Oliver had to wash N_00 short sleeve shirts and N_01 long sleeve shirts before school . If he had only washed N_02 of them by the time school started , how many did he not wash ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
39.0 47.0 20.0
There are N_00 oranges in a box . Jonathan takes N_01 oranges . How many are left ?
N_00 - N_01
96.0 45.0
Mary has N_00 yellow marbles . Joan has N_01 yellow marbles . How many yellow marbles do they have in all ?
N_00 + N_01
9.0 3.0
Dan has N_00 violet balloons . Tim has N_01 times more violet balloons than Dan . How many violet balloons does Tim have ?
N_00 * N_01
29.0 7.0
For homework Faye had N_00 math problems and N_01 spelling problems . If she can finish N_02 problems in an hour how long will it take her to finish all the problems ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
13.0 2.0 3.0
For Halloween Emily received N_00 pieces of candy from neighbors and N_01 pieces from her older sister . If she only ate N_02 pieces a day , how long would the candy last her ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
5.0 13.0 9.0
Sally had N_00 cards . Dan gave her N_01 new cards . Sally bought N_02 cards . How many cards does Sally have now ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
27.0 41.0 20.0
Ruby has N_00 apples . Emily takes N_01 away . How many apples will Ruby have ?
N_00 - N_01
63.0 55.0
John earned N_00 dollars for each lawn he mowed . If he had N_01 lawns to mow , but forgot to mow N_02 of them , how much money did he actually earn ?
N_00 * ( N_01 - N_02 )
8.0 15.0 7.0
Jack starts with N_00 marbles . He shares N_01 with Rebecca . How many marbles does Jack end with ?
N_00 - N_01
62.0 33.0
Sarah had N_00 homework problems . She finished N_01 of them but still had N_02 pages of problems to do . If each page has the same number of problems on it , how many problems are on each page ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
60.0 20.0 5.0
There are N_00 books on the shelf . Marta put N_01 more books on the shelf . How many books are on the shelf now ?
N_00 + N_01
38.0 10.0
Maria was making baggies of cookies with N_00 cookies in each bag . If she had N_01 chocolate chip cookies and N_02 oatmeal cookies , how many baggies could she make ?
( N_01 + N_02 ) / N_00
8.0 5.0 19.0
There are N_00 bananas in a pile on the desk . Each banana comes in a package of N_01 . N_02 bananas are added to the pile . How many bananas are there in the pile ?
N_00 + N_02
2.0 17.0 7.0
Henry was helping the cafeteria workers pick up lunch trays , but he could only carry N_00 trays at a time . If he had to pick up N_01 trays from one table and N_02 trays from another , how many trips will he make ?
( N_01 + N_02 ) / N_00
9.0 29.0 52.0
Roger had N_00 pieces of clothing to wash . He put N_01 of them in one load , but decided to split the rest into N_02 equal loads . How many pieces of clothing could go in each of the small loads ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
120.0 48.0 9.0
Jason had N_00 quarters in his bank . His dad gave him N_01 more quarters . How many quarters does he have now ?
N_00 + N_01
49.0 25.0
Joan bought N_00 dozen eggs from the grocery store to bake some cakes . How many eggs did Joan buy ?
N_00 * 12.0
Albert has N_00 bottle caps . Anne has with N_01 bottle caps . Anne finds another N_02 . How many bottle caps does Anne end with ?
N_01 + N_02
9.0 10.0 5.0
A petri dish originally contained N_00 bacteria . A scientist let the bacteria grow and now there are N_01 of them . How many more bacteria are there now ?
N_01 - N_00
600.0 8917.0
The distance measured on a map varies directly with the actual distance . If N_00 cm represents N_01 kilometers , how many kilometers are represented by N_02 cm ?
N_01 * N_02
1.0 25.0 7.0
Nancy starts with N_00 bottle caps . She finds another N_01 . How many bottle caps does Nancy end with ?
N_00 + N_01
91.0 88.0
N_00 beavers were working on their home . N_01 went for a swim . How many beavers are still working on their home ?
N_00 - N_01
2.0 1.0
Dina made cookies . She used N_00 cup of flour and N_01 cup of sugar . How much more flour than sugar did Dina use ?
N_00 - N_01
0.625 0.25
So far , an orchard has sold a combined total of N_00 pounds of fresh and frozen fruit this season . If they have sold N_01 pounds of frozen fruit , how many pounds of fresh fruit have been sold so far ?
N_00 - N_01
9792.0 3513.0
Alyssa loves eating fruits . Alyssa paid $ N_00 for grapes , and $ N_01 for cherries . In total , how much money did Alyssa spend ?
