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-1,209,492,216,388,055,300 | PREMIUM PRO Leder Set mit Fotobuch Ihre Exilim Casio | 160 | 117 | 0.273743 | de | 0.110488 | 0 | PREMIUM PRO leather set with photo book your Exilim Casio | 2.881695 | 3,604 |
-4,570,835,149,465,203,000 | Adventní trhy ve francouzském Štrasburku | 376 | 222 | 0.29933 | cs | 0 | 0.000031 | Advent Markets in Strasbourg, France | 6.270789 | 17,719 |
6,454,975,511,597,666,000 | 吉祥の手編みの布靴《幸運が続きます》の秋冬の民族の風の千階の底の坂と女史の布の靴 | 800 | 800 | 0.264403 | ja | 0.254907 | 0.005554 | Happiness Continues in the Autumn Winter of the Ethnic Wind of the Thousand Floors of the Basement of the | 4.767309 | 11,673 |
-1,783,247,468,986,643,500 | Biaya Modifikasi Yamaha Scorpio Jadi Supermoto | 460 | 345 | 0.263155 | sw | 0.097584 | 0.002614 | Modified Yamaha Scorpio to Supermoto | 3.883407 | 7,697 |
-2,943,644,561,196,296,700 | 武当道ju男道服 秋ko国风男古风改良汉服夏道士服装女 | 220 | 220 | 0.262762 | zh | 0.720272 | 0.004983 | Hoodie Hoodie Hoodie Hoodie Hoodie Hoodie Hoodie Hoodie Hoodie Ho | 4.743774 | 10,141 |
-96,133,669,590,575,420 | 2 Sober Dudes | 600 | 600 | 0.282759 | ca | 0.21346 | 0.000064 | Three doubts | 5.228043 | 12,693 |
-1,417,363,390,884,313,600 | http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/9rsJT6BGOCU/mqdefault.jpg | BẠN MUỐN HẸN HÒ | Tập 300 UNCUT | Duy Cương - Thùy Linh | Phạm Luân - Bích Ngọc | 200817 💖 | 320 | 180 | 0.265337 | vi | 0.690321 | 0.116207 | You are here: Home News Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top | 3.883206 | 7,103 |
-2,018,503,125,138,717,400 | http://blog-imgs-34.fc2.com/h/a/r/harumi7/200909111056099e6.jpg | 平成21年9月10日ブログ勉強会 | 360 | 261 | 0.261703 | ja | 0.215012 | 0.016035 | Blogging on September 10th. | 5.235017 | 12,085 |
8,194,222,474,559,775,000 | Перлит, вермикулит, агроперлит и строительные смеси в Одессе | 320 | 180 | 0.305439 | ru | 0.297157 | 0.004448 | Perlite, vermiculite, agroperlite and construction mixtures in Odessa | 2.844005 | 3,196 |
9,094,594,952,389,758,000 | Die Kykladen Insel Santorini | 516 | 600 | 0.312705 | af | null | null | The Cyclades Island of Santorini | 3.643289 | 6,159 |
-1,752,528,693,706,932,700 | Mazda 2 GX 2013 | 188 | 125 | 0.276113 | uz | 0.730294 | 0.000017 | The Mazda 2 GX 2013 | 3.315199 | 5,143 |
-641,955,174,608,514,000 | Ιστορία του νέου ελληνισμού | 145 | 203 | 0.317994 | el | 0.27731 | 0.000075 | History of New Greekism | 2.278144 | 891 |
-7,673,736,492,112,876,000 | Créez vos vêtements personnalisés | 640 | 427 | 0.275042 | fr | 0.232112 | 0.000094 | Create your own personalized clothes | 5.779175 | 15,728 |
-6,778,103,092,754,896,000 | the-sci-fi-art-of-allen-wei (39) | 290 | 290 | 0.276968 | fy | 0.242968 | 0.002564 | the-sci-fi-art-of-all (39) | 6.57846 | 18,863 |
1,284,508,267,555,589,000 | Электросамокат Ninebot | 253 | 369 | 0.314713 | ky | 0.836556 | 0.000068 | Electrical Vehicle Ninebot | 3.327621 | 4,965 |
37,693,953,918,771,464 | http://kobe-kobecco.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/20151002102.jpg | オーナーの片山圭介さん(中央)とスタッフの皆さん | 515 | 368 | 0.298803 | ja | 0.238568 | 0.013024 | The owner of the house, Mr. Guaidó, and the staff. | 6.507307 | 18,650 |
