14 values
Lighting, lords and peasants in post-Carolingian Europe
Paul Fouracre
This, the longest chapter in work, examines more detail how peasants on estates were organized to provide resources for church lights. There is a particular focus estate records (polyptychs) from mid-ninth century onwards, aim being identify social range of people who paid lights hereditary basis. The emergence guild also examined. A sort ‘middling group’ contributed are identified and traced France, Italy, Spain England. Resistance forced cultivation olives discussed relation famous case Italy. closes with survey structure underpinning supply materials across Europe.
Manchester University Press eBooks
From the Mediterranean to the Indus Valley: Modalities and Limitations of the Achaemenid Imperial Space
Pierre Briant
Alexander the Great's victories over Darius III and his satraps between 334 323 BCE have been for very long interpreted as reliable testimony of intrinsic feebleness internal fragility Achaemenid empire, which expanded from Central Asia to Aswan Indus Mediterranean Sea, lasted more than two centuries (c.550–330). And yet, notwithstanding exceptional cultural political diversity countries peoples under empire’s rule, central authorities exercised a permanent control upon lands seas. The best way understanding originality such an ancient empire is rule out usual tricky alternative centralization versus independence/autonomy. Cultural imperial power are not mutually exclusive. main construction was that, in front powerful (Macedonian) invasion, could count on any ideology would be shared by all components empire.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
Light and power
Paul Fouracre
It is shown here how the Carolingian rulers of Francia legislated to make every community contribute cost lights. begins with Charlemagne’s conquest northern Italy and his appropriation oil supplies from region. This shows providing for lights was associated power, chapter traces this out in evidence laws church councils. Since there a determined effort spread costs lighting throughout society, it becomes possible see response at level. seen that categories people became tributaries hereditary obligation provide
Manchester University Press eBooks
A Transcript of Submission: Jesus as Fated Victim of Divine Violence in the Old Saxon Heliand
Samuel J. Youngs
The Heliand, written shortly after the conquest and conversion of Saxons at hands Charlemagne, maintains a vexed place in study medieval European Christianity(ies). Some argue that Heliand’s overarching intent was pastoral, meant to ease fears calm rage defeated Saxons, while others posit Heliand reflects “dissident gospel,” aimed subverting official theological outlook Carolingian empire. This argues both theories capture something ingenious contextual impact, they underestimate one its key themes: role wurd (fate) co-identification with “power God,” which drives Jesus cross scaffolds his submission violence divine will. Thus, presents compliant victimization as proper “fate” those who submit God’s purposes, promising heavenly reward countermanding Saxon ethos resistance.
Religions|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
Charlemagne’s Defeat in the Pyrenees
Xabier Irujo
The Battle of Rencesvals is the one most dramatic historical event entire eighth century, not only in Vasconia but Western Europe. This monograph examines battle as more than a single military encounter, instead part complex and political conquest that began after Iberian Peninsula 711 culminated with creation Kingdom Pamplona 824. had major (and largely underappreciated) consequences for internal structure Carolingian Empire. It also enjoyed remarkable legacy topic oldest European epic poems, La Chanson de Roland. events took place Pyrenean pass (Errozabal) on 15 August 778 defined development world, lie at heart early medieval contribution to later period.
Medieval echoes. Reflection on political theories and cultural trends from European Middle Ages during American Wars of Independence and Between the States
Xosé Manuel Sánchez Sánchez
This article examines the influence of formulations and lines European medieval thought culture during two main processes American political history: Wars Independence Between States. In these moments enormous significance, we can perceive a series alive since Middle Age centuries; principles with no evident but relevant in mentality perception conflicts. These are: federalism, constitutionalism, canon law, concept war, reception work Dante Alighieri his ‘Divina Commedia’ chivalric Arthurian tradition.
Culture & History Digital Journal|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
New Volumes on Late Antique and Medieval Latin Literature
Hedvig Bubnó
Historical studies on Central Europe
(Un)faithful Subjects of (Un)faithful Rulers
Michał Machalski
This article focuses on the role loyalty played in relationship between rulers and their subjects earliest Central European chronicles, written at beginning of twelfth century: Gesta principum Polonorum by Gallus Anonymous, Chronica Boemorum Cosmas Prague, twelfth-century historiographical tradition Hungarian Royal court, which survived as a part fourteenth-century century compilation called The Illuminated Chronicle. In comparative study those works aims to analyze how authors works, closely connected ruling elites recently Christianized polities, imagined bonds subjects, analyzing questions about its unilateral or mutual nature, accompanying responsibilities consequences breaking it. Answering reveals common ideological underpinnings concepts used narrative sources, present vision primarily reciprocal bond characterized negative content. highlights message consensual lordship, coexists narratives next strong ideas divine origins dynastic authority, constituting important feature political cultural development Europe historical region.
Historical studies on Central Europe|ELTE Digital Institutional Repository (EDIT) (Eötvös Loránd University)
The Appearance of “Feudalism” and “Feudal” Forms of Property in Medieval Hungary
Gábor Thoroczkay
This paper presents the changes in concept of feudalism from end eighteenth century to present day both general and Hungarian medieval research. The author notes that has been losing ground for decades system which was previously thought be never really took root Hungary, but certain phenomena close European standard can recognized: praedium, nobiles praediales, etc. second part study examines appearance honour (honor) heyday which, according renowned historian Pál Engel, during Angevin period. final deals detail with possible patterns antecedents Árpádian
Historical studies on Central Europe|ELTE Digital Institutional Repository (EDIT) (Eötvös Loránd University)
Research guides: VPHC41 - Carolingian and Romanesque Art and Architecture - Summer 2021: Google Scholar
Paulina Rousseau
Research guides: VPHC41 - Carolingian and Romanesque Art and Architecture - Summer 2021: How to find books
Paulina Rousseau
Research guides: VPHC41 - Carolingian and Romanesque Art and Architecture - Summer 2021: StoryMaps - Signing on
Paulina Rousseau
'For it is improper to be addicted to the tedium of affliction': Christian Responses to Pandemic in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Geoffrey D. Dunn
The current COVID-19 pandemic has seen some turn to the past see if historical evidence provides any assistance forecasting probable duration and intensity of disease length time until a vaccine or cure is found. In this paper, on contrary, aim look present situation help understand past. pandemic, which seems impossible halt even as vaccines start roll out, threatens destroy way people interact with one another provide for their families undermined confidence in progress medical science human mastery over natural world. fear helplessness that come its wake much previous centuries felt face rampant uncontrollable disease. paper several episodes first bubonic plague, known plague Justinian, lasted from sixth eighth centuries, reported by Gregory I, bishop Rome, Gregory, Tours, both active at end century, will be explored. light our own experience vulnerability because impotence modern medicine so far offer protection, we are better able appreciate reaction who lived Lombard Italy Merovingian France intractable disaster.
Vox Patrum|Jagiellonian University Repository (Jagiellonian University)
Reformed Monasticism and the Narrative of Cistercian Beginnings
Martha G. Newman
Abstract This essay explores the ongoing debates about character of early Cistercian monasticism, dating documents, and assumptions Cistercians’ place in eleventh- twelfth-century monastic “reform.” It analyzes narratives their foundation relation to particular moments history order, drawing on elaborating recent theories these documents. Although Cistercians often seem quintessential example “reformed monasticism,” this argues that earliest did not present themselves as reformers but only gradually developed a rhetoric reform over course twelfth century. Finally, it suggests is less specific set changes than rhetorical use past authenticates current practices affirms interpretations must be right true.
Church History
Architectural Design Canons from Middle Ages and Before: An Inspiration for Modern Sustainable Construction
André Frans De Naeyer
The role of geometry and arithmetic in ancient building is common knowledge, but it has seldom been proved by measured drawing. This chapter looks for the remote origins design criteria canons, their application representative antique medieval architecture. Architectural had to reflect universal cosmic Order Harmony architect-designer rely on same intangible instruments, i.e. arithmetic’s, created Divine Geometer. forms numbers quantities dimensions served as a mayor instrument developing coherent modulation structure his environment. They also symbol an allegorical sign convey messages from commissioner. Metric analysis reveals this evident practices probable semantic content. illustrated six cases: Cheops pyramid at Memphis, Pantheon Rome, Charlemagne’s Palace Chapel Aachen, Our Lady’s Cathedral Chartres, S. Francis Basilica Assisi Castel del Monte Andria. historic examples should inspire modern creative sustainable construction.
IntechOpen eBooks
Oswald Spengler and his Interpretation of the Ancient Egyptian Civilisation
David Engels
Spengler’s Decline of the West is generally read in view bleak prophecies concerning future West. This somewhat obscures his contribution to comparative history and interest not only Classical Antiquity West, but also Ancient Near East. In this paper, we will first present critically analyze outlines interpretation Egyptian History field art history, politics religion, before venturing some conclusions personal remarks about important question whether endeavor must be considered helplessly outdated refuted by modern research, or it still has a potential serve as basis new, upto- date morphology history.
