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I know as parent of child with down syndrome that you have all hear that our child are at a high risk of leukemia as parent we read up on it and then say well that will not happen to my child well when will have just turn 2yr old he start bruise the thought of leukemia breafly cross my mind but I quickly push it out of my mind and rationalize it by say that he was a rough playing 2yr old and it was normal to bruise now and then I have just go to work a few month before and will have get a little more fussy and whinny but that is normal to right well then he get sick and like a lot of child with down when he get sick he get sick so we take he to the doc on a friday they say he have a cold and I tell my boss that he was sick and not to be surpise if I call and say he was in the hospital because they offten have to do that when he get sick she say ok and when sit get there sure enough he was much sicker and we take he to the er they tell we he have rsv and send we home with some med by the time we get home he was much bad and we take he back this time they order more test and put he in the hospital then my world start come down around I first they say that some of his blood work come back bad that they want to retest but it was probley nothing then that come back and they say they want to move he to icu just to keep a well I on he I start get scared that thought come back leukemia put again I try to push it out of my mind because no one want to think the bad well it was not long at all before the doc come in and say we believe william have leukemia they quickly fly he from beaumont tx to houston tx texas childrens hospital will is do really well now he is in remision but still have 3 1 2 yrs of chemo he was up run around but now can not walk anymore due to one of the chemos vinchristin but it will come back and he have just find other way to get around nothing is go to slow he dow I write all of this to say please do not dwell on it but if you see any symptom of leukemia in your child please get it check out it is well to find out because you are look for it than to find out like I and most other parent I have talk to by accident
but in my heart I know this is the future promise article regardless http ottawa ctvnew can ottawa researcher hopeful nano particle can cure leukemia 1 1409330 ottawa researcher hopeful nano particle can cure leukemia medical breakthrough ctv joanne schnurr on homegrown research that is close to cure leukemia medical leader around the world have their eye on ottawa blood cancer breakthrough ottawa doctor talk cure doctor at the ottawa research institute call it a major finding in the battle against the blood cancer leukemia share 8 text share on print share on email 0 joanne schnurr ctv ottawa publish tuesday august 13 2013 4 05pm edt last update tuesday august 13 2013 6 22pm edt ottawa researcher are cautiously use the word cure when talk about new research into leukemia the research is new and a long way from help human patient but in mouse they ve develop tiny particle that in the lab cause cancerous white blood cell to kill themselves for patient with acute myeloid leukemia stem cell transplant and heavy chemotherapy have been the only hope for a cure but even at that the survival rate is among the bad of all the cancer at 22 what s happen inside a lab at the ottawa hospital research institute is give new hope though for a cure for even the tough type of leukemia doctor david conrad and john bell have develop a tiny nano particle that cause human blood cancer cell to kill themselves the result on mouse have been dramatic photo dr david conrad at ottawa lab dr david conrad at ottawa lab cancer cell kill themselves cancer cell kill themselves in 60 percent of the mouse we have a cure explain dr david conrad a hematologist conduct research in the blood and marrow transplant program at the ottawa hospital so in other word if we leave these mouse to continue live in the lab they would live out their normal lifespan and were essentially cure of the leukemia all the other untreated mouse die within 21 day the particle were able to kill multiple form of leukemia in the lab include sample take from local patient who have fail all other form of therapy it have not yet been try on human and likely would not for a couple more year dr conrad have capture on video what happen to the leukemia cell when they are expose to the killer nano particle at first he say the cell are happy and move once the agent is introduce very rapidly they change behavior they become bloated and they shrivel up and you see all there is no movement and you see all the cancer cell in the plate completely dead they think this agent is def con 5 and they undergo suicide say dr conrad for biomedical science student mina rizk work alongside the researcher in a potential cure for leukemia is a once in a lifetime opportunity I m grateful to have find this opportunity say rizk I am very aware that not many student have the chance I do while their focus have been blood cancer the researcher say they have have some success on solid cancer tumor too the next step though are clinical trial to see if they can kill the cancer cell in human the same way they do in mouse read more http ottawa ctvnew can ottawa researcher hopeful nano particle can cure leukemia 1 1409330 ixzz2btqkefrh
I have mylefibrosis which turn to leukemia they want to do a stem cell transplant stc on I but want the leukemia in remission first I have induction chemo hard chemo for a week in the hospital follow by three week in hosp in recovery this do not put leukemia in remission for some reason this round of chemo hit I hard I get a pnemonia I have asthma and some blood clot around my pic line a few week later I go in for a second round of chemo for a week in hospital I have very few side effect from this and the bad part was sit around recover for three week in that tiny room with two kid at home my leukemia still do not go in remission so they schedule I for a stc and tell I I have about a 10 percent chance it would work it do it is 120 day from transplant and I have no trace of leukemia in my system I get to know slightly five people who have sct at the same time I do they have various cancer all of we agree the fear of it was bad than the actual experience an stc consist of a week of chemo at the end of which the put the stem cell in you just like they would give you a blood transfusion it drip in like an iv and take about 2 hour the five people I was with all make it through and meet again in recovery you have to come in every day for awhile then every other day then every week and so on 4 of we get great result one person still have leukemia when it was finish I encourage you to get a second opinion when you make big decision after mayo clinic scottsdale want I to do a second round of chemo I go to md anderson for a second opinion they tell I I was chemo reisitant and that they would suggest an experimental jak2 inhibitor I do not even have the jak2 gene or mutation or whatever I say have that ever work at put leukemia in remission and they say no I have two little kid and need a decent chance to beat this I go back to mayo and my doctor dr reeder assure I I have a chance and he was right I shudder to think I might have go with md anderson recommendation I would also recommend dr slack at mayo scottsdale oh and by the way 3 of the 5 people who have sct with I were between 66 and 71 year old anyhow good luck in your journey kathy 42 year old
from one of my health group subject wayne dyer leukemia in case anyone here is not aware wayne have announce that he have chronic lymphocytic leukemia he is being see by an oncologist at the deepak chopra center just think I would send in case anyone would like to send he healing or contribute to his wellness blessing trish wayne dyer reveal that he have leukemia a couple of week ago motivational speaker and author dr wayne dyer state on his radio show excuse begone that he have some thing go on in his body he do not elaborate on it at that time however early today during dr dyers program on hay house radio a caller reference the aforementione comment this time dyer provide some detail behind his health situation dyer state that he have chronic lymphocytic leukemia cll which he say is not life threaten for he while many people would certainly fear this type of news dr dyer appear nonplussed state that he is totally confident and at peace with it he will be spend some time at the chopra center operate by dyer longtime friend dr deepak chopra chopra have been in touch with he nearly every day since dyer learn of the condition dyer say that he will be work with a holistic oncologist while at the chopra center while conclude his short talk about this situation dr dyer say that he is excited about the prospect of deal with it in the good case scenario dyer note that he can live the rest of his life without any difficulty from it the condition dr dyer have help thousand of people around the world for many year let we pray for he and keep he in our thought source http www allvoice com contribute news 3778829 wayne dyer reveal that he have leukemia
gmos now link to leukemia http nsnbc I 2013 07 17 gmo now link to leukemia barry
here is a link for an interesting article and sound bite regard aml specifically I think it would be of interest to many http wrbw membercenter worldnow com story 23452398 the leukemia lymphoma society and the knight cancer institute launch groundbreaking collaboration to improve outcome for acute myeloid leukemia peace andrea
genetic difference associate with outcome in acute myeloid leukemia by charles h weaver md it appear that different genetic mutation alteration affect outcome among patient with acute myeloid leukemia these result were recently publish in the new england journal of medicine acute myeloid leukemia aml is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow spongy portion find in the middle of bone it is characterize by the rapid uncontrolled growth of immature white blood cell know as myelocyte the disease is more common in adult than in child average age at diagnosis is old than age 65 as cancer therapy become more individualized researcher continue to evaluate outcome associate with different mutation along with other patient and disease variable know mutation occur in the follow gene involve in aml the nucleophosmingene npm1 the fms relate tyrosine kinase 3 gene flt3 the ccaat enhancer bind protein alpha gene cebpa the myeloidlymphoidor mixed lineage leukemia gene mll the neuroblastomaras viral oncogene homolog nra researcher from germany recently conduct a clinical study to explore the potential association between the npm1 flt3 cebpa mll and nra mutation and outcome among young adult with aml this study include 872 adult who were young than 60 year of age and have enter one of four clinical trial for aml 53 of patient have npm1 mutation 31 have flt3 internal tandem duplication itd 11 have flt tyrosine kinase domain mutation 13 have cebpa mutation 7 have mll partial tandem duplication ptds and 13 have nras mutation significant improvement in complete disappearance of cancer was demonstrate in patient with a mutate npm1 gene without flt3 it d and with the mutant cebpa gene as well as in young patient the benefit of a stem cell transplant was limit to individual with the flt3 it d mutation non mutate npm1 and cebpa gene without an flt3 i d mutation the researcher conclude that the mutation status of the specific gene study is associate with outcome for patient with aml these result provide more evidence that a cancer diagnosis often need to be far define so that individualized therapy can be administer and potentially provide optimal outcome patient diagnose with aml may wish to discuss these result with their healthcare provider reference schlenk r dohner k krauter j et al mutation and treatment outcome in cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia new england journal of medicine 2008 358 1909 1918
cll survival rate statistical information chronic lymphocytic leukemia it is estimate that 15 340 man and woman 8 960 man and 6 380 woman will be diagnose with and 4 500 man and woman will die of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in 2007 incidence mortality from 2000 2004 the median age at diagnosis for chronic lymphocytic leukemia was 72 year of age approximately 0 0 were diagnose under age 20 0 3 between 20 and 34 1 9 between 35 and 44 8 9 between 45 and 54 19 0 between 55 and 64 27 0 between 65 and 74 30 1 between 75 and 84 and 12 8 85 year of age these rate are base on case diagnose in 2000 2004 from 17 seer geographic area us mortality from 2000 2004 the median age at death for chronic lymphocytic leukemia was 78 year of age approximately 0 0 die under age 20 0 1 between 20 and 34 0 5 between 35 and 44 3 1 between 45 and 54 9 9 between 55 and 64 22 6 between 65 and 74 36 4 between 75 and 84 and 27 4 85 year of age discussion poster note I could not get table to paste up on here the number come out all over the place when I try also in the interest of space I ommitte many part of this report describe how they arrive at their number and so on if you want to see the entire report please go to the following link and you can print it out http seer cancer gov statfact html clyl_print html thank reference all statistic in this report are base on seer incidence and nch mortality statistic most can be find within rie lag melbert d krapcho m mariotto a miller ba feuer ej clegg l horner mj howlader and eisner mp reichman m edwards bk ed seer cancer statistic review 1975 2004 national cancer institute bethesda md http seer cancer gov csr 1975_2004 base on november 2006 seer datum submission post to the seer web site 2007
the third know human retrovirus xmrv seem to be emerge as a player in many illness a link have already been make to a certain type of prostate cancer in a recent study dr ila singh document that xmrv have a strong link to human cancer and may be associate with cervical cancer lymphomas leukemia and breast cancer and of course the wpi have make the link to I cfs on tuesday december 14 the fda blood product advisory committee will be hold a meeting to discuss the potential danger of murine leukemia virus mlvs in the blood supply the public is invite to participate http cfsuntie com blog2 2010 12 01 retrovirus victim uniteit in the blood al
