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-1,780,577,394,929,149,700 | http://marieclaire.media.ipcdigital.co.uk/11116/0000788d9/c482/nicole-kidman-l.jpg | Nicole Kidman Channels Bardot | 1,000 | 750 | 0.304497 | fy | 0.179503 | 0.998953 | by Nicole Kidman Channels Bardot | 6.489271 | 17,574 |
-7,666,078,676,198,188,000 | Gambit: poster e trailer italiano | 87 | 130 | 0.307303 | it | 0.393285 | 0.843519 | Gambit: Italian poster and trailer | 3.644995 | 6,470 |
2,086,136,030,655,182,800 | Amplificador de voz FM Retekess PR16R com tela de exibição digital portátil com função de gravação e grande capacidade recarregável Baterias | 163 | 163 | 0.320399 | pt | 0.065823 | 0.000098 | Retekess FM Voice Amplifier PR16R with portable digital display with recording function and large rechargeable capacity | 4.373191 | 9,378 |
1,190,259,535,555,702,000 | takeda_rena (35) | 637 | 960 | 0.261025 | sl | 0.175274 | 0.504088 | Takeda_Rena (35) | 6.386216 | 17,145 |
-6,583,720,958,220,202,000 | Energeticky audit v800 | 290 | 218 | 0.288785 | da | 0.251358 | 0.008118 | Energy Audit V800 | 3.695309 | 6,157 |
1,446,665,980,804,564,000 | Designer Leather Handbags & Purses on Sale | Michael Kors | 300 | 300 | 0.28409 | et | 0.395111 | 0.014859 | Designer Leather Handbags & Purses on Sale, Michael Kors | 4.570982 | 10,632 |
-1,341,799,064,961,333,800 | 눈썹 아이섀도를 위한 2017년 Kylie 단 하나 메이크업 솔 금 검정 비스듬한 장식용 솔 | 160 | 132 | 0.279059 | ko | 0.188138 | 0.000055 | 2017 Kylie Single Makeup Solo Gold Black Spicy Decorative Solo for Eyelashes | 3.247374 | 4,268 |
-5,820,589,657,436,052,000 | Hiroshige - Sudden Shower over Shin-Ohashi Bridge | 600 | 600 | 0.363644 | ha | 0.423561 | 0.000002 | Hiroshige - Sudden Shower over Shin-Ohashi Bridge | 6.085311 | 16,485 |
-225,595,324,201,808,260 | SALUS Haus Bach flowers tea Motivation & Confidence | 750 | 750 | 0.347419 | fr | 0.044542 | 0.000083 | SALUS Haus Bach flowers tea Motivation & Confidence | 3.881793 | 7,452 |
1,907,368,827,503,410,700 | """""""Partenonul Cărților"""", ridicat pe locul unde naziștii au ars mii de cărți interzise""" | 850 | 567 | 0.265038 | ro | 0.038566 | 0.000051 | The "Partenon of Books" was erected on the site where the Nazis burned thousands of banned books. | 5.778392 | 15,099 |
-4,318,078,300,527,155,000 | http://slideplayer.com.br/slide/1847633/7/images/145/Modos+de+redu%C3%A7%C3%A3o+da+dissipa%C3%A7%C3%A3o+de+pot%C3%AAncia+no+CPU+SA-1100.jpg | Modos de redução da dissipação de potência no CPU SA-1100 | 960 | 720 | 0.308419 | pt | 0.567555 | 0.000097 | Modes of reducing power dissipation on the CPU SA-1100 | 3.4702 | 5,602 |
1,908,511,231,352,723,700 | https://imgv2-2-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/366538480/149x198/51cf7e5a9e/1512619434?v=1 | CERVICITIS | 149 | 198 | 0.270283 | fr | 0.667174 | 0.00045 | Cervicitis | 2.843282 | 3,328 |
