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in 2012 I have severe heartburn constant digestive issue constipation with pain mostly diarrhea too but I figure it was due to the constipation treatment I was do I also have constant clearing the throat due to post nasal drip swollen throat make I snore bloated whole body puffy water weight I feel like a macys day balloon float around I spend so many hour read everything online spend try different supplement for inflammation and stomach issue the eczema on my face and scalp was so bad and I research and treat that separately un ucce fully my bf hate the constant throat clearing and the snore especially when he is try to sleep so I go to an ear nose throat ent doctor and I was diagnose with gerd and put on omeprazole 20 mg per day in 2012 mind you the omeprazole help with the pain of heartburn but I still have all the rest I keep talk to my dr about the puffiness my test always come back okay except that my inflammation marker were always elevate I have have 3 different primary physician over 10 year and it was never address thoroughly I keep ask should not we find out why is not this an indication I have colonoscopy perfect endoscopy some minor glitch but nothing crazy fast forward a full ten year later last friday october 15 at 6 30am I wake up with the bad stomach pain bf was at work already my first thought was bowel blockage again and I try to remedy that no luck I sit down pain stand up pain walk it off pain lie down pain lefty side right side pain pain for some dumb reason I wait until 8 40am to call 911 and go to hospital by ambulance they give I morphine for the pain draw so much blood for lab work do ultrasound find nothing unusual except yet and still elevate inflammation marker my stat were all over the place spo2 88 at its bad blood pressure high 179 over something to 84 52 pulse low I see was 45 temp was normal although I keep sweat I start throw up but I was not very hungry the past couple week and was not eat much so it was mostly bile it was alarming to I at one point though when the bile come out foamy and a lot I will ask the dr about that my body was spin out and they could not find anything wrong they do not seem to know how to proceed or help I besides narcotic nothing I eat the day before was suspect I have no major lead in symptom clue to this seemingly sudden attack I was in the er until like 9 pm and they move I to a room I was take to my room the next morning dizzy with all the narcotic yet still in pain more blood test urine another ultrasound they even do a ct scan fine fine fine fine around 11 am saturday morning the doctor come in and ask I to sign 2 consent form for surgery at 7 pm one for endoscopy and if that do not show cause then they would take out my gallbladder huh what s that I mean I have hear of it of course but what s that get to do with my stomach whatever I sign the consent form when I wake up everything was calm I feel well my stat were back to normal I sleep the doctor come in maybe 3 am who know time is irrelevant with so much fentanyl he say he remove my gallbladder it was gangrenous veddy veddy bad he keep say rotten dead black the attend nurse mention to I how bad it was every time she check on I also the infection bacteria have get into my blood I was veddy veddy sick I could have die wth my gallbladder never show up in ultrasound as suspicious at all not even in er no gallstone cyst enlargement nothing it was a shot in the dark for he to go that route but what a good call oh my god and it was go bad for year from my first gerd diagnosis I have been live without it is function for who know how long nobody ever mention it as possibly being the cause of anything the surgical removal of the gallbladder is call cholecystectomy koh luh sis tek tuh I mine was able to be do by laparoscopy though I agree to full incision if necessary I have 4 hole hold close by adhesive steri strip right now no stitch or staple I can shower I was in the hospital 5 day home in bed with antibiotic and pain med 3 day bf a I today 12 day later as I write this I feel like a million buck all that inflammation is go after so many year the puffy face finger and toe now normal my eczema clear up my stuffy sinus gerd post nasal drip swollen neck and throat all normal even my tortuous tinnitus is well not completely but noticeably calm I am even think I can wean off the omeprazole finally well see so my message to you all is consider the gallbladder as a culprit push your doctor to check it if you re at the end of your rope do not just keep go for all the home remedy and supplement while still suffer the doctor can test and tell what vitamin you are lack it do not help to flood your body without a reference base on something you read online even if the suffering is not severe but you have multiple symptom the gallbladder must be a consideration there is only one way for they to check it and that is through a mild but surgical procedure which is probably why they never check but they must get their eye on it the procedure not sure the name of it should be perform on everyone in my opinion what they do is put you to sleep then fill your stomach with gas and make like an opera house then with camera light and so on they can go in and check all or most of your organ gallbladder spleen liver pancrea outer area of stomach bowel diaphragm right kidney maybe leave too not sure these were all mention in my paperwork there is so many thing that can only be detect diagnose and treat this way and this way only that is my story let I just add this side story dec 14 2020 my athletic healthy father in law notice blood in his urine other than chronic back pain it was his first sign something was wrong he go to the doctor he have undetecte liver cancer which metastasize to his bladder only when the bladder show its symptom then do they look he die 10 day later on the 24th the day before christmas have they do this procedure they would have see the silent killer and maybe been able to treat it why is not it a priority they check everything else anyway consider it push for it get it check | neutral | 1 |
hi everyone I literally just join anyway thank for let I in to your conversation and look forward to chat with you all finn | positive | 2 |
my brother age 70 year old was recently diagnose with stage 4 colon cancer which have spread to his liver his doctor is not plan on remove the tumor in the colon just chemo is this the usual protocol when colon cancer have spread to the liver | neutral | 1 |
a few week ago I find this article animal protein and the cancer promoter igf 1 https nutritionfact org 2013 02 14 animal protein and igf 1 where were explain that the structure of animal protein is easy to metabolize and it make the body to create more igf 1 it also establish the association between this hormone and cancer so the conclusion we end up with is we should avoid animal product in order to avoid cancer but it feel weird for I to hear so I keep research I hear that process meat and red meat are very associate with some cancer so I think maybe they have more animal protein and that is the link but in the article red meat vs white meat which is healthy it is present that red and white meat have a similar amount of protein not only we can read this but also the difference between these two kind of meat mainly myoglobin and iron I have not find any relationship between myoglobin iron and cancer so I keep research and I have just read this what do it do in the body and do it really cause cancer in this article it is say some people claim that igf 1 cause the growth of cancer because as a growth hormone its primary function is to make thing grow but the accusation is unfounded yes study have find an association between very high level of igf 1 and some type of cancer but no study have prove that igf 1 is the actual cause of the cancer xv many expert now agree igf 1 is not the cause of cancer but a consequence of it high igf 1 can indicate the presence of an undetected tumor and the high igf 1 level find in cancer patient is likely cause because the tumor is secrete igf 1 xvi xvii another explanation for the igf 1 cancer link is that igf 1 play a prominent role in the regulation of immunity and inflammation and the body may increase igf 1 level in response to the immunosuppression and inflammation that cancer cause xviii also worth note is the fact that high igf 1 level are associate with less invasive type of breast cancer in woman and low igf 1 is link to uterine cancer xix but they also include dairy and meat boost igf 1 level but we urge you not to consume animal product for this purpose omnivore have a much high risk for cancer and most other deadly chronic disease xx consume a whole food plant base diet that is void of process oil and package food is the absolute good way to boost your health and protect yourself from cancer you can safely increase your igf 1 level with plant base amino acid and soy is one of the most powerful vegan igf 1 booster I would like to have some explanation about this last paragraph because I do not know why they urge we not to consume animal product I am vegan so I do not eat animal product but I want to learn about nutrition so what is happen in real life with cancer | neutral | 1 |
I have stage ivc colon cancer I have 2 tumor in my colon and 2 small one in my lung as well as some very small unidentified spot I have respond very well to chemo my cea have drop from 8 4 down to 2 4 after 8 treatment my oncologist although very smart intern at the mayo clinic she is horrible with people I would ask she about cure rate base on the stage 40 for stage 3 10 stage 4 and was tell you ll always have cancer which was surprising in light of the fact that the mayo clinic johns hopkins and the nih all publish cure rate base on what stage you re in so my oncologist is a bit of a wack job anyway I was curious about other people experience at this stage it seem there is more success than doctor generally want to acknowledge | positive | 2 |
if you have blood do like full blood count liver kidney cholesterol blood sugar ovarian cancer and inflammation marker and all ok would you be relieve I keep think something being miss and I am riddle with the big c | neutral | 1 |
it look like not many member from the cancerforum have commit to this forum what change would you like to see that would make it more interesting | neutral | 1 |
have anyone else have this issue with their insurer I have bcbs insurance after the decipher lab bill 5 491 for the test my insurer approve the claim which end up give I plan saving of 3 670 and my eob say that I owe 1 821 so it look like the insurance company just let I piggy back off their contract rate but actually pay nothing I do not even ask for this test not that I was against it but it seem inappropriate to order a test that is not cover by my insurance and indebt I for nearly 2k have they tell I it would be 2k out of pocket I would have say heck to the no I am not happy but I come home to a message from the lab that they would be send I a statement out | neutral | 1 |