N_00 + N_01
12.08 9.85
Hayley had N_00 meatballs on her plate . Kirsten stole some of her meatballs . Now she has N_01 meatballs on her plate . How many meatballs did Kirsten steal ?
N_00 - N_01
25.0 11.0
For the final act , the circus brought out dancing animals wearing crowns . If each crown is made with N_00 different colored feathers , how many feathers are needed for N_01 crowns ?
N_00 * N_01
7.0 934.0
There are N_00 popular trees currently in the park . Park workers will plant N_01 more popular trees today . How many popular trees will the park have when the workers are finished ?
N_00 + N_01
25.0 73.0
In fourth grade there were N_00 students at the start of the year . During the year N_01 students left and N_02 new students came to school . How many students were in fourth grade at the end ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
40.0 14.0 26.0
Connie has N_00 red markers and N_01 blue markers . How many markers does Connie have altogether ?
N_00 + N_01
2315.0 1028.0
There were originally N_00 houses in Lincoln County . During a housing boom , developers built N_01 more . How many houses are there now in Lincoln County ?
N_00 + N_01
20817.0 97741.0
In a video game , each enemy defeated gives you N_00 points . If a level has N_01 enemies total and you destroy all but N_02 of them , how many points would you earn ?
N_00 * ( N_01 - N_02 )
9.0 11.0 3.0
Sandy had N_00 pet fish . She bought N_01 more fish . How many pet fish does Sandy have now ?
N_00 + N_01
26.0 6.0
There are N_00 cards . N_01 cards more are added . How many are there total ?
N_00 + N_01
4.0 3.0
N_00 ducks are swimming in a lake . N_01 more ducks come to join them . How many ducks are swimming in the lake ?
N_00 + N_01
13.0 20.0
Brad has N_00 balloons . N_01 balloons are red and the rest are green . How many green balloons does Brad have ?
N_00 - N_01
17.0 8.0
At the arcade , Tom won N_00 tickets playing ' whack a mole ' and N_01 tickets playing ' skee ball ' . If he spent N_02 of his tickets on a hat , how many tickets does Tom have left ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
32.0 25.0 7.0
An ice skating rink charges N_00 dollars for admission and N_01 dollars to rent skates . Jill can purchase a new pair of skates for N_02 dollars . How many times would she need to go the rink to justify buying the skates rather than renting a pair ?
N_02 / N_01
5.0 2.5 65.0
Jacques earns N_00 dollars per hour . For each hour over N_01 hours he earns N_02 dollars per hour . If he works N_03 hours in a week , what pay should he receive ?
N_00 * N_01 + N_02 * ( N_03 - N_01 )
8.6 40.0 12.9 55.5
Dan has N_00 green and N_01 violet marbles . Mike took N_02 of Dan 's green marbles . How many green marbles does Dan now have ?
N_00 - N_02
32.0 38.0 23.0
A construction company bought N_00 tons of gravel and N_01 tons of sand . How many tons of material did the company buy in all ?
N_00 + N_01
5.91 8.11
Sara has N_00 green and N_01 red marbles . Tom has N_02 green marbles . How many green marbles do they have in total ?
N_00 + N_02
3.0 5.0 4.0
Sara has N_00 marbles . She loses N_01 . How many marbles will Sara have ?
N_00 - N_01
10.0 7.0
The Spurs basketball team has N_00 players . Each player has N_01 basketballs . How many basketballs do they have in all ?
N_00 * N_01
22.0 11.0
Edward and his friend were buying trick decks from the magic shop for N_00 dollars each . How much did they spend if Edward bought N_01 decks and his friend bought N_02 decks ?
N_00 * ( N_00 + N_01 )
6.0 3.0 6.0
Tim has saved N_00 cents from selling lemonade . How many dollars does Tim have ?
N_00 / 100.0
Maria was making baggies of cookies with N_00 cookies in each bag . If she had N_01 chocolate chip cookies and N_02 oatmeal cookies , how many baggies could she make ?
( N_01 + N_02 ) / N_00
3.0 2.0 16.0
Irene just bought a new lamp for her bedside table . The old lamp was N_00 foot tall and the new lamp is N_01 feet tall . How much taller is the new lamp than the old lamp ?
N_01 - N_00
1.0 2.3333333333333335
Haley has N_00 magazines in her cabinet . She plans to send it to the recycling office in their area . If she places it in boxes which can contain N_01 magazines , how many boxes will Hayley use ?
N_00 / N_01
63.0 9.0
Sandy grew N_00 pumpkins . Mike grew N_01 pumpkins . How many pumpkins did they grow in total ?
N_00 + N_01
51.0 23.0
Each child has N_00 pencils . If there are N_01 children , how many pencils are there in total ?