1,465,711,939,897,056,500 | Justino Lumbreras: El collar de Cleopatra - Justino Lumbreras: Cleopatra's Necklace | 126 | 178 | 0.261597 | es | 1 | 0.001566 | Justino Lumbreras: Cleopatra's Necklace by Justino Lumbreras | 2.3987 | 1,172 |
7,679,744,335,660,650,000 | 中粮中茶安化黑茶砖茶湖南茯茶金花手筑茯砖茶叶手工金茯正宗黑茶 | 270 | 270 | 0.260368 | zh | 0.22903 | 0.001658 | Tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea | 4.280577 | 9,572 |
-1,806,240,691,989,524,000 | Preisvergleich Produktbild Cadorabo Hülle für Honor 6 - Hülle in HELL GRAU BRAUN – Handyhülle mit Standfunktion und Kartenfach im Stoff Design - Case Cover Schutzhülle Etui Tasche Book | 500 | 500 | 0.293766 | de | 0.064289 | 0.00023 | Price Comparison Product Image Cadorabo Cover for Honor 6 - Cover in HELL GRAU BRAUN – Cell Phone Cover with | 5.197521 | 12,307 |
6,282,245,497,117,153,000 | جاذبه های گردشگری کشور استرالیا | 390 | 220 | 0.275059 | fa | 0.278039 | 0.001117 | Attractions of Australia. | 6.266854 | 17,220 |
3,984,799,591,195,308,000 | http://img2.staticmorizon.com.pl/thumbnail/aHR0cDovL21lZGlhLmRvbXkucGwvaW1nL2Rld2Vsb3Blcnp5LzYyNzVfd2l6dWFsaXphY2phMS5qcGc=/257/200/4/mieszkanie-w-inwestycji-zajezdnia-poznan-poznan-53-m.jpg | Mieszkanie w inwestycji Zajezdnia Poznań, Poznań, 53 m² | 257 | 200 | 0.268141 | pl | 0.126034 | 0.000174 | Apartment in Poznań, Poznań, 53 m2 | 5.51648 | 14,182 |
-6,029,580,436,596,747,000 | Nude in the pool tumblr | 492 | 810 | 0.29875 | yo | 0.097248 | 0.996847 | Nude in the pool tumblr | 5.757958 | 15,052 |
-4,455,603,058,833,491,500 | https://l-userpic.livejournal.com/99557765/26407763 | diary of me | 82 | 100 | 0.270264 | mi | 0.601168 | 0.000917 | Diary of Me | 2.341188 | 1,469 |
4,572,864,845,886,632,000 | Hemorragia Digestiva | 320 | 240 | 0.304327 | la | 0.768817 | 0.000001 | Digestive hemorrhage | 2.957293 | 3,322 |
938,078,265,689,988,400 | https://imgv2-1-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/373100264/149x198/d38701198f/1520338252?v=1 | EL Cumpleaños del señor León.pptx | 149 | 198 | 0.322002 | es | 0.472556 | 0.000819 | The Birthday of the Lion.pptx | 2.693864 | 2,786 |
-9,166,096,006,538,999,000 | Jaulas de aire. Ciudad. Libros Prohibidos | 200 | 300 | 0.265079 | es | 0.293985 | 0.000023 | Air Cages. City. Banned Books | 5.761313 | 15,823 |
5,112,446,148,032,271,000 | 250 Amps Mig Mag Welding Machine | 200 | 200 | 0.275946 | nl | 0.055965 | 0.000012 | 250 Amps Mig Mag Welding Machine | 4.748464 | 10,251 |
4,046,136,558,919,226,400 | Titel: Friedrich Nietzsches Wahrheitskritik im außermoralischen und moralischen Sinn | 92 | 130 | 0.272429 | de | 0.301901 | 0.005032 | Friedrich Nietzsche's Criticism of Truth in the Outside-Moral and Moral Sense | 2.239384 | 763 |
-3,410,876,991,138,885,600 | 6 nam chính phim Hàn có số phận khổ hết phần thiên hạ: Song Joong Ki bị vùi dập thấy mà thương luôn á! - Ảnh 9. | 660 | 990 | 0.267922 | vi | 0.24027 | 0.00265 | Six Korean filmmakers have the fate of suffering the whole world: Song Joong Ki has been crushed and wounded! | 6.527197 | 18,808 |