7,221,966,860,157,301,000 | Spalvieri/Del Ciotto Studio Hoop Bluetooth Speaker | 781 | 521 | 0.273082 | es | 0.036016 | 0.000033 | Spalvieri/Del Ciotto Studio Hoop Bluetooth Speaker | 5.376453 | 12,984 |
-6,524,071,450,575,880,000 | ClgbySrAB-BTSC06-15-2013-1676 | 100 | 67 | 0.263831 | cy | 0.158676 | 0.028994 | ClgbySrAB-BTSC06-15-2013-1676 | 4.07275 | 8,354 |
-9,209,362,722,842,834,000 | http://imc.unilibro.it/cover/libro/9788835031017p.jpg | A SUA IMMAGINE 1 + CD libro | 70 | 107 | 0.265947 | it | 0.281791 | 0.000406 | 1 photo + 1 CD book | 2.897624 | 3,386 |
-5,362,657,129,113,417,000 | 'Instant Karma' de Wendy Davies | 650 | 480 | 0.321652 | pl | 0.408099 | 0.00051 | Instant Karma by Wendy Davies | 3.514512 | 6,543 |
4,658,362,022,588,809,000 | 10 Potret Coromandel, Surganya Wisata Alam Menawan di New Zealand | 840 | 750 | 0.278978 | id | 0.06704 | 0.000019 | 10 Portraits of Coromandel, New Zealand's Enchanting Nature Tourist Paradise | 5.923326 | 15,156 |
-6,235,945,863,998,368,000 | 10 regalos perfectos para el Día del Padre | 728 | 400 | 0.290317 | es | 1 | 0.027951 | 10 Perfect Gifts for Father’s Day | 5.58976 | 14,127 |
-7,759,185,450,085,842,000 | https://sbzonline.buchzentrum.ch/api/annotation.asp?sid=32733552&aid=114978263 | Cover-Bild zu Kreativ-Kratzelbuch: Fahrzeuge von Loewe Kratzel-Welt (Hrsg.) | 120 | 180 | 0.280028 | de | 0.258988 | 0.000159 | Cover image for Creative Scratchbook: Vehicles by Loewe Kratzel-Welt (Hrsg.) | 2.678057 | 2,073 |
6,300,591,489,037,321,000 | http://image.made-in-china.com/2f1j10BjztHeTkaocG/20-25m-Press-Dome-Tents-for-Sa.jpg | Zhuhai Arch Series에 있는 Sale를 위한 20*25m Press Dome Tents | 160 | 160 | 0.270227 | ht | 0.356352 | 0.000055 | 20*25m Press Dome Tents for Sale in Zhuhai Arch Series | 3.864503 | 6,901 |
2,847,040,687,914,088,400 | http://m.hairextensionbuy.fr/123408/media/images/source/w/-/w-rh-120453-fr-1.jpg | 60cm #613 Lisse Soyeuse 100% Cheveux Remy Naturels [W-RH-120453] | 333 | 474 | 0.322565 | fr | 0.844659 | 0.030306 | 60cm #613 100% Natural Remy Hair Silk Smooth [W-RH-120453] | 4.470038 | 9,516 |
-8,394,401,774,618,452,000 | Kim Hee Sun | 800 | 600 | 0.301343 | tr | 1 | 0.010604 | Kim Hee Sun | 6.013648 | 16,251 |
8,007,177,501,055,018,000 | http://imagenes.divxonline.info/divxonline.info_isladefuego.jpg | Isla de fuego (1990) | 180 | 255 | 0.282234 | es | 0.072033 | 0.000472 | The Island of Fire (1990) | 4.231253 | 8,135 |
-6,339,579,731,758,083,000 | Das Wahre und das Falsche: Essay über die logische Struktur der psychoanalystisc | 400 | 400 | 0.260172 | de | 0.242139 | 0.000003 | The True and the False: Essay on the Logical Structure of Psychoanalyses | 2.214636 | 316 |
-1,752,386,974,320,001,000 | Relative standard deviation | 720 | 540 | 0.336861 | de | 0.251217 | 0.002637 | Relative standard deviation | 4.338352 | 9,577 |
-2,166,666,893,159,658,200 | Teatro Comunale di Antella: Passato e Futuro del calcio in Italia | 240 | 160 | 0.308142 | it | 0.336056 | 0.000431 | The Municipal Theatre of Antella: Past and Future of Football in Italy | 3.30465 | 4,914 |
4,583,887,355,511,579,000 | Hércules | 320 | 427 | 0.318476 | hu | 0.374047 | 0.002788 | Hercules | 3.195258 | 3,939 |
