stringlengths 25
| answers
stringlengths 2
| lang
stringclasses 1
value | split
stringclasses 1
value | translated_question
stringlengths 15
| translated_answer
stringlengths 2
| translation_type
stringclasses 1
value |
Bushe ba Kapwepwe Simon bafwile mwaka nshi? | ['26 akabengele kanoono 1980'] | bem | train | When did Simon Kapwepwe die? | ['26 January 1980'] | human_translation |
Bushe nani imfumu ya mutundu wa cilozi? | ['Litunga'] | bem | train | Who is the chief of the Lozi kingdom? | ['Litunga'] | human_translation |
Bushe ni continenti nshi ukusangwa icaalo ca Papua Guinea? | ['Oceania'] | bem | train | In which continent found Pupua Guinea? | ['Oceania'] | human_translation |
Nibani bashitishe Yosefe ku Egypt? | ['bamuyinankwe'] | bem | train | Who sold Joseph to Egypt? | ['the brothers'] | human_translation |
Bushe icalo ca Zimbabwe capokele ubuntungwa mu mwaka nshi? | ['1980'] | bem | train | When did Zimbabwe get independence? | ['1980'] | human_translation |
Bushe bushiku nshi icalo ca zimbabwe cisefye ukupoka ubuntungwa? | ['Pa 18 mu Shinde muli ulya wine umuli'] | bem | train | What day does Zimbabwe celebrate its independence? | ['18 April that year'] | human_translation |
Fyalo nshi fyapakana ne calo ca Botswana? | ['South Africa yaba ku kabanga elyo na southeast, Namibia yaba bushilya, elo Zimbabwe uku bushikya. I yaliikayana ne calo ca Zambia'] | bem | train | What countries share boarders with Botswana? | ['South Africa to the south and southeast, Namibia to the west and north, and Zimbabwe to the northeast. It is connected to Zambia'] | human_translation |
Bushe ni kateka nshi wa kulile ubulalo bwa chembe? | ['Levy Mwanawasa'] | bem | train | What zambian president built Chembe bridge? | ['Levy Mwanawasa'] | human_translation |
Bushe icalo ca Congo DR calisendapo icikombe ca afrika cup? | ['Ee'] | bem | train | Has Congo DR ever worn the africa cup? | ['yes'] | human_translation |
Bushe insofu emo shaba mu mosi-o tunya national park? | ['Insomfu Shamu Africa'] | bem | train | Are Elephants found in Mosi-o-tunya national park? | ['African elephants'] | human_translation |
Nililali icilonganino ca UPND catendeke ukuteka? | ['2021'] | bem | train | When did UPND come into power? | ['2021'] | human_translation |
Mutundu nshi uyo abantu abengi mu caalo ca Zambia balaanda? | ['icibemba'] | bem | train | Whats the mostly spoken language in Zambia? | ['Bemba'] | human_translation |
Bushe Kapiri Mposhi yaba mu citungu nshi ica zambia? | ['Central Province'] | bem | train | In which province of zambia is Kapiri Mposhi found? | ['Central Province'] | human_translation |
Mu nshiku shakwa Nehemia nililali icipope cakukula cipyacipya itempele mu Yerusalemu cafumine? | ['444 BC'] | bem | train | In the days of Nehemia when was the decree to rebuild the temple initiated? | ['444 BC'] | human_translation |
Bushe koni nshi kacepesha pe sonde ? | ['Kasoosa'] | bem | train | What is the smallest bird on earth? | ['bee hummingbird'] | human_translation |
Bushe ni lilali icilonganino ca mashiwi ya mitekele ya calo ica patriotic front capangilwe? | ['2001'] | bem | train | When was Patriotic Front party formed? | ['2001'] | human_translation |
Bushe Micheal Jackson kemba wa nyimbo ali wa ku calo nshi? | ['American'] | bem | train | What is the nationality of Micheal Jackson musician? | ['American'] | human_translation |
Bushe mumananshi uwacila imimana shonse mu caalo ubutali? | ['Nile nangula Amazon'] | bem | train | What is the longest river in the world? | ['Nile or the Amazon'] | human_translation |
Bushe mumana nshi washikisha mu zambia? | ['umumana Wakabompo'] | bem | train | What is the deepest river in zambia? | ['Kabompo River'] | human_translation |