-2,606,562,098,416,246,300 | Titel: Analyse von Anforderungen der Unternehmen zur Auswahl eines Cloud Computing Providers | 92 | 130 | 0.278617 | de | 0.338261 | 0.004616 | Analysis of Business Requirements for Choosing a Cloud Computing Provider | 2.595858 | 2,414 |
5,825,527,754,917,046,000 | AlusStyle/アルススタイル リビングシリーズ テレビ台 幅100.5cm 使用イメージ ウォルナットの無垢材と、ブラックレザー調の素材の組み合わせが魅力。 | 660 | 660 | 0.292745 | ja | 0.225393 | 0.001109 | AlusStyle/AlusStyle Living Series TV Stations Breadth 100.5cm Use image The combination of | 5.200999 | 12,111 |
-6,322,908,559,012,831,000 | https://azalak.elkar.eus/azalak.cfm?irudia=9788427203747.jpg&txikia=0&mota=liburuak | Diario De Greg - Monta Tu Propio Diario - Jeff Kinney | 200 | 279 | 0.310043 | eo | 0.213171 | 0.004438 | Diario De Greg - Monta Tu Propio Diario by Jeff Kinney | 2.942531 | 3,270 |
1,621,002,368,544,057,900 | A Boy - Yoshi Tote Bag | 264 | 264 | 0.260992 | ja | 0 | 0.000159 | A Boy by Yoshi Tote Bag | 4.447237 | 9,339 |
6,460,186,691,760,756,000 | http://media.tintucuc.com/files/2019/09/09/uc-thuoc-top-10-quoc-gia-danh-cho-khach-du-lich-nam-20196.jpg | Venice | 1,920 | 1,281 | 0.28588 | ro | 0.115428 | 0.000086 | Venice | 5.825996 | 15,602 |
-1,282,237,589,964,490,800 | https://pimg.mycdn.me/getImage?disableStub=true&type=VIDEO_S_720&url=http%3A%2F%2Fvdp.mycdn.me%2FgetImage%3Fid%3D60301118099%26idx%3D0%26thumbType%3D32%26f%3D1&signatureToken=w558RBKHhKCD5LGC3KlpbA | 1263.Отец невесты. 1950. Мелодрама/Комедия. США | 720 | 405 | 0.26991 | ru | 0.045321 | 0.000026 | 1263.The Father of the Bride. 1950. Melodrama/Comedy. United States | 5.027489 | 12,259 |
5,889,316,396,316,851,000 | Ford Ranger Wildtrak de luxe Voiture-jouet électrique pour enfant, 2.4Ghz Bluetooth contrôle á distance, DEUX MOTEURS, deux sièges en cuir, Roues EVA douces, Peinture Bleu, licence Ford originale | 160 | 160 | 0.346057 | fr | 0.433028 | 0.000061 | Ford Ranger Wildtrak Luxury Electric Toy Car for Kids, 2.4Ghz Bluetooth Remote Control, TWO MOTORS | 3.09596 | 4,048 |
-2,172,317,807,173,183,500 | http://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.8u1xR6Y5bai-gY7LPgbaBwHaJW | fiestas infantiles de unicornios con las mejores ideas - Como Decorar Un Pastel De Unicornio En Casa | 474 | 598 | 0.309545 | es | 0.447707 | 0.000003 | Unicorn children's parties with the best ideas - How to Decorate a Unicorn Cake at Home | 5.302026 | 13,478 |
8,014,205,786,889,272,000 | Heath Outdoor Products 2153 Platform Feeder | 500 | 500 | 0.268494 | de | 0.053167 | 0.000002 | Heath Outdoor Products 2153 Platform Feeder | 4.588201 | 10,468 |
-3,258,182,098,769,146,000 | Avant-Première VO: Review Avengers vs. X-Men #3 | 440 | 264 | 0.301975 | fr | 0.180168 | 0.000037 | Review of Avengers vs. X-Men #3 | 5.644073 | 14,042 |
