5 values
* grasp it * close gripper
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -30 y: -33 z: 30, gripper: open, black-cup x: 0 y: -51 z: 0 , green-circle x: -53 y: 45 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -29 y: 3 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -57 y: -58 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -9 y: 6 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -30 y: -33 z: 40])
* move up * from (-30; -33; 30) * to (-30; -33; 340)
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -30 y: -33 z: 30, gripper: close, black-cup x: 0 y: -51 z: 0 , green-circle x: -53 y: 45 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -29 y: 3 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -57 y: -58 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -9 y: 6 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -30 y: -33 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (-30; -33; 340) * to (0; -51; 300)
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -30 y: -33 z: 340, gripper: close, black-cup x: 0 y: -51 z: 0 , green-circle x: -53 y: 45 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -29 y: 3 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -57 y: -58 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -9 y: 6 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -30 y: -33 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 0 y: -51 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: 0 y: -51 z: 0 , green-circle x: -53 y: 45 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -29 y: 3 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -57 y: -58 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -9 y: 6 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 0 y: -51 z: 300])
* go home * from (0; -51; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 0 y: -51 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: 0 y: -51 z: 0 , green-circle x: -53 y: 45 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -29 y: 3 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -57 y: -58 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -9 y: 6 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 0 y: -51 z: 0])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (-41; 43; 100)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: 4 y: -47 z: 0 , green-circle x: -41 y: 43 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 34 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -2 y: 27 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -30 y: -56 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 10 y: -39 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(-41; 43; 100)* to (-41; 43; 30)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -41 y: 43 z: 100, gripper: open, black-cup x: 4 y: -47 z: 0 , green-circle x: -41 y: 43 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 34 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -2 y: 27 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -30 y: -56 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 10 y: -39 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -41 y: 43 z: 30, gripper: open, black-cup x: 4 y: -47 z: 0 , green-circle x: -41 y: 43 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 34 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -2 y: 27 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -30 y: -56 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 10 y: -39 z: 40])
* move up * from (-41; 43; 30) * to (-41; 43; 340)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -41 y: 43 z: 30, gripper: close, black-cup x: 4 y: -47 z: 0 , green-circle x: -41 y: 43 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 34 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -2 y: 27 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -30 y: -56 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 10 y: -39 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (-41; 43; 340) * to (4; -47; 300)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -41 y: 43 z: 340, gripper: close, black-cup x: 4 y: -47 z: 0 , green-circle x: -41 y: 43 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 34 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -2 y: 27 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -30 y: -56 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 10 y: -39 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 4 y: -47 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: 4 y: -47 z: 0 , green-circle x: 4 y: -47 z: 300 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 34 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -2 y: 27 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -30 y: -56 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 10 y: -39 z: 40])
* go home * from (4; -47; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 4 y: -47 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: 4 y: -47 z: 0 , green-circle x: 4 y: -47 z: 0 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 34 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -2 y: 27 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -30 y: -56 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 10 y: -39 z: 40])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (-40; -48; 140)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: 13 y: 56 z: 0 , green-circle x: -40 y: -20 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -40 y: -48 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 45 y: 16 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -39 y: 58 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 2 y: -18 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(-40; -48; 140)* to (-40; -48; 70)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -40 y: -48 z: 140, gripper: open, black-cup x: 13 y: 56 z: 0 , green-circle x: -40 y: -20 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -40 y: -48 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 45 y: 16 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -39 y: 58 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 2 y: -18 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -40 y: -48 z: 70, gripper: open, black-cup x: 13 y: 56 z: 0 , green-circle x: -40 y: -20 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -40 y: -48 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 45 y: 16 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -39 y: 58 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 2 y: -18 z: 40])
* move up * from (-40; -48; 70) * to (-40; -48; 380)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -40 y: -48 z: 70, gripper: close, black-cup x: 13 y: 56 z: 0 , green-circle x: -40 y: -20 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -40 y: -48 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 45 y: 16 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -39 y: 58 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 2 y: -18 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (-40; -48; 380) * to (13; 56; 300)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -40 y: -48 z: 380, gripper: close, black-cup x: 13 y: 56 z: 0 , green-circle x: -40 y: -20 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -40 y: -48 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 45 y: 16 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -39 y: 58 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 2 y: -18 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 13 y: 56 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: 13 y: 56 z: 0 , green-circle x: -40 y: -20 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 13 y: 56 z: 300 , grey-rectangle x: 45 y: 16 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -39 y: 58 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 2 y: -18 z: 40])
