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In literature who is the alter ego of Percy Blakney | Scarlet Pimpernel | open_qa | Persi Blakniniň üýtgeýän äheňi bolan edebiýatda | Gyrmyzy pimpernel |
Which of these is an electronic device? Ipad, TV, Rock, Laptop, Tree. | Sure. Ipad, TV, and Laptop are all electronic devices. | classification | Bularyň haýsysy elektron enjam? Ipad, telewizor, gaýa, noutbuk, agaç. | Elbetde. Ipad, telewizor we noutbuk hemmesi elektron enjamlar. |
What country has the most all time medals at the Winter Olympics? | Norway leads the all time medal count for the winter olympics | open_qa | Gyşky Olimpiýa oýunlarynda haýsy ýurtda iň köp medal gazandy? | Gyşky olimpiýa oýunlary üçin Norwegiýa ähli döwürde medal sanawynda öňde barýar |
What are some things that would cause the velocity of money within an economy to increase? | The velocity of money is a macro economics term referring to the speed with which money changes hands, which can be determined by dividing the annual aggregate economic output (also called gross domestic product) of a country by the applicable money supply. The velocity of money can be impacted by many things. Growing optimism and confidence among consumers and businesses can increase velocity, whereas a decline in velocity can occur when people and companies become gloomier or more uncertain of their financial futures. Enhancements in technology that make transactions more efficient can also increase velocity. | open_qa | Ykdysadyýetdäki pul tizliginiň ýokarlanmagyna sebäp boljak käbir zatlar haýsylar? | Puluň tizligi, bir ýurduň ýyllyk umumy ykdysady önümini (jemi içerki önüm diýlip hem atlandyrylýar) degişli pul üpjünçiligi boýunça bölmek arkaly kesgitlenip bilinjek puluň elini üýtgedýän tizligini aňladýan makro ykdysady termin. Puluň tizligine köp zat täsir edip biler. Sarp edijileriň we kärhanalaryň arasynda ösýän optimizm we ynam tizligi ýokarlandyryp biler, şol bir wagtyň özünde tizligiň peselmegi adamlar we kompaniýalar garaňky ýa-da maliýe geljegine has ynamsyz bolanda bolup biler. Amallary has netijeli edýän tehnologiýadaky ösüşler tizligi hem artdyryp biler. |
Without quoting directly from the text give me a summary of what skateboarding is. | Skateboarding is an action sport originating in the United States that involves riding and performing tricks using a skateboard, as well as a recreational activity, an art form, an entertainment industry job, and a method of transportation. Skateboarding has been shaped and influenced by many skateboarders throughout the years. A 2009 report found that the skateboarding market is worth an estimated $4.8 billion in annual revenue, with 11.08 million active skateboarders in the world. | Skateboarding is an action sport originating in the United States that involves riding and performing tricks using a skateboard, as well as a recreational activity, an art form, an entertainment industry job, and a method of transportation. Skateboarding has been shaped and influenced by many skateboarders throughout the years. A 2009 report found that the skateboarding market is worth an estimated $4.8 billion in annual revenue, with 11.08 million active skateboarders in the world. In 2016, it was announced that skateboarding would be represented at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, for both male and female teams.
Since the 1970s, skateparks have been constructed specifically for use by skateboarders, freestyle BMXers, aggressive skaters, and more recently, scooters. However, skateboarding has become controversial in areas in which the activity, although illegal, has damaged curbs, stoneworks, steps, benches, plazas, and parks. | summarization | Tekstden gönüden-göni sitat getirmän, konkide typmagyň nämedigini gysgaça düşündiriň. | Tigir sporty, Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynda dörän hereket sporty bolup, konkide typmak we münmek, şeýle hem dynç alyş, sungat görnüşi, güýmenje pudagy we ulag usuly bilen meşgullanýar. Tigir sporty köp ýyllaryň dowamynda köp konkide typýanlar tarapyndan emele geldi we täsir edildi. 2009-njy ýyldaky hasabatda dünýäde 11.08 million aktiw konkide typmak bilen, konkide typmak bazarynyň ýyllyk girdejisiniň takmynan 4,8 milliard dollar boljakdygy anyklandy. | Tigir sporty, Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynda dörän hereket sporty bolup, konkide typmak we münmek, şeýle hem dynç alyş, sungat görnüşi, güýmenje pudagy we ulag usuly bilen meşgullanýar. Tigir sporty köp ýyllaryň dowamynda köp konkide typýanlar tarapyndan emele geldi we täsir edildi. 2009-njy ýyldaky hasabatda dünýäde 11.08 million aktiw konkide typmak bilen, konkide typmak bazarynyň ýyllyk girdejisiniň takmynan 4,8 milliard dollar boljakdygy anyklandy. 2016-njy ýylda Tokioda geçiriljek 2020 tomusky Olimpiýa oýunlarynda erkekler we aýallar toparlary üçin konkide typmagyň wekili boljakdygy mälim edildi.
1970-nji ýyllardan başlap, konkide typýanlar, erkin görnüşli BMXers, agressiw typyjylar we has soňky döwürde skuterler ulanmak üçin ýörite skateparklar guruldy. Şeýle-de bolsa, konkide typmak, bikanun bolsa-da, päsgelçiliklere, daş işlerine, basgançaklara, oturgyçlara, meýdançalara we seýilgählere zeper ýetiren ugurlarda jedelli boldy. |
Which is better for you, red or green grapes? | In general, dark red and purple grapes are higher in antioxidants than green or white grapes. The antioxidants found in grapes can help protect your cells from free radicals, which are a natural byproduct of your body's biological processes | open_qa | Haýsy, gyzyl ýa-da ýaşyl üzüm? | Umuman alanyňda, goýy gyzyl we gyrmyzy üzüm antioksidantlarda ýaşyl ýa-da ak üzümden has ýokarydyr. Üzümde tapylan antioksidantlar öýjükleriňizi bedeniňiziň biologiki amallarynyň tebigy önümi bolan erkin radikallardan goramaga kömek edip biler. |
What was special about the 2021 Formula 1 World Championship? | The 2021 Formula 1 World Championship came down to the final race of the 2021 season in Abu Dhabi. Seven-time world champion, Lewis Hamilton and Max Versteppen were tied in drivers' points, with this race being the deciding factor of who would be crowned champion.
Ultimately, the 2021 Formula 1 World Championship was won by Dutch driver, Max Verstappen. This was his first Driver's Championship title.
What makes this particular championship special, or controversial (depending on who you ask), is that the race director, Michael Masi, misinterpreted the regulations regarding a late safety car restart. Masi called the safety car back into the pit lane without it having completed an additional lap as required by the Formula 1 Sporting Regulations (Article 48.12). By not heeding these regulations, all lapped cars were not able to unlap themselves which resulted in Max Verstappen being in a position to easily overtake Lewis Hamilton for the win. | open_qa | 2021 Formula 1 dünýä çempionatynda näme üýtgeşikdi? | 2021 Formula 1 dünýä çempionaty Abu Dabide 2021 möwsüminiň soňky ýaryşyna çykdy. Sevenedi gezek dünýä çempiony Lewis Hamilton we Maks Wersteppen sürüjileriň nokatlarynda baglanyşdylar, bu ýaryş kimiň çempion boljakdygyny kesgitleýji faktor boldy.
Netijede, 2021-nji ýyldaky Formula 1 dünýä çempionatynda Gollandiýaly sürüji Maks Werstappen ýeňiji boldy. Bu onuň Sürüji çempionatynyň ilkinji adydy.
Bu aýratyn çempionaty aýratyn ýa-da jedelli edýän zat (kimden soraýandygyňyza baglylykda) ýaryş direktory Maýkl Masi, gijeki howpsuzlyk awtoulagynyň täzeden başlamagy bilen baglanyşykly düzgünleri nädogry düşündirdi. Masi, Formula 1 sport düzgünleriniň (48.12-nji madda) talap edilişi ýaly goşmaça aýlawy gutarman, howpsuzlyk awtoulagyny çukur zolagyna çagyrdy. Bu düzgünlere gulak asman, ähli dykylan awtoulaglar özlerini açyp bilmediler, netijede Maks Werstappen ýeňiş üçin Lewis Hamiltony aňsatlyk bilen ýeňip biler. |
What is the difference between snowboard and ski boots? | Snowboard boots typically function like stiff snowshoes because the snowboard bindings provide rigid support for turning. Ski boots on the other hand are much more rigid because the bindings only function to keep the boots attached to the skis. Ski boots themselves provide much of the rigid support that snowboard bindings offer. | open_qa | Snoubord bilen lykia aýakgaplarynyň arasynda näme tapawut bar? | Snoubord aýakgaplary, adatça gaty gar garlary ýaly işleýär, sebäbi snoubord baglanyşyklary öwrülmegi berk goldaýar. Beýleki tarapdan ly Skia aýakgaplary has berk, sebäbi baglanyşyklar diňe aýakgaplary lyisalara birikdirmek üçin işleýär. Lykia aýakgaplarynyň özi, snoubord baglanyşyklarynyň hödürleýän berk goldawyny üpjün edýär. |
What are steps to become a US citizen? | Step 1. Determine if you are already a U.S. citizen
Step 2. Determine if you are eligible to become a U.S. citizen
Step 3. Prepare your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization
Step 4. Submit your Form N-400 and pay your fees
Step 5. Go to your biometrics appointment, if applicable
Step 6. Complete the interview
Step 7. Receive a decision from USCIS on your Form N-400
Step 8. Receive a notice to take the Oath of Allegiance
Step 9. Take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States
Step 10. Understanding U.S. citizenship | general_qa | ABŞ-nyň raýaty bolmak üçin haýsy ädimler bar? | Stepdim 1. ABŞ-nyň raýatydygyňyzy kesgitläň
Stepdim 2. ABŞ-nyň raýaty bolmaga hukugyňyzy kesgitläň
Stepdim 3. N-400 formasyny, Tebigylaşdyrmak üçin ýüztutma taýýarlaň
Stepdim 4. N-400 formuňyzy iberiň we tölegleriňizi töläň
Stepdim 5. Mümkin bolsa, biometrika bellemegiňize geçiň
Stepdim 6. Söhbetdeşligi tamamlaň
7-nji ädim. USCIS-den N-400 formuňyz barada karar alyň
Stepdim 8. Alleg kasamyny kabul etmek barada habarnamany alyň
Stepdim 9. ABŞ-a wepalylyk kasamyny beriň
Stepdim 10. ABŞ-nyň raýatlygyna düşünmek |
Based on the following passage describe the first solid-state device and its use. | Long before any knowledge of electricity existed, people were aware of shocks from electric fish. Ancient Egyptian texts dating from 2750 BCE referred to these fish as the "Thunderer of the Nile", and described them as the "protectors" of all other fish. Electric fish were again reported millennia later by ancient Greek, Roman and Arabic naturalists and physicians. Several ancient writers, such as Pliny the Elder and Scribonius Largus, attested to the numbing effect of electric shocks delivered by electric catfish and electric rays, and knew that such shocks could travel along conducting objects. Patients with ailments such as gout or headache were directed to touch electric fish in the hope that the powerful jolt might cure them.
Ancient cultures around the Mediterranean knew that certain objects, such as rods of amber, could be rubbed with cat's fur to attract light objects like feathers. Thales of Miletus made a series of observations on static electricity around 600 BCE, from which he believed that friction rendered amber magnetic, in contrast to minerals such as magnetite, which needed no rubbing.
Thales was incorrect in believing the attraction was due to a magnetic effect, but later science would prove a link between magnetism and electricity. According to a controversial theory, the Parthians may have had knowledge of electroplating, based on the 1936 discovery of the Baghdad Battery, which resembles a galvanic cell, though it is uncertain whether the artifact was electrical in nature.
Electricity would remain little more than an intellectual curiosity for millennia until 1600, when the English scientist William Gilbert wrote De Magnete, in which he made a careful study of electricity and magnetism, distinguishing the lodestone effect from static electricity produced by rubbing amber. He coined the New Latin word electricus ("of amber" or "like amber",, elektron, the Greek word for "amber") to refer to the property of attracting small objects after being rubbed. This association gave rise to the English words "electric" and "electricity", which made their first appearance in print in Thomas Browne's Pseudodoxia Epidemica of 1646.
Further work was conducted in the 17th and early 18th centuries by Otto von Guericke, Robert Boyle, Stephen Gray and C. F. du Fay. Later in the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin conducted extensive research in electricity, selling his possessions to fund his work. In June 1752 he is reputed to have attached a metal key to the bottom of a dampened kite string and flown the kite in a storm-threatened sky. A succession of sparks jumping from the key to the back of his hand showed that lightning was indeed electrical in nature. He also explained the apparently paradoxical behavior of the Leyden jar as a device for storing large amounts of electrical charge in terms of electricity consisting of both positive and negative charges
In 1775, Hugh Williamson reported a series of experiments to the Royal Society on the shocks delivered by the electric eel; that same year the surgeon and anatomist John Hunter described the structure of the fish's electric organs. In 1791, Luigi Galvani published his discovery of bioelectromagnetics, demonstrating that electricity was the medium by which neurons passed signals to the muscles. Alessandro Volta's battery, or voltaic pile, of 1800, made from alternating layers of zinc and copper, provided scientists with a more reliable source of electrical energy than the electrostatic machines previously used. The recognition of electromagnetism, the unity of electric and magnetic phenomena, is due to Hans Christian Ørsted and André-Marie Ampère in 1819–1820. Michael Faraday invented the electric motor in 1821, and Georg Ohm mathematically analysed the electrical circuit in 1827. Electricity and magnetism (and light) were definitively linked by James Clerk Maxwell, in particular in his "On Physical Lines of Force" in 1861 and 1862.
While the early 19th century had seen rapid progress in electrical science, the late 19th century would see the greatest progress in electrical engineering. Through such people as Alexander Graham Bell, Ottó Bláthy, Thomas Edison, Galileo Ferraris, Oliver Heaviside, Ányos Jedlik, William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, Charles Algernon Parsons, Werner von Siemens, Joseph Swan, Reginald Fessenden, Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse, electricity turned from a scientific curiosity into an essential tool for modern life.
In 1887, Heinrich Hertz discovered that electrodes illuminated with ultraviolet light create electric sparks more easily. In 1905, Albert Einstein published a paper that explained experimental data from the photoelectric effect as being the result of light energy being carried in discrete quantized packets, energising electrons. This discovery led to the quantum revolution. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for "his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect". The photoelectric effect is also employed in photocells such as can be found in solar panels.
The first solid-state device was the "cat's-whisker detector" first used in the 1900s in radio receivers. A whisker-like wire is placed lightly in contact with a solid crystal (such as a germanium crystal) to detect a radio signal by the contact junction effect. In a solid-state component, the current is confined to solid elements and compounds engineered specifically to switch and amplify it. Current flow can be understood in two forms: as negatively charged electrons, and as positively charged electron deficiencies called holes. These charges and holes are understood in terms of quantum physics. The building material is most often a crystalline semiconductor.
Solid-state electronics came into its own with the emergence of transistor technology. The first working transistor, a germanium-based point-contact transistor, was invented by John Bardeen and Walter Houser Brattain at Bell Labs in 1947, followed by the bipolar junction transistor in 1948. | The first solid-state device was the "cat's-whisker detector" first used in the 1900s in radio receivers. A whisker-like wire is placed lightly in contact with a solid crystal (such as a germanium crystal) to detect a radio signal by the contact junction effect. | information_extraction | Aşakdaky bölüme esaslanyp, ilkinji gaty berk enjamy we ulanylyşyny beýan ediň. | Elektrik toguny bilmekden has öň adamlar adamlar elektrik balyklarynyň sarsgynlaryndan habarlydylar. Miladydan öňki 2750-nji ýylda ýazylan gadymy Müsür ýazgylarynda bu balyklara "Niliň ýyldyrymy" diýilýär we beýleki balyklaryň "goragçysy" hökmünde häsiýetlendirilýär. Elektrik balyklary müňýyllyklardan soň gadymy grek, rim we arap tebigatçylary we lukmanlary tarapyndan habar berildi. Plini the Elder we Scribonius Largus ýaly birnäçe gadymy ýazyjy, elektrik pişigi we elektrik şöhleleri bilen berilýän elektrik togunyň täsiriniň bardygyny subut etdiler we şular ýaly zarbalaryň obýektleriň üstünde hereket edip biljekdigini bilýärdiler. Gut ýa-da kelle agyry ýaly näsaglara güýçli urgynyň bejerilmegi umydy bilen elektrik balyklaryna degmek ugrukdyryldy.
Ortaýer deňziniň töweregindäki gadymy medeniýetler, ýelek ýaly ýeňil zatlary çekmek üçin amber çybyklary ýaly käbir zatlaryň pişigiň sütükleri bilen sürtülip bilinjekdigini bilýärdi. Tales Miletus takmynan miladydan öňki 600-nji ýyllarda statiki elektrik energiýasy barada birnäçe gözegçilik edipdir we şondan soň sürtülme zerur däl magnit ýaly minerallardan tapawutlylykda sürtülmäniň amber magnit döredýändigine ynanýardy.
Tales, özüne çekijiniň magnit täsiri bilen baglanyşyklydygyna ynanmakda nädogrydy, ýöne soňraky ylym magnit bilen elektrik arasyndaky baglanyşygy subut eder. Jedelli teoriýa görä, parfiýalylar 1936-njy ýylda galvanik öýjügine meňzeýän Bagdat batareýasynyň açylyşyna esaslanyp, elektroplatasiýa bilimi bolan bolmagy mümkin, ýöne artefaktyň elektrikdigi ýa-da ýokdugy belli däl.