N_00 * N_01
6.0 2.0
Josh had N_00 marbles in his collection . He lost N_01 marbles . How many marbles does he have now ?
N_00 - N_01
16.0 7.0
There are N_00 crayons in the drawer and N_01 crayons on the desk . Sam placed N_02 crayons and N_03 scissors on the desk . How many crayons are now there in total ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
7.0 6.0 4.0 8.0
Mike picked N_00 apples , Nancy picked N_01 apples , and Keith picked N_02 apples and N_03 pears , at the farm . How many apples were picked in total ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
7.0 3.0 6.0 4.0
Maria picked N_00 carrots from her garden . If she threw out N_01 of them and then picked N_02 more the next day , how many carrots would she have total ?
N_00 + N_02 - N_01
48.0 11.0 15.0
Gavin has N_00 shirts . N_01 are blue the rest are green . How many green shirts does Gavin have ?
N_00 - N_01
23.0 6.0
As Alyssa was searching through her couch cushions , she found N_00 quarters , and N_01 pennies in the couch . How much money in total does Alyssa have ?
N_00 * 0.25 + N_01 * 0.01
12.0 7.0
There were N_00 friends playing a video game online when N_01 players quit . If each player left had N_02 lives , how many lives did they have total ?
N_02 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
10.0 7.0 8.0
Seth bought N_00 cartons of ice cream and N_01 cartons of yogurt . Each carton of ice cream cost $ N_02 and each carton of yogurt cost $ N_03 . How much more did Seth spend on ice cream than on yogurt ?
N_00 * N_02 - N_01 * N_03
20.0 2.0 6.0 1.0
A man starts walking for the first week and walks N_00 miles . Every week he increases the distance by N_01 miles . How many miles does he walk by the 8th week ?
N_00 + N_01 * ( 8.0 - 1.0 )
10.0 2.0
The town of Milburg has N_00 grown - ups and N_01 children . How many people live in Milburg ?
N_00 + N_01
5256.0 2987.0
Adam bought N_00 boxes of chocolate candy and N_01 boxes of caramel candy . If each box has N_02 pieces inside it , how much candy did he have total ?
N_02 * ( N_00 + N_01 )
2.0 5.0 4.0
Wendy uploaded N_00 pictures from her phone and N_01 from her camera to facebook . If she sorted the pics into N_02 different albums with the same amount of pics in each album , how many pictures were in each of the albums ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
22.0 2.0 4.0
A pet store had N_00 siamese cats and N_01 house cats . During a sale they sold N_02 cats . How many cats do they have left ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_01
12.0 20.0 20.0
A painter needed to paint N_00 rooms in a building . Each room takes N_01 hours to paint . If he already painted N_02 rooms , how much longer will he take to paint the rest ?
N_01 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
10.0 8.0 8.0
Edward earned N_00 dollars for each lawn he mowed . If he had N_01 lawns to mow , but forgot to mow N_02 of them , how much money did he actually earn ?
N_00 * ( N_01 - N_02 )
9.0 6.0 2.0
In a video game , each enemy defeated gives you N_00 points . If a level has N_01 enemies total and you destroy all but N_02 of them , how many points would you earn ?
N_00 * ( N_01 - N_02 )
8.0 7.0 2.0
If Rose strolled for N_00 hours at N_01 miles per hour . How far did Rose go ?
N_00 * N_01
4.0 2.0
A store had N_00 coloring books in stock . They ended up putting them on sale and getting rid of N_01 of them . The put the ones they still had onto shelves with N_02 on each shelf . How many shelves did they use ?
( N_00 - N_01 ) / N_02
27.0 6.0 7.0
The schools debate team had N_00 boys and N_01 girls on it . If they were split into groups of N_02 how many groups could they make ?
( N_00 + N_01 ) / N_02
26.0 46.0 9.0
Mrs. Hilt has N_00 cents . A pencil costs N_01 cents . How many pencils can she buy with the money she has ?
N_00 / N_01
50.0 5.0
Amy had N_00 music files and N_01 video files on her flash drive . If she deleted N_02 of the files , how many files were still on her flash drive ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
4.0 21.0 23.0
Megan had N_00 markers . Robert gave her N_01 more markers . How many markers does Megan have altogether ?
N_00 + N_01
217.0 109.0
Tim 's cat had kittens . He gave N_00 to Jessica and N_01 to Sara . He now has N_02 kittens . How many kittens did he have to start with ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
3.0 6.0 9.0
Fred , Benny , and Jason have N_00 crayons all together . If the crayons are equally divided , how many will each person get ?
N_00 / 3.0
Roger was helping the cafeteria workers pick up lunch trays , but he could only carry N_00 trays at a time . If he had to pick up N_01 trays from one table and N_02 trays from another , how many trips will he make ?