ita s when the evening and night before you take the preparation for a colonoscopy perform the ensue toilet duty have the colonoscopy and your gastroenterologist give you an excellent report I do all that yesterday and this morning I am so delighted that it is today in the afternoon and not yesterday which I have watch slowly approach with increase dread colonoscopy and other health check are really important for us prostate cancer patient because the vast majority of we will eventually die from something else with colon cancer fairly prominent without colonoscopy or other screening and sometimes we focus so heavily on prostate cancer that we miss the big picture also some of we dona t do the screening colonoscopy because we figure we will soon be dead due to prostate cancer so whata s the point that was I for a few year after diagnosis and two urologist give I a prognosis of five year in late 1999 and early 2000 but then after a few year I begin to realize I might make it or at least live quite a lot long so I have my first colonoscopy in 2003 in the past until today I have dread these thing this was my fourth the procedure have always been fine but as most of we know the preparation is the hard part the prep dose was not so fun to take in the past and the toilet time was miserable plus the reduce sleep I almost pass out when do a one big dose prep in 2003 I recall that it was deliver via suppository yuck the oral prep single dose was well but still awful in 2012 a not so much the not so great taste and texture but the awful intend effect and toilet time I was give a split prep dose in 2016 and that was a lot well but still rough I have a different oral split dose this time take at 5 prime minister and 3 45 am and a different prep solution call suprep sodium sulfate potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate oral solution you mix the 6 ounce solution with 10 ounce of water for each dose and then drink two 16 ounce additional container of water within the next hour the result werena t fun but ia ve get to say this was a lot well than in the past I spend at least as much time on the toilet but it was milder and not explosive now that I know this stuff is available I wona t dread the next colonoscopy I am also delighted to be able to get back to my regular mediterranean diet therea s a great and very funny film that feature a colonoscopy go somewhat wrong after the patient blow off the question that give the anesthesiologist the information he need ita s a ghost towna from 2008 star ricky gervais tea leoni and greg kinear and the a ghost towna is new york city now that ia m past my procedure I think ia ll watch it again jim diagnosis dec 1999 per annum 113 6 first ever age 56 gleason 4 3 7 j epstein jhu all core most 100 rock hard prostate with ece stage 3 pni psadt determine later 3 4 month technetium bone scan and ct scan negative prognosis 5 year later prostascint scan negative except for one suspicious small area in an unlikely location adt lupron as first therapy in dec 1999 then casodex in march 2000 then proscar and fosamax in sep 2000 reject for surgery january 2000 offer radiation but tell success odd were low switch to adt only vice radiation in may 2000 bet on hold the fort for improved technology per annum gradual decline to 0 01 may 2002 commence intermittent adt3 iadt3 with first vacation from lupron casodex negative advanced scan in 2011 naf18 pet ct for bone and 2012 feraheme uspio for node and soft tissue with improved technology try tomotherapy retweet 39 session in early 2013 plus adt 3 in support for 18 month fourth round of iadt3 end april 2014 continue with avodart as anti recurrence shield current per annum remarkably low at 0 01 apparently cure supportive diet nutrition exercise supportive medication during this journey as well as switch in antiandrogen 5 ari and bone drug | positive | 2 |
hello I have been on the pancreatic section of the cancer forum but that forum is now close https www cancerforum net thread 57818 the cancer forum is shut down 31 dec 2019 so you may be see bunch of new comer such as myself rw | neutral | 1 |
family member diagnose with stage iv bile duct cancer in liver and lymph node in abdoman at diagnosis can 19 tumor marker was at 5600 after first cycle of fulfirinox and lab prior to cycle 2 of fulfirinox the ca 19 rise to 6 800 some tell I there is sometimes a spike in the ca 19 after the first cycle have anyone hear of this thank you | neutral | 1 |
hi member I have a question my friend is care for his mother 79 that have stage 4 liver cancer he is look into get she into a skilled nursing home but in the mean time she is at home with her husband the problem now is his father 77 suffer from severe anxiety and onset dementia and is hard of hear ever time my friend do anything his dad want to know what he is do and he ask over and over again the mother is not get the rest she need because her husband hover over she although my friend can pretty stern with his dad I feel sorry for his dad he is sick too any suggestion what my friend can do | negative | 0 |
so a couple month ago I was have ruq pain didna t really hurt just feel like pressure so my gastro doctor put I through blood work an x ray an ultrasound and a hida scan to check everything everything come back pretty normal now the ruq discomfort isna t nearly as constant or noticeable but the last month ia ve notice so weird bowel habit ia ll go a couple day with normal colored stool then a couple day of yellow light stool then a couple day of green stool then back to brown for a couple day so my question is if you have liver damage or pancreatic cancer or something would it be light color 100 of the time or on and off with green and brown mix in like this I have have like no other symptom like fever or jaundice or swell I have have spurt of nausea these last couple day randomly but my gastro chalk it up to a mixture of ibs gluten intolerance and anxiety but my anxiety make I think ita s bad case scenario a little general background of I is that I just turn 25 and I didna t start drink until I turn 21 and never drink a ton consistently outside of a couple month span when I was 23 but that only last one summer | negative | 0 |
I ws just diagnose with liver cancer 13 cm in size I am worried I see an oncologist next week I am not sure what to expect can anyone help I understand what is in store for I thank you gene | neutral | 1 |
hello I want to reach out on some health concern I have been have for the past two three week which have spiral into something that s become the forefront of my mind every single day I just want to go back to normal I am a 38 year old male 64 a bit large in frame but I like to ride my bike a number of mile each week and stay active with my family full disclaimer this past few week have been a ride for I physically and mentally this might be a long wind post I am verbose in hope that someone else out there might have some thought or similar experience that might help I with my puzzle I am not sure if there are any piece that could have contribute to my current state another disclaimer I am aware I have health anxiety specifically mean if I know there is something potentially wrong with my body and its unknown I tend to stress pretty hard until either thing resolve or I get some answer treatment if all is fine with my body I am fine I am normal my anxiety is non existent life is good to begin my health other than the occasional stress and shift into a new position at work all seem to be fine just prior to the end of may 2019 everything was well and all seemingly normal which is where I want to get back to the last week of may 2019 my wife while help with a haircut spot a new and odd look mole on my back under my right shoulder blade it look hideous since it was late at night I call and make an appt with the doctor as soon as I get to work the very next morning may 29th the only opening available was friday may 31st have this delay worry I I end up call another dr I have visit prior for and he have an opening the on thur may 30th come may 30th at the doc appt the dr move quick he take a look at the mole and say it definitely look suspicious can we do a punch biopsy to which I reply yes because I want this thing off my body during the punch biopsy the dr numb the mole take a round chunk of tissue and stitch it up they show I the mole and I start get cold sweaty and nauseate I feel as though I was go to pass out I was able to power through it the nurse give I some water and I was fine I was tell to take ibuprofen as need for pain now come into the weekend that friday saturday and sunday I fret heavily about the result of this mole biopsy I was guilty of google thing which help none on that saturday june 1 I take some ibuprofen as my mole removal site have been tender my wife and I attend a wedding reception within a family member backyard it was cater with various dish such as thai food smoke brisket and so on there were some friend of family that roast a pig for the event while attend this event my spirit were down as I could not shake the dread of the forthcoming mole biopsy result I try hard to be happy but I was really sad thinking it could be the bad we leave the event and other than being bum out and anxious I was fine digestive system wise the next day sunday june 2 get up early and take the wife kid to a the store follow by a trip to grab some breakfast at burger king I have a breakfast croissant and bfast burrito the burrito seem a little gross but I eat the thing anyways after this less than stellar trip to bk I take the family to the movie to see new aladdin have sprite and popcorn is all that sunday evening we bbqd hamburger and have store buy macaroni and potato salad I have find a tender lump on the center of my back just left of the spine it was sore and I was remind of it everytime I sit back this was yet another anxiety trigger as I think maybe the mole biopsy might have have bacteria that activate a lymph node or bad it could be a malignant thing relate to mole this is where my mind was add to my ever increase anxiety that sunday night while in bed seem to be the starting point to my digestive woe as I try to sleep my entire abdoman churn and groan very loudly my stomach hurt all night and through the morning my abdoman was loud and achy that monday june 3 I awake to terrible diarrhea pure yellow liquid I have go probably 10 time that day I make an appt with my dr and I was able to get in the same day I explain the concern I have for the tender bump on my back and my gi issue he tell I by the way we get result for your mole it was benign I feel a huge weight of relief however I still have this bump on my back and gi problem he say the gi stuff could just be a bug and should be go in a couple day the bump on my back was a harmless lipoma and that I was fine you re go to live it was obvious I was really anxious I continue ask question so he say let get some blood test they then take a bunch of blood for a cbc and metabolic panel that tuesday june 4th I wake in the middle of the night with diarrhea and overall stomach pain and cramp all over also still have tender lump on back once again I google this suppose lipoma and learn there is such a thing as a sarcoma as you can imagine this cause more anxiety I also was able to see my blood test result they seem fine with the exception of two item lymph 17 2 with normal being 18 45 neut auto 75 1 with normal range being 42 72 of course I google this and find result elude these off result in correlation with a c word disease I make another doc appt which I was able to get into same day while in this doc appt I am assure that these off result are fine thing shift all of the time and this was just a glimpse when these were off I was tell could have been relate to an infection or stress the stress anxiety I am certain of I continue to mention my gi issue and the concern for the bump on my back because of my diarrhea and abdominal issue I have not been able to eat very well afraid to eat anything bad the doc schedule a ct scan of my pelvis and abdomen and a stool sample fast forward a few day I have my ct scan and my stool sample have been review I was able to see that my ct scan have been review by radiologist and I was able to see the report once again there were some concern thing here my stool sample was negative for giardia no salmonella shigella or campylobacter isolated and no plesiomona aeromonas or vibrio isolated I was really hope that some bug would be find so we could treat it and I could move on on to the ct finding I was concerned with what I see with the report I call my dr office for my doc interpretation basically there were incidental finding but nothing require any concern or followup within the same call I make an appt with my doc to discuss these finding which were finding there is no marker device localize a mass no discernible lump or mass appreciate posteriorly low chest small pleural base the density see along the major fissure on the left measure 5 mm in size liver 4 mm hypodense lesion in the right hepatic lobe there is a 4 mm hypodensity in the subcutaneous capsular location of the posterior right hepatic lobe image 30 pancrea unremarkable gallbladder normal partially contract biliary system unremarkable spleen unremarkable adrenal gland normal kidney ureter and urinary bladder small area of cortical thinning in the upper pole of the left kidney most consistent with a small scar lymph nod multiple small retroperitoneal node are see in the periaortic and aortocaval region one of the large node is see on image 69 measure 7 mm in short axis lymph node unremarkable bowel normal appendix normal reproductive organ normal pelvic free fluid or ascite none vessel normal osseous structure degenerative disc change are see at the l5 s1 level other none impression 1 no long identify the posteriorly 2 small hypodensitie within the liver are too small to definitively characterize likely represent cyst 3 mildly prominent lymph node in the retroperitoneum measure up to 7 mm in short axis which is within normal size when I make it into the doc he read the finding to I and say they were fine these thing are find all the time in adult around my age and its common no issue need to be follow up on I still feel very uneasy I feel as though he think I am a hypochondriac and he downplay any of my concern with these result on my ct it seem like we might explore thing far but he say its a waste of money and that I am fine I leave the doc appt anxious and nervous the next day I receive a call from the gi doc office to schedule egd and colonoscopy the soon they could schedule my appt was 2 week out on june 24th fast forward to june 10th I return to the docs office to get the stitch remove from the mole that was remove I express that my gi issue have persist I have have yellow stool with ton of mucous sometimes have to go once or twice