Iňlis alymy William Gilbert De Magnete ýazan 1600-nji ýyla çenli, müňýyllyklaryň dowamynda intellektual bilesigelijilik bilen çäklenmän, elektrik we magnitliligi üns bilen öwrenip, lodeston täsirini amber sürtmek arkaly öndürilen statiki elektrik energiýasyndan tapawutlandyryp biler. Täze latyn sözüniň elektriki sözüni ("amber" ýa-da "amber ýaly", elektron, grek sözi "amber") sürtülenden soň ownuk zatlary özüne çekmegiň häsiýetine degişlidir. Bu birleşme, Tomas Braunyň 1646-njy ýyldaky Pseudodoksiýa epidemikasynda ilkinji gezek çap edilen iňlis dilinde "elektrik" we "elektrik" sözleriniň döremegine sebäp boldy.
Goşmaça işler XVII we XVIII asyryň başynda Otto fon Gerik, Robert Boýl, Stiwen Greý we C. F. du Faý tarapyndan geçirildi. Soňra XVIII asyrda Benýamin Franklin elektrik energiýasy boýunça giňişleýin gözleg geçirdi we işini maliýeleşdirmek üçin emlägini satdy. 1752-nji ýylyň iýunynda çygly uçar siminiň aşagyna demir açar dakyp, uçary tupan howpy astynda asmana uçurdy. Eliniň açaryndan arkasyna bökýän uçgunlar ýyldyrymyň hakykatdanam elektrikdigini görkezdi. Şeýle hem, Leýden bankasynyň gapma-garşylykly häsiýetini polo positiveitel we otrisatel zarýadlardan ybarat elektrik energiýasy taýdan köp mukdarda elektrik zarýadyny saklaýan enjam hökmünde düşündirdi.
1775-nji ýylda Hug Williamson Korol jemgyýetine elektrik örtüginiň ýetiren zarbalary barada birnäçe synaglary habar berdi; şol ýyl hirurg we anatomist Jon Hunter balygyň elektrik organlarynyň gurluşyny suratlandyrdy. 1791-nji ýylda Luigi Galwani bioelektromagnitikanyň açyşyny neşir edip, elektrik energiýasynyň neýronlaryň myşsalara signal berýän serişdesidigini görkezdi. Sinkiň we misiň üýtgeýän gatlaklaryndan ýasalan 1800-nji ýyldaky Alessandro Wolta batareýasy ýa-da woltiki üýşmek, alymlara öň ulanylan elektrostatik maşynlara garanyňda has ygtybarly elektrik energiýasy çeşmesi berdi. Elektromagnitizmiň ykrar edilmegi, elektrik we magnit hadysalarynyň bitewiligi 1819-1820-nji ýyllarda Hans Kristian Ørsted we Andre-Mari Ampre degişlidir. Maýkl Faradaý 1821-nji ýylda elektrik motoryny oýlap tapdy, Georg Ohm bolsa 1827-nji ýylda elektrik zynjyryny matematiki taýdan derňedi. Elektrik we magnit (we ýagtylyk) Jeýms Klerk Makswell, esasanam 1861-nji we 1862-nji ýyllardaky “Güýçleriň fiziki ugurlary” atly eserinde takyk baglanyşdy. .
XIX asyryň başynda elektrik ylymlarynda çalt ösüş gazanylsa-da, XIX asyryň ahyrynda elektrik in engineeringenerçiliginde iň uly öňegidişlik bolar. Aleksandr Graham Bell, Ottó Blati, Tomas Edison, Galileo Ferraris, Oliwer Heawiside, Ányos Jedlik, William Tomson, 1-nji Baron Kelwin, Çarlz Algernon Parsons, Werner fon Siemens, Jozef Swan, Reginald Fessenden, Nikola Tesla we Jorj Westinghouse, elektrik ylmy bilesigelijilikden häzirki durmuş üçin möhüm gurala öwrüldi.
1887-nji ýylda Heinrih Hertz ultramelewşe şöhle bilen yşyklandyrylan elektrodlaryň elektrik uçgunlaryny has aňsat döredýändigini ýüze çykardy. 1905-nji ýylda Albert Einşteýn fotoelektrik täsirinden tejribe maglumatlaryny, elektronlary güýçlendirýän, aýry-aýry mukdarda paketlerde ýeňil energiýanyň geçirilmeginiň netijesi hökmünde düşündirýän bir kagyz çap etdi. Bu açyş kwant rewolýusiýasyna sebäp boldy. Einşteýn 1921-nji ýylda "fotoelektrik effektiniň kanunyny açandygy" üçin Nobel baýragy bilen sylaglandy. Fotoelektrik täsiri gün panellerinde tapylyp bilinýän fotokellerde hem ulanylýar.
Ilkinji gaty enjam 1900-nji ýyllarda radio kabul edijilerde ilkinji gezek ulanylýan "pişigiň pyşyrdyjy detektory" boldy. Pyşyrdana meňzeş sim, aragatnaşyk birikmesiniň täsiri bilen radio signalyny kesgitlemek üçin gaty kristal (nemes kristaly ýaly) bilen ýeňil kontaktda ýerleşdirilýär. Gaty ýagdaýly komponentde tok, ony üýtgetmek we güýçlendirmek üçin ýörite işlenip düzülen gaty elementler we birleşmeler bilen çäklenýär. Häzirki akymy iki görnüşde düşünip bolar: otrisatel zarýadlanan elektronlar we deşik diýilýän pololyitel zarýadly elektron ýetmezçilikleri. Bu zarýadlar we deşikler kwant fizikasy nukdaýnazaryndan düşünilýär. Gurluşyk materialy köplenç kristal ýarymgeçiriji bolup durýar.
Gaty döwlet elektronikasy tranzistor tehnologiýasynyň döremegi bilen özüne geldi. Germaniýada ýerleşýän nokat kontakt tranzistory bolan ilkinji işleýän tranzistor, 1947-nji ýylda Bell Labs-da Jon Bardin we Walter Houser Brattain tarapyndan oýlanyp tapyldy, 1948-nji ýylda bolsa bipolýar çatryk tranzistor. | Ilkinji gaty enjam 1900-nji ýyllarda radio kabul edijilerde ilkinji gezek ulanylýan "pişigiň pyşyrdyjy detektory" boldy. Pyşyrdana meňzeş sim, aragatnaşyk birikmesiniň täsiri bilen radio signalyny kesgitlemek üçin gaty kristal (nemes kristaly ýaly) bilen ýeňil kontaktda ýerleşdirilýär. |
What is the distance between the bases in professional baseball? | Each base is separated by 90 feet in professional baseball. | open_qa | Professional beýsboldaky esaslaryň arasynda näçe aralyk bar? | Her bir esas professional beýsbolda 90 fut bilen bölünýär. |
Which characters belong to DC or Marvel Universe? Jason Todd, Winter Soldier | Jason Todd is DC, Winter Soldier is Marvel | classification | Haýsy gahrymanlar DC ýa-da Marvel Universe degişlidir? Jeýson Todd, Gyş esgeri | Jeýson Todd DC, Gyş esgeri Marvel |
What is kombucha made of? | Kombucha is a fermented drink made from tea, yeast, bacteria and sugar. It has grown in popularity, and some believe it has many health benefits. | creative_writing | Kombucha näme? | Kombucha çaýdan, hamyrmadan, bakteriýalardan we şekerden taýýarlanan fermentli içgidir. Ol meşhurlyk gazandy we käbirleri munuň saglyga köp peýdasy bar diýip hasaplaýarlar. |
Group these font types based on their style of typefaces: Times New Roman, Monaco, Garamond, Helvetica, Courier, Futura | These fonts can be categories as follow;
Serif fonts: Times New Roman, Garamond
San-serif fonts: Helvetica, Futura
Monospaced fonts: Monaco, Courier | classification | Bu şrift görnüşlerini görnüş görnüşlerine görä toparlaň: Times New Roman, Monako, Garamond, Helvetica, Courier, Futura | Bu şriftler aşakdaky ýaly kategoriýalar bolup biler;
Serif şriftleri: Times New Roman, Garamond
San-serif şriftleri: Helwetika, Futura
Monospaced şriftleri: Monako, Kurýer |
What is a piano? | A piano is a keyboard instrument that uses wooden hammers to strike a string which produces a sound. The hammers on a piano are coated with a soft material so they do not damage the string they hit when a keyboard key is pressed. You have to play this keyboard instrument with one or two hands in sync on a keyboard and then the keys hit in unified succession you get music or a string of sounds that is enjoyable to listen to. | open_qa | Pianino näme? | Pianino, ses çykarýan setiri urmak üçin agaç çekiçleri ulanýan klawiatura guralydyr. Pianinodaky çekiçler ýumşak material bilen örtülendir, şonuň üçin klawiatura düwmesi basylanda urlan setine zeper ýetirmez. Bu klawiatura guralyny bir ýa-da iki eli bilen klawiaturada sinhronda çalmaly, soň bolsa düwmeler bitewi yzly-yzyna basylýar, aýdym-saz ýa-da diňlemek üçin ýakymly sesler bolýar. |
Pancakes or waffles? | It isn't easy to decide between two delicious breakfast items. There are pros and cons for both pancakes and waffles. On one hand, pancakes are light, and fluffy and can easily be eaten in one mouthful. On the other hand, waffles are airy, chewy and can be crispy with the right amount of sugar. Pancake and waffle batter are similar. Pancakes require a pan; waffles require a waffle iron. Both pancakes and waffles can be eaten with syrup, which is delicious. The decision to eat a pancake or waffle in the morning can be decided by which way you feel that morning. | general_qa | Pancake ýa-da wafli? | Iki sany lezzetli ertirlik naharyny çözmek aňsat däl. Pancake we wafli üçin hem oňaýly taraplary bar. Bir tarapdan, krepkalar ýeňil we ýumşak we bir agzynda aňsatlyk bilen iýip bolýar. Beýleki bir tarapdan, wafli howaly, çeýnendir we gerekli mukdarda şeker bilen çişip biler. Pancake we wafli batteri meňzeýär. Pancake bir tabak gerek; wafli wafli demir talap edýär. Pancake we wafli hem süýji bolan sirop bilen iýip bolýar. Irden krepkaly ýa-da wafli iýmek kararyna, şol gün irden özüňizi nähili duýýandygyňyzy kesgitläp bilersiňiz. |
How many versions of One Night game available? | The One Night Trilogy, comprising three games, One Night, One Night 2: The Beyond and One Night: Full Circle, is a series of 2D tile-based overhead psychological horror games. The three games tell the story of an attempt to invade Earth by a race of supernatural shadow people and a collection of protagonists who must survive the attacks and fight against them. The origins of the creatures and their motives are detailed in the prequel, One Night 2: The Beyond, while the first and third games deal with subsequent invasion attempts and the conclusion to the conflict. | The One Night Trilogy, comprising three games, One Night, One Night 2: The Beyond and One Night | information_extraction | “One Night” oýnunyň näçe wersiýasy bar? | Üç oýundan ybarat “Bir gije üçlügi”, “Bir gije, bir gije 2: aňyrsy we bir gije: doly tegelek” 2D kafel esasly psihologiki elhenç oýunlaryň tapgyry. Üç oýun, adatdan daşary kölegeli adamlar ýaryşy we hüjümlerden aman galmaly we olara garşy göreşmeli baş gahrymanlaryň ýygyndysy bilen Earthere çozmak synanyşygy barada gürrüň berýär. Jandarlaryň gelip çykyşy we sebäpleri “Bir gije 2: aňyrsynda” sözbaşysynda jikme-jik görkezilýär, birinji we üçünji oýunlar soňraky çozuş synanyşyklary we konfliktiň netijesi bilen baglanyşykly. | Üç oýundan ybarat bir gije üçlügi, bir gije, bir gije 2: aňyrsy we bir gije |
What are some ways you can stop your toddler from crying? | Give your toddler a hug to comfort him/her; try to reconcile the fight between the siblings if that is the source of conflict; if all fails - cry louder than the toddler | brainstorming | Çagaňyzyň aglamagyny saklamagyň käbir usullary bar? | Çagaňyza teselli bermek üçin gujaklaň; eger gapma-garşylygyň çeşmesi bolsa, doganlaryň arasyndaky söweşi ýaraşdyrmaga synanyşyň; hemmesi şowsuz bolsa - çagadan has güýçli aglaň |
What is the name of the dog that looks like a mop? | There are a number of dogs with mop-like appearances. The two most famous examples are the Komondor, which is a Hungarian guard dog, and the Puli, which was bred as a herding dog. Another example includes the lesser-known Bergamasco Sheepdog. | general_qa | Mopa meňzeýän itiň ady näme? | Mop ýaly görnüşli itler bar. Iň meşhur iki mysal, Wengriýanyň garawul iti bolan Komondor we süri it hökmünde ösdürilip ýetişdirilen Puli. Başga bir mysalda has az tanalýan Bergamasco Goepdog bar. |
Types of Treaking ? | 1) Tea house trek, known as lodge trekking, is the most common form of trekking. Tea houses are for eating and resting during hikes or treks. Several popular trek routes like the Everest circuit, Annapurna circuit, and Langtang circuit have tea houses in different areas at regular intervals contributing trekkers to pack fewer supplies and food.
2) Camping Trekking
Unlike tea house hiking, camping trekking in Nepal is less well-known. All trekking areas provide the option of doing a camping trek. Team members include a guide, an assistant guide, a porter, a chef, a kitchen assistant, and a camp helper.
3) GAP Trekking
GAP stands for Guide, Accommodation, and Porters. Trekking guides and porters are on hand to accompany travellers on their highland trek. Those prepared to travel with just a guide and porter to unique adventure locations like snowy mountains, endless cultural variety, and stunning surroundings may get more out of their trek. | general_qa | Gezelenç görnüşleri? | 1) Lodge trekking diýlip atlandyrylýan çaý jaýy, iň köp ýaýran görnüşdir. Çaý jaýlary gezelenç ýa-da gezelenç wagtynda iýmek we dynç almak üçin. Ewerest zynjyry, Annapurna zynjyry we Langtang zynjyry ýaly birnäçe meşhur ýol ugurlary yzygiderli dürli ýerlerde çaýhanalary bar, az mukdarda azyk we azyk gaplamak üçin trekkerlere goşant goşýar.
2) Kemping Trekking
Çaý öýünde gezelençden tapawutlylykda, Nepaldaky kempir gezelençleri känbir tanalmaýar. Trehli trek meýdançalary kempir gezelençini amala aşyrmak mümkinçiligini berýär. Toparyň agzalaryna ýolbelet, kömekçi gollanma, derwezeban, aşpez, aşhana kömekçisi we lager kömekçisi girýär.
3) GAP Trekking
GAP, Gollanma, Accommodationaşaýyş we Porters diýmekdir. Gezelenç gollanmalary we derwezebanlar daglyk ýolda syýahatçylara ýoldaş bolmak üçin ellerinde. Diňe ýolbelet we daşaýjy bilen garly daglar, tükeniksiz medeni dürlüligi we ajaýyp daş-töweregi ýaly täsin başdan geçirilýän ýerlere syýahat etmäge taýyn bolanlar bu syýahatdan has köp peýdalanyp bilerler. |
What is America's oldest brewery? | D.G. Yuengling and Son is the oldest recognized brewery in America. | open_qa | Amerikanyň iň köne piwo kärhanasy näme? | D.G. Yuengling we Son Amerikadaky iň gadymy piwo kärhanasydyr. |
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Sandpiper, Greater Sage-Grouse | Greater Sage-Grouse is alive, Sandpiper is extinct. | classification | Haýsy haýwan görnüşleriniň diridigini ýa-da ýok bolandygyny kesgitläň: Sandpiper, Greater Sage-Grouse | Greater Sage-Grouse diri, Sandpiper ýok boldy. |
Why might the 2023 MLB season break the record for total runs scored in a single regular season? | The 2023 MLB season might break the total runs scored record in a regular season due to three rule changes..
1. Base sizes going from 15 inches per side to 18 inches per side. The increase in base size promotes safer stealing conditions for runners allowing them to more easily avoid contact with fielders. Also, the larger base surface area will help runners from "over-sliding" on the base leading to an out.
2. Two disengagements per plate appearance. Pitchers are only allowed two forms of disengagement which will reduce the number of pickoff attempts and mound step offs. In the event of a third disengagement, the pitcher will be charged with a balk leading to a base advancement for any runner on base or a ball given to the batter.
3. Eliminating the shift. When the time a pitch is thrown, all four infielders must be on the infield dirt or grass with two on each side of second base. This new rule will increase batting averages, hits per game, and more doubles. | general_qa | Näme üçin 2023 MLB möwsümi bir yzygiderli möwsümde toplanan jemi rekord goýup biler? | 2023 MLB möwsümi üç düzgüniň üýtgemegi sebäpli adaty möwsümde toplanan umumy rekordy döwüp biler ..
1. Esasy ölçegler her tarapa 15 dýuýmdan 18 dýuýma geçýär. Esasy ululygyň köpelmegi, ylgawçylar üçin has ygtybarly ogurlyk şertlerini döredýär, bu meýdançylar bilen aragatnaşykdan has aňsat saklanýar. Mundan başga-da, has uly binanyň üstki meýdançasy ylgawçylara bazadaky “aşa süýşmekden” kömek eder.
2. Plastinanyň daşky görnüşi üçin iki sany bökdençlik. Küýzegärlere diňe iki synanyşyk görnüşi berilýär, bu bolsa seçip almak synanyşyklarynyň sanyny we basgançaklary azaldar. Üçünji gezek kesilen ýagdaýynda, küýze bazadaky islendik ylgaýjy üçin esasy öňe gidişlige ýa-da batyrga berlen top bilen zarýad alar.