( N_01 + N_02 ) / N_00
4.0 10.0 2.0
A trivia team had N_00 members total , but during a game N_01 members did n't show up . If each member that did show up scored N_02 points , how many points were scored total ?
N_02 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
7.0 2.0 4.0
Jose has N_00 peanuts . Kenya has N_01 more than Jose . How many peanuts does Kenya have ?
N_00 + N_01
85.0 48.0
Sandy had N_00 pennies and N_01 nickels in her bank . Her dad borrowed N_02 nickels from Sandy . How many nickels does she have now ?
N_01 - N_02
36.0 31.0 20.0
Carol was playing a trivia game . In the first round she scored N_00 points and in the second round she scored N_01 points . In the last round she lost N_02 points . How many points did she have at the end of the game ?
N_00 + N_01 - N_02
17.0 6.0 16.0
Victor was helping the cafeteria workers pick up lunch trays , but he could only carry N_00 trays at a time . If he had to pick up N_01 trays from one table and N_02 trays from another , how many trips will he make ?
( N_01 + N_02 ) / N_00
7.0 23.0 5.0
Suzie found N_00 worms in the yard and measured them with a ruler . N_01 worm was N_02 inch long . The other worm was N_03 inch long . How much longer was the longer worm ?
N_02 - N_03
2.0 1.0 0.8 0.1
Each child has N_00 candies . If there are N_01 children , how many candies are there in total ?
N_00 * N_01
2.0 9.0
On N_00 consecutive passes , a football team gains N_01 yards , loses N_02 yards , and gains N_03 yards . What number represents the total net yardage ?
N_01 - N_02 + N_03
3.0 9.0 21.0 37.0
Adolfo made a tower with N_00 blocks . He added some more blocks and now he has N_01 blocks . How many did he have to add ?
N_01 - N_00
35.0 65.0
An MP3 player costs N_00 dollars . The sales tax is N_01 dollars . What is the percent of sales tax ?
N_01 / N_00 * 100.0
40.0 2.4
There were a total of N_00 football games in the season . The season is played for N_01 months . How many football games were played each month , if each month has the same number of games ?
N_00 / N_01
323.0 17.0
Jason joined his school 's band . He bought a flute for $ N_00 , a music stand for $ N_01 , and a song book for $ N_02 . How much did Jason spend at the music store ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02
142.46 8.89 7.0
Robin had N_00 pieces of gum . Her brother gave her some more pieces . Now Robin has N_01 pieces in all . How many pieces of gum did Robin 's brother give her ?
N_01 - N_00
18.0 44.0
Jason has N_00 Pokemon cards . Alyssa bought N_01 of Jason 's Pokemon cards . How many Pokemon cards does Jason have now ?
N_00 - N_01
676.0 224.0
There are N_00 oak trees currently in the park . Park workers will plant N_01 more oak trees today . How many oak trees will the park have when the workers are finished ?
N_00 + N_01
5.0 4.0
Sean has N_00 whistles . Sean has N_01 more whistles than Charles . How many whistles does Charles have ?
N_00 - N_01
223.0 95.0
Jane has N_00 old , brown sheets of drawing paper and N_01 old , yellow sheets of drawing paper . How many pieces of drawing paper does she have ?
N_00 + N_01
28.0 27.0
Steve has N_00 oranges . He shares N_01 with Patrick . How many oranges will Steve have ?
N_00 - N_01
46.0 4.0
Tanner saved $ N_00 in September . He saved $ N_01 in October and $ N_02 in November . Then Tanner spent $ N_03 on a video game . How much money does Tanner have left ?
N_00 + N_01 + N_02 - N_03
17.0 48.0 25.0 49.0
At the fair Adam bought N_00 tickets . After riding the ferris wheel he had N_01 tickets left . If each ticket cost N_02 dollars , how much money did Adam spend riding the ferris wheel ?
N_02 * ( N_00 - N_01 )
10.0 3.0 9.0
Theresa has N_00 crayons . Janice has N_01 crayons . She shares N_02 with Nancy . How many crayons will Theresa have ?
N_00 - N_02
32.0 12.0 13.0
Lana was unboxing some of her old winter clothes . She found N_00 boxes of clothing and inside each box there were N_01 scarves and N_02 mittens . How many pieces of winter clothing did Lana have total ?
N_00 * ( N_00 + N_02 )
3.0 3.0 4.0
In N_00 , there were N_01 students in Central High School . The number of students enrolled in N_02 was N_03 % less than in N_04 . How many students were enrolled in N_05 ?
N_01 * ( 1.0 - N_03 * 0.01 )
1986.0 1125.0 1987.0 4.0 1986.0 1987.0