-4,603,237,038,090,752,000 | Concierto homenaje a Gaspar Cassadó | 500 | 500 | 0.266938 | pt | 0.460249 | 0.000182 | A tribute to Gaspar Cassadó | 3.92685 | 7,650 |
-8,809,439,229,778,932,000 | Bakgrund för många svartvit fotbollbollar Fotbollbollar i ett vatten royaltyfri illustrationer | 160 | 160 | 0.307923 | sv | 0.432583 | 0.01038 | Background for many black and white soccer balls Soccer balls in one water royalty-free illustrations | 4.353377 | 9,294 |
-6,203,899,962,197,455,000 | https://img.bertrand.pt/images/juliosaul---um-destino-solar-maria-joao-fernandes/NDV8NjgyNDZ8OTgzMTN8MTM4MzUyMzIwMDAwMA==/175x&ctx=0 | Julio/Saúl - Um Destino Solar | 175 | 253 | 0.283569 | pt | 1 | 0.000055 | Julio/Saul - A Sunny Destiny | 3.764532 | 7,842 |
1,920,087,619,146,260,000 | Benczúr Gyula: Önarckép (1917) (1844-1920) A magyar történeti festészet legjelentősebb mestere. | 250 | 332 | 0.310248 | hu | 0.352498 | 0.000001 | Gyula Benczúr (1917) (1844-1920) was the most important master of Hungarian historical painting. | 6.83215 | 19,207 |
-232,695,869,447,221,900 | http://www.espiritoimortal.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/planetas-sistema-solar.jpg | planetas alinhados | 275 | 183 | 0.301267 | pt | 0.293402 | 0.00011 | Aligned planets | 5.521805 | 14,033 |
2,492,862,199,309,507,000 | Сборник инструкций по охране труда для работников связи и массовых коммуникаций | 220 | 340 | 0.277009 | ru | 0.606971 | 0.000103 | Labor Safety Instructions for Communication and Mass Communications Workers | 2.711032 | 2,401 |
7,346,604,086,630,305,000 | Wereldkaart op houtvezels | 568 | 328 | 0.286844 | fy | 0.07808 | 0.000257 | World map on wood fibers | 5.801961 | 14,989 |
8,064,598,748,054,578,000 | Catawba Falls | 496 | 770 | 0.288264 | ms | 0.099328 | 0.000003 | Catawba Falls | 5.391273 | 13,404 |
-5,375,172,039,050,431,000 | http://imgs.tom.com/gossip/202108/1539401848/CONTENT73ee270ac927c1693faf87584fdf606f.jpg | 双女主网剧《双镜》今日B站开播 双殊合璧开启夏日爽剧 | 600 | 1,067 | 0.281079 | zh | 0.873537 | 0.017328 | Twin female network drama "Double Mirrors" Today B station opens broadcast Twin Peaks Completely | 6.527542 | 18,226 |
1,994,503,632,654,698,500 | gebraucht Mercedes A180 CDI Navi/ Scheckheft/Winterräder | 400 | 300 | 0.297539 | de | 0.610548 | 0.000304 | used Mercedes A180 CDI Navi/checkheft/winter wheel | 3.737668 | 6,737 |
-7,338,901,479,479,190,000 | https://imgcdn.saxo.com/_9783110486513/medium | The Mandaean Book of John | 150 | 198 | 0.384022 | id | 0.561538 | 0.000036 | The Mandaean Book of John | 3.003988 | 4,614 |
-5,183,700,795,608,483,000 | Kerkyra. Corfu - watercolors, paper | 698 | 1,024 | 0.284725 | ms | 0.121849 | 0.000006 | Corfu - watercolors, paper | 7.172875 | 19,493 |
6,117,421,577,208,533,000 | St Marcel 2012 | 400 | 400 | 0.271146 | no | 0.055053 | 0.000659 | St. Marcel 2012 | 4.339722 | 9,819 |
6,332,818,599,965,190,000 | Obelisk - Select Investments in Brazil | 709 | 276 | 0.282737 | sl | 0.157756 | 0.000105 | Obelisk - Select Investments in Brazil | 3.919591 | 7,606 |
4,329,485,939,327,223,000 | http://data.whicdn.com/images/104498697/superthumb.png | fashion | 300 | 250 | 0.260115 | ja | 0.235033 | 0.041936 | The fashion | 5.730151 | 14,124 |