leukemia survivor meet his bone marrow donor watch this touching meeting between two stranger who share an unbreakable bond luis have undergo 9 month of intense chemotherapy to treat his leukemia but it was have no effect doctor determine that unless a viable bone marrow donor could be find luis would die fortunately through the be the match marrow registry they were able to find a donor whose marrow would provide luis the life save stem cell he need to live watch as luis and the woman whose selflessness and generosity have he a second chance at life meet for the first time this is truly a touching video if you would like to consider being a bone marrow donor sign up with the be the match registry today http www youtube com watch v hi14ug_8_pa please watch thank you
melt down can not stop the water work today I find out dr wayne dyer die last saturday I feel so terribly sad what a great spirit I think one day I might be able to meet he I do not know he have leukemia I believe he was schedule to lecture this november in new york city I want to go see he he help so many people include I thank you so much dr dyer x leukemia is a type of cancer that affect the blood and bone marrow https www ll org leukemia a the quality of my life hasna t change at all a he continue a the quality of my life have always been good because ia ve always make it good when I was dirt poor as a little kid I can never remember being unhappy a dr wayne dyer ny times http www nytime com 2015 09 01 art wayne w dyer prolific author of self help book die at 75 html _ r 0 when I think about how wayne would most like to be remember I believe he would want we all to continue to learn to realize to embody the fact that quote wayne we are not our body our possession or our career who we are is divine love and that is infinite nicolas ortner a dedication to wayne an amazing spirit x the bad plus make possible hq https www youtube com watch v skoxnxiroky joshua redman soul dance https www youtube com watch v c6_owfsnczq lynyrd skynyrd free bird hd studio version https www youtube com watch v iean9dnavt4 my deep condolence to his family and friend h
hello aml team I am report back as order and since I do not have a support group on daily strength I hope that the aml team will officially allow for I to become part of this group to be support and to support in return some of you know that my journey begin with a trip to the er in december of 2014 my wbc were at 22000 and my aec absolute eosinophil count around 14000 I reach out to all of you in january as we begin the process of diagnosis we learn it was not aml after my first bone marrow biopsy but was diagnose with myeologeneous hypereosinophilic syndrome chronic eosinophilic leukemia m he s cel in early february I promise everyone to check in as thing move forward so here I am since my first bone marrow biopsy in january I was send from walter reed to the national institutes of health where my doctor try everything to see what might work on I prednisone imatinib and interferon have all fail additionally mris have reveal that I also have probable multiple sclerosis with lesion on my brain in the right spot a couple of other lesion on my spine and oligoclonal band in my spinal column after a spinal tap no blast or immature white cell in my csf so they are confident that the lesion are not leukemic in origin it appear to be a case of a very rare disease on top of a pretty rare disease that are independent from each other so where we are now is head to a bmt unlike the nasty leukemia that you all have m he s cel generally cause problem with either blood clot eosinophil are sticky and blood thinner do not work or organ damage specifically heart valve and pulmonary since they can not get the eosinophilia under control bmt is the only viable option I am still active duty navy currently station at the pentagon the navy have put I on limdu limited duty and is transfer I to stanford university hospital for bmt I have a remarkable 53 initial 10 of 10 match and they are narrow down for the good match current plan is for bmt in late june or early july even more remarkable is that my neurologist have say that the bmt when successful will likely cure my leukemia and the multiple sclerosis normally miss is not treat with bmt give risk but in certain extreme case it is if you all think that there is a more appropriate support group for I please let I know otherwise I would like to be part of this group as we all tackle the challenge of leukemia regardless of the specific variety v r john
so my new illne lymphoma start out as flesh eat bacteria I was fine until I watch something on tv about a lady with flesh eat bacteria that turn into leukemia when I realize my before midday was not rot off but my joint were hurt and now that have become lymphoma I even have a cbc do to convince myself I do not have leukemia I do not know for the life of I why but once I was clear of leukemia and extensively ask dr google about my cbc result even after my dr literally say I promise you will live I find that itching can be a sign of lymphoma so wham now I am itch all over oh and I find some small red dot on my that I visit 2 drs and ask the doc I work for about because I was am convinced they are petechiae everyone keep tell I I am fine and I should know I am but I can not shake the feeling that I am not or the urge to google junk which I know is bad and I have this stupid itch that I know I simply invent in my brain because I do not itch until I read about it I need help at 22 I am much to young for this and I am not resort to med to control my fear and anxiety I want to fix this on my own
hi everyone okay this is not one of my more usual upbeat and cheerful message sigh but an update on goose I just get off the phone with he I do not want to go into great detail with anyone without first ask his permission to do so I m sure you can all understand sigh he have been book into princess margret hospital in toronto today for aml explaination follow acute myeloid leukemia aml also know as acute myelogenous leukemia is a cancer of the myeloid line of white blood cell characterize by the rapid proliferation of abnormal cell which accumulate in the bone marrow and interfere with the production of normal blood cell aml is the most common acute leukemia affect adult and its incidence increase with age although aml is a relatively rare disease account for approximately 1 2 of cancer death in the united states 1 its incidence is expect to increase as the population age last week was a battery of blood work bone marrow test for he and this is the result of this thing move very fast for he and for once so do the canadian medical system I will be go to see he on saturday and sunday comme up and apparently they have internet access at the hospital where he is so I will be take my laptop to he hopefully he will be able to use it to get on line as it look like he will be there for aproximately 8 week at this time and this was if it work he will be able to keep in contact with everyone on ds also if anyone wish to send he a private message please just send it to my private email address and I will deliver it to he on the weekend other than that he seem to be hold up as well as can be expect know that personally I love and respect you all dearly but please no one no one tell I that god do not give we more than we can handle I just do not wish to hear that at this time sorry if that offend anyone but it have been a hell of a rough week emotionally and I am do handle anything at this point and I can say with almost certinaly that goose is as well sigh hug heather
new video from patient power study bring positive result for the most resistant type of cml a promising new treatment bring hope for patient with a rare form of leukemia who have run out of treatment option result report for a third line treatment for chronic myelogenous leukemia cml show the investigational drug ponatinib help patient with relapsed or resistant response to prior treatment overcome the resistance include those with the previously invincible t35i mutation lead trial investigator jorge corte md from md anderson cancer center present finding at the american society of hematology annual meeting he say the drug was effective in both patient with a wide variety of mutation as well those with none and put the new datum in perspective for cml patient currently in treatment see the video with dr corte at http www patientpower info video study bring positive result for the most resistant type of cml
my boyfriend was diagnose with aml on january 3rd 2017 so we are new to this community for those of you who have time to read this I am go to try my good to describe our experience thus far and hopefully someone will have some advice to give I if you have any question please feel free to ask as there is a lot of information we have obtain in a short period of time and it is easy for I to miss something a little back round greg and I have been together for 7 month and we have a bit of an age gap between the two of we I just have my 22nd birthday on the 16th of december and he just have his 35th birthday the 30th of december we were both bear and raise in alaska and the both of we have never been married nor have kid often in alaska people form a type of seasonal depression in the wintertime because of the lack of sunshine and constant darkness mid november is kind of when greg start act weird in the sense that he was pretty tired most of the time and keep talk about how hard it was to get up the stair and little thing like that as athletic and active as he is I have assumption that he was develop a seasonal depression at the time he have no health insurance and as most man are do not want to see a doctor anyways as time go on his tan complexion become very pale and he develop serious lack of appetite and energy I was so confused and concerned by his behavior and tell he he need to either apply for health insurance or go to the er without insurance I think he must have some sort of anemia with the way he bruise so easily and that maybe he was depressed as well it was not only concern but it was affect our relationship I remember a couple day before christmas greg and I were lay in bed and he just flat out tell I that he know he have leukemia base on what he have read of the internet we both cry together that night especially I because the thought that my boyfriend might have cancer never even cross my mind it have hit I hard after I have read the symptom of leukemia but the possibility was so scary I just shrug it off it wasna t until the 3rd of january when he have hardly been out of bed for 3 day except to go to the bathroom and shower that I give he the ultimatum and say that he was either go to the hospital or I was go to leave he it seem like he was die before my own eye and I was not go to watch he suffer any more diagnosis it take a little less than an hour from the time we get to the er to diagnose he with leukemia fear run through I know that greg do not have any health insurance and I know this was far more than just get help for depression or anemia the news was a shock and emotion were high alaska do treat leukemia patient but I suppose that his count alarm the doctor enough that they feel as if he need to be medevaca d as soon as possible to the university of washington medical center the problem was that he have a hemoglobin the amount of oxygen in his blood of 3 where as you and I have a hemoglobin of 15 16 in order for any person to fly they at least need hemoglobin of 7 so 4 blood infusion later he was at hemoglobin of 7 and we were fly out in a leer jet around 6 am on january the 4th by some miracle greg have apply for medicaid about mid december and we have not hear from they since so he and I both assume that he was still uninsured before we leave the er a lady pop her head into our room and say something as simple as alaska medicaid is go to take care of you do not worry about anything I remember my jaw drop and this huge weight was lift of our chest duration in the hospital we arrive at the uw medical center early in the morning on january 4th our room was beautiful with a great view of a harbor and mt rainier greg was so full of energy and he finally have color in his skin again think back I was so naive yes people become pale in the winter in alaska but I should have been more alarmed when he look almost transparent and his lip were kind of a yellowish color those 4 blood bag have give he so much life our attend doctor dr pamela becker so I am tell and truly believe it is the good in the country and we are fortunate enough to have she my understanding is that the typical way that they diagnose the type of leukemia a patient have is a bone marrow biopsy but because his blood was 60 leukemia cell it mean his bone marrow was at least 60 90 leukemia cell so they do not see the need for a bone marrow biopsy as they want to start chemo as soon as possible another thing you guy should know is that on january 1st twenty one year ago greg mom pass away after a little over a year fight with all leukemia before dr becker know the type of leukemia he have they really want to look into see if his leukemia was genetic when it come back as an aml diagnosis they wipe that possibility off the table they begin his g clam chemo regiman on the 7th of january which is administer daily for 5 day the first day of chemo he have so much energy that he walk 4 mile around the oncology floor which we learn about 2 day later was a huge mistake he have do such little activity the past couple month that his calfa s have become so sore and stiff from the 4 mile walk that he literally could not walk his body could not heal he like a normal healthy person body would and it very much affect he with his symptom to come from the chemo the following night he was unable to control his bowel and I was not strong enough to be able to carry he to the restroom the first night this was happen was probably the first time in a long time that we have actually have an uncontrollable laugh I remember we were in the middle of a conversation and he sneeze and look at I in shock say hannah I just shit myself the bad part was that he couldna t lift himself up because of the condition of his calfa s so the scene was a messy one it was a little early in life than I expect but here I was change my boyfrienda s diaper which we still get a good laugh at at the same time he was run a high fever get up to 104 7 at it is high for about 4 day and have sever rigger which make his body even more sore by the 5th or 6th