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7,518,573,191,929,720,000 | Текстиль, ковры ручной работы. Ярмарка Мастеров - ручная работа. Купить декоративные салфетки дух прованса. Handmade. Разноцветный | 530 | 354 | 0.264689 | ru | 0.125243 | 0.000237 | Textile, handmade carpets. Master's Fair - handmade. Buy decorative wipes with the spirit of Proven | 5.260447 | 13,192 |
3,901,884,753,029,385,000 | The Man Card Documentary | 800 | 680 | 0.318147 | ga | 0.610322 | 0.000229 | The Man Card Documentary | 4.967311 | 11,469 |
1,217,366,279,523,515,100 | Bộ bàn ghế quán ăn gỗ công nghiệp 4 ghế 1 bàn Trí Toàn TT-02 (Ảnh 6) | 714 | 960 | 0.29369 | vi | 0.464043 | 0.000036 | Industrial wood dining table seat set 4 seats 1 whole table TT-02 (Photo 6) | 3.662237 | 6,684 |
-1,675,073,324,405,004,000 | Jaqueta Beabá Corta Vento Branco com Friso Colorido 818011C | 1,000 | 1,000 | 0.276182 | pt | 0.350461 | 0.000035 | Beabá Cut Wind White Jacket with Color Friso 818011C | 4.355141 | 9,178 |
-4,576,802,028,358,312,000 | Libros: ASESINATO EN ESCORPIO - LAWRENCE, M. C. Lote 104178000 | 230 | 230 | 0.331154 | es | 0.254414 | 0.000091 | Murder in the Scorpion by Lawrence, M.C. Lote 104178000 | 2.374595 | 1,201 |
8,376,442,578,182,103,000 | 5 cuidados que debes darle a tu piel durante la menopausia | 500 | 333 | 0.296122 | es | 0.5 | 0.000863 | 5 things to take care of your skin during menopause | 5.243186 | 12,556 |
7,368,042,537,941,772,000 | http://thumbs.ebaystatic.com/images/g/2L0AAOSwa-dWrfI5/s-l225.jpg | MINECRAFT REDSTONE POUR LES NULS livre JEU | 151 | 225 | 0.260076 | fr | 0.33998 | 0.00165 | Minecraft Redstone for the Nulls | 2.460618 | 1,440 |
6,622,657,468,778,857,000 | http://photoshtab.ru/wp-content/content/photostyle/benheine/8.jpg | Рисунок плюс цифровая фотография | 800 | 681 | 0.265388 | ru | 0.42409 | 0.000079 | Painting plus digital photography | 6.263774 | 17,557 |
8,609,524,758,836,336,000 | LETTERA PREMIATO ISTITUTO BACOLOGICO COMM. GEROLAMO QUIRICI PAVIA 1927 SAPORETTI | 169 | 225 | 0.28041 | it | 0.489934 | 0.000004 | This is the first time that we have been able to get to know what we are going to do. | 3.639205 | 6,276 |
2,180,018,778,373,478,700 | http://blog.infoempleo.com/media/2019/04/GettyImages-963166494.jpg | Encontrar trabajo en Sevilla | 881 | 494 | 0.275867 | es | 0.037145 | 0.000027 | Find a job in Seville | 5.899707 | 15,841 |
8,258,838,445,025,497,000 | Polo Ralph Lauren Udel Boot - Black | 200 | 250 | 0.288597 | nl | 0.099055 | 0.000149 | Polo Ralph Lauren Udel Boot - Black | 4.744063 | 10,179 |
4,431,586,199,155,867,600 | Mount Cook Hooker River | 980 | 353 | 0.261478 | da | 0.107585 | 0.00002 | Mount Cook Hooker River | 6.500241 | 17,922 |
2,910,647,254,623,978,000 | アルチェネロ 有機野菜ブイヨン・キューブタイプのパッケージ | 320 | 240 | 0.289219 | ja | 0.531836 | 0.000046 | Archenero Organic Vegetable Bouillon Cube Type Packaging | 4.336083 | 9,311 |
7,301,410,072,534,376,000 | Stream & download En Vivo CDMX | 100 | 100 | 0.265288 | es | 0.214642 | 0.006328 | Stream and download live CDMX | 3.837049 | 6,883 |