* go home * from (13; 56; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 13 y: 56 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: 13 y: 56 z: 0 , green-circle x: -40 y: -20 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 13 y: 56 z: 0 , grey-rectangle x: 45 y: 16 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -39 y: 58 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 2 y: -18 z: 40])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (-32; 50; 140)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: 4 y: 27 z: 0 , green-circle x: -32 y: -49 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 20 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -32 y: 50 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -26 y: -36 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -51 y: 4 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(-32; 50; 140)* to (-32; 50; 70)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -32 y: 50 z: 140, gripper: open, black-cup x: 4 y: 27 z: 0 , green-circle x: -32 y: -49 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 20 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -32 y: 50 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -26 y: -36 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -51 y: 4 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -32 y: 50 z: 70, gripper: open, black-cup x: 4 y: 27 z: 0 , green-circle x: -32 y: -49 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 20 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -32 y: 50 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -26 y: -36 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -51 y: 4 z: 40])
* move up * from (-32; 50; 70) * to (-32; 50; 380)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -32 y: 50 z: 70, gripper: close, black-cup x: 4 y: 27 z: 0 , green-circle x: -32 y: -49 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 20 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -32 y: 50 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -26 y: -36 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -51 y: 4 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (-32; 50; 380) * to (4; 27; 300)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -32 y: 50 z: 380, gripper: close, black-cup x: 4 y: 27 z: 0 , green-circle x: -32 y: -49 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 20 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -32 y: 50 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -26 y: -36 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -51 y: 4 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 4 y: 27 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: 4 y: 27 z: 0 , green-circle x: -32 y: -49 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 20 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 4 y: 27 z: 300 , red-rectangle x: -26 y: -36 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -51 y: 4 z: 40])
* go home * from (4; 27; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 4 y: 27 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: 4 y: 27 z: 0 , green-circle x: -32 y: -49 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -52 y: 20 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 4 y: 27 z: 0 , red-rectangle x: -26 y: -36 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -51 y: 4 z: 40])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (-14; 54; 140)
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: -3 y: -40 z: 0 , green-circle x: 43 y: 22 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 45 y: 13 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -7 y: 10 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -14 y: 54 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -4 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(-14; 54; 140)* to (-14; 54; 70)
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -14 y: 54 z: 140, gripper: open, black-cup x: -3 y: -40 z: 0 , green-circle x: 43 y: 22 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 45 y: 13 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -7 y: 10 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -14 y: 54 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -4 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -14 y: 54 z: 70, gripper: open, black-cup x: -3 y: -40 z: 0 , green-circle x: 43 y: 22 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 45 y: 13 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -7 y: 10 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -14 y: 54 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -4 z: 40])
* move up * from (-14; 54; 70) * to (-14; 54; 380)
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -14 y: 54 z: 70, gripper: close, black-cup x: -3 y: -40 z: 0 , green-circle x: 43 y: 22 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 45 y: 13 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -7 y: 10 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -14 y: 54 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -4 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (-14; 54; 380) * to (-3; -40; 300)
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -14 y: 54 z: 380, gripper: close, black-cup x: -3 y: -40 z: 0 , green-circle x: 43 y: 22 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 45 y: 13 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -7 y: 10 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -14 y: 54 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -4 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -3 y: -40 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: -3 y: -40 z: 0 , green-circle x: 43 y: 22 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 45 y: 13 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -7 y: 10 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -3 y: -40 z: 300 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -4 z: 40])
* go home * from (-3; -40; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -3 y: -40 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: -3 y: -40 z: 0 , green-circle x: 43 y: 22 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 45 y: 13 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -7 y: 10 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -3 y: -40 z: 0 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -4 z: 40])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (-54; -23; 100)