Imperial Spheres and the Adriatic: Byzantium, the Carolingians and the Treaty of Aachen (812). Edited by MladenAnčić, JonathanShepard and TrpimirVedriš. London and New York: Routledge. 2018. xxxii + 333 pp. + 13 b/w figures + 9 maps. £110. ISBN 978 1 138 22594 7.
Martin Humphreys
Early Medieval EuropeVolume 29, Issue 3 p. 426-428 Book review Imperial Spheres and the Adriatic: Byzantium, Carolingians Treaty of Aachen (812). Edited by Mladen Ančić, Jonathan Shepard Trpimir Vedriš. London New York: Routledge. 2018. xxxii + 333 pp. 13 b/w figures 9 maps. £110. ISBN 978 1 138 22594 7. Mike Humphreys, Humphreys University CambridgeSearch for more papers this author First published: 09 June 2021 https://doi.org/10.1111/emed.12490Read full textAboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare text full-text accessPlease our Terms Conditions Use check box below share version article.I have read accept Wiley Online Library UseShareable LinkUse link a article with your friends colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share linkShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditWechat No abstract is available article. Volume29, Issue3August 2021Pages RelatedInformation
Early Medieval Europe
Mortgage Institution and Possibilities of Improvement Thereof in the Latvian Law. Summary of the Doctoral Thesis
Neilands Rolands
The study was carried out at Rīga Stradiņš University. Defence: the public session of Doctoral Council Legal Sciences on 27 June 2017 14.00 in Hippocrates Lecture Theatre, 16 Dzirciema Street,
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Björn Magnusson Staaf
Time perception has important consequences for how human activity is structured. The question of time shifted in history could therefore be certain importance archaeological interpretation. This article an attempt to analyze the construction early- and high-medieval lreland Scandinavia. bell sound related a theological concept Christian ideology which referred time. was become utensil power process christianization. With help bell, church partly abolished subjectivity When rang it thereby dictated common sense We perhaps assume that conceptual polemic concerning been one reasons conflicts medieval Ireland
Current Swedish archaeology
Saxon Warriors, Carolingian and Ottonian Cavalry
Aarhus University Press eBooks
Furkan ERBAŞ|Saim Yılmaz
Endülüs Emevîleri, kuruluşlarından yıkılışlarına kadar fetihlerden sonra devletin kuzeyinde teşekkül eden Hristiyan devletlerle mücadele hâlinde olmuşlardır. Bu uzun sürecinde bu devletlerin ilerleyişini durduran ve onları itaat altına alan ilk isim II. Hakem’in babası III. Abdurrahman’dır (300-350/912-961). Onun sağladığı üstünlük Hakem (350-366/961-976) Âmirîler (366-398/976-1008) adı verilen dönemde de devam etmiştir. süreç içerisinde dönemi, söz konusu itaatlerinin birkaç defa yeniden sağlandığı, yeni fetihlerin gerçekleştirildiği aynı zamanda savaşın yanı sıra kesintisiz sekiz yıllık barışın tesis edildiği önemli bir devreyi teşkil eder. makalede Endülüs’ün kuzeyindeki devletlere karşı yürüttüğü savaş barış dönemlerini içeren on altı zorlu süreci ele alınmıştır. Dört bölümden meydana gelen makalenin birinci kısmında dönemin başında Emevî topraklarına saldıran Leon Krallığı’nın alınması incelenmiştir. İkinci kısımda saldırıya geçen kuzeydeki yapılan savaşlar gerçekleştirilen fetihler Üçüncü iki taraf arasında yıl Dördüncü Gurmâc (Gormaz) kalesini geri alma teşebbüsüne yer verilmiştir. Söz çalışmanın öncelikli hedefi, Müslüman tarihçilerin kaydettikleri gibi Emevîleri’nin devletler üzerinde gerçekten hâkimiyet oluşturup oluşturamadıklarına yönelik günümüz batı literatüründe tartışmalara katkı sağlamaktır.
Dini araştırmalar|DergiPark (Istanbul University)
C.A.P.I. Project in the Making: 3D Applications at Poggio Imperiale Between Materiality and Virtual Reality (Poggibonsi, IT)
Stefano Bertoldi
Abstract The archaeological project on the hill of Poggio Imperiale began in 1992. From beginning this was characterized by intense experimentation with a range IT applications. During 2014, University Siena new focused valorisation data creation an Open-Air Museum Carolingian village, one phases settlement. Over last several years, use three-dimensional (3D) archaeology has increased exponentially due to application photogrammetry record every stratigraphic unit. This ever-increasing amount fostered development C.A.P.I. (Collina Accessibile di – Accessibility Hill Imperiale), which involved construction 3D model area Imperiale. modeled three main life stages using computer graphics. Virtual tours can be experienced through PCs, tablets, smartphones, and even virtual reality headsets, offering users fully immersive experience. However, will not replacement for materiality site. On contrary, it provide additional tool make site accessible inclusive any potential visitor, regardless physical distance, ability, or time zone.
Open Archaeology|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
“There was a great mortality in Rome, more serious than is recalled in the time of any other pontiff”. Plagues and diseases in the "Liber Pontificalis"
Michał Jan Ludewicz
The aim of this article was to describe how were plagues and illnesses perceived by the authors Liber Pontificalis. In first part circumstances in which draft Pontificalis composed analysed. Attention given particularly disadvantages that affected population Italy 6th century. second devoted recorded When dealing with plague used several terms like: pestilentia, clades, mors. Usually presented as caused natural factors, but there also a fragment attributing eruption pestilence divine disfavor. third concerned diseases had individuals. majority cases where mentioned referred health popes. collection papal biographies descriptions other people: an emperor, bishop, soldier, clerk. Some appeared terminal all them person`s life.
Vox Patrum|Jagiellonian University Repository (Jagiellonian University)
Milan, Genoa and the Alps: early medieval exchanges across a region
Ross Balzaretti

 In this contribution I consider how Milan and its inhabitants were connected both north south in the early medieval period. focus on exchanges understood as giving receiving, buying selling, leasing renting, but also encompassing more general sense of cultural interchange. All such certainly helped to connect one place (or region) another physically conceptually. As connectedness hinterland was main themes my recent book The Lands Saint Ambrose (2019) deal with that second part chapter, formation a large fundamental Milan’s importance settlement One question address throughout, is whether there any significant connections between those who lived city visited it from elsewhere, especially, given theme conference, Alps. Another aspect same though or if Mediterranean via Milan.
Studi di storia medioevale e di diplomatica - Nuova Serie|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
Il monachesimo nell’Europa altomedievale
Gabriele Archetti

 Tra le istituzioni medievali, lo sviluppo del monachesimo rappresenta una delle maggiori novità, in Oriente come Occidente, che ha segnato la formazione della civiltà europea. Nato movimento spontaneo seno alla cristianità, si è articolato nel corso dei secoli rispondendo alle esigenze sociali di rinnovamento spirituale e religioso; un processo avvenuto uniformandosi norme canoniche indicate dalle autorità Chiesa. L’influsso Regula Benedicti particolare, con essa il progressivo orientamento disciplinare papato, costituirono svolta fondamentale tale indirizzo, a partire dall’VIII secolo, non fu recepito solo dalla riforma carolingia sinodi Aquisgrana, ma costituì riferimento ogni successiva claustrale europeo.
Studi di storia medioevale e di diplomatica - Nuova Serie
Legal culture across the Alps during the post-Carolingian period
Michele Baitieri

 Scholarship on the eleventh century has stressed central place that Lombardy had in early Middle Ages for revival of legal culture medieval europe. After having retraced these studies and discussed how this same region already played an important role shaping across Alps during Ottonian period, my paper focuses Canon law. Until recent years little or no attention been paid to history law decades around 900. According classic narrative it was only something new took law, specifically development canonical collections which aimed not systematically re‐arrange, but also re‐shape a vast number norms inherited from previous centuries. Looking at collection Anselmo dedicata, produced northern Italy Archbishop Milan, Anselm II (882‐896), aims highlight pivotal by post‐Carolingian period.
Studi di storia medioevale e di diplomatica - Nuova Serie
Towards a New Understanding of Mass Stipends
Paweł Kaleta
Ku nowemu rozumieniu stypendiów mszalnych
 Pojęcie „stypendiów mszalnych” zostało utrwalone w długoletniej tradycji Kościoła. Ich uzasadnienie można znaleźć liście apostolskim Firma in traditione oraz Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r. Mimo to zrozumienie ich znaczenia nie jest jasne i często bywa mylone kupowaniem sakramentów lub rodzajem opłaty za wykonaną usługę. Z historycznego punktu widzenia stypendium Mszy św. wywodzi się procesji darami podczas sprawowania To właśnie offertorium uczestniczący celebracji Eucharystii składali swoje dary. Niniejsze opracowanie analizuje koncepcję tzw. mszalnych ewoluującą formę praktyce Autor zwraca uwagę na fakt, że ofiary składane racji muszą być spójne teologią sakramentu jego ścisłego związku między celebransem a ludem wiernych. Ostatecznie te przyczyniają do dobra Kościoła uczestniczą trosce o utrzymanie szafarzy dzieł.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Abderrazzaq Kharroubi|Line Van Wersch|Roland Billen|Florent Poux
Abstract. 3D point cloud of mosaic tesserae is used by heritage researchers, restorers and archaeologists for digital investigations. Information extraction, pattern analysis semantic assignment are necessary to complement the geometric information. Automated processes that can speed up task highly sought after, especially new supervised approaches. However, availability labelled data training learning models a significant constraint. This paper introduces Tesserae3D, benchmark dataset evaluating machine models, applied segmentation. It publicly available, very high density coloured dataset, accompanied standard multi-class segmentation baseline. consists about 502 million points contains 11 classes covering wide range types. We propose baseline building on radiometric covariance features fed ensemble methods. The results delineate an achievable 89% F1-score made available under https://github.com/akharroubi/Tesserae3D, providing simple interface improve score based feedback from research community.