a day but also wake up in the middle of the night have to go he say we d wait and see what the gi procedure would find throughout this ordeal I have lose 13lbs in 2 week from not eat I have anxiety every time I go to the bathroom now because I just want a normal stool but its always yellow loose or liquid and mucousy there are time where I am convinced that I have pancreatic or colon or liver cancer I have end up have to take half a xanax from an old prescription I have hang on to which have calm my anxiousness as it is now I have been go day by day stick to bland food like rice cracker water toast bread and so on I have even buy some ensure to make sure I get more calorie as I have only been get 5 700 calorie a day my stomach intestine do not quite hurt as bad as they do but I continue to have dread loose stool or diarrhea once or twice a day still yellow and mucous all which I have read can be associate with serious issue like ibs ibd cancer and so on not know what is go on and waiting have been the bad throughout this ordeal normally I am a lay back normal guy husband father since the beginning of all this I have just been lose time of doom gloom dread think the bad is inside I make I feel this way and my child will be fatherless in 6 month I know its stupid and I should not think these thing my wife have been so support and I know she feel helpless but sometimes it just help I to talk I have a few day where I have a really sore throat gland swell on one side of my neck and back body ache and pain these symptom subside to some respiratory congestion and cough this was an add layer of unknowe what was go on in my body add to the fear and axiety conversely this gut issue seem to just happen suddenly so I can not help to rationalize it being possibly associate with anxiety or ibuprofen or a bug from some food in my search I have find that diarrhea last long that 2 week can be a concern which concern I only medication other than over the counter I take is losartan for hbp which I have been on for 5 year I have find instance online where people have report sudden persistent diarrhea I wonder if this could be contribute this past weekend my family attend the wedding of my wife family I do not want to go but I know if I was leave alone at home my mind would be fixate on my gut issue and I would be hit google freak myself out I take 25 of xanax and go to the wedding it was fun it was uplift and it help I to think about other thing there were a couple of occasion where I was hold my 5 year old daughter or watch my two boy where I have a hard time not hold in my tear it was just the whole event couple with these past few week that were choke I up I still get moment where I feel that I may not be here in 6 month I do not know why I think these thing at this moment I want nothing more than for a doctor to do a little more check to determine that I do not have a terminal disease I want nothing more than to go back to normal these past few week have been hell I wake once or twice every night and my mind just start race about my symptom and anticipate when I will have to go to the bathroom again will it be diarrhea I get anxiety go to the bathroom I know it do not help yesterday being father day I do not take any medication my mood was fairly stable no xanax my family want to do something big for lunch and dinner because of my gut issue this have I sad a bit as I would have love to enjoy these time we end up go out to eat and I end up get a sandwich from jimmy johns I eat the entire thing we then go shop I could feel the sandwich in my gut then process I get reallllly tired as we were shop but this one sandwich have about as many calorie as I have been consume each day prior the bump that doc think was a lipoma on my back have disappear I am think this was a swole lymph node from the stitch I have on my back my ct scan result and everything that have happen these past couple week have still been float in my head I have an appt with another doc I use to see that I highly respect schedule for tomorrow afternoon I want to run these event past he and get his take I am interested to see how this will go I then have my egd and colonoscopy on monday 6 24 I am excited for it but also really nervous that something sinister might be uncover if you ve read this far I commend you thank you I know there are a lot of thing that I could have leave out but really as I mention never know if something could be a part of the puzzle I have overlook I hope for nothing more than to be soon out of this funk back to normal with my active self and my family I want nothing more than to put this behind I and to be able to eat what I would like I hope this is still just a stomach bug or just gastritis can gastritis cause week of yellow stool I will update with finding from my 2nd opinion doc appt tomorrow and from my scope thank again for read all of my thought and my experience | positive | 2 |
for the past couple of year I have experience pain on and off in the low right side of my rib cage that go from the front to my mid back over this time period I have have about 4 sonnagram 1 ct scan 2 chest x ray blood work which say my enzyme are normal the late being on monday night and I know I do not have hepititis before christ I give blood at nih every other month they screen for that the doctor have check my liver pancrea kidney and gall bladder and all are fine my frustration is that I have and the doctor have no idea what the pain may be everyone is claim it is pull muscle on my side I know this is not a mental problem do anyone have any idea what it could be or if there is anything that I should be test for please let I know before christ I am go crazy try to figure out what the heck the problem is by the way the pain occur mostly after I have have something to drink I do not think that is the problem before christ sunday I drink some wine at dinner and then a few beer monday have the pain and that is when I go to the hospital and they tell I my liver enzyme were normal and all the other test sonnagram and x ray were normal thank apj | negative | 0 |
I have a ct scan for abdominal pain and they find 8 enlarged lymph node in my abdomen near my important organ such as my liver my gallbladder my pancrea they suspect cancer of any or all of these organ so they then do an endoscopy but find nothing at all they want to do the endoscopy again in 3 6 month but I am not sure I do still have the abdominal pain which they can not find a source for do anyone know if this is necessary or have any idea what could be wrong if anything thank for any idea | neutral | 1 |
hi I was just diagnose with fatty liver follow a ct scan my sonogram come back clear my concern is that my pain is slightly to my left and mostly to my right of my body not really feel in my front abdoman but more so a dull achy sometimes warm sensation on my middle back and at time down my left side about 2 inch above my hip recently my leave before midday have been have pain in my upper bicep almost like a pinch nerve several month back the pain was so bad while drive I almost have to pull over after about 20 minute it go away I have not have an issue until about 2 week ago maybe it is unrelated not sure I do not have any chest pain so no heart issue I exercise at least 30 minute a day approximately 4 5 day a week I generally eat healthy about 70 of the time I drink approximately 60 80 oz of water a day no coffee or soda or juice I only tend to drink alcohol on the weekend not during the work week on average I consume 4 6 beer or whisky soda on the weekend more so 805 brand beer I do not eat fry food and rarely eat red meat my cholesterol is 132 they run helicobactor lipase liver function hemoglobin thyroid electrolyte lipid creatinine cbc and vitamin d blood panel all in normal range minus an elevated total bilirubin at 1 6 my bp is normal as well I am 5 5 and weigh 148 pound I have slender extremity my weight is all in my butt thigh and abdoman but no muffin top weight when stand or sit just a bit thick in the mid section could my my diagnosis be accurate should I adjust my diet to a clean eat fatty liver diet with no alcohol for about 3 week to see if it help and if not should I ask for an mri to perform or do anyone else have the same symptom I also have interstitial cystitis and polycystic ovary syndrem as well | negative | 0 |
hi this is my first post so forgive if I do not provide complete info was recently diagnose with pc per annum 4 3 dre find nodule 12 core 1 positive good luck 3 3 5 0 5 mm now need to decide what to do for starter I am palnne on switch urologist cause the one I have do not provide I with much info on what I am face however his recommendation is active survallence per annum and dre at 3 6 and 12 month at 12 month another biopsy if dre or per annum show a significant change then a biopsy he provide minimal info on radiation and surgery option currently have another exam schedule 3mo no imaging or other testing plan have speak to another uro who recommend base on my biopsy surgery admit his bias and have set I up with appointment with a surgeon and radiologist to get more info want to do mri ct bonescan and xray to get more info also do dre first question I have is on active surveillance and the probability that a tumor of this nature will change there is a lot info out there that little change is expect but should be monitor my instinct tell I to monitor this for about a year and see what happen if change occur will opt for either surgery or radiation is there any testing that can be do to get more info on aggresivenesss of gl6 tumor a concern I have is I am 67 and otherwise in good health and if I wait too long there could be health change and I may not easily tolerate surgery or radiation plan to switch to the second uro and do the above testing per his recommendation do not make sense not to do image especially with active surveillance but then I am no expert any comment appreciate thank in advance | neutral | 1 |
hello all glad to be here been look for some advice my hubby have stage 4 pancreatic cancer met in the liver he choose not to do treatment he was diagnose in feb of this year he have lose a lot of weight because he do not want to eat change in his tastebud make food taste bad or make his stomach churn here lately he have get confused shaky and extremely sleepy these are expect but he have also start twitch in his arm he can not even use the tv remote or prop his chin up on his hand can anyone tell I what this is he is not drink enough I know but he just will not will not eat much either maybe a bottle or two of glucerna is this dehydration starvation or the cancer or all of it at once his skin color is slightly yellow but no one else can see it but I he can not seem to stay awake either help | negative | 0 |
I have have the yellow stool go on 4 year now I have 2 upper endoscopy 2nd one come back gastritis diagnose with gerd and ibs have 2 ultrasound I keep ask about the yellow stool doctor brush it off state I am just a very nervous person been put on omeprozole first time I come down with symptom 4 year ago I drop 25 pound due to loss of appetite buildup of air bubble in my gut that was hard to expel queasyness and general feeling of being unwell then it resolve itself and I would be fine 3 month sick again the next couple month still stool have remain yellow sad to say brown stool are not the norm for I I still google my problem which leave I even more frightened come january 8th I am go back to my gp and demand a stool sample be take and a colonoscopy I am tired of my life live like this I keep think it is possible pancreatic or liver cancer but if it was surely I would be on my deathbed by now | negative | 0 |