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: -44 y: -59 z: 0 , green-circle x: -18 y: 44 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 47 y: -2 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 11 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 51 y: 37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -54 y: -23 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(-54; -23; 100)* to (-54; -23; 30)
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -54 y: -23 z: 100, gripper: open, black-cup x: -44 y: -59 z: 0 , green-circle x: -18 y: 44 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 47 y: -2 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 11 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 51 y: 37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -54 y: -23 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -54 y: -23 z: 30, gripper: open, black-cup x: -44 y: -59 z: 0 , green-circle x: -18 y: 44 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 47 y: -2 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 11 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 51 y: 37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -54 y: -23 z: 40])
* move up * from (-54; -23; 30) * to (-54; -23; 340)
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -54 y: -23 z: 30, gripper: close, black-cup x: -44 y: -59 z: 0 , green-circle x: -18 y: 44 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 47 y: -2 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 11 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 51 y: 37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -54 y: -23 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (-54; -23; 340) * to (-44; -59; 300)
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -54 y: -23 z: 340, gripper: close, black-cup x: -44 y: -59 z: 0 , green-circle x: -18 y: 44 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 47 y: -2 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 11 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 51 y: 37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -54 y: -23 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -44 y: -59 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: -44 y: -59 z: 0 , green-circle x: -18 y: 44 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 47 y: -2 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 11 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 51 y: 37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -44 y: -59 z: 300])
* go home * from (-44; -59; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -44 y: -59 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: -44 y: -59 z: 0 , green-circle x: -18 y: 44 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 47 y: -2 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 11 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 51 y: 37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -44 y: -59 z: 0])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (41; -37; 100)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: -50 y: -17 z: 0 , green-circle x: 41 y: -37 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -33 y: -29 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 42 y: -57 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 55 y: -37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -58 y: 54 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(41; -37; 100)* to (41; -37; 30)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 41 y: -37 z: 100, gripper: open, black-cup x: -50 y: -17 z: 0 , green-circle x: 41 y: -37 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -33 y: -29 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 42 y: -57 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 55 y: -37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -58 y: 54 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 41 y: -37 z: 30, gripper: open, black-cup x: -50 y: -17 z: 0 , green-circle x: 41 y: -37 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -33 y: -29 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 42 y: -57 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 55 y: -37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -58 y: 54 z: 40])
* move up * from (41; -37; 30) * to (41; -37; 340)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 41 y: -37 z: 30, gripper: close, black-cup x: -50 y: -17 z: 0 , green-circle x: 41 y: -37 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -33 y: -29 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 42 y: -57 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 55 y: -37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -58 y: 54 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (41; -37; 340) * to (-50; -17; 300)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 41 y: -37 z: 340, gripper: close, black-cup x: -50 y: -17 z: 0 , green-circle x: 41 y: -37 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -33 y: -29 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 42 y: -57 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 55 y: -37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -58 y: 54 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -50 y: -17 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: -50 y: -17 z: 0 , green-circle x: -50 y: -17 z: 300 , green-rectangle x: -33 y: -29 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 42 y: -57 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 55 y: -37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -58 y: 54 z: 40])
* go home * from (-50; -17; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -50 y: -17 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: -50 y: -17 z: 0 , green-circle x: -50 y: -17 z: 0 , green-rectangle x: -33 y: -29 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 42 y: -57 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 55 y: -37 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -58 y: 54 z: 40])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (19; -3; 140)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: 48 y: 5 z: 0 , green-circle x: -43 y: 12 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 19 y: -3 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -42 y: 41 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -49 y: 0 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 32 y: -30 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(19; -3; 140)* to (19; -3; 70)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 19 y: -3 z: 140, gripper: open, black-cup x: 48 y: 5 z: 0 , green-circle x: -43 y: 12 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 19 y: -3 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -42 y: 41 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -49 y: 0 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 32 y: -30 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 19 y: -3 z: 70, gripper: open, black-cup x: 48 y: 5 z: 0 , green-circle x: -43 y: 12 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 19 y: -3 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -42 y: 41 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -49 y: 0 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 32 y: -30 z: 40])