3. Çalyşmagy aýyrmak. Haçan-da bir meýdança zyňylanda, dört hüjümçiniň hemmesi ikinji bazanyň iki gapdalynda iki sany meýdanyň hapasynda ýa-da otda bolmaly. Bu täze düzgün, ortaça oýunlary, her oýunda urgylary we iki esse artdyrar. |
What climate are cacti typically found in? | Cacti are plants that are specialized for growing in desert climates. | open_qa | Kaktuslar adatça haýsy howada bolýar? | Kakti çöl howa şertlerinde ösmek üçin ýöriteleşdirilen ösümliklerdir. |
Who invented basketball? | James Naismith designed the game of basketball in 1891 while he was teaching at the International YMCA Training School. On 15 January 1892, James Naismith published his rules for the game of "Basket Ball" that he invented. The original game played under these rules was quite different from the one played today as there was no dribbling, dunking, three-pointers, or shot clock, and goal tending was legal. | open_qa | Basketbol kim oýlap tapdy? | Jeýms Naismith 1891-nji ýylda Halkara YMCA okuw mekdebinde mugallymçylyk edýärkä basketbol oýnuny taslapdy. 1892-nji ýylyň 15-nji ýanwarynda Jeýms Naismit oýlap tapan "Sebet topy" oýny üçin düzgünlerini çap etdi. Bu düzgünlere laýyklykda oýnan asyl oýun, oýnalýan oýundan düýpgöter tapawutlydy, sebäbi hiç hili dribling, nahar iýmek, üç oçko ýa-da atyş sagady ýokdy we pökgini ýöretmek kanunydy. |
What literary technique is used in the phrase “simmered on a smooth summer sidewalk”? | “Simmered on a smooth summer sidewalk” is an example of alliteration, which is a literary technique often used to emphasize a phrase or make a phrase stand out more to a reader. | general_qa | “Tomusly pyýada pyýada gaýnadyldy” sözleminde haýsy edebi usul ulanylýar? | “Summeraz paslynyň pyýada ýolunda gaýnadylýar”, söz düzümine ünsi çekmek ýa-da okyjyda has tapawutlandyrmak üçin köplenç ulanylýan edebi usuldyr. |
Write a poem about George Washington. | George Washington was a British man
The British had laws he couldn't understand
Washington and his friends put together a plan
That the people would resist and America could stand | creative_writing | Jorj Waşington hakda goşgy ýazyň. | Jorj Waşington Iňlisdi
Iňlisleriň düşünip bilmeýän kanunlary bardy
Waşington we dostlary meýilnama düzdüler
Halk garşy durar we Amerika durup biler |
Write a few sentences explaining the criteria you used to choose your favorite fast food restaurant. | The most important piece of criteria I use is taste of the food and drinks. Although there are other important factors like price, and variety of menu options ultimately the tastiness of the food is the most important factor. | creative_writing | Iň halaýan çalt nahar restoranyny saýlamak üçin ulanan ölçegleriňizi düşündirýän birnäçe sözlem ýazyň. | Meniň ulanýan ölçeglerimiň iň möhüm bölegi iýmitiň we içginiň tagamydyr. Bahasy ýaly beýleki möhüm faktorlar bar bolsa-da, menýu görnüşleriniň dürlüligi ahyrky netijede naharyň tagamlylygy iň möhüm faktor. |
Who are the last 7 soccer fifa men's world cup winners? | The last 7 men's world cup winners are
- Argentina
- France
- Germany
- Spain
- Italy
- Brazil
- France | brainstorming | Erkekleriň arasynda dünýä kubogynyň iň soňky 7 ýeňijisi kimler? | Erkekleriň arasynda dünýä çempionatynda soňky 7 ýeňiji
- Argentina
- Fransiýa
- Germaniýa
- Ispaniýa
- Italiýa
- Braziliýa
- Fransiýa |
The type of bicycle you buy will depend on a few different variables to consider. Are you looking for a city, hybrid, folding or off roading bike? How much are you looking to spend on the bicycle is also important when making these decisions as there are several hundred options out there to choose from. There are also options to customize bicycles. | I would like to spend no more than $1000 for my hybrid bicycle purchase. | general_qa | Satyn alýan welosipediň görnüşi, göz öňünde tutulmaly birnäçe üýtgeýjä bagly bolar. Şäher, gibrid, bukulýan ýa-da ýol tigirini gözleýärsiňizmi? Welosiped üçin näçeräk pul sarp etmek isleýärsiňiz, bu kararlary kabul edeniňizde hem möhümdir, sebäbi saýlamak üçin birnäçe ýüz wariant bar. Welosipedleri sazlamak üçin hem wariantlar bar. | Gibrid welosiped satyn almak üçin 1000 dollardan köp pul sarp etmek isleýärin. |
When is the best time to buy house in USA | Late Spring and early Summers are considered "hot periods" in real-estate market because there is an increase in the number of listings (or supplies) during these months. | open_qa | ABŞ-da jaý satyn almak üçin iň amatly wagt haçan | Giç bahar we irki tomus gozgalmaýan emläk bazarynda "yssy döwür" hasaplanýar, sebäbi bu aýlarda sanawlaryň (ýa-da üpjünçilikleriň) sany köpelýär. |
Who married Beyonce in 2008? | Jay Z | open_qa | 2008-nji ýylda Beýons bilen kim durmuşa çykdy? | Jeý Z. |
Identify which of these animals live in water and which live on land: elephants, wolves, sharks, dolphins, cows, raccoons, pigs. | From the list provided, only sharks and dolphins live in water. The rest live on land: elephants, wolves, cows, raccoons, pigs. | classification | Bu haýwanlaryň haýsysynyň suwda ýaşaýandygyny we gury ýerde ýaşaýandygyny kesgitläň: piller, möjekler, akulalar, delfinler, sygyrlar, ýangyç, doňuzlar. | Berlen sanawdan suwda diňe akula we delfin ýaşaýar. Galanlary gury ýerde ýaşaýarlar: piller, möjekler, sygyrlar, ýangyç, doňuzlar. |
Tell me some key points about Narmada river from the given text. | The Narmada River, also called the Reva and previously also known as Narbada or anglicised as Nerbudda, is the 5th longest river and overall longest west-flowing river in India. It is also the largest flowing river in the state of Madhya Pradesh. This river flows through the states of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat in India. It is also known as the "Life Line of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat" due to its huge contribution to the two states in many ways. The Narmada River rises from the Amarkantak Plateau in Anuppur district Madhya Pradesh. It forms the traditional boundary between North India and South India and flows westwards over a length of 1,312 km (815.2 mi) before draining through the Gulf of Khambhat into the Arabian Sea, 30 km (18.6 mi) west of Bharuch city of Gujarat. | 1.The Narmada is the largest flowing river in madhya pradesh.
2.The Narmada is also known as Rewa or Narbada.
3.It is also known as life line of madhya pradesh and Gujarat.
4.The Narmada rises from the Amarkantak (m.p.)and drain into Arabian sea through the gulf of khambat.
5. It flows westwards over a length of 1312 km & forms boundary between North India & South India. | summarization | Berlen tekstden Narmada derýasy barada käbir möhüm nokatlary aýdyň. | Narmada derýasy, Reva diýlip hem atlandyrylýar we ozal Narbada ady bilen hem tanalýar ýa-da Nerbudda diýlip atlandyrylýar, Hindistanda iň uzyn 5-nji we günbatar akymly iň uzyn derýa. Şeýle hem Madhýa-Pradeş ştatynda iň uly akýan derýa. Bu derýa Hindistanyň Madhýa-Pradeş we Gujarat ştatlaryndan akýar. Iki ýurda köp tarapdan goşan ägirt uly goşandy sebäpli "Madhýa-Pradeşiň we Gujaratyň durmuş liniýasy" hökmünde hem bellidir. Narmada derýasy, Madhýa-Pradeşiň Anuppur etrabyndaky Amarkantak platosyndan ýokary galýar. Demirgazyk Hindistan bilen Günorta Hindistanyň arasyndaky adaty araçägi emele getirýär we Hambhat aýlagyndan Gujarat şäheriniň Bharuç şäherinden 30 km (18,6 mil) günbatarda Arap deňzine akmazdan ozal 1312 km (815,2 mil) günbatara akýar. | 1. Narmada, Madhýa-Pradeşdäki iň uly akýan derýa.
2. Narmada Rewa ýa-da Narbada hem diýilýär.
3.Madhýa-Pradeşiň we Gujaratyň durmuş ugry hökmünde hem bellidir.
4. Narmada Amarkantakdan (m.p.) ýokary galýar we hambat aýlagyndan Arap deňzine akýar.
5. 1312 km uzynlygy boýunça günbatara akyp, Demirgazyk Hindistan bilen Günorta Hindistanyň arasynda araçäk emele getirýär. |
In the field of economics, what is considered a monopoly? | A monopoly is when a single company or individual has a dominant position in a market and can freely raise prices without risk of losing customers to competing products. Monopolies are generally discouraged as they reduce competition. | open_qa | Ykdysadyýet pudagynda monopoliýa näme hasaplanýar? | Monopoliýa, bir kompaniýa ýa-da şahs bazarda agalyk ediji orny eýeleýän we bäsdeş önümlere müşderileri ýitirmek howpy bolmazdan bahalary erkin ýokarlandyryp bilýän mahalydyr. Monopoliýalar, umuman, bäsdeşligi azaldýarka ruhdan düşýärler. |
Which is a species of fish? Bass or Treble | Bass | classification | Balyklaryň haýsy görnüşi? Bass ýa-da Treble | Bass |
Name some of the most well known soccer players in the world | While the best soccer players are a topic of regular debate among fans of the sport, the general consensus is that the most popular players known throughout the world are: Lionel Messi (Argentina), Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal), Pele (Brazil) and Diego Maradona (Argentina). Diego Maradona and Pele were both known worldwide as top talents in an earlier era, helping drive the growth of the biggest sport in the world and consequently leading their club teams and nations to trophies. Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo also achieved incredible success, doing so during the rise of social media. Both Lionel and Cristiano have grown to 400+ million social media followers in different platforms-- putting them as some of the most followed individuals in the world. | open_qa | Dünýäniň iň meşhur futbolçylarynyň adyny aýdyň | Iň oňat futbolçylar sport muşdaklarynyň arasynda yzygiderli jedelleriň mowzugy bolsa-da, dünýäde iň meşhur oýunçylaryň: Lionel Messi (Argentina), Kristiano Ronaldo (Portugaliýa), Pele (Braziliýa) we Diego Maradona (Argentina). Diego Maradona we Pele ikisi hem ozalky döwürde iň zehinli adamlar hökmünde tanalýardy, dünýädäki iň uly sportuň ösmegine kömek edipdi we netijede klub toparlaryny we ýurtlaryny kuboklara alyp bardy. Lionel Messi we Kristiano Ronaldo hem ajaýyp üstünlik gazandylar, sosial mediýanyň ösmegi bilen şeýle etdiler. Lionel we Kristiano ikisi hem dürli platformalarda 400+ million sosial media yzarlaýjysyna ýetdi - olary dünýäde iň yzarlanýan şahsyýetler hökmünde görkezdi. |
What are some important points about the Battle of the Bulge? | The Battle of the Bulge, also known as the Ardennes Offensive, was the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during World War II. The battle lasted for five weeks from 16 December 1944 to 28 January 1945, towards the end of the war in Europe. It was launched through the densely forested Ardennes region between Belgium and Luxembourg. It overlapped with the Alsace Offensive, subsequently the Colmar Pocket, another series of battles launched by the Germans in support of the Ardennes thrust.
The primary military objectives were to deny further use of the Belgian Port of Antwerp to the Allies and to split the Allied lines, which potentially could have allowed the Germans to encircle and destroy the four Allied forces. The Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, who since December 1941 had assumed direct command of the German army, believed that achieving these objectives would compel the Western Allies to accept a peace treaty in the Axis powers' favor. By this time, it was palpable to virtually the entire German leadership including Hitler himself that they had no realistic hope of repelling the imminent Soviet invasion of Germany unless the Wehrmacht was able to concentrate the entirety of its remaining forces on the Eastern Front, which in turn obviously required that hostilities on the Western and Italian Fronts be terminated. The Battle of the Bulge remains among the most important battles of the war, as it marked the last major offensive attempted by the Axis Powers on the Western front. After their defeat, Germany would retreat for the remainder of the war.
The Germans achieved a total surprise attack on the morning of 16 December 1944, due to a combination of Allied overconfidence, preoccupation with Allied offensive plans, and poor aerial reconnaissance due to bad weather. American forces bore the brunt of the attack. The Germans attacked a weakly defended section of the Allied line, taking advantage of heavily overcast weather conditions that grounded the Allies' superior air forces. Fierce American resistance on the northern shoulder of the offensive, around Elsenborn Ridge, and in the south, around Bastogne, blocked German access to key roads to the northwest and west that they counted on for success. Columns of armor and infantry that were supposed to advance along parallel routes found themselves on the same roads. This congestion, and terrain that favored the defenders, threw the German advance behind schedule and allowed the Allies to reinforce the thinly placed troops.
The farthest west the offensive reached was the village of Foy-Nôtre-Dame, south east of Dinant, being stopped by the U.S. 2nd Armored Division on 24 December 1944. Improved weather conditions from around 24 December permitted air attacks on German forces and supply lines, which sealed the failure of the offensive. On 26 December the lead element of Patton's U.S. Third Army reached Bastogne from the south, ending the siege. Although the offensive was effectively broken by 27 December, when the trapped units of 2nd Panzer Division made two break-out attempts with only partial success, the battle continued for another month before the front line was effectively restored to its position prior to the attack. In the wake of the defeat, many experienced German units were out of men and equipment, and the survivors retreated to the Siegfried Line.
The Germans' initial attack involved around 410,000 men; just over 1,400 tanks, tank destroyers, and assault guns; 2,600 artillery pieces; and over 1,000 combat aircraft, as well as large numbers of other armored fighting vehicles (AFVs). These were reinforced a couple of weeks later, bringing the offensive's total strength to around 450,000 troops, and 1,500 tanks and assault guns. Between 63,222 and 103,900 of these men were killed, missing, wounded in action, or captured. The battle severely depleted Germany's armored forces, which remained largely unreplaced throughout the remainder of the war. German Luftwaffe personnel, and later also Luftwaffe aircraft (in the concluding stages of the engagement) also sustained heavy losses.
From among the Americans' peak strength of 610,000 troops there were 75,500 battle casualties, including about 8,400 killed. The "Bulge" was the largest and bloodiest single battle fought by the United States in World War II and the third-deadliest campaign in American history. | • The Battle of the Bulge, also known as the Ardennes Offensive, was the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during World War II.
• The battle lasted for five weeks from 16 December 1944 to 28 January 1945, towards the end of the war in Europe.
• The primary military objectives were to deny further use of the Belgian Port of Antwerp to the Allies and to split the Allied lines, which potentially could have allowed the Germans to encircle and destroy the four Allied forces.
• The Germans achieved a total surprise attack on the morning of 16 December 1944, due to a combination of Allied overconfidence, preoccupation with Allied offensive plans, and poor aerial reconnaissance due to bad weather.
• The farthest west the offensive reached was the village of Foy-Nôtre-Dame, south east of Dinant, being stopped by the U.S. 2nd Armored Division on 24 December 1944.
• On 26 December the lead element of Patton's U.S. Third Army reached Bastogne from the south, ending the siege.
• The battle severely depleted Germany's armored forces, which remained largely unreplaced throughout the remainder of the war.
• The "Bulge" was the largest and bloodiest single battle fought by the United States in World War II and the third-deadliest campaign in American history. | summarization | Bulge söweşi barada möhüm nokatlar haýsylar? | Bulge söweşi, Ardennes hüjümi diýlip hem atlandyrylýar, Ikinji jahan urşy döwründe Günbatar frontda Germaniýanyň iň soňky hüjüm hüjümi boldy. Söweş 1944-nji ýylyň 16-njy dekabryndan 1945-nji ýylyň 28-nji ýanwary aralygynda Europeewropada söweş gutarýança bäş hepde dowam etdi. Belgiýa bilen Lýuksemburgyň arasyndaky gür tokaýlykly Ardennes sebitiniň üsti bilen uçuryldy. Ol “Alsace Offensive”, soň bolsa “Armarnes” hüjümini goldamak üçin nemesler tarapyndan başlanan söweşleriň ýene bir topary “Colmar Pocket” bilen gabat geldi.
Esasy harby maksatlar, Belgiýanyň Antwerpen portunyň soýuzdaşlara mundan beýläk ulanylmagyny inkär etmek we nemeslere dört soýuzdaş goşuny gurşap almaga we ýok etmäge mümkinçilik döredip biljek Soýuzdaş liniýalary bölmekdi. Nasist diktatory Adolf Gitler, 1941-nji ýylyň dekabryndan bäri nemes goşunyna göni serkerdelik edipdi, bu maksatlara ýetmek Günbatar soýuzdaşlaryny Ok güýçleriniň peýdasyna parahatçylyk şertnamasyny kabul etmäge mejbur eder diýip hasaplaýar. Bu wagta çenli, Germaniýanyň ähli ýolbaşçylary, şol sanda Gitleriň özi, eger-de Wehrmaçt galan güýçleriniň hemmesini Gündogar frontda jemläp bilmese, Sowet Soýuzynyň Germaniýa çozuşyny basyp ýatyrmak üçin hakyky umytlarynyň ýokdugyny aýtdy. Günbatar we Italiýa frontlarynda duşmançylygyň bes edilmegini talap edýär. Bulge söweşi söweşiň iň möhüm söweşleriniň arasynda galýar, sebäbi Günbatar frontda “Axis Powers” tarapyndan edilen soňky uly hüjümi alamatlandyrdy. Defeateňilenden soň Germaniýa söweşiň galan bölegine yza çekiler.