hi ia d like to share my story and hopefully find some other who have go through or are go through what I am currently go though my story is still a work in progress as I sit here and type 4 week after have a liver resection 70 of my liver remove and numerous lesion ablate I still need lot of follow up with doctor and ia m sure my story will be a long one I know when my journey start the first thing I do was look for other people in a similar position to I and it was a type of comfort to read other peoplea s story my story will be in a few different part as it is quite long please ask question ia m no expert but I can try and help where possible so a bit of background about I 38 year old fm single no child on oral birth control for about 15 year live in australia and up until now have been otherwise quite fit and healthy my story start in march 2017 when I was strike down with a typical cold flu which result in a persistent and annoying cough fairly standard stuff in this instance however after have this cough for over a week I start to get a pain right in the middle of my chest between my rib it was almost like a heartburn type feel the follow day I wake up and this pain have subside however in the morning I feel like I have a bit of discomfort under my right rib cage I was at work and remember describe it as like have an air bubble stick under my rib I couldna t get out of work that day so put up with this feeling until the end of the day when the pain increase significantly I was also break out in sweat and feel horrible for the whole day as I leave the office the pain get bad and it radiate to my back and up to my shoulder it make it difficult to breath in deeply I put this down to being relate to my cough maybe pneumonia or a strained rib I see my gp the follow day avoid go to hospital as the idea of hospital terrify I and also I feel like unless I am almost die ia ll leave the emergency department for the really sick I was send for an x ray and blood test the x ray was clear however my blood test indicate some issue with my liver function and as such my gp send I to hospital as soon as possible once at hospital the ed doctor do an ultrasound of my gallbladder during this process is when a lot of my life change in a huge way the dr advise I that he could see some lesion on my liver he say ita s nothing to worry about and was very common but that I should get it follow up he call a liver specialist to the emergency department who ask I a lot of question much relate to use of birth control he then go on to explain that I could have benign liver tumor or of course a something more sinistera he recommend more test and a few day stay in hospital while this occur I was terrify at this point and of course the big c is always your first thought I was reassure that my lesion were a likelya to be benign but of course you cana t help but think the bad the follow 4 day were quite miserable as I go for a number of different test firstly an ultrasound follow by a ct then an mri and a pet scan I was introduce to the hospitala s senior liver surgeon who as it have been explain to I is one of the good in nsw for this type of problem not a man of many reassuring word but apparently the good at this type of thing as further test occur the doctor were quite confident that I have a mix of all three type of benign liver tumour fnh hemangiomas and hepatic adenomas I was tell by this very experienced surgeon that it was the first time he have see anyone present with all three type and that I was a a complicateda case thata s not what I want to hear from my surgeon so I go for a biopsy and was recommend at this stage to go see a liver transplant team as my case was probably a little too complicated for just a straight forward liver resection so now I am go from being a completely fit and healthy woman so potentially need a liver transplant my life was turn upside down okay ia ll leave it there for now and am work on the next part of my journey again please post and share your journey as well I would love to be able to have a forum where we can all discuss our story again ia m still to see specialist to see how the surgery go and if this is go to be an even long story than I hope for | negative | 0 |
up until december of 2016 I would have at least 4 beer every night when I go to the dr my enzyme were in the 169 range I stop drink and my enzyme have get well in april my alt was 26 and my ast was 56 but as of today my alt is 39 and my ast is 68 I start take lexapro for anxiety about a month ago that might be why it is high again I am start to get concern is this something I should be worried about and can it cause serious damage if my number stay where they are my doctor tell I not to worry about change my diet or anything like that but why should not I if my number are not within the normal range can anyone with any experience help I understand this a little more | neutral | 1 |
hello I know that no one here is a doctor and I am not look for magical word just something perhaps comfort bc I have literally lose my mind over this I do not sleep more than 2hrs in 3 day and I think have like 500 calorie and maybe a glass of water in the same time I end up at the emergency room a few night ago when I just break it was way more than the panic attack I would been have they were go to inpatient I to an off site psych place but then decide to just let I go home I have been able to sleep and eat a little since come home but I am barely hold myself together I just do not know what all this stuff mean for I and send message to my dr that take day back and forth is not help I would be so very much appreciate if some might take some of their time to help I understand cope well than I have been I am a 41yr old female I am considerably overweight 40 bmi which is a constant struggle with pcos I have lead a very sedentary life after tear the cartilage in both knee a few year ago but I should have find something that do not hurt rather than throw up my hand and sit on my I have pretty severe anxiety I do not use to be bad at all until a few year ago when I was convinced I die after sinus surgery I likely pass out or simply feel asleep but I was utterly convinced I die and was unable to sleep for day at a time afterwards it flare now and then under stress my dr think it cause ptsd and health anxiety I was give xanax to take as need I do not drink I do not smoke I do not use drug I do not have any heath problem really until this liver stuff well yeah maybe I do but it is something that was just being look into right before the liver stuff come into focus start late april I have a month long about with abdominal issue I have never have before bloat quick to feel full loss of appetite frequent bms some heartburn by the time I get into see the gastro doc take a month the symptom have abate I literally only see he for 3 min he do not do any sort of exam he tell I I have acid reflux and to take this pill he was give I for a month and come back I was terribly disappointed in that whole experience my primary doctor have run blood work on may 1st and although my liver enzyme have been elevate they were still within so I guess she do not say anything I guess the gastro doc do not think much of it either bc he do not say anything either may 1st alt 15 78 you l 72 ast 9 44 you l 45 alp 37 127 you l 90 bilirubin total 0 0 1 2 mg dl 1 1 the previous time my blood work have been do was in june 2015 alt 26 ast 22 alp 94 bilirubin total 1 2 so you can see the alt and ast a considerable elevation from what it have been previously I have a routine physical on july 3rd the enzyme have increase slightly more alt 82 ast 45 alp 81 bilirubin totoal 1 3 this time she flag it and leave I a message she want I to come back in two week for a retest I google why enzyme would be elevate I read about nafld and nash nash send I out of my mind I keep have panic attack my xanax was not help with I could not sleep I keep have the thought of if I sleep I will die like happen back a few year ago I was a mess I call the office and beg for a liver ultrasound now rather than make I suffer like this for 2 more week for a retest which will prob just lead to an ultrasound anyway I also tell they I start to have right quad pain in the last few day that was not go away so she order it and I go that night for blood work not sure why the blood work it have only been a few day since I have it and a full abdominal ultrasound I was hysterical at the test and the tech feel so bad she try to calm I say that she do not see anything so bad only some gallstone and a fatty liver I guess she think I was worried about cancer but oddly I was not it is nash that is terrify I well after hear for sure I do have a fatty liver I lose my freaking mind I could not get nash out of my head I do not no one do want to end up on some liver transplant list in a few year with end liver disease I can not convey to you the just true utter terror this have strike in I and my anxiety med are not help after come home from the ultrasound I lose it I end up at the emergency room when I start to scare my husband this was more than a typical panic attack I beg they to please sedate I so I could sleep I was so exhausted I have only have like 2hrs in 3 night they give I fluids bc I was dehydrate something to calm I and call a social worker to work with they in put I into some off site inpatient place maybe I am being a baby but I truly can not help it I would not do this to myself if I have a choice I know I am being irrational at time but that do not make it stop anyway they decide not to inpatient I and send I home whatever they give I finally allow I to sleep I have been able to eat since then but my appetite is definitely diminish I have immediately change my diet and start to walk a bit my exercise tolerance is pretty low so I will have to work up to more and more step I walk 2 5 mile yesterday but I think that is maybe push it after having sit for so long and I really still have not been eat too much I do not want to make this bad and I have read you can do if you lose too much weight too quickly my doctor finally personally call I after her nurse who is a sweetheart find out I have been in the hospital my doctor try to tell I that sooooo many people have fatty liver and this is a new condition for I since there was no indication of it back in 2015 she say that is good bc it was not much time to cause damage she say fatty liver is almost always reverse with a healthy die and exercise she say my level are only slightly elevate so it is not a dire concern right today she say if she have been worry that of course she would have say so but she really is not at this time even after the ultrasound she say she hope that see my gastro doctor next week to talk about thing in more detail will make I feel well she say the pain I am have in my side and back and even the elevated enzyme could easily be from the gallstone see on ultrasound she keep say try not to worry and that she will do what she can to help get I into some behavioral therapy for my anxiety bc it is clear the med alone are not enough I have a panic attack while talk to she she is ask I to try to calmly tell she what I am so scared of I tell her nash it is literally terrify I she try to calm I with rational thing like it is such a small chance and all that but really she can not know right now if I have it or not so I really could not be calm very much I have been barely hold it together I do not see the gastro until the thursday of this upcoming week that is like an eternity to someone with severe anxiety I really do not know how I am go to manage until then I have been try to hold onto the fact that gallstone bc that is a relatively easy fix right could cause my enzyme to be elevate but alp is commonly also in my case it is not shortly before both test I have very very bad back pain that radiate out from under my right shoulder that I have no idea the cause of the last few day I have have this dull but constant ache at my right waist level reach a little to the front and back off and on for week few month I get this bit sharp pain in my right side that do not last but I was chalk it up to poor posture do that seem to be gallbladder relate bc of the stone how really worried about all this should I be I am hope hear from real people will help thank 3 and sorry so long | negative | 0 |
hi I am so worried at the moment I suffer with crohns so was send for an mri on my small bowel this was do 4 month ago so I go into hospital tuesday and my dr tell I that there is a spot on my liver that look like a bunch of blood vessel so she is send I for an ultrasound I am really panic now as I am worried it could be liver cancer and I do drink a fair bit of alcohol I am think maybe it is nothing as surely the dr would have let I no about result but also I am worried about the damage I have do to make it bad in the last 3 month can anyone give I a head up on this please | negative | 0 |
I just get back my every 6 month chest ct this morning by email it say impression new peripheral cluster of small pulmonary nodule within the right upper lobe likely infectious inflammatory in etiology give the appearance careful attention to this region on subsequent follow up image within the body of the report it say new since the previous study there is a cluster of pulmonary nodule develop along the major fissure within the right upper lobe on image 40 measure 3 to 4 mm each otherwise no new pulmonary nodule remainder of the lung are otherwise clear no pleural effusion or pneumothorace the central airway are widely patent I have 4 nodule in the left lung that were on my original scan in jan 2009 that have never change and meet the criterion of benign I am 8 year post colon cancer stage iii dx and 5 year post a liver resection for a 1 5 cm liver meet everything have been good for 5 year except the ct in april 2014 show I have mild walking pneumonia I have a cough the end of december that last 6 week start to finish all my friend have pneumonia but I have have the ppv13 and prevnar23 so feel sure mine was nothing of concern thought | neutral | 1 |