* move up * from (19; -3; 70) * to (19; -3; 380)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 19 y: -3 z: 70, gripper: close, black-cup x: 48 y: 5 z: 0 , green-circle x: -43 y: 12 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 19 y: -3 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -42 y: 41 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -49 y: 0 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 32 y: -30 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (19; -3; 380) * to (48; 5; 300)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 19 y: -3 z: 380, gripper: close, black-cup x: 48 y: 5 z: 0 , green-circle x: -43 y: 12 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 19 y: -3 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -42 y: 41 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -49 y: 0 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 32 y: -30 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 48 y: 5 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: 48 y: 5 z: 0 , green-circle x: -43 y: 12 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 48 y: 5 z: 300 , grey-rectangle x: -42 y: 41 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -49 y: 0 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 32 y: -30 z: 40])
* go home * from (48; 5; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 48 y: 5 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: 48 y: 5 z: 0 , green-circle x: -43 y: 12 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 48 y: 5 z: 0 , grey-rectangle x: -42 y: 41 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -49 y: 0 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 32 y: -30 z: 40])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (31; 2; 140)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: 3 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -16 y: -51 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 43 y: -56 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 31 y: 2 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -40 y: -42 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -28 y: -54 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(31; 2; 140)* to (31; 2; 70)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 31 y: 2 z: 140, gripper: open, black-cup x: 3 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -16 y: -51 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 43 y: -56 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 31 y: 2 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -40 y: -42 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -28 y: -54 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 31 y: 2 z: 70, gripper: open, black-cup x: 3 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -16 y: -51 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 43 y: -56 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 31 y: 2 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -40 y: -42 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -28 y: -54 z: 40])
* move up * from (31; 2; 70) * to (31; 2; 380)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 31 y: 2 z: 70, gripper: close, black-cup x: 3 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -16 y: -51 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 43 y: -56 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 31 y: 2 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -40 y: -42 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -28 y: -54 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (31; 2; 380) * to (3; 33; 300)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 31 y: 2 z: 380, gripper: close, black-cup x: 3 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -16 y: -51 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 43 y: -56 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 31 y: 2 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -40 y: -42 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -28 y: -54 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 3 y: 33 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: 3 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -16 y: -51 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 43 y: -56 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 3 y: 33 z: 300 , red-rectangle x: -40 y: -42 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -28 y: -54 z: 40])
* go home * from (3; 33; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 3 y: 33 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: 3 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -16 y: -51 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 43 y: -56 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 3 y: 33 z: 0 , red-rectangle x: -40 y: -42 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -28 y: -54 z: 40])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (-28; 13; 140)
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: 9 y: -31 z: 0 , green-circle x: -39 y: 3 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -40 y: 53 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -8 y: 37 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -28 y: 13 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 22 y: -57 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(-28; 13; 140)* to (-28; 13; 70)
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -28 y: 13 z: 140, gripper: open, black-cup x: 9 y: -31 z: 0 , green-circle x: -39 y: 3 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -40 y: 53 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -8 y: 37 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -28 y: 13 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 22 y: -57 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -28 y: 13 z: 70, gripper: open, black-cup x: 9 y: -31 z: 0 , green-circle x: -39 y: 3 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -40 y: 53 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -8 y: 37 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -28 y: 13 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 22 y: -57 z: 40])
* move up * from (-28; 13; 70) * to (-28; 13; 380)
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -28 y: 13 z: 70, gripper: close, black-cup x: 9 y: -31 z: 0 , green-circle x: -39 y: 3 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -40 y: 53 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -8 y: 37 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -28 y: 13 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 22 y: -57 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (-28; 13; 380) * to (9; -31; 300)
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -28 y: 13 z: 380, gripper: close, black-cup x: 9 y: -31 z: 0 , green-circle x: -39 y: 3 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -40 y: 53 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -8 y: 37 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -28 y: 13 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 22 y: -57 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 9 y: -31 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: 9 y: -31 z: 0 , green-circle x: -39 y: 3 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -40 y: 53 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -8 y: 37 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 9 y: -31 z: 300 , red-triangle x: 22 y: -57 z: 40])
