şonuň üçin kimdir birini pikir edişiňiz ýaly halamaýan bolsaňyz, ruhdan düşmäň.
Adamlaryň sizi halamagy üçin käbir maslahatlar:
- Olara özleri hakda sorag beriň: Adamlar özleri hakda gürleşmekden lezzet alýarlar we oýlanyşykly soraglar berseňiz, size üns berýän aladaly adamdygyňyzy görerler.
- Jemgyýetçilik meselelerini okaň: Kimdir biri siziň aýdýan zatlaryňyz bilen gyzyklanmasa, düşünip bilmek möhümdir. Eger gürleşýän birini tapsaňyz, otagyň töweregine seredip, size gysga jogaplar berseňiz, gürleşip biljekdigiňizi anyklamak üçin söhbetdeşligi başga tarapa gönükdirmeli.
- Gülkünç boluň: Başga adamlar bilen gülmek, gatnaşyk gurmagyň ajaýyp usulydyr. Özüňizi birneme kemsidip ýa-da ýagdaýyňyz hakda bigünä degişmeler edip bilersiňiz. Peopleöne adamlary gowy tanamaýan bolsaňyz, degişme bilen daşlaşdyrmaň. Din, syýasat we beýleki adamlar baradaky degişmeler käbir adamlar bilen oňuşmazlygy mümkin. |
Tell me whether these are found at the beach or on a mountains: ocean, ski resort, chair lift, shell, seaweed, hiking trail | Ocean: Beach
Ski Resort: Mountain
Chair Lift: Mountain
Shell: Beach
Seaweed: Beach
Hiking Trail: Mountain | classification | Bularyň kenarda ýa-da daglarda tapylandygyny aýdyň: umman, lykia kurorty, oturgyç lifti, gabyk, deňiz ösümlikleri, gezelenç ýoly | Okean: kenar
Lykia kurorty: Dag
Oturgyç göterilmegi: Dag
Gabyk: kenar
Deňiz ösümligi: kenar
Pyýada ýörelgesi: Dag |
write a story about the first contact of Alien would be | The first contact with Alien will be a big event that the entire earth would remember for generations. the first thing that will determine the nature of this first contact depends who get to who first. Alien arrived to earth, or human discovered another planet with other civilisation. it is high likely that in either way, the first contact will be between robots of the more advanced civilisation and the the people of the less advanced civilisation. this is due to the fact that the high advanced civilization tends to explore other worlds using their robots first. | creative_writing | Alieniň ilkinji gatnaşygy hakda hekaýa ýaz | Alien bilen ilkinji aragatnaşyk tutuş ýeriň nesiller üçin ýadyna düşjek uly waka bolar. bu ilkinji aragatnaşygyň häsiýetini kesgitlän ilkinji zat, kimiň ilki bilen barýandygyna baglydyr. Gelmişek ýere geldi ýa-da adam başga siwilizasiýa bilen başga bir planetany tapdy. Iki tarapdanam ilkinji aragatnaşyk has ösen siwilizasiýanyň robotlary bilen has ösen siwilizasiýanyň halkynyň arasynda bolmagy gaty ähtimal. munuň sebäbi ýokary ösen siwilizasiýanyň ilki bilen robotlaryny ulanyp beýleki dünýäleri öwrenmäge ýykgyn edýändigi bilen baglanyşyklydyr. |
Why do sailboats have to tack upwind? | Modern sailboats use sails that act as foils, with pressure that increases on the inside of the foil higher than the outside of the foil, similar to an airplane wing and described by the Bernoulli effect. The sails must have an angle of attack that is perpendicular to the direction of the wind to be effective. Off the wind, or heading away from the wind, the sails can be eased out to maintain this angle. Heading into the wind, the boat can only get so close to the direction to keep the sails from becoming ineffective or "luffing." So to head in the general direction of the wind, a boat must tack at angles to the wind, to make its way in the direction of the wind. | open_qa | Saelkenli gaýyklar näme üçin yza çekilmeli? | Häzirki zaman ýelkenli gaýyklar, folga ýaly hereket edýän ýelkenleri ulanýar, folgaň içindäki folga daşyndan has ýokary, uçar ganatyna meňzeş we Bernoulli täsiri bilen beýan edilen ýelkenleri ulanýar. Saelkenleriň täsirli bolmagy üçin ýeliň ugruna perpendikulýar hüjüm burçy bolmaly. Windelden ýa-da şemaldan uzaklaşyp, bu burçy saklamak üçin ýelkenler ýeňilleşdirilip bilner. Windel ýelkenli bolup, ýelkenleriň netijesiz ýa-da "ýüklenmezligi" üçin diňe bir ugra ýakynlaşyp biler. Şonuň üçin ýeliň umumy ugruna gitmek üçin gaýyk ýeliň ugruna çykmak üçin ýeliň burçlaryna degmeli. |
I need a bulleted list of a few things people like to do with trees. | - Read under one
- Plant some in a park
- Pick and eat its fruit
- Cut it for lumber | creative_writing | Maňa adamlaryň agaç bilen etmegi halaýan birnäçe zadynyň sanawy gerek. | - Biriniň aşagynda oka
- Bir seýilgähde oturdyň
- Onuň miwesini saýlaň we iýiň
- Agaç üçin kesiň |
Write a friendly complaint to an airline service about a poor experience with multiple issues and ask for points. | To whom it may concern; as a loyal member to your airline alliance, I was disappointed in the multiple issues I experienced on a recent flight. Your airline usually provides me with an exceptional experience but unfortunately this last travel journey was below par.
Firstly, my seat was broken and unable to recline. Given this was a red eye flight where I was hoping to get some rest, this limited my ability to do so.
Secondly, the Wifi I paid for was out for 4 out of 6 hours of the trip. So while awake without recline, I was unable to use that time effectively to email or communicate with friends and family.
Lastly, my checked bag took 45 minutes at the carousel. I know you have a policy where it should be 20 minutes or less.
I really enjoy flying with you and would like to hope this was a stroke of bad luck, and not reflective of your customer service and typical experience. I would appreciate as a goodwill 10,000 points into my account to make things right. I hope you consider my request.
Kind regards | creative_writing | Howa gatnaw gullugyna birnäçe meselede erbet tejribe barada dostlukly şikaýat ýazyň we bal soraň. | Kime degişlidir; howa ýollary bileleşigiňize wepaly agza hökmünde, soňky uçuşda başdan geçiren köp meselelerimden lapykeç boldum. Awiakompaniýaňyz, adatça, maňa ajaýyp tejribe berýär, ýöne gynansak-da bu soňky syýahat syýahaty deňeşdirilende pesdi.
Ilki bilen oturgyjym döwüldi we oturyp bilmedim. Biraz dynç almagy umyt edýän gyzyl göz uçuşydygyny göz öňünde tutup, bu etmek ukybymy çäklendirdi.
Ikinjiden, tölän Wifi syýahatymyň 6 sagadynyň 4-sine çykdy. Şonuň üçin oturman ukudan oýananymda, dostlarym we maşgala agzalarymyz bilen e-poçta ibermek ýa-da habarlaşmak üçin şol wagty netijeli ulanyp bilmedim.
Ahyrynda barlanan sumkam karuselde 45 minut aldy. 20 minut ýa-da ondanam az bolmaly syýasatyňyzyň bardygyny bilýärin.
Men siziň bilen uçmagy gaty gowy görýärin we bu müşderiniň hyzmatyny we adaty tejribesini görkezmeýän, şowsuzlygyň urgusy diýip umyt etmek isleýärin. Işleri düzetmek üçin hasabyma 10 000 bal hökmünde hoşniýetli baha bererdim. Haýyşymy göz öňünde tutarsyňyz diýip umyt edýärin.
Hormat bilen |
Given a reference text about George Watson Buck, tell me where he went to Quaker School and where he got a job in 1807. | George Watson Buck (1789–1854) was the engineer of the Montgomeryshire Canal in the early 19th century, and was responsible for the unique lock paddle design.
He was later resident engineer during the building of the London and Birmingham Railway, and also designed Stockport Viaduct and the Dane Valley Viaduct on the Manchester and Birmingham Railway.
Early life
Buck was born on 1 April 1789 at Stoke Holy Cross, near Norwich. His parents were Quakers and sent him, with his two brothers, to the Quaker School at Ackworth, West Yorkshire. With his schooling completed, his father placed him with a wholesaler at Tower Hill, London, as he wanted him to be involved in trade, but the position did not suit Buck, and so he looked for something else. Around 1807, the East London Waterworks Company were building Old Ford pumping station, which had been designed by Ralph Walker, and Buck managed to secure a job there. When the job was finished, Walker moved on to Farlington, to work on a water supply scheme for Portsmouth and Gosport. The scheme had been authorised by an Act of Parliament in 1809, and Buck went to work as resident engineer, reporting to Walker. The scheme suffered from an intermittent water supply, as did a competing scheme engineered by William Nicholson. | George Watson Buck went to Quaker School at Ackworth, West Yorkshire and got a job at the East London Waterworks Company in 1807. | closed_qa | Jorj Watson Bak hakda salgylanma teksti berlensoň, Quaker mekdebine nirä gidendigini we 1807-nji ýylda nirede iş tapandygyny aýdyň. | Jorj Watson Bak (1789–1854) XIX asyryň başynda Montgomerişir kanalynyň inereneri bolup, täsin gulp dizaýnyna jogapkärdi.
Soňra London we Birmingem demir ýolunyň gurluşygynda in engineener bolup işledi, şeýle hem Mançester we Birmingem demir ýolunda “Stockport Viaduct” we “Dane Valley Viaduct” -ny taslady.
Irki durmuş
Bak 1789-njy ýylyň 1-nji aprelinde Norwiçiň golaýyndaky Stok Holy Crossda dünýä indi. Ene-atasy Kwakerdi we ony iki dogany bilen Günbatar Yorkorkşiriň Akwort şäherindäki Kwaker mekdebine iberdi. Okuwy gutaransoň, kakasy söwda bilen meşgullanmagyny isleýänligi üçin ony Londonyň Tower Hillinde lomaý satyjy bilen ýerleşdirdi, ýöne bu wezipe Bak bilen laýyk däldi we şonuň üçin başga bir zat gözledi. Takmynan 1807-nji ýylda Gündogar London Suw işleri kompaniýasy Ralf Walker tarapyndan döredilen Köne Ford nasos stansiýasyny gurýardy we Bak ol ýerde iş tapmagy başardy. Iş gutaransoň, Walker Portsmut we Gosport üçin suw üpjünçiligi meýilnamasynyň üstünde işlemek üçin Farlington şäherine gitdi. Bu meýilnama 1809-njy ýylda Mejlisiň bir kanuny bilen tassyklandy we Bak Walker-e hasabat berip, rezident inerener bolup işe gitdi. Bu shema, William Nikolson tarapyndan döredilen bäsdeşlik shemasy ýaly, aralyk suw üpjünçiliginden ejir çekdi. | Jorj Watson Bak Günbatar Yorkorkşiriň Akwort şäherindäki Kwaker mekdebine okady we 1807-nji ýylda Gündogar London suw gurluşyk kärhanasynda iş tapdy. |
Was Michael Flavin wealthy at the time he wrote Benjamin Disraeli? | Michael Flavin's Benjamin Disraeli: The Novel as a Political Discourse suggests that Venetia was largely a commercial endeavour for Disraeli, who was deep in debt at the time that he wrote it. | No, he was deep in debt at the time. | information_extraction | Benýamin Disraelini ýazan wagty Maýkl Flawin baýmydy? | Maýkl Flawiniň Benýamin Disraeli: Syýasy gepleşik hökmünde roman, Wenesiýanyň ýazan döwründe bergisi gaty köp bolan Disraeli üçin täjirçilik işidigini görkezýär. | .Ok, şol wagt onuň bergisi gaty uludy. |
Where is the annual indoor rowing World Championship? | Ergometer rowing machines (colloquially ergs or ergo) simulate the rowing action and provide a means of training on land when waterborne training is restricted, and of measuring rowing fitness. Ergometers do not simulate the lateral balance challenges, the exact resistance of water, or the exact motions of true rowing including the sweep of the oar handles. For that reason ergometer scores are generally not used as the sole selection criterion for crews (colloquially "ergs don't float"), and technique training is limited to the basic body position and movements. However, this action can still allow a workout comparable to those experienced on the water. Indoor rowing has become popular as a sport in its own right with numerous indoor competitions (and the annual World Championship CRASH-B Sprints in Boston) during the winter off-season. | The indoor rowing world championship is held annually in Boston during the winter off-season. | summarization | Her ýyl ýapykda küreklemek boýunça dünýä çempionaty nirede? | Ergometrde küreklemek maşynlary (köplenç ergs ýa-da ergo) küreklemek hereketini simulasiýa edýär we suwda tälim bermek çäklendirilende gury ýerde tälim bermek we küreklemegiň fitnesini ölçemek üçin serişdeleri berýär. Ergometrler gapdal deňagramlylyk meselelerini, suwuň takyk garşylygyny ýa-da gämi tutawaçlaryny süpürmek bilen hakyky küreklemegiň takyk hereketlerini simulasiýa etmeýär. Şol sebäpli, ergometr ballary ekipa forlar üçin ýeke-täk saýlama ölçegi hökmünde ulanylmaýar (köplenç "ergs ýüzmeýär") we tehniki tälim bedeniň esasy ýagdaýy we hereketleri bilen çäklenýär. Şeýle-de bolsa, bu hereket suwda başdan geçirenler bilen deňeşdirip boljak türgenleşige mümkinçilik döredip biler. Oorapyk küreklemek, gyşky dynç alyş möwsüminde köp sanly ýapyk ýaryşlar (we her ýyl Bostonda geçiriljek CRASH-B Sprints dünýä çempionaty) bilen özbaşdak sport hökmünde meşhur boldy. | Oorapyk küreklemek boýunça dünýä çempionaty her ýyl gyş dynç alyş möwsüminde Bostonda geçirilýär. |
How did Andy Warhol create the "piss paintings"? | Andy Warhol created paintings in the 1970s by covering canvases with copper paint and having various staffers urinate on them. This created different colored splotches, pools, and lines. | general_qa | Andi Warhol "piss suratlaryny" nädip döretdi? | Andi Warhol 1970-nji ýyllarda haly önümlerini mis boýag bilen örtmek we dürli işgärleriň peşew etmegi bilen suratlar döretdi. Bu dürli reňkli bölekleri, howuzlary we çyzyklary döretdi. |
Extract a list of poems and the year they were published in the following form: {Poem name}: {Year published}
And sort the list chronologically | Piombino's first published poems appeared in 1965 in American Weave Literary Journal. Throughout the 1970s, he continued to publish in small literary journals, such as The World, Dodgems, Telephone, and Roof.
His first volume of poetry, titled simply Poems, was published by the Sun & Moon Press in 1988 and won an Author's Recognition Award from the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health in 1992.[citation needed] His second chapbook, Light Street, did not appear until 1996. It was followed by Theoretical Objects (1999), a collection of manifestos, aphorisms, essays, and seemingly autobiographical prose poems.
Piombino's poetry took a different turn with Hegelian Honeymoon (2004), in which he moved away from the conventions of Language poetry to explore more traditional forms. Inspired by the poetry that accompanied an exhibition of Japanese calligraphy, the poems are a cross between haiku and aphorism. The poems were originally published on the SUNY/Buffalo poetics list-serve before being published in chapbook form by Chax Press. | Sure, here is a chronologically-sorted list of poems and the year they were published:
Poems: 1988
Light Street: 1996
Theoretical Objects: 1999
Hegelian Honeymoon: 2004 | information_extraction | Goşgularyň sanawyny we neşir edilen ýylyny aşakdaky görnüşde göçüriň: {Goşgynyň ady}: published Neşir edilen}
Sanawy hronologiki tertipleşdiriň | Piombinonyň ilkinji neşir edilen goşgulary 1965-nji ýylda Amerikanyň dokma edebi Journalurnalynda peýda boldy. 1970-nji ýyllaryň dowamynda “The World”, “Dodgems”, “Telefon” we “Roof” ýaly kiçi edebi alsurnallarda çap edilmegini dowam etdirdi.
Simplyönekeý goşgular atly goşgynyň birinji tomy 1988-nji ýylda “Gün we Aý metbugaty” tarapyndan neşir edildi we 1992-nji ýylda aspiranturanyň akyl saglygy merkezinden Awtoryň ykrar ediş baýragyna mynasyp boldy. 1996-njy ýyla çenli. Teoretiki obýektler (1999), manifestleriň, aforizmleriň, oçerkleriň we awtobiografik proza goşgularynyň ýygyndysy.
Piombinonyň poeziýasy has adaty görnüşleri öwrenmek üçin Dil şygryýetiniň konwensiýalaryndan daşlaşyp, Gegelian Bal aýy (2004) bilen başgaça öwrüldi. Japaneseapon kalligrafiýasynyň sergisine goşulan goşgulardan ylham alan goşgular haiku bilen aforizmiň arasyndaky haçdyr. Goşgular ilkibaşda SUNY / Buffalo şahyrana sanawynda çap edildi - Çaks Press tarapyndan kitap görnüşinde çap edilmezden ozal. | Elbetde, ine, hronologiki taýdan düzülen goşgularyň sanawy we neşir edilen ýyly:
Goşgular: 1988
Lightagtylyk köçesi: 1996-njy ýyl
Nazary obýektler: 1999
Gegelian bal aýy: 2004 |
What is the purpose of operating a motor vehicle? | The purpose of operating a motor vehicle is to get from point A to point B without incident, regardless of whose fault it might be. | general_qa | Awtoulag serişdesini işletmegiň maksady näme? | Awtoulag serişdesini işletmegiň maksady, kimiň günäkärdigine garamazdan, A nokatdan B nokadyna hadysasyz ýetmekdir. |
Who was Raghib Pasha? | Isma'il ibn Ahmad ibn Hassan bani Yani (Arabic: إسماعيل بن أحمد بن حسن بني يني), known simply as Isma'il Ragheb Pasha (Arabic: إسماعيل راغب باشا) (1819–1884), was a Greek Ottoman politician who served as a Prime Minister of Egypt and held several other high-ranking government positions.