Bushe ukulingana na baibolo finshi ifyo Lesa apangile mu bushiku ubwalenga busano? | ['Isabi nefyuni ifyenda nefipupuka'] | bem | train | According to the bible what did God create in the fifth day of his creation? | ['fish and fowl'] | human_translation |
Ni mumwaka nshi ba Chishimba kambwili babatamfishe mu cilonganino ca PF? | ['2017'] | bem | train | In which year was mr Chishimba Kambwili expelled from PF? | ['2017'] | human_translation |
Bushe ifyalo fimembala fya SADC fyaba finga? | ['16'] | bem | train | How many SADC member countries? | ['16'] | human_translation |
Nani wali kateka wa kubalilapo uwa cilonganino ca UPND? | ['Anderson Mazoka'] | bem | train | Who was the first president of UPND party? | ['Anderson Mazoka'] | human_translation |
Bushe aba Hebere abo baposele mwi Lungu lwa mulilo lelo bakana ukupya bali banga? | ['Batatu'] | bem | train | How many Hebrew gentlemen who were thrown in fire but did not burn? | ['three'] | human_translation |
Bushe nililali icalo ca zambia casendele icikombe mu bwangalo bwa mupila wakumakasa ica afrika cup pamuku wakubalipo? | ['2012'] | bem | train | In which year for the first time did the zambia national team win the africa cup? | ['2012'] | human_translation |
Bushe icalo ca Lwanda calikwata umukuba? | ['Emukwai'] | bem | train | Does Luanda republic have copper? | ['yes'] | human_translation |
Bushe border nshi yakwatisha imicitilwe pakati ka DR Congo na Zambia? | ['Kasumbalesa'] | bem | train | Which is the busiest border crossing point into DR Congo from Zambia? | ['Kasumbalesa'] | human_translation |
Bushe abafyashi bakwa Obama Bafyalilwe ku calo nshi? | ['Banyina baku America lyena bawishi baku Kenya'] | bem | train | From which countries were the Obama's parents born? | ['American mother and a Kenyan father'] | human_translation |
Bushe kateka waku caalo ca South Africa ninani ishina? | ['Cyril Ramaphosa'] | bem | train | What is the name of the president of South Africa country? | ['Cyril Ramaphosa'] | human_translation |
Bushe nipa bushiku nshi ilyo ukusala kwa ntungulushi kubako mu calo ca Zambia? | ['12 Akasa Kantobo'] | bem | train | On which day do elections in Zambiua take place? | ['12 August'] | human_translation |
Bushe abantu cimo cine ne nama? | ['Ee'] | bem | train | Are humans same as animals? | ['yes'] | human_translation |
Bushe ba Nevers Mumba bafyalilwe kwisa? | ['Chitambo'] | bem | train | Where was mr Nevers Mumba born from? | ['Chitambo'] | human_translation |
Bushe nyina kwa samwele ali nani? | ['Hannah'] | bem | train | Who the Mother to Samuel? | ['Hannah'] | human_translation |
Bushe pa ncende nshi pantu Abraham afwaile ukupela umwana ilambo? | ['Palupili lwa Moriah'] | bem | train | At what place did Abraham want to give his Son a sacrifice? | ['mount Moriah'] | human_translation |
Bushe nililali Robert Mugabe afwile? | ['6 mulusuba lunoono 2019'] | bem | train | In which year did Robert Mugabe die? | ['6 September 2019'] | human_translation |
Bushe umukola mfula wakwata amalangi yanga? | ['cinelubali'] | bem | train | How many colours are there in rainbow? | ['seven'] | human_translation |
Bushe Mozambique yalitala iyapo mukuteya world cup? | ['Iyo'] | bem | train | Has Mozambique ever been to the world cup before? | ['no'] | human_translation |
Bushe icishi ca chilubi cabela mu citungu nshi? | ['Northern Province mu Zambia.'] | bem | train | In which province is Chilubi highland found? | ['Northern Province of Zambia.'] | human_translation |
Ni lilali akampani ka Zambian Airways kapangilwe? | ['1964'] | bem | train | When was Zambian Airways founded? | ['1964'] | human_translation |
Bushe Kateya wamupila Leon Messi afuma ku caalo nshi? | ['Argentina'] | bem | train | Leon Messi is from which country? | ['Argentina'] | human_translation |
Nilali bushe ba Silvia Masebo bafyelwe? | ['Kutumpu 7,1963'] | bem | train | When was ms Silvia Masebo born? | ['March 7, 1963'] | human_translation |
