1 value
In year 2013, month 01 and 30th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.630001 Adj close is 27.345598. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.48, high value is 34.869999, low value is 34.459999 and volume is 24179700
In year 2013, month 01 and 31th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.529999 Adj close is 27.59145. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.790001, high value is 34.950001, low value is 34.48 and volume is 26239500
In year 2013, month 02 and 01th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.16 Adj close is 28.162472. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.509998, high value is 35.630001, low value is 35.040001 and volume is 29182600
In year 2013, month 02 and 04th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.380001 Adj close is 27.940411. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.23, high value is 35.470001, low value is 35.0 and volume is 28233900
In year 2013, month 02 and 05th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.380001 Adj close is 28.035574. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.349998, high value is 35.630001, low value is 35.330002 and volume is 20928300
In year 2013, month 02 and 06th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.099998 Adj close is 28.099026. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.43, high value is 35.490002, low value is 35.099998 and volume is 34952400
In year 2013, month 02 and 07th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.439999 Adj close is 27.972132. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.27, high value is 35.549999, low value is 35.060001 and volume is 19054700
In year 2013, month 02 and 08th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.389999 Adj close is 27.972132. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.27, high value is 35.529999, low value is 35.16 and volume is 18275500
In year 2013, month 02 and 11th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.259998 Adj close is 27.940411. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.23, high value is 35.310001, low value is 35.060001 and volume is 13687800
In year 2013, month 02 and 12th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.25 Adj close is 28.233854. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.599998, high value is 35.669998, low value is 35.23 and volume is 16959000
In year 2013, month 02 and 13th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.669998 Adj close is 28.091091. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.419998, high value is 35.810001, low value is 35.34 and volume is 17402500
In year 2013, month 02 and 14th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.419998 Adj close is 27.987989. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.290001, high value is 35.439999, low value is 35.029999 and volume is 26204900
In year 2013, month 02 and 15th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.32 Adj close is 28.04351. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.360001, high value is 35.549999, low value is 35.150002 and volume is 24859300
In year 2013, month 02 and 19th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.369999 Adj close is 28.289364. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.669998, high value is 35.689999, low value is 35.369999 and volume is 16879600
In year 2013, month 02 and 20th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.68 Adj close is 28.130749. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.470001, high value is 35.98, low value is 35.459999 and volume is 35656800
In year 2013, month 02 and 21th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.360001 Adj close is 28.099026. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.43, high value is 35.619999, low value is 35.0 and volume is 25155400
In year 2013, month 02 and 22th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.450001 Adj close is 28.297302. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.68, high value is 35.700001, low value is 35.220001 and volume is 20813400
In year 2013, month 02 and 25th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.77 Adj close is 27.908688. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.189999, high value is 36.080002, low value is 35.189999 and volume is 32523700
In year 2013, month 02 and 26th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.540001 Adj close is 28.146608. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.490002, high value is 35.700001, low value is 35.400002 and volume is 26263600
In year 2013, month 02 and 27th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.549999 Adj close is 28.432119. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.849998, high value is 35.900002, low value is 35.459999 and volume is 23526300
In year 2013, month 02 and 28th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.799999 Adj close is 28.479704. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.91, high value is 36.25, low value is 35.75 and volume is 31849800
In year 2013, month 03 and 01th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.689999 Adj close is 28.55901. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.009998, high value is 36.080002, low value is 35.630001 and volume is 23501500
In year 2013, month 03 and 04th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.0 Adj close is 28.733496. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.23, high value is 36.27, low value is 35.91 and volume is 18656000
In year 2013, month 03 and 05th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.529999 Adj close is 29.026937. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.599998, high value is 36.700001, low value is 36.5 and volume is 22608400
In year 2013, month 03 and 06th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.639999 Adj close is 28.781082. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.290001, high value is 36.82, low value is 36.279999 and volume is 20448000