Isma'il Ragheb was of Greek ancestry and was born in Greece on 18 August 1819 on either the island of Chios following the great massacre of Candia, Crete. After being kidnapped to Anatolia he was brought to Egypt as a slave by Ibrahim Pasha in 1830 and was converted to Islam. Immediately following his arrival, he studied at al-Maktab al-Amiri and obtained his advanced degree in 1834. He was fluent in Greek and was elevated to the rank of First Lieutenant by Egypt's viceroy Muhammad Ali Pasha. In 1836, he became head of the Accounting and Revenue Agencies. He was promoted to the rank of bikbashi (Lieutenant Colonel) in 1840, then kaymakam (Colonel) in 1844, and finally amiralay (Brigadier General) in 1846.[citation needed]
He held the positions of Minister of Finance (1858–1860), then Minister of War (1860–1861).[citation needed] He became Inspector for the Maritime Provinces in 1862, and later Assistant (Arabic: باشمعاون) to viceroy Isma'il Pasha (1863–1865). He was granted the title of beylerbey and then appointed President of the Privy council in 1868. He was appointed President of the Chamber of Deputies (1866–1867), then Minister of Interior in 1867, then Minister of Agriculture and Trade in 1875.[citation needed] He again held the Finance portfolio in Muhammad Sharif Pasha's first government (1879). After the fall of Mahmoud Sami el-Baroudi's government, Isma'il Ragheb became Prime Minister of Egypt in 1882.[citation needed] Although his government was short-lived (it lasted from 17 June to 21 August only), it was the only one to present concrete programs. His achievements include the modernisation of the budget through the inventory of revenues and expenses, the Law on Salaries, and the La'eha Sa'ideyya as well as several agricultural laws.[citation needed]
Isma'il Ragheb died in 1884.[citation needed] | Raghib Pasha was a Greek Ottoman politician who served in various roles in Egypt during the mid to late 1800s, including Prime Minister of Egypt for a brief period. | summarization | Raghib Paşa kimdi? | Ysmaýyl Ragheb Paşa (arapça: إسماعيل راغب بارا) (1819–1884), grek Osmanly syýasatçysy bolup işlän Ysraýyl ibn Ahmet ibn Hasan bani aniani (arapça: إسماعيل بن أحمد بن حسن بني يني) Müsüriň premýer-ministri we başga-da birnäçe ýokary derejeli hökümet wezipelerinde işledi.
Ysmaýyl Ragheb grekleriň neslinden bolup, 1819-njy ýylyň 18-nji awgustynda Kritiýanyň Kandiýa gyrgynçylygyndan soň Çios adasynda Gresiýada doguldy. Anadolyda alnyp gaçylandan soň, 1830-njy ýylda Ybraýym Paşa tarapyndan gul hökmünde Müsüre getirilip, Yslam dinini kabul edipdir. Gelen badyna al-Maktab al-Amiri-de bilim aldy we 1834-nji ýylda ýokary dereje aldy. Ol grek dilini gowy bilýärdi we Müsüriň wekili Muhammet Ali Paşa tarapyndan birinji leýtenant derejesine göterildi. 1836-njy ýylda Hasap we girdeji agentlikleriniň başlygy boldy. Ol 1840-njy ýylda bikbashi (podpolkownik), 1844-nji ýylda kaýmakam (polkownik), 1846-njy ýylda amiralaý (brigada generaly) derejesine göterildi.
Maliýe ministri (1858–1860), soňra uruş ministri (1860–1861) wezipelerini eýeledi. [Sitata zerur] 1862-nji ýylda Deňiz welaýatlarynyň gözegçisi, soňra bolsa Isma wekiliniň kömekçisi (Arapça: bwمعاون) wezipesini ýerine ýetirdi. il Paşa (1863–1865). Oňa Beýlerbeý ady berildi, soňra bolsa 1868-nji ýylda Gizlin geňeşiň başlygy wezipesine bellendi. Deputatlar palatasynyň başlygy (1866–1867), 1867-nji ýylda içeri işler ministri, 1875-nji ýylda oba hojalygy we söwda ministri wezipesine bellendi. ýene-de Muhammet Şerif Paşanyň ilkinji hökümetinde (1879) Maliýe bukjasyny eýeledi. Mahmud Sami el-Barudiniň hökümeti ýykylandan soň, 1882-nji ýylda Ysmaýyl Ragheb Müsüriň premýer-ministri boldy. anyk programmalary hödürlemek üçin. Üstünlikleri, girdejileriň we çykdajylaryň sanawyny, Aýlyklar baradaky kanuny we La'eha Saideýýany, şeýle hem birnäçe oba hojalygy kanunlaryny býudjetiň döwrebaplaşdyrylmagyny öz içine alýar.
Ysmaýyl Ragheb 1884-nji ýylda aradan çykdy. | Raghib Paşa, 1800-nji ýyllaryň ortalaryndan ahyryna çenli Müsüriň dürli wezipelerinde, şol sanda Müsüriň premýer-ministri bilen bir hatarda gysga wagtlap Müsürde dürli wezipelerde işlän grek Osmanly syýasatçysydy. |
Extract the year that the Balloon typeface was created from the following Wikipedia article. | Balloon was a brush script commonly used for signage or display purposes. It was designed in 1939 by Max R. Kaufmann, for American Type Founders, in response to Howard Allen Trafton's Cartoon, cut for Bauer Type Foundry in 1936. It had no lowercase letters and was cast in Light, Bold, and Extra Bold. The two lighter weights were identical with Kaufmann Script and so could be used as alternate capitals for that face. It was most notably used in the Madeline books, TV series and film. The font was most famously known for the typeface of the Nickelodeon logo from late 1984 to 2009 in white letters with an orange splat background.
This font was digitized by the now-defunct Bitstream Inc. | Balloon typeface was created in 1939 by Max R. Kaufmann. | information_extraction | Şar görnüşiniň indiki Wikipediýa makalasyndan döredilen ýylyny çykaryň. | Şar, köplenç alamat ýa-da görkezmek üçin ulanylýan çotga skriptidi. 1939-njy ýylda “Bauer Type Foundry” üçin kesilen Howard Allen Traftonyň multfilmine jogap hökmünde Amerikan görnüşini esaslandyryjylar üçin Maks R. Kaufmann tarapyndan 1939-njy ýylda döredilipdi. Iki ýeňil agram Kaufmann skripti bilen birmeňzeşdi we şonuň üçin bu ýüz üçin alternatiw paýtagt hökmünde ulanylyp bilner. Madeline kitaplarynda, teleseriallarda we filmlerde has köp ulanyldy. Şrift 1984-nji ýylyň ahyryndan 2009-njy ýyla çenli apelsin reňkli ak harplar bilen Nikelodeon nyşanynyň görnüşi bilen iň meşhurdy.
Bu şrift, häzirki Bitstream Inc. tarapyndan sanlaşdyryldy. | Şar görnüşi 1939-njy ýylda Maks R. Kaufmann tarapyndan döredildi. |
How many people died in the Cloquet fire of Illinois according to the text? | The Cloquet fire was an immense forest fire in northern Minnesota, United States in October 1918, caused by sparks on the local railroads and dry conditions. The fire left much of western Carlton County devastated, mostly affecting Moose Lake, Cloquet, and Kettle River. Cloquet was hit the hardest by the fires. It was the worst natural disaster in Minnesota history in terms of the number of casualties in a single day. In total, 453 people died and 52,000 people were injured or displaced, 38 communities were destroyed, 250,000 acres (100,000 ha) were burned, and $73 million ($1.315 billion in 2023 United States dollars) in property damage was suffered. Thirteen million dollars in federal aid were disbursed. | 453 people died in the Cloquet fire that occurred in northern Minnesota, United States in October 1918.
In addition to the 453 people that died, 52,000 people were injured or displaced, 38 communities were destroyed, 250,000 acres (100,000 ha) were burned, and $73 million ($1.315 billion in 2023 United States dollars) in property damage was suffered. | closed_qa | Tekste görä Illinoýs ştatynyň “Cloquet” ýangynda näçe adam öldi? | Cloquet ýangy, 1918-nji ýylyň oktýabr aýynda Amerikanyň demirgazygyndaky Minnesota ştatynda ýerli demirýollarda uçgunlar we gurak şertler sebäpli dörän ullakan tokaý ýangydy. Angyn Karlton okrugynyň köp bölegini weýran etdi, esasan Muz kölüne, Kloket we Kettle derýasyna täsir etdi. Ot ýakylanda palta iň agyr degdi. Minnesota taryhynda bir günde ölenleriň sany boýunça iň erbet tebigy betbagtçylyk boldy. Jemi 453 adam öldi, 52,000 adam ýaralandy ýa-da başga ýerlere göçürildi, 38 jemgyýet weýran edildi, 250,000 gektar (100,000 ga) ýakyldy we 73 million dollar (2023-nji ýylda ABŞ-nyň 1,315 milliard dollary) emläk zyýany boldy. Federal kömek üçin 13 million dollar tölendi. | 1918-nji ýylyň oktýabr aýynda Amerikanyň Minnesota ştatynyň demirgazygynda bolup geçen “Cloquet” ýangynda 453 adam öldi.
Ölen 453 adamdan başga-da 52,000 adam ýaralandy ýa-da başga ýerlere göçürildi, 38 jemgyýet weýran edildi, 250,000 gektar (100,000 ga) ýakyldy we 73 million dollar (2023-nji ýylda ABŞ-nyň 1,315 milliard dollary) emläk zyýany boldy. |
Given this paragraph, who was the first person to run the Western States 100 in under 24 hours? | The Western States Trail Ride was first completed on foot by seven soldiers from Fort Riley, Kansas during the 1972 event, proving that the mountain course could be marched in less than two days. In 1974 Gordy Ainsleigh was the first to run it in under 24 hours. Ainsleigh had finished the Western States Trail Ride (Tevis Cup) in 1971 and 1972 on horseback, but in 1973 his new horse was pulled with lameness at the 29-mile checkpoint. In 1974, with the inspiration and encouragement of Drucilla Barner, the first woman to win the Tevis Cup and Secretary of the Western States Trail Foundation, Gordy joined the horses of the Western States Trail Ride to see if he could complete the course on foot in under 24 hours. Twenty-three hours and forty-two minutes later Gordy arrived in Auburn, proving that a runner could cover the Western States trail in a day. However, he did not run 100 miles. The course was at most 89 miles until 1980 when it was extended to 93.5 miles and in 1985 finally to 100 miles. Running 100 miles in a day was nothing new. About 1,000 runners worldwide had run or walked 100 miles in a day prior to 1974 on tracks, roads, and trails. | In 1974 Gordy Ainsleigh was the first to run it in under 24 hours. | closed_qa | Bu abzasy göz öňünde tutup, 24 sagadyň içinde Günbatar döwletlerini 100 dolandyran ilkinji adam kim boldy? | Günbatar Ştatlaryň Trail Ride 1972-nji ýyldaky wakada ilkinji gezek Kanzas ştatynyň Fort Rile şäherinden ýedi esger pyýada tamamlandy we dag ýolunyň iki günüň içinde ýöräp biljekdigini subut etdi. 1974-nji ýylda Gordi Ainsleigh 24 sagadyň içinde ilkinji bolup işledi. Aýnsli 1971-nji we 1972-nji ýyllarda Günbatar Ştatlaryň Trail Ride (Tewis Kubogy) atly atyny tamamlapdy, ýöne 1973-nji ýylda 29 kilometrlik barlag nokadynda täze aty maýyplyk bilen çekildi. 1974-nji ýylda Tewis kubogyny alan ilkinji zenan we Günbatar Ştatlar Trail gaznasynyň sekretary Drukilla Barneriň ylhamy we höwesi bilen Gordy pyýada ýörişi tamamlap biljekdigini ýa-da ýokdugyny bilmek üçin Günbatar Ştatlaryň Trail Ride atly atlaryna goşuldy. 24 sagadyň dowamynda. Entyigrimi üç sagat kyrk iki minutdan soň Gordy bir ylgawçynyň Günbatar döwletleriň yzyny bir günde örtüp biljekdigini subut edip, Auburn şäherine geldi. Şeýle-de bolsa, ol 100 km ylgady. Bu kurs 1980-nji ýyla çenli iň köp 89 mil bolup, 93,5 mil, 1985-nji ýylda bolsa 100 mil uzady. Bir günde 100 mil aralygy ylgamak täze zat däldi. Bütin dünýäde 1000 töweregi ylgawçy 1974-nji ýyla çenli ýollarda, ýollarda we ýodalarda 100 km ylgaýardy ýa-da 100 mil aralygy geçipdi. | 1974-nji ýylda Gordi Ainsleigh 24 sagadyň içinde ilkinji bolup işledi. |
What is a wallet used for? | A wallet is a flat pouch used to carry small person items. It can be made out of raw hide or some other material. It can be used to cary currency or money, credit cards, photos of family, insurance cards, and person identification. A wallet is helpful to organize different payment methods, and it used in most transactions that requirement a payment using a form of currency or credit. | open_qa | Gapjyk näme üçin ulanylýar? | Gapjyk, ownuk zatlary daşamak üçin ulanylýan tekiz halta. Çig gizden ýa-da başga materialdan ýasalyp bilner. Walýuta ýa-da pul, kredit kartoçkalary, maşgalanyň suratlary, ätiýaçlandyryş kartoçkalary we şahsyýetini kesgitlemek üçin ulanylyp bilner. Gapjyk dürli töleg usullaryny guramak üçin peýdalydyr we walýuta ýa-da karz görnüşi bilen töleg talap edýän amallaryň köpüsinde ulanylýar. |
Why are kids inquisitive? | Kids are very eager to understand the world around them and tend to ask lots of questions. There is a potential for these characteristics to reduce as kids grow older, either because of other social interactions or having a better understanding of their general environment. | general_qa | Näme üçin çagalar gyzyklanýar? | Çagalar daş-töweregindäki dünýä düşünmek isleýär we köp sorag bermäge ýykgyn edýär. Beýleki sosial gatnaşyklar sebäpli ýa-da umumy gurşawyna has gowy düşünmek sebäpli çagalar ulalansoň bu aýratynlyklaryň azalmagy üçin potensial bar. |
Which of these four novels has the least in common with the others?
1. Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammett
2. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
3. The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
4. The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | One Hundred Years of Solitude has the least in common with the other books. It is part of a genre called Magical Realism, which depicts a world that strongly resembles real life but contains magical aspects that would normally be found in the Fantasy genre. The other three novels are all Detective fiction, and belong to the Hardboiled sub-genre. Hardboiled detective stories typically feature a deeply cynical (and often unlikable) protagonist, organized crime elements, and a prohibition-era setting. | classification | Bu dört romanyň haýsysynyň beýlekiler bilen iň az umumylygy bar?
1. Daşiell Hammettiň gyzyl hasyly
2. Gabriel Garsiýa Markesiň ýüz ýyllyk ýalňyzlygy
3. Reýmond Çandleriň “Uly uky”
4. Sir Artur Konan Doýliň “Baskervilleriň depesi” | Yearüz ýyllyk ýalňyzlygyň beýleki kitaplar bilen iň az umumylygy bar. Jadyly realizm atly reanryň bir bölegi, hakyky durmuşa gaty meňzeýän, ýöne adatça Fantaziýa reanrynda tapyljak jadyly taraplary öz içine alýan dünýäni suratlandyrýar. Beýleki üç romanyň hemmesi Detektiv fantastika we “Hardboiled” kiçi reanryna degişlidir. Gaty gaýnadylan detektiw hekaýalarda adatça çuňňur gülkünç (we köplenç mümkin däl) baş gahryman, guramaçylykly jenaýat elementleri we gadaganlyk döwri bar. |
What are some good steps to getting an AWS cloud certification and getting a cloud job? | Getting an AWS certification is a great way to get started with learning about cloud and potentially starting a career in it! Here are some good first steps:
1. Start with the free AWS Cloud Practitioner course and overview:
2. Pass the AWS cloud practitioner exam
3. Decide which specialization path to go down — options could include the architecture path, more of a data specialist, or a Security specialization, with multiple other options
4. If you choose the architecture path, Stephane Marek’s courses ( are excellent, frequently updated, and inexpensive.
5. The next step is the AWS Solution Architect—Associate exam, which is difficult but the above courses prepare you well (combined with practice tests, note below on that)
6. To get hands on experience here is a list of interesting cloud sample projects, some easy and some hard:
7. In preparing for the exams, especially the more advanced ones, Jon Bonso has excellent practice question banks:
8. Once you have the Solution Architect—Associate certification and some sample projects complete you can likely start looking for a job in the cloud space. Companies are looking for people with those skills + cert + some hands-on experience, so good luck! | open_qa | AWS bulut şahadatnamasyny almak we bulut işine girmek üçin haýsy gowy ädimler bar? | AWS şahadatnamasyny almak, bulut hakda öwrenmek we potensial karýera başlamak üçin ajaýyp usul! Ine, ilkinji gowy ädimler:
1. Mugt AWS Cloud Practitioner kursundan we umumy syndan başlaň:
2. AWS bulut praktik synagyndan geçiň
3. Haýsy ýöriteleşdirilen ýoluň aşak düşmelidigini kesgitläň - opsiýalar arhitektura ýoluny, has köp maglumat hünärmeni ýa-da Howpsuzlyk ýöriteleşdirmesini öz içine alyp biler.
4. Arhitektura ýoluny saýlasaňyz, Stefan Marekiň kurslary ( ajaýyp, ýygy-ýygydan täzelenýär we arzan.
5. Indiki ädim AWS Solution Architect - Associate ekzamen, bu kyn, ýöne ýokardaky kurslar sizi gowy taýýarlaýar (tejribe synaglary bilen bilelikde, aşakda bellik ediň)
6. Bu ýerde tejribe toplamak üçin käbir aňsat we käbir kyn bulut nusga taslamalarynyň sanawy bar:
7. Ekzamenlere taýýarlyk görmekde, esasanam has ösenlere Jon Bonso, amaly sorag banklary bar:
8. “Solution Architect” - “Associate” şahadatnamasy we käbir nusgawy taslamalar gutaransoň, bulut giňişliginde iş gözläp başlap bilersiňiz. Kompaniýalar şol başarnyklary + şahadatnamasy + käbir iş tejribesi bolan adamlary gözleýärler, şonuň üçin üstünlik! |
Based on the following passage where did plums, apricots and peaches originate? | Traditional dried fruit such as raisins, figs, dates, apricots and apples have been a staple of Mediterranean diets for millennia. This is due partly to their early cultivation in the Middle Eastern region known as the Fertile Crescent, made up by parts of modern Iran, Iraq, southwest Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, and northern Egypt. Drying or dehydration also happened to be the earliest form of food preservation: grapes, dates, and figs that fell from the tree or vine would dry in the hot sun. Early hunter-gatherers observed that these fallen fruit took on an edible form, and valued them for their stability as well as their concentrated sweetness.
