142 values
142 values
2 values
1 value
Encourage expansion of our economic ties with other nations of the world and eliminate unjustifiable tariff and non-tariff barriers, under authority of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962.
trade agreements
This text is about trade agreements.
Dem. Party Platforms
In four vigorous years we have moved to the forefront of space exploration. The United States must never again settle for second place in the race for tomorrow's frontiers. We will continue the rapid development of space technology for peaceful uses.
space technology
This text is about space technology.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will continue to ensure that any race in space is won for freedom and for peace.
space technology
This text is about space technology.
Dem. Party Platforms
The complications and dangers in our restless, constantly changing world require of us consummate understanding and experience. One rash act, one thoughtless decision, one unchecked reactioníïand cities could become smoldering ruins and farms parched wasteland. The leadership we offer has already been tested in the crucible of crisis and challenge. To this Nation and to all the world we reaffirm President Johnson's resolve to "... use every resource at the command of the Government. . . and the people . . . to find the road to peace."
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
There can be full freedom only when all of our people have opportunity for education to the full extent of their ability to learn, followed by the opportunity to employ their learning in the creation of something of value to themselves and to the nation. Our task is to make the national purpose serve the human purpose: that every person shall have the opportunity to become all that he or she is capable of becoming. We believe that knowledge is essential to individual freedom and to the conduct of a free society. We believe that education is the surest and most profitable investment a nation can make. Regardless of family financial status, therefore, education should be open to every boy or girl in America up to the highest level which he or she is able to master.
This text is about education.
Dem. Party Platforms
In an economy which will offer fewer and fewer places for the unskilled, there must be a wide variety of educational opportunities so that every young American, on leaving school, will have acquired the training to take a useful and rewarding place in our society.
vocational education
This text is about vocational education.
Dem. Party Platforms
It is increasingly clear that more of our educational resources must be directed to pre-school training as well as to junior college, college and post-graduate study.
This text is about education.
Dem. Party Platforms
The demands on the already inadequate sources of state and local revenues place a serious limitation on education.
elementary & secondary education
This text is about elementary & secondary education.
Dem. Party Platforms
New methods of financial aid must be explored, including the channeling of federally collected revenues to all levels of education, and, to the extent permitted by the Constitution, to all schools. Only in this way can our educational programs achieve excellence throughout the nation, a goal that must be achieved without interfering with local control and direction of education.
This text is about education.
Dem. Party Platforms
In order to insure that all students who can meet the requirements for college entrance can continue their education, we propose an expanded program of public scholarships, guaranteed loans, and work-study grants.
higher education
This text is about higher education.
Dem. Party Platforms
The health of the people is important to the strength and purpose of our country and is a proper part of our common concern.
This text is about health.
Dem. Party Platforms
In a nation that lacks neither compassion nor resources, the needless suffering of people who cannot afford adequate medical care is intolerable: We will continue to fight until we have succeeded in including hospital care for older Americans in the Social Security program, and have insured adequate assistance to those elderly people suffering from mental illness and mental retardation.
long-term health care
This text is about long-term health care.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will further expand our health facilities, especially medical schools, hospitals, and research laboratories.
medical facilities
This text is about medical facilities.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 deserves and requires full observance by every American and fair, effective enforcement if there is any default. Resting upon a national consensus expressed by the overwhelming support of both parties, this new law impairs the rights of no American; it affirms the rights of all Americans. Its purpose is not to divide, but to end division; not to curtail the opportunities of any, but to increase opportunities for all; not to punish, but to promote further our commitment to freedom, the pursuit of justice, and a deeper respect for human dignity.
minority discrimination
This text is about minority discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
True democracy of opportunity will not be served by establishing quotas based on the same false distinctions we seek to erase, nor can the effects of prejudice be neutralized by the expedient of preferential practices.
minority discrimination
This text is about minority discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
The immigration laws must be revised to permit families to be reunited, to welcome the persecuted and oppressed, and to eliminate the discriminatory provisions which base admission upon national origins.