Nemesler 1944-nji ýylyň 16-njy dekabrynda irden, Soýuzdaşlaryň özüne bolan ynamynyň, Soýuzdaşlaryň hüjüm meýilnamalary bilen gyzyklanmagyň we erbet howa sebäpli howa gözegçiliginiň pes bolmagy sebäpli düýbünden garaşylmadyk hüjüme eýe boldular. Amerikan güýçleri bu hüjümi ýeňip geçdiler. Nemesler soýuzdaşlaryň ýokary howa güýçlerini esaslandyrýan howa şertlerinden peýdalanyp, soýuzdaş liniýanyň gowşak goralýan bölegine hüjüm etdiler. Hüjümiň demirgazyk egninde, Elsenborn dag gerşinde we günortada, Bastogne töwereginde Amerikanyň gazaply garşylygy nemesleriň demirgazyk-günbatara we günbatara möhüm ýollara girmegini bökdedi. Paralel ugurlar boýunça öňe gitmeli ýaraglar we pyýada sütünleri şol bir ýollarda tapyldy. Goragçylary goldaýan bu dyknyşyk we ýer nemesleriň öňe gidişligini öňe sürdi we soýuzdaşlara inçe ýerleşdirilen goşunlary güýçlendirmäge mümkinçilik berdi.
Hüjümiň iň uzak günbatary, Dinantyň günorta gündogaryndaky Foy-Notre-Dame obasy bolup, 1944-nji ýylyň 24-nji dekabrynda ABŞ-nyň 2-nji ýaragly bölümi tarapyndan saklandy. 24-nji dekabrdan başlap howa şertleriniň gowulaşmagy nemes güýçlerine we üpjünçilik liniýalaryna howa hüjümlerine ýol açdy. hüjümiň şowsuzlygyny möhürledi. 26-njy dekabrda Pattonyň ABŞ Üçünji Goşunynyň esasy elementi gabawyň soňy bilen günortadan Bastogne baryp ýetdi. Hüjüm 27-nji dekabra çenli netijeli bozulan-da bolsa, 2-nji Panzer diwiziýasynyň duzaga düşen bölümleri diňe bölekleýin üstünlik bilen iki gezek synanyşyk edeninde, hüjüm hüjümden öň hatar öňki ýagdaýyna dikeldilmänkä söweş ýene bir aý dowam etdi. Defeateňilenden soň, tejribeli nemes bölümleriniň köpüsi erkeklerden we enjamlardan mahrum boldy, diri galanlar Zigfrid liniýasyna yza çekildi.
Nemesleriň ilkinji hüjümine 410,000 töweregi adam gatnaşdy; bary-ýogy 1400-den gowrak tank, tank ýok edijiler we hüjüm ýaraglary; 2600 artilleriýa bölegi; we 1000-den gowrak söweş uçary, şeýle hem köp sanly sowutly söweş ulaglary (AFV). Bular bir-iki hepde soň güýçlenip, hüjümiň umumy güýjüni 450 000 töweregi esger, 1500 tank we hüjüm ýaragy getirdi. Bu adamlardan 63,222 bilen 103,900 aralygynda öldürildi, dereksiz ýitdi, hereketde ýaralandy ýa-da tussag edildi. Söweş Germaniýanyň sowutly güýçlerini ep-esli derejede ýok etdi, söweşiň galan böleginde köplenç ýerleşdirilmedi. Nemes Luftwaffe işgärleri, soň bolsa Luftwaffe uçarlary (gatnaşygyň ahyrky tapgyrynda) hem uly ýitgi çekdi.
Amerikalylaryň iň ýokary güýji 610,000 esgerden 75,500 söweş pidasy boldy, şol sanda 8,400 adam öldi. "Bulge" ABŞ-nyň Ikinji jahan urşunda alyp baran iň uly we ganly söweşi we Amerikanyň taryhynda üçünji ganly söweş boldy. | • “Bulge söweşi”, “Ardennes hüjümi” diýlip hem atlandyrylýar, Ikinji jahan urşy döwründe Günbatar frontda Germaniýanyň iň soňky hüjüm hüjümi boldy.
• Söweş 1944-nji ýylyň 16-njy dekabryndan 1945-nji ýylyň 28-nji ýanwary aralygynda Europeewropada söweş gutarýança bäş hepde dowam etdi.
• Esasy harby maksatlar, Belgiýanyň Antwerpen portunyň soýuzdaşlara mundan beýläk ulanylmagyny inkär etmek we nemeslere dört soýuzdaş goşuny gurşap almaga we ýok etmäge mümkinçilik döredip biljek Soýuzdaş liniýalary bölmekdi.
• Nemesler 1944-nji ýylyň 16-njy dekabrynda irden, Alýansyň özüne bolan aşa ynamy, Soýuzdaşlaryň hüjüm meýilnamalary bilen gyzyklanmagy we erbet howa sebäpli howa gözegçiliginiň pesligi sebäpli düýbünden garaşylmadyk hüjüme eýe boldular.
• Hüjümiň iň uzak günbatary, Dinantyň günorta gündogaryndaky Foy-Notre-Dame obasy bolup, 1944-nji ýylyň 24-nji dekabrynda ABŞ-nyň 2-nji sowutly bölümi tarapyndan saklandy.
• 26-njy dekabrda Pattonyň ABŞ Üçünji Goşunynyň esasy elementi günortadan Bastogne baryp, gabawy bes etdi.
• Söweş Germaniýanyň sowutly güýçlerini ep-esli derejede ýok etdi, olar söweşiň galan böleginde köplenç ýerleşdirilmedi.
• "Bulge" Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynyň Ikinji jahan urşunda alyp baran iň uly we ganly söweşi we Amerikanyň taryhynda iň ganly üçünji söweş boldy. |
What tree nut is commonly used when making pesto? | Pine nuts are used in pesto. | open_qa | Pesto ýasalanda haýsy agaç hozy ulanylýar? | Sosna hozy pestoda ulanylýar. |
Summarize in bullet points some methods used to produce verdigris. | A variety of recipes have been described for obtaining this blue-green patina on copper, brass, or bronze. It was originally made by hanging copper plates over hot vinegar in a sealed pot until a green crust formed on the copper. Another method, used in the Middle Ages, was to attach copper strips to a wooden block with acetic acid, then bury the sealed block in dung. A few weeks later, the block was to be dug up, and the verdigris scraped off. In eighteenth-century Montpellier, France, it was manufactured in household cellars, "where copper plates were stacked in clay pots filled with distilled wine." The verdigris was scraped off weekly by the women of the household. Copper(II) acetate is prepared by treatment of copper(II) hydroxide with acetic acid. | - Hang copper plates over hot vinegar
- Bury copper strips with wooden blocks and acetic acid in dung and dig up weeks later
- Stack copper plates in clay pots of wine
- Combine copper(II) hydroxide and acetic acid | summarization | Ok nokatlarynda jemläň, verdigris öndürmek üçin ulanylýan käbir usullar. | Mis, bürünç ýa-da bürünçden bu gök-ýaşyl patinany almak üçin dürli reseptler beýan edildi. Ilkibaşda mis tabaklary misde ýaşyl gabyk emele gelýänçä möhürlenen gazanda gyzgyn sirkäniň üstüne asmak arkaly ýasaldy. Orta asyrlarda ulanylan başga bir usul, mis zolaklary sirke kislotasy bilen agaç bloklara dakmak, soňra möhürlenen bloky goýun bilen jaýlamakdy. Birnäçe hepde geçensoň, blok gazylmalydy we gämi duralgasy ýok edildi. XVIII asyrda Fransiýanyň Montpelýer şäherinde "distillendirilen çakyr bilen doldurylan toýun küýzelerde mis tabaklar ýerleşdirilen" öý ýerzeminlerinde öndürildi. Gämi duralgasy öý hojalygynyň aýallary tarapyndan her hepde gyryldy. Mis (II) asetat mis (II) gidroksidi sirke kislotasy bilen bejermek arkaly taýýarlanýar. | - Mis tabaklary gyzgyn sirkäniň üstünde asyň
- Mis zolaklary agaç bloklar we siret kislotasy bilen goýuň we birnäçe hepde soň gazyň
- Mis tabaklary çakyrdan ýasalan küýzelere salyň
- Mis (II) gidroksidi we sirke kislotasyny birleşdiriň |
Is voluntary childlessness rising? If yes, then what are the major drivers? What could be its impact? | The fast paced life and easy availability of effective contraception have increased the number of couples opting for childfree life. There are numerous reasons why being childfree is trending. The decision to have a child comes with responsibilities and many couples do not want to embrace it. Some couples avoid the idea of having children based on past experience in the family or simply because not having a child opens new avenues to explore and spend time doing other meaningful things in life. Unwillingness to bear the financial burden of raising a child is another reason why some couples avoid the idea.
Nevertheless, the trend represents the rise in deterioration of interpersonal relationships. It prevents overpopulation and indirectly impacts events like recession, inflation, global warming etc. and in a consumer centric world the resonance of this trend cannot be ignored in the global economy. | general_qa | Meýletin çagasyzlyk artýarmy? Hawa bolsa, esasy sürüjiler näme? Munuň täsiri näme bolup biler? | Çalt geçýän durmuş we göwreliligiň öňüni alyş çäreleriniň aňsat bolmagy, çagasyz durmuşy saýlaýan jübütleriň sanyny artdyrdy. Çagasyz bolmagyň tendensiýasynyň köp sebäbi bar. Çaga edinmek karary jogapkärçilik bilen gelýär we köp jübütler ony kabul etmek islemeýärler. Käbir jübütler maşgaladaky öňki tejribä esaslanyp ýa-da çagasyz bolmak durmuşyň beýleki manyly zatlaryny öwrenmek we wagt geçirmek üçin täze ýollar açýandygy sebäpli çaga edinmek pikirinden gaça durýarlar. Çaga terbiýelemegiň maddy ýüküni çekmek islemezlik, käbir jübütleriň bu pikirden gaça durmagynyň başga bir sebäbi.
Muňa garamazdan, bu tendensiýa şahsy gatnaşyklaryň ýaramazlaşmagyny görkezýär. Ilatyň köpelmeginiň öňüni alýar we çökgünlik, inflýasiýa, global ýylylyk we ş.m. ýaly wakalara gytaklaýyn täsir edýär we sarp ediş merkezi dünýäsinde bu tendensiýanyň rezonansyny dünýä ykdysadyýetinde äsgermezlik edip bolmaz. |
Who is István Szalay? | István Szalay (22 March 1944 – 1 September 2022) was a Hungarian mathematician and politician. A member of the Hungarian Socialist Party, he served in the National Assembly from 1998 to 2002. Prior to that, he was mayor of Szeged from 1994 to 1998.
Szalay died on 1 September 2022, at the age of 78. | István Szalay was a Hungarian mathematician and politician. | closed_qa | Istwan Szalay kim? | Istwan Szalaý (1944-nji ýylyň 22-nji marty - 2022-nji ýylyň 1-nji sentýabry) Wengriýaly matematik we syýasatçydy. Wengriýanyň Sosialistik partiýasynyň agzasy, 1998-2002-nji ýyllar aralygynda Milli Mejlisde işledi. Ondan öň 1994-nji ýyldan 1998-nji ýyla çenli Szegediň häkimi bolupdy.
Szalay 2022-nji ýylyň 1-nji sentýabrynda 78 ýaşynda aradan çykdy. | Istwan Szalaý wenger matematigi we syýasatçysydy. |
What was Skippy ( on TV ) | The bush kangaroo | open_qa | Skippi näme (telewizorda) | Gyrymsy kenguru |
Which is a species of fish? Golden Retriever or Goldfish | Goldfish | classification | Balyklaryň haýsy görnüşi? Altyn alyjy ýa-da altyn balyk | Altyn balyk |
What are fun activities to do in New Orleans? | New Orleans is an exciting place to visit. Many people go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras parades, with creative floats and beads thrown to onlookers, but this event is just once a year. No matter what time of year you go, make time to appreciate some live music. Jazz and blues are standouts around Frenchman street. The food and beverage scene is also quite compelling, with classics like red beans and rice, fried chicken, delicious seafood, and beignets. Two weekends in the spring combine the music and the food in a giant festival called Jazz Fest, with many stages and vendors spread out for an open-air celebration of the best the city has to offer. There are also comprehensive culture and history museums, including the famous World War 2 museum, because the boats used to storm the beaches at Normandy were inspired by watercraft common to Louisiana. | general_qa | Täze Orleanda näme etmeli? | Täze Orlean syýahat etmek üçin tolgundyryjy ýer. Köp adamlar Täze Orleana Mardi Gras paradlary üçin tomaşaçylara döredijilik ýüzüşleri we monjuklary bilen gidýärler, ýöne bu çäre ýylda bir gezek. Yearylyň haýsy wagtyna barsaňam, janly aýdym-sazyň gadyryny bilmek üçin wagt tap. Jaz we bluz, fransuz köçesiniň töwereginde dur. Iýmit we içgi sahnasy hem gyzyl noýba we tüwi, gowrulan towuk, ýakymly deňiz önümleri we beýnet ýaly klassikler bilen özüne çekiji. Springaz paslynda iki dynç güni aýdym-saz bilen iýmitleri “Jazz Fest” atly ägirt uly festiwalda birleşdirýär, köp basgançaklar we satyjylar şäheriň hödürleýän iň gowularyny açyk asmanda bellemek üçin ýaýradylar. Şeýle hem, 2-nji Jahan Urşy meşhur muzeýini öz içine alýan giňişleýin medeniýet we taryh muzeýleri bar, sebäbi Normandiýadaky kenarlara hüjüm etmek üçin ulanylýan gaýyklar Luiziana ştatyna mahsus suw gämilerinden ylham alýardy. |
What is Time magazine? | Time (stylized in all caps) is an American news magazine based in New York City. For nearly a century, it was published weekly, but starting in March 2020 it transitioned to every other week. It was first published in New York City on March 3, 1923, and for many years it was run by its influential co-founder, Henry Luce. A European edition (Time Europe, formerly known as Time Atlantic) is published in London and also covers the Middle East, Africa, and, since 2003, Latin America. An Asian edition (Time Asia) is based in Hong Kong. The South Pacific edition, which covers Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands, is based in Sydney.
Since 2018, Time has been owned by Salesforce founder Marc Benioff, who acquired it from Meredith Corporation. Benioff currently publishes the magazine through the company Time USA, LLC. | An American news magazine, based in New York City since March 3,1923, published every week since and every other week since March 2020. Initially it was run by it's co-founder, Henry Luce but since 2018, it has been owned by Salesforce founder Marc Benioff, who publishes it through the company Time USA, LLC. | summarization | “Time” magazineurnaly näme? | Wagt (baş harplar bilen düzülen) Nýu-Yorkorkda ýerleşýän Amerikan habar magazineurnalydyr. Bir ýyla golaý wagt bäri hepdede neşir edildi, ýöne 2020-nji ýylyň mart aýyndan başlap beýleki hepdelere geçdi. Ilkinji gezek 1923-nji ýylyň 3-nji martynda Nýu-Cityorkda neşir edildi we köp ýyllap täsirli esaslandyryjy Genri Lýus tarapyndan dolandyryldy. Londonewropa neşiri (“Time Europe”, ozal “Time Atlantic” diýlip atlandyrylýar) Londonda neşir edilýär we Eastakyn Gündogary, Afrikany we 2003-nji ýyldan bäri Latyn Amerikasyny öz içine alýar. Aziýa neşiri (Wagt Aziýa) Gonkongda ýerleşýär. Awstraliýa, Täze Zelandiýa we Pacificuwaş umman adalaryny öz içine alýan Günorta Pacificuwaş ummany neşiri Sidneýde ýerleşýär.