The earliest recorded mention of dried fruits can be found in Mesopotamian tablets dating to about 1500 BC, which contain what are probably the oldest known written recipes. These clay slabs, written in Akkadian, the daily language of Babylonia, were inscribed in cuneiform and tell of diets based on grains (barley, millet, wheat), vegetables and fruits such as dates, figs, apples, pomegranates, and grapes. These early civilizations used dates, date juice evaporated into syrup and raisins as sweeteners. They included dried fruits in their breads for which they had more than 300 recipes, from simple barley bread for the workers to very elaborate, spiced cakes with honey for the palaces and temples.
The date palm was one of the first cultivated trees. It was domesticated in Mesopotamia more than 5,000 years ago. It grew abundantly in the Fertile Crescent and it was so productive (an average date palm produces 50 kg (100 lbs) of fruit a year for 60 years or more) that dates were the cheapest of staple foods. Because they were so valuable, they were well recorded in Assyrian and Babylonian monuments and temples. The villagers in Mesopotamia dried them and ate them as sweets. Whether fresh, soft-dried or hard-dried, they helped to give character to meat dishes and grain pies. They were valued by travelers for their energy and were recommended as stimulants against fatigue.
Figs were also prized in early Mesopotamia, Palestine, Israel, and Egypt where their daily use was probably greater than or equal to that of dates. As well as appearing in wall paintings, many specimens have been found in Egyptian tombs as funerary offerings. In Greece and Crete, figs grew very readily and they were the staple of poor and rich alike, particularly in their dried form.
Grape cultivation first began in Armenia and the eastern regions of the Mediterranean in the 4th century BC. Raisins were produced by drying grapes in the hot desert sun. Very quickly, viticulture and raisin production spread across northern Africa including Morocco and Tunisia. The Phoenicians and the Egyptians popularized the production of raisins, probably due to the perfect arid environment for sun drying. They put them in jars for storage and allotted them to the different temples by the thousands. They also added them to breads and various pastries, some made with honey, some with milk and eggs.
From the Middle East, these fruits spread through Greece to Italy where they became a major part of the diet. Ancient Romans consumed raisins in spectacular quantities and at all levels of society, including them as a key part of their common meals, along with olives and fresh fruits. Raisined breads were common for breakfast and were consumed with their grains, beans, and cultured milks. Raisins were so valued that they transcended the food realm and became rewards for successful athletes, as well as premium barter currency.
Having dried fruits was essential in ancient Rome as these instructions for housekeepers around 100 BC tell: "She must keep a supply of cooked food on hand for you and the servants. She must keep many hens and have plenty of eggs. She must have a large store of dried pears, sorbs, figs, raisins, sorbs in must, preserved pears and grapes and quinces. She must also keep preserved grapes in grape-pulp and in pots buried in the ground, as well as fresh Praenestine nuts kept in the same way, and Scantian quinces in jars, and other fruits that are usually preserved, as well as wild fruits. All these she must store away diligently every year."
Figs were also extremely popular in Rome. Dried figs were added to bread and formed a major part of the winter food of country people. They were rubbed with spices such as cumin, anise and fennel seeds, or toasted sesame, wrapped in fig leaves and stored in jars. Today, major producing regions include Israel, Jerusalem, Gaza and many other Arabic countries. Dried figs are rich in vitamins, phosphorus and various other important minerals.
Plums, apricots and peaches had their origins in Asia. They were domesticated in China in the 3rd millennium BC and spread to the Fertile Crescent where they were also very popular, fresh and dried alike. They arrived in Greece and Italy much later and were very expensive but valued in the preparation of gourmet dishes with port or stewed with honey and spices. | Plums, apricots and peaches had their origins in Asia. They were domesticated in China in the 3rd millennium BC and spread to the Fertile Crescent where they were also very popular, fresh and dried alike. They arrived in Greece and Italy much later and were very expensive but valued in the preparation of gourmet dishes with port or stewed with honey and spices. | information_extraction | Aşakdaky bölüme esaslanyp, erik, erik we şetdaly nireden döräpdir? | Kişmiş, injir, hurma, erik we alma ýaly adaty guradylan miweler müňýyllyklaryň dowamynda Ortaýer deňziniň berhizidir. Munuň bir sebäbi, häzirki Eýranyň, Yragyň, günorta-günbatar Türkiýäniň, Siriýanyň, Liwanyň, Palestiniň, Ysraýylyň we Müsüriň demirgazygyndaky böleklerden emele gelen ectarym Aý diýlip atlandyrylýan Eastakyn Gündogar sebitinde irki ekişleri bilen baglanyşykly. Guramak ýa-da suwsuzlanmak iýmit saklamagyň iň irki görnüşi bolupdyr: agaçdan ýa-da üzüm agajyndan düşen üzüm, hurma we injir yssy günüň içinde gurar. Irki awçylar ýygnan bu miweleriň iýip bolýan görnüşe eýe bolandyklaryny görüp, durnuklylygy we konsentrirlenen süýjüligi üçin baha berdiler.
Guradylan miweleriň iň irki ýazgysy, takmynan 1500-nji ýyla degişli Mesopotamiýa planşetlerinde tapylyp bilner, olarda iň gadymy ýazylan reseptler bar. Wawilonyň gündelik dili bolan Akkad dilinde ýazylan bu palçykdan ýasalan plitalar şine görnüşinde ýazylypdyr we däne (arpa, tüwi, bugdaý), hurma, injir, alma, nar we üzüm ýaly gök önümler we miweler hakda aýdylýar. Bu irki siwilizasiýalarda hurma, hurma şiresi we kişmiş süýjüdiriji hökmünde ulanylýar. Çöreklerine guradylan miweleri goşup, 300-den gowrak resept bardy, işçiler üçin ýönekeý arpa çöreginden başlap, köşkler we ybadathanalar üçin bal bilen ýakymly tortlar.
Hurma ilkinji ekilen agaçlaryň biri bolupdyr. 5000 ýyldan gowrak ozal Mesopotamiýada eldekileşdirilipdi. Hasyl ýarym aýynda köp ösdi we şeýle öndürijilikli boldy (ortaça hurma 60 ýyl ýa-da ondanam köp ýylda 50 kg (100 litr) miwe öndürýär), hurma esasy iýmitleriň iň arzanydy. Gymmatlygy sebäpli, Assiriýa we Wawilon ýadygärliklerinde we ybadathanalarynda gowy ýazylypdyr. Mesopotamiýanyň oba adamlary olary guradyp, süýji hökmünde iýdiler. Täze, ýumşak guradylan ýa-da gaty guradylan bolsun, etli tagamlara we däne piroglaryna häsiýet bermäge kömek etdiler. Syýahatçylar energiýasy üçin gymmatlydy we ýadawlyga garşy gyjyndyryjy hökmünde maslahat berildi.
Injir irki Mesopotamiýada, Palestinde, Ysraýylda we Müsürde-de gymmatlydy, bu ýerde gündelik ulanylyşy hurma bilen deňeşdirilende has köp ýa-da deňdir. Diwar suratlarynda peýda bolmak bilen bir hatarda, Müsüriň mazarlarynda şadyýanlyk hökmünde köp nusgalar tapyldy. Gresiýada we Kritde injir gaty aňsat ösdi we garyplaryň we baýlaryň, esasanam guradylan görnüşinde esasy zatdy.
Üzüm ösdürip ýetişdirmek ilkinji gezek Ermenistanda we Ortaýer deňziniň gündogar sebitlerinde miladydan öňki 4-nji asyrda başlapdyr. Kişmiş, yssy çöl güneşinde üzümi guratmak arkaly öndürildi. Örän çaltlyk bilen üzümçilik we kişmiş önümçiligi demirgazyk Afrikada Marokko we Tunis ýaly ýurtlara ýaýrady. Finikiýalylar we müsürliler kişmiş önümçiligini meşhur etdiler, belki-de günüň guramagy üçin iň gurak gurşaw sebäpli. Saklamak üçin bankalara saldylar we müňlerçe dürli ybadathanalara paýladylar. Şeýle hem, olary çörek we dürli konditer önümleri, käbiri bal bilen, käbiri süýt we ýumurtga bilen goşdy.
Fruitsakyn Gündogardan bu miweler Gresiýanyň üsti bilen Italiýa ýaýrady we iýmitiň esasy bölegine öwrüldi. Gadymy rimliler zeýtun we täze miweler bilen birlikde umumy naharlarynyň esasy bölegi hökmünde şol sanda kişmişi ajaýyp mukdarda we jemgyýetiň ähli gatlaklarynda iýipdirler. Iýmitlenýän çörekler ertirlik üçin adaty zatdy we däneleri, noýba we medeniýetli süýtler bilen iýilýärdi. Kişmiş şeýle bir gymmatlydy welin, azyk meýdanyndan ýokary bolup, üstünlik gazanan türgenler üçin baýrak boldy, şeýle hem premium barter walýutasy.
Gadymy Rimde guradylan miweleriň bolmagy gaty möhümdi, sebäbi miladydan öňki 100-nji ýyllarda öý hyzmatçylary üçin şu görkezmelerde: "Ol size we hyzmatkärlere elinde bişirilen azyk önümlerini saklamaly. Köp towuk saklamaly we ýumurtga köp bolmaly. Guradylan armut, sorb, injir, kişmiş, sorblar, armudyň, üzümiň we kwiniň saklanylýan uly dükany. Şeýle hem, üzüm pulpasynda we ýere gömülen küýzelerde, şeýle hem täze Praenestin hozlarynda saklanmalydyr. Edil şonuň ýaly, bankalarda skantianlar we adatça saklanylýan beýleki miweler, şeýle hem ýabany miweler. Bularyň hemmesini her ýyl yhlas bilen saklamaly. "
Rimde injir hem meşhur bolupdyr. Guradylan injir çörege goşuldy we ýurt ilatynyň gyş iýmitiniň esasy bölegini emele getirdi. Olara kimyon, anis we şüweleň tohumy ýa-da tostlanan künji ýaly ýakymly ysly zatlar bilen sürtüldi, injir ýapraklaryna örtüldi we bankalarda saklandy. Häzirki wagtda esasy önümçilik sebitlerine Ysraýyl, Iýerusalim, Gaza we beýleki köp sanly arap ýurtlary girýär. Guradylan injir witaminlere, fosfor we beýleki möhüm minerallara baýdyr.
Erik, erik we şetdaly gözbaşlaryny Aziýada alyp gaýdýar. Miladydan öňki 3-nji müňýyllykda Hytaýda eldekileşdirilip, Hasyl ýarym aýyna ýaýradylar we şol ýerde-de gaty meşhur, täze we guradyldy. Gresiýa we Italiýa ep-esli wagt soň geldiler we gaty gymmatdy, ýöne portly gurme tagamlaryny taýýarlamakda ýa-da bal we ysly zatlar bilen bişirilen gymmatlydy. | Erik, erik we şetdaly gözbaşlaryny Aziýada alyp gaýdýar. Miladydan öňki 3-nji müňýyllykda Hytaýda eldekileşdirilip, Hasyl ýarym aýyna ýaýradylar we şol ýerde-de gaty meşhur, täze we guradyldy. Gresiýa we Italiýa ep-esli wagt soň geldiler we gaty gymmatdy, ýöne portly gurme tagamlaryny taýýarlamakda ýa-da bal we ysly zatlar bilen bişirilen gymmatlydy. |
Given a refrence text about The Bobcaygeon Independent, tell me when it was established and when it ceased publication. | The Bobcaygeon Independent was the weekly community newspaper in Bobcaygeon, Ontario, Canada. It was established in 1869. Ownership changed hands many times over the years, until it was purchased along with then owner, Citizens Communication Group, in 2000 by Metroland Publishing.
The Independent covered everything from community events, school issues & family milestones to local crimes and tragedies. During ownership by the Citizens Communication Group, the Bobcaygeon and Fenelon news teams worked closely together, and from time to time, some stories of general interest would run simultaneously in the Independent and its sister paper the Fenelon Falls Gazette. During ownership by Metroland Publishing, a similar news style was used with common pages in both Bobcaygeon and Fenelon papers, and in the Lindsay This Week newspaper.
The paper was officially incorporated into Kawartha Lakes This Week in late 2004 in keeping with the amalgamation of Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls into the City of Kawartha Lakes.
Today, back issues are available at the Bobcaygeon Public Library for viewing on Microfiche, as far back as the first issue in 1869.
Although the paper had ceased publication in 2004, the website still offers subscriptions. | The Bobcaygeon Independent was established in 1869 and ceased publication in 2004. | closed_qa | “Bobcaygeon Independent” hakda ýazylan tekst berlende, haçan döredilendigini we haçan neşir edilendigini aýdyň. | “Bobcaygeon Independent”, Kanadanyň Ontario, Bobkaýon şäherinde hepdelik jemgyýetçilik gazetidi. Ol 1869-njy ýylda esaslandyryldy. 2000-nji ýylda Metroland Publishing tarapyndan şol wagtky eýesi “Citizens Communication Group” bilen bilelikde satyn alynýança, eýeçilik ýyllar boýy birnäçe gezek üýtgedi.
“The Independent” jemgyýetçilik wakalaryndan, mekdep meselelerinden, maşgala wakalaryndan başlap, ýerli jenaýatlara we betbagtçylyklara çenli hemme zady öz içine aldy. “Citizens Communication Group” -yň eýeçiliginde “Bobcaygeon” we “Fenelon” habar toparlary bilelikde işleşdiler we wagtal-wagtal umumy gyzyklanma döredýän käbir hekaýalar “Independent” we aýal dogany “Fenelon Falls” gazetinde bir wagtyň özünde işleýärdi. “Metroland Publishing” -iň eýeçiliginde Bobkaýon we Fenelon gazetlerinde we Lindseý şu hepde gazetinde umumy sahypalarda şuňa meňzeş täzelik stili ulanyldy.
Kagyz, Lindseý, Bobkaýon we Fenelon şarlawuklarynyň Kawartha köllerine birleşmegi sebäpli 2004-nji ýylyň ahyrynda Kawartha köllerine resmi taýdan goşuldy.
Häzirki wagtda “Bobcaygeon” jemgyýetçilik kitaphanasynda Microfiche-de görmek üçin 1869-njy ýylda çykan ilkinji sanyna çenli arkaýyn meseleler bar.
Kagyz 2004-nji ýylda neşir edilmegini bes eden hem bolsa, web sahypasy abunalygy hödürleýär. | “Bobcaygeon Independent” 1869-njy ýylda döredilip, 2004-nji ýylda neşir edilmegini bes etdi. |
When did the golden age for Jewish culture start and where was it? | A few scholars give the start of the Golden Age as 711–718, the Muslim conquest of Iberia. | The golden age for jewish culture started somewhere around 711-718 and it was in Spain. | closed_qa | Jewishewreý medeniýeti üçin altyn asyr haçan başlandy we nirede? | Birnäçe alym, altyn asyryň başlangyjy 711-718, musulmanlaryň Iberiýany basyp almagy hökmünde başlaýar. | Jewishewreý medeniýetiniň altyn asyry takmynan 711-718-nji ýyllarda başlandy we Ispaniýada bolupdy. |
Monster Hunter 4 Unlimited (hereafter, "MH4U") was a video game released exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS circa 2013. Elden Ring was a video game released for multiple platforms in circa 2022 to critical acclaim.
If MH4U and Elden Ring were considered to be siblings nine years apart in a small family, how might the experiences of MH4U have influenced the growth and development of Elden Ring? | Young parents face many challenges. Finances, education, and home expenses often compete with the needs of a growing family. Within the context provided, MH4U reflects the first child of a young couple who must make several investments, including clothing, baby essentials, and furniture. This may be conveyed under the limited system resources available to MH4U under the 3DS console: 128MB of RAM. Additionally, one or both parents may work full time, leaving limited time to work with and grow the child. As the child, MH4U, enters age 9, they should be entering 4th or 5th grade and have developed the cognitive and functional skills to support their parents. Additionally, the parents will have likely developed further in their careers and caretaking abilities that ensure the stability and growth of a small family. In this example, Elden Ring represents the second child, which arrives nine years after MH4U. In this context, as a result of the growth of experience and income of the family, and assuming the family equates to a Playstation 4, the family now enjoys 8GB of RAM.
As described in the preceding paragraph, the familial environment that Elden Ring emerges from is vastly different than that of MH4U. However, there are additional benefits beyond the system limitations provided. These benefits are conveyed through the emotional and physical support provided through familial bonds, in this case, that of an older and younger sibling. Upon the arrival of Elden Ring, MH4U is eager to help their parents with caretaking tasks which may include keeping the child company, completing small jobs and errands, and establishing familial bonds with their sibling. The parents will be able to draw upon the experience of raising MH4U and apply those lessons to their newest member of the family. It’s important that the parents continue to create small jobs for MH4U that help to convey positive responses to younger family members: caretaking, guidance, and companionship.
As MH4U graduates from their teens and enters early adulthood, it’s critical that they stay actively involved in the life of their sibling. By age 18, MH4U will now be nine years older than Elden Ring, which as it happens, is the same age when MH4U became an older sibling. Under this lens, MH4U carries greater social responsibility than they did when they were the same age as Elden Ring. MH4U may also begin to contemplate leaving the family for continuing education. While it’s common for individuals to depart the family for secondary education after age 18, it’s critically important that MH4U continue to maintain constant contact with its younger sibling to provide guidance and advice and convey lessons learned from its formative experiences.
In this way, Elden Ring has a fast track to develop. MH4U is able to provide guidance equatable to best practices, experiences, and trial and error. Additionally, MH4U development during constrained resources encourages Elden Ring to do “more with less” and ensures a fastidious approach towards the allocation of resources. By the time Elden Ring approaches age 18, they enjoy the combined experiences of their parents and their older sibling which helps to increase their likelihood of success and families are stronger when they provide guidance and stability to their children.
In summary, the success of Elden Ring was no accident. The investments of the parents into the older sibling, MH4U, however lacking, provided a baseline level by which MH4U could invest in its younger sibling Elden Ring. Through this chain of investments, the family finds a greater chance of success. Under the lens of the original context, there would not be a critically reception to Elden Ring had not the parents made baseline investment and support to MH4U during the formative years of the family. | general_qa | Monster Hunter 4 Çäklendirilmedik (mundan beýläk "MH4U") diňe Nintendo 3DS 2013-nji ýyl üçin çykarylan wideo oýnydy. Elden Ring 2022-nji ýylda birnäçe platforma üçin ýaýradylan wideo oýnydy.