-7,530,622,136,647,759,000 | A világ érdekes London köd sötét | 620 | 773 | 0.281337 | hu | 0.135746 | 0.000003 | The world of interesting London fog dark | 6.602092 | 18,342 |
6,021,155,617,368,388,000 | Mifepristona Y Misoprostol Precio Argentina - Donde | 260 | 367 | 0.262286 | es | 0.30508 | 0.009311 | Mifepristone and Misoprostol Price Argentina - Where | 2.297888 | 1,355 |
-773,063,659,646,970,800 | yas5par.blogfa.com | 336 | 252 | 0.271899 | pt | 0.443409 | 0.001177 | by yas5par.blogfa.com | 3.116652 | 4,238 |
-406,372,359,146,617,700 | http://odiabookbazar.com/image/cache/data/Books/Adibasi-Galpamala-130x150.jpg | Adibasi Galpamala by Sukadeva Sahu | 130 | 150 | 0.266435 | lt | 0.058061 | 0.007349 | Adibasi Galpamala by Sukadeva Sahu | 2.685984 | 2,564 |
8,559,350,901,789,022,000 | Tipboek Muziek voor kinderen - Hugo Pinksterboer | | 496 | 840 | 0.348356 | nl | 0.752479 | 0.000509 | Music for Kids by Hugo Pinksterboer | 3.980497 | 7,261 |
5,920,737,908,373,922,000 | Bookcover of Memoriais Formativos como Recurso Avaliativo no Ensino Superior | 230 | 165 | 0.345264 | pt | 0.154717 | 0.000033 | Bookcover of Formative Memorials as an Evaluative Resource in Higher Education | 2.701584 | 2,552 |
4,439,563,892,434,461,000 | Convívios Fraternos: Setúbal participou no Congresso e Encontro Nacional comemorativo dos 50 anos | 150 | 150 | 0.273919 | pt | 0.181312 | 0.001013 | Setúbal participated in Congress and National Meeting commemorating the 50th anniversary | 3.920624 | 7,252 |
-7,758,010,544,659,229,000 | Ingatlan Tisno Murter sziget Horvátország, ház, Mirakul ingatlaniroda, ID - KT - 217, kőház kilátással a tengerre | 480 | 320 | 0.262816 | hu | 0.031594 | 0.00061 | Property Tisno Murter Island Croatia, house, Mirakul real estate office, ID - KT - 217, stone house with | 4.001218 | 7,889 |
-5,353,638,121,695,250,000 | 東芝 パッケージエアコン エラーコード:P17 / bb 「吹出し温度TD2異常」 【インバータ基板】 | 160 | 160 | 0.288127 | ja | 0.259937 | 0.000103 | Toshiba Package Air Conditioner Error Code: P17 / bb "Exhaust Temperature TD2 Abn | 3.703873 | 6,686 |
-6,043,485,221,771,050,000 | Nikolai Khloudov Peinture Kazakhstan Khludov | 800 | 524 | 0.286189 | bg | 0.093957 | 0.000015 | Nikolai Khloudov Painture Kazakhstan Khludov | 6.020848 | 16,517 |
271,371,270,905,077,540 | En Hidalgo, más de 5 mil robos en trimestre | 1,200 | 800 | 0.310995 | es | 0.022118 | 0.115035 | In Hidalgo, more than 5,000 robberies in the quarter | 4.365763 | 8,963 |
-4,675,667,663,208,192,000 | https://site-images.similarcdn.com/image?url=fishing-shop.ru&t=0&s=1&h=13029436285177729126 | fishing-shop.ru | 160 | 120 | 0.262159 | zh | 0.406614 | 0.0012 | by fishing-shop.ru | 3.418167 | 4,930 |