This text is about immigration.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will support legislation to carry forward the progress already made toward full equality of opportunity for women as well as men.
gender discrimination
This text is about gender discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will strive to eliminate discrimination against older Americans, especially in their employment.
age discrimination
This text is about age discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will:Carry the War on Poverty forward as a total war against the causes of human want. Move forward with programs to restore those areas, such as Appalachia, which the Nation's progress has by-passed.
low-income assistance
This text is about low-income assistance.
Dem. Party Platforms
Help the physically handicapped and mentally disadvantaged develop to the full limit of their capabilities.
disabled assistance
This text is about disabled assistance.
Dem. Party Platforms
Assist our Indian people to improve their standard of living and attain self-sufficiency, the privileges of equal citizenship, and full participation in American life.
indigenous affairs
This text is about indigenous affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will encourage the advance of science and technologyíïfor its material rewards, and for its contribution to an understanding of the universe and ourselves.
This text is about technology.
Dem. Party Platforms
The American free enterprise system is one of the great achievements of the human mind and spirit. It has developed by a combination of the energetic efforts of working men and women, bold private initiative, the profit motive and wise public policy, until it is now the productive marvel of mankind. In spite of this, at the outset of 1961, America was in the depths of the fourth postwar recession. Since then, in 42 months of uninterrupted expansion under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, we have achieved the longest and strongest peace-time prosperity in modern history:
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Almost four million jobs have been added to the economyíïalmost 1 1/2 million since last December.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
This did not just happen. It has come about because we have wisely and prudently used our increasing understanding of how the economy works. It is the national purpose, and our commitment, to continue this expansion of the American economy toward its potential, without a recession, with continued stability, and with an extension of the benefits of this growth and prosperity to those who have not fully shared in them. This will require continuation of flexible and innovative fiscal, monetary, and debt management policies, recognizing the importance of low interest rates.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will seek further tax reductioníïand in the process we need to remove inequities in our present tax laws. In particular we should carefully review all our excise taxes and eliminate those that are obsolete.
the tax code
This text is about the tax code.
Dem. Party Platforms
Consideration should be given to the development of fiscal policies which would provide revenue sources to hard-pressed state and local governments to assist them with their responsibilities.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Every penny of Federal spending must be accounted for in terms of the strictest economy, efficiency and integrity. We pledge to continue a frugal government, getting a dollar's value for a dollar spent, and a government worthy of the citizen's confidence. Our goal is a balanced budget in a balanced economy.
the national budget
This text is about the national budget.
Dem. Party Platforms
Our enviable record of price stability must be maintainedíïthrough sound fiscal and monetary policies and the encouragement of responsible private wage and price policies. Stability is essential to protect our citizensíïparticularly the retired and handicappedíïfrom the ravages of inflation. It is also essential to maintain confidence in the American dollar; this confidence has been restored in the past four years through sound policies. Radical changes in technology and automation contribute to increased productivity and a higher standard of living.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
We must develop fully our most precious resourceíïour manpower. Training and retraining programs must be expanded. A broad-gauge manpower program must be developed which will not only satisfy the needs of the economy but will also give work its maximum meaning in the pattern of human life.
employment training
This text is about employment training.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will stimulate as well as protect small business, the seedbed of free enterprise and a major source of employment in our economy.
small businesses
This text is about small businesses.
Dem. Party Platforms
Our population, which is growing rapidly and becoming increasingly mobile, and our expanding economy are placing greater demands upon our transportation system than ever before. We must have fast, safe, and economic modes of transportation. Each mode should be encouraged to develop in accordance with its maximum utility, available at the lowest cost under the principles of fair competition.
This text is about transportation.
Dem. Party Platforms
A strong and efficient American Flag merchant marine is essential to peace-time commerce and defense emergencies.
maritime transportation
This text is about maritime transportation.