day he was still unable to walk but we have kind of get the diarrhea under control and we finally get some help from a physical therapist to help he get the strength to walk again on top of everything else greg is naturally a thin guy normally weigh 160 165lb at a height of 61 he weigh about 145lbs when he was admit into the hospital and if I think it was hard to get food down his throat before diagnosis chemo and fever cause by the chemo definitely do not help the situation when he was finally stabilize enough to be discharge from the hospital two week from the time we were admit he weigh 137lbs this time in the hospital all seem like a blur I was frustrate with myself because I was suppose to be the person to support he and be strong for he and I often find myself in the bathroom or hallway sobbing of course now I realize that those feeling are all very natural and for those of you read this that are the front line for your love one and feel the same way that this is all okay and we need to let ourselves feel that way now he now is an outpatient at the seattle cancer care alliance and go there every other day when he first become an outpatient we were tell that his disease itself is categorize as trisomy 6 we do his bone marrow biopsy on the 8th of february and the result come back that he still have 12 leukemia cell in his bone marrow and 0 in his blood I have hope he would be in remission so this was not the good news however the doctor reassure we that this is normal for a person who have such a high volume when he was first admit so on the 15th we start his second round of his g clam regimen he say he honestly have not feel this good in over a year and the chemo have yet to affect this I hope that since the chemo do not have as much to kill off this round that he doesna t have such a hard time with all of this like he do last time he also have gain weight since he was last in the hospital and now weigh 150lbs and look so much well than he have this past couple month his face is full and bright and is just very happy for someone with an aggressive cancer greg is an only child so they are currently look for a bone marrow donor for he right now we have 3 scenario as to what is go to happen next scenario 1 greg go into remission after this treatment and if they have a donor match then he will go straight to transplant scenario 2 greg go into remission but they have not find a donor match for he if that happen they will send we back to alaska to receive chemo treatment to keep he in remission until they find he a donor then we will go back to seattle and he will receive his transplant scenario 3 greg do not go into remission and we continue to attack the cancer with chemo treatment in seattle until he do go into remission and can get he into transplant we will not find out any of this for another 4 week when they can get a bone marrow biopsy and see where he is if he is able to go into transplant he will do the prep for transplant which I am completely unsure what this really consist of the 20 30 day prior to transplant and then when he receive his stem cell transplant he stay in transplant housing for another 100 day
http www cdc gov ncidod dhqp bp_xmrv html look like progress at last xenotropic murine leukemia virus relate virus xmrv overview question answer xenotropic murine leukemia virus relate virus xmrv xmrv is a newly identify human retrovirus that is similar to a mouse retrovirus that scientist have know about for year xmrv refer to xenotropic murine leukemia virus relate virus it was first identify in sample of human prostate cancer tissue in a study publish in october 2009 scientist report a potential association of xmrv with chronic fatigue syndrome cfs in this study xmrv was detect in approximately two third of patient diagnose with cfs and 3 7 percent of control the frequency of xmrv infection in healthy person and the potential role of this virus in cause disease such as prostate cancer and cfs are unknown at this time if it is determined that xmrv may have a role in cause disease and illness prevention recommendation can be make the report of the october 2009 publish study also identify dna of xmrv in the blood cell of some healthy person and suggest a potential for xmrv transmission by transfusion or transplantation at present although it is theoretically plausible that xmrv can be transmit through blood transfusion no such transmission event have been identify and there is no known evidence of xmrv infection or xmrv relate illness in transfusion recipient these recent finding and a potential link with prostate cancer and cfs must be scientifically and independently evaluate several study are underway to evaluate the risk of xmrv transmission through blood transfusion agency within the department of health and human service hhs are conduct study to determine the prevalence of xmrv in the blood donor population hhs scientist are also work with scientist in industry and academia to determine if xmrv can be transmit by blood transfusion if a link between xmrv and transfusion is establish action will be take to reduce the risk additionally a public health service ph work group plan to coordinate testing of specimen to assess transfusion transmissibility of xmrv if an agent is find to be transmissible by blood study must begin quickly to evaluate if the agent cause disease in transfusion recipient hhs agency include cdc will continue to keep the public update and inform as more information become accessible from each of the study being conduct
I am not sure youall rember how confusing the name change were for ampyra when it first come out campath is another one that will be confuse just let folk know what they are look for campath is that med in phase iii trial predict to be on the market in the first quater of next year because it have been give fda fast track status in trial it have reduce miss lesion more than any other drug at 86 its the one that is 5 consecutive day of iv infusion the first year than 3 consective day every year after that but miss treatment only 1x a year kind of set it every year and forget it kind of med that is campath it is currently use to treat leukemia when it is release to treat miss it will be call lemtrada campath for leukemia lemtrada for miss the back ground on this name change is a little less ethical but expect campath is about a third of the cost of any miss me on the market so if they begin to sell it for miss treatment they have to raise the price hence the name change campath will be a third of the cost of lemtrada they need separate name to do that http www bloomberg com news 2011 02 16 genzyme s experimental miss drug to profit investor only if it have success html
breakthrough miracle cancer drug could reverse parkinson october 18 2015 by dan taylor it is a huge finding that could change how parkinson is treat a drug that is typically use to battle leukemia could help people reduce symptom of parkinson or dementia a groundbreake new study have find researcher give nilotinib common in the treatment of leukemia to 12 patient in a pilot study and find that there was movement and mental improvement in all 11 people who go through with the trial over a period of six month accord to an npr report they report their finding at the society for neuroscience meeting in chicago which take place this past saturday and they were not minor improvement either the studys author fernando pagan who is the director of the movement disorder program at georgetown university medical center say that one woman actually was able to feed herself again after lose that ability and another man stop use his walker three more patient who have become mute were suddenly able to speak again he say it was the most excited that is ever been in 25 year of parkinson research accord to the report parkinson patient show improvement after take cancer drug by claire zillman clairezillman october 19 2015 5 00 prime minister edt some of the improvement were dramatic researcher at georgetown university medical center on saturday reveal what could be a major breakthrough in the treatment of parkinson disease a study unveil at the society for neuroscience annual meeting find that 11 patient with parkinson disease with dementia who were give nilotinib an fda approve drug for leukemia that s sell by novartis as tasigna experience improved cognition motor skill and non motor function in a 12 patient six month trial fernando pagan a gumc associate professor of neurology who direct the movement disorder program at medstar georgetown university hospital say that to his knowledge the study represent the first time a therapy appear to reverseto a great or less degree depend on stage of diseasecognitive and motor decline in patient with these neurodegenerative disorder in some patient the result of the treatment were rather dramatic a release from gumc say that one patient who was confine to a wheelchair was able to walk again and that three other patient who could not speak were able to hold conversation one patient in the trial alan hoffman a professor emeritus of social science education at georgia state university was diagnose with parkinson disease in 1997 before take nilotinib he say he do not do much around the house now he tell gumc I empty the garbage unload the dishwasher load the washer and the dryer set the table even take responsibility for grill peace brer t
four time cancer survivor go from heart transplant to ironman editor by sarah beston shine staff diagnosis one kyle was first diagnose with hodgkina s disease five week after his 18th birthday a you kind of step outside of yourself for a bit you are eighteen and you think are indestructible a planning the next seventy year of your life a then all of a sudden you hear a cancer diagnosis and it doesna t feel real it feel like you are live in an after school special you are stunned it is a shot to the gut it knock the wind out of you I go and spend the afternoon with friend just kind of laugh and make the transition from a wow this is really bada to a ok this is something we have to do so wea ll figure out how to do it a every day after school for the next five month kyle drive to the hospital for radiation therapy diagnosis two he attend the university of missouri and remain cancer free during his freshman year but in june of 1991 he was re diagnose with hodgkina s a I exist somewhat normally my first time around my second time around I was 100 a cancer patient at that point I go through six month of chemotherapy and that was a very different thing I lose all of my hair I look very sick I was on high dosage of the steroid prednisone which cause I to swell up and get what they call a moon face I lose all strength I was sick all the time so for that year I didna t go to school a diagnosis three in november of 1994 after almost three year of being cancer free the hodgkina s disease return for a third time both radiation and chemotherapy have fail and with few other option to explore doctor decide to do a bone marrow transplant the transplant involve a course of intense chemotherapy destroy nearly every cell of bone marrow before the stem cell could restart the system a at a certain point all of your blood count crash and then they just wipe out your immune system ita s like they throw you off a boat into the water you sit there and start to sink and then they throw you the life preserver thata s kind of how the treatment go and hopefully you are lucky enough to catch the life preserver I was lucky enough to catch the preserver and make it through the bone marrow transplant a diagnosis four more than two year remove from the bone marrow transplant kyle have graduate from college and was work as a sport writer at fox sport net when he was diagnose with a secondary leukemia on july 23 1997 the acute lymphocytic leukemia have been cause by the chemotherapy drug vp 16 which was give to kyle during the bone marrow transplant a I truly believe I have been hand my death sentence I was no long a rookie I have read a lot about it I know what kind of thing were happen to my body and I know what leukemia mean I also know that get leukemia from chemotherapy make it even bad and I know that because of my weak heart due to the chemo drug adriamycin they couldna t treat I as aggressively as they might have someone healthy I really think when the doctor tell I that I have leukemia that he was basically tell I that I was go to die a three long year of chemotherapy follow a most day were pretty long and I was pretty sick and there was a lot of pain involve so what I try to do was just focus on try to have a good half an hour every day then I could use that to get I to the next day that half hour could be a friend come by to talk baseball each morning when I would wake up I would try to figure out where I could find those thirty minute it was really about the people in my life I really enjoy my time with they and I wasna t ready to quit at that point I have think a lot about my own death and ia d come to the realization that I wasna t afraid of die but I was sure not ready to be do live a doctor come up with a course of chemotherapy that cure the leukemia without cause any further damage his already weaken heart after four bout with two different kind of blood cancer kyle was free of cancer but his heart condition was continue to deteriorate it eventually land he on a heart transplant list in 2001 more than five year later kyle get the call a donor heart have been find and was wait for he a the heart transplant was different because they were actually go to be restore I it was scary but there was also some excitement because I know eventually the cloud would lift and on the other side of the cloud I would find what could pass for normal life I would be get strong as each day pass a throughout his battle kyle recognize that a the meaning in our own life come from help other a he have since devote his life to serve other through his motivational speak his write his memoir a heart of irona come out this november and a commitment to the leukemia lymphoma society and their team in training program team in training help train nearly half a million runner walker triathlete cyclist and hiker who raise money to fund lifesave cancer research kyle begin train and compete in triathlon eleven month after his heart transplant kyle cross the finish line of his first race as a triathlete in the 2007 nautica malibu triathlon and is now train for a his everesta to be the first heart transplant recipient to complete the kona ironman in hawaii why a because I can because I shouldna t be able to because for so long I couldna t because there are so many I know who never will because the scar on my chest hip and shoulder tell my story they tell the story of my heart donor a a man who exit this world far too early but in death leave behind the most precious gift imaginable a kyle believe that the strength of the human spirit is what get we through the tough time a the nice thing about being down in the valley is that there is always a mountain on the other side of it you just have to get through that valley and once you do you can start to climb out again no sadness or pain or fear is permanent there is always something good around the corner there is a lot of beauty in life most of it can be find in the people that populate our life the close relationship but even in the total stranger a never give up never ever