have anyone have lgsil and high risk hpv and decide to have a hysterectomy background my primary doctor tell I I only need anpap every 3 year year so I have not been my gynecologist was mad at my doctor and say that I need to come in yearly and that right now the general practitioner and gynecologist are st war over this issue well I start have issue and write it off as my iud but last month I have a gut feeling that something was wrong so I call and make an appointment well last week my gynecologist call and tell I that my pap was abnormal lgsil she say give my symptom and the fact that I have not have a pap in three year she want to do a biopsy she want to wait six week as I just have a bladder sling put in last week but I am call she monday and tell she that that is not acceptable I can not sit here for six week worry and wonder I have not receive my hpv result yet but I suspect I will be able to get they monday or tuesday but if my gut is right which I have find it usually is I will test positive and I would not be a bit surprised if it is high risk now I am 31 year old and I have two beautiful child one which have recently been diagnose with high function autism and he is amazing but he is like have two kid so what I am say is I am do have kid I could not handle another so give my family histoy with cancer I just feel like if I test positive for high risk hpv I should just have a hysterectomy my dad have lymphoma he survive thank god my sister have have pre cancerous cell on her cervix remove my grandmother die of liver colon cancer and my grandfather die in his 40 of a brain tumor so I do not want to mess around with stuff | negative | 0 |
hello everyone I have been have severe chest pain into my back so I go to my primary doctor and he do an ekg all was fine he then send I to get an abdominal ultrasound during this they find a gallstone which could explain my attack but they also find a tumor on my liver the technician do not tell I but say she have to go get the doctor and he come in and start look and say you have gallstone which could mean you need to take your gallbladder out but well see what your primary doctor suggest you also have a tumor but do not worry people have these all the time well take a look at it in 6 month from now since this I have been literally sick to my stomach on the verge of tear everyday I am 33 year old marry with two small child why would not the doctor suggest further testing he say he think its a hemangioma how could he tell this just by an ultrasound I literally have anxiety please anyone help shed some light on this anyone else have a tumor on their liver | negative | 0 |
hello new here I am a 55 yr old male I recently receive news from gp that I have elevate ast 47 and alt 80 which are about twice what they usually are upper level for ast lab range is about 40 and alt is 67 bilirubin is 1 1 alp is about 64 this have happen within the past six month I admit I am a little anxious also I am obsess with look up info on the internet I know it is make my mental state bad and agitate my wife I usually only have about 3 8 beer a week at the most and do not smoke or lift weight I run and bike at the gym 3 4 time per week I have been on crestor for about 12 year and zetia for about 3 I was recently take off tricor about 2 month ago because it was find to interact with the crestor I have ib and this is act up maybe because I am so anxious or could it be liver or pancreas cancer I do not eat well halloween candy usual bad holiday food and sometimes have about 2 3 beer a night but not every night in the couple of month before this recent lab my triglyceride also increase from 85 to 126 could this be from being take off tricor also have some sore muscle from play basketball pretty hard about three week ago which I have not do in a while I don take a lot of tylenol or aspirin I have prediabete and last blood glucose was 123 ac1 was 6 1 none of this to I seem bad enough to have cause such a spike in my enzyme level so I have an ultrasound a few day ago and look clear no fatty liver either which make I even more nervous because that is benign compare to what else the elevated ast and alt could be indicate wait on next instruction from doctor of course the bad is run through my mind and every time I look at my kid now I get a sad feeling I am not go to see they grow up and be there for they or my wife I can hardly sleep and I keep think the bad and that I need to get my affair in order any encouraging word or suggestion would be greatly appreciate have not ever been in such a worried state of mind about my health | negative | 0 |
cancer point colon met to liver and lung quit 3rd chemo digestive problem were aggravate the chemo unpleasantness have one infusion of avastin every 3 wks have slide hiatal hernia and was experience gerd and painful heartburn those have subside but now I have what feel like an esophageal cramp heart attack like pain that can last from 2 6 hour I can not endure it any long dr just prescribe amlodipine besylate and for 5 day was free of cramp then last night hit I hard help what can I do to relieve this it happen hour after eat | negative | 0 |
greeting to all first of all my salute to all brave heart who are fight cancer and to friend and family who are do their good to cure they I know how it feel to know that your beloved one is not do well and is suffer from a chronic disease it really hurt and feel devastate but few thing in life are inevitable well my father have been diagnose with stage 4 metastasis cancer he have go through a lot of test and finally doc declare he have stage 4 cancer with a poorly differentiate carcinoma from a possible gallbladder pancreaticobilary primary my father is diabetic and have chronic liver disease from last 3 yrs we are treat he and he have show improvement to treatment two week back he have severe back ache below right shoulder and start vomit we admit he to near by hospital and there he was diagnosize of advanced cancer all of sudden advanced stage oncologist say as he is very weak cheamotherapy is rule out and would continue with medicine pain killers oncologist also give we very less time after discharge from hospital he become very weak he is sleep a lot unable to speak and walk properly lose weight we are really worried not exactly sure what to do next we are do our good to maintain positivity at home but not sure what to expect next we love he a lot and it is very hard to digest that he have very less time can someone really help I understand what to expect next what all will be he is suffering how to handle those and last but not the least how much time he have I know this is wrong question but want to know so that we can prepare a lot thank in advance | negative | 0 |
I am a 46 year old male never have any serious health problem and rarely sick have suffer with heart burn over the last several year but that it a couple of month ago after a meal at night I have a sharp pain to the right of my sternum that hurt all night and most the next day stay home from work and it start to feel well after that start notice a lot of bloat after meal and belching and a slight burning feeling on the right side pit off go to doctor for a couple of month pain start to be almost continuos but just kind of annoying and not real bad go to doctor and he say need to check gallbladder I also point out a bulge on my right low side just above low rib cage he feel it and say it was pretty firm and it was tender to the touch he set up an ultrasound but just want to check that bulge out nurse call and bulge was not liver relate which I guess he was afraid of and my own research have I scared to death I have liver cancer also have full blood work do and all was clear now schedule for ct scan on monday still concerned about some kind of cancer because of bulge but technician say she do not see anything during ultrasound just fatty deposit pain seem less in the morning and get bad throughout the day dull pain burning sensation right of sternum radiate down to low flank and around to back of flank and mid back pain just under shoulder blade thought and thank you | negative | 0 |
hello all I am a 20 yrs old student my life was all normal some three week back I have never smoke in my life nor ever taste alcohol I love junk food and and spicy stuff a lot so it happen that I was suffer from some abdominal problem and was have a heartburn about a week back when I feel a lump or like a sensation of apple peel chip weird analogy but that is the good way to describe it in my throat and since then it have not go it get well few time a day but never go away completely my doctor point out acid reflex and I am have the medicine for it it have been just a day of I take the medicine I feel slight pain in my ear too I am very afraid to think of it but can it be a cancer I want to see a ent specialist soon but my family would freak out I know can someone guide I if it really point towards cancer | negative | 0 |
my mother have liver cancer and 9 month after the operation we are both fine except some few side effect of the operation recently I have been feel very tired constantly have a headache I sometimes can barely open my eye if I go for a jog I am dead for the next few day my late cbc was fine except my ferritin was around 20 vs 9 month ago at 150 is it normal to lose so much ferritin after the operation are my symptom relate to the loss of ferritin thank you all | neutral | 1 |
I receive my ultrasound result for my abdomen I was have severe abdominal pain which require I to go to er they er perform blood work and find my liver enzyme to be very high they request I have an ultrasound do of my liver pancrea and gallbladder the result come in and was curious if anyone can explain to I what this stuff mean heterogeneous echotexture of liver with increase periportal echo uncertain etiology tiny left lobe liver cyst no cholelithiasis or biliary dilatation porta hepatis nodule and peripancreatic nodule possible lymph node nonspecific ct evaluation recommend I will not be see my dr until next week so this is make I very anxious nervous and scared out of my mind I have a ct scan schedule for monday afternoon and I guess ill know more anyone you can enlighten I would be greatly appreciate much thank | negative | 0 |
hi I m a 39 year old guy semi active lifestyle and I was wonder if its a good idea to take these folowing supplement at the same time multivitamins ginseng silica q 10 fishoil hope you can give I an idea wether its no problem extra beneficial or can have some complication thank very much thoma | neutral | 1 |
dear guy desperately need some advice on june 5th 2015 my wife have mastectomy because the doctor say that the cancer have spread and the breast have become red from the outside stare october november 2015 she was have severe pain in the back the doctor say that the cancer have spread to the spine and have crack t9 bone at doctor insistence we were tell that the cancer have spread to the lung as well we do as the doctor tell we at the hospital by have all the 6 session of chemotherapy 14th june 2016 she have her last chemo session at a london hospital at first she was have problem walk or breathing but after the chemo she was able to walk abit and without oxygen all day aug 2016 the report of the scan the doctor say that the cancer have not spread but it is now contain but unfortunately 1 there is now a lump or cyst in her left breast we have just have a biopsy today 02 09 2016 and will get a report in a weeka s time 2 he say she need to go on zomate for bone protection 3 he also say that she have to go on hormone therapy to stop the production of estrogen from the ovary thereby create an early menopause we are completely devastate by the origin of another lump in the left breast and the doctor tell we that the cancer is control and nothing else we have now get report tell we that the cancer have spread to her bone and liver she is still in a lot of pain and resort to cry but still no help from anyone is more chemotherapy the anwer and hrt plse please help kind regard | neutral | 1 |
my sister have a mastectomy in 2009 since then it have metasticize to bone and liver it is her liver now that is really the issue she is a heck of a fighter too she move in with I so I could care for she and start with a new oncologist at that time he change up her treatment and since then she have improve and have a favorable pet scan but she have so many of the end stage symptom and yet she just do not seem like she is near the end I have been tell when it happen it happen fast what I am try to figure out is how long she can go with so many of these symptom before she take that turn her bilirubin have been as high as 14 9 and go down to 2 7 but is now creep up again she is itchy ooze moisture from her body not eat very much but hold her weight so far suffer with constipation and feel chilly in 85 degree heat if anyone have have someone with all these end of life symptom how long do the person live with these symptom before take that turn for the bad | negative | 0 |