Dem. Party Platforms
The industrial democracy of free, private collective bargaining and the security of American trade unions must be strengthened by repealing Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act. The present inequitable restrictions on the right to organize and to strike and picket peaceably must also be eliminated.
labor unions
This text is about labor unions.
Dem. Party Platforms
In order to protect the hard earned dollars of American consumers, as well as promote their basic consumer rights, we will make full use of existing authority, and continue to promote efforts on behalf of consumers by industry, voluntary organizations, and state and local governments. Where protection is essential, we will enact legislation to protect the safety of consumers and to provide them with essential information. We will continue to insist that our drugs and medicines are safe and effective, that our food and cosmetics are free from harm, that merchandise is labeled and packaged honestly and that the true cost of credit is disclosed.
consumer safety
This text is about consumer safety.
Dem. Party Platforms
The roots of our economy and our life as a people lie deep in the soil of America's farm land. Our policies and programs must continue to recognize the significant role of agricultural and rural life. To achieve the goals of higher incomes to the farm and ranch, particularly the family-sized farm, lower prices for the consumer, and lower costs to the government, we will continue to carry forward this three-dimensional program.
This text is about agriculture.
Dem. Party Platforms
2. Consumer Programs including expansion of the Food Stamp Program and the school lunch and other surplus food programs, and acceleration of research into new industrial uses of farm products, in order to assure maximum use of and abundance of wholesome foods at fair prices here and abroad.
This text is about agriculture.
Dem. Party Platforms
3. Community Programs and agricultural cooperatives to assure rural America decent housing, economic security and full partnership in the building of the great society. We pledge our continued support of the rural telephone program and the Rural Electrification Administration, which are among the great contributions of the Democratic Party to the well-being and comfort of rural America.
rural development
This text is about rural development.
Dem. Party Platforms
Provide the people of this nation a balanced outdoor recreation program to add to their health and well-being, including the addition or improved management of national parks, forests, lake shores, seashores and recreation areas.
national parks
This text is about national parks.
Dem. Party Platforms
Preserve for us and our posterity through the means provided by the Wilderness Act of 1964 millions of acres of primitive and wilderness areas, including countless beautiful lakes and streams. Increase our stock of wildlife and fish.
public lands
This text is about public lands.
Dem. Party Platforms
Continue to support balanced land and forest development through intensive forest management on a multiple-use and sustained yield basis, reforestation of burned land, providing public access roads, range improvement, watershed management, concern for small business operations and recreational uses.
public lands
This text is about public lands.
Dem. Party Platforms
Continue the attack we have launched on the polluted air that envelops our cities and on eliminating the pollution of our rivers and streams.
air pollution
This text is about air pollution.
Dem. Party Platforms
Sustain and promote strong, vigorous domestic minerals, metals, petroleum and fuels industries.
This text is about energy.
Dem. Party Platforms
Increase the efficient use of electrical power through regional inter-ties and more extensive use of high voltage transmission. Continue to promote the development of new and improved methods of generating electric power, such as the recent important gains in the field of atomic energy and the Passamaquoddy tidal power project. Preserve the T.V.A., which has played such an instrumental role in the revitalization of the area it serves and which has been the inspiration for regional development programs throughout the world.
This text is about electricity.
Dem. Party Platforms
Now is the time to redouble our efforts, with full cooperation among local, state and federal governments, for these objectives:The goal of our housing program must be a decent home for every American family.
community development
This text is about community development.
Dem. Party Platforms
We support the right of the people of the Virgin Islands to the fullest measure of self-government, including the right to elect their Governor. The people of Puerto Rico and the people of the United States enjoy a unique relationship that has contributed greatly to the remarkable economic and political development of Puerto Rico. We look forward to the report on that relationship by a commission composed of members from Puerto Rico and the United States, and we are confident that it will contribute to the further enhancement of Puerto Rico and the benefit that flows from the principles of self-determination.
dependencies & territories
This text is about dependencies & territories.