-330,433,643,853,703,400 | Новые световые полоски Philips Hue могут одновременно отображать все цвета радуги — Review Geek | 768 | 432 | 0.295542 | ru | 0.482634 | 0.000947 | The new Philips Hue light bars can display all the colors of the rainbow simultaneously – Review Geek | 4.810716 | 10,996 |
-3,864,035,814,298,910,700 | https://st11.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/26752065?profile=RESIZE_710x&width=605 | Grand Bazaar | 710 | 703 | 0.273151 | nl | 0.06447 | 0.000011 | The Grand Bazaar | 6.40678 | 17,591 |
-6,294,848,278,260,992,000 | Download Mp3 Tuhanku Bila Hati Kawanku Kidung Jemaat 467 Musik Gereja | 320 | 180 | 0.292914 | id | 0.562434 | 0.00311 | Download Mp3 My Lord When My Friend's Heart Kidung Church 467 Music | 3.342577 | 5,520 |
8,225,040,119,118,251,000 | Battle Royale (DVD) (Taiwan Version) | 140 | 203 | 0.362553 | ht | 0.59667 | 0.000308 | Battle Royale (DVD) (Taiwan Version) | 3.524137 | 6,701 |
-3,514,887,311,339,101,700 | Зима на окраине деревни.60х102..JPG | 980 | 561 | 0.264059 | sr | 0.071106 | 0.000002 | Winter on the outskirts village.60x102..JPG | 6.845181 | 19,414 |
-5,876,137,771,482,611,000 | http://alessandria.bookrepublic.it/api/books/9788835366973/cover?size=197x0 | El significado del Tarot a través de la Astrología - Librerie.coop | 197 | 262 | 0.353077 | es | 0.240751 | 0.000133 | The Meaning of Tarot Through Astrology - Librerie.coop | 2.87933 | 3,661 |
-8,205,590,492,642,949,000 | Платье спицами с юбкой баллон Подбираем пряжу и узор Вязание Прямые трансляции | 130 | 97 | 0.271465 | ru | 0.052425 | 0.265875 | Dress spits with shirt balloon Picking a strap and pattern Binding Direct broadcasts | 2.848632 | 3,586 |
-373,097,979,455,388,860 | Farebný papier IQ color lososová pastelová SA24, A4 80g | 423 | 318 | 0.276615 | sk | 0.408216 | 0.000023 | Color paper IQ color salmon pastel SA24, A4 80g | 4.579206 | 10,130 |
1,613,271,265,358,650,400 | ÄLTER WERDEN WIR ALLE - Pflegedienst Gottschalk - Seite 3 | 120 | 170 | 0.27462 | de | 0.241486 | 0.007445 | We all become older - Care Service Gottschalk - Page 3 | 4.241733 | 7,968 |
2,417,318,739,763,459,600 | http://webneel.net/file/images/4-17/7-disney-camera-design-by-soo-mok.jpg | disney camera design | 1,920 | 1,358 | 0.275808 | pt | 0.19842 | 0.00005 | Disney Camera Design | 5.181709 | 12,192 |
-4,032,917,605,819,316,000 | Adidas kézilabda teremcipő Court Stabil 10.1 női fekete | 555 | 555 | 0.291559 | hu | 0.130737 | 0.000072 | Adidas Court Stabil 10.1 Women's Handball Shoes | 4.650884 | 10,028 |
3,755,986,289,830,900,000 | PETSTAGES Barbell Chew - Hantelek na przekąski zabawka dla psa | 172 | 250 | 0.345266 | pl | 0.291744 | 0.000002 | PETSTAGES Barbell Chew - Dog Toys | 4.221439 | 7,953 |
5,092,493,620,153,401,000 | ATCHISON, DEMETRIUS LESHAY arrest mugshot | 600 | 750 | 0.264116 | zu | 0.37009 | 0.013562 | ATCHISON, DEMETRIUS LESHAY arrest mugshot | 1.256779 | 15 |
1,732,850,486,040,126,000 | WHEATON® 38-415 Black Phenolic Caps, White Rubber Liner, case/ 200 | 300 | 300 | 0.305326 | it | 0.153706 | 0.000002 | WHEATON® 38-415 Black Phenolic Caps, White Rubber Liner | 5.369662 | 13,209 |