MH4U we Elden Ring kiçi maşgalada dokuz ýyl aralykda dogan hasaplanylsa, MH4U-nyň başdan geçirmeleri Elden halkanyň ösmegine we ösüşine nähili täsir edip biler? | Parentsaş ene-atalar köp kynçylyklar bilen ýüzbe-ýüz bolýarlar. Maliýe, bilim we öý çykdajylary köplenç ösýän maşgalanyň zerurlyklary bilen bäsleşýär. Berlen kontekstde, MH4U egin-eşik, çaga üçin zerur zatlar we mebel ýaly birnäçe maýa goýmaly ýaş jübütiň ilkinji çagasyny görkezýär. Bu, 3DS konsoly: 128MB RAM bilen MH4U-da bar bolan çäkli ulgam çeşmelerinde gowşurylyp bilner. Mundan başga-da, ene-atalaryň biri ýa-da ikisi hem çaga bilen işlemek we ulalmak üçin çäkli wagt goýup, doly işläp bilerler. MH4U çaga 9 ýaşyna ýetende, 4-nji ýa-da 5-nji synpa girmeli we ene-atalaryna goldaw bermek üçin akyl we funksional endikleri ösdürmeli. Mundan başga-da, ene-atalar öz karýeralarynda we kiçi maşgalanyň durnuklylygyny we ösmegini üpjün edýän ideg ukyplarynda hasam öserler. Bu mysalda, Elden Ring MH4U-dan dokuz ýyl soň gelen ikinji çagany görkezýär. Bu nukdaýnazardan, maşgalanyň tejribesiniň we girdejisiniň ösmegi we maşgalanyň “Playstation 4” -e deňdigini çaklamak netijesinde maşgala indi 8 Gb RAM-dan peýdalanýar.
Öňki abzasda beýan edilişi ýaly, Elden Ring-iň ýüze çykýan maşgala gurşawy MH4U-dan düýpgöter tapawutlanýar. Şeýle-de bolsa, üpjün edilen ulgam çäklendirmelerinden daşgary goşmaça peýdalar bar. Bu artykmaçlyklar maşgala gatnaşyklary arkaly berilýän emosional we fiziki goldaw arkaly berilýär, bu ýagdaýda uly we kiçi doganyň kömegi. Elden Ring gelenden soň, MH4U ene-atalaryna çaga kompaniýasyny saklamak, ownuk işleri we işleri bitirmek we doganlary bilen maşgala gatnaşyklaryny ýola goýmak ýaly aladalar bilen kömek etmek isleýär. Ene-atalar MH4U terbiýelemek tejribesini ulanyp bilerler we bu sapaklary maşgalanyň iň täze agzasyna ulanyp bilerler. Ene-atalaryň ýaş maşgala agzalaryna oňyn jogap bermäge kömek edýän MH4U üçin kiçi iş ýerlerini döretmegini dowam etdirmegi möhümdir: ideg etmek, ýol görkezmek we ýoldaşlyk.
MH4U ýetginjeklik ýyllaryny gutaryp, kämillik ýaşyna ýetensoň, doganlarynyň durmuşyna işjeň gatnaşmagy möhümdir. 18 ýaşyna çenli MH4U indi Elden Ringden dokuz ýaş uly bolar, bolşy ýaly, MH4U uly dogan bolany bilen deňdir. Bu obýektiwiň aşagynda MH4U, Elden Ring bilen deň ýaşyndakydan has uly sosial jogapkärçilik çekýär. MH4U, dowamly bilim almak üçin maşgalany terk etmek hakda hem pikir edip biler. Adamlaryň 18 ýaşdan soň orta bilim almak üçin maşgalany terk etmegi adaty bir zat bolsa-da, MH4U-nyň ýolbelet we maslahat bermek we döredijilik tejribelerinden alnan sapaklary bermek üçin kiçi dogany bilen hemişe aragatnaşyk saklamagy möhümdir.
Şeýlelik bilen, Elden Ring-iň ösmegi üçin çalt ýoly bar. MH4U iň oňat tejribelere, tejribelere we synaglara we ýalňyşlyklara laýyk gelýän görkezme bermäge ukyply. Mundan başga-da, çäklendirilen çeşmelerde MH4U ösüşi Elden Ring-i “has az zat” etmäge höweslendirýär we çeşmeleriň paýlanyşyna çalt çemeleşmegi üpjün edýär. Elden Ring 18 ýaşyna ýetende, ene-atalarynyň we uly doganlarynyň bilelikdäki tejribelerinden lezzet alýarlar, bu üstünlik gazanmak ähtimallygyny ýokarlandyrmaga kömek edýär we çagalaryna ýol görkeziji we durnuklylyk berenlerinde maşgalalar has güýçlenýär.
Gysgaça aýtsak, Elden Ringiň üstünligi tötänleýin däldi. Ene-atanyň uly dogany MH4U-a goýýan maýa goýumlary, MH4U-nyň kiçi dogany Elden Ring-e maýa goýup biljek esasy derejesini üpjün etdi. Bu maýa goýum zynjyry arkaly maşgala üstünlik gazanmak üçin has uly mümkinçilik tapýar. Asyl kontekstiň çäginde, ene-atalar maşgalanyň dörän ýyllarynda MH4U-a esasy maýa goýumlary we goldaw bermedik bolsa, Elden Ring üçin tankydy kabul edilmezdi. |
What is the Krusty Krab? | The Krusty Krab is a fictional fast food restaurant in the American animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants. It is famous for its signature burger, the Krabby Patty, the formula to which is a closely guarded trade secret. | The restaurant was founded by Eugene H. Krabs (often referred to as Mr. Krabs), who is also the owner and manager. SpongeBob SquarePants (who works as the fry cook) and Squidward Tentacles (the cashier) are the only full-time employees. The primary competitor to the Krusty Krab is the Chum Bucket across the street, which is operated by Plankton, a plankton and Karen, a waterproof supercomputer and Plankton's wife. | summarization | Krusty Krab näme? | “Krusty Krab” Amerikanyň “SpongeBob SquarePants” animasion teleserialynyň toslama çalt nahar restoranydyr. Gol çekiş burgeri, ýakyndan goralýan söwda syry bolan formula Krabby Patty bilen meşhurdyr. | Restoran Eugene H. Krabs (köplenç jenap Krabs diýilýär) tarapyndan esaslandyryldy, ol hem eýesi we dolandyryjysy. “SpongeBob SquarePants” (gowrulan aşpez bolup işleýär) we “Squidward Tentacles” (kassir) doly iş güni. Krusty Krab bilen esasy bäsdeş, plankton we plankton we suw geçirmeýän superkompýuter we Planktonyň aýaly Karen tarapyndan dolandyrylýan köçäniň aňyrsyndaky Çum çelegi. |
What are the top 10 largest cities in the world by population (city proper)? | - Chongqing, China
- Shanghai, China
- Beijing, China
- Delhi, India
- Chengdu, China
- Istanbul, Turkey
- Karachi, Pakistan
- Guangzhou, China
- Tianjin, China
- Tokyo, Japan | brainstorming | Ilaty boýunça dünýäniň iň uly 10 şäheri haýsylar? | - Çongçin, Hytaý
- Şanhaý, Hytaý
- Pekin, Hytaý
- Deli, Hindistan
- Çengdu, Hytaý
- Stambul, Türkiýe
- Karaçi, Pakistan
- Guan Guangzhouou, Hytaý
- Týanjinin, Hytaý
- Tokio, Japanaponiýa |
Classify each of these bands as Polish death metal, Norwegian death metal, or K-Pop: BTS, EXO, Red Velvet, Cadaver, Darkthrone, Behemoth, Vader, Empatic, Girls' Generation, TWICE, Blood Red Throne, Emperor, Gorgoroth, Decapitated | Polish death metal bands: Behemoth, Vader, Empatic, Decapitated
Norwegian death metal bands: Cadaver, Darkthrone, Blood Red Throne, Emperor, Gorgoroth
K-Pop bands: BTS, EXO, Red Velvet, Girls' Generation, TWICE | classification | Bu toparlaryň hersini polýak ölüm metallary, Norwegiýanyň ölüm metallary ýa-da K-Pop: BTS, EXO, Gyzyl mahmal, kader, Darkthrone, Begemot, Wader, Empatic, Gyzlaryň nesli, TWICE, Gan Gyzyl Arş, Imperator, Gorgoroth, Aljyrady | Polşanyň ölüm metal zolaklary: Behemot, Vader, Empatic, Decapitated
Norwegiýanyň ölüm metal zolaklary: Cadaver, Darkthrone, Gan Gyzyl Arş, Imperator, Gorgoroth
K-Pop toparlary: BTS, EXO, Gyzyl mahmal, Gyzlaryň nesli, TWICE |
Why should I cheer for the Sacramento Kings in this year's NBA playoffs? | Until this season, the Sacramento Kings held the longest playoff drought in all of North American professional sports, lasting 16 years. Despite this, the fanbase for the Kings remained loyal and regularly attended games to watch their team lose year after year. In the midst of this drought, the previous owners of the franchise attempted to move the team to a new city, with significant traction at various points, to both Anaheim and Seattle. It was only the passion of the fans, and the combined support from local businesses and politicians, that prevented the move. In addition to the Kings having one of the most supportive fanbases in the NBA getting their first taste of success, the Kings are also a highly enjoyable team to watch. The players are friendly and likable, and the offense is one of the most successful in NBA history. Lastly, the team also has a fun gimmick of lighting a large purple laser beam that can be seen for miles after every victory, leading to a chorus of 'Light the beam!' from the Kings fanbase in the arena at the conclusion of every win. Pulling all of these factors together make the Sacramento Kings a fun team to cheer for in the upcoming NBA playoffs. | creative_writing | Näme üçin şu ýylky NBA pleý-off oýnunda Sakramento Kinglere begenmeli? | “Sakramento Kingler” bu möwsüme çenli Demirgazyk Amerikanyň professional sport görnüşleriniň hemmesinde 16 ýyl dowam eden iň uzyn pleý-off guraklygyny geçirdi. Muňa garamazdan, Kingler üçin janköýerler wepaly bolup galdylar we toparynyň ýyl-ýyldan utulmagyna tomaşa etmek üçin oýunlara yzygiderli gatnaşýardylar. Bu gurakçylygyň arasynda franşizanyň öňki eýeleri toparyny dürli nokatlarda ep-esli çekip, Anaheim we Sietl şäherine täze şähere göçürmäge synanyşdylar. Diňe janköýerleriň höwesi we ýerli kärhanalaryň we syýasatçylaryň bilelikdäki goldawy bu ädimiň öňüni aldy. Kingleriň NBA-da üstünlik gazanmagyň ilkinji tagamyny alýan iň goldaýan janköýerlerinden başga-da, Kingler hem tomaşa etmek üçin gaty hezil topar. Oýunçylar dostlukly we halanýan, bu jenaýat NBA taryhynda iň üstünlikli. Netijede, toparda her ýeňişden soň birnäçe kilometre çenli görüp boljak ullakan gyrmyzy lazer şöhlesini ýakmagyň gyzykly manysy bar, bu şöhläni ýakyň! her ýeňiş gutarandan soň meýdançadaky “King” janköýerlerinden. Bu faktorlaryň hemmesini bir ýere jemlemek Sakramento Kingleri ýakyn geljek NBA pleý-off oýunlarynda begenmek üçin gyzykly topara öwürýär. |
From the given text, provide a couple of points on Supreme Court of Iran | The Supreme Court of Iran is the highest juridical authority in Iran, established to supervise the correct implementation of laws by courts of justice and consisting of the most prominent judges of the country. The head of the judiciary assigns criteria to ensure uniformity of judicial procedure and to carry out all legal responsibilities. | 1. The Supreme Court of Iran, which is composed of the most eminent judges in the nation and was founded to oversee the proper application of laws by courts of justice, is the highest legal authority in Iran.
2. To ensure judicial procedure is uniform and to fulfil all legal obligations, the head of the court assigns standards. | summarization | Berlen tekstden Eýranyň Courtokary kazyýetinde birnäçe pikir beriň | Eýranyň Courtokary kazyýeti, adalat kazyýetleri tarapyndan ýurduň iň meşhur kazylaryndan ybarat kanunlaryň dogry ýerine ýetirilişine gözegçilik etmek üçin döredilen Eýranyň iň ýokary hukuk edarasydyr. Kazyýet başlygy kazyýet işiniň birmeňzeşligini üpjün etmek we ähli kanuny jogapkärçilikleri ýerine ýetirmek üçin ölçegleri belleýär. | 1. Eýranyň Courtokary Kazyýeti, ýurduň iň görnükli kazylaryndan düzülen we adalat kazyýetleri tarapyndan kanunlaryň dogry ulanylmagyna gözegçilik etmek üçin döredilen Eýranyň iň ýokary hukuk edarasydyr.
2. Kazyýet işiniň birmeňzeş bolmagyny üpjün etmek we ähli kanuny borçlary ýerine ýetirmek üçin kazyýet başlygy standartlary belleýär. |
How does the time of sunrise vary from spring to summer? | Although the Sun appears to "rise" from the horizon, it is actually the Earth's motion that causes the Sun to appear. The illusion of a moving Sun results from Earth observers being in a rotating reference frame; this apparent motion caused many cultures to have mythologies and religions built around the geocentric model, which prevailed until astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus formulated his heliocentric model in the 16th century.
Astronomically, sunrise occurs for only an instant: the moment at which the upper limb of the Sun appears tangent to the horizon. However, the term sunrise commonly refers to periods of time both before and after this point:
Twilight, the period in the morning during which the sky is brightening, but the Sun is not yet visible. The beginning of morning twilight is called astronomical dawn.
The period after the Sun rises during which striking colors and atmospheric effects are still seen.
The timing of sunrise varies throughout the year and is also affected by the viewer's latitude and longitude, altitude, and time zone. These changes are driven by the axial tilt of Earth, daily rotation of the Earth, the planet's movement in its annual elliptical orbit around the Sun, and the Earth and Moon's paired revolutions around each other. The analemma can be used to make approximate predictions of the time of sunrise.
In late winter and spring, sunrise as seen from temperate latitudes occurs earlier each day, reaching its earliest time near the summer solstice; although the exact date varies by latitude. After this point, the time of sunrise gets later each day, reaching its latest sometime around the winter solstice. The offset between the dates of the solstice and the earliest or latest sunrise time is caused by the eccentricity of Earth's orbit and the tilt of its axis, and is described by the analemma, which can be used to predict the dates.
Variations in atmospheric refraction can alter the time of sunrise by changing its apparent position. Near the poles, the time-of-day variation is exaggerated, since the Sun crosses the horizon at a very shallow angle and thus rises more slowly.
Accounting for atmospheric refraction and measuring from the leading edge slightly increases the average duration of day relative to night. The sunrise equation, however, which is used to derive the time of sunrise and sunset, uses the Sun's physical center for calculation, neglecting atmospheric refraction and the non-zero angle subtended by the solar disc. | In late winter and spring, sunrise as seen from temperate latitudes occurs earlier each day, reaching its earliest time near the summer solstice; although the exact date varies by latitude. After this point, the time of sunrise gets later each day, reaching its latest sometime around the winter solstice. | information_extraction | Günüň dogýan wagty ýazdan tomusa nähili üýtgeýär? | Gün gözýetimden "çykýan" ýaly görünse-de, Günüň peýda bolmagyna aslynda Eartheriň hereketi sebäp bolýar. Hereket edýän Günüň hyýaly, Earther synçylarynyň aýlanýan salgylanma çarçuwasynda bolmagy; görnüp duran bu hereket, köp medeniýetlerde 16-njy asyrda astronom Nikolaý Kopernik geliosentrik modelini düzýänçä höküm sürýän geosentrik modeliň töwereginde mifologiýalaryň we dinleriň döremegine sebäp boldy.
Astronomiki taýdan günüň dogmagy diňe bir salym üçin ýüze çykýar: Günüň ýokarky agzasynyň gorizontda tangent görünýän pursaty. Şeýle-de bolsa, günüň dogmagy adalgasy bu nokatdan öň we soň döwürleri aňladýar:
Garaňkylyk, asmanyň ýagtylaýan döwri, emma Gün entek görünmeýär. Irden garaňkylygyň başyna astronomiki daň diýilýär.
Gün dogandan soňky döwür, ajaýyp reňkler we atmosfera täsirleri henizem görünýär.
Günüň dogmagynyň wagty ýylyň dowamynda üýtgeýär we tomaşaçylaryň giňişligine we uzynlygyna, beýikligine we wagt guşagyna täsir edýär. Bu üýtgeşmeler Eartheriň eksenel egilmegi, Eartheriň gündelik aýlanmagy, Günüň daşyndaky ýyllyk elliptik orbitasynda planetanyň hereketi we ander bilen Aýyň biri-birine aýlanan aýlawlary bilen amala aşyrylýar. Analemma günüň dogýan wagtyny takmynan çaklamak üçin ulanylyp bilner.
Gyşyň we ýazyň ahyrynda, orta giňişliklerden görnüşi ýaly, günüň dogmagy her gün irden ýüze çykýar we tomus gününiň iň irki wagtyna ýetýär; takyk senesi giňişlige görä üýtgeýär. Bu nokatdan soň, günüň dogýan wagty her gün giç bolýar we gyş paslynyň iň soňky wagtyna ýetýär. Günüň dogulýan senesi bilen iň irki ýa-da iň soňky gün dogýan wagtyň arasyndaky aralyk, Eartheriň orbitasynyň üýtgeşikligi we okunyň egilmegi bilen ýüze çykýar we seneleri çaklamak üçin ulanyp boljak analemma bilen düşündirilýär.
Atmosferanyň döwülmeginiň üýtgemegi, görünýän ýerini üýtgedip, günüň dogýan wagtyny üýtgedip biler. Polýuslaryň golaýynda günüň üýtgemegi gaty ulaldylýar, sebäbi Gün gorizontdan gaty pes burçdan geçýär we şeýlelik bilen has haýal çykýar.