http forum phoenixrise I showthread php 11634 lombardi et al 2011 cytokine signature in cfs p 178976 avoid the controversy just read the fact the fact speak for themselves lombardi et al 2011 cytokine signature in cfs in vivo 25 307 314 2011 xenotropic murine leukemia virus relate virus associate chronic fatigue syndrome reveal a distinct inflammatory signature vincent c lombardi1 kathryn s hagen1 kenneth w hunter4 john w diamond2 julie smith gagen3 wei yang3 and judy a mikovits1 1whittemore peterson institute university of nevada reno miss 0552 1664 and virginia st reno nv 89557 you s a 2triad medical center 4600 kietzke lane m242 reno nv 89502 you s a 3nevada center for health statistic and informatics university of nevada 1664 and virginia st reno nv 89557 you s a 4university of nevada reno department of microbiology and immunology apply research facility 1664 and virginia st miss 199 reno nv 89557 you s a abstract background the recent identification of xenotropic murine leukemia virus relate virus xmrv in the blood of patient with chronic fatigue syndrome cfs establish that a retrovirus may play a role in the pathology in this disease knowledge of the immune response might lead to a well understanding of the role xmrv play in this syndrome our objective was to investigate the cytokine and chemokine response in xmrv associate cfs material and method use luminex multi analyte profiling technology we measure cytokine and chemokine value in the plasma of xmrv infect cfs patient and compare these datum to those of healthy control analysis was perform use the gene expression pattern analysis suite and the random forest tree classification algorithm result this study identify a signature of 10 cytokine and chemokine which correctly identify xmrv cfs patient with 93 specificity and 96 sensitivity conclusion these datum show for the first time an immunological pattern associate with xmrv cfs introduction chronic fatigue syndrome cfs is a poorly understand disease of unknown etiology which is commonly characterize by innate immune defect chronic immune activation and dysregulation often lead to neurological malady review in 1 it can also involve other biological system such as the musculoskeletal gastrointestinal and endocrinological system 2 4 although several common symptom are primarily report and predominate they may differ among individual are often intermittent and can persist for year frequently result in substantial disability 5 some of the most commonly report physical symptom include muscle weakness and pain tender or swollen lymph node and chronic flu like symptom 6 memory and concentration impairment blur vision dizziness and sleep abnormality represent some of the cognitive symptom typically observe while immunological symptom often manifest themselves through viral reactivation rnase l dysregulation decrease natural killer nk cell function and susceptibility to opportunistic infection 7 12 nk cell dysregulation may be associate with viral reactivation or viral persistence and may also lead to malignancy 13 14 indeed clinical observation corroborate pathological manifestation in cfs as viral reactivation particularly herpe virus such as cytomegalovirus cmv epstein barr virus ebv and human herpe virus 6 hhv 6 are common occurrence 15 17 moreover epidemiological study have report increase incidence of lymphoma associate with cfs outbreak 18 these clinical observation suggest that a compromise innate immune system may play a role in cfs pathology the completion of the human genome project enable positional cloning study to identify the rnasel gene as the hereditary prostate cancer allele 1 hpc1 19 this discovery prompt robert silverman and his colleague to search for a viral component to hereditary prostate cancer use a viral micro array and tissue biopsy from individual with hereditary prostate cancer they identify and sequence the complete genome of a novel human gammaretrovirus very similar in sequence to xenotropic murine leukemia virus and therefore term the new virus xenotropic murine leukemia virus relate virus xmrv 20 subsequent study perform in our laboratory identify and isolate infectious xmrv in the blood of 67 of cfs patient 21 this work was perform use multiple technique include pcr electron microscopy show bud viral particle western blot analysis of viral protein and serology confirm that infected patient express antibody to xmrv envelope protein in addition gene sequence and phylogenetic analysis confirm these patient were indeed infect with xmrv that was 99 identical to previously publish sequence but was obviously distinct from the only exist xmrv molecular clone vp62 20 take together this work clearly rule out any possibility of gross contamination and additionally represent the first identification and isolation of naturally occur infectious xmrv the connection between cfs and xmrv was far support by the study of lo et al who identify murine leukemia virus mlv relate sequence in the blood of 86 of cfs patient far establish a retroviral association with cfs 22 presently three family of retrovirus are know to infect human the human immunodeficiency viruse hiv the human t cell leukemia viruse htlv and now the human murine leukemia relate virus both hiv and htlv are know to dysregulate the innate immune system and promote the production of inflammatory cytokine and chemokine 23 24 in light of the association between xmrv and cfs it is not surprising that some of the most salient observation in cfs are the difference in cytokine and chemokine when compare to healthy control 8 previous report however address the role of these molecule in cfs have produce conflicting result much of this emerge from such hindrance as small sample size a limited number of cytokine survey at one time insufficient patient population stratification and insufficient negative control subject this have result in inconsistent report in the literature for a number of cytokine include interleukin il 6 10 and 12 in spite of these conflict result a number of cytokine and chemokine have consistently been show to be associate with different subgroup of cfs for instance natelson et al show elevated level of il 8 and il 10 in the cerebral spinal fluid of patient with sudden influenza like onset cfs when compare to healthy control 25 additionally chao et al have show neopterin and il 6 to be up regulate in subset of cfs patient indicative of a pro inflammatory immune condition 26 however these study do not analyze the complex relationship between multiple cytokine and clinical disease by apply conventional statistical analysis and machine logic algorithm to the multiplex datum it is possible to identify cytokine and chemokine that are differentially express between two group to support this premise we have use the xmap multi analyte profiling technology that allow simultaneous measurement of multiple biomarker in serum or plasma in this study a panel of 26 cytokine chemokine and growth and angiogenic factor were analyze in blood plasma of cfs patient and healthy control subject this study reveal a signature of 10 cytokine and chemokine which show a specificity of 93 and sensitivity of 96 in diagnose xmrv associate cfs in this patient cohort full text here http www megaupload com d v980uchy if you are not a member of megaupload you have to wait for about a minute
week of march 15 2010 ten of thousand of vietnam veteran with ischemic heart disease parkinson disease or b cell leukemia should file claim now with the department of veterans affair for disability compensation not wait until va publish a regulation officially link these disease to wartime service veteran advocacy group are urge the swift filing of claim because veteran eventually find eligible for disability pay for these disease will be able to receive compensation back to the date their claim were file read the full article
its been 2 year and like many it was the first very personal relationship I have with a girl to this day I always say that she pass away from cancer leukemia to be exact yes she have leukemia apparently she s do much well now but our relationship was difficult I do not know about how a womans mind work but I know its very complex and can be influence by her close friend and family ever since than all the happy thought new beginning and even new emotion have all disappear I think that this was something very special an answer to many thing she was teach I in a way she was show I compassion and kindness which lead I to do great thing and even help society but that christmas morning ruin everything I am strong now after a couple fail relationship I realize I am not humane enough to deal with relationship I am still bitter in a way all the thing I go through to keep someone alot of people happy I have nothing to show for i d give more detail about my past relationship but its not for the public its a personal ordeal I know there are other here who have been through the same or even bad but like the title say I am new to this particular support group I do not know what solution I may find but at least I will not be talk to myself about
I am a new member and hope to find some support in deal with depression and anxiety I am a single parent and one of my child have leukemia so thing have been really rough lately it is difficult for I to go anywhere with my son being sick so I hope I can find someone to talk to when I can not get away
mandy is only 24 she is such a sweet friend here on ds mandy have leukemia and her kidney are shut down she have seizure and alot of thing that are go wrong she is try to be strong she is back in the hospital and is not do well please pray for healing and strength upon she and pray for her family that god will help they through this if you would like to send a hug she is supportneeded25 on here thank everyone
dear colleague I would like to ask what is well method for cml after tki treatment routine karyotyping or fish because I am try to do karyotype for cml patient after tki and I get no metaphase could it be influeance of tki whereas karyotypes for other leukemia go perfect thank you for share your experience vaida
sheila was recently diagnose with leukemia I do not know which type and do not feel this is the time to ask she a lot of question she is married and have child please ask the lord to perform a miracle in her life and rid she of this awful disease thank very much this is an excellent group I am so thankful you invite I love jenni
hi I m 15 and was just diagnose with leukemia aml I m start chemo tomarrow and I m really scared you see stuff in movie and all that about what its go to be like but you never really know until its actually happen to you so I was wonder if someone could tell I their experience what s chemo really like I just have no idea what to expect cause the doctor never really answer any of my question or anything thank so much
do anyone have any experience with the liver clinic at you of m I have an appt come up and wonder if anyone have deal with they from what I have read they sound pretty good I am go there for a second opinion to see if I can even be treat at all since I have leukemia as a child treatment could possibly cause a relapse from remission
my brother was diagnose with leukemia about a year ago and have have chemo radiation and have do well but now is back where he start about a year ago and they give he about 6 week to live I know this was eventually go to happen because he go undiagnosed for about a year before I feel so very deeply sad and I guess am look for some support thank you in advance for any feedback
dear all I am consider take blood test but I am unsure what do they have to include I know the plaquet are important but what else should we be look at do anyone know if its possible to get detailed blood test I am ask this because my sister have pass away with leukemia m3 and the doctor advise family member to track down for each one of we can anyone enlight I on this thank
I think I would post this topic in the event it might be find by someone who is research this or approach about this study I am not find much information regard this and I am really not sure how it differ from the standard of care I will be 5 month post transplant tomorrow we can not be 100 certain I recieve this drug it is believe by my side effect that it is most likely so far I have have no gvhd I am extreamly bless and very thankful for that I am not out of the wood yet and yes as I think most would agree I have a tiny bit of worry that I will grow a nubbin I want to do something to help research when I ask my dr why they do not do t cell depleate transplant he tell I at the beginning of his career that was his focus he is acheave the same goal with a complete ablation and the prophylaxis prior to transplant who know the well option science will eventually decide that here is a little info on the study and criterion that I copy viccbmt1218 a randomize prospective double blind placebo control phase 3 study of we atg f prophylaxis as a supplement to standard of care prophylaxis to prevent moderate to severe chronic gvhd in adult acute myeloid leukemia acute lymphoid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome patient after allogeneic stem cell transplantation summary the purpose of this study is to find out if the investigational drug call we atg f an anti t lymphocyte immune globulin or antibody in addition to tacrolimus and methotrexate can be safely use to prevent graft versus host disease gvhd with a focus on moderate to severe chronic gvhd just wonder what other use for prophylaxis and if you have a t cell deplete transplant do you need prophylaxis I am find the science of chemo and transplant very interesting right now trish