1,411,548,623,508,285,700 | Solar Module Phaesun Sun Plus 10 S | 210 | 210 | 0.279047 | tr | 0.273786 | 0.000002 | Solar Module Phaesun Sun Plus 10 S | 4.594056 | 10,121 |
-658,550,629,632,067,000 | StuartKimberley_wedding_080.jpg | 1,000 | 750 | 0.269743 | xh | 0.070007 | 0.000019 | StuartKimberley_wedding_080.jpg | 5.240512 | 12,561 |
2,515,547,212,255,904,000 | 福島︱冬季大內宿絕美雪景,日本三大茅草屋之一 | 1,000 | 750 | 0.333753 | zh | 0.646575 | 0.00186 | Fukushima – Great Inner Home in the Winter, one of Japan’s three great houses | 5.54595 | 14,437 |
6,739,496,096,265,687,000 | Вывоз строительного мусора | 200 | 150 | 0.281884 | ru | 0.052073 | 0.078695 | Export of construction waste | 4.610964 | 10,751 |
-6,451,200,956,176,964,000 | Rapid Casino Screenshot 3 | 768 | 432 | 0.281185 | sn | 0.262842 | 0.012696 | Fast Casino Screenshot 3 | 4.738679 | 10,526 |
-7,072,022,756,389,755,000 | http://www.laconstitucion.org/image/51.jpg | La Constitucion española para niños | 140 | 140 | 0.278342 | es | 0.218285 | 0.026525 | The Spanish Constitution for Children | 3.524072 | 6,180 |
-2,954,675,180,105,904,600 | Guns N' Roses | 800 | 600 | 0.273732 | hi | 0.963013 | 0.141025 | The Guns N' Roses | 5.072365 | 12,728 |
9,101,597,738,771,362,000 | Blick auf die Wasserspiele in Dubai | 356 | 267 | 0.287758 | de | 0.901772 | 0.001864 | Watch the Water Games in Dubai | 5.977201 | 15,545 |
-8,396,845,256,971,186,000 | Resenha do livro ilustrado Amigas que se Encontraram na História de Angélica Kalil e Amma, publicado pela Quintal Edições. | 640 | 640 | 0.261736 | pt | 0.097077 | 0.001504 | A review of the illustrated book Friends who Met in the History of Angélica Kalil and Amma, published by Quintal Ed | 4.859413 | 11,148 |
-3,606,386,280,024,561,000 | Nikon Z 50 | 200 | 200 | 0.294332 | ht | 0.041377 | 0.000005 | by Nikon Z50 | 5.336639 | 13,518 |
3,402,008,996,402,988,000 | 【朗報】NMB48のW山本が出演していた世界仰天ニュースが高視聴率!【山本彩・山本彩加】 | 480 | 270 | 0.29572 | ja | 0.120458 | 0.138328 | NMB48's W. Yamamoto was performing in the world's Hanoi News High Audience Rate! | 5.288904 | 13,597 |
-4,868,155,871,185,824,000 | http://static.fr.masterdoctor.net/i/36/e9/56ba58f1cb5fabc83c08c3c03be9.jpg | Pierre Moscovici sera nommé mercredi à la tête de la Cour des comptes | 500 | 333 | 0.32792 | fr | 0.333746 | 0.000484 | Pierre Moscovici to be appointed the head of the Court of Auditors on Wednesday | 5.860155 | 15,846 |
423,594,845,895,562,800 | Winter Wonderland Mini Print £25 38 x 38 | 350 | 350 | 0.297549 | mt | 0.3411 | 0.000009 | Winter Wonderland Mini Print £25 38 x 38 | 6.055613 | 16,064 |
3,155,804,496,731,691,500 | フランス JAZ 赤と黒の目覚まし時計 | 420 | 315 | 0.29706 | ja | 0.097897 | 0.000444 | French JAZ red and black alarm clocks | 4.651911 | 10,414 |
-4,299,903,782,020,465,700 | ملاقات وزیر دفاع ایران با رئیس جمهور افغانستان | 250 | 141 | 0.299321 | fa | 0.378976 | 0.001974 | Iranian Defence Minister met with Afghan President | 3.92761 | 7,115 |
8,628,994,314,536,529,000 | http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/7100000/Angelina-angelina-jolie-7125136-405-500.jpg | Angelina* | 405 | 500 | 0.291384 | xh | 0.162348 | 0.950991 | Angelina* | 5.773093 | 14,944 |