In year 2013, month 03 and 07th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.369999 Adj close is 28.860392. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.389999, high value is 36.52, low value is 36.150002 and volume is 19227600
In year 2013, month 03 and 08th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.540001 Adj close is 29.090384. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.68, high value is 36.740002, low value is 36.540001 and volume is 21495000
In year 2013, month 03 and 11th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.650002 Adj close is 29.026937. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.599998, high value is 36.77, low value is 36.400002 and volume is 20019000
In year 2013, month 03 and 12th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.560001 Adj close is 29.122108. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.720001, high value is 36.84, low value is 36.52 and volume is 19613600
In year 2013, month 03 and 13th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.73 Adj close is 29.026937. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.599998, high value is 36.82, low value is 36.560001 and volume is 15071000
In year 2013, month 03 and 14th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.669998 Adj close is 29.233133. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.860001, high value is 36.869999, low value is 36.59 and volume is 19513800
In year 2013, month 03 and 15th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.59 Adj close is 28.892113. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.43, high value is 36.700001, low value is 36.240002 and volume is 51077500
In year 2013, month 03 and 18th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.169998 Adj close is 28.670044. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.150002, high value is 36.34, low value is 36.119999 and volume is 20693400
In year 2013, month 03 and 19th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.259998 Adj close is 28.662119. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.139999, high value is 36.380001, low value is 36.029999 and volume is 19851800
In year 2013, month 03 and 20th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.32 Adj close is 28.701777. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.189999, high value is 36.43, low value is 36.119999 and volume is 29883600
In year 2013, month 03 and 21th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.099998 Adj close is 28.670044. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.150002, high value is 36.25, low value is 36.02 and volume is 20725800
In year 2013, month 03 and 22th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.18 Adj close is 28.892113. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.43, high value is 36.52, low value is 36.18 and volume is 23912000
In year 2013, month 03 and 25th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.470001 Adj close is 28.860392. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.389999, high value is 36.59, low value is 36.299999 and volume is 23707600
In year 2013, month 03 and 26th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.540001 Adj close is 29.13797. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.740002, high value is 36.77, low value is 36.349998 and volume is 18429200
In year 2013, month 03 and 27th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.549999 Adj close is 29.042795. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.619999, high value is 36.790001, low value is 36.5 and volume is 17375800
In year 2013, month 03 and 28th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.689999 Adj close is 29.09832. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.689999, high value is 36.830002, low value is 36.5 and volume is 37388800
In year 2013, month 04 and 01th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.709999 Adj close is 29.542442. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.25, high value is 37.32, low value is 36.709999 and volume is 24205600
In year 2013, month 04 and 02th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.48 Adj close is 29.796238. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.57, high value is 37.689999, low value is 37.32 and volume is 26227700
In year 2013, month 04 and 03th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.509998 Adj close is 29.566227. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.279999, high value is 37.599998, low value is 37.209999 and volume is 24291000
In year 2013, month 04 and 04th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.349998 Adj close is 30.065876. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.91, high value is 37.959999, low value is 37.32 and volume is 72851500
In year 2013, month 04 and 05th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.650002 Adj close is 30.153124. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 38.02, high value is 38.049999, low value is 37.59 and volume is 76489400
In year 2013, month 04 and 08th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.509998 Adj close is 30.193249. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.619999, high value is 37.790001, low value is 37.48 and volume is 23617200
In year 2013, month 04 and 09th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.68 Adj close is 30.305601. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.759998, high value is 37.889999, low value is 37.509998 and volume is 22546700
In year 2013, month 04 and 10th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.799999 Adj close is 30.642689. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 38.18, high value is 38.299999, low value is 37.759998 and volume is 19065800
In year 2013, month 04 and 11th for company T, the stock value is open in 38.150002 Adj close is 30.931627. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 38.540001, high value is 38.799999, low value is 38.150002 and volume is 25493600