1,398,743,984,892,435,700 | http://slideplayer.info/slide/2898981/10/images/4/Misalkan+f+dan+g+adalah+fungsi+berharga+riil+yang+didefinisikan+pada+himpunan+bilangan-bilangan+riil..jpg | Misalkan f dan g adalah fungsi berharga riil yang didefinisikan pada himpunan bilangan-bilangan riil. | 960 | 720 | 0.288263 | ms | 0.313323 | 0.000589 | Suppose f and g are real value functions defined on the set of real numbers. | 3.554716 | 6,234 |
6,466,578,922,751,735,000 | Что ждёт Украину, если информация об убийцах Шеремета подтвердится: Береза о расследовании | 700 | 462 | 0.269019 | ru | 0.152541 | 0.013089 | What awaits Ukraine if information about Sheremet murderers is confirmed: Bereza on the investigation | 5.206751 | 12,312 |
4,221,169,389,648,295,000 | 210-Burma-Myanmar.jpg | 800 | 534 | 0.261914 | tr | 0.387046 | 0.000236 | 210-Burma-Myanmar.jpg | 5.992999 | 15,712 |
3,009,537,412,003,466,000 | http://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.fIjqOZYFnx373GxqbUO86AHaFZ | lpg solenoid wiring diagram 28 images common rail | 474 | 345 | 0.305655 | la | 0.498379 | 0.000012 | lpg solenoid wiring diagram 28 images common rail | 4.772269 | 11,199 |
922,829,584,404,780,200 | Эротика фото бокс 17 фотография | 1,050 | 1,578 | 0.268054 | cy | 0.183392 | 0.999557 | Erotic photo box 17 photo | 5.516774 | 14,765 |
2,310,463,173,750,489,000 | Россия: 15 самых красивых пейзажей | 480 | 311 | 0.315149 | ru | 0.146393 | 0.00028 | Russia: 15 most beautiful landscapes | 6.586087 | 18,051 |
-2,542,143,269,742,874,600 | Кула којашто го претвора загадениот воздух во чист кислород | 728 | 490 | 0.288795 | mk | 1 | 0.001897 | A tower that turns polluted air into clean oxygen | 4.060391 | 8,838 |
8,596,579,075,239,849,000 | https://imgv2-1-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/477420253/149x198/6507baa660/1601010629?v=1 | Contaminación ambiental.pdf | 149 | 198 | 0.316725 | es | 0.603658 | 0.001891 | Environmental Protection.pdf | 3.33674 | 5,685 |
-5,394,457,054,666,358,000 | Used-2006-Chevrolet-Corvette-Z06-2LZ-650HP-FORGELINE-WHEELS-HEADS-CAM-PKG | 600 | 400 | 0.27185 | no | 0.78413 | 0.000741 | Used-2006-Chevrolet-Corvette-Z06-2LZ-650HP-FORGELINE-WHE | 4.840739 | 10,956 |
-6,125,751,942,974,442,000 | http://ukrafil.com/_mod_files/ce_images/eshop/generated/LT00328_200x161_sm.jpg | История литовской почты, 1м; 1.35 Лит | 200 | 161 | 0.31886 | ru | 1 | 0.000004 | History of Lithuanian Post, 1m; 1.35 Lit | 3.911468 | 7,458 |
-6,770,127,132,912,418,000 | Pia käsitteli saunan lauteet parafiiniöljyllä. | 401 | 300 | 0.260735 | fi | 0.100015 | 0.004812 | Pia treated the saunas with paraffin oil. | 4.577109 | 10,745 |
-1,071,636,453,699,767,800 | COSMIC FISHING | 617 | 347 | 0.269345 | uz | 0.288564 | 0.000046 | Cosmic fishing | 3.70256 | 6,259 |
-2,404,938,539,605,455,400 | Promos et remises : Sélection saveurs de la mer | 150 | 212 | 0.263831 | fr | 0.18885 | 0.001083 | Promotions and discounts: Selection of flavors of the sea | 3.989686 | 7,116 |