-1,308,778,205,338,265,000 | https://cf0.lidyana.com/pi/r/3756755/480x720/4 | Lacoste Lacoste Partner Retro 319 1 Sma Erkek Koyu Yeşil - Bej Sneaker | 480 | 720 | 0.291396 | fy | 0.222244 | 0.005231 | Lacoste Partner Retro 319 1 Sma Erkek Koyu Yeşil | 5.137799 | 12,181 |
-5,727,117,818,351,977,000 | алая помада для платиновой блондинки | 350 | 306 | 0.263024 | ru | 0.196743 | 0.735941 | Clothes for a Platinum Blonde | 6.124485 | 16,826 |
953,297,940,205,128,300 | https://imgv2-2-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/326375562/149x198/77ec854e5b/1544601580?v=1 | NXL_Giai Tich Giao Trinh LT Va BT Co Huong Dan Tap 2 | 149 | 198 | 0.295462 | zh | 0.499043 | 0.000525 | Giai Tich Giao Trinh LT Va BT Co Huong Dan Tap 2 | 2.899047 | 2,941 |
292,058,511,620,548,160 | Ladies High Heels Sandals - BLACK 41 | 480 | 480 | 0.321016 | af | 0.13926 | 0.210886 | Ladies High Heels Sandals - Black | 4.922708 | 11,781 |
8,233,663,892,810,443,000 | Balony na ogrzane powietrze latające na zaśnieżonej górze ze śladami stóp na szczycie o wschodzie słońca | 626 | 417 | 0.349947 | pl | 0.163974 | 0.000021 | Heated air balloons flying on a snowy mountain with footprints on the summit at sunrise | 6.884734 | 19,261 |
1,721,218,956,352,239,000 | """Chuyện lạ hôm nay: Trộm máy tính, tên trộm """"tử tế"""" gửi email xin lỗi...""" | 214 | 140 | 0.263265 | vi | 0.064207 | 0.261426 | “Strange thing today: Theft of computer, the thief, sending an email to apologize...” | 2.116333 | 571 |
3,054,328,094,837,395,500 | business handshake | 360 | 254 | 0.307993 | sn | null | null | Business handshake | 4.392356 | 9,711 |
-48,185,034,631,280,380 | Món chè của Việt Nam trong 22 khoảnh khắc văn hóa - du lịch của thế giới - 6 | 640 | 427 | 0.28455 | vi | 0.048905 | 0.000047 | Vietnamese tea in 22 cultural moments - travel of the world - 6 | 6.747575 | 18,415 |
6,800,617,138,782,292,000 | http://v.poliris.com/s/width/800/visuels/0/y/m/z/0ymz5dczdt9t61mpv417cn3nkecrl5ts3slmjnegw.jpg | Vente maison / villa Sartrouville 399000€ - Photo 2 | 800 | 600 | 0.277196 | fr | 0.5 | 0.000033 | Sale house / villa Sartrouville 399000€ - Photo 2 | 4.563122 | 9,907 |
-1,291,525,712,514,512,100 | Outdoor Market, Athens, Greece | 1,280 | 720 | 0.299189 | gl | 0.159899 | 0.001735 | Outdoor Market, Athens, Greece | 5.521228 | 14,533 |
4,347,094,177,295,469,600 | آموزش گام به گام PLC | 200 | 232 | 0.26904 | fa | 0.464933 | 0.000041 | Training with PLC. | 3.272704 | 5,384 |
7,714,964,351,612,945,000 | VERMOREL (P.). Pratique des traitements contre le mildiou et les maladies des plantes | 100 | 119 | 0.260162 | fr | 0.31035 | 0.000245 | VERMOREL (P.). Practice of treatments against mildiou and plant diseases | 2.945052 | 3,133 |
-533,357,822,624,133,500 | """AGÜ Endüstri Mühendisliği'nden """"4. Lisans Bitirme Projeleri Fuarı ve Yarışması""""""" | 650 | 360 | 0.265597 | tr | 0.284995 | 0.001126 | "" from AGU Industrial Engineering """"The 4th Graduate Project Exhibition and Competition"""""" | 2.558774 | 1,904 |
3,476,756,215,066,297,000 | Cooks Hill Laneway | 498 | 373 | 0.264866 | ht | 0.171519 | 0 | Cooks Hill Street | 7.311224 | 19,521 |