Bushe kasuli wa kwa Yakobo ali ninani? | ['Benjamin'] | bem | train | Who was the last born of Jacob? | ['Benjamin'] | human_translation |
Bushe inkonkani kuli Putin kateka nani ishina? | ['Medvedev'] | bem | train | Who is the vice president of Russia? | ['Medvedev'] | human_translation |
Bushe nibanani abapangile umusebo we shitima lya TAZARA? | ['Ubuteko bwa Tanzania, Zambia, elyo na bantu bamu Republic of China'] | bem | train | Who built the TAZARA railway line? | ['The governments of Tanzania, Zambia, and the People's Republic of China'] | human_translation |
Nibanani pa basambi bakwa yesu abali abalondo besabi? | ['Peter na Andrew'] | bem | train | Who among Jesus'disciples were fishermen? | ['Peter and Andrew'] | human_translation |
Bushe umukalamba angalila impuka ya bakapokola mu Tanzania nani? | ['Ernest Mangu'] | bem | train | Who is the inspector general of police in Tanzania? | ['Ernest Mangu'] | human_translation |
Bushe kateya wa mupila Rashford aba mwi bumba nshi? | ['Manchester united'] | bem | train | In which football team does Rashford play? | ['Manchester United'] | human_translation |
Bushe abantu baku caalo ca Eritea baletekwa ne caalo nshi ilyo tabalapoka ubuntungwa? | ['Abena Italia'] | bem | train | Which country colonized the country of Eritrea? | ['The Italians'] | human_translation |
Bushe mu Tanzania mu sumba nshi uwatalalisha sana? | ['Iringa'] | bem | train | What is the coldest district in Tanzania? | ['Iringa'] | human_translation |
Mu Hebere nshi umo uo baposele mu nkalamo lelo shafilwa ukumulya? | ['Daniel'] | bem | train | What is the name of a Hebrew man who was thrown into lions but survived? | ['Daniel'] | human_translation |
Bushe pa kwinika icisungwa ca nama ca Kafue National Park ba lombele ishina ku mumana wa Kafue River? | ['Emukwai'] | bem | train | Was Kafue National park named after the Kafue river? | ['yes'] | human_translation |
Bushe ninani wabalilepo ukusanga no kwinika icipooma ca victoria? | ['David Livingstone'] | bem | train | Who discovered and name the victoria falls? | ['David Livingstone'] | human_translation |
Bushe bushe bantu banga bapuswike ilyeshi panshita yakwa Noa? | ['Cinekonse konse'] | bem | train | How many people were saved during Noah's time? | ['eight'] | human_translation |
Bushe kateka wa calo ca France nani? | ['Emmanuel Macron'] | bem | train | Who is the president of France? | ['Emmanuel Macron'] | human_translation |
Ni nani wapangile ibumba lya 'Zambia Alliance for Progress'? | ['Mungomba.'] | bem | train | Who founded Zambia Alliance for Progress? | ['Mungomba.'] | human_translation |
Bushe ibama lya Livingstone lyaba mu citungu nshi? | ['Southern Province'] | bem | train | In which province is Livingstone district found? | ['Southern Province.'] | human_translation |
Bushe nikateka nshi wabilishe nokupanga icipope cakuti Zambia yaba nomba calo ca bwina Kristu? | ['Frederick Chiluba'] | bem | train | Which president declared zambia as a christian nation? | ['Frederick Chiluba'] | human_translation |
Bushe fyalo nshi ifya mu Afrika ifyalwapo inkondo? | ['Botswana na Mauritius'] | bem | train | Which countries in Africa that have ever enganged in war? | ['Botswana and Mauritius'] | human_translation |
Bushe imfumu nkalamba iya batumbuka ninani? | ['Chikulamayembe'] | bem | train | Who is the parlamount chief of Tumbuka speaking people? | ['Chikulamayembe'] | human_translation |
Ni banani abali pali bukateka bwa cilonganino ca MMD pali ino nshita? | ['Nevers Mumba'] | bem | train | Who is the current president of MMD? | ['Nevers Mumba'] | human_translation |
Bushe bemba wa bangweulu yaba kukapinda nshi aka zambia? | ['upper Congo River basin'] | bem | train | In which part of zambia is lake Bangweulu found? | ['upper Congo River basin'] | human_translation |