5,564,654,671,782,838,000 | Photo of Blaenau Ffestiniog, The 'welsh Pony', Ffestiniog Railway Engine, Duffws Station c.1885 | 700 | 438 | 0.307343 | cy | null | null | Photo of Festival Hall, The 'Pony Wheel', Railway Engine Festival, Duffws Station c.1885 | 4.865182 | 11,244 |
-3,275,597,917,587,056,000 | Bannières origami formes amusantes | 338 | 338 | 0.290124 | fr | 0.611836 | 0.000378 | Funny origami forms | 4.229723 | 8,501 |
7,163,418,122,143,108,000 | overhead shot of salsa ingredients in blender | 800 | 534 | 0.296814 | af | 0.060461 | 0.000057 | Overhead shot of salsa ingredients in blender | 5.81229 | 15,119 |
-7,850,398,361,614,868,000 | Faith Rug | 264 | 264 | 0.307827 | ga | 0.837275 | 0.000458 | Faith Rug | 3.633157 | 6,451 |
3,564,950,246,918,683,600 | Frau betrachtet die grossartige Natur bei Death valley | 1,000 | 719 | 0.298584 | de | 0.070954 | 0.000014 | Wonderful nature at Death Valley | 6.372352 | 17,385 |
1,341,451,405,254,961,700 | """Berglandschaft """"Sonnenuntergang auf der Alm"""" von Coen Weesjes""" | 450 | 300 | 0.299624 | de | 0.032056 | 0.000047 | “Sunshine on the Alm” by Coen Weesjes | 6.680889 | 18,237 |
-6,493,304,912,813,754,000 | http://slideplayer.fr/slide/1309311/3/images/5/Carrefour+chauss%C3%A9e+de+Namur.jpg | Carrefour chaussée de Namur | 960 | 720 | 0.309369 | fr | 0.159397 | 0.01054 | Carrefour Street of Namur | 3.531177 | 6,248 |
-7,267,646,663,496,858,000 | Michail Kalloudis | 247 | 295 | 0.27133 | ht | 0.378062 | 0.000146 | by Michail Kalloudis | 5.125897 | 12,314 |
-2,474,105,182,733,196,000 | Top 5 obiceiuri greșite ale femeilor care sting dorința din dormitor | 330 | 172 | 0.293003 | ro | 0.139215 | 0.413307 | Top 5 wrong habits of women that extinguish desire from the bedroom | 4.622533 | 10,025 |
-3,579,978,539,185,617,400 | """Spitzen Brautkleid mit weitem Tüllrock """"Kano"""" - elementar Brautkleider 2018""" | 300 | 400 | 0.261132 | de | 0.241104 | 0.280885 | """Top wedding dress with long tüllrock """Kano"""" - elementary wedding dresses 2018""" | 6.587379 | 17,900 |
2,795,515,448,900,611,600 | http://img.over-blog.com/194x300/1/79/87/90/Jaffeux-Ch/J03/montlucon-chateau.jpg | Montluçon Le château | 194 | 298 | 0.271944 | fr | 0.251694 | 0 | Montlucon the Castle | 5.083735 | 11,896 |
1,603,961,652,518,081,500 | Imagen de la Navidad de galletas en la placa con la taza de café Imagen de archivo libre de regalías | 234 | 160 | 0.312807 | es | 1 | 0.000044 | Christmas image of cookies on the plate with the cup of coffee Free archive image of gifts | 5.514928 | 14,591 |
3,887,136,927,121,936,400 | Blume und Feder rot Haarschmuck | 428 | 355 | 0.2677 | de | 0.238511 | 0.000384 | Flower and pen red hair jewelry | 4.519632 | 10,684 |
-6,224,568,529,618,006,000 | Nampa Single Family Home For Sale: 15553 Fuchsia Ave. | 400 | 267 | 0.302353 | sm | 0.103117 | 0 | Nampa Single Family Home For Sale: 15553 Fuchsia Ave. | 4.547198 | 10,681 |