“Time” 2018-nji ýyldan bäri “Meredith” korporasiýasyndan satyn alan “Salesforce” -iň esaslandyryjysy Mark Benioffyň eýeçiliginde. Benioff häzirki wagtda Timeurnalyň “Time USA, LLC” kompaniýasynyň üsti bilen neşir edilýär. | Nýu-Yorkork şäherinde 3,1923-nji ýylyň mart aýyndan bäri ýerleşýän Amerikanyň habar magazineurnaly, 2020-nji ýylyň mart aýyndan bäri her hepde we beýleki hepdelerde neşir edilýär. Ilkibaşda ony esaslandyryjy Genri Lýus dolandyrýar, ýöne 2018-nji ýyldan bäri Salesforce-e degişli esaslandyryjy Mark Benioff, “Time USA, LLC” kompaniýasynyň üsti bilen neşir edýär. |
What is a chemical structure? | A chemical structure determination includes a chemist's specifying the molecular geometry and, when feasible and necessary, the electronic structure of the target molecule or other solid. Molecular geometry refers to the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule and the chemical bonds that hold the atoms together and can be represented using structural formulae and by molecular models; complete electronic structure descriptions include specifying the occupation of a molecule's molecular orbitals. Structure determination can be applied to a range of targets from very simple molecules (e.g., diatomic oxygen or nitrogen) to very complex ones (e.g., such as protein or DNA). | A chemical structure determination includes a chemist's specifying the molecular geometry and, when feasible and necessary, the electronic structure of the target molecule or other solid. | closed_qa | Himiki gurluş näme? | Himiki gurluşy kesgitlemek, bir himikiň molekulýar geometriýany we mümkin boldugyça zerur molekulanyň ýa-da beýleki gaty elektroniki gurluşyny kesgitleýän himikany öz içine alýar. Molekulýar geometriýa, atomlaryň molekuladaky giňişlikdäki ýerleşişine we atomlary birleşdirýän we gurluş formulalary we molekulýar modeller arkaly görkezilip bilinjek himiki baglanyşyklara degişlidir; doly elektroniki gurluş beýany, bir molekulanyň molekulýar orbitalynyň tutulmagyny kesgitlemegi öz içine alýar. Gurluşy kesgitlemek gaty ýönekeý molekulalardan (meselem, diatom kislorod ýa-da azot) gaty çylşyrymlylara (meselem, belok ýa-da DNK) çenli birnäçe nyşana ulanylyp bilner. | Himiki gurluşy kesgitlemek, bir himikiň molekulýar geometriýany we mümkin boldugyça zerur molekulanyň ýa-da beýleki gaty elektroniki gurluşyny kesgitleýän himikany öz içine alýar. |
Why was it unclear who won the race? | The 2021 Amstel Gold Race was a road cycling one-day race that took place on 18 April 2021 in the Netherlands. It was the 55th edition of the Amstel Gold Race and the 14th event of the 2021 UCI World Tour. Although Wout van Aert was declared to have defeated Tom Pidcock in a photofinish sprint with Maximilian Schachmann completing the podium, it was speculated that the photofinish camera had been focused on a point approximately 26.86 cm forward of the true finish line, making the true victor unclear. | The photofinish camera was focused on a point approximately 26.86cm forward of the true finish line. | closed_qa | Näme üçin ýaryşda kimiň ýeňendigi belli däldi? | 2021-nji ýyldaky Amstel altyn ýaryşy 2021-nji ýylyň 18-nji aprelinde Gollandiýada geçirilen bir günlük welosiped ýaryşy boldy. Amstel altyn ýaryşynyň 55-nji neşiri we 2021-nji ýyldaky UCI dünýä syýahatynyň 14-nji çäresi boldy. Wout van Aert, Maksimilian Şaçman münberini tamamlap, fotofin sprininde Tom Pidkony ýeňendigi yglan edilse-de, fotofinis kamerasynyň hakyky pellehanadan takmynan 26.86 sm öňe gönükdirilendigi we hakyky ýeňijiniň düşnüksizdigi aýdylýar. . | Fotofiniş kamerasy hakyky pellehana takmynan 26.86 sm öňe gönükdirildi. |
How hard is it to learn how to ski? | Learning how to ski is moderately hard. Depending on if you learn on your own or hire a professional instructor, you can expect to go skiing at least five to eight times before you feel comfortable on skis. There are also different mountains that offer different terrain which can impact how quickly you pick up skiing. It is advised that beginners stick to ski runs that are labeled as a green circle on any mountain as these are classified as the easiest way down the mountain. | general_qa | Lykiada typmagy öwrenmek nähili kyn? | Lykiada typmagy öwrenmek ortaça kyn. Özbaşdak öwrenseňiz ýa-da hünärmen mugallym işe alsaňyz, lyisa typmakda özüňizi rahat duýmazdan ozal bäş-sekiz gezek lykiada typmaga garaşyp bilersiňiz. Şeýle hem, lykiada typmagyňyza nädip täsir edip biljekdigine dürli ýerleri hödürleýän dürli daglar bar. Täze başlanlara islendik dagda ýaşyl tegelek diýlip atlandyrylýan lykia ylgawlaryna ýapyşmak maslahat berilýär, sebäbi bu dagdan iň aňsat ýol hökmünde kesgitlenýär. |
Can I copy my Delta Lake table to another location? | Yes you can copy your Delta Lake table to another location. Remember to copy files without changing the timestamps to ensure that the time travel with timestamps will be consistent. | general_qa | Delta köl stolumy başga ýere göçürip bilerinmi? | Hawa, Delta köl stoluňyzy başga ýere göçürip bilersiňiz. Wagt bellikleri bilen wagt syýahatynyň yzygiderli bolmagyny üpjün etmek üçin wagt belliklerini üýtgetmän faýllary göçürmegi ýatdan çykarmaň. |
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Paila criolla, Topshur | Topshur is string, Paila criolla is percussion. | classification | Haýsy guralyň simli ýa-da zarbalydygyny kesgitläň: Paila criolla, Topshur | Topshur simli, Paila criolla zarba. |
Do you get scared? | Ofcourse! Everyone feels scared of something or the other. It is only the intensity that makes it different. I mean, I may be scared of heights, but I can chose to not let it get to me even when I am at a height, by say singing a rhyme and distracting my mind. Fear is in your head. So be fearless. | creative_writing | Gorkýarsyňyzmy? | Ofcourse! Her kim bir zatdan ýa-da başga bir zatdan gorkýar. Diňe güýçliligi ony tapawutlandyrýar. Diýjek bolýanym, belentliklerden gorkup bilerin, ýöne belentlikde bolanymda-da, rifma aýtmak we aňymy sowmak bilen, maňa ýetmegine ýol bermezligi saýlap bilerin. Gorky kelläňizde. Gorkmaň. |
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Gbedu, Guitalele | Guitalele is string, Gbedu is percussion. | classification | Haýsy guralyň simli ýa-da zarbalydygyny kesgitläň: Gbedu, Gitalele | Gitalele simli, Gbedu zarba. |
Who was the Colossus of Rhodes a likeness of? | The Colossus of Rhodes may have been viewed differently by different audiences. The statue had an inscription identifying it as an image of Helios, the god of the sun and local deity to Rhodes. In the wider Ancient Greek world Helios would likely be identified more readily as Apollo. The statue may have been made in the likeness of Alexander the Great's official image. This would have served to represent a bond between Rhodes and Alexandria with Alexander's image serving as the founder of the Egyptian city. Support for this idea comes from the fact that the Colossus was made to celebrate Rhodes' victory over a siege. This victory was largely facilitated by Ptolemy from Alexandria, and Alexandria is also a likely source for the funds of the ambitious project. The artist Chares of Lindos would also have been well selected to achieve this double representation. He was local to the island of Rhodes (Lindos is another city on the same island) and would have been familiar with images of Helios. He was also the student of Lysippos who was the exclusive personal sculptor to Alexander the Great during his lifetime, and so Chares would have also been uniquely knowledgeable about the image of Alexander. Some but not all scholars argue for the Colossus to be understood as an image of Alexander posing as Helios that would be seen by the people of Rhodes as their local deity but seen by the people of Alexandria as their founder. The Statue of Liberty built by France and gifted to the USA was partially modeled after the Colossus and is similarly possible to read as a celebration of American independence and also a reference to one the three values Liberté, Égalité and Fraternité central to French identity. | general_qa | Rodosyň Kolosusy kimdi? | Rodosyň Kolosusyna dürli tomaşaçylar başgaça seredip bilerler. Heýkelde günüň hudaýy we Rodos üçin ýerli hudaý Heliosyň şekili hökmünde ýazgy bardy. Gadymy grek dünýäsinde Geliosyň Apollon diýip has aňsat tanalmagy ähtimal. Heýkel Aleksandr Makedonskiniň resmi keşbine meňzeş görnüşde ýasalan bolmagy mümkin. Bu, Rodos bilen Aleksandriýanyň arasyndaky Müsüriň düýbüni tutujy hökmünde Isgenderiň keşbi bilen baglanyşygy görkezerdi. Bu pikiri goldamak, Kolosusyň Rodosyň gabawdaky ýeňşini bellemek üçin edilendigi bilen baglanyşyklydyr. Bu ýeňiş, esasan, Aleksandriýaly Ptolemeý tarapyndan ýeňilleşdirildi we Aleksandriýa hem bu ägirt uly taslamanyň serişdeleri üçin çeşme bolup biler. Suratkeş Çares of Lindos hem bu goşa wekilçilige ýetmek üçin gowy saýlanardy. Ol Rodos adasynda ýerli bolupdyr (Lindos şol adadaky başga bir şäher) we Geliosyň suratlary bilen tanyş bolardy. Şeýle hem, Lizipposyň okuwçysydy, ol ömründe Aleksandr Makedonskiniň ýeke-täk heýkeltaraşydy, şonuň üçin Çares Isgenderiň keşbi barada özboluşly bilim alardy. Käbir, ýöne alymlaryň hemmesi Kolosusyň Aleksandryň Gelios ýaly keşbine düşünilmegini öňe sürmeýär, Rodos halky ýerli hudaý hökmünde görer, ýöne Aleksandriýa halky tarapyndan esaslandyryjy hökmünde görer. Fransiýa tarapyndan gurlan we ABŞ-a sowgat edilen Azatlyk heýkeli Kolosusdan soň bölekleýin nusga alyndy we Amerikanyň garaşsyzlygynyň baýramçylygy hökmünde okamak hem-de fransuz şahsyýetiniň merkezi bolan Liberté, Égalite we Fraternité ýaly üç gymmatlyklara salgylanmak mümkin. |
What factors influence mental health issues in young people? | There are many factors which are affecting mental health issues in people today - these include:
- High inflation
- Wage stagnation
- Low job prospects
- Poor access to physical and mental healthcare
- Lack of home ownership
- Superficial internet presence | brainstorming | Peopleaşlarda akyl saglygy meselelerine haýsy faktorlar täsir edýär? | Häzirki wagtda adamlarda akyl saglygy meselelerine täsir edýän köp faktor bar - şulary öz içine alýar:
- inflokary inflýasiýa
- Aýlyk durgunlygy
- Iş mümkinçilikleriniň pesligi
- Fiziki we akyl saglygy üçin elýeterlilik
- Jaýyň eýeçiliginiň bolmazlygy
- Internetiň ýüzleý bolmagy |
What is Heineken Evergreen? | Evergreen is the company strategy of Heineken. The goal of Evergreen is to future proof the business and adapt to external dynamics. | open_qa | Heineken Evergreen näme? | “Evergreen” Heineken kompaniýasynyň strategiýasydyr. “Evergreen” -iň maksady, geljekde bu işi subut etmek we daşarky dinamika uýgunlaşmak. |
Identify which car manufacturer is French or American: Aixam, Buick | Aixam is French, Buick is American | classification | Haýsy awtoulag öndürijisiniň fransuz ýa-da amerikalydygyny kesgitläň: Aixam, Buick | Aixam fransuz, Buik Amerikaly |
Please give me details about the French submarine Requin | The French submarine Requin was the lead ship of the Requin-class submarines built for the French Navy in the mid-1920s. Laid down in June 1922, it was launched in July 1924 and commissioned in May 1926. It was captured by Italian forces at Bizerte, Tunisia on 8 December 1942 and renamed FR 113. On 9 September 1943, it was recaptured by German forces. It was sold for scrap in Genes, Italy in 1944.
78 m (255 ft 11 in) long, with a beam of 6.8 m (22 ft 4 in) and a draught of 5.1 m (16 ft 9 in), Requin-class submarines could dive up to 80 m (260 ft). The submarine had a surfaced displacement of 1,150 tonnes (1,132 long tons) and a submerged displacement of 1,441 tonnes (1,418 long tons). Propulsion while surfaced was provided by two 2,900 hp (2,163 kW) diesel motors and two 1,800 hp (1,342 kW) electric motors. The submarines' electrical propulsion allowed it to attain speeds of 9 knots (17 km/h; 10 mph) while submerged and 15 knots (28 km/h; 17 mph) on the surface. Their surfaced range was 7,700 nautical miles (14,300 km) at 9 knots (17 km/h), and 4,000 nautical miles (7,400 km) at 12 knots (22 km/h), with a submerged range of 70 nautical miles (130 km) at 5 knots (9.3 km/h). | open_qa | Fransuz suwasty gämisi Requin hakda jikme-jiklik bermegiňizi haýyş edýärin | Fransuz suwasty gämisi 1920-nji ýyllaryň ortalarynda Fransuz deňiz floty üçin gurlan “Requin” derejeli suwasty gämisiniň esasy gämisi boldy. 1922-nji ýylyň iýunynda işe girizilip, 1924-nji ýylyň iýul aýynda işe girizilip, 1926-njy ýylyň maý aýynda ulanylmaga berildi. 1942-nji ýylyň 8-nji dekabrynda Tunisiň Bizerte şäherinde italýan güýçleri tarapyndan ýesir alyndy we FR 113 adyny aldy. 1943-nji ýylyň 9-njy sentýabrynda nemes goşunlary tarapyndan yzyna alyndy. 1944-nji ýylda Italiýanyň Genes şäherinde galyndylar üçin satyldy.