Atmosferanyň döwülmegini hasaba almak we öňdebaryjy gyradan ölçemek, gündiziň ortaça dowamlylygyny gijä garanyňda birneme ýokarlandyrýar. Şeýle-de bolsa, günüň dogmagy we gün ýaşmagy wagtyny almak üçin ulanylýan Günüň deňlemesi, Günüň fiziki merkezini hasaplamak üçin ulanýar, atmosferanyň döwülmegine we gün diski tarapyndan berlen nol däl burça üns bermeýär. | Gyşyň we ýazyň ahyrynda, orta giňişliklerden görnüşi ýaly, günüň dogmagy her gün irden ýüze çykýar we tomus gününiň iň irki wagtyna ýetýär; takyk senesi giňişlige görä üýtgeýär. Bu nokatdan soň, günüň dogýan wagty her gün giç bolýar we gyş paslynyň iň soňky wagtyna ýetýär. |
How does grain orientation effect the dimensional movement of wood? | Wood expands and shrinks depending on its moisture content. The relative amount of change, expansion, or shrinkage differs for each of the three main grain directions. Those directions are longitudinal, radial, and tangential. Longitudinal is the direction a tree or its branches grows length-wise. In most lumber, this is its length. The change in this direction is very small. That is why a wooden ruler can be used without changing its measurements when ambient moisture changes. In almost all uses, longitudinal expansion and contraction are small enough not to be of concern. Radial and tangential directional expansion and contraction are significant and different enough that they affect the dimensional stability of a piece of wood. The relative amount of change in each direction is specific to the wood species. Regardless of wood species, the change is greater in the tangential direction than in the radial direction. The tangential direction is tangential to the growth rings in the wood, and the radial direction is perpendicular to the growth rings. The T/R or ratio of tangential to radial change correlates to the dimensional stability of a wood species. If you visualize a piece of lumber that is milled square and comes from a part of a log such that the rings are almost straight across in one direction, that is referred to as vertical grain or quarter sawn. As the moisture content of the wood changes to come into equilibrium with its environment, it will move toward a diamond shape. The closer the T/R ratio is to 1, the less the square dimension will distort. Dimensional stability and the direction of wood movement is important to plan for when cutting joinery in wood. If two joined pieces are aligned so that they will not move in the same direction relative to the joint, the joint will be unstable when the ambient humidity changes and can cause the joint to fail. | general_qa | Galla ugrukdyrylyşy agaç ölçegli hereketine nähili täsir edýär? | Agaç çyglylygyna baglylykda giňelýär we kiçelýär. Üýtgemegiň, giňelmegiň ýa-da kiçelmegiň deňeşdirilen mukdary däne ugrunyň üç ugry üçin tapawutlanýar. Şol ugurlar uzyn, radial we tangensialdyr. Uzynlyk - agajyň ýa-da şahalarynyň uzynlygyna görä ösýän ugry. Agaçlaryň köpüsinde bu onuň uzynlygydyr. Bu ugurdaky üýtgeşiklik gaty az. Şonuň üçin daş-töweregi çyglylyk üýtgese, ölçeglerini üýtgetmän agaç hökümdar ulanylyp bilner. Usehli ulanyşlarda diýen ýaly uzynlygyň giňelmegi we gysylmagy aladalanmajak derejede az. Radial we tangensial ugry giňeltmek we gysylmak, agaç bölejiginiň ölçeg durnuklylygyna täsir edip biljek derejede möhümdir. Her ugurdaky deňeşdirme mukdary agaç görnüşlerine mahsusdyr. Agaç görnüşlerine garamazdan, üýtgeşiklik radial ugra garanyňda tangensial ugurda has uludyr. Tangensial ugry agaçdaky ösüş halkalaryna tangensial, radial ugry bolsa ösüş halkalaryna perpendikulýar. T / R ýa-da tangensial radial üýtgeme gatnaşygy agaç görnüşleriniň ölçegli durnuklylygy bilen baglanyşdyrylýar. Düwürdilen inedördül agaçdan bir bölegi göz öňüne getirseňiz, halkalar bir tarapa göni diýen ýaly bolup, dik däne ýa-da çärýek kesilen diýilýär. Agajyň çyglylygy daşky gurşaw bilen deňagramlylyga gelmek bilen üýtgänsoň, göwher görnüşine geçer. T / R gatnaşygy 1-e näçe ýakyn bolsa, inedördül ölçeg şonça-da ýoýular. Ölçegli durnuklylyk we agaç hereketiniň ugry, agaçda birleşdiriji kesilende meýilleşdirmek möhümdir. Iki birleşdirilen bölek bogun bilen deňeşdirilende bir tarapa gitmezlik üçin deňleşdirilse, daş-töwerekdäki çyglylyk üýtgese we bogunyň işlemezligine sebäp bolup biler. |
What is the best sport? | It depends on who you ask, but as an AI language model, I cannot determine which sport is the best. The best sport for a person may differ compared to another person based on the level of athleticism and the complexity of the game required. Some of the popular sports around the world include soccer, basketball, baseball, football, tennis, cricket, and others. | open_qa | Iň gowy sport haýsy? | Kimden soraýandygyňyza bagly, ýöne AI dil modeli hökmünde haýsy sportuň iň gowudygyny kesgitläp bilemok. Adam üçin iň oňat sport, sport derejesine we zerur oýnuň çylşyrymlylygyna baglylykda başga bir adam bilen deňeşdirilende tapawutlanyp biler. Dünýäde meşhur sport görnüşleriniň arasynda futbol, basketbol, beýsbol, futbol, tennis, kriket we beýlekiler bar. |
Was the hermit hummingbird hawkmoth first described in the 18th century or the 19th century? | Macroglossum insipida, the hermit hummingbird hawkmoth, is a moth of the family Sphingidae. It was described by Arthur Gardiner Butler in 1875. | The hermit hummingbird hawkmoth was first described in 1875, which is in the 19th century. | closed_qa | Germit hummingbird gyrgysy ilkinji gezek XVIII asyrda ýa-da XIX asyrda beýan edilipdi? | “Makroglossum insipida”, germit garaguş gyrgysy, Sphingidae maşgalasynyň güjügidir. Ony Artur Gardiner Batler 1875-nji ýylda suratlandyrypdyr. | Düwürtik gyrgysy ilkinji gezek 1875-nji ýylda, ýagny XIX asyrda beýan edilipdi. |
What sport did Troy Stradford play in college? | Troy Stradford played football at Boston College in the 1980s and went on to play professionally for the Miami Dolphins in the NFL. | open_qa | Troýa Stradford kollejde haýsy sport bilen meşgullandy? | Troýa Stradford 1980-nji ýyllarda Boston kollejinde futbol oýnady we NFL-de Maýami Delfinleri üçin professional oýnady. |
Based on the passage provided, what does Brene Brown's research focus on? | Casandra Brené Brown (born November 18, 1965) is an American professor, lecturer, author, and podcast host. Brown is known in particular for her research on shame, vulnerability, and leadership, and for her widely viewed TEDx talk in 2010. Since then she has written six number-one New York Times bestselling books, hosts two podcasts, and has filmed a lecture for Netflix as well as a series about her latest book, Atlas of the Heart on HBO Max. | Brene Brown's research focuses on shame, vulnerability, and leadership. | information_extraction | Berlen bölüme esaslanyp, Brene Braunyň gözlegleri nämä gönükdirilýär? | Kasandra Bren Braun (1965-nji ýylyň 18-nji noýabrynda doglan) Amerikaly professor, lektor, ýazyjy we podkast alyp baryjy. Braun esasanam utanç, gowşaklyk we liderlik boýunça gözlegleri we 2010-njy ýylda giňden görlen TEDx gepleşigi bilen tanalýar. Şondan bäri Nýu-Timesork Taýms gazetinde iň köp satylýan alty sany kitap ýazdy, iki podkast ýerleşdirdi we leksiýa düşürdi. Netflix üçin, şeýle hem iň soňky kitaby “HBO Max-da ýürek atlasy” atly seriýa. | Brene Braunyň gözlegleri utanç, gowşaklyk we ýolbaşçylyga gönükdirilýär. |
Given this paragraph, show me how to calculate how many total patrons can be served by all of the Schauspielhaus theaters? | The Schauspielhaus Zürich (English: Zürich playhouse) is one of the most prominent and important[citation needed] theatres in the German-speaking world. It is also known as "Pfauenbühne" (Peacock Stage). The large theatre has 750 seats. The Schauspielhaus also operates three stages in the Schiffbau in the western part of Zürich, the Schiffbau/Halle (400 seats), the Schiffbau/Box (up to 200 seats) and the Schiffbau/Matchbox (80 seats). | 1430 total patrons can be served. There are 750 seats in Schauspielhaus Zürich, 400 in the Schiffbau/Halle, 200 in the Schiffbau/Box and 80 in the Schiffbau/Matchbox. This totals to 750 + 400 + 200 + 80 = 1430 seats. Each patron requires one seat | closed_qa | Bu abzasy göz öňünde tutup, Şauspielhaus teatrlarynyň hemmesinde näçe howandaryň hyzmat edip boljakdygyny nädip hasaplamalydygyny görkeziň? | Schauspielhaus Zürich (Iňlis: Zürich oýun oýnalýan ýer) nemes dilli dünýädäki iň görnükli we möhüm teatrlardan biridir. "Pfauenbühne" (Tawus basgançagy) hem bellidir. Uly teatrda 750 orun bar. Schauspielhaus, Zürihiň günbatar bölegindäki Schiffbau, Schiffbau / Halle (400 oturgyç), Schiffbau / Box (200 orna çenli) we Schiffbau / Matchbox (80 oturgyç) üç basgançakda işleýär. | Jemi 1430 howandar hyzmat edip biler. Schauspielhaus Zürich-de 750, Schiffbau / Halle-de 400, Schiffbau / Box-da 200 we Schiffbau / Matchbox-da 80 oturgyç bar. Jemi 750 + 400 + 200 + 80 = 1430 oturgyç. Her howandar bir oturgyç talap edýär |
Do you ever sing when you're alone? | I do often sing when I am alone. I sing in the car. I sing in the shower. I sing walking along the road when no one else is around. Singing alone is a very enjoyable way to spend time. Singing alone allows you to practice without others watching. Singing alone is a good way to be ready to sing karaoke at a work function. My favorite songs to sing alone are songs from The Sound of Music and Miley Cyrus's new song "Flowers." | general_qa | Aloneeke bolanyňyzda aýdym aýdýarsyňyzmy? | Aloneeke bolanymda köplenç aýdym aýdýaryn. Maşynda aýdym aýdýaryn. Duşda aýdym aýdýaryn. Başga hiç kim bolmadyk mahaly ýolda ýöräp aýdym aýdýaryn. Aloneeke aýdym aýtmak wagt geçirmek üçin gaty hezil usuldyr. Aloneeke aýdym aýtmak, başgalaryň synlamazdan türgenleşmäge mümkinçilik berýär. Aloneeke aýdym aýtmak, iş funksiýasynda karaoke aýtmaga taýyn bolmagyň gowy usulydyr. Diňe aýdym aýtmagy halaýan aýdymlarym, “Sazyň sesi” we Maýli Kirusyň “Güller” atly täze aýdymy. |
What is an idea? | In common usage and in philosophy, ideas are the results of thought. Also in philosophy, ideas can also be mental representational images of some object. Many philosophers have considered ideas to be a fundamental ontological category of being. | open_qa | Pikir näme? | Umumy ulanylyşda we pelsepede pikirler pikiriň netijesidir. Şeýle hem filosofiýada pikirler käbir obýektleriň akyl taýdan şekillendiriş şekilleri bolup biler. Köp filosoflar pikirleri barlygyň esasy ontologiki kategoriýasy hasaplaýarlar. |
Why are kids inquisitive? | As kids grow and have a sense of the world around them, they tend to be eager to understand the meaning of everything and events. In most cases, their primary source of information is the adults around them, usually their mom and data, hence they ask 'why' on a lot of things and events. This not only develops their intellectual skills, but also their social skills. It is worth mentioning that there could be several developmental and/or cognitive factors that affect this trait in some kids. | general_qa | Näme üçin çagalar gyzyklanýar? | Çagalar ulalansoň we daş-töweregindäki dünýäni duýýarka, hemme zadyň we wakalaryň manysyna düşünmäge höwes edýärler. Köplenç olaryň esasy maglumat çeşmesi töweregindäki ulular, köplenç ejeleri we maglumatlary, şonuň üçin köp zatlarda we wakalarda “näme üçin” diýip soraýarlar. Bu diňe bir intellektual başarnyklaryny däl, eýsem jemgyýetçilik ukyplaryny hem ösdürýär. Käbir çagalarda bu aýratynlyga täsir edýän birnäçe ösüş we / ýa-da akyl faktorlarynyň bolup biljekdigini bellemelidiris. |
When and where was the field of AI officially born? | Dartmouth Workshop 1956: the birth of AI
The Dartmouth Workshop of 1956 was organized by Marvin Minsky, John McCarthy and two senior scientists: Claude Shannon and Nathan Rochester of IBM. The proposal for the conference included this assertion: "every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it". The participants included Ray Solomonoff, Oliver Selfridge, Trenchard More, Arthur Samuel, Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon, all of whom would create important programs during the first decades of AI research. At the workshop Newell and Simon debuted the "Logic Theorist" and McCarthy persuaded the attendees to accept "Artificial Intelligence" as the name of the field. The 1956 Dartmouth workshop was the moment that AI gained its name, its mission, its first success and its major players, and is widely considered the birth of AI. The term "Artificial Intelligence" was chosen by McCarthy to avoid associations with cybernetics and connections with the influential cyberneticist Norbert Wiener. | The field of AI was officially born in 1956 during a workshop organised at Dartmouth College | closed_qa | AI meýdançasy resmi taýdan haçan we nirede doguldy? | Dartmut ussahanasy 1956: AI-iň döremegi
1956-njy ýyldaky Dartmut ussahanasy Marwin Minski, Jon Makkarti we iki sany uly alym: Klod Şannon we IBM-den Natan Roçester tarapyndan gurnaldy. Maslahat üçin teklip: "Okuwyň her bir ugry ýa-da aň-düşünjäniň başga bir aýratynlygy, takyklamak üçin bir enjam ýasalyp bilner" diýen tassyklamany öz içine aldy. Gatnaşanlara Reý Süleýmanoff, Oliwer Selfrij, Trençard More, Artur Samuel, Allen Nýuell we Gerbert A. Simon gatnaşdy, bularyň hemmesi AI gözleginiň ilkinji onýyllyklarynda möhüm programmalary dörederdi. Seminarda Nýuell we Simon "Logika teoristi" barada çykyş etdiler we Makkarti ýygnananlary "Emeli intellekt" meýdançanyň ady hökmünde kabul etmäge yrdy. 1956-njy ýyldaky Dartmut ussahanasy AI-iň adyny, wezipesini, ilkinji üstünligini we esasy oýunçylaryny gazanan pursadydy we giňden AI-iň döremegi hasaplanýar. "Emeli intellekt" adalgasy, kibernetika we täsirli kibernetik Norbert Wiener bilen baglanyşykdan gaça durmak üçin Makkarti tarapyndan saýlandy. | AI pudagy resmi taýdan 1956-njy ýylda Dartmut kollejinde guralan seminarda dünýä indi |
Extract the names of the stage shows Dixie Violet Egerickx starred in and the role she played in them. List them using bullets in the format {Stage} - {Role} | Dixie Violet Egerickx (born 31 October 2005) is an English actress. Egerickx has appeared three times on the London stage, as Iphigenia in Robert Icke's adaptation of Oresteia, Rosalind in Alexi Kay Campbell's Sunset at the Villa Thalia at the National Theatre and as Jenny Caroline 'Qui Qui' Marx in Richard Bean and Clive Coleman's Young Marx at The Bridge Theatre, directed by Sir Nicholas Hytner. She appeared in the 2017 National Geographic series Genius and the 2018 television series Patrick Melrose making her feature film debut in the 2018 film The Little Stranger. Egerickx was named in Screen International's Screen Stars of Tomorrow list in 2019 at the age of 13. She starred as Edie in the 2020 drama film Summerland, and portrayed Mary Lennox in the 2020 film The Secret Garden. In 2019 she filmed HBO's Unaired Game of Thrones Prequel Pilot and most recently has completed filming the role of Jo Ransome in the Apple TV miniseries of The Essex Serpent, directed by Clio Barnard. | Oresteia - Iphigenia
Sunset at the Villa Thalia - Rosalind
Young Marx - Jenny Caroline 'Qui Qui' Marx | information_extraction | Sahnanyň atlaryny göçüriň, Diksi Violet Egerickx-iň baş keşbi we olaryň oýnan roly görkezilýär. Olary {Tapgyr} - {Rol} görnüşinde oklary ulanyp sanaň | Diksi Violet Egerikx (2005-nji ýylyň 31-nji oktýabrynda doglan) iňlis aktrisasy. Egerickx London sahnasynda üç gezek, Robert Ikeniň Oresteýa uýgunlaşmagynda Iphigenia, Aleksi Keý Kempbelliň Gün ýaşýan ýerinde Milli teatrda Villa Talýada we Riçard Beanda Jenny Karolin 'Qui Qui' Marks we Clive Coleman's Marx ýaly çykyş etdi. Ser Nikolas Hytner re byissýorlyk eden “The Bridge” teatrynda. 2017-nji ýylyň “National Geographic” Genius seriýasynda we 2018-nji ýyldaky teleserial Patrik Melrose 2018-nji ýylda “Kiçijik nätanyş” filminde ilkinji gezek çykyş etdi. Egerickx, 13 ýaşynda 2019-njy ýylda “Screen International” -yň “Ertiriň ekran ýyldyzlary” sanawynda bellendi. 2019-njy ýylda HBO-nyň “Unaired Game of Thrones Prequel Pilot” filmini surata düşürdi we iň soňky döwürde Klio Barnardyň re directedissýorlygyndaky “Essex Serpent” -iň “Apple TV” filmlerinde Jo Ransome roluny surata düşürdi. | Oresteýa - Iphigenia
“Villa Talýa” - Rosalind
Markaş Marks - Jenni Karolin 'Qui Qui' Marks |
What is Fascism and what is the historical context? | Historians, political scientists, and other scholars have long debated the exact nature of fascism. Historian Ian Kershaw once wrote that "trying to define 'fascism' is like trying to nail jelly to the wall. Each different group described as fascist has at least some unique elements, and many definitions of fascism have been criticized as either too broad or too narrow.
Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition. Belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. Since the end of World War II in 1945, few parties have openly described themselves as fascist; the term is more often used pejoratively by political opponents. The descriptions of neo-fascist or post-fascist are sometimes employed to describe contemporary parties with ideologies similar to, or rooted in, 20th-century fascist movements.
The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries, most notably Germany. Fascism also had adherents outside of Europe. Fascists saw World War I as a revolution that brought massive changes to the nature of war, society, the state, and technology. Fascism rejects assertions that violence is inherently bad and views imperialism, political violence and war as means to national rejuvenation. Fascists often advocate for the establishment of a totalitarian one-party state. Fascism's extreme authoritarianism and nationalism often manifests as belief in racial purity or a master race, usually blended with some variant of racism or bigotry against a demonized "Other" that is seen as an existential threat. | general_qa | Faşizm näme we taryhy kontekst näme? | Taryhçylar, syýasat alymlary we beýleki alymlar faşizmiň takyk tebigaty barada köpden bäri jedelleşýärler. Taryhçy Ian Kershaw bir gezek "faşizmi kesgitlemäge synanyşmak jele diwara çüýlemäge meňzeýär" diýip ýazypdyr. Faşist hökmünde häsiýetlendirilen her bir toparyň iň bolmanda özboluşly elementleri bar we faşizmiň köp kesgitlemesi aşa giň ýa-da aşa tankyt edilipdir. dar.