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences|ORBi (University of Liège)
The Frisians and their Pottery: Social Relations before and after the Fourth Century AD
Annet Nieuwhof
The beginning of the present-day Frisians lies in 5th century, when new inhabitants, ‘Anglo-Saxons’, arrived virtually abandoned terp region Northern Netherlands. that are mentioned by Roman authors, had largely area 3rd and was empty 4th century. In this chapter, some evidence is indicative social relations between different groups inhabiting northern coastal areas Netherlands Germany will be presented. same mechanisms, such as visiting, gift exchange intermarriage functioned before after networks regions were involved. To understand ‘new Frisians’ their descent from migrating Anglo-Saxons, we cannot ignore ‘old contacts with Chaucans, later Saxons. focus on pottery, since most wide-spread material category, a telling one concerned.
Music as a Universal Bond and Bridge Between the Physical and the Divine: Transcultural and Medieval Perspectives
Albrecht Classen
This article accepts the challenge to reflect on cultural history of music as a transcultural and universally human phenomenon, particularly in medieval context. To what extent has played same or at least similar function endless contexts all over world from past present? We know for sure that always been present age groups, ethnic among genders, throughout time. There have local, types (folklore), accepted manifestations (esp. classical music). The emphasis here rests, after an extensive study global cultural-historical terms, comments about philosophy, mysticism, literature because we discover fundamental notions being medium connect individual with cosmic harmony, hence divine. In literary texts, above all, was identified critical expression identity, love, religion. Keywords: Transcultural music; classic terms; Beatles; Martianus Capella; Boethius; Gottfried von Strassburg; Jörg Wickram; Hermann Hesse
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
A deep insight into a Carolingian text and its cultural and political impact
Jürgen Strothmann
Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities Social Sciences. Our aim to make current research available scholars, students, innovators, general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, engagement with international community.
Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis
Continuity of Carolingian Judicial Institutions in Ottonian Lotharingia
David S. Bachrach
Abstract The institution of the scabini , men from pagus who served as legal fact finders in comital courts, was established by Charlemagne later eighth century and has received considerable attention scholars for well over a century. Much early debate about focused on origins institution, whether successful replacing previous ad hoc administration justice with more formal procedures that followed closely dictates royal court. A second important element historiography fate following end Charlemagne’s reign, particularly after division unitary empire death Louis Pious 840. Many scholars, lead F.L. Ganshof, have argued governmental courts generally, ceased to function at some point ninth century, be replaced so-called feudal courts. study challenges this latter model examining under Carolingians their Ottonian successors region Lotharingia, which gained long-standing political coherence brief reign King Lothair II (854–869). This scene intense military conflict throughout much period through eleventh Nevertheless, numerous private charters Ottonians, ostensibly prescriptive texts included capitularies, continuity during entirety ca . 919–1024.
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Germanistische Abteilung
The Marriage of Philology and Scepticism: Uncertainty and Conjecture in Early Modern Scholarship and Thought. Ed. by Gian Mario Cao, Anthony Grafton, and Jill Kraye
Richard Serjeantson
A conference held in 2012 gives rise to this various and well produced collection. theme that might not, perhaps, serve hold together a monograph with conviction nonetheless permits the collection of interesting, sometimes important studies. Some contributions are fuller than others; some authors provide meditations on volume's themes arise from career's reading; other authors, by contrast, take advantage opportunity present results substantial focused research. But never less is probably better for no single strong editorial line having been imposed how understand claims scepticism relation philology. The chronological centre gravity falls two centuries around year 1600. it opens preliminary offerings considering earlier moments. Glenn W. Most (‘Sextus Empiricus, Child Marriage Philology Scepticisms’) concisely considers Sextus Empiricus themes, arriving at reading his Against Grammarians which concludes even does not really put philology into doubt, he did think worth doing so. Of all Jan M. Ziolkowski (‘Medieval Precedents Sceptical Philology’) perhaps follows what takes be brief most closely, least offering an intelligent thought‐provoking general introduction volume otherwise lacks. His reassessment possibility medieval before scholasticism emphasizes stimulus provided St Augustine's preoccupation refuting ‘academics’ turning consider case‐studies Carolingian Abbot Lupus Ferrieres (Servatus Lupus), whose unusual concern collation correction may perhaps—the author leaves question open—be connected interest obtaining copy Cicero's Academica, idiosyncratically academically sceptical, also philological, John Salisbury (who know Academica directly).
Research guides: VPHC41 - Carolingian and Romanesque Art and Architecture - Summer 2021: StoryMaps - Creating your story
Paulina Rousseau
Research guides: VPHC41 - Carolingian and Romanesque Art and Architecture - Summer 2021: Six Steps to an Effective Search Strategy
Paulina Rousseau
Research guides: VPHC41 - Carolingian and Romanesque Art and Architecture - Summer 2021: Boolean
Paulina Rousseau
Research guides: VPHC41 - Carolingian and Romanesque Art and Architecture - Summer 2021: Search Strategies
Paulina Rousseau
Research guides: VPHC41 - Carolingian and Romanesque Art and Architecture - Summer 2021: Annotated Bibliography
Paulina Rousseau
Research guides: VPHC41 - Carolingian and Romanesque Art and Architecture - Summer 2021: StoryMap Builder - Maps
Paulina Rousseau
(Mis)Identifying Teachers in Late Antique Gaul
Alison John
Abstract Mamertus Claudianus, a priest in Vienne the mid-fifth century, has been identified by some scholars as professional teacher of Latin rhetoric. This article contests this classification, arguing that Claudianus was an active member learned Christian literary circles and leader philosophical theological ‘literary salons’. It demonstrates importance correctly identifying teachers prosopography illustrates potential incorrect identifications to produce flawed distorted historical reconstructions cultural transformations late antique west. A close reading sources for coupled with firm understanding educational realities Gaul, sheds light on evolution increasingly intellectual culture among Gallo-Roman litterati fifth contributes better transformation practices period after ‘fall’ Rome.
Mnemosyne|Ghent University Academic Bibliography (Ghent University)|Ghent University Academic Bibliography (Ghent University)
Mimésis, géstica e as “origens” da escrita neumática gregoriana em Zu einer Theorie der musikalischen Reproduktion de Adorno (breves notas)
Alberto Medina de Seiça
Na investigação musicológica sobre as origens, difusão e funções dos primeiros sistemas de escrita musical no contexto do repertório gregoriano, a perspectiva paleográfica tem assumido um papel essencial. Mas é claro que muitas outras metodologias abordagens teoréticas concorrem para densificar o horizonte compreensão da Musicologia histórica. Nestas notas, procuramos considerar leitura Theodor Adorno, seu projecto inacabado “Zu einer Theorie der musikalischen Reproduktion”, faz emergência notação musical. Reflectindo especificidades sistema notacional, Adorno compreende-o à luz nuclear operador conceptual Mimésis. Apesar progressiva racionalização música ter esbatido originária dimensão mimética, ela perduraria forma latente nos sinais gráficos, entendidos como “imagens gestos” instrumentos controle social.
Per Musi|New University of Lisbon's Repository (New University of Lisbon)
<i>Veterum vestigia patrum</i>: The Greek Patriarchs in the Manuscript Culture of Early Medieval Europe
Scott G. Bruce
This article draws attention to the availability of Latin translations Greek patristic literature in western reading communities before year 800 through a survey contents hundreds surviving manuscripts from Merovingian and Carolingian periods. An examination presence translated works eastern church fathers 8th-century florilegium known as The Book Sparks ( Liber scintillarum) monastic library catalogs early 9th century corroborates impression left by manuscript evidence. Taken together, these sources allow us gauge popularity particular authors among readers medieval Europe weigh influence importance patristics tradition.