Dem. Party Platforms
The federal government exists not to subordinate the states, but to support them.
intergovernmental relations
This text is about intergovernmental relations.
Dem. Party Platforms
Ultimately there can be no effective restraint on the powers of government at any level save as Americans exercising their duties as citizens insist upon and maintain free, democratic processes of our constitutional system.
government operations
This text is about government operations.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we proposed toíï"Recast our military capacity in order to provide forces and weapons of a diversity, balance, and mobility sufficient in quantity and quality to deter both limited and general aggression." Since January 1961, we have achieved:A 150% increase in the number of nuclear war-heads and a 200% increase in total megatonnage available in the Strategic Alert Forces. A 60% increase in the tactical nuclear strength in Western Europe. A 45% increase in the number of combat-ready Army divisions.
defense readiness
This text is about defense readiness.
Dem. Party Platforms
A 75% increase in airlift capability. A 100% increase in ship construction to modernize our fleet. A 44% increase in the number of tactical fighter squadrons. An 800% increase in the special forces trained to deal with counter-insurgency threats. In 1960, we proposed to createíï"Deterrent military power such that the Soviet and Chinese leaders will have no doubt that an attack on the United States would surely be followed by their own destruction." Since 1961, we have increased the intercontinental ballistic missiles and Polaris missiles in our arsenal from fewer than 100 to more than 1,000. Our Strategic Alert Forces now have about 1,100 bombers, including 550 on 15-minute alert, many of which are equipped with decoy missiles and other penetration aids to assure that they will reach their targets.
defense readiness
This text is about defense readiness.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we proposedíï"Continuous modernization of our forces through intensified research and development, including essential programs slowed down, terminated, suspended, or neglected for lack of budgetary support." Since 1961, we haveíïIncreased funds for research and development by 50% over the 1957-60 level.
defense r&d
This text is about defense r&d.
Dem. Party Platforms
Added 208 major new research and development projects including 77 weapons programs with costs exceeding $10 million each, among which are the SR-71 long-range, manned, supersonic strategic military reconnaissance aircraft, the NIKE-X anti-ballistic missile system, the A7A navy attack aircraft, and the F-111 fighter-bomber and a new main battle tank. Increased, by more than 1,000%, the funds for the development of counter-insurgency weapons and equipment, from less than $10 million to over $103 million per year.
defense procurement
This text is about defense procurement.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we proposedíï"Balanced conventional military forces which will permit a response graded to the intensity of any threats of aggressive force."
defense readiness
This text is about defense readiness.
Dem. Party Platforms
Increased the number of tactical fighter squadrons from 55 to 79 and have substantially increased the procurement of tactical fighters. Trained over 100,000 officers in counter-insurgency skills necessary to fight guerilla and anti-guerilla warfare, and increased our special forces trained to deal with counter-insurgency by 800%. Acquired balanced stocks of combat consumables for all our forces so that they can engage in combat for sustained periods of time.
defense readiness
This text is about defense readiness.
Dem. Party Platforms
In reconstructing the nation's defense establishment, the Administration has insisted that the services be guided by these three precepts: Buy only what we need. Buy only at the lowest sound price.
defense procurement
This text is about defense procurement.
Dem. Party Platforms
As a result, our expanded and reconstituted defense force has cost billions of dollars less than it would have cost under previous inefficient and un-businesslike methods of procurement and operation. These savings amounted to more than $1 billion in the fiscal year 1963, and to $2.5 billion in the fiscal year just completed. Furthermore, under the cost reduction program we have established, we will be saving $4.6 billion each year, every year, by Fiscal Year 1968.
defense procurement
This text is about defense procurement.