Faşizm diktator lider, merkezleşdirilen awtokratiýa, militarizm, oppozisiýany zor bilen basyp ýatyrmak bilen häsiýetlendirilýän aşa sagçy, awtoritar, aşa milletçi syýasy ideologiýa we hereket. Tebigy jemgyýetçilik iýerarhiýasyna ynanmak, milletiň we jynsyň duýulýan bähbidi üçin şahsy bähbitlere tabyn bolmak, jemgyýetiň we ykdysadyýetiň güýçli polkirlenmegi. 1945-nji ýylda Ikinji jahan urşy gutaraly bäri, az sanly partiýa özlerini faşist diýip aç-açan suratlandyrdy; bu adalga syýasy garşydaşlar tarapyndan köplenç ulanylýar. Neo-faşistik ýa-da post-faşistiň beýany, häzirki zaman partiýalaryny 20-nji asyryň faşistik hereketlerine meňzeş ýa-da kök uran ideologiýalary beýan etmek üçin ulanylýar.
Ilkinji faşistik hereketler Italiýada Birinji Jahan Urşy döwründe beýleki Europeanewropa ýurtlaryna, esasanam Germaniýa ýaýramazdan ozal ýüze çykypdyr. Faşizmiň Europeewropanyň daşyndaky tarapdarlary-da bardy. Faşistler Birinji jahan urşuny söweşiň, jemgyýetiň, döwletiň we tehnologiýanyň tebigatyna uly üýtgeşmeler getiren ynkylap hökmünde gördüler. Faşizm zorlugyň düýbünden erbetdigini öňe sürýär we imperializmi, syýasy zorlugy we urşy milli ýaşartmagyň serişdesi hökmünde görýär. Faşistler köplenç totalitar bir partiýaly döwlet gurmagyň tarapdary. Faşizmiň aşa awtoritarizmi we milletçiligi köplenç jyns taýdan arassalyga ýa-da ussat ýaryşa bolan ynam hökmünde ýüze çykýar, adatça bar bolan howp hökmünde görülýän jynlaşdyrylan "Başga" garşysyna jynsparazlygyň ýa-da ulumsylygyň käbir görnüşleri bilen garyşýar. |
Heres a summary of Gioia Del Colle, a town in Italy that I will be traveling to, how should I pack? | Gioia del Colle (pronounced [ˈdʒɔːja del ˈkɔlle]; Barese: Sciò) is a town and comune of the Metropolitan City of Bari, Apulia, southern Italy. The town is located on the Murge plateau at 360 metres (1,180 ft) above sea level, between the Adriatic and Ionian Seas.
Physical geography
Gioia del Colle is on the top of a hill at 360 m a.s.l. It is located in the southern part of the Murge, in the "Sella di Gioia del Colle". It is between the North-West Murge and the South-West Murge and the Adriatic Sea and the Ionian Sea. The municipal area has an area of 206.48 km² and it reaches a maximum altitude of 435 m a.s.l. and a minimum of 296 m a.s.l. Its area borders to the North-West with Acquaviva delle Fonti, to the North with Sammichele di Bari, to the North-East with Turi, to the East with Putignano and Noci, to the South-East with Mottola, to the South with Castellaneta, to the South-West with Laterza and to the West with Santeramo in Colle.
Gioia del Colle's orography
The landscape is characterized by large wooded areas, in which the Macedonian oaks dominate, more than the downy oak. In particular the Bosco Romanazzi and Serra Capece constitute the most conspicuous part of the wooded area of Gioia del Colle and they extend from Mount Sannace archaeological area to the provincial road that leads to Noci.
The western part of the area is part of the North-West Murge, with isoipse that exceed 400 m a.s.l. towards Santeramo and Laterza, while the Eastern one is part of the South-East Murge, with isoipse over 400 m a.s.l. towards Noci. In the middle, on the contrary, there is a depression (saddle) with an average altitude of 340 m a.s.l., interrupted only by the 360-meter hill on which the city lies.
Gioia del Colle's climate is mediterranean (Köppen Csa), but it has peaks of continentality due to the altitude and the distance from the sea. Temperature varies between −2 e +12 °C in winter, while it varies between +18 e +35 °C with a high percentage of humidity in summer. Annual rainfall is around 600 mm. It often snows, about once a year, especially if there is cold air of Balkan origin. | The climate is mild, and does not go below freezing by much in the winter with tropical weather summers. Pack for light layers, and adjust for the time of year. | closed_qa | Heres, syýahat etjek Italiýamdaky Gioia Del Colle-iň gysgaça mazmuny, nädip gaplamaly? | Gioia del Colle ([ˈdʒɔːja del ˈkɔlle diýilýär; Barese: Sciò) Italiýanyň günortasyndaky Apuliýa şäheriniň Bari şäheriniň şäheri we birleşigi. Şäher, Murge platosynda deňiz derejesinden 360 metr (1,180 fut), Adriatik we Ion deňizleriniň arasynda ýerleşýär.
Fiziki geografiýa
Gioia del Colle depäniň depesinde 360 m a.s.l. Murge şäheriniň günorta böleginde, "Sella di Gioia del Colle" -de ýerleşýär. Demirgazyk-Günbatar Murge bilen Günorta-Günbatar Murge bilen Adriatik deňzi bilen Ion deňziniň arasynda. Şäher häkimliginiň meýdany 206.48 km² bolup, iň beýikligi 435 m a.s.l. azyndan 296 m a.s.l. Onuň meýdany Demirgazyk-Günbatarda Acquaviva delle Fonti, demirgazykda Sammichele di Bari bilen, demirgazyk-gündogarda Turi, gündogarda Putignano we Noci, günorta-gündogarda Mottola, günortada Castellaneta bilen serhetleşýär. , Latza bilen günorta-günbatara we Kolle şäherindäki Santeramo bilen günbatara.
Gioia del Kolleň orografiýasy
Peýza., Makedon dublarynyň aşaky dubdan has köp agdyklyk edýän uly agaçly ýerler bilen häsiýetlendirilýär. Hususan-da, Bosco Romanazzi we Serra Capece, Gioia del Kolle tokaýlyk ýerleriniň iň görnükli bölegini emele getirýär we Sannace dag arheologiki sebitinden Noci şäherine barýan welaýat ýoluna çenli uzalyp gidýär.
Sebitiň günbatar bölegi Demirgazyk-Günbatar Murjyň bir bölegi bolup, 400 metrden gowrak izoipse bar. Santeramo we Laterza tarap, gündogar bolsa Günorta-Gündogar Murjyň bir bölegi bolup, 400 metrden gowrak izoipse bar. Noci tarap. Ortada, tersine, ortaça 340 m belentlikdäki depressiýa (eýer) bar, diňe şäheriň ýerleşýän 360 metrlik depesi bilen kesilýär.
Gioia del Colle-iň howasy Ortaýer deňzidir (Köppen Csa), emma beýikligi we deňizden uzaklygy sebäpli kontinentiň iň ýokary derejesine eýe. Temperatura gyşda −2 e +12 ° C, tomusda çyglylygyň ýokary göterimi bilen +18 e +35 ° C arasynda üýtgeýär. Ualyllyk ýagyş 600 mm töweregi. Esasanam ýylda bir gezek gar ýagýar, esasanam Balkanly sowuk howa bar bolsa. | Howasy ýumşak, gyşda tropiki howa tomuslary bilen doňmakdan aşak düşmeýär. Lighteňil gatlaklar üçin gaplaň we ýylyň wagtyna sazlaň. |
List the competitions that Charlier competed in and where he placed in the format [Competiton]: [Place], [Age] | Charlier was born in Albert, Somme and admitted at the age of 10 to the Conservatoire de Paris where he attracted attention from professionals in the field and earned a scholarship from Yehudi Menuhin and Henryk Szeryng in 1976.
He received top prizes at many international competitions including:1st place in Munich at 17, Montreal at 18, the International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition in Helsinki at 19, the two great French competitions Long-Thibaud-Crespin Competition (2nd grand prize) and Georges Enesco of the SACEM at 20, the International Violin Competition of Indianapolis (4th prize) at 21, and first place at the Young Concert Artists International Audition in New York in 1989 at the age of 28.[citation needed]
He is primarily known as a soloist. | Sure, here is a list of the competitions that Charlier competed in, where he placed, and his age at the time of the competition:
Munich international competition: 1st place, 17
Montreal international competition: 1st place, 17
International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition in Helsinki: 1st place, 19
Long-Thibaud-Crespin Competition: 2nd grand prize, 20
Georges Enesco of the SACEM: 1st place, 20
International Violin Competition of Indianapolis: 4th prize, 21
Young Concert Artists International Audition in New York: 1st place, 28 | information_extraction | Çarleýeriň bäsleşen we nirede [Bäsleşik] görnüşinde ýerleşdiren ýaryşlaryny sanaň: [Placeer], [Age] | Çarleýer Somme şäheriniň Albert şäherinde doguldy we 10 ýaşynda Pari Parisdäki Konserwatoriýa kabul edildi we bu ugurdaky hünärmenleriň ünsüni özüne çekdi we 1976-njy ýylda ehehudi Menuhin we Henryk Szeryng tarapyndan stipendiýa aldy.
Köp halkara ýaryşlarynda iň ýokary baýraklary aldy: 17-de Mýunhende 1-nji, 18-de Monreal, 19-da Helsinkide geçirilen Halkara Sibelius skripka bäsleşigi, Uzyn Tibaud-Krespin ýaryşy (2-nji uly baýrak) we Georges 20 ýaşynda SACEM-iň Eneskosy, 21 ýaşynda Indianapolisiň halkara skripka bäsleşigi (4-nji baýrak) we 1989-njy ýylda Nýu-Yorkorkda 28 ýaşynda ýaş konsert sungat işgärleriniň halkara auditoriýasynda birinji orny eýeledi.
Ilki bilen solist hökmünde tanalýar. | Elbetde, ine, Çarleýeriň gatnaşan ýaryşlarynyň sanawy, nirede ýerleşendigi we ýaryş wagtynda ýaşy:
Mýunhen halkara bäsleşigi: 1-nji ýer, 17-nji ýer
Monreal halkara bäsleşigi: 1-nji ýer, 17-nji ýer
Helsinkide geçirilen Sian Sibelius skripka ýaryşy: 1-nji ýer, 19-njy ýer
Uzyn-Tibaud-Krespin ýaryşy: 2-nji baş baýrak, 20
SACEM-den Georges Enesco: 1-nji ýer, 20-nji ýer
Indianapolisiň halkara skripka ýaryşy: 4-nji baýrak, 21
Newaş konsert aýdymçylary Nýu-Yorkorkda halkara auditi: 1-nji ýer, 28-nji ýer |
What are some common items on a charcuterie board? | Common items on a charcuterie board include slice cured sausage, pepperoni, goat cheese, manchengo cheese, white cheddar, prosciutto, baby dill pickles, dried apricots, grapes, jam, crackers, and chocolate covered almonds. | brainstorming | Zaryad tagtasynda käbir umumy zatlar haýsylar? | Zawod tagtasyndaky adaty zatlara dilimlenen kolbasa, pepperoni, geçi peýniri, mançeno peýniri, ak kedr, prosciutto, çaga ukrop duzy, guradylan erik, üzüm, jam, kraker we şokolad bilen örtülen badam girýär. |
What are the basic rules of baseball? | Baseball is a complex sport that can be confusing to newcomers. Baseball is a game played by two teams of 9 players on a large field with 4 bases. The team on defense has 9 players out in the field at once, which includes the pitcher and the catcher. The hitting team only has one player "at-bat." The pitcher throws the ball to the catcher, and the hitter attempts to hit the ball into the field and run to a base if they hit the ball into fair territory. If the player misses 3 times, they are out. If the pitcher throws a bad pitch 4 times, the hitter gets to go to first base automatically. The player can also get out if a fielder catches the ball in the air or tags first base before the runner gets there. The game itself is 9 innings of 3 outs for each team. Whoever has the most runs (when a player runs to all 4 bases) at the end of the game wins! | open_qa | Beýsbolyň esasy düzgünleri haýsylar? | Beýsbol täze gelenleri bulaşdyryp bilýän çylşyrymly sport görnüşidir. Beýsbol, 4 bazasy bolan uly meýdançada 9 oýunçydan ybarat iki toparyň oýnaýan oýny. Gorag toparynda küýzäni we tutujyny öz içine alýan meýdançada birbada 9 oýunçy bar. Urlan toparyň diňe "at-bat" oýunçysy bar. Küýze topy tutuja zyňýar we urgyçy topy adalatly ýere ursa, topy meýdança urmaga synanyşýar. Oýunçy 3 gezek sypdyrsa, çykýarlar. Eger küýze 4 gezek erbet meýdança zyňsa, urgy awtomatiki usulda birinji bazasyna geçýär. Şeýle hem, bir pökgi topy howada tutsa ýa-da ylgawçy ol ýere ýetmänkä ilkinji bazany bellik etse, oýunçy çykyp biler. Oýunyň özi, her topar üçin 3 çykyşdan 9 inning. Kimde iň köp ylgaýan bolsa (oýunçy 4 bazanyň hemmesine ylgaýar) oýun gutaranda ýeňer! |
What are common ways to invest money? | Common ways to invest money include:
1. Holding money in a high yield savings account
2. Buying stocks and bonds
3. Buying commodities (e.g., gold)
4. Buying collectibles (e.g., art work, rare coins, trading cards) | open_qa | Pul goýmagyň umumy ýollary haýsylar? | Pul goýmagyň umumy ýollary:
1. yieldokary girdejili tygşytlylyk hasabynda pul saklamak
2. Aksiýalary we obligasiýalary satyn almak
3. Haryt satyn almak (meselem, altyn)
4. Kollektiwleri satyn almak (meselem, sungat eseri, seýrek teňňeler, söwda kartoçkalary) |
What is seek speed in HDFS and why is it no longer going to be important? | Seek speed is the speed i.e. rpm (revolutions per minute) a magnetic drive or an optical reader rotates to read the data from those HDDs Hard Drive Disks; This speed is dependent on the motor's rotation speed which directly impacts reading and writing of data into these devices. The speed of the motor is limited as it is powered by 12V capacity and also should not drain the battery if they are in the laptops. However, more and more newer age laptops and devices are now using SSDs Solid State Drives which are not only faster because the speed is not dependent on the revolving motor and also does not drain your laptops battery charge. This allowed the laptops to be less bulkier/heavier and reduce the overall battery size to make it a little lighter. | brainstorming | HDFS-de gözleg tizligi näme we näme üçin indi möhüm bolmaz? | Gözleg tizligi, ýagny rpm (minutda öwrülişik) magnitli disk ýa-da şol HDD gaty disklerden maglumatlary okamak üçin optiki okyjy aýlanýar; Bu tizlik motoryň aýlanma tizligine bagly bolup, bu enjamlara maglumatlaryň okalmagyna we ýazylmagyna gönüden-göni täsir edýär. Motoryň tizligi 12V kuwwat bilen işleýänligi sebäpli çäklidir we noutbuklarda bolsa batareýany suwdan çykarmaly däldir. Şeýle-de bolsa, has täze ýaş noutbuklary we enjamlary indi SSDs Solid State Drives ulanýar, bu tizlik diňe aýlanýan motora bagly däl we noutbuklaryňyzyň batareýa zarýadyny hem sarp etmeýär. Bu, noutbuklara has az / agyr bolmaga we batareýanyň umumy göwrümini birneme ýeňilleşdirmäge mümkinçilik berdi. |
What are the most popular dishes to bring to a potluck? | Since potlucks are designed to scale out the food preparation efforts while providing a diverse menu, items that are easy to prepare in large quantities and that appeal to a lot of different people are most commonly brought. For example, meatballs are relatively inexpensive, widely enjoyed, and easy to be kept warm in crockpot. Items like chicken wings are popular for many of the same reasons. Salads are also a good choice because they don not need to be kept hot. Items that require immediate serving are typically avoided because the dishes need to be prepared, then travel to the locality of the event, and as such create logistical and quality problems. Other items are ones that people typically take pride in, like chili, or ethnic staples that expose people to new tastes and cultures. | general_qa | Bir küýze getirmek üçin iň meşhur tagamlar haýsylar? | Potlucks dürli menýu hödürlemek bilen iýmit taýýarlamak tagallalaryny giňeltmek üçin niýetlenendigi sebäpli, köp mukdarda taýýarlamak aňsat we köp dürli adamlary özüne çekýän zatlar köplenç getirilýär. Mysal üçin, köfte has arzan, giňden lezzet alýar we çorbada ýyly saklamak aňsat. Towuk ganaty ýaly önümler şol bir köp sebäplere görä meşhur. Salatlar hem gowy saýlaw, sebäbi gyzgyn saklanmaly däl. Derrew hyzmat etmegi talap edýän önümler, adatça, gap-gaçlary taýýarlamaly, soň bolsa çäräniň ýerleşýän ýerine syýahat etmeli we şonuň üçin maddy-tehniki we hil taýdan kynçylyk döredýär. Beýleki zatlar, adatça çili ýa-da adamlary täze tagamlara we medeniýetlere sezewar edýän etnik ştapel ýaly adamlar bilen buýsanýarlar. |
What is a generic question? | A generic question is usually a question which is very plain in nature or very common. Most people know the answers to generic questions using common sense, and general knowledge. It usually implies that less though and creativity was used to come up with a generic question. An example of a generic question is "why is it so hot outside?" or "why us the sky blue?" | open_qa | Umumy sorag näme? | Umumy sorag, adatça tebigatda gaty ýönekeý ýa-da adaty bir sorag. Köp adam umumy soraglara jogaplary umumy düşünjäni we umumy bilimleri bilýärler. Bu, köplenç umumy sorag bermek üçin az we döredijiligiň ulanylandygyny aňladýar. Umumy soraga mysal "daşarda näme üçin yssy?" ýa-da "näme üçin asman gök?" |
How many provinces are in Canada? | Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories. The most populous provinces are Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia. | open_qa | Kanadada näçe welaýat bar? | Kanadada 10 welaýat we 3 sebit bar. Iň köp welaýat Ontario, Kwebek we Britaniýa Kolumbiýa. |
Where does AAP operate? | AAP employs around 80 journalists who work in bureaus in all states and territories of Australia except the Northern Territory. It also maintains correspondents in New Zealand and London as well as using a network of contributors from the US, Europe, Asia and Africa. AAP's domestic news coverage is complemented by alliances with the major international news agencies. | AAP employees journalists in Australia, correspondents in New Zealand and London, and a network of contributors from US, Europe, Asia, and Africa. | information_extraction | AAP nirede işleýär? | AAP, Demirgazyk Territordan başga Awstraliýanyň ähli ştatlarynda we sebitlerinde býurolarda işleýän 80 töweregi journalistsurnalisti işleýär. Şeýle hem, Täze Zelandiýada we Londonda habarçylary alyp barýar, ABŞ-dan, Europeewropadan, Aziýadan we Afrikadan goşant goşýanlar ulgamyny ulanýar. AAP-yň içerki habarlary esasy halkara habar gulluklary bilen bileleşikler bilen doldurylýar. | AAP Awstraliýadaky journalistsurnalistler, Täze Zelandiýadaky we Londondaky habarçylar we ABŞ, Europeewropa, Aziýa we Afrikadan goşant goşýanlar topary. |
Tell me which one does not fit with the group: Cigar, Cigarette, Tobacco, Pipe, Hookah | All except Tobacco are means of smoking. | classification | Haýsynyň topara laýyk gelmeýändigini aýdyň: Çilim, Çilim, Temmäki, Turbalar, Çeňňek | Temmäkiden başga zatlaryň hemmesi çilim serişdesidir. |
What are some different ways to entertain my family when they visit Boston? | Boston, MA is a great place to take visitors whether they are from the US or abroad. Depending on the time of year that they visit, different options would rank higher.