ok so I was look up to see why my gum were bleed and I figure it was because I do not brush my tooth at all for like once every few week and eat nasty shit also have 1 swollen tonsil so I look that up and its an infection due to my gingivitis I m almost 19 by the way so that was the only symptom I have right and then I see the link to a website about leukemia so I look it up and it say swollen spleen I have one and find out about it a few month back due to a cat scan but it do not hurt and never have so I freak out I was like oh my god I have leukemia and then all of a sudden after I completely panic about it and have an irrational fear I start to get really bad fatigue can some one worry themself into fatigue please take note that a few week ago I freak out because I think I have a retinal detachment I think I have one so bad I have a panic attack for 3 day and it was what I describe the bad few day of my life I think I almost create symptom for myself well I go to the eyedoctor and they say I was fine is it possible for a hyperchondriac with panic disorder and this irrational fear to create symptom like fatigue and weakness for myself
for those of you help I wait out the day my dad is out of surgery and in sicu they have to go open and not laproscopically the entire adrenal gland was remove and send to pathology to see if its malignant his spleen is also enlarge I have no idea if that is due to his leukemia his alcoholism or the adrenal gland but at least for now he is stable and we wait for the path report thank to everyone for the support today I would have never get through the wait without you hug nettie
hello first of all I want you wish all of you a good health and a positive thinking secondly I am sorry for my english as it is not my first language I want to tell you my mother experience in lam m2 1 in april may 2013 she was diagnose with lam m2 and we have confirmation from other hospital abroad as well she have at that time 55 blast she start the first course of chemo in may 2013 7 3 regiman and also together with anti infectious prophylaxis at that time she have some adverse reaction after platelet allergic reaction bone marrow after the first course was 28 blast 2 second therapy june july 2013 the 7 3 regiman have been stop in day 6 follow by severe neutropenia and thrombocytopeinia for 28 day and mild cutaneous reaction to platelet 3 third chemo august 2013 7 3 regiman 7 day of well tollerance fast hemathological recovery 4 chemo 4 therapy with ara c 500 mg and doxorubicin 90 mg bone marrow evaluation 7 5 chemo 5 chemo well tolerate severe neutropenia for 7 day severe thromocytopenia for 10 day alergic shock after platelet transfusion this is one of the bad moment as my mother was near death at that time the doctor need to continue the transfusion but it was impossible at the same time because of the allergic shock in that moment she begin take afa algae complex formula one day later when the doctor check the platelet they conclude that the transfusion is not need anymore the value increase hour by hour day by day they could not explain why when I ask they an opinion on the afa algae and the increase of the vlaue they simply tell I that there is no link whatsoever right now she begin take ahhc as well briefly since then no more transfusion and the hematologyc level were fine some doctor tell I that without afa algae when would have been dead sorry for grammar 6 chemo 6 the doctor decide for a non aggressive regimen 2 5 even if the doctor prepare blood product they do not need they the combination was afa algae 6 pill per day ahcc 2 pill per day in january 2014 the bone marrow show 6 7 blast another chemo at that time and in feb as well as I remember 7 in march my mother tell the doctor that she need a pause of 30 40 day the bone marrow show around 4 blast the blood composition was fine conclusion since nov 2013 since she take afa and ahcc 1 fast recovery after chemo 1 2 day of neutropenia only 2 good and balanced health right now my mother is in holiday with my father in the mountain she feel perfect she walk all day on the mountain she sleep well she check her blood and all the analysis say that all value are very good few week ago I ask her doctor about the afa algae and ahcc if there is any link between her good state since november and afa and ahcc finally he admit that in any case they contribute to the good health she have now moreover all the doctor discuss and they conclude that they need to prescribe to their patient unofficially ahcc and afa also since february my mother take resveratrol 200 mg as I read in many study the resveratrol is able to provoke the aptosis of the leukemia cell and the remake of the leukemia stem cell my comment after 1 year of reading 1 the chemo alone do not cure it only kill the blast and keep they at a low level this could be in many case a temporarily solution that s why many patience relapse as a metaphor let say we have a lot of rat blast in a room the chemo kill they one by one sometimes 3 at a time sometimes 6 at a time the rat blast keep come though from where they come from the rat hole we have in the wall the leukemia stem cell so in my humble opinion we can use chemo when the level of blast is high and once we get a low level we have to work on kill leukemia stem cell for instance resveratrol provoke the leukemic cell apoptosis and repair the good stem cell
1 you are different and that is bad 2 pop go the hamster and other great microwave game 3 garfield get feline leukemia 4 the kid guide to hitchhike 5 babar meet the taxidermist 6 control the playground respect through fear 7 some kitten can fly 8 curious george and the high voltage fence 9 daddy drink because you cry 10 mister fork and miss socket become friend
I have been have trouble with my foot and or my toe feel numb to the point that they hurt I have ask the doctor about this but he do not see a reason for it to happen have anyone else have this problem and know of anyone that have this problem that have have leukemia I talk with someone the other day that say they know of someone that have the same problem but I have not see anything about it anywhere else so I guess this is more research then anything thank jim
hey guy first I just want to say I have been lurk for over a year now think of you all daily really think of ollie right now we all know there will be setback smooth sailing would be just too easy this late issue come after we have let our guard down and I can not find any information on what we might be face my dad was diagnose early oct 2011 he go through the first round of chemo like a champ but no remission like rocky he go right back in for round 2 and hit remission he get out of the hospital thanksgive day last year he have his stem cell transplant in jan of this year he breeze right through his first 100 day and well past it when it come to the horror story you hear about chemo and transplant my dad just write the clift note version of it well here we are a year later and he go in for his late check up his number are all outta wack white are down platelet are down and bad of all his donor is down the goal is to be 100 of your donor also his liver number were all outta wack and they think it might be gvh he have to have a biopsy on it he have mds man this is all sound bad they have to make sure he do not have gvh before they can start treat the mds so it do not turn into leukemia also they are say that if its not gvh then he have to have a boost from his donor so he have to have I guess a mini transplant but all that go out the window if he have gvh of the liver a month ago he have a bm check bc his number were kinda stall it show no leukemia but these new blood test that were just do show something is go on any of you get any experience with something like this try to keep this short you all hang in there I m go to seth
hi I am write to this group to get some idea my brother just today was in the hospital for heart arrythmias pulse jump to 168 episodically he have wpw in the past which is an extra electrical lead of the heart but they fix it through surgery so he is not suppose to have that anymore however the hospital do blood test and tell we that everything was fine except for his potassium which was low I ask for a copy of the blood test and am very confused even though they say he was fine multiple thing are out of normal range here is what is abnormal potassium 3 3 low glucose blood 102 fast as he have not eat anything so far that day rbc red blood cell 4 43 m ml low hct hemocrit 39 2 low that is odd enough and indicate mild anemia but the abnormality do not stop there neutrophil 43 low lymphocyte 45 high I use good old google to look at what these result could mean and I keep see leukemia pop up it make I worry so I look at symptom and he do have some of they he is tired a lot is underweight do not seem to have an appetite anymore as well as pain in his bone and joint we always think it was a form of arthritis am I worry too much are result like these indicative of other thing or just slightly off and nothing to worry about or do you think that perhaps he need to be test I keep see that high lymphocyte plus low neutrophil and low red blood cell is indicative of chronic lymphocytic leukemia he have no primary doctor at the moment his doctor apparently is in trouble with the law suddenly and drop all of his patient so I am mainly just try to find out what is wrong with he thank for any idea
hi I am also a member of leukemia foundation online support in australia http talkbloodcancer com index php option com_fireboard itemid 2 func view i d 4894 catid 8 and this information that was paste look interesting http www eurekalert org pub_releases 2008 11 mc rfp110608 php well wish gary
I am always on the look out for new treatment option for aml this is from 2012 but is a very interesting view point from a physician about the management of aml I hope it might be of interest to some http www healio com hematology oncology hematologic malignancy news print hemonc today 7b0202cf1f 7ddf 4cb3 9a0e 9278817aea9a 7d an evolve view of acute leukemia
remember how several week ago we all pull together for bill young niece calli who was in the terrible accident in kentuckey well if many of you read the message after midday mdladys grandson was just diagnose with leukemia plus jean health have not been too good lately either that is why I am ask you for she for prayer for not only jean mdlady but her grandson as well thank jim
my mother have been refractory to two round of induction chemotherapy her oncologist think that her leukemia cell are resistant to chemotherapy and that she is unlikely to respond to anything else and would not do anything else for she so I get we an appointment at memorial sloan they have a phase 1 trial with antibody with radiation have anyone consider or try this or other drug actinium 225 label anti cd 33 monoclonal antibody hum195 or antibodie with other radioactive element such as iodine 131 yttrium 90 or bismuth 213
dear all base on your experience with acute myelogenous leukemia you may be interested in share your healthcare or health management experience with we through a focus group session in new york city as the market research team with medivo we are currently conduct a focus group to learn more about patient healthcare experience all qualified participant will be pay and all response will be hold confidential for more information please click http www medivo com surveyconsapp6713 please feel free to share this information with anyone you think will be interested sincerely market research team at medivo product medivo com www medivo com
hello everyone my husband have a stroke on dec 10 2019 he aldo hadbrain hemmoraging thank god brain drainage stop for now he currently onky move eye he is in subacute care a few week ago they tell ne he have leukemia on top of everything else oh he slso is on resp machine and have a trache I can not even he on pill they are not cover and wsy to expensive its ridiculously over the top I pray to god everyday for a miracle and strength may god bless you all thank you sandra
I recently hear on the radio about the team in training group that is part of the leukemia lymphoma society they pay for training to compete in run walk cycling hiking triatholon and I think pay for the travel expense as and you have to raise money for research I was very interested so I check out the website and was even more interested I want to pass it on for my fellow cml pep and their love one I feel who well raise the money than I a cml survior check it out www teamintraining org let I know what you all think
gleevec patent defeat in india is key victory for generic drug http nyti miss 178pwwu new delhi indias supreme court reject a patent application by novartis for a major cancer drug on monday in a landmark ruling that will permit poor patient continue access to many of the world good medicine at least for a while the ruling allow indian maker of generic drug to continue make copycat version of the drug gleevec also spell glivec in europe and elsewhere which provide such a miraculous cure for some form of leukemia that the food and drug administration approve the medicine in the united states in 2001 in record time
hello have anyone out there lose a sibling to aml or any other type of leukemia or cancer I lose my sweet sister three year ago and I just can not get any rest because I do not have she in my life it is very hard on I I live in ny hate it here my mom live in nc love it there husband do not want to move yet and I do not know why because he have no family here and I am completely miserable without my friend and family around I
hi guy it is been a long time after the last two year of deal with medication issue and my liver not tolerate they I just complete the first treatment of campath currently use to treat leukemia when the fda approve it will be probably be know as lemtrada anyway if you are interested in read about the detail from the side effect perspective I have been post the the general miss group under treatment http www dailystrength org c multiple sclerosis miss forum treatment 12320128 start campath today hope you all are enjoy the summer and stay healthy