Dem. Party Platforms
We have successfully met the challenges of Berlin and Cuba, and attacks upon our Naval forces on the high seas, thus decreasing the prospect of further such challenges and brightening the outlook for peace.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we proposedíï"A national peace agency for disarmament planning and research to muster the scientific ingenuity, coordination, continuity, and seriousness of purpose which are now lacking in our arms control efforts." In 1961, the United States became the first nation in the world to establish an "agency for peace"íïthe Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. This agency is charged by law with the development of a realistic arms control and disarmament policy to promote national security and provide an impetus towards a world free from the threat of war. Working closely with the senior military leaders of the Department of Defense, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency has enabled the United States to lead the world in a new, continuous, hard-headed and purposeful discussion, negotiation and planning of disarmament. In 1960, we proposedíï"To develop responsible proposals that will help break the deadlock on arms control." In the aftermath of the Cuban crisis the United States pressed its advantage to seek a new breakthrough for peace, On June 10, 1963, at American University, President Kennedy called on the Soviet leadership to join in concrete steps to abate the nuclear arms race. After careful negotiations experienced American negotiators reached agreement with the Russians on a Nuclear Test Ban Treatyíïan event that will be marked forever in the history of mankind as a first step on the difficult road of arms control. One hundred and six nations signed or acceded to the treaty. In the United States it was supported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and ratified in the Senate by an 80-20 vote. To insure the effectiveness of our nuclear development program in accord with the momentous Test Ban Treaty, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended, and the Administration has undertaken:A comprehensive program of underground testing of nuclear explosives. Maintenance of modern nuclear laboratory facilities. Preparations to test in the atmosphere if essential to national security, or if the treaty is violated by the Soviet Union. Continuous improvement of our means for detecting violations and other nuclear activities elsewhere in the world. In 1960, we proposedíï"To the extent we can secure the adoption of effective arms control agreements, vast resources will be freed for peaceful use." In January and April 1964, President Johnson announced cutbacks in the production of nuclear materials: twenty percent in plutonium production and forty percent in enriched uranium. When the USSR followed this United States initiative with a similar announcement, the President welcomed the response as giving hope "that the world may yet, one day, live without the fear of war."
nuclear arms
This text is about nuclear arms.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we proposed thatíï"American foreign policy in all its aspects must be attuned to our world of change. "We will recruit officials whose experience, humanity and dedication fit them for the task of effectively representing America abroad. "We will provide a more sensitive and creative direction to our overseas information program."
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
The United States Information Agency has been transformed into a powerful, effective and respected weapon of the free world. The new nations of the world have come to know an America that is not afraid to tell the truth about itselfíïand so can be believed when it tells the truth about Communist imperialism.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we saidíï"... We shall expand world trade in every responsible way. "Since all Americans share the benefits of this policy, its costs should not be the burden of a few. We shall support practical measures to case the necessary adjustments of industries and communities which may be unavoidably hurt by increases in imports.
foreign trade
This text is about foreign trade.
Dem. Party Platforms
This pledge was fulfilled in the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. The Trade Expansion Act of 1962, gives the President power to negotiate a 50 percent across-the-board cut in tariff barriers to take place over a five-year period.
trade agreements
This text is about trade agreements.
Dem. Party Platforms
Foreign trade now provides jobs for more than 4 million workers.
foreign trade
This text is about foreign trade.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Trade Expansion Act provides for worker training and moving allowances, and for loans, tax rebates and technical assistance for businesses if increased imports resulting from concessions granted in trade agreements result in unemployment or loss of business.
trade agreements
This text is about trade agreements.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Long Term Cotton Textile Agreement of 1962 protects the textile and garment industry against disruptive competition from imports of cotton textiles. The Cotton Act of 1964 enables American manufacturers to buy cotton at the world market price, so they can compete in selling their products at home and abroad.
trade agreements
This text is about trade agreements.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we proposed toíï"Adjust our immigration, nationality and refugee policies to eliminate discrimination and to enable members of scattered families abroad to be united with relatives already in our midst. "The national-origins quota system of limiting immigration contradicts the founding principles of this nation. It is inconsistent with our belief in the rights of men." The immigration law amendments proposed by the Administration, and now before Congress, by abolishing the national-origin quota system, will eliminate discrimination based upon race and place of birth and will facilitate the reunion of families. The Cuban Refugee Program begun in 1961 has resettled over 81,000 refugees, who are now self-supporting members of 1,800 American communities. The Chinese Refugee Program, begun in 1962, provides for the admission to the United States of 12,000 Hong Kong refugees from Red China.