Uzynlygy 78 m (255 fut 11 ini), şöhlesi 6,8 m (22 fut 4 ini) we 5.1 m (16 fut 9 inç), “Requin” derejeli suwasty gämileri 80 metre (260 fut) çümüp biler. Suwasty gämide 1150 tonna (uzynlygy 1,132 tonna) we 1441 tonna (1418 uzyn tonna) suwasty süýşmesi boldy. Üstünde hereket etmek 2900 at güýji (2163 kWt) dizel hereketlendirijisi we 1800 at güýji (1,342 kWt) iki hereketlendiriji bilen üpjün edildi. Suwasty gämileriň elektrik herekedi suwuň aşagynda 9 düwün (17 km / sag; 10 mil) tizlige we 15 düwün (sagatda 28 km; 17 mil) tizlige ýetmäge mümkinçilik berdi. Olaryň aralygy 9 düwünde (17 km / sag) 7,700 deňiz mil (sagatda 17 km), 4000 deňiz mil (7,400 km) 12 düwün (sagatda 22 km) bolup, 70 deňiz mil (130 km) ) 5 düwünde (sagatda 9,3 km). |
According to the paragraph below, what is the relationship between Dungeon Master and Venger? | Throughout the series, a connection is suggested between Dungeon Master and Venger. At the end of the episode "The Dragon's Graveyard", Dungeon Master calls Venger "my son". The final unproduced episode "Requiem" would have confirmed that Venger is the Dungeon Master's corrupted son (making Kareena the sister of Venger and the daughter of Dungeon Master), redeemed Venger (giving those trapped in the realm their freedom), and ended on a cliffhanger where the six children could finally return home or deal with evil that still existed in the realm. | Venger is Dungeon Master's son. | information_extraction | Aşakdaky abzasa görä, Dungeon Master bilen Wengeriň arasynda nähili baglanyşyk bar? | Tapgyryň dowamynda Dungeon Master bilen Vengeriň arasynda baglanyşyk teklip edilýär. "Aagondarhanyň mazary" bölüminiň ahyrynda Dungeon Master Wenger-i "oglum" diýip atlandyrýar. Iň soňky çykarylmadyk "Requiem" bölümi, Wengeriň Dungeon Master-iň zaýalanan oglydygyny (Karinany Wengeriň aýal dogany we Dungeon Masteriň gyzy etmek), Wengeriň öwezini dolmak (älem giňişliginde galanlara erkinlik bermek) we a Alty çaganyň ahyrsoňy öýlerine gaýdyp ýa-da henizem bar bolan ýamanlyk bilen iş salyşyp bilýän gaýa. | Wenger Dungeon Master-iň ogly. |
What kind of plant is the Harrisonia | Harrisonia is a small genus of flowering plants in the subfamily Cneoroideae of the Rutaceae (citrus family). Older taxonomic treatments have placed this genus in the Simaroubaceae. | open_qa | Garrisoniýa haýsy ösümlik | Harrisonia, Rutaceae (sitrus maşgalasy) maşgalasynyň Cneoroideae maşgalasynda gülleýän ösümlikleriň kiçijik bir görnüşidir. Has köne taksonomiki bejergiler bu jynsy Simaroubaceae-de ýerleşdirdi. |
What is an adjective? | An adjective is a describing word for a noun or proper noun. A noun is a person, place, or thing, and a proper noun is the name of person. An adjective would be as describing word like beautiful, smart, or fun. Examples using these adjectives are the following: she is beautiful person, bounce house is fun place, or sally is a very smart person. | open_qa | Sypat näme? | Sypat at ýa-da dogry at üçin suratlandyryjy söz. Isim adam, ýer ýa-da zat, dogry at adamyň adydyr. Sypat owadan, akylly ýa-da gyzykly ýaly sözleri suratlandyrýan ýaly bolar. Bu sypatlary ulanýan mysallar aşakdakylar: ol owadan adam, dynç alyş öýi gyzykly ýer ýa-da sally gaty akylly adam. |
How many oscars India won this year 2023? | Two, one for best documentary Short Film (The Elephant Whisperers) another for best Original Music (RRR) | open_qa | Hindistan 2023-nji ýylda näçe Oskar gazandy? | Iki, iň oňat dokumental film gysga film (Piller pyşyrdyjylar) beýlekisi iň oňat özboluşly saz (RRR) üçin |
Which one is good for health coffee or tea | Both coffee and tea are not good for health but overall when you compare coffee with tea, tea is little better than coffee as coffee contains more caffeine content than tea. Drinking both should be limited to 1-2 times per day as anything over consuming is not good for health. | open_qa | Haýsy saglyk kofesi ýa-da çaý üçin peýdaly | Kofe bilen çaýyň ikisi hem saglyk üçin peýdaly däl, ýöne umuman, kofeni çaý bilen deňeşdireniňde, çaý kofeden has gowy, sebäbi kofede çaýdan has köp kofein bar. Ikisini hem içmek, günde 1-2 gezek çäklendirilmelidir, sebäbi köp sarp etmek saglyk üçin peýdaly däl. |
Who is the author of the Sound and the Fury | The Sound and the Fury is written by William Faulkner | open_qa | Sesiň we gazabyň awtory kim | Ses we gazap William William Folkner tarapyndan ýazylýar |
What are some contributions of women in computing? | The first algorithm intended to be executed by a computer was designed by Ada Lovelace who was a pioneer in the field. Grace Hopper was the first person to design a compiler for a programming language. Throughout the 19th and early 20th century, and up to World War II, programming was predominantly done by women; significant examples include the Harvard Computers, codebreaking at Bletchley Park and engineering at NASA. | classification | Aýallaryň hasaplamaga nähili goşantlary bar? | Kompýuter tarapyndan ýerine ýetirilmegi maksat edinilen ilkinji algoritm, bu ugurda öňdebaryjy Ada Lovelace tarapyndan döredildi. Grace Hopper programmirleme dili üçin düzüjini düzen ilkinji adamdyr. XIX we 20-nji asyryň başynda we Ikinji jahan urşuna çenli programmirlemek esasan aýallar tarapyndan amala aşyryldy; möhüm mysallara Garward kompýuterleri, Bletçli seýilgähinde kod açmak we NASA-da in engineeringenerçilik degişlidir. |
Who was Elizabeth II? | Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; 21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022) was Queen of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms from 6 February 1952 until her death in 2022. She was queen regnant of 32 sovereign states during her lifetime and was head of state of 15 realms at the time of her death. Her reign of 70 years and 214 days was the longest of any British monarch and the longest verified reign of any female monarch in history. | Elizabeth II was the queen of the United Kingdom and the longest-reigning monarch. | closed_qa | Abethelizaweta II kimdi? | Abethelizaweta II (Elizelizaweta Aleksandra Mary; 1926-njy ýylyň 21-nji apreli - 2022-nji ýylyň 8-nji sentýabry) 1952-nji ýylyň 6-njy fewralyndan 2022-nji ýylda ölýänçä Angliýanyň we Arkalaşygyň beýleki ýurtlarynyň şa zenanydy. Ol ömründe 32 özygtyýarly döwletiň şa zenanydy we başlykdy. ölen wagty 15 sebitiň ýagdaýy. Onuň 70 ýyl 214 günlük hökümdarlygy Iňlis monarhynyň iň uzynlygy we taryhda aýal monarhyň iň uzyn tassyklanan hökümdarlygy boldy. | Abethelizaweta II Angliýanyň şa zenany we iň uzak wagtlap dolandyran monarhdy. |
Tell me a silly, short poem about sheep where the first letter of each new line when read from top to bottom spells out a secret message. | Harriet stands in the meadows,
I watch, with wiggly toes
The sheep sings sweetly,
Harriet, stares completely
Eating the sweet grasses,
Running, pitter-patter,
Emptying their bladder | creative_writing | Goýunlar hakda samsyk, gysga goşgy aýdyň, ýokarsyndan aşaklygyna okalanda her täze setiriň birinji harpy gizlin habar berýär. | Garriet çemenliklerde dur,
Aýak barmaklary bilen synlaýaryn
Goýunlar süýji aýdym aýdýarlar,
Garriet, bütinleý seredýär
Süýji otlary iýmek,
Ylgaýan, pitter-patter,
Süýdüklerini boşatmak |
Based on the following paragraph on water, what makes water cohesive. | Life arose from the Earth's first ocean, which formed some 3.8 billion years ago. Since then, water continues to be the most abundant molecule in every organism. Water is important to life because it is an effective solvent, capable of dissolving solutes such as sodium and chloride ions or other small molecules to form an aqueous solution. Once dissolved in water, these solutes are more likely to come in contact with one another and therefore take part in chemical reactions that sustain life. In terms of its molecular structure, water is a small polar molecule with a bent shape formed by the polar covalent bonds of two hydrogen (H) atoms to one oxygen (O) atom (H2O). Because the O–H bonds are polar, the oxygen atom has a slight negative charge and the two hydrogen atoms have a slight positive charge. This polar property of water allows it to attract other water molecules via hydrogen bonds, which makes water cohesive. Surface tension results from the cohesive force due to the attraction between molecules at the surface of the liquid. Water is also adhesive as it is able to adhere to the surface of any polar or charged non-water molecules. Water is denser as a liquid than it is as a solid (or ice). This unique property of water allows ice to float above liquid water such as ponds, lakes, and oceans, thereby insulating the liquid below from the cold air above. Water has the capacity to absorb energy, giving it a higher specific heat capacity than other solvents such as ethanol. Thus, a large amount of energy is needed to break the hydrogen bonds between water molecules to convert liquid water into water vapor. As a molecule, water is not completely stable as each water molecule continuously dissociates into hydrogen and hydroxyl ions before reforming into a water molecule again. In pure water, the number of hydrogen ions balances (or equals) the number of hydroxyl ions, resulting in a pH that is neutral. | Water is made cohesive due to its polar property which allows it to attract other water molecules via hydrogen bonds. | closed_qa | Suwuň aşakdaky abzasyna esaslanyp, suwy birleşdirýän zat. | Durmuş takmynan 3,8 milliard ýyl ozal emele gelen Eartheriň ilkinji ummanyndan emele geldi. Şondan bäri suw her organizmde iň köp molekula bolmagyny dowam etdirýär. Suw durmuş üçin möhümdir, sebäbi natriý we hlorid ionlary ýa-da beýleki ownuk molekulalar ýaly erginleri eritmäge ukyply täsirli erginçidir, suwly ergin emele getirýär. Suwda eränsoň, bu erginler biri-biri bilen aragatnaşyga girip, durmuşy dowam etdirýän himiki reaksiýalara gatnaşmagy has ähtimaldyr. Molekulýar gurluşy taýdan suw, iki wodorod (H) atomynyň bir kislorod (O) atomyna (H2O) polýar kowalent baglanyşyklaryndan emele gelen egilen şekilli kiçijik polýar molekuladyr. O - H baglanyşyklary polýar bolany üçin, kislorod atomynyň birneme otrisatel zarýady we iki wodorod atomynyň birneme oňyn zarýady bar. Suwuň bu polýar häsiýeti, suwy birleşdirýän wodorod baglanyşyklary arkaly beýleki suw molekulalaryny özüne çekmäge mümkinçilik berýär. Faceerüsti dartyş, suwuklygyň üstündäki molekulalaryň çekilmegi sebäpli birleşýän güýçden emele gelýär. Suw, şeýle hem islendik polýar ýa-da zarýadly suw däl molekulalaryň ýüzüne ýapyşyp bilýändigi üçin ýelimlidir. Suw gaty (ýa-da buz) ýaly suwuklyk ýaly has dykyz. Suwuň bu özboluşly aýratynlygy buzuň howuzlar, köller we ummanlar ýaly suwuk suwlaryň üstünde ýüzmegine mümkinçilik berýär we şeýlelik bilen aşaky suwuklygy ýokardaky sowuk howadan izolýasiýa edýär. Suw, etanol ýaly beýleki erginlere garanyňda has ýokary ýylylyk kuwwatyny berip, energiýany siňdirmek ukybyna eýedir. Şeýlelik bilen, suwuk suwy suw bugyna öwürmek üçin suw molekulalarynyň arasyndaky wodorod baglanyşyklaryny döwmek üçin köp mukdarda energiýa gerek. Molekula hökmünde suw düýbünden durnukly däl, sebäbi her bir suw molekulasy gaýtadan suw molekulasyna öwrülmezden ozal wodorod we gidroksil ionlaryna bölünýär. Arassa suwda wodorod ionlarynyň sany gidroksil ionlarynyň sanyny deňleşdirýär (ýa-da deňdir), netijede bitarap pH bolýar. | Suw, wodorod baglanyşyklary arkaly beýleki suw molekulalaryny özüne çekmäge mümkinçilik berýän polýar häsiýeti sebäpli birleşýär. |
From the passage provided, extract the GSDP of Andhra Pradesh | Andhra Pradesh comprises three major regions namely Rayalaseema in the south-west, Coastal Andhra bordering the Bay of Bengal in the east and Uttarandhra at north-east. The state has 26 districts, 6 in Uttarandhra, 12 in Coastal Andhra and 8 in Rayalaseema. The state also borders a union territory, Yanam – a district of Puducherry, which lies to the south of Kakinada in the Godavari delta on the eastern side of the state. The economy of Andhra Pradesh is the 8th largest in India, with a gross state domestic product (GSDP) of ₹8.84 trillion (US$110 billion) and has the country's 17th-highest GSDP per capita of ₹170,000 (US$2,100). Andhra Pradesh ranks 27th among Indian states in Human Development Index (HDI). It has a jurisdiction over almost 15,000 square kilometres (5,800 sq mi) of territorial waters. | GSDP of Andhra Pradesh is US$110 billion | information_extraction | Berlen bölümden Andhra Pradeşiň GSDP-ni çykaryň | Andra Pradeş günorta-günbatarda Raýalaseema, gündogarda Bengal aýlagy bilen serhet ýakasyndaky Andra we demirgazyk-gündogarda Uttarandhra ýaly üç esasy sebitden ybarat. Döwletde 26 etrap, Uttarandhrada 6, Kenarýaka Andrada 12 we Raýalaseemada 8 etrap bar. Şeýle hem, döwlet birleşigiň territoriýasy, Yanam - Puduçeri etraby bilen serhetleşýär, ştatyň gündogar tarapynda ýerleşýän Godawari deltasynda Kakinadanyň günortasynda ýerleşýär. Andra Pradeşiň ykdysadyýeti 8,84 trillion funt sterling (110 milliard dollar) jemi içerki önümi (GSDP) Hindistanda 8-nji orunda durýar we adam başyna düşýän 170,000 funt sterling (2100 ABŞ dollary) boýunça ýurtda 17-nji orunda durýar. Adam ösüşi indeksinde (HDI) Andhra Pradeş hindi ştatlarynyň arasynda 27-nji ýerde durýar. 15,000 inedördül kilometre (5800 inedördül mil) territorial suwuň ýurisdiksiýasy bar. | Andra Pradeşiň GSDP 110 milliard dollar |
How can the climate be warming if I keep getting blizzards in my town? | The most important concept around climate change is that "weather", such as snowstorms and blizzards, is different then "climate". With climate change, the extremes are what fluctuate most: the colds are colder, and the hots are hotter. This sounds like your experience with blizzards and snowstorms. You may actually be experiencing more extreme cold weather as the planet warms due to greenhouse gases because of how the jet-stream is changing and warmer ocean temperatures put more water vapor into the atmosphere. Although it may seem that the weather is still cold at a local level, nearly every scientist agrees that climate change is causing more dramatic and extreme weather all around the world. | open_qa | Şäherimde tupan almagy dowam etdirsem, howanyň nädip gyzmagy mümkin? | Howanyň üýtgemegi bilen baglanyşykly iň möhüm düşünje, gar tupany we tupan ýaly "howa", soň "howa" bilen tapawutlanýar. Howanyň üýtgemegi bilen aşa üýtgäp durýan zat: sowuklar has sowuk, yssy has yssy. Bu tupan we gar tupany bilen başdan geçirenleriňize meňzeýär. Aslynda, uçuş akymynyň üýtgemegi we okeanyň has gyzgyn bolmagy atmosfera has köp suw bugy goýýandygy sebäpli parnik gazlary sebäpli planetanyň gyzmagy bilen has sowuk howany başdan geçirip bilersiňiz. Howanyň ýerli derejede henizem sowuk ýaly bolup görünse-de, her bir alym howanyň üýtgemeginiň bütin dünýäde has çylşyrymly we aşa howa sebäp bolýandygy bilen ylalaşýar. |
What is a Treasury Bond? | Treasury bonds (T-bonds) are government debt securities issued by the U.S. Federal government that have maturities greater than 20 years. T-bonds earn periodic interest until maturity, at which point the owner is also paid a par amount equal to the principal. | open_qa | Gazna girewi näme? | Gazna obligasiýalary (T-obligasiýa) ABŞ-nyň Federal hökümeti tarapyndan 20 ýyldan gowrak möhleti bolan hökümet karzlarydyr. T-obligasiýalar möhleti dolýança döwürleýin göterim gazanýar, şonda eýesine-de esasy mukdarda deň mukdarda pul tölenýär. |
What is the best song from Rihanna | 1. Love the way you lie
2. Unfaithful | brainstorming | Rihananyň iň gowy aýdymy haýsy | 1. liealan sözlemegiňi gowy gör
2. Wepasyz |
What are the books in the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series and when were they released? | The books in the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series are:
- A Game of Thrones [August 1996]
- A Clash of Kings [February 1999]
- A Storm of Swords [November 2000]
- A Feast for Crows [November 2005]
- A Dance with Dragons [July 2011]
- The Winds of Winter
- A Dream of Spring | open_qa | 'Buz we ot aýdymy' seriýasyndaky kitaplar haýsylar we haçan çykdy? | 'Buz we ot aýdymy' seriýasyndaky kitaplar:
- Tagt oýny [1996-njy ýylyň awgusty]
- Patyşalaryň çaknyşygy [1999-njy ýylyň fewraly]
- Gylyç tupany [2000-nji ýylyň noýabr aýy]
- Garga baýramy [2005-nji ýylyň noýabr aýy]
- Aagdarhalar bilen tans [2011-nji ýylyň iýuly]
- Gyşyň şemallary
- Bahar arzuwy |
Who is Romulo Betancourt? | Rómulo Ernesto Betancourt Bello (22 February 1908 – 28 September 1981; Spanish pronunciation: [ˈromulo betaŋˈkuɾ]), known as "The Father of Venezuelan Democracy", was the president of Venezuela, serving from 1945 to 1948 and again from 1959 to 1964, as well as leader of Acción Democrática, Venezuela's dominant political party in the 20th century. | Rómulo Ernesto Betancourt Bello (22 February 1908 – 28 September 1981; Spanish pronunciation: [ˈromulo betaŋˈkuɾ]), known as "The Father of Venezuelan Democracy", was the president of Venezuela, serving from 1945 to 1948 and again from 1959 to 1964, as well as leader of Acción Democrática, Venezuela's dominant political party in the 20th century.
Betancourt, one of Venezuela's most important political figures, led a tumultuous career in Latin American politics. Periods of exile brought Betancourt in contact with various Latin American countries as well as the United States, securing his legacy as one of the most prominent international leaders to emerge from 20th-century Latin America. Scholars credit Betancourt as the Founding Father of modern democratic Venezuela. | information_extraction | Romulo Betancourt kim? | "Wenesuelanyň demokratiýasynyň atasy" ady bilen tanalýan Rómulo Ernesto Betancourt Bello (1908-nji ýylyň 22-nji fewraly - 1981-nji ýylyň 28-nji sentýabry; Ispan dilinde aýdylyşy: şeýle hem 20-nji asyrda Wenesuelanyň agalyk ediji syýasy partiýasy bolan Acción Democrática-nyň lideri. | "Wenesuelanyň demokratiýasynyň atasy" ady bilen tanalýan Rómulo Ernesto Betancourt Bello (1908-nji ýylyň 22-nji fewraly - 1981-nji ýylyň 28-nji sentýabry; Ispan dilinde aýdylyşy: şeýle hem 20-nji asyrda Wenesuelanyň agalyk ediji syýasy partiýasy bolan Acción Democrática-nyň lideri.
Wenesuelanyň iň möhüm syýasy işgärlerinden biri bolan Betancourt Latyn Amerikasynyň syýasatynda tolgunyşykly karýera ýolbaşçylyk etdi. Sürgünlik döwürleri Betancourty Latyn Amerikasynyň dürli ýurtlary we ABŞ bilen aragatnaşyk gurup, 20-nji asyryň Latyn Amerikasyndan ýüze çykan iň görnükli halkara liderleriniň biri hökmünde mirasyny üpjün etdi. Alymlar Betancourty häzirki zaman demokratik Wenesuelanyň esaslandyryjysy diýip hasaplaýarlar. |
What is the name of the family at the centre of the TV show Succession? | Succession is an American satirical black comedy-drama television series created by Jesse Armstrong. It premiered on June 3, 2018, on HBO. The series centers on the Roy family, the owners of Waystar RoyCo, a global media and entertainment conglomerate, who are fighting for control of the company amid uncertainty about the health of the family's patriarch, Logan Roy (Brian Cox). The series has been renewed for a fourth and final season, which premiered on March 26, 2023. | Succession centres on the Roy family, the owners of Waystar RoyCo | closed_qa | “Succession” teleserialynyň merkezinde maşgalanyň ady näme? | Miras, Jesse Armstrong tarapyndan döredilen Amerikanyň satirik gara komediýa-drama teleserialydyr. 2018-nji ýylyň 3-nji iýunynda HBO-da görkezildi. Bu seriýa, maşgalanyň patriarhy Logan Roýyň (Brian Koks) saglygy baradaky näbellilikler sebäpli kompaniýany dolandyrmak üçin göreşýän global metbugat we güýmenje konglomeraty bolan Waystar RoyCo-nyň eýeleri Roý maşgalasyna bagyşlanýar. 2023-nji ýylyň 26-njy martynda görkezilen dördünji we soňky möwsüm üçin seriýa täzelendi. | “Waystar RoyCo” -nyň eýeleri Roý maşgalasyna miras merkezleri |
What are five totally distinct, creative ways to describe the usefulness of the police? | 1. The police serve as a "watchful guardian" to keep us safe.
2. The police are a "protector of the law" who protects us from harm.
3. The police are an "impartial enforcer" of the law.
4. The police are an "intermediary of justice" who helps us get justice.
5. The police are a "counselor of the law" who helps us understand the law. | brainstorming | Polisiýanyň peýdalydygyny suratlandyrmagyň düýbünden tapawutly, döredijilik usullary haýsylar? | 1. Polisiýa bizi goramak üçin "hossar" bolup hyzmat edýär.