The Downside review
The dangers of travel – Banditry on the roads in the old days
Piotr Godlewski|Dariusz Skalski|Robert Mruczyk
Background: Both in the most distant history and nowadays, travel is accompanied by danger. Nowadays, insecurity becoming a basic barrier to tourist high-risk areas. The aim of study was make comparative review related subject danger retrospective terms. Material methods: In scholarly review, authors mainly used historical method, method establishing facts, method. analysis criticism literature also used. Results: Travel safety not common topic on tourism. Although we have many fragmentary accounts diary literature, Polish historiography there are no monographic works articles that put context. Conclusions: has always been Threats road difficult nature predict, from dangers caused forces deadly threat resulting human actions, often with an intent rob, but against political (terrorism), religious or national background. Despite ongoing civilizational changes, including extraordinary dynamics cultural still show analogy former days. end nineteenth century borderline period, it marked irretrievable primitive banditry. development safe communication, emergence strong state bodies Europe developed system security apparatus effectively limited then eliminated epicentres areas, which does mean complete elimination Also today, information about attacks tourists coming some regions Europe, mechanisms methods confusingly similar those known history.
Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity
The marvellous Hierotopy of the golden altar in Milan
Ivan Foletti
The golden altar in the Basilica of St. Ambrose Milan is one most fascinating objects surviving from Carolingian domination Milan. At a very general level, it first all important to remember Cesare Alzati's study that demonstrated, mostly based on documentary and liturgical evidence, an incessant dialogue between Byzantium throughout Early Middle Ages up until twelfth century. As suggested by title this paper, however, may also be interpreted as being part dialogue, somehow unexpected, with visual world Constantinople at time. delegation was led Hilduin Denis, people have no document testifies presence Milanese emissary among ambassadors. With current research, cannot go beyond these data that, whole, provide clues understanding design altar.
Routledge eBooks
Enslaved in Dzungaria: what an eighteenth-century crocheting instructor can teach us about overland globalisation
Lisa Hellman
Abstract This global microhistorical analysis of the Swede Brigitta Scherzenfeldt’s capture in Russia and her subsequent enslavement Dzungar khanate stresses actors regions needed to nuance history globalisation. The early globalisation process is commonly exemplified with maritime contacts, involving free often male West European actors. In contrast, this study combines multilingual source material trace discuss economic integration, cross-border trade, forced migration, circulation knowledge, literary depictions, diplomatic contacts Central Asian borderlands between China Russia. process, I clarify importance female, coerced actors, overland connections non-European empires for modern
Journal of Global History
Veturliði Óskarsson|Lasse Mårtensson
Scripta Islandica
German Protestants in the Moslavina and Bilogora Regions
Vatroslav Župančić
The article researches the migrations of German Protestants in area Moslavina and Bilogora after issuing Protestant Patent religious liberalization second half 19th century. First, we research regional background settlers (colonists), go on to follow development their church communities parishes. After this, describe specific settlements with an absolute or relative majority, as well historical circumstances organization. Finally, use sources, literature, oral history (i.e., interviews) processes migration evacuation from those parts, destinies pastors preachers during WWII. Due scope research, was divided into two parts. In part 1, emphasis is migrations, settlers’ confessional background, founding first large parishes region, that, other branches, development, stages abandonment, description final spiritual workers’ activities.
The Others and the Croats in Early Medieval Eastern Adriatic History
Ivan Majnarić
[sic] – a Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary Translation focuses on theoretical, empirical artistic research in the fields culture, literature literary translation. thus welcomes submission works that focus various theoretical or problems within listed above, as well original translations. By publishing papers, video essays, reviews, criticism, interviews translation, wishes to offer wide, interdisciplinary approach dominant, but also marginal and/or currently unrecognized emerging cultural trends practices this way open dialogue between proponents different approaches said areas. As such, is seen an international platform for scholars, practitioners artists dealing with
[sic]|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)|University of Zagreb University Computing Centre (SRCE)
Saxon Female Monasticism c.852–1024
Sarah Greer
The suggestion that early medieval Saxon female monasticism is unique or exceptional for its intensity and prestige dominates current scholarship. Explanations this exceptionality have focused on an apparent preponderance of widows in Saxony a regional association commemoration with women rather than reformed monks clerics. Instead, chapter argues Saxony’s later conversion to Christianity, compared the rest Carolingian Empire, more crucial factor spread monasteries throughout region. It traces timeline known convents highlight foundation new was not steadily increasing across ninth tenth centuries, but experienced ebbs flows popularity response other social political factors.
Oxford University Press eBooks
Empire and Landscape in the Tabula Peutingeriana
BRILL eBooks
Pointing to inclinations : Albertus Magnus' physiognomy as a scientific and theological nexus
Heather Thornton McRae
This dissertation explores the physiognomy of Albertus Magnus, which is contained within his commentary on De animalibus, three works animals by Aristotle. provides an opportunity to demonstrate medieval intellectual world view that body and soul were connected, both theologically medically. Magnus also exemplify reintroduction into Latin Christendom in twelfth thirteenth centuries through deep textual connections physiognomy, medicine, theories classical Mediterranean intermediary Islamic world. Physiognomies like contribute ideas what constitutes a scientia building upon past scholarship astrology, hagiography, other aspects premodern have largely been rejected until recent decades.
MOspace Institutional Repository (University of Missouri)
Neoplatonism in the Cologne tradition of the later Middle Ages: Berthold of Moosburg (ca. 1300–1361) as case study
Johann Beükes
The objective of this article is to present an overview, based on the most recent specialist research, Neoplatonist developments in Cologne tradition later Middle Ages, with specific reference a unique Proclian commentary presented by German Albertist Dominican, Berthold Moosburg (ca. 1300–1361). Situating post-Eckhart Dominican crisis 1340s and 1350s, his rehabilitating initiative presenting extensive (nine-volume) Proclus Lycaeus’ (412–485) Elements Theology Expositio super Elementationem theologicam Procli , only its kind from contextualised Berthold’s discursive indebtedness predecessors, Albert Great 1200–1280), Ulrich Strasbourg 1220–1277) Dietrich Freiberg (ca.1250 – ca.1310), as well two Dutch-Cologne successors, Heymeric Camp (1395–1460) Carthusian Thomist Denys de Leeuwis (1402–1471). contribution philosophical discourse Ages indicated therein that provided synthesis late Medieval version Neoplatonism contemporaneous German–Dominican theories. By contextualising work predecessors successors broad idea-historical landscape antiquity Neoplatonism, argues succeeded linking Neoplatonic legacy Albertism impetus for overall consolidating ability tradition. juxtaposing more conventional legacies Ulrich, Dietrich, Denys, exceptional Latin-Western intellectual expanded enriched regard notable contributions philosophy Ages. Contribution: This contributes scholarship overview indicates during
Theological Studies/Teologiese Studies
Royal Power in the Late Carolingian Age: Charles III the Simple and His Predecessors. By HorstLösslein. Cologne: Modern Academic Publishing, 2019. 404 pp. ISBN 978 3 946198 48 2 (hardback); 978 3 946198 499 (epub, open access).
Geoffrey Koziol
Early Medieval Europe
The Ladins and their history of legal resilience
José Rafael Gómez Biamón
The Ladins of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol are an ethnic minority with ancient history, located in the Dolomites Mountains, a place associated extreme beauty and rugged land. Under Italian Constitution, have acquired several legal rights connected their language history.Ladins history dating to Roman Empire. Located strategic place, Alpine valleys mountain paths that connect Peninsula Central Europe, Germanic tribes after end Empire invaded established themselves zone, enforcing customs laws. Those so-called “barbaric laws” together Carolingian Ecclesiastical law gave birth particular system during Middle Ages.Afterward, became part Holy Empire, later, House Habsburg. During aftermath World War I, Italy obtained region from Austrian-Hungarian peace treaty Saint Germain-en-Laye 1919.The experience started soon I publications taking task understanding origins its people. Ever since, interest has not ceased. In 1998 Constitutional Court recognized Ladin people right be represented regional institutions, answering historical social reality Alto Adige/Südtirol.Consequently, resilience gives testimony long peaceful victories for rights, language, context judicial procedures, political participation, legislation.In comparison, living other regions like Veneto Friuli Venezia Giulia reached same level autonomy privileges as those Adige/Südtirol.
Italian Review of Legal History|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
Episcopus sine ciuitate? La promoción episcopal de centros no urbanos en la Península Ibérica durante la Antigüedad Tardía
Jesús Peidro Blanes
The episcopal power in Late Antiquity is generally configured around ciuitas. However, the conciliar legislation of 4th-7th centuries interdicted to set up bishoprics no urban environment. There are some evidences different European regions their existence minor and rural centres, responding a diverse casuistic according region where they established. From examples, we propose hypothesis explain promotion secondary agglomerations centres Antique Hispania. El poder del obispo lo largo de la Antigüedad Tardía se configuraba, generalmente, alrededor No obstante, legislación los siglos IV al VII prohibía el establecimiento episcopados en entornos urbanos. En diferentes regiones europeas documenta su existencia centros menores y rurales que, siendo una minoría, responden casuística diversa según zona que implantan. A partir unos ejemplos, planteamos hipótesis sirva para explicar promoción aglomeraciones secundarias episcopales Hispania tardoantigua.