8,995,752,656,248,091,000 | https://imgv2-2-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/395379380/149x198/8dc823a845/1547000605?v=1 | Lineamenti Di Linguistica | 149 | 198 | 0.29655 | it | 0.380424 | 0.000019 | Lineage of Linguistics | 2.553865 | 2,177 |
9,087,079,902,627,386,000 | Foto op Aluminium Los Angeles Los Angeles | 500 | 334 | 0.307099 | es | 0.073835 | 0.000184 | Photo op Aluminium Los Angeles Los Angeles | 6.021494 | 16,283 |
-2,911,025,465,467,326,500 | Titel: Theorien zur Seele und Freud als Begründer der Psychoanalyse | 92 | 130 | 0.293332 | de | 0.338118 | 0.000014 | Title: Theories of the Soul and Freud as Founder of Psychoanalysis | 2.115183 | 552 |
-2,249,142,391,997,259,300 | استانداردهای حسابداری بخش عمومی نشریه 1025 | 273 | 400 | 0.278215 | fa | 0.50882 | 0.000007 | Public Accounting Standards 1025 | 2.824396 | 3,545 |
4,732,913,574,636,457,000 | http://texnotropies.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/%CE%99%CE%B4%CE%AD%CE%B5%CF%82-%CF%87%CF%81%CF%89%CE%BC%CE%AC%CF%84%CF%89%CE%BD-%CE%B3%CE%B9%CE%B1-%CE%B2%CE%AC%CF%88%CE%B9%CE%BC%CE%BF-%CF%84%CE%BF%CE%AF%CF%87%CE%BF%CF%8515.jpg | Ιδέες χρωμάτων για βάψιμο τοίχου15 | 599 | 724 | 0.273603 | el | 0.028873 | 0.004456 | Color Ideas for Wall Painting 15 | 5.361064 | 13,804 |
3,028,439,813,064,322,600 | Designerski dom w Austrii | 295 | 230 | 0.291794 | pl | 0.131389 | 0.003908 | Design House in Austria | 5.915583 | 14,932 |
3,654,335,153,937,006,600 | http://www.cabxgw.com/file/upload/201603/06/152305721738.jpg | 圆形饭盒_01 | 600 | 770 | 0.271553 | zh | 0.591419 | 0.00003 | The Food Box - 01 | 4.058482 | 8,610 |
-3,234,549,954,368,400,000 | http://images.slideplayer.com.br/2/373991/slides/slide_3.jpg | Os Três Setores do Estado Governo ou Primeiro Setor, que é o ente com personalidade jurídica de direito público, encarregado de funções públicas essenciais e indelegáveis ao particular, tais como: legislar; fiscalizar; aplicar justiça; dar segurança geral, etc. | 960 | 720 | 0.261134 | pt | 0.451246 | 0.000449 | The Three Sector of the State Government or First Sector, which is the entity with legal personality of public law, in charge of | 3.135631 | 4,562 |
-8,629,036,640,972,723,000 | Raudonas popierinis maišelis (buteliui) | 520 | 520 | 0.264642 | lt | 0.098555 | 0.000156 | Red paper bag (for a bottle) | 4.761257 | 11,567 |
7,434,153,201,416,471,000 | """""""Los abrazos oscuros"""", Julia Montejo: historia sugerente como desasosegante""" | 175 | 130 | 0.270425 | es | 0.244908 | 0.000167 | """""""The Dark Embraces"""", Julia Montejo: story suggesting as disassessed" | 3.323965 | 5,738 |
4,674,652,744,342,397,000 | Paris Je t´aime / public | 216 | 146 | 0.282499 | fr | 0.115884 | 0.000851 | I love you / Public | 6.044604 | 16,813 |
-7,403,266,204,405,818,000 | Eine Frau besucht nach ihrer Krebsdiagnose die Psychoonkologie | 384 | 256 | 0.284155 | de | 0.348931 | 0.004733 | A woman visits psychiatrist after her cancer diagnosis | 5.42488 | 13,355 |