For example, if they arrive in the warmer months, say May to September, then an excellent place to start would be the freedom trail. This is a marked track that follows the famous ride of Paul Revere as the British forces arrived in Massachusetts Bay prior to the war of independence. During the warmer months, this path is nice to walk along as it will take your family along the landmarks of Boston, through the Boston Common, past the Quincy Markets, the Bunker Hill memorial, and through Boston's North End where some of the best Italian restaurants in the country can be found. In addition to this, Boston is home to two of the most prestigious universities in the world, Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Free walking tours are available on both of these campuses which are located on the other side of the Charles river in the city of Cambridge. You can also go to a baseball game at the famous Fenway Park stadium to see the local team, the Red Socks play, as well as enjoy the city's shopping district along Newbury St. and the Prudential.
If, however, your family visits in the colder season, or worse during the peak of winter, Boston still has plenty of fun and enjoyable activities. You could take them to an ice hockey game at TD Gardens to watch the local team, the Bruins play. There are also Christmas and winter markets in the Sea Port district throughout the holidays. For skiing, the mountains of New England are within a few hours drive and are often excellent for new and experienced skiers. | brainstorming | Bostony görenlerinde maşgalamy gyzyklandyrmagyň dürli ýollary haýsylar? | ABŞ, Boston ýa-da daşary ýurtly bolsun, myhmanlary kabul etmek üçin ajaýyp ýer. Barýan ýylyna baglylykda dürli wariantlar has ýokary bolardy.
Mysal üçin, has yssy aýlara gelseler, maý-sentýabr aýlaryny aýdyň, başlamak üçin ajaýyp ýer erkinlik ýoly bolar. Bu, Pol Reweriň iňlis goşunlary garaşsyzlyk söweşinden öň Massaçusets aýlagyna geleninde meşhur gezelençdir. Yssy aýlarda bu ýol ýöremek gowy, sebäbi maşgalaňyzy Bostonyň gözel ýerleri, Boston umumy ýoly, Kuinsi bazarlary, Bunker depesi ýadygärligi we iň oňat italýanlaryň käbiri bolan Bostonyň Demirgazyk ujundan geçer. ýurtdaky restoranlary tapyp bilersiňiz. Bulardan başga-da, Boston dünýäniň iň abraýly iki uniwersitetiniň, Garward uniwersitetiniň we Massaçusets tehnologiýa institutynyň mekanydyr. Kembrij şäherindäki Çarlz derýasynyň beýleki tarapynda ýerleşýän bu uniwersitet şäherçeleriniň ikisinde-de mugt gezelençler bar. Şeýle hem meşhur Fenweý Park stadionynda beýsbol oýnuna baryp, ýerli komandany, “Gyzyl jorap” oýnuny görmek, şeýle hem Nýuberi köçesi we Prudensial şäheriň söwda etrabyndan lezzet alyp bilersiňiz.
Şeýle-de bolsa, maşgalaňyz has sowuk möwsümde ýa-da gyşyň iň ýokary döwründe zyýarat etse, Bostonda henizem gyzykly we hezil çäreler bar. Teamerli topara, Bruins oýnuna tomaşa etmek üçin olary TD baglarynda buz hokkeý oýnuna alyp bilersiňiz. Şeýle hem dynç alyş günlerinde Deňiz port etrabynda Ro Christmasdestwo we gyş bazarlary bar. Lykiada typmak üçin Täze Angliýanyň daglary birnäçe sagadyň içinde bolup, köplenç täze we tejribeli lykiaçylar üçin ajaýyp. |
Who is John Adams? | John Adams (October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826) was an American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, and Founding Father who served as the second president of the United States from 1797 to 1801. Before his presidency, he was a leader of the American Revolution that achieved independence from Great Britain. During the latter part of the war and in the early years of the nation, he served as a diplomat in Europe. He was the first person to hold the office of vice president of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797. Adams was a dedicated diarist and regularly corresponded with many important contemporaries, including his wife and adviser Abigail Adams as well as his friend and rival Thomas Jefferson. | John Adams (October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826) was an American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, and Founding Father who served as the second president of the United States from 1797 to 1801. Before his presidency, he was a leader of the American Revolution that achieved independence from Great Britain. During the latter part of the war and in the early years of the nation, he served as a diplomat in Europe. He was the first person to hold the office of vice president of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797. Adams was a dedicated diarist and regularly corresponded with many important contemporaries, including his wife and adviser Abigail Adams as well as his friend and rival Thomas Jefferson.
A lawyer and political activist prior to the Revolution, Adams was devoted to the right to counsel and presumption of innocence. He defied anti-British sentiment and successfully defended British soldiers against murder charges arising from the Boston Massacre. Adams was a Massachusetts delegate to the Continental Congress and became a leader of the revolution. He assisted Jefferson in drafting the Declaration of Independence in 1776. As a diplomat in Europe, he helped negotiate a peace treaty with Great Britain and secured vital governmental loans. Adams was the primary author of the Massachusetts Constitution in 1780, which influenced the United States constitution, as did his essay Thoughts on Government.
Adams was elected to two terms as vice president under President George Washington and was elected as the United States' second president in 1796. He was the only president elected under the banner of the Federalist Party. During his single term, Adams encountered fierce criticism from the Jeffersonian Republicans and from some in his own Federalist Party, led by his rival Alexander Hamilton. Adams signed the controversial Alien and Sedition Acts, and built up the Army and Navy in the undeclared naval war (called the "Quasi-War") with France. During his term, he became the first president to reside in the executive mansion now known as the White House.
In his bid in 1800 for reelection to the presidency, opposition from Federalists and accusations of despotism from Jeffersonians led to Adams losing to his vice president and former friend Jefferson, and he retired to Massachusetts. He eventually resumed his friendship with Jefferson by initiating a correspondence that lasted fourteen years. He and his wife generated the Adams political family, a line of politicians, diplomats, and historians. It includes their son John Quincy Adams, the sixth president. John Adams died on July 4, 1826 – the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence – hours after Jefferson's death. Adams and his son are the only presidents of the first twelve who never owned slaves. Surveys of historians and scholars have favorably ranked his administration. | information_extraction | Jon Adams kim? | Jon Adams (1735-nji ýylyň 30-njy oktýabry - 1826-njy ýylyň 4-nji iýuly) Amerikanyň döwlet işgäri, aklawçy, diplomat, ýazyjy we esaslandyryjy kakady, 1797-nji ýyldan 1801-nji ýyla çenli Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynyň ikinji prezidenti bolup işledi. Beýik Britaniýadan garaşsyzlygy gazanan Amerikan ynkylaby. Urşuň soňky böleginde we milletiň ilkinji ýyllarynda Europeewropada diplomat bolup işledi. Ol 1789-njy ýyldan 1797-nji ýyla çenli Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynyň wise-prezidenti wezipesini eýelän ilkinji adamdy. Adams bagyşlanan diarist bolup, aýaly we geňeşçisi Abigail Adams, dosty we garşydaşy ýaly köp döwürdeşleri bilen yzygiderli habarlaşýardy. Tomas Jefferson. | Jon Adams (1735-nji ýylyň 30-njy oktýabry - 1826-njy ýylyň 4-nji iýuly) Amerikanyň döwlet işgäri, aklawçy, diplomat, ýazyjy we esaslandyryjy kakady, 1797-nji ýyldan 1801-nji ýyla çenli Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynyň ikinji prezidenti bolup işledi. Beýik Britaniýadan garaşsyzlygy gazanan Amerikan ynkylaby. Urşuň soňky böleginde we milletiň ilkinji ýyllarynda Europeewropada diplomat bolup işledi. Ol 1789-njy ýyldan 1797-nji ýyla çenli Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynyň wise-prezidenti wezipesini eýelän ilkinji adamdy. Adams bagyşlanan diarist bolup, aýaly we geňeşçisi Abigail Adams, dosty we garşydaşy ýaly köp döwürdeşleri bilen yzygiderli habarlaşýardy. Tomas Jefferson.
Ynkylapdan ozal aklawçy we syýasy aktiwist Adams maslahat bermek hukugyna we bigünälik prezumpsiýasyna bagyşlandy. Iňlislere garşy duýgulary äsgermezlik etdi we Boston gyrgynçylygynda ýüze çykan adam öldürmek aýyplamalaryndan Iňlis esgerlerini üstünlikli gorady. Adams Massaçusets ştatynyň Kontinental Kongresiniň wekili bolup, rewolýusiýanyň lideri boldy. 1776-njy ýylda Jeffersona Garaşsyzlyk Jarnamasyny taýýarlamaga kömek etdi. Europeewropada diplomat hökmünde Beýik Britaniýa bilen parahatçylyk şertnamasyny baglaşmaga kömek etdi we möhüm hökümet karzlaryny aldy. Adams, 1780-nji ýylda Massaçusets konstitusiýasynyň, hökümet baradaky pikirler baradaky makalasynda bolşy ýaly, Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynyň konstitusiýasyna täsir eden esasy ýazyjydy.
Adams, prezident Jorj Waşingtonyň döwründe wise-prezident hökmünde iki möhlete saýlandy we 1796-njy ýylda Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynyň ikinji prezidenti wezipesine saýlandy. Ol Federal partiýanyň baýdagy astynda saýlanan ýeke-täk prezidentdi. Singleeke-täk möhletinde Adams Jefferson respublikanlarynyň we garşydaşy Aleksandr Hamiltonyň ýolbaşçylygyndaky öz federalistik partiýasynyň käbirleriniň ýiti tankytlaryna sezewar boldy. Adams jedelli Alien we Sedition Act-a gol çekdi we yglan edilmedik deňiz söweşinde ("Quasi-War") Fransiýa bilen goşun we deňiz güýçlerini döretdi. Ol işlän döwründe, häzirki wagtda Ak tam diýlip atlandyrylýan ýerine ýetiriji köşkde ýaşaýan ilkinji prezident boldy.
1800-nji ýylda prezidentlige saýlanmak baradaky teklibinde federalistleriň garşylygy we Jeffersoniýalylaryň despotizm aýyplamalary Adamsyň wise-prezidenti we öňki dosty Jeffersondan utulmagyna sebäp boldy we Massaçusets ştatyna gitdi. Netijede, on dört ýyl dowam eden hat alyşmak arkaly Jefferson bilen dostlugyny dowam etdirdi. Ol aýaly bilen Adamsyň syýasy maşgalasyny, syýasatçylaryň, diplomatlaryň we taryhçylaryň hataryny döretdi. Olara altynjy prezident ogly Jon Kuinsi Adams hem girýär. Jon Adams Jeffersonyň ölüminden birnäçe sagat soň 1826-njy ýylyň 4-nji iýulynda - Garaşsyzlyk Jarnamasynyň kabul edilmeginiň elli ýyllygynda aradan çykdy. Adams we onuň ogly, ilkinji on iki adamyň gullary bolmadyk ýeke-täk prezidentidir. Taryhçylaryň we alymlaryň geçiren gözlegleri, onuň administrasiýasyna oňaýly baha berdi. |
Categorize the below types of organisms.
bacteriophages, coccus, bacillus, spiral, coryneform, filamentous | Bacteria - coccus, bacillus, spiral, coryneform, filamentous
Virus - bacteriophages | classification | Organizmleriň aşakdaky görnüşlerini kategoriýalaşdyryň.
bakteriofaglar, kokkus, bakillus, spiral, korineform, süzgüçli | Bakteriýalar - kokkus, bakillus, spiral, korineform, süzgüçli
Wirus - bakteriofaglar |
What are a few things to do when visiting Northern Vietnam? | Here are some to do when visiting Northern Vietnam:
1. Go hiking through the picturesque rice terraces in Sa Pa. This is a great way to experience the beauty and local culture of Northern Vietnam.
2. Take a cruise on Ha Long Bay. This Unesco world heritage site is a great place to relax and take in the views as you sail through thousands of limestone islands.
3. Visit Hanoi and go on a food tour. This is one of the best ways to experience the local culture of Vietnam through authentic Vietnamese cuisine.
4. Spend a day exploring the stunning landscapes of Ninh Binh. Home to the ancient capital of Vietnam and the Unesco World Heritage site of Trang An, Ninh Binh is a popular destination in Northern Vietnam. | brainstorming | Demirgazyk Wýetnama baranyňyzda birnäçe zat etmeli? | Demirgazyk Wýetnama baranyňyzda edilmeli käbir zatlar:
1. Sa Pa-da ajaýyp tüwi teraslaryndan gezelenje çykyň, Demirgazyk Wýetnamyň gözelligini we ýerli medeniýetini synlamagyň ajaýyp usuly.
2. Ha Long aýlagynda gezelenç ediň. Bu esUNESKO dünýä mirasy, müňlerçe hek daşy adalarynda gezip ýörkäňiz dynç almak we tomaşa etmek üçin ajaýyp ýerdir.
3. Hanoýy görüň we iýmit gezelençine çykyň. Bu hakyky Wýetnam aşhanasy arkaly Wýetnamyň ýerli medeniýetini başdan geçirmegiň iň oňat usullaryndan biridir.
4. Ninh Binhiň haýran galdyryjy landşaftlaryny öwrenmek üçin bir gün geçiriň. Gadymy paýtagt Wýetnamyň we Trang Aniň esUNESKO Bütindünýä mirasynyň mekany bolan Ninh Binh Demirgazyk Wýetnamda iň meşhur ýerdir. |
What is SMTP? | The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet standard communication protocol for electronic mail transmission. Mail servers and other message transfer agents use SMTP to send and receive mail messages. User-level email clients typically use SMTP only for sending messages to a mail server for relaying, and typically submit outgoing email to the mail server on port 587 or 465 per RFC 8314. For retrieving messages, IMAP (which replaced the older POP3) is standard, but proprietary servers also often implement proprietary protocols. | open_qa | SMTP näme? | Pleönekeý poçta geçiriş protokoly (SMTP) elektron poçta ibermek üçin internet standart aragatnaşyk protokolydyr. Poçta serwerleri we beýleki habar geçiriş agentleri poçta habarlaryny ibermek we almak üçin SMTP ulanýarlar. Ulanyjy derejesindäki e-poçta müşderileri adatça SMTP-ni diňe poçta serwerine habar ibermek üçin ulanýarlar we adatça gidýän e-poçta salgysyny 587 ýa-da RFC 8314 portyndaky poçta serwerine iberýärler. Habarlary almak üçin IMAP (köne POP3 çalyşdy) standart, ýöne eýeçilik serwerleri köplenç eýeçilik protokollaryny hem durmuşa geçirýärler. |
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Bougarabou, Haegeum | Haegeum is string, Bougarabou is percussion. | classification | Haýsy guralyň simli ýa-da zarbalydygyny kesgitläň: Bougarabou, Haegeum | Haegeum simli, Bougarabou zarba. |
What material is typically used for rowing shells? | Originally made from wood, shells are now almost always made from a composite material (usually a double skin of carbon-fiber reinforced plastic with a sandwich of honeycomb material) for strength and weight advantages. World Rowing rules specify minimum weights for each class of boat so that no individual team will gain a great advantage from the use of expensive materials or technology. | Rowing shells are now typically made from carbon-fiber. | summarization | Adatça küreklemek gabyklary üçin haýsy material ulanylýar? | Ilkibaşda agaçdan ýasalan gabyklar, hemişe diýen ýaly güýç we agram artykmaçlyklary üçin birleşdirilen materialdan (köplenç bal ary materialynyň sandwiwi bilen uglerod süýümli plastmassa goşa deri) ýasalýar. Bütindünýä küreklemek düzgünleri gaýyklaryň her synpy üçin iň az agramy kesgitleýär, şonuň üçin hiç bir topar gymmat bahaly materiallary ýa-da tehnologiýalary ulanmakdan uly artykmaçlyk gazanyp bilmez. | Gämi gabyklary indi adatça uglerod süýüminden ýasalýar. |
which are the countries surrounding India | The Republic of India shares borders with several sovereign countries; it shares land borders with China, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Bangladesh and Pakistan share both land borders as well as maritime borders, while Sri Lanka shares only a maritime border through Ram Setu. India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands share a maritime border with Thailand, Myanmar and Indonesia.
Land borders of India
See also: List of disputed territories of India, Indian subcontinent, Greater India, Indosphere, and Look East policy (India)
India shares land borders with seven sovereign nations. The state's Ministry of Home Affairs also recognizes a 106 kilometres (66 mi) land border with an eighth nation, Afghanistan, as part of its claim of the Kashmir region (see Durand Line).
Land Border Country Dispute Length (Km) and (mi) Force Comments
Bangladesh N 4,096 kilometres (2,545 mi) Border Security Force Most of the India–Bangladesh enclaves exchanged in 2015. See Bangladesh Liberation War and Bangladesh–India relations.
Bhutan N 578 kilometres (359 mi) Sashastra Seema Bal Open border. See Bhutan–India relations.
China Y 3,488 kilometres (2,167 mi) Indo-Tibetan Border Police and Special Frontier Force Also see Ardagh–Johnson Line, Macartney–MacDonald Line, McMahon Line, Sino-Indian border dispute and China–India relations.