Antigüedad y cristianismo
Philip Polcar’s Hieronymus’ Witwenbüchlein für Salvina
Willum Westenholz
In the monograph under review, a revised version of dissertation submitted at University Konstanz in 2019, Polcar sets out to provide full-scale commentary on single letter Jerome’s correspondence such as will be familiar those who have read work Scourfield, Adkin, and Cain. The investigation, epistula 79, is addressed newly widowed Salvina, containing both consolation for loss her husband, Nebridius, exhortation chaste widowhood. After brief introduction Jerome letter’s place ancient epistolographic tradition (pp. 11–19) survey edition manuscripts consulted (21–24), there follows Latin text with facing translation 24–45).
Clotho|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
The Trade in Slaves in the Black Sea, Russia, and Eastern Europe
Hannah Barker
The Black Sea, Russia, and eastern Europe exported slaves throughout the medieval period. Most had been born free but were enslaved through capture or occasionally sale by relatives. During eighth tenth centuries, traded from Baltic to elite households in Byzantium Islamic world via Dniepr Volga river systems, Carolingian empire, Venice. In thirteenth century, structure of this slave trade changed as a result Mongol invasion Europe, Italian colonization success Mamluk state, crusading activities Teutonic Knights Baltic. People now tended be westward rather than eastward; people Caucasus pass Sea into Italian, Mamluk, Ottoman hands; Balkans trafficked primarily Venetians Ottomans. Many aspects deserve further study, however, such political marginality decentralization factors that enabled slaving; violations principle should come different religious background their owners; logistics local trades.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
The Four Oldest Latin Quotations of the Qur’an: Eighth/Ninth-Century al-Andalus
Thomas E. Burman
The Epistula Leonis imperatoris ad Umar regem Saracenorum directa is a thus far unnoticed work that should be added to the corpus of ninth-century Latin works written in al-Andalus. It translation (so unknown) Arabic version letter Byzantine Emperor, Leo III, purportedly sent Caliph II, an attempt persuade him become Christian (other versions this survive Armenian and Arabic, by caliph are likewise extant more than one language). survives four manuscripts, earliest them (Paris, BnF MS 2826), being copy Carolingian minuscule surely translated This essay places its three quotations Qur’an alongside only other known quotation holy book period, Istoria de Mahometh, analyzing detail how each passage was from into Latin, arguing general, while they all modestly close original most cases translators have subtly or not-so-subtly distorted verses make amenable argument against Islam.
De Gruyter eBooks|DIGITAL.CSIC (Spanish National Research Council (CSIC))
Quasi nani super humeros gigantum? Reusing Classical and Medieval Quotations in the Hagiographic Discourse in Tenth-Century Liège
Sibil Gruntar Vilfan|Cristian-Nicolae Gaşpar
The paper offers a detailed investigation of select passages from the Vita II Sancti Remacli, hagiographic text produced in diocese Liège last decades tenth century. purpose this is threefold. First, to illustrate point that tenth-century Latin texts did not display quotations classical and patristic authors only as petrified forms frozen ancient wisdom with merely decorative function, but rather raw gems which were polished adjusted fit seamlessly into new framework. Thus, they could enhance both form contents closely connected their age’s political intellectual realities. Second, show nineteenth- twentieth-century editions such can act distorting mirrors modern readers researchers, since, due an editorial strategy privileged material over its medieval context, editors sometimes completely neglected how re-worked by hagiographer following stylistic requirements rhymed prose. Third, suggest necessary corrective approach way reading consequently editing these types texts, places proper paying attention manuscript evidence, complex functions play textual environment.
Clotho|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
Codex Fragments Detached from Incunabula in the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books of the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Fanni Hende
This article presents the results of a study 37 manuscript fragments detached from incunables in Department Manuscripts and Rare Books Library Information Centre Hungarian Academy Sciences. The themselves were imported into Hungary between end eighteenth early twentieth centuries.
Manuscript as Metalwork: Haptic Vision in Early Carolingian Gospel Books
Beth Fischer
De Gruyter eBooks
Secularization, Confessional Ideology, and Society
Mădălin Vasile Tăut
Social life is the keystone of existence a human and people and, by extension, an entire civilization. In this essay I will try to present way in which religious affiliation has influenced historical evolution society interpersonal relationships. Therefore, after analyzing relationship between Christian denomination capitalist economy context secularization process facing peoples Europe, consequences desacralization world for spiritual health modern humans consequent sociological implications tend create faults contemporary world. Communion replaced separation, solidarity individualism, inner emotional balance beings jeopardized chaos that seems condemn whole loneliness disintegration.
Roczniki Teologiczne
The Rising Janus Germania: Innovations in German Foreign and Security Policy, EU Policy and Its National Ideas
Germany acquired a Leitbild “Janus Germania” in which the theses of both civilian power and normal great fuse are transformed into thesis “peace restoration with orientation”. Such transformation is attributed to “fluid five-party system”, fragmentation increased. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU)/the Social (CSU) Party (SPD) became concentrated towards centre. This movement reflected SPD’s stressing Germany’s own national interests transfer CDU/CSU ideas crisis prevention comprehensive security. Segmentation decreased, grand coalition normalised.
Journal of Management Policy and Practice
Tekstovi o glazbi hrvatskih autora na latinskom jeziku od 1701. do 1760. godine u sjevernoj Hrvatskoj : između teorije i prakse
NULL AUTHOR_ID|Jelena Knešaurek Carić
Music treatises written in Latin the northern Croatia from 1701. - 1760 : between theory and practice. Adhering to contention of Leo Treitler that history is made up a totality records include knowledge music, as well writing about it, are interaction with society culture its time, then definitely, when presenting cultural achievements during 18th c., texts on music script should also be included. This primarily because they represent only preserved sources formalised official discourse thus enable research not their theoretical precepts projected practice, but patterns social life connected it right before Josephinism. Since former musicological have been left without an in-depth analysis thought were promoting, need read order better comprehend role daily routine average man (evenly urban rural regions) who, most frequently came into contact context church ceremonies. At same one aware this liturgical paraliturgical folk or artistic music. In sense, dissertation pursues detailed introductions all three editions proceedings Cithara Octochorda (Vienna 1701 1723; Zagreb 1757), manual by Mihael Šilobod Bolšić Fundamentum cantus gregoriani seu choralis (Zagreb, 1760) and, extent partially available content, Tomo Kovačević Brevis notitia (Vienna, 1701). The whose main theme was whether musica theorica practica, published Vienna encompassed two fundamental forms discourse. One deals pedagogical sense (musica practica) we find manuals for teaching Gregorian chant 1701) ŠilobodBolšić 1760). other promotes aspect strengthening oneꞌs devotion God, tool regulating emotions behaviour individual direct connection trace mediaeval theorica. Such present prefaces significant musical venture first half c. – octochorda. chapter titled “Historical geographical positioning” presents historicogeographical frame which mentioned written, general climate authors worked. Likewise, defines terminology specific period, that, Croatian lands, according learnings author, unequivocally defined “Catholic restoration”. second analyses past directly indirectly our theme: describes immediate subject matter dissertation, Europe place belonged domestic local historiography until research. third initiates critical about, challenging epithet anachronistic activity accredited practice 60 years manner appraising ethical practical activity. corpus analysed based definition offered St. Bonaventure, more precise, within procedure compilation (compilatio) writers compile tractates. conducted revealing indirect allusions works (probati auctores) among are, along references antic authorities such Plato Cicero, neighbouring Italy. fourth idea dominant epistemologies 16th, 17th Michel Foucault. so doing, argument coexistence disparate models discourses has confirmed indicated Carl Dahlhaus. A comparative countries shown anachronistic, solely stylistically limited type accepts contemporary expressing distinguished order, regardless table, sequence mnemonic verses exists European Catholic countries. fifth discusses similarities (similitudo) connecting words things Foucault attributed episteme. octochorda certain model, Lyra coelestis Trnava 1695, demonstrates similitudo even post-Renaissance denotes significance ix shaped patristics Middle Ages. addition, investigating places affected modesty, utilitas pietas, strong influence rhetoric pointed out. final sixth chapter, relationship theorica, speculative didactical finds foundations emerged period Carolingian state being analysed. there equal intertwining medieval fundamentals (the hexachord system, alphabet, solmisation, keys, names modes) Renaissance elements metre (division brevis, rhythmisation chants poetical accentuated markings text set music) modal system (hexachord uses old-Greek terminology). Aesthetics hand discussions themselves, reduced individual, healing soteriological power, since, physical manifestation metaphysical, rules microcosmos. Accordingly became means process catholic restoration some compatible enlightening absolutism Habsburg Monarchy strongly tied Church.