This text is about immigration.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we pledgedíï"To the non-Communist nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America: We shall create with you working partnerships based on mutual respect and understanding" and "will revamp and refocus the objectives, emphasis and allocation of our foreign assistance programs." In 1961, the administration created the Agency for International Development, combining the three separate agencies that had handled foreign assistance activities into an orderly and efficient instrument of national policy. Since 1961, foreign aid has been conducted on a spartan, cost conscious basis, with emphasis on self-help, reform and performance as conditions of American help. These new policies are showing significant returns. Since the beginning of the Marshall Plan in 1948, U. S. economic assistance has been begun and ended in 17 countries. In 14 other countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, the transition to economic self-support is well under way, and U. S. assistance is now phasing out. In the 1965 AID program, 90 percent of economic assistance will go to just 25 countries. In 1960, only 41 percent of aid-financed commodities were purchased in America. In 1964, under AID, 85 percent of all aid-financed commodities were U. S. supplied. The foreign aid appropriation of $8.5 billion for fiscal year 1965 represents the smallest burden on U. S. resources that has been proposed since foreign aid began after World War II. Since 1961, the United States has insisted that our allies in Europe and Japan must share responsibility in the field of foreign assistance, particularly to their former colonies. They have responded with major programs. Several nations now contribute a larger share of their gross national production to foreign assistance than does the United States.
foreign aid
This text is about foreign aid.
Dem. Party Platforms
A Latin American school lunch program is feeding 10 million children at least one good meal every day, and the program will reach 12 million by the end of the year.
developing countries
This text is about developing countries.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we saidíï"To our friends and associates in the Atlantic Community: We propose a broader partnership that goes beyond our common fears to recognize the depth and sweep of our common political, economic, and cultural interests." In 1961, the United States ratified the conventions creating the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a body made up of ourselves, Canada and 18 European States which carries forward on a permanent basis the detailed cooperation and mutual assistance that began with the Marshall Plan. Since 1961, we have progressed in the building of mutual confidence, unity, and strength.
western europe
This text is about western europe.
Dem. Party Platforms
NATO has frequently been used for consultation on foreign policy issues. Strong Atlantic unity emerged in response to Soviet threats in Berlin and in Cuba.
defense alliances
This text is about defense alliances.
Dem. Party Platforms
Current trade negotiations reflect the value of the Trade Expansion Act and the utility of arrangements for economic cooperation.
trade agreements
This text is about trade agreements.
Dem. Party Platforms
NATO military forces are stronger in both nuclear and conventional weapons. The United States has actively supported the proposal to create a multilateral, mix-manned, seaborne nuclear missile force which could give all NATO countries a direct share in NATO's nuclear deterrent without proliferating the number of independent, national nuclear forces.
defense alliances
This text is about defense alliances.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we saidíï"To the rulers of the Communist World: We confidently accept your challenge to competition in every field of human effort. "We believe your Communist ideology to be sterile, unsound, and doomed to failure . . . "... We are prepared to negotiate with you whenever and wherever there is a realistic possibility of progress without sacrifice of principle.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
"But we will use all the will, power, resources, and energy at our command to resist the further encroachment of Communism on freedomíïwhether at Berlin, Formosa or new points of pressure as yet undisclosed."