2. Polisiýa zyýandan goraýan "kanunyň goragçysy".
3. Polisiýa kanunyň "bitarap ýerine ýetirijisi".
4. Polisiýa bize adalat almaga kömek edýän "adalat araçysy".
5. Polisiýa, kanuna düşünmäge kömek edýän "kanun geňeşçisi". |
Why are cats better than dogs? | This is a subjective question whose answer depends on individual preferences. There are many reasons that some people prefer cars over dogs. For example, some cats are very affectionate and become very attached to their owners. They have personalities that appeal to some people more than dogs. They also may be easier to care for and cheaper to own. Because they are typically smaller house pets, they can be easier to keep clean. These are just a few examples of how cats may be preferred to dogs for some people. | general_qa | Näme üçin pişikler itlerden gowy? | Bu, subýektiw sorag, onuň jogaby aýratyn isleglere bagly. Käbir adamlaryň awtoulaglary itlerden has gowy görmeginiň köp sebäbi bar. Mysal üçin, käbir pişikler gaty mähirli we eýelerine gaty ýakynlaşýarlar. Olarda itlerden has köp adamy özüne çekýän şahsyýetler bar. Olara ideg etmek has aňsat we eýe bolmak arzan bolup biler. Adatça kiçi öý haýwanlary bolany üçin, arassa saklamak has aňsat bolup biler. Bular käbir adamlar üçin pişikleriň itlerden has gowy görülmeginiň birnäçe mysallary. |
Of the items, tomato, broccoli, plane, sausage, pineapple, grass, honey, and milk would a human not like to consume? | A human would prefer not to eat a plane or grass. | classification | Adamlardan pomidor, brokkoli, uçar, kolbasa, ananas, ot, bal we süýt adam iýmek islemezmi? | Ynsan uçar ýa-da ot iýmezligi makul bilýär. |
Which countries are the world's largest or biggest manufacturer in terms of $ value? | According to data from the World Bank, in 2021, the world's largest or biggest manufacturers in terms of $ output are:
1. China, $4,865,827.26
2. United States, 2,497,131.58
3. Japan, $995,308.97
4. Germany, $803,213.14
5. South Korea, $461,104.31
6. India, $443,911.66
7. Italy, $314,095.61
8. United Kingdom, $274,872.28
9. France, $262,642.86
10. Russian Federation, $256,958.27 | open_qa | Haýsy ýurtlar $ gymmaty boýunça dünýäde iň uly ýa-da iň uly öndüriji? | Bütindünýä bankynyň maglumatlaryna görä, 2021-nji ýylda dünýädäki iň uly ýa-da iň uly önüm öndürijiler:
1. Hytaý, 4,865,827,26 dollar
2. ABŞ, 2,497,131.58
3. Japanaponiýa, 995,308,97 dollar
4. Germaniýa, 803,213.14 dollar
5. Günorta Koreýa, 461,104.31 dollar
6. Hindistan, 443 911,66 dollar
7. Italiýa, 314 095,61 dollar
8. Angliýa, 274,872,28 dollar
9. Fransiýa, 262 642.86 dollar
10. Russiýa Federasiýasy, 256,958,27 dollar |
All planets in our solar system rotate on their axis either in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. Tell me which planets have clockwise rotation, and which have anti-clockwise rotations. The planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. | Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have clockwise rotations. Venus has an anti-clockwise rotation. In summary, all planets except for Venus have a clockwise rotation. | classification | Gün ulgamymyzdaky ähli planetalar öz okunda sagat ugruna ýa-da sagat ugruna aýlanýar. Haýsy planetalaryň sagat ugry boýunça aýlanýandygyny we haýsysynyň sagat ugruna garşy aýlanýandygyny aýdyň. Planetalar: Merkuri, Wenera, Earther, Mars, upupiter, Saturn, Uran we Neptun. | Merkuri, Earther, Mars, upupiter, Saturn, Uran we Neptun sagat ugruna aýlanýar. Wenera sagadyň garşysyna aýlanýar. Gysgaça aýtsak, Wenusdan başga ähli planetalaryň sagat ugry boýunça aýlanmagy bar. |
Which singer’s real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta? | Lady Gaga | open_qa | Haýsy aýdymçynyň hakyky ady Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta? | Lady Gaga |
Who wrote The Picture of Dorian Grey in 1891 | Oscar Wilde | open_qa | 1891-nji ýylda Dorian Greýiň suratyny kim ýazdy | Oskar Waýld |
Given this paragraph, who wrote and directed Heads I Win, Tails You Lose | Heads I Win, Tails You Lose (Italian: Testa o Croce, also known as Heads or Tails) is a 1982 Italian comedy film written and directed by Nanni Loy.
The film consists in two back-to-back stories that deals with two "taboo" themes, the celibacy of the clergy in the episode of Renato Pozzetto and the homosexuality in the one with Nino Manfredi. | Based on this passage of text, Nanni Loy wrote and directed the movie Heads I Win, Tails You Lose. | closed_qa | Ieňýän başlyklarymy ýazan we re directedissýorlyk eden bu abzasy göz öňünde tutup, ýitiren guýruklaryňyz | Ieňýän kelleler, ýitiren guýruklaryňyz (italýança: Testa o Croce, başlar ýa-da guýruklar diýlip hem atlandyrylýar) 1982-nji ýylda Nanni Loýyň ýazan we re directedissýorlyk eden italýan komediýa filmidir.
Film iki "gadagan" mowzuk, Renato Pozzetto epizodynda ruhanylaryň nikasyzlygy we Nino Manfredi bilen gomoseksualizm bilen baglanyşykly iki sany yzly-yzyna hekaýadan ybarat. | Nanni Loý tekstiň bu bölümine esaslanyp, “Men ýeňýärin”, “oseitirýän guýruklar” filmini ýazdy we re directedissýorlyk etdi. |
How do you reverse sear a steak on the Big Green Egg? | How to reverse Sear? The reverse sear is one of the most popular ways to grill a steak on the Big Green Egg, and my personal favorite. The key to the Reverse Sear is to start low and slow. It is much easier to raise the temp on the BGE than lower the temp. Ideally, the dome temp for a reverse sear is 250. However, I've had good success with the temp as low as 225 and as high as 300.
Fill your BGE up with your favorite lump charcoal up to the fire ring , light the fire and let it burn for about 9 minutes. Stir the coals so that the lit coals mix with unlit coals for an even cook.I prefer to cook my steak without adding wood chips as I don't want to overpower the meat...but if I were going to add chips I prefer post oak. Put the plate setter in with the legs up. Close the top and open the bottom vent and top vent with the opening about the size of a quarter. With the plate setter in, give it about 30 minutes to heat up the plate setter and stabilize at 250.
Now that the Egg is stabilized at 250, time to add your steaks. You can pretty much reverse sear almost any cut but I prefer a ribeye, strip, or filet. The quintessential reverse sear cut is the bone-in ribeye, aka the cowboy or Tomahawk. The reverse sear works best with thick cuts. I would say the minimum thickness for a reverse sear is about 1 and a half inch, but the thicker the better. I look for the thickest cut possible for best results. I personally prefer to season my steaks with salt and pepper. My theory is that if you just spent $50 on a prime steak, then no need to overpower the meat with fancy seasoning. I want like the steaks to speak for themselves. The key to this stage is a good leave in thermometer. You want to roast the steaks until internal temp hits 113 degrees. No more no less. When the internal temp hits 113, remove your steak to a cutting board and tent with foil.
At this point you should have pulled the steak with an internal temp of 113, and it should be resting on a tented cutting board. Final step of the reverse sear is the sear. Open up the top and remove the plate setter and grates.Open the bottom vent all the way and let the oxygen in to stoke the fire. I will give the coals another stir and about 5 minutes with the top open to gas up the fire. I then replace the grate, close the top and open all vents. The dome temp should climb rapidly. For a good sear you want it at least 450, with the ideal dome temp about 500-550. At this point you need to make a choice. You can either sear directly over the coals, or you can use a cast iron skillet with a butter bath. if you are going directly over the coals, its pretty simple. Place the steaks on the grate, and sear for about 90 seconds per side. If you use a cast iron skillet, I use a 50/50 mix of salted butter and olive oil. Butter has a lower scorch point, so if your skillet gets too hot you will burn the butter. I've also had good success with Avocado or Peanut oil that has a much higher scorch point. Add some garlic and thyme, sear for 90 seconds a side and don't forget to spoon the butter over the steaks for a little extra love. Remove the steaks and let them rest for 10 minutes. This is a critical step that will ensure the juices will stay in the meat.
Slice and serve. | creative_writing | Uly ýaşyl ýumurtgada biftek gözlemegi nädip tersine öwrüp bilersiňiz? | Sear-y nädip yzyna öwürmeli? Ters gözleg, Uly Greenaşyl ýumurtgada biftek bişirmegiň iň meşhur usullaryndan biri we meniň şahsy halaýan zatlarym. Ters gözlegiň açary pes we haýal başlamakdyr. BGE-de tempi peseltmekden has aňsat. Iň gowusy, ters gözleg üçin gümmez temp 250-dir. Şeýle-de bolsa, temp 225-den pes we 300-e çenli ýokary üstünlik gazandym.
BGE-ni iň gowy görýän kömür bilen ojak halkasyna çenli dolduryň, ody ýakyň we takmynan 9 minut ýakyň. Kömüri garyşdyryň, hatda aşpez üçin ýakylmadyk kömürler garylmadyk kömürler bilen garyşar. Etiň üstünden geçmek islemeýändigim üçin biftekimi agaç çipleri goşmazdan bişirmegi makul bilýärin ... ýöne çipleri goşjak bolsam has gowy görýärin dub agajy. Tabak sazlaýjysyny aýaklary bilen goýuň. Topokarky bölegini ýapyň we aşaky çukury we ýokarky çukury dörtden bir ululykda açyň. Tabak gurnamagy bilen, tabak sazlaýjysyny gyzdyrmak we 250-de durnuklaşdyrmak üçin 30 minut wagt beriň.
Nowumurtga 250-de durnuklaşandan soň, biftek goşmagyň wagty. Islän kesişleriňizi diýen ýaly tersine öwrüp bilersiňiz, ýöne men ribeye, zolak ýa-da filet saýlaýaryn. Öwreniji ters gözleg, kawboý ýa-da Tomahawk ýaly süňkli ribeye. Ters gözleg galyň kesikler bilen has gowy işleýär. Ters gözleg üçin iň pes galyňlyk 1 ýarym dýuým diýerdim, ýöne näçe galyň bolsa şonça gowy. Iň oňat netijeler üçin mümkin bolan iň galyň kesimi gözleýärin. Men hut özüm bifteklerimi duz we burç bilen tagamlamagy makul bilýärin. Meniň nazaryýetim, esasy biftek üçin bary-ýogy 50 dollar sarp eden bolsaňyz, eti ajaýyp tagam bilen agdarmagyň zerurlygy ýok. Biftekleriň özleri üçin gürlemegini isleýärin. Bu tapgyryň açary termometrde gowy rugsat. Içki temp 113 dereje ýetýänçä biftekleri gowurmak isleýärsiňiz. Indi az däl. Içki temp 113 urlanda, biftekiňizi folga bilen kesiş tagtasyna we çadyryna çykaryň.
Bu pursatda, içki temp 113 bilen biftek çeken bolmaly we çadyrly kesiş tagtasynda bolmaly. Ters gözlegiň soňky ädimi gözlegdir. Theokarky bölegini açyň we tarelkany we panjaralary aýyryň. Aşaky wenti açyň we kislorody oda ýakyň. Kömüri ýene bir gezek bererin we ody ýakmak üçin ýokarky açyk 5 minut töweregi wagt bererin. Soňra panjara çalyşýaryn, ýokarsyny ýapýaryn we ähli wentleri açýaryn. Gümmez temp çalt ýokary çykmaly. Gowy gözleg üçin iň azyndan 450, ideal gümmez tempi 500-550 töweregi isleýärsiňiz. Bu pursatda saýlamaly. Göni kömüriň üstünden gözläp bilersiňiz, ýa-da ýagly hammam bilen guýlan demir skeletini ulanyp bilersiňiz. gönüden-göni kömüriň üstünden barsaň, gaty ýönekeý. Biftekleri panjara ýerleşdiriň we her tarapa 90 sekunt gözläň. Çoýun demir skeletini ulansaňyz, duzly ýag we zeýtun ýagynyň 50/50 garyndysyny ulanýaryn. Sarymsagyň pes ysy bar, şonuň üçin skeletiňiz gaty gyzsa, ýagy ýakarsyňyz. Mundan başga-da, ysy has ýokary bolan Awakado ýa-da nohut ýagy bilen gowy üstünlik gazandym. Biraz sarymsak we kekini goşuň, bir gapdalynda 90 sekunt gözläň we biraz goşmaça söýgi üçin ýagy biftekleriň üstüne çemçe etmegi ýatdan çykarmaň. Biftekleri aýyryň we 10 minut dynç alyň. Bu şireleriň etde galmagyny üpjün etjek möhüm ädimdir.
Dilimläň we hyzmat ediň. |
Give me a bulleted list of ideas for a viral youtube video | • Film yourself biking from California to New York
• Create summarizations and synopses of high profile current events and supplement them with high quality editing or animations
• Document your journey of mastering a new skill, like learning an instrument, and provide large-scale time lapses where you go from beginner to advanced at the skill.
• Film yourself attempting to infiltrate and work for a venue or event, like attempting to sneak into a fashion show and pretending to be, or entering a coffee shop and pretending to be a newly-hired barista | brainstorming | Wirusly youtube wideosy üçin pikirleriň sanawyny beriň | • Kaliforniýadan Nýu-Yorkorka welosiped sürüň
• profileokary derejeli häzirki wakalaryň jemlemelerini we synopslaryny dörediň we olary ýokary hilli redaktirleme ýa-da animasiýa bilen dolduryň
• Bir gural öwrenmek ýaly täze ussatlygy özleşdirmek syýahatyňyzy resminama ediň we başlangyçdan başarnykda ösen ýeriňize uly göwrümli wagt beriň.
• Moda sergisine girip, özüni görkezmek, ýa-da kofe dükanyna girmek we täze işe alnan barista ýaly görünmek ýaly bir ýere ýa-da çärä aralaşmaga synanyşýan filmiňizi surata alyň. |
What NFL team was moved out of Ohio and became the Baltimore Ravens in 1996? | The owner of the Cleveland Browns, Art Modell, decided to relocate the team from Cleveland to Baltimore. However, a settlement decided that the titles, history, and colors would stay in Cleveland and the personnel and team were moved to Baltimore. Cleveland was without a football team from 1996 until replacements were established in 1999. | open_qa | Haýsy NFL topary Ogaýo şäherinden göçürildi we 1996-njy ýylda Baltimor Rawensi boldy? | Kliwlend Braunsyň eýesi Art Modell topary Kliwlendden Baltimora göçürmek kararyna geldi. Şeýle-de bolsa, atlar, taryh we reňkler Kliwlendde galar we işgärler we topar Baltimora göçürildi. Kliwlend 1996-njy ýyldan başlap, 1999-njy ýylda çalşylýança futbol topary ýokdy. |
Given this paragraph about London, give me a reason why the London Docklands became a focus for regeneration in the 1980s. | Greater London's population declined in the decades after the Second World War, from an estimated peak of 8.6 million in 1939 to around 6.8 million in the 1980s. The principal ports for London moved downstream to Felixstowe and Tilbury, with the London Docklands area becoming a focus for regeneration, including the Canary Wharf development. This was born out of London's increasing role as an international financial centre in the 1980s. The Thames Barrier was completed in the 1980s to protect London against tidal surges from the North Sea. | One reason why the London Docklands became a focus for regeneration in the 1980s is that London had an increasing role as an international financial centre. | closed_qa | London hakda bu abzasy göz öňünde tutup, London Doklendiň 1980-nji ýyllarda täzeden dikeldiş merkezine öwrülmeginiň sebäbini aýdyň. | Beýik Londonyň ilaty Ikinji jahan urşundan soňky onýyllyklarda 1939-njy ýylda 8,6 milliondan 1980-nji ýyllarda 6,8 million töweregi azaldy. London üçin esasy portlar aşak akymdan Feliksstowe we Tilberä göçdi, London Doklend sebiti Kanariýa duralgasynyň ösüşini hem öz içine almak bilen täzeden dikeldiş merkezine öwrüldi. Bu, 1980-nji ýyllarda Londonyň halkara maliýe merkezi hökmünde barha artýan rolundan ýüze çykdy. Tames päsgelçiligi 1980-nji ýyllarda Londony Demirgazyk deňzinden gelýän joşgunlardan goramak üçin tamamlandy. | London Doklendiň 1980-nji ýyllarda täzeden dikeldiş merkezine öwrülmeginiň bir sebäbi, Londonyň halkara maliýe merkezi hökmünde barha artýan rolunyň bolmagydyr. |
What are the most crowded surf spots in the world | Snapper Rocks, Gold Coast, Australia - Rincon, California - Malibu, California - Trestles, California | brainstorming | Dünýäde iň köp adamly serf ýerleri haýsylar? | Snapper Roks, Altyn kenar, Awstraliýa - Rinkon, Kaliforniýa - Malibu, Kaliforniýa - Trestles, Kaliforniýa |
Which of these is bigger than a breadbox?
Dog, cat, mouse, hydrogen atom, tree, spider, Jupiter, credit card, baseball, basketball, bus, the statue of liberty, a meteorite, an asteroid, Elvis | Typically, the following are bigger than a breadbox: dog, cat, tree, Jupiter, basketball, bus, the Statue of Liberty, an asteroid and Elvis. The rest of the items in the list would normally be smaller than a breadbox. | classification | Bularyň haýsy çörek gutusyndan uly?