736,289,032,380,859,300 | http://cs527302.vk.me/u22716289/video/m_743e5df2.jpg | Андрей Гуров-Ты,я и море | 160 | 120 | 0.267951 | ru | 0.874956 | 0.000136 | Andrei Gurov - You, I and the Sea | 2.488138 | 1,287 |
-7,412,857,199,888,174,000 | Спокійна вода точніше відображає реальність… | 390 | 205 | 0.26036 | uk | 0.143943 | 0.000031 | The calm water more accurately reflects reality. | 6.391199 | 17,204 |
8,944,175,363,564,441,000 | Blått hägerflyg i Baja California del Sur, Mexico royaltyfri bild | 800 | 532 | 0.26096 | sv | 0.163535 | 0.000012 | Blue Hedge Flight in Baja California del Sur, Mexico royalty-free photo | 4.959442 | 11,614 |
7,931,495,229,465,084,000 | Электрический отбойный молоток Bosch GSH 27 VC Professional | 230 | 230 | 0.285356 | ru | 0.187593 | 0.000009 | The Bosch GSH 27 VC Professional | 4.708011 | 10,360 |
713,799,987,474,076,400 | Thumbnail Terraced house for sale in Leckhampton, Cheltenham | 645 | 430 | 0.302435 | no | 0.079867 | 0.000007 | Thumbnail Terraced house for sale in Leckhampton, Cheltenham | 4.789231 | 11,224 |
-8,065,591,136,920,958,000 | http://bildagentur.panthermedia.net/media/previews/0006000000/06159000/06159332_preview.jpg | apartment building | 323 | 450 | 0.276439 | la | 0.158654 | 0.000029 | Apartment building | 5.027655 | 12,033 |
-5,718,725,766,396,018,000 | Ariel & Damian - Lamento - 12 | 158 | 158 | 0.321393 | zh | 0.425611 | 0.000009 | Ariel and Damian - Lamento | 2.959956 | 2,943 |
-2,754,340,383,276,050,400 | Mejores Baterías iPad Pro 9.7 | 662 | 940 | 0.269362 | es | 0.787252 | 0.000015 | The best iPad Pro 9.7 batteries | 4.62525 | 10,084 |
-6,131,412,504,137,428,000 | Bolsa de plástico flotando en el océano | 900 | 900 | 0.31868 | es | 0.327518 | 0.000088 | Plastic bags floating in the ocean | 5.783031 | 15,838 |
7,974,302,137,800,013,000 | Żagań - platan w parku 3 | 620 | 469 | 0.273098 | lv | 0.154052 | 0.000351 | Zhagań - platan w parku 3 | 5.251512 | 13,399 |
-452,123,707,908,759,600 | http://cameralabs.org/media/lab15/june/22-1/57_489b0e4d45473942141a387cb6dbc204.jpg | Национальный парк Глейшер - 18 живописных пейзажных фотографий | 533 | 800 | 0.286935 | ru | 0.274523 | 0.000001 | Glacier National Park - 18 picturesque landscape photographs | 6.805125 | 19,274 |
-6,388,032,266,147,856,000 | Мінівен Mazda 5 2013 в Кривому Розі | 100 | 67 | 0.286437 | uk | 0.111713 | 0.001442 | Mazda 5 in 2013 | 3.647907 | 5,893 |
-230,279,987,153,107,200 | http://cf.mora.jp/contents/package/0000/00000087/0010/005/677/0010005677.130.jpg | Folge 73: Verloren im Schnee/Bibi und Tina | 130 | 130 | 0.273337 | de | 0.249178 | 0.01942 | Lost in the Snow / Bibi and Tina | 3.329004 | 5,374 |
-2,548,121,794,877,792,000 | Comment adopter l'ho'oponopono attitude | 128 | 179 | 0.285738 | it | 0.194829 | 0.509404 | How to adopt the ho'oponopono attitude | 2.75093 | 3,351 |