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
Communist efforts to interfere with free Western access to Berlin were successfully rebuffed.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
Vietnam, August 1964. Faced with sudden unprovoked attacks by Communist PT boats on American destroyers on the high sea, President Johnson ordered a sharp immediate retaliation on the hostile vessels and their supporting facilities. Speaking on that occasion, the President said: "Aggressioníïdeliberate, willful and systematic aggression has unmasked its face to the world. The world remembersíïthe world must never forgetíïthat aggression unchallenged is aggression unleashed. "We of the United States have not forgotten. "That is why we have answered this aggression with action."
foreign defense operations
This text is about foreign defense operations.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we saidíï"The new Democratic Administration will confidently proceed to unshackle American enterprise and to free American labor, industrial leadership, and capital, to create an abundance that will outstrip any other system. "We Democrats believe that our economy can and must grow at an average rate of 5 percent annually, almost twice as fast as our average annual rate since 1953.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
In January 1961, the nation was at the bottom of the fourth recession of the postwar periodíïthe third in the eight-year period, 1953-60.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
More men and women were out of work than at any time since the Great Depression of the 1930's. In February 1961, the unemployment rate was 6.8 percent, with a total of 5,705,000 unemployed.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
Today we are in the midst of the longest peace-time expansion in our history, during the past 42 months of unbroken economic expansion:Our economic growth rate has risen now to over 5 percentíïtwice the average rate for the 1953-60 period.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
3,900,000 jobs have been added to the economy, and the unemployment rate was down in July 1964 to 4.9 percent.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Gross National Product has risen by $120 billion in less than four years! No nation in peace-time history has ever added so much to its wealth in so short a time. The average manufacturing worker's weekly earnings rose from $89 in January 1961, to $103 in July 1964íïan increase of over 15 percent.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Profits after taxes have increased 62 percentíïfrom an annual rate of $19.2 billion in early 1961 to an estimated $31.2 billion in early 1964. Total private investment has increased by 43 percentíïfrom an annual rate of $61 billion in early 1961 to $87 billion in the spring of 1964.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
There are a million and a half more Americans at work today than there were a year ago.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
The provision in the Revenue Act of 1962 for a credit for new investment in machinery and equipment, and the liberalization of depreciation allowance by administrative ruling, resulted in a reduction of $2.5 billion in business taxes. The Revenue Act of 1964 cut individual income taxes by more than $9 billion, increasing consumer purchasing power by that amount; and corporate taxes were cut another $2.5 billion, with the effect of increasing investment incentives. Overall individual Federal income taxes were cut an average of 19 percent; taxpayers earning $3,000 or less received an average 40 percent cut.
the tax code
This text is about the tax code.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we proposedíï"As the first step in speeding economic growth, a Democratic president will put an end to the present high interest, tight money policy.
monetary policy
This text is about monetary policy.
Dem. Party Platforms
Immediately, in February 1961, the Federal Housing Agency interest rate was cut from 5 3/4% percent to 5 1/2 percent. It is now down to 5 1/4 percent. Today's home buyer will pay about $1,700 less for FHA-insured financing of a 3O-year $15,000 home mortgage than he would have had he taken the mortgage in 1960. Today after 42 months of expansion, conventional home mortgage rates are lower than they were in January 1961, in the midst of a recession.
consumer finance
This text is about consumer finance.
Dem. Party Platforms
We have prudently lengthened the average maturity of the Federal debt, in contrast to the steady shortening that characterized the 1950's.
the national budget
This text is about the national budget.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we reaffirmed ouríï"support of full employment as a paramount objective of national policy." In July 1964, total employment in the United States rose to the historic peak of 72,400,000 jobs. This represents an increase of 3,900,000 jobs in 42 months. In the past twelve months, total civilian employment has increased by 1,600,000 jobs, and nonfarm employment by 1,700,000. Most of this job expansion has occurred in the past eight months. In July 1964, the jobless total was one-half million below a year ago, and was at its lowest July level since 1959. In July, 1964, the overall unemployment rate was 4.9%íïcompared with 6.5% in January 1961; and the jobless rate for men who are heads of families was down to 2.7%. There have been more than a million full-time jobs added to the private profit sector of the economy in the past 12 months. This is the largest increase in any one-year period in the past decade. We have brought ourselves now within reach of the full employment objective.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
Provided retraining programs, with tuition and subsistence, for 37,327 jobless workers, equipping them with new skills to fill available jobs in their areas.
employment training
This text is about employment training.