Myanmar N 1,643 kilometres (1,021 mi) Assam Rifles and Indian Army See India-Myanmar relations.
Nepal Y 1,752 kilometres (1,089 mi) Sashastra Seema Bal Open border. See Kalapani territory, Susta territory and India-Nepal relations.
Pakistan Y 3,310 kilometres (2,060 mi) Border Security Force Also see Radcliffe Line, Line of Control, Actual Ground Position Line and Sir Creek. See Partition of India, Indo-Pakistani wars and conflicts and India-Pakistan relations.
Maritime borders of India
See also: Exclusive economic zone of India
EEZs in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
Maritime borders of India are the maritime boundary recognized by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea entails boundaries of territorial waters, contiguous zones, and exclusive economic zones. India, with its claim of a 12-nautical-mile (22 km; 14 mi) territorial maritime zone and 200-nautical-mile (370 km; 230 mi) exclusive economic zone, has a more than 7,000-kilometre (4,300 mi) maritime border shared with seven nations.
Maritime Border Country Length (km) and (mi) Force Comments
Bangladesh Indian Navy New Moore Island in Bay of Bengal
Indonesia Indian Navy Indira Point in Andaman Sea
Myanmar Indian Navy Landfall Island in Andaman Sea
Pakistan Indian Navy Sir Creek in Arabian Sea
Thailand Indian Navy Similan Islands in Andaman Sea
Sri Lanka >400 kilometres (250 mi) Indian Navy Katchatheevu in Palk Strait
Maldives Indian Navy Maliku Kandu in Laccadive Sea | The Republic of India shares borders with several sovereign countries; it shares land borders with China, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Bangladesh and Pakistan share both land borders as well as maritime borders, while Sri Lanka shares only a maritime border through Ram Setu. India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands share a maritime border with Thailand, Myanmar and Indonesia. | summarization | Hindistany gurşap alýan ýurtlardyr | Hindistan Respublikasy birnäçe özygtyýarly ýurt bilen serhetleri paýlaşýar; Hytaý, Butan, Nepal, Pakistan, Owganystan, Bangladeş we Mýanma bilen gury ýer serhetlerini paýlaşýar. Bangladeş bilen Pakistan gury ýer serhetleri bilen deňiz serhetlerini paýlaşýarlar, Şri-Lanka bolsa Ram Setunyň üsti bilen diňe deňiz serhedini paýlaşýar. Hindistanyň Andaman we Nikobar adalary Taýland, Mýanma we Indoneziýa bilen deňiz serhedini paýlaşýar.
Hindistanyň gury ýer serhetleri
Şeýle hem serediň: Hindistanyň, Hindi subkontinentiniň, Beýik Hindistanyň, Indosferanyň we Gündogar syýasatynyň jedelli sebitleriniň sanawy (Hindistan)
Hindistan ýedi sany özygtyýarly ýurt bilen gury ýer serhetlerini paýlaşýar. Döwlet Içeri işler ministrligi, Kaşmir sebtini öňe sürmek üçin sekizinji ýurt Owganystan bilen 106 kilometr (66 mil) araçäk ykrar edýär (Durand Line serediň).
Lander serhedindäki jedelleriň uzynlygy (Km) we (mi) Güýçli teswirler
Bangladeş N 4096 kilometr (2545 mil) Serhet howpsuzlyk güýçleri Hindistan - Bangladeş anklawlarynyň köpüsi 2015-nji ýylda çalşyldy. Bangladeş azat ediş urşy we Bangladeş - Hindistan gatnaşyklaryna serediň.
Butan N 578 kilometr (359 mil) Saşastra Seema Bal Açyk serhet. Butan - Hindistan gatnaşyklaryna serediň.
Hytaý Y 3,488 kilometr (2,167 mil) Hindi-Tibet serhet polisiýasy we ýörite serhet güýçleri Şeýle hem Ardag - Jonson liniýasy, Makartni - MakDonalds liniýasy, MakMahon liniýasy, Hytaý-Hindistan serhet dawasy we Hytaý-Hindistan gatnaşyklary.
Mýanma N 1,643 kilometr (1,021 mil) Assam tüpeňleri we Hindi goşuny Hindistan-Mýanma gatnaşyklaryna serediň.
Nepal Y 1,752 kilometr (1089 mil) Saşastra Seema Bal Açyk serhet. Kalapani territoriýasyna, Sustanyň çägine we Hindistan-Nepal gatnaşyklaryna serediň.
Pakistan Y 3,310 kilometr (2,060 mil) Serhet howpsuzlyk güýçleri Şeýle hem Radkliffe liniýasyna, Dolandyryş liniýasyna, ýerüsti ýerleşiş liniýasyna we Sir Krige serediň. Hindistanyň bölünişi, Hindi-Pakistan söweşleri we konfliktler we Hindistan-Pakistan gatnaşyklary.
Hindistanyň deňiz serhetleri
Şeýle hem serediň: Hindistanyň aýratyn ykdysady zolagy
Atlantik we Hindi ummanyndaky EEZ-ler
Hindistanyň deňiz serhetleri Birleşen Milletler Guramasynyň Deňiz kanuny konwensiýasy tarapyndan ykrar edilen deňiz araçägi, territorial suwlaryň, ýanaşyk zolaklaryň we aýratyn ykdysady zolaklaryň çäklerini öz içine alýar. Hindistan 12 deňiz mil (22 km; 14 mil) territorial deňiz zolagyny we 200 deňiz mil (370 km; 230 mil) aýratyn ykdysady zolagy talap edip, 7000 kilometrden gowrak (4300 mil) ýedi ýurt bilen deňiz serhedi.
Deňiz serhet ýurtlarynyň uzynlygy (km) we (mi) Güýçli teswirler
Bangladeş Hindi deňiz floty, Bangal aýlagynda Täze Mur adasy
Indaman Indoneziýasyndaky Hindi deňiz floty Indira nokady
Mýanmaryň Hindi deňiz floty Andaman deňzinde
Päkistan Hindi deňiz güýçleri Arap deňzinde Sir Krik
Taýland Hindi deňiz floty Andaman deňzindäki Similan adalary
Şri-Lanka> Palk bogazynda 400 km (250 mil) Hindi deňiz floty Katçateewu
Maldiwler Hindi deňiz floty Maliku Kandu, Lakadive deňzinde | Hindistan Respublikasy birnäçe özygtyýarly ýurt bilen serhetleri paýlaşýar; Hytaý, Butan, Nepal, Pakistan, Owganystan, Bangladeş we Mýanma bilen gury ýer serhetlerini paýlaşýar. Bangladeş bilen Pakistan gury ýer serhetleri bilen deňiz serhetlerini paýlaşýarlar, Şri-Lanka bolsa Ram Setunyň üsti bilen diňe deňiz serhedini paýlaşýar. Hindistanyň Andaman we Nikobar adalary Taýland, Mýanma we Indoneziýa bilen deňiz serhedini paýlaşýar. |
Classify each of the following as cold or hot: sun, snow, oven, fridge, freezer, fire, stove, ice cream | Cold: Snow, fridge, freezer, ice cream
Hot: Sun, oven fire, stove | classification | Aşakdakylaryň hersini sowuk ýa-da yssy diýip toparlara bölüň: gün, gar, peç, holodilnik, doňduryjy, ot, peç, doňdurma | Sowuk: Gar, holodilnik, doňduryjy, doňdurma
Yssy: Gün, peç oty, peç |
What is the origins of mens lacrosse? | Lacrosse was started by the Native American Indians and was originally known as stickball. The game was initially played in the St. Lawrence Valley area by the Algonquian tribe and they were followed by other tribes in the eastern half of North America, and around the western Great Lakes.
What began as stickball, a native American Indian contest played by tribal warriors for training, recreation and religious reasons, has developed over the years into the interscholastic, professional and international sport of lacrosse | open_qa | Erkek lakrosyň gelip çykyşy näme? | Lakros ýerli Amerikaly hindiler tarapyndan başlandy we aslynda stikbol diýlip atlandyryldy. Oýun ilkibaşda Sankt-Lawrens jülgesinde Algonquian taýpasy tarapyndan oýnaldy we olaryň yzyndan Demirgazyk Amerikanyň gündogar ýarymynda we günbatar Uly kölleriň töwereginde beýleki taýpalar bardy.
Taýpa söweşijileriniň türgenleşik, dynç alyş we dini sebäpler bilen oýnaýan ýerli hindi hindi bäsleşigi bolan stikbol hökmünde başlanan zat, ýyllaryň dowamynda lakrosyň içerki, professional we halkara sport görnüşine öwrüldi. |
Classify each of the following as bright or dark: sun, lamp, cave, light, night, tunnel | Sun: Bright
Lamp: Bright
Cave: Dark
Light: Bright
Night: Dark
Tunnel: Dark | classification | Aşakdakylaryň hersini açyk ýa-da garaňky diýip toparlara bölüň: gün, lampa, gowak, ýagtylyk, gije, tunel | Gün: ýagty
Çyra: ýagty
Gowak: Garaňky
Lightagtylyk: ýagty
Gije: Garaňky
Tunel: Garaňky |
Which of the following are flowers: roses, peonies, worms, carnations, tulips, dirt, lavender, and sunflowers? | Roses, peonies, carnations, tulips, lavender, and sunflowers are flowers. Worms and dirt are not flowers. | classification | Aşakdakylaryň haýsylary güller: güller, pionlar, gurçuklar, gyrgyçlar, çigildemler, hapalar, lawanda we günebakar? | Güller, pionlar, gyrgyçlar, çigildemler, lawanda we günebakar güllerdir. Gurçuklar we kirler gül däl. |
Identify which instrument is string or woodwind: Catalan shawm, Tres | Tres is string, Catalan shawm is woodwind. | classification | Haýsy guralyň simli ýa-da agaç çybygyny kesgitläň: Katalon şawy, Tres | Tres simli, Katalon şawy agaçdan ýasalan. |
Is there a Romanian Royal Family? | The Romanian Royal Family consists of members of the former royal family of Michael I, the last king of Romania. This includes his two daughters, Margareta and Elena. Romania was a kingdom between 1881 and 1947. Carol I of Romania was the first king, proclaimed in 1881. Michael I of Romania was the last king, forced to abdicate in 1947. | open_qa | Rumyniýanyň Korol maşgalasy barmy? | Rumyniýanyň Korol maşgalasy Rumyniýanyň soňky şasy Maýkl I-iň öňki şa maşgalasynyň agzalaryndan durýar. Oňa iki gyzy Margareta we enaelena hem girýär. Rumyniýa 1881-nji we 1947-nji ýyllar aralygynda bir patyşalykdy. Rumyniýaly Kerol I 1881-nji ýylda yglan edilen ilkinji şa boldy. Rumyniýaly Maýkl I 1947-nji ýylda işinden aýrylmaga mejbur bolan iň soňky şa boldy. |
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Cave Lion, Sumatran Elephant | Sumatran Elephant is alive, Cave Lion is extinct. | classification | Haýsy haýwan görnüşleriniň diridigini ýa-da ýok bolandygyny kesgitläň: Gowak arslan, Sumatran pili | Sumatran pili diri, Gowak arslan ýok boldy. |
What essential tools do I need in my toolbox? | Hammer, screwdriver, adjustable wrench, pliers, level | brainstorming | Gurallar gutymda haýsy möhüm gurallar gerek? | Hammer, otwýortka, sazlanyp bilinýän wilka, pyçak, dereje |
Give me a bulleted list of the main responses to "Bad Blood" listed in this text, including whether they were positive or negative. | "Bad Blood" is a song by American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, taken from her fifth studio album 1989 (2014). Swift wrote the song with its producers Max Martin and Shellback. The album track is a pop song with stomping drums. A hip hop remix of "Bad Blood", featuring American rapper Kendrick Lamar and additional production by Ilya, was released as the fourth single from 1989 on May 17, 2015, by Big Machine and Republic Records.
The lyrics are about feelings of betrayal by a close friend. Upon the album's release, critics expressed mixed opinions about "Bad Blood", with some complimenting Swift's defiant attitude and dubbing it an album highlight, while others criticized its production and lyrics. The remixed single was praised for the reworked instrumentation and Lamar's verses, which others considered to be out of place on a pop song. Media outlets speculated that American singer Katy Perry is the subject of the song. The remix received a Grammy nomination for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance.
"Bad Blood" was supported by a high-budget music video directed by Joseph Kahn and produced by Swift. It featured an ensemble cast consisting of many singers, actresses and fashion models, which received wide media coverage. Critics praised the video for its cinematic and futuristic visuals inspired by neo-noir styles. It won a Grammy Award for Best Music Video, and two MTV Video Music Awards for the Video of the Year and Best Collaboration. Commercially, "Bad Blood" reached number one in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Scotland, as well as the United States, where it topped the Billboard Hot 100, Adult Top 40 and Mainstream Top 40 charts. It has been certified triple platinum in Australia and Canada, and 6× platinum in the US. | * positive about Taylor Swift's defiant attitude
* negative about the song's production and lyrics
* positive about the instrumentation and verses
* positive about the accompanying music video's visuals
* positive in terms of topping several charts | summarization | Maňa bu ýazgyda görkezilen "Erbet gan" -a berlen esasy jogaplaryň sanawyny beriň, şol sanda oňyn ýa-da otrisatel. | "Erbet gan", Amerikaly aýdymçy-aýdymçy Teýlor Swiftiň 1989-njy ýyldaky (5-nji) studiýa albomyndan alnan aýdymy. Swift aýdymy prodýuserleri Maks Martin we Shellback bilen ýazdy. Albom ýoly, deprekli deprekli pop aýdymy. Amerikaly rapçi Kendrik Lamaryň we Ilýanyň goşmaça önümini öz içine alýan "Bad Blood" -yň hip-hop remiksi, Big Machine and Republic Records tarapyndan 1989-njy ýylyň 17-nji maýynda dördünji aýdym hökmünde çykdy.
Sözleri ýakyn dostuňyzyň dönüklik duýgulary hakda. Albom çykandan soň, tankytçylar "Erbet gan" hakda dürli pikirler aýtdylar, käbirleri Swiftiň gödek garaýşyny öwdüler we albomyň adyny göterdiler, beýlekiler onuň önümçiligini we sözlerini tankytladylar. Remiks edilen saz, gaýtadan döredilen gurallar we Lamaryň başgalaryň pop aýdymynda ýerliksiz hasaplaýan goşgulary üçin wasp edildi. Habar beriş serişdeleri aýdymyň temasy Amerikaly aýdymçy Katy Perriniň bolandygyny çaklaýarlar. Remiks iň gowy pop duo / topar çykyşy üçin Grammy dalaşgärligini aldy.
"Erbet gan", Jozef Kan re byissýorlyk eden we Swift tarapyndan öndürilen ýokary býudjetli aýdym-saz wideosy bilen goldanyldy. Onda köp aýdymçydan, aktrisadan we moda modellerinden ybarat ansambl çykyş etdi, köpçülikleýin habar beriş serişdelerinde giňişleýin orun aldy. Tankytçylar wideony neo-noir stillerinden ruhlanan kinematiki we futuristik wizuallary üçin öwdi. Iň oňat aýdym-saz wideosy üçin Grammi baýragyny, ýylyň wideosy we iň oňat hyzmatdaşlygy üçin iki sany MTV wideo aýdym-saz baýragyny aldy. Söwda taýdan “Erbet gan” Awstraliýada, Kanadada, Täze Zelandiýada we Şotlandiýada, şeýle hem ABŞ-da birinji ýeri eýeledi, bu ýerde “Billboard Hot 100”, “Adult Top 40” we “Mainstream Top 40” sanawlarynda birinji ýeri eýeledi. Awstraliýada we Kanadada üç platina, ABŞ-da 6 × platina sertifikaty berildi. | * Teýlor Swiftiň gödek garaýşy barada oňyn
* aýdymyň önümçiligi we sözleri hakda negatiw
* gurallar we aýatlar hakda oňyn
* ýanyndaky aýdym-saz wideosy barada oňyn
* birnäçe diagrammanyň üstünde durmak taýdan oňyn |
Which of the following are names of flowers: daffodil, rose, quinoa, lily, daisy, elm, pyrite, violet, jade, leather, polycarbonate, jasmine | daffodil, rose, lily, daisy, violet, jasmine | classification | Aşakdakylaryň haýsy gülleriň atlary: daffodil, gül, kwino, lili, papatika, elm, pirit, gyrmyzy, jade, deri, polikarbonat, yasemin | dafodil, gül, lili, papatika, gyrmyzy, yasemin |
What Is a Request for Proposal (RFP)? | A request for proposal (RFP) is a structured acquisition process that announces a project, describes it, and solicits bids from qualified contractors to complete it. Most organizations prefer to launch their projects using RFPs, and many governments always use them. In some cases there is are a minimum number of respondents required and minimum timeframe to make an award. | open_qa | Teklip üçin haýyş näme (RFP)? | Teklip haýyşy (RFP), taslamany yglan edýän, ony suratlandyrýan we ony tamamlamak üçin ökde potratçylardan teklip soraýan gurluşly satyn alyş prosesi. Guramalaryň köpüsi RFP ulanyp, öz taslamalaryny durmuşa geçirmegi makul bilýärler we köp hökümet olary hemişe ulanýar. Käbir hadysalarda iň az sanly jogap beriji we baýrak almak üçin iň az wagt talap edilýär. |
Who is Linkin Park | Linkin Park is an American rock band from Agoura Hills, California. The band's current lineup comprises vocalist/rhythm guitarist/keyboardist Mike Shinoda, lead guitarist Brad Delson, bassist Dave Farrell, DJ/turntablist Joe Hahn and drummer Rob Bourdon, all of whom are founding members. Vocalists Mark Wakefield and Chester Bennington are former members of the band. Categorized as alternative rock, Linkin Park's earlier music spanned a fusion of heavy metal and hip hop, while their later music features more electronica and pop elements. | open_qa | Linkin Park kim? | Linkin Park, Kaliforniýanyň Agoura Hills şäherinden bolan Amerikan rok topary. Toparyň häzirki hataryna wokalçy / ritm gitaraçy / klawiaturaçy Maýk Şinoda, baş gitaraçy Bred Delson, basist Deýw Farrell, DJ / aýlaw sanawy Jo Hahn we deprekçi Rob Bourdon girýär. Wokalçylar Mark Wakefild we Çester Bennington toparyň öňki agzalary. Alternatiw rok hökmünde kategoriýa giren Linkin Parkyň ozalky aýdym-sazlary agyr metaldan we hip-hopdan ybaratdy, soňraky aýdym-sazlarynda bolsa elektronika we pop elementleri bar. |