wpi describe how ampligen boost nk cell activity in xmrv positive cfs patient cell by isabel barao silvestre et al may 7 2010 follow is the abstract of a research paper by a team of university of nevada whittemore peterson institute researcher the paper will be present may 9 to immunologist gather in baltimore at immunology 2010 by un wpi lead author isabel barao silvestre note degranulation is release of microbe toxic molecule from granule find inside some immune cell include natural killer cell _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ characterization of the therapeutic increase in natural killer nk activity of xenotropic murine leukemia virus relate virus xmrv positive chronic fatigue syndrome cfs patient effect by poly I poly c12u ampligen source may 9 presentation immunology 2010 chronic fatigue syndrome cfs is a debilitate disease of unknown etiology that affect 17 million people worldwide patient suffer persistent viral infection and may develop hematopoietic malignancy the patient have reduce natural killer nk cell activity which could contribute to the disease and if restore potentially reduce symptom we characterize the in vitro effect on nk cell of the interferon inducer poly I poly c12u ampligen which in some cfs patient abate disease symptom the 30 cfs patient were infect with the gammaretrovirus xenotropic murine leukemia virus relate virus xmrv we culture their peripheral blood mononuclear cell with the drug for 24 hrs and monitor nk activity to k562 cell by flow cytometry concurrently measure degranulation by externalization of cd107a and expression of grz b and perforin treatment markedly increase cd107a externalization in the nk cell population as indicate by 5 fold increase in cd107a positive cell frequency and 3 fold increase in their cd107a mfi with slight positive shift in intracellular grz b and perforin in contrast t cell show little change in cd107a externalization our result suggest that degranulation rate may be more affected than the level of cytotoxic protein indicate a novel mechanism by which nk activity was affect by the drug the increase in degranulation per nk cell indicate a mechanism by which ampligen treatment can improve nk cell function source poster for may 9 presentation by isabel barao silvestre at immunology 2010 in baltimore maryland paper by barao silvestre I marshall m hagen ks pfost ma strayer d peterson d hudig d mikovit ja whittemore peterson institute reno university of nevada reno nevada hemispherx biopharma inc philadelphia pennsylvania usa
I realize I do not need to explain anything to you all but I just want to I have often wonder if I should change my pass name from jesus is our saviour to some less in your face type of thing I guess I can not anyway so be it that is the way it is when my precious husband ben was diagnose with aml terminal leukemia in december 2011 we were both devastate he have few symptom except tiredness and a flu type symptom we were tell he may have long if he undertake a bone marrow transplant my husband was the only one who could make all these decision for his life he ask for a night of prayer to get god answer and will for his life I have search frantically on the internet for information on treatment and anything which would give tangible medical answer then I find ds forum for aml leukemia to join I need a password in my frantic state of despair all my mind was on was jesus jesus no this can not be true no no you can not do this do not take my husband away from I I beg of you that is when I quickly write my password jesus is our saviour never think about it it just was after all night prayer the next morning my husband say he open his devotional page to proverb 3 5 8 which say trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy way acknowledge he and he shall direct thy path be not wise in thine own eye fear the lord and depart from evil it shall be health to thy navel and marrow to thy bone this was ben answer to his prayer he decide to go for treatment he take treatment but after his battle which last 2 and a half year the lord take ben home the doctor have originally give ben approximately 6 month maybe to live I just want to share that story with you love sandra
hi everyone my name is dave my wonderful wife melissa have already been on this site and have now introduce myself I was diagnose with cml on may 9 2011 this is all entirely new to I and I am still in shock I appreciate to read all of your inspire message on here but what am I truly in for have leukemia for only three long week I am still not understand on what to expect in the future all I know is that the doctor were kind of happy to diagnose I with chronic and not acute leukemia for the first 2 day in the hospital thru were not tell I if it was acute or chronic to be honest I do not know anything about the two disease they were just say that I might have to stay in the hospital for about a month the next thing you know I was go home on my fifth day I was so happy to go home I was not even pay attention to what the doctor or nurse were tell I thank god for my wonderful wife and support team family I am just so confused because everyone keep tell I how lucky I am but I can not discover were I am lucky when I tell people I am take chemo in a pill form they think I am joke or hey no big deal they respond I never look for attention or for people to feel bad for I I actually limit who I tell about my current health issue I want to try to put this behind an move on to my old lifestyle I just hope this disease allow you to do so my entire life I have rarely ever been sick and I always keep myself in great physical shape I am aggressive in business and positive on life I just do not want to change these quality about myself I feel like I am become a different person towards my family and friend instead of being the one everyone look up to feel like everyone is look at I as this sick man now my appearance other then a few pound less have not even change it is mostly perception of my illness how do everyone this site handle these change how do you adapt and move on with cml I appreciate all recommendation to make I understand what to expect and how to get through this every day with a positive outlook thank you dave
although I was not admit for chemo I am cautiously optimistic that my count are improve I am at day 62 since the start of my last consolidation here are my stat wbc from 3 4 to 4 4 hematocrit from 29 8 to 32 0 neut from 2 3 to 2 7 platelet from 73 to 84 the drs plan is to wait a week and if the platelet are not to 100 preform my 6th bmb to ensure the leukemia have not return he believe that is unlikely because I have a normal bmb on 6 june and the marrow is produce cell he state that most patience get subsequent round between day 28 to 35 I am official outside of the bell curve but he also add that my favorable cytogetic are in my favor I am confident in god divine providence for I and my family please please pray for I blessing julie blessing julie
find this post by liane999 on parenting teen it will only take a minute or two and a few cent there is a 7 year old boy in quebec canada who have leukemia his birthday is come up may 30th and he want to break the world record of most birthday card receive I would like to prevail upon all my friend in the fibro community to help shane realize his dream by send he a birthday card to get information as to where to send card to please visit www shanebernier can please pass this on to your church friend and so on let we make this little boy wish come true thank you post on 04 23 07 06 04 prime minister
childhood cancer awareness month children eye health and safety month children good manner month cholesterol education month german american heritage month september 15 october 15 guide dog month gynecological cancer awareness month hispanic heritage month september 15 to october 15 leukemia and lymphoma awareness month library card sign up month menopause awareness month ovarian cancer awareness month pediculosis prevention month polycystic ovarian syndrome awareness month preparedness month project aware month marine conservation prostate cancer awareness month self awareness month self improvement month sickle cell awareness month yoga month be aware
I start with severe headache in jan and was fortunate to have dr that know something was not right and send I to er in the first week dx with possible pseudotumor cerebri I end up with lp and they say they were unable to obtain opening pressure due to they have to hub the needle too tough skin and have to really push against needle was tell test come back clear as optho order a full gammett of test I was give a test result yesterday state that 1 hypocellular speciman with rare mature lymphocyte 2 no carcinoma identify optho say he was not clear what the extent was so I need to ask neuro on fri I am try to gather info and not freak out but from read it is say central nervous system cns involvement by lymphoma leukemia now those are scary word no matter how you look at they
hello everyone I know this have nothing to do with fibro but this is something that is very close to my heart and I am very passionate about when I was 13 I lose my grandfather to lymphoma and since then my sister and I have been determine to do something about it we both volunteer for the leukemia lymphoma society recently I receive a notice that the us senate is introduce an improve cancer care act but it need the vote to pass it what I am ask you all to do if you live in the us anyways is to email your senator tell they to support this act the website to do this is here http action ll org c lkl1j8mlkrh b 1492167 siteapps advocacy actionitem aspx aid 10225 I promise you this is not some hoax or anything it is just a plea to help cancer patient thank for your time and hopefully support and have a bless day allie
tomorrow sept 9 will be one year since I leave my husband for cheste on I three time in the eleven year that we were marry then on next tuesday I go to court with my divorce paper to have my husband serve and it hurt so much then to top everytheng else off I find out on thursday sept 4 that my parent have just seperate my father have leukemia and he have stop take his pill and he have start to drink again this is just to much for I to handle I love my father and I do not want to see he give up and that is what I feel like he is do since he have stop take his pill please help I get thrpugh this hurtingbad2
I just speak with a friend of mine who I have not been able to get a hold of for a few week to make a long story short she tell I that her son justin 7 was diagnose with leukemia just before easter and they have been in and out of the hospital I was speechless what do you say I offer my love and encouragement of course we live quite a few hour away but our son were bear within 2 week of each other sit here think of poor little justin and the pain of chemotherapy and treatment that he will have to endure make I feel guilty for feel bad about anything please if you pray say a prayer for this little guy and if you do not just please add he to your thought for the day thank stephanie
I think I may have give some bad info on stem cell and I think this is the good way to correct it I am on another list call inspire not nearly as good as daily strength but it do provide opportunity anyway this participant name mike seem to really have a handle on it and so I pose the question to he and this was his response he is also high on the work they are do at upenn upenn anti cd123 car aml that might be something that some of you would want to look into as an alternative if you are at that point most of we are not anyway here it is and I hope it do some benefit to all of you dave by ls1c5 reply 4407421 inspire vidaza august 22 2013 today at 9 21 am report post the cancer stem cell population is a fraction of a percent but that is enough to cause relapse cancer stem cell have not been find yet in every cancer but aml was one of the first cancer where they conclusively isolate the cancer stem cell csc or leukemia stem cell lsc in the literature chemo kill off rapidly divide cell which would be blast actual tumor cell but cancer stem cell like normal stem cell do not rapidly divide and so they are insensitive to chemo they like normal stem cell are also good at evade poison and remove poison so when a treatment come along that can kill off that cancer stem cell population there is real chance for a cure it do not look like a upenn anti cd123 car aml trial is start I hear from name withhold mom that they have ask about it too for a friend and nothing is ready yet dr junes team and other are look at tandem car to get around off target toxicity they will chose two target that are both express by the cancer cell and not healthy cell in other word for a cell to be targette it will have to express 2 out 2 target I do not believe they have identify a leukemia stem cell for cll and all therefore for the few lucky people who have benefit from the anti cd19 car therapie their car t cell have to stick around to kill off blast because their bone marrow is probably still produce they in addition to try to make normal b cell mike
finally the us is follow canada australia and uk by ban cfs patient from donate blood do this mean we will be put in a national database washington post today red cross bar chronic fatigue patient from donate blood by rob stein the american red cross announce friday that it is bar people with chronic fatigue syndrome from donate blood to reduce the risk of transmit a virus that have been associate with the disease the virus is know as xenotropic murine leukemia virus relate virus or xmrv some study have find that people with chronic fatigue syndrome are more likely to carry the virus but it remain far from clear whether the virus cause the disease nevertheless the red cross decide to bar people with the syndrome from donate in the interest of patient and donor safety accord to an announcement from the organization a man give blood for the red cross james a parcell for the washington post at present there are no specific federal recommendation regard deferral of individual with chronic fatigue syndrome cfs or other disease that have been associate with murine leukemia virus relate virus xmrv infection nevertheless in the interest of patient and donor safety the american red cross will defer indefinitely any donor who reveal during the donor interview that they have been diagnose with cfs the statement say there is currently insufficient datum to conclude that xmrv is transmit through blood transfusion however the national heart lung and blood institute nhlbi task force is conduct research to determine the frequency of the virus in the donor population whether it is transfusion transmit and whether recipient become infected and develop the disease it say a task force that review blood safety for an organization know as the aabb recommend in june that blood collect organization actively discourage potential donor who have ever been diagnose by a physician with chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis I from donate blood or blood component in addition any donor with symptom of cfs would be defer if on the day of donation they respond negatively to the question are you feel well today the agency say the recommendation come after new research strengthen the possible connection between the virus and the syndrome the red cross have implement the aabb recommendation and have go far to implement indefinite deferral for donor who reveal a history of a medical diagnosis of cfs the statement say the food and drug administration which regulate blood safety have no immediate comment on the decision the agency is convene a panel of outside expert to review the issue later this month by rob stein december 3 2010 4 23 prime minister et