Bushe Patson Data ateya umupila ku club nshi ku caalo ca Englad? | ['Leicester City'] | bem | train | Which club in England does patson Daka play for? | ['Leicester City'] | human_translation |
Bushe ni mu mwaka nshi Drogba alekele incito yakwe iyakuteya umupila? | ['2018'] | bem | train | When did Drogba stop his football carreer? | ['2018,'] | human_translation |
Bushe nipa myaka inga ba kaunda batekele icalo ca zambia? | ['1964 ukufika mu 1991'] | bem | train | How many years did Kaunda rule zambia? | ['1964 to 1991'] | human_translation |
Bushe ikala ya mulopalopa pa pflag ya Zambia ipilibula cinshi? | ['Ifyalo filelwisha ubuntungwa'] | bem | train | What does the Red courlor on the zambian Flag represent? | ['the nation's struggle for freedom'] | human_translation |
Bushe ninani uwali kateka waa caalo ca Zambia mu 1964? | ['Kenneth Kaunda'] | bem | train | Who was the president of Zambia at independence in 1964? | ['Kenneth Kaunda'] | human_translation |
Bushe presidenti wakubalilapo uwaku Botswana ali ninani ishinaa? | ['Sir Seretse Goitsebeng Maphiri Khama'] | bem | train | Who was the first president of Botswana? | ['Sir Seretse Goitsebeng Maphiri Khama'] | human_translation |
Bushe ku calo ca United Kingdom kwaba ufipani finga? | ['Yabili'] | bem | train | How many political parties are in United Kingdom? | ['two'] | human_translation |
Bushe kateka wa caalo ca North Korea ninani ishina? | ['Kim Jong-un'] | bem | train | Who is the president of country of North Korea? | ['Kim Jong-un'] | human_translation |
Bushe ba Revolutionary Socialist Party baliwine ukusala kwa ntungulushi kwaliko mu 1991? | ['Awe'] | bem | train | Did the Revolutionary Socilalist Party win the general elections in 1991? | ['no'] | human_translation |
Bushe mu caalo ca Zambia mwaliba amashitima ya malaiti? | ['Iyo'] | bem | train | Are there electric trains in Zambia? | ['no'] | human_translation |
Bushe ma television station yanga ayatungililwa umuputule wa caalo? | ['yatatu'] | bem | train | How many Television Stations are owned by the state in Zambia? | ['three'] | human_translation |
Bushe mu calo ca Zambia mwalitala umubapo inkonkani kuli kateka umusungu? | ['Emukwai'] | bem | train | Has zambia ever had a white vice president? | ['yes'] | human_translation |
Bushe icitabo icacindama sana ico ba musilemu babomfya mukupepa bacita shani? | ['Quran'] | bem | train | What is the most important book do muslems use in their worship? | ['Quran'] | human_translation |
Nani kakansha wa mupila wa calo ca Germany? | ['Hansi Flick'] | bem | train | Who is the Headcoach for Germany national soccer team? | ['Hansi Flick'] | human_translation |
Bushe mu mulungu mwaba inshiku shinga? | ['Cinelubali'] | bem | train | How many days are in the week? | ['seven'] | human_translation |
Ukulingana na kasebo kaba WHO bantu banga bafwa cila mwaka ku bulwele bwa malaria mu Afrika? | ['627,000'] | bem | train | According to the report by WHO how many people die from Malaria every year? | ['627,000'] | human_translation |
Bushe mesho yanga satana aletele yesu ilyo ali mu matololo? | ['Yatatu'] | bem | train | How many temptations did satan bring on Jesus in the wilderness? | ['three'] | human_translation |
Bushe kaposa wa nkonya Esther Phiri afyalilwe kwisa? | ['Akapepo Kakalamba pa 14, 1987'] | bem | train | Where was Esther Phiri the boxer born? | ['June 14, 1987'] | human_translation |
Bushe ifibanda ni finshi? | ['Malovent supernatural entity'] | bem | train | What are the demons? | ['malevolent supernatural entity'] | human_translation |
Bushe beeemba itwa Victoria yaba ku caalo nshi? | ['Tanzania, Kenya na Uganda'] | bem | train | In which country do you find lake victoria? | ['Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda'] | human_translation |