It, pişik, syçan, wodorod atomy, agaç, möý, upupiter, kredit kartoçkasy, beýsbol, basketbol, awtobus, azatlyk heýkeli, meteorit, asteroid, Elwis | Adatça, aşakdakylar çörek gutusyndan has uludyr: it, pişik, agaç, upupiter, basketbol, awtobus, Azatlyk heýkeli, asteroid we Elwis. Sanawdaky galan zatlar adatça çörek gutusyndan has kiçi bolardy. |
Write an apology letter to my wife for eating the last of the Oreo cookies and drinking the last of the milk. | To my lovely wife,
I am very sorry for consuming the last of our Oreos and Milk. I was not thinking of you or anyone else in the house when I decided to eat them but selfishly only thinking of my own hunger and needs. In the future, I promise to check with you and the kids prior to eating the last of any delicious treat or food.
My most sincere apologies.
From, Your loving Husband. | creative_writing | Oreo gutapjyklarynyň iň soňkusyny iýip, süýdüň iň soňkusyny içendigi üçin aýalyma ötünç hatyny ýazyň. | Söýgüli aýalyma,
Oreos we Süýtimiziň iň soňkusyny iýenim üçin gaty gynandym. Olary iýmek kararyna gelenimde, siz ýa-da öýdäki başga biri hakda pikir etmeýärdim, egoistlik bilen diňe öz açlygym we zerurlyklarym hakda pikir edýärdim. Geljekde, iň ýakymly tagamlardan ýa-da iýmitlerden iň soňkusyny iýmezden ozal siz we çagalar bilen barlamagy wada berýärin.
Iň tüýs ýürekden ötünç soraýaryn.
Söýgüli äriňizden. |
Classify each of the following as either a city or a country: Delhi, China, Tokyo, Australia, India, Kuala Lumpur, Egypt, Morocco, Paris, London, Finland, Dubai, Angola, Chennai, Cape Town, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Ecuador, Sao Paulo, Toronto, Iran, Moscow, Berlin, Slovenia, Prague, Italy, Milan, Argentina, Cuba, Cambodia, Brunei, Jakarta, Manila | The following are countries - China, Australia, India, Egypt, Morocco, Finland, Angola, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Ecuador, Iran, Slovenia, Italy, Argentina, Cuba, and the Philippines
The following are cities - Delhi, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, London, Dubai, Chennai, Cape Town, Sao Paulo, Toronto, Moscow, Berlin, Prague, Milan, Jakarta, and Manila | classification | Aşakdakylaryň hersini şäher ýa-da ýurt hökmünde toparlara bölüň: Deli, Hytaý, Tokio, Awstraliýa, Hindistan, Kuala-Lumpur, Müsür, Marokko, Pari Paris, London, Finlýandiýa, Dubaý, Angola, Çennaý, Keýptaun, Gwineýa, Piliory kenary, Ekwador, Sao Paulo, Toronto, Eýran, Moskwa, Berlin, Sloweniýa, Praga, Italiýa, Milan, Argentina, Kuba, Kamboja, Bruneý, Jakarta, Manila | Aşakdaky ýurtlar - Hytaý, Awstraliýa, Hindistan, Müsür, Marokko, Finlýandiýa, Angola, Gwineýa, Piliory kenary, Ekwador, Eýran, Sloweniýa, Italiýa, Argentina, Kuba we Filippinler
Aşakdaky şäherler - Deli, Tokio, Kuala-Lumpur, Pari Paris, London, Dubaý, Çennaý, Keýptaun, Sao Paulo, Toronto, Moskwa, Berlin, Praga, Milan, Jakarta we Manila |
Why do people need money? | People need money to satisfy their basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter so they lead a humane life. It plays a critical role in education as many studies show that it has a proportional relation between household income and children’s educational level, which ties to their success post-education in society. Money also provides opportunities to enrich lifestyes and enhance well-being. With its importance, people often fight for it, and money sadly causes crimes. | general_qa | Adamlara näme üçin pul gerek? | Adamlara adamzat durmuşyny dowam etdirmek üçin iýmit, egin-eşik we jaý ýaly esasy zerurlyklaryny kanagatlandyrmak üçin pul gerek. Bilim ulgamynda möhüm rol oýnaýar, sebäbi köp gözlegleriň, öý girdejileri bilen çagalaryň bilim derejesiniň arasynda proporsional gatnaşygynyň bardygyny görkezýär, bu bolsa jemgyýetdäki bilimlerinden soňky üstünlikleri bilen baglanyşyklydyr. Şeýle hem pul durmuş durmuşyny baýlaşdyrmaga we abadançylygy ýokarlandyrmaga mümkinçilik berýär. Möhümi bilen adamlar köplenç onuň üçin göreşýärler we pul gynandyryjy ýagdaýda jenaýat döredýär. |
Who were Hank Williams early musical influences? | Born and raised in Alabama, Williams learned guitar from African-American blues musician Rufus Payne in exchange for meals or money. Payne, along with Roy Acuff and Ernest Tubb, had a significant influence on Williams' musical style. Williams began his professional career in Montgomery in 1937 when local radio station WSFA hired him to perform on a 15-minute program. He formed the Drifting Cowboys backup band, which was managed by his mother, and dropped out of school to devote his time to his career. When several of his band members were drafted during World War II, he had trouble with their replacements, and WSFA terminated his contract because of his alcoholism. | As a child Hank Williams was influenced by popular country artists such as Roy Acuff and Earnest Tubb, but he was also influenced by African-American blues musician Rufus Payne. Payne taught Williams how to play guitar, and was a significant influence on his musical style. | summarization | Hank Williams irki aýdym-saz täsirleri kimlerdi? | Alabamada doglan we önüp-ösen Williams nahar ýa-da pul çalyşmak üçin afroamerikaly bluz sazandasy Rufus Payne-den gitara öwrendi. Paýne, Roý Acuff we Ernest Tubb bilen bilelikde Williamsyň aýdym-saz stiline uly täsir edipdir. Williams professional karýerasyna 1937-nji ýylda WSFA ýerli radiostansiýasy ony 15 minutlyk programmada çykyş etmek üçin hakyna tutanda başlady. Ejesi tarapyndan dolandyrylýan “Drifting Cowboys” ätiýaçlyk toparyny döretdi we wagtyny karýerasyna bagyşlamak üçin mekdebi taşlady. Toparyň agzalarynyň birnäçesi Ikinji jahan urşy wagtynda harby gulluga çagyrylanda, olaryň ornuny tutmakda kynçylyk çekdi we WSFA arakhorlugy sebäpli şertnamasyny ýatyrdy. | Çagalygynda Hank Williams Roý Akuff we Earnest Tubb ýaly meşhur ýurt sungat işgärleriniň täsirine düşdi, ýöne oňa afroamerikaly bluz sazandasy Rufus Payne hem täsir etdi. Paýne Williams-a gitara çalmagy öwretdi we aýdym-saz stiline ep-esli täsir etdi. |
Identify the bird from the list: Lint, Linnet, Lining | Linnet | classification | Sanawdan guşy kesgitläň: Lint, Linnet, Lining | Linnet |
Tell me whether these dog breeds need lots of exercise: Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Springer, Husky, French Bulldog, Pekingese, Pomeranian, Chihuahua | Golden Retriever and German Shepherd need daily constant exercise, at least twice a day. Springers needs lots of exercise as well, preferred 2 hours per day. Similarly for Husky.
On the other hand, French Bulldog's need on exercise is minimal and owners should avoid high intensity exercise for French Bulldog. Similarly for Pekingese, as they have shorter nose, so owners should not overdo the exercise otherwise Pekingese will struggle. Owners should also avoid overdoing exercise for Pomeranian.
Chihuahua doesn't need as much exercise as retrievers or Shepherds, but it still need certain level of exercise to keep active.
It's the best to consult your vet per your dog's condition. | classification | Bu it tohumlarynyň köp maşklara mätäçdigini ýa-da ýokdugyny aýdyň: Altyn alyjy, German çopany, Springer, Husky, Fransuz Buldog, Pekingese, Pomeranian, Chihuahua | “Altyn alyjy” we nemes çopany her gün azyndan iki gezek yzygiderli maşk etmeli. Springerlere günde 2 sagat ileri tutulýan köp maşk gerek. Husky üçin.
Beýleki tarapdan, fransuz buldogynyň maşklara zerurlygy az we eýeler fransuz buldogy üçin ýokary güýçli maşklardan gaça durmalydyrlar. Pekingliler üçin hem burny gysga bolansoň, eýeler maşkdan artykmaç bolmaly däldirler, ýogsam Pekingese göreşer. Şeýle hem, eýeler Pomeranian üçin artykmaç maşklardan gaça durmalydyrlar.
Chihuahua alyjylar ýa-da Çopanlar ýaly köp maşk gerek däl, ýöne işjeň bolmak üçin henizem belli bir derejede maşk gerek.
Itiňiziň ýagdaýyna görä mal lukmanyňyz bilen maslahatlaşmak iň gowusydyr. |
What are ways to improve running speed? | There are several training methods to increase your race speed, they all play with tempo in different forms.
Interval training is one way to increase running speed. In this form of training, you alternate between slow and fast tempos within a training session. You run through several repetitions alternating between fast running pace and trotting pauses. Depending on the target distance and speed, this training unit can be designed differently. A marathon runner goes through a different interval training as a 800 meter runner.
Another way to train and increase the running speed are tempo runs. Here you run at a higher pace than the actual target pace. The intensity of the load is correspondingly high, the duration of the load and the distance is therefore shorter.
Overall, however, it is important to remember that base training is just as important for increasing race speed as fast tempo sessions. With long runs, the appropriate foundations are laid in order to build them up with the previously mentioned speed units. | open_qa | Işleýiş tizligini ýokarlandyrmagyň ýollary haýsylar? | Racearyş tizligiňizi ýokarlandyrmak üçin birnäçe okuw usuly bar, hemmesi dürli görnüşde temp bilen oýnaýarlar.
Aralyk okuw, ylgaw tizligini ýokarlandyrmagyň bir usulydyr. Okuwyň bu görnüşinde, okuw sapagynyň dowamynda haýal we çalt templeriň arasynda gezekleşýärsiňiz. Çalt ylgaýan tizlik bilen yzarlama arakesmeleriniň arasynda gezekleşip, birnäçe gezek gaýtalanýarsyňyz. Maksatly aralyga we tizlige baglylykda bu okuw bölümi başgaça dizaýn edilip bilner. Marafon ylgaýjysy 800 metr aralyga ylgaýjy hökmünde başga aralyk okuwyny geçýär.
Işlemegiň tizligini ýokarlandyrmagyň we ýokarlandyrmagyň ýene bir usuly temp ylgawydyr. Bu ýerde hakyky maksat tizliginden has ýokary tizlik bilen ylgaýarsyňyz. Loadüküň intensiwligi degişlilikde ýokary, ýüküň dowamlylygy we aralyk has gysga.
Umuman aýdylanda, esasy türgenleşigiň ýaryş tizligini ýokarlandyrmak üçin çalt temp sessiýalary ýaly möhümdigini ýatdan çykarmaly däldir. Uzak wagtlap, ýokarda agzalan tizlik birlikleri bilen gurmak üçin degişli esaslar goýulýar. |
What are some good ice cream toppings that are gross when mixed together? | Some ice cream topping pairings that would probably not go well together are cinnamon candy and hot fudge, gummy bears and peanut butter cups, and cookie crumbs and pineapple. | brainstorming | Bile garyşanda gödek doňdurma goşundylary haýsylar? | Käbir doňdurma üstündäki jübütler, darçyn süýjüleri we gyzgyn sogan, gummy aýylar we nohut ýagy käseleri, köke bölekleri we ananas. |
Tell me about Joseph Anthony | Joseph Anthony (born Joseph Deuster; May 24, 1912 – January 20, 1993) was an American playwright, actor, and director. He made his film acting debut in the 1934 film Hat, Coat, and Glove and his theatrical acting debut in a 1935 production of Mary of Scotland. On five occasions he was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Direction.
Joseph Anthony was born as Joseph Deuster in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on May 24, 1912. His parents were Leonard Deuster and Sophie Deuster (née Hertz). Anthony attended the University of Wisconsin. He married Perry Wilson on August 2, 1942, in New York City. He prepared for the stage at the Pasadena Playhouse from 1931 through 1935 and at the Daykarhanova School from 1935 through 1937. Anthony served in the United States Army in World War II from 1942 through 1946. He trained at Camp Ritchie and it’s Composite School Unit. On January 20, 1993, Joseph Anthony died at the age of 80 in a nursing home in Hyannis, Massachusetts. | Joseph Anthony (born Joseph Deuster; May 24, 1912 – January 20, 1993) was an American playwright, actor, and director. He made his film acting debut in the 1934 film Hat, Coat, and Glove and his theatrical acting debut in a 1935 production of Mary of Scotland. On five occasions he was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Direction. | summarization | Jozef Entoni hakda gürrüň beriň | Jozef Entoni (doglan Jozef Deuster; 1912-nji ýylyň 24-nji maýy - 1993-nji ýylyň 20-nji ýanwary) Amerikaly dramaturg, aktýor we re directorissýor. Filmde 1934-nji ýylda “Şlýapa, palto we ellik” filminde we 1935-nji ýylda Şotlandiýanyň Merýeminiň prodýuserinde teatr aktýorlygynda ilkinji gezek çykyş etdi. Bäş gezek iň gowy re forissýor üçin Toni baýragyna dalaşgär görkezildi.
Jozef Entoni 1912-nji ýylyň 24-nji maýynda Wiskonsin ştatynyň Milwaukide Jozef Deuster hökmünde dünýä indi. Ene-atasy Leonard Deuster we Sofi Deuster (täze Hertz). Entoni Wiskonsin uniwersitetinde okady. 1942-nji ýylyň 2-nji awgustynda Nýu-Yorkork şäherinde Perri Wilson bilen durmuş gurdy. 1931-nji ýyldan 1935-nji ýyla çenli Pasadena oýun meýdançasynda we 1935-nji ýyldan 1937-nji ýyla çenli Daýkarhanowa mekdebinde sahna taýýarlandy. Entoni 1942-nji ýyldan 1946-njy ýyla çenli Ikinji jahan urşunda ABŞ-nyň goşunynda gulluk etdi. Ritçi lagerinde tälim aldy. 1993-nji ýylyň 20-nji ýanwarynda Jozef Entoni 80 ýaşynda Massaçusets ştatynyň Hyannis şäherindäki garrylar öýünde aradan çykdy. | Jozef Entoni (doglan Jozef Deuster; 1912-nji ýylyň 24-nji maýy - 1993-nji ýylyň 20-nji ýanwary) Amerikaly dramaturg, aktýor we re directorissýor. Filmde 1934-nji ýylda “Şlýapa, palto we ellik” filminde we 1935-nji ýylda Şotlandiýanyň Merýeminiň prodýuserinde teatr aktýorlygynda ilkinji gezek çykyş etdi. Bäş gezek iň gowy re forissýor üçin Toni baýragyna dalaşgär görkezildi. |
What is a lab environment? | A lab environment is a place that has computers or servers used for testing different use cases or projects in development, test and production type scenarios. Lab environment may more relaxed security rules too if new technology is being tested for production use in a company to get a go / no-go answer faster. Lab environments save money because solutions and proof of concepts can usually be built out a lot of faster reducing the time to value to a technology or project decision. | open_qa | Laboratoriýa gurşawy näme? | Laboratoriýa gurşawy, ösüş, synag we önümçilik görnüşindäki ssenariýalarda dürli ulanylyş ýagdaýlaryny ýa-da taslamalary barlamak üçin ulanylýan kompýuterler ýa-da serwerler bar. Laboratoriýa gurşawy, has çalt jogap almak üçin bir kompaniýada önümçilik ulanylyşy üçin täze tehnologiýa barlanylsa, howpsuzlyk düzgünleri has rahat bolup biler. Laboratoriýa gurşawy pul tygşytlaýar, sebäbi çözgütler we düşünjeleriň subutnamasy, adatça tehnologiýa ýa-da taslama kararyna baha bermek wagtyny azaltmak üçin has çalt döredilip bilner. |
Where will the third Summer Olympic Games be held? | It will be the third Summer Games to be held in Australia after the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, Victoria and the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, New South Wales. It will also be the fourth Summer Games to be held in the Southern Hemisphere, after the aforementioned games in Australia and the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This will also be the second Summer Games to be held entirely in a host country's meteorological winter, after Rio de Janeiro. | The third Summer Games to be held in Australia will be hosted in Brisbane, Queensland. | closed_qa | Üçünji tomusky Olimpiýa oýunlary nirede geçiriler? | 1956-njy ýylda Melburnda, Wiktoriýada geçirilen tomusky Olimpiýa oýunlaryndan we 2000-nji ýylda Täze Günorta Uelsiň Sidneý şäherinde geçiriljek tomusky Olimpiýa oýunlaryndan soň Awstraliýada geçiriljek üçünji tomusky oýunlar bolar. Şeýle hem Awstraliýada ýokarda agzalan oýunlardan we 2016-njy ýylda Braziliýanyň Rio-de-Janeaneýro şäherinde geçiriljek tomusky Olimpiýa oýunlaryndan soň Günorta ýarym şarda geçiriljek dördünji tomusky oýun bolar. Şeýle hem, Rio de Janeaneýrodan soň tutuş ýer eýesi meteorologiýa gyşynda geçiriljek ikinji tomusky oýunlar bolar. | Awstraliýada geçiriljek üçünji tomusky oýunlar Kwinslendiň Brisbane şäherinde geçiriler. |