I begin by say that I obsess over my health alot ever since I get a breast reduction and get a mycobacterium that almost kill I ever since that I have horrible anxiety worry I m devaste because I get an ultrasound due to bloat and discomfort on my right upper side of the stomach the doctor say he see a spot on my liver that is been devastade ever since I think its cancer and I m go to leave my 2 child alone help I can not keep live like this | negative | 0 |
my sister have liver cancer she have chemo get well and take herself off of the treatment because her minister tell she she was heal our plan once were that once she was give an ok from her doctor to travel she come and live with I until she could get on her own and I would help she continue with chemo and so on now she is bad than before life in puerto rico she finally get back to the doctor and they are go for her first treatment the md say that treatment will be more severe she have stomach is very swollen look she is pregnant eye are yellow loss of appetite swollen leg tired and sleep have be take to emergency room for morphine to ease the pain I am so worried because her 3 child do not take good care of she but I have no where to stay where she live and now she can not come to live with I like we plan I have tell she to contact social service and medicare to find out what her option I do not know what to do at this stage my question is can she get well or should I start prepare for the bad | negative | 0 |
I start have diarrhea for over 3 year I have so many lab test and endoscopy and colonoscopy large colon so healthy my stomach some cell enlarge due to geri and I have take protonix pantoprazole 40 ml for 15 year my duodenal get diverticulitis wide open and one flat polyp no one in three year test my gastrin level which is main reason for diarrhea until I beg my doctor to do it when he send I to er for dehydration from diarrhea and the gastrin level was 908 the normal level is 0 100 after 3 week I do another test because hospital do not send the blood test to my gi doctor the second test was 6384 way high my doctor do not mention peptic ulcer to I my gi doctor retire and I am look for a new gi I am so nerve from have gastrin tumor and my b12 is normal too gastrin 2 3 is cancer and will invade lymph near pancrea or liver too ct scan can not detect the tumor for been too small I hope to hear from some one experience with gastrin issue I do a lot search on google with no good news can I have gastronomy without ulcer | neutral | 1 |
I have stage 1b1 cervical cancer have a radical hysterectomy 4 week ago while the cancer have not spread a small amount of isolate tumor cell were present in 1 of the 8 lymph node remove I have 2 oppose recommendation from 2 oncologist to undergo radiation and chemo to cure from one and no further treatment as the isolated tumor cell are not consider cancerous and radiation and chemo do not offer additional benefit I am confused and scared of make the wrong decision have anyone else receive these conflict recommendation | negative | 0 |
my dear friend of 15 year have just been dx with throat and stomach cancer biopsy on monday to confirm the liver there are about 10 spot on the liver they were able to confirm the throat without test result he begin not being able to eat solid food in january this year wait over 3 month to see a specialist he go yesterday to seethe surgeon regard the feeding tube and they tell he it is a no go due to where the stomach cancer is he have already lose close to 100 pound hey have not stage he yet but from my research I am sure it is stage iv my big question at this point is have anyone go thru treatment of this without a feeding tube from my personal experience with many cancer in my family I know how important nutrition is to get thru this I am totally devastated learning of this and can only imagine what he must be feel and think any support or information anyone could share with I would be greatly appreciate thank you dawn | negative | 0 |
I am new to the site but would like to share my story with other in june 2015 I get the anticipate call from my mum about her scan result where it was confirm she have bowel and secondary liver cancer and that the doctor do not know how long she have leave I remember cry like a baby a few week later she have her first lot of chemo which would then be every two week for 6 month during her chemo mum do not have any bad side affect and seem to be her old self then in october a scan confirm chemo was work and have shrink 80 of the cancer but then in december she start feel really poorly so they stop the chemo as it was now poison she and put she on steriod which eat away at her muscle and she find it hard to do thing then on 20th jan 2016 two day before her 55th birthday she was tell there was nothing more they could do she then start to go down hill quickly on 06 02 16 mum was take into hospice for a bit of rest bite only she never come home she pass away 17 02 16 with her child and husband at her side she was so peace full and in no pain watch my mum die was the thing I ever have and ever will have to face can any one help I with deal with this I feel guilty I am not cry all the time I have my moment but I just feel numb I miss she so much | negative | 0 |
hey all have a bit of s worrisome month I have a checkup a few week ago as I was having space out feeling throughout the day which get a little bad when lift at the gym were attribute fluid behind both ear drum and bad allergy for this he call a few day later say my cholesterol level were really high and to come in for a follow up I am 24 year old 5 7 146lbs I recently begin bodybuilde again after take 3 month off I am currently in the bulking phase so my daily intake of food have increase dramatically 2 3000 calorie day 1000 cal mass gainer I do not eat junk and sweet but I do eat a high amount of protein carb and so on I also have a hard time gain weight so I take 1 serve of mass gainer every day per 1 serve 260 gram of carbs 50 g of protein 1000 cal I also take 2000 mg of fish oil and avoid cardio like the plague to keep from lose mass stupid I know lipid panel total cholesterol 360 hdl 38 ldl 306 triglyceride 68 the first thing the doctor ask was if I have a family member with high cholesterol which would be my dad whose total cholesterol is 680 he is also an overweight non exercise smoker which I am sure is contribute to his number the doctor say my number look genetic and also say my liver enzyme were elevate he only mention one number and it was at 65 he say it should be around 40 the doctor prescribe I 40 mg of atorvastatin so we can get I my ldl under control he say although the medication may raise my liver enzyme they should diminish as my ldl number drop the doctor also say I more than likely have a fatty liver which can be combat with diet and aerobic exercise to confirm his assessment he send I in for an abdominal ultrasound then he throw the word check for tumor and cyst at I which could explain my panic I have the ultrasound this morning so result should be in next week being a social drinker 6 beer per month non smoker thin somewhat active adult I am surprised my liver could be have these issue I test negative for hep a b and c and my doctor say my blood work do not indicate any sign of hemochromatosis can a fatty liver be cause by high ldl when my other number are pretty good hdl could be well I guess another thing that concern I is the possibility of my liver enzyme being elevate for some other reason which have now cause my ldls to rise I would really hate to develop liver cancer at 24 when I have couch potato alcoholic friend with damn near perfect blood work I have since lay off the mass gainer completely as I am sure have a 500 600 g carb day diet is literally kill I I have also start eat a lot more veggie and start do cardio since it was foolish too avoid any insight on this issue would be great I guess 2016 is the year of the reality check for my health so it is time to make some change thank | neutral | 1 |
I recently have 2 xray of my abdomen one in er for weakness due to chronic nausea diarrhea they find 2 smallish masse first doc say cyst second one say probable hemangiomas in my liver not sure where or exactly how big right now next I have a ruq ultrasound and they feel that also show probably hemangiomas gi doc say nothing to worry about totally normal check in a year or two to see if they have grow I read they can be nearly indistinguishable from hepatic adenomas unless you have a biopsy should I go to see a hepatologist and try to get and mri first as I have hear they are next good thing to biopsy I have have pain on right side for at least 10 year and in last year have many episode of sudden uncontrollable nausea vomit diarrhea indigestion heart burn feeling of fullness and pain under right upper rib and when I tap on right middle of back I have been test for almost everything the one abnormal result that stand out to I was elevate 5h1aa in my urine it was test twice and second time it was high not by much though alternative doc say my problem was mold toxin intolerance and food allergy intolerance but it seem like these symptom come and go independent of what I am eat I also have a gene mutation that indicate I either do not make glutathione or I do not make the transporter molecule I am sick of feel good for day then all of a sudden I get the bloat lack of digestion and so on and lately extreme tiredness even on adrenal and thyroid supp eat very well use to excercise frequently I am afraid these might be adenoma any advice would be greatly appreciate | neutral | 1 |
my doc say I have some gallstone and to wait until I become symptomatic I do not know if that sound like a good idea or not | neutral | 1 |
hi that is been a board member for a bit but have not really do any posting to speak up I am a 65 yr male with well control hypertension as well as glaucoma but otherwise in pretty good health the last couple of year my per annum have been rise in 14 it was 2 5 in 15 it was 3 3 I visit the urologist and he suggest a prostate biopsy he think since I was a healthy person he do not want to wait on do a prostate biopsy well I have it do last week I take a 10 mg valium so was pretty relaxed that say I was not prepare for the insertion of the ultrasound thing or what ever it was it feel like a baseball bat was being ram up my butt they have metal hand rail to the side of the table I was lay on I grab they and hold on for dear life and I would call they oh bar after the probe was place I find the needle insertion very easy no pain at all so the doctor tell I the result would be in in about 5 day he call I with the result of the biopsy on tuesday and the result show cancer in one of the plug or core and the gleason score I was assign was 7 so the doctor tell I not the good but not the bad result we very briefly discuss treatment option which were watchful waiting radiation or the da vinci I have an appointment for this thursday to review the finding and see what direction well go in so if you have the da vinci and have a gleason score of 7 I wonder what the 10 year survival percent are I would love to have some board member opinion on this the doctor have actually do a fellowship in robotic and seem to do this procedure quite a bit I for one would like to have to prostate remove in the easy fashion and get on with my life give I have a gleason score of 7 should scan be do before the removal of the prostate to check for any distant metastasis I guess what I am really ask is the cancer fully contain in the prostate or can we ever really know this side bar question f I do have to da vinci is the catheter place before the anesthesia or after thank in advance for any of your thought ben | neutral | 1 |
my dad fall ill during christmas it get to a point where he need medical attention advice consider how stubborn that man is refuse not to go our local doctor say she is more than sure that my dad have cancer on the liver he go in for a ct scan few day ago and will know the result next week our doctor do say prepare for the bad after my mum brother and sister hear this news they all pore out cry when they tell I I was watch tv at the time I wait till they explain in full and that it do not effect I like I think it would have few day after hear the news my dad have lose a lot of weight even thin in the cheek his doctor do say he have something else to do with acid in the chest and he keep being sick sorry for not know in full medical term anyways she prescribe he some medicine to make he eat and take away the acid so it will make he feel well and be more comfortable I just do not know what to do I feel hopeless and even google cure that can help he I am 24 yrs old and it may seem stupid but I have have the odd tear here and there and I want to be strong is it normal to feel this way we have a holiday in end of july and the doctor do say it will do he good but what I take from that is so he will last long than 7 month sound horrible to think that but the uncertainty of my dad is literally make I numb | negative | 0 |