I am try to figure out if I have fibromyalgia or not I was hospitalize this summer with an acute headache and a blood clot was discover in my brain and subsequently I find out I have a genetic blood clot disorder I have delat with depression and anxiety my entire life although my symptom have never really been somatic other than fatigue I initially assume it was a reaction to the blood thinner I now have to take and those med interfere with my other one but the doc are say no I have alot of joint pain exreme fatiuge my muscle fatigue more quickly and are stiff and sore all the time I am an avid exerciser and am very in tune with my body in many way so I notice a drastic difference in how I feel I am being test for lyme disease and I am concerned about lupus one of my blood test come back a low positive but the doc say that was normal or chronic leukemia but the fibro make sense what w the whole cortisol and stress thing I am also have weird memory blank not being able to rememebr people name what I was do 5 mintue ago at work little thing like that the one thing I do not experience is have place on my body that hurt to touch other than my joint when I put any pressure on they but I can not sit in any one position to long even w my leg strectche out and on my bed cuz my butt start to hurt and my leg cramp up I know I need to bring this up with my doctor but I also want to hear about other people experience as I have little trust in doctor anymore after they fail to inform I of the lab result that say I have a genetic clotting disorder and for month were tell I they all come back fine do any of this sound familiar to anyone I test negative supposedly for arthritis or any kind of internal inflammation the one odd test result was a high white blood count which make I think lupus or leukemia just try to gather some information as I now know I really have to advoacte for myself as a patient to a get a diagnosis and the appropriate treatment some I kno have been share their vicodin with I other than that I do not think I would be able to work exercise or get out of bed at all any of this sound familiar to anyone
hi folk my worker daughter have suffer a rare form of leukemia she was fortunate to find a donor but many people are have a difficult time because 16 yr old cece is a girl who can make a negative situation into a positive she have start a crusade to get everyone out there to email oprah on 9 29 this will help raise awareness for the national marrow registry in do this you can help save many life have you email oprah yet help join cecis climb to bring awareness to the national marrow registry and help save a life plz email oprah today www emailoprah org join www cecisclimb com and save life thank you yaya
are any of you consider save the cord blood of your baby or if not donate it it can save the life of your baby if heaven forbid they ever get sick with something like leukemia it can be save for upto 25 year and can offer protection against over 70 different illness I just think I would let you lady know about it it is quite expensive at 1000 uk pound but personally if I can not afford if I am save I will donate so it could save the life of another baby I think it would be especially useful because my baby would not have a 100 biological sibling at any point due to his dad leave I and biological brother and sister are the close match for anyone I have read some amzing success story of this and just want to let you guy know
I am 55 on the verge of divorce and do not have a penny to my name I quit my job feb before last after I got marry he actually say I could since I was so unhappy there I then cash in my life saving so we could live on it now I am look divorce in the face no job no money other than what I get on unemployment and alone I am look for another job but I am scared to death there is no way in hell that I will ever have enough retirement at this stage of my life is there anyone out there that can advise I that can relate I wake up every morning scare to death I am live with my 80 year old mother who have leukemia she do not need this I fel so hopeless
this poem is one I write after I lose my step son to a rare form of leukemia I recite this poem and lite a candle on the anniversary of his pass sept 27 1998 sept 13 1999 I hold he in my arm while he take his last breath it still hurt to this day a child question what is a caveman am I one what is daddy cry about do something happen what is mommy cry about is she cry because daddy is what is this needle do in my hand am I sick what is the doctor do is he cry too what is the angel say is she tell I it is time to go what is heaven is grandpa and everyone else there what is were the last word of a die child I dedicate this poem to all parent who have ever lose a child and in love memory of my son christopher
have anyone ever hear of anyone have radiotherapy and or cemotherapy like a leukemia patient treatment in order to combat fibro accord to hilda clark all pathogen bacteria mycroplasma have a terminal frequancy one frequancy at which they die check out http www stenulson net althealth hcfreq txt a list of hulda clark frequency that I use by doug clean for his zapping these number come from I scan with the f scan2 some of the name might be wrong but not the number note some number have more than one bug mycoplasma 324khz epstine bar 380khz ecoli 392khz chlamydia staph alpha streptococcus 381khz trypanosoma gambieense 396khz plasmodium cynom 422khz trypanosoma rhodesiense 426khz taenia soli pork tapeworm 444khz cystericu fasci 437khz food for thaught ali5tair
hi everyone yesterday my young daughter ali phone I and tell some not so good news she have a hard time tell I but I encourage she that I listen and tell she tell I she say that their dad girlfriend ow have a very rare leukemia and is in the hospital for 1 month solid and will be go through treatment I have so many mixed feeling right now I just respond to my stbx answer to my application for a divorce he want custody of our 14 year old also alot of thing write in his documentation are not true I write 7 page to e mail to my lawyer yesterday to respond to his answer to my application I really could use anything you have to offer advice encouragement hug prayer anything is appreciate thank mk
http www iherb com ahcc national broadcasting company news video explain how this is a good substitute for the flu shot which do not necessarily work since there are so many strain of flu virus ahcc is a nutritional food supplement develop from the mycelium of several specie of mushroom include the shiitake and is obtain by culture basidiomycete mycelium in large scale tank for an extended period of time ahcc active hexose correlate compound is process exclusively in japan by amino up sapporo japan since ahcc is costly to produce make sure the brand you buy is nationally know and reputable scroll down and there are 2 link for more information scroll down to quality of life kinoko gold click on that then read the ingredient and information also be sure to read the customer review someone cure a cat of feline leukemia with ahcc if it boost the immune system it is get to help destroy the hep c virus do not you think
always check with your doctor or pharmacist first before take any herb ginseng increase cognitive function periwinkle the herb not the flowering plant increase cognitive function vincristine the main ingredient in periwinkle improve cognitive function and is one of the most anti cancer drug in the world increase the survival rate among child with leukemia and have prove to reduce brain tumor gotu kola not only boost the brain think process but lower stress rosemary just smell rosemary improve speed and accuracy while perform mental task gingko biloba improve memory check with your doctor first if your on blood thinner other than that it is very safe to use remember check with your doctor before take any of these herb if you are take any type of prescription drug you should be able to find these herb at your local health food store
I have been have fever on and off last for about a week for the last 6month or more it is like I have no control over my body temperature now that it is get warm outside it is even bad I have been to the doctor and have been blow off they just thinkmit anxiety it can not be this is not normal I am 18 I should not feel like I m burn up in short and a tank top I m scared because I m do some research I find that unregulated body temp and fever that come and go are symptom of leukemia and lymphoma everyone tell I I m overreact and that it is nothing but I m really uncomfortable every day and I just hate getting blow off when a doctor know that I have anxiety maybe I should get a new doctor and just not tell they this just suck and no one will halp I or listen to I thank for read katy
I trust you are all glad that 2010 is over and look forward to a well 2011 last year my son sign I up with the leukemia and lymphoma society that send I a packet of booklet on aml one for the caregiver question to ask dr s really good stuff now I get newsletter and update like the one being offer on jan 11th on aml treatment and side effect present via phone or web register by go to www ll org leukemiaeducation they will discuss current an emerge treatment option strategy for side effect and management and the role of clinical trial register by jan 7th by phone or web 866 992 9950 ext 305 or www ll org leukemiaeducation you can call lls info specialist 800 955 4572 for more info or a packet on aml check it out I am go to register tomorrow by web for the web presentation keep the positive attitude go darla
my brother owe I money and keep try to keep it constant email he take all my belonging and sell house behind back at one point I need as attorney I have trustee that tell I what it is about andnhe owe I money since death family have not been supportive mean email no thank yous when I send gift they were mean to I when mother die sisinlaw was always yell and tellin I what to do she is awful it was 3 year ago and ongoing problem trustee is provide hope I will stop all contact with they or just a card on birthday and xmas beat down and wear out grief couselor say that I should have no coontact with family they know the whole story because we have hospice and help in home for parent I recevently find out I have form of leukemia
hi everyone I m a 17 year old femal diagnose with acute myloie leukemia on march 30th 2011 I m from dubai bear and raise there I come to the state seek treatment transplant in particular I hope I overcome this horrific disease and go back to my country and fiancee as fast as possible so I was wonder how long it would take for 1 my 3rd cycle of chemo 2 bone marrow transplant 3 recovery all together at least an approximate number of day or month or what ever as well as what I should be expect in my last chemo dose as I hear it the bad thank you and may god bless everyone
this young lady just turn 19 and have been through so much in her life at time it clearly get to much for she she was section then nearly kill but live she have live with leukemia for a long while she was so strong lose her parent and her twin sister as well have half her family move to the other side of the world she stay strong not long after her own sister murder she comfort my pain as I lose a child she was like a daughter a sister and a good friend all in one she o d on her medication and after a liver transplant he body fail and give up I watch she take her last breath and now I can not deal with the agony I am go through with out she here I feel like I have lot my limb
good morning all of you helpful and caring people as some of you already know my 80 year old mom have a very aggressive form of aml which is resistant to dacogen because of her age she is not a candidate for nor do she want the strong and more toxic form of chemo I come across an article in my research for genetically target therapy the article specifically cite tumor but I do not know if this could apply to leukemia as well would those of you who are well verse than I take a look and let I know what you think thank http www envita com cancer finally chemotherapy game changer for stage cancer nancy
a year ago today my brother pass on from leukemia he was diagnose and give 2 6 week to live they start aggressive treatment and he get well almost a clean bill of health he could eat again and drive and his count were really good then it come back with a vengeance and he die almost exactly 1 year later I hate the c word now it give you hope and then crush that hope this was my first experience with it anyway I miss he so much it tear up my heart he suffer like so many other so much but I know he is in a well place and he is in no more physical pain it feel like cancer have an identity of its own do anyone else feel like that thank for listen and for the feedback
my sister in law who have been like my only sister since I was 12 is battle leukemia two day ago she have a stroke and the next day a heart attack she is so weak they can not do any of the cancer treatment on she right now if ever she currently have blood clot on her brain from the heart attack and they have start a blood thin my brother would not leave her side and my mom would not leave his he is so afraid they never have child and have been the center of each other world for so many year I have cry and pray and feel so heay hearted if I ever have an actual reason to be depress this is it she is get bad every day and they can not do anything right now please if you pray pray for my family during this time of need thank