-7,155,588,883,992,759,000 | witte keuken pedaalemmer | 525 | 700 | 0.273535 | fy | 0.044833 | 0.00007 | White kitchen pedals | 5.052998 | 12,611 |
1,134,425,898,623,258,500 | http://slideplayer.com.br/slide/1472245/4/images/3/Publicidade+&+Propaganda.jpg | Publicidade & Propaganda | 960 | 720 | 0.314414 | es | null | null | Publicity & Propaganda | 2.76597 | 3,020 |
106,107,402,413,101,150 | Disney Pixar. Incredibilii 2. Marea carte de colorat, de Disney, Copii, Varsta 3-5 ani | 65 | 90 | 0.280586 | ro | 0.388434 | 0.002183 | Disney Pixar. Incredibles 2.The Great Coloring Book, by Disney, Kids, Age 3-5 Years | 2.97609 | 3,087 |
-7,803,673,711,699,413,000 | Сны летней ночью в романтичной ветряной мельнице | 140 | 97 | 0.285733 | ru | 0.5 | 0.003713 | Dreams of a summer night in a romantic windmill | 4.912465 | 11,108 |
-5,148,309,283,236,543,000 | http://images.thehollywoodgossip.com/iu/t_v_sidebar_wide/v1364528261/video/justin-bieber-and-esperanza-spalding.jpg | Justin Bieber and Esperanza Spalding Bond Over Hair, Mothers, Grammys | 313 | 140 | 0.321162 | de | 0.30247 | 0.214767 | Justin Bieber and Esperanza Spalding Bond Over Hair, Mothers, Grammys | 4.486808 | 9,564 |
-6,828,481,549,398,960,000 | Roeier op rivier in de nachtelijke sneeuw (Ushibori), Kawase Hasui, Japan, 1930 van Roger VDB | 817 | 541 | 0.278045 | nl | 0.526161 | 0.000001 | Riding on a river in the night snow (Ushibori), Kawase Hasui, Japan, 1930 by Roger VDB | 6.811729 | 19,357 |
3,896,989,327,818,091,500 | 前螺旋貓成員Miyuko新Cos美圖 高貴冷艷的偶像歌手 | 840 | 1,260 | 0.26685 | zh | 0.253845 | 0.0066 | Former spiral cat member Miyuko New Cosmetic Excellent idol singer | 6.272897 | 16,944 |
-4,587,002,495,849,282,600 | Panlux LED ŽÁROVKA DELUXE světelný zdroj 230V 12W E27 studená bílá | 550 | 413 | 0.309343 | cs | null | null | Panlux LED DELUXE Light Source 230V 12W E27 Cold White | 4.960886 | 11,118 |
-1,715,650,905,502,913,300 | Matterhorn, Riffelsee Spiegelung, Reflection | 305 | 364 | 0.348279 | lb | 0.238368 | 0.000003 | Matterhorn, Riffelsee Reflection | 6.57507 | 18,320 |
-7,402,046,228,437,795,000 | Презентація форми збірної України з футболу на НСК Олімпійський. Фото - Надія Мельниченко | 1,200 | 630 | 0.266185 | uk | 0.738658 | 0.029766 | Presentation of the form of the national football team of Ukraine at NSK Olympic. Photo - Hope Melnitchenko | 5.294694 | 13,347 |
3,145,249,129,334,024,700 | http://artwork.dyrs.cc/photo/363/015/000/3015707584bf23ca.jpg!l | 别墅新中式风格效果图 | 800 | 651 | 0.265594 | zh | 0.151122 | 0.001346 | The new Chinese style villa. | 5.67268 | 14,457 |
3,014,354,555,031,593,500 | Wejdas - Nuogas Tarp Vilkų (1994) | 130 | 97 | 0.276056 | lt | 0.115365 | 0.002246 | Wade - Naked Among Wolves (1994) | 2.746145 | 1,955 |
-1,879,614,157,083,973,000 | Gương trang điểm gỗ hương khảm xà cừ (Dài 10,5cm, Rộng 7cm) | 900 | 900 | 0.313074 | vi | 0.068305 | 0.000116 | Toughened Toughened Toughened Toughened Toughened Toughened Toughened | 5.12042 | 12,264 |
-6,446,930,325,655,461,000 | Arwah Cave | 250 | 168 | 0.287637 | af | 0.162012 | 0.000959 | Arwah Cave | 4.377416 | 8,960 |