In year 2013, month 04 and 12th for company T, the stock value is open in 38.419998 Adj close is 30.971754. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 38.59, high value is 38.639999, low value is 38.419998 and volume is 19725300
In year 2013, month 04 and 15th for company T, the stock value is open in 38.27 Adj close is 30.458103. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.950001, high value is 38.549999, low value is 37.91 and volume is 29249300
In year 2013, month 04 and 16th for company T, the stock value is open in 38.25 Adj close is 30.450066. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.939999, high value is 38.279999, low value is 37.919998 and volume is 24466600
In year 2013, month 04 and 17th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.799999 Adj close is 30.321667. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.779999, high value is 38.0, low value is 37.549999 and volume is 22473100
In year 2013, month 04 and 18th for company T, the stock value is open in 38.110001 Adj close is 30.289562. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.740002, high value is 38.130001, low value is 37.68 and volume is 20200000
In year 2013, month 04 and 19th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.860001 Adj close is 30.722958. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 38.279999, high value is 38.360001, low value is 37.759998 and volume is 24528000
In year 2013, month 04 and 22th for company T, the stock value is open in 38.419998 Adj close is 31.084108. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 38.73, high value is 38.759998, low value is 38.34 and volume is 21502100
In year 2013, month 04 and 23th for company T, the stock value is open in 38.799999 Adj close is 31.300808. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 39.0, high value is 39.0, low value is 38.349998 and volume is 25108800
In year 2013, month 04 and 24th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.09 Adj close is 29.727755. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.040001, high value is 37.259998, low value is 36.630001 and volume is 61126900
In year 2013, month 04 and 25th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.25 Adj close is 29.920366. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.279999, high value is 37.439999, low value is 37.07 and volume is 35807500
In year 2013, month 04 and 26th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.279999 Adj close is 29.727755. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.040001, high value is 37.310001, low value is 36.880001 and volume is 33202800
In year 2013, month 04 and 29th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.119999 Adj close is 29.936419. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.299999, high value is 37.34, low value is 37.02 and volume is 18914300
In year 2013, month 04 and 30th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.369999 Adj close is 30.064833. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.459999, high value is 37.619999, low value is 37.279999 and volume is 24144700
In year 2013, month 05 and 01th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.459999 Adj close is 30.145098. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.560001, high value is 37.970001, low value is 37.459999 and volume is 21834000
In year 2013, month 05 and 02th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.619999 Adj close is 30.145098. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.560001, high value is 37.84, low value is 37.41 and volume is 16445100
In year 2013, month 05 and 03th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.869999 Adj close is 29.968525. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.34, high value is 37.880001, low value is 37.220001 and volume is 20239900
In year 2013, month 05 and 06th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.290001 Adj close is 29.767879. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.09, high value is 37.330002, low value is 37.07 and volume is 12113000
In year 2013, month 05 and 07th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.189999 Adj close is 30.112989. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.52, high value is 37.52, low value is 37.09 and volume is 14693200
In year 2013, month 05 and 08th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.43 Adj close is 30.361792. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.830002, high value is 37.849998, low value is 37.360001 and volume is 15176200
In year 2013, month 05 and 09th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.700001 Adj close is 29.960499. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.330002, high value is 37.779999, low value is 37.200001 and volume is 23605900
In year 2013, month 05 and 10th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.450001 Adj close is 29.984571. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.360001, high value is 37.529999, low value is 37.169998 and volume is 18182600
In year 2013, month 05 and 13th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.299999 Adj close is 29.695641. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.0, high value is 37.32, low value is 36.939999 and volume is 18558100
In year 2013, month 05 and 14th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.990002 Adj close is 29.880239. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.23, high value is 37.23, low value is 36.860001 and volume is 19478800
In year 2013, month 05 and 15th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.34 Adj close is 30.121014. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.529999, high value is 37.830002, low value is 37.290001 and volume is 23060400
In year 2013, month 05 and 16th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.419998 Adj close is 30.000624. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.380001, high value is 37.619999, low value is 37.330002 and volume is 13668400