there is a wisconsin family whose son was bear with leukemia they have the room next door to our 15 year old with aml all dual dx if you are look for alternative medicine idea please read www jaymun com jayman was send home for hospice one and a half year ago his father not a doctor fly into action research try everything that look like it might give his son a chance dad document everything on his site there is so much good and hopeful information there with dad trial and error approach jaymun was a robust energetic and happy three year old until two week ago when thing spiral out of control two day ago jaymun become an angel but we are convinced that when medicine progress to the point where treatment is less toxic and more humane jaymun and his family will have have something to do with it
I want to share with everyone a wonderful site that enable ton of people to share their prayer request so that other can pray for you it is also a site to share testimonial of healing and have a lovely healing story of a precious little girl that have suffer from leukemia have to undergo surgery as an infant and recieve healing come out of it untouched speak and singe about he being our healer portion and more than enough to give our spirit the strength and faith to keep stand on his word the story of kelsy http www tangle com view_video viewkey a5e697fe65e6e7bffa75 now I think I would share some funny video with all of you and hopefully put a smile on your face for the weekend http www youtube com watch v _ njocjsog2w http www youtube com watch v x9hpvwwt8zi http www youtube com watch v pa6vcfvhxd8 I hope everyone like they and have a wonderful day hug crystal
I have been marry just over a year ttc just over a year as well get pregnant in january 2016 and miscarry at my sonogram they could not find a heartbeat I have have leukemia when I was a teen I am now 25 it is been almost 6 year they are concern this may have have effect from the chemo so my obgyn is send I to infertility ivf clinic to have test run anyone ever have anything similar I feel alone and kinda lose it is on my mind 24 7 and it is get I down I have have numerous people close to I get pregnant in the mean while it is get hard to deal I want to be a mama
I lose my brother may 16th of this year almost 2 week ago never lose anyone close to I we were buddy he was 44 I am 38 he have leukemia been fight it for a little over a year both my parent are still alive and devastate my parent are in their 70 my mom tell I today that my dad say he would never be happy again it was very upsetting to hear that I have been here help they with the grieving and not put my sorrow on they I have just keep my grief to myself this grieve thing is new for I and I do not know I feel a little lost tonight
hi my friend I just get a call from my step daughter her boyfriend mother was diagnose with breast cancer a few week ago and was to have surgery they have have to cancel the surgery do to an accelerated white blood count they have just find out that she also have leukemia as well I realize that it is not colon cancer but that do not matter it is cancer just the same she is someone in dire strait and desperatly need all the prayer she can get I am tell that she is at usc medical center in los angeles and undergo bone marrow testing today to see what type and stage she is at she need all our help and positive thought guy love you all and thank for your never end help her name is ursula and she need our support
the same week my fiance die of leukemia a friend of mine find out that she can not have any child of her own she have a rare blood disease that prohibit she from carry a child it would literally kill she she have been there more I in my grief and I am not sure that I am do everything I can to support she she and her husband are look into surrogacy and adoption but thi heart are still break what can I do or say to make thing even a little well for they I feel bad also because I have a 6 month old daughter this seem to hurt she whenever were all together please give I some advice on what I can do please jacqui
hi folk my co worker daughter have suffer a rare form of leukemia she was fortunate to find a donor but many people are have a difficult time because 16 yr old cece is a girl who can make a negative situation into a positive she have start a crusade to get everyone out there to email oprah on 9 29 this will help raise awareness for the national marrow registry in do this you can help save many life have you email oprah yet help join cecis climb to bring awareness to the national marrow registry and help save a life plz email oprah today www emailoprah org join www cecisclimb com and save life thank you yaya
the man in my life that I love and was plan to marry was diagnose with aml acute myeloid leukemia last month he leave I friday with a note that say he do not want I to be a widow again and that it was good if he stay with his son until the end that he could not bear to let I watch he die we have have this conversation and I tell he it do not matter if he leave or if he die that I would be devastate no matter what I support he and think that together we could fight this disease he just give up now I can not stop cry I work full time and attend school full time and I can not concentrate can not sleep can not eat I am at a loss
well since I indeed can not be on remicade until I get insurance my gi and I decide to try 6mp since I have not try it yet so I literally know nothing about it other than what she tell I it is a form of chemo typically use in people with leukemia non hodgkin lymphoma and people with ibd it have the same side effect as chemo and I start at 25 mg tomorrow she rxd I the generic version and with my rx discount card it is still 50 dollar I do not know how I am go to scrape the money together every month to pay for it I am desperately seek work ugh hopefully it will help I any experience good and bad with 6mp will be helpful
have anyone on remicade been expose to someone with chicken pox I am presently on remicade infusion therapy my grandson is in the hospital due to high fever low white blood count low platelet count enlarge spleen and rash they are do test to diagnose he and rule out leukemia but they say he definately have the chicken pox I would like to visit he he live 300 mile away and I only get to see he a couple time a year the nurse at my gi docs office say I should not be around he the grandmother in I want to put on glove gown and mask and see he the nurse in I I am also a nurse tell I this is not a good idea just wander if anyone else have have a similar experience any comment or advice would be appreciate
6 month ago today I lose my mom she die after a five year long battle with leukemia which you think would give I time to prepare but after four year in remission three week in the hospital and then her death I was just not prepared for this it defiantly do not feel like that long ago that I see she I still cry every day is that normal I miss her alot she was my good friend most people think I m fine because I work really hard at act normal but it is so hard I just miss she so much
it is the guy who own the pizza restaurant that I frequent over the year it is near my mom house and where I use to live until 2010 anyway his mom have work there but I do not know she she die of lung cancer meet my buddy paul who work for he about 27yr and his two brother one who also have long time work for this pizza place the other is pauls twin and their mom also go afterwards we eat dinner at ocharlie I have a 10 oz prime rib with loaded baked tator and a ceasar salad I am glad to have get together with my friend family his mom is really sick now and have some kind of blood cancer leukemia I think anyway we have nice meal and it was time with people out of my house for few hour
hello I go to the er for the stomach flu a few day ago and they say my wbc was 20 000 they never say to do any follow up and just say that it could have been due to the stomach virus but of course because I already have been feel unwell lately I am am a little worried I know high wbc is a sign of leukemia I have always been super pale would a bad stomch bug really cause it to elevate that much in addition I have been have red itchy spot show up on my skin face hand and neck area and I do not know if its related or possibly anxiety I am veryyy worried shoudl I believe the er doc and not worry about it I am have my wisdom tooth remove tmorow and kinda scare my vision is also blurry and I get dizzy at night
ok so basically my mother past away last year after a 7 year battle with breast cancer and now my father old brother have been diagnose with leukemia as most man are my father do not talk about his grief over my mother an issue which I have bring up numerous time however I can see that this late development have affect he alot I live with he and am want to know how do I give he the support he need the support that I suppose my mother would give he if she was here how do I approach he about talk about it do talk about it help what else can I do
after I have a bone marrow transplant for leukemia 10 year ago my blood type change and I develop an rh incompatibility issue as if I have give birth to a baby and have never been give rhogam I know that in the past many people have the rh incompatibility and I have already see a perinatologist re this issue but I was wonder if anyone have have a problem with rh I know that it can cause problem in the fetus start in the 2nd trimester and even hemalytic anemia later in pregnancy I was give rhogam after my d c in the hope that my antibody level would not increase anymore than it already have anyone have advice or story thank
hey lady I post awhile back about the severe pain and fatigue I would been feel the doctor was test I for anything and everything from anemia to leukemia and I was so worried the doctor call today and I have insert dramatic music here iron anemai and severe vitamnin d deficiency the vit d deficiency symptom are severe bone pain and muscle weakness I am so so so so glad I trust my instinct and decide to pursue this and not just accept that one doctor opinion of it is just stress and malnutrition thank you lady for think and pray for I it is look like that with all the prescription supplement and a little more sunlight and I should be on the mend
first let I say that I usually have a platelet count range in the 120 for about 4 year or more due to being on a drug for leukemia it also have make I anemic with low rbc now since I start on warfarin my platelet count have come up to 196 this is the first complete blood work I have have since start on my warfarin just get my inr back and that was 1 7 therefore have to get my warfarin adjust again this week I have been hold at 2 on my inr I just think it was odd that this happen and wonder if the warfarin cause it do anyone have any knowledge of this thank you susan
hi everyone I am in college right now recently my mom get news she have leukemia she is go to the doctor daily now she have plan to go on a vacation when the doctor tell she she must get treatmnt immediately I have been in emotional limbo we do not talk because she is very uncomfortable talk about illness of any kind could be a cultural aspect and because she is afraid I would worry regularly through the day I feel calm and focus on just work towards medical school but when I am alone I really do not know what to do what happen when people get chemotherapy I am really scared I just really want to talk to she because I miss she a lot
I just meet a man 2 week ago we are get along great and I never think I would have a big problem disclose my diagnosis of follicular b cell nhl I have have this for close to 10 year but only know about it the last 4 I am do watch and wait with my doctor and am truly thank god in excellent health the true kicker for I is that he lose his wife of 28 year 17 month ago to leukemia which make I wonder if I should disclose this soon rather than later I would like to wait to know he a bit well but how long do I wait before it become an issue that I wait to long any thought advice for I thank cal7
my brother kill himself one week ago I was very close to he and miss he so much I lose my 11 year old son 9 year ago to leukemia I never think I would survive that to make matter bad 2 of my other sibling are try to take over everything they were not very supportive to my brother in the last few year when he was suffer from alcholism and chronic pain not once have they show any sign of grief they actually have nothing nice to say about he they take everything he own even the suicide note my heart is break I miss he incredibly I have decide to never have contact with my other 2 sibling not only do I lose a brother I lose my family
I lose my young brother to leukemia november of last year I do not attend his funeral because I could not afford the plane fare when he was diagnose he already was in the late stage but they bombard he with chemo and radiation and he was get well and well and then suddenly it come back with a vengeance and kill he this all happen within a year almost exactly I still cry almost every day I would not accept that he is go to I by accept it is like say it was okay I keep picture in my mind where he must be I do not know he is still on facebook so I go there often and just look through the picture of he and read the message we send back and forth it feel like my soul is bleed anyone relate and thank for listen
there was a lot of name call finger pointing and harsh word float around here tonight this afternoon longbow this wildboarlady that on and on when I was flip around go back and forth I must have click one too many time and end up at a leukemia site curious I click onto one of the topic and a mother was talk about her 5 yr old child that was just pronounce terminal there is only one rule that should be in life is that child should out live their parent we bring this on this illness alcoholism on ourselves we have a choice well that 5 year old do not have a choice and we should be ashamed of ourselves we are give a second chance take it good night
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