* go home * from (9; -31; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 9 y: -31 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: 9 y: -31 z: 0 , green-circle x: -39 y: 3 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -40 y: 53 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -8 y: 37 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 9 y: -31 z: 0 , red-triangle x: 22 y: -57 z: 40])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (-21; -52; 100)
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: 58 y: 55 z: 0 , green-circle x: -42 y: 9 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -29 y: -12 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -55 y: -19 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -38 y: 41 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -21 y: -52 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(-21; -52; 100)* to (-21; -52; 30)
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -21 y: -52 z: 100, gripper: open, black-cup x: 58 y: 55 z: 0 , green-circle x: -42 y: 9 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -29 y: -12 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -55 y: -19 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -38 y: 41 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -21 y: -52 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -21 y: -52 z: 30, gripper: open, black-cup x: 58 y: 55 z: 0 , green-circle x: -42 y: 9 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -29 y: -12 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -55 y: -19 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -38 y: 41 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -21 y: -52 z: 40])
* move up * from (-21; -52; 30) * to (-21; -52; 340)
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -21 y: -52 z: 30, gripper: close, black-cup x: 58 y: 55 z: 0 , green-circle x: -42 y: 9 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -29 y: -12 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -55 y: -19 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -38 y: 41 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -21 y: -52 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (-21; -52; 340) * to (58; 55; 300)
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -21 y: -52 z: 340, gripper: close, black-cup x: 58 y: 55 z: 0 , green-circle x: -42 y: 9 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -29 y: -12 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -55 y: -19 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -38 y: 41 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -21 y: -52 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 58 y: 55 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: 58 y: 55 z: 0 , green-circle x: -42 y: 9 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -29 y: -12 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -55 y: -19 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -38 y: 41 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 58 y: 55 z: 300])
* go home * from (58; 55; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the red-triangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 58 y: 55 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: 58 y: 55 z: 0 , green-circle x: -42 y: 9 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -29 y: -12 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -55 y: -19 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -38 y: 41 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 58 y: 55 z: 0])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (17; -43; 100)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: 53 y: -23 z: 0 , green-circle x: 17 y: -43 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 16 y: 47 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -3 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: -15 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 18 y: 0 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(17; -43; 100)* to (17; -43; 30)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 17 y: -43 z: 100, gripper: open, black-cup x: 53 y: -23 z: 0 , green-circle x: 17 y: -43 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 16 y: 47 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -3 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: -15 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 18 y: 0 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 17 y: -43 z: 30, gripper: open, black-cup x: 53 y: -23 z: 0 , green-circle x: 17 y: -43 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 16 y: 47 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -3 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: -15 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 18 y: 0 z: 40])
* move up * from (17; -43; 30) * to (17; -43; 340)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 17 y: -43 z: 30, gripper: close, black-cup x: 53 y: -23 z: 0 , green-circle x: 17 y: -43 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 16 y: 47 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -3 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: -15 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 18 y: 0 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (17; -43; 340) * to (53; -23; 300)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 17 y: -43 z: 340, gripper: close, black-cup x: 53 y: -23 z: 0 , green-circle x: 17 y: -43 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 16 y: 47 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -3 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: -15 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 18 y: 0 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 53 y: -23 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: 53 y: -23 z: 0 , green-circle x: 53 y: -23 z: 300 , green-rectangle x: 16 y: 47 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -3 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: -15 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 18 y: 0 z: 40])
* go home * from (53; -23; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the green-circle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 53 y: -23 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: 53 y: -23 z: 0 , green-circle x: 53 y: -23 z: 0 , green-rectangle x: 16 y: 47 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -3 y: 26 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: -15 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 18 y: 0 z: 40])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (43; 42; 140)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: -2 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -24 y: 24 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 43 y: 42 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 54 y: -43 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 45 y: -20 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -50 y: -57 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(43; 42; 140)* to (43; 42; 70)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 43 y: 42 z: 140, gripper: open, black-cup x: -2 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -24 y: 24 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 43 y: 42 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 54 y: -43 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 45 y: -20 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -50 y: -57 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 43 y: 42 z: 70, gripper: open, black-cup x: -2 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -24 y: 24 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 43 y: 42 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 54 y: -43 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 45 y: -20 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -50 y: -57 z: 40])