5,604,064,172,200,132,000 | http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LmnzFORJAf8/URbzWnvLoDI/AAAAAAAACrQ/o41Ze0Wgyi0/s400/Escalier+a%CC%80+vis+Passage+ouvrant+sur+le+salon+de+l%E2%80%99OEil-de-Boeuf+%C2%A9+Cha%CC%82teau+de+Versailles,+dist.+RMN:Christian+Millet.jpg | logement - Le logement de Fersen au château de Versailles - Page 4 Escalier+a%CC%80+vis+Passage+ouvrant+sur+le+salon+de+l%E2%80%99OEil-de-Boeuf+%C2%A9+Cha%CC%82teau+de+Versailles,+dist.+RMN:Christian+Millet | 266 | 400 | 0.298574 | fr | 1 | 0.000642 | accommodation - The accommodation of Fersen at the castle of Versailles - Page 4 Staircase+a%CC% | 5.098343 | 12,433 |
-5,138,508,673,210,197,000 | http://www.caracol1260.com/images_remote/260/2600456_n_ImgP.jpg?u=290751 | La muerte del fiscal sume en una grave crisis al Gobierno argentino | 100 | 75 | 0.297642 | es | 0.284641 | 0.002738 | The death of the prosecutor sums into a serious crisis for the Argentine government | 2.82842 | 2,875 |
-9,027,018,024,628,263,000 | http://sanscroquettesfixes.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Quel-symbole-animal-dHalloween-e%CC%82tes-vous-_-300x300.png | Quel symbole animal d'Halloween êtes-vous ? | 300 | 300 | 0.329809 | fr | 0.317335 | 0.000137 | Which Halloween animal are you? | 3.786245 | 7,356 |
-2,819,710,071,066,899,000 | http://static.fr.newsbk.com/i/cb/20/7355a4b003911f8e12634e67cf6e.jpg | DIRECT. Coupe du monde: suivez Russie-Arabie saoudite et la cérémonie d'ouverture | 500 | 329 | 0.310531 | fr | 0.104023 | 0.044271 | World Cup: Follow Russia-Saudi Arabia and opening ceremony | 5.505206 | 14,435 |
3,723,179,279,526,195,000 | Jaquette Hell : A Cyberpunk Thriller | 150 | 150 | 0.323153 | lb | 0.190196 | 0.001539 | Jaquette Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller | 3.583387 | 6,804 |
-1,894,053,397,503,804,400 | Street artist - Taken in Naples during weekend trip. | 736 | 491 | 0.2773 | af | 0.112926 | 0.000106 | Street artist - Taken in Naples during weekend trip. | 6.068685 | 16,027 |
8,066,718,063,419,947,000 | http://foros24.ru/components/com_jshopping/files/img_products/thumb_dv285-1b.jpg | Дверь печная ДВ285-1Б | 400 | 400 | 0.268829 | ru | 0.215538 | 0.000018 | The furnace door DV285-1B | 4.304719 | 8,895 |
-2,366,204,714,261,530,000 | http://www.benoit.galifer.fr/images/galifer/portfolio/villes/3427.jpg | N°3427 - Acrylique et pigments - 90 x 90 cm - 15 septembre 2017 | 1,294 | 1,294 | 0.260712 | fr | 0.050472 | 0 | No. 3427 - Acrylic and pigments - 90 x 90 cm - 15 September 2017 | 6.564443 | 18,554 |
8,791,524,580,535,917,000 | Ледник Кавказ горы | 650 | 366 | 0.289613 | ky | 0.587199 | 0.000356 | Glacier of the Caucasus Mountains | 4.796525 | 11,381 |
-2,312,417,115,064,342,000 | 世界海事旗章図鑑 旗から見える海の世界史 | 160 | 116 | 0.319402 | ja | 0.269823 | 0.000087 | World Maritime Flag, History of the Sea from the Flag. | 3.176569 | 4,374 |
-1,204,624,639,768,246,000 | میزان خسارات در مناطق سیل زده اعلام شد | 208 | 138 | 0.276153 | fa | 0.17018 | 0.009778 | Damage in damaged areas. | 4.699288 | 10,116 |
1,130,419,750,301,694,200 | TACP: Puesto de comando táctico | 670 | 349 | 0.336441 | es | 0.37641 | 0.000274 | TACP: Tactical Command Position | 2.654667 | 2,253 |