ODRAZ (University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and SocialSciences)
Garnitury okuć rzemieni i inne elementy ozdobne wielkomorawskich mieczy
Zbigniew Robak
Tematem artykułu jest rekonstrukcja wyglądu pochwy miecza wielkomorawskich wojowników. Autor skupia się w nim przede wszystkim na garniturach okuć rzemieni i pasów służących do przypinania miecza, ale nie pomija także innych ozdobnych elementów jakie stosowano obszarze Wielkich Moraw IX początku X w. Artykuł prezentuje głównie analizę składu garniturów mieczowych znanych z obszarów kontekście szerszej typologii zagadnień chronologicznych znalezisk obszaru Europy znajdującego pod wpływem kultury karolińskiej między początkiem a pierwszą połową w.&#x0D; Rozbudowane garnitury mieczowe stały bardzo popularne Morawach drugiej połowie Wtedy też zanikają miecze ze zdobionymi głowicami (B/H, K), pojawiają modele niezdobionymi (N/X, Y). Możliwe zatem, że popularyzacja wśród wojowników nastąpiła odpowiedzi konieczność stosowania mniej okazałej broni.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis|University of Lodz Repository (University of Łódź)
Golubić kod Knina – važan lokalitet za hrvatski rani srednji vijek
Ante Uglešić|Ivan Josipović
U članku se analizira jedan već otprije poznati te veći broj novopronađenih ulomaka predromaničkih reljefa iz današnje pravoslavne crkve Sv. Stefana u Golubiću kod Knina, od kojih su pojedini i prvi put objavljeni. Na temelju njihove detaljne obrade, navedeni reljefi atribuirani dvjema klesarskim produkcijama 9. stoljeća, to Trogirskoj klesarskoj radionici djelatnoj sredinom prve polovine stoljeća Benediktinskoj vremena kneza Branimira. Nakon kraćeg ekskursa o povijesnim toponimima na užem prostoru današnjega Golubića, autori iznose pretpostavku da zidovima postojeće parohijske tom selu vjerojatno krije barem dio strukture izvorne predromaničke građevine s aksijalnim zvonikom krajnje reduciranim westwerkom, a čijoj unutrašnjosti tijekom dvaput mijenjale liturgijske instalacije. Time bi navedena sakralna građevina bila uvrštena grupu najranijih karolinških crkava Hrvatskoj, tj. tzv. „misionarski sloj arhitekture” teritoriju ranosrednjovjekovne hrvatske kneževine.
Ars Adriatica|Hrčak Portal of scientific journals of Croatia (University Computing Centre)|Hrčak Portal of scientific journals of Croatia (University Computing Centre)
The Medieval beer, beverage with the care of a saint
Jeong Min Lee
It was said that the monks began to brew beer called as ‘the drink of devil’ in contrast with wine considered blood Jesus Christ’. In virtue monks, medieval reborn beverage filled care a saint. Certainly, were interested not only brewing but also ban and consuetudines beer. addition, carolingian kings feudal seigneurs took profound interest for their political power financial advantages. Anyway, it certain indispensable well creating resources monasteries.&#x0D; this article, aims reflect meaning beer, especially made from monasteries, under attention seigneurs.&#x0D; Also, article enables us rediscover society through it.(Gyeongsang National University)
Korea Association of World History and Culture
De Gruyter eBooks
3 Chosenness: supersessionism and racist anti-Judaism
De Gruyter eBooks
Phenomenology of the Eucharist: A Reflection on Traditioning
Kevin James Connors
&lt;p&gt;This thesis is an enquiry into how relationship differs from identity. It studies the senses of and identity in history Eucharist. The aim to describe are expressed Eucharist, and, by extension, traditions generally. reflects on Hebrew Greek scriptures, historical celebrations Latin metaphysics, medieval mysticism phenomenology. In Scripture, a sense infinite loveableness can be discerned expression "yahid". First century Christianity applied this particular "yahid" Jesus influenced way sacraments initiation were celebrated. Accordingly, Eucharist emerged through scripture traditioning as sign loveableness. eucharistic produces which alters Christian disciple's This alteration becomes actualised expressions hospitality relational traditioning. Through reflecting dynamics general phenomenology tradition begins emerge. study was motivated author‘s belief that theory has not been written. By describing significance traditional (the Eucharist), contribution may have made two fields: tradition.&lt;/p&gt;
Open Access Victoria University of Wellington | Te Herenga Waka (Figshare)
The Court and the Monastery Complexes as Centers of Craft Production in Medieval Serbia
Александра Фостиков
Being important economical centers on the territory of medieval Serbia and places that in division power into sacral secular stood out, court monastery were central manor but also first grade i.e. urban settlements within boundaries or fence-encircled areas. This was especially case with ruler head church. Thus, parallel craftsmen who working for sovereign, landlord – craftsmanship activity taking place complex - physically imaginarily enclosed economic space immediate courtyard.&#x0D; Unlike monasteries whose yard had been encircled so there is no doubt to whom workshop actually belonged, fortified capital cities, it difficult make a distinction between lord city workshops. when are written sources systematic archaeological excavations. Based current knowledge can be assumed palace blacksmith, goldsmith, mint, potter tailor, very likely shoemaker They appropriately employing blacksmiths, weavers, gunsmiths, goldsmiths, jewelers, potters, worked production decoration clothes shoes, probably persons practicing fine crafts, such as engraving. In monasteries, goldsmith workshops, based tools leather present. Workshops artisans essential elements books, scriptoriums, should added this list well.&#x0D; Among them, most skilled ones certainly craft masters. The church circle common found role environment, well monasteries. Apart from lived continuously complexes, those traveled their masters, stayed complexes prolonged time due obligations. where work related large construction project, some them years.&#x0D;
Issues in ethnology and anthropology|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)|Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology (University of Belgrade)
Social Transformations and Resilience
Alexandra Pesch
The amazing goblet known as the ‘Tassilo Liutpirc Chalice’ is one of most significant archaeological objects from eighth century AD. Surprisingly, animal figures that adorn it have close parallels with creatures Germanic Animal styles fifth onwards. This paper explores deeply-rooted traditions behind this, and social, cultural political mechanisms sustained its continuity, transcending boundaries epochs religions. It argued a supra-regional network workshops was driving force in development this sophisticated imagery.
Current Swedish archaeology
Остап Кардаш
Стаття присвячена проблемі колонізаційного і місіонерського освоєння духівництвом бавар­ських церковних діоцезів пост-аварського простору “Молодшої Європи”, зокрема територій у межах Східної марки, Паннонії та Моравії, перші десятиліття після зруйнування Аварського кагнату. На основі аналізу великої кількості дарчих конфірмаційних актів з канцелярії франкського імператора Карла Великого, його нащадків – Людовіка І Благочестивого, баварського згодом східнофранкського короля ІІ Німецького, а також місцевих урядових еліт окреслено динаміку, специфіку географічні межі, розширення земельних володінь поширення церковної традиції ряду монастирських спільнот Баварської Церкви на згаданих теренах. Автор доходить висновку, що баварське духівництво усіх провінцій монастирів було об’єднане спільною метою євангелізацією інтеграцією місцевого населення власних поширенням каро­лінзького політичного впливу разом із латинською церковною традицією східні, порубіжні володіннями Каролінгів, слов’янські землі.&#x0D; Ключові слова: Пассауське єпископство, Зальцбурзьке архієпископство, Фрайзинзьке єпис­копст­во, Реґенсбурзьке Альтайхський монастир, діоцез, дарчий акт.
Philosophical Foundations for Understanding the System of Law
Roman A. Romashov|V.A. Kovalev|Елена Анатольевна Ракова
The article deals with a problem of correlation between the evolution main ideas pattern, philosophical foundations intellectual life age and historical state-law systems. method is cyclic conception history, according to which on every round processes, framework system development was formed by presumption about space, time, mul­tiplicity world so on. According it, authors argue that existence some milestones in history gives us an opportunity highlight phases evolution, such as temple-state its mythological space time; polis state, emerged from rationalization understanding multiple; medieval theological state dualism teleological conception; modern based separation abstract conceptions nation their embodiment.
Publication and the Papacy in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Samu Niskanen
This Element explores the papacy's engagement in authorial publishing late antiquity and Middle Ages. The opening discussion demonstrates that throughout medieval period, papal involvement publication of new works was a phenomenon, which surged eleventh century. efforts by four authors to use their connexions interests publicity are examined as case studies. first two St Jerome Arator, antique writers who became highly influential partly due declaration literary projects enjoyed sanction. Appreciation strategies sets scene for comparison with eleventh-century authors, Fulcoius Beauvais Anselm. argues constituted powerful promotional technique. It is hermeneutic brings insights into both aspirations concerns authors. title also available Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Helda (University of Helsinki)
Fuerst-Bjeliš, B. and Glamuzina, N.: The Historical Geography of Croatia: Territorial Change and Cultural Landscapes
András Vadas|NULL AUTHOR_ID|Gábor Demeter|Dénes Sokcsevits|NULL AUTHOR_ID|NULL AUTHOR_ID
Hungarian geographical bulletin|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
Ancient Brimmed Helmets as Introduction to Medieval Kettle Hats?
Daniel Gosk
In many publications about arms and armour it is argued that kettle hats were known in antiquity or are derived from ancient helmets. This thesis led to the publication of European Armour circa 1066 1700 by Cloude Blair, published 1958. article aims argue with Blair’s tracing history brimmed helmets, showing helmets used 7th century BC first AD regions troop formations. However, these disappeared battlefields at beginning 2nd AD, whereas sources concerning medieval appear centuries later, 11th century. Because this issue discontinuity, ‘iron hats’ ‘kettle cannot be identified forms they associated through brim shape only; distinct their provenance names.
Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae|RCIN (Digital Repository of the Scientifics Institutes) (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
Contemporary Historiography on Christianity in Roman Africa
Alden Bass
This essay follows the broad contours of patristic and ecclesiastical history relative to African Christianity. Rival Catholic Protestant narratives origin trajectory Christianity in early modern period continued influence historiography, even after acceptance critical historical methods 19th century. The advent archeological research colonial opened new vistas on ushered sociohistorical approach which characterized Christian studies 20th Finally, “linguistic turn” inspired by theory has directed recent toward issues surrounding identities Christians, rhetorical real.
Revista de historiografía
“Angelical Conjunctions”: An Introduction
Aslıhan Gürbüzel|Faith Wallis
Early Science and Medicine
Nearly-Not Miracles of the Carolingian Era:
Alice Rio
‘Because their patron never dies’: ecclesiastical freedmen, socio‐religious interaction, and group formation under the aegis of ‘church property’ in the early medieval west (sixth to eleventh centuries)
Stefan Esders
In the early medieval west, patronate, as adapted from Roman law, was a fundamental category in determining legal status of freedmen. many cases it entailed basic set obligations. an increasing number situations, however, patron became ecclesiastical institution, since slaves and freed persons were often given to churches monasteries. As institutions regarded their patronal rights over part inalienable church property, relationship permanent inheritable. Eastern Francia (the Rhineland beyond) this transformed freedmen into religiously defined social groups with potentially distinct aims, religious tasks, organizational structures, shared notion freedom. From Carolingian period onward, even attractive enter voluntarily status. It is argued here that its underlying network socio‐religious relations, patronate censuales can be better understood when considered element ‘temple society’ .
Early Medieval Europe|Refubium (Universitätsbibliothek der Freien Universität Berlin)
Adelard of Bath
Aisha Alowais|Mesut Idriz
In the 12th century, a large number of European scholars have travelled to East in order learn and ultimately bring back with them new scientific knowledge. Translators played major role. Among those translators is Adelard Bath whom this study aims investigate his original works along he translated from Arabic into Latin. The will follow travels hometown France where studied, finally learned Arabs. It also briefly highlight situation education during so-called Dark Ages Europe. Moreover, Adelard’s before after travelling are examined see what extent was influenced by books English used as primary resources for research, addition other secondary references. As result conducting it can be seen that thought Arabs prevailed stressed importance methodology followed them. has contributed forming cusp between Islamic Civilization Renaissance; hence further studies need carried out about well endeavors East.
Al-ādāb|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
Ravenna: Capital of Empire, Crucible of Europe, by Judith Herrin
Giulia Bellato
This monograph is an ambitious, rewarding and detailed history of the city Ravenna, spanning period from its designation as imperial capital in early fifth century to Carolingian spoliations ninth. It not so much urban a comprehensive account political religious forces operating Europe Mediterranean these centuries shaping context which Ravenna can best be analysed. While Ravenna’s has been subject vast scholarship, including at least three significant recent monographs, Judith Herrin’s approach based on fundamental shift perspective: she rejects label ‘Late Antiquity’ useful periodisation, choosing speak ‘Early Christendom’ instead. Christianity, Herrin argues, was defining characteristic era; pervasive element construction authority, economy, built environment social structures. just semantic...
The English Historical Review
The Medieval Armenian Symbol of Eternity in the Art of the Twelfth-Century Italian Sculptor Nicholaus: A Veiled Performance
Lorenzo Dominioni|Antranik Balian
Abstract The medieval Armenian symbol of eternity – a whirl sign is engraved in the forehead five bull sculptures dated to first half twelfth century, attributable workshop Italian sculptor Nicholaus. an ancient sacred associated with eternal life, not specific any religion or culture, that has persisted for millennia. following carvings display closely resembling geometric engravure: apse frieze Koenigslutter Kaiserdom (Lower Saxony), pulpit Sacra di Carpi (Modena), “Creation animals” panel S. Zeno Basilica (Verona), Verona Cathedral porch, and Ferrara narthex. This symbol, generally ignored by Western Christian art after Carolingian period, was revisited Nicholaus workshop. We argue small, hitherto overlooked engraving made these artists head Koenigslutter, Carpi, veiled ornamental performance displaying signify concept life hereafter. Here immediate inspiration source likely Armenian, because early century foreign religious decorations while it deeply rooted art. his atelier were familiar leaved cross traditional motifs symbolizing hereafter inspired them some their works. In decorative reliefs façade, porch frieze, various examples metamorphosis into naturalistic foliate are extant, witnessing atelier’s versatile sculptural conceptualizing everlasting life.
Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies
Overcoming the Pandemic through Viral Poetry Games: The Phenomenon of Coronavirus-Inspired Digital Acrostic Poetry in South Korea
Christina S. Han
Following the outbreak of COVID-19 in South Korea winter 2019, acrostic poems on three-syllable word “Corona” became viral major search engines and social media platforms across country. The composition poems, particularly three lines, has been a popular cultural phenomenon since 1980s when it participatory literary exercise game featured television entertainment shows. digital revolution 2000s allowed writing sharing these short whimsical to expand into various platforms. Since 2010, PC mobile games have developed further enhance ludic approach poetry contests. While facilitating individual creativity, as an interactive way community building branding, contests also used promote political campaigns consumer products. This paper will investigate Coronavirus Korean It analyze organized by schools, communities, product brands, circles. composed children adults, display wide range messages involving self-reflection, campaign, criticism, subversive wordplay. Together, promoted values collaboration, competition, exchange during pandemic. All all, explores powers language art world, well poetry’s connections networked self, mobilization, online activism.
The Haskins Society Journal 32 2020 Studies in Medieval History
Barbara H. Rosenwein|Kate Rambridge|Nicholas Brooks|Ryan Lavelle|Robin R. Mundill|Diane Korngiebel|Ryan Patrick Crisp|Philadelphia Ricketts|Louis Hamilton|Brigitte Miriam Bedos-Rezak
This volume of the &lt;i&gt;Haskins Society Journal&lt;/i&gt; demonstrates Society's continued engagement with historical and interdisciplinary research from early to central Middle Ages on a broad range topics including militarism, piety, miraculous monstrous. Chapters explore material culture through mythic eleventh-century papal banner seals coins Empress Matilda. Contributions offer new insights into Carolingian hagiography undead in &lt;i&gt;Historia rerum Anglicarum&lt;/i&gt;. Further chapters feature evidence role priests' wives, tensions multiple lordships, shifting identities Irish Sea world, didactic use royal anger. A fresh examination Aelred Rievaulx's &lt;i&gt;Relatio de Standaro&lt;/i&gt; re-assessment Flemish documentary practice continue Haskins commitment primary source analysis. Two essays thirteenth century, links between Crusade spirituality lay penitential strategies an investigation economic costs waging war, round out volume.
Nearly-Not Miracles of the Carolingian Era: A Hypothesis
Alice Rio
14. Coda: Carolingian Art As Conceptual Art
Charlotte Denoël
Amsterdam University Press eBooks
Reversals in Wartime: Alcuin and Charlemagne discuss Retrograde Motion
Mary Garrison|Thomas Charles McLeish
The apparent retrograde motion of the planets was a puzzle for astronomers from ancient world to final establishment heliocentric cosmology in early modern period, but enjoyed an especially rich discussion Carolingian Renaissance. We explore first stirrings eighth-century response this epistemological challenge remarkable series letters between Alcuin York and Charlemagne, sent while latter on campaign against Saxons 798 CE. Their exchange constitutes longest phenomenon Mars' West up that date. Our consideration relevant explores Alcuin's ability marshal diverse complex explanatory narratives observational traditions around problem planet Mars, even as he unable fully reconcile them. Attention his ultimately unsuccessful (and at times contradictory) attempts explanation suggest relied knowledge sources beyond those previously recognized, which we identify. Charlemagne's curiosity about matter can be located much longer context tradition imperial royal concern with heavenly phenomena; same time, heralds ninth-century expansion astronomy away computists' preoccupation solar lunar calendrical data required calculate date Easter towards more wide-ranging observed planetary irrelevant dating computistical calculations. functional, if not geometrical, assumption centrality sun merits further examination general sense lost ideas sustained medieval echoes.
Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)|White Rose Research Online (University of Leeds)
Chapter 4. The Elf Church: Memories of Contested Sacred Spaces
Amsterdam University Press eBooks
8th-10th century hillforts in the Sudetes – exploring current state of research and observations, towards new horizons
Ewa Lisowska|Krzysztof Jaworski
The article presents the latest results of archaeological studies on 8th-10th century hillforts in Sudetes. authors present previously unknown structures, found through analysis aerial scans using ALS method. Excavation and office conducted since 2005 Sudetes also allowed for correcting chronology some known hillfort sites. a discussion structures referred to as ‘quasi-hillforts’ those considered be destroyed. findings are concluded by summary changes research early medieval over last 15 years, i.e. publication monograph devoted this part Central Europe.