-4,811,934,934,452,926,000 | EXU DAS SETE ESPADAS - O Guardião da Lei Maior | 350 | 360 | 0.281717 | pt | 0.20443 | 0.00102 | Exu of the Seven Swords: The Guardian of the Law | 3.546754 | 6,400 |
-6,393,496,149,954,158,000 | Автомобильный видео регистратор LT-066-A экран 2,5 дюйма 120 градусов HD в России | 163 | 163 | 0.345138 | ru | 0.583349 | 0.08517 | LT-066-A car video recorder screen 2.5 inches 120 degrees HD in Russia | 3.402356 | 5,788 |
-8,043,326,914,091,606,000 | Ruins.jpg | 980 | 353 | 0.26744 | af | 0.067132 | 0.000735 | Tagged with jpg | 6.922702 | 18,948 |
1,656,982,244,810,582,500 | Titel: Helmuth James Graf von Moltke: Konzept für ein föderalistisches Europa nach dem Nationalsozialismus | 212 | 300 | 0.310522 | de | 0.271184 | 0.006064 | Helmuth James Graf von Moltke: Concept for a Federalist Europe after National Socialism | 3.332878 | 5,406 |
-6,959,775,035,205,773,000 | TOOLZ Hockeyschläger Set - Hockeyset mit 4 Hockey Schlägern (108cm lang) + 2 Hockeybällen - Ideal für Straßenhockey oder Hallenhockey Indoor und Outdoor geeignet | 500 | 500 | 0.302546 | de | 0.319837 | 0.000083 | TOOLZ Hockey Shooter Set - Hockey set with 4 Hockey Shooters (108cm long) + | 4.486058 | 9,223 |
-2,996,751,237,902,558,000 | http://animal.octaviadata.com/sites/default/files/styles/collageformatter/public/collageformatter/337x504_symlink_ec8d1a59.jpg?itok=xJawmBMj | 冬を感じる事ができる写真 | 337 | 504 | 0.270737 | ja | 1 | 0.000012 | I can feel the winter. | 6.297867 | 17,138 |
4,254,693,963,859,844,000 | https://imgv2-2-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/463027051/149x198/7f544d17b7/1590461273?v=1 | Enfermedades por deficiencia de yodo (SEEN).pdf | 149 | 198 | 0.309465 | es | 0.457935 | 0.000835 | Diseases due to iodine deficiency (SEEN) | 2.62681 | 2,042 |
-8,855,308,690,599,193,000 | enlarge_Spring-Path_6057.jpg | 640 | 394 | 0.270758 | af | 0.043866 | 0.000065 | enlarge_Spring-Path_6057.jpg | 5.756489 | 15,743 |
8,097,841,914,040,399,000 | Esempio di un piccolo soggiorno stile americano chiuso con sala formale, pareti bianche, pavimento in legno massello medio, nessun camino, TV autoportante e pavimento marrone | 312 | 312 | 0.291301 | it | 0.037329 | 0.000016 | Example of a small closed American-style living room with formal room, white walls, medium massive wooden floor, no | 5.79282 | 15,687 |
4,955,676,264,168,300,000 | http://spanish.peopledaily.com.cn/mediafile/201401/20/F201401201629032211675281.jpg | Nueve jardines m s bonitos del mundo 2 for Jardines bellos fotos | 536 | 656 | 0.282409 | es | 0.874944 | 0.000056 | Nine Beautiful Gardens of the World 2 for Beautiful Gardens photos | 6.26407 | 17,329 |
2,526,331,469,155,147,000 | Impreso floral de la vendimia suéter Hamaliel diseñadores pista Otoño Invierno Mujeres grueso de manga larga de punto Jerseys Moda | 281 | 300 | 0.282652 | es | 0.255453 | 0.028342 | Flower printed vendetta sweater Hamaliel trail designers autumn winter women thick long sleeve point jerseys | 6.364595 | 17,573 |
7,654,130,620,587,125,000 | Minerva16 | 138 | 74 | 0.274819 | fi | 0.28959 | 0.000588 | by Minerva16 | 2.232104 | 747 |