Bushe niku calo nshi ubulwele bwa covid19 bwatendekele? | ['China'] | bem | train | In which country did covid 19 outbreak begin? | ['China'] | human_translation |
Bushe Yesu bamwipaile pamo na bantu banga? | ['Babili'] | bem | train | How many people was Jesus killed together with? | ['two'] | human_translation |
Bushe amangalo ya Rugby na American Football fyapusana shani? | ['Ifyangalo ifingi ifyamupila wamu America filasenda inshita ukucila umupila wakumanoko uwamamineri 80'] | bem | train | What is the difference between Rugby and American football? | ['American football games last much longer than 80-minute rugby league matches.'] | human_translation |
Bushe Lupili nshi lwakulisha mu Zambia? | ['Mafinga Central'] | bem | train | What is the largest mountain in zambia? | ['Mafinga Central'] | human_translation |
Bushe ninshiku shinga Yesu apwishishe mu nindi? | ['yatatu'] | bem | train | How many days did Jesus spend in the grave? | ['third'] | human_translation |
Bushe Adolf Hitra ali kateka wa calo nshi? | ['Germany'] | bem | train | For what country was Adolf Hittler a president? | ['Germany'] | human_translation |
Bushe lunshi ekala inshiku shinga? | ['Inshiku shibili ukufika kuli shine'] | bem | train | What is the life span of a fly? | ['two to four weeks'] | human_translation |
Bushe pakutendeka ifibanda fyali ni ba malaika bakwa Lesa? | ['Ee'] | bem | train | Were demons Angels of God before? | ['yes'] | human_translation |
Bushe mishoni ya kabungwe ka Zambian National Women`s Lobby Group isosa mukutila shani? | [] | bem | train | What is the mission of the Zambian National Women`s Lobby Group? | [] | human_translation |
Ninani Lesa abomfeshe ukuya nokukalipila David filya alele nokupokolola mukamine? | ['Kasesema Nathan'] | bem | train | Whom did God use to counsel David for the sin he did to grab one's wife? | ['prophet Nathan'] | human_translation |
bushe mulungushi university yatendeke mumwaka nshi? | ['2008'] | bem | train | When did mulungushi university begin? | ['2008'] | human_translation |
Bushe finkunka finga lesa apangile pali Faro? | ['Ikumi'] | bem | train | How many plagues did God bring on Pharoah? | ['ten'] | human_translation |
Nililali uwali kale kateka ba Gorge W Bush balekelesheko ukwisa mu Zambia? | ['Zambia 2007'] | bem | train | When was Mr Gorge Bush former president of US last visit to zambia? | ['Zambia (2007)'] | human_translation |
Bushe Rahab cilende aleikala mu musumba nshi? | ['Jericho'] | bem | train | In which city did Rahab the prostitute use to stay? | ['Jericho'] | human_translation |
Bushe mweshi nshi wakwata inshiku 28? | ['Akabengele kakalamba'] | bem | train | What month has 28 days? | ['February'] | human_translation |
Bushe ni nsoka nshi yakwatisha ubusungu pe sonde? | ['Black Mamba elyo na coastal Taipan'] | bem | train | What is the most poisonous snake in the world? | ['black mamba and the coastal taipan'] | human_translation |
Calo nshi caleteka icalo ca Zambia ilyo tailapoka ubuntungwa? | ['Britain'] | bem | train | Who was the colonial muster of zambia before independence? | ['Britain'] | human_translation |
Bushe calo nshi icacimfya mukupanga ifyakupangapanga mu afrika? | ['South Africa'] | bem | train | Which country in Africa is the most advanced in science? | ['South Africa'] | human_translation |
Nani walembele ubuuku lya mubaibolo ilya kusokolola? | ['Yohane'] | bem | train | Who is the bible writer of Revelation? | ['John'] | human_translation |
Dataset Card for AfriQA
Dataset Summary
AfriQA is the first cross-lingual question answering (QA) dataset with a focus on African languages. The dataset includes over 12,000 XOR QA examples across 10 African languages, making it an invaluable resource for developing more equitable QA technology.