Acta Archaeologica Carpathica
Palaeogenomic analysis of black rat (<i>Rattus rattus</i>) reveals multiple European introductions associated with human economic history
Yu He|Alexandra Jamieson|Ardern Hulme-Beaman|Chris J. Conroy|Becky Knight|Camilla Speller|Hiba Al-Jarah|Heidi Eager|Alexandra Trinks|G. Adikari|Henriette Baron|Beate Böhlendorf‐Arslan|Wijerathne Bohingamuwa|Alison Crowther|Thomas Cucchi|Kinie Esser|Jeffrey Fleisher|Louisa Gidney|Elena Gladilina|Pavel Gol’din|Steven M. Goodman|Sheila Hamilton‐Dyer|Richard Helm|Christopher Hillman|Nabil Kallala|Hanna Kivikero|Zsófia Eszter Kovács|Günther Karl Kunst|René Kyselý|Anna Linderholm|Bouthéina Maraoui-Telmini|Arturo Morales‐Muñiz|Mariana Nabais|T. P. O'Connor|Tarek Oueslati|Quintana Morales|M. Eréndira|Kerstin Pasda|Jude Perera|Nimal Perera|Silvia Radbauer|Joan Ramon|Eve Rannamäe|Joan Sanmartí Grego|Edward R. Treasure|Silvía Valenzuela-Lamas|Inge van der Jagt|Wim Van Neer|Jean‐Denis Vigne|Thomas Walker|Stephanie Wynne‐Jones|Jørn T. Zeiler|Keith Dobney|Nicole Boivin|Jeremy B. Searle|Ben Krause‐Kyora|Johannes Krause|Greger Larson|David Orton
Abstract The distribution of the black rat ( Rattus rattus ) has been heavily influenced by its association with humans. dispersal history this non-native commensal rodent across Europe, however, remains poorly understood, and different introductions may have occurred during Roman medieval periods. Here, in order to reconstruct population European rats, we generated a de novo genome assembly rat, 67 ancient mitogenomes 36 nuclear genomes from sites spanning 1 st -17 th centuries CE Europe North Africa. Analyses mitochondrial DNA confirm that rats were introduced into Mediterranean Southwest Asia. Genomic analyses reveal turnover temperate between 6 10 CE, coincident an archaeologically attested decline population. near disappearance re-emergence result breakdown Empire, First Plague Pandemic, and/or post-Roman climatic cooling.
bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)|Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) (University of Oxford)|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)|Lirias (KU Leuven)|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)|White Rose Research Online (University of Leeds, The University of Sheffield, University of York)|Bournemouth University Research Online (Bournemouth University)|DIGITAL.CSIC (Spanish National Research Council (CSIC))
George Grantham
Abstract It appears likely that at its peak the classical economy was almost as large of Western Europe during Industrial Revolution. The following review archeological and document evidence indicates three events occurring in first half millennium BC trigger emergence a specialized integrated after 500 BC: (i) growth demand for silver medium exchange economies Near East; (ii) technical breakthroughs hull construction sailing rig merchant shipping late Bronze Age; (iii) perfection ferrous metallurgy into European hinterland. This last event raised agricultural productivity to level capable supporting occupational specialization needed sustain vigorous trading economy. To these initial causes may be added diffusion alphabetic writing. While it did not create opportunities long-distance trade, writing supplied means responding on scale enough economically matter.
Social philosophy & policy|eScholarship@McGill (McGill)
Szakony-Kavicsbánya cemetery from the age of the Hungarian conquest
Ciprián Horváth
In the spring of 1961, a graveyard with 7 graves from age Hungarian conquest was found in gravel pit near Szakony. The 1 man, 2 women and 4 children were documented fully excavated cemetery. nature geographical location site have already attracted particular attention during research, helping to determine former extent settlement area. Biochemical research identified consanguineal relations between deceased, thus often identifies this date as small-family It mainly finds horse burials that material, it is cemetery presence metal-mounted harnesses used by men first observed authentically. observations regarding female grave (no. 6) led authentic reconstruction saddle decorated silver plates too. also revealed Carolingian origin harness ornament 7, almost exact Eastern European parallels one rosette mounts. A new interesting combination olive bead plate button 6, examples only recently become known cemeteries previously thought be devoid respect. No less question mounts or parts them, which do not exclude possibility they made further east Carpathian Basin. But cannot, course, ruled out similarities can interpreted traces system contacts East existed 10th century. Perhaps cannot dismissed either, together dating end 9th century early decades century, suggested scientific dating. case archaeogenetic analysis assessable samples refuted existence any kinship links, so certain members small family based on consanguinity who laid rest Répce Valley sometime
Ephemeris Hungarologica
Eleanor Dickey
Abstract This article identifies a papyrus in Warsaw, P.Vars. 6, as fragment of the large Latin–Greek glossary known Ps.-Philoxenus. That glossary, published volume II G. Goetz's Corpus Glossariorum Latinorum on basis ninth-century manuscript, is by far most important bilingual glossaries surviving from antiquity, being derived lost works Roman scholarship and preserving valuable information about rare archaic Latin words. It has long been considered product sixth century a.d. , but dates to c. 200, internal evidence indicates that itself must be substantially older than copy. The Ps.-Philoxenus therefore not creation Late Antiquity Early Empire or perhaps even Republic. Large alphabetical order have existed earlier hitherto believed.
Classical quarterly|CentAUR (University of Reading)
Wall paintings through the ages: the medieval period (Italy, twelfth to fifteenth century)
Зулейка Мурат
Abstract This paper is devoted to wall painting in the Middle Ages (ca. late fifth early fifteenth centuries), with a focus on twelfth century Italy. It conceived as critical conflation of diverse methodologies, approaches and research tools, aim investigating topic from different complementary perspectives. Historical textual sources provide interpretive framework for examination, which conducted specific, yet interrelated aspects. Special attention paid technical features, including methods materials used produce paintings. Data scientific investigations are incorporated into discussion purpose elucidating theoretical conceptualizations material pieces evidence. A number selected case studies presented within text order keep analysis materiality paintings, hence avoiding formulation abstract concepts favour more pragmatic approaches.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences|Padua Research Archive (University of Padova)
Blaise Pascal’s Mechanical Calculator: Geometric Modelling and Virtual Reconstruction
José Ignacio Rojas‐Sola|Gloria del Río-Cidoncha|Arturo Fernández-de la Puente Sarriá|Verónica Galiano-Delgado
This article shows the three-dimensional (3D) modelling and virtual reconstruction of first mechanical calculating machine used for accounting purposes designed by Blaise Pascal in 1642. To obtain 3D CAD (computer-aided design) model geometric documentation said invention, CATIA V5 R20 software has been used. The starting materials this research, mainly plans arithmetic machine, are collected volumes Oeuvres de published 1779. Sketches found therein that lack scale, not dimensioned certain details absent; is, they were drawn with precision terms their measurements proportions, but do provide qualitative information on shape mechanism machine. Thanks to carried out; it possible explain detail both its operation final assembly made from assemblies different subsets. In way, reader manuscript is brought closer perfect understanding workings a constituted major milestone technological development time.
Machines|Deposito de Investigacion Universidad de Sevilla (University of Seville)
Multitemporal–Multispectral UAS Surveys for Archaeological Research: The Case Study of San Vincenzo Al Volturno (Molise, Italy)
Nicodemo Abate|Alessia Frisetti|Federico Marazzi|Nicola Masini|Rosa Lasaponara
Unmanned aerial vehicles are currently the most used solution for cultural heritage in field of close range and low altitude acquisitions. This work shows data acquired by multitemporal multispectral surveys archaeological site San Vincenzo al Volturno (Molise, Italy). The is one important medieval sites world. It a monastic settlement that was particularly rich during early Middle Ages, famous its two full-frescoed crypts which represent milestone history art. Thanks to use photography at different times year, an area not accessible excavation has been investigated. To avoid redundancy information reduce number be analysed, method based on spectral radiometric enhancement techniques combined with selective principal component analysis identification useful information. combination already published new remote sensing discoveries, allowed better define situation abbey building phases 8th/9th century 11th century, confirming adding assumptions made archaeologists.
Remote Sensing|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)|CINECA IRIS Institutional Research Information System (University of Basilicata)
Handling Heavily Abbreviated Manuscripts: HTR Engines vs Text Normalisation Approaches
Jean-Baptiste Camps|Chahan Vidal-Gorène|Marguerite Vernet
Although abbreviations are fairly common in handwritten sources, particularly medieval and modern Western manuscripts, previous research dealing with computational approaches to their expansion is scarce. Yet present particular challenges such as text recognition natural language processing tasks. Often, pre-processing ultimately aims lead from a digitised image of the source normalised text, which includes abbreviations. We explore different setups obtain either directly, by training HTR engines on (i.e., expanded, disabbreviated) or decomposing process into discrete steps, each making use specialist models for recognition, word segmentation normalisation. The case studies considered here drawn Latin tradition.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)|arXiv (Cornell University)