-2,301,734,966,604,539,100 | http://images2.b-static.com/imageserver/s0/206039126-200-200-5-0/2l-6.jpg | ヤクルト 蕃爽麗茶(ばんそうれいちゃ)【特定保健用食品 特保】 2Lペットボトル×6本入 | 200 | 200 | 0.270324 | ja | 0.163707 | 0.000111 | Yakute Tea (Specific Health Food) 2 L Pet Bottles × 6 Bottles | 4.478547 | 8,943 |
-8,656,350,736,241,885,000 | http://static.fnac-static.com/multimedia/Images/FR/NR/5d/7b/50/5274461/1535-1/tsp20151209144610/Caillou-petit-artiste-de-Noel.jpg | Caillou - Caillou, petit artiste de Noël | 110 | 110 | 0.292403 | fr | 0.068893 | 0.001455 | Caillou - Caillou, small Christmas artist | 3.364904 | 4,943 |
-7,319,188,119,240,467,000 | futur emplacement d'une zone de surstockage à Hâcourt (52). | 350 | 200 | 0.276606 | fr | 0.060307 | 0.000449 | The future location of an overstock area in Hâcourt (52). | 4.977092 | 11,848 |
-1,067,745,736,335,668,500 | Séminaire Slovénie | 1,024 | 294 | 0.284075 | sk | 0.196222 | 0.000009 | Seminary Slovenia | 6.664428 | 18,165 |
1,497,133,503,027,748,000 | Газеты и журналы - Футбол в оккупированной Одессе. Фото 2. | 476 | 267 | 0.289661 | ru | 0.758355 | 0.000025 | Newspapers and magazines - Football in the occupied Odessa. | 4.572536 | 10,561 |
2,410,723,991,430,944,000 | Industriální závěsné svítidlo Searchlight 5401AB | 196 | 285 | 0.280128 | cs | 0.149912 | 0 | Searchlight 5401AB | 4.676462 | 10,297 |
6,634,189,467,430,448,000 | Die Deutschen Volkslieder Vom Doktor Faust (Paperback) | 259 | 400 | 0.306928 | de | 0.534927 | 0.001146 | The German Folk Songs of Doctor Faust (Paperback) | 3.273438 | 4,939 |
-6,292,973,717,248,198,000 | Vẻ đẹp G mét cơ thể hình thành đồ lót chính hãng sau sinh giảm cân bụng hông bụng eo lụa siêu mỏng onesies phụ nữ | 180 | 180 | 0.28579 | vi | 0.462576 | 0.243052 | Beauty G meter body shape genuine postpartum underwear weight loss abdomen hip abdomen silk waist super thin onesies women | 3.948162 | 7,225 |
6,564,647,665,167,479,000 | image de-manhattan-a-bagdad-9782220051222 | 250 | 361 | 0.270772 | ca | 0.421862 | 0.000133 | image of-manhattan-a-bagdad-9782220051222 | 3.321377 | 4,963 |
6,585,473,216,446,654,000 | Volvo V40 Momentum D2 **Winter Pack** | 800 | 600 | 0.264932 | no | 0.022178 | 0.000003 | Volvo V40 Momentum D2 (Winter Pack) | 4.829376 | 11,141 |
-5,648,817,217,279,299,000 | http://www.lararnashistoria.se/sites/www.lararnashistoria.se/files/profilsidebilder/SAF_Amanda_och_Emil_Hammarlund_404-0412_520px.jpg | Amanda och Emil Hammarlund | 520 | 371 | 0.267687 | cy | 1 | 0.000007 | Amanda and Emil Hammarlund | 6.366027 | 17,488 |
-2,656,580,659,524,349,000 | Le mariage de Mathieu et Alice à Rouen, Seine-Maritime 2 | 640 | 480 | 0.2688 | fr | 0.076576 | 0.000034 | The Wedding of Mathieu and Alice in Rouen, Seine-Maritime | 5.879412 | 14,883 |
-7,871,322,697,371,193,000 | https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2Ezu9NU-XXA/UEitTUWCekI/AAAAAAAB_Bc/hYMf_qICtLQ/s1600/Joseph+Lorusso+1966+-++American+Figurative+painter+-+Tutt& | Joseph Lorusso 1966 | American Figurative painter | 800 | 530 | 0.279633 | ro | 1 | 0.000173 | Joseph Lorusso 1966 American Figurative Painter | 7.038647 | 19,508 |