I know this is go to be difficult but I am drive myself crazy and need some kind of answer backstory my mom was 53 year old and on august 24 2015 she have a colonoscopy on sept 7 2015 we were tell that she have a 10 cm rectal tumor with several met to the liver come to find out she actually have innumerable met to the liver lung and pancrea the oncologist discuss chemo radiation and even surgery and mention a 2 year survival rate if she do what he have plan she do the continuous 5fu infusion and radiation 5 day a week she die oct 24 2015 two or three year ago she was have so much trouble with her right side being swollen so swollen she could not eat more than a few bite without feel full they find lesion on her liver and say that her liver and spleen were grossly enlarge but say that it was probably cause by the amount of tylenol and ibuprofen she have take to help with type 1 diabetic neuropothy and never follow up on it question 1 could she have live 2 or 3 year with met to the liver from rectal cancer with no treatment I am ask because I am have such a hard time with the fact that we were lie to the oncologist actually admit to omitting fact because as he put it if I tell you how bad it was I do not think you would have go along with my treatment plan and I know that it would shrink the tumor enough for you to be comfortable she die less than two month later we were all hope for so much more time because of the lie we were tell and we do not have the oppurtunity to properly prepare ourselves I find myself look at her photo and thinking of the date they were take and wonder if she have cancer then was she silently being eat alive at that point question 2 how long can someone live with rectal cancer from onset to death with no treatment I understand that it is unique for everyone but I need a ballpark maybe someone have go through it or have research it and know the answer if it help we have been tell by the oncologist that it was a neuroendocrine tumor but the lab that do genetic testing on the biopsy say it was adenocarcinoma more lie who know at this point any help would be greatly appreciate I just really need to give my mind a break I feel like I am go crazy not know | negative | 0 |
hello I am new to this so please bear with I I am write for any advise give to I my dad was diagnose with oesphagus and stomach cancer 4 year ago he have his full stomach remove and appear to have been cancer free for 2 year then he have problem again and the cancer have go to his rectum and pernium cavity so nothing than palliative chemo could be do though he now do have a colostomy bag although very thin in the last couple of year he do not weigh much more than 7st he have keep quite well until about 3 month ago he start to have another bleed from the back passage and was lose mucus he was also get extremely tired at first they think it was the anaemia and give he blood transfusion which really do not make much difference anyway to cut a long story short he have a blood test 2 week ago and show liver failure an ultra sound have pick up several cancer spot on the liver and we were tell he is a very sick man and his death would be quick he currently is very yellow extreme fatigue not really eat much he also feel very sick and hardly get out of bed can anyone tell I what else we can expect and do you think we are talk day rather than week thank | negative | 0 |
hi I post early I am go white with worry an incidental finding on an mister scan of the 1 5 cms indeterminate mass with recommend follow up of we or ct scan I opt for we as quick and radiologist could see nothing in fact he believe it to be movement artefact now I have see gastroenterologist who have rubbish the radiologist who do the us scan and say we need to see if you have liver cancer so I have freak out I apparently all along need another mri not ct with contrast I am get ill with worry and have look up far too much on the internet so I do not know what to do I have a dull ache near my rib which is obviously near my liver my blood test were normal except this gastroenterologist want afp do which would be raise in certain type of cancer I am so worried I can not eat or sleep can someone please help its confusing and I have lose time | negative | 0 |
I have my gallbladder out in february my liver enzyme were also elevate at the time alt 68 bilirubin 1 6 all other normal in april my number come down slightly alt 46 bilirubin still 1 6 doctor say all was fine and send I on my way when I have my ultrasound for gall bladder is say I have mild fatty liver I have since lose 25lb between february and april have maintain at low 190 since I have diarrhea almost 3 4 day a week it is usually bright yellow and the stool very from yellowish brown to regular brown many time this hit immediately after eat within 30 minute is this from the gall bladder removal or is my liver get bad I was drink 10 12 alcoholic drink per week prior to this happen I have cut down to 2 3 per week now I go thursday morning to have my thyroid check blood test as I have to go every 6 month month I am hypothyroid should I ask about liver function test I do not have issue with yellow diarrhea prior to have my gall bladder remove but it have happen every since I do not want to do needless testing if it is just a result of gall bladder but I also do not want to have liver disease or cancer I have no other symptom no pain no jaundice urine normal feel fine | neutral | 1 |
hi I have been feel full and bloated after eat a very small meal at first I have been feel like this only during dinnertime but for the past month it get bad I can only eat a small amount of food the whole day and I feel very full for 3 4 hour at least the fullness also go up to my chest and I keep burp I have been lose weight because I can not eat much I go to see the gi doctor and get an endoscopy do it show I have gastritis and a 1 cm hiatal hernia however the doctor say the gastritis is mild and should not be cause the fullness I also get an abdominal ultrasound do but would not get the result until a week later I have been search on google and a lot of website say that pancrea or liver cancer can also cause the fullness now I am freak out I am a mother of twin toddler if I have cancer my family would be devastate do anyone else have this type of problem do it mean it is cancer | negative | 0 |
I receive a letter today say that an appointment will be make for I to have an mri scan for a complex liver cyst that I have I am worried of course but I am assume that this is so that they can have a well idea of what cyst it is have anyone been in a similar situation I would love to hear from anyone so that I can feel a bit more reassure I have ask for lot of test from my gp she have been fantastic and have have lot of blood test which have come back normal but am wait for some other blood test which have tumour marker and so on which I am a bit nervous about my father die of liver cancer and as you can imagine I am petrify | negative | 0 |
during a ctscan examination my bladder it was discover I have a 7 8 cm on my liver I am being schedule for an mri to get a well look at it and make a decision about what need to be do have anyone deal with this and how was it treat | neutral | 1 |
path report liver biopsy severe septal fibrosis at least stage 3 fibrosis moderate stray osis with intralobular inflammation and focal ballooning exchange consistent with mild steatohepatitis first diagnosis was autoimmune hepatitis second opinion with another gi doctor was well at read path report she say after talk directly to the pathologist this is not autoimmune hepatitis that treatment have been stop I will see my new gi in 2 week ong with possible consult with a hepatologist I am post for any positive input any of you on this site may have in research my advanced stage 3 fibrosis cause by nash it appear to I that there is I treatment for this eventually cirrhosis will set in cause my death I am so scared I feel fine just ache in right side very minor elevation alt ast for 10yr I have have fatty liver but 5 yr ago diagnose with breast cancer take tamoxifen for this for the 5 yrs which I have suspicion it trigger the fibrosis now I will die not to much far into the futture I just am in tear overwhelm any positive input greatly appreciate thank you susan | negative | 0 |
on dec 18th my husband was take by ambulance to our university hospital after lose at least 3 pint of blood by hematemesis we have know for a while that he have cirrhosis but he have never quit drinking long enough to be test they do a scope and find 2 esophageal varix that were band we were in the hospital for 5 day the dr tell our daughter and myself that if he do not quit drinking she give he 6 month to 2 year to live since his release he have drink every day 12 18 pk a day I am get really worried jan 16th he have to go get 2 pint of blood as his count were still very low now since last thursday he is retain fluid in his leg he is also insulin dependent diabetic he also have very high ammonia level but refuse to take the laculose we go back to the university on feb 3rd for another scope then we see the dr on the 5th I can not help but feel the end is close then far my outlook for he is grim I love my husband very much but since he do not seem to be bother by the fact that he is kill himself there is not a lot I can do I have make he a live will and last will so that is one less for I to worry about have anyone else been in this situation I am just kind of at a loss not know what to expect next he is still work but not sure how much long he will be able to thank you | negative | 0 |
my father in law is 82 year old he was diagnose with a pancreatic and liver cancer stage 4 in april the bile duct between the pancreas and liver was block so they do a surgery to open it and put a tube in may doctor say he have 6 month to live and there is no treatment 1 week ago he have a very high fever so we rush he the hospital now he is hallucinate not a lot have swell foot and hand and the bile duct between the liver and pancrea is block surgeon try to open it but this time the cancer is very big so they fail he is not eat well very small amount but he is still can talk and walk and read he is not in pain some day he is very well some day he is not I need to know what to expect how much time do we still have with he some people say 1 to 2 week is it true | negative | 0 |
hi all we just find out today that my mom have 7 cm of something in her liver obviously she is really scared and I am terrify I read a couple of the other thread that other people have been through this and have successful post surgery we are wait to hear more result and then the next step will be to get the biopsy to confirm if it is malign cancer or not these are my question if anyone can answer they 1 do you have pain in the upper right abdomen if it is cancer or if it was not cancer she is been have upper stomach pain a bit acidic where it prevent she from eat well 2 7 cm sound humongous for anything inside your body is it not as massively big as I am think it is especially if it is not cancer 3 what are some thing she can eat and do now to help she 4 emotionally and mentally what are some thing I can do for she as a daughter to help distract she from think all these negative thought thank you to everyone who s take the time to read this and respond to this | negative | 0 |
well here go I am really step out here folk let I say hello I am a hypochondriac the follow is a list of what I have battle with my hypochondria I have live through self diagnose heart disease blood clot pancreatic cancer lung cancer at least 1 stroke 2 heart attack colon cancer testicular cancer liver cancer aneurysm heart blockage and throat cancer I have live with this for most of my 49 year by the grace of god I truly understand where each of you live because every twinge pain or awkward feeling can only be terminal fear may only be an emotion however it is a very powerful and control thing in each of our life I pray for each of you as I trust you will pray for I wow it really do help to talk about it I notice how someone comment early that a response to their post was so comfort I believe it must be just to know you re not alone after read some of your post please consider this my response to each of you you are not alone we are all in this together I have never been this brave before but it sure have help I to write this I hope it help at least one of you god bless we all doyle | positive | 2 |
please can someone reassure I I have an ultrasound scan last friday think I have gallstone but come home to a letter from my gp surgery yesterday to say that a liver cyst have been find by chance and I now have an appointment to see a specialist in 8 week time I am so scared that I have liver cancer my dad die of liver cancer I have a short discussion with my gp this morning about the letter and she basically say I should not worry and that I will probably be tell not to worry about the cyst she refer to it as a simple cyst 31 mm size and that they would probably just keep and eye on it for a while I know I should be reassure by this but I am not I can not help think bad case scenario have anyone else go through similar experience | negative | 0 |