* move up * from (43; 42; 70) * to (43; 42; 380)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 43 y: 42 z: 70, gripper: close, black-cup x: -2 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -24 y: 24 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 43 y: 42 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 54 y: -43 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 45 y: -20 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -50 y: -57 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (43; 42; 380) * to (-2; 33; 300)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 43 y: 42 z: 380, gripper: close, black-cup x: -2 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -24 y: 24 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 43 y: 42 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 54 y: -43 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 45 y: -20 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -50 y: -57 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -2 y: 33 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: -2 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -24 y: 24 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -2 y: 33 z: 300 , grey-rectangle x: 54 y: -43 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 45 y: -20 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -50 y: -57 z: 40])
* go home * from (-2; 33; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the green-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: -2 y: 33 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: -2 y: 33 z: 0 , green-circle x: -24 y: 24 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: -2 y: 33 z: 0 , grey-rectangle x: 54 y: -43 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 45 y: -20 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -50 y: -57 z: 40])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (19; 30; 140)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: 26 y: -29 z: 0 , green-circle x: -57 y: -39 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 7 y: -17 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 19 y: 30 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: 13 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -20 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(19; 30; 140)* to (19; 30; 70)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 19 y: 30 z: 140, gripper: open, black-cup x: 26 y: -29 z: 0 , green-circle x: -57 y: -39 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 7 y: -17 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 19 y: 30 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: 13 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -20 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 19 y: 30 z: 70, gripper: open, black-cup x: 26 y: -29 z: 0 , green-circle x: -57 y: -39 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 7 y: -17 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 19 y: 30 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: 13 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -20 z: 40])
* move up * from (19; 30; 70) * to (19; 30; 380)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 19 y: 30 z: 70, gripper: close, black-cup x: 26 y: -29 z: 0 , green-circle x: -57 y: -39 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 7 y: -17 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 19 y: 30 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: 13 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -20 z: 40])
* go above the other element * from (19; 30; 380) * to (26; -29; 300)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 19 y: 30 z: 380, gripper: close, black-cup x: 26 y: -29 z: 0 , green-circle x: -57 y: -39 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 7 y: -17 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 19 y: 30 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: 13 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -20 z: 40])
* leave the element * open gripper
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 26 y: -29 z: 300, gripper: close, black-cup x: 26 y: -29 z: 0 , green-circle x: -57 y: -39 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 7 y: -17 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 26 y: -29 z: 300 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: 13 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -20 z: 40])
* go home * from (26; -29; 300) * to (380; 0; 620)
take the grey-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 26 y: -29 z: 300, gripper: open, black-cup x: 26 y: -29 z: 0 , green-circle x: -57 y: -39 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 7 y: -17 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: 26 y: -29 z: 0 , red-rectangle x: -41 y: 13 z: 80 , red-triangle x: 50 y: -20 z: 40])
* go above the element to pick * from (380; 0; 620) * to (7; -59; 140)
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 380 y: 0 z: 620, gripper: open, black-cup x: 14 y: -40 z: 0 , green-circle x: 20 y: -40 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 3 y: 57 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -22 y: 24 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 7 y: -59 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -14 y: -26 z: 40])
* go close to it * from(7; -59; 140)* to (7; -59; 70)
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 7 y: -59 z: 140, gripper: open, black-cup x: 14 y: -40 z: 0 , green-circle x: 20 y: -40 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 3 y: 57 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -22 y: 24 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 7 y: -59 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -14 y: -26 z: 40])
* grasp it * close gripper
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 7 y: -59 z: 70, gripper: open, black-cup x: 14 y: -40 z: 0 , green-circle x: 20 y: -40 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 3 y: 57 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -22 y: 24 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 7 y: -59 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -14 y: -26 z: 40])
* move up * from (7; -59; 70) * to (7; -59; 380)
take the red-rectangle and put it inside the black cup
table([ eof x: 7 y: -59 z: 70, gripper: close, black-cup x: 14 y: -40 z: 0 , green-circle x: 20 y: -40 z: 40 , green-rectangle x: 3 y: 57 z: 80 , grey-rectangle x: -22 y: 24 z: 80 , red-rectangle x: 7 y: -59 z: 80 , red-triangle x: -14 y: -26 z: 40])