The train/validation/test sets are available for all the 10 languages.
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
: The performance in this task is measured with F1 (higher is better) and Exact Match Accuracy.
There are 20 languages available :
- Bemba (bem)
- Fon (fon)
- Hausa (hau)
- Igbo (ibo)
- Kinyarwanda (kin)
- Swahili (swą)
- Twi (twi)
- Wolof (wol)
- Yorùbá (yor)
- Zulu (zul)
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
- Data Format:
- id : Question ID
- question : Question in African Language
- translated_question : Question translated into a pivot language (English/French)
- answers : Answer in African Language
- lang : Datapoint Language (African Language) e.g
- split : Dataset Split
- translated_answer : Answer in Pivot Language
- translation_type : Translation type of question and answers
{ "id": 0,
"question": "Bushe icaalo ca Egypt caali tekwapo ne caalo cimbi?",
"translated_question": "Has the country of Egypt been colonized before?",
"answers": "['Emukwai']",
"lang": "bem",
"split": "dev",
"translated_answer": "['yes']",
"translation_type": "human_translation"
Data Splits
For all languages, there are three splits.
The original splits were named train
, dev
and test
and they correspond to the train
, validation
and test
The splits have the following sizes :
Language | train | dev | test |
Bemba | 502 | 503 | 314 |
Fon | 427 | 428 | 386 |
Hausa | 435 | 436 | 300 |
Igbo | 417 | 418 | 409 |
Kinyarwanda | 407 | 409 | 347 |
Swahili | 415 | 417 | 302 |
Twi | 451 | 452 | 490 |
Wolof | 503 | 504 | 334 |
Yoruba | 360 | 361 | 332 |
Zulu | 387 | 388 | 325 |
Total | 4333 | 4346 | 3560 |
Dataset Creation
Curation Rationale
The dataset was introduced to introduce question-answering resources to 10 languages that were under-served for natural language processing.
[More Information Needed]
Source Data
Initial Data Collection and Normalization
Who are the source language producers?
Annotation process
Details can be found here ...
Who are the annotators?
Annotators were recruited from Masakhane
Personal and Sensitive Information
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact of Dataset
[More Information Needed]
Discussion of Biases
[More Information Needed]
Other Known Limitations
Users should keep in mind that the dataset only contains news text, which might limit the applicability of the developed systems to other domains.
Additional Information
Dataset Curators
Licensing Information
The licensing status of the data is CC 4.0 Non-Commercial
Citation Information
Provide the BibTex-formatted reference for the dataset. For example:
title={AfriQA: Cross-lingual Open-Retrieval Question Answering for African Languages},
author={Odunayo Ogundepo and Tajuddeen R. Gwadabe and Clara E. Rivera and Jonathan H. Clark and Sebastian Ruder and David Ifeoluwa Adelani and Bonaventure F. P. Dossou and Abdou Aziz DIOP and Claytone Sikasote and Gilles Hacheme and Happy Buzaaba and Ignatius Ezeani and Rooweither Mabuya and Salomey Osei and Chris Emezue and Albert Njoroge Kahira and Shamsuddeen H. Muhammad and Akintunde Oladipo and Abraham Toluwase Owodunni and Atnafu Lambebo Tonja and Iyanuoluwa Shode and Akari Asai and Tunde Oluwaseyi Ajayi and Clemencia Siro and Steven Arthur and Mofetoluwa Adeyemi and Orevaoghene Ahia and Aremu Anuoluwapo and Oyinkansola Awosan and Chiamaka Chukwuneke and Bernard Opoku and Awokoya Ayodele and Verrah Otiende and Christine Mwase and Boyd Sinkala and Andre Niyongabo Rubungo and Daniel A. Ajisafe and Emeka Felix Onwuegbuzia and Habib Mbow and Emile Niyomutabazi and Eunice Mukonde and Falalu Ibrahim Lawan and Ibrahim Said Ahmad and Jesujoba O. Alabi and Martin Namukombo and Mbonu Chinedu and Mofya Phiri and Neo Putini and Ndumiso Mngoma and Priscilla A. Amuok and Ruqayya Nasir Iro and Sonia Adhiambo},
Thanks to @ToluClassics for adding this dataset.
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