do anyone have problem with cyst on their liver I have one on my left lobe measure in size 17 cm it was remove laproscopically last dec 2012 now I have another one grow slowly which measure 3 cm for now have grow only 5 cm in the last few month | neutral | 1 |
it have become so hard to see if I fit for peri menopause as I do not have hot flash at all but I seem to have all else creep up on I lot of woman say if you do not have the hot flash then it can not be peri so really what is the good way to know that your enter that stage of life or not I read alot of post where all these woman have all these tell tale sign of menopause and instead of there doctor take there age into consideration for menopause they all run to do all kind of test and this and that is it really that difficult to decipher when in menopause or not I am so confused and since I am 42 my doctor will not even talk to I about it regardless that my mother and she go into full menopause at 45 yrs old I just hate to be run to the dr and get all frustrate when some of my symptom or all are peri menopause relate I appreciate any and all feedback | negative | 0 |
this is write by my son as I am not computer literate and he is he will be write as if I were type it myself I am 74 year old I have cirrhosis of the liver bring on by excessive alcohol use I have long since abstain from its use but the effect are go to be with I the rest of my life I am have problem get decent medical care here in my hometown and I am look to the internet for help in figure out my situation I am very sick and I am fail fast although the doctor my primary care physician say that I should be recover I am quickly lose the fight I do not want to die but I do not want to live if I have to be sick like this for the time that I have leave please help cirrhosis of the liver I ask the doctor for a meld scale diagnosis and he state that it is a low number but would not risk further statement it is my understanding that a low score is good doctor finding the liver appear mildly enlarge with a vaguely nodualr contour ecogenic throughout no focallesion identify the portal hepatic vein show antegrade flow the gall bladder show no evidence of wall thickening or stone small polyp are present the common duct measure 43 mm in diameter the right kidney is unremarkable the abdominal aorta is not abnormally dilate minor amout of ascite is note no hepatitis and no liver cancer is present atrial fibrilation mild case can not take medication because it interfere with my liver medication I have a feeling that it could be my medication that is make I stay sick but I do not have a medical degree and I am afraid to just quit take my med I am not able to take any of my heart med because they are say to have interaction with my more important medication I check on drug dot com and nearly all my med have moderate interaction not so hard to imagine that my illness symptom are exactly what the side effect are from the med that I currently take I do not know what to do I have travel from my hometown to a nearby city redd california my hometown eureka california is so bad that I can not even get my medical record and test result forward to the seemingly a gooda doctor in redd here is my current condition and symptom I am very weak I can barely walk I get up and get dizzy nearly fall I am tired most of the time I have no appetite I eat very little I am constipate if I do not take the generlac I have a runny nose and that is a run nose this is a recent development last month or so I am anemic even though I take iron current medication and dosage 1 generlac 10gm oral solution 2 hydrochlorothiazide 12 5 mg oral tablet 3 pantoprazole sodium 40 mg oral tablet delay release 4 potassium chloride cry er 20 meq oral tablet extend release 5 propranolol hci a 10 mg oral tablet 6 spironolactone 50 mg oral tablet 7 synthroid 50 mcg oral tablet 8 temazepam 15 mg oral capsule 9 vitamin b 12 cr 2000 mcg tbcr 10 vitam d3 2000 unit oral tablet 11 ferrous sulfate 325 mg oral tablet 12 folic acit tab this is his son now I think that the med are kill he I am so frustrated since he start take the pantroprasole protonix he have really go down hill I do not know what to do we need help | negative | 0 |
hi my mother was diagnose w stage iv pancreatic and liver cancer in november she was already thin go into it and after about a month in the hospital for tpn and her first round of chemo was release and have been home for a month accord to her oncologist she is a super star he state her number tumor maker have drop from over 300 000 to 17 000 during the first 2 chemo treatment he was elated I was skeptical mostly because I am not an expert in the field fast forward another month mom have been do great on her chemo treatment 5 hour infusion pump come home for 24 hour pump remove and a nuelasta shot then a week off up until now mom have been do fairly well a bit tired not a huge appetite but eat and take no pain pill I know that no 2 case are the same but I was wonder if anyone else have a family member that respond so well to treatment and then rapidly decline or might this be more of a long term thing where the chemo can help thing tolerable for a long period of time again I am not look for anything more that other story like mine mom is 70 year old have opcd and was a smoker for over 55 year appreciate any and all advice andrea | negative | 0 |
hello everyone I am new to the board and was just look for some personal experience I have a partial thyroidectomy back in oct 2014 which come back positive for papillary thyroid cancer so have the completion surgery in december 2014 my endo is look to do rai this summer my ent have put I on cytomel follow the surgery and I feel great totally normal I have read some of these board discuss how it can take a year to regulate and that you can feel pretty crummy in the meantime I think hey I must be one of the lucky one well now my endo have explain the difference between cytomel and synthroid and the benefit of being on the latter I totally agree and have now start on synthroid aobut 2 week ago well sure enough here come the hypothyroid symptom I am exhausted blow dry my hair is like bench press a gorilla and I just want to nap all the time do I mention I am a single mom of a very active 9 year old girl my mom pass away of liver cancer in april 2014 and my uncle just last week of metastatic bladder cancer so to keep my baby girl from worry too much I am try to pretend I am feel fine which is not easy the past few day I will be go for lab in a couple week and my endo have say he know he will have to increase but need to see what my level look like after a few week on the new med just feel frustrated because I am not use to not feel in control of my body any feedback on the symptom to expect or some way to feel well while wait on the dosage to be adjust would be appreciate I am try to be patient but that is not one of my good quality | negative | 0 |
hi all first post here I am a 67 year old male and my doc is almost sure I have aih or ai liver disease from the result of all the blood work he have do I am go to a gastroenterologist internest I just have a liver biopsy do to confirm aih or ai liver disease which I think are the same thing so he can give I something to control it more than likely prednisone but he have to make sure first that is the reason for the biopsy and to see the amount of cirrohis if any is there the ct scan was uncertain of cirrhosis he tell I even though the hosptal I go to say my liver have a cirrhosis appearance I have no symptom except light brown stool from the elevated liver enzyme besides that I feel fine this was all detect when I go to the emergency room for a kidney stone which I pass the ct scan they take reveal incidental finding which include the cirrhosis appearance ok here are just a few question 1st aih is more prevalent in female than male but in the elderly I read both sex can acquire aih 2nd it is a rare disease in both sex the only other implication that I do have it is that an old brother now decease have lupu which again is rather rare in male but he do have it like I say all the blood work tend my doctor to believe I have aih he have rule out liver cancer or tumor my liver biopsy result should be ready sometime next week the fact that I am asymptomatic except for the tan colored stool have I very confused | neutral | 1 |
I have great anxiety and it is not fun to be I when thing are not in balance my mom 63 have surgery for pancreatic cancer last year and now it is in her liver she have a good number count recently after have a downfall which is good news her sister my aunt have breast cancer stage 2 at age 66 or 67 she have a double mastectomy and is now do well my husband have prostate cancer at age 45 have surgery and now at 48 and is do great my husband mother is 83 and was just diagnose with pancreatic cancer and she is do mild chemo not really sure what her plan is yet so needless to say I am petrify I have have mammos since I was 39 I am now 46 so this year I decide to have an ultrasound due to density 3 density not 4 everything seem to be go fine and then the tech do say that she see two area on my left breast that do not really concern she she say she would have the radiologist come in and look and that she would probably not do any further treatment and may want to see I in 6 month or a year that all change the radiologist say that what she see she think is benign she say there are smooth edge and that they do not have cancer characteristic then say let do a biopsy I was stunned I was not that bad and she take 3 sample in each mass as she call it which scare I she then say that she have good sample I ask again if she think it was bad she say let put it this way I do this every day and if I think something is bad I see it she then say she feel that I will be ok and mention something about the probability of benign stuff fibrostic and possibly a papilloma that will need to be remove she say let hope for the fibrostic result though she then say the biopsy will tell we more should I be scared I have three young daughter and I do not want to deal with this my mom is have the brachy test today I ask she to be check but I think that is hopefully go to be negative I am so scared for my girl too | negative | 0 |
my husband was diagnose with hepatocellular carcinoma in september 2014 he undergo resection and a large tumor was remove from the liver and a small tumor was remove from the omentum in december a ct scan show that the cancer have return we were tell that additional surgery was not an option nor was any targeted therapy since it is believe to have spread outside the liver his oncologist have recommend that he participate in a study that is being conduct to determine safe dosage of an experimental drug cc 122 give along with nexavar just curious if anyone else have participate in such a study or hear anything about it | neutral | 1 |
I have been ill for 14 year and during this time I have have every test possible except lyme I was tell I have chronic fatigue syndrome but I was never convince I have vertigo a few year ago and have another brain scan which show 3 4 lesion so they suspect miss the neurologist give I a lumbar puncture and evoke potenetial test which were normal so he want to see I in 12 month also my liver function test was abnormal so I got test for hepatitis and have a liver scan which were both ok the gastroenterologist do further blood and ebv igg was reactive which mean I have ebv sometime in the past also positive nuclear antibody result with homogenous hep2 pattern the rest of the antibody screen was negative he want to do a guilde liver biopsy to test for lupoid hepatitis nothing ever add up with my result obviously something autoimmune is go on but I never get any definite answer for a diagnosis anyone else have anything similar | neutral | 1 |
last edit by girlinglasgow 03 23 2014 at 05 09 am | neutral | 1 |
I have this 3 day infusion about 3 4 week ago and still have a nasty taste in my mouth constantly plus I ever get back my taste or feel in the right side of my mouth seem pointless to have have it actually seem to have make thing bad believe it or not my back stiffness is horrible and I am have cluster headache for 3 day at a time I start that baclofen for the back and I think all it is do is keep I up at night I am not like this ride so far | neutral | 1 |
my mother was diagnose a year ago in december with pancreatic cancer and have the whipple procedure do and was in remission for 90 day and about 3 week ago when have she scan it have come back and have also spread in stomach close to the liver I also just lose my dad last month from liver cancer I do not know what to do or hope for | negative | 0 |
Subsets and Splits