-6,508,655,105,743,288,000 | Abenteuer im Frisiersalon (eBook, ePUB) | 100 | 165 | 0.284311 | de | 1 | 0.041996 | Adventures in the Hairstylist (eBook, ePUB) | 2.734575 | 2,736 |
-3,416,103,876,576,320,000 | Titel: Ursachen der Bildungsunlust männlicher Jugendlicher im höheren Bildungssystem in Österreich | 92 | 130 | 0.296003 | de | 0.251633 | 0.000783 | Title: Causes of the educational disappointment of male youth in the higher education system in Austria | 2.600409 | 1,914 |
-1,513,938,109,659,370,200 | http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20170710111306/bizaardvark/images/thumb/7/7f/Ben_Gets_the_Wrong_Emoji.jpg/130px-292%2C1126%2C0%2C737-Ben_Gets_the_Wrong_Emoji.jpg | Oops Wrong Emoji/Gallery | 130 | 115 | 0.289905 | af | 0.165489 | 0.8647 | Oops Wrong Emoji/Gallery | 2.707679 | 2,409 |
-4,380,851,938,545,818,600 | http://oldbooks.kantas.gr/wp-content/old_books/Dimotiko/Mathimatika/cache_183x0/mathimatika_1960_0034.jpg | Μαθηματικά (104/258) | 183 | 237 | 0.271521 | el | 0.593744 | 0.000013 | Physics and Mathematics (104/258) | 2.883761 | 3,345 |
-8,381,523,298,843,034,000 | 『クレムリンのI・V・スターリンとK・E・ヴォロシロフ』、アレクサンドル・ゲラシモフ作、 | 1,200 | 925 | 0.292097 | ja | 0.249048 | 0.00007 | “Kremlin’s I.V. Stalin and K.E. Volosilov” by Alexander Gerasimov. | 6.350896 | 17,438 |
-7,392,240,930,307,023,000 | Moliūgo sriuba | 300 | 200 | 0.295905 | eo | 0.924885 | 0.001464 | Moliūgo soup | 3.658085 | 6,033 |
4,989,806,747,083,760,000 | Venta de Casa en PALERMO, Bogotá D.C. con 5 Habitaciones, 4 Baños, Estrato 4, Área 310.0 m2 y 1 Garages | 216 | 162 | 0.274619 | es | 0.092506 | 0.000043 | Home for sale in Palermo, Bogotá D.C. with 5 Rooms, 4 Bathrooms, Strato 4, Area 310.0 m2 and 1 Garages | 4.184945 | 8,111 |
-7,031,609,216,082,362,000 | 截至2018年第三季度,红米手机累计出货2.78亿台 | 1,024 | 576 | 0.299201 | zh | 0.660875 | 0.003447 | As of the third quarter of 2018, the cumulative shipment of 2.78 billion mobile phones | 5.336848 | 12,906 |
3,701,021,736,653,229,600 | http://thumbs.ebaystatic.com/images/g/0osAAOSwDN1USEn4/s-l225.jpg | 2 x sticker Autocollant-Disney Cars [NOUVEAU] | 115 | 225 | 0.309337 | fr | 0.129658 | 0.000014 | 2 x Sticker Auto Sticker-Disney Cars [NEW] | 2.884924 | 3,055 |
1,858,887,045,919,033,000 | http://sazhaemvsadu.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/577a96a9b20c3.jpg | Романтический сад в сельском стиле | 800 | 600 | 0.3087 | ru | 0.055771 | 0.000014 | Romantic garden in rural style | 5.324413 | 13,212 |
-888,678,144,224,118,000 | Vinagre de maçã: cinco maneiras de usar o produto como aliado da beleza - Beleza - GNT | 236 | 247 | 0.320907 | gl | 0.061386 | 0.000022 | Apple vinegar: five ways to use the product as a beauty ally - Beauty - GNT | 4.818856 | 11,056 |
-6,979,494,372,732,712,000 | Épisode_de_l'expédition_du_Mexique_en_1838 da Wikipedia | 799 | 569 | 0.292808 | fr | 0.075706 | 0.000091 | Episode_of_the_expedition_du_Mexico_in_1838 from Wikipedia | 5.935326 | 15,077 |
-1,420,592,065,464,604,000 | Pag 9 | 300 | 424 | 0.262528 | ceb | 1 | 0.193087 | and 9 | 3.080707 | 4,722 |
7,940,466,658,205,796,000 | Herzogthum Sachsen-Altenburg | 201 | 285 | 0.314884 | de | 0.360605 | 0.000747 | Duchy of Saxony-Altenburg | 3.092245 | 4,743 |