In year 2013, month 05 and 17th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.349998 Adj close is 30.048779. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.439999, high value is 37.470001, low value is 37.189999 and volume is 16712900
In year 2013, month 05 and 20th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.400002 Adj close is 29.872217. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 37.220001, high value is 37.439999, low value is 37.130001 and volume is 14654200
In year 2013, month 05 and 21th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.240002 Adj close is 29.647488. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.939999, high value is 37.240002, low value is 36.799999 and volume is 24867600
In year 2013, month 05 and 22th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.939999 Adj close is 29.390661. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.619999, high value is 37.169998, low value is 36.450001 and volume is 28598200
In year 2013, month 05 and 23th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.369999 Adj close is 29.486975. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.740002, high value is 36.810001, low value is 36.349998 and volume is 18120200
In year 2013, month 05 and 24th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.529999 Adj close is 29.494995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.75, high value is 36.779999, low value is 36.450001 and volume is 14443900
In year 2013, month 05 and 28th for company T, the stock value is open in 37.040001 Adj close is 29.037519. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.18, high value is 37.150002, low value is 36.16 and volume is 29429000
In year 2013, month 05 and 29th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.049999 Adj close is 28.820827. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.91, high value is 36.060001, low value is 35.5 and volume is 28740600
In year 2013, month 05 and 30th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.84 Adj close is 28.491764. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.5, high value is 36.080002, low value is 35.5 and volume is 25094300
In year 2013, month 05 and 31th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.330002 Adj close is 28.082445. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.990002, high value is 35.5, low value is 34.98 and volume is 35799800
In year 2013, month 06 and 03th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.990002 Adj close is 28.14666. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.07, high value is 35.209999, low value is 34.580002 and volume is 29759400
In year 2013, month 06 and 04th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.189999 Adj close is 28.628212. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.669998, high value is 35.869999, low value is 35.150002 and volume is 40467000
In year 2013, month 06 and 05th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.66 Adj close is 28.299145. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.259998, high value is 35.720001, low value is 35.25 and volume is 22863800
In year 2013, month 06 and 06th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.209999 Adj close is 28.740568. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.810001, high value is 35.860001, low value is 35.099998 and volume is 23058700
In year 2013, month 06 and 07th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.970001 Adj close is 28.451633. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.450001, high value is 36.049999, low value is 35.380001 and volume is 26049300
In year 2013, month 06 and 10th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.869999 Adj close is 28.885036. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.990002, high value is 36.110001, low value is 35.689999 and volume is 21852200
In year 2013, month 06 and 11th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.860001 Adj close is 28.700436. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.759998, high value is 36.200001, low value is 35.720001 and volume is 26002900
In year 2013, month 06 and 12th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.0 Adj close is 28.588078. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.619999, high value is 36.139999, low value is 35.57 and volume is 16955600
In year 2013, month 06 and 13th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.610001 Adj close is 29.133833. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.299999, high value is 36.389999, low value is 35.610001 and volume is 20142600
In year 2013, month 06 and 14th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.200001 Adj close is 28.820827. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.91, high value is 36.310001, low value is 35.889999 and volume is 23972700
In year 2013, month 06 and 17th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.07 Adj close is 28.700436. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.759998, high value is 36.139999, low value is 35.48 and volume is 23364400
In year 2013, month 06 and 18th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.830002 Adj close is 29.029501. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 36.169998, high value is 36.349998, low value is 35.790001 and volume is 15357900
In year 2013, month 06 and 19th for company T, the stock value is open in 36.060001 Adj close is 28.291121. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 35.25, high value is 36.139999, low value is 35.25 and volume is 24464500
In year 2013, month 06 and 20th for company T, the stock value is open in 35.0 Adj close is 27.568792. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.349998, high value is 35.200001, low value is 34.32 and volume is 31797500
In year 2013, month 06 and 21th for company T, the stock value is open in 34.549999 Adj close is 27.665106. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 34.470001, high value is 34.73, low value is 34.099998 and volume is 97444100