7,389,182,852,464,736,000 | Moderne Feuerwehrstation mit Schlauchturm | 300 | 248 | 0.260928 | de | 0.055993 | 0.00001 | Modern fire station with tower | 4.901195 | 11,386 |
-1,872,768,952,527,792,600 | Wisin - Te Extraño (LETRA) (Ft. Franco De Vita) | 320 | 180 | 0.279981 | es | 0.222148 | 0.018577 | Wisin – Te Extraño (letra) by Franco De Vita | 2.072368 | 395 |
-7,046,859,639,084,073,000 | https://wir.skyrock.net/wir/v1/profilcrop/?im=%2F4548%2F40084548%2Fpics%2Fphoto_40084548_2.jpg&c=isi&w=100&h=100&q=90 | Ferdji-dangerous | 100 | 100 | 0.271885 | fy | 0.319663 | 0.006824 | Tagged Dangerous | 3.152992 | 3,947 |
-1,083,224,011,920,241,400 | http://www.scorpiotravel.com/wp-content/uploads/SHA_gallery1.jpg | Shanghai | 640 | 400 | 0.295902 | hi | 0.087025 | 0.000445 | by Shanghai | 6.00195 | 16,443 |
1,060,627,207,686,625,300 | 神田珍味天然生物科技有限公司Logo | 123 | 126 | 0.290232 | zh | 0.180318 | 0.000155 | Natural Biotechnology Limited logo | 3.960701 | 7,194 |
5,928,468,320,426,431,000 | Therm-A-Rest Lite Seat Sitzkissen | 1,280 | 720 | 0.285527 | de | 1 | 0.000085 | Therm-A-Rest Lite seat seat pad | 3.934854 | 7,859 |
-644,081,131,713,161,000 | Imitation of Life - di Anna Halldin Maule - Olio su tela | 800 | 1,196 | 0.263853 | sm | 0.088623 | 0.005252 | Imitation of Life by Anna Halldin Maule - Olio su tela | 6.735369 | 18,542 |
8,582,211,395,285,298,000 | Свежие фрукты и бутылка с зелеными коктейлями на кухонном столе | 626 | 417 | 0.30769 | ru | 0.083502 | 0.000517 | Fresh fruit and a bottle of green cocktails on the kitchen table | 5.766487 | 15,814 |
9,106,459,385,965,238,000 | Страница 6 | 128 | 191 | 0.272271 | sr | 0.069495 | 0.440861 | Page of 6 | 2.224993 | 566 |
-6,391,294,516,626,268,000 | Hackney Carnival 2016 | 480 | 720 | 0.300772 | sl | 0.88744 | 0.02147 | Hackney Carnival 2016 | 4.961868 | 11,821 |
6,828,095,689,907,011,000 | DVF DVF5093 glasses in Crystal Brown | 365 | 139 | 0.268587 | sl | 0.375103 | 0.000043 | DVF DVF5093 glasses in Crystal Brown | 4.497749 | 9,045 |
6,331,700,107,576,533,000 | Breeden-Keith-Professor Lord Krebs.jpg | 460 | 518 | 0.269818 | sv | 0.115192 | 0.000017 | Breeden-Keith-Professor Lord Krebs | 6.591297 | 18,461 |
-1,136,655,031,648,997,400 | Cylinder Repair Kit Honda Helix Cn250 Jonway Yy250t Roketa Bms | 700 | 506 | 0.297421 | ms | null | null | Honda Helix Cn250 Jonway Yy250t Rocket | 4.160373 | 8,553 |
-2,047,914,347,700,568,600 | Sleeping-Beauty-Castle-Decor-1_15_WDI_9801 | 660 | 909 | 0.300161 | fy | 0.192659 | 0.000013 | Sleeping Beauty-Castle-Decor-1_15_WDI_9801 | 6.567603 | 18,329 |
5,483,106,214,021,751,000 | https://imgv2-1-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/131753830/149x198/70a95761b9/1390997623?v=1 | José María Rosa - Historia Argentina Tomo IV | 149 | 198 | 0.272072 | es | 0.665314 | 0.013077 | José María Rosa - History of Argentina | 2.639611 | 1,891 |
6,033,728,451,794,755,000 | Sing & Swing Shirt 2019 | 200 | 150 | 0.33081 | jv | 0.211243 | 0.000038 | Swing Shirt 2019 | 3.883924 | 7,812 |
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