Dem. Party Platforms
In early 1961, there were 101 major areas in the United States in which unemployment was 6 percent or more, discounting seasonal or temporary factors. By July 1964, this number had been cut two-thirds, to a total of 35.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
Title IV of the Act provides for loans up to $25,000 for small businesses to create jobs for the long-term unemployed.
small businesses
This text is about small businesses.
Dem. Party Platforms
Title V of the Act provides constructive work experience and other needed training to persons who are unable to support or care for themselves or their families.
employment training
This text is about employment training.
Dem. Party Platforms
On March 6, 1961, President Kennedy issued an Executive Order establishing the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity to combat racial discrimination in the employment policies of Government agencies and private firms holding Government contracts. Then-Vice President Johnson, in his capacity as Chairman of the new Committee, assumed personal direction of this program. As a consequence of the enforcement of the Executive Order, not only has discrimination been eliminated in the Federal Government, but strong affirmative measures have been taken to extend meaningful equality of opportunity to compete for Federal employment to all citizens. The private employers of 8,076,422 men and women, and trade unions with 12,500,000 members, have signed public agreements establishing non-discriminatory practices.
minority discrimination
This text is about minority discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 guarantees equal pay to women doing the same work as men, by requiring employers who are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act to pay equal wages for equal work, regardless of the sex of their workers.
gender discrimination
This text is about gender discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
Executive Order 11141, issued by President Johnson on February 12, 1964, establishes for the first time in history a public policy that "contractors and subcontractors engaged in the performance of Federal contracts shall not, in connection with the employment, advancement, or discharge of their employees, or in connection with the terms, conditions, or privileges of their employment, discriminate against persons because of their age..."
age discrimination
This text is about age discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we pledgedíï"an affirmative labor policy which will encourage free collective bargaining through the growth and development of free and responsible unions." These have been good years for labor-management relations. Time lost from strikes is at the lowest point in history. The President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy, made up of distinguished leaders of business and trade unions, has spoken out consistently in favor of creative and constructive solutions to common problems. Executive Order 10988, issued by President Kennedy on January 17, 1962, extended the rights of union recognition to Federal employeesíïa goal which some employee organizations had been trying to reach for three quarters of a century. In the spring of 1964, under President Johnson's personal leadership, the five-year-old railroad dispute that would have resulted in a critical nation-wide strike, was at last endedíïby free collective bargaining. A cause many thought lost was won; industrial self-government was saved from a disastrous setback.
labor unions
This text is about labor unions.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1960, we proposed toíï"provide the government leadership necessary to insure that the blessings of automation do not become burdens of widespread unemployment. For the young and the technologically displaced workers, we will provide the opportunity for training and retraining that equips them for jobs to be filled." The Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962 provides for the training or retraining of unemployed or underemployed people, particularly those threatened or displaced by technological advances.
employment training
This text is about employment training.
Dem. Party Platforms
The 1963 amendments to the Act emphasize the problem of youth employment.
youth employment
This text is about youth employment.
Dem. Party Platforms
In the two years of the administration of this program, training projects for 240,471 persons have been approved, and more than 54,000 persons have completed their training. Under the Manpower Development and Training Act an active manpower policy is being developed to keep the nation ahead of the problems of automation. Congress has now enacted, in August 1964, legislation creating a National Commission on Technology, Automation and Economic Progress to undertake a searching inquiry into the problems created by automation, and means by which they can be prevented or solved. In its own activities, the Federal Government has taken full account of human considerations in instituting technological developments.
employment training
This text is about employment training.
Dem. Party Platforms